Pantech PX-700 Dual-Band CDMA/ EVDO USB Modem User Manual PX 700 VZ SW Manual indd

Pantech Co., Ltd. Dual-Band CDMA/ EVDO USB Modem PX 700 VZ SW Manual indd


SW User Manual

1TABLE OF CONTENTSCHAPTER 1 INSTALLATION AND SETUP ............................................3THE VZACCESS MANAGER SETUP PROGRAM ................................5THE VZACCESS MANAGER SETUP WIZARD ....................................8CHAPTER 2 USING VZACCESS MANAGER ...................................... 13FEATURES ......................................................................................14GETTING STARTED .........................................................................15CONNECTING .................................................................................16WARNING MESSAGES ...................................................................22USING DIAL UP CONNECTIONS .....................................................24TXT MESSAGING ...........................................................................26CHAPTER 3 VZACCESS MANAGER PREFERENCES ..........................29WWAN PREFERENCES ...................................................................30THE VPN TAB ..................................................................................34WI-FI PREFERENCES .......................................................................36OPTIONS ........................................................................................42TXT MESSAGING PREFERENCES ....................................................44UPDATES PREFERENCES ................................................................45
4INSTALLATION AND SETUP4This section will guide you through the installation and setup process for VZAccess Manager. Before getting started, you should become familiar with the documentation that came with your wireless device.CD'SYou purchased a UM175, there is only one CD that contains VZAccess Manager and USB modem drivers.GETTING STARTEDFollow these steps to install VZAccess Manager:1 Turn on your computer and close all applications.2 Insert the CD-ROM into your CD drive.3 If set up does not automatically start, click the Start button on the taskbar and choose Run. Type D:\Start (where D is the letter of your CD-ROM drive) and click OK.4 Follow the steps in the next section.@   Important: If using a USB device, VZAccess Manager software must be installed before you insert the USB device in to the computer for the first time. Only after the software has been installed can Windows successfully install and configure the USB device. GETTING STARTEDINSTALLATION AND SETUP
5INSTALLATION AND SETUP■ THE VZACCESS MANAGER SETUP PROGRAMSTEP 1: Click the VZAccess Manager setup program. A “Welcome” Screen appears. Click the Next button to continue with the installation process.STEP 2: After the Welcome screen you will see the VZAccess Manager License Agreement. In order to install and use this product you must agree with the terms of this agreement. Select “I agree with this software license agreement,” then click the Next button to continue. If you do not agree with this agreement, click the Cancel button to exit.THE VZACCESS MANAGER SETUP PROGRAM
6INSTALLATION AND SETUPSTEP 3: You are now ready to select the location on your computer where the VZAccess Manager should be installed. It is recommended that you do not modify the default destination folder. Click the Next button to continue.STEP 4: You are now ready to begin installing VZAccess Manager components onto your computer. Click Next to continue.THE VZACCESS MANAGER SETUP PROGRAM
7INSTALLATION AND SETUPSTEP 5: During this step the components of  VZAccess Manager are installed onto your computer. STEP 6: Installation is now complete. Click the Finish button to leave the VZAccess Manager setup program and to begin using your new software.The setup program will automatically create a VZAccess Manager shortcut on your desktop.THE VZACCESS MANAGER SETUP PROGRAM
8INSTALLATION AND SETUP■ THE VZACCESS MANAGER SETUP WIZARDAfter you have successfully completed the installation process of VZAccess Manager, you are ready to start the program and begin your initial setup.  The steps in the Setup Wizard are critical to the proper operation of VZAccess Manager when using your WWAN or Wi-Fi device to connect to the Internet.  Do not connect/insert your wireless device until instructed to do so.STEP 1: Click the Start button, select the Programs menu and choose the VZAccess Manager menu item to start the VZAccess Manager program.STEP 2: The first time you open VZAccess Manager, the Setup Wizard will run automatically. You will be presented with a Welcome screen. If you have an Internet connection, it is recommended that you check to see if you are running the latest version of VZAccess Manager. Click the “Check for Updates” button to perform this check.Click Next to continue.THE VZACCESS MANAGER SETUP WIZARD
9INSTALLATION AND SETUPSTEP 3: In this step of the Setup Wizard you must specify the type of wireless device that you intend to use with VZAccess Manager. Select either “Detect WWAN device only” or “Detect both Wi-Fi and WWAN.” For the purposes of this guide, “Detect WWAN device only” will be used. Please note that your experience in Step 4 may be different if you use a different selection. After making the appropriate selection, click Next to continue. STEP 4: The VZAccess Manager will now detect and setup your WWAN device.THE VZACCESS MANAGER SETUP WIZARD
10INSTALLATION AND SETUP“WWAN” (Wireless Wide Area Network) denotes any UMTS, GPRS, 1xEVDO, 1xRTT or CDMA connection to the Verizon Wireless or partner networks such as VZGlobal, BroadbandAccess or NationalAccess. Click Next to continue.STEP 5: In this step you need to select the type of connectivity you wish to use with your wireless device. For the purposes of this guide, we will select “USB Modem.”  Please note that this selection may not be appropriate for your type of wireless device. Once you have selected your connectivity option, click Next to continue.THE VZACCESS MANAGER SETUP WIZARD
11INSTALLATION AND SETUPSTEP 6: USB device users would insert their USB device now, and wait for Windows to detect and install drivers for the device.@   NOTE FOR HANDSET USERS: If you selected USB (to connect a phone) and have not already installed the data cable drivers supplied with the cable, you must install them now.  To install the data cable drivers click the Cancel button below to exit the Setup Wizard and then refer to the documentation included with the cable.  Please plug the data cable into your wireless phone and then plug the cable into your computer.  If your wireless phone is not turned on, do so now. If the USB device is detected, you will see the following screen.THE VZACCESS MANAGER SETUP WIZARD
12INSTALLATION AND SETUPSTEP 7: The detection and configuration process for your wireless device is now complete. In this step you can elect to run the VZAccess Manager automatically every time you start up your computer.  To do so, check the “Run VZAccess Manager at Startup” checkbox. Click Finish when complete.Please familiarize yourself with the information in the “Using VZAccess Manager” and “Connecting to the Internet” sections of this guide.  THE VZACCESS MANAGER SETUP WIZARD
14USING VZACCESS MANAGER■ FEATURESWWAN (WIRELESS WIDE AREA NETWORK) SPECIFIC FEATURES•  Configures your PC to use your wireless device as a modem.•  Creates a NationalAccess connection if you are using a NationalAccess-capable wireless device which does not support BroadbandAccess.•  Creates BroadbandAccess connection if using a BroadbandAccess-capable device. This connection will automatically fall back to NationalAccess if BroadbandAccess is unavailable.• Copy utility to create wireless copies of your dial-up connections, if supported by your device.•  Controls the Venturi compression software when using BroadbandAccess or NationalAccess.•  Signal strength and battery level display for most wireless phones.•  Features a test function for your WWAN device.  WI-FI FEATURES•  Configures your Wi-Fi adapter (Optional) to work with VZAccess Manager.•  Displays Wi-Fi connections and signal strength when in a Wi-Fi coverage area.  •  Supports both built-in Wi-Fi adapters (Optional) and USB devices.FEATURES
15USING VZACCESS MANAGEROTHER FEATURES•  VZAccess Manager can be used to launch all of your dial-up networking connections, if desired.•  VZAccess Manager can launch your browser, e-mail client, VPN or a program of your choice upon connection.•  The application logs connections used, duration and bytes sent and received.•  It also supports TXT messaging.■ GETTING STARTED   Double click on the VZAccess Manager icon on your desktop or click on the Windows Start menu and select VZAccess Manager from the list of Programs.ABOUT THE NETWORKS VIEWBy default, VZAccess Manager opens to the “Networks” view.  The Networks view displays all currently available network connections.  At a glance you can see the signal strength and battery level (if applicable) of your WWAN or Wi-Fi network.  Your current connection state and the elapsed time of the connection are displayed along the bottom of the status bar.If your expected connection does not appear after starting VZAccess Manager, select “Refresh Networks” from the “Options” menu. This will cause VZAccess Manager to look for your wireless device(s) and verify network availability. If you have any Wi-Fi networks you manually added because they do not broadcast their SSID, they will always be displayed, and you will have to refer to the signal strength displayed to know when you are in range. GETTING STARTED
16USING VZACCESS MANAGER   NOTICE: Note that with certain Wi-Fi adapters the signal strength for Wi-Fi networks is not accurate until you connect to the network.@   NOTE: The NationalAccess connection is only created when the WWAN option is selected during setup and if you are using a NationalAccess capable device that does not support the Verizon Wireless BroadbandAccess service. If you are using a BroadbandAccess capable device a BroadbandAccess connection will be created. This connection will use BroadbandAccess if available and will automatically attempt a NationalAccess connection when BroadbandAccess is not available.  @   NOTICE: If you change wireless devices, you will need to run the Setup Wizard again.  To do this make sure that your wireless device and cable are connected, then select “Run Wizard” from the “Options” menu.■ CONNECTINGOnce your Wi-Fi or WWAN device is properly configured, connecting to the Internet is as simple as selecting the network connection type shown in the list and clicking the Networks button. Note that the Networks button immediately above the list will change to “Connect” or “Connect Wi-Fi” based on the current selection in the networks list.1  If you are outside the US, Canada or Puerto Rico and using the USB device, select the “VZGlobal” connection. If in the US and using the device for the domestic network, select one of the following connections: “NationalAccess – BroadbandAccess” or “NationalAccess.” @CONNECTING
17USING VZACCESS MANAGER2  Click the “Connect” button when it becomes enabled.  Once connected, the “Connect” button will change to “Disconnect.”  Simply click this to end your current connection. To connect to any other network shown, select it, and then select “Connect.” THE STATUS BARInformation regarding your current network connection can be seen in the status bar along the bottom of the VZAccess Manager interface. @   NOTE: If you are using a WWAN device that supports the Verizon Wireless dial-up data service and you made wireless copies of your dial-up accounts, they will also appear. See the section “Creating Wireless Copies of your Dial-Up Connections.” Optionally you can have all dial-up connections appear in VZAccess Manager and use it to launch any dial-up networking connection. If you are in the presence of a private Wi-Fi network (such as one at work or at home) it will also appear if you selected the Wi-Fi option during setup. If CONNECTING
18USING VZACCESS MANAGERthe number of connections exceeds what can be displayed, a vertical scroll bar will appear to the right of the connections.  Scroll down to see them all.@   NOTICE: The first time you connect to BroadbandAccess, NationalAccess, or a private Wi-Fi connection,a connectivity warning message will appear. You have the option to suppress these warning messages when they are displayed.VZAccess Manager will display status information at the bottom of the window during the connection process as well as while connected. When not connected,  the status text in the lower left corner will display “Not connected” for the currently selected network. The timer will display “00:00:00.”  Once connected, the status text will display “Connected” and the elapsed timer will begin to run. When a connection is active, its name will appear as bold text.The status is also reflected in the Task Tray icon.ConnectedIdle - Not ConnectedConnectingDisconnectingA window will also slide out of the tray showing when you connect and disconnect from networks.CONNECTING
19USING VZACCESS MANAGERThe pop up status can be turned off, if desired, by selecting “Tools,” “Preferences,” “Options” tab, and un-checking “Show pop-up status windows by tray.” Right clicking on the tray icon provides various options and double clicking on it will always show the application. Placing your cursor on it will display the current connection status.Based on your preferences, your browser or e-mail or VPN program can be launched automatically, or you can launch whatever software you want to use.   You can also determine if all connections show in the drop down list or only your wireless ones.@   NOTE: Always use VZAccess Manager when connecting via BroadbandAccess or NationalAccess.At any time during your connection you can check your current connection speed and throughput stats in the Statistics tab of the Session Information window.  To see this window, select “Statistics” from the “Options” menu.CONNECTING
20USING VZACCESS MANAGERThe Session Information window will also contain a My Computer tab and a Statistics tab. The My Computer tab contains detailed information about your computer.  This information is helpful when troubleshooting a problem.NDIS Status : The following icons also appear on the status bar to indicate your device’s  NDIS status:NDIS is enabled and connectedNDIS is enabled but disconnected(No NDIS image) NDIS is disabledAdditional information when using the NationalAccess connection:By default, VZAccess Manager enables the Venturi compression software for the BroadbandAccess and NationalAccess connections.If you are using the BroadbandAccess or NationalAccess connection and the call fails when you try to connect, with VZAccess Manager returning to its idle state,  you should try to connect again. If you feel you may have incorrectly entered your wireless account number during initial setup, select “Options,” “Run Wizard.”DORMANCY:NationalAccess and BroadbandAccess data sessions become dormant if you are not sending or receiving any data.  As soon as you resume sending or receiving data, the data session will return to an active state.CONNECTING
21USING VZACCESS MANAGERDepending on your device and your NationalAccess or BroadbandAccess plan,  your data session may disconnect during a dormant state. See your Verizon Calling Plan brochure for details or visit If this happens, select disconnect, and then connect again.  While dormant your wireless device may be able to receive a voice call.  If you leave your wireless phone connected to your PC, after you finish your voice call you may be able to resume your data session as you normally would.ACTIVATING YOUR USB MODEM FOR THE FIRST TIME:The application will automatically detect if the USB Modem is activated. If you have not already signed up for service on your USB Modem, when you attempt to connect to the Internet for the first time you will be directed to the Verizon Wireless activation site. You will be presented with options to activate a two-year contract or to sign-up for daily session service (no commitment required). Select your activation preference and follow the online screens to complete the order. If you are outside the BroadbandAccess service area, or cannot complete the activation online, you will be presented with a phone number to call for assistance and completion of your order. If you activate a daily session, you will be returned to the Verizon Wireless activation site the next time you attempt to access the network after your session has expired. The same activation options will be presented.CONNECTING
22USING VZACCESS MANAGEROnce your account is set up on the Verizon Wireless website, please click the “Quit” button to ensure your account is set up properly. If you wish to begin using the service please wait approximately 10 minutes for the account to be validated, then click “Connect” again (or simply double-click the network name).To purchase additional connectivity, click the “Get Access” button. You will be returned to the Verizon Wireless activation site. ■ WARNING MESSAGESNATIONALACCESSThe first time you connect via NationalAccess, the following warning message will be displayed:@   ATTENTION: You are about to establish a NationalAccess (1xRTT) data connection. Charges apply in accordance with your subscription to Verizon Wireless’ NationalAccess.   To see our current pricing for NationalAccess, please visit http://www. message will display each time you go to connect via the NationalAccess connection until you select “Do not show this warning again.”WARNING MESSAGES
23USING VZACCESS MANAGERBROADBANDACCESSThe first time you connect via BroadbandAccess, the following warning message will be displayed:@   ATTENTION: You are about to establish a BroadbandAccess or NationalAccess data connection.  Charges apply in accordance with your subscription to Verizon Wireless’ NationalAccess/BroadbandAccess.   To see our current pricing for BroadbandAccess, please visit http://www. message will display each time you go to connect via BroadbandAccess, until you select “Do not show this warning again.”DIAL-UPThe first time you connect via dial-up, the following warning message will be displayed:@   ATTENTION: Dial-Up connections may be charged differently than NationalAccess sessions.  Please check your Calling Plan for details.This message will display each time you go to connect via a wireless dial-up connection, until you select “Do not show this warning again.”WARNING MESSAGES
24USING VZACCESS MANAGERWI-FIThe first time you connect to a Wi-Fi network (with an optional WiFi adapter), you will see the following warning:@   You are about to establish a connection to a Wi-Fi network. Verizon Wireless does not support problems associated with Wi-Fi networks.     Verizon Wireless Customer Care will not be able to assist you. Please see the Help file for details.In most cases connecting to a private Wi-Fi network is a simple process and you can use VZAccess Manager instead of the Wi-Fi client you would normally use.  If you have any problems doing this try the recommendations in the section on Wi-Fi Troubleshooting.  ■ USING DIAL UP CONNECTIONSThis section is only applicable if you are using a WWAN Device that supports dial-up connections.You can make wireless copies of existing dial-up accounts on your system.   This will wirelessly enable them and allow you to connect to them wirelessly.To launch the copy utility, select “Tools,” “Dial-up Accounts” then “Copy.”USING DIAL UP CONNECTIONS
25USING VZACCESS MANAGERClick on the connection or connections you want to copy and click on the “OK” button.The new connection will have a suffix of “(Wireless)” and will be set to use your wireless  device as the modem. If the utility is unable to automatically recognize your existing area code and number, the existing number will be displayed, and you will be prompted to enter the area code and number. The utility configures the new wireless connections to always dial 11 digits, so that they will work locally and also in other digital data coverage areas.If it is determined that the connection might benefit by further optimization, an additional connection with a “(Wireless Optimized)” suffix, will also be created. This connection may connect faster. If you have trouble with the “(Wireless Optimized)” connection, you can delete it from your dial-up networking folder and use the “(Wireless)” connection.USING DIAL UP CONNECTIONS
26USING VZACCESS MANAGER   NOTE: Some applications, such as AOL and JUNO, have dial-up networking connections that can’t be used directly from VZAccess Manager or Dial-Up Networking.  Copies of these connections will not work with your wireless device, since the original connections do not work by themselves. In most cases the original connections or the software can be configured to use your wireless device as a modem. For the easiest way to configure AOL to work with your wireless device, see the section on Configuring AOL.TO DELETE CONNECTIONS:Windows 2000, XP and Vista users can access Dial-Up Networking from VZAccess Manager by selecting “Tools,” “Control Panels,” “Network and Dial-up Connections,” right click on the desired connection and select “Delete.”■ TXT MESSAGINGVZAccess Manager supports TXT Messaging for certain wireless devices only.RECEIVING TXT MESSAGES•  All of your TXT messages will appear in the list box at the top of the TXT messaging view.  By default, all sent and received messages will appear.@TXT MESSAGING
27USING VZACCESS MANAGER•  To view only certain messages, click on the “View” toolbar button and select “Received Messages,” “Sent Messages” or “All Messages.”•  If you are in the TXT Messaging view and a new message arrives, the message will automatically appear in the list formatted in bold.•  To view a long TXT message, select the message in the list view.  The details of the message will appear below the list.•  If you are not in the TXT Messaging view and a new message arrives, a TXT icon will appear in the status bar showing that new messages are available.  There is also a TXT preference option that can automatically switch VZAccess to the TXT view when new messages arrive.  By default, this feature is turned off.•  To reply to an inbound message, select the message and press the “Reply” toolbar button.  The phone number of the sender will be populated in the send area below.  Enter your new message and press the “Send” button to send the message.•  To forward an inbound message, select the message and press “Forward” toolbar button.  The message will be populated in the send area below prefixed with a “FW:.”  Press the “Send” button to send the message.•  To resend a sent message, select the message and press the “Resend” toolbar button. The phone number and message will be populated in the send area below.  Press the “Send” button to send the message again.TXT MESSAGING
28USING VZACCESS MANAGERSENDING TXT MESSAGES•  While using the UM175, to send a text message to: –  a US-based wireless number, enter: +, 1, then the wireless number. –  a wireless number outside the US, enter: +, 011, the country code, then the wireless number.@   NOTE: Users can dial either a “+” or the specific exit code prefix required to  dial out of your current country.•  To send a TXT message to one or more Verizon Wireless subscribers, enter  their 10-digit mobile numbers separated by semi-colons in the “To...” field. (Ex: 516-555-5555; 516-555-5556).  If you use commas, the application will automatically replace them with semi-colons.  •  With some devices that support TXT messaging contact lists, you may be able to click on the “To...” button to open your contact list.•  If contacts storage is supported by your device, to send a TXT to one of the entries in your Contact List, click the “To” button to open the Contacts window.  Simply double click on the name of the user and that individual will automatically be added to the “Send To” field.  Holding down the “Ctrl” key while you click names from the lists will allow you to select multiple names at once.•  The phone number and the message fields are required.•  The Character counter counts up from 0 to 160 and counts all of the characters typed in the message field.•  Click the “Send” button.TXT MESSAGING
30PREFERENCES■ WWAN PREFERENCESTo access the WWAN preferences, click on the “Tools” menu, then “Preferences....”CONNECT OPTIONS• The “Set Options...” Button: This is used to set various connect options.  See below.• Automatically Connect: If desired, you can select to have VZAccess Manager automatically connect at application startup.• “Do not allow connectivity when roaming”: Enabling this option will prevent you from connecting when roaming. This option is disabled if using NDIS mode. VZAccess Manager only supports this feature with certain devices; if not supported, the option will not appear.• NDIS Mode: Enables/disables the NDIS feature.  Please note that NDIS is only supported by some USB devices.   It also requires either Verizon Wireless BroadbandAccess or NationalAccess coverage, and either Windows 2000 or XP or Vista.  When enabled, NDIS provides an “always WWAN PREFERENCES
31PREFERENCESon” Internet connection similar to a standard Network Interface Card (NIC).  Please note that an NDIS broadband connection will remain active even if you exit VZAccess Manager.ACCOUNT OPTIONS• Show non-wireless accounts in list: If you select this option, all of your dial-up accounts will show up in VZAccess Manager’s list of accounts, allowing you to use VZAccess Manager to launch them instead of Dial-Up Networking.  With this option unchecked, the only connections that are displayed in VZAccess Manager’s list of accounts are Verizon Wireless connections and any other connections you have created.  If VZAccess Manager is also configured for Wi-Fi, these connections will also be displayed when in coverage of the hot spot.• Do not prompt for user name and password: If you are only using VZGlobal, BroadbandAccess or NationalAccess, this setting has no effect.  If you created Wireless connections to dial into other networks or have existing connections you are going to launch using VZAccess Manager, checking this option will skip the screen that normally asks for your user name and password.  For this to work you will have had to connect previously, successfully saving your user name and password.SECURITY OPTIONS• The “Security Setup...” Button: Available only with some wireless devices, this button is used to lock/unlock the wireless device as well as change its lock code.  WWAN PREFERENCES
32PREFERENCESDEVICE OPTIONS•  Show wireless device battery instead of PC battery: (This option will only appear if you are using VZAccess Manager with a handset.) If you are using a WWAN device and this option is selected, the battery level of your WWAN device will be displayed when your device is connected and detected by VZAccess Manager, as well as when you connect and disconnect using your WWAN device. Battery Status cannot be updated while you are connected to a Wireless Wide Area Network (WWAN). You can refresh the status when you are not connected, by selecting “Tools,” from VZAccess Manager’s main window. Some phones fail to accurately report their battery level to VZAccess Manager and some WWAN devices such as USB devices do not use batteries, so you can use this option to display the PC/notebook’s battery instead.  THE “SET OPTIONS” BUTTON & ITS DIALOGThe Connect TabWhen you select the “Set Options” button from the screen above, the following options will appear (“Tools,” “Preferences,” “WWAN tab,” “Set Options...”):WWAN PREFERENCES
33PREFERENCES• Do not open my browser: With this option selected, when you connect to a WWAN network, VZAccess Manager will not automatically launch your default web browser.• Open my browser to my default home page: With this option selected, when you connect to a WWAN network (VZGlobal, BroadbandAccess or NationalAccess), VZAccess Manager will automatically launch your default web browser and your  home page will load.• Open my browser to this URL: With this option selected, when you connect to a WWAN network (VZGlobal, BroadbandAccess or NationalAccess), VZAccess Manager will automatically launch your default web browser but do it in such a way that the URL you specify will load instead of your home page. • Turn off graphics: If you select this it will turn off graphics in Internet Explorer.With these options off, web pages will load faster but you will have to right click and select “show picture” for any pictures you want to see. With the added performance of the Venturi compression software when using BroadbandAccess or NationalAccess, most users prefer to see graphics, so the default setting for this option is unchecked.• Run program on connection:  This allows you to automatically run a program when you use VZAccess Manager to connect to a WWAN network. Select the browse button,   , to browse to the desired application you want to run when you connect to a WWAN network using VZAccess Manager. The application will run for all WWAN connections made from VZAccess Manager. WWAN PREFERENCES
34PREFERENCES■ THE VPN TABThe following options exist on the VPN tab (“Tools,” “Preferences,” “WWAN” tab, “Set Options...,” “VPN” tab):• VPN Client:  VZAccess Manager automatically detects if certain VPN clients like Microsoft, Cisco, CheckPoint, etc, are installed on the computer and allows you to select the one you wish to use. Check with your network administrator to setup your VPN connection.If the VPN client you wish to use does not appear in the list, you can select Other VPN Application.• Other VPN Application: This allows running a VPN program when VZAccess Manager connects to a network.  Enter the full path to an executable, or select the browse button,   , to find the path to the desired application.THE VPN TAB
35PREFERENCESSECURITY SETUPAvailable with some wireless devices, when you select the “Security Setup” button from the screen above, the following options will appear:• Lock code: Enter your 4 digit lock code (the default lock code is the last four digits of your device’s phone number) and select OK to lock or unlock the wireless device. Warning: If you plan to use this device feature, we recommend you change your lock code to a new number. • Change Lock Code: This is used to change the 4 digit lock code on the wireless device.• Current lock code: Enter your current 4 digit lock code.• New lock code: Enter your new 4 digit lock code.• Confirm new lock code:  Re-type the new 4 digit lock code.THE VPN TAB
36PREFERENCES■ WI-FI PREFERENCESTo access the Wi-Fi preferences, click on the “Tools” menu, then “Preferences....” and select the “Wi-Fi” tab.The following options are available if you selected “Detect Wi-Fi” device during setup.  If you have added a Wi-Fi device after having installed VZAccess Manager, you can select “Options,” “Run Wizard” to run the setup wizard again.If you connect your Wi-Fi device after VZAccess Manager has been started and you are in coverage of a Wi-Fi network, selecting “Options,” “Refresh Networks” will allow VZAccess Manager to recognize your Wi-Fi device (and WWAN if connected) and scan for available networks.• Wireless adapters: In the rare case you have more than one Wi-Fi adapter, you can select the Wi-Fi adapter you are using.  If your adapter does not appear, try upgrading to the latest available drivers from the Wi-Fi device manufacturer.WI-FI PREFERENCES
37PREFERENCES• Automatically connect to preferred networks: If desired, you can select to have VZAccess Manager automatically connect to your preferred Wi-Fi networks when they are detected.  • Automatically switch from WWAN to Wi-Fi: Requires that “Automatically connect to preferred networks” is selected.  When you select this option to automatically switch from WWAN to Wi-Fi, VZAccess Manager will disconnect your WWAN connection (VZGlobal, BroadbandAccess or NationalAccess) and automatically connect via Wi-Fi when a preferred Wi-Fi network is detected.• Preferred Networks: When you connect to or add Wi-Fi networks they will appear in this list.  If using the “Automatically connect” feature VZAccess Manager will try to connect to the networks in the order they appear in this list.• Move Up: Changes the priority of the Wi-Fi networks you have added or connected to in the past.  This option is only available when you have two or more Wi-Fi networks in the Preferred list. • Move Down: Changes the priority of non Verizon Wireless Wi-Fi networks you have added or connected to in the past.  This option is only available when you have two or more Wi-Fi networks in the Preferred list. • Add: Use to manually add a Wi-Fi network. If you select “Add” you will have to enter the network’s name and indicate if it is password protected.  The only time you would need to use the “Add” feature would be if the Access Point providing the Wi-Fi coverage does not broadcast its network name (SSID). The easiest way to add WI-FI PREFERENCES
38PREFERENCESa network that broadcasts its network name is to select the Wi-Fi network connection when it appears, and then select “Connect.” If it is password protected you will be prompted to enter your WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) key.@   NOTE: If you manually add a Wi-Fi network, when VZAccess Manager finds it, its signal strength will be displayed to the right of the network name when you are within coverage of that network.  If you incorrectly entered the name, the signal strength will never indicate any signal.  @   NOTICE: Note that with certain Wi-Fi adapters the signal strength for Wi-Fi networks is not accurate until you connect to the network.• Edit: If you select a connection in the Preferred Network list, the Edit button will become active.  Pressing it will provide you with three additional tabs that will be discussed below.• Remove: This will remove any other Wi-Fi networks you have added or connected to in the past.  Just select the network, then select “Remove.”NETWORK TABFrom the Wi-Fi tab (above, “Tools,” “Preferences,” “Wi-Fi” tab) if you select a network listed under “Preferred Networks” then select the “Edit” button or if you select the “Add” button, one of the following options will be displayed:WI-FI PREFERENCES
39PREFERENCESThe following options exist on the Network tab:• Network Name: On the Network tab, for private networks you can edit or enter the Network name and specify if it is a closed network.  Note: The name has to match the network to work.  If the network broadcasts its SSID, instead of manually adding it, select the Wi-Fi network connection when it appears, and then select “Connect.”  If it is password protected you will be prompted to enter your WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) key.@   NOTICE: The name has to match the network to work. Note that this name is case sensitive when entering it.•  Set Password: This option allows you to modify, delete or enter your Wi-Fi WEP keys for a private Wi-Fi network.WI-FI PREFERENCES
40PREFERENCESCONNECT TABThe following options exist on the Connect tab (“Tools,” “Preferences,” “Wi-Fi” tab, select “Add” or a network in the “Preferred Network” list, select “Edit,” then “Connect”): • Do not open my browser: With this option selected, when you connect to a Wi-Fi network, VZAccess Manager will not automatically launch your web browser.• Open my browser to my default home page: With this option selected, when you connect to a Wi-Fi network VZAccess Manager will automatically launch your web browser and your default home page will load.• Open my browser to this URL: With this option selected, when you connect to a Wi-Fi network, VZAccess Manager will automatically launch your web browser but do it in such a way that the URL you specify in the field will load instead of your home page.• Disable IE Proxy settings for this connection: This option provides an automatic method to turn off proxy settings when connecting to a Wi-Fi network. This would typically be used if you normally use proxy settings at work to WI-FI PREFERENCES
41PREFERENCESaccess the Internet and you wanted to access the Internet directly via Wi-Fi without using VPN (Virtual Private Networking) software.  • Run program on connection: This allows automatically running a program when you use VZAccess Manager to connect to a Wi-Fi network.  Select the browse button to browse to the desired application you want to run when you connect to a Wi-Fi network using VZAccess Manager. The application will run for all Wi-Fi connections made from VZAccess Manager. VPN TABThe following options exist on the VPN tab (“Tools,” “Preferences,” “Wi-Fi” tab, select “Add” or a network in the “Preferred Network” list and “Edit,” then “VPN”): • VPN Client:  VZAccess Manager automatically detects if certain VPN clients like Microsoft, Cisco, CheckPoint, etc, are installed on the computer and allows you to select the one you wish to use.  Check with your network administrator to setup your VPN connection.WI-FI PREFERENCES
42PREFERENCESIf the VPN client you wish to use does not appear in the list, you can select Other VPN Application.• Other VPN Application: This allows automatically running any VPN program when you use VZAccess Manager to connect to the Wi-Fi network you added or edited. Select the browse button to browse to the desired VPN application you want to run when you connect to the Wi-Fi network you added or edited, using VZAccess Manager.  If you have a shortcut you normally use to launch your VPN application you may want to right click on it and select properties to see where the program is located and how it’s named.■ OPTIONSTo access the Options tab, click on the “Tools” menu, then “Preferences....” and select the “Options” tab.OPTIONS
43PREFERENCESNETWORK DISPLAY OPTIONS• Only show preferred wireless networks at start up: This only applies to Wi-Fi networks. If checked, at startup, only networks in your Preferred list on the Wi-Fi tab are displayed (networks you have connected to in the past) otherwise, all detected networks are displayed.• Display advanced Wi-Fi network information: This only applies to Wi-Fi networks. If checked, additional information will be displayed for Wi-Fi networks such as the channel, MAC address and type of security.RUN OPTIONS• Minimize Application into tray: With this option selected, when you minimize VZAccess Manager, instead of taking up space in your taskbar, it will just disappear. You can get it back by double clicking on the tray icon  , alternatively you can right click in the icon and select “Show Application.” You can minimize the main window of VZAccess Manager by selecting the minimize icon  ( ) in the upper right corner of the main window.• Show pop-up status windows by tray: Enables status notification in a pop up window above the task bar that displays for a few seconds whenever connection status changes.• Run VZAccess Manager at Startup: Selecting this option adds VZAccess Manager to the Windows Startup group, unchecking it removes VZAccess Manager from the startup group.OPTIONS
44PREFERENCES• Automatically close conflicting applications: With this option selected, VZAccess Manager will automatically close any application it recognizes that is known to prevent it from working correctly. For example, it may close the client software that was supplied with your Wi-Fi card, if it’s known to conflict with VZAccess Manager controlling your Wi-Fi card.■ TXT MESSAGING PREFERENCESTo access the TXT preferences, click on the “Tools” menu, then “Preferences....” and select the “TXT” tab.VZAccess Manager supports TXT Messaging for certain wireless devices only.  INCOMING MESSAGE OPTIONS• Open TXT window on arrival of new message:  VZAccess Manager will automatically switch to the TXT view when a new message arrives.• Play sound on arrival of new messages:  A sound file (.WAV) can be selected to play when new messages arrive.TXT MESSAGING PREFERENCES
45PREFERENCESOUTGOING MESSAGE OPTIONS• Message delivery duration:  The duration of time that the Verizon Wireless network will attempt to deliver the message. The default is a duration of 1 week.CONFIRMATIONSThe following confirmation dialogs can be turned on or off:•  Warn before deletion of messages.•  Confirm deletion of messages.•  Confirm sent messages.■ UPDATES PREFERENCESTo access the Updates preferences, click on the “Tools” menu, then “Preferences...” and select the “Updates” tab.This feature allows VZAccess Manager to automatically check for software updates.  If you are using NationalAccess or BroadbandAccess and an update is available, you will be notified of its size and approximate download times.UPDATES PREFERENCES
46PREFERENCESYou will be given the choice to download or cancel.  If you select download, you will be presented with a display that shows the progress as the update is downloading with the option to cancel if desired.  You do not need to download the updates wirelessly; you can use any connection to the Internet. @   NOTE: If you download the updates wirelessly, normal usage charges apply.You can allow the software to check automatically for updates, daily, weekly (default), or monthly.  It only checks when the application is running and when it detects that you are connected and able to access to the Internet.  If desired, you can select “Manually” and the software will only check for updates when you select “Update Now” (pictured above), or you when you select, from VZAccess Manager’s main screen, “Help,” then “Check for Updates.”UPDATES PREFERENCES

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