PCD J500 MIFI User Manual


User manual

 1  Thank you for purchasing the LTE WIFI wireless data terminal (short for WIFI) Description:   The pic ture i s fo r y our ref ere nce only,  as for  the  W IFI fu nc tion a nd th e app earan ce , ple as e adh ere  to th e actual  pro duct instead.  The  detailed  information  o f the pro duct selection, please inquire the operator. This brochure intr o d uc es basic oper ation s of the WIF I . As to the oper atio n s of man ag em ent par am e t er co nfigur ation of th e W IFI , plea se re fer to  t he ma na gem en t proced ur es or the onlin e help o n th e w eb management  page. The  WIFI c an be us ed in th e relatively  en closed s pac e such  as th e p o cket o r th e bag . Howeve r, if  the  WIF I is in use for an  ex ten ded p eriod of tim e, i t will b ecome  w arm bec aus e it’s hard   fo r  th e  WIF I to dissip at e th e he at in the enclos ed sp ace  and th e cu rr ent  temp er ature will rise . A nd a t th e sam e tim e,  the  WIF I will   au to m atic ally  turn off or cut off the network connection for to protect itself from damage. When this case happened, please put it in the v entilated  area  to  h elp to dissipate  the heat.  And then,  you can turn it  on.  Pack ing info rmation: the head, introductio n  brochure, certificatio n,  data  cable and warranty   card
 2  Getting to know your MIFI  1. Signal  indicator 2. WPS  indicator 3. Wifi indicator 4. Battery   indicator 5. Switch  button 6. Battery  cover 7. RESET  button 8. WPS  button 9. Micro USB port
 4   Getting to know the information of the MIFI indicator I Signal indicator 1. Green indicates 4G signal; 2. Blinking green indicates data transfer 3. Red indicates 3G signal 4. Blinking indicates data transfer II WPS indicator Long press the WPS button for 3 seconds to enable WPS function; WPS indicator blinks after enabling WPS function or indicator keep long light on if WPS client connects success. WPS function will disable if no WPS client connects in 2 minutes.  III Message indicator  Message indicator always lights on when there is unread message. IV Batte ry  i n d i cator 1. Always Green indicates  more than  60% b attery   po wer; 2. Blinking Green indicates  20-60% battery power;  3. Blinking Red indicates less than 2 0% battery  po wer;
 5  4. Blinking switch between  Green and Red indicates  charging. Install the SIM card and battery  *       Steps:  Remo v e the  battery   cov er according  to  direction  of the above blue arro w.  Remo v e battery,  Put  SIM  card to entrance  of SIM  slo t according  to  the  right direction,  insert  it into  slo t.  Push into the battery  fro m  to p down, and then install the battery co v er according to the right directio n.   USB stick  Connect the MIFI with the co m puter by  data cab le, and the computer will read the inserted T-Flash  card of the MIFI.  And it is used  as USB stick.
 6   Connecting  to the internet by WIFI/WAPI  Note: by  default, the MIFI management  par ameters  h av e been preset according to y o ur o perator’s requirements.  Yo u  can  go  q u ickly into the internet  by  the follo wing steps.  As  to  ho w to  configure  management parameter,  please  refer   to  the  management  procedures o r the online help on the web  management  page. Step1: turning  on the MIFI Step2: establishing  WIFI connection or wired connection Step3: connecting  to the internet I. Turning on the WIFI       Press and hold the  “power button” until the screen is bright, indicating  that the WIFI is turned on; and then press  and hold it again  until the screen is dark,  indicating  that  the WIFI  is turn ed  o ff.( Note: when the WIFI is turned on, the “power button” also  can  b e used as  page  turnin g  butto n. If it  d isplay s “the first  page”,  press “power b utton”, then  it will show  “the seco nd  page”;  and at  this moment,  press “power button” again, it will appear  “the first page”.)  II. Establishing WIFI connection or wired connection
 7  1. Establishing WIFI connection.  ( Take the computer for example)  ① Gu arantee  M IF I po wer  on, indicator  is light on. ② C l i c k  “ S ta r t ” —Control panel —Network connection—Wir eless  network  connection.  (No te:  before Estab lishing  WIF I co nnectio n,  please  ensure that the computer is eq uipped with  a WL AN card.  If the co mputer indicates a wireless network connection, and the WLAN card  can be used. Otherwise,  y o u need to verify that  your WLAN card is working properly.  )                                                   ③Click and ch eck the av ailable wireless  ne twork ,  and i t  will display a lis t of w ireless  network connections. Select  the wireless  netwo rk  connection with the WIFI’s SSID , and click . If the wir eless ne two r k  conn ection is enc ry pte d, you need to en ter th e correc t network en cryption key (the pass word). To view th e current SSID and th e network encryption key, pleas e see th e words printed on th e
 8  Label  o f the M IF I. ( O r see the  content  of “the second  page”  on the screen).   Wait a mome nt fo r the  wireless ne two rk connec tion icon to appear in the system tr ay in the lower right corner of the compu ter  scr een. And the wireless network  is then established. 2. Establishing  wired  connection After turning  on the MIFI, y ou can connect it with the co m puter by data cable.   ① wh en th e compu ter pop s up “findin g ne w h ardw are”, and on th e menu “Can  Win dows b e link ed  wi th Windows  Update to  search  for the software?  ”,  select “No, temporarily  not (T) ”, then click “next step ( N) > ”;  ② After select “automatically  install software (recommended) (I)”, click “next step(N)>”;  ③ Wh en  it appears  “ unable  to  install this  software”,  and click “finish”;
 9  ④ Repeat  the  abov e steps.  These  are  th e  driv ers fo r o th er uses u nrelated   to wire co nnectio n; ⑤ Until “ Mobile RNDIS Netwo rk   Adap ter”  appears, select “ auto m atically  install software ( r ecommended)(I) ” .And th en click “nex t st ep (N) > ” , and click  “ finish”.  When  th e driv er h as be en inst alle d  auto m ati cally, “ Es tab li sh wired conn ec tio n”  finishes . Connec ting t he MIF I and the co mpu ter by  dat a cabl e, and th e comput er  can b e co nnected  to  th e  internet  by the wired  netwo rk .   III. Connecting to the internet    When the WIFI is connected with client, it  will get into the internet automatically. (If your SIM  card is short o f cash, it will not be connected.) Logging into the Web Management Page 1. Mak e sure the co nnection between  the M IF I and the co mputer is wo rk ing normally . 2. Open the  browser,  and enter  in the  address  box. 3. En ter  th e  password,  an d click “login”.  Th e administrato r  has the  right  to check  and  modify  configuration  permission.  The default  user  name  is “admin”, and the default passwo r d is “admin”. Note: If  y o u can’ t go into the  web management  page while the  M IFI is l inking with the  computer  b y  data  cable,
 10  y o u can  start  the  management  procedu res  and then  could  o p en web  management  page,  and it will be available  Daily use Charging  the battery   Note: If  th e battery  hasn’t  b een  used fo r a long time,  please  char ge  it for a while before  using. The first  method: charging by power adapter Note:  1 . Yo u  should use  the po wer  adapter   compatible  with  th e  WIFI  (5v, 100m A)  prov ided by  the designated manufacture.  If  y ou use any incompatible  o ne which  is pro v ided by  o th er producer or agent,  it may cause  th e WIFI to malfunction or ev en cause  danger.  And it also  v iolates  the  warranty   ter ms  of the MIFI and  some regulations  about co m munication terminal products set by  the gov ernment.
 11     2. The  power  adapter   is an optio nal accesso ry.  If it is no t inclu ded in the  package,  please  co ntact  with the producer to buy a compatible  one that  is in good quality.   The second method: Charging by connecting with  the computer Please  use the data  cable provided with y our dev ice to connect the WIF I to the co mputer.  Sleeping mode If you don’t do  an y  o perations to MIFI for a perio d  o f time,  th e  screen  will be dark.  And  in defaul t,  the  M IF I will go into sleeping  mode if there  isn’t any  info rmation transmitted  within  10 minutes.
 12   Verifying  the PIN code If the  Verify ing  functio n is available,  p lease  lo g into the  web  management  page  and click  “ dial up”.And  according to th e tip, enter the righ t PIN  co de in the corresponding po sition. PIN/PU K code and SIM  car d all to geth er  are provided by  the operator.  Please  inquire the o perato r  for the detailed  information.  As to how  to log into the  web management  page,  p lease  refer to “lo gging web  m anagement  page”. Connecting with multi-devices WiFi devices or computers can get into the internet by the MIFI. The steps for connecting are depended on WiFi devices or the operating system of the computer. Please operate according to the detailed tips. Res to ri n g to factory  s e tti n gs If  you forget some configuration parameters, you can restore to factory settings and then configure them again. You can log into WEB UI to restore to factory settings. Or you can straighten “clip”, and insert it into “Reset button”, then press it for 5 seconds, and the MIFI will restart again and restore to factory settings.  Note: After these operations, all the configured parameters in the MIFI  personal center will be deleted. All configurations of the web management page will be restored to factory settings.
 13   Tip s :   If  your MIFI cannot work normally, here are  some tips and you can have a try: 1. Check the management procedures or the online help on the web management page. 2. Reset the MIFI 3. Restore to factory settings 4. If all the connection and the working state are all in good condition, but your SIM card is short of cash, you are still unable to surf in the internet.  5. Consult the operator  Notes: The pictures are for reference o n l y; please adhere to the actual product.  FC C  State m e n t 1. This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful  interference.
 14  (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may  cause undesired operation. 2. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party  responsible for compliance could void the user's authority  to  o pe rate   th e  e quipment. N O TE:   This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance  with  the instructions, may cause harmful  interference to radio communications. However,  there is no guarantee that  interference will not occur in a particular  installation.  If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or  television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try  to correct  the interference by one or more of the following measures: Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. Increase the separation  between the equipment and receiver.
 15  Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that  to which the receiver is connected.  Con s u l t the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for  help.  SAR Information State m e n t Your wireless data terminal is a radio transmitter  and receiver.  It is designed and manufactured not to exceed the emission limits for exposure to radiofrequency (RF) energy set by the Federal Communications Commission of the U.S. Government. These limits are part of comprehensive guidelines and establish permitted levels of RF energy for the general  population. The guidelines are based on standards that were developed by independent scie nti fic  organizations  through  periodic and thorough  evaluation  of scientific studies. The standards include a substantial safety margin  designed to assure the safety of all persons, regardless of age and health. The exposure standard fo r wi re l e ss  m ob i le phones employs a unit of measurement known as the Specific Absorption Rate, or SAR. The SAR  limit set by the FCC is 1.6 W/kg. * Tests for SAR are conducted with the phone transmitting  at  its highest certified power level in all tested frequency bands. Although the SAR is determined at the highest certified power level, the actual SAR  level of the phone while operating can be well below the maximum value. This is because
 16  the device is designed to operate at multiple power levels so as to use only the power required to reach the network.  In general, the closer you are to a wireless base station antenna,  the lower the power output. Before a phone model is available for sale to the public, it must be tested and certified to the FCC that it does not exceed the  limit established by the government adopted requirement for safe exposure. The tests are performed in positions and locations (e.g., at the ear  and worn  on the body) as required by the FCC for each model. The highest SAR value for  this model phone when worn on the body, as described in this user guide, is 0.538W/Kg(Body-worn  measurements differ among phone models, depending upon available accessories and FCC requirements). The maximum scaled SAR in hotspot mode is 0.666W/Kg. While there may be differences between the SAR levels of various phones and at various positions, they all meet the government requirement for safe exposure. The FCC has granted  an Equipment Authorization  for  this model phone with all reported SAR levels evaluated as in compliance with the FCC RFexposure guidelines. SAR information on this model phone is on file with the FCC and can be found under the Display Grant  section of http://www.fcc.gov/  oet/fccid after searching on  FCC ID: 2ALJJJ500 Additional  information  on Specific Absorption Rates (SAR)  can be found on the Cellular
 17  Telecommunications Industry  Asso-ciation (CTIA) we b-site  at  h ttp://www.wow-com.com.  * In the  U ni te d  States and Canada,  the SAR  limit for mobile phones used by the public is 1.6 watts/kg (W/kg)  averaged  over one gram of tissue. The standard  incorp orate s   a s u b-stantial  margin  of safety  to give additional  protection for  the public and to account  for any  variations  in measurements.  Body-worn  O p e rati o n  This device was tested for typical  body-worn  operations. To  comply with RF exposure requirements, a minimum separation distance  of 10mm must be maintained between the user’s body and the handset, including the antenna. Third-party belt-clips, holsters,  and similar accessories used by this device should not contain any metallic components. Body-worn accessories that  do not meet these requirements may not comply with RF exposure requirements and should be avoided. Use only the supplied or an approved antenna.

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