Panasonic of North America 96NKX-HNL100 DECT Smart Motion Light User Manual Installation Manual English

Panasonic Corporation of North America DECT Smart Motion Light Installation Manual English

Users Manual

Installation GuideHome Network SystemSmart Motion LightModel No.    KX-HNL100Thank you for purchasing a Panasonic product.This document explains how to install the unit properly.For details about how to use the system, refer to the User’s Guide(page 20).Please read this document before using the unit and save it for futurereference.For assistance, please contact us at 1-800-272-7033 or visit our Web site: for customers in the U.S.A.Please register your product: order to use this device:RDownload the latest version of the [Home Network] app.RUpdate your hub to the latest firmware version (version 5.50 or later).For more information, refer to the User’s Guide (page 20).Printed in China
IntroductionAccessory information .........................3Important InformationAbout this system ................................4For your safety ....................................4Important safety instructions ...............6For best performance ..........................6Other information ................................6Installation LocationWireless communication range ...........8Information about sensor features ......8Installation location examples .............9Do not install in these locations ........10SetupPart names and functions .................12Confirming the status ........................12Setup overview .................................12Inserting the batteries .......................13Registering the unit ...........................14Confirming the installation area ........14Installation .........................................15AppendixFeatures available when using the[Home Network] app .........................20Accessing the User’s Guide ..............20Specifications ....................................21FCC and other information ................22Customer services ............................23Limited Warranty (ONLY FORU.S.A.) ...............................................242Table of Contents
Accessory informationSupplied accessoriesNo. Accessory item/Part number QuantityAWall mounting screws (25 mm (1 inch))/XTB4+25AVW 4BSuspension wire tools– Safety wire: 1PQME10080Z– Washers: 2Small washer for attaching the safety wire to the unitø12 mm (15/32 inches)/XWG26D12VWLarge washer for attaching the safety wire to the wallø16 mm (5/8 inches)/XWG4F16VW– Screws: 2Small screw for attaching the safety wire to the unit10 mm (3/8 inches)/XTB26+10GVWLarge screw for attaching the safety wire to the wall25 mm (1 inch)/XTB4+25AVW1A BOther informationRDesign and specifications are subject to change without notice.RThe illustrations in these instructions may vary slightly from the actual product.TrademarksRiPhone and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc.RAndroid is a trademark of Google Inc.RMicrosoft, Windows, and Internet Explorer are either registered trademarks ortrademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.RAll other trademarks identified herein are the property of their respective owners.For assistance, please visit 3Introduction
About this systemRThis system is an auxiliary system; itis not designed to provide completeprotection from property loss.Panasonic will not be held responsiblein the event that property loss occurswhile this system is in operation.RThe system’s wireless features aresubject to interference, thereforefunctionality in all situations cannot beguaranteed. Panasonic will not beheld responsible for injury or damageto property that occurs in the event ofwireless communication error orfailure.For your safetyTo prevent severe injury and loss ofproperty, read this section carefullybefore using the product to ensureproper and safe operation of yourproduct.WARNINGPower connectionRDo not connect non-specified devices.InstallationRInstall this product in accordance withthe provided instructions.RDo not place or use this product nearautomatically controlled devices suchas automatic doors and fire alarms.Radio waves emitted from thisproduct may cause such devices tomalfunction resulting in an accident.RDo not mount the product in anunstable location, in a location subjectto frequent vibration, on a ceiling, oron a weak wall. (Do not mount ongypsum board, concrete blocks,wooden materials exposed to theoutdoors, walls with very roughsurfaces, or surfaces that arenarrower than the width of the wallmount bracket.) There is a risk ofinjury if the product falls, or of fire orelectric shock if water enters theproduct.RInstall the product only on a verticalsurface. Do not install the product ona ceiling, as the product may fall,resulting in damage or injury.RKeep small parts (screws, washers,etc.) out of the reach of children.There is a risk of swallowing. In theevent they are swallowed, seekmedical advice immediately.RPanasonic will not be held responsiblefor damage or injury caused byimproper connection, installation, orusage.Operating safeguardsRUnplug the product from power outletsbefore cleaning. Do not use liquid oraerosol cleaners.RDo not disassemble the product.RKeep the sensor range caps out of thereach of children. There is a risk ofswallowing. In the event they areswallowed, seek medical adviceimmediately.RNever put metal objects inside theproduct. If metal objects enter theproduct, turn off the circuit breakerand contact an authorized servicecenter.MedicalRConsult the manufacturer of anypersonal medical devices, such aspacemakers or hearing aids, todetermine if they are adequatelyshielded from external RF (radiofrequency) energy. DECT featuresoperate between 1.92 GHz and4For assistance, please visit Information
1.93 GHz with a peak transmissionpower of 115 mW.RDo not use the product in health carefacilities if any regulations posted inthe area instruct you not to do so.Hospitals or health care facilities maybe using equipment that could besensitive to external RF energy.CAUTIONInstallation and locationRAlthough this product conforms to theIPX5* code, do not intentionallyexpose it to water.*IPX5 indicates that the product isprotected against water jets: waterprojected at all angles through a6.3 mm (1/4 inches) nozzle flow rateof 12.5 liters/minute at a pressure of30 kN/m2 for 3 minutes from adistance of 3 meters (9 feet10 inches).RDo not mount the product on thefollowing materials: gypsum board,ALC (autoclaved lightweight cellularconcrete), concrete block, plywoodless than 25 mm (1 inch) thick, etc.Preventing accidents and injuriesRThe safety wire must be used whenmounting the product. There is a riskof injury if the product falls.RTo avoid risk of damage to the eyes,do not look directly at the LED when itis lit.RConsider the installation environmentcarefully when installing the product.Pay particular attention to infants,children, and the elderly, as they maybe more sensitive to bright lights.Optical radiation cautionsPossibly hazardous optical radiationemitted from this productDo not stare at operating lamp. Maybe harmful to the eyes.BatteryRDo not open or mutilate the batteries.Released electrolyte from batteries iscorrosive and may cause burns orinjury to the eyes or skin. Theelectrolyte is toxic and may beharmful if swallowed.RExercise care when handlingbatteries. Do not allow conductivematerials such as rings, bracelets, orkeys to touch batteries, otherwise ashort circuit may cause the batteriesand/or the conductive material tooverheat and cause burns.RThe batteries should be usedcorrectly, otherwise the product maybe damaged due to battery leakage.RDo not charge, short-circuit,disassemble, or heat the batteries.RDo not dispose of batteries in a fire.RRemove all the batteries whenreplacing.RDo not mix old, new or different typesof batteries.RIt is recommended that batteries arereplaced annually.RKeep out of the reach of smallchildren. There is a risk of swallowing.If a battery is swallowed, seekmedical attention immediately.RRemove the batteries if they becomeunusable. There is a risk of leakage,overheating, and rupture. Do notattempt to use a battery if it is leaking.RDo not intentionally pour water on thebatteries or allow them to get wet.There is a risk of fire and smoke. If thebatteries becomes wet, remove themimmediately and contact anauthorized service center.For assistance, please visit 5Important Information
Important safetyinstructionsWhen using your product, basic safetyprecautions should always be followedto reduce the risk of fire, electric shock,and injury to persons, including thefollowing:1. Do not use this product near waterfor example, near a bathtub,washbowl, kitchen sink, or laundrytub, in a wet basement or near aswimming pool.2. Use only the batteries indicated inthis document. Do not dispose ofbatteries in a fire. They may explode.Check with local codes for possiblespecial disposal instructions.SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONSFor best performanceHub location/avoiding noiseThe hub and other compatiblePanasonic devices use radio waves tocommunicate with each other.RFor maximum coverage andnoise-free communications, placeyour hub:– at a convenient, high, and centrallocation with no obstructionsbetween the product and hub in anindoor environment.– away from electronic appliancessuch as TVs, radios, personalcomputers, wireless devices, orother phones.– facing away from radio frequencytransmitters, such as externalantennas of mobile phone cellstations. (Avoid putting the hub ona bay window or near a window.)RIf the reception for a hub location isnot satisfactory, move the hub toanother location for better reception.EnvironmentRThe product should be kept free fromexcessive smoke, dust, hightemperature, and vibration.RKeep the product away from electricalnoise generating devices, such asfluorescent lamps and motors.RThe product should be kept free fromexcessive smoke, dust, hightemperature, and vibration.RDo not place heavy objects on top ofthe product.RThe product should be kept awayfrom heat sources such as heaters,kitchen stoves, etc. It should not beplaced in rooms where thetemperature is less than -20 °C (-4 °F)or greater than 50 °C (122 °F). Dampbasements should also be avoided.RDo not allow the infrared sensor tobecome scratched or dirty. (This maycause incorrect detections,malfunctions, or damage to theinfrared sensor.)ROperating the product near electricalappliances may cause interference.Move away from the electricalappliances.Other informationCAUTION: Risk of explosion if battery isreplaced by an incorrect type.Dispose of used batteries according tothe instructions.Routine careRWipe the outer surface of the productwith a soft moist cloth.RDo not use any cleaning products thatcontain alcohol, polish powder,6For assistance, please visit Information
powder soap, benzine, thinner, wax,petroleum, or boiling water. Also donot spray the product with insecticide,glass cleaner, or hair spray. This maycause a change in color or quality ofthe product.RDo not apply running water to theproduct.NoticeFor assistance, please visit 7Important Information
Wirelesscommunication rangeThe wireless communication range ofeach device in the system from the hubis approximately 50 m (160 feet) indoorsand approximately 300 m (1,000 feet)outdoors. Wireless communication maybe unreliable when the followingobstacles are located between the huband other devices.RMetal doors or screensRWalls containing aluminum-sheetinsulationRWalls made of concrete or corrugatedironRDouble-pane glass windowsRMultiple wallsRWhen using each device on separatefloors or in different buildingsInformation aboutsensor featuresThe unit utilizes an infrared sensor (i.e.,heat sensor).Please read the following informationbefore deciding where to install the unit.Note:RThe unit’s motion sensor features arenot designed to be used in situationsthat require high reliability. We do notrecommend use of the unit’s motionsensor features in these situations.RPanasonic takes no responsibility forany injury or damage caused by theuse of this unit.Using heat to detect motionThe unit’s infrared sensor can detectmotion by recognizing temperaturedifferences that occur within the range ofthe sensor. It does this by detecting theinfrared rays that are emitted naturallyby people, animals, etc., which correlateto the object’s temperature. Thedetection range is indicated in theillustration by the gray area in front of theunit.Detection range when looking fromaboveAAPLACE HOLDERPLACE HOLDERHorizontal detection rangeApprox. 120°Detection range when looking fromthe sideBABBAPLACE HOLDERPLACE HOLDERVertical detection rangeApprox. 58°Distance of detectable motionApprox. 3 m (9.8 feet)8For assistance, please visit Location
I want to detect people entering thegarageRefer to the example below for detectingpeople entering a garage withoutdetecting cars in the street.Poor examplePLACE HOLDERPLACE HOLDERVisitors approach the unit from the frontand are therefore more difficult to detect.Cars in the street are more likely tocause false detections.Ideal examplePLACE HOLDERPLACE HOLDERVisitors pass in front of the unit from sideto side. Cars in the street are less likelyto cause false detections.Do not install in theselocationsInstalling in the following areas maycause deformation, discoloration,malfunction, or operational failureRIn direct sunlight or directly under anoutdoor light (even if the surroundingsare within operational temperaturerange, parts of the product maybecome hot)RAreas subject to frequent vibration,shock, or impactRNear fire, heating devices, magneticfields (such as near magnets), or airconditioners (including outdoorequipment such as unit compressors)RAreas exposed to grease or steamRNear devices that emit strong radiowaves, such as mobile phonesRAreas subject to extreme temperaturechanges (which can lead tocondensation)RNear coasts directly subjected to seabreezes, or near sulfuric hot springs(exposure to salt can shorten the lifeof the product)RNear TVs, radios, automated officeequipment such as computers, airconditioners, water heater panels(with intercom), or home securityequipment (these may cause noise)RNear satellite broadcasting receiverssuch as tuners, TVs with built-insatellite tuners, and recorders(broadcasted images may bedistorted)RAreas where hydrogen sulfide,ammonia, dust, or toxic gases arepresent10 For assistance, please visit Location
Part names andfunctionsEDBA CFLED unitAmbient light sensorInfrared sensorM NUsed when registering the unit tothe hub.Safety wireMounting standConfirming the statusYou can use the LED to confirm theunit’s status.Indicator StatusOff No power, nomotion detected,or unit isdisabled*1Lit Motion detectedBlinking slowly Registration modeBlinking Communicationerror, or the unit isout of range of thehub*1 You can configure the unit so that itsLED does not light when motion isdetected. For more information,refer to the User’s Guide(page 20).Setup overview1Initial setupMake sure you can access thesystem using your mobile device.For details, refer to the SystemSetup Guide included with your hub.2RegistrationRequired only if the unit waspurchased separately (i.e., not aspart of a bundle).3Confirm the installation areaRead the information in thisdocument to confirm that the desiredinstallation area is suitable to properoperation.4InstallationInstall the unit in the desired location.12 For assistance, please visit
Inserting the batteriesRUse only D (LR20) alkaline batteries.RDo not use manganese, Ni-Cd, orNi-MH batteries.1Remove the rear cover.RWhile holding the rear cover, twistthe front of the unit in the directionshown below, and then removethe rear cover.PLACE HOLDERPLACE HOLDER2Remove the battery cover.RPress the tabs on the top andbottom of the unit as shown, andthen remove the battery cover.PLACE HOLDERPLACE HOLDER3Insert the batteries.RConfirm the polarities ( ,  ).PLACE HOLDERPLACE HOLDER4Attach the battery cover.5Attach the rear cover.RWhile holding the rear cover, twistthe front of the unit in the directionshown below.PLACE HOLDERPLACE HOLDERFor assistance, please visit 13Setup
Registering the unitThis procedure is not required fordevices that were included as part of abundle.Before you can use the unit, it must beregistered to the hub.You can register the unit by using theregistration buttons or the [HomeNetwork] app.Using registration buttons1Hub:Press and hold M OTHERDEVICEN until the LED indicatorblinks slowly in green.2This unit:Using an object with a thin tip, pressand hold MN until the LED blinksslowly (page 12).RWhen registration is complete, thehub sounds one long beep.PLACE HOLDERPLACE HOLDERNote:RTo cancel without registering the unit,press MN on the hub and on thisunit again.RIf registration fails, the hub soundsseveral short beeps.Using the appWhen you register the unit by using the[Home Network] app, you can assign aname to your devices and group themby location. For more information, referto the User’s Guide (page 20).Confirming theinstallation areaBefore deciding where to install the unit,carefully read the chapter "InstallationLocation", beginning on page 8, toconfirm the installation location anddirection.14 For assistance, please visit
InstallationInstallation precautionsRDo not install the unit on a ceiling.RMake sure you attach the safety wireto prevent the unit from falling.RDo not use an impact driver. (Thismay lead to damaged screws orover-tightening.)RMount the unit on the stable locationwhere the unit can be adequatelysupported when installing.RDo not mount the unit on a softmaterial. It may fall down, break orcause injury.Wall material informationSidingRUse the included wall mountingscrews (page 3).RIf the weight of the unit is supportedby the siding only, the siding couldbecome damaged. Make sure youmount the unit in a location where thestructure behind the siding can beused to support the weight of the unit.If this is not possible due to thethickness of the siding, usecommercially-available screws thatare ø4 mm (5/32 inches) and longerthan 25 mm (1 inch).RDrill a pilot hole using a drill bit that isappropriate for the type of siding.Remove any debris after drilling thepilot hole. Do not drill the pilot holeinto the structure behind the siding.Poor exampleNo support behind exterior surfaceBABBBAAAPLACE HOLDERPLACE HOLDERSidingOpen space, no supportFor assistance, please visit 15Setup
Ideal exampleStructure supports exterior surfaceAAAAPLACE HOLDERPLACE HOLDERSidingStructure behind sidingConcreteRDo not use the included screws. Usescrew anchors (screw ø: 4 mm(5/32 inches)) designed for concretewalls.RCarefully read the instructionssupplied with the anchors. Followinstructions regarding drill bitdiameter, hole depth, etc.RDrill a pilot hole. Remove any debrisafter drilling the pilot hole.1Mark the hole depth on the drill bit(A) and then drill a pilot hole.A2Remove debris.3Insert the anchor, tighten the screw,then remove the screw to secure theanchor.4Insert the screw through themounting stand (A) and tighten it.AALC (autoclaved lightweight cellularconcrete)RDepending on the type of ALC panel,you may not be able to attach the unit.Consult the ALC panel manufacturer.RDo not use the included screws. Afterconsulting the manufacturer of theALC panel, use onlycommercially-available metal screwanchors (screw ø: 4 mm(5/32 inches)) designed for ALCpanels.RCarefully read the instructionssupplied with the anchors. Followinstructions regarding drill bitdiameter, hole depth, etc.RDrill a pilot hole. Remove any debrisafter drilling the pilot hole.RSeal the pilot hole with acommercially-available waterproofsealant.Other materials (mortar, tile, etc.)RDo not use the included screws.RConsult the builder or licensedprofessional regarding the type ofanchor appropriate for the installationlocation and materials.RDo not install on gypsum board orconcrete blocks.16 For assistance, please visit
Installing the unit1Attach the safety wire to the unit.RPlace the ring of the safety wire(A) over the screw hole.RPlace a washer (B) on top of thering of the safety wire.RTighten the screw (C) for thesafety wire on top of the washer.23PLACE HOLDERPLACE HOLDER2Attach the mounting stand to theoutdoor wall.RSecure the stand to the wall bytightening 4 screws (A).RScrew distance (B): xx mm(xx inches)BB11PLACE HOLDERPLACE HOLDERNote:RUse the following template belowwhen determining the location ofthe screw holes.xx mm(xx inches)xx mm(xx inches)For assistance, please visit 17Setup
3Attach the unit to the stand using thestand attachment hole.RLoosen the screw (C).RInsert the tip of the stand (B) intothe stand attachment hole (A).RSecure the unit by tightening thescrew (D).PLACE HOLDERPLACE HOLDER4Adjust the unit angle.RLoosen the screw (1) and thenadjust the unit to the desiredangle.RTighten the screw (1) whileholding the screw (2) until theunit is secure.PLACE HOLDERPLACE HOLDER18 For assistance, please visit
5Attach the safety wire to the wall.RPlace the ring of the safety wire(A) on the wall.RPlace the washer (B) on top ofthe ring of the safety wire.RTighten the screw (C) for thesafety wire on top of the washer.ABCPLACE HOLDERPLACE HOLDERNote:RAttach the safety wire while it isbent.RAttach the safety wire high on thewall so that the unit does notstrike anyone in the event the unitdetaches from the wall.RDo not hang from the unit orstand.For assistance, please visit 19Setup
Features availablewhen using the [HomeNetwork] appSome of the unit’s features that areavailable when using the [HomeNetwork] app are listed below. For moreinformation, refer to the User’s Guide(page 20).–Sensor and light adjustmentYou can adjust the unit’s motionsensor sensitivity, change how longthe LED lights when the sensordetects motion, adjust the LEDbrightness, and adjust other settings.–Sensor integrationYou can configure the unit’s sensorfeatures to trigger other systemevents, such as camera recording*1,turning on an electric device (such asa lamp), etc. (Appropriate devicerequired.)*1 A commercially-availablemicroSD card must be insertedinto the hub in order to recordimages.–Alarm systemYou can use the app to arm anddisarm the alarm system, confirm thecurrent status of the unit’s sensor, andview a log of previous events.–NotificationYou can configure the system to senda notification to the [Home Network]app when the unit detects motion.Accessing the User’sGuideThe User’s Guide is a collection ofonline documentation that helps you getthe most out of the [Home Network]app.1iPhone®/iPad®Tap   in the app’s home screen.Android™ devicesTap   or press your mobile device’smenu button in the app’s homescreen.2Tap [User’s Guide].Note:RMicrosoft® Windows® InternetExplorer® 8 and earlier versions arenot supported.RAndroid 4.1 or later versions arerecommended.RYou can also access the User’s Guideat the web page listed For assistance, please visit
SpecificationsRStandardsDECT (Digital Enhanced CordlessTelecommunications)RFrequency rangeDECT: 1.92 GHz – 1.93 GHzRTransmitting rangeApprox. 50 m (160 feet) indoorsApprox. 300 m (1,000 feet) outdoorsRRF transmission powerDECT: 115 mW (max.)RPower sourceD (LR20) alkaline battery (4 ´ 1.5 V)RBattery lifeUp to 1 year (when the sensor istriggered 5 times a day and the LEDlights for 20 seconds each time thesensor is triggered)RIllumination rangeApprox. 67°RMaximum illumination300 lumensRSensor detection methodPyroelectric infrared sensor (heatsensor)RSensor detection range(when the surrounding temperature isapprox. 25 °C (77 °F))Horizontal: approx. ±120°Vertical: approx. ±58°Distance: approx. 3 m (9.8 feet)RAdjustable mounting anglesHorizontal: ±180°Vertical: 90°(adjustable when mounting)ROperating conditions-20 °C – 50 °C (-4 °F – 122 °F)RIP ratingIP55*1RDimensions (height ´ width ´ depth)95 mm ´ 95 mm ´ 100 mm(3.74 inches ´ 3.74 inches ´3.93 inches)RMass (weight)Approx. xx g (xx lb), excluding thebatteries*1 Water resistance is only assured ifthe unit is installed correctlyaccording to the instructions in theInstallation Guide, and appropriatewater protection measures are taken.For assistance, please visit 21Appendix
FCC and otherinformationThis device complies with Part 15 of theFCC Rules. Operation is subject to thefollowing two conditions:(1) This device may not cause harmfulinterference, and (2) this device mustaccept any interference received,including interference that may causeundesired operation.Privacy of communications may not beensured when using this device.CAUTION:Any changes or modifications notexpressly approved by the partyresponsible for compliance could voidthe user’s authority to operate thisdevice.NOTE:This equipment has been tested andfound to comply with the limits for aClass B digital device, pursuant to Part15 of the FCC Rules. These limits aredesigned to provide reasonableprotection against harmful interferencein a residential installation. Thisequipment generates, uses, and canradiate radio frequency energy and, ifnot installed and used in accordancewith the instructions, may cause harmfulinterference to radio communications.However, there is no guarantee thatinterference will not occur in a particularinstallation. If this equipment does causeharmful interference to radio ortelevision reception, which can bedetermined by turning the equipment offand on, the user is encouraged to try tocorrect the interference by one or moreof the following measures:– Reorient or relocate the receivingantenna.– Increase the separation between theequipment and receiver.– Connect the equipment into an outleton a circuit different from that to whichthe receiver is connected.– Consult the dealer or an experiencedradio/TV technician for help.Some devices operate at frequenciesthat may cause interference to nearbyTVs and VCRs. To minimize or preventsuch interference, this device should notbe placed near or on top of a TV orVCR. If interference is experienced,move this device further away from theTV or VCR. This will often reduce oreliminate interference.FCC RF Exposure Warning:RThis product complies with FCCradiation exposure limits set forth foran uncontrolled environment.RTo comply with FCC RF exposurerequirements, the device must beinstalled and operated 20 cm(8 inches) or more between theproduct and all person’s body.RThis product may not be collocated oroperated in conjunction with any otherantenna or transmitter.RFor body-worn operation, the devicemust be used only with a non-metallicaccessory. Use of other accessoriesmay not ensure compliance with FCCRF exposure requirements.Notice:RFCC ID can be found on the rear ofthe unit.22 For assistance, please visit
Customer servicesYou may also contact us directly at: 1-800-272-7033,Monday - Friday 9 am to 9 pm; Saturday - Sunday 10 am to 7 pm, EST.Accessories! Services DirectoryShopfor all your Panasonic gearGo to Get everything you need to get the most out ofyour Panasonic products Accessories & Parts for your Camera, Phone, A/V products, TV, Computers & Networking, Personal Care, Home Appliances, Headphones, Ba!eries, Backup Chargers & more…For Product Informa"on, Opera"ng Assistance, Parts, Owner’s Manuals, Dealer and Service infogo to the hearing or speech impaired TTY: 1- 877-833-8855 As of June 2015 For assistance, please visit 23Appendix
Limited Warranty (ONLY FOR U.S.A.)Limited Warranty Coverage (For USA Only)LaborOne (1) YearPartsOne (1) YearTo submit a new repair request and for quick repair status visit our Web Site at Products Limited WarrantyOnline Repair RequestMail-In Service--Online Repair RequestIf your product does not work properly because of a defect in materials or workmanship, Panasonic Corporation of North America (referred to as “the warrantor”) will, for the length of the period indicated on the chart below, which starts with the date of original purchase (“warranty period”), at its option either (a) repair your product with new or refurbished parts,(b) replace it with a new or a refurbished equivalent value product, or (c) refund your purchase price. The decision to repair, replace or refund will be made by the warrantor.During the “Labor” warranty period there will be no charge for labor. During the “Parts” warranty period, there will be no charge for parts. This Limited Warranty excludes both parts and labor for non-rechargeable batteries, antennas, and cosmetic parts (cabinet). This warranty only applies to products purchased and serviced in the United States.This warranty is extended only to the original purchaser of a new product which was not sold “as is”.Home Network System ProductsmicroSD card (Included model only) 90 days  N/AWhen shipping the unit, carefully pack, include all supplied accessories listed in the Owner’s Manual, and send it prepaid, adequately insured and packed well in a carton box. When shipping Lithium Ion batteries please visit our Web Site at as Panasonic is committed to providing the most up to date information. Include a letter detailing the complaint, a return address and provide a daytime phone number where you can be reached. A valid registered receipt is required under the Limited Warranty.IF REPAIR IS NEEDED DURING THE WARRANTY PERIOD, THE PURCHASER WILL BE REQUIRED TO FURNISH A SALES RECEIPT/PROOF OF PURCHASE INDICATING DATE OF PURCHASE, AMOUNT PAID AND PLACE OF PURCHASE. CUSTOMER WILL BE CHARGED FOR THE REPAIR OF ANY UNIT RECEIVED WITHOUT SUCH PROOF OF PURCHASE.Product or Part Name24 For assistance, please visit
Limited Warranty Limits and Exclusions(As examples, this excludes damages for lost time, travel to and from the servicer, loss of or damage to media or images, data or other memory or recorded content. The items listed are not exclusive, but for illustration only.)This warranty ONLY COVERS failures due to defects in materials or workmanship, and DOES NOT COVER normal wear and tear or cosmetic damage. The warranty ALSO DOES NOT COVER damages which occurred in shipment, or failures which are caused by products not supplied by the warrantor, or failures which result from accidents, misuse, abuse, neglect, mishandling, misapplication, alteration, faulty installation, set-up adjustments, misadjustment of consumer controls, improper maintenance, power line surge, lightning damage, modification, introduction of sand, humidity or liquids, commercial use such as hotel, office, restaurant, or other business or rental use of the product, or service by anyone other than a Factory Service Center or other Authorized Servicer, or damage that is attributable to acts of God.THERE ARE NO EXPRESS WARRANTIES EXCEPT AS LISTED UNDER “LIMITED WARRANTY COVERAGE”.THE WARRANTOR IS NOT LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS PRODUCT, OR ARISING OUT OF ANY BREACH OF THIS WARRANTY.ALL EXPRESS AND IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING THE WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, ARE LIMITED TO THE PERIOD OF THE LIMITED WARRANTY.PARTS AND SERVICE, WHICH ARE NOT COVERED BY THIS LIMITED WARRANTY, ARE YOUR RESPONSIBILITY.Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, or limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the exclusions may not apply to you.This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. If a problem with this product develops during or after the warranty period, you may contact your dealer or Service Center. If the problem is not handled to your satisfaction, then write to:                          Consumer Affairs Department                          Panasonic Corporation of North America                          661 Independence Pkwy                                           Chesapeake, VA 23320As of June 2015For assistance, please visit 25Appendix
ABUse alkaline batteries.(Rechargeable Ni-MH batteries CANNOT be used.) If your product is not working properly. . .IMPORTANT!Visit our Web site:• FAQ and troubleshooting hints are available.Use the Home Network app to access the User’s Guide and refer to the Troubleshooting section.For your future referenceWe recommend keeping a record of the following information to assist with any repairunder warranty.Serial No. Date of purchase(found on the rear of the unit)Name and address of dealerAttach your purchase receipt here.Two Riverfront Plaza, Newark, NJ 07102-5490© Panasonic System Networks Co., Ltd. 2014

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