Panasonic of North America 9TGCF-P21 Handheld Computer CF-P2 User Manual FCC Markings

Panasonic Corporation of North America Handheld Computer CF-P2 FCC Markings

User Manual FCC Markings

Please read this safety precautions carefully before using CF-P2
and save this safety precautions for future use.
Handheld Computer
Model No. CF-P2 Series
Nickel metal hydride battery!
This computer contains a nickel metal hydride battery to enable
the date, time, and other data to be stored. The battery should
only be exchanged by authorized service personnel.
Warning! A risk of explosion from incorrect installation or misap-
plication may possibly occur.
Interface Cable
Use of an interface cable longer than 3 m (9.84 feet) is not rec-
Nickel metal hydride battery
When in a hospital or other health care facility, observe the
restrictions on the use of mobiles. Switch Personal Com-
puter or Handheld Computer incorporating GSM/GPRS
modem off, if instructed to do so by the guidelines posted in
sensitive areas. Medical equipment may be sensitive to RF
The operation of cardiac pacemakers, other implanted medi-
cal equipment and hearing aids can be affected by interfer-
ence from Personal Computer or Handheld Computer in-
corporating GSM/GPRS modem placed close to the device.
If in doubt about potential danger, contact the physician or
the manufacturer of the device to verify that the equipment
is properly shielded. Pacemaker patients are advised to keep
their Personal Computer or Handheld Computer incorpo-
rating GSM/GPRS modem away from the pacemaker, while
it is on.
Switch off Personal Computer or Handheld Computer in-
corporating GSM/GPRS modem before boarding an aircraft.
Make sure it cannot be switched on inadvertently. The op-
eration of wireless appliances in an aircraft is forbidden to
prevent interference with communications systems. Failure
to observe these instructions may lead to the suspension or
denial of cellular services to the offender, legal action, or
Do not operate Personal Computer or Handheld Computer
incorporating GSM/GPRS modem in the presence of flam-
mable gases or fumes. Switch off the cellular terminal when
you are near petrol stations, fuel depots, chemical plants or
where blasting operations are in progress. Operation of any
electrical equipment in
potentially explosive atmospheres can constitute a safety
Your Personal Computer or Handheld Computer incorpo-
rating GSM/GPRS modem receives and transmits radio fre-
quency energy while switched on. Remember that interfer-
ence can occur if it is used close to TV sets, radios, comput-
ers or inadequately shielded equipment. Follow any special
regulations and always switch off Personal Computer or
Handheld Computer incorporating GSM/GPRS modem
wherever forbidden, or when you suspect that it may cause
interference or danger.
Road safety comes first! Do not use a Personal Computer or
Handheld Computer incorporating GSM/GPRS modem
while driving a vehicle. Do not place the computer with
GSM/GPRS modem in an area where it could cause per-
sonal injury to the driver or passengers. It is recommended
to stow the unit in the boot or secure stowage area while
Do not place the computer with GSM/GPRS modem in an
area over an air bag or in the vicinity where an air bag may
Air bags inflate with great force and if the computer with
GSM/GPRS modem is placed in the air bag deployment area
may be propelled with great force and cause serious injury
to occupants of the vehicle.
The following safety precautions must be observed during all phases of
the operation, usage, service or repair of any Personal Computer or
Handheld Computer incorporating GSM/GPRS modem. Manufactur-
ers of the cellular terminal are advised to convey the following safety
information to users and operating personnel and to incorporate these
guidelines into all manuals supplied with the product. Failure to com-
ply with these precautions violates safety standards of design, manu-
facture and intended use of the product. Panasonic assumes no liability
for customer failure to comply with these precautions.
Information to the User
This product and your Health
This product, like other radio devices, emits radio frequency elec-
tromagnetic energy. The level of energy emitted by this product
however is far much less than the electromagnetic energy emit-
ted by wireless devices like for example mobile phones.
Because this product operates within the guidelines found in ra-
dio frequency safety standards and recommendations, we believe
this product is safe for use by consumers. These standards and
recommendations reflect the consensus of the scientific commu-
nity and result from deliberations of panels and committees of
scientists who continually review and interpret the extensive re-
search literature.
In some situations or environments, the use of this product may
be restricted by the proprietor of the building or responsible rep-
resentatives of the organization. These situations may for example
Using this product on board of airplanes, or
In any other environment where the risk of interference to other
devices or services is perceived or identified as harmful.
If you are uncertain of the policy that applies on the use of wire-
less devices in a specific organization or environment (e.g. air-
ports), you are encouraged to ask for authorization to use this
product prior to turning on the product.
Regulatory Information
We are not responsible for any radio or television interference
caused by unauthorized modification of this product. The correc-
tion of interference caused by such unauthorized modification will
be the responsibility of the user. We and its authorized resellers or
distributors are not liable for damage or violation of government
regulations that may arise from failing to comply with these guide-
Personal Computer or Handheld Computer incorporating
GSM/GPRS modem operate using radio signals and cellular
networks cannot be guaranteed to connect in all conditions.
Therefore, you should never rely solely upon any wireless
device for essential communications, for example emergency
Remember, in order to make or receive calls, Personal Com-
puter or Handheld Computer incorporating GSM/GPRS mo-
dem must be switched on and in a service area with adequate
cellular signal strength.
Some networks do not allow for emergency calls if certain
network services or phone features are in use (e.g. lock func-
tions, fixed dialing etc.). You may need to deactivate those
features before you can make an emergency call.
Some networks require that a valid SIM card be properly
inserted in Personal Computer or Handheld Computer incor-
porating GSM/GPRS modem.
Printed in Japan
Federal Communications Commission Radio
Frequency Interference Statement
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the
limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC
Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection
against harmful interference in a residential installation. This
equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy
and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions,
may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However,
there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular
installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to
radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning
the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the
interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different
from that to which the receiver is connected.
Consult the Panasonic Service Center or an experienced ra-
dio/TV technician for help.
To assure continued compliance, use only shielded interface
cables when connecting to a computer or peripheral. Also, any
changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party
responsible for compliance could void the users authority to
operate this equipment.
FCC RF Exposure Warning:
This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure lim-
its set forth for an uncontrolled environment.
This equipment has been approved for portable operation,
and unless otherwise advised in separate supplemental in-
structions for individual wireless transmitter(s), requires mini-
mum 1.5 cm spacing be provided between antenna(s) and all
person’s body (excluding extremities of hands, wrist and feet)
during wireless modes of operation.
This equipment may use multiple installed transmitters, which
may be capable of simultaneous transmission.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation
is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) This device must accept any interference received, including
interference that may cause undesired operation.
Responsible Party: Panasonic Corporation of North America
One Panasonic Way
Secaucus, NJ 07094
Tel No:1-800-LAPTOP5 (1-800-527-8675)
Avoid Radio Frequency Interference
Do not place the computer near a television or
radio receiver.
Do not drop or hit your computer against solid objects.
Remove all cables before transporting your computer.
We recommend that the battery be fully charged. We also rec-
ommend that the backup battery (a built-in coin type battery)
be fully charged.
When transporting spare batteries inside a package, briefcase,
etc., we recommend that the batteries be stored in a plastic
Always carry your computer with you when traveling. Never
check it in with luggage. For use of the computer inside an
aircraft, we recommend asking the airlines regarding their
policy on this issue.
It is a good idea to make backup copies on SD memory cards/
MultiMedia Cards and carry them with you.
As with any portable computer device precautions should be taken to
avoid to the CF-P2 damage. The following usage and handling proce-
dures are recommended.
Avoid Extreme Heat and Cold
Do not store or use the computer in locations exposed to heat (in an
automobile on a sunny day, for example), direct sunlight, or ex-
treme cold.
Avoid moving the computer between locations with large tem-
perature differences.
Temperature: 5 oC to 35 oC {41 oF to 95 oF}
Humidity: 30 % to 80 % RH (No condensation)
Temperature: -20 oC to 60 oC {-4 oF to 140 oF}
Humidity: 30 % to 90 % RH (No condensation)
Keep Small Objects Away
Do not insert paper clips or other small objects
into the computer.
Do Not Disassemble the computer
Do not attempt to disassemble your computer.
Avoid Excessive Force on the LCD
Do not apply excessive downward force on the
Before putting the computer away, be sure to wipe off any moisture.
Avoid Magnetic Fields
Keep the computer away from magnets.
Avoid Stacking
Do not place heavy objects on the computer.
The battery pack may become warm during recharging
or normal use. This is completely normal.
Recharging will not commence outside of the allowable
temperature range (5 °C to 35 °C {41°F to 95°F})*1.
Even if charging stops because the temperature is out-
side the charging temperature range, the battery indica-
tor will turn off. Once the allowable range requirement
is satisfied, charging begins automatically. Note that the
recharging time varies based on the usage conditions.
(Recharging takes longer than usual when the tempera-
ture is 10 °C {50 °F} or below.)
If the temperature is low, the operating time is short-
ened. Only use the computer within the allowable tem-
perature range.
The battery pack is a consumable item. If the amount of
time the computer can be run off a particular battery pack
becomes dramatically shorter and repeated recharging
does not restore its performance, the battery pack should
be replaced with a new one.
When a spare battery pack is to be carried in a pocket or
bag, it is recommended that it be placed in a plastic bag
so that its contacts are protected.
Always power off the computer when it is not in use.
Leaving the computer on when the Fast travel charger is
not connected will exhaust the remaining battery capacity.
When Using Peripheral Devices
Pay strict attention to the following points to avoid damage to
the computer, peripheral devices, cables, etc. Also, in addition
to following this manual, carefully read the instruction manuals
for the peripheral devices being used.
Use only peripheral devices that conform to the computers
Connect the devices properly, paying close attention to the
condition and position of the connectors.
If a connection cannot be made easily, do not apply undue
force; check once more to confirm the condition and position
of the connector (alignment of pins, etc.).
If the connector has holding screws, fasten the screws firmly.
Do not carry the computer with cables attached, and do not
pull on the cables forcefully.
*1These temperature settings are valid when the battery is charg-
ing and the computer is off. The temperature range may be-
come narrower when the battery is charging and the computer
is operating.
Stop Using
Should the battery emit an abnormal odor, become
hot to the touch, become discolored, change shape,
or become in any way different from normal, remove
it from the computer and stop using it.
Battery Pack
Care should be exercised with regard to the following in or-
der to avoid the possibility of over-heating, fire, or damage.
Do Not Disassemble
Do not insert sharp objects into the battery pack,
expose it to bumps or shocks, or deform, disas-
semble, or modify it.
Do Not Short
Do not short the positive (+) and negative (-) con-
Do Not Put Into a Microwave
Do not put the battery pack into a microwave oven
or a pressurized chamber.
Avoid Extreme Heat, Cold and Direct Sunlight
Do not charge, use or leave the battery pack for ex-
tended periods where it will be exposed to direct
sunlight, in a hot place (in an automobile on a sunny
day, for example), or in a cold place.
Avoid Heat
Do not throw the battery pack into a fire or expose
it to excessive heat.
Keep Articles Away
Do not place the battery pack together with articles
such as necklaces or hairpins when carrying or stor-
Do Not Use With Any Other Device
The battery pack is rechargeable and was intended
for the specified computer. Do not use it with a de-
vice other than the one for which it was designed.
If the battery pack will not be used for a long period of time (a
month or more), charge or discharge (use) the battery pack
until the remaining battery level becomes 30 % to 40 % and
store it in a cool, dry place.
The battery pack is not charged when the computer is first
purchased. Be sure to charge it before using it for the first
time. When the Fast travel charger is connected to the com-
puter, charging begins automatically.
If the battery leaks and the fluid get into your eyes, do not rub
your eyes. Flush your eyes with clear water and immediately
see a doctor for medical treatment.
Do not cover the computer with a thick cloth,
such as a blanket.
Keep SD memory cards and MultiMedia
Cards (both sold separately) away from infants
and small children.
Accidental swallowing will result in bodily in-
In the event of accidental swallowing, see a doc-
tor immediately.
Be careful of low-temperature burns
Avoid more than casual contact with any heat pro-
ducing area of the computer, AC adaptor, and any
option or accessory you use with it. Even low heat,
if warmer than the body’s temperature, can cause
burns, if the skin is exposed to the heat source for a
long enough period of time.
Precautions Precautions

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