Ohsung Electronics URCRF20N RF REMOTE CONTROLLER User Manual User s Manual I

Ohsung Electronics Co., Ltd. RF REMOTE CONTROLLER User s Manual I

Users Manual

  Order Number  : GETEC-C1-09-209  FCC Part 15 subpart C Test Report Number  : GETEC-E3-09-121  Page 1 / 1  EUT Type: RF Remote Controller FCC ID.: OZ5URCRF20N   APPENDIX I : USER’S MANUAL
1Congratulations on purchas-ing Universal RemoteControl’s MASTERCONTROL™RF20 Pre-programmed andLearning Remote Control!You now have the power tocontrol your entire homeentertainment system withone easy-to-use remote.The RF20 can be used withthousands of audio/videoComponents because of theextensive code librarypre-programmed into theremote. And, the RF20’simpressive lineup of specialadvanced features canautomate and customize theoperation of your systemin many ways. So... getready to sit back, relaxand simplify your homeentertainment experience.The Quick Setup DVDProgram Guide suppliedwith the RF20 will assist youin programming your remoteby guiding you through aneasy step-by-step process.This Owner’s Manual isdesigned as a companionreference source to theDVD Guide, should youneed to refer back to aparticular section, or reviewcertain instruction detail notcovered in the DVD.However, if you are unableto watch the DVD Guide forsome reason, everythingyou need to know aboutprogramming the RF20 iscontained in this Manual.Congratulations!500 Mamaroneck Avenue, Harrison, NY 10528Phone: (914) 835-4484 Fax: (914) 835-4532MASTERCONTROL™ RF20 Owner’s Manual© 2006 Universal Remote Control, Inc.The information in this manual is copyright protected. No part of this manualmay be copied or reproduced in any form without prior written consent fromUniversal Remote Control, Inc. UNIVERSAL REMOTE CONTROL, INC. SHALLNOT BE LIABLE FOR OPERATIONAL, TECHNICAL OR EDITORIAL ERRORS /OMISSIONS MADE IN THIS MANUAL. The information in this manual may besubject to change without prior notice. MASTERCONTROL, PowerBlaster,MacroPower, and SimpleSound are trademarks of Universal Remote Control,Inc. All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarksof their respective companies or organizations.WELCOMEThe RF20 Remote
2CONTNETSThe RF20 RemoteLOCATION OFCONTROLSKeypad Layout 3GETTING STARTEDOverview 4Battery Installation  4Activating Component Commands  5Light Button  6BASIC SETUP Overview 7Pre-Programmed Code Method  7Learning Method  15Transmitting (Busy Signal) Icon.  19Child Lock Feature  19CUSTOMIZINGYOUR RF20WITH SPECIALADVANCEDFEATURESCustomizing the LCD Screen  20Favorite Channel Setup  23MacroPower™ Setup  26SimpleSound™ Setup &Other 'Punch Throughs'  30Setting Backlight Options  32Hiding & Adding Pages  33Recalling Pre-programmedSetup Code Numbers  35Cloning other RF20s  36ERASINGCOMMANDSOverview 37Erasing Learned Button,Macro or FavoriteChannel Commands 37Re-setting RF20 to OriginalFactory Default Settings 39THE OPTIONALPOWERBLASTERTMPowerBlasterTM 41PRE-PROGRAMMEDCODE TABLESTV 45CABLE 48DVD 50VCR 53AUDIO 55SAT 58CD 59DVR 61AUX 62Pre-Programmed Code Tables 44PREPROGRAMMEDCODE NOTESPre Programmed Code Notes  43OTHERINFOFAQ 64Warranty 65Specifications 66Federal Communication Commission Interference Statement 74Warning 74FCC Caution 74
4GETTING STARTEDOverview & Battery InstallationGetting Started-OverviewThis is what MASTERCONTROL™ RF20 is all about!The RF20 is designed to operate up to 10 differentAudio/Video Components and is pre-programmed tooperate virtually all brands of TV, VCR, DVD and CD Players,Cable Set Top Boxes, Satellite Receivers, TiVo and otherDVRs, Audio Components, Tape Decks, Multimedia PCs,XM Radio, Ipod, X-Box, Lighting Controls and other custominstallation products. It also offers an impressive lineup ofspecial features designed to provide you with manytime-saving conveniences and enhance your overallentertainment experience. However, we stronglyrecommend that you fully complete all of the Basic Setupsteps before proceeding to customize your RF20 with any ofthe special advanced features.Battery InstallationThe very first step is toinsert the four AAAbatteries that are includedin the package into thebattery compartmentlocated in the back of theremote. Just press the taband lift off the cover.Please be sure to insert thebatteries correctly as yousee in the diagram.Remember, there is apositive and negative end toeach battery and you cantell by the + (positive) and- (negative) symbols. Oncethe batteries are correctlyinstalled, replace the cover.Now you’re ready to start!
5Activating Component CommandsGETTING STARTEDActivating Component Commands –Simple, Easy, IntuitiveOnce you’ve programmedRF20 for your Components,all you have to do to operatea specific Component isfirst, press the MAIN but-ton. This will display Page 1of the MAIN menu on theLCD screen. Page 1 of theMAIN menu displays fiveComponents. Then, simplyselect the Component youwant to operate by pressingthe corresponding Screen-Labeled Component DisplayButton on the right side ofthe LCD Screen. As anexample, if you press the TVDisplay Button, the displaylabel at the top of thescreen will change fromMAIN to TV, and all the but-tons on RF20 will work yourTV. To operate anotherComponent, simply pressthe MAIN button again toreturn to Page 1 of theMAIN menu and select thenext Component you wantto operate.If you don’t see theComponent you want tocontrol on Page 1 of theMAIN menu, just use thePAGE ( ) ( ) buttons on theleft side of the screen tobring up Page 2 of the MAINmenu which displays anadditional five Components.Each Component isprovided with five pages ofpre-labeled commanddisplay buttons (or spacefor additional commanddisplay buttons). Onceagain, simply use the PAGE() ( )  buttons to take you tothe next command page, orreturn you to the previouscommand page.TV DEVICEBUTTONMAINBUTTON
6GETTING STARTEDLIGHT BUTTON Light ButtonThe fully backlit keypad makes the RF20 easy to use in thedark or dim lighting conditions. Simply press the LIGHTbutton to backlight all the keypad buttons and LCD screen.To turn off the backlight, press the LIGHT button again, orjust wait ten seconds (the backlight automatically shutsitself off). Lights out!Try it out!LIGHTBUTTON
7Overview & Pre-Programmed Code MethodBASIC SETUPSTEP 1: The pre-programmed 3-digitcodes are found in the back ofthis Manual on page 45. Thecodes are listed by Componentcategory (i.e., TV, VCR, DVD,etc.), then by brand name. Forinstance, if you want to locatea code for a Sony TV, firstlocate the TV category, andthen look for the Sony brand.Once you have located the3-digit code (or in some cases,several code numbers) for theComponent that you want tooperate with your RF20, writethem ALL down on a piece ofnote paper. It’s  important thatyou write down all the codesbecause only one code is goingto work for you.STEP 2: Now, turn on the Componentyou want to program... let’s sayyour TV to start. Look up yourTV’s manufacturer setup codefrom your reference list.Pre-Programmed Code MethodBasic Setup - OverviewThere are two ways to program the RF20:• The Pre-Programmed Code Method• The Learning MethodThe Pre-Programmed Code Method allows you to set upall the buttons at once, so it’s the fastest and easiest ofthe two methods. The Learning Method allows you totransfer functions from other remotes (old or new), onebutton at a time.
8BASIC SETUPPre-Programmed Code MethodSTEP 3: Press and hold the MAIN and ENT(Enter) buttons at the same timefor approximately 3 seconds, untilthe word “SETUP” is displayed atthe top of the LCD screen. Thissignals that you are now in setupmode.IMPORTANT:You now have 30 seconds to performthe next step while you are in SETUPmode. If you don’t press a buttonwithin 30 seconds, SETUP will disap-pear from the screen, signaling thatyou have exited setup mode and youwill need to start over.MAINBUTTONENTER BUTTON
9Pre-Programmed Code MethodBASIC SETUPThe screen will then display thefive Components from Page 1 ofthe MAIN menu.To display Page 2 of the MAINmenu that lists an additional fiveComponents, simply press thePAGE ( ) ( ) buttons.STEP 4: Press the P-PRO display buttonto select the Pre-ProgrammedMethod.FIRST FIVEDEVICE NAMESPAGE BUTTONSP-PROBUTTON
10BASIC SETUPPre-Programmed Code MethodSTEP 6: In this step you verify the typeof component you plan tooperate with this componentbutton. For example: If you planto operate the TV componentwith the TV button, simply pressthe TV display button onceagain. However, if for exampleyou are setting up AUX tooperate a second DVD Player,you would first need to pressAUX in Step 5, and then DVDin Step 6.STEP 5: Press the Component displaybutton you want to program.For example: If you want tosetup the TV Componentbutton, press the TV Compo-nent display button. The displayat the bottom of the LCD screenwill flash “FROM - TABLE”.
11Pre-Programmed Code MethodBASIC SETUPNOTE:If the Component fails to turn off after you haveentered all the code numbers listed for your brand,you can scan through all the other code numbersthat are pre-loaded into the RF20 for that Component(in this case TV) by using the UP or DOWN displaybuttons on the screen. (There is a chance that yourComponent was actually manufactured by anotherbrand.) However, most of the code tables are solarge that it is usually faster to use the LearningMethod on Page 15.STEP 7: Point the RF20 toward theComponent you want toprogram, (in this example, TV),and punch in the 3-digit codethat you wrote down for thatspecific Component. Use theNumber buttons 0-9 on theremote to punch in the code.If the 3-digit code number thatyou just punched in is correct,the Component will turn off.If the Component does not turnoff, continue entering codenumbers from your list until theComponent turns off. Somebrands have several possiblecode numbers.STEP 8: When the Component turns off,press the ON button to turn theComponent back on. Now youcan test the Volume andChannel buttons (for TV), orPLAY and STOP (for VCR andDVD) to make sure they allwork. If any of the buttons donot work properly, you need tofind a new correct code. ForUP & DOWNBUTTONSNUMBERBUTTONS
12BASIC SETUPPre-Programmed Code Methodaexample, maybe your Sony TVturned off with code number 147,but the volume controls did notwork properly. If this is the case,try the next code number listedfor that Component until you finda perfect match.ONBUTTONVOLUMEBUTTONSCHANNELBUTTONSPLAYBUTTONSTOPBUTTON
13Pre-Programmed Code MethodBASIC SETUPSTEP 9: Once you have found the rightcode, save the code number bypressing the SAVE displaybutton that appears on the LCDscreen. The LCD screen willblink “SAVED” two times,signaling that the code numberhas been successfully saved.SAVEBUTTON
15Learning MethodBASIC SETUPSTEP 1: Line-up the RF20 with the otherremote control, head-to-head,one or two inches apart.STEP 2: On the RF20, press and holdthe MAIN and ENT (Enter)buttons at the same time forapproximately three seconds,until the word “SETUP” isdisplayed at the top of the LCDscreen. This signals you arenow in SETUP mode.IMPORTANTYou now have 30 seconds to performthe next step while you are in SETUPmode. If you don’t press a buttonwithin 30 seconds, SETUP will disap-pear from the screen, signaling thatyou have exited setup mode and youwill need to start over.MAINBUTTONENTERBUTTONLearning MethodThe RF20 can actually ‘learn’ commands from other remotecontrols (old or new), one-button-at-a-time, so it will neverbecome obsolete. RF20 is the last remote you’ll ever need!Just follow these simple steps:
16BASIC SETUPLearning MethodSTEP 3: Press the LEARN display buttonon the LCD screen. The top ofthe screen will change to“LEARN” and display the fiveComponents from Page 1 of theMAIN menu.STEP 4: Select the Component youwant to teach commands toby pressing that Componentdisplay button on the LCDscreen (in this example, TV).The top of the TV screen willchange to “TV”.To display Page 2 of the MAINmenu that lists an additionalfive Components, simply pressthe PAGE ( ) ( ) buttons.NOTE: If you want to teach any commandto a Component button, press the desiredComponent display button once the topof the screen displays “MAIN”, by pressingthe PAGE button.The top of the screenwil change to “READY”. Then go to STEP 6.LEARNBUTTON
17Learning MethodBASIC SETUPSTEP 5: Press any button on the RF20that you want to teach a com-mand to. The top of the screenwill change to “READY” andthe bottom of the screen will display the button name youpressed.STEP 6: Press and hold the button on theother remote control that youwant to ‘teach’ to the RF20 untilthe LCD display on the RF20changes to either “GOOD” or“FAILD”. If the “GOOD” labelappears on top of the display,you were successful. If the“FAILD” label appears on topof the display, try ‘teaching’ thesame button to the RF20 onceagain by repeating STEPS 5and 6.STEP 7: Now, continue to teach the RF20any other commands from yourother remotes by repeatingSTEPS 4 through 6 (to go backto STEP 4, simply press MAINonce).STEP 8: Once you have completedteaching all the button commandsto the RF20, return to normaloperation by pressing the MAINbutton twice.NOTE:  If you don't see the display button you would like to teach on the LCD screen, use the PAGE() ( ) buttons.  The only buttons  you can't teach are the PAGE and MAIN buttons.
18BASIC SETUPLearning Method• Move to another room. PlasmaTVs, sunlight, halogen or quartzlighting can interfere with thelearning process.• Even though the old remoteseems to be working fine, put infresh alkaline batteries.• Gradually vary the distancebetween the remote controls.Try 1”, 2” and so on, up to 4 feet.• Try tapping the button on yourold remote instead of pressingand holding it during the learningprocess.Some additional Informationregarding the Learning Process:• Learned functions overrideany existing pre-programmedfunctions on the remote control.• All buttons can be learnedexcept for the PAGE, MAINand LIGHT buttons.• Learned functions areautomatically erased whena new function is learned onthe same button.• Learned functions are retainedeven after a different Setup CodeNumber is programmed intothe remote.• To return to an originalpre-programmed function, alearned function must be erased.NOTE: Test all your new commands.If any of them don’t work, try theLearning Method again, followingthese suggestions:
19Transmitting (Busy Signal) IconBASIC SETUPTransmitting (Busy Signal) IconWhen a command is being transmitted, an icon will appearin the upper right corner of the LCD screen. This indicatesthat a signal is being sent. This is particularly useful whensetting up Macros and FAVs, since it flashes with every stepof a sequence of commands.CHILD LOCK FEATUREThis ‘child-lock’ feature prevents the unauthorized use ofthe remote control by children. It blocks all operations ofthe remote control.To Activate:Press the +10 and ENT (Enter) buttons simultaneously for3 seconds. The bottom of the LCD will blink “LOCKED” threetimes and then display “LOCKED”.To Return to Normal Operation:Press the +10 and ENT (Enter) buttons simultaneously againfor 3 seconds. The LCD will display the last use mode.
20CUSTOMIZINGCustomizing the LCD ScreenCustomizing Your RF20 with SpecialAdvanced FeaturesAfter you’ve finished all your basic setup, you can chooseto make operation easier by customizing the RF20 just theway you want, using the Special Advanced Setup Featuresdescribed in this section.Customizing the LCD ScreenYou can easily edit or change the name of any of thedisplay buttons (including Favorite Channels) on the LCDscreen by following these steps:STEP 1: Press and hold the MAIN andENT (Enter) buttons at the sametime for approximately 3 seconds,until the word  “SETUP” is dis-played at the top of the LCD screen.This signals that you are now insetup mode.STEP 2: Press the EDIT display button.The LCD display will change tothe EDIT menu.STEP 3: Press the TEXT display button.The screen will display the list ofComponents and “EDIT” willappear at the top of the screen.STEP 4: Navigate to the Component andpage where there is a buttonlabel you want to EDIT, selectingbetween the FAV, MAIN, COM-PONENT display buttons; thenusing the PAGE button.IMPORTANT:You now have 30 seconds toperform the next step while you are inSETUP mode. If you don’t press a buttonwithin 30 seconds, SETUP will disappearfrom the screen, signaling that you haveexited setup mode and you will need tostart over.NOTE: If you wish to change the name ofa Component button, press the Page ( )Up button twice.The top of the displaywill change to MAIN, and you can navi-gate to MAIN page 1 or page 2 beforegoing on to Step 5.
21Customizing the LCD ScreenCUSTOMIZINGUP CURSORButton deletes all testLEFT CURSORMoves blinking character leftDOWN CURSORdeletes the currentlyblinking characterRIGHT CURSORMoves blinking character rightBLINKINGCHARACTERSTEP 5: Press the button you wish toedit. The first character spaceof your button label will startto blink.
22CUSTOMIZINGCustomizing the LCD ScreenSTEP 6: Change the character byusing any of the number keys.Each press of the same numberbutton selects the nextcharacter of that number’sgroup, as shown in thediagram below.STEP 7: Once the character you wantappears, move to the next spaceby pressing the Right cursor button.STEP 8: When you are finished editingthe button, press the button youedited and “SAVED” will flash atthe bottom of the display.To change any other buttonlabels on the same Component,press the next button, thenrepeat steps 6-8. If you wish toedit a button on another Com-ponent, press the MAIN buttononce, then repeat Steps 4-8.STEP 9: Once you’ve finished editingbuttons, press the MAIN buttonfour times to return to normaloperation.
23Favorite Channel SetupCUSTOMIZINGFavorite Channel SetupThis is one of RF20’s most desirable features. Once it’s setup, you can select up to 40 favorite channels with the pressof a button - without the need to remember or type in achannel number. Let the channel surfing begin!To access Favorite Channel listings, simply press the FAVbutton to display Page 1 of Favorite Channel listings. Thereare eight pages of Favorite Channels, with five Channels oneach page, for a total of 40 Channels. Just use the PAGE ( )() buttons to locate the Channel you want to setup. EachChannel can be setup to be instantly selected with the pressof one button.To setup a Favorite Channel button, follow these steps: STEP 1: Press and hold the MAIN andENT (Enter) buttons at the sametime for approximately 3 seconds,until the word “SETUP” isdisplayed at the top of the LCDscreen. This signals that you arenow in setup mode.IMPORTANT:You now have 30 seconds to performthe next step while you are in SETUPmode. If you don’t press a buttonwithin 30 seconds, SETUP will disap-pear from the screen, signaling thatyou have exited setup mode and youwill need to start over.FAVBUTTONSTEP 2:Press the FAV display button.The top of the display will show“FAV”. The bottom of the displaywill flash “SELECT”
24Favorite Channel SetupCUSTOMIZINGSTEP 5:Press either the TV, SAT orCABLE Component button (selectthe Component you use to enterchannel numbers).STEP 6:Press each of the number buttonsfor the channel.Note: If a number is repeated when set-ting the channel (for example, channel“33” or “522”), it is usually best to set ahalf second delay in between the identi-cal numbers by pressing the (II) PAUSEbutton. Each press of the PAUSE buttonincreases the delay by a half second.NOTE: Some brands of televisionrequire an ENT (Enter) command afterthe channel numbers.PAUSEBUTTONSTEP 3:Use the PAGE ( )( ) buttonsuntil you locate the name(i.e.,ABC, CBS, NBC) of thefavorite channel you want tosetup.STEP 4:Press the favorite channeldisplay button you want to setup.The top of the screen willchange to show the channelname. The bottom of the screendisplays “STEP0”, indicating thatyou have not entered thechannel number yet.
STEP 7:Press the LIGHT button after youenter the channel number.A new screen appears displayingSAVE, UNDO or EXIT.STEP 8:To save the channel youentered, press the SAVE displaybutton. The UNDO display buttonlets you erase the last entry. TheEXIT display button erases allentries for this button.STEP 9:When you are finished settingup Favorite Channel buttons,press the MAIN button twice toreturn to normal operation.SAVEBUTTONCUSTOMIZINGFavorite Channel Setup25
26CUSTOMIZINGMacroPower™Setup STEP 1:Press and hold the MAIN andENT (Enter) buttons at the sametime for approximately 3 seconds,until the word “SETUP” isdisplayed at the top of the LCDtouch screen. This signals thatyou are now in setup mode.STEP 4:Press the first component dis- play button you want the Macroto turn on (in this example, TV)and “TV” will display at the topof the screen and “STEP 1” atthe bottom.STEP 5:Then, press the ON button toconfirm the command and “STEP2” will display at the bottom ofthe screen. (NOTE: Whenever abutton is pressed, anotherMacro step is counted and dis-played at the bottom of thescreen.)STEP 6:Now, press the MAIN button toreturn to the Main Componentlisting. (“STEP 3” will display atthe bottom of the screen.)STEP 2:Press the MACRO display buttonon the LCD screen. The top ofthe screen will display “MACRO”.The bottom of the display willflash “SELECT”.STEP 3:Press the ON button. “ON” willdisplay at the top of the LCDscreen. “STEP0” will display atthe bottom of the screen indicatingthat no macro steps have beenentered yet.MacroPower™ SetupMacroPower™ is a unique feature that enables you to turnall of your Components ON or OFF, at the same time, simplywith the press of one button.We call that a “Macro”. What would normally take multipleremotes and button pushes, the RF20 can accomplish withthe press of one button. In addition to the Power ON or OFFbuttons, any of the Display buttons (on any Component orPage) can be set to be Macro buttons as well. Feel thepower!To setup a Power ON macro button that will turn ON severalcomponents at the same time (for example, TV, VCR andCABLE), follow these easy steps:IMPORTANT: You now have 30 seconds toperform the next step while you are inSETUP mode. If you don’t press a buttonwithin 30 seconds, SETUP will disappearfrom the screen, signaling that you haveexited setup mode and you will need tostart over.
27MacroPower™Setup CUSTOMIZINGSTEP 7:Press the second componentdisplay button that you want theMacro to turn on (in this example,VCR) and “VCR” will displayat the top of the screen. (“STEP4” will display at the bottom ofthe screen.)STEP 8:Then, press the ON button toconfirm the command. (“STEP5” will display at the bottom ofthe screen.)STEP 9:Now, press the MAIN button toreturn to the Main Componentlisting. (“STEP 6” will display atthe bottom of the screen.)STEP 10:Press the third component dis-play button that you want theMacro to turn on (in this exam-ple, CABLE) and “CABLE” willdisplay at the top of the screen.(“STEP 7” will display at the bot-tom of the screen.)STEP 11:Then, press the ON button toconfirm the command. (“STEP8” will display at the bottom ofthe screen.)You can also program delays inbetween commands by pressingthe (II) PAUSE button. Eachpress adds half a second to thedelay.NOTE : Don’t worry about the number ofsteps. Each macro button can store up to190 steps, so you are not likely to run outof steps!
28CUSTOMIZINGMacroPower™Setup UNDOBUTTONEXITBUTTONSAVEBUTTONSTEP 12:Press the LIGHT button to endyour macro. A new screen willappear:STEP 13:If you are satisfied with yourmacro, press the SAVE displaybutton. The UNDO display buttonlets you erase the last step.The EXIT display button erasesall the macro steps.STEP 14:Press the MAIN button twice toreturn to normal operation.
29MacroPower™Setup CUSTOMIZINGAdvanced Macro Options:SETTING UP A POWER OFF MACRO:Simply follow the same steps as outlined above, exceptpress the OFF button in place of the ON button.SETTING A COMPONENT BUTTON AS MACRO:If you wish to set one of the Component buttons as amacro, in STEP 3, press the Page Up button twice. The topof the display will change to MAIN, and you can navigate toMAIN page 1 or page 2. Press the Component button youwant to set as a Macro button. The top of the screen willdisplay the button label you selected. Select theComponent and Page that has a button you want in yourMacro using the MAIN, Component and Page buttons.Simply press the button(s) with the command(s) you wantin your Macro. Then complete and save the Macro byfollowing STEPs 12 and 13 as outlined above.PROGRAMMING A “PRESS & HOLD” MACRO:Another option for Component button macros is to onlysend the macro if the button is pressed and held. This issetup by entering a delay as the first step of the macro.The amount of delay determines how long the user mustpress the button before the macro is sent. The advantageof this option is that a normal press of the COMPONENTbutton will simply switch Components without sending themacro command.
30CUSTOMIZINGSimpleSound Setup & Other ‘Punch Throughs’SimpleSound™ Setup & Other ‘Punch Throughs’SimpleSound™ is a dynamic feature that gives you totalvolume control over all the Components in your system,even those without their own built-in volume control, suchas TiVo, DVD and VCR... saving you the hassle andinconvenience of constantly needing to switch betweenComponent modes on the remote. With SimpleSound™,you can set the RF20’s volume control buttons to alwayscontrol the sound in your system, even when you’re in VCRor DVD mode, without switching back to AUDIO or TV.Even more exciting, SimpleSound™ is what is called a‘Punch Through’ feature and is not limited strictly to volumecontrol. Click and enjoy!time for approximately 3 seconds,until the word “SETUP” is dis-played at the top of the LCD screen.This signals that you are nowin setup mode.STEP 3:Press the PAGE ( ) UP button todisplay Page 2 of the SetupMenu on the LCD screen. Pressthe PUNCH display button.STEP 4:Then press the VOL (Volume)display button. The screen willdisplay “VOL” at the top. Thissets up the group of threebuttons (Volume Up, VolumeDown and Mute) in one action!IMPORTANT:You now have 30 seconds toperform the next step while you are inSETUP mode. If you don’t press a buttonwithin 30 seconds, SETUP will disappearfrom the screen, signaling that you haveexited setup mode and you will need tostart over.VOLUMEBUTTONSTEP 1:In a basic home entertainmentsystem, the sound may comefrom your TV. In a moreadvanced system, the soundmay come from your audioComponent such as a SurroundSound Receiver or HomeTheatre system. So, first, youneed to identify which Com-ponent you want to use in yoursystem for sound.STEP 2:Press and hold the MAIN andENT (Enter) buttons at the same
31SimpleSound Setup & Other "Punch Throughs"CUSTOMIZINGThe bottom of the display flashes“PUNCH TO”. Press the buttonfor the Component that doesn’thave volume control commandsyet (i.e.,DVD). This is the Com-ponent you are going to PUNCHTO for the volume and mutecommands.STEP 5:The bottom of the display willthen flash “PUNCH FROM”. Nowselect the Component that hasthe volume commands you wantto use (i.e.,TV for systems usingthe TV speakers, AUDIO for sys-tems with surround soundreceivers). The bottom of the dis-play will flash “SAVED”.STEP 6:Repeat STEPS 4-5 until all yourComponents operate the volumeperfectly.STEP 7:Press the MAIN button twice toreturn to normal operatingmode and test your SimpleSound™settings.Simply perform the steps outlinedabove, but in STEP 4, press oneof the control options (CH, PLAY orVOD).NOTE: If you want to PUNCH TO the MAINComponent, press the POWER OFF buttonat this time.NOTE:The Punch Through feature is notlimited to volume and can also be appliedto channel selection or other functions. Ifyou find yourself switching to a particularComponent frequently to use a group ofcontrols, consider using Punch Through foranother group, as listed here:VOL Volume Up,Volume Downand MuteCH Channel Up, Channel Down,Previous Ch and Channel(0-9) buttons.PLAY  Play, Stop, Pause, Rewindand Fast ForwardVOD  Guide, Menu, Info, Exit, Up,Down, Left, Right, Select
32CUSTOMIZINGSetting Backlight OptionsSetting Backlight OptionsYou can customize the backlighting feature to suit yourspecific preferences by following these simple steps:Adjusting Length of Backlight TimeYou can adjust the amount of time that the RF20 backlightstays on by entering the SETUP mode and proceeding topage 2 (using the PAGE ( ) UP button), then pressing theLIGHT display button on the LCD screen (not the Backlightbutton). Then enter the amount of time you would like thelight to stay on using the number pad (0-99 seconds). Aftermaking your selection, press the SAVE display button.Adjusting ContrastYou can make the text darker by pressing both the MAIN andcursor UP buttons at the same time. To make the text appearlighter, press both the MAIN and cursor DOWN buttons at thesame time.Turning OFF BacklightingIf you don’t want backlighting at all (this extends batterylife), press the ON display button that appears on thescreen. The ON will change to OFF. Press the SAVE displaybutton. Exit the setup mode by pressing the MAIN button.UP & DOWNCURSORHIGHCONTRASTLOWCONTRASTMAINBUTTON
33Hiding and Adding PagesCUSTOMIZINGIMPORTANT:You now have 30 seconds toperform the next step while you are inSETUP mode. If you don’t press a buttonwithin 30 seconds, SETUP will disappearfrom the screen, signaling that you haveexited setup mode and you will need tostart over.EDITBUTTONPAGEBUTTONNOTE: Be sure to program your Macros before you hide pageswith potential macros in them. You can’t access hidden pagesduring macro setup. However, after you finish Macro setup, youcan hide pages without affecting operation of your macros.Hiding and Adding PagesEach of your RF20 Components actually contains eightpages. However, only five pages are visible in the factorydefault setting. Three page are hidden in each Component.If you wish to use the hidden pages, you can ADD it. If youdon’t  want to use some of the existing pages, you can HIDEthem. You can add or hide pages on Components OR onyour favorite channel pages using this simple process:STEP 2:Press the EDIT display button onthe LCD screen.STEP 3:Press the PAGE display buttononce the screen changes toEDIT mode.STEP 1:Press and hold the MAIN andENT (Enter) buttons at the sametime for approximately 3 seconds,until the word “SETUP” is dis-played at the top of the LCD screen.This signals that you are nowin setup mode.
34CUSTOMIZINGHiding and Adding PagesFAVBUTTONCOMPONENTBUTTONSMAINBUTTONPAGEBUTTONThis page is hidden. To ADDit, press the LIGHT button. This page is visible.To HIDEit, press the LIGHT button.STEP 6:You can continue to ADD orHIDE pages on otherComponents by repeatingSteps 4 and 5.STEP 7:When you are finishedadding and hiding pages,press the MAIN button fourtimes to return to normaloperation.STEP 5:When you select a page, the topof the screen indicates whetheryou want to “ADD?” or “HIDE?”the page displayed. When youwant to change a page’s visibility(i.e., either ADD or HIDE), simplypress the LIGHT button.STEP 4:“PAGE” appears at the top of thescreen. Now, you can navigateto any page, using the MAIN,COMPONENT, FAV, and PAGEdisplay but-tons.
35Recalling Pre-Programmed Setup Code NumbersCUSTOMIZINGRecalling Pre-Programmed Setup CodeNumbersIn case you didn’t write down the Pre-Programmed CodeNumbers that you used to set up your RF20, you can easilyrecall them using this simple process:STEP 1:Press and hold the MAIN andENT (Enter) buttons at the sametime for approximately 3 seconds,until the word “SETUP” isdisplayed at the top of the LCDtouch screen. This signals thatyou are now in setup mode.STEP 4:Write down the code numbersas they appear for future refer-ence. Page 43 of this manualprovides a convenient space foryou to record your codenumbers.STEP 5:Return to normal operation bypressing the MAIN button twice.STEP 2:Go to Page 2 of the Setup Menuby pressing the PAGE ( ) button.STEP 3:Press the RECAL display buttonon the LCD screen. The displaywill change to the Recallscreens. The screen automati-cally switches between fourscreens, alternately flashingPage 1 components and codenumbers, then Page 2 compo-nents and code numbers.IMPORTANT:You now have 30 seconds toperform the next step while you are inSETUP mode. If you don’t press a buttonwithin 30 seconds, SETUP will disappearfrom the screen, signaling that you haveexited setup mode and you will need tostart over.
36CUSTOMIZINGCloning Other RF20s STEP 4:Align the two RF20s head-to-head, about an inch apart.STEP 5:Press the RECV display buttonon the unprogrammed RF20 thatyou want to setup by cloning.STEP 6:Press the SEND display buttonon the programmed RF20 thatyou want to clone.STEP 7:Press the START button on theunprogrammed RF20, and thenpress the START button on theprogrammed RF20 that you wantto clone.STEP 8:Return to normal operation bypressing the MAIN button twice.STEP 2:Press a PAGE button on eachremote to bring up Page 2 ofSetup and display the CLONEbutton.STEP 3:Press the CLONE button on eachremote.Cloning Other RF20sIf you are fortunate enough to own more than one RF20,you’ll be happy to know that you can easily copy and trans-fer all the setup from one RF20 to another. Just follow theseeasy steps:STEP 1:For both the programmed RF20that you want to clone, andunprogrammed RF20, press andhold the MAIN and ENT (Enter)buttons at the same time forapproximately 3 seconds, untilthe word “SETUP” is displayedat the top of their respective LCDscreens. This signals that bothremotes are now in setup mode.IMPORTANT:You now have 30 seconds toperform the next step while you are inSETUP mode. If you don’t press a buttonwithin 30 seconds, SETUP will disappearfrom the screen, signaling that you haveexited setup mode and you will need tostart over.NOTE: Cloning typically takes about 40seconds. After successful cloning is com-pleted, the newly cloned RF20 will flash“GOOD”.
37Erasing Learned Buttons, Macros orFavorite ChannelsERASING COMMANDSErasing Commands - OverviewYou can erase an individual button with a learned com-mand, a macro or a favorite channel. You can erase anENTIRE Component’s learned command or macro buttons.You can also erase ALL your learned commands on allComponents or all your macros or favorite channels every-where.If you really want a fresh start, it is possible to reset every-thing to the factory default settings.Erasing Learned Buttons, Macros or Favorite ChannelsSTEP 1:Press and hold the MAIN andENT (Enter) buttons at the sametime for approximately 3 sec-onds, until the word “SETUP” isdisplayed at the top of the LCDscreen. This signals that you arenow in setup mode.IMPORTANT:You now have 30 seconds toperform the next step while you are inSETUP mode. If you don’t press a buttonwithin 30 seconds, SETUP will disappearfrom the screen, signaling that you haveexited setup mode and you will need tostart over.STEP 2:Press a PAGE button to displayPage 2 of Setup.STEP 3:Press the ERASE display buttonon the LCD screen.STEP 4:Press either the LEARN, MACROor FAV button. The followingscreen appears:ALL - Erases ALL of the speci-fied (Learned, Macro or FAV but-tons everywhere in the RF20)DEVICE - Erases all learned orMacro buttons in a singleComponent (NOTE: This optionis not available for FAVs.)KEY - Erases one button only.
38ERASING COMMANDSErasing Learned Buttons, Macros orFavorite ChannelsSTEP 5:If you press ALL, the RF20 dis-plays a “SURE?” button. Afterthe SURE button is pressed, allthe buttons will be erased.If you press DEVICE, a list ofComponents will appear. Pressthe Component button that youwish to erase. The bottom of thescreen will flash ERASE twice,then ERASED.If you press KEY, you’ll have tonavigate to the Component andPage you want using the MAIN,COMPONENT and PAGE buttons.Press a button to erase it. Thebottom of the display will flashERASE twice, then ERASED.STEP6:To return to normal operatingmode, press the MAIN buttonfour times.SUREBUTTON
39Re-setting RF20 to Original Factory Default SettingsERASING COMMANDSSTEP 1:Press and hold both theMAIN and the STOP buttonsfor 10 seconds.MAINBUTTONSTOPBUTTONSUREBUTTONNOTE: This process will essentially erase EVERYTHINGyou have programmed into the RF20.Re-setting RF20 to OriginalFactory Default SettingsIf you want to start with a clean slate, you can re-set theRF20 its original factory default settings by performing thefollowing steps.STEP 2:After 10 seconds, the RESETscreen appears. Press the ALLbutton. The RF20 will display a“SURE?” button. Press theSURE button to erase all of yoursettings and return to the factorydefault setup
40ERASING COMMANDSRe-setting RF20 to Original Factory Default Settings
41‘Barrier -Free’  RF controlTHE POWER BLASTERThe Optional PowerBlasterTM(for ‘barrier-free’ RF control)[Sold separately]Of all the fabulous RF20 features, this is probably the mostexciting. When used in combination with the optionalPowerBlasterTM, the RF20 becomes an amazing remotecontrol powerhouse that sends multi-directional RF (RadioFrequency) signals that pass through walls, doors andfloors - both indoors and outdoors.This changes everything! It enables you to controlComponents that are completely out-of-sight, up to 100’away. The PowerBlasterTM picks up RF20’s radio frequencysignals from any direction, regardless of distance, so RF20doesn’t need to be pointed directly at any Component. Justimagine - no more pointing! Now you can close yourentertainment center doors, hide your Components, andstill control them with ease. Control outdoor speakers onyour patio. Control your Components anywhere!One of the best things about this is -- nothing has to bedone to the RF20 for this feature to work. Every time you press a button on the RF20, it sends both astandard IR (Infrared Command) AND an RF (Radio Fre-quen-cy) signal. If you install the PowerBlasterTM kit, it will automat-ically receive RF20’s radio signals and translate them into theinfrared commands that control your Components.NOTE: The RF20's radio signals will not control Componentsdirectly. You must have a PowerBlasterTM to receive theRF20's radio signals. Components that came with "no point-ing" radio remote controls cannot be operated by the RF20unless the Component can be switched to standard IR(Infrared Control) via its internal menus. Some remote con-trol ceiling fans are radio only and cannot be operated bythe RF20.
42THE POWER BLASTERThe RF20 sends radio signal to the PowerBlasterTM, whichis a radio receiverThe PowerBlasterTM converts radio signals to standardinfrared commands and sends them out via a built-in frontblaster to Components in the same cabinet space.Self-adhesive “flashers” (included in the PowerBlasterTMkit) affix to the front panels of your Components. Theflashers relay infrared commands to Components out-of-sight of the PowerBlaster’s front blaster. The flashers pluginto PowerBlaster’s rear flasher line output jacks. Eachflasher has a 10’ cable to easily reach Components onnearby shelves.‘Barrier -Free’  RF control
43Pre-Programmed Code Notes PRE-PROGRAMMED CODE NOTESPre-Programmed Code NotesRecord the three digit codes for your system hereAUDIODVDCDSATTVVCRCABLEAUXLIGHTTAPEPHONOTV2VCR2DVRLDPXM RADIOIPODX-BOX
44PRE-PROGRAMMED CODE TABLESPre-Programmed Code TablesPre-Programmed Code TablesThe RF20’s Pre-Programmed code library is divided into cate-gories (TV, VCR, AUX, etc.). Each category actually includesmany types of Components. For example, the VCR categoryincludes TV/VCR combo units.Within each category, the code numbers are listed in rows bybrand (Sony, Panasonic, B & K, etc.). Some brands have morethan one three digit code for you to try. Just circle the correctrow and refer to it while you setup (step by step instructions for using Pre-Programmed codes are found on page 7).  TV TVs, Plasmas, Projectors and MonitorsCABLE Cable TVs and Web TVsDVD DVD Players and TV/DVD CombosVCR VCRs and TV/VCR Combos AUDIO Amps, Preamps, A/V Receivers and XM RadiosSAT Satellite ReceiversCD CD Players and CD Changers DVR TiVo, Replay and other DVR’sAUX Tape Decks, Lighting Controls, Multimedia PCs, Xbox, iPod and Custom Installation Products
45 BRAND CODE  NUMBERSTVCODE TABLESADMIRAL                  072 081 161 160ADVENT 247AKAI                     197 146 248 404 405A MARK                    112 143AMPRO                    167 073 157 183AMSTRAD                  052ANAM                     043 054 056 080 112 131AOC                      197 004 112 058APEX DIGITAL 006 310AUDIOVOX 076 273BARCO 233BLAUPUNKT                088BROKSONIC 238CAIRN 201CANDLE                   197 002 003 004CAPEHART                 058CETRONIC                 043CITIZEN                  197 002 003 004 043 101 103 143CLASSIC                  043CONCERTO                 004CONTEC                   043 050 051CORONADO                 143CRAIG                    043 054CROWN                    043 143CURTIS MATHES            197 101 004 143CXC                      043DAEWOO                   004 016 043 044 076 103 114 125 127 143DAYTRON                  004 143DELL 320 319 321DREAMVISION 235 345DWIN                     177 257DYNASTY                  043DYNATECH                 062EIKI 187ELECTROHOME              143 024 076 196EMERSON                  028 048 043 155 005 197 004 047 050 051 076 096 143 151 153 154EPSON 324ESA 323FISHER                   007 057FUJITSU 246 198 346FUNAI                    028 043FUTURETECH               043GATEWAY 242 268GE                       160 144 165 073 197 008 009 034 056 074 130 155 161 004 091 157 183GEM 387GOLDSTAR                 113 116 102 004 106 112 119 127 143HALL MARK                004HANNSPREE 381HITACHI                  011 163 166 004 009 010 012 023 075 143 158 072HP 378 316 327 HYUNDAI 337 338INFINITY                 164INFOCUS 333 230 330INSIGNIA 350 399 403 052 164JBL                      164JCPENNEY                  004 024 197 008 009 030 065 101 143 156 160JENSEN                   013JVC                      038 034 070 083 145 199 210 240 241
46CODE TABLESTVKEC                      043KENWOOD                  197 070KLOSS                    002 059KMC                      143KTV                      043 197 143 154LG 363 113 116 102 004 106 112 119 127 143 243 284 365LODGENET                 072LOEWE 164LOGIK                    072LUXMAN                   004LXI                      166 007 015 052 081 160 164MAGNAVOX                 164 059 197 003 060 061 004 063 064 127 022 160 094 239 226 273 390MARANTZ                  197 164 184MATSUI                   164MAXENT 242MEMOREX                  007 072 004METZ                     088MGA                      197 004 024 028 042MINERVA                  088MINTEK 362MITSUBISHI               124 109 024 004 028 040 042 146 191MTC                      197 004 062 101NAD                      015 025NEC                      272 132 130 134 197 040 016 024 056 019 236 262NIKEI                    043NUVISION 351ONKING                   043ONWA                     043OPTOMA 265 270OPTONICA                 019 081ORION 096PANASONIC                080 034 056 092 164 208PHILCO                   197 003 059 060 064 164 004 024 056 063PHILIPS                  164 005 093 038 197 003 004 059 127 184 206 239 259PIONEER                  335 135 025 197 018 023 116 393 272POLAROID 138 268 328 353 354 356 388PORTLAND                 004 143PROSCAN                  144 160 161 165 167PROTON                   004 131 058 143 171 173 193PROTRON 392 398QUASAR                   034 056 092RADIO SHACK              019 004 143 043 127RCA                      333 160 165 065 156 144 161 197 004 024 056 152 023 074REALISTIC                007 019 043 047ROCTEC 186RUNCO                    168 169 178 179 180 181 182 183 073 157 340 395SAMPO                    197 058 004 202SAMSUNG                  258 050 089 101 105 004 127 143 160 228 229SANYO                    166 007 020 053 057 082 187SCEPTRE 276SCOTT                    028 043 004 048 143SEARS                    015 030 004 007 028 057 143 094 160 082 165 166SELECO 189 200 205 227SHARP                    251 081 019 014 170 028 029 004 022 143 175 SIEMENS                  088SIM2 189 200 205 227SIGNATURE                072SOLE 231 232SONY                     277 070 139 147 126 185 194 085 213 279BRAND CODE  NUMBERS
47 BRAND CODE  NUMBERSTVCODE TABLESSOUNDESIGN               028 004 003 043SPECTRICON               112SSS                      004 043SUPRE MACY               002SVA 328SYLVANIA                 197 003 059 060 063 064 164 044 160 127SYNTAX OLEVIA 376 363TANDY                    081TATUNG                   056 062TECHNICS                 034 080TECHWOOD                 004TEKNIKA                  002 003 004 024 028 043 072 101 143TELEFUNKEN               037 046 086 087TELERENT                 072TERA                     172TMK                      004TOSHIBA                  138 015 030 007 040 062 101 325TOTEVISION               143UNIVERSAL                008 009VIDEO CONCEPTS           146VIDIKRON                 174 184 188 192 340VIDTECH                  004VIEWSONIC 242 389 390VIZIO 386 387WARDS                    004 008 009 019 028 060 061 063 064 072 074 143 164 034WESTING HOUSE 076 280WINBOOK 339YAMAHA                   197 004YORK                     004YUPITERU                 043ZENITH                   073 072 095 103 157 183 243 284ZONDA                    112
48CODE TABLESCABLE / WEBTVBRAND CODE  NUMBERSABC                      004 103 003 039 042 046 053ADELPHIA 043 074ADVANCED NEWHOUSE043ALTRIO 043AMERICAST 099ARCHER                   005 007 014ARMSTONG 074AT&T BROADBAND 074ATLANTIC BROADBAND043 074BELL SOUTH 099BLUE RIDGE 043 074BRESNAN 074BRIGHT HOUSE 043 110BUCKEYE COMM 074CABLEVISION 043 074 108CENTURION                092CENTURY                  007CHARTER 043 074CITIZEN                  007COGECO 074COMBANO                  080 081COMCAST 043 074 110COMSAT 074COX DIGITAL  043 074DIGICABLE 101EAGLE                    020 030 040EASTERN                  057 066ECHOSTAR 106ELECTRICORD              032GEMINI                   008 054GENERAL ELECTRIC         072GENERAL INSTRUMENT074 103 104GNC 099GOLDEN CHANNEL           030HAMLIN                   049 050 055HITACHI                  103 055INSIGHT 074JERROLD                  074 004 103 002 003 008 009 010 069MAGNAVOX                 010 012 064 079 095 094MASSILLON 074MEDIA ONE 107MEDICOM 074MEMOREX                  052MITSUBISHI 102MOTOROLA 074 110 109 111MOVIE TIME               028 032MOXI 111NCTC 074NSC                      015 028 038 071OAK                      031 037 053PACE 043 074PANASONIC                044 047PARAGON                  052PHILIPS                  006 012 013 020 085 095PIONEER                  043 103 034 051 063 076 105PRUCER                   059PULSAR                   052RCA                      047RCN 074RECOTON 098
49 BRAND CODE  NUMBERSCABLE / WEBTVCODE TABLESREGAL                    049 050REGENCY                  057RODGERS 043SAMSUNG                  030SCIENTIFIC ATLANTA       043 011 003 041 042 045 046SEREN 043SERVICE ELECTRIC 074SHAW 074SIGECOM 043SONY                     096 108SPRUCER                  047 078STARCOM                  002 004 008 009STARGATE                 008 030 097 104SUSQUEHANNA 043 074TIME WARNER 043 074TOCOM                    039 040 056TOSHIBA                  052UNITED CABLE             004 053UNIVERSAL                005 007 014 032 035VIDEOTRON 043VIEWSTAR                 012 015 018 086 087 088 089WIDE OPEN WEST 043 099ZENITH                   052 060 093 100
50CODE TABLESDVDBRAND CODE  NUMBERSAIWA 146AKAI 281ALPINE 098APEX DIGITAL 087 111 115 112 116ARCAM 122CAMBRIDGE AUDIO 215CARY AUDIO DESIGN 174CLASSE 167COBY 258DENON 007 080 173FUNAI                    143GATEWAT 175GE 026 027GO VIDEO 137 218 220 221 222HARMAN KARDON 084 140HITACHI 101ILO 268INSIGNIA 143INTEGRA 142 180JVC 012KENWOOD                  151KLH 135KISS 179 279KRELL 104LEXICON 148LG 091 057 074LITEON 264 265MAGNAVOX 066 096 143MALATA 267MARANTZ 083 095MERIDIAN 153MITSUBISHI 017MYRYAD 102 134NAD                      088 155NAKAMICHI 103ONKYO 076 035 180OPPO 266PANASONIC 021 042 138 139 144 150PHILIPS 066 083 095 105 166PIONEER 023 092 099 107 108 131POLAROID 233 234 237PRIMARE 193 194PROCEED 086PROSCAN 026 027RCA 026 027RJTECH 269ROTEL 204SAMSUNG 056 070 119 165 170 137 159SANSUI 154SANYO                    147SENSORY SCIENCE 222 223SHARP                    094SONY 033 118 145 126 191SYLVANIA 143SYMPHONIC 143TAG MCLAREN 156TATUNG 102TEAC 270THOMPSON 026 027THULE 177
53 BRAND CODE  NUMBERSVCRCODE TABLESAIWA                     034 161AKAI                     016 146 043 046 124 125 142AMPRO                    072ANAM                     031AUDIO DYNAMICS           012 023 039 043BROOKSONIC               035 037 129CANON                    028 031CAPEHART                 108CRAIG                    003 040 135CURTIS MATHES            031 041DAEWOO                   111 116 117 119 005 007 010 065 108 110 112DAYTRON                  108DBX                      012 023 039 043DYNATECH                 034 053ELECTROHOME              059EMERSON                  006 029 035 017 025 027 031 034 036 037 046 101 129 131 138 153 162 116FISHER                   003 010 008 009FUNAI                    034GE                       031 072 147 063 107 109 144GO VIDEO                 132 136 155 040 115GOLDSTAR                 101 106 114 013 020 012 123HARMAN KARDON            012 045HITACHI                  004 026 150 018 034 043 063 137 160 013INSTANTREPLAY            031JCL                      031JCPENNEY                  012 013 015 040 066 101JENSEN                   043JVC                      048 043 130 150 055 060 012 031 050 152 166KENWOOD                  014 048 034 047LG 101 106 114 013 020 012 123LLOYD                    034LXI                      034 003 009 017 106MAGIN                    040MAGNAVOX                 067 031 034 068 041 156 164MARANTZ                  067 069 012 031 156MARTA                    101MATSUI                   027 030MEI                      031MEMOREX                  101 003 010 014 031 034 053 072 102 134 139MGA                      045 046 059MINOLTA                  013 020MITSUBISHI               059 061 151 013 020 045 046 051 142 049 168MTC                      034 040MULTITECH                024 034NEC                      012 023 039 043 048NORDMENDE                043OPTONICA                 053 054ORION 025PANASONIC                066 070 145 083 133 140 157 163 074 167PENTAX                   013 020 031 063PHILCO                   031 034 067PHILIPS                  031 067 034 101 054 071 156PILOT                    101PIONEER                  021 013 048PORTLAND                 108PULSAR                   072QUARTZ                   002 014QUASAR                   066 145 075RADIO SHACK              123
54CODE TABLESVCRBRAND CODE  NUMBERSRCA                      107 109 144 147 158 041 145 013 020 140 034 040REALISTIC                003 008 010 014 031 034 040 053 054 101RICO                     058RUNCO                    148SALORA                   014SAMSUNG                  102 104 113 115 112 120 032 040 066 107 109 122 125SANSUI                   022 043 048 135SANYO                    003 010 007 014 134 102SCOTT                    017 037 112 129 131SEARS                    003 008 010 014 081 013 101 009 017 073 112SHARP                    149 054 031 159 165SHINTOM                  024SIGNATURE                034SONY                     056 057 058 077 052 003 078 076 031 149 154SOUNDESIGN               034STS                      013SYLVANIA                 031 034 059 067SYMPHONIC                034TANDY                    010 034TATUNG                   039 043TEAC                     034 039 043TECHNICS                 031 070TEKNIKA                  031 019 034 101THOMAS                   034TMK                      006TOSHIBA                  112 131 079 008 059 047 082 013 042 081TOTEVISION               040 101UNITECH                  040VECTOR RESEARCH          012VICTOR                   048VIDEO CONCEPTS           012 034 046 141VIDEOSONIC               040WARDS                    003 013 017 024 031 034 040 053 054 131YAMAHA                   012 034 039 043ZENITH                   072 080 056 048 101 034 058VCR-TV/VCR CombosDAEWOO                   005 117EMERSON                  153FUNAI                    034GOLDSTAR                 101 123HITACHI                  034JCPENNEY                  101LG 101 123LLOYD                    034MAGNAVOX                 034 067MEMOREX                  101PANASONIC                070 167PHILIPS                  034 067RADIO SHACK              123RCA                      034SEARS                    101SONY                     057 154SYLVANIA                 067SYMPHONIC                034THOMAS                   034ZENITH                   034
55 BRAND CODE  NUMBERSAUDIOCODE TABLESADC                      007ADCOM                    082 092 225 161 269 355 356 366AIWA                     170 018 104 202 203 213 211 188AKAI                     138 189AMC                      125 126 127 128 258 281 282 038AMEND 054AMX 196ANGSTROM                 142ANTHEM 335 336 337 338 339ARCAM                    141 418 419ATLANTIC TECHNOLOGY342AUDIO ACCESS             147AUDIO ALCHEMY            135AUDIO DESIGN             194 221 011AUDIO EASE 021 196 207AUDIO FILE                071AUDIO MATRIX             167AUDIO SOURCE 273AUDIO TECHNICA 134B & K                    096 097BOSE                     070 170 224 347 409 459 460 532BOSTON ACOUSTICS 447BRYSTON 023CAMBRIDGE AUDIO 522CARVER                   006 028 061 071 201 214 226 180 185 022 029 077 284CASIO                    076CHIRO                    140CINEMA SOUND             034 134CITATION                 148 272CLARION 026CLASSE 537COMPAQ 382CURTIS MATHES            076DELPHI 415 515DENON                    002 034 109 215 229 230 027 037 234 259 330 340 341 349 350 400 401 402 444 564EAD 466EIGER 149ELAN 057 290ENLIGHTENED AUDIO        099 098ESCIENT 368 381 451 452 453 454FANFARE 352FISHER                   047 214 180 182 297FLEXTRONICS 378FOSGATE                  062 231FOSGATE AUDIONICS 342GE                       056 260GOLDSTAR                 008HAFLER 174HARMAN KARDON            231 233 254 153 154 118 121 227 277 317 318 365HITACHI                  020IMERGE 371INKEL                    197INSIGNIA 589INTEGRA 354 438JAMO 398JBL 263JCPENNEY                 076 216JEFF ROWLAND 206JENSEN                   058
56CODE TABLESAUDIOBRAND CODE  NUMBERSJVC                      240 163 191 114 266 279 291KENWOOD                  026 066 145 146 181 190 197 192 182 199 151 222 180 005 280 374 550KINERGETICS 220 140KLH 331KOSS 216 573KRELL                    150 072 376 384KYOCERA                  007LEXICON                  120 235 236 237 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364LINN                     124 377LUXMAN                   137 139 052 165 115 004 009LXI                      076 056MAGNAVOX                 086 164 152 208MARANTZ                  006 028 031 040 063 185 186 251 265 119 289 296 492MCINTOSH                 238 286MCS                      076MERIDIAN                 100 012 013MITSUBISHI               242 243 204MONDIAL                  157 158 042 043 081 112MYRYAD 276 293NAD 186 113 283 478 479NAKAMICHI                111 244 245 172 183 287NEC                      176NIRO 343NILES 403ONKYO                    017 046 064 107 108 187 079 080 090 179 209 270 275 438OPTIMUS                  026 041 138OUTLAW 342PANASONIC                032 195 219 177 292 383 516PARASOUND                129 130 132 261 294 295 333 334PHAST 196PHILIPS                  249 250 251 063 119PIONEER                  014 033 039 044 045 050 069 159 168 116 035 078 198 480POLKAUDIO 029 515PRIMARE 464PROCEED                  144 268RCA                      010 048 117 156 067 288REALISTIC                019 056 073 075 095REQUEST 351REVOX 162ROTEL                    074 083 085RUSSOUND 379 391 392SAMSUNG                  016 571SANSUI                   040 048 110 119 065 228SANYO                    047 059SCOTT                    019 091SEARS                    076SHARP                    026 094 131 175 181SHERWOOD                 024 038 055 102 103 105 106 051 030 447SIRIUS 585SONY                     018 093 223 247 248 160 166 015 101 184 218 271 353 369 372 380 417 421SOUNDESIGN               036SOUNDMATTERS 375SOUNDSTREAM 084 088SSI                      068SUMO                     171SUNFIRE 344 345 346 494TAEKWANG                 138TEAC                     005 019 049 111 212 217
57 BRAND CODE  NUMBERSAUDIOCODE TABLESTECHNICS                 122 176 193 219 178 177 200 257 262THETA DIGITAL            136TOSHIBA                  060 087 198 278WARDS 180XM SATELLITE RADIO 415 515YAMAHA                   026 253 169 067 173 205 264 232 089 264 274 285 332 373 432 433ZENITH                   143 210AUDIO-XM Radios & TunersBOSE 170 532DELPHI 415 515FANFARE 352KENWOOD 550POLKAUDIO 515SIRIUS 585SONY 380XM SATELLITE RADIO 415 515
58CODE TABLESSATBRAND CODE  NUMBERSCABLEVISION / VOOM 148DIRECTV 173ECHOSTAR / DISH 122 167 168EXPRESSVU 122GENERAL ELECTRIC 151 106 150GENERAL INSTRUMENT148GOI 122HITACHI 139 140HTS 122HUGHES 161 162 068 154 165 166 108 117JVC 122LG 170MAGNAVOX 136MEMOREX 136MITSUBISHI 068 154MOTOROLA 148NEXT LEVEL 148PANASONIC 142 160PANSAT 172PAYSAT 136PHILIPS 152 153 156 068 154 136 108 117PROSCAN 151 106 150RADIOSHACK 148RCA 151 106 150SAMSUNG 123 155 163 169 175SKY 164SONY 103STAR CHOICE 148TOSHIBA 127 068 154 157 158UNIDEN 136ZENITH 159
59 BRAND CODE  NUMBERSCDCODE TABLESADCOM                    062 042AIWA                     059 065 088 089 105 122 170 187AKAI                     085 195 202AMC                      231 232AMEND 118ARCAM                    238AUDIO ACCESS    119 147AUDIO EASE 165AUDIO TECHNICA           046BSR                      037 057CALIFORNIA AUDIO         103 008CAPETRONIC               063CARRERA                  057 080CARVER                   185 041 044 050 086 107 130 134 135 138 139 203 204 167CASIO                    111 182CLARINETTE               182CREEK 159CROWN                    035DENON                    002 123EMERSON                  042 069 102FISHER                   050 185 134 008FRABA                    111GENEXXA                  010 069 102GOLDSTAR                 080HAITAI                   093HARMAN KARDON            018 033 047 208HITACHI                  042 175INKEL                    130 143 144JCPENNEY                 014 061 092 141JENSEN                   158JVC                      004 022 136 163 213 214 242 243KENWOOD                  185 007 023 055 071 072 142 137 254KOSS                     061KRELL                    241KYOCERA                  005LOTTE                    102LUXMAN                   011 028 070 076 249 252LXI                      059MAGNAVOX                 044 107MARANTZ                  027 041 044 051 077 107 209 246MCINTOSH                 212 247MCS                      014 073 092MEMOREX 010MISSION                  044 107MITSUBISHI                179MITSUMI                  153MODULAIRE                182MONDIAL                  147MYRYAD 244 155NAD                      006 005 067 178NAKAMICHI                217 218 219 095NEC                      014 062NIKKO                    046NSM                      044 107ONKYO                    030 038 039 168 169OPTIMUS                  010 050 057 058 081 082 083 085 093 195PANASONIC                103 201 172 008 068 248PARASOUND                233 240PHILIPS                  041 044 107 246 253
60CODE TABLESCDBRAND CODE  NUMBERSPIONEER                  010 020 025 056 174 175 176PROCEED                  239PROTON                   044 107 228QUASAR                   103 008RADIO SHACK              182RCA                      017 042 150REALISTIC                042 050 051 102 181 182 187ROTEL                    044 107 161 178 250SAE                      044 107SANSUI                   044 069 107 128 171 190 125SANYO                    050SCOTT                    069 102SHARP                    026 031 051 066SHERWOOD                 003 019 051 096 112 115 119 166SIGNATURE                033SONY                     048 081 097 126 133 177 225 226 164SOUNDESIGN               251SUMO                     155SYLVANIA                 044 107SYMPHONIC                052 181TAEKWANG                 195 085TANDY 010TEAC                     015 034 036 051 052 101 131 140 079TECHNICS                 060 103 200 172 184 008 068TECHWOOD                 076THETA DIGITAL            234 235TOSHIBA                  006 067 091 160 148VECTOR RESEARCH          080VICTOR                   004 022 114 124WARDS                    185 033YAMAHA                   024 046 054 186 183 245YORX                     182
62CODE TABLESAUXBRAND CODE  NUMBERS3M 152AIWA                     164APPLE/iPod 412 401ARCHER 155AURORA MULTIMEDIA 220AUTON 191BOSE 409CELADON 221CRESTRON 213 214 215 216 217 218DELL 261 262DMX 156DRAPER SCREEN 204DREAMVISION 097DWIN 080 253EVERQUEST 206EXTRON 151FAROUDJA 184FUJI 209GATEWAY 261 262HAUPPAUGE 294 295HP 261 262HUNTERDOUGLAS 219JERROLD 153JVC                      185KENWOOD                  185KENSINGTON 406KEYSPAN 297LITE-TOUCH 208 257LUTRON 158 159 077MAKITA 186 201MICROSOFT/XBOX 408 107MINDPATH 205NILES 160 187NSM 161PIANO DISC PLUS 085POLKAUDIO 162RUSSOUND 081SCIENTIFIC ATLANTA 163 156SIMA 082SOLO ELECTRONICS 207SOMFY 078 079SONY                     164 165 166 261 262STARCOM 153TURBOSCAN 167VELODYNE 203X-10 183 093XANTECH 168 169 170 171 172 188 189AUX-TAPEAIWA 015 071 100 114CARVER 006 008 027 024 036DENON 105 227 229FISHER 064GOLDSTAR 011HARMAN KARDON 233JVC 106 116 239 240KENWOOD 005 013 023 026 064 145 146 181 190LINN 124LUXMAN 035 137 139MAGNAVOX 027
63 BRAND CODE  NUMBERSAUXCODE TABLESMARANTZ 014 027 056 065 087MCINTOSH 238MITSUBISHI 242 243NAD 029 048NAKAMICHI 244 245 025ONKYO 002 012 016 017 018 019 115OPTIMUS 026 054 055PANASONIC 007 010 032 088 195PHILIPS 027 087PIONEER 003 039 047 050 066 098 222QUASAR 007 088SANSUI 027 113 119 224SHARP 026 057 131 175 181SHERWOOD 038 004 028 030 033 034SONY 020 022 052 084 089TEAC 009 059 212TECHNICS 007 010 076 088 109 122 193TOSHIBA 112VICTOR 106YAMAHA 021 026 031 067 040AUX-Media PC Controls DELL 261 262GATEWAY 261 262HAUPPAUGE 294 295HP 261 262KEYSPAN 297SONY                     261 262TOSHIBA 261 262WINBOOK 261 262AUX - Gaming System ControlsMICROSOFT/XBOX 408 107SONY/PS2 414AUX-iPod ControlsAPPLE/iPod 412 401BOSE 409KENSINGTON 406
64Frequently Asked QuestionsOTHER INFOFrequently Asked QuestionsWhat is a “macro” button?A “macro” is a button on the RF20 that you setup to makea lot of things happen when you press it. For example, towatch a DVD in most home theaters requires severalremote controls and many button presses (power up theTV, power up the surround sound, power up the DVDplayer, set the TV to the correct video input, set thesurround sound to the correct audio input and finally;press play on the DVD player remote control).Instead of pressing all of those buttons one at a time, theRF20 enables you to setup one button that does all thosesteps automatically with one press. For more informationon how and why you should setup macro buttons,watch the Quick Setup DVD Program Guide or refer topages 26-29 in this Manual.If the batteries run out, will I lose my settings?No. The RF20 stores all of your settings in non-volatileFLASH memory. You could remove the batteries formonths, replace them at your convenience, and the RF20would still remember your settings.Who can I call for more answers?The Universal Remote Control Technical Support andCustomer Service staff are ready to answer any questionsyou might have.Call us at 1-914-835-4484Monday - Friday, 9AM to 6PM (EST)
65Warranty/ SpecificationsOTHER INFOUSALimited Warranty StatementYour Universal Remote Control, when delivered to you in new condi-tion, is warrantedagainst defects in materials or workmanship as fol-lows: UNIVERSALREMOTE CONTROL,INC. warrants this productagainst defects in material or workmanship for a period of one(1) yearand as set forth below. Universal Remote Control will, at its soleoption, repair theproduct using new or comparable rebuilt parts, orexchange the product for a comparablenew or rebuilt product. In theevent of a defect, these are your exclusive remedies.This Limited Warranty covers only the hardware components pack-aged with the Product. Itdoes not cover technical assistance for hard-ware or software usage and it does not coverany software productswhether or not contained in the Product; any such software is pro-vided "AS IS" unless expressly provided for in any enclosed softwareLimited Warranty. To obtain warranty service, you must deliver the product, freight pre-paid, in its originalpackaging or packaging affording adequate protec-tion to Universal Remote Control at theaddress provided in theOwner's Manual. It is your responsibility to backup any macropro-gramming, artwork, software or other materials that may have beenprogrammed intoyour unit. It is likely that such data, software, or othermaterials will be lost during serviceand Universal Remote Control willnot be responsible for any such damage or loss. Adated purchasereceipt, Bill of Sale, Installation Contract or other verifiable ProofofPurchase  is required. For product support and other importantinformation visit UniversalRemote Control's website:http://www.UniversalRemoteControl.com or call the UniversalRemoteControl Customer Service Center (914) 835-4484.This Limited Warranty only covers product issues caused by defectsin material or work-manship during ordinary consumer use. It does notcover product issues caused by anyother reason, including but notlimited to product issues due to commercial use, acts ofGod, third-party installation, misuse, limitations of technology, or modification ofor to anypart of the Universal Remote Control product. This LimitedWarranty does not coverUniversal Remote Control products sold asUSED, AS IS, REFURBISHED, so-called "BSTOCK"  or consumables(such as batteries). This Limited Warranty is invalid if the factory-applied serial number has been altered or removed from the product.This LimitedWarranty is valid only in the United States of America.
66OTHER INFOThe Rf30 RemoteThis Limited Warranty specificallyexcludes products sold by unautho-rized resellers.UNIVERSALREMOTE CONTROLSHALLNOT BE LIABLE FOR ANYINCI-DENTALORCONSEQUENTIALDAMAGES FOR BREACH OF ANYEX-PRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTYOR CONDITION ON THIS PRODUCT.EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT PROHIBITED BYAPPLICABLE LAW, THERE ISNO OTHER WARRANTYEXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. UNIVER-SALRE-MOTE CONTROLWILLNOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR STATEMENTSMADEBYOTHERS CONCERNING THE MERCHANTABILITYOR FITNESSFOR APARTICULARPURPOSE ON THIS PRODUCT. Some states orjurisdictions do not allow the exclusion orlimitation of incidental orconsequential damages, or allow limitations on how long animpliedwarranty lasts, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply toyou. ThisLimited Warranty gives you specific legal rights and you mayhave other rights which varyfrom state to state or jurisdiction to juris-diction.SpecificationsLearning Capability - 825 IR commands at standardfrequencies (15kHz to 100kHz)Macro Capability - 453 Macros of up to 190 steps eachIR Range (Line of Sight via Infrared): 30-50 feet,depending on the environmentRF Range (radio frequency): 50 to 100 feet, dependingupon the environmentRF Frequency: 418MHzWeight: 7.1 oz. (with batteries)Size: 8.5” x 2.5” x 1”Batteries: Four AAA Alkaline batteries includedLCD Size: 0.88” x 1.88”
67The Rf30 RemoteOTHER INFOFederal Communication CommissionInterference StatementThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limitsfor a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules.These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection againstharmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment gen-erates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if notinstalled and used in accordance with the instructions, may causeharmful interference to radio communications. However, there is noguarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. Ifthis equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or televisionreception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off andon, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by onemore of the following measures:Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Warning!Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturercould void the user's authority to operate the equipment.Note : The manufacturer is not responsible for any Radio or TV inter-ference caused by unauthorized modifications to this equipment. Suchmodifications could void the user's authority to operate the equip-ment.FCC CautionThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is sub-ject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not causeharmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interferencereceived, including interference that may cause undesired operation.Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the partyresponsible for compliance could void the authority to operate equip-ment.The antenna(s) used for this transmitter must not be co-located oroperating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
68OTHER INFOInformation To The User/Warning

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