OpenPeak CSCOT0710 Cisco Cius User Manual working rcsi cius 01

OpenPeak Inc. Cisco Cius working rcsi cius 01


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REVIEW DRAFT 4—CISCO CONFIDENTIALAmericas Headquarters:Cisco Systems, Inc., 170 West Tasman Drive, San Jose, CA 95134-1706 USARegulatory Compliance and Safety Information for Cisco CiusThis document provides international agency compliance, safety, and statutory information for Cisco Cius.ContentsThis document contains the following sections: • Translated Safety Warnings, page 2 • European Directives, page 7 • Japanese Electric Appliance and Radio Laws, page 39 • Cell Phone Interference Caution, page 40 • Using External Devices With Your Cisco Cius, page 40 • Battery Safety Notices, page 40 • Compliance and Safety Information, page 42 • SAR Statements, page 44 • Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request, page 51
REVIEW DRAFT 4—CISCO CONFIDENTIAL2Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for Cisco CiusOL-24776-01  Translated Safety WarningsTranslated Safety WarningsThis section repeats in multiple languages the basic warnings appropriate for Cisco Cius.Statement 1071—Warning DefinitionWarningIMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSThis warning symbol means danger. You are in a situation that could cause bodily injury. Before you work on any equipment, be aware of the hazards involved with electrical circuitry and be familiar with standard practices for preventing accidents. Use the statement number provided at the end of each warning to locate its translation in the translated safety warnings that accompanied this device. Statement 1071SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONSWaarschuwingBELANGRIJKE VEILIGHEIDSINSTRUCTIESDit waarschuwingssymbool betekent gevaar. U verkeert in een situatie die lichamelijk letsel kan veroorzaken. Voordat u aan enige apparatuur gaat werken, dient u zich bewust te zijn van de bij elektrische schakelingen betrokken risico's en dient u op de hoogte te zijn van de standaard praktijken om ongelukken te voorkomen. Gebruik het nummer van de verklaring onderaan de waarschuwing als u een vertaling van de waarschuwing die bij het apparaat wordt geleverd, wilt raadplegen.BEWAAR DEZE INSTRUCTIESVaroitusTÄRKEITÄ TURVALLISUUSOHJEITATämä varoitusmerkki merkitsee vaaraa. Tilanne voi aiheuttaa ruumiillisia vammoja. Ennen kuin käsittelet laitteistoa, huomioi sähköpiirien käsittelemiseen liittyvät riskit ja tutustu onnettomuuksien yleisiin ehkäisytapoihin. Turvallisuusvaroitusten käännökset löytyvät laitteen mukana toimitettujen käännettyjen turvallisuusvaroitusten joukosta varoitusten lopussa näkyvien lausuntonumeroiden avulla.SÄILYTÄ NÄMÄ OHJEETAttentionIMPORTANTES INFORMATIONS DE SÉCURITÉ Ce symbole d'avertissement indique un danger. Vous vous trouvez dans une situation pouvant entraîner des blessures ou des dommages corporels. Avant de travailler sur un équipement, soyez conscient des dangers liés aux circuits électriques et familiarisez-vous avec les procédures couramment utilisées pour éviter les accidents. Pour prendre connaissance des traductions des avertissements figurant dans les consignes de sécurité traduites qui accompagnent cet appareil, référez-vous au numéro de l'instruction situé à la fin de chaque avertissement.CONSERVEZ CES INFORMATIONS
REVIEW DRAFT 4—CISCO CONFIDENTIAL3Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for Cisco CiusOL-24776-01  Translated Safety WarningsWarnungWICHTIGE SICHERHEITSHINWEISEDieses Warnsymbol bedeutet Gefahr. Sie befinden sich in einer Situation, die zu Verletzungen führen kann. Machen Sie sich vor der Arbeit mit Geräten mit den Gefahren elektrischer Schaltungen und den üblichen Verfahren zur Vorbeugung vor Unfällen vertraut. Suchen Sie mit der am Ende jeder Warnung angegebenen Anweisungsnummer nach der jeweiligen Übersetzung in den übersetzten Sicherheitshinweisen, die zusammen mit diesem Gerät ausgeliefert wurden.BEWAHREN SIE DIESE HINWEISE GUT AUF.AvvertenzaIMPORTANTI ISTRUZIONI SULLA SICUREZZA Questo simbolo di avvertenza indica un pericolo. La situazione potrebbe causare infortuni alle persone. Prima di intervenire su qualsiasi apparecchiatura, occorre essere al corrente dei pericoli relativi ai circuiti elettrici e conoscere le procedure standard per la prevenzione di incidenti. Utilizzare il numero di istruzione presente alla fine di ciascuna avvertenza  per individuare le traduzioni delle avvertenze riportate in questo documento. CONSERVARE QUESTE ISTRUZIONIAdvarselVIKTIGE SIKKERHETSINSTRUKSJONERDette advarselssymbolet betyr fare. Du er i en situasjon som kan føre til skade på person. Før du begynner å arbeide med noe av utstyret, må du være oppmerksom på farene forbundet med elektriske kretser, og kjenne til standardprosedyrer for å forhindre ulykker. Bruk nummeret i slutten av hver advarsel for å finne oversettelsen i de oversatte sikkerhetsadvarslene som fulgte med denne enheten.TA VARE PÅ DISSE INSTRUKSJONENEAvisoINSTRUÇÕES IMPORTANTES DE SEGURANÇA Este símbolo de aviso significa perigo. Você está em uma situação que poderá ser causadora de lesões corporais. Antes de iniciar a utilização de qualquer equipamento, tenha conhecimento dos perigos envolvidos no manuseio de circuitos elétricos e familiarize-se com as práticas habituais de prevenção de acidentes. Utilize o número da instrução fornecido ao final de cada aviso para localizar sua tradução nos avisos de segurança traduzidos que acompanham este dispositivo.GUARDE ESTAS INSTRUÇÕES ¡Advertencia!INSTRUCCIONES IMPORTANTES DE SEGURIDADEste símbolo de aviso indica peligro. Existe riesgo para su integridad física. Antes de manipular cualquier equipo, considere los riesgos de la corriente eléctrica y familiarícese con los procedimientos estándar de prevención de accidentes. Al final de cada advertencia encontrará el número que le ayudará a encontrar el texto traducido en el apartado de traducciones que acompaña a este dispositivo. GUARDE ESTAS INSTRUCCIONES
REVIEW DRAFT 4—CISCO CONFIDENTIAL4Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for Cisco CiusOL-24776-01  Translated Safety WarningsVarning!VIKTIGA SÄKERHETSANVISNINGARDenna varningssignal signalerar fara. Du befinner dig i en situation som kan leda till personskada. Innan du utför arbete på någon utrustning måste du vara medveten om farorna med elkretsar och känna till vanliga förfaranden för att förebygga olyckor. Använd det nummer som finns i slutet av varje varning för att hitta dess översättning i de översatta säkerhetsvarningar som medföljer denna anordning.SPARA DESSA ANVISNINGAR
REVIEW DRAFT 4—CISCO CONFIDENTIAL5Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for Cisco CiusOL-24776-01  Translated Safety WarningsAvisoINSTRUÇÕES IMPORTANTES DE SEGURANÇAEste símbolo de aviso significa perigo. Você se encontra em uma situação em que há risco de lesões corporais. Antes de trabalhar com qualquer equipamento, esteja ciente dos riscos que envolvem os circuitos elétricos e familiarize-se com as práticas padrão de prevenção de acidentes. Use o número da declaração fornecido ao final de cada aviso para localizar sua tradução nos avisos de segurança traduzidos que acompanham o dispositivo.GUARDE ESTAS INSTRUÇÕESAdvarselVIGTIGE SIKKERHEDSANVISNINGERDette advarselssymbol betyder fare. Du befinder dig i en situation med risiko for legemesbeskadigelse. Før du begynder arbejde på udstyr, skal du være opmærksom på de involverede risici, der er ved elektriske kredsløb, og du skal sætte dig ind i standardprocedurer til undgåelse af ulykker. Brug erklæringsnummeret efter hver advarsel for at finde oversættelsen i de oversatte advarsler, der fulgte med denne enhed.GEM DISSE ANVISNINGER
REVIEW DRAFT 4—CISCO CONFIDENTIAL6Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for Cisco CiusOL-24776-01  Translated Safety Warnings
REVIEW DRAFT 4—CISCO CONFIDENTIAL7Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for Cisco CiusOL-24776-01  European DirectivesEuropean DirectivesThis section contains conformity statements for European directives.Statement 287—Declaration of Conformity to R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC for the European Community, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and LiechtensteinEnglish:This equipment is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC.[Bulgarian]: [Czech]:
REVIEW DRAFT 4—CISCO CONFIDENTIAL8Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for Cisco CiusOL-24776-01  European DirectivesDansk [Danish]:Dette udstyr er i overensstemmelse med de væsentlige krav og andre relevante bestemmelser i Direktiv 1999/5/EF.Deutsch[German]:Dieses Gerät entspricht den grundlegenden Anforderungen und den weiteren entsprechenden Vorgaben der Richtlinie 1999/5/EU.Eesti[Estonian]:See seade vastab direktiivi 1999/5/EÜ olulistele nõuetele ja teistele asjakohastele sätetele.Español [Spanish]:Este equipo cumple con los requisitos esenciales asi como con otras disposiciones de la Directiva 1999/5/CE.[Greek]: Français [French]:Cet appareil est conforme aux exigences essentielles et aux autres dispositions pertinentes de la Directive 1999/5/EC.Íslenska[Icelandic]:Þetta tæki er samkvæmt grunnkröfum og öðrum viðeigandi ákvæðum Tilskipunar 1999/5/EC.Italiano [Italian]:Questo apparato é conforme ai requisiti essenziali ed agli altri principi sanciti dalla Direttiva 1999/5/CE.Latviski[Latvian]: [Lithuanian]: Nederlands [Dutch]:Dit apparaat voldoet aan de essentiele eisen en andere van toepassing zijnde bepalingen van de Richtlijn 1999/5/EC.Malti [Maltese]:Magyar [Hungarian]: Norsk [Norwegian]:Dette utstyret er i samsvar med de grunnleggende krav og andre relevante bestemmelser i EU-direktiv 1999/5/EF.Polski[Polish]: Português [Portuguese]:Este equipamento está em conformidade com os requisitos essenciais e outras provisões relevantes da Directiva 1999/5/EC.[Romanian]:  Acest echipament este in conformitate cu cerintele esentiale  si cu alte prevederi relevante ale Directivei 1999/5/EC.
REVIEW DRAFT 4—CISCO CONFIDENTIAL9Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for Cisco CiusOL-24776-01  European DirectivesCE MarkingFor the Cisco Cius, the following CE mark and class-2 identifier are affixed to the equipment and packaging:National RestrictionsIn the majority of the EU and other European Countries, the 2.4- and 5-GHz bands have been made available for the use of wireless LANs. Table 1 provides an overview of the regulatory requirements in general applicable for the 2.4- and 5-GHz bands.Note The regulatory limits for maximum output power are specified in eirp. The eirp level of a device can be calculated by adding the gain of the antenna used (specified in dBi) to the output power available at the connector (specified in dBm).The requirements for any country may evolve. Cisco recommends that you check with the local authorities for the latest status of their national regulations for both the 2.4- and 5-GHz wireless LANs.Slovensko [Slovenian]:Ta naprava je skladna z bistvenimi zahtevami in ostalimi relevantnimi pogoji Direktive 1999/5/EC.Slovensky [Slovak]:Toto zariadenie je v zhode so základnými požiadavkami a inými príslušnými nariadeniami direktív: 1999/5/EC. Suomi [Finnish]: Svenska [Swedish]: Table 1 Overview of Regulatory Requirements for Wireless LANs Frequency Band (MHz) Max Power Level (eirp) (mW) Indoor Only Indoor and Outdoor2400–2483.5 100 X5150–535011. Dynamic Frequency Selection and Transmit Power Control is required in the 5250 to 5350 MHz and 5470 to 5725 MHz frequency range.200 X5470–572511000 X
REVIEW DRAFT 4—CISCO CONFIDENTIAL10Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for Cisco CiusOL-24776-01  European DirectivesDenmarkIn Denmark, the band 5150 - 5350 MHz is also allowed for outdoor usage.I Danmark må frekvensbåndet 5150 - 5350 også anvendes udendørs.FranceFor 2.4 GHz, the output power is restricted to 10 mW EI P when the product is used outdoors in the band 2454 - 2483.5 MHz. There are no restrictions when used indoors or in other parts of the 2.4 GHz band. Check for more details.Pour la bande 2.4 GHz, la puissance est limitée à 10 mW en p.i.r.e. pour les équipements utilisés en extérieur dans la bande - 2483.5 MHz. Il n'y a pas de restrictions pour des utilisations en intérieur ou dans d'autres parties de la bande 2.4 GHz. Consultez pour de plus amples détails.ItalyThis product meets the National Radio Interface and the requirements specified in the National Frequency Allocation Table for Italy. Unless this wireless LAN product is operating within the boundaries of the owner’s property, its use requires a “general authorization.” Please check for more details.Questo prodotto è conforme alla specifiche di Interfaccia Radio Nazionali e rispetta il Piano Nazionale di ripartizione delle frequenze in Italia. Se non viene installato all 'interno del proprio fondo, l'utilizzo di prodotti Wireless LAN richiede una “Autorizzazione Generale”. Consultare per maggiori dettagli.LatviaThe outdoor usage of the 2.4 GHz band requires an authorization from the Electronic Communications Office. Please check for more details.2.4 GHz frekvencu joslas izmantošanai arpus telpam nepieciešama at auja no Elektronisko sakaru direkcijas. Vairak informacijas:\Note Although Norway, Iceland, Switzerland and Liechtenstein are not EU member states, the EU Directive 1999/5/EC has also been implemented in those countries.
REVIEW DRAFT 4—CISCO CONFIDENTIAL11Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for Cisco CiusOL-24776-01  European DirectivesStatement 6000—EU Battery and WEEE DirectivesEnglish: [Bulgarian]: EU Battery and WEEE DirectivesIf this product contains a permanently affixed battery, then for product safety and data integrity reasons such battery should only be removed or replaced professionally by a repair technician or waste management professional. Please contact Cisco or an authorized service agent if the product fails to perform due to malfunction of the permanently affixed battery.This symbol on a Cisco product, battery or packaging means that the product and/or battery should not be disposed of with your other household waste. It is your responsibility to dispose of your waste equipment and batteries separately from the municipal waste stream. The correct disposal of your old equipment and batteries will help prevent potential negative consequences for the environment and human health.Please use the nearest waste collection facility as directed by your municipality or your retailer.Европейски директиви за батериите и за отпадъците от електрическо и електронно оборудване (ОЕЕО) Вашият продукт Cisco може да съдържа батерии, които да се подменят от потребителя, или постоянна батерия, както е посочено в ръководството за потребителя.  От съображения за продуктова безопасност и съхранение на данните постоянна батерия следва да се изважда и подменя само от специалисти – ремонтен техник или специалист по отпадъците от електрическо и електронно оборудване. Моля, свържете се със Cisco или упълномощен представител по обслужването, ако продуктът не работи правилно поради неизправност на постоянната батерия.Този символ, поставен върху продукт, батерия или опаковка на Cisco, означава, че продуктът и/или батерията не трябва да се изхвърля заедно с битовите отпадъци.   Ваша отговорност е да изхвърляте своите отпадъци от оборудване и батерии отделно от битовите отпадъци и в съответствие с местните закони и разпоредби. Правилното изхвърляне на старо оборудване и батерии ще допринесе за предотвратяване на негативните последици върху околната среда и здравето на хората.  Моля, използвайте най-близкото съоръжение за изхвърляне на отпадъци според указанията на съответните общински власти или търговеца.
REVIEW DRAFT 4—CISCO CONFIDENTIAL12Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for Cisco CiusOL-24776-01  European Directives[Czech]: Dansk[Danish]:Směrnice EU o bateriích a odpadních elektrických a elektronických zařízeních (OEEZ) Vaše zařízení Cisco může obsahovat uživatelem měnitelné baterie nebo baterie, které jsou permanentní součástí zařízení, jak je popsáno v manuálu.  Z důvodu zajištění bezpečného provozu zařízení a zachování integrity dat by měl baterie, které jsou permanentní součástí zařízení, vyjímat či měnit pouze profesionální servisní technik nebo profesionální pracovník odpadového hospodářství. V případě selhání zařízení z důvodu nefunkčnosti integrované baterie se, prosím, obraťte na společnost Cisco nebo její autorizovaný servis. Tento symbol na produktech, bateriích nebo obalech společnosti Cisco znamená, že daný produkt nebo baterie by se neměly likvidovat v rámci běžného domovního odpadu.   Likvidace starého zařízení a baterií odděleně od běžného domovního odpadu a v souladu s místními zákony a předpisy je vaší odpovědností. Správná likvidace vašeho starého zařízení a baterií pomáhá eliminovat potenciální negativní dopady na životní prostředí a lidské zdraví.  Využijte, prosím, vaše nejbližší centrum sběru odpadu a druhotných surovin dle pokynů obecního úřadu nebo vašeho prodejce. EU's batteri- og WEEE-direktivet Dit Cisco-produkt indeholder muligvis et udskifteligt batteri eller et permanent fastgjort batteri, som angivet i brugervejledningen. Af hensyn til produktsikkerhed og dataintegritet, må et permanent fastgjort batteri kun fjernes eller udskiftes af fagfolk, dvs. en reparatør eller en affaldshåndteringstekniker. Kontakt Cisco eller et godkendt serviceværksted, hvis produktet ikke fungerer på grund af det permanent fastgjorte batteri. Dette symbol på et produkt, et batteri eller en pakning fra Cisco betyder, at produktet og/eller batteriet ikke må bortskaffes sammen med almindeligt husholdningsaffald.   Det er dit ansvar at sikre, at udstyret og batterierne bortskaffes separat fra husholdningsaffaldet, og i overensstemmelse med de lokale love og bestemmelser. Korrekt bortskaffelse af brugt udstyr og brugte batterier vil hjælpe med til at forhindre negative miljømæssige og helbredsmæssige konsekvenser.  Du bedes benytte det nærmeste affaldsindsamlingssted, som angivet af kommunen eller forhandleren.
REVIEW DRAFT 4—CISCO CONFIDENTIAL13Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for Cisco CiusOL-24776-01  European DirectivesDeutsch [German]:Eesti[Estonian]: EU-Richtlinien zur Entsorgung von Batterien sowie Elektro- und Elektronikaltgeräten (EAG) Ihr Cisco-Produkt kann eine austauschbare oder eine fest installierte Batterie enthalten; dies ist im Bedienerhandbuch ersichtlich.  Aus Gründen der technischen sowie der Datensicherheit sollten fest installierte Batterien ausschließlich von elektrotechnisch oder in der Abfallentsorgung geschultem Personal entfernt oder ausgetauscht werden. Bitte wenden Sie sich bei gestörter Produktfunktion aufgrund einer fehlerhaften fest installierten Batterie entweder direkt an Cisco oder an eine zugelassene Service-Agentur.  Wenn dieses Symbol auf einem Cisco-Produkt, einer Batterie oder einer Verpackung steht, darf das Produkt und/oder die Batterie nicht über den normalen Hausmüll entsorgt werden.   Altgeräte und -batterien sind nach den Gesetzen und Richtlinien der jeweils zuständigen Gemeinde getrennt vom Hausmüll zu entsorgen. Durch die ordnungsgemäße Entfernung von Altgeräten und verbrauchten Batterien tragen Sie zur Vermeidung möglicher negativer Folgen für Gesundheit und Umwelt bei.  Bitte geben Sie Ihre Altgeräte und -batterien bei der nächsten Schadstoffsammelstelle ab; die entsprechenden Adressen können Sie bei Ihrer Gemeinde oder Ihrem Einzelhändler erfragen. ELi akude ja elektroonikaromude direktiividTeie Cisco toode võib sisaldada kasutaja vahetatavat akut või püsivalt kinnitatud akut (lisateavet leiate kasutusjuhendist). Tooteohutuse ning andmeterviklikkuse huvides peaks püsivalt kinnitatud aku eemaldama või seda vahetama vaid professionaalne hooldustehnik või jäätmekäitleja. Kui toode peaks tõrkuma püsivalt kinnitatud aku rikke tõttu, võtke palun ühendust Cisco või volitatud hoolduspunktiga. Kui leiate Cisco tootelt, akult või pakendilt selle sümboli, tähendab see, et vastavat toodet ja/või akut ei tohi kõrvaldada koos olmejäätmetega.  Kui seadme ja/või akude tööiga lõpeb, ei tohi neid jäätmeid kõrvaldada koos olmejäätmetega – jäätmete kõrvaldamisel peate kindlasti järgima kõiki kohalikke õigusnorme. Vanade seadmete ja akude nõuetekohane kõrvaldamine aitab vähendada potentsiaalset ohtu keskkonnale ning inimeste tervisele.  Palun pöörduge lähimasse jäätmekäitluspunkti või toote edasimüüja poole.
REVIEW DRAFT 4—CISCO CONFIDENTIAL14Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for Cisco CiusOL-24776-01  European DirectivesEspañol [Spanish]:[Greek]: Directivas de la UE sobre baterías y residuos de aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos (WEEE) Su producto Cisco puede contener una batería reemplazable por el usuario o una batería fija (integrada permanentemente), según se indica en el manual del usuario.  Por motivos de seguridad del producto y de conservación de los datos, las baterías integradas sólo deben ser extraídas o reemplazadas profesionalmente por un técnico de reparación o por un profesional de gestión de residuos. Si el producto no funciona correctamente por algún fallo de la batería fija, póngase en contacto con Cisco o con un agente de mantenimiento autorizado. La presencia de este símbolo en cualquier producto, batería o embalaje de Cisco, significa que ni el producto ni la batería deben desecharse junto con la basura doméstica.   Es responsabilidad suya desechar el equipo y las baterías por separado de su basura doméstica y respetando las leyes y normativas locales. Si desecha correctamente su equipo viejo y las baterías gastadas, contribuirá a prevenir sus posibles efectos negativos sobre el medio ambiente y la salud humana.  Acuda al punto de recogida de residuos ("punto limpio") más cercano que le indique su ayuntamiento o su distribuidor. Οδηγίες ΕΕ σχετικά με τη Μπαταρία και τα Απόβλητα Ηλεκτρικού και Ηλεκτρονικού Εξοπλισμού (ΑΗΗΕ) Το προϊόν της Cisco ενδέχεται να περιέχει μπαταρία με δυνατότητα αντικατάστασης από το χρήστη ή μόνιμα προσαρτημένη μπαταρία όπως επισημαίνεται στο εγχειρίδιο χρήσης. Για λόγους ασφάλειας των προϊόντων και ακεραιότητας των δεδομένων, μια μόνιμα προσαρτημένη μπαταρία θα πρέπει να αφαιρείται ή να αντικαθίσταται επαγγελματικά μόνο από έναν τεχνικό επιδιόρθωσης ή έναν επαγγελματία διαχείρισης αποβλήτων. Παρακαλούμε, επικοινωνήστε με τη Cisco ή έναν εξουσιοδοτημένο αντιπρόσωπο τεχνικής εξυπηρέτησης σε περίπτωση αστοχίας της λειτουργίας του προϊόντος λόγω δυσλειτουργίας της μόνιμα προσαρτημένης μπαταρίας. Αυτό το σύμβολο σε ένα προϊόν, μπαταρία ή συσκευασία της Cisco σημαίνει ότι το προϊόν και/ή η μπαταρία δεν πρέπει να απορρίπτονται μαζί με τα οικιακά απόβλητα.   Η απόρριψη του χρησιμοποιημένου εξοπλισμού και των μπαταριών ξεχωριστά από τα οικιακά απορρίμματα και σύμφωνα με την τοπική νομοθεσία και κανονισμούς είναι δική σας ευθύνη. Η σωστή απόρριψη του παλιού εξοπλισμού και των μπαταριών θα βοηθήσει στην αποτροπή πιθανών αρνητικών συνεπειών προς το περιβάλλον και την ανθρώπινη υγεία.  Παρακαλούμε χρησιμοποιήστε τις πλησιέστερες εγκαταστάσεις συλλογής αποβλήτων, σύμφωνα με τις οδηγίες της δημοτικής αρχής ή του μεταπωλητή σας.
REVIEW DRAFT 4—CISCO CONFIDENTIAL15Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for Cisco CiusOL-24776-01  European DirectivesFrançais [French]:GàidhligGaelic:Directives WEEE et européennes relatives aux piles et batteries Votre produit Cisco peut contenir une pile remplaçable par l’utilisateur ou une batterie permanente comme indiqué dans le guide de l’utilisateur. Pour des raisons de sécurité du produit et d’intégrité des données, une batterie permanente ne peut être retirée ou remplacée que par un technicien ou un professionnel de la gestion des déchets. Veuillez contacter Cisco ou un agent de service autorisé en cas de défaillance du produit due à un dysfonctionnement de la batterie permanente. La présence de ce symbole sur un produit, une pile/batterie ou un emballage Cisco signifie que le produit et/ou la pile/batterie ne peuvent pas être éliminés avec vos autres déchets ménagers.   Il est de votre responsabilité d’éliminer ce type de produit et ces piles/batteries séparément du reste de vos déchets ménagers conformément aux lois et règlementations locales. L’élimination correcte de vos produits et piles/batteries usagés aidera à prévenir des conséquences potentiellement négatives pour l’environnement et la santé.  Veuillez par conséquent utiliser le point de collecte de déchets le plus proche, comme indiqué par votre municipalité ou votre revendeur. Steòrnadh AE mu bhataraidhean is WEEE Mar a chì sibh ann an treòir a’ chleachdaiche, faodaidh gu bheil bataraidh ’nur bathar Cisco as urrainn do chleachdaichear atharrachadh no fear a tha ’na bhroinn gu buan. Air sgàth adhbharan tèarainteachd bathar is iomlanachd dàta, cha bu chòir ach do dh’eòlaiche càraidh no do phroifeiseantach stiùireadh sgudail bataraidh a tha ’na bhroinn gu buan a thoirt air falbh no fear ùr a chur ’na àite gu proifeiseanta. Cuiribh fios gu Cisco no gu neach-ionaid seirbheise le ùghdarras ma dh’fhàilneas am bathar air sgàth droch obrachadh a’ bhataraidh a tha ’na bhroinn gu buan. Ma chì sibh an comharradh seo air bathar, bataraidh no pacaideadh Cisco, ’s ciall dha seo nach bu chòir dhuibh am bathar is/no am bataraidh a thilgeadh ann an sgudal ur dachaighe.  ’S ann oirbhse a tha uallach airson cuidhteas fhaighinn dhen acainn sgudail is dhe na bataraidhean agaibh air leth o sgudal ur dachaighe a-rèir nan laghan is conn-riaghailtean ionadail. Cuiridh sibh taic ri èis a chur air droch bhuaidh air an àrainneachd is slàinte nan daoine ma gheibh sibh cuidhteas dhen t-seann acainn is dhe na seann bhataraidhean agaibh mar bu chòir.  Cleachdaibh na goireasan cruinneachadh sgudail as fhaisge oirbh mar a mholas ur comhairle ionadail no an reiceadair agaibh.
REVIEW DRAFT 4—CISCO CONFIDENTIAL16Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for Cisco CiusOL-24776-01  European DirectivesÍslenska IceLandic:Italiano[Italian]:Tilskipanir ESB um rafhlöður og raf- og rafeindatækjaúrgang Cisco-varan kann að innihalda rafhlöðu sem hægt er að skipta um eða fasta rafhlöðu eins og greint er frá í notendahandbókinni.  Til að tryggja öryggi vöru og gagna ætti aðeins viðgerðartæknir eða sérfræðingur í meðhöndlun úrgangs að fjarlægja eða skipta um fasta rafhlöðu. Hafið samband við Cisco eða viðurkenndan þjónustufulltrúa ef varan virkar ekki sem skyldi vegna bilunar í fastri rafhlöðu. Þetta tákn á Cisco-vöru, rafhlöðu eða umbúðum gefur til kynna að ekki má farga vörunni og/eða rafhlöðunni með venjulegu heimilissorpi.   Það er á þína ábyrgð að úrgangi og rafhlöðum sé fargað aðskilið frá venjulegu heimilissorpi og í samræmi við lög og reglugerðir. Með því að farga gömlum búnaði og rafhlöðum á réttan hátt er komið í veg fyrir möguleg neikvæð áhrif á umhverfi og heilsu manna.  Vinsamlegast notið næstu móttökustöð fyrir sorp í samræmi við reglur sveitarfélags eða söluaðila. Direttiva UE in materia di smaltimento delle batterie e direttiva RAEE A seconda di quanto indicato all'interno del relativo manuale utente, i prodotti Cisco possono contenere batterie sostituibili dall'utente o batterie permanenti. Per ragioni legate alla sicurezza dei prodotti e all'integrità dei dati, una batteria permanente può essere rimossa o sostituita esclusivamente da un tecnico specializzato in riparazioni o esperto nella gestione e nello smaltimento dei rifiuti. In caso di malfunzionamento del prodotto dovuto a un guasto della batteria permanente, si prega di rivolgersi a Cisco o a un agente di servizio autorizzato. La presenza di questo simbolo su un prodotto, una batteria o una confezione Cisco indica che il prodotto e/o la batteria non devono essere smaltiti insieme ai rifiuti domestici.  È responsabilità dell'utente provvedere allo smaltimento di dispositivi elettronici e batterie separatamente rispetto ai rifiuti domestici e in ottemperanza alle leggi e alle normative vigenti a livello locale. Il corretto smaltimento di dispositivi elettronici e batterie usati permetterà di evitare possibili conseguenze negative sull'ambiente e sulla salute umana.  Si prega di provvedere allo smaltimento di queste tipologie di rifiuti recandosi presso il punto di raccolta dedicato più vicino, secondo quanto indicato dalle autorità comunali competenti o dal proprio rivenditore.
REVIEW DRAFT 4—CISCO CONFIDENTIAL17Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for Cisco CiusOL-24776-01  European DirectivesLatviski[Latvian]: ES Direktīva par baterijām un WEEE DirektīvaJūsu „Cisco” produkts var saturēt lietotāja spēkiem nomaināmu bateriju vai pastāvīgi piestiprinātu bateriju, kā norādīts lietotāja rokasgrāmatā.  Produktu drošības un datu saglabāšanas nolūkos pastāvīgi piestiprinātu bateriju drīkst profesionāli noņemt vai nomainīt tikai remonta tehniķis vai atkritumu apsaimniekošanas speciālists. Lūdzu, sazinieties ar „Cisco” vai pilnvarotu remontdarbnīcu, ja produkts nestrādā pastāvīgi piestiprinātas baterijas nepareizas darbības dēļ. Šis uz „Cisco” produkta, baterijas vai iepakojuma redzamais simbols nozīmē, ka produktu un/vai bateriju nedrīkst izmest kopā ar sadzīves atkritumiem.  Jūs esat atbildīgs par to, lai atbrīvotos no iekārtu atkritumiem un baterijām, neizmetot tos kopā ar sadzīves atkritumiem, saskaņā ar vietējiem spēkā esošajiem normatīvajiem aktiem. Pareiza atbrīvošanās no nolietotajām ierīcēm un baterijām palīdzēs novērst potenciāli negatīvas sekas apkārtējai videi un cilvēku veselībai. Lūdzu, izmantojiet tuvākā atkritumu savākšanas punkta pakalpojumus, ko norādījusi Jūsu pašvaldība vai mazumtirgotājs.
REVIEW DRAFT 4—CISCO CONFIDENTIAL18Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for Cisco CiusOL-24776-01  European Directives[Lithuanian]: MaltiMaltese:ES baterijų ir akumuliatorių bei WEEE direktyvos  Šio „Cisco“ gaminio sudėtyje gali būti vartotojo keičiama arba pritvirtinta baterija ar akumuliatorius, kaip nurodyta vartotojo vadove.  Gaminio saugumo ir duomenų nuoseklumo sumetimais stacionariai pritvirtintą akumuliatorių gali profesionaliai nuimti arba pakeisti remonto technikas arba atliekų valdymo profesionalas. Kreipkitės į „Cisco“ arba į įgaliotą techninės priežiūros skyriaus atstovą, jei gaminys neveikia dėl stacionariai pritvirtinto akumuliatoriaus gedimo. Šis simbolis ant „Cisco“ gaminio, akumuliatoriaus arba pakuotės reiškia, kad gaminys ir (arba) akumuliatorius neturi būti išmetamas kartu su buitinėmis atliekomis.   Jūs atsakote už tai, kad panaudota įranga ir akumuliatoriai būtų išmesti atskirai nuo buitinių atliekų ir laikantis vietinių įstatymų bei teisės aktų. Tinkamas senos įrangos ir akumuliatoriaus išmetimas padės apsaugoti nuo neigiamos įtakos aplinkai ir žmonių sveikatai pavojaus.  Kreipkitės į artimiausią atliekų surinkimo įmonę, kurią nurodys savivaldybė arba pardavėjas. Direttivi tal-UE dwar Batteriji u WEEE Il-prodott Cisco tiegħek jista’ jkun fih batterija li tista’ tinbidel mill-utent, jew batterija li tkun imwaħħla b’mod permanenti kif indikat fil-manwal tal-utent.  Għal raġunijiet ta’ sigurtà tal-prodott u integrità tad-dejta, batterija li tkun imwaħħla b’mod permanenti għandha titneħħa jew tinbidel biss b’mod professjonali minn tekniku tat-tiswija jew persuna professjonali li timmaniġġja l-iskart. Jekk jogħġbok ikkuntattja lil Cisco jew lil aġent awtorizzat tas-servizz jekk il-prodott ma jkunx jaħdem minħabba ħsara fil-batterija li tkun imwaħħla b’mod permanenti. Dan is-simbolu fuq prodott Cisco, batterija jew ippakkjar, ifisser li l-prodott u/jew il-batterija m’għandhomx jintremew mal-iskart domestiku tiegħek.   Hi r-responsabbiltà tiegħek li tarmi tagħmir li ma jkunx għadu tajjeb u batteriji separatament mill-iskart domestiku tiegħek u skont il-liġijiet u r-regolamenti lokali. Ir-rimi b’mod korrett tat-tagħmir u batteriji qadma tiegħek ser jgħin biex jiġu evitati konsegwenzi negattivi potenzjali għall-ambjent u għas-saħħa tal-bniedem.  Jekk jogħġbok uża l-eqreb faċilità għall-ġbir tal-iskart skont kif irrakkomandat mill-muniċipalità jew mill-aġent tiegħek.
REVIEW DRAFT 4—CISCO CONFIDENTIAL19Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for Cisco CiusOL-24776-01  European DirectivesNederlands [Dutch]:Magyar [Hungarian]: EU-richtlijnen voor batterij en WEEE Uw Cisco-product kan een vervangbare of vaste batterij bevatten zoals in de handleiding is aangegeven.  Om redenen van productveiligheid en gegevensintegriteit mag een vaste batterij alleen worden verwijderd of vervangen door een technicus of afvaldeskundige. Neem contact op met Cisco of een geautoriseerde agent als het product niet goed werkt als gevolg van een defect in de vaste batterij. Dit symbool op een product, batterij of verpakking van Cisco geeft aan dat het product en/of de batterij niet bij het huishoudelijk afval mag worden geworpen.   Het is uw verantwoordelijkheid om uw afvalapparatuur en batterijen gescheiden weg te werpen van uw huishoudelijk afval in overeenstemming met de plaatselijke wetten en regelgeving. Het op de juiste manier verwijderen van uw oude apparatuur en batterijen zal negatieve gevolgen voor het milieu en de gezondheid helpen voorkomen.  Gebruik de dichtstbijzijnde afvalopslag zoals aangegeven door uw gemeente of handelaar. Az EU akkumulátorokról, valamint elektromos és elektronikus berendezések hulladékairól szóló irányelveiAz Ön Cisco-terméke tartalmazhat felhasználó által cserélhető vagy rögzített akkumulátort a felhasználói útmutatóban leírtaknak megfelelően.  A termék biztonsága és az adatveszteség elkerülése érdekében a rögzített akkumulátort csak szervizszakember vagy hulladékkezelési szakértő távolíthatja el. Kérjük, lépjen kapcsolatba a Ciscóval vagy egy meghatalmazott szervizképviselettel, ha a termék a rögzített akkumulátor hibájából nem megfelelő teljesítményt nyújtja.A fenti szimbólum a Cisco-terméken, az akkumulátoron vagy a csomagoláson azt jelzi, hogy a terméket és/vagy az akkumulátort nem szabad a háztartási hulladékkal együtt kidobni.  Az Ön felelőssége, hogy a berendezés és az akkumulátor hulladékként történő kezelése a háztartási hulladéktól külön, a helyi törvényeknek és szabályozásoknak megfelelően történjen.  A leselejtezett berendezés és akkumulátor megfelelő kezelése segít megelőzni a környezetre és az emberi egészségre mért esetleges káros hatásokat. Kérjük, az önkormányzat vagy a viszonteladó által kijelölt legközelebbi hulladékgyűjtő pontot válassza.
REVIEW DRAFT 4—CISCO CONFIDENTIAL20Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for Cisco CiusOL-24776-01  European DirectivesNorsk [Norwegian]:Polski[Polish]: EU-batteri og WEEE-direktiver Ditt Cisko-produkt kan inneholde et utskiftbart batteri eller et permanent batteri som indikert i brukerhåndboken.  Av produktsikkerhetsmessige årsaker og med tanke på dataintegritet bør et permanent batteri bare tas ut eller skiftes ut av en profesjonell reparasjonstekniker eller en ekspert på avfallshåndtering. Kontakt Cisco eller en autorisert serviceagent dersom produktet ikke fungerer som det skal grunnet feilfunksjon i det permanente batteriet. Dette symbolet på et Cisko-produkt, et Cisko-batteri eller en Cisko-emballasje betyr at produktet og/eller batteriet ikke skal bortskaffes sammen med husholdningsavfallet.   Det er ditt ansvar å bortskaffe avfallsutstyret og batteriene atskilt fra husholdningsavfallet og i samsvar med lokale lover og bestemmelser. Riktig bortskaffelse av brukt utstyr og brukte batterier vil bidra til å forhindre potensielle negative konsekvenser for miljøet og menneskers helse.  Bruk nærmeste sted for avfallssortering som anvist av din kommune eller detaljist. Dyrektywy UE dotyczące baterii oraz utylizacji odpadów elektrycznych i elektronicznych Produkt firmy Cisco może zawierać baterię, którą użytkownik może wymieniać sam lub baterię wbudowaną, jak opisano w instrukcji obsługi.  W celu zachowania bezpieczeństwa produktu i integralności danych, bateria wbudowana powinna być wyjmowana lub wymieniana przez technika serwisowego lub specjalistę ds. utylizacji odpadów. Prosimy o kontakt z firmą Cisco lub autoryzowanym punktem serwisowym w przypadku awarii produktu spowodowanej nieprawidłowym działaniem wbudowanej baterii. Ten symbol na produkcie firmy Cisco oznacza, że nie należy wyrzucać produktu i/lub baterii wraz z odpadami z gospodarstwa domowego.   W gestii użytkownika leży usunięcie zużytego sprzętu oraz baterii oddzielnie od odpadów z gospodarstwa domowego i zgodnie z lokalnymi przepisami. Prawidłowa utylizacja zużytego sprzętu i baterii zapobiega potencjalnym negatywnym wpływom na środowisko naturalne i ludzkie zdrowie.  Prosimy o korzystanie z najbliższego punktu zbiórki odpadów, zgodnie z zaleceniami lokalnych władz lub sprzedawcy.
REVIEW DRAFT 4—CISCO CONFIDENTIAL21Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for Cisco CiusOL-24776-01  European DirectivesPortuguês [Portuguese]:[Romanian]: Directivas sobre REEE e Baterias da UE Este produto Cisco pode conter uma bateria substituível pelo utilizador ou uma bateria permanente, conforme indicado no manual do utilizador. Por razões de segurança do produto e integridade dos dados, a bateria permanente só deve ser removida ou substituída por um técnico de reparação ou profissional de gestão de resíduos.  Em caso de mau funcionamento do produto devido a avaria da bateria permanente queira, por favor, contactar a Cisco ou um agente de assistência autorizado. Este símbolo, afixado num produto, bateria ou embalagem Cisco, significa que o produto e/ou a bateria não devem ser deitados fora juntamente com o lixo doméstico.   É da responsabilidade do utilizador deitar fora os resíduos de equipamento e baterias em separado do lixo doméstico e em conformidade com as leis e regulamentações locais. A correcta deposição de equipamento e baterias obsoletos ajudará a prevenir potenciais consequências negativas para o ambiente e saúde humana.  Utilize o sistema de recolha de resíduos mais próximo, conforme determinado pelo seu município, ou de acordo com a indicação da entidade a quem efectuou a compra. Directivele UE privind bateriile şi deşeurile de echipamente electrice şi electronice (DEEE) Produsul dumneavoastră Cisco poate conţine o baterie care poate fi înlocuită de utilizator sau o baterie ataşată permanent după cum se indică în manualul de utilizare. Din considerente legate de siguranţa produsului şi de integritatea datelor, o baterie ataşată permanent trebuie demontată sau înlocuită doar într-un mediu profesional de către un tehnician specializat în reparaţii sau un profesionist în domeniul gestionării deşeurilor. Vă rugăm să contactaţi Cisco sau un agent de service autorizat dacă produsul nu funcţionează la parametrii normali din cauza defectării bateriei ataşate permanent. Acest simbol marcat pe un produs, pe o baterie sau pe un ambalaj Cisco înseamnă că produsul şi/sau bateria nu trebuie aruncate împreună cu deşeurile dumneavoastră menajere.   Dumneavoastră aveţi responsabilitatea de a arunca deşeurile de echipamente şi baterii separat de deşeurile dumneavoastră menajere şi în conformitate cu legile şi regulamentele locale. Aruncarea în mod corect a echipamentelor şi a bateriilor vechi va ajuta la prevenirea potenţialelor consecinţe negative pentru mediu şi pentru sănătatea umană.  Vă rugăm să utilizaţi cea mai apropiată unitate de colectare a deşeurilor conform indicaţiilor municipalităţii sau comerciantului cu amănuntul.
REVIEW DRAFT 4—CISCO CONFIDENTIAL22Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for Cisco CiusOL-24776-01  European DirectivesSlovensko [Slovenian]: Slovensky [Slovak]:Direktivi EU o baterijah in akumulatorjih ter o odpadni električni in elektronski opremi  Izdelek družbe Cisco lahko vsebuje zamenljivo ali trajno nameščeno baterijo, kot je navedeno v uporabniškem priročniku. Zaradi varnosti izdelka in celovitosti podatkov naj trajno nameščeno baterijo strokovno odstrani ali zamenja serviser ali strokovnjak za ravnanje z odpadki. Če izdelek ne deluje zaradi okvare trajno nameščene baterije, se obrnite na družbo Cisco ali pooblaščenega zastopnika.    Ta oznaka na izdelku družbe Cisco, bateriji ali embalaži pomeni, da izdelka in/ali baterije ne smete odvreči med gospodinjske odpadke.   Vaša odgovornost je, da odpadno opremo in baterije odstranite ločeno od gospodinjskih odpadkov ter v skladu s krajevno zakonodajo in predpisi. S pravilno odstranitvijo izrabljene opreme in baterij pomagate preprečevati negativne posledice na okolje in zdravje ljudi.  Odnesite jih na najbližje zbiralno mesto občine ali k prodajalcu. Smernice pre používanie batérií v EÚ a smernica WEEE Váš výrobok spoločnosti Cisco môže obsahovať užívateľom vymeniteľnú batériu, alebo trvalo pripevnenú batériu tak, ako je uvedené v používateľskej príručke. Z dôvodu zachovania bezpečnosti výrobkov a celistvosti uložených dát by trvalo pripojené batérie mal vymieňať alebo odstraňovať len odborný servisný technik alebo odborník na manipuláciu s odpadom. V prípade, že výrobok neplní svoju funkciu v dôsledku poruchy trvalo pripojenej batérie, kontaktuje spoločnosť Cisco alebo jej autorizovaný servis. Tento symbol na výrobku Cisco, na batérii alebo na obale znamená, že výrobok a/alebo batéria by nemali byť zlikvidované v domovom odpade.  Je vašou povinnosťou separovať odpadové zariadenia a batérie od vášho domáceho odpadu v súlade s miestnymi zákonmi a predpismi. Správna likvidácia starého zariadenia a batérií pomôže pri prevencii pred negatívnymi dôsledkami na životné prostredie a ľudské zdravie.  Navštívte najbližšie zariadenie na zber odpadu podľa pokynov vo vašej obci alebo pokynov predajcu.
REVIEW DRAFT 4—CISCO CONFIDENTIAL23Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for Cisco CiusOL-24776-01  European DirectivesStatement 6004—EU Battery Disposal and RecyclingThis product may contain a battery. Recycle or dispose of batteries in accordance with the battery manufacturer’s instructions and local/national disposal and recycling regulations.Suomi [Finnish]: Svenska [Swedish]: EU:n paristo- ja WEEE-direktiivit Cisco-tuotteessasi voi olla käyttäjän vaihdettavissa oleva paristo tai pysyvästi kiinnitetty paristo käyttöoppaan mukaisesti.  Tuoteturvallisuuden ja tietojen eheyden vuoksi pysyvästi kiinnitetyn pariston voi irrottaa tai vaihtaa ammattimaisesti vain huoltoteknikko tai jätehuollon ammattilainen. Jos tuotetta ei voi käyttää pysyvästi kiinnitetyn pariston toimintahäiriön vuoksi, ota yhteys Ciscoon tai valtuutettuun huoltoliikkeeseen. Jos Cisco-tuotteessa, paristossa tai pakkauksessa on tämä symboli, tuotetta ja/tai paristoa ei saa hävittää talousjätteen mukana.   Laitteet ja paristot on hävitettävä erillään talousjätteestä sekä paikallisten lakien ja säännösten mukaisesti. Kun hävität vanhat laitteet ja paristot oikein, ympäristöön ja henkilöiden terveyteen kohdistuu vähemmän kielteisiä vaikutuksia.  Käytä lähintä jätteenkeräyspistettä kunnan tai jälleenmyyjän ohjeiden mukaisesti. EU:s batteri- och WEEE-direktiv Din Cisco-produkt innehåller eventuellt ett batteri som kan bytas av användaren eller ett fast batteri. Vilket slags batteri produkten innehåller anges i bruksanvisningen. För att skydda produkten och dataintegriteten ska ett fast batteri enbart avlägsnas eller bytas av en reparationstekniker eller en avfallsexpert. Kontakta Cisco eller ett behörigt serviceombud om produkten slutar fungera på grund av fel på det fasta batteriet. Om du ser den här symbolen på en produkt, ett batteri eller en förpackning från Cisco ska produkten och/eller batteriet i fråga inte bortskaffas som hushållsavfall.   Det är ditt ansvar att bortskaffa uttjänta produkter och batterier separat från hushållsavfall och i enlighet med lokala lagar och föreskrifter. Genom att bortskaffa gamla produkter och batterier på rätt sätt bidrar du till att förhindra eventuella negativa konsekvenser för miljö och hälsa.  Använd närmaste avfallsanläggning enligt anvisningar från din kommun eller återförsäljare.
REVIEW DRAFT 4—CISCO CONFIDENTIAL24Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for Cisco CiusOL-24776-01  European DirectivesStatement 6003—Taiwan BatteryStatement 6005—California Perchlorate Contamination Prevention Act (Title 22, California Code of Regulations, Chapter 33)The battery inside this product might contain perchlorate, a known hazardous substance, so special handling and disposal of this product might be necessary. For more information about perchlorate and best management practices for perchlorate-containing substances, see 331—Power Supply Installation Warning廢電池請回收WarningThe power supply must be placed indoors. Statement 331WaarschuwingDe stroomtoevoer moet binnen worden geplaatst.VaroitusTehonlähde on sijoitettava sisätiloihin.AttentionLe bloc d’alimentation électrique doit être placé à l’intérieur.WarnungDie Stromversorgungsquelle darf nicht im Freien aufgestellt werden.AvvertenzaL’alimentatore deve essere posto in un luogo interno.AdvarselStrømkilden skal være plassert innendørs.AvisoA fonte de alimentação deve ser instalada no interior.¡Advertencia!El suministro de energía debe estar ubicado en un lugar cubierto y no al aire libre.Varning!Strömkällan måste vara placerad inomhus.
REVIEW DRAFT 4—CISCO CONFIDENTIAL25Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for Cisco CiusOL-24776-01  European DirectivesStatement 341—Metal Contacts on the BatteryWarningDo not touch or bridge the metal contacts on the battery. Unintentional discharge of the batteries can cause serious burns. Statement 341WaarschuwingRaak de metalen contacten op de batterij niet aan en verbind ze niet met elkaar. Het onopzettelijk ontladen van de batterijen kan ernstige brandwonden veroorzaken.VaroitusÄlä koske akun metallisiin kosketuspintoihin tai oikosulje niitä. Akkujen purkaminen vahingossa voi aiheuttaa vakavia palovammoja.AttentionNe pas toucher ou ponter les contacts métalliques de la pile. Une décharge non intentionnelle des piles peut entraîner des brûlures sévères.WarnungBerühren oder verbinden Sie die Metallkontakte der Batterie nicht. Eine unbeabsichtigte Entladung kann zu ernsthaften Verbrennungen führen.AvvertenzaNon toccare o cortocircuitare i contatti metallici sulla batteria. La scarica accidentale delle batterie può provocare serie bruciature.AdvarselMetallkontaktene på batteriet må ikke røres eller sammenkobles. Utilsiktet utlading av batteriene kan føre til alvorlige brannskader.AvisoNão toque nem estabeleça ligação entre os contactos metálicos da bateria. A descarga acidental das baterias pode causar queimaduras graves.¡Advertencia!No tocar los contactos de metal de la batería, ni hacer puente con ellos. La descarga accidental de las baterías puede provocar quemaduras graves.Varning! Vidrör inte och förbikoppla inte batteriets metallkontakter. Oavsiktlig urladdning av batterierna kan orsaka allvarliga brännskador.
REVIEW DRAFT 4—CISCO CONFIDENTIAL26Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for Cisco CiusOL-24776-01  European DirectivesStatement 361—VoIP and Emergency Calling Services Do Not Function if Power FailsWarningVoice over IP (VoIP) service and the emergency calling service do not function if power fails or is disrupted. After power is restored, you might have to reset or reconfigure equipment to regain access to VoIP and the emergency calling service. In the USA, this emergency number is 911. You need to be aware of the emergency number in your country. Statement 361WaarschuwingVoice over IP (VoIP)-service en de service voor noodoproepen werken niet indien er een stroomstoring is. Nadat de stroomtoevoer is hersteld, dient u wellicht de configuratie van uw apparatuur opnieuw in te stellen om opnieuw toegang te krijgen tot VoIP en de noodoproepen. In de VS is het nummer voor noodoproepen 911. U dient u zelf op de hoogte te stellen van het nummer voor noodoproepen in uw land.VaroitusVoice over IP (VoIP) -palvelu ja hätäpuhelupalvelu eivät toimi, jos virta katkeaa tai sen syötössä esiintyy häiriöitä. Kun virransyöttö on taas normaali, sinun täytyy mahdollisesti asettaa tai määrittää laitteisto uudelleen, jotta voisit jälleen käyttää VoIP-palvelua ja hätäpuhelupalvelua. Yhdysvalloissa hätänumero on 911. Selvitä, mikä on omassa kotimaassasi käytössä oleva hätänumero.AttentionLe service Voice over IP (VoIP) et le service d’appels d’urgence ne fonctionnent pas en cas de panne de courant. Une fois que le courant est rétabli, vous devrez peut-être réinitialiser ou reconfigurer le système pour accéder de nouveau au service VoIP et à celui des appels d’urgence. Aux États-Unis, le numéro des services d’urgence est le 911. Vous devez connaître le numéro d’appel d'urgence en vigueur dans votre pays.WarnungBei einem Stromausfall oder eingeschränkter Stromversorgung funktionieren VoIP-Dienst und Notruf nicht. Sobald die Stromversorgung wieder hergestellt ist, müssen Sie möglicherweise die Geräte zurücksetzen oder neu konfigurieren, um den Zugang zu VoIP und Notruf wieder herzustellen. Die Notrufnummer in den USA lautet 911. Wählen Sie im Notfall die für Ihr Land vorgesehene Notrufnummer.
REVIEW DRAFT 4—CISCO CONFIDENTIAL27Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for Cisco CiusOL-24776-01  European DirectivesAvvertenzaIl servizio Voice over IP (VoIP) e il servizio per le chiamate di emergenza non funzionano in caso di interruzione dell'alimentazione. Ristabilita l'alimentazione, potrebbe essere necessario reimpostare o riconfigurare l'attrezzatura per ottenere nuovamente l'accesso al servizio VoIP e al servizio per le chiamate di emergenza.  Negli Stati Uniti, il numero di emergenza è 911. Si consiglia di individuare il numero di emergenza del proprio Paese.AdvarselTjenesten Voice over IP (VoIP) og nødanropstjenesten fungerer ikke ved strømbrudd. Etter at strømmen har kommet tilbake, må du kanskje nullstille eller konfigurere utstyret på nytt for å få tilgang til VoIP og nødanropstjenesten. I USA er dette nødnummeret 911. Du må vite hva nødnummeret er i ditt land.AvisoO serviço Voice over IP (VoIP) e o serviço de chamadas de emergência não funcionam se houver um corte de energia. Depois do fornecimento de energia ser restabelecido, poderá ser necessário reiniciar ou reconfigurar o equipamento para voltar a utilizar os serviços VoIP ou chamadas de emergência.  Nos EUA, o número de emergência é o 911. É importante que saiba qual o número de emergência no seu país.¡Advertencia!El servicio de voz sobre IP (VoIP) y el de llamadas de emergencia no funcionan si se interrumpe el suministro de energía. Tras recuperar el suministro es posible que deba que restablecer o volver a configurar el equipo para tener acceso a los servicios de VoIP y de llamadas de emergencia. En Estados Unidos el número de emergencia es el 911. Asegúrese de obtener el número de emergencia en su país.Varning!Tjänsten Voice over IP (VoIP) och larmnummertjänsten fungerar inte vid strömavbrott. Efter att strömmen kommit tillbaka måste du kanske återställa eller konfigurera om utrustningen för att få tillgång till VoIP och larmnummertjänsten. I USA är det här larmnumret 911. Du bör ta reda på det larmnummer som gäller i ditt land.
REVIEW DRAFT 4—CISCO CONFIDENTIAL28Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for Cisco CiusOL-24776-01  European DirectivesStatement 1001—Work During Lightning ActivityWarningDo not work on the system or connect or disconnect cables during periods of lightning activity.WaarschuwingTijdens onweer dat gepaard gaat met bliksem, dient u niet aan het systeem te werken of kabels aan te sluiten of te ontkoppelen. VaroitusÄlä työskentele järjestelmän parissa äläkä yhdistä tai irrota kaapeleita ukkosilmalla.AttentionNe pas travailler sur le système ni brancher ou débrancher les câbles pendant un orage.WarnungArbeiten Sie nicht am System und schließen Sie keine Kabel an bzw. trennen Sie keine ab, wenn es gewittert.AvvertenzaNon lavorare sul sistema o collegare oppure scollegare i cavi durante un temporale con fulmini.AdvarselUtfør aldri arbeid på systemet, eller koble kabler til eller fra systemet når det tordner eller lyner.AvisoNão trabalhe no sistema ou ligue e desligue cabos durante períodos de mau tempo (trovoada).¡Advertencia!No operar el sistema ni conectar o desconectar cables durante el transcurso de descargas eléctricas en la atmósfera.Varning!Vid åska skall du aldrig utföra arbete på systemet eller ansluta eller koppla loss kablar.
REVIEW DRAFT 4—CISCO CONFIDENTIAL29Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for Cisco CiusOL-24776-01  European DirectivesStatement 1004—Installation InstructionsWarningRead the installation instructions before connecting the system to the power source. Statement 1004WaarschuwingRaadpleeg de installatie-instructies voordat u het systeem op de voedingsbron aansluit.VaroitusLue asennusohjeet ennen järjestelmän yhdistämistä virtalähteeseen.AttentionAvant de brancher le système sur la source d'alimentation, consulter les directives d'installation.WarnungVor dem Anschließen des Systems an die Stromquelle die Installationsanweisungen lesen.AvvertenzaConsultare le istruzioni di installazione prima di collegare il sistema all'alimentatore.AdvarselLes installasjonsinstruksjonene før systemet kobles til strømkilden.AvisoLeia as instruções de instalação antes de ligar o sistema à fonte de energia.¡Advertencia!Lea las instrucciones de instalación antes de conectar el sistema a la red de alimentación.Varning!Läs installationsanvisningarna innan du kopplar systemet till strömförsörjningsenheten.
REVIEW DRAFT 4—CISCO CONFIDENTIAL30Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for Cisco CiusOL-24776-01  European DirectivesStatement 1015—Battery HandlingWarningThere is the danger of explosion if the battery is replaced incorrectly. Replace the battery only with the same or equivalent type recommended by the manufacturer. Dispose of used batteries according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Statement 1015WaarschuwingEr is ontploffingsgevaar als de batterij verkeerd vervangen wordt. Vervang de batterij slechts met hetzelfde of een equivalent type dat door de fabrikant aanbevolen is. Gebruikte batterijen dienen overeenkomstig fabrieksvoorschriften weggeworpen te worden.VaroitusRäjähdyksen vaara, jos akku on vaihdettu väärään akkuun. Käytä vaihtamiseen ainoastaan saman- tai vastaavantyyppistä akkua, joka on valmistajan suosittelema. Hävitä käytetyt akut valmistajan ohjeiden mukaan.AttentionDanger d'explosion si la pile n'est pas remplacée correctement. Ne la remplacer que par une pile de type semblable ou équivalent, recommandée par le fabricant. Jeter les piles usagées conformément aux instructions du fabricant.WarnungBei Einsetzen einer falschen Batterie besteht Explosionsgefahr. Ersetzen Sie die Batterie nur durch den gleichen oder vom Hersteller empfohlenen Batterietyp. Entsorgen Sie die benutzten Batterien nach den Anweisungen des Herstellers.AvvertenzaPericolo di esplosione se la batteria non è installata correttamente. Sostituire solo con una di tipo uguale o equivalente, consigliata dal produttore. Eliminare le batterie usate secondo le istruzioni del produttore.AdvarselDet kan være fare for eksplosjon hvis batteriet skiftes på feil måte. Skift kun med samme eller tilsvarende type som er anbefalt av produsenten. Kasser brukte batterier i henhold til produsentens instruksjoner.AvisoExiste perigo de explosão se a bateria for substituída incorrectamente. Substitua a bateria por uma bateria igual ou de um tipo equivalente recomendado pelo fabricante. Destrua as baterias usadas conforme as instruções do fabricante.
REVIEW DRAFT 4—CISCO CONFIDENTIAL31Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for Cisco CiusOL-24776-01  European Directives¡Advertencia!Existe peligro de explosión si la batería se reemplaza de manera incorrecta. Reemplazar la batería exclusivamente con el mismo tipo o el equivalente recomendado por el fabricante. Desechar las baterías gastadas según las instrucciones del fabricante.Varning!Explosionsfara vid felaktigt batteribyte. Ersätt endast batteriet med samma batterityp som rekommenderas av tillverkaren eller motsvarande. Följ tillverkarens anvisningar vid kassering av använda batterier.AdvarselDer er risiko for eksplosion, hvis batteriet ikke udskiftes korrekt. Batteriet må kun udskiftes med samme eller med en tilsvarende type, som anbefales af producenten. Bortskaf brugte batterier i overensstemmelse med producentens instruktioner.Existe risco de explosão se a bateria for substituída incorretamente. Substitua a bateria somente com o mesmo tipo ou um tipo equivalente recomendado pelo fabricante. Descarte as baterias usadas de acordo com as instruções do fabricante.
REVIEW DRAFT 4—CISCO CONFIDENTIAL32Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for Cisco CiusOL-24776-01  European DirectivesStatement 1019—Main Disconnecting DeviceWarningThe plug-socket combination must be accessible at all times, because it serves as the main disconnecting device. Statement 1019WaarschuwingDe combinatie van de stekker en het elektrisch contactpunt moet te allen tijde toegankelijk zijn omdat deze het hoofdmechanisme vormt voor verbreking van de aansluiting.VaroitusPistoke/liitinkohta toimii pääkatkaisumekanismina. Pääsy siihen on pidettävä aina esteettömänä.
REVIEW DRAFT 4—CISCO CONFIDENTIAL33Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for Cisco CiusOL-24776-01  European DirectivesAttentionLa combinaison de prise de courant doit être accessible à tout moment parce qu'elle fait office de système principal de déconnexion.WarnungDer Netzkabelanschluß am Gerät muß jederzeit zugänglich sein, weil er als primäre Ausschaltvorrichtung dient.AvvertenzaIl gruppo spina-presa deve essere sempre accessibile, poiché viene utilizzato come dispositivo di scollegamento principale.AdvarselKombinasjonen støpsel/uttak må alltid være tilgjengelig ettersom den fungerer som hovedfrakoplingsenhet.AvisoA combinação ficha-tomada deverá ser sempre acessível, porque funciona como interruptor principal.¡Advertencia!El conjunto de clavija y toma ha de encontrarse siempre accesible ya que hace las veces de dispositivo de desconexión principal.Varning!Man måste alltid kunna komma åt stickproppen i uttaget, eftersom denna koppling utgör den huvudsakliga frånkopplingsanordningen.
REVIEW DRAFT 4—CISCO CONFIDENTIAL34Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for Cisco CiusOL-24776-01  European DirectivesStatement 1040—Product DisposalWarningUltimate disposal of this product should be handled according to all national laws and regulations. Statement 1040WaarschuwingHet uiteindelijke wegruimen van dit product dient te geschieden in overeenstemming met alle nationale wetten en reglementen.VaroitusTämä tuote on hävitettävä kansallisten lakien ja määräysten mukaisesti.AttentionLa mise au rebut ou le recyclage de ce produit sont généralement soumis à des lois et/ou directives de respect de l'environnement. Renseignez-vous auprès de l'organisme compétent.WarnungDie Entsorgung dieses Produkts sollte gemäß allen Bestimmungen und Gesetzen des Landes erfolgen.AvvertenzaLo smaltimento di questo prodotto deve essere eseguito secondo le leggi e regolazioni locali.AdvarselEndelig kassering av dette produktet skal være i henhold til alle relevante nasjonale lover og bestemmelser.AvisoDeitar fora este produto em conformidade com todas as leis e regulamentos nacionais.¡Advertencia!Al deshacerse por completo de este producto debe seguir todas las leyes y reglamentos nacionales.Varning!Vid deponering hanteras produkten enligt gällande lagar och bestämmelser.
REVIEW DRAFT 4—CISCO CONFIDENTIAL35Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for Cisco CiusOL-24776-01  European DirectivesAvisoO descarte definitivo deste produto deve estar de acordo com todas as leis e regulamentações nacionais.AdvarselEndelig bortskaffelse af dette produkt skal ske i henhold til gældende love og regler.
REVIEW DRAFT 4—CISCO CONFIDENTIAL36Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for Cisco CiusOL-24776-01  European DirectivesStatement 1045—Short-circuit ProtectionWarningThis product requires short-circuit (overcurrent) protection, to be provided as part of the building installation. Install only in accordance with national and local wiring regulations. Statement 1045WaarschuwingVoor dit product moet kortsluitbeveiliging (overstroombeveiliging) deel uitmaken van de installatie in het gebouw. De installatie moet voldoen aan de nationale en lokale bedradingvoorschriften.VaroitusTämä tuote vaatii suojauksen oikosulkuja (ylivirtaa) vastaan osana asennusta rakennukseen. Asenna ainoastaan kansallisten ja paikallisten johdotussäännösten mukaisesti.AttentionLa protection de ce produit contre les courts-circuits (surtensions) doit être assurée par la configuration électrique du bâtiment. Vérifiez que l'installation a lieu uniquement en conformité avec les normes de câblage en vigueur au niveau national et local. WarnungFür dieses Produkt ist eine Kurzschlußsicherung (Überstromsicherung) erforderlich, die als Teil der Gebäudeinstallation zur Verfügung gestellt wird. Die Installation sollte nur in Übereinstimmung mit den nationalen und regionalen Vorschriften zur Verkabelung erfolgen. AvvertenzaQuesto prodotto richiede una protezione contro i cortocircuiti, da fornirsi come parte integrante delle dotazioni presenti nell’edificio. Effettuare l’installazione rispettando le Norme CEI pertinenti. AdvarselDette produktet krever beskyttelse mot kortslutninger (overspenninger) som en del av installasjonen. Bare installer utstyret i henhold til nasjonale og lokale krav til ledningsnett.AvisoEste produto requer proteção contra curto-circuitos (sobreintensidade de corrente), que deve estar instalada nos edifícios. Instale apenas de acordo com as normas de instalação elétrica nacionais e locais.AdvertenciaEste producto necesita estar conectado a la protección frente a cortacircuitos (sobretensiones) que exista en el edificio. Instálelo únicamente en conformidad con las regulaciones sobre cableado, tanto locales como nacionales, a las que se tenga que atener. Varning!Denna produkt kräver att kortslutningsskydd (överström) tillhandahålles som en del av byggnadsinstallationen. Installera bara i enlighet med nationella och lokala kabeldragningsbestämmelser.
REVIEW DRAFT 4—CISCO CONFIDENTIAL37Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for Cisco CiusOL-24776-01  European DirectivesAvisoEste produto requer uma proteção contra curto-circuito (sobrecorrente) que deve fazer parte da instalação do edifício. Faça a instalação somente de acordo com as regulamentações de cabeamento nacionais e locais.AdvarselDette produkt kræver beskyttelse mod kortslutning (overstrøm). Dette skal være en del elinstallationen i bygningen. Installation skal ske i overensstemmelse med nationale og lokale ledningsregler.
REVIEW DRAFT 4—CISCO CONFIDENTIAL38Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for Cisco CiusOL-24776-01  European DirectivesStatement 1074—Comply with Local and National Electrical CodesWarningInstallation of the equipment must comply with local and national electrical codes. Statement 1074WaarschuwingBij installatie van de apparatuur moet worden voldaan aan de lokale en nationale elektriciteitsvoorschriften. VaroitusLaitteisto tulee asentaa paikallisten ja kansallisten sähkömääräysten mukaisesti.AttentionL'équipement doit être installé conformément aux normes électriques nationales et locales.WarnungDie Installation der Geräte muss den Sicherheitsstandards entsprechen.AvvertenzaL'installazione dell'impianto deve essere conforme ai codici elettrici locali e nazionali.AdvarselInstallasjon av utstyret må samsvare med lokale og nasjonale elektrisitetsforskrifter.AvisoA instalação do equipamento tem de estar em conformidade com os códigos eléctricos locais e nacionais. ¡Advertencia!La instalación del equipo debe cumplir con las normativas de electricidad locales y nacionales.Varning!Installation av utrustningen måste ske i enlighet med gällande elinstallationsföreskrifter.
REVIEW DRAFT 4—CISCO CONFIDENTIAL39Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for Cisco CiusOL-24776-01  Japanese Electric Appliance and Radio LawsCaution Only use the Cisco specified power supply. Refer to the installation manual provided with this product.Caution Inline power circuits provide current through the communication cable. Use the Cisco provided cable or a minimum 24AWG communication cable. Japanese Electric Appliance and Radio LawsStatement 371—Power Cable and AC AdapterStatement 372—Wireless LAN Products
REVIEW DRAFT 4—CISCO CONFIDENTIAL40Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for Cisco CiusOL-24776-01  Cell Phone Interference CautionCell Phone Interference CautionCaution Using a cell, mobile, or GSM phone, or two-way radio in close proximity to Cisco Cius might cause interference. For more information, refer to the manufacturer's documentation of the interfering device.Using External Devices With Your Cisco CiusThe following information applies when you use external devices with Cisco Cius:Cisco recommends the use of good quality external devices (speakers, microphones, and headsets) that are shielded (screened) against unwanted radio frequency (RF) and audio frequency (AF) signals. Depending on the quality of these devices and their proximity to other devices such as mobile phones or two-way radios, some audio noise may still occur. In these cases, Cisco recommends that you take one or more of the following actions:  • Move the external device away from the source of the RF or AF signals.  • Route the external device cables away from the source of the RF or AF signals.  • Use shielded (screened) cables for the external device, or use cables with a better shield (screen) and connector. • Shorten the length of the external device cable. • Apply ferrites or other such devices on the cables for the external device. Cisco cannot guarantee the performance of the system because Cisco has no control over the quality of external devices, cables, and connectors. The system will perform adequately when suitable devices are attached using good quality cables and connectors. Caution Caution: In European Union countries, use only external speakers, microphones, cables, and headsets that are fully compliant with the EMC Directives 2006/95/EC and 2004/108/EC.Battery Safety NoticesThese battery safety notices apply to the batteries that are approved by the Cisco Cius manufacturers.Caution This symbol means reader be careful. In this situation, you might do something that could result in equipment damage. Refer to the product documentation for instructions.Caution The battery pack is intended for use only with this device.Caution Do not disassemble, crush, puncture, or incinerate the battery pack.
REVIEW DRAFT 4—CISCO CONFIDENTIAL41Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for Cisco CiusOL-24776-01  Battery Safety NoticesCaution To avoid risk of fire, burns, or damage to your battery pack, do not allow a metal object to touch the battery contacts.Caution Handle a damaged or leaking battery with extreme care. If you come in contact with the electrolyte, wash the exposed area with soap and water. If the electrolyte has come in contact the eye, flush the eye with water for 15 minutes and seek medical attention.Caution Do not charge the battery pack if the ambient temperature exceeds 104 degrees Fahrenheit (40 degrees Celsius).Caution Do not expose the battery pack to high storage temperatures (above 140 degrees Fahrenheit, 60 degrees Celsius).Caution When discarding a battery pack, contact your local waste disposal provider regarding local restrictions on the disposal or recycling of batteries.Caution To obtain a replacement battery, contact your local dealer. Use only the batteries that have a Cisco part number.Caution Use only the Cisco power supply that is compatible with your phone. To order your power supply, contact your local dealer and refer to the list of Cisco part numbers.Safety GuidelinesThe following are safety guidelines for using the Cisco Cius in specific environments: • Do not use this product as the primary communications tool in healthcare environments, as it may use an unregulated frequency band that is susceptible to interference from other devices or equipment. • The use of wireless devices in hospitals is restricted to the limits set forth by each hospital. • The use of wireless devices in hazardous locations is limited to the constraints posed by the safety directors of such environments. • The use of wireless devices on airplanes is governed by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
REVIEW DRAFT 4—CISCO CONFIDENTIAL42Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for Cisco CiusOL-24776-01  Compliance and Safety InformationCompliance and Safety InformationRegulatory ComplianceThe compliance label can be found under the battery in the battery compartment. The Cisco Cius battery will be separated from the tablet in production packaging so that the product label is easily visible to the user.For specifics about which standards have been applied, refer to the Declaration of Conformity:Specification DescriptionRegulatory ComplianceProducts with the CE Marking indicate compliance with the 2006/95/EC and 2004/108/EC directives, which include the safety and EMC standards listed below.Safety  • UL 60950-1 Second Edition • CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 60950-1 Second Edition • EN 60950-1 Second Edition • IEC 60950-1 Second Edition • AS/NZS 60950-1EMC  • FCC Part 15 (CFR 47) Class B • ICES-003 Class B • EN55022 Class B • CISPR22 Class B • CISPR24 • AS/NZS CISPR22 Class B  • VCCI Class B  • EN55024 • KN24 • EN 61000-3-2 • EN 61000-3-3 • KN22 Class BTelecom (IP Phones) CS-03 - HACFCC Part 68 (HAC)AS/ACIF S004AS/ACIF S040NZ PTC 220 DR
REVIEW DRAFT 4—CISCO CONFIDENTIAL43Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for Cisco CiusOL-24776-01  Compliance and Safety InformationIndustry Standards TIA 810 A/B (model dependent)TIA 920 (model dependent)DSPR Gray Book 2000DSPR Technical Condition Book 2004RRL Notice No. 2005-96RRL Notice No. 2004-42Radio Canada: • RSS-210 • RSS-102EU: • EN 300.328 • EN50385. • EN 301.893Japan: • W5.3-W5.6 • 5.6GHz WLAN TPS-DFC • WiMax 2.5GHzUSA: • FCC Part 15.247 • FCC Part 15.407 • 47 CFR Part 2,  • 47 CFR Part 15.401 • OET-65.Korea: • RRL No. 2006-128 • RRL No. 2006-129Taiwan: • LP0002Specification Description
REVIEW DRAFT 4—CISCO CONFIDENTIAL44Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for Cisco CiusOL-24776-01  SAR StatementsManufacturer’s FCC Declaration of Conformity StatementProduct: Cisco CiusModel: CIUS-7-K9FCC Certification Number: VGBCSCOT0710ICID: 2461B-CSCOT0710Manufacturer: Celestica Thailand Ltd.49/18 laem Chabang Industrial EstateMoo 5, Tungsukhla Sriracha, Chanburi, Thailand 20230SAR StatementsInternational Guidelines for Exposure to Radio WavesTHIS DEVICE MEETS INTERNATIONAL GUIDELINES FOR EXPOSURE TO RADIO WAVES.Your mobile device is a radio transmitter and receiver. It is designed not to exceed the limits for exposure to radio waves (radio frequency electromagnetic fields) recommended by international guidelines. The guidelines were developed by an independent scientific organization (ICNIRP) and include a substantial safety margin designed to assure the safety of all persons, regardless of age and health.The radio wave exposure guidelines use a unit of measurement known as the Specific Absorption Rate, or SAR. The SAR limit for mobile devices is 2.0 W/kg.Tests for SAR are conducted using standard operating positions with the device transmitting at its highest certified power level in all tested frequency bands. The highest SAR values under the ICNIRP guidelines for this device model are:This product's SAR value meets applicable national SAR limits of < 2.0W/kg or < 1.6W/kg.   The specific values can be found in the Cisco Cius User Guide.Maximum SAR for this model and conditions under which it was recordedBody SAR 2.4 GHz @ 10 g 0.464 W/kg5 GHz @ 10 g 0.392 W/kg
REVIEW DRAFT 4—CISCO CONFIDENTIAL45Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for Cisco CiusOL-24776-01  SAR StatementsDuring use, the actual SAR value for this device may be well below the value stated above. The operating power of your mobile device is automatically decreased by the base-station, thereby conserving battery life and minimizing interference with adjacent network cells, if full power is not needed for the call. The amount of power reduction (if any) is dependent on a number of factors such as how close you are to a base-station. In general, the lower the power output by the device, the lower its SAR value.The World Health Organization has stated that present scientific information does not indicate the need for any special precautions for the use of mobile devices. They recommend that if you are interested in further reducing your exposure then you can easily do so by limiting your usage or simply using a hands-free kit to keep the device away from the head and body.IEEE ANSI C95.1 1992 Guidelines for Exposure to Radio WavesTHIS DEVICE MEETS IEEE ANSI C95.1 1992 GUIDELINES FOR EXPOSURE TO RADIO WAVES.Your mobile device is a radio transmitter and receiver. It is designed not to exceed the limits for exposure to radio waves (radio frequency electromagnetic fields) recommended by international guidelines. The guidelines were developed by the IEEE ANSI C 95.1 and include a substantial safety margin designed to assure the safety of all persons, regardless of age and health.The radio wave exposure guidelines use a unit of measurement known as the Specific Absorption Rate, or SAR. The SAR limit for mobile devices is 1.6W/kg.Tests for SAR are conducted using standard operating positions with the device transmitting at its highest certified power level in all tested frequency bands. The highest SAR values under the FCC guidelines for this device model are:During use, the actual SAR value for this device may be well below the value stated above. The operating power of your mobile device is automatically decreased by the base-station, thereby conserving battery life and minimizing interference with adjacent network cells, if full power is not needed for the call. The amount of power reduction (if any) is dependent on a number of factors such as how close you are to a base-station. In general, the lower the power output by the device, the lower its SAR value.The World Health Organization has stated that present scientific information does not indicate the need for any special precautions for the use of mobile devices. They recommend that if you are interested in further reducing your exposure then you can easily do so by limiting your usage or simply using a hands-free kit to keep the device away from the head and body.Canada Safety Code 6 Guidelines for Exposure to Radio WavesEnglishTHIS DEVICE MEETS HEALTH CANADA SAFETY CODE 6 GUIDELINES FOR EXPOSURE TO RADIO WAVES.Maximum SAR for this model and conditions under which it was recordedBody SAR 2.4 GHz @ 1 g 0.277 W/kg5 GHz @ 1 g 1.11 W/kg
REVIEW DRAFT 4—CISCO CONFIDENTIAL46Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for Cisco CiusOL-24776-01  SAR StatementsYour mobile device is a radio transmitter and receiver. It is designed not to exceed the limits for exposure to radio waves (radio frequency electromagnetic fields) recommended by international guidelines. The guidelines were developed by Health Canada and include a substantial safety margin designed to assure the safety of all persons, regardless of age and health.The radio wave exposure guidelines use a unit of measurement known as the Specific Absorption Rate, or SAR. The SAR limit for mobile devices is 1.6W/kg. Tests for SAR are conducted using standard operating positions with the device transmitting at its highest certified power level in all tested frequency bands. The highest SAR values under the Health Canada guidelines for this device model are:During use, the actual SAR value for this device may be well below the value stated above. The operating power of your mobile device is automatically decreased by the base-station, thereby conserving battery life and minimizing interference with adjacent network cells, if full power is not needed for the call. The amount of power reduction (if any) is dependent on a number of factors such as how close you are to a base-station. In general, the lower the power output by the device, the lower its SAR value.The World Health Organization has stated that present scientific information does not indicate the need for any special precautions for the use of mobile devices. They recommend that if you are interested in further reducing your exposure then you can easily do so by limiting your usage or simply using a hands-free kit to keep the device away from the head and body.FrançaisCET APPAREIL EST CONFORME AUX DIRECTIVES DU CODE 6 DE SÉCURITÉ DE LA SANTÉ CANADA POUR L'EXPOSITION AUX ONDES RADIO.Votre appareil mobile est un émetteur-récepteur radio. Il est conçu pour ne pas dépasser les limites d'exposition aux ondes radio (champs électromagnétiques de fréquence radio) recommandées par les directives internationales. Les lignes directrices ont été élaborées par Santé Canada et comprennent une marge de sécurité importante destinée à assurer la sécurité de toutes les personnes, indépendamment de l'âge et de la santé.Les lignes directrices pour l’exposition aux ondes radio utilisent une unité de mesure appelée Débit d'Absorption Spécifique, ou DAS. La limite DAS pour les appareils mobiles est 1,6W/kg.Les tests de DAS sont effectués en utilisant des positions standards de fonctionnement quand l’appareil fonctionne à son niveau de puissance maximum certifié dans toutes les bandes de fréquences testées. Les valeurs DAS les plus élevées selon les directives de Santé Canada pour ce modèle sont les suivants:Maximum SAR for this model and conditions under which it was recordedBody SAR 2.4 GHz @ 1 g 0.277 W/kg5 GHz @ 1 g 1.11 W/kgMaximum du DAS pour ce modèle et les conditions dans lesquelles il a été enregistréle DAS corps 2.4 GHz @ 1 g 0.277 W/kg5 GHz @ 1 g 1.11 W/kg
REVIEW DRAFT 4—CISCO CONFIDENTIAL47Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for Cisco CiusOL-24776-01  SAR StatementsEn cours d'utilisation, la valeur de DAS réel de ce dispositif peut être bien inférieur à la valeur indiquée ci-dessus. La puissance de fonctionnement de votre appareil mobile est automatiquement diminué de la station de base, qui permet de préserver la vie de la batterie et en minimisant les interférences avec les cellules de réseau adjacent, si pleine puissance n'est pas nécessaire pour l'appel. Le montant de la réduction de puissance (le cas échéant) est tributaire d'un certain nombre de facteurs tels que la distance qui vous sépare d'une station de base. En général, plus la puissance de sortie par le dispositif, plus sa valeur DAS.L'Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS) a déclaré que l'information scientifique actuelle n'indique pas la nécessité de prendre des précautions particulières pour l'utilisation de dispositifs mobiles. Ils recommandent que si vous êtes intéressé à réduire encore davantage votre exposition, vous pouvez facilement le faire en limitant votre consommation ou tout simplement en utilisant un kit mains-libres pour maintenir le dispositif éloigné de la tête et du corps.Statement 2018—Class B Notice for FCCModifying the equipment without Cisco’s authorization may result in the equipment no longer complying with FCC requirements for Class B digital devices. In that event, your right to use the equipment may be limited by FCC regulations, and you may be required to correct any interference to radio or television communications at your own expense.This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:  • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.  • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. Statement 2019—FCC Declaration of Conformity Information (for USA only)Product: Cisco CiusThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular
REVIEW DRAFT 4—CISCO CONFIDENTIAL48Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for Cisco CiusOL-24776-01  SAR Statementsinstallation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.  • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.  • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Note Equipment must be installed and operated using the relevant manuals and only installed with the correct cables and connectors. Cisco Systems Inc. is not responsible for any radio or television interference caused by unauthorized changes or modifications to this equipment. Unauthorized changes or modifications could void the users authority to operate the equipment.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.Responsible party:Cisco Systems Inc. 170 West Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134 USA +408 526-7208FCC Notice to UsersTo insure the safety of users, the FCC has established criteria for the amount of radio frequency energy various products may produce depending on their intended usage. This product has been tested and found to comply with the FCC's exposure criteria.This device will not transmit on channels which overlap the 5600 - 5650 MHz band.For the band 5150 - 5250 MHz, this device is only for indoor use.Per 15.407 (g) Cisco of U-NII devices are responsible for ensuring frequency stability such that an emission is maintained within the band of operation under all conditions of normal operation as specified in the user guide.Statement 2022—Class B Notice for CanadaThis Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.
REVIEW DRAFT 4—CISCO CONFIDENTIAL49Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for Cisco CiusOL-24776-01  SAR StatementsIndustry Canada Notice to UsersThis device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement.Devices will not transmit on channels which overlap the 5600 - 5650 MHz band.Les dispositifs ne transmettront pas sur les canaux qui chevauchent la bande 5600 - 5650 MHz.The maximum antenna gain permitted (for devices in the bands 5250 - 5350 MHz and 5470 - 5725 MHz) to comply with the e.i.r.p. limit; and the maximum antenna gain permitted (for devices in the band 5725 - 5825 MHz) to comply with the e.i.r.p. limits specified for point-to-point and non point-to-point operation as appropriate.Le gain maximal d’antenne permis pour les dispositifs utilisant les bandes 5 250 - 5 350 MHz et 5470 - 5725 MHz doit se conformer à la limite de p.i.r.e.; doit se conformer à la limite de p.i.r.e. spécifiée pour l’exploitation point à point et non point à point.The device for the band 5150 - 5250 MHz is only for indoor usage to reduce potential for harmful interference to co-channel mobile satellite systems.Les dispositifs fonctionnant dans la bande 5150 - 5250 MHz sont réservés uniquement pour une utilisation à l’intérieur afin de réduire les risques de brouillage préjudiciable aux systèmes de satellites mobiles utilisant les mêmes canaux.In addition, users should also be cautioned to take note that high-power radars are allocated as primary users of the bands 5250 - 5350 MHz and 5650 - 5850 MHz and these radars could cause interference and/or damage to LE-LAN devices.De plus, les utilisateurs devraient aussi être avisés que les utilisateurs de radars de haute puissance sont désignés utilisateurs principaux pour les bandes 5250 - 5350 MHz et 5650 - 5850 MHz et que ces radars pourraient causer du brouillage et/ou des dommages aux dispositifs LAN-EL.Statement 295—Class B Warning for KoreaWarningThis is a Class B Device and is registered for EMC requirements for residential use. This device can be used not only in residential areas but in all other areas.
REVIEW DRAFT 4—CISCO CONFIDENTIAL50Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for Cisco CiusOL-24776-01  SAR StatementsStatement 157—VCCI Compliance for Class B EquipmentWarningThis is a Class B product based on the standard of the VCCI Council. If this is used near a radio or television receiver in a domestic environment, it may cause radio Interference. Install and use the equipment according to the instruction manual. VCCI-B
REVIEW DRAFT 4—CISCO CONFIDENTIAL51Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for Cisco CiusOL-24776-01  SAR StatementsObtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service RequestFor information on obtaining documentation, submitting a service request, and gathering additional information, see the monthly What’s New in Cisco Product Documentation, which also lists all new and revised Cisco technical documentation, at: to the What’s New in Cisco Product Documentation as an RSS feed and set content to be delivered directly to your desktop using a reader application. The RSS feeds are a free service. Cisco currently supports RSS Version 2.0.Cisco and the Cisco Logo are trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. A listing of Cisco's trademarks can be found at Third party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. The use of the word partner does not imply a partnership relationship between Cisco and any other company. (1005R)© 2011 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
REVIEW DRAFT 4—CISCO CONFIDENTIAL52Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for Cisco CiusOL-24776-01  SAR Statements

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