Park Air Systems B63300HS VHF Ground to Air Transmitter User Manual 300W VHF Hardcopy

Park Air Systems Limited VHF Ground to Air Transmitter 300W VHF Hardcopy


user manual part 2

T6T 300 Watt VHF Transmitter Page 79 InstallationConfiguring the Transmitter for Operational UseThe transmitter can be configured for use in several different ways. Typical configurations are illustratedin the following figures:Fig 19 Local operation. Operating the transmitter using a microphone connected to the driveassembly front panel.Fig 20 Remote operation. Operating the transmitter from a voice switch or remote controller.Fig 21 With the transmitter connected through an RSE2 equipment. RSE2 is the remote siteequipment in a Park Air Multi-Access Remote Control (MARC) system. This systemprovides automatic and manual main/standby switching and routes BIT information to allowradio, site and system status to be displayed at the control site.Fig 22 With the transmitter connected through an E1 Radio Interconnect (E1-RIC). By usingE1-RICs, a digital end-to-end system using E1 data streams can be configured.Fig 23 The transmitter is configured with a receiver to provide Mode 2 operation (note that mode2 software must be loaded to allow this configuration).Fig 24 The transmitter is configured for Mode 3 operation (note that mode 3 software must beloaded to allow this configuration).The following pages show the illustrations listed above and then detail the pin-outs for the drive assemblyconnectors used to configure the transmitter for the required operational usage. The Microphone/Diagnostics and the Reference connectors are fitted to the drive assembly’s front panel; otherconnectors, as shown in Fig 25, are fitted to the rear panel.
T6T 300 Watt VHF Transmitter Page 80 InstallationFig 19  Transmitter Configured for Local OperationAmplifier 1Amplifier 2Amplifier 3CombinerDrive AssemblyReferenceConnector Microphone/DiagnosticsConnectorMicrophone/Headsetfor transmissions andmonitoring sidetoneLaptop (or PC)required when using VFPFrequency Counterfor MaintenanceFacilitiesConnectorAntenna change-over outputReady outputTape outputBIT test input signalInhibit input signal28 Vdc outputVSWR input signalPTT relay outputE-BIT inputOptional facilities(use as required)
T6T 300 Watt VHF Transmitter Page 81 InstallationFig 20  Transmitter Configured for Remote OperationAmplifier 1Amplifier 2Amplifier 3CombinerDrive AssemblyReferenceConnectorMicrophone/DiagnosticsConnectorMicrophone/Headset forengineering purposesLaptop (or PC)required when using VFPFrequency Counterfor MaintenanceFacilitiesConnectorAntenna change-over outputReady outputTape outputBIT test input signalInhibit input signal28 Vdc outputVSWR input signalPTT relay outputE-BIT inputOptional facilities(use as required)MARC Connector orMARC Audio ConnectorAudio and PTT  Signals from Control Equipment
T6T 300 Watt VHF Transmitter Page 82 InstallationFig 21  Transmitter Configured for use with a MARC RSE2Amplifier 1Amplifier 2Amplifier 3CombinerDrive AssemblyReferenceConnectorMicrophone/DiagnosticsConnectorMicrophone/Headset forengineering purposesLaptop (or PC)required when using VFPFrequency Counterfor MaintenanceFacilitiesConnectorAntenna change-over outputReady outputTape outputBIT test input signalInhibit input signal28 Vdc outputVSWR input signalPTT relay outputE-BIT inputOptional facilities(use as required)MARC ConnectorRSE2EquipmentConnectorsAudioPTTMARC DataAudio and PTTfromcontrol equipmentMARC Datato and fromcontrol centre
T6T 300 Watt VHF Transmitter Page 83 InstallationFig 22  Transmitter Configured for use with an E1-RICNote:E1-RIC can be used in an E1 digital end-to-end system, or using 4-wire E and M lines.Amplifier 1Amplifier 2Amplifier 3CombinerDrive AssemblyReferenceConnectorMicrophone/DiagnosticsConnectorMicrophone/Headset forengineering purposesLaptop (or PC)required when using VFPFrequency Counterfor MaintenanceFacilitiesConnectorAntenna change-over outputReady outputTape outputBIT test input signalInhibit input signal28 Vdc outputVSWR input signalPTT relay outputE-BIT inputOptional facilities(use as required)T1/E1 ConnectorE1-RICRadioConnectorsE1 Data Streamcontaining Audio,Signalling andAudio and PTTfromcontrol equipmentMARC Datato and fromcontrol centreMARC DataE1 Data Streamcontaining Audio,Signalling andMARC DataOr (see Note)
T6T 300 Watt VHF Transmitter Page 84 InstallationFig 23  Transmitter Configured with Receiver for Mode 2 OperationAmplifier 1Amplifier 2Amplifier 3CombinerDrive AssemblyHDLCConnectorMicrophone/DiagnosticsConnectorLaptop (or PC) requiredwhen using VFP. Connects toFrequency Counterfor Maintenance connectsT1/E1 ConnectorT6R ReceiverT1/E1 ConnectorMode 2NetworkComputerAntennaConnectorFast AntennaChange-OverSwitchFacilitiesConnectorReferenceConnectorMicrophone/DiagnosticsConnectorReferenceConnectorto Reference Connector Microphone/Diagnostics Connector
T6T 300 Watt VHF Transmitter Page 85 InstallationFig 24  Transmitter Configured for Mode 3 OperationAmplifier 1Amplifier 2Amplifier 3CombinerDrive AssemblyReferenceConnector Microphone/DiagnosticsConnectorLaptop (or PC)required when using VFPFrequency Counterfor MaintenanceT1/E1 ConnectorMode 3NetworkComputer
T6T 300 Watt VHF Transmitter Page 86 InstallationFront Panel ConnectorsMicrophone/Diagnostics ConnectorThe Microphone/Diagnostics connector is a self-locking 7-way DIN socket used for connecting amicrophone, microphone/headset or PC. The connector pin-out is detailed in Table 16.Reference ConnectorThe Reference connector is an SMB plug used to monitor the radio’s reference frequency. It monitorsthe frequency at a level of 100 mV (±50 mV) with less than -10 dBc harmonics.Table 16  Microphone/Diagnostics ConnectorPin Number Signal Characteristic Usage1 Microphone ground 0 V. Microphone/Headset2 Transmit data  RS232. 115200 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, no handshaking. PC3 Microphone PTT 0 V to PTT. Microphone/Headset4 Receive data RS232. 115200 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, no handshaking. PC5 Sidetone – Microphone/Headset6 Microphone input  To ensure correct VOGAD operation, the following microphone input levels are required:Passive setting: between 2 and 35 mVActive setting: between 8 and 140 mV.Microphone/Headset7 Ground 0 V. PCPin-out of the Microphone/Diagnostics connector looking intothe mating face of the chassis mounted socket.A suitable free plug is detailed in Table 14 on page 70.
T6T 300 Watt VHF Transmitter Page 87 InstallationRear Panel ConnectorsFig 25  Drive Assembly External Signal ConnectorsTable 17  Rear Panel Connector UsageConnector Type UsageExternal speaker 3.5 mm stereo jack Connects an external loudspeaker for monitoring sidetone.MARC 9-way D-type Used to connect to a MARC remote site equipment RSE2Used to connect a T6 controller or hubUsed to terminate external audio and PTT signals when a remote site equipment or T6 controller is not used.MARC audio RJ48 Used as an alternative to the MARC connector for terminating external audio and PTT signals.MARC data RJ48 Used as an alternative to the MARC connector for terminating data signals to and from a compatible data system.Facilities 15-way D-type Provides a number of optional facilities that can be used as required. Table 24 on page 95 lists the facilities.T1/E1 RJ48 Used for connecting the radio to a Mode 3 network computer, connecting a transmitter and receiver together as a Mode 2 base station, or for connecting to a digital voice and data network.HDLC RJ48 Used to connect to a Mode 2 network computer.
T6T 300 Watt VHF Transmitter Page 88 InstallationMARC ConnectorThe MARC connector is a 9-way D-type socket used to connect the transmitter to a MARC remote siteequipment, or it can also be used for normal remote operation.As an alternative to using this connector, the RJ48 style MARC Audio and MARC Data connectors canbe used to provide the same functions.The MARC connector pin-out is shown below and detailed in Table 18.Note:The line level figures shown for the MARC connector are the limits when testing the transmitterusing a sine wave; the line level will be 10 dB above the line level setting. See the informationsupplied under the heading ‘Line Level Setting’ in Operation.Table 18  MARC ConnectorPin Number Signal Characteristic1 Ground 0 V.23Audio line in (+)Audio line in (-) Balanced 600 ohm, -30 to +10 dBm.Phantom keying can be superimposed on the audio lines. See Fig 27.4 PTT input Remote PTT signal input. See Fig 26.5 Output supply This output is between 21.6 and 32 Vdc (nominally 28 V) fused at 500 mA. 67Data in (+) Data in (-)RS422 differential asynchronous data at 9600 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, no handshaking.89Data out (+)Data out (-) RS422 differential asynchronous data at 9600 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, no handshaking.Pin-out of MARC connector looking into the mating face of thechassis mounted socket.A suitable free plug is detailed in Table 14 on page 70.1569
T6T 300 Watt VHF Transmitter Page 89 InstallationMARC Audio ConnectorThe MARC Audio connector is an 8-way RJ48 socket. It can be used as an alternative to the MARCconnector for audio and PTT connections. The connector pin-out is shown below and detailed inTable 19.Note:The line level figures shown for the MARC Audio connector are the limits when testing thetransmitter using a sine wave; the line level will be 10 dB above the line level setting. See theinformation supplied under the heading ‘Line Level Setting’ in Operation.Table 19  MARC Audio ConnectorPin Number Signal Characteristic12Audio line in (-)Audio line in (+)Balanced 600 ohm, -30 to +10 dBm.Phantom keying can be superimposed on the audio lines. See Fig 27.3 Fast antenna change-over/PTT(output)Open collector NPN transistor grounding output, 200 mA maximum, configurable normally open or normally closed.4 Not used -5 Not used -6 PTT (input) Remote PTT signal input. See Fig 26.7 Ground 0 V.8 Not used -Pin 1RJ48 PlugNumbering is shown looking from the top of the connector.The top is being viewed when the lever is on the bottom.
T6T 300 Watt VHF Transmitter Page 90 InstallationFig 26  Remote KeyingFig 27  Phantom KeyingT6T TransmitterMARC Audio ConnectorAudio is pins 1 and 2.Audio line 1Audio line 2PTT Reference Voltage (0 V, +14 V or -14 V)Set from front panelPTTSwitchVPTTThe transmitter reference voltage (0 V, +14 V or -14 V) is selected from the Polarities screen:❑PTT is active when VPTT differs from the transmitter reference voltage by more than 10 V.❑PTT is inactive when VPTT differs from the transmitter reference voltage by less than 1 V.❑Maximum value of VPTT is ±60 V with respect to transmitter reference voltage.Example:To use 0 V as the keying potential, VPTT = 0 V; set transmitter reference voltage to +14 V; set PTT In to STD.Cross-Site LinesAudioCircuitPTT input requires at least 1 mA to operate.Input will draw no more than 6 mA.PTT is pin 6MARC ConnectorAudio is pins 2 and 3.PTT is pin 4MARC orMARC AudioConnectorControlEquipment Ground is pin 7.Ground is pin 1.T6T TransmitterPTTSwitchReference Voltage (0 V, +14 V or -14 V)Set from front panelVPTTTo reduce the number of cross-site lines between the control site and the transmitter, phantom keying may be employed.This method has the keying potential (VPTT) superimposed on the audio lines instead of using a separate line.The transmitter reference voltage (0 V, +14 V or -14 V) is selected from the Polarities screen:❑PTT is active when VPTT  differs from the transmitter reference voltage by more than 10 V.❑PTT is inactive when VPTT  differs from the transmitter reference voltage by less than 1 V.❑Maximum value of VPTT  is ±60 V with respect to transmitter reference voltage.Example:To use 0 V as the keying potential, VPTT  = 0 V; set transmitter reference voltage to +14 V; set PTT In to STD.Audio lines with phantom keyingsignal superimposedPTT input requires at least 1 mA to operate.Input will draw no more than 6 mA.MARC Audio ConnectorAudio is pins 1 and 2.MARC ConnectorAudio is pins 2 and 3.MARC orMARC AudioConnectorAudioCircuitControlEquipment
T6T 300 Watt VHF Transmitter Page 91 InstallationMARC Data ConnectorThe MARC Data connector is an 8-way RJ48 socket. It can be used as an alternative to the MARCconnector for data connections. The connector pin-out is shown below and detailed in Table 20.Table 20  MARC Data ConnectorPin Number Signal Characteristic12Data in (-)Data in (+)RS422 differential asynchronous data, 9600 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, no handshaking.3 Not connected -45Data out (+)Data out (-)RS422 differential asynchronous data, 9600 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, no handshaking.6 Remote supply on/off 0 V to switch off.Note: Rear panel switch must be in the On position for this function to operate.7 Ground 0 V.8 Output supply This output is between 21.6 and 32 Vdc (nominally 28 V) fused at 500 mA.Pin 1RJ48 PlugNumbering is shown looking from the top of the connector.The top is being viewed when the lever is on the bottom.
T6T 300 Watt VHF Transmitter Page 92 InstallationT1/E1 ConnectorThe T1/E1 8-way RJ48 socket is used to:❑Connect voice, signalling and RCMS data to a digital network❑Connect a Mode 3 network computer❑Connect a transmitter and receiver together when the receiver is configured as part of a Mode 2base station.The connector pin-out is shown belown and detailed in Table 21.Table 21  T1/E1 ConnectorPin Signal Characteristic1 RRing T1 - Balanced 100 ohm (±10%), 1.544 Mbits per second (±50 ppm), AMI/B8ZS Coding.E1 - Balanced 120 ohm (±10%), 2.048 Mbits persecond (±50 ppm), AMI/HDB3 Coding.Protected with 28 V differential and common modeclamp and 1.25 A fuse in each line.2RTip3 Not connected -4 TRing T1 - Balanced 100 ohm (±10%), 1.544 Mbits persecond (±50 ppm), AMI/B8ZS Coding.E1 - Balanced 120 ohm (±10%), 2.048 Mbits persecond (±50 ppm), AMI/HDB3 Coding.Protected with 28 V differential and common modeclamp and 1.25 A fuse in each line.5TTip6 Remote on/off An input that is primarily used by a Park Air E1-RICequipment to switch the radio on and off (0 V = off,5 V = on). For this facility to work, the radio’s rearpanel Supply switch must be set to on and the E1-RICmust be powered from an external source.7 Ground 0 V.8 20 to 35 Vdc (nominally 28 V)Output supply used to power an E1-RIC.Pin 1RJ48 PlugNumbering is shown looking from the top of the connector.The top is being viewed when the lever is on the bottom.
T6T 300 Watt VHF Transmitter Page 93 InstallationHDLC ConnectorThe HDLC connector is an 8-way RJ48 socket used for connecting to a Mode 2 network computer. Theconnector pin-out is shown below and detailed in Table 22..Table 22  HDLC ConnectorPin Signal Characteristic1 HDLC RX A (input)RS422 differential synchronous data, 128 kbytes per second (±50 ppm).2 HDLC RX B (input)3 HDLC CL A (output) RS422 differential synchronous data, 128 kbytes per second (±50 ppm).4 HDLC TX B (output)RS422 differential synchronous data, 128 kbytes per second (±50 ppm).5 HDLC TX A (output)6 HDLC CL B (output) Pair to pin 3.7 Ground 0 V.8 Output supply This output is between 21.6 and 32 Vdc (nominally 28 V) fused at 500 mA.Pin 1RJ48 PlugNumbering is shown looking from the top of the connector.The top is being viewed when the lever is on the bottom.
T6T 300 Watt VHF Transmitter Page 94 InstallationExternal SpeakerThe External Speaker connector is a 3.5 mm stereo jack used for connecting an external speaker to thetransmitter to provide sidetone. This speaker should be a high impedance active type.Table 23  External SpeakerPin Signal CharacteristicTip Speaker drive (output) 0 to 3 V pk-pk. Connected directly to Ring.Ring Speaker drive (output) 0 to 3 V pk-pk. Connected directly to Tip.Sleeve Ground 0 V.
T6T 300 Watt VHF Transmitter Page 95 InstallationFacilities ConnectorThe Facilities connector is a 15-way D-type filtered socket used for connecting to associated parts of asystem. The connector pin-out is shown below and detailed in Table 24.Table 24  Facilities ConnectorPin Number Signal Characteristic1 Ground 0 V.2 E-BIT (input) An external BIT input that connects from any ancillary equipment having a compatible BIT alarm output.When this input is active, the transmitter’s front panel Alarm indicator flashes and an E-BIT message is displayed on the LCD. The input is TTL having a 4.7 kohm pull-up resistor to 5 V. The input is configurable from the front panel to be active high or low.3 PTT output Grounding solid state relay. +60 to -60 V, ac or dc, 100 mA maximum, configurable normally open or normally closed. Activated 35 ms (±1 ms) before the start of the power ramp up to allow for the antenna relay pull-in time.4 External VSWR input Used to indicate an external VSWR fault. TTL input with 4.7 kohm pull-up to 5 V. Configurable active high or low.56Antenna change-over (output)Antenna change-over common (output)Solid state relay linked to pin 6. See Fig 28 for further detail.Solid state relay linked to pin 5.7 Not used -8 Ground 0 V.9 Output supply This output is between 21.6 and 32 Vdc (nominally 28 V) fused at 500 mA.10 Inhibit (input) Active signal prevents the transmitter keying. TTL with 4.7 kohm pull-up to 5 V. Configurable active high or low.11 BIT interruptive test (input) Active signal initiates a BIT test. TTL with 4.7 kohm pull-up to 5 V. Configurable active high or low. Must be asserted for >300 ms.12 Not used -13 Ready (output) An output that is active when the radio is ready to transmit and no faults are detected. Open collector NPN transistor grounding output, 200 mA maximum, configurable normally open or normally closed.14 Tape (output) An audio output for connection to a recording system. 0 dBm fixed output into 600 ohm for 90% modulation depth.15 Reserved (output) Do not connect to pin 15 unless advised to do so by Park Air.18915Pin-out of Facilities connector looking into the mating face ofthe chassis mounted socket.A suitable free plug is detailed in Table 14 on page 70.
T6T 300 Watt VHF Transmitter Page 96 InstallationFig 28  Example: Using the Antenna Change-over OutputT6T Transmitter65FacilitiesConnectorAntennaT6T TransmitterFacilitiesConnectorAntenna928 Vdc (nominal)Control(Main)(Standby)AntennaMain/StandbyTransmit RelayExampleThis example shows the Antenna Change-over Output configured to control the antenna switching between mainand standby transmitters. The potential on Facilities connector pin 6 is switched through to pin 5 when the standbytransmitter is keyed; in this example, pin 6 is linked to ground. This energizes the Main/Standby Transmit Relay toroute the standby transmitter to the antenna.Other ConfigurationsThe antenna change-over output can be configured in other ways to suit the user’s requirement subject to:❑Pin 6 can be any potential between -60 and +60 V, ac or dc❑The maximum current drawn must not exceed 100 mA❑The output at pin 5 is configurable normally open or normally closed from the Polarities screen❑The internal solid state switch activates 35 ms before the start of the power ramp to allow for the antennarelay pull-in time.8Solid StateRelayLink
T6T 300 Watt VHF Transmitter Page 98 MaintenanceIntroductionThis topic gives the scheduled and unscheduled maintenance procedures for the T6T 300 watt VHFtransmitter and shows how to use the Virtual Front Panel (VFP).ConfigurationT6 radios are configured in respect of hardware and software.Hardware ConfigurationThe transmitter consists of a drive assembly, three amplifiers and a combiner. Each has an identificationlabel showing the model, part number, serial number and the modification state. The modification stateidentifies the hardware configuration.Scheduled Maintenance A scheduled maintenance procedure is given on page 100. Park Air recommends that this task be completed every twelve months.Unscheduled Maintenance Normally, the T6T transmitter is considered a Line Replaceable Unit (LRU) and should be replaced with a serviceable spare if a fault occurs. The faulty transmitter should then be returned to Park Air for repair.In certain circumstances, Park Air Customer Support may suggest that the user change one of the transmitter modules. Dismantling and assembly instructions are therefore given under the heading Unscheduled Maintenance starting on page 104.Using the VFP Operating parameters can be set from the drive assembly’s front panel, or by using the VFP. Some additional functions are available from the VFP. See page 126.Model:Part No:S / No:Mod Record:T6T VHF Drive Assembly24-06633001/32L0001X 6  7  8 9 10  11  12  13Park Air Systems Ltd  EnglandPAE Model:Part No:S / No:Mod Record:T6T VHF Amplifier24-31633001/22L0001X 6  7  8 9 10  11  12  13Park Air Systems Ltd  EnglandPAE Model:Part No:S / No:Mod Record:T6T VHF Combiner24-33633001/22L00011 2  3  4 5 6 7 8 9 10Park Air Systems Ltd  EnglandPAEDrive Assembly Label Amplifier Label Combiner Label
T6T 300 Watt VHF Transmitter Page 99 MaintenanceSoftware ConfigurationA white label fitted to the topcover lists the radio’s softwareconfiguration.In this example there are threefills: AM-Voice, Mode 2 andMode 3.Software Configuration LabelReplacement ModulesTo ensure compatibility when replacing a radio or a module, the configuration should be the same (seethe previous headings: Hardware Configuration and Software Configuration).Spare modules received from Park Air are supplied with a Spares Instruction that details theconfiguration of the module and any special instructions. If in any doubt regarding the suitability of sparemodules contact Park Air Customer Support.Software ConfigurationPart Order No. B63300HSSoftware Mode Part No.Fill 1 AM_VOICE 65-00000465Fill 2 2 65-00000466Fill 3 3 65-00000467Fill 42K1234
T6T 300 Watt VHF Transmitter Page 100 MaintenanceScheduled MaintenancePark Air recommends that scheduled maintenance is carried out at twelve-monthly intervals. Scheduledmaintenance comprises the following checks:Cleaning and Checking Security of ConnectorsRemove all dust and dirt from the equipment exterior using a lint-free cloth and camel hair brush. Checkall external connections are secure and free from damage.Setting the Transmitter Internal Reference FrequencyTo set the transmitter internal reference frequency, use the following procedure. Note that references tothe switch in the procedure mean the Scroll/Select switch.(6) Turn the switch clockwise until Exit is highlighted, then press the switch. You are returned to theMain screen. (7) Disconnect the frequency counter.(8) If 5-offset carrier operation is required, complete the procedure Setting a 5-Offset CarrierFrequency on page 101. Number Check Tools/Test Equipment Required1 Ensure the equipment is clean and that external connectors are securely fitted.Camel hair brush/clean lint-free cloths.2 Check and reset (if required) the transmitter’s internal frequency reference.VHF frequency counter.3 Perform a BIT interruptive test.4 Perform an ac and dc change-over check (if both supplies are connected).Control ScreenSettings ScreenFr equencyChannelS e t t i n g sE x i tB a n d E d g e sR e f F r e q 5 0 . 0 %B a c k l i g h t 0 3 0 sE x i t < < > >(1) If the transmitter operates with 5-offsetcarrier (that is, set with a 4 kHz or 8 kHzoffset) reset the offset to zero.(2) Connect a frequency counter to the frontpanel Reference connector.(3) From the Main screen, press the switch todisplay the Control screen. Turn theswitch until Settings is highlighted. Pressthe switch.(4) Ensure the Settings screen is displayed.Turn the switch until Ref Freq ishighlighted, then press the switch.(5) With Ref Freq selected turn the switchclockwise or anti-clockwise until thefrequency counter reads 20.950000 MHz±10 Hz, then press the switch.
T6T 300 Watt VHF Transmitter Page 101 MaintenanceSetting a 5-Offset Carrier FrequencyIf a 5-offset carrier frequency is required, set the offset using the following procedure:(1) Connect a 50 ohm frequency counter, through a 60 dB attenuator, to the combiner’s Antennaconnector.(2) Set the required 25 kHz channel frequency; for example, 124.500 MHz.(3) From the AM-Voice Mode Settings Screen set the required offset (+4 kHz, -4 kHz, +8 kHz or-8 kHz); for example, a +4 kHz offset to give an operating frequency of 124.504 MHz.(4) From the Settings screen select Ref Freq and press the Scroll/Select switch.(5) Key the transmitter and adjust the reference frequency using the Scroll/Select switch until thefrequency counter displays the required operating frequency; for example, 124.504 MHz.(6) When the frequency counter displays the exact operating frequency, press the Scroll/Selectswitch and stop keying the transmitter.Disconnect the test equipment and reconnect the antenna.
T6T 300 Watt VHF Transmitter Page 102 MaintenanceTo Initiate a BIT TestAn interruptive BIT test cannot be initiated in Mode 2 or Mode 3.(1) From the Main screen, press the switch todisplay the Control screen. Turn the switchuntil BIT is highlighted. Press the switch.(2) Ensure the BIT menu is displayed. Turnthe switch until BIT Initiate is highlighted.Press the switch.(3) During the test, which takes approximatelytwo seconds, the Testing screen isdisplayed.(4) After the test, either a Pass or Fail screenis displayed. Selecting OK takes the userback to the BIT screen.(5) If fail is displayed, scroll through the screento check the cause of the failure.During an interruptive BIT test, the transmitter radiates modulated carrier waves at the set power.Users should therefore obtain the necessary authority before initiating a test.If the test is to be carried out with the antenna disconnected, ensure a load is fitted to thetransmitter’s Antenna connector.In order to test the line input stages, an internally generated 1 kHz tone is injected into the line inputcircuit. Any other audio present on the line input will cause the test to be inaccurate. Therefore thetransmitter MUST NOT be keyed during the test.B I TS / W C o n f i gSt andbyE x i t < <B I T I n i t i a t eE T I 0 0 0 0 0 : 0 0 h r sA C S u p p l y O NE x i t > >T e s t i n gP l e a s e W a i tT e s t S t a t u sP A S SO KT e s t S t a t u sF A I LO K
T6T 300 Watt VHF Transmitter Page 103 MaintenanceAC and DC Change-over CheckIf both ac and dc input supplies are connected to the transmitter, carry out the following check:(1) Confirm that both ac and dc supplies are connected to the transmitter. Ensure that the rear panelSupply switches are set to the I (on) position.(2) Confirm that the front panel Ready indicators are lit, the LCD is illuminated, and the transmitteris operational.(3) Switch off the ac supply from its source.(4) Check that the transmitter continues to operate correctly from the dc supply. If accessed, thefront panel BIT screen will show AC Supply as off, and DC Supply as on. The value of the dcsupply is also shown.
T6T 300 Watt VHF Transmitter Page 104 MaintenanceUnscheduled MaintenanceThe instructions given in this topic involve connecting dangerous voltage to the transmitter.Maintenance should be carried out only by suitably qualified personnel.When an ac supply is connected, dangerous voltage is present within the transmitter. Caremust be taken by personnel to avoid accidental contact with exposed circuitry duringmaintenance or alignment procedures.When the Supply switch is set to the Standby position, dangerous voltage is still present inthe transmitter's internal power supply circuitry. To ensure safe working, both ac and bothdc input supplies must be disconnected from the transmitter.The output transistors used in the power amplifier (PA) contain the toxic material beryllium.Although no procedures in this documentation instruct component removal, users should beaware that there could be a hazard should the output transistors become damaged.The T6T transmitter circuitry contains Electrostatic Sensitive Devices (ESDs). Personnelmust be aware of the precautions necessary to prevent damage to such devices. Changes or modifications made to this equipment that are not expressly approved byPark Air, or parties authorized by Park Air, could void the user’s authority to operate theequipment.When carrying out repairs to the PA module, care must be taken not to damage the gasket.If the strips become damaged, they must be replaced. Failure to comply with this instructionmay compromise the transmitter’s Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) and breachEuropean Commission regulations.When screws are inserted into the PA casting care must be taken not to exceed a torque of6 Ibs/inch when tightening. This applies when replacing the top and bottom covers andduring the refitting of the PA modules.WARNING                  Dangerous VoltageWARNING  Beryllium HazardCaution  ESDsCaution                      Unauthorized ModificationsCaution                      Repairs
T6T 300 Watt VHF Transmitter Page 105 MaintenanceIntroductionThis topic provides the user with detailed instructions on the removal and replacement of modules withinthe drive assembly and amplifiers. A faulty combiner must be replaced. When removing or refittingmodules, observe antistatic handling precautions. Do not change any potentiometer (or link) settingsunless detailed in these instructions. Potentiometers have been set using specialist equipment.Molex KK ConnectorsTo remove Molex KK type connectors:❑Free the locking mechanism on the connector by moving one side of the connector up, then movethe other side up (see Fig 29). The upward motion should only be as far as needed to free thelocking mechanism❑DO NOT pull the cable to free the connector❑Note that KK type connectors are designed to be removed in this manner to free the lockingmechanism. Do not use this procedure with non-KK type connectors as damage to the connectormay occur.Fig 29  Molex KK Type ConnectorTools, Materials and Test Equipment RequiredThe following tools, materials and test equipment should be made available to complete the maintenancetasks described in this topic.❑Personal Computer (PC)❑General Purpose Tool Kit (includinga 1.5 mm Allen key)❑5 mm Nut Spinner❑Camel Hair Brush❑Clean Lint-free Cloths❑Frequency Counter❑Power Meter❑Dummy Load❑PC to Radio Interconnection Lead(Park Air part number 17E12600001)❑SMB to BNC Lead for Reference Frequency(Park Air part number 17K11000004)Lift 2Lift 1PCB
T6T 300 Watt VHF Transmitter Page 106 MaintenanceT6T VHF Amplifier ProceduresTop and Bottom CoversOne of the top cover screws is covered with a warranty label that should not be tampered with unlessPark Air Customer Support has advised otherwise. When authorisation has been made the followingprocedures should be followed.To remove the top cover, locate and unscrew the 19 countersunk screws securing the top cover to themainframe. Access can then be gained to the Interface module and PSU Regulation module.To remove the bottom cover, locate and unscrew the 15 countersunk screws securing the bottom coverto the mainframe. Access can then be gained to the Combiner BIT module.Removal and refitting of the following modules requires both top and bottom covers to be removed:❑Power Supply modules❑Combiner BIT module❑PA modules❑Front Panel assembly PCB.Removing and Refitting the Interface ModuleThe Interface module is located as shown in Fig 34. A module removal diagram is shown in Fig 37.Dangerous voltage is present within the T6T VHF amplifier. Care must be taken by personnelto avoid accidental contact with exposed circuitry when the covers are removed and poweris applied to the radio.RemovalEnsure that the amplifier is isolated from the ac and dc input supplies. Disconnect the drive assemblycables at CN5 and CN8. Disconnect the antenna cable to the Combiner. Then proceed as follows:(1) Unscrew the 19 countersunk screws and remove the amplifier top cover.(2) Locate the Interface module and disconnect the following connectors:❑CN2 10-way connector (10-way loom from Combiner BIT module CN15)❑CN3 SMB connector (coaxial cable from Combiner BIT module CN27)❑CN4 SMB connector (coaxial cable from Combiner BIT module CN16)❑CN6 15-way connector (15-way ribbon cable from PSU Regulation module CN1)❑CN7 10-way connector (10-way ribbon cable from Front Panel PCB).(3) Gain access to the rear of the amplifier. Using a 5 mm nut spinner tool, remove the four screwloc8 mm-4-40 UNC stud spacers and wavy washers that secure the Interface module connectorsCN5 and CN8 to the rear panel.(4) Also at the rear of the amplifier, remove the two M3 x 8 mm screws that secure the blanking plateand the Interface module.(5) Remove the five M3 x 8 mm screws that secure the module to the amplifier mainframe.(6) Remove the module from the chassis. WARNING                     Dangerous Voltage
T6T 300 Watt VHF Transmitter Page 107 MaintenanceRefittingTo refit the Interface module, proceed as follows:(1) Place the module in position. Ensure no wires are trapped by the module.(2) Ensure the module interface connectors CN5 and CN8 are located correctly and are aligned withthe screw holes in the rear panel. Fit the four screwloc 8 mm-4-40 UNC screws and wavywashers, previously removed, but leave them loose.(3) Fit the two M3 x 8 mm screws, previously removed, that secure the blanking plate and Interfacemodule, but leave them loose.(4) Fit the five M3 x 8 mm screws, previously removed, that secure the module to the transmittermainframe, but leave them loose.(5) Using a 5 mm nut spinner tool, tighten the four screwloc 8 mm-4-40 UNC screws and wavywashers that secure the connectors; then tighten all seven M3 x 8 mm screws that secure themodule to the amplifier mainframe.(6) Refit the following connectors to the module:❑CN2 10-way connector (10-way loom from Combiner BIT module CN15)❑CN3 SMB connector (coaxial cable from Combiner BIT module CN27)❑CN4 SMB connector (coaxial cable from Combiner BIT module CN16)❑CN6 15-way connector (15-way ribbon cable from PSU Regulation module CN1)❑CN7 10-way connector (10-way ribbon cable from Front Panel PCB).(7) Connect the drive assembly cables at CN5 and CN8. Connect the antenna cable to theCombiner.(8) Re-establish the ac and/or dc supplies.(9) Switch power on at the radio using the rear mounted Supply switch.(10) Ensure the front panel Ready indicator is lit and the Alarm indicator is unlit.(11) Carry out the Calibrate routine using the Virtual Front Panel (VFP), as detailed in the procedureTo Calibrate the Transmitter on page 130.(12) Carry out a BIT interruptive test as detailed in the procedure To Initiate a BIT Test on page 102.(13) Set the rear panel Supply switch to Standby and remove the VFP connector. Isolate the amplifierfrom the ac and/or dc supplies.(14) Refit the amplifier top cover. The transmitter can now be returned to service.
T6T 300 Watt VHF Transmitter Page 108 MaintenanceRemoving and Refitting the PSU Regulation ModuleThe PSU Regulation module is located as shown in Fig 34. A module removal diagram is shown inFig 38.Dangerous voltage is present within the T6T VHF amplifier. Care must be taken by personnelto avoid accidental contact with exposed circuitry when the covers are removed and poweris applied to the radio.RemovalBefore attempting to remove the PSU Regulation module, ensure that the amplifier is isolated from theac and dc input supplies. Disconnect the drive assembly cables at CN5 and CN8. Disconnect theantenna cable to the Combiner. Then proceed as follows:(1) Unscrew the 19 countersunk screws and remove the transmitter top cover.(2) Locate the PSU Regulation module and remove the three M3 x 8 mm captive washer screws thatsecure the module to the amplifier mainframe.(3) Carefully raise the module to gain access to the module connectors.(4) Disconnect the following connectors:❑CN6  6-way connector (6-way to 10-way loom to Combiner BIT module CN12)❑CN4  14-way connector (14-way ribbon cable to Interface module CN6)❑CN3  3-way connector (part of loom to Combiner BIT module CN7)❑CN7  3-way connector (3-wire loom to rear panel On/Off switch)❑CN2  2-way connector (part of loom to Combiner BIT module CN7)❑CN1  4-way connector (part of loom to Combiner BIT module CN7).(5) Remove the module from the chassis. RefittingTo refit the PSU Regulation module, proceed as follows:(1) While holding the module in position, connect the following connectors:❑CN1  4-way connector (part of loom to Combiner BIT module CN7)❑CN2  2-way connector (part of loom to Combiner BIT module CN7)❑CN7  3-way connector (3-wire loom to rear panel On/Off switch)❑CN3  3-way connector (part of loom to Combiner BIT module CN7)❑CN4  14-way connector (14-way ribbon cable to Interface module CN6)❑CN6  6-way connector (6-way to 10-way loom to Combiner BIT module CN12).(2) Locate the module in position. Ensure no wires are trapped by the module.(3) Secure the module to the amplifier mainframe using the three M3 x 8 mm captive washer screwsremoved during disassembly.(4) Connect the drive assembly cables at CN5 and CN8. Connect the antenna cable to theCombiner.WARNING                     Dangerous Voltage
T6T 300 Watt VHF Transmitter Page 109 Maintenance(5) Re-establish the ac and/or dc supplies.(6) Switch power on at the radio using the rear mounted Supply switch.(7) Ensure the front panel Ready indicator is lit and the Alarm indicator is unlit.(8) Carry out a BIT interruptive test as detailed in the procedure To Initiate a BIT Test on page 102.(9) Set the rear panel Supply switch to Standby. Isolate the amplifier from the ac and/or dc supplies.(10) Refit the amplifier top cover. The amplifier can now be returned to service.Removing and Refitting the Power Supply ModulesThe Power Supply modules are located as shown in Fig 34. The removal diagram is shown in Fig 39.Dangerous voltage is present within the T6T VHF amplifier. Care must be taken by personnelto avoid accidental contact with exposed circuitry when the covers are removed and poweris applied to the radio.RemovalBefore attempting to remove the Power Supply modules, ensure that the amplifier is isolated from the acand dc input supplies. Disconnect the drive assembly cables at CN5 and CN8. Disconnect the antennacable to the Combiner. Then proceed as follows:(1) Remove the amplifier top and bottom covers as described on page 106.(2) Support the amplifier on its side. (3) Locate the power supplies. From the bottom half of the unit remove the two M4 x 8 mmcountersunk screws that secure each power supply to the amplifier mainframe. These screwsare accessed through clearance holes in the Combiner BIT module. During this operationsupport the power supply from the top half of the unit.(4) Withdraw each power supply from the chassis sufficient to allow access to the power terminalblocks taking care not to damage the ac terminal plastic supply guard.(5) Remove the CN4 connectors (PSU-1 and PSU-2 to the Combiner BIT module, CN10 and CN11respectively).(6) Disconnect the dc wires from the power supply terminal block (PSU-1 and PSU-2 to theCombiner BIT module, CN1 and CN3 respectively).(7) Slide back the terminal block cover and disconnect the ac wires from the three connector terminalblock (marked L N E).(8) Carefully remove each power supply from the transmitter.RefittingTo refit the Power Supply modules:(1) With the amplifier on its side hold each power supply near to its securing position in the top halfof the radio.(2) Slide back the terminal block cover and connect the ac wires to the three connector terminalblock (marked L N E); brown to terminal L, blue to terminal N and yellow/green to terminal E.WARNING                     Dangerous Voltage
T6T 300 Watt VHF Transmitter Page 110 Maintenance(3) Connect the dc wires to the eight connector terminal block, red to terminal 1 and terminal 2 andblack to terminal 5 and terminal 6.(4) Connect CN4.(5) Taking care not to damage the plastic supply guard, lower the power supply into position andsecure from the bottom half of the unit using two countersunk screws, previously removed, foreach power supply.(6) Connect the drive assembly cables at CN5 and CN8. Connect the antenna cable to theCombiner.(7) Re-establish the ac and/or dc supplies.(8) Switch power on at the amplifier using the rear mounted Supply switch.(9) Ensure the front panel Ready indicator is lit and the Alarm indicator is unlit.(10) Carry out a BIT interruptive test as detailed in the procedure To Initiate a BIT Test on page 102.(11) Set the rear panel Supply switch to Standby. Isolate the amplifier from the ac and/or dc supplies.(12) Refit the amplifier top and bottom covers. The amplifier can now be returned to service.Removing and Refitting the Combiner BIT ModuleThe Combiner BIT module is located as shown in Fig 34. The removal diagram is shown in Fig 40.Dangerous voltage is present within the T6T VHF amplifier. Care must be taken by personnelto avoid accidental contact with exposed circuitry when the covers are removed and poweris applied to the radio.RemovalBefore attempting to remove the Combiner BIT module, ensure that the amplifier is isolated from the acand dc input supplies. Disconnect the drive assembly cables at CN5 and CN8. Disconnect the antennacable to the Combiner. Then proceed as follows:(1) Remove the amplifier top and bottom covers as described on page 106.(2) Locate the Combiner BIT module and disconnect the following connectors:❑CN1 4-way connector❑CN2 3-way connector❑CN3 4-way connector❑CN4 3-way connector❑CN5 3-way connector❑CN6 3-way connector❑CN7 8-way connector❑CN10 3-way connector❑CN11 3-way connector❑CN12 6-way connector❑CN13 6-way connectorWARNING                     Dangerous Voltage
T6T 300 Watt VHF Transmitter Page 111 Maintenance❑CN14 6-way connector❑CN15 10-way connector❑CN16 SMB connector❑CN17 SMB connector❑CN18 SMB connector❑CN22 QMA connector❑CN23 QMA connector❑CN24 QMA connector❑CN25 SMB connector❑CN26 SMB connector❑CN27 SMB connector.(3) The Combiner BIT module is secured from both sides of the chassis thus requiring removal ofthe Power Supply modules. Refer to page 109 and remove both Power Supply modules.(4) Removal of the Power Supply modules will expose the six M3 x 6 mm countersunk screws thatsecure the Combiner BIT module heatsink to the chassis. Remove these six screws.(5) Remove the six M3 nuts that secure the Combiner BIT module PCB to the stud spacers. Alsoremove the two M3 x 8 mm panhead screws that secure the Combiner BIT module heatsink tothe lower PA heatsink. The Combiner BIT module can now be removed.RefittingTo refit the Combinere BIT module, proceed as follows:(1) Place the Combiner BIT module in place on the stud spacers and replace the six washers andnuts, previously removed, but do not tighten. Take care that cables are dressed properly and thatnone are trapped. Replace the two screws previously removed that secure the Combiner BITmodule to the PA heatsink, but do not tighten.(2) Turn the unit over and replace the six countersunk M3 x 6 mm screws previously removed.Tighten these and return to the other side to tighten the six nuts and two screws.(3) All 22 connectors removed earlier can now be reconnected.(4) Connect the drive assembly cables at CN5 and CN8. Connect the antenna cable to theCombiner.(5) Re-establish the ac and/or dc supplies.(6) Switch power on at the radio using the rear mounted Supply switch.(7) Ensure the front panel Ready indicator is lit and the Alarm indicator is unlit.(8) Carry out the Calibrate routine using the Virtual Front Panel (VFP), as detailed in the procedureTo Calibrate the Transmitter on page 130.(9) Carry out a BIT interruptive test as detailed in the procedure To Initiate a BIT Test on page 102.(10) Set the rear panel Supply switch to Standby and remove the VFP connector. Isolate thetransmitter from the ac and/or dc supplies.(11) Refit the amplifier top and bottom covers. The amplifier can now be returned to service.
T6T 300 Watt VHF Transmitter Page 112 MaintenanceRemoving and Refitting the PA ModulesWhen carrying out repairs to the PA module, care must be taken not to damage the gasket.If the strips become damaged, they must be replaced. Failure to comply with this instructionmay compromise the transmitter’s Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) and breachEuropean Commission regulations.When screws are inserted into the PA casting care must be taken not to exceed a torque of6 Ibs/inch when tightening. This applies when replacing the top and bottom covers andduring the refitting of the PA modules.The PA modules are located one above the other on the right side of the amplifier as shown in Fig 34.The module removal diagram is shown in Fig 41. At the amplifier rear panel, each PA module is fastenedto the chassis with two M3 x 8 mm panhead screws. At the front, the modules are fastened with onecountersunk screw each, one at the top (PA-1) and one at the bottom (PA-2). They are also secured tothe front panel with two M5 x 20 mm panhead screws that also fix the right-hand equipment handle.Dangerous voltage is present within the T6T VHF amplifier. Care must be taken by personnelto avoid accidental contact with exposed circuitry when the covers are removed and poweris applied to the radio.RemovalBefore attempting to remove one or both PA modules, ensure that the amplifier is isolated from the acand dc input supplies. Disconnect the drive assembly cables at CN5 and CN8. Disconnect the antennacable to the Combiner. Then proceed as follows:(1) Remove the amplifier top and bottom covers as described on page 106.(2) Disconnect CN3, a flying 3-way connector from the Combiner BIT module, CN5 (PA-1) and/orCN6 (PA-2).(3) At the Combiner BIT module disconnect the 6-way CN13 (PA-1) and/or CN14 (PA-2). Alsoremove the two M3 x 8 mm panhead screws that secure the Combiner BIT module heatsink tothe lower PA module heatsink.(4) Disconnect the SMB connectors CN8 from PA-1 (upper) and PA-2 (lower). Disconnect SMBconnector CN10 from the lower PA using long nosed pliers; do not pull on the cable. On the lowerPA remove the screw securing the p-clip that holds the coaxial cable coming from the N-typeconnector at the rear.(5) Disconnect the N-type connectors at the rear of the PA modules.(6) Remove the four countersunk M3 x 6 mm screws that hold the front panel to the chassis.(7) Remove the equipment handle from the right-hand side of the amplifier by unscrewing andremoving the two M5 x 20 mm panhead screws that secure it. Loosen (but do not remove) thetwo screws securing the left-hand equipment handle so that the front panel can be pulled slightlyaway from the PA heatsinks.Caution                        RepairsWARNING                     Dangerous Voltage
T6T 300 Watt VHF Transmitter Page 113 Maintenance(8) Remove the two screws holding the upper heatsink to the rear panel and the countersunk screwsecuring it to the front of the chassis. Slowly withdraw the upper PA module from the mainframetaking care not to snag the wiring looms. Note that SMB connector CN10 is located within thebottom of the heatsink fins and should be disconnected using long nosed pliers. Do not attemptto remove the connector by pulling on the cable.(9) Remove the two screws holding the lower heatsink to the rear panel and the countersunk screw,at the front, securing it to the bottom of the chassis. Slowly withdraw the lower PA module fromthe mainframe taking care not to snag the wiring looms.RefittingTo refit the PA modules, proceed as follows:(1) Place the lower PA module in position and secure it in place with the previously removede singlecountersunk screw at the front and the two panhead screws at the rear. Replace the two screws,previously removed, that secure the Combiner BIT module to the PA heatsink. Connect the SMBconnector CN10.(2) Route the coaxial cable with the N-type connector out the rear of the module and connect to CN1.Replace the p-clip that was removed earlier. Ensure no wires are trapped by the module.(3) Next, while placing the upper PA module in position, first connect SMB connector CN10 beforereplacing the two rear screws and the front countersunk screw previously removed. Route thecoaxial cable from Combiner BIT module out between the PAs via the heatsink groove. Connectthe N-type to CN1.(4) Fit the four countersunk screws, previously removed, that secure the front panel to the chassis,two at the top and two at the bottom. Replace the right-hand handle and tighten the screwssecuring the left-hand handle.(5) Connect the SMB connectors CN8 on both modules and CN13 (PA-1) and CN14 (PA-2) at theCombiner BIT module.(6) Connect the two flying 3-way connectors CN3 that come from CN5 (PA-1) and CN6 (PA-2) onthe Combiner BIT module.(7) Connect the drive assembly cables at CN5 and CN8. Connect the antenna cable to theCombiner.(8) Re-establish the ac and/or dc supplies and switch power on at the radio using the rear mountedSupply switch.(9) Ensure the front panel Ready indicator is lit and the Alarm indicator is unlit.(10) Carry out the Calibrate routine using the Virtual Front Panel (VFP), as detailed in the procedureTo Calibrate the Transmitter on page 130.(11) Carry out a BIT interruptive test as detailed in the procedure To Initiate a BIT Test on page 102.(12) Set the rear panel Supply switch to Standby and remove the VFP connector. Isolate the amplifierfrom the ac and/or dc supplies.(13) Refit the amplifier top and bottom covers. The amplifier can now be returned to service.
T6T 300 Watt VHF Transmitter Page 114 MaintenanceRemoving and Refitting the Front Panel PCBThe Front Panel PCB is located as shown in Fig 42. Removing this assembly necessitates the removalof both Power Supply modules and partial removal of the Combiner BIT module.Dangerous voltage is present within the T6T VHF amplifier. Care must be taken by personnelto avoid accidental contact with exposed circuitry when the covers are removed and poweris applied to the radio.RemovalBefore attempting to remove the Front Panel PCB, ensure that the amplifier is isolated from the ac anddc input supplies. Disconnect the drive assembly cables at CN5 and CN8. Disconnect the antenna cableto the Combiner. Then proceed as follows:(1) Remove the amplifier top and bottom covers as described on page 106.(2) Disconnect CN7 (10-way ribbon cable) at the Interface module. Carefully push the cable throughthe aperture to the other side of the chassis.(3) Refer to the instructions for removal of the Combiner BIT module, but do not remove anyconnectors. The Power Supply modules must be removed and the Combiner BIT module’ssecuring screws must be removed so that it can be lifted slightly away from the chassis. Thispermits the ribbon cable to pass under the Combiner BIT module.(4) Remove the two handles from the front panel by removing the four M5 x 20 mm panhead screws.(5) Remove the four countersunk M3 x 6 mm screws that hold the front panel to the chassis. Thefront panel can now be moved away from the mainframe while guiding the ribbon cable fromwithin.(6) Remove the Front Panel PCB from the Front Panel assembly by removing the four M3 x 6 mmpanhead screws and wavy washers.RefittingTo refit the Front Panel PCB, proceed as follows:(1) Place the PCB in position on the front panel. Secure the PCB to the Front Panel assembly usingthe four M3 x 6 mm panhead screws and wavy washers previously removed.(2) Feed the ribbon cable through its respective hole at the front of the chassis.(3) Secure the Front Panel assembly to the top and bottom of the chassis using the four M3 x 6 mmcountersunk screws. Fit the two equipment handles using the four M5 x 20 mm panhead screwspreviously removed.(4) Route the ribbon cable under the Combiner BIT module, through the aperture to the Interfacemodule and connect it to CN7.(5) Connect the drive assembly cables at CN5 and CN8. Connect the antenna cable to theCombiner.(6) Re-establish the ac and/or dc supplies.(7) Switch power on at the radio using the rear mounted Supply switch.(8) Ensure the front panel Ready indicator is lit and the Alarm indicator is unlit.(9) Carry out a BIT interruptive test as detailed in the procedure To Initiate a BIT Test on page 102.WARNING                     Dangerous Voltage
T6T 300 Watt VHF Transmitter Page 115 Maintenance(10) Set the rear panel Supply switch to Standby. Isolate the amplifier from the ac and/or dc supplies.(11) Refit the amplifier top and bottom covers. The amplifier can now be returned to service.Removing and Refitting the Cooling FansThe cooling fans are mounted at the rear of the PA modules as shown in Fig 34. The removal diagramis shown in Fig 43.RemovalBefore attempting to remove the fan, ensure that the T6T VHF amplifier is isolated from the ac and dcinput supplies. Disconnect the drive assembly cables at CN5 and CN8. Disconnect the antenna cable tothe Combiner. Then proceed as follows:(1) Disconnect the two-pin connector.(2) Remove the fan finger guard.(3) Using an Allen key inserted through the holes exposed when the finger guard is removed,remove the three M4 x 12 mm caphead Allen screws that secure the fan to the PA moduleheatsink.(4) Remove the fan from the PA module.RefittingTo refit a cooling fan, proceed as follows:(1) Locate the fan in position and using a suitable Allen key inserted through the holes for the fanfinger guard, secure using the three M4 x 12 mm caphead Allen screws previously removed.(2) Secure the finger guard to the fan.(3) Connect the two-pin fan connector to the fan. Ensure the + marked socket mates with the +marked plug on the fan.(4) Connect the drive assembly cables at CN5 and CN8. Connect the antenna cable to theCombiner.(5) Re-establish the ac and/or dc supplies.(6) Switch power on at the radio using the rear mounted Supply switch.(7) Ensure the front panel Ready indicator is lit and the Alarm indicator is unlit. The amplifier can nowbe returned to service.
T6T 300 Watt VHF Transmitter Page 116 MaintenanceT6T VHF Drive Assembly ProceduresRemoving the Top CoverDangerous voltage is present within the T6T VHF drive assembly. Care must be taken bypersonnel to avoid accidental contact with exposed circuitry when the covers are removedand power is applied to the radio.To remove the top cover, ensure that the drive assembly is isolated from the ac and dc input supplies.Then locate and unscrew the 13 screws securing the top cover to the mainframe. Access can then begained to the following modules:❑Processor module❑PSU Regulation module❑Drive module❑Power Supply (requires top and bottom covers to be removed)❑Front Panel assembly PCB (requires top and bottom covers to be removed).Removing and Refitting the Processor ModuleThe Processor module is located as shown in Fig 44. A module removal diagram is shown in Fig 46. Dangerous voltage is present within the T6T VHF drive assembly. Care must be taken bypersonnel to avoid accidental contact with exposed circuitry when the covers are removedand power is applied to the radio.RemovalBefore attempting to remove the Processor module, and if possible, save the drive assembly settings.To achieve this connect a PC with the VFP software loaded to the radio using the PC to RadioInterconnection Lead (Park Air part number 17E12600001). With the VFP software active, upload theradio settings to a specified file.Ensure that the drive assembly is isolated from the ac and dc input supplies. Disconnect the six AmplifierOut connectors, CN1 to CN6. Then proceed as follows:(1) Unscrew the 13 countersunk screws and remove the drive assembly top cover.(2) Locate the Processor module (Fig 44) and disconnect the following connectors:❑CN1  50-way connector (50-way ribbon cable from PA Control module)❑CN12  2-way connector (2 wire loom from Drive module CN11)❑CN3  14-way connector (14-way ribbon cable from PSU Regulation module)❑CN4  34-way connector (34-way ribbon cable from Front Panel module).(3) Gain access to the rear of the drive assembly. Using a 5 mm nut spinner tool, remove the fourscrewloc 8 mm-4-40 UNC screws that secure the Processor module interface connectors CN5and CN6 to the rear panel.(4) Remove the seven M3 x 8 mm screws that secure the module to the drive assembly mainframe.WARNING                     Dangerous VoltageWARNING                     Dangerous Voltage
T6T 300 Watt VHF Transmitter Page 117 Maintenance(5) Remove the module from the chassis.RefittingTo refit the Processor module, proceed as follows:(1) Place the module in position. Ensure no wires are trapped by the module. Ensure jumper J2 onthe module is set to ‘T’ for drive assembly (see Fig 30).Fig 30  Processor Module JP2 location(2) Ensure the module’s interface connectors CN5 and CN6 are located correctly and are alignedwith the screw holes in the rear panel. Fit the four screwloc 8 mm-4-40 UNC screws and wavywashers, previously removed, but leave them loose.(3) Fit the seven M3 x 8 mm screws, previously removed, that secure the module to the driveassembly mainframe, but leave them loose.(4) Using a 5 mm nut spinner, tighten the four screwloc 8 mm-4-40 UNC screws and wavy washersthat secure the connectors; then tighten the seven M3 x 8 mm screws that secure the module tothe drive assembly mainframe. (5) Refit the following connectors to the module:❑CN1 50-way connector (50-way ribbon cable from PA Control module)❑CN12  2-way connector (2 wire loom from Drive module CN11)❑CN3 14-way connector (14-way ribbon cable from PSU Regulation module)❑CN4 34-way connector (34-way ribbon cable from Front Panel module).(6) Re-connect the six Amplifier Out connectors, CN1 to CN6. (7) Re-establish the ac and/or dc supplies.(8) Switch power on at the drive assembly using the rear mounted Supply switch.(9) Ensure the front panel Ready indicator is lit and the Alarm indicator is unlit.(10) If a new module has been fitted, connect the VFP PC to the drive assembly using the PC to RadioInterconnection Lead, Park Air part number 17E12600001 (if not already connected). Note thatany module sent from Park Air as a spare for a particular radio will be programmed withIC25T2 C84TS7T3IC27JP2Shown set fortransmitterTTR/TRR/TRIC21IC20IC19IC38
T6T 300 Watt VHF Transmitter Page 118 Maintenancecompatible operating and Fill software. Park Air keeps records of module software in all radiossupplied. Care must be taken when using a module removed from another radio as this modulemay not have compatible software.(11) Download the saved radio settings from file using the VFP. Alternatively, the settings can beedited by hand as described in the Operation topic. Once entered, ensure the required settingsappear in the VFP screen.(12) Carry out the Calibrate routine using the VFP, as detailed in the procedure To Calibrate theTransmitter on page 130.(13) Carry out a BIT interruptive test as detailed in the procedure To Initiate a BIT Test on page 102.(14) Set the drive assembly internal reference frequency by carrying out the procedure detailed onpage 100.(15) Set the rear panel Supply switch to Standby and remove the VFP connector. Isolate the driveassembly from the ac and/or dc supplies.(16) Refit the drive assembly top cover. The drive assembly can now be returned to service.Removing and Refitting the PSU Regulation ModuleThe PSU Regulation module is located as shown in Fig 44. A module removal diagram is shown inFig 47.Dangerous voltage is present within the drive assembly. Care must be taken by personnel toavoid accidental contact with exposed circuitry when the covers are removed and power isapplied to the radio.RemovalBefore attempting to remove the PSU Regulation module, ensure that the drive assembly is isolated fromthe ac and dc input supplies. Disconnect the six Amplifier Out connectors, CN1 to CN6. Then proceedas follows:(1) Remove the drive assembly top cover as described on page 116.(2) Locate the PSU Regulation module and remove the three M3 x 8 mm captive washer screws thatsecure the module to the drive assembly mainframe.(3) Carefully raise the module to gain access to the module connectors.(4) Disconnect the following connectors:❑CN5  10-way connector (10-way ribbon cable to PA Control module)❑CN6  6-way connector (2-way loom to power supply)❑CN4  14-way connector (14-way ribbon cable to Processor module)❑CN7  3-way connector (3-wire loom to rear panel On/Off switch)❑CN2  2-way connector (2-wire loom from dc input connector on rear panel)❑CN1  4-way connector (4-wire cable from power supply)❑CN3  3-way connector (3-wire loom from Drive module)❑CN9  2-way connector (2-wire cable ac input to power supply)❑CN8  3-way connector (2-wire loom to rear panel ac input connector plus chassis connection).WARNING                     Dangerous Voltage
T6T 300 Watt VHF Transmitter Page 119 Maintenance(5) Remove the module from the chassis. RefittingTo refit the PSU Regulation module, proceed as follows:(1) While holding the module in position, connect the following connectors:❑CN8  3-way connector (2-wire loom to rear panel ac input connector plus chassis connection)❑CN9  2-way connector (2-wire cable ac input to power supply)❑CN3  3-way connector (3-wire loom from Drive module)❑CN1  4-way connector (4-wire cable from power supply)❑CN2  2-way connector (2-wire loom from dc input connector on rear panel)❑CN7  3-way connector (3-wire loom to rear panel On/Off switch)❑CN4  14-way connector (14-way ribbon cable to Processor module)❑CN6  6-way connector (2-way loom to power supply)❑CN5  10-way connector (10-way ribbon cable to PA Control module).(2) Locate the module in position. Ensure no wires are trapped by the module.(3) Secure the module to the drive assembly mainframe using the three M3 x 8 mm captive washerscrews removed during the removal procedure.(4) Re-connect the six Amplifier Out connectors, CN1 to CN6. (5) Re-establish the ac and/or dc supplies.(6) Switch power on at the rear mounted Supply switch.(7) Ensure the front panel Ready indicator is lit and the Alarm indicator is unlit.(8) Carry out a BIT interruptive test as detailed in the procedure To Initiate a BIT Test on page 102.(9) Set the rear panel Supply switch to Standby. Isolate the drive assembly from the ac and/or dcsupplies.(10) Refit the drive assembly top cover. The drive assembly can now be returned to service.
T6T 300 Watt VHF Transmitter Page 120 MaintenanceRemoving and Refitting the Drive ModuleThe Drive module is located as shown in Fig 44. A module removal diagram is shown in Fig 48.Dangerous voltage is present within the T6T VHF drive assembly. Care must be taken bypersonnel to avoid accidental contact with exposed circuitry when the covers are removedand power is applied to the radio.RemovalBefore attempting to remove the Drive module, ensure that the drive assembly is isolated from the acand dc input supplies. Disconnect the six Amplifier Out connectors, CN1 to CN6. Then proceed asfollows:(1) Remove the drive assembly top cover as described on page 116.(2) Locate the Drive module and disconnect the following connectors:❑CN7  SMB connector (RF drive from PA control module CN3)❑CN9  SMB connector (forward power sense from PA control module CN4)❑CN5  3-way connector (3-wire loom from PSU regulation module CN3)❑CN10 6-way connector (6-wire loom from PA control module)❑CN11 2-way connector (2-wire loom from Processor module).(3) Gain access to the rear of the drive assembly. Using a 5 mm nut spinner tool, remove the sixscrewloc 8 mm-4-40 UNC screws that secure the Drive module ribbon cable connectors to therear panel. Use the same procedure to remove the three coaxial connectors from the rear panel.(4) Remove the five M3 x 8 mm captive washer panhead screws that secure the Drive module to thedrive assembly mainframe.(5) Remove the module from the chassis.RefittingTo refit the Drive module, proceed as follows:(1) Locate the module in position. Ensure no wires are trapped by the module.(2) Secure the module to the drive assembly mainframe using the five M3 x 8 mm captive washerpanhead screws removed during the removal procedure.(3) Using a 5 mm nut spinner, fit the 12 screwloc 8 mm-4-40 UNC screws and wavy washers thatsecure the ribbon cable connectors and three coaxial connectors to the rear panel.(4) Refit the following connectors to the module:❑CN11 2-way connector (2-wire loom from Processor module)❑CN10 6-way connector (6-wire loom from PA control module)❑CN5  3-way connector (3-wire loom from PSU regulation module CN3)❑CN9  SMB connector (forward power sense from PA control module CN4)❑CN7  SMB connector (RF drive from PA control module CN3).(5) Re-connect the six Amplifier Out connectors, CN1 to CN6.(6) Re-establish the ac and/or dc supplies.WARNING                     Dangerous Voltage
T6T 300 Watt VHF Transmitter Page 121 Maintenance(7) Switch power on at the radio using the rear mounted Supply switch.(8) Ensure the front panel Ready indicator is lit and the Alarm indicator is unlit.(9) Carry out a BIT interruptive test as detailed in the procedure To Initiate a BIT Test on page 102.(10) Set the rear panel Supply switch to Standby. Isolate the drive assembly from the ac and/or dcsupplies.(11) Refit the drive assembly top cover. The drive assembly can now be returned to service.Removing the Bottom CoverDangerous voltage is present within the T6T VHF drive assembly. Care must be taken bypersonnel to avoid accidental contact with exposed circuitry when the covers are removedand power is applied to the radio.To remove the bottom cover, ensure that the drive assembly is isolated from the ac and dc input supplies.Then locate and unscrew the 13 countersunk screws securing the bottom cover to the mainframe.Access can then be gained to the following modules:❑PA Control module❑Power Supply (requires top and bottom covers to be removed)❑Front Panel assembly (requires top and bottom covers to be removed).Removing and Refitting the PA Control Module The PA Control module is located as shown in Fig 44. A module removal diagram is shown in Fig 49.Dangerous voltage is present within the T6T VHF drive assembly. Care must be taken bypersonnel to avoid accidental contact with exposed circuitry when the covers are removedand power is applied to the radio.RemovalBefore attempting to remove the PA Control module, ensure that the drive assembly is isolated from theac and dc input supplies. Disconnect the six Amplifier Out connectors, CN1 to CN6. Then proceed asfollows:(1) Unscrew the 13 countersunk screws and remove the drive assembly bottom cover.(2) Locate the PA Control module and disconnect the following connectors:❑CN1  50-way connector (50-way ribbon cable to Processor module)❑CN6  10-way connector (10-way ribbon cable to PSU Regulation module)❑CN5  SMB connector (reference frequency at front panel)❑CN3  SMB connector (RF drive to Drive module CN7)❑CN4  SMB connector (forward power sense to Drive module CN9)❑CN2  6-way connector (6-wire loom to Drive module CN10).WARNING                     Dangerous VoltageWARNING                     Dangerous Voltage
T6T 300 Watt VHF Transmitter Page 122 Maintenance(3) Remove the eight M3 x 8 mm captive washer screws that secure the module to the driveassembly mainframe.(4) Remove the module from the chassis.RefittingTo refit the PA Control module, proceed as follows:(1) Place the module in position. Ensure no wires are trapped by the module.(2) Fit the eight M3 x 8 mm captive washer screws, previously removed, that secure the module tothe drive assembly mainframe.(3) Refit the following connectors to the module:❑CN2  6-way connector (6-wire loom to Drive module CN10)❑CN4  SMB connector (forward power sense to Drive module CN9)❑CN3  SMB connector (RF drive to Drive module CN7)❑CN5  SMB connector (reference frequency at front panel)❑CN6  10-way connector (10-way ribbon cable to PSU Regulation module)❑CN1  50-way connector (50-way ribbon cable to Processor module).(4) Re-connect the six Amplifier Out connectors, CN1 to CN6.(5) Re-establish the ac and/or dc supplies.(6) Switch power on at the radio using the rear mounted Supply switch.(7) Ensure the front panel Ready indicator is lit and the Alarm indicator is unlit.(8) Carry out the Calibrate routine using the Virtual Front Panel (VFP), as detailed in the procedureTo Calibrate the Transmitter on page 130.(9) Carry out a BIT interruptive test as detailed in the procedure To Initiate a BIT Test on page 102.(10) Set the drive assembly internal reference frequency by carrying out the procedure detailed onpage 100.(11) Remove the VFP connector and switch power to Standby using the rear mounted Supply switch.Isolate the drive assembly from the ac and/or dc supplies.(12) Refit the drive assembly bottom cover. The drive assembly can now be returned to service.
T6T 300 Watt VHF Transmitter Page 123 MaintenanceRemoving and Refitting the Power SupplyThe Power Supply is located as shown in Fig 44. A module removal diagram is shown in Fig 50.Dangerous voltage is present within the drive assembly. Care must be taken by personnel toavoid accidental contact with exposed circuitry when the covers are removed and power isapplied to the radio.RemovalBefore attempting to remove the Power Supply, ensure that the drive assembly is isolated from the acand dc input supplies. Disconnect the six Amplifier Out connectors, CN1 to CN6. Then proceed asfollows:(1) Remove the drive assembly top and bottom covers as described on page 116 and page 121.(2) Support the drive assembly on its side. (3) Locate the power supply. From the bottom half of the unit remove the four No. 6 x 32 UNCcountersunk screws that secure the power supply to the drive assembly mainframe. During thisoperation support the power supply from the top half of the unit.(4) Withdraw the power supply from the chassis sufficient to allow access to the power terminalblocks taking care not to damage the ac terminal plastic supply guard.(5) Remove the connector CN4 (power supply to the PSU regulation module CN6).(6) Disconnect the dc wires from the eight connector terminal block.(7) Slide back the terminal block cover and disconnect the ac wires from the three connector terminalblock (marked L N E).(8) Carefully remove the power supply from the drive assembly.RefittingTo refit the Power Supply:(1) With the drive assembly on its side hold the power supply near to its securing position in the tophalf of the radio.(2) Slide back the terminal block cover and connect the ac wires to the three connector terminalblock (marked L N E); brown to terminal L, blue to terminal N and yellow/green to terminal E.(3) Connect the dc wires to the eight connector terminal block; red to terminal 2 and terminal 3 andblack to terminal 6 and terminal 7.(4) Connect CN4.(5) Taking care not to damage the plastic supply guard, lower the power supply into position andsecure from the bottom half of the unit using the four countersunk screws previously removed.(6) Re-connect the six Amplifier Out connectors, CN1 to CN6.(7) Re-establish the ac and/or dc supplies.(8) Switch power on using the rear mounted Supply switch.(9) Ensure the front panel Ready indicator is lit and the Alarm indicator is unlit.(10) Carry out a BIT interruptive test as detailed in the procedure To Initiate a BIT Test on page 102.WARNING                     Dangerous Voltage
T6T 300 Watt VHF Transmitter Page 124 Maintenance(11) Switch power to Standby using the rear mounted Supply switch. Isolate the drive assembly fromthe ac and/or dc supplies.(12) Refit the drive assembly top and bottom covers. The drive assembly can now be returned toservice.Removing and Refitting the Front Panel PCBThe Front Panel assembly is located as shown in Fig 44. An assembly and PCB removal diagram isshown in Fig 51.Dangerous voltage is present within the T6T VHF drive assembly. Care must be taken bypersonnel to avoid accidental contact with exposed circuitry when the covers are removedand power is applied to the radio.RemovalBefore attempting to remove the Front Panel PCB, ensure that the drive assembly is isolated from theac and dc input supplies. Disconnect the six Amplifier Out connectors, CN1 to CN6. Then proceed asfollows:(1) Remove the drive assembly top and bottom covers as described on page 116 and page 121.(2) Disconnect CN4 at the Processor module. Carefully pull the cable through the aperture in themainframe to free it.(3) Disconnect SMB connector CN5 at the PA Control module. (4) Remove the four M3 x 8 mm countersunk screws from the bottom and top of the mainframe boxsection (see Fig 51, Diagram A).(5) Remove the two black equipment handles by unscrewing and removing the four M5 x 20 mmpanhead screws and wavy washers that secure them to the drive assembly. The front panel cannow be moved forward and away from the mainframe.(6) At the front panel, release the control knob by unscrewing the Allen head grub screw using a1.5 mm Allen key. Withdraw the control knob from the spindle.(7) Remove the Front Panel PCB from the Front Panel assembly by removing the six M3 x 6 mmpanhead screws and wavy washers (see Fig 51 Diagram B). RefittingTo refit the Front Panel PCB, proceed as follows:(1) Place the PCB in position at the Front Panel assembly. Ensure the spindle of the control knoband microphone/diagnostics connector are correctly located. Secure the PCB to the Front Panelassembly using the six M3 x 6 mm panhead screws and wavy washers previously removed (seeFig 51, Diagram B). (2) At the front panel, place the control knob onto the spindle and using a 1.5 mm Allen key, securethe Allen head grub screw.(3) Secure the Front Panel assembly to the top and bottom of the mainframe box section using thefour M3 x 8 mm countersunk screws, previously removed. Fit the two black equipment handlesusing the four M5 x 20 mm panhead screws and wavy washers previously removed (see Fig 51,Diagram A).(4) Route the ribbon cable to the Processor module connector CN4 and connect it.WARNING                     Dangerous Voltage
T6T 300 Watt VHF Transmitter Page 125 Maintenance(5) Route the SMB connector to CN5 on the PA Control module and connect it.(6) Re-connect the six Amplifier Out connectors, CN1 to CN6.(7) Re-establish the ac and/or dc supplies.(8) Switch power on at the radio using the rear mounted Power switch.(9) Ensure the front panel Ready indicator is lit and the Alarm indicator is unlit.(10) Carry out a BIT interruptive test as detailed in the procedure To Initiate a BIT Test on page 102.(11) Switch power to Standby using the rear mounted Power switch. Isolate the drive assembly fromthe ac and/or dc supplies.(12) Refit the drive assembly top and bottom covers. The drive assembly can now be returned toservice.
T6T 300 Watt VHF Transmitter Page 126 MaintenanceVirtual Front Panel (VFP)Virtual Front Panel (VFP) software is supplied on CD and is compatible with any PC or laptop runningWindows 2000™ or Windows XP™. The VFP allows changes to a radio’s settings and channelinformation, it displays the current BIT state, displays BIT history, allows security locks to be set, andprovides maintenance facilities.A radio can be set up using the front panel Scroll/Select switch and LCD, or by using the VFP. Using theVFP has several advantages over setting the drive assembly from the front panel; these are:❑A profile of the drive assembly operation settings and channel information can be created, storedon disk, and then recalled to download into other drive assemblies❑A printout of the drive assembly profile can be made from the VFP❑Front Panel Lock is available only when using the VFP. As part of the drive assembly Settings(see Fig 31), Front Panel Lock can be set to ON. When selected to on, no settings or frequencyinformation can be changed from the front panel❑If the drive assembly is part of a MARC system or operates in a digital mode, a MARC Lock, HDLCLock and T1E1 Lock are available when using the VFP. When selected to on, no settings orfrequency information can be changed from the MARC equipment screen, or the digital controlequipment.Fig 31  Typical VFP Screen - AM-Voice Profile Shown
T6T 300 Watt VHF Transmitter Page 127 MaintenanceInstalling the VFP SoftwareThe VFP software is supplied by Park Air on CD. The software can be run from the Main page or installedon your PC via Explorer.To install the software onto your PC:(1) Using explorer, display the contents of the CD supplied by Park Air. Identify the file namedS0473Vxx.EXE (where xx is the version number).(2) Using the mouse, right click on the file and then select Copy.(3) Display the Windows desktop. Right click anywhere on the desktop and select Paste.(4) Check that the VFP icon is shown on the desktop. Reposition the icon as required. The VFPapplication is now installed on the PC’s desktop.VFP IconVFP FeaturesThe VFP screen is divided into four main windows: Settings, Channels, BIT and Status Information. Fourcolours are used to display text. The colours have the following meanings:❑Black indicates a valid parameter that has been accepted by the radio❑Red indicates an invalid parameter that has been rejected by the radio, or a BIT failure❑Green indicates text that has not yet been downloaded to the radio. Text loaded into the VFP froma previously stored file, or any text that is manually amended is green until it is downloaded intothe radio; after being downloaded into the radio the text changes to black, or if it is invalid, to red❑Blue indicates Help text and is shown in the Status Information window.The Menu BarThe menu bar has four categories: File, Serial Port, Radio and Help. File Has the sub-categories: Open, Save and Print. These sub-categories allow the user toopen previously saved profiles, save a new profile, or print a profile.A special sub-category: File > Save > Diagnostics should only be used when advised byPark Air.Serial Port Has the sub-categories: Com 1 and Com 2. Before the VFP can be used, the appropriateCom 1 or Com 2 must be selected to correspond with the PC’s Com Port used for theradio connection.Radio Has the sub-categories: Retrieve, Send, Calibrate and Test. These sub-categories allowa radio’s profile to be loaded into the VFP, allow a profile to be downloaded from the VFPto a radio, calibrates a radio and initiates a BIT test.Help Provides detail about the VFP software.
T6T 300 Watt VHF Transmitter Page 128 MaintenanceSettings WindowThis window lists all attributes that can be adjusted by the user. If any individual attribute is clicked onusing the mouse, help information is displayed in the Status Information window showing the range ofadjustment for that attribute. Click on the value and use the keyboard to amend it; press Enter to confirmthe new value noting that the amended text is green until it is downloaded into the radio. Any invalidparameters are not indicated until the Settings are downloaded to the radio. It is the radio that rejectsinvalid parameters, not the VFP.The drive assembly reference frequency setting is displayed in the window. Adjusting the referencefrequency is a maintenance operation that requires external test equipment to be connected. The valueshown in the Settings window should not be changed; instead, adjustment of the reference frequencyshould be performed using the radio front panel controls as detailed on page 100.Channels WindowUp to 100 preset channels can be stored in the radio. These are listed in the Channels window. Anychannel frequency can be amended by clicking on the value to amend it and pressing Enter to confirmthe new value. Note that the amended channel is green until it is downloaded into the radio. Any invalidfrequencies are not indicated until the Channels are downloaded to the radio. It is the radio that rejectsinvalid frequencies, not the VFP.BIT WindowTwo lists of information are presented: The current BIT status and the BIT history. The BIT history showsthe last 100 entries. Status Information WindowThe Status Information window gives information regarding the type of radio, the software fills, recentVFP actions and Help information.
T6T 300 Watt VHF Transmitter Page 129 MaintenanceTo Change the Drive Assembly Profile or Save a Profile(1) Using a PC to Radio Interconnection Lead, Park Air part number 17E12600001, connect thedrive assembly’s front panel Microphone/Diagnostics connector to the PC’s Com Port 1 or ComPort 2 (note which Com Port is used).(2) Run up the VFP software and check that a blank VFP screen (see Fig 32) is displayed.Fig 32  Blank VFP Screen(3) At the Menu Bar, click on Serial Port and select either Com 1 or Com 2. The selection mustcorrespond to the port used to connect to the radio.(4) Load the required information from the radio, or from a stored file. The required information canbe radio settings, frequency channels, BIT information, or all of these.To load a previously stored file, select File > Open > Allor, File > Open >Settingsor, File > Open > Channelor, File > Open > BITTo load information from the radio, select Radio > Retrieve > Allor, Radio > Retrieve > Settingsor, Radio > Retrieve > Channelor, Radio > Retrieve > BIT(5) If required, amend any radio Settings or Channel information.
T6T 300 Watt VHF Transmitter Page 130 Maintenance(6) Download the radio’s profile as shown on the VFP screen to either the radio, or to a file.To download into the radio, select Radio > Send > Allor, Radio > Send > Settingsor, Radio > Send > ChannelTo download to a file, select File > Send > Allor, File > Send > Settingsor, File > Send > Channelor, File > Send > BIT(7) Check that after downloading to a radio, no invalid parameters are returned (such parametersare displayed as red text). If there are invalid parameters, amend them and then repeat thedownload.(8) When there is no further requirement for using the VFP, exit the VFP software and disconnectthe radio from the PC.To Initiate a BIT Test(1) Using a PC to Radio Interconnection Lead, Park Air part number 17E12600001, connect theradio’s front panel Microphone/Diagnostics connector to the PC’s Com Port 1 or Com Port 2(note which Com Port is used).(2) Run up the VFP software and check that a blank VFP screen is displayed.(3) At the Menu Bar, click on Serial Port and select either Com 1 or Com 2. The selection mustcorrespond to the port used to connect to the radio.(4) At the Menu Bar select Radio > Test.(5) An interruptive BIT test now takes place. The results are displayed in the BIT window.(6) If there is no further requirement for using the VFP, exit the VFP software and disconnect theradio from the PC.To Calibrate the Transmitter(1) Connect a suitable dummy load via a power meter to the combiner’s Antenna connector.(2) Remove the drive assembly’s bottom cover.(3) Using a PC to Radio Interconnection Lead, Park Air part number 17E12600001, connect the frontpanel Microphone/Diagnostics connector to the PC’s Com Port 1 or Com Port 2 (note whichCom Port is used).(4) Run up the VFP software and check that a blank VFP screen is displayed.During an interruptive BIT test, the transmitter radiates modulated carrier waves at the set power.Users should therefore obtain the necessary authority before initiating a test.If the test is to be carried out with the antenna disconnected, ensure a load is fitted to thetransmitter's Antenna connector.In order to test the line input stages, an internally generated 1 kHz tone is injected into the line inputcircuit. Any other audio present on the line input will cause the test to be inaccurate. Therefore thetransmitter MUST NOT be keyed during the test.
T6T 300 Watt VHF Transmitter Page 131 Maintenance(5) At the Menu Bar, click on Serial Port and select either Com 1 or Com 2. The selection mustcorrespond to the port used to connect to the radio.(6) At the Menu Bar select Radio > Retrieve > All.(7) At the Menu Bar select Radio > Calibrate. The Confirm screen will then be displayed to remindyou that a dummy load must be connected before proceeding.(8) With the Confirm screen displayed and dummy load connected, select Yes to continue with thecalibrate routine. The Progress screen will then be displayed.(9) When the PA Control/PA loop has been calibrated the Progress screen disappears and the VFPscreen reappears showing a calibration complete message in the Status Information window.(10) Gain access to the PA Control module and identify RV8 (see Fig 33). From the drive assembly’sfront panel AM-Voice or AM-MSK Settings screen, select PTT On.(11) From the Settings window of the VFP screen, note the RF power setting. Adjust RV8 until thepower meter reads this value. (12) From the drive assembly’s front panel AM-Voice or AM-MSK Settings screen select PTT Off,then remove the power meter and dummy load. This completes the calibration routine.(13) When there is no further requirement for using the VFP, exit the VFP software and disconnectthe radio from the PC and refit the bottom cover.Location of RV8Fig 33  Location of PA Control Module RV8R130R131R125C421R135RV8CN4R455R456C424R348D24R231R382 R243TP10RV8
Intentionally Blank
Fig 34 T6T VHF Amplifier Module Location DiagramTop View Bottom ViewCombiner BIT ModuleInterface ModulePSU Regulation ModulePower Supply ModulesPA ModulesFront Panel Assembly
CN6 CN7FacilitiesMARCFront Panel assemblyCN1CN5CN6Interface moduleCN24(Rear Panel)CN3CN4CN2PSU-2CN1LNECN4ac Input(Rear Panel)LNEMains IECconnectorfiltered/fusedPSU-1CN1LNECN4ac Input(Rear Panel)LNEMains IECconnectorfiltered/fusedCN12CN7CN15CN27CN16CN4CN3CN1CN10CN11CN2CN4CN5Power SupplyRegulationCN3(Rear Panel)CN7CN6Supply shown inoff position132CN2 12132CN14CN81L2N3ECN921dc Input - 1dc Input - 1dc Input - 1dc Input - 1(Rear Panel)321dc Input - 2dc Input - 2dc Input - 2dc Input - 2(Rear Panel)3Combiner BITmoduleFanCN13CN5CN26CN17CN22CN10CN1CN8CN2CN4CN5CN7CN9CN6CN12PA-1CN3CN14CN6CN25CN18CN23FanCN10CN1CN8CN3CN2CN4CN5CN7CN9CN6CN12PA-21L2N3E7 8241717 1920201112131415111213141516319101061926181717(Rear Panel)18Interface MARC PortName CharacteristicConnections 1FacilitiesInterfaceConnections 3Name Characteristi c756423198141513121110CN5-4CN5-6CN5-7CN5-5CN5-3CN5-2CN5-1CN5-8CN5-9CN5-14CN5-15CN5-13CN5-12CN5-11CN5-10PA Bias EnableReflected PowerFan EnablePA TemperatureDrive DetectPA CountConnections 6Name Characteristi c50 W = 670 mVTTL - High for fan onTTL - High for bias on10 mV / °C +0.5 V0.5 V for +10 dBmTTL, Pulse width = 10 ms/50 W PAForward Power Sense CN27-1 17 dBmCN4-1InterfaceConnections 7Name CharacteristicInterface1 dBm carrierRF DriveCN3-1CN16-1Connections 8Name CharacteristicRF OutputPACN24-1 10 to 100 WAntenna PortConnections 9Name CharacteristicCombiner BIT moduleCN15-1CN15-5CN15-4CN15-3CN15-2CN15-6CN2-3CN2-5CN2-4CN2-6CN2-2CN2-1InterfacePA HeatsinkCN6 Fan ControlGround 0 V10 V approx or 26.5 VFanFanPA-1 PA-2Connections 10 Name CharacteristicPTTReflected PowerFan EnablePA TemperatureDrive Detect50 W = 670 mVTTL - High for fan onTTL - High for bias on10 mV / °C +0.5 V0.5 V for +10 dBmTX Key TTL - High for PA KeyedPresent +5 VFail 3 TTL Low to indicate failureGround 0 VRemote on/offDC DetectAC DetectOpen collector15 Von,0 Voff0V=off,opencollector=onn/c n/cn/c n/cn/c n/cForward Power Sense 17 dBm1 dBm carrierRF DriveCombiner BIT moduleCombiner BIT moduleGround 0 VCN15-7 CN2-7Combiner Supply Unreg current limited at 250mACN15-8 CN2-8PA-1 Fail Indication TTL, 0 V = failCN15-9 CN2-9CN15-10 CN2-10 PA-2 Fail Indication TTL, 0 V = fail(Rear Panel)12CN8-1CN8-2Fig 35 T6T VHF Amplifier Wiring and Interconnection Diagram
Fig 36 T6T VHF Amplifier Wiring ListConnections 18 Name CharacteristicPSU-1 PSU-2dc OKGroundPSU offCN4-2CN4-1CN4-30 V = offTTL, high = PSU on0 VConnections 17 Name CharacteristicCN7-6CN7-7CN7-8CN7-2CN7-4CN7-3CN7-5CN7-1RegulationPin Diode - veV Unregulatedn/cAC Derived SupplyDC Derived SupplyGroundGroundGround 0 V29 V21.6 V to 32 V0 V-30 V to -35 VCN3-2CN3-1n/cCN1-3 & 4CN2-2CN2-1CN3-3CN1-1 & 221.6 V to 32 V0 Vn/cConnections 19 Name CharacteristicPSU-1 PSU-2CN1-1CN1-6CN1-5CN1-2Ground SupplyV UnregGround SupplyV Unreg0 V0 V29 V29 V0 V0 V=ono/c okPSU ok0 VPSU offRegulation0 VPSU ok0 V0 V okPSU off 0 V=offName CharacteristicConnections 16CN6-3CN6-5CN6-4CN6-6CN6-2CN6-1CN12-3CN12-1PA-1 PA-21 dBm carrierRF DriveCN10CN17-1      CN18-1Connections 14 Name CharacteristicRF OutputPA-1 PA-2CN1-1 5 to 50 WCN22-1        CN23-1Connections 15 Name CharacteristicInput-1 CN2-2 Fused 21.6 V to 32 VDc InputInput-2 CN2-1 Ground Supply 0 VDC Input-1, DC Input-2 RegulationInput-3 n/c n/cName CharacteristicConnections 20CN3-14CN3-13CN3-12CN3-11CN3-10n/cRemote on/offV UnregDC DetectCN3-9CN3-8CN3-7CN3-6CN3-5CN3-4CN3-3CN3-2CN3-1AC Detect-15 V SupplyGround+5 V Supply+15 V Supply+15 V Supply-15 V Supply+5 V SupplyGround-15 V21.6 to 32 V21.6 to 32 VOpen collector15 V on, 0 V off+15 V+5 V+15 V-15 V+5 V0 V0 V0 V=off, open collector=onn/cProcessorRegulationConnections 26 Name CharacteristicCN4-1CN4-2CN4-3CN4-4CN4-5CN4-6CN4-7CN4-8CN4-9CN4-10CN4-11CN4-12CN4-13CN4-14V UnregPA Bias EnableCN13-3 CN14-3CN13-5 CN14-5CN13-4 CN14-4Reflected PowerFan EnablePA-1 PA-2CN13-6 CN14-6CN13-2 CN14-2CN13-1 CN14-1 PA TemperatureDrive DetectCN4CN9CN5CN7CN2CN12 PA CountConnections 11 Name Characteristic50 W = 670 mVTTL - High for fan onTTL - High for bias on10 mV / °C +0.5 V0.5 V for +10 dBmTTL, PW = 10 ms/50 W PACN3-1CN5-1 CN6-1 V Unreg 21.6 V to 32 VConnections 12 Name CharacteristicCN3-2CN5-2 CN6-2PA-1 PA-2-33 V -30 V to -35 VForward Power Sense 17 dBm ±1 dB (-30.5 dBc ± 0.9 dB)Connections 13 Name CharacteristicCN25-1     CN26-1  CN8PA-1 PA-2CN10-2 CN11-2CN10-1 CN11-1CN10-3 CN11-3CN1-3 CN3-3CN1-2 CN3-2CN1-1 CN3-1CN1-4 CN3-4CN3-3CN5-3 CN6-3 Ground Supply 0 VCN12-3CN12-6CN12-4CN12-50 VReady LED0 VTX LEDInterface Front Panel0 VAlarm LED0 VOpen Collector, 21 mA maximum+15 V +15 VName CharacteristicConnections 24CN7-3CN7-1CN7-2CN7-6CN7-4CN7-5CN7-7CN7-8CN7-9CN7-10CN1-3CN1-1CN1-2CN1-6CN1-4CN1-5CN1-7CN1-8CN1-9CN1-10n/c n/cn/c n/cn/c n/cn/c n/cOpen Collector, 21 mA maximumOpen Collector, 21 mA maximumCombiner BIT moduleCombiner BIT moduleCombiner BIT moduleCombiner BIT moduleCombiner BIT moduleCombiner BIT moduleCombiner BIT moduleCombiner BIT moduleCombiner BIT module
Fig 37 T6T VHF Amplifier Interface Module - Removal and Refitting DetailCN6CN7CN3CN4CN2
Fig 38 T6T VHF Amplifier PSU Regulation Module - Removal and Refitting DetailCN3CN1CN4CN2CN7CN6
Fig 39 T6T VHF Amplifier Power Supplies - Removal and Refitting DetailPSU to Bit Combiner (dc Connections)Bit Combiner to PSU (fan control)PSU to Bit Combiner (dc Connections)Bit Combiner to PSU (fan control)PSU-2 PSU-1
Fig 40 T6T VHF Amplifier Combiner BIT Module - Removal and Refitting DetailCN5 CN6CN7CN12CN15CN14 CN13CN26CN25CN27CN1 CN3CN11CN10CN2 CN4CN22CN23CN24CN18CN17 CN16Connector Locations
Fig 41 T6T VHF Amplifier PA Modules - Removal and Refitting DetailPA-1PA-2
Fig 42 T6T VHF Amplifier Front Panel PCB - Removal and Refitting DetailTo Interface module CN7
Fig 43 T6T VHF Amplifier Cooling Fans - Removal and Refitting Detailpower connections hereFinger guardAIRFLOWFinger guardPower connections here
Fig 45 T6T VHF Drive Assembly Wiring and Interconnection DiagramMicrophone/DiagnosticsFront Panel assemblyCN3 CN1Microphone/Front PanelConnections Name CharacteristicCN2-1 1 Ground - Microphone 0 VCN2-62 Transmit Data RS232CN2-3 3 MIC PTTCN2-4 4 Receive Data RS232CN2-5 5 Sidetone (Headset Drive) 3 Vac pk-pk, 200RCN2-26Microphone InputCN2-7 7 Ground 0 VCN4CN5PowerSupplyRegulationCN212231CN3132CN14dc InputCN2-2 Fused 21.6 to 32 Vdc InputInput-2 CN2-1 Ground Supply 0 VConnectionsDC Input Regulation Name Char acteristicInput-3 n/cMicr ophone/DiagnosticsLNEac InputCN1-1CN1-6CN1-5RegulationCN1-3CN1-2CN1-1PSUConnectionsGround SupplyName CharacteristicCN1-40 VCN3 CN4CN7FacilitiesCN5MARCCN650CN6CN5CN1Processor modulePA  ControlmoduleConnectionsCN12-1ProcessorCharacteristicNameFront PanelProcessorConnections Name CharacteristicCN4-1CN4-2CN4-3CN4-4CN1-1CN1-2CN1-3CN1-4LED AlarmLED ReadyLED StandbyLED TxLCD RSOpen collector (5 mA)CN4-5CN4-6CN4-7CN4-8CN4-9CN4-10CN4-11CN4-12CN4-13CN4-14CN4-16CN4-17CN4-18CN1-20CN1-19CN4-15CN1-25CN4-24CN4-23CN1-22CN1-21CN1-5CN1-24CN1-23CN1-16CN4-19CN4-22CN4-21CN4-20CN1-18CN1-17CN1-6CN1-7CN4-25LCD R/WLCD BacklightTransmit Data+5 V Supply-5 V SupplyGround+15 V SupplyGroundMic PTTLED RX (not used)5 V pull-upTTLTTLTTLTTL0 V-5 VTTLTTL+15 VLCD EnableData 3Data 2Data 7Data 6Data 5Data 4RS232+5 V0 V34CN3-14CN3-13CN3-12CN3-11CN3-10CN4-14CN4-13CN4-12CN4-11CN4-10n/cRemote on/offV UnregV Unregdc DetectCN3-9CN3-8CN3-7CN3-6CN3-5CN3-4CN3-3CN3-2CN3-1Connecti onsCN4-6CN4-9CN4-8CN4-7CN4-5CN4-4CN4-3CN4-2CN4-1 Regulationac Detect-15 V SupplyGround+5 V Supply+15 V SupplyProcessorName Characteristic+15 V Supply-15 V Supply+5 V SupplyGround-15 V21.6 to 32 V21.6 to 32 VOpen collector15 V on, 0 V off+15 V+5 V+15 V-15 V+5 V0 V0 VCN6-7CN6-6CN6-10CN6-9CN6-8CN5-10CN5-9CN5-6CN5-7CN5-8-15 V Supplyac Detectdc Detect-15 V SupplyGround-15 V-15 V0 VConnectionsCN6-5CN6-4CN6-3CN6-2CN6-1CN5-2CN5-4CN5-3CN5-5RegulationCN5-1Name+5 V Supply+15 V Supply+5 V Supply+15 V SupplyGroundPA ControlCharacteristic+15 V+5 V+5 V0 V+15 V**CN6-7 7CN6-8CN6-9 98ProcessorCN6-1CN6-2CN6-3CN6-5CN6-6CN6-4**465312MARC PortConnectionsData RX A - Data In - RS422RS422RS422Data TX B - Data Out +Data TX A - Data Out -RS4220 V or +10 V to +60 V orFused 500mA, 21.6 to 32 V+20 dBm to -20 dBm 600RCharacteristicPTT InputData RX B - Data In +Unregulated SupplyLine In +Ground 0 VName+20 dBm to -20 dBm 600R**CN5-4CN5-6CN5-7CN5-57564Grounding output +/- 60V,100 mA maximumTTL pull-up active lowGrounding output +/- 60V,100 mA maximumSquelch Defeat (not used)Antenna Change-overExternal VSWRCN5-3CN5-2CN5-1ProcessorConnectionsFacilities231TTL pull-up active lowCharacteristicNameE BitPTTGround 0 VGroundUnregulated SupplyCN5-8CN5-9 980 VFused 300 mA 21.6 to 32 VGroundi ng output +/- 60 V,100 mA maximumReservedTape OutputCN5-14CN5-15CN5-13CN5-12CN5-111415131211 BIT Interruptive TestRSSI (not used)Ready OutputFacilitiesConnectionsCN5-10Processor10 InhibitOpen collector, 0 V=Ready-10 dBm. 100RTTL pull-up active lowCharacteristic***V UnregReceive Data0 V=PTT, 5 V pull-up=PTTTurn +TTLTTLTTLRS232Turn -Sidetone (Headset Drive) 3 Vac pk-pkLoudspeaker Amp DriveGroundMic InputGround 0 V1.6 V pk-pk maximum0 V2 V pk-pk maximumPushGround 0 VCN1-26CN4-26CN1-27CN4-27CN1-31CN1-29CN4-28CN1-30CN4-31CN4-29CN1-28CN4-30CN4-33CN1-34CN1-33CN4-34CN1-32CN4-32Open colle ctor (200 mA)0V=off, open collector=onn/cn/cn/cn/cn/cCN2CN1CN3CN4CN2CN3-2Front Panel CharacteristicGroundConnecti onsLoudspeaker OutputName0 V = PTT, 5 V pull-up = not PTT6k8 input impedance, 5 mV sensitivityCN76DrivemoduleReference FrequencyConnectionsFront Panel-20 dBm to 0 dBmCharacteristicNameCN5-1Forward Power Sense CN9Connections17 dBm ± 1 dBName CharacteristicDrive Name CharacteristicCN4-1(Rear Panel)CN9Open collector (5 mA)Open collector (5 mA)Open collector (5 mA)Data 1Data 0TTLTTLCN1-12CN1-13CN1-14CN1-15CN1-8 CN1-9CN1-10CN1-115 V pull-up5 V pull-upDrive1 dBm carrierRF DriveCN7CN3-1Connections Name Characteristic-10 V to -60 V at 6 mATTL pull-up active lowName CharacteristicCN3-1CN3-2CN3-3 HeatsinkCN8 V Unreg-33 VGround Supply21.6 to 32 V0 Vn/c10143CN3-3 n/c n/cCN5CN4Reference Frequency(Front Panel)CN4-1CN8CN10(-30.5 dBc ± 0.9 dB)Mains IECConnectorFiltered/FusedFrequency TrimCN1-14 CN1-14CN1-50CN1-48CN1-49CN1-47CN1-45CN1-46CN1-44CN1-43CN1-42CN1-41CN1-15CN1-16CN1-21CN1-22CN1-23CN1-17CN1-19CN1-18CN1-20CN1-24CN1-25CN1-30CN1-26CN1-29CN1-28CN1-27CN1-31CN1-32CN1-33CN1-34CN1-36CN1-35CN1-37CN1-40CN1-39CN1-38CN1-50CN1-45CN1-43CN1-44CN1-47CN1-46CN1-49CN1-48CN1-28CN1-42CN1-41CN1-38CN1-39CN1-36CN1-37CN1-40CN1-32CN1-31CN1-29CN1-30CN1-34CN1-33CN1-35CN1-21CN1-24CN1-23CN1-22CN1-26CN1-27CN1-25CN1-17CN1-16CN1-15CN1-20CN1-19CN1-18TTLTTLTTLTTLTTL - Low OCXO fittedTTL - Hi gh fan onTTLBITControl3(not used)BITControl2(not used)Step Size (not used)V/U DetectTR DetectReservedOCXO FittedFan EnableTTLTTLTTLTTLTTLTTL0 to 2.5 V10 mV / °C10 mV / °C0 to 5 V (5 V, 3 dB back off)TTLTTLTTLTTLTTLBIT Loop CorrectBIT Synth LockBIT Open LoopBIT VSWR OKBIT Control 1BIT Control 0Reflected PowerPA TemperatureAuto Level ControlExternal VSWRPAC TemperatureNB/WB (not used)Tx KeyTTLTTLTTLTTL0 VTTL0 VTTL pull up active lowTTLTTLTTLTTLFilter 3DataPhase LoadClockSynth LoadGroundFilter 4Filter 0Filter 2Filter 1GroundPower DownTx/Rx DetectCN1-10CN1-13CN1-12CN1-11PA ControlProcessorCN1-7CN1-7CN1-9CN1-10CN1-8CN1-12CN1-13CN1-11CN1-9CN1-8CN1-2CN1-3CN1-1CN1-5CN1-6CN1-4CN1-6CN1-5CN1-4CN1-2CN1-3CN1-1Connections0 to 2.5 V0 V±2.5 V±2.5 V0 to 2.5 V0 to 2.5 V0 to 2.5 V0 V0 V0 V0 V0 V0 VGroundGroundQGroundGroundBIT Q MonitorBIT I Moni torRF AGC (Not used)IGroundIF AGC (Not used)GroundGroundName Characteristic***A B C DCN8ProcessorCN8 RingCN8 Tip External Speaker DriveExternal Speaker Drive 3 Vac pk-pk maximumCharact eristicConnections NameExternal Speaker12CN8 Sleeve Ground 0 V33 Vac pk-pk maximumAntenna Change-overTTL pull-up active lowPotential range 0 V to 10 V6782435Pin Number1NameCN7An/cn/cn/cRTIPTRINGn/cTTIPRRING*6782435Pin Number1NameCN7BHDLC CL BHDLC CL AUnregulated SupplyHDLC Rx BHDLC Tx BHDLC Rx AHDLC Tx AGround6782435Pin Number1NameCN7Cn/cUnregulated SupplyData Rx B (Data In +)Data Tx B (Data Out +)Data Rx A (Data In -)Data Tx A (Data Out -)Ground*6782435Pin Number1NameCN7DNot usedFast antennachange-over/PTTNot usedLine In +PTT InputLine In -Not usedGround*CharacteristicCharacteristicCharacteristicCharacteristic+20 dBm to -20 dBm 600R+20 dBm to -20 dBm 600R0 V0 V or +10 V to +60 V or-10 V to -60 V at 6 mA+20 dBm to -20 dBm 600R+20 dBm to -20 dBm 600RANSI T1.403-1995 (T1)ITU-T: G.703 (E1)ANSI T1.403-1995 (T1)ITU-T: G.703 (E1)NPN open collector grounding transistor0 V or +10 V to +60 V or-10 V to -60 V at 6 mA0 VRS 422RS 422RS 422RS 422RS 422RS 42221.6 V to 32 VReservedRF PA Bias DisableTTL0 V7.5 V pk-pk maximumOpen collector (5 mA)EXT SPKRT1/E1MARC AUDIOMARC DATAHDLCTTLDrive PA ControlPA ControlPA Control0 V21.6 V to 32 VRS 422RS 422RS 422RS 42213(Rear Panel)CN72Supply(shown inoff position)CN81 L2 N3 EPowerSupplyCN1LNECN6CN1-2CN4CN9LNPSU OKCN6-3CN6-5CN6-40 VPSU offPSURegulationConnections NameCN6-6CN6-2CN6-1 0 VPSU OK0 V0 V OKCN4-3CN4-1 PSU off PSU off 0V = 0ff22(Rear Panel)Ground Supply 0 V29 VV Unreg 29 VRemote Supply On/OffLine In  -50 W = 670 mVCharacteristicTTL - High for fan onTTL - High for bias onPA Bias EnableCN2-3CN2-5CN2-4Reflected PowerFan EnableDriveConnections NameCN2-6CN2-2CN2-1 PA TemperatureDrive Detect10 mV/°C + 0.5 V0.5 V for +10 dBmCN10-1PA Count 25 Hz 1 Amplifier12.5 Hz 2 Amplifiers6.25 Hz 3 AmplifiersPA ControlCN10-2CN10-3CN10-4CN10-5CN10-6CN1-1CN1-2CN2-1CN2-2CN3-1CN3-2CN1/2/3 - 1CN1/2/3 - 2Amplifier 1/2/3-1-2Forward Power SenseRF Drive17 dBm ± 1 dB1 dBm carrier(-30.5 dBc ± 0.9 dB)CN4CN5CN67564Drive CN4/5/6ConnectionsAmplifier 1/2/3231CharacteristicNameFail 398NameGround1415131211FacilitiesConnectionsProcessor10Characteristic0 V756423189141513121110PA Temperature 10 mV/°C + 0.5 V50 W = 670 mVTTL - High for fan onTTL - High for PTTPTTReflected PowerFan EnableDrive Detect 0.5 V for +10 dBmN/ATTL - High for presentTTL - High for keyedAmplifier keyedNot usedPresentTTL pull-up active lowN/ANot useddc Detectac DetectOpen collector15 V on, 0 V offRemote on/off 0 V=off, open collector=onN/ANot usedCN11DriveCN11-1CN12-2CN11-2 0 VGroundRemoteon/off0 V=off,open collector=onInput-1 CN2-2CN3-1CharacteristicOpen circuit OK0 V = on0 VConnections0 to 4 V / 0 to 6 VConnectionsRegulator DriveNameCN2
Fig 46 T6T VHF Drive Assembly Processor Module - Removal and Refitting DetailCN6CN5 CN1CN4CN3CN12
Fig 47 T6T VHF Drive Assembly PSU Regulation Module - Removal and Refitting DetailBrown (L)Blue (N)CN2CN7CN6CN8CN9CN8CN5CN4
Fig 48 T6T VHF Drive Assembly Drive Module - Removal and Refitting DetailDriver ModuleCN10CN9CN7CN8CN11
Fig 49 T6T VHF Drive Assembly PA Control Module - Removal and Refitting DetailCN4CN3PC3CN3CN4CN2CN5CN1CN6
Fig 50 T6T VHF Drive Assembly Power Supply - Removal and Refitting DetailPower SupplyCN1CN6CN9To PSU Regulation          ModulePower Supply
Fig 51 T6T VHF Drive Assembly Front Panel PCB - Removal and Refitting DetailFront panel PCB1Allen head grub screwTo Processor module CN4To PA Control module CN5Front panel PCBFront panelAllen head grub screwDiagram BDiagram A

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