Orolia 82-501 User Manual McM G4

Orolia Ltd McM G4


McM G4 User manual

VRV 3422115
11 Warnings................................................................................................................ 22 Introduction........................................................................................................... 32.1 COSPAS-SARSAT satellite system ...............................................................................32.2 Global Positioning System (GPS) ..................................................................................43 Purpose.................................................................................................................. 54 Description ............................................................................................................ 64.1 Wall bracket...................................................................................................................64.2 Float-free enclosure.......................................................................................................74.3 Manual G4 in enclosure .................................................................................................85 Controls ................................................................................................................. 95.1 ON button ......................................................................................................................95.2 READY button................................................................................................................95.3 Sea switch .....................................................................................................................95.4 Lamps..........................................................................................................................106 Operating procedure .......................................................................................... 116.1 Sinking.........................................................................................................................116.2 Abandon ship...............................................................................................................116.3 Releasing G4 from a wall bracket.................................................................................116.4 Releasing G4 from an enclosure..................................................................................126.5 Manual activation.........................................................................................................126.6 Deactivation.................................................................................................................136.7 Battery condition ..........................................................................................................136.8 Re-fitting G4.................................................................................................................137 False alarms ........................................................................................................ 157.1 Stand down rescue services ........................................................................................157.2 De-activate the EPIRB .................................................................................................157.3 Dealing with a transmitting G4 .....................................................................................168 Wall bracket installation..................................................................................... 178.1 Siting............................................................................................................................178.2 Mounting procedure .....................................................................................................178.3 Mounting instruction plate ............................................................................................189 Enclosure installation......................................................................................... 199.1 Siting............................................................................................................................199.2 Mounting procedure .....................................................................................................199.3 Mounting instruction plate ............................................................................................209.4 Marking HRU expiry .....................................................................................................209.5 Marking vessel name ...................................................................................................2110 Registration......................................................................................................... 2210.1 Overview..................................................................................................................2210.2 How to register.........................................................................................................2210.3 Warranty form ..........................................................................................................2210.4 Radio licence ...........................................................................................................2310.5 Sale or transfer ........................................................................................................2311 Maintenance ........................................................................................................ 2411.1 Monthly self-test & inspection...................................................................................2411.2 HRU replacement.....................................................................................................2511.3 Battery replacement.................................................................................................2611.4 Servicing..................................................................................................................2611.5 Transportation..........................................................................................................2611.6 GMDSS inspections.................................................................................................2612 Fully disabling a G4............................................................................................ 2713 Technical specification ...................................................................................... 28
21 WARNINGS• This EPIRB is an emergency device for use only in graveand imminent danger.• False alarms cost lives and money. Help to prevent them;understand how to activate and disable your equipment.• Read the complete manual before installing, testing orusing the EPIRB.• Ensure the EPIRB is registered with your local authorities(Flag State nation).• The EPIRB contains no user servicable parts. Return toyour dealer for battery replacement or other service. Donot open.• Dispose of this device safely. Contents include Lithiumbatteries; do not incinerate, puncture, deform or short-circuit.• This device emits radio frequency radiation whenactivated. Because of the levels and duty cycles, suchradiation is not classed as harmful.• Do not stare at strobe.
32  INTRODUCTION2.1  COSPAS-SARSAT satellite systemThe COSPAS-SARSAT system provides distress alert and location information tosearch and rescue authorities anywhere in the world for maritime, aviation andterrestrial users in distress.There are two satellite arrays carrying the COSPAS-SARSAT system. The principalarray is LEOSAR (Low Earth Orbit Search and Rescue) which has seven satellites inpolar and near-polar orbits. The orbits of these satellites are arranged to scan theentire surface of the Earth; on average, a satellite comes into view every 45 minutes.Distress transmissions from EPIRBs are picked up by the satellites and retransmittedto ground receiving stations, which then pass the message to the appropriate rescueorganisation. On average, the total delay from activation of an EPIRB to the messagebeing received by the rescue services is 90 minutes.COSPAS-SARSAT is in an advanced stage of commissioning the second satellitearray, GEOSAR (Geostationary Search and Rescue). This array uses geostationarysatellites which are always in view (over their area of coverage), so that reception ofthe EPIRB signal is instantaneous.LEOSAR satellite path and scan footprintGEOSAR coverage
42.2  Global Positioning System (GPS)The GPS system is a satellite array which enables a receiver located anywhere onEarth to determine its exact position, usually to within 100m.The array uses 24 satellites (plus spares) orbiting the Earth in six orbital planes, foursatellites per plane, as shown below. These are arranged so that at least five satellitesare within range of any receiver (which can be anywhere) at all times.Each satellite transmits information which enables its position and distance from thereceiver to be calculated. By combining these data for multiple satellites, the exactposition of the receiver can be determined.GPS satellite orbital planesOperation of GPS receiver(size exaggerated for clarity)
53   PURPOSEAn Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB) is used to alert search andrescue services in the event of an emergency. It does this by transmitting a codedmessage on the 406MHz distress frequency. This message is relayed via satellite andearth station to the nearest rescue co-ordination centre.The satellite system is run by COSPAS-SARSAT, and has already been described.With the geostationary satellite section being commissioned, the alerting delay isreduced from typically 90 minutes to a few minutes within the geostationary satellitecoverage.Instant alerting is good news, but they still need to know where you are. Theadvantage of the G4 EPIRB is that it has a built in GPS receiver, so within minutes ofactivation it will have determined your latitude / longitude coordinates and will havetransmitted these to the rescue centre. The position fix is accurate to 150m*.To operate properly the G4 needs a clear view of the whole sky. If its view is blockedand it is unable to get a position fix, then the system defaults to using a polar orbitingsatellite to determine position. In this case, there is typically a 45 minute delay beforethe position is known and the accuracy is limited to within 5km (3 miles). This is theoriginal system that standard (non-GPS) EPIRBs use. To get the full advantage of theG4 it is important to give it a clear view of the whole sky.The G4  transmits a message that identifies the exact vessel to which it was registered.Knowing which vessel is in distress allows the rescue services to eliminate falsealarms and launch an appropriate rescue.The G4 also has a secondary distress transmitter. This transmits on 121.5MHz and isused for “homing” purposes.  When the rescue services get close, this allows them todirection find on the signal. To cater for searches at night, the G4 has a bright flashinglight that aids final visual location.SEALREADYTESTPRESS TOAntennaStrobeGreen lampProgram pointSea contactsLanyardON buttonunder hereREADYbuttonBattery expiry dateRed lamp* If the programmed identity   is a Radio Call Sign (RCS)   then accuracy is limited to 5km
64   DESCRIPTIONThe G4 is a powerful self-contained distress transmitter. It is powered by a light weightLithium battery that has a replacement interval of 5 years. An EPIRB is intended to bea one-shot device; once activated it can operate for at least 48 hours. It operates bestwhile floating in water, but it can also be operated while on board or in a liferaft.Refering to the previous figure, the key components of your G4 are as follows:Antenna This is a flexible whip. It must be near vertical whenoperating.If the antenna gets bent, gently straighten it out.Strobe light This is the glass U-tube visible through the clear lens dome.When the G4 is activated this will flash every few seconds.Red lamp Visible through the clear lens dome at the rear of the G4.This stays on or flashes to show you which mode you arein.Green lamp This flashes when the GPS gets a position fix.Program point A dimple in the clear dome, through which your supplier canoptically input the coded message unique to your G4.You must register the coded message with localauthorities.READY button Press this key once to de-activate the G4. Hold it down torun the built-in self-test, which checks basic operation.ON button Press this key to activate the G4 manually. The key isprotected by a sliding door which is fitted with a tamperseal.Sea switch The two screw heads below the keys are sea switchcontacts. Submerge these in water to automatically activatethe G4.Lanyard Pull the lanyard spool down to free it. Use the cord to tetherthe G4 to a survival craft.Never tie the G4 to your vessel.4.1 Wall bracketIf you purchased the manually activated version (G4m), this is normally supplied with awall mounting bracket (see section 8). The bracket is made from white plastic so it willnot rust. Its top section is sprung loaded, so that one simple squeeze will quicklyrelease the G4 allowing it to be carried to a liferaft. The wall bracket should be sited inplain view near an emergency exit. This bracket is more than just a stowage point, itcontains a magnet which disarms the G4’s sea switch. If you do not stow the G4 in itsbracket, there is a risk of the G4 activating if it gets wet.
74.2 Float-free enclosureIf you purchased the automatically activated version (G4a), also known as the “float-free” version, then your G4 is supplied in a plastic enclosure (see section 9). This ismuch more than just a protective housing, it contains a sprung loaded lever whichautomatically pushes the enclosure lid off and releases the G4 if your vessel sinks.This automatic ejection is controlled by a device called a Hydrostatic Release Unit(HRU). If the enclosure is submerged then before it reaches 4 metres (13 feet) deepthe HRU cuts a plastic rod that holds back the spring and the lid is ejected, releasingthe EPIRB which floats to the surface and switches on automatically.The diagram below illustrates the automatic release sequence:1.  As the vessel sinks, the enclosure fills with water. The HRU contains ablade which is released due to water pressure acting on a diaphragm.Before it reaches a depth of 4 metres, the HRU will operate and cut theplastic rod, releasing the coil spring.2.  The spring pushes the G4 and the enclosure lid outwards. As the lidpivots off it disengages from the screw head that helped hold it in place.The lid is weighted so it rolls over and falls away.3.  As the G4 floats away from the lid, it moves out of range of the magnet.Once away from the magnet its sea switch becomes armed.4.  The sea switch activates. The EPIRB then floats on the surface with itsstrobe light flashing. After 3 minutes it makes its first distresstransmission.If you need to activate your G4 manually, it can be freed from the enclosure afterpulling out the R-shaped retaining pin and removing the lid.HRU1) HRU cuts rod2) Lid ejects4) sea switch activates3) EPIRB arms onceaway from magnetMagnet
84.3  Manual G4 in enclosureCustomers who need to mount their G4 in an exposed position can select theprotective enclosure without an HRU fitted (G4c). This means that the G4 will not floatfree if your vessel sinks. This is known as a category 2 EPIRB. You can tell whichenclosure you have by reading the category from the front of the enclosure:G4a Category 1 HRU fitted Automatic float-freeG4c Category 2 No HRU fitted Will not float free
95   CONTROLS5.1  ON buttonThis is hidden behind a sliding door, which protects it from accidental activation. Thesliding door has a tamper seal to show if the G4 has been activated.The G4 can be activated manually by sliding the door to the left (breaking the seal) andthen momentarily pressing the ON button.When activated the G4 will start to flash immediately. It will not make any distresstransmissions for 3 minutes. This gives you a chance to turn it off if you activated itaccidentally. During this 3 minutes the red lamp illuminates continuously. When thered lamp starts to flash, the 3 minutes delay has passed and distress transmissionshave started. Normally the green GPS lamp will start flashing within the first 5 minutes.5.2 READY buttonThis button de-activates the G4 and also tests the G4.Ready Pressing and releasing this button quickly will de-activate the G4 andreturn it to its “ready” state. When the button is released the strobeand the red & green lamps will stop flashing.Self-test Pressing and holding the ready button (for about 10 seconds) willallow the built-in self-test to run. When the button is held down thered lamp will come on for 4 seconds, then go off.  During this timeboth the 121.5MHz homer and the 406MHz satellite transmitter make“safe” transmissions. If both of these test transmissions arrive at theantenna with sufficient power then the strobe light will flash 3 timesto tell you that all is well. If the red lamp does not come on, or thestrobe light does not flash within 10 seconds, then there is a fault;the G4 should be taken to a service agent.5.3  Sea switchIt is important to realise that the only time the G4 is completely off is when it is fitted inits mounting bracket or enclosure. As soon as you take it out, a magnetic switchactivates and puts the G4 into its “ready” state. It will not drain the battery in this state,but it will turn on automatically if the sea switch contacts are bridged by water. The seacontacts are the two exposed screw heads beside the rear switches.Although you can control the G4 manually with the READY and ON switches, the seaswitch overrides any manual settings. For the manual switches to operate properly theG4 must first be dry so that the sea switch is de-activated.To ensure the sea switch operates properly in rough seas, it has a built-in time delay. Ithas to be wet for at least 2 seconds before it will activate and it has to be dry for atleast 8 seconds before it will de-activate.READYHOLD TOTEST
105.4 Lamps5.4.1 StrobeThe strobe is the visual means of locating the EPIRB. When activated, the strobeflashes 23 times per minute, with a pause during the time when the EPIRB istransmitting.The strobe is also used to indicate the result of a self test (see section 11.1).5.4.2  Red lampThe red lamp is used to indicate transmissions by the EPIRB. When activated, itflashes alternately with the strobe to indicate a good transmission on 121.5MHz. Every50 seconds it illuminates for 2 seconds to indicate a good transmission on 406MHz.When the EPIRB is first activated the red lamp is illuminated continuously until theEPIRB begins to transmit, when it begins to flash.The red lamp is also used to indicate the result of a self test (see section 11.1).5.4.3  Green lampThe green lamp flashes to indicate that a valid position has been obtained by the GPSreceiver. Every 50 seconds it illuminates for 2 seconds to indicate that the position isbeing transmitted on 406MHz.Every 20 minutes the GPS receiver updates its position information. If a fix is notobtained, the green lamp stops flashing, and illuminates only every 50 seconds (whenthe previous position information is transmitted).The green lamp is not used during self test.
11Squeeze top untilit springs up12Lift up tofree base34Pull  forward  Pull  down 6   OPERATING PROCEDUREAn EPIRB is a piece of life saving equipment. Its sole purpose is to call for help.It must only be used in situations of grave and imminent danger.Misuse can involve a severe penalty.6.1 SinkingIf you have a category 1 “float-free” enclosure (see marking on enclosure label), then ifyour vessel sinks, the G4 will automatically release itself from its enclosure before itreaches a depth of 4 metres. The G4 will float to the surface and start to operatebecause its sea switch is activated.If possible, the G4 should be recoveredand tied (using its lanyard) to one of theliferafts. An EPIRB is meant to marksurvivors, not the accident scene. For bestoperation leave the G4 floating in the seanear the liferaft.6.2 Abandon shipIf the vessel is sinking and there is time to fetch the EPIRB then this should always bedone. Release the G4 from its mounting bracket as described in section 6.3 or 6.4 andcarry it to one of the liferafts. Once the liferaft is in the water, uncoil the lanyard and tieit to the liferaft, then throw the G4 overboard so that it floats next to the liferaft. The G4will operate because its sea switch will activate.6.3  Releasing G4 from a wall bracketIf you have an G4 fitted into a wall bracket then follow the instructions below to releaseit from the bracket:
126.4  Releasing G4 from an enclosureIf your G4 is fitted inside a full enclosure then follow the instructions below to release itmanually from its enclosure:6.5  Manual activationIf the vessel is not sinking, but there is imminent danger, then remove the G4 from itsbracket and activate it manually as shown below. Note that once activated it will flashimmediately, but it will not transmit a distress call for 3 minutes. This gives you achance to turn it off if you activated it in error.Once activated the G4 must have its antenna near upright and it must have a clearview of the sky for proper operation. Lying it on its side or placing it next to a metal wallwill impair its range and may fail to alert the rescue services. Avoid handling theantenna, as this will also impair performance.21Pull R-clipfrom pinPullcoveroff3Pull EPIRBtowards you123switchesLocateon rearPress ON button4EPIRBwill flashSlide cover to leftBreaking tamper sealDo not let EPIRB fall out
1312Slide cover to rightPress READY buttonREADYHOLD TOTEST1Insertantenna23Push  backwards  Push firmly into cup Push downuntil clip locks46.6 Deactivation If the G4 was activated by mistake or if the emergency ends then the G4 can be resetback to its “ready” state as follows:• Remove EPIRB from any water and dry itssea switch contacts.Wait 8 seconds for sea switch to turn off.If EPIRB is still flashing then it must have beenturned on manually:• Slide the switch cover fully to the right.• Press and release READY button.If EPIRB is still flashing then it has a fault.Refer to section 7 on False Alarms.6.7 Battery conditionIf your G4 has been activated for a cumulativeperiod in excess of 2 hours then its battery willneed replacing. This is necessary to ensure that the next time it gets used it willoperate for the full 48 hours required by government regulations. See section 11.3 forbattery replacement instructions.6.8  Re-fitting G46.8.1  Refitting into wall bracketThe G4 is now in its “ready” state, but its sea switch is still armed and will activate if itgets wet. To de-activate the G4 fully it must be returned to its mounting bracket, wherea magnet hidden in the bracket will make the G4 safe.
146.8.2  Re-fitting into enclosure•  Offer G4 into backplate with switches facing outwards.•  Engage base of G4 into D shaped metal prongs.•  Antenna rests either to left or right of release pin.•  Check G4 is fully engaged in metal prongs and resting on foam pad.•  Refit cover by first locating release pin through hole in cover.•  Locate cover onto backplate, then snap down over locating lug.•  Refit R-clip through hole in end of release pin.3Fit coverover pin4Snap cover ontolocating lug5Fit R-clipthrough pin12SwitchesfacingoutFit D-shapedfoot into prongsCAUTIONFailure to fit EPIRBcorrectly may impairits ability to float freein an emergency
157   FALSE ALARMSFalse alarms are a serious problem for the rescue services. About 90% of EPIRBinitiated distress alerts turn out to be false alarms. If your EPIRB should cause a falsealarm, follow the instructions below.7.1  Stand down rescue servicesIt is most important that you contact the nearest search and rescue authorities and tellthem it was a false alarm, so that they can stand down any rescue services. Use anymeans at your disposal to make contact. Often this can be by VHF radio to the localcoastguard or mobile phone if you are within coastal range, but MF/HF DSC andInmarsat A, B, C,M may also be used. Useful contacts are:Country Region Telephone What to reportAtlantic / Gulf of Mexico (212) 668 7055Pacific (510) 437 3700USAFrom any location (800) 323 7233UK From any location 01326 317 575EPIRB Unique ID (UIN)Date, time & durationCause of activationLocation when activated7.2  De-activate the EPIRBIf the G4 was activated by mistake, then de-activation is simple:•  Remove the G4 from any water and dry its sea switch contacts.•  Wait about 8 seconds for the sea switch to de-activate.•  If the G4 is still flashing then it must have been turned on manually…•  Slide the switch cover fully to the right.• Press and release the READY button.•  The G4 should now stop flashing.•  Refit the G4 correctly into its mounting bracket or enclosure.Modern EPIRBs have sea switches and it is not uncommon for the sea switch toactivate in rough seas or heavy rain simply because the EPIRB has been badly fitted inits mounting bracket. The G4 bracket has a hidden magnet to hold the G4 in an offstate. If the G4 is wrongly fitted the magnet does not do its job and heavy seas mayactivate the sea switch. The simple cure is to ensure the G4 is correctly fitted as shownin sections 6.8 or 6.8.2.
167.3  Dealing with a transmitting G4In the unlikely event that your G4 develops a fault and will not turn off, then prevent itsradio signal from reaching the satellite using one of the following methods:•  Remove the antenna. Wrap the G4 in metal foil and take it below decks.or•  Remove the antenna and place the G4 in a metal container or locker.Leave it in this condition for 3 days until its battery is dead. See section 11.4 forinstructions on returning the G4 for servicing. See also section 12.
178  WALL BRACKET INSTALLATION8.1 SitingThe wall bracket should ideally be sited in plain view near an emergency exit. Whenchoosing a suitable mounting position you should also consider:•  Ease of access in an emergency.•  Mount at least 1 metre (3’) from any compass equipment.•  Allow at least 25mm (1”) above the bracket for it to spring open.•  Allow 18cm (7”) for the antenna. Heavy bending of the antenna is bad.8.2 Mounting procedureThe wall bracket is supplied with a set of stainless steel fixings 25mm (1”) in length.The bracket mounts against a flat surface using 4 fixing points. Offer the bracket intothe chosen position and mark through the mounting slots. If you are using the nuts andbolts supplied, drill 6mm (1/4”) holes in the centre of each mark. You will need a 4mmAllen key to tighten the bolts. If the rear of the mounting surface is inaccessible thenuse the self-tapping screws supplied and drill 3mm (1/8”) holes. Always fit washersunder the heads of the screws to avoid damage to the plastic.175mm(7")130mm25mm(1")29mm(1.14")59mm(2.32")55mm(2.16")240mm(9.5")115mm(4.5")(5.1")
188.3  Mounting instruction plate The G4 is supplied with an instruction plate. This is a rigid plate with basic visualinstructions for how to operate the G4 in an emergency. The plate varies slightlydepending on whether you have a wall bracket or a full enclosure. The wall bracketversion is illustrated below.The instruction plate should be mounted next to the EPIRB so that it is easily visible inan emergency. Use the four self-tapping screws supplied to mount the plate. Mountingdimensions are shown in the diagram above, or you can use the plate itself at a drillingguide for the screws.During vessel maintenance, ensure the plate does not get painted over or cleaneddown with strong degreasing solvents.VRV2134558.4mm (2.3")70mm (2.75")130mm(5.1") 116.3mm(4.58")Mount platenext to EPIRB
199  ENCLOSURE INSTALLATION9.1 SitingThe enclosure should be mounted upright against a vertical bulkhead. Alternately, itmay be mounted horizontally on a flat surface, such as a cabin roof. No otherorientations are recommendedIf you have a float-free G4 it is critical that you choose a position where the releasedEPIRB will not get trapped by overhangs, rigging, antennas etc, should the vesselever sink. An expanse of flat surface is required to allow the enclosure lid to eject. Usethe list below to choose a suitable mounting position:•  Mount on the outside of the vessel’s structure.•  Mount close to the vessel’s navigation position.•  Consider ease of access in an emergency.AVOID•  Positions with insufficient space for lid ejection and maintenance.•  Positions within 1m (3') of any compass equipment.•  Mounting within 2m (6') of any Radar antenna.•  Direct impact from waves•  Siting where damage is likely.•  Exhaust fumes, chemical and oil sources.9.2 Mounting procedureThe enclosure mounts against a flat surface using 4 fixing points. See illustration formounting dimensions, or use the backplate of the enclosure as a marking guide. To dothis, pull out the R-shaped clip and remove the enclosure lid. Note how the G4 fits thenremove it to somewhere dry (its sea switch is now armed).Offer the back plate into the chosen position and mark through the mounting holes.The enclosure is supplied with a set of 25mm (1”) stainless steel fixings. If you areusing the nuts and bolts, drill 6mm (1/4”) holes where you have marked. You will need
20a 4mm Allen key to tighten the bolts. If the rear of the mounting surface is inaccessible,use the self-tapping screws supplied. Always fit washers under heads of the screws toavoid damaging the plastic.9.3  Mounting instruction plateThe G4 is supplied with a rigid plate giving visual instructions on how to operate the G4in an emergency. Mount this next to your EPIRB as explained in section  Marking HRU expiryIf you are installing a float-free G4 you must now mark the HRU expiry date. The HRUhas a 2 year in-service life which starts as soon as it gets exposure to a  marineenvironment. Hence the 2 years starts at installation and it is left to the customer tomark this date during installation. A date 2 years into the future should be marked onthe HRU body and copied onto the label on the side of the enclosure. The HRU ismarked by cutting out the corresponding dates on its label. The enclosure should bemarked using the alpha-numeric stickers provided, then  covering them with the clearsticky label provided (but see 9.5 first). The preferred date format is month and year,for example : JUN 2001.150mm(5.9")84mm (3.3")44mm(1.73")104mm(4.1")150mm(5.9")440mm(17.3")140mm(5.5")OBSTRUCTION FREE AREA0.8m x 0.5m (32" x 20")
219.5  Marking vessel nameIn most countries it is usual to have your EPIRB programmed by your supplier with thevessel’s existing “callsign” (see registration section below). Your supplier will then markall the EPIRB labels accordingly. However, if your EPIRB was purchased in the USA,Canada or UK then your EPIRB will have all the necessary markings except for vesselname. In these countries it is left to the customer to mark the vessel name duringinstallation.The name must be marked on the rear of the G4 itself and also on the enclosure, if youhave one. Use the alpha-numeric stickers provided to mark the vessel name (or itsabbreviation) on the top line of the G4’s rear label and again on the enclosure label.Protect the markings with a section of the clear sticky label provided.You must register your EPIRB with the appropriate authorities.Failure to register may slow the rescue and lead to loss of life.In the USA failure to register leads to monetary forefeit.
2210 REGISTRATION10.1 OverviewEvery EPIRB is pre-programmed with a unique identity before it reaches the customer.This is done by the manufacturer or in some cases the distributer. The identity includesa 3 digit country code. This is the country that takes responsibility for storing thatparticular EPIRB’s registration details. In most cases this is the country to which thevessel is flagged. The country programmed into your G4 can be found from its rearidentity label. You must register with this country.MV BELLANAEPIRB 11D1400063F81FE0FLAG 232 G BRITAINSERIALISED 000012CATEGORY 1 – AUTOClass 2 –20/+55 C (-4/+131 F)When you activate your EPIRB in an emergency, the nearest maritime search andrescue coordination centre (MRCC) will receive the message and decode the countrycode (eg 232). They will then access the registration database for that country andexpect to find details of your vessel, its radio equipment and who to contact. If they failto find this information, this may slow down any rescue.10.2 How to registerThree registration forms are provided, two are for future use and one must becompleted now. The forms are all pre-printed with your EPIRB’s identity, all you haveto do is complete details of your vessel and provide some contact numbers. Whereverpossible the forms are also pre-printed with the correct mailing address and a faxbacknumber. If your form does not have a mailing address, contact your supplier. Whenyou have completed the form, you can choose to fax it or mail it.It is usual to receive confirmation when you register. In the USA you will also receive a“Decal” sticker which you must fit to the G4 itself. The Decal is proof of registration. Nothaving a Decal is an offence. Useful registration contacts are:USA Sarsat Beacon RegistrationE/SP3, RM3320, FB-4NOAA, 5200 Auth RoadSuitland MD 20746-4304Tel 888 212 7283 Fax 301 568 8649UK EPIRB RegisteryHM Coastguard (Southern)Pendennis Point, Castle DriveFalmouth  TR11 4WZTel 01326 211569  Fax 01326 31926410.3 Warranty formPlease complete the warranty form supplied and fax or mail it to McMurdo. Failure todo this may delay any future warranty claim.VesselUniqueIdentityNumberCountry
2310.4 Radio licenceAn EPIRB is a radio transmitter and must therefore be added to your radio licence. Ifyou have been allocated a radio callsign, then you already have a radio licence foryour VHF or MF radio set. You should update your licence to include your EPIRB. Forfurther details see your licence or use these contact numbers…USA FCC  Tel : 888 225 5322   Website :  www.fcc.gov\Forms\Form506\506.pdfUK Wray Castle, PO Box 5, Ambleside, Cumbria LA22 0BF. Tel : 01539 43466210.5 Sale or transferEPIRBs registered in the USA, Canada, UK and Australia do not need to be re-programmed when transferred to a new vessel. Simply complete another registrationform to inform the authorities of the transfer. Use one of the spare forms provided orcontact McMurdo for a blank form. (See warranty section for address).For most other countries, the EPIRB must be re-programmed with either the newvessel’s Maritime Mobile Station Identity (MMSI) or its radio callsign, whichever isrequired by the country controlling the new vessel.Since the EPIRB identity contains a country code, it follows that changing the flag stateof the vessel also means the EPIRB must be re-programmed.Programming can be carried out at McMurdo or any of our designated agents. Fordetails of your nearest agent, either contact McMurdo using the details in the warrantysection, or visit the McMurdo web site at  www.mcmurdo.co.uk.
2411 MAINTENANCE11.1 Monthly self-test & inspectionAs an important item of safety equipment, your G4 should be checked regularly. TheG4 has a built-in test capability that can be used as a confidence check. This self-testconfirms that the battery is healthy, that the GPS receiver and both of the distresstransmitters are functional and that the strobe light is operational. The self-test shouldbe performed monthly. It should be performed during the first 5 minutes of the hour, tominimise  disturbance on the emergency channel.If your G4 is in an enclosure it can be tested through the test window without having toremove the G4 from the housing. If you have a bracket mounted G4 it will have to beremoved from the bracket as described in section 6.3. The procedure for self-testing isas follows:•  On rear of G4 press and hold the READY button.•  The red lamp will come on for 4 seconds to confirm test in progress.•  When the red lamp goes out, the strobe lamp must flash 3 times (atleast).•  If the strobe does not flash, or the red lamp illuminate, repeat the testthen see section 11.4.During these monthly checks you should take the opportunity to visually inspect the G4and its mountings for deterioration or damage.On the G4 itself check the following:•  Inspect the G4 for any obvious damage.•  Check there is no sign of water inside the unit.•  Check that the lanyard is not tied to the vessel structure.•  Check the battery is within its expiry date.If you have a wall bracket:•  Confirm the bracket top clip springs up when squeezed.•  Check the G4 is correctly fitted and secure in its bracket.If you have an enclosure:Check the HRU is within its expiry date (category 1 only).Confirm the cover can be manually removed with ease.Ensure the G4 base is correctly fitted into the D-shaped prongs.If the G4 or its mounting needs cleaning then this should be done using warm soapywater and a damp (not wet) cloth. Do not use strong detergents or solvents.Do not paint the G4 or its mountingDo not clean with detergents or solventsDuring vessel cleansing or painting remove the G4 and its mounting.
2511.2 HRU replacementIf you have an G4 in an enclosure marked Category 1 then it contains a HydrostaticRelease Unit (HRU). This has a 2 year replacement interval. The expiry date, which ismarked on the HRU and on the enclosure side label should be checked regularly.When the HRU expires you can obtain a replacement at a local chandler, or directfrom McMurdo at the address shown on the warranty page. McMurdo will supply anHRU kit (Part No. 82-210B) complete with breakable plastic rod, date labels andinstruction sheet. At a chandler you should ask for a Pains Wessex “BreakthroughHRU with an EPIRB kit”. The HRU replacement procedure is as follows:•  On the enclosure, remove the R-clip and pull the cover slowly off.•  Remove the G4 and stow it in a dry place. It will activate if wet.•  Hold down the metal lever arm to take up the force of the spring.•  Push the HRU back then upwards out of the slot in the lever arm.•  When the rear clip disengages slowly release the lever arm.•  The HRU with its breakable rod can now be lifted free and replaced.•  Using pliers, remove the rear E-clip and slide off the old HRU.•  Fit the new HRU over the new rod, with its label facing outward.•  Refit the washer and the rear E-clip. Ensure rod moves freely.•  Mark the HRU with an expiry date 2 years into the future.•  Slide the HRU into the slot in the lever arm and push lever arm down.•  Engage rear washer into backplate by pushing back and sliding down.•  Look under the spring and check that the washer is fully engaged.•  Slide G4 into D-shaped foot on lever arm, switches outermost.•  Refit cover by engaging hole over rod and then snapping into place.•  Refit R-clip through top of rod.•  On side of cover, remove old HRU expiry date and mark new date.12Breakable rodHRULever armSpringEngagewasher hereRear E-clipFitting HRUWasher
2611.3 Battery replacementThe G4 uses a 9V Lithium battery pack, McMurdo type 82-570. Typically this will haveto be replaced every 5 years. The exact battery expiry date is marked on the rear of theG4 lens dome and if you have a full enclosure it is also marked on the outside of theenclosure. The battery expiry date should be checked regularly. You will need toreplace the battery when:•  The expiry date has been reached  or•  The G4 has been used in an emergency situation  or•  A false activation exceeds 2 hours of use.The battery is a one shot device. It is not rechargeable or user replaceable. Batteryreplacement must be carried out by a McMurdo approved service agent. Lithiumbatteries have special disposal requirements. Never incinerate a Lithium battery. Neverdispose of one at sea. Your service agent will deal with battery disposal.11.4 ServicingAll servicing must be carried out by a McMurdo approved service agent. Always callyour nearest agent and talk to their service department before returning suspectequipment. You can find your nearest service agent from:•  The McMurdo web site: http://www.mcmurdo.co.uk•  Contacting McMurdo direct (see warranty page).•  Contacting a McMurdo distributor11.5 TransportationThe G4 has no special transportation requirements. Its Lithium battery has been testedunder the “Transportation of Dangerous Goods” regulations and has been declared asnon-hazardous for transportation purposes.11.6 GMDSS inspectionsIf your vessel is subject to GMDSS regulations then you can expect to get regular visitsfrom ship surveyors enforcing national legislation. They will check the expiry dates andactivate the EPIRB to prove that it really works and they will read the identity messagestored inside the EPIRB to check that you have registered it properly. Leisure vesselsare not subject to these inspections. However, in some countries passenger andfishing vessels are covered by the legislation.
2712 FULLY DISABLING A G4In the unlikely event that your G4 refuses to turn off then it may have a fault.Procedures for dealing with a faulty G4 are covered in section 7 on false alarms; insimple terms you should do the following:•  De-activate the EPIRB as described in section 7.2•  Suppress its signal by removing the antenna and wrapping the G4 inmetal foil, as described in section 7.3•  Leave for 3 days until the battery is used up.We do not recommend any other course of action.  However, if it is absolutelynecessary to fully disable an G4 (by unplugging its battery), proceed as follows. This isa dangerous task and should only be performed by a qualified technician.WARNING:  Risk of electric shock.  Proceed at your own risk, no liability accepted•  Take the G4 below decks into the dry.•  Locate a flat bladed screwdriver with a long reach.•  Unscrew and retain the front 4 sealing screws.•  Pull the lanyard out and remove the 2 hidden rear screws.• Do not as yet remove the sea contact screws.•  Lift the lens dome off. Remove and retain the grey gasket.• Avoid touching the circuit board and the glass strobe tube.•  Hold the hexagon shaped pillars and remove the sea screws.•  Use a cross-headed screwdriver to remove the front screw.•  Grip the white plastic coil former and lift the circuit board up 3cm (1”).•  Using fingers, unplug the white 4-way battery connector.•  The flashing will now cease.•  Collect all the parts and return them to your nearest service agent.StrobeFront screwGasketHiddenscrewsSeascrewsBatteryconnectorDANGER - HIGH VOLTAGEsealingscrewsFrontpillarHexPull up oncoil formerLens domeCircuitboard270V DC
2813 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION406MHz Transmitter Operating frequency 406.028 MHz + 1kHzPower output 5W typicalModulation Phase  (16K0GID)121.5MHz Homer Operating frequency 121.5 MHz +/- 3.5kHzPower output 50mW radiated typicalModulation Swept tone AM  (3K20A3X)GPS Receiver Centre frequency 1.57542GHzSensitivity -175dBW minimumSatellites tracked 12 maxStrobe light Type Xenon discharge tubeLight output 0.75 Candela minimumFlash rate 23 flashes per minuteBattery Type Lithium manganese dioxideOperating life 48 hours minimumShelf life 5 years typical in serviceEnvironment Operating temperature -20°C to +55°C (class 2)Storage temperature -30°C to +70°CAutomatic release depth 4 metres max. (13 feet)Physical Weight 770 grammes (1.7 lb)Height of body 21  cm (8.2 inches)Length of antenna 18 cm (7 inches)Approvals Satellite system Cospas-Sarsat T.001/T.007Europe ETS-300-066Marine Equipment DirectiveUSA USCG / FCC approvedFCC ID : KLS-82-501Worldwide IEC1097-2Meets IMO regulations A662(16) A694(17)A810(19) A814(19)This device complies with the GMDSS provisions of part 80 of the FCC rules.The GPS module complies with the relevant sections of  IEC1108-1:1996.
29McMurdo Limited Product WarrantySubject to the provisions set out below McMurdo Limited warrants that this product will be free ofdefects in materials and workmanship for a period of 12 months from the date of purchase.McMurdo Limited will not be liable to the buyer under the above warranty:-•  for any defect arising from fair wear and tear, wilful damage, negligence, abnormal workingconditions, failure to follow McMurdo Limited's instructions (whether oral or in writing)including a failure to install properly and/or to use batteries recommended and/or supplied byMcMurdo Limited, misuse or alterations or repair of the product by persons other thanMcMurdo Limited or an Approved Service Agent;•  for parts, materials or equipment not manufactured by McMurdo Limited in respect of whichthe buyer shall only be entitled to the benefit of any warranty or guarantee given by themanufacturer to McMurdo Limited;•  for the battery storage life which is specifically excluded from this warranty;•  if the total price for the product has not been paid.McMurdo Limited does not make any other promises or warranties (express, implied or statutory)about the product except where the product is sold to a consumer in which case the statutoryrights of a consumer are not to be affected.In order to be valid, claims must be made under the above warranty in writing as soon aspracticable after discovery of the defect or failure and within the warranty period referred to above.Proof of purchase will be required. The claim should be sent together with the product in questionto the address set out below or to an Approved Service Agent.Following a valid warranty claim McMurdo Limited shall be entitled to repair or replace the product(or part) in question free of charge, or at McMurdo Limited's sole discretion to refund to the buyerthe price of the product (or a proportional part of the price). McMurdo Limited shall not be liable toa buyer who is not a consumer for any other loss or damage (whether indirect, special orconsequential loss of profit or otherwise) costs, expenses or other claims for compensation whicharise out of or in connection with this product. In the case of a consumer McMurdo Limited shallonly be liable where other loss or damage is foreseeable.Nothing shall limit McMurdo Limited's liability for death or personal injury caused by itsnegligence.This warranty is to be interpreted under English law.All enquiries relating to this warranty or Approved Service Agents should be sent to:McMurdo LimitedRodney RoadPortsmouthHampshirePO4 8SGUnited KingdomTelephone:  Int + 44 (0) 23 9277 5044  Fax:  Int + 44 (0) 23 9281 9087Web:         www.mcmurdo.co.uk      Email:   sales@mcmurdo.co.uk
30Record Serial No. (visible through dome) : _______________________McMurdo LtdRodney RoadFrattonPortsmouthHampshireUnited KingdomPO4 8SGA member of Chemring Group PLC82-569-001M Issue 1

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