Panasonic of North America 96NKX-MC1PC User Manual 34146

Panasonic Corporation of North America 34146


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Document ID34146
Application IDpnSWvBBAo1Qzsvcm/Ulrug==
Document Description8
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize32.24kB (402948 bits)
Date Submitted1999-04-23 00:00:00
Date Available1999-10-25 00:00:00
Creation Date2001-06-30 12:58:32
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows
Document Lastmod2001-06-30 12:58:34
Document Title34146.pdf
Document Author: jsoscia

Operating Instructions
Model No. KX-Mc1
Please read these Operating Instructions before using the unit and save for future
This unit is designed for use in the United States of America. and may not operate in other coun-
Thank you for purchasing a Panasonic ‘Microcast”.
Things you should keep record of
Attach your sales receipt here
For your future reference
Date of purchase Serial number
(found on the bottom of the unit)
Dealer's name and address
Dealer's telephone number
This manual is copyrighted by Kyushu Matsushita Electric Co., Ltd. (KME) and its licensee. Under the copyright
laws, this manual may not be reproduced in any form. in whole or part, without the prior written consent of KME
and its licensee
© Kyushu Matsushita electric Co., Ltd. 1999
Introducing Microcast ,
Welcome to the world of Panasonic Microcast.
Using Microcast, you can remotely operate a personal computer located in one room,
while watching a television in another room.
For example:
You can play a game on a personal computer (PC) in the study, controlling it re-
motely from the living room. In this way, you can enjoy the computer game on the
larger television (TV) screen.
PC transceiver
The PC transceiver receives data (ex mouse coordinates) transmitted from the Control console and
sends it to the main PC unit.
The PC transceiver also transmits audio and video signals to the AV receiver connected to the TV dis-
AV Receiver
The AV receiver is the unit that receives audio and video signals transmitted from the PC transceiver,
and displays them on a TV.
Control Console
The Control console is the unit which remotely operates the main PC unit, and adjusts the TV displavr
AV receiver
PC transceiver
To install and operate your Microcast correctly the following system specifications are required.
El Keyboard (101 or 106)
Mouse (P52)
El Joystick (analog)
D Following PC
reduction PC BIOS
HP Voctll XM5/90 ”flab—004535 JD
Vuctr- VLE HF
Vocal VL57 100 Saris“ HP
Vecu-a mfimfiflm HWU'S'VZ'O
A9 550 F—100
Aplivu Lfl7 Pi-ZGG
Aptivu vision P-75 A
Aptivu 3—95 Mm '
Apliva J35 1-133
PG 750 $75
P0330 P-l 00
P0340 F—Iaa
Dash)": EP 6400 P2400
Deng” EP 5268!) Column-266
Dulhm EN 6400
Deskpm EN SF6350
Promo ma Viduo Bios
Fresno 2240
Praarie 5150
ValuaSt-r NX VGGGH/5
ValueSt-r NX W45D/5
Mote NX MA35D
Dimension XPS mono P Phoenix 4.0 R6
4M— ' ' ' - >-
Phnunix Reversion 0
PC transceiver
Before connecting each unit, raise an antenna pole and transmission antenna and power off all unit.
Transmission antenna
Keyboard jack
Mouse jack
DO IN 12V jack
From PC display out connector
To display connector
Keyboard Jack
Connect a local keyboard to operate a PC di—
reotly. This jack is printed “KEYBOARD'.
Mouse jack
Connect a mouse to operate a PC directly. This
jack is printed “MOUSE”.
DO IN 12V jack
Connect a AC adapter (model no. SADC-
1165A). This jack is printed "DC IN ‘I2V'.
From Pc display out connector
Connect the VGA output connector of the
main PC unit using a VGA cable, This connec-
tor is printed 'Disp|ay out".
To display connector
Connect the VGA input connector of the PC dis-
play using a VGA cable. This connector is
printed “Display".
Antenna pole
From PC audio L/R jack
To speaker jack
To PC keyboard jack
To PC mouse jack
To PC joystick connector
Theatre mode jacks
Video jack
Audio L jack
Audio R jack
From PG audio L/R jack
If a sound card is installed in the main PC unit.
connect audio output jack using a cable. This
jack is printed "Audio L/R".
To speaker jack
If a speaker is installed, connect a speaker us-
ing a cable. This jack is printed ‘Speaker'.
To PC keyboard jack
Connect the keyboard jack of the main PC unit
using a P52 cable. This jack is printed "Key-
To PC mouse jack
Connect the mouse jack of the main PC unit us—
ing a P52 cable This jack is printed ‘Mouse'.
To PC joystick connector
If a sound card is installed in the main PC unit,
connect the sound card joystick port using a D-
Sub15 pin cable. This connector is printed "Joy-
Theatre mode jacks
(Video jack. Audio L jack, Audio R jack)
Connect video and audio output jacks of AV product using a RCA cable, if AV product (DVD, VTR etc).
is needed.
Caution: Video with 8 terminal cannot be used.
These jacks are printed “Audio R'. 'Audio L' and "Video'r
'Audio R' jack’s color is red, “Audio L' jack's color is white and ”Video' jack's color is Yellow.
Original connection
Local keyboard Pc
PC transceiver
AC outlet
(1 zov, eouz)
To "DC lN 12V"
To "Display out‘
Additional connection
To "Speaker”
To ‘Video'
To ”Audio L”
To "Audio R"
AV product
AV receiver
Before connecting each unit, power off all unit.
To TV audio R jack
Connect the audio input jack
(red color) of a TV using a
RCA cable. This jack is printed
"Audio R'.
To TV audio L jack
Connect the audio input jack
(white color) of a TV using 3
RCA cable. This jack is printed
"Audio L'.
To TV video jack
Connect the video input jack
(yellow color) of a TV using 5
RCA cable. This jack is printed
DC IN 12V jack 'Video'.
Connect 3 AC adapter (model
no. SADC—1165A). This jack is
printed 'DC IN 12V".
AV receiver
To 'Video'
0 “Audio L'
To “Audio R'
AC “uh“ 1 AC adapter (Model no. SADC-1 165A)
(120V, 60Hz)
Finding the‘ContrOIs
PC transceiver AV receiver
Antenna pole Receiving antenna —
Power button
Power button
Power LED
Channel button
Power LED
Keyboard jack
Mouse jack
Channel LED
Control console
Antenna pole
Power button
"Finding the Controls
Control console
Theatre LED
Channel LED
Theatre button
0 0——
Position button
Theatre button
The Theatre mode is the mode that sends
audio and video signals of an AV product
connected to the PC transceiver, and you can
watch and hear the voice and image using a
TV connected to the AV receiver.
Push this button and turn on the
Theatre LED to establish the Theater
Push this button again and turn off
the Theatre LED to change to the
personal computer mode.
Channel button
Monet moon
Calibration button
Size adjust button
Power LED
Zoom button
Channel button
Push to change the wireless
transmission channel to another one.
0 Four channels can be used.
When changing channels, the AV receiver
channel should be the same as the Control con-
sole channel.
' ‘ Finding theC‘ontrOlsV
Calibration button
This button is useful only when a joystick is
connected to the Control console.
Use to perform calibration for a joystick
connected to the Control console.
Procedure for calibration is as follows:
1 Let go of the joystick and push
the Calibration button.
0 Mode 1 LED will light up.
2 Push the Calibration button again
a few seconds later.
0 Mode 2 LED will light up.
3 Grasp the joystick lever and rotate
it so that a large circle is drawn.
4 Push the Calibration button.
0 Mode 2 LED will turn off.
0 Mode 1 LED will remain on.
Calibration for the joystick connected to the
Control console is now completed.
0 When a joystick connected to the Control
console is changed to another one, perform
calibration again.
0 If your PC has an 05 (ex. Windows 95 )
and/or application with a joystick
calibration function. calibration must be per-
formed on your PC.
Zoom button
Push to enlarge the upper left part of
the TV display connected to the AV
To retum to the original size, push
Position button
Push to move the displaying position
of TV display connected to the AV re-
ceiver in the desired direction.
@: moves the displaying position up.
®z moves the displaying position down.
8: moves the displaying position to the right.
G): moves the displaying position to the left.
Size adjust button
Push this button while pushing the ®
button to enlarge the displaying size
of TV display connected to the AV
Push this button while pushing the ®
button to reduce the displaying size of
TV display connected to the AV
~ ‘ I I I i t ‘ t H ' i '
Installlng W   : 153]
Microcast transmits audia and video signals using 5.8 GHz waves. The PC transceiver and the AV re-
ceiver should be pointed towards each other.
After connecting, place the PC transceiver near/on a main PC unit, and the AV re-
ceiver near/on a TV.
Point the concave side of the transmission antenna on the PC transceiver to that
of the receiving antenna on the AV receiver.
Turn on the power at each unit.
0 The PC transceiver should only be switched on after the main PC unit is completely up and run-
There is no special order for turning on the power of each unit, including TV. except for the
0 The PC display will appear on the TV,
Play games using the keyboard, mouse or joystick connected to the Control con
sole, while watching TV.
0 If the image on the TV screen is not clear, adjust the direction of the receiving an-
tenna on the AV receiver.
0 Be careful not to bend the antenna too far back, or unit may be damaged.
If you want to operate the main PC unit independently. switch off the PC transceiver.
You can operate the main PC unit using a local keyboard and mouse connected to
the PC transceiver.
' FCC information ‘
This device complies with Pan 15 at the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
toilowing two conditions; (1 ) This device may not cause hermlul Interference, and
(2) this device must accept any interference received, including interlerence that
may cause undesired operation.
Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible lor
compliance could void the user's authority to operate this device.
This equipment has been tested and inund to comply with the limits tor a class B
digital device, pursuant to Pen 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to
provide reasonable protection against harmtul interference in a residential
installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio lrequency
energy and, it not installed and used in acoordance with the instmctions, may
cause harmlul interlerence to radio communications. However, there Is no
guarantee that interterence will not occur in a particular installation. it this
equipment does cause harmtul interterence to radio or television reception, which
can be determined by turning the equipment oil and on, the user Is encouraged to
try to correct the interference by one or more oi the lollowing measures:
— Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
— increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
— Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different trom that to which the
receiver is connected.
— Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/T V technician for help.
- Environment — do not place the unit in a room where the temperature is less
than 5°C (41'F) or greater than 40'C (104°F). Allow to cm (4') clearance around
the unit for proper ventilation. Avoid excessive smoke. dust, mechanical
vibration. shock, or direct sunlight.
- Routine care -— wipe the unit with a soft cloth. Do not use benzine, thinner, or
any abrasive powder. When you leave the unit unused tor a long period of time,
unplug the AC adapter lrorn the outlet.
- It there is any trouble — disconnect the unit lrom the telephone line and
connect a known working phone. it the known working phone operates property,
have your unit repaired by one oi the authorized Panasonic Factory Service
Centers. it the known working phone does not operate properly, consult with your
telephone company.
Print“! in CTan

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Create Date                     : 2001:06:30 12:58:32
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Author                          : jsoscia
Title                           : 34146.pdf
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Page Count                      : 16
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