Orion Electric Co 9G926 19-inch Color Monitor User Manual
Orion Electric Co Ltd 19-inch Color Monitor Users Manual
Users Manual
ATTACHMENT 1 - USER'SMANUAL © 2000 PCTESI’ Lab ORIOI'I 19” HIGH RESOLUTION MONITOR USER’ S GUIDE MODEL NO.: 9G926 BEFORE USING THIS COLOR MONITOR, HEAD AND OSSERVE ALL OF THIS USER'S GUIDE, Primed in Korea PIN: M39M0057 SAFETY INSTRUCTION 2 CAUTIONS 4 FCC RF INTERFERENCE STATEMENT 5 INSTALLATION E HESOLUIION Z CONT ROLS AND FUNCTIONS d HEAR VIEW [1 POWER MANAGEMENT 11 SPECIFICATIONS 1,5 TROUBLE SHOOTING GUIDE LE WICHTIGE HINWEISE (GERMAN) 7 This Monitor was Manulaetured by ISO 9001 Cettlfied Factory » meter/anon MANUAL msmucnorr rant/um t. Read all at these instruolions. 2. Save these irstructions Ior later use. 3. Follow all wamings and insuuctions marked on the product. . Umlug this product lrorrl the wall oullet belore cleaning. Do not use liquid cleaners or aerosol cleaners. Use a dry oloth lor cleaning. 5. Do not use ttu‘s product near water, 6. Do not place this product on an unstable an, stand or table. The product may tall, causing serious damage to the product. 7, Slots and openings in the mbinet and the baclt or bottom are provided lor ventilation: to ensure reliable operation ol the product and to protect it lrorn overheating these openings must not be blocked by placing the product on a bed. sole, rug or other similar surtaoe. This product should never be placed near or over a heat reglster. This product should not be plaoed in a built~in installation unless proper ventilation is provided. B. This product should be operated "cm the type at power source indicated on the marking label. It you are not sure at the type ol power available consult your dealer or local power oornpany. 9. This product is equipped with a 3 wire grounding type plug havirg a thirdlgrounding) pin. This is a salety leature. ll you are unable to insen the plug into the omlet corn/sot your electrician to replaoe your obsolete outlet Do not daleat the purpose ol the gromdingtype plug. to. Do not allow anything to rest on the power oord. Do not locate this product where persons will walk on the cord. tt,lt an extension cord is used with this product. make sure that the total ol the ampere ratings on the produots plugged into the extension cord do not exoeed the extension oord ampere rating. Also. make sure that the total 0! all products plugged into the wall outlet does not exceed is amperes t2, Never push objects ol any kind into this product through cabinet slots as they may touch dangerous voltage points or short out pans that could result in a risk 0! lire or electric shock Never spill any kind oi liquid on the product, 13.Do not ammpllo service this product yoursell, as opening or removing covers my expose you to dangerous voltage points or other rlslte. Reler ell sen/icing to service personnel. . 14. Unplug Ihis product lrom the wall outlet end reler servicing to qualified service personnel under the lollrrwing oorutitions. . 1‘ A,Wherrthepowereordorplugisdarna9edorlrayed, B.IIl5quidhasbseflspi'ledimolheprodlm c. "the product has been exposed to rein orwaler. D. IttheProdnctdoesnoteperale mrmalymntheeperating instructiemare followed Adjustonly those mole that ereoovered by the operating instructions since improper adjusum of other eomzols may result in rhmage and wil otten requ’re extensive workby aquelfred technician to restore normal operation, E. ll the produa has been dropped or the cabinet has been damaged. F. II lhe product sxhbil: a distinct change in perIDmBnDs, Indlcehng a need lor SGNIBGA bbCAUTION Mpowersupplycerdismdastnemainmnneam. ensure marl/re somerwtretis locaterfllrrstellednearrneeqrrr‘prnemundiseasiry ramble. b M‘I'I'EN'I'ION Leoordpn rfelirnemhbneslmfilwoommelrrtrmrpreurgeneralleprisede cowamdditélresmreeourrrstafleeapmnrrrfledumarenelerétreradle James mucus»: MANIIALm } NEVER REMOVE THE BACK COVER Removal 01m bank never should he earned out onlybyqrtelified personnel. This «play monitor domains high voltage inside. b DO NOT USE IN NOSTILE ENVIRONMENTS To prevent shock or fire hazard, Do not expose the unit to rain or moisture. Tl‘nurfillsdesignedlobeusedintheoffieedrhome.DonotsubjectlIvaunitlo vibrations, dnsl el corrosive gases. } KEEP IN A WELL VENTILATED PLACE Ventilation holes are provided on the oehinetto prevent the temperature lrom rlehg. Do not ooverthe un'n orplaoe anything on the taper unit Ventilation holes are provided also on the bottom ottne cabinet b AVOID NEAT Avoid placing the unit In direct sunshine orneer e treating appliance. b BE CAREFUL OF MAGNETIC FIELDS Do nptplwe a magnet, speaker system, floppy tflsc drive Manythirrg which wfll generate magnetism near the writ. A magnen‘c field may cause blurred colors or distortion of the msplayed pattern. ) T0 ELIIIINATE EVE Fmeue Do not use the unit againste brightbaek ground and where sunlight or other fight sources will shine diredly on the manner. 5 BE CAREFUL OF HEAVY OBJECT Neither the monitor itself nor any other heevyobject should rest on the power cord Damage to a power oord can cause fire or electrical shock ”More: Thiseouipmerrtnesbeentestedendtouridwcenrph'wim the/imitators Class 5 digital device, pursuant to Part 15 o! the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable pmteco‘on against hanntut interference in a residential Mallow. misequrprnentgenereles, usesendcenredreteradlolrequencyenergyend, flnothstattedandusedinacoordance wrtnttteinstmctions, maycause harmful Interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee matirtterterence Mitnoloccurin apatticutarinstattetion. Iitntsequrpmentdoescausenarmndrntederenoetoradioortelevision receptionwhichwnbedetenninedbytwningtheequtomentoltandon theuser isencaurapedtouytoconemmalmederencehyonewmoreotmetotlowmg measures -Reorientorretocatelhereoaivinganlenfla. ~ Increase the separation between the equbment and receiver. -Connecttheeou¢mentintoenovttetonacimoitdilierenttrom thalto which the reoeiveris connected - Consult the dealer oron emen‘encedradic, TV technician tor hetp, -Onlyshr'etdedintenacecableshouldbeusect Finatty, any changes orrnodifications to the ewipmenlby the user riot emsstyapprovedbythegrenlaaormantflacturercoutdvoidthe users atnhon'ty to operate such equipment D DOC COMPLIANCE NOTICE This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class B limits tor radio noise emissions trom digital apparatus set out in the ratio Interterence regulation 0! Canadian Department at Communications. h AVIS DE CONFORMATION AU MDCtDOC) Le present apperetl meme n'ometpes de emits tadioélectriques dépassent lee Iimites eppthues aux aopareas mmeriques de Chas B d'epres tes regtements sur la tnouilege tadb—élemrfittte ooncuentper le ministers des oommmlcah‘ons du Canada NO TOOLS ARE REQUIRED TO INSTALL THE MONITOR. SIMPLV FOLLOWTHE INSTRUCTIONS OUTLINED IN THE NEXT FEW PAGES. 1. CONNECT THE SIGNAL CABLE A. ATTACHED SIGNAL CABLE 1) It the signal mote is attached on the monitor, connect the other and intothegraphic card on back ot the camottter. 2) Seourethe connection with the screws on the plug. B. DETACHED SIGNAL CABLE 1) Connect one and ot the signal cable to the back panel ot the monitor and connect the other end to the graphic card on back at the computer. 2) Secure the connection with the screws on the ptug, 2. CONNECT THE POWER OORD Connectthe female end otthe poweroord to the power input receptacle on the back panel ot the monitor, Then, ping the male end at the power cord to an Ac outlet or computer. 3. TILT/SWIVEL STAND The TlIt/Swivel Stand is insulted already, when this monItor set manutecmred, 4. MAKING THE RIGHT CONNECTIONS 1) Malta sure the power tothis monitor and the computer system is turned OFF, 2) Connect the DSUB connector ot signal oabte to system. 3) Connect one end ottho power cord to thts monitor and the other end to the wall or Pic outlet. 4) Turn this monttor ON. 5) Start your system. This monitor is a digitallyeornrolled multHrequerwy mon‘nor. It operates at horizontal Ireqnencies oi 30 to ssKHz and vertical lrequencies of 50 to ison. Because at its micro prooessorpased designs it otters amsynohronimflon and autosizing mpabilhies. The monitor otters 12 programmed settings as listed it the table below. These 12 preset modes oover moslol the oommon video modes supported by popular graphic adaptors. However, each adapters Implementation 0! these video modes may vary slightly in timings. You may find “a necessary to make minor aqustmenls to the display settings (i.e., horizontal position) using the On Screen Display. For tunher information and instmch‘ons on using the On Screen Display, ptease reler to Section 5. ‘Comrols and Functions." You can also program any signal within its lrequency range ol ween-11 horizontal and $048on vertical as user Programmed modes. INSTRUCTION MANUAL BMENLI aurron ' ' msernmcnoenso) cserscr WHO“ A. rowan swrrcn A. POWER 0NIOFF( (b ) Turns the power ON or OFF. There will be a lew seconds delay betore the display appears. The power LEDlnext to the power switch) lights when the power is timed ON. The ponerls hinted on by pressing the power switch again and the power LED goes out. B. MENU Activates and exits the On Screen Display This button an also be used to move previous menu or status. There are two OSD menu or status. \ They are USER MENU 1 (H POSITION, H SIZE, V POSITION. V SIZE, PIN CUSHION, TRAPEZOID. CORNER CORECTION, PARALLELOGRAM, PIN BALANCE. TILT, RECALL. COLOR TEMP. BRIGHTNESS. CONTRAST] A USER MENU 2 (INFORMATION, LANGUAGE. MOIHE. DEGAUSS, OSD HORIZONTAL. OSD VERTICAL, OSD ON TIME). C. SELECT The select button allows user to activate the desired adjustment wmi blinh‘ng icon. 0. ADJUST ( v A t The Adjust button allows user to choose the icons (controls) In the menu. Pressing the adjust button v or A will step through all available adjustment icons (controls). In addition this adjust button can be used to adjust the icons (controls) that is selected and activated (blinking) via the select button. Press the Adjust button, A Window containing an adjustment bar wit increase or decrease. Alter oompleting a! the desired adjustments, the On Screen Display will disappear with pressing the menu button. 1. SELF~TEST DISPLAY When there is no signal input (No connection), the On Screen Display will show. : if assesses emf 2. AUTO REGISTRATION this monitor has 12 preset modes. II the cunent video a one ol the preset modes. the monitor keeps storing tI-e custom display settings into the permanent memory. There are also to user modes that allow you to save the custom display settings made to any video mode that is not one at the preset modes. Adjustments are automatically registered without pressing any buttons. Up to to user modes are stored aummatiwlty on a ‘FirstIn-Firstoul” basis. 3. OSD MENU DESCRIPTION USER MENU 1 m it POSITION (Horizontal Position) Moves images horizontally on screen |elt(v) or right“). H SIZE (Horizontal Slu) Increases“) or deueases(v) Size ol Image horizontally. V POSmON (Vertical position) Moves images vam'calty on screen ipla) or down”). V SIZE (Vertical SIM) IncreasesiA) or deaaases( v) Size ol image vertically. PINCIJSHION Adjusts the side Pin-cuslu'on or banelling. TRAPEZOID Adjusts the daplay sides to be parallel. CORNER CORRECTION User an select Top or Bottom Corner correction by pressing the Select button and also can activate with select button. r? TOP CORNER CORRECTION Corrects the lap corner image shape to a rectangle. W BOTTOM CORNER CORRECTION Corrects the bottom comer image shape to a rectangle. Q PARALLELOGRAM Adjusts the tilt ol the display sides. EDEIEE‘D] WWI/0170” MANUAL-"- ‘IU 1, .. D PIN BALANCE Adjusts the curvature ol ins lctl and right sides oi the screen image. a nu Minsts the Iill 01 image. £1 RECALL Resets the control functions tackle the original lemony preaetvaluee lncrderlorlhs Recefltundicnwcrlring lbstiningmustiallundefona otthe tact-cry preset timing modes OOLOR TEMPERATURE Mjusis color Minerature lo 9300K. 6500Klncies 1 9300K is Iactofy deiault). Or. to! ecuslcm cclcr mode. select ‘USER” and push the select buncn to activate me RGB Submenu. ThiuqmtlbeimeneaycllheRGBvidecomprnUsinglheseleflbumn activate the HGtRed Gain), GG(Green Gain) ol BGlBlue Gain) and change color strength lot a customized color mode. 0 enmmsss Increases“) or decreases“) the inlensilymlmination) chive image. 0 comm Increases“) or decreaseslvl me strenglhllgnlness cr dlrnness) olme image. USER MENU 2 IN INFORMATION Displays horizontal lrequenm/(cri violet) and vertical nequemylun violet) and ‘PRESET MODE' means the legacy preset modeler: violel). IE LANGUAGE Selects e language among ensue", DEUTSCH, mucus, ESPAl'lOL, rrALiAno, AV MEI/Cm” MANUAL"- MOIRE Aquslsllle moire level oi the screen. Activate MOIRE icon A keep pressing select blmcn appronmaleiy 2 seconds after select 'ON'. 0 H. MOIRE ADJUST Reduces the optical eltecl cl norimntel wavy lines on the display image. These enacts are usuelly more ncticeable on large gray areas or on Mac“ while check board patterns, a“ V. MOIRE ADJUST Reduces lne optical ellect cl vertical wavy lines on the display image. These etleas are usually more noticeable on large gray areas or on black l. wh'ne check heard patterns. DEGAUSS Manually demaglefize: the cm. This can be used It the display becomes decololed. Alldwa minimum at 20 minules to elacse between each degauss. The monitor also will amomallcally degauss when power is applied. 050 HORIZONTAL Mcwes the OSD posilion to Iell or right. 080 VERTICAL McveslheOSDpcsitionlouperdovm 050 ON TIME Amman screen OSD running time. E. AC INLET This mon‘nor Iantures a power management system In'power down" upon reoeim 0! me Power cord connenion. VEsA DPMsme dispiay power management signing) Item a VESA DPMS video ) a HOT“ card. Powemudis usedes main powsrdiswnnea device in new The VESA DPMscompiantvideowd penunns ihb simaling sysiem ihrough not sending anontel, venkal. or sync signal This moniior enters an appropriaie mode through Idenfifyiig each of ihe rhree modes oi lhe signaIing sysIem, POWER CONSUMPTION F. D-SUB DONNEC‘TOR OF SIGNAL CABLE Comedic me analog RGB sigml uutpm eonnecIor oi video card. E— LED INDICATOR The power managemenl Iaalure oi the monnor is comprised oriour sages : 0n(Green), Siandoy, Suspend(Arnber blinking) and Amive > Accessonv “WM- I, POWER CORD 2, INSTRUCTION MANUAL 3, SIGNAL CABLEUI detachable Iype) Screen blanks after weset idle rime and Some eleflmnic circuits go on. * AMBER BLINKING All aim in (he murmur is shoot down AMBER empi Ile'rya tom power detection circuit 1; l CDT to ' (18 'Viewabte) Dynamic tows. lnvar shadow mask and AHAS(AmiNUT! : Technical sneer/[cations are subject to change without notice. 15 - » vmufififi. “V‘AQ ' m we: t.CnecklhatpoweroordoIttreMonnorhave been connected securely into wall outlet or grounded extension cable or strip, f 2. Powert switch should be in the ON position and LED is lit, 3. Check that the Brightness and/or the Contract adjustments ol the Display have not been turned down to minimun levels. i.Tt|e signal cattle should be mmptetely connected to the video card/computer. 2, The video card should be completely seated in its slot and the computer is switched ON. Adjust size and position in the 080. your settings wrl be memorized automatically ‘n microprocessor at the monitor. The sound you hear indicates tttat lite demagnet» ng circuit is activated Every time the monitor is powered on, it will go through the degaussing process which heips efiminate any purity problems, Remove electric equipmems that may be causing ,< eiectric intereterence to the monitor, This usually occurs it on extension signal cable is installed or the signal cable is not lamened to the back at the vtdEO card. WSTHIIWION WIML
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