PORTMAN ELECTRONICS GT-2000 Personal Tracking System User Manual GT2000 manuel

PORTMAN ELECTRONICS (DONGGUAN) CO., LTD. Personal Tracking System GT2000 manuel

Users Manual

REV: 2.3 (Standard, GT2000V3.1, GT2000-D2)
Personal Tracking System utilizes the GPS and GPRS functions in one unit. You can monitor the vehicle or
the people location and set the system remotely. In addition, the unit will send event report if any trigger
The standard report sent by the unit includes the information: (1) unit’s ID, (2) status, (3) time, (4) GPS’s
latitude and longitude, (5) speed, (6) direction, (7) device’s status, (8) event number, and (9) report
configuration parameters.
The reporting mode can be categorized as ‘normal’ mode, and ‘power saving’ mode. In normal mode, the
GPS will always be activated while moving, and it can be shut off the GPS when stop (for power saving
purpose). To enable the maximum power saving, user can choose the “power saving” mode. In this mode, the
GPS will be activated only when there is a report to send while moving. The report parameters can be set
from the PC setup program. GT-2000 can be set to go in sleep mode (while not moving), the system will cut
the power of GPS module in order to save power. With build-in 3-D acceleration sensor, GT-2000 can select
related reporting modes with respect to it is moving or not.
The device has built-in 4 Geofences and one immediate Geofences (in circular shapes), it will send the report
to the server if the Geofence event is triggered.
The UNIT must be initialized by PC setup program in order to make communication with the remote server
/call center. There are three main sections that allow users to program the device, (1) User detail (Device ID,
server IP, and port, GPRS APN….) (2) Geo-fence (5 circular Geo-fence) (3) Report (Time, Distance, speed,
Low battery, wakeup …)
A unique help report: user can press the Button 3 for 2 seconds after the unit power on. The unit will send the
help report to server, power LED flash 5 times at the same time.
When there is no GPRS service or the server close. The unit will send short message to the preset number.
The max. number of SMS message (monthly usage) and the monthly renew date can be set from the pc setup
program or the remote setup program. Only 1 SMS number can be set. The reports sent via the SMS will be
out again via GPRS after a valid GPRS connection is made.
GT-2000 can be configured by the PC setup program or the Over-the-Air (OTA) commands / or remote
program. The unit can communicate with the server via UDP or TCP protocol. The protocol can be selected
from the PC-setup program or remote server commands.
Flash memory for recording reports up to 900 reports. It can be read out from the PC setup program via serial
On the left side, there are two buttons (+button and –button) used to change the ring volume. Push +button
for 2sec. to select shock, ring or ring &shock together modes.
Recharge battery need three hours, after finish recharging, Power LED will change to green.
Call Monitoring: user can send a SMS that included the preset password of the unit. GT-2000 will send
“PASS” SMS ACK back, unit will auto answer the phone in the following 5 minutes.
Using built-in real time clock to identify the report time, when GPS signal is lost. Hence, if the report is
received with “LAST KNOWN” message, the time in the report will be the real time clock, but the GPS
position will be the last known valid GPS position.
Three LED indicate the status of the SYSTEM, GPRS signal and GPS signal.
YELLOW LED: GSM/GPRS indicator. Yellow LED will flash when the device is connected to the server
with valid GPRS connection. It will stay continuously on when it is in GSM mode. It will stay off if there is
no GSM reception.
GREEN LED: GPS indicator. This LED will be continuously on when the unit received a valid GPS data.
Note that the YELLOW and GREEN LEDs indication will not be valid until the system goes to the working
mode, normally 30 seconds after power on.
GPS receiver will output a complete position, velocity, and time (PVT) solution in
the NMEA Version 3.0 protocol
GPRS use standard TCP or UDP communicate protocol. If the GPRS service is
failed, the SMS mode will be turned on for emergency use.
Power button
Three Buttons for call, Help, SOS….(right side)
Two buttons control volume of ring and sound. (left side)
Initialize the unit and program the device, including Network APN, server IP
address, user message, report control, and Geo-fence setting, etc …
Note that Network APN and server IP details must be set before the installation.
Standard Report
Automatic report for tracking purpose:
Fixed time report
Fixed distance report
Speeding report
History data store 900 report can be saved in unit and read from server and pc-setup
Battery charger
Button Indication Functions Conditions
Press power switch
button once
Power LED flash 1time/3sec. Power ON Power off
Power LED normal is green if
low power then change to red
Low power
Press power switch
button for 3sec.
Power LED off Power OFF Power on
If charging then power LED is red,
if charge ok then power LED
change to green.
Press button1 once Power LED change to orange Answer the coming call. When an incoming call is
Power LED flash 2time/3sec. Self-Geofence ON No incoming call is
received and
self-Geofence off
Press button1 once
Power LED restore normal Self-Geofence OFF No incoming call is
received and
self-Geofence on
Press button1 for
Power LED flash quickly 3 times
then restore normal
Send SOS report No incoming call is
Press button2 once Power LED restore normal Hang up the call. When a call come or in
communication or Dialing
Power LED flash 2 times orange
and 1 time greenif low power
then red every 3sec.
Send SOS report and into
monitor mold.
No incoming call is
received no in monitor
Press button2 for
Power LED restore normal Exit monitor mold No incoming call is
received in monitor mold
Press button3 for
Power LED flash quickly 5 times
then restore normal
Send help report No incoming call is
Power LED change to orange and
flash quickly.
When a call come or
Dialing out
Press button3 once
then press button1
once within 2sec.
Power LED change to orange and
flash quickly.
Auto dialing out the first
telephone No. of preset by
No incoming call is
Press button3 once
then press button2
once within 2sec.
Power LED change to orange and
flash quickly.
Auto dialing out the
second telephone No. of
preset by PC-setup.
No incoming call is
Press button3 once
then press button3
once within 2sec.
Power LED change to orange and
flash quickly.
Auto dialing out the third
telephone No. of preset by
No incoming call is
Press button ‘-“once As normal Ring or sound become
If speaking, change sound
Press button ‘+” once As normal Ring or sound become
If speaking, change sound
Press button “+” for
As normal Change to vibrate, ring or
ring + vibrate together
Power LED indication priority
1call coming or communication or Dialing out
2SOS report
3help report
4monitor mold
7power on/off and low power
PC setup Procedure:
1.) Connect the standard RS232 cable to the DB9 port.
2.) Open the PC setup program.
3.) Select the correct COM port for communication.
4.) Power on the device.
5.) Click “OK” to Start the program
Note that, if the connection fails, please check the cable connection is secured correctly.
A. LOGIN dialog window
Connect UNIT DB9 port to the PC serial port with a standard serial cable. Select the COM port, and click
Note that: it is necessary to power on the device soon after starting the PC setup program.
PC setup program will detect the hardware for 60 seconds. If no hardware is detected, it will exit.
During the opening up screen shown as below, user can press “Esc” key to terminate the program.
B. Version No. Checking
The below interface will last until correct UNIT Version No. is checked. (You should run this program before
turn on power of UNIT)
1.[User detail]:
If the SIM card is password protected, user can input the “SIM PIN” window to set password of SIM Card.
Set UNIT ID and UNIT password of for the device.
Set Access Point Name (APN), User Name, Password. The maximum length of the APN, User name and
Password is 49 characters.
TCP/UDP address and Port number of alarm center being set, UNIT will send message to these address.
Note that either TCP or UDP should be selected.
Note that: the IP address and port must input correctly, otherwise it will cause fail to make a call.
UNIT can save 900 reports (900-1) recently; Click ‘Export’ button can export them with Excel or Text
Set the primary SMS Number of the server. The unit will send reports to the server if GPRS connection is
Setup the max. number of the SMS can be sent out from the unit every month. By default, it will be renewed
by the first date of every month.
“Initialize ” button: clear all data in UNIT.
Request All: read out the whole existing setting from GT8000/GT8500.
Request: read out the setting in the current page.
Apply: transfer the setting to GT8000/GT8500 in the current pages.
Apply All: transfer the whole setting to GT8000/GT8500.
Load: load the saved configuration files.
Save: save the current configuration setting to a file.
“Exit ” button: exit PC-Setup to main program.
Setup the circular Geofence parameters in this window. The format will be center of the Geofence and the
related radius.
Here is the section to set the 3 telephone numbers for speed dialing. Please refer to speed dialing button
Report setup can be configured in this section. To activate the function(s), please select “” in checkbox and
fill in data in the textbox. There are 2 modes for the GT-2000, first is the Normal mode, and second is the
Power saving mode. In the normal mode, the GPS will be always activated if GT-2000 is in moving state.
However, if in Power saving mode, GT-2000 will turn off the GPS power if there is no report to send. Note
that user can configure the wakeup report if the device is in “stop” (not moving) state.
Normal mode, report will be summarized as:
(1) Fixed time report
Parameters: On/Off, and time.
(2) Fixed distance report
Parameters: On/Off, and distance. (min. distance is 0.1 km, max. distance is 100 km).
(3)Keep alive report
Parameters: On/Off, and interval time, retry times
Keep alive enable, system will send out keep alive information to server and wait acknowledge from server.
If within the certain request period, there is no acknowledge back, the system will close the connection and
will establish a new connection.
The parameters includes the keep alive “interval”, and within this interval the retry “times”.
Emergency request report:
If the user does not set the keep alive, GT-2000 might lose the GPRS connection (if it is been cut by the
Network). The system will not actively re-connect to server, it will wait for a new trigger (or report) and then
start the connection / then send to the server.
Special command for SMS mode:
If the GT-2000 is not in the GPRS online status, user can send command &&Y02 or &&Y04 to ask unit to
connect to server. This command can be sent from any device via SMS;
When received this command, system will actively try to connect to server in next 600 seconds.
&&Y04,[connection time],[report interval]:
For example: &&Y04,3600,60
When received this command, system will connect to server in the next 3600 seconds, and send one
report out every 60 seconds.
(3)GPS wakeup report:
While the device is in stop status, user can let the GPS go to sleep mode for power saving. If select GPS
Sleep ON, user can setup the wakeup report configuration/ or NO GPS wakeup report.
IF select GPS Sleep OFF, GT-2000 will follow the report sending rule in “When Moving” section.
Power saving mode
While in Power saving mode, GT-2000 will cut off the GPS power if there is no report to send.
Report configuration will be listed as: the fixed time report while moving, and wakeup report / or no GPS
wakeup report while stop. In this mode, in order to save power unit will cut power of GPS, only wake up
GPS at the time of send report.
Low battery report:
Low battery warning report (to alert user when the external battery level is low)
Parameters: On/Off, and warning battery level for report. For example, 30 to represent 30% lower level
The system will ignore the parameter with a value ‘0 to prevent continuous non-stop reporting. Low battery,
unit will cut power of GPS, only call function will be activated.
Acceleration sensor:
To determine whether GT-2000 is moving or not, user can select the sensitivity of the “acceleration sensor”.
It is distinguished by the tilt angle of the device. If the unit tilted more than the degree set here, GT-2000 will
be in moving mode. Otherwise, it will be in stop mode.
Physical Parameters
Enclosure dimensions(mm) 94(L)*60(W)*28.5(H)
Weight 100g
DC Supply voltage 3.6V
Recharge voltage 4.5V20V
Current (GPRS online) 80mA
Current (GPRS transmission) 120mA
Current (Peak) 300mA
Current (Sleep) 6~12mA (when GPS is in sleep mode)
Battery type Battery capacity Charge type
Battery Lithium 3.6V 1600mAh Built-in charge circuit
Frequency Range (MHz) 900&1800 and 850&1900
Channel spacing (Hz) 200
GPRS connectivity GPRS multi-slot class 8
GPRS mobile station class B
SIM card interface 3V/5V
SMS storage Capacity 40 in ME
Antenna Impedance 50ohms
Antenna Type Embedded antenna
Chipset SiRF starIII technology
Channels 20
Protocol NMEA0183
Baud Rate 4800
Signal L1 1575.42 MHz
Accuracy <5 meters (50%)
Velocity 0.1 m/sec.
Reacquisition 0.1 sec average
Snap Start 1 sec average
Hot Start: <8 sec.
Warm Start: <38 sec.
Cold Start: <42 sec.
Antenna Type Embedded Omni-directional antenna
IO Connection
Four Button One Power button,
3 speed dialing buttons
1 volume adjust button
Operating Temperature -20°C to +55°C
Storage Temperature -40°C to +85°C
1. Internal battery
2. PC setup cable
1. GPS indicator (bottom LED): LED is GREEN when the unit has acquired a valid GPS signal, and it will
flash when the unit is searching GPS signal.
2. If dialing out to a number fails, the unit will chirp twice.
3. If there is a GPS signal when an “SOS” report is sent, the unit will vibrate once. If there is no GPS signal
when an “SOS” report is sent, the unit will vibrate twice.
4. When dialing out, the unit will chirp once*
5. When a self-geofence is set, the unit will chirp twice*
6. When a “help” report is sent, the unit will chirp three times*
7. Taxi mode on/off: Pressing “II” twice within 2 seconds will put the unit into “Taxi mode”. Pressing “II”
twice again within 2 seconds will take the unit out of “Taxi mode”. When the unit enters “Taxi mode”,
the top LED will flash 3 times/3sec and unit will vibrate once every minute. When in Taxi mode, the unit
will automatically vibrate every one minute. When the unit vibrates at these intervals, the user must press
“II” within one minute each time, if not, the unit will automatically send an “SOS” report to the server.
* The chirping acknowledgement sounds can be switched ON and OFF as desired. To switch chirping ON,
press and hold “” for 2 seconds (it will chirp once to acknowledge that chirping is on). To switch chirping
OFF, press and hold “” for 2 seconds (it will chirp twice to acknowledge that chirping is off).
VI Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Statement
You are cautioned that changes or modifications not expressly approved by the part responsible for
compliance could void the users authority to operate the equipment.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to
part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful
interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency
energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to
radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular
installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be
determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by
one or more of the following measures:
-Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
-Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
-Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
-Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
VII Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
1) this device may not cause interference and
2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the
VIII FCC RF Radiation Exposure Statement:
For body worn operation, this phone has been tested and meets FCC RF exposure guidelines when used with
an accessory that contains no metal and that positions the handset a minimum of 1.5 cm from the body. Use
of other accessories may not ensure compliance with FCC RF exposure guidelines."

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