Panasonic of North America 96NKX-HNK102 DECT 6.0 Keychain Remote User Manual Installation Manual English

Panasonic Corporation of North America DECT 6.0 Keychain Remote Installation Manual English

User Manual

Operating InstructionsHome Network SystemKeychain RemoteModel No.    KX-HNK102Thank you for purchasing a Panasonic product.This document explains how to operate the keychain remote properly.For details about how to use the system, refer to the User’s Guide(page 12).Please read this document before using the unit and save it for futurereference.For assistance, please contact us at 1-800-272-7033 or visit our Website: for customers in the U.S.A.Please register your product: order to use this device:RDownload the latest version of the [Home Network] app.RUpdate your hub to the latest firmware version (version 5.50 or later).For more information, refer to the User’s Guide (page 12).Printed in ChinaHNK102_(en_en_)_0616_ver.021.pdf   1 2015/06/16   18:14:13
Important InformationAccessory information ...............3About this system ......................4For your safety ...........................4Important safety instructions ......5For best performance ................5Other information .......................6SetupPart names and functions ..........8LED indicator .............................8Setup overview ..........................9Inserting the battery .................10Attaching the key ring ..............10Registering the remote ............11Wireless communicationrange .......................................11AppendixUsing the remote .....................12Features available when using the[Home Network] app ................12Accessing the User’s Guide ....12Specifications ..........................13FCC and other information ......14Customer services ...................15Limited Warranty (ONLY FORU.S.A.) .....................................162Table of ContentsHNK102_(en_en_)_0616_ver.021.pdf   2 2015/06/16   18:14:13
Accessory informationSupplied accessoriesNo. Accessory item/Part number QuantityABattery*11BKey ring/PNGX1035Z 1*1 When replacing the battery, refer to the battery specifications noted under“Power source” on page 13.ABOther informationRDesign and specifications are subject to change without notice.RThe illustrations in these instructions may vary slightly from the actual product.TrademarksRiPhone and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc.RAndroid is a trademark of Google Inc.RMicrosoft, Windows, and Internet Explorer are either registered trademarks ortrademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.RAll other trademarks identified herein are the property of their respective owners.For assistance, please visit 3Important InformationHNK102_(en_en_)_0616_ver.021.pdf   3 2015/06/16   18:14:13
About this systemRThis system is an auxiliary system; itis not designed to provide completeprotection from property loss.Panasonic will not be heldresponsible in the event thatproperty loss occurs while thissystem is in operation.RThe system’s wireless features aresubject to interference, thereforefunctionality in all situations cannotbe guaranteed. Panasonic will notbe held responsible for injury ordamage to property that occurs inthe event of wireless communicationerror or failure.For your safetyTo prevent severe injury and loss of life/property, read this section carefullybefore using the product to ensureproper and safe operation of yourproduct.WARNINGPower connectionRUse only the power source markedon the product.RDo not connect non-specifieddevices.InstallationRTo prevent the risk of fire orelectrical shock, do not expose theproduct to rain or any type ofmoisture.RDo not place or use this productnear automatically controlleddevices such as automatic doorsand fire alarms. Radio wavesemitted from this product may causesuch devices to malfunctionresulting in an accident.Operating safeguardsRDo not disassemble the product.MedicalRConsult the manufacturer of anypersonal medical devices, such aspacemakers or hearing aids, todetermine if they are adequatelyshielded from external RF (radiofrequency) energy. DECT featuresoperate between 1.92 GHz and1.93 GHz with a peak transmissionpower of 115 mW.RDo not use the product in healthcare facilities if any regulationsposted in the area instruct you not todo so. Hospitals or health carefacilities may be using equipmentthat could be sensitive to externalRF energy.CR Lithium batteryRDo not recharge, disassemble,remodel, heat or throw it into fire.RDo not touch the terminals   and with metal objects.RRisk of explosion if battery isreplaced by an incorrect type.Dispose of used battery according tolocal regulations.RIf any electrolyte should come intocontact with your hands or clothes,wash it off thoroughly with water.RIf any electrolyte should come intocontact with your eyes, never rubyour eyes. Rinse your eyes4For assistance, please visit InformationHNK102_(en_en_)_0616_ver.021.pdf   4 2015/06/16   18:14:13
thoroughly with water, and thenconsult a doctor.CAUTIONCR Lithium batteryRUse only the battery noted onpage 3.RInsert the battery correctly.RDo not leave the battery in anautomobile exposed to directsunlight for a long period of time withthe doors and windows closed.RRemove the battery if you do notuse the product for a long period oftime. Keep it in a cool, dark area.RDo not replace a battery with wethands.RKeep out of the reach of smallchildren. There is a risk ofswallowing. If the battery isswallowed, seek medical attentionimmediately.RRemove the battery if it becomesunusable. There is a risk of leakage,overheating, and rupture. Do notattempt to use a battery if it isleaking.RExercise care when handling thebatteries. Do not allow conductivematerials such as rings, bracelets, orkeys to touch the batteries,otherwise a short circuit may causethe batteries and/or the conductivematerial to overheat and causeburns.Do not intentionally pour water onthe battery or allow it to get wet.There is a risk of fire and smoke. Ifthe battery becomes wet, remove itimmediately and contact anauthorized service center.Important safetyinstructionsWhen using your product, basic safetyprecautions should always be followedto reduce the risk of fire, electric shock,and injury to persons, including thefollowing:1. Do not use this product near waterfor example, near a bathtub,washbowl, kitchen sink, or laundrytub, in a wet basement or near aswimming pool.2. Use only the batteries indicated inthis document. Do not dispose ofbatteries in a fire. They mayexplode. Check with local codes forpossible special disposalinstructions.SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONSFor best performanceHub location/avoiding noiseThe hub and other compatiblePanasonic devices use radio waves tocommunicate with each other.RFor maximum coverage andnoise-free communications, placeyour hub:– at a convenient, high, and centrallocation with no obstructionsbetween the product and hub inan indoor environment.– away from electronic appliancessuch as TVs, radios, personalcomputers, wireless devices, orother phones.– facing away from radio frequencytransmitters, such as externalFor assistance, please visit 5Important InformationHNK102_(en_en_)_0616_ver.021.pdf   5 2015/06/16   18:14:13
antennas of mobile phone cellstations. (Avoid putting the hubon a bay window or near awindow.)RIf the reception for a hub location isnot satisfactory, move the hub toanother location for better reception.EnvironmentRKeep the product away fromelectrical noise generating devices,such as fluorescent lamps andmotors.RThe product should be kept freefrom excessive smoke, dust, hightemperature, and vibration.RThe product should not be exposedto direct sunlight.RDo not place heavy objects on top ofthe product.RThe product should be kept awayfrom heat sources such as heaters,kitchen stoves, etc. It should not beplaced in rooms where thetemperature is less than 0 °C (32 °F)or greater than 40 °C (104 °F).ROperating the product near electricalappliances may cause interference.Move away from the electricalappliances.Other informationCAUTION: Risk of explosion if batteryis replaced by an incorrect type.Dispose of used batteries according tothe instructions.Routine careRWipe the outer surface of theproduct with a soft moist cloth.RDo not use benzine, thinner, or anyabrasive powder.Information on Disposal in otherCountries outside the EuropeanUnionThese symbols are only valid in theEuropean Union. If you wish to discardthese items, please contact your localauthorities or dealer and ask for thecorrect method of disposal.Note for the battery removalprocedureRefer to “Inserting the battery” onpage 10.6For assistance, please visit InformationHNK102_(en_en_)_0616_ver.021.pdf   6 2015/06/16   18:14:13
NoticeFor assistance, please visit 7Important InformationHNK102_(en_en_)_0616_ver.021.pdf   7 2015/06/16   18:14:13
Part names andfunctionsn Front viewABCDn Rear viewEFHIGLED indicator (Arm: Away) buttonArms the alarm system using the[Arm: Away] mode. (disarm) buttonDisarms the alarm system. (smart) buttonUsed to turn on a smart plug,trigger the alarm system, etc.Battery cover lockBattery coverM NUsed to register the keychainremote to the hub.Key ring eyeletKey ringLED indicatorYou can use the LED indicator toconfirm the remote’s status.Indicator StatusOff Normal operation orno power*1Amber,blinkingquicklySignal is being sentto the hub (you arepressing a button)*2Red, lit [Arm: Away] modeselected (youpressed the armbutton)*2Green, lit [Disarm] modeselected (youpressed the disarmbutton), or youpressed the smartbutton*28For assistance, please visit   8 2015/06/16   18:14:14
Indicator StatusRed, blinking Remote is out ofrange of the hub, orcould notcommunicate withthe hubGreen,blinking slowlyRegistration mode(you pressed andheld MN)Repeatingpattern ofblinking greenand blinkingredLow battery*1 The LED lights for about 2seconds after a button is pressed,then turns off. If the LED indicatordoes not light when you press abutton, the battery must bereplaced.*2 The LED indicator does notindicate remote’s status if theremote has not been registered(page 11).Setup overview1Initial setupMake sure you can access thesystem using your mobile device.For details, refer to the SystemSetup Guide included with yourhub.2Insert the batteryThe remote is battery powered.3RegistrationRequired only if the remote waspurchased separately (i.e., not aspart of a bundle).4Confirm the usage areaRead the information in thisdocument to confirm that thedesired usage area is suitable toproper operation.For assistance, please visit 9SetupHNK102_(en_en_)_0616_ver.021.pdf   9 2015/06/16   18:14:14
Inserting the batteryRUSE ONLY a CR2 Lithium battery.RConfirm the polarities ( ,  ).RUsing a metal object to open thelock may scratch the lock.1Remove the battery cover.RInsert a thin, flat object into thebattery cover lock and rotate itto the “unlocked” position, asshown below.Locked UnlockedRGrasp the indented areas onthe sides of the battery cover(A) and lift the cover up (B).1122Insert the battery.3Attach and lock the battery cover.RAfter attaching the batterycover, rotate the lock to the“locked” position.Attaching the keyringAttach the key ring to the remote asshown.10 For assistance, please visit   10 2015/06/16   18:14:14
Registering theremoteThis procedure is not required fordevices that were included as part ofa bundle.Before you can use the remote, it mustbe registered to the hub.If you purchased devices separately(i.e., not as part of a bundle), you mustregister each device to the hub.You can register each device by usingthe registration buttons or the [HomeNetwork] app.Using registration buttons1Hub:Press and hold M OTHERDEVICEN until the LED indicatorblinks slowly in green.2Remote:Open the battery cover (page 10),then use an object with a thin tip,press and hold MN until theLED indicator blinks slowly ingreen (page 8).RWhen registration is complete,the hub sounds one long beep.Note:RTo cancel without registering theremote, press MN on the hub andon the remote again.RIf registration fails, the hub soundsseveral short beeps.Using the appWhen you register the remote by usingthe [Home Network] app, you canassign a name to your devices. Formore information, refer to the User’sGuide (page 12).WirelesscommunicationrangeThe wireless communication range ofeach device in the system from the hubis approximately 50 m (160 feet)indoors and approximately 300 m(1,000 feet) outdoors. Wirelesscommunication may be unreliablewhen the following obstacles arelocated between the hub and otherdevices.RMetal doors or screensRWalls containing aluminum-sheetinsulationRWalls made of concrete orcorrugated ironRDouble-pane glass windowsRMultiple wallsRWhen using each device onseparate floors or in differentbuildingsFor assistance, please visit 11SetupHNK102_(en_en_)_0616_ver.021.pdf   11 2015/06/16   18:14:14
Using the remoteChanging the arm modePress the desired arm mode button.RThe LED indicator lights for about 2seconds according to the arm mode(page 8).Canceling an alertWhen the hub is sounding an alert, youcan press   or   on thekeychain remote to cancel the alert.RWhen the keychain remote cancelsthe alert, the LED indicator lights forabout 2 seconds.Using the smart buttonYou can press the keychain remote’ssmart button to turn on a smart plug,trigger the alarm system, etc.Use the [Home Network] app tochange the feature assigned to thesmart button. For more information,refer to the User’s Guide (page 12).Features availablewhen using the[Home Network] appSome of the features that are availablewhen using the [Home Network] appare listed below. For more information,refer to the User’s Guide (page 12).–Alarm systemYou can use the app to arm anddisarm the alarm system.–Device managementYou can use the app to change theremote’s name and assign a featureto the keychain remote’s smartbutton.Accessing the User’sGuideThe User’s Guide is a collection ofonline documentation that helps youget the most out of the [HomeNetwork] app.1iPhone®/iPad®Tap   in the app’s home screen.Android™ devicesTap   or press your mobiledevice’s menu button in the app’shome screen.2Tap [User’s Guide].Note:RMicrosoft® Windows® InternetExplorer® 8 and earlier versions arenot supported.RAndroid 4.1 or later versions arerecommended.RYou can also access the User’sGuide at the web page listed For assistance, please visit   12 2015/06/16   18:14:14
SpecificationsRStandardsDECT (Digital Enhanced CordlessTelecommunications)RFrequency rangeDECT: 1.92 GHz – 1.93 GHzRRF transmission powerDECT: 115 mW (max.)RPower sourceLithium battery CR2 (1 ´ 3.0 V,850 mAh)ROperating conditions0 °C – 40 °C (32 °F – 104 °F)RBattery lifeApprox. 2 years (when the remote isused 10 times a day, in anenvironment of 25 °C (77 °F))*1RDimensions (height ´ width ´depth)77 mm ´ 27 mm ´ 18 mm(3 1/32 inches ´ 1 1/18 inches ´23/32 inches)(without the key ring attached)RMass (weight)Approx. 17 g (0.04 lb), excluding thebattery and without the key ringattached*1 Battery life may be reduceddepending on the operatingenvironment, and whether theremote is used when it is out ofrange of the hub.For assistance, please visit 13AppendixHNK102_(en_en_)_0616_ver.021.pdf   13 2015/06/16   18:14:14
FCC and otherinformationThis device complies with Part 15 ofthe FCC Rules. Operation is subject tothe following two conditions:(1) This device may not cause harmfulinterference, and (2) this device mustaccept any interference received,including interference that may causeundesired operation.Privacy of communications may not beensured when using this device.CAUTION:Any changes or modifications notexpressly approved by the partyresponsible for compliance could voidthe user’s authority to operate thisdevice.NOTE:This equipment has been tested andfound to comply with the limits for aClass B digital device, pursuant to Part15 of the FCC Rules. These limits aredesigned to provide reasonableprotection against harmful interferencein a residential installation. Thisequipment generates, uses, and canradiate radio frequency energy and, ifnot installed and used in accordancewith the instructions, may causeharmful interference to radiocommunications. However, there is noguarantee that interference will notoccur in a particular installation. If thisequipment does cause harmfulinterference to radio or televisionreception, which can be determined byturning the equipment off and on, theuser is encouraged to try to correct theinterference by one or more of thefollowing measures:– Reorient or relocate the receivingantenna.– Increase the separation between theequipment and receiver.– Connect the equipment into anoutlet on a circuit different from thatto which the receiver is connected.– Consult the dealer or anexperienced radio/TV technician forhelp.Some devices operate at frequenciesthat may cause interference to nearbyTVs and VCRs. To minimize or preventsuch interference, this device shouldnot be placed near or on top of a TV orVCR. If interference is experienced,move this device further away from theTV or VCR. This will often reduce oreliminate interference.FCC RF Exposure Warning:RThis product complies with FCCradiation exposure limits set forth foran uncontrolled environment.RThis product may not be collocatedor operated in conjunction with anyother antenna or transmitter.RFor body-worn operation, the devicemust be used only with anon-metallic accessory. Use of otheraccessories may not ensurecompliance with FCC RF exposurerequirements.Notice:RFCC ID can be found inside the unit.14 For assistance, please visit   14 2015/06/16   18:14:14
Customer servicesYou may also contact us directly at: 1-800-272-7033,Monday - Friday 9 am to 9 pm; Saturday - Sunday 10 am to 7 pm, EST.Accessories!h!p:// Services DirectoryShopfor all your Panasonic gearGo to Get everything you need to get the most out ofyour Panasonic products Accessories & Parts for your Camera, Phone, A/V products, TV, Computers & Networking, Personal Care, Home Appliances, Headphones, Ba!eries, Backup Chargers & more…For Product Informa"on, Opera"ng Assistance, Parts, Owner’s Manuals, Dealer and Service infogo to h!p:// the hearing or speech impaired TTY: 1- 877-833-8855 As of June 2015 For assistance, please visit 15AppendixHNK102_(en_en_)_0616_ver.021.pdf   15 2015/06/16   18:14:14
Limited Warranty (ONLY FOR U.S.A.)Limited Warranty Coverage (For USA Only)LaborOne (1) YearPartsOne (1) YearTo submit a new repair request and for quick repair status visit our Web Site at Products Limited WarrantyOnline Repair RequestMail-In Service--Online Repair RequestIf your product does not work properly because of a defect in materials or workmanship, Panasonic Corporation of North America (referred to as “the warrantor”) will, for the length of the period indicated on the chart below, which starts with the date of original purchase (“warranty period”), at its option either (a) repair your product with new or refurbished parts,(b) replace it with a new or a refurbished equivalent value product, or (c) refund your purchase price. The decision to repair, replace or refund will be made by the warrantor.During the “Labor” warranty period there will be no charge for labor. During the “Parts” warranty period, there will be no charge for parts. This Limited Warranty excludes both parts and labor for non-rechargeable batteries, antennas, and cosmetic parts (cabinet). This warranty only applies to products purchased and serviced in the United States.This warranty is extended only to the original purchaser of a new product which was not sold “as is”.Home Network System ProductsmicroSD card (Included model only) 90 days  N/AWhen shipping the unit, carefully pack, include all supplied accessories listed in the Owner’s Manual, and send it prepaid, adequately insured and packed well in a carton box. When shipping Lithium Ion batteries please visit our Web Site at as Panasonic is committed to providing the most up to date information. Include a letter detailing the complaint, a return address and provide a daytime phone number where you can be reached. A valid registered receipt is required under the Limited Warranty.IF REPAIR IS NEEDED DURING THE WARRANTY PERIOD, THE PURCHASER WILL BE REQUIRED TO FURNISH A SALES RECEIPT/PROOF OF PURCHASE INDICATING DATE OF PURCHASE, AMOUNT PAID AND PLACE OF PURCHASE. CUSTOMER WILL BE CHARGED FOR THE REPAIR OF ANY UNIT RECEIVED WITHOUT SUCH PROOF OF PURCHASE.Product or Part Name16 For assistance, please visit   16 2015/06/16   18:14:14
Limited Warranty Limits and Exclusions(As examples, this excludes damages for lost time, travel to and from the servicer, loss of or damage to media or images, data or other memory or recorded content. The items listed are not exclusive, but for illustration only.)This warranty ONLY COVERS failures due to defects in materials or workmanship, and DOES NOT COVER normal wear and tear or cosmetic damage. The warranty ALSO DOES NOT COVER damages which occurred in shipment, or failures which are caused by products not supplied by the warrantor, or failures which result from accidents, misuse, abuse, neglect, mishandling, misapplication, alteration, faulty installation, set-up adjustments, misadjustment of consumer controls, improper maintenance, power line surge, lightning damage, modification, introduction of sand, humidity or liquids, commercial use such as hotel, office, restaurant, or other business or rental use of the product, or service by anyone other than a Factory Service Center or other Authorized Servicer, or damage that is attributable to acts of God.THERE ARE NO EXPRESS WARRANTIES EXCEPT AS LISTED UNDER “LIMITED WARRANTY COVERAGE”.THE WARRANTOR IS NOT LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS PRODUCT, OR ARISING OUT OF ANY BREACH OF THIS WARRANTY.ALL EXPRESS AND IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING THE WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, ARE LIMITED TO THE PERIOD OF THE LIMITED WARRANTY.PARTS AND SERVICE, WHICH ARE NOT COVERED BY THIS LIMITED WARRANTY, ARE YOUR RESPONSIBILITY.Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, or limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the exclusions may not apply to you.This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. If a problem with this product develops during or after the warranty period, you may contact your dealer or Service Center. If the problem is not handled to your satisfaction, then write to:                          Consumer Affairs Department                          Panasonic Corporation of North America                          661 Independence Pkwy                                           Chesapeake, VA 23320As of June 2015For assistance, please visit 17AppendixHNK102_(en_en_)_0616_ver.021.pdf   17 2015/06/16   18:14:14
18NotesHNK102_(en_en_)_0616_ver.021.pdf   18 2015/06/16   18:14:14
19NotesHNK102_(en_en_)_0616_ver.021.pdf   19 2015/06/16   18:14:14
A Use CR2 Lithium battery.BIMPORTANT!If your product is not working properly. . .Visit our Web site: and troubleshooting hints are available.Use the Home Network app to access the User’s Guideand refer to the Troubleshooting section.For your future referenceWe recommend keeping a record of the following information to assistwith any repair under warranty.Serial No. Date of purchase(found on the product’s cartonbox)Name and address of dealerAttach your purchase receipt here.Two Riverfront Plaza, Newark, NJ 07102-5490© Panasonic System Networks Co., Ltd. 2015   HNK102_(en_en_)_0616_ver.021.pdf   20 2015/06/16   18:14:14

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