Pacific Bioscience Laboratries RBMK3 Sonic Skin Brush User Manual 0152PBLuserguide final6

Pacific Bioscience Laboratries, Inc. Sonic Skin Brush 0152PBLuserguide final6


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For more information onCLARISONICuse andmaintenance, as well asproduct updates andreleases, please visit usat manual and additional information arealso available online foryour convenience.contents3your CLARISONIC4important cautions and warnings5important safeguards6using your CLARISONIC9caring for your CLARISONIC11troubleshooting13warrantysidefrontoverpage1Dear CLARISONIC™Owner –Thank you for purchasing the CLARISONICSkinCare Brush. We at Pacific Bioscience Laboratoriesare excited to share our product with you andhope that you enjoy using it. We’ve designed CLARISONICto work with the natural elasticity of the skin, gently flexing the skinto help open the pores and loosen dirt and oil. The back and forth sonic oscillating motion of the inner brush effectively cleans, clarifies, andstimulates the skin to give you the most effectiveand most gentle cleansing possible. We think it’sthe best minute you can give your skin every day. We’d love to hear how CLARISONICworks foryou. E-mail me at, or call usat 1-888-5-CLARISONIC (1-888-525-2747). Sincerely,David Giuliani CEO, ChairmanPacific Bioscience Laboratories, Inc. 0152PBLuserguide.final6  3/17/05  6:53 PM  Page 4
3charger cradlehandlebrush headpower buttongreen lightindicating chargeyellow light indicating power levelbrush headssensitive(white plastic base)normal(gray plastic base)daily cleanserEFDAGCBHABCDEFGH21page3page2your clarisonicCongratulations! You are about to experience the new wave of skin care with the CLARISONIC™Skin CareBrush. Before you start, please take the time to get toknow your CLARISONICand how it works. The CLARISONICsonic technology works synergisticallywith the natural elasticity of the skin to provide gentledaily cleansing as part of a total skin care routine. A deep-cleansing zone 1is created between the outer (stationary) brush and the inner (oscillating) brush 2.Oscillating back and forth at a sonic frequency that produces about 300 movements per second, a flexing action is created between the outer and innerbrushes that works deep within the pores to loosen dirt and oil. The brush motion effectively cleans, clarifiesand stimulates, resulting in smoother feeling and looking skin.0152PBLuserguide.final6  3/17/05  6:53 PM  Page 2
54IMPORTANT CAUTIONSAND WARNINGSThe CLARISONICis designed for use with most skintypes. Your skin is constantly changing, and due to thedynamic nature of your skin you may want to use differentpower levels and/or different brush heads (Normal vs.Sensitive). Please visit our website for more information.Do notuse this product if you:have heightened skin allergieshave an extreme sunburnhave open wounds or open lesionshave recently had a chemical peel or microdermabrasion*are currently taking medication that can cause skin sensitivity*have recently had facial cosmetic surgery**Unless recommended by a skin care professionalWe recommend that you use the CLARISONICDailyCleanser that has been optimized for gentle daily use withthe CLARISONICSkin Care Brush. If you decide to useanother cleanser, test it with the CLARISONICSkin CareBrush on your forearm prior to using it on your face. Somecleansers with acids may irritate your skin when used withthe CLARISONICSkin Care Brush.**The CLARISONICDaily Cleanser is to be used on the skin.Do notuse on the eyes or the interior of the mouth. If contact with the eyes occurs, rinse thoroughly with water.Do notuse the CLARISONICSkin Care Brush withmechanical exfoliants such as microbeads and shells.****Consult your skin care professional.Using the CLARISONICto remove makeup will stain the bristles, but will not affect performance. Neveruse theCLARISONICto remove eye makeup. If discolorationoccurs, clean the brush head with soap and water.NOTE: This equipmenthas been tested andfound to comply withthe limits for a Class Bdigital device, pursuantto Part 15 of the FCCRules. These limits aredesigned to providereasonable protectionagainst harmful interfer-ence in a residentialinstallation. This equip-ment generates, usesand can radiate radiofrequency energy and, if not installed and usedin accordance with theinstructions, may causeharmful interference toradio communications.However, there is noguarantee that interfer-ence will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment doescause harmful interfer-ence to radio or television reception,which can be deter-mined by turning theequipment off and on,the user is encouragedto try to correct the interference by one ormore of the followingmeasures:Reorient or relocate thereceiving antenna.Increase the separationbetween the equipmentand receiver. Connect the equipmentinto an outlet on a circuitdifferent from that towhich the receiver isconnected. Consult the dealer oran experienced radio/TV technician for help.IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDSWhen using electrical products, especially when children arepresent, basic safety precautions should always be followed,including the following:READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USINGDANGER—To reduce the risk of electrocution:1 Do notuse the CLARISONICcharger cradle while bathing.2 Do notplace or store the CLARISONICcharger cradle where it can fall or be pulled into a tub or sink.3 Do notplace the CLARISONICcharger cradle in or drop into water or other liquid.4 Do notreach for a CLARISONICcharger cradle that has fallen into water. Unplug immediately.5 Do notplug into an incorrect voltage source outlet. Use only with appropriate voltage.6Keep the cord away from heated surfaces.WARNING—To reduce the risk of burns, electrocution, fire or injury to persons:1Close supervision is necessary when the CLARISONICSkin Care Brush and charger cradle are used by, on or nearchildren or invalids.2Use the CLARISONICSkin Care Brush only for its intendeduse as described in the CLARISONICUser Guide. Do notuse attachments not recommended by the manufacturer.3The charger cradle is designed for plugging into an electricaloutlet. Refer to the bottom of the charger cradle for voltagespecification. Voltage converters or plug adapters do notguarantee voltage compatibility. Never force the plug into an outlet.4 Neveroperate the CLARISONICcharger cradle if it has adamaged cord or plug, if it is not working properly, if it hasbeen dropped or damaged, or dropped into water. CallCLARISONICat 1-888-525-2747so we can arrange forexamination and replacement if needed.5Keep the cord away from heated surfaces.6 Neveruse while sleeping or drowsy.7 Neverdrop or insert any object into any opening of thecharger cradle or handle.8 Do notuse where oxygen is being administered.CLARISONICis believed to be safe for use with many common pacemakers. If you have any questions aboutusage with a pacemaker, consult your physician or pacemaker manufacturer prior to use.9The supply cord cannot be replaced. If the cord is damagedthe CLARISONICcharger cradle should be replaced.10Call CLARISONICat 1-888-525-2747to arrange for replacement if needed.page5page40152PBLuserguide.final6  3/17/05  6:53 PM  Page 4
6using your clarisonicPrior to the first use, we recommend that you charge theCLARISONICbrush handle overnight. For best results,charge your CLARISONICfor 24 hours before using itfor the first time by plugging the charger cradle into anelectrical outlet and placing the CLARISONICin thecharger cradle. Once your CLARISONICis fully charged,it’s time to begin your CLARISONICexperience. For yourconvenience, your CLARISONIChandle is waterproofand may be used in the shower or bathtub. Refer toImportant Safeguardsregarding the charger cradle.The CLARISONICis packaged with the Sensitive brushhead (white plastic base) installed. The Normal brush head (gray plastic base) is also included. Please select the appropriate brush head to match your skin type andsensitivity. Remove all makeup and wet your skin with warm water prior to use. Liberally apply cleanser to yourskin and wet the brush head with warm water. Thengently apply the brush to your skin, push the power button to turn your CLARISONICon and gently movethe brush using a small circular motion. Pressing toohard will slow the motion of the brush and reduce theeffectiveness. CLARISONICalso effectively clarifies theneck, back, décolleté (upper chest), shoulders, arms,and the back of the hands. It is recommended that youdo not share a brush head with another individual.Power LevelThe CLARISONICSkin Care Brush offers a choice of 2 power levels for your cleansing needs and comfort:normal and low power. The CLARISONICprovides bothaudible and visible indication of the power level. Whenthe CLARISONICis turned on at the normal power level,there are 3 ascending beeps and the yellow light is illuminated. At the low power level, 3 descending beepsare heard and the yellow light is turned off. Power level Audible indication Visible indicationNormal 3 ascending beeps yellow light onLow 3 descending beeps yellow light offTo toggle between the settings, hold the power button down for 3 seconds continuously when turning on theCLARISONIC. The CLARISONICwill remember theprevious power setting and will indicate it audibly and visibly as power is turned on.7Cleansing TimerFor even and thorough cleansing of your face, the CLARISONICfeatures a proprietary one-minute T-timer™ that beeps and pauses momentarily to indicate it is timeto move to another part of your face. We recommendthat you spend the first 20 seconds of brush time onyour forehead, 20 seconds on your nose/mouth region,and 10 seconds on each cheek. The CLARISONICwillshut off automatically after one minute. If you wish topause the cleaning cycle for up to 30 seconds, simplypress the power button. The yellow light will flash (indicating sleep mode) and the CLARISONICwillremember the time remaining on the T-timer. Press thepower button to resume cleaning. When finished, rinseyour skin with warm water and rinse the brush head ofthe CLARISONICwith warm water.To change the cleansing cycle time, turn your CLARISONICon and hold the power button for morethan 10 seconds. At around 3 seconds, you will hearthree tones (related to the Power Level) and then you willhear beep tones relating to the optional cleansing timesand interval beeps. The cleansing time selections areindicated by three different audible sequences: Audible indication Cleansing cycle time Interval beeps1 long beep &  2 minutes at 40, 80, and 1002 short beeps seconds1 long beep only 2 minutes none1 long beep &  1 minute (this is factory  at 20, 40, and 501 short beep selected default) seconds Please note that you have now changed your power setting as well as the cycle time. You may now reselectyour desired power level.Cleanse your faceusing our T-Timer™recommended times and zones asshown above.forehead20secondsGently move thebrush using a smallcircular motion.nose/mouth20secondseachcheek10seconds page7page60152PBLuserguide.final6  3/17/05  6:53 PM  Page 6
8ChargingA charger cradle designed to hold and charge the brush handle is included. Simply place the CLARISONICinto the charger cradle with the brush facing the raisedwave of the charger. The green light will flash while theCLARISONICis charging and will shine a constantgreen when it is fully charged. It cannot be over-charged.You can leave the CLARISONICin the charger cradle, or if you prefer, you can leave it out of the charger cradle(for example, by the sink, tub or shower) as long as youcharge it after every 30 one-minute brushing cycles. We recommend that you leave your CLARISONICin itscharger cradle when not in use.As an indication that the battery is low, the CLARISONICwill alert you that it needs to return to the charger by beeping 5 times while the yellow and green lights flash 5 times. For your convenience, the CLARISONIConlyneeds to be charged overnight after every 30 one-minutebrushing cycles and can be kept out of the charger (for example, by the sink, tub or shower) until it needscharging. If it is used for 30 or more one-minute cycleswithout being charged, the brush handle will beepimmediately following the one-minute brushing cycle, toalert you to place it in the cradle for charging.9push       downpull      awaysnap 3 pins   and 3 notches...andtwist...andtwist254alignpush       downto  mount13to  removepage9page8caring for your clarisonicTo clean your CLARISONIC, we recommend that, once a week, you wash the brush head and the handleseparately using warm soapy water to remove anybuildup of debris that may have accumulated. Do not attempt to open the brush handle to clean theinterior. To dry the bristles after use, rub the brush headagainst a towel for 5-10seconds while the CLARISONICis powered on. Do not use abrasive cleaners or chemicals to clean any part of the CLARISONIC. Do notput any part of the CLARISONICin a dishwasher.To clean the charger cradle, wipe with a soft, damp cloth.Do not immerse the charger cradle in water.Replacement Brush HeadsWe recommend that the CLARISONICbrush heads bereplaced every 90 days as the bristles become fatiguedand less effective over time. They can be purchased fromyour physician or medi-spa or at remove the brush head, 1simply grip the brushhead firmly, then push and twist it counter-clockwise.Then 2pull the head away from the handle. To mount the brush head, 3align the 3 notches with the 3 pins, then 4push down and twist the head clockwise until it 5snaps into place.There are 2 types of brush heads offered to enhance the comfort of your CLARISONICexperience. The brushheads are offered in either Normal (gray plastic base) orSensitive (white plastic base) to match your skin typeand sensitivity. Both are included in the system kit andare compatible with the CLARISONICbrush handle. The brush heads can be purchased separately forreplacement use. 0152PBLuserguide.final6  3/17/05  6:53 PM  Page 8
10CLARISONICDaily Cleanser The CLARISONICcan be used with most facialcleansers, but works best with the CLARISONICDailyCleanser. Included with your CLARISONICis a sampleof this cleanser. It is a lightly scented, non-foamingcleanser designed for sensitive and normal skin. The botanical ingredients include green tea, seaweed,and cucumber extract. CLARISONICDaily Cleanser is available for purchase at your physician or medi-spaor at oz. size available for purchase.2 oz. size sample package.11troubleshootingMy CLARISONICwon’t turn on.In order for the CLARISONICto turn on, the batteryneeds to be sufficiently charged. The warning beeps and lights indicate that the device needs to be placed in the charger overnight. Check to be sure that yourcharger cradle is not plugged into an outlet that is linkedto a wall switch. If the problem persists, contact the customer care department at 1-888-5-CLARISONICor 1-888-525-2747.The bristles feel too harsh on my skin.Always use the CLARISONICon wet skin. The CLARISONICoffers a choice of 2 power levels for your cleansing needs and comfort. Try the lower powerlevel by holding the power button for 3 seconds whenturning it on. At the lower power level, 3 descendingbeeps are heard and the yellow light is turned off. Also, try using the sensitive brush head, as it is softer on the skin and is designed for maximum comfort. You can also improve your comfort by increasing theamount of CLARISONICDaily Cleanser or othercleanser that you use.My brush head appears stained.With daily maintenance and washing, the brush headshould not stain. Using CLARISONICto remove makeup will cause discoloration, which will not adversely affect performance. Never use CLARISONICto remove eye makeup.The inner brush head is not moving, but sound is coming from the handle.Remove the brush head and twist it back into place, assuring that the brush head is properly seated using its 3 attachment pins. This should reactivate the motion of the inner bristles. If the problem persists, contact the customer care department at 1-888-5-CLARISONICor 1-888-525-2747.page11page100152PBLuserguide.final6  3/17/05  6:53 PM  Page 10
12The brush is noisy.Remove the brush head and twist it firmly back intoplace, assuring that the brush head is properly seated using its 3 attachment pins. If the problem persists, contact the customer care department at 1-888-5-CLARISONICor 1-888-525-2747.The brush beeps during use.The beeps are your guide to a more even and thoroughcleansing of the face. For more on this, please see page7 of this booklet.The brush head won’t come off.Grip the brush head firmly, push and twist it counter-clockwise. Then pull the head away from the handle. If you have any questions or comments, please contactus at, or at 1-888-5-CLARISONIC(1-888-525-2747)13warrantyWe are happy to offer a 30 day money-back guarantee. If you are for any reason dissatisfied with the purchase of your CLARISONIC, call the customer service department at 1-888-5-CLARISONICor 1-888-525-2747to make arrangements for the return.In addition, every CLARISONICcomes with a one year warranty covering any problems resulting from every day use. Call the customer service department at 1-888-5-CLARISONICor 1-888-525-2747if you feel your CLARISONICis not operating properly.CLARISONIC is a trademark of Pacific Bioscience Laboratories, Inc.Pacific Bioscience Laboratories, Inc.13222 SE 30th Street #A1Bellevue WA 98005Toll Free: 1-888-5-CLARISONIC or 1- 8 8 8 - 5 2 5 - 2 747Local: 425-283-5700www.clarisonic.comPBL3501A insidbackcovepage120152PBLuserguide.final6  3/17/05  6:53 PM  Page 12

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