OpenCell OPENCELLV2-1 OpenCell Radio Access Node Version 2 User Manual detail block diagrams

OpenCell Corp OpenCell Radio Access Node Version 2 detail block diagrams

Operators manual

Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage iTABLE OF CONTENTSSection Page1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................41.1 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS...........................................................................................41.2 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS .........................................................................................41.3 SYSTEM OVERVIEW ..........................................................................................................51.3.1 System Configuration ..................................................................................................51.3.2 General Description.....................................................................................................61.4 RAN SUBSYSTEM ASSEMBLIES ......................................................................................71.4.1 Central Processing Unit (CPU) ....................................................................................71.4.2 System Interface (STF)................................................................................................71.4.3 Synchronous Interface (SIF) ........................................................................................81.4.4 RAN Down Converter (RDC) .......................................................................................81.4.5 RAN Up Converter (RUC)............................................................................................81.4.6 RAN Chassis & Backplane ..........................................................................................81.4.7 CompactPCI RAN Power Supply (RPS) ......................................................................81.4.8 RAN Rectifier (RECT)..................................................................................................81.4.9 Power Amplifier (PA) ...................................................................................................81.4.10 PA Interface Controller (PIC) ...................................................................................81.4.11 Multiplexers .............................................................................................................81.4.12 PA Fans.................................................................................................................101.4.13 Circuit Breakers .....................................................................................................101.4.14 Battery Backup (BAT) ............................................................................................101.4.15 Glitch Batteries (GB)..............................................................................................111.4.16 Multi-coupler (PCS SMR and Cell).........................................................................111.4.17 Antenna (ANT).......................................................................................................111.5 HUB SUBSYSTEM ASSEMBLIES ....................................................................................111.5.1 Base Station Interface Module (BIM) .........................................................................121.5.2 Central Processing Unit (CPU) ..................................................................................121.5.3 System Interface (STF)..............................................................................................121.5.4 Synchronous Interface (SIF) ......................................................................................121.5.5 HUB Down Converter (HDC) .....................................................................................131.5.6 Forward Simulcast Card (FSC)..................................................................................131.5.7 Reverse Simulcast Card (RSC) .................................................................................131.5.8 HUB Up Converter (HUC)..........................................................................................131.5.9 HUB Reference Module (HRM) .................................................................................131.5.10 Ethernet Hub .........................................................................................................131.5.11 RF CompactPCI Chassis & Backplane ..................................................................131.5.12 Digital CompactPCI Chassis & Backplane .............................................................131.6 COMMUNICATION INTERFACES .....................................................................................131.6.1 I2C.............................................................................................................................131.6.2 Network Interface ......................................................................................................141.6.3 SNMP........................................................................................................................142 POWER ON/OFF PROCEDURES......................................................................................152.1 HUB POWER-ON/OFF..................................................................................................152.2 RAN POWER ON/OFF ..................................................................................................153 CONTROLS AND INDICATORS........................................................................................193.1 COMMON TO HUB AND RAN .........................................................................................19
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage ii3.1.1 CPU...........................................................................................................................193.1.2 STF ...........................................................................................................................203.1.3 SIF.............................................................................................................................223.2 RAN...........................................................................................................................243.2.1 RDC ..........................................................................................................................243.2.2 RUC ..........................................................................................................................253.2.3 P/MCPLR ..................................................................................................................253.2.4 C/MCPLR ..................................................................................................................273.2.5 PIC ............................................................................................................................283.2.6 CompactPCI Power Supply .......................................................................................293.2.7 RAN Rectifier Front Panel .........................................................................................323.3 HUB...........................................................................................................................353.3.1 Hub Downconverter, HDC .........................................................................................353.3.2 Forward Simulcast Module, FSC ...............................................................................363.3.3 Hub Upconverter Module, HUC .................................................................................373.3.4 Reverse Simulcast Module, RSC...............................................................................383.3.5 Hub Reference Module, HRM....................................................................................403.3.6 Ethernet Switch .........................................................................................................443.3.7 BTS Interface Module, BIM (OP-BIM-PCS, OP-BIM-CELL and OP-BIM-SMR.).........453.3.8 Attenuator Shelf.........................................................................................................463.3.9 PDU...........................................................................................................................474 NETWORK AND SYSTEM INSTALLATION AND SETUP.................................................474.1 NETWORKING OVERVIEW .............................................................................................484.2 NODE IDENTIFICATION SCHEMES ..................................................................................494.3 IDENTIFICATION USING THE NETWORK IP RECEIVER/SENDER SYSTEM ............................494.4 HUB EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATIONS .....................................................................494.5 ASSIGNING TENANTS ...................................................................................................514.5.1 Understanding Tenant MIB Indexing..........................................................................514.5.2 BTS Connection MIB .................................................................................................514.5.2.1 Setting the Tenant Name ...................................................................................514.5.2.2 Setting the BTS ID .............................................................................................524.5.2.3 Setting the BTS Sector ......................................................................................524.5.2.4 Setting the Tenant Band ....................................................................................524.5.2.5 Setting the BIM Rack/Shelf ID............................................................................524.5.2.6 Designating the Tenant Hardware......................................................................524.5.2.7 Clearing tenants.................................................................................................534.5.2.8 HUC Invalid Config ............................................................................................534.5.2.9 Maximum Number Of Carriers ...........................................................................534.5.2.10 Power Attenuator IDs.........................................................................................534.6 PATHTRACE FORMAT ...................................................................................................544.6.1 Pathtrace Creation.....................................................................................................544.6.2 Pathtrace Forward Transmission ...............................................................................554.6.3 Pathtrace Forward Reception ....................................................................................554.6.4 Pathtrace Reverse Transmission...............................................................................564.6.5 Pathtrace Reverse Reception ....................................................................................564.6.6 Pathtrace Detection/Reporting...................................................................................564.7 TENANT CONFIGURATION.............................................................................................574.7.1 Managing the Tenant OAM MIB ................................................................................574.7.2 Setting Protocol .........................................................................................................574.7.3 Setting Channels .......................................................................................................574.7.4 Setting Reverse Gain.................................................................................................57
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage iii4.7.5 Setting Forward And Reverse Cable Loss .................................................................574.7.6 Using Tenant Reset...................................................................................................574.7.7 Enabling FGC / RGC .................................................................................................574.7.8 Using Tenant Mode ...................................................................................................584.7.9 Enabling / Disabling Delay Compensation .................................................................584.7.10 Setting Forward / Reverse Delay Skew..................................................................584.7.11 Enabling / Disabling RAN slots ..............................................................................584.7.12 Forward/Reverse Target Delay..............................................................................584.7.13 Target Simulcast Degree .......................................................................................584.8 MANAGING THE TENANT OAM ADDRESS AND HOSTNAME TABLES..................................584.8.1 RAN Ordering............................................................................................................594.8.2 Bracketing of Lost RANs............................................................................................594.8.3 Clearing of RANs.......................................................................................................594.9 HUB NODE NAMING CONVENTION .................................................................................594.9.1 Managing the HUB Node MIB....................................................................................594.9.1.1 SiteID.................................................................................................................604.9.1.2 CPURackID .......................................................................................................604.9.1.3 CPUChassisID...................................................................................................604.9.1.4 Hostname ..........................................................................................................604.9.1.5 IPAddress ..........................................................................................................604.9.1.6 Clean .................................................................................................................604.9.1.7 Setting the RF Rack/Chassis ID.........................................................................604.9.2 Identification using the Network IP Receiver/Sender .................................................604.9.3 Accessing Nodes Locally...........................................................................................614.9.4 Accessing Nodes via TCP/IP.....................................................................................614.9.5 Using a 3rd party Network Management System  with Clear Control-4XD-G2 ............624.10 CONFIGURING THE HUB MASTER NODE .....................................................................624.10.1 Utilizing the configure-hubmaster script .................................................................634.10.1.1 IP address / netmask ............................................................................................634.10.1.2 DHCP Address Range ..........................................................................................634.10.1.3 Default gateway / router ........................................................................................634.10.1.4 Hub Master domain ..............................................................................................634.10.1.5 DNS forwarding....................................................................................................634.10.2 Using Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol with Clear Control-4XD-G2 ...............644.10.2.1 Using the provided HUBMASTER DHCP.................................................................644.10.2.2 Incorporating existing LAN DHCP...........................................................................644.10.3 Using Domain Name Service with Clear Control-4XD-G2 ......................................644.10.3.1 Using the HUBMASTER DNS ................................................................................644.10.3.2 Incorporating existing LAN DNS.........................................................................654.11 CONFIGURING THE HUB “SLAVE” AND RAN NODES .......................................................654.11.1 Managing the RAN Node MIB................................................................................654.11.1.1 IP Address...........................................................................................................654.11.1.2 Hostname............................................................................................................654.11.1.3 PoleNumber.........................................................................................................654.11.1.4 SiteID..................................................................................................................654.11.1.5 Ruc1Pa1Connection .............................................................................................654.11.1.6 Ruc1Pa2Connection ..........................................................................................654.11.1.7 Rdc1MulticouplerConnection .................................................................................664.11.1.8 Clean ..................................................................................................................664.11.1.9 RAN Disable ........................................................................................................665 BTS INTEGRATION...........................................................................................................67
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage iv5.1 BTS VALIDATION.........................................................................................................675.2 CHANNEL SELECTION ..................................................................................................675.2.1 iDEN - SMR...............................................................................................................675.2.2 CDMA Cellular – EIA/TIA-97......................................................................................675.2.3 GSM 850 ...................................................................................................................675.2.4 TDMA 800 .................................................................................................................685.2.5 TDMA 1900 ...............................................................................................................685.2.6 GSM 1900 .................................................................................................................685.2.7 CDMA 1900...............................................................................................................685.3 PATH BALANCING ........................................................................................................695.3.1 Forward Path Balancing Automatic............................................................................695.3.2 Reverse Path Balancing ............................................................................................695.3.3 Functional RAN Call Verification................................................................................706 BTS OPTIMIZATION..........................................................................................................716.1 NEIGHBOR LIST UPDATES ............................................................................................716.2 BTS PARAMETER CHANGES ........................................................................................716.2.1 TDMA ........................................................................................................................716.2.2 CDMA........................................................................................................................726.2.3 iDEN..........................................................................................................................726.2.3.1 Clear Control base station interface module setup.............................................726.2.3.2 Receiver Multicoupler Setup ..............................................................................737 REPLACEMENT PROCEDURES ......................................................................................757.1 RAN MODULE REPLACEMENT ......................................................................................757.1.1 Inserting cards (blades) and connectors ....................................................................757.1.2 CPU...........................................................................................................................787.1.3 STF ...........................................................................................................................797.1.4 SIF.............................................................................................................................797.1.5 RDC ..........................................................................................................................797.1.6 RUC ..........................................................................................................................807.1.7 P/MCPLR ..................................................................................................................807.1.8 C/MCPLR ..................................................................................................................817.1.9 COMPACTPCI Power Supplies .................................................................................817.1.10 COMPACTPCI Fans..............................................................................................817.1.11 PAs........................................................................................................................837.1.12 PICs.......................................................................................................................857.1.13 PA Fans.................................................................................................................857.1.14 Circuit Breakers .....................................................................................................857.1.15 Rectifier Module.....................................................................................................867.1.16 Glitch Batteries ......................................................................................................877.1.17 Extended Time Backup Batteries...........................................................................917.1.18 Battery Fuse Replacement ....................................................................................917.1.19 GPS Lightning Arrestor..........................................................................................917.2 HUB MODULE REPLACEMENT ......................................................................................927.2.1 CPU.........................................................................................................................1017.2.1.1 CPU Removal ..................................................................................................1017.2.1.2 HUB Master CPU Removal..............................................................................1017.2.1.3 Local Connection Configuration .......................................................................1017.2.1.4 Remote Connection Configuration ...................................................................1027.2.2 STF .........................................................................................................................1047.2.3 SIF...........................................................................................................................1047.2.4 RSC.........................................................................................................................104
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage v7.2.5 HDC ........................................................................................................................1057.2.6 FSC .........................................................................................................................1057.2.7 HUC ........................................................................................................................1057.2.8 COMPACTPCI Power Supply..................................................................................1067.2.9 HUB COMPACTPCI Fans .......................................................................................1087.2.10 Ethernet Hub .......................................................................................................1117.2.11 HRM ....................................................................................................................1127.2.12 BIM ......................................................................................................................1127.2.13 PDU.....................................................................................................................1148 SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE ........................................................................................1158.1 FILTERS....................................................................................................................1158.2 ANTENNA AND GPS CABLES ......................................................................................1168.3 ANTENNA LEVEL........................................................................................................1168.4 MOUNTING HARDWARE..............................................................................................1168.5 BATTERIES................................................................................................................1169 SOFTWARE UPDATES ...................................................................................................1179.1 SOFTWARE RELEASE DELIVERABLE............................................................................1179.2 RELEASE NOTES .......................................................................................................1179.3 UPGRADING EXISTING SYSTEM ..................................................................................1179.4 UPDATING SPARE CPUS............................................................................................1229.5 MIB EXTRACTION ......................................................................................................12310 AUTONOMOUS SOFTWARE FUNCTIONALITY....................................................12410.1 FORWARD GAIN MANAGEMENT ..................................................................................12410.2 REVERSE GAIN MANAGEMENT ...................................................................................12410.3 FORWARD DELAY MANAGEMENT ................................................................................12410.4 REVERSE DELAY MANAGEMENT .................................................................................12510.5 FORWARD CONTINUITY ..............................................................................................12510.6 REVERSE CONTINUITY ...............................................................................................12610.7 PA OVERPOWER PROTECTION...................................................................................12711 MIB STRUCTURE...................................................................................................12811.1 HARDWARE RELATIONSHIPS: .....................................................................................12911.1.1 Hub/RAN Connection Relationships: ...................................................................12911.1.2 Tenant Relationships: ..........................................................................................130
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage viLIST OF ILLUSTRATIONSFigure PageFIGURE 1-1.  CLEAR CONTROL 4XD G2 ARCHITECTURAL SUMMARY DIAGRAM ................................6FIGURE 1-2.  CLEAR CONTROL 4XD G2 BLOCK DIAGRAM...............................................................7FIGURE 1-3 PCS MULTIPLEXERS...................................................................................................9FIGURE 1-4  CELLULAR/SMR MULTIPLEXERS...............................................................................10FIGURE 2-1.  BATTERY LVD DISCONNECT SWITCH.......................................................................18FIGURE 3-1.  CPU FRONT PANEL ................................................................................................19FIGURE 3-2.  STF 2 FRONT PANEL..............................................................................................21FIGURE 3-3.  SIF FRONT PANEL..................................................................................................23FIGURE 3-4.  RDC FRONT PANEL................................................................................................24FIGURE 3-5.  RUC FRONT PANEL................................................................................................25FIGURE 3-6.  P/MCPLR FRONT PANEL........................................................................................26FIGURE 3-7.  C/MCPLR FRONT PANEL .......................................................................................27FIGURE 3-8.  PIC MODULE..........................................................................................................28FIGURE 3-9.  COMPACTPCI POWER SUPPLY FRONT PANEL ..........................................................31FIGURE 3-10 RECTIFIER MODULE FRONT PANEL ..........................................................................32FIGURE 3-11 RAN RECTIFIER .....................................................................................................34FIGURE 3-12 HUB DOWN CONVERTER FRONT PANEL ..................................................................35FIGURE 3-13 FORWARD SIMULCAST CARD FRONT PANEL .............................................................36FIGURE 3-14 HUB UP CONVERTER FRONT PANEL .......................................................................37FIGURE 3-15 REVERSE SIMULCAST CARD FRONT PANEL ..............................................................39FIGURE 3-16 HUB REFERENCE MODULE FRONT PANEL ................................................................42FIGURE 3-17 HUB REFERENCE MODULE REAR PANEL ..................................................................44FIGURE 3-18 ETHERNET SWITCH FRONT PANEL EXAMPLE ............................................................45FIGURE 3-19  BTS INTERFACE MODULE FRONT PANEL.................................................................46FIGURE 3-20  ATTENUATOR SHELF ..............................................................................................46FIGURE 3-21 POWER DISTRIBUTION UNIT ....................................................................................47FIGURE 4-1 NETWORK ARCHITECTURE ........................................................................................48FIGURE 4-2 HUB RACK NUMBERING............................................................................................50FIGURE 4-3  TRACING PATHTRACE, TWO TENANTS.......................................................................55FIGURE 4-4  TYPICAL NIPR/S OUTPUT USING TELNET...................................................................61FIGURE 6-1 BIM SIMPLEX SETUP ................................................................................................73FIGURE 6-2 RECEIVER MULTICOUPLER SETUP .............................................................................74FIGURE 7-1.  RAN COMPACTPCI SLOT POSITIONS ......................................................................78FIGURE 7-3. FAN MODULE ..........................................................................................................83FIGURE 7-4.  PA ASSEMBLY LOCATION........................................................................................84FIGURE 7-5.  RAN CIRCUIT BREAKER LOCATION ..........................................................................86FIGURE 7-6 RAN RECTIFIER MODULE..........................................................................................87FIGURE 7-7.  BATTERY BACKUP CONNECTOR...............................................................................90FIGURE 7-8.  DIGITAL COMPACTPCI CHASSIS FRONT ...................................................................92FIGURE 7-9.  DIGITAL COMPACTPCI CHASSIS REAR.....................................................................95FIGURE 7-10.  RF COMPACTPCI CHASSIS FRONT........................................................................98FIGURE 7-11.  RF COMPACTPCI CHASSIS REAR........................................................................100FIGURE 7-12.  HUB CPCI POWER SUPPLY ................................................................................108FIGURE 7-13.  HUB COMPACTPCI FAN ASSEMBLY ....................................................................110FIGURE 8-1.  RAN FILTER.........................................................................................................115FIGURE 11-1.  MIB RELATIONSHIPS...........................................................................................128
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage viiLIST OF TABLESTable PageTABLE 4-1 RF CHASSIS CONFIGURATION.....................................................................................51TABLE 5-1.  STANDARD CLEAR CONTROL-4XD-G2 CONFIGURATION .............................................69TABLE 5-2. REVERSE GAIN SETTINGS ..........................................................................................70
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 1SAFETY CAUTIONS AND INSTRUCTIONSDefinitions of Symbols Used in this ManualGeneral Caution Hot SurfaceRF HazardProtective Earth GroundFrame or Chassis GroundRAN Servicing CautionsExterior surface of the RAN may be hot. Use caution during servicing. Do not work on the RAN or antenna or cables during lightning storms.Caution This system is a RF Transmitter and continuously emits RF energy. Maintain 3 foot minimumclearance from the antenna while the system is operating. Wherever possible, shut down the RAN beforeservicing the antenna.Safe Working DistancesThe Clear Control-4XD-G2 antenna, which is mounted on top of a utility pole, radiates radio frewquency energy.For the Occupational Worker, safe working distance from the antenna depends on the workers location with respectto the antenna and the number of wireless service providers being serviced by that antenna.
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 2Emission limits are from OET Bulletin 65 Edition 97-01, Table 1 A. RF fields are computed using equation 3 from the same document.RF fields below antenna are computed using equation 10 with F=0.3.Combining the PCS and cell bands was done in accordance with OET Bulletin 65, page 35 (last paragraph).
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 3Worker Location Below Antenna * Beside AntennaFour WSP 10”   23.0”Eight WSP 10”   30.2”* “Below” is defined as a 100degree cone, 50 degrees eachside of the utility pole, with the tipof the cone at the base of theantenna.Should the criteria for safe working distance not be met, the power amplifiers must be turned off at the site wherework is to be performed prior to commencing work.HUB Servicing CautionsHazardous voltages are present. The inverter located in the HUB FIR converts 12 VDC to 120 VAC. Usecaution when servicing the equipment. FCC APPROVAL IN PROCESS FCC License Data§ The Clear Control-4XD-G2 RAN has been authorized for use as a RF device under Parts 15, 22, and24 of the FCC rules.§ The Clear Control-4XD-G2 equipment complies with FCC rules when the antennas and cables havingcharacteristics and part numbers as specified in the instructions are used with the system. Theinstaller and operator are responsible for ensuring that only the specified antennas and cables areused and properly installed.§ Other than as specifically described in the product manuals, this product shall not be changed ormodified by the operator without the express approval of OpenCell Corp. Failure to do so may voidthe operator’s or provider’s authority to operate this equipment. NOTE:  The Clear Control-4XD-G2 Hub has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digitaldevice, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.  These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection againstharmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment.  This equipment generates, uses,and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, maycause interference to radio communications. FCC APPROVAL IN PROCESSFiber Optic SafetyFiber optic safety Class 1 Laser Safety per FDA/CDRH and IEC-825-1 regulations
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 41  INTRODUCTIONThis manual contains the Operation and Maintenance procedures for the Clear Control-4XD-G2 system.1.1  REFERENCE DOCUMENTSClear Control-4XD-G2 Installation Manual, 1001524Clear Control-4XD-G2 Hardware Configuration Manual, 1001542Clear Control-4XD-G2 Faults and Troubleshooting Guide 1.2  ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONSCommon Items (HUB or RAN)CPU Central Processing UnitNMS Network Management SystemBTS Base TRANsceiver StationBIF Backplane InterfaceSTF System InterfaceSIF Synchronous Interface (Fiber Interface also referred to as WBOT)MAC Media Access ControlRAN Radio Access NodeSMR Specialized Mobile RadioNode Any CPU in the Clear Control-4XD-G2 systemWBDOT Wide Band Optical Transport (see SIF)HUB SpecificN/HDC Narrowband HUB Down ConverterW/HDC Wideband HUB Down ConverterFSC Forward Simulcast CardRSC Reverse Simulcast CardHUC HUB Up ConverterBIM Base Station Interface ModuleHRM HUB Reference ModuleEHUB Ethernet HubDNS Domain Name ServiceDHCP Dynamic Host Configuration ProtocolPDU Power Distribution Unit
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 5RAN SpecificRUC RAN Up Converter (Dual)PA800 Power Amplifier(800 MHz)PA1900 Power Amplifier(1900 MHz)PASMR Power Amplifier (SMR)P/MCPLR PCS MulticouplerC/MCPLR Cellular MulticouplerRDC RAN Down ConverterPQP PCS QuadplexerCTP Cellular TriplexerCDP Cellular DiplexerRECT RectifierGB Glitch BatteryRPS RAN CompactPCI Power SupplyLVD Low Voltage DisconnectPIC Power Amplifier Interface ControllerANT Multiband AntennaBAT Battery Backup RAN RAN, Tenant 1 - 4ERAN RAN Tenant 5 - 81.3  SYSTEM OVERVIEWClear Control-4XD-G2 is a multi-frequency, multi-protocol RF access network, providing microcellularCellular and PCS coverage via a distributed RF access system.  The Clear Control-4XD-G2 system iscomprised of base station interfaces, located in the Clear Control-4XD-G2 HUB.  The Clear Control-4XD-G2HUB is connected via high speed datalinks to Radio Access Nodes, commonly referred to as RANs, whichare distributed over a geographical area of interest.  1.3.1  System ConfigurationThe following figure illustrates a Clear Control-4XD-G2 system with RANs distributed over a desiredgeographical area, connected back to a group of WSP base stations at a HUB locale.  The illustration showsutility pole mounted RANs, with pole top antennas.  The Clear Control-4XD-G2 HUB Equipment iscomprised of a single Hub rack with RF and Digital cPCI chassis.  The Clear Control-4XD-G2 HUBequipment provides the interconnection at the RF layer between the WSP base station sector(s) and theClear Control-4XD-G2 Radio Access Nodes.
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 6Clear Control 4XD-G2 Architectural SummaryMultiple ProtocolMulti FrequencyRAN Network  RFBTSInterfaceRFWSP 1 WSP 2 WSP 3 WSP 4WSP BTSsDigital RF Transport on FiberHubClear Control HubEquipmentFigure 1-1.  Clear Control 4XD G2 Architectural Summary Diagram1.3.2  General DescriptionGeneral DescriptionThe following block diagram shows the RF signal path through the Clear Control-4XD-G2 system.  In the Forward direction, the signal starts from the base station sector on the left and moves tothe right.  In the Reverse direction, the RF path starts at the Multi-band Antenna and then flows from theRAN to the HUB and to the base station sector receiver(s).
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 7BTSSector SIF SIFHDCBTS – Base Transceiver StationHUB – Centralized Equipment LocationBIM – Base Station Interface ModuleHDC – Hub Down ConverterFSC – Forward Simulcast CardDIF – Digital Intermediate FrequencySIF – Synchronous InterfaceRSC – Reverse Simulcast CardIF – Intermediate FrequencyHDCFSCBIMRUC MCPAHUB RANRAN – Remote Access NodeDIF – Digital Intermediate FrequencySIF – Synchronous InterfaceRUC – RAN Up ConverterMCPA – Multi-Carrier Power AmplifierMPLX – Multi-plexer/combinerMB ANT –Multi Band  AntennaMUL – Multi-couplerRDC – RAN Down ConverterMPLXMBANT1900MUL800MULRDCRSCHUC4466CPUEthernetCPUEthernet33PriDivPriDivGPS1900-P1900-D800-P800-DPriDivDIF DIF RFIFIFRFRFFwdRFFiberFiberDIFDIFDIFDIFDIFDIFEthernetTo NMSRFRFRev-PRFRev-DRF7DIF6DIFRFRFBTSSector SIF SIFHDCBTS – Base Transceiver StationHUB – Centralized Equipment LocationBIM – Base Station Interface ModuleHDC – Hub Down ConverterFSC – Forward Simulcast CardDIF – Digital Intermediate FrequencySIF – Synchronous InterfaceRSC – Reverse Simulcast CardIF – Intermediate FrequencyHDCFSCBIMRUC MCPAHUB RANRAN – Remote Access NodeDIF – Digital Intermediate FrequencySIF – Synchronous InterfaceRUC – RAN Up ConverterMCPA – Multi-Carrier Power AmplifierMPLX – Multi-plexer/combinerMB ANT –Multi Band  AntennaMUL – Multi-couplerRDC – RAN Down ConverterMPLXMBANTMBANT1900MUL800MULRDCRSCHUC4466CPUEthernetCPUEthernet33PriDivPriDivGPS1900-P1900-D800-P800-DPriDivDIF DIF RFIFIFRFRFFwdRFFiberFiberDIFDIFDIFDIFDIFDIFEthernetTo NMSRFRFRev-PRFRev-DRF7DIF6DIFRFRFFigure 1-2.  Clear Control 4XD G2 Block DiagramThe following paragraphs describe the function of each module.1.4  RAN SUBSYSTEM ASSEMBLIES1.4.1  Central Processing Unit (CPU)The RAN CPU is a x86 machine with hard disk running LINUX.  The RAN CPU:1.  Manages all RAN hardware including RF and Digital equipment2.  Manages gain3.  Monitors signal presence and quality1.4.2  System Interface (STF)The System Interface (STF) module provides the ability to communicate between the CPU and othermodules (RDC, RUC, PIC) using four I2C busses.  The STF also contains the GPS module.
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 81.4.3  Synchronous Interface (SIF)The Synchronous Interface module provides the fiber interface between the HUB and RANs.  This interfaceincludes:1.  Digitized RF Signal information2.  10BaseT Ethernet for command and control between HUB and the RANs.1.4.4  RAN Down Converter (RDC)The RDC is a dual-diversity wideband receiver that converts PCS, Cellular and SMR800 signals to digitizedIF.  It also includes a CW test tone used in reverse continuity testing.1.4.5  RAN Up Converter (RUC)The RAN Up Converter converts digitized IF into PCS, Cellular and SMR frequency bands.  Each RUCsupports two simultaneous tenants via wideband outputs.  The RUC also provides clocking for itsneighboring RDC’s as well as extends an I2C interface to its respective PIC’s1.4.6  RAN Chassis & BackplaneThe RAN chassis is a standard CompactPCI unit.  The backplane supports the basic CompactPCI functionsand has been extended to allow the routing of DIF™, reference clocks and I2C signals betweenCompactPCI modules.1.4.7  CompactPCI RAN Power Supply (RPS)The CompactPCI Power Supplies provide +/-12V, 5V and 3.3 V DC power to the CompactPCI backplane foruse by CompactPCI modules.  These units are redundant and hot swappable.1.4.8  RAN Rectifier (RECT)The RAN rectifier converts 240 VAC prime power into –48VDC for use with the RAN.  It also manages thebatteries (glitch or 2hr).1.4.9  Power Amplifier (PA)The Power Amplifiers are multi-channel.  Different units are used for PCS, Cellular and SMR800 bands.1.4.10  PA Interface Controller (PIC)The PIC interfaces to the discrete signals of the Power Amplifier.  The PIC also provides DC power to thePA by converting from -48VDC to +12VDC or +28VDC depending upon which PA is being used.  Each PAhas its own PIC module. The PIC is managed by the CPU over an I2C connection through its correspondingRUC.1.4.11  MultiplexersThe multiplexers consist of four units that interface the antenna to the RAN PAs and multicouplers.  Thereare four types found in every RAN:1.  Quadplexer Primary (PCS Bands A, B, F), interfaces to PCS primary antenna2.  Quadplexer Diversity (PCS Bands D, E, C), interfaces to PCS diversity antenna3.  Triplexer Primary (Cellular Band B, SMR800 band), interfaces to 800 MHz primary antenna4.  Diplexer Diversity (Cellular Band A), interfaces to 800 MHz diversity antenna
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 9Figure 1-3 PCS Multiplexers MCPA QuadplexerPCS BandD/E/CMCPAMulticoupler 1850-1910 Tx C -45 Slant  Pol +45 Slant  Pol Antenna AssemblyRxABCDEFQuadplexer PCS  Band A/B/F Tx1945-1950Tx 1975-1990 Tx1965-1970 Rx1850-1910RUC RUC RUCMCPATxDTxEMCPAMCPATxFRx A B C D E F Tx 1930-1945 Tx1970-1975Tx 1950-1965Rx 1850-1910 RUC RUCRUC MCPA Tx A Tx B DiversityPrimary
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 10Figure 1-4  Cellular/SMR Multiplexers1.4.12  PA FansThe PA fans are mounted on the PA assembly and provide cooling for the PAs by blowing external airacross the heat sink.  They are controlled by a thermistor that is internal to the PA or mounted to the heatsink.  The STF module monitors the TAC (tachometer) outputs of the fans.1.4.13  Circuit BreakersThere are 5 circuit breakers in the RAN that distributes the –48VDC and protects the RAN electronics:1.  Four @ 15 amp breakers for the PA/PIC’s labeled 1-4 corresponding to each PA location.2.  One @10 amp breakers for the CompactPCI chassis labeled “5”.1.4.14  Battery Backup (BAT)The battery backup system consists of a –48VDC battery string (four 12V, 85 AH batteries connected inseries) contained in a separate compartment that provides backed up power for the RAN.Rx806-849Tx869-894MCPARUCDuplexer800 MHz Band Rx806-845Tx880-894MCPARUCTx855-866Triplexer800 MHzBandMCPARUCMulticoupler806 -849RxSMRA”A’ABB’TxA” A’ AB B’TxA’B  B’TxSMR-45 Slant Pol +45 Slant PolAntenna AssemblyRxSMRA”AB
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 111.4.15  Glitch Batteries (GB)The glitch battery system consists of –48VDC battery string (four 12V, 12 AH batteries connected in series)contained within the RAN to provide short duration power backup to the RAN.1.4.16  Multi-coupler (PCS SMR and Cell)The Multi-couplers interface to the multiplexer system and contain the front end low noise amplifiers for thereverse path.  They are dual-diversity receive for the PCS and 800 MHZ bands.  The PCS band has 12outputs (bands A-F, with diversity).  The 800 MHz has 6 outputs (Cell bands A, B and SMR800, withdiversity).1.4.17  Antenna (ANT)OpenCell provides a multi-band antenna designed to be installed atop a utility pole.  It interfaces with thePCS and Cellular/SMR bands and supports 2 branch diversity receive paths.  Also included is the GPSantenna used by the RAN.Clear Control 4XD-G2 RAN may be deployed and installed in a building space, on a building wall, on a watertank or on a rooftop.  In these deployment examples the antenna(s) may be mounted on a façade,supporting member, wall or rooftop pedestal mount.  These type installations may use conventionaldirectional antenna, in either a sector or quasi-omni antenna configuration, depending on the site’s coverageobjective and design.  In this regard, the azimuth and elevation beamwidths would be selected by thedesigner to support the desired coverage and are not specified per se.  Proper antenna selection and themounting installation is the responsibility of the system designer.1.5  HUB SUBSYSTEM ASSEMBLIESThe HUB is comprised of a single rack type with two chassis types.  The Hub rack houses the followingmodules:1)  Attenuator Rack which houses up to twelve (12) attenuators.2)  Base Station Interface Module (BIM).  The BIM is a multi-port transition module used tointerface with the Tenant’s base station sector.  The BIM accepts either duplexed or non-duplexed RF from the base station sector and provides the Clear Control-4XD-G2 RF sectionseparate transmit and receive paths.3)  Ethernet hub with twenty four (24) ports.4)  – 48 VDC Power Distribution Unit.5)  Hub Reference Module.6)  The Digital Chassis houses the following circuit cards; · CPU (Master or Slave)· System Interface card (STF)· Synchronous Interface (SIF)· Reverse Simulcast card (RSC)· CompactPCI Power Supply (CPS)7)  The RF Chassis houses the following circuit cards;· HUB DownConverter card (HDC)
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 12· HUB UpConverter card (HUC)· Forward Simulcast card (FSC)· CompactPCI Power Supply (CPS) The functionality of each of these card assemblies is defined in the following section.1.5.1  Base Station Interface Module (BIM)The Base Station Interface Module provides the following BTS interface functionality:1.  Interface to a low power forward BTS RF path2.  Handles duplexed and non-duplexed signals3.  Gain adjust for optional reverse path configurationsThe BIM is controlled via an I2C connection from its respective CPU.1.5.2  Central Processing Unit (CPU)The HUB CPU is an x86 machine and hard disk.  The Operating System is LINUX.  A HUB CPU performsthe following functions:1.  Manages a subset of HUB hardware including RF and Digital equipment2.  Manages RANs connected to its HUB managed hardware.One of the HUB CPUs must be configured as the Master HUB processor.  In addition to its regular HUBCPU duties it is responsible for:1.  Reporting Tenant status2.  Controlling all Tenant specific functions3.  Synchronizing the date for all attached nodes4.  Managing gain 5.  Monitoring signal presence and quality6.  Managing network services such as DHCP and DNSThere is one CPU per digital chassis.1.5.3  System Interface (STF)The System Interface (STF) module, using four I2C busses, provides the ability to communicate betweenthe CPU and other modules (HDC, FSC, HUC, PSI, BIM & HRM).  The STF also communicates with theGPS modules found both in the Master HUB Reference Module and internal to the RAN STF.The four I2C busses are accessible via the CompactPCI backplane or via front panel connectors.1.5.4  Synchronous Interface (SIF)The Synchronous Interface module provides the fiber interface between the HUB and RANs.  This interfaceincludes:1.  Digitized RF Signal information2.  10BaseT Ethernet for command and control between HUB and the RANs.
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 131.5.5  HUB Down Converter (HDC) The HDC down converts the forward RF carrier to an intermediate frequency (IF) that can be digitized.  EachHDC can support up to four separate RF carriers.  A second HDC may be installed to support 5 - 8 RFchannels.1.5.6  Forward Simulcast Card (FSC)The Forward Simulcast card converts the IF signals from the HDC to Digitized IF(DIF™) format.  There areeight (8) separate analog-to-digital conversion circuits on one (1) FSC.1.5.7   Reverse Simulcast Card (RSC)The RSC sums the Digital IF (DIF™) from up to eight (8) RANs into a single DIF™ signal that is sent to theappropriate HUC for up conversion to RF.1.5.8   HUB Up Converter (HUC)The HUC accepts two (2) Digital IF (DIF™) signals from a SIF or RSC.  The two (2) DIF™ signals areconverted from digital-to-analog and provided as two (2) seperate RF signals (primary and diversity) to theBIM and BTS.1.5.9  HUB Reference Module (HRM)The HRM generates the RF reference and fiber clocking for distribution within a Fiber Interface Rack.  Inaddition, it contains a GPS that generates a 1 PPS (one pulse per second) for distribution to the Digitalequipment for delay management.1.5.10  Ethernet Hub Each Hub rack is equipped with a 24 port Ethernet Hub, at the top of the rack, below the HRM.  It is poweredby 120 VAC.  The Ethernet Hub is used to connect RAN CPU’s (through HUB SIF’s) and HUB CPU’s to andexisting LAN/WAN and to each other.Note: this is the only unit powered be 120 VAC and is not supported by the -48 VDC power back up system.1.5.11  RF CompactPCI Chassis & BackplaneThe CompactPCI RF Chassis houses the coolong fans, RF transceiver modules, HUC, HDC, FSC Modulesand the power supplies.  The backplane provides the distribution for clock, communication and control dataand timing.  RF and digital RF signals are interconnected between modules using the appropriate cabling. 1.5.12  Digital CompactPCI Chassis & BackplaneThe CompactPCI Digital Chassis houses cooling fans, the CPU, System Interface Module, SynchronousInterface Module, Reverse Simulcast Module and power supplies.  The backplane provides the distributionfor clock, communication, control data and timing.  1.6  COMMUNICATION INTERFACES1.6.1  I2CI2C is a bi-directional serial bus that provides a simple, efficient method of data exchange between devices.It is used for the board level communications protocol.I2C interfaces are used for communication to the following modules:1.  HUB - HDC, FSC, HUC, BIM, PSI2.  RAN - RDC, RUC, PIC, P/MCPLR, C/MCPLR
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 141.6.2  Network InterfaceThe HUB Master CPU’s are able to communicate to any other CPU in the Clear Control system (HUB andRAN) over an Ethernet LAN, using IP based protocols such as Simple Network Management Protocol(SNMP).  Ethernet connections are aggregated with each rack via an Ethernet Hub.  Inter-rackcommunication is possible by connecting the Ethernet Hubs between racks.Each SIF has a 10BaseT Ethernet connection.  The HUB Master CPUs are able to communicate with theRANs over this Ethernet connection.1.6.3  SNMPSNMP/IP is the primary interface to the Clear Control-4XD-G2 equipment for performing OA&M functions.
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 152  POWER ON/OFF PROCEDURESThis section contains the procedures for powering on and off Clear Control-4XD-G2 equipment.WarningThe CPU P/N 1001310G001 and G002 are NOT Hot Swappable.  Damage can occur ifattempted.  Ensure that the CPU is installed before applying power to cPCI chassis.  Turn offpower prior to removing or replacing the CPU.  CPCI chassis power control is at the PDU.CPU P/N 1001491G001 and G002 are hot swappable.2.1  HUB POWER-ON/OFFHUB Rack Power OnPower to the HUB rack is enabled at the power Back up system which is supplied by the customer, andlocated in the Hub shelter.HUB Rack Power OffPower to the HUB racks is disabled at the power Back up system.HUB CompactPCI Chassis Power OnIdentify the power supply module for the chassis to be powered onInsert the power supply module in the chassis HUB CompactPCI Chassis Power OffIdentify the power supply module for the chassis to be powered offextract the power supply module from the chassis 2.2  RAN POWER ON/OFFRAN Equipment Power On1.  The battery system (glitch or extended time power back up) must be properly cabled prior topowering on RAN.  2.  Connect the Anderson connector that is attached to the batteries to the Anderson connectorcoming form the rectifier, located in the battery drawer.3.  Turn power on at the customer supplied load center located on the utility pole AND switch on thecircuit breakers located on the RAN rectifier.RAN Equipment Power Off1.  Turn the circuit breaker off at the customer supplied load center located  on the utility pole ORswitch the RAN rectifier circuit breaker (located on the left side of the rectifier) to the OFF position
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 162.  The battery system (glitch or extended time power back up) must also be disconnected to ensureall DC power is removed.  Depress the switch located on the rectifier labeled “DISC”.  Refer toFigure 2-1.
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Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 18Figure 2-1.  Battery LVD Disconnect SwitchLVDdisconnectswitch
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 193  CONTROLS AND INDICATORS3.1  COMMON TO HUB AND RAN3.1.1  CPUThe Hub CPU installs into the Digital Chassis and is a x86 machine with hard disk running LINUX. The HubMaster CPU performs the Master Hub Process controlling all Tenant specific functions, and manages asubset of Hub hardware including RF and Digital equipment. Each CPU controls up to seven (7) non-CPUDigital Chassis modules.The front panel controls for the CPU are:· Reset – Recessed reset buttonThe front panel indicators for the CPU are:· Activity LEDs – 8 Yellow LEDs flashing when the OS is operatingFigure 3-1.  CPU Front PanelEthernetconnector Activity LED’s
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 203.1.2  STFThe System Interface (STF) module is installed into the Digital Chassis and provides the ability tocommunicate between the CPU and other modules (e.g., HDC, FSC, and HUC), using four I2C busses. TheSTF also communicates with the GPS module found in the Master Hub Reference Module.STF modules are specified according to the number of qualifying communications devices being utilized.This module differs from the RAN STF in that it does not contain the GPS circuitry included in the RAN STF.The front panel controls for the System Interface are:· RST – Reset switch, recessed button.  This button halts operation of the operating system.  Apower on reset is required to restart.The front panel indicators for the System Interface are:· Status LED 1/2 – Yellow LED.  Reserved for future use. Both LED’s will be lighted when the CPU isnot installed or has malfunctioned· GPS LED – Green LED indicating 1PPS signal is available.  Led blinks once per second (RANonly)· FLT LED – Red LED lighted when module has failed or upon startup until the module has beeninitialized· PWR LED – Green LED lighted when module has power· I2C Comm LED – On each I2C RJ-45 connector.  Green LED lighted when I2C message sent· I2C Error LED – On each I2C RJ-45 connector.  Red LED when no response on interface· HS LED – Hot Swap LED, turns blue when board can be hot swap extracted
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 21Figure 3-2.  STF 2 Front PanelI2CConnectorsI2C Comm LEDI2C Error LEDPowerLEDFaultLEDHotSwapLEDGPSLEDStatusLED 2StatusLED 1ResetSwitch
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 223.1.3  SIFThe Sychronous interface (SIF) is a Digital Chassis module that provides the RF to fiber interface betweenthe Hub and RANs. This interface includes RF signal information and 10BaseT Ethernet command andcontrol information. This module is specified as one per RAN, plus one for each additional pair of tenants ineach RAN (beyond the first pair).At times the DIF output LED’s can turn orange.  This is because the RUC and accompanying RDC’s are notyet tuned.The front panel indicators for the Synchronous Interface are:· DIF Input 1-4 LED – DIF™ Input Tri-color LED- 1 Off = Interface not enabled- 2 Green = good- 3 Yellow = degraded- 4 Red = bad- Flashing = Interface is going in and out of lock· DIF Output 1-4 LED – DIF™ Output Tri-color LED- 1 Off = Interface not enabled- 2 Green = good- 3 Yellow = degraded- 4 Red = bad data on DIF™ input caused by Alarm Indication Signal (AIS)· OPTICAL INPUT LED – Optical Input Tri-color LED- IN Green = good- IN Yellow = degraded- IN Red = bad, bad framing, bad parity, no signal· OPTICAL  OUTPUT LED – Optical Output Tri-color LED- Green = good- Yellow = degraded- Red = bad output· FLT LED – Red fault LED lighted when module has failed or upon startup until the module hasbeen initialized· PWR LED – Green Power LED lighted when module has power· HS LED – Hot Swap Blue LED, turns blue when board can be hot swap extracted- If this LED is lighted without the green PWR LED lighted then the hot swap controller failed toinitialize.  Remove and reinstall module.
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 23Figure 3-3.  SIF Front PanelOpticalInput/OutputLEDsDIF OutputLED 1-4DIF InputLED 1-4HotSwapLEDPowerLEDFaultLEDFiber OpticConnectorEthernetConnection
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 243.2  RANThis section describes the various controls and indicators for RAN specific modules.3.2.1  RDCThe front panel indicators for the RAN Down Converter are:· FLT LED – Red LED lighted when module has failed or upon startup until the module has beeninitialized.  This light will blink after the module receives a system clock and is awaiting initialization· PWR LED – Green LED lighted when module has power Figure 3-4.  RDC Front PanelPowerLEDFaultLEDFault LEDPowerLED
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 253.2.2  RUCThe front panel indicators for the RAN Up Converter are:· COM 1/3 – Yellow LED indicting DIF lock to SIF channel 3· COM 2/4 – Yellow LED indicting DIF lock to SIF channel 4· FLT LED – Red LED lighted when module has failed or upon startup until the module has beeninitialized. This light will blink after the module receives a system clock and is awaiting initialization· PWR LED – Green LED lighted when module has powerFigure 3-5.  RUC Front Panel3.2.3  P/MCPLRThe front panel indicators for the PCS Multicoupler are:· FLT LED – Red Fault LED lighted when module has failed or upon startup until the module hasbeen initialized.· PWR LED – Green Power LED lighted when module has powerCom 1/3 LEDCom 2/4 LEDFault LEDPower LED
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 26Figure 3-6.  P/MCPLR Front PanelPowerLEDFaultLED
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 273.2.4  C/MCPLRThe front panel indicators for the Cellular/SMR Multicoupler are:· FLT LED – Red LED lighted when module has failed or upon startup until the module has beeninitialized.· PWR LED – Green LED lighted when module has powerFigure 3-7.  C/MCPLR Front PanelFault LEDPower LED
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 283.2.5  PICThe front panel indicators for the PA Interface Controller are:· -48VDC LED – Green LED lighted when module has –48VDC input· 5VDC LED – Green LED lighted when module has 5VDC power indicating that the I2C interface isproperly connected to the RUC.· 12VDC LED – Green LED lighted when module has 12VDC power· RF ON LED – Yellow LED, lighted when  the PA is enabled· PS LED – Red LED lighted when power supply has failed· PA LED – Red LED lighted when PA has failedFigure 3-8.  PIC ModulePIC LEDIndicators
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 293.2.6  CompactPCI Power SupplyThe front panel indicators for the RAN CompactPCI power supplies are:· Fault LED – Yellow LED lighted when module is failed· Power LED – Green LED lighted when module has power
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Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 31Figure 3-9.  CompactPCI Power Supply Front PanelPower GoodLED Fault LED
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 323.2.7  RAN Rectifier Front PanelThe front panel indicators for the RAN rectifier are:· AC OK (Green) - Lighted when AC is present· DC OK (Green) – Lighted when unit is current limiting· OVP (Red) – Lighted when rectifier has failed· OTP (RED) – Lighted when over temperature compensation circuit is activeThe front panel indicators on the monitoring unit are:· OK – System operating properly· Major – Programmable indicator· Minor – Programmable indicatorThe front panel indicators on the LVD unit are:· LVD Closed LED – when lit indicates when the LVD is activeFigure 3-10 Rectifier Module Front PanelAC OKLEDDC OKLEDOver voltageprotectionLEDOvertemperatureprotectionLED
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Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 34Figure 3-11 RAN Rectifier MonitoringUnit LVD UnitRectifiersSystem OKand FaultLED’s
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 353.3  HUBThis section describes the various controls and indicators for HUB specific modules.3.3.1  Hub Downconverter, HDCThere are three (3) types of HDC’s.  · Part number 1001326G001 is dual band wideband for CDMA, IS-95 and 1XRTT. · Part number 100326G002 is 1900 MHZ narrowband for TDMA and GSM/GPRS.  · Part number 100326G003 is 800 MHZ narrowband for iDEN, TDMA and GSM/GPRS.The front panel indicators for the HUB Down Converter are:· FLT LED – Red LED lighted when module is failed· PWR LED – Green LED lighted when module has power· CDMA LED – Yellow LED indicating Wideband HDC· GSM/TDMA/iDEN LED – Yellow LED indicating Narrowband HDCFigure 3-12 HUB Down Converter Front PanelCDMA LEDGSM/TDMA/IDEN LEDFault LEDPower LED
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 363.3.2  Forward Simulcast Module, FSCThe Forward Simulcast module converts the IF signals from the HDC to Digitized IF (DIF) format. Thismodule is specified at one per sector per tenant per 8 RANs. The front panel indicators for the Forward Simulcast Card are:· FLT LED – Red LED lighted when module has failed or upon startup until the module has beeninitialized. This light will blink after the module receives a system clock and is awaiting initialization· PWR LED – Green LED lighted when module has powerFigure 3-13 Forward Simulcast Card Front PanelFault LEDPower LED
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 373.3.3  Hub Upconverter Module, HUCThe front panel indicators for the HUB Up Converter are:· FLT LED – Red LED lighted when module has failed or upon startup until the module has beeninitialized. This light will blink after the module receives a system clock and is awaiting initialization· PWR LED – Green LED lighted when module has power· P/Lock LED – Yellow LED lighted when Primary path is locked to RSC or SIF· D/Lock LED – Yellow LED lighted when Diversity path is locked to RSC or SIFFigure 3-14 HUB Up Converter Front PanelDiversity PathLocked LEDPrimary PathLocked LED
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 383.3.4  Reverse Simulcast Module, RSCThe RSC sums the Digital IF (DIF) from up to eight (8) RANs into a single DIF signal that is sent to the HUCfor up conversion to RF. The RSC is utilized in the Digital Chassis and is specified as one per tenant persector per 4 RANs, plus an additional one RSC for RANs 5-7, and an additional one RSC for RAN 8.The front panel indicators for the Reverse Simulcast are:· DIF INPUT 1-8 LEDs – DIF™ Input Tri-color LEDsLabeled IN 1 – 8 - Off = No input signal- Green = Good- Yellow = Degraded- Red = Bad· DIF OUTPUT 1-4 LEDs – DIF™ Output Tri-color LEDsLabeled OUT 1 – 4 - Off = No input signal- Green = Good- Yellow = Degraded- Red = Bad· FLT LED – Red LED lighted when module has failed· PWR LED – Green LED lighted when module has power· HS LED – Hot Swap LED, turns blue when board can be hot swap extractedEach RSC module supports primary and diversity reverse DIF path summation and outputs two (2) separate RFsignals.
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 39Figure 3-15 Reverse Simulcast Card Front PanelDIF OUTPUTLED’SDIF INPUTLEDSFAULT LEDPOWERLEDHOT SWAPLED
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 403.3.5  Hub Reference Module, HRM
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Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 42Figure 3-16 Hub Reference Module Front PanelGPS· RS-232 DB 9 connector brings GPS to the STF module· GPS SMA is the input from the Hub GPS antenna· AUX SMA brings the GPS to the HRM in the next Hub rack1 HZ LED – Clock Test Points· 1 PPS· REF· SampLED’s· PLL lock – Yellow – indicates the phase lock loop circuit is locked· FLT – Red – indicates there is a fault with the HRM· PWR – GRN – indicates power is applied to the HRMRefer to the Clear Control-4XD-G2 Hardware configuration manual for details on I2C configuration.RS-232connectorGPS INGPS AUX1 HZLEDClock testpointsLEDindicators
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Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 44Figure 3-17 Hub Reference Module Rear Panel3.3.6  Ethernet SwitchThe front panel indicators for the Ethernet switch are:· Power LED – Lighted when unit has power· Module Link/Act LED – Flickering when receiving or transmitting data· 100 Col LED – Lit when 100 Mbps collisions are occurring· 10 Col LED –Lit when 10 Mbps collisions are occurring· Link/Act LEDs –Lit when port is transmitting or receiving data· 100 LEDs – Lit when operating at 100 Mbps12 VDCInputClockOut StatusLED’sI2C AddressSwitchI2C Indicatorsand OutputConnectors9.6 MHZOutputs
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 45Figure 3-18 Ethernet Switch Front Panel Example3.3.7  BTS Interface Module, BIM (OP-BIM-PCS, OP-BIM-CELL and OP-BIM-SMR.)The front panel controls for the BTS Interface Module are:· I2C Address selector – Turn dial to select I2C address (0-7)- The I2C address must be selected prior to power on. Refer to the Clear Control-4XD-G2Hardware configuration manual for details on I2C configuration.· The front panel indicators for the BTS Interface Module are:o FLT LED – Red LED lighted when module is failedo PWR LED – Green LED lighted when module has powero SMR/CELL/PCS LED – Yellow LED lighted indicating BIM band configurationo I2C Address display – Displays I2C address, 0-7StatusindicatorLED’s for the24 ports24 Ethernetports
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 46Figure 3-19  BTS Interface Module Front Panel3.3.8  Attenuator ShelfThe original BIM had the attenuators mounted internally to the BIM.  The later version of the BIM moved theattenuators outside the BIM and mounted to an attenuator shelf.  The attenuator shelf (OP-ATN-TRAY) ismounted at the top of the Hub rack.  It can hold up to twelve (12) 50 watt attenuators.Figure 3-20  Attenuator ShelfFront panelindicators
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 473.3.9  PDU The PDU provides -48 VDC power to the Hub rack chassis.  The exception is the Ethernet Switch which ispowered by 120 VAC.There are three (3) LED indicatorsOvervoltage (red) Lights when the input voltage is greater than -48 VDCNormal (green) Lights when PDU is operating normallyUndervoltage (yellow) Lights when the input voltage is lower than – 48 VDCThere is one (1) – 48 VDC input which comes from the Hub shelter battery back up systemThere are eight (8) – 48 VDC distribution points.  One (1) is not usedFigure 3-21 Power Distribution Unit- 48 VCDinput fromHub shelterbattery backup system- 48 VDC output to Hubrack chassisNot used LEDindicators
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 484  NETWORK AND SYSTEM INSTALLATION AND SETUPThis section discusses the steps necessary to setup the Clear Control-4XD-G2 system communications andoperating parameters.  It is assumed for the purposes of this discussion that the required system elementshave already been installed and powered on, and that the reader has an understanding of TCP/IPnetworking basics.4.1  NETWORKING OVERVIEWAn Clear Control-4XD-G2 network consists of several CPUs running the Linux operating system.  As shownin Figure 4-1 Network Architecture, the CPUs residing in the Clear Control-4XD-G2 HUB (called “HUB nodes”) are connected through a routerto an existing LAN to effect SNMP status and control.  The CPUs in the RANs (called “RAN nodes”) areconnected to the LAN using WAN bridges in each SIF, which transmit packet data across a fiber back-haulfrom each RAN node to its corresponding HUB. Each Clear Control-4XD-G2 node supports telnet, ftp, andvnc by default.  See  4.9.4 "Accessing Nodes via TCP/IP" for details.Figure 4-1 Network ArchitectureA CPU called the HUBMASTER is a special HUB node that controls all tenant processing for any ClearControl-4XD-G2 nodes on its subnet.  Each HUBMASTER can serve up to 96 tenant sectors.  For adefinition of tenant sectors, see Section 4.5.1.  The HUBMASTER also functions as a time server for anEthernet HUBHUBMasterSlaveNodeHUBSlaveNodeSlaveNode RANSlaveNodeRANSlaveNodeRANSlaveNodeRANSlaveNodeRANFiberCAT5 EthernetROUTERSlaveNodeRANSlaveNodeExisting WAN/LAN
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 49Clear Control-4XD-G2 subnet (using Network Timing Protocol), and can be set up to provide DHCP(Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) and DNS (Domain Name Service) to its subnet as well.  It isimportant for Clear Control-4XD-G2 system software that only one HUBMASTER node resides on eachsubnet, and that each subnet has a unique domain name.  The HUBMASTER node is the only node thatrequires a static IP.  The Clear Control-4XD-G2 network architecture utilizes DHCP and DNS to identify therest of the nodes, either through pre-existing LAN servers, or through the Clear Control-4XD-G2HUBMASTER CPU.  For more on configuring these features and the HUBMASTER itself, see Section 4.10,"Configuring the HUB MASTER node".4.2  NODE IDENTIFICATION SCHEMESIt is important to follow a convention when naming nodes in the Clear Control-4XD-G2 system so that CPUscan be quickly located and accessed for troubleshooting and maintenance. The suggested namingconventions for both HUB and RAN nodes are discussed in the following sections.  For more informationconcerning node identity configuration, see Sections 4.9.1 and  IDENTIFICATION USING THE NETWORK IP RECEIVER/SENDER SYSTEMThe Clear Control-4XD-G2 HUBMASTER node dynamically keeps track of which nodes are under its controlusing a script called NIPR (Network IP Receiver).  It receives an IP and hostname from every node itcontrols via NIPS (Network IP Sender), which runs on all “slave” nodes.  NIPR senses any changes to its listof slave nodes, and updates the HUBMASTER DNS accordingly.  The NIPR/S system is also a keycomponent to maintaining the HUB/RAN Node MIBs and tenant processing, since it is the mechanism bywhich the HUB/RAN Node MIB entries are filled.  For more on these MIBs, see Sections 4.9.1 and  HUB EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATIONSThe following diagram shows the recommended convention to be used for identifying and placing Hubequipment:CHASSIS OR SHELF HEIGHTLOCATION*Attenuator Shelf 2U U44PDU 2U U42Ethernet Hub 1U U40Digital Chassis (top) 4U U39BIM 1U U35RF Chassis (top) 4U U34BIM  1U U30Digital Chassis (top) 4U U29BIM 1U U25RF Chassis (top) 4U U24
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 50BIM 1U U20Digital Chassis (top) 4U U19BIM 1U U15RF Chassis (top) 4U U14BIM 1U U10Reference Module (bottom) 1U U9*Measurements are from the bottom of the OP-HUB2 rack.Figure 4-2 HUB Rack Numbering· Hub Racks are numbered sequentially, Rack1, Rack2, etc.· Chassis in Hub racks are numbered sequentially from bottom to top, 1, 2, 3.· BIMs in racks are numbered sequentially from bottom to top, Shelf 1, Shelf 2, etc.· Power Attenuators are located at the top of the Hub rack or mounted to a wall.· WSP Basestations should be given unique Tenant Name and BTS ID designations.· Each basestation sector is cabled to a separate attenuator and BIM unit in the Hub rack.· Though in general eight (8) I2C devices can be daisy chained together, the standard Clear Control-4XD-G2 configuration dictates that only five (5) BIM units be daisy-chained together with I2C cabling.The BIMs have controls to allow the I2C address to be set.  Ensure that each BIM in a single daisy-chain is set to a unique I2C address from the following set: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7.· The HRM module in the Hub rack has an I2C control on it - ensure that it is set to ‘4’.· Ensure that RF cables from the BIM forward output ports are connected to HDC modules in the HubRack.· Ensure that RF cables from the BIM reverse input ports are connected to HUC modules (primary toprimary and diversity to diversity). Further ensure that the HUC and HDC modules that a given BIMconnects to reside in the same Hub Rack.· Ensure that HDC modules are connected to FSC modules as shown in the diagram. HDCs to the leftof an FSC have their outputs connected to FSC inputs 1, 3, 5, and 7. HDCs to the right of an FSChave their outputs connected to FSC inputs 2, 4, 6, and 8.· An RF chassis in a Hub rack contains enough slots for 2 sets of tenant RF equipment, where a set oftenant RF equipment consists of one FSC, one HUC and up to two HDCs. A set of tenant equipmentin an RF chassis is installed in a particular manner, from bottom to top, the order of modules is HDC,FSC, HDC, and HUC. The locations of modules in the chassis must also follow a particular pattern,such that the first set of tenant modules must occupy the four bottom-most slots in the chassis, thesecond set must occupy the next four slots. Refer to Table 4-1 RF Chassis Configuration" for moredetails.
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 51The following table illustrates the chassis configuration:Table 4-1 RF Chassis ConfigurationChassisSlot ModuleTenant1HUC 12HDC 13FSC 14HDC 15HUC 26HDC 27FSC 28HDC 24.5  ASSIGNING TENANTS  4.5.1  Understanding Tenant MIB IndexingThroughout the Clear Control-4XD-G2 system, there are several MIBs that are used to monitor and controltenant activity. These tenant-based MIBs contain tables with 96 separate entries/columns, where eachentry/column in a table belongs to a given tenant basestation sector. The index value used for eachbasestation sector is constant across the entire system such that once a tenant sector is configured and anindex is established, the same index will be associated with that tenant sector in all system-wide tenant-based MIBs.(*) The Clear Control-4XD-G2 system, can support up to 96 unique basestation sectors per Hub MasterCPU.4.5.2  BTS Connection MIBWithin the Hub Master node, the BTS Connection MIB is used to create new tenant basestation sectorinstances (simply called "tenants" from here on) to be configured, monitored, and controlled in the ClearControl-4XD-G2 system. In order to create a new tenant in the Clear Control-4XD-G2 system, the HubConfig Process in the Hub Master must first locate a unique BIM instance controlled by one of the HubCPUs. This requires that the Hub Node first be configured such that the CPU Rack ID and Chassis ID areknown  (described in the previous section of this document). The software in the Hub Master continues tosend requests to all configured Hub Nodes to determine if there are any BIM modules that have comeonline.When a never-been-seen-before BIM module is located, the Hub Config Process creates an "Unconfigured"tenant in the BTS Connection MIB. This can be seen by noticing that the Tenant ID in the BTS ConnectionMIB is "UnconfiguredX", where X is 1-96. Also, it can be seen that the CPU Rack and Chassis IDs are filledin and the BIM I2C Bus/Slot information is filled in. At this point, the rest of this tenant must be configuredmanually.  Setting the Tenant NameTenant Name is the name of the Wireless Service Provider (WSP). The allowable value is a string length of1-17 characters.
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 524.5.2.2  Setting the BTS ID Since WSPs may have more than one basestation (BTS) in the system, it is important to uniquely identifythem - the allowable value is a string of 1-8 characters.  Setting the BTS SectorThe BTS Sector field of the BTS Connection MIB is an enumerated value, where the allowable selectionsare ALPHA (0), BETA (1), or GAMMA (2).  Setting the Tenant BandThe Tenant Band field of the BTS Connection MIB is an enumerated value, where the allowable selectionsare the bands supported by the Clear Control-4XD-G2 system, currently: No Band (0) - no band selected, will not result in a configured tenantUS1900A (1) - PCS band AUS1900B (2) - PCS band BUS1900C (3) - PCS band CUS1900D (4) - PCS band DUS1900E (5) - PCS band EUS1900F (6) - PCS band FUS800AAPP (7) - Cellular A and A'' bandsUS800BBP (8) - Cellular B and B' bandsUS800AP (9) - Cellular A' bandUS800SMR (10) - Cellular SMR band4.5.2.5  Setting the BIM Rack/Shelf ID The location information (rack/shelf) of the BIM module belonging to this tenant must be configured. Thevalid values for these MIB fields are strings of 1-16 characters (see Hub Equipment Identification sectionabove for more information about the values that should be used). The Hub Config Process will push theseID strings down to the Network Node MIB of the CPU that controls this BIM. This will allow the NMS toidentify the location of the BIM when it is reporting a fault condition.  Designating the Tenant HardwareThe BTS Connection MIB contains several fields pertaining to the location of the tenant-specific hardware.Some of the connections made between hardware are not automatically detectable, and therefore requiremanual intervention.Using the information in the Hub Cabling section above, the I2C addresses of the RF modules belonging tothe tenant being configured must be set as follows:· The BIM I2C Address (bus/slot) will automatically be filled in by the Hub Config Process.· The BIM module belonging to this tenant must have RF connections to either one or two HDC modules.Based on the table in the Hub Cabling section above, select the I2C Bus and Slot of the HDC module(s)
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 53based on the position of the module(s) in the RF chassis. As indicated in the Hub Cabling section above,the two HDCs belonging to a single tenant (i.e. having RF connections to the same BIM module) shouldbe co-located in the RF chassis, with only an FSC module separating them.· The HDC modules belonging to this tenant are cabled to a single FSC module, which is located in achassis slot either directly to the left and/or right of the tenant's HDC module(s). Based on the table in theHub Cabling section above, select the I2C Bus and Slot of the FSC module belonging to the tenant beingconfigured.· The BIM module belonging to this tenant must have two RF connections to a single HUC module.  Onefor primary reverse signals and the other for diversity reverse signals. The location of the HUC module forthis tenant must be co-located with the HDC and FSC modules belonging to this tenant, as described inthe Hub Cabling section above. Based on the table above, select the I2C Bus and Slot of the HUCmodule belonging to the tenant being configured.Once the above I2C Addresses are set for the tenant being configured, the Hub Config Process will pushthis information down to the Hub RF Connection MIB on the node/CPU that manages the tenant RFhardware.  Clearing tenantsIt is possible to "de-configure" a tenant, which will clear all of the configuration information described above,by setting the Clear field in the BTS Connection MIB for this tenant to a value of '1'. This will allow theconfiguration process to be restarted from the beginning.  HUC Invalid ConfigThe BTS Connection MIB contains a read-only field that reports the state of the HUC (belonging to thistenant) Invalid Configuration fault field. This information will allow the person configuring the system to knowthat the tenant has been completely and correctly configured - this is known when the value in this field isreported as "No Fault" or '0'.  Maximum Number Of CarriersThe BTS Connection MIB contains a field that allows the maximum number of RF channels (also referred toas carriers) for a given tenant to be configured. This will allow the output gain of the FSC module in theforward path to be optimized. The allowable range of values for this field is 0 to MAX_CARRIERS, whereMAX_CARRIERS is currently eight (8) in the Clear Control-4XD-G2 system. If this field is not configured (i.e.the default value of 0 is used), then the FSC output gain will be set to assume that the maximum number ofcarriers supported by Clear Control-4XD-G2 (currently eight (8)) will be used, therefore minimizing theforward path gain out of the FSC.  Power Attenuator IDsThe BTS Connection MIB contains two (2) fields that allow the external power attenuators (used inconjunction with updated BIM modules that no longer contain the attenuators) to be identified. Theattenuators will reside in a shelf that will be placed in the Hub rack. To configure these two (2) MIB fields, thenomenclature described in Figure 4-2 HUB Rack Numbering, should be used. This dictates that theattenuators should be given names that indicate the shelf number and the location on the shelf. For a giventenant, the two power attenuators must be configured with unique IDs, where the allowable values arestrings of length 1-16. If both attenuators are configured, then software will configure the BIM to operate induplexed mode, otherwise, software will configure the BIM to operate in non-duplex mode.
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 544.6  PATHTRACE FORMATPathtrace is a term used to describe the 64-byte data stream that is transmitted between all DIF-connectedmodules in the Clear Control-4XD-G2 system. The contents of the pathtrace strings have been designedsuch that each set of connected tenant equipment will transmit/receive a pathtrace string containinginformation about that particular tenant. The following is the format of the pathtrace string:<Tenant ID><delimiter><IP Address><delimiter><Path Flag>· The Tenant ID sub-string is comprised of four particular pieces of information: Tenant Name, BTS ID,BTS Sector, and Tenant Band. These four pieces of information form the Tenant ID sub-string, whereeach piece of information is delimited by a single character (currently a colon ":").· The IP Address sub-string indicates the IP Address of the CPU node that originates the pathtrace string.· The Path Flag is a one-character string, “M”, "P" or "D" that indicates the path on which the path tracewas transmitted.  The delimiter used to separate the primary sub-strings of the pathtrace string is a singlecharacter, currently a comma (",").An example of a complete pathtrace string is as follows:wspname:bts4:alpha:us1900A,,P4.6.1  Pathtrace CreationIn the Assigning Tenants and BTS Connection MIB sections above, the components of the Tenant ID portionof the pathtrace string were configured. When these four pieces of information are configured, they arecombined into the Tenant ID string by a process known as the Tenant Scanner, who spawns a new tenantprocess to manage the tenant identified by this Tenant ID. Upon creation, the Tenant ID string is pusheddown to the Hub RF Connection MIB in the node/CPU that is controlling a tenant's RF equipment.The hardware control processes (HCPs) corresponding to the BIM, HDC(s), and FSC that belong to a giventenant each create the pathtrace string that will be transmitted throughout the system for this tenant. Theystart with the Tenant ID of the Hub RF Connection MIB and append a delimiting character and the IPaddress of the CPU that those HCPs are running on. All three HCPs report this pathtrace string in their MIBsfor use by higher-level processes, as described in the following sections.  For a graphical depiction of howpathtrace flows through the Clear Control-4XD-G2 System, see the following figure.
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 55Figure 4-3  Tracing Pathtrace, Two Tenants4.6.2   Pathtrace Forward TransmissionThough the BIM, HDC(s), and FSC all create the pathtrace string and report it in their MIBs, the FSC is theoriginator of the pathtrace string in the forward path of the system.  The FSC HCP writes the pathtrace stringto its FPGA, which transmits the pathtrace string through all eight (8) of its simulcasted outputs. Therefore,the pathtrace string will be transmitted to all RANs belonging to the tenant that matches the Tenant IDportion of this pathtrace string.4.6.3  Pathtrace Forward ReceptionIn the forward path, the SIF modules in the Hub that are connected to the FSC outputs, as well as the SIFsin the simulcasted RANs, simply pass-through the pathtrace strings from their inputs to their outputs. Inaddition, the SIF HCPs report the passed-through pathtrace strings in the SIF MIB for use by higher-levelprocesses, as described in the following sections.In each of the simulcasted RANs, the RUC module receives the pathtrace string into its FPGA from one ofits two DIF input connections. The RUC HCP then reports the received pathtrace strings in its MIB for use byhigher-level processes, as described in sections below.         PATH TRACE CONTENTSTenant,BTS#,sector,band,IP_of_FSCTenant,BTS#,sector,band,IP_of_RDC,PTenant,BTS#,sector,band,IP_of_RDC,DBIMT1BIMT2HDC 1T1HDC 2T1HDC 1T2HDC 2T2FSCT1HUB SIFHUCT1HUCT2FSCT2RSCT1RSCT2RAN SIF RUC T1/T2RDCT1RDCT2Digital Rear I/O portRF SMA (no PT)DIF, Tenant 2DIF, Tenant 1Set by SoftwareOptical LinkLEGENDOperator setup at hubmaster throughBTS Connection MIB.Set at node level byHUB RF Connection MIB.P.T.HLPADD 3DROP 3DROP 4ADD 4ADD 1ADD 2ADD 3ADD 41563DROP 1DROP 2DROP 3DROP 478PDPPPDDDPDPPPDDD9109107MUXMUXADD ‘n’DROP ‘x’DROP ‘n’ADD ‘x’HUBRAN
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 564.6.4  Pathtrace Reverse TransmissionThe RDC is the originator of the pathtrace string in the reverse paths of the system. However, it is desirableto maintain continuity between the forward and reverse pathtrace strings. To manage this, the PathtraceProcess that runs in the RAN CPUs is responsible for reading pathtrace strings from the RUC MIB, parsingout the Tenant ID sub-strings from the pathtrace strings, and writing the Tenant IDs into the MIBs of theRDCs that are associated with the RUCs.The RDC HCP creates two new pathtrace strings (primary/diversity) starting with the Tenant ID that wasprovided in its MIB by the Pathtrace Process. The RDC HCP appends its own CPU IP Address to thepathtrace strings, and then appends the primary/diversity flags ("P" or "D"). Finally, the RDC process writesthe pathtrace strings to its FPGA, which transmits the pathtrace strings out its two outputs(primary/diversity). The pathtrace strings are then transmitted back to the Hub CPU that initially sent thepathtrace string in the first place.4.6.5  Pathtrace Reverse ReceptionIn the reverse path, the SIF modules in the RANs that are connected to the RDC outputs, as well as theSIFs in the Hub, simply pass-through the pathtrace strings from their inputs to their outputs. In addition, theSIF HCPs report the passed-through pathtrace strings in the SIF MIB for use by higher-level processes, asdescribed in the following sections.In the Hub, the RSC module receives the pathtrace strings from several RDCs into its FPGA from its DIFinput connection. The RSC HCP reports the received input pathtrace strings in its MIB for use by higher-level processes, as described in sections below. The RSC has the added responsibility of determining the"majority inputs" to determine the most-prevalent input pathtrace based on Tenant ID sub-strings. When themajority input is discovered, the RSC will parse the Tenant ID from one of the majority inputs, append itsown CPU IP Address, and transmit the newly created pathtrace string to its two outputs (primary/diversity).Finally, the HUC module receives the primary/diversity reverse pathtrace strings into its FPGA from its twoDIF input connections. The HUC HCP then reports the received pathtrace strings in its MIB for use byhigher-level processes, as described in the following sections.4.6.6  Pathtrace Detection/ReportingOn each node in the system, a Pathtrace Process is responsible for gathering up all the pathtrace stringsreported in the HCP MIBs on its own CPU. The Pathtrace Process then reports all the discovered pathtracestrings in its own Pathtrace MIB, which indicates the HCP type, I2C address, MIB index, and pathtrace stringvalue.On each node in the system, a Node Paths Process is responsible for examining the Pathtrace MIB,identifying valid, complete, and stable pathtrace strings, and reporting the results in the Node Paths MIB in amanner that simplifies tenant processing algorithms.On the Hub Master node, the Tenantscan process is responsible for examining the Node Paths MIBs on allnodes and determining whether the contents contain Tenant IDs that have been configured in the system. Ifso, then the Hostname and IP Address tables in the Tenant OAM are updated.The Tenant processes in the Hub Master node are responsible for updating the Equipment MIBs on eachnode with the appropriate Tenant IDs and indeces that are in used on that node. The Equipment Processthen acts as the middle-level interface to the tenant hardware, reporting status of all the hardware in theStatus Table of the Equipment MIB and allowing hardware configurations to occur via the Control Table of
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 57the Equipment MIB. Tenant processing in the Hub Master node is the primary user of the Equipment MIB forstatus and control of tenant hardware. The details of this are described in more detail in the followingsection.4.7  TENANT CONFIGURATION4.7.1  Managing the Tenant OAM MIBThe Tenant OAM MIB is the primary interface for configuring the operating parameters of tenants in theClear Control-4XD-G2 system. The Tenant OAM MIB is used exclusively at the Hub Master node, whereany changes made to operating parameters are validated and pushed down to the proper node(s) by Tenantprocessing.4.7.2   Setting ProtocolThe Protocol field of the Tenant OAM MIB (TenantProtocol) is an enumerated value, where the allowableselections are the protocols supported by the Clear Control-4XD-G2 system, currently:No Protocol (0), CDMA (1), TDMA (2), GSM (3), IDEN (4), AMPS (5), CW_WB (6), CW_NB (7)4.7.3  Setting ChannelsEach Tenant sector in the Clear Control-4XD-G2 system can support from 1-8 channels. Each of these eight(8) channel values can be individually set in the Tenant OAM MIB (TenantChannelXVal, where X = 1-8). Thevalid range of values is based on the band and protocol selected for this tenant, per the specifications usedto define each protocol. Refer to Section  Setting Reverse GainThe Reverse Gain parameter in the Tenant OAM MIB (TenantReverseGain) allows the Reverse Gain Targetto be set. This value sets the gain for the entire reverse path - it is not separated into a separate Hub andRAN parameter as in the forward path. The valid range of values for this parameter is -100 to +300, which is-10 to +30 dB in 1/10 dB units. Refer to Section 5.3.2 for details.4.7.5  Setting Forward And Reverse Cable LossForward and Reverse Cable Loss are two parameters in the Tenant OAM MIB (TenantForwardCableLoss,TenantReverseCableLoss) to allow the signal loss due to cabling between the basestations and the ClearControl-4XD-G2 system to be factored into the gain management processing. Each of these two parametershas a valid range of values of 0 to 50, which is 0 to +5 dB in 1/10 dB units.  The maximum cable lossbetween the BTS and the BIM is 5 dB. Refer to Section 5.3.2 for details.4.7.6  Using Tenant ResetTenant Reset is a parameter in the Tenant OAM MIB (TenantReset) that will allow all of the hardware that isassociated with a tenant to be reset. This functionality is not currently supported in the Clear Control-4XD-G2 software.4.7.7  Enabling FGC / RGCThe Forward and Reverse Gain/Continuity Management processes can be disabled on a per tenant basisusing the enable/disable parameters in the Tenant OAM MIB (TenantForwardAGCDisable,TenantReverseAGCDisable). These MIB fields are enumerated types with values "Enabled" = 0, and"Disabled" = 1. The reason for the reverse boolean logic is so that the desired default values are set to bezero, which is the MIB default value.
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 584.7.8  Using Tenant ModeTenant Mode is a parameter in the Tenant OAM MIB (TenantMode) that will allow the tenant to be put into aspecial mode such as "disabled", or "test", or something similar. This functionality is not currently supportedin the Clear Control-4XD-G2 software.4.7.9  Enabling / Disabling Delay CompensationThe Forward and Reverse Delay Compensation processes, which balance the signal delay in a simulcastgroup, can be enabled/disabled using the associated parameters in the Tenant OAM MIB(TenantForwardDelayCompensationDisable, TenantReverseDelayCompensationDisable). These MIB fieldsare enumerated types with values "Enabled" = 0, and "Disabled" = 1. The reason for the inverse booleanlogic is so that the desired default values are set to be zero, which is the MIB default value.4.7.10  Setting Forward / Reverse Delay SkewThe delay skew used in the Forward/Reverse Delay Compensation processes can be adjusted using theassociated Tenant OAM MIB parameters (TenantForwardSkew, TenantReverseSkew). Refer to Sections10.3 and 10.4 for details.The valid range of values for the Forward/Reverse Delay Skew parameters is 0-10000, in units ofnanoseconds (0-10 usecs).  Default is 2000.4.7.11  Enabling / Disabling RAN slotsThe RAN paths belonging to a tenant can be disabled using the RAN Enable/Disable parameters of theTenant OAM MIB (TenantRanDisableX, where X = 1-8). Doing so will disable the PA in the RAN.  TheseMIB fields are enumerated types with values "Enabled" = 0, and "Disabled" = 1. The reason for the inverseboolean logic is so that the desired default values are set to be zero, which is the MIB default value.Example:  To disable RAN 3 in a simulcast, set TenantRANDisable3 to a “1” (disabled).4.7.12  Forward/Reverse Target DelayThe Forward/Reverse Target delays can be adjusted using the Tenant Forward Target Delay and TenantReverse Target Delay entries in the Tenant OAM MIB.  The valid range of values for the Forward/Reversetarget Delay is 12,000 to 150,000 ns with a default of 100,000 ns being used if the target delay is notconfigured. Refer to Sections 10.3 and 10.4 for details of the usage of these fields.4.7.13  Target Simulcast DegreeIn order for the Clear Control-4XD-G2 software to determine the correct number of tenant paths throughoutthe system, it is necessary for the Clear Control-4XD-G2 software to be provided with the target simulcastdegree. This will allow the Tenant process to properly determine and report missing boards and pathconditions and quantities. The Tenant Simulcast Degree field in the Tenant OAM MIB is used to configurethis parameter. This MIB parameter accepts values ranging from 1-8, the range of simulcasting supported inClear Control-4XD-G2 on a per sector basis.4.8  MANAGING THE TENANT OAM ADDRESS AND HOSTNAME TABLESWithin the Tenant OAM MIB, there are two (2) tables used to capture the current IP Addresses andHostnames of all CPUs that are associated with a given tenant sector. The ordering of the CPUs in the MIBtables is such that the RAN CPUs are listed first from 1-8, followed by the Hub CPUs. The RAN orderingfrom 1-8 is important so that the RAN CPUs can be correlated to the RAN ID values used throughout theTenant OAM MIB.
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 594.8.1  RAN OrderingThe IP Address and Hostname tables in the Tenant OAM MIB indicate which RAN, based on IP address andhostname, corresponds to RAN X, where X is the RAN ID (1-8).Tenant processing uses a least-recently-used scheme to determine the RAN ID to assign to newlydiscovered RANs. When Tenant processing discovers new RANs that contain hardware associated with thattenant (based on Tenant ID of pathtrace string), the new RAN is assigned the next sequential "never-been-used" RAN ID, a value from 1-8. If there are no RAN IDs that have never been used, then Tenantprocessing will find the least-recently-used RAN ID and assign that ID to the newly discovered RAN.The RAN ID is important because it lets the user of the Tenant OAM MIB determine which RAN correspondsto the RAN-specific MIB parameters, such as TenantRanDisableX, TenantRanXForwardMeasuredGain, andTenantRanForwardGainOffsetX, where X is the RAN ID, a value from 1-8.The RAN ID assignments will be persistently maintained through resets of the Hub Master CPU and otherCPUs in the network, which will allow the NMS to program the RAN IDs when new RANs are added to thetenant simulcast group. In the future, the RAN ID assignments will not be persistent through resets of thenetwork nodes, which will require that the NMS automatically correlate RAN ID to RAN CPU relationships.4.8.2  Bracketing of Lost RANsWhen a RAN CPU is removed from the network, or if Tenant processing is unable to communicate with oneof its RANs, then that RAN ID in the Hostname table is bracketed. For example hostname would bereported as [hostname]. In addition, the RAN ID in the Address table is also reported in a different fashionwhen a RAN is "lost". The IP address is bracketed, with the IP address string being replaced by anotherform of the number. For example, could be replaced by [1921681.248]. The point is that if theIP address reported in the Address table is not a valid combination of 4 octet values with decimal pointsseparating the octets, then that RAN should be considered not present.4.8.3  Clearing of RANsIn order to facilitate swap outs of RAN CPUs, it is possible for the RAN Hostname values in the Hostnametable of the Tenant OAM MIB to be cleared by writing a NULL string into the MIB from the NMS. Doing sowill allow that RAN ID to be cleared, and will allow the next RAN CPU discovered to occupy that RAN ID.4.9  HUB NODE NAMING CONVENTIONThe HUB in an Clear Control-4XD-G2 network consists of several racks and chassis, which translate toseveral CPUs per HUB. Since these CPUs all reside at a single geographical location, it is necessary toestablish a relationship of each CPU to its rack and chassis location such that field service personnel can bedeployed to the correct location within the HUB when the need arises.There can be many CPUs at a single HUB Site within the many racks and chassis, but there is no way tocorrelate an IP address to its physical rack/chassis location automatically. Therefore, a convention foridentifying racks and chassis needs to be established.  At installation time, each hostname, as written on thefront tag of each CPU, must be recorded in conjunction with its physical location.  This information is usedwhen the operator fills in the transceptClear Control-4XD-G2HubNode MIB, which is discussed in detailbelow.  Clear Control-4XD-G2 HUB naming conventions are also discussed below.4.9.1  Managing the HUB Node MIBThis MIB correlates HUB node IP addresses with their hostnames and physical locations.  It resides solely atHUBMASTER nodes.  It is comprised of the following elements:
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 604.9.1.1  SiteIDThe Site ID designates the physical location of the HUB.  Often, wireless operators already have site IDs laidout for their markets and BTS installations, such as “Memphis203” or “Cell29PA”, and these designatorswork well for pinpointing the location of the HUB.  GPS coordinates or road names also work well.  The SiteID can be up to 64 characters long.  CPURackIDHUB Racks must be given unique identifiers. This can be as simple as numbering HUB Racks from 1...N orcoming up with some other naming convention.  Once a plan is adopted, it is highly recommended that theracks be labeled accordingly at installation.  The CPU Rack ID is limited to 15 characters.  CPUChassisIDChassis in a rack also need to be uniquely identifiable. The convention is to number the chassis from bottomto top. As there are two CPU slots in each chassis, it is advised to append each entry label with A or B.Convention puts location “A” on the right, with “B” on the left.  The CPU Chassis ID can be comprised of upto 15 characters.  HostnameThis entry shows the hostname of the CPU occupying a specific row of the Hub Node MIB.  This entry isautomatically set up by Clear Control-4XD-G2 system software.  Changing hostnames on Clear Control-4XD-G2 nodes is not recommended, but can be accomplished by logging into the target node.  IPAddressThis entry displays the current IP address for the CPU occupying a specific row in the HUB Node MIB. Thisentry is automatically set up by Clear Control-4XD-G2 system software.  For more information on theNIPR/S function, see Section  CleanThe HUB Node MIB contains a history of any Clear Control-4XD-G2 CPU ever seen by the HUBMASTER.If a CPU is swapped out as part of a maintenance activity, the old entry will still exist.  To remove old andunwanted node information from this MIB, the operator must set the “Clean” value to 1.  In a matter ofseconds, the old node information will be removed.  No further action is required.  Note if the node is valid, itwill re-appear within seconds, even if it is cleared.  Setting the RF Rack/Chassis IDThe Hub CPU may manage the I2C communications to the chassis that contains the RF equipmentbelonging to some (1 – 5) of the tenants.  The chassis and its rack are configured with the Hub Node RFRack ID and the Hub Node RF chassis ID fields.  Because not all Hub CPU’s control RF chassis, this field isoptional.  If used, the allowable values are strings of 1 – 16 characters.  The Hub configuration process willpush these values to the Tenant Node MIB of the CPU being configured as well as to the previously usedlocations in the BTS Connection MIB.4.9.2  Identification using the Network IP Receiver/SenderThe Clear Control-4XD-G2 HUBMASTER node dynamically keeps track of which nodes are under its controlusing a script called NIPRS (Network IP Receiver/Sender).  It receives an IP and hostname from eachelement in the subnet it controls via the client functionality of NIPR/S, which runs on all “slave” nodes.NIPR/s senses any changes to its list of slave nodes, and updates the HUBMASTER DNS accordingly.  The
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 61NIPR/S script is also a key component to maintaining the HUB/RAN Node MIBs and, ultimately, tenantprocessing as a whole, since it is the mechanism by which the HUB/RAN Node MIB entries are filled. There are two main ways to access the output of NIPR/S for use in the identification of related nodes.  Themost accessible way is to utilize SNMP to view the HUB Node MIB and RAN Node MIB at the HUBMASTERnode.  To get an unbroken list of Clear Control-4XD-G2 IP addresses that the HUBMASTER is currentlyservicing, telnet into the HUBMASTER node on port 7401.  No user name or password is necessary.  Theoutput format is a series of text strings, each containing an IP preceded by a “+” or “-“ and terminated with aline feed.  The HUBMASTER is always the first entry in the list.  An example of a typical output for a five-node system is shown below in the following figure.+ 4-4  Typical NIPR/S output using telnet.The “+” indicates the IP has been added to the list.  A “-“ would indicate the IP has been removed from thelist.  This would occur, for example, if the communication link to that node was removed due to a powershutdown or other disruption.4.9.3  Accessing Nodes LocallyNodes can be accessed locally through the serial link.  The required hardware is as follows:· Terminal with serial interface and terminal software such as Tera-Term Pro or Hyperlink.· RS-232 cable 9 pin D shell male to male type.· Adapter for the Clear Control-4XD-G2 CPU low profile I/O connector (GMS P/N 05MA& rev D).When attaching the adapter, be careful to note which way the key is aligned.  The beveled edges face to theright.  The adapter should slide in easily.  Rough use and improper insertion will bend pins and will damageboth the adapter and CPU serial port.Once the link is made, run the terminal software.  If a login prompt is not already available in the terminalwindow, hit enter a few times to bring it up.  Then follow a normal login procedure.  4.9.4  Accessing Nodes via TCP/IPTo perform some installation maintenance activities, the network operator will need to log into Clear Control-4XD-G2 nodes. Each node runs a daemon for Telnet, File Transfer Protocol (FTP), and Virtual NetworkConnections (VNC).  Depending on the LAN’s DNS configuration, a user may or may not be able to usehostnames (instead of literal IP addresses) when accessing Clear Control-4XD-G2 nodes.  Nodes canalways be accessed by IP address.  The three access types are available for Windows and Unix strains.
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 62There are two default user accounts that come standard in the Clear Control-4XD-G2 network.  The“operator” account has access to the Clear Control-4XD-G2 binaries and is used for regular maintenance.The “root” account has full access privileges to the entire file system.  In addition, the “operator” account has“sudo” privileges, which may be modified by the network operator to tailor operator access.  To learn moreabout “sudo”, log onto any Linux operating system and type “man sudo” at the prompt.  Note that, amongother privileges, a “root” user can create more user accounts on each node.4.9.5  Using a 3rd party Network Management System  with Clear Control-4XD-G2Clear Control-4XD-G2 control and monitoring is executed via Simple Network Management Protocol(SNMP).  As such, any Network Management System (NMS) based on SNMP will be compatible with theClear Control-4XD-G2 system.  However, not all NMS products are the same.  While it is up to the operatorto determine which NMS is right for their needs, it is recommended that the chosen NMS will have thefollowing features:· Auto-polling· The NMS must regularly poll all nodes for MIB entry updates.· The NMS must regularly search for new nodes on its network.· Graphical User Interface for data display and manipulation· At a minimum, a MIB browser capable of SNMP level 2 sets and gets, coupled with a node mapgenerator, would suffice.· Ability to output poll data to a database for customizable GUI operations such as user accounts anddata sorting is strongly recommended.· Trouble ticket generation· The Clear Control-4XD-G2 system outputs a wealth of raw event information.  It is up to the NMS todetermine what alarms are generated, and how to dispatch resources to rectify the situation.  For acomplete list of Clear Control-4XD-G2 faults, see section 8 of this document.· E-mail, pager, and cell phone notification methods are recommended for a user-defined subset offault conditions.  · Scheduling tables are a plus for those operators who are not on call 24 hours a day.4.10  CONFIGURING THE HUB MASTER NODEA correctly configured HUBMASTER NODE is the key to an operational Clear Control-4XD-G2 network.  Tosimplify this task, the Clear Control-4XD-G2 system software includes the configure-hubmaster script.  Theuse of this script is described in Section 4.10.1.  In addition to the common node tasks throughout thisdocument. The HUBMASTER has the following responsibilities:· Network Timing Protocol Daemon (/usr/sbin/ntpd), synchronous with GPS input.· Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol server (/usr/sbin/dhcpd3).· Domain Name Server (/usr/sbin/named).· Node IP Receiver/Sender (/usr/sbin/niprs) server-side properties discussed in section 4.9.2.· Clear Control-4XD-G2 Tenant processing (/usr/bin/tenantscan and /usr/bin/tenant).
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 634.10.1  Utilizing the configure-hubmaster scriptUse the following procedure to invoke the configure-hubmaster script:· Login locally to the target node as operator· Type “sudo /usr/sbin/configure-hubmaster” and enter the password when prompted.· Enter the information as shown in the following paragraphs.  IP address / netmask At the IP prompt, enter the static IP address that has been assigned to this HUBMASTER node.  This is acrucial step, as it not only defines the node’s identity, but, in conjunction with the netmask input, it alsodefines the subnet it services.  It is advised that the node IP be in the form XXX.YYY.ZZZ.1, to match thedefault Clear Control-4XD-G2 DHCP settings.  The netmask prompt further defines which subnet theHUBMASTER node will survice.  The default is, or a “class C netmask”.  This is therecommended netmask value for the Clear Control-4XD-G2 system.  DHCP Address RangeThe DHCP address range portion of the script first prompts the operator for the beginning of the range.  Ituses the IP address and netmask input described previously to provide a default lower limit ofXXX.YYY.ZZZ.3.  When in doubt, depress the enter key to select the default lower limit.  Likewise, a defaultupper limit will be generated, servicing nodes up to and including XXX.YYY.ZZZ.250.  Again, unless adifferent upper limit is desired, simply press the enter key to use the default value.  For examples involvingchanging these limits, see Section  Default gateway / routerAt the prompt, enter the IP address of the router interfacing with the node being configured.  If there is to beno upstream router, enter in the IP address of the HUBMASTER node itself.  Failure to enter a valid IPaddress in this field will result in the improper network operation of the Clear Control-4XD-G2 System.  Hub Master domainEach HUBMASTER node requires its own domain to service.  This is to allow multiple HUBMASTER nodesto use the same upstream DNS, and also negates the problem where slave nodes try to talk to the “wrong”HUBMASTER.  The default value is Clear Control-4XD-G2, which is suggested to be changed to somethingmore descriptive in the target network.  At a minimum, numbering the domains serially will achieve thedesired result (I.E.  Clear Control-4XD-G21, Clear Control-4XD-G22, etc.).  DNS forwardingThe script will prompt  “Enter a list of upstream DNS servers, one per line: (control-d when done)” to set upDNS forwarding.  It is expecting as input the IP address of each Domain Name Server that theHUBMASTER node can connect to.  If there are no upstream DNS servers, leave this entry blank.  HitCNTRL-D when finished entering DNS upstream servers.It is advisable to reboot the HUBMASTER node once the script has been run to ensurethat the modifications made via configure-hubmaster are in effect.
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 644.10.2  Using Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol with Clear Control-4XD-G2All HUB and RAN nodes, except the HUBMASTER node, utilize DHCP to obtain their IP addresses.  EachClear Control-4XD-G2 HUBMASTER comes standard with a DHCP server to configure its subnet.  Thefollowing sections explain its use.  Using the provided HUBMASTER DHCPThe Clear Control-4XD-G2 HUBMASTER node comes standard with DHCP already activated.  Whenemploying multiple HUBMASTER nodes, it is important to run the configure-hubmaster script as outlined insection 4.10.1 to prevent collisions.  Incorporating existing LAN DHCPUsing a pre-existing LAN DHCP server is ideal when the Clear Control-4XD-G2 network only contains oneHUBMASTER node.  In this configuration, there is no need for a router between the HUBMASTER and therest of the LAN, since all nodes are on the same subnet.  To use this configuration, the HUBMASTER DHCPmust be disabled using the following steps:Login to HUBMASTER node.· Type “sudo rm /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server” and enter your login password at the prompt.  This stopsthe DHCP server from being run.· Type “sudo killall dhcpd3” to stop the current service.· Type “sudo reboot” to reboot the machine.As the HUBMASTER is not configured to be a DHCP client, it requires a static IP that must be outside therange of the existing LAN DHCP.  This may mean narrowing the existing DHCP server’s address range.  Forexample, take the case where the original DHCP range is through inclusive,and assume it assigns these addresses from the upper limit towards the lower.  Also assume that there’s arouter at and another static IP device at  The HUBMASTER needs a static IP,but the DHCP is serving all the “free” addresses in that subnet.  To avoid DHCP collisions and theperturbation of preexisting addresses, the operator would increase the DHCP server’s lower address limitfrom to, and set the HUBMASTER to be IP It is also important to have a mechanism in place to update the LAN DNS with the HUBMASTER IP address,so that the Clear Control-4XD-G2 nodes know where to send data.  Since the HUBMASTER IP is static, thiscan be manually entered at installation time. The setup becomes more complicated when multiple subnets are introduced however, it is recommendedthat in such a case the HUBMASTER DHCP server be utilized instead.4.10.3  Using Domain Name Service with Clear Control-4XD-G2The DNS offers a way to represent nodes using hostnames instead of IP addresses.  This is an importantrelationship when using DHCP, since the hostnames are more likely to be static than their associated IPaddresses.  The Clear Control-4XD-G2 HUBMASTER node comes standard with a DNS which services itsrelated subnet.  In addition, the HUBMASTER node can employ DNS forwarding to utilize a pre-existing LANDNS.  The following sections outline the steps necessary to use the Clear Control-4XD-G2 DNS.  Using the HUBMASTER DNSThe Clear Control-4XD-G2 DNS is automatically updated via NIPR/S as outlined in section 4.9.2, so there isno need to manually configure it.  As this process does not interfere with existing upstream DNS activities, itneed not be disabled.
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 654.10.3.2  Incorporating existing LAN DNSThe method of incorporating an existing LAN DNS begins with configuring the HUBMASTER DNSforwarding as outlined in section and continues with some maintenance at the upstream DNS.  At aminimum, the upstream DNS needs to be updated with each HUBMASTER node’s IP address and fullhostname (including its domain).  Ideally, this maintenance would be automated, and the RAN nodes wouldalso be maintained in the upstream DNS.  Implementations of this are as varied as the networks beingmaintained, and may need to be custom designed by a network administrator.4.11  CONFIGURING THE HUB “SLAVE” AND RAN NODESThe Clear Control-4XD-G2 system takes care of networking concerns for the HUB “Slave” and RAN nodes,leaving only some clerical steps to take to configure these nodes.  These clerical steps are encompassed bythe HUB and RAN Node MIBs.  The HUB Node MIB is explained previously in section 4.9.1.  The RAN NodeMIB is outlined below.4.11.1  Managing the RAN Node MIBThis MIB correlates RAN node IP addresses with their hostnames and physical locations.  It also documentswhere RF connections are made in each RAN.  It resides solely at HUBMASTER node.  It is comprised ofthe following elements:  IP AddressThis entry displays the IP Address of each RAN attached to the HUBMASTER node.  RAN IP addresses areassigned by DHCP.  This entry is automatically entered by Clear Control-4XD-G2 system software.  HostnameThis entry displays the hostname of each RAN attached to the HUBMASTER node. This entry isautomatically entered by Clear Control-4XD-G2 system software.  Changing the default hostname is notrecommended, but can be accomplished.  PoleNumberThis entry displays the number of the pole on which each RAN is installed.  In conjunction with the Site ID,this is the mechanism used to pinpoint any RAN’s physical location.  GPS can also be used, whereavailable.  The pole number may be 15 characters long.  SiteIDThis entry displays the RF Network’s Site ID where each RAN is installed.  In conjunction with the PoleNumber, this is the mechanism used to pinpoint any RAN’s physical location.  GPS can also be used, whereavailable.  The Site ID may be 64 characters long.  Ruc1Pa1ConnectionThis entry manually records the RF connection path between Ran UpConverter A1’s “1/3” PA output and theantenna.   For example, if the PA attached to RUC A1’s “1/3” output is connected to a PCS quadplexerthrough the B-band port, then “pcsBQuadplexer” should be selected from the pull-down menu.  This data isbest gathered at installation time.  Repeat for Ruc2 (A5) and Ruc3 (B2) entries as necessary.  Ruc1Pa2ConnectionThis entry manually records the RF connection path between RAN UpConverter A1’s “2/4” PA output andthe antenna.   For example, if the PA attached to RUC A1’s “2/4” output is connected to a cellular triplexer
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 66through the B-band port, then “cellular BTriplexer” should be selected from the pull-down menu.  This data isbest gathered at installation time.  Repeat for Ruc2 (A5) and Ruc3 (B2) entries as necessary.  Rdc1MulticouplerConnectionThis entry manually records the RF connection between RAN DownConverter A0 and its multi-coupler.  Forexample, if RDC A0’s primary and diversity inputs are connected to the module labeled “C /MCPLR”, then“cellularSmr” should be selected from the pull-down menu. This data is best gathered at installation time.Repeat for Rdc2 through Rdc5 entries as necessary.  CleanThis entry is actually in the expansion MIB table of the RAN Node MIB.  The RAN Node MIB keeps a historyof every RAN ever seen by the HUBMASTER node.  At times these entries will become invalid as CPUs areswapped out, etc. To remove old and unwanted node information from this MIB, the operator must set the“Clean” value to 1.  In a matter of seconds, the old node information will be removed.  No further action isrequired.  Note that if the node is valid, it will re-appear within seconds, even if it is cleared.  RAN DisableThis entry in the RAN Node MIB allows a given RAN to have all of its PAs disabled. By setting this field to"disabled", the Clear Control-4XD-G2 software will automatically push the value down to the Network NodeMIB on the RAN in question, which will cause all PAs to be turned off. If this value is set to "enabled", thenthe RAN Disable states that are maintained on a per-tenant basis in the Tenant OAM MIB will be usedinstead.
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 675  BTS INTEGRATION5.1  BTS VALIDATIONPrior to connecting the base station to the Clear Control-4XD-G2 HUB, the host BTS should be tested toassure the BTS is operating per the manufacturer’s specification.5.2  CHANNEL SELECTIONThe required channels are to be set in the transceptTenantChannelXVal (X=1-8) fields of the Tenant OAMMIB for the appropriate Tenant sector.  The following sections define the different channel designators usedby Clear Control-4XD-G2 for the different bands and protocols.  Up to eight channels can be defined.5.2.1  iDEN - SMRBlock Valid Channel # Mobile Tx (MHz) BTS Tx (MHz)SMR iDEN No 1-160 806.0125 + 0.025 * (N-1) 851.0125 + 0.025 * (N-1)Yes 161-600 806.0125 + 0.025 * (N-1) 851.0125 + 0.025 * (N-1)5.2.2  CDMA Cellular – EIA/TIA-97Block Valid Channel # Mobile Tx (MHz) BTS Tx (MHz)A” No 991-1012 824.040-824.670 869.040-869.670Yes 1013-1023 824.700-825.000 869.700-870.000AYes 1-311 825.030-834.330 870.030-879.330No 312-333 834.360-834.990 879.360-879.990BNo 334-355 835.020-835.650 880.020-880.650Yes 356-644 835.680-844.320 880.680-889.320No 645-666 844.350-844.980 889.350-889.980A’ No 667-688 845.010-845.640 890.010-890.640Yes 689-694 845.670-845.820 890.670-890.820No 695-716 845.850-846.480 890.850-891.480B’ No 717-738 846.510-847.140 891.510-892.140Yes 739-777 847.170-848.310 892.170-893.310No 776-799 848.340-848.970 893.340-893.9705.2.3  GSM 850Block Valid Channel # Mobile Tx (MHz) BTS Tx (MHz)GSM 850 Yes 128-251 824.200 + 0.200 * (N-128) 869.200 + 0.200 * (N-128)
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 685.2.4  TDMA 800Band Channels Mobile Tx BTS TxA" 991 824.040 869.0401023 825.000 870.000A 1 825.030 870.030333 834.990 879.990B334 835.020 880.020666 844.980 889.980A’ 667 845.010 890.010716 846.480 891.480B’ 717 846.510 891.510799 848.970 893.9705.2.5  TDMA 1900Block Valid Channel # Mobile Tx (MHz) BTS Tx (MHz)TDMA 1900 Yes 2-1998 1850.040 + 0.030 * (N-2) 1930.080 + 0.030 * (N-2)5.2.6  GSM 1900Block Valid Channel # Mobile Tx (MHz) BTS Tx (MHz)GSM 1900 Yes 512-810 1850.200 + 0.200 * (N-512) 1930.200 + 0.200 * (N-512)5.2.7  CDMA 1900Block Valid Channel # Mobile Tx (MHz) BTS Tx (MHz)CDMA 1900 Yes 1-1200 1850.000 + 0.050 * (N-1) 1930.000 + 0.050 * (N-1)
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 695.3  PATH BALANCINGThis section defines the procedure for balancing the forward and reverse paths for a given Tenant Sector.The following table outlines the Standard Clear Control-4XD-G2 Configuration for a balanced forward andreverse path which includes the # of RF channels and simulcast ranges.Note:  When adjusting power and attenuator levels in the Clear Control-4XD-G2 MIBs, values arerepresented in 0.1 dB increments (e.g. –100 indicates –10.0 dBm).Table 5-1.  Standard Clear Control-4XD-G2 ConfigurationBand Protocol # RFChannelsPAOutput/carrier(dBm)RANOutput/carrier(dBm)MaxsimulcastPCS CDMA 342.0 40.5 8PCS GSM 443.0 41.5 5PCS TDMA 643.0 41.5 6Cell CDMA 339.0 37.5 8Cell GSM 440.0 38.5 5Cell TDMA 640.0 38.5 6SMR IDEN 640.0 38.5 6For Tenants that require a different number of RF channels, then the forward PA output powers are changedusing the following equation:· Forward PA output change = 10*log10(baseline # RF channels /new # RF channels).For example, if a PCS/CDMA WSP requires 6 RF channels, then the forward PA output power per RFchannel is adjusted by 10*log10(3/6) = -3.0 dB.  The per RF channel power is changed from 34 to 31dBm.If the operator requires a different reverse link budget, then the simulcast # can be changed.  The equationfor this calculation is:· New simulcast # = (baseline simulcast #) / 10^(Reverse link budget change/10)For example, if a Cellular/CDMA WSP requires a change of +3dB in the reverse link budget, then thesimulcast # is changed to (8 / 10^(3/10)) = 4;5.3.1  Forward Path Balancing Automatic5.3.2  Reverse Path BalancingThe reverse gain indicates how much gain the Clear Control-4XD-G2 will give to a reverse path signalbefore presenting it to the base station (e.g. a –100 dBm signal at the RAN input will be –90 at the input tothe BTS when Reverse Gain is set to 10 dB).
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 70Table 5-2. Reverse Gain SettingsReverse Gain (dB) Comment+30 Bypass BTS reverse path gainincluded in duplexer (e.g. NortelTDMA Base Stations)+10 Normal setting, for dedicated BTSsector0Shared BTS tower sector, 3dB impacton BTS tower coverage-10 Shared BTS tower sector, no impacton BTS tower coverage, 3dB impacton Clear Control-4XD-G2 coverageIn order to balance the reverse path the following procedure is followed:1.  Measure or calculate cable loss from BIM Output to BTS input2.  Enter cable loss value (forward and reverse) into the transceptTenantForwardCableLoss andtransceptTenantReverseCable Loss fields of the Tenant OAM MIB field for this Tenant Sector3.  Enter reverse gain setting (-10 to +10 dB, typically +10 dBm) into the transceptTenantReverseGainfield of the Tenant OAM MIB for this Tenant Sector.5.3.3  Functional RAN Call VerificationAt the completion of BTS integration, that the coverage area is driven to insure all RANs are functional.Recommended In order to verify RAN calls the following procedure is followed1.  Place calls on all RF channels supported by targeted RAN sector 2.  Ensure hand-offs between RANs and RAN to tower are functional
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 716  BTS OPTIMIZATION6.1  NEIGHBOR LIST UPDATESThe Clear Control-4XD-G2 system has the ability to change the RF footprint of its donor base station on asector by sector basis.  Therefore, the neighbor list of the donor BTS and of each adjacent BTS (based onRF footprint) will require review and updating where applicable.   Without this modification, mobile handofffunctionality could be degraded or even rendered inoperable.6.2  BTS PARAMETER CHANGESThe following section defines the required BTS parameter changes for operation with Clear Control-4XD-G2.6.2.1  TDMAThe following table depicts BTS parameters that should be changed for operation with Clear Control-4XD-G2.  The final parameter settings will be determined by the WSP after optimizing the Clear Control-4XD-G2BTS interaction and RF environment.BTSManufacturerRequired Change Parameter Performance ProblemEricssonDisable DC Bias on BTS Rx Ports BTS Bias AlarmIncrease 10 dB SSB Level (carrier sealing level) Unable to place call onsealed carrierIncrease 8 dB overBTS-only settingsSSI (Power Increase) level Repeater/Tower handoffunbalancedIncrease 8 dB overBTS-only settingsSSD (Power Decrease) level Repeater/Tower handoffunbalancedLucentEnable Shortened Burst Mode No calls initiatedChange from 0 to 2. Page 5 of FCI form, field 94 No calls initiatedSet to 2.  (Max delaysetting)If Page 5 is full, go to page 6 ofFCI form, field 118No calls initiatedDisable Hobbit Intracell handoff occurNortel Change from normalto ABBREVDCCHDATA datafill FIELD 6 No calls initiatedDisable TLR (TDMA Locate Receiver) No hand insChange from enableto DISABLE for eachsector pair, i.e. Z intoX as well as X into Z.HOPAIR datafill NBHO field  No handoffs or hand ins
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 726.2.2  CDMAThere are four BTS parameters that are unique to the operation of a Clear Control-4XD-G2 sector. Alongwith these, the standard search window settings must be adjusted to compensate for the distributed antennaconfiguration. The first four BTS parameters are:· Transmit propagation delay (add 100 usec to normal setting)· Receive propagation delay (add 100 usec to normal setting)· Maximum differential transmit delay· Sector sizeThe transmit propagation delay compensates for the forward link delay from the channel element of the cellto the transmit antenna of the nearest RAN in the sector.  This parameter determines the system ‘zero time’for the sector from which all other delays in the forward direction are measured.The receive propagation delay compensates for the reverse link delay from the receive antenna of thenearest RAN to the channel card of the cell.  This parameter determines the ‘zero time’ for the sector fromwhich all other reverse link delays are calculated.The maximum differential transmit delay compensates for the delay differential from the nearest RAN to thefurthest RAN within the sector.  This parameter determines the search window sizes necessary toencompass the differential delay from each RAN in the sectorThe sector size parameter compensates for the maximum air delay expected at any RAN in the sector.  Thisparameter represents the maximum distance from any RAN at which the mobile will be able to access thesystem.  A standard setting for this parameter is 2 miles.  6.2.3  iDENUpdate neighbor lists to allow hand-off between Clear Control-4XD-G2 and adjacent towersPTO = 27 (RAN single channel output power)RXTXGAIN = 10 (account for 10 dB of reverse path gain)  Clear Control base station interface module setupThe interface between the EBTS and Clear Control allows for non-duplexed operation.  The simplex blockdiagram for the BIM is shown in Figure 6-1.
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 73Figure 6-1 BIM Simplex Setup6.2.3.2  Receiver Multicoupler SetupIn the simplex configuration shown in Figure 6-2, the ETBS transmit feen is attenuated by a 30dB pad.  Thereverse paths are not attenuated and can provide as much as 40dB of gain.  As shown in figure 6-2, eachsimplex receive path (primary and diversity) is connected to two external 6-way power dividers respectively.The 6-way power dividers will appropriately distribute uplink receive signals up to six separate primary anddiversity receivers on the base radios.
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 74Figure 6-2 Receiver Multicoupler SetupOpenCell BIMDuplexerBDuplexerCDuplexerA6:12:1 6:1Tx Only Rx Branch 2 Rx Branch 1Tx 0 Rx 1 Rx 0Tx 0 Rx 1 Rx 0Tx 0 Rx 1 Rx 0
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 757  REPLACEMENT PROCEDURESThis section contains the Installation procedures for modules in the Clear Control-4XD-G2 system.WarningWhen inserting CompactPCI modules into the chassis, insure that the card is aligned with card guides.  Ifcard is not within guides, then the backplane pins can be damaged.When hot swapping modules, allow at least fifteen (15) seconds between the extraction andinsertion of any module.  Doing so will allow for proper initialization of the modules. 7.1  RAN MODULE REPLACEMENTThis section contains the installation procedures for modules in the RAN.  All cables have labels on them.Because of the many different possible configurations of Clear Control-4XD-G2 equipment, these labels aremarked during factory configuration and/or field upgrade.   Before removing any cable, insure that the cables have been correctly marked with its location.  See theClear Control-4XD-G2 Hardware Configuration Manual for the labeling convention.Every module has two retention screws located at the ejection tabs that must be unscrewed prior toremoving the module.The tools required to install or remove RAN modules are:· #1 Phillips screwdriver· 3/16” flat blade screwdriver· 5/16” open end wrenchWarning Follow this procedure when inserting modules into the CompactPCI chassis.7.1.1  Inserting cards (blades) and connectorsUnlike VME cards, whose contacts required several ounces of force per contact to seat correctly, cPCI cardscan and must be gently mated to the midplane.Slamming the cards into the midplane is:1.  Unnecessary. The latest technology makes possible a gas tight, non-oxidizing, low insertion force, self-aligning, high frequency, low noise contact.2.  Damaging to the midplane. It is very likely to bend a pin, causing a short, conceivably leading to auseless midplane or even causing a fire.  It could crack the connector housing making it easier to mis-align the card on the next insertion.
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 763.  Damaging to the card. It could dislodge or damage components. Deceleration forces of several G’scould crack a component, or rip a heat sink off of a component.Seating a card correctly:Take your time.  Gently guide the card into the card rails.1.  Slide it partially in, stop, inspect. Slide it down the rails, making initial contact with the midplane,stopping and visually inspecting to see if the guide pins on the card’s connector are lining up with theguide notches in the midplanes connector. (This is the self-aligning feature.)  Use a flashlight if need be.2.  Push with your thumbs. Push it into position by applying force to the top and bottom of the card withyour thumbs. Do NOT rock the card into the chassis by first pushing on the bottom of the card, then thetop of the card.3.  If the card stops or requires increasing force to continue seating it, or it requires more than a couple ofpounds of force stop.4.  Remove the card and check all the pins in the midplane. Observe that they are standing perpendicularto the board.  A flashlight is very helpful.5.  Completely seat the card by moving the card levers into their locked position.Something to remember: Once a card has been incorrectly inserted, the pin points will leave a pock mark on the card edge connectorthat may snag a pin in the future. The damage to the system can be greater than the cost of the card.Consider replacing a card if it consistantly bends midplane pins!The position of modules in the CompactPCI chassis are as shown below.Torque RequirementsSMA 6 – 8 lb inchType N 15 – 20 lb inch
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 77
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 78Figure 7-1.  RAN CompactPCI Slot Positions7.1.2  CPUWarningThe CPU PN 1001310G001 is not Hot Swappable.  Damage can occur if attempted.The CPU PN 1001491G001 is Hot Swappable.CPU Removal1.  Power off RAN chassis (See RAN Power Off procedure Section 2.2)2.  Disconnect RJ-45 ethernet cable from CPU front panel3.  Extract CPU from CompactPCI chassisCPU Installation1.  Insert CPU into CPU position of CompactPCI chassis.2.  Re-cable RJ-45 ethernet cable into 10BaseT input connector3.  If the CPU is part number 1001310G001, remove the STF board and ensure the three (3) jumpersare on JP-8Modulepositions
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 794.  If the CPU is part number 1001491G001 remove the STF board and ensure the three (3) jumpersare on JP-75.  Power on RAN chassis (See RAN Power On procedure Section 2.2)7.1.3  STFSTF Removal1.  Remove GPS RF cable from STF ANT connector using 5/16” wrench2.  Remove RJ-45 cable from STF DA, TLA and RECT connectors3.  Remove I2C Cables (up to 4) from STF A, B, C & D connectors4.  Extract STF from CompactPCISTF Installation1.  Insert STF into the CompactPCI chassis position labeled STF2.  Re-cable I2C Cables (up to 4) into STF connectors A, B, C, & D3.  Re-cable RJ-45 cables into STF connectors RECT, TLA and DA4.  Re-cable GPS RF cable into STF connector ANT.  Torque to 8 in-lbs using 5/16” wrench5.  Insure green power LED is lighted6.  Insure that Fault LED turns off after approximately 10 seconds7.1.4  SIFSIF  Removal1.  Remove fiber from SIF LC connector2.  Remove RJ-45 ethernet cable from SIF 10BT connector3.  Record slot of SIF to remove (P13 or P14)4.  Extract SIF from CompactPCI chassisSIF  Installation1.  Insert SIF into slot position recorded in the SIF Removal step.  2.  Reinstall RJ-45 ethernet cable into SIF 10BT connector3.  Reinstall fiber into SIF LC connector4.  Insure green power LED is lighted5.  Insure that Fault LED turns off after approximately 10 seconds7.1.5  RDCRDC Removal1.  Remove RF cables from RDC PRI and DIV connectors using 5/16” wrench2.  Record slot of RDC to remove (A1, A3, A4, A6)3.  Extract RDC from CompactPCI chassis
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 80RDC Installation1.  Insert RDC into slot position recorded in RDC Removal step 2.  Reinstall RF cables into RDC PRI and DIV connector.  Torque connector to 8in-lbs using 5/16”wrench3.  Insure green power LED is lighted4.  Insure that Fault LED turns off after approximately 10 seconds7.1.6  RUCRUC Removal1.  Remove RF cables from RUC CH 1/3 OUT and CH 2/4 connectors using 5/16” wrench (both maynot be present)2.  Remove I2C cables from PA CNTL 1/3 and PA CNTL 2/4 connectors (both may not be present)3.  Record slot of RUC to remove (A2, A5)4.  Extract RUC from CompactPCI chassisRUC Installation1.  Insert RUC into slot position recorded in RUC Removal step2.  Reinstall RF cable into RUC CH 1/3 and CH 2/4 connectors (both may not be present).  Torqueconnectors to 8in-lbs using 5/16” wrench3.  Reinstall I2C cable into RUC CH PA CNTL1/3 and PA CNTL 2/4 connectors (both may not bepresent)4.  Insure green power LED is lighted5.  Insure that Fault LED turns off after approximately 10 seconds7.1.7  P/MCPLRP/MCPLR Removal1.  Remove RF cables from P/MCPLR P IN and D IN connectors using 5/16” wrench2.  Remove RF cables from P/MCPLR P OUT1-6 and D OUT1-6 connectors using 5/16” wrench (notall may be present)3.  Extract P/MCPLR from CompactPCI chassisP/MCPLR Installation1.  Insert P/MCPLR into slot B7 of CompactPCI chassis2.  Reinstall RF cables into P/MCPLR P IN and D IN connectors.  Torque connector to 8in-lbs using5/16” wrench3.  Reinstall RF cables into P/MCPLR P OUT1-6 and D OUT1-6 connectors (if present).  Torqueconnector to 8in-lbs using 5/16” wrench4.  Insure green power LED is lighted5.  Insure that Fault LED turns off after approximately 10 seconds
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 817.1.8  C/MCPLRC/MCPLR Removal1.  Remove RF cables from C/MCPLR P IN and D IN connectors using 5/16” wrench2.  Remove RF cables from C/MCPLR P OUT1-3 and D OUT1-3 connectors using 5/16” wrench (notall may be present)3.  Extract C/MCPLR from CompactPCI chassisC/MCPLR Installation1.  Insert C/MCPLR into slot B4 of CompactPCI chassis2.  Reinstall RF cables into C/MCPLR P IN and D IN connectors (if present).  Torque connector to 8in-lbs using 5/16” wrench3.  Reinstall RF cables into C/MCPLR P OUT1-6 and D OUT1-6 connectors (if present).  Torqueconnector to 8in-lbs using 5/16” wrench4.  Insure green power LED is lighted5.  Insure that Fault LED turns off after approximately 10 seconds7.1.9  COMPACTPCI Power SuppliesCompactPCI PS Removal1.  Record slot for Power Supply to be removed2.  Extract CompactPCI PS from CompactPCI chassisCompactPCI PS Installation1.  Insert Power Supply into slot recorded in removal step 2.  Insure green Power LED is lighted3.  Insure that Fault LED turns off after approximately 10 seconds7.1.10  COMPACTPCI FansWarningDo not insert fingers into fan assembly while the blades are turningThe fan access door hinges down on three horizontal slide pins.  When closing the fan access door careshould be taken to push the door to the right prior to rotating the door upwardCOMPACT cPCI Fan Removal1.  Unscrew 2 captive screws on fan access door located at the top of the cPCI chassis using a flatblade screwdriver.2.  Pull down access cover3.  Insert fingers into fan pull holes located on the right side of the fan assembly4.  Extract fan to be replaced from chassis
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 82COMPACTPCI Fan Installation1.  Push Installation fan into open slot.  Insure that the finger holes are on the right side of theassembly.2.  Insure that Fan is operational3.  Close access door and secure with 2 captive screwsFan accessdoorFigure 7-2.  RAN Fan Access Door
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 83Figure 7-3. Fan Module7.1.11  PAsWarningPower Amplifiers generate high localized heat.  Insure PA module has cooled sufficiently for safe handlingbefore removing from door.  The RF PA module should be cool to the touch before removal to reducepossibility of damage to electronics. WarningPower to the Power Amplifier’s PIC must be removed by switching off the appropriate circuit breaker onthe rectifier before removing cables from the Power Amplifiers. Otherwise damage to the PA can occur.
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 84Figure 7-4.  PA Assembly LocationPowerAmplifierAssemblies
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 85PA Assembly Removal1.  Lift the spring loaded retention pin located at the top of the PA assembly and slide the PA assemblyout half way until the retention pin re engages.2.  Disconnect blue positronic connector from the PIC providing power to PA.  Allow PA to cool totouch3.  Disconnect the I2C cable from the PIC4.  Disconnect RF cables from PA input and output5.  Lift spring loaded retention pin located at the top of the PA assembly6.  Slide the PA assembly the rest of the way outPA Assembly Installation1.  Slice the new PA assembly into the slot pushing it in until the spring loaded retention pin engagesat the half way in point.2.  Connect RF cables to PA input and output.  Tighten to 8 in-lbs.3.  Connect the I2C cable.4.  Connect blue positronic connector to PIC5.  Lift spring loaded retention pin located at the top of the PA assembly6.  Push PA assembly all the way in7.  Insure PIC Power Fault LED goes out after 10 seconds7.1.12  PICs1.  The PIC is part of the PA assembly and is not individually removed.7.1.13  PA Fans1.  PA fans are part of the PA assembly and are not individually removed7.1.14  Circuit BreakersThe five (5) RAN circuit breakers are located on the rectifier.The circuit breakers are as follows:· 1A PA 1· 2A PA 2· 3A PA 3· 4A PA 4· 5A cPCI Chassis
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 86Circuit breakersFigure 7-5.  RAN Circuit Breaker Location7.1.15  Rectifier ModuleRectifier Module Removal1.  Pull the ejection/insertion lever located on the left side of the rectifier module down.  Using a smallscrew driver helps to start moving the lever.2.  Using the hole in the ejection/insertion lever, extract unit from rectifier chassisRectifier Module Installation1.  Insert rectifier module into rectifier chassis aligning guides on bottom of rectifier module withrectifier chassis.2.  Push until unit is fully seated 3.  Secure the rectifier by pushing the ejection/insertion lever on the left side up4.  Insure green AC LED is lighted.  Insure yellow CL LED and Red RFA LED are not lighted.
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 87Figure 7-6 RAN Rectifier Module7.1.16  Glitch BatteriesWarningONLY TRAINED PERSONNEL SHOULD PERFORM SERVICE ON THE RAN OR ITS BATTERIES.CAUTION!RISK OF EXPLOSION IF BATTERY IS REPLACED BY AN INCORRECT TYPE. DISPOSE OF USEDBATTERIES ACCORDING TO THE INSTRUCTIONSGlitch Battery Removal1.  Disconnect the Anderson connector.  See figure 7-7.2.  Depress the “DISC” switch located on the rectifier.  See figure 2-1.Eject/insertlever
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 883.  Be sure the LVD LED goes off4.  Disconnect all cables connected to the glitch batteries5.  Remove batteries from the battery drawer.Glitch Battery Installation1.  Place batteries in the battery drawer.2.  Connect the battery interconnect cables.3.  Connect the Anderson connector4.  The rectifier will recognize the battery voltage and automatically engage the LVD
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Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 90Figure 7-7.  Battery Backup ConnectorBattery backup connectorBatteryCompartmentTemp Sensor70 amp fuse
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 917.1.17  Extended Time Backup BatteriesBattery Removal1.  Use the same procedure (section 7.1.17) as removing the glitch batteriesBattery Replacement2.  Use the same procedure (section 7.1.17) as installing the glitch batteries7.1.18  Battery Fuse ReplacementFuse removalCut the tie wrap that holds the protective tubing over the fuseSlide the protective tubing back over the battery cable until both ends of the fuse are exposedUsing two (2) 7/16” wrenches to loosen and remove the nuts and bolts that connect the fuse to the batterycable on both ends of the fuse.Fuse replacementUsing two (2) 7/16” wrenches to install and tighten the nuts and bolts that connect the fuse to the batterycable on both ends of the fuse.Slide the protective tubing back over the fuse until both ends of the fuse are coveredInstall a tie wrap over the center of the fuse to hold the protective tubing in place7.1.19  GPS Lightning ArrestorRemoving the GPS lightening arrestor fuse.1.  To remove the fuse use a 9/16 inch wrench and turn counter clockwise.Replacing the GPS lightening arrestor fuse2.  To replace the GPS fuse use a 9/16 inch wrench and turn clockwise.
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 927.2  HUB MODULE REPLACEMENTThis section contains the Installation procedures for modules in the HUB.  All cables have labels on them.Because of the many different possible configurations of Clear Control-4XD-G2 equipment, these labels aremarked during factory configuration and/or field upgrade.   Before removing any cable, insure that the cables have been marked correctly with its location.  See theClear Control-4XD-G2 Hardware Configuration Manual for the labeling convention.Every module has two retention screws located at the ejection tabs that must be unscrewed prior toremoving the module.The position of modules in the CompactPCI chassis are as shown below. Figure 7-8.  Digital CompactPCI Chassis Front
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Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 95Figure 7-9.  Digital CompactPCI Chassis Rear
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Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 98Figure 7-10.  RF CompactPCI Chassis Front
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Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 100Figure 7-11.  RF CompactPCI Chassis Rear
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 1017.2.1  CPUWarningThe CPU PN 1001310G001 and G002 are not Hot Swappable.  Damage can occur if attempted.The CPU PN 1001491G001 and G002 are Hot Swappable.  CPU RemovalALWAYS REFER TO THE RELEASE NOTES FOR THE REVISION OF SOFTWARE FORSPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS.  HUB Master CPU Removal7.  Back up Hub Master MIB’s 1.  Telnet to Hubmaster targeted for removal2.  cd  “sandbox/bin”3.  Press Enter4.  sudo ./backup-hubmaster  Operator@[Hubmaster-IP]:/var (make note of the name of the file beingcreated for later reference.5.  Type: operate6.  Press Enter7.  [Hubmaster-IP] gets replaced with the hub master IP8.  Power off HUB Chassis (See HUB Power Off procedure Section 2.1)9.  Disconnect RJ-45 ethernet cable from CPU front panel10.  Extract CPU from CompactPCI chassis7.  HUB Master CPU Installation1.  Insert CPU into CPU position of CompactPCI chassis.2.  Re-cable RJ-45 ethernet cable into 10BaseT input connector3.  Power on HUB (See HUB Power On procedure Section 2.1)  Local Connection Configuration The local computer running Window OS must be configured to the same subnet as the hubmaster tocontinue procedure.To configure the local computer:DHCP must be enabled.Shutdown local computer and when it has powered off, restart.  This will enable the local computer to renewits ip to the subnet of hubmaster. · Click Start (lower left hand corner)
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 102· Click Run· Type: telnet [Hubmaster-IP]  (default; i.e. telnet· Press Enter· A DOS window should open and you should be prompted for user name.· Type: operator· Press Enter· You will then be prompted for a password. · Type: operate· Press EnterProceed to Configuration of Hubmaster7.2.1.4  Remote Connection Configuration To remotely access hubmaster you must be able to telnet to the device. · Click Start (lower left hand corner)· Click Run· Type: telnet [Hubmaster-IP]  (default; i.e. telnet· Press Enter· A DOS window should open and you should be prompted for user name.· Type: operator· Press Enter· You will then be prompted for a password. · Type: operate· Press EnterProceed to Configuration of HubmasterIf you are unable to telnet Hubmaster, contact a Systems Administrator for assistance.Configuration of Hubmaster · cd  cruft/cloning· Press Enter· sudo ./configure-hubmaster· Type: operate · Press EnterYou will be prompted for the following information.  The inputs are in italics.
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 103Press Enter after each field is completed.· What is machines IP address static IP address that has been assigned to the HubMaster node.· What is the machines netmask accept the default· What is the start of address range served by the DHCP Accept the default· What is the end of address range served by the DHCP Accept the default· What is the default gateway/router input router IP address· What domain shall the DNS Server serve Ocbeta1· Enter a list of upstream DNS servers enter all IP addresses of each Domain Name · Server that the Hub master node can connect to.   When the list is entered press CTRL D.  If there are none press CTRL D. After the hubmaster ip is changed, you must shutdown and restart the local computer to access hubmasterfrom the local computer. Restore Hubmaster MIB’s Telnet hubmaster using procedure from previous sections. Use the new ip address assigned duringhubmaster configuration.· After logging in type:· Cd sandbox/bin· Press Enter· sudo ./restore-hubmaster  Operator@[hubmaster-IP]:/var backupname.tar (backupname.tar is thefile stored while performing the backup of the hubmaster).· sudo reboot· Type: operate· Press Enter Note:  The Hubmaster MIBs can be periodically backed up on any server running SSH.Hubslave CPU Removal:· Refer to section to back up the Hubslave MIB’s, replacing Hubmaster-IP with Hubslave-IP· Power down Fiber Interface Rack (FIR).· Disconnect RJ-45 Ethernet Cable.· Remove and replace designated CPU.· Reconnect RJ-45 Ethernet Cable.
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 104· Re-apply power to FIR· Refer to section to restore Hub-slave MIB’s, replacing Hubmaster-IP with Hubslave-IP.7.2.2  STFSTF Removal1.  Remove GPS RF cable from STF ANT connector using 5/16” wrench2.  Remove I2C Cables (up to 4) from STF A, B, C & D connectors3.  Extract STF from CompactPCI from slot 2 of the digital chassisSTF Installation1.  Insert STF into the CompactPCI chassis position labeled STF2.  Re-cable I2C Cables (up to 4) into STF connectors A, B, C, & D3.  Re-cable GPS RF cable into STF connector ANT.  Torque to 8 in-lbs using 5/16” wrench4.  Insure green power LED is lighted5.  Insure that Fault LED turns off after approximately 10 seconds7.2.3  SIFSIF Removal1.  Remove fiber from SIF LC connector2.  Remove RJ-45 ethernet cable from SIF 10BT connector3.  Record slot of SIF to remove (slots 3 -8 of in the digital chassis)4.  Extract SIF from CompactPCI chassisSIF Installation1.  Insert SIF into slot position recorded in the SIF Removal step.2.  Reinstall RJ-45 ethernet cable into SIF 10BT connector3.  Reinstall fiber into SIF LC connector4.  Insure green power LED is lighted5.  Insure that Fault LED turns off after approximately 10 seconds7.2.4  RSCRSC Removal1.  Record slot of RSC to remove (slots 3 -8 of in the digital chassis)2.  Extract RSC from CompactPCI chassisRSC Installation1.  Insert RSC into slot position recorded in the RSC Removal step.2.  Insure green power LED is lighted3.  Insure that Fault LED turns off after approximately 10 seconds
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 1057.2.5  HDCHDC Removal1.  Remove RF cable from HDC RF Input using 5/16” wrench2.  Remove RF cables from HDC RF Outputs 1-4 using 5/16” wrench3.  Record slot of HDC to remove (slots 2, 4, 6, 8 in the RF chassis)4.  Extract HDC from CompactPCI chassisHDC Installation1.  Insert HDC into slot position recorded in the HDC Removal step 2.  Reinstall RF Input cable to HDC using 5/16” wrench, Torque to 8 in-lbs3.  Reinstall RF Output cables 1-4 to HDC using 5/16” wrench, Torque to 8 in-lbs4.  Insure green power LED is lighted5.  Insure that Fault LED turns off after approximately 10 seconds7.2.6  FSCFSC Removal1.  Remove RF cables from FSC RF Inputs (4 or 8 depending on configuration) using 5/16” wrench2.  Record slot of FSC to remove (slots 3 and 7 in the RF chassis)3.  Extract FSC from CompactPCI chassisFSC Installation1.  Insert FSC into slot position recorded in the FSC Removal step2.  Reinstall RF Output cables(4 or 8) to FSC using 5/16” wrench, Torque to 8 in-lbs3.  Insure green power LED is lighted4.  Insure that Fault LED turns off after approximately 10 seconds7.2.7  HUCHUC Removal1.  Remove 2 RF cables from HUC RF Outputs (PRI and DIV) using 5/16” wrench2.  Record slot of HUC to remove (slots 1 and 5 in the RF chassis)3.  Extract HUC from CompactPCI chassisHUC Installation1.  Insert HUC into slot position recorded in the HUC Removal step2.  Reinstall 2 RF Output cables (PRI and DIV) from HUC using 5/16” wrench, Torque to 8 in-lbs3.  Insure green power LED is lighted4.  Insure that Fault LED turns off after approximately 10 seconds
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 1067.2.8  COMPACTPCI Power SupplyHUB Compact cPCI Power Supply Removal1.  Unscrew the Philips head screws located on the left and right side of the module.2.  Extract unit from chassis
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Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 108Figure 7-12.  HUB cPCI Power SupplyHUB Compact cPCI Power Supply Installation1.  Insert power supply module into power supply chassis aligning module with chassis.2.  Push until unit is fully seated3.  Secure unit by fastening thumbscrews4.  Insure green Input LED is lighted and Red Fault LED is not lighted.7.2.9  HUB COMPACTPCI FansWarningDo not insert fingers into blades of fan during removal and installation proceduresHUB Compact cPCI Fan Removal1.  Unscrew 5 captive screws on Fan access door using a flat blade screwdriver.
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 1092.  Pull down access cover3.  Insert fingers into fan pull holes4.  Extract fan to be replaced from chassisHUB Compact cPCI Fan Installation1.  Push Installation fan into open slot.  Insure that the connector is aligned with the blind mate inlower right hand corner.2.  Insure that Fan is operational3.  Close access door and secure with 5 captive screws.  Insure that the top of the CompactPCIchassis is not being depressed when fastening screws.  This will prevent misalignment of screws.
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Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 111Figure 7-13.  HUB CompactPCI Fan Assembly7.2.10  Ethernet HubEHUB Removal1.  Insure power switch is set to off2.  Remove all RJ-45 cables from front panel of EHUB3.  Remove AC line cord from rear of EHUB4.  Remove screws securing EHUB to rack5.  Extract EHUB from Hub rackEHUB Installation1.  Insert EHUB into Hub rack2.  Install screws securing EHUB to rack3.  Attached AC line cord to rear of EHUB4.  Connect all RJ-45 connectors disconnected during the removal step5.  Insure power switch is set to on6.  Insure power LED is lighted
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 1127.2.11  HRMHRM Removal1.  Remove RF cabling from GPS inputs and auxiliary outputs (front panel)2.  Remove all I2C RJ-45 cables on rear panel.  Note:  Faults may occur on BIMs that have beendisconnected from their I2C connection.  These faults will clear when the I2C cable is reconnected.3.  Remove all Clock RJ-45  cables on rear panel.  There may be up to four cables depending uponthe configuration.4.  Remove 12VDC power connector from front panel5.  Remove 48VDC power connector from front panel6.  Remove screws securing HRM to rack rails7.  Extract HRM from rackHRM Installation1.  Insert HRM into rack2.  Install screws securing HRM to rack rails3.  Attach 12VDC to HRM power input on front panel4.  Attach 48VDC to HRM power input on front panel5.  Attach all Clock RJ-45 cables on rear panel disconnected during removal.  There may up to fourcables depending upon the configuration.6.  Connect all I2C RJ-45 connectors disconnected during removal7.  Connect all GPS RF connectors disconnected during removal8.  Insure power LED is lighted and fault LED is not lighted after 30 seconds9.  Insure PLL LED (yellow) is lighted7.2.12  BIMWarningBIM modules may have high RF power on its RF connectors.  When replacing a BIM, insure thatthe BTS Power Amplifiers for that BIM have been disabled.BIM Removal1.  Remove RF cabling from BTS to BIM (may be low power or high power input, duplexed or non-duplexed depending upon configuration).  Insure all BTS power amplifiers on this sector have beendisabled before de-cabling.2.  Remove all I2C RJ-45 cables.  Note:  Faults may occur on BIMs that have been disconnected fromtheir I2C connection.  These faults will clear when the I2C cable is reconnected.  To clear the faultsduring the install attach I2C to next BIM down in Hub rack to allow I2C communications with the rest ofthe BIMs in the chain.3.  Record BIM I2C address as read from the 7 segment display4.  Remove 12VDC power connector from rear panel
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 1135.  Remove screws securing BIM to Hub rack6.  Extract BIM from Hub rackBIM Installation1.  Insert BIM into Hub rack2.  Install screws securing BIM to Hub rack3.  Attached 12VDC to BIM power input on rear panel4.  Dial in the I2C address that was recorded in BIM Removal step 35.  Connect all I2C RJ-45 connectors disconnected during removal step 26.  Connect all RF connectors disconnected during removal step 17.  Insure power LED is lighted and fault LED is not lighted8.  Re-enable BTS power amplifiers
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 1147.2.13  PDUPDU RemovalDisconnect the – 48 VDC input from the left most connectorDisconnect the – 48 VDC output to the equipment in the Hub rackRemove four (4) screws holding the PDU assembly in the Hub rackRemove the PDU assembly from the front of the Hub rackPDU InstallationPlace the PDU assembly in the Hub rack through the frontScrew four (4) screws to secure the PDU to the Hub rackConnect the – 48 VDC from the Hub equipment to the PDUConnect the – 48 VDC feed to the left most connector
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 1158  SCHEDULED MAINTENANCEThe HUB and RAN require very little maintenance.  Most can be performed while the system is in operation.No maintenance is required to ensure proper operation of the Clear Control-4XD-G2 elements.8.1  FILTERSThe RAN filter should be removed for inspection and cleaning every six months.  In dusty conditions thisprocedure should be performed more often.  The inspection should include looking for and replacingdamaged filters.  Damaged filters should be replaced immediately.The filter in the RAN can be washed with water and dried.  Alternately, the dirty filter can be replaced with aclean filter.  The dirty one can be cleaned and used later.There is only one filter on the RAN, which is located on the door.  There are six spring loaded retainersholding the filter to the door.While the filters are being maintained, the louvers on the rear under the rain shields (left and right) should beinspected for any blockage.  Should there be a blockage, it remove it at this time.Figure 8-1.  RAN Filter
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 1168.2  ANTENNA AND GPS CABLESThe waterproofing materials used on the antenna, GPS and RAN cable ends should be inspected annuallyfor cracks or deterioration.  Replace any waterproofing material that has deteriorated.8.3  ANTENNA LEVELThe antenna should be checked to be sure that it is plumb on an annual basis.  Refer to the installationmanual for this procedure.8.4  MOUNTING HARDWAREAll hardware that is used to mount the RAN to the utility pole should be checked for tightness annually.Referto the installation manual for torque specifications.8.5  BATTERIESThere are 3 Different batteries in the RAN depending on which option was purchased.· The Glitch battery which is located inside the RAN· The battery backup option is located in a separate enclosure beneath the RAN.· The CPU has an onboard lithium battery.  There is a CPU in both the HUB and RAN.Battery maintenance is predicated on the environment that they are in.  The hotter the environment or themore often a battery is exercised through a discharge cycle, the more often maintenance is required.As a guideline, the glitch batteries should be removed from the RAN and each cell tested annually.  The full size battery backup should be inspected annually for any signs of corrosion or bulging.  Glitch batteries and full size battery backup batteries should be replaced every three to five years dependingon the environmental conditions.
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 1179  SOFTWARE UPDATES9.1  SOFTWARE RELEASE DELIVERABLEThe OpenCell software upgrade process is based on packaging utilities built into the Linux-based operatingsystem used by OpenCell. The software upgrade is a set of interdependent packages delivered in a self-extracting executable named so as to reflect the revision of the contained software; for example: hr-2.1.0-upgrade would be used to upgrade a target Hub or RAN CPU to version 2.1.0. When invoked, the upgradeexecutable will automatically take the appropriate actions to upgrade the target CPU. 9.2  RELEASE NOTESThe release notes delivered with each software release distribution will contain specific details about thechanges being made in that software release. The release notes will itemize each change made, including adescription of the problem/issue being addressed, a description of how the problem/issue was resolved, andthe impact of the change on the NMS. Included in the release notes are details of any upgrades to the FPGA images, including revision numberinformation contained in the latest release build. To ensure the latest documentation matches the currentpackaged images, the release notes will be the only place where this information is captured inexternal/customer documentation. 9.3  UPGRADING EXISTING SYSTEMThe most common upgrade scenario is one where an existing, fielded, operational system is having all of itsCPUs upgraded to the next version of software. Some important notes regarding this type of upgrade:9.3.1  Preliminary StepsThe following are some general notes that need to be considered when upgrading a fielded system:The Hub Master should be the final CPU upgraded in the network to ensure that any new network-levelfunctions are managed and supported properly.It is assumed that a network administrator will be performing the upgrade.Upgrading an operational system will interrupt service, so upgrades should be planned during themaintenance window.An upgrade of a test CPU should be attempted prior to upgrading an entire system or set of systems.For upgrade verification purposes, note the PA power, RUC attenuator values, and module pathtrace values(see the transceptOpencellPathtraceTable MIB) on a test RAN CPU and follow instructions found in thesection in this document labeled “Verification”.The upgrade executable should be FTP'd to all target machines prior to upgrading any machine. This ismore efficient than updating one machine at a time.
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 118The RAN CPUs should be upgraded first, as upgrading the HUB CPUs may interrupt telnet sessions to theRAN, thereby stopping the RAN upgrades.9.3.2  Upgrade StepsThe following are the steps for installing and running the upgrade executable:FTP to the target CPU by entering: ftp <ip/hostname>, with "operator" as the username and "operate" asthe password.Configure FTP to transfer in binary mode by entering: binExplicitly set the target location by entering: cd /var/Push the distribution executable file to the target CPU by entering: put <filename>, where <filename> issomething like "hr-2.0.0-upgrade".Exit out of the FTP session using quit or exit, depending on the FTP application being used.Telnet into the target CPU by entering: telnet <ip/hostname>, with "operator" as the username and"operate" as the password.Change to the directory where the upgrade is located by entering: cd /var/Change the upgrade file mode to be executable by entering: chmod 555 <filename>, where "filename" issomething like "hr-2.0.0-upgrade"Run the upgrade distribution executable file by entering: ./<filename>, where <filename> is something like"hr-2.0.0-upgrade".Upon completion of the upgrade, which will take several minutes, reboot the machine to be sure thateverything starts normally by entering: sudo reboot9.3.3  VerificationIt is important to be sure that the upgrade was successful before continuing on with upgrading other CPUs inthe network. Some of this verification is done automatically by the upgrade executable, but there are certainsteps that need to be done manually as well.Actions that are automatically taken by the upgrade executable to verify success include the following:Built in package management checks to be sure that files are being written and removed as expected.Checks to be sure that upon completion of the upgrade, certain processes are running (or no longer running,as the case may be) as expected.Test scripts being run to ensure that processes are running as expected.
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 119If the autonomous actions taken by the upgrade executable discover that the upgrade was not successful,the upgrade executable will report this information in the log file located at /var/log/opencell-upgrade.Otherwise, a successful status message will be reported to that log.Manual steps must also be taken to ensure that the upgrade process completed successfully. Note thatsome of the manual validation steps below may also be performed by the automatic validation describedabove. The process list should be examined to be sure that the appropriate processes are running. This can bedone by telnetting into the target CPU (see "Upgrade Steps" section above) and entering:ps ax | grep "/usr/bin/”. The list that is returned will indicate all processes that were run from the systembinary directory. This list should include the following, at a minimum:/usr/bin/pathtrace /usr/bin/rgc/usr/bin/nodepaths /usr/bin/equipment/usr/bin/netnode /usr/bin/stf/usr/bin/hlpwatch /usr/bin/i2cbusscan/usr/bin/pcibusscan /usr/bin/i2cbusmaster (6instances)/usr/bin/fgc /usr/bin/gps /usr/bin/niprs (4 instances) /usr/bin/hcpwhere hcp represents the listing of all HCPs that correspond to the modules being controlled by the targetCPU. These are specific to the target CPU being upgraded and include HDC, BIM, FSC, HUC, MUC, RUC,RDC, SIF, AND RSC. There should be one instance of each HCP per module managed by the target CPU.When evaluating the process list, it is important to be sure that the process IDs of each of the listedprocesses above stay stable to ensure that processes are not continually restarting. Run the command psax | grep /usr/bin/ multiple times over the course of a minute or two to be sure that this is the case.In addition to the above processes, it must be verified that the SNMP agent software is running. This is doneby entering: ps as | grep "/usr/local/sbin" and verifying that /usr/local/sbin/snmpd is one of theprocesses listed.Evaluate the software version to be sure that it matches what is intended. This can be done from the NMSby evaluating the Network Node MIB field transceptNetworkNodeOpencellSoftwareRev. Alternatively, thisvalue can be retrieved in the telnet session to the CPU opened in the previous step by entering:snmpget localhost patriots transceptNetworkNodeOpencellSoftwareRev.0On the upgraded CPU, verify pathtrace values are as expected by viewing thetransceptOpencellPathtraceTable MIB. Refer to the above "Preliminary Steps" section for details.
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 120On the upgraded RAN CPU, verify PAs are functioning and power levels are as expected. Refer to theabove "Preliminary Steps" section for details.9.3.4  Failed UpgradesIn the case of a failed upgrade, it will be desirable to attempt to return the target CPU to its previous revisionby uninstalling the most recent software upgrade. This action will be accomplished with the use of adowngrade script that is installed as part of the upgrade. The name of the downgrade script will contain thename of the version being downgraded to; for example, hr-2.0.0-downgrade would be used to revert a CPUthat has been upgraded to version 2.1.0 back to 2.0.0. Note that it is difficult to guarantee that a CPU reverted to its previous revision will work exactly as the CPUdid prior to the upgrade. There are simply too many variables to guarantee this. The regression test cyclehere at OpenCell will include a series of steps to validate that the uninstall/downgrade process works, but itis extremely difficult to guarantee that all possible failure paths will be exercised.It is important that, upon completion of a downgrade, the verification steps described in the previous sectionare taken to ensure that the CPU is left in an operational state.9.3.5  FPGA UpdatesCertain software releases will contain updates to the FPGA images that the OpenCell modules load onstartup. These FPGA image updates need to be programmed into an EEPROM on the module(s) inquestion. The OpenCell software processes, upon detection of an out of date FPGA image, willautonomously and automatically program the EEPROMs. Because FPGA image updates are coupled withsoftware releases, this autonomous EEPROM programming will take place as soon as the upgrade steps fora CPU are complete. Depending on the module(s) being updated with new FPGA images, this autonomousaction could take as long as 20-30 minutes to completeNOTE: While FGPAs are being downloaded, service will be interrupted.The HCPs (FSC, HUC, RDC, and RUC) will automatically evaluate the hardware module revision anddetermine if the FPGA image in the FPGA Prom is outdated. If this is the case, the HCP will automaticallystart a download session to update the FPGA Prom with the proper image. The HCPs will use thetransceptHcpLoadFpgaProm fields in the HCP MIBs to report the status of the Prom loading. Theenumerated values in this MIB field are:noStatus(0) : Indicates that no Prom Load has been attempted loadingProm(1) : Indicates that a Prom Load is in progress / manually start a Prom Load.loadSuccess(2) : Indicates that a Prom Load has completed successfully.loadFailure(3)  : Indicates that a Prom Load attempt has failed.
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 121The transceptHcpLoadFpgaProm fields in the HUC, RDC, RUC, and FSC MIBs need to be monitored (viaSNMP polling or traps) in order to detect failed FPGA Prom Loads (value = loadFailure(3), which is a faultcondition that needs to be remedied by manually restarting the Prom Load session. This manual restart isaccomplished by changing this MIB field to a value of loadingProm(1). In addition to polling forloadFailure(3), the NMS should also poll for a value of loadSuccess(2) in order to log the fact that asuccessful Prom Load has taken place, and for a value of loadingProm(1) to know that a Prom Load isunderway. Please refer to the Fault and Troubleshooting guide for details. 9.3.6  Backup/RestoreThere are several files on a CPU being upgraded that should be backed up in case something goes wrongwith the upgrade and need to be restored. This set of files includes the MIBmap files where MIB data isstored, as well as several system configuration files. The upgrade executable will automatically run the backup script to take care of backing up all key files.These files will be bundled into a file that will be stored on the CPU being upgraded, in the /var directory.This file will be given a name that associates it with version of the upgrade being performed, for example:backup-pre-2.1.0.tar.gz.Upgrading a CPU does not require that a restore of the backed up files be performed unless a problem isencountered. Any data contained in the MIBmap files and any configuration data in the system configurationfiles will remain untouched through a software upgrade. The only time that backup data needs to berecovered is when an upgrade has failed and the CPU is being reverted to the previous version using thedowngrade script. In this event, the downgrade script will automatically attempt to restore the backup data atthe end of the downgrade process.Alternatively, the backup/restore steps can be run manually, with the backup file being saved to any locationon any CPU connected to the network. The steps for doing this are as follows:Backup: Telnet to the target CPU, using operator/operate as the username/passwordRun the backup script: sudo  backup-hubmaster  operator@<target-IP>:/var  <backupname>.tarRestore:Again, note that a restore only needs to be performed if problems with the upgrade have been encounteredand the CPU is going to be downgraded.Telnet to the target CPU, using operator/operate as the username/passwordRun the restore script: sudo  backup-hubmaster  -r  operator@<target-IP>:/var  <backupname>.tarReboot by entering: sudo rebootNote that the restore script is simply the backup script invoked with a "-r" switch. The "-r" switch is identicalto the switch "--restore".
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 1229.4  UPDATING SPARE CPUSThere are times when it is desirable to update the software on a spare CPU. The general approach forupdating a spare CPU is to install the CPU into an available chassis that is connected to the network andexecute the upgrade steps detailed in the previous section above. The software upgrade process associatedwith upgrading a spare CPU is exactly as described in the "Upgrading Existing System" section above. Theonly difference between upgrading a spare CPU and an existing system is that a physical location forupgrading the spare CPU must be determined.There are a few ways to make a CPU chassis slot available:Each digital chassis in the Hub supports two CPUs - it is possible that one of the installed Hub digitalchassis is only half-populated and contains an available CPU slot. This note is only applicable to Generation1 Hubs, since Generation 2 Hub chassis only contain one CPU.Unplug a CPU that resides in the existing fielded system and replace it (temporarily) with the spare CPU.When finished upgrading the spare CPU, return the original CPU to that slot in the chassis.Dedicate a chassis to be used strictly for this type of update and for verification and test. This is therecommended option for CPUs not slated for immediate installation.There are limitations with this type of update that need to be observed:It is important that all Hub/RAN CPUs that reside on the same network are able to communicate with theirHub Master. Therefore, if the spare CPU is too far outdated, this may not be possible. In order to avoid aconflict, it is only possible to update a spare CPU on the fielded system network if the current major versionof the spare CPU is the same as that of the CPUs in the fielded system. For example, if all the CPUs in thefielded system are currently at revision 2.2.0 and the spare CPU is at 2.0.0, it is possible to update that CPUwith the method described above. However, if the spare CPU in this example is at 1.7.0, it is not possible.This implies that if an OpenCell software release is of a new major revision, spare CPUs in stock need to beupgraded at the same time as all of the other CPUs in the fielded system.In the event that a spare CPU cannot be updated because of the above restriction, the CPU will have to beupgraded on a standalone chassis that is not resident on the fielded system or be returned to the factory forupgrading.It is NOT possible to update a spare Hub Master CPU while the fielded system's Hub Master is still installed,because two Hub Masters in the same domain will cause chaos on the network. The only way to update thesoftware on a spare Hub Master CPU in a fielded system is to unplug the Ethernet cable from the originalHub Master CPU and plug that cable into the spare Hub Master CPU. When the upgrade of the spare HubMaster CPU is complete, the Ethernet cable can be plugged back into the original Hub Master CPU.  NOTE:It is highly recommended that spare CPUs not slated for immediate installation are upgraded in adedicated chassis in a depot or warehouse environment.
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 1239.5  MIB EXTRACTIONThe following procedure outlines the process for extracting the MIBs needed to update the NMS after asoftware update:Once the software upgrade is complete, FTP to one of the updated CPUs, logging in as username =operator and password = operate. Change to the MIB directory by entering: cd /usr/share/mibs/transcept/Extract/get all of the MIB text files located there by entering: mget TRANSCEPT-*.txt, answering yes toeach prompt.Extracting the MIBs in this fashion will ensure that the correct and compatible versions of all of MIBs arecompiled into the NMS. Alternatively, the MIBs can all be extracted in the form of a tarball by executing the following steps:FTP to one of the updated CPUs, logging in as username = operator and password = operate. Change to the directory containing the OpenCell MIBs directory by entering: cd /usr/share/mibs/Bundle and zip all the MIBs into a tarball and extract them by entering: get transcept.tar.gz.
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 12410  AUTONOMOUS SOFTWARE FUNCTIONALITYThis chapter outlines the concepts and performance objectives involved in the gain management and faultdetection (continuity) of the Clear Control-4XD-G2 system.  This section breaks these topics down into fiveareas:· Forward gain management· Reverse gain management· Forward delay management· Reverse delay management· Forward continuity· Reverse continuity.· PA Overpower Protection10.1  FORWARD GAIN MANAGEMENTThe Clear Control-4XD-G2 software contains a Forward Gain Control (FGC) process that manages gain inthe Hub and the RAN on a per-tenant-sector basis. The FGC process runs on each CPU in the ClearControl-4XD-G2 network and uses the FGC MIB for monitoring and control. The control parameters (enablestate, target gain value) are passed by Tenant Processing based on the contents of the Tenant OAM MIB,as described in the Tenant Configuration section of this document.In the RAN, the FGC process measures the PA Output Power and the SIF Forward Power for the pathbelonging to each tenant sector. Attenuation is then added or removed to the RUC in order to adjust theRAN gain so that it matches the target value.In the Hub, the FGC process measures the FSC Input Power and the BIM Forward Power for the pathbelonging to each tenant sector. Attenuation is then added or removed to the HDC in order to adjust the Hubgain so that it matches the target value.10.2  REVERSE GAIN MANAGEMENTReverse Gain Management is a static process in the Clear Control-4XD-G2 software where the reverse pathgain is balanced to match the Reverse Gain parameter set in the Tenant OAM MIB (see TenantConfiguration section of this document). This balancing is accomplished solely by Tenant Processing byusing the constant gain factors of the reverse path modules to adjust the BIM attenuators such that theReverse Gain (minus the Reverse Cable Loss) is achieved.10.3   FORWARD DELAY MANAGEMENTForward Delay Management (FDM) is a software function that is part of Tenant Processing and whoseresponsibility is to equalize the forward path delays to all RANs in a simulcast group. The FDM process isrun each time a RAN is added or removed from the simulcast group, if the FDM process is "enabled" in the
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 125Tenant OAM MIB (see Tenant Configuration section of this document). The FDM process algorithm is asfollows:Start with Forward Base Delay Target configured in the Tenant OAM MIB (See Tenant Configuration sectionof this document).Set the delay value in the RAN SIF’s to make them equal to the base delay plus some delay skew based onthe RAN ID.The amount of delay skew is based on the Forward Delay Skew configured in the Tenant OAM MIB (SeeTenant Configuration section of this document) and the RAN ID using the following:Total Delay = Base delay + (delay skew X(RAN ID -1)).10.4  REVERSE DELAY MANAGEMENTReverse Delay Management (RDM) is a software function that is part of Tenant Processing and whoseresponsibility is to equalize the reverse path delays from all RANs in a simulcast group. The RDM process isrun each time a RAN is added or removed from the simulcast group, if the RDM process is "enabled" in theTenant OAM MIB (see Tenant Configuration section of this document). The RDM process algorithm is asfollows:Start with Reverse Base Delay Target configured in the Tenant OAM MIB (See Tenant Configuration sectionof this document).Set the delay value in the Hub SIF’s to make them equal to the base delay plus some delay skew based onthe RAN ID.The amount of delay skew is based on the Reverse Delay Skew configured in the Tenant OAM MIB (SeeTenant Configuration section of this document) and the RAN ID using the following:Total Delay = Base delay + (delay skew X(RAN ID -1)).10.5  FORWARD CONTINUITYForward Continuity Management (FCM) is a software function that works in conjunction with Forward GainProcessing (FGC) and is responsible for ensuring that the forward RF paths are functioning properly and areable to pass signals. The FCM process runs continuously on a periodic basis (once per minute) and reports any path failures asfaults in the FGC MIB. If fault conditions are no longer present, then the fault indication will be cleared.Typical events that will clear a fault include:· Replacement of failed module· Power failure, followed by power restore· Autonomous action (E.g. PLL out of lock, re-tune, module okay)· Intermittent failure.The following descriptions outlines the logical process by which system level faults are detected andisolated, where possible, to a particular module:
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 126HUBThe FCM process will notify the BIM to inject test tones on one of the 8 tenant-sector channels. The FSCpower for the corresponding channel will be read and checked to be sure that it is no less than 3 dB belowthe target value for the BIM Tone. If the signal level is 3 dB below the BIM tone level, a fault will be flaggedfor that channel. Once all channels are checked then the module isolation is performed to determine whichpiece of hardware is likely failing:In the case of a single HDC card:· If all channels fault, then the BIM module is declared to be at fault.· If not all channels fault, then either the HDC or FSC module is declared to be at fault.  In the case of a dual HDC card:· If all channels fault, then the BIM module is declared to be at fault.· If the channel faults are confined to channels 1-4, then either the HDC #1 or the FSC module isdeclared to be at fault.· If channel faults are confined to channels 5-8, then either the HDC #2 or the FSC module isdeclared to be at fault.RANThe fault detection process in the RAN will generate a fault if the gain drops by 10 dB. This checkwill be performed as part of FGC during the normal course of gain management. If the gain doesdrop by more than 10 dB, then the faulting module will be determined as follows by the FGCprocess:· Inject the digital test tone in the RUC module and measure the power out of the RUC and thepower out of the PA.· If the RUC is 3dB below the target output, then the RUC is declared to be at fault.· If the PA is 3dB below the target output, and the RUC is not faulted, then the PA is declared to beat fault.10.6   REVERSE CONTINUITYReverse Continuity Management (RCM) is a software function that is a subset of Tenant Processing and isresponsible for ensuring that the reverse RF paths for each tenant-sector are functioning properly and areable to pass signals. The RCM process runs continuously on a periodic basis (once per minute) and reports any path failures asfaults in the RGC MIB. If fault conditions are no longer present, then the fault indication will be cleared.Typical events that will clear a fault include:· Replacement of failed module· Power failure, followed by power restore· Autonomous action (E.g. PLL out of lock, re-tune, module okay)· Intermittent failure.The following descriptions outlines the logical process by which system level faults are detected andisolated, where possible, to a particular module. Noise and an RF tone will be monitored in the reverse
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 127direction, in order to confirm an operational reverse path.  Noise will be detected using a PowerMeasurement in the SIF module.  The tone will be detected using an FFT in the SIF and the BIM RF Outputdetector.  If measured values fall below specified threshold values, then faults will be generated.NoiseThe front-end noise will be monitored by reading the noise power value from the reverse channels in theRAN SIF module belonging to the tenant-sector being analyzed. The in-band noise power (N) and totalsignal power (S+N) will be measured and analyzed in the SIF using an FFT analysis, as follows:· Integrated power for 24.6 to 39.6 MHz (dBm) using lowest 33% of the bins (Noise Power)· Integrated power for 24.6 to 39.6 MHz (dBm) using lowest 100% of the bins (Signal Plus NoisePower)The RCM software will generate faults if the integrated power levels are below the specified thresholds.RDC ToneThe RDC Tone will be enabled at all times, unless explicitly disabled via the RDC MIB. Its frequencycorresponds to the first channel in the band set for that tenant-sector. Additional requirements are:· The RDC tone level is –80 dBm referenced to the front end of the RAN· The RDC Tone is available on the primary and diversity pathsIn the RAN, power measurements are taken at the reverse channels of the RAN SIF belongingto each tenant-sector. In the Hub, these power measurements are taken at the BIM. Thesepower measurements are performed continuously on a one-minute poll rate and are comparedto specified threshold values. Two faults can be generated, based on comparisons with thethreshold values:· If the test tone is not detected in the RAN SIF, then the RDC is reported as faulting.· If the test tone is not detected in the BIM, then the HUC is reported as faulting.10.7  PA OVERPOWER PROTECTIONPA Overpower Protection (POP) is a software function that runs in conjunction with Forward GainManagement (FGM) in order to prevent damage to the PA as well as preventing the PA from exceedingFCC spurious output limits. POP will measure the PA Output Power once per second from the RUC/PA MIB. If the PA Output Powerexceeds a determined threshold, then POP will deactivate the FGC process for the tenant-sector inquestion, add attenuation to the RUC, and set a fault in the FGC MIB. Once the PA Output Power returns toa value that is less than a determined threshold, then the POP fault will be cleared and FGC will bereactivated.The thresholds used to activate and deactivate POP are controllable parameters that can be changed in theTenant OAM MIB. There is a maximum power value that can be set, as well as a high and low margin. If thepower exceeds the maximum value plus the high margin, then POP is activated. If the power falls below themaximum value minus the low margin, then POP is deactivated.
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 12811  MIB STRUCTURE MIB is an acronym for Management Information Base, and defines a set of managed objects used in theSNMP protocol. MIBs define the supported interface into an SNMP device. The managed objects defined inthe Clear Control-4XD-G2 MIBs provide the monitoring and control capability into the Clear Control-4XD-G2system.SNMP Management applications, such as the customer Network Management System, use the definitionsprovided in MIBs to monitor and control SNMP devices, such as the CPUs in the Clear Control-4XD-G2network. SNMP Management applications may or may not allow direct access to MIBs through a MIBBrowser, so it is important to refer to the users manual for the SNMP Management application being used.Clear Control-4XD-G2 MIBs are provided as part of the software package delivered to Clear Control-4XD-G2 customers so that the customer can compile the Clear Control-4XD-G2 MIBs into the NMS andmonitor/control the Clear Control-4XD-G2 equipment.Figure 11-1.  MIB RelationshipsHUB MASTERHUB NODERAN NODERDCMIBRUCMIBMUCMIBSIFMIBSIFMIBRSCMIBFSCMIBHUCMIBBIMMIBHDCMIBPSIMIBSTFMIBSTFMIBBUS SCANNERMIBPATHTRACE MIBEQUIPMENT MIBHUB RF CONN MIBNODE PATH MIBBUSSCANNERMIBPATHTRACEMIBNODE PATHMIBEQUIPMENTMIBNETWORKNODEMIBNETWORKNODEMIBBTS CONNECTION MIBTENANT OAM MIBWDMIBWDMIBHUB NODE MIBGPSMIBGPSMIBHRMMIBFGCMIBRGCMIBFGCMIBRGCMIBMIB RELATIONSHIPSRAN NODE MIBHUB CONFIG MIBHUB MASTERHUB NODERAN NODERDCMIBRUCMIBMUCMIBSIFMIBSIFMIBRSCMIBFSCMIBHUCMIBBIMMIBHDCMIBPSIMIBSTFMIBSTFMIBBUS SCANNERMIBPATHTRACE MIBEQUIPMENT MIBHUB RF CONN MIBNODE PATH MIBBUSSCANNERMIBPATHTRACEMIBNODE PATHMIBEQUIPMENTMIBNETWORKNODEMIBNETWORKNODEMIBBTS CONNECTION MIBTENANT OAM MIBWDMIBWDMIBHUB NODE MIBGPSMIBGPSMIBHRMMIBFGCMIBRGCMIBFGCMIBRGCMIBMIB RELATIONSHIPSRAN NODE MIBHUB CONFIG MIB
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 129Figure 11-1 displays the MIBs used in the Clear Control-4XD-G2 system, which node* type(s) each MIB isused in, and how the MIBs are related to each other. The sections that follow will describe each of the MIBsand how they are used in the Clear Control-4XD-G2 system. (*) Within the Clear Control-4XD-G2 network, there are three node types: Hub Node, RAN Node, and HubMaster Node, where "node" is simply shorthand for "network node". In the Clear Control-4XD-G2 system, node simply refers to the CPUs used in the Clear Control-4XD-G2 network. It is also important to note thatthe Hub Master node is a regular Hub node with additional functionality that is particular to the one and onlyHub Master node in the network.MIBs described in Figure 30, above and in the sections below provide a general overview of the MIBs usedin the Clear Control-4XD-G2 system. MIBs may be added, deleted or changed as the product is developedand as enhancements are added. Changes to MIBs are made in such a way as to make them backward compatible with existing SNMPManagers. This is accomplished by only allowing new MIB objects to be added to the end of MIBs instead ofdeleting or changing existing MIB objects. MIB objects that are no longer required will simply exist in theMIBs, but will no longer be accessed.11.1  HARDWARE RELATIONSHIPS:In Figure 30, the dashed lines seen in the Hub and RAN Nodes show the relationships among MIBsassociated with specific hardware modules.A separate software HCP (hardware control process) is used to manage each hardware module in a node,where HCP MIBs are the interface to these HCPs. A single MIB instance is used in each node for each typeof hardware (HDC, RDC, etc.).Each Hub/RAN node contains a Bus Scanner process whose responsibility is to discover thepresence/absence of hardware modules and to start/stop HCPs to manage those hardware modules. TheBus Scanner MIB reports the information defining the hardware “discovered” at that node.Each node contains a Network Node process to manage information about that CPU, where the interface isthe Network Node MIB. This MIB contains information about the CPU itself (e.g. IP Address, Hostname,etc.), Hub/RAN specific information (Pole ID, RAN Box ID, etc.), and other miscellaneous status information.In addition, this MIB reports a high-level fault status for each HCP type. If any HCP in that node reports afault of any type in its HCP MIB, the Network Node MIB fault field corresponding to that HCP will report aproblem.11.1.1  Hub/RAN Connection Relationships:In the above diagram, the solid lines between the Hub Master and Hub/RAN nodes illustrate Hub/RANconnection relationships.
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 130The Hub Master contains a process called the Hub/RAN Config Process that is responsible for managingthe connections between the Hub Master and the other nodes in the network. This process uses the HubNode MIB and RAN Node MIB to manage these connections. The Hub/RAN Node MIBs allow specificinformation about the Hub/RAN nodes to be configured. This includes such things as Site ID, Pole ID, andRAN hardware connections. The Hub/RAN Config Process will push the information configured in theseMIBs down to the Network Node MIB at each node. Refer to the section of this document that covers"Network Setup" and "Configuring Nodes" for a more in-depth explanation of how to use these MIBs.The Hub/RAN Config Process is also responsible for preparing the Hub Master to have tenant relationshipsestablished. This process uses the information set in the Hub Node MIB and BTS Connection MIB toconfigure the tenant relationships. Information that is provided in the BTS Connection MIB as part of TenantSetup will be pushed down to the Hub RF Connection MIB in the Hub Nodes. Refer to the section of thisdocument that covers "Configuring the Clear Control-4XD-G2 System for Operation" for a more in-depthexplanation of how these MIBs are used.11.1.2  Tenant Relationships:In the above diagram, the dotted lines among Hub Master and Hub/RAN nodes illustrate tenantrelationships.Once a tenant is created using the BTS Connection of the previous section, then a Tenant process is kickedoff to manage that new tenant. This tenant process uses the Tenant OAM MIB in the Hub Master node toallow tenant specific parameters to be configured. These parameters allow the setting of frequency, gain,and delay values as well as any other tenant specific information. When these values are set, the Tenantprocess pushes this information to the Equipment MIB at the appropriate node(s). In addition, the Tenant process uses the Tenant OAM MIB to report any status information about the tenant,such as hardware faults and RAN location information, which is gathered from the Equipment MIBs at theHub/RAN nodes.Tenant processing determines the location of its related nodes and hardware using a process called theTenant Scan process that polls the Equipment MIBs located at each node in the network. If the EquipmentMIB indicates that there is hardware belonging to that tenant on that node, then the Tenant process in theHub Master will add that node to its "managed node" list. The Tenant process will then use the EquipmentMIBs on its managed nodes to interface to the hardware equipment belonging to it.The Tenant Equipment process on each Hub/RAN node will process all Equipment MIB requests and willreport all tenant equipment status in the Equipment MIB.In the Hub/RAN nodes, the Node Paths process is responsible for detecting tenant equipment using theresults of the Pathtrace MIB and reporting this information in the Node Path MIB. In effect, the information ofthe Node Path MIB is just a reorganization of the Pathtrace MIB information to simplify the TenantEquipment process. The Tenant Equipment process uses the information in the Node Paths MIB to identifyequipment belonging to specific tenants.The information reported in the Pathtrace MIB is generated by the Pathtrace process on each Hub/RANnode. The Pathtrace process examines the pathtrace fields of each HCP MIB and reports them in a singleMIB containing only information related to pathtrace, such as the HCP type and location, as well as thepathtrace string value itself.
Clear Control 4XD-G2 Operations and Maintenance Manual 1001537 AOPENCELL CORP.  PROPRIETARYPage 131Tenant processes in the Hub Master push down gain control information from the Tenant OAM MIB to theForward/Reverse Gain MIBs located in the Hub/RAN nodes. Forward/Reverse Gain processes use thevalues set in the Forward/Reverse Gain MIBs as target values when managing the gain in those nodes.The Forward/Reverse Gain processes in the Hub/RAN nodes use the Equipment MIB to determine thelocation of the hardware belonging to the tenant whose gain is being managed. The Forward/Reverse Gainprocesses then access the HCP MIBs to read power values and set attenuator values as part of gaincontrol. The results of the gain control processes are then reported into the Forward/Reverse Gain MIBs.

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