Ott Hydromet KALESTO Water Level Sensor User Manual Anleitung RADAR D ENG

Ott Hydromet GmbH Water Level Sensor Anleitung RADAR D ENG

Users Manual

Operating InstructionsRadar SensorKalestoEnglishOTT 0051B
2Twisted pair cable up to max. 1,000 mA separate voltage supply  is required for the radar sensor if cables exceed a certain length; see Technical Data (use commercially-available distributor socket)1234561  RS 485 A2  RS 485 B3 n.c.4 n.c.5 n.c.6 n.c.OTT-LOG connection diagramKalesto input cardVoltage supply±5 ˚Connection diagramAdjust the positioning mechanism so that the radar sensor is aligned at right angles to the water surface. (Check with a spirit-level.)Distance between radar/ Safety distance between sensor water surface buildings and centre axis5 m 0.5 m10 m 1 m20 m 2 m30 m 3 m
3RS 485 BRS 485 A Ground+12 V DCOpening the connection section on the Kalesto radar sensor (captive screws).Connecting the twisted paircable to the radar sensor.
4Setting the OTT-LOG operating matrix for a Kalestoradar sensorField 15 Enter scaling + point position; create relation to reference point100% + 0% =Adjusts the OTT-LOG to the Kalesto radar sensor measurement range.POINT POS = Sets the decimal point position within the measured valueThe Kalesto radar sensor measures the distance from the bottom of its housing* tothe water surface: the maximum measured value is 30.00 m. The measurementresult for distance or level measurement is scaled by entering a value in the 0 %and 100 % boxes in field 15 of the OTT-LOG operating matrix.* Please note that the measurement zero point is initially positioned some centimetresinside the sensor housing. After scaling with relation to a reference point, you cancheck the result of all subsequent measurements (housing bottom/water surface)using an electric contact gauge, for example.Scaling for water level measurements (with relation to reference point) Carry out measurement using the settings 100 % = 0.00; 0 % = 30.00 (result in matrix field 10). Determine the reference value using a staff gauge, for example.Calculate: Correction value = Displayed value – staff gauge valueEnter scaling/comma position→ New 100 % value =  0.00 – correction value→ New 0 % value = 30.00 – correction valueImportant: Do not forget the sign!Example: Display in field 10 =  18.50Staff gauge reference value =  1.15Correction value =  17.35→New 100 % value = –17.35→New  0 % value =  12.6515±      SCALING100%        0.00  0%       30.00POINT POS xxx.xx
5Scaling for distance measurements (depth of water)(radar sensor ↔water surface with relation to a reference point) Perform measurement using the settings 100 % = 30.00; 0 % = 0.00 (result in matrix field 10). Determine the reference value using an electric contact gauge, for example.Calculate: Correction value = Displayed value – electric contact gauge valueEnter scaling/comma position→ New 100 % value = 30.00 – correction value → New 0 % value =  0.00 – correction valueImportant: Do not forget the sign!Enter scaling/decimal point position: † ™® Select digit position; ∑« Select sign/digits † ™® Select digit position; ∑« Select sign/digits † ∑« Select decimal point positionFactory setting: 100% =0.00;0% =30.00;POINT POS = xxx.xx– Possible decimal point positions: xxx.xx → Resolution 1 → Resolution 1 mm *xxx.xx → Resolution 0.01ft– Do not forget the sign in all entries!– The decimal point position also affects the matrix fields 10, 11, 14, 15,16 and 18.– For a resolution in 0.01 ft: Use 98.43 instead of 30.00 (30 m = 98.43 ft)* For distance measurements: possible using OTT-LOG version V2.16 and laterversions (100 % value, 0 % value: max. ±29.999 m)
6Operating mode „surface velocity“This operating mode of the Kalesto is provided for the approach determination of thesurface velocity of a river. Please note: The accuracy of measured values depends on the roughness of watersurface. Strong wind influences or very smooth water surfaces falsify measuringresults.Special input card for OTT-LOG necessary: 55.505.138.3.2Min. surface velocity vmin = 1 m/sThe actual velocity of the river is larger than the measured velocity of the KALESTO: v = v Kalesto/ cos aFor this reason it is necessary to enter a correction value in the 100 % field of thematrix. Through this the OTT-LOG calculates the resulting velocity automatically. Scaling for surface velocity Determine the value for 100 % from the table.Enter 100 % and 0 % value; e. g. α= 45 °→  100 % value = 42.43 →  0 % value =  0.00The OTT-LOG displays the measured value in m/s.αFlow directionhRadar Sensor Kalesto: Operatingmode „surface velocity“
7Angle 100 % value hmin hmax(field 10) approx. approx.30 °34.64 1.00 m 10.5 m35 °36.62 1.10 m 12.0 m40 °39.16 1.25 m 13.5 m45 °42.43 1.40 m 15.0 m50 °46.67 1.50 m 16.0 m55 °52.30 1.60 m 17.0 m60 °60.00 1.70 m 18.0 m(Point position: xxx.xx)
Document number63.100.000.B.E 06-1100Technical dataMeasurement range 1.5 … 30 mResolution 1 mmMaximum measurement error1)  ±1 cm + 1 digitOperating voltage 9 … 15 V DCCurrent consumption– Active 550 mA– Standby mode < 1µAInterface RS 485; max. 1,000 m twisted pair cableTransmission speed 9,600 bit/sMicrowave frequency 24.125 GHzTransmission output 5 mWRadiation angle ±5°Length of measurement cycle  17 sMeasured value output  17 s after measured value requestWhen the device is combined with an OTT-LOG data logger in the HYDROSENS“MIDI” housing, operation and measuredvalue readings are performed using theOTT-LOG operating matrix. Degree of protection IP 68Insertable cable e. g. Li2YCYv (TP) 2 x 2 x 0.5 mm2Filling Nitrogen; 0.5 bar overpressureAuthorisation number D810117LDimensions L x Diam. approx. 500 mm x 160 mmWeight approx. 8.0 kgTemperature range –40 to +85 °C1) under reference conditionsA separate voltage supply is required for the Kalesto radar sensor ifcables exceed a certain length (voltage reduction in twisted pair cable):Wire cross-section Max. cable length for voltage supplyin mm212 V 15 V0.5 35 m 100 m1.0 70 m 200 m1.5 110 m 300 mOTT MESSTECHNIK GmbH & Co. KGP.O. Box 2140 ⋅D-87411 KemptenLudwigstrasse 16 ⋅D-87437 KemptenPhone ++49(0)8 31 56 17-0Fax ++49(0)8 31 56 17-2 09E-mail: info@ott-hydrometry.deInternet:

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