Panasonic of North America 96NKX-HNM300 Baby Monitor User Manual Installation Manual English

Panasonic Corporation of North America Baby Monitor Installation Manual English

User Manual

Operating InstructionsBaby MonitorModel No.    KX-HN3001Before initial use, see “Getting Started”on page 9.Thank you for purchasing a Panasonic product.Please read these operating instructions before using the unit and save them forfuture reference.Consulte  “Guía Rápida Española”, página 31.For assistance, please contact us at 1-800-272-7033 or visit our Web site: for customers in the U.S.A.Please register your product:̲2̲HN3001̲(en̲en)̲ver.023.pdf1 2017/11/2722:50:27
IntroductionAbout the baby monitor ................................3Accessory information ..................................3Important InformationGraphical symbols for use on equipment andtheir descriptions ..........................................5About this system .........................................5For your safety .............................................5Important safety instructions ........................7For best performance ...................................7Other information .........................................8Getting StartedPart names and functions ............................9Setting up the camera unit .........................10Setting up the monitor unit .........................14Turning the power on/off ............................15Language setting ........................................15Smart LED indicator and display iconcolors ..........................................................16Display icons ..............................................16Confirming the usage area .........................16Testing the baby monitor system ...............17Using the Baby MonitorBaby monitor ..............................................18Viewing live camera images .......................18Listening/talking to the camera unit ............18Adjusting the speaker volume ....................19Adjusting chimes/beeps .............................19Adjusting the brightness of cameraimages ........................................................19Adjusting the sleep mode ...........................19Configuring the temperature sensor ...........19Playing/canceling lullabies manually ..........20Selecting camera units/using auto scan .....20ProgrammingMenu list .....................................................21Smart features ............................................24Sensors ......................................................26Timer ..........................................................26Managing camera units ..............................26Useful InformationTroubleshooting .........................................28Specifications .............................................30Guía Rápida EspañolaGuía Rápida Española ...............................31AppendixFCC and other information .........................35Customer services .....................................36Limited Warranty (ONLY FOR U.S.A.) .......372Table of Contents171127̲2̲HN3001̲(en̲en)̲ver.023.pdf2 2017/11/2722:50:27
About the baby monitorThe baby monitor system helps you keep an eye on your baby from anywhere in your house. Thesystem consists of a camera unit and a monitor unit that are connected wirelessly using DECTtechnology, which provides secure, stable, and clear sound and picture without interference frommicrowave ovens, wireless routers, etc.The monitor unit features a compact design and a long-lasting rechargeable battery that provideshours of use on a single charge, and the camera unit features a camera, speaker, andmicrophone that let you see, talk, and listen to your baby. The system's smart features give youpeace of mind to go about your day. For example, you can use auto lullaby (page 25) to play alullaby automatically when your baby is crying, and smart notification (page 24) to displaynotifications on the monitor unit when your baby wakes or cries.Model compositionModel No. Monitor unit Camera unitPart No. Part No. QuantityKX-HN3001 KX-HNM300 KX-HNC300 1Accessory informationSupplied accessoriesNo. Accessory item/Part number QuantityAAC adaptor for the camera unit/PNWYAC300W00 1BAC adaptor for the monitor unit/PNWYAM300W00 1CWall mounting adaptor for the camera unit/PNWYAC300W01 1DRechargeable battery for the monitor unit*11*1 See page 4 for replacement battery information.A B C DFor assistance, please visit 3Introduction171127̲2̲HN3001̲(en̲en)̲ver.023.pdf3 2017/11/2722:50:27
Additional/replacement accessoriesPlease contact your nearest Panasonic dealer for sales information (page 36).Accessory item Model no./SpecificationsRechargeablebatteryKX-HNPA10RLithium Ion (Li-Ion) Polymer batteryRTo order, please visit the baby monitor systemCamera unit (optional): KX-HNC301You can expand your baby monitor system byregistering optional camera units (3 max.) to themonitor unit.Other informationRDesign and specifications are subject to change without notice.RThe illustrations in these instructions may vary slightly from the actual product.4For assistance, please visit̲2̲HN3001̲(en̲en)̲ver.023.pdf4 2017/11/2722:50:27
Graphical symbols for use on equipment and theirdescriptionsSymbol Explanation Symbol ExplanationAlternating current (A.C.) Class P equipment(equipment in whichprotection against electricshock relies on DoubleInsulation or ReinforcedInsulation)Direct current (D.C.) “ON” (power)Protective earth “OFF” (power)Protective bonding earth Stand-by (power)Functional earth “ON”/“OFF” (power;push-push)For indoor use only Caution, risk of electricshockAbout this systemRThis system is an auxiliary system; it is notdesigned to provide complete protectionfrom property loss. Panasonic will not beheld responsible in the event that propertyloss occurs while this system is in operation.RThis product should not be used assubstitute for a medical or caregiver’ssupervision. It is the caregiver’sresponsibility to stay close enough tohandle any eventuality.RThe system’s wireless features are subjectto interference, therefore functionality in allsituations cannot be guaranteed.Panasonic will not be held responsible forinjury or damage to property that occurs inthe event of wireless communication erroror failure.For your safetyTo prevent severe injury and loss of life/property, read this section carefully beforeusing the product to ensure proper and safeoperation of your product.WARNINGPower connectionRUse only the power source marked on theproduct.RDo not overload power outlets andextension cords. This can result in the riskof fire or electric shock.RCompletely insert the AC adaptor/powerplug into the power outlet. Failure to do somay cause electric shock and/or excessiveheat resulting in a fire.For assistance, please visit 5Important Information171127̲2̲HN3001̲(en̲en)̲ver.023.pdf5 2017/11/2722:50:27
RRegularly remove any dust, etc. from theAC adaptor/power plug by pulling it fromthe power outlet, then wiping with a drycloth. Accumulated dust may cause aninsulation defect from moisture, etc.resulting in a fire.RUnplug the product from power outlets if itemits smoke, an abnormal smell, or makesan unusual noise. These conditions cancause fire or electric shock. Confirm thatsmoke has stopped emitting and contact usat from power outlets and never touchthe inside of the product if its casing hasbeen broken open. Danger of electric shockexists.RNever touch the plug with wet hands.Danger of electric shock exists.RDo not connect non-specified devices.InstallationRTo prevent the risk of fire or electricalshock, do not expose the product to rain orany type of moisture.RDo not place or use this product nearautomatically controlled devices such asautomatic doors and fire alarms. Radiowaves emitted from this product may causesuch devices to malfunction resulting in anaccident.RWARNING:Strangulation Hazard: Children haveSTRANGLED in cords.Keep this cord out of the reach of childrenmore than 1 m (3 feet) away.RDo not allow the AC adaptor to beexcessively pulled, bent or placed underheavy objects.RKeep small parts, such as screws, out ofthe reach of children. There is a risk ofswallowing. In the event they areswallowed, seek medical adviceimmediately.Operating safeguardsRUnplug the product from power outletsbefore cleaning. Do not use liquid oraerosol cleaners.RDo not disassemble the product.RNever put metal objects inside the product.If metal objects enter the product, turn offthe circuit breaker and contact anauthorized service center.MedicalRConsult the manufacturer of any personalmedical devices, such as pacemakers orhearing aids, to determine if they areadequately shielded from external RF(radio frequency) energy. DECT featuresoperate between 1.92 GHz and 1.93 GHzwith a peak transmission power of 115 mW(max.).RDo not use the product in health carefacilities if any regulations posted in thearea instruct you not to do so. Hospitals orhealth care facilities may be usingequipment that could be sensitive toexternal RF energy.Lithium Ion (Li-Ion) Polymer batteryRDo not open, puncture, crush, or drop thebattery. A damaged battery must not beused. This can result in the risk of fire,explosion, overheating, and leaking of theelectrolyte.RDo not touch the terminals   and   withmetal objects.RRisk of explosion if battery is replaced byan incorrect type. Dispose of used batteryaccording to local regulations.RIf any electrolyte should come into contactwith your hands or clothes, wash it offthoroughly with water.RIf any electrolyte should come into contactwith your eyes, never rub your eyes. Rinseyour eyes thoroughly with water, and thenconsult a doctor.6For assistance, please visit Information171127̲2̲HN3001̲(en̲en)̲ver.023.pdf6 2017/11/2722:50:27
CAUTIONInstallation and locationRNever install wiring during a lightning storm.RThe AC adaptor is used as the maindisconnect device. Ensure that the ACoutlet is installed near the product and iseasily accessible.RMount the product on the stable locationwhere the camera unit can be adequatelysupported when installing.RDo not mount the product on soft material.It may fall down, break or cause injury.RDo not mount the product on the followingmaterials: gypsum board, ALC (autoclavedlightweight cellular concrete), concreteblock, plywood less than 25 mm (1 inch)thick, etc.Lithium Ion (Li-Ion) Polymer batteryRUse only the specified battery.RInsert the battery correctly.RDo not leave the battery in an automobileexposed to direct sunlight for a long periodof time with the doors and windows closed.RRemove the battery if you do not use theproduct for a long period of time. Keep it ina cool, dark area.RDo not replace a battery with wet hands.RStop using the battery immediately andkeep away from fire if it emits an abnormalsmell or leaks electrolyte. Releasedelectrolyte may cause fire or burns.RExercise care when handling the batteries.Do not allow conductive materials such asrings, bracelets, or keys to touch thebatteries, otherwise a short circuit maycause the batteries and/or the conductivematerial to overheat and cause burns.RDo not put any conductive materials suchas coins or hairpins onto the batteryterminals. This can result in the risk ofoverheating.RCharge the battery provided with oridentified for use with this product only, inaccordance with the instructions andlimitations specified in this manual.Attention:The lithium ion/polymer battery you havepurchased is recyclable.Please call 1-800-8-BATTERY(1-800-822-8837) for information on how torecycle this battery.Preventing accidents and injuriesRDo not put your ear(s) near the speaker, asloud sounds emitted from the speaker maycause hearing impairment.Important safetyinstructionsWhen using your product, basic safetyprecautions should always be followed toreduce the risk of fire, electric shock, andinjury to persons, including the following:1. Do not use this product near water forexample, near a bathtub, washbowl,kitchen sink, or laundry tub, in a wetbasement or near a swimming pool.2. Use only the power cord and batteriesindicated in this manual. Do not dispose ofbatteries in a fire. They may explode.Check with local codes for possible specialdisposal instructions.SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONSFor best performanceProduct location/avoiding noiseThe monitor unit and camera units use radiowaves to communicate with each other.RFor maximum coverage and noise-freecommunications, place your monitor unit:For assistance, please visit 7Important Information171127̲2̲HN3001̲(en̲en)̲ver.023.pdf7 2017/11/2722:50:27
– at a convenient, high, and centrallocation with no obstructions betweenthe monitor unit and the camera unit inan indoor environment.– away from electronic appliances such asTVs, radios, personal computers,wireless devices, or other phones.– facing away from radio frequencytransmitters, such as external antennasof mobile phone cell stations. (Avoidputting the product on a bay window ornear a window.)RIf the reception for a monitor unit location isnot satisfactory, move the monitor unit toanother location for better reception.EnvironmentRKeep the product away from electrical noisegenerating devices, such as fluorescentlamps and motors.RThe product should be kept free fromexcessive smoke, dust, high temperature,and vibration.RDo not expose this product to directsunlight or other forms of powerful lightsuch as halogen lights for long periods oftime. (This may damage the image sensor.)RDo not place heavy objects on top of theproduct.RWhen you leave the product unused for along period of time, unplug the product fromthe power outlet.RThe product should be kept away from heatsources such as heaters, kitchen stoves,etc. It should not be placed in rooms wherethe temperature is less than 0 °C (32 °F) orgreater than 40 °C (104 °F). Dampbasements should also be avoided.ROperating the product near electricalappliances may cause interference. Moveaway from the electrical appliances.Other informationRoutine careRWipe the outer surface of the productwith a soft moist cloth.RDo not use benzine, thinner, or anyabrasive powder.Camera image qualityRCamera images may have the followingcharacteristics.– Colors in images may differ from theactual colors.– Faces or objects may appear dark whenthere is light behind the subject (i.e.,backlighting).– Image quality may be reduced in darklocations.– Images may appear hazy when thereare outdoor lights in use.When the subject is lit by sunlight orhalogen lights, black areas of the imagemay appear purplish. This is not amalfunction.Notice for product disposal, transfer,or returnRAlthough the monitor unit does not haverecording functions, to protect your privacy/confidentiality, we recommend that youreset the registered camera units(page 27) before you dispose of, transfer,or return the product.Notice:8For assistance, please visit Information171127̲2̲HN3001̲(en̲en)̲ver.023.pdf8 2017/11/2722:50:27
Part names and functionsCamera unit241357689jkALight sensorAllows the camera unit to switchautomatically to night vision mode inlow-light conditions.BCamera lensCMicrophoneDCamera baseESpeakerFAntennaGDC jackHLED indicatorIMN (Pairing button)JTemperature sensorKScrewUsed to secure the camera base(page 13) or wall mounting adaptor to thecamera unit (page 12).LED indicatorYou can use the LED indicator to confirm the camera unit’s status.Check the color of the LED indicator after connecting the camera unit (page 11).Indicator StatusOff No powerGreen, lit Normal operationGreen, blinking slowly Registration modeGreen, blinking quickly Device malfunctionFor assistance, please visit 9Getting Started 171127̲2̲HN3001̲(en̲en)̲ver.023.pdf9 2017/11/2722:50:27
Monitor unit345789162jkUsing the standnlmASmart LED indicatorBDisplayCM N (Power)Press to temporarily turn off thedisplay or press and hold to turn on/off the monitor unit.DMMENUNEMSMARTN/MOKNUse MSMARTN to access the smartfunction shortcut menu.FNavigator keyMFN, MEN, MDN, or MCN:– Scroll through various lists anditems– Adjust the pan/tilt rangeGMN (Talk)HMicrophoneIMN (Volume/Brightness)MN (Back)JAntennaKSpeakerLmicro-USB connectorMBattery coverNStandSetting up the camera unitInformation about pan/tilt rangeThe pan/tilt can be used to adjust the areaviewable from the camera unit by using MFN,MEN, MDN, or MCN on the monitor unit.If the area that you wish to view is not visibleeven after adjusting the pan/tilt, change thelocation or position of the camera unit so that itcan be viewed.Pan range211 Range of visibility: 37°2 Range of movement: 309°10 For assistance, please visit Getting Started171127̲2̲HN3001̲(en̲en)̲ver.023.pdf10 2017/11/2722:50:27
Tilt range121 Range of visibility: 28°2 Range of movement: 72°Information about sensor featuresThe camera unit has 3 sensor features: avisual sensor used for motion detection, atemperature sensor, and a sound sensor.Please read the following information abouteach sensor before deciding where to installthe camera unit.Note:RThe camera unit’s sensor features are notdesigned to be used in situations thatrequire high reliability. We do notrecommend use of the sensor features inthese situations.RPanasonic takes no responsibility for anyinjury or damage caused by the use of thecamera unit’s sensor features.Using visible light to detect motionThe camera unit can detect motion byrecognizing changes in the brightness ofareas that are visible to the camera unit.Note:RMovement may be incorrectly detectedwhen the moving object and thebackground have similar colors.RMovement may be incorrectly detectedwhen there are sudden changes to theoverall brightness level, such as whenlights are turned on.RDetection becomes difficult when the imageis dark.RYou can also adjust the sensitivity of thecamera unit’s motion detection feature,select which areas of the camera image aremonitored for motion detection, and use thedistance feature (page 25) to adjustdetections according to the size of yourbaby.Temperature sensorThe sensor is triggered when the settemperature range is exceeded.Note:RThe temperature sensor may not detecttemperature accurately if the camera unit isexposed to warm or cool breezes fromheating/cooling systems.RYou can adjust the temperature setting ofthe temperature sensor (page 19).Sound sensorThe sensor is triggered when the set soundlevel is exceeded.Note:RThe sound sensor does not function whilethe camera unit’s lullaby feature is playing alullaby.RThe sound sensor does not function duringand for 10 seconds after pan/tilt operations.RThe sound sensor may not function asdesired when the camera unit is placed innoisy environments.RYou can adjust the sound level setting ofthe sound sensor (page 26).Information about night vision modeThe camera unit features an array of infraredLEDs that light automatically in low-lightconditions, allowing camera images to beviewable even when the surrounding area isdark.Note:RWhen night vision mode is active, cameraimages are displayed in black and white.RIf the camera unit is installed in front of awindow and points directly at the window,images may be poor when night visionmode is active.ConnectionsInsert the AC adaptor plug firmly into theDC jack.For assistance, please visit 11Getting Started 171127̲2̲HN3001̲(en̲en)̲ver.023.pdf11 2017/11/2722:50:27
Connect the AC adaptor to the poweroutlet.Note:RUse only the supplied Panasonic ACadaptor S006AKU0500100.21Note about power connectionsAC adaptor connectionRThe AC adaptor must remain connected atall times. (It is normal for the adaptor to feelwarm during use.)RThe AC adaptor should be connected to avertically oriented or floor-mounted ACoutlet. Do not connect the AC adaptor to aceiling-mounted AC outlet, as the weight ofthe adaptor may cause it to becomedisconnected.Power failureRThe camera unit will not work during apower failure.Placing the camera unit on a flatsurfaceThe camera unit can be placed on a flatsurface, however make sure to choose astable location.Wall mountingRAttach the wall mounting adaptor to thecamera unit after making the connections(page 11).ROnly use the supplied screw that isattached to the camera base whenattaching the wall mounting adaptor to thecamera unit. Do not use user suppliedscrews. This may cause the camera unit tobecome loose from the wall mountingadaptor.RMount the camera unit on the stablelocation where the unit can be adequatelysupported when installing.RUse a string or wire to prevent the cameraunit from falling and causing injury if thecamera unit comes off from the wall.RDo not mount the wall mounting adaptor toa ceiling.RDo not mount the camera unit on a softmaterial. It may fall down, break or causeinjury.RDo not mount the camera unit on thefollowing places: plaster board, ALC(autoclaved lightweight cellular concrete),concrete block, plywood less than 25 mm(1 inch) thick, etc.1Remove the screw and then remove thecamera base from the camera unit.11 Supplied screw (page 9)2Attach the wall mounting adaptor to thecamera unit.12 For assistance, please visit Getting Started171127̲2̲HN3001̲(en̲en)̲ver.023.pdf12 2017/11/2722:50:27
3Drive the supplied screw into the cameraunit.11 Supplied screw (page 9)4Drive the screws (not supplied) into thewall.2 Longer than 20 mm (25/32 inches)3 Space 1.3 mm (1/32 inches)2 3Note:RUse the following template whendetermining the location of the screwholes.(1 7/32 inches)31 mm5Mount the camera unit to the wall.2 Screws3 31 mm (1 7/32 inches)326Adjust the angle of the camera unit byusing the navigator key on the monitorunit.Reattaching the camera base1Take the camera unit off from the wall.2Remove the screw and then remove thewall mounting adaptor from the cameraunit.11 Supplied screw (page 9)3Attach the camera base to the cameraunit.For assistance, please visit 13Getting Started 171127̲2̲HN3001̲(en̲en)̲ver.023.pdf13 2017/11/2722:50:27
4Drive the supplied screw into the cameraunit.11 Supplied screw (page 9)Setting up the monitor unitBattery installationRUSE ONLY the specified battery.1Remove the screw (A) from the batterycover.2Remove the battery cover.3Insert the battery.1 BLK: black2 RED214Insert the tabs (A) into the slots, andthen close the battery cover (B).215Drive the screw into the battery cover.RFollow the directions on thedisplay to set up the unit.Battery charging1Insert the AC adaptor plug (A) firmly intothe monitor unit's micro-USB connector.2Connect the AC adaptor (B) to the poweroutlet.ABCharge for about 8 hours.Note:RUse only the supplied AC adaptorS006AKU0500100.RWhen the AC adaptor plug is connected tothe monitor unit's micro-USB connector, is displayed on the screen.RIt is normal for the monitor unit to feel warmduring charging.RThe monitor unit resets if the AC adaptor isdisconnected when charging.14 For assistance, please visit Getting Started171127̲2̲HN3001̲(en̲en)̲ver.023.pdf14 2017/11/2722:50:27
Replacing the batteryUSE ONLY the specified battery.1Remove the screw (A) from the batterycover.2Remove the battery cover.3Remove the currently used battery.4Attach and insert the replacement battery.1 BLK: black2 RED215Insert the tabs (A) into the slots, andthen close the battery cover (B).216Drive the screw into the battery cover.Battery levelIcon Battery levelHighMediumLowNeeds charging.*1*1 Two beeps sound from the monitor unitevery 3 minutes when the battery needscharging.Lithium Ion (Li-Ion) Polymerbattery performance (suppliedbattery)Operation Operating timeIn continuous use 5 hours max.Not in use (standby) 13 hours max.Turning the power on/offPress and hold MN located on the top of themonitor unit (page 10).RPress MN to enter sleep mode and turn offthe display (page 19).Press any key on the monitor unit to exitsleep mode and turn on the display.Language setting1MMENUN2MbN: “Monitor Settings” a MOKN3MbN: “Language” a MOKN4MbN: Select the desired language. aMOKN a MMENUNFor assistance, please visit 15Getting Started 171127̲2̲HN3001̲(en̲en)̲ver.023.pdf15 2017/11/2722:50:28
Smart LED indicator anddisplay icon colorsThe colors of the smart LED indicator anddisplay icons (page 16) indicate the status ofthe sensors. When sound or motion isdetected, the smart notification feature(page 24) lights the smart LED indicator anddisplays the motion and sound iconsaccording to the level of motion or sounddetected. The smart LED indicator also lightswhen temperature is detected outside of thespecified limits (page 19).Smart LEDindicatorcolorDisplayiconcolorStatusOff Off No detectionsOff White(only)Normal operationsGreen Green Motion or sounddetected at thelower thresholdlevelAmber Amber RMotion orsound detectedat the higherthreshold levelRTemperaturedetected aboveor below thethreshold levelDisplay iconsItem MeaningRange status:Shows the signal level.Out of service area*1An error occurred on theconnected camera unit.*2Camera unit number*2Item MeaningThe battery is charging.(page 14)The battery is fully charged.Night vision mode is active.(page 18)Mute is on.Alarm is set to "Once".(page 26)Alarm is set to "Repeat".(page 26)Lullaby is set. (page 20)Displays the temperaturedetected by the temperaturesensor. (page 19)Auto scan (page 20)The monitor unit is talking tothe camera unit. (page 18)Camera zoom is on.(page 18)Displayed when motion isdetected. (page 26)Displayed when sound isdetected. (page 26)*1 2 beeps sound from the monitor unitwhen the camera unit is out of the servicearea.*2 The number displayed in the iconchanges depending on the number of theconnected camera unit.Confirming the usage areaWireless communication rangeThe wireless communication range of themonitor unit from the camera unit isapproximately 457.5 m (1500 feet). Wirelesscommunication may be unreliable when thefollowing obstacles are located between themonitor unit and camera unit.RMetal doors or screens16 For assistance, please visit Getting Started171127̲2̲HN3001̲(en̲en)̲ver.023.pdf16 2017/11/2722:50:28
RWalls containing aluminum-sheet insulationRWalls made of concrete or corrugated ironRDouble-pane glass windowsRMultiple wallsRWhen using the monitor unit and cameraunit on separate floors or in differentbuildingsNote:R is displayed on the monitor unit whenthe camera unit is out of range.Usage area cautionsUsing the monitor unit in the following areasmay cause deformation, malfunction, oroperational failure.RIn direct sunlightRAreas exposed to grease or steam, such askitchensRNear fire or heating devicesRNear magnetic fields (such as nearmicrowaves and magnets)RAreas subject to extreme temperaturechanges, such as next to air conditionersRAreas with reflective objects, such as glass,that can interfere with detection oftemperature variationRAreas where the temperature is affected bystrong illuminating objects (such asfluorescent lights)RNear devices that emit strong radio waves,such as mobile phonesTesting the baby monitorsystemBefore using your baby monitor system, youshould perform a test run to ensure that thesystem is configured correctly. For example,test the motion sensor, microphone, andspeaker.Testing the motion detectionrangeAfter setting up the camera unit and monitorunit, you can use your monitor unit to test theperformance of the camera unit’s motiondetection feature.1Move to an area within the camera unit'sviewable area.2While moving near the camera unit, useyour monitor unit to observe where youare in the viewable area when the cameraunit's motion detection feature is triggered.RWhen the motion detection feature istriggered,   is displayed on themonitor unit screen in green or amberdepending on the level of motiondetected.3Note the areas of the viewable areawhere movement is detected, and makeadjustments as necessary.Note:RYou can adjust the area detectable by themotion sensor (page 26).Testing the camera unit’smicrophoneTo test the camera unit's microphone, speakloudly and clearly into the microphone while amonitor unit user is viewing live images fromthe camera unit.Testing the camera unit’s speakerTo test the camera unit's speaker, press andhold MN, and talk into the monitor unit whilesomeone is listening to the camera unit.Note:RMake sure to adjust the camera unit’sspeaker volume to a suitable level whentesting the speaker (page 19).For assistance, please visit 17Getting Started 171127̲2̲HN3001̲(en̲en)̲ver.023.pdf17 2017/11/2722:50:28
Baby monitorThe baby monitor system allows you to listenand view images on a monitor unit from aroom where the camera unit is located. Withthe use of smart features (page 24), themonitor unit notifies you when the cameraunit’s sensors are triggered, and you can alsoplay lullabies from the camera unit.Important:RYou should perform a test run of the babymonitor system before using it (page 17).RThe baby monitor system should not beused as a substitute for a medical orcaregiver's supervision. It is the caregiver'sresponsibility to stay close enough tohandle any eventuality.Viewing live camera imagesImages from the camera unit are automaticallydisplayed on the monitor unit when themonitor unit is turned on.Night vision modeThe infrared LEDs of the camera unit make itpossible to view camera images even whenthe area surrounding the camera unit is dark.Note:RWhen night vision mode is active, cameraimages are displayed in black and white.Adjusting camera images fromthe monitor unitFrom the monitor unit, you can adjust the areaviewed by the camera unit by using the pan/tilt.While viewing images from the camera unit,press MFN or MEN to adjust the pan range andMCN or MDN to adjust the tilt range.Note:RThe sound sensor does not function duringand for 10 seconds after pan/tilt operations.Camera zoomThe camera zoom can be used to zoom in onimages displayed on the monitor unit.1MSmartN2MCN: Select the desired setting. aMMENUNRThe setting is saved and the screen isswitched to the selected setting.Listening/talking to thecamera unitListening to the camera unitSound from the camera unit is heard on themonitor unit while the monitor unit is turnedon, and even when it is in sleep mode andimages are not displayed.Note:RSound is not heard on the monitor unitwhen it is turned off or when it is out ofrange of the camera unit.RYou can adjust the speaker volume of themonitor unit (page 19).Talking to the camera unitWhile viewing images from the camera unit,press and hold MN on the monitor unit to talk.Release MN to finish talking.Note:RYou can adjust the speaker volume of thecamera unit (page 19).RSound from the camera unit will not beheard on the monitor unit while talking.RWhen pressing MN, make sure to notcover the microphone (page 10) with yourfingers.18 For assistance, please visit the Baby Monitor171127̲2̲HN3001̲(en̲en)̲ver.023.pdf18 2017/11/2722:50:28
Adjusting the speakervolumeMonitor unit1While viewing images from the cameraunit, press MN.2MbN: Select the desired setting. a MOKNCamera unit1MMENUN2MbN: “Camera Speaker Vol.” a MOKN3MbN: Select the desired setting. a MOKNa MMENUNAdjusting chimes/beepsThe monitor unit plays chimes and beeps toindicate the status of the monitor unit andcamera unit sensors. You can adjust thevolume of the chimes and beeps, or turn themoff.1MMENUN2MbN: “Monitor Settings” a MOKN3MbN: “Beep Volume” a MOKN4MbN: Select the desired volume.RTo turn off chimes/beeps:MbN: “OFF”5MOKN a MMENUNAdjusting the brightness ofcamera images1While viewing images from the cameraunit, press MN.2MbN: Select the desired setting. a MOKNAdjusting the sleep modeSleep mode is used to automatically turn offthe display of the monitor unit when themonitor unit has been inactive for a specifiedperiod of time. You can select how long themonitor unit is inactive for before it enterssleep mode, or turn off sleep mode.1MMENUN2MbN: “Monitor Settings” a MOKN3MbN: “Sleep Mode” a MOKN4MbN: Select the desired setting.RTo turn off sleep mode:MbN: “OFF”5MOKN a MMENUNConfiguring thetemperature sensorYou can specify how the temperature units(Celsius or Fahrenheit) are displayed on themonitor unit and the alert range.For the alert range, specify an upper andlower limit. If the temperature of the roomwhere the camera unit is installed goesoutside of these limits, the monitor unit willnotify you by lighting the smart LED indicator,playing a chime, etc.Configuring the temperature units1MMENUN2MbN: “Sensor Settings” a MOKN3MbN: “Temperature Sensor” a MOKN4MbN: “Units” a MOKN5MbN: Select the desired setting. a MOKNa MMENUNConfiguring the alert range1MMENUN2MbN: “Sensor Settings” a MOKN3MbN: “Temperature Sensor” a MOKNFor assistance, please visit 19Using the Baby Monitor171127̲2̲HN3001̲(en̲en)̲ver.023.pdf19 2017/11/2722:50:28
4MbN: “Alert Range” a MOKN5MbN: “Lower Limit”6MbN: Specify the desired temperature.7MbN: “Upper Limit”8MbN: Specify the desired temperature.9MOKN a MMENUNPlaying/canceling lullabiesmanuallyYou can select from a range of lullabies andmanually play them from the camera unit, orcancel them.Note:RMake sure to check the camera unit’sspeaker volume before playing lullabies(page 19).RThe auto lullaby feature can be used to playlullabies automatically (page 25).Selecting a lullaby1MMENUN2MbN: “Lullaby” a MOKN3MbN: “Sound List” a MOKN4MbN: Select the desired lullaby.RTo cancel a lullaby:MbN: “OFF”5MOKN a MMENUNNote:RLullabies can also be canceled by pressingMN on the camera unit.Selecting a lullaby play timeYou can specify the time that lullabies play for.1MMENUN2MbN: “Lullaby” a MOKN3MbN: “Play Time” a MOKN4MbN: Select the desired play time.5MOKN a MMENUNSelecting camera units/using auto scanIf there are multiple camera units registered tothe monitor unit, you can select which cameraunit’s images to view, and also use auto scan.Auto scan automatically switches images fromeach camera unit every 10 seconds. Seepage 27 for information on adding cameraunits.1MMENUN2MbN: “Camera Select” a MOKN3To select camera units:MbN: Select the desired camera unit.To select auto scan:MbN: 4MOKN20 For assistance, please visit the Baby Monitor171127̲2̲HN3001̲(en̲en)̲ver.023.pdf20 2017/11/2722:50:28
Menu listItems in the menu list can be configured in the following method.1MMENUN2Press MCN or MDN to select the desired main menu. ® MOKN3Press MCN or MDN to select the desired item from the sub-menus. ® MOKN4Press MCN, MDN, MFN, or MEN to select the desired setting. ® MOKNNote:RTo exit the operation, press MMENUN.RIn the following table, < > indicates the default settings.RThe number of sub-menus varies depending on the setting.Display the menu treeMain menu Sub-menu 1 Sub-menu 2 Settings PageCamera Zoom – – ( 1X )<( 2X )>18Lullaby*1Sound List –1. Lullaby1 - 10.Heart beat<OFF>20Play Time –15 min - 120 min<15 min>20SmartNotificationSoundNotification– <Screen lit +Notify>Screen lit onlyOFF24MotionNotification– <Screen lit +Notify>Screen lit onlyOFF25Distance –Level 1<Level 2>Level 325For assistance, please visit 21Programming171127̲2̲HN3001̲(en̲en)̲ver.023.pdf21 2017/11/2722:50:28
Main menu Sub-menu 1 Sub-menu 2 Settings PageAuto Lullaby Sound List –1. Lullaby1 - 10.Heart beatRandom<OFF>25Sound DetectLevel*2– <High>Normal25DetectionTime*2–15 sec30 sec45 sec<60 sec>90 sec25Play Time*2–15 min - 120 min<15 min>25Timer –Once <1H>2H3H4H5H6H26–Repeat <1H>2H3H4H5H6H26–OFF – 2622 For assistance, please visit̲2̲HN3001̲(en̲en)̲ver.023.pdf22 2017/11/2722:50:28
Main menu Sub-menu 1 Sub-menu 2 Settings PageSensor Settings Motion Sensor Sensitivity High<Normal>LowVery Low26SetDetectionArea– 26SoundSensitivity–Very HighHigh<Normal>LowVery LowExtremely Low26TemperatureSensorUnits °C<°F>19Alert Range Upper Limit:33 - 104 °F (1 - 40°C)<80 °F (27 °C)>19Lower Limit:32 - 103 °F (0 - 39°C)<60 °F (16 °C)>19Camera Select*3– – <> (camera 1)2 (camera 2)*43 (camera 3)*44 (camera 4)*4 (auto scan)*420Camera SpeakerVol.– – Level 1 - 6<3>OFF19CameraBrightness– – Level 1 - 5<3>19CameraManagementAdd Camera – – 27Delete Camera –Yes<No>27Reset –Yes<No>27For assistance, please visit 23Programming171127̲2̲HN3001̲(en̲en)̲ver.023.pdf23 2017/11/2722:50:28
Main menu Sub-menu 1 Sub-menu 2 Settings PageMonitor Settings Sleep Mode –1min<3min>5minOFF19Beep Volume –3<2>1OFF19Language – <English>FrançaisEspañol15MonitorSpeaker Vol.– Level 1 - 6<3>OFF19Information*5– – – –*1 The preset lullabies in this product (“1. Lullaby1” - “10. Heart beat”) are used withpermission of © 2012 Copyrights Vision Inc.*2 Can only be selected when a lullaby is selected for “Sound List”.*3 Can only be selected when there are multiple camera units registered to the monitor unit.*4 The number of camera units available for camera selecting or auto scan differs dependingon the number registered camera units.*5 Displays customer support Web address.Smart featuresWith the use of smart features, you cancoordinate the camera unit and monitor unit torespond automatically to detections from thesensors. The smart features settings can beaccessed by pressing MSMARTN while viewingimages from the camera unit.Smart notificationBy using the smart notification feature, youcan specify how the monitor unit notifies youwhen motion or sound is detected by thecamera unit, and configure motion detection tomatch the size of your baby. Depending onthe settings, the monitor unit can notify you bylighting the smart LED indicator, displaying amessage, and playing a chime.Important:RDepending on factors such as the usageenvironment, the monitor unit may not beable to notify you of sensor detections.Note:RNotifications continue for 1 minute. You canstop the notification by pressing MOKN.Configuring sound notificationsYou can specify how the monitor unit notifiesyou when sound is detected, or turn offnotifications.1MMENUN2MbN: “Smart Notification” a MOKN3MbN: “Sound Notification” a MOKN4MbN: Select the desired setting.RTo turn off sound notifications:MbN: “OFF”5MOKN a MMENUN24 For assistance, please visit̲2̲HN3001̲(en̲en)̲ver.023.pdf24 2017/11/2722:50:28
Configuring motion notificationsYou can specify how the monitor unit notifiesyou when motion is detected, or turn offnotifications.1MMENUN2MbN: “Smart Notification” a MOKN3MbN: “Motion Notification” a MOKN4MbN: Select the desired setting.RTo turn off motion notifications:MbN: “OFF”5MOKN a MMENUNConfiguring the distanceYou can configure the distance to match thesize of your baby for more accurate motiondetection. 3 levels can be selected for thedistance, and each level represents anapproximate size of your baby when displayedon the screen. When a level is selected, asemi-transparent circle is displayed on thescreen above the camera image. Select alevel that is closest in size to your babydisplayed on the screen.1MMENUN2MbN: “Smart Notification” a MOKN3MbN: “Distance” a MOKNRAn operation guide is displayed. PressMOKN to continue.4MbN: Select the desired setting.5MOKN a MMENUNAuto lullabyYou can configure lullabies to be playedautomatically from the camera unit whensound is detected.Note:RMake sure to check the camera unit’sspeaker volume before playing lullabies(page 19).RAuto lullaby does not function during thefollowing.– while using or for 10 seconds after usingthe pan/tilt– while talking to the camera unit– while configuring lullabies to be playedConfiguring the sound settingsYou can specify which lullaby is played whensound is detected, or turn lullabies off.1MMENUN2MbN: “Auto Lullaby” a MOKN3MbN: “Sound List” a MOKN4MbN: Select the desired lullaby.RTo turn off lullabies:MbN: “OFF”5MOKN a MMENUNConfiguring the sound detection levelYou can adjust the level at which sound isdetected. Increase or decrease the detectionlevel needed to trigger the sound sensor.1MMENUN2MbN: “Auto Lullaby” a MOKN3MbN: “Sound Detect Level”*1 a MOKN4MbN: Select the desired setting. a MOKNa MMENUN*1 This feature can only be selected when alullaby is selected for “Sound List”(page 25).Configuring the detection timeYou can specify how long the sound sensorcontinually detects sound before the cameraunit automatically plays a lullaby.1MMENUN2MbN: “Auto Lullaby” a MOKN3MbN: “Detection Time”*1 a MOKN4MbN: Select the desired setting. a MOKNa MMENUN*1 This feature can only be selected when alullaby is selected for “Sound List”(page 25).Configuring the play timeYou can specify how long the camera unitplays lullabies when sound is detected.1MMENUNFor assistance, please visit 25Programming171127̲2̲HN3001̲(en̲en)̲ver.023.pdf25 2017/11/2722:50:28
2MbN: “Auto Lullaby” a MOKN3MbN: “Play Time”*1 a MOKN4MbN: Select the desired setting. a MOKNa MMENUN*1 This feature can only be selected when alullaby is selected for “Sound List”(page 25).SensorsYou can configure the sensors to match howyou want the motion and sound to bedetected. The sensor configurations will alsoaffect how the auto lullaby and smartnotification features operate.Configuring the motion sensorYou can specify the sensitivity of the motionsensor, and also which areas of images areused to detect motion.Configuring the motion sensorsensitivity1MMENUN2MbN: “Sensor Settings” a MOKN3MbN: “Motion Sensor” a MOKN4MbN: “Sensitivity” a MOKN5MbN: Select the desired setting. a MOKNa MMENUNConfiguring the motion sensordetection area1MMENUN2MbN: “Sensor Settings” a MOKN3MbN: “Motion Sensor” a MOKN4MbN: “Set Detection Area” a MOKNRAn operation guide is displayed. PressMOKN to continue.5Press MCN, MDN, MFN, or MEN to select acell to disable detection for. a MOKNRRepeat for each cell to be disabled.RTo enable detection for a disabled cell,select the disabled cell. a MOKN6When finished, press MN a MMENUN.Configuring the sound sensorYou can specify the sensitivity of the soundsensor.1MMENUN2MbN: “Sensor Settings” a MOKN3MbN: “Sound Sensitivity” a MOKN4MbN: Select the desired setting. a MOKNa MMENUNTimerThe timer can be used to play sound from themonitor unit after the specified number ofhours has passed. The timer can be set tosound once or repeat at specified intervals.1MMENUN2MbN: “Timer” a MOKN3MbN: Select “Once” or “Repeat”. aMOKN4MbN: Specify when the timer is set for. aMOKN a MMENUNNote:RTimers play for 1 minute. Press MOKN tostop a timer. Press and hold MOKN for 5seconds to stop timers from repeating.RIf the monitor unit is turned off after settinga timer:–“Once”: The timer will be canceled.–“Repeat”: The timer will be played oncethe specified time has passed from whenthe monitor was turned on again.Managing camera unitsUp to 3 additional camera units can beregistered to the monitor unit.26 For assistance, please visit̲2̲HN3001̲(en̲en)̲ver.023.pdf26 2017/11/2722:50:28
Registering a camera unitAdditional camera units can be registered tothe monitor unit.Monitor unit:1MMENUN2MbN: “Camera Management” a MOKN3MbN: “Add Camera” a MOKNRAn operation guide is displayed. PressMOKN to continue.RComplete the following step within 90seconds.Camera unit:1Press and hold M N for 3 seconds untilthe LED indicator starts blinking.Note:RAfter 90 seconds a message will bedisplayed on the monitor unit to show if theregistration was successful or not, and abeep will sound.Resetting the settings for acamera unitThe camera unit settings saved on a monitorunit can be reset.ROnly the settings for the currentlyconnected camera unit are reset. To resetother camera units, select the displayedcamera unit (page 20) and then reset thatcamera unit.1MMENUN2MbN: “Camera Management” a MOKN3MbN: “Reset” a MOKN4MbN: “Yes” a MOKNRA beep sounds from the monitor unitwhen resetting is completed.Canceling a camera unitYou can cancel camera units that are nolonger needed.ROnly the currently connected camera unit iscanceled. To cancel other camera units,select the displayed camera unit (page 20)and then cancel that camera unit.1MMENUN2MbN: “Camera Management” a MOKN3MbN: “Delete Camera” a MOKN4MbN: “Yes” a MOKNFor assistance, please visit 27Programming171127̲2̲HN3001̲(en̲en)̲ver.023.pdf27 2017/11/2722:50:28
TroubleshootingGeneral useProblem Cause & SolutionThe monitor unit doesnot work.RMake sure the battery is installed correctly (page 14).RFully charge the battery.The camera unit doesnot work.RMake sure the AC adaptor is connected to the camera unit andpower outlet (page 11).The monitor unit isturned off.RPress and hold MN located on the top of the monitor unit.Noise is heard, soundcuts in and out.RYou are using the monitor unit or camera unit in an area withhigh electrical interference. Re-position the monitor unit and usethe camera unit away from sources of interference.The monitor unit orcamera unit does notsound.RThe speaker volume is turned off. Adjust the speaker volume(page 19).Monitor unit displayProblem Cause & SolutionThe display is in alanguage I cannot read.RChange the display language setting (page 15). is displayed. RThe monitor unit is too far from the camera unit. Move themonitor unit closer to the camera unit.RThe camera unit's AC adaptor is not properly connected.Reconnect the AC adaptor to the camera unit.RThe camera unit has not been registered to the monitor unit.Register the camera unit (page 27).The monitor unit displayis blank.RThe monitor unit is in sleep mode. Press any button on themonitor unit to activate the display.RThe monitor unit is not turned on. Turn on the monitor unit(page 15).Images are white orblack.RThe brightness of the display is not correctly adjusted. Adjust thebrightness when images are displayed (page 19).RPlace the camera unit in a different location or position.28 For assistance, please visit Information171127̲2̲HN3001̲(en̲en)̲ver.023.pdf28 2017/11/2722:50:28
Battery rechargeProblem Cause & SolutionThe monitor unit beepsand   is displayed.RBattery charge is low. Fully charge the battery (page 14).For assistance, please visit 29Useful Information171127̲2̲HN3001̲(en̲en)̲ver.023.pdf29 2017/11/2722:50:28
SpecificationsRStandardsDECT (Digital Enhanced CordlessTelecommunications)RFrequency rangeDECT: 1.92 GHz – 1.93 GHzRRF transmission powerDECT: 115 mW (max.)RPower sourceCamera unit:120 V AC, 60 HzMonitor unit:120 V AC, 60 HzRPower consumptionCamera unit:Standby: xx WDuring operation:xx W (when the LED lights are not lit)xx W (when the LED lights are lit)Monitor unit:Standby: xx WDuring operation:xx W (when the LED lights are not lit)xx W (when the LED lights are lit)ROperating conditionsCamera unit:0 °C – 40 °C (32 °F – 104 °F)up to 90 % relative humidity(non-condensing)Monitor unit:0 °C – 40 °C (32 °F – 104 °F)up to 90 % relative humidity(non-condensing)RTransmitting rangeUp to 457.5 m (1,500 feet)*1RImage sensor0.3 megapixel CMOSRMinimum illuminance required0 lx*2RFocal lengthFixed (0.4 m (1.3 feet) – infinity)RAngular field of view (camera angle)Horizontal: approx. 37°Vertical: approx. 28°RMotion detection methodVisual sensorRDetection rangeMotion sensor:Horizontal: approx. 37°Vertical: approx. 28°RAdjustable mounting anglesHorizontal: ±136°Vertical: facing forward - facing downapprox. +0° to -44°(movable range with the pan/tilt)RDimensions (height ´ width ´ depth)Camera unit:Approx. 123 mm ´ 77 mm ´ 69 mm(4 inches ´ 3 1/16 inches ´ 2 11/16 inches)Monitor unit (flat):Approx. 37 mm ´ 125 mm ´ 81 mm (17/16 inches ´ 4 15/16 inches ´ 3 3/16 inches)Monitor unit (stand):Approx. 79 mm ´ 125 mm ´ 48 mm (31/8 inches ´ 4 15/16 inches ´ 2 1/16 inches)Display:3.5 inchesRMass (weight)Camera unit:Approx. 224 g (0.49 lb)Monitor unit:Approx. 195 g (0.43 lb) including the battery*1 When used in the direction of maximumradiation, in the line of sight, and with nointerference.*2 The infrared LEDs that surround thecamera lens will illuminate in low-lightconditions.30 For assistance, please visit Information171127̲2̲HN3001̲(en̲en)̲ver.023.pdf30 2017/11/2722:50:28
Guía Rápida Española1Inserte el adaptador de corriente firmemente en el conector de CC.2Conecte el adaptador de corriente a la toma de corriente.Instalación de la batería de la unidad del monitorLUse SOLO la batería especificada.LNo quite la lámina de la batería.Carga de la batería de la unidad del monitor1Inserte el enchufe del adaptador de corriente (1) firmemente en el conector micro-USB de la unidad del monitor.2Conecte el adaptador de corriente (2) a la toma de corriente.Cargue aproximadamente durante 8 horas.2121211 BLK: negro2 Red: rojoABConexiones de la unidad de cámaraPara obtener ayuda, visite (solo en inglés) 31Guía Rápida Española 171127̲2̲HN3001̲(en̲en)̲ver.023.pdf31 2017/11/2722:50:28
Sugerencias de operación3{MENU}4{SMART}/{OK}{SMART} puede usarse para acceder al menú de acceso rápido de la función inteligente.5Tecla navegadora {V}, {^}, {<}, o {>}: Desplácese a través de las distintas listas y elementos, y ajuste la panorámica y la inclinación.6{ } (Hablar)7Micrófono8{ } (Volumen/Brillo){ } (Dorso)1LED indicador inteligente2{c} (Alimentación)Presione para apagar la pantalla de manera temporal o mantenga presionado para apagar la unidad del monitor.Encendido y apagado de la unidad del monitorMantenga presionando {c}.Idioma del visualizador (unidad del monitor) (predeterminado: “English”)1{MENU}2{r}: “Monitor Settings” s {OK}3{r}: “Language” s {OK}4{r}: “Español” s {OK} s {MENU}Visualización de imágenes en vivo de la cámara (unidad del monitor)Las imágenes de la unidad de la cámara se muestran automáticamente en la unidad del monitor cuando esta está encendida.NPara ajustar la panorámica y la inclinación:Presione {V}, {^}, {<}, o {>}.NPara ajustar el zoom:1{MENU} s {r}: “Zoom de la cámara” s {OK}2{ } Seleccione la configuración deseada. s {OK}NPara ajustar el brillo:Presione { }.s { }: Seleccione la configuración deseada. s {OK}23467815bb32 Para obtener ayuda, visite (solo en inglés) Guía Rápida Española171127̲2̲HN3001̲(en̲en)̲ver.023.pdf32 2017/11/2722:50:28
Operaciones básicasEscuchar y hablar con la unidad de la cámara (unidad del monitor)Escuchar la unidad de la cámaraEl sonido de la unidad de la cámara se oye cuando la unidad del monitor está encendida e incluso cuando se encuentra en modo de reposo y no se muestran lasimágenes.Hablar a la unidad de la cámara Mientras ve las imágenes de la unidad de la cámara, mantenga presionado { } para hablar. Suelte  para terminar de hablar.Ajustar el volumen del altavoz (unidad del monitor)Ajustar el altavoz de la unidad del monitor1Mientras ve las imágenes de la unidad de la cámara, presione { }.2{r}: Seleccione la configuración deseada. s Ajuste del altavoz de la unidad1{MENU}2{r}: “Vol. del alt. de cám.” s {OK}3{ }s {OK} s {MENU}Reproducir o cancelar las canciones de cuna de la unidad de la cámara (unidad del monitor)Reproducir o cancelar una canción de cuna1{MENU}2{r}: “Canción de cuna” s {OK}3{r}: Seleccione la canción de cuna deseada.Para cancelar una canción de cuna:{r}: “Apagado”4{OK} s {MENU}b{ }{OK}: Seleccione la configuración deseada. Para obtener ayuda, visite (solo en inglés) 33Guía Rápida Española 171127̲2̲HN3001̲(en̲en)̲ver.023.pdf33 2017/11/2722:50:28
Preguntas frecuentesPregunta Causa y solución¿Por qué aparece  ?LLa unidad del monitor está demasiado lejos de la unidad de la cámara.Acerque la unidad del monitor a la unidad de la cámara.LEl adaptador de corriente de la unidad de la cámara no está conectado correctamente.Conecte de nuevo el adaptador de corriente a la unidad de la cámara.LLa cámara no se ha registrado en la unidad del monitor.Registre la cámara.¿Por qué no funciona la unidad del monitor?LLa batería no se instaló correctamente. Instale la batería.LLa batería no está cargada. Cargue la batería.¿Por qué no funciona la unidad de la cámara?LEl adaptador de corriente no está conectado correctamente. Conecte de nuevo el adaptador de corriente a la unidad de la cámara.¿Por qué las imágenes se ven distorsionadas?LLas imágenes pueden aparecer distorsionadas por lascaracterísticas del lente de la cámara. Esto no es una falla.¿Por qué las imágenes parpadean?LLas luces de la CA (corriente alterna), como las luces fluorescentes, pueden causar parpadeos visibles en ambientes oscuros. Esto no es una falla.¿Por qué el visualizador de la unidad aparece en blanco?LLa unidad del monitor no está encendida. Mantenga presionando {c}.¿Por qué las imágenes aparecen en blanco y negro?LEl brillo del visualizador no se ajustó correctamente.Ajuste el brillo cuando se muestren las imágenes.LColoque la cámara en una ubicación o posición distintas. ¿Por qué aparece ?LLa carga de la batería está baja. Cargue por completo la batería.¿Por qué se oye ruido y el sonido se corta?LEstá usando la unidad del monitor o de la cámara en un área con mucha interferencia eléctrica. Cambie la posición de la unidad del monitor y utilice la cámara lejos de fuentes de interferencia.¿Por qué no se escucha sonido de  la unidad del monitor o de la cámara? LEl volumen del altavoz está apagado. Ajuste el volumen del altavoz.34 Para obtener ayuda, visite (solo en inglés) Guía Rápida Española171127̲2̲HN3001̲(en̲en)̲ver.023.pdf34 2017/11/2722:50:28
FCC and other informationThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCCRules. Operation is subject to the followingtwo conditions:(1) This device may not cause harmfulinterference, and (2) this device must acceptany interference received, includinginterference that may cause undesiredoperation.Privacy of communications may not beensured when using this device.CAUTION:Any changes or modifications not expresslyapproved by the party responsible forcompliance could void the user’s authority tooperate this device.NOTE:This equipment has been tested and found tocomply with the limits for a Class B digitaldevice, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.These limits are designed to providereasonable protection against harmfulinterference in a residential installation. Thisequipment generates, uses, and can radiateradio frequency energy and, if not installedand used in accordance with the instructions,may cause harmful interference to radiocommunications. However, there is noguarantee that interference will not occur in aparticular installation. If this equipment doescause harmful interference to radio ortelevision reception, which can be determinedby turning the equipment off and on, the useris encouraged to try to correct the interferenceby one or more of the following measures:– Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.– Increase the separation between theequipment and receiver.– Connect the equipment into an outlet on acircuit different from that to which thereceiver is connected.– Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Some devices operate at frequencies that maycause interference to nearby TVs and VCRs.To minimize or prevent such interference, thisdevice should not be placed near or on top ofa TV or VCR. If interference is experienced,move this device further away from the TV orVCR. This will often reduce or eliminateinterference.FCC RF Exposure Warning:RThis product complies with FCC radiationexposure limits set forth for an uncontrolledenvironment.RTo comply with FCC RF exposurerequirements, the device must be installedand operated 20 cm (8 inches) or morebetween the product and all person’s body.RThis product may not be collocated oroperated in conjunction with any otherantenna or transmitter.RFor body-worn operation, the device mustbe used only with a non-metallic accessory.Use of other accessories may not ensurecompliance with FCC RF exposurerequirements.Notice:RFCC ID can be found on the rear of the unit.Charge only modeThe charge only mode is the dedicated modeto charge the battery of the baby monitor. Donot use this mode if it is unnecessary becauseall functions except the baby monitor's batterycharge are disabled with this mode.n To activate the charge only mode:1Press and hold MN (power) for 3seconds until the baby monitor shutsdown.2Connect the charger to the baby monitor.After the LED indicator on the top of thebaby monitor illuminates in amber colorfor about 30 seconds, the LED indicatorturns off automatically. Then the babymonitor goes into charge-only mode.n To deactivate the charge only mode:– Press and hold MN (power) until the LCDdisplay of the baby monitor illuminates.For assistance, please visit 35Appendix171127̲2̲HN3001̲(en̲en)̲ver.023.pdf35 2017/11/2722:50:28
Customer servicesYou may also contact us directly at: 1-800-272-7033,Monday - Friday 9 am to 9 pm; Saturday - Sunday 10 am to 7 pm, EST.Accessories! Services DirectoryShopfor all your Panasonic gearGo to Get everything you need to get the most out ofyour Panasonic products Accessories & Parts for your Camera, Phone, A/V products, TV, Computers & Networking, Personal Care, Home Appliances, Headphones, Ba!eries, Backup Chargers & more…For Product Informa"on, Opera"ng Assistance, Parts, Owner’s Manuals, Dealer and Service infogo to the hearing or speech impaired TTY: 1- 877-833-8855 As of June 2015 36 For assistance, please visit̲2̲HN3001̲(en̲en)̲ver.023.pdf36 2017/11/2722:50:28
Limited Warranty (ONLY FOR U.S.A.)Limited Warranty Coverage (For USA Only)LaborOne (1) YearPartsOne (1) YearTo submit a new repair request and for quick repair status visit our Web Site at Products Limited WarrantyOnline Repair RequestMail-In Service--Online Repair RequestIf your product does not work properly because of a defect in materials or workmanship, Panasonic Corporation of North America (referred to as “the warrantor”) will, for the length of the period indicated on the chart below, which starts with the date of original purchase (“warranty period”), at its option either (a) repair your product with new or refurbished parts,(b) replace it with a new or a refurbished equivalent value product, or (c) refund your purchase price. The decision to repair, replace or refund will be made by the warrantor.During the “Labor” warranty period there will be no charge for labor. During the “Parts” warranty period, there will be no charge for parts. This Limited Warranty excludes both parts and labor for non-rechargeable batteries, antennas, and cosmetic parts (cabinet). This warranty only applies to products purchased and serviced in the United States.This warranty is extended only to the original purchaser of a new product which was not sold “as is”.Home Network System ProductsmicroSD card (Included model only) 90 days  N/AWhen shipping the unit, carefully pack, include all supplied accessories listed in the Owner’s Manual, and send it prepaid, adequately insured and packed well in a carton box. When shipping Lithium Ion batteries please visit our Web Site at as Panasonic is committed to providing the most up to date information. Include a letter detailing the complaint, a return address and provide a daytime phone number where you can be reached. A valid registered receipt is required under the Limited Warranty.IF REPAIR IS NEEDED DURING THE WARRANTY PERIOD, THE PURCHASER WILL BE REQUIRED TO FURNISH A SALES RECEIPT/PROOF OF PURCHASE INDICATING DATE OF PURCHASE, AMOUNT PAID AND PLACE OF PURCHASE. CUSTOMER WILL BE CHARGED FOR THE REPAIR OF ANY UNIT RECEIVED WITHOUT SUCH PROOF OF PURCHASE.Product or Part NameFor assistance, please visit 37Appendix171127̲2̲HN3001̲(en̲en)̲ver.023.pdf37 2017/11/2722:50:28
Limited Warranty Limits and Exclusions(As examples, this excludes damages for lost time, travel to and from the servicer, loss of or damage to media or images, data or other memory or recorded content. The items listed are not exclusive, but for illustration only.)This warranty ONLY COVERS failures due to defects in materials or workmanship, and DOES NOT COVER normal wear and tear or cosmetic damage. The warranty ALSO DOES NOT COVER damages which occurred in shipment, or failures which are caused by products not supplied by the warrantor, or failures which result from accidents, misuse, abuse, neglect, mishandling, misapplication, alteration, faulty installation, set-up adjustments, misadjustment of consumer controls, improper maintenance, power line surge, lightning damage, modification, introduction of sand, humidity or liquids, commercial use such as hotel, office, restaurant, or other business or rental use of the product, or service by anyone other than a Factory Service Center or other Authorized Servicer, or damage that is attributable to acts of God.THERE ARE NO EXPRESS WARRANTIES EXCEPT AS LISTED UNDER “LIMITED WARRANTY COVERAGE”.THE WARRANTOR IS NOT LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS PRODUCT, OR ARISING OUT OF ANY BREACH OF THIS WARRANTY.ALL EXPRESS AND IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING THE WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, ARE LIMITED TO THE PERIOD OF THE LIMITED WARRANTY.PARTS AND SERVICE, WHICH ARE NOT COVERED BY THIS LIMITED WARRANTY, ARE YOUR RESPONSIBILITY.Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, or limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the exclusions may not apply to you.This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. If a problem with this product develops during or after the warranty period, you may contact your dealer or Service Center. If the problem is not handled to your satisfaction, then write to:                          Consumer Affairs Department                          Panasonic Corporation of North America                          661 Independence Pkwy                                           Chesapeake, VA 23320As of June 201538 For assistance, please visit̲2̲HN3001̲(en̲en)̲ver.023.pdf38 2017/11/2722:50:28
39Notes171127̲2̲HN3001̲(en̲en)̲ver.023.pdf39 2017/11/2722:50:28
ABReconnect the AC adaptor to the camera unit.If your product is not working properly. . .IMPORTANT!Visit our Web site:• FAQ and troubleshooting hints are available.Read the troubleshooting section in the Operating Instructions. CDETurn the monitor unit off.Remove and then reinsert the monitor unit's battery.Turn the monitor unit on.For your future referenceWe recommend keeping a record of the following information to assist with any repair underwarranty.Serial No. Date of purchase(found on the rear of the unit)Name and address of dealerAttach your purchase receipt here.Two Riverfront Plaza, Newark, NJ 07102-5490© Panasonic Corporation 2017Printed in China*PNQX8662ZA**PNQX8662ZA* PNQX8662ZA  CC1117YK0 (E)171127̲2̲HN3001̲(en̲en)̲ver.023.pdf40 2017/11/2722:50:28ご確認シリアルNo.の記載されてる位置は確認しておりましたが、SerialNo.の横に番号を直接書くのであれば、モニターとカメラのそれぞれの番号を記入できるようにもう少し広げた方がよろしいでしょうか?

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