Panasonic of North America 96NKX-HNC800 HD Wi-Fi Camera User Manual Installation Manual English

Panasonic Corporation of North America HD Wi-Fi Camera Installation Manual English

User Manual

Installation GuideHome Network SystemHD Wi-Fi CameraModel No.    KX-HNC805CThank you for purchasing a Panasonic product.This document explains how to configure the camera and access itusing a mobile device. These steps must be followed before you canuse the camera.For details about how to use the camera, refer to the User’s Guide(page 27).Please read this document before using the unit and save it for futurereference.For assistance, please visit our support page in ChinaHNC805C_(en-en)_0420_shinsei.pdf   1 2016/04/20   16:55:29
IntroductionAccessory information ...............3Important InformationGraphical symbols for use onequipment and theirdescriptions ...............................6About this system ......................7For your safety ...........................7Important safety instructions ......9Security cautions .......................9For best performance ..............11Other information .....................12SetupPart names and functions ........13LED indicator ...........................14Connections .............................15Setup overview ........................16Downloading the [Home Network]app ...........................................17Initial setup (for camera) ..........18Registering another mobiledevice ......................................21Registering the camera to yourhub ...........................................22AppendixInformation about Wi-Ficommunication ........................23Information about sensorfeatures ....................................24Information about night visionmode ........................................26Wall mounting ..........................26Adjusting the angle ..................26Accessing the User’s Guide ....27Specifications ..........................28Open source software notice ...29Software information ................29Other notices and information (forCanada) ...................................30Warranty ..................................312Table of ContentsHNC805C_(en-en)_0420_shinsei.pdf   2 2016/04/20   16:55:31
Accessory informationSupplied accessoriesAC adaptorOther informationRDesign and specifications are subject to change without notice.RThe illustrations in these instructions may vary slightly from the actualproduct.TrademarksRmicroSDXC Logo is a trademark of SD-3C, LLC.RiPhone and iPad are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S.and other countries.RiPad mini is a trademark of Apple Inc.RAndroid and Google Play are registered trademarks or trademarks ofGoogle Inc.RMicrosoft, Windows, and Internet Explorer are either registeredtrademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the UnitedStates and/or other countries.RWi-Fi®, WPA™, and WPA2™ are registered trademarks ortrademarks of Wi-Fi Alliance®.RAll other trademarks identified herein are the property of theirrespective owners.NoticeRThe camera supports microSD, microSDHC, and microSDXC memorycards. In this document, the term “microSD card” is used as a genericterm for any of the supported cards.For assistance, visit 3IntroductionHNC805C_(en-en)_0420_shinsei.pdf   3 2016/04/20   16:55:31
Integration with the Panasonic Home Network SystemAlthough you can use the camera by itself, it can also be integrated into thePanasonic Home Network System.What is the Panasonic Home Network System?The Panasonic Home Network System is a wireless system that uses DECTtechnology to create a powerful network of devices, including motion sensors,window/door sensors, smart plugs, etc., and control them all with an easy-to-useapp.What are some example uses?– Use the system’s sensors to trigger camera recordingCamera images can be recorded automatically when a door is opened, whenmotion is detected, etc.– Use the camera’s motion sensor to trigger the alarm systemYou can receive a phone call and notification when the camera’s motionsensor detects motion.What do I need to get started?Your HD camera (up to 16) and a KX-HNB600 hub. The hub joins all systemdevices together using DECT technology, connects to your wireless router usingWi-Fi, and can also connect to your landline.What other devices are available?– Activity detection sensors, such as motion sensors and window/door sensors– Smart plugs, which can turn electric devices on when triggered by a sensor oraccording to a schedule– and more!KX-HNB600KX-HNB6004For assistance, visit   4 2016/04/20   16:55:31
For information about the latest devices and bundles, visit the website availability and appearance may vary by region.For assistance, visit 5IntroductionHNC805C_(en-en)_0420_shinsei.pdf   5 2016/04/20   16:55:31
Graphical symbols for use on equipmentand their descriptionsSymbol Explanation Symbol ExplanationAlternating current(A.C.)Class P equipment(equipment in whichprotection againstelectric shock relies onDouble Insulation orReinforced Insulation)Direct current (D.C.) “ON” (power)Protective earth “OFF” (power)Protective bondingearthStand-by (power)Functional earth “ON”/“OFF” (power;push-push)For indoor use only Caution, risk of electricshock6For assistance, visit InformationHNC805C_(en-en)_0420_shinsei.pdf   6 2016/04/20   16:55:31
About this systemRThis system is an auxiliarysystem; it is not designed toprovide complete protectionfrom property loss. Panasonicwill not be held responsible inthe event that property lossoccurs while this system is inoperation.RThis product should not be usedas substitute for a medical orcaregiver’s supervision. It is thecaregiver’s responsibility to stayclose enough to handle anyeventuality.RThe system’s wireless featuresare subject to interference,therefore functionality in allsituations cannot beguaranteed. Panasonic will notbe held responsible for injury ordamage to property that occursin the event of wirelesscommunication error or failure.For your safetyTo prevent severe injury and lossof life/property, read this sectioncarefully before using the productto ensure proper and safeoperation of your product. WARNINGPower connectionRUse only the power sourcemarked on the product.RDo not overload power outletsand extension cords. This canresult in the risk of fire orelectric shock.RCompletely insert the ACadaptor/power plug into thepower outlet. Failure to do somay cause electric shock and/or excessive heat resulting in afire.RRegularly remove any dust, etc.from the AC adaptor/power plugby pulling it from the poweroutlet, then wiping with a drycloth. Accumulated dust maycause an insulation defect frommoisture, etc. resulting in a fire.RUnplug the product from poweroutlets if it emits smoke, anabnormal smell, or makes anunusual noise. Theseconditions can cause fire orelectric shock. Confirm thatsmoke has stopped emittingand contact us at from power outlets andnever touch the inside of theproduct if its casing has beenFor assistance, visit 7Important InformationHNC805C_(en-en)_0420_shinsei.pdf   7 2016/04/20   16:55:31
broken open. Danger of electricshock exists.RNever touch the plug with wethands. Danger of electric shockexists.RDo not connect non-specifieddevices.InstallationRTo prevent the risk of fire orelectrical shock, do not exposethe product to rain or any typeof moisture.RDo not place or use this productnear automatically controlleddevices such as automaticdoors and fire alarms. Radiowaves emitted from this productmay cause such devices tomalfunction resulting in anaccident.RDo not allow the AC adaptorcord to be excessively pulled,bent or placed under heavyobjects.RKeep small parts, such asmicroSD cards, out of the reachof children. There is a risk ofswallowing. In the event theyare swallowed, seek medicaladvice immediately.Operating safeguardsRUnplug the product from poweroutlets before cleaning. Do notuse liquid or aerosol cleaners.RDo not disassemble the product.RNever put metal objects insidethe product. If metal objectsenter the product, turn off thecircuit breaker and contact anauthorized service center.MedicalRConsult the manufacturer of anypersonal medical devices, suchas pacemakers or hearing aids,to determine if they areadequately shielded fromexternal RF (radio frequency)energy. Wi-Fi features operatebetween 2.412 GHz and2.462 GHz with a peaktransmission power of 100 mW.RDo not use the product in healthcare facilities if any regulationsposted in the area instruct younot to do so. Hospitals or healthcare facilities may be usingequipment that could besensitive to external RF energy. CAUTIONInstallation and locationRNever install wiring during alightning storm.RThe AC adaptor is used as themain disconnect device. Ensurethat the AC outlet is installed8For assistance, visit InformationHNC805C_(en-en)_0420_shinsei.pdf   8 2016/04/20   16:55:31
near the product and is easilyaccessible.RTo avoid the risk ofstrangulation, keep the productand the AC adaptor cord atleast 1 m from a child’s crib andout of the reach of smallchildren.RMount the product on the stablelocation where the camera canbe adequately supported wheninstalling.RDo not mount the product onsoft material. It may fall down,break or cause injury.RDo not mount the product onthe following materials: gypsumboard, ALC (autoclavedlightweight cellular concrete),concrete block, plywood lessthan 25 mm thick, and etc.Preventing accidents andinjuriesRDo not put your ear(s) near thespeaker, as loud soundsemitted from the speaker maycause hearing impairment.Important safetyinstructionsWhen using your product, basicsafety precautions should alwaysbe followed to reduce the risk offire, electric shock, and injury topersons, including the following:1. Do not use this product nearwater for example, near abathtub, washbowl, kitchensink, or laundry tub, in a wetbasement or near a swimmingpool.2. Use only the power cordindicated in this document.SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONSSecurity cautionsTake appropriate measures toavoid the following securitybreaches when using this product.– Leaks of private information– Unauthorized use of this product– Unauthorized interference orsuspension of the use of thisproductTake the following measures toavoid security breaches:RConfigure the wireless routerthat connects your mobiledevice to this product to useencryption for all wirelesscommunication.RYou may be vulnerable tosecurity breaches if the unit isused with the login password,disarm code, or PIN code, orFor assistance, visit 9Important InformationHNC805C_(en-en)_0420_shinsei.pdf   9 2016/04/20   16:55:32
other settings at their defaultsvalues. Configure your ownvalues for these settings.RDo not use passwords thatcould be easily guessed by athird party. If you keep a recordof your passwords, protect thatrecord. Change passwordsregularly.RIf you lose your mobile device,change the password used toaccess this product.RIf you enable the product’s autologin feature, enable the screenlock or similar security featureon your mobile device.RTake care when performingimportant security relatedoperations such as deletingMAC address, unit IDs, etc.RTo prevent disclosure ofpersonal information, enablethe screen lock or similarsecurity feature on your mobiledevice.RWhen submitting the product forrepair, make a note of anyimportant information stored inthe product, as this informationmay be erased or changed aspart of the repair process.RBefore handing the productover to a third party for repair orother purposes, perform afactory data reset to erase anydata stored in the product andremove the microSD card. Useonly trusted repair servicesauthorized by Panasonic.RBefore disposing of the product,perform a factory data reset toerase any data stored in theproduct. Remove and erase themicroSD card.RIf your mobile device will nolonger be used with the product,delete your mobile device’sregistration from the productand delete the correspondingapp from your mobile device.RIf this product experiences apower outage, its date and timesetting may become incorrect.In this case, the date and timesetting will be automaticallycorrected when your mobiledevice and this product areconnected to the same wirelessnetwork.Additionally, note the following.RCommunications may beinterrupted depending onnetwork conditions and wirelesssignal quality.RThis product may be used inways that violate the privacy orpublicity rights of others. Youare responsible for the ways inwhich this product is used.10 For assistance, visit InformationHNC805C_(en-en)_0420_shinsei.pdf   10 2016/04/20   16:55:32
For bestperformanceProduct location/avoiding noiseThis product and other compatiblePanasonic devices use radiowaves to communicate with eachother.RFor maximum coverage andnoise-free communications,place this product:– at a convenient, high, andcentral location with noobstructions between thisproduct and any connecteddevices in an indoorenvironment.– away from electronicappliances such as TVs,radios, personal computers,wireless devices, or otherphones.– facing away from radiofrequency transmitters, suchas external antennas ofmobile phone cell stations.(Avoid putting this product ona bay window or near awindow.)RCoverage and transmissionquality depends on the localenvironmental conditions.RIf the transmission quality is notsatisfactory, move this productto another location.EnvironmentRKeep the product away fromelectrical noise generatingdevices, such as fluorescentlamps and motors.RThe product should be kept freefrom excessive smoke, dust,high temperature, and vibration.RDo not expose this product todirect sunlight or other forms ofpowerful light such as halogenlights for long periods of time.(This may damage the imagesensor.)RDo not place heavy objects ontop of the product.RWhen you leave the productunused for a long period oftime, unplug the product fromthe power outlet.RThe product should be keptaway from heat sources suchas heaters, kitchen stoves, etc.It should not be placed in roomswhere the temperature is lessthan 0 °C (32 °F) or greaterthan 40 °C (104 °F). Dampbasements should also beavoided.RThe maximum communicationrange may be shortened whenthe product is used in theFor assistance, visit 11Important InformationHNC805C_(en-en)_0420_shinsei.pdf   11 2016/04/20   16:55:32
following places: Nearobstacles such as hills, tunnels,underground, near metalobjects such as wire fences, etc.ROperating the product nearelectrical appliances may causeinterference. Move away fromthe electrical appliances.Other informationRoutine careRWipe the outer surface of theproduct with a soft moist cloth.RDo not use benzine, thinner, orany abrasive powder.Camera image qualityRCamera images may have thefollowing characteristics.– Colors in images may differfrom the actual colors.– When there is light behindthe subject (i.e.,backlighting), faces mayappear dark.– Image quality may bereduced in dark locations.– Images may appear hazywhen there are outdoor lightsin use.Protecting your recordingsRDo not remove the microSDcard or disconnect the product’sAC adaptor while reading orwriting data to the microSDcard. Data on the card couldbecome corrupted.RIf a microSD card malfunctionsor is exposed toelectromagnetic waves or staticelectricity, data on the cardcould become corrupted orerased. Therefore werecommend backing upimportant data to a computer orother device.Notice for product disposal,transfer, or returnRThis product can store yourprivate/confidential information.To protect your privacy/confidentiality, we recommendthat you erase information suchas phonebook or caller listentries from the memory beforeyou dispose of, transfer, orreturn the product.12 For assistance, visit InformationHNC805C_(en-en)_0420_shinsei.pdf   12 2016/04/20   16:55:32
Part names and functionsABCDLFHIGEKJABrightness sensorAllows the camera to switch automaticallyto night vision mode in low-light conditions.BLensCPrivacy shutterPrevents others from monitoring livecamera images or sound when the shutteris closed.DMicrophoneELED indicatorFmicroSD card slotGStandHMWi-Fi SETUPNUsed when performing initial setup.ISpeakerJmicro-USB connectorUsed to connect the AC adaptor to thecamera.KReset buttonUsed to reset the camera’s settings.LTemperature sensorFor assistance, visit 13SetupHNC805C_(en-en)_0420_shinsei.pdf   13 2016/04/20   16:55:32
LED indicatorYou can use the LED indicator to confirm the camera’s status.Indicator StatusOff No power, or LED indicator is turned off*1Blue, lit Normal operation, connected to wirelessrouter*1, privacy shutter is openGreen, lit Normal operation, connected to wirelessrouter*1, privacy shutter is closedGreen, blinking quickly Registration mode (you pressed and held theMWi-Fi SETUPN button), or the camera issearching for wireless routerRed, lit Motion detected*1Red, blinking slowly Live images are being viewed or recordedRed, blinking Device malfunctionYellow, lit Initial setup requiredYellow, blinking slowly Camera is starting up, or initial setup is inprogress with mobile device connectedYellow, blinking Initial setup is starting*1 You can configure the camera so that its LED indicator does not lightduring normal operation or when motion is detected. For moreinformation, refer to the User’s Guide (page 27).14 For assistance, visit   14 2016/04/20   16:55:32
Connections1Insert the AC adaptorplug (A) firmly into thecamera’s micro-USBconnector.2Connect the AC adaptor(B) to the power outlet.3Insert a microSD card(user-supplied; C) intothe camera’s microSDcard slot.Note:RUse only the suppliedPanasonic AC adaptorxxxx.RTo remove the microSDcard, push in the microSDcard and then remove it.BC ANote about power connectionsAC adaptor connectionRThe AC adaptor must remain connected at all times. (It is normal forthe adaptor to feel warm during use.)RThe AC adaptor should be connected to a vertically oriented orfloor-mounted AC outlet. Do not connect the AC adaptor to aceiling-mounted AC outlet, as the weight of the adaptor may cause itto become disconnected.Power failureRThe camera will not work during a power failure.For assistance, visit 15SetupHNC805C_(en-en)_0420_shinsei.pdf   15 2016/04/20   16:55:32
Setup overviewAfter you have connected your camera, here is what you will need to doin order to access it from your mobile device. Each procedure isexplained in this chapter.If you are using the camera byitself (i.e., you do not have aKX-HNB600 hub)If you are integrating thecamera with your PanasonicHome Network System (i.e., youhave a KX-HNB600 hub)1Download (page 17)Download the [HomeNetwork] app to your mobiledevice.2Initial setup for camera(page 18)Use the [Home Network] appto configure the camera toconnect to your wirelessrouter, and then register yourmobile device to the camera.3Register additional mobiledevices (page 21)Up to 8 mobile devices canbe registered to the camera.1Download (page 17)Download the [HomeNetwork] app to your mobiledevice.2Initial setup for hubRefer to the System SetupGuide included with your hub.3Register camera to hub(page 22)Use the [Home Network] appto register the camera andconfigure it to connect to yourwireless router.16 For assistance, visit   16 2016/04/20   16:55:32
Downloading the[Home Network]appDownload information is availableat the web page listed mobile devicesiPhone 4 or later, iPad, or iPadmini™ (iOS 6.0 or later) or anAndroid™ device (Android 4.0 orlater)Note:RThe [Home Network] app maynot function properly dependingon the operating environment,such as the model of yourmobile device, peripheralsconnected to your mobiledevice, and the apps installedon your mobile device.RThe following Android devicesare not compatible with the[Home Network] app.– Android devices that are notsupported by Google Play– Android devices with limitedhardware features (Bluetooth,Wi-Fi, and microphonesupport are required.)For assistance, visit 17SetupHNC805C_(en-en)_0420_shinsei.pdf   17 2016/04/20   16:55:32
Initial setup (forcamera)Confirm the following before youbegin.– Make sure you have installedthe [Home Network] app onyour mobile device– Make sure the camera and yourwireless router are turned onand the camera’s LED indicatoris lit in yellow– Make sure the camera islocated within range of yourwireless router– Make sure your mobile deviceis connected to your wirelessrouter– Make sure your mobile devicecan connect to the Internet– Make sure you know thenetwork name (SSID) andpassword assigned to yourwireless routerInitial setup (for iPhone, iPadusers)Do not perform this procedure ifyou want to integrate thecamera with your HomeNetwork System. Use theprocedure on page 22.1Press and hold the resetbutton on the back of thecamera for about 10 seconds,and then wait for the camera’sLED to light in yellow.RThe camera’s setting will bereset.2Start the [Home Network]app.3Tap [Set up the HD Camera].4When prompted, press theMWi-Fi SETUPN button on thecamera, and then tap [Next].RThe LED indicator blinks inyellow.5Change your mobile device’sWi-Fi setting temporarily sothat it connects to the cameradirectly.ROpen your mobile device’s[Settings] app, tap [Wi-Fi],select“KX-HNC800_Panasonic”,enter “00000000” as thepassword, and then tap[Join].18 For assistance, visit   18 2016/04/20   16:55:32
RIf more than 1 item named“KX-HNC800_Panasonic” isdisplayed, wait approx. 10minutes and perform thisprocedure from thebeginning.6Start the [Home Network]app again.7If necessary, enter thepassword required to connectto your wireless router andthen tap [Next].RThe camera and yourmobile device connect toyour wireless router.RIf prompted, follow theon-screen instructions andconnect your mobile deviceto your wireless router, startthe app again, and then tap[Add This Mobile Device].RIf you enter the wrong Wi-Fipassword, [Setup failed.] isdisplayed and the camera’sLED indicator lights. Repeatthe initial setup procedurefrom the beginning.8When prompted, press theMWi-Fi SETUPN button on thecamera.RYour mobile device will beregistered to the camera.9When prompted, follow theon-screen instructions and setthe password used to log in tothe camera while away fromhome.10 When prompted, enter aname for your mobile deviceand then tap [OK].RThis setting allows you tochange the name assignedto your device. It can helpyou identify your mobiledevice when performingcertain operations, such asderegistering a mobiledevice.RThe app’s home screen isdisplayed when initial setupis complete.For assistance, visit 19SetupHNC805C_(en-en)_0420_shinsei.pdf   19 2016/04/20   16:55:32
Initial setup (for Android deviceusers)Do not perform this procedure ifyou want to integrate thecamera with your HomeNetwork System. Use theprocedure on page 22.1Press and hold the resetbutton on the back of thecamera for about 10 seconds,and then wait for the camera’sLED to light in yellow.RThe camera’s setting will bereset.2Start the [Home Network]app.3Tap [Set up the HD Camera].4When prompted, press theMWi-Fi SETUPN button on thecamera.RThe LED indicator blinks inyellow.RThe app temporarilychanges your mobiledevice’s Wi-Fi setting sothat it connects to thecamera directly.5If necessary, enter thepassword required to connectto your wireless router andthen tap [Next].RThe camera and yourmobile device connect toyour wireless router.6When prompted, press theMWi-Fi SETUPN button on thecamera.RYour mobile device will beregistered to the camera.7When prompted, follow theon-screen instructions and setthe password used to log in tothe camera while away fromhome.8When prompted, enter aname for your mobile deviceand then tap [OK].RThis setting allows you tochange the name assignedto your device. It can helpyou identify your mobiledevice when performingcertain operations, such asderegistering a mobiledevice.RThe app’s home screen isdisplayed when initial setupis complete.20 For assistance, visit   20 2016/04/20   16:55:32
Registeringanother mobiledeviceDo not perform this procedure ifyou want to integrate thecamera with your HomeNetwork System. Use theprocedure found in the SystemSetup Guide included with yourhub.In order to access the camerafrom a mobile device, you mustfirst register the mobile device tothe camera. You can register up to8 mobile devices to a camera.Confirm the following before youbegin.– Make sure you have completedthe initial setup procedure– Make sure your mobile devicecan connect to the Internet– Make sure your wireless routerand the camera are turned on– Make sure your mobile deviceand the camera are connectedto the same wireless router1Using the mobile device thatyou want to register,download the [HomeNetwork] app and then startthe app.2Tap [Add This MobileDevice].3When prompted, press theMWi-Fi SETUPN button on thecamera.RYour mobile device will beregistered to the camera.4When prompted, follow theon-screen instructions andenter the password used tolog in to the camera whileaway from home.5When prompted, enter aname for your mobile deviceand then tap [OK].RThis setting allows you tochange the name assignedto your device. It can helpyou identify your mobiledevice when performingcertain operations, such asderegistering a mobiledevice.RThe app’s home screen isdisplayed when initial setupis complete.For assistance, visit 21SetupHNC805C_(en-en)_0420_shinsei.pdf   21 2016/04/20   16:55:32
Registering thecamera to your hubDo not perform this procedure ifyou are using the camera byitself (i.e., you do not have aKX-HNB600 hub). Use the initialsetup procedure (page 18).Before you can integrate thecamera with your PanasonicHome Network System, it must beregistered to the hub. If youpurchased the camera and hubseparately (i.e., not as part of abundle), you must register yourcamera to the hub.Registering the cameraConfirm the following before youbegin.– Make sure you can use yourmobile device to access the hub– Make sure the camera’s LEDindicator is lit in yellow– Make sure the hub’s firmware isup to date. For moreinformation, refer to the User’sGuide (page 27).1Press and hold the resetbutton on the back of thecamera for about 10 seconds,and then wait for the camera’sLED to light in yellow.RThe camera’s setting will bereset.2Start the [Home Network]app.3From the [Home Network]app home screen, tap[Settings].4Tap [Device Registration] ®[Registration] ® [HDCamera].5Follow the on-screeninstructions. When prompted,set the password used to login to the camera while awayfrom home.6When prompted, press theMWi-Fi SETUPN button on thecamera.RYour mobile device will beregistered to the camera.RThe app’s home screen isdisplayed when registrationis complete.Note:RWhen registration is complete,the hub sounds one long beep.RIf registration fails, the hubsounds several short beeps.22 For assistance, visit   22 2016/04/20   16:55:32
Information aboutWi-FicommunicationThe camera uses Wi-Fi tocommunicate with your wirelessrouter. Refer to the followinginformation when planning whereto place the camera.RDo not use the camera in thefollowing areas or locations.Malfunction or interference toradio communication may result.– Indoor areas that havecertain types of radio ormobile communicationsequipment– Locations near microwaveovens or Bluetooth devices– Indoor areas where antitheftdevices or 2.4 GHzfrequency devices such asPOS systems are usedRDo not place the camera inareas where the followingmaterials or objects are locatedbetween the camera and thewireless router. These materialsand objects may interfere withwireless communication orcause wireless transmissionspeed to become slower.– Metallic doors or shutters– Walls containingaluminum-sheet insulation– Walls made of concrete,stone, brick, or tin– Multiple walls– Steel shelving– Fireproof glassFor assistance, visit 23AppendixHNC805C_(en-en)_0420_shinsei.pdf   23 2016/04/20   16:55:32
Information aboutsensor featuresThe camera has 3 sensorfeatures: a visual sensor used formotion detection, a temperaturesensor, and a sound sensor.Please read the followinginformation about each sensorbefore deciding where to installthe camera.Note:RThe camera’s sensor featuresare not designed to be used insituations that require highreliability. We do notrecommend use of the sensorfeatures in these situations.RPanasonic takes noresponsibility for any injury ordamage caused by the use ofthe camera’s sensor features.Using visible light todetect motionThe camera can detect motion byrecognizing changes in thebrightness of areas that are visibleto the camera.ABVertical detection range:approx. xx°Distance of detectable motion:up to xx m (xx feet) whenmotion sensitivity is set to thehighest setting using the[Home Network] app.Note:RMovement may be incorrectlydetected when the movingobject and the background havesimilar colors.RMovement may be incorrectlydetected when there aresudden changes to the overallbrightness level, such as whenlights are turned on.RDetection becomes difficultwhen the image is dark.RYou can adjust the sensitivity ofthe camera’s motion detectionfeature, and select which areasof the camera image aremonitored for motion detection.24 For assistance, visit   24 2016/04/20   16:55:32
For more information, refer tothe User’s Guide (page 27).Direction of motionIt is easier to detect objects thatmove sideways in front of thecamera, and more difficult todetect objects that move directlytoward the front of the camera.ABDECIt is difficult to detectmovement directly towardsthe front of the camera.It is easy to detect movementsideways in front of thecamera.Detection rangeHorizontal detection range:approx. xx°CameraTemperature sensorThe sensor is triggered when theset temperature range isexceeded.Note:RThe temperature sensor maynot detect temperatureaccurately if the camera isexposed to warm or coolbreezes from heating/coolingsystems.RYou can adjust the temperaturesetting of the temperaturesensor. For more information,refer to the User’s Guide(page 27).Sound sensorThe sensor is triggered when theset sound level is exceeded.Note:RThe sound sensor may notfunction as desired when thecamera is placed in noisyenvironments.RYou can adjust the sound levelsetting of the sound sensor. Formore information, refer to theUser’s Guide (page 27).For assistance, visit 25AppendixHNC805C_(en-en)_0420_shinsei.pdf   25 2016/04/20   16:55:32
Information aboutnight vision modeThe camera features an array ofinfrared LEDs that lightautomatically in low-lightconditions, allowing cameraimages to be viewable even whenthe surrounding area is dark.Note:RWhen night vision mode isactive, the colors in cameraimages may appear differentfrom normal.RWhen night vision mode isactive, the array of infraredLEDs that surround thecamera’s lens light up in a faintred color that can be seen inthe dark.RIf the camera is installed in frontof a window and points directlyat the window, images may bepoor when night vision mode isactive.Wall mountingDrive two screws (not supplied)into the wall, and then mount theunit as shown.AABB31 mm (1 5/16 inches)ScrewsNote:RMake sure that the wall and thefixing method are strongenough to support the weight ofthe unit.Adjusting the angleAdjust the angle as desired.Note:RWhen adjusting the angle,make sure the unit does not tipover.26 For assistance, visit   26 2016/04/20   16:55:32
Accessing theUser’s GuideThe User’s Guide is a collection ofonline documentation that helpsyou get the most out of the [HomeNetwork] app.1iPhone/iPadTap   in the app’s homescreen.Android devicesTap   or press your mobiledevice’s menu button in theapp’s home screen.2Tap [User’s Guide].Note:RMicrosoft® Windows® InternetExplorer® 8 and earlier versionsare not supported.RAndroid 4.1 or later versions arerecommended.Accessing directlyYou can also access the User’sGuide at the web page listedbelow.If you are using the camera byitself (i.e., you do not have aKX-HNB600 hub) you are integrating thecamera with your PanasonicHome Network System (i.e., youhave a KX-HNB600 hub) assistance, visit 27AppendixHNC805C_(en-en)_0420_shinsei.pdf   27 2016/04/20   16:55:32
SpecificationsRStandardsWi-Fi:IEEE 802.11b/g/nRFrequency rangeWi-Fi:xx GHz – xx GHz (channels xx–xx)xx GHz – xx GHz (channels xx–xx)RRF transmission powerWi-Fi:xx mW (peak transmissionpower)REncryptionWPA2™-PSK (TKIP/AES),WPA™-PSK (TKIP/AES), WEP(128/64 bit)RPower source120 V AC, 60 HzRPower consumptionStandby: Approx. xx WMaximum: Approx. xx WROperating conditions0 °C – 40 °C (32 °F – 104 °F)20 % – 80 % relative airhumidity (dry)RImage sensorxx2 megapixel CMOSRMinimum illuminancerequired*1xx0 lxRFocal lengthxxFixed (x.x m – infinity)RAngular field of viewHorizontal: approx. xx°Vertical: approx. xx°RAdjustable mounting angles*2Horizontal: ±xx°Vertical: facing forward - facingdown, approx. xx°RDimensions (height × width ×depth)Approx. xx mm ´ xx mm ´xx mm (xx inches ´ xx inches ´xx inches)RMass (weight)Approx. xx g (xx lb)*1 The infrared LEDs thatsurround the camera lens willilluminate in low-lightconditions.*2 Adjustable when mounting.28 For assistance, visit   28 2016/04/20   16:55:32
Open sourcesoftware noticeRParts of this product use opensource software supplied basedon the relevant conditions of theFree Software Foundation’sGPL and/or LGPL and otherconditions. Please read alllicence information andcopyright notices related to theopen source software used bythis product. This information isavailable at the following least three (3) years fromdelivery of this product,Panasonic System NetworksCo., Ltd. will give to any thirdparty who contacts us at thecontact information providedbelow, for a charge of no morethan the cost of physicallydistributing source code, acomplete machine-readablecopy of the correspondingsource code and the copyrightnotices covered under the GPLand the LGPL. Please note thatsoftware licensed under theGPL and the LGPL is not End User LicenseAgreement (EULA) for theHome Network app is availableat the following web assistance, visit 29AppendixHNC805C_(en-en)_0420_shinsei.pdf   29 2016/04/20   16:55:32
Other notices andinformation (forCanada)NOTICE:This device complies with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.RF Exposure Warning:R  This product complies with ISED radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment.R  To comply with ISED RF exposure requirements, the hub must be installed and operated 20 cm (8 inches) or more between product and all person’s body.R  This product may not be collocated or operated in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.30 For assistance, visit   30 2016/04/20   16:55:32
WarrantyDry cell batteries are also excluded from coverage under this warranty. Rechargeable batteries are warranted for ninety (90) days from date of original purchase.This warranty ONLY COVERS failures due to defects in materials or workmanship, and DOES NOT COVER normal wear and tear or cosmetic damage. The warranty ALSO DOES NOT COVER damages which occurred in shipment, or failures which are caused by products not supplied by Panasonic Canada Inc., or failures which result from accidents, misuse, abuse, neglect, mishandling, misapplication, alteration, faulty installation, set-up adjustments, misadjustment of consumer controls, improper maintenance, improper batteries, power line surge, lightning damage, modification, introduction of sand, humidity or liquids, commercial use such as hotel, office, restaurant, or other business or rental use of the product, or service by anyone other than a Authorized Servicer, or damage that is attributable to acts of God.  THIS EXPRESS, LIMITED WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT WILL PANASONIC CANADA INC. BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS PRODUCT OR ARISING OUT OF ANY BREACH OF ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY. (As examples, this warranty excludes damages for lost time, travel to and from the Authorized Servicer, loss of or damage to media or images, data or other memory or recorded content. This list of items is not exhaustive, but for illustration only.)Home Network System Products – One (1) yearmicroSD card (Included model only) – One (1) yearPanasonic Canada Inc.5770 Ambler Drive, Mississauga, Ontario L4W 2T3PANASONIC PRODUCT - LIMITED WARRANTYPanasonic Canada Inc. warrants this product to be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and for a period as stated below from the date of original purchase agrees to, at its option either (a) repair your product with new or refurbished parts, (b) replace it with a new or a refurbished equivalent value product, or (c) refund your purchase price. The decision to repair, replace or refund will be made by Panasonic Canada Inc. This warranty is given only to the original purchaser, or the person for whom it was purchased as a gift, of a Panasonic brand product mentioned above sold by an authorized Panasonic dealer in Canada and purchased and used in Canada, which product was not sold “as is”, and which product was delivered to you in new condition in the original packaging.  IN ORDER TO BE ELIGIBLE TO RECEIVE WARRANTY SERVICE HEREUNDER, A PURCHASE RECEIPT OR OTHER PROOF OF DATE OF ORIGINAL PURCHASE, SHOWING AMOUNT PAID AND PLACE OF PURCHASE IS REQUIRED LIMITATIONS AND EXCLUSIONSEXCHANGE PROGRAMFor assistance, visit 31AppendixHNC805C_(en-en)_0420_shinsei.pdf   31 2016/04/20   16:55:32 certain instances, some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, or the exclusion of implied warranties, so the above limitations and exclusions may not be applicable. This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may have other rights which vary depending on your province or territory. For product information and operation assistance, please visit our Support page:CONTACT INFORMATIONFor defective product exchange within the warranty period, please contact the original dealer.32 For assistance, visit   32 2016/04/20   16:55:33
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For your future referenceWe recommend keeping a record of the following information to assistwith any repair under warranty.Serial No. Date of purchase(found on the bottom of the unit)Name and address of dealerAttach your purchase receipt here.5770 Ambler Drive, Mississauga, Ontario L4W 2T3© Panasonic System Networks Co., Ltd. 2016   HNC805C_(en-en)_0420_shinsei.pdf   36 2016/04/20   16:55:33

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