Orbit Irrigation Product ST2RFTX Water Timer with RF Control (433MHz Tx) User Manual
Orbit Irrigation Product Inc. Water Timer with RF Control (433MHz Tx)
User Manual
@if STZ-RF SPRINKLERTIMER MANUAL mm mm ms MODELS: 57926, 57922, 57916, 57912, 91916, 91912, 91926, 91922, 5491 6, 94912, 94926, 94922 PH 57925—24111»! A ”was mm“: was? —~ ‘ 6 m1: w: 13.76’ a: 5,7" respnnsible [m n : . V a , . A“ “1 ‘ “7 nmsazn; w 5 88 n: o u 5.7 med-mg prim ms: MZ smc: Ml cox—jogs ' ' Dl‘Oducncn m unemms, 1013 no: D7WTM002598 “ 00le 5010! Any changes um, 0mm Result-hon nun mm", mm mm w mm“ approved 1 - . i hymt chentand 510.1: 26 PMS ms 579 mm 12355 7777 1777 mm Sludm UPC: NA Primed piece pm "my. 07WTMM2598 Anm'rmuu ms’mvcflmv “V“ “m _ hummus 57976-34 mmdd smmumons mt Tm! mm, soflwmuz: InDesSgn CS: Table of Contents ENGLISH ' imrcduclion ...... - Geurng Started - Programing Your Timtr. . . . - Using rhr Remote Coniroi Devin . - Using the Opnonoi Rxnrnrcze Smear ' Insinllmg induar Mount Sprinkler Timer and Rcmcic Control Device Sleeve , , - Diagnosiics Circuii smoker . . . . Glossary onenns . v - Trouble snoonng. v v i mwmwmsmee-zuninaa z Section 1: Introduction Thank you for selecting an own» Siymiuve Conirol inner, me mosi advanced and versatile controller Minnie cum» designers have combined ihe lawn iechnoiogirzl ieaiuics with an rnrunrvc rirsniny ro Ctléliz a conircllar that fins every watering need Please read this manual complmiy btici'e you begin pragmmming and using me commiitr. Important Features and Capabilities Pc Frogxammablc vnn wwwoil)imn|ine.¢om in anniord soilware which will allow you to program and mmiior your time! from your norm compmAr Dual ngmms The “mew offers rwo programs - Program A and Fivgmm B - for wamring flexibility. Any or rm waieiing swiions can be ixssvgntd in nimcr program For example. swim-is Iiwt wnirr your garden and flower bcds could be assigned to Program A and waicrcd daily smning at s a,m.. whiic swims Lhal water you! ian ccuid be assigned Lo Program B and wrnered evtry ihiid day smiling ai 5 nrn Six Cycle Sun Times Per Program The timer accommodates six diiiemm siaiL times {or each oi (ht iwo programs (A and B). MDSL iimers only allow [our dinerrnr cycle start limes. 2mm 2mm PM I No-Waicrlrig Days and Times li's Easy [0 preveiil winning an mic or more days of the week or during spccific pcn‘cds ollhe day. This comes in linrirly if wnici mg i-esiriciioris are imposed in you! ma Doclrlirg Port This ilinei- has hem designed for Convenlcnu and ”armchxlr" programming The iimer's dockmg pen is mounlcd on a wall and all wiics are Connected to in The main llmm‘ nnii can be casily and quickly slid on and all ihe dockmg poll, allnwlng ycu m lakc inc iirnci- iiriuilly anywhere ll) ciraie 0!” change waicilng pmgrams Remote Comm} Capabilities (Nut included on all models) This umcr cxn be conlmlled by me: included remote comml dim via a radlo lrcriiieney (RF) icceiver and anicnnae, bolh of which are built inm lhe limcr The remme comic] device allows you in iurn sraiinns on and alien ilie spar and in perform programming tasks from urn/When wiihin rang: The 433 mcgahcnz remote Ilequenw is approved for USE In ilie Unllcd siaics, Canada, Europe and Auseinlia, and walnuts an cllecllvc lineal-sight range al300 lcei (isduced iii 200 feet wllh obslruclions). Programming Information srorsrl Safely in Non-Volardc Memory All progl‘ammlng inlnmimicn loi- Progmm A and Program 13 is siorcd iiidcfiniinly in die, limer’s non-vulalilm nltlnury (EEI’ROM) and inierrial memoly. This highssnd lemme means your programming weni he his or ri sscd .l the power and halici-ies go niii ‘ mmmzssesma-zamrim 3 Easy-to~Rcad Back-Lil LCD Dlsplay The rims haclehi blue LCD display screen is Easy to read under any lighiing mndllions Choice ril Five Languages You can easlly set the LCD dlsplay in and iii any of five innguagts English, Spanish, French German or lialian. Walt! Budgeting This convenient lraiiirc provides a quick, casy way is increase or rim-sass lhc warming duiailons of all siaricns m lioili pmgrams in match scasonal waicrlng needs. You won‘L have m sdjnsi cneh sraricns waierliig iirne indlvldually Rain Sense! (criminal) An cplicnal rain sensor can bc purchnscd separately w prevent prcgnaninied wairnng fa) a pal ind cl iimc nlier rain fails (duel mined by ihe ammlnl ril rain and how quickly he sensriis dly our) llysiii uan is RF capablc ihen you can use a wlrdess scnsor Olhelwis: n hard-wired sensor can lic used Commonly Used Controls Digital Display wiili Text Messaging A laigc LCD (Liquld Crysral Dlsplily) shows ihe inns 04“ day and indicsies many or ilic programming Scuingsr liiisiaciive isai inrssiging simpllfias programming and cuneni sprlnkler inner sisnis (See Flgiaic l) ENGLISH Programming Buttons Thesc nmt lmnnns are used [or programming and omel- opmllons. Figure 1: From Vlew or llmcr B RF Sync (only on rcmolc control model) Allows lllc um Kl synchronize mm a new remake or wilt less scnsor El Ram Dclfly Push [his bumm one: while m AUTO w mess lhe raln delay option. NOTE: Pressing lhls bulwn wlll access lhe language and Na Watering Pcvlod opuons whllc m Ihcse respeclivc din] poslllons. Reset (pin hole) Resets lhc llmnr lo lls lnclory seulrlgs, El Increase E Decrease Enler Nexl m Clear ll Manual 1 wmmwzmsnze-zamllnuu 4 Sclzclian Dial ms (llal is used lol plngmmmlrlg. rtviewmg and opcmling [he spvmklcl lime! Rain Sensor Bypass Switch in Acme pos‘lllan lhe controller will monitor the ram senson m Bypass posilion ma ccnll'oller will lgnore me ram sensor. (Thls swilch s for hard wired scllsors only and does nol elfecl wilelcss min sensors . strlsols sold separslely), AboutThis Manual We have added the following features Lu lhls manual to assist you - BLUE 1‘ relate; to lhe bultons used for pmgrammlng - BLUE UNDgRLlNgD 1 7x7 relates [0 stop poslliuns (m the scleclmn cllal. - A glussnry of ll‘z mosl common terms ls mdudzd. (see pag: 16) Section 2: Getting Started You can pl’oglam llns sprinkler timer in just n few ban: slaps Before you bcgln programming. ll ls impol'lam m: . AcLlVaLe lhclzallxzrles . Resel m: sprmklerllmer - Sclecl l‘hc pvelzmzd language . 5mm leeoltlnyand dale . Detalmme a walcnng plan 2mm? 2:0719PM 1 Activating the Batteries ~ 5mm me dockrng pon off [he “may unit 10 gm access to {he balmy compxrrmem door, srrdo me door on me barwry companmem in no due-rim“ of rhe arrowr Remove me black sum from the battery companmcm Replace me banew ccmpmlmem dam. Shde mo docking pan back omo the mam conimlltr mm The display wm show “LOW BATTERY" when u is lime (a room me batteries NOTE: saunas alum: mu rm! oprvalc an valves in yew vpr'inhhng syslcm. m Unmfivmer mm he pruggcd m and hm power «0 opu- arc yam sysrcm narmally Reset the Trmer u rhis is the firs\ mm: the Sprinkler mm has been pro— grammcd. you should press the man recessed buunn labeled RESET flocalcd under the RAIN DELAY bunch), You Wfll prob- ably need a pen, pmn er simflafly small object w push in, Do nm press me RESET mum“ ogam unless you Want to cum plulely mnove a” your programmmg, includmg mm and date. | ammozoeamwzammd 5 if no pmgjamming occurs aRcr the RESET lzuuon has been pressed and the am is left in the ALILQ posirion lhc timer will assume a dcl'auh program mode. In ddauh mode, the umcr wru eulumelically mm each slalion [or m mrnures, heginningar s m each day Select the Preferred Language - Tum (he selection died lo WM. 0 Press the RAN DELAY button - Press |he NEXT Q buunn until [he desired language vs shown in the display. - Exrl the language scicclion mode by luming |hc seleaien dial or pressing (he RAIN DELAY button Set the Time of Day and Date if [his is (he first mm the mom has been programmed, press the smaU massed RESET buuon . Turn m: selecuon died x0 Mm - The Lop hm of me (Insplay reads “SET TIME." Set the curmm “me by pressing uther rho m or E} bum». NOTE To mavzfnsu'r lhmugh um arm or ulhzr sckcuans, hold the mm B [mums dowry mlhcr man mmry pressing and releasmg. - PmslthNTER E7 buuon,Tl1e display nowreads'SET YEAR " 5a m cumm year by pressing euher the B on 13 buuon. ENGLISH - Press the ENTER 57 button The display now reads "SET MONTH.“ Set \hc currem munlh by pressing either (ha E or B buuon, . Press the ENTER 9 human, The display now reads “SET on?" Sex the current day 0! the momh by passing mm mm or E» button . in1 (he szx lime and date mode m any time by mmmg lhe selecmon dial Determine a Watering Plan Scc page 20 For inerucLions. Section 3: Programming Your Timer Figure 2: ngram A and Program 13 Dml Swings Set Start Times IMPORTANT: Multiple sum times in Program A wdl ripen! rm warm mg program Generally, only one cyde sum Aime is mqurmd/av and: mbgram (A and B) Sum times do no! wrmspond w mdrvrdual mam. ‘ mwrmcozsessmwamndd 5 Turn me selccrion dial lo gun I ME§ [or me pmgmm you wish (a 5a (A or B) su Stun Tim: 1 using the m and E1 Iwuons. rr you wtsh w 50 addiuona] mm firm (up u) six) [or the same program, was llm NEXT Q bumnorBfl‘ERE’bulwn, . To mmovenslan mneprcssCLEAR CE m on 54:1 slnn nme mode by mmmg xha scleclmn duly Set Station Watering Durations - Turn the selection dial w 11 mmm re. the program you wlsh m set (A or my ~ Set me dcsmd durinon (o , no minmcs) [or the swim displayed, Press NEXT Q or ENTER 9 to advance w me next simian. Press CLEAR LE! to remnvca dumion. IMPORTANT: Each station um have two dumanm For example 5mm") can have u duration 0/5 mm: in ngr'umA and a dwauon ups mrnmex in Program By Tymany a station has My one durum"! in either Pragmm A of B. A swarm WM] 11 mung ojo mmuws mu rm mm with chaLProgmm - rr Lwo programs are needed repeat lhese slaps (or the olhtr program - Exit the sex watering duralrons mode by turning yhc selcclmn dral ems/07 2mm PM ‘ Set Watering Days . Turn me scieulon din! w WATFRINQLngfi [or the program you wish w Set (A or n). s»: to mm - Days 0! the Week: - Press me NEXT “33 bum" lo move through the da s of me week The seiccltd day will flash Press ENTER and a water dmp appears above Ihal day oi the week The pro- gram is new sel lo wam‘ on m day The program can be 56! to wmfl any combinallon oidays (ex, Mo. We, Fr). - To clenclival: watering [or a parllwlar day. pmss the CLEAR (El buuon. Tht Wawrdrop WI“ (“55111pr Sena Waters Ddd Days: 0 Press me NEXT T‘fl bunch unul “ODD“ flashes - Press Ih: ENTER 9 bullon.Awamldmpwillappear above “ODD." - You can deactivate the “ODD" made by pressing lhc CLEAR E bullnn Di by selmlng another wmering day made. The wmr drop will disappear. Sel to Water - Even Days: - PresslheNEXT Q bum)" unlll“EVEN“flashcs - PresslheENTER 57 builol1.AWalc{dmp Wlliapptnr above “EVEN." - You can dcaclivalc: the ‘EVEN' mode by pressing the | omwmsamzsmmjm 7 CLEAR Ga bunch orby selectingunolhcr wxlcrlng day made. The waler dmp wlll disappean Sat In Water - Imewa) - Presstiw. NEXT E bullon unLil “m1" (mleml) flashes, . Pmsslhemor E) bulmnsmseleame desircdinlcl'vai (sclccl heme“ every 1 day and every 32 days). An interval of'Z“ mcans ll will waver Every amer (lay 0 You can dcaclivaic 1h: “iNTERVAL” mode by pressing \he CLEAR (E bulmn or by seiecllng nnolhcr Wamling day mode The war dmp Wlll dlsappeal‘. Set the Tlmer to Automatically Run Your Programs: - Turn the selecunn dial to AQIQ. The umcl will he conll’olied nulomallcnliy by [he pmgmmming panmciers mu have been sel. To Turn All Watering Off: - Tum me stleclion dlai lo m This pmvenls ms ximcl‘ from lumingany mlelmg slallon on an. any lime, regardless of progmmming, To Prevent Watering on a Particular Day: There may be one Or more days elm week when you never want to have me water mm on, regardlcss of whm |hc program zllsrm 297mm ‘ ENGLISH says. (Pal example, m some walcrdismclsl watmng is pmhlbiled on certain days ) To canccl pmgmmmed walcl'ing on speclfic days of me ml, lollnw than slcps‘ - mm (he sclecllun dnl lo up wmgmg My; g 91; On lhc dlsplay, ybu Wlll sec [ht seven days oflht weak wnh a water drop abuvc ml, (lay The walcr drop means Watering is allowed on lhzll pallicuklr day. - Prcss lhc NEXT “Q bullcn ID sclecl me day or llle week you don'\ Warn [0 Walter. (Thc day will flash) - Press llle CLEAR CE buzwn file water drop above lhal day Wm disappcm and Lhz “ON" on me bouom rlghl of the display Wlll change L0 “OW Thls means [he Ilmer will prc~ Venl Walcling on max dxy. - To unblock n day lml has bezn Szlccltd as a no walering day, selccl the any (followmg llle same slaps), then press Ihc EN ”R 9 human The walzl drop will mappzar and Ihc “OFF" Wlll change 10 “ON " - Exit the “NO WATERING DAY" selection mode by turning lhe sclccllnn duly To Prevent Watering Duting a Particular Period ofthe Day: Then: may be a Urn: nl the day whcn you new wank the walel to come on, mgaldlzss nl whzl the program calls for. (Puhaps your oomlnnnlly has banned waleung during mam ptrlocls cl me day. 01 you don‘t mnl your (lllldrtn lo gm We! galllg IO school J Hel‘cb when lo do - Tum lh: selccllcrl dlai la MW - Press lhe RAIN DELAY bulloh The dlsplay reads “SET NO WATER START PERIOD" - Press either the m or E3 bullon lo set the gall llme nfih: pol led you don‘l wanl lhc Walcl‘ lo come on. - Press lllz ENTER 1? human Thcdlsplnyl'cads‘SET NO WATER END PERlOD " - Press cilllcl me E or E) bulmn lo sci the and “me ollhe parlod you don't wanl ale walcl m coma on, - Exll me “NO WATERlNG PERKOD"se1ecllorl mode by lul n, nlg Ihc sclcclion dial. NOTE' l! programmcd walmng \\ llllemlplcd by a nmwatcn’ng mod, [ht llnlel- Wlll mxumc lhz walcl‘ing scllcdulc where it left elf lzx scan as an numlm'ng mod is over: I] fly: na~lvalmng ycn'ad prcvznls sdlululmi watering (mm swim-g, lbs llmcr wlfl slan [ht waunng a: man as (he llflwalm’mg period u am This [mum ls called “slmlungf SetWater Budgeting: Water Budgeting |s a qulck way lo adjust your Scl durations (lo [0 20096) based on seasonal mqulremems, - Tum lhc sclecuon dial to EUEW - Eilhcr press me E bullon lo increase m: walcrmg limits or pm me bullon L0 dam-case the limes ln incremems of 10 percml. A mung M 100% wlll nol change the Sc! durations, a selling of 200% will increasc a 10 minute __ I uwwmmssemzs-zamlnnd 5 2/13/07 2mm PM % _._ dulnllou lo 201nmulls,and a snlilng films will dccmst a [0 mmule dumion to 1 minute. - all me SM Willa budgfllmg mode by lulning lllc selcaion dial Test All Stations: wllll line “TEST ALL" runaion, you can easily lest nil [he waln- lngslnliolls by (ull‘ung lhcm on in sequence for on: lnillulc each. ~ will. illz dial in the A139 pusiilon press [ht MANUAL £7 buiion - m display mus "neg? ALL" lo ill: liglll a! llle letters “A" and ”w - Press Ihc ENTER 57 bulion Each Wlliering smiton will [uTn on all one lnlnule. ln sequence. To abon lllis plows balm lllc wsl is flnlslllcl, pmss the CLEAR @ bulLorl. To advance quxckly from one sumo" in (he ncxl press NEXT Q . Olherwise, the timer W!“ aulomsnr Cally exit lhe “TEST ALL" mode aflcl all slauons lune lull in on: nilnulc, Manual Watering » All Stations: Will‘l [ha “MANUAL ALL" iullcilon, you can manually (um on {ht waml’lng stations. ai any Lima - Willi the dial in ihe A JTQ posillon presi line MANUAL £37 buuun. l awmuoesgamwumlnm a - Pltsslhc NEXT Q bum)“, - Thc display malls “MANUAL ALL“ [0 [he liglll or (he, lellers ”A" and “B ' 0 Pressth ENTER 9 bunch. Each slntl’on wilh n Sal (llllaliun Will wum lll sequence, To quickly advance illonl one slauon lo the next press NEXT Q. To aborl ihls process before llic manual wmcrmg is finished. pless CLEAR (E . Otherwise, llie ilmtr will aulomalicully mi lllc “MANUAL ALL“ mode alter all slailons have lun, Manual Watering ~ Program A: Thls will allaw you to nullci only Ihose s|a|ions Wilh m dura— [ions in Program A. - Willi lhe dial in mt ALJIQ posilion pl‘csfi ille MANUAL E bullcn . Press the NEXT Q nulmn until me display reads "A MANUAL ALL“ fi Press the ENTER Q bunch. Each sialion Will walcn ill sequence. one after another, lol \hc 5am: dill-Allan specified in T’wgmm A. Ti: quickly advance from one smllon io (ha next press NEXT Q Ta abon [his plums laelore ille mmual watering is finishedl pmss CLEAR El v Od’lel'wisc. Iht‘, linlel- will uulomuiically cxh llle “A - MANUAL ALI,” modL‘. am all Program A Slalicns have run. ans/07 2mm PM 1 iv Manual Watering 4 Program B: This will ailaw you no water oruy |iwsc SlaliDns with an dura' item in Program B, - Wuh lbe din! ttt {he 4,11 Qlacsilion press the MANUALgV button - i’msslheNEXT Q3 builunumi] Lhc displayreads“)3 MANUAL ALL" 0 Press [ht ENTER Q bum)“ Each simian will waler. in sequence, one aficr another, [OY the same dulaiion specified rrt Program a To quickly advance from one station to Iha next piess NEXT Q To alum ihis process before Lhc mhttutt walermg is fianhcd, (press , FAR CE . Otherwise. the timer wlli aummfiucnliy exit the “B - MANUAL ALL" mode niler nit Program 13 sinuous have run. Manuai Watering « Single Stations: This will hiiow you 10 water a single Elation at a time. - With the dial in the w position press lhc‘MANUAL fl button - Press the NEXT “a bullon unllllhc dispisyi'fiads “MANUAL STA non 1". - Press rhr NEXT Q button lo select mt: stattah number you wnm my water 1 owrmnczmmaszamnm io - Press [ht E or E buxlcns 10 select the number ortmh, utcs Lo water (hm simian (item l w 120 minutes) ' Pressme ENTER E hull/on. To than lhis process More the manual waicrmg is finished. press CLEAR 411 t Oxharwiac, mt: nmer win automatically exil ihl: “MANUAL — STATION“ mode ailzr the seiecwd station has run, Rain Delay Function: yttu can press the mm DELAV button I0 stop all programmed water mg fiom trktng place [or a term“ number oi hours or days (for msmnce. afici’a tam sum“) . With me dial ht the gum DDSiuon press L112 mm DELAY bum)“. - P1255 theE or E] humans to change ihe ram delay pencil The options are 24 hours, as hours, 72 hours. 4 days, 5 days and up to 99 days in oncvday inctmtnrs - Press the ENTER 57 bulk)“ L0 enter the min delay made The Ram Dzihy hours remaining Wm show On tht display. The "that will revert m the programmed schedule at the cxpim— tum oi the rain delay panel]. to mum to aim programmed schedule before the expimuon or (he mm delay pal ind, press Kl“: CLEAR LE huuon Manuai Advance During Watering: - Pressing (h: NEXT “Q button Wiliadvance waicringirom 2115107 217112 PM 1 lhc curmnl simian L001: mm slalim’l in (he cyclel This ran he done during scheduled, manual or remolz acmmed watering Section 4: Using the Remote Control Device NOTE Tbs umcr will «map! cummandsfmm the female camrol dmllcc only when the wminll dml IS [14 mad MAM llr ml“ 1 [hi XEIZCDDYI dial ls Lumcd in any nlller selling, commandsme the Remain letl'al Device Wlll I): stared m mummy and annual whzn llau svleclion (Ila! I5 Iurm'd 40 MO) Install a Battery in the Remote Control Device: - Open mo balm y compsrlluml dool - lnslall a 9»vcl( ballery in (he lmlcly cumparlmem, - Replace lllu bulcry culupunmml door To Synchronize the Remote Cumrol Device wlth the Tlmer: The mmmt elem provided will. youl’ limer (5 already synchm- mud lo your umu- ll [be mole is nol luncxloulug properly or lfyou m adding a new remote or RF scnsol Io your syslcm do the (ollowmg - With me lemme device m your hand pvtss the “RF Sync" button on llle leer (ml; W!” achvflle 3 ml llghl on lhe timer) 1 o1wwuozssemzs-24mmo n - Press (he OFF button on llm renlolc or depress lllc stem of {he RF sensnr (Ihc red lighl should slal'l bllnklng), - ll me red Iighl blinks you have successlully synchmnlzcd (he dcvlcm. ll lhc lighl does nol blmk shack Lhm the lemma has a flesh 9v balmy m lhul lhe RF sensor swilch is uol OFF and lry lhe slaps again. To Water All Stalinns: - Pressand releasc the AL]. bullon ml the remol/z comm device (a sclccl all stations for walollug, ' Press and release the ON “X" MlN bullon to command the lam lo mwr all Gm shamans scqucnllally fer the dulled (“x") number or minutes, - lryou wish Ic advance lo ihe nexl filauon before a slallon's walerlng duration \5 mmplcm. press NEXT, Tu Water One Station, - Press mu number of me smuoh you wlsll L0 walen - Pless ON “X‘ MIN Lo Wain lhe slzlion [or (he fleshed ("X") number of nunulzs Tn Water More Than One Speclfic Slatlan: - Press lhc numbers of lllc slalions you wlsh m walel, (Example: 3, 7‘ lo, and a The umu will waLer in sequence llom lowest lo lllo highesl. 3, a, 7, 10 > (No maltel' which order you plt'SS the keys, file timer will want!“ mum sequentially [mm lhc lawesl lo (he hlghesl number) 2mm 2mm w | ENGLISH ll lz - Press ON ”X" MIN to Miler lhosc smions for [he desired (“X") numbcr oi mlnulcs. To Cancei Remote Contra! Device Operation and Return Control to Timer: 0 Frcss ll'ic OFF/CLEAR bunch on (ha Rename Comm! Device. This canccis any curltnl commands (l‘om (ht device and lelurns CDmm| back L0 ihe limfl. Section 5: Using the Optional Rain-Freeze Sensor An cpiional rain-[rccxe sensor can be purchased seyal'ately m prizvcm programmed winning (or a specified period of lime. aflct rain rails or during pariods when lempcralul‘cs iall bciow a specified (emperalum. Thc sensor has selling; for RAIN, OFF and RAIN/FREEZE Please reier m We manual lhm accompanies me lliinJretxe sensor for insmllalion and programming imma- lions. NOTE Tim minszc SUMO! wdlfuntuall only win. the scltmun din! mi Lha limer .s mined 10 xi lug Secjion 6: Ipstalling Indoor Mount Sprinkler Timer and Remote Control Device Sleeve NOTE: Before Inxklllatmn, pleas: haw the {our/wing tools on hand: - Phillips witwdvivcr - Wlw Stl'lppas l ownwozmmzs-uwnan iz Insta|ling the Sprinkler Timer in Five Easy Steps 1. Sakai 3 Location Select a location with (he (allowing mm: Near an electrical ouLlcl. (Avoid using an ouilci wmrollnd by aswilch) in a div indom location, where upcmnngtempelaimes rm: not below 32“ or above 122“ Fahlenhcil (below 0 degrees or above 50 degrees aims) No! in direct sunliglu. Accesslblc m spllnkler wires from valves. Figure 3 Moummglhc Docking Port mam 2:07in PM i . Mount [he Docking Pan ~ slid: the timer ofhhe ducking no". (See figurt 3) . Usmg |he mourning lcmplaw (included), mark lhc [W0 screw locations on [ht wall, men drm holes at me marlG hn No. 5 screwsi Use the uni-mm; anchors in plasier or masonry ii necessary, . mice the docking purl zlgmnsl the wall, nhgmng ihi iwo holes in [he docking port wiih Ihc lwo diilkcd holes - Secure ihc docking poli L0 the wall by screwinga No a screw (included) ihmgh cash oi ihe two holes - DO nm slide the Hmel‘ back (mm the docking pen in. . Connecl the Transformer - Find Wit Iwo sockcls at the bottom iii (he docking pon laheled "zwAcr (Se: Flgurc n) - Insuringxhc imnsiormci is no! pluggizd in; insert one or figure i- Connecting [he Transformer l WMM n lhc two power leads from [he u‘ansIm'mer min each terminal sockcl using lhc phillips screwdriver I0 deprcss (he lemiina‘ bulion (Ihis aflows [or wire insenmn or mm» ~ Plug in ihc imnsIoi-mcn WARNING Do inn link iwn in "mm sprinkler him-vs ingezhcv wiih mm imiixfamw 4. Conneci Valve Wires (0 Timur. Pump Stan and Master Valvi: Sedans A Wm“; 4“; gValves NOTE: I] ma anime bziwecii inc sprinkler iimei and valves is under 700‘ (210 m use oi-biiv Sprinklci‘ wim or 20 gaugz CAWG) plasiiciackcled rhu'masuzi wire m canned ihe sprinkler [mm (u the Va'V55~ Ifthe distance is over 700' mo in), use 16 gauge (chi WW. - Taking the sprinkler wim, slrip uz- (12 mm) onhe plastic insulation ofithe and ofench individual wiie . Canned one wim from each valve (ii docsm maitcr which with) lo a single “common" sprinkler wire This is usually while. (See Figim 5) IMPORTANT: AI! wirts should bejamed wgnhei using win: mus, solder arid/m vinyl tape. For additional pimriion io walnrprnoIcunneflwiis, an oihm giwc can mm in mi . chl, minim Ihe Itmxtnmg win: from each valve u) a separate mhimi sprinklcr wire 2/18/07 20m PM I - To avoid electrical hazard; only one valve shouki be connected to each station IMPORTANT: The ww can be band in (he gmund Hawcm, for greater pmwnium wims um be pulled ihmmgli PVC pipe and buried MYldflgmundi Be cam/1d [17 Avoid buiying Lht’ wins; in FORUM": where they could be damaged hyfulun: digging m‘ ”tucking. 5 gm,“ yang gs Olga Sprinder'lltrlg - Snip 1/4" (5 mm) 0mm plastic insulation ofhhz end or each wire - Dam-mine which valv‘e you mm to mnnw is which simian lnscrl each sprinkler wim‘ cxcluding in: “common“ wire, imc i sepaiaie station seam (num— beied above each sockel) by inserting xhe have wire inny inm inc mm undev each number (Ste Figure 5) w mmmnm W mum Comm" Win Smliim Vllvns Figure 5 Connecting Spunklchlre ‘ ownwnzsqssmwamnaa u 1mm DDDDD DDDDDDDDD . Connect the common wire lo on: of th: two sockets (white in colar) labeled “COM " NOTE: him! only mu Win mm mzh "COM'sotktt Umuve than two common wires m mqmrcd, split: 5mm tugnlhci n; duly mu: wire runs ima each of Mi Mi) “cow terminals Pmlzu (he splice cat-nation With a wire nut \!P This mm allows a master valve in pump stun miay 10 open an whenever a staiion 15 on NOTE l/you we mivaiing ix punipjmm irii; mm, you musi "whim (1 Pump Sam May. an1 inc nninp slim relay (or master valvc), connect one wire is (he mum" sockeL and [he olhcrwht to in: “cow seem Once all connecnons \0 lhc docking pan are made, you may slide the um back onto me (locking pen. . Mount the Sleeve for me Remote Control Dcvice - Using lhe mounting ieniplnie (inciuded) mark [he (we screw iwiiioni on me wall, mm drill rides at [he marks for Nun 5 screws, Use the expanding anchors in plaster or masonry if necessary (The sleeve can be maunled any where and dncs not need to be mle in fine iimen) - Place the mmo‘c comml devicz sleeve againsi il-ic walL aiigning lht lwa holcs in the sleeve wnh I1}: lwo dl illtd hoicsv ans/av 2fl725 PM ‘ - Scenic [he sincvsioiiie wall byscmwinga No assign (included) ini-nngii each oi the {W0 liaizs - Slide Hie mmolc control device mm (b: sleeve. Section 7: Diagnostics Circuit Breaker Small-Scan” Diagnostic anii Scming A dingnosiic iaull scnsor Win inioinaiicaily scan For iiin presence oh] inniiy solenoid i>i wiii'ng snnn in a valve during each Waturing scqucnct. u a faulty station is detected, the sprinkler nniei will move to me "fix! working station. 5mm Scan“ aiso dclccls fanny wiring 4m ins Pump or Mnsiir Comm] Upon detection walering cycle is discontinued Fault Notificalmn . Fauhy Slmion‘ “FAULT STN‘ ind siaiinn number is dispiayed. When niuiiiplz faulty sinuous are detected. oniy iiie issi fanny simian Win be displayed - Fanny wiring for pump/maslerconiml “PUMP FAULT" is ciispinytd. Donacling the Fault 1 mm, repair ins slim-i in iiie wiring Oi iiiiim ine fanny solenoid. z Tes‘ Ihc snnon by npmiing a manual walenng scquenu. 3. II the short is net dciscwd arieia few seconds, iiin iauh nouficnion message will be lcnmnaitd I omnwnzsisfima—mmnw is 4 Iflhc message cnnunues, n Short in ihc winng sLiiI cxisis lmnmni Auto-Hsseuing Electronic Circuit Breaker The sprinkicr iiinci is tquippcd wiin an inisrnii eiscimnic selhmscning cii-cnii bi‘eakm' Pmible cuuscs of a tilcuil bizakcr inpning, l [f hghlnmg snikes nearby. 2. When me powm‘ supply has in eltaric split: 3. Ha slauon has a Wiring shim. Whenever one of ihesz conditions occurs. the electronic Circuit him“ may nip, causing inn sninon cuipui (mm inc sprmkicl' limtv‘ in be iiiiisd IUDNtmiTiiy. The batteries wiii commuc io acllvaic (he LCD. Aim-a isw momtmsi ins sprinkisi iiiiiii will automatically retest the circuit to see if ii-ic condmun has stopped lfsoi the CiYCu“ brtakcr Will resei nssif 2/15/07 217725 PM | is Section 8: Glossary of Terms 1mm DEFINITION CycIe sun mu; The me the gmgram begins wuieuug me cycle Mmer Vllvz Avslve that prohibits water from (sachlng slniiun vulva: Mulqyls Sim mm Afeamre lhalalluws a program in be uperaieul multipls times on the same day Programlh ME} _A sawmill. a group oi nuziuusmaiumimlnus m5 dam and film for watering wehv Mealure liaiuieuem the sprinkler timer from running il‘s scheduled wateilrlg pmqram lure specific dilution Solenoid The elucmuul mun u s'yrlulllui iiuiuanuul valvulhalopsns and ctnsas the valve siniuiiernmu. "" A device mm is responsible fuvluml'ng an automatic imgiifiim syslsm on and uii Stankinw When a sienllme is schsdulsd to begin balms me previmls cycle has committed smiuu [Wuteflna smiuui An Emu where m watering iinig r nl is ull cunuomu uy a singla cunnol valve ’ remiiul The connection uuim an mu uuTkiug pofl where a wire is inserted —”“ Walnvlng pmgnu SEE "nglam (A01 El" “- 4" Wmiiny Restriclirms Specific days and/nrfimss um lml municlp s vmhlbnwatellng Wuxuiiug Vuiu Wm U1 cuniimcnuli wim sprinkler timers - u wave-Kemwuym duliyarwmuu lawns, plfii‘s’ and qardens (lriigaflon Valve) zum See “Stalin" [Watering Swim)" Determine a Watering Plan Yam limcr has lwa pmgrnms magi“ A and Ploglarn s Th: dual program capability allows you in assign ccllaln watch ing slnllons m Progmm A and uiims Ii) Frugal“ is. Tim ale various musum why you would want I0 do so. For cxumple, yuu mlgl'il wanl to assign Ihl: slallons that water [ht yl‘den and flawcr beds lo Program A and Illost um water the lawn arms oiyuur yard to Program B Thai way, yuu cm szl Flagram A 10 walcl‘ lhc garden beds mry day, and set ngram B [0 WM lhz lawn umy second or mud day Your umel‘ allows you lo Sal up lo slx diliurem walcrirlg cycle slim times [or Program A or Program B. You cannui 5m u Cycle sLiilL Lime for each simian, Slalions can be assigned iu timer Program A or Plvgl'am B Stations assigned in u progmm will mm on sequcnlially accolding lo lhe cycle slam limes nSSlgncd, To help you visualize how best (a pmgmm your timer. it mlghi be helplul lo make a walering piuu on paper, This will help you cslnhhsh [he days, Limes and dumlions lo walcr each siaiion. __ ‘ D7WTM00259557E26~24rMmd15 ails/07 207:st 1 L For each swim (of valve) wmc down [he watering rwonmm, Be awm‘z ojmny watering wim’ctians Lhmugh location, the type 0[ spfinkler head and m: types or your law! waver damn, I H be Wed. "3” ° W ‘ 3 Dmrmmc‘basm on sxep 2Jhcidcalwzlcring opnonrm- 2. Using lhis list, dcm‘mme the recommended watering each amnion durauon (for each Iype ofsprmklel hem and the vcgwnlon m be watered) and frzqucncy for esch smucn Based on (he preceding inlmmamm your wmer program may look like this: Wanting sun Dumllrm Smion Prowl!“ Dptinn Dly$ Time Mimrlu locaflofl Sprinkler Plan“ 1 A Day: cheek M.W.Sal 5:00AM 15min FronlSnip Spray Heads 60:55 2 A Days chesk M‘Wv Sn! 15min From, NDrlh Sway Hsads Glass 3 B Odd/Even Every mhsrday SB min Back, th GearDrive Grass 17 __ 1 ww‘rmnzsss fleas-zommd fl ans/07 2:07:25PM1 _ \ I Section 9: Trouble Shooting Onsol mole m mnsdn nammon Pmslble Causes M Plnhlems |. amazing": 2. Wire mm or m comma :. rm cnmml mm smwm dawn. Ehlmiflg vzive n" Duneflhm mm. mlmm _ Ramirwirund cheukcunnacfinns Tum new annual sum cnumer»c\nckwise um 4mm new mam-m1 t. Progummmg is incamm 0mm make sum the mm. m qumm is mmwuuwkh n magma Smmns Wm M when my um um sunpased w LWMzinresst is we mun Inna” a messma reduce: z. Mme man we slarumve zs mgummed name the numher m um times 101 mu mum» 75mm: m senowawv mm mm warm Ken's—raw“ flumlmn m on" susnnv! grn|rim Due sum» ws met on and win new shul on x Fanny vam z. Parl'mles uc din a! new me): In me 3. valve ditphmgm hulw Chuck mm vim vs nut lnsraHed backwards Remove mm m debris hum valve fluplace dianhr-gm All moons m not mm m1 Turner will not puwu up 1. Vransimmu isdeleclivo n! rs nolcannecud ”mm 2. memm \s mammal 3 man is in as; made L hummer h duhcflva nr is nu! connected cme ‘2 Tune: is rm! 3!!an way dawn mun; dnchng p'orr Check connudens |m1nmlnilN0 AID vaur pnrsim mama lrallshmmr Checksmn'fimunfl Wmmg Days Tum am in AUTD C\»nckcnnntcfion: Ind ma was we pnwel usrsvm rag|acnllanslnvm1 "Push dawn timer on dunking fin umil back Parsmanx ram 13 ‘ owwmaesassms»zuundu we “sh: mm; on 31 scnnfinuewmm an mm L Memhanm anmnirpmqmmmmwm nvuflauvmgschedmes Red-meme numbwalsranfimeflmxhu menmeym nuxprugnmmedm nlogvum 2 Excessive pmssum L shun in wving or men mus” pressm reducer check wlnnq uv replace solennid ans/07 29725 PM ‘ Help More returning Lhis spfinldcr umer m m: slov'c,con1acl Orbu' Technical Service at LsooAsgmss. Lem-2995555, Listings The spv‘mkler mm ‘s msmd m ULlQSl (Models 57922. 57926, 91922,91925,94912,94926)5mdam and 15 Em iismd. Appmpnatc mmmalimml medals m cw and CE' approved Orbit” Irrigation Limited Six-Year Warranty owns hngmon Pmducls, xnc warmnls lo us cuswmcrs (hm us pmduclfi Mn 1» (tea from dams in materials and workman- shp for a pcnod or six years (mm m dam 0( purchase. Wt will replace. [rec or charge, on defective pawl or pans found in be defective undcv' normal use and 5mm fur a period uf up in six years after pumhas: (proofof purchase required) We rescl v: the light L0 mspcct the defective part prior Io rcrflacemem owno Irrigation Products, Inc Wm not be re, sponsibm for consequential or incidental cost or damage caused by m: ploducl mum, om» Halnhly under this wamuuy .s hmued solely Lo Lhc replacement or repair of dcfecflve pans Tu exercise your warramy, return the mm to your dealer wvlh a copy or me sales vectlpl, SAFETY or CHILDREN The control)” is mu inlendtdfmusc by young chum" a. Infirm pmun withnul superman. Young chfldrcn dmuld he wpewlscd m ensunz they do run play with comrollev i ownunmsfimzsaumnua (9 mm Ilr'maflnn Plenum m Nnnh m Luke, UY must USA wwwmhimnflne cam ; humans—use to my Orbimmmmn Pmufls. m. M righlx {mm hum- was in; wgimma hadmatks a! "swarm mmuisclums um. 19 ans/m 29726 W ( For STZRF SPRIN TIMER 57 2 57916 & 57912 This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation, Warning: Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 oi the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and. if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However. there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment all and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: - Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. - increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. - Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. - Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help‘ Shielded USB cables must be used with this unit to ensure compliance with the Class B FCC limits. For STZRF SPRINKLER TIMER ($918, 91912 91926 8. 919121 The term “iC:" before the radio certification number only dignifies that industry Canada technical specifications were met. This Class B digitat apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003. Cet appareit nume’rique de la ctasse B est conforme a la norme NMB-DO} du Canada For STZRF SPRINKLER TIMER (“am 94212 94926 8 949221 Action: Type iY disconnection Degree of pollution 2 Hereby, Orbit Irrigation Products, Inc declares that this SPRINKLER TIMER is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC The socket-outlet shall be installed near the equipment and shall be easily accessible The equipment is to be supplied from an identified USB port complying with the requirements of Limited Power Source. (6 CE mark (5mm minimum in size)
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.3 Linearized : No XMP Toolkit : Adobe XMP Core 4.0-c316 44.253921, Sun Oct 01 2006 17:14:39 Create Date : 2007:05:16 14:13:19Z Modify Date : 2007:05:16 14:19:33+08:00 Metadata Date : 2007:05:16 14:19:33+08:00 Format : application/pdf Document ID : uuid:a58c6a90-6771-4851-ad88-8dcc87b8c56d Instance ID : uuid:cbc4985c-34ae-4641-88c1-a1f0102a639d Page Count : 20EXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools