Parabody Gs4 Users Manual 220103 2b

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1GS4 GYM SYSTEMCLASS HPART # 7657901REV. A Revision: 08/12/05USER’S GUIDEWARNING:Read and follow all directionsfor each step to insure properassembly of this product.Version: GS4-105
THERE IS A RISK ASSUMED BY INDIVIDUALS WHO USE THIS TYPE OFEQUIPMENT.  TO MINIMIZE RISK FOLLOW THESE RULES!1. Before using, read all the warnings and instructionson the use of this machine.  Use only for intendedexercise.  DO NOT modify the machine.2. Obtain a medical exam before beginning anyexercise program.3. Keep body and clothing free of all moving objects.4. Inspect the machine before use.  DO NOT use it if itappears damaged.  DO NOT attempt to fix a broken orjammed machine.  Notify your authorized ParaBodydealer before use and have repairs made by anauthorized service technician.5. Be certain that weight pin is completely inserted.Use only the pin provided by the manufacturer.  Ifunsure, call your authorized ParaBody dealer.6. Never pin the weights or prop plate into an elevatedposition.  DO NOT use the machine if found in thiscondition.  DO NOT attempt to fix.  Notify yourauthorized ParaBody dealer.7. Inspect cables and their connections before usingmachine.  Pay particular attention to the cable ends.DO NOT attempt to fix.  Notify your authorizedParaBody dealer before use and have repairs made byan authorized service technician.8. Make sure all spring loaded pull pins are fullyengaged in the adjustment position and fully tightenthumbscrew before use.9. Children must not be allowed near this machine.Supervise teenagers..IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATIONTABLE OF CONTENTSSafety  Statement.............2General Notes..................3Tools Required...............3Parts list.........................4NOTE:  In a continual effort to improve our products, specifications are subject to change                   2005 Life Fitness, a division of Brunswick Corporation.  All rights reserved.              ParaBody is a trademark of Brunswick Corporation             www.parabody.com2Assembly Instructions.....5-24General Maintenance.......25Warranty Statement..........26Product Services..............27Insert-Registration Card©

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