Park Air Systems B6550-S2 VHF ground to air transceiver User Manual t6tr

Park Air Systems Limited VHF ground to air transceiver t6tr


User guide

T6TR 50 Watt VHF Multimode TransceiverSelect TopicBack toMain PageMaintenanceInstallationOperationSpecificationThis documentation is applicable to transceivers at Mod strike 7Approvals andStandards
Back to TransceiverMain PageApprovals and Standards T6TR VHF 50 Watt TransceiversThe following standards are applied:EMC EN 301 489-1; EN 301 489-22.Health & Safety, EN 60950, CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 60950, UL 60950.Radio EN 300 676, IC RSS141, FCC part 15 and 87.Telecom CS-03.Approvals:Standards:The equipment is designed to meet the essential requirements of Directives1999/5/EC, 89/336EEC as amended by Directive 93/68/EEC, and 72/23/EEC.FCC Statement:This device has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuantto part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection againstharmful interference in a residential installation.This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and usedin accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can bedetermined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct theinterference by one or more of the following measures:❑Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.❑Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver.❑Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver isconnected. ❑Consult the supplier or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Operation on 8.33 kHz channel spacing is restricted to European customers.
Page 1Back to TransceiverMain PageSpecificationPart 1 General SpecificationPart 2 AM ModesPart 3 Mode 2Part 4 Mode 3This document provides specifications applicable to the T6TR VHF Multimode Transceiver.
Page 2Back to TransceiverMain PageGeneral SpecificationThe general specification applies to a transceiver irrespective of the selected operating mode. Separatelistings are given for AM modes, Mode 2 and Mode 3.Frequency RangeThe T6TR VHF Multimode Transceiver is available in two variants as listed below:❑The B6550/NB/50 that operates within the frequency band 118 to 136.975 MHz.❑The B65500/WB/50 that operates within the frequency band 112 to 155.975 MHz.Frequency Selectable Band EdgesFour selectable frequency band edges are available on each model: BE1, BE2, BE3 and BE4. Frequencies can only be selected that lie between BE1 and BE2 inclusive or between BE3 and BE4 inclusive. The band edge frequencies can only be set in 25 kHz increments. BE1 and BE3 both default to the lowest selectable frequency for the model and BE2 and BE4 both default to the highest selectable frequency for the model.Frequency Accuracy  Better than 1ppm.Reference Frequency AdjustmentProvision is made on the front panel to allow the 20.95 MHz reference oscillator frequency to be adjusted. An output is provided suitable for driving an external frequency counter.  Adjustment allows the frequency to be set to within 0.15 ppm.Frequency Change Time Less than 250 ms from receipt of a remote frequency change command message.Number of Channels The transceiver has a multi-channel capability. 100 channels can be stored and recalled.Modulation Modes AM-Voice (standard).AM-MSK (optional).Mode 2 (optional).Mode 3 (optional).
Page 3Back to TransceiverMain PagePower RequirementsThe transceiver operates from an ac mains supply, or a dc input supply. When both supplies areconnected, the dc input acts as an automatic backup for the ac input supply The transceiver operates from a 48 to 62 Hz single-phase ac supply and automatically adjusts to operate from any supply voltage ranging from 110 Vac to 240 Vac ±10%. The power consumption figures are given in Table 1.dc input supply The transceiver operates from a dc input supply between 21.6 and 32 V (measured at the radio’s input). The supply current figures are given in Table 1.Dimensions and WeightThe dimensions and weight of the transceiver are:Width 483 mm (19 inches).Height 88.9 mm (3.5 inches). The height occupies 2U of equipment cabinet space.Depth   430 mm (16.9 inches) measured from front panel to rear panel.Depth   450 mm (17.8 inches) measured from front panel to rear of fan.Weight 13.5 kg (29.76 pounds).EnvironmentalTemperature range The transceiver operates to specification across the temperature range of -20 to +55°C.The transceiver can be stored at temperatures ranging from-30 to +70°C without causing any damage.Humidity The transceiver operates to specification at a relative humidity between 5% and 90% non-condensing.Altitude The radios operate to specification up to 15,000 feet. Additionally the equipment is capable of storage at altitudes up to 50,000 feet without damage.Shock and vibration The radios comply with shock and vibration protection MIL-STD-810E, method 516.4, procedure VI - Bench Handling. In all cases, no fixed parts become loose. No movable part or permanently set adjustment shifts its setting or position.Table 1  Power ConsumptionTransmitting or Receiving Requirement Normal Operationac dcTransmitting Typical 300 VA 8.5 AMaximum 500 VA 12 AReceiving Typical 70 VA 1.2 A
Page 4Back to TransceiverMain PageVentilation The transceivers are cooled by an integral fan, which normally runs at half speed. At an RF PA temperature of 45°C this is increased to full speed and at 40°C it reduces to half speed again.The transceivers also include an additional temperature controlled fan contained in the power supply.Warm up time All variants are fully operational to specification within 20 seconds after switch on.
Page 5Back to TransceiverMain PageAM ModesIntroductionThe transceiver can operate in AM-Voice mode and AM-MSK mode. The following specifications applyto both modes unless stated otherwise.Transceiver Tx RF CharacteristicsRF Power OutputThe RF carrier output power is adjustable in 1 W steps from 5 W to 50 W (as an option, the maximumselectable power can be limited). Output power is automatically controlled under the following conditions:Frequency range Variations in power remain within -0 to +1 dB over the operational frequency range.Low supply voltage Loop error can reduce power progressively by up to ±1 dB for supply voltages between 24 Vdc and 32 Vdc.High VSWR Loop error can reduce power progressively by up to 3 dB. Variations in power remain within ±1 dB into a VSWR of up to 2.5:1 At VSWRs greater than this the output power may be reduced by 10 dB ±1 dB.High RF PA temperature If the RF PA temperature sensor exceeds 80° C the output power is reduced by 3 dB ±1 dB. If the RF PA temperature sensor exceeds 90°C the transceiver is de-keyed and automatically re-keyed at 70°C.Duty Cycle 100% continuous operation.Channel SpacingAM-Voice The transceivers are capable of both 25 kHz channel spacing and 8.33 kHz channel spacing.AM-MSK 25 kHz only.Offset CarrierAM-Voice The T6TR is capable of offsetting the carrier frequency to provide 2, 3 and 4 carrier offset.AM-MSK Not availableHarmonic Outputs Second harmonic outputs are less than -36 dBm, third harmonic outputs are less than -46 dBm and fourth harmonic outputs and above up to 4 GHz are less than -56 dBm.Spurious Outputs The spurious outputs are less than -46 dBm for modulation depths up to 90%, measured at greater than 500 kHz from carrier in the frequency range 9 kHz to 4 GHz. There are no coherent spurious outputs above the spectral mask at less than 500 kHz.
Page 6Back to TransceiverMain PageIntermodulation Intermodulation products, caused by an interfering signal  with the same power as the transmitter isolated by 30 dB, are at least -40 dBc at ≥±150 kHz and -50 dBc at ≥±500 kHz.Transceiver Rx RF CharacteristicsSensitivity118 to 136.975 MHz 12 dB SINAD for -107 dBm 30% modulated.112 to 117.975 MHz 12 dB SINAD for -105 dBm 30% modulated and137 to 155.975 MHzNotes ...(1) All references to SINAD in this document include ITU-T recommendation P.53 weighting.(2) When operating the transceiver in combined T/R antenna configuration, the sensitivity figuresare degraded by 1 dB.Channel spacingAM-Voice mode 25 kHz, or 8.33 kHz.AM-MSK mode 25 kHz.IF selectivityFor 25 kHz channel spacing At ±11 kHz from the centre frequency, the signal is attenuated by less than 6 dB.At ±25 kHz from the centre frequency, the signal is attenuated by more than 80 dB.For 8.33 kHz channel spacing At ±3.5 kHz from the centre frequency, the signal is attenuated by less than 6 dB.At ±8.33 kHz from the centre frequency, the signal is attenuated by more than 70 dB (60 dB using the ETSI test method). At ±25 kHz from the centre frequency, the signal is attenuated by more than 80 dB.Unwanted Signal SuppressionIntermod signal suppression The intermodulation signal suppression is 80 dB or greater (reference 12 dB SINAD) for two unwanted signals spaced 100 kHz (unmodulated) and 200 kHz (30% modulation) from the channel frequency.Blocking ratio 95 dB or greater (reference 12 dB SINAD and degraded by 6 dB) in the presence of an unmodulated unwanted signal spaced at 200 kHz from the channel frequency.105 dB or greater (reference 12 dB SINAD and degraded by 6 dB) in the presence of an unmodulated unwanted signal spaced at 3 MHz from the channel frequency.
Page 7Back to TransceiverMain PageCross-modulation rejection 95 dB or greater (reference 30 dB SINAD and degraded by 10 dB) in the presence of a 30% modulated unwanted signal spaced at 200 kHz from the channel frequency.105 dB or greater (reference 30 dB SINAD and degraded by 10 dB) in the presence of a 30% modulated unwanted signal spaced at 3 MHz.Spurious signal suppression 90 dB, or greater (reference 12 dB SINAD) for a 30% modulated unwanted signal spaced by more than two channels from the tune frequency up to 1 GHz, 80 dB or greater for frequencies up to 2 GHz and 70 dB or greater for frequencies above 2 GHz..Interfering signals At least 6 dB SINAD is achieved for a wanted -87 dBm signal modulated with a 1 kHz tone 30% in the presence of two -5 dBm interfering signals, both FM modulated, one with a 19 kHz tone 7.5 kHz deviation at 107.9 MHz and varied by ±4 kHz the other with a 19.1 kHz tone 7.5 kHz deviation with its frequency chosen such that one of the 3rd order products is located on the chosen receive frequency.Antenna radiation Radiation at the antenna socket is less than -81 dBm, typically less than -100 dBm, within the frequency range 9 kHz to 4 GHz.Maximum RF Input The transceiver can withstand an RF input of +36 dBm for 20 seconds, and a continuous +27 dBM input, without causing damage.Transceiver Tx Modulation CharacteristicsThe transceiver Tx modulation characteristics are as follows:ModeAM-Voice mode The AM-Voice mode uses Double Side Band (DSB) Amplitude Modulation (AM) full carrier, emission designator 6K80A3EJN for 25 kHz channels and 5K00A3EJN for 8.33 kHz channels.AM-MSK The AM MSK mode uses Double Side Band (DSB) Amplitude Modulation (AM) full carrier, emission designator 13K0A2DJN.Modulation Depth The transceiver is capable of modulation depths up to 95%.Hum and Noise The hum and noise is more than 45 dB below the signal level for line input levels <-13 dBm, and more than 50 dB below the signal level for line input levels ≥−13 dBm, for a carrier modulated by a 1 kHz signal with a modulation depth of 90%.
Page 8Back to TransceiverMain PageFrequency Response25 kHz channel spacing The variation in frequency response with reference to a 1 kHz signal is within +0.5 dB and -1.5 dB across the frequency range 300 to 3400 Hz. The response is also less than -20 dB at 100 Hz and below, and less than -30 dB at 4 kHz and above.8.33 kHz channel spacing The variation in frequency response with reference to a 1k Hz signal is within +0.5 dB and -1.5 dB across the frequency range 350 Hz to 2500 Hz. The response is also less than -10 dB at 100 Hz and below, and less than -30 dB at 3200 Hz and above.Distortion25 kHz channel spacing The total harmonic distortion is less than 5% due to signals with a modulation depth of 90%, within the frequency range 300 Hz to 3400 Hz.8.33 kHz channel spacing The total harmonic distortion is less than 5% due to signals with a modulation depth of 90%, within the frequency range 350 Hz to 2500 Hz.Residual FM For a test signal of 1 kHz set at 80% modulation depth applied to the line input of the transceiver, the unwanted peak frequency modulation does not exceed ±500 Hz. VOGADAM-Voice The VOGAD has an operational range of 30 dB. The VOGAD can be disabled.AM-MSK VOGAD permanently disabled.MuteAM-Voice The mute level is set at 15 dB below the average speech line level setting. The mute can be disabled.AM-MSK The mute is permanently disabled.Differential group delayAM-MSK only There is a 60 µs of differential group delay for signals in the range 1200 to 2400 Hz.Transceiver Rx Modulation CharacteristicsThe transceiver Rx modulation characteristics are as follows:ModeAM-Voice mode The AM-Voice mode uses Double Side Band (DSB) Amplitude Modulation (AM) full carrier, emission designator 6K80A3EJN for 25 kHz channels and 5K00A3EJN for 8.33 kHz channels.AM-MSK The AM-MSK mode uses Double Side Band (DSB) Amplitude Modulation (AM) full carrier, emission designator 13K0A2DJN.
Page 9Back to TransceiverMain PageFrequency response25 kHz channel spacing The variation in frequency response with reference to a 1 kHz signal, is within +1 dB and -2 dB across the frequency range 300 to 3400 Hz.The response is less than -20 dB for frequencies at or below 100 Hz, and less than -30 dB at 4 kHz and above.8.33 kHz channel spacing The variation in frequency response with reference to a 1 kHz signal, is within +1 dB and -2 dB across the frequency range 350 to 2500 Hz.The response is less than -10 dB for frequencies at or below 100 Hz, and less than -30 dB at 4 kHz and above.Distortion25 kHz channel spacing For RF input signals between -53 dBm and +10 dBm, the total harmonic distortion is less than 5% within the frequency range 300 Hz to 3.4 kHz when the modulation depth is between 30 and  90%.8.33 kHz channel spacing For RF input signals between -53 dBm and +10 dBm, the total harmonic distortion is less than 5% within the frequency range 350 Hz to 2.5 kHz when the modulation depth is between 30 and  90%.Wanted Signal Dynamic Range (RF AGC)For a 90% modulated on-channel signal, a change in signal level from -107 dBm to +10 dBm results in less than a 3 dB change in audio output. On-channel signals modulated at 90% up to a level of +17 dBm achieve at least 10 dB SINAD.Audio AGCAM-Voice Mode The audio AGC compresses a 30% to 90% variation in input modulation depth to an audio output power change of 1 dB or less.The audio output level is maintained at the equivalent of 90% modulation. Audio AGC can be disabled.AM-MSK Mode The audio AGC is permanently disabled.Squelch The transceiver has a noise compensated carrier operated squelch with an adjustment range of -114 to -60 dBm, and providing greater than 60 dB of quieting. Note that when the RF pre-attenuator is switched in, the adjustment levels are increased by 6 dB.The squelch has a noise compensation disable facility to provide carrier only operation.Transceiver Tx ControlTransceiver Tx control characteristics are as follows:Audio InputsAM-MSK AM-MSK data is connected to the transceiver via an external modem connected to the line inputs.
Page 10Back to TransceiverMain PageAM-Voice Voice can be connected to the transceiver via the front panel microphone connector. Voice can also be connected via the line inputs. Line level setting from -30 to +10 dBm.PTT Time-Out The time-out period is adjustable from 2 to 510 seconds in 2 second steps or can be disabled.Tranceiver Rx ControlAM-Voice Audio OutputsThe transceiver’s outputs are the remote audio line output, the headset output and the loudspeaker. Line level output is adjustable between -30 and +10 dBm.AM-MSK Output AM-MSK data is connected to an external modem through the remote audio line output.
Page 11Back to TransceiverMain PageMode 2IntroductionThis section gives the transceiver’s specification applicable to Mode 2 operation. Mode 2 parameters areidentical to AM-Voice mode with the following exceptions:Transceiver Tx RF CharacteristicsRF Power Rise Time The transceiver produces more than 90% of full power output within the first 2 symbols of the power stabilization segment, which is the first segment of the training sequence and consists of 4 symbols each representing 000.RF Power Decay Time The output power decays by more than 20 dB within 2.5 symbols of the middle of the final symbol.Channel Spacing 25 kHz channel spacing only.Transceiver Tx Modulation CharacteristicsMode Mode 2 uses Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA) differentially encoded 8-phase shift keying (D8PSK), using a raised cosine filter with α =0.6 (nominal value), emission designator 14K0G1DE. Information is differentially encoded with 3 bits per symbol transmitted as changes in phase rather than absolute phase. The data stream is divided into groups of 3 consecutive data bits, least significant bit first. Zeros are padded to the end of transmissions if needed for the final channel symbol.Modulation Rate The symbol rate is 10,500 symbols/second (±0.005%), resulting in a nominal bit rate of 31,500 bits/s.RMS Phase Error The RMS phase error is less than 3°. The error vector magnitude is less than 6%.Phase Acceleration The total frequency change during the transmission of the unique word is less than 10Hz. After this, the phase acceleration is less than 500 Hz/s.
Page 12Back to TransceiverMain PageTransceiver Rx RF CharacteristicsSensitivityThe transceiver has a sensitivity better than -102dBm for 1x10-3 Bit Error Rate (BER) with Reed SolomonDecoding off.Channel Spacing Mode 2 channel spacing is 25 kHz.IF Selectivity At ±11 kHz from the centre frequency, the signal is attenuated by less than 6 dB.At ±25 kHz from the centre frequency the signal is rejected by more than 80 dB.Unwanted Signal Suppression With the required signal at -92 dBm, a BER of better than 1x10-3 with Reed Solomon Decoding switched off is achieved under the following conditions:❑An interfering signal at -32 dBm on an adjacent channel❑One or more out-of-band interfering signals having a total level of-33 dBm❑One or more VHF FM broadcast signals having a total level of-5 dBm❑Co-channel rejection better than 20 dB.Synchronisation For received signals greater than -103 dBm, the probability of synchronisation is greater than 0.999. The probability of false synchronisation is 3x10-3Transceiver Rx Modulation CharacteristicsMode 2 uses Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA) differentially encoded 8-phase shift keying (D8PSK) using a raised cosine filter with α= 0.6 (nominal value), emission designator 14K0G1DE.Wanted Signal Dynamic Range (RF AGC)A BER better than 1x10-3 with Reed Solomon Decoding off is achieved for received signals of -102 dBm to +10 dBm.Frequency Offsets The transceiver operates with frequency offsets up to 826 Hz.
Page 13Back to TransceiverMain PageMode 3IntroductionThis section gives the transceiver’s specification applicable to Mode 3 operation. Mode 3 parameters areidentical to AM-Voice mode with the following exceptions:Transceiver Tx RF CharacteristicsRF Power Rise Time The transceiver produces more than 90% of full power output within the first 2 symbols of the power stabilization segment, which is the first segment of the training sequence and consists of 4 symbols each representing 000.RF Power Decay Time The output power decays by more than 20 dB within 2.5 symbols of the middle of the final symbol.Channel Spacing 25 kHz channel spacing only.Transceiver Tx Modulation CharacteristicsMode Mode 3 uses Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) differentially encoded 8-phase shift keying (D8PSK), using a raised cosine filter with α=0.6 (nominal value), emission designator 14K0G7WET. Information is differentially encoded with 3 bits per symbol transmitted as changes in phase rather than absolute phase. The data stream is divided into groups of 3 consecutive data bits, least significant bit first. Zeros are padded to the end of transmissions if needed for the final channel symbol.Modulation Rate The symbol rate is 10,500 symbols/second (±0.005%), resulting in a nominal bit rate of 31,500 bits/s.RMS Phase Error The RMS phase error is less than 3°. The error vector magnitude is less than 6%.Phase Acceleration The total frequency change during the transmission of the unique word is less than 10Hz. After this, the phase acceleration is less than 500 Hz/s.
Page 14Back to TransceiverMain PageTransceiver Rx RF CharacteristicsSensitivity The transceiver has a sensitivity better than -102dBm for 1x10-3 Bit Error Rate (BER) with Reed Solomon Decoding off.In order to improve co-location performance where maximum sensitivity cannot be realized due to large unwanted signals, the transceiver’s sensitivity can be reduced by 6 dB. This is achieved by switching on the 6 dB RF pre-attenuator from the front panel menu system.Channel Spacing Mode 3 channel spacing is 25 kHz.IF Selectivity At ±11 kHz from the centre frequency, the signal is attenuated by less than 6 dB.At ±25 kHz from the centre frequency the signal is rejected by more than 80 dB.Unwanted Signal Suppression With the required signal at -92 dBm, a BER of better than 1x10-3 with Reed Solomon Decoding switched off is achieved under the following conditions:❑An interfering signal at -32 dBm on an adjacent channel❑One or more out-of-band interfering signals having a total level of-33 dBm❑One or more VHF FM broadcast signals having a total level of-5 dBm❑Co-channel rejection better than 20 dB.Synchronisation For received signals greater than -103 dBm, the probability of synchronisation is greater than 0.999. The probability of false synchronisation is 3x10-3.Transceiver Rx Modulation CharacteristicsMode 3 uses Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) differentially encoded 8-phase shift keying (D8PSK) using a raised cosine filter with α= 0.6 (nominal value), emission designator 14K0G7WET.Wanted Signal Dynamic Range (RF AGC)A BER better than 1x10-3 with Reed Solomon decoding off is achieved for received signals of -102 dBm to +10 dBm. The AGC attack time is less than 0.5 ms and the decay time is less than 1 ms for a 40 dB step input.Frequency Offsets The transceiver operates with frequency offsets up to 826 Hz.
Page 1Back to TransceiverMain PageOperationPart 1 Controls and IndicatorsPart 2 Setting Up and OperationThis document describes the controls, indicators, setting up and operating instructions applicable to the T6TR VHF Multimode Transceiver.
Page 2Back to TransceiverMain PageControls and Indicators This part details the purpose of all controls and indicators of the T6TR transceivers.Front PanelThe front panel’s controls, indicators and connectors are shown below and detailed in the followingparagraphs.Scroll/Select Switch and LCDThe Scroll/Select switch is used in conjunction with the LCD to select most of the transceiver'soperational settings. Use of the switch and LCD is fully detailed in the section of this user guide applicableto the particular operating mode. During normal operation, the LCD shows the operating frequency, thechannel number (if the channel store facility is used), the carrier offset (if used), and displays a graphicalrepresentation of instantaneous peak power.The example LCD screen below shows the transceiver operating on 118.000 MHz; the frequency hasbeen preset as channel 100 and offset at +7.3 kHz.Transmit IndicatorAn amber indicator that lights when the transmit circuit is keyed and producing output power.Receive IndicatorAn amber indicator that lights when a signal is received that is above the squelch threshold. Additionally,this indicator is lit when the transceiver's squelch facility is switched off (squelch defeated). This indicatoralso lights when the transceiver is keyed.Alarm IndicatorA red indicator that either flashes, or lights, when a BIT fault has been detected. BIT indications areclassified as either Alarms or Alerts.If an ‘alert’ condition is detected, the Alarm indicator flashes, the Ready indicator remains lit, and thetransceiver remains operational. A BIT ‘alert’ is indicated if:❑If the transceiver RF output power has reduced from its setting by more than 1 dB but not morethan 3 dB❑If the supply volts falls below a pre-defined level.Any other BIT condition results in an alarm. When detected, the Alarm indicator lights and the Readyindicator becomes unlit; the transceiver cannot be used.READYALARMTRANSMITSTANDBY SCROLL/SELECTREFERENCEF r e q   1 1 8 .0 0 0 M H zC h   1 0 0      + 7 . 3 k H zP w r  Scroll SwitchLCDM o d e   A M  V o i c e                 1RECEIVEHEADSET/MICROPHONE/DIAGNOSTICS
Page 3Back to TransceiverMain PageReady IndicatorA green indicator that lights when the transceiver is ready for use and no BIT faults have been detected.Standby IndicatorA red indicator that lights when the transceiver is in standby mode. When in standby mode, most of theradio's circuits are inactive, the front panel LCD is blanked, and the transceiver cannot be keyed.Standby mode is selected and deselected using the front panel Scroll/Select switch and LCD, by initiatingan instruction through a MARC system, through a T6 controller or through the VFP. For details of frontpanel selection and deselection see page 15.Reference ConnectorAn SMB jack socket that allows a frequency counter to monitor the transceiver's reference frequency.This connector is used only for maintenance purposes. The instructions for checking and adjusting thereference frequency are given in the Maintenance section.Headset/Microphone/Diagnostics ConnectorA dual purpose connector that allows either a headset/microphone, or a PC, to be connected to thetransceiver. The connector is a 7-pin self-locking DIN socket; the pin-out is shown in Table 1.A microphone is fitted to this connector to enable the transceiver to be operated in AM local mode. Theconnections are detailed in Table 1. A PC can also be connected to allow the VFP to be displayed. Usingthe VFP is detailed in the T6TR maintenance section. The PC connections at the transceiver are shownin Table 2 on page 4.Table 1 Headset/Microphone/Diagnostics Connector - Audio ConnectionsPinNumber Signal Input or Output Description1 Microphone ground - 0 V.3 Microphone PTT Input 0 V to PTT.5 Sidetone/headset drive Output 0 to 3 V pk-pk.6 Microphone input Input 2 to 35 mV rms on Passive setting and 8 to 140 mV rms on Active setting to remain in VOGAD range.7Ground - 0V.Viewed from front
Page 4Back to TransceiverMain PageRear Panel Power SwitchThe rear panel's power switch is a 2-way rocker switch used to select between power on, and standby.When the Power Switch is set to the Standby position, dangerous voltages are still presentin the transceiver's internal power supply circuitry. To ensure safe working, the transceivermust be isolated from the ac and dc input supplies.Table 2 Headset/Microphone/Diagnostics Connector - PC ConnectionsPinNumber Signal Input or Output Description2 Transmit data Output RS232, 115200 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, no handshaking.4 Receive data Input RS232, 115200 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, no handshaking.7 Ground - 0 V.WARNING Dangerous Voltages= Standby= On
Page 5Back to TransceiverMain PageSetting Up and OperationIntroductionSetting up the transceiver involves selecting various parameters using the Virtual Front Panel (VFP),through a Multi-Access Remote Control (MARC) system, from a T6 controller, or from the transceiver’sfront panel. The transceiver can be configured for remote or local use.Table 11 on page 35 details the functions and parameters that can be set from all these sources.The rest of this document details how to configure the transceiver from the front panel, and how tooperate the radio in local mode.Selecting most of the transceiver's operational settings is carried out using the front panel Scroll/Selectswitch and the LCD (see the illustration below). No attempt to set up the transceiver should be made untilthe transceiver has been installed as per the installation procedures given in the Installation section.Normal OperationDuring normal operation, the LCD displays the Main screen. This screen shows the operating frequency,the channel number (if the channel store facility is used), the carrier offset (if used), and displays agraphical representation of output power when the transceiver is keyed. If the transceiver has been setto Standby mode, which is shown by the front panel Standby Indicator being lit, the LCD is blanked.Using the Scroll/Select SwitchThe Scroll/Select switch (referred to throughout this section as the ‘Switch’) is used to leave the Mainscreen and display the Control screen (see page 8). Further use of the Switch displays various selectionmenus and allows the required parameters to be set. The switch has three actions: it can be turnedclockwise, anti-clockwise, or momentarily pushed in.READYALARMTRANSMITSTANDBY SCROLL/SELECTHEADSET/MICROPHONE/DIAGNOSTICSREFERENCEF r e q   1 1 8 .0 0 0 M H zC h   1 0 0      + 7 . 3 k H zP w r  Scroll SwitchLCDM o d e   A M  V o i c e                 1RECEIVE
Page 6Back to TransceiverMain PageScreen ProtocolThe following protocol is applicable to all screens described in this document.Main Screen During normal transceiver operation, the Main screen, an example of which is shown below, is displayed.Switch Refers to the front panel Scroll/Select switch. The switch is turned clockwise to scroll through fields from left to right, and from top to bottom. The switch is turned anti-clockwise to scroll through fields from right to left, and from bottom to top. The switch is pressed to make a selection.Time out If during any setting up procedure the Scroll/Select switch is not operated for 30 seconds, the display returns to the Main screen. If editing any parameter has not been completed, the transceiver stays on the original setting.>> Indicates more fields are available other than those currently displayed. To access those fields, turn the switch clockwise through the last displayed field.<< Indicates more fields are available other than those currently displayed. To access those fields, turn the switch anti-clockwise through the first displayed field.Back When Back is selected, you are returned to the previous menu.Exit When Exit is selected, you are returned to the Main screen.Menu SystemThe front panel control of the radio is implemented through a hierarchical menu system as shown on thefollowing page. F r e q 1 1 8 . 0 0 0 M H zC h 1 0 0 + 7 . 3 k H zM o d e A M V o i c eV o l I I I I I I I I I I
Page 7Back to TransceiverMain Page Menu SystemF r e q 1 1 8 . 0 0 0 M H zC h 1 0 0M o d e A M V o i c eV o l I I I I I I I I I ISettingsSet the transceiver’s operational settingsBITInitiate a BIT test and view resultsStandbyEnter or Exit standby modeRef FreqAdjust the transceiver’s reference frequencyBand EdgesSet up the transceiver’s band edgesPolaritiesSet the active polarity for certain hardwire connectionsBacklightAdjust the display’s backlightAM-Voice ModeSettings(see page 19)AM-MSK ModeSettings(see page 20)Digital Modes(see page 23)Mode and Mode SettingsSelect ModeMenu Lock Screen(see page 8)Main ScreenDisplayed during normal transceiver operation with the transceiver unkeyed.FrequencySet the transceiver’s operating frequencyChannelSet or recall up to 100 preset frequency channelsControl ScreenConfigure the transceiver’s operating parameters, access the BIT facility or view the software configuration.S/W ConfigView the transceiver’s software configuration
Page 8Back to TransceiverMain PageMenu Lock ScreenA security facility available only from the VFP allows the transceiver's front panel to be ‘locked’. Whenthis facility is active, no operational settings can be made from the front panel until an ‘unlock’ commandis sent from the VFP.The following screen is displayed when ‘lock’ is active, and the front panel switch is pressed.To exit the system lock screen:❑Select OK, then press the switch. You are returned to the Main screen.or,❑Wait for the 30 second time-out to expire. You are returned to the Main screen.Control ScreenThe Control screen is entered from the Main screen by pressing the switch. The following screen isdisplayed:S E C U R I T Y M E S S A G EF r o n t P a n e lL o c k e dO KF r e q u e n c yC h a n n e lS e t t i n g sE x i t > >B I TS / W C o n f i gS t a n d b yE x i t < <Change the transceiver’s operating frequency.Store or recall preset channel frequencies.Select operating mode and mode settings.Initiate a BIT test and view results.View software configuration.Enter or exit standby mode.
Page 9Back to TransceiverMain PageNotes for Setting Up the TransceiverThe following notes should be read before setting up the transceiver. They advise on the specialfrequency display when using 8.33 kHz channel spacing, and give guidance on the optimum line levelsettings. Note that for operation in the United States of America, this equipment is certified only foroperation using 25 kHz channel spacing.Front Panel Display for 25 kHz and 8.33 kHz Channel SpacingWhen setting the operating frequency of the transceiver and 8.33 kHz channel spacing is selected, thedisplayed frequency differs from the actual channel frequency. Table 3 shows the pattern used for25 kHz and 8.33 kHz spaced channel frequencies from 118.000 MHz to 118.141 MHz. The pattern is thesame for any frequency within the transceiver's frequency range. The display conforms to ICAOconvention for 8.33 kHz operation.Input Line Level SettingsThe input line level setting displayed on the front panel is equivalent to the average speech level with apeak-to-average ratio of 13 dB. This corresponds to the level specified for the lines.When testing the transceiver using a sine wave, the line input level should be set to 10 dB above the linelevel setting. The VOGAD and mute thresholds are pre-set at 10 dB and 15 dB respectively below theline level setting.Table 4 shows the relationship between the input line level, VOGAD threshold and mute threshold.Table 3  25 kHz and 8.33 kHz Channel Spacing DisplaysActual Frequency(to 4 decimal places) ChannelSpacing Displayed Frequencyat Transceiver's Front Panel118.0000 MHz118.0000 MHz118.0083 MHz118.0166 MHz118.0250 MHz118.0250 MHz118.0333 MHz118.0416 MHz118.0500 MHz118.0500 MHz118.0583 MHz118.0666 MHz118.0750 MHz118.0750 MHz118.0833 MHz118.0916 MHz118.1000 MHz118.1000 MHz118.1083 MHz118.1166 MHz118.1250 MHz118.1250 MHz118.1333 MHz118.1416 MHz25 kHz8.33 kHz8.33 kHz8.33 kHz25 kHz8.33 kHz8.33 kHz8.33 kHz25 kHz8.33 kHz8.33 kHz8.33 kHz25 kHz8.33 kHz8.33 kHz8.33 kHz25 kHz8.33 kHz8.33 kHz8.33 kHz25 kHz8.33 kHz8.33 kHz8.33 kHz118.000 MHz118.005 MHz118.010 MHz118.015 MHz118.025 MHz118.030 MHz118.035 MHz118.040 MHz118.050 MHz118.055 MHz118.060 MHz118.065 MHz118.075 MHz118.080 MHz118.085 MHz118.090 MHz118.100 MHz118.105 MHz118.110 MHz118.115 MHz118.125 MHz118.130 MHz118.135 MHz118.140 MHz
Page 10Back to TransceiverMain PageOutput Line Level SettingThe output line level setting displayed on the front panel is equivalent to the average speech level with apeak-to-average ratio of 13 dB. This corresponds to the level specified for the lines.When testing the transceiver using a signal generator with sine wave modulation, the line output levelwill be 10 dB above the line level setting.Table 5 shows the relationship between line level, output levels with average speech and sine wave(assuming that the audio AGC is set to on, and the modulation depth is between 30% and 100%).Table 4 Relationship Between Line Level, VOGAD Threshold and Mute ThresholdLine Level Setting (dBm) Average Speech Level (dBm) Sine Wave Level (dBm) VOGAD Threshold (dBm) Mute Threshold (dBm)+10 +10 +20 0 -5+5 +5 +15 -5 -1000+10-10-15-5 -5 +5 -15 -20-10 -10 0 -20 -25-15 -15 -5 -25 -30-20 -20 -10 -30 -35-25 -25 -15 -35 -40-30 -30 -20 -40 -45Table 5 Relationship between Line Level, Output Levels with Average Speechand Sine WaveLine Level Setting(Front Panel Setting)(dBm)Output Level with Average Speech(dBm)Output Level withSine Wave(dBm)+10 +10 +20+5 +5 +1500+10-5 -5 +5-10 -10 0-15 -15 -5-20 -20 -10-25 -25 -15-30 -30 -20
Page 11Back to TransceiverMain PageChanging the Transceiver’s Operating FrequencyThe transceiver’s frequency can be changed in two ways: either from the frequency screen, or byrecalling a preset channel. This procedure details using the Frequency screen.F r e q 1 1 8 . 0 0 0 M H zC a n c e l O K(1) From the Control screen, selectfrequency to display the Frequencyscreen.(2) Turn the switch to highlight the digit tobe changed, then press the switch.(3) Turn the switch until the required digitis shown, then press the switch.(4) Repeat until the required frequency isshown, then highlight OK and press theswitch.
Page 12Back to TransceiverMain PageTo Store and Recall Frequency ChannelsUp to 100 frequency channels can be stored in the transceiver.C h 1 0 0F r e q 1 2 1 . 5 0 0 M H zR e c a l lB a c k E x i tC h 1 0 0F r e q 1 1 8 . 0 0 0 M H zS t o r eB a c k E x i tC h 1 0 0F r e q 1 1 8 . 0 0 0 M H zI nn v a l i d f o r M o d eB a c k E x i tC h 1 0 0F r e q 1 1 8 . 0 0 0 M H zO u t s i d e B a n d E d g eB a c k E x i tTo store a Channel Frequency(1) From the Control screen, selectChannel to display the Channelscreen. Highlight Channel, press theswitch and then turn it until the requiredchannel number is displayed; press theswitch.(2) Highlight the MHz frequency value(see Example 2), press the switch andthen turn it until the required MHz valueis shown. Press the switch.(3) Highlight the kHz frequency value (seeExample 3), press the switch and thenturn it until the required kHz value isshown. Press the switch.(4) Highlight Store and press the switch.The new frequency is now stored in theselected channel number.To recall a Stored Frequency Channel(1) From the Control screen, selectChannel to display the Channelscreen.(2) To make the transceiver operate on anypreset channel frequency, highlightChannel and press the switch. Turn theswitch until the required channelnumber/frequency is displayed, thenpress the switch.(3) Turn the switch to highlight Recall, thenpress the switch. Exit the screen. Thetransceiver now operates on therecalled channel frequency.Notes:If a frequency outside the band edge limits isentered, a message (see Channel Screen -Example 3) is displayed.If a frequency not valid for the mode ofoperation is entered, a message (see ChannelScreen - Example 4) is displayed.Channel Screen - Example 1Channel Screen - Example 2Channel Screen - Example 3Channel Screen - Example 4
Page 13Back to TransceiverMain PageTo Initiate a BIT TestUse the following procedure to initiate an interruptive BIT test from the transceiver's front panel. A BITtest cannot be initiated while the transceiver is keyed. After a BIT test has been run, the BIT screen isdisplayed (see AM-Voice and AM-MSK BIT Screen on page 28). An interruptive BIT test cannot beinitiated in Mode 2 or Mode 3.(1) From the Main screen, press the switch to display the Control screen. Turn the switch until BITis highlighted. Press the switch.(2) Ensure the BIT menu is displayed. Turn the switch until BIT Initiate is highlighted. Press theswitch.(3) During the test, which takes approximately two seconds, the Testing screen is displayed.(4) On completion, and if the interruptive test was initiated from the front panel, one of the followingscreens will be shown.B I T I n i t i a t eE T I 0 0 0 0 0 : 0 0 h r sA C S u p p l y O NE x i t > >T e s t i n gP l e a s e W a i tDuring an interruptive BIT test, the transceiver radiates modulated carrier waves at the setpower. Users should therefore obtain the necessary authority before initiating a test.If the test is to be carried out with the antenna disconnected, ensure a load is fitted to thetransceiver's antenna connector.In order to test the line input stages, an internally generated 1 kHz tone is injected into theline input circuit. Any other audio present on the line input will cause the test to beinaccurate. Therefore the transceiver must not be keyed during the test.B I TS / W C o n f i gS t a n d b yE x i t < <
Page 14Back to TransceiverMain Page(5) Selecting OK takes the user back to the BIT screen.(6) Selecting OK takes the user back to the BIT screen. The user can then scroll through the screento check out transceiver parameters for failure.T e s t S t a t u sP A S SO KT e s t S t a t u sF A I LO K
Page 15Back to TransceiverMain PageStandby ModeStandby mode is a power saving feature that can be used for non-operational transceivers. When instandby mode, most of the transceiver's circuits are inactive, the LCD is blanked, and the transceivercannot be keyed. To put the transceiver into standby mode, use the following procedure.When the transceiver is in Standby mode, the red front panel Standby indicator is lit.To Enter Standby ModeTo Exit Standby ModeE n t e r S t a n d b y ?Y e s N o(1) From the Control screen selectStandby.(2) At the Standby screen, select Yes.(3) Check that the display blanks andthe front panel Standby indicator islit.E x i t S t a n d b y ?Y e s N o(1) Press the Switch.(2) Select Yes.(3) Check that the Main screen isdisplayed and that the front panelStandby indicator is unlit.
Page 16Back to TransceiverMain PageSettingsOperational settings for the T6TR VHF transceiver are configured at the front panel, through the VFP,and through an associated MARC system (or compatible control system). Some settings can also bemade remotely via a T6 controller. The Settings screen is entered from the Control screen.The settings that can be selected at the front panel Settings screen are:❑Mode - either AM-Voice, AM-MSK, Mode 2 or Mode 3.❑Mode Settings - allows the selected mode parameters to be set❑Polarities❑Band edges❑Backlight❑Reference frequency.Note that the mode selection, reference frequency and backlight are set from this screen. When modesettings, polarities and band edges are selected the user is taken to other screens. General and mode specific settings, showing default values, are referenced in Table 6 on page 17. Clickon any required parameter by page number for further references.M o d e A M V o i c eM o d e S e t t i n g sP o l a r i t i e sE x i t > >B a n d E d g e sR e f F r e q 5 0 . 0 %B a c k l i g h t 0 3 0 sE x i t < < > >B a c kE x i tSelect between AM-Voice, AM-MSK, Mode 2 or Mode 3.Select to take you to the mode specific Settings menu.Select to take you to the Polarities menu.Set the transceiver’s frequency band edges.Align the transceiver’s reference frequency (Note 1).Adjust the LCD’s backlight time out (Note 2).Notes:1. Setting the transceiver’s reference frequency is a maintenance operation. The current value should not bereset unless the correct test equipment is connected. See the Maintenance section.2. The LCD’s backlight can be set for permanently on, off, or timed to stay on for a period between 15 and 120seconds.
Page 17Back to TransceiverMain PageTable 6 Operational Settings from the Front PanelParameter Mode Adjustment Range Factory Default Setting Further ReferenceMenu lock screen All Locked or unlocked Unlocked page 8Enter standby mode All Yes or No - page 15Exit standby mode All Yes or No - page 15Set mode ofoperation All AM-voice, AM-MSK, Mode 2 or Mode 3 AM-voice page 16Set polarities AM-VoiceAM-MSK STD or INV STD page 24Band edges AllAM modes only NB model118.000 to 136.975 MHz orWB model112.000 to 155.975 MHzNB model118.000 and 136.975 MHz WB model112.000 and 155.975 MHzpage 33LCD backlight All 15 to 120 s, On or Off 30 s page 16RF Power All 5 to 50 W 50 W page 19Audio line in level AM-VoiceAM-MSK -30 to +10 dBm -13 dBm page 19 and page 21Audio line out level AM-VoiceAM-MSK -30 to +10 dBm -13 dBm page 19 and page 21Inhibit AM-VoiceAM-MSK On or Off Off page 19 and page 21PTT (key) AM-VoiceAM-MSK On (key), Off (de-key) Off page 19 and page 21Tx time out AM-VoiceAM-MSK 2 to 510 s or Off 180 s page 19 and page 21Modulation depth AM-VoiceAM-MSK 5 to 95% 85% page 19 and page 21Mute AM-Voice On or Off On page 19 VOGAD AM-Voice On or Off On page 19 Antenna C/O delay AM-VoiceAM-MSKOn or Off OnOffpage 19 page 21Offset AM-Voice 0, ±2.5, ±5, ±7.3, or ±7.5 kHz   0 (No offset) page 19Squelch AM-VoiceAM-MSK  -114 to -60 dBm in 1 dB steps. With the RF pre-attenuator selected, the range is -108 to -54 dBm-107 dBm page 19 and page 21RF Pre-attenuation AM-VoiceAM-MSK On or Off Off page 19 and page 21Squelch Defeat AM-VoiceAM-MSK On or Off Off page 19 and page 21Squelch noisecompensation AM-VoiceAM-MSK On or Off On page 19 and page 21Squelch carrieroverride AM-VoiceAM-MSK On or Off Off page 19 and page 21
Page 18Back to TransceiverMain PageAM-Voice Settings ProcedureDuring this procedure, the following parameters, applicable to AM-Voice operation, can be set:Audio AGC AM-Voice On or Off On page 19 Loudspeaker AM-Voice On or Off On page 19Step AM-Voice 8.33, 25 kHz or both 25 kHz page 20Mic AM-Voice Active or Passive Passive page 20Key priority AM-VoiceAM-MSK Local-Remote orRemote-Local Local-Remote page 20 and page 21Local PTT AM-VoiceAM-MSK Enabled or Disabled Enabled page 20 and page 21Remote PTT AM-VoiceAM-MSK Enabled or Disabled Enabled page 20 and page 21Remote phantom PTT AM-VoiceAM-MSK Enabled or Disabled Enabled page 20 and page 21Self receive AM-Voice On or Off Off page 20❑RF power output❑Audio Line input level❑Audio Line output level❑Inhibit❑PTT on (key) or off (de-key)❑Transmitter time out❑Modulation depth❑Mute (on or off)❑VOGAD (on or off) ❑Antenna c/o delay (on or off)❑Offset❑Squelch (See “Squelch Setting Options” onpage 22.)❑RF pre-attenuation (on or off)❑Squelch defeat (on or off)❑Squelch noise compensation (on or off)❑Squelch carrier override (on or off)❑Audio AGC (on or off)❑Loudspeaker (on or off)❑Step (25 kHz or 8.33 kHz)❑Mic (Passive or Active)❑Key priority (local or remote)❑Enable or disable local PTT❑Enable or disable remote PTT❑Enable or disable remote phantom PTT❑Self receiveTable 6 Operational Settings from the Front Panel (Continued)Parameter Mode Adjustment Range Factory Default Setting Further Reference
Page 19Back to TransceiverMain PageAM-Voice Mode Settings ScreenThe AM-Voice mode setting screen is a accessed from the Settings screen. Use the Scroll/Select switchto select the parameter, then enter the required setting(s).P o w e r 5 0 WL i n e I n - 1 3 d B mL i n e O u t - 1 3 d B mE x i t > >I n h i b i t O F FP T T O F FT X T i m e o u t 1 8 0 sE x i t < < > >M o d D e p t h 8 5 %M u t e O NV O G A D O NE x i t < < > >A n t C / O D e l O NO f f s e t 0 . 0 k H zS q u e l c h - 1 0 7 d B mE x i t < < > >R F P r e - A t t e n O F FS q l    D e f e a t O F FS q l N / C o m p O NE x i t < < > >S q l C a r r O / R O F FA u d i o A G C O NS p e a k e r O NE x i t < < > >AdjustmentsRF power between 5 W to 50 W.Audio line in level between -30 to +10 dBm.Audio line out level between -30 to +10 dBm.On or Off.On (key), Off (de-key).2 to 510 s.5 to 95%.On or Off.On or Off.On or Off.0, ±2.5, ±5, ±7.3, ±7.5 kHz. -114 to -60 dBm in 1 dB steps. With the RFpre-attenuator selected, the range is -108 to-54 dBm.On or Off.On or Off.On or Off.On or Off.On or Off.On or Off.
Page 20Back to TransceiverMain PageAM-MSK Mode Settings ProcedureDuring this procedure, the following parameters, applicable to AM-MSK operation, can be set:❑RF Power output❑Audio Line input level❑Audio Line output level❑Inhibit❑PTT on (key) or off (de-key)❑Transmitter time out❑Modulation depth❑Antenna c/o delay (on or off)❑Squelch (See “Squelch Setting Options” onpage 22.)❑RF pre-attenuation❑Squelch defeat❑Squelch noise compensation❑Squelch carrier override❑Key priority (local or remote)❑Enable or disable local PTT❑Enable or disable remote PTT❑Enable or disable remote phantom PTTAdjustments25 kHz, 8.33 kHz or both.Active or Passive.Local-remote or Remote-local.Enabled or Disabled.Enabled or Disabled.Enabled or Disabled.On or Off.S t e p 2 5 k H zM i c P A S S I V EK e y P r i o r i t y L - RE x i t < < > >L o c a l P T T E NR e m o t e P T T E NR e m P h a n P T T E NE x i t < < > >S e l f - R e c e i v e O F FB a c kE x i t< <
Page 21Back to TransceiverMain PageAM-MSK Mode Settings ScreensThe AM-Voice mode setting screen is a accessed from the Settings screen. Use the Scroll/Select switchto select the parameter, then enter the required setting(s).P o w e r 5 0 WL i n e I n - 1 3 d B mL i n e O u t - 1 3 d B mE x i t > >I n h i b i t O F FP T T O F FT X T i m e o u t 1 8 0 sE x i t < < > >M o d D e p t h 8 5 %A n t C / O D e l O NS q u e l c h - 1 0 7 d B mE x i t < < > >R F P r e - A t t e n O F FS q l    D e f e a t O F FS q l N / C o m p O NE x i t < < > >S q l C a r r O / R O F FK e y P r i o r i t y L - RL o c a l P T T E NE x i t < < > >R e m o t e P T T E NR e m P h a n P T T E NB a c kE x i t < <AdjustmentsRF power between 5 W to 50 W.Audio line in level between -30 to +10 dBm.Audio line in level between -30 to +10 dBm.On or Off.On (key), off (de-key).2 to 510 s.5 to 95%.On or Off.-114 to -60dBm in 1dB steps. With the RFpre-attenuator selected, the range is -108 to-54 dBm.Off or On.Off or On.Off or On.Off or On.Local-remote or Remote-local.Enabled or Disabled.Enabled or Disabled.Enabled or Disabled.
Page 22Back to TransceiverMain PageSquelch Setting OptionsThe transceiver’s squelch facility is configured from the AM-Voice, or AM-MSK Settings screen. Thefollowing fields are applicable to squelch operation.Sql Defeat. The squelch defeat facility can be set to on or off.❑When set to on, the squelch facility does not operate.❑When set to off the transceiver’s squelch facilities are available.Squelch. The squelch field sets the threshold; the default setting is -107 dBm.❑During periods of no reception, or when signals weaker than the threshold arereceived, the transceiver is muted.❑When signals stronger than the squelch threshold are received, the squelch circuitsare defeated and reception is heard in the normal way.Sql N/Comp. This field allows noise compensated squelch to be selected on or off. When this facilityis on, the squelch circuits mute all signals weaker than the threshold, and also mutesignals stronger than the threshold that are excessively noisy.Sql Carr O/R. The carrier override squelch facility is used in conjunction with the noise compensatedsquelch facility. If too many noisy signals are being lost due to noise compensation,carrier override can be switched on to reduce the squelch threshold by 10 dB. Thedefault threshold of -107 dBm effectively becomes -97 dBm with carrier overrideswitched on. All signals stronger than -97 dBm, irrespective of the noise level, are thenheard in the normal way. Using the RF Pre-AttenuatorSelecting the RF pre-attenuator to On provides a 6 dB reduced sensitivity feature to improve co-locationperformance where maximum sensitivity cannot be realised due to large unwanted signalsTable 7 Squelch Facility SettingsRequired Squelch Operation Squelch Defeat Setting Squelch Setting Sql N/Comp Setting Sql Carr O/R SettingNo squelch On Any Off OffSquelch(without noise compensation) Off Required threshold Off OffNoise compensated squelch Off Required threshold On OffNoise compensated squelch with carrier override squelch Off Required threshold On On
Page 23Back to TransceiverMain PageMode 2 Settings ScreenThis is an advisory screen. Pressing OK returns the user to the Main screen.Mode3 Settings ScreenThis is an advisory screen. Pressing OK returns the user to the Main screen.M o d e 2 p a r a m e t e r sa r e s e t v i a t h eH L D C i n t e r f a c eO KM o d e 3 p a r a m e t e r sa r e s e t v i a t h eT 1 / E 1 i n t e r f a c eO K
Page 24Back to TransceiverMain PagePolarities Screens AM-Voice and AM-MSKA number of remote indication and control signals can be hard-wire connected to the transceiver. Thefollowing paragraphs detail the signals applicable to each operational mode of the transceiver.The Polarities screen is accessed from the Settings screen.AM-Voice and AM-MSK Polarity SettingsR e a d y O u t S T DE - B I T I n S T DI n h i b i t I n S T DE x i t > >B I T S t a r t I n S T DP T T R e f + 1 4 VP T T I n S T DE x i t > >P h a n P T T I n S T DP T T O u t S T DF a s t P T T O u t S T DE x i t < < > >E x t V S W R I n S T DM A R C S q l O u t S T DF A C S q l O u t S T DE x i t < < > >P h a n S q l O u t S T DS q l D e f I n S T DB a c kE x i t < <Each of thirteen polarity settings applicable toAM-Voice and AM-MSK can be set to the defaultSTD (standard) setting or INV (inverted).The signal connections are shown in Table 8 onpage 25 along with the conditions when STD orINV is selected.The settings for the PTT Reference voltage arealso shown in Table 8 on page 25.
Page 25Back to TransceiverMain PageTable 8 AM-Voice and AM-MSK Polarity SettingsSignal Connector Polarity set to STD Polarity set to INVReady Out Facilities, pin 13 An open collector grounded output when the radio is ready to transmit and no BIT faults are detected.An open collector high impedance output when the radio is ready to transmit and no BIT faults are detected.E-BIT In Facilities, pin 2 TTL input. 0 V indicates an external fault. TTL input. 5 V indicates an external fault.Inhibit In Facilities, pin 10 TTL input. 0 V inhibits receiver operation. TTL input. 5 V inhibits receiver operation.BIT Start In Facilities, pin 11 TTL input. 0 V initiates an interruptive BIT test. TTL input. 5 V initiates an interruptive BIT test.PTT In MARC Audio, pin 8 Active when input differs from reference by more than ±10 V. Inactive when input differs from reference by less than ±1 V. Maximum input level ±60 V with respect to reference. Input will draw no more than 6 mA, requires at least 1 mA to operate. Active when input differs from reference by less than ±1 V. Inactive when input differs from reference by more than +10 V. Maximum input level +60 V with respect to reference. Input will draw no more than 6 mA, requires at least 1 mA to operate.Phantom PTT In MARC Audio, pin 4 Active when input differs from reference by more than ±10 V. Inactive when input differs from reference by less than ±1 V. Maximum input level ±60 V with respect to reference. Input will draw no more than 6 mA, requires at least 1 mA to operate. Active when input differs from reference by less than ±1 V. Inactive when input differs from reference by more than +10 V. Maximum input level +60 V with respect to reference. Input will draw no more than 6 mA, requires at least 1 mA to operate.PTT Out Facilities, pin 3 Grounding solid state relay. +60 to -60 V, ac or dc, 100 mA max, n/o. Activated 20 ms (±1 ms) before the start of the power ramp up to allow for the antenna relay to pull-in time.Grounding solid state relay. +60 to -60 V, ac or dc, 100 mA max, n/c. Activated 20 ms (±1 ms) before the start of the power ramp up to allow for the antenna relay to pull-in time.Fast PTT Output (antenna changeover) MARC Audio, pin 3 Open collector NPN transistor grounding output, 200 mA max, n/o.Open collector NPN transistor grounding output, 200 mA max, n/c.External VSWR InputFacilities, pin 4 TTL input. 0 V active. TTL input. 5 V active.MARC squelch out MARC, pin 4MARC audio, pin 6Normally open relay contactthat closes to give a 0 V outputwhen the squelch circuits aredefeated (aircraft calling).Normally closed (0 V output)relay contact that opens whenthe squelch circuits aredefeated (aircraft calling).
Page 26Back to TransceiverMain PageFAC squelch out Facilities, pin 5 Normally open relay contact that closes when the squelch circuits are defeated (aircraft calling). The relay contact can be configured to switch any potential between -60 V and +60Vdc.Normally closed relay contact that opens when the squelch circuits are defeated (aircraft calling). The relay contact can be configured to switch any potential between -60 V and +60Vdc.Phantom squelchout MARC, pin 2MARC audio, pin 1 Phantom Squelch. Normally open relay contact that closes to connect a 0 V phantom potential to the audio lines when the squelch circuits are defeated (aircraft calling).Phantom Squelch. Normally closed relay contact connecting a 0 V potential to the audio lines that opens when the squelch circuits are defeated (aircraft calling).Squelch defeat in Facilities pin 7 TTL input. 0 V switches off the squelch circuits. TTL input. 5 V switches off the squelch circuits.PTT Ref.-PTT Ref can be set to +14 V,0 V or -14 V. PTT state is:+14 V Ref.   key ≤+4 V                           ≥+24 V                        u n k e y   + 1 3   t o  + 1 5  V                   0 V Ref.       key ≤-10 V                           ≥+10 V             unkey  -1 V to +1 V-14 V Ref.    key ≤-24 V                           ≥-4 V             unkey  -13 to -15 VMaximum input level ±60 V with respect to reference. Input will draw no more than 6 mA, and requires at least 1 mA to operate.PTT Ref can be set to +14 V,0 V or -14 V. PTT state is:+14 V Ref.    unkey ≤+4 V                               ≥+24 V                              k ey   +1 3  t o + 15  V                   0 V Ref.        unkey ≤-10 V                                ≥+10 V                  key -1 V to +1 V-14 V Ref.      unkey ≤-24 V                                 ≥-4 V                  key  -13 to -15 V Maximum input level ±60 V with respect to reference. Input will draw no more than 6 mA, and requires at least 1 mA to operate.Table 8 AM-Voice and AM-MSK Polarity SettingsSignal Connector Polarity set to STD Polarity set to INV
Page 27Back to TransceiverMain PageMode 2 and Mode 3 Polarity SettingsTable 9 Mode 2 and Mode 3 Polarity SettingsSignal Connector Polarity set to STD Polarity set to INVReady Out Facilities, pin 13 An open collector grounded output when the radio is ready to transmit and no BIT faults are detected.An open collector high impedance output when the radio is ready to transmit and no BIT faults are detected.E-BIT In Facilities, pin 2 TTL input. 0 V indicates an external fault. TTL input. 5 V indicates an external fault.External VSWR InputFacilities, pin 4 TTL input. 0 V active TTL input. 5 V active.R e a d y O u t S T DE - B I T I n S T DE x t V S W R I n S T DE x i t > >B a c kE x i t< <Each of the three polarity settings applicable toMode 2 and Mode 3 can be set to the default STD(standard) setting or INV (inverted).The signal connections are shown in Table 9along with the conditions when STD or INV isselected.
Page 28Back to TransceiverMain PageAM-Voice and AM-MSK BIT ScreenThe AM-Voice and AM-MSK BIT screen is a accessed from the Control screen. Further information onthe BIT screen can be found in the Maintenance section.   B I T I n i t i a t eE T I 0 0 0 0 0 : 0 0 h r sA C S u p p l y O NE x i t > >D C S u p p l y O NS u p p l y 2 8 VS y n t h L o c k P A S SE x i t < < > >P A T e m p 5 0 d e g CP A C o o l i n g P A S SB a s e b a n d P A S SE x i t < < > >R F D r i v e P A S SP A O u t p u t P A S SP A L o o p P A S SE x i t < < > >M o d D e p t h P A S SV S W R P A S SL o o p E r r o r P A S SE x i t < < > >T X R F F i l t P A S SR X R F F i l t P A S SS e n s i t i v i t y P A S SE x i t < < > >Select to initiate BIT test.Shows elapsed time 0:00 to 99999:59 (Hrs:Min).Shows state of ac supply (On or Off).PA temperature (range -20°C to +150°C).Pass or Fail.Pass, Fail or Not Connected.  Pass, Fail or Not Tested. Pass, Fail or Not Tested. Pass, Fail or Not Tested.Shows state of dc supply (On or Off).dc supply 0 to 40 V, <21.6 V Alert, <19 V Alarm.Pass or Fail (Out-of-Lock).Pass, Fail or Not Tested.Pass or Fail.Pass or Fail.Pass, Fail or Not Tested.Pass, Fail or Not Tested.Pass, Fail or Not Tested.
Page 29Back to TransceiverMain PageI F F i l t e r s P A S SA u d i o P A S SD S P 1 P A S SE x i t < < > >D S P 2 P A S SX i l i n x 1 P A S SX i l i n x 2 P A S SE x i t < < > >E E P R O M P A S SS t a r t U p P A S SC a l i b r a t i o n P A S SE x i t < < > >U n k e y e d P w r P A S SE - B I T P A S SM A R C A C T I V EE x i t < < > >H D L C I N A C T I V ET 1 / E 1 I N A C T I V EB a c kE x i t < <Pass, Fail or Not Tested.Pass, Fail or Not Tested.Pass or Fail.Pass or Fail.Pass or Fail.Pass or Fail.Pass or Fail.Pass or Fail.Pass or Fail.Pass or Fail.Pass or Fail.Active or Inactive.Active or Inactive.Active or Inactive.
Page 30Back to TransceiverMain PageMode 2 and Mode 3 BIT ScreenThe Mode 2 and Mode 3 BIT screen is accessed from the Control screen.E T I 0 0 0 0 0 : 0 0 h r sA C S u p p l y O ND C S u p p l y O NE x i t > >S u p p l y 2 8 VS y n t h L o c k P A S SP A T e m p 5 0 d e g CE x i t < < > >P A C o o l i n g P A S SV S W R P A S SL o o p E r r o r P A S SE x i t < < > >D S P 1 P A S SD S P 2 P A S SX i l i n x 1 P A S SE x i t < < > >X i l i n x 2 P A S SE E P R O M P A S SS t a r t U p P A S SE x i t < < > >C a l i b r a t i o n P A S SE - B I T P A S SM A R C A C T I V EE x i t < < > >Shows elapsed time 0:00 to 99999:59 (Hrs:Min).Shows state of ac supply (On or Off).On or Off.Shows value of dc supply.Pass or Fail.Indicates the PA temperature.Pass or Fail.Pass or Fail.Pass or Fail.Pass or Fail.Pass or Fail.Pass or Fail.Pass or Fail.Pass, Fail or Not Tested.Pass or Fail.Pass or Fail.Pass or Fail.Active or Inactive.
Page 31Back to TransceiverMain PageH D L C A C T I V ET 1 / E 1 A C T I V EB a c kE x i t < <Active or Inactive.Active or Inactive.Active or Inactive.
Page 32Back to TransceiverMain PageSoftware Configuration ScreensSoftware configuration screens are as follows:T 6 V H F 5 0 W T X1 1 8 - 1 3 6 . 9 7 5 M H zE x i t > >B o o t S o f t w a r e6 5 - x x x x x x x x / v vE x i t < < > >B a s e S o f t w a r e6 5 - x x x x x x x x / v vE x i t < < > >M o d e S o f t w a r e6 5 - x x x x x x x x / v v[ D e s c r i p t i o n ]E x i t < < > >F i l l 1 S o f t w a r e6 5 - x x x x x x x x / v v[ D e s c r i p t i o n ]E x i t < < > >F i l l 2 S o f t w a r e6 5 - x x x x x x x x / v v[ D e s c r i p t i o n ]E x i t < < > >Second line variation for WB radios reads 112-155.975 MHz.65-xxxxxxxx represents the software part number and /v v represents its version.65-xxxxxxxx represents the software part number and /v v represents its version.Current mode running. 65-xxxxxxxx represents the software part number and /v v represents its version.65-xxxxxxxx represents the software partnumber and /v v represents its version.65-xxxxxxxx represents the software partnumber and /v v represents its version.
Page 33Back to TransceiverMain PageBand EdgesThe frequency range of the transceiver is 118 to 136.975 MHz for the B6550/NB version, or 112 to155.975 MHz for the B6550/WB version.If required, reception can be limited to either one or two smaller parts of the frequency band by settingthe band edges BE1 to BE4. Reception is possible between BE1 and BE2 frequencies, and frequenciesbetween BE3 and BE4. Table 10 Band Edge ValuesBE1 BE2 BE3 BE4B6550/NB set so that the full frequency range can be received. 118.000 136.975 118.000 136.975B6550/WB set so that the full frequency range can be received. 112.000 155.975 112.000 155.975Example: Transceiver set to transmit and receive only those frequencies in the range 120 to 130 MHz. 120.000 130.000 120.000 130.000Example: Transceiver set to transmit and receive only those frequencies in the ranges 120 to 125 MHz and 130 to 135 MHz. 120.000 125.000 130.000 135.000F i l l 3 S o f t w a r e6 5 - x x x x x x x x / v v[ D e s c r i p t i o n ]F i l l 4 S o f t w a r e6 5 - x x x x x x x x / v v[ D e s c r i p t i o n ]65-xxxxxxxx represents the software partnumber and /v v represents its version.65-xxxxxxxx represents the software partnumber and /v v represents its version.B E 1 1 1 8 . 0 0 0 M H zB E 2 1 3 6 . 9 7 5 M H zB E 3 1 1 8 . 0 0 0 M H zE x i t > >B E 4 1 3 6 . 9 7 5 M H zE x i t < <The Band Edge screen is accessed from theControl screen.Band edge frequencies can be set only inincrements of 25 kHz.If the transceiver is required to operate over thefull range, the band edge parameters must be setto the lowest and highest values in the range (seeTable 10).
Page 34Back to TransceiverMain PageBIT Status Warning ScreensThe following shows some example BIT screens. These screens alternate with the Main Screen whenan alert or alarm condition is present. Only the parameters causing the alert or alarm are displayed, andif both an alert and alarm condition exists simultaneously only the alarm information is displayed. Ifmultiple parameters are signalling an alert or alarm condition, multiple screens are used to display thestatus alternating with the Main Screen. A L E R TS u p p l y 2 1 VA L E R TR F P o w e r R e d u c e dL o o p  E r r o rS u p p l y 2 1 VA L E R TR F P o w e r R e d u c e dP A T e m p 8 5 d e g CA L A R MS y n t h L o c k F a i lA L A R MR F P o w e r R e m o v e dL o o p  E r r o r F A I LS u p p l y 1 8 VAlarm indicator flashingNo RF power reduction.Alarm indicator flashingRF power reduced between 1 and 3 dB. Alarm indicator flashingRF power reduced between 1 and 3 dB.Alarm indicator onSynth Lock failure (showing a single cause ofalarm).Alarm indicator onRF power shut down (showing multiple causesof alarm).
Page 35Back to TransceiverMain PageTable 11  Functions and ParametersFunction  Front Panel VFP MARC T6 Controller T1/E1 HDLC Default SettingFREQUENCYChange frequency ✔✔✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ 118.000 MHzFREQUENCY CHANNELSStore/Recall preset frequency channels ✔✔✔ ✔ ✗ ✗ -SETTINGSSet modulation mode ✔✔✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ AM-VoiceRadio Settings (AM Modes):Set RF output power ✔✔✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ 50 WSet audio input line level ✔✔✔ ✗ ✔ ✗ -13 dBmSet audio output line level ✔✔✔ ✗ ✔ ✗ -13 dBmSet inhibit on or off ✔✔✔ ✗ ✗ ✗ OffPTT test facilityon (key) off (de-key) ✔✔View only ✗✔✗ OffSet Tx time out ✔✔✔ ✗ ✔ ✗ 180 sSet modulation depth ✔✔✔ ✔ ✔ ✗ 85%Set mute on or off(AM-Voice only) ✔✔✔ ✗ ✗ ✗ OnSet VOGAD onor off (AM-Voice only)✔✔✔ ✗ ✗ ✗ OnSet antenna C/O delay on or off ✔✔✔ ✗ ✗ ✗ AM-Voice - OnAM-MSK - OffSet frequency offset(AM-Voice only) ✔✔✔ ✗ ✗ ✗ 0 (No offset)Squelch Level ✔✔✔ ✔ ✗ ✗ -107 dBmRF pre-attenuatorOn or Off ✔✔✔ ✗ ✗ ✗ OffContinued >>
Page 36Back to TransceiverMain PageSet squelch defeat on or off ✔✔✔ ✔ ✗ ✗ OffSet squelch noise compensationon or off✔✔✔ ✗ ✗ ✗ OnSet squelch carrier override on or off ✔✔✔ ✗ ✗ ✗ OffAudio AGC on or off ✔✔✔ ✗ ✗ ✗ OnLoudspeakeron or off ✔✔View state ✗✗✗ OnSet frequency step size(AM-Voice only)✔✔ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ 25 kHzSet microphone type(active or passive)(AM-Voice only)✔✔ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ PassiveSet keying priority(local or remote) ✔✔ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ Local-RemoteEnable or disable local PTT ✔✔ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ EnabledEnable or disable remote PTT ✔✔ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ EnabledEnable or disable remote phantom PTT✔✔ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ EnabledSelf Receive (transmit audio on line output)✔✔ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ OffRadio Settings (Digital Modes):MAC TM1(inter access delay) ✗✔✗ ✗ ✗ ✔ 2.5 msMAC TM2(channel busy) ✗✔✗ ✗ ✗ ✔ 60 sMAC p (persistance) ✗✔✗ ✗ ✗ ✔ 13/256MAC M1 (maximum number of access attempts)✗✔✗ ✗ ✗ ✔ 135Continued >>Table 11  Functions and Parameters (Continued)Function  Front Panel VFP MARC T6 Controller T1/E1 HDLC Default Setting
Page 37Back to TransceiverMain PageScramble vector ✗✔✗ ✗ ✗ ✔ 4D4B19787Tx enable ✗✔✗ ✗ ✗ ✔ OnPolarities:Ready out ✔✔Viewstate ✗✗✗ STDSet PTT input polarity(AM modes only)✔✔Viewstate ✗✗✗ STDSet phantom PTT input polarity(AM modes only)✔✔Viewstate ✗✗✗ STDSet PTT reference voltage(AM modes only)✔✔Viewstate ✗✗✗ +14 VSet PTT output polarity(AM modes only)✔✔Viewstate ✗✗✗ STDSet fast PTT antenna changeover output polarity(AM modes only)✔✔Viewstate ✗✗✗ STDSet external VSWR input polarity(All modes)✔✔Viewstate ✗✗✗ STDSet Inhibit input polarity(AM modes only)✔✔Viewstate ✗✗✗ STDBIT interruptive test input polarity(AM modes only)✔✔Viewstate ✗✗✗STD (active low)E-bit input polarity(All modes) ✔✔Viewstate ✗✗✗STD (active low)Squelch output polarity at the MARC connector✔✔ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ STD (n/o)Continued >>Table 11  Functions and Parameters (Continued)Function  Front Panel VFP MARC T6 Controller T1/E1 HDLC Default Setting
Page 38Back to TransceiverMain PageSquelch output polarity at the Facilities connector✔✔ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ STD (n/o)Phantom squelch output polarity ✔✔ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ STD (n/o)Squelch defeat input polarity ✔✔ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ STDBand Edges:Set band edges ✔✔ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗118.000 & 136.975 MHzor112.000 & 155.975 MHzReference Frequency:Adjust transceiver’s reference frequency ✔✔ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ -LCD Backlight:Adjust LCD backlight ✔✔ ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ 30 sBIT:Initiate BIT interruptive test ✔✔✔ ✔ ✗ ✗ -Standby:Enter and exit standby facility ✔✔✔ ✔ ✗ ✗ Not in StandbySoftware Configuration:View the transceiver’s sofeware configuration✔✔ ✗ ✗ ✔ ✔ -LOCK FACILITIES:Front panel lock ✗✔✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ OffMARC lock ✗✔✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ OffT1/E1 lock ✗✔✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ OffHDLC lock ✗✔✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ OffTable 11  Functions and Parameters (Continued)Function  Front Panel VFP MARC T6 Controller T1/E1 HDLC Default Setting
Page 1Back to TransceiverMain PageInstallation Procedures      This document gives the installation procedures applicable to theT6TR VHF Multimode Transceiver.
Page 2Back to TransceiverMain PageThe instructions given in this section involve connecting dangerous voltages to thetransceiver. The instructions detailed in this document must be carried out only by suitablyqualified personnel.The antenna used with the transceiver must be installed such that the resultant radiated fieldstrength is below 10 W/m² in areas normally accessible to personnel.The T6TR transceiver's circuitry contains Electrostatic Sensitive Devices (ESSDs).Personnel must be aware of the precautions necessary to prevent damage to such devices.During installation all precautions necessary to prevent ESSD damage must be taken.Changes or modifications made to this equipment that are not expressly approved byPark Air, or parties authorized by Park Air, could void the user’s authority to operate theequipment.IntroductionThe procedures in this document describe how to install a T6TR transceiver. The procedures necessaryduring installation are listed in Table 1 and it is recommended that they be completed in the order shown.Table 1  Installation ProceduresProcedure Reference1 Perform an initial inspection of the transceiver. see page 42 Antenna configuration (if required). see page 43 Fit the transceiver into an equipment cabinet.  see page 64 Connect the remote facilities (as required).  see page 75 Fit the correct ac input fuse. see page 226 Connect the chassis stud to the cabinet or system earth. see page 227 Connect the ac supply (if required). see page 228 Connect the dc supply (if required).  see page 23WARNING                  Dangerous VoltagesWARNING   Antenna RadiationWARNING  ESSDsCaution                      Unauthorized Modifications
Page 3Back to TransceiverMain PageFuses and ConnectorsThe following list details the radio’s supply fuses and the connectors. Some of the connectors (dependingon your particular configuration) are required during installation.Component Type Park Air Part NumberFuses:AC input fuse, F2, for 110/120 V inputAC input fuse, F2, for 220/230 V inputT4A, 125V, ULT4A, 250V, IEC29C11120102S29E01120108SDC input fuse 15A size 0  29-01350201Connectors:AC supply connector IEC  20-02030102DC supply connector XLR3 socket 20-01030106Antenna connector N-type plug 19-01030301MARC connector 9-way D-type plug Plug:   20-01090100Cover: 20-09090101MARC audio RJ48 plug 20K01080100MARC data RJ48 plug 20K01080100Facilities connector 15-way D-type plug Plug:   20-01150100Cover: 20-09150101HDLC connector RJ48 plug 20K01080100T1/E1 connector RJ48 plug 20K01080100Reference connector BNC to SMB 2 metre long lead 17K11000004Microphone/Diagnostics connector 7-pin DIN plug to 9-way D-type, radio to PC interconnection lead 17E12600001
Page 4Back to TransceiverMain PageInitial Inspection of the TransceiverOn receipt of the transceiver from Park Air, remove all transit packaging and check that there is no transitdamage. If damage is evident, contact Park Air immediately and retain the original transit packaging.The following items are included with the transceiver:❑Item 1. One copy of the T6 VHF Radios User Guide CD (part number 31-36T62VCD)❑Item 2. Packing box.Antenna Configuration The transceiver can be operated using a single antenna, or separate transmit and receive antennas (seeFig 4 to Fig 9). For single antenna operation, the antenna’s feeder cable is connected to the rear panelTX/RX antenna connector. For separate antenna operation, the transmit feeder cable is connected to theTX/RX antenna connector and the receive feeder cable is connected to the RX antenna connector.Fig 1  AntennasFig 1 AntennasInternal RF cables must be correctly positioned to suit the required configuration. This is normally carriedout at Park Air prior to shipment. Should the configuration be required to change on installation, performthe procedure detailed below. Note that if this procedure is used at any other time take note of thewarning preceding the instructions.(          )INTERNALLYSELECTABLERXANTENNAANTENNADANGER HIGHRF VOLTAGESCONNECTANTENNABEFOREUSET1/E1 HDLC MARCDATA MARCAUDIO MARC FACILITIES21.6 - 32 V 10APOWER 40 0VA max~ 110 - 240V ( +10%) 4ASEE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS BEFORECONNECTI NG SUPPLIESDISCON NECT SUPPLI ES WHEN NOT IN USEDC SUPPLYAC SUPPLY48 -  62HzFUSE F1F15A  32V110V  - 120V  T4A 125V UL110- 240V T4A  250V IECRATINGSFUSE F2DC SUPPLYFUSE F2FUSE F1SUPPLYAC SUPPLYRX AntennaTX/RX Antenna
Page 5Back to TransceiverMain PageChanging the Antenna Configuration (if required)Dangerous voltages are present within the transceiver. Care must be taken by personnel to avoidaccidental contact with exposed circuitry when the bottom cover is removed and power is appliedto the radioProceed as follows:(1) Remove the 15 captive screws securing the bottom cover to the mainframe.(2) With the cover removed locate the PA Control/Rx RF module.(3) Locate CN7 and CN12 on the PA Control/Rx RF module (see Fig 2).(4) For single antenna configuration, connect the Rx antenna RF cable to CN12 (Park). Connect theadjacent RF cable from the PA module to CN7.(5) For dual antenna configuration, connect the Rx antenna RF cable to CN7. Connect the adjacentRF cable from the PA module to CN12 (Park).Fig 2  Antenna ConfigurationFig 2  Antenna Configuration(6) When configured, replace the transceiver’s bottom cover using the 15 captive screws.WARNING                     Dangerous VoltagesCN7CN12RX AntennaPARK
Page 6Back to TransceiverMain PageFitting a Radio into an Equipment CabinetIt is essential that the chosen mechanical installation provides adequate support along thedepth (front to rear) of the unit. The transceiver must not be supported by the front panel;doing so can cause damage.The transceiver can be installed on telescopic slides, or on fixed runners, within a standard 483 mm(19 inch) equipment rack. M4 tapped holes, each 10 mm deep (see Fig 3) are provided on each side ofthe equipment to accept the slides. Details of suitable telescopic slides and fixed runners are availablefrom Park Air.When fitted in the rack, the transceiver's front panel must be secured to the cabinet’s chassis using fourM6 x 16 mm screws and plastic washers.Fig 3  Slide FittingsFig 3  Slide FittingsCaution                       Mechanical SupportFrontPanel399390.9378.2232.2207.5152.847.029.041.743088.9450All measurements in mm
Page 7Back to TransceiverMain PageConnecting the Remote EquipmentConnection of external equipment depends on the configuration required. These configurations are asfollows:❑T6TR transceiver configured for local operation❑T6TR transceiver configured for remote operation❑T6TR transceiver configured for use with MARC❑T6TR Mode 2 configuration❑T6TR Mode 3 configuration.Fig 4 to Fig 9 illustrate the various configurations.Fig 4  Fig 4  Transceiver Configured for Local OperationTX/RX AntennaConnectorReferenceConnector Headset/Microphone/DiagnosticsConnectorFrequency Counterrequired only formaintenanceFacilitiesConnectorMic/Headset for local operationLaptop (or PC) requiredonly for maintenanceE-BITPTT relayExternal VSWRSquelchSquelch commonSquelch defeatUnregulated supplyInhibitBIT interruptive testRSSIReadyTapeT6T TransceiverRX AntennaConnectorEither a common Tx/Rxantenna or separate Txand Rx antennas can beused
Page 8Back to TransceiverMain PageFig 5  Fig 5  T6TR Transceiver Configured for Remote OperationTX/RX AntennaConnectorReferenceConnector Mic/Headset/DiagnosticsConnectorFrequency Counterrequired only formaintenanceMARCConnectorMic/Headset for engineering useLaptop (or PC) requiredonly for maintenanceT6T TransceiverRx AudioRS 422 DataSquelchUnregulated supplyNote:The unregulated supply and RS422data connections may be used whenconnecting to remote controllerssuch as the Park Air T6 controllerMARC AudioConnectorTx AudioPTT RX AntennaConnectorEither a common Tx/Rxantenna or separate Tx andRx antennas can be used
Page 9Back to TransceiverMain PageFig 6  Fig 6  T6TR Transceiver Configured for use with MARCTX/RX AntennaConnectorReferenceConnector Headset/Microphone/DiagnosticsConnectorFrequency Counterrequired only formaintenanceMARCConnectorMic/Headset for engineering useLaptop (or PC) requiredonly for maintenanceT6TR TransceiverEquipmentConnector 1Rx AudioSquelchRS422 dataUnregulated supplyRSE2MARC AudioConnectorEquipmentConnector 3Tx AudioPTT RX AntennaConnectorShows single channel connections at RSE2Either a common Tx/Rx antenna orseparate Tx and Rx antennas can beused
Page 10Back to TransceiverMain PageFig 7  Fig 7  Transceiver to MARC RSE2 ConnectionsFig 7 shows the connection convention when connecting transceivers to a single RSE2. Table 2 andTable 3 detail the pin to pin connections.T6TRTransceiverMARCConnectorMARC AudioConnectorT6TRTransceiverMARCConnectorMARC AudioConnectorT6TRTransceiverMARCConnectorMARC AudioConnectorT6TR TransceiverMARCConnectorMARC AudioConnectorRSE2Equipment Connector 1Equipment Connector 3Equipment Connector 2Equipment Connector 4Equipment Connector 5Equipment Connector 7Equipment Connector 6Equipment Connector 8Receive lines + dataTransmit linesReceive lines + dataReceive lines + dataReceive lines + dataTransmit linesTransmit linesTransmit lines
Page 11Back to TransceiverMain PageTable 2  Transceiver to RSE2 Equipment Connector 1, 2, 5 or 6Transceiver MARC9-Way D-type Connector Pin NumberSignal at Transceiver Signal at RSE2 RSE2 Equipment Connector Pin Number1Ground Ground 12 Audio line out (+) Audio line L1 23 Audio line out (-) Audio line L2 34 Squelch indication Mute indication 45 Unregulated supply output Unregulated supply input 56Data in (+) Data out (+) 67 Data in (-) Data out (-) 78 Data out (+) Data in (+) 89 Data out (-) Data in (-) 9Table 3  Transceiver to RSE2 Equipment Connector 3, 4, 7 or 8Transceiver MARC RJ48 Audio Connector Pin NumberSignal at Transceiver Signal at RSE2 RSE2 Equipment Connector Pin Number7 Ground Ground 14 Audio line in (+) Audio line L1 25 Audio line in (-) Audio line L2 38PTT PTT 4
Page 12Back to TransceiverMain PageFig 8  Fig 8  T6TR Mode 2 ConfigurationTX/RX AntennaConnectorT6TR TransceiverHDLCConnector T1/E1Connector FacilitiesConnectorReferenceConnectorHeadset/Microphone/DiagnosticsConnectorMode 2Network ComputerConnects to theeadset/DiagnosticsconnectorFrequency Counterrequired only formaintenanceConnects to theReference connectorControl and data   RX AntennaConnectorEither a common Tx/Rxantenna or separate Txand Rx antennas canbe used
Page 13Back to TransceiverMain PageFig 9  Fig 9  T6TR Mode 3 ConfigurationT6TR TransceiverT1/E1Connector ReferenceConnectorMic/Headset/DiagnosticsConnectorMode 3Network Computer Control and dataFrequency Counterrequired only formaintenanceLaptop (or PC) required onlyfor maintenanceTX/RX AntennaConnector   RX AntennaConnectorEither a common Tx/Rx antenna orseparate Tx and Rx antennas can beused
Page 14Back to TransceiverMain PageConnectorsFront and rear panel connector pin-outs are detailed in Table 4 to Table 11. The Reference connector isdescribed in text.Front Panel ConnectorsThe front panel has two connectors; Headset/Microphone/Diagnostics connector and Referenceconnector. These are illustrated in Fig 10.Fig 10  Fig 10  Front PanelHeadset/Microphone/Diagnostics ConnectorThe Headset/Microphone/Diagnostic connector is shown in Table 4. This connector is a self-locking7-way DIN socket used for connecting a microphone, microphone/headset or computer.Reference ConnectorThe Reference connector is an SMB plug used to monitor the radio’s reference frequency. It monitorsthe frequency at a level of 100 mV (±50 mV) with less than -10 dBc harmonics.Table 4  Headset/Microphone/Diagnostics ConnectorPin Number Signal Characteristic1 Microphone ground 0 V2 Transmit data (output) RS232. 115200 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, no handshaking. 3 Microphone PTT (input) 0 V to PTT.4 Receive data (input) RS232. 115200 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, no handshaking. 5 Sidetone/headset drive (output) The level is adjustable between 0 and 3 V peak-to-peak by using the volume control.6 Microphone input (input) To ensure correct VOGAD operation, the following microphone input levels are required:Passive setting: between 2 and 35 mVActive setting: between 8 and 140 mV7 Ground 0 V
Page 15Back to TransceiverMain PageRear Panel ConnectorsThe rear panel connectors are shown in Fig 11. These connectors are:Fig 11  Fig 11  Rear Panel (Connectors)The MARC Audio, MARC Data, T1/E1 and HLDC connectors are all RJ48 types. Fig 12 illustrates anRJ48 plug used with these connectors.Fig 12  Fig 12  RJ48 Modular Plug❑Antenna❑RX Antenna❑MARC❑MARC Audio❑MARC Data❑T1/E1❑HLDC❑External Speaker❑Facilities❑ac Supply❑dc Supply(          )INTERNALLYSELECTABLERXANTENNAANTENNADANGER HIGHRF VOLTAGESCONNECTANTENNABEFOREUSET1/E1 HDLC MARCDATA MARCAUDIO MARC FACILITIES21.6 - 32V 10APOWER 400VA max~ 110 - 240V ( +10%) 4ASEE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS BEFORECONNECTING SUPPLIESDISCONNECT SUPPLIES WHEN NOT IN USEDC SUPPLYAC SUPPLY48 - 62HzFUSE F1F15A 32V110V - 120V T4A 125V UL110-240V T4A 250V IECRATINGSFUSE F2DC SUPPLYFUSE F2FUSE F1SUPPLYAC SUPPLYRJ48 PlugNumbering is shown as looking from the top of the connector.[The top is being viewed when the lever is on the bottom.]Pin 1
Page 16Back to TransceiverMain PageAntenna ConnectorsThe antenna connectors are N-type sockets suitable for connecting 50 ohm antennas.MARC ConnectorThe MARC connector is a 9-way D-type socket used for connecting to a MARC system via an RSE2. Theconnector pin-out is detailed in Table 5.Note ...The line level figures shown for the MARC and MARC Audio connectors are the limits when testingthe transceiver with sine wave modulation; the line level will be 10 dB above the line level setting.See the information supplied under the heading ‘Line Level Settings’ in the Operation section.Table 5  MARC ConnectorPin Number Signal Characteristic1 Ground 0 V23Audio line out (+)Audio line out (-)Balanced 600 ohm, -20 to +20 dBm. Phantom squelch (see Fig 14) - solid-state relay, +60 to -60 V ac or dc, 100 mA max, configurable n/o or n/c.Pair to pin 2.4 Squelch (output) Solid state relay, +60 to -60 V, ac or dc, 100 mA max, configurable n/o or n/c.5 Unregulated supply(output) This output is between 21.6 and 32 Vdc (nominally 24 V) fused at 500 mA. 67Data in (+) Data in (-) RS422 differential asynchronous data at 9600 baud. 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, no handshaking.89Data out (+)Data out (-) RS422 differential asynchronous data at 9600 baud. 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, no handshaking.
Page 17Back to TransceiverMain PageMARC Audio ConnectorThe MARC Audio connector is an 8-way RJ48 socket. The connector pin-out is detailed in Table 6.Table 6  MARC Audio ConnectorPin Number Signal Characteristic12Audio line out (-)Audio line out (+)Balanced 600 ohm -20 and +20 dBm. Phantom squelch (see Fig 14) - solid-state relay, +60 to -60 V, ac or dc, 100 mA max, configurable n/o or n/c.3 Fast antenna changeover/PTT  Open collector NPN transistor grounding output, 200 mA max, configurable n/o or n/c.45Audio line in (+)Audio line in (-)Balanced 600 ohm input, -20 to +20 dBm.Phantom PTT (see Fig 13) - active when input differs from reference by more than ±10 V. Inactive when input differs from reference by less than ±1 V. Maximum input level ±60 V with respect to reference. Input will draw no more than 6 mA, requires at least 1 mA to operate. Configurable active high or low. Common reference to all inputs programmable to +14, 0 or -14 V (±1 V).6 Squelch(output) Solid state relay, +60 to -60 V, ac or dc, 100 mA max, configurable n/o or n/c.7Ground 0 V.8 PTT (input) Active when input differs from reference by more than ±10 V. Inactive when input differs from reference by less than ±1 V. Maximum input level ±60 V with respect to reference. Input will draw no more than 6 mA, requires at least 1 mA to operate. Configurable active high or low. Common reference to all inputs programmable to +14, 0 or -14 V (±1 V).
Page 18Back to TransceiverMain PageFig 13  Fig 13  Example Phantom PTT Keying DiagramFig 14  Fig 14  Example Phantom Squelch Indication DiagramT6TR  TransceiverAudio lines with phantom PTTsignal superimposedSolid staterelayReference can be configured as +14 V, 0 Vor -14 V  from the Polarities screen.With STD selected, PTT active when inputdiffers from reference by more than ±10 V.PTT inactive when input differs fromreference by less than ±1 V.With INV selected, PTT active when inputdiffers from reference by less than ±1 V. PTTinactive when input differs from reference bymore than ±10 V.For example, to use 0 volt as the keyingpotential with STD polarity, set the referenceto +14 V or -14 V.PTTMaximum signal level ±60 Vwith respect to transmitterreference.Internal Sensing CircuitT6TR TransceiverThe pull-up voltage should be in therange -60 to +60 V ac or dc.RSquelch IndicatorAudio lines with phantomsquelch signal superimposedVSolid staterelayRelay = 100 mA maximum.Can be configured as normally open, ornormally closed from the Polarities screen.
Page 19Back to TransceiverMain PageMARC Data ConnectorThe MARC Data connector is an 8-way RJ48 socket. The connector pin-out is detailed in Table 7.T1/E1 ConnectorThe T1/E1 connector is an 8-way RJ48 socket used for connecting to a Mode 3 network computer. Theconnector pin-out is detailed in Table 8. Table 7  MARC RJ48 Data ConnectorPin Number Signal Characteristic12Data in -Data in + RS422 differential asynchronous data, 9600 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, no handshaking.3 Not connected -45Data out +Data out - RS422 differential asynchronous data, 9600 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, no handshaking.6 Remote Supply ON/OFF(input) 0 V to switch off.Note: Rear panel switch must be in ON position for this function to operate.7 Ground 0 V.8 Unregulated supply(output) This output is between 21.6 and 32 Vdc (nominally 24 V) fused at 500 mA.Table 8  T1/E1 ConnectorPin Signal Characteristic1 RRing(input) T1 - Balanced 100 ohm (±10%), 1.544 Mbits per second (±50 ppm), AMI/B8ZS Coding.E1 - Balanced 120 ohm (±10%), 2.048 Mbits per second (±50 ppm), AMI/HDB3 Coding.Protected with 28 V differential and common mode clamp and 1.25 A fuse in each line.2RTip(input)3 Not connected -4TRing(output} T1 - Balanced 100 ohm (±10%), 1.544 Mbits per second (±50 ppm), AMI/B8ZS Coding.E1 - Balanced 120 ohm (±10%), 2.048 Mbits per second (±50 ppm), AMI/HDB3 Coding.Protected with 28 V differential and common mode clamp and 1.25 A fuse in each line.5TTip(output)6 Not connected -7 Not connected -8 Not connected -
Page 20Back to TransceiverMain PageHDLC ConnectorThe HDLC connector is an 8-way RJ48 socket used for connecting to a Mode 2 network computer. Theconnector pin-out is detailed in Table 9.External SpeakerThe External Speaker connector is a 3.5 mm stereo jack used for connecting to an external speaker toprovide sidetone on the transceiver. This speaker should be a high impedance active type.Table 9  HDLC ConnectorPin Signal Characteristic1 HDLC RX A(input) RS422 differential synchronous data, 128 kbytes per second ±50 ppm.2 HDLC RX B(input)3 HDLC CL A(output) RS422 differential synchronous data, 128 kbytes per second±50 ppm.4 HDLC TX B(output) RS422 differential synchronous data, 128 kbytes per second±50 ppm.5 HDLC TX A(output)6 HDLC CL B(output) RS422 differential synchronous data, 128 kbytes per second±50 ppm.7Ground 0 V.8 Unregulated Supply(output) 21.6 to 32 V, fused at 500 mA.Table 10  External SpeakerPin Signal CharacteristicTip Speaker Drive (output) 0 to 3 V pk-pk. Connected directly to Ring.Ring Speaker Drive (output) 0 to 3 V pk-pk. Connected directly to Tip.Sleeve Ground 0 V.
Page 21Back to TransceiverMain PageFacilities ConnectorThe Facilities connector is a 15-way D-type filtered socket used for connecting to associated parts of asystem. The connector pin-out is detailed in Table 11.Table 11  Facilities ConnectorPin Number Signal Characteristic1Ground 0V.2 E-BIT (input) An external BIT input that connects from any ancillary equipment having a compatible BIT alarm output.When this input is active, the transceiver’s front panel Alarm indicator flashes and an E-BIT message is displayed on the LCD. The input is TTL having a 4.7 kohm pull-up resistor to 5 V. The input is configurable from the front panel to be active high or low.3 PTT (output) Grounding solid state relay. +60 to -60 V ac or dc, 100 mA max, configurable n/o or n/c. Activated 35 ms (±1 ms) before the start of the power ramp up to allow for the antenna relay pull in time.4 External VSWR (input) TTL input with 4.7 kohm pull-up to 5 V. Configurable active high or low.5 Squelch (output) Solid state relay linked to pin 6. +60 to -60 V ac or dc, 100 mA max, configurable n/o or n/c.6 Squelch common (output) Solid state relay linked to pin 5.7 Squelch defeat (input) TTL with 4.7 kohm pull-up to 5 V. Configurable active high or low.8Ground 0 V.9 Unregulated supply (output) 21.6 to 32 V, fused at 500 mA.10 Inhibit (Input) TTL with 4.7 kohm pull-up to 5 V. Configurable active high or low.11 BIT Interruptive test (input) TTL with 4.7 kohm pull-up to 5 V. Configurable active high or low. Must be asserted for >300 ms.12 RSSI (output) 0 to 10 V.13 Ready (output) Open collector NPN transistor grounding output, 200 mA max, configurable n/o or n/c.14 Tape (output) 0 dBm fixed output into 600 ohm for 90% modulation depth.15 Reserved (output) Open collector NPN transistor grounding output, 200 mA max, configurable n/o or n/c.
Page 22Back to TransceiverMain PageFitting the Correct AC Input FuseThe mains input fuse F2 is an integral part of the rear panel ac connector (see Fig 11). The fuse typemust be correct for the local mains supply. Check the fuse fitted conforms to that detailed in Fig 15.Fig 15  Fig 15  ac Input FuseChassis Stud ConnectionA chassis stud is fitted to the transceiver's rear panel. This stud is used to connect theequipment to the equipment rack, or to the user's system earth point. The stud must not beused as the safety earth.In order not to compromise the transceiver’s Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) the chassis stud,marked   and fitted to the rear panel (see Fig 11) must be connected to the equipment rack (if a rackis being used) or to the user's system earth point. The connection should be made using a single tri-rated,green-and-yellow cable having a cross-sectional area of 2.5 mm2. The cable should have CSA andUL1015 approval, and be connected to the chassis stud through an M6 eyelet (for example, Park Air partnumber 20-08010103).Failure to comply with this instruction could result in non-compliance with the European Commission EMC Directive 89/336/EEC.AC Supply ConnectionThe equipment is permanently connected to the mains supply when the mains connector isattached. Switching the rear panel Power switch to off does not isolate all internal circuitsfrom the mains supply. For this reason, a mains isolating switch should be fitted close to,and easily accessible from, the transceiver's position. The isolation switch should isolateboth live and neutral supplies, be clearly labelled, and adequately rated to protect theequipment.For a mains input in the range 110 to 120 Vac,fuse F2 should be rated T4A, 125V, UL.For a mains input in the range 110 to 240 Vac,fuse F2 should be rated T4A, 250V, IEC.FS2Spare FuseLineNeutralEarthWARNING                   Chassis EarthWARNING                   Dangerous Voltages
Page 23Back to TransceiverMain PageThis equipment must be earthed. The earth terminal of the ac connector should be used asthe safety earth.An ac input connector (see Fig 11 and Fig 15) is fitted to the equipment’s rear panel. The cable used toconnect between the equipment and the user’s ac power source should be 3-core (to IEC 227) rated250 Vac at 8 amps, and have a minimum cross-sectional area of 1.0 mm2 per core. Park Air recommendsthe use of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) insulated cable. The cable must be fitted with the IEC approvedequipment connector (Park Air part number 20-02030102) supplied with the transceiver, and conform tothe following specification:❑If PVC insulated, be not lighter than ordinary polyvinyl chloride sheathed flexible cord accordingto IEC publication 227 (designation H05 VV-F, or H05 VVH2-F).❑If rubber insulated, be of synthetic rubber and not lighter than ordinary tough rubber-sheathedflexible cord according to IEC publication 245 titled ‘Rubber Insulated Cables of Rated Voltagesup to and Including 450/750 V (designation H05 RR-F)’.The T6TR transceiver is a Class 1 equipment. The ac supply cable should have a green-and-yellowprotective earthing conductor electrically connected to the protective earthing terminal of the equipmentconnector and the mains plug. Park Air recommends the ac supply cable is colour coded in accordancewith the electrical appliance (colour code) regulations for the UK. That is:❑The core coloured green-and-yellow must be connected to the terminal in the plug that is markedwith the letter E or by the earth symbol or coloured green-and-yellow.❑The core coloured blue must be connected to the terminal that is marked with the letter N orcoloured black.❑The core coloured brown must be connected to the terminal that is marked with the letter L orcoloured red.DC Supply ConnectionThe transceiver operates from either an ac, or a dc input supply. When both ac and dc are connected,operation from the ac supply takes priority; automatic change-over to the dc supply occurs if the acsupply fails. On restoration of the ac supply, the equipment reverts to ac operation. A dc input supply connector (see Fig 11) is fitted to the equipment's rear panel. The recommendedminimum rating of the dc supply cable is: 2-core having a cross-sectional area of 1.5 mm2 per core. Thesupply cable should be fitted with an XLR3 connector (Park Air part number 20-01030106).WARNING                    Earth Connection
Page 24Back to TransceiverMain PageSwitching OnWhen the POWER SWITCH is set to the Standby position, dangerous voltages are still present inthe transceiver's internal power supply circuitry. To ensure safe working, the transceiver must beisolated from the ac and dc input supplies.When installation is complete, the transceiver should be switched on at the rear panel 2-way rockerPower switch. The Power switch is used to switch on, and switch off, power to the transceiver's circuitrybut does not remove power from the radio.Under normal circumstances this screen is displayed when the radio is switched on.The bottom row begins empty and dots are added as the initialisation progresses. When the initialisationis complete the Main Screen is displayed.Note ...All radios have a standby function to extend power supply life when the radios are not required to beoperational. With the standby function enabled the transceiver is unable to transmit or receive andthe display is blank. Remote control serial ports and the front panel control knob remain active toallow normal operation to be restored.T 6 D i g i t a l R a d i o( c ) 2 0 0 3 P a r k A i rI n i t i a l i s i n g . . . ................WARNING Dangerous Voltages= Standby= On
Page 25Back to TransceiverMain PageEnd of Document
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Page 1Back to TransceiverMain PageMaintenancePart 1 General InformationPart 2 Maintenance ProceduresPart 3 Virtual Front PanelThis document gives the maintenance procedures applicable to theT6TR VHF Multimode Transceiver.
Page 2Back to TransceiverMain PageGeneral InformationThis section provides the maintenance personnel with sufficient information to maintain and repair theT6TR VHF transceiver. The standard maintenance policy regards the transceiver as a Line ReplacementUnit (LRU) which should be changed for a serviceable unit should a failure occur. Note that modules maybe changed on the advice of Park Air Customer Support (see following contact details).Email address: during normal hours: From UK  01778 381557 or from outside UK  44 1778 381557.Telephone out of normal hours: From UK  07733 124457 or from outside UK  44 7733 124457.Caution ...When replacing a Processor module ensure the correct module is fitted.❑For radios at Mod Strike Level 5 the Processor Module part number is 68-60000671/F (board issue 5).❑For radios at Mod Strike Level 7 the Processor Module part number is 68-60000671/H (board issue 7).❑Note that Mod strike 6 was a special to type modification. The following provides information that enables the user to:❑Conduct scheduled maintenance tasks including checking/setting the reference frequencyoscillator to compensate for long term ageing effects❑Identify any tools or test equipment required to maintain the transceiver❑Use the built-in test facilities to check transceiver functionality❑Remove a transceiver from service to dismantle and replace a faulty module, and whereapplicable, realign the module❑Install the Virtual Front Panel (VFP) software into a PC❑Use the VFP to:❑Download all radio settings to a file that can be stored/printed for reference❑Change radio settings❑Copy settings from one radio to another❑Check a radio after repair and return it to service.Refer to the Installation and Operating sections, available from the Main page of this document, forcomplete installation and setting up procedures.Included on the CD-ROM delivered with the radio is the VFP software. The software enables the originalsettings to be re-loaded and alignment to be made if the transceiver's Processor, PA Control andPA modules are ever replaced. The VFP software can be run from this document by clicking on ‘Backto Transceiver Main Page’ (at top right of page) and from there, clicking on ‘Back to Main Page’ (at topright of page). When the Main page is displayed select ‘Run the VFP Software’.Note ...A hard copy of the User Documentation is available. Contact Park Air for details.
Page 3Back to TransceiverMain PageTransceiver VariantsTwo variants of the T6TR VHF transceiver are available:❑B6550/NB/50. This transceiver frequency operating range is 118.000 to 136.975 MHz. Poweroutput adjustable from 5 to 50 Watts. Frequency stability compliant with ICAO requirements for 2,3 and 4-offset carrier applications❑B6550/WB/50. This transceiver frequency operating range is 112.000 to 155.975 MHz. Poweroutput adjustable from 5 to 50 Watts. Frequency stability compliant with ICAO requirements for 2,3 and 4-offset carrier applications.Operating FrequencyThe transceiver’s operating frequency can be changed by the user through the front panel, through theVFP, through a T6 controller or through an associated MARC system (or compatible control datasystem). Details of how to change the operating frequency from the front panel and VFP are containedin this document. Details of how to change the frequency from MARC or a T6 controller can be found inthe MARC and T6 Controller User Guides respectively.Input SuppliesThe transceiver can be operated from standard ac input supplies, or from a low voltage dc supply. Bothac and dc input supplies can be connected to the equipment. When both ac and dc supplies areconnected, operation from the ac supply takes priority; automatic change-over to the dc supply will occurif the ac supply fails. On restoration of the ac supply, the equipment reverts to ac operation.Built-in Test (BIT) IndicationsThe transceiver continuously self monitors key internal parameters without affecting normal operation. Ifa BIT alarm is detected, the front panel Alarm indicator lights, the Ready indicator becomes unlit, and thetransceiver becomes inoperable. Additionally, a BIT alert, as opposed to a BIT alarm may be indicated.A BIT alert is shown by the front panel Alarm indicator flashing; the Ready indicator remains lit and thetransceiver remains operational, but at reduced power. Conditions that cause a BIT alert are:❑RF output has reduced from its setting by more than 3 dB❑Supply volts has fallen below a pre-defined level.In AM-voice and AM-MSK modes only, and in addition to continuous monitoring, an interruptive BIT testcan be initiated locally at the front panel or remotely. When initiated, test signals are injected that key thetransceiver allowing parameters to be monitored in their active state.The results of continuous monitoring, and of interruptive testing, are available at the front panel LCD and,if connected, the VFP PC. When the transceiver is used with a MARC system (or other compatible dataand control system) the results are also sent, in the form of a data message, to the monitoring facility.
Page 4Back to TransceiverMain PageConfigurationsThe connectors used to configure the transceiver depend on the required operating mode. The purposeof each connector is detailed in the following text. Configuration details can be found in the Installationsection of this document.Antenna Connector Used in all operating modes to connect the 50 ohm antenna feeder cable.Headset/Microphone/Diagnostics This is a dual purpose connector. A microphone/headset Connector(complete with integral PTT switch) can be connected to enable  local AM-voice operation. Alternatively, a PC can be connected toallow use of the VFP. The VFP can be used to set thetransceiver's operational settings, or to download new software.Reference Connector Used in all operating modes to check and reset the transceiver's reference frequency.Facilities Connector Used primarily to connect remote signals when using AM-voice mode and the transceiver does not form part of a MARC system. Some auxiliary signals available at this connector, for example the 24 volt (nominal) unregulated output supply, can be utilized irrespective of the operating mode.MARC Port The MARC port is used to connect received audio, squelch indication and data to a MARC system via an RSE2.MARC Audio The MARC Audio port is used for connecting transmit audio and PTT to a MARC system via an RSE2.MARC Data The MARC Data port is used for connecting data to a MARC system.T1/E1 The T1/E1 port is an 8-way RJ48 socket used for connecting a Mode 3 network computer.HLDC The HLDC port is an 8-way RJ48 socket used for connecting a Mode 2 network computer.
Page 5Back to TransceiverMain PageMaintenance ProceduresThe instructions given in this section involve connecting dangerous voltages to thetransceiver. The instructions detailed in this document must be carried out only by suitablyqualified personnel.When an ac supply is connected, lethal voltages are present within the transceiver. Caremust be taken by personnel to avoid accidental contact with exposed circuitry duringmaintenance or alignment procedures.When the power switch is set to the off position, lethal voltages are still present in thetransceiver's internal power supply circuitry. To ensure safe working, the ac and dc inputsupplies must be disconnected from the transceiver.The antenna used with the transceiver must be installed such that the resultant radiated fieldstrength is below 10 W/m² in areas normally accessible to personnel.The T6TR transceiver’s circuitry contains Electrostatic Sensitive Devices (ESSDs).Personnel must be aware of the precautions necessary to prevent damage to such devices. Changes or modifications made to this equipment that are not expressly approved byPark Air, or parties authorized by Park Air, could void the user’s authority to operate theequipment.(1) When carrying out repairs to the PA module, care must be taken not to damage the gasket.If the strips become damaged, they must be replaced. Failure to comply with thisinstruction may compromise the transceiver’s Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) andbreach European Commission regulations.(2) When screws are inserted into the transceiver PA casting care must be taken not toexceed a torque of 6 Ibs/inch when tightening. This applies when replacing the top andbottom covers and during the refitting of the PA module. WARNING                  Dangerous VoltagesWARNING  Antenna RadiationCaution  ESSDsCaution                      Unauthorized ModificationsCaution                      Repairs
Page 6Back to TransceiverMain PageIntroductionThis part of the Maintenance section covers maintenance tasks that include schedule maintenance,dismantling and assembly instructions and fault finding. Due to the complexity of most modules therecommended policy is repair by replacement of the radio. However module replacement information issupplied in the event that Park Air Customer Support advises this may be done.A faulty module may be traced by aid of the front panel LCD and Scroll/Select control; VFP or MARC.Note ...Access to a PC is essential when fitting spares.During all maintenance tasks the warnings and cautions given in this section should strictly be adhered to.For maintenance purposes and loading new software, a Virtual Front Panel (VFP) is used. The VFP is astandard PC loaded with a bespoke software package for carrying out these tasks. Separate VFPoperational instructions are included in Part 3 of this section of the document.Tools, Materials and Test Equipment RequiredThe following tools, materials and test equipment should be made available to complete the maintenancetasks described in this section:Scheduled MaintenancePark Air recommends that this is carried out at twelve-monthly intervals. Schedule maintenancecomprises:(1) Ensuring the equipment is clean (see page 7).(2) Ensuring that the external connectors are securely fitted to the transceiver (see page 7).(3) Checking and resetting (if required) the transceiver's frequency standard (see page 7).(4) Performing a BIT interruptive test (see page 7).(5) Performing an ac and dc change-over check (see page 9).❑Personal Computer (PC)❑General Purpose Toolkit (including a1.5 mm Allen key)❑6BA Nut Spinner❑Camel Hair Brush❑Clean Lint-free Cloths❑Frequency Counter❑Power Meter❑Dummy Load❑PC to Radio Interconnection Lead(Park Air part number 17E12600001)
Page 7Back to TransceiverMain PageSchedule Maintenance ProcedureThe procedure, detailed in the following paragraphs, should be followed when carrying out schedulemaintenance.Cleaning the EquipmentRemove all dust and dirt from the equipment's exterior using the cleaning cloths and camel hair brush.Clean the front panel indicators and LCD face.Security of External ConnectionsCheck all external connections are secure and free from damage.Setting the Transceiver’s Internal Reference FrequencyTo set the transceiver’s internal reference frequency, use the following procedure. Note that referencesto the switch in the procedure mean the Scroll/Select switch.(8) Disconnect the frequency counter.(9) Refer to AM-Voice Mode Settings Screen in the Operation section of this document and set tothe required offset.To Initiate a BIT TestUse the following procedure to initiate an interruptive BIT test from the transceiver's front panel. A BITtest cannot be initiated while the transceiver is keyed. An interruptive BIT test cannot be initiated inMode 2 or Mode 3.AM-Voice Mode Settings ScreenControl ScreenSettings ScreenA N T C / O D e lO f f s e t 0 . 0 k H zS q u e l c h - 1 0 7 d B mE x i t < < > >F r e q u e n c yC h a n n e lS e t t i n g sE x i tB a n d E d g e sR e f F r e q 5 0 . 0 %B a c k l i g h t 0 3 0 sE x i t < < > >(1) Refer to AM-Voice Mode SettingsScreen in the Operation section of thisdocument and set the offset to 0 kHz.(2) Select Exit and return to the Mainscreen.(3) Connect a high impedance frequencycounter to the front panel Referenceconnector.(4) From the Main screen, press the switchto display the Control screen. Turn theswitch until Settings is highlighted.Press the switch.(5) Ensure the Settings screen is displayed.Turn the switch until Ref Freq ishighlighted, then press the switch.(6) With Ref Freq selected turn the switchclockwise or anti-clockwise until thefrequency counter reads 20.950000 MHz±10 Hz, then press the switch.(7) Turn the switch clockwise until Exit ishighlighted, then press the switch. Youare returned to the Main screen.
Page 8Back to TransceiverMain Page(1) From the Main screen, press the switch todisplay the Control screen. Turn the switchuntil BIT is highlighted. Press the switch.(2) Ensure the BIT menu is displayed. Turn theswitch until BIT Initiate is highlighted. Pressthe switch.(3) During the test, which takes approximatelytwo seconds, the Testing screen isdisplayed.On completion, and if the interruptive test was initiated from the front panel, one of the following screenswill be shown.(4) Selecting OK takes the user back to the BITscreen..(5) Selecting OK takes the user back to the BITscreen. The user can then scroll through thescreen to check out transceiver parametersfor failure.During an interruptive BIT test, the transceiver radiates modulated carrier waves at the setpower. Users should therefore obtain the necessary authority before initiating a test.If the test is to be carried out with the antenna disconnected, ensure a load is fitted to thetransceiver's Antenna (not Rx Antenna) connector.In order to test the line input stages, an internally generated 1 kHz tone is injected into theline input circuit. Any other audio present on the line input will cause the test to beinaccurate. Therefore the transceiver must not be keyed during the test.B I TS / W C o n f i gS t a n d b yE x i t < <B I T I n i t i a t eE T I 0 0 0 0 0 : 0 0 h r sA C S u p p l y O NE x i t > >T e s t i n gP l e a s e W a i tT e s t S t a t u sP A S SO KT e s t S t a t u sF A I LO K
Page 9Back to TransceiverMain PageAC and DC Change-over CheckIf both ac and dc input supplies are connected to the transceiver, carry out the following check:(1) Confirm that both ac and dc supplies are connected to the transceiver. Ensure that the rear panelPower switch is set to the I (on) position.(2) Confirm that the front panel Ready indicator is lit, the LCD is illuminated, and the transceiver isoperational.(3) Switch off the ac supply from its source.(4) Check that the transceiver continues to operate correctly from the dc supply. If accessed, thefront panel BIT screen will show AC Supply as off and DC supply as on. The value of the dcsupply is also shown.
Page 10Back to TransceiverMain PageDismantling and Assembly InstructionsIntroductionThis topic provides the user with detailed instructions on the removal and replacement of modules andassemblies. Access to a PC loaded with VFP software, and a radio to PC serial interconnection lead,Park Air part number 17E12600001 is essential when carrying out these instructions.The transceiver’s modules and assemblies are accessed by removing the top and bottom covers. Thetop cover is secured by 18 countersunk screws and the bottom cover by 15 countersunk screws. Toremove a module from the transceiver, follow the instructions detailed in the following paragraphs (seeFig 3 for module locations when covers are removed). Cautions ...(1) When removing or refitting modules, observe antistatic handling precautions.(2) Do not change any potentiometer (or link) settings unless detailed in these instructions.Potentiometers have been set using specialist equipment.(3) The transceiver uses the following Molex KK connectors:CN2 on the PA Control/Rx RF moduleCN7 and CN6 on the PSU Regulator moduleCN3 on the Front Panel PCB.To remove KK type connectors:❑Free the locking mechanism on the connector by moving one side of the connector up, thenmove the other side up (see the following diagram). The upward motion should only be as faras needed to free the locking mechanism.❑DO NOT pull the cable to free the connector.❑Note that KK type connectors are designed to be removed in this manner to free the lockingmechanism. Do not use this procedure with non-KK type connectors as damage to theconnector may occur.Top CoverTo remove the top cover, locate and unscrew the 18 countersunk screws securing the top cover to themainframe. Access can then be gained to the following modules:❑Processor module❑PSU Regulation module❑Power Supply (requires both top and bottom covers to be removed)❑Front Panel assembly (requires both top and bottom covers to be removed).Dangerous voltages are present within the transceiver. Care must be taken by personnel toavoid accidental contact with exposed circuitry when the top cover is removed and power isapplied to the radio.Lift 2Lift 1PCBWARNING                     Dangerous Voltages
Page 11Back to TransceiverMain PageRemoving and Refitting the Processor ModuleThe Processor module is located as shown in Fig 3. A module removal diagram is shown in Fig 4. RemovalBefore attempting to remove the Processor module, and if possible, save the equipment settings. Toachieve this connect a PC, with the VFP software loaded, to the radio using the PC to RadioInterconnection Lead (Park Air part number 17E12600001). With the VFP software active, upload theradio settings to a specified file.Ensure that the transceiver is isolated from the ac and dc input supplies. Then proceed as follows:(1) Remove the transceiver’s top cover as described on page 10 (take heed of the warning).(2) Locate the Processor module and disconnect the following connectors:❑CN1 50-way connector (50-way ribbon cable from PA Control/Rx RF module)❑CN3 14-way connector (14-way ribbon cable from PSU Regulator module)❑CN4 34-way connector (34-way ribbon cable from Front Panel module)❑CN2 SMB connector (to PA Control/Rx RF module).(3) Gain access to the rear of the transceiver. Using a 6BA nut spinner tool, remove the fourscrewloc 8 mm-4-40 UNC screws that secure the Processor module interface connectors CN5and CN6 to the rear panel.(4) Remove the 11 (Mod Strike 5 modules), 7 (Mod Strike 6 and 7 modules) M3 x 8 mm screws thatsecure the module to the transceiver’s mainframe.(5) Remove the module from the chassis. RefittingTo refit the Processor module, proceed as follows:(1) Place the module in position. Ensure no wires are trapped by the module. Ensure jumper J2 onthe module is set to ‘R/TR’ for transceiver (see diagram on this page).(1) Ensure the module’s interface connectors CN5 and CN6 are located correctly and are alignedwith the screw holes in the rear panel. Fit the four screwloc 8 mm-4-40 UNC screws and wavywashers but leave them loose.IC25T2 C84TS7IC27JP2Shown set forTransceiverTTR/TRR/TRIC21IC20IC19IC38T3
Page 12Back to TransceiverMain Page(2) Fit the 11 (Mod Strike 5 modules), 7 (Mod Strike 6 and 7 modules) M3 x 8 mm screws that securethe module to the transceiver’s mainframe, but leave them loose.(3) Using a nut spinner tool, tighten the four screwloc 8 mm-4-40 UNC screws and wavy washersthat secure the connectors; then tighten the 11 (Mod Strike 5 modules), 7 (Mod Strike 6 and 7modules) M3 x 8 mm screws that secure the module to the receiver’s mainframe. (4) Refit the following connectors to the module:❑CN1 50-way connector (50-way ribbon cable from PA Control/Rx RF module)❑CN3 14-way connector (14-way ribbon cable from PSU Regulator module)❑CN4 34-way connector (34-way ribbon cable from Front Panel module).(5) Re-establish the ac and/or dc supplies (take heed of the warning on page 10).(6) Switch power on at the radio using the rear mounted Power switch.(7) Ensure the front panel Ready indicator is lit and the Alarm Indicator is unlit.(8) If a new module has been fitted, connect the VFP PC to the radio using the PC to RadioInterconnection Lead, Park Air part number 17E12600001 (if not already connected). Note thatany module sent from Park Air as a spare for a particular radio will be programmed withcompatible operating and Fill software. Park Air keeps records of module software in all radiossupplied. Care must be taken when using a module removed from another radio as this modulemay not have compatible software.(9) If saved during the removal procedure, download the radio settings from file using the VFP (seeVFP information starting on page 21). Alternatively the settings can be edited by hand asdescribed in the Operation section of this document. Once entered, ensure the required settingsappear in the VFP screen.(10) Carry out the Calibrate routine using the Virtual Front Panel (VFP), as detailed in the procedureTo Calibrate the Transceiver on page 26.(11) Carry out a BIT interruptive test as detailed in the procedure To Initiate a BIT Test on page 7.(12) Remove the VFP PC to radio interconnection lead and switch power off at the transceiver usingthe rear mounted Power switch. Isolate the transceiver from the ac and/or dc supplies.(13) Refit the transceiver’s top cover (take note of repairs caution (1) on page 5 before carrying outthis task). The transceiver can now be returned to service.
Page 13Back to TransceiverMain PageRemoving and Refitting the PSU Regulator ModuleThe PSU Regulator module is located as shown in Fig 3. A module removal diagram is shown in Fig 5.RemovalBefore attempting to remove the PSU Regulator module, ensure that the transceiver is isolated from theac and dc input supplies. Then proceed as follows:(1) Remove the transceiver’s top cover as described on page 10 (take heed of the warning).(2) Locate the PSU Regulator module and remove the three M3 x 8 mm captive washer screws thatsecure the module to the transceiver’s mainframe.(3) Carefully raise the module to gain access to the module connectors.(4) Disconnect the following connectors:❑CN5  10-way connector (10-way ribbon cable to PA Control/Rx RF module)❑CN6  6-way connector (2-way loom to power supply). Note caution (3) on page 10❑CN4  14-way connector (14-way ribbon cable to Processor module)❑CN3  3-way connector (3-wire loom to PA module)❑CN7  3-way connector (3-wire loom to rear panel On/Off switch). Note caution (3) on page 10❑CN2  2-way connector (2-wire loom from dc input connector on rear panel)❑CN1  4-way connector (4-wire cable from power supply)❑CN9  2-way connector (2-wire cable ac input to power supply)❑CN8  3-way connector (2-wire loom to rear panel ac input connector plus chassis connection).(5) Remove the module from the chassis. RefittingTo refit the PSU Regulator module, proceed as follows:(1) While holding the module in position, connect the following connectors:❑CN8  3-way connector (2-wire loom to rear panel ac input connector plus chassis connection)❑CN9  2-way connector (2-wire cable ac input to power supply)❑CN1  4-way connector (4-wire cable from power supply)❑CN2  2-way connector (2-wire loom from dc input connector on rear panel)❑CN7  3-way connector (3-wire loom to rear panel On/Off switch)❑CN3  3-way connector (3-wire loom to PA module)❑CN4  14-way connector (14-way ribbon cable to Processor module)❑CN6  6-way connector (2-way loom to power supply)❑CN5  10-way connector (10-way ribbon cable to PA Control/Rx RF module).(2) Locate the module in position. Ensure no wires are trapped by the module.(3) Secure the module to the transceiver’s mainframe using the three M3 x 8 mm captive washerscrews removed during the removal procedure.(4) Re-establish the ac and/or dc supplies (take heed of the warning on page 10).(5) Switch power on at the radio using the rear mounted Power switch.(6) Ensure the front panel Ready indicator is lit and the Alarm indicator is unlit.(7) Carry out a BIT interruptive test as detailed in the procedure To Initiate a BIT Test on page 7.
Page 14Back to TransceiverMain Page(8) Switch power off at the transceiver using the rear mounted Power switch. Isolate the transceiverfrom the ac and/or dc supplies.(9) Refit the transceiver’s top cover (take note of repairs caution (1) on page 5 before carrying outthis task). The transceiver can now be returned to service.Bottom CoverTo remove the bottom cover, locate and unscrew the 15 captive screws securing the bottom cover to themainframe. Access can then be gained to the following modules:❑PA Control/Rx RF module❑Power supply (requires top and bottom covers to be removed)❑PA module (requires top cover and bottom covers to be removed)❑Front Panel assembly (requires top cover and bottom covers to be removed).Dangerous voltages are present within the transceiver. Care must be taken by personnel toavoid accidental contact with exposed circuitry when the bottom cover is removed andpower is applied to the radio.Removing and Refitting the PA Control/Rx RF Module The PA Control/Rx RF module is located as shown in Fig 3. A module removal diagram is shown in Fig 6.RemovalBefore attempting to remove the PA Control/Rx RF module, ensure that the transceiver is isolated fromthe ac and dc input supplies.Then proceed as follows:(1) Remove the transceiver’s bottom cover as described above (take heed of the warning).(2) Locate the module and disconnect the following connectors (before removing CN7 and CN12,note the antenna configuration):❑CN1  50-way connector (50-way ribbon cable from Processor module)❑CN6  10-way connector (10-way ribbon cable from PSU Regulator module)❑CN5  SMB connector (reference frequency)❑CN3  SMB connector (RF drive)❑CN4  SMB connector (forward power sense)❑CN2  6-way connector (to PA module). Note caution (3) on page 10)❑CN8  SMB connector (to Processor Module)❑CN7 SMB connector from the Rx antenna connection or CN13 on the PA module (seeantenna configuration on page 16)❑CN12 SMB connector (connects to CN13 on the PA module) or Rx antenna connection (seeconfiguration on page 16).(3) Remove the seven M3 x 8 mm captive washer screws that secure the module to the transceiver’smainframe.(4) Remove the module from the chassis. WARNING                     Dangerous Voltages
Page 15Back to TransceiverMain PageRefittingTo refit the PA Control/Rx RF module, proceed as follows:(1) Place the module in position. Ensure no wires are trapped by the module.(2) Fit the seven M3 x 8 captive washer screws that secure the module to the transceiver’smainframe.(3) Refit the following connectors to the module:❑CN7 SMB connector to the Rx antenna connection or to the connector from CN13 on thePA module (see antenna configuration on page 16)❑CN12 SMB connector to the CN13 on the PA module or Rx antenna connection (seeconfiguration on page 16)❑CN8 SMB connector (to Processor Module)❑CN2  6-way connector (to PA module)❑CN4  SMB connector (forward power sense)❑CN3  SMB connector (RF drive)❑CN5  SMB connector (reference frequency)❑CN6  10-way connector (10-way ribbon cable from PSU Regulator module)❑CN1  50-way connector (50-way ribbon cable from Processor module).(4) Re-establish the ac and/or dc supplies (take heed of the warning on page 14).(5) Switch power on at the radio using the rear mounted Power switch.(6) Ensure the front panel Ready indicator is lit and the Alarm indicator is unlit.(7) Carry out the Calibrate routine using the Virtual Front Panel (VFP), as detailed in the procedureTo Calibrate the Transceiver on page 26(8) Carry out a BIT interruptive test as detailed in the procedure To Initiate a BIT Test on page 7.(9) Remove the VFP PC to radio interconnection lead and switch power off at the transceiver usingthe rear mounted Power switch. Isolate the transceiver from the ac and/or dc supplies.(10) Refit the transceiver’s bottom cover. The transceiver can now be returned to service.
Page 16Back to TransceiverMain PageAntenna Configuration Connector CN12PARK Connector CN7Single Rx antenna CN13 (from PA Module)Dual CN13 (from PA Module) Rx antennaCN7CN12PARKRX AntennaConnectorAntenna ConfigurationAntenna Configuration
Page 17Back to TransceiverMain PageRemoving and Refitting the Power SupplyThe Power Supply is located as shown in Fig 3. A module removal diagram is shown in Fig 7.RemovalBefore attempting to remove the Power Supply, ensure that the transceiver is isolated from the ac anddc input supplies. Then proceed as follows:(1) Remove the transceiver’s top and bottom covers as described on page 10 and page 14 (takeheed of the warnings on those pages).(2) Support the radio on its side. (3) Locate the power supply. From the bottom half of the unit remove the four No. 6 x 32 UNCcountersunk screws that secure the power supply to the transceiver’s mainframe. During thisoperation support the power supply from the top half of the unit.(4) Withdraw the power supply from the chassis sufficient to allow access to the power terminalblocks taking care not to damage the ac terminal plastic supply guard. (5) Remove the connector CN4 (power supply to the power regulator).(6) Disconnect the dc wires from the eight connector terminal block.(7) Slide back the terminal block cover and disconnect the ac wires from the three connector terminalblock (marked L N E).(8) Carefully remove the power supply from the transceiver.Refitting(1) With the transceiver on its side hold the power supply near to its securing position in the top halfof the radio.(2) Slide back the terminal block cover and connect the ac wires to the three connector terminalblock (marked L N E); brown to terminal L, blue to terminal N and yellow/green to terminal E.(3) Connect the dc wires to the eight connector terminal block; red to terminal 2 and terminal 3 andblack to terminal 6 and terminal 7.(4) Connect connector CN4.(5) Taking care not to damage the plastic supply guard, lower the Power Supply into position andsecure from the bottom half of the unit using the four countersunk screws.(6) Re-establish the ac and/or dc dc supplies (take heed of the warnings on page 10 and page 14).(7) Switch power on at the radio using the rear mounted Power switch. (8) Ensure the front panel Ready indicator is lit and the Alarm indicator is unlit.(9) Carry out a BIT interruptive test as detailed in the procedure To Initiate a BIT Test on page 7.(10) Switch power off at the transceiver using the rear mounted Power switch. Isolate the transceiverfrom the ac and/or dc supplies.(11) Refit the transceiver’s top and bottom covers (take note of Repairs caution (1) on page 5 beforecarrying out this task). The transceiver can now be returned to service.
Page 18Back to TransceiverMain PageRemoving and Refitting the PA ModuleThe PA module is located as shown in Fig 3. A module removal diagram is shown in Fig 8.RemovalBefore attempting to remove the PA module, ensure that the transceiver is isolated from the ac and dcinput supplies. Then proceed as follows:(1) Remove the transceiver’s top and bottom covers as described on page 10 and page 14 (takeheed of the warnings on those pages).(2) Remove CN3 from the PSU Regulator module.(3) With the transceiver upside-down disconnect CN2 from the PA Control/Rx RF module.(4) Disconnect the SMB connectors CN8 and CN10. Note that CN10 is located within the heatsinkfins and should be disconnected using long nosed pliers. Do not attempt to remove the connectorby pulling on the cable.(5) Remove the black equipment handle from the PA side of the radio by unscrewing and removingthe two M5 x 16 mm panhead screws that secures it to the transceiver.(6) Remove the six M3 x 8 mm countersunk screws and two M3 x 8 mm captive screws that securethe PA from the bottom and top of the mainframe as shown in Fig 8. Ensure the PA module iswell supported during this operation.(7) Withdraw the PA module from the mainframe taking care not to snag the wiring looms.RefittingNote ...Take note of Repairs caution (2) on page 5 before fitting the PA module.To refit the PA module, proceed as follows:(1) Place the module in position and butt it up to the mainframe. Ensure no wires are trapped by themodule.(2) Fit the six M3 x 8 countersunk screws and two M3 x 8 mm captive screws that secure the moduleto the transceiver’s mainframe.(3) Fit the black equipment handle to the PA side of the radio using the two M5 x 16 mm panheadscrews.(4) Connect the SMB connectors CN8 and CN10. Note that CN10 is located within the heatsink finsand should be connected using long nosed pliers if unable to use fingers in the enclosed space.(5) With the transceiver upside-down connect CN2 to the PA Control/Rx RF module.(6) Fit CN3 to the PSU Regulator module.(7) Re-establish the ac and/or dc supplies (take heed of the warnings on page 10 and page 14).(8) Switch power on at the radio using the rear mounted Power switch.(9) Ensure the front panel Ready indicator is lit and the Alarm indicator is unlit.(10) Carry out the Calibrate routine using the Virtual Front Panel (VFP), as detailed in the procedureTo Calibrate the Transceiver on page 26. (11) Carry out a BIT interruptive test as detailed in the procedure ‘To Initiate a BIT Test on page 7’.(12) Remove the VFP PC to radio interconnection lead and switch power off at the transceiver usingthe rear mounted Power switch. Isolate the transceiver from the ac and/or dc supplies.(13) Refit the transceiver’s top and bottom covers (take note of Repairs caution (1) on page 5 beforecarrying out this task). The transceiver can now be returned to service.
Page 19Back to TransceiverMain PageRemoving and Refitting the Front Panel Assembly PCBThe Front Panel assembly PCB is located as shown in Fig 3. An assembly and PCB removal diagram isshown in Fig 9.RemovalBefore attempting to remove the Front Panel assembly PCB, ensure that the transceiver is isolated fromthe ac and dc input supplies. Then proceed as follows:(1) Remove the transceiver’s top and bottom covers as described on page 10 and page 14 (takeheed of the warnings on those pages).(2) Disconnect CN4 at the Processor module. Carefully pull the cable through the aperture in themainframe to free it.(3) Disconnect SMB connector CN5 at the PA Control/RxRF module. (4) Remove the four M3 x 8 mm countersunk screws from the bottom and top of the mainframe boxsection (see Fig 9, Diagram A).(5) Remove the two black equipment handles by unscrewing and removing the four M5 x 16 mmpanhead screws that secure them to the transceiver. The front panel can now be moved forwardand away from the mainframe.(6) At the front panel, release the control knob by unscrewing the Allen head grub screw using a1.5 mm Allen key. Withdraw the control knob from the spindle.(7) Disconnect the speaker connector from the Front Panel PCB.(8) Remove the Front Panel PCB from the Front Panel assembly by removing the six M3 x 6 mmpanhead screws and wavy washers (see Fig 9 Diagram B). RefittingTo refit the Front Panel assembly PCB, proceed as follows:(1) Place the PCB in position at the Front Panel assembly. Ensure the spindle of the control knoband Heaset/Microphone/Diagnostics connector are correctly located.(2) Secure the PCB to the Front Panel assembly using the six M3 x 6 mm panhead screws and wavywashers (see Fig 9, Diagram B).(3) Connect the speaker connector to the Front Panel PCB.(4) At the front panel, place the control knob onto the spindle and using a 1.5 mm Allen key, securethe Allen head grub screw.(5) Secure the Front Panel assembly to the top and bottom of the mainframe box section using thefour M3 x 8 mm countersunk screws. Fit the two black equipment handles using the fourM5 x 16 mm panhead screws (see Fig 9, Diagram A).(6) Route the ribbon cable to the Processor module connector CN4 and connect it.(7) Route the SMB connector to CN5 on the PA Control/RxRF module and connect it.(8) Re-establish the ac and/or dc supplies (take heed of the warnings on page 10 and page 14).(9) Switch power on at the radio using the rear mounted Power switch.(10) Ensure the front panel Ready indicator is lit and the Alarm indicator is unlit.(11) Carry out a BIT interruptive test as detailed in the procedure To Initiate a BIT Test on page 7.(12) Switch power off at the transceiver using the rear mounted Power switch. Isolate the transceiverfrom the ac and/or dc supplies(13) Refit the transceiver’s top and bottom covers (take note of repairs caution (1) on page 5 beforecarrying out this task). The transceiver can now be returned to service.
Page 20Back to TransceiverMain PageRemoving and Refitting the Cooling FanThe cooling fan is at the rear of the PA module as shown in Fig 3. An assembly and removal diagram isshown in Fig 10.RemovalBefore attempting to remove the fan, ensure that the transceiver is isolated from the ac and dc inputsupplies. Then proceed as follows:(1) Disconnect the two-pin connector.(2) Remove fan's finger guard.(3) Using an Allen key, inserted through the holes in the fan exposed with the finger guard removed,remove the three M4 x 12 mm caphead Allen screws that secure the fan to the PA moduleheatsink.(4) Remove the fan from the PA module.RefittingTo refit the cooling fan, proceed as follows:(1) Locate the fan in position and using a suitable Allen key inserted through the holes for the fan'sfinger guard, secure using the four M4 x 12 mm caphead Allen screws.(2) Secure the finger guard to the fan.(3) Connect the 2-pin fan connector to the fan. Ensure the + marked socket mates with the + markedplug on the fan.(4) Re-establish the ac and/or dc supplies.(5) Switch power on at the radio using the rear mounted Power switch.(6) Ensure the front panel Ready indicator is lit and the Alarm indicator is unlit.(7) Carry out a BIT interruptive test as detailed in the procedure ‘To Initiate a BIT Test on page 7’.
Page 21Back to TransceiverMain PageVirtual Front Panel (VFP)Virtual Front Panel (VFP) software is supplied on CD-ROM and is compatible with any PC or laptoprunning Windows 2000™ or Windows XP™. The VFP allows changes to a radio’s settings and channelinformation, it displays the current BIT state, displays BIT history, allows security locks to be set, andprovides maintenance facilities.A radio can be set up using the front panel Scroll/Select switch and LCD, or by using the VFP. Using theVFP has several advantages over setting the transceiver from the front panel; these are:❑A profile of the transceiver’s operation settings and channel information can be created, stored ondisk, and then recalled to download into other transceivers.❑A print out of the transceiver’s profile can be made from the VFP.❑Front Panel Lock is available only when using the VFP. As part of the transceiver’s Settings (seetypical screen display shown below) Front Panel Lock can be set to ON. When selected to on, nosettings or frequency information can be changed from the front panel.❑If the transceiver is part of a MARC system or operates in a digital mode, a MARC Lock, HDLCLock and T1E1 Lock are available when using the VFP. When selected to on, no settings orfrequency information can be changed from the MARC equipment screen, or the digital controlequipment.Typical VFP Screen - AM-Voice Profile Shown
Page 22Back to TransceiverMain PageInstalling the VFP SoftwareThe VFP software is supplied by Park Air on CD-ROM. The software can be run from the Main page orinstalled on your PC via Explorer.To install the software onto your PC:(1) Using explorer, display the contents of the CD-ROM supplied by Park Air. Identify the file namedS0473VXX.EXE.(2) Using the mouse, right click on the file S0473VXX.EXE and then select Copy.(3) Display the Windows desktop. Right click anywhere on the desktop and select Paste.(4) Check that the VFP icon is shown on the desktop. Reposition the icon as required. The VFPapplication is now installed on the PC’s desktop.VFP IconVFP FeaturesThe VFP screen is divided into four main windows: Settings, Channels, BIT and Status Information. Fourcolours are used to display text. The colours have the following meanings:❑Black indicates a valid parameter that has been accepted by the radio.❑Red indicates an invalid parameter that has been rejected by the radio, or a BIT failure.❑Green indicates text that has not yet been downloaded to the radio. Text loaded into the VFP froma previously stored file, or any text that is manually amended is green until it is downloaded intothe radio; after being downloaded into the radio the text changes to black, or if it is invalid, to red.❑Blue indicates Help text and is shown in the Status Information window.The Menu BarThe menu bar has four categories: File, Serial Port, Radio and Help. File Has the sub-categories: Open, Save and Print. These sub-categories allow the user toopen previously saved profiles, save a new profile, or print a profile.A special sub-category: File > Save > Diagnostics should only be used when advised byPark Air.Serial Port Has the sub-categories: Com 1 and Com 2. Before the VFP can be used, the appropriateCom 1 or Com 2 must be selected to correspond with the PC’s Com Port used for theradio connection.Radio Has the sub-categories: Retrieve, Send, Calibrate and Test.This category allows a radio’s profile to be loaded into the VFP, allows a profile to bedownloaded from the VFP to a radio, calibrates a radio and initiates a BIT test.Help Provides detail about the VFP software.
Page 23Back to TransceiverMain PageSettings WindowThis window lists all attributes that can be adjusted by the user. If any individual attribute is clicked onusing the mouse, help information is displayed in the Status Information window showing the range ofadjustment for that attribute. Click on the value and use the keyboard to amend it; press Enter to confirmthe new value noting that the amended text is green until it is downloaded into the radio.Any invalid parameters are not indicated until the Settings are downloaded to the radio. It is the radio thatrejects invalid parameters, not the VFP.The transceiver’s reference frequency setting is displayed in the window. Adjusting the referencefrequency is a maintenance operation that requires external test equipment to be connected. The valueshown in the Settings window should not be changed; instead, adjustment of the reference frequencyshould be performed using the radio’s front panel controls as detailed on page 7.Channels WindowUp to 100 preset channels can be stored in the radio. These are listed in the Channels window. Anychannel frequency can be amended by clicking on the value to amend it and pressing Enter to confirmthe new value. Note that the amended channel is green until it is downloaded into the radio.Any invalid frequencies are not indicated until the Channels are downloaded to the radio. It is the radiothat rejects invalid frequencies, not the VFP.BIT WindowTwo lists of information are presented. The current BIT status and the BIT history. The BIT history showsthe last 100 entries. Status Information WindowThe Status Information window gives information regarding the type of radio, the software fills, recentVFP actions and Help information.
Page 24Back to TransceiverMain PageTo Change the Transceiver’s Profile or Save a Profile(1) Using a radio to PC serial interconnection lead, Park Air part number 17E12600001, connect theradio’s front panel Headset/Microphone/Diagnostics connector to the PC’s Com Port 1 or ComPort 2 (note which Com Port is used).(2) Run up the VFP software and check that a blank VFP screen (as shown below) is displayed.Blank VFP Screen(3) At the Menu Bar, click on Serial Port and select either Com 1 or Com 2. The selection mustcorrespond to the port used to connect to the radio.(4) Load the required information from the radio, or from a stored file. The required information canbe radio settings, frequency channels, BIT information, or all of these.To load a previously stored file, select File > Open > Allor, File > Open >Settingsor, File > Open > Channelor, File > Open > BITTo load information from the radio, select Radio > Retrieve > Allor, Radio > Retrieve > Settingsor, Radio > Retrieve > Channelor, Radio > Retrieve > BIT(5) If required, amend any radio Settings or Channel information.
Page 25Back to TransceiverMain Page(6) Download the radio’s profile as shown on the VFP screen to either the radio, or to a file.To download into the radio, select  Radio > Send > Allor, Radio > Send > Settingsor, Radio > Send > ChannelTo download to a file, select File > Send > Allor, File > Send > Settingsor, File > Send > Channelor, File > Send > BIT(7) Check that after downloading to a radio, no invalid parameters are returned (such parametersare displayed as red text). If there are invalid parameters, amend them and then repeat thedownload.(8) When there is no further requirement for using the VFP, exit the VFP software and disconnectthe radio from the PC.To Initiate a BIT Test(1) Using a radio to PC serial interconnection lead, Park Air part number 17E12600001, connect theradio’s front panel Headset/Microphone/Diagnostics connector to the PC’s Com Port 1 or ComPort 2 (note which Com Port is used).(2) Run up the VFP software and check that a blank VFP screen is displayed.(3) At the Menu Bar, click on Serial Port and select either Com 1 or Com 2. The selection mustcorrespond to the port used to connect to the radio.(4) At the Menu Bar select Radio > Test.(5) An interruptive BIT test now takes place. The results are displayed in the BIT window.(6) If there is no further requirement for using the VFP, exit the VFP software and disconnect theradio from the PC.During an interruptive BIT test, the transceiver radiates modulated carrier waves at the setpower. Users should therefore obtain the necessary authority before initiating a test.If the test is to be carried out with the antenna disconnected, ensure a load is fitted to thetransceiver's antenna connector.In order to test the line input stages, an internally generated 1 kHz tone is injected into theline input circuit. Any other audio present on the line input will cause the test to beinaccurate. Therefore the transceiver must not be keyed during the test.
Page 26Back to TransceiverMain PageTo Calibrate the Transceiver(1) Connect a dummy load via a power meter to the transceiver’s Tx/Rx Antenna connector.(2) Remove the transceiver’s bottom cover.(3) Using a VFP to PC interconnection lead, Park Air part number 17E12600001, connect the radio’sfront panel Headset/Microphone/Diagnostics connector to the PC’s Com Port 1 or Com Port 2(note which Com Port is used).(4) Run up the VFP software and check that a blank VFP screen is displayed.(5) At the Menu Bar, click on Serial Port and select either Com 1 or Com 2. The selection mustcorrespond to the port used to connect to the radio.(6) At the Menu Bar select Radio > Retrieve > All.(7) At the Menu Bar select Radio > Calibrate. The Confirm screen will then be displayed to remindyou that a dummy load must be connected before proceeding.(8) With the Confirm screen displayed and dummy load connected, select Yes to continue with thecalibrate routine. The Progress screen will then be displayed.(9) When the PA Control/PA loop has been calibrated the Progress screen disappears and the VFPscreen re-appears showing a calibration complete message in the Status Information window. (10) Gain access to the PA Control/Rx RF module and identify RV9 (this control is on the solder sideof the outer PCB adjacent to the label - see next page). From the transceiver’s front panelAM-Voice or AM-MSK Settings screen, select PTT On.(11) From the Settings pane of the VFP screen, note the RF power setting. Adjust RV9 until the powermeter reads this value. (12) From the transceiver’s front panel AM-Voice or AM-MSK Settings screen select PTT Off, thenremove the power meter and dummy load. This completes the calibration routine.(13) When there is no further requirement for using the VFP, exit the VFP software and disconnectthe radio from the PC.
Page 27Back to TransceiverMain PageRV9Fine Power AdjustLocation of RV9
Page 28Back to TransceiverMain PageFigs 1 to 10 follow
Back to TransceiverMain Page2Fig 2Fig 2 Wiring and Interconnection DiagramCN2Microphone/Headset/DiagnosticsFro nt PanelCN3 CN1CN4CN5CN6Power Supply RegulationCN212231CN3dc Input50CN6CN5CN1PA  Co ntr ol  & Rx RFConnectionsCN2- 1Processor450 kHzCharact e r i st icNameIF34***CN3CN4CN2CN10 CN14Fan2PARefer ence Frequenc yConnect i onsFron t Panel-20 dBm to 0 dBmCharacteristicNamePC CN5-1Forward Power SenseCN8-1Connect i onsRF PA PA Control & RX RF 17 dBm ± 1 dBName Charac t er i st i cRF Output/ InputConnect i onsRF PACN1- 1Name Char a cteri st i c5 to 50 W /-10 7dBm sensit ivi tyCN4- 1 Antenna Port(Rear Panel)CN8RF PA1 dBm carrierRF Dr iveCN10 - 1CN3- 1Connect i ons Name Characteristi cRegulat orConnectionsRF PAName CharacteristicCN3- 1CN3- 2CN3-3  HeatsinkCN3 V Unr eg-33 VGround Supply21.6 t o 32 V0 V-30 V to -35 V10143CN5CN4Reference Fr equency(Front Panel)CN4- 1CN3CN2CN4CN5CN7CN9CN6(-30.5 dBc ± 0.9 dB)3LoudspeakerCN8-1CN11CN8 CN7CN13Sensi tivit y: - 107dBmMax. cont inuous: 5 V rmsRF PACN13- 1 Rx InputCN7- 1Connect i ons Name CharacteristicCN12CN11(RearPanel )CN14CN3 CN4CN7FacilitiesCN5MARCCN6Processor***CN2CN1A B C DCN80 to 4 V / 0 to 6VFrequency TrimCN1-14 CN1-14CN1-50CN1-48CN1-49CN1-47CN1-45CN1-46CN1-44CN1-43CN1-42CN1-41CN1-15CN1-16CN1-21CN1-22CN1-23CN1-17CN1-19CN1-18CN1-20CN1-24CN1-25CN1-30CN1-26CN1-29CN1-28CN1-27CN1-31CN1-32CN1-33CN1-34CN1-36CN1-35CN1-37CN1-40CN1-39CN1-38CN1-50CN1-45CN1-43CN1-44CN1-47CN1-46CN1-49CN1-48CN1-28CN1-42CN1-41CN1-38CN1-39CN1-36CN1-37CN1-40CN1-32CN1-31CN1-29CN1-30CN1-34CN1-33CN1-35CN1-21CN1-24CN1-23CN1-22CN1-26CN1-27CN1-25CN1-17CN1-16CN1-15CN1-20CN1-19CN1-18TTLTTLTTLTTLTTL - Low OCXO fittedTTL - High fan onTTLBIT Cont rol  3BIT Cont rol  2Step Si zeV/U Det ectTR DetectReser vedOXCO Fi t tedFan EnableTTLTTLTTLTTLTTLTTL0 to 2.5 V10 mV / °C10 mV / °C0 to 5 V (5 V 3dB back off)TTLTTLTTLTTLTTLBIT Loop Corre ctBIT Sy nth LockBIT Open LoopBIT VSWR OKBIT Cont rol  1BIT Cont rol  0Reflected PowerPA TemperatureAut o Level  Cont rolExt ern al VSWRPAC Temperatur eNar r o w/ Wi deTx KeyTTLTTLTTLTTL0 VTTL0 VTTL pull up active lowTTLTTLTTLTTLFilter 3Dat aPhase LoadClockSynth LoadGroundFilter 4Filter 0Filter 2Filter 1GroundPower  DownTx/Rx DetectCN1-10CN1-13CN1-12CN1-11ProcessorCN1- 7CN1- 7CN1- 9CN1-10CN1- 8CN1-12CN1-13CN1-11CN1- 9CN1- 8CN1- 2CN1- 3CN1- 1CN1- 5CN1- 6CN1- 4CN1- 6CN1- 5CN1- 4CN1- 2CN1- 3CN1- 1Connecti ons0 to 2.5 V0 V±2.5 V±2.5 V0 to 2.5 V0 to 2.5 V0 to 2.5 V0 V0 V0 V0 V0 V0 VGroundGroundQGroundGroundBIT Q Moni torBIT I MonitorRF AGCIGroundIF AGCGroundGroundName Characterist ic***Reser vedRF PA Bias DisableTTLTTL*6782435Pin Number1NameCN7An/cn/cn/cRTIPTRINGn/cTTIPRRING*6782435Pin Number1NameCN7BHDLC CL BHDLC CL AUnregulated SupplyHDLC Rx  BHDLC Tx  BHDLC Rx  AHDLC Tx  AGround6782435Pin Nu mber1NameCN7Cn/cn/cUnregulated SupplyData Rx B (Data In +)Data Tx B (Data Out +)Data Rx A (Data In -)Data Tx A (Data Out -)Ground*6782435Pin Nu mber1NameCN7DLine I n -Antenna Change Over/PTT/Fast ATR Output (T6T)Squelch Output (T6TR)Line I n/Out +PTT I nputLine I n/Out -Line I n +Ground*Charact e r i st icCharacteristicCharacteristicCharact e r i st ic+10 dBm in to 600W+10 dBm in to 600W0 V0 V or +10 V to +50 V or-10 V to 5 0 V at 5mA+20 dBm to -20 dBm 600R+20 dBm to -20 dBm 600RANSI T1.403- 1995 (T1),ITU-T: G.703 (E1)ANSI T1.403- 1995 (T1),ITU-T: G.703 (E1)0V21.6V to 32VRS 422RS 422RS 422RS 422PNP open collector groundingtransistorSolid- stat e relay gr oundingoutput0VRS 422RS 422RS 422RS 422RS 422RS 42221.6V to 32VCN6- 7 7CN6- 8CN6- 9 98ProcessorCN6- 1CN6- 2CN6- 3CN6- 5CN6- 6CN6- 4**465312MARC Por tConnectionsData RX A - Data In - RS422RS422RS422Data TX B - Data Out +Data TX A - Data Out -RS4220 V or +10 V to +50  V orFused 50 0mA, 21.6 to 32 V+20 dBm to -20 dBm 600RCharacteristicPTT ( Mute)Data RX B - Data In +Unregulated SupplyLine -Line +Ground 0 VName+20 dBm to -20 dBm 600R-10 V to 50 V at 5mAMicrophone/Fron t PanelConnect ions Name Characteristi cCN2-1 1 Ground -  Microphone 0 VCN2- 62 Tr ansmit Dat a RS232CN2- 3 3 MIC PTTCN2-4 4 Receive Data RS232CN2-5 5 Sidetone ( Headset Dri ve) 3 Vac pk-pk,  200RCN2- 26 Microphone InputCN2-7 7 Ground 0 VDiagnostics0 V = PTT,  5 V pull -up = not  PTT6k8 i nput i mpedance, 5mV sens iti vityFron t PanelProcessorConnections Name CharacteristicCN4-1CN4-2CN4-3CN4-4CN1-1CN1-2CN1-3CN1-4LED AlarmLED ReadyLED StandbyLED Tx (LED Rx)LCD RSOpen coll ector (5mA)CN4-5CN4-6CN4-7CN4-8CN4-9CN4- 1 0CN4- 1 1CN4-12CN4-13CN4-14CN4- 1 6CN4-17CN4-18CN1-20CN1-19CN4- 1 5CN1-25CN4-24CN4- 2 3CN1- 2 2CN1- 2 1CN1- 5CN1-24CN1-23CN1-16CN4-19CN4-22CN4- 2 1CN4-20CN1-18CN1-17CN1-6CN1- 7CN4-25LCD R/WLCD Backli ghtTransmit Data+5 V Suppl y-5 V Suppl yGround+15 V Suppl yGroundMi c PT TLED RX5 V pul l-upTTLTTLTTLTTL0 V-5 VTTLTTL+15 VLCD EnableDat a 3Dat a 2Dat a 7Dat a 6Dat a 5Dat a 4RS232+5 V0 VRec eive Data0 V=PTT,5 V p ull -up=PTTTurn +TTLTTLTTLRS232Turn -Sidetone (Headset  Drive) 3 Vac pk-pkLoudspeaker  Amp Dri veGroundMi c I np utGround 0V1.6V p-p maximum0V2V p-p maximumPushGround 0 VCN1- 26CN4-26CN1- 27CN4-27CN1-31CN1-29CN4-28CN1- 3 0CN4-31CN4-29CN1- 28CN4-30CN4-33CN1-34CN1-33CN4-34CN1-32CN4-32Open coll ector (200mA)Open coll ector (5mA)Open coll ector (5mA)Open coll ector (5mA)Dat a 1Dat a 0TTLTTLCN1- 1 2CN1- 1 3CN1- 1 4CN1- 1 5CN1- 8 CN1- 9CN1- 1 0CN1- 1 15 V pul l-up5 V pul l-upOpen coll ector (5mA)CN3- 1 4CN3- 1 3CN3- 1 2CN3- 1 1CN3- 1 0CN4- 1 4CN4-13CN4-12CN4- 11CN4- 1 0n/cRemote on/offV UnregV Unr egdc DetectCN3- 9CN3- 8CN3- 7CN3- 6CN3- 5CN3- 4CN3- 3CN3- 2CN3- 1Connect i onsCN4- 6CN4- 9CN4- 8CN4- 7CN4- 5CN4- 4CN4- 3CN4- 2CN4- 1Regulat ionac Detect-15 V  Suppl yGroun d+5 V Suppl y+15 V SupplyProcessorName Char act erist i c+15 V Supply-15 V  Suppl y+5 V Suppl yGroun d-15 V21.6 to 32 V21.6 to 32 VOpen col lect or> 20 mA into 250R+15 V+5 V+15 V-15 V+5 V0V0VCN6- 7CN6- 6CN6- 1 0CN6- 9CN6- 8CN5- 1 0CN5- 9CN5- 6CN5- 7CN5- 8-15 V  Suppl yac Detectdc Detect-15 V  Suppl yGroun d-15 V-15 V0VConnect i onsCN6- 5CN6- 4CN6- 3CN6- 2CN6- 1CN5- 2CN5- 4CN5- 3CN5- 5RegulationCN5- 1Name+5 V Suppl y+15 V Supply+5 V Suppl y+15 V SupplyGroun dCharacteristic+15 V+5 V+5 V0V+15 V0V = on, open collector = offn/cn/cn/cProcessorCN8 Ri ngCN8 T ip External Speaker  Dri veExternal Speaker Dr ive 3 Vac pk- pk maxCharacteristicConnecti ons NameExt ernal  Speaker12CN8 Sleeve Ground 0 V33 Vac pk-pk maxEXT SPKRT1/E1MARC AU DIOMARC DA TAHDLCUnregulated SupplyCN5-9 9 Fused 300mA 21.6 to 32 VNameReser vedTape Out putCN5-14CN5-15CN5-13CN5-12CN5-111415131211 BIT Int errupti ve TestRSSIReady OutputFacilitiesConnectionsCN5-10Processor10 InhibitOpen coll ector , 0 V = Ready-10 dBm. 100RTTL pull-up active lowCharac t er i st i cn/cTTL pull-up active lowPotenti al range 0 V to 10 VCN5-4CN5-6CN5-7CN5-57564Open col lector; 0 V = TxTTL pul l-up act ive lowOpen col lector; 0 V = TxSquelch DefeatAntenna Change OverExt ern al VSWRCN5-3CN5-2CN5- 1ProcessorConnecti onsFacilities231CharacteristicNameE BitPTTGround 0 VGroundCN5-8 8 0 V(Squelch)Antenna Change Over (Squelch)TTL pul l-up act ive low 50 W = -3.95 VCharact e r i st icTTL - High for fan onTTL - High for bias onPA Bi as Enabl eCN2-3CN2- 5CN2- 4Reflected PowerFan EnableRF PAConnections NameCN2- 6CN2-2CN2- 1 PA Temperat ureDr ive  Det ect10 mV/°C + 0.5V0.5 V for +10 dBmCN4CN9CN5CN7CN2CN12 PA Current Detect 0.1V per AmpRF PAPA Heatsi nkCN6 Fan ControlGround 0V24 VCharacteristicConnections NameFanFanConnecti ons Name Char acteristicFron t PanelCN3-1 Loudspeaker Loudspeake r outputCN3-2 Loudspeaker Ground 0 VCN3-3 n/c n/ c2V p-p maxi mum Input-1 CN2- 2 Fused 21.6 to 32 Vdc InputInput -2 CN2- 1 Ground Supply 0 VConnectionsDC Input RegulationName CharacteristicInput-3 n/c n/cPA Control & RX RFPA Control & RX RFPA Control & RX RFPA Control & RX RFPA Co ntr ol  & RX RFPA Co ntrol  & RX RFPA Co ntr ol  & RX RF13(Rear Panel)CN72Supply(shown inoff position)132CN14LNEac InputCN1-3CN1-2CN1- 1RegulatorCN1- 3CN1- 2CN1- 1PSUConnectionsGround Suppl yName Cha ra ct er is ti cCN1-40 VV UnregMai ns  IECConnectorFiltered/FusedCN8 1 L2 N3 EPower  Supply1CN1432LNECN1-4CN4CN9 LN0 VCharact e r i st ic0 V = ono/c OKPSU OKCN6- 3CN6- 5CN6- 40 VPSU offPSURegulationConnections NameCN6- 6CN6-2CN6- 1 0 VPSU OK10 mV/°C + 0.5V0 V OKCN4- 3CN4- 1 PSU of f PSU off 0V = 0ff22(Rear Panel)Ground Suppl y 0 V29 VV Unreg 29 V
Back to TransceiverMain Page3Fig 3Regulation ModulePower SupplyT6 Series 2 VHF TransceiverModule  Location DiagramVHF TR PA Control& RX RF ModuleVHF TR RF PAProcessor ModuleFront Panel ModuleModuleTransmit Antenna Connector Receive Antenna ConnectorTop view - Top Cover removed View on underside - Bottom Cover removedFanFig 3 Module Location Diagram
Back to TransceiverMain Page4Fig 4Fig 4 Processor Module - Removal andRefitting DetailPA CN8
Back to TransceiverMain Page5Fig 5Fig 5 PSU Regulator Module - Removal and Refitting DetailBlue (N)Brown (L)
Back to TransceiverMain Page6Fig 6Fig 6 PA Control/Rx RF Module - Removal andRefitting Detail
Back to TransceiverMain Page7Fig 7Fig 7 Power Supply - Removal and Refitting Detail
Back to TransceiverMain Page8Fig 8Fig 8 PA Module - Removal and Refitting Detail
Back to TransceiverMain Page9Fig 9Fig 9 Front Panel Assembly PCB - Removaland Refitting DetailDiagram A Diagram B
Back to TransceiverMain Page10Fig 10Fig 10  Cooling Fan - Removal andRefitting Detail

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