Orpak Systems 819539370 WIRELESS GATEWAY TERMINAL User Manual

Orpak Systems Ltd. WIRELESS GATEWAY TERMINAL Users Manual

Users Manual

          No. 817439300 Revision D3         WWGGTT  OOuuttddoooorr  UUnniitt  --  MMaannuuaall      INSTALLATION
WGT Outdoor Manual      i SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS Read all warning notes and instructions carefully.  They are included to help you installing the Product safely in the highly flammable environment of the fuel station.  Disregarding these warning notes and instructions could result in serious injury or property damage.  It is the installer responsibility to install, operate and maintain the equipment according to the instructions given in this manual, and to conform to all applicable codes, regulations and safety measures.  Failure to do so could void all warranties associated with this equipment. Remember that the fuel station environment is highly flammable and combustible.  Therefore, make sure that actual installation is performed by experienced personnel, licensed to perform work in fuel station and at a flammable environment, according to the local regulations and relevant standards. WARNING - EXPLOSION HAZARD Install the Product only in the non-hazardous area of the fuel station. Use standard test equipment only in the non- hazardous area of the fuel station, and approved test equipment for the hazardous areas. In the installation and maintenance of the Product, comply with all applicable requirements of the National Fire Protection Association NFPA-30 “Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code”, NFPA-30A “Automotive and Marine Service Station Code”, NFPA-70 “National Electric Code”, federal, state and local codes and any other applicable safety codes and regulations. Do not perform metal work in a hazardous area.  Sparks generated by drilling, tapping and other metal work operations could ignite fuel vapors and flammable liquids, resulting in death, serious personal injury, property loss and damage to you and other persons. CAUTION - SHOCK HAZARD Dangerous AC voltages that could cause death or serious personal injury are used to power the Product.  Always disconnect power before starting any work.  The Product has more than one power supply connection port.  Disconnect all power before servicing.  WARNING – PASSING VEHICLES When working in any open area of fuel station, beware of passing vehicles that could hit you.  Block off the work area to protect yourself and other persons.  Use safety cones or other signaling devices. CAUTION Do not attempt to make any repair on the printed circuit boards residing in the Product, as this will void all warranties related to this equipment. PROPRIETY NOTICE This document contains propriety and confidential information.  It is the property of ORPAK SYSTEMS Ltd.  It may not be disclosed or reproduced in whole or in part without written consent of ORPAK SYSTEMS.  The information in this document is current as of the date of its publication, but is subject to change without notice.
    WGT Outdoor Manual  ii DISCLAIMER This document is provided for reference only.  Although every effort has been made to ensure correctness, ORPAK SYSTEMS does not guarantee that there are no errors or omissions in this document.  FCC COMPLIANCE STATEMENT IN USER'S MANUAL  This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:  (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.  Sample user information for a Class A digital device:        Sample user information for a Class B digital device THE FCC WANTS YOU TO KNOW: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits or a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. his equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, ay cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense. FCC Warning Modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer responsible could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment under FCC rules.
WGT Outdoor Manual      iii                         This document is the property of: ORPAK SYSTEMS Ltd. ISRAEL THE FCC WANTS YOU TO KNOW: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential area. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. if this equipment does not cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:  Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna   Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver  Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected  Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician FCC Warning Modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer responsible could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment under FCC rules.
    WGT Outdoor Manual  iv  TABLE OF CONTENTS Paragraph  Page SECTION  1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION..........................................................1-1 1-1.  WGT – WIRELESS GATEWAY TERMINAL .................................................................. 1-1 1-2.  WGT OUTDOOR BOX  ............................................................................................... 1-1 1-3.  INSTALLATION OPTIONS ............................................................................................... 1-2 1-4.  INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................. 1-2 1-5.  INTERNAL POWER SUPPLY ........................................................................................... 1-2 1-6.  EXTERNAL POWER SUPPLY .......................................................................................... 1-3 1-7.  INSTALLATION LOCATION ........................................................................................... 1-4 1-8.  INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ................................................................................... 1-4 11--88..11.. IINNSSTTAALLLLAATTIIOONN  ((WWIITTHH  IINNTTEERRNNAALL  PPOOWWEERR  SSUUPPPPLLYY))............................................... 1-5 11--88..22.. IINNSSTTAALLLLAATTIIOONN  ((EEXXTTEERRNNAALL  PPOOWWEERR  SSUUPPPPLLYY)) ......................................................... 1-8 11--88..33.. WWIIRRIINNGG  aanndd  LLEEDDSS  DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN .................................................................................. 1-10 11--88..44.. BBAATTTTEERRYY  RREEPPLLAACCEEMMEENNTT ............................................................................................. 1-12 1-9.  WGT OUTDOOR BOX SPECIFICATIONS (WITH POWER SUPPLY) ......................... 1-13 1-10.  WGT OUTDOOR BOX SPECIFICATIONS (NO POWER SUPPLY).............................. 1-14 1-11.  TROUBLESHOOTING  1-15    LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure  Page Figure  1-1. WGT - General View  1-1 Figure  1-2. WGT – with Internal Power Supply  1-2 Figure  1-3. WGT – with External Power Supply  1-3 Figure  1-4. WGT, Outdoor Installation Control Drawing  1-4 Figure  1-5. WGT Outdoor Box, Inside View  1-5 Figure  1-6. Terminal Block – Internal View  1-6 Figure  1-7. Gland Holes - General View  1-6 Figure  1-8. WGT Box Cable Installation  1-7 Figure  1-9.WGT - Cover Removed  1-8 Figure  1-10.WGT External Connections  1-9 Figure  1-11. WGT Glands  1-9 Figure  1-12. PCB Battery  1-13 Figure  1-13. WGT Outdoor Box Dimensions  1-15
WGT Outdoor Manual      v LIST OF TABLES Table  Page Table  1-1.  WGT Board Input Power Pin Assignment  1-10 Table  1-2.  RS485 Communication CN12 Pin Assignment  1-10 Table  1-3.  CN2 Pin Number Assignment, LAN Communication  1-11 Table  1-4.  CN11 Pin Assignment - RS232 Communication  1-11 Table  1-5.  Jumpers (Factory default)  1-11 Table  1-6.  Indication LEDs on the Left side of PCB (left to right)  1-11 Table  1-7.  Indication LEDs on the Right side of PCB (left to right)  1-12 Table  1-1.  WGT, Troubleshooting Procedures  1-16
WGT Outdoor Manual      1-1 0 SSEECCTTIIOONN    11    GGEENNEERRAALL  DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN  11--11..  WWGGTT  ––  WWIIRREELLEESSSS  GGAATTEEWWAAYY  TTEERRMMIINNAALL  The Wireless Gateway Terminal (WGT) is an electronic unit, part of Orpak Wireless Vehicle Identification Solution (FuelOmat Gold) for vehicle identification based fueling solution for gas stations. As part of the solution, one or several WGT units are installed in gas stations to form a wireless network communication data from the vehicle units to the station controller through short range RF communication (very low power) in the ISM 2.4 GHz band. The number of WGT units mainly depends on station size and number of dispensers covered. In each station one of the WGTs is a Master WGT (M-WGT) and it will be connected to the forecourt controller (FCC) via LAN. The rest of the WGTs in the station do not require LAN connection.  The WGT can be installed in: On a pole or wall mounted configuration which requires using the WGT Outdoor box (refer to User Manual P/N 817439300). 11--22..  WWGGTT  OOUUTTDDOOOORR  BBOOXX  The WGT Outdoor box is made of plastic to allow for uninterrupted passage of the RF signal. The WGT Outdoor box includes the WGT as shown in Figure  1-1.  There are two types of WGT boxes:   With internal power supply  Without internal power supply  Figure  1-1. WGT - General View
    WGT Outdoor Manual  1-2 11--33..  IINNSSTTAALLLLAATTIIOONN  OOPPTTIIOONNSS  The preferred installation method depends on the layout and configuration of the gas station. There are three installation options for the WGT Outdoor Box: 1. Unit mounted on a wall or a pole in the island 2. On a dedicated pole or pedestal 3. Under the station canopy (less recommended due to maintenance convenience). Any of the above selected methods must comply with UL and EU requirements. 11--44..  IINNSSTTAALLLLAATTIIOONN  RREEQQUUIIRREEMMEENNTTSS  Due to safety requirements, it is allowed to install a WGT box within a non-hazardous location only as shown in the control drawing (see Figure  1-4 ). The hazardous location is defined within the NFPA 70830A. 11--55..  IINNTTEERRNNAALL  PPOOWWEERR  SSUUPPPPLLYY  An optional internal power supply can be used to operate the WGT using regular mains voltage. This option eliminates the need for an external power supply or DC power source.  Figure  1-2. WGT – with Internal Power Supply  Internal Power Supply
WGT Outdoor Manual      1-3 11--66..  EEXXTTEERRNNAALL  PPOOWWEERR  SSUUPPPPLLYY  If an external PS is used to operate the WGT, a unit with no PS is available. The power supply should provide 12V to 28V DC output and should be approved according to the local regulation. In North America use only AC to DC NEC Class 2 power supply, low voltage and low current maximum 100 VA even under fault conditions. The power supply can be installed in the office, in a separate box object to requirements in NFPA 70 830A and approval of authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) DC cable will be connected to the DC input in the WGT box.  Figure  1-3. WGT – with External Power Supply  Note: If the power supply is not installed next to the WGT box, make sure that the WGT receives a correct voltage (at least 12V) due to power fail on the lines. It is recommended that the distance between the power supply and the WGT box will not exceed 15m (50 feet). 11--77..  IINNSSTTAALLLLAATTIIOONN  LLOOCCAATTIIOONN  The WGT box must be installed at non hazardous area / non classified area, which means: 1. Above 18” (0.5 meter) from the island floor 2. At least 18” (0.5 meter) away from the dispenser Figure  1-4 presents various possible WGT Box installation locations.
    WGT Outdoor Manual  1-4  Figure  1-4. WGT, Outdoor Installation Control Drawing 11--88..  IINNSSTTAALLLLAATTIIOONN  IINNSSTTRRUUCCTTIIOONNSS  The following paragraph provides step by step instructions for installation of the Outdoor WGT. a. Install the WGT in a non hazardous area according to Figure  1-4. b. Install the Master WGT and other WGTs in each station according to station topology. • The Master WGT, as opposed to the other WGTs, is connected to the FCC controller using shielded S-CAT5E LAN cable. Install the master WGT as close as possible to the FCC controller. • Install the WGT in a line of sight with the Master WGT or other WGT/s, within a distance not exceeding 15 meters (approximately 50 feet). • For ease of maintenance, it is recommended not to install the WGT higher than two meters from the ground. However, the higher the unit will be, the better will be the RF cover. • The installation procedures must meet all safety regulations according to local state regulations. • For UL listed WGT, All wiring to device must be in UL Listed rigid metal conduit or other methods permitted in NFPA 70 or NFPA 30A determined acceptable by the authority having jurisdiction  • For non-UL WGT, glands are provided for the power and data holes
WGT Outdoor Manual      1-5 11--88..11..  IINNSSTTAALLLLAATTIIOONN  ((WWIITTHH  IINNTTEERRNNAALL  PPOOWWEERR  SSUUPPPPLLYY))  - Remove the WGT cover and install the unit on a smooth surface using four screws via holes located at the four corners of the unit. - Refer to Figure  1-13 for the location of the four holes. - Install the WGT vertically where the two cable holes are located at the bottom section of the unit (see Figure  1-5). Failure to install in required orientation may resolve in water leakage into enclosure - The WGT has an internal power supply that requires 220VAC/115VAC input. - The input to the internal power supply passes through a terminal block that has three input connections as specified below: Yellow – GND Blue – Neutral Brown – 220/115VAC    Figure  1-5. WGT Outdoor Box, Inside View       Antenna  Antenna  Installation Hole (x4) Ethernet Connector WGT Module Battery RS-232 Connector DC Power Cable RS-485 Connector Terminal Block
    WGT Outdoor Manual  1-6 - Connect the AC cables  through the power terminal.     Figure  1-6. Terminal Block – Internal View - For the Master WGT, connect a shielded S-CAT5E cable using RJ-45 connector. - For UL listed units, all wiring to device must be in UL Listed rigid metal conduit or other methods permitted in NFPA 70 or NFPA 30A determined acceptable by the authority having jurisdiction.  The large hole can host conduits up to 23mm (0.9”) in diameter between and the  small hole can host conduits up to 12mm (0.47”). Upon final installation, both holes of enclosure bottom must be connected to conduit. For non-UL units, use the provided couplers (glands). The large hole can host a coupler for cables in diameter between 0.23” to 0.53” (5.8 to 13.9mm) while the smaller coupler for cables in diameter between 0.114” to 0.25” (2.9 to 6.4mm). -    Figure  1-7. Gland Holes - General View  Gland Hole Gland Hole Terminal Block Power Supply
WGT Outdoor Manual      1-7   - Tighten the glands in order to prevent leak of water or gasses through conduits, cables and conductors.  - In cases where you are not using one of the two enclosure cables entry be sure to seal it properly.  - When installing cables into the WGT box, do not damage unit sealing (IP67 protection). - Assemble the unit cover using the four coarse pitch screws and than install the four screw clip-on knobs. • Perform WGT initial setup prior to installation according to instructions provided in the FuelOmat Gold station installation and setup guide.   Use cable glandsOr metal conduits  Figure  1-8. WGT Box Cable Installation
    WGT Outdoor Manual  1-8 11--88..22..  IINNSSTTAALLLLAATTIIOONN  ((EEXXTTEERRNNAALL  PPOOWWEERR  SSUUPPPPLLYY))  - Remove the WGT cover (see Figure  1-9) and install the unit on a smooth surface using four 0.2" screws via holes located at the four corners of the unit. - Refer to Figure  1-13 for the location of the four holes. - Install the WGT vertically where the two cable holes are located at the bottom section of the unit (see Figure  1-5).   Figure  1-9.WGT - Cover Removed - Connect leads from an external power supply for the Master WGT and WGTs to the flying leads inside the enclosure as specified in Table  1-1): - For the master WGT, connect a shielded S-CAT5E cable using RJ-45 connector, as shown in Figure  1-10.
WGT Outdoor Manual      1-9   Figure  1-10.WGT External Connections - For UL listed units, all wiring to device must be in UL Listed rigid metal conduit, or other methods permitted in NFPA 70 or NFPA 30A determined acceptable by the authority having jurisdiction.  The large hole can host conduits up to 23mm (0.9”) in diameter between and the  small hole can host conduits up to 12mm (0.47”). - For non-UL units, use the provided couplers (glands). The large hole (see Figure  1-11) can  host a coupler for cables in diameter between 0.23” to 0.53” (5.8 to 13.9mm) while the  smaller coupler for cables in diameter between 0.114” to 0.25” (2.9 to 6.4mm).  Figure  1-11. WGT Glands - Tighten the glands to prevent leak of water / gasses through conduits, cables and conductors. - In cases where you are not using one of the two wiring holes be sure to seal it properly. - When installing cables into the WGT box, do not damage unit sealing (IP67 protection). - Assemble the unit cover using the four coarse pitch screws and than install the four screw clip-on knobs. Gland  Gland
    WGT Outdoor Manual  1-10 - Perform WGT setup prior to installation according to instructions provided in the FuelOmat Gold Station installation and setup guide. 11--88..33..  WWIIRRIINNGG  aanndd  LLEEDDSS  DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN  The WGT Box has power input and optional data (LAN or other) input/output. The LAN cable will be connected to the station network LAN only in cases where the WGT is a Master WGT.  In cases where a station does not have LAN connection, the RS485 can be used to interface the station controller instead of the LAN. The other I/O plugs (RS-232 and RS-485) will be connected only by certified technician for maintenance use only.  The cables must be placed in dedicated tubes which comply with UL/EU regulations and any other local regulations. The cables enter the WGT box from the sealing adapters which used to ensure the box sealing as shown in Figure  1-8.  Table  1-1.  WGT Board Input Power Pin Assignment  Pin No.  Assignment  Wire color  Remarks 4  DC INPUT +V  Red   2  DC INPUT -V  Black   1  Ground  Yellow/Green  Ground connection to be connected to nearest ground. 3  PF    Not used   Table  1-2.  RS485 Communication CN12 Pin Assignment Pin No.  Assignment  Channel 1 1 +485 2 -485 6 G485  Channel 2 3 +485 4 -485 8 G485 7, 9, case Ground 5 N.C.
WGT Outdoor Manual      1-11 Table  1-3.  CN2 Pin Number Assignment, LAN Communication Pin No.  Assignment Wire color  Remarks Standard cable S-CAT5E  For master WGT application only  Table  1-4.  CN11 Pin Assignment - RS232 Communication Pin No.  Assignment  Remarks 2 TXD_232  3 RXD_232  4 MONITOR   5 Ground_232   7 CAN_H   8 CAN_L (MONITOR in old HW version) 9 CAN Ground  1, 6 N.C.     Table  1-5.  Jumpers (Factory default) Only authorized technicians are allowed to modify the jumpers! Jumper No.  Name  Description J2    Watch Dog J3    Reset J4/  Pins1-2  3.3V  SAM power is 3.3V J4/  Pins2-3  5V  SAM power is 5V J6    Switches the battery (BT1) to circuit  Table  1-6.  Indication LEDs on the Left side of PCB (left to right) LED No.  Name  Description DL2  100  Indicates communication rate:   Light on:     100 BPS   Light off:          10 BPS DL3  ACT  Blinks during active communication DL4  LNK  Illuminates constantly when Ethernet communication is connected
    WGT Outdoor Manual  1-12 Table  1-7.  Indication LEDs on the Right side of PCB (left to right) LED No.  Name  Description DL9  GP  Illuminates constantly. Blinks during data transfer via external communication (Ethernet, RS-232 or RS-485) DL(not shown)  TAG  Not used DL(not shown)  RST  Reset LED. Illuminates during reset. DL(not shown)  5V  Indicates +5V active DL7  3V  Indicates +3.3V active DL8  1V8  Indicates +1.8V active  11--88..44..  BBAATTTTEERRYY  RREEPPLLAACCEEMMEENNTT  The WGT has a Lithium battery (BT1) for RTC (Real Time Clock) backup. (Orpak P/N 812502030). To remove battery for disposal: − The WGT battery is designed for easy removal and replacement by customers. − Read and use any precautions published by battery manufacturer in datasheet/website concerning battery storage, use and disposal. − Make sure the WGT is disconnected from power before removing battery.  − Remove WGT cover by loosening the screws. − Remove the battery from the socket (see Figure  1-12) and replace it with a new one. Replacing the battery should be done with the same type of battery p/n & manufacturer due to operating temperature and abnormal charging current. − Replace only with battery Part No. CR2032 made by RENATA.
WGT Outdoor Manual      1-13   Figure  1-12. PCB Battery  − Discharged Lithium and Lithium Ion batteries are currently designated to be disposed off in normal trash.  − Battery Disposal must be done in accordance to the manufacturer instructions of the battery!. − After battery replacement, return the WGT cover, close it and tighten the screws.
    WGT Outdoor Manual  1-14 11--99..  WWGGTT  OOUUTTDDOOOORR  BBOOXX  SSPPEECCIIFFIICCAATTIIOONNSS  ((WWIITTHH  PPOOWWEERR  SSUUPPPPLLYY))    PARAMETER  VALUE Height –   241 mm Width –   194 mm Depth –   87 mm   Physical  Weight – (with / without P/S)  1.6Kg DC output voltage  12V to 28V DC Rated current  0.35A Current range  0~0.625A Rated power  15W Voltage tolerance  1.0% Line regulation  0.5%    Power Supply data Load regulation  0.5% Input voltage range  85~264VAC    Frequency range  47~63Hz  Power Supply input  AC current (typ.)  0.35A/115VAC 0.25A/230VAC Working Temperature  -40°C to +550C   Environment  Humidity  20~90% non-condensing TCP/IP over Ethernet  EIA 802.15.4  Communication  2.4GHz ISM band RF Network Communication with AES128 encryption
WGT Outdoor Manual      1-15 11--1100..  WWGGTT  OOUUTTDDOOOORR  BBOOXX  SSPPEECCIIFFIICCAATTIIOONNSS  ((NNOO  PPOOWWEERR  SSUUPPPPLLYY))    PARAMETER  VALUE Height –   241 mm Width –   194 mm Depth –   87 mm   Physical  Weight –    0.8 Kg Operating voltage  12 - 28 V DC  Power  Operating current  0.5 A Working temperature  -40°C to +550C) Storage temperature  -40°C to +550C)  Environment Humidity  95% RH TCP/IP over Ethernet  EIA 802.15.4  Communication  2.4GHz ISM band RF Network Communication with AES128 encryption   Figure  1-13. WGT Outdoor Box Dimensions Installation holes (x4)
    WGT Outdoor Manual  1-16 11--1111..  TTRROOUUBBLLEESSHHOOOOTTIINNGG  Table  1-1 lists the recommended procedures for troubleshooting the WGT.  Note that this Troubleshooting guide refers to installation issues only! For the full Troubleshooting guide refer to Orpak's "Station Installation and Setup Manual for New Deployments" User Guide,                  Cat. No. 817439320.   Table  1-1.  WGT, Troubleshooting Procedures  No.  Symptom   Troubleshooting Procedure   Recommended Action  Check DC Voltage power supply output  Replace DC Voltage power supply Check AC and DC output   Replace power supply Check the proper connection between the Power Supply and the WGT  Wire the units anew  1 LEDs inactive  Check fuse  Replace fuse (equal to or less than 3.2A) 2 No communication between the Master WGT and the FCC  Check CAT-5E cable connection between the Master WGT and the FCC Check 'ping' between FCC and WGT Check WGT communication settings  Replace one unit, then other units if necessary  Set the WGT IP address   Perform settings anew No RF communication  Check Wireless Nozzle Reader setup   Replace Wireless Nozzle Reader  3   Check WGT setup   Set WGT anew  4 No data received from vehicles  Verify that vehicle units are active (via the Wireless Programmer) Check SAM cards are well sited  Check WGT settings Replace vehicle unit if necessary  Replace SAM cards if necessary

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