Patpet Technology PTS-018 Remote dog training User Manual Manual Part 2
Shenzhen Patpet Technology Co., Ltd Remote dog training Manual Part 2
- 1. Manual Part 1
- 2. Manual Part 2
Manual Part 2
Key Definitions Remote Transmitter Transmit: the slgnal to the Receiver Collar Tone Only Btmon (Yellow): Wrist ] _ Sends an audible tone to the “WOW ‘i collar No stimulation is delivered Stimulation crity Button LED tea 'L (Red)Mhraflon Only Billton(elue) hummus“ Belt clip Dellvers stimulation/vibration Dlgllnl canay through the Contact Polrlts rm out," on the Receiver Collar at the VZH‘M sunning; alto" . . . . level shown on the Digital autrantruer Dam Eliminating Unwanted BehaVIor Display When held down for Dawn anon upiautan . 10 consecutive seconds, the Jumping UP Transmitter wlll “time—out". and . *TC'WW “Ck Pets typically yurnp up to get attention. llyou do not want your pet to yump on you, then friends or stimulation/vibration cannot be members of the ramily should not encourage this behavior That means every time your pet jumps on delivered for 5 seconds. You must release and press the button again alter the 5 second timeout period, someone he should be reprimanded or redirected to an allernale and acceptable behawon for which he before additional stimulation/vibration can be delivered can receive praise Note: lt is best ilyour pet first understands the “Sit" command. stim/Vibra Down Button (-): Decreases Stimulatlon/Vlbratlon Level by 1. 1- Choose your pet‘s Recognltlcn Level. stlinNIbra Up Button (4-): increases Stimulation/Vibration Level by l 2 As soon as your Del "“5 his Paws off the ground In Digital Display: lndicates which function the Transmitter is currently performing, lump on your press Ihe SllmulatlonNIbraIlon Button and give the command "sit." Stlmulatlorl/Vibratlon Level. pairing mode. dog channel 1/2 and battery status. See Prepare the Remote Transmitter section tor more detalls . . . I I I _ _ once your pet is sitting. and verbally praise him. Transmitter Indicator Light: Red indicates Transmitter is performing the current chosen function a. ”you, pe‘ ignores m Smuramn/Vmfim Increase Charging Jack: For connectlrlg the charger the intensity Level by l 5. Practice this exercise in several dlflerent areas and use different people for dlstractiorls 3. Release the Stlmuiatloanbratlorl Button lmmedlateiy 3. Wait fcryour pet to walk away irom you Using the , Raoeivor Collar: Delivers stimulation. vibration or tone on a signal lrorn the Remote Transmitter. it is Recognition Level for your pet. press and hold the H / :7/ waterpmop 5“m“‘a"°"N'b'a“°" 3““0" “”3”” R‘mee T'a’fsm'“e' J‘ Oil/on Button: Momentarily pressing and holding this button turns the Receiver Collar on and off 4 :mhmfig‘ae‘éeweltce cfvmbma‘“ 86°F “"9 °°”"”“‘"9 l “L Contact Points: Deliver stimulation/vibration to your pet lrom the Remote Transmitter 5 3 ° 5 ma '°" ‘ Ta '°” “ °"' +1; Receiver lndloatornght: indicates when the Receiver Collar has been lumed on broil ora button is sing the leash, gently guide your oel loward you unlil he begins to come in your direction 9’55““ 6 .mmed‘a‘ely mime ",5 Em" as soon as your pet steps Red LED: indicates low battery or in charging condition and when static stimulation orvlbrallon button is towards you, and praise him enthusiastically. pressed. Green LED: indicates good battery and when tone button is pressed. Also indicates when pairing mode or 7. Quickly move backwards as your pet begins to come back to you. praising him the entire time .777 t /,, 14/ charging is completed. 3. Praise your pet when he returns to you. 7 r , i i . . 9- RePea‘ S‘EPS 3 "WW" 3- _ .. ., Qt Dog 1 Receiver Collar Dog 2 Receiver Collar 10 Once your pel responds readily to the Come command / . several times. back away from him Without gwing a t g 7 PTSaOlB PTS—018 command When your pet turns toward you, give the i command “Come" (WITHOUT STlMULATlON/VIERATlON and praise him while you continue to back up Praise your pet when he returns to you 11. Use your leash to prevent your pet trom running past you it your pet manages to run past you. repeat Steps 3 through 8 The “Stay" Command 1. Put a separate, non—metallic collar on your pet‘s neck ABOVE the Receiver Collar. and attach a leash Note: Be sure the extra collar does not put pressure on the Contact Points 2. Put your pet on his bed. Hold your leash in one hand and the Remole Transmlller in the other. lndlcalol Light indicator Light 3 Staying Within one meter, walk the perimeter olthe bed Do not say anything to your pet 4 llyour pel tries to leave the bed. press and hold the Stimulation/vibration Button and give the “Stay" command. Continue to hold the button until your pet is back on his bed If necessary. use the leash to elude your pet onto his place. Charging Jack: Fur connecting the charger Although the Receiver Collar is walerprcnf without the “5'59 Vm" Pe‘ Whe" "9 ‘5 ”3““ °" "'5 ”Ed- charger cover, keep the cover in place when not charging to keep debris out of the openings. . Once your pet has settled for a few seconds, release him and play calmly. Repeat sleps 1 through 5 f ‘ Contact Points charging Jack Contact Points charging Jack \ " twith cover) (with covert Nam 19 8 Operating Guide Prepare the Remote Transmitter Charge the Remote Transmitter . Connect the USB port to the Charging Adapter(1B). Plug the charger ihto a standard wall outlet (1C) ewwe . Connect one of the charger connectors to the Remote Transmitter Charging Jack (1A) . Charge the Remote Transmitter tor 4 hours tor the first charge. Recharges take only 273 hours. Note The Battery Indicatorwill scroll and the LED Indicator llght in solid red while charging, and the Battery Indicator will become solid, LED Indicator Light flashes when fully charged. 5 When charging is completed, remove the charger connector 1B Turn ON the Transmitter Power up the Transmitter by pressing any button You will see the dlsplay turn on when you press any button. Teaching Bastc Obedience The 'Sit“ Command 1, Put a separate, non-metalllc oollar on your pet‘s neck ABOVE the Receiver Collar, and attach a leash Note Be sure the extra collar does not put pressure on the Contact Points. Hold the leash and the Remote Transmitter in one hand. Keep your other hand tree to guide your pet into a “Slt” position. 3. Press and hold the StlmulationNibratlorl Button, stanlng at your pet’s Recognition Level. A. lrrlrrledlately glve the “Slt” command whlle Contlnulng to hold the Stlrrlulatlon Button. 5. Release the StimulatIOn/Vlbratlort Button as soon as your pet is in position, and praise him. .N Release your pet from the “Sit" command and play . Repeat Steps 2 through a Note, tryour pet oreaks the “sit" command, repeat steps a through 5, Keep your pet close to you while teaching the “sit" command The 'Come" Command 1 Put a separate, non-metallic collar on your pet's neck ABOVE the Receiver Collar. and attach a 3-meter leash. Note: Be sure the extra oollar does not put pressure on the Contact Polnts. 2. Hold your leash in one hand and the Remote Transmitter in the other 18 Find the Best Stimulation/Vibration Level for Your Pet Important Always s1art at the lowest level and work your way up. The Remote Training Collar has 16 StimulationNibration Levels. This allows you to choose the Stimulation/Vibration that is best tor your pet Once you have placed the Receiver Collar on your pet, it is time to find the Stimulation/vibration Level that is best tor him, This is called the Recognition Level. A slight change in your pet's behavlor, such as iooklng around in curiosity, scratching at his collar, or illeIrlg hls ears, Irtdlcates the Recognltlon Level that Is best for hlm Follow the steps below to find your pet‘s Recognition Level: 1. Starting at Level 1 on the Digital Display. press the Stimulation Button (red) or Vibration Button (blue) continuously lor 1 to 2 seconds, Note When the Stimulation/Vibration Button is held down tor to consecutive seconds, the TransmitterWilI “timeout", and you must release and press the button again betore additional stimulation/vibrationcan be delivered, 2. It your pet shows no reaction, repeat the stimulationNibration Level several times belore moving up to the next level 3. YOUR PET SHOULD NOT VOCALIZE 0R PANIC WHEN RECEIVING STlMULATIONNlBRATION lPTt-tls HAPPENS, THE STlMULATION/VIBRATlON LEVEL ls Too HiGH AND you NEED To GO BACK TO THE PREVIOUS LEVEL AND REPEAT THE PROCESS A Move up through the StimulationNibration Levels until your pet reliably responds to the stimulation/vibration 5. llyour pet continues to show no response at Level to, check the tit olthe Receiver Collar, Ir this still does not yield any results, your pet's hair wlll need to be trimmed around the Contact Points It. ailer completing all ot these steps. your dog still does not indicate he is reeling the stimulation/vibration,please contact us tor Customer Service. i7 Transmitter Digital Display The display stays on tor approximately 30 seconds alter a button press. Aher 30 seconds With no button pressthe blue backlighl shuts off irst, and it no button press with another hve minutes, the display shuts DH and the Transmitter goes into battery conservation mode Pressing any button will turn the display back on The symbols on the display are explained below Indicates stimulation/vibration levels ranging from 1715, and appears in the $9 Stlmulatlon mode Symbol lndlcate Stimulation button press on transmitter. lower middle part Indicates the active dog receiver and appears in the upper left and right corners next to the battery indicator. ”0r. Vibration mode symbol indicate Vibration button press on transmitter. Tone mode Symbol lndlcate Torte lndicates battery‘s power level Nole The battery Indicator will flash =1» button press on transmitter every second to indicate low battery Irtdlcates Transmitter is ready to pair wtth Recelver Collar Press buflort ior 3 Indicates sending signal to . Receiver CollarwhenEandE,‘ seconds to dispaly and egin pairing, buttons are held simultaneously Transmitter LED Indicator Light - Function and Response Button Button Function Transmitter Indicator Light Response Tone (yellow) Dellvers audlble tone to Collar Red LED on for length or button press stimulation Delivers stimulation to collar based on (red) current level shown on Digital Display (stimulation will time—out tor 5 seconds it Red LED on re, length a. M0,. mess pressed continuously tor 10 seconds and will reset arter timeout period) Delivers vibration to collar based on ibration current level shown on Digital Display (blue) (vibration wlll also timeout alter Red LED on for length efbuflon Press button is held tor 10 continuous seconds) + and . Transmits Pairing command to Buttons held Receiver Collar when P is visible on gmunamusiy Dlgfla. Dlsmay Red LED on tor length of button press 10 1‘l Prepare the Receiver Collar Charge the Receiver Collar . Lin the rubber cover protecting the Receiver Collar Charging Jack. . Connect one oi the charger connectors to the Receiver Collar Charging Jack (2A). .Cohnect the USE! port to the Charging Adapter(ZB). . Plug Ihe Charger Inlo a Standard wall outlel (2C). Charge the Receiver Collar lor 4 hours for the llrsl Charge Recharges lake only 2-3 hours Note‘ The lndicator light will be in solid red while Charging and green lighl turned on when lully charged. 6. When charging is completed, remove the charger connector utbuNA 2t! 2 To turn Receiver Collar On 1 Press and hold the On/OiiButton until the Green LED lightcomes on. (This takes approximately one second.) 2, Release the On/Ort Button, in normal mode, the Green LED wrll flash once every 5 seconds, indicating the Receiver Collar is on and ready to receive a signal from the Handheld Transmitter, To turn Receiver Collar Off 1 Press and hold the On/Ofr Button until the Red LED light shuts olf (This takes approximately three seconds) 2 Release the On/Ofl Button Note To extend the lite ot the batteries, turn the Receiver Collar off when it is not in use. Training Gutde General Tips ' Eliminale one misbehavior or leach one obedience command at a |ime, ll you move too fast with training, your pet may become coniused - Be consistent Correct your pet every time he mlsbehaves ' Unless you can supervise film, It is recommended that you restrict your pet tram situations in which he has a history or misbehaving. However, setting up a situation as a training session can dramatically improve your chances of success - If your pet reacts to the tones by hiding or acting tearful, redirect his attention to a simple and appropriate behaVlor. such as the “Sit" command. ' Pels should be at leasl 6 monlns old belore using lne Training Collar - Only let responsible iamily members use the Training Collar. it is not a toyl - Other pets in hearing range will be aiiected by the training tones Thereiore, training sessions should he conducted out at hearing range of other pets AWARNING Never use the Rechargeable Remote Training Collar to correct or eliminate any form or aggressive behavior We recommend you contact your local veterinarian or protessional trainer to determine iiyour pet might be aggressive See page 2 tor more intorrnaiion Teachth Your Pet the Posmve Tone Before using the Training Collar to correct your pet, spend lo to t5 minutes per day tor 2 or 3 days helping him create the association or the tone with reward and praise To accomplish this: 1. Push the Tone Button (yellow) ior 2 consecutive seconds, 2, Release the button and immediately reward your pet With verbal praise, petting, or a small food reward Spend 3 to 5 seconds on your rewarding. 3, Wait a iew minutes and repeat holding the Tone Button tor 2 seconds lollowing with praise. Vary the reward to prevent your pet trom anticipating a specific type This stage or training is complete when your pet obviously anticipates a reward when he hears the positive tone, 16 To Pair the Remote Transmitter and Receiver Collar it your Receiver Collar does not been when the Tone Button 0! the Remote Transmitter is pressed, or it you teel the Receiver Collar is not responding to the Remote Transmitten tcllow these steps to pair i Place the transmitter into pairing mode by pressing the i/z Button tor 3-5 seconds until the Dlgltal Display shows P 2 with the Receiver Collar oir your pet, turn the Receiver Collar on Restart. press and hold the GNU" Button until the Green LED turns oft. Release the On/Ofl Button and the Green LED wlll flashes every second on the Receiver Cullar This continues for 16 seconds, within which pairing should be completed a. Press and hold the up (t) and down (-l Buttons simultaneously until the Green LED flashes rapidly lor 5 times on the Receiver Collar, indicating it has learned the Transmitter ID 4. Press and hold the 1/2 Button again to complete and exit Pairing, 5 Press any oil the stimutation/vioraticnrrcne Buttons on the transmitter The Receiver Collar should respond accordingly, verirying that it is paired With the transmitter TWO Dog System Note It you wish to add another receiver collar to the training system, extra Receiver Collars are available where you bought your Remote Training Collar To Add Dog 2 (PTS-otaa) Remote Transmitter i. Press i/2 Button and change to the other Channel tor Dog 2, 2, Turn on the Receiver Collar tor Dog 2, press any Mode Buttons to verity lunction 3. ll Dog 2 Receiver Collar does not respond Pairing may be needed Repeat steps in To Pair the Remote Transmitter and Receiver Collar above 15 Receiver Indicator Light - Function and Response Receiver Collar Function Green LED Response Power on Normal operation . Good battery Flashes once ‘l flash every 5 seconds Training tone in pairing position oh length or button press Flashes once every second Within is seconds Parin Com lete Charging Complete Flashes ra Idl iorhve times On length or charging Receiver Collar Function Red LED Response Power olt oh tor 3 seconds Normal operation . Low battery Flashes rapidity Static stimulation/vibration 0n length or button press Charging On length or charging within 273 hours Rechargeable Batteries ~ The rechargeable Lithium ion batteries are not memory sensitive and do not require depletion belore charging - The batteries come partially charged from the ractory, but will require a full charge (374 hours) belore the frsl use - Rememberialways keep batteries away from lame - When storing the unit lcr long periods, remember to regularly give batteries a full charge (273 hours) Thls Should be done once every 4 lo 6 weeks - The Training Collars are equipped With a salety feature to prevent over charging - ll your equipment has not been charged tor an extended period, you may experience a decrease in battery life the first lew uses, Afterwards, the battery llle will return to previous capacity levels, ~ You should expect hundreds of recharge cycles lrcm your batteries. However, all rechargeable batteries lose capacity over time relative to the number of recharge cycles they experience. This is normal. it your operating time drops to hall or the original lite, contact the Customer Care Center 12 13 Fit the Receiver Collar Important: The proper fit and plaoement of your Receiver Collar is Impommt [or elfectlve lralnlng. The Contact Palms must have dlrect contact with your pet's skln on (he underslde of hls neck. To assure a proper lit. please ioiiow these steps 3. Make sure that the Receiver Collar is turned oli. Have your pet standing comiortabiy (3A). Place the Receiver Collar on your dog's neck close to the ears. Centerthe Contact Palms underneath your dog‘s neck. touching the skin Note it is sometimes necessary to tnm the hair around the Contact Points to make sure that contact is consistenl (35) CAUTION Do not shave the pet‘s neck as this may lnCrease the rlsk of skln lrrllallon The Receiver Collar should fit snugly, yet loose enough to allow one iingerio iii belween the strap and your pel‘s neck (3C) Allow your pet to wear the ooilarior several minutes then recheck the at. Check the m again as your pet becomes more comiortable with the Receiver Collar. Trim the collar as iollows (an) a. Mark the desired length oi the collarwlth a pen. Allow tor growth if your pet is young or grows a thick winter coat b. Remove the Receiver Collar lmm your pet and cut on the EXCESS c Belore placing the Receiver Collar back onto your pet. seal the edge oi the cut collar by applying a flame along the frayed edge CAUTION Rlsk of skln damage. For comfort, salely and ellectlveness of this product, please ensure that you check the fit oi your pet's oollar ireguently liany skin irritation is observed. discontinue the use ofthe collarfnr a few days ll the condition peTSlsls beyond 48 hours, see your veterinanan Do not attach a leash to the Remote Training Collar This can result in pulling the Contact Points too tightly against your pets neck. Vou may put a separate nonrmelalllc collar on your dog‘s neck and attach a leash Do use a harness tor attaching a leash and/or tags while using the Remote Training Collar. Please refer to page 2 tor additional Information To Re-Thread lhe Collar The slide buckle prevents the collar irom becoming loose around your pet‘s neck. it is not properly threaded The ridges must be racing up. the collar will slip il 14
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.5 Linearized : Yes Author : SALES1 Create Date : 2016:02:24 15:32:05+08:00 Modify Date : 2016:02:24 15:38:40+08:00 Has XFA : No XMP Toolkit : Adobe XMP Core 5.2-c001 63.139439, 2010/09/27-13:37:26 Metadata Date : 2016:02:24 15:38:40+08:00 Creator Tool : CorelDRAW Format : application/pdf Title : 018 中性版说明书2016.1.8+16022.cdr Creator : SALES1 Document ID : uuid:f6d379ca-d37a-41f8-a95c-9adc83fe20b4 Instance ID : uuid:379c0f82-cbad-46f8-a674-0292e9590dc6 Producer : Acrobat Distiller 10.1.0 (Windows) Page Count : 7EXIF Metadata provided by