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Wiremold ® WIRE & CABLE MANAGEMENT 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS AuDIO/vIDeO COMPATIBILITy RefeRenCe STeeL SuRfACe RACewAy SySTeMS 1 Legrand AVIP Device Plates p.2 wiremold® A/V Quick Selection Guide p.6 using The wiremold Catalog After Table of Contents sustainability After Table of Contents New Products After Table of Contents Index p.693 warranty Information Inside Back Cover Trademarks Inside Back Cover COMMunICATIOnS COnneCTIvITy 15 TABLE OF CONTENTS Ortronics® Connectivity p.16 wiremold Open system Connectivity p.16 CM series™ Communication Modules p.17 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 21 Quick Selection Guide p.23 One-Piece Raceways 500® & 700® series Raceway p.24 Two-Piece Small Single- & Dual-Channel Raceways 2000® series Raceway p.34 2400 series™ Raceway p.38 2400D series™ Raceway p.44 3000® series Raceway p.50 4000® Designer Series Raceway Ds4000® Raceway p.56 Two-Piece Large Multiple Channel Raceways 4000® series Raceway p.61 4047 series™ Device Plates p.67 s4000® series Raceway p.72 6000® series Raceway p.79 Multi-Compartment Surface Metal Raceway Anysize™ Raceway p.84 TABLE OF CONTENTS nOnMeTALLIC SuRfACe RACewAy SySTeMS 107 Quick Selection Guide p.109 91 Quick Selection Guide p.93 Multiple-Channel Overfloor Raceway OFR series™ Overfloor Raceway p.94 Overfloor Raceway 1500 series™ Raceway p.98 2600 series™ Raceway p.102 nonmetallic Pancake Overfloor Raceway 1200/1400/1600 series™ Raceway p.105 Low voltage Single-Channel Raceways uniduct® 2700, 2800, & 2900 series Raceways p.111 Power-Rated Single- & Dual-Channel Raceways Eclipse™ PN03, PN05, & PN05 series Raceways p.119 400, 800, 2300/2300D series™ Raceways p.124 Large Capacity Multiple-Channel Raceways Access® 5000 Raceway p.133 Cablesmart® 40N series Raceway p.139 5400 series™ Raceway p.142 5500 series™ Raceway p.149 5507 series™ Faceplates p.154 ALuMInuM SuRfACe RACewAy SySTeMS 159 Quick Selection Guide p.160 Small Single- & Dual-Channel Raceways AL2000 series™ Raceway p.162 AL2400 series™ Raceway p.166 AL3300 series™ Raceway p.169 4000® Designer Series Raceway ALDs4000™ Raceway p.173 Large Single- & Dual-Channel Raceways ALA3800 series™ Raceway p.177 ALA4800 series™ Raceway p.181 AL5200 series™ Raceway p.185 Hide Cord Raceway 300 series™ Duct p.157 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD TABLE OF CONTENTS OveRfLOOR RACewAy SySTeMS TABLE OF CONTENTS PRewIReD RACewAy SySTeMS Three Channel, Dual Cover Aluminum Raceway Systems AL7320 series™ Raceway p.221 AL7450 series™ Raceway p.223 191 why Prewired p.194 Single Channel, Single Cover Aluminum Raceway Systems AL3000 series™ Raceway p.202 ALA3800 series™ Raceway p.203 TABLE OF CONTENTS Single/Dual Channel, Single Cover Aluminum Raceway Systems AL3300 series™ Raceway p.205 AL4000 series™ Raceway p.207 AL4400 series™ Raceway p.209 AL4750 series™ Raceway p.211 Dual Channel, Dual Cover Aluminum Raceway Systems AL4320 series™ Raceway p.213 AL4520 series™ Raceway p.215 ALA4800 series™ Raceway p.217 ALDs4000 series™ Raceway p.219 Prewired Steel Raceway Systems 3000® series™, 4000® series, Ds4000® & 6000® series Raceways p.225 Prewired nonmetallic Raceway Systems Cablesmart™ 40N2 series, 5400 series™ & 5500 series™ Raceways p.227 Prewired Select Series™ Raceways p.229 253 Plugmold® Steel Multioutlet Systems 2000 series™ Multioutlet system p.256 2400 series™ Multioutlet system p.262 Plugmold® Plus nonmetallic Multioutlet Systems NM2000 series™ Multioutlet system p.267 Plugmold® Aluminum Multioutlet Systems AL2000 series™ Multioutlet system p.272 SPeCIALTy RACewAyS & ACCeSSORIeS 231 Quick Selection Guide p.232 SpecMate wireway & enclosures p.233 wallSource™ Multiple Service Box p.250 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD PLuGMOLD® MuLTIOuTLeT SySTeMS Plugmold® TamperResistant Multioutlet Systems 2000TR series™ Multioutlet system p.276 adorne™ under-Cabinet Lighting System p.279 TABLE OF CONTENTS 285 Quick Selection Guide p.287 Recessed Style Poke-Thru Devices Evolution™ 6AT series Poke-Thru Devices p.291 Evolution™ 8AT series Poke-Thru Devices p.299 Surface Style Poke-Thru Devices RC7 series™ Poke-Thru Devices p.306 RC9 series™ Poke-Thru Devices p.308 RC9AMD series™ Poke-Thru Devices p.310 AMD8 series™ Poke-Thru Devices p.312 AV3 series™ Poke-Thru Devices p.314 RC4 series™ Poke-Thru Devices p.316 RC3 series™ Poke-Thru Devices p.318 Pedestal Style Poke-Thru Devices Fit series™ Poke-Thru Devices p.328 RC91GHBTC & RC92GHBTC series™ Poke-Thru Devices p.331 fLOOR BOx SySTeMS 335 Quick Selection Guide p.338 Evolution™ series Floor Boxes p.344 Fire Classified Floor Boxes p.360 FloorPort™ series Cover Assemblies p.371, 397 Ratchet-Pro™ series Round Floor Boxes p.380 Modulink™ 880MP series Floor Boxes p.387 Resource RFB® series Floor Boxes p.394 Omnibox™ series Floor Boxes p.420 880 series™ Floor Boxes p.432 800 series™ Floor Boxes p.436 800w series™ Floor Boxes p.438 861 series™ Floor Boxes p.446 862 series™ Floor Boxes p.449 863 series™ Floor Boxes p.451 wMFB series™ Floor Boxes p.453 floorSource™ Raised floor Boxes AF series™ Raised Floor Boxes p.456 AC series™ Raised Floor Boxes p.463 CRFB series™ Raised Floor Boxes p.468 CCFB series™ Convention Center series™ Products p.473 CCBB series Ballroom Floor Boxes p.477 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD TABLE OF CONTENTS POke-THRu DevICeS furniture feed Style Poke-Thru Devices 4FFATC series™ Poke-Thru Devices p.320 RC7AFFTC series™ Poke-Thru Devices p.322 RC9AFFTC series™ Poke-Thru Devices p.324 RC9AM2TC series™ Poke-Thru Devices p.326 TABLE OF CONTENTS SeRvICe fITTInGS & ACTIvATIOn ACCeSSORIeS TABLE OF CONTENTS 483 InfLOOR DuCT SySTeMS 511 Quick Selection Guide p.485 Quick Selection Guide p.513 525 series™ service Fittings p.486 1200 series™ service Fittings p.489 Multiplex™ service Fittings p.490 525 & Multiplex series™ Activation Accessories p.492 source 1® series service Fittings p.494 FloorPort™ series Cover Assemblies p.498 walkerduct® underfloor Duct systems p.516 walkerduct® Carpet/Tile Holders p.528 Flushduct Infloor Duct systems p.531 wallduct Raceway systems p.536 Trenchduct Feeder systems p.543 walkercell® Cellular Raceway systems p.547 walkerduct® flush PokeThru Style Service fittings PsRC9 series™ service Fittings p.501 walkerduct® Pro series service Fittings p.503 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD MODuLAR wIRInG SOLuTIOnS 557 walkerflex® Modular wiring system p.558 veRTICAL SOLuTIOnS 575 Quick Selection Guide p.577 Vista™ Architectural Columns p.579 Vista CP™ Consolidation Point p.586 TABLE OF CONTENTS CabinetMATE® series Power Only p.627 Rack Mounted Power Solutions surge Protected Products p.628 Power Only Products 15 Amp, 20 Amp p.629 workstation Power Solutions surge Protected Plug-In Outlet Center® units p.631 Power Only Plug-In Outlet Center® units p.633 POweR DISTRIBuTIOn & SuRGe PROTeCTIve DevICeS 613 Quick Selection Guide p.607 Power Distribution units for Data Centers Power Commander® IQ units p.616 Power Commander® Plus units p.619 Power Commander® series High Amperage units p.622 Meter Reader™ series Current Monitoring Devices p.624 Cabinet Power Solutions CabinetMATE® series surge Protected p.625 Hard wired Surge Protection ZoneMaster®/Zonesentinel® series p.638 ZoneDefender Pro series p.640 PA/PB™ series p.641 MeeTInG ROOM SOLuTIOnS 643 Quick Selection Guide p.645 under Table Cable Management p.646 Meeting Room Transition Channel p.647 work surface Modular Power p.648 Evolution™ series work surface Portals p.652 deQuorum™ Recessed work surface Portals p.655 deQuorum™ Flip-up work surface Portals p.658 Tablesource™ work surface Portals p.660 Lab Bench work surface Portals p.663 Desktop Power Center work surface Portals p.666 Desk Module work surface Portal p.667 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD TABLE OF CONTENTS Vista Point5™ Architectural Columns p.593 Tele-Power® Poles p.599 Vertical Drop Poles p.607 Custom Tele-Power® Poles p.610 TABLE OF CONTENTS fIRe STOP SOLuTIOnS 669 Flamestopper™ series Thru-wall &Thru-Floor Fittings p.671 wIReLeSS & ZOne CABLInG SOLuTIOnS 673 wireless enclosures VLwAP Vista™ wireless Access Point Enclosure p.675 wAPE series wireless Access Point Ceiling Enclosures p.676 wAPENCL series wireless Access Point Ceiling Enclosures p.678 NME1250AP wall-Mounted Nonmetallic wireless Access Point Enclosure p.679 wAPBRKT wireless Access Point Mounting Bracket for Overhead Applications p.680 TABLE OF CONTENTS Zone Cabling enclosures CZE series Zone Cabling Enclosures p.681 RFE series Zone Cabling Enclosures p.682 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD TeCHnICAL SeLeCTIOn 683 Raceway Cross-sectional Areas/wire & Cable Cross-sectional Areas p.684 Raceway wire & Cable Dimensions p.685 Device Box Cubic Inch Capacities p.686 Calculating wire & Cable Capacities p.687 Master Format 2004 Design Checklist p.688 Conductor Derating (Lighting & Power Circuits) National Electrical Code Articles p.689 Mounting Methods for wiremold Raceways p.690 Electrical symbols in Accordance with ANsI Y32.9-1972 p.691 steel Raceway Color specifications p.692 WELCOME using the wiremold Catalog Color Coding: Color coding has been used throughout the Catalog including in the Table of Contents and on the outside edge of the pages of each section to help you quickly access the products or information you need. A color key to the sections can also be found on the right side of this page. Product Sections are identified throughout the Catalog with the following color coding: Organization: sections of this catalog have been reorganized to give you faster access to key information about our products. system layouts, wire fill capacity charts and uL Code Reference information is located on the beginning pages of each product section. new Products: The newest wiremold product innovations are featured in the New Products section. You’ll find color photos and information on where these products are located in the Catalog. The wiremold Catalog is also available online. with all the same information as the print version, the online Catalog is fully searchable and easy to use. You can access the online catalog at: www.legrand.us/wiremold and then click on the link for the Online Catalog. Code Reference Information: STEEL SurFACE rACEWAy SySTEMS OvErFLOOr rACEWAy SySTEMS NONMETALLiC SurFACE rACEWAy SySTEMS ALuMiNuM SurFACE rACEWAy SySTEMS PrEWirEd rACEWAy SySTEMS SPECiALTy rACEWAyS & ACCESSOriES PLugMOLd® MuLTiOuTLET SySTEMS FLOOr BOx SySTEMS SErviCE FiTTiNgS & ACTivATiON ACCESSOriES iNFLOOr duCT SySTEMS MOduLAr WiriNg SOLuTiONS CODE REFERENCE vErTiCAL SOLuTiONS cTuvus Listed: File 30783215.002 EN60950-1 POWEr diSTriBuTiON & SurgE PrOTECTivE dEviCES WOrk SurFACE SOLuTiONS FirE STOP SOLuTiONS Color swatches (see sample below) for each product line are shown at the beginning of the product section. Each part number listing also shows all the available color versions for that part. Information on how the color values were developed can be found in the Technical section. WirELESS & ZONE CABLiNg SOLuTiONS TEChNiCAL iNFOrMATiON TABLE OF CONTENTS Color Information: COLOR OPTIONS COMMuNiCATiONS CONNECTiviTy POkE-Thru dEviCES Product Guide Available Online: uL Code Reference information for each product line is indicated at the beginning of the product section (see example on right). AudiO/vidEO COMPATiBiLiTy 500 and 700 series Raceway Part Numbers with a “V” prefix have an ivory finish. Part Numbers with a “-wH” suffix have a white finish. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD LEgrANd SuSTAiNABiLiTy Legrand has made a commitment to the path of sustainability. As such we are making an ongoing effort to understand and responsibly address the intersection of social, environmental and economic issues in the course of conducting our business. sustainability serves as a new lens through which we are assessing the impact of our operations, the expectations of our customers, employees and other key stakeholders, and the role of our products and solutions. Like many companies we see sustainability as a journey of discovery and innovation. we are sharing our learning and experience as we progress on this path. Visit www.legrand.us/sustainability to access useful tools to fulfill your own sustainability journey. A Global Sustainable Development framework Legrand North America is part of the Legrand Group, a global organization that operates in over 170 countries. The Legrand Group has developed an overall framework to sustainability that is organized into three key areas - social responsibility, environment and governance, which are defined below. The approach to sustainability in North America is aligned with this global framework – and adapted as appropriate and relevant to the context of the local culture and economy. These three “pillars” serve as the organizing principle for our actions. They express our intention toward continuous improvement in our approach to sustainability. we have initiatives underway in each area and are actively exploring others. we are working to ensure that our sustainability commitment translates into greater benefits and tangible value for our customers, business partners, employees and the broader communities in which we operate. Social environment TABLE OF CONTENTS Promote the welfare and development of our employees and communities in which we operate and serve, and apply our technology and products to meet social needs. Advance environmental stewardship at every stage of business from product design, manufacturing, distribution, marketing and delivery of products that promote clean and efficient energy. Governance Ensure Legrand employees all over the world adhere to our stated principles, values and standards; seek out and work with suppliers who operate in a manner consistent with these commitments. The FsC certified paper used to print this catalog is Consoweb® Gloss, which is made from 10% post-consumer recycled paper. Over 246,000 pounds of paper were used to produce this catalog, and by substituting Consoweb Gloss for standard gloss paper, the following savings were realized: • • • • Wood Use – Post consumer content means a savings of more than 72 tons of wood. Greenhouse Gases – Eliminated more than 850 pounds of greenhouse gases vs. conventional paper production. Water – Saved more than 200,000 gallons of wastewater vs. water used to produce conventional paper. Solid Waste – 3000 pounds less solid waste was generated during papermaking that won’t need to be landfilled.* Achieving these savings was a team effort: Lindenmeyr Munroe – a leading paper broker. newPage Corporation – Manufacturer of Consoweb Gloss and other quality printing papers with certified and recycled options. Quad/Graphics – Catalog printer, reduced the environmental impact by using a 27.3% renewable content (soy) ink. The result is a catalog that significantly reduces environmental impacts without compromising quality. It’s the way Legrand approaches sustainability across the entire company and its many products. *Source: Environmental Paper Network Online Paper Calculator. FSC® is not responsible for the savings calculations by using this paper. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD New Products wire & cable Management WIREMOLD New Products Wiremold® New Products are the results of years of engineering, design, innovation, listening to our customers, and our constant focus on improving or developing the best wire and cable management solutions available. these products provide users and installers with enhanced ease of use, respond to the constantly changing needs of the marketplace…both today and tomorrow, reduce installation times while providing more features, functionality, and capacity, with the reliability and durability you’ve come to expect from wiremold products. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD New Products wire & cable Management adorne™ Under-Cabinet Lighting System adorne™ Under-Cabinet Lighting System is a fully customizable and modular solution for eliminating kitchen clutter. It is compatible with any kitchen layout, such as a galley, L-shaped, or u-shaped, as well as with any home wiring. the adorne under-cabinet Lighting system brings an array of modular components that swap out so easily, you’ll want to reconfigure whenever the mood strikes. From speakers and smart phone docks to lighting and outlets, there’s a world of possibilities to choose from with these high-tech, highly convenient building blocks. Page 279 Power Control Boxes LED Puck Lighting Visit www.adornemyhome.com to use the under-cabinet system Planning and configuration tool LED Linear Lighting Modular Track – in multiple lengths Digital Music Kit with Bluetooth® connectivity Interchangeable Modules New Products Meeting Room Transition Channel Wiremold® Meeting room transition channel (Mrtc) is an integral component in a “last meter” solution for bringing power and technology closer to the user’s work area. • Easy to order. Kit consists of aluminum center spine with steel mounting plate and four (4) screws, black aluminum side channels, black nonmetallic bottom boot and two (2) black nonmetallic transition covers. • Easy to install. telesscoping design accommodates installations between 26" and 30" in height to fit most standard table configurations. • Flexible feed options. Boot allows for easy access to floor connections from floor boxes, poke-thru devices, overfloor raceway or other wiring sources. • Transition covers allow for seamless integration with wiremold under table cable Management solution. • Multiple channels. Allow separate channels to feed power, communication or A/V services to the work surface. www.LEGRAND.uS/WIREMOLD Page 647 WIREMOLD New Products wire & cable Management Under Table Cable Management Page 646 WIREMOLD Wiremold® under table cable management (utcM) organizes and retains cables, while allowing ready access to these services without the cords and cables getting in the way. • Easy to order. offered in convenient kits with everything you need to complete your install. utcM kits include: 5’ of base, 5’ of mounting hinge rail and four (4) latching clips. • Easy to install. Adapts to underside of table and requires no special tools. • Easy to maintain. Future technology upgrades or room reconfigurations are completed with the least disruptions using tray that opens with the push of a clip and manages cables with designed-in cable retaining dividers. • Adds to overall room aesthetics. Keeps meeting rooms free from tangled cords and cables. • Field modifiable. tray is simple to cut to length to accommodate table length. Use with the Meeting Room Transition Channel for an integrated cable management solution. Work Surface Modular Power Page 648 New Products Wiremold® work surface Modular Power Kits make rearranging meeting rooms fast, easy, and safe. • Ease of Installation. standard kits for both 5’ and 6’ long tables contain everything needed for installation. • Flexible design. rearranging a room layout is as easy as unplugging tables, re-positioning and then plugging tables back together. • Power Capacity. two circuit wiring means that a total of 10 enhanced portals can be fed from each feed source (5 per circuit), or 20 standard portals (10 per circuit). • Multi–service integrated solution. In addition to power, work surface portals have openings for rJ45 network connections. • Ultimate flexibility. Non-sequential system allows moving tables around without the need to conform to a color code or numbering sequence. • Adapts to a variety of popular cable management systems. Quick disconnect inserts allow system feed from oFr series overfloor raceway, 2400 series raceway, wallsource Multiple service Boxes, 8" evolution series Poke-thru devices, Floor Boxes or existing wall outlets. • UL Listed. system is listed to csA and uL183, Manufactured wiring systems. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD New Products wire & cable Management Desk Module Page 667 Wiremold® desk Module upgrades workstations to well connected spaces so users can focus on the business at hand. • Easy to install. designed to fit into existing 2 3/8" – 3 1/8" core hole in desktop with clip system that secures unit to the work surface. • Multiple connection options. two models provide desktop access to power, usB connectivity and charging, and rJ45 connectivity. • Convenient cable management. rJ45 and usB retractor options provide cable management under the work surface for connecting cables. New Products Medical Grade Plug-In Outlet Center Units Wiremold® uLM series Medical Grade Plug-in outlet centers (PIocs) offer medical professionals quick and flexible power delivery solutions for demanding patient care environments. • Safety Certified by TUV Rheinland as Medical Electrical Devices. For use in patient care areas in compliance with Article 517 of the National electrical code (Nec)1. Allows maximum flexibility when powering patient care equipment. • Redundant bonding. Assures an ultra reliable grounding path is provided. Proper grounding of medical equipment is essential for patient wellbeing. • Rugged aluminum housing. durable housing withstands the rigors of the healthcare environment assuring long service life. • Pass & Seymour® Hospital Grade Receptacles. superior quality Pass & seymour receptacles ensure reliable connections and long life. • Available in both 15A & 20A configurations. 20A configuration meets the ever increasing power demands of medical equipment. expand your capabilities without having to expand your infrastructure. 1 As with all Medical Electrical Devices, Wiremold ULM Series of PIOCs should only be used under the direction and supervision of your local Health & Safety Officer. www.LEGRAND.uS/WIREMOLD Page 637 WIREMOLD New Products wire & cable Management Ratchet-Pro™ Series Floor Boxes Page 380 WIREMOLD Wiremold® Ratchet-Pro™ Series Floor Boxes now are available in nonmetallic and steel versions that provide single- and dual-service capability in a variety of easy-toinstall round floor boxes. these designs allow the flexibility for providing power, A/V or communication services to openspace areas in an aesthetic solution. ratchet-Pro™ series Floor Boxes are cuLus Listed for use in both on grade and above grade concrete construction. • Slab-on-grade versions. Boxes offered in PVc and steel with a special fusion bonded epoxy corrosion resistant paint, enables the boxes to be installed in on-grade applications without the need for additional vapor barriers. • Ratchet adjusting ring. Allows for quick and easy installation without gluing, as well as removal of cover to activate at a future date for dual service. 10˚ of flexible adjustment allows cover to conform to the surface of the concrete pour, which significantly reduces labor costs. • Multiple size conduit feeds. conduit feed ranging from 2" to 3/4" trade size openings allow for more flexibility and capacity. • Individual conduit reducers & plugs. reduction in labor savings by providing a direct reduction to support smaller conduit feeds. Evolution™ Series Floor Boxes Page 344 New Products Wiremold® Evolution™ Series Floor Boxes. the most innovative and versatile floor boxes in the industry, has just been upgraded giving more flexibility and configurable options. • 2" conduit knockout on the bottom of the EFB6S-OG box – for increased capacity and flexibility. • EFB6S-2HUB – 2" conduit hub that can be used to deliver services to the 6-gang floor box, while maintaining a 4" deep concrete pour. • Molded mounting bracket – mounting brackets are now manufactured out of a durable nonmetallic material that will allow for a more consistent and reliable assembly. • Installation and informational videos – we have developed a series of videos that explain the various features of these boxes and the installation process. these videos can be found on the Legrand website and also on Youtube. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD New Products wire & cable Management OFR Series Overfloor Raceway Wiremold® OFR Series Overfloor Raceway System provides four-channels of capacity and access to a wide range of power, communications, and A/V connectivity options in the smallest, lowest, narrowest, AdA compliant profile available in overfloor raceway systems. • Lowest profile overfloor raceway available. smaller, narrower, lower raceway profile reduces potential trip hazards while also being installer friendly to speed installations. • Multiple channel base. Four-channel raceway provides space for multiple combinations of power, communication and A/V to be provided through a single raceway installation. • Multiple options for communication and A/V connectivity. oFr series raceway accepts wiremold open system device plates that provide connectivity to a wide range of devices from leading communication and A/V providers. • Meets ADA Accessibility Guidelines. Low profile, unobtrusive design meets the AdA Accessibility Guidelines that pertain to AdA standard 4.5 which addresses changes in floor and ground surface levels. • cETLus Listed. New Products 880MP2 Nonmetallic Floor Boxes Page Wiremold® Modulink™ 880 Series Nonmetallic Floor Boxes provide power and communication services directly to the workstation or to any open space location. the Modulink Floor Box is a gangable box that allow a one-gang floor box to easily be turned into a two-or three-gang box simply by ganging together individual boxes. • Multiple service capability. eliminates the cost of a separate floor box and cover to accommodate communication service. • 2" [51mm] conduit openings. Provides the largest conduit feed in the industry. Meets customer requirements for greater communication cable capacity . • Ratchet adjusting ring. Allows connection of cover flange without glue or mechanical fasteners. reduces installation time and cost by providing 10° of post-pour adjustment of the cover flange. • Conduit reducers and plugs provided. Allows direct reduction from 2" to 1/2" [51mm to 12.7mm] conduit and all sizes in between. reduces installation time by providing direct reduction and separate plugs by eliminating the need to cut out plugs to form reducers. • cULus Listed. Listed by underwriters Laboratories Inc. to their standard uL514A, 514c, 514d, and canadian standard c22.2. www.LEGRAND.uS/WIREMOLD Page 94 NEW COMPONENTS: OFR6 OFR10W OFR15 OFR17 OFR89-VFL 387 WIREMOLD AUDIO/VIDEO COMPATIBILITY For years, A/V installation has been an afterthought in the remodeling and construction of buildings, leaving integrators with the challenge of creating work-around solutions. Today, through Wiremold® Pathways, we are changing the way integrators work, by incorporating A/V compatibility into our broad product line from the start. wiremold gives you • Over 100 years of experience in pathway solutions. • The market leader in cable management. • The broadest product line in the industry. • Cross-trade experience assures proper integration of power, communication, and A/V into our products. AVIP Series Device Plates – Video Table of Contents AVIP Series Device Plates 3 2 6 AVIP Series Device Plates – A/V 5 AUDIO/VIDEO COMPATIBILITY Wiremold® A/V Quick Selection Guide 1 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD AUDIO/VIDEO COMPATIBILITY Legrand AVIP Connectivity Legrand audio/video interface plates (AVIP) allow for A/V connectivity in all of wiremold’s A/V compatible pathways. AVIP series Device Plates are metal, screwed-down connectors which ensure a secure connection that will resist being pulled out or broken while in use. From data to audio to video, Legrand AVIP device plates help you stay connected in your meetings and training rooms, collaboration spaces or work areas. wherever your connectivity needs are, we have the device plates and pathways to get you there. CODE REFERENCE Please visit the individual product sections located throughout this Product Guide for specific product Code Reference information. AVIP Series Device Plates – Computer AV1000BK AV4000BK One 9 Pin HD Female to Female, single plate. Dimensions: 2.2" x 0.7" x 0.7" [53.89mm x 17.78mm x 17.78mm]. One 15 Pin HD Female to Female, single plate. Dimensions: 2.2” x 0.7” x 0.7” [53.89mm x 17.78mm x 17.78mm]. AUDIO/VIDEO COMPATIBILITY AV1002BK AV4005BK One 15 Pin HD Female to Five BNC on 4" Pigtails, single plate. Dimensions: 2.2" x 0.7" x 7.25" [53.89mm x 17.78mm x 184.15mm]. 2 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD One USB A Female to USB A Female Adapter, single plate. Dimensions: 2.2" x 0.7" x 10" [53.89mm x 17.78mm x 254mm]. WIREMOLD AUDIO/VIDEO COMPATIBILITY AVIP Connectivity Ordering Information AVIP Series Device Plates – Video AV2002BK AV2003BK AV1002BK One RCA Female to BNC Female Adapter, single plate. Dimensions: 2.2” x 0.7” x 1.3” [53.89mm x 17.78mm x 33.02mm]. Two RCA Female to BNC Female Adapters, single plate. Dimensions: 2.2" x 0.7" x 1.3" [53.89mm x 17.78mm x 33.02mm]. AV5002BK Three BNC Female to BNC Female Barrels, double plates. Dimensions: 2.2" x 1.4" x 1.3" [53.89mm x 35.56mm x 33.02mm]. AV3000BK One HDMI Female to One HMDI Female on 10" pigtail, single plate. Dimensions: 2.2" x 0.7" x 10" [53.89mm x 17.78mm x 254mm]. AV5004BK AV5000BK One BNC Female to Female Barrel, single plate. Dimensions: 2.2" x 0.7" x 1.3" [53.89mm x 17.78mm x 33.02mm]. AV9010BK AV5001BK Two BNC Female to Female Barrels, single plate. Dimensions: 2.2" x 0.7" x 1.3" [53.89mm x 17.78mm x 33.02mm]. One F-Connector Female to Female Barrel, single plate. Dimensions: 2.2" x 0.7" x 0.7" [53.89mm x 17.78mm x 17.78mm]. AUDIO/VIDEO COMPATIBILITY One Display Port Female to One Display Port Female on 10" Pigtail, single plate. Dimensions: 2.2" x 0.7" x 10" [53.89mm x 17.78mm x 254mm]. 3 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD AUDIO/VIDEO COMPATIBILITY Legrand AVIP Connectivity Ordering Information AVIP Series Device Plates – Audio AV6001BK AV8008BK Two RCA Female to Solder Cups, single plate. Dimensions: 2.2" x 0.7" x 0.9" [53.89mm x 17.78mm x 33.86mm]. AV7000BK AV1002BK One XLR 3-pin Male to Solder Cups, double plates. Dimensions: 2.2" x 1.4" x 1.1" [53.89mm x 35.56mm x 27.94mm]. AV8009BK One 1/4" Stereo Phone Female to solder Tabs, single plate. Dimensions: 2.2" x 0.7" x 1.4" [53.89mm x 17.78mm x 35.56mm]. AV7004BK One XLR 3-pin Female to Solder Cups, double plates. Dimensions: 2.2" x 1.4" x 1.6" [53.89mm x 35.56mm x 40.64mm]. AV8010BK One Mini XLR 3-pin Male to Solder Cups, single plate. Dimensions: 2.2" x 0.7" x 0.7" [53.89mm x 17.78mm x 17.78mm]. AUDIO/VIDEO COMPATIBILITY One 3.5mm Stereo Mini Jack to solder Tabs, single plate. Dimensions: 2.2" x 0.7" x 0.75" [53.89mm x 17.78mm x 19.04mm]. AV7005BK AV9016BK One 3.5mm Stereo Mini Jack to Captive Screw Term, single plate. Dimensions: 2.2" x 0.7" x 1.2" [53.89mm x 35.56mm x 30.48mm]. 4 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD One XLR Pane Mount Plate (accepts D-Size Connectors), double plates. Dimensions: 2.2" x 1.4" [53.89mm x 35.56mm]. WIREMOLD AUDIO/VIDEO COMPATIBILITY Legrand AVIP Connectivity Ordering Information AVIP Series Device Plates – Audio/Video AV2004BK AV5005BK One RCA Female to BNC Female Adapter, one 3.5mm Stereo Mini Jack to solder Tabs, single plate. Dimensions: 2.2" x 0.7" x 1.3" [53.89mm x 17.78mm x 33.02mm]. One DVI Female to one DVI Female on 10" [254mm] pigtail, with 3.5mm Stereo to solder Tabs, triple plates. Dimensions: 2.2" x 2.1" x 10" [53.89mm x 53.34mm x 254mm]. AVIP Series Device Plates – Data AV9008BK AV9015BK One Keystone Jack Plate, single plate. Dimensions: 2.2" x 0.7" [53.89mm x 17.78mm]. One Keystone CAT6 Jack Plate, single plate. Dimensions: 2.2" x 1.7" x 1.2" [53.89mm x 17.78mm x 30.48mm]. AVIP Series Device Plates – Accessories AV9012BK Blank Plate-Single, single plate. Dimensions: 2.2" x 0.7" [53.89mm x 17.78mm]. Cable Kit, 4 Openings (2 small & 2 large), triple plates. Dimensions: 2.2" x 2.1" [53.89mm x 53.34mm]. AV9004BK Blank Plate-Double, double plates. Dimensions: 2.2" x 1.4" [53.89mm x 35.56mm]. AV9014BK Cable Kit, 8 Openings (4 small & 4 large), quintuple plates. Dimensions: 2.2" x 3.5" [53.89mm x 88.90mm]. AUDIO/VIDEO COMPATIBILITY AV9003BK 5 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD AUDIO/VIDEO COMPATIBILITY Quick selection Guide FLooR BoxES Product Line Compatible A/V Device Plates Evolution™ Series EFB6S Series EFB-AAP Device Plate with Extron® Electronics AAP opening. EFB-MAAP Device Plate with GFCI or decorator style opening for open A/V devices such as Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics, Crestron® and Atinex® Intera. EFB8S Series EFB-AAP Device Plate with Extron® Electronics AAP opening. EFB-MAAP Device Plate with GFCI or decorator style opening for open A/V devices such as Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics, Crestron® and Atinex® Intera. EFB10S Series EFB10-DEC For use with decorator style GFCI and A/V devices. EFB10-AAP Device Plate holds 2 Extron® Electronics AAP devices. EFB10-MAAP Device Plate holds 4 Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP devices. RFB2-AAP Device Plate with Extron® Electronics AAP opening. RFB2Ext Device Plate with Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP opening. RFB2GFI Device Plate with GFCI or decorator style opening for open A/V devices such as Extron® Electronics, Crestron® and Atinex® Intera. RFB4-SS-MAAP shallow Device Plate with Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP opening. RFB4-GFI-4DB Device Plate with GFCI or decorator style opening for open A/V devices such as Extron® Electronics, Crestron® and Atinex® Intera. WtB-AAP Device Plate with Extron® Electronics AAP opening. RFB4-SS-AAP shallow Device Plate with Extron® Electronics AAP opening. WtB-MAAP Device Plate with Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP opening. RFB-GFI-SS shallow Device Plate with GFCI or decorator style opening for open A/V devices such as Extron® Electronics, Crestron® and Atinex® Intera. Resource RFB® Series RFB2 Series AUDIO/VIDEO COMPATIBILITY RFB2Rt Device Plate with bracket that accepts Ortronics® series II Devices. 6 RFB4 Series NotE: Wiremold manufactures many additional pathway solutions. those represented here have been designed/modified to provide the depth behind the plate required for most A/V devices. For additional design and installation considerations, please contact the factory. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD AUDIO/VIDEO COMPATIBILITY Quick selection Guide FLooR BoxES Product Line Compatible A/V Device Plates Resource RFB® Series RFB4E Series RFB6-AAP Device Plate with Extron® Electronics AAP opening. RFB6Ext Device Plate accepts three (3) Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP Devices. RFB6GFI Device Plate with GFCI or decorator style opening for open A/V devices such as Extron® Electronics, Crestron® and Atinex® Intera. RFB6Ext Device Plate accepts three (3) Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP Devices. RFB6GFI Device Plate with GFCI or decorator style opening for open A/V devices such as Extron® Electronics, Crestron® and Atinex® Intera. RFB119-GFI Device Plate with GFCI or decorator style opening for open A/V devices such as Extron® Electronics, Crestron® and Atinex® Intera. RFB119-3GFI Device Plate with three (3) GFCI or decorator style openings for open A/V devices such as Extron® Electronics, Crestron® and Atinex® Intera. RFB119-SGFI Device Plate with GFCI or decorator style opening for open A/V devices such as Extron® Electronics, Crestron® and Atinex® Intera. RFB119-xLR Device Plate with two (2) openings to accept microphone devices. RFB119-SxLR Device Plate with two (2) openings to accept microphone devices. RFB6Rt Device Plate with adapter to accept two (2) Ortronics® series II Devices. RFB6, RFB6E Series RFB6-AAP Device Plate with Extron® Electronics AAP opening. RFB6Rt Device Plate with adapter to accept two (2) Ortronics® series II Devices. RFB9 & RFB11 Series AUDIO/VIDEO COMPATIBILITY omniBox™ Series 828-MAAP Device Plate for mounting Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP Devices using 828GFI Covers. For use with 828GFITC or 828GFITCAL Cover Plates (sold separately). 880W Series™ 828-MAAP Device Plate for mounting Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP Devices using 828GFI Covers. For use with 828GFITC or 828GFITCAL Cover Plates (sold separately). NotE: Wiremold manufactures many additional pathway solutions. those represented here have been designed/modified to provide the depth behind the plate required for most A/V devices. For additional design and installation considerations, please contact the factory. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 7 WIREMOLD AUDIO/VIDEO COMPATIBILITY Quick selection Guide FLooR BoxES Product Line Compatible A/V Device Plates Ratchet-Pro™ Series 881AV3CtCGY 881AV3CtCBK 881AV3CtCAL 881AV3CtCBS Floor Box Cover Kit with Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP and Ortronics® series II Adapters. 881AMD8CtCGY 881AMD8CtCBK 881AMD8CtCAL 881AMD8CtCBS Floor Box Cover Kit with Ortronics® series II Adapters. RAISED FLooR BoxES Product Line Compatible A/V Device Plates FloorSource AF Series™ AF-1, AF-3 SGt-MAAP Device Plate with Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP opening. SGt-3S2 Device Plate accepts three (3) Ortronics® series II Devices. DGt-MAAP Device Plate with Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP opening. DGt-AAP Device Plate with Extron® Electronics AAP opening. DGt-Rt Device Plate includes one (1) Ortronics® series II Adapter. SGB-MAAP Device Plate with Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP opening. SGB-3S2 Device Plate accepts three (3) Ortronics® series II Devices. FloorSource AF Series™ AUDIO/VIDEO COMPATIBILITY SAF 8 SGC2-MAAP Device Plate accepts two (2) Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP Devices. SGC2-Rt Device Plate with Adapter that accepts one (1) Ortronics® series II Device. NotE: Wiremold manufactures many additional pathway solutions. those represented here have been designed/modified to provide the depth behind the plate required for most A/V devices. For additional design and installation considerations, please contact the factory. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD AUDIO/VIDEO COMPATIBILITY Quick selection Guide RAISED FLooR BoxES Product Line Compatible A/V Device Plates FloorSource AC Series™ C8005P-MAAP-6A Device Plate with Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP opening. C8005P-AAP-6A Device Plate with Extron® Electronics AAP opening. C8005P-Rt C8005P-2Rt C8005P-3Rt Device Plate with Adapters for one (1), two (2), or three (3) Ortronics® series II Devices. C8004P-2Rt Device Plate with Adapters for two (2) Ortronics® series II Devices. C10105P-MAAP-6A Device Plate with Extron® Electronics MAAP opening. C10105P-AAP-6A Device Plate with Extron® Electronics AAP opening. CRFB-MAAP-4 Device Plate with Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP opening. CRFB-GFI-1 Device Plate with standard GFCI or decorator style opening for open A/V devices such as Extron® Electronics, Crestron® and Atinex® Intera. CRFB-GFI-2 Device Plate with standard GFCI or decorator style opening for open A/V devices such as Extron® Electronics, Crestron® and Atinex® Intera. CRFB-GFI-3 Device Plate with standard GFCI or decorator style opening for open A/V devices such as Extron® Electronics, Crestron® and Atinex® Intera. CRFB-BEZ-6A-4 Device Plate with Adapter for one (1) Ortronics® series II Device. CRFB-CGFI-4 Device Plate with standard GFCI or decorator style opening for open A/V devices such as Extron® Electronics, Crestron® and Atinex® Intera. 6AAP Device Plate accepts two (2) Extron® Electronics AAP Devices. 6MAAP Device Plate accepts six (6) Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP Devices. 6MAAP-2A Device Plate accepts three (3) Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP Devices and up to two (2) ports for communication devices. 6DEC Device Plate accepts standard GFCI or decorator style opening for open A/V devices such as Extron® Electronics, Crestron® and Atinex® Intera. 6SER Device Plate accepts up to four (4) Ortronics® series II modular inserts. 68MAAP Device Plate accepts up to two (2) Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP Devices. C10105P-3Rt Device Plate with Adapters for three (3) Ortronics® series II Devices. FloorSource CFRB Series™ PoKE-tHRU DEVICES Product Line Compatible A/V Device Plates 6At Series NotE: Wiremold manufactures many additional pathway solutions. those represented here have been designed/modified to provide the depth behind the plate required for most A/V devices. For additional design and installation considerations, please contact the factory. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD AUDIO/VIDEO COMPATIBILITY Evolution™ Series Poke-thru Devices 9 WIREMOLD AUDIO/VIDEO COMPATIBILITY Quick selection Guide PoKE-tHRU DEVICES Product Line Compatible A/V Device Plates Evolution™ Series Poke-thru Devices 8At Series 8CRESt Device Plate accepts Crestron® & Extron® Electronics double gang decorator style devices. 8CRESt3G 3 gang device plate accepts Crestron® & Extron® Electronics triple gang decorator style devices. 8AAP Device Plate accepts four (4) Extron® Electronics AAP Devices. 8MAAP Device Plate accepts four (4) Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP Devices. 8DEC Device Plate with standard GFCI or decorator style opening for open A/V devices such as Extron® Electronics, Crestron® and Atinex® Intera. 8SER Device Plate accepts up to three (3) Ortronics® series II modular inserts. 68MAAP Device Plate accepts up to two (2) Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP Devices. AV3 Series™ Poke-thru Devices AV3AtCGY AV3AtCBK AV3AtCAL AV3AtCAA AV3AtCBS AV3AtCAB AV3AtCVY Assembled Poke-Thru Device that includes bezels to accepts one Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP device or one Ortronics® series II insert. AV3CtCGY AV3CtCBK AV3CtCAL AV3CtCAA AV3CtCBS AV3CtCAB AV3CtCVY Assembled Poke-Thru Device that includes bezels to accept one Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP device or one Ortronics® series II insert. AMD8™ Series Poke-thru Devices AUDIO/VIDEO COMPATIBILITY AMD8AtCGY AMD8AtCBK AMD8AtCAL AMD8AtCAA AMD8AtCBS AMD8AtCAB AMD8AtCVY 10 Assembled Poke-Thru Device that includes bezels to accept four (4) Ortronics® series II inserts. RC9AMD Series™ Poke-thru Devices RC9AMDtCGY RC9AMDtCBK RC9AMDtCAL RC9AMDtCBS RC9AMDtCAB RC9AMDtCVY RC9AMDtCAA Assembled Poke-Thru Device that includes bezels to accept two (2) Ortronics® series II inserts. NotE: Wiremold manufactures many additional pathway solutions. those represented here have been designed/modified to provide the depth behind the plate required for most A/V devices. For additional design and installation considerations, please contact the factory. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD AUDIO/VIDEO COMPATIBILITY Quick selection Guide WoRK SURFACE SoLUtIoNS Product Line Compatible A/V Device Plates dequorum™ Work Surface Portals KA305-AAP Device Plate with Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics AAP Opening. KA305 Device Plate with Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP Opening. KA302 Device Plate holds cables captive for easy access when active jacks are not needed. Evolution™ Series Work Surface Portals WSF6 Series Field-Wired Cord-Ended WSF6FNK, WSF6FBS, WSF6FGY, WSF6FBK, WSF6FBZ, WSF6SNK, WSF6SBS, WSF6SGY, WSF6SBK, WSF6SBZ WS6FNK, WS6FBS, WS6FGY, WS6FBK, WS6FBZ, WS6SNK, WS6SBS, WS6SGY, WS6SBK, WS6SBZ Field-Wired 6" [152mm] Field-Wired or Cord-Ended Work Surface Portals that can accept up to five (5) Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP device plates. WSF8 Series Field-Wired Cord-Ended WSF8FNK, WSF8FBS, WSF8FGY, WSF8FBK, WSF8FBZ, WSF8SNK, WSF8SBS, WSF8SGY, WSF8SBK, WSF8SBZ WS8FNK, WS8FBS, WS8FGY, WS8FBK, WS8FBZ, WS8SNK, WS8SBS, WS8SGY, WS8SBK, WS8SBZ Cord-Ended 8" [203mm] Field-Wired or Cord-Ended Work Surface Portals that can accept up to ten (10) Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP device plates. StEEL RACEWAY SYStEMS Product Line Compatible A/V Device Plates V24DWNU 24DWNU-FW Downward-Facing Device Plate with Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP opening. V24DWNS 24DWNS-FW Downward-Facing Device Plate with Ortronics® series II opening. V3046U G3046U Bump-Up Device Plate with Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP opening. V3046V G3046V Bump-Up Device Plate with Extron® Electronics AAP opening. 3000 Series™ Raceway V3046S G3046S Bump-Up Device Plate with Ortronics® series II opening. NotE: Wiremold manufactures many additional pathway solutions. those represented here have been designed/modified to provide the depth behind the plate required for most A/V devices. For additional design and installation considerations, please contact the factory. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD AUDIO/VIDEO COMPATIBILITY 2400 Series™ Raceway 11 WIREMOLD AUDIO/VIDEO COMPATIBILITY Quick selection Guide StEEL RACEWAY SYStEMS Product Line Compatible A/V Device Plates 4000 Series™ Raceway V4047Ux G4047Ux Bump-Up Device Plate with Extron® Electronics MAAP opening. V4047Vx G4046Vx Bump-Up Device Plate with Extron® Electronics AAP opening. 5507AAP 5507AAP-G 5507 Series Device Plate with Extron® Electronics AAP opening. 5507R 5507R-G 5507 Series Device Plate with decorator style opening for open A/V devices such as Extron® Electronics, Crestron® and Atinex® Intera. 5507MAAP 5507MAAP-G 5507 Series Device Plate with Extron® Electronics MAAP opening. DS4000® Series Raceway DSDWNR-BK DSDWNR-BZ DSDWNR-DG DSDWNR-DV Downward-Facing Device Plate with decorator style opening for open A/V devices such as Extron® Electronics, Crestron® and Atinex® Intera. DSDWNU-BK DSDWNU-BZ DSDWNU-DG DSDWNU-DV Downward-Facing Device Plate with Extron® Electronics MAAP opening. DSDWNS-BK DSDWNS-BZ DSDWNS-DG DSDWNS-DV Downward-Facing Device Plate with Ortronics® series II opening. AUDIO/VIDEO COMPATIBILITY 6000® Series Raceway 5507MAAP 5507MAAP-G 5507 Series Device Plate with Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP opening. 5507AAP 5507AAP-G 5507 Series Device Plate with Extron® Electronics AAP opening. V4047Ux G4047Ux Bump-Up Device Plate with Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP opening. V4047Vx G4047Vx Bump-Up Device Plate with Extron® Electronics AAP opening. 5507R, 5507R-G 5507 Series Device Plate with decorator style opening for open A/V devices such as Extron® Electronics, Crestron® and Atinex® Intera. oFR Series™ overflow Raceway oFR47-U Accepts up to four (4) Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP style plates. oFR47-R For covering rectangular decorator style devices. 12 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD oFR47-V Accepts two (2) Extron® Electronics AAP single space modules. oFR47-U2A Accepts up to two (2) Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP style plates. NotE: Wiremold manufactures many additional pathway solutions. those represented here have been designed/modified to provide the depth behind the plate required for most A/V devices. For additional design and installation considerations, please contact the factory. WIREMOLD AUDIO/VIDEO COMPATIBILITY Quick selection Guide StEEL RACEWAY SYStEMS Product Line Compatible A/V Device Plates 5400 Series™ Raceway 5507MAAP 5507MAAP-FW 5507MAAP-WH 5507MAAP-BK 5507MAAP-G 5507MAAP-GY 5507 Series Device Plate with Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP opening. 5507AAP 5507AAP-FW 5507AAP-WH 5507AAP-BK 5507AAP-G 5507AAP-GY 5507 Series Device Plate with Extron® Electronics AAP opening. 5507R 5507R-FW 5507R-WH 5507R-BK 5507R-G 5507R-GY 5507 Series Device Plate with decorator style opening for open A/V devices such as Extron® Electronics, Crestron® and Atinex® Intera. 5507MAAP 5507MAAP-FW 5507MAAP-WH 5507MAAP-BK 5507MAAP-G 5507MAAP-GY 5507 Series Device Plate with Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP opening. 5507AAP 5507AAP-FW 5507AAP-WH 5507AAP-BK 5507AAP-G 5507AAP-GY 5507 Series Device Plate with Extron® Electronics AAP opening. 5507R 5507R-FW 5507R-WH 5507R-BK 5507R-G 5507R-GY 5507 Series Device Plate with decorator style opening for open A/V devices such as Extron® Electronics, Crestron® and Atinex® Intera. 5507AAP 5507AAP-FW 5507AAP-WH 5507AAP-BK 5507AAP-G 5507AAP-GY 5507 Series Device Plate with Extron® Electronics AAP opening. 5507R 5507R-FW 5507R-WH 5507R-BK 5507R-G 5507R-GY 5507 Series Device Plate with decorator style opening for open A/V devices such as Extron® Electronics, Crestron® and Atinex® Intera. VSCR Crestron® & Extron® Electronics DoubleGang Decorator style Device Plate for small Vista Columns. VSEA Device Plate with Extron® Electronics AAP opening for small Vista Columns. VSEM Device Plate with Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP opening for Small Vista Columns. VLCR Crestron® & Extron® Electronics DoubleGang Decorator style Device Plate for Large Vista Columns. VLEA Device Plate with Extron® Electronics AAP opening for Large Vista Columns. VLEM Device Plate with Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP opening for Large Vista Columns. VLRt Device Plate with opening for three (3) Ortronics® series II devices for Large Vista Columns. VSRt Device Plate with opening for one (1) Ortronics® series II device for small Vista Columns. 5500 Series™ Raceway IN WALL SYStEMS Product Line Compatible A/V Device Plates WallSource™ Multiple Service Boxes Raceway 5507MAAP 5507MAAP-FW 5507MAAP-WH 5507MAAP-BK 5507MAAP-G 5507MAAP-GY 5507 Series Device Plate with Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP opening. VERtICAL SoLUtIoNS Product Line Compatible A/V Device Plates NotE: Wiremold manufactures many additional pathway solutions. those represented here have been designed/modified to provide the depth behind the plate required for most A/V devices. For additional design and installation considerations, please contact the factory. AUDIO/VIDEO COMPATIBILITY Vista™ Architectural Columns 13 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD AUDIO/VIDEO COMPATIBILITY Quick selection Guide VERtICAL SoLUtIoNS Product Line Vista™ Point5 Compatible A/V Device Plates Architectural Columns VSEAP5 Device Plate with two (2) duplex receptacles and Extron® Electronics AAP openings for small Point 5 Vista. VLEA Device Plate with Extron® Electronics AAP opening for Large Vista Columns. VSCR Crestron® & Extron® Electronics DoubleGang Decorator style Device Plate for small Vista Columns. VSEA Device Plate with Extron® Electronics AAP opening for Small Vista Columns. VSEM Device Plate with Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP opening for Small Vista Columns. VSEMP5 Device Plate with two (2) duplex receptacles and Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP openings for small Point 5 Vista. VL2A Device plate for Wiremold CM Series Open system for Ortronics series II and TracJack devices for large Point 5 Vista. VLCR Crestron® & Extron® Electronics Double-Gang Decorator style Device Plate for Large Vista Columns. VLEM Device Plate with Extron® Electronics MAAP opening for Large Vista Columns. VLEAP5 Device Plate with two (2) duplex receptacles and Extron® Electronics AAP openings for large Point 5 Vista. VLEMP5 Device Plate with two (2) duplex receptacles and Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP openings for large Point 5 Vista. 30tP-MAAP Device Plate with Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP opening. 30tP-L Device Plate with Extron® Electronics AAP opening. 30tP-AAP Device Plate with GFCI or decorator style opening for open A/V devices such as Extron® Electronics, Crestron® and Atinex® Intera. tele-Power® Poles INFLooR SYStEMS Product Line Compatible A/V Device Plates AUDIO/VIDEO COMPATIBILITY 525 Series™ Service Fittings – For use with Walkerduct® Underfloor Duct Systems 500-MAAP 525 Series Device Plate with Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP opening. 500Rt 525 Series Device Plate with opening for one (1) Ortronics® series II Device. Multiplex™ Series Service Fittings LtF48-MAAP Multiplex Series Device Plate with Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP opening. 1-GANG 2-GANG 3" [76mm] 3" [76mm] 6 3/4" [171mm] 14 4 3/4" [121mm] 6 3/4" [171mm] 8 3/4" [222mm] NotE: Wiremold manufactures many additional pathway solutions. those represented here have been designed/modified to provide the depth behind the plate required for most A/V devices. For additional design and installation considerations, please contact the factory. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD COMMUNICATIONS CONNECTIVITY Wiremold® pathways and cable management systems offer a wide range of options for providing datacom connectivity. Table of Contents Ortronics® Connectivity 16 16 CM Series™ Communication Modules 17 Wiremold® CM Series™ Communication Modules 17 COMMUNICATIONS CONNECTIVITY Wiremold® Open System Connectivity 15 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD COMMUNICATIONS CONNECTIVITY Ortronics® Connectivity TracJack Individual Jack System • • • • • • Front-loading, snap-in design supports future moves adds and changes Inserts for voice, data, audio, and video Available Category 3, 5e, 6, USOC 6-position, and other media Flat or angled 45° exit configurations Choice of 13 colors and color matched to Wiremold systems Universal T568A/B wiring format Series II Front-Loading, Module System • • • • • • Module design features easy snap-in front-loading design Linear 110 punch down format for easy termination Inserts for voice, data, audio, and video Available Category 3, 5e, 6, USOC 6-position, and other media Available in flat or angled 45° exit configurations Color matched to Wiremold Systems For detailed product selection refer to the Ortronics Catalog or visit www.ortronics.com. Wiremold® Open Connectivity Solutions Wiremold Open System Communications Modules • Accommodate a wide range of manufacturers’ communications outlets including keystone jacks, as well as proprietary solutions from Systimax (Avaya) and NORDX • Modules fit into a wide range of Wiremold Systems • Pre-punched faceplates accept common communication devices For more information on integrating connectivity into Wiremold Cable Management Systems, contact the Wiremold Applications Engineering Team or your local Wiremold Sales Representative. COMMUNICATIONS CONNECTIVITY Typical Installation for Cable Management Applications CM-EPLA 1. Bring all station cables through the opening in the device mounting bracket. 2. Mount communication devices in unloaded inserts and terminate or attach cable per manufacturers instructions. 3. Reverse the module and snap into the device bracket. Entire faceplate must be filled with inserts or blanks. Typical raceway device bracket holecut Typical Mounting Brackets (4050, 5450, 5550, 40N2, 2344SD-2A, 2444D-2A and WSA07A Device Mounting Plates)) 1. Insert CM-EPLA end plate into the bracket opening. 2. Slide end plate to engage hooks into locking slots. (Be sure end plate edge is seated against edge of trim plate opening.) Two end plates are required as shown. 3. After end plates are in place, install modules by aligning over space between end plates and pushing inward until snaps engage. 6A configuring options apply to opening. 16 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD CM SERIES™ COMMUNICATION MODULES Wiremold® CM series™ Communication Modules provide a variety of unloaded modules to accept devices from other manufacturers. These open system modules provide a flexible and aesthetically pleasing way to connect communication cabling at the point-of-use. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Communication Circuit Accessories: File E145222 Guide DUXR. Meets Article 800 of NEC. Meets Article 60-308 of CEC. CM Series Communication Modules Ordering Information 2A Single Flushmount Unloaded Keystone Module CM2-U1ATT Accepts keystone jacks with a latching area of 0.58” x 0.76” [14.7mm x 19.3 mm]. Also available in white (CM2-U1KEYA-WH), light grey (CM2U1KEYA-GY), black (CM2-U1KEYA-BK) and grey (CM2-U1KEYA-G). CM2-U2KEyA 2A Dual Flushmount Unloaded Keystone Module Accepts keystone jacks with a latching area of 0.58” x 0.76” [14.7mm x 19.3 mm]. Also available in white (CM2-U2KEYA-WH), light grey (CM2U2KEYA-GY), black (CM2-U2KEYA-BK) and grey (CM2-U2KEYA-G). COLOR OPTIONS 2A Single Systimax (Avaya) Unloaded Module Accepts both M-series jacks and LC fiber adapters. Also available in white (CM2-U1ATT-WH), light grey (CM2U1ATT-GY), black (CM2-U1ATT-BK) and grey (CM2-U1ATT-G). CM2-U2ATT 2A Single Systimax (Avaya) Unloaded Module Accepts both M-series jacks and LC fiber adapters. Also available in white (CM2-U2ATT-WH), light grey (CM2U2ATT-GY), black (CM2-U2ATT-BK) and grey (CM2-U2ATT-G). CM series™ Communication Modules standard color is ivory. For other colors, add one of the following suffixes: “-WH” for white, “-GY” for light gray (matches aluminum and nonmetallic products), “-BK” for black, or “-G” for gray (matches Wiremold gray steel products). www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD COMMUNICATIONS CONNECTIVITY CM2-U1KEyA 17 WIREMOLD CM SERIES™ COMMUNICATION MODULES Ordering Information CM Series Communication Modules Ordering Information (cont.) CM2-U1NOR 2A Single Flushmount NordX/CDT Unloaded Module CM2-U2NOR 2A Dual Flushmount NordX/CDT Unloaded Module Accepts MDVOFlex jacks and fiber modules. Also available in white (CM2-U1NOR-WH), light grey (CM2U1NOR-GY), black (CM2-U1NOR-BK) and grey (CM2-U1NOR-G). CM2-U2ST 2A Dual Unloaded ST Adapter Module Accepts MDVOFlex jacks and fiber modules. Also available in white (CM2-U2NOR-WH), light grey (CM2U2NOR-GY), black (CM2-U2NOR-BK) and grey (CM2-U2NOR-G). CM2-U2AMP 2A Unloaded Single AMP Netconnect Module Accepts 2 sT adapters. Also available in white (CM2-U2ST-WH), light grey (CM2-U2ST-GY), black (CM2-U2STBK) and grey (CM2-U2ST-G). CM2-U2SC 2A Unloaded Duplex SC Adapter Module For mounting two AMP Netconnect sL series devices. Also available in white (CM2-U2AMP-WH), light grey (CM2-U2AMP-GY), black (CM2-U2AMP-BK) and grey (CM2U2AMP-G). CM2-BL 2A Blank Module Accepts one sC adapter. Also available in white (CM2-U2SC-WH), light grey (CM2-U2SC-GY), black (CM2-U2SC-BK) and grey (CM2-U2SC-G). COMMUNICATIONS CONNECTIVITY CM2-U2TJ 2A Dual Flushmount Unloaded Ortronics® TracJack Module For mounting two Ortronics® TracJack devices. Also available in white (CM2-U2TJ-WH), light grey (CM2-U2TJ-GY), black (CCM2-U2TJBK) and grey (CM2-U2TJ-G). 18 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD Required to fill unused openings. Also available in white (CM2-BL-WH), light grey (CM2-BL-GY), black (CM2BL-BK) and grey (CM2-BL-G). CM2-U2SVGA 2A SVGA Module Accepts one sVGA connector. Also available in white (CM2-U2SVGA-WH), light grey (CM2-U2SVGA-GY), black (CM2-U2SVGA-BK) and grey (CM2U2SVGA-G). WIREMOLD CM SERIES™ COMMUNICATION MODULES Ordering Information CM Series Communication Modules Speciaty Mounting Adapters Ordering Information AB2TJ Ortronics ® End plates with two outlet ID labels with clear covers and two matching screw covers. Required when mounting modules into 4050, 5450, 5550, and WSA07-4A device mounting brackets, and the V2444D-2A and 2344SD-2A 2-gang divided raceway box. Also available in white (CM-EPLAWH), fog white (CM-EPLA-FW), and grey (CM-EPLA-G). CM-2AB CM2/Activate 2A Mini Mounting Adapter Accepts two Ortronics® TracJack Inserts. Also available in white (AB2TJ-WH), light grey (AB2TJ-GY), black (AB2TJ-BK) and grey (AB2TJ-G). ABS2 Ortronics ® Accepts one CM2 series communication module or one Pass & Seymour 2A Activate Series insert. Also available in white (CM-2ABWH), light grey (CM-2AB-GY), black (CM-2AB-BK) and grey (CM-2AB-G). CM-MAB 6A Mini Mounting Adapter 6A opening. Must be purchased separately for mounting communication modules in service fittings where it is indicated they are not included. Also available in light grey (CM-MAB-GY), black (CM-MABBK) and fog white (CM-MAB-FW). MAB6TJ Ortronics® TracJack 6A Mounting Adapter Accepts six Ortronics® TracJack inserts. Also available in white (MAB6TJ-WH), light grey (MAB6TJGY), black (MAB6TJ-BK) and grey (MAB6TJ-G). TracJack 2A Mini Mounting Adapter Series II 2A Mini Mounting Adapter Accepts one Ortronics® Series II 1-unit insert. Also available in white (CABS2WH), light grey (ABS2-GY), black (ABS2-BK) and grey (ABS2-G). MAB3S2 Ortronics® Series II 6A Mounting Adapter Accepts three Ortronics® series II 1-unit inserts. Also available in light grey (MAB3S2-GY), black (MAB3S2BK) and grey (MAB3S2-G). CM-ARA Angled Raceway Adapter For use with multi-channel raceway device brackets and WallSource device mounting brackets. Angled exit provides additional mounting depth required for audio/visual connections as well as ensuring the required bend radius for UTP and fiber optic cabling. Holds two CM2 Series modules or two 2A inserts.Fits 5507 Series Faceplate opening.Also available in white (CM-ARA-WH), light grey (CM-ARAGY), black (CM-ARA-BK) and grey (CM-ARA-G). COMMUNICATIONS CONNECTIVITY CM-EPLA End Plate 19 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD CM SERIES™ COMMUNICATION MODULES Ordering Information CM Series Communication Modules Speciaty Mounting Adapters Ordering Information (cont.) CM-SAP Single-Gang Angled Faceplate CM-DFP For mounting two CM2 Series modules or Pass & Seymour Activate Series device modules. Also available in white (CM-SAP-WH), light grey (CM-SAPGY), black (CM-SAP-BK) and grey (CM-SAP-G). ARA-S2 Angled Raceway Adapter For use with multi-channel raceway device brackets and WallSource device mounting brackets. Angled exit provides additional mounting depth required for A/V connections as well as ensuring the required bend radius for UTP and fiber optic cabling. Holds two Ortronics® Series II modules.Fits 5507 Series Faceplate opening. Also available in white (ARA-S2-WH), light grey (ARA-S2-GY), black (ARA-S2-BK) and grey (ARA-S2-G). CM-DAP Double-Gang Angled Faceplate COMMUNICATIONS CONNECTIVITY For mounting four CM2 Series modules or Pass & Seymour Activate Series device modules. Also available in white (CM-DAP-WH), light grey (CM-DAP-GY), black (CM-DAP-BK) and grey (CM-DAP-G). 20 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD Double-Gang Faceplate For mounting six CM2 Series modules or Pass & Seymour Activate Series device modules. Also available in white (CM-DFP-WH), light grey (CM-DFPGY), black (CCM-DFP-BK) and grey (CM-DFP-G). CM-SFP Single-Gang Faceplate For mounting three CM2 Series modules or Pass & Seymour Activate Series device modules. Also available in white (CM-SFP-WH), light grey (CM-SFP-GY), black (CM-SFP-BK) and grey (CM-SFP-G). WIREMOLD STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS Wiremold® steel surface Raceway systems are the industry leaders in quality, ease of installation, and for providing pathway solutions for all types of installations. For over 50 years, wiremold steel surface Raceway systems have provided the highest quality, most dependable solutions for installers, building owners, and designers. with the introduction of Ds4000® series Raceway, we’re again pushing the envelope by expanding the capacity, capabilities, and aesthetics of surface raceway systems. 56 500® & 700® Series Raceway 24 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS DS4000® Designer Series Raceway 21 WIREMOLD STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS Table of Contents One-Piece Steel Raceway Systems 24 500® series Raceway 24 700® series Raceway Two-Piece Steel Small Single- & Dual-Channel Raceway Systems 34 2000® series Raceway 38 2400™ series Raceway 44 2400D series™ Raceway 50 3000® series Raceway 4000 Designer Series Raceway 56 Ds4000® series Raceway Two-Piece Steel Large Multiple-Channel Raceway Systems 61 STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS 4000® series Raceway 67 4047 series™ Device Plates 72 s4000® series stainless steel Raceway Multi-Compartment Surface Metal Raceway Systems 84 Anysize™ series Raceway 22 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 79 6000® series Raceway WIREMOLD STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS Quick selection Guide 500® Series Raceway 700® Series Raceway 17/32" [13.5mm] 21/32" [16.7mm] 3/4" [19.1mm] 3/4" [19.1mm] One-Piece, single-Channel Ivory Capacity: 0.19 in2 [123mm2] 2000® Series Raceway Type: Two-Piece, single-Channel Colors: Ivory, white Capacity: 0.26 in2 [168mm2] 2400™ Series Raceway 7/8" [22.2mm] 3/4" [19.1mm] 1 7/8" [48mm] 1 9/32" [32mm] Type: Colors: Two-Piece, single-Channel Ivory, Gray Capacity: 0.80 in2 [516mm2] 2400D Series™ Raceway 1/3 Type: Colors: Two-Piece, single-Channel Ivory, Fog white Capacity: 1.39in2 [897mm2] 3000® Series Raceway 1 17/32" [39mm] 7/8" [22.2mm] 2/3 1 7/8" [48mm] 2 3/4" [70mm] Type: Two-Piece, Dual-Channel Capacity: 1/3 Comp.: 0.374in2 [241mm2]; 2/3 Comp.: 0.865in2 [558mm2] Colors: Ivory, Fog white DS4000® Series Raceway Type: Two-Piece, single-Channel Capacity: 3.70in2 [2340mm2] Colors: Ivory, Gray 4000® Series Raceway 2 1/8" [54mm] 5 3/4" [146mm] 1 3/4" [44mm] 4 3/4" [121mm] Type: Three-Piece, Dual-Channel Capacity: Each Compartment: 5.01in2 [3235mm2] Colors: Designer Ivory, Designer Gray, Matte Black Type: Two-Piece, single- or Dual-Channel Capacity: Divided: 3.10in2 [2000mm2], undivided: 7.20in2 [4645mm2] Colors: Ivory, Gray, stainless 6000® Series Raceway AnySize™ Series Raceway 3 9/16" [90mm] STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS Type: Colors: 4 3/4" [121mm] Type: Two-Piece, single- or Dual-Channel Capacity: Divided: 7.20in2 [4645mm2], undivided: 16.00in2 [10320mm2] Colors: Ivory, Gray 23 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD 500® & 700® SERIES RACEWAY One-piece, single-channel raceway. Easy-to-install and ideal for basic power or communication/low voltage installations. Provides low profile appearance that blends with any decor. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Raceway: File E4376 Guide RJBT. Fittings: File E41751 Guide RJPR. Meets Article 386 of NEC. Meets section 12-1600 of CEC. System Layout I 4 11/16" [119mm] Utility Box V D E K G J H C B STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS X 24 M Plugmold W S F O N Z R L Y A B P T Q U F NOTE: Illustration is for showing product applications only. KEY A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. 2089E Reducing Fitting 504 Mounting strap 506 Cover Clip 511 Flat Elbow 517 Internal Elbow 518 External Elbow 5703 supporting Clip 5715 Tee COLOR OPTIONS I. 5719 Corner Box J. 5734A utility Box K. 5738 Fixture Box solid Base L. V5739 Fixture Box solid Base M. 5744 Extra Deep Device Box N. 5747-2 Two-Gang shallow Device Box O. 5748s shallow Device Box 5748-2 Two-Gang Device Box 5748-3 Three-Gang Device Box 5752 Alarm Device Box 5753 Extra Deep Alarm Device Box T. 5781 Box Connector U. 5782 1/2" Trade size Conduit Connector P. Q. R. S. 500® and 700® series Raceway Part Numbers with a “V” prefix have an ivory finish. Part Numbers with a “wH” suffix have a white finish. some Device Boxes used in safety applications are also available with a red painted finish. Custom color options are also available. Consult the factory for more information. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD V. 5785 Combination Connector W. V5786 Adjustable Offset Connector X. 5724O single Pole switch and Box Y. 57242 utility Box Z. 57243G Duplex Receptacle and Box WIREMOLD 500® & 700® SERIES RACEWAY 500 Series Wire Fill Capacities for Power O.D. (APPROX. DIA.) Inches [mm] CABLE/wIRE sIZE uNsHIELDED TwIsTED PAIR 40% FILL 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 3 0.190 [4.8] 2 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 5e 0.210 (5.3) 2 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6 0.250 (6.3) 1 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6a* 0.354 (9.0) 0 25-pair, 24 AwG 0.410 (10.4) 0 COAXIAL RG6/u 0.270 [6.9] 1 FIBER ZipCord [3 x 6] 2 0.118 x 0.236 Round 4 strand Fiber 0.187 [4.8] 2 Round 6 strand Fiber 0.256 [6.5] 1 wIRE sIZE THHN/THwN 14 AwG 12 AwG 10 AwG One-Piece Raceway .040" [1.0mm] steel. Ivory finish. Available in 10' [3m] lengths, 100' [31m] per carton. One (1) 5701 Coupling furnished with each length. 17/32" [13.5mm] 3/4" [19.1mm] V500-5 One-Piece Raceway same as V500 Raceway except in 5' [1.5m] lengths, 50' [15m] per carton. One (1) 5701 Coupling furnished with each 5' [1.5m] length. 17/32" [13.5mm] 3/4" [19.1mm] 605 V506 single action portable cutter. Fast and easy square cuts. 605K Replacement Blades NO. OF CONDuCTORs 40% FILL 7 5 3 Connection Cover Covers seam where two lengths of 500 series Raceway come together. 3/4" [19.1mm] V511 Flat Elbow Right angle turns on the same surface. 2" [51mm] V512 45° Flat Elbow 1 1/4" [32mm] Diagonal 45° turns on same surface. 3/4" [19.1mm] V517 500 Series Raceway Cutter [mm] [2.8] [3.3] [4.2] NOTE: For additional information, refer to the Technical Section. * Category 6 augmented (6a) cable for 10 gigabit ethernet – max allowed cable diameter per addenda No. 11 ANsI TIA/EIA 568-B.2. 500 Series Raceway Ordering Information V500 O.D. Inches 0.111 0.130 0.164 Internal Elbow 2 3/4" [70mm] V518 Inside right angle turns. Outside Elbow 2 1/2" [64mm] Outside right angle turns. Case hard steel replacement blades for 605 Raceway Cutter. 502 5700LL Bushing 1/2" [12.7mm] V504 Protects wires from abrasion. slips into open end of 500 series Raceway. Mounting Strap (One- or Two-Hole) – Converts to one-hole by breaking off at score. Lanced tab holds strap in place while fastening to surface. 1 13/16" [46mm] 1/2" [12.7mm] NOTE: Use #8 flathead screws with all fittings requiring screws except V504. With V504, use #8 panhead screws. Laser Level For 500/700 Series Raceway. Attaches to outlet box base and raceway fittings for perfect alignment of runs of raceway. 5700CG Cutting Guide For 500/700 Series Raceway. Attaches to step ladder and holds raceway channel securely for accurate cuts. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS 500 Series Wire Fill Capacities For Communications 25 WIREMOLD 500® & 700® SERIES RACEWAY 700 Series Wire Fill Capacities For Communications CABLE/wIRE sIZE uNsHIELDED TwIsTED PAIR O.D. (APPROX. DIA.) Inches [mm] 700 Series Wire Fill Capacities for Power 40% FILL 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 3 0.190 [4.8] 3 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 5e 0.210 (5.3) 3 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6 0.250 (6.3) 2 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6a* 0.354 (9.0) 1 25-pair, 24 AwG 0.410 (10.4) 0 COAXIAL RG6/u FIBER ZipCord 0.270 [6.9] 1 0.118 x 0.236 [3 x 6] 3 Round 4 strand Fiber 0.187 [4.8] 3 Round 6 strand Fiber 0.256 [6.5] 2 wIRE sIZE THHN/THwN 14 AwG 12 AwG 10 AwG O.D. Inches 0.111 0.130 0.164 [mm] [2.8] [3.3] [4.2] NO. OF CONDuCTORs 40% FILL 10 7 4 NOTE: For additional information, refer to the Technical Section. * Category 6 augmented (6a) cable for 10 gigabit ethernet – max allowed cable diameter per addenda No. 11 ANSI TIA/EIA 568-B.2. 700 Series Raceways Ordering Information V700, 700WH One-Piece Raceway 702 .040" [1.0mm] steel. Ivory finish. Available in 10' [3m] lengths, 100' [31m] per carton. One (1) 5701 Coupling furnished with each length. 21/32" [16.7mm] Bushing 1/2" [12.7mm] Protects wires from abrasion. slips into open end of 700 series Raceway. 3/4" [19.1mm] 607 V704, 704WH 700 Series Raceway Cutter single action portable cutter. Fast and easy square cuts. Mounting Strap (One- or Two-Hole) Converts to one-hole by breaking off at score. Lanced tab holds strap in place while fastening to surface. 1 13/16" [46mm] STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS 5/8" [15.9mm] 26 607K Replacement Blades V706, 706WH Covers seam where two lengths of 700 series Raceway come together. Case hard steel replacement blades for 607 Raceway Cutter. 3/4" [19.1mm] NOTE: Use #8 flathead screws with all fittings requiring screws except V704. With V704, use #8 panhead screws. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD Connection Cover WIREMOLD 500® & 700® SERIES RACEWAY 500 & 700 Series Raceway Fittings Ordering Information V711, 711WH Flat Elbow 5709 Ground Clamp Provides additional grounding for 500 or 700 series Raceway or to ground remotely located devices. Insert clamp into raceway before installing. Attach ground wire to screw as required by National Electrical Code. 2" [51mm] Right angle turns on the same surface. 2" [51mm] V712, 712WH 1 1/4" [32mm] 45° Flat Elbow 5709GC Grounding Connector Diagonal 45° turns on same surface. 1" [25mm] Provides grounding means for 1/2" trade size conduit using lock nut. 3/4" [19.1mm] Internal Elbow Inside right angle turns. 2 3/4" [70mm] V718, 718WH 2 1/2" [64mm] 5711LHA, 5711RHA 2 1/2" [64mm] 2 1/2" [64mm] Outside Elbow 5711RHA Outside right angle turns. 90° twist with a 90° turn. For double turn at right angles from one surface to another. For transitions from a sidewall to ceiling or edge of door or window trim. Twistout in cover adapts for use with 700 series Raceway. Available in ivory (5711LHA, 5711RHA) and white (5711LHAWH, 5711RHAWH). V5715, 5715WH V5700F Flexible Section 18" [457mm] Overall 5701 For installing raceway around offsets, side bends, twisted turns, and curved surfaces. wire fill capacity is the same as 500 & 700 series Raceways. Consult factory for custom lengths. Maximum painted length 3' [915mm]. 7/8" [22.2mm] Tee Connects branches of 700 series Raceway at right angles. when used with 700 series Raceway, break out crescent twistout in cover. 2 1/2" [64 mm] V5719, 5719WH Coupling 2" [51mm] 2 1/2" [64mm] Corner Box 1 3/16" [30mm] Joins and supports lengths of 500 or 700 series Raceway. One coupling included with each length of raceway. Internal Twist Elbows 1 3/16" [30mm] 1 5/16" [33mm] For feeding raceway from ceiling or floor. Allows for ample splice room. Base has 1/2" trade size KO. 2 1/2" [64mm] V5703, 5703WH Supporting Clip supports lengths of 500 and 700 series Raceway. 2 1/2" [64mm] STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS V717, 717WH 2 1/2" [64mm] 27 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD 500® & 700® SERIES RACEWAY 500 & 700 Series Raceways Interconnectivity Fittings CONNECTION REQuIRED FROM usE CATALO G NuMBER TO 500 series, 700 series Raceway 1500 series Raceway 1517B 500 series Raceway side of 2000 series Raceway V2089 500 series Raceway End of 2000 series Raceway V2089E Existing Outlet 500 or 700 series Raceway V5751 Panel Box 500 or 700 series Raceway V5786 1/2" trade size Conduit or Armored Cable 500 or 700 series Raceway 5782, V5784 3/4" trade size Conduit or Armored Cable 500 or 700 series Raceway 5782A Boxes with 1/2" trade size KOs 500 or 700 series Raceway 5781, V5785 Boxes with 3/4" trade size KOs 500 or 700 series Raceway 5781A 3" [76mm] or 4" [102mm] Ceiling Boxes 500 or 700 series Raceway single-Gang Outlet Box Two-Gang surface Box 14/2, 14/3, 12/2, 12/3 Armored Cable 500 or 700 series Raceway 1/2" trade size EMT 5700 series Boxes V5737, V5737A, V5739 V5735, V5744-2, V5744s-2, V5747-2, V5748-2 5790B 5791 500 & 700 Series Raceway Fittings Ordering Information (continued) V5760 Blank Extension Box Extension for existing flush switch and receptacle boxes to blank original outlet. Closed base version available as a special order. 15/16" [23.8mm] 4 5/8" [118mm] 5782, 5782A 3/4" [19.1mm] 1 3/4" [44mm] Conduit Connector (Galvanized) Interior threaded female connector for connecting raceway to conduit. when used with 700 series Raceway, break out crescent twistout in connector. 5782 has 1/2" trade size conduit opening and 5782A has 3/4" trade size conduit opening. 2 7/8" [73mm] V5783 STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS 5780 Special Nipple (Galvanized) For hanging either 3/8" [9.5mm] or 1/2" [12.7mm] fixtures to wiremold fittings with 1/2" trade size KOs. Has female 3/8" [9.5mm] pipe thread inside and male 1/2" [12.7mm] pipe thread outside. 1/2" [12.7mm] 3/4" [19.1mm] 1/2" [12.7mm] Box Connector (Galvanized) Male connector for connecting raceway to conduit boxes or panel boxes that have KOs for conduit. Can also be used with conduit type fittings. when used with 700 series Raceway, break out crescent twistout in connector. 5781 has 1/2" trade size conduit opening and 5781A has 3/4" trade size conduit opening. 28 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD Connects raceway at right angles to conduit boxes or panel boxes that have 1/2" trade size conduit KOs. when used with 700 series Raceway, break out crescent twistout in cover. 2 1/8" [54mm] 1 1/4" [32mm] V5784 5781, 5781A Elbow Box Connector 2 1/8" [54mm] 1 1/4" [32mm] Elbow Box Connector 1 1/4" [32mm] Connects raceway at right angles to 1/2" trade size conduit or armored cable connectors. when used with 700 series Raceway, break out crescent twistout in cover. WIREMOLD 500® & 700® SERIES RACEWAY 500 & 700 Series Raceway Fittings Ordering Information (continued) V5785, 5785WH Combination Connector Connects raceway, without offsetting, to any surface-mounted 1 5/16" 3 1/4" or 4" [83mm or 102mm] [33mm] outlet box with 1/2" trade size conduit KOs. Base has two 1/2" trade size KOs, one on end and one on bottom. Included spring 3" [76mm] steel bushing eliminates need for conduit nipple and locknut for end connection to box. when used with 700 series Raceway, break off cover extension. 5790B Armored Cable Connector (Galvanized) 1 5/8" [41mm] 2 7/16" [62mm] V5786, 5786WH 1 5/8" [41mm] 3 7/16" [87mm] 1 1/2" [38mm] 2 3/8" [61mm] 7/8" [22.2mm] 2 1/4" [57mm] 3 7/8" [98mm] 1" [25mm] 2" [51mm] 5791 EMT Connector Adjustable Offset Connector 1 3/4" [44mm] Eliminates need to offset raceway when connecting to surface type panel boxes. Adjustment from surface to center of bushings is 5/8" [15.9mm] minimum to 1 3/8" [35mm] maximum. when used as adjustable offset connector, break out metal between the two holes. when used with 700 series Raceway, break out crescent twistout in cover. 1/2" trade size chase nipple and locknut furnished. Connects 14/2, 14/3, 12/2, and 12/3 “MC” and armored cable to wiremold fittings. A short piece of 500 or 700 series Raceway (1 5/8" [41mm] min.) must be used between connector and wiremold fittings. Not for use with 1/2” [12.7mm] flex conduit. Connects 1/2" trade size EMT to 5700 series rectangular and round device boxes (except 5733). Derates the fill capacity of the EMT. 500 & 700 Series Raceways Device Boxes Ordering Information Blank Cover 1/4" [6.4mm] use with 5733 Outlet Box to convert box into pull or junction box. Has 1/2" trade size KO in center. 2 3/8" [61mm] Dia. V5733 15/16" [23.8mm] 3" Dia. [76mm] Outlet Box For devices with mounting screw centers of 1 15/32", 1 5/8", 1 11/16", or 1 27/32" [37mm, 41mm, 44mm, or 46mm]. will accept any device that mounts on “G” or “H” type conduit fittings. V5735 Distribution Box Twistouts permit use of three parallel raceway runs on each side. Base has 1/2" and 1" concentric trade size KOs and a 1 13/16" [46mm] x 2 7/8" [73mm] rectangular KO to mount on a one-gang in-wall outlet box. Cover accepts devices with mounting screw centers of 2 3/4", 3 1/2" or 4 1/16" [70mm, 89mm or 103mm], and canopy fixtures no larger than 4 5/8" [117mm] in diameter. with 5736 Blank Cover, this fitting can be used as junction box, pull box, etc. 1 3/8" [35mm] 4 3/4" sq. [121mm] V5736, 5736WH 4 3/16" [106mm] NOTE: 500 & 700 Series Raceway Systems Device Boxes that are identified with this symbol are Certified to Canadian Safety Standards for sale in Canada. When ordering these products (this page and the next page), change the “V” color prefix to “VC” or the “WH” color suffix to “WHC” to deNOTE the Canadian versions. 7/16" [11.1mm] Blank Cover 1/2" trade size KO in center. For use with 5735, 5737, 5737A, 5738, 5738AF, 5739, 5739A or 2135 Device Boxes. Converts these boxes into pull or junction boxes or for hanging lightweight pendant fixtures with 1/2" trade size pipe stems. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS V5731 29 WIREMOLD 500® & 700® SERIES RACEWAY 500 & 700 Series Raceways Device Boxes Ordering Information (continued) 5737, 5739 Open Base Extension Box A 1" [25mm] Mounts on 3 1/4" or 4" [83mm or 102mm] conduit boxes or other recessed outlets. Cover accepts devices with mounting screw centers of 2 3/4", 3 1/2" or 4 1/16" [70mm, 89mm, or 103mm]. Can be used with 5736 Blank Cover as a pull or junction box. CAT. NO. DIA. A. V5737, 5737wH 4 3/4" [121mm] V5737A, 5737AwH 5 1/2" [140mm] V5739A 6 3/8" [162mm] 5738, 5738A, 5739 1" [25mm] used to hang fixtures. Cover accepts devices with mounting screw centers of 2 3/4", 3 1/2", and 4 1/16" [70mm, 89mm, and103mm]. Base has four holes for fixture studs, four 1/2" trade size KOs, and raised section for no-bolt fixture-stud. use as a junction or pull box with 5736 Blank Cover. CAT. NO. 4 1/8" [105mm] 2" [51mm] 4 3/4" [121mm] 5738A, 5738AwH 5 1/2" [140mm] 5739, 5739wH 6 3/8" [162mm] STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS 30 V57240 2 13/16" [72mm] 4 5/8" [117mm] 2" [51mm] 1 3/8" [35mm] single pole switch included. Accepts standard single-gang switches including three-way. Cover has twistouts for 500 or 700 series Raceway on each end and sides. Twistouts on ends of box permit running raceway close to interior trim. Base has 1/2" trade size KOs. NOTE : One-gang device boxes accept NEMA single-gang standard faceplates. Two-gang device boxes accept NEMA double-gang standard faceplates. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD For shallow type switches (threeway, single, and double pole) and receptacles, including three-wire locking receptacles and single-gang combination devices. Base has 1/2" trade size KO. Position of twistouts on ends permits running raceways close to interior trim. Extra Deep Switch & Receptacle Box For deep devices such as momentary contact, remote control switches, and hospital signaling system devices. Base has 1/2" trade size KOs. Larger gang boxes available by special order. 2 3/4" [70mm] L 15A, 125V Single Pole Switch & Box 1 3/8" [35mm] Switch & Receptacle Box 5744, 5744-2, 5744-3 W 4 1/8" [105mm] Accommodates 15A (NEMA 5-15R) or 20A (NEMA 5-20R) duplex devices in place of duplex grounding receptacle included. Cover has twistouts for 500 and 700 series Raceway on each end and sides. Twistouts on ends of box permit running raceway close to interior trim. Base has 1/2” trade size KOs. V5741, 5741WH Solid Base Fan Box 5 1/2" [140mm] 1 3/8" [35mm] 2" [51mm] V5738AF, 5738AFWH Cover accepts fan bracket with mounting centers of 3 3/16" [81mm]. Base has six mounting holes and 4 1/2" trade size KOs. #10 mounting studs provided. Rated for fans and fixtures up to 50 lbs. Can be used as tee, cross, pull box, junction box, or blank box. Cover has 1/2" trade size KO and twistouts for 500, and 700 series Raceway on each end and sides. Twistouts on ends of box permit running raceway close to interior trim. Base has 1/2" trade size KOs. V57243G 15A, 125V Duplex Grounding Receptacle (NEMA 5-15R) & Box DIA. A. V5738, 5738wH 1" [25mm] Utility Box 1 3/8" [35mm] 4 1/8" [105mm] Solid Base Fixture Box A V57242 CAT. NO. L w GANGs V5744, 5744-wH 4 5/8" [117mm] 2 7/8" [73mm] 1 V5744-2, 4 3/4" [121mm] 4 3/4" [121mm] 5744-2wH 2 V5744-3 3 4 5/8" [117mm] 6 1/2" [165mm] NOTE: 500 & 700 Series Raceway Systems Device Boxes that are identified with this symbol are Certified to Canadian Safety Standards for sale in Canada. When ordering these products (this page and the next page), change the “V” color prefix to “VC” or the “WH” color suffix to “WHC” to deNOTE the Canadian versions. WIREMOLD 500® & 700® SERIES RACEWAY 500 & 700 Series Raceways Device Boxes Ordering Information (continued) 5748, 5748-2, 5748-3, 5748-4, 5748-5, 5748-6 Switch & Receptacle Box 5744S, 5744S-2, 5744S-3 Deep Switch & Receptacle Box Designed especially for use in the installation of signal system and alarm wiring. Base has 1/2" trade size KOs. Larger gang boxes are available by special order. 2 1/4" [57mm] L For deep switches and receptacles. Base has two 1/2" trade size KOs. Larger gang boxes available by special order. 1 3/4" [44mm] L W CAT. NO. L w GANGs W V5744s, 5744swH 4 5/8" [117mm] 2 7/8" [73mm] 1 CAT. NO. L w GANGs V5744s-2, 5744s-2wH 4 3/4" [121mm] 4 3/4" [121mm] 2 V5748, V5748wH 4 5/8" [117mm] 2 7/8" [73mm] 1 V5744s-3 4 5/8" [117mm] 6 1/2" [165mm] 3 V5748-2, V5748-2wH 4 3/4" [121mm] 4 3/4" [121mm] 2 V5748-3, V5748-3wH 4 5/8" [117mm] 6 1/2" [165mm] 3 V5748-4 4 5/8" [117mm] 8 11/32" [212mm] 4 V5748-5 4 5/8" [117mm] 10 5/32" [258mm] 5 V5748-6 4 5/8" [117mm] 11 31/32" [304mm] 6 V5745 , 5745WH Combination Switch & Receptacle Box 1 3/4" [44mm] 4 5/8" [117mm] 2 7/8" [73mm] Connects to surface runs of 1/2" trade size conduit. Cover has 1/2” trade size KO and two raceway twistouts on one end and three raceway twistouts on opposite end, two 1/2" KOs and a raceway twistout on each side. Base has two 1/2" trade size KOs. Larger gang boxes are available by special order. V5748S, 5748SWH Shallow Switch & Receptacle Box For shallow type switch and duplex receptacles. Base has 1/2" trade size KOs. 15/16" [23.8mm] 4 5/8" [117mm] 5747, 5747-2, 5747-3 Shallow Switch & Receptacle Box L W For standard shallow switches and receptacles including single-gang combination devices. Base has two 1/2" trade size KOs. Larger gang boxes available by special order. CAT. NO. L w GANGs V5747, 5747wH 4 5/8" [117mm] 2 7/8" [73mm] 1 V5747-2, 4 3/4" [121mm] 4 3/4" [121mm] 5747-2wH 2 V5747-3 3 4 5/8" [117mm] 6 1/2" [165mm] 5751, 5751-2, 5751-3 Flush Type Extension Adapter For extensions from existing flush switch and receptacle boxes. Larger gang boxes available by special order. 15/16" [23.8mm] L CAT. NO. W V5751, 5751wH L w GANGs 4 5/8" [117mm] 2 7/8" [73mm] 1 V5751-2, 4 3/4" [121mm] 4 3/4" [121mm] 5751-2wH 2 V5751-3 3 4 5/8" [117mm] 6 1/2" [165mm] NOTE: 500 & 700 Series Raceway Systems Device Boxes that are identified with this symbol are Certified to Canadian Safety Standards for sale in Canada. When ordering these products (this page and the next page), change the “V” color prefix to “VC” or the “WH” color suffix to “WHC” to deNOTE the Canadian versions. STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS 1 3/8" [35mm] 2 7/8" [73mm] 31 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD 500® & 700® SERIES RACEWAY 500 & 700 Series Raceways Device Boxes Ordering Information (continued) V5751A, 5751AWH Deep Flush Type Extension Adapter For deep extensions from existing wall boxes. 1 3/4" [44mm] 4 5/8" [117mm] V5752, R5752 3 1/4" [83mm] 1 3/8" [35mm] V5753, R5753 CM-MMB-571 One Insert Multimedia Box 3 1/4" [83mm] 1 1/2" [38mm] Accepts one CM2 wiremold Open system Communications Module or one Pass & seymour® Activate series Insert. Compatible with 500 and 700 series Raceway. ivory finish. For surface mounting of alarm devices and safety signals designed to fit into 4" [102mm] square back boxes. Cover has three raceway twistouts on each side. Base has 1/2" and 1" concentric and single-gang box KOs. R5752 has red finish. 4 11/16" [120mm] 4 11/16" [120mm] 2 7/8" [73mm] Two-Gang Alarm Device Box Two-Gang Extra Deep Alarm Device Box 4 11/16" [120mm] 4 11/16" [120mm] 2 3/4" [70mm] For surface mounting of alarm devices and safety signals designed to fit into 4" [102mm] square back boxes. R5753 has red finish. Cover is 2 3/4" [70mm] deep and has three twistouts for raceways on each side. Base has 1/2" and 1" concentric and single-gang box KOs. NOTE: One-gang device boxes accept NEMA single-gang standard faceplates. Two-gang device boxes accept NEMA double-gang standard faceplates. 500 & 700 Series Raceways Tools 600B Wiremold Bender IWE-S STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS For making smooth, accurate bends, saddles and offsets in wiremold 500 and 700 series Raceways. Two-piece handle fits in tool box. 615 Wire Pulley For fishing wires around inside corners of 500 or 700 series Raceway. when conductors are through the run, detach pulley and snap on appropriate internal elbow cover. One 616 Fish Tape Leader included. 616 Fish Tape Leader For pulling conductors through 500 or 700 series Raceways. Holes provided for up to eight conductors. 32 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD Spray Paint used for touching up large areas. Contains 12 oz.of paint. NOTE: Can only be shipped via ground transportation. IWE-P Touch-Up Paint Pen used for touching up small areas. Contains 0.3 oz. of paint. NOTE: Can only be shipped via ground transportation. WIREMOLD 500® & 700® SERIES RACEWAY 500 & 700 Series Raceways Installation Details Support Clip 2. Fasten support clips (V5703) to surface at approximately 32" [816mm] intervals. see the Technical Raceway Information section for surface mounting methods. After support clips are installed, snap raceway into clips. 3. As an alternate method of mounting (especially if the surface is uneven), 504 or 704 straps can be used. Hold raceway in position and fasten strap to surface. straps should be spaced no greater than 32" [816mm] O.C. Strap Strap Raceway 4. For added support or to secure raceway prior to installing straps, fasten coupling to surface through clearance holes (5701). 5. slide adjoining section of raceway onto coupling (5701). NOTE: If raceway has been field cut, it must be deburred prior to coupling. 6. If ends of adjoining raceways are not square, use 506 or 706 Cover Connection to fill gap. Abutting Raceways Snap Over Cover 7. Couple raceway to fitting base by slipping tongue of fitting under the base of raceway. (use 502 or 702 Bushing to protect wires from abrasion.) Do not mount more than one fitting base at a time. sequence should be base, raceway, base, raceway, etc. Fitting Base 8. Fasten base of fitting to surface using proper flat head fastener: #8 with V500 and V700 series. see Technical Information section for surface mounting methods. 9. Determine desired location of next fitting. Measure and cut raceway as shown. Install fitting base and raceway as in steps 1 and 2. Raceway Length 5/8" [15.9mm] Distance Between Bases 5/8" [15.9mm] 10. Pull wiring in. (use 502 or 702 Bushing to protect wires from abrasion.) 11. Remove proper twistouts in fitting cover(s) with pliers. Twist Fitting Cover inward as shown. 12. Install fitting cover(s) over raceway(s) and fasten to fitting base with screws provided. STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS 1. Each length of wiremold raceway is furnished with a coupling. Push coupling out to expose clearance hole (5701). 33 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD 2000 SERIES® RACEWAY Two-piece, single-channel raceway. Easy-to-install and ideal for basic power or communication/low voltage installations CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Raceway: File E4376 Guide RJBT. Fittings: File E41751 Guide RJPR. Meets Article 386 of NEC. Meets section 12-1600 of CEC. System Layout R O A L H J G C N M K A STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS E D I F 34 Q L B P NOTE: Illustration is for showing product applications only. KEY A. B. C. D. E. F. 500 series Raceway 518 External Elbow Fitting 2006 Cover Clip 2010A3 Entrance End Fitting 2010A2 Entrance End Fitting 2010B Blank End Fitting COLOR OPTIONS G. H. I. J. K. L. 2051H Flush Plate Adapter 2011 90° Flat Elbow Fitting 2015 Tee Fitting 2017TC Internal Corner Coupling 2018C External Elbow Cover 2048 single-Gang Device Box M. 2048-2 Two-Gang Device Box N. 20GB506 Plugmold strip O. 2089A Flush Plate Adapter P. 2089E End-Reducing Connector Q. 5748 single-Gang Device Box 2000® series Raceway Part Numbers with a “V” prefix have an ivory finish. Part Numbers with a “G” prefix have a gray finish. Part Numbers without a prefix or suffix have a protective zinc finish. Custom color options are also available. Consult the factory for more information. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD 2000 SERIES® RACEWAY 2000 Series Raceway Wire Fill Capacities For Communications 2000 Series Raceway Wire Fill Capacities For Power CABLE/wIRE sIZE uNsHIELDED TwIsTED PAIR O.D. (APPROX. DIA.) Inches [mm] 40% FILL 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 3 0.190 [4.8] 11 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 5e 0.210 (5.3) 9 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6 0.250 (6.3) 6 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6a* 0.354 (9.0) 3 25-pair, 24 AwG 0.410 (10.4) 2 COAXIAL RG6/u FIBER ZipCord 0.270 0.118 x 0.236 [6.9] 5 [3 x 6] 11 Round 4 strand Fiber 0.187 [4.8] 11 Round 6 strand Fiber 0.256 [6.5] 6 wIRE sIZE THHN/THwN O.D. Inches [mm] 14 AwG 12 AwG 0.111 0.130 [2.8] [3.3] NO. OF CONDuCTORs wITHOuT wITH PLuGMOLD DEVICEs RECEPTACLE 7 5 7 5 NOTE: For additional information, refer to the Technical Section. * Category 6 augmented (6a) cable for 10 gigabit ethernet – max allowed cable diameter per addenda No. 11 ANSI TIA/EIA 568-B.2. 2000 Series Raceway Ordering Information Raceway Base & Cover Packed ten (10) 5' [1.5m] lengths per carton. 3/4" [19.1mm] W30/W30G W30 – Common connection of two, three, or four No. 12 or No.14 solid copper conductors. W30G – Connection of equipment grounding of 2, 3, or 4 solid conductors No. 14 or No. 12 AwG. 300V maximum; 20A 105° C maximum. 1 5/16" [33mm] 1 9/32" [33mm] V2000B-5, G2000B-5, V2000B-10, G2000B-10 Raceway Base .040" [1.0mm] steel. Packed twenty (20) 5' [1.5m] lengths per carton. 10' [3m] lengths (V2000B-10, G2000B-10) are also available. Packed 100’ [30.5m] per carton. 1 9/32" [33mm] V2000BC, G2000BC Pressure-Type Wire Connectors NOTE: Not for use with aluminum conductors. 2000WC Wire Clip (Galvanized) Additional support for conductors. 1/2" [12.7mm] Raceway Base & Cover .025" [.8mm] steel. Packed twenty 5' [1.5m] lengths per carton. shipped without receptacle hole cuts. 2001 Coupling (Galvanized) Connects lengths of 2000B Raceway Base. 1 9/32" [33mm] 620 2" [51mm] 2000 Series Raceway Base & Cover Cutter Portable cutter for both 2000 series Raceway Base and Cover. Provides clean and easy square cuts every time. 620BCK Replacement Blade Kit V2003, 2003 2" [51mm] Supporting Clip supports lengths of 2000 series Raceway at any point desired. Mounts to surface with No. 6 flathead screw. 2003 support clip has plated finish. V2003 has ivory finish. Case hard steel replacement blades and die set for 620 Cutter. STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS V2000BC, G2000BC 35 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD 2000 SERIES® RACEWAY 2000 Series Raceway Interconnectivity Fittings CONNECTION REQuIRED FROM TO usE CATALOG NuMBER 500 series Raceway side of 2000 series Raceway V2089, V2048, V2048-2 500 series Raceway End of 2000 series Raceway V2089E, V2048, V2048-2 Existing Outlet 2000 series Raceway V2051H 1/2" trade size Conduit or Armored Cable 2000 series Raceway V2010A2, V2010A3 Blank End Fitting Closes off the open end of 2000 series Raceway. 3/4" [19.1mm] 2000 Series Raceway Ordering Information (continued) V2006, G2006 Flat Elbow Fitting For right angle turns on same surface. Cover stop permits neat butting of 2000C Cover. Two couplings included. 2 1/2" [64mm] Each Leg V2015, G2015 Ground Clamp Connects equipment grounding conductor. Provides an additional ground for raceway. 1 13/64" [30mm] V2011, G2011 Cover Clip Covers seam where two lengths of 2000 series Raceway come together. 3/4" [19.1mm] 2009 V2010B, G2010B Tee Fitting For branching raceway at right angles. Three couplings included. 6" [152mm] 4" [102mm] How 2009 is used. 1 1/2" [38mm] V2010A2, G2010A2 1 9/32" [33mm] STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS 1 1/2" [38mm] 2 1/8" [54mm] Entrance End Fitting Connects 2000 series Raceway to 1/2" trade size conduit or armored cable connectors. 1/2" trade size KOs located on end, sides, and bottom of fitting. Includes ground screw. If more capacity is required, use 2010A3. 2017TC Internal Corner Coupling 1 1/2" [38mm] Can be used as inside corner coupling or as coupling and straight thru fitting. Furnished with one fiber bushing. 2017TC 2017TC 3" [76mm] 1 1/2" [38mm] V2010A3, G2010A3 2 7/64" [53mm] 1 29/32" [47mm] Entrance End Fitting 1/2" trade size KOs located on end, sides, and bottom of fitting. 3/4" KOs on bottom and rear. Includes ground screw. V2018C, G2018C 36 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 2017TC used as a corner coupling and a straightthrough fitting. External Elbow Cover Covers gap when external corner is made by notching and bending 2000B Base. Continues raceway runs around outside corners. 2 1/8" [54mm] 3" [76mm] 2000B 2000B 2017TC used as a corner coupling. 1 7/8" [48mm] Corner gap filler snapped into place in 2018C WIREMOLD 2000 SERIES® RACEWAY 2000 Series Raceway Ordering Information (continued) IWE-S, GWE-S Spray Paint V2051H, G2051H Feeds 2000 series Raceway from an existing wall outlet. Equipped with 1/2" trade size threaded stud, toothed lock washer for grounding, and conduit bushing. used for touching up large areas. Contains 12 oz. of paint. NOTE: Can only be shipped via ground transportation. IWE-P, GWE-S 2 7/8" [73mm] 1 3/4" [44mm] Single-Gang Device Box Cover has twistouts for 2000, 500, and 700 series Raceways. Base has 1/2" trade size KO and rectangular KO for extension to wall box. Base has #10 threaded hole for ground connection. V2048-2, G2048-2 4 3/4" [121mm] 4 3/4" [121mm] 2000 Raceway extended from wall outlet using 2051H. Side Reducing Connector Connects 2000 series Raceway with 500 series Raceway through theside of 2000 series Raceway. 3 1/4" [83mm] 6" [152mm] V2089E End Reducing Connector Two-Gang Device Box Cover has twistouts for 2000, 500, and 700 series Raceways. Base has 1/2" trade size KO and rectangular KO for extension to wall box. Base has #10 threaded hole for ground connection. Connects 2000 series Raceway with 500 series Raceway through the end of 2000 series Raceway. 3/4" [19.1mm] STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS 1 3/4" [44mm] 2051H fastened to vertically mounted wall box. Touch-Up Paint Pen V2089 4 5/8" [117mm] 2051H fastened to horizontally mounted wall box. 4 1/2" [114mm] used for touching up small areas. Contains 0.3 oz. of paint. V2048, G2048 Flush Plate Adapter NOTE: Parts identified with this symbol are Certified to Canadian Safety Standards for sale in Canada. When ordering these products, change the “V” color prefix to “CV” or the “G” color prefix to “CG” to deNOTE the Canadian versions. 37 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD 2400 SERIES™ RACEWAY single Channel Raceway . Easy-to-install and ideal for basic power or communication/low voltage installations in classrooms, hotels, and anywhere a low profile raceway solution is needed. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Raceway: File E4376 Guide RJBT. Fittings: File E41751 Guide RJPR. Meets Article 386 of NEC. Meets section 12-1600 of CEC. 2400 Series Raceway System Layout for Power KEY U K L G R N Q C E A V M D F B STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS H O I S J NOTE: Illustrations are for showing product applications only. 2400 Series Raceway System Layout for Communications U AA K X L BB C D Z N CC R 2407 Series 106 Frame O E Q A DD A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. U. V. W. X. Y. Z. AA. BB. CC. DD. 500 series Raceway 1500/2600 Raceway Feed 2400 series Raceway 2406 Cover Clip 2410C Entrance End Fitting 2411M Flat Elbow Fitting 2415M Tee Fitting 2417M Internal Elbow Fitting 2426 Lamp Holder 2686FO Transition Fitting 4089 Reducing Connector 2448 One-Gang Device Box 2418M External Elbow Fitting 2451H Back Feed Fitting 2448-2 Two-Gang Device Box 2475D Bridge Fitting 2489 Reducing Adapter 24DwND Downward Duplex Device Bracket 24DwNR Downward Decorator Device Bracket 24s7218GBX99IV 2400 series Plugmold strip u4000 series Raceway 5747 shallow switch Box 2400BC 2400 series Raceway 2411FO Radiused Flat Elbow 2415H Back Feed Fitting 2415FO Radiused Tee Fitting 2417FO Radiused Internal Elbow 2418FO Radiused External Elbow 2686FO Transition Feed Fitting 5744 Extra Deep Device Box COLOR OPTIONS 2400 series™ Raceway Part Numbers with a “V” prefix have an ivory finish. Part Numbers with a “-Fw” suffix have a fog white finish. Custom color options are also available. Consult the factory for more information. 38 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD 2400 SERIES™ RACEWAY 2400 Series Raceway Wire Fill Capacities for Communications 2000 Series Raceway Wire Fill Capacities For Power O.D. (APPROX. DIA.) Inches [mm] CABLE/wIRE sIZE uNsHIELDED TwIsTED PAIR 40% FILL 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 3 0.190 [4.8] 19 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 5e 0.210 [5.3] 16 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6 0.250 [6.3] 11 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6a* 0.354 [9.0] 5 4 25-pair, 24 AwG 0.410 [10.4] COAXIAL RG6/u 0.270 [6.9] 9 FIBER ZipCord 0.118 x 0.236 [3 x 6] 20 Round 4 strand Fiber 0.187 [4.8] 20 Round 6 strand Fiber 0.256 [6.5] 10 2400 Series Raceways Ordering Information V2400B, V2400B-10, 2400B-FW, 2400B-10FW Raceway Base .040" [1.0mm] steel, 5' [1.5m] lengths. Packed twenty 5' [1.5m] lengths per carton (V2400B, 2400B-Fw) or ten 10' [3m] lengths per carton (V2400B-10, 2400B-10Fw). wIRE sIZE O.D. THHN/THwN 14 AwG 12 AwG 10 AwG Inches 0.111 0.130 0.164 NO. OF CONDuCTORs (40%) wITHOuT wITH 2427 DEVICEs RECEPTACLE 57 12 41 9 26 0 [mm] [2.8] [3.3] [4.2] NOTE: For additional information, refer to the Technical Section. * Category 6 augmented (6a) cable for 10 gigabit ethernetmax allowed cable diameter per addenda No. 11 ANSI TIA/EIA 568-B.2. 2400 Series Raceway Fittings Ordering Information 2400WC Additional support for conductors. (Nonmetallic) 1" [25mm] 2401 Wire Clip Coupling 2" [51mm] Joins lengths of 2400B Base together. 1 29/32" [48mm] Raceway Base & Cover .040" [1.0mm] steel. Packed ten 5' [1.5m] lengths of base and cover per carton. 7/8" [22.2mm] V2406, 2406-FW Covers seams where two lengths of 2400 series Raceway come together (nonmetallic). 1 29/32" [48mm] V2400C, 2400C-FW Raceway Cover .040” [1.0mm] steel; packed twenty 5’ [1.5m] lengths per carton. 1 1/2" [38mm] 2409 Ground Clamp 1/2" [2.7mm] 1 29/32" [48mm] 624 Cover Clip Connects equipment grounding conductor to provide ground to 2400 series Raceway. No. 10 ground screw provided. 2400 Series Raceway Base & Cover Cutter Portable cutter for 2400 & 2400D series Raceway Base and Cover. Provides a clean and easy square cut every time. 624BCK V2410A, 2410A-FW 2" [51mm] 1 5/8" [41mm] Replacement Blade Kit 1 3/16" [30mm] Entrance End Fitting Connects 2400 series Raceway with 1/2" trade size conduit or armored cable. STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS V2400BC, 2400BC-FW 39 Case hard steel replacement blades and die set for 624 Cutter. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD 2400 SERIES™ RACEWAY 2400 Series Raceway Fittings Ordering Information (continued) V2410B, 2410B-FW Blank End Fitting V2411M, 2411M-FW Right angle turns on same surface. 1 29/32" [49mm] Closes off open end of 2400 series Raceway. Flat Elbow 1 3/16" [30mm] V2410C, 2410C-FW 2 11/16" [68mm] 1 7/8" [48mm] 2 1/8" [54mm] Entrance End Fitting Feeds 2400 series Raceway. Includes 1/2" and 3/4" trade size KOs on end and bottom. Additional 1/2" trade size KOs on each side. V2410DFO, 2410DFO-FW 3 15/16" [100mm] V2415FO, 2415FO-FW 5 7/8" [149mm] 4 7/8" [124mm] Divided Entrance End Fitting Feeds 2400 & 2400D series Raceway. Has 1/2", 3/4", and 1" trade size KOs on back and end. Removable divider and radiused insert included. 4 3/4" [121mm] 2 7/8" [73mm] 7 1/8" [181mm] For branches at right angles. Provides 2" [51mm] cable bend radius control for fiber optic and uTP/sTP cable installations. Couplings included. 8" [203mm] 10" [254mm] V2415M, 2415M-FW Radiused Tee Tee For branching raceway at right angles. Two couplings included. 4" [102mm] V2410FC, 2410FC-FW STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS Full Capacity Entrance End Fitting 2 1/4" [57mm] 2 5/8" [67mm] Feeds 2400 series Raceway. Has 3/4" and 1" concentric trade size KOs located on each side. Radiused Internal Elbow 4" [102mm] 3" [76mm] V2411FO, 2411FO-FW 3/8" [9.5mm] V2417FO, 2417FO-FW 6 1/2" [165mm] 5 1/2" [140mm] Radiused Flat Elbow 90° flat corner elbow provides 2" [51mm] cable bend radius control for fiber optic and uTP/sTP cable installations. Ideal for lay-in or pull-through installations. Couplings included. 40 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 90° internal corner elbow provides 2" [51mm] cable bend radius control for fiber optic and uTP/sTP cable installations. Two couplings included. V2417M, 2417M-FW 1 3/4" [45mm] Internal Elbow Inside 90° angle turns. 1 29/32" [49mm] WIREMOLD 2400 SERIES™ RACEWAY 2400 Series Raceway Fittings Ordering Information (continued) V2418FO, 2418FO-FW Radiused External Elbow 90° external elbow provides 2” [51mm] cable bend radius control for fiber optic and uTP/ sTP cable installations. Two couplings included. 5" [127mm] V2418M, 2418M-FW Downward Extron® MAAP Device Plate Accepts two Extron® Electronics MAAP single space modules. 4 3/4" [121mm] 2 1/8" [54mm] External Elbow 90° external corners. 1 1/4" [32mm] V24DWNU, 24DWNU-FW V24DWNS, 24DWNS-FW Downward Ortronics® Series II Device Plate Accepts one Ortronics® series II module. 4 3/4" [121mm] 2 1/8" [54mm] 3" [76mm] 1 29/32" [49mm] Lamp Holder Medium base lamp holder 660w, 250V. Black general purpose phenolic. 1 9/16" [40mm] V24DWND, 24DWND-FW Downward Duplex Device Bracket 2 1/8" [54mm] Labor saving, over-the-raceway device bracket. Accepts 15A or 20A duplex receptacles or 106 style data frame. Extra Deep Device Box One-gang device box with extra depth to allow installation of cabling that requires greater bend 2 3/4" [70mm] radius and storage. Cover has one twistout for 2400 series Raceway on each side and one twistout for 500 and 700 series Raceway on the top and bottom. Accepts industry standard faceplates for electrical and communication devices. 4 5/8" [117mm] 5" [127mm] 4 3/4" [120mm] V2444, 2444-FW 2 7/8" [73mm] V2444D, 2444D-FW 4 5/8" [117mm] V24DWNR, 24DWNR-FW Device Box One-gang labor saving, over-theraceway device box. Cover has twistout on each side for 2400 series Raceway. Accepts industry standard faceplates for electrical and communication devices. Downward Decorator Device Bracket 4 3/4" [121mm] 2 1/8" [54mm] Labor saving, over-the-raceway device bracket. Accepts 15A or 20A decorator receptacles, GFCI receptacle, or 106 style data frame. 2 3/4" [70mm] 2 7/8" [73mm] NOTE: One-gang device boxes accept NEMA single-gang standard faceplates. Two-gang device boxes accept NEMA double-gang standard faceplates. NOTE: Parts identified with this symbol are Certified to Canadian Safety Standards for sale in Canada. When ordering these products, add “C” to the color prefix to deNOTE the Canadian versions, i.e “CV2444”. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS V2426, 2426-FW 41 WIREMOLD 2400 SERIES™ RACEWAY 2400 Series Raceway Fittings Ordering Information (continued) V2451H, 2451H-FW V2444-2, 2444-2FW Extra Deep Device Box Two-gang device box with extra 4 3/4" depth to allow installation of [121mm] cabling that requires greater bend radius and storage. Cover 2 3/4" [70mm] has twistout on all four sides for 2400 series Raceway. Base has knockout to enable extension from existing single-gang flush wall box and 1/2" and 1" concentric trade size KOs. Accepts industry standard faceplates for electrical and communication devices. Feeds 2400 series Raceway from an existing outlet box. Includes 1/2" trade size male bushing and lock nut washer for grounding. 4 3/4" [121mm] V2444-2LS, 2444-2LSFW Device Box Two-gang labor saving, over-theraceway device box. Cover has twistout on all four side for 2400 series Raceway. Accepts industry standard faceplates for electrical and communication devices. 2 3/4" [70mm] 4 1/2" [114mm] 4 1/2" [114mm] V2475D, 2475D-FW 5 9/16" [140mm] 2 7/8" [73mm] V2489 Side Reducing Connector 2" [51mm] STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS 42 2 7/8" [73mm] V2448-2, 2448-2FW 4 3/4" [121mm] Connects 2400 series Raceway with 500 series Raceway. Device Box One-gang device box. Cover has twistout for 2400 series Raceway on each side and one twistout for 500 and 700 series Raceway on the top and bottom. Base has 1 3/4" [44mm] knockout to enable extension from existing single-gang, flush wall box and 1/2" trade size KOs. Accepts industry standard faceplates for electrical and communication devices. 4 5/8" [117mm] Bridge Fitting Allows 2400 series Raceway runs to bridge over existing installations of 2400, 500, and 700 series Raceways. 1 7/8" [48mm] 4 3/4" [121mm] V2448, 2448-FW Back Feed Fitting 4 3/4" [121mm] 1 3/4" [44mm] V2489TB 4 5/8" [117mm] Transition Box 2 7/8" [173mm] 1 3/4" [44mm] 2100 Device Box Two-gang device box. Cover has twistouts on all four sides for 2400 series Raceway. Base has knockout to enable extension from existing single-gang, flush wall box and 1/2" trade size KOs. Accepts industry standard faceplates for electrical and communication devices. NOTE: Parts identified with this symbol are Certified to Canadian Safety Standards for sale in Canada. When ordering these products, add “C” to the color prefix to denote the Canadian versions, i.e “CV2444”. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD Connects existing installations of 2100 series Raceway to 2400 series Raceway. 2400 2686FO Transition Feed Fitting Eliminates need to offset 2400 series Raceway when connecting with surface panel boxes. Has 3/4" and 1" 3 5/8" concentric trade size KOs with [92mm] 1" trade size KO elongated so adjustment from surface to center of bushing is 1" [25mm] minimum to 1 5/8" [41mm] maximum. Has twistouts for transition to 1500 and 2600 series Pancake Raceways. 2 1/2" [63mm] WIREMOLD 2400 SERIES™ RACEWAY 2400 Series Raceway Fittings Ordering Information (continued) 2" [51mm] Reducing Connector 1 5/8" [41mm] V2427GT 20A Duplex Receptacle 3-wire 125V NEMA 5-20R receptacle. Includes 10-1/2" [267mm] pigtails and inline splice connectors. Also available in fog white (2427GT-Fw). Connects 4000 series Raceway to 2400 series Raceway. 4 3/4" [121mm] 2 1/16" [52mm] V2427GA 4 1/2" [114mm] 15A Duplex Receptacle 3-wire 125V NEMA 5-15R receptacle. Includes 10-1/2" [267mm] pigtails and inline splice connectors. Also available in fog white (2427GA-Fw). V2407-2CM, 2407-2CMFW 106 Device Bracket & Frame For installing two network wiring keystone device modules in 2400 series Raceway. Does not accept Quad 106 Frame. 2 1/16" [52mm] IG2427GT 4 1/2" [114mm] 20A Isolated Ground Duplex Receptacle 2 1/16" [52mm] 3-wire 125V NEMA 5-20R orange receptacle. Includes 10-1/2" [267mm] pigtails and inline splice connectors. Also available in fog white (IG2427GT-Fw). 6" [152mm] V2407-2TJ, 2407-2TJFW 106 Device Bracket & Frame For installing two Ortronics® TracJack device modules in 2400 series Raceway. Does not accept Quad 106 Frame. 2 1/16" [52mm] IG2427GA 4 1/2" [114mm] 15A Isolated Ground Duplex Receptacle 3-wire 125V NEMA 5-15R orange receptacle. Includes 10-1/2" [267mm] pigtails and inline splice connectors. Also available in fog white (IG2427GA-Fw). 2 1/16" [52mm] 6" [152mm] V2407-3TJ, 2407-3TJFW 106 Device Bracket & Frame For installing three Ortronics® TracJack device modules in 2400 series Raceway. Does not accept Quad 106 Frame. 2 1/16" [52mm] 2 1/16" [52mm] 4 1/2" [114mm] IWE-S, DVWE-S Spray Paint used for touching up large areas. Contains 12 oz.of paint. Available in ivory (IwE-s) and fog white (DVwE-s). NOTE: Can only be shipped via ground transportation 6" [152mm] IWE-P, DVWE-P Touch-Up Paint Pen STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS V4089 used for touching up small areas. Contains 0.3 oz.of paint. Available in ivory (IwE-P) and fog white (DVwE-P). 43 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD 2400D® SERIES RACEWAY Dual channel version of 2400 series Raceway. Easy-to-install and ideal for basic power and communication/low voltage installations in classrooms, hotels, and anywhere a low profile raceway solution is needed. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Raceway: File E4376 Guide RJBT. Fittings: File E41751 Guide RJPR. Meets Article 386 of NEC. Meets section 12-1600 of CEC. 2400D Series Raceway System Layout for Power & Data E H C L STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS F 44 A J K I D B A G NOTE: Illustrations are for showing product applications only. KEY A. B. C. D. E. F. G. 2400D 2400 series Divided Raceway 2411DFO Radiused Divided Flat Elbow 2410DFO Divided Entrance End Fitting 2415DFO Radiused Divided Tee 2417DFO Radiused Divided Internal Elbow 2418DFO Divided External Elbow 2444 One-Gang Extra Deep Device Box COLOR OPTIONS H. 2444D One-Gang Device Box I. 2444D-2A Two-Gang Divided Device Box J. 24DwND Downward Duplex Device Bracket 24DwNR Downward Decorator Device Bracket K. 4089 Reducing Connector L. u4000 series Raceway 2400 series™ Raceway Part Numbers with a “V” prefix have an ivory finish. Part Numbers with a “-Fw” suffix have a fog white finish. Custom color options are also available. Consult the factory for more information. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD 2400D SERIES™ RACEWAY 2400D Series Raceway Wire Fill Capacities for Communications 2400D Series Raceway Wire Fill Capacities for Power CABLE/ wIRE sIZE O.D. (APPROX. DIA.) Inches [mm] 1/3 COMP 40% FILL uNsHIELDED 4-pair, 24 AwG, TwIsTED PAIR Cat 3 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 5e 0.190 [4.8] 5 12 0.210 [5.3] 4 9 4-pair,24 AwG, Cat 6 0.250 [6.3] 3 7 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6a* 0.354 [9.0] 1 3 25-pair, 24 AwG 0.410 [10.4] 1 2 COAXIAL RG6/u Fiber ZipCord 2/3 COMP 40% FILL 0.270 [6.9] 2 6 0.118 x 0.236 [3 x 6] 5 12 Round 4 strand Fiber 0.187 [4.8] 5 12 Round 6 strand Fiber 0.256 [6.5] 2 6 wIRE sIZE THHN/THwN 14 AwG 12 AwG 10 AwG O.D. Inches 0.111 0.130 0.164 [mm] [2.8] [3.3] [4.2] NuMBER OF CONDuCTORs (40%) 1/3 COMP 2/3 COMP 11 26 9 19 6 11 NOTE: For additional information, refer to the Technical Section. * Category 6 augmented (6a) cable for 10 gigabit ethernet – max allowed cable diameter per addenda No. 11 ANsI TIA/EIA 568-B.2. 2400D Series Raceway Ordering Information Divided Raceway Base .040" [1.0mm] steel. Divided into two compartments (1/3 and 2/3 capacity). Packed ten 10' [3.0m] lengths per carton. 1 29/32" [48mm] V2400C, 2400C-FW 624BCK Case hard steel replacement blades and die set for 624 Cutter. IWE-S, DVWE-S .040" [1.0mm] steel. Packed twenty 5’ [1.5m] lengths per carton. 624 Spray Paint used for touching up large areas. Contains 12 oz.of paint. Available in ivory (IwE-s) and fog white (DVwE-s). Raceway Cover 1 29/32" [48mm] Replacement Blade Kit NOTE: Can only be shipped via ground transportation IWE-P, DVWE-P 2400 Series Raceway Base & Cover Cutter Touch-Up Paint Pen used for touching up small areas. Contains 0.3 oz.of paint. Available in ivory (IwE-P) and fog white (DVwE-P). Portable cutter for 2400 & 2400D series Raceway Base and Cover. Provides a clean and easy, square cut every time. 2400D Series Raceway Fittings Ordering Information 2400WC Wire Clip Additional support for conductors (nonmetallic). 1" [25mm] 2401D 2" [51mm] Divided Coupling Joins lengths of 2400BD Divided Base. STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS V2400BD, 2400BD-FW 45 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD 2400D SERIES™ RACEWAY 2400D Series Raceway Fittings Ordering Information (continued) V2406, 2406-FW Cover Clip Covers seam where two lengths of 2400D series Raceway come together (nonmetallic). V2411DFO, 2411DFO-FW Radiused Divided Flat Elbow 3/8" [9.5mm] 6 1/2" [165mm] 1 1/2" [38mm] 5 1/2" [140mm] V2410BD, 2410BD-FW Divided Blank End Fitting Closes off open end of 2400D series Raceway. 90° flat elbow with integral dividers. Provides 2" [51mm] full capacity cable bend radius control for fiber optic and uTP/sTP cable installations. Ideal for lay-in or pull-through installations. Two couplings included. V2415DFO, 2415DFO-FW Radiused Divided Tee 8" [203mm] 1 3/16" [30mm] 10" [254mm] V2410D, 2410D-FW Divided Entrance End Fitting 2 1/4" [57mm] 3" [76mm] 2 5/8" [67mm] Feeds 2400D series Raceway. Back has two 1/2" trade size KOs and two rectangular KOs for communication cabling. Additional 1" and 3/4" concentric trade size KO on each side. 4 7/8" [124mm] 5 7/8" [149mm] V2417D, 2417D-FW For branching raceway at right angles. Provides 2" [51mm] cable bend radius control for fiber optic and uTP/sTP cable installations. Couplings included. Divided Internal Elbow Internal 90° corners. 1 3/4" [45mm] 1 29/32" [49mm] V2410DFO, 2410DFO-FW STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS Divided Entrance End Fitting 4 3/4" [121mm] 2 7/8" [73mm] 7 1/8" [181mm] Feeds 2400 & 2400D series Raceway. Includes 1/2", 3/4", and 1" trade size KOs on back and end. Removable/ adjustable divider and radiused insert included V2411D, 2411D-FW 1 29/32" [49mm] V2417DFO, 2417DFO-FW Radiused Divided Internal Elbow 4" [102mm] Divided Flat Elbow Right angle turns on the same surface. V2418DFO, 2418DFO-FW Radiused Divided External Elbow 5" [127mm] 3 15/16" [100mm] 46 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 90° internal corner provides 2" [51mm] cable bend radius control for fiber optic and uTP/sTP cable installations. Two couplings included. 90° external elbow provides 2" [51mm] cable bend radius control for fiber optic and uTP/sTP cable installations. Two couplings included. WIREMOLD 2400D SERIES™ RACEWAY 2400D Series Raceway Fittings Ordering Information (continued) Downward Duplex Device Bracket 4 3/4" [120mm] 2 1/8" [54mm] V2444D, 2444D-FW Labor saving, over-theraceway device bracket. Accepts 15A or 20A duplex receptacles or 106 style data frame. 4 5/8" [117mm] 2 3/4" [70mm] V24DWNR, 24DWNR-FW Downward Decorator Device Bracket 4 3/4" [120mm] 2 1/8" [54mm] Labor saving, over-theraceway device bracket. Accepts 15A or 20A decorator receptacles, GFCI receptacle, or 106 style data frame. V2444D-2A, 2444D-2AFW Divided Device Box Divided, two-gang, labor saving over-the-raceway device box. Allows both power and low voltage at a single point-of-use. Accepts 5507 series Faceplates, Ortronics® TracJack & series II Modules (requires s2-EPL Plate), Pass & seymour® Activate series Inserts (requires CM-EPLA Plate), and wiremold Open system Communication Modules (requires CM-EPLA Plate). 2 3/4" [70mm] V24DWNU, 24DWNU-FW Downward Device Plate 2 1/8" [54mm] Accepts two Extron® Electronics MAAP single space modules. V2444D-2N, 2444D-2NFW Divided Device Box 4 3/4" [121mm] V24DWNS, 24DWNS-FW One-gang labor saving, over-the-raceway box. Cover has two twistouts for 2400 series Raceway. Accepts industry standard faceplates for electrical and communication devices 2 7/8" [73mm] 4 3/4" [121mm] 4 3/4" [121mm] Device Box 2 3/4" [70mm] 4 3/4" [121mm] Labor saving, over-the-raceway device box. Divided, two-gang box allows both power and low voltage at a single point-of-use. For use with commercially available faceplates. Downward Ortronics® Series II Device Plate 4 3/4" [121mm] 2 1/8" [54mm] Accepts one Ortronics® series II module. V2450, 2450-FW Device Bracket 4 5/8" [118mm] 4 5/8" [118mm] NOTE: Parts identified with this symbol are Certified to Canadian Safety Standards for sale in Canada. When ordering these products, add “C” to the color prefix to denote the Canadian versions, i.e “CV2444” or “C2444-FW”. 3/8" [9.5mm] For use with 2444D-2N. Allows both power and low voltage at a single point-of-use. Accepts 5507 series Faceplates, Ortronics® TracJack & series II Modules (requires s2-EPL Plate), Pass & seymour® Activate series Inserts (requires CM-EPLA Plate), and wiremold Open system Communication Modules (requires CM-EPLA Plate). www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS V24DWND, 24DWND-FW 47 WIREMOLD 2400D SERIES™ RACEWAY 2400D Series Raceway Fittings Ordering Information (continued) V2475D, 2475D-FW Bridge Fitting Allows 2400D series Raceway runs to bridge over existing installations of 2400, 2400D, 500, and 700 series Raceways. 5 9/16" [140mm] 1 7/8" [48mm] IWE-S, DVWE-S Spray Paint used for touching up large areas. Contains 12 oz.of paint. Available in ivory (IwE-s) and fog white (DVwE-s). NOTE: Can only be shipped via ground transportation IWE-P, DVWE-P 2 7/8" [74mm] V4089 2" [51mm] Reducing Connector 1 5/8" [41mm] Connects 4000 series Raceway to 2400D series Raceway. Touch-Up Paint Pen used for touching up small areas. Contains 0.3 oz. of paint. Available in ivory (IwE-P) and fog white (DVwE-P). 4 3/4" [121mm] 5507 Series Faceplates Ordering Information 5507AD, 5507AD-FW Modular Furniture Adapter STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS Covers Activate modular furniture adapter and other modular furniture adapters. Not for use with decorator (rectangular) style devices. 5507B, 5507B-FW Blank Faceplate Covers unused compartments in the device bracket. 5507D, 5507D-FW Duplex Faceplate Covers duplex style devices including 106 Frame. 48 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 5507R, 5507R-FW Rectangular Faceplate Covers rectangular decorator style devices. 5507SW, 5507SW-FW Switch Faceplate Covers standard toggle switches. 5507T1, 5507T1-FW Single Receptacle Faceplate Covers single receptacles 1.59" [40.4mm] diameter. WIREMOLD 2400D SERIES™ RACEWAY 5507 Series Faceplates Ordering Information (continued) 5507AAP Single Receptacle Faceplate Extron® AAP Faceplate Metal faceplate for use with two Extron® Electronics AAP single space modules. Also available in white (wH), gray (G), black (BK) and fog white (Fw). Covers single receptacles 1.41" [35.8mm] diameter. 5507MAAP 5507RJ, 5507RJ-FW Dual RJ11/RJ45 Connector Faceplate Extron® MAAP Faceplate Metal faceplate for use with four Extron® Electronics MAAP single space modules. Also available in white (wH), gray (G), black (BK) and fog white (Fw). Accepts one or two keystone device modules. Has one keystone opening and a KO for the other. CM-EPLA, CM-EPLA-FW 5507FRJ, 5507FRJ-FW Mounts Pass & seymour® Activate and wiremold Open system communication modules into 5507 opening. Includes two outlet identification labels with clear covers and two matching screw covers. Flush Dual RJ11/RJ45 Connector Faceplate Accepts one or two keystone device modules, recessed to provide a flush installation. Has one keystone opening and a KO for the other. 5507-4TJ, 5507-4TJFW S2-EPL, S2-EPL-FW 5507AVIP Ortronics® Faceplate Accepts six Ortronics® TracJack Devices. End Plates Mounts Ortronics® series II modules into 5507 opening. Includes two outlet identification labels with clear covers and two matching screw covers. Ortronics® Faceplate Accepts four Ortronics® TracJack Devices. 5507-6TJ, 5507-6TJFW End Plates Legrand AAVIP Faceplate Metal faceplate for use with four Legrand AVIP Interface Plates. Also available in white (wH), gray (G), black (BK) and fog white (Fw). NOTE: All 5507 Series Faceplates have standard dimensions of 4 1/4" x 1 7/8" [108mm x 34mm]. STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS 5507T2, 5507T2-FW 49 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD 3000® SERIES RACEWAY single-Channel Raceway. Easy-to-install and ideal for basic power or communication/low voltage installations. wellsuited for labs, hospitals, or anywhere that requires the capacity of a medium size raceway. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Raceway: File E4376 Guide RJBT. Fittings: File E41751 Guide RJPR. Meets Article 386 of NEC. Meets section 12-1600 of CEC. System Layout M N L D H K 0 O J A STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS G 50 F I B E C NOTE: Illustration is for showing product applications only. KEY 3010B Blank End Fitting 3011E 90° Flat Elbow 3015E Tee Fitting 3017TCE Internal Corner Coupling E. 3018AE External Corner Coupling A. B. C. D. COLOR OPTIONS F. 3027AE single Receptacle Cover G. 3033JE single Receptacle Cover H. 3036HE Blank Cover I. 3043GE Duplex Grounding Receptacle & Cover J. 3044-2 Extra Deep switch & Receptacle Box K. 3046KD Circuit Breaker Housing L. 3082 Conduit Connector 3000® series Raceway Part Numbers with a “V” prefix have an ivory finish. Part Numbers with a “G” prefix have a gray finish. Custom color options are also available. Consult the factory for more information. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD M. 4074A Take Off Connector – 4000 to 3000 series Raceway N. 4000 series Raceway O. CONDuIT 1/2" [12.7mm] Flexible Metal Conduit WIREMOLD 3000 SERIES® RACEWAY 3000 Series Raceway Wire Fill Capacities for Communications O.D. (APPROX. DIA.) Inches [mm] CABLE/wIRE sIZE uNsHIELDED TwIsTED PAIR 40% FILL 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 3 0.190 [4.8] 52 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 5e 0.210 [5.3] 42 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6 0.250 [6.3] 30 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6a* 0.354 [9.0] 15 25-pair, 24 AwG 0.410 [10.4] 11 COAXIAL RG6/u Fiber ZipCord 0.270 [6.9] 25 0.118 x 0.236 [3 x 6] 53 Round 4 strand Fiber 0.187 [4.8] 53 Round 6 strand Fiber 0.256 [6.5] 28 3000 Series Raceway Wire Fill Capacities for Power wIRE sIZE THHN/THwN 14 AwG 12 AwG 10 AwG 8 AwG 6 AwG O.D. Inches 0.111 0.130 0.164 0.216 0.254 wITHOuT DEVICEs 152 111 70 40 29 [mm} [2.8] [3.3] [4.2] [5.5] [6.5] NuMBER OF CONDuCTORs (40% FILL) wITH suRGE/ LARGE sINGLE wITH DuPLEX GFCI DEVICEs RECEPTACLEs RECT. DEVICEs 2.30in.2 [1485mm2] 3.00in.2 [1935mm2] 1.59in.2 [1025mm2] 70 40 28 51 29 21 32 18 13 18 10 7 13 7 5 NOTE: For additional information, refer to the Technical Section. * Category 6 augmented (6a) cable for 10 gigabit ethernet – max allowed cable diameter per addenda No. 11 ANsI TIA/EIA 568-B.2. 3000 Series Raceway Ordering Information 1 15/32" [37mm] 2 3/4" [70mm] Raceway Base .040" [1.0mm] steel, Packed in ten 10' [3m] lengths, 100' [31m] per carton. Base sections have predrilled 1/2" and 3/4" trade size entrance KOs and 9/32" [7.1mm] diameter mounting screw KOs on approx. 9 3/8" [238mm] centers. V3000CE, G3000CE Raceway Cover V3000C195, G3000C195 19.5" [495mm] Precut Raceway Cover For mounting devices 24" [610mm] on center using 3027AE,3033JE, 3036HE, 3040CE, 3043, 3046, 3048R, and 3051LE series Device Plates. 630B Raceway Base Cutter Portable cutter for 3000 series Raceway Base. Provides clean and easy square cuts. .040" [1.0mm] steel. Packed in twenty 5' [1.5m] lengths, 100' [31m] per carton. V3000C075, G3000C075 7.5" [191mm] Precut Raceway Cover For mounting devices 12" [305mm] on center using 3027AE,3033JE, 3036HE, 3040CE, 3043, 3046, 3048R, and 3051LE series Device Plates. 630BDK Replacement Blade Kit Case hard steel replacement blades and die set for 630B Cutter. STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS V3000B, G3000B 51 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD 3000 SERIES® RACEWAY 3000 Series Raceway Ordering Information (continued) 630C Raceway Cover Cutter Portable cutter for 3000 series Raceway Cover. Provides clean and easy square cuts. G3007C Device Bracket Mounts standard after-market devices into 3000 series Raceway. Accepts single-gang devices with 3.281" [95mm] mounting centers. use with commercially available flush plates (not included). 3 9/32" [83mm] 4 1/2" [115mm] 630CDK Replacement Blade Kit G3008C C-Hanger Case hard steel replacement blades and die set for 630C Cutter. G3000WC Wire Clip (Galvanized) suspends 3000 series Raceway from structural ceilings. Designed for use with 3/8" [9.5mm] threaded rod. Hangers should be installed no more than 5' [1.5m] apart along raceway run. 5 5/16" [135mm] 4 1/8" [105mm] Holds conductors in place. G3008C C-Hanger can be mounted back-toback for double run of 3000 Series Raceway. 1" [25mm] G3008C 3000 Series Raceway G3008C G3001 Coupling (Galvanized) V3010AE, G3010AE 1 3/8" [35mm] Joins lengths of 3000 series Raceway. 2 3/4" [70mm] 1 7/16" [37mm] 5/8" [15.9mm] 2 1/4" [57mm] STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS G3001A 6" [152mm] Joins lengths of 3000 series Raceway in installations where added rigidity is required, such as when raceway is suspended overhead. 3 7/16" [87mm] 5/8" [15.9mm] V3010B, G3010B 1 3/8" [35mm] 1 7/16" [37mm] V3003, G3003 Supporting Clip supports lengths of 3000 series Raceway at any point along length. Mounts with #8 flat head fasteners. Includes set screw for locking to raceway. 3/4" [19.1mm] 2 13/16" [72mm] V3006E, G3006E 2 13/16" [72mm] 52 Rigid Inside Coupling (Galvanized) 1 3/8" [35mm] 3/4" [19.1mm] Cover Clip Covers seam where two pieces of 3000 series Raceway Cover come together. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 1 7/8" [48mm] Entrance End Fitting Connects 3000 series Raceway to 1/2" trade size conduit and armored cable connectors. 1/2" trade size KOs on end and each side of fitting. Can be connected to conduit boxes by using 1/2" chase nipple. Blank End Fitting Closes off open end of 3000 series Raceway. Has concentric 1/2" and 3/4" trade size KOs. 2 3/4" [70mm] V3010C, G3010C Connects 3000 series Raceway to rigid or flexible conduit. Concentric 1/2", 3/4" and 1" trade size KOs on end and each side. 2 1/8" [54mm] 2" [51mm] 1" [25mm] 1 3/8" [35mm] Entrance End Fitting 4 1/4" [108mm] 1 1/16" [27mm] WIREMOLD 3000 SERIES® RACEWAY 3000 Series Raceway Ordering Information (continued) V3011E, G3011E Right angle turns on the same surface. 6" [152mm] Each Leg V3014C, G3014C used for touching up small areas. Contains 0.3 oz.of paint. Available in ivory (IwE-P) and gray (GwE-P). V3018AE, G3018AE Wall Box Connector 2 7/8" [73mm] External Corner Coupling Right angle turns around external corners. 1 1/4" [32mm] Connects 3000 series Raceway from flushed-in wall box. 8" [203mm] Touch-Up Paint Pen Use with G3017TCE to offset around columns etc. (minimum 4" [102mm] offset). 2 3/4" [70mm] 4" [102mm] V3015E, G3015E V3027AE, G3027AE Tee Fitting For branching raceway at right angles. Three couplings included. 8" [203mm] Single Receptacle Cover Installs commercially available straight blade and locking single receptacles with face diameters of 1.38"-1.40" [35mm-36mm] into 3000 series Raceway. G3007C Device Bracket included. 4 1/2" [114mm] 1.41" [36mm] Dia. 10 1/4" [260mm] V3017TCE, G3017TCE V3028, G3028 Internal Corner Coupling For surfaces at right angles, or for use as a straight-through fitting. solid leg of base has concentric 1/2" and 3/4" trade size KOs. 2 3/4" [70mm] 1 7/8" [47mm] G3017TCE 6 3/8" [162mm] Sq. G3017TCE used as a straight-through fitting. Utility Box used as a tee, cross, junction box, or for branch circuit extensions in 3000 series Raceway. Cover has raceway twistouts on all sides. Base has five 1/2” trade size KOs and four fixture mounting holes. V3033JE, G3033JE Single Receptacle Cover THHN, THwN #6 AwG 13 #8 AwG 18 IWE-S, GWE-S #10 AwG 24 #12 AwG 55 #14 AwG 75 4 1/2" [114mm] Spray Paint used for touching up large areas. Contains 12 oz.of paint. Available in ivory (IwE-s) and gray (GwE-s). NOTE: Can only be shipped via ground transportation NOTE: Parts identified with this symbol are Certified to Canadian Safety Standards for sale in Canada. When ordering these products, change the “V” color prefix to “CV” or the “G” color prefix to “CG” to denote the Canadian versions. 1.58" [40mm] Dia. Installs commercially available straight blade and locking single receptacles with face diameters of 1.56"-1.57" (approximately [40mm]) into 3000 series Raceway. G3007C Device Bracket included. V3036HE, G3036HE 4 1/2" [114mm] Blank Cover use as a blank cover or tap off KO in center of plate for 1/2" trade size conduit. G3007C Device Bracket included. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS 4" [102mm] Each Leg IWE-P, GWE-P Flat Elbow Fitting 53 WIREMOLD 3000 SERIES® RACEWAY 3000 Series Raceway Ordering Information (continued) V3040CE, G3040CE 4 1/2" [114mm] Switch Cover Installs commercially available singlepole, two-pole, three-way or four-way switches into 3000 series Raceway. G3007C Device Bracket included. V3043BE, G3043BE 6" [152mm] 1 15/16" [49mm] Installs commercially available 15A and 20A duplex receptacles or 106 style data frame into 3000 series Raceway. G3007C Device Bracket included. Installs commercially available 15A-125V (NEMA-15R) grounding receptacles into 3000 series Raceway. Grounding receptacle included. 2 3/4" [70mm] Extra Deep Switch & Receptacle Box STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS 2 7/8" [73mm] 54 6 3/8" [162mm] 2 3/4" [70mm] Two-gang. For standard 30A, 50A, and 60A receptacles. Four sides of cover have one set of combination twistouts for 3000 series Raceway. Hole cut in cover: 3 3/4" x 2 7/8" [95mm x 73mm]. Base has five 1/2" trade size KOs. V3046BE, G3046BE Duplex Receptacle Cover Installs commercially available 15A and 20A duplex receptacles or 106 style data frame into 3000 series Raceway. 5 3/8" [137mm] V3046H-2, G3046H-2 4 3/4" [121mm] Mounts square D™ Quik-Gard QOB bolt-on circuit breakers into 3000 series Raceway. Rated up to 50A maximum capacity. Includes square D QON3B Compact Base for single- to three-pole circuit breakers. For GFI breakers, use square D QOB-GFI series. V3046QOU, G3046QOU Circuit Breaker Housing V3044-2, G3044-2 3 3/4" [121mm] Single-pole circuit breaker being mounted on base of G3046KD. Circuit Breaker Housing Duplex Grounding Receptacle Cover 4 1/2" [114mm] Two-pole circuit breaker being mounted on base of G3046KD. V3046KTSQ, G3046KTSQ 7 3/8" [188mm] V3043GE, G3043GE Circuit Breaker Housing Cover used as is with single-pole breaker. KO is removed for two-pole. For twopole circuit breakers where the toggle is center located, web is snipped or cut out. For use with the following breakers rated 50A maximum. General Electric: THQC, THHQC Westinghouse: Quicklag C, QCH. Duplex Receptacle Cover 4 1/2" [114mm] V3046KD, G3046KD Tap-Off Fitting For feeding out of the bottom of raceway. Has concentric 1/2" and 3/4" trade size KOs and twistout for communication cables. Grommet furnished for telephone KO. 7 3/8" [187mm] Mounts square D Type QOu one-, two-, or three-pole breakers, rated up to 50A maximum capacity, into 3000 series Raceway. wire capacity of 3000 series Raceway with G3046KD, KTsQO, QOu circuit breaker housings. THHN, THwN #6 AwG 6 #8 AwG 8 #10 AwG #12 AwG 10 18 #14 AwG 26 V3048R, G3048R Rectangular Decorator Receptacle Cover 4 1/2" [114mm] 1 5/16" [33mm] 2 5/8" [67mm] Installs commercially available 15A and 20A rectangular receptacles into 3000 series Raceway. G3007C Device Bracket included. V3051LE, G3051LE 4 1/2" [115mm] 2 7/8" [67mm] NOTE: Parts identified with this symbol are Certified to Canadian Safety Standards for sale in Canada. When ordering these products, change the “V” color prefix to “CV” or the “G” color prefix to “CG” to deNOTE the Canadian versions. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 1 13/16" 46mm] 2" [51mm] Extension Cover Accepts shallow-type 30A and 50A devices and flush plates. Also Fustat devices sRu, ssu, sRw, sOu and sOw, or equivalent. Deeper devices can be accommodated with a combination of G3051LE and any of the V5700 series single-gang, open base boxes. G3007C Device Bracket included. WIREMOLD 3000 SERIES® RACEWAY 3000 Series Raceway Ordering Information (continued) V3046U, G3046U Bump-Up Extron® MAAP Plate 1 13/32" [36mm] 7 15/16" [185mm] Bump-Up Extron® AAP Plate Device plate for use with two Extron® Electronics AAP single space modules. 1 13/32" [36mm] 7 15/16" [185mm] V3046S, G3046S Bump-Up Ortronics® Series II Plate 1 13/32" [36mm] 2 13/16" [72mm] 2 11/16" [68mm] Connects end of 3000 series Raceway to 1 1/2" trade size conduit or armored cable. 2 13/16" [71mm] V3046V, G3046V 2 13/16" [72mm] Conduit Connector 7 15/16" [185mm] Device plate for use with three Ortronics® series II modules. 6 TracJacks, or wiremold CM series inserts. 3000 Series Raceway Installation Details 1. Determine the method of feeding 3000 Series Raceway Base raceway using an entrance end fitting or through 1/2" or 3/4" trade size KO in raceway Conduit base (shown). Connector 2. To mount 3000 Base on surface: Remove mounting screw KOs (approx. 9 3/8" [238mm] O.C. along base) as required. Mount base with No. 8 3000 Series Raceway Base flathead fasteners. 3. For coupling lengths of 3000B, insert either the G3001 or G3001A (shown) into one base section centered on joint. slide other length of base onto coupling. Tighten locking screws. Mounting Screw KOs Feed KOs 9 3/8" [238mm] Approx. Base Sections DRP20A-V Colormatch Ivory Duplex Receptacle & Plate specification grade rated 20A 125V NEMA 5-20R receptacle with color matched nylon faceplate. Receptacle has nylon face and thermoplastic base. One-piece brass triple-wipe line contacts and double-wipe ground contacts. Locked in wrap-around steel yoke. Break off tab for two circuit wiring. 2.7" w x 4.5" H [69mm x 114mm]. Verified under Fed. spec. #wC596F. DR20A-V, DR20A-G Colormatch Gray or Ivory Receptacle specification grade rated 20A 125V NEMA 5-20R receptacle. Receptacle has nylon face and thermoplastic base. One-piece brass triple-wipe line contacts and double-wipe ground contacts. Locked in wrap-around steel yoke. Break off tab for two circuit wiring. 2.7" w x 4.5" H [69mm x 114mm]. Verified under Fed. spec. #wC596F. 4. To install devices: Install device bracket in 3000 Base. wire device and assemble on bracket. Install cover over 3000 Base and device (if device has plaster ears, break off before mounting Device on device bracket). Bracket 3000 Base Break Off 5. Cut sections of 3000 Cover to fit between device plates. snap cover sections in place along entire run as shown. Device Cover Snap Cover Onto Base Engage One Side Of Cover On Base 3001A STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS 2 13/16" [72mm] Device plate for use with four Extron® Electronics MAAP single space modules. G3082 55 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD DS4000® SERIES RACEWAY Dual-channel raceway with increased capacity due to its unique profile, integral divider and downward facing activations. Ideal for any application that requires a high capacity metal raceway. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Raceway: File E4376 Guide RJBT. Fittings: File E41751 Guide RJPR. Meets Article 386 of NEC. Meets section 12-1600 of CEC. System Layout A I C E F H M J K D L B G STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS > 4" [102mm] Bend Radius 56 universal Downward Facing Device Bracket accommodates industry standard power and data devices while allowing the industry’s largest termination radius. 2 1/4" [57mm] Adjust-to-Fit™ Couplings Allows up to 4" [102mm] of lateral adjustment of Raceway Base to minimize cutting. Obstacle Avoidance Fitting bypasses existing conduits and small raceways mounted on supporting wall. KEY A. B. C. D. E. F. Ds4010A Entrance End Fitting Ds4010B Blank End Fitting Ds4011 90° Flat Elbow Fitting Ds4015 Divided Tee Fitting Ds4017 Internal Elbow Fitting Ds4018 External Elbow Fitting COLOR OPTIONS G. Ds4047C single-Channel NEMA Device Plate H. Ds4047D single-Channel Duplex Device Plate I. Ds4047MAB single-Channel MAB Device Plate J. Ds4047R single-Channel Decorator Device Plate K. Ds4075 small Obstacle Transition Fitting L. Ds4075A Offset Fitting M. DsDwND Downward Duplex Device Plate DsDwNR Downward Decorator Device Plate Ds4000® Raceway Part Numbers with a “DV” suffix have a fog white finish. Part Numbers with a “DG” suffix have a gray finish. Part Numbers with a “BK” suffix have an black finish. Custom color options are also available. Consult the factory for more information. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD DS4000® SERIES RACEWAY DS4000 Series Raceway Wire Fill Capacities for Power O.D. wIRE sIZE THHN/THwN 14 AwG NuMBER OF CONDuCTORs (40%) PER COMPARTMENT wITH suRGE/ wITH LARGE sINGLE wITH DuPLEX GFCI DEVICEs RECEPTACLEs RECT. DEVICEs 2 2 2 2 2.30in. [1485mm ] 3.00in.2 [1935mm2] 1.59in. [1025mm ] 40% FILL wITH DOwNwARD ACTIVATION/CROssOVER Inches [mm} wITHOuT DEVICEs 0.111 [2.8] 206 141 111 83 46 12 AwG 0.130 [3.3] 150 103 81 60 33 10 AwG 0.164 [4.2] 95 64 51 38 21 8 AwG 0.216 [5.5] 54 37 29 22 12 6 AwG 0.254 [6.5] 39 27 21 15 8 DS4000 Series Raceway Wire Fill Capacities for Communications O.D. [Approx. Dia.] uNsHIELDED TwIsTED PAIR Prewired DS4000 Raceway Cover Wire Fill Capacities with Downward Facing Power & Communication Devices CABLE/wIRE sIZE Inches [mm] 40% FILL EACH COMPARTMENT 40% FILL wITH DOwNwARD ACTIVATION/ CROssOVER 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 3 0.190 [4.8] 70 28 wIRE sIZE THHN/THwN Inches [mm] 40% FILL 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 5e 0.210 [5.3] 57 23 14 AwG 0.111 [2.8] 31 12 AwG 0.130 [3.3] 23 10 AwG 0.164 [4.2] 14 8 AwG 0.216 [5.5] 8 6 AwG 0.254 [6.5] 6 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6 0.250 [6.3] 40 16 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6a* 0.354 [9.0] 20 8 25-pair, 24 AwG 0.410 [10.4] 15 6 COAXIAL RG6/u 0.270 [6.9] 35 14 FIBER ZipCord 0.118 x 0.236 [3 x 6] 72 29 Round 4 strand Fiber 0.187 [4.8] 73 29 Round 6 strand Fiber 0.256 [6.5] 38 15 NOTE : For additional information, refer to the Technical Section. * Category 6 augmented [6a] cable for 10 gigabit ethernet – max allowed cable diameter per addenda No. 11 ANsI TIA/EIA 568-B.2. O.D. (Approx. Dia.) NOTE: Prewired downward facing covers are punched in line for a sleek flush look. Power conductors are provided in the lower channel. Additional wires can be added and should not exceed totals above. Communications are to be installed in the top channel refer to standard cable fill chart for capacities. DS4000 Series Raceway Fittings Wire Fill Capacities Inches 14 THHN [2.8] Ds4010A* Ds4011 Ds4015 Ds4017** Ds4018** Ds4075 Ds4075A** 40% 60% 40% 60% 40% 60% 40% 60% 40% 60% 40% 60% 40% 60% 125 187 171 256 62 93 160 238 142 213 106 160 142 213 156 12 0.130 [3.3] 91 137 125 187 45 68 116 175 104 156 78 116 104 10 0.164 [4.2] 57 86 78 118 28 43 73 110 65 98 49 73 65 98 8 0.216 [5.5] 33 50 45 68 16 25 42 63 38 57 28 42 38 57 6 uTP 0.111 [mm] 4-pair, 24 AwG 0.254 [6.5] 24 36 33 49 12 18 31 46 27 41 20 31 27 41 0.150 [4.8] 68 103 94 140 49 74 87 131 78 117 58 87 78 117 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 3 0.190 [4.8] 43 64 58 87 31 46 55 82 49 73 36 55 49 73 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 5e 0.210 (5.3) 35 52 48 72 25 38 45 67 40 60 30 45 40 60 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6 0.250 (6.3) 25 37 34 51 18 27 32 47 28 42 21 32 28 42 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6a* 0.354 (9.0) 12 18 17 25 9 13 16 24 14 21 10 16 14 21 25-pair, 24 AwG 0.410 (10.4) 12 18 16 24 9 13 15 23 14 20 10 15 14 20 COAXIAL RG6/u FIBER ZipCord 0.270 0.118 x 0.236 [6.9] 21 32 29 43 15 23 27 41 24 36 18 27 24 36 [3 x 6] 44 65 59 89 31 47 56 83 50 74 37 56 50 74 Round 4 strand Fiber 0.187 [4.8] 44 66 60 90 32 48 56 85 50 75 38 56 50 75 Round 6 strand Fiber 0.256 [6.5] 24 35 32 48 17 26 30 45 27 40 20 30 27 40 * Entrance end fitting fill rate is calculated using backfeed capability and radius inserts. Inserts are removable and fitting can obtain maximum raceway fill from utilizing end fitting knockouts and removing radius control inserts. ** Calculated using radius control inserts. Inserts are factory installed and may be removed in order to obtain full raceway capacity if radius control is not required. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS O.D. (APPROX. DIA.) wIRE sIZE/THHN 57 WIREMOLD DS4000® SERIES RACEWAY DS4000 Series Raceway Ordering Information (continued) DS4000B Raceway Base .040" [1.0mm] galvanized steel. Each base section has mounting holes, two 9/32" [7.1mm] diameter, located every 4" [102mm] and pass through KOs located every 8" [203mm] along the entire length. Packed four 10' [3.05m] sections of base per carton. Two Ds4001 Couplings included with each 10' section. 2" [51mm] 5 1/2" [140mm] DS4000C DS4010A Entrance End Fitting 5 3/4" [146mm] 5 5/8" [143mm] 3" [76mm] DS4010B Blank End Fitting Raceway Cover .040" [1.0mm] galvanized steel. Packed eight 5' [1.5m] lengths per carton. Four 5' [1.5m] cover sections required for each 10' [3.05m] section of base. Available in fog white (Ds4000C-DV), black (Ds4000C-BK) and gray (Ds4000CDG). 2 7/8" [73mm] 2 3/16" [56mm] DS4000WC 1 1/16" [27mm] DS4011 Holds conductors in place. 7" [178mm] DS4001 Adjust-to-Fit™ Coupling 7" [178mm] DS4014A STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS 58 DS4006 10" [254mm] DS4015 Seam Clip 5 3/4" [146mm] 1" [25mm] DS4006B 6" [152mm] Half Seam Clip/Blank Faceplate Covers seams where two sections of Ds4000C Cover come together. Can also be used as a blank faceplate. Available in fog white (Ds4006B-DV), black (Ds4006BBK) and gray (Ds4006B-DG). www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD Extra long coupling allows attachment to a wall box or to back feed Ds4000 series Raceway from 1" or 1 1/4" trade size conduit. Divided Tee Covers seam where two sections of Ds4000C come together. Available in fog white (Ds4006DV), black (Ds4006-BK) and gray (Ds4006-DG). 8 1/2" [216mm] 90° flat corner for new lay-in or pull-through installations. One pair of Ds4001 Couplings included. Available in fog white (Ds4011-DV), black (Ds4011-DV) and gray (Ds4011-DG). Backfeed Coupling Joins lengths of Ds4000B together. sold in pairs. 6" [152mm] Closes off open end of Ds4000B Raceway Base Has two 3/4" and 1" trade size KOs. Available in fog white (Ds4010B-DV), black (Ds4010B-BK) and gray (Ds4010B-DG). Flat Elbow Wire Clip 1 5/8" [41mm] Full-capacity end fitting. Includes four 3/4" and 1 1/4" concentric trade size KOs and four 2 1/8" large capacity KOs. Available in fog white (Ds4010A-DV), black (Ds4010A-BK) and gray (Ds4010A-DG). 8 15/16" [227mm] For new lay-in or pull-through installations. Two pair of Ds4001 Couplings included. Two pair of Ds4001 Couplings included. Available in fog white (Ds4015DV), black (Ds4015-BK) and gray (Ds4015-DG). WIREMOLD DS4000® SERIES RACEWAY DS4000 Series Raceway Ordering Information (continued) Internal Elbow 90° Full capacity divided internal elbow that provides a 2" [51mm] cable bend radius for fiber optic/ uTP/sTP installations. One pair of Ds4001 Couplings included. Available in fog white (Ds4017DV), black (Ds4017-BK) and gray (Ds4017-DG). 5 3/4" [146mm] 5 3/4" [146mm] DS4018 3 1/2" [89mm] 3 1/2" [89mm] 6" [152mm] Single-Channel Duplex Device Plate Single-Channel NEMA Device Plate For Turnlok® and most straight blade devices up to 50 Amps. use with commercially available flush plates. Available in fog white (Ds4047CDV), black (Ds4047C-BK) and gray (Ds4047C-DG). DSDWND Downward Duplex Device Plate Installs 15A or 20A duplex receptacles or 106 style data frames into Ds4000 series Raceway. Available in fog white (Ds4047-DV), black (Ds4047-BK) and gray (Ds4047-DG). DS4047DQ DS4047R DS4047C 6" [152mm] 6" [152mm] 6" [152mm] 90° full capacity divided external elbow provides a 2" [51mm] cable bend radius for fiber optic/ uTP/sTP installations. One pair of Ds4001 Couplings included. Available in fog white (Ds4018DV), black (Ds4018-BK) and gray (Ds4018-DG). Installs 15A and 20A duplex receptacles or 106 style data frames into Ds4000 series Raceway in a downward facing, protected position. Also available in fog white (DsDwNDDV), black (DsDwND-BK) and gray (DsDwND-DG). 6" [152mm] Single-Channel Duplex Device Plate with One Duplex Installed Pass & seymour® 20A duplex receptacle with 6" [152mm] lead wires pre-installed on a bracket into Ds4000 series Raceway. Also available in fog white (Ds4047DQDV), black (Ds4047DQ-BK) and gray (Ds4047DQ-DG). Single-Channel Decorator Device Plate Installs 15A or 20A decorator style receptacles, GFCI and surge devices into Ds4000 series Raceway. Available in fog white (Ds4047R-DV), black (Ds4047RBK) and gray (Ds4047R-DG). DSDWNDQ 6" [152mm] DSDWNR 6" [152mm] Single-Channel MAB Device Plate Installs communication devices into Ds4000 series Raceway. Includes CM-MAB Adapter for wiremold Open system connectivity modules and Pass & seymour® Activate inserts. Also includes MAB2s2 Adapter for Ortronics® series II inserts and MAB6TJ Adapter for Ortronics® TracJack connectors. Also available in fog white (Ds4047MAB-DV), black (Ds4047MAB-BK) and gray (Ds4047MAB-DG). External Elbow DS4047D 6" [152mm] DS4047MAB Downward Duplex Device Plate with One Duplex installed Pass & seymour® 20A duplex receptacle with 6” [152mm] lead wires pre-installed on a bracket into Ds4000 series Raceway in a downward facing, protected position. Also available in fog white (DsDwNDQ-DV), black (DsDwNDQ-BK) and gray (DsDwNDQ-DG). Downward Decorator Device Plate Installs 15A and 20A decorator style receptacles, GFCI and surge devices into Ds4000 series Raceway in a downward facing, protected position. Available in fog white (DsDwNRDV), black (DsDwNR-BK) and gray (DsDwNR-DG). www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS DS4017 59 WIREMOLD DS4000® SERIES RACEWAY Ordering Information DS4000 Series Raceway Ordering Information (continued) DSDWNX Crossover Kit Provides shielding when using downward-facing activations. Includes enclosures for power or data crossover. DS4075 Small Obstacle/Transition Fitting Passes Ds4000 series Raceway over previously installed conduit or raceways as large as 2400 series Raceway. Also creates transition to 500, 700 or 2400D series Raceway from Ds4000 series Raceway. Available in fog white (Ds4075DV), black (Ds4075-BK) and gray (Ds4075-DG). 13 7/8" [352mm] DS4089 Adapter to 4000 Series Raceway In-line transition from Ds4000 series Raceway to 4000 series Raceway. Available in fog white (Ds4089-DV), black (Ds4089-BK) and gray (Ds4089-DG). 5 3/4" [146mm] DSTRK Tamper-Resistant Kit Kit includes 25 screws and special bit to secure covers for fittings and raceway to Ds4000B Raceway Base. 640DS DS4000 Series Raceway Cutter Portable cutter provides clean square cuts for Ds4000C Raceway Cover. DSDWNS Downward Ortronics® Series II Device Plate Accepts one Ortronics® series II module, 2 TracJacks or 1 CM series insert. Also available in fog white (DsDwNs-DV), black (DsDwNs-BK) and gray (DsDwNs-DG). STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS DSDWNU Downward Device Plate Accepts two Extron® Electronics MAAP single space modules. Available in fog white (DsDwNuDV), black (DsDwNu-BK) and gray (DsDwNu-DG). DS4075A Offset Fitting 11 1/2" [292mm] Mounts Ds4000 series Raceway around wall offsets and columns with maximum offset depth of 9" [229mm]. Minimum Offset: 3" [76mm]. Maximum Offset: 9 3/4" [235mm]. Available in fog white (Ds4075A-DV), black (Ds4075ABK) and gray (Ds4075A-DG). 60 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 640DSBDK Replacement Blade Kit Case hard steel replacement blades and die set for 640Ds Cutter. 650RT Fitting Cover Removal Tool Easy removal of installed Ds4000 series raceway and fittings’ covers without scratching or damaging their finish. DVWE-S, DGWE-S, BKWE-S Spray Paint used for touching up large areas. Contains 12 oz.of paint. Available in ivory (DVIwE-s), gray (DGwE-s) or black (BKwE-s). NOTE: Can only be shipped via ground transportation. DVWE-P, BKWE-P Touch-Up Paint Pen used for touching up small areas. Contains 0.3 oz.of paint. Available in ivory (DIwE-P), gray (DGwE-P) or black (BKwE-P). WIREMOLD 4000® SERIES RACEWAY single- and Dual-Channel, steel Raceway. Easy-to-install and ideal for basic power or communication/low voltage installations. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Raceway: File E4376 Guide RJBT. Fittings: File E41751 Guide RJPR. Meets Article 386 of NEC. Meets section 12-1600 of CEC. System Layout O B P N Q F E L I K G J R D A M NOTE: Illustration is for showing product applications only. H KEY A. B. C. D. E. F. 4010B Blank End Fitting 4010DFO Entrance End Fitting 4011 Flat Elbow 4015D Divided Tee 4017 Internal Elbow 4017FO Radiused Full Capacity Internal Elbow COLOR OPTIONS G. 4018 External Elbow H. 4018FO Radiused Full Capacity External Elbow I. 4047BX Duplex Receptacle Device Plate J. 4047JX single Receptacle & Device Plate K. 4047RF Rectangular Receptacles and Modular Furniture Device Plate L. 4047RH Device Plate for Rectangular Receptacle and Mousehole M. 4050 Device Mounting Plate with 5507 series Faceplates N. O. P. Q. R. 4075DA Bridge Fitting 500 series Raceway 5507D Duplex Faceplate 5785 Combination Connector 5507RJ Device Plate with two RJ ports STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS C 4000® series Raceway Part Numbers with a “V” prefix have an ivory finish. Part Numbers with a “G” prefix have a gray finish. Custom color options are also available. Consult the factory for more information. 61 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD 4000® SERIES RACEWAY 4000 Series Raceway Wire Fill Capacities for Communications O.D. (APPROX. DIA.) Inches [mm] CABLE/wIRE sIZE uNsHIELDED TwIsTED PAIR DIVIDED 40% FILL uNDIVIDED 40% FILL 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 3 0.190 [4.8] 49 101 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 5e 0.210 (5.3) 40 83 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6 0.250 (6.3) 28 58 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6a* 0.354 (9.0) 14 29 25-pair, 24 AwG 0.410 (10.4) 10 21 COAXIAL RG6/u FIBER ZipCord 0.270 [6.9] 24 50 0.118 x 0.236 [3 x 6] 50 103 Round 4 strand Fiber 0.187 [4.8] 51 104 Round 6 strand Fiber 0.256 [6.5] 27 55 4000 Series Raceway Wire Fill Capacities for Power wIRE sIZE THHN/THwN O.D. NuMBER OF CONDuCTORs (40% FILL) wITH suRGE/ LARGE sINGLE wITH DuPLEX GFCI DEVICEs RECEPTACLEs RECT. DEVICEs 1.59in.2 [1025mm2] 2.30in.2 [1485mm2] 3.00in.2 [1935mm2] wITHOuT DEVICEs Inches [mm} undiv. Divided undiv. Divided undiv. Divided undiv. Divided 14 AwG 0.111 [2.8] 296 127 165 78 107 49 49 20 12 AwG 0.130 [3.3] 216 93 120 57 78 36 36 15 10 AwG 0.164 [4.2] 136 58 76 36 49 22 22 9 8 AwG 0.216 [5.5] 78 33 43 20 28 13 13 5 6 AwG 0.254 [6.5] 56 24 31 15 20 9 9 3 4 AwG 0.324 [8.2] 34 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 AwG 0.352 [8.9] 29 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 AwG 0.384 [9.8] 24 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 4000 Series Raceway Fittings Wire Fill Capacities When using 4000 Radius Inserts 4011 FLAT ELBOw 40% FILL O.D. STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS CABLE/wIRE sIZE 62 POwER wIRING THHN/THwN Inches 4011DRI DIV. 4011/15RI uNDIV. 4017/18RI DIV. 4017/18RI uNDIV. 4015D & 4015 TEE FITTING 40% FILL 4015DRI DIV. 4011/15RI uNDIV. 2 0.384 [9.8] 11 21 6 11 6 16 4 0.324 [8.2] 15 30 8 15 9 23 6 0.254 [6.5] 24 48 13 25 14 37 8 0.216 [5.5] 34 67 18 35 20 51 10 0.164 [4.2] 68 136 36 71 40 104 12 0.130 [3.3] 107 214 56 112 63 163 0.111 [2.8] 145 288 75 151 85 220 0.190 [4.8] 44 88 23 46 26 67 14 uNsHIELDED TwIsTED PAIR [mm] 4017 & 4018 ELBOws 40% FILL Cat. 3 uTP Cat 5e uTP 0.210 [5.3] 36 72 19 38 21 55 Cat 6 uTP 0.250 [6.3] 23 47 12 24 13 36 Cat 6a uTP 0.354 [9.0] 16 31 9 15 10 24 25-pair 0.410 [10.4] 9 19 5 10 6 14 COAXIAL RG6/u FIBER ZipCord 0.270 [6.9] 22 44 22 23 13 33 0.118 x 0.236 [3 x 6] 132 263 69 137 78 201 Round 4 strand Fiber 0.187 [4.8] 44 88 23 46 26 67 Round 6 strand Fiber 0.256 [6.5] 36 72 19 38 21 55 NOTE: For additional information, refer to the Technical Section. * Category 6 augmented (6a) cable for 10 gigabit ethernetmax allowed cable diameter per addenda No. 11 ANsI TIA/EIA 568-B.2. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD 4000® SERIES RACEWAY 4000 Series Raceway Ordering Information 1 3/4" [44mm] 4 3/4" [121mm] Raceway Base .054" [13.7mm] galvanized steel. Packed five 10' [3m] lengths per carton. Base has two 9/32" [7.1mm] diameter KOs every 18" [457mm] throughout length. No KOs 1 1/4" [32mm] from each end. V4000C, G4000C Raceway Cover G4000D Divider .040" [1.0mm] galvanized steel. Painted on one side only to provide compartment identification. Packed ten 5' [1.5m] lengths (50' [15.2m]) per carton. 1 17/32" [39mm] NOTE: Not for use with stainless steel S4000 Series Raceway. 640B Base Cutter Portable cutter for 4000 series Raceway Base. Provides clean and square end cuts. .040" [1.0mm] galvanized steel. Packed ten 5' [1.5m] lengths per carton. 4000C Cover is also compatible with 6000B, 6000 series Raceway Base. V4000C075, G4000C075 7.5" [191mm] Precut Raceway Cover Mounts devices spaced 12" [305mm] on center using 4047 series device plates. NOTE: Not for use with stainless steel S4000 Series Raceway. 640BDK Replacement Blade Kit Case hard steel replacement blade and die set for 640B Cutter 640C Cover Cutter Portable cutter for 4000 and 6000 series Raceway Cover. Provides clean and square end cuts. V4000C135, G4000C135 13.5" [343 mm] Precut Raceway Cover Mounts devices spaced 18" [457mm] on center using 4047 series device plates. NOTE: Not for use with stainless steel S4000 Series Raceway. 640CDK Replacement Blade Kit Case hard steel replacement blade and die set for 640C Cutter. V4000C195, G4000C195 19.5" [495 mm] Precut Raceway Cover G4000WC Wire Clip (Galvanized) Holds conductors in place. Mounts devices spaced 24" [610mm] on center using 4047 series device plates. 1" [25mm] 4001A Coupling (Galvanized) Joins lengths of 4000B Raceway Base. sold in pairs. V4000C315, G4000C315 31.5" [800 mm] Precut Raceway Cover Mounts devices spaced 36" [915mm] on center using 4047 series device plates. 1 1/2" [38mm] 2 1/2" [64mm] STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS V4000B-10, G4000B-10 63 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD 4000® SERIES RACEWAY 4000 Series Raceway Ordering Information (continued) 4001DA Divider Clip (Galvanized) V4011FO, G4011FO Radiused Full Capacity Flat Elbow Required for holding G4000D Divider in place. use one every 2 1/2' [.762m]. 1" [25mm] Full capacity 90° flat corner used in divided or undivided applications. 2" [51mm] bend radius control for uTP, sTP and fiber optic installations. Ideal for new installations when the cable is lay-in or pull-through. 4 1/2" [114mm] 1 1/2" [38mm] 8 3/4" [222mm] 1 3/4" [44mm] V4006, G4006 V4012TX, G4012TX Seam Clip Covers seams where two sections of 4000 series Raceway covers come together. V4010B, G4010B 1 1/8" [29mm] Blank End Fitting Closes off open end of 4000 series Raceway. Has two 1/2” trade size KOs to facilitate end feeding. 1 1/4" [32mm] Internal or External 45° Elbow 1 1/2" [38mm] Internal or external 45° turns in a run of 4000 series Raceway. Can also be assembled as an inverted 45° elbow. Assembled as an external elbow. Assembled as an internal elbow. V4014A, G4014A Base has two concentric 1", 3/4", and 1/2" trade size KOs, two concentric 1 1/4", and 1" KOs (undivided only), and two rectangular 2 9/16" x 1 11/16" KOs. 12" [305mm] V4010DFO, G4010DFO 4 3/4" [121mm] STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS 2 3/4" [70mm] 5 1/4" [133mm] 6 1/2" [165mm] V4011, G4011 4 3/4" [121mm] Entrance End Fitting Full capacity entrance end fitting. Has concentric 3/4", 1", and 1 1/4" trade size KOs on end and bottom for feeding 4000 series Raceway. Includes removable divider and 1 1/4" [32mm] bend radius control insert for uTP/sTP and fiber optic cable installations. Flat Elbow Direct feeding. V4015, G4015 12" [305mm] 1 3/4" [44mm] V4015D, G4015D Feeding from wall box. For branching raceway at right angles. use with undivided raceway only. Join to raceway run with two pair of 4001A Couplings (not included). Divided Tee For branching raceway at right angles. use with divided raceway only. Join to raceway run with two pair of 4001A Couplings (not included). 10" [254mm] 12" [305mm] www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD Direct feeding with divider. Tee 10" [254mm] Right angle turns on the same surface. 64 Wall Box Connector WIREMOLD 4000® SERIES RACEWAY 4000 Series Raceway Ordering Information (continued) Full capacity, undivided tee fitting. Provides 2" [51mm] cable bend radius control for uTP, sTP and fiber optic installations. Ideal for new installations whether the cable is lay-in or pull-through. 12 3/4" [324mm] 1 3/4" [44mm] Radiused Full Capacity Tee G4017TCA Internal Corner Coupling (Plated) 4 1/2" [114mm] 2 3/4" [70mm] 1 1/2" [38mm] V4015DFO, G4015DFO Radiused Full Capacity Divided Tee 12 3/4" [324mm] V4017, G4017 V4018, G4018 Full capacity, divided tee fitting. Provides 2" [51mm] cable bend radius control for uTP, sTP and fiber optic installations. Ideal for new installations whether the cable is lay-in or pullthrough. 1 3/4" [44mm] 90° internal corners. Fiber bushing included. 4 1/8" [105mm] V4018FO, G4018FO Radiused Full Capacity External Elbow 1 1/2" [38mm] 3 3/4" [95mm] V4017FO, G4017FO Internal Full Capacity Elbow Full capacity, divided internal elbow. Provides 2" [51mm] cable bend radius control for uTP, sTP and fiber optic installations. Ideal for new installations whether the cable is lay-in or pull-through. 3 3/4" [95mm] 1 3/4" [44mm] V4017N, G4017N 1 1/4" [32mm] 6 1/2" [165mm] Two required for use with 4015. Full capacity 90° external corner. used in both divided and undivided applications. Provides 2" [51mm] cable bend radius control for uTP, sTP and fiber optic installations. Ideal for new installations whether the cable is lay-in or pull-through. 6 1/2" [165mm] 4011/15RI Inverted Internal Elbow Connects a vertical run of 4000 series Raceway with a horizontal overhead run with its cover facing up. External Elbow 90° external corners. 4 11/16" [119mm] Internal Elbow 3 1/8" [79mm] Makes an internal corner while continuing original run in a straight line. May be used with or without divider. Fiber bushing included. Radiused Corner Insert Radiused insert for 4011 Flat Elbow and for 4015 undivided Tee. Provides 2" [51mm] cable bend radius control for uTP, sTP and fiber optic cable installations. Ideal for new and retrofit applications whether the cable installation is lay-in or pull-through. 4017N 4 21/32" [118mm] STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS V4015FO, G4015FO 4000 Base 65 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD 4000® SERIES RACEWAY 4000 Series Raceway Ordering Information (continued) 4017/18RI Radiused Insert for Internal/External Elbow Radiused insert for 4017 Internal Elbow and 4018 External Elbow in divided or undivided applications. Provides 2" [51mm] cable bend radius control for uTP, sTP and fiber optic cable installations. Ideal for new and retrofit applications whether the cable installation is lay-in or pull-through. 4 3/4" [121mm] 6" [152mm] 4011DRI 6" [152mm] STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS 66 Bridge Fitting 3 9/16" [90mm] 1 3/4" [44mm] 8 1/8" [206mm] Allows 4000 series Raceway to cross over existing installations of 4000 series Raceway. NOTE: CM-EPLA End Plates are required when using Wiremold CM2 communication modules and Pass & Seymour® Activate inserts. S2-EPL End Plates are required when using Ortronics® Series II inserts. To mount TracJack modules, use 55074TJ or 55076TJ Faceplates. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD Bridge Fitting Allows 4000 series Raceway to cross over existing installations of 2400, 700, or 500 series Raceway. 8 1/8" [206mm] V4074A, G4074A Take-Off Connector (4000 to 3000 Series Raceway) 1 5/8" [41mm] 90° tee connection at any point along a run of 4000 series Raceway. 4 7/8" [124mm] V4086A, G4086A 5" [127mm] 3" [76mm] Radiused Insert for Divided Tee V4075D, G4075D 4 13/16" [122mm] 4 3/4" [121mm] Radiused Insert for Divided Flat Elbow Radiused insert for 4015D Divided Tee. Provides 2" [51mm] cable bend radius control for uTP/sTP or fiber optic installations. Ideal for new and retrofit applications whether the cable installation is lay-in or pull-through. 4 3/4" [121mm] 3 9/16" [90mm] 9 1/2" [242mm] Bend radius control insert for 4011 Divided Flat Elbow. Provides 2" [51mm] cable bend radius control for uTP, sTP and fiber optic cable installations. Ideal for new or retrofit applications where cable installation is lay-in or pull-through. 4015DRI V4075DA, G4075DA 7/32" [5.6mm] 1 1/2" [38mm] 5 5/32" [131mm] V4089 2" [51mm] Connects 4000 series Raceway to surface type panel boxes. Maintains maximum wire capacity of 4000 series Raceway. separate C-shaped flange fits around raceway to hide irregularities made during cutting into box. Reducing Connector 1 5/8" [41mm] 4 1/2" [114mm] Panel Connector Reduces 4000 series Raceway to either 2400 or 2400BD series Raceway. WIREMOLD 4000® SERIES RACEWAY 4000 Series Raceway Ordering Information (continued) IWE-P, GWE-P V4050, G4050 Device Mounting Bracket 4 11/16" [116mm] 6" [152mm] 4 3/4" [121mm] 7/16" [11.1mm] Touch-Up Paint Pen used for touching up small areas. Contains 0.3 oz. of paint. Available in ivory (IwEP-) and gray (GwE-P). High impact plastic mounting bracket and trim plate. Overlaps raceway cover for a seamless transition with cover fittings. Accepts 5507 Faceplates, as well as, wiremold Open system communication modules, Ortronics® TracJack and series II inserts, and Pass & seymour® Activate series inserts. For faceplate options, see 5507 series™ Faceplates. IWE-S, GWE-S Spray Paint used for touching up large areas. Contains 12 oz. of paint. Available in ivory (IwE-s) and gray (GwE-s). NOTE: Can only be shipped via ground transportation. 4047 Series Faceplates Ordering Information V4046H-2, G4046H-2 4 3/4" [121mm] Tap-Off Fitting V4047BX, G4047BX Two-Gang Cover One Duplex Receptacle Four concentric 1/2" and 3/4" trade size KOs. 4 3/4" [121mm] Accepts 15A or 20A duplex receptacles and 106 style frames when used for communications outlets. 5 1/8" [130mm] V4047AX, G4047AX Two-Gang Cover Single Round Opening 4 3/4" [121mm] Accepts straight blade and locking single receptacles with face diameters of 1.38" to 1.39" [35mm to 36mm]. 5 1/8" [130mm] V4047BB, G4047BB Two-Gang Cover Two Duplex Receptacles 4 3/4" [121mm] Accepts15A or 20A duplex receptacles and106 style frames. 5 1/8" [130mm] NOTE: Parts identified with this symbol are Certified to Canadian Safety Standards for sale in Canada. When ordering these products, change the “V” color prefix to “CV” or the “G” color prefix to “CG” to deNOTE the Canadian versions. NOTE: All 4047 Series Faceplates provide 1/4" [6.4mm] of overlap on each side of plate. STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS 4 17/32" [115mm] 67 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD 4000® SERIES RACEWAY 4047 Series Faceplates Ordering Information (continued) V4047BF, G4047BF Two-Gang Cover Duplex & Modular Furniture Accepts 15A or 20A duplex receptacles. Includes combination twistout that can accept either one Modular Furniture adapter, 106 style frame, or two Keystone RJ45s. 4 3/4" [121mm] 5 1/8" [130mm] V4047BM, G4047BM Two-Gang Cover & Pass & Seymour® Activate 2A Mini Adapter 4 3/4" [121mm] 5 1/8" [130mm] Accepts15A or 20A duplex receptacles and 106 style frames. Includes Mini adapter that will accept Activate series inserts and wiremold Open system communication modules. V4047BS, G4047BS Two-Gang Cover & Ortronics Series II Mini Adapter ® Accepts 15A or 20A duplex receptacles and 106 style frames. Includes Mini adapter that will accept one Ortronics® series II insert. 4 3/4" [121mm] V4047C-1, G4047C-1 One-Gang Device Plate Accepts commercially available flush plates (not included). 4 3/4" [121mm] 5 1/8" [130mm] V4047C-2, G4047C-2 Two-Gang Device Plate Accepts commercially available flush plates (not included). 4 3/4" [121mm] 5 1/8" [130mm] V4047JX, G4047JX Two-Gang Cover Single Round Opening 4 3/4" [121mm] 5 1/8" [130mm] STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS 5 1/8" [130mm] V4047BT, G4047BT Two-Gang Cover & Ortronics® TracJack Mini Adapter Accepts 15A or 20A duplex receptacles and 106 style frames. Includes Mini adapter that will accept two Ortronics® TracJack inserts. 4 3/4" [121mm] Accepts straight blade and single locking receptacles with face diameters of 1.56" - 1.58" [39mm - 40mm]. 5 1/8" [130mm] 68 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD V4047RX, G4047RX Two-Gang Cover with One Rectangular Opening 4 3/4" [121mm] 5 1/8" [130mm] Accepts rectangular GFCI, surge and Decorator style devices. Does not accept 5507 series Faceplates. WIREMOLD 4000® SERIES RACEWAY 4047 Series Faceplates Ordering Information (continued) V4047RF, G4047RF Two-Gang Cover Rectangular Opening & Modular Furniture 4 3/4" [121mm] Accepts rectangular GFCI, surge and Decorator style devices, modular furniture adapters and RJ45s. Does not accept 5507 series Faceplates. 5 1/8" [130mm] Two-Gang Cover One Duplex Receptacle Installed Includes one Pass & seymour® Duplex Receptacle with 12” wire leads installed on bracket. 5 1/8" [130mm] Two-Gang Cover One Duplex Receptacle Installed & One Modular Furniture Opening 5 1/8" [130mm] 4 3/4" [121mm] Includes one Pass & seymour® 20A Duplex Receptacle with 12” wire leads installed on bracket. Has combination twistout that can accept either one Modular Furniture adapter or two Keystone RJ45s. Includes one Pass & seymour® 20A Duplex Receptacle with 12" wire leads installed on bracket. Includes Mini adapter that will accept one Ortronics® series II insert. V4047WT, G4047WT Two-Gang Cover One Duplex Receptacle Installed & TracJack Mini Adapter 4 3/4" [121mm] 5 1/8" [130mm] V4047WF, G4047WF 4 3/4" [121mm] Two-Gang Cover One Duplex Receptacle Installed & Series II Mini Adapter 5 1/8" [130mm] V4047WX, G4047WX 4 3/4" [121mm] V4047WS, G4047WS Includes one Pass & seymour® 20A Duplex Receptacle with 12” wire leads installed on bracket. Includes Mini adapter that accepts two Ortronics® TracJack inserts. V4047-2BBBB, G4047-2BBBB Four-Gang Cover Four Duplex Openings 4 3/4" [121mm] Accepts 15A or 20A duplex receptacles and 106 style frames. 9 1/2" [241mm] STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS V4047WM, G4047WM Two-Gang Cover One Duplex Receptacle Installed & Activate Mini Adapter 4 3/4" [121mm] 5 1/8" [130mm] Includes one Pass & seymour® 20A Duplex Receptacle with 12" wire leads installed on bracket. Includes Mini adapter that accepts Pass & seymour® Activate inserts and wiremold Open system communication modules. NOTE: Parts identified with this symbol are Certified to Canadian Safety Standards for sale in Canada. When ordering these products, change the “V” color prefix to “CV” or the “G” color prefix to “CG” to deNOTE the Canadian versions. NOTE: All 4047 Series Faceplates provide 1/4" [6.4mm] of overlap on each side of plate. 69 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD 4000® SERIES RACEWAY 4047 Series Faceplates Ordering Information (continued) V4047-2BBFF, G4047-2BBFF Four-Gang Cover Two Duplex & Two Modular Furniture Openings 4 3/4" [121mm] 9 1/2" [241mm] Accepts 15A or 20A duplex receptacles and 106 style frame. Includes combination twistouts for either modular furniture adapter or two keystone RJ45s. V4047-2BBMM, G4047-2BBMM Four-Gang Cover Two Duplex & Two Mini Adapters 4 3/4" [121mm] 9 1/2" [241mm] Accepts 15A or 20A duplex receptacles and 106 style frame. Includes Mini adapter that accepts Pass & seymour® Activate inserts, or wiremold Open system communication modules. V4047-2BBSS, G4047-2BBSS Four-Gang Cover Two Duplex & Two Series II Mini Adapters 4 3/4" [121mm] 9 1/2" [241mm] Accepts 15A or 20A duplex receptacles and 106 style frame. Includes Mini adapter that accepts one Ortronics® series II insert. STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS V4047-2BBTT, G4047-2BBTT 70 Four-Gang Cover Two Duplex & Two TracJack Mini Adapters Accepts 15A or 20A duplex receptacles and 106 style frame. Includes Mini adapter that accepts two Ortronics® TracJack inserts. 4 3/4" [121mm] 9 1/2" [241mm] V4047-2BBXX, G4047-2BBXX Four-Gang Cover with Two Duplex Openings Accepts 15A or 20A duplex receptacles and 106 style frames. 4 3/4" [121mm] 9 1/2" [241mm] V4047-2RRXX, G4047-2RRXX Four-Gang Cover with Two Rectangular Openings Accepts rectangular, GFCI, surge, and decorator style devices. Does not accept 5507 series Faceplates. 4 3/4" [121mm] 9 1/2" [241mm] V4047-2WWFF, G4047-2WWFF Four-Gang Cover with Two Duplex & Two Modular Furniture Openings 4 3/4" [121mm] 9 1/2" [241mm] Includes two Pass & seymour® 20A Duplex Receptacles with 12” wire leads installed on bracket. Two combination twistouts accept either modular furniture adapters or Keystone RJ45s. V4047-2WWMM, G4047-2WWMM Four-Gang Cover with Two Activate Mini Adapters 4 3/4" [121mm] 9 1/2" [241mm] Includes two Pass & seymour® 20A Duplex Receptacles with 12" wire leads installed on bracket. Includes Mini adapter that accepts Pass & seymour® Activate inserts & wiremold Open system communication modules. V4047-2WWSS, G4047-2WWSS Four-Gang Cover with Two Series II Mini Adapters NOTE: Parts identified with this symbol are Certified to Canadian Safety Standards for sale in Canada. When ordering these products, change the “V” color prefix to “CV” or the “G” color prefix to “CG” to deNOTE the Canadian versions. NOTE: All 4047 Series Faceplates provide 1/4" [6.4mm] of overlap on each side of plate. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 4 3/4" [121mm] 9 1/2" [241mm] Includes two Pass & seymour® 20A Duplex Receptacles with 12” wire leads installed on bracket. Includes Mini adapter that accepts one Ortronics® series II insert. WIREMOLD 4000® SERIES RACEWAY 4047 Series Faceplates Ordering Information (continued) V4047UX, G4047UX Bump-Up Device Plate V4047-2WWTT, G4047-2WWTT Four-Gang Cover with Two TracJack Mini Adapters 4 3/4" [121mm] 9 1/2" [241mm] 4 3/16" [122mm] 1 13/32" [36mm] V4047-2WWXX, G4047-2WWXX V4047VX, G4047VX Four-Gang Cover with Two Duplex Receptacles Installed Bump-Up Extron® AAP Device Plate Includes two Pass & seymour® 20A Duplex Receptacles with 12" wire leads installed on bracket. 4 3/4" [121mm] Accepts four Extron® Electronics MAAP single space modules. 7 5/16" [185mm] Includes two Pass & seymour® 20A Duplex Receptacles with 12" wire leads installed on bracket. Includes Mini adapter that accepts two Ortronics® TracJack inserts. Accepts two Extron® Electronics AAP single space modules. 7 5/16" [185mm] 9 1/2" [241mm] 4 3/16" [122mm] 1 13/32" [36mm] 4047 Configurable Cover Plates Number Logic CONNECTION REQuIRED TO usE CATALOG NuMBER 4000 series Raceway Ds4000 series Raceway Ds4089 4000 series Raceway 3000 (Tee Connection) G4074A 4000 series Raceway 4000 (Tee Connection) 4015/4015FO 4000 series Raceway w/Divider 4000 w/Divider (Tee Connection) 4015D 4000 series Raceway 500 series Raceway V5785 FROM 6000 series Raceway 4000 (Tee Connection) 1/2" or 3/4" trade size Conduit or Armored Cable Cover of 4000 series Raceway 1/2" trade size Conduit or Armored Cable End of 4000 series Raceway 3/4", 1", or 1 1/4" trade size Conduit or Armored Cable 6074A 4064H-2 1. For “X”, Choose one of the following options: V Ivory & uL Listed CV Ivory & cuLus Listed (Canada only) G Gray & uL Listed CG Gray & cuLus Listed (Canada only) 2. Choose a Plate Configuration: Two-Gang Plate: X 4047 Y Y 1 2 1 Four-Gang Plate: 2 X 4047-2 Y Y Y Y 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 3. For “Y”, Choose any combination of configurations from the options listed below: 1.41" [35.8mm] Diameter, 1.59" [40mm] Diameter, A. J. Single Round Receptacle Duplex Receptacle Opening M. Single Round Receptacle Pass & Seymour Activate 2A Mini Adapter Opening with Adapter 4010B B. Back, side or End of 4000 series Raceway 4010DFO F. Combination Modular Furniture & 2 Keystone Twist Out R. Rectangular Receptacle 1" or 1 1/4" trade size Conduit or Armored Cable Back or End of 4000 series Raceway 4010DFC H. Mouse Hole Twist Out & Grommet S. Ortronics® Series II 2A Mini Adapter Opening with Adapter 1/2", 3/4", 1", or 1 1/4" trade size Conduit or Armored Cable Back of 4000 series Raceway 4014A T. Ortronics TracJack 2A Mini Adapter W. Opening with Adapter Flush Mounted wall Box Back of 4000 series Raceway 4014A X. Blank Z. P&S Light Almond 20 Amp Receptacle pre-pigtailed with 12" wire leads installed on Bracket 3 Keystone Twist Out 4. Finished Part Number: 4047 4047-2 NOTE: JJ combination not available. For additional colors or configurations, call 1-800-621-0049, option 2. NOTE: Parts identified with this symbol are Certified to Canadian Safety Standards for sale in Canada. When ordering these products, change the “V” color prefix to “CV” or the “G” color prefix to “CG” to deNOTE the Canadian versions. NOTE: All 4047 Series Faceplates provide 1/4" [6.4mm] of overlap on each side of plate. STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS 4000 Series Raceway Interconnectivity Fittings 71 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD S4000® SERIES RACEWAY Easy-to-install and ideal for specialized power or communication/low voltage installations. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Raceway: File E4376 Guide RJBT. Fittings: File E41751 Guide RJPR. Meets Article 386 of NEC. Meets section 12-1600 of CEC. System Layout E C H G F J STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS D L K I M NOTE: Illustration is for showing product applications only. KEY A. G4017TC Internal Corner Coupling (Plated) B. s4007C-1R single Device Fitting C. s4007C-2 Two-Gang Device Plate with wallplates D. s4010B2 Blank End Fitting E. s4010D Entrance End Fitting F. s4011 Flat Elbow Fitting G. s4015D Divided Tee Fitting s4017 Internal Elbow Fitting s4018 External Elbow Fitting s4048B Duplex Receptacle Device Plate s4048J single Twistlock Receptacle Cover s4048RF Rectangular Receptacles & AMP Flexmode or ACO M. V4050 Device Mounting Plate (Inserts included) H. I. J. K. L. COLOR OPTIONS s4000® series Raceway Part Numbers are available with a brushed stainless steel finish unless otherwise indicated in the part number description. 72 A B Custom color options are also available. Consult the factory for more information. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD S4000® SERIES RACEWAY S4000 Series Raceway Wire Fill Capacities for Communications O.D. (APPROX. DIA.) Inches [mm] CABLE/wIRE sIZE DIVIDED 40% FILL uNDIVIDED 40% FILL 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 3 0.190 [4.8] 49 101 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 5e 0.210 (5.3) 40 83 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6 0.250 (6.3) 28 58 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6a* 0.354 (9.0) 14 29 25-pair, 24 AwG 0.410 (10.4) 10 21 COAXIAL RG6/u 0.270 [6.9] 24 50 FIBER ZipCord 0.118 x 0.236 [3 x 6] 50 103 Round 4 strand Fiber 0.187 [4.8] 51 104 Round 6 strand Fiber 0.256 [6.5] 27 55 uNsHIELDED TwIsTED PAIR S4000 Series Raceway Wire Fill Capacities for Power wIRE sIZE THHN/THwN O.D. wITHOuT DEVICEs NuMBER OF CONDuCTORs (40% FILL) wITH suRGE/ LARGE sINGLE wITH DuPLEX GFCI DEVICEs RECEPTACLEs RECT. DEVICEs 2 2 2 2 1.59in. [1025mm ] 2.30in. [1485mm ] 3.00in.2 [1935mm2] Inches [mm} undiv. Divided undiv. Divided undiv. Divided undiv. Divided 14 AwG 0.111 [2.8] 296 127 165 78 107 49 49 20 12 AwG 0.130 [3.3] 216 93 120 57 78 36 36 15 10 AwG 0.164 [4.2] 136 58 76 36 49 22 22 9 8 AwG 0.216 [5.5] 78 33 43 20 28 13 13 5 6 AwG 0.254 [6.5] 56 24 31 15 20 9 9 3 4 AwG 0.324 [8.2] 34 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 AwG 0.352 [8.9] 29 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 AwG 0.384 [9.8] 24 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 NOTE: For additional information, refer to the Technical Section. * Category 6 augmented (6a) cable for 10 gigabit ethernet – max allowed cable diameter per addenda No. 11 ANsI TIA/EIA 568-B.2. S4000 Series Raceway Wire Fill Capacities for Communications Raceway Base 1 3/4" [44mm] 4 3/4" [121mm] S4000C-5 .050" [1.3mm] stainless steel. Base has two 9/32" [7.1mm] diameter KOs 1 1/4" [32mm] from each end and every 18" [457mm] on center throughout. s4000B is available in 10' [3m] lengths. Also available in lengths precut to customer specifications. S4000C075 .040" [1.0mm] stainless steel. snap-on cover for mounting 4 1/2" [114mm] device plates on 12" [305mm] centers. S4000C090 9" [229mm] Precut Raceway Cover .040" [1.0mm] stainless steel. snap-on cover for mounting 9" [229mm] device plates on 18" [457mm] centers. Raceway Cover .040" [1.0mm] stainless steel. s4000C-5 is available in 5' [1.5m] lengths, packed ten 5' [1.5m] lengths per carton. Also available in lengths precut to customer specifications. Max. 5' [1.5m) length. 7.5" [191mm] Precut Raceway Cover S4000C135 13.5" [343mm] Precut Raceway Cover .040" [1.0mm] stainless steel. snap-on cover for mounting 4 1/2" [114mm] device plates on 18" [457mm] centers. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS S4000B 73 WIREMOLD S4000® SERIES RACEWAY S4000 Series Raceway Wire Fill Capacities for Communications (continued) S4000C150 15" [381mm] Precut Raceway Cover 4001DA .040" [1.0mm] stainless steel. snap-on cover for mounting 9" [229mm] device plates on 24" [610mm] centers. S4000C195 4 1/2" [114mm] S6008A C-Hanger 27" [686mm] Precut Raceway Cover 31.5" [800mm] Precut Raceway Cover STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS 43.5" [1105mm] Precut Raceway Cover .040" [1.0mm] stainless steel. snap-on cover for mounting 4 1/2" [114mm] device plates on 48" [1220mm] centers. G4000D 1 17/32" [39mm] 74 39" [990mm] Precut Raceway Cover .040" [1.0mm] stainless steel. snapon cover for mounting 9" [229mm] device plates on 48” [1220mm] centers. S4000C435 suspends s4000, 4000 or 6000 series Raceway from a structural ceiling. Designed for use with 3/8" [9.5mm] rod. Hangers should be installed no more than 5' [1.5m] apart along raceway run. Can be bolted back-to-back for dual runs of 3000, 4000 or 6000 series Raceway. 6 7/8" [175mm] 7 7/8" [200mm] S4010B0 Divider .040" [1.0mm] galvanized steel. Packed ten 5’ [1.5m] lengths (50' [15.20m]) per carton. Painted buff on one side to provide compartment identification. 4001DA Divider Clips (not included) are required to hold divider in place. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD Blank End Fitting 1 3/4" [44mm] .040" [1.0mm] stainless steel. snap-on cover for mounting 4 1/2" [114mm] device plates on 36" [915mm] centers. S4000C390 Required for holding G4000D Divider in place. use one every 2 1/2' [.762m]. 19.5" [495mm] Precut Raceway Cover .040" [1.0mm] stainless steel. snapon cover for mounting 9" [229mm] device plates on 36" [915mm] centers. S4000C315 1" [25mm] 1 1/2" [38mm] .040" [1.0mm] stainless steel. snap-on cover for mounting 4 1/2" [114mm] device plates on 24" [610mm] centers. S4000C270 Divider Clip (Galvanized) S4010B1 4 3/4" [121mm] S4010B2 4 3/4" [121mm] Closes off open end of s4000 Base. use when no end feeding is required. Includes two No. 10-32 ground terminals. Blank End Fitting 1 3/4" [44mm] Closes off open end of s4000 Base. use when one end feed is required in an undivided installation. Includes one 1/2" - 3/4" trade size KO and two No. 10-32 ground terminals. Blank End Fitting 1 3/4" [44mm] Closes off open end of s4000 Base. use when end feeds are required for an installation. Includes two 1/2" - 3/4" trade size KOs and two No. 10-32 ground terminals. WIREMOLD S4000® SERIES RACEWAY S4000 Series Raceway Wire Fill Capacities for Communications (continued) 2 3/4" [70mm] 3 3/4" [95mm] 6 3/8" [162mm] S4011 S4017 Entrance End Fitting Has concentric 1/2" and 3/4" trade size KOs on end, sides, and bottom for feeding s4000 series Raceway. use punch kit to increase KO size up to 1 1/4". Removable divider and two No. 10-32 ground terminals included. 90° internal corners. No couplings required. 3 1/8" [79mm] G4017TCA Internal Corner Coupling Creates internal corner while continuing original run in a straight line. Galvanized finish. use with or without divider. Fiber bushing included. 4010B Blank End Fitting required for installation (not included). Flat Elbow 4 3/4" [121mm] 4 3/4" [121mm] Right angle turns on the same surface. No couplings required. S4018 S4014A Wall Box Connector 14" [356mm] Direct feeding with divider. 3 1/4" [83mm] 5 1/2" [140mm] S6008A C-Hanger (Galvanized) suspends s4000, 4000 or 6000 series Raceway from a structural ceiling. Designed for use with 3/8" [9.5mm] rod. Hangers should be installed no more than 5' [1.5m] apart along raceway run. Can be bolted back-toback for dual runs of 3000, 4000 or 6000 series Raceway. 6 7/8" [175mm] 7 7/8" [200mm] Divides s4000 series Raceway at right angles. Only for use with undivided raceway. use two pair of G4001 Couplings to attach to raceway (not included). S4015D 90° external corners. Connect to raceway with G4001 Couplings (not included). 1 9/16" [39mm] Feeding from wall box. Tee 12" [305mm] External Elbow 5 5/8" [143mm] Base has two concentric 3/4", and 1/2" trade size KOs, two concentric 1 1/4" and 1" trade size KOs (undivided only), and two rectangular 2 9/16" x 1 11/16" [65mm x 43mm] KOs. Includes cover and two No. 10-32 ground terminals. Direct feeding. S4015 Internal Elbow S4007C-1 Divided Tee 3 3/4" [95mm] Divides s4000 series Raceway at right angles. Only for use with divided raceway. use two pair of G4001 Couplings to attach to raceway (not included). One-Gang Device Plate 1 9/16" [40mm] 4 3/4" [121mm] 4 1/2" [114mm] For horizontal mounting of standard single-gang devices. Accepts industry standard single-gang faceplates for electrical and communication devices. 12" [305mm] STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS S4010D 75 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD S4000® SERIES RACEWAY S4000 Series Raceway Wire Fill Capacities for Communications (continued) S4007C-1R Single Device Plate 1" [25mm] 3" [76mm] 1 25/32" [45mm] 4 3/4" [121mm] 4 1/2" [114mm] S4007C-2 For horizontal mounting of surge suppression receptacles in s4000 Divided or undivided Raceway. Also accepts most manufacturers’ GFCI, large twistlock, and rectangular faced single-gang wiring devices and two-port ACO. use with commercially available flush plate (not furnished). 1 9/16" [39mm] 4 3/4" [121mm] For horizontal mounting of two devices. Accepts industry standard double-gang faceplates for electrical and communication devices. 4 1/2" [115mm] S4046DRJ 4 3/4" [121mm] STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS S4046RRJ 76 S4046ARJ 4 3/4" [121mm] 4 1/2" [115mm] S4046JRJ 4 3/4" [121mm] 4 1/2" [115mm] www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD Combination Device Cover 4 3/4" [121mm] 4 1/2" [115mm] For installation of one twistlock receptacle and two RJ11/45 type telephone connectors. Complete with necessary bridges. 1.6" [41mm] Dia. Duplex Receptacle Device Cover 4 3/4" [121mm] For installation of one duplex receptacle cover. Complete with necessary bridges. 4 1/2" [115mm] S4048J Double Duplex Device Cover For installation of two duplex style receptacles. Complete with necessary bridges. For installation of straight blade and single locking receptacles and two RJ11/45 type modular connectors. Complete with necessary bridges. 1.4" [36mm] Dia. 4 1/2" [115mm] Combination Device Cover For installation of one rectangular style device and two RJ11/45 type modular connectors. Complete with necessary bridges. Combination Device Cover 4 3/4" [121mm] S4048B 4 1/2" [115mm] For installation of two duplex style receptacles and four RJ11/45 type modular connectors. Complete with necessary bridges. 4 3/4" [121mm] Combination Device Cover For installation of one duplex receptacle and two RJ11/45 type modular connectors. Complete with necessary bridges. Double In-Line Device Cover 9" [229mm] Two-Gang Device Plate 3 3/4" [95mm] S4046B-2 S4046DRJ-2 TwistLock Receptacle Device Cover 4 3/4" [121mm] 4 1/2" [115mm] For installation of one twistlock receptacle. WIREMOLD S4000® SERIES RACEWAY S4000 Series Raceway Wire Fill Capacities for Communications (continued) S4048R S4048RF Rectangular Receptacle Device Cover 4 3/4" [121mm] For installation of one rectangular receptacle. Complete with necessary bridges. Rectangular Receptacle Cover with Modular Furniture Opening For installing a rectangular style device and a modular furniture adapter for communications. 4 1/2" [115mm] 4 3/4" [121mm] 4 1/2" [115mm] S4048BF Duplex Receptacle Cover with Modular Furniture Opening 4 1/2" [115mm] 4 3/4" [121mm] S4086A For installing a duplex style device and one modular furniture adapter for communications. Panel Connector To connect s4000 series Raceway with surface type panel boxes. Accommodates maximum wire capacity of s4000 series Raceway. separate C-shaped flange fits around raceway, covering any irregularities from cutting into box. Cut 4 3/4" x 1 3/4" [121mm x 44mm] hole in panel box. 1 1/2" [38mm] 7/32" [5.6mm] 5 5/32" [131mm] S4000 Series Raceway Made-to-Order Stainless Steel Device Plates To keep pace with changing power and communication technology, wiremold offers a variety of openings available on a made-to-order basis. Choose from the assortment of openings shown below to design your own device plates. Consult the factory if a special opening is desired. To make ordering easier, a catalog number suffix has been included beside the description. Please send a sketch with your order indicating the letter of the desired opening. Example: S4046RRJ 4 1/2" [115mm] Device Plates Cat. No. Description of Device Opening D standard Duplex Receptacle R Decorator style Duplex Receptacle RJ Two RJ11/45 Modular Connectors 1 2 Qty. 1 A J single Receptacle (1.4" [35.6mm] Dia.) single Receptacle (1.6" [40.6mm] Dia.) K One 1/2-3/4" [12.7-19.1mm] KO with 1/2" [12.7mm] I.D. Grommet M One IBM style connector MFB One Modular Furniture Adapter R One 2A Mini Adapter NOTE: Necessary device brackets are supplied with all device plates. Qty. 1 ____ s4046 ____ _____ 2 ____ s4048 _____ RJ ____ s4048 _____ ____ s4046 ____ _____ ____ s4048 _____ ____ s4046 ____ _____ ____ s4048 _____ ____ s4046 ____ _____ 9" [229mm] Device Plates 1 Qty. 2 1 2 ____ s4048 ____ _____ 2A 1 1 2 3 4 Qty. ____ s4046 1 2 _____ _____ ____ ____ ____ s4048 ____ _____ ____ s4046 _____ _____ ____ ____ ____ s4048 ____ _____ ____ s4046 _____ _____ ____ ____ ____ s4048 ____ _____ ____ s4046 _____ _____ ____ ____ www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS Suffix 77 WIREMOLD S4000® SERIES RACEWAY S4000 Series Raceway Installation Details Determine method of feeding raceway: s4014A for back feed, s4010D, s4010BO, s4010B1 or s4010B2 for end feed. For divided installations, place divider into the strut on the 4001DA and snap into raceway. Clips must be used every 30" [762mm]. S4010B 1/2" [12.7mm] Flexible Metal Conduit To mount s4000B Base to surface, remove mounting screw KOs (approx. 18" [457mm] centers along base) as required. Mount base with No. 8 flat head fasteners. To join lengths of s4000B, insert the pair of 4001A Couplings into one side of each base. slide bases together and tighten locking screws. STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD Divider Clips S4000 Base 1 3/4" [44mm] 18" [457mm] Approx. S4000B Sections 4001A Couplings 78 S4000B Sections To install device covers, snap device straps into base as shown. wire device and assemble to straps. snap device plate Bottom Inserts First over base and device. Cut s4000C Cover to fit between device plates. snap in place as shown. Continue along entire run. Device S4046B Mounting Straps Snap Cover Onto Base Engage One Leg of Cover on Base WIREMOLD 6000® SERIES RACEWAY 6000 series Raceway is ideal for all applications requiring high cable capacity. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Raceway: File E4376 Guide RJBT. Fittings: File E41751 Guide RJPR. Meets Article 386 of NEC. Meets section 12-1600 of CEC. System Layout I H G B C A F K E D J STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS NOTE: Illustration is for showing product applications only. KEY A. 4050 Device Mounting Plate Inserts included B. 5507D Duplex Receptacle Faceplate C. 5507sw switch Faceplate D. 6007C-1 single-Gang Device Plate E. 6007C-2 Two-Gang Device Plate F. 6010B Blank End Fitting COLOR OPTIONS G. 6011TX Combination Flat Elbow H. 6014A Connector Fitting I. 6017TX Combination Internal External Elbow J. 6017TX Inverted to External Elbow K. 6046KD Circuit Breaker Housing 6000® series Raceway Part Numbers with a “V” prefix have an ivory finish. Part Numbers with a “G” prefix have an gray finish. Custom color options are also available. Consult the factory for more information. 79 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD 6000® SERIES RACEWAY 6000 Series Raceway Wire Fill Capacities for Communications O.D. (APPROX. DIA.) Inches [mm] CABLE/wIRE sIZE uNsHIELDED TwIsTED PAIR DIVIDED 40% FILL uNDIVIDED 40% FILL 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 3 0.190 [4.8] 101 225 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 5e 0.210 (5.3) 83 184 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6 0.250 (6.3) 58 130 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6a* 0.354 (9.0) 29 65 25-pair, 24 AwG 0.410 (10.4) 21 48 0.270 [6.9] 50 111 0.118 x 0.236 [3 x 6] 103 230 Round 4 strand Fiber 0.187 [4.8] 104 233 Round 6 strand Fiber 0.256 [6.5] 55 124 COAXIAL RG6/u FIBER ZipCord 6000 Series Raceway Wire Fill Capacities for Power wIRE sIZE THHN/THwN O.D. wITHOuT DEVICEs NuMBER OF CONDuCTORs (40% FILL) wITH suRGE/ LARGE sINGLE wITH DuPLEX GFCI DEVICEs RECEPTACLEs RECT. DEVICEs 2 2 2 2 1.59in. [1025mm ] 2.30in. [1485mm ] 3.00in.2 [1935mm2] Inches [mm} undiv. Divided undiv. Divided undiv. Divided undiv. Divided 14 AwG 0.111 [2.8] 659 296 528 231 470 202 412 173 12 AwG 0.130 [3.3] 481 216 395 168 342 147 300 126 10 AwG 0.164 [4.2] 303 136 243 106 216 92 189 79 8 AwG 0.216 [5.5] 174 78 140 61 124 53 109 45 6 AwG 0.254 [6.5] 126 56 101 44 89 38 78 33 4 AwG 0.324 [8.2] 77 34 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 AwG 0.352 [8.9] 65 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 AwG 0.384 [9.8] 55 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 1AwG 0.446 [11.3] 40 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 1/0 AwG 0.496 [12.3] 34 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 2/0 AwG 0.532 (13.5) 28 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 NOTE: For additional information, refer to the Technical Section. * Category 6 augmented (6a) cable for 10 gigabit ethernet – max allowed cable diameter per addenda No. 11 ANsI TIA/EIA 568-B.2. STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS 6000 Series Raceway Ordering Information 80 V6000B-10, G6000B-10 3 9/16" [90mm] 4 3/4" [121mm] V6000C, G6000C Raceway Base .054" [1.4mm] galvanized steel. Base has two 9/32" dia. trade size KOs, 1 1/4" [32mm] from each end and on centers of approximately 18" [457mm] throughout. Packed 20' [6.1m] per carton. 6000B-10 packed two 10' [3m] lengths. Raceway Cover .040" [1.0mm] galvanized steel. Packed four 5' [1.5m] lengths per carton. 4000 series Raceway Cover is also compatible with 6000 series Raceway Base. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD G6000DA 3 1/4" [83mm] 660B Raceway Divider .040" [1.0mm] galvanized steel. One side painted buff primer to provide identification of compartments. Packed four 5' [1.5m] lengths per carton. Raceway Base Cutter Portable cutter for 6000 series Raceway Base. Provides clean and easy square cuts. WIREMOLD 6000® SERIES RACEWAY 6000 Series Raceway Ordering Information (continued) 660BDK Replacement Blade Kit V6007C-1, G6007C-1 Single-Gang Device Plate 2 1/2" [64mm] For vertical mounting of singlegang devices. use with industry standard faceplates for electrical and communication devices. Can also be used with 4000B Base. Replacement blades and die set for 660B Cutter. Raceway Cover Cutter 2 7/8" [73mm] Portable cutter for 4000 and 6000 series Raceway Cover. Provides clean and easy square cuts. 1 7/8" [48mm] V6007C-2, G6007C-2 640CDK Replacement Blade Kit Replacement blades and die set for 640C Cutter. G6000WC Two-Gang Device Plate 3 7/8" [98mm] Wire Clip (Galvanized) 2 7/8" [73mm] For holding conductors in place. 4 5/16" [110mm] 1 1/2" [38mm] 6001A G6008A Coupling (Galvanized) 2 1/2" [64mm] C-Hanger (Galvanized) 6 7/8" [175mm] For joining lengths of 6000B. 3 5/16" [84mm] 7 7/8" [200mm] G6001DA 3" [76mm] Divider Clip 2 3/8" [60mm] 2 7/8" [73mm] G6001TX use for holding G6000DA Divider in place to divide raceway into 1/3, 1/2, or 2/3 compartments. NOTE: 6000 Series Raceway divided into 1/3 compartments will not accept devices. Converter Coupling 3" [76mm] V6006, G6006 1 3/4" [44mm] For installation of two-gang devices or two vertically mounted singlegang devices on undivided raceway. use with industry standard doublegang faceplates for electrical and communication devices. Can also be used with 4000B Base. use this coupling to convert G6011TX or G6017TX into a tee or cross. For tee, one required; for cross, two required. Connection Cover 1" [25mm] use where two sections of 4000C or 6000C Cover, not squarely cut, come together. For suspending 6000 or 4000 series Raceway from structural ceiling. Designed for use with 3/8" [9.5mm] rod. Hangers should be installed no more than 5' [1.5m] apart along raceway run. Can be bolted back-toback for dual runs of 4000, 6000 or 3008C or for combined runs with 3000 series Raceway. V6010B, G6010B Blank End Fitting For closing open end of 6000 series Raceway. 3 1/2" [89mm] 1 1/2" [38mm] 4 3/4" [121mm] V6011TX, G6011TX 4 3/4" [121mm] Combination Flat Elbow For use as a flat elbow. Can also be used as a tee or cross (one G6001TX required for tee; two for cross; not included). shown 6011TX with 6001TX to make tee. NOTE: Parts identified with this symbol are Certified to Canadian Safety Standards for sale in Canada. When ordering these products, change the “V” color prefix to “CV” or the “G” color prefix to “CG” to deNOTE the Canadian versions. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS 640C 81 WIREMOLD 6000® SERIES RACEWAY 6000 Series Raceway Ordering Information (continued) V6012TX, G6012TX For making internal or external 45° turns in a run of 6000 series Raceway. Can also be assembled as an inverted 45° elbow. 4 1/4" [108mm] 2 1/2" [64mm] Internal or External Elbow V4047VX, G4047VX Bump-Up Extron® AAP Device Plate Accepts two Extron® Electronics AAP single space modules. 7 5/16" [185mm] 4 3/16" [122mm] V6014A, G6014A Has 1 1/4", 1 1/2" and 2" trade size KOs in back and on each side. 12" [305mm] 1 13/32" [36mm] Connector Fitting IWE-S, GWE-S Spray Paint used for touching up large areas. Contains 12 oz.of paint. Available in ivory (IwE-s) and gray (GwE-s). NOTE: Can only be shipped via ground transportation. V6017TX, G6017TX IWE-P, GWE-P Combination Internal/External Elbow 3 1/2" [89mm] For use as internal or external elbow, straight-through fitting, tee, or cross (one G6001TX required for tee or straight through fitting; two for cross; not included). V6046KD, G6046KD STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS 2 3/8" [60mm] 82 4 9/16" [116mm] Circuit Breaker Housing KOs in cover can be removed for installation of three single-pole breakers. For use with the following breakers rated 100A maximum. MANuFACTuRER General Electric westinghouse V4047UX, G4047UX Accepts four Extron® Electronics MAAP single space modules. 7 5/16" [185mm] used for touching up small areas. Contains 0.3 oz.of paint. Available in ivory (IwE-P) and gray (GwE-P). V4050, G4050 4 3/4" [121mm] 6" [152mm] 7/16" [11.1mm] sERIEs THQC, THHQC Quicklag, C, QCH Bump-Up Device Plate 4 3/16" [122mm] 1 13/32" [36mm] NOTE: Parts identified with this symbol are Certified to Canadian Safety Standards for sale in Canada. When ordering these products, change the “V” color prefix to “CV” or the “G” color prefix to “CG” to deNOTE the Canadian versions. Touch-Up Paint Pen Device Mounting Bracket High impact plastic mounting bracket and trim plate. Trim plate overlaps raceway cover providing a seamless transition between cover fittings. utilizes 5507 Faceplates, as well as wiremold Open system communication modules, Ortronics® TracJack and series II inserts, and Pass & seymour® Activate series inserts. For faceplate options, see 5507 Series Faceplates. NOTE: When ordering to use with 6000 Series Raceway in Canada specify CV6050 (ivory) or CG6050 (gray) as the grounding bracket provided is larger than the one provided when using with 4000 Series Raceway. CM-EPLA End Plates are required when using Wiremold CM2 communication modules and Pass & Seymour® Activate inserts. S2-EPL End Plates are required when using Ortronics® Series II inserts. To mount TracJack modules, use 55074TJ or 55076TJ Faceplates. V6074, G6074 9 1/2" [241mm] Take-Off Connector (6000-6000) 4 7/8" [124mm] 3 9/16" [90mm] For 90° tee connection at any point along a run of 6000 series Raceway. G6074 6000 Base www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD 6000® SERIES RACEWAY 6000 Series Raceway Ordering Information (continued) V6074A, G6074A 9 1/2" [241mm] 4 7/8" [124mm] 3 9/16" [90mm] Take-Off Connector (6000-4000) V6086, G6086 For 90° tee connection at any point along a run of 6000 series Raceway. 5 3/16" [132mm] 1 3/4" [44mm] Panel Connector Fitting For connecting 6000 series Raceway with surface type panel boxes. Accommodates maximum wire capacity of 6000 system. separate C-flange fits around raceway, covering any irregularities made when cutting into box. Cut 4 3/4" x 3 9/16" [121mm x 90mm] hole in panel box. 6000 Series Interconnectivity Fittings CONNECTION REQuIRED FROM usE CATALOG NuMBER TO 6000 series Raceway 4000 (Tee Connection) 6000 series Raceway 6000 (Tee Connection) 1/2", 3/4", 1" or 1 1/4" trade size Conduit or Armored Cable Cover of 6000 1 1/4", 1 1/2", or 2" trade size Conduit or Armored Cable Back and/or side of 6000 G6074A G6074 G4046H-2 G6014A 6000 Series Raceway Installation Details 6000 Base 6086 C-Flange 6086 2. To mount 6000 Base to surface: Remove mounting screw KOs (approx. 18" [457mm] O.C. along base) as required. Mount base with No. 8 flathead fasteners. 3. To join lengths of 6000B, insert the pair of 6001A Couplings into one side of each base. slide bases together and tighten locking screws. Mounting Screw KO 3 9/16" [40mm] 18" [457mm] Approx. 6000B Sections 6001A Couplings 4. For divided installations: Install G6001DA Divider Clips at 30" [762mm] intervals. snap G6000DA Divider into place. G6000DA G6001DA 5. To install G6007C-1 or G6007C-2 Device Plates: snap into base and tighten clamps as Clamp G6007C-1 shown. wire device and assemble to bracket. Install flush plate (not furnished). 6. Cut 6000C Cover to fit between device brackets. snap in place as shown. Continue along entire run. Engage One Leg of Cover on Base Snap Cover onto Base STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS 1. Determine method of feeding raceway: 6014A for backfeed, 6086 (shown) for panel feed. 83 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD ANYSIZE™ SERIES RACEWAY Anysize™ Raceway is the ideal solution for applications that require a specific size raceway. Available in a variety of compartment sizes and finishes. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Raceway: File E4376 Guide RJBT. Fittings: File E41751 Guide RJPR. Meets Article 386 of NEC. Meets section 12-1600 of CEC. AnySize Series Raceway Base Specifier AnySize Base where special lengths are required, provide a detailed bill of material, indicating the various quantities, lengths and type of covers. Raceway must have a width greater than its depth. EXAMPLE 1: N1 834 212 3 2 wI N STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS MAtERIAL 1 Painted steel 2 unpainted satin Coat 3 unpainted Galv (G90) 4 stainless steel 5 Anodized Alum 6 Painted Alum DEpth 1" [25mm] = 1 1/8" [29mm] = 1 1/4" [32mm] = 1 3/8" [35mm] = 1 1/2" [38mm] = 5" [127mm] = WIDth 2 1/2" [63mm] = 212 2 5/8" [66mm] = 258 2 3/4" [69mm] = 234 2 7/8" [73mm] = 278 3" [76mm] = 300 10" [254mm] = 999 = = = = This is a 8 3/4" [222mm] wide by 2 1/2" [63mm] deep raceway, with three compartments and two covers, painted “weathered Iron.” # of Covers MAX Color Code** BK Gloss Black (RAL 9005) wH white (RAL 9003) GY Gray (wiremold Gray) IV Ivory (wiremold Ivory) wI weathered Iron wB weathered Bronze CC Custom Color (Provide paint chip or number) EXAMPLE 2: N1 612 300 2 2 IV This is a 6 1/2" [165mm] wide by 3" [76mm] deep raceway, with two compartments and two covers, painted ivory. ** All colors are gloss finish unless otherwise specified. COVER NE1C NE1CW NE1CT* NE1CTW* 100 118 114 138 112 500 # of Compartments MAX 4 standard Cover Cover for use when wire clips are used. wire clips are spaced 30" [762mm] on center only. Tamper-Resistant Cover Tamper-Resistant Cover for use when wire clips are used. wire clips are spaced 30" [76mm] on center only. *supplied with one tamper-resistant bracket. COLOR OPTIONS Anysize Raceway and components are available in a wide range of sizes, colors and options. 84 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD ANYSIZE™ SERIES RACEWAY AnySize Series Raceway Wire Fill Capacities for Communications uNsHIELDED TwIsTED PAIR O.D. (APPROX. DIA.) Inches [mm] 40% FILL 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 3 0.190 [4.8] 14.11 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 5e 0.210 (5.3) 11.55 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6 0.250 (6.3) 8.15 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6a* 0.354 (9.0) 4.06 25-pair, 24 AwG 0.410 (10.4) 3.03 0.270 [6.9] COAXIAL RG6/u FIBER ZipCord 0.118 x 0.236 [3 x 6] 6.98 14.38 Round 4 strand Fiber 0.187 [4.8] 14.57 Round 6 strand Fiber 0.256 [6.5] 7.77 AnySize Series Raceway Wire Fill Capacities for Power wIRE sIZE THHN/THwN 14 AwG 12 AwG 10 AwG 8 AwG 6 AwG O.D. Inches 0.111 0.130 0.164 0.216 0.254 [mm] [2.8] [3.3] [4.2] [5.5] [6.5] 40% FILL 41.24 30.08 18.96 10.93 7.89 NOTE: Values are per square inch of inside area. See above to determine useful area of compartment. Capacity range is calculated at 20% to 40% of raceway area as stated in a proposed revision to the Commercial Building Standard for Telecommunications Pathways & Spaces, TIA/ EIA-569. AnySize Series Raceway Ordering Information NE1000TB Tamper-Resistant Retaining Bracket For retaining cover in enhanced tamperresistant systems. Order additional brackets if field cutting cover for enhanced tamperresistant system. NE1000WC Wire Clip For holding conductors in place. Wire Fill Calculation: “Depth” and “width” refer to the measurements of the compartment with the cover on and are measured from the outside of the material. All measurements are in inches. Due to loading issues, use maximum wire fill of 4" [102mm] deep raceway for all raceways greater than 4" [102mm] deep. 1. Determine useable area of compartment. useable area in square inches with no devices = [width x (Depth -0.2)] - 0.6 useable area in square inches with standard 15A/20A devices = [width x (Depth -0.7)] - 0.3 2. Determine wire fill for compartment. Multiply the compartment area (from step 1) by the number of wires per square inch, from the chart above wire Fill = Area (sq. in.) x No. wires per sq. in. (Chart above) 3. Reduce fill by 20% if 2" [51mm] radiused fittings are not being used. wire Fill for standard fittings = .8 x wire fill from step 2 4. Calculate fill for multi-compartment tees. a) standard Tee wire Fill = (wire fill from step 2 or 3) / 2 standard Full Capacity Tee wire Fill = (wire fill from step 2 or 3) x 0.75 b) Radiused 2" Tee wire Fill = (wire fill from step 2 or 3) / (No. of compartments) Radiused 2" Full Capacity Tee wire Fill = 1.5 x (wire fill from step 2 or 3) / (No. of compartments) Sample Wire Fill Calculation: Determine the number of Cat. 6 cables that will fit in a 2" [51mm] deep by 2.75" [70mm] wide compartment for 40% fill. Fittings in the system have a 2" [51mm] radius. 1 useful area = 2.75 x (2.0 - 0.2) -0.6 = 4.35 in2 2 wire Fill = 4.35 in2 x 8.15 cables / in2 (from chart) = 35 Cat. 6 cables All wiremold electrical products, unless specifically NOTEd, are listed by underwriters Laboratories Inc. and conform to u.s. Federal specification w-C-582. They comply with the National Electrical Code. Products designed primarily for use in telephone or communications wiring and tools normally do not require uL or cuL Listing. Most products are cuL Listed in compliance with the Canadian Electrical Code. All products must be installed in a manner consistent with applicable electrical codes. wiremold surface Raceway is uL and cuL Listed by underwriters Laboratories Inc. (File #E4376 [Raceway] & #E41751 [Fittings]). This product is in compliance with the National Electrical Code and the Canadian Electrical Code. NE1000GC 2" [51mm] NE1001 Ground Clamp For connection of equipment grounding conductor to provide additional ground to raceway. Coupling For joining lengths of Anysize Raceway. (unpainted galvanized steel). STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS CABLE/wIRE sIZE 85 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD ANYSIZE™ SERIES RACEWAY AnySize Series Raceway Ordering Information (continued) NE1008A NE1011RFO, NE1011RFOT C-Hanger Radiused Full Capacity Flat Elbow For supporting raceway from structural ceiling. Designed for use with 3/8" [9.5mm] threaded rod. Hangers should be installed no more than 5' [1.5m] apart along raceway run. NE1008AW Wall Bracket Hanger For supporting raceway from structural wall. use hardware capable of supporting loaded raceway. Hangers should be installed no more than 5' [1.5m] apart along raceway run. NE1010B, NE1010BK same as NE1011FO but outside corner is curved to a 2" [51mm] radius. NE1011, NE1011T Flat Elbow For right angle turns on the same surface. Blank End Fitting For closing open end of Anysize Base. NE1010BK has knockouts available for connection to adjacent wiring systems. size and quantity of knockouts to be specified by end user. NE1010DFO, NE1010DFOT NE1014, NE1014T Wall Box Connector Base is provided with ground terminal for 10-32 screw and user specified conduit knockouts and/or wall box rectangular knockouts (2 9/16” x 1 11/16” [65mm x 43mm]). Radiused Large Capacity Entrance End Fitting STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS Has concentric conduit trade size KOs on sides, end and bottom for feeding raceway. useful where large conduits feed the raceway. size of knockouts to be specified by end user. NE1010D, NE1010DT Entrance End Fitting Has concentric conduit trade size KOs on sides, ends and bottom for feeding raceway. size of knockouts to be specified by end user. NE1011FO, NE1011FOT Radiused Full Capacity Flat Elbow used in divided and undivided applications to provide a 2" [51mm] cable bend radius for new lay-in or pull-through installations. 86 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD NE1015FO, NE1015FOT Radiused Full Capacity Tee Provides a 2” [51mm] cable bend radius for new lay-in or pull-through installations. Dual cover version not available. single cover can be used in all applications. Capacity is reduced in multi-compartment applications. NE1015, NE1015T Tee For branches at right angles. Dual cover version not available. single cover can be used in all applications. Capacity is reduced in multi-compartment applications. NOTE:“T” at the end of part number indicates it is for use in an enhanced tamper-resistant system. WIREMOLD ANYSIZE™ SERIES RACEWAY AnySize Series Raceway Ordering Information (continued) Radiused Large Capacity Tee Provides a 2” [51mm] cable bend radius new lay-in or pullthrough installations. Deeper fitting provides 50% more fill than the standard tee fitting. useful for multi-compartment installations. supplied with special couplings. Dual cover version not available. single cover can be used in all applications. NE1015L, NE1015LT Large Capacity Tee For branches at right angles. Deeper fitting provides 50% more fill than the standard tee fitting. useful for multicompartment installations. supplied with special couplings. Dual cover version not available. single cover can be used in all applications. NE1017FO, NE1017FOT Radiused Full Capacity Internal Elbow Provides a 2” [51mm] cable bend radius for new lay-in or pull-through installations. NE1018FO, NE1018FOT Radiused Full Capacity External Elbow A full capacity 90° external elbow to provide a 2" [51mm] cable bend radius for new lay-in or pull-through installations. supplied with special couplings. NE1018, NE1018T For 90° external corners. NE1047, NE1047WC, NE1047T, NE1047WCT Device Cover Variable length from 6" to 60" [152mm to 1.5m] long. specify cutout type and location. Eliminates frequent seams when devices are located close together along the raceway. supplied with appropriate brackets. NE1407, NE1407T NE1017, NE1017T Internal Elbow For 90° internal corners. NE1017P, NE1017PT Compact Internal Elbow For 90° internal corners. Compact size is useful when going around columns. External Elbow Deep Device Plate used to minimize or eliminate fill reduction at activations. Mounts on top of raceway and helps maintain recommended bend radii at activation. specify depth required between 5/8" [15.9mm] and 3" [76mm]. supplied with appropriate brackets. NE1046H, NE1046HT Custom Tap-Off Fitting Provided with user-specified trade size KOs. supplied with appropriate brackets. NOTE:“T” at the end of part number indicates it is for use in an enhanced tamper-resistant system. STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS NE1015LFO, NE1015LFOT 87 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD ANYSIZE™ SERIES RACEWAY AnySize Series Raceway Ordering Information (continued) NE1046AP Tamper–Resistant Access Plate Required on an entrance point to allow cover removal on tamperresistant systems. One plate is required on every run between opposing walls. Provides 1/4" [6.4mm] overlap flange for improved aesthetics at cover edge. supplied with appropriate brackets. NE1046APN V4050, G4050 6" [152mm] 7/16" [11.1mm] Tamper-Resistant Notch Tool Required to create tamper-resistant notches in raceway covers that are field cut during installation. NE610C Raceway Cover Cutter Portable Cutter for Anysize Raceway Covers for clean and easy square cuts every time. Tamper–Resistant Access Plate Required on an entrance point to allow cover removal on tamperresistant systems. One plate is required on every run between opposing walls. NE1046APN does not have a flange to overlap adjacent covers. use for access at end of run. 4 11/16" [116mm] NE610 NE1046, NE1046T Provides 1/4” [6mm] overlap flange for improved aesthetics at cover edge. supplied with appropriate brackets. Device Mounting Bracket High impact plastic mounting bracket and trim plate which overlap raceway cover providing a seamless transition between cover fittings. For use with: 5507 series™ Faceplates, Ortronics® TracJack and series II modules, Pass & seymour® Activate series inserts, and wiremold Open system communication modules. NOTE: For use only with 4 3/4” [121mm] wide raceway. Three Compartment Plate Shown. NE1046-2, NE1046-2T 12" [305mm] Device Plate STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS NOTE: For use only with 4 3/4" [121mm] wide raceway. NE1086A Panel Connector Two Compartment Plate Shown. To connect Anysize Raceway with surface type panel boxes. Accommodates maximum wire capacity of Anysize system used. separate C-shaped flange fits around raceway, covering any irregularities made when cutting into box. NOTE: Parts identified with this symbol are Certified to Canadian Safety Standards for sale in Canada. When ordering these products, change the “V” color prefix to “CV” or the “G” color prefix to “CG” to deNOTE the Canadian versions. 88 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 6' [152mm] Device Plate Allows high density activations. Provides 1/4" [6.4mm] overlap flange for improved aesthetics at cover edge. supplied with appropriate brackets. NOTE: For use only with 4 3/4" [121mm] wide raceway. WIREMOLD ANYSIZE™ SERIES RACEWAY AnySize Series Raceway Device Plate Configurator The following represent various cutouts available for Anysize Raceway. The corresponding letter designations used to create the device plate part number are also shown. Standard Duplex (D) 2 RJ11/45 (RJ) Decorator Duplex (R) 1.4" [35.5mm] Dia. Single (A) 1.6" [40.6mm] Dia. Single (J) 4007C-1 Cutout * (C1) 4007C-1R Cutout * (CIR) AMp Flex/single ACO (F) Accommodates: Wiremold Open System communications, Ortronics tracJack & Series II (LV6) Accommodates: Wiremold Open System communications (MFB) 1/2" – 3/4" [12.7mm – 19.1mm] KO & Grommet (K) Accommodates: Wiremold Open System communications, Ortronics tracJack & Series II (LV2) * These openings also require the use of commercially available faceplates. Device Plate Design and Part Numbers 2 3 4 to specify type of device plate, and cutout locations: 1) specify device plate type above. 2) Add the suffix(es) (in parentheses above) that corresponds to the cutout type required, beginning from the top compartment. For 12" [305mm] device plates, indicate if the second column of cutouts is the same as the first. If it is not, please send sketch. For NE1047 Covers sketch to indicate quantity and spacing of devices. For other special cutouts, contact factory. Sample Plate: NE1046DJLV2 Sample Part Number: prefix 1 NE1046 D 2 3 4 J LV2 ______ 2nd. col. (yes/no or N/A) N/A STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS 1 89 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD ANYSIZE™ SERIES RACEWAY AnySize Raceway Installation Details see the typical basic system (illustrated below) for installation details. In general, the following procedure for installing Anysize Raceway is recommended. End Blank 1. starting at feed connection, install base sections over entire run. Butt ends of sections and install couplings as shown below. Cut base sections to length as required for connection of bases Base of fittings. Determine the Conduit method of feeding raceway: raceway base or wall box connector for back feed, end blanks (shown), entrance end fittings, or panel connector for end feed. 4. Assemble devices and device covers in base. To install device plates, snap device straps in base as shown. wire device and assemble to straps. snap device plate over base and device. For deep device plates or offset device plates fasten to raceway base by screwing into device brackets in raceway base. 2. To mount base to surface: Remove mounting knockouts as required. Mount base with No. 8 flathead fasteners. Snap Cover onto Base 5. Cut cover sections to length as necessary and snap onto base. It is recommended that covers overlap base joint. use pre-cut cover, or cut cover to fit between device plates. snap in place as shown. Continue along entire run. Engage One Leg of Depth 24" [610mm] (approx.) Bottom Inserts First Device Mounting Straps Cover on Base 3. Install wiring in base and wire devices. To couple lengths of base or fittings, butt the adjacent base sections together and insert one coupling centered over the splice. Tighten the set screws. Repeat the process on the other side of the base. AnySize Raceway – Typical Tamper-Resistant Installation STEEL SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS A. Complete instructions 1 to 3. B. Add covers progressively from access point to other end, utilizing instructions 4 and 5 as needed. see Illustrations below. C. Repeat (ii) and (iii) as required. D. Any cut covers will require replacement of the tamper-resistant notch using NE610 tool. (i) E. Tighten all screws securely. NE1407 Deep Device plate Installation 90 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD (ii) (iii) (iv) WIREMOLD OVERFLOOR RACEWAY SYSTEMS Wiremold® Overfloor Raceway Systems provide unique solutions to solve specific installation issues when access to floors and ceilings is not an option for installers, building owners, and designers. OFR Series Overfloor Raceway 1200/1400/1600 Series Raceway 105 OVERFLOOR RACEWAY SYSTEMS 94 91 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD OVERFLOOR RACEWAY SYSTEMS Table of Contents Multiple-Channel Overfloor Raceway Systems 94 OFR Series Overfloor Raceway System Steel Pancake Overfloor Raceway Systems 98 102 1500 Series™ Raceway 2600 Series™ Raceway Nonmetallic Pancake Overfloor Raceway Systems 105 OVERFLOOR RACEWAY SYSTEMS 1200/1400/1600 Series™ Raceways 92 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD OVERFLOOR RACEWAY SYSTEMS Quick Selection Guide Multiple-Channel Overfloor Raceway Systems OFR Series Overfloor Raceway Device Boxes OFR48-4 OFRB-8 & OFRC-8 6 7/8" [175mm] Transition Fittings OFR89-DS4000 1/2" [12.7mm] Two-Piece Steel Single-Channel Overfloor Raceway Systems 1500 Series™ Raceway 2600 Series™ Raceway 11/32" [8.8mm] 23/32" [18.3mm] 1 9/16" 39mm] 2 7/32" [56.6mm] One-Piece Nonmetallic Single-Channel Overfloor Raceway Systems 1200 Series™ Raceway 1400 Series™ Raceway 1/2" [12.7mm] 26/32" [20.1mm] 14/32" [11.4mm] 2 1/2" [64mm] 20/32" [16.5mm] OVERFLOOR RACEWAY SYSTEMS 3" [76mm] 1600 Series™ Raceway 1 1/32" [26mm] 30/32" [23.4mm] 3 11/32" [85mm] 93 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD OFR SERIES OVERFLOOR RACEWAY Wiremold® OFR Series Overfloor Raceway System provides four-channels of capacity and access to a wide range of data and A/V connectivity options in the smallest, lowest, narrowest, ADA compliant profile available in over floor raceway systems. CODE REFERENCE OFR Series Overfloor Raceway System is cETLus Listed. OFR Series Overfloor Raceway System Layout H G F E OVERFLOOR RACEWAY SYSTEMS A 94 D C B NOTE: Illustration is for showing product applications only. KEY A. B. C. D. OFRBC-8 Overfloor Raceway Base & Cover OFR11 90° Flat Elbow OFR48-2 Two-Gang Device Box OFR48-4 Four-Gang Device Box E. F. G. H. OFR89-2400 Series Raceway Transition Fitting OFR89-4000 Series Raceway Transition Fitting 2400D Series Divided Raceway 4000 Series Raceway COLOR OPTIONS OFR Series Overfloor Raceway System is available with a black powder coat finish that is also paintable. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD OFR SERIES OVERFLOOR RACEWAY Ordering Information OFR Series Raceway Wire Fill Capacities for Power [mm] wIRE CROSS-SECTIONAL AREA # OF wIRES PER OuTER CHANNEL (40% FILL) # OF wIRES PER OuTER CHANNEL w/OFR1 (40% FILL) # OF wIRES PER OuTER CHANNEL w/OFR9 (40% FILL) # OF wIRES PER INNER CHANNEL (40% FILL) [2.8] 0.010 18 13 10 19 [3.3] 0.013 13 10 7 14 0.164 [4.2] 0.021 8 3 2 9 0.216 [5.5] 0.037 4 4 3 5 O.D. wIRE SIZE THHN/THwN Inches 14 AwG 0.111 12 AwG 0.130 10 AwG 8 AwG OFR Series Raceway Wire Fill Capacities for Communications # OF wIRES PER OuTER CHANNEL (40% FILL) # OF wIRES PER OuTER CHANNEL with OFR1 (40% FILL) # OF wIRES PER OuTER CHANNEL with OFR9 (40% FILL) # OF wIRES PER INNER CHANNEL (40% FILL) CABLE/wIRE SIZE Inches [mm] wIRE CROSSSECTIONAL AREA uNSHIELDED TwISTED PAIR 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 3 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 5e 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6a* 0.190 0.210 0.250 0.354 [4.8] [5.3] [6.3] [9.0] 0.028 0.035 0.049 0.098 6 5 3 1 4 3 2 1 3 2 2 1 6 5 3 2 COAXIAL RG6/u 0.270 [6.9] 0.057 3 2 1 3 FIBER ZipCord Round 4 Strand Fiber Round 6 Strand Fiber 0.118 x 0.236 0.187 0.256 [3 x 6] [4.8] [6.5] 0.025 0.027 0.051 7 6 3 5 4 2 3 3 1 7 6 3 O.D. (APPROX. DIA.) NOTE: For additional information, refer to the Technical Section. * Category 6 augmented (6a) cable for 10 gigabit ethernet – max allowed cable diameter per addenda No. 11 ANSI TIA/EIA 568-B.2. Overfloor Raceway Base OFRBC-8 Overfloor Raceway Base & Cover Base: 0.080” [2.0mm] aluminum. Divided into four channels. Packed four (4) 8’ [2.4m] lengths per carton. 6" [152mm] OFRC-8 NOTE: Not recommended for use in high traffic areas. 7/16" [11.1mm] Overfloor Raceway Cover Cover: 0.040” [1.0mm] steel. Durable black powder coat finish. Packed four (4) 8’ [2.4m] lengths of cover per carton. 6 7/8" [175mm] NOTE: Not recommended for use in high traffic areas. 1/2" [12.7mm] 6 7/8" [175mm] 1/2" [12.7mm] OFR6 Cover: 0.040" [1.0mm] steel. Base: 0.080" [2.0mm] aluminum. Durable black powder coat finish. Divided into four channels. Packed one (1) 8' [2.4m] length of base and cover per carton. NOTE: Not recommended for use in high traffic areas. Overfloor Raceway Seam Clip Covers seam where two sections of OFR Series Overfloor Raceway cover come together. 19/32" [15.1mm] 7 5/32" [182mm] 1 1/2" [38mm] OVERFLOOR RACEWAY SYSTEMS OFRB-8 95 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD OFR SERIES OVERFLOOR RACEWAY Ordering Information OFR10A Overfloor Raceway Entrance End Fitting Feeds OFR Series Raceway, Has two (2) concentric 1/2” and 1 1/4” trade size KOs on end. Includes removable divider that can be positioned to feed any raceway channel. Can be used to feed raceway from wall or into furniture. 4 1/2" [114mm] 2 5/8" [67mm] 6 15/16" [176mm] 3 1/2" [89mm] OFR10IW 3 1/4" [83mm] 5 7/16" [138mm] 3 15/32" [88mm] 5/32" [4mm] Feeds OFR Series Overfloor Raceway from behind wall. Configurable to provide one or two channels of power. Has 1/2" trade size KO for single channel and 3/4" trade KO for two channel. Overfloor Raceway 2-Gang Box 2 1/4" [57mm] 13" [330mm] 6 15/16" [176mm] Divided two-gang device box. Allows multiple services (power, data, A/V) at a single point-ofuse. Side facing device mounting provides low profile, with space for large cable bend radius. Accepts OFR Series device plates. Removable divider can be aligned with any of the raceway channels. OVERFLOOR RACEWAY SYSTEMS OFR48-4 Overfloor Raceway 4-Gang Box 2 1/4" [57mm] 18" [457mm] 7" [178mm] 12 1/2" [318mm] Divided four-gang device box. Allows multiple services (power, data, A/V) at a single point-ofuse. Side facing device mounting provides low profile, with space for large cable bend radius. Accepts OFR Series device plates. Removable divider can be aligned with any of the raceway channels. OFR48-4GX OFR Crossover Kit 6 3/4" [171mm] Allows access to power and data on both sides of OFR48-4 4-Gang Device Box. 2 1/8" [54mm] 96 3/8" [9.5mm] 1 13/32" [36mm] 3/4" [19.1mm] OFR89-2400 OFR 2400 Raceway Transition OFR In-Wall Entrance End Fitting 7 23/32" [196mm] 7" [178mm] For holding conductors in place. Packed twelve (12) per pack. 7 3/16" [183mm] 9 15/32" [241mm] OFR48-2 OFRWC Overfloor Raceway Wire Clips 12 1/2" [318mm] 4" [102mm] 3 1/4" [83mm] OFR89-4000 OFR 4000 Raceway Transition 7 3/16" [183mm] 4 7/8" [124mm] 2 9/16" [65mm] For connecting vertical runs of 4000 Series Raceway with OFR Series Raceway. Includes removable divider than can be positioned to feed any raceway channel. 3 15/16" [100mm] OFR89-DS4000 OFR DS4000 Raceway Transition 7 3/16" [183mm] 4 7/8" [124mm] 2 9/16" [65mm] For connecting vertical runs of DS4000 Series Raceway with OFR Series Raceway. Includes removable divider than can be positioned to feed any raceway channel 3 15/16" [100mm] OFR89-VIS Overfloor Vista Point5 Transition 5 1/16" [129mm] 9 3/16" [233mm] For connecting OFR Series Raceway to Vista Point5 Architectural Columns. 6 1/4" [159mm] 1/4" [6.4mm] 6 15/16" [176mm] www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 2 9/16" [65mm] For connecting vertical runs of 2400 & 2400D Series Raceway with OFR Series Raceway. Includes removable divider than can be positioned to feed any raceway channel. 7 9/16" [192mm] WIREMOLD OFR SERIES OVERFLOOR RACEWAY Ordering Information OFR89-VFL Overfloor Large Vista Transition 9 3/16" [233mm] 5 1/16" [129mm] For connecting OFR Series Raceway to Vista Architectural Columns. OFR47-D OFR11 OFR Flat Elbow 8 11/16" [221mm] 8 11/16" [221mm] 5 1/2" [140mm] OFR47-R 7 9/16" [192mm] 6 15/16" [176mm] For covering duplex style devices in OFR48-2 and OFR48-4 Device Boxes. Accepts 106 Frame. 2" [51mm] 6 1/4" [159mm] 1/4" [6.4mm] OFR Duplex Device Plate OFR Decorator Device Plate For covering rectangular decorator style devices in OFR48-2 and OFR48-4 Device Boxes. 2" [51mm] For making right angle turns on the same surface. 5 1/2" [140mm] OFR47-U 1/2" [12.7mm] OFR Extron® MAAP-2A Device Plate 8 1/16" [205mm] 8 1/16" [205mm] 2" [51mm] OFR1 OFR Coupling 5 1/2" [140mm] Joins lengths of OFRB-8 OFR Series Raceway Base together. Sold in pairs. 1 3/8" [35mm] Device plate that will accept up to four (4) Extron® Electronics MAAP style plates in OFR48-2 and OFR48-4 Device Boxes. OFR47-V OFR Extron ® Device plate that will accept two (2) Extron® Electronics AAP single space modules. 2" [51mm] 2 1/2" [64mm] AAP Device Plate 5 1/2" [140mm] 1 3/8" [35mm] Connects equipment grounding conductor to provide ground to OFR Series Raceway. No. 10 ground screw provided. OFR47-2A OFR Communications Device Plate 2" [51mm] 2 1/2" [64mm] OFR47-B 5 1/2" [140mm] OFR Duplex Device Plate For covering unused compartments in OFR48-2 and OFR48-4 Device Boxes. 2" [51mm] 5 1/2" [140mm] Device plate that will accept up to four (4) ports of communications devices. Includes adapters for Ortronics® TracJack, Series II, Pass & Seymour® Activate inserts and wiremold Open System communication modules. OFR47-U2A OFR Extron® MAAP-2A Combo Device Plate 2" [51mm] 5 1/2" [140mm] Combination device plate that will accept up to two (2) Extron® Electronics MAAP style plates and up to two (2) ports of communications devices. Includes adapters for Ortronics® TracJack, Series II, Pass & Seymour® Activate inserts and wiremold Open System communication modules. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD OVERFLOOR RACEWAY SYSTEMS OFR9 OFR Grounding Clip 97 WIREMOLD 1500 SERIES™ OVERFLOOR RACEWAY Wiremold® 1500 Series™ Steel Pancake Raceway provides permanent protection for overfloor cabling in high traffic areas. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Underfloor Raceways: File E4376 Guide RJBT. Fittings: File E41751 Guide RJPR. Meets Article 386 of NEC. Meets Section 12-1600 of CEC. 1500 Series Raceway System Layout L J K O M C N A N D N I H B E OVERFLOOR RACEWAY SYSTEMS G 98 F N NOTE: Illustration is for showing product applications only. KEY A. V1517B Adapter Fitting B. 1528 utility Box C. 1585 Combination Connector D. 1546A Single Receptacle Box E. 1546B Duplex Receptacle Box F. 1511 90° Flat Elbow G. 1517 Internal Elbow H. 1518 External Elbow I. 2642D Junction Box J. 2686FO Transition Feed Fitting K. 2600 Series Pancake Overfloor Steel Raceway COLOR OPTIONS 1500 Series™ Raceway components are available in galvanized steel unless otherwise indicated in the part number description. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD L. 2400 Series Raceway M. V500 500/700 Series Raceway N. 1500 Raceway Base & Cover O. 1/2” Conduit or Armored Cable WIREMOLD 1500 SERIES™ OVERFLOOR RACEWAY Ordering Information 1500 Series Raceway Wire Fill Capacities for Power 1500 Series Raceway Wire Fill Capacities for Communications O.D. (Approx. dia.) CABLE/wIRE SIZE Inches [mm] 40% FILL 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 3 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 5e 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6a* 25-pair, 24 AwG 0.190 0.210 0.250 0.354 0.410 [4.8] [5.3] [6.3] [9.0] [10.4] 3 2 1 0 0 COAXIAL RG6/u 0.270 [6.9] 1 FIBER ZipCord Round 4 Strand Fiber Round 6 Strand Fiber 0.118 x 0.236 0.187 0.256 [3 x 6] [4.8] [6.5] 3 3 1 uNSHIELDED TwISTED PAIR wIRE SIZE THHN/THwN O.D. (Approx. dia.) Inches [mm] 14 AwG 0.111 [2.8] 9 12 AwG 0.130 [3.3] 6 10 AwG 0.164 [4.2] 4 NO. OF CONDuCTORS 40% FILL NOTE: For additional information, refer to the Technical Section. * Category 6 augmented (6a) cable for 10 gigabit ethernet – max allowed cable diameter per addenda No. 11 ANSI TIA/EIA 568-B.2. 1500-10 Raceway Base & Cover .040” [1.0mm] galvanized steel. Packed ten 10’ [3m] lengths per carton. Base has 9/32” [7.1mm] diameter mounting holes on centers of approximately 8” [203mm]. 11/32" [8.8mm] 1 9/16" 39mm] 90° Flat Elbow 2 5/8" [6.7mm] Ea. Leg For right angle turns on the same surface. 1 3/4" [44mm] Ea. Leg Cover Removal Tool 8 1/4" 209mm] 1500WC 1517 Internal Elbow For internal 90° corners. 2 1/2" [64mm] Wire Clip For holding conductors in place. Not uL Listed. 3/8" [9.5mm] 1502 For removing cover of 1500 and 2600 Series Overfloor Raceways. V1517B Adapter Fitting 2 15/16" [75mm] Fiber Bushing 2 11/16" [68mm] 2 1/8" [54mm] Protects wires from abrasion. Slips into open end of 1500 Series Raceway where it enters a fitting. To feed to or from 500 or 700 Series Raceway on wall to 1500 Series Raceway on floor. Ivory finish. 1518 External Elbow For external 90° corners. 1504 1/2" [12.7mm] 2 1/2" [64mm] Ea. Leg Strap Two-hole strap. use to fasten 1500 Series Raceway to surfaces at any point desired. OVERFLOOR RACEWAY SYSTEMS 656 1511 99 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD 1500 SERIES™ OVERFLOOR RACEWAY Ordering Information 1528 Utility Box 1546B 1 21/32" [42mm] 5/8" [15.9mm] 3 1/4" [83mm] 1542D Base and cover each have 1/2” trade size KO. May be used as a cross, tee, straight through or to terminate run. Two 1500wC wire Clips included. 23/32" [18.3mm] May be used as a cross, tee or elbow. Cover has 1/2” trade size KO. Base has 1/2” and 3/4” concentric trade size KOs to enable connection to floor outlet boxes or underfloor duct systems (use Chase nipple – not included). Two 1500wC wire Clips included. 1543GL Grounding Duplex Receptacle 15A-125V NEMA 5-15R & Cover 5 1/16" [129mm] 1 5/16" [33mm] 3 1/16" [78mm] 1546A OVERFLOOR RACEWAY SYSTEMS 1 5/16" [33mm] 3 1/16" [78mm] Cover has twistouts for 1500 and 2600 Series Raceway on all four sides. Base has 1/2" and 3/4" trade size concentric KOs. Two 1500wC wire Clips included. Gray finish. Single Receptacle Box 5 1/16" [129mm] 1.405" [36mm] Dia. 5 1/16" [129mm] 1 5/16" [33mm] 3 1/16" [78mm] will accommodate commercially available 15A or 20A duplex receptacles. Base has 1/2" and 3/4" concentric trade size KOs. Nonmetallic cover has 1500 and 2600 Series Raceway twistouts on all four sides. Two 1500wC wire Clips included. Side wiring recommended. Gray finish. NOTE: Box covers are manufactured of UL Listed Noryl plastic, gray textured finish. Junction Box 4" [102mm] Dia. Duplex Receptacle Box 1546T Telephone Outlet Box 5 1/16" [129mm] 1 5/16" [33mm] 3 1/16" [78mm] 1585 Furnished with 1/2" [12.7mm] rubber stem. Designed to accept modular connecting blocks within the fitting. Nonmetallic cover has 1500 and 2600 Series Raceway twistouts on both ends and both sides. Two 1500wC wire Clips included. Not uL Listed. Gray finish. Combination Connector 3/4" [19.1mm] 1 5/8" [41mm] 1 21/32" [42mm] 3 1/4" [83mm] For connecting 1/2" trade size conduit or armored cable to 1500 Series Raceway. 27/32" [21.4mm] will accommodate commercially available straight blade and locking single receptacles with face diameters of 1.38-1.40" [35-36mm]. Base has 1/2" and 3/4" trade size concentric KOs. Nonmetallic cover has 1500 and 2600 Series Raceway twistouts on all four sides. Two 1500wC wire Clips included. Gray finish. NOTE: Parts identified with this symbol are Certified to Canadian Safety Standards for sale in Canada. When ordering these products, add “C” prefix to part number to denote the Canadian version, i.e “C1546A”. 100 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD 1500 SERIES™ OVERFLOOR RACEWAY Ordering Information 500 & 700 Series Raceways Installation Details 6. Cut lengths of cover to fit between fittings. (Cover must be shorter than mating base: 3/8" [9.5mm] shorter for 1500, 9/16" [14.3mm] shorter for 2600.) Snap covers onto base, latching one side under the base bead and striking cover with a rubber mallet. 1. Determine method of feeding raceway with 1517B, 1585 (shown), 2186 or through a junction box or receptacle box (i.e., 1542, 1546B). 2. Determine length of raceway base to first fitting location. Cut base to desired length. 4. Slip fitting tongue over raceway base and fasten fitting base to surface. Repeat steps 2-4 until fitting and raceway bases are installed along entire run. 5. Lay conductors in raceway base using 1500wC or 2600wC wire Clips to hold conductors in place. wire and install devices along run. 2600 or 1500 Base 7. when raceway bases are butted, cover must be installed so that it overlaps joint. 8. Remove proper twistouts in fitting cover making sure that mounting holes line up with fitting base. Install cover with screws furnished. 2602 or 1502 Bushing Wire clip OVERFLOOR RACEWAY SYSTEMS 3. Mount raceway base to surface using No. 8 flathead fasteners through all mounting holes provided. 101 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD 2600 SERIES™ OVERFLOOR RACEWAY 2600 Series™ Raceway uL Code Reference, Color Options, System Layout, wire Fill Capacity Charts, Ordering Information, Installation Details and Interconnectivity Options. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Underfloor Raceways: File E4376 Guide RJBT. Fittings: File E41751 Guide RJPR. Meets Article 386 of NEC. Meets Section 12-1600 of CEC. 2600 Series Raceway System Layout J K G H F A B E C OVERFLOOR RACEWAY SYSTEMS I 102 NOTE: Illustration is for showing product applications only. I A L D KEY A. B. C. D. E. F. 2642D Junction Box 1543GL Grounding Duplex Receptacle & Cover 1546A Single Receptacle Box 2611 90° Flat Elbow 2686FO Transition Feed Fitting 2400 wiremold 2400 Series Raceway G. H. I. J. K. L. 1500 wiremold 1500 Series Raceway V1517B Adapter Fitting 2600 wiremold 2600 Series Overfloor Steel Raceway 500 wiremold 200, 500 or 700 Series Raceway Conduit 1/2" [12.7mm] Flexible Conduit Conduit 1/2" or 3/4" Conduit to underfloor Duct System COLOR OPTIONS 2600 Series™ Raceway components are available in galvanized steel unless otherwise indicated in the part number description. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD 2600 SERIES™ OVERFLOOR RACEWAY Ordering Information 2600 Series Raceway Wire Fill Capacities for Power 2600 Series Raceway Wire Fill Capacities for Communications O.D. (Approx. dia.) CABLE/wIRE SIZE uNSHIELDED TwISTED PAIR 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 3 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 5e 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6a* 25-pair, 24 AwG COAXIAL RG6/u FIBER ZipCord Round 4 Strand Fiber Round 6 Strand Fiber Inches [mm] 40% FILL 0.190 0.210 0.250 0.354 0.410 [4.8] [5.3] [6.3] [9.0] [10.4] 10 8 5 2 2 0.270 [6.9] 5 0.118 x 0.236 0.187 0.256 [3 x 6] [4.8] [6.5] 10 10 5 NO. OF CONDuCTORS 40% FILL wIRE SIZE THHN/THwN O.D. (Approx. dia.) Inches [mm] 14 AwG 0.111 [2.8] 29 12 AwG 0.130 [3.3] 21 10 AwG 0.164 [4.2] 13 NOTE: For additional information, refer to the Technical Section. * Category 6 augmented (6a) cable for 10 gigabit ethernet – max allowed cable diameter per addenda No. 11 ANSI TIA/EIA 568-B.2. 23/32" [18.3mm] 656 Raceway Base & Cover 2 7/32" [56.6mm] Cover: .050" galvanized steel. Base: .040" [1.0mm] galvanized steel. Packed five 10' [3m] lengths per carton. Base has 9/32" [7.1mm] diameter mounting holes on centers of approximately 8" [203mm]. Cover Removal Tool For removing cover of 1500 and 2600 Series Overfloor Raceways. 2611 90° Flat Elbow 2 5/8" [67mm] 2642D Junction Box 1" [25mm] 8 1/4" 209mm] 2600WC Wire Clip For holding conductors in place. 3/4" [19.1mm] 2602 5" [127mm] Dia. 2686FO Fiber Bushing Protects wires from abrasion. Slips into open end of 2600 Series Raceway where it enters a fitting. NOTE: Box covers are manufactured of UL Listed Noryl plastic, gray textured finish. NOTE: Parts identified with this symbol are Certified to Canadian Safety Standards for sale in Canada. When ordering these products, add “C” prefix to part number to denote the Canadian version, i.e. “C1546A”. For right angle turns on the same surface. 4" [102mm] 2 1/2" [64mm] 3 5/8" [92mm] May be used with 1500 and/or 2600 Series Raceway as a cross, tee, or elbow. Cover has 1/2" trade size KO. Base has 1/2" and 3/4" concentric KO to enable connection to floor, outlet boxes or under floor duct systems (use Chase nipple – not included). Two 2600wC wire Clips included. NOTE: Box covers are manufactured of UL Listed Noryl plastic, gray textured finish. Transition Feed Fitting Eliminates offsetting 2400 Series Raceway in connecting with surface panel boxes. Has 3/4" and 1" concentric trade size KOs with 1" trade size KO elongated so adjustment from surface to center of bushing is 1" [25mm] to 1 5/8" [41mm] maximum. Has twistouts for transition to 1500 and 2600 Series Raceway. OVERFLOOR RACEWAY SYSTEMS 2600-10 103 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD 2600 SERIES™ OVERFLOOR RACEWAY Ordering Information 2600 Series Raceway Interconnectivity Fittings CONNECTION REQuIRED FROM TO uSE CATALOG NuMBER 2600 Series Raceway 1500 Series Raceway 2642D, 1543GL, 1546A, 1546B, 1546T 2600 Series Raceway 2400 Series Raceway 2686FO 1/2" trade size Conduit or Armored Cable End of 1500 Series Raceway 1585 1/2" trade size Conduit or Armored Cable Bottom of 1500 Series Raceway 1528 1/2" or 3/4" trade size Conduit or Armored Cable Bottom of 1500 or 2600 Series Raceway 2642D 1/2" or 3/4" trade size Conduit or Armored Cable Bottom of 1500 Series Raceway 1542D 1543GL Grounding Duplex Receptacle 15A-125V NEMA 5-15R & Cover 5 1/16" [129mm] 1 5/16" [33mm] Cover has twistouts for 1500 and 2600 Series Raceway on all four sides. Base has 1/2" and 3/4" trade size concentric KOs. Two 1500wC wire Clips included. Gray finish. 3 1/16" [78mm] 1546A Single Receptacle Box 5 1/16" [129mm] 1 5/16" [33mm] 1.405" [36mm] Dia. OVERFLOOR RACEWAY SYSTEMS 3 1/16" [78mm] will accommodate commercially available straight blade and locking single receptacles with face diameters of 1.38-1.40" [35-36mm]. Base has 1/2" and 3/4" trade size concentric KOs. Nonmetallic cover has 1500 and 2600 Series Raceway twistouts on all four sides. Two 1500wC wire Clips included. Gray finish. 1546B Duplex Receptacle Box 5 1/16" [129mm] 1 5/16" [33mm] 3 1/16" [78mm] 1546T Telephone Outlet Box 5 1/16" [129mm] 1 5/16" [33mm] 3 1/16" [78mm] will accommodate commercially available 15A or 20A duplex receptacles. Base has 1/2" and 3/4" concentric trade size KOs. Nonmetallic cover has 1500 and 2600 Series Raceway twistouts on all four sides. Two 1500wC wire Clips included. Side wiring recommended. Gray finish. Furnished with 1/2" [12.7mm] rubber stem. Designed to accept modular connecting blocks within the fitting. Nonmetallic cover has 1500 and 2600 Series Raceway twistouts on both ends and both sides. Two 1500wC wire Clips included. Not uL Listed. Gray finish. NOTE: Parts identified with this symbol are Certified to Canadian Safety Standards for sale in Canada. When ordering these products, add “C” prefix to part number to denote the Canadian version, i.e “C1546A”. 104 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD 1200/1400/1600 SERIES™ OVERFLOOR RACEWAYS Wiremold® 1200/1400/1600 Series Overfloor Raceway Systems provide permanent or temporary protection for overfloor cabling in high traffic areas. CODE REFERENCE 1200, 1400, and 1600 Series Raceway is not uL Listed and is designed for use in protecting wiring and cabling. 1200 Series — Channel Capacity Up to 5/16" [7.9mm] Cable Diameter COLOR LENGTH BE1200-5 Beige 5' [1.5m] BE1200-5R Beige 5' [1.5m] BE1200-10 Beige 10' [3.0m] BE1200-50 Beige 50' [15.2m] BK1200-5 Black 5' [1.5m] BK1200-10 Black 10' [3.0m] BK1200-50 Black 50' [15.2m] BR1200-5R Brown 5' [1.5m] BR1200-5 Brown 5' [1.5m] BR1200-10 Brown 10' [3.0m] BR1200-50 Brown 50' [15.2m] GR1200-5 Gray 5' [1.5m] GR1200-5R Gray 5' [1.5m] GR1200-10 Gray 10' [3.0m] GR1200-50 Gray 50' [15.2m] YL1200-50 High Visibility Yellow 50' [15.2m] COLOR OPTIONS 1/2" [12.7mm] 14/32" [11.4mm] 2 1/2" [64mm] OVERFLOOR RACEWAY SYSTEMS CATALOG NuMBER 1200/1400/1600 Series Raceways are available in gray, black, beige, brown and high visibility yellow. Custom color options are also available. Consult the factory for more information. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 105 WIREMOLD 1200/1400/1600 SERIES™ OVERFLOOR RACEWAYS Ordering Information 1400 Series — Channel Capacity Up To 1/2" [12.7mm] Cable Diameter CATALOG NuMBER COLOR LENGTH BE1400-5 Beige 5' [1.5m] BE1400-10 Beige 10' [3.0m] BE1400-50 Beige 50' [15.2m] BK1400-5 Black 5' [1.5m] BK1400-10 Black 10' [3.0m] BK1400-50 Black 50' [15.2m] BR1400-5 Brown 5' [1.5m] BR1400-10 Brown 10' [3.0m] BR1400-50 Brown 50' [15.2m] GR1400-5 Gray 5' [1.5m] GR1400-10 Gray 10' [3.0m] GR1400-50 Gray 50' [15.2m] YL1400-50 High Visibility Yellow 50' [15.2m] 26/32" [20.1mm] 20/32" [16.5mm] 3" [76mm] 1600 Series — Channel Capacity Up To 3/4" [19.1mm] Cable Diameter OVERFLOOR RACEWAY SYSTEMS CATALOG NuMBER COLOR LENGTH BE1600-5 Beige 5' [1.5m] BE1600-10 Beige 10' [3.0m] BE1600-25 Beige 25' [7.6m] BK1600-5 Black 5' [1.5m] BK1600-10 Black 10' [3.0m] BK1600-25 Black 25' [7.6m] BR1600-5 Brown 5' [1.5m] BR1600-10 Brown 10' [3.0m] BR1600-25 Brown 25' [7.6m] GR1600-5 Gray 5' [1.5m] GR1600-10 Gray 10' [3.0m] GR1600-25 Gray 25' [7.6m] YL1600-25 High Visibility Yellow 25' [7.6m] DST2 DOuBle-SiDeD Tape For long term installation. 2" wide x 17 yds. 106 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 1 1/32" [26mm] 30/32" [23.4mm] 3 11/32" [85mm] WIREMOLD NoNmetallic Surface raceway SyStemS Wiremold® Nonmetallic surface Raceway systems are the industry leaders in quality, ease of installation, and for providing pathway solutions for all types of installations. For over 50 years, wiremold Nonmetallic surface Raceway systems have provided the highest quality, most dependable solutions for installers, building owners, and designers. 139 Eclipse™ Series Raceway 119 NONMETALLIC SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS CableSmart™ 40N2 Series Raceway 107 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD NoNmetallic Surface raceway SyStemS Table of Contents Low Voltage Single-Channel Raceways 111 uniduct® 2700, 2800, 2900 series Raceway Power-Rated Single- and Dual-Channel Raceways 119 124 Eclipse™ PN03, PN05, PN10 series Raceway 400, 800, 2300/2300D ™ series Raceway NONMETALLIC SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS Large Capacity Multiple-Channel Raceways 133 139 142 Access® 5000 series Raceway Cablesmart™ 40N2 series Raceway 5400 series™ Raceway 149 154 5500 series™ Raceway 5507 series™ Faceplates Hide Cord Raceway 157 300 series™ Duct 108 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD NoNmetallic Surface raceway SyStemS Quick selection Guide Low Voltage Single-Channel Raceway Profiles Uniduct® Raceway Capacity: 0.869 in.2 [530mm2] Capacity: 0.337 in.2 [217mm2] Capacity: 0.163 in.2 [105mm2] 1/2" [12.7mm] 3/8" [9.5mm] Uniduct 2700 Raceway 2900 series 2800 series 2700 series 3/4" [19.1mm] 3/4" [19.1mm] 1 1/2" [38mm] 1" [25mm] Power-Rated Single- & Dual-Channel Raceway Profiles Eclipse™ Series Raceway* Eclipse PN03* Eclipse PN05* Capacity: 0.285 in.2 [184mm2] 1/2" [12.7mm] Capacity: 0.99 in.2 [638.7mm2] 5/8" [15.9mm] 13/16" [20.6mm] 13/16" [20.6mm] 1 1/8" [29mm] 400 Series™ Raceway* 1 11/16" [43mm] 800 Series™ Raceway* 800BAC Raceway 400BAC Raceway Capacity: 0.272 in.2 [175mm2] Capacity: 0.130 in.2 [83.9mm2] 7/16" [11.1mm] 7/16" [11.1mm] 1 5/16" [33mm] 7/8" [22.2mm] 2300 Series™ Raceway* 2300D Series™ Raceway* 2300BACD Raceway 2300BAC Raceway Capacity: 0.426 in.2 [275mm2] Each Compartment Capacity: 0.852 in.2 [550mm2] 11/16" [17.5mm] 2 1/4" [57mm] 11/16" [17.5mm] 2 1/4" [57mm] * UL Listed for up to 600V. NONMETALLIC SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS PN05L08 Raceway Eclipse PN10* Capacity: 0.538 in.2 [347mm2] 109 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD NoNmetallic Surface raceway SyStemS Quick selection Guide High Capacity Multiple Channel Raceway Profiles Access® 5000 Series Raceway 5400 Series™ Raceway 5000B Raceway Base Capacity: Compartment A: 1.39 in.2 [849mm2] Compartment B: 1.94 in.2 [1250mm2] A 5400TB Raceway Capacity: Each Compartment: 3.72 in.2 [2400mm2] B 1 3/4" [44mm] 1" [25mm] 5 3/4" [146mm] 5 1/4" [133mm] CableSmart® 40N2 Series Raceway 40N2B08 Raceway Base Capacity: Each Compartment: 3.22 in.2 [2080mm2] 5500 Series™ Raceway 5500BD3 Raceway Capacity: Each Compartment: 2.64 in.2 [67mm2] 1 3/4" [44mm] 2" [51mm] 6 11/16" [170mm] 4" [102mm] Hide Cord Raceway Profiles 300 Series™ Duct 300 Duct Capacity: .900 in.2 [581mm2] NONMETALLIC SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS 12/32" [8.9mm] 1/2" [12.7mm] 110 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD uNiDuct® SerieS racewayS single-Channel One-piece, latching single-channel raceway available in three profiles. Easy-to-install and ideal for basic communication installations. CODE REFERENCE uniduct series Raceway is not uL Listed and is only designed for use in protecting electrical cords, low voltage wiring and cabling. Uniduct 2700, 2800, 2900 Series Raceways System Layout G H A B F E D D I C NOTE: Illustration is for showing product applications only. KEY A. B. C. D. 2706, 2806, 2906 Cover Clip 2710B, 2810B, 2910B Blank End Fitting 2711, 2811, 2911 Flat Elbow 2715, 2815, 2915 Tee Fitting COLOR OPTIONS E. 2717, 2817, 2917 Internal Elbow F. 2718, 2818, 2918 External Elbow G. 2786, 2886, 2986 Drop Ceiling Connector H. CM2, series II, TracJack Communication Devices I. CM-MMB-293 Multimedia Box J. NM2048 Device Box uniduct® series Raceway Part Numbers with a “-wH” suffix have a white finish. Part Numbers with a “-Fw” suffix have a fog white finish. Part Numbers without a suffix have an ivory finish. uniduct Raceway can also be painted using latex paint. NONMETALLIC SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS J 111 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD uNiDuct® 2700 SerieS racewayS Ordering Information Uniduct® 2700 Series Raceway Wire Fill Capacities for Communications O.D. (Approx. Dia.) 2700, 2700L8 CABLE/wIRE sIZE Inches [mm] 40% FILL uNsHIELDED TwIsTED PAIR 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 3 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 5e 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6a* 25-pair, 24 AwG 0.190 0.210 0.250 0.354 0.410 [4.8] [5.3] [6.3] [9.0] [10.4] 2 1 1 0 0 COAXIAL RG6/u 0.270 [6.9] 1 FIBER ZipCord Round 4 strand Fiber Round 6 strand Fiber 0.118 x 0.236 0.187 0.256 [3 x 6] [4.8] [6.5] 2 2 1 One-Piece Latching Raceway Cover Makes right angle turns in 2700 series Raceway on same surface. Also available in white (2711-wH). 1 1/2" [38mm] Each Leg 2715 Tee For branching of raceway running at right angles. Also available in white (2715-wH). 11/16" [17.5mm] NOTE: For additional information, refer to the Technical Section. * Category 6 augmented (6a) cable for 10 gigabit ethernet – max allowed cable diameter per addenda No. 11 ANsI TIA/EIA 568-B.2. 2 3/16" [56mm] 2700, 2700L8 3/4" [19.1mm] 3/8" [9.5mm] PVC-1 One-Piece Latching Raceway Cover Co-extruded design, smooth plastic 2700L8 finish with adhesive backing. Available in [1.8m] length, packed 120' [36.6m] per carton. 2700L8 available in 8' [2.44m] length, packed 160' [48.8m] per carton. Also available in white (2700-wH, 2700L8-wH). PVC Raceway Cutter 2717 Internal Elbow 1 1/4" [32mm] Each Leg 2718 External Elbow NONMETALLIC SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS Regular duty cutter. Ideal for use with small nonmetallic raceways. 2706 Makes right angle turns around internal corners. Also available in white (2717-wH). Makes right angle turns around external corners. Also available in white (2718-wH). 1" [25mm] Each Leg Cover Clip 1" [25mm] Covers seam where two pieces of 2700 series Raceway Cover come together. Also available in white (2706-wH). 2786 Drop Ceiling Connector 1 7/16" [37mm] Conceals cables dropped from ceiling into the 2700 series Raceway. Also available in white (2786-wH). 2 1/8" [54mm] 2710B Blank End Fitting 1" [25mm] Closes off open end of 2700 series Raceway. Also available in white (2710B-wH). NOTE: Device Boxes for Uniduct 2700 Series Raceway can be found on pages located at the end of this product section. 112 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD uNiDuct® 2800 SerieS racewayS Ordering Information Uniduct® 2800 Series Raceway Wire Fill Capacities for Communications O.D. (Approx. Dia.) 2811 CABLE/wIRE sIZE Inches [] 40% FILL uNsHIELDED TwIsTED PAIR 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 3 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 5e 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6a* 25-pair, 24 AwG 0.190 0.210 0.250 0.354 0.410 [4.8] [5.3] [6.3] [9.0] [10.4] 4 3 2 1 1 COAXIAL RG6/u 0.270 [6.9] 2 FIBER ZipCord Round 4 strand Fiber Round 6 strand Fiber 0.118 x 0.236 0.187 0.256 [3 x 6] [4.8] [6.5] 4 4 2 Flat Elbow Makes right angle turns in 2800 series Raceway on same surface. Also available in white (2811-wH). 2" [51mm] Each leg 2811FO Radiused Flat Elbow Makes right angle turns in 2800 series Raceway on same surface. Maintains 1 1/4" [32mm] bend radius when installing uTP and fiber optic cable. Also available in white (2811FO-wH). 3" [76mm] (Each leg) NOTE: For additional information, refer to the Technical Section. * Category 6 augmented (6a) cable for 10 gigabit ethernet – max allowed cable diameter per addenda No. 11 ANsI TIA/EIA 568-B.2. One-Piece Latching Raceway 1" [25mm] 1/2" [12.7mm] PVC-1 Co-extruded design, smooth ivory plastic finish with adhesive backing. 2800 available in 6' [1.8m] lengths, packed 120' [36.6m] per carton. 2800L8 available in 8' [2.44m] length, packed 160' [48.8m] per carton. Also available in white (2800wH, 2800L8-wH). PVC Raceway Cutter Regular duty cutter. Ideal for use with small nonmetallic raceways. 2815 Tee For branching of 2800 series Raceway running at right angles. Also available in white (2815wH). 7/8" [22.2mm] 2 7/8" [73mm] 2815FO Radiused Tee 5" [127mm] 1 15/16" [49mm] 1 1/4" [32mm] 2806 3 1/2" [89mm] Cover Clip 1 1/2" [38mm] 2810B Covers seam where two pieces of 2800 series Raceway Cover come together. Also available in white (2806-wH). 2817 For branching of 2800 series Raceway running at right angles. Maintains 1 1/4" [32mm] cable bend radius when installing uTP and fiber optic cable. Also available in white (2815FOwH). Internal Elbow For right angle turns around internal corners. Also available in white (2817-wH). 1 1/2" [38mm] Each leg Blank End Fitting 1 3/8" [35mm] Closes off end of 2800 series Raceway. Also available in white (2810B-wH). NOTE: Device Boxes for Uniduct 2700 Series Raceway can be found on pages located at the end of this product section. 2817FO Radiused Internal Elbow 3 1/4" [83mm] (Each leg) 2 1/2" [64mm] Makes right angle turns around internal corners of 2800 series Raceway. Maintains 1 1/4" [32mm] bend radius when installing uTP and fiber optic cable. Also available in white (2817FO-wH). www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD NONMETALLIC SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS 2800, 2800L8 2 1/4" [57mm] 113 WIREMOLD uNiDuct® 2800 & 2900 SerieS racewayS Ordering Information 2818 2886 External Elbow Makes right angle turns around external corners. Also available in white (2818-wH). 1 9/16" [40mm] 2 3/8" [60mm] 1 1/8" [29mm] Each Leg 2818FO Drop Ceiling Connector Radiused External Elbow 2889 Makes right angle turns around external corners of 2800 series Raceway. Maintains 1 1/4" [32mm] cable bend radius when installing uTP and fiber optic cable. Also available in white (2818FO-wH). 3" [76mm] (Each leg) Conceals dropped cables from ceiling into 2800 series Raceway. Also available in white (2886-wH). Reducing Connector (2800 – 2700) For transitioning from 2800 series Raceway to 2700 series Raceway. Also available in white (2889-wH). 3/4" [19.1mm] 3 3/4" [95mm] NOTE: Device Boxes for Uniduct 2700 Series Raceway can be found on pages located at the end of this product section. Uniduct® 2900 Series Raceway Ordering Information 2900, 2900L8 1 1/2" [38mm] 3/4" [19.1mm] NONMETALLIC SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS PVC-1 One-Piece Latching Raceway PVC Raceway Cutter Regular duty cutter. Ideal for use with small nonmetallic raceways. Co-extruded design, smooth plastic finish with adhesive backing. Available in 6' [1.8m] length, packed 120' [36.6m] per carton. 2900L8 available in 8' [2.44m] length, packed 160' [48.8m] per carton. Also available in white (2900-wH, 2900L8-wH). 2906 Cover Clip 2" [51mm] Uniduct® 2900 Series Raceway Wire Fill Capacities for Communications O.D. (Approx. Dia.) CABLE/wIRE sIZE Inches [] 40% FILL uNsHIELDED TwIsTED PAIR 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 3 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 5e 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6a* 25-pair, 24 AwG 0.190 0.210 0.250 0.354 0.410 [4.8] [5.3] [6.3] [8.9] [10.4] 12 10 7 3 2 COAXIAL RG6/u 0.270 [6.9] 6 FIBER ZipCord Round 4 strand Fiber Round 6 strand Fiber 0.118 x 0.236 0.187 0.256 [3 x 6] [4.8] [6.5] 12 12 6 NOTE: For additional information, refer to the Technical Section. * Category 6 augmented (6a) cable for 10 gigabit ethernet – max allowed cable diameter per addenda No. 11 ANsI TIA/EIA 568-B.2. 2910B www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD For closing open end of 2900 series Raceway. Also available in white (2910B-wH). Flat Elbow For right angle turns on same surface. Also available in white (2911-wH). 2 3/4" [70mm] Each Leg 114 Blank End Fitting 1 3/4" [44mm] 2911 For covering joint where two pieces of 2900 series Raceway Cover come together. Also available in white (2906-wH). WIREMOLD uNiDuct® 2900 SerieS racewayS Ordering Information 2911FO Radiused Flat Elbow 3 1/2" [89mm] (Each leg) 2918 External Elbow For right angle turns around external corners. Also available in white (2918-wH). For right angle turns on same surface. Maintains 1 1/4" [32mm] bend radius when installing uTP and fiber optic cable. Also available in white (2911FO-wH). 1 7/8" [48mm] Each Leg 2 3/4" [70mm] 2 1/4" [57mm] 2915 2918FO Tee 3" [76mm] (Each Leg) For branching of 2900 series Raceway running at right angles. Also available in white (2915wH). 1 1/8" [29mm] Radiused External Elbow For right angle turns around external corners. Maintains 1 1/4" [32mm] bend radius when installing uTP and fiber optic cable. Also available in white (2918FO-wH). 3 7/8" [98mm] 2915FO 3 3/4" [95mm] Radiused Tee 5 1/2" [140mm] 1 15/16" [49mm] 4" [102mm] Drop Ceiling Connector 2" [51mm] For dropping cables from ceiling into the raceway. Also available in white (2986-wH). 2 7/8" [73mm] Internal Elbow 2 1/4" [57mm] Each Leg 2917FO For right angle turns around internal corners. Also available in white (2917-wH). Radiused Internal Elbow 3 1/4" [83mm] (Each leg) 2 1/2" [64mm] 2986 For right angle turns around internal corners. Maintains 1 1/4" [32mm] bend radius when installing uTP and fiber optic cable. Also available in white (2917FO-wH). 2989 Reducing Connector For transitioning from 2900 series Raceway to 2800 series Raceway. Also available in white (2989-wH). 15/16" [24mm] 2989A Reducing Connector For transitioning from 2900 series Raceway to 2700 series Raceway. Also available in white (2989A-wH). 15/16" [24mm] NONMETALLIC SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS 2917 1 1/4" [32mm] For branching of raceway running at right angles. Maintains 1 1/4" [32mm] bend radius when installing uTP and fiber optic cable. Also available in white (2915FO-wH). 115 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD uNiDuct® SerieS raceway Device Box Ordering Information Uniduct 2700, 2800, 2900 Series Raceways Interconnectivity Fittings CONNECTION REQuIRED FROM uniduct 2700 series Raceway 2889 uniduct 2900 series Raceway uniduct 2700 series Raceway 2989A uniduct 2900 series Raceway uniduct 2800 series Raceway 2989 Drop Ceiling uniduct 2800 series Raceway 2786 Drop Ceiling uniduct 2800 series Raceway 2886 Drop Ceiling uniduct 2900 series Raceway NM2000 uniduct 2700, 2800, or 2900 series Raceway NM2044 Extra Deep Device Box 3" [76mm] 4 3/4" [121mm] 2 3/4" [70mm] NM2044-2 2 3/4" [70mm] Two-Gang Deep Device Box 4 7/8" [124mm] 1 3/4" [44mm] 4 3/4" [121mm] For mounting multiple voice/ data devices when additional depth is required. Has combination twistouts for uniduct 2700, 2800, 2900 and NM2000 series Raceways. Accepts industry standard NEMA faceplates. Also available in white (NM2044-2wH). 3 1/4" [83mm] 1 3/4" [44mm] For mounting deep voice/ data devices. Has combination twistouts for uniduct 2700, 2800, 2900,and NM2000 series Raceways. Accepts industry standard NEMA faceplates. Also available in white (NM2048-wH). 3 1/4" [83mm] CM-MMB-292 5 3/16" [132mm] CM-MMB-293 116 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 7 3/4" [197mm] Fiber storage loop. Accepts two 2A size wiremold® Open system Communication Modules or Pass & seymour® Activate series Inserts. Compatible with uniduct 2700, 2800, and 2900 series Raceways. Also available in white (CM-MMB-292-wH). Three Insert Multimedia Box 1 1/2" [38mm] 5 3/16" [132mm] Accepts one 2A size wiremold Open system Communication Module or Pass & seymour® Activate series Insert. Compatible with uniduct 2700 and 2800 series Raceways. Also available in white (CM-MMB291-wH). Two Insert Multimedia Box 1 1/2" [38mm] 5 3/16" [132mm] For mounting multiple voice data devices. Has combination twistouts for uniduct 2700, 2800, 2900, and NM2000 series Raceways. Accepts industry standard NEMA faceplates. Also available in white (NM20482wH). One Insert Multimedia Box 1 1/2" [38mm] Deep Device Box 3" [76mm] 4 3/4" [121mm] NM2048-2 Two-Gang Extra Deep Device Box 4 7/8" [124mm] NM2048 For mounting voice/data devices when additional depth is required. Has combination twistouts for uniduct 2700, 2800, 2900 and NM2000 series Raceways. Accepts industry standard NEMA faceplates. Also available in white (NM2044-wH). 2986 NM2044, NM2044-2, NM2048, NM2048-2 CM-MMB-291 4 3/4" [121mm] NONMETALLIC SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS usE CATALOG NuMBER TO uniduct 2800 series Raceway Fiber storage loop. Accepts three 2A size wiremold® Open system Communication Modules or Pass & seymour® Activate series Inserts. Compatible with uniduct 2700, 2800, and 2900 series Raceways. Also available in white (CM-MMB-293-wH). WIREMOLD uNiDuct® 2700, 2800, 2900 SerieS racewayS Installation Details 2700, 2800, 2900 Series Raceways Installation Details 1. Cover Clip: 2706/2806/2906 To join two pieces of uniduct Raceway in line. Install the uniduct Raceway butted as shown. snap the cover clip (2706/2806/2906) onto the uniduct Raceway, leaving no gap. 7. Internal Elbow: 2717/2817/2917 To go around internal corner. Install uniduct 2700, 2800, or 2900 series Raceway butted as shown. snap internal elbow (2717/2817/2917) onto the uniduct Raceway, leaving no gap. 2. Blank End Fitting: 2710B/2810B/2910B To cover the open end of uniduct Raceway. snap the blank end fitting (2710B/2810B/2910B) onto the open end of 2700, 2800, or 2900 series uniduct Raceway. 8. Bend Radius Internal Elbow: 2817FO/2917FO To make internal corner connection and maintain 1 1/4" [32mm] bend radius. Mount the fitting base to the wall by using screws or the adhesive strip supplied. Butt the uniduct Raceway as shown and snap the fitting cover over the base after the cabling has been completed. 4. Bend Radius 90° Flat Elbow: 2811FO/2911FO To make right angle turn on same surface and maintain 1 1/4" [32mm] bend radius. Mount the fitting base to the wall by using screws or the adhesive strip supplied. Butt the uniduct Raceway as shown and snap the fitting cover over the base after the cabling has been completed. 5. Tee: 2715/2815/2915 For branching at right angles. Install the uniduct Raceway butted as shown. snap tee (2715/2815/2915) onto the uniduct Raceway, leaving no gap. 6. Bend Radius Tee: 2815FO/2915FO To branch at right angles and maintain a 1 1/4" [32mm] bend radius. Mount the fitting base to the wall by using screws or the adhesive strip supplied. Butt the uniduct Raceway as shown and snap the fitting cover over the base after the cabling has been completed. 9. External Elbow: 2718/2818/2918 To go around external corner. Install uniduct 2700, 2800, or 2900 series Raceway butted as shown. snap external elbow (2718/2818/2918) onto the uniduct Raceway, leaving no gap. 10. Bend Radius External Elbow: 2818FO/2918FO To make external corner connection and maintain 1 1/4" [32mm] bend radius. Mount the fitting base to the wall by using screws or the adhesive strip supplied. Butt the uniduct Raceway as shown and snap the fitting cover over the base after the cabling has been completed. 10. Drop Ceiling Connector: 2786/2886/2986 For bringing cables from ceiling to raceway. Cut a hole in the ceiling tile right next to metal grid. Drop the cables from the ceiling into the uniduct Raceway. Push the drop ceiling connector (2786/2886/2986) through the hole so that the notch in the large end of the connector butts with the metal grid. snap the drop ceiling connector onto the uniduct Raceway. NONMETALLIC SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS 3. 90° Flat Elbow: 2711/2811/2911 To make right angle turn on same surface. Install the uniduct Raceway butted as shown. snap 90° flat elbow (2711/2811/2911) onto the uniduct Raceway, leaving no gap. 117 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD uNiDuct® 2700, 2800, 2900 SerieS racewayS Installation Details 2700, 2800, 2900 Series Raceways Device Box Installation Details Base Front View 2800 NM2048 Cover 2900 Faceplate NM2048 Base 2700, 2800, 2900 uniduct Raceway 2700 Cover side View 1. Remove proper tongue on the device box (NM2048) base. NONMETALLIC SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS 4. Mount raceway to box. Install cables. 118 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 2. Notch proper knockout in cover using knife. use pliers to remove knockout inward for cleaner edge. (Trimming may be necessary.) 5. snap device box cover onto base. 3 . Fasten device box base to wall using screws (not provided). 6. Mount device and faceplate. WIREMOLD eclipSe™ SerieS racewayS single Channel One-piece, latching, single-channel raceway available in three profiles. Easy-to-install and ideal for demanding communication designs. Accommodates communication or power wiring. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Raceway: File E90378 Guide RJTX. Complies with flammability requirements of uL-5A. Fittings: File E90377 Guide RJYT. Meets Article 388 of NEC. uL Listed for up to 600V. Meets section 12-1600 of CEC. Eclipse Series PN03, PN05, PN10 Raceways System Layout J B D N E A L G H E M O K I C F NOTE: COLOR OPTIONS A. PN03L08, PN03L10, PN05L08, PN05L10, PN10L08, PN10L10 Latching Raceway B. PN03F06, PN05F06, PN10F06 Cover Clip C. PN03F11, PN05F11, PN10F11 90° Flat Elbow Fitting D. PN03F15, PN05F15, PN10F15 Tee Fitting E. PN03F17, PN05F17, PN10F17 Internal Elbow Fitting F. PN03F18, PN05F18, PN10F18 External Elbow Fitting G. PN03F19, PN05F19, PN10F19 Bend Radius External Elbow Fitting H. PN03F20, PN05F20, PN10F20 Blank End Fitting I. PN10F21 Entrance End Fitting J. PN05F86, PN10F86 Drop Ceiling Connector K. PN153R Reducer Adapter L. PsB1 One-Gang Device Box M. PsB2 Two-Gang Device Box N. PsB3 Three-Gang Device Box O. PBB2s2, PBB4TJ, PDB1CM, PDB1s2, PDB2CM, PDB2s2, PDB4TJ Communication Box Illustration is for showing product applications only. Eclipse™ series Raceway Part Numbers with a “-wH” suffix have a white finish. Part Numbers with a “-Fw” suffix have a fog white finish. Part Numbers with a “-V” suffix have an ivory finish. Eclipse series Raceways are paintable using latex paint. NONMETALLIC SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS KEY 119 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD eclipSe™ SerieS racewayS Ordering Information Eclipse Series Raceway Wire Fill Capacities for Communications O.D. (APPROX. DIA.) uNsHIELDED TwIsTED PAIR 40% FILL CABLE/wIRE sIZE Inches [mm] PN03 PN05 PN10 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 3 0.190 [4.8] 3 5 13 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 5e 0.210 (5.3) 2 5 11 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6 0.250 (6.3) 1 3 8 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6a* 0.354 (9.0) 0 1 4 25-pair, 24 AwG 0.410 (10.4) 0 1 3 COAXIAL RG6/u FIBER ZipCord 0.270 [6.9] 1 3 6 0.118 x 0.236 [3 x 6] 3 6 14 Round 4 strand Fiber 0.187 [4.8] 3 6 14 Round 6 strand Fiber 0.256 [6.5] 1 3 7 Eclipse Series Raceway Wire Fill Capacities for Power wIRE sIZE THHN/THwN 14 AwG 12 AwG 10 AwG O.D. Inches 0.111 0.130 0.164 [mm] [2.8] [3.3] [4.2] NO. OF CONDuCTORs PN03 PN05 PN10 8 16 15 7 14 20 0 0 19 NOTE: For additional information, refer to the Technical Section. * Category 6 augmented (6a) cable for 10 gigabit ethernet – max allowed cable diameter per addenda No. 11 ANsI TIA/EIA 568-B.2. PN03L08, PN03L10, PN05L08, PN05L10, PN10L08, PN10L10 One-piece latching raceway with co-extruded hinge and adhesive backing. Available in 8' [2.44m] and 10' [3.0m] lengths. A NONMETALLIC SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS B PN03F06, PN05F06, PN10F06 1" [12.7mm] Cover Clip For covering joint where two pieces of Eclipse PN03, PN05, or PN10 series Raceway Cover come together. Available in fog white (PN03F06-Fw, PN05F06-Fw, PN10F06-Fw), white (PN03F06wH, PN05F06-wH, PN10F06-wH), and ivory (PN03F06-V, PN05F06-V, PN10F06-V). 120 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD CAT. NO. Latching Raceway A B PN03L08-Fw, -V, -wH 1/2" [12.7mm] 13/16" [20.6mm] PN03L10-Fw, -V, -wH 1/2" [12.7mm] 13/16" [20.6mm] PN05L08-Fw, -V, -wH 5/8" [15.9mm] 1 1/8" [29mm] PN05L10-Fw, -V, -wH 5/8" [15.9mm] 1 1/8" [29mm] PN10L08-Fw, -V, -wH 3/16" [20.6mm] 1 11/16" [43mm] PN10L10-Fw, -V, -wH 3/16" [20.6mm] 1 11/16" [43mm] PN03F11, PN05F11, PN10F11 A Flat Elbow For right angle turns on the same surface. 1" [25mm] bend radius. CAT. NO. A PN03F11Fw, -V, -wH 2 11/16" [68mm] PN05F11Fw, -V, -wH 2 15/16" [75mm] PN10F11Fw, -V, -wH 3 11/16" [94mm] WIREMOLD eclipSe™ SerieS racewayS Ordering Information PN03F20, PN05F20, PN10F20 Tee Blank End Fitting For branches of raceway running at right angles. 1" [25mm] bend radius. For closing open end of Eclipse PN03, PN05, or PN10 series Raceway. Available in fog white (PN03F20-Fw, PN05F20-Fw, PN10F20-Fw), white (PN03F20wH, PN05F20-wH, PN10F20-wH), and ivory (PN03F20-V, PN05F20-V, PN10F20-V). A B CAT. NO. A B PN03F15-Fw, -wH, -V 2 11/16" [68mm] 4 5/16" [110mm] PN05F15-Fw, -wH, -V 2 15/16" [75mm] PN10F15-Fw, -wH, -V 3 11/16" [94mm] 5 5/16" [135mm] 11/16" [17.5mm 4 3/4" [121mm] PN153R Reducer Adapter Fitting For adapting PN03 or PN05 series Raceway to a PN10 series Raceway trunking through the PN10F15 Tee Fitting. Available in fog white (PN153R-Fw), white (PN153R-wH), and ivory (PN153R-V). PN03F17, PN05F17, PN10F17 Internal Elbow 2 1/8" [54mm] Each Leg For right angle turns around internal corners. 1" [25mm] bend radius. Available in fog white (PN03F17-Fw, PN05F17-Fw, PN10F17-Fw), white (PN03F17wH, PN05F17-wH, PN10F17-wH), and ivory (PN03F17-V, PN05F17-V, PN10F17-V). 11/16" [17.5mm PN05F86, PN10F86 For dropping cables from ceiling into the raceway. Has 1/2" and 3/4" concentric trade size KOs. Includes PN153R Reducer Adapter for use with PN03 series Raceway. A B PN03F18, PN05F18, PN10F18 External Elbow Drop Ceiling Connector CAT. NO. For right angle turns around external corners. Available in fog white (PN03F18-Fw, PN05F18-Fw, PN10F18-Fw), white (PN03F18wH, PN05F18-wH, PN10F18-wH), and ivory (PN03F18-V, PN05F18-V, PN10F18-V). 1 5/8" [41mm] Each Leg Radiused Extruded Elbow For right angle turns around external corners. 1" [25mm] bend radius. A B 1 5/16" [33mm] 4 3/8" [111mm] PN10F86-Fw, -wH, -V 2 1/2" [64mm] 4 3/8" [111mm] PN10F21 7/8" [22mm] PN03F19, PN05F19, PN10F19 A PN05F86-Fw, -wH, -V Entrance End Fitting 3 7/8" [98mm] For feeding raceway with 1/2" and 3/4" trade size conduit or armored cable. Has 1/2 and 3/4" concentric trade size KOs. Includes PN153R Reducer Adapter for use with PN03 and PN05 series Raceway. Available in fog white (PN10F21Fw), white (PN10F21-wH), and ivory (PN10F21-V). B Each Leg A B PN03F19-Fw, -wH, -V CAT. NO. 15/16" [23.8mm] 3 1/8" [79mm] PN05F19-Fw, -wH, -V 1 3/16" [30mm] 3 1/8" [79mm] PN10F19-Fw, -wH, -V 1 3/16" [30mm] 3 3/8" [116mm] NONMETALLIC SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS PN03F15, PN05F15, PN10F15 121 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD eclipSe™ SerieS racewayS Ordering Information PSB1 One-Gang Device Box Accepts all standard single-gang NEMA faceplates and keystone jacks. Twistouts on all four sides for PN03, PN05, and PN10 series Raceways. Designed for use with Ortronics® wiJack™ wireless Access Point. Available in fog white (PsB1-Fw), white (PsB1wH), and ivory (PsB1-V). 4 3/4" [121mm] 1 3/4" [44mm] 3" [76mm] PSB2 Two-Gang Device Box Accepts all standard two-gang NEMA faceplates and keystone jacks. Twistouts on all four sides for PN03, PN05, and PN10 series Raceways. Has 1/2" and 3/4" concentric trade size KOs, as well as rectangular KO for wall box mounting. Designed for use with Ortronics® wiJack™ wireless Access Point. Available in fog white (PsB2-Fw), white (PsB2wH), and ivory (PsB2-V). 4 3/4" [121mm] 1 3/4" [44mm] 4 7/8" [124mm] PSB3 Three-Gang Device Box NONMETALLIC SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS 4 3/4" [121mm] 7" [178mm] PDB1S2 1 3/4" [44mm] Accepts all standard three-gang NEMA faceplates and keystone jacks. Twistouts on all four sides for PN03, PN05, and PN10 series Raceways. Has 1/2" and 3/4" concentric trade size KOs. Designed for use with Ortronics® wiJack™ wireless Access Point. Available in fog white (PsB3Fw), white (PsB3-wH), and ivory (PsB3-V). Series II Data Box 2 7/8" [73mm] 3 5/8" [92mm] surface mount box for use with Eclipse Raceway or standalone application. Accepts one front-loaded downward facing Ortronics® series II insert. Available in fog white (PDB1s2Fw), white (PDB1s2-wH), and ivory (PDB1s2-V). 1 7/16" [36mm] 122 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD PDB1CM CM Data Box 2 7/8" [73mm] 3 5/8" [92mm] 1 7/16" [36mm] PDB2S2 Series II Data Box 5" [127mm] 3 3/4" [95mm] 1 7/16" [36mm] PDB2CM surface mount box for use with Eclipse Raceway or standalone application. Has two 1/2" trade size KOs. Accepts two front-loaded downward facing Ortronics® series II inserts. Available in fog white (PDB2s2Fw), white (PDB2s2-wH), and ivory (PDB2s2-V). CM Data Box 5" [127mm] 3 3/4" [95mm] 1 7/16" [36mm] PDB2TJ surface mount box for use with Eclipse Raceway or standalone application. Has one 1/2" trade size KO. Accepts one frontloaded downward facing Pass & seymour® Activate or wiremold® Open system communication module. Available in fog white (PDB1CM-Fw), white (PDB1CMwH), and ivory (PDB1CM-V). surface mount box for use with Eclipse Raceway or standalone application. Has two 1/2" trade size KOs. Accepts two frontloaded downward-facing Pass & seymour® Activate or wiremold® Open system communication modules. Available in fog white (PDB2CM-Fw), white (PDB2CMwH), and ivory (PDB2CM-V). TracJack Data Box 2 7/8" [73mm] 3 11/16" [94mm] 1 7/16" [36mm] surface mount box for use with Eclipse Raceway or standalone application. Has one 1/2" trade size KO. Accepts two front-loaded downward facing Ortronics® TracJack inserts. Available in fog white (PDB2TJ-Fw), white (PDB2TJ-wH), and ivory (PDB2TJ-V). WIREMOLD eclipSe™ SerieS racewayS Ordering Information TracJack Data Box 5" [127mm] 3 3/4" [95mm] 1 7/16" [36mm] PBB2S2 surface mount box for use with Eclipse Raceway or standalone application. Has two 1/2" trade size KOs. Accepts four frontloaded downward facing Ortronics® TracJack inserts. Available in fog white (PDB4TJ-Fw), white (PDB4TJ-wH), and ivory (PDB4TJ-V). PBB4TJ Bezel Box 3" [76mm] 3 1/4" [83mm] surface mount box for use with Eclipse Raceway or standalone application. Accepts four frontloaded outward facing Ortronics® TracJack inserts. Available in fog white (PBB4TJ-Fw), white (PBB4TJ-wH), and ivory (PBB4TJ-V). Bezel Box 2 7/8" [73mm] 3 5/8" [92mm] surface mount box for use with Eclipse Raceway or standalone application. Accepts two frontloaded outward facing Ortronics® series II inserts. Available in fog white (PBB2s2-Fw), white (PBB2s2-wH), and ivory (PBB2s2-V). NONMETALLIC SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS PDB4TJ 123 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD 400, 800, 2300 & 2300D SerieS™ racewayS Two-Piece, single- and Dual-Channel, Low Profile Two-piece, single- and dual-channel, low profile raceway. Easy-toinstall and ideal for power or communication installations. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Raceway: File E90378 Guide RJTX. Complies with flammability requirements of uL-5A. Fittings: File E90377 Guide RJYT. Meets Article 388 of NEC. uL Listed for up to 600V. Meets section 12-1600 of CEC. 400, 800, 2300 & 2300D Series Raceways System Layout NONMETALLIC SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS E 124 G H C A F D E B NOTE: Illustration is for showing product applications only. KEY A. B. C. D. 406, 806, 2306 Cover Clip 411, 811, 2311, 2311DFO Flat Elbow Fitting 810A2, 2310A, 2310DFO Entrance End Fitting 415, 815, 2315 Tee E. F. G. H. 417, 817, 2317, 2317DFO Internal Elbow 418, 818, 2318, 2318DFO External Elbow 2337A, 2338A Round Device Boxes 2344, 2347, 2348 sure-snap Device Boxes COLOR OPTIONS 400, 800, 2300 series Raceway Part Numbers with a “-wH” suffix have a white finish. Part Numbers without a suffix have an ivory finish. 400, 800, 2300 series Raceways are paintable using latex paint. Custom color options are also available. Consult the factory for more information. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD 400, 800, 2300 & 2300D SerieS™ racewayS Ordering Information 400 Series Raceway Wire Fill Capacities for Communications 400 Series Raceway Wire Fill Capacities for Power O.D. (Approx. Dia.) CABLE/wIRE sIZE uNsHIELDED TwIsTED PAIR 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 3 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 5e 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6a* 25-pair, 24 AwG COAXIAL RG6/u FIBER ZipCord Round 4 strand Fiber Round 6 strand Fiber Inches [mm] 40% FILL 0.190 0.210 0.250 0.354 0.410 [4.8] [5.3] [6.3] [9.0] [10.4] 1 1 1 0 0 [6.9] 0 [3 x 6] [4.8] [6.5] 1 1 1 0.270 0.118 x 0.236 0.187 0.256 O.D. wIRE sIZE THHN/THwN Inches [mm] NO. OF CONDuCTORs 14 AwG 0.111 [2.8] 5 12 AwG 0.130 [3.3] 3 10 AwG 0.164 [4.2] 0 NOTE: For additional information, refer to the Technical Section. * Category 6 augmented (6a) cable for 10 gigabit ethernet – max allowed cable diameter per addenda No. 11 ANsI TIA/EIA 568-B.2. 400BAC Raceway Base and Cover 7/16" [11.1mm] 7/8" [22.2mm] PVC-1 Low-profile, two-piece raceway with durable, textured PVC ivory or white finishes. Available in 5' [1.52m] lengths. Packed 100' [30.5m] per carton. supplied with wide adhesive tape along its entire length. Also available in white (400BAC-wH). PVC Raceway Cutter 410B Blank End Fitting 1/2" [12.7mm] 3/8" [9.5mm] For closing open end of 400BAC series Raceway. Also available in white (410B-wH). 13/16" [20.6mm] 411 Flat Elbow For right angle turns on same surface. Also available in white (411-wH). 2 1/16" [52mm] Ea. Leg 1 3/8" [35mm] Ea. Leg 400WC Wire Clip 415 For holding conductors in place. Tee 2" [51mm] 3 3/16" [81mm] 1/2" [12.7mm] 406 For branching of raceway running at right angles. Also available in white (415-wH). Cover Clip For covering joint where two pieces of 400BAC series Raceway Cover come together. Also available in white (406-wH). 13/16" [20.6mm] 417 Internal Elbow 1 1/2" [38mm] Ea. Leg For right angle turns around internal corners. Also available in white (417-wH). NONMETALLIC SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS Regular duty cutter. Ideal for use with small nonmetallic raceways. 125 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD 400, 800, 2300 & 2300D SerieS™ racewayS Ordering Information (continued) 418 810A2 External Elbow 1 1/2" [38mm] Ea. Leg For right angle turns around external corners. Also available in white (418-wH) Entrance End Fitting For connecting 400 or 800 series Raceway with 1/2" trade size conduit or armored cable. 1/2" trade size KO on end and bottom. Also available in white (810A2-wH). 1 1/2" [38mm] 1 7/16" [37mm] 4 1/4" [108mm] NOTE: Device Boxes for 400 Series Raceway can be found on pages located at the end of this product section. 800 Series Raceway Wire Fill Capacities for Power 800 Series Raceway Wire Fill Capacities for Communications O.D. (Approx. Dia.) uNsHIELDED TwIsTED PAIR CABLE/wIRE sIZE Inches [mm] 40% FILL 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 3 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 5e 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6a* 25-pair, 24 AwG 0.190 0.210 0.250 0.354 0.410 [4.8] [5.3] [6.3] [9.0] [10.4] 3 3 2 1 0 [6.9] 1 [3 x 6] [4.8] [6.5] 3 3 2 COAXIAL RG6/u FIBER ZipCord Round 4 strand Fiber Round 6 strand Fiber 0.270 0.118 x 0.236 0.187 0.256 O.D. wIRE sIZE THHN/THwN Inches [mm] NO. OF CONDuCTORs 14 AwG 0.111 [2.8] 6 12 AwG 0.130 [3.3] 5 10 AwG 0.164 [4.2] 4 NOTE: For additional information, refer to the Technical Section. * Category 6 augmented (6a) cable for 10 gigabit ethernet – max allowed cable diameter per addenda No. 11 ANsI TIA/EIA 568-B.2. NONMETALLIC SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS 800BAC 126 7/16" [11.1mm] Raceway Base & Cover 1 5/16" [33mm] PVC-1 Low-profile, two-piece raceway with durable, textured PVC ivory or white finishes. Available in 5' [1.52m] lengths. Packed 100' [3.05m] per carton. supplied with wide adhesive tape along its entire length. Also available in white (800BAC-wH). 806 Cover Clip For covering joint where two pieces of 800BAC series Raceway Cover come together. Also available in white (806-wH). 1 3/8" [35mm] 1" [25mm] 810A2 Entrance End Fitting PVC Raceway Cutter Regular duty cutter. Ideal for use with small nonmetallic raceways. For connecting 400 or 800 series Raceway with 1/2" trade size conduit or armored cable. 1/2" trade size KO on end and bottom. Also available in white (810A2-wH). 1 1/2" [38mm] 1 7/16" [37mm] 4 1/4" [108mm] 800WC 810B Blank End Fitting Wire Clip 1" [25mm] For holding conductors in place. 3/8" [9.5mm] 1/2" [12.7mm] 1 1/4" [32mm] 1" [25mm] www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD For closing open end of 800BAC series Raceway. Also available in white (810B-wH). NOTE: Device Boxes for 800 Series Raceway can be found on pages located at the end of this product section. WIREMOLD 400, 800, 2300 & 2300D SerieS™ racewayS Ordering Information 811 818 Flat Elbow 2 1/2" [64mm] (Each leg) External Elbow For right angle turns on same surface. Also available in white (811-wH). For right angle turns around external corners. Also available in white (818-wH). 2" [51mm] Ea. Leg 815 Tee 889A 2 3/4" [70mm] 4 1/8" [105mm] For branching of raceway running at right angles. Also available in white (815-wH). Reducing Connector 1 1/2" [38mm] For transitioning from 800 series Raceway to 400 series Raceway. Also available in white (889AwH). 2" [51mm] Internal Elbow 2" [51mm] Ea. Leg NOTE: Device Boxes for 800 Series Raceway can be found on pages located at the end of this product section. For right angle turns around internal corners. Also available in white (817-wH) 2300 Series Raceway Wire Fill Capacities for Communications 2300 Series Raceway Wire Fill Capacities for Power O.D. (Approx. Dia.) CABLE/wIRE sIZE uNsHIELDED TwIsTED PAIR 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 3 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 5e 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6a* 25-pair, 24 AwG COAXIAL RG6/u FIBER ZipCord Round 4 strand Fiber Round 6 strand Fiber Inches [mm] 40% FILL 0.190 0.210 0.250 0.354 0.410 [4.8] [5.3] [6.3] [9.0] [10.4] 11 9 6 3 2 0.270 0.118 x 0.236 0.187 0.256 [6.9] 5 [3 x 6] [4.8] [6.5] 12 12 6 Inches [mm] 40% FILL (Ea. Comp.) 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 3 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 5e 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6a* 25-pair, 24 AwG 0.190 0.210 0.250 0.354 0.410 [4.8] [5.3] [6.3] [9.0] [10.4] 5 4 3 1 1 COAXIAL RG6/u 0.270 [6.9] 2 FIBER ZipCord Round 4 strand Fiber Round 6 strand Fiber [3 x 6] [4.8] [6.5] 6 6 3 CABLE/wIRE sIZE uNsHIELDED TwIsTED PAIR 0.118 x 0.236 0.187 0.256 Inches [mm] NO. OF CONDuCTORs 14 AwG 0.111 [2.8] 15 12 AwG 0.130 [3.3] 12 10 AwG 0.164 [4.2] 12 2300D Series Raceway Wire Fill Capacities for Power 2300D Series Raceway Wire Fill Capacities for Communications O.D. (Approx. Dia.) O.D. wIRE sIZE THHN/THwN O.D. wIRE sIZE THHN/THwN Inches [mm] NO. OF CONDuCTORs (Each Compartment) 14 AwG 0.111 [2.8] 12 12 AwG 0.130 [3.3] 8 10 AwG 0.164 [4.2] 5 NOTE: For additional information, refer to the Technical Section. * Category 6 augmented (6a) cable for 10 gigabit ethernet – max allowed cable diameter per addenda No. 11 ANsI TIA/ EIA 568-B.2. NONMETALLIC SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS 817 127 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD 400, 800, 2300 & 2300D SerieS™ racewayS Ordering Information 2300/2300D Series Raceway Ordering Information 2300BAC Raceway Base and Cover Low-profile, two-piece raceway with durable, textured PVC ivory or white finishes. Available in 5' [1.52m] lengths. Packed 50' [15.2m] per carton. supplied with wide adhesive tape along its entire length. Also available in white (2300BAC-wH). 11/16" [17.5mm] 2 1/4" [57mm] 2300BACD 11/16" [17.5mm] Blank End Fitting 1" [25mm] 27/32" [21mm] 2 1/4" [57mm] 2311 Low-profile, two-piece raceway with durable, textured PVC ivory or white finishes. Available in 5' [1.52m] lengths. supplied with wide adhesive tape along its entire length. Also available in white (2300BACD-wH). 4 3/16" [106mm] Ea. Leg 2315 For right angle turns on same surface. Also available in white (2311-wH). Tee 4 1/8" [105mm] 6" [152mm] PVC Raceway Cutter Regular duty cutter. Ideal for use with small nonmetallic raceways. 2300WC 2317 For branching of raceway running at right angles. Also available in white (2315-wH). Internal Elbow 2 1/2" [64mm] Ea. Leg Wire Clip For closing open end of 2300BAC and 2300BACD series Raceways. Also available in white (2310B-wH). Flat Elbow Divided Raceway Base and Cover 2 1/4" [57mm] PVC-1 2310B For right angle turns around internal corners. Also available in white (2317-wH). NONMETALLIC SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS For holding conductors in place. 128 2318 1" [25mm] 2306 For right angle turns around external corners. Also available in white (2318-wH). Cover Clip For covering joint where two pieces of 2300BAC and 2300BACD series Raceway Cover come together. Also available in white (2306-wH). 2" [51mm] 2310A 2 1/2" [64mm] Ea. Leg 2389 Reducing Connector Entrance End Fitting 4 1/2" [114mm] 2 7/16" [62mm] External Elbow 1 15/16" [49mm] For connecting 2300 series Raceway with 1/2", 3/4", or 1" trade size conduit or armored cable. 1/2" and 3/4" trade size KO on end, 1/2" , 3/4", and 1" trade size KOs on bottom. Also available in white (23120A-wH). www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 3" [76mm] 2 1/2" [64mm] For transitioning from 2300 series Raceway to 800 series Raceway. Also available in white (2389-wH). NOTE: Device Boxes for 2300 and 2300D Series Raceway can be found on the next page of this product section. WIREMOLD 400, 800, 2300 & 2300D SerieS™ racewayS Ordering Information 2389A 3" [76mm] 2 1/2" [64mm] 2310DFO 2.2" [56mm] • • 2311DFO For transitioning from 2300 series Raceway to 400 series Raceway. Also available in white (2389A-wH). Radiused Divided Internal Elbow 3 1/4" [83mm] Ea. Leg A 90° internal corner with integral dividers provide 2" [51mm] cable bend radius for uTP and fiber optic installations. Also available in white (2317DFO-wH). 3 1/2" [89mm] Radiused Divided Entrance End Fitting 6.5" [165mm] 4.0" [102mm] 2317DFO Reducing Connector 2318DFO Divided fitting to feed 2300 and 2300 Divided series Raceway. Includes 1/2", 3/4", and 1" trade size KOs on back and top. Also available in white (2310DFO-wH). 3 3/4" [95mm] Ea. Leg A 90° external corner with integral dividers provide 2" [51mm] cable bend radius for uTP and fiber optic installations. Also available in white (2318DFO-wH). 5" [127mm] Radiused Divided Flat Elbow 5 1/2" [140mm] 5 1/2" [140mm] 3 1/4 [83mm] Radiused Divided External Elbow A 90° flat corner with integral dividers provide 2" [51mm] cable bend radius for uTP and fiber optic installations. Also available in white (2311DFOwH). 400/800/2300/2300D Series Raceway Device Box Ordering Information 2338A Blank Cover 4 1/2" [114mm] Dia. use with any nonmetallic round device box to convert into a junction box. Also available in white (2336-wH). Fixture Box For hanging fixtures, smoke/fire alarms and other security devices with 3 1/2" [89mm] or 4 1/16" [103mm] mounting centers. Has 1/2" trade size KO. Not for use with fans. Also available in white (2338A-wH). 5 1/2" [140mm] Dia. 1" [25mm] 2337A 5 1/2" [140mm] Dia. 1" [25mm] Round Box Extension For hanging fixtures, smoke/fire alarms and other security devices with 3 1/2" [89mm] or 4 1/16" [103mm] mounting centers. 5 1/2" [140mm] diameter with open base. Not for use with fans. Also available in white (2337A-wH). 2344, 2344-2 Extra Deep Device Box W L 2344 one-gang, 2344-2 two-gang. Two-gang base has rectangular KO to enable extension from existing single-gang flush wallbox and 1/2" and 1" trade size concentric KOs. Accepts industry standard faceplates for switch and communication devices. 2 3/4" [70mm] CAT. NO. L w GANG 2344 2344-wH 4 3/4" [121mm] 4 3/4” [121mm] 3" [76mm] 3” [76mm] 1 1 2344-2 4 3/4" [121mm] 4 7/8" [124mm] 2344-2-wH 4 3/4” [121mm] 4 7/8” [124mm] www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 2 2 NONMETALLIC SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS 2336 129 WIREMOLD 400, 800, 2300 & 2300D SerieS™ racewayS Ordering Information 400/800/2300/2300D Series Raceway Device Box Ordering Information 2347, 2347-2 W 1 3/8" [35mm] L 2348AMP Device Box 2347 one-gang, 2347-2 two-gang. For standard switches and devices. 2347 Base has rectangular KO. 2347-2 Base has rectangular KO to enable extension from existing flush wall box and 1/2" and 1" concentric KOs. Accepts industry standard faceplates for switch and communication devices. CAT. NO. L w GANG 2347 2347-wH 4 3/4" [121mm] 4 3/4” [121mm] 3" [76mm] 3” [76mm] 1 1 4 7/8 [124mm] 4 7/8 [124mm] 2 2 2347-2 4 3/4" [121mm] 2347-2-wH 4 3/4” [121mm] 2348, 2348-2, 2348-3 W 1 3/4" [44mm] NONMETALLIC SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS L 2348S/51 3" [76mm] For deeper switches and devices, and has magnetic backing. Base has rectangular KO. Also available 1 3/4" in white (2348AMP-wH). [44mm] 4 3/4" [121mm] 2348D Device Box 1 3/4" [44mm] 3" [76mm] Deep Device Box 2348 one-gang, 2348-2 two-gang, 2348-3 three-gang. For deeper switches and devices. 2348 Base has rectangular KO. 2348-2 and 2348-3 Bases have rectangular KO to enable extension from existing flush wall box and 1/2" and 1" concentric KOs. Accepts industry standard faceplates for switch and communication devices. CAT. NO. L w GANG 2348 2348-wH 4 3/4" [121mm] 4 3/4” [121mm] 3" [76mm] 3” [76mm] 1 1 2348-2 4 3/4" [121mm] 4 7/8" [124mm] 2348-2-wH 4 3/4” [121mm] 4 7/8” [124mm] 2 2 2348-3 4 3/4" [121mm] 2348-3-wH 4 3/4” [121mm] 3 3 7" [178mm] 7” [178mm] 4 3/4" [121mm] 2344D 2 3/4" [70mm] 3" [76mm] 1" [25mm] For shallow switches and receptacles. Base has rectangular KO. Also available in white (2348s/51-wH). 4 3/4" [121mm] 2344SD-2A 2 1/4" [57mm] 4 7/8" [124mm] For use with 2300D series Divided Raceway. For mounting standard switches, receptacles, and industry standard faceplates for communication devices. Also available in white (2348D-wH). Extra Deep Device Box Shallow Device Box/Extension Box 3" [76mm] 4 3/4" [121mm] Magnetic Deep Device Box (with Grommet) 4 3/4" [121mm] For use with 2300D series Divided Raceway when additional depth is required. For mounting standard switches, receptacles and industry standard faceplates for communication devices. Also available in white (2344D-wH). Two-Gang Deep Divided Device Box Divided two-gang box for use with 2300D series Divided Raceway. Provides the ability to have both power and low voltage at a single point of use. utilizes 5507 series™ faceplates, as well as wiremold Open system communication modules, Ortronics® TracJack, series II, and Pass & seymour® Activate series inserts. For faceplate options, see 5507 series™ Faceplates. Also available in white (2344sD-2A-wH). NOTE: CM-EPLA End Plates are required when using Wiremold CM2 communication modules and Pass & Seymour® Activate inserts. S2-EPL End Plates are required when using Ortronics® Series II inserts. To mount TracJack modules, use 55074TJ or 55076TJ Faceplates. 130 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD 400, 800, 2300 & 2300D SerieS™ racewayS Ordering Information 400/800/2300 Series Raceway Device Box Ordering Information CM-MMB-231 One Insert Multimedia Box 1 1/2" [38mm] 3 1/4" [83mm] 3 1/4" [83mm] CM-MMB-232 5 3/16" [132mm] Three Insert Multimedia Box 1 1/2" [38mm] 5 3/16" [132mm] Two Insert Multimedia Box 1 1/2" [38mm] 5 3/16" [132mm] Accepts one CM2 size wiremold Open system communication module or Pass & seymour® Activate series insert. Compatible with wiremold 400 and 800 series Raceways. Also available in white (CM-MMB-231-wH). CM-MMB-233 7 3/4" [197mm] Fiber storage loop. Accepts three CM2 size wiremold Open system communication modules or Pass & seymour® Activate series inserts. Compatible with wiremold 400, 800, and 2300 series Raceways. Also available in white (CM-MMB233-wH) Fiber storage loop. Accepts two CM2 size wiremold Open system communication modules or Pass & seymour® Activate series inserts. Compatible with wiremold 400, 800, and 2300 series Raceways. Also available in white (CM-MMB-232-wH) 400/800/2300 Series Raceway Interconnectivity Fittings CONNECTION REQuIRED TO 400 series Raceway usE CATALOG NuMBER 889A 2300 series Raceway 400 series Raceway 2389A 2300 series Raceway 800 series Raceway 2389 Existing Outlet 400, 800, 2300 series Raceways 1/2" Trade size Conduit 400, 800 series Raceways 2348s/51 810A2 1/2" or 3/4" Trade size Conduit 2300 series Raceway 2310A 3" [76mm] or 4" [102mm] Ceiling Boxes 400, 800, 2300 series Raceways 2337A NONMETALLIC SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS FROM 800 series Raceway 131 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD 400, 800, 2300 & 2300D SerieS™ racewayS Installation Details 400, 800, 2300 Series Raceways Installation Details Raceway Base 1. Bring in and Tap Raceway Fitting Cover connect feed Base wires using 1/2" & 3/4" trade size KOs approved Conduit connection Attachment method. Fitting Assemble Use Washer for Cover 1/2" trade size KO raceway cover Bottom Side Only to butt against the fitting base. snap fitting cover onto base. (400) 7/8" [22.2mm] (800) 1 3/8" [35mm] (2300) 1 1/2" [38mm] 4. Notching for External Elbow: A. Cut side of base to be notched. B. Break clean with pliers. 418/818/2318 External Elbow Cover 5. Notching for Flat Elbow: A. Cut side of base to be notched. Notch to equal width of base. Break clean with pliers. B. Butt 400BAC A. (800) 1 1/16" [27mm] B. 3/4" [19.1mm] (2300) 1 1/2" [38mm] Raceway Base to base Base of 411 Flat Elbow. screw 811/2311 flat elbow Elbow 411 base to wall. FlatCover 90º Flat Cut 400BAC Elbow Cover Raceway Cover 3/8" [9.5mm] shorter than base. snap on 411 Flat Elbow Cover. Install Base: 400BAC, 800BAC, 2300BAC The adhesive on the 400BAC, 800BAC, 2300BAC and 2300BACD is intended to be used as an installation aid for positioning the product. Applications with power wire, screw fasteners must be used in addition to the adhesive. Applications with communication cable only, screw fasteners are recommended in addition to the adhesive. For low-voltage applications – 400BAC can be mounted with adhesive only (screw fasteners may be required depending on the cable quantity and size); 800BAC and 2300BAC require screw fasteners at 18" [457mm] intervals 6. Notching for Internal Elbow: A. Cut side of base to be notched. in addition to the adhesive. B. Break clean with pliers. Peel release paper from adhesive strip and mount 1" 1" immediately to surface. Adhesive-backed raceway should [25mm] [25mm] 1/2" [12.7mm] be mounted to a clean, dry, grease-free, smooth surface. Apply pressure along entire raceway base to insure proper adhesion. (800) 1 3/8" [35mm] (2300) 1 3/8" [35mm] Butt or Notch NONMETALLIC SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS 2. To install runs of raceway cover: Cover Measure distance from Clip fitting to fitting. Cut required length of cover. when two raceway sections Raceway Cover butt together, cover sections should span base joints for maximum rigidity. when two raceway cover sections butt together, use cover clip as shown (406/806/2306). 3. Notching for Tee: A. Make two cuts on side of base to be notched. Notch to equal width of base. Break clean with pliers. B. Butt 400BAC Raceway Base to base of 415 Tee. screw tee fitting base to wall. Cut 400BAC Raceway Cover 3/8" [95mm] shorter than base. snap on 415 Tee. A. (800) 1 3/8" [35mm] (2300) 1 1/2" [38mm] 815 Tee 2315 Tee B. 3/8" [9.5mm] Base 415 Tee Cover 132 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 417 Internal Elbow Cover Butt or Notch 817/2317 Internal Elbow Cover 7. All sure-snap device Sure-Snap Device Boxes boxes are packaged unassembled for easy installation. During Figure 1 shipment the base and cover pieces may snap together. To unsnap the cover from base, place the blade of a screwdriver into the locking tab (Figure 1). Push downward and gently pry the cover from the base. Repeat at each corner if necessary. ® 8. Mount the cover to the base by aligning key on the inside of the cover with one of the grooves on the base. Assemble with four screws. (Tap screws to seat.) 9. Pull wiring through the center knockout and attach the base directly to in-ceiling box. 2338A Round Device Box 2337A Round Device Box WIREMOLD acceSS® 5000 raceway Baseboard Molding Attractive baseboard molding that organizes and conceals electrical wiring and communications cabling. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Raceway: File E90378 Guide RJTX. Complies with flammability requirements of uL-5A. Fittings: File E90377 Guide RJYT. Meets Article 388 of NEC. uL Listed for up to 600V. Meets section 12-1600 of CEC. Access 5000 Series Raceway System Layout F, G E J D B K C H, I NOTE: Illustration is for showing product applications only. KEY A. 5007C-1A Device Bracket B. 5007C-2AB/5007C-2RT Deep Device Bracket C. 5010A Entrance End Feed D. 5010L Left End Cap COLOR OPTIONS E. F. G. H. 5010R 5017B 5017C 5018B Right End Cap Internal Base Elbow Internal Cover Elbow External Base Elbow I. 5018C External Cover Elbow J. CM2, series II, TracJack Communication Devices K. Back Feed Position Access® 5000 series Raceway Part Numbers with a “wH” suffix are available with a white PVC finish. Part Numbers with a “BK” suffix are available with a black PVC finish. Part Numbers with a “GY” suffix are available with a gray PVC finish. Part Numbers with a “w” suffix are available in a real maple veneer finish. Part Numbers with a “OA” suffix are available with a real oak veneer finish. Custom color options are also available. Consult the factory for more information. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD NONMETALLIC SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS A 133 WIREMOLD acceSS® 5000 raceway Ordering Information Access 5000 Series Raceway Wire Fill Capacities for Communications O.D. (Approx. Dia.) CABLE/wIRE sIZE Inches [mm] TOP BOTTOM COMP. COMP. 40% FILL 40% FILL 19 16 11 5 4 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 3 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 5e 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6a* 25-pair, 24 AwG 0.190 0.210 0.250 0.354 0.410 [4.8] [5.3] [6.3] [9.0] [10.4] 27 22 15 7 5 COAXIAL RG6/u 0.270 [6.9] 13 9 FIBER ZipCord Round 4 strand Fiber Round 6 strand Fiber 0.118 x 0.236 [3 x 6] 0.187 [4.8] 0.256 [6.5] 27 28 15 20 20 10 uNsHIELDED TwIsTED PAIR Access 5000 Series Raceway Wire Fill Capacities for Power O.D. wIRE sIZE THHN/THwN Inches [mm] NO. OF CONDuCTORs TOP COMPARTMENT 14 AwG 0.111 [2.8] 24 12 AwG 0.130 [3.3] 20 10 AwG 0.164 [4.2] 12 NOTE: For additional information, refer to the Technical Section. * Category 6 augmented (6a) cable for 10 gigabit ethernet – max allowed cable diameter per addenda No. 11 ANsI TIA/EIA 568-B.2. 5000B Raceway Base 5" [127mm] 7/8" [22mm] 5000C NONMETALLIC SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS 5000T 15/16" [24mm] Cover Clip For covering joint where two pieces of Access 5000 series Raceway Cover come together. Available in white (5006wH), black (5006BK), or gray (5006GY) PVC finishes. 5 13/32" [137mm] 3/4" [19.1mm] 5000C Cover is available standard in white (5000CwH), black (5000CBK), or gray (5000CGY) PVC or maple (5000Cw) and oak (5000COA) veneer finishes. Covers supplied in 8' [2.44m] lengths. Quarter-Round Trim 3/4" [19.1mm] 5001 5000B Base has an integral divider forming two channels for power and low-voltage separation. Base supplied in 8' [2.44m] lengths, packed 80' [24.4m] per carton. (Base is not visible in a typical finished installation.) Raceway Cover 5 1/4" [133mm] 5006 Trim Cover available in white (5000TwH), black (5000TBK), or gray (5000TGY) PVC or maple (5000Tw) and oak (5000TOA) veneer finishes. Trim covers supplied in 8' [2.44m] lengths. 5006A Internal Wire Guard 4 19/32" [117mm] use inside the base. Protects inside wires and cables from gap behind butted cover sections. Installed when the 5006 Cover Clips are not used. 23/32" [18.3mm] 1 1/2" [38mm] 5010A Entrance End Fitting 3 9/16" [90mm] 5 1/16" [129mm] Overall Assembled Depth is 1 15/16" [49mm]. Base Coupling 2 13/16" [71mm] use for aligning base sections. 4 9/16" [116mm] 134 5010R 5 29/32" [150mm] 1 3/16" [30mm] www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD used to connect Access 5000 to 1/2" or 3/4" trade size conduit. Has one 1/2" or 3/4" concentric KO for both channels in end only. Available in white (5010AwH), black (5010ABK), or gray (5010AGY) PVC finishes. Right End Cap 5/16" [7.9mm] For closing right end of Access 5000 series Raceway Base. Available in white (5010RwH), black (5010RBK), or gray (5010RGY) PVC finishes. WIREMOLD acceSS® 5000 raceway Ordering Information 5010L Left End Cap For closing left end of Access 5000 series Raceway Base. Available in white (5010LwH), black (5010LBK), or gray (5010LGY) PVC finishes. 5 29/32" [150mm] 1 3/16" [30mm] 5018C External Cover Elbow 5 1/4" [133mm] 11/16" [17.5mm] 5/16" [7.9mm] 5017B Internal Elbow Base 1 5/16" [33mm] For mounting cover and trim cover at 90° external corners. Available in white (5018CwH), black (5018CBK), or gray (5018CGY) PVC finishes. 2 1/2" [64mm] 5018WG External Elbow Wire Guard For mounting base at 90° internal corners. Installs at a mitered external elbow joint behind the covers to protect sharp objects from being inserted. Not needed when the external cover elbow is used. 4 3/16" [106mm] 5 1/16" [129mm] 1 1/2" [38mm] 5017C Internal Elbow Cover 2 21/32" [67mm] 5 5/16" [135mm] For mounting cover and trim cover at 90° internal corners. Available in white (5017CwH), black (5017CBK), or gray (5017CGY) PVC finishes. 5007C-1A Device Plate 9/16" [14.3mm] 6 3/8" [162mm] 5 3/16" [132mm] External device cover; for mounting one standard device and up to two communication connections. Available in white (5007C-1AwH), black (5007C-1ABK), or gray (5007C-1AGY) PVC finishes. For faceplate options, see 5507 Series™ Faceplates. (For power side only.) 5017WG Internal Elbow Wire Guard Protects wiring at mitered internal cover; snaps into 5017B Base Elbow. Not needed when 5017C Internal Cover Elbow is used. 4 3/4" [121mm] 5018B External Base Elbow 1" [25mm] 7/8" [22.2mm] For mounting base at 90° external corners. 5007C-2AB Deep Device Plate 6 3/8" [162mm] 5 3/16" [132mm] 15/16" [23.8mm] For mounting deeper devices such as TVss receptacles, GFCI devices, and Pass & seymour® Activate inserts. Accepts 5507 series™ Faceplates, 2A size Activate inserts, and Open system communication modules. Bezels included. Available in white (5007C-2ABwH), black (5007C-2ABBK), or gray (5007C-2ABGY) PVC finishes. For faceplate options, see 5507 Series™ Faceplates. 5 1/16" [129mm] NONMETALLIC SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS 1 5/8" [41mm] 135 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD acceSS® 5000 raceway Ordering Information 5007C-2RT Deep Device Plate 6 3/8" [162mm] 5 3/16" [132mm] 15/16" [23.8mm] For mounting deeper devices such as TVss receptacles, GFCI devices, and Pass & seymour® Activate inserts. Accepts 5507 series™ Faceplates, Ortronics® TracJack, and series II Inserts. Bezels included. Available in white (5007C-2RTwH), black (5007C-2RTBK), or gray (5007C-2RTGY) PVC finishes. For faceplate options, see 5507 Series™ Faceplates. 5007C 21/32" [16.7mm] 3/4" [19.1mm] 1/2" [12.7mm] For use as a blank; has KO to accept an “F” type coax connector. snaps into lowvoltage slots on device plates. For use with 5007C-1AXX only. Available in white (5004wH), black (5004BK) and gray (5004GY) PVC or maple (5004w) or oak (5004OA) veneer finishes. 2700WC, 2800WC, 2900WC 2" [51mm] Low-Voltage Blank Plate 1 1/2" [38mm] NONMETALLIC SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS 4 7/32" [107mm] Blanks entire low-voltage recess in device plate. For use with 5007C-1AXX only. Available in white (5005wH), black (5005BK), or gray (5005GY) PVC finishes. 136 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD Wire Clip Holds and secures wiring and cabling inside raceway. Mounts with adhesive backing. 2700wC is used for small bundles. 2800wC is used for bigger bundles. 2900wC is used for larger bundles in the top section only. 1 1/2" [38mm] W 3 11/16" [94mm] 5005 Blank/Coax Adapter Electrical Device Bracket For mounting standard devices. snaps into top section of base wherever an outlet is needed. 1 1/8" [29mm] 5004 CAT. NO. Inches wIDTH mm 2700wC 3/4" [19.1] 2800wC 1" [25] 2900wC 1 1/2" [38] WIREMOLD acceSS® 5000 raceway Installation Details Access 5000 Series Raceways Installation Details Trim Cover Trim Corners must be 90 degrees to 5018C* Cover ensure proper installation. The 5000T* Fitting Base 5018B External Base Elbow Shoulder 5000B and 5018C External Cover Cover Elbow are installed as 5000C Mounting shown. Butt the 5000B Grooves Base against the 5018B External Cover Snap-on Fitting shoulder before Elbow 5018C* Cover mounting. The 5000T Trim External Elbow Base 5018B Cover is installed first, then the 5000C is snapped in place, aligning both with the 5018B fitting shoulder. The 5018C External Cover Elbow is installed by engaging the right-hand side of the cover with the 5018B Base and sliding until the left side top and bottom snap in. The 5018C External Cover Elbow is then snapped in place overlapping the 5000T Trim Covers and interlocking under the 5018C External Cover. 2. For Mitered Corners: External Base Elbow 5018B The 5018wG External Mitered Trim Elbow wire Guard is Base 5000B Cover 5000T Snap-on installed as shown Cover inside the 5018B External Base Elbow when the covers are mitered instead of Mitered Cover 5000C using the 5018C Mitered Cover External Elbow Wire Guard External Cover Elbow. 5018WG (Slide Wire Guard into 5000C It is recommended Cover/Base Assembly) that the covers be mitered first and fitted before cutting to proper length to minimize waste. For ease of installation, the covers should be installed starting at the mitered corners. As with the corner fittings, install the 5000T Trim Cover first, then snap the 5000C Covers in place. 3. This illustration shows an example of a back feed using a nonmetallic sheathed cable. Punch or drill up to 3/4" trade size hole in the top compartment for feeding power or communication wiring. Make sure to allow space between the bottom of the 5000B Base if on a subfloor to allow for the finished floor or carpeting. 5000B Base Strain Relief Fitting (Strip Sheathed Cable Back to Connector) 4. The 5006 Cover Clip is installed between two covers to hide an uneven joint. snap one cover onto the Base, slide the 5006 Cover Clip over the end of the other cover, butt up against the installed cover and snap into place. Base 5000B Left End Cap 5010L Slide Cover into End Cap Base Coupling 5001 Cover 5000C Cover 5000C Internal Wire Guard 5006A The 5006A Internal wire Guard is Cover Clip used behind the covers as shown where 5006 two pieces of cover butt together instead of using the 5006 Cover Clip. This option is primarily used when a wood veneer finish is used and the look of an exposed cover clip is not wanted. A 5010L or 5010R Left or Right End Cap is installed as shown at the end of a base run before mounting. The 5000T Trim Cover and the 5000C Cover are installed by partially snapping them in place onto the 5000B Base, installing the 5000T first, and sliding them to the end of the end caps. The rest of the cover is then snapped progressively onto the base. An optional 5001 Base Coupling can be installed as shown to assist alignment when butting two 5000B Bases together. 5. For Corners Using Molded Fittings: Internal Cover Corners must be 90° to ensure Elbow 5017C* Fitting proper installation. The 5017B Internal Elbow Shoulder Internal Base Elbow is Base 5017B Trim Cover installed as shown, using Trim Cover 5000T* 5000T a spacing shim to allow Base Snap-on for the finished floor. The 5000B Cover Cover 5000B Base butts up to 5000C the 5017B Base Elbow at Locking shoulder before mounting. Spacing Tab Shim The 5000T Trim Cover is Internal Elbow Cover 5017C* installed first, then the 5000C Cover is snapped in place aligning both with the 5017B Base Elbow. The 5017C Internal Elbow Cover Trim is snapped in place, overlapping the 5000T Trim Cover pieces. The 5017C Internal Elbow Cover is then snapped onto the 5017B Base Elbow, overlapping the 5000C Cover pieces. The locking tab on the 5017C Cover Elbow will snap into slots in the back of the 5017B Base Elbow. Spaced for Carpeting NOTE: If baseboard 5000 is to be used without trim covers (5000T), cover (5000C) should be mitered. NONMETALLIC SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS 1. For Corners Using Molded Fittings: 137 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD acceSS® 5000 raceway Installation Details Access 5000 Series Raceways Installation Details (continued) 6. For Mitered Corners: Mitered Trim Fitting Shoulder Internal Elbow Base 5017B Mitered Trim Cover 5000T The 5017wG Cover 5000T Internal Elbow wire Base Guard is snapped 5000B Snap-on into the 5017B Base Mitered Mitered Cover Elbow when the Cover covers are mitered 5000C Snap-on Internal Wire Guard instead of using the 5017WG 5017C Cover Elbow. It is recommended that the covers be mitered and fitted first before cutting to proper length to minimize waste. For ease of installation the covers should be installed starting at the mitered corners. As with the corner fittings, install the 5000T Trim Covers first and then snap the 5000C Covers in place. NONMETALLIC SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS NOTE: If baseboard 5000 is to be used without trim covers (5000T), cover (5000C) should be mitered and assembled as shown. 138 9. The 5007C-1A Device Plate assembles by engaging the hooks on back side of device plate to the bottom lip on the 5000B Base and rotating toward wall. secure to base using 5507D or 5507R Faceplate. This illustration shows the procedure for installing the 5000T Trim Cover. For deep devices such as GFCI and surge receptacles, or the use of wiremold Open system communication modules and Pass & seymour® Activate series inserts, the 5007C-2A should be used. For Ortronics® series II or Ortronics® TracJack inserts, the 5507C-2R7 should be used. Trim Cover, Rotate into Position Device Plate 5507R Device Plate – Hook to Lip of Base 5507D 5007C-1A Baseboard Cover 5000C 7. The illustration 10. use 5007C-2AB/5007C5000T Trim Cover 5000T 5007C-2AB shows a typical 2RT for deep devices 5007C installation of a such as Ground Fault 5507R duplex outlet in the Circuit Interrupters, Duplex 2900WC top compartment Faceplate surge Protection Outlets 5507D and a telephone 2800WC and/or communication Wire Clips and coax devices, and may be Baseboard Base Blank connection in the 5000B utilized in the wiremold Spacer Plate Device Plate lower compartment. 5005 5007C-1A Access 5000 Raceway Coax 5000C To install an outlet in the top Adapter system using this 5004 Telephone/Data compartment, a 5007C Device Bracket 5007C-2AB/5007C-2RT Connections must be installed. The raceway will Deep Device Plate. accommodate a device up to 1 1/16" [27mm] in depth. A 5507R Twist off the two spacers attached to the 5007C Device Bracket. Rectangular Faceplate can be used instead of the 5507D Faceplate to snap the 5007C Device Bracket into the base channel provided. accommodate decorative type devices. Assemble the device to the device bracket, utilizing the spacers. The 2900wC, 2800wC, and 2700wC wire Clips are used to hold wires Assemble the deep device plate to the raceway base. Engage the and cables within the raceway. Remove the adhesive and mount to the hooks, located next to the double window opening, to the lower 5000B Base. suggested spacing between wire clips is 48" [14.6m]. (large) lip of the raceway base. Rotate the device plate toward the The 5000C Cover is to butt up against the tabs on the 5007C Device wall snapping it into place. Assemble the desired 5507 Faceplate Brackets as shown. with wiremold Open system communication modules, Ortronics® TracJack and series II inserts, or Pass & seymour® Activate The 5007C-1A Device Plate accommodates up to two RJ11 or RJ45 series inserts. voice or data connectors in the lower compartment. The 5004 Blank/ Coax Adapter is used as a blank when only one opening is needed or to adapt an “F” type coax connector. This is done by knocking out the center of the adapter which accepts the “F” connector. The wires are then connected to the 5007C-1A assembly. If no low-voltage connections are needed, the 5005 Blank Plate is used to cover the openings. The 5007C-1A assembly is then mounted to the 5000B Base. 8. The 5007C Device Bracket is installed as shown. Insert the bracket in the top compartment, place the blade of a screwdriver on the left bottom tab of the bracket and strike with a hammer. Repeat on the right side. 5007C Device Brackets are mounted anywhere a device is needed, in upper compartment only. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD Base 5000B Device Bracket 5007C 11. The 5010A Entrance End Feed provides an end feed to Access 5000 Raceway with 1/2" or 3/4" trade size conduit. Install with side walls of the fitting base and raceway base aligned. Access 5000 Raceway installed at baseboard level should be spaced a minimum of 1/8" [3.2mm] above the floor level. Entrance End Feed (Cover) This will facilitate the 5010A assembly/disassembly of the end fitting cover. Entrance End Feed (Base) 5010A Raceway Base Raceway Cover WIREMOLD cableSmart® 40N2 SerieS raceway Two-Piece, Dual-Channel, Large Two-piece, dual-channel, large raceway. Lightweight and easy-to-install. Ideal for both power and communication installations. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Raceway: File E90378 Guide RJTX. Complies with flammability requirements of uL-5A. Fittings: File E90377 Guide RJYT. Meets Article 388 of NEC. uL Listed for up to 600V. Meets section 12-1600 of CEC. CableSmart 40N2 Series Raceway System Layout I C G A B L F H D E K M K NOTE: Illustration is for showing product applications only. KEY A. B. C. D. E. 40N2B08 40N2C08 40N2F05 40N2F06 40N2F11 Raceway Base Raceway Cover Base Clip Cover Clip Bend Radius Flat Elbow COLOR OPTIONS F. G. H. I. 40N2F15 40N2F17 40N2F19 40N2F20 Bend Radius Tee Bend Radius Internal Elbow Bend Radius External Elbow Blank End Fitting 40N2F21 Divided Entrance End Fitting 40N2F31 Twin Cover Device Bracket 40N2F74 Divided Transition Fitting PsB1 One-Gang Device Box J. K. L. M. Cablesmart® 40N2 series Raceway Part Numbers with a “V” suffix are available in an ivory finish. Part Numbers with a “wH” suffix have a white finish. 40N2 series Raceway is paintable using latex paint or stain. Custom color options are also available. Consult the factory for more information. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD NONMETALLIC SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS J 139 WIREMOLD cableSmart® 40N2 SerieS raceway Ordering Information 40N2 Series Raceway Wire Fill Capacities for Communications O.D. (Approx. Dia.) Inches [mm] CABLE/wIRE sIZE uNsHIELDED TwIsTED PAIR COAXIAL FIBER sECTION C 40% FILL sECTION D 40% FILL 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 3 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 5e 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6a** 25-pair, 24 AwG 0.190 0.210 0.250 0.354 0.410 [4.8] [5.3] [6.3] [9.0] [10.4] 45 37 26 13 9 24 19 13 6 5 RG6/u 0.270 [6.9] 22 11 ZipCord Round 4 strand Fiber Round 6 strand Fiber 0.118 x 0.236 0.187 0.256 [3 x 6] [4.8] [6.5] 103 46 25 55 24 13 Section A 3.22 in.2 [2080mm2] Section B 1.71 in.2 [1100mm2] 4.0" [102mm] Section C 3.22 in.2 [2080mm2] 2.0" [51mm] Section D 1.71 in.2 [1100mm2] NOTE: For additional information, refer to the Technical Section. * 40% fill is the maximum designed cable fill based on TIA/EIA 569-A. ** Category 6 augmented (6a) cable for 10 gigabit ethernet – max allowed cable diameter per addenda No. 11 ANsI TIA/EIA 568-B.2. 40N2 Series Raceway Wire Fill Capacities for Power O.D. (Approx. Dia.) Inches [] COMP. A COMP. B MAX NuMBER OF CONDuCTORs BOTH COMPARTMENTs 14 AwG 0.111 [2.8] 20 20 28 12 AwG 0.130 [3.3] 18 18 36 10 AwG 0.164 [4.2] 17 17 24 8 AwG 0.216 [5.5] 5 15 20 6 AwG 0.254 [6.5] 5 5 10 40N2B08 Two-Compartment Raceway Base 2" [51mm] 4" [102mm] NONMETALLIC SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS NuMBER OF COMPARTMENTs wIRE sIZE THHN/THwN 8' [2.45m] 40N2C08 Two equal compartments. use with 40N2 Cover only. Available in 8' [2.4m] lengths with pre-punched mounting holes, packed 48' [14.6m] per carton. Available in ivory (40N2B08V) or white (40N2B08wH). Full Width Raceway Cover 1/2" [12.7mm] 2 3/16" [56mm] use with 40N2B08 Base. Available in 8' [2.4m] lengths, packed 48' [14.6m] per carton. Available in ivory (40N2C08V) or white (40N2C08wH). 40N2F05 Covers seams between sections of 40N2B08 Raceway Base. Available in ivory (40N2F05V) or white (40N2F05wH). 5/8" [15.9mm] 40N2F06 Wire Clip used to retain cables in raceway during installation. 2 5/8" [67mm] 140 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD Cover Clip Covers seams between sections of 40N2C08 Raceway Cover. Available in ivory (40N2F06V) or white (40N2F06wH). 8' [2.45m] 40N2FWC Base Clip 5/8" [15.9mm] WIREMOLD cableSmart® 40N2 SerieS raceway Ordering Information CONNECTION REQuIRED FROM TO usE CATALOG NuMBER 1/2" or 3/4" trade size Conduit 40N2 series Raceway 40N2F20 3/4", 1", 1 1/4" & 1 1/2" trade size conduit or armored cable 40N2 series Raceway 40N2F21 40N2 series Raceway PN03, PN05, PN10 series Raceways 40N2F74 40N2F11 Radiused Full Capacity Flat Elbow A 90° flat corner with integral dividers to provide 2" [51mm] cable bend radius for uTP and fiber optic installations. Ideal for lay-in or pull-through installations. Available in ivory (40N2F11V) or white (40N2F11wH). 6 5/8" [168mm] (Each leg) 40N2F15 Radiused Full Capacity Tee For branches at right angles. A full capacity tee fitting that provides separation of services and 2" [51mm] cable bend radius for uTP and fiber optic installations. Available in ivory (40N2F15V) or white (40N2F15wH). 8 9/16" [217mm] 12 15/16" [329mm] 40N2F17 Radiused Full Capacity Internal Elbow A 90° internal corner with integral dividers to provide 2" [51mm] cable bend radius for uTP and fiber optic installations. Ideal for lay-in or pull-through installations. Available in ivory (40N2F17V) or white (40N2F17wH). 4 1/2" [114mm] (Each leg) 40N2F19 4 1/2" [114mm] (Each leg) 40N2F20 11/16" [17.5mm] 40N2F21 Blank End Fitting Closes off raceway end runs. Can be used to feed raceway using 1/2" or 3/4" trade size conduit. Holes for conduit must be drilled. use a step drill or other means. Available in ivory (40N2F20V) or white (40N2F20wH). Divided Entrance End Fitting FiberReady divided fitting to feed 40N2 series Raceway. Includes 3/4", 1", 1 1/4", and 1 1/2" trade size KOs on back and top. Available in ivory (40N2F21V) or white (40N2F21wH). 6" [152mm] 7 5/16" [186mm] 40N2F31 Twin Cover Device Bracket used for power or communications devices in a single compartment. Accepts 5507 series™ Faceplates. For use with Ortronics® TracJack 5 1/4" [133mm] Individual Jack system, Ortronics® series II FrontLoading, Module system wiremold Open system Communication Modules. Available in ivory (40N2F31V) or white (40N2F31wH). 2 3/16" [56mm] NOTE: CM-EPLA End Plates are required when using Wiremold communication modules and Pass & Seymour® inserts. S2-EPL End Plates are required when using Ortronics® Series II inserts. To mount TracJack inserts, use 5507-4TJ or 5507-6TJ Faceplates. 40N2F55 High Capacity Device Box 6 3/8" [162mm] 1 3/16" [30mm] Required for mounting power or datacom devices into a divided raceway application. One used per device location. Radiused Full Capacity External Elbow 2 11/16" [68mm] A 90° external corner with integral dividers to provide 2" [51mm] cable bend radius for uTP and fiber optic installations. Ideal for lay-in or pull-through installations. Available in ivory (40N2F19V) or white (40N2F19wH). 40N2F74 2 15/16" [74mm] Divided Transition Fitting 6 1/8" [156mm] Makes transition from 40N2 series Raceway to PN03, PN05, and PN10 series Raceways. Available in ivory (40N2F74V) or white (40N2F74wH). NONMETALLIC SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS Cablesmart 40N2 Series Raceway Interconnectivity Fittings 141 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD 5400 SerieS™ raceway Large Capacity, Multiple Channel Large capacity, multiple channel raceway. Lightweight and easy-to-cut. Ideal for power or communication installations that require multiple services. CODE REFERENCE Listed Raceway: File E90378 Guide RJTX. Complies with flammability requirements of uL-5A. Fittings: File E90377 Guide RJYT. Meets Article 388 of NEC. uL Listed for up to 600V. Meets section 12-1600 of CEC. 5400 Series Raceway System Layout P H K C F B NONMETALLIC SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS D 142 L Q J O A R M G E N I NOTE: Illustration is for showing product applications only. KEY A. B. C. D. E. F. 5400C Raceway Cover 5400TwC Twin Cover wire Clip 5400TB Two Compartment Base 5400TC Twin snap Cover 5406A Cover Clip 5406T Twin Cover seam Clip COLOR OPTIONS G. H. I. J. K. L. 5410 Entrance End Fitting 5410DFO Entrance End Feed 5411FO Flat Elbow 5415 Tee 5417FO Radiused Internal Elbow 5418 standard External Elbow M. N. O. P. Q. R. 5418FO Radiused External Elbow 5450 In-Line Device Bracket 5450A3 Multiple Device Bracket 5450T Twin snap Device Bracket 5474 Transition Fitting Communication Device 5400 series™ Raceway Part Numbers with a “-wH” suffix have a white finish. Part Numbers without a suffix are only available in an ivory finish. 5400 series Raceway is paintable using latex paint or stain. Custom color options are also available. Consult the factory for more information. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD 5400 SerieS™ raceway Ordering Information 5400 Series Raceway Wire Fill Capacities for Communications Inches [] sECTION EACH COMPARTMENT 40% FILL* O.D. (Approx. Dia.) CABLE/wIRE sIZE uNsHIELDED TwIsTED PAIR 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 3 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 5e 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6a* 25-pair, 24 AwG 0.190 0.210 0.250 0.354 0.410 [4.8] [5.3] [6.3] [9.0] [10.4] 52 42 30 15 11 COAXIAL RG6/u 0.270 [6.9] 26 FIBER ZipCord Round 4 strand Fiber Round 6 strand Fiber [3 x 6] [4.8] [6.5] 53 54 28 0.118 x 0.236 0.187 0.256 Total Raceway Capacity: 7.44 sq. in. [4800mm2] 3.72 sq. in. [2400mm2] 3.72 sq. in. [2400mm2] 1 3/4" [44mm] 5 1/4" [133mm] NOTE: For additional information, refer to the Technical Section. * wire capacity is reduced to allow for proper conductor bend radius and maximum permissible heat rise. ** Category 6 augmented (6a) cable for 10 gigabit ethernet – max allowed cable diameter per addenda No. 11 ANsI TIA/EIA 568-B.2. 5400 Series Raceway Wire Fill Capacities for Power Inches [] NuMBER OF CONDuCTORs EACH COMPARTMENT 14 AwG 0.111 [2.8] 50 12 AwG 0.130 [3.3] 34 10 AwG 0.164 [4.2] 60 8 AwG 0.216 [5.5] 21 6 AwG 0.254 [6.5] 19 14 AwG 0.111 [2.8] 50 12 AwG 0.130 [3.3] 34 10 AwG 0.164 [4.2] 60 8 AwG 0.216 [5.5] 21 6 AwG 0.254 [6.5] 19 wIRE sIZE THHN/THwN POwER wIRING wITHOuT DEVICEs POwER wIRING wITH DEVICEs O.D. (Approx. Dia.) 5400TC Twin Snap Raceway Cover 2 9/16" [116mm] Each 5400TWC use with 5400 series Raceway in Twin snap applications. Order cover for each compartment. Available in 8' [2.4m] lengths. Available in standard ivory (5400TC) and white (5400TC-wH). Twin Snap Cover Wire Clip 2" [51mm] Retains wires in raceway. 2 5/8" [67mm] 5400TB Two-Compartment Raceway Base 1 11/16" [43mm] 5 1/4" [133mm] 5400C Two equal compartments – Base accepts single or Twin snap Cover. 5400 series raceway is available in 8' [2.4m] lengths with pre-punched mounting holes, packed 48' [14.6m] per carton. Available in standard ivory (5400TB) and white (5400TB-wH). Full-Width Raceway Cover 5" [127mm] use with 5400 series Raceway. Available in 8' [2.4m] lengths, packed 48' [14.6m] per carton. Available in standard ivory (5400C) and white (5400C-wH). 5406A Cover Clip For covering joint where two pieces of 5400C Raceway Cover come together. Available in standard ivory (5406A) and white (5406A-wH). 5 3/32" [129mm] 3/4" [19.1mm] 5406T Twin Cover Clip 2 5/8" [67mm] 1" [25mm] For covering joint where two pieces of 5400TC Cover come together. Available in standard ivory (5406T) and white (5406T-wH). NONMETALLIC SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS * Total raceway capacity not to exceed capacity specified in Compartment. 143 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD 5400 SerieS™ raceway Ordering Information 5406TB Base Seam Clip 7/8" [22mm] 1 3/4" [44mm] 5408L For covering joint where two pieces of 5400TB Base come together. One clip per package. Available in standard ivory (5406TB) and white (5406TB-wH). Radiused Full Capacity Flat Elbow 7 3/16" [183mm] 7 25/32" [198mm] (Each leg) Transition Fitting For transitioning from MXN2A08 Corner Drop to a horizontal run of 5400TB series Raceway to the left. Available in standard ivory (5408L) and white (5408L-wH). 10" [254mm] 1 3/4" [44mm] 5408R 5411FO 5415 Tee For branching raceway at right angles. Available in standard ivory (5415) and white (5415-wH). 4 27/32" [123mm] 6 9/16" [167mm] Transition Fitting 10" [254mm] 1 3/4" [44mm] For transitioning from MXN2A08 Corner Drop to a horizontal run of 5400TB series Raceway to the right. Available in standard ivory (5408R) and white (5408R-wH). 5415FO Radiused Full Capacity Tee 14 1/4" [362mm] 9 7/8" [251mm] 9 1/8" [232mm] 13" [330mm] 5410 Blank End Fitting NONMETALLIC SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS 1 7/8" [48mm] 1 25/32" [45mm] 5 15/32" [139mm] 5410DFO 3 1/2" [89mm] 7 1/8" [181mm] 7 1/2" [191mm] For closing open end of 5400 series Raceway. Has four 1/2" trade size KOs for end feed. Available in standard ivory (5410) and white (5410-wH). 5417FO 5418 3 1/2" [89mm] (Each leg) A full capacity tee fitting for branching raceway at right angles. Provides separation of services and 2" [51mm] cable bend radius for uTP and fiber optic installations. Available in standard ivory (5415FO) and white (5415FO-wH). Radiused Full Capacity Internal Elbow 4" [102mm] 4 1/2" [114mm] (Each leg) Radiused Divided Entrance End Cap FiberReady divided fitting to feed 5400 series Raceway. Includes 1", 1 1/4", 1 1/2", and 2" trade size KOs on back and top. Available in standard ivory (5410DFO) and white (5410DFO-wH). For right angle turns on the same surface. Integral dividers provide 2" [51mm] cable bend radius for uTP and fiber optic installations. Ideal for lay-in or pull-through installations. Available in standard ivory (5411FO) and white (5411FO-wH). For right angle turns around internal corners. Integral dividers provide 2" [51mm] cable bend radius for uTP and fiber optic installations. Ideal for lay-in or pull-through installations. Available in standard ivory (5417FO) and white (5417FO-wH). External Elbow For right angle turns around external corners. 5 9/32" [134mm] 1 13/16" [46mm] 144 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD 5400 SerieS™ raceway Ordering Information 5418FO Radiused Full Capacity External Elbow 4" [102mm] For right angle turns around external corners. Integral dividers provide 2" [51mm] cable bend radius for uTP and fiber optic installations. use the 5418FO for a alternative to 5418. Available in standard ivory (5418FO) and white (5418FO-wH). 6 7/8" [175mm] (Each leg) 5450 5450A3 Three Device Mounting Bracket 7 5/16" [185mm] 7 19/32" [193mm] 7 1/2" [191mm] Device Bracket 5 5/32" [131mm] 6" [152mm] 7/16" [11.1mm] For mounting power and communication devices in-line with 5400 series Raceway. utilizes 5507 series™ Faceplates, as well as wiremold Open system communication modules, Ortronics® TracJack and series II inserts, and Pass & seymour® Activate series inserts. For faceplate options, see 5507 series™ Faceplates. Available in standard ivory (5450) and white (5450-wH). For mounting up to three power or communication devices at one location inline and offset from 5400 series Raceway. For use with 5507 series™ Faceplates, Ortronics® TracJack & series II Modules, Pass & seymour® Activate series Inserts, and wiremold Open system Communication Modules. Available in standard ivory (5450A3) and white (5450A3-wH). NOTE: CM-EPLA End Plates are required when using Wiremold communication modules. S2-EPL End Plates are required when using Ortronics® Series II inserts. To mount TracJack inserts, use 5507-4TJ or 5507-6TJ Faceplates. 5450-ORAP Wireless Bracket 5 1/2" [140mm] 4 1/2" [114mm] used to mount Ortronics® wi-Jack™ wireless Access Points to 5400 series Raceway. 6 1/2" [165mm] Twin Snap Device Bracket 4 5/8" [117mm] 2 1/2" [64mm] 4 7/8" [124mm] For power or communication devices in a single compartment. For use with 5507 series™ Faceplates, Ortronics® TracJack & series II Modules, Pass & seymour® Activate series Inserts, and wiremold Open system Communication Modules. Available in standard ivory (5450T) and white (5450T-wH). 5474 7 9/16" [192mm] 3 3/16" [81mm] Transition Fitting Makes transition from 5400 series Raceway to the 400/800/2300, or PN03, PN05, and PN10 series Latching Raceways. Available in standard ivory (5474) and white (5474-wH). NOTE: CM-EPLA End Plates are required when using Wiremold communication modules and Pass & Seymour® Activate inserts. S2-EPL End Plates are required when using Ortronics® Series II inserts. To mount TracJack inserts, use 5507-4TJ or 5507-6TJ Faceplates. NONMETALLIC SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS 5450T 145 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD 5400 SerieS™ raceway Ordering Information MXN Series RACEWAY Wire Fill Capacities for Communications Inches [] sECTION EACH COMPARTMENT 40% FILL* O.D. (Approx. Dia.) CABLE/wIRE sIZE uNsHIELDED TwIsTED PAIR 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 3 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 5e 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6a* 25-pair, 24 AwG 0.190 0.210 0.250 0.354 0.410 [4.8] [5.3] [6.3] [9.0] [10.4] 19 16 11 5 4 COAXIAL RG6/u 0.270 [6.9] 9 FIBER ZipCord Round 4 strand Fiber Round 6 strand Fiber [3 x 6] [4.8] [6.5] 20 20 10 0.118 x 0.236 0.187 0.256 NOTE: For additional information, refer to the Technical Section. * Category 6 augmented (6a) cable for 10 gigabit ethernet – max allowed cable diameter per addenda No. 11 ANsI TIA/EIA 568-B.2. MXN Series Raceway Wire Fill Capacities for Power wIRE sIZE THHN/THwN O.D. (Approx. Dia.) Inches [] 14 AwG 0.111 [2.8] MXN2F21 NO. OF CONDuCTORs EACH COMPARTMENT For feeding corner drop raceway from large conduits. Has concentric 3/4", 1", and 1 1/2" trade size KOs. Available in standard ivory (MXN2F21) and white (MXN2F21wH). 50 12 AwG 0.130 [3.3] 34 10 AwG 0.164 [4.2] 60 8 AwG 0.216 [5.5] 21 Entrance End Fitting 6 1/8" [156mm] 3 5/8" [92mm] MXN2A08 Corner Drop Raceway Base and Cover NONMETALLIC SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS 2" [51mm] 3 5/16" [84mm] used as a vertical corner feed drop to horizontal runs of 5400 series Raceway. Two compartments. Packaged with base and cover. MXN2A08 available in 8' [2.44m] lengths. Available in standard ivory (MXN2A08) and white (MXN2A08wH). use 5408L or 5408R to transition to 5400 series Raceway. 146 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD MXN2FWC Wire Clip Retains wires in MXN2A08 Corner Drop Raceway. WIREMOLD 5400 SerieS™ raceway Installation Details Access 5400 Series Raceways Installation Details 1. Mount raceway base to wall by using appropriate screws. use two screws every 18" [457mm] using the ribs on the outermost compartments of the raceway as guides. 6. snap 5450T Bracket to raceway base, engage sidewall first then divider side. Install wiremold Open system communication modules, Ortronics® TracJack or series II inserts, or Pass & seymour® Activate series inserts, or 5507 Faceplates. snap raceway cover to base and finish with 5450T Trim Plate (engaging raceway sidewall first then divider side). 5400TB 18" [457mm] 2. Place the 5400TwC wire Clips in base as shown to contain the wires in place while installing. 5450T 5400TWC 5450T 5406TB 5400C 5406A 7. End cap may be used as a blank to cap off the raceway at the end-of-run, or to feed wires from a 1/2" trade size pipe; punch out the proper KO. Mount endcap to raceway base using appropriate screws. 5410 8. Feeding raceway from conduit. 1. Line up base of the fitting with the raceway base using the 5406T tongues as guides. 5400TC 2. Fasten the base of the fitting to the wall using screws. 4. sequence for installing devices: 3. Remove the proper KO. 1. snap bracket in raceway base. 4. Attach conduit using proper 2. Fasten devices to bracket. fitting. Communication devices snap 5. Feed the necessary cables. onto bracket. 6. slide the dividers (two provided) 3. snap raceway covers to into the mounting guides if base, butting against needed. 5450 bracket. 7. snap the raceway cover on 4. Assemble trim ring. the base. 5. Insert CM-EPLA or 8. snap fitting cover onto the NOTE: The 5400TB Base can NOTE: Use blank plates to cover s2-EPL, if required. be rotated 90° to allow any unused slots in bracket. base using guiding keyslots 6. Install wiremold feed from back instead in base. Open system communication modules, of side. Ortronics® TracJack or series II inserts, or Pass & seymour® Activate series inserts required. 9. Mount flat elbow as shown; assemble 7. Or install 5507 Faceplates, if required. raceway covers first, then elbow cover. 5. Install bracket to raceway base first, mount to the wall with screws, 5450A3 and mount device. After installing raceway cover, snap box cover to bracket and assemble faceplates. Install wiremold Open system Communication Modules, Ortronics® TracJack or series II inserts, or Pass & seymour® Activate series Inserts, or 5507 Faceplates. use 5407A3 with 5400TB to install three devices at one location. 5411FO NONMETALLIC SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS 3. slide the 5406A and 5406T seam Covers on the uninstalled section of raceway cover as shown; snap cover to the base overlapping the seam cover over the installed section. 5406TB Base seam Clip used for base seams. 147 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD 5400 SerieS™ raceway Installation Details 5400 Series Raceways Installation Details 10. Punch out appropriate hole in the tee fitting base and snap to raceway base; screw down to wall. Assemble raceway covers to base and then snap tee cover, overlapping raceway covers. 12. Punch out appropriate hole in fitting base and snap to the raceway base; screw down to the wall. Remove proper twistout from the insert by first scoring with a knife. slide the insert onto fitting cover. Assemble raceway covers to base and then snap fitting cover, overlapping raceway covers. 5415 11. Install one corner base first, then measure to other corner (measure from edges of fittings). Mount raceway base and cover; assemble fitting cover last. 5474 5417FO 5418 or 5418FO 5400 Series Raceway Interconnectivity Fittings NONMETALLIC SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS FROM CONNECTION REQuIRED TO 5400 series Raceway 400, 800, 2300 series Raceways 5400 series Raceway PN03, PN05, PN10 series Raceways 5400 series Raceway MXN2A08 1/2" Trade size Conduit or Armored Cable side of 5400 series Raceway 3/4", 1", 1 1/2" & 2" Trade size Conduit or Armored Cable Back or side of 5400TB 148 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD usE CATALOG NuMBER 5474 5474 5408L/5408R 5410 or 5410DFO 5410DFO WIREMOLD 5500 SerieS™ raceway Large Capacity, Multiple Channel Large capacity, multiple channel raceway. Lightweight and easy to cut. Ideal for power or communication installations where flexibility for future moves and changes is important. CODE REFERENCE Listed Raceway: File E90378 Guide RJTX. Complies with flammability requirements of uL-5A. Fittings: File E90377 Guide RJYT. Meets Article 388 of NEC. uL Listed for up to 600V. Meets section 12-1600 of CEC. 5500 Series Raceway System Layout G B H N C I F A J D L M NOTE: Illustration is for showing product applications only. KEY A. B. C. D. E. F. 5510 End Cap/Entrance End Fitting 5510D Entrance End Fitting 5506 Cover Clip 5550 In-Line Device Bracket 5518 External Elbow 5514A Back Connector Feed COLOR OPTIONS G. 5517FO Radiused Full Capacity Internal Elbow H. 5515 Tee Fitting/Take-Off Connector I. 5550A4 Multiple Device Bracket J. 5574 or 5574A Inline Transition Fitting K. 5500wCA wire Clip L. 5511FO Radiused Full Capacity Flat Elbow M. 5518FO Radiused Full Capacity External Elbow N. Communication Devices 5500 series™ Raceway Part Numbers with a “-wH” suffix have a white finish. Part Numbers without a suffix are only available in an ivory finish. 5500 series Raceway is paintable using latex paint. Custom color options are also available. Consult the factory for more information. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD NONMETALLIC SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS K E 149 WIREMOLD 5500 SerieS™ raceway Ordering Information 5500 Series Raceway Wire Fill Capacities for Communications O.D. (Approx. Dia.) sECTION 40% FILL* CABLE/wIRE sIZE Inches [] A B C uNsHIELDED TwIsTED PAIR 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 3 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 5e 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6a** 25-pair, 24 AwG 0.190 0.210 0.250 0.354 0.410 [4.8] [5.3] [6.3] [8.9] [10.4] 114 94 66 33 24 37 30 21 10 8 71 58 41 20 15 COAXIAL RG6/u 0.270 [6.9] 56 18 35 FIBER ZipCord Round 4 strand Fiber Round 6 strand Fiber [3 x 6] [4.8] [6.5] 117 118 63 37 38 20 72 73 39 0.118 x 0.236 0.187 0.256 8.14 Sq. In. [5252mm2] 1 3/4" [44mm] A 6 11/16" [170mm] 2.64 Sq. In. [1703mm2] 1 3/4" [44mm] 6 11/16" [170mm] 1 3/4" [44mm] 2.64 Sq. In. [1703mm2] B 5500 Series Raceway Wire Fill Capacities for Power POwER wIRING wITHOuT DEVICEs NONMETALLIC SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS POwER wIRING wITH DEVICEs O.D. (Approx. Dia.) Inches [] 14 AwG 0.111 12 AwG 0.130 10 AwG C B NOTE: For additional information, refer to the Technical Section. * wire capacity is reduced to allow for proper conductor bend radius and maximum permissible heat rise. ** Category 6 augmented (6a) cable for 10 gigabit ethernet – max allowed cable diameter per addenda No. 11 ANsI TIA/EIA 568-B.2. wIRE sIZE THHN/THwN 5.29 Sq. In. [3413mm2] 2.64 Sq. In. [1703mm2] 2.64 Sq. In. [1703mm2] B B 6 11/16" [170mm] NuMBER OF CONDuCTORs COMP A COMP B COMP C [2.8] 64 41 50 [3.3] 60 25 44 0.164 [4.2] 90 46 70 8 AwG 0.216 [5.5] 65 18 40 6 AwG 0.254 [6.5] 45 15 34 14 AwG 0.111 [2.8] 64 35 50 12 AwG 0.130 [3.3] 60 25 44 10 AwG 0.164 [4.2] 90 16 70 8 AwG 0.216 [5.5] 65 8 36 6 AwG 0.254 [6.5] 45 5 25 5500 Series Raceway Ordering Information 5500BD3 Divided Raceway Base 1 11/16" [43mm] 6 11/16" [170mm] 5500C Three equal compartments – use for separate services in one raceway. Breakaway dividers enable compartment configurations. Available in 8' [2.4m] lengths. Packed 48' [14.6m] per carton. Available in ivory (5500BD3) and white (5500BD3-wH). Raceway Cover 6 3/8" [162mm] 5500WCA use with 5500BD3. Available in 8' [2.4m] lengths. Packed 48' [14.6m] per carton. Available in ivory (5500C) and white (5500C-wH). 150 2" [51mm] Retains wires in raceway. 6 1/16" [154mm] 5506 6 1/2" [165mm] 3/4" [19.1mm] www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD Wire Clip Cover Clip For covering seam where two pieces of 5500C Cover come together. Available in ivory (5506) and white (5506-wH). WIREMOLD 5500 SerieS™ raceway Ordering Information 7/8" [22.2mm] 1 3/4" [44mm] 5510 5517FO Base Seam Clip For covering seam where two pieces of 5500BD3 Base come together. Available in ivory (5506B) and white (5506B-wH) 1 13/16" [46mm] For closing open end of 5500BD3 Raceway. Three 1/2" trade size KOs for end feed. Available in ivory (5510) and white (5510-wH). 6 7/8" [175mm] 4" [102mm] Each Leg 4 1/2" [114mm] 1 13/16" [46mm] Blank End Fitting Bend Radius Full Capacity Internal Elbow 5518 6 7/8" [175mm] External Elbow For right angle turns around external corners. Available in ivory (5518) and white (5518-wH). 1 1/4" [32mm] 3/8" [9.5mm] 5510D Entrance End Fitting 5 13/16" [148mm] 3 1/4" [83mm] 6 7/8" [175mm] 5511FO For feeding raceway from larger conduits. Has concentric 3/4", 1", 1 1/2", and 2" trade size KOs on end and back. Two removable dividers are included. Available in ivory (5510D) and white (5510D-wH). Radiused Full Capacity Flat Elbow 6 7/8" [175mm] 9 3/16" [233mm] Each Leg 5514A Backfeed Connector 8" [203mm] 6 11/16" [170mm] 5515 use when a is needed. Has three rectangular KOs for use with existing wall box and three 1/2", 3/4", and 1" trade size KOs. Available in ivory (5514A) and white (5514A-wH). 6 7/8" [175mm] 3 1/2" [89mm] Each Leg 5518FO Bend Radius Full Capacity External Elbow 4" [102mm] 6 7/8" [175mm] 90° external corner with integral dividers that provide a 2" [51mm] cable bend radius for uTP and fiber optic installations. use the 5518FO for a alternative to the 5518. Available in ivory (5518FO) and white (5518FO-wH). 3 1/2" [89mm] Each Leg 5574 2 3/8" [60mm] 9" [229mm] Transition Fitting Makes transition from 5500 series Raceway to the 400, 800, 2300, PN03, PN05 and PN10 Latching series Raceways. Available in ivory (5574) and white (5574-wH). 3 3/16" [81mm] Tee/Take-Off Connector 3 1/16" [78mm] 9 1/8" [232mm] 8 9/16" [217mm] 90° flat corner with integral dividers that provides a 2" [51mm] cable bend radius for uTP and fiber optic installations. Ideal for lay-in or pull-through installations. Available in ivory (5510D) and white (5510D-wH). 90° internal corner with integral dividers that provides a 2" [51mm] cable bend radius for uTP and fiber optic installations. Ideal for lay-in or pull-through installations. Available in ivory (5517FO) and white (5517FO-wH). For branching raceway at right angles. Available in ivory (5515) and white (5515-wH). 8 3/16" [208mm] NONMETALLIC SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS 5506B 151 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD 5500 SerieS™ raceway Ordering Information 5550 5574A Device Inline Bracket 5" [127mm] 2 7/8" x 1 3/4" [73mm x 44mm] cutout 6 5/8" [168mm] 6" [152mm] 7/16" [11.1mm] For mounting up to three power and communication devices with the 5500 series Raceway. utilizes 5507 series™ Faceplates, wiremold Open system communication modules, Ortronics® TracJack and series II inserts, and Pass & seymour® Activate series inserts. For faceplate options, see 5507 series™ Faceplates. Available in ivory (5550) and white (5550-wH). Transition Fitting Makes transition from 5500 series Raceway to 5400 series Raceway. Available in ivory (5574A) and white (5574A-wH). 9 1/8" [231mm] 6 9/16" [167mm] ARA-S2 Angled Raceway Adapter Provides angled exit in multi-channel raceway systems. snaps into standard 4050, 5450, 5450T, 5550, 40N2F31 and wallsource Device Brackets. Angled exit provides additional mounting depth required for A/V connections as well as ensuring the required bend radius for uTP and fiber optic cabling. Holds two Ortronics® series II modules. Fits 5507 series Faceplate opening. NOTE: CM-EPLA End Plates are required when using Wiremold communication modules and Pass & Seymour® Activate inserts. S2-EPL End Plates are required when using Ortronics® Series II inserts. To mount TracJack inserts, use 5507-4TJ or 5507-6TJ Faceplates. 5550A4 2 1/2" [64mm] Offset Mounting Device Bracket 7 1/2" [191mm] 7 5/16" [186mm] NONMETALLIC SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS 9 5/8" [244mm] For mounting up to four power and communication devices at one location. utilizes 5507 series™ Faceplates, wiremold Open system communication modules, Ortronics® TracJack and series II inserts, and Pass & seymour® Activate series inserts. For faceplate options, see 5507 series™ Faceplates. Available in ivory (5550A4) and white (5550A4wH). CM-ARA Angled Raceway Adapter 2" [51mm] 4 5/16" [110mm] NOTE: CM-EPLA End Plates are required when using Wiremold communication modules and Pass & Seymour® Activate inserts. S2-EPL End Plates are required when using Ortronics® Series II inserts. To mount TracJack inserts, use 5507-4TJ or 5507-6TJ Faceplates. Provides angled exit in multi-channel raceway systems. snaps into standard 4050, 5450, 5450T, 5550, 40N2F31 and wallsource Device Brackets. No CM-EPLA End Plates required. Accepts two CM2 series wiremold Open system communication modules or Pass & seymour® Activate series inserts. 5500 Series Raceway Interconnectivity Fittings FROM CONNECTION REQuIRED 5500BD3 series Raceway TO 400BAC, 800BAC, 2300BAC usE CATALOG NuMBER 5574 5500BD3 series Raceway PN03, PN05, PN10 series Raceway 5500BD3 series Raceway 5400TB series Raceway 5574A Existing Outlet 5500BD3 series Raceway 5514A 1/2", 3/4", & 1" Trade size Conduit or Armored Cable Back of 5500BD3 series Raceway 5514A or 5510D 1/2" Trade size Conduit or Armored Cable side of 5500BD3 series Raceway 5510 or 5510D 3/4", 1", 1 1/2" & 2" Trade size Conduit or Armored Cable Back or side of 5500BD3 series Raceway 152 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 5574 5510D WIREMOLD 5500 SerieS™ raceway Installation Details 5500 Series Raceway Installation Details 1. Integral dividers of the 5500BD3 may be removed by tearing off at the score mark. Mount raceway base to wall by using appropriate screws. use two screws every 18" [457mm], using the ribs on the outermost compartments of the raceway as guides. 5500BD3 5500C 2. Place the 5500wCA wire Clips in base as shown to contain the wires in place while installing. 7. Feed raceway from larger conduit. 1. Line up base of the fitting with the raceway base using the tongues as guides. 2. Fasten the base of the fitting to the wall using screws. 3. Remove the proper KO. 4. Attach conduit using proper fitting. 5. Feed the necessary cables. 6. slide the dividers (two provided) into the mounting guides if needed. 7. snap the raceway cover on the base. 8. snap fitting cover onto the base using guiding keyslots in base. 5510D 8. Mount flat elbow as shown; assemble raceway covers first, then elbow cover. 5500WCA 3. slide the 5506 Cover Clip on the uninstalled section of raceway cover as shown; snap cover to the base overlapping the seam cover over the installed section. 5511FO 4. Sequence for installing devices: 1. snap bracket in raceway base. 2. Fasten devices to bracket. Communication devices snap onto bracket (see Communication Connectivity section). 3. snap raceway covers to base, butting against bracket. 5550 4. Assemble trim ring. 5. Insert CM-EPLA or s2-EPL, Note: Use blank plates to cover if required. any unused slots in bracket. 6. Install wiremold Open system ® communication modules, Ortronics TracJack or series II inserts, or Pass & seymour® Activate series inserts required. 7. Or install 5507 faceplates, if required. 10. Punch out appropriate hole in the tee fitting base, and snap to raceway base; screw down to wall. Assemble raceway covers to base and then snap to tee cover overlapping raceway covers. 5515 11. Install one corner base first, then measure to other corner (measure from edges of fittings). Mount raceway base, and cover; assemble fitting cover last. 5. Install bracket to raceway base first, mount to the wall with screws, and mount device. After installing raceway cover, snap box cover to bracket and assemble device plate. 5550A4 6. End cap may be used as a blank to cap off the raceway at the endof-run, or to feed wires from a 1/2" trade size pipe (punch out the proper KO). Mount endcap to raceway base using appropriate screws. slide raceway cover Screw Locations under the upper lip of the end cap as shown, before snapping to base. 5514A 5510 5517FO 12. Punch out appropriate hole in fitting base and snap to the raceway base; screw down to the wall. Remove proper twistout from the insert by first scoring with a knife and then twisting. slide the insert onto fitting cover. Assemble raceway covers to base and then snap fitting cover, overlapping raceway covers. 5518 or 5518FO NONMETALLIC SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS 5506 9. use this fitting to back feed from existing wall box, or to feed from 1/2", 3/4" and 1" trade size conduit: score KO with knife, then punch out. 5574 153 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD 5507 SerieS™ faceplateS Ordering Information 5507 series™ Faceplates accept a wide assortment of power, A/V and datacom devices from leading manufacturers. Faceplates can be used in nonmetallic device brackets for 2300BACD, 400BAC, 5000, 5400TB, 5500BD3, 40N2 series Raceways, 4050 Device Bracket for steel Raceways, and wallsource™ Boxes. CODE REFERENCE Listed Raceway: File E90378 Guide RJTX. Complies with flammability requirements of uL-5A. Fittings: File E90377 Guide RJYT. Meets Article 388 of NEC. uL Listed for up to 600V. Meets section 12-1600 of CEC. NOTE: All 5507 Series™ Faceplates have a standard measurement of 4 1/4" x 1 7/8" [108mm x 34mm]. COLOR OPTIONS 5507 series™ faceplate Part Numbers without a suffix are available in an ivory finish. Part Numbers with a “-wH” suffix have a white finish. Part Numbers with a “-G” suffix have a gray finish. Part Numbers with a “-BK” suffix have a black finish. Part Numbers with a “-Fw” suffix have a fog white finish. Part numbers with a “-GY” suffix have a light gray finish. 5507 Series Faceplates Ordering Information NONMETALLIC SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS 5507AD Modular Furniture Adapter 5507D Duplex Receptacle Faceplate For covering duplex style devices. Accepts 106 Frame. Available in ivory (5507D), white (5507D-wH), gray (5507D-G), black (5507D-BK), light gray (5507D-GY) and fog white (5507D-Fw). For mounting Activate and other modular furniture bezels and other modular furniture adapters. Not for use with rectangular (decorator) style devices. Available in ivory (5507AD), white (5507AD-wH), gray (5507AD-G) and fog white (5507AD-Fw). 5507B Blank Faceplate For covering unused compartments in the device bracket. Available in ivory (5507B), white (5507B-wH), gray (5507BG), light gray (5507B-GY) and fog white (5507B-Fw). 154 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 5507FRJ Flush Dual RJ Connector Faceplate For mounting one or two keystone device modules, recessed to provide a flush installation. Has one opening and one KO. Available in ivory (5507FRJ), white (5507FRJ-wH), gray (5507FRJ-G), light gray (5507FRJ-GY) and fog white (5507FRJ-Fw). WIREMOLD 5507 SerieS™ faceplateS Ordering Information Rectangular Receptacle Faceplate 5507-4TJ Ortronics® Faceplate For covering rectangular decorator style devices. Available in ivory (5507R), white (5507R-wH), gray (5507R-G) and fog white (5507R-Fw). 5507RJ Dual RJ11/RJ45 Connector Faceplate For mounting Ortronics® datacom inserts. Accepts four TracJack devices. Available in ivory (5507-4TJ), white (5507-4TJ-wH), gray (5507-4TJ-G) and fog white (5507-4TJ-Fw). 5507-6TJ Ortronics® Faceplate For mounting Ortronics® datacom inserts. Accepts six TracJack devices. Available in ivory (5507-6TJ), white (5507-6TJ-wH), gray (5507-6TJ-G) and fog white (5507-6TJ-Fw). For mounting one or two keystone device modules. Has one opening and one KO. Available in ivory (5507RJ), white (5507RJ-wH), gray (5507RJ-G), light gray (5507RJ-GY) and fog white (5507RJ-Fw). 5507S Rectangular Spacer 5507MAAP Accepts four AVIP and Extron® Electronics MAAP single space modules. Available in ivory (5507MAAP), white (5507MAAP-wH), gray (5507MAAP-G), black (5507MAAP-BK), light gray (5507MAAP-GY) and fog white (5507MAAP-Fw). For mounting commercial device plates. Installs between the device bracket and a device. Available in ivory (5507s), white (5507s-wH), black (5507s-BK), fog white (5507s-Fw), light gray (5507s-GY) and gray (5507s-G). 5507SW Switch Faceplate 5507AAP Single Receptacle Faceplate For covering single receptacles 1.59" [40mm] diameter. Available in ivory (5507T1), white (5507T1-wH), gray (5507T1-G) and fog white (5507T1-Fw). 5507T2 Single Receptacle Faceplate For covering single receptacles 1.41" [36mm] diameter. Available in ivory (5507T2), white (5507T2-wH), gray (5507T2-G) and fog white (5507T1-Fw). Extron® AAP Faceplate Accepts two Extron® Electronics AAP single space modules. Available in ivory (5507AAP), white (5507AAP-wH), gray (5507AAP-G), black (5507AAP-BK), light gray (5507AAP-GY) and fog white (5507AAP-Fw). For covering standard toggle switches. Available in ivory (5507sw), white (5507sw-wH), gray (5507sw-G) and fog white (5507sw-Fw). 5507T1 Extron® MAAP Faceplate ARA-S2 Angled Raceway Adapter Provides angled exit in multi-channel raceway systems. snaps into standard 4050, 5450, 5450T, 5550, 40N2F31 and wallsource Device Brackets. Angled exit provides additional mounting depth required for A/V connections as well as ensuring the required bend radius for uTP and fiber optic cabling. Holds two Ortronics® series II modules.Fits 5507 series Faceplate opening. Available in ivory (ARA-s2-IV), fog white (ARA-s2-Fw), black (ARA-s2 -BK), gray (ARA-s2-G), light gray (ARA-s2-GY) and white (ARA-s2-wH). NONMETALLIC SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS 5507R 155 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD 5507 SerieS™ faceplateS Ordering Information CM-EPLA End Plate For mounting Pass & seymour® Activate and wiremold Open system communication modules into 5507 openings. Includes two outlet identification labels with clear covers and two matching screw covers. Available in ivory (CM-EPLA), white (CM-EPLA-wH), gray (CM-EPLA-G) and fog white (CM-EPLA-Fw). CM-ARA Angled Raceway Adapter NONMETALLIC SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS Provides angled exit in multi-channel raceway systems. snaps into standard 4050, 5450, 5450T, 5550, 40N2F31 and wallsource Device Brackets. No CM-EPLA End Plates required. Accepts two CM2 series wiremold Open system communication modules or Pass & seymour® Activate series inserts. Available in ivory (CM-ARA), white (CM-ARA-wH), gray (CM-ARA-G), light gray (CM-ARA-GY) and fog white (CM-ARA-Fw). 156 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD S2-EPL End Plate For mounting Ortronics® series II modules into 5507 opening. Includes two outlet identification labels with clear covers and two matching screw covers. Available in ivory (s2-EPL), white (s2-EPL-wH), gray (s2-EPL-G) and fog white (s2-EPL-Fw). WIREMOLD 300 SerieS™ Duct 300 series™ Duct conceals electrical cords and low voltage wiring. with a full complement of fittings and adhesive backing, 300 series Duct is easyto-install and paintable so that it blends with any decor. CODE REFERENCE 300 series Duct is not uL Listed and is designed only for use in protecting electrical cords, low voltage wiring and cabling. COLOR OPTIONS 300 series™ Duct is available in an ivory finish and is paintable using latex paint. 300 Series Faceplates Ordering Information 317 Duct One-piece latching duct. 5' [1.5m] strip extruded from rigid natural PVC. Adhesive back. smooth texture ivory. 12/32" [8.9mm] 1/2" [12.7mm] 306 For right angle turns around internal corners. 1 5/8" [41mm] 318 Coupling Internal Elbow External Elbow For right angle turns around external corners. For joining strips of 300 series duct. 1 5/8" [41mm] 1" [25mm] 311 1 5/8" [41mm] PVC-1 Flat Elbow For right angle turns on the same surface. Raceway Cutter Regular duty cutter. Ideal for use with small nonmetallic raceways. NONMETALLIC SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS 300 157 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD NONMETALLIC SURFACE RACEWAY SYSTEMS WIREMOLD 158 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD Aluminum SurfAce rAcewAy SyStemS Wiremold® Aluminum surface Raceway systems are the industry leaders in quality, ease of installation, and for providing pathway solutions for all types of installations. For over 50 years, wiremold surface Raceway systems have provided the highest quality, most dependable solutions for installers, building owners, and designers. with the introduction of ALDs4000 series Raceway system, we’re again pushing the envelope and expanding the capacity, capabilities, and aesthetics of surface raceway systems. ALDS4000 Series Raceway 173 Small Single- & Dual-Channel Raceways 162 166 169 AL2000 series AL2400 series AL3300 series ALDS400 Series Raceway 173 Large Single- & Dual-Channel Raceways 177 181 185 ALA3800 series ALA4800 series AL5200 series www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD Aluminum Surface Raceway Systems Table of Contents 159 WIREMOLD Aluminum SurfAce rAcewAy SyStemS Quick selection Guide Two-Piece Small Single- & Dual-Channel Raceway Profiles AL2000 Series™ Raceway AL2000B & AL2000C AL2400 Series™ Raceway AL2400B & AL2400C CApACITy: 1.1 in.2 [710mm2] capacity: 1.7 in.2 [1097mm2] 1 1/8" [29mm] 1 9/32" [33mm] 1 7/16" [37mm] 2" [51mm] AL3300 Series™ Raceway AL3300B & AL3300C capacity: 4.40 in.2 [2389mm2] 1 7/8" [48mm] 2 7/8" [73mm] AL3300 w/Half Divider 2.20 in 2 [1419mm 2] 2.20 in 2 [1419mm 2] AL3300 w/Offset Divider 1.35 in 2 [871mm 2] 2.20 in 2 [1419mm 2] AL3300 with Offset Divider 3/4" [19.1mm] Capacity with Offset Divider – 1.35 sq. in. [871mm2] Capacity with 1/2 Divider – 2.2 sq. in. [1419mm2] 1 7/16" [36.5mm] Capacity Undivided – 4.4 sq. in. [2839mm2] Aluminum Surface Raceway Systems Two-Piece Large Single- & Dual-Channel Raceway Profiles ALA3800 Series™ Raceway ALA3800B & ALA3800C ALA4800 Series™ Raceway capacity: 5.96 in.2 [3842mm2] ALA4800B & ALA4800C capacity: Each Compartment 5.93 in.2 [3826mm2] 2 1/4" [57mm] 2 1/4" [57mm] 3" [76mm] 6" [152mm] capacity as Shown – 3.90 sq. in./4.5 sq. in. [2526mm2/2903mm2] capacity three compartments – 2.85 sq. in./2.40 sq. in./2.85 sq. in. [1839mm2/1548mm2/1839mm2] capacity Undivided – 8.5 sq. in. [5484mm2] 160 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD NOTE: see the AL5200 series Raceway section for additional raceway compartment configurations. WIREMOLD Aluminum SurfAce rAcewAy SyStemS Quick selection Guide Two-Piece Large Single- & Dual-Channel Raceway Profiles (continued) AL5200 Series™ Raceway AL5200B & AL5200C capacity: Each Compartment: 8.5 in.2 [5484mm2] 2" [51mm] 2 3/16" [56mm] 5" [127mm] Large Dual-Channel Raceway Profile ALDS4000® Series Raceway CApACITy: Each Compartment - 4.85 in2 (3192 mm2) 2 1/8" [54mm] 5 3/4" [146mm] Aluminum Surface Raceway Systems ALDS4000B & ALDS4000C 161 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD Al2000™ SerieS rAcewAy Two-piece, single-channel raceway. satin anodized finish complements decor in commercial offices, laboratories, and health care facilities. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Raceway: File E4376 Guide RJpR. Fittings: File E41751 Guide RJpR. Raceway & Fittings: Meet Article 386 of NEC. Multioutlet Assemblies: Meet Article 380 of NEC. AL2000 Series Raceway System Layout KEY D B Aluminum Surface Raceway Systems A C F E NOTE: Illustration is for showing product applications only. COLOR OPTIONS AL2000 series™ Raceway is available with a satin anodized finish. 162 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD G A. supply conductors may be fed from 1/2" trade size KO in base, or through AL2010A Feed End Fitting. This system is designed with capacity for additional feed or circuitry conductors. B. Attach base section to mounting surface with AL2003 spring Mounting Clips, or by drilling 9/32" [7.1mm] holes in the base and use #8 flathead screws. C. Connect circuit wires with connectors. D. Additional multiple outlet sections or AL2000 Raceway sections may be attached at ends with AL2001 Coupling. E. Close ends with blank end fitting (AL2010B), or with feed end fittings (AL2010A). F. snap in cover section. G. In-line receptacle AL2043. WIREMOLD Al2000™ SerieS rAcewAy AL2000 Series Raceway Wire Fill Capacities for Communications AL2000 Series Raceway Wire Fill Capacities for Power NuMBER OF CONDuCTORs O.D. (Approx Dia.) uNsHIELDED TwIsTED pAIR COAXIAL FIBER wIRE sIZE THHN/THwN Inches O.D. [mm] wITHOuT DEVICEs wITH pLuGMOLD RECEpTACLEs CABLE/wIRE sIZE Inches [mm] 40% FILL 14 AwG 0.111 [2.8] 51 8 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 3 0.190 [4.8] 3 12 AwG 0.130 [3.3] 38 6 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 5e 0.210 [5.3] 3 10 AwG 0.164 [4.2] 24 3 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6 0.250 [6.3] 2 8 AwG 0.216 [5.5] 12 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6a* 0.354 [9.0] 1 6 AwG 0.254 [6.5] 8 25-pair, 24 AwG 0.410 [10.4] 0 RG6/u 0.270 [6.9] 17 ZipCord 0.118 x 0.236 [3 x 6] 3 Round 4 strand Fiber 0.187 [4.8] 2 Round 6 strand Fiber 0.256 [6.5] 2 NOTE: For additional information, refer to the Technical Section. *Category 6 augmented (6a) cable for 10 gigabit ethernet – max allowed cable diameter per addenda No. 11 ANsI TIA/EIA 568-B.2. AL2000 Series Raceway Ordering Information Raceway Cover 6063-T5 extruded aluminum, satin anodized finish, .060" [1.5mm] nominal thickness. packed (12) 5’ [1.5m] lengths per carton. 1 7/16" [37mm] W30/W30G AL2000WC Wire Retainer (Plastic) Holds conductors in place in raceway base. 6063-T5 extruded aluminum, satin anodized finish, .060" [1.5mm] nominal thickness. packed (12) 5’ [1.5m] lengths (AL2000B-5) or six 10’ [3m] lengths (AL2000B10) per carton. 1 7/16" [37mm] AL2000C-5 Raceway Base 3/4" [19.1mm] AL2001 Coupling (Galvanized Steel) 1 1/2" [38mm] Joins lengths of AL2000B Base. 1 3/16" [30mm] Pressure-Type Wire Connectors 1 5/16" [33mm] NOTE: Not for use with aluminum conductors. w30 – For common connection of two, three, or four No. 12 or No.14 solid copper conductors. packed 24 pieces per carton (16 w30 and 8 w30G). w30G – For connection of equipment grounding of 2, 3, or 4 solid conductors No. 14 or No. 12 AwG. 300V maximum; 20A 105° C maximum. AL2003 Mounting Clip (Spring Steel) supports lengths of AL2000 Raceway at any point desired. Mount to surface with No. 8 flathead screw. 1 7/16" [37mm] AL2006 Cover Clip (Spring Steel) Covers seam where lengths of cover or base come together. 1" [25mm] Aluminum Surface Raceway Systems AL2000B-5, AL2000B-10 163 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD Al2000™ SerieS rAcewAy AL2000 Series Raceway Ordering Information (continued) AL2009 Ground Clamp (Galvanized Steel) Connects of equipment grounding conductor to provide an additional ground to raceway. 1 1/2" [38mm] AL2018 External Elbow Makes 90° external corners. Two AL2001 Couplings included 3" [76mm] 3" [76mm] 1 7/8" [48mm] #10 Ground stud with Cup washer. AL2010A Feed Fitting End fitting with 1/2" [12.7mm] hub adapter. 1 3/16" [30mm] AL2038 Round Fixture Box (Solid Base) 4 13/16" [122mm] 1 3/8" [35mm] 1 1/6" [27mm] AL2010B Blank End Fitting AL2011 3" [76mm] single-pole 120V switch. Two couplings furnished. 6" [152mm] 1 1/16" [27mm] Aluminum Surface Raceway Systems In-Line Single Pole Switch Closes off end of raceway. 1 3/16" [30mm] Flat Elbow AL2043 In-Line Receptacle Two 15A, 120V u-ground factory wired receptacles. Two couplings furnished. Right angle turn on same surface. Two AL2001 Couplings included. 3" [76mm] 6" [152mm] 1 9/16" [40mm] AL2015 AL2043IG 4" [102mm] 1 7/16" [37mm] Branch connection of two runs of AL2000 series Raceway. Three AL2001 Couplings included 1 5/16" [33mm] AL2017 In-Line Isolated Ground Receptacle Tee Internal Elbow 3" [76mm] 164 AL2040A Designed for use in hanging fixtures. Cover takes any device with mounting screw centers of 2 3/4", 3 1/2" and 4 1/16" [70mm, 89mm, 103mm]. Base has concentric 1/2" and 3/4" trade size KOs. Makes 90° internal corners. Two AL2001 Couplings included 3" [76mm] www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 6" [152mm] Two 15A, 120V factory wired, isolated ground, orange receptacles. Two couplings furnished. WIREMOLD Al2000™ SerieS rAcewAy AL2000 Series Raceway Ordering Information (continued) AL2044, AL2044-2 D W L AL2051H Deep Device Box For larger receptacles and deep devices such as those of signal and alarm systems. Base has open back plate for mounting to existing wall box and solid back plate insert with 1/2" and 3/4" trade size KOs to close opening. Accepts industry standard faceplates for communication devices. CAT NO. L w D GANG AL2044 4 5/8" [117mm] 3 1/16" [78mm] 2 1/4" [57mm] 1 AL2044-2 4 5/8" [117mm] 4 27/32" [123mm] 2 1/2" [64mm] 2 Box Adapter used to feed raceway from existing wall outlet box. 4 1/2" [114mm] 4 1/2" [114mm] AL2047, AL2047-2 Shallow Switch & Receptacle Box W L Designed for standard shallow switches and receptacles. Base has open back plate for mounting to existing wall box and solid back plate insert with 1/2" and 3/4" trade size KOs to close opening. CAT NO. L w D GANG AL2047 4 5/8" [117mm] 3 1/16" [78mm] 1 3/8" [35mm] 1 AL2047-2 4 5/8" [117mm] 4 27/32" [123mm] 1 3/8" [35mm] 2 Aluminum Surface Raceway Systems D 165 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD Al2400™ SerieS rAcewAy Two-piece, single-channel raceway. satin anodized finish complements decor in commercial offices, laboratories, and health care facilities. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Raceway: File E4376 Guide RJpR. Fittings: File E41751 Guide RJpR. Raceway & Fittings: Meet Article 386 of NEC. Multioutlet Assemblies: Meet Article 380 of NEC. AL2400 Series Raceway Wire Fill Capacities for Communications CABLE/wIRE sIZE Aluminum Surface Raceway Systems uNsHIELDED TwIsTED pAIR AL2400 Series Raceway Wire Fill Capacities for Power O.D. (Approx. Dia.) Inches [mm] 40% FILL NuMBER OF CONDuCTORs wITHOuT DEVICEs wITH pLuGMOLD RECEpTACLEs [2.8] 78 16 0.130 [3.3] 58 12 0.164 [4.2] 37 8 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 3 0.190 [4.8] 23 wIRE sIZE THHN/THwN O.D. Inches [mm] 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 5e 0.210 [5.3] 19 14 AwG 0.111 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6 0.250 [6.3] 13 12 AwG 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6a* 0.354 [9.0] 6 10 AwG 25-pair, 24 AwG 0.410 [10.4] 5 8 AwG 0.216 [5.5] 18 4 COAXIAL RG6/u 0.270 [6.9] 11 6 AwG 0.254 [6.5] 13 3 FIBER ZipCord 0.118 x 0.236 [3 x 6] 24 Round 4 strand Fiber 0.187 [4.8] 24 Round 6 strand Fiber 0.256 [6.5] 13 NOTE: For additional information, refer to the Technical Section. *Category 6 augmented (6a) cable for 10 gigabit ethernet – max allowed cable diameter per addenda No. 11 ANsI TIA/EIA 568-B.2. COLOR OPTIONS AL2400 series™ Raceway is available with a satin anodized finish. 166 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD Al2400 SerieS™ rAcewAy AL2000 Series Raceway Ordering Information AL2400B-5, AL2400B-10 Raceway Base AL2410B 2" [51mm] 6063-T5 extruded aluminum, satin anodized finish, .060" [1.5mm] nominal thickness. packed (12) 5’ [1.5m] lengths (AL2400B-5) or six 10’ [3m] lengths (AL2400B10) per carton. 2" [51mm] AL2400C Raceway Cover Closes off open end of raceway. 1 1/4" [32mm] AL2410B2 Feed Fitting 2" [51mm] 6063-T5 extruded aluminum, satin anodized finish, .060" [1.5mm] nominal thickness. packed (12) 5’ [1.5m] lengths per carton. 2" [51mm] Blank End Fitting End fitting with plastic 1/2" trade size KO. 1 1/4" [32mm] AL2400WC Wire Retainer (Plastic) Holds conductors in place in raceway base. AL2411 Flat Elbow 4" [102mm] Right angle turn on same surface. Two AL2401 Couplings included. 4" [102mm] 1 1/2" [38mm] Coupling (Galvanized Steel) 2 3/4" [70mm] Joins lengths of AL2400B Base. AL2415 Tee 6" [152mm] 4" [102mm] 1 3/4" [44mm] AL2406 Branch connection of two runs of AL2400 series Raceway. Three AL2401 Couplings included. 2" [51mm] Cover Clip (Spring Steel) Covers seam where lengths of cover or base come together. AL2416 Cross Fitting 6" [152mm] 6" [152mm] Cross connection of two runs of AL2400 series Raceway. Four AL2401 Couplings included. 1" [25mm] AL2409 1 1/2" [38mm] 2" [51mm] Ground Clamp (Galvanized Steel) Connects of equipment grounding conductor to provide an additional ground to raceway. #10 Ground Stud with cup Washer AL2417 Internal Elbow 4" [102mm] Makes 90° internal corners. Two AL2401 Couplings included. 4" [102mm] Aluminum Surface Raceway Systems AL2401 2" [51mm] 167 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD Al2400™ SerieS rAcewAy AL2400 Series Raceway Ordering Information (continued) AL2418 External Elbow 5" [127mm] 5" [127mm] Box Adapter Feeds raceway from existing wall outlet box. Makes 90° external corners. Two AL2401 Couplings included. 3" [76mm] AL2446P-D AL2451H Duplex Receptacle Cover Plate For in-line mounting of commercially available duplex receptacle. Aluminum Surface Raceway Systems 6" [152mm] 168 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 4 1/2" [114mm] 4 1/2" [114mm] WIREMOLD Al3300™ SerieS rAcewAy Two-piece, single-channel raceway. satin anodized finish complements decor in commercial offices, laboratories, and health care facilities. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Raceway: File E4376 Guide RJpR. Fittings: File E41751 Guide RJpR. Raceway & Fittings: Meet Article 386 of NEC. Multioutlet Assemblies: Meet Article 380 of NEC. AL3300 Series Raceway Wire Fill Capacities for Communications CApACITy OF CROss sECTIONAL AREA wITHOuT DEVICE wITHOuT DIVIDER 4.40 in2 [2839mm2] wITH HALF DIVIDER 2.20 in2 [1419mm2] wITH OFFsET DIVIDER 1.35 in2 [871mm2] wITHOuT DIVIDER 4.40 in2 [2839mm2] wITH HALF DIVIDER 2.20 in2 [1419mm2] wIRE sIZE THHN/THwN Inches [mm] wITH OFFsET DIVIDER 1.35 in2 [871mm2] 14 AwG 0.111 [2.8] 59 136 39 59 193 96 12 AwG 0.130 [3.3] 40 93 27 40 132 66 10 AwG 0.164 [4.2] 25 58 17 25 83 41 8 AwG 0.216 [5.5] 14 33 9 14 48 24 6 AwG 0.254 [6.5] 10 24 7 10 34 17 O.D. COLOR OPTIONS Aluminum Surface Raceway Systems wITH DupLEX DEVICE AL3300 series™ Raceway is available with a satin anodized finish. 169 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD Al3300™ SerieS rAcewAy AL3300 Series Raceway Wire Fill Capacities for Power CABLE TypE CABLE/wIRE sIZE uNsHIELDED TwIsTED pAIR O.D. wITHOuT DIVIDER wITH OFFsET DIVIDER wITH HALF DIVIDER (Approx. Dia.) Inches [mm] 1.35in [871mm ] 20% FILL 40% FILL 4.40 in [2839mm ] 20% FILL 40% FILL 2.20 in2 [1419mm2] 20% FILL 40% FILL 2 2 2 2 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 3 0.190 [4.8] 30 61 9 19 15 30 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 5e 0.210 [5.3] 25 50 7 15 12 35 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6 0.250 [6.3] 17 35 5 10 8 17 4-pair,24 AwG, Cat 6a* 0.354 [9.0] 8 17 2 5 4 8 25-pair,24 AwG 0.410 [10.4] 6 13 2 4 3 6 COAXIAL RG6/u 20 Gage FIBER 2 stranded ZipCord 0.270 [6.9] 15 30 4 9 7 15 0.118 x 0.236 [3 x 6] 31 63 9 19 15 31 Round 4 strand Fiber 0.187 [4.8] 32 64 9 19 16 32 Round 6 strand Fiber 0.256 [6.5] 17 34 5 10 8 17 NOTE: For additional information, refer to the Technical Section. * Category 6 augmented (6a) cable for 10 gigabit ethernet – max allowed cable diameter per addenda No. 11 ANsI TIA/EIA 568-B.2. AL3300 Series Raceway Ordering Information AL3300B10 1 7/8" [48mm] 6063-T5 extruded aluminum, satin anodized finish. Nominal wall thickness .060" [1.5mm]. packed eight 5’ [1.5m] lengths per carton. AL3300D5 Holds wires and cables in raceway base. use with undivided raceway, snaps into grooves in base. AL3301 Raceway Cover 2 3/4" [70mm] Aluminum Surface Raceway Systems Wire Clip (Spring Steel) 6063-T5 extruded aluminum, satin anodized finish. Nominal wall thickness .060" [1.5mm]. packed four 10’ [3m] lengths per carton. 2 7/8" [73mm] AL3300C5 AL3300WC Raceway Base Base Coupling (Galvanized Steel) set screw coupling used for attaching in-line raceway sections. 2 3/4" [70mm] 2 3/4" [70mm] AL3301D Divider Divider Clip (Galvanized Steel) Required for holding AL3300D5 Divider in place. use one every 30" [762mm]. Divider is 0.040" [1.0mm] galvanized steel. packed eight 5’ [1.5m] lengths per carton. AL3301D Divider Clip sold separately. 3" [76mm] 1 1/2" [38mm] Section a-a B Section B-B a Section c-c c c Optional Divider AL3309 2 3/4" [70mm] Ground Clamp (Galvanized Steel) Connects equipment grounding conductor to raceway. B 170 Device plate a www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD #10 Ground Stud with cup Washer WIREMOLD Al3300™ SerieS rAcewAy AL3300 Series Raceway Ordering Information (continued) AL3310B Blank End Fitting Closes off open end of AL3300 series Raceway. 1 13/16" [46mm] AL3318 External Elbow For making external corners. Two AL3301 Couplings included. 4 7/8" [124mm] 4 7/8" [124mm] 2 7/8" [73mm] 3" [76mm] AL3310B1 End Fitting 2 7/8" [73mm] AL3311 90° Flat Elbow 6" [152mm] 6" [152mm] 6" [152mm] 2 3/4" [70mm] Tee 6" [152mm] 9" [229mm] 90° tee connection of two runs of AL3300 series Raceway. Three AL3301Couplings included. AL3346E 6" [152mm] 3 1/16" [78mm] Cross Fitting 9" [229mm] 9" [229mm] 90° cross-through connection of two runs of raceway. Four AL3301Couplings included. 2 3/4" [70mm] AL3346G 6" [152mm] 3 1/16" [78mm] AL3317 Mounts standard duplex devices to cover. Can also be used with 106 communication frames. AL3346DO Right angle turns on same surface. Two AL3301Couplings included. 3 1/8" [79mm] AL3316 Duplex Receptacle Cover 2 3/4" [70mm] 6" [152mm] AL3315 AL3346D Internal Elbow 2 3/4" [70mm] 6" [152mm] For making 90° internal corners. Two AL3301 Couplings included. Offset Duplex Receptacle Cover Plate (For Divided Raceway) Installs duplex devices in divided aluminum raceway. 6" [152mm] offset divider included. Can also be used with 106 communication frames. provided with offset divider. Single Receptacle Cover Plate (1.40" diameter) Installs straight blade and locking single receptacles with face diameters of 1.38"-1.39" [35mm-36mm]. Rectangular Device Cover Plate Installs rectangular devices including surge receptacles, GFCI, and other rectangular faced single-gang wiring devices. Can also be used with 106 communication frames. Aluminum Surface Raceway Systems End feeds raceway with 1/2" or 3/4" trade size conduit or armored cable. 1 13/16" [46mm] 171 6" [152mm] www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD Al3300™ SerieS rAcewAy AL3300 Series Raceway Ordering Information (continued) AL3346GO Offset GFCI Receptacle Cover Plate (For Divided Raceway) Installs rectangular devices including surge receptacles, GFCI and other rectangular faced single-gang wiring devices in divided aluminum raceway. 6" [152mm] offset divider included. Can also be used with 106 communication frames. provided with offset divider. 6" [152mm] 2 3/4" [70mm] AL3356ABRT Ortronics® Cover Plate Accepts only Ortronics® datacom inserts. supplied with both adapters to accommodate two TracJack™ devices or one series II device. 6" [152mm] 2 3/4" [70mm] AL3356Z Grommeted Cover Plate 6" [152mm] AL3356-ACTLPB For exiting of communication cable. Grommet furnished. Low Profile Adapter Cover Plate 6" [152mm] Installs communication connectivity devices. Includes cover and low profile adapter cover (6A opening). 2 3/4" [70mm] 2 3/4" [70mm] AL33562A* 6" [152mm] 6" [152mm] Cover Plate (with 2" x 2 7/8" [51mm x 73mm] Hole cut) 6" [152mm] Aluminum Surface Raceway Systems AL3356-LPB3S2 Ortronics® Low Profile Adapter Cover Plate AL3356R 172 2 3/4" [70mm] Installs communication connectivity devices utilizing the industry standard singlegang faceplates. Hole cut is 2" x 2 7/8" [51mm x 73mm]. Faceplates must be ordered separately. 2A Mini Adapter Cover Plate Installs a single 2A size communication connectivity device (2A opening). Includes cover and 2A mini adapter. 2 3/4" [70mm] * Refer to the Communications Connectivity section of this product Guide for information on CM2 series modules. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 2 3/4" [70mm] Accepts only Ortronics® datacom inserts, three series II devices. Low profile adapter included. WIREMOLD AlDS4000® SerieS rAcewAy Dual-channel raceway. provides 1/3 more capacity in sleek, innovative design. Meets or exceeds industry standards. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Raceway: File E4376 Guide RJpR. NOTE: Downward activations only available prewired. Fittings: File E41751 Guide RJpR. Raceway & Fittings: Meet Article 386 of NEC. Multioutlet Assemblies: Meet Article 380 of NEC. ALDS4000 Raceway System Layout B H J E G A D K L I F NOTE: Illustration is for showing product applications only. M Aluminum Surface Raceway Systems C KEY A. B. C. D. E. F. G. ALDs4011 Flat Elbow ALDs4010A Entrance End Fitting ALDs4047E 1.41 Dia. Device plate ALDs4047-2A Mini adapter Device plate ALDs4047F 1.59 Dia. Device plate ALDs4018 External Elbow ALDs4017 Internal Elbow H. I. J. K. L. M. ALDs4047D Duplex Device plate ALDs4047MAB MAB Device plate ALDs4047R Decorator Device plate ALDs4015 Tee ALDs4047C One-Gang Device plate ALDs4010B Blank End Fitting COLOR OPTIONS ALDs4000® series Raceway is available with a satin anodized finish. 173 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD AlDS4000® SerieS rAcewAy ALDS4000 Series Raceway Wire Fill Capacities for Communications O.D. (Approx Dia.) CABLE/wIRE sIZE uNsHIELDED TwIsTED pAIR Inches 40% FILL [mm] 1/2 COMpARTMENT 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 3 0.190 [4.8] 68 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 5e 0.210 [5.3] 56 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6 0.250 [6.3] 40 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6a* 0.354 [9.0] 22 25-pair, 24 AwG 0.410 [10.4] 19 COAXIAL RG6/u 0.270 [6.9] 34 FIBER ZipCord 0.118 x 0.236 [3 x 6] 70 Round 4 strand Fiber 0.187 [4.8] 71 Round 6 strand Fiber 0.256 [6.5] 38 NOTE: For additional information, refer to the Technical Section. *Category 6 augmented (6a) cable for 10 gigabit ethernet – max allowed cable diameter per addenda No. 11 ANsI TIA/EIA 568-B.2. ALDS4000 Series Raceway Wire Fill Capacities for Power NO. OF CONDuCTORs 40% w/DupLEX RECT. DEVICEs w/suRGE GFCI DEVICEs LARGE sINGLE RECEpTACLE [2.8] 200 134 105 76 [3.3] 146 98 77 56 0.164 [4.2] 92 62 48 35 0.216 [5.5] 53 36 28 20 0.254 [6.5] 38 26 20 158 wIRE sIZE THHN/THwN Inches O.D. [mm] 14 AwG 0.111 12 AwG 0.130 10 AwG 8 AwG 6 AwG ALDS4000 Designer Designer Series Series Raceway Raceway Fittings Fittings Wire Wire Fill Fill Capacities Capacities ALDS4000 O.D. (Approx. Dia.) Aluminum Surface Raceway Systems wIRE sIZE/THwN 174 THHN uTp COAXIAL FIBER 14 AwG Inches (mm) 0.111 [2.8] ALDs4011 40% 60% 122 182 ALDs4015 40% 60% 49 73 ALDs4017 40% 60% 75 112 ALDs4018 40% 60% 133 199 12 AwG 0.130 [3.3] 89 133 35 53 54 82 97 145 10 AwG 0.164 [4.2] 56 84 22 34 34 51 61 92 8 AwG 0.216 [5.5] 32 48 13 19 20 30 35 53 6 AwG 0.254 [6.5] 23 35 9 14 14 21 25 38 4-pair, 24 AwG 0.150 [4.8] 67 100 27 40 41 61 73 109 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 3 0.190 [4.8] 42 62 17 25 25 38 45 68 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 5e 0.210 [5.3] 34 51 14 20 21 31 37 56 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6 0.250 [6.3] 24 36 10 14 15 22 26 39 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6a* 0.354 [9.0] 13 20 6 8 8 12 15 22 25-pair, 24 AwG 0.410 [10.4] 12 17 6 7 7 11 13 19 RG6/u 0.270 [6.9] 21 31 8 12 13 19 22 34 ZipCord 0.118 x 0.236 [3 x 6] 42 64 17 25 26 39 46 69 Round 4 strand Fiber 0.187 [4.8] 43 64 17 26 26 40 47 70 Round 6 strand Fiber 0.256 [6.5] 23 34 9 14 14 21 25 38 NOTE: 40% and 60% Wire fill capacities are calculated using radius control inserts. Inserts are factory installed and may be removed if not required to obtain full raceway capacity. * Entrance end fitting fill rate is calculated using backfeed capability and radius inserts. Inserts are removable and fitting can obtain maximum raceway fill from utilizing end fitting knockouts and removing radius control inserts. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD AlDS4000® SerieS rAcewAy ALDS4000 Series Raceway Ordering Information ALDS4000B Raceway Base ALDS4010B Blank End Fitting .060" [1.52mm] satin anodized finish. packed four 10’ [3.05m] lengths per carton. 2 1/16" [52mm] Closes off open end of ALDs4000B Base. 5 3/4" [146mm] 5 1/2" [140mm] ALDS4000C Raceway Cover .060 [1.52mm] satin anodized finish. packed eight 5’ [1.5m] lengths per carton. Two covers per base. 2 7/8" [73mm] 2 1/8" [54mm] ALDS4011 8 1/4" [210mm] Flat Elbow 8 1/4" [210mm] Flat corner for new lay-in or pull-through applications. Includes one pair of Ds4001 Couplings. 2 1/8" [54mm] DS4000WC Wire Clip DS4014A Backfeed Coupling Holds conductors in place. Extra long coupling allows attachment to wall box or back fed to 1" or 1 1/4" trade size conduit. 10" [254mm] 1 5/8" [41mm] Adjust-to-Fit™ Coupling Joins lengths of ALDs4000B together. sold in pairs. ALDS4015 Divided Tee 8 3/4" [222mm] 10 3/4" [273mm] Divided Tee fitting. For new layin or pull-through installations. Includes two pairs of Ds4001 Couplings. 6" [152mm] ALDS4006 Seam Clip Covers seam where two sections of ALDs4000C come together. ALDS4017 6" [152mm] Internal Elbow Internal corner for new lay-in or pull-through installations. Includes one pair of Ds4001 Couplings. 6" [152mm] 1" [25mm] ALDS4010A Entrance End Fitting ALDS4018 External Elbow Full capacity End Fitting. Has two 1/2" & 3/4" concentric trade size KOs. External corner for new lay-in or pull-through installations. Includes one pair of Ds4001 Couplings. Aluminum Surface Raceway Systems DS4001 5 3/4" [146mm] 2 1/8" [54mm] 6" [152mm] 175 6" [152mm] www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD AlDS4000® SerieS rAcewAy ALDS4000 Series Raceway Ordering Information (continued) ALDS4047C Single-Channel One-Gang Device Plate ALDS4047R Single-Channel Decorator Device Plate use with commercially-available single-gang flush plate. 6" [152mm] For 15A and 20A decorator receptacles. 6" [152mm] ALDS4047D Single-Channel Duplex Device Plate ALDS4047-2A* Single-Channel 2A Mini Adapter Device Plate 2A opening. Includes adapters for Ortronics TracJack, series II, wiremold CM2 series inserts, pass & seymour Activate and other manufacturers. For 15A and 20A duplex receptacles, or 106 style data frames. 6" [152mm] 6" [152mm] ALDS4047E Single-Channel 1.41" Diameter Device Plate ALDS4047MAB* Single-Channel MAB Device Plate For straight blade and locking receptacles. For installing wiremold CM2 series inserts and Activate connectivity inserts. provides flush installation. Includes 6A CM-MAB adapter and Ortronics® MAB3s2 and MAB6TJ adapters. Aluminum Surface Raceway Systems 6" [152mm] 176 6" [152mm] ALDS4047F Single-Channel 1.59" Diameter Device Plate For straight blade and locking receptacles. 6" [152mm] * Refer to the Communications Connectivity section of this product Guide for information on CM2 series modules. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD AlA3800 SerieS™ rAcewAy CODE REFERENCE single-channel raceway. satin anodized finish complements decor in commercial offices, laboratories, and health care facilities. cULus Listed Raceway: File E4376 Guide RJpR. Fittings: File E41751 Guide RJpR. Raceway & Fittings: Meet Article 386 of NEC. Multioutlet Assemblies: Meet Article 380 of NEC. AL3800 Series Raceway Wire Fill Capacities for Communications uNsHIELDED TwIsTED pAIR wIRE sIZE THHN/THwN 40% FILL pOwER wIRING wITHOuT DEVICEs 14 AwG Inches 0.111 O.D. [mm] 40% FILL [2.8] 214 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 3 0.190 [4.8] 86 4 -pair, 24 AwG, Cat 5e 0.210 [5.3] 70 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6 0.250 [6.3] 50 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6a* 0.354 [9.0] 25 8 AwG 0.216 [5.5] 56 25-pair, 24 AwG 0.410 [10.4] 24 6 AwG 0.254 [6.5] 41 0.270 [6.9] COAXIAL RG6/u FIBER ZipCord Round 4 strand Fiber Round 6 strand Fiber 0.118 x 0.236 [3 x 6] 0.187 0.256 [4.8] [6.5] NOTE: For additional information, refer to the Technical Section. *Category 6 augmented (6a) cable for 10 gigabit ethernet – max allowed cable diameter per addenda No. 11 ANsI TIA/EIA 568-B.2. 43 88 89 47 pOwER wIRING wITH DEVICEs 2.04 sq. In. [51.82mm] 12 AwG 0.130 [3.3] 156 10 AwG 0.164 [4.2] 98 14 AwG 0.111 [2.8] 159 12 AwG 0.130 [3.3] 116 10 AwG 0.164 [4.2] 73 8 AwG 0.216 [5.5] 42 6 AwG 0.254 [6.5] 30 COLOR OPTIONS Aluminum Surface Raceway Systems CABLE/wIRE sIZE AL3800 Series Raceway Wire Fill Capacities for Power O.D. (Approx Dia.) Inches [mm] AL3800 series™ Raceway is available with a satin anodized finish. 177 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD AlA3800 SerieS™ rAcewAy ALA3800 Series Raceway Ordering Information ALA3800B-10 Single Compartment Raceway Base 2 1/4" [57mm] 3" [76mm] ALAC-5 satin Anodized finish. Nominal wall thickness of .078" [1.99mm]. packed eight 5’ [1.50m] lengths per carton. ALAC-5 is compatible with ALA3800 and ALA4800 series Raceways. ALAWC 1 3/8" [35mm] ALA3811 Holds conductors in place in long raceway runs. snaps into grooves on base. Flat Elbow 6" [152mm] 6" [152mm] ALA3815 Wire Clip Cover Clip Covers seam where lengths of raceway come together. satin Anodized finish. Nominal wall thickness of .078" [1.99mm]. packed four 10’ [3m] lengths per carton. Raceway Cover 3" [76mm] ALA3806 For making a 90° flat turn in a raceway run. Includes two ALA01 Couplings. Tee 6" [152mm] 6" [152mm] For branch connections of two runs of ALA3800 series Raceway. Includes three ALA01 Couplings. 1" [25mm] ALA01 ALA3817 Couplings Aluminum Surface Raceway Systems Joins lengths of inline ALA3800B-10 Raceway Base together. 6" [152mm] 6" [152mm] For making a 90° internal turn in a raceway run. Includes two ALA01 Couplings. 4" [102mm] 2 13/16" [71mm] ALA3810B Blank End Fitting 3" [76mm] ALA3817N Closes off open end of raceway. 2 1/4" [57mm] 6" [152mm] ALA3810B1 2 1/4" [57mm] Internal Elbow Entrance End Fitting For feeding raceway, has concentric 1/2" and 3/4" trade size knockouts. 178 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD ALA3818 6" [152mm] Inverted Internal Elbow For connecting a vertical run of ALA3800 series Raceway with a horizontal run with its cover facing up. Includes two ALA01 Couplings. External Elbow For making a 90° external turn in a raceway run. Includes two ALA01 Couplings. WIREMOLD AlA3800 SerieS™ rAcewAy ALA3800 Series Raceway Ordering Information (continued) 12" [305mm] ALA-E 12" [305mm] ALA-F 12" [305mm] ALA-G 12" [305mm] ALA-J 12" [305mm] Duplex Receptacle Cover Plate 3" [76mm] Mounts standard duplex device to the cover. Single Receptacle Cover Plate (1.40" [35.40mm]) 3" [76mm] Installs commercially available straight blade and locking single receptacle with face diameters of 1.38"-1.39" [36mm-37mm]. Single Receptacle Cover Plate (1.59" [38.90mm]) 3" [76mm] Installs commercially available straight blade and locking single receptacle with face diameters of 1.56"-1.58" [38mm-39mm]. GFCI/Surge/Decorator Cover Plate 3" [76mm] Mounts commercially available GFCI or surge suppression receptacles. Single Receptacle Cover Plate 3" [76mm] Mounts commercially available straight blade or locking single receptacles with face diameters of 2.13" [52mm]. ALA-N Toggle Switch Cover Plate Mounts toggle switch in line. 12" [305mm] 3" [76mm] ALA-LPB* Low Profile Adapter Cover Plate Accepts three (3) wiremold CM2 series communication connectivity inserts. Includes cover and low profile adapter, (6A-opening). 12" [305mm] 3" [76mm] ALA-LPB3S2 Ortronics® Low Profile Adapter Cover Plate Accepts three Ortronics® series II datacom inserts. Low profile adapter included. 12" [305mm] 3" [76mm] ALA-MAB* 6A Mini Adapter Cover Plate Accepts three (3) wiremold CM2 series communication connectivity inserts. provides a flush installation. Includes cover and 6A mini adapter, (6A-opening). 12" [305mm] 3" [76mm] ALA-MABRT Ortronics® Cover Plate 12" [305mm] 3" [76mm] Accepts six Ortronics® TracJack or three series II datacom inserts. Both adapters included. Aluminum Surface Raceway Systems ALA-DR NOTE: All device plates are 3" x 12" [76mm x 305mm]. These parts are compatible with both ALA4800 and ALA3800 Series Raceways. * Refer to the Communications Connectivity section of this product Guide for information on CM2 series modules. 179 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD AlA3800 SerieS™ rAcewAy ALA3800 Series Raceway Ordering Information (continued) ALA-SG Cover Plate with 1 3/4" x 2 15/16" Opening 12" [305mm] 3" [76mm] ALA-2A* Installs communication connectivity devices utilizing industry standard single-gang faceplates. Hole cut is 1 3/4" x 2 15/16" [44mm x 75mm]. Faceplates must be ordered separately. ALA-Z 3/4" [19.1mm] Grommet/Mouse Hole Device Cover Plate 12" [305mm] 3" [76mm] Facilitates the exit of communication cabling. Grommet included. 2A Mini Adapter Cover Plate 12" [305mm] Aluminum Surface Raceway Systems 3" [76mm] Accepts one (1) wiremold CM2 series communication connectivity device. Includes cover and 2A mini adapter, (2A-opening). NOTE: All device plates are 3" x 12" [76mm x 305mm]. These parts are compatible with both ALA4800 and ALA3800 Series Raceways. 180 * Refer to the Communications Connectivity section of this product Guide for information on CM2 series modules. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD AlA4800 SerieS™ rAcewAy Dual-channel raceway. satin anodized finish complements decor in commercial offices, laboratories, and health care facilities. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Raceway: File E4376 Guide RJpR. Fittings: File E41751 Guide RJpR. Raceway & Fittings: Meet Article 386 of NEC. Multioutlet Assemblies: Meet Article 380 of NEC. AL4800 Series Raceway Wire Fill Capacities for Communications uNsHIELDED 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 3 TwIsTED pAIR 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 5e COAXIAL FIBER (Each Compartment) 0.190 [4.8] 86 0.210 [5.3] 70 pOwER wIRING wITHOuT DEVICEs wIRE sIZE THHN/THwN Inches 14 AwG O.D. [mm] 40% FILL 0.111 [2.8] 214 12 AwG 0.130 [3.3] 156 0.164 [4.2] 98 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6 0.250 [6.3] 50 10 AwG 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6a* 0.354 [9.0] 25 8 AwG 0.216 [5.5] 56 6 AwG 0.254 [6.5] 41 14 AwG 0.111 [2.8] 159 12 AwG 0.130 [3.3] 116 10 AwG 0.164 [4.2] 73 8 AwG 0.216 [5.5] 42 6 AwG 0.254 [6.5] 30 25-pair, 24 AwG 0.410 [10.4] 24 RG6/u 0.270 [6.9] 43 ZipCord Round 4 strand Fiber Round 6 strand Fiber 0.118 x 0.236 [3 x 6] 0.187 0.256 [4.8] [6.5] NOTE: For additional information, refer to the Technical Section. *Category 6 augmented (6a) cable for 10 gigabit ethernet – max allowed cable diameter per addenda No. 11 ANsI TIA/EIA 568-B.2. 88 89 47 pOwER wIRING wITH DEVICEs (2.04 sq. In. [51.82mm]) (Each Compartment) COLOR OPTIONS ALA4800 series™ Raceway is available with a satin anodized finish. Aluminum Surface Raceway Systems CABLE/wIRE sIZE ALA4800 Series Raceway Wire Fill Capacities for Power O.D. (Approx Dia.) 40% Inches [mm] FILL 181 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD AlA4800 SerieS™ rAcewAy ALA4800 Series Raceway Ordering Information ALA4800B-10 Dual Compartment Raceway Base 6063-T5 extruded aluminum, satin anodized finish, .078" [1.98mm] wall thickness. Base has integral divider for separation of service. packed 40' [12m] per carton. 6" [152mm] 2 1/4" [57mm] ALAC-5 Raceway Cover 6063-T5 extruded aluminum, satin anodized finish, .078" [1.98mm] wall thickness. Two covers per base. Allows only one compartment to be accessed at a time. packed 40' [12m] per carton. ALAC-5 is compatible with ALA4800 series and ALA3800 series Raceways. 3" [76mm] ALAWC Aluminum Surface Raceway Systems For covering ends of raceway. 6" [152mm] ALA4810B2 Entrance End Fitting For feeding raceway, has two concentric 1/2" and 3/4" trade size KOs. 2 3/16" [56mm] 6" [152mm] ALA4811 Flat Elbow 9" [229mm] Wire Clip 1" [25mm] 9" [229mm] Couplings 4" [102mm] 2 13/16" [71mm] ALA4806 ALA4815 Joins lengths of inline ALA4800B-10 Raceway Base together. Two required per section of base. Cover Clip Makes 90° flat turn in a raceway run. Includes four ALA01 Couplings. Tee 9" [229mm] For branch connections of two runs of ALA4800 series Raceway. Includes six ALA01 Couplings. ALA4817 Internal Elbow 6" [152mm] 6" [152mm] To make an internal turn in a raceway run. Includes four ALA01 Couplings. stainless steel clip to cover joint where lengths of cover or base come together. 1 3/8" [35mm] ALA09 ALA17A Grounding Adapter For connection of equipment grounding conductor to provide additional ground to raceway. NOTE: These parts are compatible with both ALA4800 and ALA3800 Series Raceways. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD Internal Corner Coupling 4" [102mm] #10 Ground Stud with cup Washer 182 Blank End Fitting 2 3/16" [56mm] 9" [229mm] For holding conductors in place in long raceway runs. snaps into grooves in base. ALA01 ALA4810B 2" [51mm] For butting two raceway sections to form an internal 90° turn in a raceway run. WIREMOLD AlA4800 SerieS™ rAcewAy ALA4800 Series Raceway Ordering Information (continued) ALA4817N 6" [152mm] 6" [152mm] ALA4818 External Elbow 6" [152mm] For making a 90° external turn in a raceway run. Includes four ALA01 Couplings. ALA-ABRT 3" [76mm] 12" [305mm] 12" [305mm] ALA-F 12" [305mm] For two Ortronics® TracJack or one series II datacom insert. Both adapters included. ALA-G 12" [305mm] 12" [305mm] 3" [76mm] Installs commercially available straight blade and locking single receptacle with face diameters of 1.38"-1.39" [36mm-37mm]. Single Receptacle Cover Plate (1.59" [38.90mm]) 3" [76mm] Installs commercially available straight blade and locking single receptacle with face diameters of 1.56"-1.58" [38mm-39mm]. GFCI/Surge/Decorator Cover Plate 3" [76mm] Mounts commercially available GFCI or surge suppression receptacles. Blank Cover Plate 3" [76mm] To cover a 12" [305mm] section of raceway. ALA-J 12" [305mm] ALA-DR Single Receptacle Cover Plate (1.40" [35.40mm]) Ortronics® Cover Plate 12" [305mm] ALA-BL For connecting a vertical run of ALA4800 series Raceway with a horizontal run with its cover facing up. Includes four ALA01 Couplings. ALA-E Single Receptacle Cover Plate 3" [76mm] Mounts commercially available straight blade or locking single receptacles with face diameters of 2.13" [52mm]. Duplex Receptacle Cover Plate 3" [76mm] Mounts standard duplex device to the cover. ALA-N 12" [305mm] Toggle Switch Cover Plate 3" [76mm] Mounts toggle switch in line. Aluminum Surface Raceway Systems 6" [152mm] Inverted Internal Elbow NOTE: All device plates are 3" x 12" [76mm x 305mm]. These parts are compatible with both ALA4800 and ALA3800 Series Raceways. *Refer to the Communications Connectivity section of this product Guide for information on CM2 series modules. 183 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD AlA4800 SerieS™ rAcewAy ALA4800 Series Raceway Ordering Information (continued) ALA-LPB* Low Profile Adapter Cover Plate 12" [305mm] Accepts three (3) wiremold CM2 series communication connectivity inserts. Includes cover and low profile adapter, (6A-opening). 3" [76mm] ALA-LPB3S2 Ortronics® Low Profile Adapter Cover Plate Accepts three Ortronics® datacom inserts for three series II devices. Low profile adapter included. 12" [305mm] 3" [76mm] ALA-MAB* 6A Mini adapter Cover Plate 12" [305mm] 3" [76mm] Aluminum Surface Raceway Systems ALA-MABRT 12" [305mm] 3" [76mm] ALA-SG Accepts three (3) wiremold CM2 series communication connectivity inserts. provides a flush installation. Includes cover and 6A mini adapter, (6A-opening). 3" [76mm] 2A Mini Adapter Cover Plate Accepts three (3) wiremold CM2 series communication connectivity devices. Includes cover and 2A mini adapter, (2A-opening). 12" [305mm] 3" [76mm] ALA-Z 3/4" [19.1mm] Grommet/Mouse Hole Device Cover Plate 12" [305mm] Facilitates the exit of communication cabling. Grommet included. 3" [76mm] ALA11RI Radiused Insert A radiused insert for the ALA3811 and ALA4811 flat elbow to provide a bend radius of 2" [51mm] for Fiber Optic/ Category 5e installations. The insert is ideal for new and retrofit applications whether the cable installation is lay-in or pull-through. Ortronics® Cover Plate Accepts six Ortronics® TracJack or three series II datacom inserts. Both adapters included. Cover Plate with 1 3/4" x 2 15/16" Opening 12" [305mm] ALA-2A* ALA17/18RI Radiused Insert A radiused insert for ALA3817, ALA4817, ALA3817N, ALA4817N, ALA3818, and ALA4818 fittings to provide a bend radius of 2" [51mm] for Fiber Optic/ Category 5e installations. The insert is ideal for new and retrofit applications whether the cable installation is lay-in or pull-through. Installs communication connectivity devices utilizing industry standard single-gang faceplates. Hole cut is 1 3/4" x 2 15/16" [44mm x 75mm]. Faceplates must be ordered separately. NOTE: All device plates are 3" x 12" [76mm x 305mm]. These parts are compatible with both ALA4800 and ALA3800 Series Raceways. 184 *Refer to the Communications Connectivity section of this product Guide for information on CM2 series modules. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD Al5200 SerieS™ rAcewAy Two-piece raceway. Field-installed divider provides for numerous raceway channel configurations. satin anodized finish complements decor in commercial offices, laboratories, and health care facilities. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Raceway: File E4376 Guide RJpR. Fittings: File E41751 Guide RJpR. Raceway & Fittings: Meet Article 386 of NEC. Multioutlet Assemblies: Meet Article 380 of NEC. AL5200 Raceway System Layout B A D F E Snap-in Divider (Optional) A provide electrical feed through 1/2" or 3/4" [12.7mm or 19.1mm] KOs in AL5210B2 End Cap. B Attach base section to mounting surface by drilling 9/32" [7.1mm] holes in the base, and using #8 flathead screws. C secure conductors in place with AL5200wC wire Clip. D Join additional raceway sections with two AL5201 Couplings. E Close ends with AL5210B2 Blank End Fittings. F snap cover into base to complete installation. NOTE: Illustration is for showing product applications only. COLOR OPTIONS AL5200 series™ Raceway is available with a satin anodized finish. Aluminum Surface Raceway Systems KEY C 185 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD Al5200 SerieS™ rAcewAy AL5200 Series Raceway Wire Fill Capacities for Power NuMBER OF CONDuCTORs (40% FILL) wITHOuT DEVICEs wIRE sIZE THHN/THwN O.D Inches [mm] 14 AwG 0.111 12 AwG 10 AwG 2.40in.2 [1550mm2] 2.85in2 1840[mm2] 3.50 in.2 [2260mm2] 3.90 in.2 [2520mm2] 4.50 in.2 [2900mm2] 4.80 in.2 [3100mm2] 5.50 in.2 [3550mm2] 8.50 in.2 [5480mm2] [2.8] 98 117 144 160 185 197 226 350 0.130 [3.3] 72 85 105 117 135 144 165 255 0.164 [4.2] 45 54 66 73 85 90 104 161 8 AwG 0.216 [5.5] 26 31 38 42 49 52 60 92 6 AwG 0.254 [6.5] 18 22 27 30 35 37 43 67 wITH DupLEX RECTANGuLAR DEVICEs 1.59IN.2 [1025MM2] wIRE sIZE THHN/THwN O.D Inches [mm] 2.85in2 1840[mm2] 3.50 in.2 [2260mm2] 3.90 in.2 [2520mm2] 4.50 in.2 [2900mm2] 4.80 in.2 [3100mm2] 5.50 in.2 [3550mm2] 8.50 in.2 [5480mm2] 14 AwG 0.111 [2.8] 54 78 95 120 132 161 284 12 AwG 10 AwG 0.130 [3.3] 39 57 69 87 96 117 207 0.164 [4.2] 24 36 43 55 60 74 130 8 AwG 0.216 [5.5] 14 20 25 31 35 42 75 6 AwG 0.254 [6.5] 10 15 18 22 25 30 54 AL5200 Series Raceway Wire Fill Capacities for Communications 40% FILL CApACITy CROss sECTIONAL AREA CABLE/wIRE sIZE Aluminum Surface Raceway Systems uNsHIELDED 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 3 TwIsTED 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 5e pAIR 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6 O.D Inches 2.40in.2 2.85in2 3.50 in.2 3.90 in.2 4.50 in.2 4.80 in.2 5.50 in.2 8.50 in.2 [mm] [1550mm2] 1840[mm2] [2260mm2] [2520mm2] [2900mm2] [3100mm2] [3550mm2] [5480mm2] 0.190 [4.8] 33 40 49 55 63 67 77 119 0.210 [5.3] 27 32 40 45 51 55 63 98 0.250 [6.3] 19 23 28 31 36 39 44 69 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6a* 0.354 [9.0] 9 11 14 15 18 19 22 34 25-pair, 24 AwG 0.410 [10.4] 7 8 10 11 13 14 16 25 0.270 [6.9] 16 19 24 27 31 33 38 59 34 41 50 56 64 69 79 122 COAXIAL RG6/u FIBER ZipCord 0.118 x 0.236 [3 x 6] Round 4 strand Fiber 0.187 [4.8] 34 41 51 56 65 69 80 123 Round 6 strand Fiber 0.256 [6.5] 18 22 27 30 34 37 42 66 NOTE: For additional information, refer to the Technical Section. *Category 6 augmented (6a) cable for 10 gigabit ethernet – max allowed cable diameter per addenda No. 11 ANsI TIA/EIA 568-B.2. 186 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD Al5200 SerieS™ rAcewAy AL5200 Series Raceway Ordering Information AL5200B-5, AL5200B-10 2" [51mm] 5" [127mm] Raceway Base 6063-T5 extruded aluminum, satin anodized finish, .080" [2.03mm] wall thickness. Base has four ribs for snap-in divider. AL5200B-5 is packed eight 5' [1.5m] lengths and AL5200B-10 is packed four 10' [3m] lengths per carton. AL5200C-5, AL5200C-10 Raceway Cover 6063-T5 extruded aluminum, satin anodized finish, .075" [1.9mm] wall thickness. AL5200C-5 is packed eight 5' [1.5m] lengths and AL5200C-10 is packed four 10' [3m] lengths per carton. 4 7/8" [124mm] AL5200D-5, AL5200D-10 NOTE: Cross-sectional area of each compartment indicated. 5" [127mm] 2 3/16" [56mm] 1 5/8" [42mm] 2 7/8" [73mm] 4.80 in.2 [3100mm2] AL5206 4.50 in.2 [2900mm2] 1 7/16" [37mm] 3.50 in.2 [2260mm2] 2.85 in.2 [1840mm2] 2.40 in.2 [1550mm2] 2.85 in.2 [1840mm2] Cover Clip (Spring Steel) 1 1/2" [38mm] Wire Clip For holding conductors in place in long raceway runs. snaps into grooves in raceway. AL5200wC Full, AL5200wC2 3/4, and AL5200wC3 1/2. AL5209 1 1/2" [38mm] 1 1/2" [38mm] Coupling set screw couplings. use two for attaching in-line raceway sections. 3" [76mm] Grounding Adapter Connects equipment grounding conductor to provide an additional ground to raceway. #10 Ground Stud with cup Washer AL5210B Blank End Fitting Closes off open ends of raceway. 1 9/16" [49mm] 5" [127mm] Aluminum Surface Raceway Systems Covers seam where lengths of cover or base come together. AL5200WC, AL5200WC2, AL5200WC3 1 9/16" [40mm] 3.90 in.2 [2520mm2] 5.50 in.2 [3550mm2] 2.85 in.2 [1840mm2] 1/2" [12.7mm] AL5201 8.5 in.2 [5840mm2] 2" [51mm] Divider Extruded .050" [1.8mm] thick aluminum. AL5200D-5 is packed eight 5' [1.5m] lengths and AL5200D-10 is packed four 10' [3m] lengths per carton. 1 13/16" [46mm] Raceway may be configured in single or multiple channels in several versatile ways to accommodate power or communications wiring. 187 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD Al5200 SerieS™ rAcewAy AL5200 Series Raceway Ordering Information (continued) AL5210B1, AL5210B2, AL5210B3 Entrance End Fitting with single or multiple concentric 1/2" and 3/4" trade size KOs for conduit connections. (AL5210B1 and AL5210B3, not shown,have one and three double KOs respectively.) 1 9/16" [49mm] 5" [127mm] AL5211 Makes a 90° flat turn in a raceway run. Includes two pairs of AL5201 Couplings. 5" [127mm] AL5214 3 3/8" [86mm] Aluminum Surface Raceway Systems Feeds raceway from a wallmounted outlet box. Rectangular hole cut or concentric 1/2" and 3/4" trade size KOs. Couplings included. 3 5/16" [84mm] 4 13/16" [122mm] AL5217N Inverted Internal Elbow 10" [254mm] Connects a vertical run of AL5200 series Raceway with a horizontal overhead run with its cover facing up. 5" [127mm] 5" [127mm] 3" [76mm] External Elbow 8" [203mm] 8" [203mm] Makes a 90° external turn in a raceway run. Includes two pair of AL5201 Couplings. 6" [152mm] AL5246-B Tee 9" [229mm] 188 Connects two raceway sections to form an internal 90° turn in a raceway run. 1 1/2" [38mm] AL5218 Wall Box Connector 12" [305mm] AL5215 Internal Corner Coupling Flat Elbow 10" [254mm] 10" [254mm] AL5217A Branch connection of two runs of AL5200 series Raceway. Includes three pairs of AL5201 Couplings. Blank Cover 4 7/8" [124mm] Covers a 12" [305mm] section of raceway. 12" [305mm] 2" [51mm] AL5216 AL5246-D Cross Fitting 15" [381mm] 9" [229mm] Cross through connection in a raceway run. Includes four pairs of AL5201 Couplings. 5" [127mm] 4 7/8" [124mm] Double Duplex Cover Plate Internal Elbow 4 7/8" [124mm] 7" [178mm] Makes 90° internal corner in a raceway run. Includes two pairs of AL5201 Couplings. 7" [178mm] www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD Mounts standard duplex devices to cover. 12" [305mm] AL5246-DD 2" [51mm] AL5217 Duplex Receptacle Cover Plate 12" [305mm] Installs I5A and 2OA duplex receptacles or duplex style communication devices. WIREMOLD Al5200 SerieS™ rAcewAy AL5200 Series Raceway Ordering Information (continued) Single Receptacle Device Cover Plate 4 7/8" [124mm] 12" [305mm] AL5256-DACT* Duplex & 6A Mini Adapter Cover Plate Installs commercially available straight blade and locking single receptacles with face diameters of 1.56"-1.58" [39.2mm-39.3mm]. 4 7/8" [124mm] 12" [305mm] AL5246-G GFCI Device Cover Plate 4 7/8" [124mm] Mounts commercially available GFCI or surge suppression receptacles. AL5256-GACT* GFCI & 6A Mini Adapter Cover Plate 12" [305mm] 4 7/8" [124mm] AL5256-ACTLPB* 12" [305mm] Low Profile Adapter Cover Plate 4 7/8" [124mm] Accepts three (3) wiremold CM2 series communication connectivity devices. Includes cover and low profile adapter (6A-opening). Duplex Receptacle & 2A Mini Adapter Cover Plate 4 7/8" [124mm] 12" [305mm] AL5256-ACT2LP* 4 7/8" [124mm] Accepts three (3) wiremold CM2 series communication connectivity devices. Includes cover and two low profile adapters (6A-openings). 12" [305mm] For installation requiring a GFCI or surge suppression receptacle and accepts three (3) wiremold CM2 series communication connectivity devices. Cover includes 6A mini adapter (6A-opening). AL5256-D2A* 12" [305mm] Device Cover Plate with Two Low Profile Adapters For installation requiring a 15A or 20A duplex receptacle and accepts three (3) wiremold CM2 series communication connectivity devices. Cover includes 6A mini adapter (6A-opening). Duplex receptacle cover accepts one (1) wiremold CM2 series and 2A mini adapter (2A opening). AL5256-DZ Duplex Receptacle & Mouse Hole Device Cover Plate 4 7/8" [124mm] Grommeted cable access at duplex receptacle location (2A opening). 12" [305mm] AL5256-ACTMAB Device Cover Plate with 6A Mini Adapter 4 7/8" [124mm] Installs communication connectivity devices. Includes cover and 6A mini adapter (6A-opening). AL5256-ABRT 4 7/8" [124mm] 12" [305mm] Ortronics® Cover Plate Accepts only Ortronics® datacom inserts. supplied with both adapters to accommodate two TracJack devices or one series II device. 12" [305mm] Aluminum Surface Raceway Systems AL5246-F 189 * Refer to the Communications Connectivity section of this product Guide for information on CM2 series modules. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD Al5200 SerieS™ rAcewAy AL5200 Series Raceway Ordering Information (continued) AL5256-DABRT AL5256-GMABRT Duplex & Ortronics® Cover Plate GFCI & Ortronics® Cover Plate Accepts only Ortronics® datacom inserts. supplied with both adapters to accommodate two TracJack devices or one series II device. 4 7/8" [124mm] 12" [305mm] AL5256-GABRT GFCI & Ortronics® Cover Plate 12" [305mm] AL5256-2A* Accepts only Ortronics® datacom inserts. supplied with both adapters to accommodate two TracJack devices or one series II device. 4 7/8" [124mm] 12" [305mm] 12" [305mm] GFCI sized hole cut accepts one (1) wiremold CM2 series and 2A mini adapter (2A opening). Accepts Ortronics® datacom inserts. Accepts three series II devices. Low profile adapter included. 4 7/8" [124mm] 12" [305mm] 12" [305mm] AL5256-GZ GFCI & Mouse Hole Device Cover Plate 4 7/8" [124mm] Aluminum Surface Raceway Systems Accepts one (1) wiremold CM2 series 2A communication connectivity device. Includes cover and 2A mini adapter (2A opening). 4 7/8" [124mm] Ortronics® Low Profile Adapter Cover Plate GFCI & 2A Mini Adapter Cover Plate 190 AL5256-2LPB3S2 Ortronics® Low Profile Adapter Cover Plate Grommeted cable opening at GFCI receptacle location. Accepts Ortronics® datacom inserts. Accepts six series II devices. Two low profile adapters included. 4 7/8" [124mm] 12" [305mm] 12" [305mm] AL5256-MABRT 4 7/8" [124mm] 12" [305mm] Ortronics® Cover Plate Accepts Ortronics® datacom inserts. supplied with both adapters to accommodate six TracJack devices or three series II devices. AL5256-Z 1 1/4" [32mm] Dia. AL5260 AL5256-DMABRT Mouse Hole Device Cover Plate 4 7/8" [124mm] 4 7/8" [124mm] Accepts Ortronics datacom inserts. supplied with both adapters to accommodate six TracJack devices or three series II devices. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD Facilitates exit of voice or data communication cabling. Grommet furnished. Offset Divider Duplex & Ortronics® Cover Plate 12" [305mm] 2A Mini adapter Cover Plate AL5256-LPB3S2 AL5256-G2A* 4 7/8" [124mm] Accepts Ortronics® datacom inserts. supplied with both adapters to accommodate six TracJack devices or three series II devices. 4 7/8" [124mm] ® 9 9/16" [243mm] used to allow device offsets and to extend over ribs in the raceway base. snap fits into base. 1 9/16" [40mm] * Refer to the Communications Connectivity section of this product Guide for information on CM2 series modules. WIREMOLD Prewired raceway SyStemS when time is an issue, Wiremold® Prewired Raceway gives you the option of letting our experts do the work for you. wiring is labeled, wrapped and ready for termination at the job site. All you need to do is mount the raceway on the wall and connect the feed wires. use our new Prewired Connectors, and you’ll get off the job even faster. save installation time, labor and money with raceway that’s ready for work before it even gets on the job. 207 ALDS4000 Series Raceway 219 Prewired Select Series™ Raceways 229 PREWIRED RACEWAY SYSTEMS AL4000 Series™ Raceway 191 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD Prewired raceway SyStemS Table of Contents Why Prewired? 194 Single Channel, Single Cover Aluminum Raceway Systems 202 203 AL3000 series Raceway ALA3800 series Raceway Single/Dual Channel, Single Cover Aluminum Raceway Systems 205 207 209 AL3300 series Raceway AL4000 series Raceway AL4400 series Raceway 211 PREWIRED RACEWAY SYSTEMS AL4750 series Raceway Dual Channel, Dual Cover Aluminum Raceway Systems 213 215 217 AL4320 series Raceway AL4520 series Raceway ALA4800 series Raceway XX 219 ALDs4000 series Raceway 192 www.LEGRAND.uS/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD Prewired raceway SyStemS Table of Contents Three Channel, Dual Cover Aluminum Raceway Systems 221 223 AL7320 series Raceway AL7450 series Raceway Prewired Steel Raceway Systems 225 3000® series, 4000® series, Ds4000® & 6000® series Raceways Prewired Nonmetallic Raceway Systems 227 5400 series™, 5500 series™ & Cablesmart™ 40N2 series Raceways Prewired Select Series™ Teacher Drops 229 PREWIRED RACEWAY SYSTEMS Prewired select series™ Raceways 193 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD Prewired raceway SyStemS At wiremold®, our goal for Prewired Raceway is to enhance the value to the end user and installer by providing value-added services to their projects, i.e. specific wiring configurations, labeling and special services. wiremold® has been setting the standard in the engineering and manufacturing of Prewired Raceway solutions over the last 20 years. wiremold has the knowledgeable sales, project management and engineering resources to provide you with assistance in: • Defining bills of material and project quotes. • Interpreting project specifications, electrical drawings and elevation plans to produce detailed submittal and installation drawings. • Coordinating production, packaging and shipping schedules to meet your job site requirements. As a leader in the electrical industry wiremold continues to look for new and innovative ways to simplify the installation of our Prewired Raceway systems. Over the last 5 years wiremold has: • Redesigned our submittal and installation documentation to more clearly depict design intent and ease installation. • I ntroduced Wiremold “Prewired Connectors”. The only uL and cuL listed modular connector for Prewired Raceway systems available on the market. “Prewired Connectors” have been shown to decrease installation time and eliminate miswiring in the field that can lead to costly callbacks. • Introduced UL and cUL listed Commercial Outlet Centers (Cord-Ended) that are optimal for mounting to semipermanent structures such as shelving and rack displays found in many Lab applications. when deadlines are looming and skilled labor is in short supply Wiremold has the expertise and quality solutions to help you complete your project on time. wiremold Prewired Raceway solutions will: • Save up to 67% of the installation time needed for field install of component raceway parts. • Provide maximum flexibility for adding or relocating power and communication requirements during renovations or equipment changes. • Provide you with an established project team who has the knowledge and experience from successfully completing work on thousands of projects for the educational, pharmaceutical, hospital, retail and military markets. Ordering Process for Prewired Applications Detailed Submittal The detailed submittal shows exactly how each raceway run will be built (lengths, number and type of receptacles, wiring schematics, circuiting information, etc.). The contractor and/or distributor must review and correct any information not clearly indicated on the drawings or specs, approve and return before production can be scheduled. Submittal Free The Prewired Express Building Plan Checklist is filled out by the contractor or distributor and sent along with plans, casework, and specs. No submittal is required and the project is scheduled for production upon receipt of all information. PhASe 1 PREWIRED RACEWAY SYSTEMS Documents to Rep • Electrical Plans • Data Plans • Legends & schedules • Specifications PhASe 2 Within 48 hours* Quote • Take-Off Completed • Quote Delivered *Based on Complexity Prewired Raceway gets installers off the job in 1/3 less time than conventional raceway installations. Within 24 hours Project Launch Purchase Order • Place contractor order with authorized Prewired Distributor. • All bid and order documents to wiremold Project services. wiremold Prewired Raceway is available in a wide range of capacity and configuration options. 194 www.LEGRAND.uS/WIREMOLD • Wiremold Project Manager assigned and PO acknowledged. • Documents reviewed for completeness. Prewired Connectors provide contractors with peaceof-mind. Connectors are factory wired and tested so errors, backtracking and troubleshooting are virtually eliminated. PhASe 3 Within 2 Weeks Submittals • Includes Material Product sheets, material list, Engineered raceway details, product placement drawings and release forms. Within 2-4 Weeks Shipment Approval & Release • Return approved submittal package with required revisions and requested on site date. • Drawings revised. Commercial Outlet Centers (Cord-Ended) that are optimal for mounting to semi-permanent structures such as shelving and rack displays found in many Lab applications. • Material packaged & marked per area, and shipped with “as built” drawings and documents. WIREMOLD Prewired raceway SyStemS The Process 1. Raceway is wired and assembled per customer specifications. 2 Finished raceway is quality tested to insure performance and accuracy of wiring 3. Raceway is labelled and packed per job and job site requirements. 4. Detailed project drawings are included with every project. 5. Raceway is shipped to arrive at job site per production schedule and project specifications. Prewired Connectors Introducing Faster, More Reliable Connections for Prewired Raceway Systems New wiremold Prewired Connectors offer the fastest, most reliable connectivity solution available for prewired raceway system installations. Independent testing has shown that when using new Prewired Connectors in prewired raceway installations, installers can get off the job up to eighteen times faster than when using conventional installation methods… while virtually eliminating any callbacks for wiring errors. Supportsfollowing NeMA NeMA configurations: 5-15R 5-20R 5-30R L5-15R L5-20R L5-30R 6-15R 6-20R 6-30R L6-15R L6-20R L6-30R Prewired Connectors provide fast and reliable connectivity and are available in 3-, 6- and 8-wire configurations. NOTe: Consult factory for other configurations. Specification Guidelines: Prewired Connector Applications: Current Rating: 30A maximum Voltage Rating: 250V maximum wire Gauge: 10AwG maximum wire Type: stranded Copper 3-Wire 6-Wire 8-Wire Prewired Testimonials For the Contractor: Getting a complete package of detailed drawings helps my guys know where every carton and piece of raceway go. For the Lab: Cord-ended Prewired gives me the flexibility I need to reconfigure my lab. For the Contractor: Prewired Connectors increase my productivity. Installs are ultra fast and there are no miswiring or troubleshooting issues. PREWIRED RACEWAY SYSTEMS • Maximum of one (1) device per foot of raceway. • Harnesses from multiple feeds may not cross in duct when feeding from different directions. • Maximum base segment length of ten (10) feet. • No downstream protection on GFCI or Surge devices. 195 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD Prewired raceway SyStemS Aluminum Isoduct® Aluminum Prewired Raceway systems are manufactured to specific job lengths, completely assembled and shipped to the jobsite ready to install. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Multioutlet Assemblies: File E15191 Guide PVGT. Surface Metal Raceway: File E4376 Guide RJBT. Fittings: File E41751 Guide RJPR. Meet Article 380 of NEC. Prewired Aluminum Raceway Features FeATUReS Communication Devices Electrical Devices Cover Length Body Length Installation Finish Fittings wire Type wiring splices Grounding Conductors Ortronics & Activate Connectivity system Devices Pass & seymour 12" [305mm] or 18" [457mm] Longest = 10' [3.05m], shortest = 1' [305mm] surface mounted Architectural Class II Clear Anodized Mitered THHN Stranded Insulation displacement connectors wire gauge per National Electrical Other manufacturers Other manufacturers 24" [610mm], 36" [914mm], custom or continuous Gray self-adhesive polyester label with black letters shared neutral 12" [305mm] feeds and receptacle leads Raceway drilled at job site with hole saw Mounted to cover with 2 counter-sunk #6-32 Record Drawings 3 sets and 2 copies of marked-up blueprints Per job requirements submittal services Detailed submittal Express Submittal or Submittal Free Neutrals Pigtails Conduit Feeds Device Mounting screws * Paint chip required for custom colors. COLOR OPTIONS Aluminum Prewired Raceway systems are available with an anodized aluminum finish. 196 OPTIONS Flush mounted (recessed) Custom colors available, consult factory.* Butt joints or custom Options per specification Continuous wiring or twist-on wire connector Oversized and/or separate grounding wires Code (NEC) and shared grounding wires Engraved covers, self-adhesive engraved nameplate, screw mounted engraved nameplate Oversized and/or separate neutral wires Per specification Entrance end cap Device mounting brackets Device Identification PREWIRED RACEWAY SYSTEMS STANDARD Custom color options are also available. Consult the factory for more information. www.LEGRAND.uS/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD Prewired raceway SyStemS Quick Selection Guide Single Channel - Single Cover Raceway Profiles ALA3000 Series Raceway 1 25/32" [45mm] ALA3800 Series Raceway Capacity: 1.1 in2 [710mm2] Cover Options: AL3000C 2 5/8" [67mm] 2 1/4" [57mm] Capacity: 6.10 in2 [3963mm2] Cover Options: ALA-C 3" [76mm] Single/Dual Channel - Single Cover Raceway Systems NOTe: These profiles are available as either a single channel raceway or as a divided dual channel raceway. AL3300 Series Raceway 1 7/8" [36mm] 2 7/8" [73mm] AL4000 Series Raceway Capacity: 1/2 Divided: 2.20 in2 [1419mm2] Offset Divided: 1.35 in2 [871mm2] Undivided: 4.40 in2 [2389mm2] Cover Options: AL3300C Barrier 1 3/4" [44mm] 4 3/4" [121mm] Capacity: Divided: 3.10 in2 [2000mm2] Undivided: 7.20 in2 [4645mm2] Cover Options: AL4000C Available with Barrier removed. AL4400 Series Raceway Barrier 2 1/4" [57mm] AL4750 Series Raceway Capacity: Per Compartment: 4.72 in2 [3045mm2] Cover Options: AL4000C Capacity: Small: 2.22 in2 [1536mm2] Large: 3.75 in2 [2950mm2] 1 7/8" [48mm] 3 1/4" [83mm] Cover Options: AL4750C 4 3/4" [121mm] Available with Barrier removed. AL3320 Series Raceway 1 3/4" [44mm] Capacity: Per Compartment: 4.45 in2 [2970mm2] Cover Options: AL3000C 5 1/4" [133mm] ALA4800 Series Raceway 2 1/4" [57mm] 6" [152mm] AL4520 Series Raceway 2 1/4" [57mm] 5 1/4" [133mm] Cover Options: AL3000C ALDS4000 Series Raceway Capacity: Per Compartment: 5.93 in2 [3026mm2] Cover Options: ALA-C Capacity: Per Compartment: 5.90 in2 [3818mm2] 2 1/8" [54mm] 5 3/4" [146mm] Capacity: Per Compartment: 4.85 in2 [3129mm2] Cover Options: ALDs4000C www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD PREWIRED RACEWAY SYSTEMS Dual Channel - Dual Cover Raceway Systems 197 WIREMOLD Prewired raceway SyStemS Quick Selection Guide Three Channel - Dual Cover Raceway Systems AL7320 Series Raceway Barrier AL7450 Series Raceway 1 3/4" [44mm] 7 3/8" [187mm] Capacity: Per Compartment: 4.31 in2 [2797mm2] Barrier Cover Options: AL3000C, AL4000C Available with Barrier removed. Capacity: Single: 5.02 in2 [3239mm2] Dual: 4.72 in2 [3045mm2] 2 1/4" [57mm] 7 3/8" [187mm] Cover Options: AL3000C, AL4000C Available with Barrier removed. Aluminum Prewired Raceway Systems Wire Fill Capacities for Data/Communications AL3000 AL4000 AL4320** O.D. CABLe/WIRe TyPe UNSHIELDED TwIsTED PAIR COAXIAL FIBER OPTIC AL7320 No Barrier Single 40% 40% ALDS4000 Inches [mm] 40% 40% 40% 4-pair, 24 AwG Cat 3 0.190 [4.8] 53 48 53 81 43 40% 4-pair, 24 AwG Cat 5e 0.210 [5.3] 43 39 43 66 35 56 4-pair, 24 AwG Cat 6 0.250 [6.4] 31 28 31 47 25 40 4-pair, 24 AwG Cat 6a* 68 0.354 [9.0] 15 14 15 23 12 20 25-pair, 24 AwG 0.360 [9.1] 15 13 15 23 12 19 RG6/u 0.270 [6.9] 26 24 26 40 21 34 [3 x 6] 54 48 54 83 44 70 Round 4 Strand Fiber ZipCord 0.118 x 0.236 0.187 [4.7] 55 49 55 84 44 71 Round 6 Strand Fiber 0.256 [6.5] 29 26 29 45 24 38 Aluminum Prewired Raceway Systems Wire Fill Capacities for Data/Communications (continued) AL4400 AL4520** ALA4750 ALA3800 ALA4800** O.D CABLe/WIRe TyPe PREWIRED RACEWAY SYSTEMS UNSHIELDED TwIsTED PAIR COAXIAL FIBER OPTIC 40% Top 40% AL7450 Bottom 40% Inches [mm] 40% 40% 40% 40% 4-pair, 24 AwG Cat 3 0.190 [4.8] 66 84 69 86 86 71 66 4-pair, 24 AwG Cat 5e 0.210 [5.3] 55 69 57 70 70 58 55 4-pair, 24 AwG Cat 6 0.250 [6.4] 38 48 40 50 50 41 38 4-pair, 24 AwG Cat 6a* 0.354 [9.0] 19 24 20 25 25 20 19 25-pair, 24 AwG 0.360 [9.1] 19 23 19 24 24 20 19 RG6/u 0.270 [6.9] 33 41 34 43 43 35 33 0.118 x 0.236 [3 x 6] 68 85 70 88 88 72 68 Round 4 Strand Fiber ZipCord 0.187 [4.7] 69 87 71 89 89 73 69 Round 6 Strand Fiber 0.256 [6.5] 37 46 38 47 47 39 37 NOTe: For additional information, refer to the Technical Section. * Category 6 augmented (6a) cable for 10 gigabit ethernet – max allowed cable diameter per addenda No. 11 ANSI TIA/eIA 568-B.2. ** each compartment. 198 www.LEGRAND.uS/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD Prewired raceway SyStemS Quick Selection Guide Aluminum Prewired Raceway Systems Wire Fill Capacities for Power (40% fill factor) ThhN/ThWN (STRANDeD) AL4000* AL4320* 6 AwG 30 27 30 31 56 – 8 AwG 41 37 42 42 78 53 10 AwG 72 64 73 74 135 92 12 AwG 114 102 115 117 214 146 14 AwG 156 140 158 161 294 200 6 AwG 14 10 14 14 40 – POwER wIRING WITHOUT DEVICES POwER wIRING WITH GFCI DEVICEs (2.04 SQ.IN.) AL7320 Single Dual* AL3000 ALDS4000* 8 AwG 19 15 19 20 55 27 10 AwG 33 25 34 35 96 47 12 AwG 53 41 54 56 153 75 14 AwG 72 56 74 77 210 102 Aluminum Prewired Raceway Systems Wire Fill Capacities for Power (40% fill factor) (continued) ThhN/ThWN (STRANDeD) POwER wIRING WITH GFCI DEVICEs (2.04 SQ.IN.) AL4400* AL4520* AL4750* 8 AwG 41 50 54 35 53 49 ALA4800 41 10 AwG 56 87 110 61 108 101 56 12 AwG 98 139 172 97 170 159 98 14 AwG 156 190 232 133 229 215 156 8 AwG 30 28 32 13 31 27 30 10 AwG 42 49 65 22 64 57 42 12 AwG 73 77 102 35 100 89 73 14 AwG 116 106 137 49 135 121 116 PREWIRED RACEWAY SYSTEMS POwER wIRING WITHOUT DEVICES AL7450 Single Dual* ALA3800* 199 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD Prewired raceway SyStemS Quick Selection Guide Prewired Aluminum Raceway Systems Device Opening Opening Single Receptacle Device Compatibility Raceway Profile Compatibility 15A and 20A straight Blade and Locking AL3000 AL3300 ALA3800 AL4000 AL4400 AL4750 AL4320 AL4520 ALA4800 ALDs4000 AL7320 AL7450 AL3000 AL3300* ALA3800 AL4000 AL4400 AL4750* AL4320 AL4520 ALA4800 ALDs4000 AL7320 AL7450 5-15R 5-20R 6-15R 6-20R 10-20R 14-20R 1.40" [35.6mm] Single Receptacle 15-20R 18-20R L5-15R L6-15R L7-15R NEMA Locking Devices. Accommodates all NEMA Locking Devices except L5-15R, L6-15R and L7-15R. * Raceway profile will accommodate opening and device when undivided. 1.59" [40mm] Single Receptacle 30A and 50A straight Blade 5-30R 7-30R 5-50R 7-50R 6-30R 10-30R 6-50R 10-50R AL3000* AL3300** ALA3800 AL4000* Decorator Style, Rectangular GFCIs, and Rectangular surge Protection Receptacles AL3000 AL3300 ALA3800 AL4000 2.13" [52mm] Rectangular Openings 1.3" [33mm] PREWIRED RACEWAY SYSTEMS 2.62" [64mm] AL4400* AL4750** AL4320* AL4520* ALA4800 ALDs4000* AL7320* AL7450* * Raceway profile requires installation of an adapter box to accommodate device. ** Raceway profile requires removal of barrier and installation of an adapter box to accommodate device. AL4400 AL4750* AL4320 AL4520 ALA4800 ALDs4000 AL7320 AL7450 * Raceway profile will accommodate opening and device when undivided. Duplex 5-15R 5-20R 6-15R 6-20R Single-Gang Switch NOTe: Custom openings are also available – consult factory for more information. 200 www.LEGRAND.uS/WIREMOLD L5-15R L6-15R L7-15R AL3000 AL3300 ALA3800 AL4000 AL4400 AL4750 AL4320 AL4520 ALA4800 ALDs4000 AL7320 AL7450 AL3000 AL3300 ALA3800 AL4000 AL4400 AL4750 AL4320 AL4520 ALA4800 ALDs4000 AL7320 AL7450 WIREMOLD Prewired raceway SyStemS Quick Selection Guide Prewired Aluminum Raceway Systems Data/Communications Opening Opening Device Compatibility Wallplate Openings 6-32 Tapped hole Accommodates a wide range of standard size commercially available wall plates. 1.75" [44mm] Opening Device Compatibility Duplex for Data Accommodates standard Duplex 106 Style Frames. 2.75" [70mm] Opening Device Compatibility Rectangular Openings Opening Device Compatibility Grommet Openings Accommodates standard Decorator Style Frames. 1/4" [6.4mm] Inner Diameter 1/2" [12.7mm] Inner Diameter 3/4" [19.1mm] Inner Diameter Standard 1" [25mm] Inner Diameter 1.3" [33mm] Accommodates commercially available Grommets 2.62" [64mm] Opening Device Compatibility AB Adapter Openings Accommodates 2A size Activate and Ortronics® Bezels. 1.18" [30mm] CM-2AB – Accepts One series II Module Low or high Profile Adapter Openings AB2TJ – Accepts One Activate 2A Module Accommodates Activate and Ortronics® Low Profile Adapters. 1 13/16" [46mm] Low Profile Adapter (LPB) LPB – Accepts 3 Pass & seymour Activate Inserts LPB3s2 – Accepts 3 Ortronics series II Inserts 3 3/8" [86mm] Modular Adapter Opening ABs2 – Accepts Two TracJack Modules Accommodates MAB Activate and Ortronics® Adapters. PREWIRED RACEWAY SYSTEMS 1.98" [50mm] NOTe: Custom openings are also available – consult factory for more information. MAB MAB3S2 MAB6TJ www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 201 WIREMOLD aL3000 SerieS raceway Ordering Information 4 19/32 sq. in. [289 sq. cm] 1 25/32" [45mm] AL3000 series Raceway is a single-channel, single-cover raceway that is a cost effective, highly aesthetic solution to provide access to communication cabling or electrical wiring systems. The raceway is designed to meet most installation requirements for UTP, fiber optic and electrical wiring. Material: 6063 T6 Aluminum Alloy Wall Thic ess: 0.078" [1.99mm] Anodized Finish Thickness: 0.004" [0.004mm] 2 5/8" [67mm] AL3010B AL3017 Blank end Cap Internal elbow with Coupling 6" [152mm] 6" [152mm] AL3011 90° Flat elbow 5 5/8"" [143mm] 5 5/8"" [143mm] 90° AL3010B1 PREWIRED RACEWAY SYSTEMS entrance end Cap For 3/4" [19.1mm] conduit connector AL3001 Slide Coupling AL3018 external elbow with Coupling 6" [152mm] www.LEGRAND.uS/WIREMOLD 45° external elbow with Coupling 6" [152mm] AL3015 6" [152mm] AL3012A Flat Tee 5 5/8" [143mm] 202 6" [152mm] AL3012B 45° Internal elbow with Coupling 5 5/8" [143mm] 6" [152mm] 6" [152mm] WIREMOLD aLa3800 SerieS raceway Ordering Information 3" [76mm] ALAWC 2 1/4" [57mm] Material: 6063 T6 Aluminum Alloy Wall Thickness: 0.078" [1.99mm] Anodized Finish Thickness: 0.004" [0.004mm] Wire Clip ALA17A Internal Corner Coupling Forms an internal 90° turn in a run of ALA3800 series Raceway. Holds conductors in place in long runs of ALA3800 series Raceway. snaps into grooves on base. ALA01 Slide Coupling ALA3806 Cover Clip Connects adjoining sections of ALA3800 series Raceway base. ALA09 Grounding Adapter Connects equipment grounding conductor to ALA3800 series Raceway. Covers seams where sections of ALAC-5 Cover come together. ALA3810B 2 1/4" [57mm] entrance end Cap Closes off open ends of ALA3800 series Raceway PREWIRED RACEWAY SYSTEMS CAPACITy: 5.96 i n.2 [3842mm2] ALA3800 series Aluminum Raceway system meets the demands of commercial spaces, directing power or communications services where required. The lowprofile surface mounted raceway is easy to install and because of its two-piece design, wiring is always accessible. 203 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD aLa3800 SerieS raceway Ordering Information ALA3810B1 entrance end Cap For feeding raceway, has concentric 1/2" and 3/4" knockouts. 2 1/4" [57mm] ALA3811 6" [152mm] 90° Flat Mitered elbow with Coupling 6" [152mm] ALA3815 Makes branch connections of two runs of ALA3800 series Raceway. Includes three (3) ALA01 Couplings. ALA3817 Internal Mitered elbow with Coupling 6" [152mm] 6" [152mm] external Mitered elbow with Coupling Makes 90° external turns in runs of ALA3800 series Raceway. Includes two (2) ALA01 Couplings. ALA11R1 2" [51mm] Bend Radius Control Insert for Flat elbow Installs in ALA3811 Flat Elbow. For new and retrofit applications whether the cable installation is lay-in or pullthrough. Flat Tee with Coupling 6" [152mm] 6" [152mm] Makes 90° turns in runs of ALA3800 series Raceway. Includes two (2) ALA01 Couplings. ALA3818 6" [152mm] ALA3817N Makes 90° internal turns in runs of ALA3800 series Raceway. Includes two (2) ALA01 Couplings. Inverted Internal elbow Connects vertical runs with horizontal runs of ALA3800 series Raceway with its cover facing up. Includes two ALA01 Couplings. PREWIRED RACEWAY SYSTEMS 6" [152mm] 204 www.LEGRAND.uS/WIREMOLD ALA17/18R1 2" [51mm] Bend Radius Control Insert for Internal and external elbows Inserts into ALA3817, ALA3817N, and ALA3818 fittings. For new and retrofit applications whether the cable installation is lay-in or pull-through. WIREMOLD aL3300 SerieS raceway Ordering Information AL3300 series Raceway’s low profile, divided aluminum raceway meets the demands of today's laboratories, healthcare facilities and upscale office locations, providing a compact and effective method of consolidating power and communication cabling. 2 7/8" [73mm] 1 7/8" [36mm] Material: 6063 T6 Aluminum Alloy Wall Thickness: 0.078" [1.99mm] Anodized Finish Thickness: 0.004" [0.004mm] AL3300WC Wire Clip For holding wires and cables in raceway base. use with undivided raceway, snap into grooves of base. AL3301 Coupling set screw coupling used for attaching in-line raceway sections. Ground Clamp For connection of equipment grounding conductor to provide additional ground to raceway. 2 3/4" [70mm] AL3310B Blank end For closing open end of AL3300 series Raceway. 1 7/8" [48mm] 3" [76mm] 2 7/8" [73mm] AL3301D Divider Clip 3" [76mm] Required for holding AL3300D5 divider in place. use one every 30" [76.2m]. AL3310B1 end For end feeding raceway with 1/2" [12.7mm] or 3/4" [19.1mm] trade size conduit or armored cable. 1 7/8" [48mm] 3" [76mm] 1 1/2" [38mm] PREWIRED RACEWAY SYSTEMS 2 3/4" [70mm] AL3309 205 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD aL3300 SerieS raceway Ordering Information AL3311 6" [152mm] 90° Flat elbow 6" [152mm] AL3317 For right angle turns on same surface. Two (2) couplings included. 6" [152mm] 9" [229mm] AL3318 Tee 6" [152mm] For 90° tee connection of two runs of AL3300 series Raceway. Three (3) couplings included. 3 1/8" [79mm] AL3316 9" [229mm] For making 90° internal corners. Couplings included. 6" [152mm] 3 1/8" [79mm] AL3315 Internal elbow 4 7/8" [124mm] 9" [229mm] For 90° cross-through connection of two runs of raceway. Couplings included. PREWIRED RACEWAY SYSTEMS 3" [76mm] 206 www.LEGRAND.uS/WIREMOLD For making external corners. Couplings included. 4 7/8" [124mm] 3" [76mm] Cross external elbow WIREMOLD aL4000 SerieS™ raceway Ordering Information AL4000 series Raceway is a two-channel, single-cover, highly aesthetic, raceway solution designed to provide access to communication cabling and electrical wiring systems. 4 3/4" [121mm] 3.61 sq. in [2330mm2] AL4010B 3.61 sq. in [2330mm2] 1 3/4" [44mm] Blank end Cap Material: 6063 T6 Aluminum Alloy Wall Thickness: 0.078" [1.99mm] Anodized Finish Thickness: 0.004" [0.004mm] AL4011 90° Flat Mitered elbow with Coupling Closes off open end of raceway. 1 3/4" [44mm] 7 3/4" [197mm] 7 3/4" [197mm] Makes 90° turns in runs of AL4000 series Raceway. Includes two (2) sets of two (2) AL4001 Couplings. AL4010B2 1 3/4" [44mm] AL4001 End Cap with two connections for 3/4" conduit. AL4012A 45° Internal Mitered elbow with Coupling 6" [152mm] 6" [152mm] Makes 45° internal turns in runs of AL4000 series Raceway. Includes two (2) sets of two (2) AL4001 Couplings. Slide Coupling Connects adjoining sections of AL4000 series Raceway base. Includes two (2) couplings AL4012B 45° external Mitered elbow with Coupling 6" [152mm] 6" [152mm] Makes 45° external turns in runs of AL4000 series Raceway. Includes two (2) sets of two (2) AL4001 Couplings. PREWIRED RACEWAY SYSTEMS entrance end Cap with two 1 1/16" Provisions 207 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD aL4000 SerieS raceway Ordering Information AL4015 Flat Tee with Coupling 7 3/4" [197mm] 7 3/4" [197mm] AL4017 6" [152mm] Internal Mitered elbow with Coupling 6" [152mm] AL4018 Makes 90° internal turns in runs of AL4000 series Raceway. Includes two (2) sets of two (2) AL4001 Couplings. external Mitered elbow with Coupling 6" [152mm] Makes 90° external turns in runs of AL4000 series Raceway. Includes two (2) sets of two (2) AL4001 Couplings. PREWIRED RACEWAY SYSTEMS 6" [152mm] Makes branch connections of two runs of AL4000 series Raceway. Includes three (3) sets of two (2) AL4001 Couplings. 208 www.LEGRAND.uS/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD aL4400 SerieS raceway Ordering Information 4 3/4" [121mm] 4.75 in.2 [3061mm2] AL4410B AL4400 series Raceway is a two-channel, single-cover, cost effective solution for providing access to communication cabling and electrical wiring systems. 4.75 in.2 [3061mm2] 2 1/4" [57mm] Blank end Cap Closes off open end of raceway. 2 1/4" [57mm] Material: 6063 T6 Aluminum Alloy Wall Thickness: 0.078" [1.99mm] Anodized Finish Thickness: 0.004" [0.004mm] AL4411 90° Flat Mitered elbow with Coupling 7 3/4" [197mm] 7 3/4" [197mm] Makes 90° turns in runs of AL4400 series Raceway. Includes two (2) sets of two (2) AL4401 Couplings. 90° entrance end Cap with Two 1 1/16" Provisions End Cap with two connections for 3/4" conduit. 2 1/4" [57mm] AL4012A 6" [152mm] 45° Internal Mitered elbow with Coupling 6" [152mm] Makes 45° internal turns in runs of AL4400 series Raceway. Includes two (2) sets of two (2) AL4401 Couplings. 135° AL4401 Slide Coupling Connects adjoining sections of AL4400 series Raceway base. Includes two (2) couplings. PREWIRED RACEWAY SYSTEMS AL4410B2 209 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD aL4400 SerieS raceway Ordering Information AL4412B 45° external Mitered elbow with Coupling 6" [152mm] Makes 45° external turns in runs of AL4400 series Raceway. Includes two (2) sets of two (2) AL4401 Couplings. 6" [152mm] AL4417 6" [152mm] Internal Mitered elbow with Coupling 6" [152mm] Makes 90° internal turns in runs of AL4400 series Raceway. Includes two (2) sets of two (2) AL4401 Couplings. 90° 135° AL4415 7 3/4" [197mm] Makes branch connections of two runs of AL4400 series Raceway. Includes three (3) sets of two (2) AL4401 Couplings. PREWIRED RACEWAY SYSTEMS 7 3/4" [197mm] Flat Tee with Coupling 210 www.LEGRAND.uS/WIREMOLD AL4418 6" [152mm] external Mitered elbow with Coupling Makes 90° external turns in runs of AL4400 series Raceway. Includes two (2) sets of two (2) AL4401 Couplings. WIREMOLD aL4750 SerieS raceway Ordering Information AL4750 series Raceway is a cost effective, highly aesthetic two-channel, single cover raceway solution to provide access for communication cabling and electrical wiring systems. 3 1/4" [83mm] 1 1/4" [32mm] 2" [51mm] 15.36 sq. cm 2.22 sq. in. 24.5 sq. cm 3.75 sq. in. Blank end Cap Closes off open end of raceway. 1 3/4" [44mm] AL4710B2 1 3/4" [44mm] AL4701 Material: 6063 T6 Aluminum Alloy Wall Thickness: 0.078" [1.99mm] Anodized Finish Thickness: 0.004" [0.004mm] AL4711 90° Flat Mitered elbow with Coupling 8 1/4" [210mm] 8 1/4" [210mm] Makes 90° turns in runs of AL4750 series Raceway. Includes two (2) sets of two (2) AL4701 Couplings. 90° entrance end Cap End Cap with two connections for 1/2" conduit. Slide Coupling AL4712A 6" [152mm] 45° Internal Mitered elbow with Coupling 6" [152mm] Makes 45° internal turns in runs of AL4750 series Raceway. Includes two (2) sets of two (2) AL4701 Couplings. 135° Connects adjoining sections of AL4750 series Raceway base. Includes two (2) Couplings. PREWIRED RACEWAY SYSTEMS AL4710B 1 7/8" [48mm] 211 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD aL4750 SerieS raceway Ordering Information AL4712B 45° external Mitered elbow with Coupling 6" [152mm] AL4715 Flat Tee with Coupling 6 1/4" [159mm] Makes branch connections of two runs of AL4750 series Raceway. Includes three (3) sets of two (2) AL4701 Couplings. PREWIRED RACEWAY SYSTEMS 6 1/4" [159mm] Makes 45° external turns in runs of AL4750 series Raceway. Includes two (2) sets of two (2) AL4701 Couplings. 6" [152mm] 212 www.LEGRAND.uS/WIREMOLD AL4717 Internal Mitered elbow with Coupling 6" [152mm] 6" [152mm] AL4718 external Mitered elbow with Coupling 6" 6" [152mm] [152mm] Makes 90° internal turns in runs of AL4750 series Raceway. Includes two (2) sets of two (2) AL4701 Couplings. Makes 90° external turns in runs of AL4750 series Raceway. Includes two (2) sets of two (2) AL4701 Couplings. WIREMOLD aL4320 SerieS raceway Ordering Information AL4320 series Raceway is a two-channel, dual-cover, highly aesthetic, raceway solution designed to provide access to communication cabling and electrical wiring systems. 5 1/4" [133mm] 3.99 in.2 [2579mm2] 3.99 in.2 [2579mm2] AL4310B 1 3/4" [44mm] Blank end Cap Closes off open end of AL4320 series Raceway. 1 3/4" [44mm] Material: 6063 T6 Aluminum Alloy Wall Thickness: 0.078" [1.99mm] Anodized Finish Thickness: 0.004" [0.004mm] AL4311 90° Flat Mitered elbow with Coupling 8 1/4" [210mm] 8 1/4" [210mm] Makes 90° turns in runs of AL4320 series Raceway. Includes two (2) sets of two (2) AL4301 Couplings. 90° entrance end Cap with Two 1 1/16" Provisions 1 3/4" [44mm] End Cap with two connections for 3/4" conduit. AL4312A 6" [152mm] 45° Internal Mitered elbow with Coupling 6" [152mm] Makes 45° internal turns in runs of AL4320 series Raceway. Includes two (2) sets of two (2) AL4301 Couplings. 135° AL4301 Slide Coupling Connects adjoining sections of AL4320 series Raceway base. Includes two (2) couplings. PREWIRED RACEWAY SYSTEMS AL4310B2 213 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD aL4320 SerieS raceway Ordering Information AL4312B 45° external Mitered elbow with Coupling Makes 45° external turns in runs of AL4320 series Raceway. Includes two (2) sets of two (2) AL4301 Couplings. 6" 6" [152mm] [152mm] AL4317 6" [152mm] Internal Mitered elbow with Coupling 6" [152mm] Makes 90° internal turns in runs of AL4320 series Raceway. Includes two (2) sets of two (2) AL4301 Couplings. 90° 135° AL4315 8 1/4" [210mm] Makes branch connections of two runs of AL4320 series Raceway. Includes three (3) sets of two (2) AL4301 Couplings. PREWIRED RACEWAY SYSTEMS 8 1/4" [210mm] Flat Tee with Coupling 214 www.LEGRAND.uS/WIREMOLD AL4318 6" [152mm] external Mitered elbow with Coupling Makes 90° external turns in runs of AL4320 series Raceway. Includes two (2) sets of two (2) AL4301 Couplings. WIREMOLD aL4520 SerieS raceway Ordering Information AL4520 series Raceway is a two-channel, dual-cover, highly aesthetic, raceway solution designed to provide access to communication cabling and electrical wiring systems. 5 1/4" [135mm] 5.25 in.2 [3888mm2] 2 1/4" [58mm] Blank end Cap Closes off open end of AL4520 series Raceway. 2 1/4" [58mm] entrance end Cap with Two 1 1/16" Provisions AL4501 AL4511 90° Flat Mitered elbow with Coupling 8 1/4" [210mm] 8 1/4" [210mm] Makes 90° turns in runs of AL4520 series Raceway. Includes two (2) sets of two (2) AL4501 Couplings. 90° AL4510B2 End Cap with two connections for 3/4" conduit. 2 1/4" [58mm] Material: 6063 T6 Aluminum Alloy Wall Thickness: 0.078" [1.99mm] Anodized Finish Thickness: 0.004" [0.004mm] AL4512A 45° Internal Mitered elbow with Coupling 6" [152mm] 6" [152mm] Makes 45° internal turns in runs of AL4520 series Raceway. Includes two (2) sets of two (2) AL4501 Couplings 135° Slide Coupling Connects adjoining sections of AL4320 series Raceway base. Includes two (2) couplings PREWIRED RACEWAY SYSTEMS AL4510B 5.25 in.2 [3888mm2] 215 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD aL4520 SerieS raceway Ordering Information AL4512B 6" [152mm] 45° eXternal Mitered elbow with Coupling 6" [152mm] Makes 45° external turns in runs of AL4520 series Raceway. Includes two (2) sets of two (2) AL4501 Couplings. AL4517 6" [152mm] Internal Mitered elbow with Coupling 6" [152mm] Makes 90° internal turns in runs of AL4520 series Raceway. Includes two (2) sets of two (2) AL4501 Couplings. 135° AL4515 8 1/4" [211mm] Flat Tee with Coupling 8 1/4" [211mm] Makes branch connections of two runs of AL4520 series Raceway. Includes three (3) sets of two (2) AL4501 Couplings. Why Wiremold… PREWIRED RACEWAY SYSTEMS It took planning and coordination to fit out new lab space with flexible power and data for the university Health Network in Toronto. What's more, everyone was under a tight timetable. That's why the team specified wiremold Prewired Aluminum Raceway. Prewired raceway is manufactured to exact job specifications with all circuits and devices exactly as shown on the drawings. Numerous projects have shown that prewired raceway installs significantly faster and saves cost. 216 www.LEGRAND.uS/WIREMOLD AL4518 6" [152mm] external Mitered elbow with Coupling Makes 90° external turns in runs of AL4520 series Raceway. Includes two (2) sets of two (2) AL4501 Couplings. WIREMOLD aLa4800 SerieS raceway Ordering Information ALA4800 series Aluminum Raceway’s two-channel, dual-cover aluminum raceway meets the demands of laboratories, healthcare facilities and upscale office locations by providing an effective method of consolidating power and communications cabling. 6.04in2 [3895mm2] ALAWC 6.04in2 [3895mm2] 2 1/4" [57mm] Material: 6063 T6 Aluminum Alloy Wall Thickness: 0.078" [1.99mm] Anodized Finish Thickness: 0.004" [0.004mm] ALA17A Wire Clip Internal Corner Coupling Makes internal 90° turn in a raceway run. Holds conductors in place along raceway. snaps into grooves on base. ALA01 ALA4806 Slide Coupling Cover Clip Connects adjoining sections of ALA4800 series Raceway base. Includes two (2) couplings. ALA09 Grounding Adapter Connects to equipment grounding conductor. Covers seam where two sections of ALAC-5 Cover come together. ALA4810B 2 1/4" [57mm] Blank end Cap Closes off open end of ALA4800 series Raceway. PREWIRED RACEWAY SYSTEMS 6" [152mm] 217 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD aLa4800 SerieS raceway Ordering Information ALA4810B2 entrance end Cap For feeding raceway. Has two concentric 1/2" and 3/4" knockouts. 2 1/4" [57mm] ALA4811 90° Flat Mitered elbow with Coupling 9" [229mm] 9" [229mm] Makes 90° turns in runs of ALA4800 series Raceway. Includes two (2) sets of two (2) ALA01 Couplings. ALA4812A 45° Internal Mitered elbow with Coupling 6" [152mm] 6" [152mm] Makes 45° internal turns in runs of ALA4800 series Raceway. Includes two (2) sets of two (2) ALA01 Couplings. ALA4817 6" [152mm] Internal Mitered elbow with Coupling 6" [152mm] Makes 90° internal turns in runs of ALA4800 series Raceway. Includes two (2) sets of two (2) ALA01 Couplings. ALA4817N Inverted Internal Mitered elbow with Coupling For connecting a vertical run of ALA4800 series Raceway with a horizontal run of ALA4800 series Raceway with its cover facing up. Includes four (4) ALA01 Couplings. 6" [152mm] 90° ALA4818 6" [152mm] external Mitered elbow with Coupling Makes 90° external turns in runs of ALA4800 series Raceway. Includes four (4) ALA01 Couplings. 135° ALA4812B 45° external Mitered elbow with Coupling Makes 45° external turns in runs of ALA4800 series Raceway. Includes two (2) sets of two (2) ALA01 Couplings. 6" 6" [152mm] [152mm] PREWIRED RACEWAY SYSTEMS 135° ALA4815 9" [229mm] Flat Tee with Coupling 9" [229mm] Makes branch connections of two runs of ALA4800 series Raceway. Includes three (3) sets of two (2) ALA01 Couplings. 218 www.LEGRAND.uS/WIREMOLD ALA11R 12" [51mm] Bend Radius Control Insert for Flat elbow Installs in ALA3811 Flat Elbow. For new and retrofit applications whether the cable installation is lay-in or pull-through. ALA17/18R 12" [51mm] Bend Radius Control Insert for Internal & external elbows Inserts into ALA3817, ALA3817N, and ALA3818 fittings. For new and retrofit applications whether the cable installation is lay-in or pullthrough. WIREMOLD aLdS4000 SerieS raceway Ordering Information 4.85" [3129mm2] 4.85" [3129mm2] 5 3/4" [146mm] Material: 6063 T6 Aluminum Alloy Wall Thickness: 0.078" [1.99mm] Anodized Finish Thickness: 0.004" [0.004mm] Wire Clip ALDS4010A entrance end Fitting For holding conductors in place. 1 5/8" [41mm] DS4001 Full-capacity end fitting. Includes two 1/2" and 3/4" trade size KOs. 5 3/4" [146mm] 1 1/8" [29mm] Adjust-to-fit™ Coupling For joining lengths of ALDs4000B together. sold in pairs. ALDS4010B Blank end Fitting For closing open end of ALDs4000B Raceway Base. 6" [152mm] ALDS4006 Seam Clip For covering seams where two sections of ALDs4000C come together. 5 3/4" [146mm] ALDS4011 1 1/8" [29mm] Flat elbow 1" [25mm] 8 1/4" [210mm] 8 1/4" [210mm] 90° flat corner for new lay-in or pull-through installations. PREWIRED RACEWAY SYSTEMS DS4000WC 2 1/8" [54mm] ALDs4000 series Raceway offers a variety of innovative features and fittings that save installation time, cost less to specify, and provide 1/3 more wiring capacity than conventional box-style raceway profiles. 219 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD aLdS4000 SerieS raceway Ordering Information DS4014A Backfeed Fitting Extra long coupling allows attachment to wall box or back fed 1" or 1 1/4" trade size conduit. 10" [254mm] ALDS4015 8 3/4" [222mm] For new lay-in or pull-through installations. PREWIRED RACEWAY SYSTEMS 10 3/4" [273mm] Divided Tee Fitting 220 www.LEGRAND.uS/WIREMOLD ALDS4017 6" [152mm] 6" [152mm] ALDS4018 6" [152mm] 90° Internal elbow Internal corner for new lay-in or pull-through installations. 90° external elbow External corner for new lay-in or pull-through installations. WIREMOLD aL7320 SerieS raceway Ordering Information AL7320 series Raceway’s three-channel, dual-cover profile is a cost-effective, highly aesthetic solution to provide access to your communication cabling and electrical wiring systems. 3.99 in.2 [2579mm2] AL7301 3.67 in.2 [2370mm2] 3.61 in.2 [2330mm2] 1 3/4" [44mm] AL7311 Slide Coupling Connects adjoining sections of AL7320 series Raceway base. Includes three (3) couplings. AL7310B 90° Flat Mitered elbow with Coupling 10 3/8" [266mm] AL7312A Blank end Cap 1 3/4" [44mm] Material: 6063 T6 Aluminum Alloy Wall Thickness: 0.078" [1.99mm] Anodized Finish Thickness: 0.004" [0.004mm] Closes off open end of AL7320 series Raceway. 1 3/4" [44mm] 6" [152mm] 10 3/8" [266mm] Makes 90° turns in runs of AL7320 series Raceway. Includes six (6) AL7301 Couplings. 45° Internal Mitered elbow with Coupling 6" [152mm] 45° internal turns in runs of AL7320 series Raceway. Includes six (6) AL7301 Couplings. AL7310B3 entrance end Cap with Two 1 1/16" Provisions 1 3/4" [44mm] End Cap with three connections for 3/4" conduit. 1 3/4" [44mm] PREWIRED RACEWAY SYSTEMS 7 3/8" [187mm] 221 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD aL7320 SerieS raceway Ordering Information AL7312B 45° external Mitered elbow with Coupling 6" [152mm] AL7315 Makes 45° external turns in runs of AL7320 series Raceway. Includes six (6) AL7301 Couplings. Flat Tee with Coupling 10 3/8" [266mm] Makes branch connections of two runs of AL7320 series Raceway. Includes nine (9) AL7301 Couplings. PREWIRED RACEWAY SYSTEMS 10 3/8" [266mm] 6" [152mm] 222 www.LEGRAND.uS/WIREMOLD AL7317 6" [152mm] AL7318 6" [152mm] Internal Mitered elbow with Coupling 6" [152mm] Makes 90° internal turns in runs of AL7320 series Raceway. Includes six (6) AL7301 Couplings. external Mitered elbow with Coupling 6" [152mm] Makes 90° external turns in runs of AL7320 series Raceway. Includes six (6) AL7301 Couplings. WIREMOLD aL7450 SerieS raceway Ordering Information 7 3/8" [187mm] 4.83 in2 [3114m2] 5.25 in2 [3388m2] AL7450 series Raceway’s three-channel, dual-cover profile is a cost-effective, highly aesthetic solution for providing access to communication cabling and electrical wiring systems. 4.75 in2 [3061m2] 2 1/4" [57mm] Material: 6063 T6 Aluminum Alloy Wall Thickness: 0.078" [1.99mm] Anodized Finish Thickness: 0.004" [0.004mm] AL7411 Slide Coupling Connects adjoining sections of AL7450 series Raceway base. Includes three (3) couplings. AL7410B Blank end Cap Closes off open end of AL7450 series Raceway. 90° Flat Mitered elbow with Coupling 10 3/8" [263.5mm] 10 3/8" [263.5mm] AL7412A 6" [152mm] Makes 90° turns in runs of AL7450 series Raceway. Includes six (6) AL7401 Couplings. 45° Internal Mitered elbow with Coupling 6" [152mm] Makes 45° internal turns in runs of AL7450 series Raceway. Includes six (6) AL7401 Couplings. AL7410B3 entrance end Cap with Two 1 1/16" Provisions End Cap with three connections for 3/4" conduit. PREWIRED RACEWAY SYSTEMS AL7401 223 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD aL7450 SerieS raceway Ordering Information AL7412B 45° external Mitered elbow with Coupling 6" [152mm] AL7415 Makes 45° external turns in runs of AL7450 series Raceway. Includes six (6) AL7401 Couplings. Flat Tee with Coupling 7 3/4" [197mm] Makes branch connections of two runs of AL7450 series Raceway. Includes nine (9) AL7401 Couplings. PREWIRED RACEWAY SYSTEMS 7 3/4" [197mm] 6" [152mm] 224 www.LEGRAND.uS/WIREMOLD AL7417 Internal Mitered elbow with Coupling 6" [152mm] 6" [152mm] AL7418 6" [152mm] Makes 90° internal turns in runs of AL7450 series Raceway. Includes six (6) AL7401 Couplings. external Mitered elbow with Coupling Makes 90° external turns in runs of AL7450 series Raceway. Includes six (6) AL7401 Couplings. WIREMOLD Prewired raceway SyStemS steel CODE REFERENCE steel Prewired Raceway systems offer the lowest installed cost for communications cabling or electrical wiring. Raceways come completely assembled and ready to install, significantly reducing on-site labor costs. cULus Listed Multioutlet Assemblies: File E15191 Guide PVGT. Surface Metal Raceway: File E4376 Guide RJBT. Fittings: File E41751 Guide RJPR. Meet Article 380 of NEC. Steel Prewired Raceway Features and Benefits • Accommodates high-density communication cabling for networks and phone systems. Features communication connectivity devices. Raceway is compatible with other manufacturers’ activation devices. Blank openings also available. • Accommodates most electrical wiring devices or communication faceplates including single outlets, duplex outlets, NeMA-locking outlets, GFCI outlets, and surge protected outlets. (Refer to the raceway device compatibility chart in the 3000, 4000, and 4000 Designer series Raceway sections of this catalog.) Broad range of standard fittings available Accommodates every possible site situation, from internal and external elbows to flat tees. All fittings are made from galvanized steel to ensure continuity. • Removable cover. Provides maximum flexibility for adding or relocating circuits, data openings or electrical devices. • Ivory ScuffCoat™ finish and gray baked enamel finish. Assures durability. Can be overpainted to complement decor. • Communication and electrical device identification with self-adhesive polyester or self-adhesive phenolic labels are available as options. No guesswork or time-consuming tracing of circuits. speeds circuit additions and renovations. • Jobs can be packaged by room, area, floor or building, and shipped per your job site requirements. • Datacom Connectivity Options. Accepts industry standard and proprietary devices from a wide range of manufacturers to provide a seamless and aesthetically pleasing interface for voice, data, audio, and video applications at the point of use. • UL Listed commercial outlet centers. File E317375 Multioutlet assemblies rated to 20A maximum can be provided with listed cord and plug assemblies. These assemblies are optimal for mounting to semi-permanent structures such as shelving and rack displays found in many lab applications. COLOR OPTIONS PREWIRED RACEWAY SYSTEMS • Prewired raceway offers the lowest installed cost. Manufactured to specified job site lengths, electrically prewired and assembled – ready to install. Reduces on-site installation time and costs. For lowest installed cost, specify factory mounted and labeled comunication connectivity devices. steel Prewired Raceways are available with an ivory scuffCoat™ finish or a gray enamel finish. Ds4000® series Raceway available in Designer Ivory, Designer Gray, Designer Black, and Designer Bronze. Custom color options are also available. Consult the factory for more information. 225 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD SteeL Prewired raceway SyStemS Ordering Information Steel Prewired Raceway Profiles 3000 Series Raceway 3.51 sq. in. [89.15mm2] 1 17/32" [31mm] 2 3/4" [70mm] 4000 Series Raceway 1 3/4" [44mm] 4 3/4" [121mm] Divided: 3.7 sq. in. [93.98mm2] undivided: 7.5 sq. in. [190.5mm2] DS4000® Series Raceway 5 3/4" [146mm] Each Compartment – 5.01 in.2 [3235mm2] 2 1/8" [54mm] 6000® Series Raceway Divided: 7.20 in.2 [4645mm2] undivided: 16.00 in.2 [10320mm2] 3 9/16" [90mm] PREWIRED RACEWAY SYSTEMS 4 3/4" [121mm] Consult your local Wiremold representative for price, quotation and delivery information. 226 www.LEGRAND.uS/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD Prewired raceway SyStemS Nonmetallic Nonmetallic Prewired Raceway systems offer the lowest installed cost for communications cabling or electrical wiring. Raceways come completely assembled and ready to install, significantly reducing on-site labor costs. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Multioutlet Assemblies: File E15191 Guide PVGT. Surface Metal Raceway: File E4376 Guide RJBT. Fittings: File E41751 Guide RJPR. Meet Article 380 of NEC. Nonmetallic Prewired Raceway Features and Benefits • Accommodates high-density communication cabling for networks and phone systems. Features communication connectivity devices. Raceway is compatible with other manufacturers’ activation devices. Blank openings also available. • Accommodates most electrical wiring devices or communication faceplates including single outlets, duplex outlets, NeMA-locking outlets, GFCI outlets, and surge protected outlets. (Refer to the raceway device compatibility chart in the 5400 and 5500 series Raceway sections of this catalog.) • Broad range of standard fittings available. Accommodates every possible site situation, from internal and external elbows to flat tees. All fittings are made from galvanized steel to ensure continuity. • Removable cover. Provides maximum flexibility for adding or relocating circuits, data openings or electrical devices. • Jobs can be packaged by room, area, floor or building, and shipped per your job site requirements. • Datacom Connectivity Options. Accepts industry standard and proprietary devices from a wide range of manufacturers to provide a seamless and aesthetically pleasing interface for voice, data, audio, and video applications at the point of use. • Communication and electrical device identification with self-adhesive polyester or self-adhesive phenolic labels are available as options. No guesswork or time-consuming tracing of circuits. speeds circuit additions and renovations. PREWIRED RACEWAY SYSTEMS • Prewired raceway offers the lowest installed cost. Manufactured to specified job site lengths, electrically prewired and assembled – ready to install. Reduces on-site installation time and costs. For lowest installed cost, specify factory mounted and labeled communication connectivity devices. COLOR OPTIONS Nonmetallic Prewired Raceways are available with an ivory finish. Custom color options are also available. Consult the factory for more information. 227 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD NoNmetaLLic Prewired raceway SyStemS Ordering Information Nonmetallic Prewired Raceway Profiles CableSmart 40N2 Series Raceway 2" [51mm] Each Compartment: 3.22 in.2 [2080mm2] 4" [102mm] 5400 Series Raceway Each Compartment: 3.72 sq. in. [2400mm2] Full: 7.31 sq. in. [4716mm2] 1 3/4" [44mm] 5 1/4" [133mm] 5500 Series Raceway Each Compartment: 2.64 sq. in. [1703mm2] 1 3/4" [44mm] 6 11/16" [170mm] PREWIRED RACEWAY SYSTEMS Consult your local Wiremold representative for price, quotation and delivery information. 228 www.LEGRAND.uS/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD Prewired SeLect SerieS™ racewayS Ordering Information Prewired select™ Raceway systems are designed to be installed in classrooms to facilitate power and low voltage needs for teacher workstations. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Multioutlet Assemblies: File E15191 Guide PVGT. Surface Metal Raceway: File E4376 Guide RJBT. Fittings: File E41751 Guide RJPR. Meet Article 380 of NEC. ALA48TD8RT ALA4800 Teacher Drop Prewired ALA4800 Raceway. Two-circuit power wiring with separate neutral and 24" [610mm] leads. supplied with bezels to accommodate Ortronics® TracJack and Series II devices. For information on fittings, see the latest version of eD799 Product Specification. 8' [2.4m] 6" [152mm] 18" [456mm] ALA4800 Teacher Drop 8' [2.4m] 6" [152mm] Prewired ALA4800 Raceway. Two-circuit power wiring with separate neutral and 24" [610mm] leads. supplied with bezels to accommodate Pass & seymour® Activate Inserts and wiremold® Open system Communication Modules. For information on fittings, see the latest version of eD799 Product Specification. 18" [456mm] V4000TD8 V4000 Teacher Drop 8' [2.4m] 6" [152mm] Prewired 4000 series Raceway. Two-circuit power wiring with separate neutral and 24" [610mm] leads. Ready to accommodate Ortronics® TracJack and series II Devices, Pass & seymour® Activate Inserts, and wiremold® Open system Communication Modules. For information on fittings, see the latest version of eD531 Product Specification. 18" [456mm] COLOR OPTIONS PREWIRED RACEWAY SYSTEMS ALA48TD8CM Prewired select™ series Raceways are available in steel with an ivory enamel finish, in aluminum with a satin anodized finish, and in nonmetallic with an ivory-colored finish. Custom color options are also available. Consult the factory for more information. 229 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD Prewired SeLect SerieS™ racewayS Ordering Information 5400TD8 V5400 Teacher Drop Prewired 5400 Raceway. Two-circuit power wiring with separate neutral and 24" [610mm] leads. Ready to accommodate Ortronics® TracJack and series II Devices, Pass & seymour® Activate Inserts, and wiremold® Open system Communication Modules. For information on fittings, see the latest version of eD467 Product Specification. 8' [2.4m] 12" [305mm] 24" [610mm] ALA48hR1024RT ALA4800 horizontal Run Prewired ALA4800 Raceway. Receptacles mounted 24" [610mm] O.C. Two-circuit power wiring with separate neutral and 24" [610mm] leads on both ends. supplied with bezels to accommodate Ortronics® TracJack and Series II devices. For information on 4800 fittings, see the Aluminum Raceway section of this catalog. 10' [3m] 18" [456mm] 6" [456mm] 24" [610mm] ALA48hR1024CM ALA4800 horizontal Run 10' [3m] 18" [456mm] 24" [610mm] V4000hR1024 6" [456mm] V4000 horizontal Run 10' [3m] PREWIRED RACEWAY SYSTEMS 12" [304mm] 24" [610mm] 5400hR824 12" [304mm] Prewired V4000 Raceway. Receptacles mounted 24" [610mm] O.C. Twocircuit power wiring with separate neutral and 24" [610mm] leads on both ends. Ready to accommodate Ortronics® TracJack and Series II Devices, Pass & seymour® Activate Inserts and wiremold® Open system Communication Modules. For information on 4000 fittings, see the Steel Raceway section of this catalog. 5400 horizontal Run 8' [2.4m] 12" [304mm] Prewired ALA4800 Raceway. Receptacles mounted 24" [610mm] O.C. Two-circuit power wiring with separate neutral and 24" [610mm] leads on both ends. supplied with bezels to accommodate Pass & seymour® Activate Inserts and wiremold® Open system Communication Modules. For information on 4800 fittings, see the Aluminum Raceway section of this catalog. 24" [610mm] 230 www.LEGRAND.uS/WIREMOLD 12" [304mm] Prewired 5400 Raceway. Receptacles mounted 24" [610mm] O.C. Twocircuit power wiring with separate neutral and 24" [610mm] leads on both ends. Ready to accommodate Ortronics® TracJack and Series II Devices, Pass & seymour® Activate Inserts and wiremold® Open system Communication Modules. For information on fittings, see the Nonmetallic Raceway section of this catalog. WIREMOLD Specialty RacewayS & acceSSoRieS Wiremold® specialty Raceway systems provide unique solutions to solve specific installation issues or provide special capabilities for installers, building owners, and designers. SpecMate™ Wireway 233 WallSource™ Multiple Service Boxes 250 SPECIALTY RACEWAYS & ACCESSORIES SpecMate™ Wireway & Enclosures 233 WallSource Multiple Service Box 250 231 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD Specialty RacewayS & acceSSoRieS Quick selection Guide SpecMate™ Type 1 Wireway & Enclosures Type 1 Wireway C1402 Shown 4 3/4" [121mm] 1 3/4" [44mm] Wallsource™ Multiple Service Box 9 3/16" [233mm] 3 1/4" [83mm] SPECIALTY RACEWAYS & ACCESSORIES 5" [127mm] 232 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD SpecMate™ wiReway & encloSuReS Wiremold® specmate™ Type 1 wireway and Enclosures are available in a broad range of enclosure and trough sizes to accommodate specific wire fill and bend radii requirements. CODE REFERENCE UL Listed Wireway, Auxiliary Gutters & Associated Fittings: File E137690 Guide ZDYX. Meets Article 376 of NEC. CsA File: 59760. Meets section 12-2200 of CEC. Specmate Type 1 Wireway System Layout Key L B D C E G Reducer B. C14E 90º Flat Elbow C. C14X Cross D. C14EVI 90º Inside Elbow E. C14E45VO 45º Outside Elbow F. C14E45VI 45º Inside Elbow G. C14T Tee H. C14H Hanger I. C14BH Bracket Hanger J. C14EB End Blank K. sPMJP-8-8-6 Hinged Cover Junction Box H L. sPMJ-8-8-6 screw Cover Junction Box K NOTE: Illustration is for showing product applications only. F J I COLOR OPTIONS SPECIALTY RACEWAYS & ACCESSORIES A A. C14R25 specMate™ wireway is available with a gray baked enamel finish. Custom color options are also available. Consult the factory for more information. 233 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD SpecMate™ wiReway & encloSuReS Technical Data Specmate Wireway Wire Fill Capacities for Power & Communications O.D 20% FILL 40% FILL CABLE/wIRE TYPE CATEGORY/wIRE sIZE Inches [mm] POwER wIRING (THHN/THwN) 6 AwG 0.257 [6.5] 3.35 - 6 AwG 0.218 [5.5] 5.36 - 6 AwG 0.153 [3.9] 10.88 - 6 AwG 0.122 [3.1] 17.11 - 6 AwG 0.105 [2.7] 23.09 - uNsHIELDED TwIsTED PAIR 4-pair, 24 AwG Cat. 5 uTP 0.220 [5.6] 5.26 10.52 4-pair, 24 AwG Cat. 3 uTP 0.190 [4.8] 7.05 14.11 TELEPHONE 2-pair, 24 AwG 0.140 [3.5] 12.99 25.98 3-pair, 24 AwG 0.150 [3.8] 11.32 22.64 4-pair, 24 AwG 0.190 [4.8] 7.05 14.1 25-pair, 24 AwG 0.410 [10.3] 1.51 3.03 RG58/u 0.195 [4.7] 6.70 13.39 RG59/u 0.242 [6.1] 4.35 8.70 RG62/u 0.242 [6.1] 4.35 8.70 RG6/u 0.270 [6.8] 3.49 6.99 TwINAXIAL 100 Ohm 0.330 [8.4] 2.34 4.68 sHIELDED TwIsTED PAIR TYPE 1 0.390 [9.6] 1.67 3.35 TYPE 2 0.465 [11.8] 1.18 2.36 TYPE 3 0.275 [6.9] 4.24 8.48 Two strand [Duplex] Multimode 62.5/125µm 0.190 [4.8] 7.05 14.11 COAXIAL CABLEs FIBER OPTIC (per sq. inch of area) (per sq. inch of area) Wire Fill Calculation: 1. Determine useable area of compartment. useable area in square inches = [width x Depth]. 2. Determine wire fill for compartment. Multiply the compartment area (from step 1) by the number of wires per square inch, from the chart above. wire Fill = Area (sq. in.) x No. wires per sq. in. (Chart above). 3. Calculate fill for multicompartment tees or crosses. wire Fill = (wire Fill from step 2) / No. of compartments.) Sample Wire Fill Calculation: Determine the number of 12 gauge wires that will fit in a 4" [102mm] deep by 4" [102mm] wide compartment. 1) useful area = 4" x 4"=16 in2 2) wire Fill = 16" x 17.11" wires/in2 (from chart) = 273 #12 THHN wires SPECIALTY RACEWAYS & ACCESSORIES Specmate Wireway Wire Fill Capacities for Power & Communications Wireway Capacity The following charts show the wireway size and number of conductors allowed. To apply these numbers correctly to your application, observe the rules outlined below, which are taken from the applicable Electrical Code or uL/CsA standard. National Electrical Code (NEC): Article 376-22 of the NEC (2002) states that “The sum of cross-sectional areas of all contained conductors at any cross section of the wireway shall not exceed 20 percent of the interior cross-sectional area of the wireway”. Further to this “The derating factors in 310.15(B)(2)(a) shall be applied only when the number of current carrying conductors, including neutral conductors classified as current-carrying under the provisions of 310.15(B)(4), exceeds 30.” where the conductors enter the wireway through the bottom or the sides, the maximum conductor size is limited due to the need to control the bend radius of the conductor. Please see Article 376 of the NEC (2002) for more details. Canadian Electrical Code (CEC): The rules in CEC 12-2104 regarding conductors in wireways are as follows: (1) Conductors used in wireways shall be the insulated types indicated in Table 19 (CEC) as being suitable for use in raceways. (2) Except as permitted in subrule (4) wireways shall contain not more than 200 conductors and the aggregate cross-sectional area of the conductors and their insulation shall not exceed 20% of the interior cross-sectional area of the wireway. (3) No conductor larger than 500 kcmil (MCM) copper of 750 kcmil (MCM) aluminum shall be installed in any wireway. (4) wireways containing only signal and control conductors may contain any number of conductors but the aggregate cross-sectional area of the conductors and their insulation shall not exceed 40% of the interior cross-sectional area of the wireway. (5) The cross-sectional area for conductors in subrules (2) and (4) shall be determined in accordance with Rule 12-1014(4). NOTE: See Section 12-2100 of the CEC for more details if required. For divided wireway (two equal compartments), add suffix “D” (i.e. C1800D). Consult factory to order unequal compartments. 234 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD SpecMate™ wiReway & encloSuReS Technical Data Area of Conductor (Sq. In.) A RFH-2, RH, RHH, RHw*, sF-2* sq. inch 18 [0.8] .0167 [11] .0088 [6] .0062 [4] – – 16 [1.3] .0196 [13] .0109 [7] .0079 [5] – – 14 [2.1] .0230 [15] .0135 [9] .0087 [6] – – 14 [2.1] .0327* – – – – – 14 [2.1] – .0206 12 [3.3] .0278 [18] .0172 12 [3.3] .0384* – – 12 [3.3] 10 [5.3] 10 [5.3] 8 [8.4] 8 [8.4] 6 [13.3] – – .0845 – .1238 [mm2] – † [13] [11] – [16] – .0252 [30] .0222 [14] – .0311 [20] [55] .0471 [30] – .0598† [39] [80] .0819 [53] † sq. inch – – .0117 – – .0184 – .0373 – .0519 [mm2] D XHHw, Zw† [mm2] .0460 sq. inch C TFN, THHN, T90, THwN AwG-MCM – [mm2] B TF, TH, THw, Tw** – sq. inch .0131 [mm2] [8] [8] – – – – – – [12] – [24] .0167 – .0216 – [11] – [14] – – .0456 [29] [33] .0625 [40] 4 [21.2] .1605 [104] .1087 [70] .0845 [55] .0845 [55] 3 [26.7] .1817 [117] .1263 [81] .0995 [64] .0995 [64] 2 [33.6] .2067 [133] .1473 [95] .1182 [76] .1182 [76] 1 [42.4] .2715 [175] .2027 [131] .1590 [103] .1590 [103] 1/0 [53.5] .3107 [200] .2367 [153] .1893 [122] .1893 [122] 2/0 [67.4] .3578 [231] .2781 [179] .2265 [146] .2265 [146] 3/0 [85.1] .4151 [268] .3288 [212] .2715 [175] .2715 [175] 4/0 [107.2] .4840 [312] .3904 [252] .3278 [211] .3278 [211] 250 [127.0] .5917 [382] .4877 [315] .4026 [260] .4026 [260] 300 [152.0] .6837 [441] .5581 [360] .4669 [301] .4669 [301] 350 [177.0] .7620 [492] .6291 [406] .5307 [342] .5307 [342] 400 [203.0] .8365 [540] .6969 [450] .5931 [383] .5931 [383] 500 [253.0] .9834 [634] .8316 [537] .7163 [462] .7163 [462] 600 [304.0] 1.1940 [770] 1.0261 [662] .8791 [567] .9043 [583] 700 [355.0] 1.3355 [862] 1.1575 [747] 1.0011 [646] 1.0297 [664] 750 [380.0] 1.4082 [909] 1.2252 [790] 1.0623 [685] 1.0936 [706] 800 [405.0] 1.4784 [954] 1.2908 [833] 1.1234 [725] 1.1499 [742] 900 [456.0] 1.6173 [1043] 1.4208 [917] 1.2449 [803] 1.2668 [817] 1000 [507.0] 1.7530 [1131] 1.5482 [999] 1.3623 [879] 1.3893 [896] 1250 [633.0] 2.2062 [1423] 1.9532 [1260] – 1.7671 [1140] – 1500 [760.0] 2.5475 [1644] 2.2751 [1468] – – 2.0612 [1330] 1750 [887.0] 2.8832 [1860] 2.5930 [1673] – – 2.3779 [1534] 2000 [1013.0] 3.2079 [2070] 2.9013 [1872] – – 2.6590 [1715] * Dimensions of RHH and RHw without outer covering are the same as THw No. 18 through No. 10, solid, as well as No. 8 and larger, stranded. ** Dimensions of THw in sizes No. 14 through No. 8. No. 6 THw and larger are the same dimensions as Tw. † No. 14 through No. 2. SPECIALTY RACEWAYS & ACCESSORIES CONDuCTOR sIZE 235 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD SpecMate™ wiReway & encloSuReS Technical Data (continued) SpecMate Wireway Capacity Chart specMate wireway size and maximum number of conductors allowed. (Areas shown are 20% of the wireway’s full interior cross sectional area.) This data is valid where conductors enter the wireway only at the end of the run; when this is not the case, use the “Conductor size Based on Bending space” chart. SPECIALTY RACEWAYS & ACCESSORIES CONDuCTOR sIZE 2.5" x 2.5" [64mm x 64mm] (1.25 sq. inch [808mm2]) 4" x 4" [102mm x 102mm] (3.20 sq. inch [2068mm2]) 6" x 6" [152mm x 152mm] (7.20 sq. inch [4652mm2]) 8" x 8" [203mm x 203mm] (12.80 sq. inch [8271mm2]) AwG-MCM [mm2] A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D 18 [0.8] 74 142 201 – 191 363 516 – 431 818 1161 – 766 1454 2064 – 16 [1.3] 63 114 158 – 163 293 405 – 367 660 911 – 653 1174 1620 – 14 [2.1] 54 92 143 – 139 237 367 – 313 533 827 – 556 948 1471 – 14 [2.1] 38 – – – 97 – – – 220 – – – 391 – – 14 [2.1] – 60 – 95 – 155 – 244 – 349 – 549 – 621 – 977 12 [3.3] 44 72 106 – 115 186 273 – 258 418 615 – 460 744 1094 – 12 [3.3] 32 – – – 83 – – – 187 – – – 333 – – – 12 [3.3] – 49 – 74 – 126 – 191 – 285 – 431 – 507 – 766 10 [5.3] 27 56 67 – 69 144 173 – 156 324 391 – 278 576 695 – 10 [5.3] – 40 – 57 – 102 – 148 – 231 – 333 – 411 – 592 8 [8.4] 14 26 33 – 37 67 85 – 85 152 193 – 151 271 343 – 8 [8.4] – 20 – 27 – 53 – 70 – 120 – 157 – 214 – 280 6 [13.3] 10 15 24 20 25 39 61 51 58 87 138 115 103 156 246 204 4 [21.2] 7 11 14 14 19 29 37 37 44 66 85 85 79 117 151 151 3 [26.7] 6 9 12 12 17 25 32 32 39 57 72 72 70 101 128 128 2 [33.6] 6 8 10 10 15 21 27 27 34 48 60 60 61 86 108 108 1 [42.4] 4 6 7 7 11 15 20 20 26 35 45 45 47 63 80 80 1/0 [53.5] 4 5 6 6 10 13 16 16 23 30 38 38 41 54 67 67 2/0 [67.4] 3 4 5 5 8 11 14 14 20 25 31 31 35 46 56 56 3/0 [85.1] 3 3 4 4 7 9 11 11 17 21 26 26 30 38 47 47 4/0 [107.2] 2 3 3 3 6 8 9 9 14 18 21 21 26 32 39 39 250 [127.0] 2 2 3 3 5 6 7 7 12 14 17 17 21 26 31 31 300 [152.0] 1 2 2 2 4 5 6 6 10 12 15 15 18 22 27 27 350 [177.0] 1 1 2 2 4 5 6 6 9 11 13 13 16 20 24 24 400 [203.0] 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 5 8 10 12 12 15 18 21 21 500 [253.0] 1 1 1 1 3 3 4 4 7 8 10 10 13 15 17 17 600 [304.0] 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 6 7 8 7 10 12 14 14 700 [355.0] – 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 5 6 7 6 9 11 12 12 750 [380.0] – 1 1 1 2 2 3 2 5 5 6 6 9 10 12 11 800 [405.0] – – 1 1 2 2 2 2 4 5 6 6 8 9 11 11 900 [456.0] – – 1 – 1 2 2 2 4 5 5 5 7 9 10 10 1000 [507.0] – – – – 1 2 2 2 4 4 5 5 7 8 9 9 1250 [633.0] – – – – 1 1 – 1 3 3 – 4 5 6 – 7 1500 [760.0] – – – – 1 1 – 1 2 3 – 3 5 5 – 6 1750 [887.0] – – – – 1 1 – 1 2 2 – 3 4 4 – 5 2000 [1013.0] – – – – – 1 – 1 2 2 – 2 3 4 – 4 NOTE: Letters “A,” “B,” “C”, and “D” refer to conductor insulation types specified in the Area of Conductor Chart found earlier in this section. 236 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD SpecMate™ wiReway & encloSuReS Technical Data (continued) SpecMate Wireway Capacity Chart (continued) 12" x 12" [305mm x 305mm] (28.80 sq. inch [18609mm2]) 10" x 4" [254mm x 102mm] (8.00 sq. inch [5169mm2]) AwG-MCM [mm2] A B C D A B C D 18 [0.8] 1724 3272 4645 – 479 909 1290 – 16 [1.3] 1469 2642 3645 – 408 773 1012 – 14 [2.1] 1252 2133 3310 – 347 592 919 – 14 [2.1] 880 – – – 244 – – – 14 [2.1] – 1398 – 2198 – 388 – 610 12 [3.3] 1035 1674 2461 – 287 465 683 – 12 [3.3] 750 – – – 208 – – – 12 [3.3] – 1142 – 1724 – 317 – 479 10 [5.3] 626 1297 1565 – 173 360 434 – 10 [5.3] – 926 – 1333 – 257 – 370 8 [8.4] 340 611 772 – 94 169 214 – 8 [8.4] – 481 – 631 – 133 – 175 6 [13.3] 232 351 554 460 64 97 154 128 4 [21.2] 179 264 340 340 49 73 94 94 3 [26.7] 158 228 289 289 44 63 80 80 2 [33.6] 139 195 243 243 38 54 67 67 1 [42.4] 106 142 181 181 29 39 50 50 1/0 [53.5] 92 121 152 152 25 33 42 42 2/0 [67.4] 80 103 127 127 22 28 35 35 3/0 [85.1] 69 87 106 106 19 24 29 29 4/0 [107.2] 59 73 87 87 16 20 24 24 250 [127.0] 48 59 71 71 13 16 19 19 300 [152.0] 42 51 61 61 11 14 17 17 350 [177.0] 37 45 54 54 10 12 15 15 400 [203.0] 34 41 48 48 9 11 13 13 500 [253.0] 29 34 40 40 8 9 11 11 600 [304.0] 24 28 32 31 6 7 9 8 700 [355.0] 21 24 28 27 5 6 7 7 750 [380.0] 20 23 27 26 5 6 7 7 800 [405.0] 19 22 25 25 5 6 7 6 900 [456.0] 17 20 23 22 4 5 6 6 1000 [507.0] 16 18 21 20 4 5 5 5 1250 [633.0] 13 14 – 16 3 4 – 4 1500 [760.0] 11 12 – 13 3 3 – 3 1750 [887.0] 9 11 – 12 2 3 – 3 2000 [1013.0] 8 9 – 10 2 2 – 3 SpecMate Type 1 Wireway offers custom and configurable options to meet wide range of installation requirements. SPECIALTY RACEWAYS & ACCESSORIES CONDuCTOR sIZE NOTE: Letters “A,” “B,” “C”, and “D” refer to conductor insulation types specified in the Area of Conductor Chart found earlier in this section. 237 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD SpecMate™ wiReway & encloSuReS Technical Data (continued) SpecMate Wireway Capacity Chart (continued) wireway size and maximum number of conductors allowed. (Areas shown are 20% of the wireway’s full interior cross sectional area.) This data is valid where conductors enter the wireway only at the end of the run; when this is not the case, use the “Conductor size Based on Bending space” chart. SPECIALTY RACEWAYS & ACCESSORIES CONDuCTOR sIZE 12" x 6" [305mm x 152mm] 18" x 6" [457mm x 152mm] 24" x 6" [610mm x 152mm] (14.4 sq. inch [9305mm2]) (21.6 sq. inch [13957mm2]) (28.8 sq. inch [18609mm2]) AwG-MCM [mm2] A B C D 18 [0.8] 862 1636 2322 – 1293 2454 3483 – 16 [1.3] 734 1321 1822 – 1102 1981 2734 14 [2.1] 626 1066 1655 – 939 14 [2.1] 440 – – – 660 – – 14 [2.1] – 699 – 1099 – 1048 – 1648 12 [3.3] 517 837 1230 – 776 12 [3.3] 375 – – – 562 – 12 [3.3] – 571 – 862 – 10 [5.3] 313 648 782 – 10 [5.3] – 463 – 8 [8.4] 170 305 8 [8.4] – 6 [13.3] 4 3 A B C 1600 2482 D A B sMALLER INsIDE DIMENsION OF wIREwAY MAXIMuM CONDuCTOR sIZE C D In. [mm2] AwG-MCM [mm2] 1724 3272 4645 – 1 1/4 [32] 6 AwG [13] – 1469 2642 3645 – 2 [51] 3 AwG [27] – 1252 2133 3310 – 2 1/2 [64] 2 AwG [34] – 880 – – – 3 [75] 1 AwG [42] – 1398 3 1/2 [89] 2/0 AwG [67] – 2198 2461 – 4 [102] 4/0 AwG [107] – – – 4 1/2 [114] 250 MCM [127] – 1142 – 1724 5 [127] 350 MCM [177] – 626 1297 1565 – 6 [152] 500 MCM [253] – 1000 – 926 – 1330 8 [203] 900 MCM [456] 458 579 – 340 611 772 – – 361 – 473 – 481 – 631 10 [254] 1250 MCM [633] 230 174 263 416 345 232 351 554 460 12 [305] 2000 MCM [1013] 170 134 198 255 255 179 264 340 340 144 144 118 171 217 217 158 228 289 289 121 121 104 146 182 182 139 195 243 243 90 90 79 106 135 135 106 142 181 181 76 76 69 91 114 114 92 121 152 152 51 63 63 60 77 95 95 80 103 127 127 43 53 53 52 65 79 79 69 87 106 106 1255 1846 – 1035 1674 – – 750 857 – 1293 469 972 1173 666 – 694 386 – 255 240 – 315 116 175 277 [21.2] 89 132 170 [26.7] 79 114 2 [33.6] 69 97 1 [42.4] 53 71 1/0 [53.5] 46 60 2/0 [67.4] 40 3/0 [85.1] 34 4/0 [107.2] 29 36 43 43 44 55 65 65 59 73 87 87 250 [127.0] 24 29 35 35 36 44 53 53 48 59 71 71 300 [152.0] 21 25 30 30 31 38 46 46 42 51 61 61 350 [177.0] 18 22 27 27 28 34 40 40 37 45 54 54 400 [203.0] 17 20 24 24 25 30 36 36 34 41 48 48 500 [253.0] 14 17 20 20 21 25 30 30 29 34 40 40 600 [304.0] 12 14 16 15 18 21 24 23 24 28 32 31 700 [355.0] 10 12 14 13 16 18 21 20 21 24 28 27 750 [380.0] 10 11 13 13 15 17 20 19 20 23 27 26 800 [405.0] 9 11 12 12 14 16 19 18 19 22 25 25 900 [456.0] 8 10 11 11 13 15 17 17 17 20 23 22 1000 [507.0] 8 9 10 10 12 13 15 15 16 18 21 20 1250 [633.0] 6 7 – 8 9 11 – 12 13 14 – 16 1500 [760.0] 5 6 – 6 8 9 – 10 11 12 – 13 1750 [887.0] 4 5 – 6 7 8 – 9 9 11 – 12 2000 [1013.0] 4 4 – 5 6 7 – 8 8 9 – 10 NOTE: Letters “A,” “B,” “C”, and “D” refer to conductor insulation types specified in the Area of Conductor Chart found earlier in this section. 238 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD NOTE: The above chart limits the maximum conductor size when conductors are entering through the side. SpecMate Type 1 Wireway is also available in a wide range of color and finish options. Consult the factory for more information. WIREMOLD SpecMate™ wiReway & encloSuReS Technical Data (continued) SpecMate Wireway Dimension Reference Chart 2 1/2 x 2 1/2 4x4 6x6 8x8 12 x 12 DIMENsION: Inches [mm] Inches [mm] Inches [mm] Inches [mm] Inches [mm] AxB 2 1/2 x 2 1/2 [64 x 64] 4x4 [102 x 102] 6x6 [152 x 152] 8x8 [203 x 203] 12 x 12 [305 x 305] C 2 [51] 2 [51] 2 [51] 2 [51] 2 [51] D1 2 7/16 [62] 3 15/16 [100] 5 15/16 [150] 7 15/16 [201] 11 15/16 [303] D2 2 7/16 [62] 3 15/16 [100] 5 15/16 [150] 7 15/16 [201] 11 15/16 [303] E 4 5/8 [118] 6 1/8 [156] 8 1/8 [206] 10 1/8 [257] 14 1/8 [359] F 4 5/8 [118] 6 1/8 [156] 8 1/8 [206] 10 1/8 [257] 14 1/8 [359] H1 3 1/16 [78] 3 3/4 [95] 4 9/16 [116] 5 3/8 [137] 7 [178] H2 3 1/16 [78] 3 3/4 [95] 4 9/16 [116] 5 3/8 [137] 7 [178] J 2 1/2 [64] 2 7/8 [73] 3 5/16 [84] 3 11/16 [94] 4 1/2 [114] K 3 5/16 [84] 4 1/16 [103] 5 1/16 [128] 6 1/16 [154] 8 1/16 [205] L 3 1/4 [83] 4 [102] 5 [127] 6 [153] 8 [204] M 3 1/8 [79] 4 5/8 [118] 6 5/8 [168] 8 5/8 [219] 12 5/8 [321] N 7 [177] 10 [254] 14 [356] 18 [457] 26 [660] P 2 5/16 [59] 3 13/16 [97] 5 3/4 [146] 7 3/4 [197] 11 3/4 [298] R 1 5/8 [41] 3 1/2 [89] 4 1/2 [114] 6 5/8 [168] 10 5/8 [270] s 3 5/16 [84] 4 1/16 [103] 5 1/16 [129] 6 1/16 [154] 8 1/16 [205] T 4 1/8 [105] 5 5/8 [143] 7 5/8 [194] 9 5/8 [245] 13 5/8 [346] u 3 1/8 [79] 4 5/8 [118] 6 5/8 [168] 8 5/8 [219] 12 5/8 [321] V 8 1/2 [216] 10 [254] 12 [305] 14 [356] 18 [457] w 1 5/8 [41] 3 1/2 [89] 4 1/2 [114] 6 1/2 [165] 9 1/2 [241] sIZE: 10 x 4 12 x 6 18 x 6 24 x 6 DIMENsION: Inches [mm] Inches [mm] Inches [mm] Inches [mm] AxB 10 x 4 [254 x 102] 12 x 6 [305 x 152] 18 x 6 [457 x 152] 24 x 6 [610 x 152] C 2 [51] 2 [51] 2 [51] 2 [51] D1 9 15/16 [252] 11 15/16 [303] 17 15/16 [455] 23 15/16 [608] D2 3 15/16 [100] 5 15/16 [150] 5 15/16 [150] 5 15/16 [150] E 12 1/8 [308] 14 1/8 [359] 20 1/8 [511] 26 1/8 [664] F 6 1/8 [156] 8 1/8 [206] 8 1/8 [206] 8 1/8 [206] H1 6 3/16 [157] 7 [178] 9 1/2 [241] 12 [305] H2 3 3/4 [95] 4 9/16 [116] 4 9/16 [116] 4 9/16 [116] J 4 3/32 [104] 4 1/2 [114] 5 3/4 [146] 7 [178] K 7 1/16 [179] 8 1/16 [205] 11 1/16 [281] 14 1/16 [357] L 7 [178] 8 [204] 11 [280] 14 [356] M 10 5/8 [270] 12 5/8 [321] N/A N/A N/A N/A N 16 [406] 20 [506] N/A N/A N/A N/A P 9 3/4 [248] 11 3/4 [298] 17 3/4 [451] 23 3/4 [603] R 3 1/2 [89] 4 1/2 [114] 4 1/2 [114] 4 1/2 [114] s 7 1/16 [179] 8 1/16 [205] 11 1/16 [281] 14 1/16 [357] T 11 5/8 [295] 13 5/8 [346] 19 5/8 [498] 25 5/8 [651] u 10 5/8 [270] 12 5/8 [321] 18 5/8 [473] 24 5/8 [626] V 16 [406] 18 [457] 24 [610] 30 [762] w 3 1/2 [89] 4 1/2 [114] 4 1/2 [114] 4 1/2 [114] www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD SPECIALTY RACEWAYS & ACCESSORIES sIZE: 239 WIREMOLD SpecMate™ wiReway & encloSuReS Specmate Type 1 Wireway Ordering Information Specmate Wireway Type 1 For divided wireway (two equal compartments), add suffix “-D”, i.e.: C1250-D. wireway can also be provided with divider(s) in specified locations. Consult factory to order. steel finished in ANsI61 gray powder coat paint. One coupling required with each length of duct. C1402 (shown) 1/2" [12.7mm] and 3/4" [19.1mm] concentric trade size KOs 24" [610mm] on centers. uL Listed and CsA Certified for support on 5' [1.5m] centers. (2 1/2", 4", and 6" [64mm, 102mm, 152mm] square profiles also uL Listed on 10' [3m] centers). special sizes, lengths, and colors available. Ordering Data sTANDARD sIZEs GAuGE 10' LENGTH 5' LENGTH [3m] [1.5m] 2' LENGTH [.61m] 1' LENGTH [.30m] Inches [mm] 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" [64 x 64] 16 C1250 C1255 C1252 C1251 4" x 4" [102 x 102] 16 C1400 C1405 C1402 C1401 6" x 6" [152 x 152] 16 C1600 C1605 C1602 C1601 8" x 8" [203 x 203] 16 C1800 C1805 C1802 C1801 12" x 12" [305 x 305] 16 C11200 C11205 C11202 C11201 10" x 4" [254 x 102] 16 C110-40 C110-45 C110-42 C110-41 12" x 6" [305 x 152] 16 C112-60 C112-65 C112-62 C112-61 18" x 6" [457 x 152] 14 – C118-65 C118-62 C118-61 24" x 6" [610 x 152] 12 – C124-65 C124-62 C124-61 SPECIALTY RACEWAYS & ACCESSORIES Specmate Type 1 Wireway Ordering Information 90° Flat Elbow E E B A C14E (Shown) C 45° Flat Elbow H1 H1 C125E45 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" [64mm x 64mm] C14E45 4" x 4" [102mm x 102mm] C16E45 6" x 6" [152mm x 152mm] [203mm x 203mm] C18E45 8" x 8" [203mm x 203mm] 12" x 12" [305mm x 305mm] C112E45 12" x 12" [305mm x 305mm] 10" x 4" [254mm x 102mm] C110-4E45 10" x 4" [254mm x 102mm] C112-6E 12" x 6" [305mm x 152mm] C112-6E45 12" x 6" [305mm x 152mm] C118-6E 18" x 6" [457mm x 152mm] C118-6E45 18" x 6" [457mm x 152mm] C124-6E 24" x 6" [610mm x 152mm] C124-6E45 24" x 6" [610mm x 152mm] C125E 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" [64mm x 64mm] C14E 4" x 4" [102mm x 102mm] C16E 6" x 6" [152mm x 152mm] C18E 8" x 8" C112E C110-4E One coupling required with each fitting. 240 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD J J B C C14E45 (Shown) One coupling required with each fitting. WIREMOLD SpecMate™ wiReway & encloSuReS Specmate Type 1 Wireway Ordering Information (continued) 90° Vertical Inside Elbow F B F A C14EVI (Shown) C125EVI 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" [64mm x 64mm] C14EVI 4" x 4" [102mm x 102mm] C16EVI 6" x 6" [152mm x 152mm] C18EVI 8" x 8" [203mm x 203mm] C112EVI 12" x 12" [305mm x 305mm] C110-4EVI 10" x 4" [254mm x 102mm] C112-6EVI 12" x 6" [305mm x 152mm] C118-6EVI 18" x 6" [457mm x 152mm] C124-6EVI 24" x 6" [610mm x 152mm] C H2 B A H2 C14E45VI (Shown) 90° Vertical Outside Elbow B F A C14EVO (Shown) C C125EVO 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" [64mm x 64mm] C14EVO 4" x 4" [102mm x 102mm] C14EB (Shown) 4" x 4" [102mm x 102mm] C16E45VI 6" x 6" [152mm x 152mm] C18E45VI 8" x 8" [203mm x 203mm] C112E45VI 12" x 12" [305mm x 305mm] C110-4E45VI 10" x 4" [254mm x 102mm] C112-6E45VI 12" x 6" [305mm x 152mm] C118-6E45VI 18" x 6" [457mm x 152mm] C124-6E45VI 24" x 6" [610mm x 152mm] H2 H2 C125E45VO 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" [64mm x 64mm] C14E45VO 4" x 4" [102mm x 102mm] C16EVO 6" x 6" [152mm x 152mm] C16E45VO 6" x 6" [152mm x 152mm] C18EVO 8" x 8" [203mm x 203mm] C18E45VO 8" x 8" [203mm x 203mm] C112EVO 12" x 12" [305mm x 305mm] C112E45VO 12" x 12" [305mm x 305mm] C110-4EVO 10" x 4" [254mm x 102mm] B A C C14E45VO (Shown) C110-4E45VO 10" x 4" [254mm x 102mm] C112-6EVO 12" x 6" [305mm x 152mm] C112-6E45VO 12" x 6" [305mm x 152mm] C118-6EVO 18" x 6" [457mm x 152mm] C118-6E45VO 18" x 6" [457mm x 152mm] C124-6EVO 24" x 6" [610mm x 152mm] C124-6E45VO 24" x 6" [610mm x 152mm] End Blank D1 C14E45VI 45° Vertical Outside Elbow One coupling required with each fitting. One coupling required with each fitting. D2 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" [64mm x 64mm] One coupling required with each fitting. One coupling required with each fitting. F C125E45VI Coupling C125C 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" [64mm x 64mm] C125EB 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" [64mm x 64mm] C14EB 4" x 4" [102mm x 102mm] C16EB 6" x 6" [152mm x 152mm] C18EB 8" x 8" [203mm x 203mm] C18C 8" x 8" [203mm x 203mm] [305mm x 305mm] C112C 12" x 12" [305mm x 305mm] C112EB 12" x 12" A W 3" C14C 4" x 4" [102mm x 102mm] C16C 6" x 6" [152mm x 152mm] C110-4C 10" x 4" [254mm x 102mm] C112-6C 12" x 6" [305mm x 152mm] [457mm x 152mm] C118-6C 18" x 6" [457mm x 152mm] [610mm x 152mm] C124-6C 24" x 6" [610mm x 152mm] C110-4EB 10" x 4" [254mm x 102mm] C112-6EB 12" x 6" [305mm x 152mm] C118-6EB 18" x 6" C124-6EB 24" x 6" C14C (Shown) NOTE: Refer to “Dimension Reference Chart” shown previously in this section. For divided fittings (two equal compartments), add suffix “D” (i.e. C14ED). Consult factory to order unequal compartments. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD SPECIALTY RACEWAYS & ACCESSORIES C 45° Vertical Inside Elbow 241 WIREMOLD SpecMate™ wiReway & encloSuReS Specmate Type 1 Wireway Ordering Information (continued) Tee Trapeze Hanger K L K B C14T (Shown) C125T 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" [64mm x 64mm] C125TH 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" [64mm x 64mm] C14T 4" x 4" [102mm x 102mm] C14TH 4" x 4" C16T 6" x 6" [152mm x 152mm] C18T 8" x 8" [203mm x 203mm] C112T 12" x 12" [305mm x 305mm] V C112TH (Shown) S B A C14X (Shown) SPECIALTY RACEWAYS & ACCESSORIES 12" x 12" [305mm x 305mm] 10" x 4" [254mm x 102mm] [305mm x 152mm] C112-6TH 12" x 6" [305mm x 152mm] C118-6T 18" x 6" [457mm x 152mm] C118-6TH 18" x 6" [457mm x 152mm] C124-6T 24" x 6" [610mm x 152mm] C124-6TH 24" x 6" [610mm x 152mm] NOTE: Hanger recommended for use with wireways more than 12 inches [305mm] wide. Also available for smaller wireways. C125X 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" [64mm x 64mm] C14X 4" x 4" [102mm x 102mm] C125BH 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" [64mm x 64mm] C16X 6" x 6" [152mm x 152mm] C14BH 4" x 4" [102mm x 102mm] C18X 8" x 8" [203mm x 203mm] C16BH 6" x 6" [152mm x 152mm] C112X 12" x 12" [305mm x 305mm] C18BH 8" x 8" [203mm x 203mm] C112BH 12" x 12" [305mm x 305mm] C110-4BH 10" x 4" [254mm x 102mm] T U C110-4X 10" x 4" [254mm x 102mm] C112-6X 12" x 6" [305mm x 152mm] C118-6X 18" x 6" [457mm x 152mm] C112-6BH 12" x 6" [305mm x 152mm] C124-6X 24" x 6" [610mm x 152mm] C118-6BH 18" x 6" [457mm x 152mm] C124-6BH 24" x 6" [610mm x 152mm] C112BH (Shown) NOTE: Gusset appears only on hangers for 12" [305mm] wide or larger wireway. Reducer 242 C112TH C110-4TH C112-6T 12" x 6" Two coupling required with each Cross. Panel Flange A C14R25 (Shown) B P B R 4" [102mm] C14F (Shown) 2" [51mm] A [152mm x 152mm] [203mm x 203mm] Bracket Hanger 2" [51mm] S 6" x 6" 8" x 8" [254mm x 102mm] Cross S C16TH C18TH C110-4T 10" x 4" Two coupling required with each Tee. S [102mm x 102mm] C125F 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" [64mm x 64mm] C14F 4" x 4" [102mm x 102mm] C16F 6" x 6" [152mm x 152mm] C18F 8" x 8" [203mm x 203mm] C112F 12" x 12" [305mm x 305mm] C110-4F 10" x 4" [254mm x 102mm] 4" x 4" –2 1/2" x 2 1/2" [102mm x 102mm – 64mm x 64mm] C112-6F 12" x 6" [305mm x 152mm] C16R4 6" x 6" – 4" x 4" [152mm x 152mm – 102mm x 102mm] C118-6F 18" x 6" [457mm x 152mm] C18R6 8" x 8" – 6" x 6" [203mm x 203mm – 152mm x 152mm] C124-6F 24" x 6" [610mm x 152mm] C112R8 12" x 12" – 8" x 8" [305mm x 305mm – 203mm x 203mm] C112-6R6 12" x 6" – 6" x 6" [305mm x 152mm – 152mm x 152mm] C118-6R12-6 18" x 6" – 12" x 6" [457mm x 152mm – 305mm x 152mm] C124-6R18-6 24" x 6" – 18" x 6" [610mm x 152mm – 457mm x 152mm] C118-6EB 18" x 6" [457mm x 152mm] C124-6EB 24" x 6" [610mm x 152mm] C14R25 One coupling required with each fitting. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD SpecMate™ wiReway & encloSuReS Specmate Type 1 Wireway Ordering Information (continued) Changer M N C110-4H (Shown) Barrier – Field Installed 10' C125H 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" [64mm x 64mm] C14H 4" x 4" [102mm x 102mm] C16H 6" x 6" [152mm x 152mm] C18H 8" x 8" [203mm x 203mm] C112H 12" x 12" [305mm x 305mm] B C14FB-10 (Shown) C125FB 2 1/2" x 120" [64mm x 3m] C14FB 4" x 120" [102mm x 3m] C16FB 6" x 120" [152mm x 3m] C18FB 8" x 120" [203mm x 3m] C112FB 12" x 120" [305mm x 3m] [254mm x 102mm] C110-4TH 10" x 4" [254mm x 102mm] C112-6H 12" x 6" [305mm x 152mm] C112-6TH 12" x 6" [305mm x 152mm] C118-6T 18" x 6" [457mm x 152mm] C118-6TH 18" x 6" [457mm x 152mm] C124-6T 24" x 6" [610mm x 152mm] C124-6TH 24" x 6" [610mm x 152mm] C110-4H 10" x 4" NOTE: Refer to “Dimension Reference Chart” shown previously in this section. For divided fittings (two equal compartments), add suffix “D” (i.e. C14ED). Consult factory to order unequal compartments. Specmate Type 1 Wireway Installation Details Typical Installation: The wireway should be installed as a complete system incorporating all fittings necessary to provide for directional changes. All connections should be fastened securely with the fasteners provided by the manufacturer in order to ensure compliance with uL and CsA bonding requirements. Conductors of appropriate types as outlined by the applicable Electrical Code may be used in wireway following installation. specific installation instructions are given below. C-Hanger: For widths up to 12" [305mm].* Trapeze Hanger: For any size of wireway.* wall Bracket: For installations along walls. For any size of wireway. Installation: For C-Hangers and Trapeze hangers, threaded rod should be cut to the appropriate length, and fastened to a structural member. The hanger should then be bolted to the threaded rod through the holes provided, level and in line with the other hangers. wall mounted hangers should be fastened to structural members in the wall in a manner ensuring sufficient support strength. Once the wireway is in place, it must be fastened to the hanger by any structurally sound method. Most installations use 1/4" [6.4mm] nuts and bolts fastened through holes drilled in the wireway base. No sharp edges should be allowed in the wireway as a result of fastening. Fastening hardware for hangers is not provided. uL Listed wireway with square cross sections of 2.5", 4", and 6" [64mm, 102mm, and 152mm] may be supported on maximum spans of 10' [3m]. All other wireway shall be supported on spans of 5' [1.5m] or less. Installation of Couplings: Couplings are provided with necessary hardware. slide the coupling into the end of the wireway and tighten the fasteners with a wrench, ensuring they are secure. slide the end of the next length of wireway over the other half of the coupling and attach the fasteners. Repeat until complete. Couplings are best located at one-quarter of the distance between supports (hangers). Installation of End Blanks End Blanks provided with necessary hardware. slide the end blank into the end of the wireway and tighten the fasteners with a wrench, ensuring they are secure. SPECIALTY RACEWAYS & ACCESSORIES Hanging Method Three styles of hangers may be purchased with wireway. 243 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD SpecMate™ wiReway & encloSuReS Specmate Type 1 Wireway Installation Details (continued) Installation of Tele-Power Pole Adapter: 1. Locate the Pole Adapter on the wireway. Drill holes in the appropriate locations to match the holes in the Pole Adapter. Cut and grommet hole to match pole adapter entrance feed. 2. Bolt the Pole Adapter to the underside of the wireway. No sharp edges should remain in the wireway. (Bolts not furnished.) 3. Insert the wiremold NP600 series TelePower Pole into the underside of the Pole Adapter. Tighten the two set screws (furnished) onto the pole. Specmate Type 1 Wireway Enclosures Technical Data “Type 1 Enclosures are intended for indoor use primarily to provide a degree of protection against contact with the enclosed equipment and wiring.” – NEMA standard / No. 250-1991 Standard Knockout Configuration The knockout configuration shown below is referred to for each standard catalog number. SPECIALTY RACEWAYS & ACCESSORIES The following chart indicates the standard knockout pattern that can be accommodated according to the dimension specified when custom sizes are ordered. Standard Knockout Configuration for Custom Sizes Metric Conversion Length of side (L) 4" [102mm] to less than 6" [152mm] standard KO Configuration B–C In. [mm] 6" [152mm] to less than 8" [203mm] B–C–D 4 [102] 8" [203mm] to less than 10" [254mm] F–G–H–I 6 [152] 10" [254mm] to less than 15" [381mm] C–D–E–F–G 8 [203] 15" [381mm] to less than 18" [457mm] B–C–D–E–F–G–H 10 [254] A–B–C–D–E–F–G–H–I 12 [305] 15 [381] 18 [457] 20 [508] 24 [610] 30 [762] 18" [457mm] and up 244 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 36 [914] 48 [1220] WIREMOLD SpecMate™ wiReway & encloSuReS Specmate Type 1 Wireway Ordering Information Hinged Cover Junction Box with Padlock Hasp Hinged cover junction boxes for surface mounting. Formed steel hinges, friction catch and a padlock hasp provide easy opening and secure closing. Internal mounting holes and a ground terminal with ground screw provided. standard boxes are provided with concentric knockouts. Custom configurations and boxes without knockouts are available on request. ANsI / AsA 61 gray finish inside and out. W H D Hinged Cover Junction Box with Padlock Hasp - Painted Steel BOX DIMENsIONs HEIGHT KNOCKOuT CONFIGuRATION* wIDTH DEPTH CATALOG NuMBER In. [mm] In. [mm] In. [mm] sPMJL-12-12-6 12 [305] 12 [305] 6 sPMJL-18-12-6 18 [457] 12 [305] 6 INTERNAL Cu. IN. (APPROX.) sTANDARD HINGE TYPE FACE HEIGHT FACE wIDTH [152] C-D-E-F-G C-D-E-F-G 828 Formed [152] A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I C-D-E-F-G 1247 Formed 18 [457] 18 [459] 6 [152] A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I 1877 Formed sPMJL-24-12-6 24 [610] 12 [305] 6 [152] A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I C-D-E-F-G 1666 Butt sPMJL-24-18-6 24 [610] 18 [457] 6 [152] A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I 2507 Butt sPMJL-24-24-6 24 [610] 24 [610] 6 [152] A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I 3349 Butt sPMJL-20-20-10 20 [508] 20 [508] 10 [254] A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I 3901 Butt sPMJL-30-30-10 30 [762] 30 [762] 10 [254] A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I 8814 Butt sPMJL-36-24-10 36 [914] 24 [610] 10 [254] A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I 8458 Continuous SPECIALTY RACEWAYS & ACCESSORIES sPMJL-18-18-6 NOTE: Add "C" prefix to denote Canadian version -- Agency approved for sale in Canada. *see standard knockout configuration diagram shown previously in this section. 245 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD SpecMate™ wiReway & encloSuReS Specmate Type 1 Wireway Ordering Information (continued) Hinged Cover Junction Box with Pull Ring Hinged cover junction boxes for surface mounting. Formed steel hinges, friction catch and a “D” ring style handle provide easy opening and secure closing. Internal mounting holes and a ground terminal with ground screw provided. standard boxes are provided with concentric knockouts. Custom configurations and boxes without knockouts are available on request. ANsI/AsA 61 gray finish inside and out. W H D Hinged Cover Junction Box with Pull Ring – Painted Steel BOX DIMENsIONs HEIGHT CATALOG NuMBER In. sPMJP-6-4-4 wIDTH [mm] DEPTH In. [mm] FACE HEIGHT FACE wIDTH INTERNAL Cu. IN. (APPROX.) sTANDARD HINGE TYPE [mm] In. 6 [152] 4 [102] 4 [102] B-C-D B-C 88 Formed sPMJP-6-6-4 6 [152] 6 [152] 4 [102] B-C-D B-C-D 134 Formed sPMJP-8-6-4 8 [203] 6 [152] 4 [102] F-G-H-I B-C-D 179 Formed sPMJP-8-8-4 SPECIALTY RACEWAYS & ACCESSORIES KNOCKOuT CONFIGuRATION* 8 [203] 8 [203] 4 [102] F-G-H-I F-G-H-I 240 Formed sPMJP-10-10-4 10 [254] 10 [254] 4 [102] C-D-E-F-G C-D-E-F-G 378 Formed sPMJP-12-12-4 12 [305] 12 [305] 4 [102] C-D-E-F-G C-D-E-F-G 546 Formed sPMJP-18-12-4 18 [457] 12 [305] 4 [102] A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I C-D-E-F-G 823 Formed sPMJP-8-6-6 8 [203] 6 [152] 6 [152] F-G-H-I B-C-D 272 Formed sPMJP-8-8-6 8 [203] 8 [203] 6 [152] F-G-H-I F-G-H-I 364 Formed sPMJP-10-10-6 10 [254] 10 [254] 6 [152] C-D-E-F-G C-D-E-F-G 573 Formed sPMJP-12-12-6 12 [305] 12 [305] 6 [152] C-D-E-F-G C-D-E-F-G 828 Formed sPMJP-18-12-6 18 [457] 12 [305] 6 [152] A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I C-D-E-F-G 1247 Formed sPMJP-18-18-6 18 [457] 18 [457] 6 [152] A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I 1877 Formed sPMJP-24-18-6 24 [610] 18 [457] 6 [152] A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I 2507 Butt sPMJP-24-24-6 24 [610] 24 [610] 6 [152] A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I 3349 Butt sPMJP-30-24-6 30 [762] 24 [610] 6 [152] A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I 4190 Butt sPMJP-18-12-8 18 [457] 12 [305] 8 [203] A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I C-D-E-F-G 1672 Formed sPMJP-18-18-8 18 [457] 18 [457] 8 [203] A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I 2516 Formed sPMJP-24-18-8 24 [610] 18 [457] 8 [203] A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I 3361 Butt sPMJP-30-24-8 30 [762] 24 [610] 8 [203] A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I 5617 Butt sPMJP-36-24-8 36 [914] 24 [610] 8 [203] A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I 6745 Continuous sPMJP-36-24-12 36 [914] 24 [610] 12 [305] A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I 10171 Continuous 246 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD SpecMate™ wiReway & encloSuReS Specmate Type 1 Wireway Ordering Information (continued) Wiring Troughs screw-on cover wiring troughs are used as junction boxes or pull boxes for surface mounting. Internal mounting holes and a ground terminal with ground screw provided. Custom configurations of troughs up to 120" [3m] in length are available with or without knockouts. ANsI/AsA 61 gray finish inside and out. H Clusters of 1/2" [12.7mm] – 3/4" [19.1mm] and 3/4" [19.1mm] – 1" [25mm] trade size knockouts are spaced on 9" [229mm] centers along the trough. Other knockout sizes and spacings are available on request. D 9" [229mm] W 1 5/8" [41mm] BOX DIMENsIONs CATALOG NuMBER In. [mm] In. [mm] In. [mm] INTERNAL Cu. IN. (APPROX.) sPMJw-12-4-4 12 [305] 4 [102] 4 [102] 178 HEIGHT wIDTH DEPTH sPMJw-24-4-4 24 [610] 4 [102] 4 [102] 358 sPMJw-36-4-4 36 [914] 4 [102] 4 [102] 539 sPMJw-48-4-4 48 [1220] 4 [102] 4 [102] 719 sPMJw-60-4-4 60 [1525] 4 [102] 4 [102] 899 sPMJw-72-4-4 72 [1830] 4 [102] 4 [102] 1079 sPMJw-12-6-6 12 [305] 6 [152] 6 [152] 410 sPMJw-24-6-6 24 [610] 6 [152] 6 [152] 824 sPMJw-36-6-6 36 [914] 6 [152] 6 [152] 1238 sPMJw-48-6-6 48 [1220] 6 [152] 6 [152] 1652 sPMJw-60-6-6 60 [1525] 6 [152] 6 [152] 2067 sPMJw-72-6-6 72 [1830] 6 [152] 6 [152] 2481 sPMJw-18-8-8 12 [305] 8 [203] 8 [203] 736 sPMJw-24-8-8 24 [610] 8 [203] 8 [203] 1481 sPMJw-36-8-8 36 [914] 8 [203] 8 [203] 2225 sPMJw-48-8-8 48 [1220] 8 [203] 8 [203] 2969 sPMJw-60-8-8 60 [1525] 8 [203] 8 [203] 3713 sPMJw-72-8-8 72 [1830] 8 [203] 8 [203] 4457 SPECIALTY RACEWAYS & ACCESSORIES Wiring Throughs - Painted Steel NOTE: Add "C" prefix to denote Canadian version -- Agency approved for sale in Canada. *see standard knockout configuration diagram shown previously in this section. 247 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD SpecMate™ wiReway & encloSuReS Specmate Type 1 Wireway Ordering Information (continued) Surface Mount & Flush Mount Screw Cover Junction Boxes Surface Mount Flush Mount screw-on cover junction boxes for surface or flush mounting. Internal mounting holes and a ground terminal with ground screw provided.standard boxes are provided with concentric knockouts. Custom configurations and boxes without knockouts are available on request. ANsI / AsA 61 Gray finish inside and out. W W H H D D Screw Cover Junction Boxes – Surface Mount – Painted Steel BOX DIMENsIONs HEIGHT DEPTH KNOCKOuT CONFIGuRATION INTERNAL Cu. IN. (APPROX.) 88 CATALOG NuMBER In. [mm] In. [mm] In. [mm] sPMJ-6-4-4 6 [152] 4 [102] 4 [102] sPMJ-6-6-4 6 [152] 6 [152] 4 [102] B-C-D B-C-D 134 sPMJ-8-6-4 8 [203] 6 [152] 4 [102] F-G-H-I B-C-D 179 sPMJ-8-8-4 HEIGHT B-C-D FACE wIDTH B-C- 8 [203] 8 [203] 4 [102] F-G-H-I F-G-H-I 240 sPMJ-10-10-4 10 [254] 10 [254] 4 [102] C-D-E-F-G C-D-E-F-G 378 sPMJ-12-12-4 12 [305] 12 [305] 4 [102] C-D-E-F-G C-D-E-F-G 546 sPMJ-18-12-4 18 [457] 12 [305] 4 [102] A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I C-D-E-F-G 823 sPMJ-18-18-4 18 [457] 18 [457] 4 [102] A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I 1250 8 [203] 6 [152] 6 [152] F-G-H-I B-C-D 272 sPMJ-8-6-6 sPMJ-8-8-6 SPECIALTY RACEWAYS & ACCESSORIES wIDTH 8 [203] 8 [203] 6 [152] F-G-H-I F-G-H-I 364 sPMJ-10-10-6 10 [254] 10 [254] 6 [152] C-D-E-F-G C-D-E-F-G 573 sPMJ-12-12-6 12 [305] 12 [305] 6 [152] C-D-E-F-G C-D-E-F-G 828 sPMJ-18-12-6 18 [457] 12 [305] 6 [152] A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I C-D-E-F-G 1247 sPMJ-18-18-6 18 [457] 18 [457] 6 [152] A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I 1877 sPMJ-24-18-6 24 [610] 18 [457] 6 [152] A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I 2507 sPMJ-24-24-6 24 [610] 24 [610] 6 [152] A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I 3349 sPMJ-30-24-6 30 [762] 24 [610] 6 [152] A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I 4190 sPMJ-18-12-8 18 [457] 12 [305] 8 [203] A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I C-D-E-F-G 1672 sPMJ-18-18-8 18 [457] 18 [457] 8 [203] A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I 2516 sPMJ-24-18-8 24 [610] 18 [457] 8 [203] A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I 3361 sPMJ-30-24-8 30 [762] 24 [610] 8 [203] A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I 5617 sPMJ-36-24-8 36 [914] 24 [610] 8 [203] A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I 6745 sPMJ-36-24-12 36 [914] 24 [610] 12 [305] A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I 10171 248 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD SpecMate™ wiReway & encloSuReS Screw Cover Junction Boxes - Flush Mount - Painted Steel BOX DIMENsIONs HEIGHT wIDTH DEPTH KNOCKOuT CONFIGuRATION* INTERNAL Cu. IN. (APPROX.) 134 COVER DIMENsION HEIGHT wIDTH CATALOG NuMBER In. [mm] In. [mm] In. [mm] sPMJF-6-6-4 6 [152] 6 [152] 4 [102] sPMJF-8-6-4 8 [203] 6 [152] 4 [102] F-G-H-I B-C-D 179 9.5 [242] 7.5 [191] sPMJF-8-8-4 8 [203] 8 [203] 4 [102] F-G-H-I F-G-H-I 240 9.5 [242] 9.5 [242] sPMJF-10-10-4 10 [254] 10 [254] 4 [102] C-D-E-F-G C-D-E-F-G 378 11.5 [292] 11.5 [292] sPMJF-12-12-4 12 [305] 12 [305] 4 [102] C-D-E-F-G C-D-E-F-G 546 13.5 [343] 13.5 [343] sPMJF-18-12-4 18 [457] 12 [305] 4 [102] A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I C-D-E-F-G 823 19.5 [534] 13.5 [343] sPMJF-18-18-4 FACE HEIGHT B-C-D FACE wIDTH B-C-D In. [mm] 7.5 [191] In. [mm] 7.5 [191] [457] 18 [457] 4 [102] A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I 1250 19.5 [534] 19.5 [534] 8 [203] 6 [152] 6 [152] F-G-H-I B-C-D 272 9.5 [242] 7.5 [191] sPMJF-8-8-6 8 [203] 8 [203] 6 [152] F-G-H-I F-G-H-I 364 9.5 [242] 9.5 [242] sPMJF-10-10-6 10 [254] 10 [254] 6 [152] C-D-E-F-G C-D-E-F-G 573 11.5 [292] 11.5 [252] sPMJF-12-12-6 12 [305] 12 [305] 6 [152] C-D-E-F-G C-D-E-F-G 828 13.5 [343] 13.5 [343] sPMJF-18-12-6 18 [457] 12 [305] 6 [152] A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I C-D-E-F-G 1247 19.5 [534] 13.5 [343] sPMJF-18-18-6 18 [457] 18 [457] 6 [152] A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I 1877 19.5 [534] 19.5 [534] sPMJF-24-18-6 24 [610] 18 [457] 6 [152] A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I 2507 25.5 [649] 19.5 [534] sPMJF-24-24-6 24 [610] 24 [610] 6 [152] A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I 3349 25.5 [649] 25.5 [648] sPMJF-30-24-6 30 [762] 24 [610] 6 [152] A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I 4190 31.5 [775] 25.5 [648] SPECIALTY RACEWAYS & ACCESSORIES 18 sPMJF-8-6-6 NOTE: Add “C” prefix to denote Canadian version — Agency approved for sale in Canada. *see standard knockout configuration diagram shown previously in this section. 249 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD wallSouRce™ SeRvice BoxeS Wiremold® wallsource™ Multiple service Boxes are six-gang boxes that can accommodate multiple services including power and communications eliminating multiple drops and uneven wall faceplates. CODE REFERENCE UL Listed Wireway, Auxiliary Gutters & Associated Fittings: File E2961 Guide QCIT. Meets Article 314 of NEC. WallSource Box Installation Details SPECIALTY RACEWAYS & ACCESSORIES WSA42-4 Box Installation Shown Installing WSA00-4 on WSA42-4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 1. A four-gang wallsource Box (wsA42-4) installed during construction can easily accommodates the wire and cabling required to feed a divided surface raceway system. 7. COLOR OPTIONS wallsource Multiple service Boxes and components are available in ivory, black, gray, light gray or white as indicated in the part number descriptions. Custom color options are also available. Consult the factory for more information. 250 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD wallSouRce™ SeRvice BoxeS WallSource Service Boxes Ordering Information WSB42-2 WSA07-4A Device Mounting Bracket & Trim Ring WallSource Box, Divider & Mounting Bracket slide-in dividers separate the box for power and communication services. Adjustable mounting brackets offer flexibility to flush mount box in 1/2", 5/8", 1", and 1/4" [12.7mm, 15.9mm, 25mm, and 32mm] wall thicknesses. D L W self-leveling bracket accommodates a wide variety of electrical and communications devices. The trim ring hides the holecut to give the box a finished W look. For use with: 5507 series Faceplates, Ortronics® TracJack & series II Modules, Pass & seymour Activate series Inserts L and wiremold Open system Communication Modules. Available in white (wsA07-4AwH), black (wsA07-4ABK), gray (wsA07-4AG), and gray (wsA07-4AGY). ORDERING DATA CAT. NO. wsB42-2 L w D Gang ORDERING DATA Trade size KOs CAT. NO. 4 3/4" [121mm] 5" [127mm] 3 1/4" [83mm] 2 1/2", 3/4", 1" wsA07-4A Wallsource Box, Divider & Mounting Brackets slide-in dividers separate the box for power and communication services. Adjustable mounting brackets offer flexibility to flush mount box in 1/2", 5/8", 1", and 1 1/4" [12.7mm, 15.9mm, 25mm, and 32mm] wall thicknesses. D W L w D Gang 7" Gang [177mm] 4 self-leveling bracket accommodates a wide variety of electrical and communications devices. The trim ring hides the holecut to give the box a finished look. For use with: 5507 series Faceplates, Ortronics® TracJack & series II Modules, Pass & seymour Activate series Inserts and wiremold Open system Communication Modules. Available in white (wsC07-6AwH), black (wsC07-6ABK), gray (wsC07-6AG), and gray (wsC07-6AGY). W L ORDERING DATA CAT. NO. w [286mm] WSC07-6A Device Mounting Bracket & Trim Ring WSA42-4 L L 11 1/4" ORDERING DATA Trade size KOs wsA42-4 9 3/16" [233mm] 5" [127mm] 3 1/4" [83mm] 4 1/2", 3/4", 1", 1 1/2" CAT. NO. wsC07-6A L 15 13/16" w [402mm] 7" Gang [177mm] Parts identified with this symbol are Certified to Canadian Safety Standards for sale in Canada. When ordering these products, add “C” suffix to part number to denote the Canadian version, i.e “WSB42-2C”. 6 SPECIALTY RACEWAYS & ACCESSORIES M 251 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD wallSouRce™ SeRvice BoxeS WallSource Service Boxes Ordering Information WSC42-6 WSA00-4 Wallsource Box, Divider & Mounting Brackets Open Architecture Device Mounting Bracket & Trim Ring slide-in dividers separate the box for power and communication services. Adjustable mounting brackets offer flexibility to flush mount box in 1/2", 5/8", 1", and 1 1/4" [12.7mm, 15.9mm, 25mm, and 32mm] wall thicknesses. D L W ORDERING DATA CAt. No. L w D Gang self-leveling bracket accommodates a wide variety of electrical and communications 7" [177mm] devices. This bracket accommodates a standard singleand dual-gang faceplate. The trim ring hides the holecut to give 11 1/4" the box a finished look. standard [286mm] color is Ivory, for other colors add one of the following: white (wsA00-4wH), black (wsA00-4BK) and gray (wsA00-4GY). Trade size KOs wsA42-6 13 3/4" [350mm] 5" [127mm] 3 1/4" [83mm] 6 FSS-18 Fiber Storage Loop 1/2", 3/4", 1", 1 1/2" 2.5/8" [67mm] WSB07-2A Device Mounting Bracket & Trim Ring SPECIALTY RACEWAYS & ACCESSORIES self-leveling bracket accommodates a wide variety of electrical and communications devices. The trim ring hides the W holecut to give the box a finished look. For use with: 5507 series Faceplates, Ortronics® TracJack L & series II Modules, Pass & seymour Activate series Inserts and wiremold Open system Communication Modules. Available in white (wsB07-2AwH), black (wsB07-2ABK), gray (wsB07-2AG), and gray (wsB07-2AGY). 252 1" [25mm] CM-EPLA End Plates Includes two outlet identification labels with clear covers and two matching screw covers. Required for mounting Pass & seymour Activate™ and wiremold Open system communication modules into thewsX07-X series device brackets. ORDERING DATA CAt. No. WSB07-2A L 6 13/16" W [173mm] 7" GANG [177mm] use this loop to store 18" [457mm] of cable with a controlled 1" [25mm] bend radius. 2 WSA86 Backfeed Kit S2-EPL End Plates For backfeeding 4000, 6000, 5400, 5500 and ALA4800 series Raceways. use included templates to easily cut entrances into raceway. use the dividers for uL Listed separation. use the backfeed plate with 4000 and 6000 series Raceway to completely cover wall hole cut. Includes ivory and gray pieces. Parts identified with this symbol are Certified to Canadian Safety Standards for sale in Canada. When ordering these products, add “C” suffix to part number to denote the Canadian version, i.e “WSB42-2C”. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD Includes two outlet identification labels with clear covers and two matching screw covers. Required for mounting Ortronics® series II modules into the wsX07-X series device brackets. WIREMOLD Plugmold® multioutlet SyStemS Wiremold® Plugmold® Multioutlet Systems are an excellent choice for applications where space is minimal but multiple outlets for power are required. adorne™ Under-Cabinet Lighting System Tamper-Resistant Plugmold® 276 PLUGMOLD Multioutlet Systems 279 253 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD Plugmold® multioutlet SyStemS table of Contents Plugmold® Steel Multioutlet Systems 256 2000 Series™ Plugmold® Plus Nonmetallic Multioutlet Systems 267 NM2000 Series™ Plugmold® Aluminum Multioutlet Systems 272 AL2000 Series™ Plugmold® Tamper-Resistant Multioutlet Systems 276 PLUGMOLD Multioutlet Systems 2000tR Series™ adorne Under-Cabinet Lighting System 279 254 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 262 2400 Series™ WIREMOLD Plugmold® multioutlet SyStemS Quick Selection Guide Plugmold® Multioutlet Systems – Steel Profiles Plugmold® 2400, 24S, 24R™ Series Plugmold® 2000 Series™ capacity: 0.80 in.2 [516mm2] capacity: 1.39 in.2 [897mm2] 7/8" [22.2mm] 3/4" [19.1mm] 1 29/32" [48mm] 1 9/32" [32mm] Plugmold® Multioutlet Systems – Nonmetallic Profiles Plugmold® Plus NM2000 Series™ capacity: 0.114 in.2 [735mm2] 1" [25mm] 1 3/4" [44mm] Plugmold® Multioutlet Systems – Aluminum Profiles Plugmold® AL2000 Series™ capacity: 1.10 in.2 [710mm2] 1 1/8" [29mm] PLUGMOLD Multioutlet Systems 1 7/16" [37mm] Plugmold Multioutlet Systems and Raceways PROFiLe DiMeNSiONS SeRieS MAteRiAL AMPeRAGe inches [mm] ReCePtACLe tyPe 2000 Steel 15 Amp 3/4" x 1 9/32" [19.1mm x 33mm] Simplex 2000tR Steel 15 Amp 3/4" x 1 9/32" [19.1mm x 33mm] Simplex V2400 Steel 20 Amp 7/8" x 1 29/32" [22.2mm x 48mm] Simplex 24R Steel 15 Amp 7/8" x 1 29/32" [22.2mm x 48mm] tR Duplex 24S Steel 20 Amp 7/8" x 1 29/32" [22.2mm x 48mm] Duplex NM2000 Nonmetallic 15 Amp 1" x 1 3/4" [25mm x 44mm] Duplex AL2000 Aluminum 15 Amp 1 1/8" x 1 7/16" [29mm x 37mm] Simplex AL2000tR Aluminum 15 Amp 1 1/8" x 1 7/16" [29mm x 37mm] Simplex 255 NoTe: All systems can be custom configured to suit specific job requirements. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD Plugmold® 2000 SerieS™ two-piece, low profile multiple outlet raceway. Low profile requires minimal space. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Base & Blank Cover: File e4376 Guide RJBt. Multioutlet Assemblies: File e15191 Guide PVGt. Fittings: File e41751 Guide RJPR. Base & Blank Cover& Plugmold Series with Snapicoil Harness: Meets Article 386 of NeC. Meets Section 12-3032 of CeC. Plugmold Wired Sections: Meets Article 380 of NeC. Meets Section 12-3032 of CeC. KeY Plugmold 2000 Series System Layout PLUGMOLD Multioutlet Systems K I D B C e M L H G J F A M Q P NoTe: Illustration is for showing product applications only. N o A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. V2010B Blank end Fitting V2051H Flush Plate Adapter V2006 Cover Clip 2017tC internal Corner Coupling V2015 tee Fitting V2048-2 two-Gang Device Box V2018C extern elbow Cover V2048 Single-Gang Device Box V2011 90° Flat elbow V20GB506 Plugmold Strip V2089 Side-Reducing Fitting V5748 Single-Gang Device Box V500 500 Series Raceway V2010A2 entrance end Fitting V2010A3 entrance end Fitting V518 external elbow V2089e end-Reducing Connector COLOR OPTIONS Plugmold® 2000 Series™ Part Numbers with a “V” prefix have an ivory finish. Part Numbers with a “G” prefix have a gray finish. Part Numbers with a “S” prefix have a stainless finish. Part Numbers with a “wH” prefix have a white finish. Part Numbers with a “BK” prefix have a black finish. Part Numbers without a prefix have a galvanized steel finish unless otherwise specified. 256 Custom color options are also available. Consult the factory for more information. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD Plugmold® 2000 SerieS™ Plugmold 2000 Series Wire Fill Capacities for Power NUMBeR OF CONDUCtORS O.D. wiRe SiZe tHHN/tHwN [mm] witHOUt DeViCeS inches witH PLUGMOLD ReCePtACLeS 12 AwG 14 AwG 0.111 [2.8] 7 5 0.130 [3.3] 7 5 Plugmold 2000 Series Product Configuration Matrix OUtLetS (15A 125V NeMA 5-15R) CeNteR DiStANCe OUtLet CAt. NO FiNiSH Feet [mm] wiRiNG CONFiG. inches [mm] Qty. 20GB206 S 2 [610mm] GB 6 [152mm] 4 Single 20GB306 V, G, BK, wH, S 3 [915mm] GB 6 [152mm] 6 Single 20iG306 V, G 3 [915mm] iG 6 [152mm] 6 Single 20GB506 V, G, BK, wH, S 5 [1.5m] GB 6 [152mm] 10 Single 20GB512 V, G, BK, wH, S 5 [1.5m] GB 12 [305mm] 5 Single 20GBA512 V, G 5 [1.5m] GBA 12 [305mm] 5 Single 20iG512 V, G 5 [1.5m] iG 12 [305mm] 5 Single 20GB606 V, G, BK, wH, S 6 [1.8m] GB 6 [152mm] 12 Single 20GB609 V, G 6 [1.8m] GB 9 [229mm] 8 Single 20GB612 V, G, BK, wH, S 6 [1.8m] GB 12 [305mm] 6 Single 20GB618 V, G 6 [1.8m] GB 18 [457mm] 4 Single 20GBA609 V, G 6 [1.8m] GBA 9 [229mm] 8 Single 20GBA612 V, G 6 [1.8m] GBA 12 [305mm] 6 Single 20GBA618 V, G 6 [1.8m] GBA 18 [457mm] 4 Single 20iG606 V, G 6 [1.8m] iG 6 [152mm] 12 Single V20GB12 V20GB306 V20GB612 NoTe: Snapicoil Reels on custom order. Snapicoil Harness is available on reels if lengths greater than 50’ are needed, or if multiple lengths are required for production-type jobs. The maximum length per reel is 240’ for Snapicoil Harness with outlets 12” and 18” on centers; 500’ with outlets 30” on center. Packaging includes the necessary number of lengths of base, holecut cover, wire clips, and couplings for complete installation. Price and delivery information should be obtained prior to specifying or ordering. To specify or order, add R to the Snapicoil Harness number. ex: V20GB12R. other outlet spacings available on custom order. Receptacles are made from high impact thermoplastic. Plugmold 2000 Series is supplied with two (2) 2010B Blank end Fittings and (1) 2001 Base Coupling. NoTe: Ivory, gray, white, and black Plugmold Series in GB and GBA wiring have matching color receptacles. Stainless steel Plugmold Series has black receptacles and Plugmold Series with IG wiring has orange receptacles. Plugmold 2000 Series 48' and 50' [14.6m & 15.2m] Lengths – Ivory, Gray Finish LeNGtH OUtLetS (15A 125V NeMA 5-15R) CeNteR DiStANCe 2000B AND 2000C HOLe CUt COVeR LeNGtH CAt. NO Feet [mm] wiRiNG CONFiG. inches [mm] Qty. Qty. Feet [mm] 20GB12 48 [14.6] GB 12 [305] 48 Single 8 6 [1.830] 20GB18 48 [14.6] GB 18 [457] 32 Single 8 6 [1.830] 20GB30 50 [15.2] GB 30 [760] 20 Single 10 5 [1.525] 20GBA12 48 [14.6] GBA 12 [305] 48 Single 8 6 [1.830] Plugmold 2000 Series Wiring Configuration GB SeRIeS: 3-wire #12 tHHN solid (1 hot, 1 neutral, and 1 ground), 1-circuit; has insulated grounding conductor. GBA SeRIeS: 4-wire #12 tHHN solid (2 hot, 1 neutral, and 1 ground), 2-circuits; outlets wired alternately; has insulated grounding conductor. IG SeRIeS: 3-wire #12 tHHN solid (1 hot, 1 neutral, and 1 ground), 1 circuit; has insulated-isolated grounding conductor, orange receptacle. WITH SNAPICoIL HARNeSS GB SeRIeS: 3-wire #12 tHHN solid (1 hot, 1 neutral, and 1 ground), 1-circuit; has insulated grounding conductor. GBA SeRIeS: 4-wire #12 tHHN solid (2 hot, 1 neutral, and 1 ground), 2-circuits; outlets wired alternately; has insulated grounding conductor. PLUGMOLD Multioutlet Systems LeNGtH 257 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD Plugmold® 2000 SerieS™ Plugmold 2000 Series Ordering Information 2000BC Base and Cover 2000B Base: .040" [1.0mm] steel; 2000C Cover: .025" [.6mm] steel. Packed ten 5' [1.5m] lengths of each per carton. Available in ivory (V2000BC), gray (G2000BC), black (BK2000BC), white (wH2000BC) and stainless steel (S2000BC). 3/4" [19.1mm] 1 9/32" [33mm] 2000B-5 Raceway Base W30 – For common connection of two, three, or four No. 12 or No.14 solid copper conductors. 1 5/16" [33mm] NoTe: Not for use with aluminum conductors. 2000WC 2000B-10 Raceway Base Use when conductors bypass receptacles. Not UL Listed. 1/2" [12.7mm] 2001 .040" [1.0mm] steel. Packed ten 10' [3.05m] lengths per carton. Available in ivory (V2000B-10), gray (G2000B-10), black (BK2000B-10), white (wH2000B-10) and stainless steel (S2000B-10). 1 9/32" [33mm] 2000C Raceway Base .025" [.6mm] steel. Packed twenty 5' [1.5m] lengths per carton. Has no receptacle hole cuts. Available in ivory (V2000C), gray (G2000C), black (BK2000C), white (wH2000C) and stainless steel (S2000C). 1 9/32" [33mm] 620 Coupling (Galvanized Steel) Joins lengths of 2000 Series Raceway Base. 2" [51mm] 2003 Supporting Clip temporary support, while positioning lengths of raceway base. Use with 2000 Series Raceway. V2003 has ivory finish; 2003 has plated finish. 2" [51mm] 1 2 Raceway Base and Cover Cutter Portable cutter for both 2000 Base and Cover. 620BCK 2006 2. Plugmold 2000 or 2100 snaps into 2003 Supporting Clip. Covers seam where lengths of cover or base meet. Available in ivory (V2006), gray (G2006), black (BK2006), white (wH2006) and stainless steel (S2006). Replacement blades and die set for 620 Cutter. 3/4" [19.1mm] www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 1. 2003 mounted on surface with No. 6 flathead screw. Cover Clip Replacement Blade Kit 258 W30G – For connection of equipment grounding of 2, 3, or 4 solid conductors No. 14 or No. 12 AwG. 300V maximum; 20A 105° C maximum. Wire Clip (Plated) .040" [1.0mm] steel. Packed twenty 5' [1.5m] lengths per carton. Available in ivory (V2000B-5), gray (G2000B-5), black (BK2000B-5), white (wH2000B-5) and stainless steel (S2000B-5). 1 9/32" [33mm] PLUGMOLD Multioutlet Systems W30/W30G Pressure-Type Wire Connectors WIREMOLD Plugmold® 2000 SerieS™ Plugmold 2000 Series Ordering Information (continued) 2015 Ground Clamp (Galvanzied) Connects equipment grounding conductor to provide an additional ground to raceway. 1 13/64" [30mm] How 2009 is used. 2010A3 2 11/16" [67mm] 2 1/8" [54mm] 3" [76mm] 1 1/2" [38mm] 2 1/8" [54mm] 3" [76mm] 2 1/2" [64mm] each Leg 1 1/2" [38mm] Offers larger capacity than V2010A2. 1/2" trade size KOs on end, each side and bottom. 3/4" trade size KOs on bottom and rear. includes ground screw. Available in ivory (V2010A3), gray (G2010A3), black (BK2010A3) and white (wH2010A3). 2017TC Connects 2000 Series Raceway with 1/2" trade size conduit and armored cable connectors. 1/2" trade size KOs on end, each side and bottom. includes ground screw. Available in ivory V2010A2),gray (G2010A2), black (BK2010A2),white (wH2010A2) and stainlesssteel (S2010A2). Internal Corner Coupling Furnished with one fiber bushing. 1 1/2" [38mm] 2017TC 1 1/2" [38mm] 2018C Closes off open end of 2000 Series Raceway. Available in ivory (V2010B), gray (G2010B), black (BK2010B), white (wH2010B)and stainless steel (S2010B). Right angle turns on same surface. Cover stop permits neat butting of 2000C Cover. two couplings furnished. Available in ivory (V20111), gray (G2011), black (BK2011), white (wH2011) and stainless steel (S2011). 2000B 2000B 1. 2017tC used as a corner coupling. 2. 2017tC used as a corner coupling and a straightthrough fitting. Continues raceway runs around outside corner. Fills the gap when external corner is made by notching and bending the 2000 Base. Available in ivory (V2018C), gray (G2018C), black (BK2018C), white (wH2018C) and stainless steel (S2018C). Corner Gap Filler snapped into place in 2018C. 2048 4 5/8" [118mm] 90° Flat elbow 2017TC external elbow Cover 1 7/8" [48mm] Blank end 3/4" [19.1mm] 2011 4" [102mm] entrance end Fitting 1 9/32" [33mm] 2010B Branches raceway at right angles. Couplings furnished. Available in ivory (V2015), gray (G2015), black (BK2015) and white (wH2015). 6" [152mm] entrance end Fitting 2 7/64" [53mm] 2010A2 Tee Single-Gang Device Box 2 7/8" [73mm] 1 3/4" [44mm] Cover has twistouts for 2000, 500 and 700 Series Raceways. Base has 1/2" trade size KO and rectangular KO for extension to wall box. Base has No. 10 threaded hole for ground connection. Available in ivory (V2048), gray (G2048), black (BK2048), white (wH2048) and stainless steel (S2048). PLUGMOLD Multioutlet Systems 2009 259 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD Plugmold 2000® SerieS™ Plugmold 2000 Series Ordering Information (continued) 2048-2 4 3/4" [121mm] 4 3/4" [121mm] 1 3/4" [44mm] 2051H 2051H fastened to horizontally mounted wall box. Available in 3' [915mm] with six single receptacles and two (2) mounting clips. Available in black (PiP36BK), white (PiP36wH) and ivory (PiP36V). 2051H fastened to vertically mounted wall box. Side Reducing Connector Connects 2000 Series Plugmold with 500 Series Raceway through the side of 2000 Series Plugmold. 3 1/4" [83mm] PLUGMOLD Multioutlet Systems 3/4" [19.1mm] PIP36 Plugin Plugmold Feeds 2000 Series Plugmold from an existing wall outlet. equipped with 1/2" [12.7mm] threaded stud, toothed lock washer for grounding, threaded hole for and conduit bushing. Available in ivory (V2051H), gray (G2051H), black (BK2051H), white (wH2051H) and stainless steel (S2051H). Plugmold 2000 extended from wall outlet using 2051H. end Reducing Connector Connects 2000 Series Plugmold with 500 Series Raceway through the end of 2000 Series Plugmold. Cover has twistouts for 2000, 500 and 700 Series Raceways. Base has 1/2" trade size KO and rectangular KO for extension to wall box. Base has No.10 threaded hole for ground connection. Available in ivory (V2048-2), gray (G2048-2), black (BK2048-2), white (wH2048-2) and stainless steel (S2048-2). (S204822). Flush Plate Adapter 4 1/2" [114mm] V2089 V2089e Two-Gang Device Box 6" [152mm] 2000 Series Interconnectivity Fittings FROM CONNeCtiON ReQUiReD tO USe CAtALOG NUMBeR 500 Series Raceway Side of Plugmold 2000 Series V2089, V2048, V2048-2 500 Series Raceway end of Plugmold 2000 Series V2089e, V2048, V2048-2 existing Outlet Plugmold 2000 Series 1/2" trade size Conduit or Armored Cable end of Plugmold 2000 Series 260 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD V2051H V2010A2, V2010A3 WIREMOLD Plugmold® 2000 SerieS™ 1. Determine the method of feeding and bring feed conductors into base section. Attaching Lock Nut Lock nut run onto Connector as spacer. CAUtiON: Be sure lock nut and feed do not fall behind receptacle. V2051H Flush Plate Adapter Back feeding from wall box. V2010A2 entrance end Fitting (typical) end feeding from conduit or armored cable. V2089 for V500 V500 V500 2089e end feeding from 500 Series Raceway. Side-feeding from 500 Series Raceway. 2. install 2000B Base on surface, starting with feed section. Mount base section with No. 8 flathead screws, through mounting screw knockouts and piercings, or mount with 2003 Support Clips. Random piercing and knockout pattern does not start and end at same point on bases of Plugmold. Approx. 1/2" [12.7mm] Feed KO 2" [51mm] Mounting Screw Piercing 2" [51mm] Mounting Screw KO 1. Determine method of feeding. Bring feed conductors into base. A. Stub-in feed at beginning of run, half the distance or less from first receptacle. Cut off base so 1/2" [12.7mm] entrance KO aligns with feed (also provides for cover to overlap base joint). Save base section cut-off for opposite end of run. B. Remove appropriate entrance KO and install 1/2" [12.7mm] connector as shown. 8" [203mm] Approx. approx. 1/2" [12.7mm] 2" [51mm] 2" [51mm] Feed KO Rating – 300 volts maximum, 20 AMP. 105° C maximum. CAUtiON: Be sure lock nut and feed do not fall behind receptacle. Mounting Screw Piercing Mounting Screw KO 8" [203mm] approx. 2000B Base Base Joint No. 8 Flathead Screw 2001 Coupling 2000B Base W30 and W30G CoNNeCToRS W30 – Common connection of 2, 3 or 4 solid conductors No.14 or No.12 AwG. W30G – For connection of equipment grounding of 2, 3, or 4 solid conductors No.14 or No.12 AwG. Feed Stubbed in 2. install 2000B Raceway Base on surface, starting with feed section. Mount entire run with No. 8 flat head screws, through mounting screw knockouts and piercings. Cut base to length at corners and end of run. Random piercing and knockout pattern does not start and end at same point on bases of Plugmold. 3. Snap in 2001 Coupling where base sections abut. 3. Connect feed to prewired cover section. Use approved connection method for ground conductor. Use only W30G (green) wire connectors on equipment grounding conductors, not W30. Note: Snapicoil Harness Installation Details 4. Lay out Snapicoil Harness along entire run of base so that receptacles are not located over feed or in corners. Connect harness to feed. Use approved connection method for ground conductor. w30 Connector on white Neutral wire w30G Connector on Green Ground wire w30 Connector on Black Hot wire w30 Connector has a white finish, w30G Connector has a green finish. A. Strip wire ends to width of product (1/2" [12.7mm]). B. insert wire ends the full stripped distance. 4. engage lower bead of cover in base. Starting at one end, snap in top bead. Be careful not to pinch wires. to snap cover in, work from one end to the other, striking sharply with heel of hand. 5. Starting at feed, snap receptacles completely into first cover section. 6. engage lower bead of cover in base and starting at one end, snap in top bead. be careful not to pinch wires. Continue snapping receptacles into covers, and covers into base along entire run. 2000B Base Lower Bead engaged Snap in Upper Bead of Cover PLUGMOLD Multioutlet Systems Plugmold Multioutlet Systems Installation Details 261 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD Plugmold® 2400 SerieS™ two-piece, single channel raceway. easy-to-install and ideal for basic power or communication installations CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Base and Blank Cover: File e4376 Guide RJBt. Multioutlet Assemblies: File e15191 Guide PVGt. Fittings: File e41751 Guide RJPR. Base and Blank Cover and Plugmold Series with Snapicoil Harness: Meets Article 386 of NeC. Meets Section 12-3032 of CeC. Plugmold Wired Sections: Meets Article 380 of NeC. Meets Section 12-3032 of CeC. Plugmold 2400 Series System Layout KeY C G K PLUGMOLD Multioutlet Systems C H e I F B D J I A e NoTe: Illustration is for showing product applications only. COLOR OPTIONS Plugmold® 2400 Series™ Part Numbers with a “V” prefix have an ivory finish. Part Numbers without a prefix have a galvanized steel finish unless otherwise specified. 262 Custom color options are also available. Consult the factory for more information. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD A B C D e F G H i J K V2410A entrance end Fitting V2448-2 two-Gang Device Box V2417 internal elbow V2418 external elbow V2448 Single-Gang Device Box 24S7218GBX99iV Plugmold Multi-outlet System V2489 Side Reducing Connector V2410B Blank end Fitting 500 500 Series Raceway V5747 Single-Gang Device Box V2411 Flat elbow WIREMOLD Plugmold® 2400 SerieS™ Plugmold 2400 Series Wire Fill Capacities for Power NUMBeR OF CONDUCtORS wiRe SiZe tHHN/tHwN O.D. inches [mm] witHOUt DeViCeS witH PLUGMOLD ReCePtACLeS 14 AwG 0.111 [2.8] 57 12 12 AwG 0.130 [3.3] 41 9 10 AwG 0.164 [4.2] 26 0 Plugmold 2400 Series Product Configuration Matrix LeNGtH CeNteR inches DiStANCe [mm] OUtLet Qty. 6 [152] 6 Single Feet [mm] wiRiNG CONFiG. V24GB306 3 [915mm] GB V24GB506 5 [1.5m] GB 6 [152] 10 Single V24GB512 5 [1.5m] GB 12 [305] 5 Single V24GBA512 5 [1.5m] GBA 12 [305] 5 Single V24GB606 6 [1.8m] GB 6 [152] 12 Single V24GB612 6 [1.8m] GB 12 [305] 6 Single V24GB618 6 [1.8m] GB 18 [457] 4 Single V24GBA612 6 [1.8m] GBA 12 [305] 5 Single V24GBA618 6 [1.8m] GBA 18 [457] 4 Single 24S3612GBX99iV 3 [915mm] GB 12 [305] 3 Duplex 24S3612GBA99iV 3 [915mm] GBA 12 [305] 3 Duplex 24S6012GBX99iV 5 [1.5m] GB 12 [305] 5 Duplex 24S6012iGX99iV 5 [1.5m] iG 12 [305] 5 Duplex 24S6012GBA99iV 5 [1.5m] GBA 12 [305] 5 Duplex 24S7212GBX99iV 6 [1.8m] GB 12 [305] 6 Duplex 24S7224GBA99iV 6 [1.8m] GBA 24 [608] 3 Duplex 24S7218GBX99iV 6 [1.8m] GB 18 [457] 4 Duplex 24S7224GBX99iV 6 [1.8m] GB 24 [608] 3 Duplex 24S7218iGX99iV 6 [1.8m] iG 18 [457] 4 Duplex 24S7212iGX99iV 6 [1.8m] iG 12 [305] 6 Duplex 24S7224iGX99iV 6 [1.8m] iG 24 [608] 3 Duplex 24S7212GBA99iV 6 [1.8m] GBA 12 [305] 6 Duplex 24S7218GBA99iV 6 [1.8m] GBA 18 [457] 4 Duplex V24GB506 NoTe: one Coupling and two end Clips included. Wiring Configuration GB SeRIeS: 3 wire, #12 tHHN solid (1 hot, 1 neutral and 1 ground) 1 circuit; has grounding conductor. Cross Section cover Receptacle Base GBA SeRIeS: 4-wire, #12 tHHN solid (2 hot, 1 neutral, and 1 ground) 2 circuits; outlets wired alternately; has grounding conductor. 1 29/32" [48mm] PLUGMOLD Multioutlet Systems OUtLetS (20A 125V NeMA 5-20R) CAt NO. 7/8" [22.2mm] 263 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD Plugmold® 2400 SerieS™ Plugmold 2400 Series Ordering Information V2400BC Base and Cover V2400B Base: .040" [1.0mm] steel; V2400C Cover: .025" [.6mm] steel. Packed ten 5' [1.5m] lengths of each per carton. 7/8" [22.2mm] V2406 Cover Clip Covers seam where lengths of cover or base meet. Use with Plugmold® 2400 Series. (Nonmetallic.) 1 1/2" [38mm] 1 29/32" [48mm] V2400B Raceway Base 2409 Ground Clamp No. 10 ground screw provided. Use with Plugmold® 2400 Series. .040" [1.0mm] steel. Packed twenty 5' [1.5m] lengths per carton. 1/2" [12.7mm] 1 29/32" [48mm] V2410A V2400C Raceway Cover .040" [1.0mm] steel 5' [1.5m] lengths. Packed (20) 5' [1.5m] lengths per carton. V2400C Cover has no receptacle hole cuts. 1 29/32" [48mm] 2" [51mm] 1 5/8" [41mm] Connects Plugmold® 2400 Series with 1/2" trade size conduit and armored cable. 1 3/16" [46mm] PM48T PLUGMOLD Multioutlet Systems entrance end Fitting Multiple outlet Strip (Diamond Plate Finish) Diamond plate finish base .040" [1.0mm] steel. Cover .040" [1.0mm] steel. 48" [1.2m] length. Provides five duplex 15A receptacles. Packed three per carton. PM48t Merchandiser available – 10 cartons of PM48t packed in a merchandising display.Order as PM48t-DiSP. 2400WC Wire Clip Holds conductors in place in raceway. V2410B Blank end Fitting Closes off open end of Plugmold® 2400 Series. 1 3/16" [30mm] V2410C entrance end Fitting 2 11/16" [68mm] 1 7/8" [48mm] 2 1/8" [54mm] 1" [25mm] 2401 Coupling 2" [51mm] Joins lengths of raceway. Use with Plugmold® 2400 Series. 264 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD Has 1/2" and 3/4" trade size KOs on end and bottom. Additional 1/2" trade size KO on sides. WIREMOLD Plugmold® 2400 SerieS™ Plugmold 2400 Series Ordering Information (continued) V2448, V2448-2 Flat elbow Right angle turns on the same surface. 1 29/32" [49mm] 3 15/16" [100mm] each Leg V2417M Makes internal 90° corners. All steel construction. 1 3/4" [45mm] Base has 1/2" trade size KO and rectangular KO for extension to wall box. Has #10 threaded hole for ground connection. V2448 D Cover has two twistouts for 500 and 700 Series Raceway, and two twistouts for 2400 Series Raceway. V2448-2 Cover has four 2400 Series Raceway twistouts. L CAt NO. V2448 V2448-2 Internal elbow W 4 5/8" 4 3/4" V2489 624 Covers outside corners. (Nonmetallic Cover.) 1 3/4" 1 3/4" D [44mm] [44mm] GANG 1 2 2400 and 2400D Raceway Base and Cover Cutter Portable cutter for 2400B and 2400BD Series Raceway. Back Feed Fitting Feeds Plugmold 2400 Series Raceway from an existing outlet box. equipped with 1/2" trade size male bushing and locknut washer for grounding. 4 1/2" [114mm] 4 1/2" [114mm] V2444, V2444-2 extra Deep Device Box W L 4 5/8" [117mm] 4 3/4" [121mm] 624BCK w 2 7/8" 4 3/4" [73mm] [121mm] D 2 3/4" 2 3/4" [44mm] [44mm] Replacement Blade Kit Replacement blades and die set for 624 Cutter. V2427GA Base has rectangular knockout to enable extension from existing single-gang flush wall box and D 1/2" and 1" concentric KOs. V2444 Cover has two twistouts for 500 and 700 Series Raceway, and two twistouts for 2400 Series Raceway. V2444-2 Cover has four 2400 Series Raceway Series twistouts. CAt NO. V2444 V2444-2 w [73mm] [121mm] external elbow 3" [76mm] L 2 7/8" 4 3/4" Connects Plugmold 2400 Series with 500 Series Raceway. 1 1/4" [32mm] V2451H L [117mm] [121mm] Side Reducing Connector 1 29/32" [49mm] V2418M Device Box Duplex Receptacle 3-wire, 15A, 125V, NeMA 5-15R. Provided with 10 1/2" [267mm] pigtails and inline splice connectors. ivory receptacle with ivory trim plate. GANG 1 2 PLUGMOLD Multioutlet Systems V2411M 265 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD Plugmold® 2400 SerieS™ Plugmold 2400 Series Ordering Information (continued) V2427GT Duplex Receptacle IG2427GT Isolated Ground Duplex Receptacle 3-wire, 20A, 125V, NeMA 5-20R. Provided with 10 1/2" [267mm] pigtails and inline splice connectors. ivory receptacle with ivory trim plate. 2686Fo 3 5/8" [92mm] Transition Feed Fitting 2 1/2" [63mm] IG2427GA eliminates offsetting V2400 in connecting with surface panel boxes. Has 3/4" and 1" concentric trade size KOs with 1" trade size KO elongated so adjustment from surface to center of bushing is 1" [25mm] minimum to 1 5/8" [41mm] maximum. Has twistouts for transition to Pancake 1500 and 2600 Series Raceway. Isolated Ground Duplex Receptacle PLUGMOLD Multioutlet Systems 3-wire, 15A, 125V NeMA 5-15R. Provided with 10 1/2" [267mm] pigtails and inline splice connectors. Orange receptacle with ivory trim plate. 266 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 3-wire, 20A, 125V NeMA 5-20R. Provided with 10 1/2" [267mm] pigtails and inline splice connectors. Orange receptacle with ivory trim plate. V2426 Lamp Holder Medium base lamp holder 660w, 250V. Black, general purpose phenolic. 1 9/16" [40mm] 1 29/32" [49mm] 5" [127mm] WIREMOLD Plugmold® Nm2000 SerieS™ two-piece, single channel raceway. easy-to-install and ideal for basic power or communication installations. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Base & Blank Cover: File e4376 Guide RJBt. Multioutlet Assemblies: File e15191 Guide PVGt. Fittings: File e41751 Guide RJPR. Base and Blank Cover and Plugmold Series with Snapicoil Harness: Meets Article 386 of NeC. Meets Section 12-3032 of CeC. Plugmold Wired Sections: Meets Article 380 of NeC. Meets Section 12-3032 of CeC. Plugmold NM2010A J Plugmold e C L D Plugmold F I B G A,K H A. NM2010A entrance end Fitting B. NM2010B Blank end Fitting C. NM2051H Horizontal wall Box Adapter D. NM2006 Cover Clip E. NM2017 internal elbow F. NM2015 tee Fitting G. NM2048-2 two-Gang Device Box H. NM2018 external elbow I. NM2048 Single-Gang Device Box J. NM2011 Flat elbow K. NM2010A entrance end Fitting L. NM2051V Vertical wall Box Adapter Plugmold Plus Multioutlet System NoTe: Illustration is for showing product applications only. COLOR OPTIONS PLUGMOLD Multioutlet Systems KeY Plugmold NM2000 Series System Layout Plugmold® Plus NM2000 Series™ Part Numbers without a prefix have an ivory finish unless otherwise specified. Custom color options are also available. Consult the factory for more information. 267 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD Plugmold® Nm2000 SerieS™ Plugmold NM2000 Series Wire Fill Capacities for Power Plugmold NM2000 Series Wire Fill Capacities for Communications UNSHieLDeD twiSteD PAiR O.D. (Approx. Dia.) in [mm] 0.190 [4.8] CABLe/wiRe SiZe 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 3 40% FiLL 16 O.D. 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 5e 0.210 [5.3] 13 wiRe SiZe tHHN/tHwN 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6 0.250 [6.3] 9 14 AwG 0.111 [2.8] 45 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6a* 0.354 [9.0] 4 25-pair, 24 AwG 0.410 [10.4] 3 12 AwG 0.130 [3.3] 31 COAXiAL RG6/U 0.270 [6.9] 7 10 AwG 0.164 [4.2] 15 Fiber ZipCord 0.118 x 0.236 [3 x 6] 16 Round 4 Strand Fiber 0.187 [4.8] 16 Round 6 Strand Fiber 0.256 [6.5] 8 inches [mm] NUMBeR OF CONDUCtORS Plugmold NM2000 Wiring Configuration GB SeRIeS: 3-wire #12 tHHN solid (1 hot, 1 neutral, and 1 ground), 1-circuit; has insulated grounding conductor. NoTe: For additional information, refer to the Technical Section. * Category 6 augmented (6a) cable for 10 gigabit ethernet – max allowed cable diameter per addenda No. 11 ANSi tiA/eiA 568-B.2. Plugmold NM2000 Multioutlet Strips LeNGtH Feet [mm] CAt NO. NM20GB412 NM20GBA412 NM20iG412 4 NM20GB512 NM20GB515 NM20GB530 NM20GBA512 NM20iG512 wiRiNG CONFiG GB GBA iG [1220] 5 Duplex Outlets (15A 120V NeMA 5-15R) CeNteR DiStANCe inches [mm] Qty. 12 [305] 4 12 [305] 4 12 [305] 4 GB GB GB GBA iG [1525] 12 15 30 12 12 [305] [381] [762] [305] [305] 5 4 2 5 5 NM20GB609 GB 9 [229] 8 NM20GB612 NM20GB618 GB GB 12 18 [305] [457] 6 4 NM20GBA609 6 [1830] NM20GBA612 NM20iG612 GBA SeRIeS: 4-wire #12 tHHN solid (2 hot, 1 neutral, and 1 ground), 2-circuits; outlets wired alternately; has insulated grounding conductor. GBA 9 [229] 8 GBA 12 [305] 6 iG 12 [305] 6 IG SeRIeS: 3-wire #12 tHHN solid (1 hot, 1 neutral, and 1 ground), 1 circuit; has insulated-isolated grounding conductor, orange receptacle. ReeLS: Reels available as follows: • Lengths greater than 50' [15.2m] • Multiple lengths • For outlet spacing of 12" and 18" [305mm and 457mm], the maximum length is 240' [73m] per reel. Plugmold NM2400 Multioutlet Strips PLUGMOLD Multioutlet Systems DUPLeX OUtLetS (20A 120V NeMA 5-20R) CAt NO. NM24GB412 NM24GBA412 NM24GB512 4 [1220] NM24GB530 5 [1525] inches [mm] Qty. GB GBA GB 12 12 12 [305] [305] [305] 4 4 5 GB 30 [762] 2 GBA 12 [305] 5 GB 12 [305] 6 GB GBA 18 12 [457] [305] 4 6 NM24GB612 NM24GB618 NM24GBA612 6 CeNteR DiStANCe wiRiNG CONFiG NM24GBA512 [1830] Packaging includes the necessary lengths of NM2000B Base, NM2000C Hole Cut Cover, NM2000wC wire Clips, and 2001 Couplings for complete installation. Price and delivery information should be obtained prior to specifying or ordering. to specify or order, add R to the Snapicoil Harness number. ex: NM20GB12. Other outlet spacings available on custom order, contact your field sales representative or Specialized Products at 1-800-621-0049. NoTe: Fed. Spec. duplex receptacles are made from high impact nylon and colored to match the raceway Plugmold NM2000 with Snapicoil Harness LeNGtH Feet [mm] DUPLeX OUtLetS (15A 120V NeMA 5-15R) CeNteR DiStANCe NM2000B & NM2000C LeNGtH wiRiNG CONFiG inches [mm] Qty. Qty. Feet [m] NM20GB12 48 [14.6] GB 12 [305] 48 8 6 [1.830] NM20GBA12 48 [14.6] GBA 12 [305] 48 8 6 [1.830] CAt NO. 268 LeNGtH Feet [mm] • For outlet spacing of 30" [762mm], the maximum length is 500' [152m] per reel. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD Plugmold® Nm2000 SerieS™ Ordering information Plugmold NM2000 Series Ordering Information (continued) NM2000BC Base and Cover 1" [25mm] Supporting Clip Supports lengths of raceway at any point desired. Mount to surface with No. 8 flathead screw. 2" [51mm] NM2000B and NM2000C packed ten 5' [1.5m] lengths of each per carton. 1 3/4" [44mm] 1 3/4" [44mm] Raceway Base NM2006 Cover Clip Single channel plastic base, ivory finish. Packed ten 8' [2.4m] lengths per carton. Covers seam where lengths of cover or base meet. 1 1/2" [38mm] 1 3/4" [44mm] NM2000C Raceway Cover tapered snap-on cover. textured ivory finish. Packed ten 8' [2.4m] lengths per carton. 1 3/4" [44mm] NM2010A entrance end Fitting to end feed raceway or Plugmold strip. Has 1/2" trade size KO on end and bottom. 1 9/16" [40mm] 3 13/16" [97mm] 1 3/4" [44mm] W30/W30G NoTe: Not for use with aluminum conductors. NM2000WC 1 1/2" [38mm] Pressure-Type Wire Connectors 1 5/16" [33mm] w30 - For common connection of two, three, or four No. 12 or No.14 solid copper conductors. w30G – For connection of equipment grounding of 2, 3, or 4 solid conductors No. 14 or No. 12 AwG. 300V maximum; 20A 105° C maximum. 1 3/4" [44mm] 3 3/8" [86mm] 1 3/4" [44mm] NM2010B Blank end Fitting Closes off open end of NM2000 Series Raceway. 1 1/16" [27mm] Wire Clip Holds wire or cable in place or for use when conductors bypass receptacles. 1 15/16" [49mm] NM2011 Flat elbow Right angle turns on same surface. 1 7/8" [48mm] 3 3/16" [81mm] PLUGMOLD Multioutlet Systems NM2000B NM2003 2 11/16" [68mm] 269 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD Plugmold® Nm2000 SerieS™ Plugmold NM2000 Series Ordering Information (continued) NM2015 NM2048 and NM2048-2 Tee 4 1/2" [114mm] 1 5/16" [33mm] Sure-Snap® Deep Device Box Branches NM2000 Series Raceway at right angles. 3 11/16" [94mm] Cover snaps onto base – no screws required. Cover has twistouts on all sides. Rectangular KO in base for extension to wall box. W 1 5/8" [41mm] D 1" [25mm] L 1 7/8" [48mm] NM2017 CAt NO. Internal elbow NM2048 NM2048-2 Right angle turns at inside corners. 2" [51mm] 1 5/8" [41mm] NM2051H 2" [51mm] 1 7/8" [48mm] PLUGMOLD Multioutlet Systems 1" [25mm] NM2051V 1" [25mm] W D GANG [44mm] [44mm] 1 2 Feeds NM2000 Series Raceway from an existing wall outlet for horizontal applications. Provides complete access to wall box for connections. 3" 4 7/8" Feeds NM2000 Series Raceway from an existing wall outlet for vertical applications. Provides complete access to wall box for connections. extra Deep Device Box w [121mm] [121mm] Vertical Wall Box Adapter 2 3/4" [70mm] Mounts power/communications devices when additional depth is required. Has combination twistouts for 2700, 2800, 2900, and NM2000 Series Raceways. L 4 3/4" 4 3/4" D 1 3/4" 1 3/4" Horizontal Wall Box Adapter 4 1/2" [114mm] NM2044 , NM2044-2 CAt NO. [76mm] [124mm] external elbow 1 3/8" [35mm] NM2044 NM2044-2 3" 4 7/8" 4 1/2" [114mm] Used for making 90° turns at outside corners. L w [121mm] [121mm] 2 3/4" [70mm] 1 5/8" [41mm] NM2018 L 4 3/4" 4 3/4" [76mm] [124mm] 270 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD D 2 3/4" 2 3/4" GANG [70mm] [70mm] 1 2 NM2027-15 , NM2027-20 Replacement Receptacle 15 and 20A replacement devices. 6" [152mm] wire leads each side. 1 1/8" [29mm] 4" [102mm] 3 3/16" [81mm] WIREMOLD Plugmold® Nm2000 SerieS™ installation Details Plugmold NM2000 Series Installation Details 1. Lay out raceway path. Determine feed method and location from figures A, B, and C below. 4. wiring Method – Refer to instructions A through e according to your application A FIeLD WIReD RACeWAY a1 install wire in raceway wire clips as needed. a2 Snap on raceway and install fitting covers. Fig. A Fig. B Fig. C 2. Measure and cut raceway base and cover. See common fitting dimensions below. 1" [25mm] from edge of Wall 1 1/16" [27mm] 1 3/4" [44mm] B WIReD CoVeR SeCTIoNS B1 Connect receptacle harness to feed point, using approved methods. B2 Snap cover/harness assembly onto base and snap on fitting covers. 1 5/8" [41mm] from edge of Wall 3. install raceway and fitting bases using No. 8 flathead screws. C SNAPICoIL HARNeSS c1 Lay out Snapicoil c2 Snap receptacles c3 Snap wired Harness so that into NM2000 cover section receptacles are not Cover. onto base. located over feed point or at corners. Connect harness to feed point. NM2010A entrance end Fitting NM2051H (Shown) wall Box Adapter NM2010B Blank end Fitting NM2017 internal elbow NM2018 external elbow NM2011 Flat elbow NM2015 tee Fitting NM2006 Cover Clip NM2048 Device Box PLUGMOLD Multioutlet Systems Plugmold NM2000/NM2400 Series Installation Details 271 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD Plugmold® Al2000 SerieS™ Low profile multiple outlet system with an aesthetic finish. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Base & Blank Cover: File e4376 Guide RJBt. Multioutlet Assemblies: File e15191 Guide PVGt. Fittings: File e41751 Guide RJPR. Base & Blank Cover: Meets Article 386 of NeC. Plugmold Strips: Meets Article 380 of NeC. Plugmold AL2000 Series System Layout NoTe: Illustration is for showing product applications only. B D NoTe: To remove cover, insert screwdriver into groove, push down and twist. C A PLUGMOLD Multioutlet Systems F e KeY A Supply conductors may be fed from 1/2" [12.7mm] KO in base, or through AL2010A Feed Fitting. this system is designed with capacity for additional feed or circuitry conductors. B Attach base section to mounting surface with AL2003 Spring Mounting Clips or by drilling 9/32" [7.1mm] holes in the base and using #8 flathead screws. C Connect circuit wires with connectors. COLOR OPTIONS Plugmold® AL2000 Series™ Part Numbers without a prefix have an satin anodized finish unless otherwise specified. 272 iMPORtANt: All mounting methods must result in a flush interior surface. Special outlet assemblies manufactured to specifications. Consult factory. Custom color options are also available. Consult the factory for more information. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD D Additional multiple outlet sections or AL2000 Raceway sections may be attached at ends with AL2001 Coupling. e Close ends with blank end fitting (AL2010B), or with feed fittings (AL2010A). F Snap in cover section. WIREMOLD Plugmold® Al2000 SerieS™ Plugmold AL2000 Series Wire Fill Capacities for Power inches 14 AwG 0.111 12 AwG 10 AwG GB SeRIeS: 3-wire #12 tHHN solid, 1-circuit; has insulated grounding conductor. Gray receptacles. NUMBeR OF CONDUCtORS O.D. wiRe SiZe tHHN/tHwN Plugmold AL2000 Series Wiring Configuration [mm] witHOUt DeViCeS witH PLUGMOLD ReCePtACLe [2.8] 51 8 0.130 [3.3] 38 6 0.164 [4.2] 24 3 8 AwG 0.216 [5.5] 12 6 AwG 0.254 [6.5] 8 GBA SeRIeS: 4-wire #12 tHHN solid, 2-circuit; outlets wired alternately; has insulated grounding conductor. Gray receptacles. Plugmold AL2000 Series Multioutlet Strips SiNGLe OUtLetS (15A 120V NeMA 5-15R) Length CAt. NO.* AL20GB306 AL20iG306 Feet 3 [mm] CeNteR DiStANCe wiRiNG CONFiG. inches [mm] Qty. GB 6 [152] 6 [915] iG 6 [152] 6 GB 6 [152] 10 GB 12 [305] 5 AL20iG506 iG 6 [457] 10 AL20GB606 GB 6 [152] 12 AL20GB612 GB 12 [305] 6 AL20GB506 AL20GB512 5 [1525] AL20GB618 GB 18 [457] 4 GBA 6 [152] 12 AL20GBA612 GBA 12 [305] 6 AL20GBA618 GBA 18 [457] 4 iG 6 [152] 12 AL20GBA606 6 [1830] AL20iG606 IG SeRIeS: 3-wire #12 tHHN solid, 1 circuit; has insulated-isolated grounding conductor. Orange receptacles. AL20GB306 AL20GB612 AL20GB618 * AL2000 Series Plugmold has gray outlets. each AL2000 Plugmold strip is supplied with two AL2010B Blank end Fittings and one AL2001 Coupling. PLUGMOLD Multioutlet Systems center Distance Length 1 7/16" [37mm] cover 1 1/8" [29mm] Base 273 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD Plugmold® Al2000 SerieS™ Plugmold AL2000 Series Ordering Information AL2000B-5, AL2000B-10 Raceway Base 6063-t5 extruded aluminum, satin anodized finish, .060" [1.5mm] nominal thickness. Packed (12) 5' [1.5m] lengths (AL2000B-5) or six 10' [3m] lengths (AL2000B-10) per carton. 1 7/16" [37mm] AL2000C-5 Raceway Cover Mounting Clip (Spring Steel) aL2000 Base and cover shown assembled. cross sectional area 1in.2 [1037mm2]. 1 1/8" [29mm] 1 7/16" [37mm] W30, W30G AL2006 Cover Clip (Spring Steel) Covers seam where lengths of cover or base come together. 1" [25mm] AL2009 Ground Clamp (Galvanized Steel) 1 1/2" [38mm] Ground Stud Connects equipment grounding conductor to provide additional ground to raceway. Pressure-Type Wire Connectors w30 – For common connection of two, three, or four No. 12 or No.14 solid copper conductors. 1 5/16" [33mm] NoTe: Not for use with aluminum conductors. AL2000WC Supports lengths of AL2000 Series Raceway at any point desired. Mount to surface with No. 8 flathead screw. 1 7/16" [37mm] 6063-t5 extruded aluminum, satin anodized finish, .060" [1.5mm] nominal thickness. Packed (12) 5' [1.5m] lengths per carton. 1 7/16" [37mm] PLUGMOLD Multioutlet Systems AL2003 AL2010A w30G – For connection of equipment grounding of 2, 3, or 4 solid conductors No. 14 or No. 12 AwG. 300V maximum; 20A 105° C maximum. Wire Retainer (Nonmetallic) Holds conductors in place in raceway base. Feed Fitting end fitting with 1/2" [12.7mm] hub adapter. 1 3/8" [35mm] 1" [25mm] AL2010B Blank end Fitting Closes off end of AL2000 Series Raceway. 1 3/8" [35mm] 3/4" [19.1mm] 1" [25mm] AL2001 Slide Coupling Connects adjoining sections of AL2000 Series Raceway base. AL2011 3" [76mm] 274 Flat elbow 3" [76mm] 1 9/16" [40mm] www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD Right angle turn on same surface. Comes with two couplings. WIREMOLD Plugmold® Al2000 SerieS™ Plugmold AL2000 Series Ordering Information (continued) 1 7/16" [37mm] AL2043IG Tee In-Line Isolated Ground Receptacle Branch connection of two runs of AL2000 Series Raceway. Comes with three couplings. 4" [102mm] two 15A, 120V factory wired isolated ground orange receptacles. two couplings furnished. 6" [152mm] 1 9/16" [40mm] AL2017 AL2044, AL2044-2 Internal elbow Makes 90° internal corners.two couplings furnished. 3" [76mm] D W L 3" [76mm] AL2018 external elbow 3" [76mm] Makes 90° external corners. two couplings furnished. 3" [76mm] aL2044 aL2044-2 L 4 5/8" 4 5/8" 1 3/8" [35mm] AL2040A w [117mm] 3 1/16" [117mm] 4 27/32" Designed for use in hanging fixtures. Cover takes any device with mounting screw centers of 2 3/4", 3 1/2" and 4 1/16" [70mm, 89mm and 103mm]. Base has concentric 1/2" and 3/4" trade size KOs. Not rated for fan use. In-Line Single Pole Switch Single pole 120V Black switch. two couplings furnished. D L W CAt NO. [57mm] [64mm] 1 2 aL2047 aL2047-2 4 5/8" 4 5/8" AL2051H w [117mm] 3 1/16" [78mm] [117mm] 4 27/32" [123mm] D 1 3/8" 1 3/8" GANG [35mm] [35mm] 1 2 Box Adapter Used to feed raceway from existing wall outlet box. Accepts up to 5/8" trade size conduit. In-Line Receptacle 6" [152mm] 2 1/4" 2 1/2" GANG Designed for standard shallow switches and receptacles. Base has open back plate for mounting to existing wall box and solid back plate insert with 1/2" and 3/4" trade size KOs to close opening. Not for use on AL2400 Series Raceway. L 6" [152mm] AL2043 [78mm] [123mm] D Shallow Switch Receptacle Box Round Fixture Box (Solid Base) 4 13/16" [122mm] For larger receptacles and deep devices such as those of signal and alarm systems. Base has open back plate for mounting to existing wall box and solid back plate insert with 1/2" and 3/4" trade size KOs to close opening. Not for use on AL2400 Series Raceway. AL2047, AL2047-2 1 7/8" [48mm] AL2038 CAt NO. Deep Device Box 4 1/2" [114mm] 4 1/2" [114mm] two 15A, 120V U-ground factory wired receptacles. two couplings furnished. PLUGMOLD Multioutlet Systems AL2015 275 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD Plugmold® 2000tr SerieS™ Plugmold® 2000tR Series™ tamper-Resistant Multioutlet Systems meet the 2008 NeC requirement 406.11 for tamper Resistant receptacles in dwelling units. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Base & Blank Cover: File e4376 Guide RJBt. Multioutlet Assemblies: File e15191 Guide PVGt. Fittings: File e41751 Guide RJPR. Base & Blank Cover Meets Article 386 of NeC. Plugmold Strips: Meets Article 380 of NeC. Steel Plugmold 2000TR Series Ordering Information PLUGMOLD Multioutlet Systems 20GB306TR, 20GB506TR, 20GB606TR Tamper-Resistant Plugmold 20GB306TRGFI Available in 3' [914mm] and 5' [1.5m] lengths with 6" [152mm] receptacle spacing. 15A tamper-resistant receptacles. 3-wire, #12 tHHN (1 hot, 1 neutral, and insulated ground conductor). .040" [1.0mm] steel housing. Packed 2 per carton. each unit supplied with one (1) Coupling and two (2) Blank end Fittings. Available in ivory (V20GB306tR, V20GB506tR), gray (G20GB306tR, G20GB506tR), black (BK20GB306tR, BK20GB506tR, BK20GB606tR,), white (wH20GB306tR, wH20GB506tR, wH20GB606tR) and stainless steel (S20GB306tR, S20GB506tR and S20GB606tR). Plugmold 2000TR Series Cross Section Tamper-Resistant Plugmold with GFCI Available in 3' [914mm] and 5' [1.5m] lengths with 6" [152mm] receptacle spacing. 15A tamper-resistant receptacles. 3-wire, #12 tHHN (1 hot, 1 neutral, and insulated ground conductor). .040" [1.0mm] steel housing. Packed 2 per carton. each unit supplied with one (1) Coupling and two (2) Blank end Fittings. Available in ivory (V20GB306tRGFi, V20GB506tRGFi), gray (G20GB306tRGFi, G20GB506tRGFi), black (BK20GB306tRGFi, BK20GB506tRGFi), white (wH20GB306tRGFi, wH20GB506tRGFi), stainless steel (S20GB306tRGFi, (S20GB506tRGFi, S20GB606tRtRGFi) and aluminum (AL20GB306tRGFi, AL20GB506tRtRGFi). Plugmold GFCI2000TR Series Cross Section 3/4" [19.1mm] 3/4" [19.1mm] V20GB306tR 1 9/32" [32mm] V20GB306tRGFi 1 9/32" [32mm] available: Q2 2013 COLOR OPTIONS 2000 Series Plugmold is available in an ivory, Gray, Black, or white baked enamel finish or in durable stainless steel or satin anodized aluminum unless otherwise specified in the part number description. Custom color options are also available. Consult the factory for more information. 276 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD Plugmold® 2000tr SerieS™ Steel Plugmold 2000TR Series Ordering Information (continued) V2051H Coupling Back Feed Fitting Joins lengths of Plugmold 2000tR Series together. 4 1/2" [114mm] 2" [51mm] 2009 4 1/2" [114mm] Ground Clamp 1 13/64" [30mm] Feeds Plugmold 2000tR Series from an existing outlet box. equipped with 1/2" trade size male bushing and lock nut washer for grounding. 2010A2 Connects equipment grounding conductor to Plugmold 2000tR Series. entrance end Fitting 1 9/32" [33mm] 1 1/2" [38mm] How 2009 is used. 2010B 2 1/8" [54mm] Blank end Fitting 3/4" [19.1mm] Closes off open end of sections of Plugmold 2000tR Series. Available in ivory (V2010B), gray (G2010B), black (BK2010B), white (wH2010B) and stainless steel (S2010B). 3" [76mm] 2040B 4 5/8" [117mm] Connects Plugmold 2000tR Series with 1/2" trade size conduit and armored cable connectors. 1/2" trade size KOs on end, each side and bottom. includes ground screw. Available in ivory (V2010A2), gray (G2010A2), black (BK2010A2), white (wH2010A2) and stainless steel (S2010A2) entrance end Fitting 2 7/8" [73mm] 1 3/4" [44mm] One-gang device box. Cover has one twistout for 2000 Series Plugmold on two sides and one twistout for 500® and 700® Series Raceway on the top and bottom. Base includes knockout to enable extension from existing single-gang flush wall box and 1/2" trade size KOs. Accepts industry standard faceplates for electrical and communication devices. Available in ivory (V2040B), gray (G2040B), black (BK2040B), white (wH2040B), and stainless steel (S2040B) PLUGMOLD Multioutlet Systems 2001 277 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD Plugmold® 2000tr SerieS™ Aluminum Plugmold 2000TR Series Ordering Information AL20GB306TR, AL0GB506TR Tamper-Resistant Plugmold 1 7/16" [37mm] cover 1 1/8" [29mm] Base Available in 3' [914mm] and 5' [1.5m] lengths with 6" [152mm] receptacle spacing. 15A tamper-resistant receptacles. 3-wire, #12 tHHN (1 hot, 1 neutral, and insulated ground conductor). .060" [1.5mm] 6063t5 extruded aluminum housing with satin anodized finish. Packed 2 per carton. each unit supplied with one (1) Coupling and two (2) Blank end Fittings. AL2010A Feed Fitting end fitting with 1/2" [12.7mm] hub adapter. 1 3/8" [35mm] 1" [25mm] AL2010B Blank end Fitting Closes off open end of sections of AL2000 Series Raceway. 1 3/8" [35mm] 1" [25mm] aL20GB306tR AL2047 AL2001 Shallow Switch and Receptacle Box 1 3/8"" [35mm] Coupling Connects adjoining sections of AL2000 Series Raceway base. 3 1/16" [78mm] AL2009 Ground Clamp PLUGMOLD Multioutlet Systems 1 1/2" [38mm] Ground Stud AL2051H (Galvanized Steel) Connects equipment grounding conductor to provide additional ground to raceway. 278 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 4 5/8"" [117mm] Designed for standard shallow switches and receptacles. Base has open back plate for mounting to existing wall box and solid back plate insert with 1/2" and 3/4" trade size KOs to close opening. Not for use with AL2400 Series Raceway. Box Adapter Used to feed raceway from existing wall outlet box. Accepts up to 5/8" trade size conduit. 4 1/2" [114mm] 4 1/2" [114mm] WIREMOLD AdorNe™ uNder-cAbiNet lightiNg SyStem the adorne Under-Cabinet Lighting System is a fully customizable and modular solution for eliminating kitchen clutter. it is compatible with any kitchen layout, such as a galley, L-shaped, or U-shaped, as well as with any home wiring. CODE REFERENCE Visit www.adornemyhome.com to use the Under-Cabinet System Planning and Configuration Tool. eTL Listed System: 100477147 adorne Under-Cabinet Lighting System is ceTLus Listed How to Specify the System 1. Planning your System Layout • First, determine where you want to install the system. then measure your cabinets to determine the length of Modular track required: 12” Modular Track • Measure each cabinet length at back of cabinet. • When totaling up the length of required Modular track, be sure to include the length of the desired Control Box or Direct wire Connector. For a 1-gang box, allow 5". For a 2-gang box, allow 5.25". For Direct wire Connector, allow 6". For more detail on Control Box options, see page 58. • If your selection of Modular Tracks does not match the exact length of your cabinets, you can use a Modular track extender to complete the track. this piece can be cut down to 6". Standard 12", 18", and 27" Modular tracks cannot be shortened. 18” Modular Track 27” Modular Track 18” Modular Track extender Modular Track Corner Connector PLUGMOLD Multioutlet Systems • For installations with a corner, allow 3" on each side for Corner Connector. 279 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD AdorNe™ uNder-cAbiNet lightiNg SyStem How to Specify the System 1. Planning your System Layout (continued) 2. Selecting the Control Box and Power Options Sample Installation: Length of cabinets is equal to combined length of standard Modular Tracks 56” 2G 18 18 c 12 12 • One 2-Gang Control Box is placed at one end of system for hardwired power connection and lighting control • Total length of cabinets can be exactly matched with combination of standard Modular tracks • As needed, Control Boxes can be placed anywhere in system 33” 27 For hardwired installations, there must be three separate circuits from the electrical panel: • Receptacle Circuit: 20 Amps; GFCI-protected; 280Use #12 wire • Lighting Circuit: 15 Amps; Use #12 or #15 wire • Accessory Circuit: 15 Amps; Use #12 or #14 wire Sample Installation: Length of cabinets is greater than combined length of standard Modular Tracks Hardwired Control Boxes 60” 27 1G 18 eX Next, select the type of lighting and power connection you’d like to include. For a simple install, the Plugin Control Box provides the easiest solution. For a hardwired installation, there are three options to choose from which enable expanded lighting control options such as dimming: • Control Box with Paddle Dimmer • Control Box with Paddle Dimmer and GFCI protection • Direct Wire Connector c * (cut to 6.75”) eX (cut to 9.75”) 1-Gang Control Box with Paddle Dimmer • 1-Gang Control Boxes are placed at both ends of the system for hardwired power connection and lighting control 36” 18 • Modular Track Extender is custom-cut to match exact length of cabinets Direct wire Connector 1G Sample Installation: Direct wire with system controls in a remote location 57” 27 27 Plug-in Control Box c NoTe: Compatible with all adorne 2-module devices. The CFL/LeD Paddle Dimmer (ADPD453LM2) is recommended for use with the adorne system. • Direct Wire Connector is placed at one end of system for hardwired power connection 2 7 • Light control located in nearby wallbox • GFCI circuit breaker located in electrical panel 280 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD DWC PLUGMOLD Multioutlet Systems 2-Gang Control Box with Paddle Dimmer and 15A GFCi 36” WIREMOLD AdorNe™ uNder-cAbiNet lightiNg SyStem How to Specify the System 3. Selecting the LeD Lights 4. Choosing Accessories to Complete the System the adorne Under-Cabinet Lighting System is only compatible with adorne LeD lights. these are available in Puck and Linear versions. Recommended placement for lights is every 18” along Modular track. you can select any combination of Puck and Linear lights to complete your system. in addition, if you are mounting a light under the cabinet and wish to move it further to the front of the counter, you can use the LeD Light extender. this enables you to increase the length of any light from the Modular track from a standard 11” to up to 22”. this is especially useful in corner installations. LeD Linear Light LeD Puck Light the final step is to select the accessories to perfectly complement your system. adorne offers a range of options, including USB charging ports, mobile and tablet cradles, and a Digital Music Kit. each of these accessories provides flexibility in that it can be added or removed at any time – simply swap it with an existing outlet or blank module to increase your system capabilities. For more detail on accessories, see page 60. Light extender Modular Tracks the Modular tracks listed below simply plug together to create a full system custom-designed for any kitchen. Name Compliance they form the base of the system, housing all of the wiring that connects the modules. each system must include a Control Box or Direct wire Connector that is hardwired to existing wiring or plugged into an outlet on the backsplash. Visit www.adornemyhome.com for more information. Specifications Part Number 12” Modular track includes one Outlet Module and one Blank Module. Can support up to two LeD lights. Provides 120V power via 15A outlet modules and 20A passthrough. Module openings are 6” on-center. APMt12tM2 18” Modular track includes one Outlet Module and one Blank Module. Can support up to two LeD lights. Provides 120V power via 15A outlet modules and 20A passthrough. Module openings are 9” on-center. APMt18tM4 27” Modular track includes two Outlet Modules and one Blank Module. Can support up to three LeD lights. Provides 120V power via 15A outlet modules and 20A passthrough. Module openings are 9” on-center. APMt27tM2 18” Modular track extender enables a perfect fit for any kitchen. Simply cut to length (minimum of 6”) and attach to end of Modular track. Does not include any module openings. APMe18tM2 Modular track Corner Connector Use with installations that include a right-angle corner to connect two Modular tracks. Allow 3” on each side for installations with Corner Connectors. APCCtM4 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD PLUGMOLD Multioutlet Systems the adorne system is a flexible and modular solution designed to eliminate kitchen clutter. Fully customizable, you can select from several types of modules and modify your system in minutes. Simply pop out an existing module and replace it with a new module at any time. 281 WIREMOLD AdorNe™ uNder-cAbiNet lightiNg SyStem Control Boxes every Under-Cabinet Lighting System must include one of the below Control Boxes or Direct wire Connector. these boxes connect to existing in-wall wiring or plug into an outlet on the backsplash to provide system power. Control Boxes include system end caps, ensuring a clean finish on the left and right edges of the installed system. Compliance Specifications Part Number Control Box with Paddle Dimmer 450w Connects to existing in-wall wiring. Fits onto end of Modular track, adding 5” onto system length. includes adorne 450w CFL/LeD Paddle Dimmer ( ADPD453LM2). GFCi protection must be provided at the electrical panel APCB1tM4 Control Box with Paddle Dimmer and 15A GFCi 450w 15A Connects to existing in-wall wiring. Fits onto end of Modular track, adding 5.25” onto system length. includes adorne 450w CFL/LeD Paddle Dimmer (ADPD453LM2) and 15A tamper-Resistant GFCi Outlet (AGFtR153M4). APCB2tM2 Plug-in Control Box Snaps into any module opening on the track and plugs into an existing outlet to provide system power. Cord length of 11” can easily be shortened to match the distance from outlet to Modular track. APCB3tM4 Direct wire Connector enables direct wire feed of power from in-wall wiring, eliminating need for a Control Box. Connector is 6” in length. APDwCtM1 PLUGMOLD Multioutlet Systems Name 282 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD AdorNe™ uNder-cAbiNet lightiNg SyStem Lighting adorne Puck and Linear LeD Lights are designed for use with the adorne system only. they can be paired with the adorne CFL/LeD Paddle Dimmer (ADPD453L) to enable dimming. Lights easily plug into a connection port on any system module. Optimal positioning is one light for every 18” of Modular track. Lights can be added or removed as needed. adorne LeD lights are energy Star certified. Name Compliance Specifications Part Number LeD Puck Light • 8W • 240 lumens • correlated color temperature: 3000 kelvin color rendering index: 95 ALPKLeDtM4 LeD Linear Light • 8W • 280 lumens • correlated color temperature: 3000 kelvin color rendering index: 95 ALLNLeDtM4 Light extender enables adorne LeD lights to be mounted up to 22” from backsplash by extending cord length beyond default 11”. ideal for corner cabinet installations. ALeXtLeDtM4 the adorne system is optimized to provide a premium under-cabinet lighting solution by utilizing the latest innovations in lighting research and LeD te283chnologies. .425 ANSI Chromaticy Color Bin for 3000K • OSRAM OSLON Color Champ LeD ® • Nominal 3000K Correlated Color Temperature (CCT) warm light output • Color Rendering Index (CRI) of 95 • Excellent range of color differentiation and rendering of the important red color (think red meat and apples) and skin tones • A bright lumen light output (Puck = 240 lumens/ Linear = 280 lumens) provides optimized lighting for the under-cabinet environment • Efficient driver design integrated in each fixture results in: - Reliable and smooth dimming - eNeRGy StAR certification - Rated for 40,000 hours of high performance • LED quality control uses a “fine bin system” based on a three-step MacAdams ellipse to ensure color consistency .415 .405 Legrand adorne LeD Fixture Chromaticy Color Bin for 3000K .395 .385 .375 .41 .415 .42 .425 .43 .435 .44 .445 .45 .455 .46 NoTe: adorne individual LeDs are specifically selected to ensure fixture output CCT uniformity within a range of less than 100. This tight manufacturing assurance process ensures that variations inherent in the LeD chip manufacturing process do not compromise reliable light quality. PLUGMOLD Multioutlet Systems System specifications: 283 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD AdorNe™ uNder-cAbiNet lightiNg SyStem Digital Music Kit the Digital Music Kit adds high performance sound to your adorne Under-Cabinet Lighting System. it includes two speakers and a detachable dock for smart phones or MP3 players. Simply fit the main speaker into one module opening and then place the second speaker in any other module location. Speakers can be easily removed and relocated at any time by simply pushing on the sides of the modules and popping them out of the track. the system features BLUetOOtH® wireless technology to enable streaming of music from your devices. it also includes a 3.5mm cable to manually connect devices. Name Compliance Digital Music Kit Specifications Part Number 2" (50mm) full range drivers Digital signal processing for full, rich sound BLUetOOtH wireless technology is A2DP compatible includes USB charging capability AUDMtM1 NoTe: Bluetooth® is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG, Inc. The Bluetooth word mark and logos are owned by the Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks (licensee name) is under license. other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners. Modules and Accessories PLUGMOLD Multioutlet Systems adorne system modules are designed to fit in any module opening, and can be easily added or removed by using the included module tool. Simply fit the tool into either end of the module and pop it out of the track. Cradles do not occupy a module opening. instead, they save space by resting on the back edge of the track. Name Compliance Specifications Part Number 15A Outlet Module 15A, 120V Provides two power outlets by snapping into any module opening. tamper-resistant outlet is designed with a patented shutter system. included with 12”, 18”, and 27” Modular tracks. APtR15tM4 USB Outlet Module 2.1A, 5V Provides two USB charging ports for devices such as mobile phones and tablets by snapping into any module opening. Charging cable not included. APUSB2tM4 Mobile Phone Cradle Attaches anywhere along track to hold a mobile phone. Perfect for use with USB Outlet Module while charging devices. AAPCtM4 tablet Cradle Attaches anywhere along track to hold a tablet. Perfect for use with USB Outlet Module while charging devices. AAtCtM4 284 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD POKE-THRU DEVICES wiremold® Poke-Thru Devices are TopGuard protected to meet and exceed the uL scrub water exclusion requirement. with the introduction of our new Evolution™ series of Poke-Thru Devices, Wiremold® is again pushing the envelope by expanding the capacity, capabilities, and aesthetics of Infloor power and communication delivery systems for open spaces. Evolution Series™ Poke-Thru Devices AV3 Series™ Poke-Thru Devices 314 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD POKE-THRU DEVICES 291 285 WIREMOLD POKE-THRU DEVICES Table of Contents Recessed Style Poke-Thru Devices 291 Evolution™ 6AT series 299 Evolution™ 8AT series Surface Style Poke-Thru Devices 306 RC7 series™ 308 RC9 series™ 314 AV3 series™ 310 RC9AMD series™ 316 RC4 series™ 312 AMD8 series™ 318 RC3 series™ Furniture Feed Style Poke-Thru Devices 320 322 324 4FFATC series™ RC7AFFTC series™ RC9AFFTC series™ POKE-THRU DEVICES Pedestal Style Poke-Thru Devices 286 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 328 331 FIT series™ RC91GHBTC & RC92GHBTC series™ 326 RC9AM2TC series™ WIREMOLD POKE-THRU DEVICES Quick selection Guide Recessed Poke-Thru Devices 6" & 8" DIAMETER HOLE EVOLUTION™ 6ATC SERIES EVOLUTION™ 6AT SERIES EVOLUTION™ 6ATCFF SERIES EVOLUTION™ 8AT SERIES HOLE SIZE – COVER FLOORS Minimum: Maximum: 6" 6 1/8" [152mm] Minimum: [156mm] Maximum: 6" 6 1/8" [152mm] Minimum: [156mm] Maximum: 6" 6 1/8" [152mm] Minimum: [156mm] Maximum: 8" 8 1/8" [203mm] [206mm] HOLE SIZE – BARE CONCRETE & TERRAZZO FLOORS Minimum: Maximum: 6 1/16" 6 1/8" [154mm] Minimum: [156mm] Maximum: 6 1/16" 6 1/8" [154mm] Minimum: [156mm] Maximum: 6 1/16" 6 1/8" [154mm] Minimum: [156mm] Maximum: 8 1/16" 8 1/8" [205mm] [206mm] UL FIRE CLASSIFICATION 1-, 1 1/2- & 2-Hours 1-, 1 1/2- & 2-Hours 1-, 1 1/2- & 2-Hours 1-, 1 1/2- & 2-Hours TopGuard™ TopGuard™ TopGuard™ TopGuard™ 2 1/2 Gangs 3 Duplex Receptacles or 12 Communication Ports or 10 Extron® MAAP or 2 AAP Plates or any combination of the above 2 1/2 Gangs 3 Duplex Receptacles or 12 Communication Ports or 10 Extron® MAAP or 2 AAP Plates or any combination of the above N/A 4 Gangs 5 Duplex Receptacles or 22 Communication Ports or 16 Extron® MAAP or 4 AAP Plates or any combination of the above .0154 sq. in. [9.9mm2] .0154 sq. in. [9.9mm2] .0187 in2 [12.1mm2] Power: 0.0815 [52.6mm2] .0154 sq. in. [9.9mm2] .0387 sq. in. [24.97mm2] .0387 sq. in. [24.97mm2] .0686 in2 [44.3mm2] .0775 sq. in. [16.60mm2] OUTER CHANNELS Three (3) #12 AWG Three (3) #12 AWG Fifteen (15) #12 AWG Three (3) #12 AWG CENTER CHANNEL(S) Seven (7) #12 AWG Seven (7) #12 AWG N/A Fifteen (15) #12 AWG Four (4) Cat 6A Four (4) Cat 6A Six (6) Cat 6A Four (4) Cat 6A Twelve (12) Cat 6A Twelve (12) Cat 6A Twenty Two (22) Cat 6A Twenty Four (24) Cat 6A UL SCRUBWATER PROTECTION CAPACITY COMMUNICATIONS POWER MAXIMUM COPPER CROSS SECTION* OUTER CHANNELS CENTER CHANNEL(S) OUTER CHANNELS CENTER CHANNEL(S) CONDUIT FEEDS COVER SIZE COVER COLORS APPROVED CONCRETE FLOOR COVERINGS FLOOR COVERING THICKNESS 3/4" Conduit for Outer 3/4" Conduit for Outer 3/4" Conduit for Outer 3/4" Conduit for Outer Channel, Maximum Channel, Maximum Channel, Maximum Channel, Maximum 1 1/4" Conduit for Center Channel 1 1/4" Conduit for Center Channel 1 1/4" Conduit for Center Channel 1 1/4" Conduit for Center Channel or 2" Conduit which takes up the or 2" Conduit which takes up the or 2" Conduit which takes up the or 2" Conduit which takes up the Center Channel and one Outer Center Channel and one Outer Center Channel and one Outer Center Channel and one Outer Channel Channel Channel Channel 7 1/4” [184mm] 7 1/4” [184mm] 7 3/4” [197mm] 9 1/4” [235mm] Black, Gray, Nickel, Bronze, Brass Black, Gray, Nickel, Bronze, Brass Black, Gray, Nickel, Bronze, Brass Black, Gray, Nickel, Bronze, Brass Carpet, Tile, Concrete/Terrazzo & Wood Carpet, Tile, Concrete/Terrazzo & Wood Carpet, Tile, Concrete/Terrazzo & Wood Carpet, Tile, Concrete/Terrazzo & Wood Minimum: Maximum: 0" 1 1/4" [0mm] Minimum: [32mm] Maximum: 0" 1 1/4" [0mm] Minimum: [32mm Maximum: 0" 1 1/4" [0mm] Minimum: [32mm] Maximum: 0" 1 1/4" NOTE: For modular prewired Walkerflex® versions, see the Walkerflex® product section. * The above maximum copper fill values are the maximum amount of copper to maintain fire classification and are for each individual power and communication compartments. Do not add values together for any one compartment. NOTE: Pre-Pour Sleeves for 6" (6PPS) and 8" (8PPS) Evolution Series Poke-Thru Devices speed installation and insure accurate location of devices. [0mm] [32mm] POKE-THRU DEVICES POKE-THRU SERIES 287 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD POKE-THRU DEVICES Quick selection Guide Surface Style Poke-Thru Devices 3" DIAMETER HOLE POKE-THRU SERIES RC7 SERIES Minimum: Maximum: HOLE SIZE UL FIRE CLASSIFICATION POWER* MAXIMUM COPPER FILL [78mm] Minimum: [79mm] Maximum: COMMUNICATIONS* APPROVED CONCRETE FLOOR COVERINGS 3" 3 1/8" [76mm] [79mm] TopGuard TopGuard TopGuard™ 2 Gangs (1) 20A Duplex Receptacle, (2) Ports of Communication Devices 2 Gangs (1) 15A Quad Receptacle, (2) Openings for Communication Pass-Through 1 Gang (4) Ports of Communication Devices (3) #12 AWG .01536 sq. in. [9.91 sq. mm] (3) #12 AWG .01536 sq. in. [9.91 sq. mm] N/A (1) Cat 6/Channel .004 sq. in. [2.58 sq. mm] (1) Cat 6/Channel .004 sq. in. [2.58 sq. mm] (4) Cat 6/Channel .01600 sq. in. [10.324 sq. mm] 3/4" Trade Size 3/4" Trade Size N/A 1/2" Trade Size/Channel (2) Channels per unit 1/2" Trade Size/Channel (2) Channels per unit 2" Trade Size 7” [178mm] 7” [178mm] 7” [178mm] Black, Brass, Aluminum, Gray, Ivory Black, Brass, Aluminum, Gray, Ivory Black, Brass, Aluminum, Gray, Ivory Carpet, Tile & Wood Carpet, Tile & Wood Carpet, Tile & Wood COVER SIZE COVER COLORS [78mm] Minimum: [79mm] Maximum: 1-, 1 1/2- & 2-Hours POWER COMMUNICATIONS 3 1/16" 3 1/8" 1-, 1 1/2- & 2-Hours ™ CAPACITY FEED CHANNELS 3 1/16" 3 1/8" RC9AMD SERIES 1-, 1 1/2- & 2-Hours UL SCRUBWATER PROTECTION FLOOR COVERING THICKNESS RC9 SERIES Minimum: Maximum: 1/8" 3/4" ™ [3.2mm] Minimum: [19.1mm] Maximum: 1/8" 3/4" [3.2mm] Minimum: [19.1mm] Maximum: 1/8" 3/4" RC7 Series RC9AMD Series AV3 Series [3.2mm] [19.1mm] 4" DIAMETER HOLE POKE-THRU SERIES HOLE SIZE AV3 SERIES AMD8 SERIES RC4 SERIES RC3 SERIES Minimum: 4" [102mm] Maximum:4 1/8" [105mm] Minimum: 4 [102mm] Maximum: 4 1/8" [105mm] Minimum:4" [102mm] Maximum:4 1/8" [105mm] Minimum:4" [102mm] Maximum:4 1/8" [105mm] 1-, 1 1/2- & 2-Hours 1-, 1 1/2- & 2-Hours 1-, 1 1/2- & 2-Hours 1-, 1 1/2- & 2-Hours TopGuard™ TopGuard™ TopGuard™ TopGuard™ 2 Gangs (1) 20A Duplex Receptacle, (3) Single Width Extron MAAP Devices or (4) Ports of Communications 1 Gang All Communications (8) Ports for Communication Devices 2 Gangs (2) 20A Duplex Receptacles (4) Ports for Communication Devices 2 Gangs (1) Duplex Receptacle (4) Ports for Communication Devices (3) #12 AWG .01536 sq. in. [9.91 sq. mm] N/A (6) #12 AWG .03072 sq. in. [19.82 sq. mm] (3) #12 AWG .01536 sq. in. [9.91 sq. mm] (4) Cat 6 .01938 sq. in. [12.503 sq. mm] (8) Cat 6 .03474 sq. in. [22.412 sq. mm] (4) Cat 6/Channel .016 sq. in. [10.3 sq. mm] (4) Cat 6/Channel .016 sq. in. [10.3 sq. mm] 3/4" Trade Size 3/4" Trade Size 3/4" Trade Size 3/4" Trade Size 1 1/4" Trade Size/Channel 1 1/4" Trade Size/Channel 3/4" Trade Size (Equivalent) Oval Shaped Opening 3/4" Trade Size (Equivalent) Oval Shaped Opening 8 1/4" [210mm] 8 1/4" [210mm] 8 1/4" [210mm] 7 1/2" [191mm] Black, Brass, Aluminum, Gray, Ivory Black, Brass, Aluminum, Gray, Ivory Black, Brass, Aluminum, Gray, Ivory Black, Brass, Aluminum, Gray, Ivory Carpet, Tile & Wood Carpet, Tile & Wood Carpet, Tile & Wood Carpet, Tile & Wood Minimum: 1/8" [3.2mm] Maximum: 3/4" [19.1mm] Minimum: 1/8" [3.2mm] Maximum: 3/4" [19.1mm] Minimum: 1/8" [3.2mm] Maximum: 3/4" [19.1mm] Minimum: 1/8" [3.2mm] Maximum: 3/4" [19.1mm] UL FIRE CLASSIFICATION UL SCRUBWATER PROTECTION MAXIMUM COPPER FILL POWER* FEED CHANNELS POKE-THRU DEVICES CAPACITY POWER COMMUNICATIONS* COMMUNICATIONS COVER SIZE COVER COLORS APPROVED CONCRETE FLOOR COVERINGS FLOOR COVERING THICKNESS 288 *The above maximum copper fill values are the maximum amount of copper to maintain fire classification and are for each individual power and communication compartments. Do not add values together for any one compartment. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD POKE-THRU DEVICES Quick selection Guide Furniture Feed Style Poke-Thru Devices 3" DIAMETER HOLE POKE-THRU SERIES HOLE SIZE UL FIRE CLASSIFICATION RC7AFFTC SERIES Minimum: Maximum: [78mm] [79mm] Minimum: Maximum: 3” 3 1/8” [76mm] [79mm] RC9FFTC SERIES Minimum: Maximum: 3” 3 1/8” RC9AM2TC SERIES [76mm] Minimum: [79mm] Maximum: 3” 3 1/8” [76mm] [79mm] 1-, 1 1/2- & 2-Hours 1-, 1 1/2- & 2-Hours 1-, 1 1/2- & 2-Hours 1-, 1 1/2- & 2-Hours TopGuard TopGuard TopGuard TopGuard™ 2 Gangs Two (2) 1/2” & one (1) 3/4” Trade Size Screw Plug Openings 1 Gang Two (2) 1/2” & one (1) 3/4” Trade Size Screw Plug Openings 2 Gangs Hexagonal Service Head with one (1) 3/4” Trade Size Conduit & five (5) Communication Openings 1 Gang One (1) 1 1/4”/2" Concentric Screw Plug POWER* (10) #12 AWG .05214 sq. in. [33.64mm2] (20) #12 AWG .09216 sq. in. [59.46mm2] (3) #12 AWG .05726 sq. in. [36.94mm2] (20) #12 AWG .09216 sq. in. [59.46mm2] COMMUNICATIONS* (7) Cat 6/Channel .05000 sq. in. [32.26mm2] (7) Cat 6/Channel .09216 sq. in. [59.46mm2] (15) Cat 6/Channel .06425 sq. in. [41.45mm2] (32) Cat 6/Channel .09216 sq. in. [59.46mm2] 7” [178mm] 7” [178mm] 7” [178mm] 7” [178mm] Black, Brass, Aluminum, Gray Black, Brass, Aluminum, Gray Black, Brass, Aluminum, Gray Black, Brass, Aluminum, Gray Die-Cast Die-Cast Die-Cast Die-Cast One (1) 3/4” & two (2) 1/2” Trade Size Conduit One (1) 2” Trade Size Conduit One (1) 3/4” & one 1 1/4” Trade Size Conduit One (1) 2” Trade Size Conduit UL SCRUBWATER PROTECTION CAPACITY MAXIMUM COPPER FILL 3 1/16” 3 1/8” RC7AM2TC SERIES ™ COVER SIZE COVER COLORS COVER CONSTRUCTION CONDUIT/STEM DIAMETER FLOOR COVERING THICKNESS Minimum: Maximum: ™ 1/8" [3.2mm] 3/4" [19.1mm] Minimum: Maximum: 1/8" [3.2mm] 3/4" [19.1mm] ™ Minimum: Maximum: 1/8" [3.2mm] Minimum: 3/4" [19.1mm] Maximum: 1/8" 3/4" [3.2mm] [19.1mm] 4" DIAMETER HOLE POKE-THRU SERIES Minimum: Maximum: UL FIRE CLASSIFICATION MAXIMUM COPPER FILL [76mm] [78mm] 1-, 1 1/2- & 2-Hours UL SCRUBWATER PROTECTION CAPACITY 4" 4 1/8" TopGuard™ 2 Gangs One (1) 3/4" & one (1) 1 1/4" Trade Size Screw Plug Openings POWER* COMMUNICATIONS* FLOOR COVERING THICKNESS RC7AFF Series (18) Cat 6/Channel .072 sq. in. [46.45mm2] 7 1/2" [191mm] Black, Brass, Aluminum, Gray COVER CONSTRUCTION CONDUIT/STEM DIAMETER RC9AM2 Series (16) #12 AWG or (10) #10 AWG .08192 sq. in. [52.851mm2] COVER SIZE COVER COLORS RC9FF Series Die-Cast POKE-THRU DEVICES HOLE SIZE 4FFATC SERIES One (1) 3/4" & one (1) 1 1/4" Trade Size Conduit Minimum: Maximum: 1/8" 3/4" [3.2mm] [19.1mm] 4FFATC Series * The above maximum copper fill values are the maximum amount of copper to maintain fire classification and are for each individual power and communication compartments. Do not add values together for any one compartment. 289 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD POKE-THRU DEVICES Quick selection Guide Pedestal Style Poke-Thru Devices 2" DIAMETER HOLE POKE-THRU SERIES HOLE SIZE FIT SERIES Minimum: 2 1/32" Maximum: 2 1/8" FIT SERIES [52mm] Minimum: 2 1/32" [54mm] Maximum: 2 1/8" [52mm] [54mm] CAPACITY Single Width 200-H/BTC Service Head Double Width 241-H/BTC Service Head UL FIRE CLASSIFICATION 1-, 1 1/2-, 2-, 3-& 4-hrs 1-, 1 1/2-, 2-, 3-& 4-hrs TopGuard™ TopGuard™ POWER* (3) #12 AWG .01536 sq. in. [9.91 mm2] (7) #12 AWG .03584 sq. in. [23.12 mm2] COMMUNICATIONS* (6) Cat 6/Channel .05020 sq. in. [32.39 mm2] (6) Cat 6A/Channel .05020 sq. in. [32.39 mm2] FLANGE/COVER DIAMETER 4 5/8" x 4" x 2 5/8" [118mm x 102mm x 69mm] 4 5/8" x 9 1/4" x 2 5/8" [118mm x 235mm x 69mm] CONDUIT/STEM DIAMETER One 1" Trade Size Conduit One 1" Trade Size Conduit Aluminum Aluminum Brushed Aluminum Brushed Aluminum RC91GHBTC SERIES RC92GHBTC SERIES MAXIMUM COPPER FILL UL SCRUBWATER PROTECTION SERVICE HEAD CONSTRUCTION COVER COLORS FIT Series 3" DIAMETER HOLE POKE-THRU SERIES HOLE SIZE CAPACITY Minimum: 3 1/16" Maximum: 3 1/8" [78mm] [79mm] Single Width Service Head Double Width Service Head 1-, 1 1/2-, 2-hrs 1-, 1 1/2-, 2-hrs TopGuard TopGuard™ POWER* (3) #12 AWG .01536 sq. in. [9.91 mm2] (10) #12 AWG .05120 sq. in. [33.03 mm2] COMMUNICATIONS* (15) Cat 6/Channel .05020 sq. in. [23.39 mm2] (31) Cat 6A/Channel .05020 sq. in. [23.39 mm2] FLANGE/COVER DIAMETER 4 5/8" x 4" x 2 5/8" [118mm x 102mm x 69mm] 4 5/8" x 9 1/4" x 2 5/8" [118mm x 235mm x 69mm] CONDUIT/STEM DIAMETER One (1) 1/2" & one (1) 1 1/4" Trade Size Conduit One (1) 1/2" & one (1) 1 1/4" Trade Size Conduit Aluminum Aluminum Brushed Aluminum Brushed Aluminum UL FIRE CLASSIFICATION MAXIMUM COPPER FILL UL SCRUBWATER PROTECTION ™ SERVICE HEAD CONSTRUCTION COVER COLORS POKE-THRU DEVICES [78mm] Minimum: 3 1/16" [79mm] Maximum: 3 1/8" NOTE: For modular prewired Walkerflex® versions, see the Walkerflex® product section. 290 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD RC92GHBTC Series WIREMOLD EVOlUTIOn™ 6AT SERIES POKE-THRU DEVICES Evolution™ 6AT series Poke-Thru Devices allow all power and communication devices to be recessed 3 1/4” below floor level, and provide 2 1/2-gang capacity for power, communication, or A/V devices. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Metallic Outlet Boxes: File E2961 Guide QCIT. cULus Listed Nonmetallic Outlet Boxes & Fittings Classified for Fire Resistance: File R8209 Guide CEYY. Meets Article 300.21, 300.22(C) & 314 of NEC. Cover Assemblies for the 6AT series PokeThru Devices are available in a variety of service configurations for installation in carpet or tile floors. Evolution series Poke-Thru Devices feature loads of capacity and a flush to the floor surface cover and flange configuration. 6" [152mm] Maximum: 6 1/8" [156mm] COLOR OPTIONS POKE-THRU DEVICES HOLE DIAMETER Minimum: Evolution 6AT series parts are available in the following powder coated finishes: “BK” black, “GY” gray, “NK” nickel, “Bs” brass, and “BZ” bronze. Custom color options are also available. Consult the factory for more information. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 291 WIREMOLD EVOlUTIOn™ 6AT SERIES POKE-THRU DEVICES Evolution 6AT Series Poke-Thru Devices Ordering Information 6ATCP Recessed Prewired Assembly with Surface Style Cover For carpet, tile, wood and laminate concrete floor coverings. For use in 6" [152mm] diameter opening. Devices are recessed 3 1/4" [83mm] below floor surface. Die-cast aluminum cover assembly is available in the following powder coated finishes: black (6ATCPBK), gray (6ATCPGY), nickel (6ATCPNK), brass (6ATCPBs), and bronze (6ATCPBZ). 16 3/4" [425 mm] NOTE: UL Fire Classified for up to 2 hour rated floors. NOTE: Receptacles can be wired as a standard or isolated ground device. 6ATP Recessed Prewired Assembly with Flush Style Cover For tile, wood and laminate concrete floor coverings. For use in 6” [152mm] diameter opening. Devices are recessed 3 1/4” [83mm] below floor surface. Die-cast aluminum cover assembly is available in the following powder coated finishes: black (6ATPBK), gray (6ATPGY), nickel (6ATPNK), brass (6ATPBs), and bronze (6ATPBZ). POKE-THRU DEVICES 16 3/4" [425 mm] 292 INCLUDED For Side Compartments: • Two (2) proprietary 20AMP Duplex Receptacles installed For Center Compartment: • One (1) 6ACT8A Mounting Plate • One (1) 6TRAC Mounting Plate • One (1) 6SER Mounting Plate For Bottom Feed Compartment: • One (1) 5BLH 1/2-Gang Blank Housing* • One (1) 1PTHA 1-Gang Pass-Through Housing Assembly • One (1) 575CHA 1/2-Gang 3/4" Conduit Housing Assembly** NOTE: UL Fire Classified for up to 2 hour rated floors. NOTE: Receptacles can be wired as a standard or isolated ground device. NOTE: Includes one (1) 6TS Tile Shim. INCLUDED For Side Compartments: • Two (2) proprietary 20AMP Duplex Receptacles installed For Center Compartment: • One (1) 6ACT8A Mounting Plate • One (1) 6TRAC Mounting Plate • One (1) 6SER Mounting Plate For Bottom Feed Compartments: • One (1) 5BLH 1/2-Gang Blank Housing* • One (1) 1PTHA 1-Gang Pass-Through Housing Assembly • One (1) 575CHA 1/2-Gang 3/4” Conduit Housing Assembly** * Tunneling extends from the 5BLH to 575CHA so that power cables from the 20A duplex receptacle mounted on the left side of the poke-thru device are run into the junction box attached to the 575CHA. ** Also includes junction box attached to the 3/4" conduit. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 6ATC Recessed Assembly with Surface Style Cover For carpet, tile, wood and laminate concrete floor coverings. For use in 6” [152mm] diameter opening. Devices are recessed 3 1/4” [83mm] below floor surface. Die-cast aluminum cover is available in the following powder coated finishes: black (6ATCBK), gray (6ATCGY), nickel (6ATCNK), brass (6ATCBs), and bronze (6ATCBZ). 16 3/4" [425 mm] NOTE: UL Fire Classified for up to 2 hour rated floors. 6AT INCLUDED For Side Compartments: • No Device Plates are provided. For Center Compartment: • No Device Plates are provided. For Bottom Feed Compartment: • One (1) 5PTHA 1/2-Gang Pass-Through Housing Assembly • One (1) 1PTHA 1-Gang Pass-Through Housing Assembly • One (1) 575CHA 1/2-Gang 3/4” Conduit Housing Assembly** Recessed Assembly With Flush Style Cover 16 3/4" [425 mm] NOTE: UL Fire Classified for up to 2 hour rated floors. NOTE: Includes one (1) 6TS Tile Shim. For tile, wood or laminate concrete floor coverings. For use in 6” [152mm] diameter opening. Devices are recessed 3 1/4” [83mm] below floor surface. Die-cast aluminum cover is available in the following powder coated finishes: black (6ATBK), gray (6ATGY), nickel (6ATNK), brass (6ATBs), and bronze (6ATBZ). INCLUDED For Side Compartments: • No Device Plates are provided. For Center Compartment: • No Device Plates are provided. For Bottom Feed Compartment: • One (1) 5PTHA 1/2-Gang Pass-Through Housing Assembly • One (1) 1PTHA 1-Gang Pass-Through Housing Assembly • One (1) 575CHA 1/2-Gang 3/4” Conduit Housing Assembly** NOTE: For more information on Device Plates and Bottom Feed Plates and on the additional options available, see the Device Plates and Bottom Feed Plates sections found later in this document. WIREMOLD EVOlUTIOn™ 6AT SERIES POKE-THRU DEVICES Evolution 6AT Series Poke-Thru Devices Ordering Information (continued) Recessed Prewired Audio/Video Assembly with Surface Style Cover For carpet, tile, wood and laminate concrete floor coverings. For use in 6" [152mm] diameter opening. Devices are recessed 3 1/4" [83mm] below floor surface. Die-cast aluminum cover assembly is available in the following powder coated finishes: black (6ATCPAVBK), gray (6ATCPAVGY), nickel (6ATCPAVNK), brass (6ATCPAVBs), and bronze (6ATCPAVBZ). 16 3/4" [425 mm] NOTE: UL Fire Classified for up to 2 hour rated floors. NOTE: Receptacles can be wired as a standard or isolated ground device. 6ATPAV INCLUDED For Side Compartments: • One (1) Proprietary 20AMP Duplex Power Receptacle installed • One (1) 682A Device Plate • One (1) 68MAAP Device Plate For Center Device Compartment: • One (1) 6DEC Mounting Plate • One (1) 6AAP Mounting Plate • One (1) 6MAAP Device Plate For Bottom Feed Compartment: • One (1) 5PTHA 1/2-Gang PassThrough Housing Assembly • One (1) 1PTHA 1-Gang Pass-Through Housing Assembly • One (1) 575CHA 1/2-gang 3/4” Conduit Housing Assembly** Recessed Prewired Audio/Video Assembly with Flush Style Cover 16 3/4" [425 mm] NOTE: UL Fire Classified for up to 2 hour rated floors. NOTE: Receptacles can be wired as a standard or isolated ground device. NOTE: Includes one (1) 6TS Tile Shim. For tile, wood and laminate concrete floor coverings. For use in 6" [152mm] diameter opening. Devices are recessed 3 1/4" [83mm] below floor surface. Die-cast aluminum cover assembly is available in the following powder coated finishes: black (6ATPAVBK), gray (6ATPAVGY), nickel (6ATPAVNK), brass (6ATPAVBs), and bronze (6ATPAVBZ). INCLUDED For Side Compartments: • One (1) Proprietary 20AMP Duplex Power Receptacle installed • One (1) 682A Device Plate • One (1) 68MAAP Device Plate For Center Device Compartment: • One (1) 6DEC Mounting Plate • One (1) 6AAP Mounting Plate • One (1) 6MAAP Device Plate For Bottom Feed Compartments: • One (1) 5PTHA 1/2-Gang Pass-Through Housing Assembly • One (1) 1PTHA 1-Gang Pass-Through Housing Assembly • One (1) 575CHA 1/2-gang 3/4” Conduit Housing Assembly** 6ATCFF Recessed Furniture Feed Assembly with Surface Style Cover 16 3/4" [425 mm] NOTE: UL Fire Classified for up to 2 hour rated floors. For carpet, tile, wood and laminate concrete floor coverings. For use in 6" [152mm] diameter opening. Devices are recessed 3 1/4" [83mm] below floor surface. Die-cast aluminum cover assembly provides one (1) 3/4" trade size screw plug opening and one (1) concentric 2"-1 1/4" trade size screw plug opening and is available in the following powder coated finishes: black (6ATCBK), gray (6ATCGY), nickel (6ATCNK), brass (6ATCBs), and bronze (6ATCBZ). INCLUDED For Side Compartments: • No Device Plates are provided. For Center Compartment: • No Device Plates are provided. For Bottom Feed Compartment: • One (1) 5PTHA 1/2-Gang Pass-Through Housing Assembly • One (1) 15FFHA 1 1/2-Gang Pass-Through Housing Assembly • One (1) 575CHA 1/2-Gang 3/4" Conduit Housing Assembly** 6STC Recessed Assembly with Disposable Plate 16 3/4" [425 mm] NOTE: UL Fire Classified for up to 2 hour rated floors. Includes 6" diameter poke-thru stem assembly with a disposable plate. Devices are recessed 3 1/4" [83mm] below floor surface. No cover assembly is included. For use with the following cover assemblies (purchased separately): 6CTC, 6CT series, and 6CFFTC series. INCLUDED For Side Compartments: • No Device Plates are provided. For Center Compartment: • No Device Plates are provided. For Bottom Feed Compartments: • One (1) 5PTHA 1/2-Gang Pass- Through Housing Assembly • One (1) 1PTHA 1-Gang Pass-Through Housing Assembly • One (1) 575CHA 1/2-gang 3/4" Conduit Housing Assembly** POKE-THRU DEVICES 6ATCPAV ** Also includes junction box attached to the 3/4" conduit. NOTE: For more information on Device Plates and Bottom Feed Plates and on the additional options available, see the Device Plates and Bottom Feed Plates sections found later in this document. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 293 WIREMOLD EVOlUTIOn™ 6AT SERIES POKE-THRU DEVICES Evolution 6AT Series Poke-Thru Devices Ordering Information (continued) 6STCPAV Recessed Prewired Audio/Video Assembly with Disposable Plate Includes 6" diameter poke-thru stem assembly with a disposable plate. Devices are recessed 3 1/4" [83mm] below floor surface. No cover assembly is included. For use with the following cover assemblies (purchased separately): 6CTC and 6CT series. 16 3/4" [425 mm] NOTE: UL Fire Classified for up to 2 hour rated floors. NOTE: Receptacles can be wired as a standard or isolated ground device. INCLUDED For Side Compartments: • One (1) Proprietary 20AMP Duplex Power Receptacle installed • One (1) 682A Device Plate • One (1) 68MAAP Device Plate For Center Compartment: • One (1) 6DEC Mounting Plate • One (1) 6AAP Mounting Plate • One (1) 6MAAP Device Plate For Bottom Feed Compartments: • One (1) 5PTHA 1/2-Gang Pass-Through Housing Assembly • One (1) 1PTHA 1-Gang Pass-Through Housing Assembly • One (1) 575CHA 1/2-gang 3/4" Conduit Housing Assembly** * Tunneling extends from the 5BLH to 575CHA so that power cables from the 20A duplex receptacle mounted on the left side of the poke-thru device are run into the junction box attached to the 575CHA. ** Also includes junction box attached to the 3/4" conduit. ABPLUG6 Abandonment Plug Assembly 6STCP Includes 6" diameter poke-thru stem assembly with a disposable plate. Devices are recessed 3 1/4" [83mm] below floor surface. No cover assembly is included. For use with the following cover assemblies (purchased separately): 6CTC and 6CT series. 16 3/4" [425 mm] NOTE: UL Fire Classified for up to 2 hour rated floors. NOTE: Receptacles can be wired as a standard or isolated ground device. INCLUDED For Side Compartments: • Two (2) Proprietary 20AMP Duplex Power Receptacles installed For Center Compartment: • One (1) 6ACT8A Mounting Plate • One (1) 6TRAC Mounting Plate • One (1) 6SER Mounting Plate For Bottom Feed Compartment: • One (1) 5BLH 1/2-Gang Blank Housing* • One (1) 1PTHA 1-Gang Pass-Through Housing Assembly • One (1) 575CHA 1/2-Gang 3/4" Conduit Housing Assembly** NOTE: For more information on Device Plates and Bottom Feed Plates and on the additional options available, see the Device Plates and Bottom Feed Plates sections found later in this document. 6PPS 6” Pre-Pour Poke-Thru Sleeve Nonmetallic sleeve attaches to structural decking and plywood decking designs while maintaining a 6"-6 1/8" diameter cast in hole. unit includes three (3) attachment legs, two (2) end caps and three (3) thumb screws. Complete abandonment plug assembly for 6" opening. Assembly includes intumescent fire stop material to maintain a 2 hour fire rating of the floor POKE-THRU DEVICES Recessed Prewired Assembly with Disposable Plate Evolution 6AT Series Cover Assemblies Ordering Information 6CTC* Surface Style Cover Assembly Die-cast aluminum cover assembly. Cover assembly is available in the following powder coated finishes: black (6CTCBK), gray (6CTCGY), 7 1/4" nickel (6CTCNK), brass (6CTCBs), [184mm] and bronze (6CTCBZ). 6CTC series cover assemblies designed for use with 6sTCP, 6sTC, and 6sTCPAV Poke-Thru stem Assemblies. 6CT* Flush Style Cover Assembly Die-cast aluminum cover assembly. Cover assembly is available in the following powder coated finishes: black (6CTBK), gray (6CTGY), nickel 7 1/4" (6CTNK), brass (6CTBs), and bronze [184mm] (6CTBZ). 6CT series cover assemblies designed for use with 6sTCP, 6sTC, and 6sTCPAV Poke-Thru stem Assemblies. Includes one (1) 6Ts Tile shim. * Add suffix “TR” to the end of the part number to indicate tamper-resistant cover assembly. Tamper-resistant versions are secured with a single tamper-resistant screw. 294 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD EVOlUTIOn™ 6AT SERIES POKE-THRU DEVICES Evolution 6AT Series Cover Assemblies Ordering Information (continued) 6CFFTC Furniture Feed Cover Assembly 6TS Tile Shim surface style, die-cast aluminum cover assembly, with one (1) 3/4" trade size screw plug opening, and one (1) concentric 2"-1 1/4" trade size screw plug opening. 7 3/4" [197mm] Cover assembly is available in the following powder coated finishes: black (6CFFTCBK), gray (6CFFTCGY), nickel (6CFFTCNK), brass (6CFFTCBs), and bronze (6CFFTCBZ). 6CFFTC series Cover Assemblies designed for use with 6sTC Poke-Thru stem Assembly. Includes one (1) 3/4" and one (1) 2" trade size conduit fittings and one (1) divider to separate devices used for floor coverings greater than 5/16" [7.9mm]. The 6Ts will allow the top surface of the cover to be flush with the finished floor. Includes six (6) 1/16" [1.6mm] thick shims. up to a total of 3/8" [9.5mm] of adjustment. Evolution 6AT Series Center Mount Device Plates Ordering Information Device Plate 6MOS Mosaic Device Plate Device plate that will accept up to two (2) Extron® Electronics AAP style plates. For use in the center compartment only. Devices supplied by others. 6ACT8A Device Plate Device plate will accept two (2) standard [45mm x 45mm] or one (1) standard [45mm x 90mm] Mosaic style device(s). Devices supplied by others. 6MOSBS Device plate that will accept up to eight (8) ports of communication devices. For use in the center compartment only. Devices supplied by others. 6B Device plate will accept two (2) Mosaic British standard devices [45mm x 45mm]. Devices supplied by others. 6S1 Device Plate Device Plate Device plate used to blank off center compartment, when no devices are used. 6DEC Device Plate Receptacle opening 1 3/8" [35mm]. For 6" poke-thru units only. 6S2 Device Plate Device plates that will accept either decorator, GFCI, 106 style devices for power and audio/video applications. 6DP Device Plate Device plate that will accept standard 20A duplex receptacle or duplex Turnlok receptacle. For use in the center compartment only. Devices supplied by others. Mosaic British Standard Device Plate Receptacle opening 1 9/16" [40mm]. For 6" poke-thru units only. 6SER Device Plate Device plate that will accept up to four (4) Ortronics® series II dual modular inserts. For use in the center compartment only. Devices supplied by others. POKE-THRU DEVICES 6AAP 295 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD EVOlUTIOn™ 6AT SERIES POKE-THRU DEVICES Evolution 6AT Series Center Mount Device Plates Ordering Information (continued) 6MAAP Device Plate Device plate that will accept up to six (6) Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP style plates. For use in the center compartment only. Devices supplied by others. 6MAAP2A Device Plate Combination device plate that will accept up to three (3) Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP style plates, and up to two (2) ports of communication devices. For use in the center compartment only. Devices supplied by others. 6TRAC Device Plate Device plate that will accept up to eight (8) Ortronics® TracJack devices. For use in the center compartment only. Devices supplied by others. 6AT Center Mount Device Plate Mounting Location Device Plates on this page can be installed in the shaded location indicated in this illustration. Evolution 6AT Series Side Mount Device Plates Ordering Information 68REC 20AMP Duplex Receptacles 682A Device Plate Device plate that will accept up to two (2) ports of communication devices. For use in either of the two side compartments only. Not for use in the center compartment. Communication devices supplied by others. Two (2) proprietary 20AMP duplex power receptacles with mounting plates. Designed to fit in either of the two side compartments in both the 6ATC and the 8ATC series Poke-Thru Devices. Receptacle can be wired as a standard or isolated ground device. 68B Device Plate 682A-PT Device Plate Blank plate. used to blank off either of the side compartments when no devices or cabling are to be used. POKE-THRU DEVICES 68MAAP 296 Device plate that allows for communication cabling to pass through. Includes one (1) rectangular adapter ring. Device Plate Device plate that will accept up to two (2) Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP device plates. For use in either of the two side compartments only. Not for use in the center compartment. Extron® Devices supplied by others. 68REC-25 20AMP Duplex Receptacles Two (2) proprietary 20AMP duplex power receptacles with mounting plates and 25’ leads. Designed to fit in either of the two side compartments in both the 6ATC and the 8ATC series Poke-Thru Devices. Receptacle can be wired as a standard or isolated ground device. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 6AT Side Mount Device Plates Mounting Locations Device Plates in this section can be installed in the shaded locations indicated in this illustration. WIREMOLD EVOlUTIOn™ 6AT SERIES POKE-THRU DEVICES Evolution 6AT Series Bottom Feed Side Mount Device Plates Ordering Information 5PTHA Bottom Housing Assembly 575CHA Half-gang 3/4" trade size conduit housing assembly. Includes junction box attached to 3/4" trade size conduit for electrical power connections. For use on side compartments only. Half-gang pass through housing assembly. Designed to allow pass through of communication cables when no conduit is required. For use on side compartments only. 5BLH Bottom Housing Assembly Bottom Housing Assembly Half-gang blank housing assembly. Designed to blank off compartment when no devices are used. Includes tunnel for 6AT and 8AT series Poke-Thru Devices. For use on side compartments only. 152CHA Bottom Housing Assembly 6AT Bottom Feed Side Mount Device Plate Mounting Locations Device Plates in this section can be installed in the shaded locations indicated in this illustration. One and a half-gang 2" trade size conduit housing assembly. Recommended for use with furniture feed devices (6ATCFF). Covers the center compartment and one of the side compartments. Evolution 6AT Series Bottom Feed Center Mount Device Plates Ordering Information Bottom Housing Assembly 1PTHA Bottom Housing Assembly One-gang 3/4” trade size conduit housing assembly. Includes junction box attached to 3/4” trade size conduit for electrical power connections. One-gang pass through housing assembly. Designed to allow pass through of communication cables when no conduit is required. NOTE: When using on a 6ATCFF Furniture Feed unit, 1BHA (sold separately) is required. NOTE: When using on a 6ATCFF Furniture Feed unit, 1BHA (sold separately) is required. 175CHA-LJB Bottom Housing Assembly 1BLH Bottom Housing Assembly One-gang blank housing assembly. Designed to blank off compartment when no devices are used. One-gang 3/4” trade size conduit housing assembly. Junction box not included. NOTE: When using on a 6ATCFF Furniture Feed unit, 1BHA (sold separately) is required. 1125CHA Bottom Housing Assembly One-gang 1 1/4” conduit housing assembly. NOTE: When using on a 6ATCFF Furniture Feed unit, 1BHA (sold separately) is required. NOTE: When using on a 6ATCFF Furniture Feed unit, 1BHA (sold separately) is required. 15FFHA Bottom Housing Assembly One and a half-gang pass through conduit housing assembly. used for furniture feed applications on the center compartment only. Only for use with 6AT series units. POKE-THRU DEVICES 175CHA 297 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD EVOlUTIOn™ 6AT SERIES POKE-THRU DEVICES Evolution 6AT Series Bottom Feed Center Mount Device Plates Ordering Information 1BHA 6AT Bottom Feed Center Mount Device Plate Location Bottom Housing Assembly One-gang bottom housing assembly. Designed to accept 175CHA, 175CHALJB, 1125CHA, 1PTHA, and 1BLH plates. Copper Cross Sectional Area of Commonly Used Conductors SIZE #24 #22 #14 #12 #10 #8 All Bottom Housing Assemblies on this page can be installed in the shaded locations indicated in this illustration. 6AT Hole Sizes SOLID 0.00032 sq. in. [0.20645mm2] 0.00050 sq. in. [0.32258mm2] 0.00323 sq. in. [2.08386mm2] 0.00512 sq. in. [3.30321mm2] 0.00815 sq. in. [5.25805mm2] 0.01296 sq. in. [8.36127mm2] FLOOR TYPE HOLE SIZE (Min.) HOLE SIZE (Max.) Covered Floors (Carpet, Tile or wood) 6" [152mm] 6 1/8" [156mm] Bare Concrete or Terrazzo 6 1/16" [154mm] 6 1/8" [156mm] NOTE: Use above values for solid or stranded conductors. CAUTION: Receptacle supplied with this Poke-Thru is not suitable for direct field wiring. Contact manufacturer for replacement. Field modifications will void UL Listing and Classification. Replacement receptacle is limited to this manufacturers’ Catalog No 68REC. 6ATCFF Copper Cross-Section – Furniture Feed Poke-Thru Devices POKE-THRU DEVICES 6AT Copper Cross-Section OUTER CHANNELS CENTER CHANNEL Max Copper X section 0.0154 sq. in. [9.9mm2] 0.0387 sq. in. [24.97mm2] Max # Conductors (3) 12 AwG or (4) Cat 6A (12) 14 AwG or (12) Cat 6A POwER CHANNEL DATA CHANNEL (CENTER) DATA CHANNEL (OUTSiDE) Max Copper X section .0815 sq. in. [52.6mm2] 0.0686 sq. in. [44.3mm2] 0.0187 [12.1mm2] Max # Conductors (10) 10 AwG (22) Cat 6a (6) Cat 6a NOTE: When using conductor sizes other than listed above, the aggregate cross-sectional area of the copper conductors shall not exceed the cross-sectional areas listed. 298 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD EVOlUTIOn™ 8AT SERIES POKE-THRU DEVICES Evolution™ 8AT series Poke-Thru Devices allow all power and communication devices to be recessed below floor level, and provide 4-gang capacity for power, communication, and A/V devices. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Metallic Outlet Boxes: File E2961 Guide QCIT. cULus Listed Nonmetallic Outlet Boxes and Fittings Classified for Fire Resistance: File R8209 Guide CEYY. Meets Article 300.21, 300.22(C) & 314 of NEC. Evolution series 8CTC Cover Assembly Lids open a full 180° to reduce the risk of damage when plugging in devices. Cover Assemblies for the 8AT series Poke-Thru Devices are available in a variety of finishes and service configurations for carpet or tile floor installations. 8" [203mm] Maximum: 8 1/8" [206mm] COLOR OPTIONS POKE-THRU DEVICES HOLE DIAMETER Minimum: Evolution 8AT series parts are available in the following powder coated finishes: “BK” black, “GY” gray, “NK” nickel, “Bs” brass, and “BZ” bronze. Custom color options are also available. Consult the factory for more information. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 299 WIREMOLD EVOlUTIOn™ 8AT SERIES POKE-THRU DEVICES Evolution 8AT Series Poke-Thru Devices Ordering Information 8ATCP Recessed Prewired Assembly with Surface Style Cover For carpet, tile, wood and laminate concrete floor coverings. For use in 8" [203mm] diameter opening. Devices are recessed 3 1/4" [83mm] below floor surface. Die-cast aluminum cover assembly is available in the following powder coated finishes: black (8ATCPBK), gray (8ATCPGY), nickel (8ATCPNK), brass (8ATCPBs), and bronze (8ATCPBZ). 16 3/4" [425 mm] NOTE: UL Fire Classified for up to 2 hour rated floors. NOTE: Receptacles can be wired as a standard or isolated ground device. 8ATP NOTE: UL Fire Classified for up to 2 hour rated floors. POKE-THRU DEVICES For carpet, tile, wood and laminate concrete floor coverings. For use in 8" [203mm] diameter opening. Devices are recessed 3 1/4" [83mm] below floor surface. Die-cast aluminum cover assembly is available in the following powder coated finishes: black (8ATCBK), gray (8ATCGY), nickel (8ATCNK), brass (8ATCBs), and bronze (8ATCBZ). 16 3/4" [425 mm] NOTE: UL Fire Classified for up to 2 hour rated floors. 8AT NOTE: Receptacles can be wired as a standard or isolated ground device. For tile, wood and laminate concrete floor coverings. For use in 8" [203mm] diameter opening. Devices are recessed 3 1/4" [83mm] below floor surface. Die-cast aluminum cover assembly is available in the following powder coated finishes: black (8ATPBK), gray (8ATPGY), nickel (8ATPNK), brass (8ATPBs), and bronze (8ATPBZ). Includes one (1) 8Ts Tile shim. INCLUDED For Side Compartments: • Two (2) proprietary 20 Amp Duplex Receptacles installed For Center Compartments: • No Device Plates are provided For Bottom Feed Compartments: • One (1) 5BLH 1/2-Gang Blank Housing* • Three (3) 1PTHA 1-Gang Pass-Through Housing Assembly • One (1) 575CHA 1/2-Gang 3/4" Conduit Housing Assembly** • One (1) 8DIV 8" Divider • One (1) 8TS Tile Shim www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD INCLUDED For Side Compartments: • No Device Plates are provided For Center Compartments: • No Device Plates are provided For Bottom Feed Compartments: • One (1) 5PTHA 1/2-Gang Pass-Through Housing Assembly • Three (3) 1PTHA 1-Gang Pass-Through Housing Assembly • One (1) 575CHA 1/2-gang 3/4" Conduit Housing Assembly** • One (1) 8DIV 8" Divider Recessed Assembly with Flush Style Cover Recessed Prewired Assembly with Flush Style Cover 16 3/4" [425 mm] 300 INCLUDED For Side Compartments: • Two (2) proprietary 20AMP Duplex Receptacles installed For Center Compartments: • No Device Plates are provided For Bottom Feed Compartments: • One (1) 5BLH 1/2-Gang Blank Housing* • Three (3) 1PTHA 1-Gang Pass-Through Housing Assembly • One (1) 575CHA 1/2-Gang 3/4" Conduit Housing Assembly** • One (1) 8DIV 8" Divider 8ATC Recessed Assembly with Surface Style Cover 16 3/4" [425 mm] NOTE: UL Fire Classified for up to 2 hour rated floors. For tile, wood and laminate concrete floor coverings. For use in 8" [203mm] diameter opening. Devices are recessed 3 1/4" [83mm] below floor surface. Die-cast aluminum cover assembly is available in the following powder coated finishes: black (8ATBK), gray (8ATGY), nickel (8ATNK), brass (8ATBs), and bronze (8ATBZ). Includes one (1) 8Ts Tile shim. INCLUDED For Side Compartments: • No Device Plates are provided For Center Compartments: • No Device Plates are provided For Bottom Feed Compartments: • One (1) 5PTHA 1/2-Gang Pass-Through Housing Assembly* • Three (3) 1PTHA 1-Gang Pass-Through Housing Assembly • One (1) 575CHA 1/2-gang 3/4" Conduit Housing Assembly** • One (1) 8DIV 8" Divider • One (1) 8TS Tile Shim * Tunneling extends from the 5BLH to 575CHA so that power cables from the 20A duplex receptacle mounted on the left side of the poke-thru device are run into the junction box attached to the 575CHA. ** Also includes junction box attached to the 3/4" conduit. NOTE: For more information on Device Plates and Bottom Feed Plates and on the additional options available, see the Device Plates and Bottom Feed Plates sections found later in this document. WIREMOLD EVOlUTIOn™ 8AT SERIES POKE-THRU DEVICE Evolution 8AT Series Poke-Thru Devices Ordering Information (continued) Recessed Assembly with Disposable Plate Includes 8" diameter poke-thru stem assembly with a disposable plate. Devices are recessed 3 1/4" [83mm] below floor surface. No cover assembly is included. For use with the following cover assemblies (purchased separately): 8CTC and 8CT series. 16 3/4" [425 mm] NOTE: UL Fire Classified for up to 2 hour rated floors. INCLUDED For Side Compartments: • No Device Plates are provided For Center Compartments: • No Device Plates are provided For Bottom Feed Compartments: • One (1) 5PTHA 1/2-Gang Pass-Through Housing Assembly • Three (3) 1PTHA 1-Gang Pass-Through Housing Assembly • One (1) 575CHA 1/2-gang 3/4" Conduit Housing Assembly** • One (1) 8DIV 8" Divider NOTE: For more information on Device Plates and Bottom Feed Plates and on the additional options available, see the Device Plates and Bottom Feed Plates sections found later in this document. 8PPS 8" Pre-Pour Poke-Thru Sleeve Nonmetallic sleeve attaches to structural decking and plywood decking designs while maintaining a 8"-8 1/8" diameter cast in hole. unit includes three (3) attachment legs, two (2) end caps and three (3) thumb screws. 8STCP Recessed Prewired Assembly with Disposable Plate Includes 8" diameter poke-thru stem assembly with a disposable plate. Devices are recessed 3 1/4" [83mm] below floor surface. No cover assembly is included. For use with the following cover assemblies (purchased separately): 8CTC and 8CT series. 16 3/4" [425 mm] NOTE: UL Fire Classified for up to 2 hour rated floors. NOTE: Receptacles can be wired as a standard or isolated ground device. INCLUDED For Side Compartments: • Two (2) proprietary 20 Amp Duplex Receptacles installed • No Device Plates are provided For Center Compartments: • No Device Plates are provided For Bottom Feed Compartments: • One (1) 5BLH - 1/2-Gang Blank Housing* • Three (3) 1PTHA - 1-Gang Pass-Through Housing Assembly • One (1) 575CHA - 1/2-gang 3/4" Conduit Housing Assembly** • One (1) 8DIV 8" Divider * Tunneling extends from the 5BLH to 575CHA so that power cables from the 20A duplex receptacle mounted on the left side of the poke-thru device are run into the junction box attached to the 575CHA. ** Also includes junction box attached to the 3/4" conduit. ABPLUG8 Abandonment Plug Complete abandonment plug assembly for 8" diameter hole. Assembly comes complete with intumescent material to maintain a 2-hour fire classification of the floor. POKE-THRU DEVICES 8STC NOTE: Pre-Pour Sleeves for 6" (6PPS) and 8" (8PPS) Evolution Series PokeThru Devices speed installation and insure accurate location of devices. 301 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD EVOlUTIOn™ 8AT SERIES POKE-THRU DEVICES Evolution 8AT Series Poke-Thru Devices Cover Assemblies Ordering Information 8CTC* Surface Style Cover Assembly 9 1/4" [235mm] 8CT* Tile Shim used for floor coverings greater than 5/16" [7.9mm]. The 8Ts will allow the top surface of the cover to be flush with the finished floor. Includes six (6) 1/16" [1.6mm] thick shims. up to a total of 3/8" [9.5mm] of adjustment. Die-cast aluminum cover assembly. Cover assembly is available in the following powder coated finishes: black (8CTCBK*), gray (8CTCGY*), nickel (8CTCNK*), brass (8CTCBs*), and bronze (8CTCBZ*). 8CTC series Cover Assemblies designed for use with 8sTC and 8sTCP Poke-Thru stem Assemblies. Flush Style Cover Assembly 9 1/4" [235mm] 8TS Die-cast aluminum cover assembly. Cover assembly is available in the following powder coated finishes: black (8CTBK*), gray (8CTGY*), nickel (8CTNK*), brass (8CTBs*), and bronze (8CTBZ*). 8CTC series Cover Assemblies designed for use with 8sTC and 8sTCP Poke-Thru stem Assemblies. Includes one (1) 8Ts Tile shim. * Add suffix “TR” to the end of the part number to indicate tamper-resistant cover assembly. Tamper-resistant versions are secured with a single tamper-resistant screw. Evolution 8AT Series Center Mount Device Plates Ordering Information 8B Device Plate 8MOS Mosaic Device Plate single-gang device plate used to blank off any one (1) of the three (3) gangs in the center compartment, when no devices are used. 8DP Device Plate Device plate accepts three (3) standard Mosaic devices [45mm x 22.5mm]. Devices supplied by others. 8CREST POKE-THRU DEVICES single-gang device plate that accepts standard 20A duplex receptacle or duplex Turnlok receptacle. Fits in any one (1) of the three (3) gangs in the center compartment. Devices supplied by others. 302 8DEC Device Plate Device plate accepts Crestron doublegang decorator style devices. 8S1 Device Plate single-gang device plate that will accept up to six (6) ports of communication devices. Fits in any one (1) of the three (3) gangs in the center compartment. Devices supplied by others. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD Device Plate Receptacle opening 1 3/8" [35mm]. For 8" poke-thru units only. Device plates that will accept either decorator, GFCI, 106 style devices for power and audio/video applications. 8ACT6A Crestron Double Gang Plate 8S2 Device Plate Receptacle opening 1 9/16" [40mm]. For 8" poke-thru units only. WIREMOLD EVOlUTIOn™ 8AT SERIES POKE-THRU DEVICES Evolution 8AT Series Center Mount Device Plates Ordering Information (continued) 8TRAC Device Plate 8AAP Device Plate Two-gang device plate that will accept up to four (4) Extron® Electronics AAP style plates. 8AAP takes up 2 of the 3 gangs in the center compartment. Devices supplied by others. single-gang device plate that will accept up to six (6) Ortronics® TracJack devices. Fits in any one (1) of the three (3) gangs in the center compartment. Devices supplied by others. 8SER Device Plate single-gang device plate that will accept up to three (3) Ortronics® series II dual modular inserts. Fits in any one (1) of the three (3) gangs in the center compartment. Devices supplied by others. 8MAAP 8CREST3G Three-gang device plate that will accept Crestron® or Extron® Electronics triple-gang decorator style devices. Takes up all 3 gangs in the center compartment. Devices supplied by others. Device Plate single-gang device plate that will accept up to four (4) Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP style plates. Fits in any one (1) of the three (3) gangs in the center compartment. Devices supplied by others. Device Plate 8AT Center Mount Device Plate Mounting Locations Device Plates on this page can be installed in the shaded location indicated in this illustration. Evolution 8AT Series Side Mount Device Plates Ordering Information 20AMP Duplex Receptacles 68MAAP Device Plate Device plate that will accept up to two (2) Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP device plates. For use in either of the two side compartments only. Not for use in the center compartment. Extron Devices supplied by others. Two proprietary 20AMP duplex power receptacles with mounting plates. Designed to fit in either of the two side compartments in both the 6ATC and the 8ATC series Poke-Thru Devices. Receptacle can be wired as a standard or isolated ground device. 68B Device Plate Blank plate. used to blank off either of the side compartments when no devices or cabling are to be used. 68REC-25 20AMP Duplex Receptacles Two (2) proprietary 20AMP duplex power receptacles with mounting plates and 25' leads. Designed to fit in either of the two side compartments in both the 6ATC and the 8ATC series Poke-Thru Devices. Receptacle can be wired as a standard or isolated ground device. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD POKE-THRU DEVICES 68REC 303 WIREMOLD EVOlUTIOn™ 8AT SERIES POKE-THRU DEVICES Evolution 8AT Series Side Mount Device Plates Ordering Information (coninued) 682A Device Plate 682A-PT Device Plate Device plate that will accept up to two (2) ports of communication devices. For use in either of the two side compartments only. Not for use in the center compartment. Communication devices supplied by others. Device plate that allows for communication cabling to pass through. Includes one (1) rectangular adapter ring. 8AT Side Mount Device Plates Mounting Locations Device Plates in this section can be installed in the shaded locations indicated in this illustration. Evolution 8AT Series Bottom Feed Side Mount Device Plates Ordering Information 5PTHA Bottom Housing Assembly Half-gang pass through housing assembly. Designed to allow pass through of communication cables when no conduit is required. For use on side compartments only. 5BLH 575CHA Bottom Housing Assembly Half-gang 3/4" trade size conduit housing assembly. Includes junction box attached to 3/4" trade size conduit for electrical power connections. For use on side compartments only. Bottom Housing Assembly POKE-THRU DEVICES Half-gang blank housing assembly. Designed to blank off compartment when no devices are used. Includes tunnel for 6AT and 8AT series Poke-Thru Devices. For use on side compartments only. 304 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 8AT Bottom Feed Side Mount Device Plate Mounting Locations Device Plates in this section can be installed in the shaded locations indicated in this illustration. WIREMOLD EVOlUTIOn™ 8AT SERIES POKE-THRU DEVICES Evolution 8AT Series Bottom Feed Center Mount Device Plates Ordering Information 175CHA 1BLHN Bottom Housing Assembly Bottom Housing Assembly One-gang 3/4" trade size conduit housing assembly. Includes junction box attached to 3/4" trade size conduit for electrical power connections. For use on any one (1) of the three (3) gangs in the center compartment. One-gang blank housing assembly. Designed to blank off compartment when no cable pass through is required. For use on any one (1) of the three (3) gangs in the center compartment. 22CHA 1125CHA Bottom Housing Assembly Bottom Housing Assembly Two-gang 2" trade size conduit housing assembly. used on 8AT series devices. Covers two (2) of the three (3) gangs in the center compartment. Only for use with 8AT series units. One-gang 1 1/4" trade size conduit housing assembly. For use on any one (1) of the three (3) gangs in the center compartment. 8AT Bottom Feed Center Mount Device Plate Locations 175CHA-LJB Bottom Housing Assembly One-gang 3/4" trade size conduit housing assembly. Junction box not included. Bottom Housing Assembly One-gang pass through housing assembly. Designed to allow pass through of communication cables when no conduit is required. For use on any one (1) of the three (3) gangs in the center. 8DIV Copper Cross Sectional Area of Commonly Used Conductors SiZE #24 #22 #14 #12 #10 #8 8" [203mm] Divider Divider allows for separation of services when required. SOLiD 0.00032 sq. in. [0.20645mm2] 0.00050 sq. in. [0.32258mm2] 0.00323 sq. in. [2.08386mm2] 0.00512 sq. in. [3.30321mm2] 0.00815 sq. in. [5.25805mm2] 0.01296 sq. in. [8.36127mm2] NOTE: Use above values for solid or stranded conductors. CAUTION: Receptacle supplied with this Poke-Thru is not suitable for direct field wiring. Contact manufacturer for replacement. Field modifications will void UL Listing and Classification. Replacement receptacle is limited to this manufacturers’ Catalog No 68REC. 8AT Copper Cross-Section 8AT Hole Sizes OUTER CHANNELS FLOOR TYPE CENTER CHANNEL Max Copper X-section 0.0154 sq. in. [9.9mm ] Max # Conductors (3) 12 AwG or (4) Cat 6A (24) 14 AwG or (24) Cat 6A 2 0.0775 sq. in. [16.60mm ] 2 Covered Floors (Carpet, Tile or wood) Bare Concrete or Terrazzo HOLE SiZE (MiN.) HOLE SiZE (MAX.) 8" [203mm] 8 1/8" [206mm] 8 1/16" [205mm] 8 1/8" [266mm] NOTE: When using conductor sizes other than listed above, the aggregate cross-sectional area of the copper conductors shall not exceed the cross-sectional areas listed. POKE-THRU DEVICES 1PTHA All Bottom Housing Assemblies on this page can be installed in the shaded locations indicated in this illustration. 305 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD RC7 SERIES™ POKE-THRU DEVICES RC7 series™ surface style Poke-Thru Devices provide one (1) 20A duplex power device and up to two (2) ports of communication. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Metallic Outlet Boxes: File E2961 Guide QCIT. cULus Listed Nonmetallic Outlet Boxes & Fittings Classified for Fire Resistance: File R8209 Guide CEYY. Meets Article 300.21, 300.22(C) & 314 of NEC. RC7 series Poke-Thru Device. POKE-THRU DEVICES HOLE DIAMETER Minimum: 3 1/16" [78mm] Maximum: 3 1/8" [79mm] COLOR OPTIONS RC7 series parts are available in gray “GY”, black “BK”, brushed aluminum “AL”, brass “Bs”, ivory “VY”, and brass-colored finish “AB”. Custom color options are also available. Consult the factory for more information. 306 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD RC7 SERIES™ POKE-THRU DEVICES RC7 Series Poke-Thru Devices Ordering Information Insert Assembly with Disposable Plate RC7SHTC used with RC7CTC series Covers to complete installation. Slide Holder Assembly 5" [127mm] 16 1/2" [419mm] RC7APTC RC7CTC Abandonment Plate Assembled Poke-Thru Device Prewired 20A duplex receptacle can be wired as standard duplex or isolated ground. Flanges available painted in gray (RC7CTCGY), black (RC7CTCBK), ivory (RC7CTCVY). Flanges also available in plated brushed brass (RC7CTCBs) and brushed aluminum (RC7CTCAL). slide covers match the painted flange colors, gray, black, ivory. Aluminum and brass flanges shipped with black slide cover. Brass flange also available with nonmetallic brass colored slide holder (RC7CTCAB). Aluminum flange also available with nonmetallic aluminum color slide holder (RC7CTCAA). Includes wiremold Open system unloaded inserts . 5" [127mm] 7" [178mm] Assembled Poke-Thru Device Prewired 20A duplex receptacle can be wired as standard duplex or isolated ground. Flanges available painted in gray (RC7ATCGY), black (RC7ATCBK), ivory (RC7ATCVY). Flanges also available in plated 16 1/2" brushed brass (RC7ATCBs) and [419mm] brushed aluminum (RC7ATCAL). slide covers match the painted flange colors, gray, black, ivory. Aluminum and brass flanges shipped with black slide cover. Brass flange also available with nonmetallic brass colored slide holder (RC7ATCAB). Aluminum flange also available with nonmetallic aluminum color slide holder (RC7ATCAA). Includes wiremold Open system unloaded inserts. RC37REC, RC37REC-25 Replacement Receptacle Prewired snap-in 20A receptacle can be wired as standard duplex or isolated ground. Available only in black. see installation instructions with replacement receptacle for complete installation details. The RC37REC-25 is available with 25 foot leads and can be wired as standard duplex or isolated ground. ABPLUG3 7" [178mm] NOTE: Assembled with scrub water gasket. For use on tile or carpet floors. NOTE: RC7 Series Poke-Thru Devices require a 3 1/16" [78mm] diameter hole. Not designed to work with bare concrete or terrazzo. Floor covering thickness 1/8" minimum. Abandonment available in black (RC7APTCBK) or gray (RC7APTCGY). NOTE: To abandon the RC7 Series Poke-Thru Device, the internal gasket, duplex receptacle, and communication modules must not be removed in order to maintain UL Classification. Also the stem must remain in the hole. NOTE: Includes two Cat 6 TechChoice discrete keystone connectors, two Ortronics TracJack adapters, and two Wiremold Open System adapters. RC7ATC Nonmetallic slide holder assembly. Available in black (RC7sHTCBK), gray (RC7sHTCGY), ivory (RC7sHTCVY), nonmetallic brass (RC7sHTCBs), and nonmetallic aluminum (RC7sHTCAA). Assembled with scrub water gasket. For use on tile or carpet floors. Abandonment Plug Assembly 7" [178mm] 3 3/16" [97mm] Complete plug assembly for abandoning an open 3" [76mm] diameter hole. Assembly includes intumescent fire-stop material to maintain the fire-classification of the floor, integral retainer ring to prevent the unit from pulling up through the floor, and a black diecast aluminum cover. COM50, COM75 Communication Adapter For two 1/2" trade size conduit connections (COM50). For two 3/4" trade size conduit connections (COM75).No additional capacity with COM75. NOTE: RC7 Series Poke-Thru Devices require a 3 1/16" [78mm] diameter hole. Not designed to work with bare concrete or terrazzo. Floor covering thickness 1/8" minimum. POKE-THRU DEVICES RC7STC 307 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD RC9 SERIES™ POKE-THRU DEVICES RC9 series™ surface style Poke-Thru Devices provide a 15 Amp quad power device and two (2) openings for communication pass-through. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Metallic Outlet Boxes: File E2961 Guide QCIT. cULus Listed Nonmetallic Outlet Boxes & Fittings Classified for Fire Resistance: File R8209 Guide CEYY. Meets Article 300.21, 300.22(C) & 314 of NEC. RC9 series Poke-Thru Device (RC9A15TCAL) installed in a tile floor. POKE-THRU DEVICES HOLE DIAMETER Minimum: 3 1/16" [78mm] Maximum: 3 1/8" [79mm] COLOR OPTIONS RC9 series parts are available in gray “GY”, black “BK”, brushed aluminum “AL”, brass “Bs”, ivory “VY”, and a brass-colored finish “AB”. Custom color options are also available. Consult the factory for more information. 308 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD RC9 SERIES™ POKE-THRU DEVICES RC9 Series Poke-Thru Devices Ordering Information Insert Assembly with Disposable Plate RC9SHTC Includes prewired 15A quad receptacle. use with RC9C series Covers to complete installation. 6" [152mm] Nonmetallic Slide Holder Assembly Available in gray (RC9sHTCGY), black (RC9sHTCBK), ivory (RC9sHTCVY), nonmetallic brass (RC9sHTCBs), and nonmetallic aluminum (RC9sHTCAA). 5" [127mm] NOTE: Assembled with scrub water gasket. For use on tile or carpet floors. 16 1/2" [419mm] RC9CTC Finish Flange & Slide Holder Assembly RC9APTC Flange available in painted gray (RC9CTCGY), black (RC9CTCBK), ivory (RC9CTCVY), and brushed metal finishes in aluminum (RC9CTCAL) and brass (RC9CTCBs). Aluminum and brass flanges shipped with black cover. Brass flange also available with brass colored cover assembly (RC9CTCAB). Aluminum flange also available with aluminum colored cover assembly (RC9CTCAA). Cover assembly also includes two openings for pass-through capability for one 4-pair Category 5e or Category 6 cable per opening. 7" [178mm] NOTE: Assembled with scrub water gasket. For use on tile or carpet floors. RC9A15TC Assembled Poke-Thru Device Prewired 15A quad receptacle can be wired as standard quad receptacle or isolated ground. 7" [178mm] Flange available in painted gray (RC9A15TCGY), black 16 1/2" (RC9A15TCBK), ivory [419mm] (RC9A15TCVY), and brushed metal finishes in aluminum (RC9A15TCAL) and brass (RC9A15TCBs). Aluminum and brass flanges shipped with black cover. Brass flange also available with brass colored cover assembly (RC9A15TCAB). Aluminum flange also available with aluminum colored cover assembly (RC9A15TCAA). unit also includes two openings for pass-through capability for one 4-pair Category 5e or Category 6 cable per opening. Abandonment available in black (RC9APTCBK). 5" [127mm] NOTE: To abandon the RC9 Series PokeThru Device, the internal gasket and quad receptacle must not be removed in order to maintain UL Classification. Also, the stem must remain in the hole. RC9REC, RC9REC-25 Replacement Receptacle Prewired 15A quad receptacle can be wired as standard receptacle or isolated ground. Available only in black. see installation instructions with replacement receptacle for complete installation details. Receptacle also available with 25' leads (RC9REC-25). ABPLUG3 Abandonment Plug Assembly 7" [178mm] NOTE: Assembled with scrub water gasket. For use on tile or carpet floors. NOTE: RC9 Series Poke-Thru Devices require a 3 1/16" [78mm] diameter hole. Not designed to work with bare concrete or terrazzo. Floor covering thickness 1/8" minimum. Abandonment Plate 3 3/16" [97mm] Complete plug assembly for abandoning an open 3" [76mm] diameter hole. Assembly includes intumescent firestop material to maintain the fire-classification of the floor, integral retainer ring to prevent the unit from pulling up through the floor, and a black die-cast aluminum cover. POKE-THRU DEVICES RC9STC 309 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD RC9AMD SERIES™ POKE-THRU DEVICES RC9AMD series™ surface style Poke-Thru Devices provide up to four (4) ports of communication. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Metallic Outlet Boxes: File E2961 Guide QCIT. cULus Listed Nonmetallic Outlet Boxes & Fittings Classified for Fire Resistance: File R8209 Guide CEYY. Meets Article 300.21, 300.22(C) & 314 of NEC. RC9AMD series Poke-Thru Device (RC9AMDTCAL) installed in a carpeted floor. POKE-THRU DEVICES HOLE DIAMETER Minimum: 3" [76mm] Maximum: 3 1/8" [79mm] COLOR OPTIONS RC9AMD series parts are available in gray “GY”, black “BK”, brushed aluminum “AL”, brass “Bs”, ivory “VY”, and a brass-colored finish “AB”. Custom color options are also available. Consult the factory for more information. 310 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD RC9AMD SERIES™ POKE-THRU DEVICES RC9AMD Series Poke-Thru Devices Ordering Information RC9AM2STC Insert Assembly with Disposable Plate RC9SHMDTC Nonmetallic Slide Holder Assembly Available in black (RC9sHMDTCBK), gray (RC9sHMDTCGY), Ivory (RC9sHMDTCVY), nonmetallic brass (RC9sHMDTCBs) and nonmetallic aluminum (RC9sHMDTCAA). use with RC9CMD series Covers to complete installation. 6" [152mm] 5" [127mm] 10" [254mm] 2" Trade Size Conduit Stem RC9CMDTC Finish Flange & Slide Holder Assembly Flange available in painted gray (RC9CMDTCGY), black (RC9CMDTCBK), ivory (RC9CMDTCVY), and brushed 7" metal finishes in aluminum [178mm] (RC9CMDTCAL) and brass (RC9CMDTCBs). Aluminum and brass flanges shipped with black cover. Brass flange also available with brass colored cover assembly (RC9CMDTCAB). Aluminum flange also available with aluminum-colored cover assembly (RC9CMDTCAA). Includes two (2) Ortronics TracJack adapters, two (2) Ortronics series II adapters, and two (2) wiremold Open system adapters. Modular jacks sold separately. RC9APTC Abandonment Plate Available in black (RC9APTCBK). 5" [127mm] NOTE: Assembled with scrub water gasket. For use on tile or carpet floors. Assembled Poke-Thru Device All communication device accepts up to four uTP connectors. Flange available in painted gray (RC9AMDTCGY), 7" black (RC9AMDTCBK), ivory [178mm] (RC9AMDTCVY), and brushed 10" metal finishes in aluminum [254mm] (RC9AMDTCAL) and brass (RC9AMDTCBs). Aluminum and brass flanges shipped with 2" Trade Size black cover. Brass flange also Conduit Stem available with brass colored cover assembly (RC9AMDTCAB). Aluminum flange also available with aluminum-colored cover assembly (RC9AMDTCAA). unit includes two (2) Ortronics TracJack adapters, two (2) Ortronics series II adapters, and two (2) wiremold Open system inserts. Modular jacks sold separately. ABPLUG3 Abandonment Plug Assembly 7" [178mm] 3 3/16" [97mm] Complete plug assembly for abandoning an open 3" [76mm] diameter hole. Assembly includes intumescent firestop material to maintain the fire-classification of the floor, integral retainer ring to prevent the unit from pulling up through the floor, and a black die-cast aluminum cover. NOTE: Assembled with scrub water gasket. For use on tile or carpet floors. NOTE: RC9 Series Poke-Thru Devices require a 3" [76mm] diameter hole. Not designed to work with bare concrete or terrazzo. Floor covering thickness 1/8" minimum. POKE-THRU DEVICES RC9AMDTC 311 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD AMD8 SERIES™ POKE-THRU DEVICES AMD8 series™ All Communication surface style Poke-Thru Devices provide up to eight (8) ports of communication. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Metallic Outlet Boxes: File E2961 Guide QCIT. cULus Listed Nonmetallic Outlet Boxes & Fittings Classified for Fire Resistance: File R8209 Guide CEYY. Meets Article 300.21, 300.22(C) & 314 of NEC. AMD8 series Poke-Thru Device installed in a carpeted floor. POKE-THRU DEVICES HOLE DIAMETER Minimum: 4" [102mm] Maximum: 4 1/8" [105mm] COLOR OPTIONS AMD8 series parts are available in gray “GY”, black “BK”, brushed aluminum “AL”, brass “Bs”, ivory “VY”, brasscolored finish “AB”, and an aluminum-colored finish “AA”. Custom color options are also available. Consult the factory for more information. 312 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD AMD8 SERIES™ POKE-THRU DEVICES AMD8 Series Poke-Thru Devices Ordering Information AMD8STC Insert Assembly with Disposable Plate AMD8SHTC use with AMD8C series Covers to complete installation. 7" [178mm] 9 7/16" [240mm] Slide Holder Nonmetallic slide holder assembly. Available in gray (AMD8sHTCGY), black (AMD8sHTCBK), ivory (AMD8sHTCVY), aluminum colored (AMD8sHTCAL) and brass colored (AMD8sHTCBs). 5" [127mm] NOTE: Assembled with scrub water gasket. For use on tile or carpet floors. 3/4" Trade Size Conduit Stem 1 1/4" Trade Size Conduit Stem AMD8CTC Finish Flange & Slide Holder Finish flange available in gray (AMD8CTCGY), black (AMD8CTCBK), ivory (AMD8CTCVY), brushed aluminum 7 1/2" (AMD8CTCAL) and brass finish [191mm] (AMD8CTCBs). Aluminum and brass flanges standard with black cover. Aluminum flange also available with an aluminum colored nonmetallic cover (AMD8CTCAA). Brass flange also available with a brass colored nonmetallic cover (AMD8CTCAB). Includes adapters to accept eight (8) Ortronics TracJack modular jacks, four (4) Ortronics series II modular jacks, or wiremold Open system adapters. Modular jacks sold separately. AMD8APTC 5" [127mm] Abandonment Plate Available in black (AMD8APTCBK) and gray (AMD8APTCGY). NOTE: Assembled with scrub water gasket. For use on tile or carpet floors. Assembled Poke-Thru Device All communication device accepts up to eight uTP, fiber optic, audio, or video connectors. Finish flange available in gray (AMD8ATCGY), 7 1/2" [191mm] black (AMD8ATCBK), ivory 9 3/4" (AMD8ATCVY), brushed aluminum [248mm] (AMD8ATCAL) and brass finish (AMD8ATCBs). Aluminum and brass flanges standard with 1 1/4" Trade Size black cover. Aluminum flange Conduit Stem also available with an aluminum 3/4" Trade Size Conduit Stem colored nonmetallic cover (AMD8ATCAA). Brass flange also available with a brass colored nonmetallic cover (AMD8ATCAB). Includes adapters to accept eight (8) Ortronics TracJack modular jacks, four (4) Ortronics series II modular jacks, or wiremold Open system adapters. Modular jacks sold separately. ABPLUG4 Abandonment Plug Assembly 7 1/2" [191mm] 3 7/8" [98mm] Complete plug assembly for abandoning an open 4" [102mm] diameter hole. Assembly includes intumescent fire-stop material to maintain the fire classification of the floor, integral retainer ring to prevent the unit from pulling up through the floor, and a black die-cast aluminum cover. NOTE: Assembled with scrub water gasket. For use on tile or carpet floors. POKE-THRU DEVICES AMD8ATC NOTE: AMD8 Series Poke-Thru Devices require a 4" [102mm] diameter hole. Not designed to work with bare concrete or terrazzo. Floor covering thickness 1/8" minimum. 313 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD AV3 SERIES™ POKE-THRU DEVICES AV3 series™ surface style Poke-Thru Devices provide one (1) 20 Amp duplex power device and accepts up to three (3) Extron® Electronics MAAP series device plates. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Metallic Outlet Boxes: File E2961 Guide QCIT. cULus Listed Nonmetallic Outlet Boxes & Fittings Classified for Fire Resistance: File R8209 Guide CEYY. Meets Article 300.21, 300.22(C) & 314 of NEC. AV3 series Poke-Thru Device installed in a carpeted floor. POKE-THRU DEVICES HOLE DIAMETER Minimum: 4" [102mm] Maximum: 4 1/8" [105mm] COLOR OPTIONS AV3 series parts are available in gray “GY”, black “BK”, brushed aluminum “AL”, brass “Bs”, ivory “VY”, brasscolored finish “AB”, and an aluminum-colored finish “AA”. Custom color options are also available. Consult the factory for more information. 314 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD AV3 SERIES™ POKE-THRU DEVICES AV3 Series Poke-Thru Devices Ordering Information AV3STC 7" [178mm] 3/4" Trade Size Conduit Stem Insert Assembly with Disposable Plate AV3SHTC use with AV3CTC series Covers to complete installation. 16 5/8" [422mm] 5 3/4" [146mm] Finish Flange & Slide Holder Incudes one prewired 20A duplex receptacle which can be wired as a standard receptacle or isolated ground. Finish flange available in 8 1/4" [210mm] gray (AV3CTCGY), black (AV3CTCBK), ivory (AV3CTCVY), brushed aluminum (AV3CTCAL) and brass finish (AV3CTCBs). Aluminum and brass flanges standard with black cover. Aluminum flange also available with an aluminum colored nonmetallic cover (AV3CTCAA). Brass flange also available with brass colored nonmetallic cover (AV3CTCAB). Includes one adapter to accept Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP mini architectural adapter plates, wiremold Open system adapters, and Ortronics TracJack and series II mounting adapters. Modular Jacks sold separately. Nonmetallic slide holder assembly. Available in gray (AV3sHTCGY), black (AV3sHTCBK), ivory (AV3sHTCVY), aluminum colored (AV3sHTCAL) and brass colored (AV3sHTCBs). NOTE: Assembled with scrub water gasket. For use on tile or carpet floors. 1 1/4" Trade Size Conduit Stem AV3APTC AV3CTC Slide Holder Abandonment Plate Available in black (AV3APTCBK) and gray (AV3APTCGY). 5 3/4" [146mm] RC37REC, RC37REC-25 Replacement Receptacles Prewired snap-in 20A receptacle can be wired as standard duplex or isolated ground. Available only in black. see installation instructions with replacement receptacle for complete installation details. The RC37REC-25 is available with 25 foot [7.62m] leads and can be wired as standard duplex or isolated ground. NOTE: Assembled with scrub water gasket. For use on tile or carpet floors. Assembled Poke-Thru Device A/V device incudes one prewired 20A duplex receptacle which can be wired as a standard receptacle or isolated ground. Finish flange 8 1/4" [210mm] available in gray (AV3ATCGY), black 17" (AV3ATCBK), ivory (AV3ATCVY), [432mm] 1 1/4" brushed aluminum (AV3ATCAL) and Trade Size Conduit brass finish (AV3ATCBs). Aluminum Stem and brass flanges standard with 3/4" Trade black cover. Aluminum flange also Size Conduit Stem available with an aluminum colored nonmetallic cover (AV3ATCAA). Brass flange also available with brass colored nonmetallic cover (AV3ATCAB). Includes one adapter to accept Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP mini architectural adapter plates, wiremold Open system adapters, and Ortronics TracJack and series II mounting adapters. Modular Jacks sold separately. ABPLUG4 Abandonment Plug Assembly Complete plug assembly for abandoning an open 7 1/2" [191mm] 4" [102mm] diameter hole. Assembly includes intumescent fire-stop 3 7/8" [98mm] material to maintain the fire classification of the floor, integral retainer ring to prevent the unit from pulling up through the floor, and a black die-cast aluminum cover. NOTE: AV3 Series Poke-Thru Devices require a 4" [102mm] diameter hole. Not designed to work with bare concrete or terrazzo. Floor covering thickness 1/8" minimum. NOTE: Assembled with scrub water gasket. For use on tile or carpet floors. NOTE: AMD8 Series Poke-Thru Devices require a 4" [102mm] diameter hole. Not designed to work with bare concrete or terrazzo. Floor covering thickness 1/8" minimum. POKE-THRU DEVICES AV3ATC 315 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD RC4 SERIES™ POKE-THRU DEVICES RC4 series™ surface style Poke-Thru Devices provide two (2) 20 Amp duplex power devices and four (4) ports of communication. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Metallic Outlet Boxes: File E2961 Guide QCIT. cULus Listed Nonmetallic Outlet Boxes & Fittings Classified for Fire Resistance: File R8209 Guide CEYY. Meets Article 300.21, 300.22(C) & 314 of NEC. RC4 Series Poke-Thru Devices Ordering Information RC4STC Insert Assembly with Disposable Plate 6" [152mm] Comes complete with four prewired 20A receptacles. use RC4sTC with RC4C series Covers. NOTE: If wiring for Isolated Ground, attach orange IG label (supplied). 16 3/8" [416mm] RC4 series Poke-Thru Device (RC4CTCBs). POKE-THRU DEVICES HOLE DIAMETER Minimum: 4" [102mm] Maximum: 4 1/8" [105mm] RC4SHTC Slide Holder 6 1/4" [159mm] Nonmetallic slide holder assembly. Available in gray (RC4sHTCGY), black (RC4sHTCBK), ivory (RC4sHTCVY), nonmetallic brass (RC4sHTCBs), and nonmetallic aluminum (RC4sHTCAL). NOTE: Assembled with scrub water gasket. For use on tile or carpet floors. COLOR OPTIONS 316 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD RC4 series parts are available in gray “GY”, black “BK”, brushed aluminum “AL”, brass “Bs”, ivory “VY”, brasscolored finish “AB”, and an aluminum-colored finish “AA”. WIREMOLD RC4 SERIES™ POKE-THRU DEVICES RC4 Series Poke-Thru Devices Ordering Information Finish Flange & Slide Holder Assembly Flange available in painted gray (RC4CTCGY), black (RC4CTCBK), ivory (RC4CTCVY) or brushed metal finished in aluminum (RC4CTCAL), and brass (RC4CTCBs). slide covers match the painted flange colors: gray, black, and ivory. Aluminum and brass flanges shipped with black slide cover. Brass flange also available with nonmetallic brass colored slide holder (RC4CTCAB). Aluminum flange also available with nonmetallic aluminum color slide holder (RC4CTCAA). Includes wiremold Open system unloaded adapters to accept four discrete keystone connectors from most manufacturers. unit also includes Ortronics TracJack Mounting adapters and Ortronics series II Communication Housing. Modular jacks sold separately. COM75 Communication Adapter Provides two 3/4" trade size threaded openings to accommodate conduit connections. 8 1/4" [210mm] NOTE: Assembled with scrub water gasket. For use on tile or carpet floors. RC4ATC Assembled Poke-Thru Device unit includes four prewired 20A receptacles. Each duplex receptacle is wired as a separate circuit. The duplex can be wired as a standard receptacle or isolated ground. Finish flange available in gray (RC4ATCGY), black (RC4ATCBK), ivory (RC4ATCVY), 16 3/8" or brushed metal finishes in [416mm] aluminum (RC4ATCAL), and brass (RC4ATCBs). Aluminum and brass flanges shipped with black slide cover. Brass flange also available with nonmetallic brass colored slide holder (RC4ATCAB).Aluminum flange also available with nonmetallic aluminum color slide holder (RC4ATCAA). Includes wiremold Open system unloaded adapters to accept four discrete keystone connectors from most manufacturers. unit also includes Ortronics TracJack Mounting adapters and Ortronics series II Communication Housing. Modular jacks sold separately. 8 1/4" [210mm] NOTE: Assembled with scrub water gasket. For use on tile or carpet floors. NOTE: If wiring for Isolated Ground, attach orange IG label (supplied). NOTE: AMD8 Series Poke-Thru Devices require a 4" [102mm] diameter hole. Not designed to work with bare concrete or terrazzo. Floor covering thickness 1/8" minimum. RC4KTCG Retrofit Kit used to upgrade existing installations of RC4 Poke-Thru Devices on carpet floors to meet scrub water 8 1/4" [210mm] requirements. Includes two 20A duplex receptacles that can be wired as a standard duplex or isolated ground. Also includes scrub water finish flange and slide holder assembly. Flange available in painted black (RC4KTCBK), gray (RC4KTCGY), ivory (RC4KTCVY), and brushed metal finishes in aluminum (RC4KTCAL), and brass (RC4KTCBs). see installation instructions with retrofit kit for complete installation details. NOTE: Existing installations of RC4 Poke-Thru Devices are not required to be upgraded to meet carpet scrub water requirements, if manufactured prior to June 2003. NOTE: RC4 Series Poke-Thru Devices require a 4" [102mm] diameter hole. Not designed to work with bare concrete or terrazzo. Floor covering thickness 1/8" minimum. RC4REC2, RC4REC2-25 Replacement Receptacles Two prewired 20A duplex receptacles can be wired as standard duplex or isolated ground. Available only in black. see installation instructions with replacement receptacle for complete installation details. RC4REC2-25 is available with 25 foot [7.62m] leads. ABPLUG4 Abandonment Plug Assembly Complete plug assembly for abandoning an open 4" [102mm] diameter 3 7/8" hole. Assembly includes Available in black (RC4APTCBK), [98mm] intumescent fire-stop 6 1/4" gray (RC4APTCGY), painted material to maintain the fire [159mm] brass (RC4APTCBs), and ivory classification of the floor, (RC4APTCVY). integral retainer ring to prevent the unit from pulling up NOTE: To abandon the RC4 Series Poke-Thru Device, the internal gasket, through the floor, and a black die-cast aluminum cover. RC4APTC Abandonment Plate 7 1/2" [191mm] duplex receptacle, and communication modules must not be removed in order to maintain UL Classification. Also the stem must remain in the core-drilled hole. POKE-THRU DEVICES RC4CTC 317 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD RC3 SERIES™ POKE-THRU DEVICES RC3 series™ surface style Poke-Thru Devices provide one (1) 20 Amp power device and four (4) ports of communication. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Metallic Outlet Boxes: File E2961 Guide QCIT. cULus Listed Nonmetallic Outlet Boxes & Fittings Classified for Fire Resistance: File R8209 Guide CEYY. Meets Article 300.21, 300.22(C) & 314 of NEC. RC3 Series Poke-Thru Devices Ordering Information RC3STC Insert Assembly with Disposable Plate use with RC3C series Covers to complete installation. 16 11/16" [424mm] RC3 series Poke-Thru Device installed in a carpeted floor. POKE-THRU DEVICES HOLE DIAMETER Minimum: 4" [102mm] Maximum: 4 1/8" [105mm] RC3APTC Abandonment Plate Available in black (RC3APTCBK) and gray (RC3APTCGY). NOTE: To abandon the RC3 Series Poke-Thru Device, the duplex receptacle must be left installed in the unit in order to maintain scrub water compliance. Also the stem must remain in the hole. COLOR OPTIONS RC3 series parts are available in gray “GY”, black “BK”, brushed aluminum “AL”, brass “Bs”, ivory “VY”, a brasscolored finish “AB” and an aluminum-colored finish “AA”. Custom color options are also available. Consult the factory for more information. 318 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD RC3 SERIES™ POKE-THRU DEVICES RC3 Series Poke-Thru Devices Ordering Information Finish Flange & Slide Holder Finish flange and slide holder. Prewired 20A duplex receptacle can be wired as standard duplex or isolated ground. Flange available in painted gray (RC3CTCGY), black (RC3CTCBK), ivory (RC3CTCVY), or brushed metal finishes in aluminum (RC3CTCAL) and brass. Aluminum and brass flanges shipped with black slide cover. Brass flange also available with nonmetallic brass colored slide holder (RC3CTCAB). Aluminum flange also available with nonmetallic aluminum colored slider holder (RC3CTCAA). Includes wiremold Open system unloaded adapters to accept four (4) discrete keystone connectors from most manufacturers. unit also includes two (2) Ortronics TracJack adapters and two (2) Ortronics series II adapters. Modular Jacks sold separately. RC3SHTC Slide Holder 7 1/2" [191mm] 5" [127mm] NOTE: Assembled with scrub water gasket. For use on tile or carpet floors. RC37REC, RC37REC-25 Replacement Receptacles Prewired snap-in 20A receptacle can be wired as standard duplex or isolated ground. Available only in black. see installation instructions with replacement receptacle for complete installation details. The RC37REC-25 is available with 25 foot [7.62m] leads and can be wired as standard duplex or isolated ground. NOTE: Assembled with scrub water gasket. For use on tile or carpet floors. RC3ATC Assembled Poke-Thru Device Assembled unit. Prewired 20A duplex receptacle can be wired as standard duplex or isolated ground. Flange available in painted gray (RC3ATCGY), black (RC3ATCBK), ivory (RC3ATCVY), or brushed metal finishes in aluminum (RC3ATCAL) 16" and brass. slide covers match [406mm] the painted flange colors: gray, black, and ivory. Aluminum and brass flanges shipped with black 3/4" Trade Size slide cover. Brass flange also Conduit Stem available with nonmetallic brass colored slider holder (RC3ATCAB). Aluminum flange also available with nonmetallic aluminum colored slider holder (RC3ATCAA). Includes wiremold Open system unloaded adapters to accept four (4) discrete keystone connectors from most manufacturers. unit also includes two (2) Ortronics TracJack adapters and two (2) Ortronics series II adapters. Modular Jacks sold separately. 7 1/2" [191mm] NOTE: Assembled with scrub water gasket. For use on tile or carpet floors. NOTE: RC3 Series Poke-Thru Devices require a 4" [102mm] diameter hole. Not designed to work with bare concrete or terrazzo. Floor covering thickness 1/8" minimum. Nonmetallic slide holder assembly. Available in gray (RC3sHTCGY), black (RC3sHTCBK), ivory (RC3sHTCVY), nonmetallic brass (RC3sHTCBs), and nonmetallic aluminum (RC3sHTCAA). NOTE: The 20A duplex receptacle supplied with the new scrub water version RC3 Poke-Thru Device is proprietary and can only be replaced with the RC37REC. NOTE: RC3 Series Poke-Thru Devices require a 4" [102mm] diameter hole. Not designed to work with bare concrete or terrazzo. Floor covering thickness 1/8" minimum. COM50, COM75 Communication Adapter For two 1/2" trade size conduit connections (COM50). For two 3/4" trade size conduit connections (COM75). No additional capacity with COM75. ABPLUG4 Abandonment Plug Assembly Complete plug assembly for abandoning an open 4" [102mm] diameter hole. Assembly includes 3 7/8" [98mm] intumescent fire-stop material to maintain the fire classification of the floor, integral retainer ring to prevent the unit from pulling up through the floor, and a black die-cast aluminum cover. 7 1/2" [191mm] POKE-THRU DEVICES RC3CTC 319 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD 4ffATC SERIES™ POKE-THRU DEVICES 4FFATC series™ Furniture Feed style Poke-Thru Devices provide one (1) 3/4" trade size opening for power and one (1) 1 1/4" trade size opening for communication. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Metallic Outlet Boxes: File E2961 Guide QCIT. cULus Listed Nonmetallic Outlet Boxes & Fittings Classified for Fire Resistance: File R8209 Guide CEYY. Meets Article 300.21, 300.22(C) & 314 of NEC. 4FFATC series Furniture Feed style Poke-Thru Device (4FFATCBK). POKE-THRU DEVICES HOLE DIAMETER Minimum: 4" [102mm] Maximum: 4 1/8" [105mm] COLOR OPTIONS 320 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 4FFATC series flanges are available in gray “GY”, black “BK”, brushed aluminum “AL”, and plated brass “Bs”. WIREMOLD 4ffATC SERIES™ POKE-THRU DEVICES 4FFATC Series Poke-Thru Devices Ordering Information AV3STC Insert Stem with Disposable Plate 4FFATC Furniture Feed Poke-Thru Assembly use with 4FFCTC series covers to form a complete poke-thru assembly. 7 1/2" [191mm] 3/4" Trade Size Conduit Stem 1 1/4" Trade Size Conduit Stem 3/4" Trade Size Conduit Stem 16 15/16" [430mm] 1 1/4" Trade Size Conduit Stem Complete with one-piece finish flange and conduit assembly. Conduit assembly consists of one 3/4" and one 1 1/4" trade size conduit. Finish cover flange provided with one 3/4" and one 1 1/4" trade size screw plug opening. Colors available in painted gray (4FFATCGY), painted black (4FFATCBK), brushed aluminum (4FFATCAL), and plated brass (4FFATCBs). NOTE: Assembled with scrub water gasket. For use on tile or carpet covered concrete floors. 4FFCTC 7 1/2" [191mm] Finish Flange & Conduit Adapter Assembly Complete with one 3/4" and one 1 1/4" trade size conduit adapters and closure plugs. Colors available in painted black (4FFCTCBK), gray (4FFCTCGY), forged brushed aluminum (4FFCTCAL), and plated brass (4FFCTCBs). use with the AV3sTC Insert to form a complete poke-thru assembly. Abandonment Plug Assembly 7 1/2" [191mm] 3 7/8" [98mm] Complete plug assembly for abandoning an open 4" [102mm] diameter hole. Assembly includes intumescent fire-stop material to maintain the fire classification of the floor, integral retainer ring to prevent the unit from pulling up through the floor, and a black die-cast aluminum cover. POKE-THRU DEVICES NOTE: Assembled with scrub water gasket. For use on tile or carpet floors. ABPLUG4 NOTE: 4FFATC Series Poke-Thru Devices require a 4" [102mm] diameter hole. Not designed to work with bare concrete or terrazzo. Floor covering thickness 1/8" minimum. 321 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD RC7AffTC SERIES™ POKE-THRU DEVICES RC7AFFTC series™ Furniture Feed style Poke-Thru Devices provide one (1) 3/4" trade size opening for power and two (2) 1/2" trade size openings for communication. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Metallic Outlet Boxes: File E2961 Guide QCIT. cULus Listed Nonmetallic Outlet Boxes & Fittings Classified for Fire Resistance: File R8209 Guide CEYY. Meets Article 300.21, 300.22(C) & 314 of NEC. RC7AFFTC series Furniture Feed style Poke-Thru Device installed in a tiled floor. POKE-THRU DEVICES HOLE DIAMETER Minimum: 3 1/16" [78mm] Maximum: 3 1/8" [79mm] COLOR OPTIONS 322 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD RC7AFFTC series flanges are available in gray “GY”, black “BK”, brushed aluminum “AL”, and brass “Bs”. WIREMOLD RC7AffTC SERIES™ POKE-THRU DEVICES RC7AFFTC Series Poke-Thru Devices Ordering Information RC7STC Insert Stem with Disposable Plate RC7AFFTC Flush Furniture Feed Poke-Thru Assembly use with RC7CFF series covers to form a complete poke-thru assembly. 16 1/2" [419mm] 16 1/2" [419mm] Complete with one-piece finish flange and conduit assembly with one 3/4" and two 1/2" trade size conduit adapters and closure plugs. Colors available in painted aluminum, black (RC7AFFTCBK), gray (RC7AFFTCGY), brushed aluminum (RC7AFFTCAL), and plated brass (RC7AFFTCBs). NOTE: Assembled with scrub water gasket. For use on tile or carpet floors. RC7CFFTC 7" [178mm] Finish Flange & Conduit Adapter Assembly Complete with one 3/4" [19.1mm] conduit and two 1/2" trade size adapters and closure plugs. Colors available in painted black (RC7CFFTCBK), gray (RC7CFFTCGY), brush aluminum (RC7CFFTCAL), and plated brass (RC7CFFTCBs). use with the RC7sTC Insert to form a complete poke-thru assembly. COM50, COM75 Communication Adapter For two 1/2" trade size conduit connections (COM50). For two 3/4" trade size conduit connections (COM75). No additional capacity with COM75. ABPLUG3 Abandonment Plug Assembly 7" [178mm] NOTE: Assembled with scrub water gasket. For use on tile or carpet floors. POKE-THRU DEVICES 3 3/16" [97mm] Complete plug assembly for abandoning an open 3" [76mm] diameter hole. Assembly includes intumescent fire-stop material to maintain the fire classification of the floor, integral retainer ring to prevent the unit from pulling up through the floor, and a black die-cast aluminum cover. NOTE: RC7AFFTC Series Poke-Thru Devices require a 3 1/16" [78mm] diameter hole. Not designed to work with bare concrete or terrazzo. Floor covering thickness 1/8" minimum. 323 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD RC9AffTC SERIES™ POKE-THRU DEVICES RC9AFFTC series™ Furniture Feed style Poke-Thru Devices provide a hexagonal housing to allow for multi-directional feeds. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Metallic Outlet Boxes: File E2961 Guide QCIT. cULus Listed Nonmetallic Outlet Boxes & Fittings Classified for Fire Resistance: File R8209 Guide CEYY. Meets Article 300.21, 300.22(C) & 314 of NEC. RC9AFFTC series Furniture Feed style Poke-Thru Device (RC9AFFTCBK). POKE-THRU DEVICES HOLE DIAMETER Minimum: 3 1/16" [78mm] Maximum: 3 1/8" [79mm] COLOR OPTIONS RC9AFFTC series flanges are available in gray “GY” or black “BK” finishes. 324 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD RC9AffTC SERIES™ POKE-THRU DEVICES RC9AFFTC Series Poke-Thru Devices Ordering Information RC9FFS Insert Stem with Disposable Plate FFD-P Drop-In Hub Furniture feed insert with one 1 1/4" and one 1/2" trade size conduit to feed power and communication services. use with RC9CFFTC series Covers to form a complete poke-thru assembly. 1/2" Trade Size Conduit Stem 1 1/4" Trade Size Conduit Stem RC9AFFTC Assembled Furniture Feed Poke-Thru Device 14 7/16" [367mm] 1/2" Trade Size Conduit Stem 3/4" trade size threaded drop-in hub. used to make conduit connections to the service head. 1 1/4" Trade Size Conduit Stem Complete with hexagonal service head. service head has one 3/4" trade size threaded conduit hub and five rubber grommets. The service head includes scrub water gasket. unit is supplied with one 1 1/4" and one 1/2" trade size conduit stem to feed power and communication services. service head is not to be used as a junction box. All power connections must be made in a junction box below (not supplied). Available in gray (RC9AFFTCGY) and black (RC9AFFTCBK). TG-1 Communication Grommet Drop-in rubber grommet for passthrough cabling. set of two grommets (one grommet shown) black. RCAPFFTC Abandonment Plate 7" [178mm] used to abandon fitting by removing hexagonal housing and placing plate inside the flange. Insert stem must remain in the place. Available in black (RCAPFFTCBK). NOTE: Assembled with scrub water gasket. For use on tile or carpet floors. 7" [178mm] Finish Flange & Service Head Assembly Complete with gray or black carpet flange, gray hexagonal housing, five black rubber grommets, and one 3/4" trade size threaded dropin hub. The service head includes scrub water gasket. use with RC9FFs Insert to form a complete poke-thru assembly. Available in gray (RC9CFFTCGY) or black (RC9CFFTCBK) ABPLUG3 Abandonment Plug Assembly 7" [178mm] 3 3/16" [97mm] Complete plug assembly for abandoning an open 3" [76mm] diameter hole. Assembly includes intumescent fire-stop material to maintain the fire-classification of the floor, integral retainer ring to prevent the unit from pulling up through the floor, and a black die-cast aluminum cover. NOTE: RC9AFFTC Series Poke-Thru Devices require a 3" [76mm] diameter hole. Not designed to work with bare concrete or terrazzo. Floor covering thickness 1/8" minimum. POKE-THRU DEVICES RC9CFFTC 325 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD RC9AM2TC SERIES™ POKE-THRU DEVICES RC9AM2TC series™ Furniture Feed style Poke-Thru Devices provide one (1) 1 1/4" and 2" trade size concentric openings for single service pass-through. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Metallic Outlet Boxes: File E2961 Guide QCIT. cULus Listed Nonmetallic Outlet Boxes & Fittings Classified for Fire Resistance: File R8209 Guide CEYY. Meets Article 300.21, 300.22(C) & 314 of NEC. RC9AM2TC series Furniture Feed style Poke-Thru Device (RC9AM2sTC). POKE-THRU DEVICES HOLE DIAMETER Minimum: 3" [76mm] Maximum: 3 1/8" [79mm] COLOR OPTIONS RC9AM2TC series flanges are available in gray “GY”, black “BK”, brushed brass “Bs”, and brushed aluminum “AL” finishes. Custom color options are also available. Consult the factory for more information. 326 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD RC9AM2TC SERIES™ POKE-THRU DEVICES RC9AM2TC Series Poke-Thru Devices Ordering Information Insert Stem with Disposable Plate RC9AM2TC Assembled Furniture Feed Poke-Thru Device use with RC9CM2TC series cover to complete installation. Complete with combination 1 1/4" and 2" trade size threaded conduit openings and closure plugs. Must be used with a conduit connector (not included) at the adapter assembly plate to maintain fire classification. Finish flange/cover assembly available in gray (RC9AM2TCGY), black (RC9AM2TCBK), and brushed aluminum (RC9AM2TCAL). 7" [178mm] 10" [254mm] 7" [178mm] 2" Trade Size Conduit Stem RC9CM2TC Furniture Feed Poke-Thru Device Cover Assembly 7" [178mm] Complete with combination 1 1/4" and 2" trade size threaded conduit openings and closure plugs. Must be used with a conduit connector (not included) at the adapter assembly plate to maintain fire classification. Finish flange/cover assembly available in gray (RC9CM2TCGY), black (RC9CM2TCBK), and brushed aluminum (RC9CM2TCAL). NOTE: Assembled with scrub water gasket. For use on tile or carpet floors. 10" [254mm] 2" Trade Size Conduit Stem NOTE: Assembled with scrub water gasket. For use on tile or carpet floors. RC7AM2TC 7" [178mm] Assembled Furniture Feed Poke-Thru Device 10 1/4" [260mm] 2" Trade Size Conduit Stem RC7CFFTCFurniture Feed Poke-Thru Device Cover Assembly 7" [178mm] Complete with one 3/4" trade size conduit and two 1/2" trade size adapters and closure plugs. Colors available in painted gray (RC7CFFTCGY), black (RC7CFFTCBK), brushed plated brass (RC7CFFTCBs), and brushed aluminum (RC7CFFTCAL). use with RC9AM2sTC Insert stem to form a complete poke-thru assembly. 2" trade size conduit stem, complete with one 3/4" trade size conduit and two 1/2" trade size adapters and closure plugs. Finish flange/cover assembly available in painted gray (RC7AM2TCGY), black (RC7AM2TCBK), brushed plated brass (RC7AM2TCBs), and brushed aluminum (RC7AM2TCAL). NOTE: Assembled with scrub water gasket. For use on tile or carpet floors. RCAPFFTC Abandonment Plate 7" [178mm] ABPLUG3 Abandonment Plug Assembly 7" [178mm] 3 3/16" [97mm] used to abandon fitting by removing hexagonal housing and placing plate inside the flange. Insert stem must remain in the place. Available in black (RCAPFFTCBK). Complete plug assembly for abandoning an open 3" [76mm] diameter hole. Assembly includes intumescent fire-stop material to maintain the fire-classification of the floor, integral retainer ring to prevent the unit from pulling up through the floor, and a black die-cast aluminum cover. NOTE: RC9AM2TC Series Poke-Thru Devices Poke-Thru Devices require a 3" [76mm] diameter hole. Not designed to work with bare concrete or terrazzo. Floor covering thickness 1/8" minimum. POKE-THRU DEVICES RC9AM2STC 327 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD fIT SERIES™ POKE-THRU DEVICES FIT series™ Pedestal style Poke-Thru Devices provide dual service capability in either a single- or dual-width service head. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Metallic Outlet Boxes: File E2961 Guide QCIT. cULus Listed Nonmetallic Outlet Boxes & Fittings Classified for Fire Resistance: File R8209 Guide CEYY. Meets Article 300.21, 300.22(C) & 314 of NEC. FIT series Pedestal style Poke-Thru Device with 241 service Head. CORE HOLE DIAMETER 2 1/32" [52mm] Maximum: 2 1/8" [54mm] POKE-THRU DEVICES Minimum: 328 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD fIT SERIES™ POKE-THRU DEVICES FIT Series Poke-Thru Devices Ordering information FIT 2" [51mm] Poke-Thru Insert with Junction Box Assembly 1" trade size barriered conduit. Also includes BX/MC cable connector. Must be activated with 200 series or 241 series service Head and FIFP or FP series Faceplates (sold separately) to maintain uL Listing and/or Classification. 15 1/2" [394mm] FIFP-SS Faceplate single-gang with one surge suppression receptacle opening. FIFP-T Faceplate single-gang faceplate with one telephone opening. Communication grommets included. NOTE: FIT Series Poke-Thru Devices require a minimum 2 1/32" [52mm], 2 1/8" [54mm] maximum diameter hole. 200-H/BTC Housing & Base single width. For 200 series service Head. Barrier included (may not be needed on single service applications). Base has a 3/4" trade size knockout for connection to FIT insert. Also includes scrub water gasket. FIFP50 Faceplate single-gang with one 1/2" trade size knockout. FIFP75 Faceplate NOTE: Assembled with scrub water gasket. For use on tile or carpet floors. FIFP-1.390 single-gang with one 3/4" trade size knockout. Faceplate 4 5/8" [118mm] single-gang with one 1.390" [35.3mm] receptacle opening. TG-1 Communications Grommet One set of two grommets. 1 3/8" [35mm] 1 7/8" [48mm] 1 5/8" [41mm] Faceplate single-gang with one 1.562" [39.7mm] receptacle opening. FIFP-B Assembly & Base 9 1/4" [235mm] Faceplate single-gang, blank. FIFP-R 241-H/BTC Faceplate 2 5/8" [67mm] Double width housing for 241 series service Head. Barrier included (may not be needed for single service applications). Base has a 3/4" trade size KO for connection to FIT insert. see faceplates on this page. Order two plates to complete service head assembly. NOTE: Assembled with scrub water gasket. For use on tile or carpet floors. single-gang with one duplex receptacle opening. FP1.390-1.390 2 1/2" [64mm] 9" [229mm] Faceplate POKE-THRU DEVICES FIFP-1.562 Two-gang with two 1.390" [35.3mm] receptacle openings. 329 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD fIT SERIES™ POKE-THRU DEVICES FIT Series Poke-Thru Devices Ordering information (continued) FP1.562-1.562 Faceplate Two-gang with two 1.562" [39.7mm] receptacle openings. FPB-B Two-gang faceplate with one 6A mini adapter opening. One adapter included. Accepts wiremold Open system communication modules. 9" [229mm] Faceplate FPB-RT Faceplate Two-gang plate with one Ortronics® TracJack adapter included and one Ortronics® series II adapter included. Flat connector only. 9" [229mm] Faceplate 2 1/2" [64mm] Two-gang faceplate with two duplex receptacle openings. FP2T Faceplate 2 1/2" [64mm] Two-gang faceplate – blank. FP2R FPB-ACT Faceplate FPB-2RT Faceplate 9" [229mm] Two-gang faceplate with two communications openings. FP50-50 2 1/2" [64mm] AP-FITTC Faceplate Poke-Thru Abandonment Plate Two-gang with two 1/2" trade size knockouts. FP75-50 2" [51mm]. stem must remain in cored hole. Faceplate Two-gang with one 3/4" and one 1/2" trade size knockout. FP75-75 Two-gang plate with two Ortronics® TracJack adapters included and two Ortronics® series II adapters included. Flat connector only. FIT-EXT Assembled Extension 4 5/8" [118mm]. Includes 1" trade size barriered conduit and coupling. For use with slabs greater than 8" [203mm]. Faceplate Two-gang with two 3/4" trade size knockouts. POKE-THRU DEVICES FPSS-SS 330 Faceplate 221-21 Carpet For carpet applications. Two-gang with two surge suppression device openings. FPACT-ACT Fire-Rated Plug Faceplate 9" [229mm] 2 1/2" [64mm] Two-gang faceplate with two 6A mini adapters openings. Two adapters included. Accepts wiremold Open system communication modules. NOTE: FIT Series Poke-Thru Devices require a 2" [51mm] diameter hole. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 221-21 Tile Fire-Rated Plug For tile applications. WIREMOLD RC91GHBTC & RC92GHBTC SERIES™ POKE-THRU DEVICES RC91GHBTC & RC92GHBTC series™ Pedestal style Poke-Thru Devices provide dual service capability in either a single- or dual-width service head. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Metallic Outlet Boxes: File E2961 Guide QCIT. cULus Listed Nonmetallic Outlet Boxes & Fittings Classified for Fire Resistance: File R8209 Guide CEYY. Meets Article 300.21, 300.22(C) & 314 of NEC. RC92GHBTC series Poke-Thru Device. 3 1/16" [78mm] Maximum: 3 1/8" [79mm] POKE-THRU DEVICES HOLE DIAMETER Minimum: 331 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD RC91GHBTC & RC92GHBTC SERIES™ POKE-THRU DEVICES Ordering Information RC91GHBTC Poke-thru Insert with Single Width Service Head 1/2" Trade Size Conduit Stem 1 1/4" Trade Size Conduit Stem Includes insert stem with disposable plate and service head with housing, base, scrub water gasket, and barrier. service head and insert install together to make a poke-thru assembly. Combine with faceplates (sold separately) to complete service head assembly. shown assembled. service head is shipped unassembled with the insert stem. 291-H/BTC Single Width Service Head Includes housing, base, scrub water gasket, and barrier. use with Insert Assembly RC9FFs. 292-H/BTC Double Width Service Head Includes housing, base, scrub water gasket, and barrier. use with Insert Assembly RC9FFs. NOTE: Assembled with scrub water gasket. For use on tile or carpet floors. RC92GHBTC Poke-thru Insert with Double Width Service Head 1/2" Trade Size Conduit Stem 1 1/4" Trade Size Conduit Stem Includes insert stem with disposable plate and service head with housing, base, scrub water gasket, and barrier. service head and insert install together to make a poke-thru assembly. Combine with faceplates (sold separately) to complete service head assembly. shown assembled. service head is shipped unassembled with the insert stem. POKE-THRU DEVICES NOTE: Assembled with scrub water gasket. For use on tile or carpet floors. 332 NOTE: RC91GHBTC and RC92GHBTC Series Poke-Thru Devices require a minimum 31/16" [78mm] diameter hole. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD RC9FFS Insert Stem With Disposable Plate Furniture feed insert with one 1 1/4" and one 1/2" trade size conduit to feed power and communication services. use with either 291-H/BTC or 292-H/BTC service Head to form complete unit. 1/2" Trade Size Conduit Stem 1 1/4" Trade Size Conduit Stem WIREMOLD RC91GHBTC & RC92GHBTC SERIES™ POKE-THRU DEVICES Ordering Information FIFP-1.390 Faceplate FPB-B single-gang with one 1.390" [35.3mm] receptacle opening. 4 5/8" [118mm] 1 7/8" [48mm] Two-gang faceplate – blank. FP2R FIFP-1.562 Faceplate Faceplate Two-gang faceplate with two duplex receptacle openings. Faceplate single-gang with one 1.562" [39.7mm] receptacle opening. FP2T Faceplate Two-gang faceplate with two communications openings. FIFP-B Faceplate single-gang, blank. FP50-50 Faceplate Two-gang with two 1/2" trade size knockouts. FIFP-R Faceplate single-gang with one duplex receptacle opening. FIFP-SS Faceplate FP75-75 Faceplate Two-gang with two 3/4" trade size knockouts. FPSS-SS Faceplate Two-gang with two surge suppression device openings. FPACT-ACT Faceplate single-gang with one 1/2" trade size knockout. Faceplate 9" [229mm] 2 1/2" [64mm] FIFP75 Two-gang faceplate with two 6A mini adapter openings. Two adapters included. Accepts wiremold Open system communication modules. Faceplate single-gang with one 3/4" trade size knockout. POKE-THRU DEVICES Faceplate single-gang faceplate with one telephone opening. Communication grommets included. FIFP50 Faceplate Two-gang with one 3/4" and one 1/2" trade size knockout. single-gang with one surge suppression receptacle opening. FIFP-T FP75-50 333 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD RC91GHBTC & RC92GHBTC SERIES™ POKE-THRU DEVICES Ordering Information FPB-ACT 9" [229mm] 2 1/2" [64mm] FPB-RT ABPLUG3 Faceplate Two-gang faceplate with one 6A mini adapter opening. One adapter included. Accepts wiremold Open system communication modules. Abandonment Plug Assembly 3 3/16" [97mm] 7" [178mm] Faceplate 9" [229mm] 2 1/2" [64mm] FPB-2RT Two-gang plate with one Ortronics® TracJack adapter included and one Ortronics® series II adapter included.Flat connector only. TG-1 Communication Grommet Faceplate 9" [229mm] 2 1/2" [64mm] One set of two grommets (one grommet shown) black. Two-gang plate with two Ortronics® TracJack adapters included and two Ortronics® series II adapters included. Flat connector only. RCAPFFTCBK Abandonment Plate POKE-THRU DEVICES 7" [178mm] 334 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD Complete plug assembly for abandoning an open 3" [76mm] diameter hole. Assembly includes intumescent fire-stop material to maintain the fire classification of the floor, integral retainer ring to prevent the unit from pulling up through the floor, and a black die-cast aluminum cover. used to abandon fitting by removing hexagonal housing and placing plate inside the flange. Insert stem must remain in the place. Available in black (BK). WIREMOLD FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS wiremold® Floor Boxes are TopGuard protected to meet and exceed the uL scrub water exclusion requirement. Wiremold® offers one of the most complete lines of both commercial and residential floor box solutions in the industry. From small, single service boxes to large multi-utility convention center versions, there is a wiremold floor box to meet any need. Table of Contents Evolution™ Series Floor Boxes 344 XX RATCHET-PRO SERIES FLOOR BOX 380 Fire Classified Floor Boxes 360 380 Modulink™ 880MP Series Floor Boxes RFB4E SERIES FLOOR BOX 407 387 FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS Ratchet-Pro™ Series Floor Boxes 335 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS Table of Contents wiremold® Floor Boxes are TopGuard protected to meet and exceed the uL scrub water exclusion requirement. Resource RFB® Series Floor Boxes 394 OmniBox™ Series Floor Boxes 420 880 Series™ Floor Boxes 432 800 Series™ Floor Boxes 436 800W Series™ Floor Boxes 438 FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS 861 Series™ Floor Boxes 446 862 Series™ Floor Boxes 449 336 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS Table of Contents wiremold® Floor Boxes are TopGuard protected to meet and exceed the uL scrub water exclusion requirement. 863 Series™ Floor Boxes 451 WMFB Series™ Floor Boxes 453 FloorSource™ Raised Floor Boxes 456 AF series™ Raised Floor Boxes 463 AC series™ Raised Floor Boxes CRFB Series Raised Floor Boxes 468 CCFB Series Convention Center Products 473 FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS CCBB Series Ballroom Floor Boxes 477 337 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS wiremold® Floor Boxes are TopGuard protected to meet and exceed the uL scrub water exclusion requirement. Quick selection Guide On-Grade Floor Boxes for Concrete Floors PVC BOXES Box Model Box Type Service Box Box Depth Behind Capability Capacity Construction Device Plates KO Sizes Cover Model 1" Metal, Trade size Polycarbonate Cover Construction Cover & Flange Part Nos. Tile, Carpet 895, 896 Flush Devices, On-Grade or Above-Grade Tile, Carpet RPAV3CTC, RP7CTC, RPAMD4CTC, RPAMD8CTC, RP4FFCTC, RP9AM2CTC surface Devices, On-Grade or Above-Grade Notes Ratchet-Pro 881 Round single 1 Gang PVC 1 3/4" [44mm] Ratchet-Pro RPNFB Round Dual 2 Gangs PVC 3 1/2" [89mm] Modulink 880MP2 Rectangular single 1 Gang PVC 1 3/4" [44mm] 1/2" – 2" Metal, Trade size Polycarbonate Tile, Carpet 817, 818, 828, 829, 830 series Flush Devices, On-Grade or Above-Grade Modulink 880MP2 Rectangular single 2 or 3 Gangs PVC 1 3/4" [44mm] 1/2" – 2" Metal, Trade size Polycarbonate Tile, Carpet 827, 828, 829, 830, 837, 838 series Flush Devices, On-Grade or Above-Grade 3/4" – 2" Die-Cast Aluminum EPOXY PAINTED METAL & CAST IRON BOXES FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS Box Model 338 Box Type Service Box Box Depth Behind Capability Capacity Construction Device Plates KO Sizes Cover Model Cover Construction Cover & Flange Part Nos. Notes Ratchet-Pro RPSFB-OG Round Dual 2 Gangs PVC 3 1/2" [89mm] 3/4" – 2" Die-Cast Aluminum Tile, Carpet RPAV3CTC, surface Devices, On-Grade RP7CTC, RPAMD4CTC, or Above-Grade RPAMD8CTC, RP4FFCTC, RP9AM2CTC RFB Series RFB2-OG Rectangular Triple 2 Gangs steel 3" [76mm] 3/4" – 1 1/4" Trade size FloorPort™ Die-Cast Aluminum Tile, Carpet, wood, Terrazzo FPCT, FPBT, FPFFT series Recessed Devices, Fully Adjustable RFB Series RFB4-C1-1 Rectangular Dual 4 Gangs Cast Iron 2" [51mm] 1" – 1 1/4" Trade size FloorPort™ Die-Cast Aluminum Tile, Carpet FPCT, FPBT, FPFFT series Recessed Devices, Fully Adjustable RFB Series RFB4E-OG Rectangular Triple 4 Gangs steel 3 1/2" [89mm] 3/4" – 2" Trade size Evolution Round Poke-Thru Cover Tile, Carpet, wood, Terrazzo, Bare Concrete 6CT series Recessed Devices, Fully Adjustable RFB Series RFB6-OG Rectangular Triple 6 Gangs steel 3 1/4" [83mm] 3/4" – 1 1/4" Trade size FloorPort™ Die-Cast Aluminum Tile, Carpet, wood, Terrazzo FPCT, FPBT, FPFFT series Recessed Devices, Fully Adjustable RFB Series RFB6E-OG Rectangular Triple 6 Gangs steel 3 1/4" [83mm] 3/4" – 1 1/4" Trade size Evolution™ Round Poke-Thru Cover Tile, Carpet, wood, Terrazzo, Bare Concrete 8CT series Recessed Devices, Fully Adjustable RFB Series RFB9-OG Rectangular Triple 9 Gangs steel 2 1/2" [64mm] 3/4" – 1 1/4" Trade size Die-Cast Aluminum Tile, Carpet, wood, Terrazzo RFB119CTC, RFB119BTC Recessed Devices, Fully Adjustable RFB Series RFB11-OG Rectangular Triple 11 Gangs steel 2 1/2" [64mm] 3/4" – 2" Trade size Die-Cast Aluminum Tile, Carpet, wood, Terrazzo RFB119CTC, RFB119BTC Recessed Devices, Fully Adjustable Evolution Series EFB6S-OG Rectangular Triple 6 Gangs steel 3 7/8" [98mm] 3/4" – 2" Trade size Evolution Rectangular Die-Cast Alumuinum Tile, Carpet, wood, Terrazzo, Polished Concrete EFB610CTC, EFB610BTC, EFB610BT, EFB610CT Removable Modules, standard size Device Plates NOTE: Most Wiremold floor boxes and accessories are listed by Underwriters Laboratories Inc., and comply with Federal Specifications W-C-583b in one of the following types and classes: Type 1-Fully adjustable, Type II-Semi-adjustable, Type III-Non-adjustable, Class 1-Watertight, Class 2-Concrete-tight. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS wiremold® Floor Boxes are TopGuard protected to meet and exceed the uL scrub water exclusion requirement. Quick selection Guide On-Grade Floor Boxes for Concrete Floors (continued) EPOXY PAINTED METAL & CAST IRON BOXES Service Box Box Depth Behind Capability Capacity Construction Device Plates Box Model Box Type Evolution Series EFB8S-OG Rectangular Triple 8 Gangs steel Evolution Series EFB10S-OG Rectangular Triple 10 Gangs 800 Series 800CILCK Round single OmniBox 880CS1, 880CM1 Rectangular OmniBox 880CS2, 880CM2 OmniBox 880CS3, 880CM3 Cover Cover & Flange Construction Part Nos. KO Sizes Cover Model 3 1/2" [89mm] 3/4" – 2" Trade size Evolution Rectangular Tile, Carpet, wood, Terrazzo, Polished Concrete EFB610CTC, EFB610BTC, EFB610BT, EFB610CT Removable Modules, standard size Device Plates steel 3 1/2" [89mm] 1" – 2" Trade size Evolution Rectangular Tile, Carpet, wood, Terrazzo, Polished Concrete EFB610CTC, EFB610BTC, EFB610BT, EFB610CT Removable Modules, Finished Interior 1 Gang Cast Iron N/A 1/2" – 3/4" Trade size Brass Tile, Carpet 825 series Flush Devices, Fully Adjustable single 1 Gang Cast Iron 880CS1: 2 3/4" [70mm] 880CM1: 1 3/4" [44mm] 1" Trade size Metal, Polycarbonate Tile, Carpet 817, 818, 828, 829, 830 series Flush Devices, Fully Adjustable Rectangular Dual 2 Gangs Cast Iron 880CS2: 2 3/4" [70mm] 880CM2: 1 3/4" [44mm] 1" Trade size Metal, Polycarbonate Tile, Carpet 827, 828, 829, 830 series Flush Devices, Fully Adjustable Rectangular Triple 3 Gangs Cast Iron 880CS3: 2 3/4" [70mm] 880CM3: 1 3/4" [44mm] 1" Trade size Metal, Polycarbonate Tile, Carpet 828, 829, 830, 837, 838 series Flush Devices, Fully Adjustable Round single 1 Gang Cast Iron 887: 2" [51mm] 889: 3" [76mm] 887B: 1/2" – 3/4" 889B: 1" – 1 1/4" Trade size Metal, Polycarbonate Tile, Carpet 895, 896 series Flush Devices, Fully Adjustable CCBB Series Rectangular CCBBS-OG CCBBL-OG Triple 12 Gangs steel Cast Aluminum Carpet CCBBsCTCAL, CCBBLCTCAL Recessed Devices, Adjustable Pre-pour CCFB Series Rectangular Multi Customs steel Cast Aluminum Tile, Carpet, Bare Concrete CCFBCTC Power, A/V, Comm., water, Air 880 Series 887B/889B CCBBS: CCBBS-OG: 3 3/4" [95mm] 3/4" – 2" Trade size CCBBl-OG: CCBBL: Field Custom Punched Custom Field Punched Notes Above-Grade Floor Boxes for Concrete Floors PVC BOXES Box Type Service Box Box Depth Behind Capability Capacity Construction Device Plates KO Sizes Cover Cover & Flange Cover Model Construction Part Nos. 895, 896 series Notes Ratchet-Pro 881 Round single (4) #12 AwG or (6) Cat 6A PVC 1 3/4" [44mm] 1" Metal, Trade size Polycarbonate Tile, Carpet Ratchet-Pro RPNFB Round Dual 2 Gang PVC 3 1/2" [89mm] 3/4" – 2" Metal, Trade size Polycarbonate Tile, Carpet Modulink 880MPFC Rectangular single (4) #12 AwG or (6) Cat 6A PVC 1 3/4" [44mm] 1" Metal, Trade size Polycarbonate Tile, Carpet 817, 818, 828, 829, 830 series Flush Devices, On-Grade or Above-Grade Modulink 880MP2 Rectangular single (4) #12 AwG or (6) Cat 6A PVC 1 3/4" [44mm] 1/2" – 2" Metal, Trade size Polycarbonate Tile, Carpet 817, 818, 828, 829, 830 series Flush Devices, On-Grade or Above-Grade Modulink 880MP2 Rectangular Dual PVC 1 3/4" [44mm] 1/2" – 2" Metal, Trade size Polycarbonate Tile, Carpet 827, 828, 829, 830, 837, 838 series Flush Devices, On-Grade or Above-Grade Flush Devices, On-Grade or Above-Grade RPAMD4CTC, Flush Devices, RPAMD8CTC, On-Grade RF4FFCTC, RPAV3CTC, or Above-Grade RP9AM2CTC, RP7CTC FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS Box Model Fire Classified Floor Boxes – Add “FC” suffix to part number for fire classified version. All fire classified boxes feed with 1 1/4" conduit feeds. NOTE: Most Wiremold floor boxes and accessories are listed by Underwriters Laboratories Inc., and comply with Federal Specifications W-C-583b in one of the following types and classes: Type 1-Fully adjustable, Type II-Semi-adjustable, Type III-Non-adjustable, Class 1-Watertight, Class 2-Concrete-tight. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 339 WIREMOLD FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS wiremold® Floor Boxes are TopGuard protected to meet and exceed the uL scrub water exclusion requirement. Quick selection Guide Above-Grade Floor Boxes for Concrete Floors (continued) STEEL BOXES Box Model Box Capacity Box Depth Behind Construction Device Plates KO Sizes Cover Cover Model Construction Cover & Flange Part Nos. Notes 800 Series 800LCK Round single 1 Gang steel N/A 1/2 – 3/4" Trade size Brass Tile, Carpet 825 series Flush Devices, Fully Adjustable 880 Series 885B/886B Round single 1 Gang steel 885B: 2" [51mm] 886B: 2 1/4" [57mm] 885B: 1/2" – 3/4" 886B: 1/2" – 1" Trade size Metal, Polycarbonate Tile, Carpet 895, 896 series Flush Devices, Fully Adjustable OmniBox 880S1, 880M1 Rectangular single 1 Gang (4) #12 AwG/ Gang or (6) Cat 6A/Gang steel 880S1: 2 3/4" [70mm] 880M1: 1 3/4" [44mm] 880S1: 1/2" – 1" 880M1: 1/2" – 3/4" Trade size Metal, Polycarbonate Tile, Carpet 817, 818, 827, 828, 829, 830 series Flush Devices, Fully Adjustable OmniBox 880S2, 880M2 Rectangular Dual 2 Gangs (4) #12 AwG/ Gang or (6) Cat 6A/Gang steel 880S2: 2 3/4" [70mm] 880M2: 1 3/4" [44mm] 880S2: 1/2" – 1" 880M2: 1/2" – 3/4" Trade size Metal, Polycarbonate Tile, Carpet 827, 828, 829, 830 series Flush Devices, Fully Adjustable OmniBox 880S3, 880M3 Rectangular Triple 1 Gang (4) #12 AwG/ Gang or (6) Cat 6A/Gang steel 880S3: 2 3/4" [70mm] 880M3: 1 3/4" [44mm] 880S3: 1/2" – 1" 880M3: 1/2" – 3/4" Trade size Metal, Polycarbonate Tile, Carpet 828, 829, 830, 837, 838 series Flush Devices, On-Grade or Above-Grade Round Dual 2 Gangs PVC 3 1/2" [89mm] 3/4" – 2" Die-Cast Aluminum Tile, Carpet RPAV3CTC, RP7CTC, RPAMD4CTC, RPAMD8CTC, RP4FFCTC, RPAM2CTC, RP9AM2CTC surface Devices, On-Grade or AboveGrade RFB Series RFB2 Rectangular Triple 1 Gang (4) #12 AwG/ Gang or (6) Cat 6A/Gang steel 3" [76mm] 3/4" – 1 1/4" Trade size FloorPort Die-Cast Aluminum Tile, Carpet, wood, Terrazzo FPCT, FPBT, FPFFT series Recessed Devices, On-Grade or Above-Grade RFB Series RFB4 Rectangular Triple 1 Gang (4) #12 AwG/ Gang or (6) Cat 6A/Gang steel 2" [51mm] 3/4" – 1 1/4" Trade size FloorPort Die-Cast Aluminum Tile, Carpet, wood, Terrazzo FPCT, FPBT, FPFFT series Recessed Devices, On-Grade or Above-Grade RFB Series RFB4E Rectangular Triple 4 Gangs steel 3 1/2" [89mm] 3/4" – 2" Trade size Evolution series Poke-Thru Covers Tile, Carpet, wood, Terrazzo, Bare Concrete 6CT & 6CTC series Recessed Devices, Fully Adjustable RFB Series RFB6 Rectangular Triple 6 Gangs steel 3 1/4" [83mm] 3/4" – 1 1/4" Trade size FloorPort Die-Cast Aluminum Tile, Carpet, wood, Terrazzo FPCT, FPBT, FPFFT series Recessed Devices, On-Grade or Above-Grade RFB Series RFB6E Rectangular Triple 6 Gangs steel 3 1/4" [83mm] 3/4" – 1 1/4" Trade size Evolution series Poke-Thru Covers Tile, Carpet, wood, Terrazzo, Bare Concrete 8CT series Recessed Devices, Fully Adjustable RFB Series RFB9 Rectangular Triple 9 Gangs steel 2 1/2" [64mm] 3/4" – 1 1/4" Trade size Die-Cast Aluminum Tile, Carpet, wood, Terrazzo RFB119TC Recessed Devices, On-Grade or Above-Grade RFB Series RFB11 Rectangular Triple 11 Gangs steel 2 1/2" [64mm] 3/4" – 2" Trade size Die-Cast Aluminum Tile, Carpet, wood, Terrazzo RFB119TC Recessed Devices, On-Grade or Above-Grade RPSFB FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS Service Box Type Capability Fire Classified Floor Boxes – Add “FC” suffix to part number for fire classified version. All fire classified boxes feed with 1 1/4" conduit feeds. 340 NOTE: Most Wiremold floor boxes and accessories are listed by Underwriters Laboratories Inc., and comply with Federal Specifications W-C-583b in one of the following types and classes: Type 1-Fully adjustable, Type II-Semi-adjustable, Type III-Non-adjustable, Class 1-Watertight, Class 2-Concrete-tight. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS wiremold® Floor Boxes are TopGuard protected to meet and exceed the uL scrub water exclusion requirement. Quick selection Guide Above-Grade Floor Boxes for Concrete Floors (continued) STEEL BOXES (continued) Box Model Service Box Box Depth Behind Capability Capacity Construction Device Plates Box Type KO Sizes Cover Cover Model Construction Cover & Flange Part Nos. Notes Evolution Series EFB6S Rectangular Triple 6 Gangs steel 3 7/8" [98mm] 3/4" – 2" Trade size Die-Cast Aluminum Tile, Carpet, wood, Terrazzo, Polished Concrete EFB610CTC, EFB610BTC, EFB610BT, EFB610CT Removable Modules, standard size Device Plates Evolution Series EFB8S Rectangular Triple 8 Gangs steel 3 1/2" [89mm] 3/4" – 2" Trade size Die-Cast Aluminum Tile, Carpet, wood, Terrazzo, Polished Concrete EFB610CTC, EFB610BTC, EFB610BT EFB610CT Removable Modules, standard size Device Plates Evolution Series Rectangular EFB10S Triple 10 Gangs steel 3 1/4" [83mm] 3/4" – 2" Trade size Die-Cast Aluminum Tile, Carpet, wood, Terrazzo, Polished Concrete EFB610CTC, EFB610BTC, EFB610BT, EFB610CT Removable Modules, Finished Interior CCBB Series CCBBS CCBBL Rectangular Triple 12 Gangs steel Cast Aluminum Carpet CCBBsCTCAL, CCBBLCTCAL Recessed Devices, Adjustable Pre-pour CCFB Series Rectangular Multi Custom steel Cast Aluminum Tile, Carpet, Bare Concrete CCFBCTC Power, A/V, Comm., water, Air CCBBS: 3/4" – CCBBS: 3 3/4" [95mm] 2" Trade size CCBBL: Field CCBBl: Punched Custom Custom Field Punched Floor Boxes for Wood Floor Service Box Box Depth Behind Capability Capacity Construction Device Plates Cover Construction Cover Type Cover & Flange Part Nos. 1/2" Trade size Brass, Brushed Aluminum Tile, Carpet 895 series & Poke-Thru Covers 1/2" Trade size Brass, Brushed Aluminum Carpet Included with Kits 2 3/4" [70mm] 1/2" & 3/4" Trade size Brass, Brushed Aluminum, Nonmetallic Tile, Carpet 817, 818, 828, 829, 830 series steel 2 3/4" [70mm] 1/2" & 3/4" Trade size Brass, Brushed Aluminum, Nonmetallic Tile, Carpet 827, 828, 829, 830 series 3 Gangs steel 2 1/4" [57mm] 1/2" & 3/4" Trade size Brass, Brushed Aluminum, Nonmetallic Tile, Carpet 828, 829, 830, 837, 838 series 4 Gangs Die-Cast Aluminum 2 1/4" [57mm] 1/2, 3/4", 1", 1 1/4" & 2" Trade size CRFB & Evolution Die-Cast Aluminum Tile, Carpet CRFBCTC, CRFBBTC, 8AT series Box Model Box Type 861 Series Round single 1 Gang Die-Cast Aluminum N/A 863 Series Round Dual 2 Gangs PVC N/A 880W Series, 880W1 Rectangular single 1 Gang steel 880W Series, 880W2 Rectangular Dual 2 Gangs 880W Series, 880W3 Rectangular Triple CRFB Series Round Triple KO Sizes Romex strain relief pass-though opening for communications. NOTE: Most Wiremold floor boxes and accessories are listed by Underwriters Laboratories Inc., and comply with Federal Specifications W-C-583b in one of the following types and classes: Type 1-Fully adjustable, Type II-Semi-adjustable, Type III-Non-adjustable, Class 1-Watertight, Class 2-Concrete-tight. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS COMMERCIAL BOXES 341 WIREMOLD FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS wiremold® Floor Boxes are TopGuard protected to meet and exceed the uL scrub water exclusion requirement. Quick selection Guide Floor Boxes for Wood Floor (continued) RESIDENTIAL BOXES 862 Series Round single 1 Gang PVC N/A 3/4" Trade size Brass, Brushed Aluminum Tile, Carpet Included with Kit or 895, 896 series WMFB Series, WMFB1 square single 1 Gang PVC N/A 1/2" & 3/4" Trade size Brass, Brushed Nickel Tile, Carpet Included with Kit WMFB Series, WMFB2 square Dual 2 Gangs PVC N/A 1/2" & 3/4" Trade size Brass, Brushed Nickel Tile, Carpet Included with Kit 863 Series Round Dual 2 Gangs PVC N/A 1/2" Trade size Brass, Brushed Aluminum Carpet Included with Kit Cover Construction Cover Type Cover & Flange Part Nos. Romex strain relief pass-though opening for communications Raised Floor Boxes ACCESS FLOOR DEPTH: 2 1/2" Box Model Box Type Service Capability Box Capacity Box Construction Depth Behind Device Plates KO Sizes AF Series SAF 2 1/2 square Triple 3 Gangs steel 1 3/4" [44mm] 1/2" & 3/4" Trade size Pçolycarbonate Tile, Carpet Included with Box CONCRETE FLOOR DEPTH: 4" AF Series SAF 2 1/2 square Triple 3 Gangs steel 1 3/4" [44mm] 1/2" & 3/4" Trade size Polycarbonate Tile, Carpet Included with Box AC Series AC8840 square single 2 Gangs steel 1 1/2" [38mm] 1/2" & 3/4" Trade size Die-Cast Zinc Carpet Included with Box AC Series AC8104 square Dual 4 Gangs steel 1 5/8" [41mm] 1/2" & 3/4" Trade size Die-Cast Zinc Carpet Included with Box FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS ACCESS FLOOR DEPTH: 5" AF Series SAF 2 1/2 square Triple 3 Gangs steel 1 3/4" [44mm] 1/2" & 3/4" Trade size Polycarbonate Tile, Carpet Included with Box AF Series AF1 square Triple 4 Gangs Die-Cast Aluminum 2 3/4" [70mm] 1/2" & 3/4" Trade size Polycarbonate Tile, Carpet Included with Box AF Series AF3 square Triple 8 Gangs Die-Cast Aluminum 2 3/4" [70mm] 1/2" & 3/4" Trade size Polycarbonate Tile, Carpet Included with Box AC Series AC8840 square single 2 Gangs steel 1 1/2" [38mm] 1/2" & 3/4" Trade size Die-Cast Zinc Carpet Included with Box AC Series AC8850 square single 4 Gangs steel 2" [51mm] 1/2" & 3/4" Trade size Die-Cast Zinc Carpet Included with Box AC Series AC8104 square Dual 4 Gangs steel 1 5/8" [41mm] 1/2" & 3/4" Trade size Die-Cast Zinc Carpet Included with Box AC Series AC8105 square Triple 6 Gangs steel 2" [51mm] 1/2" & 3/4" Trade size Die-Cast Zinc Carpet Included with Box AC Series AC10105 square Triple 8 Gangs steel 2" [51mm] 1/2" & 3/4" Trade size Die-Cast Zinc Carpet Included with Box NOTE: Most Wiremold floor boxes and accessories are listed by Underwriters Laboratories Inc., and comply with Federal Specifications W-C-583b in one of the following types and classes: Type 1-Fully adjustable, Type II-Semi-adjustable, Type III-Non-adjustable, Class 1-Watertight, Class 2-Concrete-tight. 342 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS wiremold® Floor Boxes are TopGuard protected to meet and exceed the uL scrub water exclusion requirement. Quick selection Guide Raised Floor Boxes (continued) ACCESS FLOOR DEPTH: 6" Box Model Box Type Service Capability Box Capacity Box Depth Behind Construction Device Plates Cover Construction Cover Type Cover & Flange Part Nos. AF Series SAF 2 1/2 square Triple 3 Gangs steel 1 3/4" [44mm] 1/2" & 3/4" Trade size Polycarbonate Tile, Carpet Included with Box AF Series AF1 square Triple 4 Gangs Die-Cast Aluminum 2 3/4" [70mm] 1/2" & 3/4" Trade size Polycarbonate Tile, Carpet Included with Box AF Series AF3 square Triple 8 Gangs Die-Cast Aluminum 2 3/4" [70mm] 1/2" & 3/4" Trade size Polycarbonate Tile, Carpet Included with Box AC Series AC8840 square single 2 Gangs steel 1 1/2" [38mm] 1/2" & 3/4" Trade size Die-Cast Zinc Carpet Included with Box AC Series AC8850 square single 4 Gangs steel 2" [51mm] 1/2" & 3/4" Trade size Die-Cast Zinc Carpet Included with Box AC Series AC8104 square Dual 4 Gangs steel 1 5/8" [41mm] 1/2" & 3/4" Trade size Die-Cast Zinc Carpet Included with Box AC Series AC8105 square Triple 6 Gangs steel 2" [51mm] 1/2" & 3/4" Trade size Die-Cast Zinc Carpet Included with Box AC Series AC10105 square Triple 8 Gangs steel 2" [51mm] 1/2" & 3/4" Trade size Die-Cast Zinc Carpet Included with Box CRFB Series Round Triple 4 Gangs Die-Cast Aluminum 2 1/4" [57mm] 1/2", 3/4", 1", 1-1/4" & 2" Trade size CRFB & Evolution Die-Cast Aluminum Tile, Carpet CRFBCTC, CRFBBTC, 8AT series Evolution Series EFB6S Rectangular Triple 6 Gangs steel 3 7/8" [98mm] 3/4"– 2" Trade size Die-Cast Aluminum Tile, Carpet, wood, Terrazzo, Polished Concrete EFB610CTC, EFB610BTC, EFB610BT, EFB610CT Removable Modules, standard size Device Plates Evolution Series EFB8S Rectangular Triple 8 Gangs steel 3 1/2" [89mm] 3/4"– 2" Trade size Die-Cast Aluminum Tile, Carpet, wood, Terrazzo, Polished Concrete EFB610CTC, EFB610BTC, EFB610BT, EFB610CT Removable Modules, standard size Device Plates Evolution Series EFB10S Rectangular Triple 10 Gangs steel 3 1/4" [83mm] 3/4"– 2" Trade size Die-Cast Aluminum Tile, Carpet, wood, Terrazzo, Polished Concrete EFB610CTC, EFB610BTC, EFB610BT, EFB610CT Removable Modules, Finished Interior KO Sizes Notes FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS NOTE: Most Wiremold floor boxes and accessories are listed by Underwriters Laboratories Inc., and comply with Federal Specifications W-C-583b in one of the following types and classes: Type 1-Fully adjustable, Type II-Semi-adjustable, Type III-Non-adjustable, Class 1-Watertight, Class 2-Concrete-tight. 343 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD EvOLuTiOn™ SERiES FLOOR BOXES Wiremold® Evolution™ series Floor Boxes are the latest advancement in the most complete and innovative line of floor solutions in the industry. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Metallic Outlet Boxes: File E2961 Guide QCIT. Meets Article 314.27(C) of NEC. Evolution™ Series Floor Box Components F A G H L E B D I C J B Each Removable Module consists of the above components FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS K KEY A. B. C. D. E. F. Mud Cap (temporary construction cover) Removable Module Toggle Clamp Box Cable Guide Tunnel COLOR OPTIONS G. H. I. J. K. L. Mounting Bracket Divider (removable repositionable) End Cap Back Knockout Plate Concrete Level Leg “L” Bracket All items shown above are included with Evolution series floor boxes. Evolution series Floor Box Covers are available in the following powder coated finishes: “BK” black, “GY” gray, “NK” nickel, “Bs” brass, and “BZ” bronze. Custom color options are also available. Consult the factory for more information. 344 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD EvOLuTiOn™ SERiES FLOOR BOXES Evolution™ Series Floor Box Model Selection Guide EVOLuTION FLOOR BOX MODEL EFB6s INsTALL FLOOR TYPE: Concrete Floor Raised Floor wood Floor EFB6s-OG EFB6s-FC EFB8s EFB8s-OG EFB8s-FC EFB10s EFB10s-OG EFB10s-FC EFBFF EFBFF-OG YEs YEs YEs YEs YEs YEs YEs YEs YEs YEs YEs YEs YEs YEs YEs YEs YEs YEs YEs BOX TYPE: standard On-Grade Fire Classified standard On-Grade Fire Classified standard On-Grade Fire Classified Furniture Feed Furniture Feed BOX CAPACITY: 6-Gangs 6-Gangs 6-Gangs 8-Gangs 8-Gangs 8-Gangs 10-Gangs 10-Gangs 10-Gangs 2-Gangs 2-Gangs DEPTH BEHIND PLATEs: 3 7/8" [98mm] 3 7/8" [98mm] 3 7/8" [98mm] 3 1/2" [89mm] 3 1/2" [89mm] 3 1/2" [89mm] 3 1/2" [89mm] 3 1/2" [89mm] 3 1/2" [89mm] N/A N/A YEs YEs YEs YEs YEs YEs YEs YEs YEs REMOVABLE MODuLEs: DEVICE PLATE sIZE: uses standard size Device Plates: single-Gang (2 3/4" x 4 1/2") [70mm x 114mm] COVERs: COLORs: uses Non-standard size Device Plates (4.652" x 2.302") [117mm x 58mm] EFB610CTC series, EFB610BTC series, EFB610CT series, EFB610BT series Black, Gray, Brass, Nickel, Bronze FLOOR suRFACE: KO sIZE RANGE: (TRADE sIZE) uses standard size Device Plates: single-Gang (2 3/4" x 4 1/2") Double-Gang (4 9/16" x 4 1/2") Triple-Gang (6 3/8" x 4 1/2") FPFFTC series Black, Gray, Brass, Nickel, Bronze, Brushed Aluminum Carpet, Tile & wood Carpet, Tile, wood, Bare (Polished) Concrete & Terrazzo 3/4" to 2" 3/4" to 2" FIRE RATING: (HOuRs) 1 1/4" 3/4" to 2" 3/4" to 2" up to 2 Hours 1 1/4" 3/4" to 2" up to 2 Hours 3/4" to 2" 1 1/4" 1/2" to 2" 1/2" to 2" up to 2 Hours NOTE: Covers open full 180°, slide cable egress doors, painted interior. Evolution Series Floor Box Compartment Volumes MODEL OuTER COMPARTMENTs (EACH) CENTER COMPARTMENTs (EACH) EFB6 sERIEs 32 in.3 [524ml] 38.5 in.3 [630ml] EFB8 sERIEs 27.5 in.3 [450ml] 34 in.3 [557ml] EFB10 sERIEs 23.5 in. [385ml] 27.5 in. [450ml] EFBFF sERIEs 64.5 in. [1056ml] 64.5 in. [1056ml] 3 3 3 3 Configurable with Removable Modules In addition to having removable dividers and a tunnel feature that allows all compartments to be connected, the modules are removable through the top or back of the floor box. This allows for easier installations and facilitates moves, adds and changes without having to disconnect services, saving time and money. Audio/Video Design Evolution series Floor Boxes have been developed specifically with the A/V industry in mind. with 3 1/2" – 3 7/8" [89mm x 98mm] of wiring capacity behind each device plate, these boxes will accept devices from leading A/V manufacturers including Extron® Electronics and Crestron®. Durable 180° Articulating Hinge Hinge design enables covers to open a full 180° and lie flat on the floor surface with the durability to support a large cover. Provides easy access to all interior modules and activations while reducing tripping hazards. FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS Finished Interior Fully finished interior removes the unfinished industrial look while increasing visibility, making it easier to see where to plug in devices. 345 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD EvOLuTiOn™ SERiES FLOOR BOXES Evolution™ Series 6-Gang Floor Boxes Ordering Information EFB6S 6-Gang Floor Box 11 3/16" [284mm] 15 1/8" [384mm] 4 1/16" [103mm] Designed to be installed in concrete floors, raised floors, and wood floor applications. Box has a fully finished interior to assist plugging and unplugging of devices. Designed to work with standard size wall plates. Box comes complete with all components needed for initial installation. Included components are: Protective/ Disposable cover, tunnel system for connecting the two modules of compartments, two (2) removable modules, two (2) toggle clamps to secure box to raised and wood floors, two (2) cable management guides, two (2) leveling support legs for concrete applications and trade size knockouts ranging in size from 3/4" to 2" trade size. Items not included with the box and sold separately are: receptacles, communication jacks, and A/V devices and device plates. Box is compatible with wiremold® walkerflex Modular wiring system. Custom options are available upon request. NOTE: For use on bare (polished) concrete or terrazzo floors EFB610-CTR must be used (sold separately). Three (3) KOs: Outer: 1 1/4" Trade Size KO Inner: 3/4" Trade Size KO Two (2) KOs: 1" Trade Size KO Four (4) 1" Trade Size KOs 3.7/8" [99mm] EFB6 Depth Behind Plates Two (2) KOs: 1" Trade Size KO Two (2) KOs: Outer: 2" Trade Size KO Inner: 1" Trade Size KO Three (3) KOs: Outer: 1 1/4" Trade Size KO Inner: 3/4" Trade Size KO EFB6S-OG Six-Gang Floor Box 11 3/16" [284mm] 15 1/8" [384mm] 4 1/16" [103mm] Designed to be installed in both on-grade and above grade concrete floor applications. Box has an epoxy coating that allows the box to be placed in on-grade applications without the need for additional vapor barriers. Designed to work with standard size wall plates. Box comes complete with all components needed for initial installation. Included components are: protective/disposable cover, tunnel system for connecting the two modules of compartments, two (2) removable modules, two (2) cable management guides, two (2) leveling support legs for concrete applications and trade size knockouts ranging in size from 3/4" to 1 1/4". Items not included with the box and sold separately are: receptacles, communication jacks, and A/V devices and device plates. Custom options are available upon request. FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS Note: For use on bare (polished) concrete or terrazzo floors EFB610-CTR must be used (sold separately). Three (3) KOs: Outer: 1 1/4" Trade Size KO Inner: 3/4" Trade Size KO Two (2) KOs: 1" Trade Size KO Four (4) 1" Trade Size KOs 3 7/8" [99mm] EFB6-OG Depth Behind Plates Two (2) KOs: 1" Trade Size KO 346 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD Three (3) KOs: Outer: 1 1/4" Trade Size KO Inner: 3/4" Trade Size KO Two (2) KOs: Outer: 2" Trade Size KO Inner: 1" Trade Size KO WIREMOLD EvOLuTiOn™ SERiES FLOOR BOXES Evolution™ Series 6-Gang Floor Boxes Ordering Information (continued) EFB6S-FC Six-Gang Fire-Classified Floor Box 11 3/16" [284mm] 15 1/8" [384mm] 7 1/2" [191mm] 21 3/4" [552mm] 17 1/4" [438mm] Designed to be installed in above grade concrete floors while maintaining the fire classification of the floor. This box is classified to be used in 2-hour fire rated floors. Designed to accept standard size wall plates. Box comes complete with all components needed for initial installation. Included components are: protective/ disposable cover, tunnel system for connecting the two modules of compartments, fire classified pan, two (2) removable modules, four (4) 1 1/4 intumescent conduit feeds and two (2) cable management guides. Items not included with the box and sold separately are: receptacles, communication jacks, and A/V devices and device plates NOTE: For use on bare (polished) concrete or terrazzo floors EFB610-CTR must be used. (Sold separately). NOTE: Designed for new construction applications. NOTE: Consult structural engineer before making cuts into decking. Add additional supports as instructed by the structural engineer. 3 7/8" [98mm] Depth Behind Device Plate Fire Classified Pan (Insures 3 1/4" [83mm] of concrete around box at all times) 1 1/4" [35] Intumescent Service Feed (Four (4) per box) Outlet Boxes and Fittings Classified for Fire Resistance Legrand/Wiremold (R8209) Type EFB6s-FC, EFB8s-FC and EFB10s-FC preset electrical insert for use in 2-hour fire rated D900 series Floor-Ceiling designs constructed with nominal 2" or 3" deep fluted steel floor units having a nominal 5" wide valley and crests spaced 12" OC, with a minimum 3 1/4" [83mm] thickness of structural concrete topping. The assembly preset electrical insert with floor plate kit and service activations fitting will not reduce the 2-hour fire rating of the floor assembly when installed in accordance with the installation instructions accompanying the preset electrical insert and when the preset electrical insert are spaced 2' [0.61m] OC with not more than one unit per 4 square feet [0.37m2] of floor area in each span. Evolution™ Series 6-Gang Floor Box Accessories Ordering Information EFB6-MB Module Bank of three (3) compartments that accept power, communications and audio/ video devices. Accepts standard size (2 3/4" x 4 1/2" [70mm x 114mm]) device plates. Includes device bracket, back plate, three (3) knockout plates (3/4"/1 1/4" concentric), two (2) end caps and one (1) divider. NOTE: Module will fit on either side of the floor box. Mounting Bracket Holds up to three (3) devices of power, communications or audio/ video devices. Bracket accepts standard size (2 3/4" x 4 1/2" [70mm x 114mm]) device plates sold separately by others. EFB-AAP Device Plate Holds two (2) Extron® Electronics AAP devices. Device plate dimensions: 2 3/4" x 4 1/2" [69mm x 114mm]. FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS EFB6M 347 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD EvOLuTiOn™ SERiES FLOOR BOXES Evolution™ Series 6-Gang Floor Box Accessories Ordering Information (continued) EFB-MAAP Device Plate EFB6-DIV Relocatable Divider Provides separation of services. Includes one (1) divider plate. Holds four (4) Extron® Electronics MAAP devices. Device plate dimensions: 2 3/4" x 4 1/2" [69mm x 114mm]. EFB-MOS EFBCLL Concrete Leveling Legs Device Plate Provide floor box adjustment up or down to match the desired pour height of the concrete. Included two (2) leveling legs, threaded rod not supplied. European device plate accepts up to [45mm x 67.5mm] Arteor device. Device plate dimensions: 2 3/4" x 4 1/2" [69mm x 114mm]. EFBCMG EFB-B Cable Management Guides Guides help organize and maintain cable position when opening and closing the cover. Blank Device Plate Device plate dimensions: 2 3/4" x 4 1/2" [69mm x 114mm]. EFB6S-2HUB EFB6-3/4-11/4 Knockout Plate Has one (1) 1 1/4" concentric trade size knockout opening. FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS EFB6-TUN Tunnel 6 gang tunnel allows for cables to be wrapped around box from one module to the other. 348 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 2" Conduit Hub Hub allows 2" conduit to be fed into the back of EFB6s and EFB6s-OG Floor Boxes. Maximum of six (6) hubs per box. WIREMOLD EvOLuTiOn™ SERiES FLOOR BOXES Evolution™ Series 8-Gang Floor Boxes Ordering Information EFB8S 8-Gang Floor Box 11 3/16" [284mm] 15 1/8" [384mm] 6" [152mm] Designed to be installed in concrete floors, raised floors, and wood floor applications. Box has a fully finished interior to assist plugging and unplugging of devices. Designed to work with standard size wall plates. Box comes complete with all components needed for initial installation. Included components are: protective/disposable cover, tunnel system for connecting the two modules of compartments, two (2) removable modules, two (2) toggle clamps to secure box to raised and wood floors, two (2) cable management guides, two (2) leveling support legs for concrete applications and trade size knockouts ranging in size from 3/4" to 2". Items not included with the box and sold separately are: receptacles, communication jacks, and A/V devices and device plates. Box is compatible with wiremold® walkerflex Modular wiring system. Custom options are available upon request. NOTE: For use on bare (polished) concrete or terrazzo floors EFB610-CTR must be used (sold separately). Two (2) KOs: 1 1/4" Trade Size KO Each Side: Outer: 1 1/4" Trade Size KO Inner: 3/4" Trade Size KO Eight (8) KOs: 1" Trade Size KO 3 1/2" [89mm] Two (2) KOs: 1" Trade Size KO Each Side: 3/4" Trade Size KO EFB8 Depth Behind Plates EFB8S-OG 8-Gang Floor Box 11 3/16" [284mm] 15 1/8" [384mm] Each Side: 2" Trade Size KO 6" [152mm] Designed to be installed in both on-grade and above grade concrete floor applications. Box has an epoxy coating that allows the box to be placed in on-grade applications without the need for additional vapor barriers. Designed to work with standard size wall plates. Box comes complete with all components needed for initial installation. Included components are: protective/disposable cover, tunnel system for connecting the two modules of compartments, two (2) removable modules, two (2) cable management guides, two (2) leveling support legs for concrete applications, trade size knockouts ranging in size from 3/4" to 2". Items not included with the box and sold separately are: receptacles, communication jacks, and A/V devices and device plates. Custom options are available upon request. Each Side: Outer: 2" Trade Size KO Inner: 1" Trade Size KO Each Side: Outer: 2" Trade Size KO Inner: 1" Trade Size KO Eight (8) KOs: 1" Trade Size KO 3 1/2" [89mm] Two (2) KOs: 1 1/4" Trade Size KO EFB8-OG Depth Behind Plates FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS NOTE: For use on bare (polished) concrete or terrazzo floors EFB610-CTR must be used (sold separately). Two (2) KOs: 1 1/4" Trade Size KO Each Side: 1 1/4" Trade Size KO www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 349 WIREMOLD EvOLuTiOn™ SERiES FLOOR BOXES Evolution™ Series 8-Gang Floor Boxes Ordering Information (continued) EFB8S-FC 8-Gang Fire-Classified Floor Box 11 3/16" [284mm] 15 1/8" [384mm] 7 1/2" [191mm] 21 3/4" [552mm] 17 1/4" [438mm] Designed to be installed in above grade concrete floors while maintaining the fire classification of the floor. This box is classified for use in 2-hour fire rated floors. Designed to work with standard size wall plates. Box comes complete with all components needed for initial installation. Included components are: protective/ disposable cover, tunnel system for connecting the two modules of compartments, fire classified pan, two (2) removable modules, four (4) 1 1/4 intumescent conduit feeds and two (2) cable management guides. Items not included with the box and sold separately are: receptacles, communication jacks, and A/V devices and device plates. NOTE: For use on bare (polished) concrete or terrazzo floors EFB610-CTR must be used (sold separately). NOTE: Designed for new construction applications. NOTE: Consult structural engineer before making cuts into decking. Add additional supports as instructed by the structural engineer. 3 1/2" [89mm] Depth Behind Device Plate Fire Classified Pan (Insures 3 1/4" [83mm] of concrete around box at all times) 1 1/4" [35] Intumescent Service Feed (Four (4) per box) Outlet Boxes and Fittings Classified for Fire Resistance Legrand/Wiremold (R8209) Type EFB6s-FC, EFB8s-FC and EFB10s-FC preset electrical insert for use in 2-hour fire rated D900 series Floor-Ceiling designs constructed with nominal 2" or 3" deep fluted steel floor units having a nominal 5" wide valley and crests spaced 12" OC, with a minimum 3 1/4" [83mm] thickness of structural concrete topping. The assembly preset electrical insert with floor plate kit and service activations fitting will not reduce the 2-hour fire rating of the floor assembly when installed in accordance with the installation instructions accompanying the preset electrical insert and when the preset electrical insert are spaced 2' [0.61m] OC with not more than one unit per 4 square feet [0.37m2] of floor area in each span. Evolution™ Series 8-Gang Floor Box Accessories Ordering Information FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS EFB8M Module Bank of four (4) compartments that accept power, communications and audio/video devices. Accepts standard size (2 3/4" x 4 1/2") [70mm x 114mm] device plates. Includes one device bracket, one back plate, two (2) knockout plates, two (2) end caps and one divider. NOTE: Module will fit on either side of the floor box. EFB8-MB Mounting Bracket Holds up to four (4) devices for power, communications or audio/video. Bracket accepts standard size (2 3/4" x 4 1/2" [70mm x 114mm]) device plates sold separately by others. 350 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD EFB8S-22GMB Mounting Bracket Equipped with two (2) 2-gang standard size device openings for a standard 2-gang (4 9/16" x 4 1/2" [116mm x 114mm]). Ideal for 2-gang A/V devices such as Crestron® 2-gang digital media devices. Device plates and devices supplied by others. EFB8S-4GMB Mounting Bracket Holds a standard 4 gange device plate. Device plate dimensions: 8 1/8" x 4 1/4" [206mm x 116mm]. WIREMOLD EvOLuTiOn™ SERiES FLOOR BOXES Evolution™ Series 8-Gang Floor Box Accessories Ordering Information (continued) Device Plate EFB810-2 Knockout Plate Holds two (2) Extron® Electronics AAP devices. Device plate dimensions: 2 3/4" x 4 1/2" [69mm x 114mm]. EFB-MAAP Device Plate Has one 2" trade size knockout. EFB810-TUN For EFB8 series and EFB10 series boxes. Tunnel allows cables to be wrapped around box from one module to the other. Holds four (4) Extron® Electronics MAAP devices. Device plate dimensions: 2 3/4" x 4 1/2" [69mm x 114mm]. EFB-MOS Device Plate EFB810-DIV Blank Device Plate EFB-CLL EFBCMG Has two (2) 3/4" trade size knockouts. EFB-50A Knockout Plate Has one 3/4" and one 3/4"/1 1/4" concentric trade size knockout. Cable Management Guides Guides help organize and maintain cable position when opening and closing the cover. Knockout Plate EFB810-3/4-11/4 Concrete Leveling Legs Concrete Leveling Legs – Legs allow floor box to be adjusted up or down to match the desired pour height of the concrete. Includes two (2) leveling legs. Threaded rod not supplied. Device plate dimensions: 2 3/4" x 4 1/2" [69mm x 114mm]. EFB810-3/4-3/4 Relocatable Divider Provides separation of services. Includes one (1) divider plate. European device plate accepts up to [45mm x 67.5mm] Arteor device. Device plate dimensions: 2 3/4" x 4 1/2" [69mm x 114mm]. EFB-B Tunnel 50A Adapter Allows for a 50A device to be installed on the 8-gang and 10-gang series boxes. NOTE: Only fits on the side of the floor box where the device is facing the tunnel. 50A Device FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS EFB-AAP Tunnel 351 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD EvOLuTiOn™ SERiES FLOOR BOXES Evolution™ Series 10-Gang Floor Box Ordering Information EFB10S 10-Gang Floor Box 11 3/16" [284mm] 15 1/8" [384mm] 6" [152mm] Designed to be installed in concrete floors, raised floors, and wood floor applications. Box has a fully finished interior to assist plugging and unplugging of devices. Box comes complete with all components needed for initial installation. Included components are: protective/disposable cover, tunnel system for connecting the two modules of compartments, two (2) removable modules, two (2) toggle clamps to secure box to raised and wood floors, two (2) cable management guides, two (2) leveling support legs for concrete applications, trade size knockouts ranging in size from 3/4" to 2". Items not included with the box and sold separately are: receptacles, communication jacks, and A/V devices and device plates. Box is compatible with wiremold® walkerflex Modular wiring system. Custom options are available upon request. NOTE: For use on bare (polished) concrete or terrazzo floors EFB610-CTR must be used (sold separately). Each Side: Outer: 1 1/4" Trade Size KO Inner: 3/4" Trade Size KO Each Side: 2" Trade Size KO Ten (10) KOs: 1" Trade Size KO Two (2) KOs: 1 1/4" Trade Size KO 3 1/2" [89mm] Each Side: 3/4" Trade Size KO EFB10 Depth Behind Plates EFB10S-OG Each Side: 1 1/4" Trade Size KO Two (2) KOs: 1 1/4" Trade Size KO 10-Gang Floor Box 11 3/16" [284mm] 15 1/8" [384mm] 6" [152mm] Designed to be installed in both on-grade and above grade concrete floor applications. Box has an epoxy coating that allows the box to be placed in on-grade applications without the need for additional vapor barriers. Box comes complete with all components needed for initial installation. Included components are: protective/ disposable cover, tunnel system for connecting the two modules of compartments, two (2) removable modules, two (2) cable management guides, two (2) leveling support legs for concrete applications and trade size knockouts ranging in size from 3/4" to 1 1/4". Items not included with the box and sold separately are: receptacles, communication jacks, and A/V devices and device plates. Custom options are available upon request. FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS NOTE: For use on bare (polished) concrete or terrazzo floors EFB610-CTR must be used (sold separately). Each Side: Outer: 2" Trade Size KO Inner: 1" Trade Size KO Ten (10) KOs: 1" Trade Size KO 3 1/2" [89mm] Two (2) KOs: 1 1/4" Trade Size KO 352 Each Side: Outer: 2" Trade Size KO Inner: 1" Trade Size KO EFB10 Depth Behind Plates www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD Two (2) KOs: 1 1/4" Trade Size KO Each Side: 1 1/4" Trade Size KO WIREMOLD EvOLuTiOn™ SERiES FLOOR BOXES Evolution™ Series 10-Gang Floor Box Ordering Information (continued) EFB10S-FC 10 -Gang Fire-Classified Floor Box 11 3/16" [284mm] 15 1/8" [384mm] 7 1/2" [191mm] 21 3/4" [552mm] 17 1/4" [438mm] Designed to be installed in above grade concrete floors while maintaining the fire classification of the floor. This box is classified for use in 2-hour fire rated floors. Box comes complete with all components needed for initial installation. Included components are: protective/disposable cover, tunnel system for connecting the two modules of compartments, fire classified pan, two (2) removable modules, four (4) 1 1/4" trade size intumescent conduit feeds and two (2) cable management guides. Items not included with the box and sold separately are: receptacles, communication jacks, and A/V devices and device plates. NOTE: For use on bare (polished) concrete or terrazzo floors EFB610-CTR must be used. (Sold separately). NOTE: Designed for new construction applications. NOTE: Consult structural engineer before making cuts into decking. Add additional supports as instructed by the structural engineer. 3 1/2" [89mm] Depth Behind Device Plate Fire Classified Pan (Insures 3 1/4" [83mm] of concrete around box at all times) 1 1/4" [35] Intumescent Service Feed (Four (4) per box) Outlet Boxes and Fittings Classified for Fire Resistance Legrand/Wiremold (R8209) Type EFB6s-FC, EFB8s-FC and EFB10s-FC preset electrical insert for use in 2-hour fire rated D900 series Floor-Ceiling designs constructed with nominal 2" or 3" deep fluted steel floor units having a nominal 5" wide valley and crests spaced 12" OC, with a minimum 3 1/4" [83mm] thickness of structural concrete topping. The assembly preset electrical insert with floor plate kit and service activations fitting will not reduce the 2-hour fire rating of the floor assembly when installed in accordance with the installation instructions accompanying the preset electrical insert and when the preset electrical insert are spaced 2' [0.61m] OC with not more than one unit per 4 square feet [0.37m2] of floor area in each span. Evolution™ Series 10-Gang Floor Box Accessories Ordering Information Module Bank of five (5) compartments that accept power, communications and audio/video devices. Accepts EFB10 series device plates (2 1/32" x 4 5/8") [58mm x 117mm]. Includes one mounting bracket, one back plate, one divider, two (2) end caps and two (2) knockout plates. Device plates sold separately. NOTE: Module will fit on either side of the floor box. EFB10-MB Mounting Bracket Holds up to five (5) devices for power, communications or audio/video. Bracket accepts EFB10 series device plates (2 1/32" x 4 5/8") [58mm x 117mm] device plates sold separately. EFB10S-23GMB Mounting Bracket Equipped with one (1) 2-gang standard size device opening and one (1) 3-gang standard size device opening. Accepts a standard 2-gang (4 9/16" x 4 1/2" [116mm x 114mm]) and a 3-gang (6 3/8" x 4 1/2" [162mm x 114mm]) device plate. Ideal for 2-gang A/V devices such as Crestron® 2-gang and 3-gang digital media devices. Device plates and devices supplied by others. EFB10S-5GMB Mounting Bracket Holds a standard 5 gang device plate Device plate dimensions: 10" x 4 1/2" [254mm x 116mm]. FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS EFB10M 353 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD EvOLuTiOn™ SERiES FLOOR BOXES Evolution™ Series 10-Gang Floor Box Accessories Ordering Information (continued) EFB10-B Device Plate Blank device plate. Device plate dimensions: 2.3" x 4.652" [58mm x 118mm]. EFB10-DP Device Plate Duplex device plate. Device plate dimensions: 2.3" x 4.652" [58mm x 118mm]. Includes receptacle spacers. EFB10 -DEC Decorator Style Device Plate For use with decorator style receptacles, GFCI receptacle, and decorator style audio/ video devices. Device plate dimensions: 2.3" x 4.652" [58mm x 118mm]. Includes receptacle spacers. EFB10-S1 Knockout Plate FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS single receptacle 1.39" [35mm]. diameter. Device plate dimensions: 2.3" x 4.652" [58mm x 118mm]. Includes receptacle spacers. EFB10-S2 Knockout Plate single receptacle 1.59" [40mm] diameter. Device plate dimensions: 2.3" x 4.652" [58mm x 118mm]. Includes receptacle spacers. 354 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD EFB10-6AB Device Plate Accepts up to three (3) dual wiremold Open system communication adapters. Adapters sold separately. Device plate dimensions: 2.3" x 4.652" [58mm x 118mm]. EFB10-3S2 Device Plate Accepts up to three (3) Ortronics® series II devices. Ortronics® devices sold separately. Device plate dimensions: 2.3" x 4.652" [58mm x 118mm]. EFB10-2C Device Plate Accepts one dual wiremold Open system adapter, or one Ortronics® series II adapter, or one Ortronics® TracJack adapter. Adapters sold separately. Device plate dimensions: 2.3" x 4.652" [58mm x 118mm]. EFB10-AAP Device Plate Holds two (2) Extron® Electronics AAP devices. Device plate dimensions: 2.3" x 4.652" [58mm x 118mm]. EFB10-MAAP Device Plate Holds four (4) Extron® Electronics MAAP devices. Device plate dimensions: 2.3" x 4.652" [58mm x 118mm]. WIREMOLD EvOLuTiOn™ SERiES FLOOR BOXES Evolution™ Series 10-Gang Floor Box Accessories Ordering Information (continued) EFB10-MOS Device Plate 5507T2-WH [45mm x 67.5mm] device plate. Device plate dimensions: 2.3" x 4.652" [58mm x 118mm]. For covering single receptacles – 1.41" [36mm] in diameter. 55074TJ-WH 5507B-WH Single Receptacle Faceplate Ortronics® Faceplate For mounting Ortronics® datacom inserts. Accepts four (4) TracJack devices. Blank Faceplate For covering unused compartments in the device bracket. 55076TJ-WH 5507D-WH Ortronics® Faceplate For mounting Ortronics® datacom inserts. Accepts six (6) TracJack devices. Duplex Receptacle Faceplate For covering duplex style devices. Accepts 106 frame. EFB810-3/4-3/4 5507R-WH Knockout Plate Has two 3/4" trade size knockout. Rectangular Receptacle Faceplate For covering rectangular decorator style devices. EFB810-3/4-11/4 Has one 3/4" and one 3/4"/1 1/4" concentric trade size knockout. Rectangular Spacer For mounting commercial device plates. Installs between the device bracket and a device. EFB810-2 5507T1-WH Single Receptacle Faceplate Knockout Plate Has one 2" trade size knockout. For covering single receptacles – 1.59" [40mm] in diameter. FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS 5507S-WH Knockout Plate 355 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD EvOLuTiOn™ SERiES FLOOR BOXES Evolution™ Series 10-Gang Floor Box Accessories Ordering Information (continued) EFB810-TUN Tunnel EFBCMG Cable Management Guides Guides help organize and maintain cable position when opening and closing the cover. For EFB8 series and EFB10 series boxes. Tunnel allows cables to be wrapped around box from one module to the other. EFB810-DIV Relocatable Divider EFB-50A 50A Adapter Allows for a 50A device to be installed on the 8-gang and 10-gang series boxes. Provides separation of services. Includes one (1) divider plate. NOTE: Only fits on the side of the floor box where the device is facing the tunnel. 50A Device Tunnel EFB-CLL Concrete Leveling Legs Legs allow floor box to be adjusted up or down to match the desired pour height of the concrete. Includes two (2) leveling legs. Threaded rod not supplied. Evolution™ Series Floor Box Cover Plates & Accessories Ordering Information EFB610CTC Surface Style Cover with Carpet Insert EFB610CT Flush Style Cover with Carpet Insert EFB610CTBK, EFB610CTGY, EFB610CTBS, EFB610CTNK, EFB610CTBZ EFB610CTCBK, EFB610CTCGY, EFB610CTCBS, EFB610CTCNK, EFB610CTCBZ FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS 16 3/8" [416mm] 12 1/2" [318mm] Die cast aluminum cover assembly designed to be used on top of the floor covering. Available in the following powder coated finishes: black, gray brass. nickel and bronze. For use on Evolution™ series 6-, 8- and 10-gang floor boxes (EFB6, EFB8 and EFB10). NOTE: Depth of recess area in plate is 1/4" [6.35mm]. 356 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 16 3/8" [416mm] 12 1/2" [318mm] Die cast aluminum cover assembly designed to be used level (flush) with finish floor covering. Available in the following powder coated finishes: black, gray, brass, nickel and bronze. For use on Evolution™ series 6-, 8- and 10-gang floor boxes (EFB6, EFB8 and EFB10). NOTE: Depth of recess area in plate is 1/4" [6.35mm]. WIREMOLD EvOLuTiOn™ SERiES FLOOR BOXES Evolution™ Series Floor Box Cover Plates & Accessories Ordering Information (continued) EFB610BTC Surface Style Cover with Solid Lid EFB610CTR Bare Concrete/Terrazzo Trim Ring Nonmetallic ring for use with bare concrete and terrazzo floor applications. EFB610BTCBK, EFB610BTCGY, EFB610BTCBS, EFB610BTCNK, EFB610BTCBZ 12 1/2" [318mm] Die cast aluminum cover assembly designed to be used on top of the floor covering. Available in the following powder coated finishes: black, gray, brass, nickel and bronze . For use on Evolution™ series 6-, 8- and 10-gang floor boxes (EFB6, EFB8 and EFB10). 12 1/2" [318mm] 16 3/8" [416mm] EFB610-TS Tile Shim used for floor coverings greater than 3/16" [4.7mm]. The EFB610-Ts allows the finished cover assembly to be flush with the finished floor. Includes one (1) 1/16" [1.6mm], one (1) 1/8" [3.2mm] and one 1/4" [6.4mm] tile shims for 9/16" [14.3mm] of upward adjustment. EFB610BT Flush Style Cover with Solid Lid EFB610BTBK, EFB610BTGY, EFB610BTBS, EFB610BTNK, EFB610BTBZ 16 3/8" [416mm] 12 1/2" [318mm] Die cast aluminum cover assembly designed to be used on top of floor covering. Available in the following powder coated finishes: black, gray, brass, nickel and bronze. For use on Evolution™ series 6-, 8- and 10-gang floor boxes (EFB6, EFB8 and EFB10). Load Capacities for Evolution™ Series Floor Box Cover Assemblies CATALOG NuMBERs MAXIMuM LOAD IN POuNDs EFB610BTC series 1800 EFB610CTC series 1800 EFB610BT series 1800 EFB610CT series 1800 NOTE: Ring must be attached to the floor box before pouring concrete or terrazzo. EFB-Template Floor Box Template Designed to help mark out floor to insure a proper fit. Evolution series Floor Box Covers are available in powder coated finishes of (L to R) gray, nickel, bronze, brass and black. FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS 16 3/8" [416mm] NOTE: Load applied through a 3" [76mm] mandrel in center of the cover. Loads above are static loads only and do not pertain to rolling loads. 357 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD EvOLuTiOn™ SERiES FLOOR BOXES Evolution™ Series EFBFF Furniture Floor Boxes Ordering Information EFBFF 2-Gang Furniture Feed Floor Box Assembly 6 5/8" [168mm] 7 1/16" [179mm] 4 1/8" [105mm] For carpet, tile and wood covered floors. For use in concrete, raised and wood floor applications. Box is provided with a protective, disposable cover that allows the box to be installed at any point in the construction process. Box is available in a standard version for use in above grade concrete, raised, and wood floor applications. Boxes are also compatible with wiremold® walkerflex Modular wiring system. Custom options are available upon request. Outer: 1 1/2" Trade Size KO Inner: 1" Trade Size KO Two (2) KOs: Outer: 2" Trade Size KO Inner: 1/2" Trade Size KO NOTE: For use with bare concrete or terrazzo floors. Use FP-CTR Trim Ring. NOTE: Box is divided down center to allow for separation between power and communication or A/V services. Each Side, Two KOs: Inner: 3/4" Trade Size KO Outer: 1 1/4" Trade Size KO EFBFF-OG 6 5/8" [168mm] Two (2) KOs: Outer: 1 1/4" Trade Size KO Inner: 1/2" Trade Size KO 2-Gang Furniture Feed Floor Box Assembly 7 1/16" [179mm] 4 1/8" [105mm] For carpet, tile and wood covered floors. For use in on-grade and above grade concrete floor applications. Box is provided with a protective, disposable cover that allows the box to be installed at any point in the construction process. Box is available with an epoxy coating for on-grade applications. Custom options are available upon request. Outer: 1 1/2" Trade Size KO Inner: 1" Trade Size KO Two (2) KOs: Outer: 2" Trade Size KO Inner: 1/2" Trade Size KO NOTE: For use with bare concrete or terrazzo floors. Use FP-CTR Trim Ring. FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS NOTE: Box is divided down center to allow for separation between power and communication or A/V services. Each Side, Two KOs: Inner: 3/4" Trade Size KO Outer: 1 1/4" Trade Size KO 358 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD Two (2) KOs: Outer: 1 1/4" Trade Size KO Inner: 1/2" Trade Size KO WIREMOLD EvOLuTiOn™ SERiES FLOOR BOXES Evolution™ Series EFBFF Furniture Floor Box Accessories Ordering Information EFBFF-DIV Divider FPFFTC Furniture Feed Cover Assembly Provides separation of services. FPFFTCBK, FPFFTCBZ, FPFFTCBS, FPFFTCNK, FPFFTCGY, FPFFTCAL FP-CTR Bare Concrete & Terrazzo Ring Nonmetallic ring for use on bare polished concrete and terrazzo floor applications. NOTE: Ring must be attached to the floor box before pouring concrete or terrazzo. EFBFF-CLL Concrete Leveling legs Legs allow floor box to be adjusted up or down to match the desired pour height of the concrete. Includes two (2) leveling legs. Threaded rod not supplied. 6 1/2" [165mm] Flanged cover for use in tile or carpet or wood floor installations. Die-cast aluminum assembly available in powder coat finishes of black, bronze, brass, nickel, gray or brushed aluminum. Provided with one (1) 1" trade size screw plug for power or communication type cabling and one (1) combination 1 1/4" and 2" trade size screw plug for communication and A/V type cabling. Allows for feeding both power and communication cabling. NOTE: Flangeless FloorPort Series (FPFFT) covers are not designed to work with Evolution Series Furniture Feed Floor Boxes. FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS 7 3/4" [197mm] 359 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD FiRE CLaSSiFiEd FLOOR BOXES Wiremold® Fire Classified Floor Boxes meet or exceed the uL Fire Classification requirements for floor boxes eliminating the need for additional spraying or fireproofing. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Metallic Outlet Boxes: File E2961 Guide QCIT. Meets Article 314.27(C) of NEC. Shallow Depth Steel Floor Boxes Ordering Information 880S1FC 1-Gang Fire Classified Shallow Depth Steel Floor Box Adjustment range over deck of 4 1/2" [114mm] minimum to 5" [127mm] maximum. use in normal weight concrete 4 1/2" [114mm] minimum pour over deck. One 1 1/4" [32mm] conduit feed opening. Box Capacity – 53 cubic inches. BACK VIEW 4 13/16" [122mm] 1 1/4" Trade Size KO 3 15/32" [88mm] SIDE VIEW 23" [584mm] SIDE VIEW 880S2FC 2-Gang Fire Classified Shallow Depth Steel Floor Box Adjustment range over deck of 4 1/2" [114mm] minimum to 5" [127mm] maximum. use in normal weight concrete 4 1/2" [114mm] minimum pour over deck. Two 1 1/4" [32mm] conduit feed openings. Box Capacity – 58.5 cubic inches per gang. FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS Adjustment range over deck of 4 1/2" [114mm] minimum to 5" [127mm] maximum. use in normal weight concrete 4 1/2" [114mm] minimum pour over deck. Three 1 1/4" [32mm] conduit feed openings. Inside Gang Capacity – 67.5 cubic inches. Outside Gang Capacity – 54 cubic inches each gang. COLOR OPTIONS 1 1/4" Trade Size KO 1 1/4" Trade Size KO 3 15/32" [88mm] 23" [584mm] Cover Plates and Flanges for Fire Classified OmniBox series™ Floor Boxes are available in the colors shown as indicated in the part number descriptions. Custom color options are also available. Consult the factory for more information. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 23" [584mm] NOTE: Floor Box spacing 2' on center and one for every 4 square feet in a span. Four (4) #12 AWG Type THHN Power Conductors or 48 #23 AWG (6 Cat. 6) Tele Data Conductors per gang. 7 15/16" [202mm] 23" [584mm] 3 15/32" [88mm] 23" [584mm] 23" [584mm] 360 3-Gang Shallow Depth Steel Floor Box 4 13/16" [122mm] 12" [305mm] 3 23/32" [94mm] 4 13/16" [122mm] 880S3FC WIREMOLD FiRE CLaSSiFiEd FLOOR BOXES Omnibox series Floor Boxes Standard Depth Steel Floor Boxes Ordering Information 880M1FC 880M3FC 1-Gang Fire Classified Steel Floor Box 3-Gang Fire Classified Steel Floor Box Adjustment range over deck of 3 1/4" [83mm] minimum to 4" [102mm] maximum. use in light weight concrete 3 1/4" [83mm] minimum pour over deck. One 1 1/4" [32mm] conduit feed opening. Box Capacity – 37 cubic inches. 4 13/16" [122mm] 2 15/16" [75mm] 1 1/4" Trade Size KO Adjustment range over deck of 3 1/4" [83mm] minimum to 4" [102mm] maximum. use in light weight concrete 3 1/4" [83mm] minimum pour over deck. Three 1 1/4" [32mm] conduit feed openings. Inside Gang Capacity – 45 cubic inches. Outside Gang Capacity – 36 cubic inches each gang. 4 13/16" [122mm] 3 23/32" [94mm] 2 15/16" [75mm] 1 1/4" Trade Size KO 12" [305mm] 23" [584mm] 23" [584mm] 23" [584mm] 23" [584mm] 880M2FC 2-Gang Fire Classified Steel Floor Box Adjustment range over deck of 3 1/4" [83mm] minimum to 4" [102mm] maximum. use in light weight concrete 3 1/4" [83mm] minimum pour over deck. Two 1 1/4" [32mm] conduit feed openings. Box Capacity – 40 cubic inches each gang. 4 13/16" [122mm] 2 15/16" [75mm] 1 1/4" Trade Size KO 7 15/16" [202mm] 23" [584mm] 23" [584mm] NOTE: Floor Box spacing 2' on center and one for every 4 square feet in a span. Four (4) #12 AWG Type THHN Power Conductors or 48 #23 AWG (6 Cat. 6) Tele Data Conductors per gang. Omnibox Series Floor Boxes Solid Brass Cover Plate Flanges Ordering Information 6.080" [154.4mm] 827B 6.080" [154.4mm] 1-Gang Brass Combination Carpet & Tile Flange 5.060" [128.5mm] Accepts Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters and wiremold CM series inserts, sold separately. 6.080" [154.4mm] 2-Gang Brass Combination Carpet & Tile Flange 5.060" [128.5mm] 837B Accepts Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters and wiremold CM series inserts, sold separately. 817C 3-Gang Brass Combination Carpet & Tile Flange 5.060" [128.5mm] Accepts Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters and wiremold CM series inserts, sold separately. 1-Gang Brass Carpet Flange For use on 880s1, 880M1, 880Cs1-1, and 880CM1-1 Floor Boxes. 5 3/4" [146mm] 4 3/4" [121mm] FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS 817B 361 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD FiRE CLaSSiFiEd FLOOR BOXES Omnibox series Floor Boxes Omnibox Series Floor Boxes Solid Brass Cover Plate Flanges Ordering Information (continued) 827C 2-Gang Brass Carpet Flange 837C 3-Gang Brass Carpet Flange For use on 880s2, 880M2, 880Cs2-1, and 880CM2-1 Floor Boxes. 8 7/8" [225mm] 5 3/4" [146mm] 13" [330mm] 5 3/4" [146mm] For use on 880s3, 880M3, 880Cs32-1, and 880CM3-1 Floor Boxes. Omnibox Series Floor Boxes Metal Cover Plates Ordering Information 828R Brass Duplex Cover Plate Flip lids. Can also be used with a 106 type communication adapter. 828GFITC Brass GFI Cover Plate May be used with Activate and Ortronics® Connectivity systems in conjunction with 817B, 827B, and 837B Flanges. 828DPGFITC Brass Rectangular Cover Plate Allows for mounting of a duplex style receptacle with a rectangular style flip lid cover. 4.182" [106.2mm] 3.156" [80.2mm] 828COMTC FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS 3.156" [80.2mm] Brass Communication Cover Plate 3.156" [80.2mm] 828SPTC Brass Duplex Cover Plate screw plugs are 1 1/2" [38mm] in diameter. 4 1/8" [105mm] 3 1/8" [79mm] 829STC 3 1/8" [79mm] 829CK Brass Communications Cover Plate 4 1/8" [105mm] Brass communications cover plate, data slides. Feed through only, not for use with a mounting plate for flush mounted communication adapter. Brass Communications Cover Plate Allows for up to four communication devices to be mounted in a recessed position within the 880 Floor Box. The 828COM Cover Plate has removable slides for cable egress. NOTE: For use with 880S and 880CS Series Boxes only. single flip lid cover for 20A or 30A single locking receptacles. Device opening is 2 5/8" [67mm]. For use with maximum female locking device of 1.58" diameter, and maximum male plug face of 2.25" diameter. 4.182" [106.2mm] 4.182" [106.2mm] 3.156" [80.2mm] 362 Brass Single Locking Receptacle Cover Plate 4.182" [106.2mm] 3.156" [80.2mm] 4.182" [106.2mm] 828DLR 2 5/8" and 2 1/4" [67mm and 57mm] plugs. Not for use with threaded conduit. 3.156" [80.2mm] 4.182" [106.2mm] NOTE: UL Listed for tile, terrazzo and carpet floors, brass covers and flanges are not interchangeable with aluminum or nonmetallic covers and flanges. Nonmetallic covers are interchangeable with aluminum flanges. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD FiRE CLaSSiFiEd FLOOR BOXES Omnibox series Floor Boxes Omnibox Series Floor Boxes Metal Cover Plates Ordering Information (continued) 829CK-1 Brass Communications Cover Plate 829CK-1/2 Brass Communications Cover Plate 2 5/8" and 1" [67mm and 25mm] plugs. Not for use with threaded conduit. 3.156" [80.2mm] 4.182" [106.2mm] 829CK-3/4 3.156" [83.60mm] Brass Communications Cover Plate 2 5/8" and 3/4" [67mm and 19.1mm] plugs. Not for use with threaded conduit. 3.156" [80.2mm] 4.182" [106.2mm] 828MAAP Brass communications cover plate, 2 5/8" and 1/2" [67mm and 12.7mm] plugs. For carpet or tile installations. Not for use with threaded conduit. AV Adapter Plate sheet metal adapter plate that accepts two (2) Extron® Electronics MAAP style device plates (sold separately). For use with 828GFITC or 828GFITCAL cover plates (sold separately). 4.182" [106.2mm] Omnibox Series Floor Boxes Brushed Aluminum Cover Plate Flanges Ordering Information 818TCAL 1-Gang Brushed Aluminum Combination Carpet & Tile Flange 5.940" [150.9mm] 4.920" [125.0mm] 838TCAL 3-Gang Brushed Aluminum Combination Carpet & Tile Flange Accepts Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters and wiremold CM series inserts, sold separately. 13.170" [334.5mm] Accepts Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters and wiremold CM series inserts, sold separately. 5.940" [150.9mm] 828TCAL 2-Gang Brushed Aluminum Combination Carpet & Tile Flange 9.045" [229.7mm] FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS 5.940" [150.9mm] Accepts Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters and wiremold CM series inserts, sold separately. NOTE: Brushed aluminum flanges come with beveled edges. NOTE: UL Listed for tile, terrazzo, wood, and carpet floors. Brass covers and flanges are not interchangeable with aluminum or nonmetallic covers and flanges. Nonmetallic covers are interchangeable with aluminum flanges. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 363 WIREMOLD FiRE CLaSSiFiEd FLOOR BOXES Omnibox series Floor Boxes Omnibox Series Floor Boxes Brushed Aluminum Cover Plates Ordering Information 828R-TCAL Brushed Aluminum Duplex Cover Plate 830CKTCAL Brushed Aluminum Cover Plate Power or communication plate with 2" [51mm] and 1 1/4" [32mm] plugs. Flip lids. Can also be used with a 106 type communication adapter. 3.290" [83.6mm] 4.310" [109.5mm] 3.290" [83.6mm] 828GFITCAL Brushed Aluminum GFI Cover Plate May be used with Activate and Ortronics® Connectivity systems in conjunction with 817B, 827B, and 837B Flanges. 4.310" [109.5mm] 3.290" [83.6mm] 828DPGFITCAL 4.310" [109.5mm] 830CKTCAL-1 Brushed Aluminum Cover Plate Power or communication plate with 2" [51mm] and 1" [25mm] plugs. 3.290" [83.6mm] 4.310" [109.5mm] NOTE: Acceptable for use with threaded conduit when passing through power cables. 830CKTCAL-3/4 Brushed Aluminum Rectangular Cover Plate Allows for mounting of a duplex style receptacle with a rectangular style flip lid cover. NOTE: Acceptable for use with threaded conduit when passing through power cables. Power or communication plate with 2" [51mm] and 3/4" [19.1mm] plugs. 3.290" [83.6mm] 4.310" [109.5mm] NOTE: Acceptable for use with threaded conduit when passing through power cables. 830CKTCAL-1/2 4.310" [109.5mm] 3.290" [83.6mm] Brushed Aluminum Communication Cover Plate Allows for up to four communication devices to be mounted in a recessed position within the 880 Floor Box. The 828COMTCAL Cover Plate has removable slides for cable egress. 4.310" [109.5mm] Brushed Aluminum Cover Plate Power or communication plate with 2" [51mm] and 1/2" [12.7mm] plugs. 828COMTCAL 3.290" [83.6mm] Brushed Aluminum Cover Plate NOTE: For use with 880S and 880CS Series Boxes only. 3.290" [83.6mm] 4.310" [109.5mm] 828MAAP NOTE: Acceptable for use with threaded conduit when passing through power cables. AV Adapter Plate sheet metal adapter plate that accepts two (2) Extron® Electronics MAAP style device plates (sold separately). For use with 828GFITC or 828GFITCAL cover plates (sold separately). FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS 828DLRAL 364 Brushed Aluminum Single Locking Receptacle Cover Plate single flip lid cover for 20A or 30A single locking receptacles. Device opening is 2 5/8" [67mm]. For use with maximum female locking device of 1.58" diameter, and maximum male plug face of 2.25" diameter. 3.290" [83.6mm] 4.310" [109.5mm] NOTE: UL Listed for tile, terrazzo, wood, and carpet floors. Brass covers and flanges are not interchangeable with aluminum or nonmetallic covers and flanges. Nonmetallic covers are interchangeable with aluminum flanges. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD FiRE CLaSSiFiEd FLOOR BOXES Omnibox series Floor Boxes Powder-Coated Aluminum Cover Plate & Flanges Ordering Information 828GFITCAL Powder-Coated Aluminum Rectangular Cover Plate 817TCAL-BK, 817TCAL-GY, 817TCAL-BS, 817TCAL-NK, 817TCAL-BZ 6.080" [154.4mm] 5.060" [128.5mm] Accepts Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters and wiremold CM series inserts, sold separately. Flanges are available in five decorative colors: black, gray brass, nickel and bronze. 828GFITCAL-BK, 828GFITCAL-GY, 828GFITCAL-BS, 828GFITCAL-NK, 828GFITCAL-BZ 3.290" [83.6mm] 4.310" [109.5mm] 829CKAL-1 Allows for mounting of a duplex receptacle (Duplex or GFCI style) with a rectangular flip cover. Powder-Coated Aluminum Cover Plate 829CKAL-1BK, 829CKAL-1GY, 829CKAL-1BS, 829CKAL-1NK, 829CKAL-1BZ 827TCAL 2-Gang Powder-Coated Aluminum Combination Carpet and Tile Flange 827TCAL-BK, 827TCAL-GY, 827TCAL-BS, 827TCAL-NK, 827TCAL-BZ 6.080" [154.4mm] 9.02" [229mm] Accepts Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters and wiremold CM series inserts, sold separately. Flanges are available in five decorative colors: black, gray brass, nickel and bronze. 837TCAL 3-Gang Powder-Coated Aluminum Combination Carpet and Tile Flange 837TCAL-BK, 837TCAL-GY, 837TCAL-BS, 837TCAL-NK, 837TCAL-BZ 6.080" [154.4mm] 13.17" [335mm] Powder-Coated Aluminum Duplex Cover Plate 828R-TCAL-BK, 828R-TCAL-GY, 828R-TCAL-BS, 828R-TCAL-NK, 828R-TCAL-BZ 4.310" [109.5mm] 4.310" [109.5mm] Flip lids. Can also be used with a 106 type communication adapter. Power or communication plate with 2" [51mm] and 1" [25mm] plugs. Covers are available in five decorative colors: black, gray, brass, nickel and bronze. NOTE: Acceptable for use with threaded conduit when passing through power cables. 829CKAL-3/4 Powder-Coated Aluminum Cover Plate 829CKAL-3/4BK, 829CKAL-3/4GY, 829CKAL-3/4BS, 829CKAL-3/4NK, 829CKAL-3/4BZ 3.290" [83.6mm] Accepts Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters and wiremold CM series inserts, sold separately. Flanges are available in five decorative colors: black, gray brass, nickel and bronze. 828R-TCAL 3.290" [83.6mm] 3.290" [83.6mm] 4.310" [109.5mm] Power or communication plate with 2" [51mm] and 3/4" [19.1mm] plugs. Covers are available in five decorative colors: black, gray, brass, nickel and bronze. NOTE: Acceptable for use with threaded conduit when passing through power cables. 828MAAP AV Adapter Plate sheet metal adapter plate that accepts two (2) Extron® Electronics MAAP style device plates (sold separately). For use with 828GFITC or 828GFITCAL cover plates (sold separately). NOTE: UL Listed for tile, terrazzo, wood, and carpet floors. Brass covers and flanges are not interchangeable with aluminum or nonmetallic covers and flanges. Nonmetallic covers are interchangeable with aluminum flanges. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS 817TCAL 1-Gang Powder-Coated Aluminum Combination Carpet and Tile Flange 365 WIREMOLD FiRE CLaSSiFiEd FLOOR BOXES Omnibox series Floor Boxes Nonmetallic Cover Plate Flanges Ordering Information 817PCC 5 3/4" [146mm] 827PCC 1-Gang Nonmetallic Carpet Flange 4 3/4" [121mm] 837PCC 3-Gang Nonmetallic Carpet Flange 817PCC-BLK, 817PCC-BRN 837PCC-BLK, 837PCC-BRN Available in black or brown. For Ortronics® connectivity use with 829PFLRT Cover. For Activate connectivity use with 829PFL Cover. Accepts Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters and wiremold CM series inserts, sold separately. Available in black or brown. For Ortronics® connectivity use with 829PFLRT Cover. For Activate connectivity use with 829PFL Cover. Accepts Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters and wiremold CM series inserts, sold separately. 5 3/4" [146mm] 13" [330mm] 2-Gang Nonmetallic Carpet Flange 827PCC-BLK, 827PCC-BRN 5 3/4" [146mm] 8 7/8" [225mm] Available in black or brown. For Ortronics® connectivity use with 829PFLRT Cover. For Activate connectivity use with 829PFL Cover. Accepts Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters and wiremold CM series inserts, sold separately. Nonmetallic Cover Plates Ordering Information 828PR Nonmetallic Duplex Cover Plate 3 3/16" [81mm] 4 1/8" [105mm] 829PFLRT Nonmetallic Communication Cover Plate 828PR-BLK, 828PR-BRN 829PFLRT-BLK, 829PFLRT-BRN Flip lids. Available in black or brown. Can also be used with a 106 type communication adapter. Individual flip lids. Available in black or brown. Gasket included. Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters included. 828PRGFI Nonmetallic GFI Cover Plate 3 3/16" [81mm] 829PCK 4 1/8" [105mm] Nonmetallic Communication Cover Plate 828PRGFI-BLK, 828PRGFI-BRN FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS Available in black or brown. May be used with Ortronics® Connectivity systems in conjunction with 817, 827 and 837PCC series flanges. 366 3 3/16" [81mm] 4 1/8" [105mm] 829PFL Nonmetallic Communication Cover Plate 829PCK-BLK, 829PCK-BRN 3 3/16" [81mm] 829PSTC 4 1/8" [105mm] Nonmetallic Communications Cover Plate 829PSTC-BLK, 829PSTC-BRN 829PFL-BLK, 829PFL-BRN 3 3/16" [81mm] 4 1/8" [105mm] Individual flip lids. Available in black or brown. Gasket included. wiremold CM series inserts included. Breakouts. Available in black or brown. Feed through only, not for use with a mounting plate for communication jacks. 3 3/16" [81mm] 4 1/8" [105mm] Data slides. Available in black or brown. Feed through only, not for use with a mounting plate for communication jacks. NOTE: UL Listed for tile, terrazzo, wood, and carpet floors. Brass covers and flanges are not interchangeable with aluminum or nonmetallic covers and flanges. Nonmetallic covers are interchangeable with aluminum flanges. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD FiRE CLaSSiFiEd FLOOR BOXES RFB series Floor Boxes Fire Classified RFB2 Series Multiservice Steel Recessed Floor Boxes Ordering Information RFB2FC Fire Classified Two-Compartment Box For use in either concrete or wood floors. Fully adjustable with tunnel compartment. supplied with one (1) duplex receptacle mounting plate, and one (1) communication mounting plate (RFB22AB). Other device plates sold separately. RFB2-SSFC Fire Classified Two-Compartment Box For use in either concrete or wood floors. Fully adjustable with tunnel compartment. supplied with one (1) duplex receptacle mounting plate, and one (1) communication mounting plate (RFB22AB). Other device plates sold separately. 6 1/2" [165mm] 6 1/2" [165mm] 3 7/16" [87mm] 13 1/8" [333mm] 23" [584mm] 23" [584mm] Note: For use in normal weight concrete floors with a minimum pour depth of 4 1/2" [114mm] over the crest of the deck. 2 7/16" [62mm] 13 1/8" [333mm] 23" [584mm] 23" [584mm] NOTE: For use in light weight concrete floors with a minimum pour depth of 3 1/4" [83mm] over the crest of the deck. NOTE: Floor Box spacing 2' on center and one for every 4 square feet in a span. Four (4) #12 AWG Type THHN Power Conductors or 48 #23 AWG (6 Cat. 6) Tele Data Conductors per gang. Fire Classified RFB2 Series Floor Box Compartment Capacities, Knockout Locations & Sizes Top View Power or Data 50.2 cu. in. [822.6 ml] Each Side Conduit Feed Opening 1 1/4" [32mm] Conduit Feed Opening 1 1/4" [32mm] Fire Classified RFB2 Series Multiservice Steel Recessed Floor Box Accessories Ordering Information RFB2B Internal Duplex Receptacle Bracket RFB2-AAP Internal Audio Video Bracket Accepts standard 15A and 20A duplex receptacles. Accepts two (2) Extron® Electronics AAP series Devices (sold separately). NOTE: For RFB2 Series Floor Boxes only. NOTE: For RFB2 Series Floor Boxes only. Internal Blank Bracket Plate used to close off unused gangs. NOTE: For RFB2 Series Floor Boxes only. RFB2GFI Internal GFI or Decorator Style Receptacle Opening Accepts standard GFCI or Decorator style receptacles. NOTE: For RFB2 Series Floor Boxes only. FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS RFB2DP 367 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD FiRE CLaSSiFiEd FLOOR BOXES RFB series Floor Boxes Fire Classified RFB2 Series Multiservice Steel Recessed Floor Box Accessories Ordering Information (continued) RFB22AB RFB2RT RFB2EXT Internal Communication Bracket Internal Audio Video Bracket Includes two (2) adapters to accept wiremold Open system communication inserts (sold separately). Accepts two (2) Legrand AVIP device plates or (2) Extron® Electronics MAAP series devices (sold separately). NOTE: For RFB2 Series Floor Boxes only. NOTE: For RFB2 Series Floor Boxes only. Internal Communication Bracket Includes two (2) adapter to accept Ortronics® TracJack devices, and two (2) adapters to accept Ortronics series II devices (sold separately). NOTE: For RFB2 Series Floor Boxes only. Fire Classified RFB4 Multiservice Steel Recessed Floor Boxes Ordering Information RFB4-4DBFC Fire Classified Four-Compartment Floor Box Includes four duplex receptacle brackets. 12 3/4" L x 10" w x 3 7/16" D [324mm x 254mm x 87mm]. Fully adjustable. Tunneling from adjacent or opposite compartments only, (not cross compartments). Tunneling can be set to feed all four compartments from one conduit in a singleservice application. 10" [254mm] NOTE: For use in normal weight concrete floors with a minimum pour depth of 4 1/2" [114mm] over the crest of the deck. 3 7/16" [87mm] 12 3/4" [324mm] 23" [584mm] 23" [584mm] NOTE: Floor Box spacing 2' on center and one for every 4 square feet in a span. Four (4) #12 AWG Type THHN Power Conductors or 48 #23 AWG (6 Cat. 6) Tele Data Conductors per gang. NOTE: All boxes and activations are sold separately. Fire Classified RFB4 Series Floor Box Compartment Capacities, Knockout Locations & Sizes FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS Power or Data 22.5 cu. in. [369 ml] Power or Data 25.5 cu in. [418ml] Power or Data 43.5 cu in. [713ml] Conduit Feed Opening 1 1/4" [32mm] Conduit Feed Opening 1 1/4" [32mm] Power or Data 22.5 cu in. [369ml] 368 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD FiRE CLaSSiFiEd FLOOR BOXES RFB series Floor Boxes Fire Classified RFB4 Series Multiservice Steel Recessed Floor Box Accessories Ordering Information RFB-WTB RFB-DR-4DB Conversion Kit Converts RFB4 Box to an RFB4-4DB Box. Internal Duplex Receptacle Bracket Accepts 15 Amp and 20 Amp duplex receptacles. NOTE: For use with the RFB4-4DB. WTB-2-AB WTB-2-RT WTB-AAP Communication Bracket Internal Audio Video Bracket One 2A size Pass & seymour® Activate adapter included. wiremold Open system inserts sold separately. Accepts two (2) Extron® Electronics AAP series devices (sold separately). NOTE: For use with the RFB4-4DB. NOTE: For use with the RFB4-4DB. WTB-MAAP Communication Bracket Ortronics AB2TJ TracJack and ABs2 series II adapters included. NOTE: For use with the RFB4-4DB. Internal Audio Video Bracket Accepts two (2) Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP series devices (sold separately). NOTE: For use with the RFB4-4DB. RFB-GFI-4DB Internal GFCI or Decorator Style Receptacle Opening Accepts standard GFCI or Decorator style Receptacles, Communication or Audio/Video Devices. NOTE: For use with the RFB4-4DB. Additional configurations available. Please consult your Wiremold Field Sales Representative for more information. Fire Classified RFB4 Series Multiservice Shallow Steel Recessed Floor Boxes Ordering Information Fire Classified Four-Compartment Shallow Stamped Steel Floor Box 13 5/8" L x 10" w x 2 7/16" D [346mm x 254mm x 62mm]. Fully adjustable with tunnel compartment and two receptacle brackets. Feed through tunneling to adjacent compartments only. Tunneling can be set to feed all four compartments from one conduit in a single-service application. Communication brackets not included. see “Accessories”. 10" [254mm] 5 7/8" [149mm] 4 3/4" [121mm] 13 5/8" [346mm] 23" [584mm] 23" [584mm] 2 7/16" [62mm] NOTE: All boxes and activations are sold separately. NOTE: For use in light weight concrete floors with a minimum pour depth of 3 1/4" [83mm] over the crest of the deck. NOTE: Floor Box spacing 2' on center and one for every 4 square feet in a span. Four (4) #12 AWG Type THHN Power Conductors or 48 #23 AWG (6 Cat. 6) Tele Data Conductors per gang. FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS RFB4-SSFC 369 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD FiRE CLaSSiFiEd FLOOR BOXES RFB series Floor Boxes Fire Classified RFB4 Series Multiservice Shallow Steel Floor Box Compartment Capacities, Knockout Locations & Sizes Power or Data 15.7 cu. in. [257 ml] Channel Dividers Located on each corner of Floor Box. Power or Data 31.2 cu in. [513 ml] Power or Data 31.2 cu in. [513 ml] Conduit Feed Opening 1 1/4" [32mm] Conduit Feed Opening 1 1/4" [32mm] Power or Data 15.7 cu in. [257 ml] Fire Classified RFB4 Series Multiservice Shallow Steel Floor Box Accessories Ordering Information RFB-B-SS Internal Blank Bracket used to close off unused gangs. RFB-RB-SS Internal Duplex Receptacle Bracket Accepts standard 15 Amp and 20 Amp duplex receptacles. RFB-2-SSRT Communication Bracket Ortronics® AB2TJ TracJack and ABs2 series II adapters included. RFB-4TKO-SS Internal Bracket Four RJ Keystone opening knockouts. use as blank plate or for up to four RJ openings. NOTE: Opening dimension is 9/16" x 3/4" [14.3mm x 19.1mm]. RFB-GFI-SS Internal GFI Receptacle Bracket FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS Accepts standard GFCI and Decorator style receptacles, communications or Audio/Video Devices. RFB-2AB-SS Internal Bracket Two Pass & seymour® Activate adapters included. wiremold CM series Open system adapters (sold separately). RFB4-SS-AAP Internal Audio Video Bracket Accepts two (2) Extron® Electronics AAP series devices (sold separately). RFB4-SS-MAAP Internal Audio Video Bracket Accepts two (2) Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP series devices (sold separately). Additional configurations available. Please consult your Wiremold Field Sales Representative for more information. 370 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD FiRE CLaSSiFiEd FLOOR BOXES RFB series Floor Boxes FloorPort™ Series Flanged Cover Plates Ordering Information Floorport Part Number Configurator FP FloorPort series: FPCTC Cover style: Top style: Cover Color: Blank Top = B Cutout Top = C Furniture Feed = FF Tile (flangeless) = T Tile/Carpet = TC (flanged) Brushed Aluminum Black Brass Bronze Gray Nickel Cutout Cover Assembly = = = = = = FPFFTC AL BK BS BZ GY NK Furniture Feed Cover Assembly FPCTCBK, FPCTCBZ, FPCTCBS, FPCTCNK, FPCTCGY, FPCTCAL 7 3/4" [197mm] FPBTC 6 1/2" [165mm] Flanged cover for use in tile or carpet installation. Die-cast aluminum assembly available in black, bronze, brass, nickel, gray or brushed aluminum. Insert in lid allows for carpet or tile cutouts to match finished floor. Blank Cover Assembly FPBTCBK, FPBTCBZ, FPBTCBS, FPBTCNK, FPBTCGY, FPBTCAL 7 3/4" [197mm] 6 1/2" [165mm] FPFFTCBK, FPFFTCBZ, FPFFTCBS, FPFFTCNK, FPFFTCGY, FPFFTCAL 7 3/4" [197mm] 6 1/2" [165mm] Flanged cover for use in tile or carpet installation. Die-cast aluminum assembly available in black, bronze, brass, nickel, gray or brushed aluminum. Provided with one 1" trade size screw plug for power or communication type cabling and one combination 1 1/4" and 2" trade size screw plug for communication type cabling. Allows for feeding both power and communication cabling. Flanged cover for use in tile or carpet installation. Die-cast aluminum assembly available in black, bronze, brass, nickel, gray, or brushed aluminum. Lid area is flush with the finished floor, no cutouts provided. Load Capacities for FloorPort Cover Assemblies FPCTC MAXIMuM LOAD IN POuNDs 1000 FPBTC 750 FPFFT 1000 NOTE: Load applied through a 2" [51mm] mandrel in center of service fitting. Loads above are static loads only and do not pertain to rolling loads. Fire Classified RFB Series Floor Boxes are available in four options. FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS CATALOG NuMBERs 371 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD FiRE CLaSSiFiEd FLOOR BOXES RFB series Floor Boxes North American Made FloorPort™ Series Flanged Cover Plates Ordering Information Floorport Part Number Configurator FP FloorPort series: Cover style: Top style: Cover Color: Blank Top = B Cutout Top = C Furniture Feed = FF Tile (flangeless) = T Tile/Carpet = TC (flanged) Nickel Brass Black Bronze Gray FPCTC-NA Cutout Cover Assembly = = = = = Origin: NK BS BK BZ GY FPFFTC North American Made NA Furniture Feed Cover Assembly FPCTCBK-NA, FPCTCBZ-NA, FPCTCBS-NA, FPCTCNK-NA, FPCTCGY-NA 7 3/4" [197mm] 6 1/2" [165mm] FPBTC-NA Flanged cover for use in tile or carpet installation. Die-cast aluminum assembly available in black, bronze, brass, nickel or gray. Insert in lid allows for carpet or tile cutouts to match finished floor. Blank Cover Assembly FPBTCBK-NA, FPBTCBZ-NA, FPBTCBS-NA, FPBTCNK-NA, FPBTCGY-NA 7 3/4" [197mm] 6 1/2" [165mm] Flanged cover for use in tile or carpet installation. Die-cast aluminum assembly available in black, bronze, brass, nickel or gray. Lid area is flush with the finished floor, no cutouts provided. Load Capacities for North American Made FloorPort Cover Assemblies CATALOG NuMBERs FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS FPCTC MAXIMuM LOAD IN POuNDs 1000 FPBTC 750 FPFFT 1000 NOTE: Load applied through a 2" [51mm] mandrel in center of service fitting. Loads above are static loads only and do not pertain to rolling loads. 372 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD FPFFTCBK, FPFFTCBZ, FPFFTCBS, FPFFTCNK, FPFFTCGY, FPFFTCAL 7 3/4" [197mm] 6 1/2" [165mm] Flanged cover for use in tile or carpet installation. Die-cast aluminum assembly available in black, bronze, brass, nickel or gray. Provided with one 1" trade size screw plug for power or communication type cabling and one combination 1 1/4" and 2" trade size screw plug for communication type cabling. Allows for feeding both power and communication cabling. WIREMOLD FiRE CLaSSiFiEd FLOOR BOXES 880MP series Floor Boxes Fire Classified 880MP Series Floor Boxes Ordering Information 880MPFC Fire Classified Nonmetallic Rectangular Box Nonmetallic Floor Box Adjusting Ring Activate Inserts Snap Here 6" [152mm] 7 1/8" [181mm] 880MPA Box comes complete with reusable mudcap, insert spacer, conduit plugs and reducers. Reducers provided for reduction to 1", 3/4", and 1/2" [25mm, 19.1mm, and 12.7mm] conduit. Minimum concrete depth is 3 1/2" [89mm] and maximum concrete depth is 6" [152mm]. Minimum capacity is 50 cu. in. [819ml] and maximum capacity is 100 cu. in. [1639ml]. Box dimensions are 4 1/8" w x 5 1/2" L x 6" [105mm x 140mm x 152mm]. 4 1/8" [105mm] 1" Trade Size Maximum Conduit Size Comes with fiber storage loop. Also includes brass inserts for flange connection and green ground wire for ground connection. Activate modular inserts snap directly into the adjusting ring without the need for a adapter. Also includes mounting screws to attach flange to box body. Ortronics connectivity inserts do not snap directly into the adjusting ring. For Ortronics inserts use the 828GFITC or 829PFLRT. NOTE: One 880MPA is needed for each 880MPFC used. NOTE: Insert spacer should not be removed until after concrete pour. NOTE: 880MPFC is a single gang offering. Can not gang boxes together and maintain Fire Classification. NOTE: Floor Box spacing 2' on center, no more than 1 per 65 s.f. span. NOTE: Maximum Copper Cross Section per Insert: Four (4) #12 AWG Type THHN Power Conductor or 48 #23 AWG (6 Cat. 6) Tele Data conductors. Fire Classified 880MP Series Floor Boxes Solid Brass Cover Plate Flanges Ordering Information 817B 1-Gang Brass Combination Carpet & Tile Flange Accepts Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters and wiremold CM series inserts sold separately. 6.080" [154.4mm] 5.060" [128.5mm] 817C 1-Gang Brass Combination Carpet Flange For use on 880s1, 880M1, 880Cs1-1, and 880CM1-1 Floor Boxes. 5 3/4" [146mm] 4 3/4" [121mm] Fire Classified 880MP Series Floor Boxes Metal Cover Plates Ordering Information Brass Duplex Cover Plate 828GFITC Brass GFI Cover Plate Flip lids. Can also be used with a 106 type communication adapter. 3.156" [80.2mm] May be used with Activate and Ortronics® Connectivity systems in conjunction with 817B, 827B, and 837B Flanges. 4.182" [106.2mm] 3.156" [80.2mm] 4.182" [106.2mm] NOTE: UL Listed for tile, terrazzo, and carpet floors.Brass covers and flanges are not interchangeable with aluminum or nonmetallic covers and flanges. Nonmetallic covers are interchangeable with aluminum flanges. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS 828R 373 WIREMOLD FiRE CLaSSiFiEd FLOOR BOXES 880MP series Floor Boxes Fire Classified 880MP Series Floor Boxes Metal Cover Plates Ordering Information (continued) 828DPGFITC Brass Rectangular Cover Plate 829CK-1 Brass Communications Cover Plate Allows for mounting of a duplex style receptacle with a rectangular style flip lid cover. 3.156" [80.2mm] 4.182" [106.2mm] 3.156" [80.2mm] 2 5/8" and 1" [67mm and 25mm] plugs. 4.182" [106.2mm] 829CK-3/4 Brass Communications Cover Plate 828DLR 2 5/8" and 3/4" [67mm and 19.1mm] plugs. Brass Single Locking Receptacle Cover Plate single flip lid cover for 20A or 30A single locking receptacles. Device opening is 2 5/8" [67mm]. For use with maximum female locking device of 1.58" diameter, and maximum male plug face of 2.25" diameter. 3.290" [83.6mm] 4.310" [109.5mm] 828SPTC 829CK-1/2 Brass Communications Cover Plate 2 5/8" and 1/2" [67mm and 12.7mm] plugs. 3.156" [83.60mm] 828MAAP 4 1/8" [105mm] 829STC 4.182" [106.2mm] Brass Duplex Cover Plate screw plugs. screw plugs are 1 1/2" [38mm] in diameter. 3 1/8" [79mm] 3.156" [80.2mm] 4.182" [106.2mm] AV Adapter Plate sheet metal adapter plate that accepts two (2) Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP style device plates (sold separately). For use with 828GFITC or 828GFITCAL cover plates (sold separately). Brass Communication Cover Plate Data slides. Feed through only, not for use with a mounting plate for communication adapter. 4 1/8" [105mm] 3 1/8" [79mm] FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS 829CK 374 Brass Communication Cover Plate 818TCAL 1-Gang Brushed Aluminum Combination Carpet & Tile Flange 2 5/8" and 2 1/4" [67mm and 57mm] plugs. 3.156" [80.2mm] 4.182" [106.2mm] 5.940" [150.9mm] 4.920" [125.0mm] Accepts Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters and wiremold CM series inserts, sold separately. NOTE: Brushed alumnum flanges come with beveled edges. NOTE: UL Listed for tile, terrazzo, and carpet floors.Brass covers and flanges are not interchangeable with aluminum or nonmetallic covers and flanges. Nonmetallic covers are interchangeable with aluminum flanges. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD FiRE CLaSSiFiEd FLOOR BOXES 880MP series Floor Boxes Fire Classified 880MP Series Floor Boxes Brushed Aluminum Cover Plates Ordering Information 828R-TCAL Brushed Aluminum Duplex Cover Plate 829CKTCAL-1 Brushed Aluminum Communications Cover Plate 2 5/8" and 1" [67mm and 25mm] plugs. Flip lids. Can also be used with a 106 type communication adapter. 3.156" [80.2mm] 4.182" [106.2mm] 3.156" [80.2mm] 828GFITCAL Brushed Aluminum GFI Cover Plate 4.182" [106.2mm] 829CKTCAL-3/4 Brushed Aluminum Communications Cover Plate May be used with Activate and Ortronics® Connectivity systems in conjunction with 817B, 827B, and 837B Flanges. 3.156" [80.2mm] 4.182" [106.2mm] 2 5/8" and 3/4" [67mm and 19.1mm] plugs. 3.156" [80.2mm] 828DPGFITCAL Brushed Aluminum Rectangular Cover Plate 4.182" [106.2mm] 4.182" [106.2mm] Brushed Aluminum Communications Cover Plate Brushed Aluminum Locking Receptacle Cover Plate single flip lid cover for 20A or 30A single locking receptacles. Device opening is 2 5/8" [67mm]. For use with maximum female locking device of 1.58" diameter, and maximum male plug face of 2.25" diameter. 3.290" [83.6mm] 2 5/8" and 1/2" [67mm and 12.7mm] plugs. 3.156" [83.60mm] 828DLRAL NOTE: Acceptable for use with threaded conduit when passing through power cables. 829CKTCAL-1/2 Allows for mounting of a duplex style receptacle with a rectangular style flip lid cover. 3.156" [80.2mm] NOTE: Acceptable for use with threaded conduit when passing through power cables. 828MAAP 4.182" [106.2mm] NOTE: Acceptable for use with threaded conduit when passing through power cables. AV Adapter Plate sheet metal adapter plate that accepts two (2) Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP style device plates (sold separately). For use with 828GFITC or 828GFITCAL cover plates (sold separately). 4.310" [109.5mm] FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS 829CKTCAL Brushed Aluminum Communication Cover Plate 2 5/8" and 2 1/4" [67mm and 57mm] plugs. 3.156" [80.2mm] 4.182" [106.2mm] NOTE: Acceptable for use with threaded conduit when passing through power cables. NOTE: UL Listed for tile, terrazzo, and carpet floors.Brass covers and flanges are not interchangeable with aluminum or nonmetallic covers and flanges. Nonmetallic covers are interchangeable with aluminum flanges. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 375 WIREMOLD FiRE CLaSSiFiEd FLOOR BOXES 880MP series Floor Boxes Fire Classified 880MP Series Floor Boxes Powder-Coated Aluminum Cover Plates & Flanges Ordering Information 817TCAL 1-Gang Powder-Coated Aluminum Combination Carpet & Tile Flange 817TCAL-BK, 817TCAL-GY, 817TCAL-BS, 817TCAL-NK, 817TCAL-BZ 6.080" [154.4mm] 5.060" [128.5mm] Accepts Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters and wiremold CM series inserts, sold separately. Flanges are available in fice decorative color: black, gray, brass, nickel and bronze. Powder-Coated Aluminum Duplex Cover Plate 4.310" [109.5mm] 4.310" [109.5mm] 828R-TCAL-BK, 828R-TCAL-GY, 828R-TCAL-BS, 828R-TCAL-NK, 828R-TCAL-BZ Flip lids. Can also be used with a 106 type communication adapter. Powder-Coated Aluminum Cover Plate 4.310" [109.5mm] 828GFITCAL-BK, 828GFITCAL-GY, 828GFITCAL-BS, 828GFITCAL-NK, 828GFITCAL-BZ Allows for mounting a duplex receptacle (Decorator or GFCI style) with a rectangular flip cover. 3.290" [83.6mm] 829CKAL-3/4BK, 829CKAL-3/4GY, 829CKAL-3/4BS, 829CKAL-3/4NK, 829CKAL-3/4BZ Power or communication plate with 2" [51mm] and 3/4" [19.1mm] plugs. Covers are available in five decorative colors: black, gray, brass, nickel and bronze. NOTE: Acceptable for use with threaded conduit when passing through power cables. Powder-Coated Aluminum GFI Cover Plate 4.310" [109.5mm] 3.290" [83.6mm] 829CKAL-1BK, 829CKAL-1GY, 829CKAL-1BS, 829CKAL-1NK, 829CKAL-1BZ Power or communication plate with 2" [51mm] and 1" [25mm] plugs. Covers are available in five decorative colors: black, gray, brass, nickel and bronze. NOTE: Acceptable for use with threaded conduit when passing through power cables. 828GFITCAL 3.290" [83.6mm] Powder-Coated Aluminum Cover Plate 829CKAL-3/4 828R-TCAL 3.290" [83.6mm] 829CKAL-1 828MAAP AV Adapter Plate sheet metal adapter plate that accepts two (2) Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP style device plates (sold separately). For use with 828GFITC or 828GFITCAL cover plates (sold separately). FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS Fire Classified 880MP Series Floor Boxes Nonmetallic Cover Plate Flanges Ordering Information 376 817PCC 1-Gang Nonmetallic Carpet Flange 817PCC-BLK, 817PCC-BRN 5 3/4" [146mm] 4 3/4" [121mm] Available in black or brown. For Ortronics® connectivity use with 829PFLRT Cover. For Activate connectivity use with 829PFL Cover. Accepts Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters and wiremold CM series inserts, sold separately. NOTE: UL Listed for tile, terrazzo, and carpet floors.Brass covers and flanges are not interchangeable with aluminum or nonmetallic covers and flanges. Nonmetallic covers are interchangeable with aluminum flanges. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD FiRE CLaSSiFiEd FLOOR BOXES 880MP series Floor Boxes Fire Classified 880MP Series Floor Boxes Nonmetallic Cover Plates Ordering Information 828PR Nonmetallic Duplex Cover Plate 828PR-BLK, 828PR-BRN 829PFLRT-BLK, 829PFLRT-BRN Flip lids. Available in black or brown. Can also be used with a 106 type communication adapter. Individual flip lids. Available in black or brown. Gasket included. Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters included. 828PRGFI Nonmetallic GFI Cover Plate 3 3/16" [81mm] 829PCK 4 1/8" [105mm] Nonmetallic Communication Cover Plate 828PRGFI-BLK, 828PRGFI-BRN Available in black or brown. May be used with Ortronics® Connectivity systems in conjunction with 817, 827 and 837PCC series flanges. 3 3/16" [81mm] 4 1/8" [105mm] 829PFL Nonmetallic Communication Cover Plate 829PCK-BLK, 829PCK-BRN 3 3/16" [81mm] 829PSTC 4 1/8" [105mm] Nonmetallic Communications Cover Plate 829PSTC-BLK, 829PSTC-BRN 829PFL-BLK, 829PFL-BRN 3 3/16" [81mm] 4 1/8" [105mm] Individual flip lids. Available in black or brown. Gasket included. wiremold CM series inserts included. Breakouts. Available in black or brown. Feed through only, not for use with a mounting plate for communication jacks. 3 3/16" [81mm] 4 1/8" [105mm] Data slides. Available in black or brown. Feed through only, not for use with a mounting plate for communication jacks. FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS 3 3/16" [81mm] 4 1/8" [105mm] 829PFLRT Nonmetallic Communication Cover Plate 377 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD FiRE CLaSSiFiEd FLOOR BOXES Ratchet-Pro series Floor Boxes Fire Classified Ratchet-Pro Series Floor Boxes Ordering Information 881FC Fire Classified Nonmetallic Round PVC Floor Box 6" [152mm] 5 1/2" [140mm] 4 1/4" [108mm] 1" Trade Size Maximum Conduit Size supplied with reusable concrete cap, conduit reducers, and conduit hub plugs. Available for single service only. Graduated cubic inch markings inside the box indicate volume capacity at any depth. Box has parallel conduit hubs eliminating the need for 90˚ sweeps in installation. One-piece reduction from 1" to 1/2" [25mm to 12.7mm] conduit. Reducers and plugs located on a mounting bar for easier selection. For concrete pours of 2 1/4" to 6" [57mm to 152mm]. NOTE: Maximum Copper Cross Section per Insert: Four (4) #12 AWG Type THHN Power Conductor or 48 #23 AWG (6 Cat. 6) Tele Data conductors. NOTE: Floor Box spacing 2' on center and one for every 4 square feet in a span. 881ADP PVC Floor Box Ratchet Adjusting Ring 1 1/8" [29mm] 4" [102mm] used to attach wiring devices and cover plates to PVC Box. Locks into place without using glue or mechanical fasteners. Compensates for up to 10˚ of tilt if box is not level. Ground wire is factory attached to the adjusting ring. NOTE: One ring required per box, single-or dual-service. Volume Capacities for Ratchet-Pro PVC Floor Box BOX HEIGHT single service 895 Activation wIRING VOLuME In [mm] Cu. In [ml] 6 [152.0] 56.0 [917.0] 5 1/2 [140.0] 49.0 [803.0] 5 [127.0] 42.0 [688.0] 4 1/2 [114.0] 35.0 [574.0] 4 [102.0] 28.0 [459.0] 3 1/2 [89.0] 21.0 [344.0] 3 1/4 [83.0] 17.0 [278.0] NOTE: To calculate total box volume, use the displacement of the largest uncut section remaining. Fire Classified Ratchet-Pro Series Floor Boxes Cover Plates Ordering Information 895, 895TCAL Brass/Brushed Aluminum Duplex Cover Plate 895TCAL Aluminum Duplex Power Plate 895TCAL-BK, 895TCAL-BS, 895TCAL-GY, 895TCAL-NK, 895TCAL-BZ with flip lids. 5 1/2" [140mm] diameter for carpet. FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS with flip lids, 5 1/2" [140mm] diameter for carpet. Available in black, brass, gray, nickel and bronze. 378 895GFI, 895GFICAL Brass/Brushed Aluminum GFI Receptacle Cover Plate 5 1/2" [140mm] diameter for carpet. CAUTION Installation must comply with NEC and local code conductor volume requirements. Not for use when concrete is the finished floor. Use only for tile, carpet, or wood covered floors. NOTE: 1. All cover plates are furnished with gasket and three screws. 2. Polycarbonate cover plates cannot be used on the 881FC Fire Classified Floor Box. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD FiRE CLaSSiFiEd FLOOR BOXES Fire Classified Floor Boxes Installation Cross Sections 3" [76mm] Deck Installation Flute Closure 1" [25mm] Fire Board Spacer (For 3" [76mm] Deck) 1" [25mm] Fire Insulation Board Wing Nut & Washer Carriage Bolt Bottom Pan Intumescent Feed 1 1/4" Trade Size EMT 2" [51mm] Deck Installation Flute Closure 1" [25mm] Fire Insulation Board Wing Nut & Washer Carriage Bolt Bottom Pan Intumescent Feed 1 1/4" Trade Size EMT Nonmetallic Floor Box Deck Installation 1" (Maximum) Trade Size PVC Elbow Steel Deck Intumescent Material FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS 880MPFC Floor Box Concrete: 3 1/4" [83mm] Light Weight 4 1/2" [114mm] Normal Weight 379 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD RaTChET-PRO™ SERiES FLOOR BOXES Ratchet-Pro™ series Floor Boxes provide dual-service capability in a single, easy-to-install round floor box. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Nonmetallic Outlet Boxes: File E110748 Guide QCMZ. Meets Article 314.27(C) of NEC. Ratchet-Pro 881 Series Floor Boxes Ordering Information 881 6" [152mm] 5 1/2" [140mm] FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS 881-ADP Round PVC Floor Box 4 1/4" [108mm] supplied with reusable concrete cap, adjusting ring, conduit reducers and conduit hub plugs. Available for both single and dual service ( 895DCC required for dual service brass activation). Graduated cubic inch markings inside the box indicate volume capacity at any depth. Box has parallel conduit hubs eliminating need for 90° sweeps in installation. One-piece reduction from 1" to 1/2" [25mm to12.7mm] conduit. Reducers and plugs located on a mounting bar for easier selection. For concrete pours of 2 1/4" to 6" [57mm to 152mm]. COLOR OPTIONS PVC Floor Box Ratchet Adjusting Ring 1 1/8" [28mm] 4" [102mm] used to attach wiring devices and cover plates to PVC box. Locks into place without using glue or mechanical fasteners. Compensates for up to 10° of tilt if box is not level. NOTE: Ground wire is factory attached to the adjusting ring. One ring required per box, single- or dualservice, ordered separately. 881-DIV PVC Floor Box Divider Plate 3 11/16" [94mm] 5 1/2" [140mm] used to isolate power and communication compartments. Graduated cubic inch markings are marked clearly on the divider and correspond directly to the cubic inch markings on the interior of the box. Cuts easily with a utility knife. supplied with a receptacle plate that completes separation of power and communication services. One divider required for dual-service activation. 895 and 896 series Cover Plates are compatible with RatchetPro 881 series Floor Boxes and are available in all or some of the following colors as in indicated in the part number descriptions. Custom color options are also available. Consult the factory for more information. 380 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD RaTChET-PRO™ SERiES FLOOR BOXES Ratchet-Pro 881 Series Floor Boxes Cover Plates Ordering Information Dual Service Brass Duplex Cover Plate 5 1/2" [140mm] with flip lids. supplied with 1/2" [12.7mm] screw plug for accessing communication cables. 5 1/2" [140mm] diameter for carpet applications only. used in conjunction with the 881DIV to complete dual-service activation. 895, 895TCAL 5 1/2" [140mm] with flip lids. Brass (895) or brushed aluminum (895TCAL) duplex cover plate with flip lids, 5 1/2" [140mm] diameter for carpet. 895T, 895TAL 4 1/4" [108mm] Duplex Cover Plate Duplex Cover Plate with Flip Lids Brass (895T) or brushed aluminum (895TAL) duplex cover plate with flip lids, 4 1/4" [108mm] diameter for tile. 895SP, 895SPCAL 5 1/2" [140mm] 895TSP 4 1/4" [108mm] Brass (895sP) or brushed aluminum (895sPAL) cover plate with two screw plug openings, 5 1/2" [140mm] diameter for carpet. GFI Receptacle Cover Plate Brass (895TGFI) or brushed aluminum (895TGFIAL) GFI receptacle cover plate, 4 1/4" [108mm] diameter for tile. 4 1/4" [108mm] 896 Communication or Power Cover Plate Brass communication or power cover plate with 2 5/8" [67mm] threaded opening, 5 1/2" [140mm] diameter for carpet. 5 1/2" [140mm] NOTE: Sold without abandon plug. 896T Communication or Power Cover Plate Brass communication or power cover plate with 2 5/8" [67mm] threaded opening, 4 1/4" [108mm] diameter for tile. 4 1/4" [108mm] NOTE: Sold without abandon plug. 896CK Communication or Power Cover Plate 5 1/2" [140mm] 896TCK Cover Plate Brass cover plate with two screw plug openings, 4 1/4" [108mm] diameter for tile. NOTE: Screw plug openings are 1 1/2" [38mm] tapped openings. 895GFI, 895GFICAL 5 1/2" [140mm] Cover Plate 895TGFI, 895TGFIAL GFI Receptacle Cover Plate Brass (895GFI) or brushed aluminum (895GFICAL) GFI receptacle cover plate, 5 1/2" [140mm] diameter for carpet. 4 1/4" [108mm] Brass communication or power cover plate with 2 1/4" [57mm] threaded opening, 5 1/2" [140mm] diameter for carpet. Communication or Power Cover Plate Brass communication or power cover plate with 2 1/4" [57mm] threaded opening, 5 1/2" [140mm] diameter for tile. 896CK-1/2, 896CKAL-1/2 4 1/4" [108mm] Cover Plate Brass (896CK-1/2) or brushed aluminum (896CKAL-1/2) cover plate with 1/2" [12.7mm] threaded opening, 5 1/2" [140mm] diameter for carpet. FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS 895DCC NOTE: All cover plates are furnished with gasket and three screws. The 895P Polycarbonate Series Cover Plates must be field modified for dual service. 381 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD RaTChET-PRO™ SERiES FLOOR BOXES Ratchet-Pro 881 Series Floor Boxes Cover Plates Ordering Information (continued) 896TCK-1/2, 896TCKAL-1/2 Cover Plate Brass (896TCK-1/2) or brushed aluminum (896TCKAL-1/2) cover plate with 1/2" [12.7mm] threaded opening, 5 1/2" [140mm] diameter for tile. 4 1/4" [108mm] 896CK-3/4 896CK-1 Cover Plate Brass cover plate with 1" [25mm] threaded opening, 5 1/2" [140mm] diameter for carpet. 5 1/2" [140mm] 896TCK-1 Cover Plate Brass cover plate with 3/4" [19.1mm] threaded opening, 5 1/2" [140mm] diameter for carpet. Cover Plate Brass cover plate with 1" [25mm] threaded opening, 5 1/2" [140mm] diameter for tile. 4 1/4" [108mm] 5 1/2" [140mm] 896TCK-3/4 Cover Plate Brass cover plate with 3/4" [19.1mm] threaded opening, 5 1/2" [140mm] diameter for tile. 4 1/4" [108mm] NOTE: All cover plates are furnished with gasket and three screws. The 895P Polycarbonate Series Cover Plates must be field modified for dual service. North American Made Ratchet-Pro 881 Series Floor Boxes Cover Plates Ordering Information 895TCAL FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS 895P Aluminum Duplex Power Plate 895PCK Polycarbonate Communication or Power Cover Plate 895TCAL-BK, 895TCAL-BS, 895TCAL-GY, 895TCAL-NK, 895TCAL-BZ 895PCK-BLK, 895PCK-BRN, 895PCK-BRZ, 895PCK-AL with flip lids, 5 1/2" [140mm] diameter for carpet. Available in black, brass, gray, nickel and bronze. 5 1/2" [140mm] diameter. Available in black, brown, bronze and aluminum. Polycarbonate Duplex Cover Plate 895P-BLK, 895P-BRN, 895P-BRZ, 895P-AL with flip lids, 5 1/2" [140mm] diameter for carpet. Available in black, brown, bronze and aluminum. 382 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD RaTChET-PRO™ SERiES FLOOR BOXES Ratchet-Pro RPSFB & RPSFB-OG Series Floor Boxes Ordering Information RPSFB Rectangular Dual Service Metal Concrete Floor Box RPSFB-OG On-Grade Rectangular Dual Service Metal Concrete Floor Box Rectangular dual service metal concrete floor box with a nonmetallic top that allows for concrete pours between 4" thick to 6" thick. Graduated markings on the inside and outside of the box indicating volume capacity, as well as the depth of concrete pour. Box accepts 2HuB to allow 2" conduit feeds (sold separately) while maintaining a 4" deep concrete pour. Rectangular dual service metal concrete floor box with a nonmetallic top that allows for concrete pours between 4" thick to 6" thick. Graduated markings on the inside and outside of the box indicating volume capacity, as well as the depth of concrete pour. Box accepts 2HuB to allow 2" conduit feeds (sold separately) while maintaining a 4" deep concrete pour. Box includes (1) Reusable concrete cap, (2) Removable knockout plates to allow the 2HuB to be attached. 2HuB sold separately. Box includes (1) Reusable concrete cap, (2) Removable knockout plates to allow the 2HuB to be attached. 2HuB sold separately. 6 1/16" [152mm] 6 1/16" [152mm] 7" [178mm] 6 13/16" [173mm] 7" [178mm] 6 13/16" [173mm] Ratchet-Pro RPSFB & RPSFB-OG Dimensions & Knockout Locations 5 15/16" [151mm] 7" [178mm] 6 13/16" [173mm] 2 SIDES 1" trade size KO inside a removable plate 2 13/16" [71mm] FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS 6 1/16" [154mm] 2 SIDES: 3/4" & 1 1/4" trade size concentric KOs BOTTOM: 1 1/2" trade size KOs 383 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD RaTChET-PRO™ SERiES FLOOR BOXES Ratchet-Pro RPNFB Series Floor Boxes Ordering Information Ratchet-Pro RPNFB Dimensions & Knockout Locations RRPNFB Round Dual Service Nonmetallic Concrete Floor Box Round dual service nonmetallic concrete floor box. Floor box has two 1 1/4" trade size conduit hubs for power and two 2" trade size conduit hubs for communications and audio/video services. 8 1/16" [204mm] Box Includes: (1) Reusable concrete cap, (1) Reducing ring for the 2" hubs that can be reduced down to 1 1/2 Trade size, and 1 1/4" trade size openings, (1) Reducing ring for the 1 1/4" hubs that allow to be reduced to 1" trade size opening or 3/4" trade size opening. 6 7/16" [164mm] 6" [152mm] 2 SIDES: 2" trade size Conduit Hub 6 7/16" [164mm] 2 SIDES: 1 1/4" trade size Conduit Hub 2 3/4" [69mm] 8 1/16" 204mm] 6" [152mm] Ratchet-Pro RPNFB, RPSFB & RPSFB-OG Series Floor Box Kits Ordering Information FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS RP7CTC 384 Multiple Service Floor Box Cover Kit RPAV3CTC Multiple Service Floor Box Cover Kit RP7CTCGY, RP7CTCBK, RP7CTCAL, RP7CTCBS, RP7CTCAA, RP7CTCAB RPAV3CTCGY, RPAV3CTCBK, RPAV3CTCAL, RPAV3CTCBS, RPAV3CTCAA, RPAV3CTCAB Kit comes complete with (1) prewired 20A duplex receptacle, (receptacle can be wired as a standard receptacle, or isolated ground), flange and slide holder, adapter ring to secure into the boxes, divider (RP-DIV), wiremold CM series open system adapters (unloaded), Ortronics® series II, and TracJack adapters. Modular jacks and A/V connectors sold separately. Kit comes complete with (1) prewired 20A duplex receptacle, (receptacle can be wired as standard receptacle, or isolated ground), flange and slide holder, adapter ring to secure into the boxes, divider (RP-DIV), wiremold CM series open system adapters (unloaded), Ortronics® series II, TracJack adapters and adapter to accept AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP devices. Modular jacks and A/V connectors sold separately. Flange Color Gray Black Aluminum Brass All Aluminum All Brass Slide Holder Color Gray Black Black Black Aluminum Brass Flange Color Gray Black Aluminum Brass All Aluminum All Brass Slide Holder Color Gray Black Black Black Aluminum Brass Caution: Floor box kits are not for use on concrete pours less than 4 1/2" [114mm] and are not for use when concrete is the finished floor. Use only for tile, carpet, or wood covered floors. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD RaTChET-PRO™ SERiES FLOOR BOXES Ratchet-Pro RPNFB, RPSFB & RPSFB-OG Series Floor Box Kits Ordering Information (continued) RPAMD4CTC Single Service Floor Box Cover Kit RPAMD4CTCGY, RPAMD4CTCBK, RPAMD4CTCAL, RPAMD4CTCBS, RPAMD4CTCAA, RPAMD4CTCAB Kit comes complete with adapter ring to secure into the boxes, wiremold CM series open system adapters (unloaded), Ortronics® series II, and TracJack adapters. Modular jacks and A/V connectors sold separately. Flange Color Gray Black Aluminum Brass All Aluminum All Brass RPAMD8CTC Slide Holder Color Gray Black Black Black Aluminum Brass Single Service Floor Box Cover Kit RPAMD8CTCGY, RPAMD8CTCBK, RPAMD8CTCAL, RPAMD8CTCBS, RPAMD8CTCAA, RPAMD8CTCAB Kit comes complete with adapter ring to secure into the boxes, wiremold CM series open system adapters (unloaded), Ortronics® series II, and TracJack adapters. Modular jacks and A/V connectors sold separately. Slide Holder Color Gray Black Black Black Aluminum Brass RP4FFCTCGY, RP4FFCTCBK, RP4FFCTCAL, RP4FFCTCBS, RP4FFCTCAA, RP4FFCTCAB Kit comes complete with adapter ring to secure into the boxes, (1) 3/4" trade size screw plug and conduit fitting for power, 1-1/4" trade size screw plug and conduit fitting for low voltage (communications or Audio/Video) services. Flange Color Gray Black Aluminum Brass RP9AM2CTC Single Service Furniture Feed Floor Box Cover Kit RP9AM2CTCGY, RP9AM2CTCBK, RP9AM2CTCAL, RP9AM2CTCBS, RP9AM2CTCAA, RP9AM2CTCAB Kit comes complete with adapter ring to secure into the boxes, (1) 1 1/4/2" concentric screw plug closure plug. Conduit fittings sold separately by others. Flange Color Gray Black Aluminum Brass FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS Flange Color Gray Black Aluminum Brass All Aluminum All Brass RP4FFCTC Multiple Service Furniture Feed Floor Box Cover Kit Caution: Floor box kits are not for use on concrete pours less than 4 1/2" [114mm] and are not for use when concrete is the finished floor. Use only for tile, carpet, or wood covered floors. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 385 WIREMOLD RaTChET-PRO™ SERiES FLOOR BOXES Ratchet-Pro RPNFB, RPSFB & RPSFB-OG Series Floor Box Kits Ordering Information (continued) 2HUB 2" Conduit Transition Hub 125CRR Conduit Reducing Ring Conduit reducing ring allows for 1 1/4" conduit hub (for RPNFB only) to allow for smaller conduit feeds where needed. Ring includes: (2) blanking plug, (2) 3/4" trade size plugs, and (2) 1" trade size plugs. Trade size 2" die cast zinc conduit fitting allows for 2" conduit to transition into a shallow box design. Includes: die cast fitting gasket. Accepts standard 2" threaded conduit or trade size EMT and PVC conduit fittings. NOTE: For use with RPSFB & RFSFB-OG Series floor boxes. RP-DIV Divider FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS used to isolate power and low voltage (communications and audio/video) compartments. Graduated markings indicating location to cut divider to, in order to match concrete pour. 386 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 2CRR Conduit Reducing Ring Conduit reducing ring allows for 2" conduit hub (for RPNFB only) to allow for smaller conduit feeds where needed. Ring includes: (2) blanking plug, (2) 1 1/2" trade size plugs, and (2) 1 1/4" trade size plugs, and (2) blank plugs. WIREMOLD MOduLink™ 880MP2 SERiES FLOOR BOXES Modulink™ Nonmetallic Floor Boxes provide power and communication services directly to the workstation or to any open space location. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Nonmetallic Outlet Boxes: File E110748 Guide QCMZ. Meets Article 314.27(C) of NEC. Modulink 880MP2 Series Floor Boxes Ordering Information Nonmetallic Rectangular Floor Box 2" Trade Size Conduit Hub Box comes complete with reusable mudcap, insert spacer, conduit plugs and reducers. Reducers provided for reduction to 1 1/2", 1 1/4", 1", 3/4", and 1/2" [25mm, 19.1mm, and 12.7mm] conduit. Minimum concrete depth is 4" [102mm] and maximum concrete depth is 6" [152mm]. Minimum capacity is 50 cu. in. [819ml] and maximum capacity is 100 cu. in. [1693ml]. Box dimensions are 4 1/8" w x 5 1/2" L x 6" H [105mm w x 140mm L x 152mm H]. NOTE: Insert spacer should not be removed until after concrete pour. Box can be connected together to create a two- or three-gang option. COLOR OPTIONS 880MPA Nonmetallic Rectangular Floor Box Adjusting Ring Activate inserts snap here. 5 3/8" [136mm] 3 15/16" [100mm] Comes with fiber storage loop. Also includes brass inserts for flange connection and green ground wire for ground connection. wiremold CM series Open system adapters that snap directly into the adjusting ring without the need for an adapter. Also includes mounting screws to attach flange to box body. NOTE: One 880MPA is needed for each 880MP2 used. For example, a three-gang box will require three 880MPA Adjusting Rings, ordered separately. 817, 828, 829, 830, 837 & 838 series Cover Plates are designed for use with Modulink™ 880MP series Floor Boxes and are available in the colors at left as indicated in the part number descriptions. Custom color options are also available. Consult the factory for more information. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS 880MP2 387 WIREMOLD MOduLink™ 880MP2 SERiES FLOOR BOXES Modulink 880MP2 Series Floor Boxes Solid Brass Cover Plate Flanges Ordering Information 817B 1-Gang Brass Combination Carpet & Tile Flange 837B 3-Gang Brass Combination Carpet & Tile Flange Accepts Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters and wiremold CM series inserts, sold separately. 5.060" [128.5mm] 5.060" [128.5mm] 6.080" [154.4mm] 827B 6.080" [154.4mm] 2-Gang Brass Combination Carpet & Tile Flange 5.060" [128.5mm] 6.080" [154.4mm] Accepts Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters and wiremold CM series inserts, sold separately. Accepts Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters and wiremold CM series inserts, sold separately. Modulink 880MP2 Series Floor Boxes Metal Cover Plates Ordering Information 828R Brass Duplex Cover Plate Flip lids. Can also be used with a 106 type communication adapter. 828GFITC Brass GFI Cover Plate May be used with Activate and Ortronics® Connectivity systems in conjunction with 817B, 827B, and 837B Flanges. 3.156" [80.2mm] 4 1/8" [105mm] 3 1/8" [79mm] 828SPTC Brass Duplex Cover Plate screw plugs are 1 1/2" [38mm] in diameter. Brass Rectangular Cover Plate Allows for mounting of a duplex style receptacle with a rectangular style flip lid cover. FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS single flip lid cover for 20A or 30A single locking receptacles. Device opening is 2 5/8" [67mm]. For use with maximum female locking device of 1.58" diameter, and maximum male plug face of 2.25" diameter. 4.182" [106.2mm] 828DPGFITC 388 Brass Single Locking Receptacle Cover Plate 4.182" [106.2mm] 3.156" [80.2mm] 3.156" [80.2mm] 828DLR 3 1/8" [79mm] 829STC 4 1/8" [105mm] Brass Communications Cover Plate 4.182" [106.2mm] 3 1/8" [79mm] 4 1/8" [105mm] Brass communications cover plate, data slides. Feed through only, not for use with a mounting plate for flush mounted communication adapter. NOTE: Brass covers and flanges are not interchangeable with aluminum or nonmetallic covers and flanges. Nonmetallic covers are interchangeable with aluminum flanges. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD MOduLink™ 880MP2 SERiES FLOOR BOXES Modulink 880MP2 Series Floor Boxes Metal Cover Plates Ordering Information (continued0 829CK Brass Communications Cover Plate 829CK-1/2 Brass Communications Cover Plate 2 5/8" and 2 1/4" [67mm and 57mm] plugs. Not for use with threaded conduit. 3.156" [80.2mm] 829CK-1 4.182" [106.2mm] 3.156" [83.60mm] Brass Communications Cover Plate 828MAAP 4.182" [106.2mm] 829CK-3/4 AV Adapter Plate sheet metal adapter plate that accepts two (2) Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP style device plates (sold separately). For use with 828GFITC or 828GFITCAL cover plates (sold separately). 2 5/8" and 1" [67mm and 25mm] plugs. Not for use with threaded conduit. 3.156" [80.2mm] 4.182" [106.2mm] Brass communications cover plate, 2 5/8" and 1/2" [67mm and 12.7mm] plugs. For carpet or tile installations. Not for use with threaded conduit. Brass Communications Cover Plate 2 5/8" and 3/4" [67mm and 19.1mm] plugs. Not for use with threaded conduit. 3.156" [80.2mm] 4.182" [106.2mm] NOTE: Brass covers and flanges are not interchangeable with aluminum or nonmetallic covers and flanges. Nonmetallic covers are interchangeable with aluminum flanges. Modulink 880MP2 Series Floor Boxes Brushed Aluminum Cover Plate Flanges Ordering Information 5.940" [150.9mm] 4.920" [125.0mm] Accepts Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters and wiremold CM series inserts, sold separately. 838TCAL 3-Gang Brushed Aluminum Combination Carpet & Tile Flange 5.940" [150.9mm] 9.045" [229.7mm] Accepts Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters and wiremold CM series inserts, sold separately. FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS 818TCAL 1-Gang Brushed Aluminum Combination Carpet & Tile Flange 828TCAL 2 -Gang Brushed Aluminum Combination Carpet & Tile Flange 13.170" [334.5mm] Accepts Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters and wiremold CM series inserts, sold separately. 5.940" [150.9mm] NOTE: Brushed aluminum flanges come with beveled edges. 389 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD MOduLink™ 880MP2 SERiES FLOOR BOXES Modulink 880MP2 Series Floor Boxes Brushed Aluminum Cover Plates Ordering Information 828R-TCAL Brushed Aluminum Duplex Cover Plate 830CKTCAL-1 Brushed Aluminum Flip lids. Can also be used with a 106 type communication adapter. 828GFITCAL Brushed Aluminum GFI Cover Plate May be used with Activate and Ortronics® Connectivity systems in conjunction with 817B, 827B, and 837B Flanges. 4.310" [109.5mm] 3.290" [83.6mm] Power or communication plate with 2" [51mm] and 1" [25mm] plugs. 4.310" [109.5mm] 4.310" [109.5mm] 3.290" [83.6mm] 3.290" [83.6mm] 830CKTCAL-3/4 Allows for mounting of a duplex style receptacle with a rectangular style flip lid cover. 4.310" [109.5mm] 3.290" [83.6mm] 4.310" [109.5mm] Brushed Aluminum Single Locking Receptacle Cover Plate single flip lid cover for 20A or 30A single locking receptacles. Device opening is 2 5/8" [67mm]. For use with maximum female locking device of 1.58" diameter, and maximum male plug face of 2.25" diameter. FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS 390 3.290" [83.6mm] AV Adapter Plate Cover Plate 817TCAL-BK, 817TCAL-GY, 817TCAL-BS, 817TCAL-NK, 817TCAL-BZ Power or communication plate with 2" [51mm] and 1 1/4" [32mm] plugs. 4.310" [109.5mm] 3.290" [83.6mm] NOTE: Acceptable for use with threaded conduit when passing through power cables. 817TCAL 1-Gang Powder-Coated Aluminum Combination Carpet and Tile Flange 3.290" [83.6mm] 830CKTCAL Brushed Aluminum Brushed Aluminum Cover Plate sheet metal adapter plate that accepts two (2) Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP style device plates (sold separately). For use with 828GFITC or 828GFITCAL cover plates (sold separately). 828DLRAL 4.310" [109.5mm] NOTE: Acceptable for use with threaded conduit when passing through power cables. Power or communication plate with 2" [51mm] and 1/2" [12.7mm] plugs. 828MAAP 4.310" [109.5mm] Brushed Aluminum Cover Plate Power or communication plate with 2" [51mm] and 3/4" [19.1mm] plugs. Brushed Aluminum Rectangular Cover Plate 3.290" [83.6mm] NOTE: Acceptable for use with threaded conduit when passing through power cables. 830CKTCAL-1/2 828DPGFITCAL Cover Plate NOTE: Acceptable for use with threaded conduit when passing through power cables. 6.080" [154.4mm] 5.060" [128.5mm] Accepts Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters and wiremold CM series inserts, sold separately. Flanges are available in five decorative colors: black, gray brass, nickel and bronze. NOTE: Brass covers and flanges are not interchangeable with aluminum or nonmetallic covers and flanges. Nonmetallic covers are interchangeable with aluminum flanges. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD MOduLink™ 880MP2 SERiES FLOOR BOXES Modulink 880MP2 Series Floor Boxes Powder Coated Aluminum Cover Plate Flanges Ordering Information 827TCAL 2-Gang Powder-Coated Aluminum Combination Carpet and Tile Flange 837TCAL 3-Gang Powder-Coated Aluminum Combination Carpet and Tile Flange 827TCAL-BK, 827TCAL-GY, 827TCAL-BS, 827TCAL-NK, 827TCAL-BZ 6.080" [154.4mm] 9.02" [229mm] Accepts Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters and wiremold CM series inserts, sold separately. Flanges are available in five decorative colors: black, gray brass, nickel and bronze. 837TCAL-BK, 837TCAL-GY, 837TCAL-BS, 837TCAL-NK, 837TCAL-BZ 6.080" [154.4mm] 13.17" [335mm] Accepts Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters and wiremold CM series inserts, sold separately. Flanges are available in five decorative colors: black, gray brass, nickel and bronze. Modulink 880MP2 Series Floor Boxes Powder Coated Aluminum Cover Plates Ordering Information Powder-Coated Aluminum Duplex Cover Plate 829CKAL-3/4 Powder-Coated Aluminum Cover Plate 828R-TCAL-BK, 828R-TCAL-GY, 828R-TCAL-BS, 828R-TCAL-NK, 828R-TCAL-BZ 3.290" [83.6mm] 4.310" [109.5mm] Flip lids. Can also be used with a 106 type communication adapter. 829CKAL-3/4BK, 829CKAL-3/4GY, 829CKAL-3/4BS, 829CKAL-3/4NK, 829CKAL-3/4BZ 4.310" [109.5mm] 828GFITCAL Powder-Coated Aluminum Rectangular Cover Plate 828GFITCAL-BK, 828GFITCAL-GY, 828GFITCAL-BS, 828GFITCAL-NK, 828GFITCAL-BZ 3.290" [83.6mm] 4.310" [109.5mm] 829CKAL-1 Allows for mounting of a duplex receptacle (Duplex or GFCI style) with a rectangular flip cover. Powder-Coated Aluminum Cover Plate 829CKAL-1BK, 829CKAL-1GY, 829CKAL-1BS, 829CKAL-1NK, 829CKAL-1BZ 4.310" [109.5mm] 3.290" [83.6mm] 3.290" [83.6mm] Power or communication plate with 2" [51mm] and 3/4" [19.1mm] plugs. Covers are available in five decorative colors: black, gray, brass, nickel and bronze. NOTE: Acceptable for use with threaded conduit when passing through power cables. 828MAAP AV Adapter Plate sheet metal adapter plate that accepts two (2) Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP style device plates (sold separately). For use with 828GFITC or 828GFITCAL cover plates (sold separately). Power or communication plate with 2" [51mm] and 1" [25mm] plugs. Covers are available in five decorative colors: black, gray, brass, nickel and bronze. NOTE: Acceptable for use with threaded conduit when passing through power cables. NOTE: Brass covers and flanges are not interchangeable with aluminum or nonmetallic covers and flanges. Nonmetallic covers are interchangeable with aluminum flanges. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS 828R-TCAL 391 WIREMOLD MOduLink™ 880MP2 SERiES FLOOR BOXES Modulink 880MP2 Series Floor Boxes Nonmetallic Cover Plates Flanges Ordering Information 817PCC 5 3/4" [146mm] 827PCC 5 3/4" [146mm] 1-Gang Nonmetallic Carpet Flange 4 3/4" [121mm] 817PCC-BLK, 817PCC-BRN Available in black or brown. For Ortronics® connectivity use with 829PFLRT Cover. For Activate connectivity use with 829PFL Cover. Accepts Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters and wiremold CM series inserts, sold separately. 2-Gang Nonmetallic Carpet Flange 8 7/8" [225mm] 837PCC 3-Gang Nonmetallic Carpet Flange 5 3/4" [146mm] 13" [330mm] 837PCC-BLK, 837PCC-BRN Available in black or brown. For Ortronics® connectivity use with 829PFLRT Cover. For Activate connectivity use with 829PFL Cover. Accepts Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters and wiremold CM series inserts, sold separately. NOTE: Brass covers and flanges are not interchangeable with aluminum or nonmetallic covers and flanges. Nonmetallic covers are interchangeable with aluminum flanges. 827PCC-BLK, 827PCC-BRN Available in black or brown. For Ortronics® connectivity use with 829PFLRT Cover. For Activate connectivity use with 829PFL Cover. Accepts Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters and wiremold CM series inserts, sold separately. Modulink 880MP Series Floor Boxes Nonmetallic Cover Plates Ordering Information 828PR Nonmetallic Duplex Cover Plate 3 3/16" [81mm] 4 1/8" [105mm] 828PR-BLK, 828PR-BRN Flip lids. Available in black or brown. Can also be used with a 106 type communication adapter. 3 3/16" [81mm] 828PRGFI Nonmetallic GFI Cover Plate FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS 828PRGFI-BLK, 828PRGFI-BRN Available in black or brown. May be used with Ortronics® Connectivity systems in conjunction with 817, 827 and 837PCC series flanges. 392 3 3/16" [81mm] 4 1/8" [105mm] 829PFL* Nonmetallic Communication Cover Plate 3 3/16" [81mm] 4 1/8" [105mm] 829PFLRT* Nonmetallic Communication Cover Plate 829PFL-BLK, 829PFL-BRN Individual flip lids. Available in black or brown. Gasket included. wiremold CM series inserts included. 829PCK 3 3/16" [81mm] 829PSTC 3 3/16" [81mm] 4 1/8" [105mm] 829PFLRT-BLK, 829PFLRT-BRN Individual flip lids. Available in black or brown. Gasket included. Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters included. Nonmetallic Communication Cover Plate 4 1/8" [105mm] 829PCK-BLK, 829PCK-BRN Breakouts. Available in black or brown. Feed through only, not for use with a mounting plate for communication jacks. Nonmetallic Communications Cover Plate 4 1/8" [105mm] 829PSTC-BLK, 829PSTC-BRN Data slides. Available in black or brown. Feed through only, not for use with a mounting plate for communication jacks. *Replacement flip lids can be ordered under Cat. No. PFL-BLK and PFL-BRN. Each Cat. No. comes with three flip lids. The above cover plates are listed for tile and carpet applications. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD MOduLink™ 880MP2 SERiES FLOOR BOXES Modulink 880MP2 Series Floor Boxes Mounting Options for Connectivity Insets Flush installation with Activate installed using the Activate bezel, or Ortronics installed using the Ortronics bezels. 828GFITC Cover CM-MAB Bezel (sold separately, Not Included with 828GFITC) MAB3S2 Bezel (Ortronics series II Bezel sold separately) Recessed installation with Activate installed directly into the 880MPA Adjusting Ring. Ortronics inserts cannot be inserted directly into 880MPA, see below for Ortronics solution. MAB6TJ Bezel (Ortronics TracJack Bezel sold separately) NOTE: Part is approved for scrub water applications only with inserts in the flush position. 829PFL or 829PFLRT Cover Fiber Optic Insert (sold separately) Scrub Water Gasket Included CM-MAB Activate Bezel (Included with 829PFL Cover) MAB6TJ (Ortronics TracJack Bezel Included with 829PFLRT) MAB3S2 Bezel (Ortronics series II Bezel Included with 829PFLRT) Fiber Storage Loop FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS Flush installation with Ortronics installed using 829PFLRT Cover or Activate installed using 829PFL Cover. Activate Inserts Sold Separately 393 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD RESOuRCE RFB® SERiES FLOOR BOXES Resource RFB® series Floor Boxes are a versatile solution that provides power and/or communication services to open space areas. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Metallic Outlet Boxes: File E2961 Guide QCIT. Meets Article 314.27(C) of NEC. RFB2 Series Multiservice Steel Recessed Floor Boxes Ordering Information RFB2-SS Two-Compartment Shallow Stamped Steel Box For use in either concrete or wood floors. Fully adjustable with tunnel compartment. supplied with one (1) duplex receptacle mounting plate, and one (1) communication mounting plate (RFB22AB). Other device plates sold separately. 9/16" [14mm] 6 1/2" [165mm] 2 5/8" [67mm] Top View Bottom KO 1/2" [12.7mm] Side KO 3/4" [19.1mm] Side KO 3/4" [19.1mm] Side KO 3/4" [19.1mm] Side KO 3/4" [19.1mm] Side KO 3/4" [19.1mm] Side KO 3/4" [19.1mm] Side KO 3/4" [19.1mm] 13 1/8" [333mm] Bottom KO 3/4" [19.1mm] Side KO 3/4" [19.1mm] Side KO 3/4" [19.1mm] Side KO 3/4" [19.1mm] FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS Power or Data 38.0 cu. in. [622.7 ml] Each Side 394 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD Bottom KO 3/4" [19.1mm] Bottom KO 1/2" [12.7mm] WIREMOLD RESOuRCE RFB® SERiES FLOOR BOXES RFB2 series RFB2 Series Multiservice Steel Recessed Floor Boxes Ordering Information (continued) RFB2 Two-Compartment Box For use in either concrete or wood floors. Fully adjustable with tunnel compartment. supplied with one (1) duplex receptacle mounting plate, and one (1) communication mounting plate (RFB22AB). Other device plates sold separately. 3/4" [19.1mm] 6 1/2" [165mm] RFB2-OG 3 7/16" [87mm] 13 1/8" [333mm] Bottom KO 1/2" [12.7mm] Side KO 1" [25mm] Side KO 1 1/4" [32mm] 3/4" [19.1mm] Bottom KO 3/4" [19.1mm] Side KO 3/4" [19.1mm] Side KO 3/4" [19.1mm] Side KO 3/4" [19.1mm] Side KO 3/4" [19.1mm] Two-Compartment Box For use On Grade. Fully adjustable with tunnel compartment. supplied with one (1) duplex receptacle mounting plate, and one (1) communication mounting plate (RFB22AB). Other device plates sold separately. 6 1/2" [165mm] Top View Side KO 1 1/4" [32mm] Bottom KO 3/4" [19.1mm] Side KO 1 1/4" [32mm] Side KO 1" [25mm] Side KO 1 1/4" [32mm] Bottom KO 1/2" [12.7mm] Power or Data 50.2 cu. in. [822.6 ml] Each Side 3 7/16" [87mm] 13 1/8" [333mm] FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS NOTE: RFB2-OG for on-grade applications is painted with a fusion-bonded epoxy designed for use on metal reinforcement bar and related accessories before encapsulating in concrete. 395 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD RESOuRCE RFB® SERiES FLOOR BOXES RFB2 series RFB2 Series Multiservice Steel Recessed Floor Box Accessories Ordering Information RFB2DP Internal Duplex Receptacle Bracket RFB2EXT Internal A/V Bracket Accepts standard 15A and 20A duplex receptacles. Accepts two (2) Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP series devices (sold separately). NOTE: For RFB2 Series Floor Boxes only.. NOTE: For RFB2 Series Floor Boxes only. RFB2B Internal Blank Bracket RFB2-AAP Plate used to close off unused gangs. Internal A/V Bracket Accepts two (2) Extron® Electronics AAP series devices (sold separately). NOTE: For RFB2 Series Floor Boxes only. NOTE: For RFB2 Series Floor Boxes only. RFB2GFI Internal GFI or Decorator Style Receptacle Bracket RFBKIT Barrier Kit Barrier kit used to separate power and communication wires in partition feed covers. supplied with base and three extensions to adjust to cover height. Kit should be used on RFB2, RFB2-OG, RFB2-ss, RFB4 and RFB4-ss Floor Boxes. Kits are sold separately. Accepts standard GFCI or Decorator style Receptacles, Communication or A/V Devices. NOTE: For RFB2 Series Floor Boxes only. RFB22AB Internal Communication Bracket FP-CTR Bare Concrete & Terrazzo Ring Includes two (2) adapters to accept wiremold CM2 series Open system communication inserts (sold separately). NOTE: For RFB2 Series Floor Boxes only. RFB2RT Internal Communication Bracket Includes two (2) adapters to accept Ortronics® TracJack devices, and two (2) adapters to accept Ortronics® series II devices (sold separately). FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS NOTE: For RFB2 Series Floor Boxes only. NOTE: All device plates and accessories shown on this page are made in the United States of America. 396 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD Nonmetallic ring for use on bare polished concrete and terrazzo floor applications. WIREMOLD RESOuRCE RFB® SERiES FLOOR BOXES RFB2 series FloorPort™ Series Flanged Cover Plates Ordering Information Floorport Part Number Configurator FP FloorPort series: FPCTC 7 3/4" [197mm] Top style: Cover Color: Blank Top = B Cutout Top = C Furniture Feed = FF Tile (flangeless) = T Tile/Carpet = TC (flanged) Brushed Aluminum Black Brass Bronze Gray Nickel Cutout Cover Assembly 6 1/2" [165mm] FPBTC 7 3/4" [197mm] Cover style: FPCTCBK, FPCTCBZ, FPCTCBS, FPCTCNK, FPCTCGY, FPCTCAL Flanged cover for use in tile or carpet installation. Die-cast aluminum assembly available in black, bronze, brass, nickel, gray, or brushed aluminum. Insert in lid allows for carpet or tile cutouts to match finished floor. = = = = = = AL BK BS BZ GY NK FPFFTC 7 3/4" [197mm] Furniture Feed Cover Assembly 6 1/2" [165mm] Blank Cover Assembly 6 1/2" [165mm] FPBTCBK, FPBTCBZ, FPBTCBS, FPBTCNK, FPBTCGY, FPBTCAL Flanged cover for use in tile or carpet installation. Die-cast aluminum assembly available in black, bronze, brass, nickel, gray, or brushed aluminum. Lid area is flush with the finished floor, no cutouts provided. FPFFTCBK, FPFFTCBZ, FPFFTCBS, FPFFTCNK, FPFFTCGY, FPFFTCAL Flanged cover for use in tile or carpet installation. Die-cast aluminum assembly available in black, bronze, brass, nickel, gray, or brushed aluminum. Provided with one 1" trade size screw plug for power or communication type cabling and one combination 1 1/4" and 2" trade size screw plug for communication type cabling. Allows for feeding both power and communication cabling. FloorPort™ Series Flangeless Cover Assemblies Ordering Information 7 3/4" [197mm] FPBT 7 3/4" [197mm] Cutout Cover Assembly 6 1/2" [165mm] FPCTCBK, FPCTCBZ, FPCTCBS, FPCTCNK, FPCTCGY, FPCTCAL Flangeless cover for use in tile or carpet installations. Die-cast aluminum assembly available in black, bronze, brass, nickel, gray, or brushed aluminum. Insert in lid allows for carpet or tile cutouts to match finished floor. Blank Cover Assembly 6 1/2" [165mm] FPBTCBK, FPBTCBZ, FPBTCBS, FPBTCNK, FPBTCGY, FPBTCAL Flangeless cover for use in tile or carpet installation. Die-cast aluminum assembly available in black, bronze, brass, nickel, gray, or brushed aluminum. Lid area is flush with the finished floor, no cutouts provided. FPFFT 7 3/4" [197mm] Furniture Feed Cover Assembly 6 1/2" [165mm] FPFFTCBK, FPFFTCBZ, FPFFTCBS, FPFFTCNK, FPFFTCGY, FPFFTCAL Flangeless cover for use in tile or carpet installation. Die-cast aluminum assembly available in black, bronze, brass, nickel, gray, or brushed aluminum. Provided with one 1" trade size screw plug for power or communication type cabling and one combination 1 1/4" and 2" trade size screw plug for communication type cabling. Allows for feeding both power and communication cabling. FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS FPCT 397 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD RESOuRCE RFB® SERiES FLOOR BOXES RFB2 series North American Made FloorPort™ Series Flanged Cover Plates Ordering Information Floorport Part Number Configurator FP FloorPort series: Cover style: Top style: Cover Color: Blank Top = B Cutout Top = C Furniture Feed = FF Tile (flangeless) = T Tile/Carpet = TC (flanged) Nickel Brass Black Bronze Gray FPCTC-NA Cutout Cover Assembly = = = = = Origin: NK BS BK BZ GY FPFFTC North American Made NA Furniture Feed Cover Assembly FPCTCBK-NA, FPCTCBZ-NA, FPCTCBS-NA, FPCTCNK-NA, FPCTCGY-NA 7 3/4" [197mm] 6 1/2" [165mm] FPBTC-NA Flanged cover for use in tile or carpet installation. Die-cast aluminum assembly available in black, bronze, brass, nickel, gray, or brushed aluminum. Insert in lid allows for carpet or tile cutouts to match finished floor. 6 1/2" [165mm] 7 3/4" [197mm] 6 1/2" [165mm] Blank Cover Assembly FPBTCBK-NA, FPBTCBZ-NA, FPBTCBS-NA, FPBTCNK-NA, FPBTCGY-NA 7 3/4" [197mm] FPFFTCBK, FPFFTCBZ, FPFFTCBS, FPFFTCNK, FPFFTCGY, FPFFTCAL Flanged cover for use in tile or carpet installation. Die-cast aluminum assembly available in black, bronze, brass, nickel, gray, or brushed aluminum. Lid area is flush with the finished floor, no cutouts provided. Flanged cover for use in tile or carpet installation. Die-cast aluminum assembly available in black, bronze, brass, nickel, gray, or brushed aluminum. Provided with one 1" trade size screw plug for power or communication type cabling and one combination 1 1/4" and 2" trade size screw plug for communication type cabling. Allows for feeding both power and communication cabling. Load Capacities for FloorPort™ Cover Assemblies CATALOG NuMBERs FPCTC MAXIMuM LOAD IN POuNDs 1000 FPBTC 750 FPFFT 1000 FPBT 750 FPCT 1000 FPFF 1000 FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS NOTE: Load applied through a 2" [51mm] mandrel in center of service fitting. Loads above are static loads only and do not pertain to rolling loads. 398 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD RESOuRCE RFB® SERiES FLOOR BOXES RFB4 series RFB4 & RFB4-4DB Series Multiservice Steel Recessed Floor Boxes Ordering Information RFB4 RFB4-4DB Four-Compartment Box With Four Duplex Receptacle Brackets Four-Compartment Combination Box 12 3/4" x 10" x 3 7/16" [324mm x 254mm x 87mm]. Fully adjustable with tunnel compartment and two receptacle brackets. Tunneling from end power compartment to end power compartment only. Communication brackets not included. All boxes and covers are sold separately. NOTE: Only for use in concrete floors. 10" [254mm] Includes four duplex receptacle brackets. 12 3/4" x 10" x 3 7/16" [324mm x 254mm x 87mm]. Fully adjustable. Tunneling from adjacent or opposite compartments only, (not cross compartments). Tunneling can be set to feed all four compartments from one conduit in a single-service application. All boxes and covers are sold separately. NOTE: Only for use in concrete floors. 5 7/8" [149mm] 10" [254mm] 4 3/4" [121mm] 12 3/4" [254mm] 12 3/4" [324mm] 3 7/16" [87mm] 3 7/16" [87mm] NOTE: All boxes and activations are sold separately. Resource RFB4 & RFB4-4DB Series Floor Boxes Compartment Capacities, Knockout Locations & Sizes Knockout Locations & Sizes Compartment Capacities 3/4" [19.1mm] Power or Data (RFB4* Data Only) 16.4 cu in. [269 ml] 3/4" [19.1mm] Feed Through Direction Power or Data 50.0 cu in. [820 ml] Power or Data 32.3 cu in. [529 ml] 1 1/4" [32mm] 1 1/4" [32mm] 1" [25mm] 1 1/4" [32mm] 1 1/4" [32mm] 1/2" [12.7mm] 1" [25mm] 3/4" [19.1mm] Feed Through Direction 3/4" [19.1mm] No feed through to opposite data compartment on RFB4. 1 1/4" [32mm] 3/4" [19.1mm] 3/4" [19.1mm] 1" [25mm] 1 1/4" [32mm] Indicates Bottom KO. FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS Power or Data (RFB4* Data Only) 16.4 cu in. [269 ml] 399 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD RESOuRCE RFB® SERiES FLOOR BOXES RFB4 series Resource RFB4 & RFB4-4DB Series Multiservice Steel Recessed Floor Box Accessories Ordering Information RFB-B Internal Blank Bracket DTB-2-2RT Communication Bracket Power compartments only. used to close off unused gangs. Ortronics® AB2TJ TracJack and ABs2 series II adapters included. NOTE: For RFB4 only. NOTE: For RFB4 only. DTB-2-DECORA RFB-DR Internal Duplex Bracket Decorator style opening for decorator style 106 adapter. Accepts standard 15A and 20A duplex receptacles. NOTE: For RFB4 only. RFB-GFI NOTE: For RFB4 only. DTB-2-AAP NOTE: For RFB4 only. DTB-2-4TKO NOTE: For RFB4 only. RFB4-LPB NOTE: For RFB4 only. Opening dimension is 9/16" x 3/4" [14.3mm x 19.1mm]. DTB-2-DT Communication Bracket with one (1) IBM Type II opening and one (1) keystone opening (devices not included). NOTE: For RFB4 only. RFB4-LPBS2 NOTE: For RFB4 only. Communication Bracket Ortronics® series II low profile adapter included. DTB-2-SD Communication Bracket with duplex opening for use with 106 adapter (sold separately, devices not included). NOTE: For RFB4 only. FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS Communication Bracket Four (4) RJ keystone opening knockouts. use as blank plate or for up to four (4) RJ openings. Communication Bracket Activate™ low profile adapter included. wiremold CM series Open system inserts sold separately. Internal A/V Bracket Accepts two (2) Extron® Electronics AAP devices (sold separately). Internal GFI Bracket Accepts standard GFCI or Decorator style receptacles, Communication or A/V Devices. Communication Bracket NOTE: For RFB4 only. DTB-2-2AB Communication Bracket Two (2) 2A size adapters included. wiremold CM2 series Open system inserts, sold separately. NOTE: For RFB4 only. DTB-2-EXT Internal A/V Bracket Accepts two (2) Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP devices (sold separately). NOTE: For RFB4 only. 400 NOTE: Additional configurations available. Please consult your local Sales Representative for more information. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD RESOuRCE RFB® SERiES FLOOR BOXES RFB4 series RFB4 & RFB4-4DB Series Multiservice Steel Recessed Floor Box Accessories Ordering Information RFB-GFI-4DB Internal GFCI Bracket WTB-AAP Accepts standard GFCI or Decorator style receptacles, communications or A/V devices. Internal A/V Bracket Accepts two (2) Extron® Electronics AAP series devices (sold separately). NOTE: For RFB4-4DB only. NOTE: For RFB4-4DB only. RFB-WTB WTB-2-AB Conversion Kit WTB-MAAP To convert RFB4 Box to an RFB4-4DB Box. Accepts two (2) Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP series devices (sold separately). NOTE: For RFB4-4DB only. NOTE: For RFB4-4DB only. Communication Bracket FP-CTR NOTE: For RFB4-4DB only. Communication Bracket Ortronics® AB2TJ TracJack and ABs2 series II adapters included. RFBKIT Barrier Kit Barrier kit used to separate power and communication wires in partition feed covers. supplied with base and three extensions to adjust to cover height. Kit should be used on RFB2, RFB2OG, RFB2-ss, RFB4 and RFB4-ss Floor Boxes. Kits are sold separately. FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS NOTE: For RFB4-4DB only. Bare Concrete & Terrazzo Ring Nonmetallic ring for use on bare polished concrete and terrazzo floor applications. One (1) 2A adapter included. wiremold CM2 series Open system inserts sold separately. WTB-2-RT Internal A/V Bracket NOTE: Additional configurations available. Please consult your local Sales Representative for more information. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 401 WIREMOLD RESOuRCE RFB® SERiES FLOOR BOXES RFB4 series RFB4-CI-1 Series Multiservice Cast Iron Recessed Floor Boxes Ordering Information RFB4-CI-1 Four-Compartment Cast Iron Combination Box 14 1/2" L x 11 7/8" w x 3 7/16" D [368mm x 302mm x 87mm]. Fully adjustable with tunnel compartment and two receptacle brackets. Feed through from adjacent or opposite compartments only, (not cross compartments). Communication brackets not included. All boxes and activations are sold separately. NOTE: Only for use in concrete floors. All boxes and activations are sold separately. 5/8" 11 7/8" [302mm] 5 1/8" [130mm] RFB4-CI-1 North American Made Four-Compartment Cast Iron Combination Box 14 1/2" L x 11 7/8" w x 3 7/16" D [368mm x 302mm x 87mm]. Fully adjustable with tunnel compartment and two receptacle brackets. Feed through from adjacent or opposite compartments only, (not cross compartments). Communication brackets not included. All boxes and activations are sold separately. NOTE: Only for use in concrete floors. All boxes and activations are sold separately. 5/8" 11 7/8" [302mm] 5 1/8" [130mm] [17mm] 5 1/8" [130mm] 5 1/8" [130mm] 3 7/16" [87mm] 14 1/2" [368mm] [17mm] 3 7/16" [87mm] 14 1/2" [368mm] RFB4-CI-1 Series Multiservice Cast Iron Recessed Floor Boxes Compartment Capacities, Knockout Locations and Sizes Compartment Capacities Knockout Locations & Sizes 1" [25mm] Power or Data 27.0 cu in. [443 ml] 1 1/4" [32mm] Power or Data 36.0 cu in. [590 ml] 1 1/4" [32mm] Power or Data 36.0 cu in. [590 ml] 1" [25mm] 1" [25mm] Power or Data 27.0 cu in. [443 ml] 1 1/4" [32mm] 1 1/4" [32mm] 1" [25mm] RFB4-C1-1 Series Multiservice Cast Iron Recessed Floor Box Accessories Ordering Information FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS CIHT-D Internal Duplex Receptacle Bracket CIHT-GFI Accepts standard 15 Amp and 20 Amp Duplex Receptacles. CIH/LT-B Internal Blank Bracket used to close off unused gangs. 402 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD Internal GFI Bracket Accepts standard GFCI or Decorator style Receptacles, Communication or A/V Devices. CILT-2AB Communication Bracket Communication bracket with two (2) 2A size Activate™ adapters included. Accepts wiremold CM2 series Open system communication modules (sold separately). WIREMOLD RESOuRCE RFB® SERiES FLOOR BOXES RFB4 series RFB4-C1-1 Series Multiservice Cast Iron Recessed Floor Box Accessories Ordering Information (continued) CILT-2-RT Communication Bracket RFBCIKIT Barrier Kit Barrier kit used with RFB4-CI floor boxes. Kits are sold separately. Communication bracket with Ortronics® AB2TJ TracJack and ABs2 series II adapters included. Accepts Ortronics® workstation connectivity outlets and modular inserts. CILT-4TKO Communication Bracket FP-CTR Bare Concrete & Terrazzo Ring Communication bracket with four (4) RJ opening knockouts. use as blank plate or for up to four RJ openings. Nonmetallic ring for use on bare polished concrete and terrazzo floor applications. NOTE: Opening dimension is 9/16" x 3/4" [14.3mm x 19.1mm] NOTE: Additional configurations available. Please consult your local Sales Representative for more information. RF4B-SS Multiservice Shallow Steel Recessed Floor Boxes Ordering Information RFB4-SS Four-Compartment Shallow Stamped Steel Combination Box 13 5/8" L x 10" w x 2 7/16" D [346mm x 254mm x 62mm]. Fully adjustable with tunnel compartment and two (2) receptacle brackets. Feed through tunneling to adjacent compartments only. Tunneling can be set to feed all four compartments from one conduit in a single-service application. Communication brackets not included. All boxes and activations are sold separately. 10" [254mm] 5 7/8" [149mm] NOTE: Only for use in concrete floors. All boxes and activations are sold separately. 4 3/4" [121mm] 2 7/16" [62mm] 13 5/8" [346mm] RFB4-SS Series Multiservice Shallow Steel Recessed Floor Boxes Compartment Capacities, Knockout Locations and Sizes Knockout Locations & Sizes Power or Data 15.7 cu. in. [257 ml] Power or Data 31.2 cu in. [511 ml] 3/4" [19.1mm] 1" [25mm] Power or Data 31.2 cu in. [511 ml] 1" [25mm] 1" [25mm] 3/4" [19.1mm] 3/4" [19.1mm] 3/4" [19.1mm] 3/4" [19.1mm] 1" [25mm] Power or Data 15.7 cu in. [257 ml] 1" [25mm] 1/2" [12.7mm] 1/2" [12.7mm] 1" [25mm] 1" [25mm] 3/4" [19.1mm] 1" [25mm] FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS Compartment Capacities Indicates Bottom KO 403 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD RESOuRCE RFB® SERiES FLOOR BOXES RFB4 series RFB4-SS Multiservice Shallow Steel Floor Box Accessories Ordering Information RFB-B-SS Internal Blank Bracket RFB-4TKO-SS used to close off unused gangs. Internal Bracket Four (4) RJ keystone opening knockouts. use as blank plate or for up to four RJ openings. NOTE: Opening dimension is 9/16" x 3/4" [14.3mm x 19.1mm] RFB-RB-SS Internal Duplex Receptacle Bracket RFB4-SS-AAP Internal A/V Bracket Accepts two (2) Extron® Electronics AAP series devices (sold separately). Accepts standard 15A and 20A duplex receptacles. NOTE: For RFB4-SS Series Floor Boxes only. RFB4-SS-MAAP RFB-GFI-SS RFB-2AB-SS Accepts two (2) Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP series devices (sold separately). Internal GFI Bracket Accepts standard GFCI & Decorator style receptacles, Communication or A/V devices. NOTE: For RFB4-SS Series Floor Boxes only. RFBKIT FP-CTR Communication Bracket Ortronics AB2TJ TracJack and ABs2 series II adapters included. Bare Concrete & Terrazzo Ring Nonmetallic ring for use on bare polished concrete and terrazzo floor applications. FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS ® Barrier Kit Barrier kit used to separate power and communication wires in partition feed covers. supplied with base and three extensions to adjust to cover height. Kit should be used on RFB2, RFB2-OG, RFB2-ss, RFB4 and RFB4-ss Floor Boxes. Kits are sold separately. Internal Bracket Two Pass & seymour® Activate™ adapters included. wiremold CM series Open system inserts (sold separately). RFB-2-SSRT NOTE: Additional configurations available. Please consult your local Sales Representative for more information. 404 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD Internal A/V Bracket WIREMOLD RESOuRCE RFB® SERiES FLOOR BOXES RFB4 series FloorPort™ Series Flanged Cover Plates Ordering Information Floorport Part Number Configurator FP FloorPort series: FPCTC 7 3/4" [197mm] Top style: Cover Color: Blank Top = B Cutout Top = C Furniture Feed = FF Tile (flangeless) = T Tile/Carpet = TC (flanged) Brushed Aluminum Black Brass Bronze Gray Nickel Cutout Cover Assembly 6 1/2" [165mm] FPBTC 7 3/4" [197mm] Cover style: FPCTCBK, FPCTCBZ, FPCTCBS, FPCTCNK, FPCTCGY, FPCTCAL Flanged cover for use in tile or carpet installation. Die-cast aluminum assembly available in black, bronze, brass, nickel, gray, or brushed aluminum. Insert in lid allows for carpet or tile cutouts to match finished floor. = = = = = = AL BK BS BZ GY NK FPFFTC 7 3/4" [197mm] Furniture Feed Cover Assembly 6 1/2" [165mm] Blank Cover Assembly 6 1/2" [165mm] FPFFTCBK, FPFFTCBZ, FPFFTCBS, FPFFTCNK, FPFFTCGY, FPFFTCAL Flanged cover for use in tile or carpet installation. Die-cast aluminum assembly available in black, bronze, brass, nickel, gray, or brushed aluminum. Provided with one 1" trade size screw plug for power or communication type cabling and one combination 1 1/4" and 2" trade size screw plug for communication type cabling. Allows for feeding both power and communication cabling. FPBTCBK, FPBTCBZ, FPBTCBS, FPBTCNK, FPBTCGY, FPBTCAL Flanged cover for use in tile or carpet installation. Die-cast aluminum assembly available in black, bronze, brass, nickel, gray, or brushed aluminum. Lid area is flush with the finished floor, no cutouts provided. FloorPort™ Series Flangeless Cover Assemblies Ordering Information 7 3/4" [197mm] FPBT 7 3/4" [197mm] Cutout Cover Assembly 6 1/2" [165mm] FPCTCBK, FPCTCBZ, FPCTCBS, FPCTCNK, FPCTCGY, FPCTCAL Flangeless cover for use in tile or carpet installations. Die-cast aluminum assembly available in black, bronze, brass, nickel, gray, or brushed aluminum. Insert in lid allows for carpet or tile cutouts to match finished floor. Blank Cover Assembly 6 1/2" [165mm] FPBTCBK, FPBTCBZ, FPBTCBS, FPBTCNK, FPBTCGY, FPBTCAL Flangeless cover for use in tile or carpet installation. Die-cast aluminum assembly available in black, bronze, brass, nickel, gray, or brushed aluminum. Lid area is flush with the finished floor, no cutouts provided. FPFFT 7 3/4" [197mm] Furniture Feed Cover Assembly 6 1/2" [165mm] FPFFTCBK, FPFFTCBZ, FPFFTCBS, FPFFTCNK, FPFFTCGY, FPFFTCAL Flangeless cover for use in tile or carpet installation. Die-cast aluminum assembly available in black, bronze, brass, nickel, gray, or brushed aluminum. Provided with one 1" trade size screw plug for power or communication type cabling and one combination 1 1/4" and 2" trade size screw plug for communication type cabling. Allows for feeding both power and communication cabling. FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS FPCT 405 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD RESOuRCE RFB® SERiES FLOOR BOXES RFB4 series North American Made FloorPort™ Series Flanged Cover Plates Ordering Information Floorport Part Number Configurator FP FloorPort series: Cover style: Top style: Cover Color: Blank Top = B Cutout Top = C Furniture Feed = FF Tile (flangeless) = T Tile/Carpet = TC (flanged) Nickel Brass Black Bronze Gray FPCTC-NA Cutout Cover Assembly = = = = = Origin: NK BS BK BZ GY FPFFTC North American Made NA Furniture Feed Cover Assembly FPCTCBK-NA, FPCTCBZ-NA, FPCTCBS-NA, FPCTCNK-NA, FPCTCGY-NA 7 3/4" [197mm] 6 1/2" [165mm] FPBTC-NA Flanged cover for use in tile or carpet installation. Die-cast aluminum assembly available in black, bronze, brass, nickel, gray, or brushed aluminum. Insert in lid allows for carpet or tile cutouts to match finished floor. FPFFTCBK, FPFFTCBZ, FPFFTCBS, FPFFTCNK, FPFFTCGY, FPFFTCAL 7 3/4" [197mm] 6 1/2" [165mm] Blank Cover Assembly FPBTCBK-NA, FPBTCBZ-NA, FPBTCBS-NA, FPBTCNK-NA, FPBTCGY-NA 7 3/4" [197mm] 6 1/2" [165mm] Flanged cover for use in tile or carpet installation. Die-cast aluminum assembly available in black, bronze, brass, nickel, gray, or brushed aluminum. Lid area is flush with the finished floor, no cutouts provided. Flanged cover for use in tile or carpet installation. Die-cast aluminum assembly available in black, bronze, brass, nickel, gray, or brushed aluminum. Provided with one 1" trade size screw plug for power or communication type cabling and one combination 1 1/4" and 2" trade size screw plug for communication type cabling. Allows for feeding both power and communication cabling. Load Capacities for FloorPort™ Cover Assemblies CATALOG NuMBERs FPCTC MAXIMuM LOAD IN POuNDs 1000 FPBTC 750 FPFFT 1000 FPBT 750 FPCT 1000 FPFF 1000 FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS NOTE: Load applied through a 2" [51mm] mandrel in center of service fitting. Loads above are static loads only and do not pertain to rolling loads. 406 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD RESOuRCE RFB® SERiES FLOOR BOXES RFB4 series RFB4E Series Multiservice Steel Recessed Floor Boxes Ordering Information RFB4E 13 1/8" [334mm] 1 13/32" [36mm] 13 1/8" [334mm] RFB4E-OG Four-Compartment Box 4 1/16" [103mm] For use in concrete floors. For use with round Evolution series™ covers. Fully adjustable with tunnel compartments. Device plates sold separately Four-Compartment On-Grade Box For use in concrete floors. For use in on-grade concrete floors. For use with round Evolution series™ covers. Fully adjustable with tunnel compartments. Device plates sold separately. 13 1/8" [334mm] 1 13/32" [36mm] 4 1/16" [103mm] 13 1/8" [334mm] RFB4E Series Multiservice Steel Recessed Floor Boxes Compartment Capacities, Knockout Locations & Sizes Compartment Capacities Knockout Locations & Sizes Four Compartments: (A, B, C, D) Each Compartment Capacity: 75.0in3 [1230ml] 3/4" Trade Size 1 1/4" Trade Size 1" Trade Size 3/4" Trade Size 1 1/4" Trade Size 2" Trade Size B A 3/4" Trade Size 1 1/4" Trade Size 1 1/4" Trade Size 1" Trade Size 3/4" Trade Size 1" Trade Size 1" Trade Size D C 1 1/4" Trade Size 1" Trade Size 3/4" Trade Size Removable Plate with 1" trade Size KO 1" Trade Size 1 1/4" Trade Size 3/4" Trade Size FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS Removable Plate with 1" trade Size KO 2" Trade Size 407 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD RESOuRCE RFB® SERiES FLOOR BOXES RFB4 series RFB4E & RB6 Series Multiservice Steel Recessed Floor Box Accessories Ordering Information RFB4EKIT Barrier Kit RFB6RT Internal Communication Bracket used to separate power and communication services in combination with a 6CFFTC Furniture Feed Cover (sold separately) Includes one (1) adapter to accept Ortronics® TracJack devices, and one (1) adapter to accept Ortronics series II devices (sold separately). NOTE: For RFB4E, RFB6 & RFB6E Series Floor Boxes only. RFB6DP RFB6B Internal Duplex Receptacle Bracket RFB6EXT Internal A/V Bracket Accepts standard 15A and 20A duplex receptacles. Accepts three (3) Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP series devices (sold separately). NOTE: For RFB4E, RFB6 & RFB6E Series Floor Boxes only. NOTE: For RFB4E, RFB6 & RFB6E Series Floor Boxes only. Internal Blank Bracket RFB62A Internal Communication Bracket Closed off unused gangs. Included two (2) adapter to accept wiremold CM2 series Open system communication inserts (sold separately). NOTE: For RFB4E, RFB6 & RFB6E Series Floor Boxes only. NOTE: For RFB4E, RFB6 & RFB6E Series Floor Boxes only. RFB6GFI Internal GFI or Decorator Style Receptacle Bracket RFB6S1 RFB6-AAP Accepts standard GFCI and Decorator style receptacles, communication or A/V devices. Accepts two (2) Extron® Electronics AAP series devices (sold separately). NOTE: For RFB4E, RFB6 & RFB6E Series Floor Boxes only. NOTE: For RFB4E, RFB6 & RFB6E Series Floor Boxes only. Internal Single Receptacle Bracket Receptacle opening 1 3/8" [35mm]. RFB4E-CTR NOTE: For RFB4E, RFB6 & RFB6E Series Floor Boxes only. FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS Internal A/V Bracket Bare Concrete & Terrazzo Ring Nonmetallic ring for use with bare concrete and terrazzo floor applications. NOTE: Only for use on RFB4E and RFB4E-OG Floor Boxes. Designed to work with 6CT Series Covers only. RFB6S2 Internal Single Receptacle Bracket Receptacle opening 1 9/16" [40mm]. NOTE: For RFB4E, RFB6 & RFB6E Series Floor Boxes only. 408 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 2HUB 2" Conduit Transition Hub Trade size 2" die cast zinc conduit fitting allows for 2" conduit to transition into a shallow box design. Includes: die cast fitting, gasket, and mounting screws. WIREMOLD RESOuRCE RFB® SERiES FLOOR BOXES RFB4 series Evolution Series Cover Assemblies for RFB4E & RFB4E-0G Floor Boxes Ordering Information Surface Style Cover Assembly 7 1/4" [184mm] 6CT* 6CFFTC Die-cast aluminum cover assembly. Cover assembly is available in the following finishes: painted black (6CTCBK), painted gray (6CTCGY), nickel (6CTCNK), brass (6CTCBs), and bronze (6CTCBZ). 6CTC series cover assemblies designed for use with 6sTCP, 6sTC, and 6sTCPAV PokeThru stem Assemblies. Furniture Feed Cover Assembly 7 3/4" [197mm] Flush Style Cover Assembly 7 1/4" [184mm] Die-cast aluminum cover assembly. Cover assembly is available in the following finishes: painted black (6CTBK), painted gray (6CTGY), nickel (6CTNK), brass (6CTBs), and bronze (6CTBZ). 6CT series cover assemblies designed for use with 6sTCP, 6sTC, and 6sTCPAV PokeThru stem Assemblies. Includes one (1) 6Ts Tile shim. * Add suffix “TR” to the end of the part number to indicate tamper-resistant cover assembly. Tamper-resistant versions are secured with a single tamper-resistant screw. 6TS surface style, die-cast aluminum cover assembly, with one (1) 3/4" trade size screw plug opening, and one (1) concentric 2"-1 1/4" trade size screw plug opening. Cover assembly is available in the following powder coated finishes: black (6CFFTCBK), gray (6CFFTCGY), nickel (6CFFTCNK), brass (6CFFTCBs), and bronze (6CFFTCBZ). 6CFFTC series Cover Assemblies designed for use with 6sTC Poke-Thru stem Assembly. Includes one (1) 3/4" and one (1) 1" trade size conduit fittings and one (1) divider to separate devices. Tile Shim used for floor coverings greater than 5/16" [7.9mm]. The 6Ts will allow the top surface of the cover to be flush with the finished floor. Includes: six (6) 1/16" [1.6mm] thick shims. up to a total of 3/8" [9.5mm] of adjustment. FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS 6CTC* 409 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD RESOuRCE RFB® SERiES FLOOR BOXES RFB6 series RFB6 & RFB6E Multiservice Steel Recessed Floor Boxes Ordering Information RFB6 RFB6E Six-Compartment Box Six-Compartment Box 1 1/8" [28mm] 3/4" [19.1mm] 3 1/4" [83mm] 14" [355mm] For use in concrete floors. For use with round Evolution™ series covers. Fully adjustable with tunnel compartments. supplied with two (2) duplex mounting plates. Other plates sold separately. 14" [355mm] 14 5/8" [371mm] For use in either concrete or wood floors. Fully adjustable with tunnel compartment. supplied with two (2) duplex mounting plates, two (2) communication mounting plates (RFB62A), and (2) blank mounting plates. Other plates sold separately. RFB6-OG Six-Compartment On-Grade Box 14 5/8" [371mm] 4" [102mm] RFB6E-OG Six-Compartment On-Grade Box 1 1/8" [28mm] For use in concrete floors. For use with round Evolution™ series covers. Fully adjustable with tunnel compartments. supplied with two (2) duplex mounting plates. Other plates sold separately. 14" [355mm] 3/4" [19.1mm] 3 1/4" [83mm] 14" [355mm] 14 5/8" [371mm] 14 5/8" [371mm] 4" [102mm] For use in either concrete or wood floors. Fully adjustable with tunnel compartment. supplied with two (2) duplex mounting plates, two (2) communication mounting plates (RFB62A), and (2) blank mounting plates. Other plates sold separately. RFB6 & RFB6E Series Multiservice Steel Recessed Floor Boxes Compartment Capacities, Knockout Locations and Sizes Side Knockout Locations A B B Bottom Knockout Locations Compartment Wire and Communication Compacities A FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS A 410 A A C C C C A A A B B A B Compartment C Compartment D B B Compartment D Compartment C Compartment C A B KNOCKOUTS KNOCKOUTS A = Bottom KO 1 1/4" [32mm] B = Bottom KO 3/4" [19.1mm] www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD A Compartment C A = side KO 1 1/4" [32mm] B = side KO 1" [25mm] C = side KO 3/4" [19.1mm] Feed through is accomplished through removable plugs. B B A COMPARTMENT CAPACITIES C = Power or Data 52 in3 [852ml] D = Power or Data 23 in3 [376ml] WIREMOLD RESOuRCE RFB® SERiES FLOOR BOXES RFB6 series RFB6 & RFB6E Series Steel Recessed Floor Boxes Ordering Information RFB6DP Internal Duplex Receptacle Bracket RFB6RT Internal Communication Bracket Includes one (1) adapter to accept Ortronics® TracJack devices, and one (1) adapter to accept Ortronics series II devices (sold separately). Accepts standard 15A and 20A duplex receptacles. NOTE: For RFB4E, RFB6 and RFB6E Series Floor Boxes. RFB6B Internal Blank Bracket NOTE: For RFB4E, RFB6 and RFB6E Series Floor Boxes. RFB6EXT Closes off unused gangs. Internal A/V Bracket Accepts three (3) Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP series devices (sold separately). NOTE: For RFB4E, RFB6 and RFB6E Series Floor Boxes. NOTE: For RFB4E, RFB6 and RFB6E Series Floor Boxes. Internal GFI or Decorator Style Receptacle Bracket RFB62A Includes two (2) adapters to accept wiremold CM2 series Open system communication inserts (sold separately). Accepts standard GFCI and Decorator style receptacles, communication or A/V devices. NOTE: For RFB4E, RFB6 and RFB6E Series Floor Boxes. NOTE: For RFB4E, RFB6 and RFB6E Series Floor Boxes. RFB6S1 Internal Single Receptacle Bracket RFB6-AAP NOTE: For RFB4E, RFB6 and RFB6E Series Floor Boxes. Internal Single Receptacle Bracket Internal A/V Bracket Accepts two (2) Extron® Electronics AAP series devices (sold separately). Receptacle opening 1 3/8" [35mm]. RFB6S2 Internal Communication Bracket NOTE: For RFB4E, RFB6 and RFB6E Series Floor Boxes. RFB6E-CTR Bare Concrete & Terrazzo Ring Nonmetallic ring for use with bare concrete and terrazzo floor applications. Receptacle opening 1 9/16" [40mm]. NOTE: For RFB4E, RFB6 and RFB6E Series Floor Boxes. NOTE: For RFB4E, RFB6 and RFB6E Series Floor Boxes. Designed to work with 8CTC and 8CT Series Covers only. FP-CTR Bare Concrete & Terrazzo Ring Nonmetallic ring for use on bare polished concrete and terrazzo floor applications. NOTE: For RFB6 Series Floor Boxes. FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS RFB6GFI 411 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD RESOuRCE RFB® SERiES FLOOR BOXES RFB6 series Evolution Series Cover Assemblies for RFB6E & RFB6E-OG Floor Boxes Ordering Information 8CTC* Surface Style Cover Assembly 8TS Tile Shim Die-cast aluminum cover assembly. Cover assembly is available in the following finishes: painted black (8CTCBK), 9 1/4" painted gray (8CTCGY), nickel [235mm] (8CTCNK), brass (8CTCBs), and bronze (8CTCBZ). 8CTC series Cover Assemblies designed for use with 8sTC and 8sTCP Poke-Thru stem Assemblies. 8CT* used for floor coverings greater than 5/16" [7.9mm]. The 8Ts will allow the top surface of the cover to be flush with the finished floor. Includes: two (2) 1/8" [3.2mm] thick shims and two (2) 1/16" [1.6mm] thick shims. up to a total of 3/8" [9.5mm] of adjustment. Flush Style Cover Assembly Die-cast aluminum cover assembly. Cover assembly is available in the following finishes: painted black (8CTBK), painted gray (8CTGY), nickel 9 1/4" [235mm] (8CTNK), brass (8CTBs), and bronze (8CTBZ). 8CTC series Cover Assemblies designed for use with 8sTC and 8sTCP Poke-Thru stem Assemblies. Includes one (1) 8Ts Tile shim. FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS * Add suffix “TR” to the end of the part number to indicate tamper-resistant cover assembly. Tamper-resistant versions are secured with a single tamper-resistant screw. 412 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD Load Capacities for Evolution™ Series Cover Assemblies Catalog Numbers 6CT 6CTC 6CFFTC 8CT 8CTC Maximum Load in Pounds 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 NOTE: Load applied through a 1" mandrel in the center of cover assembly. NOTE: Loads above are static loads only and do not pertain to rolling loads. WIREMOLD RESOuRCE RFB® SERiES FLOOR BOXES RFB6 series FloorPort™ Series Flanged Cover Plates Ordering Information Floorport Part Number Configurator FP FloorPort series: FPCTC 7 3/4" [197mm] Top style: Cover Color: Blank Top = B Cutout Top = C Furniture Feed = FF Tile (flangeless) = T Tile/Carpet = TC (flanged) Brushed Aluminum Black Brass Bronze Gray Nickel Cutout Cover Assembly 6 1/2" [165mm] FPBTC 7 3/4" [197mm] Cover style: FPCTCBK, FPCTCBZ, FPCTCBS, FPCTCNK, FPCTCGY, FPCTCAL Flanged cover for use in tile or carpet installation. Die-cast aluminum assembly available in black, bronze, brass, nickel, gray, or brushed aluminum. Insert in lid allows for carpet or tile cutouts to match finished floor. = = = = = = AL BK BS BZ GY NK FPFFTC 7 3/4" [197mm] Furniture Feed Cover Assembly 6 1/2" [165mm] Blank Cover Assembly 6 1/2" [165mm] FPBTCBK, FPBTCBZ, FPBTCBS, FPBTCNK, FPBTCGY, FPBTCAL Flanged cover for use in tile or carpet installation. Die-cast aluminum assembly available in black, bronze, brass, nickel, gray, or brushed aluminum. Lid area is flush with the finished floor, no cutouts provided. FPFFTCBK, FPFFTCBZ, FPFFTCBS, FPFFTCNK, FPFFTCGY, FPFFTCAL Flanged cover for use in tile or carpet installation. Die-cast aluminum assembly available in black, bronze, brass, nickel, gray, or brushed aluminum. Provided with one 1" trade size screw plug for power or communication type cabling and one combination 1 1/4" and 2" trade size screw plug for communication type cabling. Allows for feeding both power and communication cabling. FloorPort™ Series Flangeless Cover Assemblies Ordering Information 7 3/4" [197mm] FPBT 7 3/4" [197mm] Cutout Cover Assembly 6 1/2" [165mm] FPCTCBK, FPCTCBZ, FPCTCBS, FPCTCNK, FPCTCGY, FPCTCAL Flangeless cover for use in tile or carpet installations. Die-cast aluminum assembly available in black, bronze, brass, nickel, gray, or brushed aluminum. Insert in lid allows for carpet or tile cutouts to match finished floor. Blank Cover Assembly 6 1/2" [165mm] FPBTCBK, FPBTCBZ, FPBTCBS, FPBTCNK, FPBTCGY, FPBTCAL Flangeless cover for use in tile or carpet installation. Die-cast aluminum assembly available in black, bronze, brass, nickel, gray, or brushed aluminum. Lid area is flush with the finished floor, no cutouts provided. FPFFT 7 3/4" [197mm] Furniture Feed Cover Assembly 6 1/2" [165mm] FPFFTCBK, FPFFTCBZ, FPFFTCBS, FPFFTCNK, FPFFTCGY, FPFFTCAL Flangeless cover for use in tile or carpet installation. Die-cast aluminum assembly available in black, bronze, brass, nickel, gray, or brushed aluminum. Provided with one 1" trade size screw plug for power or communication type cabling and one combination 1 1/4" and 2" trade size screw plug for communication type cabling. Allows for feeding both power and communication cabling. FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS FPCT 413 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD RESOuRCE RFB® SERiES FLOOR BOXES RFB6 series North American Made FloorPort™ Series Flanged Cover Plates Ordering Information Floorport Part Number Configurator FP FloorPort series: Cover style: Top style: Cover Color: Blank Top = B Cutout Top = C Furniture Feed = FF Tile (flangeless) = T Tile/Carpet = TC (flanged) Nickel Brass Black Bronze Gray FPCTC-NA Cutout Cover Assembly = = = = = Origin: NK BS BK BZ GY FPFFTC North American Made NA Furniture Feed Cover Assembly FPCTCBK-NA, FPCTCBZ-NA, FPCTCBS-NA, FPCTCNK-NA, FPCTCGY-NA 7 3/4" [197mm] 6 1/2" [165mm] FPBTC-NA Flanged cover for use in tile or carpet installation. Die-cast aluminum assembly available in black, bronze, brass, nickel, gray, or brushed aluminum. Insert in lid allows for carpet or tile cutouts to match finished floor. FPFFTCBK, FPFFTCBZ, FPFFTCBS, FPFFTCNK, FPFFTCGY, FPFFTCAL 7 3/4" [197mm] 6 1/2" [165mm] Blank Cover Assembly FPBTCBK-NA, FPBTCBZ-NA, FPBTCBS-NA, FPBTCNK-NA, FPBTCGY-NA 6 1/2" [165mm] Flanged cover for use in tile or carpet installation. Die-cast aluminum assembly available in black, bronze, brass, nickel, gray, or brushed aluminum. Lid area is flush with the finished floor, no cutouts provided. Load Capacities for FloorPort™ Cover Assemblies CATALOG NuMBERs FPCTC MAXIMuM LOAD IN POuNDs 1000 FPBTC 750 FPFFT 1000 FPBT 750 FPCT 1000 FPFF 1000 NOTE: Load applied through a 2" [51mm] mandrel in center of service fitting. Loads above are static loads only and do not pertain to rolling loads. FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS 7 3/4" [197mm] Flanged cover for use in tile or carpet installation. Die-cast aluminum assembly available in black, bronze, brass, nickel, gray, or brushed aluminum. Provided with one 1" trade size screw plug for power or communication type cabling and one combination 1 1/4" and 2" trade size screw plug for communication type cabling. Allows for feeding both power and communication cabling. 414 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD RESOuRCE RFB® SERiES FLOOR BOXES RFB9/RFB11 series RFB9/RFB11 Series Floor Boxes Ordering Information RFB11 Combination 3/4" & 1" concentric trade size KO 1-gang 35 cu. in. [574ml] Four-Compartment Eleven-Gang Floor Box Combination (2) 1 1/4" & 2" concentric trade size KO 3-gang 84 cu. in. [1377ml] Adjustable before concrete pour. Provided with mudcap to prevent entry of concrete during pour. Cover assembly and device plates sold separately. For use on bare concrete, tile, terrazzo, carpe and wood covered floors. Combination (2) 3/4" & 1" concentric trade size KO NOTE: When used on bare concrete floor applications, RFB119-PAN must be installed before concrete pour. RFB119-PAN sold separately. Caution: When used on terrazzo covered floors with a thickness of 1/4" [6.4mm] or greater, mudcap catalog number #RFB119-PAN must be used and ordered separately. 12 5/8" [321mm] Combination (5) 1 1/4" & 2" concentric trade size KO Combination (2) 1" & 1 1/4" concentric trade size KO 14 3/4" [356mm] Combination (3) 1 1/4" & 2" concentric trade size KO 6-gang 132 cu. in. [2163ml] 6 1/8" [156mm] Combination 3/4" & 1" concentric trade size KO 1-gang 35 cu. in. [574ml] RFB11-OG Four-Compartment Eleven-Gang On-Grade Floor Box Combination (2) 1 1/4" & 2" concentric trade size KO 3-gang 84 cu. in. [1377ml] Adjustable before concrete pour. Provided with mudcap to prevent entry of concrete during pour. Cover assembly and device plates sold separately. For use on bare concrete, tile, terrazzo, carpet and wood covered floors. Combination (2) 3/4" & 1" concentric trade size KO NOTE: When used on bare concrete floor applications, RFB119-PAN must be installed before concrete pour. RFB119-PAN sold separately. NOTE: RFB11-OG for on-grade applications is painted with fusion-bonded epoxy designed for use on metal reinforcement bar and related accessories before encapsulating in concrete. Caution: When used on terrazzo covered floors with a thickness of 1/4" [6.4mm] or greater, mudcap catalog number #RFB119-PAN must be used and ordered separately. Combination (2) 1" & 1 1/4" concentric trade size KO Combination (5) 1 1/4" & 2" concentric trade size KO Combination (3) 1 1/4" & 2" concentric trade size KO 6-gang 132 cu. in. [2163ml] 14 3/4" [356mm] 6 1/8" [156mm] NOTE: RFB11 and RFB9 will also accept industry standard and standard sectional device plates from most manufacturers. FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS 12 5/8" [321mm] 415 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD RESOuRCE RFB® SERiES FLOOR BOXES RFB9/RFB11 series RFB9/RFB11 Series Floor Boxes Ordering Information (continued) RFB9 Four-Compartment Nine-Gang Floor Box 12 5/8" [321mm] 14 3/4" [356mm] 4 1/8" [105mm] Knockouts: Adjustable before concrete pour. Provided with mudcap to prevent entry of concrete during pour. Cover assembly and device plates sold separately. For use on bare concrete, tile, terrazzo, carpet and wood covered floors. Combination 3/4" & 1" concentric trade size KO 1-gang 43 cu. in. [705ml] Combination 1" & 1 1/4" concentric trade size KO 1-gang 43 cu. in. [705ml] Combination (2) 3/4" & 1" concentric trade size KO NOTE: When used on bare concrete floor applications, RFB119-PAN must be installed before concrete pour. RFB119-PAN sold separately. Caution: When used on terrazzo covered floors with a thickness of 1/4" [6.4mm] or greater. RFB119-PAN must be used and ordered separately. Combination (4) 1" & 1 1/4" concentric trade size KO Combination (2) 1" & 1 1/4" concentric trade size KO RFB9-OG Combination (3) 1" & 1 1/4" concentric trade size KO 6-gang 132 cu. in. [2163ml] Four-Compartment Nine-Gang on-Grade Floor Box 12 5/8" [321mm] 14 3/4" [356mm] 4 1/8" [105mm] Four-compartment, 9-gang floor box. Adjustable before concrete pour. Provided with mudcap to prevent entry of concrete during pour. Cover assembly and device plates sold separately. For use on tile, terrazzo, carpet and wood covered floors. NOTE: RFB9-OG for on-grade applications is painted with fusion-bonded epoxy designed for use on metal reinforcement bar and related accessories before encapsulating in concrete. NOTE: RFB11 and RFB9 will also accept industry standard and standard sectional device plates from most manufacturers. Caution: When used on terrazzo covered floors with a thickness of 1/4" [6.4mm] or greater, mudcap catalog number #RFB119-PAN must be used and ordered separately. NOTE: When used on bare concrete floor applications, RFB119-PAN must be installed before concrete pour. RFB119-PAN sold separately. RFB9/RFB11 Series Floor Box Accessories Ordering Information RFB119CTC Carpet Cover Assembly 12 1/2" [317mm] FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS 10 11/16" [272mm] RFB119CTCAL, RFB119CTCBK, RFB119CTCGY Cast aluminum cover assembly available in brushed aluminum, painted black, and gray. Provided with carpet cut-out area. Maximum load capacity 1,500 lbs. uL Listed to u.s. and Canadian safety standards to meet uL requirements under uL514A for scrub water exclusion. RFB119BTC Flush Tile or Carpet Cover Assembly 12 1/2" [317mm] 10 11/16" [272mm] RFB119BTCAL, RFB119BTCBK, RFB119BTCGY Flush with floor, cast aluminum cover assembly available in brushed aluminum, black, and gray. Maximum load capacity 3,000 lbs. uL Listed to u.s. and Canadian safety standards to meet uL requirements under uL514A for scrub water exclusion. NOTE: For bare concrete or terrazzo applications. Cover must be used in conjunction with RB119-PAN. RFB119-PAN must be attached to the box prior to concrete or terrazzo pour. 416 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD RESOuRCE RFB® SERiES FLOOR BOXES RFB9/RFB11 series RFB9/RFB11 Series Floor Box Accessories Ordering Information (continued) RFB119-PAN RFB119-TS Mudcap for Terrazzo Floor Applications when used on bare concrete and terrazzo-covered floors with a thickness of 1/4" [6.35mm] or greater, this mudcap must be used. The RFB119-PAN must be ordered separately. Tile Spacer used for floor coverings greater than 1/4" [6.35mm]. use one spacer for 3/8" [9.53mm] thick tile. use two spacers for 1/2" [12.70mm] thick tile. The RFB119-Ts will allow the top surface of the cover assembly to be flush with 3/8" [9.53mm] to 1/2" [12.70mm] floor coverings. NOTE: Must be used with RFB119-TS (Tile Spacer, see below) for terrazzo heights greater than 1/4" [6.35mm]. Use one spacer for 3/8" [9.54mm] thick tile Use two spacers for 1/2" [12.70mm] thick tile. RFB9/RFB11 Series Floor Boxes Installation Ordering Information Multi-Gang Mounting Brackets Used with Sectional Device Plates Cat. No. RFB119-SPACER Used to close gap on outside sectional device plate (6) 1-Gang Sectional Plates 1 13/16" x 4 1/2" [46mm x 114mm] RFB119-SPACER Multi-Gang Mounting Brackets Used with Standard Device Plates 3-Gang Standard Plate 6 3/8" x 4 1/2" [162mm x 114mm] 1-Gang Standard Plate 2 3/4" x 4 1/2" [70mm x 114mm] Existing opening when not covered with Cat. No. RFB119-SPACER Cat. No. RFB119-SPACER Used to close gap between standard single and multi-gang plates Cat. No. RFB119-SB Single-gang sectional blank plate (Mounted off-center) 2-gang standard plate 4 9/16" x 4 1/2" [116mm x 114mm] RFB9/RFB11 Series Floor Boxes Steel Sectional Device Plates Ordering Information One- and threegang blank device plates in sectional widths. RFB119-SB RFB119-2SB RFB119-SGFI RFB119-3SB GFI Receptacle Device Plate single-gang sectional (sGFI) width device plate. RFB119SD Duplex Receptacle Device Plate single-gang sectional (sD) width device plate. RFB119-SSR1, RFB119-SSR2 Single Receptacle Device Plate single-gang device plates in sectional widths. ssR1 has an opening of 1.39" and ssR2 has an opening of 1.59" [40.39mm]. RFB119-SSR1 RFB119-SSR2 NOTE: Sectional device plates allow for custom configuration of a multi-gang plate that conforms to the standard NEMA 1.812" (1 13/16") [46.02mm] center-to-center spacing. RFB11 and RFB9 will also accept industry standard and standard sectional device plates from most manufacturers. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS RFB119-SB, RFB119-2SB, RFB119-3SB Blank Device Plate 417 WIREMOLD RESOuRCE RFB® SERiES FLOOR BOXES RFB9/RFB11 series RFB9/RFB11 Series Floor Boxes Steel Sectional Device Plates Ordering Information (continued) RFB119-AAP RFB119-2SAB Device Plate Two-gang sectional device plate. Holds three (3) Extron® Electronics AAP devices. RFB119-SKO Combination 1/2" & 3/4" Trade Size Knockout Device Plate Communication Device Plate Available in two-gang sectional width. Provided with bezel to accept up to three (3) dual wiremold CM series Open system communication modules or Pass & seymour® Activate Connectivity system inserts. Modular inserts sold separately. RFB119-2SRT Communication Device Plate Available in two-gang sectional width. Provided with one opening to accept one Ortronics® TracJack bezel and one Ortronics® series II bezel. will accept up to six Ortronics® TracJack devices or up to three dual Ortronics® series II modular inserts. Modules sold separately. Available in sectional (sKO) width. RFB9/RFB11 Series Floor Boxes Steel Standard Device Plates Ordering Information RFB119-B, RFB119-3B, RFB119-SB Blank Device Plate RFB119-D, RFB119-3D Duplex Receptacle Device Plates One-, two- and three-gang blank device plates in sectional (sB) widths. RFB119-3B RFB119-SB RFB119-B RFB119-GFI, RFB119-3GFI GFI Receptacle Device Plates One- and three-gang device plates in standard (D) widths. RFB119-D RFB119-3D RFB119-SR1, RFB119-SR2, RFB119-SR3 Single Receptacle Device Plates FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS One- and three-gang device plates in standard (GFI) widths. 418 RFB119-GFI RFB119-3GFI RFB119-SR1 RFB119-SR2 RFB119-SR3 One-device plates in standard (sR) widths. sR1 has an opening of 1.39" [35.31mm]. sR2 has an opening of 1.59" [40.39mm]. sR3 has a 2.14" [54.36mm] opening. NOTE: Sectional device plates allow for custom configuration of a multi-gang plate that conforms to the standard NEMA 1.812" (1 13/16") [46.02mm] center-to-center spacing. RFB11 and RFB9 will also accept industry standard and standard sectional device plates from most manufacturers. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD RESOuRCE RFB® SERiES FLOOR BOXES RFB9/RFB11 series RFB9/RFB11 Series Floor Boxes Steel Standard Device Plates Ordering Information (continued) RFB119-MAAP Device Plate One-gang standard device plate. Holds four (4) Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP devices. RFB119-KO Combination 1/2" & 3/4" Trade Size Knockout Device Plates Available in standard (KO) widths. RFB119-RT Communication Device Plate Available in standard width. Provided with one opening to accept one Ortronics® TracJack bezel and one Ortronics® series II bezel. will accept up to six Ortronics® TracJack devices or up to three dual Ortronics® series II modular inserts. Modular inserts and devices sold separately. RFB119-XLR Microphone Device Plate Diameter 0.875" [22.2mm] Diameter 0.109" [2.8mm] Available in standard widths. Provided with double opening to accept two microphone devices. 1" [25.4mm] 0.375" [9.5mm] RFB119-AB Communication Device Plate RFB119-Spacer Spacer Plate used to close off openings when certain combinations of standard width device plates leave open spaces. Four (4) spacer plates are included with the RFB11 and two (2) with the RFB9. FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS Available in standard width. Provided with bezel to accept up to three (3) dual wiremold CM series Open system communication modules or Pass & seymour® Activate Connectivity system inserts. Modules and inserts sold separately. 0.750" [19.1mm] NOTE: Sectional device plates allow for custom configuration of a multi-gang plate that conforms to the standard NEMA 1.812" (1 13/16") [46.02mm] center-to-center spacing. RFB11 and RFB9 will also accept industry standard and standard sectional device plates from most manufacturers. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 419 WIREMOLD OMniBOX™ SERiES FLOOR BOXES OmniBox series™ Floor Boxes provide an excellent activation solution when multiple services are required in open space areas to meet the workstation needs of today’s applications. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Metallic Outlet Boxes: File E2961 Guide QCIT. FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS Meets Article 314.27(C) of NEC. COLOR OPTIONS OmniBox series™ Flanges Cover Plates are available in the these colors as indicated in the part number descriptions. Custom color options are also available. Consult the factory for more information. 420 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD OMniBOX™ SERiES FLOOR BOXES Omnibox Series Stamped Steel Floor BoxesTechnical Specifications CONDuIT OPENINGs COMPARTMENT CAPACITY ADJusTMENT BEFORE POuR ADJusTMENT AFTER POuR 880s1 (3)-1/2" [12.7mm], (5)-3/4" [19.1mm], (2)-1" [25mm] 53 cu in. [869ml3] 1 3/4" [44mm] 1/2" [12.7mm] 880s2 (4)-1/2" [12.7mm], (8)-3/4" [19.1mm], (4)-1" [25mm] 117 cu in. [1918ml3] 58 cu in. [951ml3] 59 cu in. [967ml3] 1 3/4" [44mm] 1/2" [12.7mm] 880s3 (5)-1/2" [12.7mm], (11)-3/4" [19.1mm], (6)-1" [25mm] 180 cu in. 58 cu in. 68 cu in. 56 cu in. [2950ml3] [951ml3] [1115ml3] [918ml3] 1 3/4" [44mm] 1/2" [12.7mm] CAT. NO. Omnibox Series Stamped Steel Floor Boxes Ordering Information 880S1 1-Gang Stamped Steel Floor Box Fully adjustable. 3 23/32" [94mm] Knockouts: Back 3/4" Trade Size 1/2" Trade Size 1" Trade Size 1/2" Trade Size Top Side Side 3 15/32" [88mm] 4 13/16" [122mm] 1/2" Trade Size 3/4" Trade Size Front 3/4" Trade Size 880S2 3/4" Trade Size 3/4" Trade Size 1" Trade Size 2-Gang Stamped Steel Floor Box Fully adjustable. 4 13/16" [122mm] Knockouts: Back 1/2" Trade Size 1" Trade Size 1" Trade Size 3/4" Trade Size Side 1/2" Trade Size Top 1" Trade Size Side 3 15/32" [88mm] 7 15/16" [202mm] 3/4" Trade Size 3/4" Trade Size Front 3/4" Trade Size 3/4" Trade Size 1" Trade Size 880S3 3-Gang Stamped Steel Floor Box Fully adjustable. 4 13/16" [122mm] 3 15/32" [88mm] Knockouts: 1" Trade Size 1" Trade Size Back 1/2" Trade Size Side 1/2" Trade Size 1" Trade Size 3/4" Trade Size Top Side 12" [305mm] 3/4" Trade Size 1" Trade Size Front 3/4" Trade Size 1/2" Trade Size 3/4" Trade Size www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS 1/2" Trade Size 3/4" Trade Size 421 WIREMOLD OMniBOX™ SERiES FLOOR BOXES Omnibox Series Shallow Stamped Steel Floor BoxesTechnical Specifications CONDuIT OPENINGs COMPARTMENT CAPACITY ADJusTMENT BEFORE POuR ADJusTMENT AFTER POuR 880M1 (5)-1/2" [12.7mm], (5)-3/4" [19.1mm] 37 cu in. [606ml3] 1 3/4" [44mm] 1/2" [12.7mm] 880M2 (8)-1/2" [12.7mm], (8)-3/4" [19.1mm] 80 cu in. [1311ml3] 40 cu in. [656ml3] 40 cu in. [656ml3] 1 3/4" [44mm] 1/2" [12.7mm] 880M3 (11)-1/2" [12.7mm], (11)-3/4" [19.1mm] [2065ml3] [639ml3] [787ml3] [639ml3] 1 3/4" [44mm] 1/2" [12.7mm] CAT. NO. 126 cu in. 39 cu in. 48 cu in. 39 cu in. Omnibox Series Shallow Stamped Steel Floor Boxes Ordering Information 880M1 1-Gang Shallow Stamped Steel Floor Box Fully adjustable. 3 23/32" [94mm] Knockouts: Back 3/4" Trade Size 1/2" Trade Size 3/4" Trade Size Side Top 3/4" Trade Size Side 2 15/32" [63mm] 4 13/16" [122mm] 3/4" Trade Size 1/2" Trade Size 1/2" Trade Size Front 1/2" Trade Size 1/2" Trade Size 3/4" Trade Size 880M2 2-Gang Shallow Stamped Steel Floor Box 4 13/16" [122mm] Fully adjustable. 7 15/16" [202mm] 2 15/32" [63mm] Knockouts: 1/2" Trade Size 3/4" Trade Size 3/4" Trade Size Top Side 1/2" Trade Size FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS Back 1/2" Trade Size 1/2" Trade Size Front Side 3/4" Trade Size 3/4" Trade Size 1/2" Trade Size 3/4" Trade Size 880M3 3-Gang Shallow Stamped Steel Floor Box Fully adjustable. 4 13/16" [122mm] Knockouts: 3/4" Trade Size 12" [305mm] 1/2" Trade Size Side Back 1/2" Trade Size 3/4" Trade Size Top Side 3/4" Trade Size 2 15/32" [63mm] 1/2" Trade Size 422 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 3/4" Trade Size Front 3/4" Trade Size 1/2" Trade Size WIREMOLD OMniBOX™ SERiES FLOOR BOXES Omnibox Series Cast Iron Floor Boxes Technical Specifications CAT. NO. CONDuIT OPENINGs COMPARTMENT CAPACITY ADJusTMENT BEFORE POuR ADJusTMENT AFTER POuR 880Cs1-1 (4)-1" [25mm] 48 cu in. [787ml3] 1 3/4" [44mm] 1/2" [12.7mm] 880Cs2-1 (6)-1" [25mm] 94 cu in. [1541ml3] 45 cu in. [738ml3] 49 cu in. [803ml3] 1 3/4" [44mm] 1/2" [12.7mm] 880Cs3-1 (8)-1" [25mm] [2622ml3] [869ml3] [885ml3] [869ml3] 1 3/4" [44mm] 1/2" [12.7mm] 160 cu in. 53 cu in. 54 cu in. 53 cu in. Omnibox Series Cast Iron Floor Boxes Ordering Information 880CS1-1 1-Gang Cast-Iron Floor Box Fully adjustable. 4 3/8" [111mm] Knockouts: Back 1" Conduit Thread Side 5 3/16" [132mm] 3 7/16" [87mm] Top Side 1" Conduit Thread 1" Conduit Thread Front 1" Conduit Thread 880CS2-1 2-Gang Cast-Iron Floor Box Fully adjustable. 5 3/16" [132mm] Knockouts: Back 1" Conduit Thread 1" Conduit Thread Side 8 1/2" [216mm] Top Side 3 7/16" [87mm] 1" Conduit Thread 1" Conduit Thread Front 880CS3-1 5 3/16" [132mm] 3-Gang Cast-Iron Floor Box Fully adjustable. Back Knockouts: 1" Conduit Thread Side 12 1/2" [318mm] 3 7/16" [87mm] Top Side 1" Conduit Thread 1" Conduit Thread 1" Conduit Thread FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS 1" Conduit Thread 1" Conduit Thread Front 423 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD OMniBOX™ SERiES FLOOR BOXES Omnibox Series Shallow Cast Iron Floor Boxes Technical Specifications CAT. NO. CONDuIT OPENINGs COMPARTMENT CAPACITY ADJusTMENT BEFORE POuR ADJusTMENT AFTER POuR 880CM1-1 (4)-1" [25mm] 34 cu in. [557ml3] 1 3/4" [44mm] 1/2" [12.7mm] 880CM2-1 (6)-1" [25mm] 76 cu in. [1246ml3] 36 cu in. [595ml3] 40 cu in. [656ml3] 1 3/4" [44mm] 1/2" [12.7mm] 880CM3-1 (8)-1" [25mm] [1934ml3] [639ml3] [656ml3] [639ml3] 1 3/4" [44mm] 1/2" [12.7mm] 118 cu in. 39 cu in. 40 cu in. 39 cu in. Omnibox Series Shallow Cast Iron Floor Boxes Ordering Information 880CM1-1 1-Gang Shallow Cast Iron Floor Box Fully adjustable. 4 3/8" [111mm] Knockouts: Back 1" Conduit Thread 5 3/16" [132mm] 2 7/16" [62mm] Side Top Side 1" Conduit Thread 1" Conduit Thread Front 1" Conduit Thread 880CM2-1 2-Gang Shallow Cast Iron Floor Box Fully adjustable. 5 3/16" [132mm] Knockouts: Back 1" Conduit Thread 1" Conduit Thread Top Side 8 1/2" [216mm] 2 7/16" [62mm] Side 1" Conduit Thread 1" Conduit Thread Front 1" Conduit Thread FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS 1" Conduit Thread 880CM3-1 5 3/16" [132mm] 3-Gang Shallow Cast Iron Floor Box Fully adjustable. Knockouts: Side 12 1/2" [318mm] 2 7/16" [62mm] Back Top 1" Conduit Thread www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD Side 1" Conduit Thread 1" Conduit Thread Front 424 1" Conduit Thread WIREMOLD OMniBOX™ SERiES FLOOR BOXES Omnibox Series Solid Brass Floor Boxes Cover Plate Flanges Ordering Information 817B 6.080" [154.4mm] 827B 6.080" [154.4mm] 837B 6.080" [154.4mm] 817C 1-Gang Brass Combination Carpet & Tile Flange 5.060" [128.5mm] Accepts Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters and wiremold CM series inserts, sold separately. 2-Gang Brass Combination Carpet & Tile Flange 5.060" [128.5mm] Accepts Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters and wiremold CM series inserts, sold separately. 3-Gang Brass Combination Carpet & Tile Flange 837C 817T 1-Gang Brass Tile Flange 4.524" [107mm] 827T 3.48" [88.4mm] 2-Gang Brass Tile Flange For use on 880s2, 880M2, 880Cs2-1, and 880CM2-1 Floor Boxes. 837T 7.624" [193.7mm] 3-Gang Brass Tile Flange For use on 880s3, 880M3, 880Cs3-1, and 880CM3-1 Floor Boxes. For use on 880s1, 880M1, 880Cs1-1, and 880CM1-1 Floor Boxes. 5 3/4" [146mm] 827C For use on 880s3, 880M3, 880Cs32-1, and 880CM3-1 Floor Boxes. For use on 880s1, 880M1, 880Cs1-1, and 880CM1-1 Floor Boxes. 4.524" [114.9mm] 1-Gang Brass Carpet Flange 13" [330mm] 5 3/4" [146mm] Accepts Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters and wiremold CM series inserts, sold separately. 5.060" [128.5mm] 3-Gang Brass Carpet Flange 11 3/4" [298mm] 4 3/4" [121mm] 4 1/2" [114mm] 2-Gang Brass Carpet Flange For use on 880s2, 880M2, 880Cs2-1, and 880CM2-1 Floor Boxes. 8 7/8" [225mm] Omnibox Series Metal Cover Plates Ordering Information 828R Brass Duplex Cover Plate 828GFITC Brass GFI Cover Plate Flip lids. Can also be used with a 106 type communication adapter. 3.156" [80.2mm] May be used with Activate and Ortronics® Connectivity systems in conjunction with 817B, 827B, and 837B Flanges. 4.182" [106.2mm] 3.156" [80.2mm] 4.182" [106.2mm] NOTE: UL Listed for tile, terrazzo, and carpet floors.Brass covers and flanges are not interchangeable with aluminum or nonmetallic covers and flanges. Nonmetallic covers are interchangeable with aluminum flanges. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS 5 3/4" [146mm] 425 WIREMOLD OMniBOX™ SERiES FLOOR BOXES Omnibox Series Metal Cover Plates Ordering Information (continued) 828DPGFITC Brass Rectangular Cover Plate 829CK Brass Communication Cover Plate Allows for mounting of a duplex style receptacle with a rectangular style flip lid cover. 3.156" [80.2mm] 4.182" [106.2mm] 3.156" [80.2mm] 828COMTC 3.156" [80.2mm] 4.182" [106.2mm] 2 5/8" and 2 1/4" [67mm and 57mm] plugs. Brass Communications Cover Plate Allows for up to four communication devices to be mounted in a recessed position within the 880 Floor Box. The 828COM Cover Plates has removable slides for cable egress. NOTE: For use with 880S and 880CS Series Boxes only. 4.182" [106.2mm] 829CK-1 Brass Communications Cover Plate 2 5/8" and 1" [67mm and 25mm] plugs. 3.156" [80.2mm] 4.182" [106.2mm] 829CK-3/4 Brass Communications Cover Plate 2 5/8" and 3/4" [67mm and 19.1mm] plugs. 828DLR Brass Single Locking Receptacle Cover Plate single flip lid cover for 20A or 30A single locking receptacles. Device opening is 2 5/8" [67mm]. For use with maximum female locking device of 1.58" diameter, and maximum male plug face of 2.25" diameter. 4.310" [109.5mm] Brass Duplex Cover Plate screw plugs. screw plugs are 1 1/2" [38mm] in diameter. 4 1/8" [105mm] FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS 426 829STC Brass Communication Cover Plate Data slides. Feed through only, not for use with a mounting plate for communication adapter. 3 1/8" [79mm] 4.182" [106.2mm] 829CK-1/2 Brass Communications Cover Plate 2 5/8" and 1/2" [67mm and 12.7mm] plugs. 3.290" [83.6mm] 828SPTC 3 1/8" [79mm] 3.156" [80.2mm] 3.156" [83.60mm] 828MAAP 4.182" [106.2mm] AV Adapter Plate sheet metal adapter plate that accepts two (2) Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP style device plates (sold separately). For use with 828GFITC or 828GFITCAL cover plates (sold separately). 4 1/8" [105mm] NOTE: UL Listed for tile, terrazzo, and carpet floors.Brass covers and flanges are not interchangeable with aluminum or nonmetallic covers and flanges. Nonmetallic covers are interchangeable with aluminum flanges. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD OMniBOX™ SERiES FLOOR BOXES Omnibox Series Brushed Aluminum Cover Plate Flanges Ordering Information 818TCAL 1-Gang Brushed Aluminum Combination Carpet & Tile Flange Accepts Ortronics MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters and wiremold CM series inserts, sold separately. 818TAL 1-Gang Brushed Aluminum Tile Flange For use on 880s1, 880M1, 880Cs1-1, and 880M1-1 Floor Boxes. ® 5.940" [150.9mm] 4.920" [125.0mm] NOTE: Brushed aluminum flanges come with beveled edges. 4.550" [115.6mm] 828TAL 3.530" [88.7mm] 2-Gang Brushed Aluminum Tile Flange 828TCAL 2-Gang Brushed Aluminum Combination Carpet & Tile Flange 5.940" [150.9mm] 9.045" [229.7mm] Accepts Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters and wiremold CM series inserts, sold separately. NOTE: Brushed aluminum flanges come with beveled edges. 838TCAL 3-Gang Brushed Aluminum Combination Carpet & Tile Flange 13.170" [334.5mm] 4.550" [115.6mm] 7.665" [118.2mm] 838TAL-880S3, 838TAL-880M3, 838TAL-880CS3, 838TAL-880CM3 Kit 11 3/4" [298mm] 4 1/2" [114mm] The 838TAL-880 series flanges provide additional load support for 3-gang tile flanges. Kit includes 838TAL Flange and two support dividers. NOTE: Order kit for specific box type: 880S3, 880M3, 880CS3, or 880CM3 NOTE: Brushed aluminum flanges come with beveled edges. FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS 5.940" [150.9mm] Accepts Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters and wiremold CM series inserts, sold separately. For use on 880s2, 880M2, 880Cs2-1, and 880CM2-1 Floor Boxes. NOTE: UL Listed for tile, terrazzo, and carpet floors.Brass covers and flanges are not interchangeable with aluminum or nonmetallic covers and flanges. Nonmetallic covers are interchangeable with aluminum flanges. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 427 WIREMOLD OMniBOX™ SERiES FLOOR BOXES Omnibox Series Brushed Aluminum Cover Plates Ordering Information 828R-TCAL Brushed Aluminum Duplex Cover Plate 830CKTCAL Brushed Aluminum Power or communication plate with 2" [51mm] and 1 1/4" [32mm] plugs. Flip lids. Can also be used with a 106 type communication adapter. 3.290" [83.6mm] 4.310" [109.5mm] 3.290" [83.6mm] 828GFITCAL Brushed Aluminum GFI Cover Plate May be used with Activate and Ortronics® Connectivity systems in conjunction with 817B, 827B, and 837B Flanges. 4.310" [109.5mm] 3.290" [83.6mm] 828DPGFITCAL Cover Plate 4.310" [109.5mm] NOTE: Acceptable for use with threaded conduit when passing through power cables. 830CKTCAL-1 Brushed Aluminum Cover Plate Power or communication plate with 2" [51mm] and 1" [25mm] plugs. 3.290" [83.6mm] 4.310" [109.5mm] NOTE: Acceptable for use with threaded conduit when passing through power cables. 830CKTCAL-3/4 Brushed Aluminum Cover Plate Brushed Aluminum Rectangular Cover Plate Allows for mounting of a duplex style receptacle with a rectangular style flip lid cover. NOTE: Acceptable for use with threaded conduit when passing through 4.310" power cables. [109.5mm] 3.290" [83.6mm] 830CKTCAL-1/2 4.310" [109.5mm] 3.290" [83.6mm] Power or communication plate with 2" [51mm] and 3/4" [19.1mm] plugs. Power or communication plate with 2" [51mm] and 1/2" [12.7mm] plugs. 828COMTCAL Brushed Aluminum Communication Cover Plate Allows for up to four communication devices to be mounted in a recessed position within the 880 Floor Box. The 828COMTCAL Cover Plate has removable slides for cable egress. 3.290" [83.6mm] FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS 4.310" [109.5mm] 428 NOTE: For use with 880S & 880CS Series Boxes only. 828DLRAL Brushed Aluminum Single Locking Receptacle Cover Plate Brushed Aluminum Cover Plate 3.290" [83.6mm] 4.310" [109.5mm] 828MAAP NOTE: Acceptable for use with threaded conduit when passing through power cables. AV Adapter Plate sheet metal adapter plate that accepts two (2) Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP style device plates (sold separately). For use with 828GFITC or 828GFITCAL cover plates (sold separately). single flip lid cover for 20A or 30A single locking receptacles. Device opening is 2 5/8" [67mm]. For use with maximum female locking device of 1.58" diameter, and maximum male plug face of 2.25" diameter. 4.310" [109.5mm] 3.290" [83.6mm] NOTE: UL Listed for tile, terrazzo, and carpet floors.Brass covers and flanges are not interchangeable with aluminum or nonmetallic covers and flanges. Nonmetallic covers are interchangeable with aluminum flanges. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD OMniBOX™ SERiES FLOOR BOXES Omnibox Series Powder-Coated Aluminum Cover Plate Flanges Ordering Information 817TCAL 1-Gang Powder-Coated Aluminum Combination Carpet and Tile Flange 817TAL 1-Gang Powder Coated Aluminum Tile Flange 817TAL-BK, 817TAL-GY, 817TAL-BS, 817TAL-NK, 817TAL-BZ 817TCAL-BK, 817TCAL-GY, 817TCAL-BS, 817TCAL-NK, 817TCAL-BZ 6.080" [154.4mm] 5.060" [128.5mm] Accepts Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters and wiremold CM series inserts, sold separately. Flanges are available in five decorative colors: black, gray brass, nickel and bronze. 827TCAL 2-Gang Powder-Coated Aluminum Combination Carpet and Tile Flange 827TCAL-BK, 827TCAL-GY, 827TCAL-BS, 827TCAL-NK, 827TCAL-BZ 6.080" [154.4mm] 9.02" [229mm] Accepts Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters and wiremold CM series inserts, sold separately. Flanges are available in five decorative colors: black, gray brass, nickel and bronze. 4.550" [115.6mm] 3.530" [88.7mm] For use on 880s1, 880M1, 880Cs1-1, and 880M1-1 Floor Boxes. Flanges are available in five decorative colors: black, gray, brass, nickel and bronze. 827TAL 2-Gang Powder Coated Aluminum Tile Flange 827TAL-BK, 827TAL-GY, 827TAL-BS, 827TAL-NK, 827TAL-BZ 4.550" [115.6mm] 7.665" [118.2mm] For use on 880s2, 880M2, 880Cs2-1, and 880M2-1 Floor Boxes. Flanges are available in five decorative colors: black, gray, brass, nickel and bronze. 837TCAL 3-Gang Powder-Coated Aluminum Combination Carpet and Tile Flange 837TCAL-BK, 837TCAL-GY, 837TCAL-BS, 837TCAL-NK, 837TCAL-BZ 13.17" [335mm] Accepts Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters and wiremold CM series inserts, sold separately. Flanges are available in five decorative colors: black, gray brass, nickel and bronze. FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS 6.080" [154.4mm] NOTE: UL Listed for tile, terrazzo, and carpet floors.Brass covers and flanges are not interchangeable with aluminum or nonmetallic covers and flanges. Nonmetallic covers are interchangeable with aluminum flanges. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 429 WIREMOLD OMniBOX™ SERiES FLOOR BOXES Omnibox Series Powder-Coated Aluminum Cover Plates Ordering Information 828R-TCAL Powder-Coated Aluminum Duplex Cover Plate 829CKAL-3/4 Powder-Coated Aluminum Cover Plate 828R-TCAL-BK, 828R-TCAL-GY, 828R-TCAL-BS, 828R-TCAL-NK, 828R-TCAL-BZ 3.290" [83.6mm] 4.310" [109.5mm] Flip lids. Can also be used with a 106 type communication adapter. 829CKAL-3/4BK, 829CKAL-3/4GY, 829CKAL-3/4BS, 829CKAL-3/4NK, 829CKAL-3/4BZ 3.290" [83.6mm] 4.310" [109.5mm] 828GFITCAL Powder-Coated Aluminum Rectangular Cover Plate 828GFITCAL-BK, 828GFITCAL-GY, 828GFITCAL-BS, 828GFITCAL-NK, 828GFITCAL-BZ 4.310" [109.5mm] 3.290" [83.6mm] 829CKAL-1 Allows for mounting of a duplex receptacle (Duplex or GFCI style) with a rectangular flip cover. NOTE: Acceptable for use with threaded conduit when passing through power cables. 828MAAP AV Adapter Plate sheet metal adapter plate that accepts two (2) Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP style device plates (sold separately). For use with 828GFITC or 828GFITCAL cover plates (sold separately). Powder-Coated Aluminum Cover Plate 829CKAL-1BK, 829CKAL-1GY, 829CKAL-1BS, 829CKAL-1NK, 829CKAL-1BZ 3.290" [83.6mm] 4.310" [109.5mm] Power or communication plate with 2" [51mm] and 3/4" [19.1mm] plugs. Covers are available in five decorative colors: black, gray, brass, nickel and bronze. Power or communication plate with 2" [51mm] and 1" [25mm] plugs. Covers are available in five decorative colors: black, gray, brass, nickel and bronze. NOTE: Acceptable for use with threaded conduit when passing through power cables. Omnibox Series Nonmetallic Cover Plate Flanges Ordering Information FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS 817PCC 430 5 3/4" [146mm] 1-Gang Nonmetallic Carpet Flange 4 3/4" [121mm] 827PCC 2-Gang Nonmetallic Carpet Flange 817PCC-BLK, 817PCC-BRN 827PCC-BLK, 827PCC-BRN For Ortronics® connectivity use with 829PFLRT Cover. For Activate™ connectivity use with 829PFL Cover. Accepts Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters and wiremold CM series inserts, sold separately. For Ortronics® connectivity use with 829PFLRT Cover. For Activate™ connectivity use with 829PFL Cover. Accepts Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters and wiremold CM series inserts, sold separately. 5 3/4" [146mm] 8 7/8" [225mm] NOTE: UL Listed for tile, terrazzo, and carpet floors.Brass covers and flanges are not interchangeable with aluminum or nonmetallic covers and flanges. Nonmetallic covers are interchangeable with aluminum flanges. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD OMniBOX™ SERiES FLOOR BOXES Omnibox Series Nonmetallic Cover Plate Flanges Ordering Information (continued) 837PCC 3-Gang Nonmetallic Carpet Flange 837PCC-BLK, 837PCC-BRN 13" [330mm] 5 3/4" [146mm] For Ortronics® connectivity use with 829PFLRT Cover. For Activate™ connectivity use with 829PFL Cover. Accepts Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters and wiremold CM series inserts, sold separately. Omnibox Series Nonmetallic Cover Plates Ordering Information 828PR Nonmetallic Duplex Cover Plate 828PR-BLK, 828PR-BRN 829PFLRT Nonmetallic Communication Cover Plate 9829PFLRT-BLK, 829PFLRT-BRN Flip lids. Can also be used with a 106 type communication adapter. 3 3/16" [81mm] 4 1/8" [105mm] 828PRGFI 3 3/16" [81mm] Nonmetallic GFI Cover Plate 828PRGFI-BLK, 828PRGFI-BRN 3 3/16" [81mm] 829PFL Nonmetallic Communication Cover Plate 4 1/8" [105mm] Nonmetallic Communications Cover Plate 829PCK-BLK, 829PCK-BRN 3 3/16" [81mm] 829PSTC 4 1/8" [105mm] Breakouts. Feed through only, not for use with a mounting plate for communication jacks. NonmetallicCommunications Cover Plate 829PFL-BLK, 829PFL-BRN 829PSTC-BLK, 829PSTC-BRN Individual flip lids. Gasket included. wiremold CM series inserts included. Data slides. Feed through only, not for use with a mounting plate for communication jacks. 3 3/16" [81mm] 4 1/8" [105mm] FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS 3 3/16" [81mm] 4 1/8" [105mm] May be used with Ortronics® Connectivity systems in conjunction with 817, 827 and 837PCC series flanges. 829PCK 3 3/16" [81mm] Individual flip lids. Gasket included. Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters included. NOTE: UL Listed for tile, terrazzo, and carpet floors.Brass covers and flanges are not interchangeable with aluminum or nonmetallic covers and flanges. Nonmetallic covers are interchangeable with aluminum flanges. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 431 WIREMOLD 880 SERiES™ FLOOR BOXES 880 series™ Floor Boxes provide an excellent solution for low density power or communication requirements in open space areas. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Metallic Outlet Boxes: File E2961 Guide QCIT. Meets Article 314.27(C) of NEC. CLAss CAT. NO. CONCRETE-TIGHT (sTEEL) 885B ADJusTMENT BEFORE THE POuR AFTER THE POuR CAPACITY CuBIC IN. [CM3] KNOCKOuTs OR CONDuIT OPENINGs* 4 13/16" [122mm] 2 7/16" [62mm] 1 3/4" [44mm] 1/2" [12.7mm] 29.5 in.3 [483.5cm3] Four sides – (1)-1/2", (1)-3/4" Bottom – (2)-1/2", (2)-3/4" 4 13/16" [122mm] 2 3/4" [70mm] 1 3/4" [44mm] 1/2" [12.7mm] 39 in.3 [639.2cm3] Two sides – (1)-1/2", (1)-3/4" Two sides – (1)-3/4", (1)-1" Bottom – (2)-1/2", (2)-3/4" 887B 4 13/16" [122mm] 2 5/8" [67mm] 2" [51mm] 1/2" [12.7mm] 24.7 in.3 [404.8cm3] Two sides – (1)-1/2" Two sides – (1)-3/4" 889B 4 13/16" [122mm] 3 1/2" [89mm] 2" [51mm] 1/2" [12.7mm] 40 in.3 [655.6cm3] Two sides – (1)-1" Two sides – (1)-1 1/4" 886B wATERTIGHT (CAsT-IRON) DIMENsIONs A B *1/2" = [12.7mm], 3/4" = [19.1mm], 1" = [25mm], 1 1/4" = [32mm]. FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS • Can be used with all Wiremold 895/896 Series Cover Plates: brass or plastic, carpet, or tile application. • All 880 Series Floor Boxes have 10° angular adjustment after the concrete pour. • All 880 Series Floor Boxes can accommodate a duplex receptacle mounted flush with the floor. COLOR OPTIONS 880 series™ Flanges and Cover Plates are available in these colors as indicated in the part number descriptions. Custom color options are also available. Consult the factory for more information. 432 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD 880 SERiES™ FLOOR BOXES 880 Series Stamped Steel Floor Boxes Ordering Information 885B stamped steel, shallow single-service. 2 7/16" [62mm] 4 3/16" [122mm] 4 3/16" [122mm] Knockouts: stamped steel, deep singleservice. 2 3/4" [122mm] 4 3/16" [122mm] Knockouts: Back 1" Trade Size Top Side Stamped Steel Steel Floor Box 4 3/16" [122mm] 1/2" Trade Size 1" Trade Size 886B Stamped Steel Floor Box 3/4" Trade Size 1" Trade Size Side Back 1" Trade Size 3/4" Trade Size Top Side Side 3/4" Trade Size 3/4" Trade Size 1/2" Trade Size 1/2" Trade Size 1" Trade Size 1/2" Trade Size 1/2" Trade Size 1/2" Trade Size 1/2" Trade Size Front Front 1/2" Trade Size 1" Trade Size 1" Trade Size 1/2" Trade Size 880 Series Cast-Iron Floor Boxes Ordering Information 889B Cast-Iron Floor Box Cast0iron, shallow singleservice. 2 5/8" [67mm] 4 3/16" [122mm] 4 3/16" [122mm] Cast0ironv, deep singleservice. 3 1/2" [89mm] 4 3/16" [122mm] 4 3/16" [122mm] Knockouts: Back Knockouts: Cast-Iron Floor Box Back 3/4" Conduit Thread Side Top 1 1/4" Conduit Thread Side Side 1/2" Conduit Thread 1/2" Conduit Thread 1" Conduit Thread Front Front 3/4" Conduit Thread Top Side 1" Conduit Thread 1 1/4" Conduit Thread FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS 887B 433 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD 880 SERiES™ FLOOR BOXES 880 Series Floor Box Cover Plates Ordering Information 895, 895TCAL Duplex Cover Plate with Flip Lid 895TGFI, 895TGFIAL GFI Receptacle Cover Plate Brass (895) or brushed aluminum (895TCAL) duplex cover plate with flip lids, 5 1/2" [140mm] for carpet. 5 1/2" [140mm] Brass (895TGFI) or brushed aluminum (895TGFIAL) GFI receptacle cover plate, 4 1/4" [108mm] for tile. 4 1/4" [108mm] 895TCAL Aluminum Duplex Power Plate 895T, 895TAL 895TCAL 895TCAL-BK, 895TCAL-BS, 895TCAL-GY, 895TCAL-NK, 895TCAL-BZ 895TCAL-BK, 895TCAL-BS, 895TCAL-GY, 895TCAL-NK, 895TCAL-BZ with flip lids, 5 1/2" [140mm] diameter for carpet,. Available in black, brass, gray, nickel and bronze. with flip lids, 5 1/2" [140mm] diameter for carpet,. Available in black, brass, gray, nickel and bronze. Duplex Cover Plate with Flip Lids 895P Duplex Cover Plate Brass (895T) or brushed aluminum (895TAL) duplex cover plate with flip lids, 4 1/4" [108mm] for tile. 4 1/4" [108mm] 895P-BLK, 895P-BRN, 895P-BRZ, 895P-AL Polycarbonate duplex cover plate with flip lids for carpet. Available in black, brown, bronze and aluminum. 5 1/2" [140mm] 895SP, 895SPCAL Cover Plate With Two Screw Plug Openings Brass (895sP) or brushed aluminum (895sPAL) cover plate with two 1 1/2" [38mm] screw plug openings, 5 1/2" [140mm] for carpet. 5 1/2" [140mm] 895TSP FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS 4 1/4" [108mm] Cover Plate With Two Screw Plug Openings 896 Communication or Power Cover Plate Brass communication or power cover plate with 2 5/8" [67mm] threaded opening for carpet. sold without abandon plug. 5 1/2" [140mm] 896T Communications or Power Cover Plate Brass cover plate with two 1 1/2" [38mm] screw plug openings, 4 1/4" [108mm] for tile. 4 1/4" [108mm] 895GFI, 895GFICAL GFI Receptacle Cover Plate 5 1/2" [140mm] Aluminum Duplex Power Plate Brass (895GFI) or brushed aluminum (895GFICAL) GFI receptacle cover plate, 5 1/2" [140mm] for carpet. 434 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 896CK 5 1/2" [140mm] Brass communications or power cover plate with 2 5/8" [67mm] threaded opening for tile. sold without abandon plug. Communications or Power Cover Plate Brass communications or power cover plate with 2 1/4" [57mm] threaded opening for carpet. WIREMOLD 880 SERiES™ FLOOR BOXES 880 Series Floor Box Cover Plates Ordering Information (continued) 896TCK Communications or Power Cover Plate 896CK-1 Communications or Power Cover Plate Brass communications or power cover plate with 2 1/4" [57mm] threaded opening for tile. 5 1/2" [140mm] 4 1/4" [108mm] 896CK-1/2, 896CKAL-1/2 Communications or Power Cover Plate 5 1/2" [140mm] Brass (896CK-1/2) or brushed aluminum (896CKAL-1/2) cover plate with 1/2" [12.7mm] threaded opening 5 1/2" [140mm] for carpet. 896TCK-1/2, 896TCKAL-1/2 Communications or Power Cover Plate 4 1/4" [108mm] 896CK-3/4 Brass cover plate with 1" [25mm] threaded opening for carpet. Brass (896TCK-1/2) or brushed aluminum (896TCKAL-1/2) cover plate with 1/2" [12.7mm] threaded opening, 4 1/4" [108mm] for tile. Communications or Power Cover Plate 896TCK-1 Communications or Power Cover Plate Brass cover plate with 1" [25mm] threaded opening for tile. 4 1/4" [108mm] 896PCK Communications or Power Cover Plate 896PCK-BLK, 896PCK-BRN, 896PCK-BRZ, 896PCK-AL 5 1/2" [140mm] Polycarbonate communications or power cover plate. Includes one plug with 3/4" [19mm] opening, one plug with 1" [25mm] opening, and one plug with 2 5/8" [67mm] opening. For pass-through only. Available in black, brown, bronze and aluminum . Brass cover plate with 3/4" [19.1mm] threaded opening for carpet. 5 1/2" [140mm] 896TCK-3/4 Communications or Power Cover Plate FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS Brass cover plate with 3/4" [19.1mm] threaded opening for tile. 4 1/4" [108mm] 435 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD 800 SERiES™ FLOOR BOXES 800 series™ semi-Adjustable Floor Boxes provide an economical solution for low density power or communication services in open space areas. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Metallic Outlet Boxes: File E2961 Guide QCIT. Meets Article 314.27(C) of NEC. 800 Series Floor Boxes Technical Specifications ADJusTMENT BEFORE THE POuR AFTER THE POuR CAT. NO. CAPACITY CuBIC IN. [CM 3] KNOCKOuTs OR CONDuIT OPENINGs sides – (2)-1/2" [12.7mm]; (2)-3/4" [19.1mm] Bottom – (2)-1/2" [12.7mm]; (2)-3/4" [19.1mm] 800LCK 2 3/4" vertical [70mm] 1/2" vertical [12.7mm] 23.6 cu. in. [357ml3] 800CILCK 2 3/4" vertical [70mm] 1/2" vertical [12.7mm] 28.3 cu. in. [463ml3] sides – (2)-1/2" [12.7mm] and (2)-3/4" [19.1mm] threaded 800 Series Semi-Adjustable Floor Boxes Ordering Information 800LCK 800CILCK Steel Floor Box Adjustable before and after the concrete pour. sold less conversion kit. 3" [76mm] 4 3/16" [106mm] Knockouts: Back FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS 1/2" Trade Size 3/4" Trade Size Side 3/4" Trade Size Adjustable before and after the concrete pour. sold less conversion kit. 3 3/8" [86mm] 4 3/16" [106mm] Knockouts: Cast-Iron Floor Box Back 1/2" Conduit Thread Top 1/2" Trade Size Side Front 1/2" Trade Size 3/4" Trade Size 3/4" Conduit Thread Side Top Side Front 1/2" Conduit Thread COLOR OPTIONS 800 series™ Conversion Kits are available in these colors. 436 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 3/4" Conduit Thread WIREMOLD 800 SERiES™ FLOOR BOXES 800 Series Floor Box Conversion Kits Ordering Information 825CK Conversion Kit 825SFCK Conversion Kit Conversion kit to fit 525 series service fitting on 800 series Boxes. Includes one 825C, one 825P-1, and one 1124L-1. For carpet or tile installations. Brass conversion kit which includes one 825A – 2 1/4" [57mm] diameter plug, one 825C, one 825L, and one 825N. For carpet or tile installations. 825CK-1 825A Abandon Plug Conversion Kit 2 1/4" [57mm] diameter brass abandon plug. Thread size is pipe thread size. Brass conversion kit which includes one 825A-1 – 1" [25mm] diameter plug, one 825C-1, one 825L, and one 825N.For carpet or tile installations. 825A-1/2 825CK-3/4 825CK-1/2 825A-3/4 Abandon Plug 3/4" [19.1mm] diameter brass abandon plug. Thread size is pipe thread size. Conversion Kit Brass conversion kit which includes one 825A-1/2 – 1/2" [12.7mm] diameter plug, one 825C-1/2, one 825L, and one 825N. For carpet or tile installations. 825CP 1/2" [12.7mm] diameter brass abandon plug. Thread size is pipe thread size. Conversion Kit Brass conversion kit which includes one 825A-3/4 – 3/4" [19.1mm] diameter plug, one 825C-3/4, one 825L, and one 825N. For carpet or tile installations. Abandon Plug 825A-1 Abandon Plug 1" [25mm] diameter brass abandon plug. Thread size is pipe thread size. Brass Carpet Plate Assembly FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS Includes the 825A. Total diameter is 2 5/8" [67mm]. 4" [102mm] 437 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD 880W SERiES™ FLOOR BOXES 880w series™ Floor Boxes provide an excellent solution for wood floor applications when both power and communication services are required in open space areas. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Metallic Outlet Boxes: File E2961 Guide QCIT. Meets Article 314.27(C) of NEC. 880W Series Floor Boxes Ordering Information 880W1 1-Gang Steel Floor Box for Wood Floors Knockouts for three (3) 1/2" [12.7mm], five (5) 3/4" [19.1mm], and two (2) 1" [25mm] conduits. 53 cu. in. [869ml] of capacity. 3 3/4" [95mm] Knockouts: 3/4" Trade Size 1" Trade Size Side 3 7/16" [87mm] 4 13/16" [122mm] Back 3/4" Trade Size 3/4" Trade Size Top Front 3/4" Trade Size 880W2 Side 1/2" Trade Size 1" Trade Size 3/4" Trade Size 1/2" Trade Size 2-Gang Steel Floor Box for Wood Floors 7 7/8" [200mm] FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS 1/2" Trade Size 3 7/16" [87mm] 4 15/16" [125mm] Knockouts for six (6) 1/2" [12.7mm], eight (8) 3/4" [19.1mm], and two (2) 1" [25mm] conduits. 58 cu. in. [951ml] of capacity in one compartment. 59 cu. in. [967ml] of capacity in second compartment. Barrier is removable for greater capacity if needed. Knockouts: 1" Trade Size 3/4" Trade Size 3/4" Trade Size Side Top 3/4" Trade Size 880w series™ Flanges and Cover Plates are available in these colors as indicated in the part number descriptions. Custom color options are also available. Consult the factory for more information. 438 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 1/2" Trade Size 1/2" Trade Size 3/4" Trade Size COLOR OPTIONS Back Front Side 1/2" Trade Size 1" Trade Size 3/4" Trade Size WIREMOLD 880W SERiES™ FLOOR BOXES 880W Series Floor Boxes Ordering Information (continued) 880W3 3-Gang Steel Floor Box for Wood Floors 12" [305mm] 3 7/16" [87mm] 4 15/16" [125mm] Knockouts for nine (9) 1/2" [12.7mm], eleven (11) 3/4" [19.1mm], and two (2) 1" [25mm] conduits. 56 cu. in. [918ml] of capacity in each of the outside compartments. 68 cu. in. [1115ml] of capacity in center compartment. Barrier is removable for greater capacity if needed. Knockouts: 3/4" Trade Size 1" Trade Size Back Top Side 3/4" Trade Size 3/4" Trade Size 1/2" Trade Size 1/2" Trade Size Side Front 3/4" Trade Size 1" Trade Size 3/4" Trade Size 1/2" Trade Size 880W Series Floor Box Kits Ordering Information 880W1817B 1-Gang Steel Floor Box for Wood Floors 4 15/16" [125mm] 3 7/16" [87mm] 880w1 Floor Box with 817B brass flange included. Flange can be used for tile or carpet applications. 880W2828TCAL 2-Gang Steel Floor Box for Wood Floors 4 15/16" [125mm] NOTE: Order cover separately. 880w2 Floor Box with 828TCAL brushed aluminum flange included. Flange can be used for tile or carpet applications. 3 7 1/6" [87mm] NOTE: Order cover separately. 7 7/8" [200mm] 3 3/4" [95mm] 880W1818TCAL 1-Gang Steel Floor Box for Wood Floors 880w1 Floor Box with 818TCAL brushed aluminum flange included. Flange can be used for tile or carpet applications. 3-Gang Steel Floor Box for Wood Floors 4 15/16" [125mm] 3 7 1/6" [87mm] NOTE: Order cover separately. NOTE: Order cover separately. 12" [305mm] 3 3/4" [95mm] 880W2827B 2-Gang Steel Floor Box for Wood Floors 4 15/16" [125mm] 880w3 Floor Box with 837B brass flange included. Flange can be used for tile or carpet applications. 3 7 1/6" [87mm] 880w2 Floor Box with 827B brass flange included. Flange can be used for tile or carpet applications. 880W3838TCAL 3-Gang Steel Floor Box for Wood Floors 4 15/16" [125mm] 3 7 1/6" [87mm] NOTE: Order cover separately. 880w3 Floor Box with 838TCAL brushed aluminum flange included. Flange can be used for tile or carpet applications. NOTE: Order cover separately. 7 7/8" [200mm] FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS 4 15/16" [125mm] 3 7/16" [87mm] 880W3837B 12" [305mm] 439 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD 880W SERiES™ FLOOR BOXES 880W Series Floor Boxes Solid Brass Cover Plate Flanges Ordering Information 817B 6.080" [154.4mm] 827B 6.080" [154.4mm] 837B 1-Gang Brass Combination Carpet & Tile Flange 5.060" [128.5mm] 2-Gang Brass Combination Carpet & Tile Flange Accepts Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters and wiremold CM series inserts, sold separately. 5.060" [128.5mm] 3-Gang Brass Combination Carpet & Tile Flange 817T 13" [330mm] 1-Gang Brass Tile Flange 4.524" [107mm] 827T 3.48" [88.4mm] 2-Gang Brass Tile Flange For use on 880s2, 880M2, 880Cs2-1, and 880CM2-1 Floor Boxes. 837T 7.624" [193.7mm] 3-Gang Brass Tile Flange For use on 880s1, 880M1, 880Cs1-1, and 880CM1-1 Floor Boxes. 5 3/4" [146mm] 827C For use on 880s3, 880M3, 880Cs32-1, and 880CM3-1 Floor Boxes. For use on 880s1, 880M1, 880Cs1-1, and 880CM1-1 Floor Boxes. 4.524" [114.9mm] 1-Gang Brass Carpet Flange 3-Gang Brass Carpet Flange 5 3/4" [146mm] Accepts Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters and wiremold CM series inserts, sold separately. 5.060" [128.5mm] 817C Accepts Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters and wiremold CM series inserts, sold separately. 837C For use on 880s3, 880M3, 880Cs3-1, and 880CM3-1 Floor Boxes. 4 3/4" [121mm] 11 3/4" [298mm] 2-Gang Brass Carpet Flange 4 1/2" [114mm] For use on 880s2, 880M2, 880Cs2-1, and 880CM2-1 Floor Boxes. FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS 5 3/4" [146mm] 440 8 7/8" [225mm] 880W Series Floor Boxes Metal Cover Plates Ordering Information 828R Brass Duplex Cover Plate 828GFITC Brass GFI Cover Plate Flip lids. Can also be used with a 106 type communication adapter. 3.156" [80.2mm] 4.182" [106.2mm] May be used with Activate and Ortronics® Connectivity systems in conjunction with 817B, 827B, and 837B Flanges. 3.156" [80.2mm] 4.182" [106.2mm] NOTE: UL Listed for tile, terrazzo, and carpet floors.Brass covers and flanges are not interchangeable with aluminum or nonmetallic covers and flanges. Nonmetallic covers are interchangeable with aluminum flanges. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD 880W SERiES™ FLOOR BOXES 880W Series Floor Boxes Metal Cover Plates Ordering Information (continued) 828DPGFITC Brass Rectangular Cover Plate 829CK-1/2 Brass Communication Cover Plate Allows for mounting of a duplex style receptacle with a rectangular style flip lid cover. 3.156" [83.60mm] 4.182" [106.2mm] 3.156" [80.2mm] 2 5/8" and 1/2" [67mm and 12.7mm] plugs. For carpet or tile installations. 4.182" [106.2mm] 829CK-3/4 828DLR Brass Communication Cover Plate Brass Single Locking Receptacle Cover Plate 4.182" [106.2mm] 3.156" [80.2mm] 828SPTC single flip lid cover for 20A or 30A single locking receptacles. Device opening is 2 5/8" [67mm]. For use with maximum female locking device of 1.58" diameter, and maximum male plug face of 2.25" diameter. 3 1/8" [79mm] 829CK 829CK-1 Brass Communication Cover Plate 2 5/8" and 1" [67mm and 25mm] plugs. 4.182" [106.2mm] 828MAAP 4 1/8" [105mm] Brass Communication Cover Plate 4 1/8" [105mm] 3.156" [80.2mm] Data slides. Feed through only, not for use with a mounting plate for flush mounted communication adapter. AV Adapter Plate sheet metal adapter plate that accepts two (2) Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP style device plates (sold separately). For use with 828GFITC or 828GFITCAL cover plates (sold separately). Brass Communication Cover Plate FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS 829STC 4.182" [106.2mm] 3.156" [80.2mm] Brass Duplex Cover Plate screw plugs are 1 1/2" [38mm] in diameter. 3 1/8" [79mm] 2 5/8" and 3/4" [67mm and 19.1mm] plugs. 2 5/8" and 2 1/4" [67mm and 57mm] plugs. 3.156" [80.2mm] 4.182" [106.2mm] NOTE: UL Listed for tile, terrazzo, and carpet floors.Brass covers and flanges are not interchangeable with aluminum or nonmetallic covers and flanges. Nonmetallic covers are interchangeable with aluminum flanges. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 441 WIREMOLD 880W SERiES™ FLOOR BOXES 880W Series Floor Boxes Brushed Aluminum Cover Plate Flanges Ordering Information 818TCAL 1-Gang Brushed Aluminum Combination Carpet & Tile Flange 5.940" [150.9mm] 4.920" [125.0mm] Accepts Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters and wiremold CM series inserts, sold separately. NOTE: Brushed Aluminum flanges come with beveled edges. 818TAL 1-Gang Brushed Aluminum Tile Flange For use on 880s1, 880M1, 880Cs1-1, and 880M1-1 Floor Boxes. 4.550" [115.6mm] 828TAL 3.530" [88.7mm] 2-Gang Brushed Aluminum Tile Flange 828TCAL 2-Gang Brushed Aluminum Combination Carpet & Tile Flange 5.940" [150.9mm] Accepts Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters and wiremold CM series inserts, sold separately. 9.045" [229.7mm] For use on 880s2, 880M2, 880Cs2-1, and 880CM2-1 Floor Boxes. 4.550" [115.6mm] 7.665" [118.2mm] NOTE: Brushed Aluminum flanges come with beveled edge 838TCAL 3-Gang Brushed Aluminum Combination Carpet & Tile Flange 13.170" [334.5mm] 5.940" [150.9mm] Accepts Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters and wiremold CM series inserts, sold separately. NOTE: Brushed Aluminum flanges come with beveled edge 880W Series Floor Boxes Metal Cover Plates Ordering Information 828R-TCAL Brushed Aluminum Duplex Cover Plate Flip lids. Can also be used with a 106 type communication adapter. 3.290" [83.6mm] FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS Brushed Aluminum Rectangular Cover Plate Allows for mounting of a duplex style receptacle with a rectangular style flip lid cover. 4.310" [109.5mm] 828GFITCAL Brushed Aluminum GFI Cover Plate May be used with Activate and Ortronics® Connectivity systems in conjunction with 817B, 827B, and 837B Flanges. 3.290" [83.6mm] 828DPGFITCAL 3.290" [83.6mm] 828DLRAL Brushed Aluminum Single Locking Receptacle Cover Plate single flip lid cover for 20A or 30A single locking receptacles. Device opening is 2 5/8" [67mm]. For use with maximum female locking device of 1.58" diameter, and maximum male plug face of 2.25" diameter. 4.310" [109.5mm] 4.310" [109.5mm] 442 4.310" [109.5mm] 3.290" [83.6mm] NOTE: UL Listed for tile, terrazzo, and carpet floors.Brass covers and flanges are not interchangeable with aluminum or nonmetallic covers and flanges. Nonmetallic covers are interchangeable with aluminum flanges. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD 880W SERiES™ FLOOR BOXES 880W Series Floor Boxes Metal Cover Plates Ordering Information (continued) 830CKTCAL Brushed Aluminum Cover Plate 830CKTCAL-1/2 Power or communication plate with 2" [51mm] and 1 1/4" [32mm] plugs. 3.290" [83.6mm] 4.310" [109.5mm] NOTE: Acceptable for use with threaded conduit when passing through power cables. 830CKTCAL-1 Brushed Aluminum Cover Plate Power or communication plate with 2" [51mm] and 1/2" [12.7mm] plugs. 4.310" [109.5mm] 828MAAP AV Adapter Plate sheet metal adapter plate that accepts two (2) Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP style device plates (sold separately). For use with 828GFITC or 828GFITCAL cover plates (sold separately). NOTE: Acceptable for use with threaded conduit when passing through p ower cables. 830CKTCAL-3/4 NOTE: Acceptable for use with threaded conduit when passing through 4.310" power cables. [109.5mm] 3.290" [83.6mm] Power or communication plate with 2" [51mm] and 1" [25mm] plugs. 3.290" [83.6mm] Brushed Aluminum Cover Plate Brushed Aluminum Cover Plate Power or communication plate with 2" [51mm] and 3/4" [19.1mm] plugs. 3.290" [83.6mm] 4.310" [109.5mm] NOTE: Acceptable for use with threaded conduit when passing through power cables. 880W Series Floor Boxes Powder-Coated Aluminum Cover Plate Flanges Ordering Information 837TCAL 3-Gang Powder-Coated Aluminum Combination Carpet and Tile Flange 817TCAL-BK, 817TCAL-GY, 817TCAL-BS, 817TCAL-NK, 817TCAL-BZ 6.080" [154.4mm] 5.060" [128.5mm] Accepts Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters and wiremold CM series inserts, sold separately. Flanges are available in five decorative colors: black, gray brass, nickel and bronze. 827TCAL 2-Gang Powder-Coated Aluminum Combination Carpet and Tile Flange 837TCAL-BK, 837TCAL-GY, 837TCAL-BS, 837TCAL-NK, 837TCAL-BZ 6.080" [154.4mm] 13.17" [335mm] 817TAL 1-Gang Powder Coated Aluminum Tile Flange 817TAL-BK, 817TAL-GY, 817TAL-BS, 817TAL-NK, 817TAL-BZ 827TCAL-BK, 827TCAL-GY, 827TCAL-BS, 827TCAL-NK, 827TCAL-BZ 6.080" [154.4mm] 9.02" [229mm] Accepts Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters and wiremold CM series inserts, sold separately. Flanges are available in five decorative colors: black, gray brass, nickel and bronze. Accepts Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters and wiremold CM series inserts, sold separately. Flanges are available in five decorative colors: black, gray brass, nickel and bronze. 4.550" [115.6mm] 3.530" [88.7mm] For use on 880s1, 880M1, 880Cs1-1, and 880M1-1 Floor Boxes. Flanges are available in five decorative colors: black, gray, brass, nickel and bronze. NOTE: UL Listed for tile, terrazzo, and carpet floors.Brass covers and flanges are not interchangeable with aluminum or nonmetallic covers and flanges. Nonmetallic covers are interchangeable with aluminum flanges. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS 817TCAL 1-Gang Powder-Coated Aluminum Combination Carpet and Tile Flange 443 WIREMOLD 880W SERiES™ FLOOR BOXES 880W Series Floor Boxes Powder-Coated Aluminum Cover Plate Flanges Ordering Information (continued) 827TAL 2-Gang Powder Coated Aluminum Tile Flange 827TAL-BK, 827TAL-GY, 827TAL-BS, 827TAL-NK, 827TAL-BZ 4.550" [115.6mm] For use on 880s2, 880M2, 880Cs2-1, and 880M2-1 Floor Boxes. Flanges are available in five decorative colors: black, gray, brass, nickel and bronze. 7.665" [118.2mm] 880W Series Floor Boxes Powder-Coated Aluminum Cover Plates Ordering Information 828R-TCAL Powder Coated Aluminum Duplex Cover Plate 829CKAL-3/4 Powder-Coated Aluminum Cover Plate 828R-TCAL-BK, 828R-TCAL-GY, 828R-TCAL-BS, 828R-TCAL-NK, 828R-TCAL-BZ 3.290" [83.6mm] 4.310" [109.5mm] Flip lids. Can also be used with a 106 type communication adapter. Covers are available in five decorative colors: black, gray, brass, nickel and bronze. 829CKAL-3/4BK, 829CKAL-3/4GY, 829CKAL-3/4BS, 829CKAL-3/4NK, 829CKAL-3/4BZ 3.290" [83.6mm] 828GFITCAL 3.290" [83.6mm] 4.310" [109.5mm] FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS 829CKAL-1 444 Allows for mounting a duplex receptacle (Decorator or GFCI style) with a rectangular flip cover. Covers are available in five decorative colors: black, gray, brass, nickel and bronze. Power or communication plate with 2" [51mm] and 3/4" [19.1mm] plugs. Covers are available in five decorative colors: black, gray, brass, nickel and bronze. NOTE: Acceptable for use with threaded conduit when passing through power cables. Powder Coated Aluminum GFI Cover Plate 828GFITCAL-BK, 828GFITCAL-GY, 828GFITCAL-BS, 828GFITCAL-NK, 828GFITCAL-BZ 4.310" [109.5mm] 828MAAP AV Adapter Plate sheet metal adapter plate that accepts two (2) Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP style device plates (sold separately). For use with 828GFITC or 828GFITCAL cover plates (sold separately). Powder-Coated Aluminum Cover Plate 829CKAL-1BK, 829CKAL-1GY, 829CKAL-1BS, 829CKAL-1NK, 829CKAL-1BZ 3.290" [83.6mm] 4.310" [109.5mm] Power or communication plate with 2" [51mm] and 1" [25mm] plugs. Covers are available in five decorative colors: black, gray, brass, nickel and bronze. NOTE: Acceptable for use with threaded conduit when passing through power cables. NOTE: UL Listed for tile, terrazzo, and carpet floors.Brass covers and flanges are not interchangeable with aluminum or nonmetallic covers and flanges. Nonmetallic covers are interchangeable with aluminum flanges. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD 880W SERiES™ FLOOR BOXES 880W Series Floor Boxes Nonmetallic Cover Plate Flanges Ordering Information 817PCC 1-Gang Nonmetallic Carpet Flange 837PCC 3-Gang Nonmetallic Carpet Flange 817PCC-BLK, 817PCC-BRN 837PCC-BLK, 837PCC-BRN For Ortronics connectivity use with 829PFLRT Cover. For Activate™ connectivity use with 829PFL Cover. Accepts Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters and wiremold CM series inserts, sold separately. For Ortronics® connectivity use with 829PFLRT Cover. For Activate™ connectivity use with 829PFL Cover. Accepts Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters and wiremold CM series inserts, sold separately. ® 5 3/4" [146mm] 4 3/4" [121mm] 827PCC 5 3/4" [146mm] 13" [330mm] 2-Gang Nonmetallic Carpet Flange 827PCC-BLK, 827PCC-BRN 8 7/8" [225mm] 5 3/4" [146mm] For Ortronics® connectivity use with 829PFLRT Cover. For Activate™ connectivity use with 829PFL Cover. Accepts Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters and wiremold CM series inserts, sold separately. 880W Series Floor Boxes Nonmetallic Cover Plates Ordering Information Nonmetallic Duplex Cover Plate 828PR-BLK, 828PR-BRN 829PFLRT Nonmetallic Communications Cover Plate 9829PFLRT-BLK, 829PFLRT-BRN Flip lids. Can also be used with a 106 type communication adapter. 4 1/8" [105mm] 3 3/16" [81mm] 828PRGFI 3 3/16" [81mm] Nonmetallic GFI Cover Plate 829PCK 3 3/16" [81mm] Nonmetallic Communications Cover Plate 828PRGFI-BLK, 828PRGFI-BRN 3 3/16" [81mm] 829PFL 3 3/16" [81mm] 4 1/8" [105mm] May be used with Ortronics® Connectivity systems in conjunction with 817, 827 and 837PCC series flanges. Nonmetallic Communication Cover Plate 4 1/8" [105mm] Individual flip lids. Gasket included. Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters included. 829PCK-BLK, 829PCK-BRN 3 3/16" [81mm] 829PSTC 4 1/8" [105mm] Breakouts. Feed through only, not for use with a mounting plate for communication jacks. NonmetallicCommunications Cover Plate 829PFL-BLK, 829PFL-BRN 829PSTC-BLK, 829PSTC-BRN Individual flip lids. Gasket included. wiremold CM series inserts included. Data slides. Feed through only, not for use with a mounting plate for communication jacks. 3 3/16" [81mm] 4 1/8" [105mm] NOTE: UL Listed for tile, terrazzo, and carpet floors.Brass covers and flanges are not interchangeable with aluminum or nonmetallic covers and flanges. Nonmetallic covers are interchangeable with aluminum flanges. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS 828PR 445 WIREMOLD 861 SERiES™ FLOOR BOXES 861 series™ single service wood Floor Boxes bring power or communication service directly to the open space. Available with poke-thru style covers. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Metallic Outlet Boxes: File E2961 Guide QCIT. Meets Article 314.27(C) of NEC. 861 Series Floor Boxes Ordering Information Knockouts: Back 1/2" Conduit Thread 1/2" Conduit Thread Side Top Side 1/2" Conduit Thread FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS Front COLOR OPTIONS 861 series™ Cover Plates are available in these colors as indicated in the part number descriptions. Custom color options are also available. Consult the factory for more information. 446 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD 861 SERiES™ FLOOR BOXES 861 Series Floor Boxes Ordering Information (continued) Wood Floor Box 861QTC Wood Floor Box Assembly Die-cast aluminum construction with three 1/2" [12.7mm] knockouts; two on the sides and one on the bottom. 18 cu. in. [295ml3] of capacity. Requires a 4" [102mm] diameter hole. Comes complete with a disposable cover, receptacle and cover sold separately. 861DB Complete with prewired 15A quad receptacle can be wired as standard or isolated ground. Flush poke-thrustyle cover is available in painted gray (861QTCGY), black (861QTCBK), ivory (861QTCVY), or brushed metal finishes in aluminum (861QTCAL) and brass (861QTCBs). slide covers match painted flange colors. Aluminum and brass covers shipped with black slide covers. Brass flange also available with nonmetallic brass-color (AB) slide holder. Die-cast aluminum construction with three 1/2" trade size knockouts: two on the sides and one on the bottom. 18 cu. in. [295 cu.cm] capacity. Requires a 4" [102mm] diameter hole and overall floor depth of 1" [25mm]. Assembled with scrub water gasket. For use on tile, wood, or carpet floors. Wood Floor Box Assembly 4 1/4" [108mm] 861AMDTC Complete with 20A duplex receptacle and brass cover plate. Die-cast aluminum construction with three 1/2" [12.7mm] knockouts; two on the sides and one on the bottom. 18 cu. in. [295ml3] of capacity. Requires a 4" [102mm] diameter hole. Wood Floor Box Assembly All communication floor boxes accept up to four uTP connectors. Flush poke-thru-style flanges available in painted gray (861AMDTCGY), black (861AMDTCBK), ivory (861AMDTCVY), or brushed metal finishes in aluminum (861AMDTCAL) and brass (861AMDTCBs). slide covers match painted flange colors. Aluminum and brass flanges shipped with black slide cover. Brass flange also available with nonmetallic brass-color (AB) slide holder. Die-cast aluminum construction with three 1/2" trade size knockouts: two on the sides and one on the bottom. 18 cu. in. [295 cu.cm] capacity. Requires a 4" [102mm] diameter hole and overall floor depth of 1" [25mm]. Includes two (2) Ortronics TracJack inserts, two (2) Ortronics series II adapters and two wiremold Open system adapters. Assembled with scrub water gasket. For use on tile, wood, or carpet floors. Modular jacks sold separately. 861FFTC Furniture Feed Raised Floor Box Assembly Cover has two 1/2" trade size conduits and one 3/4" trade size threaded conduit opening for feeding cables and wires through floor. Flush flanges available in painted gray (861FFTCGY), black (861FFTCBK), ivory (861FFTCVY), or brushed metal finishes in aluminum (861FFTCAL) and brass (861FFTCBs). Die-cast aluminum construction with three 1/2" trade size knockouts; two on the sides and one on the bottom, 18 cu. in. [295 cu. cm] capacity. Requires a 4" [102mm] diameter hole. FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS 861 447 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD 861 SERiES™ FLOOR BOXES 861 Series Floor Box Cover Plate Ordering Information 895, 895TCAL 895GFI, 895GFICAL GFI Receptacle Cover Plate Brass (895) or brushed aluminum (895TCAL) duplex cover plate with flip lids, 5 1/2' [140mm] for carpet. 5 1/2" [140mm] Brass (895GFI) or brushed aluminum (895GFICAL) GFI receptacle cover plate, 5 1/2" [140mm] for carpet. 5 1/2" [140mm] 895T, 895TAL 4 1/4" [108mm] Duplex Cover Plate With Flip Lids Duplex Cover Plate With Flip Lids Brass (895T) or brushed aluminum (895TAL) duplex cover plate with flip lids, 4 1/4" [108mm] for tile. 895TGFI, 895TGFIAL GFI Receptacle Cover Plate Brass (895TGFI) or brushed aluminum (895TGFIAL) GFI receptacle cover plate, 4 1/4" [108mm] for tile. 4 1/4" [108mm] 895SP, 895SPCAL Cover Plate With Two Screw Plug Openings 5 1/2" [140mm] Brass (895sP) or brushed Aluminum (895sPAL) cover plate with two screw plug openings, 5 1/2" [140mm] for carpet. 895TSP, 895TSPAL Cover Plate with Two Screw Plug Openings 4 1/4" [108mm] 895P Duplex Cover Plate 895P-BLK, 895P-BRN, 895P-BRZ, 895P-AL 5 1/2" [140mm] 895TCAL Polycarbonate duplex cover plate with flip lids for carpet. Aluminum Duplex Power Plate 895TCAL-BK, 895TCAL-BS, 895TCAL-GY, 895TCAL-NK, 895TCAL-BZ Brass (895TsP) or brushed aluminum (895TsPAL) cover plate with two screw plug openings, 4 1/4" [108mm] for tile. 5 1/2" [140mm] with flip lids, 5 1/2" [140mm] diameter for carpet,. Available in black, brass, gray, nickel and bronze. FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS NOTE: All 895 Style Cover Plates are furnished with gasket and three screws. All carpet cover plates are 5 1/2" [140mm] in diameter. All tile cover plates are 4 1/4" [108mm] in diameter. 448 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD 862 SERiES™ FLOOR BOXES 862 series™ Residential Floor Boxes provide an excellent solution for low density power or communication requirements for both concrete or wood floor applications. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Nonmetallic Outlet Boxes: File E110748 Guide QCMZ. Meets Article 314.27(C) of NEC. 862 Series Floor Box Kits Ordering Information Knockouts: Back 3/4" Trade Size Top Side Front Bottom Side 3/4" Trade Size COLOR OPTIONS 862 series™ Floor Box Kits are available in these colors as indicated in the part number descriptions. Custom color options are also available. Consult the factory for more information. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS 3/4" Trade Size 449 WIREMOLD 862 SERiES™ FLOOR BOXES 862 Series Floor Box Kits Ordering Information (continued) 862 862C PVC Floor Box PVC Floor Box Assembly For Wood or Concrete Floors Box only, for wood or concrete floors. when using in concrete floor, order 862KIT with 862 Floor Box. 862KIT Includes 862 series Floor Box, one 15A, 125V tamper-resistant brown duplex receptacle, and one 895 brass duplex receptacle cover for carpet. Order 862KIT when using in concrete floor. Concrete Floor Kit when using any of the 862 series Floor Boxes in a concrete floor, the 862KIT will provide a mud cap for the concrete pour, two 3/4" trade size conduit hubs, and a scrub water gasket. Not needed for wood floor installations. 862GFI PVC Floor Box Assembly For wood or Concrete floors Includes 862 series Floor Box, one Decorator style 15A, 125V tamperresistant brown receptacle, and one 895GFI brass cover for carpet. Order 862KIT when using in concrete floor. 862DB PVC Floor Box Assembly For Wood or Concrete Floors FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS Includes 862 series Floor Box, one 15A, 125V tamper-resistant brown duplex receptacle, and one 895T brass duplex receptacle cover for tile. Order 862KIT when using in concrete floor. 450 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 862TGFI PVC Floor Box Assembly For Wood or Concrete Floors Includes 862 series Floor Box, one Decorator style 15A, 125V tamperresistant brown receptacle, and one 895TGFI brass cover for tile. Order 862KIT when using in concrete floor. WIREMOLD 863 SERiES™ FLOOR BOXES 863 series™ Multi-service Round Floor Box Assembly Kits for wood Floors for New and Retrofit Residential Applications. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Nonmetallic Outlet Boxes: File E110748 Guide QCMZ. Meets Article 314.27(C) of NEC. 863 Series Floor Box Assembly Kits Ordering Information Knockouts: Romex Strain Relief 1/2" Trade Size COLOR OPTIONS Side FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS Bottom 863 series™ Cover Plates are available in these colors as indicated in the part number descriptions. Custom color options are also available. Consult the factory for more information. 451 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD 863 SERiES™ FLOOR BOXES 863 Series Floor Boxes Ordering Information 863DPCOM Dual-Service Floor Box Kit 5 3/4" [146mm] Includes round PVC floor box, one 15A, 125V tamper-resistant duplex receptacle, one coax F connector, one RJ45 Category 5e connector, and brass duplex opening cover plate with two flip lids. 3 1/2" [89mm] 863DPCOMAL 5 3/4" [146mm] 863DRGFICOM 5 3/4" [146mm] Dual-Service Floor Box Kit Includes round PVC floor box, one 15A, 125V tamper-resistant decorator style duplex receptacle, one coax F connector, one RJ45 Category 5e connector, and brass duplex opening cover plate with single flip lid. 3 1/2" [89mm] Dual-Service Floor Box Kit Includes round PVC floor box, one 15A, 125V tamper-resistant duplex receptacle, one coax F connector, one RJ45 Category 5e connector, and brushed aluminum duplex opening cover plate with two flip lids. FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS 3 1/2" [89mm] 452 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 863DRGFICOMAL 5 3/4" [146mm] 3 1/2" [89mm] Dual-Service Floor Box Kit Includes round PVC floor box, one 15A, 125V tamper-resistant decorator style duplex receptacle, one coax F connector, one RJ45 Category 5e connector, and brushed aluminum duplex opening cover plate with single flip lid. WIREMOLD WMFB SERiES™ FLOOR BOXES Multi-service Floor Box Assembly Kits for wood Floors for New and Retrofit Residential Applications. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Nonmetallic Outlet Boxes: File E143222 Guide QCMZ. Meets Article 314.27(C) of NEC. WMFB Series Floor Boxes Ordering Information Knockouts: Back 1/2" Trade Size KO 1/2" Trade Size KO 1/2" Trade Size KO Top Side Side COLOR OPTIONS FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS Front wMFB series™ Cover Plates are available in these colors as indicated in the part number descriptions. Custom color options are also available. Consult the factory for more information. 453 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD WMFB SERiES™ FLOOR BOXES WMFB Series Floor Boxes Ordering Information (continued) WMFB1SRKS1B Single-Gang Floor Box Assembly Includes single-gang box, divider, one 15A, 125V receptacle, one opening for communication device, and brass cover with two screw plugs. For hole cut dimensions, see installation instructions sheet. Box Dimensions: 2 1/8" W x 3 3/4" L x 3 7/8" D [54mm W x 95mm L x 98mm D] Device Plate: 3 1/8" W x 4 15/16" L [79mm W x 125mm L] WMFB1SRKS1N Single-Gang Floor Box Assembly Includes single-gang box, divider, one 15A, 125V receptacle, one opening for communication device, and nickel cover with two screw plugs. For hole cut dimensions, see installation instructions sheet. Box Dimensions: 2 1/8" W x 3 3/4" L x 3 7/8" D [54mm W x 95mm L x 98mm D] Device Plate: 3 1/8" W x 4 15/16" L [79mm W x 125mm L] FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS WMFB1DRB Single-Gang Floor Box Assembly WMFB1SRB Single-Gang Floor Box Assembly Includes single-gang box, one 15A tamper-resistant receptacle, and brass cover with one screw plug. For hole cut dimensions, see installation instructions sheet. Box Dimensions: 2 1/8" W x 3 3/4" L x 3 7/8" D [54mm W x 95mm L x 98mm D] Device Plate: 3 1/8" W x 4 15/16" L [79mm W x 125mm L] WMFB1SRN Single-Gang Floor Box Assembly Includes single-gang box, one 15A tamper-resistant receptacle, and nickel cover with one screw plug. For hole cut dimensions, see installation instructions sheet. Box Dimensions: 2 1/8" W x 3 3/4" L x 3 7/8" D [54mm W x 95mm L x 98mm D] Device Plate: 3 1/8" W x 4 15/16" L [79mm W x 125mm L] WMFB2DR2B Dual-Gang Floor Box Assembly Includes single-gang box, one 15A, 125V tamper-resistant receptacle, and brass cover with two screw plugs. For hole cut dimensions, see installation instructions sheet. Includes dual-gang box, two 15A tamperresistant duplex receptacles, and brass cover with four screw plugs. For hole cut dimensions, see installation instructions sheet. Box Dimensions: 2 1/8" W x 3 3/4" L x 3 7/8" D [54mm W x 95mm L x 98mm D] Box Dimensions: 3 1/4" W x 3 3/4" L x 3 7/8" D [83mm W x 95mm L x 98mm D] Device Plate: 3 1/8" W x 4 15/16" L [79mm W x 125mm L] Device Plate: 4 7/8" W x 5 1/16" L [124mm W x 129mm L] WMFB1DRN Single-Gang Floor Box Assembly WMFB2DR2N Dual-Gang Floor Box Assembly Includes single-gang box, one 15A, 125V tamper-resistant receptacle, and nickel cover with two screw plugs. For hole cut dimensions, see installation instructions sheet. Includes dual-gang box, two 15A tamperresistant duplex receptacles, and nickel cover with four screw plugs. For hole cut dimensions, see installation instructions sheet. Box Dimensions: 2 1/8" W x 3 3/4" L x 3 7/8" D [54mm W x 95mm L x 98mm D] Box Dimensions: 3 1/4" W x 3 3/4" L x 3 7/8" D [83mm W x 95mm L x 98mm D] Device Plate: 3 1/8" W x 4 15/16" L [79mm W x 125mm L] Device Plate: 4 7/8" W x 5 1/16" L [124mm W x 129mm L] 454 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD WMFB SERiES™ FLOOR BOXES WMFB Series Floor Boxes Ordering Information (continued) Single-Gang Floor Box Assembly Includes single-gang box, device plate with two openings for communication devices, and brass cover with one screw plug. For hole cut dimensions, see installation instructions sheet. Box Dimensions: 2 1/8" W x 3 3/4" L x 3 7/8" D [54mm W x 95mm L x 98mm D] Device Plate: 3 1/8" W x 4 15/16" L [79mm W x 125mm L] WMFB1KS2N Single-Gang Floor Box Assembly Includes single-gang box, device plate with two openings for communication devices, and nickel cover with one screw plug. For hole cut dimensions, see installation instructions sheet. Box Dimensions: 2 1/8" W x 3 3/4" L x 3 7/8" D [54mm W x 95mm L x 98mm D] Device Plate: 3 1/8" W x 4 15/16" L [79mm W x 125mm L] WMFB1KS4B Single-Gang Floor Box Assembly WMFB2DRKS4B Dual-Gang Floor Box Assembly Includes dual-gang box, one 15A tamperresistant duplex receptacle, 106 adapter with four openings for communication devices, and brass cover with four screw plugs. For hole cut dimensions, see installation instructions sheet. Box Dimensions: 3 1/4" W x 3 3/4" L x 3 7/8" D [83mm W x 95mm L x 98mm D] Device Plate: 4 7/8" W x 5 1/16" L [124mm W x 129mm L] WMFB2DRKS4N Dual-Gang Floor Box Assembly Includes dual-gang box, one 15A tamperresistant duplex receptacle, 106 adapter with four openings for communication devices, and nickel cover with four screw plugs. For hole cut dimensions, see installation instructions sheet. Box Dimensions: 3 1/4" W x 3 3/4" L x 3 7/8" D [83mm W x 95mm L x 98mm D] Device Plate: 4 7/8" W x 5 1/16" L [124mm W x 129mm L] WMFB2KS8B Dual-Gang Floor Box Assembly Includes single-gang box, 106 adapter with four openings for communication devices, and brass cover with two screw plugs. For hole cut dimensions, see installation instructions sheet. Includes dual-gang box, two 106 adapter with eight openings for communication devices, and brass cover with four screw plugs. For hole cut dimensions, see installation instructions sheet. Box Dimensions: 2 1/8" W x 3 3/4" L x 3 7/8" D [54mm W x 95mm L x 98mm D] Device Plate: 3 1/8" W x 4 15/16" L [79mm W x 125mm L] Box Dimensions: 3 1/4" W x 3 3/4" L x 3 7/8" D [83mm W x 95mm L x 98mm D] Device Plate: 4 7/8" W x 5 1/16" L [124mm W x 129mm L] WMFB1KS4N Single-Gang Floor Box Assembly WMFB2KS8N Dual-Gang Floor Box Assembly Includes single-gang box, 106 adapter with four openings for communication devices, and nickel cover with two screw plugs. For hole cut dimensions,see installation instructions sheet. Includes dual-gang box, two 106 adapter with eight openings for communication devices, and nickel cover with four screw plugs. For hole cut dimensions, see installation instructions sheet. Box Dimensions: 2 1/8" W x 3 3/4" L x 3 7/8" D [54mm W x 95mm L x 98mm D] Device Plate: 3 1/8" W x 4 15/16" L [79mm W x 125mm L] Box Dimensions: 3 1/4" W x 3 3/4" L x 3 7/8" D [83mm W x 95mm L x 98mm D] Device Plate: 4 7/8" W x 5 1/16" L [124mm W x 129mm L] FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS WMFB1KS2B 455 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD aF™ SERiES FLOOR BOXES FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS Floorsource AF series™ Raised Floor Boxes provide point-of-use activations for multiple power and communications devices while offering greater flexibility relating to adds, moves and changes within a standard and shallow raised floor application. COLOR OPTIONS AF series™ Raised Floor Boxes are available in die-cast aluminum with black, brown or gray covers and trim flanges as indicated in the part number descriptions. 456 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD CODE REFERENCE UL Listed Classified Raised Floor Box: File E2961, Guide QCIT. UL Listed Classified Raised Floor Box (prewired): File E51105, Guide QQVX. Meets Article 314 of NEC. Meets Article 12-2500 of CEC. WIREMOLD aF™ SERiES FLOOR BOXES AF Series Raised Floor Boxes Ordering Information AF-1 Raised Floor Box The AF1 Raised Floor and stage Floor Box provides three separate compartments that accommodate a combination of power, communication and audio/video devices. This combination is accomplished with the built-in service dividers. These dividers are arranged in a single-double, single-gang configuration. Die-cast aluminum housing provides added strength and reliability. Polycarbonate hinged lid and trim flange are available for carpet or tile applications, as well as color choice of black, brown, or gray. Knockouts: SGT DGT SGT Faceplate Locations 3/4" Trade Size 1/2" Trade Size 1/2" Trade Size KO Bottom Side Specifications DEsCRIPTION DIMENsIONs OVERALL TRIM RING 8 3/4" x 6 3/4" [222mm x 171mm] MODuLE DEPTH OVERALL 5" [127mm] PANEL OPENING 8" x 6" [203mm x 152mm] COVER sIZE 7 1/2" x 5" [191mm x 127mm] ACTIVATION CHAMBER VOLuME 130 cu in. [2130ml] usER VOLuME 78.6 cu in. [1288ml] TOTAL VOLuME 208.6 cu in. [3418ml] KNOCKOuT sIZEs seven (7) 1/2" & Two (2) 3/4" Trade size KOs (Power side only) sERVICE Triple MAXIMuM FLOOR THICKNEss 1 1/2" [38mm] (Includes floor covering) Ordering Data DEsCRIPTION BOX DIMENsION AF1-KC AF1 with Black Carpet Cover and Trim 8" x 6" [203mm x 152mm] AF1-KT AF1 with Black Tile Cover and Trim 8" x 6" [203mm x 152mm] AF1-NC AF1 with Brown Carpet Cover and Trim 8" x 6" [203mm x 152mm] AF1-NT AF1 with Brown Tile Cover and Trim 8" x 6" [203mm x 152mm] AF1-YC AF1 with Gray Carpet Cover and Trim 8" x 6" [203mm x 152mm] AF1-YT AF1 with Gray Tile Cover and Trim 8" x 6" [203mm x 152mm] FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS CAT. NO. NOTE: AF1 and AF3 Floor Boxes are available in a prewired (power only) version. Consult factory for ordering information. For information on prewired versions with Walkerflex, see the Walkerflex Section of this Product Guide. NOTE: All boxes and plates are sold separately. 457 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD aF™ SERiES FLOOR BOXES AF Series Raised Floor Boxes Ordering Information AF-3 Raised Floor Box The AF3 Raised Floor and stage Floor Box provides four separate compartments that accommodate up to eight gangs of communication, power and/or audio/ video devices. The top panel has a unique built-in service divider that accommodates a combination power, communication and audio/video devices. These dividers are arranged in a single-double, single-gang configuration. The lower panel provides single-gang activation points in a single service configuration. Die-cast aluminum housing provides added strength and reliability. Polycarbonate hinged lid and trim flange are available for carpet or tile applications, as well as a color choice of black, brown, or gray. Knockouts: Bottom 1/2" Trade Size Specifications DEsCRIPTION DIMENsIONs OVERALL TRIM RING 9 1/8" x 11" [232mm x 279mm] MODuLE DEPTH OVERALL 5" [127mm] PANEL OPENING 8" x 10" [203mm x 254mm] COVER sIZE 7 1/2" x 9 1/2" [191mm x 242mm] ACTIVATION CHAMBER VOLuME 220 cu in. [3604ml] usER VOLuME 180 cu in. [2948ml] TOTAL VOLuME 300 cu in. [4915ml] KNOCKOuT sIZEs seven (7) 1/2" & Two (2) 3/4" Trade size KOs (Power side only) sERVICE Triple MAXIMuM FLOOR THICKNEss 1 1/2" [38mm] (Includes floor covering) FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS Ordering Data CAT. NO. DEsCRIPTION AF3-KC AF3 with Black Carpet Cover and Trim 8" x 10" [203mm x 254mm] AF3-KT AF3 with Black Tile Cover and Trim 8" x 10" [203mm x 254mm] AF3-NC AF3 with Brown Carpet Cover and Trim 8" x 10" [203mm x 254mm] AF3-NT AF3 with Brown Tile Cover and Trim 8" x 10" [203mm x 254mm] AF3-YC AF3 with Gray Carpet Cover and Trim 8" x 10" [203mm x 254mm] AF3-YT BOX DIMENsION AF3 with Gray Tile Cover and Trim 8" x 10" [203mm x 254mm] NOTE: AF1 and AF3 Floor Boxes are available in a prewired (power only) version. Consult factory for ordering information. For information on prewired versions with Walkerflex, see the Walkerflex Section of this Product Guide. NOTE: All boxes and plates are sold separately. 458 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 1/2" Trade Size SGT SGB DGT SGB SGB SGB SGT Faceplate Locations 3/4" Trade Size Side WIREMOLD aF™ SERiES FLOOR BOXES AF Series Upper (Top) Panel Device Plates for Raised Floor Boxes Ordering Information SGT-B Single-Gang Plate Blank plate for field punching. SGT-DP Single-Gang Plate One duplex opening. SGT-H Single-Gang Plate For Heyco bushing opening or single receptacle 1.046" [35.7mm] diameter. use in outer, side compartments only. SGT-1KO Double-Gang Plate Blank plate. use in center compartment only. DGT-2DP Double-Gang Plate Two duplex openings. use in center compartment only. DGT-DP/B Double-Gang Plate One duplex opening and blank. use in center compartment only. Single-Gang Plate 1" [25mm] knockout. SGT-ACT DGT-B DGT-ACT Double-Gang Plate Includes one (1) wiremold Open system adapter. Adapter accepts three (3) wiremold CM series inserts or three (3) wiremold CM2 series modules. use in center compartment only. Single-Gang Plate Accepts three (3) wiremold Open system inserts or three (3) wiremold CM series Open system modules. DGT-AAP Internal Audio/Video Plate Accepts three (3) Extron® Electronics AAP series Devices (sold separately). Single-Gang Plate Accepts three (3) Ortronics® series II inserts. SGT-MAAP Internal Audio/Video Plate DGT-MAAP Internal Audio/Video Plate Accepts five (5) Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP series Devices (sold separately). Accepts two (2) Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP series Devices (sold separately). FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS SGT-3S2 459 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD aF™ SERiES FLOOR BOXES AF Series Upper (Top) Panel Device Plates for Raised Floor Boxes Ordering Information DGT-RT Double-Gang Plate Includes one (1) Ortronics® series II adapter and one (1) TracJack adapter. use in center compartment only. SGT-3TJ Single-Gang Plate Accepts three (3) Ortronics® TracJack inserts. Lower (Bottom) Panel Device Plates for AF3 Raised Floor Boxes Ordering Information SGB-B Single-Gang Plate Blank plate for field punching. SGB-DP Single-Gang Plate One duplex opening. SGB-MAAP Internal Audio/Video Plate FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS Accepts two (2) Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP series Devices (sold separately). 460 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD SGB-ACT Single-Gang Plate Accepts three (3) wiremold Open system inserts or three (3) CM2 series Open system modules. SGB-3S2 Single-Gang Plate Accepts three (3) Ortronics® series II inserts. SGB-3TJ Single-Gang Plate Accepts three (3) Ortronics® Tracjack inserts. WIREMOLD aF™ SERiES FLOOR BOXES AF Series Raised Floor Boxes Ordering Information SAF Raised Floor Box The sAF shallow Raised Floor Box has been designed to fit into 2 1/2" floor depths and provides two compartments that accommodate a combination of power, communication and audio/video devices. The sAF21/2 can accommodate two duplex receptacles on one side and up to six communication devices on the other side. The power and communication compartments can only be used for designated services. Four 1/2" trade size KOs are in the sides of the box to feed the power devices. The hinged polycarbonate lid and trim flange for carpet or tile are available in black, brown, or gray. Two duplex receptacle power plates are supplied with each box. Receptacles not included. Three blank communication plates are included with each box. Box includes a communication compartment cover plate for use in air handling spaces. sAF21/2 Box will accept up to two sG2 Power Plates, and up to three sGC2 Communication Plates. Consult factory for custom plates. Knockouts: Back 1/2" Trade Size 1/2" Trade Size KO Top Side Side Front 1/2" Trade Size Specifications DEsCRIPTION DIMENsIONs OVERALL TRIM RING 9 1/8" x 11" [232mm x 279mm] MODuLE DEPTH OVERALL 2 1/2" [64mm] PANEL OPENING 8" x 10" [203mm x 254mm] COVER sIZE 7 1/2" x 9 1/2" [191mm x 242mm] ACTIVATION VOLuME 18.5 cubic inches [303ml] POwER VOLuME 29 cubic inches [475ml] MAXIMuM FLOOR PANEL THICKNEss wITH FLOOR COVERING 1 3/16" [30mm] KNOCKOuTs Power – Four (4) 1/2" Trade size Concentric KOs Communication – Three (3) 1/2" Trade size Concentric KOs sERVICE Triple MAXIMuM FLOOR THICKNEss 1 3/8" [35mm] (includes floor covering) Ordering Data DEsCRIPTION sAF21/2-KC Black Carpet Cover and Trim 8" x 10" [203mm x 254mm] BOX DIMENsION sAF21/2-KT Black Tile Cover and Trim 8" x 10" [203mm x 254mm] sAF21/2-NC Brown Carpet Cover and Trim 8" x 10" [203mm x 254mm] sAF21/2-NT Brown Tile Cover and Trim 8" x 10" [203mm x 254mm] sAF21/2-YC Gray Carpet Cover and Trim 8" x 10" [203mm x 254mm] sAF21/2-YT Gray Tile Cover and Trim 8" x 10" [203mm x 254mm] FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS CAT. NO. 461 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD aF™ SERiES FLOOR BOXES SAF21/2 Raised Floor Box Device Plates Ordering Information SG2-DP Power Plate SGC2-B Communication Plate single-gang blank. single-gang duplex receptacle. SG2-B Power Plate SGC2-ACT single-gang blank plate. SGC2-MAAP Communication Plate FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS Accepts two (2) Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP series Devices (sold separately). 462 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD Communication Plate single-gang adapter. Includes one (1) wiremold Open system adapter. SGC2-RT Communication Plate Includes one (1) Ortronics® series II adapter and one (1) TracJack adapter. WIREMOLD aC™ SERiES FLOOR BOXES Floorsource AC series™ Raised Floor Boxes provide point-of-use activations for multiple power, communication and audio/video devices while offering greater flexibility relating to adds, moves and changes within the raised floor. CODE REFERENCE UL Listed Classified Raised Floor Box: File E2961, Guide QCIT. UL Listed Classified Raised Floor Box (prewired): File E51105, Guide QQVX. Meets Article 314 of NEC. Meets Article 12-2500 of CEC. AC Series Raised Floor Boxes Ordering Information AC8850, AC8105 Raised Floor Box The AC8850 and AC8105 are boxes with a 5" [127mm] depth design, with the AC8105 providing an extra 2" [51mm] of width for additional wiring capacity. These boxes can accommodate four duplex power receptacles on one side. Power plate with duplex knockouts included with box. The communication plate will accept at least three communication adapters for up to 18 ports of activation. Lids rotate 180° for easy orientation. Gray lids are die-cast zinc construction. AC8850 Knockouts: AC8105 Back Knockouts: Side Side Top Back Top Side Side Front 1/2" & 3/4" Trade Size Concentric KOs 1/2" & 3/4" Trade Size Concentric KOs Front FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS NOTE: Back plate is removable for greater depth capacity. COLOR OPTIONS AC series™ Raised Floor Boxes are available in diecast zinc construction with gray covers as indicated in the part number descriptions. 463 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD aC™ SERiES FLOOR BOXES AC Series Raised Floor Boxes Ordering Information Specifications DEsCRIPTION AC8850 DIMENsIONs AC8105 DIMENsIONs BOX DIMENsIONs 8" x 8" x 5" [203mm x 203mm x 127mm] 8" x 10" x 5" [203mm x 254mm x 127mm] OVERALL TRIM RING 9 1/4" x 9 1/4" [235mm x 235mm] 9 1/4" x 11 1/4" [235mm x 286mm] MODuLE DEPTH OVERALL 5" [127mm] 5" [127mm] PANEL OPENING 8" x 8" [203mm x 203mm] 8" x 10" [203mm x 254mm] COVER sIZE 7 11/16" x 7 11/16" [195mm x 195mm] 7 11/16" x 9 11/16" [195mm x 246mm] ACTIVATION CHAMBER VOLuME 97.22 cubic inches [1593ml] 111.08 cubic inches [1820ml] usER VOLuME 102.22 cubic inches [1674ml] 151.97 cubic inches [2490ml] TOTAL VOLuME 199.22 cubic inches [3264ml] 262.97 cubic inches [4309ml] KNOCKOuTs Power – Four (4) 1/2"-3/4" Trade size Cocentric KOs Communication – Four (4) 1/2”-3/4” Trade size Concentric KOs sERVICE single Triple MAXIMuM FLOOR THICKNEss 2" [51mm] (includes floor covering) 2" [51mm] (includes floor covering) NOTE: For custom options, consult factory. All boxes are sold with one power plate: 4" [102mm] deep boxes have plate with two power duplex receptacle KOs, 5" [127mm] deep boxes have plate with four power duplex receptacle KOs. All communication plates sold separately. Power Plates for AC8850 & AC8105 Raised Floor Boxes Ordering Information P8105-4DP Double-Gang Power Plate Four (4) duplex KOs. One plate supplied with AC8105 Box. P8850-4DP Power Plate Four (4) duplex KOs. One plate supplied with AC8850 Box. * AC8850 is a single-service box. Power plates cannot be used in conjunction with communication plates. Communication Plates for AC8850 & AC8105 Raised Floor Boxes Ordering Information C8005P-3DBP* Communication Plate FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS Three (3) duplex KOs for 106 communication style adapter. Fits both AC8850 and AC8105 Boxes. C8850P-ACT*, C8850P-2ACT* Communication Plate For AC8850 Box. Includes one (1) (C8850PACT) or two (2) (C8850P-2ACT) wiremold CM series Open system adapter(s). 464 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD C8850P-RT*, C8850P-2RT* Communication Plate For AC8850 Box. Includes one (1) or two (2) Ortronics® series II and one (1) or two (2) TracJack adapter(s). C8005P-3RT* Communication Plate For AC8850 and AC8105 Boxes. Includes three (3) Ortronics® series II and three (3) TracJack adapters. WIREMOLD aC™ SERiES FLOOR BOXES Communication Plates for AC8850 & AC8105 Raised Floor Boxes Ordering Information C8005P-3ACT* C8005P-AAP-6A* Communication Plate For AC8850 and AC8105 Boxes. Includes three (3) 6A wiremold CM series Open system adapters. Internal Audio/Video Plate Accepts six (6) Extron® Electronics AAP series Devices (sold separately) and one (1) CM communication adapter. NOTE: For use in AC8105 style box. C8005P-MAAP-6A* Internal Audio/Video Plate Accepts six (6) Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP series Devices (sold separately) and one (1) CM communication adapter. * AC8850 is a single-service box. Power plates cannot be used in conjunction with communication plates. NOTE: For use in AC8105 style box. Communication Plates for AC8850 & AC8105 Raised Floor Boxes Ordering Information AC8840, AC8104 Raised Floor Boxes The AC8840 and AC8104 are boxes with a 4" [102mm] depth design, with the AC8104 providing an extra 2" [51mm] of width for added wiring capacity. These boxes can accommodate two duplex power receptacles on one side. Power plate with duplex knockouts included with box. The communication plate will accept two communication adapters for up to 12 ports of activation. Lids can be rotated 180° for easy orientation. Gray lids are die-cast zinc construction. Knockouts: Side AC8104 Back Top Front Knockouts: Side Side 1/2" & 3/4" Trade Size Concentric KOs 1/2" & 3/4" Trade Size Concentric KOs Back Top Side Front NOTE: Plate is removable for greater depth capacity. Specifications DEsCRIPTION AC8840 DIMENsIONs AC8104 DIMENsIONs BOX DIMENsIONs 8" x 8" x 4” [203mm x 203mm x 102mm] 8" x 10" x 4” [203mm x 254mm x 102mm] OVERALL TRIM RING 9 1/4" x 9 1/4" [235mm x 235mm] 9 1/4" x 11 1/4" [235mm x 286mm] MODuLE DEPTH OVERALL 4" [102mm] 4" [102mm] PANEL OPENING 8" x 8" [203mm x 203mm] 8" x 10" [203mm x 254mm] COVER sIZE 7 11/16" x 7 11/16" [195mm x 195mm] 7 11/16" x 9 11/16" [195mm x 246mm] ACTIVATION CHAMBER VOLuME 63.92 cubic inches [1047ml] 76.87 cubic inches [1260ml] usER VOLuME 84.34 cubic inches [1382ml] 130.09 cubic inches [2131ml] TOTAL VOLuME 152.34 cubic inches [2496ml] 201.09 cubic inches [3295ml] KNOCKOuTs Power – Four (4) 1/2"-3/4" Trade size Concentric KOs Communication – Two (2) 1/2"-3/4" Trade size Concentric KOs sERVICE single Dual MAXIMuM FLOOR THICKNEss 2" [51mm] (includes floor covering) 2" [51mm] (includes floor covering) NOTE: For custom options, consult factory. All boxes are sold with one power plate: 4" [102mm] deep boxes have plate with two power duplex receptacle KOs, 5" [127mm] deep boxes have plate with four power duplex receptacle KOs. All communication plates sold separately. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS AC8840 465 WIREMOLD aC™ SERiES FLOOR BOXES Power Plates for AC8840 & AC8104 Raised Floor Boxes Ordering Information P8840-2DP Power Plate Two duplex KOs. One (1) plate supplied with AC8840 Box. C8004P-2DBP Communication Plate Two duplex KOs. For AC8840 and AC8104 Boxes. NOTE: AC8840 is a single-service box. Power plates cannot be used in conjunction with communication plates. P8104-2DP Power Plate Two duplex KOs. One (1) plate supplied with AC8104 Box. Communication Plates for AC8840 & AC8104 Raised Floor Boxes Ordering Information C8004P-2ACT Communication Plate For AC8840 and AC8104 Boxes. Includes two (2) wiremold CM series Open system adapters. FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS NOTE AC8840 is a single-service box. Power plates cannot be used in conjunction with communication plates. 466 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD C8004P-2RT Communication Plate For AC8840 and AC8104 Boxes. Includes two (2) Ortronics® series II adapters and two (2) TracJack adapters. WIREMOLD aC™ SERiES FLOOR BOXES AC Series Raised Floor Boxes Ordering Information AC10105-2 Raised Floor Box Specifications DEsCRIPTION The AC10105-2 box with a 5" [127mm] depth is a square profile box that provides eight-gangs of power and/or communication device capacity. Power plate with duplex knockouts included with box. The AC10105-2 also provides increased plug-in volume which is ideal for the additional space needed when plugging in transformer type plugs. Lids can be rotated 180° for easy orientation. Gray lids are die-cast zinc construction. DIMENsIONs BOX DIMENsIONs 10" x 10" x 5" [254mm x 254mm x 127mm] OVERALL TRIM RING 11 1/2" x 11 1/2" [292mm x 292mm] MODuLE DEPTH OVERALL 5" [127mm] PANEL OPENING 10" x 10" [254mm x 254mm] COVER sIZE 9 5/8" x 9 5/8" [245mm x 245mm] ACTIVATION CHAMBER VOLuME 115 cu in. [1884ml] usER VOLuME 243 cu in. [3981ml] TOTAL VOLuME 358 cu in. [5865ml] KNOCKOuT sIZEs Power – Four (4) 1/2" Trade size Concentric KOs Communication – Four (4) 1/2" Trade size Concentric KOs sERVICE Triple MAXIMuM FLOOR THICKNEss 2" [51mm] (includes floor covering) Knockouts: Side Back Top 1/2" & 3/4" Trade Size Concentric KOs 1/2" & 3/4" Trade Size Concentric KOs Side Front Power Plates for AC10105-2 Raised Floor Box Ordering Information P10105-4DP Double-Gang Power Plate P10105-5DP Double-Gang Power Plate Five duplex KOs for AC10105-2 Box. Four duplex KOs. One supplied with AC10105-2 Box. Communication Plates for AC10105-2 Raised Floor Box Ordering Information Communication Plate Blank. For AC10105 Box. C10105P-3ACT Communication Plate For AC10105 Box. Includes three (3) wiremold CM series Open system adapters. C10105P-AAP-6A C10105P-3RT Communication Plate For AC10105 Box. Includes three (3) Ortronics® series II adapters and three (3) TracJack adapters. C10105P-MAAP-6A Internal Audio/Video Plate Accepts eight (8) Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP series Devices (sold separately) and one (1) CM series communication adapter. Internal Audio/Video Plate Accepts eight (8) Extron® Electronics AAP series Devices (sold separately) and one (1) CM series communication adapter. FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS C10105P-B 467 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD CRFB SERiES™ FLOOR BOXES CRFB series Floor Boxes are round recessed floor boxes designed to meet the functionality and flexibility requirements of the raised and wood floor markets. CODE REFERENCE UL Listed Classified Raised Floor Box: File E2961, Guide QCIT. UL Listed Classified Raised Floor Box (prewired): File E51105, Guide QQVX. Meets Article 314 of NEC. Meets Article 12-2500 of CEC. FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS New egress design for CRFB Series Floor Box Covers offers larger wire/cable egress with locking feature. Cables egress from a CRFB Series Floor Box with Evolution Series Poke-Thru Cover. CRFB Series four-compartment configurable box. COLOR OPTIONS 468 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD CRFB series Floor Boxes Cover and Evolution™ series Poke-Thru Covers are available in black, brass, nickel, bronze, and gray finishes. WIREMOLD CRFB SERiES™ FLOOR BOXES CRFB Series Floor Boxes Assembly Details CRFB-Housing The housing is die-cast aluminum construction with stamped steel bottom plate. Ø 8 1/4" [210mm] 2" Trade Size KO Combination 3/4" & 1" (3) concentric Trade Size KOs 6 5/8" [168mm] Combination 1/2" & 3/4" (3) concentric trade size KOs 1 1/4" trade size KO Ø 7.789" [198mm] CoMPARTMENT DEPTh CoMPARTMENT VoLuMES 3 3/4" [95mm] 2 1/4" [57mm] 23.5 in.3 [385ml] 32.8 in.3 [537ml] 17.5 in.3 [287ml] 23.5 in.3 [385ml] CRFB Series Round Raised Floor Boxes Ordering Information CRFBBTC CRFB Housing Surface Style Cover Assembly Die-cast aluminum construction with stamped steel bottom plate. Includes 3 duplex receptacle plates, 1 center communication plate and 3 cable pass through grommets for 1" trade size tunnel. 9 3/16" [233mm] NOTE: Floor thickness range (including floor covering) 3/8" – 2" [9.5mm - 51mm]. CRFBCTC Surface Style Cover Assembly 9 3/16" [233mm] Available in die cast aluminum with a painted black (CRFBCTCBK), brass (CRFBCTCBs), nickel (CRFBCTCNK), bronze (CRFBCTCBZ) or gray (CRFBCTCGY) finish. Insert areas allow for tile or carpet cutouts to match finished floor. Available in die cast aluminum with a painted black (CRFBBTCBK), brass (CRFBBTCBs), nickel (CRFBBTCNK), bronze (CRFBBTCBZ) or gray (CRFBBTCGY) finish. No cutouts are provided for floor coverings. CRFBCTC-TR Tamper Resistant Surface Style Cover Assembly Available in die cast aluminum with a painted black (CRFBCTCBKTR), brass (CRFBCTCBsTR), 9 3/16" nickel (CRFBCTCNKTR), [233mm] bronze (CRFBCTCBZTR) or gray (CRFBCTCGYTR) finish. Lid has built-in key locking feature for tamper resistance. Insert areas allow for tile or carpet cutouts to match finished floor. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS CRFB4 469 WIREMOLD CRFB SERiES™ FLOOR BOXES CRFB Series Round Raised Floor Boxes Ordering Information CRFB-TUN 8CTC Tunnel Surface Style Cover Assembly Tunnel allows the two outer compartments to be utilized for one service while the center two compartments are utilized for other services. CRFBBTC-TR Tamper Resistant Surface Style Cover Assembly 9 3/16" [233mm] Available in die cast aluminum with a painted black (CRFBBTCBKTR), brass (CRFBBTCBsTR), nickel (CRFBBTCNKTR), bronze (CRFBBTCBZTR) or gray (CRFBBTCGYTR) finish. No cutouts are provided. Lid has built-in key locking feature for tamper resistance. 9 1/4" [235mm] Die-cast aluminum cover assembly. Cover assembly is available in the following painted finishes: (8CTCBK) black, (8CTCGY) gray, (8CTCNK) nickel, (8CTCBs) brass, or (8CTCBZ) bronze. NOTE: Add suffix “TR” to the end of the part number to indicate tamperresistant cover assembly. 8CT Flush Style Cover Assembly 9 1/4" [235mm] Die-cast aluminum cover assembly. Cover assembly is available in the following painted finishes: black (8CTBK), gray (8CTGY), nickel (8CTNK), brass (8CTBs), or bronze (8CTBZ). NOTE: Add suffix “TR” to the end of the part number to indicate tamperresistant cover assembly. CRFB Series Device Plates for Location 1 Ordering Information CRFB-B-1 Blank Device Plate #1 CRFB-AB-1 used to close off unused gang. CRFB-D-1 Duplex Device Plate Accepts two (2) ports of communication devices. Includes one (1) wiremold CM series Open system adapter and inserts. CRFB-RT-1 Accepts standard 15A and 20A duplex receptacles. FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS CRFB-GFI-1 Communication Device Plate Accepts two (2) ports of communication devices. Includes one (1) Ortronics® series II and one (1) Tracjack adapter. GFCI/Decorator Plate Accepts standard GFCI or Decorator style receptacles. CRFB-SR1-1 Communication Device Plate Device Plate Location #1 1.39" [35mm] Device Plate Accepts single device 1.39" [35mm] NOTE: Standard size for device plates for Plate Location 1 is 6 11/32" [161mm] x 2 3/4" [62mm]. 470 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD CRFB SERiES™ FLOOR BOXES CRFB Series Device Plates for Location 2 Ordering Information CRFB-B-2 CRFB-AB-2 Blank Device Plate #2 Communication Device Plate Accepts two (2) ports of communication devices. Includes one (1) wiremold CM series Open system adapter and inserts. used to close off unused gang. CRFB-D-2 CRFB-RT-2 Duplex Device Plate Communication Device Plate Accepts two (2) ports of communication devices. Includes one (1) Ortronics® series II and one (1) Tracjack adapter. Accepts standard 15A and 20A duplex receptacles. CRFB-GFI-2 GFCI/Decorator Plate Accepts standard GFCI or Decorator style receptacles. CRFB-SR1-2 Device Plate Location #2 1.39" [35mm] Device Plate Accepts single device 1.39" [35mm] CRFB-SR2-2 NOTE: Standard size for device plates for Plate Location 2 is 5 7/32" [132mm] x 2 3/4" [62mm]. 1.60" [41mm] Device Plate Accepts single device 1.60" [41mm] CRFB-B-3 Blank Device Plate #3 CRFB-GFI-3 used to close off unused gang. CRFB-D-3 Duplex Device Plate Accepts standard 15A and 20A duplex receptacles. GFCI/Decora Plate Accepts standard GFCI or Decorator style receptacles. CRFB-SR1-3 1.39" [35mm] Device Plate FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS CRFB Series Device Plates for Location 3 Ordering Information Accepts single device 1.39" [35mm]. 471 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD CRFB SERiES™ FLOOR BOXES CRFB Series Device Plates for Location 3 Ordering Information (continued) CRFB-AB-3 Communication Device Plate Device Plate Location #3 Accepts two (2) ports of communication devices. Includes one (1) wiremold CM series Open system adapter and inserts. CRFB-RT-3 Communication Device Plate Accepts two (2) ports of communication devices. Includes one (1) Ortronics® series II and one (1) Tracjack adapter. NOTE: Standard size for device plates for Plate Location 3 is 5 7/32" [132mm] x 2 3/4" [62mm]. CRFB Series Device Plates for Location 4 Ordering Information CRFB-BEZ6A-4 Center 6A Comm Adapter CRFB-MAAP-4 6A communications plate. Includes: (1) 6A wiremold Open system Adapter, (1) Ortronics series II Adapter, (1) Ortronics TracJack Adapter. Modular jacks sold separately. CRFB-B-4 Center Blank Plate Holds four (4) Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP device plates. CRFB-6COM-4 Center Duplex Plate Center Communication Plate Communication plate with six (6) RJ knockouts. Modular jacks sold separately. used to close off unused gang. CRFB-D-4 Extron® MAAP Plate Device Plate Location #4 FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS Accepts standard 15A and 20A Duplex Receptacles. CRFB-GFI-4 Center Decorator Style Plate Accepts standard GFCI or Decorator style Receptacles. CRFB-SR1-4 Center 1.39" [35mm] Device Plate Accepts single device 1.39" [35mm]. 472 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD NOTE: Standard size for device plates for Plate Location 4 is 5 7/32" [132mm] x 2 3/4" [62mm]. WIREMOLD CCFB SERiES™ COnvEnTiOn CEnTER SERiES PROduCTS Convention Center series™ Products are industry leading solutions for providing multiple utilities services directly to the show room. Circuit Breakers (Prewired to Receptacles) 100A Watertight Pin and Sleeve Device Drain Compartment FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS Available Prewired Electrical Sub-Assembly Water services (W) available. If water services are required, a main divider is automatically added to isolate the electrical/communications compartments from the water compartment. Compressed air services are also available. Water & Compressed Air utilities 473 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD CCFB SERiES™ COnvEnTiOn CEnTER SERiES PROduCTS CCFB Ballroom Floor Boxes Ordering Information CCFB-XXXX Multi-Utility Recessed Floor Box Designed to accept power, communication and audio/video devices, water and compressed air. CCFB boxes are available in four (4) different finishes: unpainted G90 galvanized steel (uGs), painted galvanized steel (PGs), stainless steel (uss) and painted stainless steel (Pss). Cast aluminum cover assembly has a peened textured finish. Provided with a carpet cut-out area and is designed to meet loads up to 64,000 lbs. TYPE S BOX CODE REFERENCE Cover Styles CCFBC-NS-h-C1 CCFBC-NS-N-C1 CCFBC-CR-h-C1 CCFBC-CR-N-C1 CCFBC-BL-h-C1 CCFBC-BL-N-C1 19.1/8" [486mm] 16 1/2" [419mm] 19.3/16" [487mm] 21" [533mm] Cover Styles CCFBC-NS-h-C3 CCFBC-NS-N-C3 CCFBC-CR-h-C3 CCFBC-CR-N-C3 CCFBC-BL-h-C3 CCFBC-BL-N-C3 • 140A, 480V 3 Phase • 140A, 120/208V 3 Phase into Terminal Blocks • 100A, 277/480V 3 Phase for individually wired Devices Cover Styles • Water • Compressed Air Maximum Electric Ratings Other Utilities 24" [610mm] TYPE L BOX 19.3/16" [487mm] Power Capabilities • One (1) 100A 120/208V Pin and Sleeve Receptacle • One (1) 100A 277/480V Pin and Sleeve Receptacle • 20A Receptacles • 20A Panel Mounted Circuit Breakers • 350A 600V Terminal Blocks 12.1/2" [317mm] TYPE SS BOX cULus Listed Metallic Outlet Boxes: File E317375 Guide AuuZ, Auu27. Meets Article 314 & 408 of NEC. CCFBC-NS-h-C2 CCFBC-NS-N-C2 CCFBC-CR-h-C2 CCFBC-CR-N-C2 CCFBC-BL-h-C2 CCFBC-BL-N-C2 25" [635mm] Note: Boxes and Device Plates are custom made to order. “-XXXX” in title denotes Project Number assigned by Wiremold Project Services Team. Note: Boxes and Covers are shipped separately. Note: Load was applied in the center of the cover over a 1" x 16" rectangular bar. Note: Service feed openings are field installed. 21 3/4" [552mm] TYPE LS BOX Cover Styles 25" [635mm] FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS 19.3/16" [487mm] 474 CCFBC-NS-h-C4 CCFBC-NS-N-C4 CCFBC-CR-h-C4 CCFBC-CR-N-C4 CCFBC-BL-h-C4 CCFBC-BL-N-C4 33" [838mm] TYPE LL BOX Cover Styles 19.3/16" [487mm] 25" [635mm] 42" [1067mm] www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD CCFBC-NS-h-C5 CCFBC-NS-N-C5 CCFBC-CR-h-C5 CCFBC-CR-N-C5 CCFBC-BL-h-C5 CCFBC-BL-N-C5 WIREMOLD CCFB SERiES™ COnvEnTiOn CEnTER SERiES PROduCTS CCFB Series Floor Boxes Replacement Parts Ordering Information CCFB-EBCH Checked Egress Block CCFB-PH Egress Hinge Replacement egress blocks with a diamond plate checkered pattern. Includes two egress blocks and hinges. CCFB-EBCI Carpet Insert Egress Block Replacement egress hinges. Includes two (2) hinges. CCFB-QT Quarter Turn Latch Replacement egress blocks with carpet. Includes two egress blocks and hinges. Quarter turn latch assembly allows cover to be secured down when cover is in closed position. CCFB-QT-002 CCFB-HB Hinge Block Assembly CCFB-QT-001 Replacement cover hinges. Includes a left and right hinge. ITTBOX Series Floor Boxes Ordering Information 6-Gang Recessed Floor Box Accepts power, communications and audio/video devices. Available for above grade applications with G90 galvanized steel and epoxy coating for on-grade applications. NOTE: Boxes and Device Plates are custom made to order. “-XXXX” in title denotes Project Number assigned by Wiremold Project Services Team. NOTE: Boxes and Covers are shipped separately. NOTE: Knockouts range from 1/2" to 2" trade size and are located per requirements. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Metallic Outlet Boxes: File E2961 Guide QCIT. Meets Article 314 NEC. FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS ITTBOX-XXXX 475 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD CCFB SERiES™ COnvEnTiOn CEnTER SERiES PROduCTS CCWB Series Wall Boxes Ordering Information CCWB-XXXX Convention Center Wall Box Available in recessed and wall mount versions. Available with key locks for increased security and are designed for power, communications and audio/video devices. wall mount version available painted or in a paintable G60 material. Recessed wall box is available in a G90 steel material and the recessed wall box covers are available in a paintable G60 material. Power Capabilities • One (1) 100A 120/208V Pin and Sleeve Receptacle • One (1) 100A 277/480V Pin and Sleeve Receptacle • 20A Receptacles • 20A Panel Mounted Circuit Breakers • 350A 600V Terminal Blocks CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Metallic Outlet Boxes: File E317375 Guide AuuZ, Auu27. Meets Article 314 & 408 of NEC. NOTE: Boxes and device plates are custom made to order. “-XXXX” in part number denotes project number assigned by Wiremold Project Services team. Factory installed KOs per project requirements. Surface Mounted Wall Box Recessed Wall Box CCFB Series PPDU Portable Power Distribution Units Ordering Information PPDU-620 Power Distribution Unit Designed to supply power to an exhibition hall. Available in a painted steel enclosure with six (6) GFCI (20A/120V) duplex receptacles, and six (6) single pole 20A, circuit breakers. Electric Ratings FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS • Type 1 • Input: 30A, Three Phase 120/208V • Output: 20A per Receptacle, single Phase 120VAC 476 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Portable Power Units & Devices: File E302114 Guide QPsH. Meets Article(s) 518, 520, 525, 530 & 590 of NEC. WIREMOLD CCBB SERiES™ BaLLROOM FLOOR BOXES CCBB series™ Ballroom Floor Boxes are concrete floor boxes that have been designed for above-grade and on-grade applications. CODE REFERENCE UL Listed Commercial Appliance & Outlet Centers: File E237584. Guide AuuZ, Auu27. Meets Article 314 of NEC. CCBB Series Ballroom Floor Boxes Ordering Information CCBBS, CCBBS-OG 12-Gang Recessed Floor Box Adjustable before concrete pour, provided with mudcap to prevent concrete entry during pour. Cover assembly and device plates sold separately. Available in a standard model for above grade applications (CCBBs) or with a painted epoxy coating for on grade applications (CCBBs-OG). 6 1/4" [159mm] 15 5/32" [385mm] 11 1/2" [292mm] 16 19/32" [421mm] 1 1/2" Trade Size KOs NOTE: Custom options are available. Consult factory for more information. NOTE: Not intended for use on bare concrete or terrazzo floors. 1 1/2" Trade Size KOs 3/4" Trade Size KOs FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS Depth Behind Plate 3 3/4" [95mm] 2" Trade Size KOs COLOR OPTIONS CCFB series Floor Box covers are cast aluminum and available with a peened textured finish. 477 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD CCBB SERiES™ BaLLROOM FLOOR BOXES CCBB Series Ballroom Floor Boxes Ordering Information (continued) CCBBSCTCAL Carpet Cover Assembly Cast aluminum cover assembly. Available in a peened textured finish. Provided with a carpet cut-out area. Load tested over 25,000 lbs. NOTE: Load was applied in the center of the cover over a 1" x 14" rectangular bar. Covers are designed for use in floors with a floor covering of 1/4" [6.4mm] minimum. (Not intended for bare concrete or terrazzo applications.) 19" [483mm] 13 1/8" [333mm] CCBBL-XXXX Recessed Floor Box Designed to accept power, communication and A/V device. Power Capabilities Box Depth: 25" [635mm] Depth varies based on services included. 15 1/16" [383mm] 17 7/8" [454mm] NOTE: Boxes and Device Plates are custom made to order. “-XXXX” in title denotes Project Number assigned by Wiremold Project Services Team. NOTE: Not intended for use on bare concrete or terrazzo floors. NOTE: Service feed openings are field installed. CCBBLCTCAL • One (1) 100A 120/208V Pin and Sleeve Receptacle • One (1) 100A 277/480V Pin and Sleeve Receptacle • 20A Receptacles • 20A Panel Mounted Circuit Breakers • 350A 600V Terminal Blocks Maximum Electric Ratings • 140A, 480V 3 Phase • 140A, 120/208V 3 Phase into Terminal Blocks • 100A, 277/480V 3 Phase for individually wired Devices Carpet Cover Assembly Cast aluminum cover assembly. Available in a peened textured finish. Provided with a carpet cut-out area. Load tested over 30,000 lbs. NOTE: Load was applied in the center of the cover over a 1" x 14" rectangular bar. Covers are designed for use in floors with a floor covering of 1/4" [6.4mm] minimum. (Not intended for bare concrete or terrazzo applications.) 21 1/2" [546mm] FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS 19" [483mm] 478 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD CCBB SERiES™ BaLLROOM FLOOR BOXES Ordering Information and small Ballroom Floor Boxes Device Plate Installation information CCBBS Small Ballroom Series Floor Boxes Device Plate Installation Information Multi-Gang Mounting Brackets Used with Standard Device Plates Cat. No. RFB119-SPACER Used to close gap on outside sectional device plate (6) 1-Gang Sectional Plates 1 13/16" x 4 1/2" [46mm x 114mm] Existing opening when not covered with Cat. No. RFB119-SPACER RFB119-SPACER 3-Gang Standard Plate 6 3/8" x 4 1/2" [162mm x 114mm] 1-Gang Standard Plate 2 3/4" x 4 1/2" [70mm x 114mm] Cat. No. RFB119-SPACER Used to close gap between standard single and multi-gang plates Cat. No. RFB119-SB Single-gang sectional blank plate (Mounted off-center) 2-gang standard plate 4 9/16" x 4 1/2" [116mm x 114mm] FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS Multi-Gang Mounting Brackets Used with Sectional Device Plates 479 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD CCBB SERiES™ BaLLROOM FLOOR BOXES CCBBS Series Floor Boxes Steel Sectional Device Plates Ordering Information RFB119-SB, RFB119-2SB, RFB119-3SB Blank Device Plate RFB119-SKO Combination 1/2" & 3/4" Trade Size Knockout Device Plate Available in sectional (sKO) width. One- and three-gang blank device plates in sectional widths RFB119-SB RFB119-2SB RFB119-3SB RFB119-SGFI GFI Receptacle Device Plate RFB119-2SAB Available in two-gang sectional width. Provided with bezel to accept up to three (3) dual wiremold CM series Open system communication modules or Pass & seymour® Activate Connectivity system inserts. Modular inserts sold separately. single-gang sectional (sGFI) width device plate. RFB119SD RFB119-2SAB Duplex Receptacle Device Plate single-gang sectional (sD) width device plate. RFB119-SSR1, RFB119-SSR2 Single Receptacle Device Plate single-gang device plates in sectional widths. ssR1 has an opening of 1.39" and ssR2 has an opening of 1.59" [40.39mm]. RFB119-SSR1 RFB119-2SRT Communication Device Plate Available in two-gang sectional width. Provided with one opening to accept one Ortronics® TracJack bezel and one Ortronics® series II bezel. will accept up to six Ortronics® TracJack devices or up to three dual Ortronics® series II modular inserts. Modules sold separately. RFB119-2SRT CCBBS-DIV Relocatable Divider Provides separation for services. Includes Divider and two (2) detentes size plates. RFB119-SSR2 RFB119-AAP FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS Communication Device Plate Device Plate Two-gang sectional device plate. Holds three (3) Extron® Electronics AAP devices. RFB119-XLR Diameter 0.875" [22.2mm] Diameter 0.109" [2.8mm] 1" [25.4mm] 0.375" [9.5mm] 480 0.750" [19.1mm] www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD Microphone Device Plate Available in standard widths. Provided with double opening to accept two microphone devices. WIREMOLD CCBB SERiES™ BaLLROOM FLOOR BOXES CCBBS Floor Boxes Steel Standard Device Plates Ordering Information (continued) RFB119-Spacer Spacer Plate CCBBS-DIV used to close off openings when certain combinations of standard width device plates leave open spaces. Four (4) spacer plates are included with the RFB11 and two (2) with the RFB9. RFB119-B, RFB119-3B, RFB119-SB Blank Device Plate One-, two- and three-gang blank device plates in sectional (sB) widths RFB119-SB RFB119-B GFI Receptacle Device Plates One- and three-gang device plates in standard (GFI) widths. Device Plate One-gang standard device plate. Holds four (4) Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP devices. RFB119-KO Combination 1/2" & 3/4" Trade Size knockout Device Plates Available in standard (KO) widths. One- and three-gang device plates in standard (D) widths. RFB119-3D One-device plates in standard (sR) widths. sR1 has an opening of 1.39" [35.31mm]. sR2 has an opening of 1.59" [40.39mm]. sR3 has a 2.14" [54.36mm] opening. Communication Device Plate Available in standard width. Provided with bezel to accept up to three (3) dual wiremold CM series Open system communication modules or Pass & seymour® Activate Connectivity system inserts. Modules and inserts sold separately. RFB119-RT RFB119-SR1, RFB119-SR2, RFB119-SR3 Single Receptacle Device Plates RFB119-SR2 RFB119-SR3 RFB119-AB Communication Device Plate Available in standard width. Provided with one opening to accept one Ortronics® TracJack bezel and oneOrtronics® series II bezel. will accept up to six Ortronics® TracJack devices or up to three dual Ortronics® series II modular inserts. Modular inserts and devices sold separately. NOTE: Sectional device plates allow for custom configuration of a multigang plate that conforms to the standard NEMA 1.812" (1 13/16") [46.02mm] center-to-center spacing. RFB11 and RFB9 will also accept industry standard and standard sectional device plates from most manufacturers. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS Duplex Receptacle Device Plates RFB119-SR1 RFB119-MAAP RFB119-3GFI RFB119-D, RFB119-3D RFB119-D Provides separation for services. Includes Divider and two (2) different size plates. RFB119-3B RFB119-GFI, RFB119-3GFI RFB119-GFI Relocatable Divider 481 WIREMOLD CCBB SERiES™ BaLLROOM FLOOR BOXES CCBBS Floor Boxes Steel Standard Device Plates Ordering Information (continued) RFB119-XLR Diameter 0.875" [22.2mm] Diameter 0.109" [2.8mm] Microphone Device Plate Available in standard widths. Provided with double opening to accept two microphone devices. 1" [25.4mm] 0.375" [9.5mm] FLOOR BOX SYSTEMS 0.750" [19.1mm] 482 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD RFB119-Spacer Spacer Plate used to close off openings when certain combinations of standard width device plates leave open spaces. Four (4) spacer plates are included with the RFB11 and two (2) with the RFB9. WIREMOLD SERVICE FITTINGS & ACTIVATION ACCESSORIES Product blurb Wiremold® service Fittings and Activation Accessories are designed to offer the highest level of flexibility relating to point of use for both power and communications while adapting to both new and retrofit construction. Floorport™ Series Cover Assemblies 498 Pro Series Flanges 503 SERVICE FITTINGS & ACTIVATION ACCESSORIES 525 Series™ Service Fittings 486 1200 Series™ Service Fittings 489 Multiplex™ Series Service Fittings 490 483 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD SERVICE FITTINGS & ACTIVATION ACCESSORIES Table of Contents 525 & Multiplex™ Series Activation Accessories 486 Source I® Service Fittings 494 Floorport™ Series Cover Assemblies 498 PSRC9 Series™ Service Fittings 501 Walkerduct Pro Service Service Fittings SERVICE FITTINGS & ACTIVATION ACCESSORIES ® 503 484 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD SERVICE FITTINGS & ACTIVATION ACCESSORIES Quick selection Guide PSRC9 Series Aluminum Brass Gray Black Nickel Bronze • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • FPFFTC series • • • • • • • • • • • FPCT series • • • • • • • • • • • • FPBT series • • • • • • • • • • • • FPFFT series • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 817B • • 827B • • 837B • • 817PCC • • 827PCC • • 837PCC • • 818TCAL • • 828TCAL • • 838TCAL • • s165B • • • s165BLK/BRN • • • s166B • • • • s166BLK/BRN • • • • s175BLK/BRN • • • • PsRC9TC • • • • PsRC9AMDTC • • • • • • • • • • • • Polycarbonate • • Dual service • • single service • • Pedestal • FPBTC series Recessed FPCTC series CATALOG NUMBER Flush Audio/Visual MATERIAL/COLORS Communication TRENChDUCT FLUShDUCT SERVICE COMPATIBILITY • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • PsRC9FFTC • • • 1204BF • • • • • 1204AL • • • • 1223BF • • • • • 1223AL • • • • • MP4 • • • • • • • • • Multiplex MP8 • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1200 Series 525 Series • SERVICE FITTINGS & ACTIVATION ACCESSORIES Source I SERVICE CAPACITY Power Pro Series Flanges ACTIVATION LOCATION Triple service FloorPort WALkERCELL PRODUCT FAMILY WALkERDUCT SYSTEM COMPATIBILITY • • • • • MP8-1 • • • • 525A • • • • • • • • 525B • • • • • • • • 525C • • • • • • • • 525D • • • • • • • • 525F • • • • • • • 525G • • • • • • • 525H • • • • • • • 525I • • • • • • • 525J • • • • • • 525RT • • • • • • • 525ACT • • • • • • • • • • www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD • 485 WIREMOLD 525 SERIES™ SERVICE FITTINGS 525 series service Fittings deliver the flexibility of interchangeable faceplates and the durability to withstand multiple adds, moves and changes. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Underfloor Raceway Fittings: File E11912, Guide RQKX Meets Article 390 of NEC 525 Series Service Fittings Installation Details 1. Typical installation diagram to adapt 525 series service Fittings to underfloor duct or cellular raceway: 2" [51mm] IPs Preset or afterset inserts. SERVICE FITTINGS & ACTIVATION ACCESSORIES 500B Blank Plate 1124-11/4 or 1 Locking Nipple housing 2. Typical installation diagram to adapt 525 series service Fittings to Flushduct (1 5/8" [41mm] opening). 500B Blank Plate 500DR Plate 1124F-1 Locking Nipple 500DR Plate Base Plate Base Plate 1126A-1 1/4 or 1 Adapter 455F-1 Outlet Flange 2" IPS Preset Insert or 436-2 Afterset Walker #4 Duct) COLOR OPTIONS All 525 series service Fittings are brushed aluminum finish unless otherwise specified in the part number description. 486 housing Custom color options are also available. Consult the factory for more information. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 12FST Flushduct WIREMOLD 525 SERIES™ SERVICE FITTINGS 525 Series Service Fittings Ordering Information Four-Piece Communication Service Fitting 3" [76mm] 4 7/16" [113mm] 3 1/8" [79mm] 525ACT Four-Piece Communication Service Fitting 3" [76mm] 4 7/16" [113mm] 525A 3 1/8" [79mm] 525B 1" [25mm] I.D. grommeted hole one side. Blank plate other side. Four-Piece Communication Service Fitting 1" [25mm] I.D. grommeted hole two sides. 525C Four-Piece Communication Service Fitting 1 1/4" [32mm] I.D. grommeted hole one side. Blank plate other side. 3" [76mm] 4 7/16" [113mm] 1 1/4" [32mm] I.D. grommeted hole on both sides. 4 7/16" [113mm] 525F 3 1/8" [79mm] 3 1/8" [79mm] Four-Piece Power Service Fitting Duplex opening one side. Receptacle not included. 3" [76mm] 4 7/16" [113mm] 525G 3 1/8" [79mm] Four-Piece Power Service Fitting Duplex opening both sides. Receptacles not included. 3" [76mm] 525h 3 1/8" [79mm] Four-Piece Power Service Fitting 20A 125V duplex plate one side. Blank plate other side. 20A 125V Receptacle included. 3" [76mm] 4 7/16" [113mm] 3 1/8" [79mm] Four-Piece Communication Service Fitting 3" [76mm] 4 7/16" [113mm] 3 1/8" [79mm] 3" [76mm] 4 7/16" [113mm] 6A opening with communication adapter on one side. Accommodates wiremold Open system communication modules. Four-Piece Communication Service Fitting 3" [76mm] 4 7/16" [113mm] Includes faceplate with opening one side. Ortronics® series II and TracJack adapters included. 525D 525I 3 1/8" [79mm] Four-Piece Power Service Fitting 20A 125V duplex plate two sides. 20A 125V Receptacles included. 3" [76mm] 4 7/16" [113mm] 3 1/8" [79mm] NOTE: Four-piece service fittings include: housing and base plate. Receptacles included when indicated in part number description. 525 Series Service Fittings have 27 cubic inches [442ml] of capacity. SERVICE FITTINGS & ACTIVATION ACCESSORIES 525RT 487 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD 525 SERIES™ SERVICE FITTINGS 525 Series Service Fittings Ordering Information (continued) 525J Four-Piece Power Service Fitting 500RT Communication Device Plate GFI device plate one side. Blank plate other side. 3" [76mm] 4 7/16" [113mm] single opening. Ortronics® series II and TracJack adapters included. 3 1/8" [79mm] 525hB Service Fitting housing 500ACT Communication Device Plate 6A opening with mini adapter. will accommodate wiremold CM2 Open system communication modules. Housing and base plate for all four-piece fittings. 500B 500-MAAP Blank Faceplate Extron® Device Plate Accepts four (4) Extron® Electronics MAAP plates. Blank faceplate for all four-piece fittings. 2 5/8" [67mm] 4 1/2" [114mm] SERVICE FITTINGS & ACTIVATION ACCESSORIES 500DR Single Receptacle Device Plate Accepts duplex receptacles. 2 5/8" [67mm] single receptacle faceplate. suffix indicates hole diameter. 2 5/8" [67mm] ORDERING INFORMATION 4 1/2" [114mm] 500T 4 1/2" [114mm] Communication Faceplate 1" [25mm] I.D. grommeted opening. 2 5/8" [67mm] 4 1/2" [114mm] 500-GFI GFI Faceplate Accepts GFI Decora style receptacle. 2 5/8" [67mm] 488 500SP-1/2 Duplex Faceplate 4 1/2" [114mm] www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD CAT. NO. METRIC DIAMETER 500sP-1.0625 [27mm] 500sP-1.39 [35mm] 500sP-1/2 [12.7mm] 500sP-7/8 [22.2mm] 500sP-1 7/8 [29mm] 500sP-1 7/16 [36mm] 500sP-1 1/2 [38mm] 500sP-1 9/16 [40mm] 500sP-1 5/8 [41mm] 500sP-2 [51mm] * Other sizes custom sizes are available. Consult factory for more information. NOTE: Four-piece service fittings include: housing and base plate. Receptacles included when indicated in part number description. 525 Series Service Fittings have 27 cubic inches [442ml] of capacity. WIREMOLD 1200 SERIES™ 1200 series service Fittings are bell-cap style pedestal fittings used to provide power or communications to a work station. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Underfloor Raceway Fittings: File E11912, Guide RQKX Meets Article 390 of NEC 3 1/2" [89mm] 2 3/8" [60mm] 1 7/8" [48mm] 1223BF Traditional pedestal style fitting available for single service applications. 1204BF/1204AL shown for dimensional purposes. 1 1/8" [29mm] Power Service Fitting Brass finish fitting includes housing, bell cap, grommet, and single u-slot, three-wire grounded, 20A, 125V receptacle. 1223AL Power Service Fitting Aluminum fitting includes housing, bell cap, grommet, and single u-slot, three-wire grounded, 20A, 125V receptacle. 2"-1 1/2" N.P.S.M. [51mm – 1 1/2 N.P.S.M.] 1200 Series Service Fittings Ordering Information 1204BF Communication Service Fitting Brass finish communication fitting furnished with split bell cap and grommet. No device plate is included. 1230BF Screw Plug Brass screw plug to abandon service fitting. screws into housing. 2 1/4" [57mm] 1204AL Communication Service Fitting 1230AL Aluminum communication fitting furnished with split bell cap and grommet. No device plate is included. Screw Plug Aluminum screw plug to abandon service fitting. screws into housing. 2 1/4" [57mm] COLOR OPTIONS All 1200 series service Fittings are available in either an aluminum or brass finish as specified in the part number description. SERVICE FITTINGS & ACTIVATION ACCESSORIES 1200 Series Service Fittings Assembly Details 489 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD MulTIplEx™ SERIES Multiplex series service Fittings are designed to be installed on the various types of infloor systems and can handle large capacity single and dual service power and/or communication requirements needed at the point-of-use. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Underfloor Raceway Fittings: File E11912, Guide RQKX Meets Article 390 of NEC Multiplex Series Service Fittings Ordering Information MP4 Single-Service Multiplex Service Fitting SERVICE FITTINGS & ACTIVATION ACCESSORIES 3" [76mm] 6 3/4" [171mm] MP8 4 3/4" [121mm] single-service fitting includes housing, base, two mounting frames, and mounting hardware. For use on 2" [51mm] IPs or PK Preset systems. For PK activation, use in conjunction with FloorPort Partition Feed and PK Kit. Has 1/2" and 3/4" trade size conduit knockouts on each end. 53.3 cu. in. [906cm3] capacity. MP8-1 Dual-Service Multiplex Service Fitting same as MP8 except mounts on PK, or one No. 2 or one No. 4 Pro series Duct. 3" [76mm] 6 3/4" [171mm] 8 3/4" [222mm] LTF48-B Blank Faceplate Blank Faceplate. Dual-service Multiplex Service Fitting 3" [76mm] 6 3/4" [171mm] 8 3/4" [222mm] Dual-service fitting includes housing, base, two mounting frames, divider, and mounting hardware. For use on one No. 2 and one No. 4 Duct. Has 1/2" and 3/4" trade size conduit knockouts on each end. 104.3 cu. in. [1709cm3] capacity. COLOR OPTIONS Multiplex series service Fittings are available in a brushed aluminum finish unless otherwise indicated in the part number description. 490 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 3" [76mm] 3 5/16" [84mm] WIREMOLD WAlKERDuCT® MulTIplEx™ SERIES 1200 Series Service Fittings Ordering Information (continued) LTF48-RT Faceplate single opening with Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters. M-DR Faceplate single duplex opening faceplate. 3" [76mm] 3 5/16" [84mm] LTF48-ACT Communication Faceplate Faceplate with 6a mini adapter for wiremold Open system CM2 communication modules. 3" [76mm] M-2DR Double duplex opening faceplate. 3" [76mm] 3 5/16" [84mm] LTF48-MAAP Faceplate 3 5/16" [84mm] Extron® Device Plate M-GFI Faceplate Accepts four (4) Extron® Electronics MAAP plates. single GFI opening faceplate. 3" [76mm] LTF48-1 M-2GFI Faceplate Faceplate 1" [25mm] diameter bushed opening. Double GFI opening faceplate. 3" [76mm] 3" [76mm] 3 5/16" [84mm] 3 5/16" [84mm] LTF48-2 M-DR/GFI Faceplate 2" [51mm] diameter bushed opening. 3" [76mm] Faceplate Duplex and GFI openings faceplate. 3" [76mm] 3 5/16" [84mm] SERVICE FITTINGS & ACTIVATION ACCESSORIES 3 5/16" [84mm] 3 5/16" [84mm] 491 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD 525 & MulTIplEx™ SERIES 525 and Multiplex™ series Activation Accessories are designed to complete the installation of the service fittings onto various types of in floor systems offered by wiremold as well as the various systems sold by competitors. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Underfloor Raceway Fittings: File E11912, Guide RQKX Meets Article 390 of NEC 525 & Multiplex Series Activation Accessories Ordering Information AFTERSET INSERTS SERVICE FITTINGS & ACTIVATION ACCESSORIES CAT. NO. 2 1/2" [64mm] DEsCRIPTION 436-2 7/8 2" [51mm] IPs afterset insert – 7/8" 436-2-1 1/2 2" [51mm] IPs afterset insert – 1 1/2" [38mm] high. [22.2mm] high. 436-2-2 2" [51mm] IPs afterset insert – 2" 436-2-3/8 2" [51mm] IPs afterset insert – 2 3/8" [60mm] high. 436-2-3 2" [51mm] IPs afterset insert – 3" [51mm] high. [76mm] high. 436-2-2 ADAPTERS FOR 2" [51mm] IPS PRESETS OR AFTERSET INSERTS CAT. NO. 1126A-1 1/2 DEsCRIPTION 1126A-1/4 2" [51mm] IPs to 1/4" [6.4mm]. 1126A-3/4 2" [51mm] IPs to 3/4" [19.1mm]. 1126A-1 2" [51mm] IPs to 1" [25mm]. 1126A-1 1/4 2" [51mm] IPs to 1 1/4" [32mm]. 1126A-1 1/2 2" [51mm] IPs to 1 1/2" [38mm]. NOTE: IPS, Internal Pipe Size, is a trade size, not an actual size. COLOR OPTIONS 525 & Multiplex™ series Activation Accessories are available in either a brass or stainless steel finish as indicated in the part number description. 492 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 2" [51mm] IPS 7/8" to 3" [22.2mm to 76mm] 2 1/4" [57mm] WIREMOLD 525 & MulTIplEx™ SERIES 525 & Multiplex Series Activation Accessories Ordering Information LOCkING NIPPLES CAT. NO. 1124-1 DEsCRIPTION 1124-1 1" [25mm] IPs – 1" 1124L-1 1" [25mm] IPs – 1 1/2" [38mm] long. [25mm] long. 1124-1 1/4 1 1/4" [32mm] IPs – 1" [25mm] long. 1124L-1 1/4 1 1/4" [32mm] IPs – 1 1/2" [38mm] long. 1124-2 2" [51mm] IPs – 1" 1124L-2 2" [51mm] IPs – 1 1/2" [38mm] long. [25mm] long. NOTE: IPS, Internal Pipe Size, is not actual size. BLANkING PLATES CAT. NO. 1043 DEsCRIPTION 1043B, 1043s Brass or stainless steel blanking plate with threaded base for 2" [51mm] IPs. 1043BPO, 1043sPO Brass or stainless steel blanking plate only. Includes 1/4-20 screw. 1044B, 1044s Brass or stainless steel blanking plate with threaded base for 3/4" [19.1mm] IPs. 1045B, 1045s Brass or stainless steel blanking plate with threaded base for 1" [25mm] IPs. 1046B, 1046s Brass or stainless steel blanking plate with threaded base for 1 1/4" [32mm] IPs. 2" [51mm] IPS EXTENSIONS FOR AFTERSET INSERTS 2 1/2" [64mm] CAT. NO. DEsCRIPTION 424-3/4 3/4" [19.1mm] 1 5/16" [33mm] 424-1 1" 2" [51mm] IPS [25mm] 1 9/16" [40mm] 424 A 9/16" [14.3mm] B 2 1/4" [57mm] NOTE: IPS, Internal Pipe Size, is a trade size, not an actual size. SERVICE FITTINGS & ACTIVATION ACCESSORIES B = Brass, S = Stainless Steel. 493 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD SOuRCE I® SERVICE FITTINGS source I® series Flush Activations offer a wide variety of single and dual service power and communications for infloor raceways in both new construction and renovations. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Underfloor Raceway Fittings: File E11912, Guide RQKX Meets Article 390 of NEC Source 1 Series Service Fittings Ordering Information S175 Double Duplex Power Activation 1/4" [6.4mm] Flange Thickness 5 3/4" [146mm] SERVICE FITTINGS & ACTIVATION ACCESSORIES 4 3/4" [121mm] S165 Double duplex polycarbonate assembly, 7/8" to 3 3/8" [22.2mm to 86mm] concrete topping. 15A, 125V receptacles included. Available in black (s175BLK) or brown (s175BRN). Complete Flush Activation 1/4" [6.4mm] Flange Thickness 5 3/4" [146mm] 5/16" [7.9mm] Flange Thickness S166B Complete Flush Activation 5/16" [7.9mm] Flange Thickness S124 4 3/4" [121mm] Carpet Flange 5 25/32" [147mm] COLOR OPTIONS source 1® series service Fittings are available in brass, brown polycarbonate or black as indicated in the part number description. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD Flush brass communication (slides). used for data cable pass-through. Flush polycarbonate carpet flange only with mounting screws. Black (s124BLK) or brown (s124BRN). 4 3/4" [121mm] 494 Flush polycarbonate communication slides black (s166BLK) or brown (s166BRN). 4 3/4" [121mm] Flush brass power – single duplex flip lids. May be used with 106 type adapters for data applications. 5 3/4" [146mm] 4 3/4" [121mm] 5 3/4" [146mm] 5 3/4" [146mm] Complete Flush Activation Complete Flush Activation 1/4" [6.4mm] Flange Thickness Flush polycarbonate power – single duplex black (s165BLK) or brown (s165BRN). 15A, 125V receptacles included. 4 3/4" [121mm] S165B S166 WIREMOLD SOuRCE I® SERVICE FITTINGS Source 1 Series Service Fittings Ordering Information (continued) Carpet Flange 829Ck Cover Plate Flush brass communication cover plate (2 5/8" and 2 1/4" diameter trade size screw plugs) with four mounting screws. Flush brass carpet flange only with mounting screws. 5 25/32" [147mm] 4 3/4" [121mm] S125B Flush brass power cover plate only (flip lid) with four mounting screws. 3 19/64" [84mm] Nonmetallic double duplex membrane cover plate. Available in black (s125BLK) or brown (s125BRN). Cover Plate 4 5/16" [110mm] 3 19/64" [84mm] 829PSTC 3 19/64" [84mm] 829STC Nonmetallic double duplex membrane cover plate. Available in black (s130BLK) or brown (s130BRN). Cover Plate 4 5/16" [110mm] Flush polycarbonate communication cover plate with slides and four mounting screws. Black (829PsTC-BLK) or brown (829PsTC-BRN). Cover Plate 4 11/64" [106mm] 829Ck-1 Flush brass communication cover plate (2 5/8" and 3/4" diameter trade size screw plugs) with four mounting screws. Cover Plate Flush brass communication cover plate (2 5/8" and 1" diameter trade size screw plugs) with four mounting screws. 4 11/64" [106mm] 3 5/32" [80mm] Flush brass communication cover plate with slides and four mounting screws. 3 5/32" [80mm] Cover Plate 4 11/64" [106mm] 3 5/32" [80mm] Cover Plate 4 5/16" [110mm] S130 829Ck-3/4 4 11/64" [106mm] 3 9/64" [80mm] S125 4 11/64" [106mm] 3 5/32" [80mm] Cover Plate 829Ck-1/2 Cover Plate Flush brass communication cover plate (2 5/8" and 1/2" diameter trade size screw plugs) with four mounting screws. 4 11/64" [106mm] 3 5/32" [80mm] 828SPTC Cover Plate Flush brass communication cover plate. 1 1/2" diameter trade size screw plugs. 3 5/32" [80mm] 437 4 11/64" [106mm] Attaching Rings Attaching Rings for source I (Preset or Afterset) zinc die-cast. 4" [102mm] O.D. Add suffix to Cat. No. to indicate ring depth: 7/8", 1 1/8", 1 1/2", 2", 2 3/8", or 3 1/8". SERVICE FITTINGS & ACTIVATION ACCESSORIES S124B 495 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD SOuRCE I® SERVICE FITTINGS Source 1 Series Service Fittings Ordering Information (continued) S1MC Mudcap 898AR Adjusting ring (with three adjusting screws) for use with 437 Attaching Rings – communication only (brass and polycarbonate fittings) and power for polycarbonate fitting only. 3 25/32" [96mm] O.D. For source I 437 Attaching Ring. 4" [102mm] O.D. S1MC-MS Mudcap For source I Attaching Ring with marker screw. 4" [102mm] O.D. use with 437 Attaching Rings only. 439 Attaching Ring For polycarbonate afterset use only. No adjusting ring required. 4" [102mm] O.D. Four #6-32 hold-down screws provided. 897AR Adjusting Ring SERVICE FITTINGS & ACTIVATION ACCESSORIES Adjusting ring (with three adjusting screws) for use with 437 Attaching Rings – power for brass fitting only. 3 25/32" [96mm] O.D. 496 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD Adjusting Ring S1ER Extension Ring Extension ring – mounts on top of 437 Attaching Ring. Includes extension ring and three mounting screws. 4" [102mm] O.D. Add suffix to indicate ring height: 7/8", 1 1/8", 1 1/2", 2", 2 3/8", 3 1/8". we recommend using a shallow Attaching Ring and deep extension ring whenever possible. WIREMOLD SOuRCE I® SERVICE FITTINGS Source 1 Series Service Fittings Installation Details S175 Double Duplex Power Activation 1. Establish location for the fitting, then core drill a 4" [102mm] diameter hole through the concrete to the top of the duct. 2. Next, drill a 2 1/2" [64mm] diameter opening in the top of the duct, making sure this opening is in the center of the 4" [102mm] hole. 3. Install the 439 Attaching Ring using the two locking tabs to secure it to the duct. 4. Connect the carpet flange to the attaching rings using the four screws provided. 5. Install the two duplex receptacles and the double duplex plate to complete the installation. 4" [102mm] Core Drilled Hole 2 1/2" [64mm] Dia. Hole Duct 439 Attaching Ring for use with Polycarbonate Fittings Only and Only as an Afterset. Carpet Flange Double Duplex Plate with Membrane Activation Guidelines – Flush Using 437 Ring 1. Pull wires through the hole Wiring Device in the bottom of the attaching Adjusting Ring rings. The adjusting ring 897AR for Power should then be installed (Shown) 898AR for Communication at the desired height. wire device and attach to the Attaching Ring adjusting ring. Neoprene Gasket 2. After the gasket is put in place, attach the flange to the adjusting ring. For Power: The flip lid cover plate can be attached to the flange. Adjusting Ring Assembly Power Cover Plate S125B Carpet Plate S124B (Shown) or S124 BLK/BRN 3. For Communication: Turn self storing slides upside down with thin edge to the inside. Attach cover plate to flange. Communication Cover Plate 829STC (Shown) or 829PSTC-BLK/BRN 1. Establish location for the fitting, then core drill a 4" [102mm] diameter hole through the concrete to the top of the duct. 2. Next, drill a 2 1/2" [64mm] diameter opening in the top of the duct, making sure this opening is in the center of the 4" [102mm] hole. 3. Install the 439 Attaching Ring, using the two locking tabs to secure it to the duct. 4. Connect the carpet flange to the attaching ring, using the four screws (#6-32 flathead) provided. 5. For duplex cover plate: Install the wiring device onto the carpet flange and secure the cover plate over it, making sure the plug-through membrane is in place. 6. For communication cover plate: Reverse the communication slides as necessary to allow cable egress, and install the cover plate, taking care to avoid pinching any cables. 4" [102mm] Core Drilled Hole Duct 2 1/2" [64mm] Dia. Hole 439 Attaching Ring for Use with Polycarbonate Fittings Only and Only as an Afterset Carpet Flange S124BLK/BRN Duplex Plate with Membrane S130BLK/BRN SERVICE FITTINGS & ACTIVATION ACCESSORIES Polycarbonate — Using a 439 Afterset Attaching Ring NOTE: The receptacle mounting shelf can be broken out to create additional cable space when the communication cover plate is used. 497 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD FlOORpORT™ SERIES wiremold products bearing the TopGuard Protection logo meet or exceed the uL scrub water exclusion requirement. FloorPort service Fittings for Resource RFB® series Floor Boxes, walkercell® Cellular Raceway, and walkerdeck systems provide flexibility in recessed and furniture feed applications. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Metallic Outlet Boxes: File E2961, Guide QCIT cULus Listed Outlet Boxes & Fittings Classified for Fire Resistance: File R8209, Guide CEYY Meets Article 341.40, 314.41 & 374 of NEC SERVICE FITTINGS & ACTIVATION ACCESSORIES New FloorPort™ series Cover Assemblies feature a full 180° opening cover with a new recessed handle for easier opening and new cable egress openings that protect cabling while holding them securely in place. COLOR OPTIONS FloorPort series service Fittings are available in aluminum, black, brass, bronze, gray and nickel as indicated in the part number description. 498 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD FlOORpORT™ SERIES FloorPort™ Series Flanged Cover Plates Ordering Informmation Load Capacities for FloorPort Cover Assemblies Floorport Part Number Configurator CATALOG NuMBERs FP FPCTC FPCTC Cover style: Top style: Cover Color: Blank Top = B Cutout Top = C Furniture Feed = FF Tile (flangeless) = T Tile/Carpet = TC (flanged) Brushed Aluminum Black Brass Bronze Gray Nickel Cutout Cover Assembly 6 1/2" [165mm] 7 3/4" [197mm] FPBTC FPCTCBk, FPCTCBZ, FPCTCBS, FPCTCNk, FPCTCGY, FPCTCAL Flanged cover for use in tile or carpet installation. Die-cast aluminum assembly available in black, bronze, brass, nickel, gray or brushed aluminum. Insert in lid allows for carpet or tile cutouts to match finished floor. = = = = = = AL Bk BS BZ GY Nk FPFFTC 7 3/4" [197mm] 750 FPFFT 1000 NOTE: Load applied through a 2" [51mm] mandrel in center of service fitting. Loads above are static loads only and do not pertain to rolling loads. Furniture Feed Cover Assembly 6 1/2" [165mm] Blank Cover Assembly 6 1/2" [165mm] 1000 FPBTC FPBTCBk, FPBTCBZ, FPBTCBS, FPBTCNk, FPBTCGY, FPBTCAL Flanged cover for use in tile or carpet installation. Die-cast aluminum assembly available in black, bronze, brass, nickel, gray, or brushed aluminum. Lid area is flush with the finished floor, no cutouts provided. FPFFTCBk, FPFFTCBZ, FPFFTCBS, FPFFTCNk, FPFFTCGY, FPFFTCAL Flanged cover for use in tile or carpet installation. Die-cast aluminum assembly available in black, bronze, brass, nickel, gray or brushed aluminum. Provided with one 1" trade size screw plug for power or communication type cabling and one combination 1 1/4" and 2" trade size screw plug for communication type cabling. Allows for feeding both power and communication cabling. FloorPort™ Series Flangeless Cover Assemblies Ordering Information FPCT 7 3/4" [197mm] FPBT 7 3/4" [197mm] Cutout Cover Assembly 6 1/2" [165mm] FPCTCBk, FPCTCBZ, FPCTCBS, FPCTCNk, FPCTCGY, FPCTCAL Flangeless cover for use in tile or carpet installations. Die-cast aluminum assembly available in black, bronze, brass, nickel, gray, or brushed aluminum. Insert in lid allows for carpet or tile cutouts to match finished floor. Blank Cover Assembly 6 1/2" [165mm] FPBTCBk, FPBTCBZ, FPBTCBS, FPBTCNk, FPBTCGY, FPBTCAL Flangeless cover for use in tile or carpet installation. Die-cast aluminum assembly available in black, bronze, brass, nickel, gray, or brushed aluminum. Lid area is flush with the finished floor, no cutouts provided. FPFFT 7 3/4" [197mm] Furniture Feed Cover Assembly 6 1/2" [165mm] FPFFTCBk, FPFFTCBZ, FPFFTCBS, FPFFTCNk, FPFFTCGY, FPFFTCAL Flangeless cover for use in tile or carpet installation. Die-cast aluminum assembly available in black, bronze, brass, nickel, gray, or brushed aluminum. Provided with one 1" trade size screw plug for power or communication type cabling and one combination 1 1/4" and 2" trade size screw plug for communication type cabling. Allows for feeding both power and communication cabling. SERVICE FITTINGS & ACTIVATION ACCESSORIES FloorPort series: 7 3/4" [197mm] MAXIMuM LOAD IN POuNDs 499 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD FlOORpORT™ SERIES North American Made FloorPort™ Series Flanged Cover Plates Ordering Informmation Floorport Part Number Configurator FP FloorPort series: Cover style: Top style: Cover Color: Blank Top = B Cutout Top = C Furniture Feed = FF Tile (flangeless) = T Tile/Carpet = TC (flanged) Nickel Brass Black Bronze Gray FPCTC-NA Cutout Cover Assembly = = = = = Origin: Nk BS Bk BZ GY FPFFTC North American Made NA Furniture Feed Cover Assembly FPCTCBk-NA, FPCTCBZ-NA, FPCTCBS-NA, FPCTCNk-NA, FPCTCGY-NA 7 3/4" [197mm] 6 1/2" [165mm] FPBTC-NA Flanged cover for use in tile or carpet installation. Die-cast aluminum assembly available in black, bronze, brass, nickel or gray. Insert in lid allows for carpet or tile cutouts to match finished floor. SERVICE FITTINGS & ACTIVATION ACCESSORIES 6 1/2" [165mm] Flanged cover for use in tile or carpet installation. Die-cast aluminum assembly available in black, bronze, brass, nickel or gray. Lid area is flush with the finished floor, no cutouts provided. Load Capacities for North American Made FloorPort Cover Assemblies CATALOG NuMBERs FPCTC 7 3/4" [197mm] Blank Cover Assembly FPBTCBk-NA, FPBTCBZ-NA, FPBTCBS-NA, FPBTCNk-NA, FPBTCGY-NA 7 3/4" [197mm] FPFFTCBk, FPFFTCBZ, FPFFTCBS, FPFFTCNk, FPFFTCGY, FPFFTCAL MAXIMuM LOAD IN POuNDs 1000 FPBTC 750 FPFFT 1000 NOTE: Load applied through a 2" [51mm] mandrel in center of service fitting. Loads above are static loads only and do not pertain to rolling loads. 500 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD FP-CTR 6 1/2" [165mm] Flanged cover for use in tile or carpet installation. Die-cast aluminum assembly available in black, bronze, brass, nickel or gray. Provided with one 1" trade size screw plug for power or communication type cabling and one combination 1 1/4" and 2" trade size screw plug for communication type cabling. Allows for feeding both power and communication cabling. Bare Concrete & Terrazzo Ring Nonmetallic ring for use on bare polished concrete and terrazzo floor applications. S3AXBP Blanking Plate Aluminum top plate with steel support plate and four (4) adjusting screws. WIREMOLD pSRC9 SERIES™ PsRC9 series Poke-Thru style service Fittings provide flush preset or afterset activations for walkerduct and walkercell infloor systems. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Underfloor Raceway Fittings: File E11912, Guide RQKX Meets Article 390 of NEC PSRC9 Series Service Fittings Ordering Information PSRC9FFTC Quad Power Fitting 7" [178mm] PSRC9AMDTC Flush Furniture Feed Fitting Available in gray (PsRC9FFTCGY), aluminum (PsRC9FFTCAL), black (PsRC9FFTCBK) or brass (PsRC9FFTCBs). unit complete with link straps, adapter plate and conduit assembly featuring (1) 3/4" trade size and (2) 1/2" trade size conduit connectors and closure plugs. Available in gray (PsRC9TCGY), aluminum (PsRC9TCAL), black (PsRC9TCBK) or brass (PsRC9TCBs). Quad 15A receptacle included for standard or isolated ground wiring. unit complete with link straps, adapter plate and receptacle bracket to attach preset or afterset. Quad Communication Fitting Available in gray (PsRC9AMDTCGY), aluminum (PsRC9AMDTCAL), black (PsRC9AMDTCBK) or brass (PsRC9AMDTCBs). unit includes link straps and adapter plate to attach preset or afterset. Includes two (2) Ortronics® TracJack adapters, two (2) Ortronics® series II adapters and wiremold Open system adapters. Modular jacks, sold separately. PSRC9FF2TC 2" [51mm] Flush Furniture Feed Fitting Available in gray (PsRC9FF2TCGY), aluminum (PsRC9FF2TCAL), or black (PsRC9FF2TCBK). unit complete with link straps, adapter plate and features concentric screw plugs that allow for 1 1/4" or 2" trade size conduit fitting connection. NOTE: When using as a preset, the duct presets need to be staggered. COLOR OPTIONS SERVICE FITTINGS & ACTIVATION ACCESSORIES PSRC9TC PsRC9 series service Fittings are available in gray, aluminum, black, or brass as indicated in the part number description. 501 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD WAlKERDuCT® pSRC9 SERIES™ PSRC9 Series Activation Accessories Ordering Information 4225, 4230 Aftersets 2 1/2" and 3" [64mm, and 76mm] Aftersets. Installed either before or after concrete pour to create activation from duct (minimum concrete depth of 2 1/2" [64mm]). Requires 6 1/2"[165mm] core drilled hole in concrete and 2 1/2" [64mm] diameter hole in duct. Grout fill required around afterset once installed to fill voids and support fitting flange. Attaches to duct using locking tabs. Extensions can be attached to increase height (see below). Aftersets include alignment clip and mudcap. PSRC9 Series Service Fittings Installation Details Slide Cover Gasket SERVICE FITTINGS & ACTIVATION ACCESSORIES Flange Pro Series Adapter Bracket (included) Link Straps (included) Afterset (2 1/2" or higher, ordered separately) 502 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 425, 426 Extensions 1/2" and 1" [12mm and 25mm] high extensions. used to increase height of preset or afterset. Die cast construction. Attach to preset or afterset with push on metal sleeves (included). Cat. No. 426 can be stacked, Cat. No. 425 cannot be stacked. 421 Mudcap steel replacement cap for preset. Recessed to hold 3/8" [9.5mm] concrete. WIREMOLD WAlKERDuCT® pRO SERIES SERVICE FITTINGS walkerduct® Pro series service Fittings offer a complete range of service fittings to meet all power and communication requirements while providing flush flanges with interchangeable covers offering an aesthetic appearance. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Underfloor Raceway Fittings: File E11912, Guide RQKX cULus Listed Metallic Outlet Boxes: File E2961, Guide QCIT Meets Articles 390 of NEC Walkerduct Pro Series Solid Brass Cover Plate Flanges & Metal Cover Plates Ordering Information One-Gang Brass Carpet & Tile Flange 6.080" [154.4 mm] 827B 6.080" [154.4mm] 5.060" [128.5 mm] Accepts Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters and wiremold CM series inserts, sold separately. Two-Gang Brass Carpet & Tile Flange 5.060" [128.5mm] 828R Flip lids. Can also be used with a 106 type frame for communication adapter. 3.156" [80.2mm] 4.182" [106.2mm] 828GFITC Brass GFI Cover Plate Accepts Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters and wiremold CM series inserts, sold separately. 3.156" [80.2mm] 837B Three-Gang Brass Carpet & Tile Flange 5.060" [128.5mm] Brass Duplex Cover Plate 4.182" [106.2mm] 828DPGFITC May be used with wiremold CM series inserts and Ortronics® Connectivity systems in conjunction with 817B, 827B, and 837B Flanges. Brass Rectangular Cover Plate Accepts Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters and wiremold CM series inserts, sold separately. Brass (828DPGFITC) or brushed aluminum (828DPGFITCAL). Allows for mounting of a duplex style receptacle with a rectangular style flip lid cover plate. 6.080" [154.4mm] 3.156" [80.2mm] 4.182" [106.2mm] COLOR OPTIONS SERVICE FITTINGS & ACTIVATION ACCESSORIES 817B walkerduct® Pro series service Fittings are available in brushed aluminum, brass, black or brown as indicated in the part number description. 503 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD WAlKERDuCT® pRO SERIES SERVICE FITTINGS Walkerduct Pro Series Metal Cover Plates Ordering Information 828DLR Brass Single Locking Receptacle Cover Plate single flip lid cover for 20A or 30A single locking receptacles. Device opening is 2 5/8" [67mm]. For use with maximum female locking device of 1.58" diameter, and maximum male plug face of 2.25" diameter 828SPTC Brass Duplex Cover Plate 829Ck-1 Brass Communication Cover Plate 2 5/8" and 1" [67mm and 25mm] plugs. 3.156" [80.2mm] 4.182" [106.2mm] 829Ck-3/4 Brass Communication Cover Plate 2 5/8" and 3/4" [67mm and 19.1mm] plugs. screw plugs. screw plugs are 1 1/2" [38mm] in diameter. 4 1/8" [105mm] 3 1/8" [79mm] 829STC 3.156" [80.2mm] Brass Communication Cover Plate 4.182" [106.2mm] 829Ck-1/2 Brass Communication Cover Plate Data slides. Feed through only, not for use with a mounting plate for communication jacks. 4 1/8" [105mm] 3 1/8" [79mm] SERVICE FITTINGS & ACTIVATION ACCESSORIES 829Ck 3.156" [80.2mm] Brass Communication Cover Plate 2 5/8" and 2 1/4" [67mm and 57mm] plugs. 3 5/32" [80mm] 2 5/8" and 1/2" [67mm and 12.7mm] plugs. 4 11/64" [106mm] 504 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 4.182" [106.2mm] 828MAAP A/V Adapter Plate sheet metal adapter plate that accepts two (2) Extron® Electronics MAAP style device plates, sold separately. For use with 828GFITC or 828GFITCAL cover plates, sold separately. For use with minimum 2 1/2" [64mm] preset depths. WIREMOLD WAlKERDuCT® pRO SERIES SERVICE FITTINGS Walkerduct Pro Series Brushed Aluminum Cover Plate Flanges Ordering Information 818TCAL One-Gang Brushed Aluminum Combination Carpet & Tile Flange 838TCAL Three-Gang Brushed Aluminum Combination Carpet & Tile Flange Accepts Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters and wiremold CM series inserts, sold separately. Accepts Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters and wiremold CM series inserts, sold separately. 5.940" [150.9mm] 4.920" [125.0mm] NOTE: Brushed aluminum flange comes with a beveled edge. 828TCAL 5.940" [150.9mm] 13.170" [334.5mm] 5.940" [150.9mm] NOTE: Brushed aluminum flange comes with a beveled edge. Two-Gang Brushed Aluminum Combination Carpet & Tile Flange 9.045" [229.7mm] Accepts Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters and wiremold CM series inserts, sold separately. NOTE: Brushed aluminum flange comes with a beveled edge. Walkerduct Pro Series Brushed Aluminum Cover Plates Ordering Information 828DPGFITCAL Brushed Aluminum Duplex Cover Plate Allows for mounting of a duplex style receptacle with a rectangular style flip lid cover. Flip lids. Can also be used with a 106 type communication adapter. 3.290" [83.6] 4.310" [109.5] 3.290" [83.6] 828GFITCAL Brushed Aluminum GFI Cover Plate May be used with Activate and Ortronics® Connectivity systems in conjunction with 817B, 827B, and 837B Flanges. 3.290" [83.6] Brushed Aluminum Rectangular Cover Plate 4.310" [109.5] 4.310" [109.5] 828DLRAL Brushed Aluminum Single Locking Receptacle Cover Plate single flip lid cover for 20A or 30A single locking receptacles. Device opening is 2 5/8" [67mm]. For use with maximum female locking device of 1.58" diameter, and maximum male plug face of 2.25" diameter. COLOR OPTIONS SERVICE FITTINGS & ACTIVATION ACCESSORIES 828R-TCAL walkerduct® Pro series service Fittings are available in brushed aluminum, brass, black or brown as indicated in the part number description. 505 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD WAlKERDuCT® pRO SERIES SERVICE FITTINGS Walkerduct Pro Series Brushed Aluminum Cover Plates Ordering Information (continued) 830CkTCAL Brushed Aluminum Cover Plate 830CkTCAL-1/2 Power or communication plate with 2" [51mm] and 1/2" [12.7mm] plugs. Power or communication plate with 2" [51mm] and 1 1/4" [32mm] plugs. 3.290" [83.6mm] 3.290" [83.6mm] 4.310" [109.5mm] 830CkTCAL-1 NOTE: Acceptable for use with threaded conduit when passing through power cables. Brushed Aluminum Cover Plate 828MAAP 4.310" [109.5mm] A/V Adapter Plate sheet metal adapter plate that accepts two (2) Extron® Electronics MAAP style device plates, sold separately. For use with 828GFITC or 828GFITCAL cover plates, sold separately. For use with minimum of 2 1/2" [64mm] preset depth. Power or communication plate with 2" [51mm] and 1" [25mm] plugs. 3.290" [83.6mm] Brushed Aluminum Cover Plate 4.310" [109.5mm] NOTE: Acceptable for use with threaded conduit when passing through power cables. 830CkTCAL-3/4 Brushed Aluminum Cover Plate Power or communication plate with 2" [51mm] and 3/4" [19.1mm] plugs. SERVICE FITTINGS & ACTIVATION ACCESSORIES 3.290" [83.6mm] 506 4.310" [109.5mm] Walkerduct Pro Series Powder-Coated Aluminum Cover Plate Flanges Ordering Information 817TCAL 6.080" [154.4mm] One-Gang Powder-Coated Aluminum Combination Carpet and Tile Flange 5.060" [128.5mm] Accepts Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters and wiremold CM series inserts, sold separately. Flanges are available in five decorative colors: black (817TCAL-BK), gray (817TCALGY), brass (817TCAL-Bs), nickel (817TCAL-NK) and bronze (817TCAL-BZ). 827TCAL 6.080" [154.4mm] Two-Gang Powder-Coated Aluminum Combination Carpet and Tile Flange 5.060" [128.5mm] Accepts Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters and wiremold CM series inserts, sold separately. Flanges are available in five decorative colors: black (827TCAL-BK), gray (827TCALGY), brass (827TCAL-Bs), nickel (827TCAL-NK) and bronze (827TCAL-BZ). NOTE: Brass covers and flanges are not interchangeable with aluminum or nonmetallic covers and flanges. Nonmetallic covers are interchangeable with aluminum flanges. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD WAlKERDuCT® pRO SERIES SERVICE FITTINGS Walkerduct Pro Series Powder-Coated Aluminum Cover Plate Flanges Ordering Information (continued) 837TCAL Three-Gang Powder-Coated Aluminum Combination Carpet and Tile Flange 5.060" [128.5mm] 6.080" [154.4mm] 828R-TCAL 3.290" [83.6] Accepts Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters and wiremold CM series inserts, sold separately. Flanges are available in five decorative colors: black (837TCALBK), gray (837TCAL-GY), brass (837TCAL-Bs), nickel (837TCAL-NK) and bronze (837TCAL-BZ). Powder-Coated Aluminum Duplex Cover Plate 4.310" [109.5] Flip lids. Can also be used with a 106 type communication adapter. Available in black (828R-TCAL-BK), gray (828R-TCAL-GY), brass (828R-TCAL-Bs), nickel (828R-TCAL-NK) and bronze (828R-TCAL-BZ). 829CkAL-3/4 3.290" [83.6mm] 4.310" [109.5mm] Powder-Coated Aluminum Cover Plate Power or communication plate with 2" [51mm] and 3/4" [19.1mm] plugs. Covers are available in five decorative colors: black (829CKAL-3/4BK), gray (829CKAL-3/4GY), brass (829CKAL-3/4Bs), nickel (829CKAL-3/4NK) and bronze (829CKAL-3/4BZ). NOTE: Acceptable for use with threaded conduit when passing through power cables. 828MAAP A/V Adapter Plate sheet metal adapter plate that accepts two (2) Extron® Electronics MAAP style device plates, sold separately. For use with 828GFITC or 828GFITCAL cover plates, sold separately. For use with minimum 2 1/2" [64mm] preset depths. 828GFITCAL Powder-Coated Aluminum 3.290" [83.6] 4.310" [109.5] 829CkAL-1 3.290" [83.6mm] SERVICE FITTINGS & ACTIVATION ACCESSORIES Rectangular Cover Plate Allows for mounting a duplex receptacle (Decorator or GFCI style) with a rectangular flip cover. Available in black (828GFITCAL-BK), gray (828GFITCAL-GY), brass (828GFITCAL-Bs), nickel (828GFITCAL-NK) and bronze (828GFITCAL-BZ). Powder-Coated Aluminum Cover Plate 4.310" [109.5mm] Power or communication plate with 2" [51mm] and 1" [25mm] plugs. Covers are available in five decorative colors: black (829CKAL-BK), gray (829CKALGY), brass (829CKAL-Bs), nickel (829CKAL-NK) and bronze (829CKAL-BZ). NOTE: Acceptable for use with threaded conduit when passing through power cables. 507 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD WAlKERDuCT® pRO SERIES SERVICE FITTINGS Walkerduct Pro Series Nonmetallic Cover Plate Flanges Ordering Information 817PCC 5 3/4" [146mm] 4 3/4" [121mm] 827PCC 837PCC Available in black or brown. For Ortronics® connectivity use with 829PFLRT Cover. For wiremold CM series inserts use with 829PFL Cover. Accepts Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters and wiremold CM series inserts, sold separately. Three-Gang Nonmetallic Flange 13" [330mm] 5 3/4" [146mm] Available in black (817PCCBLK) or brown (817PCC-BRN). For Ortronics® connectivity use with 829PFLRT Cover. For wiremold CM series inserts use with 829PFL Cover. Accepts Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters and wiremold CM series inserts, sold separately. Available in black (837PCCBLK) or brown (837PCC-BRN). For Ortronics® connectivity use with 829PFLRT Cover. For wiremold CM series inserts use with 829PFL Cover. Accepts Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters and wiremold CM series inserts, sold separately. NOTE: UL Listed for tile, terrazzo, and carpet floors.Brass covers and flanges are not interchangeable with aluminum or nonmetallic covers and flanges. Nonmetallic covers are interchangeable with aluminum flanges. 828PR 3.290" [83.6mm] 828PRGFI 4 1/8" [105mm] 3 3/16" [81mm] 829PFL Nonmetallic GFI cover plate Individual flip lids.* Available in black (829PFL-BLK) or brown (829PFL-BRN). Gasket included. 3 3/16" [81mm] 4 1/8" [105mm] 829PFLRT 3 3/16" [81mm] 829PCk 3 3/16" [81mm] 829PSTC Nonmetallic Communications Cover Plate 4 1/8" [105mm] 4.310" [109.5mm] 3 3/16" [81mm] Individual flip lids.* Available in black (829PFLRT-BLK) or brown (829PFLRT-BRN). Gasket included. Ortronics® MAB6TJ TracJack and MAB3s2 series II adapters included. Nonmetallic Communications Cover Plate 4 1/8" [105mm] Breakouts. Available in black (829PCK-BLK) or brown (829PCK-BRN). Feed through only, not for use with a mounting plate for communication jacks. Nonmetallic Communications Cover Plate Nonmetallic Duplex Cover Plate Flip lids. Available in black (828PR-BLK) or brown (828PR-BRN). Can also be used with a 106 type frame for communications. Available in black (828PRGFIBLK) or brown (828PRGFI-BRN). May be used with Ortronics® Connectivity systems in conjunction with 817, 827, and 837PCC series flanges. Nonmetallic Communications Cover Plate Two-Gang Nonmetallic Carpet Flange 8 7/8" [225mm] 5 3/4" [146mm] SERVICE FITTINGS & ACTIVATION ACCESSORIES One-Gang Nonmetallic Carpet Flange 4 1/8" [105mm] Data slides. Available in black (829PsTC-BLK) or brown (829PsTC-BRN). Feed through only, not for use with a mounting plate for communication jacks. *Replacement flip lids can be ordered under Cat. No. PFL-BLK and PFL-BRN. Each Cat. No. comes with three flip lids. The above cover plates are listed for tile, terrazzo, and carpet floors. NOTE: Brass covers and flanges are not interchangeable with aluminum or nonmetallic covers and flanges. Nonmetallic covers are interchangeable with aluminum flanges 508 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD WAlKERDuCT® pRO SERIES SERVICE FITTINGS Walkerduct Pro Series Trim Plates and Accessories Ordering Information 430 Single Blanking Plate 5 1/16" [129mm] 431 6 1/16" [154mm] Brass (430BR) or aluminum (430AL) plate to cover single walkerduct Pro series Presets. Double Blanking Plate 6 1/16" [154mm] 9 3/16" [233mm] Brass (431BR) or aluminum (431AL) plate to cover two walkerduct Pro series Presets. 432 Triple Blanking Plate 6 1/16" [154mm] 13 5/16" [338mm] 430075 Brass (432BR) or aluminum (432AL) plate to cover three walkerduct Pro series Presets. Single Trim Plate 5 1/16" [129mm] Brass (430BR075) or aluminum (430AL075) plate with opening for 3/4" trade size conduit or liquidtite connection. Fits over single walkerduct Pro series Preset. 6 1/16" [154mm] Trim Plates and Accessories Ordering Information Double Trim Plate 9 3/16" [233mm] 430S505 6 1/16" [154mm] 431D505 6 1/16" [154mm] 6 1/16" [154mm] 427 Fiber Loop kit Brass (431BR075) or aluminum (431AL075) plate with opening for 3/4" trade size conduit or liquidtite connection. Fits over two walkerduct Pro series Presets. 5/16" [7.9mm] 5/8" [15.9mm] 1" [25mm] Nonmetallic clips snap into tabs in preset base. Hold up to one meter of cable. Maintain 1 1/4" [32mm] bend radius. Four clips included in kit. Single 525 Trim Plate 5 1/16" [129mm] Aluminum plate with opening to attach 525 series service Fitting Housing. Fits over single walkerduct Pro series Preset. Double 525 Trim Plate 9 3/16" [233mm] 421 Mudcap steel mudcap for walkerduct Pro series Preset. 4 3/4" 121mm] 4" [102mm] Aluminum plate with openings to attach two 525 series service Fitting Housings. Fits over two walkerduct Pro series Presets. SERVICE FITTINGS & ACTIVATION ACCESSORIES 431075 509 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD WAlKERDuCT® pRO SERIES SERVICE FITTINGS Walkerduct Pro Series Flush Carpet Plates Ordering Information 428DR, 428DR2 4 5/8" [117mm] 4 5/8" [117mm] 3 7/8" [98mm] 3 7/8" [98mm] 428B075 3 7/8" [98mm] 428BL SERVICE FITTINGS & ACTIVATION ACCESSORIES 3 7/8" [98mm] Flush Duplex Carpet Plate single or double duplex opening. For carpet floors only. steel plate mounts inside preset and is adjustable to floor height. Flush 525 Series Carpet Plate 3 7/8" [98mm] 4 5/8" [117mm] Openings to attach 525 series service Fitting on carpet plate. For carpet floors only. steel plate mounts inside preset and is adjustable to floor height. 433DR, 433DR2 Flush Conduit Carpet Plate 4 5/8" [117mm] 428B525 Opening fits 3/4" trade size conduit or liquidtite. Includes spacer for liquidtite connections. For carpet floors only. steel plate mounts inside preset and is adjustable to floor height. 4 3/4" [121mm] 5 3/8" [137mm] Flush Duplex Carpet Trim Plate Carpet plate and finishing plate for single or double duplex openings. Flush steel plate mounts inside preset and is adjustable to floor height. Brushed aluminum finishing plate covers carpet plate and mounts over carpet. Blank Flush Carpet Plate 4 5/8" [117mm] Blank carpet plate for custom punched openings or for abandoning preset. For carpet floors when used for activations. steel plate mounts inside preset and is adjustable to floor height. Important: A minimum 1 1/2" [38mm] preset or afterset is required on Pro series underfloor Duct to support standard duplex receptacles and communication devices when using flush activations. The 1" [25mm] preset or afterset should be specified for pedestal style fittings or when cabling will be pulled through the activation point. Walkerduct Pro Series Service Fittings Installation Details Brass or Aluminum Conduit Trim Plate Cat. No. 431AL075 Openings Fit 3/4" trade size Conduit Brass Flange and Covers Cat. Nos. 827B, 828R and 829STC Conduit and Lock washers Not Included 525 Trim Plate Cat. No. 430S505 525 series service Fitting Less Base Plate Flush Carpet Plate Cat. No. 428BL Flush Double Duplex Carpet Plate Cat. No. 428DR2 Flush Carpet Plate Cat. No. 428B075 Receptacle screws Must Be Removed Before Installation Important: Flush carpet plates are to be used only within a protected, enclosed environment such as under a retail counter with carpeted floors. 510 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD Conduit and Lock washer Not Included WIREMOLD INFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS Product blurb Wiremold® Infloor Duct systems are cost-effective and flexible solutions for any wiring and communication needs throughout an open space environment which will accommodate needs now and into the future. Walkerduct Underfloor Duct Systems Walkercell Cellular Raceway Systems 547 INFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS 516 511 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD INFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS Table of Contents Walkerduct® Underfloor Duct Systems 516 Walkerduct® Carpet / Tile Holders 528 Flushduct Infloor Duct Systems 531 Wallduct Raceway Systems 536 Trenchduct Feeder Systems 543 INFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS Walkercell® Cellular Raceway Systems 547 512 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD INFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS Quick selection Guide Walkerduct Underfloor Duct Walkerduct Layout with Junction Boxes Walkerduct with Junction Boxes offers capacity and flexibility for casinos, retail, libraries, light industrial, and small-tomedium office space. Walkerduct with Trenchduct provides a high capacity of wire and cable management. Perfect for an open space setting, power and communications can be easily rewired through steel access plates. Walkerduct Layout with Trenchduct Features: • Two Sizes of Underfloor Ducts Service Fitting/Activation Options: • 817 Series™ Flush Fittings • M ultiple Duct Combinations/ Configurations • 525 Series™ Pedestal Fittings • Quality Construction • PSRC9 Series™ Flush Fittings • 1200 Series™ Pedestal Fittings • Ample Bend Radius throughout System • R ound or Square Junction Box Access Openings • Trench Access Hood • Multiplex™ Pedestal Fittings • Choice of Preset Shape or Size • Wide Variety of Activations FlushDuct Infloor Duct Systems Features: • 1, 2, or 3 Duct Combinations Service Fitting/Activation Options: • 525 Series™ Pedestal Fittings • F eed and Distribution Ducts Located Flush with Finished Floor • Multiplex™ Pedestal Fittings • E asy Access to Ducts through Factory Installed screw Plugs Walker Flushduct with Junction Boxes lay level with the concrete on the floor. It provides easy access through the duct and simple installation of wires and cables. It also offers an aesthetically pleasing option for any open space application. • Variety of Pedestal Activations • 1 3/8" [35mm] Minimum System Depth (2 5/8" when using a junction box) • Trenchduct Feed Maximizes Capacity Walkercell Cellular Raceway Walkercell Layout with Trenchduct Walkercell Feed & Distribution Layout Walkercell with Junction Box Header provides fast installation and high flexibility along with high capacity for commercial and educational facilities. Easy access to cables and wires manage the changing business needs of commercial buildings. Features: • Three-in-One Configuration Raceway Walkercell with Trenchduct provides fast installation and high flexibility along with high capacity for commercial and educational facilities. Easy access to cables and wires manage the changing business needs of commercial buildings. • Large Capacity Feeder System Walkercell Feed and Distribution also provides fast installation and high flexibility along with high capacity for commercial and educational facilities. Easy access to cables and wires manage the changing business needs of commercial buildings. • Triple Service Preset with Recessed Activations • Flexible Trenchduct Design • Custom Options Available • Ample Bend Radius throughout System INFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS Walkercell Layout with Junction Box Header Service Fitting/Activation Options: • FloorPort™ Recessed Fittings • Multiplex™ Pedestal Fittings www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 513 WIREMOLD INFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS Quick selection Guide Frequently Ordered Catalog Numbers 4-0 – No. 4 Duct without Presets? 2-0 – No. 2 Duct without Presets? No. 2 Walkerduct Pro Series with Presets sPACING PREsETs No. 4 Walkerduct Pro Series with Presets 12" [305mm] OC 24" [610mm] OC 12" [305mm] OC 24" [610mm] OC 1" [25mm] D21210 D22410 sPACING PREsETs 1" [25mm] D41210 D42410 1 1/2" [38mm] D21215 D22415 1 1/2" [38mm] D41215 D42415 2" [51mm] D21220 D22420 2" [51mm] D41220 D42420 2 1/2" [64mm] D21225 D22425 2 1/2" [64mm] D41225 D42425 3" [76mm] D21230 D22430 3" [76mm] D41230 D42430 No. 2 Walkerduct with 2" IPS Presets sPACING PREsETs 1" [25mm] 1 1/2" [38mm] 2" [51mm] 2 1/2" [64mm] 3" [76mm] No. 4 Walkerduct with 2" IPS Presets 12" [305mm] OC 24" [610mm] OC 2-12 x 2 x 7/8 2-24 x 2 x 7/8 1" [25mm] 2-12 x 2 x 1 1/2 2-24 x 2 x 11/2 1 1/2" [38mm] 2-12 x 2 x 2 2-24 x 2 x 2 2-12 x 2 x 2 1/2 2-24 x 2 x 2 1/2 2-12 x 2 x 3 2-24 x 2 x 3 sPACING PREsETs 12" [305mm] OC 4-24 x 2 x 7/8 4-12 x 2 x 1 1/2 4-24 x 2 x 1 1/2 2" [51mm] 2 1/2" [64mm] 24" [610mm] OC 4-12 x 2 x 7/8 4-12 x 2 x 2 4-24 x 2 x 2 4-12 x 2 x 2 1/2 4-24 x 2 x 2 1/2 4-12 x 2 x 3 4-24 x 2 x 3 3" [76mm] JUNCTION BOXES* ROUND COVER PLATE SQUARE COVER PLATE ROUND HEAVY DUTY SQUARE HEAVY DUTY TWO-LEVEL (1) No. 2 Duct 12JR- 12JS- 12HR- 12HS- 142L (1) No. 4 Duct 14JR- 14JS- 14HR- 14HS- 142L (2) No. 2 Ducts 222JR- 222JS- 222HR- 222HS- (2) No. 4 Ducts 244JR- 244JS- 244HR- 244HS- (1) No. 2 and (1) No. 4 Duct 224JR- 224JS- 224HR- 224HS- (3) No. 2 Ducts 3222JR- 3222JS- 3222HR- 3222HS- (2) No. 2 and (1) No. 4 Ducts 3224JR- 3224JS- 3224HR- 3224HS- (1) No. 2 and (2) No. 4 Ducts 3244JR- 3244JS- 3244HR- 3244HS- (1) No. 4, (1) No. 2, and (1) No. 4 Duct 3424JR- 3424JS- 3424HR- 3424HS- (3) No. 4 Ducts 3444JR- 3444JS- 3444HR- 3444HS- (4) No. 2 Ducts 42222JR- 42222JS- 42222HR- 42222HS- (5) No. 2 Ducts 522222JR- 522222JS- 522222HR- 522222HS- * A dd suffix to indicate height of junction box. Infloor Systems Terminology INFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS Activation/Service Fitting – The device access point at which wires and cables egress from the infloor system. These products come in a variety of styles and sizes and can be recessed into the floor, flush with the floor or mounted above the floor. 514 Afterset – A metal fitting installed between the infloor raceway and the activation used to bring cables and wires from the raceway to the activation. It is installed after core drilling the concrete to reach the raceway buried in the concrete. Crossunder – A design option of intersecting infloor raceways where one system drops down under the other instead of intersecting on the same plane. Distribution Raceway – Raceway that carries wires and cables from the feeder system to the workstation area. Typically has presets attached to the raceway, but can also have aftersets. Feeder System – Large capacity raceway used to carry cables and wires from the communication and power closets to the distribution raceway. Trenchduct, Headerduct, and No. 4 duct are commonly used as feeder systems. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD Junction Box – A location in the raceway system that allows transition of pathways and access to cables. Mudcap – A recessed lid installed on the top of a preset or afterset to prevent concrete from entering it. Mudcap is removed when access to the wires and cables is needed. The concrete above it is chipped out, and the mudcap is removed with a screwdriver. Preset – A metal fitting is mounted on the infloor raceway that is buried in the concrete, designed to provide an access point to the cable and wires in the raceway. The concrete above it (1/8" deep) and the mudcap are removed, and a service fitting is mounted on it to provide cable and wire egress from the raceway. Slab Depth – Total depth of the concrete. System Depth – Depth of walker Infloor system from base of duct/cell/trench to the top of the cover plates. WIREMOLD INFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS Quick selection Guide Walkerduct Pro Series Duct Systems 12 sC12HS12 302 14 sC14HS14 H302 222 sC222HS222 302 Duct End Closures 304 H304 304 Conduit Adapters 312314317322324- H312H317H322 312314317322324- Box Corner Conduit Adapter Terminal Bushings 255- 255- 255- 334uF H334 334uF Vertical Elbows 332uF H332 332uF Horizontal Elbows (90° & 45°) 338UF 342uF H338 H342 338UF 342uF Crossunder Offsets 372 375 H372 H375 372 375 Expansion Joints 382 H382 382 Mudcaps Marker Caps 421 422GR 422RD 203 421 422GR 422RD H203 421 422GR 422RD 203 — 275SR 290G square FT6CT6round sFCs5SFCB5212232- 275SL 275SR 290G square FT10CT10round SFCS9SFCB9H232- — Box Opening Closures Box Closure Adapters sealant Tile & Carpet Trim/Holders Junction Box Conduct Adapters 290G square FT10CT10round SFCS9SFCB9212232- 224 sC224HS224 302 H302 304 H304 312314317322324H322H317H312255334uF H332 332uF H332 338UF H338 342uF H342 372 H372 375 H375 382 H382 421 422GR 422RD 203 H203 275SL 275SR 290G square FT15CT15round sFCs14SFCB14212232H232- 244 sC244HS244 H302 sYsTEM 3222 sC3222HS3222 302 H304 304 H312H317H324- 312314317322324- 255- 255- H334 334uF H332 332uF H338 H342 338UF 342uF H372 H375 372 375 H382 382 421 422GR 422RD H203 421 422GR 422RD 203 275SL 275SR 290G square FT18CT18round SFCS17SFCB17H232 — 290G square FT15FT15round sFCs14SFCB14212 232 3224 sC3224HS3224 302 H302 304 H304 312H312314317H317322H322324255- 3244 sC3244HS3244 302 H302 304 H304 312314317H317322H322324H312255- 3424 sC3244HS3244 302 H302 304 H304 312314317H317322H322324H312255- 3444 * * H302 255- 334uF H334 332uF H332 338UF H338 342uF H342 372 H372 375 H375 382 H382 421 422GR 422RD 203 H203 275SL 275SR 290G square FT18FT18round SFCS17SFCB17212 232 H232- 334uF 334uF H334 332uF H332 338UF H338 342uF H342 372 H372 332uF H332 338UF H338 342uF H342 372 H372 H332 382 H382 421 422GR 422RD 203 H203 275SL 275SR 290G square FT21FT21round SFCS20SFCB20212 232 H232- 382 H382 421 422GR 422RD 203 H203 275SL 275SR 290G square FT21FT21round SFCS20SFCB20212 232 H232- H382 H304 H312H317H322 H338 H342 H372 H375 421 422GR 422RD H203 275SL 275SR 290G square FT25FT25round sFCs24SFCB24H232 * Supports include built-in Coupling. NOTE: Part numbers ending in a dash need to have the height adjustment size suffix included when ordering. Please see the individual support product descriptions for this information. walkerduct Raceways provide wire management for open space environments while maintaining aesthetics because they are buried in the floor, out of sight, and safe from abuse. The duct is designed to be used with Walkerduct Junction Boxes or walker® Trenchduct to create an infloor wire management system. Duct runs provide a range of capacities to suit any situation and to future proof the wire management system. Duct can be used individually or combined with other duct to deliver power and communication services to workstations. Multiple duct runs may be all one size of duct or a mix of sizes. Activations may be located anywhere along the length of the duct to maximize flexibility and accessibility to wiring workstations. Flexibility is only limited by the grid pattern. Designed to be used with power and communications service fittings shown in service Fittings section of this Product Guide. 10' [3m] 6" 12" [152mm] [305mm] 12" [305mm] 12" [305mm] 12" [305mm] 12" [305mm] 12" [305mm] 12" [305mm] 12" [305mm] 12" 6" [305mm] [152mm] 24" [610mm] 12" [305mm] 10' [3m] 12" [305mm] 24" [610mm] 24" [610mm] 24" [610mm] 10' [3m] www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD INFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS ACCEssORIEs Adjustable Supports* Hold-Down Strap Couplings 515 WIREMOLD WALKERDUCT® UNDERFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS walkerduct® underfloor Duct systems offer maximum capacity and configurability using two sizes of duct. CODE REFERENCE ULus Listed Underfloor Raceway: File E7020 Guide RKCZ cULus Listed Underfloor Raceway Fittings: File E11912 Guide RKQX. Meets Article 390 of NEC. Walkerduct Pro Series System Layout with Junction Boxes KEY D C E B H E A A F B C D F G G INFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS A. Duct B. Pro series Preset C. Junction Box D. Coupling E. Duct support F. Conduit Adapter G. Elbow H. Junction Box Closure B NOTE: Illustration is for showing product applications only. Walkerduct 2" [51mm] IPS Duct System Layout with Trenchduct KEY A. Trenchduct B. #2 2" IPS Duct C. #4 2" IPS Duct D. Cross under E. Couplings F. End Closure G. Duct support H. Horizontal Flat Elbow I. Vertical Elbow J. Blank #4 Duct C B D A E J H G F I NOTE: Illustration is for showing product applications only. 516 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD WALKERDUCT® UNDERFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS Walkerduct Underfloor Duct Systems Service Fitting Compatibility PSRC9 series 1200 series Multiplex 525 series • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 827PCC • 837PCC • 818TCAL • 828TCAL • 838TCAL • S165B • • S165BLK/ BRN • • S166B • • • S166BLK/ BRN • • • S175BLK/ BRN • • • PSRC9TC • • • PSRC9AMDTC • • PSRC9FFTC • • • • • • • • • • Black • 817PCC • Gray • • Brass • • 837B • Aluminum • • • Polycarbonate • • • 827B Audio/Visual • 817B • MATERIAL/COLORs Communication Triple service Dual service single service SERVICE COMPATIBILITY • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1204BF • • • 1204AL • • 1223BF • • • 1223AL • • • MP4 • • • • • • MP8 • • • • • • MP8-1 • • • • • • 525A • • • • • 525B • • • • • 525C • • • • • 525D • • • • • 525F • • • • 25G • • • • 525H • • • • 525I • • • • 525J • • • 525RT • • • • 525ACT • • • • • • • • • • • INFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS source I SERVICE CAPACITY Power Pro series Flanges CATALOG NUMBER Pedestal PRODuCT FAMILY Flush ACTIVATION LOCATION 517 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD WALKERDUCT® UNDERFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS Walkerduct Cable Size/Fill Chart DIAMETER (Approx.) AREA (In2) 40% FILL CABLE/WIRE SIZE Inches [mm] Sq. In. [Sq. mm] No. 2 No. 4 UNSHIELDED TwIsTED PAIR 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 5 0.220 [5.6] .038 [24.5] 35 91 4-pair, 24 AWG, Cat 6 0.250 [6.4] .049 [31.7] 27 71 TELEPHONE 2-pair, 24 AwG 0.140 [3.6] .015 [9.9] 89 232 124 COAXIAL SHIELDED TwIsTED PAIR FIBER 4-pair, 24 AwG 0.190 [4.8] .028 [18.1] 47 25-pair, 24 AwG 0.410 [10.4] .132 [85.2] 10 26 RG58/U 0.195 [4.9] .030 [19.4] 44 116 75 RG59/U 0.242 [6.1] .046 [29.7] 29 RG6/U 0.270 [6.8] .057 [36.8] 23 61 TYPE 1 0.390 [9.9] .119 [76.8] 11 29 TYPE 2 0.465 [11.8] .170 [109.7] 7 20 TYPE 3 0.245 [6.2] .047 [30.3] 28 74 2 strand 0.180 [4.6] .025 [16.1] 53 139 124 4 strand 0.190 [4.8] .028 [18.1] 47 6 Strand 0.210 [5.3] .035 [22.6] 38 99 Fiber ZipCord 0.110 [2.8] .010 [6.5] 133 348 Walkerduct Wire Size/Fill Chart WIRE SIZE THHN/THWN/THWN-2 14 AwG 12 AwG 10 AWG 8 AWG 6 AWG 4 AwG DIAMETER Inches [mm] 0.111 [2.8] 0.130 [3.3] 0.164 [4.2] 0.216 [5.5] 0.254 [6.5] 0.324 [8.2] AREA (In2) Sq. In. [Sq. mm] .0097 [6.3] .0133 [8.6] .0211 [13.6] .0366 [23.6] .0507 [32.7] .0824 [53.2] 40% FILL NO. 2 NO. 4 137 359 100 262 63 165 36 95 26 68 16 42 Walkerduct Duct Configuration Options 2-0 1 1/4" [32mm] 3 1/8" x 1 1/4" [79mm x 32mm] 16 gauge galvannealed steel. One piece, continuously seam welded construction. 10' [3m] standard length. used primarily for afterset applications or as a feeder run. INFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS 3 1/8" [79mm] 4-0 6 1/2" [165mm] D21210 Blank No. 2 Duct Pro Series No. 2 Duct, 12" [305mm] Spacing No. 2 Duct with 12" [305mm] spacing Blank No. 4 Duct 1 1/2" [38mm] 6 1/2" x 1 1/2" [165mm x 38mm] 16 gauge galvannealed steel. One piece, continuously seam welded construction. 10' [3m] standard length. used primarily for afterset applications or as a feeder run. D22410 Pro Series No. 2 Duct, 24" [610mm] Spacing No. 2 Duct with 24" [3610mm] spacing 518 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD D21215, D21220, D21225, D21230 Factory-installed preset duct. Used for distribution runs. 10' [3m] standard length, 16 gauge galvannealed construction with continuous seam weld. Last two digits of Catalog Number indicates preset height. D22415, D22420, D22425, D22430 Factory-installed preset duct. Used for distribution runs. 10' [3m] standard length, 16 gauge galvannealed construction with continuous seam weld. Last two digits of Catalog Number indicates preset height. WIREMOLD WALKERDUCT® UNDERFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS Walkerduct Duct Configuration Options (continued) D41210 Pro Series No. 4 Duct, 12" [305mm] Spacing No. 4 Duct with 12" [305mm] spacing D42410 D41215 , D41220, D41225, D41230 Factory-installed preset duct. Used for distribution runs. 10' [3m] standard length, 16 gauge galvannealed construction with continuous seam weld. Last two digits of Catalog Number indicates preset height. 4-12x2x7/8 2" [51mm] IPS No. 4 Duct, 12" [305mm] Spacing No. 4 Duct with 12" [305mm] spacing Pro Series No. 4 Duct, 24" [610mm] Spacing No. 4 Duct with 24" [610mm] spacing D42415, D42420, D42425, D42430 Factory-installed preset duct. Used for distribution runs. 10' [3m] standard length, 16 gauge galvannealed construction with continuous seam weld. Last two digits of Catalog Number indicates preset height. 2-12x2x7/8 2" [51mm] IPS No. 2 Duct, 12" [305mm] Spacing No. 2 Duct with 12" [305mm] spacing 2-12x2x11/2, 2-12x2x2, 2-12x2x21/2, 2-12x2x3 Factory installed round preset duct with internal threads to accept standard connectors. 10' [3m] standard length, 16 gauge galvannealed steel construction with continuous seam weld. suffix indicates preset insert height. Preset I.D. is 2" [51mm]. 4-12x2x11/2, 4-12x2x2, 4-12x2x21/2, 4-12x2x3 Factory installed round preset duct with internal threads to accept standard connectors. 10' [3m] standard length, 16 gauge galvannealed steel construction with continuous seam weld. suffix indicates preset insert height. Preset I.D. is threaded for 2" [51mm] conduit. 4-24x2x7/8 2" [51mm] IPS No. 4 Duct, 24" [610mm] Spacing No. 4 Duct with 24" [610mm] spacing 4-24x2x11/2, 4-24x2x2, 4-24x2x21/2, 4-24x2x3 Factory installed round preset duct with internal threads to accept standard connectors. 10' [3m] standard length, 16 gauge galvannealed steel construction with continuous seam weld. suffix indicates preset insert height. Preset I.D. is threaded for 2" [51mm] conduit. IMPORTANT: Triple-gang flush activations are not compatible with 3222 and 3444 System layouts. Use combination of single- and two-gang activations to access all three ducts at one point. IMPORTANT: A minimum 1 1/2" [38mm] preset or afterset is required on Pro Series Underfloor Duct to support standard duplex receptacles when using flush activations. Most communication devices will need a minimum of 2" preset or afterset on Pro Series Underfloor Duct when using flush activations. NOTE: 1 1/2" preset is minimum height required for power. 2-24x2x7/8 No. 2 Duct with 24" [610mm] spacing 2-24x2x11/2, 2-24x2x2, 2-24x2x21/2, 2-24x2x3 Factory installed round preset duct with internal threads to accept standard connectors. 10' [3m] standard length, 16 gauge galvannealed steel construction with continuous seam weld. suffix indicates preset insert height. Preset I.D. is threaded for 2" [51mm] conduit. • Custom insert heights, duct lengths, and preset spacings are available. Contact factory for detailed information. • Multi-gang Pro Series Duct Systems use an alignment clip to connect presets. One alignment clip is included with each piece of duct and prevents movement of presets during concrete pour. End View with Alignment Clip in Place Alignment Clip INFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS DUCT CONFIGURATION NOTES 2" [51mm] IPS No. 2 Duct, 24" [610mm] Spacing 519 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD WALKERDUCT® UNDERFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS Walkerduct Duct Accessories Ordering Information SC12 Adjustable Duct Supports with Built-in Coupling SC14, SC222, SC224, SC244, SC3222, SC3224, SC3244, SC3424 To support, couple, and hold duct in place before and during concrete pour. steel construction. Leveling screws provide vertical adjustment. Different leg heights available. supports may be fastened to form or to slab through holes in the feet. Top members maintain 1" [25mm] spacing between ducts. Locate duct supports on approximately 5' [1.5m] intervals. SC14-* SC222-* SC3222-* *CATALOG NO. SUFFIX Pro Series Mudcap steel replacement cap for preset or afterset. Recessed to hold 3/8" [9.5mm] concrete. 422GR, 422RD 1/2" [12.7mm] to 1 7/8" [48mm] -33 1 1/2" [38mm] to 3 3/4" [95mm] Replaces mudcap on preset to indicate location of the last insert in each run. select color for each service. 425, 426 Preset Extensions 3" [76mm] to 4 7/8" [124mm] 1/2" [12.7mm] (425) and 1" [25mm] (426) Preset Extensions. Steel replacement cap for preset or afterset. Recessed to hold 3/8" [9.5mm] concrete. Duct supports for deeper pours are available through the factory. How to Determine Correct Support Heights D A Preset B Duct C A Height of preset. B Height of duct. C Distance from bottom of duct to form or slab. This dimension is the correct support height. D Distance between finished concrete floor line and floor slab. This dimension is the sum total of A, B, and C. Support Height (C) = D - (A and B) HS12 D2075, D4075 12" [305mm] 6" [152mm] 3/4" Hub Hold-Down Straps HS14, HS222, HS224, HS244, HS3222, HS342, HS3244 To fasten ducts to the slab 3/4" in shallow concrete. used in [19.1mm] place of duct supports. straps HS3224 maintain 1" [25mm] spacing between ducts on multiple duct runs and prevent duct from 1" floating during concrete pour. [25mm] Attaches to slab with stakes 1 5/8" or drive pins (not included). [41mm] Locate Hold-Down Straps on approximate 5' [1.5m] centers. Duct systems with both #2 and #4 ducts will require a 1/4" thick shim to bring the top of the #2 duct level with the #4 duct. Consult factory for additional information. INFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS HS14 520 Pro Series Marker Cap HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT -18 -48 421 NOTE: Steel shims (Cat. # Duct Shims) should be placed under #2 Duct to maintain proper preset height. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 404 Duct Conduit Hub D2075 for No. 2 Duct, D4075 for No. 4 Duct. 12" [305mm] section of Duct with 1" [25mm] Preset. For rigid or PVC conduit. used to provide feed to isolated outlets; maintains 12" [305mm] spacing of presets. Preset height is 1" [25mm]. Add extensions if higher preset needed. 2" [51mm] IPS Duct Mudcap Steel replacement cap for 2" [51mm] IPS preset. Recessed to hold 3/8" [9.5mm] concrete. 415B, 415N 2" [51mm] IPS Duct Marker Cap Replaces mudcap on preset to indicate location of run. NEC requires markers to locate the last preset in each run. select color for each service. Available in brass (B) or steel (N). WIREMOLD WALKERDUCT® UNDERFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS Walkerduct Duct Accessories Ordering Information (continued) 317-3/4*, H317-3/4* 2" [51mm] IPS Duct Conduit Hub 317-3/4-* for No. 2 Duct, H3173/4-* for No. 4 Duct. 2' [610mm] section of Duct with IPs Preset and 3/4" [19.1mm] Conduit Hub. For rigid conduit. Used to provide feed to isolated outlets; maintains 24" [610mm] spacing of presets. Heights from 7/8" [22.2mm] to 3 1/2" [89mm]. *Specify preset height. 12" [305mm] 24" [610mm] Female Conduit Adapter 7 1/8" [181mm] Fits on the outside of No. 4 Duct. For two rigid or PVC conduits. Suffix denotes conduit trade size. 3" [76mm] 324-3/4 Male Conduit Adapter Fits into the end of No. 2 Duct. For two 3/4" trade size rigid or PVC conduits. 3" [76mm] Female Conduit Adapter 312-1, 312-11/4, 312-11/2, 312-2 Fits on outside of No. 2 Duct. For one rigid or PVC conduit. suffix denotes conduit trade size. 3 1/2" [89mm] 300-4 Adapter Coupling 6" [152mm] H312-3/4 314-3/4 Couples No. 2 Duct to No. 4 Duct. Female Conduit Adapter 7 1/8" [181mm] 1 1/4" [32mm] 6 15/16" [176mm] 1 1/8" [54mm] H312-1, H312-11/4, H312-11/2, H312-2 Fits on outside of No. 4 Duct. For one rigid or PVC conduit. suffix denotes conduit trade size. 3 9/16" [90mm] 302, H302 Coupling 302- To Couple two No. 2 Ducts. H302- To Couple two No. 4 Ducts. Male Conduit Adapter 3" [76mm] 1 3/4" [44mm] Fits into end of No. 2 Duct. For one 3/4" trade size rigid or PVC conduit. 304, H304 Duct End Plug 304- To seal the end of No. 2 Duct. H304- To seal the end of No. 4 Duct. 1 1/4" [32mm] 322-11/4, 322-11/2 Female Conduit Adapter 334UF Panel connector secures No. 2 Duct to cabinet. Fits on the outside of No. 2 Duct. For two rigid or PVC conduits. suffix denotes conduit trade size. 3 1/2" [89mm] 2 3/4" [70mm] 4 1/8" [105mm] INFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS 312-3/4 H322-11/4, H322-11/2 521 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD WALKERDUCT® UNDERFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS Walkerduct Duct Accessories Ordering Information (continued) H334 H338AU-1 Panel Connector 90° Horizontal Elbow with Access Unit secures No. 4 Duct to cabinet. 3 5/16" [84mm] Used to make 90° horizontal turn in No. 4 Duct. Access cover can be removed to facilitate wire pulling. 10 1/2" [267mm] 7 11/16" [195mm] 10 1/2" [267mm] 2 13/16" [71mm] 332UF 90° Vertical Elbow 2 5/16" Radius [59mm] 5 1/8" [130mm] Creates 90° vertical turn in No. 2 Duct. 342UF Adjustable Horizontal Elbow No. 2 Duct elbow angled for 45° turn. Angle may be varied from 22 1/2° to 67 1/2° by cutting duct ends at different angles. 8 1/2" [216mm] 3" Radius [76mm] H332 90° Vertical Elbow 3" Radius [76mm] 8 1/2" [216mm] Creates 90° vertical turn in No. 4 Duct. H342 Adjustable Horizontal Elbow No. 4 Duct elbow angled for 45° turn. Angle may be varied from 22 1/2° to 67 1/2° by cutting duct ends at different angles. 8 1/2" [216mm] 338UF 3" Radius [76mm] 90° Horizontal Elbow 21 7/8" [556mm] 21 7/8" [556mm] Creates 90° horizontal turn in No. 2 Duct. 372, H372 1 5/8" [41mm] INFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS 8 1/2" Radius [216mm] H338 90° Horizontal Elbow Creates 90° horizontal turn in No. 4 Duct. 10 1/2" [267mm] Offset 10 1/2" [267mm] 2 13/16" [71mm] 522 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 6 3/8" [162mm] 372 – for No. 2 Duct, H372 – for No. 4 Duct. used to raise or lower a run of duct by 1 5/8" [41mm]. Two required for crossunders. WIREMOLD WALKERDUCT® UNDERFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS Walkerduct Duct Accessories Ordering Information (continued) 375, H375 375 – for No. 2 Duct, H375 – for No. 4 Duct. used to raise or lower a run of duct from 5/16 [7.9mm] to 3 1/2 [89mm]. Field cut duct based on chart below. 10° 5/8" [15.9mm] Duct 5/16" 3/8" 7/16" 1/2" 9/16" 5/8" 11/16" 3/4" 13/16" 7/8" 15/16" [7.9mm] [9.5mm] [11.1mm] [12.7mm] [14.3mm] [15.9mm] [17.5mm] [19.1mm] [20.6mm] [22.2mm] [23.8mm] 5/8" [15.9mm] DuCT CuT (LENGTH) FOR OFFsET 382, H382 Variable Offset 1 3/8" 1 3/4" 2 1/8" 2 1/2" 2 7/8" 3 1/4" 3 1/2" 3 7/8" 4 1/4" 4 5/8" 5" [35mm] [44mm] [54mm] [64mm] [73mm] [83mm] [89mm] [98mm] [108mm] [118mm] [127mm] FOR OFFsET 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 1 3/4" 2" 2 1/4" 2 1/2" 2 3/4" 3" 3 1/4" 3 1/2" [25mm] [32mm] [38mm] [45mm] [51mm] [57mm] [64mm] [70mm] [76mm] [83mm] [89mm] DuCT CuT (LENGTH) 5 3/8" 6 13/16" 8 1.4" 9 11/16" 11 1/4" 12 9/16" 14" 15 7/16" 16 7/8" 18 5/16" 19 3/4" Expansion Sleeve Joints 382 – for No. 2 Duct, H382 – for No. 4 Duct. slip over two sections of duct. Outside screws fasten and ground sleeves of duct. 290C Waterproof Sealing Compound [137mm] [173mm] [210mm] [246mm] [286mm] [319mm] [356mm] [392mm] [429mm] [465mm] [502mm] Three tubes, 10.1 fluid ounces each. Will seal approximately 100 couplings, (12) three-duct boxes, (25) two-duct boxes, or (50) single-duct boxes. Walkerduct Aftersets & Accessories Ordering Information Electronic Insert Finder used to locate preset inserts which are buried in concrete. Magnetic field locates mudcap in concrete. 4215 Pro Series Afterset 4220, 4225, 4230 Installed either before or after concrete pour to create activation from duct. 4215 = 1 1/2" [38mm], 4220 = 2" [51mm], 4225 = 2 1/2" [64mm], and 4230 = 3" [76mm]. 4 13/16" [123mm] 436-2-7/8 4 1/8" [105mm] NOTE: Drill a 6 1/2" [165mm] hole in concrete and a 2 1/2" [64mm] hole in duct. NOTE: Need minimum of 1 1/2" height for power. 2" [51mm] IPS Duct Round Afterset H14ABD Afterset Access Assembly Provides access to pull large number of cables out of duct at one activation. Neoprene boot to protect wires not included. Use 6ER- Extension Ring when additional height is required. H14-BA Afterset Access Assembly Neoprene Boot Used with H14ABD to protect cables coming out of duct. H14-AS Complete Access Activation For access to large number of cables for activation. Use 6ER- Extension Ring when additional height is required. 436-2-11/2 , 436-2-2, 436-2-23/8, 436-2-3 Installed either before or after concrete pour to create activation from duct. 436-2-7/8 = 7/8" [22.2mm], 436-2-1 1/2 = 1 1/2" [38mm], 436-2-2 = 2" [51mm], 436-2-2 3/8 = 2 3/8" [60mm], and 436-2-3 = 3" [76mm]. INFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS 480 523 NOTE: Drill a 2 1/2" [64mm] hole in concrete and a 2 1/4" [57mm] hole in duct. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD WALKERDUCT® UNDERFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS Walkerduct Aftersets Ordering Information H14BC 6ER-11/2 Blanking Cap Extension Ring Closes 5" [127mm] hole in duct. 6ER-2, 6ER-2 1/2, 6ER-3, 6ER-3 1/2 Extension ring for H14ABD and H14-AS Boxes. Suffix refers to height of concrete over duct. Walkerduct Junction Boxes Ordering Information This chart provides the information needed to select the correct suffix for all of the Junction Box Catalog Numbers listed in this section. NOTE: Square Tile/Carpet Trims for heavy duty Junction Boxes – need to increase depth of Pan by 1/8". Example: for 1/4" Carpet, use 3/8" deep Carpet Holder. SUFFIX FOR JUNCTION BOXES* CAT. NO. DEsCRIPTION 222JS- Square Access Plate 222JR- Round Access Plate 222HS- Heavy Duty – Square Access Plate 222HR- Heavy Duty – Round Access Plate NOTE: Suffix denotes height. DEPTH OF CONCRETE OVER DUCT 1 1" [25mm] min. to 1 1/2" [35mm] max. 1 1/2 1 1/2" [38mm] min. to 2" [51mm] max. 2 2" [51mm] min. to 2 1/2" [62mm] max. 2 1/2 2 1/2" [64mm] min. to 3" [76mm] max. 3 3" [76mm] min. to 3 1/2" [89mm] max. 3 1/2 3 1/2" [89mm] min. to 4" [102mm] max. 4 4" [102mm] min. to 4 1/2" [114mm] max. 4 1/2 4 1/2" [114mm] min. to 5" [127mm] max. 5 5" [127mm] min. to 5 1/2" [140mm] max. 5 1/2 5 1/2" [140mm] min. to 6" [152mm] max. 6 6" [152mm] min. to 6 1/2" [165mm] max. *Other junction box heights are available. Consult factory for availability. CAT. NO. DEsCRIPTION 12JS- Square Access Plate 12JR- Round Access Plate 12HS- Heavy Duty – Square Access Plate 12HR- Heavy Duty – Round Access Plate 11 1/8" [283mm] Duct Step to Duct Step 15/16" [23.8mm] 1 5/8" [41mm] 10 7/8" [276mm] INFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS 7" [178mm] Duct Step to Duct Step 15/16" [23.8mm] 1 5/8" [41mm] 6 3/4" [172mm] 2 5/8" [65mm] 2 5/8" [65mm] 15 1/2" [394mm] CAT. NO. DEsCRIPTION 14JS- Square Access Plate 14JR- Round Access Plate 14HS- Heavy Duty – Square Access Plate 14HR- Heavy Duty – Round Access Plate NOTE: Suffix denotes height. One No. 2 Duct per side. No interior partitioning. Square cover plate measures 6 3/4" x 6 3/4" [171mm x 171mm]. Diameter of round cover plate is 4.813" [122mm]. 11 1/8" [283mm] Duct Step to Duct Step 15/16" [23.8mm] 1 5/8" [41mm] Two No. 2 Ducts per side. Square cover plate measures 10 7/8" x 10 7/8" [276mm x 276mm]. Diameter of round cover plate is 8.938" [227mm]. 10 7/8" [276mm] One No. 4 Duct per side. No interior partitioning. Square cover plate measures 10 7/8" x 10 7/8" [276mm x 276mm]. Diameter of round cover plate is 8.938" [227mm]. 2 5/8" [65mm] 15 1/2" [394mm] 11 3/8" [289mm] NOTE: For all 3 Duct Boxes – Center compartment cannot be accessed with Corner Conduit Adapter, part #255. 524 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD WALKERDUCT® UNDERFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS Walkerduct Junction Boxes Ordering Information (continued) CAT. NO. DEsCRIPTION CAT. NO. DEsCRIPTION 224JS- Square Access Plate 3222JS- Square Access Plate 224JR- Round Access Plate 3222JR- Round Access Plate 224HS- Heavy Duty – Square Access Plate 3222HS- Heavy Duty – Square Access Plate 224HR- Heavy Duty – Round Access Plate NOTE: Suffix denotes height. 15 1/4" [387mm] Duct Step to Duct Step 1 5/8" [41mm] 2 5/8" [65mm] 15" [381mm] 15 1/4" [387mm] Duct Step to Duct Step 15/16" [23.8mm] 19 5/8" [499mm] 1 5/8" [41mm] 15" [381mm] 2 5/8" [65mm] 19 5/8" [499mm] CAT. NO. DEsCRIPTION CAT. NO. 244JS- Square Access Plate 3424JS- Square Access Plate 244JR- Round Access Plate 3424JR- Round Access Plate DEsCRIPTION 244HS- Heavy Duty – Square Access Plate 3424HS- Heavy Duty – Square Access Plate 244HR- Heavy Duty – Round Access Plate 3424HR- Heavy Duty – Round Access Plate NOTE: Suffix denotes height. NOTE: Suffix denotes height. 18 5/8" [473mm] Duct Step to Duct Step 15/16" [23.8mm] 1 5/8" [41mm] 18 3/8" [473mm] 2 5/8" [65mm] Two No. 4 Ducts per side. Square cover plate measures 18 3/8" x 18 3/8" [467mm x 467mm]. Diameter of round cover plate is 16.438" [418mm]. 25" [584mm] 22" [559mm] Duct Step to Duct Step 15/16" [23.8mm] 21 3/4" [553mm] 1 5/8" [41mm] 26 5/8" [670mm] 2 5/8" [65mm] CAT. NO. DEsCRIPTION CAT. NO. 3224JS- Square Access Plate 3244JS- Square Access Plate 3224JR- Round Access Plate 3244JR- Round Access Plate 3224HS- Heavy Duty – Square Access Plate 3244HS- Heavy Duty – Square Access Plate Heavy Duty – Round Access Plate 3244HR- Heavy Duty – Round Access Plate NOTE: Suffix denotes height. 18 5/8" [473mm] Duct Step to Duct Step 18 3/8" [467mm] 1 5/8" [41mm] 23" [543mm] 2 5/8" [65mm] Two No. 2 Ducts and one No. 4 Duct per side. Square cover plate measures 18 3/8" x 18 3/8" [467mm x 467mm]. Diameter of round cover plate is 16.438" [418mm]. NOTE: For all 3 Duct Junction Boxes – Center compartment cannot be accessed with Corner Conduit Adapter, part #255. Two No. 4 Ducts and one No. 2 Duct per side. No. 2 Duct is centered between the No. 4 Ducts. Square cover plate measures 21 3/4" x 21 3/4" [553mm x 553mm]. Diameter of round cover plate is 19.813" [503mm]. DEsCRIPTION 3224HR- 15/16" [23.8mm] Three No. 2 Ducts per side. Square cover plate measures 15" x 15" [381mm x 381mm]. Diameter of round cover plate is 13.063" [332mm]. NOTE: Suffix denotes height. 22" [559mm] Duct Step to Duct Step 15/16" [23.8mm] 21 3/4" [553mm] 1 5/8" [41mm] 26 5/8" [670mm] 2 5/8" [65mm] One No. 2 Duct and two No. 4 Ducts per side. Square cover plate measures 21 3/4" x 21 3/4" [553mm x 553mm]. Diameter of round cover plate is 19.813" [503mm]. INFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS 15/16" [23.8mm] One No. 2 Duct and one No. 4 Duct per side. Square cover plate measures 15" x 15" [381mm x 381mm]. Diameter of round cover plate is 13.063" [332mm]. 3222HRHeavy Duty – Round Access Plate NOTE: Suffix denotes height. 525 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD WALKERDUCT® UNDERFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS Walkerduct Junction Boxes Ordering Information (continued) 142L-1 14H-1 Two Level Junction Box 4" [102mm] 8 1/2" [216mm] 8 1/2" [216mm] Adaptable for either No. 2 Duct or No. 4 Duct. No partitioning required. Requires a 4" [102mm] minimum pour. 3/8" [9.5mm] upward adjustment of cover plate is possible after pour. 5 3/4" [146mm] nominal diameter round cover plate. 1/8" [3.2mm] plate thickness. Use adjustable extension ring when additional height is needed. see Cat. No. 6AER-. Hand Hole Access Unit 2 9/16" [65mm] 8 7/16" [214mm] Hand hole units are installed on No. 4 Duct to facilitate feeding and splicing of wire and cable. 6 15/16" [176mm] distance between duct ends. 5 3/4" [146mm] diameter cover plate. Includes 1" [25mm] standard extension. For concrete pours over 1" [25mm] an extension ring is required. See Cat. No. 6AEHR-. Walkerduct Junction Box Accessories Ordering Information 12EXT-* 6AER-11/2-21/8, 6AER-23/8-3 Side Rail Extension Adjustable Extension Ring 222EXT-*, 3222EXT-*, 3224EXT-*, 3244EXT-* Kit to adapt JS, JR, HS, and HR style junction boxes for deep concrete pours. 12EXT for 12 size boxes, 222EXT for 14 or 222 size boxes, 3222EXT for 224 or 3222 size boxes, 3224EXT for 244 or 3224 size boxes, and 3244EXT for 3424 or 3244 size boxes. SUFFIX FOR SIDE RAIL EXTENSION* AERHB-120 1 1/2" [38mm] min. to 2" [51mm] max. 2 2" [51mm] min. to 2 1/2" [62mm] max. 2 1/2 2 1/2" [64mm] min. to 3" [76mm] max. 3 3" [76mm] min. to 3 1/2" [89mm] max. 3 1/2 3 1/2" [89mm] min. to 4" [102mm] max. Terrazzo Holder CONCRETE DEPTH OVER DUCT HARDWARE BAG CATALOG NO. 1 1/2" 1 5/8" 1 3/4" 1 7/8" 2" 2 1/8" 2 3/8" -3" INFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS AERHB-120 6RTT, RTT8, RTT13, RTT16, RTT20 For round JR style junction boxes. Two-piece brass rings mount to junction box cover plate. Inner ring is filled with terrazzo. Screws are recessed into innerring and allow the holder to be removed after floor is ground and polished. Terrazzo units hold 3/4" [19.1mm] deep terrazzo, but increase the height of the junction box by 1 1/4" [32mm]. 6RTT is for 142L or 14H box, RTT4 is for 12JR box, RTT8 is for 14JR or 222JR box, RTT13 is for 224JR or 3222JR box, RTT16 is for 244JR or 3224JR box, RTT20 is for 3244 or 3424JR box. 526 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD Hardware Bag AERHB-128, AERHB-144, AERHB-152, AERHB-052 For adjustable extension ring. suffix indicates depth concrete over duct. use chart below to determine hardware bag required. For 142L-1, H338AU-1, H14-AS, and 14H-1 Boxes. DEPTH OF CONCRETE OVER DUCT 1 1/2 RTT4 For 142L-1, H338AU-1, H14-AS, and 14H-1 Boxes. Suffix refers to adjustable height range of concrete over duct. select hardware bag below to attach ring to box. X X AERHB-128 X AERHB-144 X AERHB-152 X AERHB-052 203UFD X X Blank Washer For closing unused junction box No. 2 Duct opening. 1 9/16" [40mm] NOTE: Use Cat. No. H202 Blank Washer for 142L and 14H Junction Boxes. 3 1/8" [79mm] WIREMOLD WALKERDUCT® UNDERFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS Walkerduct Junction Box Accessories Ordering Information (continued) H203 232-1, 232-11/4, 232-11/2 Blank Washer For closing unused junction box No. 4 Duct opening. 1 9/16" [40mm] 3 1/8" [79mm] Male Adapter For No. 2 Duct opening to one conduit. suffix indicates conduit trade size. NOTE: Use Cat. No. H202 Blank Washer for 142L and 14H Junction Boxes. 6 1/2" [165mm] 2 3/4" [70mm] 275SL, 275SR 6 5/8" [169mm] 1 1/2" [38mm] Adapter To reduce a No. 4 Duct opening in a junction box to a No. 2 Duct opening. Specify 275SL for left hand or 275SR for right hand. H232-2 Male Adapter For No. 4 Duct opening to one 2" trade size conduit. 6 1/2" [165mm] 275SL Pictured 255-3/4 Box Conduit Corner Adapter 2 1/4" [57mm] 255-1, 255-1 1/4, 255-1 1/2, 255-2 For one conduit. “A” dimension is 1 7/8" [48mm] for -3/4 and -1; 2 1/4" [57mm] for -1 1/4 and -1 1/2, and 2" [51mm] for -2. Suffix indicates conduit trade size. 3 3/4" [95mm] 242-11/4 Male Adapter 3 1/8" [79mm] For No. 2 Duct opening to two 1 1/4" trade size conduits. A 212-3/4 Adapter 1 1/4" [32mm] 2 5/8" [67mm] 4" [102mm] For No. 2 Duct opening to one 3/4" trade size conduit. 3 1/8" [79mm] 3 1/8" [79mm] Adapter INFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS 222-3/4 For No. 2 Duct opening to two 3/4" trade size conduits. 1 1/2" [38mm] 527 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD WALKERDUCT® CARpET/TILE HOLDERS walkerduct® Carpet/Tile Holders provide an aesthetic solution for identification and for accessing major pull points (Junction Boxes) within a walkerduct system. NOTE: Square Tile/Carpet Trims for heavy duty Junction Boxes – need to increase depth of Pan by 1/8". Example: for 1/4" Carpet, use 3/8" deep Carpet Holder. Walkerduct Flanged Round Carpet / Tile Holders Ordering Information Flanged round carpet/tile pans in brass or stainless steel for 12S, 14H, 142L, H338AU, 12FB or H14 Boxes. Mount onto cover plate. Available in 1/4" or 1/8" [6.4mm or 3.2mm] depths for carpet or tile floors. 5 23/32" [144mm] diameter (does not include flange). Flange is 3/8" [9.5mm] wide. INFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS Flanged round carpet/tile pans in brass or stainless steel for 222FB Boxes. Mount onto cover plate. Available in 1/4" or 1/8" [6.4mm or 3.2mm] depths for carpet or tile floors. 7 1/2" [191mm] diameter (does not include flange). Flange is 3/8" [9.5mm] wide. Flanged round carpet/tile pans in brass or stainless steel for 14S, 222S, and 3222FB Boxes. Mount onto cover plate. Available in 1/4" or 1/8" [6.4mm or 3.2mm] depths for carpet or tile floors. 10 1/2" [267mm] diameter (does not include flange). Flange is 3/8" [9.5mm] wide. Flanged round carpet/tile pans in brass or stainless steel for 224S and 3222S Boxes. Also fits 2-1JB2510 Walkercell Boxes and 18" [457mm] wide Junction Box Headers. Mount onto cover plate. Available in 1/4" or 1/8" [6.4mm or 3.2mm] depths for carpet or tile floors. 14 1/2" [368mm] diameter (does not include flange). Flange is 3/8" [9.5mm] wide. NOTE: Prior to completing installation, proper floor covering should be installed in pan. * Add suffix “-HD” for.090 thick material (.025 standard material thickness) to accommodate high traffic and/or heavy loads. 528 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD CAT. NO. DEsCRIPTION 6LHS-1/8 Stainless 1/8" [3.2mm] deep 6 39/64 [168mm] O.D. 6LHS-1/4 Stainless 1/4" [6.4mm] deep 6 39/64 [168mm] O.D. 6LHB-1/8 Brass 1/8" [3.2mm] deep 6 39/64 [168mm] O.D. 6LHB-1/4 Brass 1/4" [6.4mm] deep 6 39/64 [168mm] O.D. CAT. NO. DEsCRIPTION 7LHS-1/8 Stainless 1/8" [3.2mm] deep 8 11/64 [208mm] O.D. 7LHS-1/4 Stainless 1/4" [6.4mm] deep 8 11/64 [208mm] O.D. 7LHB-1/8* Brass 1/8" [3.2mm] deep 8 11/64 [208mm] O.D. 7LHB-1/4* Brass 1/4" [6.4mm] deep 8 11/64 [208mm] O.D. CAT. NO. DEsCRIPTION 10LHS-1/8 Stainless 1/8" [3.2mm] deep 11 15/64 [295mm] O.D. 10LHS-1/4 Stainless 1/4" [6.4mm] deep 11 15/64 [295mm] O.D. 10LHB-1/8* Brass 1/8" [3.2mm] deep 11 15/64 [295mm] O.D. 10LHB-1/4* Brass 1/4" [6.4mm] deep 11 15/64 [295mm] O.D. CAT. NO. DEsCRIPTION 14LHS-1/8 stainless 14LHS-1/4 stainless 1/4" [6,4mm] deep x 15.234" O.D. [387mm] 14LHB-1/8* Brass 1/8" [3.2mm] deep x 15.234" O.D. [387mm] 14LHB-1/4* Brass 1/4" [6.4mm] deep x 15.234" O.D. [387mm] 1/8" [3.2mm] deep x 15.234" O.D. [387mm] WIREMOLD WALKERDUCT® CARpET/TILE HOLDERS Flanged round carpet/tile pans in brass or stainless steel for 244S, 3224S, 3244S, 3424S and 3444S Boxes. Also fits 33JB3510, 32JB3510, 22JB2510, 1 1/2 JB2510, 11JB2510, Walkercell Boxes and 24" [610mm] wide and wider Junction Box Headers. Mount onto cover plate. Available in 1/4" or 1/8" [6.4mm or 3.2mm] depths for carpet or tile floors. 22" [559mm] diameter (does not include flange). Flange is 3/8" [9.5mm] wide. Flanged round carpet/tile pans in brass or stainless steel for 12JR boxes. Mount onto cover plate. Available in 1/4" or 1/8" [6.4mm or 3.2mm] depths for carpet or tile floors. 4 3/4" [121mm] diameter (does not include flange). Flange is 3/8" [9.5mm] wide. Flanged round carpet/tile pans in brass or stainless steel for 14JR and 222JR boxes. Mount onto cover plate. Available in 1/4" or 1/8" [6.4mm or 3.2mm] depths for carpet or tile floors. 8 7/8" [225mm] diameter (does not include flange). Flange is 3/8" [9.5mm] wide. Flanged round carpet/tile pans in brass or stainless steel for 224JR and 3222JR boxes. Mount onto cover plate. Available in 1/4" or 1/8" [6.4mm or 3.2mm] depths for carpet or tile floors. 13" [330mm] diameter (does not include flange). Flange is 3/8" [9.5mm] wide. Flanged round carpet/tile pans in brass or stainless steel for 244JR and 3224JR boxes. Mount onto cover plate. Available in 1/4" or 1/8" [6.4mm or 3.2mm] depths for carpet or tile floors. 16 3/8" [416mm] diameter (does not include flange). Flange is 3/8" [9.5mm] wide. Flanged round carpet/tile pans in brass or stainless steel for 3424JR and 3244JR boxes. Mount onto cover plate. Available in 1/4" or 1/8" [6.4mm or 3.2mm] depths for carpet or tile floors. 19 3/4" [502mm] diameter (does not include flange). Flange is 3/8" [9.5mm] wide. Flanged round carpet/tile pans in brass or stainless steel for 3444JR boxes. Mount onto cover plate. Available in 1/4" or 1/8" [6.4mm or 3.2mm] depths for carpet or tile floors. 23 1/8" [587mm] diameter (does not include flange). Flange is 3/8" [9.5mm] wide. CAT. NO. DEsCRIPTION 22LHS-1/8 stainless 1/8" [3.2mm] deep x 23.234" O.D. [590mm] 22LHS-1/4 stainless 1/4" [6.4mm] deep x 23.234" O.D. [590mm] 22LHB-1/8 Brass 1/8" [3.2mm] deep x 23.234" O.D. [590mm] 22LHB-1/4* Brass 1/4" [6.4mm] deep x 23.234" O.D. [590mm] CAT. NO. DEsCRIPTION SFCS5-1/8 stainless 1/8"[6.4mm] deep x 5.561" O.D. [141mm] sFCs5-1/4 stainless 1/4" [3.2mm] deep x 5.561" O.D. [141mm] SFCB5-1/8* Brass 1/8" [6.4mm] deep x 5.561" O.D. [141mm] SFCB5-1/4* Brass 1/4" [3.2mm] deep x 5.561" O.D. [141mm] CAT. NO. DEsCRIPTION SFCS9-1/8 stainless 1/8" [6.4mm] deep x 9.686" O.D. [246mm] SFCS9-1/4 stainless 1/4" [3.2mm] deep x 9.686" O.D. [246mm] SFCB9-1/8* Brass 1/8" [6.4mm] deep x 9.686" O.D. [246mm] SFCB9-1/4* Brass 1/4" [3.2mm] deep x 9.686" O.D. [246mm] CAT. NO. DEsCRIPTION SFCS14-1/8 stainless 1/8" [6.4mm] deep x 13.812" O.D. [351mm] sFCs14-1/4 stainless 1/4" [3.2mm] deep x 13.812" O.D. [351mm] SFCB14-1/8 Brass 1/8" [6.4mm] deep x 13.812" O.D. [351mm] SFCB14-1/4* Brass 1/4" [3.2mm] deep x 13.812" O.D. [351mm] CAT. NO. DEsCRIPTION SFCS17-1/8 stainless 1/8" [6.4mm] deep x 17.187" O.D. [437mm] SFCS17-1/4 stainless 1/4" [3.2mm] deep x 17.187" O.D. [437mm] SFCB17-1/8 Brass 1/8" [6.4mm] deep x 17.187" O.D. [437mm] SFCB17-1/4* Brass 1/4" [3.2mm] deep x 17.187" O.D. [437mm] CAT. NO. DEsCRIPTION SFCS20-1/8 stainless 1/8" [6.4mm] deep x 17.936" O.D. [456mm] SFCS20-1/4 stainless 1/4" [3.2mm] deep x 17.936" O.D. [456mm] SFCB20-1/8 Brass 1/8" [6.4mm] deep x 17.936" O.D. [456mm] SFCB20-1/4 Brass 1/4" [3.2mm] deep x 17.936" O.D. [456mm] CAT. NO. DEsCRIPTION SFCS24-1/8 stainless 1/8" [6.4mm] deep x 20.560" O.D. [522mm] sFCs24-1/4 stainless 1/4" [3.2mm] deep x 20.560" O.D. [522mm] SFCB24-1/8 Brass 1/8" [6.4mm] deep x 20.560" O.D. [522mm] SFCB24-1/4 Brass 1/4" [3.2mm] deep x 20.560" O.D. [522mm] INFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS Walkerduct Flanged Round Carpet/Tile Holders Ordering Information (continued) * Add suffix “-HD” for.090 thick material (.025 standard material thickness) to accommodate high traffic and/or heavy loads. 529 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD WALKERDUCT® CARpET/TILE HOLDERS Walkerduct Square Carpet/Tile Trim Ordering Information Flanged square carpet/tile trim in aluminum for Walkerduct JS Series Boxes. Mount onto junction box. Available in 1/4" or 1/8" [6.4mm or 3.2mm] depths for carpet or tile floors. Flange is 1/2 [12.7mm] wide. Dimensions below do not include flange. CAT. NO. DEsCRIPTION CT6-1/8 6 13/16" x 6 13/16" x 1/8" [173mm x 173mm x 3.2mm] JUNCTION BOX 12JS CT6-1/4 6 13/16" x 6 13/16" x 1/4" [173mm x 173mm x 6.4mm] 12JS CT10-1/8 10 15/16" x 11 15/16" x 1/8" [278mm x 278mm x 3.2mm] 14JS, 222JS CT10-1/4 10 15/16" x 11 15/16" x 1/4" [278mm x 278mm x 6.4mm] 14JS, 222JS CT15-1/8 15 1/16" x 15 1/16" x 1/8" [383mm x 383mm x 3.2mm] 224JS, 3222JS CT15-1/4 15 1/16" x 15 1/16" x 1/4" [383mm x 383mm x 6.4mm] 224JS, 3222JS CT18-1/8 18 7/16" x 18 7/16" x 1/8" [468mm x 468mm x 3.2mm] 244JS, 3224JS CT18-1/4 18 7/16" x 18 7/16" x 1/4" [468mm x 468mm x 6.4mm] 244JS, 3224JS CT21-1/8 21 13/16" x 21 13/16" x 1/8" [554mm x 554mm x 3.2mm] 3424JS, 3244JS CT21-1/4 21 13/16" x 21 13/16" x 1/4" [554mm x 554mm x 6.4mm] 3424JS, 3244JS CT25-1/8 25 3/16" x 25 3/16" x 1/8" [640mm x 640mm x 3.2mm] 3444JS CT25-1/4 25 3/16" x 25 3/16" x 1/4" [640mm x 640mm x 6.4mm] 3444JS 11/16" [17.5mm] 1/2" [12.7mm] NOTE: 1/8" or 1/4" is depth of tile or carpet when used with JS Boxes (1/4" thick cover plate). For HS Boxes, depth will be reduced by 1/8" to accommodate the 3/8" thick cover plate. Flangeless square carpet/tile trim in aluminum for Walkerduct JS Series Boxes. Mount onto junction box. Available in 1/4" [6.4mm] or 1/8" [3.2mm] depths for carpet or tile floors. CAT. NO. DEsCRIPTION FT6-1/8 6 13/16" x 6 13/16" x 1/8" [173mm x 173mm x 3.2mm] JUNCTION BOX 12JS FT6-1/4 6 13/16" x 6 13/16" x 1/4" [173mm x 173mm x 6.4mm] 12JS FT10-1/8 10 15/16" x 11 15/16" x 1/8" [278mm x 278mm x 3.2mm] 14JS, 222JS FT10-1/4 10 15/16" x 11 15/16" x 1/4" [278mm x 278mm x 6.4mm] 14JS, 222JS FT15-1/8 15 1/16" x 15 1/16" x 1/8" [383mm x 383mm x 3.2mm] 224JS, 3222JS FT15-1/4 15 1/16" x 15 1/16" x 1/4" [383mm x 383mm x 6.4mm] 224JS, 3222JS FT18-1/8 18 7/16" x 18 7/16" x 1/8" [468mm x 468mm x 3.2mm] 244JS, 3224JS FT18-1/4 18 7/16" x 18 7/16" x 1/4" [468mm x 468mm x 6.4mm] 244JS, 3224JS FT21-1/8 21 13/16" x 21 13/16" x 1/8" [554mm x 554mm x 3.2mm] 3424JS, 3244JS FT21-1/4 21 13/16" x 21 13/16" x 1/4" [554mm x 554mm x 6.4mm] 3424JS, 3244JS FT25-1/8 25 3/16" x 25 3/16" x 1/8" [640mm x 640mm x 3.2mm] 3444JS FT25-1/4 25 3/16" x 25 3/16" x 1/4" [640mm x 640mm x 6.4mm] 3444JS INFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS NOTE: 1/8" or 1/4" is depth of tile or carpet when used with JS Boxes (1/4" thick cover plate). For HS Boxes, depth will be reduced by 1/8" to accommodate the 3/8" thick cover plate. 530 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 11/16" [17.5mm] 1/8" [3.2mm] WIREMOLD FLUSHDUCT INFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS Flushduct Infloor Duct systems provide wire and cable management in open space environments using 1, 2, or 3 #2 duct. It is ideal for renovations to existing facilities where concrete depth is minimal. CODE REFERENCE ULus Listed Underfloor Raceway: File E7020 Guide RKCZ cULus Listed Underfloor Raceway Fittings: File E11912 Guide RKQX. Meets Article 390 of NEC. Flushduct System Layout A G B F H D C E NOTE: Illustration is for showing product applications only. KEY A. 334F-1-3 Triple Duct Terminal Bushing B . 336F-3 Triple Duct 90° Vertical Elbow C. 3222FCSA-28 Support D. 255-1 Corner Conduit Connector E. 3 38F-3 Triple Duct Horizontal 90° Elbow F. 3222F-0 10' Triple Blank Duct G. 3222FB Triple Duct Junction Box H. 3 222FST 10' Triple Duct with staggered threaded openings I. 525 series service Fitting INFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS I 531 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD FLUSHDUCT INFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS Flushduct Quick Selection Guide DuCT 1-DuCT sYsTEM 2-DuCT sYsTEM 3-DuCT sYsTEM BLANK 12F-0 222F-0 3222F-0 sTAGGERED 1 5/8" [41mm] OPENINGS 12FsT 222FsT 3222FsT JUNCTION BOX 12FB 222FB 3222FB 3222FBCC ACCEssORIEs 1-DuCT sYsTEM 2-DuCT sYsTEM 3-DuCT sYsTEM COuPLINGs 12FC 222FC 3222FC COuPLINGs/suPPORTs 12FCs 12FCSA-* 222FCs 222FCSA-* 3222FCs 3222FCSA-* BOX OPENING CLOSURES 12F-ws 222F-ws 3222F-ws DuCT CONDuIT ADAPTERs 312F-* 314F-* 324- 312F-* 314F-* 324- 312F-* 314F-* 324-* BOX CORNER CONDUIT ADAPTER 255-* 255-* 255-* DuCT END CLOsuRE 304 304 304 VERTICAL ELBOWS 332F 336F 333F-2 336F-2 336F-3 TERMINAL BUSHINGS 334uF 334F-1-2 334F-1-3 HORIZONTAL ELBOWS 338UF 342F 338F-2 342F-2 338F-3 342F-3 OFFsET 372F 372F 372F CROssuNDERs 362F 362F-2 362F-3 DuCT OuTLET FLANGE 455F-1 455F-1 455F-1 FERRuLE 450F-1 450F-1 450F-1 CRIMPING TOOL 470F-1 470F-1 470F-1 DuCT OPENING PLuGs 7140F 7141F 455FP-1 450FP-1 7140F 7141F 455FP-1 450FP-1 7140F 7141F 455FP-1 450FP-1 sEALANT 290G 290G 290G TAPE H296 H296 H296 INFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS Multiplex 532 525 series Power Communication Audio/Visual Aluminum MP4 • • • • • • Dual service CATALOG NUMBER SERVICE MATERIAL/ COMPATIBILITY COLORs single service ACTIVATION LOCATION PRODuCT FAMILY SERVICE CAPACITY Pedestal Flushduct Infloor Duct Systems Service Fitting Compatibility MP8 • • • • • • MP8-1 • • • • • • 525A • • • • • 525B • • • • • 525C • • • • • 525D • • • • • 525F • • • • 525G • • • • 525H • • • • 525I • • • 525J • • • 525RT • • • • 525ACT • • • • www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD • • • • WIREMOLD FLUSHDUCT INFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS Flushduct Duct Configuration Options 12F-0, 222F-0, 3222F-0 Blank Duct 12FST, 222FST, 3222FST For feeder runs with precise placement of openings. Double or Triple Duct systems are welded together. 10' [3.05m] standard length. 12F-0 is Single Duct, 222F-0 is Double Duct, and 3222F-0 is Triple Duct. Staggered Ducts Provided with 1 5/8" [41mm] diameter threaded openings and removable plugs for service fitting attachment. Openings are staggered 24" [610mm] to facilitate placement of service fittings. 10' [3.05m] standard length. 12FsT is single Duct, 222FsT is Double Duct, and 3222FsT is Triple Duct. Flushduct Accessories Ordering Information 12FC, 222FC, 3222FC 314-3/4 Couplings Male Conduit Adapter used to couple ends of duct together. set screws used to hold duct in place. 12FC is single Duct, 222FC is Double Duct, and 3222FC is Triple Duct. 12FCS, 222FCS Couplings/Supports 332F, 333F-2 Provides 1" [25mm] vertical adjustment 3222FCS and couple ends of duct together. Recommended at 5' [1.524m] intervals. 12FCs is single Duct, 222FCs is Double Duct, and 3222FCs is Triple Duct. 304 Fits into end of Duct. For 3/4" trade size rigid or PVC conduits. 1 1/2" [38mm] Radius 3 1/8" [130mm] Vertical 90° Elbow For extending Flushduct up a wall. 1 1/2" [38mm] bend radii. 332F is for single Duct and 332F-2 is for Double Duct. Endcap To close off ends of duct. 334UF, 334F-1-2, 334-1-3 1/2" [12.7mm] 3 1/8" [79mm] 1 1/8" [29mm] For securing Flushduct to cabinet. 334uF is for single Duct, 334F-1-2 is for Double Duct, and 334F-1-3 is for Triple Duct. 312F-1, 312F-11/4, 312F-11/2 Conduit Adapter 336F, 336F-2, 336F-3 used to feed single conduit into end of duct. Suffix denotes conduit trade size. CATALOG NUMBER 312F-1 A DIMENsION B DIMENsION 1 3/8" [35mm] 2 1/4 [57mm] 312F-11/4 1 11/16" [43mm] 2 7/16 [62mm] 312F-11/2 3 1/8" [79mm] 2 3/4 [70mm] 4" [102mm] Radius 10" [254mm] Vertical 90° Elbow For extending Flushduct up a wall. 4" [102mm] bend radii. 336F is for Single Duct, 336F-2 is for Double Duct, and 336F-3 is for Triple Duct. INFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS Terminal Bushing 533 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD FLUSHDUCT INFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS Flushduct Accessories Ordering Information (continued) 338UF, 338UF-2, 338UF-3 Horizontal 90° Elbow 21 7/8" [555mm] 21 7/8" [555mm] For turning corner with duct. 338UF is for Single Duct, 338F-2 is for Double Duct, and 338F-3 is for Triple Duct. Marker Screw Plug 1 5/8" [41mm] screw plug for threaded openings in Flushduct. used to designate service in each duct. 7140F is Brass, 7141F is Zinc. 455F-3/4, 455F-1 8 1/4" [222mm] Radius 342F, 342F-2, 342F-3 Horizontal 45° Elbow For turning corner with duct. 342F is for single Duct, 342F-2 is for Double Duct, and 342F-3 is for Triple Duct. 362F, 362F-2, 362F-3 Vertical Offset To accommodate 1 3/8" [35mm] change in system depth. 362F is for Single Duct, 362F-2 is for Double Duct, and 362F-3 is for Triple Duct. 372F 7140F, 7141F Vertical Offset To accommodate 1 3/8" [35mm] change in system depth. Threaded Outlet Flange For locking nipple or standpipe. Requires 1 5/8" [41mm] hole. 455FP-3/4, 455FP-1 Die-Cast Plug Threads into 455F Threaded Outlet Flange. 450F-1, 450F-11/4 Brass Ferrule used to create access into duct at a custom location. Internal threads for 1" [25mm] (450F-1 or 1 1/4" [32mm] (450F11/4) nipple or standpipe. To install, field cut 1 1/2" [38mm] for 1" [25mm] ferrule (450F-1) or 1 7/8" [48mm] hole for 1 1/4" [32mm] ferrule (450F- 11/4). 450FP-1, 450FP-11/4 INFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS 400F Screw Plug 1 1/4" [32mm] screw plug for threaded openings in Flushduct. Supports obsolete "F Series" Flushduct system. 7107F Threads into brass ferrule to close deactivated opening. 470F-1, 470F-11/4 Screw Plug Brass Plug Crimping Tool Used to install 450F Brass Ferrule. 1 5/8" [32mm] screw plug for threaded openings in Flushduct. Supports current "FST Series" Flushduct system. 1124F-3/4, 1124F-1 Locking Nipple 1124F-3/4 is for 3/4" [19.1mm] IPS opening. 1124F-1 is for 1" [25mm] IPS opening. Both are 5/8" [15.9mm] long. 534 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD FLUSHDUCT INFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS Junction Boxes & Accessories Ordering Information Single Duct Junction Box used at duct intersections. Provides access to system for pulling and splicing of wires. Constructed of cast iron. Conduit openings at each corner of box. 2 1/2" [64mm] 9 9/16" [243mm] 222FB Double Duct Junction Box 2 1/2" [64mm] 12 1/2" [318mm] 3222FB 2 1/2" [64mm] 16" [406mm] 6LH*-, 7LH*-, 10LH*- used at duct intersections. Provides access to system for pulling and splicing of wires. Constructed of cast iron. Interiors of two- and threeduct boxes have partitions isolating each duct and forming a continuous raceway through the box. Conduit openings at each corner of box. Triple Duct Junction Box used at duct intersections. Provides access to system for pulling and splicing of wires. Constructed of cast iron. Interiors of two- and threeduct boxes have partitions isolating each duct and forming a continuous raceway through the box. Conduit opening s at each corner of box. Carpet or Tile Holder Flanged stainless steel or brass holders recessed to hold carpet or tile. 6LH* is for 12FB Junction Box, 7LH* is for 222FB Junction Box, and 10LH* is for 3222FB Junction Box. For “*”, specify “S” for steel or “B” for brass. Specify 1/8 or 1/4 depth. 12F-WS, 222F-WS, 3222F-WS Blank Washer 1 1/4" [32mm] For closing off unused junction box opening. 12F-ws is for single Duct, 222F-ws is for Double Duct, and 3222F-ws is for Triple Duct. 1/2" [12.7mm] 255-3/4, 255-1, 255-11/4, 255-11/2, 255-2 Box Conduit Corner Adapter 2 1/4" [57mm] For one conduit. suffix denotes conduit trade size. INFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS 12FB 535 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD WALLDUCT RACEWAY SYSTEMS wallduct Raceway systems are high capacity raceway for use in or on walls that is ideal for distributing power and communication cables in healthcare facilities, under raised floors or as a large capacity feeder system. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Raceway: File E4376 Guide RJBT cULus Listed Fittings: File E41751 Guide RJPR. Meets Article 386 of NEC. Wallduct Raceway System Layout KEY GG P 41 Q U FF Cabinet (by others) S Z AA L M E D H I W J F CC T B A N INFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS C Y G K O DD EE V X R BB P Pull Box (by others) NOTE: Illustration is for showing product applications only. NOTE: Wallduct can be installed in the wall exposing only the cover plate, or it can be wall mounted exposing the entire surface. Wallduct may also be installed overhead or under a raised floor (but not infloor) to connect cables/wires between rooms. Trenchduct can be used in combination with Wallduct as a feeder or for access points in the floor to feed equipment. 536 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WD10W350-60 5'-0" [1524mm] Straight Length CP10-F30 30" [762mm] L Flush Cover Plate WD10W350-IL Internal Wallduct Elbow CP10-ILF Internal Wallduct Elbow Cover Flush WD10W350-HL Horizontal Wallduct Elbow CP10-HLF Horizontal Wallduct Elbow Cover Flush WD10W350-T Wallduct T-Unit CP10-TF Wallduct T-Unit Cover Flush WD10W350-X Wallduct X-Unit CP10-XF Wallduct X-Unit Cover Flush WD10W350-ECF Wallduct End Closure VA12W250H-5 VA Style Trenchduct 12" Wide x 2 1/2" Deep [304mm x 63mm] M. VA12W250H-EC VA Style Trenchduct End Closure N. VA12W250H-LL VA Style Trenchduct Horizontal Elbow (Left Hand) O. VA12W-VR10 VA Style Trenchduct Vertical Riser P. WD10W350-CC/DO Wallduct Cabinet Connector Q. WD350-CP Corner Partition R. WD350-P60 Straight Partition S. WD10W350-TUN T-Unit Straight Tunnel T. WD10-ACPF Access Cover Plate with Grommet U. WD10W350-EL Wallduct External Elbow V. CP10W350-ELF Wallduct External Elbow Cover Flush W. WD10W350-FST Wallduct Flush to Surface Transition X. WD10W350-LTUN T-Unit Left Hand Tunnel Y. WD10W350-XTUN X-Unit Tunnel Z. T250HZP-5 Trenchduct Partition AA. VA12W-VL10 Trenchduct Vertical Riser BB. WD10W350-FCCF Flanged Cabinet Connector Flush CC. WD10W350-SWTS Sweep Surface Tee DD. WD-10CDO Ceiling Drop Out EE. WD350-R04 Wallduct Reducer FF. WD18W350-SWCCS Sweep Cabinet Connector Surface GG. WD10W350-SES Sweep Elbow Surface A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. WIREMOLD WALLDUCT RACEWAY SYSTEMS Steel Wallduct Wire Fill Capacities for Communications DIAMETER (Approx.) AREA (In2) 40% FILL CABLE/WIRE SIZE Inches [mm] Sq. In. [Sq. mm] No. 2 No. 4 UNSHIELDED TwIsTED PAIR 4-pair, 24 AWG, Cat 6 0.250 [6.4] 0.0491 [31.7] 27 71 4-pair, 24 AWG, Cat 6 0.250 [6.4] 0.0491 [31.7] 27 71 TELEPHONE 2-pair, 24 AwG 0.140 [3.6] 0.0154 [9.9] 89 232 124 COAXIAL SHIELDED TwIsTED PAIR FIBER 4-pair, 24 AwG 0.190 [4.8] 0.0263 [18.2] 47 25-pair, 24 AwG 0.410 [10.4] 0.1321 [85.2] 10 26 RG58/U 0.195 [4.9] 0.0298 [19.2] 44 116 RG59/U 0.242 [6.1] 0.0459 [29.6] 29 75 RG6/U 0.270 [6.9] 0.0572 [36.9] 23 61 TYPE 1 0.390 [9.9] 0.1194 [77.0] 11 29 TYPE 2 0.465 [11.8] 0.1698 [109.5] 7 20 TYPE 3 0.245 [6.2] 0.0471 [30.4] 28 74 2 strand 0.180 [4.6] 0.0254 [16.4] 53 139 124 4 strand 0.190 [4.8] 0.0263 [15.3] 47 6 Strand 0.187 [4.8] 0.0346 [22.3] 38 99 Fiber ZipCord 0.256 [6.5] 0.0095 [6.1] 133 348 Steel Wallduct Wire Fill Capacities for Power WIRE SIZE AwG 14 12 10 8 6 4 3 2 DIAMETER Inches [mm] 0.111 [2.8] 0.130 [3.3] 0.164 [4.2] 0.216 [5.5] 0.254 [6.5] 0.324 [8.2] 0.352 [8.9] 0.384 [9.8] AREA (In2) Sq. In. [Sq. mm] 0.0097 [6.3] 0.0133 [8.6] 0.0211 [13.6] 0.0366 [23.6] 0.0507 [32.7] 0.0824 [53.2] 0.0973 [62.8] 0.1158 [74.7] 40% FILL No. 2 No. 4 41.24 20.62 30.08 15.04 18.96 9.48 10.93 5.46 7.89 3.94 4.85 2.43 4.11 2.06 3.45 1.73 Wallduct Bodies & Covers Ordering Information B 30" [762mm] 3 1⁄2" [89mm] 30" [762mm] A – End View (Flush Cover Shown) 60" [1524mm] NOTE: To order aluminum products, add the letter “A” to the beginning of the catalog number. Custom sizes are available. Consult the factory for more information. BODIES WD06W350-60 6" [152mm] WD10W350-60 10" [254mm] WD18W350-60 18" [457mm] SURFACE COVERS “A” CP06-S30 6" [152mm] CP10-S30 10" [254mm] CP18-S30 18" [457mm] FLUSH COVERS “B” CP06-F30 8" CP10-F30 12" [203mm] [305mm] CP18-F30 20" [508mm] INFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS A 537 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD WALLDUCT RACEWAY SYSTEMS Wallduct Fittings Ordering Information WD350P60 WD350-CP Straight Partition used to separate services. Includes assembly screws for field installation. 3 1/4" [83mm] Surface & Flush Enclosures Coupling Angle 3 3⁄16" [81mm] suRFACE END CLOsuREs Wire Retainer used to hold wires in place during installation and to close gap between cover plates if more than 1/8" [3.2mm]. Snap in place prior to installing cover plates. Two wire retainers are included with every straight body assembly. INFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS 3 1⁄2" [89mm] A A used to change direction of Wallduct runs 90° on same plane. Includes one pair of coupling angles, one retainer, and assembly screws. Complete unit requires one body and one cover plate. BODIES “B” 6" [152mm] 6" [152mm] WD10W350-ECS 10" [254mm] 10" [254mm] WD18W350-ECS 18" [457mm] 18" FLUSH END CLOSURES “A” [457mm] “B” WD06W350-ECF 6" [152mm] 8" WD10W350-ECF 10" [254mm] 12" [305mm] WD18W350-ECF 18" [457mm] 20" [508mm] [203mm] Internal Elbow A 6" [152mm] B used to connect vertical and horizontal run at 90° when cover plates are on inside of run. Includes one pair of coupling angles, wire retainer, and assembly screws. Complete unit requires one elbow body and one cover plate. BODIES "A" WD06W350-IL 6" [152mm] "A" WD10W350-IL 10" [254mm] 18" WD06W350-HL 6" [152mm] WD18W350-IL WD10W350-HL 10" [254mm] SURFACE COVERS WD18W350-HL 18" [457mm] CP06-ILS 6" [152mm] 10" [254mm] 18" “B” CP10-ILS CP06-HLS 7" [178mm] CP18-ILS CP10-HLS 11" [279mm] FLUSH COVERS CP18-HLS 19" SURFACE COVERS [457mm] “B” [457mm] “B” [482mm] CP06-ILF 8" [203mm] “B” CP10-ILF 12" [305mm] 8" [203mm] CP18-ILF 20" [508mm] CP10-HLF 12" [305mm] CP18-HLF 20" [508mm] FLUSH COVERS CP06-HLF 538 “A” WD06W350-ECS Horizontal Elbows B 3 1⁄2" [89mm] A WD06-WR, WD10-WR, WD18-WR B used to close off end of wallduct run. Includes assembly screws. B 1" [25mm] 1 1⁄2" [38mm] 1 1⁄2" [38mm] Used in horizontal elbow to form corner partition. Assembly screws included. 9/16" [14.3mm] used to connect two pieces of wallduct. Includes assembly screws. Two coupling angles included with every straight body assembly. 2" [51mm] 4" [102mm] 3 1/4" [83mm] 60" [1525mm] WD350-CA Corner partition www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD NOTE: To order aluminum products, add the letter “A” to the beginning of the catalog number. Custom sizes are available. Consult the factory for more information. WIREMOLD WALLDUCT RACEWAY SYSTEMS Wallduct Fittings Ordering Information (continued) T-Unit Internal External Elbow Internal elbow used to change direction 90° while also allowing for a change in coverplate orientation. shipped as complete unit. BODIES A "A" WD06W350-IEL 6" [152mm] WD10W350-IEL 10" [254mm] WD18W350-IEL 18" [457mm] SURFACE COVERS 3 1/2" [89mm] A A BODIES “B” CP06W350-IELS 6" [152mm] CP10W350-IELS 10" [254mm] CP18W350-IELS 18" [457mm] FLUSH COVERS 8" [203mm] CP10W350-IELF 12" [305mm] CP18W350-IELF 20" [508mm] 4 1/4" [108mm] 6" [152mm] A used to connect vertical and horizontal run at 90° when cover plates are on outside of run. Includes attached coupling angles, wire retainer, and assembly screws. Complete unit requires one elbow body and two cover plates. Flush and surface Cover catalog numbers include two covers. BODIES 6" [152mm] WD10W350-T 10" [254mm] WD18W350-T 18" [457mm] “B” CP06-TS 7" [178mm] CP10-TS 11" [279mm] CP18-TS 19" FLUSH COVERS External Elbow B “A” WD06W350-T SURFACE COVERS “B” CP06W350-IELF used to connect a second run of Wallduct at 90° angle to first run. Includes one pair of coupling angles, one wire retainer, and assembly screws. Complete unit requires one body and one cover plate. B [482mm] “B” CP06-TF 8" CP10-TF 12" [203mm] [305mm] CP18-TF 20" [508mm] T-Unit Straight Tunnel Provides 3" [76mm] straight through compartment for one service with crossover for a second service. Assembly screws included. A 3 1⁄4" [83mm] 3" [76mm] T-UNIT STRAIGHT TUNNEL "A" “A” WD06W350-TUN 7 7/8" [200mm] WD06W350-EL 6" [152mm] WD10W350-TUN 11 7/8" [301mm] WD10W350-EL 10" [254mm] WD18W350-TUN 19 7/8" [457mm] WD18W350-EL 18" SURFACE COVERS [457mm] “B” CP06W350-ELS 6" [152mm] CP10W350-ELS 10" [254mm] CP18W350-ELS 18" FLUSH COVERS Right Hand Tunnel [457mm] “B” CP06W350-ELF 8" [203mm] CP10W350-ELF 12" [305mm] CP18W350-ELF 20" [508mm] Used in conjunction with straight partition to form 90° angle – 3" [76mm] compartment with crossover in T-unit. Assembly screws included. 3 1⁄4" [83mm] A 3" [76mm] RIGHT HAND TUNNEL NOTE: To order aluminum products, add the letter “A” to the beginning of the catalog number. Custom sizes are available. Consult the factory for more information. “A” WD06W350-RTUN 4 7/8" [123mm] WD10W350-RTUN 7 7/8" [200mm] WD18W350-RTUN 15 7/8" [403mm] www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD INFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS B 539 WIREMOLD WALLDUCT RACEWAY SYSTEMS Wallduct Fittings Ordering Information (continued) Left Hand Tunnel 3 1⁄4" [83mm] A 3" [76mm] X-Unit Used in conjunction with straight partition to form 90° angle – 3" [76mm] compartment with crossover in T-unit. Assembly screws included. LEFT HAND TUNNEL 3 1/2" [89mm] used to connect two intersecting runs of wallduct at 90° angle. Includes one pair of coupling angles, one wire retainer, and assembly screws. Complete unit requires one body and one cover plate. B B A A “A” WD06W350-LTUN 4 7/8" [123mm] WD10W350-LTUN 7 7/8" [200mm] WD18W350-LTUN 15 7/8" [403mm] BODIES “A” WD06W350-X 6" [152mm] WD10W350-X 10" [254mm] WD18W350-X 18" SURFACE COVERS WD10W350-3TUN, WD18W350-3TUN T-Unit Tunnel Partitions Bridge Tunnel Partitions INFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS WD350-PSE 540 Partitions Provides three equal compartments for separation of services in T-unit. Assembly screws included. Purchase Partition Catalog No. WD350-P60 to complete installation. Not available for 6" [162mm] wide wallduct. Not available for 6" [152mm] wide wallduct. [457mm] “B” CP06-XS 8" [203mm] CP10-XS 12" [304mm] CP18-XS 20" FLUSH COVERS [508mm] “B” CP06-XF 8" [203mm] CP10-XF 12" [305mm] CP18-XF 20" [508mm] WD10W350-3TUN, WD18W350-3TUN X-Unit Tunnel Provides three equal compartments Bridge for separation of Partition services in X-Unit. Assembly screws Internal Sweep Elbow Partition included. Purchase Partition, Catalog Used in conjunction with No. WD350-P60 WDX-350SES to provide separately Partitions Partition partition within the elbow. to complete installation. Not available for 6" [162mm] wide Wallduct. Complete X-Unit assembly requires two X-Unit Tunnel units. Partition Tunnel X-Unit Crossover 1" [25mm] Used to provide a 90° angle – 3" [76mm] compartment with crossover in X-Unit. Assembly screws included. 3 1⁄4" [83mm] A 3" [76mm] X-UNIT CROSSOVER “A” WD06W350-XTUN 3 7/8" [98mm] WD10W350-XTUN 6 7/8" [174mm] WD18W350-XTUN 14 7/8" [377mm] www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD NOTE: To order aluminum products, add the letter “A” to the beginning of the catalog number. Custom sizes are available. Consult the factory for more information. WIREMOLD WALLDUCT RACEWAY SYSTEMS Wallduct Fittings Ordering Information (continued) Sweep Cabinet Connector Sweep Elbow 14" [356mm] 3 1⁄2" [89mm] A 3 1⁄2" [89mm] used to connect vertical and horizontal runs of Wallduct at a 90° angle with a 45° internal sweep radius. Includes one pair of coupling angles and assembly screws. For partition, use Catalog No. WDXXW350-PSE series. SWEEP ELBOW 6" [152mm] WD10W350-SES 10" [254mm] WD18W350-SES 18" [457mm] Reducer Coupling A REDuCER COuPLING 2" [51mm] WD350-RO4 4" [102mm] 3 1⁄4" [82mm] 8" [203mm] swEEP CONNECTOR “A” WD06W350-SWCCS 6" [152mm] WD10W350-SWCCS 10" [254mm] WD18W350-SWCCS 18" [457mm] 1" [25mm] used to connect ends of wallduct run to panel/ cabinet. Also used to connect two runs of wallduct at 90° angle when one run butts up to the bottom or top of the other. Assembly screws included. A Duct Body Flush Cover Plate TRANsITION “A” “B” WD06W350-FST 6" [152mm] 8" [203mm] WD10W350-FST 10" [254mm] 12" [304mm] WD18W350-FST 18" [457mm] 20" [508mm] A 12" [305mm] 6" [152mm] 3"x 8" [76mm x 203mm] Hole CONNECTOR/DROP OuT Used to form a junction between flush and surface Wallduct at a 90° angle. Includes assembly screws, clips, one wire retainer, and two coupling angles. Duct Body Surface B Access Cover Plate Cabinet Connector/Dropout A 10 1⁄2" [266mm] “A” WD350-RO2 1" 25mm] 2 1⁄2" [64mm] Transition used to reduce wallduct width by 4" [102mm] or 8" [204mm]. Two-piece unit allows 18" [457mm] wide wallduct to be reduced to 10" [254mm] wide, or 10" [254mm] wide to be reduced to 6" [152mm] wide. Can also be used on other sizes as needed. Assembly screws included. A A “A” WD06W350-SES For use with GE medical equipment. Attaches to 6" x 3 1/2" [152mm x 89mm], 10" x 3 1/2" [254m x 89mm], or 18" x 3 1/2" [457mm x 89mm] horizontal surface wallduct. Not available in aluminum. “A” WD06W350-CC/DO 5 3/4" [146mm] WD10W350-CC/DO 9 3/4" [247mm] WD18W350-CC/DO 17 3/4" [450mm] Two-piece cover with grommeted hole in center. Can be installed at any location by match drilling eight holes in duct body flanges and attaching speed nuts. Includes assembly screws and grommet. SURFACE COVERS “A” WD06-ACPS 6" [152mm] WD10-ACPS 10" [254mm] WD18-ACPS 18" FLUSH COVERS NOTE: To order aluminum products, add the letter “A” to the beginning of the catalog number. Custom sizes are available. Consult the factory for more information. [457mm] “A” WD06-ACPF 8" [254mm] WD10-ACPF 12" [305mm] WD18-ACPF 20" [508mm] INFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS 14" [356mm] 541 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD WALLDUCT RACEWAY SYSTEMS Wallduct Fittings Ordering Information (continued) Sweep Tee 1000883 Used to connect horizontal and vertical runs of Wallduct at a 90° angle with sweep radius. Includes one pair of coupling angles and assembly screws. Not available in flush cover version. 10" [254mm] A 10" [254mm] swEEP TEE “A” WD06W350-SWTS 6" [152mm] WD10W350-SWTS 10" [254mm] WD18W350-SWTS 18" [457mm] Wallduct Replacement Hardware Hardware bag with twelve (12) 10/32 x 1/4" palnut chips. 1002412 Steel Wallduct Replacement Hardware Hardware bag with twelve (12) 10/32 x 7/8" panhead screws. 1002414 Aluminum Wallduct Replacement Hardware Hardware bag with twelve (12) panhead screws. 686039-100FT Flanged Cabinet Connector 6" [152mm] A used to connect end of wallduct run to panel cabinet. Assembly screws included. use .166" [4.2mm] diameter (#19 drill) for assembly. Not available in flush cover version or in aluminum. FLANGED CONNECTOR “A” WD06W350-FCCS 16" [406mm] WD10W350-FCCS 22" [559mm] WD10W350-FCCS 22" [559mm] WD06W350-FCCF 18" [457mm] WD10W350-FCCF 24" [610mm] WD18W350-FCCF 26" [660mm] INFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS Ceiling Drop Out 542 A used to drop cables and wires from wallduct in ceiling to imaging equipment. Available in 10" [254mm] width only. Units have adjustable depth. 4" [102mm] to 5 3/4" [146mm] 5 1/2" [140mm] to 7 1/4" [184mm] 10" [254mm] CEILING DROP OuT WD-10CDO WD-10CDOD “A” NOTE: To order aluminum products, add the letter “A” to the beginning of the catalog number. Custom sizes are available. Consult the factory for more information. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD Wallduct Grommet Applied to edges of wallduct and fittings where cables egress to protect against damage to cable insulation. Packed 100' of grommet per unit. WIREMOLD TRENCHDUCT Trenchduct is a large capacity feeder system used to distribute power and /or communication services in an open space environment. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Cellular Metal Floor Raceway & Fittings: File E26663 Guide RINV Meets Article 374 of NEC. Trenchduct Feeder System Layout Trenchduct Crossunder Feed into Walkercell Trenchduct Side Feed into Walkerduct® Pro Series Cable Size/Fill Chart Trenchduct Crossunder Feed into Walkerduct Pro Series Trench Capacity Chart AREA (In ) WIDTH DEPTH TOTAL CAPACITY CABLE/WIRE SIZE Inches [mm] Sq. In. [Sq. mm] Inches [mm] Inches [mm] Sq. In. UNSHIELDED TwIsTED PAIR 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 5 0.220 [5.6] 0.038 [24.5] 6 [152] 2 1/2 [64] 11.1 [7161] 4-pair, 4 AWG, Cat 6 0.250 [6.4] 0.049 [31.7] 12 [305] 2 1/2 [64] 24.1 [15548] TELEPHONE 2-pair, 24 AwG 0.140 [3.6] 0.015 [9.9] 18 [457] 2 1/2 [64] 37.2 [24000] 4-pair, 24 AwG 0.190 [4.8] 0.028 [18.1] 24 [610] 2 1/2 [64] 50.3 [32452] 25-pair, 24 AwG 0.410 [10.4] 0.132 [85.2] 6 [152] 3 1/4 [83] 14.9 [9613] RG58/U 0.195 [4.9] 0.030 [19.4] 12 [305] 3 1/4 [83] 32.5 [20968] RG59/U 0.242 [6.1] 0.046 [29.7] 18 [457] 3 1/4 [83] 50.1 [32323] RG6/U 0.270 [6.8] 0.057 [36.8] 24 [610] 3 1/4 [83] 67.7 [43677] COAXIAL SHIELDED TwIsTED PAIR FIBER TYPE 1 0.390 [9.9] 0.119 [76.8] TYPE 2 0.465 [11.8] 0.170 [109.7] TYPE 3 0.245 [6.2] 0.047 [30.3] 2 strand 0.180 [4.6] 0.025 [16.1] 4 strand 0.190 [4.8] 0.028 [18.1] 6 Strand 0.210 [5.3] 0.035 [22.6] Fiber ZipCord 0.110 [2.8] 0.010 [6.5] [Sq. mm] Wire Size Chart WIRE SIZE AwG 14 AwG 12 AwG 10 AWG 8 AWG 6 AWG 4 AwG DIAMETER Inches [mm] 0.111 [2.8] 0.130 [3.3] 0.164 [4.1] 0.216 [5.4] 0.254 [6.4] 0.324 [8.2] AREA Sq. In. [Sq. mm] 0.010 [6.5] 0.013 [8.4] 0.021 [13.5] 0.037 [23.9] 0.051 [32.9] 0.082 [52.9] INFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS DIAMETER (Approx.) 2 543 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD TRENCHDUCT FEEDER SYSTEMS Trenchduct Load Capacities (lbs)i TRENCHDUCT WIDTH COVER PLATE THICKNESS LOAD TYPE 6" [152mm] No supports 12" [305mm] No supports 18" [457mm] One Row supports 24" [610mm] One Row supports 36" [914mm] Two Row supports 1/4" [6.4mm] Concentrated 1300 1300 1300 800 1/4" [6.4mm] Rolling 800 840 800 500 1200 780 3/8" [9.5mm] Concentrated 2400 2400 2400 2000 2000 3/8" [9.5mm] Rolling 1500 1560 1500 1300 1300 Trenchduct Body & Cover Assembly Ordering Information VA12W250H Body & Cover Assembly VA12W250H-1, VA12W250H-2, VA12W250H-5, VA12W250H-6, VA12W325H-1, VA12W325H-2, VA12W325H-5, VA12W325H-6 Flush floor raceway with removable cover plates. Cover plate is 1/4" [6.4mm] thick and three pieces are supplied for 5' [1.5m] and 6' [1.8m] lengths (5' cover is two 24" and one 12" sections and 6' cover is three 24" sections). Partitions and supports not included. Length, width, and depth described in catalog number represent outside cover plate and body dimensions. The interior size of the trenchduct bodies is always 13/16" [21mm] narrower than the cover plate. The interior depth of the trenchduct bodies is always 5/16" [7.9mm] shallower than depth specified by catalog number. Body is 16 gauge steel. Vinyl trim and leveling feet are included. Can be leveled to screed depth using leveling foot or support coupling up to 3/4" [19.1mm]. Use catalog numbering system to select product. Consult wiremold® sales representative for custom sizes. Catalog Number System VA 12W 250H - 1 Trenchduct Cover Plate Width (Inch) Length (Feet) Depth (Inch) Standard Selection Options: Cover Plate Width = 6", 12", 18", or 24" [152mm, 305mm, 457mm, or 610mm] Depth = 2 50 or 325 (2 1/2" or 3 1/4" [64mm or 83mm]) Length = 1', 2', 5' or 6' [.3m, .6m, 1.5m, or 1.8m] NOTE: For other widths, substitute cover plate width in above catalog numbers with 12, 18, or 24. NOTE: Covers are not intended to be used without floor covering. Trenchduct Components & Fittings Ordering Information INFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS Adjustable Partition 5' [1.5m] Support Strips used to separate Trenchduct used to provide strength to support and fittings into two or more cover plate. Required for clear spans compartments. Allows 3/4" [19.1mm] of 14" [456mm] or greater, or any upward adjustment. Field installed trench wider than 14" [456mm], to base and adjusted up to bottom of without partitions or when heavy cover plate of Trenchduct with welds loads will be applied, such as in or screws. Available in 5' [1.5m] casinos. Available in 6" or 12" [152mm or 305mm] on center length. Field modified for use in bolt spacing. 12" [305mm] O.C. spacing is adequate for T-units, risers, and elbows. most applications. Select 6" [152mm] O.C. spacing for heavy loads. Support bolts should be located 2" [51mm] from ends T250HZP-5 2 1/2" [64mm] Depth of cover plates. Strip is field installed to base and adjusted T325HZP-5 3 1/4" [83mm] Depth up to bottom of cover plate of Trenchduct with welds or screws. Available in 5' [1.5m] lengths. 544 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD VA06SSS250-5 6" [152mm] O. C. 2 1/2" [64mm] Depth VA06SSS325-5 6" [152mm] O. C. 3 1/4" [83mm] Depth VA12SSS250-5 12" [305mm] O. C. 2 1/2" [64mm] Depth VA12SSS325-5 12" [305mm] O. C. 3 1/4" [83mm] Depth WIREMOLD TRENCHDUCT FEEDER SYSTEMS Trenchduct Components & Fittings Ordering Information (continued) Partial End Closure VA250PEC-LH3, VA250PEC-RH3, VA325PEC-LH3, VA325PEC-RH3, VA250PEC-LH6, VA250PEC-RH6, VA325PEC-LH6, VA325PEC-RH6 used to reduce Trenchduct from one piece to the next in a linear direction. Order left or right side in widths of 3" [76mm] or 6" [152mm]. B VA06W250H-T, VA06W325H-T, VA12W250H-T, VA12W325H-T, VA18W250H-T, VA18W325H-T, VA24W250H-T, VA24W325H-T used to connect intersecting runs of Trenchduct at 90° angles on three sides. Length, width, and depth specified by catalog number. Closed side is length. use partition or tunnel to separate services (ordered separately for standard product). A 6" [152mm] 12" [305mm] 18" [457mm] 24 [610mm] B 12" [305mm] 18" [457mm] 24" [610mm] 30" [762mm] TRENCH WIDTH 12" [305mm] 18" [457mm] 24 [610mm] POwER CHANNEL WIDTH 3 1/2" [89mm] 4" [102mm] 5" [127mm] VA06W250H-X A X-Unit VA06W250H-X, VA06W325H-X, VA12W250H-X, VA12W325H-X, VA18W250H-X, VA18W325H-X, VA24W250H-X, VA24W325H-X used to connect intersecting runs of Trenchduct at 90° angles on on all four sides. Length, width, and depth specified by catalog number. use tunnel and partition as needed to separate services (ordered separately for standard product). B T-Unit A T-Unit Tunnel VAT12W250H3CT, VAT12W325H3CT, VAT18W250H3CT, VAT18W325H3CT, VAT24W250H3CT, VAT24W325H3CT used to separate three services within T-unit. Field attached with screws or welds. see chart for width of power compartment. Not available for 6" [152mm] wide Trenchduct. VA06W250HEC, VA06W325HEC, VA12W250HEC, VA12W325HEC, VA18W250HEC, VA18W325HEC, VA24W250HEC, VA24W325HEC used to close off end of Trenchduct. Two-piece design allows 3/4" [19.1mm] vertical adjustment. “A” dimension is Trenchduct width. A VA250PEC VAT12W250H3CT A 6" [152mm] 12" [305mm] 18" [457mm] 24 [610mm] B 5" [127mm] 7 1/2" [191mm] 10" [254mm] 12 1/2" [318mm] VAT12W250H3CX X-Unit Tunnel VAT12W250H3CX, VAT12W325H3CX, VAT18W250H3CX, VAT18W325H3CX, VAT24W250H3CX, VAT24W325H3CX used to separate three services within X-Unit. Field attached to base of Trenchduct with screws or welds. see chart for width of power compartment. Not available for 6" [152mm] wide Trenchduct. TRENCH WIDTH 12" [305mm] 18" [457mm] 24 [610mm] POwER CHANNEL WIDTH 3 1/2" [89mm] 4" [102mm] 5" [127mm] NOTE: Custom sizes are available. Consult the factory for more information. Covers are not intended to be used without floor coverings. INFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS VA06W250HEC End Closure 545 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD TRENCHDUCT FEEDER SYSTEMS Trenchduct Components & Fittings Ordering Information (continued) VA06W250H Right Hand Elbow Catalog Nos. VA06W250H-RL, VA06W325H-RL, VA12W250H-RL, VA12W325H-RL, VA18W250H-RL, VA18W325H-RL, VA24W250H-RL, VA24W325H-RL Left Hand Elbow Catalog Nos. VA06W250H-LL, VA06W325H-LL, VA12W250H-LL, VA12W325H-LL, VA18W250H-LL, VA18W325H-LL, VA24W250H-LL, VA24W325H-LL B A Right Hand Elbow A VA06W Horizontal Elbow B used to change direction of Trenchduct run 90° to the right or left. Length, width, and depth specified by catalog number. use partition to separate services (ordered separately for standard product). Left Hand Elbow A 6" [152mm] 12" [305mm] 18" [457mm] 24 [610mm] B 9" [229mm] 15" [381mm] 21" [533mm] 27" [686mm] Trenchduct Width 4" [102mm] Sweep Vertical Riser 3 1/2" [89mm] Trenchduct (not included) 6" [152mm] Important! 12" [305mm] Wide Rises to 10" [254mm] Wide to Attach to Wallduct. NOTE: To continue separation/partition from trenchduct, use Partition # WD350-PSE. VA06W Trenchduct Width 4" [102mm] Straight Vertical Riser 3 1/2" [89mm] Trenchduct (not included) Four Compartment Fitting Tunnel VAT12W250H4CT, VAT12W325H4CT, VAT18W250H4CT, VAT18W325H4CT, VAT24W250H4CT, VAT24W325H4CT Used to divide services into 4 equal compartments. Field attached with screws or welds. Order one set for T-Unit and two sets for X-Unit. Not available for 6" [152mm] wide Trenchduct. Fittings sold separately. INFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS 546 B A VA06W-AH3 Access Hood VA06W-AH3, VA12W-AH3, VA18W-AH3, VA24W-AH3 service fitting can be mounted on Trenchduct in place of the cover plate. Removable back plate allows access into the Trenchduct body. Access Hood Trenchduct (not Included) 485 Cover Plate Lifter used to assist in removing cover plates from Trenchduct. 45° Mitred Horizontal Elbow B VA06W-VR, VA12W-VR10*, VA18W-VR, VA24W-VR used to transition from Trenchduct into perpendicular run of wallduct or into riser to panel. use partition to separate services (ordered separately for standard product). Important! 12" [305mm] Wide Rises to 10" [254mm] Wide to Attach to Wallduct. VAT12W250H4CT VA06W250H VA06W-VL, VA12W-VL10*, VA18W-VL, VA24W-VL used to transition from Trenchduct into perpendicular run of wallduct or into riser to panel. Includes removable cover plate. VA06W250H-L45, VA06W325H-L45, VA12W250H-L45, VA12W325H-L45, VA18W250H-L45, VA18W325H-L45, VA24W250H-L45, VA24W325H-L45 used to change direction of 686052-100FT Trenchduct Grommet Trenchduct run 45° in either direction. Length, width, and depth determined by the catalog number. Applied to edges of Trenchduct and fittings where cables egress to protect against damage to cable insulation. 0.281" use partition to separate services wide by 0.188" deep. Packed 100' of grommet per unit. (ordered separately for standard product). A 6" [152mm] 12" [305mm] 18" [457mm] 24 [610mm] B 5" [127mm] 7 1/2" [191mm] 10" [254mm] 12 1/2" [318mm] www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD NOTE: Custom sizes are available. Consult the factory for more information. Covers are not intended to be used without floor coverings. WIREMOLD WALKERCELL® CELLULAR RACEWAY SYSTEMS walkercell® Cellular Raceway systems offer maximum capacity for distributing power and communication services throughout any open space environment while maintaining separation and security between services and provides pointof-use services in a recessed activation. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Cellular Metal Floor Raceway: File E26702 Guide RHZX Meets Article 12-1800 to 12-1820 of CEC Meets Article 374 of NEC. Walkercell Cellular Raceway System Layout KEY D A. B. C. D. A C I H E B E. F. G. H. I. F CBR-LHT Vertical Boot Riser WCR11/2-10/24 Cellular Raceway FBTCAL FloorPort Activation Cover JBHCC24 Junction Box Header (WCR 11/2) 2-11/2JB2510 Junction Box RSCB-28 Support WCR2-10/B Cellular Raceway PK200 Preset 11/2JBH242510-60 Junction Box Header G NOTE: Illustration is for showing product applications only. WALKERCELL sYsTEM sYsTEM DEPTH PREsET CATALOG NO. DEPTH OVER TOP OF sYsTEM EXTENSION RING HARDWARE BAG wCR11/2 3 1/2" PK150 2" AERHB-148 22AER-11/2-21/4 wCR11/2 4" PK200 2 1/2" AERHB-048 22AER-23/8-31/8 wCR11/2 4 1/2" PK250 3" AERHB-048 22AER-23/8-31/8 wCR2 3 1/2" PK150 1 1/2" AERHB-116 22AER-11/2-21/4 wCR2 4" PK200 2" AERHB-148 22AER-11/2-21/4 wCR2 4 1/2" PK250 2 1/2" AERHB-048 22AER-23/8-31/8 INFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS Walkercell Cellular Raceway Selection Guide EXTENSION RING SIZE wCR2 5" PK300 3" AERHB-048 22AER-23/8-31/8 wCR3 4 1/2" PK150 1 1/2" AERHB-116 22AER-11/2-21/4 wCR3 5" PK200 2" AERHB-148 22AER-11/2-21/4 wCR3 5 1/2" PK250 2 1/2" AERHB-048 22AER-23/8-31/8 wCR3 6" PK300 3" AERHB-048 22AER-23/8-31/8 547 Other sizes are available. Consult your local Wiremold representative. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD WALKERCELL® CELLULAR RACEWAY SYSTEMS Walkercell Service Fitting Compatibility Power Communication Audio/Visual Aluminum Brass Gray Black Nickel Bronze • • • • • • • • • • • • • FPFFTC series • • • • • • • • • • Multiplex • • FPCT series • • • • • • • • • • • FPBT Series • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1204BF • • • 1204AL • • • 1223BF • • • 1223AL • • • MP4 • • • • • • MP8 • • • • • • MP8-1 • • • • • • 525A • • • • • 525B • • • • • 525C • • • • • 525D • • • • • 525F • • • • 525G • • • • 525H • • • • 525I • • • 525J • • • 525RT • • • • 525ACT • • • • INFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS 525 series Dual service • • single service • • Pedestal • • Recessed • FPFFT series 1200 series MATERIAL/COLORs • FPCTC series FloorPort SERVICE COMPATIBILITY FPBTC Series CATALOG NUMBER Flush PRODuCT FAMILY SERVICE CAPACITY Triple service ACTIVATION LOCATION 548 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD • • • • • • • • WIREMOLD WALKERCELL® CELLULAR RACEWAY SYSTEMS Walkercell Cable Fill Capacities – Communications 40% FILL DIAMETER (Approx.) UNSHIELDED TwIsTED PAIR TELEPHONE COAXIAL CABLE/WIRE SIZE Inches 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 5 4-pair, 24 AWG, Cat 6 AREA (In2) wCR11/2 wCR2 wCR3 [mm] Sq. In. [Sq. mm] 8.2 in.2 [5264mm2] 11 in.2 [7097mm2] 0.220 [5.6] 0.038 [24.5] 85 115 197 0.250 [6.4] 0.049 [31.7] 66 89 153 18.8 in.2 [12130mm2] 2-pair, 24 AwG 0.140 [3.6] 0.015 [9.9] 217 285 488 4-pair, 24 AwG 0.190 [4.8] 0.028 [18.1] 116 155 265 25-pair, 24 AwG 0.410 [10.4] 0.132 [85.2] 24 33 56 RG58/U 0.195 [4.9] 0.030 [19.4] 108 146 252 RG59/U 0.242 [6.1] 0.046 [29.7] 70 96 162 RG6/U 0.270 [6.8] 0.057 [36.8] 57 77 130 SHIELDED TwIsTED PAIR TYPE 1 0.390 [9.9] 0.119 [76.8] 27 37 63 TYPE 2 0.465 [11.8] 0.170 [109.7] 19 26 44 TYPE 3 0.245 [6.2] 0.047 [30.3] 69 93 159 FIBER 2 strand 0.180 [4.6] 0.025 [16.1] 130 173 296 264 4 strand 0.190 [4.8] 0.028 [18.1] 116 155 6 Strand 0.210 [5.3] 0.035 [22.6] 93 127 216 Fiber ZipCord 0.110 [2.8] 0.010 [6.5] 326 463 791 Walkercell Wire Fill Capacities – Power WIRE SIZE AwG 14 12 10 8 6 4 DIAMETER Inches [mm] 0.111 [2.8] AREA (In2) Sq. In. [Sq. mm] 0.010 [6.5] 0.130 0.164 0.216 0.254 0.324 0.013 0.021 0.037 0.051 0.082 [3.3] [4.2] [5.4] [6.4] [8.2] wCR11/2 4.22 in. 2 [2722mm2] 168 [8.4] [13.5] [23.9] [32.9] [52.9] 40% FILL wCR2 wCR3 4.3 in. 2 [2774mm2] 8.5 in. 2 [5484mm2] 172 351 126 80 45 33 20 129 82 47 34 21 256 161 93 67 41 NOTE: When using a Junction Box, calculate fill capacity according to the smallest compartment. Walkercell Cellular Raceway Preset Selection Guide *1⁄8" min. [3.2mm] WCR2 Minimum System Depth 3 1/2" [89mm] Preset PK150 Finished Floor *1⁄8" min. [3.2mm] WCR3 Finished Floor 1 1⁄2" [38mm] 3" [76mm] OTHER SYSTEM DEPTHS FOR WCR2 OTHER SYSTEM DEPTHS FOR WCR3 sYsTEM DEPTH sYsTEM DEPTH OTHER SYSTEM DEPTHS FOR WCR11/2 FILL OVER CELL Finished Floor *1⁄8" min. [3.2mm] 2" [51mm] 1 1/2" [38mm] PREsET CAT. NO. Preset PK150 1 1⁄2" [38mm] 2" [51mm] sYsTEM DEPTH Minimum System Depth 4 1/2" [114mm] Preset PK150 PREsET CAT. NO. FILL OVER CELL PREsET CAT. NO. FILL OVER CELL 3 1/2" [89mm] PK150 2" [51mm] 3 1/2" [89mm] PK150 1 1/2" [38mm] 3 1/2" [89mm] PK150 1 1/2" [38mm] 4" [102mm] PK200 2 1/2" [64mm] 4" [102mm] PK200 2" [51mm] 4" [102mm] PK200 2" [51mm] 4 1/2" [114mm] PK250 3" [76mm] 4 1/2" [114mm] PK250 2 1/2" [64mm] 4 1/2" [114mm] PK250 2 1/2" [64mm] 5" [127mm] PK300 3 1/2" [89mm] 5" [127mm] PK300 3" [76mm] 5" [127mm] PK300 3" [76mm] 5 1/4" [133mm] PK325 3 3/4" [95mm] 5 1/4" [133mm] PK325 3 1/4" [83mm] 5 1/4" [133mm] PK325 3 1/4" [83mm] 5 1/2" [140mm] PK350 4" [102mm] 5 1/2" [140mm] PK350 4" [102mm] 5 1/2" [140mm] PK350 3 1/2" [89mm] Recommend a minimum of 1/8" [3.2mm] concrete over preset. * If concrete depth over preset is over 3/4" [19.1mm] it may be difficult to break-out concrete and excessive spalling may occur. For system depth greater than above standard preset height use PK Extension Ring. INFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS WCR11/2 Minimum System Depth 3 1/2" [89mm] 549 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD WALKERCELL® CELLULAR RACEWAY SYSTEMS Walkercell Cellular Raceway Ordering information WCR11/2-10B, WCR11/2-10/24 Walkercell Raceway Walkercell Raceway – Profile WCR11/2. 10' [3m] long without preset openings (WCR11/2-10/B) or with prepunched preset openings 24" [610mm] on center (WCR11/2-10/24). First preset is 12" [305mm] from end. 15 7⁄8" [403mm] 5 7/8" [149mm] 1 1⁄8" [29mm] 8.2 sq. in. [5264 sq. mm] WCR11/2-10/24 Walkercell Raceway Top View 1 1⁄2" [38mm] 4 1⁄4" [108mm] 8.2 sq. in. [5264 sq. mm] 4.22 sq. in. [2722 sq. mm] 17 5/8" [448mm] WCR2-10B, WCR2-10/24 Walkercell Raceway Walkercell Raceway – Profile WCR2. 10' [3m] long without preset openings (WCR2-10/B) or with prepunched preset openings 24" [610mm] on center (WCR2-10/24). First preset is 12" [305mm] from end. 20" [508mm] 4 1⁄4" [108mm] 7 7/8" [200mm] 1 3/16" [30mm] 4.3 sq. in. [2774 sq. mm] 11.0 sq. in. [7097 sq. mm] WCR2-10/B Walkercell Raceway Top View 1 15/16" [49mm] 3 1⁄4" [83mm] 3 1/4" [83mm] 11.0 sq. in. [7097 sq. mm] 21 3/4" [552mm] WCR3-10B, WCR3-10/24 Walkercell Raceway Walkercell Raceway – Profile WCR3. 10' [3m] long without preset openings (WCR3-10/B) or with prepunched preset openings 24" [610mm] on center (WCR3-10/24). First preset is 12" [305mm] from end. 20" [508mm] 2 3/16" [56mm] 7 7/8" [200mm] WCR3-10/24 Walkercell Raceway Top View 3 1⁄4" [83mm] 18.8 sq. in. [12130 sq. mm] NOTE: PK Presets ordered separately. Order one PK Preset for each preset opening in the Walkercell. 4 1⁄4" [108mm] 8.5 sq. in. [5484 sq. mm] 3 1⁄4" [83mm] 2 15/16" [75mm] 18.8 sq. in. [12130 sq. mm] 22" [559mm] Walkercell Cellular Raceway Presets & Fittings Ordering information INFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS PK150, PK200, PK250, PK300, PK325 550 Triple Service Preset 9 5/16" [237mm] 9 5/8" [244mm] Zinc die-cast construction with a removable steel cap that is recessed for concrete. Each preset is capable of housing two duplex power receptacles and up to eight communication connectors. Each preset has tapped openings for mounting brackets, adjusting ring and trim rings. The presets are field installed using one 3/16" [4.8mm] pop rivet (not provided). Preset extensions can be used to add height to presets as needed. PKER-10, PKER-15, PKER-20, PKER-25, PKER-30 PKER Extensions Mudcap Extension Ring PK Preset NOTE: Suffix indicates depth of concrete over WCR2 and WCR3. For WCR11/2, concrete depth is 1/2" greater. (Example PK150 = 2" of concrete) www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD Attaches to preset to add height. Can be field installed. EXTENSION HEIGHT ABOVE PRESET A PKER-10 1" [25mm] PKER-15 1 1/2" [38mm] 2" [51mm] PKER-25 2 1/2" [64mm] PKER-30 3" [76mm] A PKER-20 WIREMOLD WALKERCELL® CELLULAR RACEWAY SYSTEMS Walkercell Cellular Raceway Presets & Fittings Ordering information (continued) RGP Mudcap Used to close off Walkercell PK Preset. PMS-415N Marker Cap Replaces standard mudcap at ends of runs and near feeder to locate cellular runs after concrete placement. Grounding Plate Installed at raceway butt joints when walkercell is placed 24" Min. [610mm] 3" on a mud slab or [76mm] concrete sidewalks and RSCBs are not required. Used to maintain ground continuity between walkercell Raceways. Fasten raceway to slab through 20 gauge grounding plate with power actuated fastener (not provided). Field installed. REC11/2, REC Blank End Closures 1 1/2" [38mm] 16 1/2" [419mm] RSCB-18, RSCB-33, RSCB-48 1" [25mm] REC11/2 Raceway Supports 2 29/32" [74mm] 20" [508mm] 2 7/16" [62mm] 23 3/4" [603mm] 22 1/4" [565mm] 26 3/4" [679mm] System Depth 1/2" Min. [12.7mm] Depth Below Cell CAT NO. Holds raceway at proper elevation during concrete placement. Fasten raceway to support using four self-drilling screws supplied. supports are used at raceway butt joints and maximum 5' [1.524m] spacing between butt joint locations. See selection guide below. suffix indicates distance between walkercell and slab on grade. DEPTH BELOW CELL RSCB-18 1/2" [12.7mm] to 1 7/8" [48mm] RSCB-33 1 1/2" [38mm] to 3 3/8" [86mm] RSCB-48 3 1/2" [89mm] to 4 7/8" [124mm] REC 1 29/32" [48mm] used to close off ends of raceway. End closures are held in place during concrete placement using blind rivets or welds. REC 11/2 is for wCR11/2 and REC is for wCR2, and wCR3. REC11/2-CA, REC2-CA, REC3-CA End Closures for Duct Stubs Provide ability to feed conduit from ends of raceway. use with 312 Fittings below. 312-3/4, 312-1, 312-11/4, 312-11/2, 312-2 Female Conduit Adapter 3 1/2" [89mm] Fits on outside of No. 2 duct. For one rigid or PVC conduit. Suffix indicates conduit size. INFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS PKCAP 551 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD WALKERCELL® CELLULAR RACEWAY SYSTEMS Walkercell Cellular Raceway Presets & Fittings Ordering information (continued) CBR-HT, CBR-LT, CBR11/2-LHT, CBR-LHT Cell Boot Risers Allow access into one, two, or three cells simultaneously. Field cut oblong opening in raceway and rivet or weld riser to raceway. Void closures included (not shown). CBR-HT (For Power Only) 3 1/2" [89mm] 4 1/8" [105mm] CBR11/2-LHT (Access to All Three Compartments with Power Separated) CBR-LT (Access to Two Communication Compartments) 3 1/2" [89mm] 4 1/8" [105mm] 3 1/2" [89mm] 12" [305mm] 30" [762mm] CBR-LHT (Access to All Three Compartments with Power Separated) 4 1/8" [105mm] 30" [762mm] 30" [762mm] 30" [762mm] 12" [305mm] 12" [305mm] 6" [152mm] 6" [152mm] 6" [152mm] 6" [152mm] 6" [152mm] 6" [152mm] 6" [152mm] REC11/2-C, REC2-C, REC3-C 3 1/2" [89mm] 6" [152mm] For WCR11/2 For WCR2/WCR3 End closures used to close off ends of raceway and provide conduit knockouts. End closures are held in place with blind rivets or welds. 1/2" [12.7mm] and 3/4" [19.1mm] concentric KOs 1 1/2" [38mm] 1" 1" 3/4" [25mm] [25mm] [19.1mm] 1" [25mm] 1/2" [12.7mm] 1/2" 1" 3/4" 1" [12.7mm] [19.1mm] [25mm] [25mm] 20" [508mm] 1 15/16" [49mm] 1 1/16" [27mm] 16 1/2" [419mm] 1 1/4" 2 15/16" 1" 3/4" 3/4" 1" 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" [32mm] [25mm] [19.1mm] [19.1mm] [25mm] [19.1mm] [25mm] [32mm] [75mm] 20" [508mm] INFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS 22LHS-1/8, 22LHS-1/4 552 Carpet & Tile Holder Placed on top of junction box cover plates to provide trim for flooring. Recessed to hold carpet or tile. Specify “B” for brass or “S” for steel. suffix indicates depth. 22AER-11/2-21/4, 22AER-23/8-31/8 Adjustable Extension Ring For Walkercell junction boxes and junction box header. Suffix refers to adjustable height range of concrete over duct. Select appropriate AERHBHardware Bag (next column) to attach ring to box. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 1 1/16" [27mm] 1001757, 929046 Junction Box Adapters side adapter to attach walkercell Raceway to the box. Allows junction box side opening to be converted to another size by replacing adapter. WCR3 cannot be used with 2 1/2" [64mm] deep box. 1001757 is for wCR11/2 and 929046 is for wCR2 or wCR3. 22 5/8" [575mm] 22 5/8" [575mm] 7/8" [22.2mm] WIREMOLD WALKERCELL® CELLULAR RACEWAY SYSTEMS FloorPort Activation Accessories for Use with Walkercell and Walkerdeck Systems WPACR-1G WPACR-2G Internal Bracket Two duplex receptacle brackets, receptacle insulators, power grommets, and bend radius control grommets. For use with recessed activations. Communication brackets ordered separately. see next page. DTB-2-2A (Not Included) Bend Radius Grommet Internal Bracket Two 15A, 120V duplex receptacles, two duplex receptacle brackets, receptacle insulators, power grommets, and bend radius control grommets. For use with recessed activations. Communication brackets ordered separately. see next page. WPACR-2G Internal Bracket Two 20A, 120V duplex receptacles, two duplex receptacle brackets, receptacle insulators, power grommets, and bend radius control grommets. For use with recessed activations. Communication brackets ordered separately. see next page. Bend Radius Grommet PKGRBR PK Preset Grommet Bend radius control grommet used with PK preset. Maintains 1 1/4" [32mm] minimum cable lay-in radius. NOTE: Not for use with communication brackets DTB-2-2AB or DTB-2-2RT. FloorPort Bracket Compatibility Fittings intended for a cellular raceway system must have a minimum of 2 1/2" [64 mm] of concrete topping over the top of the deck. A typical uL Fire Classified floor activation will consist of the following components: PK Series Preset Inserts "()"Maximum Quantity of Units Allowed Inside of Preset Insert Cover Assembly Activation Assembly Barrier Assembly Communication Bracket FPBTC FPCTC FPBT FPCT (1) WPACR - (2) DTB-2 (1) PKKIT (1) DTB-2FP FPFFTC FPFFT INFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS Bend Radius Control Grommets 553 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD WALKERCELL® CELLULAR RACEWAY SYSTEMS FloorPort Activation Accessories for Use with Walkercell and Walkerdeck Systems PKKIT DTB-2-2AB, DTB-2-RT Barrier Kit Communication Bracket used to separate power and communication wires in partition feed covers. supplied with base and three extensions to adjust to cover height. Kit should be used on PK Presets (Walkercell, Walkerdeck). Kits are sold separately. WPACR-1G Internal Bracket Bracket for Activate (DTB-2-2AB) or Ortronics® (DTB-2-2RT) devices. Ortronics® and Activate adapters included. 11/2JBC-CA, 22JBC-CA, 33JBC-CA Junction Box Closure with Duct Stubs Provides ability to feed conduit from junction box. Use with 312 Fittings. Two duplex receptacle brackets, receptacle insulators, power grommets, and bend radius control grommets. Communication brackets ordered separately. DTB-2-2A Communication Bracket Plastic clips on back of bracket provide cable storage loop. For use with wPACR. Activate 2A jacks snap directly into bracket. DTB-2-B AERHB-116, AERHB-132, AERHB-148, AERHB-200, AERHB-048 Hardware Bag For adjustable extension ring. suffix indicates depth of concrete over junction box cover. use chart below to determine hardware bag required. HARDWARE BAG CAT. NO. AERHB-116 Communication Bracket Cover Depth Over walkercell 1 1/2" 1 5/8" 1 3/4" 1 7/8" AERHB-132 X X AERHB-148 Blank bracket for customization in field. For use with wPACR. wiremold Open system inserts sold separately. 2" 2 1/8" 2 3/8-3" X X AERHB-200 X X AERHB-048 X INFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS 11/2JBC, 22JBC, 33JBC DTB-2-4TKO Junction Box Closure Communication Bracket Four knockouts for RJ style jacks. For use with wPACR. wiremold Open system inserts sold separately. 554 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD Attaches to side of junction box to close access. 11/2JBC is for wCR11/2, 22JBC is for wCR2, and 33JBC is for wCR3. WIREMOLD WALKERCELL® CELLULAR RACEWAY SYSTEMS Walkercell Cellular Raceway Headerduct Ordering Information Walkercell Headerduct used as a feeder raceway for walkercell systems. standard length is 60" [1524mm]. All Headerduct is furnished with 1/4-20 threaded holes at each end to fasten coupling channels. A B Headerduct End Closure 60" [1524mm] A Headerduct End Closure B CATALOG NO. Walkercell Headerduct CATALOG NO. A WCHD2425-60 24" [610mm] 2 1/2" [64mm] WCHD3025-60 30" [762mm] 2 1/2" [64mm] WCHD3625-60 36" [915mm] 2 1/2" [64mm] Used to close end of Headerduct, Header Junction Boxes, or Junction Box Header. Secured with blind rivet or weld B A B JBHEC2425 24" [610mm] 2 1/2" [64mm] JBHEC3025 30" [762mm] 2 1/2" [64mm] JBHEC3625 36" [915mm] 2 1/2" [64mm] Coupling Channels used to connect ends of Headerduct Junction Boxes together. Channels are furnished with 1/4-20 screws. A B Headerduct Coupling Channel CATALOG NO. A B JBHCC24 24" [610mm] 2 1/2" [64mm] JBHCC30 30" [762mm] 2 1/2" [64mm] JBHCC36 36" [915mm] 2 1/2" [64mm] Junction Boxes used at intersections of walkercell Raceway. Partitions inside box maintain separation of services. 22" [559m] dia. cover provides access inside box. Access ring is 1" [25mm] over box. Order extension ring for additional height. Cover plates have 1/2" [12.7mm] upward adjustment for precise leveling after the pour. Side openings on junction boxes can be replaced to fit other Walkercell profiles. Cell dimensions are 24" x 26" [610mm x 660mm]. sIDE OPENINGs HEIGHT OF BOX 11/2JB2510 Four – WCR11/2 2 1/2" [64mm] 33JB3510 Four – WCR3 3 1/2" [89mm] 2-11/2JB2510* Two – WCR11/2, Two – WCR2 2 1/2" [64mm] 32JB3510* Two – WCR2, 3 1/2" [76mm] * WCR2 feeds WCR11/2 distribution and WCR3 feeds WCR2 distribution. INFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS CATALOG NO. Two – WCR3 NOTE: The minimum depth of Junction Box is 1/2" [12.7mm] higher than WCR2 and WCR3, and is 1" [25mm] higher than WCR11/2. 555 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD WALKERCELL® CELLULAR RACEWAY SYSTEMS Walkercell Cellular Raceway Headerduct Ordering Information (continued) JBH Series Junction Box Header used as a large capacity feeder system for walkercell. Cellular raceway attaches to side of box. 22" [559mm] dia. cover plate access at center of unit. Standard length is 60" [1524mm]. The minimum depth of any JB, JHB, or HJB is 1/2" [12.7mm] higher than WCR2 and WCR3 and 1" higher than WCR11/2. Junction Box Headers Used with WCR11/2 CATALOG NUMBER BODY WIDTH BODY DEPTH RING HEIGHT sYsTEM DEPTH POwER CAPACITY POwER COMMuNICATION COMP. WIDTH CAPACITY 11/2JBH24251060 24" [610mm] 2 1/2" [64mm] 1" [25mm] 3 1/2" [89mm] 6.64 [4283.9mm2] 4 1/4" [108mm] 18.60 [12000.0mm2] 11/2JBH30251560 30" [762mm] 2 1/2" [64mm] 1 1/2" [38mm] 3 1/2" [89mm] 8.64 [5574.2mm2] 5 1/8" [130mm] 27.91 [18006.4mm2] 11/2JBH36251560 36" [915mm] 2 1/2" [64mm] 1 1/2" [38mm] 4" [102mm] 10.62 [6851.6mm2] 6" [152mm] 31.25 [20161.3mm2] Junction Box Headers Used with WCR2 CATALOG NUMBER BODY WIDTH BODY DEPTH RING HEIGHT sYsTEM DEPTH POwER CAPACITY POwER COMMuNICATION COMP. WIDTH CAPACITY 2JBH242510-60 24" [610mm] 2 1/2" [64mm] 1" [25mm] 3 1/2" [89mm] 6.64 [4283.9mm2] 4 1/4" [108mm] 18.60 [12000.0mm2] 2JBH302515-60 30" [762mm] 2 1/2" [64mm] 1 1/2" [38mm] 4" [102mm] 8.64 [5574.2mm2] 5 1/8" [130mm] 26.49 [17090.3mm2] 2JBH362515-60 36" [915mm] 2 1/2" [64mm] 1 1/2" [38mm] 4" [102mm] 10.62 [6851.6mm2] 6" [152mm] 28.53 [18406.4mm2] INFLOOR DUCT SYSTEMS NOTE: All capacities based on a minimum 80% allowance where cables may encounter a restriction point inside of junction box. Consult factory for WCR3 capacities. 556 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD Modular Wiring SySteMS walkerflex® Modular wiring systems offer cost-effective wire management capabilities for power distribution. This system can be utilized with a wide variety of Wiremold® point-of-use products enabling maximum flexibility relating to adds, moves and changes. Table of Contents Walkerflex® Modular Wiring System MODuLAR wIRING sYsTEMs 558 557 www.LEGRAND.us/wIREMOLD WIREMOLD Walkerflex® Modular Wiring SySteM walkerflex® Modular wiring systems are designed to provide the highest level of flexibility for power distribution as well as reducing the cost relating to future adds, moves, and changes. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Manufactured Wiring Systems: File E51105 Guide QQVX Meets Article 300.22(c), 314 & 604 of NEC. Walkerflex Modular Wiring System Layout NCW Cable Whip NOTE: Illustration is for showing product applications only. Homerun Cable NDU Distribution Unit MODuLAR wIRING sYsTEMs NCBS Cable Splitter KEY A typical workstation layout using walkerflex products to feed furniture panel and AF series Raised Floor Box in a raised floor application. 558 www.LEGRAND.us/wIREMOLD NCS Cable Set AF Series Raised Floor Box WIREMOLD Walkerflex® Modular Wiring SySteM Walkerflex Modular Wiring System Components Prewired Distribution Unit NOTE: All distribution units are wired with #10 AWG wire and a #12 Equipment ground. NDU Identifies the Distribution unit NDu=120V LDu=277V Conversion point from electrical closet to the walkerflex system. unit can be prewired to buss bar system or be prewired with home run cable. Consult factory for prewiring home run cable. Conversion point from electrical closet to the walkerflex system. unit is for field wiring. Example: NDU222WC6 NOTE: All distribution units are wired with #10 AWG wire and a #12 Equipment ground. Example: NDUP222WC6 P Identifies how unit is wired: ( ) unwired – No identifier needed (see unwired example above (P) Prewired) Unwired Distribution Unit 2 2 Number of Circuits, also number of Hot Conductors per Connector. Insert "1" for single circuit, "2" for two-circuit, "3" for three-circuit, "4" for four-circuit, or "6" for six-circuit. Identifies Number of Neutral Conductors per Connector, Four (4) Conductors maximum. All Neutrals #10 AWG. 2 WC 6 Number of Ground Conductors per Connector. Insert "1" for one system Ground or "2" for one system Ground and one Isolated Ground. "wC" stands for wire Connector. Remains constant. Identifies Number of Power "OuT" wire Connectors. NOTE: For available wiring configuration options, see Wiring Configurations Chart in this section. Receptacle Distribution Unit Prewired receptacle unit that is fed with the flex system. Example: RECDU111 RECDU 1 1 1 Identifies the Receptacle Distribution unit. Remains constant. Number of Circuits, also number of Hot Conductors. Insert “1” for single circuit, “2” for two-circuit, “3” for threecircuit, “4” for four-circuit, or “6” for six-circuit. Identifies number of Neutral Conductors. Four (4) Conductors maximum. All Neutrals #10 AWG. Number of Ground Conductors. Insert “1” for one system Ground or “2” for one system Ground and one Isolated Ground. NOTE: For available wiring configuration options, see Wiring Configurations Chart in this section. NOTE: Not suitable for use in air handling spaces. Conversion point from rigid EMT, BX, or other listed manufactured wiring systems to the walkerflex Modular wiring system. Example: NDU332FF NOTE: Units need to be field wired. NDU Identifies the Furniture Feed Distribution unit. NDu=120V LDu=277V 3 Number of Circuits, also number of Hot Conductors. Insert “1” for single circuit, “2” for two-circuit, “3” for three-circuit, “4” for fourcircuit, or “6” for six-circuit. 3 Identifies number of Neutral Conductors. Four (4) Conductors maximum. All Neutrals #10 AWG. 2 FF Number of Ground Conductors. Insert “1” for one system Ground or “2” for one system Ground and one Isolated Ground. “FF” stands for Furniture Feed. Remains constant. MODuLAR wIRING sYsTEMs Furniture Feed Distribution Unit 559 NOTE: For available wiring configuration options, see Wiring Configurations Chart in this section. www.LEGRAND.us/wIREMOLD WIREMOLD Walkerflex® Modular Wiring SySteM Walkerflex Modular Wiring System Components (continued) Cable Whip Carries Power from distribution unit to other components in flex system. standard lengths: 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, and 50 ft. [305mm, 1.52m, 3.05m, 4.57m, 7.62m, 9.14m, 12.19m, and 15.24m]. Consult factory for all other lengths. Cable whips have a modular connector on one end and pigtails on the other end. Coded “M” (male) for power “OuT” or “F” (female) for power “IN”. Example: NCW111AL10F Female (In) NCW Identifies the Cable whip. NCw=120V LCw=277V 1 1 1 A Number of Circuits, also number of Hot Conductors, insert “1” for single circuit, “2” for two-circuit, “3” for three-circuit, “4” for four-circuit, or “6” for six-circuit. Identifies Number of Neutral Conductors, Four (4) Conductors maximum. All Neutrals #10 AWG. Number of Ground Conductors, insert “1” for one system Ground, or “2” for one system Ground and one Isolated Ground. L Identifies Gage of Hot and Ground Conductors. (A) = #12 AwG (B) = #10 AwG “L” stands for Length, remains constant. 10 F Length of MC Cable in feet. Insert “M” for Power Out or “F” for Power In. NOTE: For available wiring configuration options, see Wiring Configurations Chart in this section. Cable Sets Carries power from distribution unit to other components in flex system. standard lengths: 1, 5, 10, 15, 25, 30, 40, and 50 ft. [305mm, 1.52m, 3.05m, 4.57m, 7.62m, 9.14m, 12.19m,15.24m]. Consult factory for all other lengths. Cable set will have a plug on both ends. Coded “M” (Male) on one end (“Power Out”) and coded “F” (Female) on the other end (“Power In”) which allows proper connections. Male (Out) Femal e (In) Example: NCS111AL10 2 1/2" [64mm] Male (Out) Female (In) 3 1/2" [89mm] 1 7/16" [37mm] MODuLAR wIRING sYsTEMs 3 5/32" [80mm] 560 5 11/16" [145mm] 1 1/2" [38mm] NCS Identifies the Cable whip. NCw=120V LCw=277V 1 Number of Circuits, also number of Hot Conductors, insert “1” for single circuit, “2” for two-circuit, “3” for three-circuit, “4” for four-circuit, or “6” for six-circuit. 1 1 Identifies Number of Neutral Conductors, Four (4) Conductors maximum. All Neutrals #10 AWG. Number of Ground Conductors, insert “1” for one system Ground, or “2” for one system Ground and one Isolated Ground. A Identifies Gage of Hot and Ground Conductors. (A) = #12 AwG (B) = #10 AwG NOTE: For available wiring configuration options, see Wiring Configurations Chart in this section. www.LEGRAND.us/wIREMOLD L “L” stands for Length, remains constant. 10 Length of MC Cable in feet. WIREMOLD Walkerflex® Modular Wiring SySteM Walkerflex Modular Wiring System Components Power Adapters All adapters are interface components that connect the flex system to an item that is to be energized, such as raised floor boxes, power poles, convenience outlets and various lighting fixtures. Power adapters are for 120V & 277V, 20A applications with a standard 8' [2.4m] MC cable whip and 12" [305mm] leads on the end. Not available in 8-10 wire. 4 3/32" [104mm] 1 11/32" [34mm] Example: NPA222AL15 NOTE: Only available in up to 6-wire configurations. 3 1/16" [78mm] NPA Identifies the Power Adapter NPA=120V LPA=277V 2 Number of Circuits, Also Number of Hot Conductors. Insert “1” for single circuit, “2” for two-circuit. 2 Identifies Number of Neutral Conductors, Two (2) Conductors maximum. All Neutrals #10 AWG. 2 A Number of Ground Conductors. Insert “1” for one system Ground, or “2” for one system Ground and one Isolated Ground. L Identifies Gage of Hot and Ground Conductors. (A) = #12 AwG (B) = #10 AwG “L” stands for Length, remains constant. 15 Length of MC Cable in feet. NOTE: For available wiring configuration options, see Wiring Configurations Chart in this section. Modular Power Adapter All adapters are interface components that connect the flex system to an item that is to be energized, such as raised floor boxes, power poles, convenience outlets and various lighting fixtures. Power adapters are for 120V & 277V, 20A applications with a male "Power Out" head at one end and the power adapter at the other end. NOTE: Only available in up to 6-wire configurations. Example: NPA222AL10M Identifies the Power Adapter NPA = 120V LPA = 277V 2 No. of Circuits, also No. of Hot Conductors. Insert “1” for single circuit, “2” for two-circuit, “3” for threecircuit. 2 Identifies No. of Neutral Conductors, Two (2) Conductors maximum. All Neutrals #10 AWG. 2 A L 10 Number of Ground Conductors. Insert “1” for one system Ground, or “2” for one system Ground and one Isolated Ground. Identifies Gage of Hot and Ground Conductors. (A) = #12 AwG (B) = #10 AwG “L” stands for Length, remains constant. Length of MC Cable in feet. M M = Male Power Out NOTE: For available wiring configuration options, see Wiring Configurations Chart in this section. MODuLAR wIRING sYsTEMs NPA 561 www.LEGRAND.us/wIREMOLD WIREMOLD Walkerflex® Modular Wiring SySteM Walkerflex Modular Wiring System Components (continued) Cable Splitter 3 1/16" [78mm] used to split one or more circuits so that it can be used in more than one direction from a given point. 3 1/16" [78mm] Example: NCBS111 1 19/32" [40mm] 1 11/32" [34mm] 4 3/32" [104mm] 6 5/32" [156mm] NCBS Identifies the Cable splitter unit. NCBs=120V LCBs=277V 1 1 Number of Hot Conductors. Insert “1” for single circuit, “2” for two-circuit, “3” for threecircuit, “4” for four-circuit, or “6” for six-circuit. 1 Identifies Number of Neutral Conductors, Four (4) Conductors maximum. All Neutrals #10 AWG. Number of Ground Conductors. Insert “1” for one system Ground, or “2” for one system Ground and one Isolated Ground. NOTE: For available wiring configuration options, see Wiring Configurations Chart in this section. Power Tap All taps are interface components that connect the flex system to an item that is to be energized, such as raised floor boxes, power poles, and lighting fixtures. Power Taps are for 120V & 277V applications with standard 8" leads on the end. Not available in 8-10 wire configurations. Example: NPT18B111 MODuLAR wIRING sYsTEMs NPT Identifies the Power Tap NPT = 120V unit LPT = 277V unit 18 Identifies size of wires 18 = #18AwG 12 = #12AwG 562 www.LEGRAND.us/wIREMOLD B Egress Options B = Bottom Egress s = side Egress 1 Identifies Number of Hot Conductors 1 = single Circuit 2 = Two Circuits 3 = Three Circuits 1 Identifies Number of Neutral Conductors Two (2) Conductors maximum. 1 Identifies Number of Grounds. 1 = 1 system Ground 2 = 2 system Ground & Isolated Ground WIREMOLD Walkerflex® Modular Wiring SySteM Walkerflex Modular Wiring System Components (continued) Wire Connectors Connectors are used to transition between the distribution units, cable sets, and end devices (floor boxes, poles, or raceway). standard wire lengths are 8", 12" and 18" [203mm, 305mm, and 457mm]. NOTE: Locking Ring style is only available up to 6 wire configurations. SNAP RING STYLE Example: NWC222AL12FS Example: NWC222AL12MS Example: NWC222AL12FL Example: NWC222AL12ML LOCKING RING STYLE NWC Identifies the wire Connector. NwC=120V LwC=277V 2 2 Number of Circuits, also number of Hot Conductors. Insert “1” for single circuit, “2” for two-circuit, “3” for three-circuit, “4” for four-circuit, or “6” for six-circuit. Identifies number of Neutral Conductors. Four (4), Conductors maximum. All Neutrals #10 AWG. Example: NWC332AL12FS 2 A Number of Ground Conductors. Insert “1” for one system Ground or “2” for one system Ground and one Isolated Ground. Identifies Gage of Hot and Ground Conductors. (A) = #12 AwG (B) = #10AwG L Identifies Length. “L” remains constant. Example: NWC332AL12MS 12 Identifies Length of wires (in inches) protruding out of back side of the Connector. F S Identifies Power Direction “F” (Female) for Power “IN”, “M” (Male) for Power “OuT”. Identifies method of securing in device. “L” for Lock Nut, “s” for snap Ring. NOTE: For available wiring configuration options, see Wiring Configurations Chart in this section. Walkerflex Wiring Configurations 8-10 wIRING CONFIGuRATION KEY COLOR wIRING CONFIGuRATION wIRING VOLTAGE wIRING CONFIGuRATION wIRING VOLTAGE H N G BLACK 111 120V 1 1 1 BLACK 422 120V 4 2 2 211 120V 2 1 1 ORANGE 442 120V/IG 4 4 2 ORANGE G 311 120V 3 1 1 NATuRAL 332 120V 3 3 2 120V/IG 1 1 2 BLuE 631 120V 6 3 1 IVORY 622 120V 6 2 2 212 120V/IG 2 1 2 120V/IG 2 2 2 NATuRAL 221 120V/2N 2 2 1 YELLOw 111 277V 1 1 1 211 277V 2 1 1 BLuE N 112 222 GREEN H 311 277V 3 1 1 112 277V/IG 1 1 2 212 277V/IG 2 1 2 222 277V/IG 2 2 2 221 277V/2N 2 2 1 MODuLAR wIRING sYsTEMs 3-6 wIRE CONFIGuRATION KEY COLOR 563 www.LEGRAND.us/wIREMOLD WIREMOLD Walkerflex® Modular Wiring SySteM Prewired Raised Floor Boxes AF Series AF2 and AF4 prewired raised floor/raised stage boxes have been designed to work with power, communications and AV devices. The housings are made from die-cast aluminum material with a polycarbonate cover and flange assembly. Comes with a 1 ft. modular walkerflex power adapter. Standard Product Offerings: AF2 Standard Product Offerings: AF4 AF2KC2111PA AF2YC2111PA AF2NC2111PA AF2KT2111PA AF2YT2111PA AF2NT2111PA AF2KC2222PA AF2YC2222PA AF2NC2222PA AF2KT2222PA AF2YT2222PA AF2NT2222PA AF2KC4222PA AF2YC4222PA AF2NC4222PA AF2KT4222PA AF2YT4222PA AF2NT4222PA AF4KC2111PA AF4YC2111PA AF4NC2111PA AF4KT2111PA AF4YT2111PA AF4NT2111PA AF4KC2222PA AF4YC2222PA AF4NC2222PA AF4KT2222PA AF4YT2222PA AF4NT2222PA AF4KC4222PA AF4YC4222PA AF4NC4222PA AF4KT4222PA AF4YT4222PA AF4NT4222PA AF2 AF2 & AF4 Prewired Raised Floor Boxes DIMENsIONs DEsCRIPTION Overall Trim Ring Module Depth Panel Opening Cover size Activation Chamber user Volume Total Volume Knockout sizes K AF series: AF2 or AF4 Cover Color: K = Black Y = Gray N = Brown Depth Behind Plate service Capacity Connectivity AF2 8 3/4" x 6 3/4" [222mm x 171mm] 5" [127mm] 8" x 6" [203mm x 152mm] 7 1/2" x 5" [191mm x 127mm] 130 cu in. [2130ml] 78.6 cu in. [1288ml] 208.6 cu in. [3418ml] seven (7) 1/2" & Two (2) 3/4" Trade size KOs (Power side only) 2 3/4" [69.8mm] Triple 4 Gangs 6 Ports unloaded AF4 9 1/8" x 11" [232mm x 279mm] 5" [127mm] 8" x 10" [203mm x 254mm] 7 1/2" x 9 1/2" [191mm x 242mm] 220 cu in. [3604ml] 180 cu in. [2948ml] 300 cu in. [4915ml] seven (7) 1/2" & Two (2) 3/4" Trade size KOs (Power side only) 2 3/4" [69.8mm] Triple 8 Gangs 12 Ports unloaded Max. Floor Thickness 1 1/2" [38mm] (Floor covering included) 1 1/2" [38mm] (Floor covering included) C Cover Insert: C =Carpet Insert T =Tile (No Insert) 2 No. of Receptacles: 2 = 2 Receptacles 4 = 4 Receptacles 111 PA Power Delivery system: 111 = 1 Circuit, 1 Neutral, system Ground 222 = 2 Circuits, 2 Neutrals, Isolated Ground style of Feed: PA = Power Adapter SAF Series sAF prewired shallow raised floor/raised stage boxes have been designed to work with power, communications and AV devices in a minimum 2 1/2" deep floor. The housings are made from formed galvanized steel with a polycarbonate cover DEsCRIPTION Overall Trim Ring Module Depth Overall Panel Opening Cover size Activation Volume Power Volume Maximum Floor Panel Thickness with Floor Covering Knockout sizes MODuLAR wIRING sYsTEMs Standard Product Offerings: SAF 564 sAFKC2111PA sAFYC2111PA sAFNC2111PA sAFKT2111PA sAFYT2111PA sAFNT2111PA SAF sAF series sAFKC2222PA sAFYC2222PA sAFNC2222PA sAFKT2222PA sAFYT2222PA sAFNT2222PA K Cover Color: K = Black Y = Gray N = Brown Depth Behind Plate service Capacity Connectivity Power – Four (4) 1/2"-3/4" Trade size Concentric KOs Communication – Two (2) 1/2"-3/4" Trade size Concentric KOs 2" [51mm] Triple 3 Gangs 6 Ports unloaded Mx. Floor Thickness 1 3/8" [35mm] (Floor covering included) C Cover Insert: C =Carpet Insert T =Tile (No Insert) www.LEGRAND.us/wIREMOLD DIMENsIONs 9 1/8" x 11" [232mm x 279mm] 2.5" [64mm] 8" x 10" [203mm x 254mm] 7 1/2" x 9 1/2" [191mm x 242mm] 18.5 cu in. [303ml] 29 cu in. [475ml] 1 3/16" [30mm] 2 No. of Receptacles: 2 = 2 Receptacles 4 = 4 Receptacles 111 PA Power Delivery system: 111 = 1 Circuit, 1 Neutral, system Ground 222 = 2 Circuits, 2 Neutrals, Isolated Ground style of Feed: PA = Power Adapter WIREMOLD Walkerflex® Modular Wiring SySteM Prewired Raised Floor Boxes (continued) AC8X8 Series The AC series Floor Box is an 8" x 8" [203mm x 203mm] single-service, prewired raised floor/raised stage box designed to work with power devices in a minimum 4" [102mm] deep floor. The housings are made from formed galvanized steel with a die-cast aluminum cover and flange assembly. AC8840 & AC8850 Prewired Raised Floor Boxes Standard Product Offerings: AC8840 AC8840YC2111PA AC8840YC2222PA Standard Product Offerings: AC8850 AC8850YC2111PA AC8850YC2222PA AC8850YC42222PA DEsCRIPTION Box Dimensions Overall Trim Ring Module Depth Panel Opening Cover size Activation Chamber user Volume Total Volume Knockout sizes Depth Behind Plate service Capacity Max. Floor Thickness AC AC series 88 50 Cover size: Box Depth: 88 = 8" x 8" 40 = 4" Deep 50 = 5" Deep Y C Cover Color: Cover Insert: Y = Gray C = Carpet Insert AC8840 DIMENsIONs 8" x 8" x 4" [203mm x 203mm x 102mm] 9 1/4" x 9 1/4" [235mm x 235mm] 4" [102mm] 8" x 8" [203mm x 203mm] 7 11/16" x 7 11/16" [195mm x 195mm] 63.92 cu in. [1047ml] 84.34 cu in. [1382ml] 152.34 cu in. [2496ml] Power – Four (4) 1/2"-3/4" Trade size Concentric KOs Communication – Two (2) 1/2"-3/4" Trade size Concentric KOs 2" [51mm] single 4 Gangs 2" [51mm] (floor covering included) 2 AC8850 DIMENsIONs 8" x 8" x 5" [203mm x 203mm x 127mm] 9 1/4" x 9 1/4" [235mm x 235mm] 5" [127mm] 8" x 8" [203mm x 203mm] 7 11/16" x 7 11/16" [195mm x 195mm] 97.22 cu in. [1593ml] 102.22 cu in. [1674ml] 199.22 cu in. [3264ml] Power – Four (4) 1/2"-3/4" Trade size Concentric KOs Communication – Four (4) 1/2"-3/4" Trade size Concentric KOs 2" [51mm] single 4 Gangs 2" [51mm] (floor covering included) 111 No. of Receptacles: Power Delivery system: 2 = 2 Receptacles 111 = 1 Circuit, 1 Neutral, system Ground 4 = 4 Receptacles 222 = 2 Circuits, 2 Neutrals, Isolated Ground PA style of Feed: PA = Power Adapter AC8X10 Series Standard Product Offerings: AC8104 AC8104YC2111PA AC8104YC2222PA Standard Product Offerings: AC8105 AC8105YC2111PA AC8105YC2222PA AC8105YC42222PA DEsCRIPTION Box Dimensions Overall Trim Ring Module Depth Panel Opening Cover size Activation Chamber user Volume Total Volume Knockout sizes Depth Behind Plate service Capacity Connectivity Max. Floor Thickness AC AC series 810 5 Y C Cover size: Box Depth: Cover Color: Cover Insert: 810 = 8" x 10" 4" = 4" Deep Y = Gray C = Carpet 5" = 5" Deep Insert AC8104 DIMENsIONs 8" x 10" x 4" [203mm x 254mm x 102mm] 9 1/4" x 11 1/4" [235mm x 286mm] 4" [102mm] 8" x 10" [203mm x 254mm] 7 11/16" x 9 11/16" [195mm x 246mm] 76.87 cu in. [1593ml] 130.09 cu in. [2131ml] 201.09 cu in. [3295ml] Power – Four (4) 1/2"-3/4" Trade size Concentric KOs Communication – Four (4) 1/2"-3/4" Trade size Concentric KOs 1 3/4" [44mm] Dual 6 Gangs 12 Ports unloaded 2" [51mm] (floor covering included) 2 AC8105w DIMENsIONs 8" x 10" x 5" [203mm x 254mm x 127mm] 9 1/4" x 11 1/4" [235mm x 286mm] 5" [127mm] 8" x 10" [203mm x 254mm] 7 11/16" x 9 11/16" [195mm x 246mm] 111.08 cu in. [1820ml] 151.97 cu in. [2490ml] 262.97 cu in. [4309ml] Power – Four (4) 1/2"-3/4" Trade size Concentric KOs Communication – Four (4) 1/2"-3/4" Trade size Concentric KOs 2" [51mm] Triple 6 Gangs 18 Ports unloaded 2" [51mm] (floor covering included) 111 No. of Receptacles: Power Delivery system: 2 = 2 Receptacles 111 = 1 Circuit, 1 Neutral, system Ground 4 = 4 Receptacles 222 = 2 Circuits, 2 Neutrals, Isolated Ground PA style of Feed: PA = Power Adapter www.LEGRAND.us/wIREMOLD MODuLAR wIRING sYsTEMs The AC810 series Prewired Raised Floor/Raised stage Boxes are designed to work with power and communications devices in a minimum 4" [102mm] deep floor. The housings are made from formed galvanized steel with a die-cast aluminum cover and flange assembly. Comes with a 1 ft. modular walkerflex power adapter. AC8104 & AC8105 Prewired Raised Floor Boxes 565 WIREMOLD Walkerflex® Modular Wiring SySteM Prewired Raised Floor Boxes (continued) AC10105 AC10105 prewired raised floor/raised stage boxes. The AC10105 is a 10" x 10" [203mm x 254mm] box that has been designed to work with power, communications and audio visual devices in a minimum 5" [127mm] deep floor. The housings are made from formed galvanized steel with a die-cast aluminum cover and flange assembly. Comes with a 1 ft. modular walkerflex power adapter. DEsCRIPTION Box Dimensions Overall Trim Ring Module Depth Panel Opening Cover size Activation Chamber user Volume Total Volume Knockout sizes Standard Product Offerings: AC10105 AC10105YC2111PA AC10105YC2222PA AC10105YC42222PA Depth Behind Plate service DIMENsIONs 10" x 10" x 5" [254mm x 254mm x 127mm] 11 1/2" x 11 1/2" [292mm x 292mm] 5" [127mm] 10" x 10" [254mm x 254mm] 9 5/8" x 9 5/8" [245mm x 245mm] 115 cu in. [1884ml] 243 cu in. [3981ml] 358 cu in. [5865ml] Power – Four (4) 1/2" Trade size Concentric KOs Communication – Four (4) 1/2"-3/4" Trade size Concentric KOs 2" [51mm] Triple Capacity 6 Gangs Connectivity 18 Ports unloaded Max. Floor Thickness 2" [51mm] (Floor covering included) AC 1010 5 Y C 2 111 AC series Cover size: 1010 =10" x 10" Box Depth: 5 = 5" Deep Cover Color: Y = Gray Cover Insert: C = Carpet Insert No. of Receptacles: 2 = 2 Receptacles 4 = 4 Receptacles Power Delivery system: 111 = 1 Circuit, 1 Neutral, system Ground 222 = 2 Circuits, 2 Neutrals, Isolated Ground PA style of Feed: PA = Power Adapter CRFB Prewired round raised floor/wood floor stage boxes. Die-cast aluminum is designed to work with power, communication, and A/V devices in a minimum 6 1/2" [165mm] deep floor. Comes with a 1 foot modular walkerflex power adapter. MODuLAR wIRING sYsTEMs Standard Product Offerings: CRFB CRFB4P2111PA CRFB4P2222PA CRFB4P4222PA 566 NOTE: Covers are sold separately. For more information on cover options, see the next page. CRFB4P Cover size: 7 11/16" diameter 2 No. of Receptacles: 2 = 2 Receptacles 4 = 4 Receptacles www.LEGRAND.us/wIREMOLD DEsCRIPTION Box Dimensions Overall Trim Ring Module Depth Panel Opening Cover size Activation Chamber: Chambers 1 and 2 Chamber 3 Chamber 4 user Volume Total Volume DIMENsIONs 9 1/2" [241mm] Diameter x 6 5/8" [168mm] Tall 9 1/2" [241mm] Diameter 3 3/4" [95mm] 9 1/2" [241mm] 9 1/4" [235mm] Diameter Knockout sizes Depth Behind Plate Four (4) Concentric 1/2" - 3/4" Trade size Three (3) Concentric 3/4" - 1" Trade size One (1) 2" Trade size 2 1/4" [57mm] service Triple Capacity 4 Gangs Communication Device 6 Ports unloaded Max. Floor Thickness 2" [51mm] (Floor covering included) 111 Power Delivery system: 111 = 1 Circuit, 1 Neutral, system Ground 222 = 2 Circuits, 2 Neutrals, Isolated Ground 23.5 cu in. [385ml] 17.5 cu in. [287ml] 32.8 cu in. [538ml] 30 cu in. [762ml] 127.3 cu in. [3233ml] PA style of Feed: PA = Power Adapter WIREMOLD Walkerflex® Modular Wiring SySteM Prewired Raised Floor Boxes (continued) Surface Style Cover Assembly 9 3/16" [233mm] CRFBBTC 9 3/16" [233mm] 8CTC* Available in die cast aluminum with a painted black (CRFBBTCBK), brass (CRFBBTCBs), nickel (CRFBBTCNK), bronze (CRFBBTCBZ) or gray (CRFBBTCGY) finish. No cutouts are provided for floor coverings. CRFBCTCTR Tamper Resistant Surface Style Cover Assembly 9 3/16" [233mm] Tamper Resistant Surface Style Cover Assembly Available in die cast aluminum with a painted black (CRFBCTCBK), brass (CRFBCTCBs), nickel (CRFBCTCNK), bronze (CRFBCTCBZ) or gray (CRFBCTCGY) finish. Insert areas allow for tile or carpet cutouts to match finished floor. Surface Style Cover Assembly 9 3/16" [233mm] CRFBBTCTR Surface Style Cover Assembly 9 1/4" [235mm] 8CT* Available in die cast aluminum with a painted black (CRFBCTCBKTR), brass (CRFBCTCBsTR), nickel (CRFBCTCNKTR), bronze (CRFBCTCBZTR) or gray (CRFBCTCGYTR) finish. Lid has built-in key locking feature for tamper resistance. Insert areas allow for tile or carpet cutouts to match finished floor. Available in die cast aluminum with a painted black (CRFBBTCBKTR), brass (CRFBBTCBsTR), nickel (CRFBBTCNKTR), bronze (CRFBBTCBZTR) or gray (CRFBBTCGYTR) finish. No cutouts are provided. Lid has built-in key locking feature for tamper resistance. Die-cast aluminum cover assembly. Cover assembly is available in the following painted finishes: black (8CTCBK), gray (8CTCGY), nickel (8CTCNK), brass (8CTCBs), or bronze (8CTCBZ). Flush Style Cover Assembly 9 1/4" [235mm] Die-cast aluminum cover assembly. Cover assembly is available in the following painted finishes: black (8CTCBK), gray (8CTCGY), nickel (8CTCNK), brass (8CTCBs), or bronze (8CTCBZ). MODuLAR wIRING sYsTEMs CRFBCTC * Add suffix “TR” to the end of the part number to indicate tamper-resistant cover assembly. Tamper-resistant versions are secured with a single tamper-resistant screw. 567 www.LEGRAND.us/wIREMOLD WIREMOLD Walkerflex® Modular Wiring SySteM Evolution Series Poke-Thru Devices 6STCP Recessed modular stem assembly – includes 6” [152mm] core hole poke-thru stem assembly with a disposable plate and two proprietary 20A duplex receptacles. Devices are recessed 3 1/4” [83mm] below the surface, no cover assembly included. For use with the following cover assemblies (Purchased separately): 6CTC and 6CT series. Comes with 1 ft. modular walkerflex power adapter. Included: For side Compartments: Two (2) proprietary 20 Amp duplex receptacles installed. For Center Compartment: One (1) 6ACT8A Mounting Plate, One (1) 6TRAC Mounting Plate, and One (1) 6sER Mounting Plate. For Bottom Feed Compartment: One (1) 5BLH 1/2-Gang Blank Housing, One (1) 1PTHA 1-Gang Pass-Through Housing Assembly, and One (1) 575CHA 1/2-Gang 3/4” Conduit Housing Assembly. 16 3/4" [425mm] NOTE: UL Fire Classified for up to 2 hour rated floors. NOTE: Receptacles can be wired as a standard or isolated ground devices. NOTE: Assembled with a scrub water gasket. For use on tile, wood or carpeted covered floors. Maximum floor covering thickness range 1" [25mm], not designed for use on bare concrete or terrazzo finished floors. 6 S TC Diameter of Poke-Thru Device: 6 = 6" [152mm] s = stem Assembly unit is approved tile, wood, and carpet covered floors P unit is prewired with 2 20A Duplex Receptacles installed to a walkeflex connector 222 PA Power Delivery system: 111 = 1 Circuit, 1 Neutral, system Ground 222 = 2 Circuits, 2 Neutrals, Isolated Ground style of Feed: PA = Power Adapter 6STCPAV Recessed modular stem assembly – includes 6" [152mm] core hole poke-thru stem assembly with a disposable plate and one proprietary 20A duplex receptacle. Devices are recessed 3 1/4" [83mm] below the surface, no cover assembly included. For use with the following cover assemblies (Purchased separately): 6CTC and 6CT series. Comes with 1 ft. modular walkerflex power adapter. Included: For side Compartments: One (1) proprietary 20 Amp duplex receptacle installed, 682A Device Plate, and 68MAAP Device Plate. For Center Compartment: 6DEC Mounting Plate, 6AAP Mounting Plate, and 6MAAP Mounting Plate. For Bottom Feed Compartment: One (1) 5PTHA 1/2-Gang Pass-Through Housing Assembly, One (1) 1PTHA 1-Gang Pass-Through Housing Assembly, and One (1) 575CHA 1/2-Gang 3/4" Conduit Housing Assembly. 16 3/4" [425mm] MODuLAR wIRING sYsTEMs NOTE: UL Fire Classified for up to 2 hour rated floors. NOTE: Receptacles can be wired as a standard or isolated ground devices. NOTE: Assembled with a scrub water gasket. For use on tile, wood or carpeted covered floors. Maximum floor covering thickness range 1" [25mm], not designed for use on bare concrete or terrazzo finished floors. 6 S TC P AV 111 Diameter of Poke-Thru Device: 6 = 6" [152mm] s = stem Assembly unit is approved tile, wood, and carpet covered floors unit is prewired with 1 20A Duplex Receptacle installed to a walkerflex connector AV = Audio/Visual Power Delivery system: 111 = 1 Circuit, 1 Neutral, system Ground 568 www.LEGRAND.us/wIREMOLD PA style of Feed: PA = Power Adapter WIREMOLD Walkerflex® Modular Wiring SySteM Evolution Series Poke-Thru Devices 6ATCFF Recessed modular stem assembly with disposable plate – includes 6" [152mm] core hole poke-thru stem assembly with a disposable plate. Devices are recessed 3 1/4" [83mm] below the surface, no cover assembly included. For use with the following cover assemblies (Purchased separately): 6CTC and 6CT series. Comes with 1 ft. modular walkerflex cable whip. Included For Bottom Feed Compartment: One (1) 5PTHA 1/2-Gang Pass Through Housing Assembly, One (1) 15FFHA 1 1/2-Gang Pass Through Housing Assembly, One (1) 575CHA 1/2-Gang 3/4" Conduit Housing Assembly 16 3/4" [425mm] NOTE: UL Fire Classified for up to 2 hour rated floors. NOTE: Assembled with a scrub water gasket. For use on tile, wood or carpeted covered floors. Maximum floor covering thickness range 1" [25mm], not designed for use on bare concrete or terrazzo finished floors. 6 A TC Diameter of Poke-Thru Device: 6 = 6" [152mm] A = Assembled unit FF BK unit is Furniture Feed approved tile, style Poke-Thru wood, and Device carpet covered floors 422 Color of Cover Assembly = Power Delivery system: BK = Black 422 = 4 Circuits, 2 Neutrals, GY = Gray Isolated Ground Bs = Brass NK = Nickel BE = Bronze CW style of Feed: Cw =Cable whip Flush Poke-Thru Devices 8STCP Recessed modular stem assembly with disposable plate – includes 8" core hole poke-thru stem assembly with a disposable plate. Devices are recessed 3 1/4" [83mm] below the surface, no cover assembly included. For use with the following cover assemblies (Purchased separately): 8CTC and 8CT series. Comes with 1 ft. modular walkerflex power adapter. Included For Bottom Feed Compartments: One (1) 5PTHA 1/2-Gang Pass Through Housing Assembly, One (1) 1PTHA 1-Gang Pass Through Housing Assembly, One (1) 575CHA 1/2-gang 3/4" Conduit Housing Assembly. 16 3/4" [425mm] NOTE: UL Fire Classified for up to 2 hour rated floors. NOTE: Assembled with a scrub water gasket. For use on tile, wood or carpeted covered floors. Maximum floor covering thickness range 1" [25mm], not designed for use on bare concrete or terrazzo finished floors. Diameter of PokeThru Device: 8 = 8" [203mm] S s = stem Assembly TC unit is approved tile, wood, and carpet covered floors P 222 unit is prewired with 2 20A Power Delivery system: Duplex Receptacles installed to 222 = 2 Circuits, 2 Neutrals, a walkerflex connector Isolated Ground PA style of Feed: PA =Power Adapter MODuLAR wIRING sYsTEMs 8 569 www.LEGRAND.us/wIREMOLD WIREMOLD Walkerflex® Modular Wiring SySteM Surface Style Poke-Thru Devices RC9A15TC 16 3/4" [425mm] surface style poke-thru assembly – Prewired 15A quad receptacle with a 1 ft. modular walkerflex cable whip. Poke-thru unit fits into a 3" [76.2 mm] diameter core hole. unit also includes two openings for pass through capability for one (1) 4-pair category 5e or category 6 cable per opening. Comes with 1 ft. modular walkerflex cable whip. standard Offerings: RC9A15TCBK111Cw, RC9A15TCGY111Cw, RC9A15TCBs111Cw, RC9A15TCAA111Cw, RC9A15TCAL111Cw, RC9A15TCAB111Cw NOTE: Assembled with a scrub water gasket. For use on tile, wood or carpeted covered floors. Floor covering thickness range 1/8" to 3/4", not designed for use on bare concrete or terrazzo finished floors. RC9A 15 surface style PokeThru, Model: RC9A 15 = 15A Quad Power Receptacle TC unit is approved tile, wood, and carpet covered floors BK 111 Color of Cover Assembly: BK = Black GY = Gray AL = Aluminum Bs = Brass AA = All Aluminum AB = All Brass CW Power Delivery system: 111 = 1 Circuit, 1 Neutral, system Ground style of Feed: Cw = Cable whip RC4ATC 16 3/4" [425mm] surface style poke-thru assembly – Two (2) prewired 20A proprietary receptacles with a 1 ft. modular walkerflex connector. The duplex receptacle on the “A” side is wired to the system ground and the duplex receptacle on the “B” side is wired to isolated ground. The poke-thru unit fits into a 4" [101.6 mm] diameter core hole. Comes with 1 ft. modular walkerflex power adapter. unit also includes: • Open inserts unloaded to accept discrete keystone connectors from most manufacturers • Ortronics Tracjacks mounting bezel • Ortronics Series II communication housing standard Offerings: RC4ATCBK222PA, RC4ATCGY222PA, RC4ATCBs222PA, RC4ATCAL222PA, RC4ATCAA222PA, RC4ATCAB222PA MODuLAR wIRING sYsTEMs NOTE: Assembled with a scrub water gasket. For use on tile, wood or carpeted covered floors. Floor covering thickness range 1/8" to 3/4", not designed for use on bare concrete or terrazzo finished floors. Modular Jacks sold separately. RC4 surface style Poke-Thru, Model: RC4 A A = Assembled unit 570 www.LEGRAND.us/wIREMOLD TC BK unit is approved tile, Color of Cover Assembly: wood, and carpet BK = Black covered floors GY = Gray AL = Aluminum Bs = Brass AA = All Aluminum AB = All Brass 222 Power Delivery system: 222 = 2 Circuits, 2 Neutrals, Isolated Ground PA style of Feed: PA = Power Adapter WIREMOLD Walkerflex® Modular Wiring SySteM Surface Style Poke-Thru Devices AV3ATC 16 3/4" [425mm] surface style AV poke-thru assembly – One (1) prewired 20A proprietary receptacle with a 1 ft. modular walkerflex power adapter. The poke-thru unit fits into a 4" [101.6mm] diameter core hole. unit also includes: • One (1) Extron adapter to accept Extron MAAP mini architectural adapter plates. (Extron devices sold separately, only through authorized Extron dealers). • One (1) Wiremold open system adapter and inserts unloaded to accept discrete keystone connectors from most manufacturers • One (1) Ortronics Tracjacks adapter • One (1) Ortronics Series II adapter standard Offerings: AVATCBK111PA, AV3ATCGY111PA, AV3ATCBs111PA, AV3ATCAL111PA, AV3ATCAA111PA, AV3ATCAB111PA NOTE: Assembled with a scrub water gasket. For use on tile, wood or carpeted covered floors. Floor covering thickness range 1/8" to 3/4", not designed for use on bare concrete or terrazzo finished floors. Modular Jacks sold separately. AV3 surface style Poke-Thru, Model: AV3 A A = Assembled unit TC BK unit is approved tile, Color of Cover Assembly: wood, and carpet BK = Black covered floors GY = Gray AL = Aluminum Bs = Brass AA = All Aluminum AB = All Brass 111 Power Delivery system: 111 = 1 Circuit, 1 Neutral, system Ground PA style of Feed: PA = Power Adapter RC7ATC 16 3/4" [425mm] surface style poke-thru assembly – One (1) prewired 20A proprietary receptacle with a 1 ft. modular walkerflex cable whip. The Poke-thru unit fits into a 3" [76.2 mm] diameter core hole. unit also includes: • One (1) Wiremold open system adapter and inserts unloaded to accept discrete keystone connectors from most manufacturers • Two (2) Cat. 6 TechChoice discrete keystone modular jacks • One (1) Ortronics TracJack adapter standard Offerings: RC7ATCBK111Cw, RC7ATCGY111Cw, RC7ATCBs111Cw, RC7ATCAL111Cw, RC7ATCAA111Cw, RC7ATCAB111Cw RC7 surface style Poke-Thru, Model: RC7 A A = Assembled unit TC BK unit is approved tile, Color of Cover Assembly: wood, and carpet BK = Black covered floors GY = Gray AL = Aluminum Bs = Brass AA = All Aluminum AB = All Brass 111 Power Delivery system: 111 = 1 Circuit, 1 Neutral, system Ground CW style of Feed: Cw = Cable whip MODuLAR wIRING sYsTEMs NOTE: Assembled with a scrub water gasket. For use on tile, wood or carpeted covered floors. Floor covering thickness range 1/8" to 3/4", not designed for use on bare concrete or terrazzo finished floors. 571 www.LEGRAND.us/wIREMOLD WIREMOLD Walkerflex® Modular Wiring SySteM Furniture Feed Style Poke-Thru Devices 4FFATC 16 3/4" [425mm] Furniture feed style poke-thru assembly – Complete with one-piece finish flange and conduit assembly. Finish covers flange provided with one (1) 3/4" trade size screw plug opening and one (1) 1 1/4" trade size screw plug opening. The poke-thru unit fits into a 4" [102 mm] diameter core hole. Comes with 1 ft. modular walkerflex cable whip. unit also includes: • One (1) 3/4" trade size conduit adapter. • One (1) 1 1/4" trade size conduit adapter. standard Offerings: 4FFATCBK422Cw, 4FFATCGY422Cw, 4FFATCBs422Cw, 4FFATCAL422Cw, NOTE: Assembled with a scrub water gasket. For use on tile, wood or carpeted covered floors. Floor covering thickness range 1/8" to 3/4", not designed for use on bare concrete or terrazzo finished floors. 4FF A = Assembled unit MODuLAR wIRING sYsTEMs 4FF = Furniture Feed style PokeThru Device A 572 www.LEGRAND.us/wIREMOLD TC BK unit is approved tile, Color of Cover Assembly: wood, and carpet BK = Black covered floors GY = Gray AL = Aluminum Bs = Brass 422 Power Delivery system: 422 = 4 Circuits, 2 Neutrals, Isolated Ground CW style of Feed: Cw = Cable whip WIREMOLD Walkerflex® Modular Wiring SySteM Surface Style Poke-Thru Devices Specifications Copper Cross Section The copper cross-sectional area determines the amount of wire fill capacity in a poke-thru device. unlike other wire and cable management systems that utilize wire fill capacity, a poke-thru device is uL tested under fire conditions to determine the maximum amount of copper conductors that will pass through a poke-thru device, while maintaining the fire-rating of the floor assembly. All walker Flush style Devices are uL Classified to u.s. and Canadian safety standards (see complete marking on product) to accommodate at a maximum rating as follows: RC7 SERIES Maximum Allowable Copper Cross-sectional Area: RC7 Power Compartment Only = .01536 sq. in. [9.91mm2] RC7 Each Communication Compartment Only = .0040 sq. in. [2.58mm2] NOTE: The RC7 Series requires a 3" [76mm] cored hole. (American made core bit having an outside diameter of 3 1/16" [78mm].) Trim Flange for Carpet or Tile Scrub Water Gasket Concrete Slab Intumescent Material Retaining Flange COM50 1/2" Trade Size Conduit Connections (Sold Separately) 3/4" Trade Size EMT Conduit Junction Box 24.5 cu in. [401ml] RC9 SERIES Maximum Allowable Copper Cross-sectional Area: RC9 Power Compartment Only = .01536 sq. in. [9.91mm2] RC9 Each Communication Compartment Only = .0040 sq. in. [2.58mm2] AV3 SERIES Maximum Allowable Copper Cross-sectional Area: AV3 Power Compartment Only = .01536 sq. in. [9.91mm2] AV3 Communication Compartment Only = .01938 sq. in. [12.503mm2] NOTE: The AV3 Series requires a 4" [102mm] cored hole. (American made core bit having an outside diameter of 4 1/16" [103mm].) RC4 SERIES Maximum Allowable Copper Cross-sectional Area: RC4 Power Compartment Only = .03072 sq. in. [19.82mm2] RC4 Each Communication Compartment Only = .008 sq. in. [5.16mm2] NOTE: The RC4 Series requires a 4" [102mm] cored hole. (American made core bit having an outside diameter of 4 1/16" [103mm].) Copper Cross sectional Area of Commonly used Conductors SIze SOlId #24 0.00032 sq. in. [0.206mm2] #22 0.00050 sq. in. [0.322mm2] #14 0.00323 sq. in. [2.083mm2] #12 0.00512 sq. in. [3.303mm2] #10 0.00815 sq. in. [5.258mm2] #8 0.01296 sq. in. [8.361mm2] NOTE: Use above values for solid or stranded conductors. Concrete Thickness Min/Max: 1-Hour Rated Floor – 2 1/4" [57mm] min over top of deck (or 3" [76mm] thick reinforced concrete slab) to a maximum of 7 1/2" [191mm]. 2-Hour Rated Floor – 3 1/4" [83mm] min over top of deck (or 4" [102mm] thick reinforced concrete slab) to a maximum of 7 1/2" [191mm]. Floor Coverings: The poke-thru device is fire rated for carpet and wood covered concrete floors, and tile floor coverings 1/8" to 3/4" [3.2mm to 19.1mm] thickness. For floor coverings not listed above, consult factory. IMPORTANT! The above maximum copper cross sectional area values are for each individual power and communication compartment. DO NOT add values together for any one compartment. CAuTION! Core bits vary in size from manufacturer to manufacturer: • Use a 3" [76mm] American made core bit having an outside diameter of 3 1/16" [78mm]. Minimum hole diameter: 3 1/16" [78mm]. • Use a 4" [102mm] American made core bit having an outside diameter of 4 1/16" [103mm]. Minimum hole diameter: 4 1/16" [103mm]. CAuTION! These devices are suitable for 1, 1 1/2, and 2 hour rated floor assemblies as described in the uL Fire Resistance directory for each service. These devices meet all uL scrub water requirements, but are not suitable for wet or damp locations, or other areas subject to saturation with water or other liquids such as commercial kitchens. MODuLAR wIRING sYsTEMs NOTE: The RC9 Series requires a 3" [76mm] cored hole. (American made core bit having an outside diameter of 3 1/16" [78mm].) 573 www.LEGRAND.us/wIREMOLD MODuLAR wIRING sYsTEMs WIREMOLD 574 www.LEGRAND.us/wIREMOLD WIREMOLD VERTICAL SOLUTIONS Wiremold® Vertical solutions are innovative pathways for delivering power and communication services to open office or retail environments. Tele-Power® Pole Extender 601 Vista Point5™ Architectural Columns 593 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD VERTICAL SOLUTIONS Tele-Power Poles provide a wide range of options for distributing services from overhead systems to open space office, commercial, and retail areas. 575 WIREMOLD VERTICAL SOLUTIONS Table of Contents Vista™ Architectural Columns 579 Vista™ CP Consolidation Point 586 Vista™ Point5 Architectural Columns 593 Tele-Power® Poles 599 Vertical Drop Poles 607 VERTICAL SOLUTIONS Custom Tele-Power® Poles 610 576 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD wIREMOLD VERTICAL SOLUTIONS Quick selection Guide Vista™ Architectural Column Steel Tele-Power™ Poles 30TP-4V Ceiling Trim Piece End Channel 3" [76mm] Power 2 3/4" [70mm] Center Panel 1 1/2" [38mm] 1 1/2" [38mm] 14 1/4" [3.7m] 10'6" [3.2m] Frame Structure 1" [25mm] Communications 25DTP-4 Knockouts 2 1/4" [57mm] Front Access Plate 1" [25mm] CommuniCATionS 2 5/16" [59mm] PoWER 1 1/4" [32mm] Floor Trim Piece Square Small Large 3 25/32" [96mm] 15.875" [403mm] 3 25/32" [96mm] 8 29/32" [226mm] 1" [25mm] 13 3/8" [340mm] 30TP-2V Round Large 8 29/32" [226mm] 2 3/4" [70mm] 3 25/32" [96mm] 13 3/8" [340mm] VERTICAL SOLUTIONS 3 25/32" [96mm] 1 7/8" [48mm] 1 17/32" [39mm] PoWER Small CommuniCATionS 14 1/4" [3.7m] 1" [25mm] www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 577 WIREMOLD VERTICAL SOLUTIONS Quick selection Guide Aluminum Tele-Power® Poles NP800C-10-2B AMDTP-4 2 1/4" [57mm] 5" [127mm] 1" [25mm] CommuniCATionS PoWER 2 13/16" [71mm] 2 5/16" [59mm] 1 15/16" [49mm] 1 1/4" [32mm] 15 7/8" [4.03m] 1" [25mm] ALTP SERIES 2CRTL1 SERIES 1 1/16" [27mm] 2" [51mm] 2 3/4" [70mm] 12" [305mm] 1 1/2" [38mm] 2" [51mm] 23 13/16" [604mm] 19 13/16" [503mm] VERTICAL SOLUTIONS 15 13/16" [401mm] 11 13/16" [299mm] 578 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 7 13/16" [198mm] WIREMOLD VISTA™ ARChITECTURAL COLUmNS Vista™ Architectural Columns provide aesthetically pleasing configurable solutions for power and communication services in open spaces. CODE REFERENCE cuLus Listed Multioutlet Assemblies: File E15191 Guide PVGT Meets Article 380 of NEC. Vista Architectural Column System layout Ceiling Trim Piece overall Dimensions Round End Channel Small 3 25/32" [96mm] Center Panel Frame Structure 8 29/32" [226mm] Large 3 25/32" [96mm] 3/4" & 1" Trade Size Knockouts 13 3/8" [340mm] SQUARE Small Knockouts Front Access Plate 8 29/32" [226mm] Large 3 25/32" [96mm] Floor Trim Piece 13 3/8" [340mm] VERTICAL SOLUTIONS 3 25/32" [96mm] 579 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD VISTA™ ARChITECTURAL COLUmNS Vista Wire Fill Capacity for Communication O.D. ONE ROuND END CHANNEL LARGE CENTER sMALL CENTER ONE sQuARE EXTENsION ONE ROuND EXTENsION CABLE/wIRE sIZE Inches un-shielded Twisted Pair 2-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 3 3-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 3 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 3 25-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 3 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 5e 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6 0.140 0.150 0.190 0.410 0.220 0.250 [3.6] [3.8] [4.8] [10.4] [5.6] [6.3] 190 165 103 22 77 59 150 131 81 17 61 47 80 68 44 8 32 24 40 34 22 4 16 12 131 114 71 15 53 41 94 82 51 11 38 29 shielded Twisted Pair Type 1, 22 AwG Type 2, 22 AwG Type 3, 22 AwG 0.390 0.465 0.245 [9.9] [11.8] [6.2] 24 17 62 19 13 49 8 4 24 4 2 12 16 11 42 12 8 30 Coaxial RG58/u, 20 AwG RG58/u, 22 AwG RG6/u, 22 AwG RG6/u, 18 AwG 0.195 0.242 0.242 0.270 [5.0] [6.1] [6.1} [6.9] 98 63 63 51 77 50 50 40 40 24 24 20 20 12 12 10 67 43 43 25 48 31 31 25 Twinaxial 100 Ohm Fiber Optic [mm] ONE sQuARE END CHANNEL 0.330 [8.4] 34 27 12 6 23 71 0.180 [4.6] 103 81 44 22 71 51 noTE: Capacity range is calculated at 40% of raceway area as stated in a proposed revisions to the Commercial Building Standard for Telecommunication Pathways & Spaces, EiA/TiA-569. Actual wire fill capacity may vary based on applications, cable types, and number, as well as type of fittings. (Fittings may cause additional variances to the fill capacity.) Vista Wire Fill Capacity for Power wIRE sIZE THHN/THwN 6 AwG 8 AwG 10 AwG 12 AwG 14 AwG One End Channel Round or square 7 9 16 26 35 Center (Large) 28 36 64 104 140 Center (small) 14 18 32 52 70 One Extension Round or square 4 6 10 16 22 Vista Architectural Columns In-Stock Columns Ordering Information VERTICAL SOLUTIONS VS662345 in-Stock Small Vista Column small profile frame, round end channels, anodized aluminum finish. Accepts all adapters. Two 20A duplex receptacles located 27" [686mm] above floor. Includes one VsFF plate at bottom back side of pole. Dimensions: 10'6" x 8 29/32" x 3 25/32" [3200mm x 276mm x 96mm]. VL662345 in-Stock Large Vista Column Large profile frame, round end channels, anodized aluminum finish. Accepts all adapters. Three 20A duplex receptacles located 27" [686mm] above floor. Includes one VLFF plate at bottom back side of pole. Dimensions: 10'6" x 13 3/8" x 3 25/32" [3200mm x 340mm x 96mm]. 580 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD VS662345FF in-Stock Small Vista Column small profile frame, round end channels, anodized aluminum finish. Furniture feed. Includes one VsFF plate at bottom back side of pole. Dimensions: 10'6" x 8 29/32" x 3 25/32" [3200mm x 226mm x 96mm]. VL662345FF in-Stock Large Vista Column Large profile frame, round end channels, anodized aluminum finish. Furniture feed. Includes one VLFF plate at bottom back side of pole. Dimensions: 10'6" x 13 3/8" x 3 25/32" [3200mm x 340mm x 96mm]. WIREMOLD VISTA™ ARChITECTURAL COLUmNS Vista Architectural Columns In-Stock Columns Ordering Information VES66234524 in-Stock Small Vista Column Ext. VLV Vista Wireless Access Point Enclosure small profile 24" [610mm] frame extension, round end channels, anodized aluminum finish. VEL66234524 in-Stock Large Vista Column Ext. Vista solution for mounting wireless access points. Large frame Vista with anodized round end channels and center panels. Furniture feed style access, 10'6" [3.2m] tall. Has tempered glass panels to conceal access point. Front panel is hinged and lockable. Compartment measures 17 1/2" x 7 1/4" x 2 1/2" [445mm x 183mm x 64mm]. Front View Rear View Large profile 24" [610mm] frame extension, round end channels, anodized aluminum finish. Vista Architectural Columns In-Stock Columns Ordering Information Small Frame Round End Channel Tempered aluminum with heavy gauge steel cross supports with two (2) 3/4" and 1" trade size concentric KOs. Accepts 4 3/4" [121mm] wide center panel. 2" [51mm] Tempered aluminum. Anodized finish or painted. Channel snaps onto frame. 3 13/16" [97mm] Square End Channel Empered aluminum with heavy gauge steel cross supports with two (2) 3/4" and 1" trade size concentric KOs. Accepts 4 3/4" [121mm] wide center panel. 2" [51mm] Tempered aluminum. Anodized finish or painted. Channel snaps onto frame. 3 13/16" [97mm] VERTICAL SOLUTIONS Large Frame 581 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD VISTA™ ARChITECTURAL COLUmNS Vista Architectural Column Frame Options Ordering Information VF Prefix: size: Plate & End End Channel: Channel Color: Frame = VF small = S Large = L Round = 66 square = 77 CoLoR – REFERENCE white Black Ivory No Color – Anodized Aluminum warm white – steelcase 4700 Moss – steelcase 4722 Lt. Tone – Herman Miller LT Mist – steelcase 4606 GsA Lt. Blue – GsA 25183 woodrose – steelcase 4601 slate – steelcase 4726 Light Blue – shaw walker A751 Greytone – Haworth – G = = = = = = = = = = = = = Adapter: Panel: Device/Adapter Color: Center Panel = P Light Gray = GY Glass Panel = G white = WH No Panel = X Ivory/Light Almond = iV Black = BK No Device/Adapters = ZZ CoDE 3333 9999 5555 2345 3136 5169 2486 5895 5911 6137 6142 1988 2884 Furniture Feed = FF Data Device Plates – Ortronics® series II or TracJack Adapters = RT* Open system Adapters = CM* AV Device Plates Extron® Electronics MAAP – (Has openings for 8 Legrand AVIP or Extron MAAP Modules. 1 MAB Adapter included.) = EM Extron Electronics AAP – (Has openings for 6 AAP Modules. 1 MAB Adapter included.) = EA ® Crestron® Quick Media – (Has openings for 1 two gang or 2 single gang wall plates. 1 MAAP Adapter included.) = CR * RT and CM options include one each electrical device plate with spec grade duplex receptacle(s), single 120V circuit and communications plate with adapter(s) installed. Duplex receptacles are located at 27" [686mm] above the finish floor. Communications modules are located at 21" [533mm] above the finish floor. Vista Architectural Column Panel Options Ordering Information VERTICAL SOLUTIONS VP Prefix: size: Panel Type: Frame = VP small = S Large = L Aluminum = A3 wood Grain = n3 Metal Finish = m3 Glass Finish = G4 Fabric = F8 Panel Finish: CoLoR – REFERENCE Aluminum: white Black Ivory No Color – Anodized Aluminum warm white – steelcase 4700 Moss – steelcase 4722 Lt. Tone – Herman Miller LT Mist – steelcase 4606 GsA Lt. Blue – GsA 25183 woodrose – steelcase 4601 slate – steelcase 4726 Light Blue – shaw walker A751 Greytone – Haworth – G CoDE = = = = = = = = = = = = = woodgrain Laminate: Amber Cherry Mahogany = 4407 = 4410 3333 9999 5555 2345 3136 5169 2486 5895 5911 6137 6142 1988 2884 CoLoR – REFERENCE Maple Fusion shaker Cherry Fonthill Pear Congo spruce Copper Bubinga Natural Pear Biltmore Cherry Asian sun = = = = = = = = CoDE 4401 4408 4406 4451 4456 4411 4413 4467 Metal Laminate: Vertical Corrugated Matte Aluminum Ragged Copper Matte Aluminum Footplate Light Hammer Copper Double Brushed Aluminum = = = = = 4748 1999 2046 2121 2171 noTE: These are suggested colors. if there are other colors not incdicated here, send in a color chip as most colors can be matched. 582 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD CoLoR – REFERENCE Fabric: Quartz Lavender Natural Blue Neutral wedgewood Grey Mix Lake Malibu Globe Flax Daylight Blue CoDE = = = = = = = = = = Glass: Heavy Frost = 8675 3805 4055 4105 1505 2385 0995 0375 0245 0615 0305 WIREMOLD VISTA™ ARChITECTURAL COLUmNS Vista Architectural Column Add-On Plates for Large Frame Vista Series Ordering Information VL3D Device Cover Has three (3) duplex receptacle cutouts 6" [152mm] VLCR** VLRT* 9 1/4" [235mm] Device Cover Has three (3) mini adapters for Ortronics® series II or TracJack devices. 6" [152mm] Has openings for one (1) two-gang or two (2) single-gang Crestron® Quick Media wall plate(s) and one mini adapter (included). standard color/material is anodized aluminum or black. 6" [152mm] 9 1/4" [235mm] AV Device Cover VLEA** AV Device Cover Has openings for six (6) Extron® Electronics AAP modules and one mini adapter (included). standard color/material is anodized aluminum or black. 6" [152mm] 9 1/4" [235mm] 9 1/4" [235mm] VLCm* Device Cover Has three (3) mini adapters for wiremold CM series Open system communications devices. 6" [152mm] VLEm** AV Device Cover Has openings for eight (8) Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP modules and one mini adapter (included). standard color/material is anodized 6" [152mm] 9 1/4" [235mm] 9 1/4" [235mm] Furniture Feed Plate Has two (2) concentric 1" and 3/4" trade size knockouts, and two (2) multiple twistout mouse holes. One furniture feed plate is installed on the assembly. 6" [152mm] VERTICAL SOLUTIONS VLFF 9 1/4" [235mm] *Refer to the list of colors in chart above for the four-digit code number. Add “C”prefix to catalog number to denote Canadian version – Agency approved for sale in Canada. **Products are ETL Listed. 583 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD VISTA™ ARChITECTURAL COLUmNS Vista Architectural Column Add-On Plates for Small Frame Vista Series Ordering Information VS2D* Device Cover Has two (2) duplex receptacle cutouts. 6" [152mm] VSCR** 4 3/4" [121mm] Device Cover Has one mini adapter for Ortronics® series II or TracJack devices. 6" [152mm] Has openings for one (1) two-gang or two (2) single-gang Crestron® Quick Media wall plate(s). standard color/ material is anodized aluminum or black. 6" [152mm] 4 3/4" [121mm] VSRT* AV Device Plate VSEm** AV Device Plate Has openings for four (4) Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP modules. standard color/material is anodized aluminum or black. 6" [152mm] 4 3/4" [121mm] 4 3/4" [121mm] VSCm* Device Cover Has one mini adapter for wiremold CM series Open system communication devices. 6" [152mm] VSLB* 4 3/4" [121mm] Furniture Feed Plate Has two concentric and 3/4" trade size KOs, and one multiple twistout mouse hole. One furniture feed plate is installed on the assembly. 6" [152mm] 4 3/4" [121mm] VERTICAL SOLUTIONS Accommodates commercially available lights weighing up to 10 lbs. [4.5kg]. 6" [152mm] 4 3/4" [121mm] VSFF* Lighting Bracket VSEA** AV Device Plate Device Plate Part Number Configurator Base: Plate Color: Enter Catalog Number from above choices Refer to color list Light Gray on the previous white page, enter Ivory/Lt. Almond 4-digit code Black No Device Adapter Adapter Color: = GY = wH = IV = BK = ZZ Has openings for four (4) Extron® Electronics AAP modules. standard color/material is anodized aluminum or black. 6" [152mm] 4 3/4" [121mm] 584 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD *Refer to the list of colors in chart above for the four-digit code number. Add “C”prefix to catalog number to denote Canadian version – Agency approved for sale in Canada. **Products are ETL Listed. WIREMOLD VISTA™ ARChITECTURAL COLUmNS Vista Architectural Column Extension Kit Ordering Information VE Prefix: size: shape: CoLoR – REFERENCE white Black Ivory No Color – Anodized Aluminum warm white – steelcase 4700 Moss – steelcase 4722 Lt. Tone – Herman Miller LT Mist – steelcase 4606 GsA Lt. Blue – GsA 25183 woodrose – steelcase 4601 slate – steelcase 4726 Light Blue – shaw walker A751 Greytone – Haworth – G Panel Finish: End Channel Frame = VE small = S Round = 66 Large = L square = 77 CoDE = 3333 = 9999 = 5555 = 2345 = 3136 = 5169 = 2486 = 5895 = 5911 = 6137 = 6142 = 1988 = 2884 noTE: These are suggested colors. if there are other colors not incdicated here, send in a color chip as most colors can be matched. Height: 24" [610mm] = 24 60" [1.52m] = 60 Finish: Extension Kit Options – woodgrain Laminate: Amber Cherry Mahogany Maple Fusion shaker Cherry Fonthill Pear Congo spruce Copper Bubinga Natural Pear Biltmore Cherry Asian sun = = = = = = = = = = 4407 4410 4401 4408 4406 4451 4456 4411 4413 4467 Metal Laminate: Vertical Corrugated Matte Aluminum Ragged Copper Matte Aluminum Footplate Light Hammer Copper Double Brushed Aluminum = = = = = 4748 1999 2046 2121 2171 Fabric: Quartz Lavender Neutral Blue Neutral wedgewood Grey Mix Lake Malibu Globe Flax Daylight Blue = = = = = = = = = = 3805 4055 4105 1505 2385 0245 0375 0245 0615 0305 Accommodates ceiling heights between 10' [3m] and 15' [4.5m]. Includes hardware for attaching to main section. Round or square shapes available. Includes a center panel. Design your own Vista Architectural Column online at www.legrand.us/toolsresources/ wiremold & click on vista configurator Vista Architectural Columns Part Configuration For a full color view, bill of materials, or to request a quote for Vista Open-space Power and Communication Delivery, check out www.legrand.us. Configuration Example The product shown at the right is made of the following components: VERTICAL SOLUTIONS Frame Large Frame with square Anodized Aluminum End Channels Catalog number: VFL772345FFZZP Center Panel Large wood Grain Laminate Panel Catalog number: VPLA34410 Extension Kit (optional) Large square Anodized End Channels with Mahogany wood Laminate Panels and 24" [610mm] extension Catalog number: VEL772345441024 All solutions include a furniture feed plate. 585 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD VISTA CP™ CONSOLIdATION POINT Vista CP™ Consolidation Point provides configurable solutions for zoned cabling in open spaces. CODE REFERENCE cuLus Listed multioutlet Assemblies: File E15191 Guide PVGT Meets Article 380 of NEC. Vista CP Consolidation Point System Layout Rear View Front View ortronics 89D Patch Panel – 12 Ports max Per Patch Panel (not provided) open and closed views of a Vista CP installation. 126" [3.2m] Door Pull Round Large VERTICAL SOLUTIONS 60" [1.52m] 3 25/32" [96mm] Data Cable Exit Hole For up To 48 Cat 6 Cables Communication Ports 13 3/8" [340mm] Square Duplex outlets Large 6" [152mm] 6" [152mm] 24" [610mm] 12" [305mm] 586 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 3 25/32" [96mm] 27" [686mm] 13 3/8" [340mm] WIREMOLD VISTA CP™ CONSOLIdATION POINT Vista CP Consolidation Point Wire Fill Capacity for Communication Inches [mm] ONE sQuARE END CHANNEL 2-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 3 3-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 3 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 3 25-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 3 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 5e 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6 0.140 0.150 0.190 0.410 0.220 0.250 [3.6] [3.8] [4.8] [10.4] [5.6] [6.3] 190 165 103 22 77 59 150 131 81 17 61 47 80 68 44 8 32 24 131 114 71 15 53 41 94 82 51 11 38 29 shielded Twisted Pair Type 1, 22 AwG Type 2, 22 AwG Type 3, 22 AwG 0.390 0.465 0.245 [9.9] [11.8] [6.2] 24 17 62 19 13 49 8 4 24 16 11 42 12 8 30 Coaxial RG58/u, 20 AwG RG58/u, 22 AwG RG6/u, 22 AwG RG6/u, 18 AwG 0.195 0.242 0.242 0.270 [5.0] [6.1] [6.1} [6.9] 98 63 63 51 77 50 50 40 40 24 24 20 67 43 43 25 48 31 31 25 Twinaxial 100 Ohm 0.330 [8.4] 34 27 12 23 71 0.180 [4.6] 103 81 44 71 51 O.D. CABLE/wIRE sIZE unshielded Twisted Pair Fiber Optic ONE ROuND END CHANNEL LARGE CENTER ONE sQuARE EXTENsION ONE ROuND EXTENsION noTE: Capacity range is calculated at 40% of raceway area as stated in a proposed revisions to the Commercial Building Standard for Telecommunication Pathways & Spaces, EiA/TiA-569. Actual wire fill capacity may vary based on applications, cable types, and number, as well as type of fittings. (Fittings may cause additional variances to the fill capacity.) Vista CP Consolidation Point Wire Fill Capacity for Power wIRE sIZE THHN/THwN 6 AwG 8 AwG 10 AwG 12 AwG 14 AwG One End Channel Round or square 7 9 16 26 35 Center (Large) 28 36 64 104 140 One Extension Round or square 4 6 10 16 22 Vista CP Consolidation Point In-Stock Columns Ordering Information Vista Consolidation Point (CP) Columns provide channels that conceal wires and cables behind a decorative center panel and incorporate a user-installed patch panel with easy, secured access through a lockable door. They can be placed anywhere in an open space, providing maximum communication flexibility and unique design elements. These modular columns are easily relocated to accommodate changing space requirements. VLCP662345 VEL66234524 Patch Panel Options Ortronics® Clarity5E TM or Clarity6 TM Modular to 110 Mini Patch Panels are an ideal solution. CAT. NO. DETAILs VLCP662345 Large Anodized Aluminum Frame with round channels, Ortronics TracJack and series 2 adapters in gray. Accommodates a 10' [3m] ceiling. Anodized Aluminum Panel for the back of the Vista Column. VERTICAL SOLUTIONS The Vista Column Consolidation Point accommodates the 89D style patch panel, 12 ports maximum, and up to 4 panels per column. Anodized Aluminum Door with a keyed lock and flush, black door pull, 60" [5.2m] length. VEL6623524 Extension for the column to accommodate up to 12' [3.7m] ceilings.7 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 587 WIREMOLD VISTA CP™ CONSOLIdATION POINT Vista CP Consolidation Point Frame Options Ordering Information Large Frame Round End Channel Tempered aluminum with heavy gauge steel cross supports with four (4) 3/4” and 1” trade size concentric KOs. Accepts 9 1/4" [235mm] wide center panel. 2" [51mm] 3 13/16" [97mm] Square End Channel 2" [51mm] Tempered aluminum. Anodized finish or painted. Channel snaps onto frame. 3 13/16" [97mm] Vista CP Consolidation Point Part Configuration For a full color view of the Vista CP Consolidation Point, check out www.legrand.us. VERTICAL SOLUTIONS Configuration Example The product shown at the right is made of the following components: Frame Large Frame with Round Anodized Aluminum End Channels Catalog Number: VFL662345FFZZD Center Panel Large Locked Door Panel Catalog Number: VY602345L2Y Rear Center Panel Large Aluminum Panel Catalog Number: VPLY2345 Extension Kit (optional) Large Round End Channels Catalog Number: VEL662345234524 All solutions include a furniture feed plate. 588 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD Tempered aluminum. Anodized finish or painted. Channel snaps onto frame. WIREMOLD VISTA CP™ CONSOLIdATION POINT Vista CP Consolidation Point Frame Options Ordering Information V F L Prefix: size: D End Channel: Plate & End Frame = VF Large = L Round = 66 square = 77 style: Device/Adapter Color: Channel Color: CoLoR – REFERENCE CoDE White = 3333 Black = 9999 Ivory = 5555 No Color – Anodized Aluminum = 2345 Warm White – Steelcase 4700 = 3136 Moss – Steelcase 4722 = 5169 Lt. Tone – Herman Miller LT = 2486 Mist – Steelcase 4606 = 5895 GSA Lt. Blue – GSA 25183 = 5911 Woodrose – Steelcase 4601 = 6137 Slate – Steelcase 4726 = 6142 Light Blue – Shaw Walker A751 = 1988 Greytone – Haworth – G = 2884 Panel: Light Gray = GY Door Panel = D white = WH Ivory/Light Almond = iV Black = BK No Device/Adapters = ZZ Furniture Feed = FF Data Device Plates – ortronics® Series II or TracJack Adapters AV Device Plates Extron® Electronics MAAP – = RT* (Has openings for 8 Legrand AVIP or open System Adapters = CM* * RT and CM options include one each electrical device plate with spec grade duplex receptacle(s), single 120V circuit and communications plate with adapter(s) installed. Extron MAAP Modules. 1 MAB Adapter included.) = EM Extron® Electronics AAP – (Has openings for 6 AAP Modules. 1 MAB Adapter included.) = EA Crestron® Quick Media – Duplex receptacles are located at 27" [686mm] above the finish floor. (Has openings for 1 two gang or Communications modules are located at 21" [533mm] above the finish floor. 1 MAAP Adapter included.) 2 single gang wall plates. = CR Vista CP Consolidation Point Center Panel Door Options Ordering Information 60 Prefix: Height: Color: Door = VY 60" [1.25m] = 60 Aluminum: white Black Ivory No Color – Anodized Aluminum warm white – steelcase 4700 Moss – steelcase 4722 Lt. Tone – Herman Miller LT Mist – steelcase 4606 GsA Lt. Blue – GsA 25183 woodrose – steelcase 4601 slate – steelcase 4726 Light Blue – shaw walker A751 Greytone – Haworth – G opening: Handle: Keyed Lock: Left Hinged = L Right Hinged = R Black Flush Door Pull = 1 Nickel-Plated Knob = 2 Yes = Y No = n = 3333 = 9999 = 5555 = 2345 = 3136 = 5169 = 2486 = 5895 = 5911 = 6137 = 6142 = 1988 = 2884 DooR oPEninG oPTionS: Left-Handed Opening (L) 13 1/8" [333mm] Right-Handed Opening (R) 13 1/8" [333mm] DooR HAnDLE oPTionS: Black Flush Door Pull (1) – Black plastic sits flush to surface of door. Nickel-Plated Knob (2) – Nickel finish knob. noTE: Send in a color chip. most colors can be matched. noTE: The bottom of the door is located 24" [610mm] from the finish floor. VERTICAL SOLUTIONS VY 589 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD VISTA CP™ CONSOLIdATION POINT Vista CP Consolidation Point Rear Center Panel Options Ordering Information VP Prefix: Y L Size: Panel: Panel Finish: Panel Type: Frame = VP Large = L Rear wood Grain = Center = Y Metal Finish = Glass Finish = Fabric = n3 m3 G4 F8 CoLoR – REFEREnCE CoDE Aluminum: white Black Ivory No Color – Anodized Aluminum warm white – steelcase 4700 Moss – steelcase 4722 Lt. Tone – Herman Miller LT Mist – steelcase 4606 GsA Lt. Blue – GsA 25183 woodrose – steelcase 4601 slate – steelcase 4726 Light Blue – shaw walker A751 Greytone – Haworth – G = = = = = = = = = = = = = 3333 9999 5555 2345 3136 5169 2486 5895 5911 6137 6142 1988 2884 Woodgrain Laminate: Amber Cherry Mahogany Maple Fusion shaker Cherry Fonthill Pear Congo spruce Copper Bubinga = = = = = = = 4407 4410 4401 4408 4406 4451 4456 CoLoR – REFEREnCE CoDE Natural Pear Bitmore Cherry Asian sun = 4411 = 4413 = 4467 Metal Laminate: Vertical Corrugated Matte Aluminum Ragged Copper Matte Aluminum Footplate Light Hammer Copper Double Brushed Aluminum = = = = = 4748 1999 2046 2121 2171 Fabric: Quartz Lavender Natural Blue Neutral wedgewood Grey Mix Lake Malibu Globe Flax Daylight Blue = = = = = = = = = = 3805 4055 4105 1505 2385 0995 0375 0245 0615 0305 noTE: These are suggested colors. if there are other colors not incdicated here, send in a color chip as most colors can be matched. Vista CP Consolidation Point Extension Kit Ordering Information Extension Kit options – Accommodates ceiling heights greater than 10' [3m] to 15' [4.5m]. Includes hardware for attaching to main section. Round or square shapes available. Includes a center panel. Design your own Vista Architectural Column VERTICAL SOLUTIONS online at www.legrand.us/tools-resources/ wiremold & click on vista configurator For additional system options, contact your local Wiremold sales representative. VE L Prefix: size: shape: Frame = VE Large = L Round = 66 square = 77 CoLoR – REFERENCE white Black Ivory No Color – Anodized Aluminum warm white – steelcase 4700 Moss – steelcase 4722 Lt. Tone – Herman Miller LT Mist – steelcase 4606 GsA Lt. Blue – GsA 25183 woodrose – steelcase 4601 slate – steelcase 4726 Light Blue – shaw walker A751 Greytone – Haworth – G End Channel Finish: CoDE = 3333 = 9999 = 5555 = 2345 = 3136 = 5169 = 2486 = 5895 = 5911 = 6137 = 6142 = 1988 = 2884 noTE: These are suggested colors. if there are other colors not incdicated here, send in a color chip as most colors can be matched. 590 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD Panel Finish: Height: 24" [610mm] = 24 60" [1.52m] = 60 WooDGRAIN LAMINATE: Amber Cherry Mahogany Maple Fusion shaker Cherry Fonthill Pear Congo spruce Copper Bubinga Natural Pear Biltmore Cherry Asian sun = = = = = = = = = = 4407 4410 4401 4408 4406 4451 4456 4411 4413 4467 METAL LAMINATE: Vertical Corrugated Matte Aluminum= Ragged Copper = Matte Aluminum Footplate = Light Hammer Copper = Double Brushed Aluminum = 4748 1999 2046 2121 2171 FABRIC: Quartz Lavender Neutral Blue Neutral wedgewood Grey Mix Lake Malibu Globe Flax Daylight Blue 3805 4055 4105 1505 2385 0245 0375 0245 0615 0305 = = = = = = = = = = WIREMOLD VISTA CP™ CONSOLIdATION POINT Vista CP Consolidation Point Extension Kit Ordering Information COLOR REFERENCE woodgrain Laminate CODE Amber Cherry Design your own Vista Architectural Column online at www.legrand.us/tools-resources/ wiremold & click on vista configurator COLOR REFERENCE Fabric CODE 4407 Quartz 3805 Mahogany 4410 Lavendar Natural 4055 Maple Fusion 4401 Blue Neutral 4105 shaker Cherry 4408 wedgewood 1505 Fonthill Pear 4406 Grey Mix 2385 EXTEnSion KiT oPTionS Accommodates ceiling heights between 10' [3m] and 15' [4.5m]. Includes hardware for attaching to main section. Round or square shapes available. Includes a center panel. Congo spruce 4451 Lake 0995 Copper Bubinga 4456 Malibu 0375 Natural Pear 4411 Globe 0245 Biltmore Cherry 4413 Flax 0615 Asian sun 4467 Daylight Blue 0305 For additional system options, contact your local wiremold sales representative. noTE: These are suggested colors. if there are other colors not incdicated here, send in a color chip as most colors can be matched. Vista CP Consolidation Point Add-On Plates Ordering Information Device Cover Has three (3) duplex receptacle cutouts. 6" [152mm] VLEA** Has openings for six (6) Extron® Electronics AAP modules and one mini adapter (included). standard color/material is anodized aluminum or black. 6" [152mm] 9 1/4" [235mm] VLRT* AV Device Cover 9 1/4" [235mm] Device Cover Has three mini jack adapters for Ortronics® series II or TracJack devices. 6" [152mm] VLEm** AV Device Cover Has openings for eight (8) Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP modules and one mini adapter (included). standard color/material is anodized aluminum or black. 6" [152mm] 9 1/4" [235mm] VLCR** AV Device Cover Has openings for one (1) two-gang or two (2) single-gang Crestron® Quick Media wall plate(s) and one mini adapter (included). standard color/material is anodized aluminum or black. 6" [152mm] 9 1/4" [235mm] 9 1/4" [235mm] VLFF* Furniture Feed Plate Has two concentric 1" and 3/4" trade size KOs, and two multiple twistout mouse holes. One furniture feed plate installed on the assembly. 6" [152mm] 9 1/4" [235mm] *Refer to the list of colors in chart above for the four-digit code number. Add “C”prefix to catalog number to denote Canadian version – Agency approved for sale in Canada. **Products are ETL Listed. VERTICAL SOLUTIONS VL3D* 591 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD VISTA CP™ CONSOLIdATION POINT Vista CP Consolidation Point Add-On Plates Ordering Information (continued) VLCm* Furniture Feed Plate Has three mini adapters for wiremold CM series Open system Communication Modules. 6" [152mm] 9 1/4" [235mm] VLLB* Lighting Brackets Accommodates commercially available lights weighing up to lbs. [4.5kg]. 6" [152mm] 9 1/4" [235mm] VERTICAL SOLUTIONS *Refer to the list of colors in chart above for the four-digit code number. Add “C”prefix to catalog number to denote Canadian version – Agency approved for sale in Canada. **Products are ETL Listed. 592 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD DEVICE PLATE PART NuMBER CONFIGuRATOR INsTRuCTIONs Base Enter 4-digit Catalog Number Plate Color Enter 4-digit Color Code Adapter Color Light Gray = GY white = wH Ivory/Light Almond = V Black = BK No Device Adapter = ZZ WIREMOLD VISTA POINT5™ ARChITECTURAL COLUmNS Vista Point5™ Architectural Columns provide configurable solutions for power and communication services in open spaces. CODE REFERENCE cuLus Listed multioutlet Assemblies: File E15191 Guide PVGT Meets Article 380 of NEC. Vista Point5 Architectural Columns System Layout Small Large Top Cap Top Cap End Channel End Channel Divider Divider Frame Structure Frame Structure Cable Pass-Through with Grommet (Communications Side) Cable Pass-Through with Grommet (Communications Side) Center Panel Center Panel Floor Trim Piece Floor Trim Piece Baseplate Baseplate 8" [203mm] 6" [152mm] 13 1/8" [333mm] 17 5/8" [448mm] 11 1/8" [283mm] 13 11/16" [351mm] 9 3/16" [233mm] 11 1/8" [283mm] 8" [203mm] 4" [102mm 1/2" [12.7mm] (4) Holes 2 5/8" [67mm] 3/4" & 1" Trade Size Knockouts (2) 6" [152mm] VERTICAL SOLUTIONS Large Vista Point5 Small Vista Point5 4" [102mm] 1/2" [12.7mm] (4) Holes 4 7/16" [113mm] 3/4" & 1" Trade Size Knockouts (2) www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 593 WIREMOLD VISTA POINT5™ ARChITECTURAL COLUmNS Options for Fill Capacity Vista Point5 Wire Fill Capacity for Communication O.D. CABLE/wIRE sIZE Inches [mm] LARGE CENTER sMALL 1/2 CENTER LARGE 1/2 CENTER unshielded Twisted Pair 2-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 3 3-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 3 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 3 25-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 3 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 5e 4-pair, 24 AwG, Cat 6 0.140 0.150 0.190 0.410 0.220 0.250 [3.6] [3.8] [4.8] [10.4] [5.6] [6.3] 80 68 44 8 32 24 131 114 71 15 53 41 94 82 51 11 38 29 shielded Twisted Pair Type 1, 22 AwG Type 2, 22 AwG Type 3, 22 AwG 0.390 0.465 0.245 [9.9] [11.8] [6.2] 8 4 24 16 11 42 12 8 30 Coaxial RG58/u, 20 AwG RG58/u, 22 AwG RG6/u, 22 AwG RG6/u, 18 AwG 0.195 0.242 0.242 0.270 [5.0] [6.1] [6.1} [6.9] 40 24 24 20 67 43 43 25 48 31 31 25 Twinaxial 100 Ohm 0.330 [8.4] 12 23 71 0.180 [4.6] 44 71 51 Fiber Optic noTE: Capacity range is calculated at 40% of raceway area as stated in a proposed revisions to the Commercial Building Standard for Telecommunication Pathways & Spaces, EiA/TiA-569. Actual wire fill capacity may vary based on applications, cable types, and number, as well as type of fittings. (Fittings may cause additional variances to the fill capacity.) Vista Point5 Wire Fill Capacity for Power wIRE sIZE THHN/THwN 6 AwG 8 AwG 10 AwG 12 AwG 14 AwG small 1/2 Center 7 9 16 26 35 Large 1/2 Center 7 9 16 26 35 Vista Point5 Architectural Columns Component Data Front View (Large Vista Point5 Shown) VERTICAL SOLUTIONS 3/4" [19.1mm] Height (FF to top of Cap) Back View (Large Vista Point5 Shown) 6" [152mm] Typical Device Plate End Channel Box Adapter VB880 (order separately) Access Panel 6" [152mm] Typical Device Plate 594 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 880S2 or 880W2 Floor Box (order separately) WIREMOLD VISTA POINT5™ ARChITECTURAL COLUmNS Options for Fill Capacity Vista Point5 Architectural Columns In-Stock Columns Ordering Information VLP5662345 Small Points Column Large Points Column Large, round, 36" [914mm] high, anodized aluminum. Has two adapter adapters for wiremold Open system communication modules, or Ortronics® series II or TracJack devices. Four 20A Duplex receptacles located 32 1/4" [819mm] above floor. small, round, 36" [914mm] high, anodized aluminum. Has four adapter adapters for wiremold Open system communication modules, or Ortronics® series II or TracJack devices. Two 20A Duplex receptacles located 32 1/4" [819mm] above floor. VF 66 End End Channel Size: Prefix: Channel: Color: Frame = VF small = S Round = 66 Large = L CoLoR – REFERENCE White Black Ivory No Color – Anodized Aluminum Warm White – Steelcase 4700 Moss – Steelcase 4722 Lt. Tone – Herman Miller LT Mist – Steelcase 4606 GSA Lt. Blue – GSA 25183 Woodrose – Steelcase 4601 Slate – Steelcase 4726 Light Blue – Shaw Walker A751 Greytone – Haworth – G CoDE = 3333 = 9999 = 5555 = 2345 = 3136 = 5169 = 2486 = 5895 = 5911 = 6137 = 6142 = 1988 = 2884 Adapter: Device/Adapter Color: Light Gray = GY white = WH Ivory/ Lt. Almond = iV Black = BK No Device/Adapter = ZZ Height: 24" [607m] from = 24 finished Floor up to 84" [2134mm] from finished Floor = 84 Furniture Feed = FF Data Device Plates – ortronics® Series II or TracJack Adapters AV Device Plates Extron® Electronics MAAP – = RT* (Has openings for 8 Legrand AVIP or open System Adapters = CM* * RT and CM options include one each electrical device plate with spec grade duplex receptacle(s), single 120V circuit and communications plate with adapter(s) installed. Duplex receptacles are located at 27" [686mm] above the finish floor. Communications modules are located at 21" [533mm] above the finish floor. Extron MAAP Modules. 1 MAB Adapter included.) = EM Extron® Electronics AAP – (Has openings for 6 AAP Modules. 1 MAB Adapter included.) = EA Crestron® Quick Media – (Has openings for 1 two gang or 2 single gang wall plates. 1 MAAP Adapter included.) = CR VERTICAL SOLUTIONS VSP5662345 A Vista Point5 installation provides unobtrusive access to power and communication services in a conference room. 595 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD VISTA POINT5™ ARChITECTURAL COLUmNS Vista Point5 Architectural Columns Center Panel Options Ordering Information VP Size: Prefix: Frame = VP small = S Large = L Height: Panel Type: 24" [607m] from finished Floor = 24 up to 84" [2134mm] from finished Floor = 84 wood Grain = W3 Metal Finish = m3 Glass Finish = G4 Fabric = F8 CoLoR – REFERENCE Aluminum: white Black Ivory No Color – Anodized Aluminum warm white – steelcase 4700 Moss – steelcase 4722 Lt. Tone – Herman Miller LT Mist – steelcase 4606 GsA Lt. Blue – GsA 25183 woodrose – steelcase 4601 slate – steelcase 4726 Light Blue – shaw walker A751 Greytone – Haworth – G CoDE = = = = = = = = = = = = = 3333 9999 5555 2345 3136 5169 2486 5895 5911 6137 6142 1988 2884 Panel Finish: CoLoR – REFERENCE CoDE Woodgrain Laminate: Amber Cherry Mahogany Maple Fusion shaker Cherry Fonthill Pear Congo spruce Copper Bubinga Natural Pear Biltmore Cherry Asian sun = = = = = = = = = = 4407 4410 4401 4408 4406 4451 4456 4411 4413 4467 Metal Laminate: Vertical Corrugated Matte Aluminum = 4748 Ragged Copper = 1999 CoLoR – REFERENCE = = = = 2021 2046 2121 2171 Fabric: Quartz Lavender Natural Blue Neutral wedgewood Grey Mix Lake Malibu Globe Flax Daylight Blue = = = = = = = = = = 3805 4055 4105 1505 2385 0995 0375 0245 0615 0305 noTE: These are suggested colors. if there are other colors not incdicated here, send in a color chip as most colors can be matched. Device Plate Part Number Configurator Plate Color: Adapter Color: Enter Catalog Number from above choices Refer to color list on page 4, enter 4-digit code Light Gray white Ivory/Lt. Almond Black No Device Adapter VERTICAL SOLUTIONS Base: 596 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD orientation: = GY = WH = IV = BK = ZZ Left Right =L =R CoDE Mirror Aluminum Matte Footplate Light Hammer Copper Double Brushed Aluminum WIREMOLD VISTA POINT5™ ARChITECTURAL COLUmNS Vista Point5 Architectural Columns Add-On Plates for Large Frame Vista Series Ordering Information VL2A VB880 Device Cover Right Shown VLCR** 6" [152mm] 9 1/4" [235mm] VLEA** AV Device Cover Has openings for one (1) two-gang or two (2) single-gang Crestron® Quick Media wall plate(s) and one mini adapter (included). standard color/ material is anodized aluminum or black. VLEAP5 AV Device Cover Has two (2) duplex receptacle cutouts and openings for three (3) Extron® Electronics AAP modules. standard color/material is anodized aluminum or black. 6 1/4" [159mm] 9 1/4" [235mm] AV Device Cover 9 1/4" [235mm] VLEm** Adapts Vista Point5 to 880 series Floor Boxes. Has two cutouts for duplex receptacles and one adapter for wiremold CM series Open systems communication modules, and Ortronics® series II or TracJack devices. Has openings for six (6) Extron® Electronics AAP modules and one mini adapter (included). standard color/material is anodized aluminum or black. 6" [152mm] Adapter Plate VLEmP5 AV Device Cover Has two (2) duplex receptacle cutouts and openings for four (4) Legrand AVIP Extron® Electronics MAAP modules. standard color/ material is anodized aluminum or black. 6 1/4" [159mm] 9 1/4" [235mm] AV Device Cover Has openings for eight (8) Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP modules and one mini adapter (included). standard color/material is anodized aluminum or black. 6" [152mm] VERTICAL SOLUTIONS 9 1/4" [235mm] *Refer to the list of colors in the chart on the previous page for the four-digit code number. **Products are ETL Listed. noTE: VLCR, VLEA or VLEm Device Covers, are only for use for A/V connectivity. no power outets are accessible or available with these covers. 597 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD VISTA POINT5™ ARChITECTURAL COLUmNS Vista Point5 Architectural Columns Add-On Plates for Small Frame Vista Series Ordering Information VS1A VB880 Device Cover Adapter Plate Adapts Vista Point5 to 880 series Floor Boxes. Has one cutout for duplex receptacle and two adapters for wiremold CM series Open systems communication modules, and Ortronics® series II or TracJack devices. VSEAP5 Right Shown VSEA** AV Device Cover 6" [152mm] AV Device Cover Has openings for one (1) two-gang or two (2) singlegang Crestron® Quick Media wall plate(s). standard color/ material is anodized aluminum or black. 6" [152mm] 4 3/4" [121mm] VSEmP5 4 3/4" [121mm] VSCR** Has one (1) duplex receptacle cutout and openings for two (2) Extron® Electronics AAP modules. standard color/ material is anodized aluminum or black. 6 1/4" [159mm] Has openings for four (4) Extron® Electronics AAP modules. standard color/ material is anodized aluminum or black. AV Device Cover AV Device Cover Has one (1) duplex receptacle cutout and openings for four (4) Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP modules. standard color/material is anodized aluminum or black. 6 1/4" [159mm] 4 3/4" [121mm] 4 3/4" [121mm] VSEm** Has openings for four (4) Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP modules. standard color/material is anodized aluminum or black. 6" [152mm] VERTICAL SOLUTIONS AV Device Cover 4 3/4" [121mm] 598 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD *Refer to the list of colors in th chart on the previous page for the four-digit code number. **Products are ETL Listed. noTE: if selecting VSEA, VSCR or VSEm Device Covers, such covers will allow for only A/V connectivity. no power outlets are accessible or available with these covers. WIREMOLD TELE-POwER® POLES Tele-Power® Poles provides a cost-effective, configurable solution for distributing power and communication services to open spaces. CODE REFERENCE cuLus Listed multioutlet Assemblies: File E15191, E178348 Guide PVGT Raceway Fittings: File E41751 Guide RJPR Accessories: File E53857 Guide RVuR Meets Article 380 & 386 of NEC. Steel Tele-Power Poles Ordering Information 2 1/4" [57mm] 1 1/4" [32mm] 1" [25mm] CommuniCATionS PoWER 2 5/16" [59mm] noTE: Custom colors, other lengths (20' [6.1m] max.) or additional circuits are available on custom order. Consult factory for more information. Can be factory or field wired with many commercially available devices. 16" [406mm] 1" [25mm] COLOR OPTIONS VERTICAL SOLUTIONS Tele-Power Poles provide a wide range of options for distributing services from overhead systems to open space office, commercial, and retail areas. 25DTP/DTC series Tele-Power Poles are now available in two colors: ivory and designer gray. Custom color options are also available. Consult the factory for more information. 599 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD TELE-POwER® POLES steel Tele-Power Poles 25DTP Series Tele-Power Poles Wire Fill Capacities CATALOG NuMBER 25DTP-4 25DTP-412 25DTP-415 25DTP-E10 NO. & TYPE POLE HEIGHT OF POwER OuTLETs Inches mm wIRE sIZE THHN/THwN FINIsH #10 #12 CAT 5 CAT 6 RG58/u RG62A/u RG62/u 0.22" [5.6mm] 0.25" [6.3mm] 0.195" [5.0mm] 0.242" [6.1mm] 0.270 [6.9mm] 20%* 20%* 40%** 20%* 40%** 20%* 40%** 20%* 40%** 10' 5" Two 12' 5" Duplex Receptacles 15' 5" (20A, 125V) 10' 5" [3.175m] Ivory/Gray 10 15 10 19 9 17 13 25 8 16 7 13 [3.780m] Ivory/Gray 10 15 10 19 9 17 13 25 8 16 7 13 [4.700m] Ivory/Gray 10 15 10 19 9 17 13 25 8 16 7 13 [3.175m] Ivory/Gray 10 15 10 19 9 17 13 25 8 16 7 13 10' 5" [3.175m] Ivory/Gray 10 15 10 19 9 17 13 25 8 16 7 13 10 19 9 17 13 25 8 16 7 13 25DTP-4 D Two Duplex Receptacles (20A, 125V), One Dedicated/ Isolated & One standard Branch Circuit 25DTP-4ACT Two Duplex Receptacles (20A, 125V), One Communications Insert Mounting Adapter, One Dual Cat 5e Insert, Two Blank Inserts & Labeling supplies 10' 5" [3.175m] Ivory/Gray 10 15 *20% cable fill is calculated to approximate reduction in cable capacity due to connectors mounted within pole section that may restrict cross-sectional areas. **40% cable fill is the maximum designed cable fill based on a proposed revision to TIA/EIA 569-A. 25DTP Series Tele-Power Poles Ordering Information 25DTP-4, 25DTP-4-DG Tele-Power Pole 25DTP-412, 25DTP-412-DG, 25DTP-415, 25DTP 415-DG Two-compartment pole (power and communications). Nominal material thickness .030" [.8mm]. Ivory or gray boot base. Factory wired with fed-spec general grade 20A 125V duplex style receptacles. An 8" [203mm] cover at top front of pole is removable for making power wiring connections. KOs provided in removable cover for RJ11/RJ45 and modular furniture communication connectors. Mounting hardware, entrance end plate and two ceiling trim plates furnished. Available in standard lengths of 10' 5" [3.2m] (25DTP-4), 12' 5" [3.8m] (25DTP-412), and 15' 5" [4.7m] (25DTP-415). Also increase the length of any 25 series pole with the 25DTC-E5 Tele-Power Pole Extender. 25DTP-4ACT, 25DTP-4ACT-DG VERTICAL SOLUTIONS Tele-Power Pole Identical to 25DTP-4 except with one communications insert mounting adapter, one dual Cat 5e insert, two blank inserts and labels. 25DTP-4D, 25DTP-4D-DG Tele-Power Pole Identical to 25DTP-4 except has one 20A 125V dedicated/ isolated ground duplex receptacle and one 20A 125V standard duplex receptacle. 600 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 25DTP-E10, 25DTP-E10-DG Tele-Power Pole Two sections of a two-compartment (power and communication) pole (5' 4" [1.626m] base + 5' [1.524m] extender) assembles to form a 10' 4" [3.148m] pole. Nominal material thickness .040" [1.0mm]. Ivory or gray boot base. Factory wired with fed-spec general grade 20A 125V duplex style receptacles. An 8" [203mm] cover at top front (power side) of pole is removable for making power wiring connections. KOs provided in removable cover for RJ11/RJ45 and modular furniture communication connectors. Mounting hardware, entrance end plate and two ceiling trim plates furnished. 25DTP-4-C, 25DTP-4-DG-C Tele-Power Pole (Canada only) 25DTP-412-C, 25DTP-412-DG-C, 25DTP-415-C, 25DTP-415-DG-C Two-compartment pole (power and communications). Nominal material thickness .030" [.8mm]. Ivory or gray boot base. Factory wired with fed-spec general grade 15A 125V duplex style receptacles. An 8" [203mm] cover at top front of pole is removable for making power wiring connections. KOs provided in removable cover for RJ11/RJ45 and modular furniture communication connectors Mounting hardware, entrance end plate and two ceiling trim plates furnished. Available in standard lengths of 10' 5" [3.2m] (25DTP-4), 12' 5" [3.8m] (25DTP-412), and 15' 5" [4.7m] (25DTP-415). Comes with a 10' [3.0m] cord. Also increase the length of any 25 series pole with the 25DTC-E5 Tele-Power Pole Extender. WIREMOLD TELE-POwER® POLES steel Tele-Power Poles Tele-Power Express Poles and Tele-Power Pole Extenders Easier jobsite handling + easier and more reliable shipping options wiremold Tele-Power Express Pole and Tele-Power Pole Extender were introduced to make creating or altering poles easy. The TP Express Pole allows you to create a single 10' pole using two sections, which are easy to ship and easy to assemble on the jobsite. Configurability of the TPP Extenders allows for on site modifications to accommodate a variety of ceiling heights. TP Express Poles and TPP Extenders can ship uPs or air freight. TPP Extenders have been designed to be compatible with existing poles, so relocating is literally, a snap – quick, easy, and done with in-stock components. Existing poles can also be retrofit/extended to be used in a location with a higher ceiling using TPP Extenders. when you need a reliable open space power and/or data solution in the shortest amount of time, no matter the length needed, think Legrand/wiremold TP Express Poles and TPP Extenders. noTE: When being used to modify or extend standard poles, the poles can only be modified or extended in 5' [1.524m] increments. Side View noTE: no Tele-Power Pole can have more than three separate sections. 25DTP/C Series Poles cannot be combined with 25DTP/C-E10. The 25DTC-E5 can be used only to extend regular 25DTP/C poles. TPP Extenders Ordering Information Tele-Power Express Pole Two sections of a two-compartment (power and communication) pole (5' 4" [1.62m] base + 5' [1.52m] extender) assembles to form a 10' 4" [3.14m] pole. Nominal material thickness .040" [1.0mm]. Ivory or gray boot base. Factory wired with fed-spec general grade 20A 125V duplex style receptacles. An 8" [203mm] cover at top front (power side) of pole is removable for making power wiring connections. KOs provided in removable cover for RJ11/ RJ45 and modular furniture communication connectors. Mounting hardware, entrance end plate and two ceiling trim plates furnished. 25DTC-E5, 25DTC-E5-DG Blank Steel Tele-Power Pole Extender Two-compartment extender mounts onto existing 25DTP or 25DTC series pole. Nominal material thickness .040" [1.0mm]. Furnished unwired without outlets. use existing pole mounting hardware, entrance end plate and ceiling trim plate. Available in 5' [1.52m] length. Can be cut to desired length. 25DTC-E10, 25DTC-E10-DG Blank Steel Tele-Power Express Pole Two sections of a two-compartment pole (5' 4" [1.62m] base + 5' [1.52m] extender) assembles to form a 10' 4" [3.14m] pole. Nominal material thickness .040" [1.0mm]. Ivory boot base. Furnished unwired without outlets. Mounting hardware, entrance end plate and ceiling trim plate furnished. An 8" [203mm] cover at top front of pole is removable for making power wiring connections. 25Am-AP Accessory Pack Accessory pack for 25 series and AM series poles. Contains ceiling trim plate, gripper pad, bracket, grommet, and end plate. VERTICAL SOLUTIONS 25DTP-E10, 25DTP-E10-DG 601 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD TELE-POwER® POLES steel Tele-Power Poles 30TP Series Tele-Power Poles Wire Fill Capacities NO. & TYPE POLE HEIGHT OF POwER OuTLETs Inches mm CATALOG NuMBER 30TP-2V 30TP-212V 30TP-4V 30TP-412V 30TP-4V3s2 30TP-412V3s2 wIRE sIZE THHN/THwN FINIsH #10 #12 CAT 5 CAT 6 RG58/u RG62A/u RG62/u 0.22" [5.6mm] 0.25" [6.3mm] 0.195" [5.0mm] 0.242" [6.1mm] 0.270 [6.9mm] 20%* 40%** 20%* 40%** 20%* 40%** 20%* 40%** 20%* 40%** Two Duplex 10' 5" Receptacles (20A, 125V) 12' 5" [3.175m] Ivory 9 14 16 31 13 26 20 40 13 25 10 20 [3.780m] Ivory 9 14 16 31 13 26 20 40 13 25 10 20 10' 5" Two 12' 5" Duplex Receptacles 10' 5" (20A, 125V) 12' 5" [3.175m] Ivory 18 18 19 37 15 30 24 47 15 30 12 24 [3.780m] Ivory 18 18 19 37 15 30 24 47 15 30 12 24 [3.175m] Ivory 18 18 19 37 15 30 24 47 15 30 12 24 [3.780m] Ivory 18 18 19 37 15 30 24 47 15 30 12 24 * 20% cable fill is calculated to approximate reduction in cable capacity due to connectors mounted within pole section that may restrict cross-sectional areas. ** 40% cable fill is the maximum designed cable fill based on a proposed revision to TIA/EIA 569-A. 30TP Series Tele-Power Poles Ordering Information 30TP-2V 30TP-4V 2 3/4" [70mm] 3" [76mm] 1 7/8" [48mm] PoWER Communication CommuniCATion 2 3/4" [70mm] 1 17/32" [39mm] 1 1/2" [38mm] noTE: Custom colors, other lengths (20' [6.1m] max.) or additional circuits are available on custom order. Consult factory for more information. 30TP2V and 30TP-4V can be factory or field wired with many commercially available devices. 14.25" [365mm] VERTICAL SOLUTIONS 602 14.25" [365mm] 1" [25mm] Tele-Power Pole Two-compartment pole (power and communications). Nominal material thickness .040" [1.0mm]. Length 10'5" [3.2m]. Factory wired with two specification grade 20A, 125V duplex receptacles. Mounting hardware, entrance end fitting, and ceiling trim plate furnished. 30TP-212V Tele-Power Pole Identical to 30TP-2V except length is 12'5" [3.8m]. Maximum ceiling height 12' [3.7m]. 30TP-4V noTE: 30TP Series Tele-Power Poles now compatible with A/V devices. Communication 1" [25mm] 30TP-2V 1 1/2" [38mm] Tele-Power Pole Two-compartment pole (one power; one communication with cross over below power devices). Nominal material thickness .040" [1.0mm]. Length 10'5" [3.2m]. Factory wired with two specification grade 20A, 125V duplex receptacles. Mounting hardware, entrance end fitting, and ceiling trim plate furnished. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 30TP-4V3S2 Tele-Power Pole Two duplex receptacles (20A, 125V). One Ortronics series II adapter. One Ortronics series II dual Cat 5e insert, two blank inserts and labeling supplies. Maximum ceiling height 10'5" [3.2m]. 30TP-412V Tele-Power Pole same as 30TP-4V except length is 12'5" [3.8m]. Maximum ceiling height 12'5" [3.8m]. 30TP-412V3S2 Tele-Power Pole Two duplex receptacles (20A, 125V). One Ortronics series II adapter. One Ortronics series II dual Cat. 5e insert, two blank inserts and labeling supplies. Maximum ceiling height 12'5" [3.8m]. WIREMOLD TELE-POwER® POLES Aluminum Tele-Power Poles Aluminum Tele-Power Poles Wire Fill Capacities CATALOG NuMBER AMDTP-4 AMDTP-412 AMDTP-415 AMDTP-4D NO. & TYPE OF POwER OuTLETs Two Duplex Receptacles (20A, 125V) wIRE sIZE THHN/THwN POLE HEIGHT Inches mm 10' 5" [3.175m] 12' 5" 15' 5" Two Duplex 10' 5" Receptacles (20A, 125V), One Dedicated/Isolated & One standard Branch Circuit FINIsH satin [3.780m] Anodized Aluminum [4.700m] [3.175m] CAT 5 CAT 6 RG58/u RG62A/u RG62/u 0.22" [5.6mm] 0.25" [6.3mm] 0.195" [5.0mm] 0.242" [6.1mm] 0.270 [6.9mm] 20%* 40%** 20%* 40%** 20%* 40%** 20%* 40%** 20%* 40%** #10 #12 10 15 10 19 8 16 13 25 8 16 7 13 10 15 10 19 8 16 13 25 8 16 7 13 10 15 10 19 8 16 13 25 8 16 7 13 10 15 10 19 8 16 13 25 8 16 7 13 satin Anodized Aluminum ALTP-20w Four single Receptacles 10' 4" [3.150m] Painted Office white – – 2 5 2 4 3 6 2 4 1 3 ALTP-2P Four single Receptacles 10' 4" [3.150m] Polished Anodized Aluminum – – 2 5 2 4 3 6 2 4 1 3 ALTP-2s Four single Receptacles 10' 4" [3.150m] Polished Anodized Aluminum – – 2 5 2 4 3 6 2 4 1 3 * 20% cable fill is calculated to approximate reduction in cable capacity due to connectors mounted within pole section that may restrict cross-sectional areas. ** 40% cable fill is the maximum designed cable fill based on a proposed revision to TIA/EIA 569-A. Aluminum Tele-Power Poles when looking to dress up a vertical solution, Tele-Power Poles with a satin anodized aluminum finish in either rectangular or round styles can provide the answer. Light weight aluminum construction makes these poles easy to install and maneuver on the job site. Available prewired with electrical devices or blank to drop services feeding another wire and cable management system, such as electrified modular furniture. A full range of accessories enables field configurability, or have them delivered to your specifications. AmDTP-4 2 1/4" [57mm] ALTP 1" [25mm] 2" [51mm] CommuniCATionS 1 1/4" [32mm] 2 5/16" [59mm] PoWER noTE: There is no method provided for mounting data in this pole. AMDTP-4 Series Tele-Power Poles Ordering Information Tele-Power Pole AmDTP-4, AmDTP-412, AmDTP-415 Two-compartment pole (power and communications). Nominal material thickness .050" [1.8mm]. Length: 10'5" [3.2m]. Factory wired with 20A 125V fed-spec general grade duplex style receptacles. An opening for communication and a 1/2" [12.7mm] hole for power is provided at top. The 8" [203mm] cover at top front of pole is removable for making power wiring connections. Communication KOs provided for RJ11/RJ45 and modular furniture connectors. Mounting hardware, entrance end fitting, and ceiling trim plates furnished. Anodized aluminum finish. Available in standard lengths of 10' 5" [3.2m] (AMDTP-4), 12' 5" [3.8m] (AMDTP412), and 15' 5" [4.7m] (AMDTP-415). 2 1/4" [57mm] 1 1/4" [32mm] 1" [25mm] CommuniCATionS PoWER 2 5/16" [59mm] noTE: Custom colors, other lengths (20' [6.1m] max.) or additional circuits are available on custom order. Consult factory for more information. Can be factory or field wired with many commercially available devices. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD VERTICAL SOLUTIONS AmDTP-4 603 WIREMOLD TELE-POwER® POLES Aluminum Tele-Power Poles AMDTP-4 Series Tele-Power Poles Ordering Information (continued) AmDTP-4D Tele-Power Pole Identical to AMDTP-4 except factory wired with one 20A 125V dedicated/ isolated ground duplex receptacle and one standard 20A 125V duplex receptacle. AmDTP-4-C, AmDTP-412-C, AmDTP-415-C Tele-Power Pole Available in Canada Only. Two-compartment pole (power and communications). Nominal material thickness .050" [1.8mm]. Length: 10'5" [3.2m]. Factory wired with 15A 125V fed-spec general grade duplex style receptacles. An opening for communication and a 1/2" [12.7mm] hole for power is provided at top. The 8" [203mm] cover at top front of pole is removable for making power wiring connections. Communication KOs provided for RJ11/RJ45 and modular furniture connectors. Mounting hardware, entrance end fitting, and ceiling trim plates furnished. Anodized aluminum finish. Maximum ceiling height 10' [3m]. Comes with a 10' [3.0m] cord. Available in standard lengths of 10'5" [3.2m] (AMDTP-4-C), 12'5" [3.8m] (AMDTP-412-C), and 15'5" [4.7m] (AMDTP-415-C). ALTP Series Tele-Power Poles Ordering Information ALTP-2S Tele-Power Pole satin anodized extruded aluminum pole. Nominal wall thickness .060" [1.5mm]. Length 10'5" [3.2m]. Twocompartment (power and communication channels) Factory wired with four 15A 125V NEMA 5-15R devices. Provided with one 1/2" [12.7mm] trade size KO in cover at base for communications. T-bar mounting hardware, ceiling trim kit, and feed box furnished. ALTP-20W Tele-Power Pole Identical to ALTP-2s, with painted office white finish. ALTP-2P Tele-Power Pole VERTICAL SOLUTIONS Identical to ALTP-2s, with polished aluminum anodized finish. 604 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 2" [51mm] noTE: There is no method provided for mounting data in this pole. WIREMOLD TELE-POwER® POLES Tele-Power Poles Device Plate Covers and Accessories Ordering Information AmDTP-A, 25DTP-A Add-on Power Cover 30TP-C Accepts up to 30A shallow-style device and flushplate. G3007C Device Bracket included. Ivory finish. used to mount industry standard straight and angled communication faceplates. Add power receptacles or devices to existing modular Tele-Power Poles. Includes receptacle mounting bracket. Face diameter of single receptacle: 1.38"-1.40" [35mm-36mm]. COLOR DIMENsIONs 25DTP-A: Ivory steel (25DTP-4) AMDTP-A: Anodized Aluminum (AMDTP-4) 1" x 2 1/4" x 28" [25mm x 57mm x 711mm] AmDTP-B, 25DTP-B Single Gang Cover 30TP-J Single Receptacle Cover For field installation of single receptacles with face diameters of 1.56" [40mm]. G3007C Device Bracket included. Ivory finish. Add-on Power Cover Add power receptacles or devices to existing modular Tele-Power Poles. Includes receptacle mounting bracket. COLOR DIMENsIONs 25DTP-B: Ivory steel (25DTP-4) AMDTP-B: Anodized Aluminum (AMDTP-4) 1" x 2 1/4" x 28" [25mm x 57mm x 711mm] AmDTP-L, 25DTP-L Add-on Power Cover Add power receptacles or devices to existing modular Tele-Power Poles. Includes receptacle mounting bracket. COLOR DIMENsIONs 25DTP-L: Ivory steel (25DTP-4) AMDTP-L: Anodized Aluminum (AMDTP-4) 1" x 2 1/4" x 28" [25mm x 57mm x 711mm] Rectangular faceplate to accommodate sentrex surge receptacle, GFCI and other decorator style devices. G3007C Device Bracket included. Ivory finish. 30TP-AAP Add-on A/V Cover Accepts three Extron® Electronics AAP plates 12" L x 2.75" w [305mm x 70mm]. Includes three adapters to accommodate Ortronics® or wiremold Open system devices. Single Receptacle Cover single receptacle cover for field installation of receptacles with face diameters of 1.38"-1.40" [35mm-36mm]. G3007C Device Bracket included. Ivory finish. 30TP-B Rectangular Device Cover Duplex Receptacle Cover 30TP-mAAP Add-on A/V Cover Accepts five Legrand AVIP or Extron® Electronics MAAP plates 12" L x 2.75" w [305mm x 70mm]. Includes three adapters to accommodate Ortronics® or wiremold Open system devices. For installations of 15A and 20A duplex receptacles. G3007C Device Bracket included. Ivory finish. VERTICAL SOLUTIONS 30TP-A 30TP-L 605 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD TELE-POwER® POLES Tele-Power Poles Installation Details 1. Remove ceiling panel. If necessary to avoid overhead obstructions, shorten TelePower Pole prior to installing. Pole Locking 4. Place pole in mounting bracket Thumbscrew (again check vertical alignment with level) and tighten T-bar, locking thumbscrew, and pole locking thumbscrew. If additional support is desired, bracket may be secured to true ceiling with 3/8" [9.5mm] threaded rod (not furnished). (noTE: Pole must extend above mounting bracket, with the bottom of pole resting on the floor.) 5. Notch ceiling tile as shown and install plates (Fig. 1). Tabs should be in a vertical position as trim plate is aligned around pole (Fig. 2). Following alignment, tabs should be bent to form a secure grip over ceiling tile (Fig.3). 2. Align pole vertically (using a level) with top of pole resting against ceiling T-bar. After aligning pole, anchor gripper pad to hard surface floor with sticky pad (furnished) or two screws (not furnished). Figure 1 Figure 2 Notch Panel T-Bar Pole Beside T-bar Pole Away From T-Bar Pole 3. Assemble pole mounting bracket on T-bar at approximate location as shown. Tighten bracket, locking thumbscrew loosely so bracket is free to slide on T-bar. Figure 3 Engage Two Trim Plates on Pole Pole mounting Bracket T-Bar Trim Plates on Ceiling Thumbscrew Field Modifications for Tele-Power Poles TELE-POwER POLE sERIEs 30TP-4V 30TC-4V 30TP-2V 30TC-2V 25DTP-4 Can the receptacles in the standard pole be rewired in order to have a two circuit pole with standard duplexes? Yes N/A Yes N/A No Can the receptacles in the standard pole be replaced with other types? (i.e. Hospital Grade, TVss, GFCI, etc.) Yes – using the proper device cover N/A Yes – using the proper device cover N/A Can receptacles be added to blank poles? N/A Yes N/A Yes – using the proper device cover N/A N/A Yes N/A N/A Yes Can blank poles be used for furniture feed applications by field punching KOs on poles for power and voltage? N/A Yes N/A Yes N/A N/A Yes N/A N/A Yes Can more than one add-on device cover be used? N/A N/A N/A N/A Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes N/A N/A N/A No No N/A No No N/A VERTICAL SOLUTIONS MODIFICATION 606 Can receptacles be installed in both sides of the pole? Yes – Yes – Power only Power only on both on both sides sides 25DTP-4D 25DTC-4 Yes Yes – with Yes – only 2507C Bracket with NEMA & only with duplex NEMA duplex receptacles receptacles N/A N/A AMDTP-4 No AMDTP-4D AMTC-4 Yes Yes – with Yes – only 2507C Bracket with NEMA & only with duplex NEMA duplex receptacles receptacles N/A N/A Can poles be field cut for use in lower ceiling applications? Yes* Yes* Yes* Yes* Yes* Yes* Yes* Yes* Yes* Yes* Can poles be mounted to hard or open ceilings? Yes* Yes* Yes* Yes* Yes* Yes* Yes* Yes* Yes* Yes* * Review instruction sheet for instructions for cutting poles. ** Pole housing cannot be penetrated. Ceiling mounting hardware must provide firm support and must be supplied by installer. noTE: All receptacles, additions, rewiring and other electrical modifications must be made by a qualified electrician in accordance with the nEC or other applicable local codes and adhering to the wire fill capacity charts for the respective pole. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD VERTICAL dROP POLES Vertical Drop Poles distribute power and communication services form overhead wiring systems to open spaces. CODE REFERENCE cuLus Listed multioutlet Assemblies: File E15191, E178348 Guide PVGT Raceway Fittings: File E41751 Guide RJPR Accessories: File E53857 Guide RVuR Meets Article 380 & 386 of NEC. Vertical Drop Poles Wire Fill Capacities CAT 5 POLE HEIGHT CAT 6 RG58/u RG62A/u RG62/u CATALOG NuMBER Inches 25DTC-4 10' 5" [3.175m] Ivory/Gray 10 19 9 17 13 25 8 16 7 13 25DTC-412 12' 5" [3.780m] Ivory/Gray 10 19 9 17 13 25 8 16 7 13 mm FINIsH 0.22" COMP. 0.25" [6.3mm] 0.195" [5.0mm] [5.6mm] LG. COMP. sM. COMP. LG. COMP. sM. COMP. LG. COMP. 0.242" sM. COMP. [6.1mm] 0.270 [6.9mm] LG. COMP. sM. COMP. LG. COMP. 15' 5" [4.700m] Ivory/Gray 10 19 9 17 13 25 8 16 7 13 10' 5" [3.175m] Ivory/Gray 10 19 9 17 13 25 8 16 7 13 30TC-2V 10' 5" [3.175m] Ivory N/A 33 N/A 30 N/A 47 N/A 30 N/A 24 30TC-2V212 12' 5" [3.780m] Ivory N/A 34 N/A 31 N/A 48 N/A 31 N/A 25 30TC-4V 10' 5" [3.175m] Ivory 37 37 30 30 47 47 30 30 24 24 30TC-4V412 12' 5" [3.780m] Ivory 37 37 30 30 47 47 30 30 24 24 30TC-3s2 10' 5" [3.175m] Ivory 37 37 30 30 47 47 30 30 24 24 AMTC-4 10' 5" [3.175m] Aluminum 19 26 16 22 25 33 16 21 13 17 AMTC-412 12' 5" [3.780m] Aluminum 19 26 16 22 25 33 16 21 13 17 AMTC-415 15' 5" [4.700m] Aluminum 19 26 16 22 25 33 16 21 13 17 ALTP-20w 10' 4" [3.150m] 10 8 13 8 6 ALTP-2P 10' 4" [3.150m] Aluminum 10 8 13 8 6 ALTP-2s 10' 4" [3.150m] Aluminum 10 8 13 8 6 NP800C-12-2B 10' 2" [3.098m] Aluminum NP800C-12-8B 12' 8" [3.860m] Aluminum NP800C-15-2B 15' 2" [4.620m] Aluminum white VERTICAL SOLUTIONS 25DTC-415 25DTC-E10 607 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD VERTICAL dROP POLES Vertical Drop Steel Tele-Power Poles Ordering Information 25DTC-4 30TC-2V Blank Steel Pole Blank Steel Pole 30TC-212V, 30TC-215V 25DTC-4-DG, 25DTC-412, 25DTC-412-DG, 25DTC-415, 25DTC-415-DG Two-compartment pole. Nominal material thickness .040" [1.0mm] Ivory boot base. Furnished unwired without outlets. Mounting hardware, entrance end plate and ceiling trip plates furnished. Available lengths: 10'5" [3.2m] (25DTC-4) 12'5" [3.8m] (25DTC-412) 15'5" [4.7m] (25DTC-415) 25DTC-4 single-compartment pole. Furnished unwired without outlets. Nominal wall thickness .040" [1.0mm]. Mounting hardware, entrance end fitting and ceiling trim plates furnished. Available lengths: 10'5" [3.2m] (30TC-2V) 12'5" [3.8m] (30TC-212V) 15'5" [4.7m] (30TC-215V) 30TC-2V 25DTC-E10 Blank Steel Tele-Power Express Pole 30TC-4V Blank Steel Pole 25DTC-E10, 25DTC-E10-DG Two sections of a two-compartment pole (5'4" [1.63m] base + 5' [1.52m] extender) assembles to form a 10'4" [3.15m] pole. Nominal material thickness .040" [1.0mm]. Ivory boot base. Furnished unwired without outlets. Mounting hardware, entrance end plate and ceiling trip plate furnished. An 8" [203mm] cover at top front of pole is removable for making power wiring connections. 30TC-412V, 30TC-415V Two-compartment pole.Nominal wall thickness .040" [1.0mm]. Mounting hardware, entrance end fitting and ceiling trim plates furnished. Available lengths: 10'5" [3.2m] (30TC-4V) 12'5" [3.8m] (30TC-412V) 15'5" [4.7m] (30TC-415V) 30TC-4V noTE: All poles have removable cover sections with Kos for modular jacks and openings to accept modular furniture adapters for communication devices. Vertical Drop Aluminum Tele-Power Poles Ordering Information VERTICAL SOLUTIONS AmTC-4 Blank Aluminum Pole AmTC-4 nP800C-10-2B Blank Aluminum Pole AmTC-412, AmTC-415 Two-compartment pole. Nominal material thickness .050" [1.8mm]. Furnished unwired without outlets. Two 8" [203mm] removable covers with KOs for modular jacks and modular furniture communication outlets. Mounting hardware, entrance end plate and ceiling trip plates furnished. Available lengths: 10'5" [3.2m] (AMTC-4) 12'5" [3.8m] (AMTC-412) 2 1/4" [57mm] 15'5" [4.7m] (AMTC-415) Custom options: Features such as colors or other lengths (20' [6.1m] maximum) available on custom order. 608 1 1/4" [32mm] 1" [25mm] www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD nP800C-12-2B, nP800C-15-2B Two-compartment large capacity pole. Furnished unwired without outlets. Box ended with industry sized knockouts. standard heights: 5" [127mm] 10'2" [3.1m] 12'8" [3.9m] 12 sq. in. 15'2" [4.6m] 2 13/16" [71mm] other heights available – consult factory; 30" [762mm] communication cover with industry standard knockouts. 1 15/16" [49mm] [7742 sq. mm] 8 sq. in. [5161 sq. mm] WIREMOLD VERTICAL dROP POLES Vertical Drop Aluminum Tele-Power Poles Ordering Information (continued) ALTC-2S Blank Round Aluminum Pole ALTC-20W, ALTC-2P Nominal wall thickness .060" [1.5mm], length 10'3" [3.1mm]. Provided with one 1/2" [12.7mm] trade size KO at base. T-bar mounting hardware, ceiling trim kit, foot assembly, and grommet included. Feed box not furnished. ALTC-2s has satin anodized finish, ALTC-20w has painted white finish, and ALTC-2P has a polished aluminum finish. 2" [51mm] Vertical Drop Tele-Power Poles Accessories Ordering Information Communication covers for additional voice/data connectors. Each cover includes KOs for four RJ11/ RJ45 connectors (.760" x .576" [19.3mm x 14.6mm]), mouse hole for exiting communication cables (grommet furnished). 25DTP-4/ 25DTC-4 AmDTP-4/ AmTC-4 30TC-2V/ 30TC-4V CAT. NO. DEsCRIPTION 25DTC-CVR 8" [203mm] Cover for 25DTP-4 and 25DTC-4 series. 30TC-CVR For 30TP-2V / 30TC-2V and 30TP-4V / 30TC-4V series. 12" [305mm] long. AMTC-CVR For AMDTP-4 and AMTC-4 series 8" [203mm] long. Add-on Plates for Power Poles Accepts wiremold Open system communications modules. CAT. NO. DEsCRIPTION 25DTC-ACT 25DTP Kit with 8" [203mm] hole cut cover and mounting adapter AMTC-ACT AMDTP Kit with 8" [203mm] hole cut cover and mounting adapter 25DTC-ACT Communications Covers for Ortronics® series II modular connectivity solutions (adapter installed) CAT. NO. DEsCRIPTION 25DTC-3s2 For 25DTP/25DTC series 30TC-3s2 For 30 series AMTC-3s2 For AMDTP/AMTC series TPB Gasketed Box For 25DTP-4 and AMDTP4 Poles where local codes require that electrical and communications connections be sealed when installed in an air handling plenum. 2 1/8" [54mm] 2" [51mm] 4 1/4" [108mm] 2 3/4" [70mm] G3010C Entrance End Fitting use as a communications feed box for 30TP-4 Poles. 4 1/16" [103mm] 25Am-AP, 30TP-AP Tele-Power Pole Accessory Packs Accessory packs include two ceiling trim plates, hanger clamp assembly, feed end fitting, and floor mounting assembly. One Accessory Pack supplied with each TelePower Pole at no extra charge. Boots are not offered in accessory packs. CAT. NO. DEsCRIPTION 25AM-AP Accessory Pack for 25DTP-4 and AMDTP-4 series 30TP-AP Accessory Pack for 30TP-2V and 30TP-4V series VERTICAL SOLUTIONS Covers for Communication Connectivity 609 AmTC-3S2 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD CUSTOm TELE-POwER® POLES Although Wiremold® has the most extensive selection of powerpole products available, wiremold offers Custom Tele-Power® Poles to ensure proper distribution of power and communication services from overhead wiring systems to open spaces as needed. Custom Tele-Power Poles Fabrication Capabilities • Modify the number and type of receptacles. Virtually any type of approved receptacle may be installed in the pole, subject to size and voltage limitations. Receptacles may be standard specification, decorator style, isolated ground, or surge. They may utilize straight-blade or locking type plugs. • Device spacings may be altered for your customer needs. • Sectional poles ranging from 20' [6.1m] to 30' [9.2m] high. • Communication cabling interface with your choice of hole cuts for modular RJ jacks, RS, IBM, and coax connectors and modular furniture configurations. • Epoxy powder-coat or enamel paint capabilities to complement any interior decor. Walkerflex Feed Options A. For “daisy-chain” activation, the NPA connector provides the feedthrough capability to power a series of poles. B. For direct feed options. 1. walkerflex NCw cable sets directly fastened to end of pole (instead of standard box or cordset). VERTICAL SOLUTIONS 2. NwC connector mounted along the length of the pole. Contact your Wiremold sales representative for custom quotes and additional information. 610 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD A. B.1. WIREMOLD CUSTOm TELE-POwER® POLES Custom Tele-Power Poles Ordering Information nP800 NP800 Series Wire Fill Capacities for Power Jumbo Aluminum Tele-Power Pole POwERING wIRING Two separate compartments can accommodate up to 60A devices (#6 AwG maximum). snap-in divider permits up to six channels of varying sizes. CIRCuITs 10 AwG 12 4 12 AwG 13 4 All of the standard profiles can be easily modified. Contact the factory or the field sales representative for specifics. 12 sq. in. [7742 sq. mm] General Specifications: Receptacles: Each pole compartment may be wired with up to 12 receptacles, with the number of circuits limited by the feed method. Feed method: All poles are provided with a utility box (4" x 4" x 2 1/8" [102mm x 102mm x 54mm]) for all poles with a cord up to 10' [3m]. Accessories: Ceiling trim plates, pole clamp, and non-adjustable foot with carpet gripper/adhesive pad furnished. 8 sq. in. [5161 sq. mm] 1 15/16" [49mm] 40% FILL noTEs: Wire fill capacities calculated for a pole with a 4" x 4" x 2 1/8" [102mm x 102mm x 54mm] box. Larger boxes can be used if higher capacity is needed. 5" [127mm] 2 13/16" [71mm] wIRE sIZE THHN/THwN NP800 Series Wire Fill Capacities for Communications CABLE TYPE Description Nom. O.D. Inches sHIELDED TwIsTED PAIR uNsHIELDED TwIsTED PAIR (24 AwG) COAXIAL CABLE TwINAX FIBER* Cat 3 2 Pair 0.14 Cat3 3 Pair 0.15 Cat3 4 Pair 0.19 Cat 5 4 Pair 0.22 Cat 6 4 Pair 0.25 Cat 3 Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 RG58/u RG58/u RG6/u RG6/u 100 OHM 25 Pair 22 AwG 22 AwG 22 AwG 20 AwG 22 AwG 22AwG 18 AwG 0.41 0.39 0.465 0.245 0.195 0.242 0.242 0.27 0.33 2.4 62 54 33 25 19 7 8 5 20 32 20 20 16 11 33 2.8 72 63 39 29 22 8 9 6 23 37 24 24 19 13 39 3.2 83 72 45 33 26 9 10 7 27 42 27 27 22 14 45 4.2 109 95 59 44 34 12 14 9 35 56 36 36 29 19 59 4.3 111 97 60 45 34 13 14 10 36 57 37 37 30 20 60 4.8 124 108 67 50 38 14 16 11 40 64 41 41 33 22 67 5.0 129 113 70 52 40 15 16 11 42 66 43 43 34 23 70 5.2 135 117 73 54 42 15 17 12 44 69 45 45 36 24 73 5.8 150 131 81 61 46 17 19 13 49 77 50 50 40 27 81 6.2 161 140 87 65 50 18 20 14 52 83 53 53 43 28 87 7.0 181 158 98 73 56 21 23 16 59 93 60 60 48 32 98 7.7 200 174 108 81 62 23 25 18 65 103 66 66 53 36 108 8.0 207 181 112 84 64 24 26 18 67 107 69 69 55 37 112 12.0 311 271 169 126 96 36 40 28 101 160 104 104 83 56 169 0.19 * Two strand (Duplex) Multimode, 625/125µm. Capacity range is calculated at 40% of raceway areas as stated in the Commercial Buildings standard for Telecommunication Pathways and spaces, EIA/TIA 569-A. VERTICAL SOLUTIONS Capacity of Cross-section (IN2) 611 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD CUSTOm TELE-POwER® POLES NP800 Series Wire Fill Capacities for Communications (continued) 5" [127mm] 2 13/16" [71mm] 12" sq. in. 5" [127mm] 7.7" sq.in. 2.8" sq. 612 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 5.8" sq. in. 3 1/8" [79mm] 6.2" sq.in. 2 3/16" [56mm] 1 5/8" [41mm] VERTICAL SOLUTIONS 8" sq. in. 4.3" sq. in. 1 13/16" [46mm] 2 3/16" [56mm] 1 5/8" [41mm] 5.2" sq.in. 3.8" sq. in. 7" sq. in. 6.2" sq. in. 3 1/8" [79mm] 4.2" sq.in. 4.6" sq. in. 3.2" sq. in. WIREMOLD POWEr DistributiOn & surgE PrOtEctivE DEvicEs Power Commander® Series High Amperage Units 622 Medical Grade Plug-In Outlet Centers 637 Power Distribution & Surge Protective Devices Wiremold® Power Distribution & surge Protective Devices are designed to provide complete power/protection solutions for your power/IT network from the service entrance to point-of-use. 613 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD POWEr DistributiOn & surgE PrOtEctivE DEvicEs Table of contents Power Distribution Units for Data Centers 616 619 622 Power commander ® IQ series Power commander ® Plus series Power commander ® series High Amperage units 624 Meter Reader™ series currentMonitoring Devices Cabinet Power Solutions 625 Power Distribution & Surge Protective Devices surge Protected cabinetMATE® series 627 Power Only cabinetMATE® series Rack Mounted Power Solutions 628 629 surge Protected Products Power Only Products Workstation Power Solutions 631 633 surge Protected Plug-In Outlet center ® units Power Only Plug-In Outlet center ® units 638 640 641 ZoneMaster / Zonesentinel® series ZoneDefender Pro series PA/Pb™ series Hard-Wired Surge Protection ® 614 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD POWEr DistributiOn & surgE PrOtEctivE DEvicEs Quick selection Guide Hard-Wired Surge Protection PA120T ZoneMaster Cabinet Power Solutions uL2062bc Rack-Mounted Power Solutions J60b2b 7011uLbc Power Distribution & Surge Protective Devices METL530 Work Station Solutions M6s PR609N 615 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD POWEr cOmmanDEr® iQ sEriEs Power commander® IQ Power Distribution units offer remote current and temperature monitoring of connected equipment and individual outlet control for power recycling. CODE REFERENCE cTUVus Listed: File 30783215.002 EN60950-1 NOTE: We are continually upgrading circuitry and features to provide the best possible power distribution solutions; therefore, the products in this section of the catalog may change without notice. Contact the factory for additional information. Power Commander IQ Series Ordering Information Power Distribution & Surge Protective Devices SPDU16-2U sixteen (16) 15A simplex outlets in two banks of 8. black housing. Length: 19" [1.5m] width: 3 7/32" [82mm] Depth: 6 1/4" [159mm] 616 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD Ac voltage Input 100 to 125v Ac voltage Output 100 to 125v Frequency 60 Hz Load capacity 15A Output Receptacle 16 Pcs switched NEMA 5-15 (8 pieces each circuit) Product warranty 2 years Power cable – AwG Length & Plug Type 2 power cables, 14/3 sJT Type, 5-15P straight blade, 4 1/2 ft. [1.4m] console Interface Local Master Port 1 Rs232 Port. RJ-45 connector. Data: 7 or 8 bits. stop bits: 1 or 2. Parity: None, Odd or Even. Flow control: None or RTs/cTs. baud rate 2400 to 115200. Temperature sensing Port Digital Input Port – RJ11 Network Interface 10-base-T RJ45. Display 16 Power Outlet On/Off status LEDs, 2 Network LEDs. 2 digit LED display (1.00" x 0.65") [25mm x 16.5mm] for Ac current Draw status. Network Protocols IcMP, TcP/IP, DHcP Telnet, DNs, POP3/ sMTP, sNMP, HTTPs/HTTP, and bootP weight 10 lbs. shipping weight Operational Temperature Environment 32F° – 122F° (0c° – 50c°) storage Temperature -20F° – 140F° (-29c° – 60c°) Humidity 10% – 90% RH WIREMOLD POWEr cOmmanDEr® iQ sEriEs Ordering Information SPDU8-1U Ac voltage Input 100 to 125v Ac voltage Output 100 to 125v Eight (8)15A simplex outlets. black housing. Frequency 60 Hz Load capacity 15A Length: 19" width: 1 5/8" Depth: 6 1/4" Output Receptacle 8 switched NEMA 5-15 Product warranty 2 years Power cable – AwG Length & Plug Type 14/3 sJT Type, 5-15P straight blade, 4 1/2 ft. [1.4m] console Interface Local Master Port 1 Rs232 Port. RJ-45 connector. Data: 7 or 8 bits. stop bits: 1 or 2. Parity: None, Odd or Even. Flow control: None or RTs/cTs. baud rate 2400 to 115200. Temperature sensing Port Digital Input Port – RJ11 Network Interface 10-base-T RJ45. Display 8 Power Outlet On/Off status LEDs, 2 Network LEDs. 2 digit LED display (1.00" x 0.65") [25mm x 16.5mm] for Ac current Draw status. Network Protocols IcMP, TcP/IP, DHcP Telnet, DNs, POP3/ sMTP, sNMP, HTTPs/HTTP, and bootP weight 7 lbs. shipping weight Operational Temperature Environment 32F° – 122F° (0c° – 50c°) storage Temperature -20F° – 140F° (-29c° – 60c°) Humidity 10% – 90% RH [1.5m [41mm] [159mm] Power Distribution & Surge Protective Devices Power Commander IQ Series Ordering Information (continued) 617 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD POWEr cOmmanDEr® iQ sEriEs Ordering Information Power Commander IQ Series Ordering Information (continued) SPDU20-0U Twenty (20) 15A simplex outlets. black housing. Length: 61" [1.5m] width: 1 3/4" [44mm] Depth: 2 1/2" [60mm] Ac voltage Input 100 to 125v Ac voltage Output 100 to 125v Frequency 60 Hz Load capacity 20A Output Receptacle 20 switched NEMA 5-15 Product warranty 2 years Power cable AwG Length & Plug Type 12/3 sJT Type, L5-20P Locking plug, 9 1/2 ft. [2.9m] Power Distribution & Surge Protective Devices Ac current Draw Monitoring SPDU20-0U 618 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD Measurement of True RMs from all circuits console Interface Local Master Port 1 Rs232 Port. RJ-45 connector Type. Data: 7 or 8 bits. stop bits: 1 or 2. Parity: None, Odd or Even. Flow control: None or RTs/cTs. baud rate 2400 to 115200. Audio buzzer 85 Decibel Display 20 Power Outlet ON/OFF status LEDs, 1 Power On/Off LED. 2 Network LEDs. 2 digit LED display (1.00" x 0.65") [25mm x 16.5mm] for Ac current Draw status. Temperature sensing Port Digital Input Port – RJ11 Network Interface 10-base-T RJ45. Network Protocols IcMP, TcP/IP, DHcP Telnet, DNs, POP3/sMTP, sNMP, HTTP, and bootP weight 18 lbs. shipping weight Operational Temperature Environment 32F° – 122F° (0c° – 50c°) storage Temperature -20F° – 140F° (-29c° – 60c°) Humidity 10% – 90% RH WIREMOLD POWEr cOmmanDEr® Plus sEriEs Power commander® Plus High current Power Distribution units offer the capacity to meet the ever-increasing power demands of data centers. CODE REFERENCE cTUVus Listed: File 30783215.002 EN60950-1 NOTE: We are continually upgrading circuitry and features to provide the best possible power distribution solutions; therefore, the products in this section of the catalog may change without notice. Contact the factory for additional information. A Hub assembly of a Power commander Plus PDu showing circuit breakers and LEDs. c19 Receptacle (Rated 20A) Power Distribution & Surge Protective Devices c13 Receptacle (Rated 15A) 619 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD POWEr cOmmanDEr® Plus sEriEs Ordering Information Power Commander Plus Series 50 Amp PDU Ordering Information 5B11N, 5W11N 5-20R 5-15R 5-20R 5-15R 5w11n Eight (8) 5-20R outlets (circuit 1), eight (8) 5-15R outlets each circuit (circuits 2 & 3). black (5b) or white (5w) top cover. Power Distribution & Surge Protective Devices Length 64.12" [1.63m] overall, Ac voltage Input 100 to 127v Ac voltage Output 100 to 127v Frequency 60 Hz Load capacity 50 Amps, derated to 40 Amps: 1 – 20 Amp circuit derated to 16 Amps (circuit 1) 2 – 15 Amp circuits derated to 12 Amps (circuits 2 & 3) circuit breaker 1 – 20 Amp (circuit 1), 2 – 15 Amp (circuits 2 & 3), uL489 Listed NEMA 5-20R (circuit 1), NEMA 5-15R (circuits 2 & 3) 67.12" [1.70m] with mounting ears. Hub Length 10.12" [257mm] width 2.00" [50.8mm] Output Receptacles Depth 1.95" 3.20" [49.5mm], [81.3mm] with hub Product warranty 2 years Mounting 66.0" [1.68m] center-to-center Power cord 6/3 sOOw Type, cs6361 Plug, 10' [3.05m] Power Commander Plus Series 60 Amp PDU Ordering Information – 120/208 System, 120V Output 6B21N, 6W21N 6b21N, 6w21N 5-20R 5-20R 5-20R 6w21N 6w21N Eight (8) 5-20R outlets per circuit, twenty-four (24) total outlets. black (6b) or white (6w) top cover. Length Ac voltage Input 120/208v Ac voltage Output 100 to 127v Frequency 60 Hz Load capacity 30 Amps 3-phase, derated to 24 Amps: 3 – 20 Amp circuits derated to 16 Amps (circuits 1, 2 & 3) 3 – 20 Amp (circuits 1, 2 & 3), uL489 Listed 64.12" [1.63m] overall, 67.12" [1.70m] with mounting ears. Hub Length 10.12" [257mm] width 2.00" [50.8mm] circuit breaker Depth 1.95" 3.20" [49.5mm], [81.3mm] with hub Output Receptacles NEMA 5-20R, IEc c13 or IEc c19 Product warranty 2 years 66.0" [1.68m] center-to-center Power cord 10/5 sOOw Type, L21-30P Plug, 10' [3.05m] Mounting 620 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD POWEr cOmmanDEr® Plus sEriEs Ordering Information Power Commander Plus Series 60 Amp PDU Ordering Information – 120/208 System, 120V Output 6B21E, 6W21E 6b21E, 6w21E C19 C13 C19 C13 Two (2) c19 outlets per circuit, eight (8) c13 outlets per circuit. black (6b) or white (6w) top cover. Length C19 C13 Ac voltage Input 120/208v Ac voltage Output 100 to 127v Frequency 60 Hz Load capacity 30 Amps 3-phase, derated to 24 Amps: 3 – 20 Amp circuits derated to 16 Amps (circuits 1, 2 & 3) 64.12" [1.63m] overall, 67.12" [1.70m] with mounting ears. Hub Length 10.12" [257mm] width 2.00" [50.8mm] circuit breaker 3 – 20 Amp (circuits 1, 2 & 3), uL489 Listed [49.5mm], [81.3mm] with hub Output Receptacles NEMA 5-20R, IEc c13 or IEc c19 Product warranty 2 years [1.68m] center-to-center Power cord 10/5 sOOw Type, L21-30P Plug, 10' [3.05m] Depth Mounting 1.95" 3.20" 66.0" 6B22E, 6W22E C19 C13 C19 C13 C19 C13 6w22E Two (2) c19 outlets per circuit, eight (8) c13 outlets per circuit. black (6b) or white (6w) top cover. Length Ac voltage Input 120/208v Ac voltage Output 200 to 230v Frequency 60 Hz Load capacity 30 Amps 3-phase, derated to 24 Amps: 3 – 20 Amp circuits derated to 16 Amps (circuits 1, 2 & 3) 64.12" [1.63m] overall, 67.12" [1.70m] with mounting ears. Hub Length 14.12" [359mm] width 2.00" [50.8mm] circuit breaker 3 – 20 Amp (circuits 1, 2 & 3), uL489 Listed IEc c13 or IEc c19 Depth 1.95" 3.20" [49.5mm], [81.3mm] with hub Output Receptacles Product warranty 2 years Mounting 66.0" [1.68m] center-to-center Power cord 10/5 sOOw Type, L21-30P Plug, 10' [3.05m] Power Distribution & Surge Protective Devices Power Commander Plus Series 60 Amp PDU Ordering Information – 120/208 System, 208V Output 621 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD POWEr cOmmanDEr® sEriEs High Amperage units Power commander® series High Amperage units (PDus) have multiple circuits to provide increased capacity for today’s high density server racks. Embedded or remote ammeters are available to monitor current draw. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed: File 173292 Guide: NwGQ NOTE: We are continually upgrading circuitry and features to provide the best possible power distribution solutions; therefore, the products in this section of the catalog may change without notice. Contact the factory for additional information. Power Commander Series Mounting Information MOUNTING ACCESSORIES understanding that each cabinet, enclosure, rack and application is unique, wiremold has designed four solutions for mounting the 30 Amp Power Distribution units using the universal T-slot built into the unit. The mounting kits listed below are available for purchase as accessories. Power Distribution & Surge Protective Devices 30A-MK1 622 Z Bracket sturdy anodized aluminum bracket offsets the unit for front access to the mounting. May be used for a side or end mount. 30A-MK2 L Bracket Allows mounting at a right angle. May be used for a side or end mount. 30A-MK3 Swivel Bracket Allows unit to be mounted then rotated up to 270° (dependent on mounting location) providing easy access to unit’s face without losing space. NOTE: Accessory mounting kits are not UL Listed. 30A-MK4 Drop-In Clip clip is mounted directly on the unit and allows the strip to install with a ‘drop and hold’ method that requires no additional hardware. STANDARD HARDWARE INSTALLATION Attach the spring clips to the cabinet frame or cabinet wall making sure the top clip is no more than 1 inch [25mm] from the top of the unit. Insert the 1/4 - 20 Phillips screw through the spring clip as shown, and then through the cabinet frame or cabinet wall. On the other side of the mounting surface, put the 1/4 lock washer over the exposed Phillips screw and tighten into place with the 1/4 - 20 nut. Once the spring clips are secure, place unit in one side of the clips and snap the other side into position. 1/4-20 Phillips 1/4-20 Nut 1/4 Lock Washer www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD Clip WIREMOLD POWEr cOmmanDEr® sEriEs High Amperage units Power Commander High Amperage Units Ordering Information 30 Amp Power Distribution Unit Two 15A resettable circuit breakers. Twenty-four 20A outlets with T-slots, gray housing. 12' [3.6m] cord. Length 48" [1.2m]. 3A86B2-1 30 Amp Power Distribution Unit Two 15A resettable circuit breakers. Thirty-six 20A outlets with T-slots, gray housing. 12' [3.6m] cord. Length 70" [1.8m]. 3B44B2-1 30 Amp Power Distribution Unit Two circuits with two 15A resettable circuit breakers. Twenty-four 20A outlets with T-slots, black housing. 12' [3.6m] cord. Length 48" [1.2m]. 3B86B2-1 30 Amp Power Distribution Unit Two circuits with two 15A resettable circuit breakers. Thirty-six 20A outlets with T-slots, black housing. 12' [3.6m] cord. Length 70" [1.8m]. 3B53B2-1-AM 30 Amp Power Distribution Unit 4B44B2-2 40 Amp Power Distribution Unit Two circuits with two 20A resettable circuit breakers. Twenty-four 20A outlets with T-slots, black housing. 12' [3.6m] cord. Length 48" [1.2m]. 4B86B2-2 40 Amp Power Distribution Unit Two circuits with two 20A resettable circuit breakers. Thirty-six 20A outlets with T-slots, black housing. 12' [3.6m] cord. Length 70" [1.8m]. 4B53B2-2-AM 40 Amp Power Distribution Unit Two circuits with two 20A resettable circuit breakers and two lighted LcD digital ammeters. Eighteen 20A outlets with T-slots, black housing. 12' [3.6m] cord. Length 54" [1.4m]. 4B43B2-2-RAM 40 Amp Power Distribution Unit Two circuits with two 20A resettable circuit breakers and two lighted remote LcD digital ammeters. Eighteen 20A outlets with T-slots, black housing. 12' [3.6m] cord. Length 48" [1.2m]. Includes two (2) 7' [1.2m] patch cables, two (2) remote displays, and one (1) rack mountable faceplate. Power Distribution & Surge Protective Devices 3A44B2-1 Two circuits with two 15A resettable circuit breakers and two lighted LcD digital ammeters. Eighteen 20A outlets with T-slots, black housing. 12' [3.6m] cord. Length 54" [1.4m]. 3B43B2-1-RAM 30 Amp Power Distribution Unit Two circuits with two 15A resettable circuit breakers and two lighted remote LcD digital ammeters. Eighteen 20A outlets with T-slots, black housing. 12' [3.6m] cord. Length 48" [1.2m]. Includes two (2) 7' [1.2m] patch cables, two (2) remote displays, and one (1) rack mountable faceplate. 623 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD mEtEr rEaDEr™ sEriEs current Monitoring Devices Meter Reader series current Monitoring Devices add current monitoring capability to any 20A or 30A power distribution unit or power strip. NOTE: We are continually upgrading circuitry and features to provide the best possible power distribution solutions; therefore, the products in this section of the catalog may change without notice. Contact the factory for additional information. Meter Reader Series Mounting Instructions Remote Display Power Distribution & Surge Protective Devices cULus Listed: File E250477 Guide PIcQ Rack Mount Faceplate RACK MOUNT DISPLAy PLATE – INSTALLATION 624 CODE REFERENCE (closed slots for Rigidity) Insert Designed in Accordance with E. I. A. standards Meter Reader Series Current Monitoring Devices Ordering Information METL520 Retro Current Monitoring Device (120 Vac) METL620 Retro Current Monitoring Device (240 Vac) Retro current monitoring device (120 vac) with an L5-20 plug and connector set. unit will support any 20 Amp power strip with an L5-20 plug. Includes 7' [1.2m] patch cord and 19" [482mm] mountable faceplate and remote display. METL530 Retro Current Monitoring Device (120 Vac) Retro current monitoring device (120 vac) with an L5-30 plug and connector set. unit will support any 30 Amp power strip with an L5-30 plug. Includes 7' [1.2m] patch cord and 19" [482mm] mountable faceplate and remote display. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD Retro current monitoring device (240 vac) with an L6-20 plug and connector set. unit will support any 20 Amp power strip with an L6-20 plug. Includes 7' [1.2m] patch cord and 19" [482mm] mountable faceplate and remote display. METL630 Retro Current Monitoring Device (240 Vac) Retro current monitoring device (240 vac) with an L6-30 plug and connector set. unit will support any 30 Amp power strip with an L6-30 plug. Includes 7' [1.2m] patch cord and 19" [482mm] mountable faceplate and remote display. WIREMOLD cabinEtmatE™ sEriEs surge Protected Products cabinetMate series Plug-In Outlet center units offer a low profile aluminum housing to save space. NOTE: We are continually upgrading circuitry and features to provide the best possible power distribution solutions; therefore, the products in this section of the catalog may change without notice. Contact the factory for additional information. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed: File E66421 Guide XYbs, XuHT, vZcA Surge Suppression Specifications surge Protection circuitry single stage Maximum surge current 36,000 Amps (12,000 Amps L-N, 12,000 Amps L-G, 12,000 Amps N-G) Noise Reduction +35db Response Time Less than 1 nanosecond Power Distribution & Surge Protective Devices NOTE: See the Joule explanation later in this section. CabinetMate Series Mounting Information MouNtiNg tyPes Each cabinet Power solution can be mounted via included spring clip hardware. complete mounting hardware and installation instructions are included with every unit. 8002 Spring Clip Mount unit in any position. Includes two spring steel mounting clips that snap onto the unit. screws also included. used for all units with 1 1/2" [38mm] narrow aluminum housing. 625 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD cabinEtmatE™ sEriEs surge Protected Products CabinetMate Series Surge Protected Plug-In Outlet Centers Ordering Information 4810BCS, 4810BDS Plug-In Outlet Center Unit Ten outlets. 6' [1.8m] (4810bcs) or 15' [4.6m] (4810bDs) cord. Length 48" [1.2m]. 15A resettable circuit breaker. computer grade surge protection, 15 Amps. 7011BCS, 7011BDS Plug-In Outlet Center Unit Eleven outlets. 6' [1.8m] (7011bcs) or 15' [4.6m] (7011bDs) cord. Length 70" [1.8m]. 15A resettable circuit breaker. computer grade surge protection, 15 Amps. 7712BCS, 7712BDS Plug-In Outlet Center Unit Twelve outlets. 6' [1.8m] (7712bcs) or 15' [4.6m] (7712bDs) cord. Length 77" [2m]. 15A resettable circuit breaker. computer grade surge protection, 15 Amps. 2008BCS20R, 2008BDS20R Plug-In Outlet Center Unit Eight 20A outlets with t-slots. 6' [1.8m] (2008bcs20R) or 15' [4.6m] (2008bDs20R) cord. Length 20" [508mm]. computer grade surge protection, 20 Amps. 4810BCS20R, 4810BDS20R Power Distribution & Surge Protective Devices All units feature gray aluminum housing 1 1/2" x 1 3/16" [38mm x30mm] with black receptacles and black power cord with straight blade plug. Plug-In Outlet Center Unit Ten 20A outlets with t-slots. 6' [1.8m] (4810bcs20R) or 15' [4.6m] (4810bDs20R) cord. Length 48" [1.2m]. computer grade surge protection, 20 Amps. 7011BCS20R, 7011BDS20R Plug-In Outlet Center Unit Eleven outlets with t-slots. 6' [1.8m] (7011bcs20R) or 15' [4.6m] (4810bDs20R) cord. Length 70" [1.8m]. computer grade surge protection, 20 Amps. 7712BCS20R, 7712BDS20R Plug-In Outlet Center Unit Twelve outlets with t-slots. 6' [1.8m] (7712bcs) or 15' [4.6m] (7712bDs) cord. Length 77" [2m]. 20A resettable circuit breaker. computer grade surge protection, 20 Amps. Why Don’t We Specify Joules? The Joule rating does not provide an accurate indication of the robustness of a surge suppressor. The Joule rating is energy over time and it is very easy to artificially inflate the Joule rating by changing the time base. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) as well as the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) both warn against using Joules to compare surge suppressors. 626 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD cabinEtmatE™ sEriEs Power Only Products CabinetMate Series Power Only Plug-In Outlet Centers Ordering Information 3609ULBC, 3609ULBD Plug-In Outlet Center Unit Nine outlets, 6' [1.8m] (3609uLbc) or 15' [4.6m] (3609uLbD) cord. Length 36" [915mm]. Receptacle center-to-center 3" [76mm]. 15 Amp unit with a 15A resettable circuit breaker. 4810ULBC, 4810ULBD Plug-In Outlet Center Unit Ten outlets, 6' [1.8m] (4810uLbc) or 15' [4.6m] (4810uLbD) cord. Length 48" [1.2m]. Receptacle center-to-center 4" [101mm]. 15 Amp unit with a 15A resettable circuit breaker. 7011ULBC, 7011ULBD Plug-In Outlet Center Unit Eleven outlets. 6' [1.8m] (7011uLbc) or 15' [4.6m] (7011uLbD) cord. Length 70" [1.8m]. Receptacle center-to-center 6" [152mm]. 15 Amp unit with a 15A resettable circuit breaker. 7712ULBC, 7712ULBD Plug-In Outlet Center Unit Twelve outlets. 6' [1.8m] (7712uLbc) or 15' [4.6m] (7712uLbD) cord. Length 77" [2m]. Receptacle center-to-center 6" [152mm]. 15 Amp unit with a 15A resettable circuit breaker. Eight 20A outlets with t-slots, 6' [1.8m](2008uLbc20R, 2008uLbc20R-TL) or 15'[4.6m] (2008uLbD20R, 2008uLbD20R-TL) cord. Length 20" [508mm]. Receptacle center-to-center 1 1/4" [32mm]. 20 Amp unit with a 20A resettable circuit breaker. units available with straight blade or Locking Plug (2008uLbc20R-TL, 2008uLbD20R-TL). Locking Plug All units feature gray aluminum housing 1 1/2" x 1 3/16" [38mm x30mm] with black receptacles and black power cord with straight blade plug. Units with “-TL” suffix have twist lock plug 4810ULBC20R, 4810ULBD20R, 4810ULBC20R-TL, 4810ULBD20R-TL Plug-In Outlet Center Unit Ten 20A outlets with t-slots, 6' [1.8m](4810uLbc20R, 4810uLbc20R-TL) or 15'[4.6m] (4810uLbD20R, 4810uLbD20R-TL) cord. Length 48" [1.2m]. Receptacle center-to-center 4" [101mm]. 20 Amp unit with a 20A resettable circuit breaker. units available with straight blade or Locking Plug (4810uLbc20R-TL, 4810uLbD20R-TL). 7011ULBC20R, 7011ULBD20R, 7011ULBC20R-TL, 7011ULBD20R-TL Plug-In Outlet Center UNIT Eleven 20A outlets with t-slots, 6' [1.8m](7011uLbc20R, 7011uLbc20R-TL) or 15'[4.6m] (7011uLbD20R, 7011uLbD20R-TL) cord. Length 70" [1.8m]. Receptacle center-to-center 6" [152mm]. 20 Amp unit with a 20A resettable circuit breaker. units available with straight blade or Locking Plug (7011uLbc20R-TL, 7011uLbD20R-TL). 7712ULBC20R, 7712ULBD20R, 7712ULBC20R-TL, 7712ULBD20R-TL Plug-In Outlet Center UNIT Twelve 20A outlets with t-slots, 6' [1.8m](7712uLbc20R, 7712uLbc20R-TL) or 15'[4.6m] (7712uLbD20R, 7712uLbD20R-TL) cord. Length 77" [2m]. Receptacle center-to-center 6" [152mm]. 20 Amp unit with a 20A resettable circuit breaker. units available with straight blade or Locking Plug (7712uLbc20R-TL, 7712uLbD20R-TL). Power Distribution & Surge Protective Devices 2008ULBC20R, 2008ULBD20R, 2008ULBC20R-TL, 2008ULBD20R-TL Plug-In Outlet Center Unit 627 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD rack mOuntED POWEr sOlutiOns Rack Mounted Power solutions are designed to fit a standard 19" rack. The compact 1u design takes up a minimum amount of rack space CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed: File E66421 Guide XbYs2, XuHT2, vZcA2 NOTE: We are continually upgrading circuitry and features to provide the best possible power distribution solutions; therefore, the products in this section of the catalog may change without notice. Contact the factory for additional information. Power Distribution & Surge Protective Devices Sentrex® High Performance Surge Specifications Perma-Power® Computer Grade Surge Specifications surge Protection circuitry 3 Element, 3-stage Hybrid circuit surge Protection circuitry single stage Maximum surge current 56,000 Amps (32,000 Amps L-N, 12,000 Amps L-G, 12,000 Amps N-G) Maximum surge current 36,000 Amps (12,000 Amps L-N, 12,000 Amps L-G, 12,000 Amps N-G) Noise Reduction +50db Noise Reduction +35db Response Time Less than 1 nanosecond Response Time Less than 1 nanosecond NOTE: See the Joule explanation on page 626. Mounting Information MOUNTING TyPES Each Rack Mounted Power solution can be mounted to standard 19" [482mm] racks via the closed slots. Power commander High Amperage unit can also be mounted in a 0u position as shown below. complete mounting hardware and installation instructions are included with every unit. Rack Mounting Fits standard 19" [482mm] rack. Hardware not included. closed slots for Rigidity Designed in accordance with E.I.A. standards. 628 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD rack mOuntED POWEr sOlutiOns surge Protected and Power Only Products R5S, R5S-15 Plug-In Outlet Center Unit Power Only Products Ordering Information J08B0B, J08B2B six rear outlets, lighted switch, 15A. 6' [1.8m] (R5s) or 15' [4.6m] (R5s-15) cord. sentrex® high performance surge protection. R8BZ, R8BZ-15 R5BZ, R5BZ-15 Eight rear outlets, lighted switch, 15A, receptacles rotated 90° and 4 outlets spaced to accommodate transformers. 6' (J08b0b) or 15' (J08b2b) [1.8m or 4.6m] cord. Receptacle center-tocenter 1 1/2" [38mm] and 2" [51mm]. Plug-In Outlet Center Unit Eight rear outlets, lighted switch, 15A. Receptacles rotated 90° and 4 outlets spaced to accommodate transformers. 6' [1.8m] (R8bZ) or 15' [4.6m] (R8bZ15) cord. Perma Power® computer grade surge protection. Plug-In Outlet Center Unit J06B0B, J06B2B Plug-In Outlet Center Unit six rear outlets, 15A. 6' [1.8m] (R5bZ) or 15'[4.6m] (R5bZ-15) cord. Perma Power® computer grade, surge protection. R5BZ20, R5BZ20-15 Plug-In Outlet Center Unit six 20A rear outlets, on/off switch. 6' [1.8m] (R5bZ20) or 15' [4.6m] (R5bZ20-15) cord. Perma Power® computer grade surge protection. Plug-In Outlet Center Unit six rear outlets, lighted switch, 15A, 6' (J06b0b) or 15' (J06b2b) [1.8m or 4.6m] cord. Receptacle center-tocenter 1 1/2" [38mm]. J60B0B, J60B2B Plug-In Outlet Center Unit six front outlets, lighted switch, 15A, 6' (J60b0b) or 15' (J60b2b) [1.8m or 4.6m] cord. Receptacle center-tocenter 1 1/2" [38mm]. six rear outlets, lighted switch, 15A. 6' [1.8m] (R5bZ) or 15'[4.6m] (R5bZ-15) cord. Perma Power® computer grade, surge protection. R5BZX, R5BZX-15 Plug-In Outlet Center Unit J24B0B, J24B2B Plug-In Outlet Center Unit Two front, four rear outlets, lighted switch, 15A, 6' (J24b0b) or 15' (J24b2b) [1.8m or 4.6m] cord. Receptacle center-to-center 1 1/2" [38mm]. J06B0BX, J06B2BX Plug-In Outlet Center Unit six rear outlets, 15A, 6' (J06b0bX) or 15' (J06b2bX) [1.8m or 4.6m] cord. Receptacle center-to-center 1 1/2" [38mm]. R5BZ20X, R5BZ20X-15 Plug-In Outlet Center Unit six 20A rear outlets. 6' [1.8m] (R5bZ20X) or 15' [4.6m] (R5bZ20X-15) cord. Perma Power® computer grade surge protection. Power Distribution & Surge Protective Devices Surge Protected Products Ordering Information 629 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD rack mOuntED POWEr sOlutiOn Power Only Products Power Only Products Ordering Information (continued) J60B0B-90, J60B2B-90 Plug-In Outlet Center Unit J60B0B20, J60B2B20 Plug-In Outlet Center Unit six front outlets, 15A, receptacles rotated 90° and spaced to accommodate transformers. 6' (J60b0b-90) or 15' (J60b2b-90) [1.8m or 4.6m] cord. Receptacle center-to-center 1 1/2" [38mm]. J06B0B20, J06B2B20 Plug-In Outlet Center Unit six front 20A outlets, on/off switch, 6' (J60b0b20) or 15' (J60b2b20) [1.8m or 4.6m] cord. Receptacle center-tocenter 1 1/2" [38mm]. J60B0B20X, J60B2B20X Plug-In Outlet Center Unit six rear 20A outlets, on/off switch, 6' (J06b0b20) or 15' (J06b2b20) [1.8m or 4.6m] cord. Receptacle center-tocenter 1 1/2" [38mm]. J06B0B20X, J06B2B20X Power Distribution & Surge Protective Devices Plug-In Outlet Center Unit six rear 20A outlets, 6' (J06b0b20X) or 15' (J06b2b20X)[1.8m or 4.6m] cord. Receptacle center-tocenter 1 1/2" [38mm]. 630 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD six front 20A outlets, 6' (J60b0b20X) or 15' (J60b2b20X)[1.8m or 4.6m] cord. Receptacle center-tocenter 1 1/2" [38mm]. J06B0B20X-AM Plug-In Outlet Center Unit Digital ammeter with LcD readout of current draw. six 20A rear outlets. 6' [1.8m] cord. Receptacle center-tocenter 1 1/2" [38mm]. WIREMOLD WOrkstatiOn POWEr sOlutiOns work station Power solutions are point-of-use, plug-in outlet centers available with and without surge suppression. cULus Listed: File E66421 Guide XYbs, XuHT, vZcA Perma-Power® Computer Grade Surge Specifications surge Protection circuitry 3 Element, 3-stage Hybrid circuit surge Protection circuitry single stage Maximum surge current 56,000 Amps (32,000 Amps L-N, 12,000 Amps L-G, 12,000 Amps N-G) Maximum surge current 36,000 Amps (12,000 Amps L-N, 12,000 Amps L-G, 12,000 Amps N-G) Noise Reduction +50db Noise Reduction +35db Response Time Less than 1 nanosecond Response Time Less than 1 nanosecond NOTE: See the Joule explanation located on the Cabinet Power Solutions page 626. Mounting Information MOUNTING TyPES Each Plug-In Outlet center unit has one of three different mounting types. Each mounting method has been designed to optimize the performance of the product. complete mounting hardware and installation instructions are included with every unit. Snap-On/Slide-Off Keyhole Mounting Spring Clip Mounting Mount unit in any position. catalog No. 8004 includes two aluminum mounting clips that snap onto mounting rails on the back of the unit. screws also included. used for all units with 2" [51mm] aluminum housing. Mount unit in almost any position. screws not included. Available on all plastic units and units with 3 1/2" [89mm] aluminum housing. Mount unit in any position. catalog No. 8002 includes two spring steel mounting clips that snap onto the unit. screws also included. used for all units with 1 1/2" [38mm] narrow aluminum housing. COLOR OPTIONS Power Distribution & Surge Protective Devices Surge Suppression Specifications Sentrex® High Performance Surge Specifications CODE REFERENCE workstation Power solutions Plug-In Outlet center units Part Number descriptions indicate available color options. 631 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD WOrkstatiOn POWEr sOlutiOns Ordering Information Work Station Power Solutions – Surge Protected Plug-In Outlet Center Units Ordering Information M5S Plug-In Outlet Center Units M6BZNET, M6BZNET-15 Plug-In Outlet Center Units sentrex® high performance surge protection. Five outlets, lighted switch, durable putty white aluminum housing, 15A. Receptacles rotated 90° and spaced to accommodate transformers. Length 24" [610mm]. 6' [1.8m] 14/3 sJT putty white cord with NEMA515 plug. snap-on, slide-off mounting. M6S, M6S-15 Plug-In Outlet Center Units six outlets, two spaced for transformers. Lighted switch, data line protector with RJ45 jacks. 6' [1.8m] (M6bZNET) or 15' [4.6m] (M6bZNET-15) power cord with 45° right angle plug. Length 18" [457mm]. Right Angle Plug M6BZR, M6BZR-15 Plug-In Outlet Center Units Power Distribution & Surge Protective Devices sentrex® high performance surge protection. six outlets, lighted switch, durable putty white aluminum housing, 15A. 6' [1.8m] (M6s) or 15' [4.6m] (M6s15) 14/3 sJT putty white cord with NEMA5-15 plug. Length 15 1/4" [387mm]. snap-on, slide-off mounting. M5BZ Plug-In Outlet Center Units Perma Power® computer grade surge protection. Five outlets, lighted switch, durable putty white aluminum housing, 15A. Receptacles rotated 90° and spaced to accommodate transformers. 6' [1.8m] 14/3 sJT putty white cord with NEMA5-15 plug. Length 21" [533mm]. snapon, slide-off mounting. M6BZ, M6BZ-15 Plug-In Outlet Center Units Perma Power® computer grade surge protection. six outlets, lighted switch, durable putty white aluminum housing, 15A. 6' [1.8m] (M6bZ) or 15' (M6bZ-15) [4.6m] 14/3 sJT putty white cord with NEMA5-15 plug. Length 13 1/4" [337mm]. snap-on, slide-off mounting. 632 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD Perma Power® computer grade surge protection. six outlets, remote switch, durable putty white aluminum housing, 15A, 6' [1.8m] (M6bZR) or 15' [4.6m] (M6bZR-15) 14/3 sJT putty white cord with NEMA5-15 plug. Length 13 1/4" [337mm]. snapon, slide-off mounting. M620BZLS, M620BZLS-15 Plug-In Outlet Center Units Perma Power® computer grade surge protection. six outlets, lighted switch, durable putty white aluminum housing, 20A. 6' [1.8m] (M620bZLs) or 15' [4.6m] (M620bZLs-15) 12/3 sJT putty white cord with NEMA5-20 plug. Length 18" [457mm]. snap-on, slide-off mounting. SR10N Plug-In Outlet Center Units basic surge protection. six outlets, lighted switch, impactresistant putty white polymeric housing, 15A. 6' [1.8m] 14/3 sJT putty white cord with NEMA5-15 plug. Maximum surge current 6500 Amps. 13 1/4" x 2 1/2" x 1 9/16" [337mm x 64mm x 40mm]. Keyhole mounting. WIREMOLD WOrkstatiOn POWEr sOlutiOns Ordering Information Work Station Power Solutions – Power Only Plug-In Outlet Center Units Ordering Information SRD10N Plug-In Outlet Center Units basic surge protection. six outlets, lighted switch, impactresistant putty white polymeric housing, 15A. 6' [1.8m] 14/3 sJT putty white cord with NEMA515 plug. Maximum surge current 6500 Amps. Phone/fax protection. 13 1/4" x 2 1/2" x 1 9/16" [337mm x 64mm x 40mm]. Keyhole mounting. PR610N PR609N Plug-In Outlet Center Units Perma Power® basic surge protection. six outlet wall plug, impact-resistant putty white polymeric housing, 15A. Maximum surge current 6500 Amps. 5" x 3 3/8" x 1 3/4" [127mm x 86mm x 44mm]. Plug-In Outlet Center Units basic surge protection. six outlets, lighted switch, impactresistant putty white polymeric housing, 15A. 6' [1.8m] 14/3 sJT putty white cord with NEMA5-15 plug. Maximum surge current 6500 Amps. 11 3/4" x 2 1/4" x 1 1/2" [298mm x 57mm x 38mm]. Keyhole mounting. UL300BC, UL300BD Plug-In Outlet Center Units Eight outlets, lighted switch, rugged gray aluminum housing, 15A, 6' [1.8m](uL300bc) or 15' [4.6m] (uL300bD) 14/3 sJT black cord with NEMA515 plug. Length 24" [609mm]. Receptacle center-to-center 2" [51mm]. snap-on, slide-off mounting. UL309BC, UL309BD Plug-In Outlet Center Units Nine outlets, lighted switch, rugged gray aluminum housing, 15A, 6' [1.8m](uL309bc) or 15' [4.6m] (uL309bD) 14/3 sJT black cord with NEMA515 plug. Length 36" [915mm]. Receptacle center-to-center 3" [76mm]. snap-on, slide-off mounting. UL401BC, UL401BD Plug-In Outlet Center Units Eight outlets, lighted switch, rugged gray aluminum housing, 15A, 6' [1.8m](uL401bc) or 15' [4.6m] (uL401bD) 14/3 sJT black cord with NEMA515 plug. Length 48" [1.2m]. Receptacle center-to-center 5 1/4" [133mm]. snap-on, slideoff mounting. UL402BC, UL402BD Plug-In Outlet Center Units sixteen outlets, lighted switch, rugged gray aluminum housing, 15A, 6' [1.8m](uL402bc) or 15' [4.6m] (uL402bD) 14/3 sJT black cord with NEMA5-15 plug. Length 48" [1.2m]. Receptacle center-to-center 2 1/2" [64mm]. snap-on, slide-off mounting. Power Distribution & Surge Protective Devices Work Station Power Solutions – Power Only Plug-In Outlet Center Units Ordering Information 633 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD WOrkstatiOn POWEr sOlutiOns Ordering Information Work Station Power Solutions – Power Only Plug-In Outlet Center Units Ordering Information (continued) UL403BC, UL403BD Plug-In Outlet Center Units UL2064BC, UL2064BD Plug-In Outlet Center Units Twelve outlets, rugged gray aluminum housing, 15A, lighted switch, 6' [1.8m] (uL2064bc) or 15' [4.6m] (uL2064bD) 14/3 sJT black cord with NEMA515 plug. Length 72" [1.8m]. Receptacle center-to-center 5 1/4" [133mm]. snap-on, slideoff mounting. Eight outlets, rugged gray aluminum housing, 15A, 6' [1.8m](uL403bc) or 15' [4.6m] (uL403bD) 14/3 sJT black cord with NEMA5-15 plug. Length 48" [1.2m]. Receptacle centerto-center 5 1/4" [133mm]. snap-on, slide-off mounting. UL404BC, UL404BD Plug-In Outlet Center Units UL2065BC, UL2065BD Plug-In Outlet Center Units sixteen outlets, rugged gray aluminum housing, 15A, 6' [1.8m] (uL404bc) or 15' [4.6m] (uL404bD) 14/3 sJT black cord with NEMA5-15 plug. Length 48" [1.2m]. Receptacle centerto-center 2 1/2" [64mm]. snapon, slide-off mounting. UL2062BC, UL2062BD Power Distribution & Surge Protective Devices Plug-In Outlet Center Units Twelve outlets, rugged gray aluminum housing, 15A, 6' [1.8m] (uL2062bc) or 15' [4.6m] (uL2062bD) 14/3 sJT black cord with NEMA5-15 plug. Length 72" [1.8m]. Receptacle centerto-center 5 1/4" [133mm]. Twenty-four outlets, rugged gray aluminum housing, 15A, lighted switch, 6' [1.8m] (uL2065bc) or 15' [4.6m] (uL2065bD) 14/3 sJT black cord with NEMA5-15 plug. Length 72" [1.8m]. Receptacle centerto-center 2 1/2" [64mm]. snapon, slide-off mounting. V20-C2, G20-C2 six outlets, steel housing with ivory (v20-c2) or gray finish (G20-c2). 6' [1.8m] cord. Length 40" [1m]. Receptacle center-tocenter 6" [152mm]. NM20-C3 UL2063BC, UL2063BD 634 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD Plug-In Outlet Center Units six (3 duplex) outlets, nonmetallic housing with ivory finish. 6' [1.8m] cord, Length 36" [915mm]. Receptacle center-to-center 12" [305mm]. Plug-In Outlet Center Units Twenty-four outlets, rugged gray aluminum housing, 15A, 6' [1.8m] (uL2063bc) or 15' [4.6m] (uL2063bD) 14/3 sJT black cord with NEMA5-15 plug. Length 72" [1.8m]. Receptacle centerto-center 2 1/2" [64mm]. Plug-In Outlet Center Units NM20-C4 Plug-In Outlet Center Units Eight (4 duplex) outlets, nonmetallic housing with ivory finish. 6' [1.8m] cord. Length 48" [1.2m]. Receptacle centerto-center 12" [305mm]. WIREMOLD WOrkstatiOn POWEr sOlutiOns Ordering Information Work Station Power Solutions – Power Only Plug-In Outlet Center Units Ordering Information (continued) NM20-C5 Plug-In Outlet Center Units UL204BC, UL204BD Plug-In Outlet Center Units NM20-C6 Plug-In Outlet Center Units Twelve (6 duplex) outlets, nonmetallic housing with ivory finish. 6' [1.8m] cord. Length 72" [1.8m]. Receptacle centerto-center 12" [305mm]. UL100BC, UL100BD Plug-In Outlet Center Units Five outlets, rugged gray aluminum housing, 15A. 6' [1.8m] (uL100bc) or 15' [4.6m] (uL100bD) 14/3 sJT black cord with NEMA5-15 plug. Length 9 1/4" [235mm]. Receptacle center-tocenter 1 1/4" [32mm]. snap-on, slideoff mounting. UL101BC, UL101BD Plug-In Outlet Center Units Four outlets, rugged gray aluminum housing, 15A. 6' (uL101bc) or 15' (uL101bD) [1.8m or 4.6m] 14/3 sJT black cord with NEMA5-15 plug. Length 9 1/4" [235mm]. Receptacle center-tocenter 1 1/4" [32mm]. snap-on, slideoff mounting. UL104BC, UL104BD Plug-In Outlet Center Units Four outlets, rugged gray aluminum housing, 15A, lighted switch. 6' [1.8m] (uL104bc) or 15' [4.6m] (uL104bD) 14/3 sJT black cord with NEMA515 plug. Length 9 1/4" [235mm]. Receptacle center-to-center 1 1/4" [32mm]. snap-on, slide-off mounting. seven outlets, rugged gray aluminum housing, 15A, lighted switch. 6' [1.8m] (uL204bc) or 15' [4.6m] (uL204bD) 14/3 sJT black cord with NEMA5-15 plug. Length 13" [330mm]. Receptacle center-to-center 1 1/4" [32mm]. snapon, slide-off mounting. UL205BC, UL205BD Plug-In Outlet Center Units Eight outlets, rugged gray aluminum housing, 15A. 6' [1.8m] (uL205bc) or 15' [4.6m] (uL205bD) 14/3 sJT black cord with NEMA5-15 plug. Length 13" [330mm]. Receptacle center-to-center 1 1/4" [32mm]. snap-on, slide-off mounting. UL206BC, UL206BD Plug-In Outlet Center Units six outlets, rugged gray aluminum housing, 15A. 6' [1.8m] (uL206bc) or 15' [4.6m] (uL206bD) 14/3 sJT black cord with NEMA5-15 plug. Length 12 1/4" [311mm]. Receptacle center-tocenter 1 1/4" [32mm]. snap-on, slideoff mounting. UL207BC, UL207BD Plug-In Outlet Center Units six outlets, rugged gray aluminum housing, 15A, lighted switch. 6' [1.8m] (uL207bc) or 15' [4.6m] (uL207bD) 14/3 sJT black cord with NEMA515 plug. Length 12 1/4" [311mm]. Receptacle center-to-center 1 1/4" [32mm]. snap-on, slide-off mounting. Power Distribution & Surge Protective Devices Ten (5 duplex) outlets, nonmetallic housing with ivory finish. 6' [1.8m] cord, Length 60" [1.5m]. Receptacle centerto-center 12" [305mm]. 635 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD WOrkstatiOn POWEr sOlutiOns Ordering Information Work Station Power Solutions – Power Only Plug-In Outlet Center Units Ordering Information (continued) UL218BC, UL218BD Plug-In Outlet Center Units Eight outlets, rugged gray aluminum housing, 15A, lighted switch. 6' [1.8m] (uL218bc) or 15' [4.6m] (uL218bD) 14/3 sJT black cord with NEMA5-15 plug. Length 15" [381mm]. Receptacle center-to-center 1 1/4" [32mm]. snapon, slide-off mounting. UL210BC, UL210BD Plug-In Outlet Center Units Ten outlets, rugged gray aluminum housing, 15A, lighted switch. 6' [1.8m] (uL210bc) or 15' [4.6m] (uL210bD) 14/3 sJT black cord with NEMA5-15 plug. Length 13" [330mm], width 3 1/2" [89mm]. Receptacle center-to-center 1 15/16" [49mm]. snap-on, slide-off mounting. Power Distribution & Surge Protective Devices R610, R612 636 Plug-In Outlet Center Units six outlets, putty white aluminum housing, 15A, lighted switch. 6' [1.8m] (R610) or 15' [4.6m] (R612) 14/3 sJT putty white cord with NEMA5-15 plug. Length 12 1/4" [311mm]. Receptacle center-to-center 1 1/4" [32mm]. snapon, slide-off mounting. P6, P6-15 Plug-In Outlet Center Units six outlets, putty white impactresistant polymeric housing, 15A, lighted switch, 6' [1.8m] (P6) or 15' [4.6m] (P6-15) 14/3 sJT putty white cord with NEMA5-15 plug. Length 12" [305mm]. Receptacle center-to-center 1 1/4" [32mm]. Keyhole mounting. UL1090BC, UL1090BD Plug-In Outlet Center Units Four outlets, rugged gray aluminum housing, 15A, receptacles rotated 90° and spaced to accommodate transformers. 6' [1.8m] (uL1090bc) or 15' [4.6m] (uL1090bD) 14/3 sJT black cord with NEMA5-15 plug. Length 16" [406mm]. Receptacle center-tocenter 3" [76mm]. snap-on, slide-off mounting. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD UL209BC, UL209BD Plug-In Outlet Center Units Eight individually switched outlets, lighted on/off switch, putty white finish aluminum housing, 15A. 6' [1.8m] (uL209bc) or 15' [4.6m] (uL209bD) 14/3 sJT black cord with NEMA5-15 plug. Length 13" [330mm], width 3 1/2" [89mm]. Receptacle center-to-center 1 5/16" [33mm]. snap-on, slide-off mounting. UL215BC, UL215BD Plug-In Outlet Center Units Four individually switched outlets, lighted on/off switch, rugged gray aluminum housing, 15A. 6' [1.8m] (uL215bc) or 15' [4.6m] (uL215bD) 14/3 sJT black cord with NEMA5-15 plug. Length 13" [330mm], width 2" [51mm]. Receptacle center-to-center 2 1/8" [54mm]. snap-on, slide-off mounting. ULB420-6, ULB420-15 Plug-In Outlet Center Units Four 20A, 120v, 60Hz, 2500 watt outlets, lighted switch, putty white aluminum housing, 6' [1.8m] (uLb4206) or 15' [4.6m] (uLb420-15) 12/3 sJT black cord with NEMA5-15 plug. Length 10 3/4" [273mm]. Receptacle center-tocenter 1 1/2" [38mm]. snap-on, slideoff mounting. ULB620-6, ULB620-15 Plug-In Outlet Center Units six 20A, 120v, 60Hz, 2500 watt outlets, lighted switch, putty white aluminum housing, 6' [1.8m] (uLb620-6) or 15' [4.6m] (uLb620-15) 12/3 sJT black cord with NEMA5-15 plug. Length 13 1/4" [337mm]. Receptacle center-to-center 1 1/2" [38mm]. snap-on, slide-off mounting. WIREMOLD WOrkstatiOn POWEr sOlutiOns Ordering Information Work Station Power Solutions – Power Only Plug-In Outlet Center Units Ordering Information (continued) ULB820-6, ULB820-15 Plug-In Outlet Center Units Eight 20A, 120v, 60Hz, 2500 watt outlets, lighted switch, putty white aluminum housing, 6' [1.8m] (uLb8206) or 15' [4.6m] (uLb820-15) 12/3 sJT black cord with NEMA5-20 plug . Length 17 1/4" [438mm]. Receptacle center-to-center 1 1/2" [38mm]. snapon, slide-off mounting. IEC5 Plug-In Outlet Center Units Five 250v, IEc 320 outlets, gray finish, 10A single pole circuit breaker, power cord not included. Length 11" [279mm]. Receptacle center-to-center 1 1/2" [38mm]. Input is provided with a male IEc320 Receptacle. Appropriate input cord must be purchased separately. Output receptacles are female IEc320. snap-on, slide-off mounting. Power cord not included. cuLus Listed, Tuv Nord certified EN60950. Special Use/Medical Grade Power Solutions – Power Only Plug-In Outlet Center Units Ordering Information Special Use Plug-In Outlet Center Units Four outlets. Rugged white aluminum housing. 6' [1.8m] (uLbH4-6) or 15' [4.6m] (uLbH4-15) 14/3 sJT white cord with NEMA5-15 plug. Length 10 3/4" [237mm]. Receptacle center-tocenter 1 1/2" [38mm]. snap-on, slideoff mounting. Not for use in critical care environments. Not for use where Article 517 of NEc requires Hospital Grade Outlets. ULBH6-6, ULBH6-15 Special Use Plug-In Outlet Center Units six outlets. Rugged white aluminum housing. 6' [1.8m] (uLbH6-6) or 15' [4.6m] (uLbH6-15) 14/3 sJT white cord with NEMA5-15 plug. Length 13 1/4" [337mm]. Receptacle center-tocenter 1 1/2" [38mm]. snap-on, slideoff mounting. Not for use in critical care environments. Not for use where Article 517 of NEc requires Hospital Grade Outlets. ULM4-6, ULM4-15 Medical Grade Plug-In Outlet Center Units Four outlets. Rugged white aluminum housing. 6' [1.8m] (uLMH4-6) or 15' [4.6m] (uLMH4-15) 14/3 sJT white cord with NEMA5-15 plug. Length 10 3/4" [237mm]. Receptacle center-to-center 1 1/2" [38mm]. snap-on, slide-off mounting. cTuvus Listed as Medical Electrical Equipment. Suitable for use where Article 517 of NEC requires Hospital Grade Outlets. ULM6-6, ULM6-15 Medical Grade Plug-In Outlet Center Units six outlets. Rugged white aluminum housing. 6' [1.8m] (uLMH6-6) or 15' [4.6m] (uLMH6-15) 14/3 sJT white cord with NEMA5-15 plug. Length 13 1/4" [337mm]. Receptacle center-to-center 1 1/2" [38mm]. snap-on, slide-off mounting. cTuvus Listed as Medical Electrical Equipment. Suitable for use where Article 517 of NEC requires Hospital Grade Outlets. ULM620-6, ULM620 -15 Medical Grade Plug-In Outlet Center Units 20A configuration. Four outlets, white finish. 6' [1.8m] (uLM620-6) or 15' [4.6m] (uLM620-15) cord. Length 10 3/4" [237mm]. Receptacle center-tocenter 1 1/2" [38mm]. cTuvus Listed as Medical Electrical Equipment. Suitable for use where Article 517 of the NEC requires Hospital Grade Outlets. Power Distribution & Surge Protective Devices ULBH4-6, ULBH4-15 637 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD ZOnEmastEr® sEriEs Hard wired surge Protection ZoneMaster® series Hard-wired surge Protection provides superior protection and ease-of-installation for both main and sub-panel applications. Meets uL1449 Third Edition requirements CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed: File E322765 Guide vZcA All ZoneMaster® and ZoneSentinel® Units feature all-mode protection. ZoneMaster® Pro models come standard in a NEMA 1 metal enclosure with surge counter, display diagnostics, and internal audible alarm. Hard Wired Surge Protection Units MaiN eNtRaNCe PRoteCtioN Best BetteR good PaNeL PRoteCtioN Best Power Distribution & Surge Protective Devices ELEcTRIcAL sERvIcE good ZONEMAsTER PRO 400 400KA ZONEMAsTER 400 400KA ZONEMAsTER PRO 340 340KA ZONEMAsTER 340 340KA ZONEMAsTER PRO 200 200KA ZONEMAsTER 200 200KA ZONEsENTINEL 100 100KA 20/240v, single Ø ZEM120T ZE120T ZcM120T Zc120T ZbM120T Zb120T ZA120T 120/208v 3Ø, wye ZEM120Y ZE120Y ZcM120Y Zc120Y ZbM120Y Zb120Y ZA120Y 277/480v, 3Ø, wye ZEM277Y ZE277Y ZcM277Y Zc277Y ZbM277Y Zb277Y ZA277Y A-Remote Alarm O O O O O O O b-Filter O O O O O O O c-counter s N/A s N/A s N/A N/A F-Fused Disconnect O N/A O N/A O N/A N/A G-Flush Mount O N/A O N/A O N/A O H-NEMA 4 Metal Enclosure O N/A O N/A O N/A N/A Options & Features S = Standard Feature, O = Available Option, N/A = Not available on this Model Zonesentinel 100 638 BetteR ZoneMaster 340 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD ZoneMaster Pro 400 WIREMOLD ZOnEmastEr® sEriEs Hard wired surge Protection ZoneMaster & ZoneSentinel Replacement Modules ZEM120T/ZE120T ZEM120Y/ZE120Y ZEM277Y/ZE277Y ZcM120T/Zc120T ZcM120Y/Zc120Y ZcM277Y/Zc277Y ZbM120T/Zb120T ZbM120Y/Zb120Y ZbM277Y/Zb277Y ZA120T ZA120Y ZA277Y MODuLE cAT. NO. MODuLE DEscRIPTION QuANTITY usED MODE usED 81144A ZoneMaster ZE/Zc Module 120v L-N 2 L-N 81145A ZoneMaster ZE/Zc Module 120v L-G 2 L-G 81148A ZoneMaster ZE/Zc/Zb Module 120v N-G 1 N-G 81144A ZoneMaster ZE/Zc Module 120v L-N 3 L-N 81145A ZoneMaster ZE/Zc Module 120v L-G 3 L-G 81148A ZoneMaster ZE/Zc/Zb Module 120v N-G 1 N-G 81146A ZoneMaster ZE/Zc Module 277v L-N 3 L-N 81147A ZoneMaster ZE/Zc Module 277v L-G 3 L-G 81149A ZoneMaster ZE/Zc/Zb Module 277v N-G 1 N-G 81144A ZoneMaster ZE/Zc Module 120v L-N 2 L-N 81145A ZoneMaster ZE/Zc Module 120v L-G 2 L-G 81148A ZoneMaster ZE/Zc/Zb Module 120v N-G 1 N-G 81144A ZoneMaster ZE/Zc Module 120v L-N 3 L-N 81145A ZoneMaster ZE/Zc Module 120v L-G 3 L-G 81148A ZoneMaster ZE/Zc/Zb Module 120v N-G 1 N-G 81146A ZoneMaster ZE/Zc Module 277v L-N 3 L-N 81147A ZoneMaster ZE/Zc Module 277v L-G 3 L-G 81149A ZoneMaster ZE/Zc/Zb Module 277v N-G 1 N-G 81148A ZoneMaster ZE/Zc/Zb Module 120v N-G 1 N-G 81173A ZoneMaster Zb Module 120v L-N/L-G 2 L-N/L-G 81148A ZoneMaster ZE/Zc/Zb Module 120v N-G 1 N-G 81173A ZoneMaster Zb Module 120v L-N/L-G 3 L-N/L-G 81149A ZoneMaster ZE/Zc/Zb Module 277v N-G 1 N-G 81174A ZoneMaster Zb Module 277v L-N/L-G 3 L-N/L-G 81170A Zonesentinel ZA Module 120v L-N/L-G 1 L-N/L-G 81175A Zonesentinel ZA Module 120v L-N/N-G 1 L-N/N-G 81170A Zonesentinel ZA Module 120v L-N/L-G 1 L-N/L-G 81173A Zonesentinel ZA Module 120v L-N/N-G 1 L-N/N-G 81171A Zonesentinel ZA Module 277v L-N/L-G 1 L-N/L-G 81174A Zonesentinel ZA Module 277v L-N/N-G 1 L-N/N-G Power Distribution & Surge Protective Devices uNIT cAT. NO. 639 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD ZOnEDEfEnDEr PrO sEriEs Hard wired surge Protection ZoneDefender Pro series Hard-wired surge Protection provide superior protection plus built-in EMI filtering for sub-panel applications. standard with NO/Nc contacts for Remote Monitoring. Meets uL1449 Third Edition requirements. ZPA Series, ZPB Series 80kA Surge Protection, 160kA Surge Protection For surge protection at the sub panel or near sensitive equipment. Designed for commercial/industrial applications. Power Distribution & Surge Protective Devices Dimensions: 9 5/16" x 4 7/8" x 3 1/16" [237mm x 124mm x 78mm]. 640 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed: File E322765 Guide vZcA cATALOG NO. ELEcTRIcAL sERvIcE suRGE PROTEcTION ZPA120T 120/240v, single Ø 3-wire & Ground 80kA ZPA120Y 120/208v, 3Ø, 4-wire & Ground 80kA ZPA240DcT 120/240/120v, Hi-Leg Delta 80kA ZPA277Y 277/480v, 3Ø, 4-wire & Ground 80kA ZPb120T 120/240v, single Ø 3-wire & Ground 160kA ZPb120Y 120/208v, single 3Ø, 4-wire & Ground 160kA ZPb240DcT 120/240/120v, Hi-Leg Delta 160kA ZPb277Y 277/480v, 3Ø, 4-wire & Ground 160kA WIREMOLD Pa/Pb™ sEriEs Hard wired surge Protection PA Series, PB Series 80kA Surge Protection, 160kA Surge Protection For surge protection at the sub panel or near sensitive equipment. Designed for residential and light commercial/ industrial applications. Dimensions: 6 5/16" x 4 3/4" x 3 9/16" [160mm x 120mm x 90mm]. Ten year unconditional product warranty. PABFMC Flush Mount Cover 7" [178mm] CODE REFERENCE cETLus Listed: cATALOG NO. ELEcTRIcAL sERvIcE suRGE PROTEcTION PA120T 120/240v, single Ø 3-wire & Ground 80kA PA120Y 120/208v, 3Ø, 4-wire & Ground 80kA PA240DcT 120/240/120v, Hi-Leg Delta 80kA PA277Y 277/480v, 3Ø, 4-wire & Ground 80kA Pb120T 120/240v, single Ø 3-wire & Ground 160kA Pb120Y 120/208v, single 3Ø, 4-wire & Ground 160kA Pb240DcT 120/240/120v, Hi-Leg Delta 160kA Pb277Y 160kA 277/480v, 3Ø, 4-wire & Ground NOTE: Add suffix “–A” to part number for NO/NC dry contact relay for connecting remote monitoring device. Add suffix “–B” to part number for EMI/RFI noise filter. Add “–AB” to part number for both options. For installing PA/Pb units on sheetrock or firewall construction. cover hides the hole cut and gives the unit a finished look. 9" [229mm] Power Distribution & Surge Protective Devices PA/Pb series Hard-wired surge Protection provide superior protection and ease-of-installation for sub-panel applications. Meets uL1449 Third Edition requirements. 641 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD Power Distribution & Surge Protective Devices WIREMOLD 642 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD MEETING ROOM SOLUTIONS Wiremold® Meeting Room Solutions bring technology closer to the user’s work area. The routing of power, communication and A/V connections is virtually transparent and increasingly more accessible. Solutions offer flexibility in meeting connectivity configurations and décor needs. Under Table Cable Management 646 Meeting Room Transition Channel 647 Work Surface Modular Power 648 Table of Contents Under Table Cable Management (UTCM) MEETING ROOM SOLUTIONS 646 Meeting Room Transition Channel (MRTC) 647 Work Surface Modular Power (WSMP) 648 643 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD MEETING ROOM SOLUTIONS Table of Contents Evolution™ Series Work Surface Portals 652 deQuorum™ Work Surface Portals 655 658 deQuorum™ Recessed Work Surface Portals deQuorum™ Flip-Up Work Surface Portals TableSource™ Work Surface Portals 660 Lab Bench Work Surface Portals 663 MEETING ROOM SOLUTIONS Desktop Power Center Work Surface Portals 666 Desk Module Work Surface Portal 667 644 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD MEETING ROOM SOLUTIONS Quick Selection Guide Work Surface Portal Model Svc. Location Cord Field Wired Cover Color/ @ Table Length Whip length Material Electrical Outlets Communication Openings AV Openings Evolution 6" Portals Recessed 6" Diameter 12' 6' Nickel, Bronze, Gray, Black, Brass Powder Coat (2) 15A Duplex (2) Ortronics® Cat 6 RJ45 jacks (5) Legrand AVIP Plates or Extron® Electronics MAAP modules Evolution 8" Portals Recessed 8" Diameter 12' 6' Nickel, Bronze, Gray, Black, Brass Powder Coat (2) 15A Duplex (6) Ortronics® Cat 6 RJ45 jacks (10) Legrand AVIP Plates or Extron® Electronics MAAP modules deQuorum Recessed Portals Recessed 12' 6' Gray, Black (2) 20A Duplexes Gasketed Adapters for Ortronics® Series II, TracJack or Wiremold Open System Cable Cord Keeper or Legrand AVIP Plates or Extron® Electronics MAAP modules – (6) single or (3) double deQuorum Flip Up Portals Above 12' N/A Black, Stainless (1) 15A or 20A Duplex Adapters for Ortronics® Series II or TracJack and Wiremold Open System N/A TableSource Portals (Standard) Above 12' N/A Clear Anodized Aluminum (1) 15A Duplex 2 Openings with Adapters for Ortronics® Series II, TracJack or Wiremold Open System N/A TableSource Portals (Configurable) Above 2'-12' Specify Clear Anodized Aluminum (1-4) 15A Duplexes Gasketed 1-4 Openings with Adapters for Ortronics® Series II, TracJack or Wiremold Open System N/A Bench Top Portals (Configurable) Above N/A N/A Clear Anodized Aluminum Fits (1-4) 15A Duplexes or Decorator Style Outlets See product pages for device plate selection See product pages for device plate selection Desktop Power Center Portal Above 12' N/A Black with Magnesium Side Panels (3) 15A Outlets with (2) USB Charging Outlets or (4) 15A Outlets N/A Desk Module Flush 12' N/A Brushed Silver with Black Cover (1) 15A Duplex RJ45 (Retractor available) USB Charging (USB Retractor available) Work Surface Cord Ended Recessed 6' N/A Silver (2) 15A Duplex Egress N/A Work Surface Modular Power Recessed N/A accommodates 5' & 6' tables Silver (2) 20A Duplex** Egress N/A * Extron® Electronics MAAP modules are sold separately. ** One (1) duplex is located on the bottom of unit for convenience power. MEETING ROOM SOLUTIONS Work Surface Portals 645 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD UNdER TabLE CabLE MaNaGEMENT Wiremold® Under Table Cable Management (UTCM) is an integral component to manage cabling below the work surface. CODE REFERENCE UTCM is not UL Listed and is designed only for use in protecting electrical cords, low voltage wiring and cabling. UTCM5 Under Table Cable management Kit Consists of a 5' [1.524mm] length of divided base, 5' [1.524mm] length of mounting hinge rail and four (4) latching clips. Black, nonmetallic construction. Base Hinge Rail Latching Clips 5" MEETING ROOM SOLUTIONS Base width without Rail & Clips: 5" [127mm] Base width with Rail & Clips: 6 1/4" [159mm] COLOR OPTIONS Under Table Cable Management components are available in a black finish. 646 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD MEETING ROOM TRaNSITION ChaNNEL Wiremold® Meeting Room Transition Channel (MRTC) is an integral component in a “last meter” solution for bringing power and technology closer to the user’s work area. CODE REFERENCE UTCM is not UL Listed and is designed only for use in protecting electrical cords, low voltage wiring and cabling. MRTC Meeting Room Transition Channel Kit Consists of aluminum center spine with steel mounting plate and four (4) screws, black aluminum side channels, black nonmetallic bottom boot and two (2) black nonmetallic transition covers. 6.8" [172mm] 4.7" [119mm] Center Spine with Mounting Plate 26" – 30" [660mm – 762mm] Side Channel Bottom Boot 7" [178mm] COLOR OPTIONS MEETING ROOM SOLUTIONS Transition Cover Meeting Room Transition Channel components are available in a black finish. 647 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD WORk SURfaCE MOdULaR POWER Wiremold® Work Surface Modular Power Kits (WSMP) make rearranging meeting rooms fast, easy, and safe by providing both under table power and cable management in one package. CODE REFERENCE UL Listed : Manufactured Wiring Systems File E51105 Guide: QQVX CSA Certified File 257563 Cord Ended Units are UL & cUL Listed Furniture Feed Distribution Units File: E349493 Guide: IYNC Work Surface Modular Power Part Number Configurator WS ME D TC Data: Power: Work Surface Modular Power 2 Keystone Series = WS Enhanced Portal = ME Openings = D Modular Power Standard Unit = MP Corder Power Enhanced Unit = CE 72 Table Size: Style: 72"= 72 Under Table (No Flange) = UT 60"= 60 Through Table (Contour Flange) = TC SL SK Portal Color: Kit Config.: Black = BK Single Silver = SL Portal Kit = SL Double Portal Kit = DK NOTE: Part Number Configurator can be used both to identify stock product configurations and also to request custom configurations from the factory. Consult the factory for more information. Work Surface Modular Power Kits Ordering Information MEETING ROOM SOLUTIONS 3 5/32" [80mm] 648 12" [305mm] 10" [254mm] 2 5/32" [55mm] NOTE: Kits include portal(s), flange(s) cables and mounting clips. Enhanced Portal Kit shown. Shown with existing table grommet (supplied by others). NOTE: Kit configurations assume there is 1/2" of cabling on each side of the table to make the table-to-table connections. NOTE: Cable and Connectors are wired for two circuits. Portals are either Circuit 1 or Circuit 2. (They pass through the other circuit.) www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD -2 Wiring Config.: Portals wired for circuit 2 = 2 Portals wired for circuit 1 = Blank WIREMOLD WORk SURfaCE MOdULaR POWER Ordering Information Work Surface Modular Power Kits Ordering Information WSMEDTC60SLSK, WSMEDTC60SLSK-2 Through Table Access – Single Enhanced Portal Kits 25.5" FF 25.5" FM 10" Table Length 60" Modular Power & Work Surface Portal Quick Kit for 5' Table – Kit contains two 4 wire, 2 circuit connectorized cables each 25.5" in length (one M/F and one F/F) with black cable covers and 4 cable clamps for mounting. Also one work surface portal with 2 power outlets accessible from table surface and 2 convenience power outlets accessible from under the table, 2 keystone openings for communications and one silver flange cover. Portal is wired for circuit 1. For circuit 2 wired portals, order the "-2" suffixed part number. WSMEDTC72SLSK, WSMEDTC72SLSK-2 Through Table Access – Single Enhanced Portal Kits 31.5" FM 31.5" FF 10" Table Length 72" Modular Power & Work Surface Portal Quick Kit for 6' Table – Kit contains two 4 wire, 2 circuit connectorized cables each 31.5" in length (one M/F and one F/F) with black cable covers and 4 cable clamps for mounting. Also one work surface portal with 2 power outlets accessible from table surface and 2 convenience power outlets accessible from under the table, 2 keystone openings for communications and one silver flange cover. Portal is wired for circuit 1. For circuit 2 wired portals, order the "-2" suffixed part number. WSMEDTC60SLDK, WSMEDTC60SLDK-2 Through Table Access – Double Enhanced Portal Kits 12" FM 17" FF 12" FF 10" 10" Table Length 60" Modular Power & Double Work Surface Portal Quick Kit for 5' Table – Kit contains three 4 wire, 2 circuit connectorized cables; two 12" in length (one M/F and one F/F) and one 17" (F/F), all with black cable covers and 8 cable clamps for mounting. Also two work surface portals each with 2 power outlets accessible from table surface and 2 convenience power outlets accessible from under the table, 2 keystone openings for communications and one silver flange cover. Portals are wired for circuit 1. For circuit 2 wired portals, order the “-2” suffixed part number. 12" FM 29" FF 10" 12" FF 10" Table Length 72" Modular Power & Double Work Surface Portal Quick Kit for 6' Table – Kit contains three 4 wire, 2 circuit connectorized cables; two 12" in length (one M/F and one F/F) and one 29" (F/F), all with black cable covers and 8 cable clamps for mounting. Also two work surface portals each with 2 power outlets accessible from table surface and 2 convenience power outlets accessible from under the table, 2 keystone openings for communications and one silver flange cover. Portals are wired for circuit 1. For circuit 2 wired portals, order the “-2” suffixed part number. NOTE: Kit configurations assume there is 1/2" of cabling on each side of the table to make the table-to-table connections. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD MEETING ROOM SOLUTIONS WSMEDTC72SLDK, WSMEDTC72SLDK-2 Through Table Access – Double Enhanced Portal Kits 649 WIREMOLD WORk SURfaCE MOdULaR POWER Ordering Information Work Surface Modular Power Kits Ordering Information (continued) WSMPDUT60BKSK, WSMPDUT60BKSK-2 Under Table Access (No Flange) – Portal Kits 27" FF 27" FM 10" Table Length 60" Modular Power & Work Surface Portal Quick Kit for 5' Table – Kit contains two 4 wire, 2 circuit connectorized cables each 27" in length (one M/F and one F/F) with black cable covers and 4 cable clamps for mounting, one black work surface portal with 2 power and 2 keystone openings for communications. Portal is wired for circuit 1. For circuit 2 wired portals, order the “-2” suffixed part number. Kits can be used with existing grommeted table openings or with portals rotated and edge mounted. WSMPDUT72BKSK, WSMPDUT72BKSK-2 Under Table Access (No Flange) – Portal Kits 33" FM 33" FF 10" Table Length 72" Modular Power & Work Surface Portal Quick Kit for 6' Table – Kit contains two 4 wire, 2 circuit connectorized cables each 33" in length (one M/F and one F/F) with black cable covers and 4 cable clamps for mounting, one black work surface portal with 2 power and 2 keystone openings for communications. Portal is wired for circuit 1. For circuit 2 wired portals, order the “-2” suffixed part number. Kits can be used with existing grommeted table openings or with portals rotated and edge mounted. Cord-Ended Enhanced Work Surface Portals – For Use at Workstations Ordering Information WSCEDTCSL, WSCEDTCBK Cord-Ended Enhanced Work Surface Portals – For Use at Workstations* Cord-Ended Enhanced Work Surface Portals – For Use at Workstations – Cord-ended silver flange and portal (SL) or black flange and portal (BK), with 2 power outlets accessible from table surface and 3 convenience power outlets accessible from under the table, 2 keystone openings, 4 cable clamps and 72" power cord. MEETING ROOM SOLUTIONS * Cord-Ended Units are UL and cUL Listed. 650 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD Portal Dimensions: Top with Mounting Flange: 12" L x 3 13/100" W Base: 9 63/100" L x 2 17/100" D Flange: 5 68/100" L x 3 39/100" W WIREMOLD WORk SURfaCE MOdULaR POWER Ordering Information Work Surface Modular Power Components Ordering Information WSMPHWSC72 Hardwire Starter Cable WSMP-QD Quick Disconnect Connector 72", multi-circuit, black starter cable with cover with 12" leads on one end and a female connector on the other. WSMPQDSFF Quick Disconnect Insert & Cable Single connector with 18" leads in decorator footprint for wall or floor outlets with 72" female/female interconnecting cable and cable cover. Male connector in decorator sized plate with 18" leads. (Decorator faceplate not included.) WSMP-T T Connector MFM connectors for starting power runs from the center of a table or auditorium seating applications. WSMPCMM12 Connector Cable MEETING ROOM SOLUTIONS 12" MM connectorized cable to accommodate “U” or cornered runs. 651 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD EvOLUTION™ SERIES WORk SURfaCE PORTaLS Evolution™ Work Surface Portals offer extra capacity and style with seamless integration of power, voice, communication and A/V into workstation activations. CODE REFERENCE cETLus Listed : Furniture Power Distribution Unit Listed to US and Canadian Safety Standards Evolution Work Surface Portals Part Number Configurator Work Surface Series Wiring: Size: (Diameter) Cover Style: Cover Color: WS Field-Wired = F Cord-Ended = Blank 6" [152m] = 6 8" [203mm] = 8 Surface/ Beveled = S Flush =F Nickel Bronze Gray Black Brass = NK = BZ = GY = BK = BS NOTE: Surface/Beveled and Flush cover styles can both be used on a variety of table surfaces and provide different aesthetic options. There are differences in the installation of each style of cover. Please refer to the installation instructions for these products for more detailed information. Evolution Work Surface Portals are not for use in floors. MEETING ROOM SOLUTIONS NOTE: Part Number Configurator can be used both to identify stock product configurations and also to request custom configurations from the factory. Consult the factory for more information. Evolution Series Work Surface Portals provide recessed access to power, A/V and communications services. COLOR OPTIONS 652 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD Evolution Work Surface Portal Covers are available in the following powder coated finishes: “BK” black, “GY” gray, “NK” nickel, “BS” brass, and “BZ” bronze. WIREMOLD EvOLUTION™ SERIES WORk SURfaCE PORTaLS Ordering Information Evolution™ Work Surface Portals Field-Wired Units Ordering Information WSF6F Flush Field-Wired Work Surface Portal Portal has 7 1/4" [184mm] cover with two (2) duplex receptacles and two (2) Ortronics® category 6 RJ45 jacks and can accept up to five (5) Legrand AVIP plates or Extron® Electronics MAAP device plates. Units have 6' [1.8m] whip for field-wiring and are available with die-cast aluminum cover with durable powder coat finishes of nickel (WSF6FNK), bronze (WSF6FBZ), gray (WSF6FGY), black (WSF6FBK), or brass (WSF6FBS). 7 1/4" [184mm] 6 13/16" [173mm] 6" [152mm] WSF6S Surface/Beveled Field-Wired Work Surface Portal 7 1/4" [184mm] Portal has 7 1/4 [189mm] cover with two (2) duplex receptacles and two (2) Ortronics® category 6 RJ45 jacks and can accept up to five (5) Legrand AVIP plates or Extron® Electronics MAAP device plates. Units have 6' [1.8m] whip for field-wiring and are available with die-cast aluminum cover with durable powder coat finishes of nickel (WSF6SNK), bronze (WSF6SBZ), gray (WSF6SGY), black (WSF6SBK), or brass (WSF6SBS). 6 13/16" [173mm] 6" [152mm] WSF8F Flush Field-Wired Work Surface Portal Portal has 9 1/4" [235mm] cover with two (2) duplex receptacles and six (6) Ortronics® category 6 RJ45 jacks and can accept up to ten (10) Legrand AVIP plates or Extron® Electronics MAAP device plates. Units have 6' [1.8m] whip for field-wiring and are available with die-cast aluminum cover with durable powder coat finishes of nickel (WSF8FNK), bronze (WSF8FBZ), gray (WSF8FGY), black (WSF8FBK), or brass (WSF8FBS). 9 1/4" [235mm] 6 13/16" [173mm] WSF8S Surface/Beveled Field-Wired Work Surface Portal Portal has 9 1/4" [235mm] cover with two (2) duplex receptacles and six (6) Ortronics® category 6 RJ45 jacks and can accept up to ten (10) Legrand AVIP plates or Extron® Electronics MAAP device plates. Units have 6' [1.8m] whip for field-wiring and are available with die-cast aluminum cover with durable powder coat finishes of nickel (WSF8SNK), bronze (WSF8SBZ), gray (WSF8SGY),black (WSF8SBK), or brass (WSF8SBS). 9 1/4" [235mm] 6 13/16" [173mm] 8" [203mm] NOTE: Core hole size for 6" units is 6 1/4" [159mm]. Core hole size for 8" units is 8 1/4" [210mm]. Flanges for both the 6" and 8" units extend 3/4" [19.1mm] from body of unit. Evolution Work Surface Portals are not for use in floors. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD MEETING ROOM SOLUTIONS 8" [203mm] 653 WIREMOLD EvOLUTION™ SERIES WORk SURfaCE PORTaLS Ordering Information Evolution™ Work Surface Portals Cord-Ended Units Ordering Information WS6F Flush Cord-Ended Portal has 7 1/4" [184mm] cover with two (2) duplex receptacles and two (2) Ortronics® category 6 RJ45 jacks and can accept up to five (5) Legrand AVIP plates or Extron® Electronics MAAP device plates. Units are prewired with 12' [3.7m] cord with NEMA 5-15P plug and are available with die-cast aluminum cover with durable powder coat finishes of nickel (WS6FNK), bronze (WS6FBZ), gray (WS6FGY), black (WS6FBK), or brass (WS6FBS). 7 1/4" [184mm] 6 13/16" [173mm] 6" [152mm] WS6S Surface/Beveled Cord-Ended Work Surface Portal 7 1/4" [184mm] Portal has 7 1/4" [184mm] cover with two (2) duplex receptacles and two (2) Ortronics® category 6 RJ45 jacks and can accept up to five (5) Legrand AVIP plates or Extron® Electronics MAAP device plates. Units are prewired with 12' [3.7m] cord with NEMA 5-15P plug and are available with die-cast aluminum cover with durable powder coat finishes of nickel (WS6SNK), bronze (WS6SBZ), gray (WS6SGY), black (WS6SBK), or brass (WS6SBS). 6 13/16" [173mm] 6" [152mm] WS8F Flush Cord-Ended Work Surface Portal 9 1/4" [235mm] 6 13/16" [173mm] MEETING ROOM SOLUTIONS 8" [203mm] 654 Portal has 9 1/4" [235mm] cover with two (2) duplex receptacles and six (6) Ortronics® category 6 RJ45 jacks and can accept up to ten (10) Legrand AVIP plates or Extron® Electronics MAAP device plates. Units are prewired with 12' [3.7m] cord with NEMA 5-15P plug and are available with die-cast aluminum cover with durable powder coat finishes of nickel (WS8FNK), bronze (WS8FBZ), gray (WS8FGY), black (WS8FBK), or brass (WS8FBS). WS8S Surface/Beveled Cord-Ended Work Surface Portal 9 1/4" [235mm] 6 13/16" [173mm] 8" [203mm] Portal has 9 1/4" [25mm] cover with two (2) duplex receptacles and six (6) Ortronics® category 6 RJ45 jacks and can accept up to ten (10) Legrand AVIP plates or Extron® Electronics MAAP device plates. Units are prewired with 12' [3.7m] cord with NEMA 5-15P plug and are available with die-cast aluminum cover with durable powder coat finishes of nickel (WS8SNK), bronze (WS8SBZ), gray (WS8SGY), black (WS8SBK), or brass (WS8SBS). NOTE: Core hole size for 6" units is 6 1/4" [159mm]. Core hole size for 8" units is 8 1/4" [210mm]. Flanges for both the 6" and 8" units extend 3/4" [19.1mm] from body of unit. Evolution Work Surface Portals are not for use in floors. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD deQUORUM™ RECESSEd WORk SURfaCE PORTaLS deQuorum™ Recessed Work Surface Portals provide flexibility in décor, communication and A/V connectivity options, and installation to meet specific functional and aesthetic needs. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Relocatable Power Tap: File E66421 Guide XBYS cULus Listed Multioutlet Assembly: File E15191 Guide PVGT Listed to US and Canadian Safety Standards Meets Article 380 of NEC. deQuorum Recessed Work Surface Portals Part Number Configurator deQuorum Series: Cover Style: KC = Cord Ended Flush Contoured KF = Field Installed =1 =4 Cover Color: Communication: Top Style: Black Gray Ortronics Wiremold Recessed Blank =0 =5 = RT = CM Open System =2 =8 NOTE: Part Number Configurator can be used both to identify stock product configurations and also to request custom configurations from the factory. Consult the factory for more information. deQuorum Recessed Work Surface Portals Cover Options 5 7/8" [149mm] 8 7/16" [214mm] Blank Top 5 7/8" [149mm] Contoured Covers - Available finishes: Black or Gray. Shown with flange. 8 7/16" [214mm] 5 7/8" [149mm] Decorative Recess for Table Laminate Insert COLOR OPTIONS deQuorum Work Surface Portal Covers are available in Black or Gray 8 7/16" [214mm] Blank Top 5 7/8" [149mm] 8 7/16" [214mm] Decorative Recess for Table Laminate Insert For information regarding communication inserts, go to: MEETING ROOM SOLUTIONS Flush Covers - Available finishes: Black or Gray. Shown with flange. www.legrand.us/wiremold 655 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD deQUORUM™ RECESSEd WORk SURfaCE PORTaLS Ordering Information deQuorum Recessed Work Surface Portals – In-Stock Configurations Ordering Information KC10CM2 KF10CM8 Cord-ended with black, flush cover with decorative recess. Unit comes with two 20A gasketed prewired receptacles with a 12' [3.65m] 14/3 SJT black cord. Includes adapter for Wiremold CM Series Open System communications outlets. Communication modules sold separately. KC10RT8 KF15RT2 Cord-ended with black, flush cover. Unit comes with two 20A gasketed prewired receptacles with a 12' [3.65m] 14/3 SJT black cord. Includes adapter for Ortronics® Series II and TracJack inserts. Communication modules sold separately. KC15RT8 Cord-Ended Unit 3 3/8" [86mm] MEETING ROOM SOLUTIONS Field-wired with gray, flush cover with decorative recess. Unit comes with two 20A gasketed prewired receptacles with a 3/8" [9.5mm] diameter 6' [1.83m] flexible whip. Includes adapter for Ortronics® Series II and TracJack inserts. Communication modules sold separately. Field-Wired Unit Cord-ended with gray, flush cover. Unit comes with two 20A gasketed prewired receptacles with a 12' [3.65m] 14/3 SJT black cord. Includes adapter for Ortronics® Series II and TracJack inserts. Communication modules sold separately. 7 7/8" [200mm] Field-wired with black, flush cover. Unit comes with two 20A gasketed prewired receptacles with a 3/8" [9.5mm] diameter 6' [1.83m] flexible whip. Includes adapter for Wiremold CM Series Open System communications outlets. Communication modules sold separately. 5 1/8" [130mm] Above unit shown with KA700, 20A Gasketed Receptacle Plate and KA305, Legrand AVIP Adapter Plate installed. 656 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 3 3/8" [86mm] 7 7/8" [200mm] 5 1/8" [130mm] WIREMOLD deQUORUM™ RECESSEd WORk SURfaCE PORTaLS Ordering Information deQuorum Recessed Work Surface Portals – Communication Plates Ordering Information KA102RT Replacement Ortronics Communications Plate 4 3/4" [120mm] 3 1/16" [78mm] Installed adapters will accommodate either Ortronics® Series II front-loading module system or the TracJack individual jack system. Includes black plate and three (3) Series II and three (3) TracJack adapters. KA104CM Replacement Wiremold Open System Communications Plate 4 3/4" [120mm] 3 1/16" [78mm] Installed adapters accept Wiremold CM Series modules to accommodate a wide range of communications outlets. Includes black plate and three (3) Wiremold Open System CM2 adapters. KA700 Replacement 20A Gasketed Receptacle Plate 4 3/4" [120mm] Plate has factory-installed receptacles ready to connect with installed unit. Can be used for field-installed or cord-ended units. KA302 Cable Cord keeper Plate 4 3/4" [120mm] 3 1/16" [78mm] Holds cables captive for easy access. Pull the cable out for use. Keeper bars provide seven adjustable openings for cables ranging from .150" to .350" [3.8mm to 8.9mm] in diameter. KA305 Legrand AVIP Adapter Plate 4 3/4" [120mm] 3 1/16" [78mm] Accepts six (6) single size Legrand AVIP plates or Extron® Electronics MAAP or three (3) double size MAAP modules, or any combination. Includes necessary hardware. KA305-AAP Extron ® AAP Adapter Plate Accepts three (3) AAP plates. Includes necessary hardware. 4 3/4" [120mm] 3 1/16" [78mm] 3 1/16" [78mm] 4 3/4" [120mm] 3 1/16" [78mm] Use this plate to install any communication and/or multimedia connectivity that requires a singlegang wallplate. Includes necessary mounting hardware. MEETING ROOM SOLUTIONS KA301 Single-Gang Opening Plate 657 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD deQUORUM™ fLIP-UP WORk SURfaCE PORTaLS deQuorum™ Flip-Up Work Surface Portals provide flexibility in décor, communication connectivity options, and installation to meet specific functional and aesthetic needs. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Relocatable Power Tap: File E66421 Guide XBYS cULus Listed Multioutlet Assembly: File E15191 Guide PVGT Listed to US and Canadian Safety Standards Meets Article 380 of NEC. deQuorum Flip-Up Work Surface Portals Part Number Configurator K P deQuorum Series: Unit Color: Communications: Receptacle: KP = Flip Up Portal Black = 9999 Stainless = 2345 Ortronics = RT Wiremold Open System = CM 20 Amp = 20 15 Amp = 15 MEETING ROOM SOLUTIONS NOTE: Part Number Configurator can be used both to identify stock product configurations and also to request custom configurations from the factory. Consult the factory for more information. 658 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD deQUORUM™ fLIP-UP WORk SURfaCE PORTaLS Ordering Information deQuorum™ Flip-Up Work Surface Portals Ordering Information KP9999, KP9999-15 4 3/4" [120mm] 4 7/8" [124mm] Single Flip-Up Unit Black cover. KP9999 includes one 20A black gasketed duplex receptacle. KP9999-15 includes one 15A black gasketed duplex receptacle. Both units come with a 12' [3.66m] cord. KP9999RT, KP9999RT-15 9 1/4" [235mm] 4 3/4" [120mm] Dual Flip-Up Unit Black cover. KP9999RT includes one 20A black gasketed duplex receptacle and one (1) Ortronics® Series II and one (1) Tracjack adapter to accommodate either Series II front-loading modules or TracJack individual jack. KP9999RT-15 includes one 15A black gasketed duplex receptacle. Both units come with a 12' [3.66m] cord. KP9999CM, KP9999CM-15 Dual Flip-Up Unit 9 1/4" [235mm] COLOR OPTIONS 4 3/4" [120mm] 4 7/8" [124mm] Single Flip-Up Unit Stainless finish cover. KP2345 includes one 20A black gasketed duplex receptacle. KP234515 includes one 15A gasketed duplex receptacle. Both units come with a 12' [3.66m] cord. KP2345RT, KP2345RT-15 Dual Flip-Up Unit 4 3/4" [120mm] 9 1/4" [235mm] Stainless finish cover. KP2345RT includes one 20A black gasketed duplex receptacle and one 2A adapter to accommodate either Ortronics® Series II front-loading modules or TracJack individual jacks. KP2345RT-15 includes one 15A black gasketed duplex receptacle. Both units come with a 12' [3.66m] cord. KP2345CM, KP2345CM-15 Dual Flip-Up Unit 4 3/4" [120mm] 9 1/4" [235mm] Stainless finish cover. Wiremold CM Series Open System Communication 2A modules for a wide range of communications outlets. KP2345CM-15 includes one 15A black gasketed duplex receptacle. Both units come with a 12' [3.66m] cord. MEETING ROOM SOLUTIONS 4 3/4" [120mm] Black cover. Wiremold CM Series Open System 2A modules for a wide range of communications outlets. KP9999CM-15 is the same as KP9999CM except with a 15A black gasketed duplex receptacle. Both units come with a 12' [3.66m] cord. KP2345, KP2345-15 deQuorum Flip-Up Work Surface Portal Covers are available in the following finishes: Black and Stainless. 659 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD TabLESOURCE™ WORk SURfaCE PORTaLS TableSource™ Work Surface Portals provide flexibility in décor, datacom connectivity options, and installation to meet specific functional and aesthetic needs. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Relocatable Power Tap: File E66421 Guide XBYS cULus Listed Multioutlet Assembly: File E15191 Guide PVGT Listed to US and Canadian Safety Standards Meets Article 380 of NEC. TableSource Work Surface Portals Ordering Information TableSource Portals listed in this chart are packaged with a mounting clip that attaches to the work surface. 2" [51mm] CATALOG NUMBER 2 1/4" [57mm] FINISH UNIT LENGTH Inches [mm] 15A CORD LENGTH COMM. DUPLEx Feet [mm] OPENINGS COMM. SYSTEM TS2345AX1L1GYRT Clear Anodized 6 23/32" [170mm] 1 12' [3.7m] 1 Ortronics TracJack & Series II TS2345AX1L1GYCM Clear Anodized 6 23/32" [170mm] 1 12' [3.7m] 1 Wiremold Open System CM2 communications outlets TS2345AX1L2GYRT Clear Anodized 9 3/32" [231mm] 1 12' [3.7m] 2 Ortronics TracJack & Series II TS2345AX1L2GYCM Clear Anodized 9 3/32" [231mm] 1 12' [3.7m] 2 Wiremold Open System CM2 communications outlets 1" [25mm] 2" [51mm] MEETING ROOM SOLUTIONS TableSource Portals listed in this chart are packaged to include the backsplash mounting bracket. 2" [51mm] 2" [51mm] CATALOG NUMBER FINISH UNIT LENGTH Inches [mm] 15A CORD LENGTH COMM. DUPLEx Feet [mm] OPENINGS COMM. SYSTEM TS2345AM1L1GYRT Clear Anodized 6 23/32" [170mm] 1 12' [3. 7m] 1 Ortronics TracJack & Series II TS2345AM1L1GYCM Clear Anodized 6 23/32" [170mm] 1 12' [3.7m] 1 Wiremold Open System CM2 communications outlets TS2345AM1L2GYRT Clear Anodized 9 3/32" [231mm] 1 12' [3.7m] 2 Ortronics TracJack & Series II TS2345AM1L2GYCM Clear Anodized 9 3/32" [231mm] 1 12' [3.7m] 2 Wiremold Open System CM2 communications outlets Accommodates Surface Thicknesses from 0.7" to 1.9" [18mm to 48mm] COLOR OPTIONS TableSource Work Surface Portal Covers are available in a clear anodized finish. 660 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD TabLESOURCE™ WORk SURfaCE PORTaLS Ordering Information TableSource Work Surface Portals Configurator Sample Part: TS6137Bx2D2BKCM Design a Cord-Ended TableSource Solution IMPORTANT The portal length is determined by the number of power and communications devices specified. Use the following considerations for your design: To determine approximate length: (No. of duplexes x 4.4" [111.8mm]) + (no. of communications adapters x 2.25" [57.1mm]) + .75" [19.1mm] = overall length of unit in inches [mm] For more than 2 duplexes – add 2" [51mm] for circuit breaker. Data Cables egress out the back (the side opposite the devices) T S L L Product Group # # # # Color of Unit L Face of Unit L # Mounting Bracket No. of Duplexes M, X 1-4 1. Choose color A,B from the list below. Input the four-digit number. 2. Select face for mounting device. Input letter. A Face 3. Do you want optional mounting bracket for backsplash application? B Face Mounting Clip x Color – Reference White Black Ivory No Color – Anodized Aluminum Warm White – Steelcase 4700 Moss – Steelcase 4722 Lt. Tone – Herman Miller LT Mist – Steelcase 4606 Woodrose – Steelcase 4601 Slate – Steelcase 4726 Light Blue – Shaw Walker A751 Greytone – Haworth – G = = = = = = = = = = = = Code 3333 9999 5555 2345 3136 5169 2486 5895 6137 6142 1988 2884 Backsplash Bracket M # L No. of Power Comm. Cord Length Adapters 1-4 4. Number of duplexes (from 1-4). Input number. L L L Comm. Brand Adapter Black = BK Gray = GY RT, CM 6. Choose 7. Choose color number of of duplex and communication communication adapters (from adapters. Input 1-4). Input two-letter number. color code. 5. Choose a length and input the corresponding letter for that length. Length Code Feet [metric] Letter 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 L Duplex & Adapter Color [0.6m] [0.9m] [1.2m] [1.5m] [1.8m] [2.1m] [2.4m] [2.7m] [3.0m] [3.4m] [3.7m] B C D E F G H I J K L 8. Communication brand. Input two letters. RT = Ortronics Series II and TracJack Solutions CM = Wiremold Open System 2A communications modules NOTE: Cord color is black. NOTE: Part Number Configurator can be used both to identify stock product configurations and also to request custom configurations from the factory. Consult the factory for more information. MEETING ROOM SOLUTIONS Note: Send in a color chip. Most colors can be matched. 661 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD TabLESOURCE™ WORk SURfaCE PORTaLS Ordering Information TableSource Work Surface Portals Configurator Sample Part: TS5911BT3Z2BKCM Design a Hard-Wired TableSource Solution IMPORTANT The portal length is determined by the number of power and communications devices specified. Use the following considerations for your design: To determine approximate length: T S L L Product Group (No. of duplexes x 4.4" [111.8mm]) + (no. of communications adapters x 2.25" [57.1mm]) + .75" [19.1mm] = overall length of unit in inches [mm]. # # # # Color of Unit L Face of Unit 1. Choose color A, B from the list below. Input the four-digit number. 2. Select face for mounting device. Input letter. L Whip Exit No. of Comm. Adapters Duplex & Adapter Color Comm. Brand Adapter T, P 1-4 Y, Z 1-4 Black = BK Gray = GY RT, CM 4. Number of duplexes (from 1-4). Input number. 3. Mounting styles T – MOUNTING EARS P – MOUNTING STUD B Face 5. Choose face for 6' [1.8m], three-wire whip to exit. Y STYLE Color – Reference White Black Ivory No Color – Anodized Aluminum Warm White – Steelcase 4700 Moss – Steelcase 4722 Lt. Tone – Herman Miller LT Mist – Steelcase 4606 Woodrose – Steelcase 4601 Slate – Steelcase 4726 Light Blue – Shaw Walker A751 Greytone – Haworth – G Code = 3333 = 9999 = 5555 = 2345 = 3136 = 5169 = 2486 = 5895 = 6137 = 6142 = 1988 = 2884 Z STYLE MEETING ROOM SOLUTIONS Note: Send in a color chip. Most colors can be matched. NOTE: Part Number Configurator can be used both to identify stock product configurations and also to request custom configurations from the factory. Consult the factory for more information. 662 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD L L 6. Choose 7. Choose color number of of duplex and communication communication adapters (from adapters. Input 1-4). Input two-letter number. color code. B Face A Face L # No. of Duplexes A Face Data Cables egress out the back (the side opposite the devices) L # L Mounting Syle 8. Communication brand. Input two letters. RT = Ortronics Series II and TracJack Solutions CM = Wiremold Open System 2A communications modules WIREMOLD Lab bENCh WORk SURfaCE PORTaLS Lab Bench Work Surface Portals provide access to multiple services in a variety of configurations to meet the demanding needs of laboratory activity. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Outlet Box: File E2961 Guide QCIT Listed to US and Canadian Safety Standards Lab Bench Work Surface Portals Ordering Information Lab Bench Work Surface Portals Aluminum housing and base 9 1/4" x 4 1/2" x 2 1/2" [235mm x 114mm x 64mm] are provided with four (4) 1" trade size knockouts in base for hardwiring unit and two dividers which allow units to be divided on either the "X" or "Y" axis/plane. Accommodates a variety of power (NEMA or decorator), and supports Ortronics® and Wiremold Open Systems connectivity. Portals are field configurable by ordering the corresponding faceplates. 9 1/4" [235mm] 2 1/2" [64mm] 4 1/2" [114mm] AL241S-HB exploded view showing dividers COLOR OPTIONS MEETING ROOM SOLUTIONS AL241S-HB Lab Bench Work Surface Portal Covers are available with a clear anodized aluminum finish. 663 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD Lab bENCh WORk SURfaCE PORTaLS Ordering Information MEETING ROOM SOLUTIONS Faceplates for Lab Bench Work Surface Portals Ordering Information PART NUMBER LEFT OPENING RIGHT OPENING AL241FPB-B Blank Blank AL241FPD-D Duplex Duplex AL241FPDEC-DEC Decorator Decorator AL241FPDEC-B Decorator Blank AL241FP6A-D Ortronics® or Wiremold Open System Communication 6A Module. Adapters included. Duplex AL241FPD-6A Duplex Ortronics® or Wiremold Open System Communication 6A Module. Adapters included. AL241FP6A-6A Ortronics® or Wiremold Open System Communication 6A Module. Adapters included. Ortronics® or Wiremold Open System Communication 6A Module. Adapters included. AL241FPB-6A Blank Ortronics® or Wiremold Open System Communication 6A Module. Adapters included. 664 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD Lab bENCh WORk SURfaCE PORTaLS Ordering Information Faceplates for Lab Bench Work Surface Portals Ordering Information (continued) LEFT OPENING RIGHT OPENING AL241FP6A-B Ortronics® or Wiremold Open System Communication 6A Module. Adapters included. Blank AL241FPB-D Blank Duplex AL241FPD-B Duplex Blank AL241FP6A-DEC Ortronics® or Wiremold Open System Communication 6A Module. Adapters included. Decorator AL241FPDEC-6A Decorator Ortronics® or Wiremold Open System Communication 6A Module. Adapters included. MEETING ROOM SOLUTIONS PART NUMBER 665 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD dESkTOP POWER CENTER WORk SURfaCE PORTaLS Desktop Power Center Work Surface Portals bring surge-protected power and USB charging outlets up to the work surface by utilizing existing cord drop openings in office desks and table tops or by mounting onto the edge of a desk or table top. CODE REFERENCE cETLus Listed Furniture Power Distribution Unit: Listed to US and Canadian Safety Standards Desktop Power Center Work Surface Portals Ordering Information WSC400-S Work Surface Portal Has four (4) surge-protected 15Amp power outlets and a 12' [3.66m] cord. Units come with accessories for mounting into round cutouts in desk or edge mounting on desks or other work surfaces. WSC320-S Work Surface Portal MEETING ROOM SOLUTIONS WSC400-S Desktop Power Center Portal with mounting components NOTE: USB circuit is designed to the USB 2.0 standard and can provide 1.4 amps shared accross the two USB ports. Has three (3) surge-protected 15Amp power outlets, two USB charging outlets and a 12' [3.66m] cord. Units come with accessories for mounting into round cutouts in desk or edge mounting on desks or other work surfaces. Mounting Options: Installs through an existing cord drop opening. Installs on the edge of a work surface. Front View 2" [52mm] Back View 6 11/16" [170mm] 3 9/16" [90mm] COLOR OPTIONS Desktop Power Center Portals are available in black with magnesium side panels. 666 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD Front View Back View WIREMOLD dESk MOdULE Wiremold® Desk Module upgrades workstations to well connected spaces so users can focus on the business at hand. CODE REFERENCE cETLus Listed : Furniture Power Distribution Unit Listed to US and Canadian Safety Standards Desk Module Ordering Information Desk module, black/silver, with two (2) 15A outlets and 12' cord. WSDM211BK Desk Module Desk module, black/silver, with two (2) 15A outlets, one UB charging outlet and 12' cord. COLOR OPTIONS MEETING ROOM SOLUTIONS WSDM210BK Desk Module Desk Modules are available in a black finish with silver trim elements 667 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD dESk MOdULE Ordering Information Desk Module Ordering Information WSDM210BKR Desk Module Desk module, black/silver, with two (2) 15A outlets and 12' cord. Includes RJ45 retractor cassette. WSDMDC RJ45 Retractor Cassette MEETING ROOM SOLUTIONS Retractor with Category 6 cable extending to 4.4' [1.35m] 668 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WSDM211BKR Desk Module Desk module, black/silver, with two (2) 15A outlets, one USB charging outlet and 12' cord. Includes RJ45 retractor cassette. WSDMUC USB Retractor Cassette Retractor with USB charging cable extending to 4.4' [1.35m] WIREMOLD FIRE STOP SOLUTIONS Wiremold® FlameStopper™ Series Thru-Wall/Thru-Floor Fittings are designed to provide a firestopping solution in a unique integral fitting that can be used for both new and retrofit construction. Table of Contents FlameStopper™ Series Thru-Wall & Thru-Floor Fittings FIRE STOP SOLUTIONS 671 669 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD FIRE STOP SOLUTIONS FlameStopper FS2R & FS4R Series Through-Wall UL Ratings Flame: The F Rating (F and FH in Canada) is expressed in hours. This number indicates the specific length of time that a barrier can withstand fire before being consumed or before permitting the passage of flame through the opening. Temperature: The T Rating (FT and FTH in Canada) is expressed in hours. This number indicates the length of time that the temperature on the non-fire side of the penetration does not exceed 325 degrees F above the ambient temperature. Air Leakage: The L Rating is expressed in CFM. This number indicates the amount of air (or cold smoke) that can leak through a penetration. Through-Wall Ratings for FS2R & FS4R Series (UL Ratings for FS2R and FS4R Series when used alone for new construction or when used with heat shield for retrofit applications.) F T T T T T T T T L L L L UL RATINGS (US RATINGS) Rating with & without cables Rating with coax cable Rating with fiber optic cable Rating with Max. 1" fiber optic rcwy. with fiber optic fill Rating with Max. 4-pair cable (22 ga & smaller) Rating with Max. 4 conductor (2AWG & smaller) Rating with Max. 100-pair cable (24 ga & smaller) Rating with Max. 400-pair cable (24 ga & smaller) Rating with MC cable (8 wire max. 12 ga & smaller) Rating at ambient without cables (doors closed) Rating at 400°F without cables (doors closed) Rating at ambient with cables Rating at 400°F with cables Suitable for use in air handling spaces (plenums) MAX. RATING 4 Hours 4 Hours 4 Hours 4 Hours 3 Hours 1 Hour 1 Hour 45 Minutes 15 Minutes 2.6 cfm 1.9 cfm 2.8 cfm 1.3 cfm Yes UL RATINGS (CANADIAN RATINGS) F & FH Rating with & without cables FT & FTH Rating with coax cable FT & FTH Rating with fiber optic cable MAX. RATING 2 Hours 1.25 Hours 1 Hour 1.25 Hours 1.25 Hours UL RATINGS (CANADIAN RATINGS) F & FH Rating with & without cables FT & FTH Rating with Max. 4-pair cable (22 ga & smaller) FT & FTH Rating with coax cable MAX. RATING 2 Hours 1.25 Hours 1 Hour FT & FTH Rating with fiber optic cable FT & FTH Rating with Max. 1" fiber optic raceway with fiber optic fill FT & FTH Rating with MC cable (8 wire max. 12 ga & smaller) L Rating at ambient without cables (doors closed) L Rating at 400°F without cables (doors closed) L Rating at ambient with cables L Rating at 400°F with cables Suitable for use in air handling spaces (plenums) 1.25 Hours 1.25 Hours Through-Wall Ratings for FS2R & FS4R Series FT & FTH Rating with Max. 1" fiber optic raceway with fiber optic fill FT & FTH Rating with Max. 4-pair cable (22 ga & smaller) FT & FTH Rating with Max. 4 conductor (2AWG & smaller) FT & FTH Rating with Max. 100-pair cable (24 ga & smaller) FT & FTH Rating with Max. 400-pair cable (24 ga & smaller) FT & FTH Rating with MC cable (8 wire max. 12 ga & smaller) L Rating at ambient without cables (doors closed) L Rating at 400°F without cables (doors closed) L Rating at ambient with cables L Rating at 400°F with cables Suitable for use in air handling spaces (plenums) MAX. RATING 4 Hours 4 Hours 4 Hours 4 Hours 3 1 1 45 15 Hours Hour Hour Minutes Minutes 2.6 1.9 2.8 1.3 cfm cfm cfm cfm Yes (When used with wall plate for retrofit applications.) F T T T T T L L L L UL RATINGS (US RATINGS) Rating with & without cables Rating with Max. 4-pair cable (22 ga & smaller) Rating with coax cable Rating with fiber optic cable Rating with Max. 1" fiber optic raceway with fiber optic fill Rating with MC cable (8 wire max. 12 ga & smaller) Rating at ambient without cables (doors closed) Rating at 400°F without cables (doors closed) Rating at ambient with cables Rating at 400°F with cables Suitable for use in air handling spaces (plenums) 15 1.7 1.8 3.3 2.0 Minutes cfm cfm cfm cfm Yes Through-Floor Ratings for FS2R & FS4R Series 15 Minutes 2.6 1.9 2.8 1.3 cfm cfm cfm cfm Yes FIRE STOP SOLUTIONS (When used alone.) 670 F T T T T T T T T L L L L UL RATINGS (US RATINGS) Rating with & without cables Rating without cables Rating with coax cable Rating with fiber optic cable Rating with Max. 4-pair cables (22 ga. or smaller) Rating with Max. 4-conductor (2 ga. or smaller) Rating with Max. 100-pair cables (24 ga. or smaller) Rating with Max. 400-pair cables (24 ga. or smaller) Rating with MC cable (8 wire Max. 12 ga. or smaller) Rating at ambient without cables (doors closed) Rating at 400°F without cables (doors closed) Rating at ambient with cables Rating at 400°F with cables Suitable for use in air handling spaces (plenums) MAX. RATING 3 Hours 3 Hours 3 Hour 3 Hours 3 Hours 45 Minutes 1 Hour 45 Minutes 15 Minutes 2.6 cfm 1.9 cfm 2.8 cfm 1.3 cfm Yes F T T T T T T T T L L L L UL RATINGS (CANADIAN RATINGS) Rating with & without cables Rating without cables Rating with coax cable Rating with fiber optic cable Rating with Max. 4-pair cables (22 ga. or smaller) Rating with Max. 4-conductor (2 ga. or smaller) Rating with Max. 100-pair cables (24 ga. or smaller) Rating with Max. 400-pair cables (24 ga. or smaller) Rating with MC cable (8 wire Max. 12 ga. or smaller) Rating at ambient without cables (doors closed) Rating at 400°F without cables (doors closed) Rating at ambient with cables Rating at 400°F with cables Suitable for use in air handling spaces (plenums) NOTE: Minimum 4 1/2" [114mm] thick reinforced lightweight or normal weight (100-150 pcf) [1600-2400 kg/m3] concrete floor. Maximum diameter of opening is 4 1/2" [114mm]. www.LEGRAND.uS/WIREMOLD MAX. RATING 3 Hours 3 Hours 3 Hour 3 Hours 3 Hours 45 Minutes 1 Hour 45 Minutes 15 Minutes 2.6 cfm 1.9 cfm 2.8 cfm 1.3 cfm Yes WIREMOLD FLamESTOPPER™ SERIES FlameStopper™ Thru-Wall and Thru-Floor Fittings FlameStopper™ Thru-Wall and Thru-Floor Fittings provide superior fire protection and ease-of-installation. FlameStopper Series Wire Fill Capacities for Communications TELEPHONE COAXIAL FIBER OPTIC FlameStopper Series Wire Fill Capacities for Power INCHES [MM] FS2 MAXIMUM FILL 4-pair, 24 AWG, Cat 3 0.190 [4.8] 71 312 4-pair, 24 AWG, Cat 5e 0.210 (5.3) 58 255 4-pair, 24 AWG, Cat 6 0.250 (6.3) 41 180 2-pair, 24 AWG 0.140 [3.6] 130 574 25-pair, 24 AWG 0.410 [10.4] 15 67 50-pair, 24 AWG 0.580 [14.7] 7 33 100-pair, 24 AWG 0.700 [17.8] 5 22 400-pair, 24 AWG 1.470 [37.3] 1 5 RG58/U 0.195 [5.0] 197 296 RG59/U 0.242 [6.1] 43 192 RG62/U 0.242 [6.1] 43 192 RG6/U 0.270 [6.9] 32 140 2 Count 0.180 [4.6] 79 347 4 Count 0.210 [5.3] 58 255 24 Count 0.400 [10.2] 16 70 48 Count 0.450 [11.4] 12 55 96 Count 0.560 [14.2] 8 35 CABLE TYPE UNSHIELDED TWISTED PAIR COLOR OPTIONS UL Listed Classified Fire Stop Devices: File R21765. FS4 MAXIMUM FILL O.D. (APPROX. DIA.) CABLE TYPE MAXIMUM 4 COND. NO. 2 AWG (OR SMALLER) COPPER CONDUCTOR CABLE WITH XLPE/PVX INSULATION AND PVC JACKET MAXIMUM 8 COND. NO. 12 AWG MC (METAL CLAD) CABLE FS2 FS4 MAXIMUM MAXIMUM FILL FILL INCHES [MM] 0.375 [9.5] 18 80 0.500 [12.7] 10 45 0.625 [15.9] 6 28 0.750 [19.1] 4 20 0.875 [22.2] 3 14 1.000 [25.4] 12 11 1.125 [28.6] 2 8 0.375 [9.5] 18 80 0.500 [12.7] 10 45 0.625 [15.9] 6 28 0.655 [16.9] 5 26 FIRE STOP SOLUTIONS O.D. (APPROX. DIA.) CODE REFERENCE FlameStopper Series™ Thru-Wall and Thru-Floor Fittings are available in either red or a paintable A60 galvaneal finish. 671 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD FLamESTOPPER™ SERIES Ordering Information FS4R Firestop 4" Trade Size EMT Conduit Fitting For transitioning cable through fire rated walls/floors for both new and retrofit applications. Available in red (FS4R-RED), or a paintable A60 galvaneal 1 3/4" finish (FS4R-GA). UL System [44mm] W-L-3264 and W-J-3137. 6 1/4" [159mm] 6" [153mm] FS2R WBSBC Firestop 2" Trade Size EMT Conduit Fitting 3 3/4" [95mm] 3 5/8" [92mm] 1 3/4" [44mm] FSPCC4758 FS4RHS Heat Shield 4" Trade Size Conduit Used only when an existing installed conduit extends 1" [25mm] to 6" [152mm] beyond the wall surface. 6 3/8" [162mm] 6 1/8" [155mm] FS2RHS Precut to 7 5/8" [194mm] to fit standard gypsum fire walls with a two-hour fire rating (6" [152mm] wall thickness). 7 5/8" [194mm] For use with Cablofil® brand wire basket trays to provide ground continuity. Electroplated aluminum. Dual rated for copper and aluminum conductors, No. 2 to 8 gage cable. 1 3/8" [35mm] For transitioning cable through fire rated walls/floors for both new and retrofit applications. Available in red (FS2R-RED), or a paintable A60 galvaneal finish (FS2R-GA). UL System W-L-3264 and W-J-3137. Precut Conduit 4" Trade Size EMT Split Bolt Connector Heat Shield 2" Trade Size Conduit Used only when an existing installed conduit extends 1" [25mm] to 6" [152mm] beyond the wall surface. 6 3/8" [162mm] 3 3/4" [95mm] FSPCC2758 Precut Conduit 2" Trade Size EMT FS4RWP12 Precut to 7 5/8" [194mm] to fit standard gypsum fire walls with a two-hour fire rating (6" [152mm] wall thickness). 7 5/8" [194mm] 10" [254mm] 12" [305mm] FIRE STOP SOLUTIONS SPMGL Grounding Lug 7/8" [22.2mm] 1 1/2" [38mm] 5/8" [15.9mm] For use with SpecMate™ or Cablofil® brand cable trays to provide ground continuity. Electroplated aluminum. Dual rated for copper and aluminum conductors, No. 2 to 14 gage cable. 672 www.LEGRAND.uS/WIREMOLD Kit includes 4" trade size split conduit sleeve to enclose existing cables, and 12" x 12" [305mm x 305mm] ceramic heat protected wall plate to cover irregular hole cuts. For use with FS4R Series Firestop. 12" [305mm] FS2RWP8 10" [254mm] 8" [203mm] Retrofit Kit for Existing Installations 8" [203mm] Retrofit Kit for Existing Installations Kit includes 2" trade size split conduit sleeve to enclose existing cables, and 8" x 8" [203mm x 203mm] ceramic heat protected wall plate to cover irregular hole cuts. For use with FS2R Series Firestop. WIREMOLD WIRELESS & ZONE CABLING SOLutIONS Wiremold® Wireless & Zone Cabling Enclosures provide a range of alternatives to meet a variety of wireless connectivity strategies. WAPE Series Wireless Access Point Ceiling Enclosures NME1250AP Nonmetallic Wireless Access Point Enclosure 679 WIRELESS & ZONE CABLING SOLUTIONS 676 673 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD WIRELESS & ZONE CABLING SOLutIONS Table of Contents Wireless Enclosures 675 VLWAP Vista™ Wireless Access Point Enclosure 676 678 WAPE series Wireless Access Point Ceiling Enclosures WAPENCL series Wireless Access Point Ceiling Enclosures 679 680 NME1250AP Wall-Mounted Nonmetallic Wireless Access Point Enclosure WAPBRKT Wireless Access Point Mounting Bracket for Overhead Applications 681 682 CZE series Zone Cabling Enclosures RFE series Zone Cabling Enclosures WIRELESS & ZONE CABLING SOLUTIONS Zone Cabling Enclosures 674 www.LEGRAND.uS/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD VLWAP VIStA™ WIRELESS ACCESS POINt ENCLOSuRE VLWAP Vista™ Wireless Access Point Mounting Enclosure provides an ideal solution for integrating access points necessary for wireless connectivity into a building’s communication infrastructure. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Multioutlet Assemblies: File E15191 Guide PVGT Meets Article 380 of NEC. Vista Wireless Access Point Enclosure (VLWAP) Ordering Information VLWAP Vista Wireless Access Point Enclosure Vista solution for mounting wireless access points. Large frame Vista with anodized round end channels and center panels. Furniture feed style access, 10'6" [3.2m] tall. Has tempered glass panels to conceal access point. Front panel is hinged and lockable. Compartment measures 17 1/2" x 7 1/4" x 2 1/2" [445mm x 183mm x 64mm]. 18" [457mm] 72" [18.29mm] The Vista Wireless Enclosure (VLWAP) offers an aesthetically-pleasing solution that can be customized for any office environment as well as providing an optimal location for wireless signals. NOTE: For information on configuring a VLWAP within a Vista Architectural Column, visit the Open Space Section of this catalog and review the Vista Architectural Column configuration options. WIRELESS & ZONE CABLING SOLUTIONS 126" [3200mm] 675 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD WAPE SERIES WIRELESS ACCESS POINt CEILING ENCLOSuRES Wiremold® WAPE series Ceiling Enclosures provide a secure enclosure to house a wide selection of wireless access points. These ceiling enclosures are plenum rated by uL and may be used in environmental air spaces. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Communication Circuit Accessories: File E145222 Guide DuXR Meets Article 800 of NEC. Meets Article 60-308 of CEC. WAPE Series Wireless Access Point Ceiling Enclosures Ordering Information WAPE5-BLKIT, WAPE10-BLKIT WAPE5-1200KIT, WAPE10-1200KIT Wireless Access Point Enclosure WIRELESS & ZONE CABLING SOLUTIONS WAPE5-BLKIT WAPE10-BLKIT Wireless Access Point Enclosure 5" ( WAPE5-BLKIT) or 10" (WAPE10-BLKIT) deep enclosure for 2' x 2' drop ceiling tile with blank mounting cover, 12"W x 14"L [305mm x 356mm]. WAPE5-1200KIT 5" (WAPE5-1200KIT) or 10" (WAPE10-1200KIT) deep enclosure for 2'x 2' drop ceiling tile with faceplate for mounting CIsCO Aironet 1200, 12"W x 14"L [305mm x 356mm]. COVER Securing Tab 10 1/8" [257mm] WAPE10-1200KIT COVER 3/4 x 3 3/4" [19mm x 95mmm] Adjustable 1" – 3" [25mm – 76mm] 6 7/8" [174mm] 8 1/2" [216mm] 7 1/2" [190mm] 676 www.LEGRAND.uS/WIREMOLD 10 1/2" [267mm] 5 5/8" [143mm] Slot 2" x 1" [51mm x 25mm] WIREMOLD WAPE SERIES WIRELESS ACCESS POINt CEILING ENCLOSuRES Ordering Information WAPE Series Wireless Access Point Ceiling Enclosures Ordering Information (continued) WAPE5-1250KITD, WAPE5-1250KITR Wireless Access Point Enclosure WAPE5-1250KITD 5" deep enclosure for 2'x 2' drop ceiling tile with faceplate for mounting Cisco® Aironet 1250 and 3500 series using dipole antennas (WAPE5-1250KITD) or remote antennas (WAPE5-1250KITR), 13"W x 14"L [330mm x 356mm]. WAPE5-UNIKIT, WAPE10-UNIKIT Wireless Access Point Enclosure WAPE5-UNIKIT 5" (WAPE5-uNIKIT) or 10" (WAPE10uNIKIT) deep enclosure for 2'x 2' drop ceiling tile with universal faceplate, 12"W x 14"L [305mm x 356mm]. COVER 5 5/8" [143mm] Securing Tab 10 3/8" [263mm] WAPE10-UNIKIT WAPE5-1232KIT, WAPE10-1232KIT Wireless Access Point Enclosure 5" (WAPE5-1232KIT) or 10" (WAPE10-1232KIT) deep enclosure for 2'x 2' drop ceiling tile with faceplate for mounting CIsCO® Aironet 1232, 12"W x 14"L [305mm x 356mm]. COVER WAPE10-1232KIT Securing Tab WAPE10-DOME Wireless Access Point Enclosure – with Dome Cover 3" deep enclosure for 2'x 2' drop ceiling tile. 14" diameter by 6 1/2" deep transmission dome. 8 1/2" [216mm] 7 1/2" [190mm] Adjustable 1" – 3" [25mm – 76mm] 8 1/2" [216mm] Between Securing Tabs 6 3/4" [171mm] 14" Diameter [355mm] 6 1/2" Deep [165mm] Antenna Opening 3/4" x 3 3/4" [19mm x 95mm] 2 1/4" [57mm] WIRELESS & ZONE CABLING SOLUTIONS WAPE5-1232KIT Adjustable 1" – 3" [25mm – 76mm] 2 5/8" [67mm] WAPE5-1242KIT, WAPE10-1242KIT Wireless Access Point Enclosure WAPE5-1242KIT WAPE10-1242KIT 5" (WAPE5-1242KIT) or 10" (WAPE10-1242KIT) deep enclosure for 2'x 2' drop ceiling tile with faceplate for mounting CIsCO® Aironet 1242, 12"W x 14"L [305mm x 356mm]. 10 3/4" COVER 2 5/8" [67mm] [273mm] 7 1/2" [190mm] Adjustable 1" – 3" [25mm – 76mm] 677 5 3/8" [136mm] www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD WAPENCL SERIES WIRELESS ACCESS POINt CEILING ENCLOSuRES Wiremold® WAPENCL series Ceiling Enclosures provide a secure enclosure to house a wide selection of wireless access points including the Cisco® Aironet 1250 and 3500 series. These ceiling enclosures are plenum rated by uL and may be used in environmental air spaces. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Communication Circuit Accessories: File E145222 Guide DuXR Meets Article 800 of NEC. Meets Article 60-308 of CEC. WAPENCL Series Wireless Access Point Ceiling Enclosures Ordering Information WAPENCL Wireless Access Point Ceiling Enclosure for Drop Ceilings Provides a permanent and secure location for mounting wireless access points into a grid ceiling system. Front Exterior Dimensions Side Exterior Dimensions 13 3/8" [340mm] 4" [102mm] WIRELESS & ZONE CABLING SOLUTIONS 11 7/8" [302mm] 3 7/8" [99mm] 13 1/2" [343mm] 12" [305mm] 12 1/8" [308mm] 12" [305mm] 25 1/4" [641mm] NOTE: Internal dimensions shown. WAPENCL-24-24-4 Wireless Access Point Ceiling Enclosure for Drop Ceilings 4 1/2" [114mm] Provides a permanent and secure location for mounting wireless access points into a grid ceiling system. Side Exterior Dimensions 23 29/32" [760mm] 23 29/32" [760mm] 23 29/32" [760mm] 22 1/2" [572mm] 678 www.LEGRAND.uS/WIREMOLD WAPENCL’s innovative device mounting system is designed to securely retain most wireless devices. WIREMOLD NmE1250AP WALL-mOuNtEd NONmEtALLIC WIRELESS ACCESS POINt ENCLOSuRE CODE REFERENCE Wiremold® NME1250AP Wireless Access Point Enclosure conceals wireless access points in a durable ETL/cETL listed enclosure. cETLus Listed Communication Circuit Accessories: Meets Article 800 of NEC. Meets Article 60-308 of CEC. NME1250AP Nonmetallic Wireless Access Point Mounting Enclosure Ordering Information NME1250AP Nonmetallic Wireless Access Point Mounting Enclosure Wall-mounted access point enclosure constructed of durable ETL/cETL thermoplastic. supports a wide variety of access point configurations for most leading manufacturers of access point products including the Cisco® Aironet 1250 and 3500 series. 10 7/16" [265mm] 5 1/8" [131mm] 13 3/4" [349mm] 15 3/4" [400mm] Nonmetallic Wireless Access Point Mounting Enclosure (NME1250AP), loaded with a wireless access point, for vertical applications. 7 6/16" [192mm] WIRELESS & ZONE CABLING SOLUTIONS Inside: 4 5/8" [117mm] 679 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD WAPBRkt WIRELESS ACCESS POINt mOuNtING BRACkEt fOR OVERhEAd APPLICAtIONS Wiremold® WAPBRKT Wireless Access Point Mounting Bracket provides a secure support for mounting wireless access points in overhead applications. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Communication Circuit Accessories: File E145222 Guide DuXR Meets Article 800 of NEC. Meets Article 60-308 of CEC. WAPBRKET Overhead Wireless Access Point Mounting Bracket Ordering Information WAPBRKT Overhead System Wireless Access Point Bracket 12 3/4" [324mm] Provides secure support for mounting wireless access points in overhead applications. 3 1/8" [79mm] 11 3/16" [284mm] WIRELESS & ZONE CABLING SOLUTIONS The WAPBRKT is designed to work with most tray and basket overhead systems. 680 www.LEGRAND.uS/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD CZE SERIES ZONE CABLING ENCLOSuRES Wiremold® CZE series Ceiling Zone Cabling Enclosures create an intermediate or remote consolidation point that may be tested and secured prior to adding drops for voice and data outlets. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Communication Circuit Accessories: File E145222 Guide DuXR Meets Article 800 of NEC. Meets Article 60-308 of CEC. CZE Series Ceiling Zone Cabling Enclosures Ordering Information CZE-242412A Ceiling Zone Cabling Enclosure for Active Equipment CZE-242412PP Ceiling Zone Cabling Enclosure for Mounting Patch Panels 12' deep patch panel enclosure for 2' x 2' drop ceiling tile. One bracket for 19" patch panels. Bracket supports 5 RMu. 12" deep telecommunications enclosure for 2' x 2' drop ceiling tile. One removable 7 RMu bracket for 19" patch panels and equipment. Includes junction box and fan. 21 1/2" [546mm] 21 1/2" [546mm] 21 1/2" [546mm] 21 1/2" [546mm] CZE-242412WB Ceiling Zone Cabling Enclosure with Wiring Blocks 12" deep termination block enclosure for 2' x 2' drop ceiling tile. One removable mounting plate for two 300 pair 1100 style termination blocks (without legs). 12" [305mm] 21 1/2" [546mm] 21 1/2" [546mm] WIRELESS & ZONE CABLING SOLUTIONS 12" [305mm] 12" [305mm] 681 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD RfE SERIES ZONE CABLING ENCLOSuRES Wiremold® RFE series Raised Floor Zone Cabling Enclosures create an intermediate or remote consolidation point that may be tested and secured prior to adding drops for voice and data outlets. CODE REFERENCE cULus Listed Communication Circuit Accessories: File E145222 Guide DuXR Meets Article 800 of NEC. Meets Article 60-308 of CEC. RFE Series Raised Floor Zone Cabling Enclosures Ordering Information RFE-25256 Raised Floor Enclosure for Zone Cabling 6" [152mm] WIRELESS & ZONE CABLING SOLUTIONS 21" [533mm] RFE-242412 Raised Floor Enclosure for Zone Cabling Enclosure for 6" deep floor. Two pairs of pivoting mounting rails for 19" patch panels. Rails support 2 RMu each. 12" [305mm] 21" [533mm] 21" [533mm] RFE-25257RB Raised Floor Enclosure for Zone Cabling 7" [178mm] 21" [533mm] 21" [533mm] 682 www.LEGRAND.uS/WIREMOLD Enclosure for 8" deep floor. Two pairs of pivoting mounting rails for 19" patch panels. Rails support 4 RMu each. 21" [533mm] Enclosure for 14" deep floor. A single mounting rail for 19" patch panels. Rail supports 11 RMu. WIREMOLD TECHNICAL INFORMATION Table of Contents Raceway Wire and Cable Dimensions Device Box Cubic Inch Capacities Calculating Wire and Cable Capacities Master Format 2004 Design Checklist Conductor Derating (Lighting and Power Circuits) National Electrical Code Articles Mounting Methods for Wiremold Raceways Electrical Symbols in Accordance with ANSI Y32.9 – 1972 Steel Raceway Color Specifications 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 TECHNICAL INFORMATION Raceway Cross Sectional Areas/Wire and Cable Cross-Sectional Areas 691 692 683 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD TECHNICAL INFORMATION Raceway Cross - Sectional Area METAL RACEwAY - CROss-sECTIONAL AREA NONMETALLIC RACEwAY - CROss-sECTIONAL AREA CROSS-SECTIONAL AREA RACEWAY SERIES 500 sq. in. [mm2] RACEWAY SERIES 0.19 [122.6] 400 CROSS-SECTIONAL AREA sq. in. [mm2] 0.13 [83.9] 700 0.26 [167.7] 800 0.27 [174.2] 1500 0.22 [141.9] 2300 undivided 0.85 [548.4] [516.1] 2300D Each Compartment 0.425 [274.2] 2000 0.80 1.39 [896.8] NM2000 1.14 [735.5] 0.37 0.86 [238.7] [554.8] PN03 0.22 [141.9] PN05 2600 0.72 [464.5] 0.44 [283.9] 3000 PN10 3.70 [2387.1] 0.99 [638.7] 7.20 3.50 [4645.2] [2258.1] 2700 0.16 [103.2] 2800 0.35 [219.4] 2400 2400D 4000 1/3 Compartment 2/3 Compartment undivided Each Compartment 6000 undivided Each Compartment Ds4000 Each Compartment with Down Crossover, Power with Down Crossover, Comm* AL2000 16.00 7.20 5.02 1.13 2.04 [10322.6] [4645.2] [3235.5] [729.0] [1316.0] 2900 1.10 [709.7] AL2400 Divided 1/3 Compartment 1.70 [1096.8] AL3300 single Compartment 4.40 [2838.7] ALA3800/ ALA4800 Each Compartment 6.10 [3935.5] AL5200 undivided Center Divided Offset Divided Offset Divided 8.50 3.90 3.78 4.85 [5483.9] [2516.1] [2438.7] [3129.0] Each Compartment 4.85 [3129.0] ALDs4000 TECHNICAL INFORMATION * Without Devices. 684 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD 0.87 [561.3] 5000 Power Compartment Data Compartment 1.94 1.40 [1251.6] [903.2] 5400 Divided 1/2 Compartment undivided 3.72 7.44 [2400.0] [4800.0] 5500 Divided 1/3 Compartment undivided 2.64 8.14 [1703.2] [5251.6] 40N2 single Compartment (no Communications Box) single Compartment (with Communications Box) 3.22 [2077.4] 1.71 [1103.2] single Compartment (no Communications Box) single Compartment (with Communications Box) 4.31 [2780.6] 1.71 [1103.2] 2300D Each Compartment 0.425 [274.2] OFR Each Compartment 0.216 [5.5] 60N2 NOTE: Cross-Sectional Area for use in low voltage cable capacity calculations only, not for use in power cable capacity calculations. WIREMOLD TECHNICAL INFORMATION Raceway Wire & Cable Dimensions DIMENSIONS OF RUBBER-COVERED & THERMOPLASTIC CONDUCTORS (2005 EDITION OF THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE) SIZE AWG TYPES: THHM, THWN APPROX. APPROX. dia. in. [mm] sq. in. [mm2] 14 0.111 [2.8] 0.0097 [6.258] 12 0.130 [3.3] 0.0133 [8.581] 10 0.164 [4.2] 0.0211 [13.613] 8 0.216 [5.5] 0.0366 [23.613] 6 0.254 [6.5] 0.0507 [32.710] 4 0.324 [8.2] 0.0824 [53.162] 3 0.352 [8.9] 0.0973 [62.775] 2 0.384 [9.8] 0.1158 [74.711] 1 0.446 [11.3] 0.1562 [100.776] 1/0 0.486 [12.3] 0.1855 [119.679] 2/0 0.532 [13.5] 0.2223 [143.421] 3/0 0.584 [14.8] 0.2679 [172.841] 4/0 0.642 [17.3] 0.3237 [208.842] 250 0.711 [18.1] 0.3970 [256.132] 300 0.766 [19.5] 0.4608 [297.294] DIMENSIONS OF LOW VOLTAGE CABLES & SIGNAL WIRE* uNsHIELDED TwIsTED PAIR (uTP) 24 AwG sHIELDED TwIsTED PAIR (sTP) 22 AwG COAXIAL TwINAXIAL sIGNAL wIRE APPROX. AREA [mm] sq. in. [mm2] 2-Pair 24 AwG 0.150 3.8 0.0177 11.419 3-Pair 24 AwG, Cat 3 0.160 4.1 0.0201 12.986 4-Pair 24 AwG, Cat 3 0.190 4.8 0.0284 18.323 4-Pair 24 AwG, Cat 5 0.210 5.3 0.0346 22.323 4-Pair 24 AwG, Cat 5e 0.210 5.3 0.0346 22.323 4-Pair 24 AwG, Cat 6 0.250 6.3 0.0490 31.613 4-Pair 24 AwG, Cat 6a* 0.354 9.0 0.0980 63.226 25-Pair 24 AwG, Cat 3 0.360 9.1 0.1018 65.677 25-Pair 24 AwG, Cat 5 0.337 8.6 0.0892 57.548 50-Pair 24 AwG 0.500 12.7 0.1963 126.645 75-Pair 24 AwG 0.600 15.2 0.2827 182.387 100-Pair 24 AwG 0.680 17.3 0.3632 234.322 TYPE 1 0.390 9.9 0.1195 77.097 TYPE 2 0.465 11.8 0.1698 109.548 TYPE 3 0.275 7.0 0.0573 36.968 RG58/u 0.195 5.0 0.0299 19.290 RG59/u 0.242 6.1 0.0460 29.677 RG62/u 0.242 6.1 0.0460 29.677 RG6/u 0.270 6.9 0.0573 36.968 100 Ohm 0.240 6.1 0.0452 29.161 24 AwG 0.044 1.1 0.0015 0.968 22 AwG 0.050 1.3 0.0020 1.290 20 AwG 0.057 1.4 0.0026 1.677 18 AwG 0.066 1.7 0.0034 2.194 3x6 0.0278 18.0 2 strand (ZipCord) FIBER APPROX. DIA Inches 0.118 x 0.236 Round 4 strand Fiber 0.187 4.8 0.0275 18.1 Round 6 strand Fiber 0.256 6.5 0.0514 32.2 TECHNICAL INFORMATION CABLE/WIRE SIZE * Category 6 augmented (6a) cable for 10 gigabit ethernet – max allowed cable diameter per addenda No. 11 ANsI TIA/EIA 568-B.2. 685 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD TECHNICAL INFORMATION Wiremold Device Boxes – Cubic Inch Capacities CUBIC INCH CAPACITY OF WIREMOLD BOXES CUBIC INCH CAPACITY OF WIREMOLD BOXES TECHNICAL INFORMATION CAT. NO. 686 AVAILABLE INSIDE VOLUME cu. in. [cm3] MAXIMUM NUMBER OF CONDUCTORS NO. 14 NO. 12 NO. 10 NO. 8 CAT. NO. AVAILABLE INSIDE VOLUME cu. in. [cm3] MAXIMUM NUMBER OF CONDUCTORS NO. 14 NO.12 NO. 10 NO. 8 1542D 5.7 [93.0] 2 2 2 1 V57242 10.2 [167.1] 5 4 4 3 1546A 15.6 [255.0] 7 6 6 5 V57243G 10.2 [167.1] 5 4 4 3 5.7 [94.0] 2 2 2 1 1546B 15.6 [255.0] 7 6 6 5 V5733 2337A 22.2 [364.0] 11 9 8 7 V5734 17.2 [282.0] 8 7 6 5 2338 15.9 [260.0] 7 7 6 5 V5734A 17.2 [282.0] 8 7 6 5 2344 32.5 [532.0] 16 14 13 10 V5735 29.5 [484.0] 14 13 11 9 2344-2 53.1 [870.0] 26 23 21 17 V5737 17.2 [282.0] 8 7 6 5 2347 16.1 [264.0] 8 7 6 5 V5737A 22.2 [364.0] 11 9 8 7 2347-2 26.4 [432.0] 13 11 10 8 V5738 17.2 [282.0] 8 7 6 5 2348 20.2 [331.0] 10 9 8 6 V5738A 22.2 [364.0] 11 9 8 7 2348-2 32.9 [538.7] 16 14 13 11 V5738AF 22.2 [364.0] 11 9 8 7 2348-3 49.8 [816.8] 24 22 19 16 V5739 29.8 [488.0] 14 13 11 9 2348s/51 10.0 [164.0] 5 4 4 3 V5739A 29.8 [488.0] 14 13 11 9 2642D 11.8 [194.0] 5 5 4 4 V5741 17.7 [290.0] 8 7 7 5 AL2044 28.3 [464.0] 14 12 11 9 V5744 34.4 [564.0] 17 15 13 11 AL2044-2 51.6 [846.0] 25 23 20 17 V5744-2 58.9 [966.0] 29 26 23 19 AL2044-3 82.3 [1348.0] 41 36 32 27 V5744-3 80.3 [1316.0] 40 35 32 26 AL2047 17.3 [283.0] 8 7 6 5 V5744s 28.8 [472.0] 14 12 11 9 AL2047-2 27.9 [458.0] 14 12 11 9 V5744s-2 48.3 [792.0] 24 21 19 16 G2048 22.3 [366.0] 11 9 8 7 V5744s-3 66.9 [1096.0] 33 29 26 22 G2048-2 37.8 [619.0] 18 16 15 12 V5745 22.3 [366.0] 11 9 8 7 G3028 71.8 [1177.0] 35 31 28 23 V5747 17.9 [294.0] 9 7 7 5 G3044-2 107.4 [1760.0] 53 47 43 35 V5747-2 30.0 [491.0] 15 13 12 10 NM2044 32.5 [532.0] 16 14 13 10 V5747-3 40.9 [670.0] 20 18 16 13 NM2044-2 53.1 [870.0] 26 23 21 17 V5748 22.3 [366.0] 11 9 8 7 NM2048 20.2 [331.0] 10 9 8 6 V5748-2 37.5 [614.0] 18 16 15 12 NM2048-2 32.9 [538.7] 16 14 13 11 V5748-3 52.2 [856.0] 26 23 20 17 PsB1 20.2 [331.0] 10 9 8 6 V5748-4 67.4 [1104.0] 33 29 27 22 PsB2 32.9 [538.7] 16 14 13 11 V5748-5 80.9 [1324.9] 40 35 32 27 PsB3 49.8 [816.8] 24 22 19 16 V5748-6 95.3 [1561.8] 47 42 38 31 R5752 29.7 [486.0] 14 13 11 9 V5748s 11.9 [195.0] 6 5 4 4 R5753 59.9 [982.0] 30 26 24 20 V5751 11.9 [195.0] 6 5 4 4 V2048 22.3 [366.0] 11 9 8 7 V5751-2 18.3 [300.0] 9 8 7 6 V2048-2 37.8 [619.0] 18 16 15 12 V5751-3 28.0 [458.8] 14 12 11 9 V2448 22.3 [366.0] 11 9 8 7 V5752 29.7 [486.0] 14 13 11 9 V2448-2 37.8 [619.0] 18 16 15 12 V5753 59.9 [982.0] 30 26 24 20 V5719 10.3 [168.0] 5 4 4 3 V5760 11.9 [195.0] 6 5 4 4 V57240 10.2 [166.7] 5 4 4 3 NOTE: When planning a layout, it is important to remember that it is permissible to make splices and taps in surface raceway equipped with a removable cover. Refer to article 386-56 of the National Electrical Code. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD TECHNICAL INFORMATION Calculating Wire & Cable Capacities How to Determine Wire Capacities (Power) Formula* To find the maximum Number of Conductors when devices are utilized, use the following formula: 40% (cross-sectional area of Raceway – cross-sectional area of Device)** cross-sectional area of Conductor How to Determine Wire Capacities (Low-Voltage) Formula Number of Conductors = 20-40% cross-sectional area of Raceway cross-sectional area of Cable This allows room for bending radii and future expansion. The raceways may be filled to their maximum physical capacity providing the cables may be readily installed or removed without damage to the insulation or conductors. NOTE: Use fill capacities as stated on ordering data pages of this catalog only. *This formula cannot be used with nonmetallic raceways with a material thickness of .025" [.6mm] or less (i.e., 2000 Raceway). **Obtain cross-sectional area of devices from device manufacturer. Important Notes for Understanding Wire Fill Capacities & Calculations General: • Wire Fill Charts are rounded down to the nearest whole number. • All cross sectional areas have been calculated using CAD models. Data/Communications: • Cable diameters used are approximate and represent a typical cable for each category. Check with cable manufacturer for more accurate dimensions. • Cable fills as stated in charts are theoretical and should be achievable in straight raceway sections without devices or when using radiused full capacity fittings. unless noted in each section, raceway fittings will offer full wire fill capacity. • The wire fill specifications cited in this Buyer’s Guide are based on calculated theoretical wire fills of each raceway. Actual real world testing done by wiremold/Legrand has shown that a raceway considered completely “full” is typically using only 60% of its available theoretical area. For this reason a 60% maximum fill should be only used to determine the absolute maximum number of cables a raceway is capable of containing. Therefore, the practical capacity for telecommunications cabling in perimeter raceway systems ranges from 20% – 40% wire fill. wiremold/Legrand recommends following EIA/TIA guidelines that specify a 40% wire fill be used as a maximum in planning and specifying the raceway. This fill will accommodate adds, moves, and changes, and the combination in certain raceway fittings, may restrict the usable cross section of the raceway in that location. Designers utilizing raceway systems should use this information along with the expected life of the raceway, to properly select the appropriate system to fit their needs. TECHNICAL INFORMATION Power: • Wire Fill capacities are calculated using stranded wire diameters per NEC Chapter 9, Table 5. • Wire capacities are actual maximum fills in nonmetallic raceways. This is based on heat rise testing as required by underwriters Laboratories standard uL5A for Nonmetallic Raceways. • Wire capacities in metal raceways are calculated at 40% of cross-sectional area per the NEC and verified to fit as required by Underwriters Laboratories Standard UL5 for Metal Raceways. 687 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD TECHNICAL INFORMATION TECHNICAL INFORMATION Master Format 2004 – Design Checklist DIVISION07 07 DIVISION Thermal and Moisture Protection: Thermal and Moisture Protection: DIVISION 26 26 DIVISION Electrical: Electrical: (continued) 07 84 13 Penetration Firestopping 26 27 23 Indoor service Poles 07 84 13.16 Penetration Firestopping Devices 26 27 26 wiring Devices 26 35 23 Electromagnetic-Interference Filters 26 35 46 Radio-Frequency-Interference Filters 26 41 23 Lightning Protection surge Arresters and suppressors 26 43 13 Transient-Voltage suppression for LowVoltage DIVISION Division 2525 25 05 28 Integrated Automation: Integrated Automation: Pathways for Integrated Automation 25 05 28.29 Hangers and supports for Integrated Automation 25 05 28.33 Conduits and Backboxes for Integrated Automation 25 05 28.36 Cable Trays for Integrated Automation DIVISION 27 Communications: Communications: 25 05 28.39 surface Raceways for Integrated Automation 27 05 28 Pathways for Communications systems 25 05 48 Vibration and seismic Controls for Integrated Automation 27 05 28.29 Hangers and supports for Communications systems DIVISION DIVISION 26 26 Electrical: Electrical: 27 05 28.33 26 05 29 Hangers and supports for Electrical systems Conduits and Backboxes for Communications systems 27 05 28.36 Cable Trays for Communications systems 26 05 33 Raceway and Boxes for Electrical systems 27 05 28.39 26 05 36 Cable Trays for Electrical systems surface Raceways for Communications systems 26 05 39 underfloor Raceways for Electrical systems 27 05 48 26 05 48 Vibration and seismic Controls for Electrical systems Vibration and seismic Controls for Communications systems 27 11 16 26 06 20.23 Electrical Circuit schedule Communications Cabinets, Racks, Frames and Enclosures 26 06 20.26 wiring Device schedule 27 11 19 Communications Termination Blocks and Patch Panels 26 09 23 Lighting Control Devices 27 11 23 26 09 26 Lighting Control Panelboards Communications Cable Management and Ladder Rack 26 09 33.13 Multichannel Remote-Controlled Dimmers 27 11 26 26 09 33.16 Remote-Controlled Dimming stations Communications Rack Mounted Power Protection and Power strips 26 09 36 Modular Dimming Controls 26 09 36.13 Manual Modular Dimming Controls DIVISION 28 Electronic Safety and Security: Electronic Safety and Security: 26 09 36.16 Integrated Multipreset Modular Dimming Controls 28 05 28 Pathways for Electronic safety and security 28 05 28.29 26 09 43 Network Lighting Controls Hangers and supports for Electronic safety and security 26 09 43.13 Digital-Network Lighting Controls 28 05 28.33 26 09 43.16 Addressable Fixture Lighting Control Conduits and Backboxes for Electronic safety and security 26 09 61 Theatrical Lighting Controls 28 05 28.36 Cable Trays for Electronic safety and security 26 18 19 Medium-Voltage Lightning Arresters 28 05 28.39 26 18 23 Medium-Voltage surge Arresters surface Raceways for Electronic safety and security 26 27 16 Electrical Cabinets and Enclosures 28 05 48 26 27 19 Multi-Outlet Assemblies Vibration and seismic Controls for Electronic safety and security 688 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD TECHNICAL INFORMATION National Electrical Code Articles ARTICLE 90 - Introduction 90-4: Enforcement ARTICLE 374 - Cellular Metal Floor Raceway Conductor Grounding Conductor, Equipment Locations: Damp, Dry, wet Multioutlet Assembly Raceway Receptacle Receptacle Outlet ARTICLE 376 - Metal Wireways and Nonmetallic Wireways ARTICLE 363 - Flat Cable Assemblies, Type FC Entire section ARTICLE 370 - Boxes and Fittings Table 370-16(b) ARTICLE 517 - Health Care Facilities 517-13(b): Methods for Grounding Receptacles and Fixed Electric Equipment. ARTICLE 518 - Places of Assembly 518-4: wiring Methods ARTICLE 110 - Requirements for Electrical Installation 110-12: Mechanical Execution of work 110-13: Mounting of Equipment ARTICLE 645 - Information Technology Equipment 645-5: Data Processing supply Circuits and Interconnecting Cables. ARTICLE 200 - Use and Identification of Grounded Conductors ARTICLE 700 - Emergency Systems 700-1: scope 700-9: wiring ARTICLE 210 - Branch Circuits 210-20: Overcurrent Protection 210-21: Outlet Devices 210-22: Maximum Loads 210-23: Permissible Loads 210-24: Branch Circuit Requirements–Summary 210-50: Receptacle Outlets Required ARTICLE 220 - Branch Circuit, Feeder and Service Calculations 220-3(c): Exception No. 1. Computation of Branch Circuits using Multioutlet systems. ARTICLE 250 - Grounding 250-2: Effective Grounding Path 250-118(14): Types of Equipment Grounding Conductors 250-120: Equipment Grounding Conductor 250-8: Attachment to Conductors and Equipment ARTICLE 300 - Wiring Methods 300-10: Electrical Continuity of Metal Raceways and Enclosures 300-11: secured in Place 300-12: Mechanical Continuity – Raceways and Cables 300-15(a): Boxes of Fittings – Where Required. Exception No. 1 300-17: Number and size of Conductors in Raceway 300-18: Inserting Conductors in Raceway 300-22(c): Hollow spaces used as Ducts or Plenums for Environmental Air ARTICLE 310 - Conductors for General Wiring 310-4: Conductors in Parallel 310-13: Conductor Application Table 310-15 – Ampacities for Conductors Rated 0-2000 Volts ARTICLE 701 - Legally Required Standby Systems 701-1: scope 701-10: wiring ARTICLE 702 - Optional Standby Systems 702-1: scope 702-9: wiring ARTICLE 725 - Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3 Remote Control, Signaling and Power-Limiting Circuits 725-26: Conductors of Different Circuits in same Enclosure, Cable or Raceway 725-28: Number of Conductors in Raceways and Cables, and Derating. 725-54(a): separation from Light, Power, and Class Conductors in Enclosures, Raceways and Cables. 725-54(b): Conductors of Different Class 2 and Class 3 Circuits in same Cables, Enclosure or Raceway. ARTICLE 770 - Optical Fiber Cables and Raceways ARTICLE 780 - Closed Loop and Programmed Power Distribution ARTICLE 800 - Communication Circuits 800-52(a)1: Installation of Conductors in Raceways and Boxes. CHAPTER 9 – Tables and Examples The excerpts contained in this catalog from the National Electrical Code have been reprinted with the specific approval of the copyright owner, the National Fire Protection Association. Copies of the entire edition of the National Electrical Code are available from the Association of Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269. TECHNICAL INFORMATION ARTICLE 100 - Definitions Accessible Branch Circuit Concealed Device Exposed Outlet Feeder Fitting Ground Grounded Grounding ARTICLE 390 - Underfloor Raceways ARTICLE 386 - Surface Metal Raceways ARTICLE 388 - Surface Nonmetallic Raceways 689 ARTICLE 380 - Multioutlet Assembly www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD TECHNICAL INFORMATION Wiremold Raceways – Mounting Methods Legrand/wiremold Raceways can be mounted to any type of surface in an interior dry location through the use of the fastening means shown below. Although a two-piece raceway is illustrated, the same means can be used – with the couplings, clips, or straps – for fastening one-piece raceways to these surfaces. CAUTION: Make sure that the correct size of screw or nail is used (noted in installation details). Wood use flathead wood screw. Brick/Concrete/Cinder Block use common nail. Dry Wall use plastic anchor with flathead sheet metal screw. Plaster use plastic shield with flathead sheet metal screw. use masonry nail. use plastic shield with flathead sheet metal screw. Tile use toggle bolt. Reinforced Concrete use drive pin fastener. Electrical Symbols – In accordance with ANSI* Standard Y32.9 – 1972 Receptacle Outlets, Grounded** Single Receptacle Outlet Range Outlet (Typical) Duplex Receptacle Outlet Special-Purpose Connection or Provision for Connection Quadruplex Receptacle Outlet Multioutlet Assembly (Extend arrows to limit of installation. use appropriate symbol to indicate type of outlet. Also indicate spacing of outlets as x inches.) Duplex Receptacle Outlet – Split Wired Clock Hanger Receptacle TECHNICAL INFORMATION Triplex Receptacle Outlet 690 Triplex Receptacle Outlet – Split Wired Single Special-Purpose Receptacle Outlet*** Duplex Special-Purpose Receptacle Outlet*** Fan Hanger Receptacle Floor Single Receptacle Outlet Floor Duplex Receptacle Outlet Floor Special-Purpose Outlet *American National standards Institute, Inc. **For ungrounded receptacle outlets use uNG subscript next to symbol. Example: ***use number or letter either within the symbol or as a subscript alongside the symbol keyed to explanation in the drawing list of symbols to indicate the type of receptacle or usage. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD WIREMOLD TECHNICAL INFORMATION Electrical Symbols – In accordance with ANSI* Standard Y32.9 – 1972 (continued) Lighting Outlets Ceiling Wall Ceiling Surface or Pendant Incandescent, Mercury-Vapor, or Similar Lamp Fixture Recessed ContinuousRow Fluorescent Fixture Recessed Incandescent, Mercury-Vapor, or Similar Lamp Fixture Bare-Lamp Fluorescent Strip Wall Surface or Pendant Exit Light Surface or Pendant Individual Fluorescent Fixture Recessed Exit Light Recessed Individual Fluorescent Fixture Blanked Outlet Surface or Pendant Continuous-Row Fluorescent Fixture Junction Box Outlet Controlled by Low Voltage Switching when Relay is Installed in Outlet Box Miscellaneous S Outside Telephone: Double-Pole Switch: S2 Interconnecting Telephone: Three-Way Switch: S3 Radio Outlet: R Four-Way Switch: S4 Key-Operated Switch: Television Outlet: SK TV Switch and Pilot Lamp: SP Switch for Low Voltage Switching System: SL Master Switch for Low Voltage Switching System: SLM Switch and Single Receptacle: S Wiring Concealed in Floor: Switch and Double Receptacle: S Wiring Exposed: Door Switch: SD Time Switch: ST Circuit Breaker Switch: SCB Momentary Contact Switch or Push Button for Other than Signaling System: SMC Circuiting Wiring Concealed in Ceiling or Wall: --------- NOTE: Use heavy-weight line to identify service and feeders. Indicate empty conduit by notation CO (conduit only). Branch circuit home run to panel board. Number of arrows indicates number of circuits. (A number at each arrow may be used to identify circuit number.) Ceiling Pull Switch: Miscellaneous s Single-Pole Switch: 2 1 NOTE: Any circuit without further identification indicates two-wire circuit. For a greater number of wires, indicate with cross lines, e.g.: Surface Mounted Panel Board and Cabinet: ** Push Button: Buzzer: Bell: Combination Bell-Buzzer: Chime: Annunciator: Electric Door Opener: Maid’s Signal Plug: Interconnection Box: Bell-Ringing Transformer: 3 Wires 4 Wires, etc. Unless indicated otherwise, the wire size of the circuit is the minimum size required by the specification. Identify different functions or wiring system, e.g. signalling system, by notation or other means. Wiring Turned Up: Wiring Turned Down: *American National standards Institute, Inc. **For ungrounded receptacle outlets use uNG subscript next to symbol. Example: ***use number or letter either within the symbol or as a subscript alongside the symbol keyed to explanation in the drawing list of symbols to indicate the type of receptacle or usage. www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD TECHNICAL INFORMATION Switch Outlets 691 WIREMOLD TECHNICAL INFORMATION Steel Raceway Color Specifications COLOR MUNSELL NOTATION TOLERANCE L TOLERANCE A TOLERANCE B TOLERANCE E Ivory 6.7Y8.98/1.4 ±1.00 ±0.5 ±0.5 1.00 white N9 Matte ±1.00 ±0.5 ±0.5 1.00 International white 61/9.24/0.4 ±1.00 ±0.5 ±0.5 Black 3.2PB1.99/0.2 ±1.00 ±0.5 ±0.5 1.00 Gray 8.3G6.10/0.54 ±1.00 ±0.5 ±0.5 1.00 Light Gray 8.0Y7.09/0.4 ±1.00 ±0.5 ±0.5 1.00 Fog white L = 89.13 A = -0.02 B = 6.88 ±1.00 ±0.5 ±0.5 1.00 1.00 TECHNICAL INFORMATION NOTE: Munsell Standards were generated with gloss 30 ± 5 on 60 degree meter. See document “Spectraflash SF600X Calibration Setup” for spectrometer calibration readings. Wiremold/Legrand assumes no liability for color accuracy and provides this information as a baseline to assist customers in making initial color decisions. Wiremold/Legrand recommends that customers request samples to review for color accuracy in circumstances where color matching is critical. 692 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD NOTE: The color swatches shown throughout this catalog are as close to the product colors as is possible through the printing process. They should not be used by customers to make color decisions. Legrand/Wiremold always recommends that customers request color samples to review for accuracy in circumstances where color matching is critical. WIREMOLD INDEX INDEX 1—2 Page 1 1000883 ........................ 542 1001757 ........................ 552 1002412 ........................ 542 1002414 ........................ 542 1 1/2 JB2510 ................. 529 10-20R .......................... 200 10-30R .......................... 200 10-50R .......................... 200 1043B ............................ 493 1043BPO ....................... 493 1043s ............................ 493 1043sPO ....................... 493 1044B ............................ 493 1044s ............................ 493 1045B ............................ 493 1045s ............................ 493 1046B ............................ 493 1046s ............................ 493 10LH ............................. 535 10LHB-1/4 .................... 528 10LHB-1/8 .................... 528 10LHs-1/4 .................... 528 10LHs-1/8 .................... 528 11/2JB2510 ................... 555 11/2JBC ........................ 554 11/2JBC-CA .................. 554 11/2JBH242510-60 ....... 547 11/2JBH24251060 ........ 556 11/2JBH30251560 ........ 556 11/2JBH36251560 ........ 556 1124-1 ........................... 493 1124-1 1/4..................... 493 1124-2 ........................... 493 1124F-1......................... 534 1124F-3/4 ..................... 534 1124L-1......................... 493 1124L-1 1/4 .................. 493 1124L-2......................... 493 1125CHA ........297, 298, 305 1126A-1 ........................ 492 1126A-1 1/2 .................. 492 1126A-1 1/4 .................. 492 1126A-1/4 ..................... 492 1126A-3/4 ..................... 492 11JB2510 ...................... 529 1204AL ...........489, 517, 548 1204BF...........489, 517, 548 1223AL ...........489, 517, 548 1223BF...........489, 517, 548 1230AL .......................... 489 Cat. No. Page 1230BF.......................... 489 125CRR ......................... 386 12EXT ............................ 526 12F-0 .....................532, 533 12F-ws ..................532, 535 12FB ......................532, 535 12FC.......................532, 533 12FCs ....................532, 533 12FCsA ......................... 532 12FsT .....................532, 533 12HR ......................514, 524 12Hs ......................514, 524 12JR ...............514, 524, 526 12Js ...............514, 524, 530 14-20R .......................... 200 142L .......................514, 526 142L-1 .......................... 526 14H ............................... 526 14H-1 ............................ 526 14HR ......................514, 524 14Hs ......................514, 524 14JR ....... 514, 524, 526, 529 14Js ...............514, 524, 530 14LHB-1/4 .................... 528 14LHB-1/8 .................... 528 14LHs-1/4 .................... 528 14LHs-1/8 .................... 528 15-20R .......................... 200 1500-10 ........................... 99 1500 .................98, 102, 684 1500wC ....................99, 100 1502 ................................ 99 1504 ................................ 99 1511 .......................... 98, 99 1517 .......................... 98, 99 1517B .............................. 28 1518 .......................... 98, 99 1528 .........................98, 100 152CHA ......................... 297 1542D .....................100, 686 1543GL...........100, 102, 104 1546A ..............98, 100, 102, ..........................104, 686 1546B ....... 98, 100, 104, 686 1546T .....................100, 104 1585 .........................98, 100 15FFHA ..................297, 569 175CHA ..........297, 298, 305 175CHA-LJB ..297, 298, 305 18-20R .......................... 200 1BHA............................. 298 1BLH ......................297, 298 Cat. No. Page 1BLHN .......................... 305 1PTHA ........... 297, 298, 305, ..........................568, 569 2 2-0................................. 518 2-11/2JB2510 ........547, 555 2-12X2X11/2 ................. 519 2-12X2X2....................... 519 2-12X2X21/2 ................. 519 2-12X2X3....................... 519 2-12X2X7/8 ................... 519 2-24X2X11/2 ................. 519 2-24X2X2....................... 519 2-24X2X21/2 ................. 519 2-24X2X3....................... 519 2-24X2X7/8 ................... 519 200-H/BTC .................... 329 2000 .............................. 684 2000B-10 ...................... 258 2000B-5 ........................ 258 2000BC ......................... 258 2000C ............................ 258 2000wC ....................35, 258 2001 .................35, 258, 277 2003 .........................35, 258 2006 .........................34, 258 2008BCs20R ................. 626 2008BDs20R................. 626 2008uLBC20R .............. 627 2008uLBC20R-TL ........ 627 2008uLBD20R .............. 627 2008uLBD20R-TL ........ 627 2009 .................36, 259, 277 2010A2 .............34, 259, 277 2010A3 ...............34, 36, 259 2010B ...............34, 259, 277 2011 .........................34, 259 2015 .........................34, 259 2017TC ....... 34, 36, 256, 259 2018C .......................34, 259 203 ................................ 515 203uFD ......................... 526 2040B ............................ 277 2048 .........................34, 259 2048-2 ......................34, 260 2051H.......................34, 260 2089A .............................. 34 2089E ........................ 24, 34 20GB12 ......................... 257 20GB18 ......................... 257 Cat. No. Page 20GB206 ....................... 257 20GB30 ......................... 257 20GB306 ....................... 257 20GB306TR ................... 276 20GB306TRGFI ............. 276 20GB506 ..................34, 257 20GB506TR ................... 276 20GB512 ....................... 257 20GB606 ....................... 257 20GB606TR ................... 276 20GB609 ....................... 257 20GB612 ....................... 257 20GB618 ....................... 257 20GBA12 ....................... 257 20GBA512 ..................... 257 20GBA609 ..................... 257 20GBA612 ..................... 257 20GBA618 ..................... 257 20IG306 ......................... 257 20IG512 ......................... 257 20IG606 ......................... 257 212 ................................ 515 212-3/4 ......................... 527 2135 ................................ 29 221-21 ........................... 330 222-3/4 ......................... 527 222EXT .......................... 526 222F-0 ...................532, 533 222F-ws ................532, 535 222FB ....................532, 535 222FC .....................532, 533 222FCs ..................532, 533 222FCsA ....................... 532 222FsT ...................532, 533 222HR ....................514, 524 222Hs ....................514, 524 222JR ..... 514, 524, 526, 529 222Js .............514, 524, 530 224HR ....................514, 525 224Hs ....................514, 525 224JR ..... 514, 525, 526, 529 224Js .............514, 525, 530 22AER-11/2-21/4 .......... 552 22AER-23/8-31/8 .......... 552 22CHA ........................... 305 22JB2510 ...................... 529 22JBC ........................... 554 22JBC-CA ..................... 554 22LHB-1/4 .................... 529 22LHB-1/8 .................... 529 22LHs-1/4 .............529, 552 22LHs-1/8 .............529, 552 Cat. No. Page 2300 .............................. 684 2300BAC ........128, 132, 152 2300BAC-wH ................ 128 2300BACD......128, 132, 154 2300BACD-wH ............. 128 2300D ............................ 684 2300wC ......................... 128 2306 ...............124, 128, 132 2306-wH ....................... 128 2310A .............124, 128, 131 2310B ............................ 128 2310B-wH .................... 128 2310DFO ................124, 129 2310DFO-wH ................ 129 2311 .......................124, 128 2315 .......................124, 128 2317 .......................124, 128 2318 .......................124, 128 2311-wH ....................... 128 2311DFO ................124, 129 2311DFO-wH ................ 129 23120A-wH................... 128 2315-wH ....................... 128 2317-wH ....................... 128 2317DFO ................124, 129 2317DFO-wH ................ 129 2318-wH ....................... 128 2318DFO ................124, 129 2318DFO-wH ................ 129 232-1............................. 527 232-11/2 ....................... 527 232-11/4 ....................... 527 2336 .............................. 129 2336-wH ....................... 129 2337A ..... 124, 129, 131, 686 2337A-wH..................... 129 2338 .............................. 686 2338A .....................124, 129 2338A-wH..................... 129 2344 ...............124, 129, 686 2344-2 ....................129, 686 2344-2-wH ................... 129 2344-wH ....................... 129 2344D ............................ 130 2344D-wH .................... 130 2344sD-2A .........16, 19, 130 2344sD-2A-wH ............ 130 2347 ...............124, 130, 686 2347-2 ....................130, 686 2347-2-wH ................... 130 2347-wH ....................... 130 2348 ...............124, 130, 686 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD INDEX Cat. No. 693 WIREMOLD INDEX 2—3 INDEX Cat. No. 694 Page 2348-2 ....................130, 686 2348-2-wH ................... 130 2348-3 ....................130, 686 2348-3-wH ................... 130 2348-wH ....................... 130 2348AMP....................... 130 2348AMP-wH ............... 130 2348D ............................ 130 2348s/51 ................130, 131 2348s/51 ....................... 686 2348s/51-wH ............... 130 2389 .......................128, 131 2389-wH ....................... 128 2389A .....................129, 131 2389A-wH..................... 129 2400 .................98, 102, 684 2400B ............................ 265 2400B-10Fw ................... 39 2400B-Fw ....................... 39 2400BC ........................... 38 2400BC-Fw .................... 39 2400BD ......................... 265 2400BD-Fw .................... 45 2400C-Fw ................. 39, 45 2400D .......................94, 684 2400wC ..............39, 45, 264 2401 .........................39, 264 2401D .............................. 45 2406-Fw ................... 39, 46 2407-2CMFw .................. 43 2407-2TJFw .................... 43 2407-3TJFw .................... 43 2409 .........................39, 264 241-H/BTC .................... 329 2410A-Fw ....................... 39 2410B-Fw ....................... 40 2410BD-Fw .................... 46 2410C .............................. 38 2410C-Fw ....................... 40 2410D-Fw ....................... 46 2410DFO ......................... 44 2410DFO-Fw ............ 40, 46 2410FC-Fw ..................... 40 2411D-Fw ....................... 46 2411DFO ......................... 44 2411DFO-Fw .................. 46 2411FO ............................ 38 2411FO-Fw ..................... 40 2411M ............................. 38 2411M-Fw ...................... 40 2415DFO ......................... 44 2415DFO-Fw .................. 46 2415FO ............................ 38 2415FO-Fw ..................... 40 2415H.............................. 38 2415M ............................. 38 2415M-Fw ...................... 40 2417D-Fw ....................... 46 2417DFO ......................... 44 2417DFO-Fw .................. 46 2417FO ............................ 38 2417M ............................. 38 2417M-Fw ...................... 40 2418DFO ......................... 44 2418DFO-Fw .................. 46 2418FO ............................ 38 2418FO-Fw ..................... 41 2418M ............................. 38 2418M-Fw ...................... 41 242-11/4 ....................... 527 2426 ................................ 38 2426-Fw ......................... 41 2427GA-Fw..................... 43 2427GT-Fw ..................... 43 2444 ................................ 44 2444-2Fw ....................... 42 2444-2LsFw ................... 42 Cat. No. Page 2444-Fw ......................... 41 2444D .............................. 44 2444D-2A ........................ 16 2444D-2AFw................... 47 2444D-2NFw .................. 47 2444D-Fw ................. 41, 47 2448 ................................ 38 2448-2 ............................. 38 2448-2Fw ....................... 42 2448-Fw ......................... 42 244HR ....................514, 525 244Hs ....................514, 525 244JR ..... 514, 525, 526, 529 244Js .............514, 525, 530 2450-Fw ......................... 47 2451H.............................. 38 2451H-Fw ....................... 42 2475D .............................. 38 2475D-Fw ................. 42, 48 2489 ................................ 38 24DwND ................... 38, 44 24DwND-Fw ............ 41, 47 24DwNR ................... 38, 44 24DwNR-Fw ............ 41, 47 24DwNs-Fw .................. 11 24DwNs-Fw ............ 41, 47 24DwNu-Fw .................. 11 24DwNu-Fw ............ 41, 47 24s3612GBA99IV .......... 263 24s3612GBX99IV .......... 263 24s6012GBA99IV .......... 263 24s6012GBX99IV .......... 263 24s6012IGX99IV............ 263 24s7212GBA99IV .......... 263 24s7212GBX99IV .......... 263 24s7212IGX99IV............ 263 24s7218GBA99IV .......... 263 24s7218GBX99IV ............ 38 24s7218GBX99IV ...262, 263 24s7218IGX99IV............ 263 24s7224GBA99IV .......... 263 24s7224GBX99IV .......... 263 24s7224IGX99IV............ 263 255 .........................515, 532 255-1..............527, 531, 535 255-1 1/2....................... 527 255-1 1/4....................... 527 255-11/2 ....................... 535 255-11/4 ....................... 535 255-2......................527, 535 255-3/4 ..................527, 535 25AM-AP ...............601, 609 25DTC-3s2.................... 609 25DTC-4 .........606, 607, 608 25DTC-4-DG ................. 608 25DTC-412 .............607, 608 25DTC-412-DG ............. 608 25DTC-415 .............607, 608 25DTC-415-DG ............. 608 25DTC-ACT ................... 609 25DTC-CVR ................... 609 25DTC-E10............600, 601, ..........................607, 608 25DTC-E10-DG ......601, 608 25DTC-E5 ..................... 601 25DTC-E5-DG ............... 601 25DTP-4 ................577, 600, ..........................606, 609 25DTP-4 D .................... 600 25DTP-4-C .................... 600 25DTP-4-DG ................. 600 25DTP-4-DG-C ............. 600 25DTP-412 .................... 600 25DTP-412-C ................ 600 25DTP-412-DG-C ......... 600 25DTP-415 .................... 600 25DTP-415-C ................ 600 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD Cat. No. Page 25DTP-415-DG-C ......... 600 25DTP-4ACT ................. 600 25DTP-4ACT-DG .......... 600 25DTP-4D ..............600, 606 25DTP-4D-DG............... 600 25DTP-A ....................... 605 25DTP-B ....................... 605 25DTP-E10.............600, 601 25DTP-E10-DG ......600, 601 25DTP-L ....................... 605 25G ................................ 517 2600 .................98, 102, 684 2602 .............................. 103 2611 .......................102, 103 2600-10 ......................... 103 2600wC ......................... 103 2642D ....... 98, 102, 103, 686 2686FO ...................... 38, 42 2686FO .............98, 102, 103 2686FO .......................... 266 2700 .......................112, 684 2706 ...............111, 112, 117 2711 .......................111, 117 2715 ...............111, 112, 117 2717 ...............111, 112, 117 2718 ...............111, 112, 117 2786 ....... 111, 112, 116, 117 2700-wH ....................... 112 2700L8 .......................... 112 2700L8-wH ................... 112 2700wC ..................136, 138 2706-wH ....................... 112 2710B .............111, 112, 117 2710B-wH .................... 112 2711-wH ....................... 112 2715-wH ....................... 112 2717-wH ....................... 112 2718-wH ....................... 112 275sL .....................515, 527 275sR ....................515, 527 2786-wH ....................... 112 2800 .......................113, 684 2806 ...............111, 113, 117 2811 ...............111, 113, 117 2815 ...............111, 113, 117 2817 ...............111, 113, 117 2818 ...............111, 114, 117 2886 ...............111, 114, 117 2889 .......................114, 116 2800-wH ....................... 113 2800L8 .......................... 113 2800L8-wH ................... 113 2800wC ..................136, 138 2806-wH ....................... 113 2810B .............111, 113, 117 2810B-wH .................... 113 2811-wH ....................... 113 2811FO ...................113, 117 2811FO-wH .................. 113 2815-wH ....................... 113 2815FO ...................113, 117 2815FO-wH .................. 113 2817-wH ....................... 113 2817FO ...................113, 117 2817FO-wH .................. 113 2818-wH ....................... 114 2818FO ...................114, 117 2818FO-wH .................. 114 2886-wH ....................... 114 2886C ............................ 116 2889-wH ....................... 114 2900 .......................114, 684 2900-wH ....................... 114 2900L8 .......................... 114 2900L8-wH ................... 114 2900wC ..................136, 138 2906 ...............111, 114, 117 Cat. No. Page 2906-wH ....................... 114 290C .............................. 523 290G .......................515, 532 2911 ...............111, 114, 117 2915 ...............111, 115, 117 2917 ...............111, 115, 117 2918 ...............111, 115, 117 291-H/BTC .................... 332 2910B .............111, 114, 117 2910B-wH .................... 114 2911-wH ....................... 114 2911FO ...................115, 117 2911FO-wH .................. 115 2915-wH ....................... 115 2915FO ...................115, 117 2915FO-wH .................. 115 2917-wH ....................... 115 2917FO ...................115, 117 2917FO-wH .................. 115 2918-wH ....................... 115 2918FO ...................115, 117 2918FO-wH .................. 115 292-H/BTC .................... 332 2986 ....... 111, 115, 116, 117 2986-wH ....................... 115 2989 .......................115, 116 2989-wH ....................... 115 2989A .....................115, 116 2989A-wH..................... 115 2CRR ............................. 386 2HuB .....................386, 408 2JBH242510-60 ............ 556 2JBH302515-60 ............ 556 2JBH362515-60 ............ 556 3 300 ................................ 157 302 .........................515, 521 304 ......... 515, 521, 532, 533 300-4............................. 521 306 ................................ 157 30A-MK1 ....................... 622 30A-MK2 ....................... 622 30A-MK3 ....................... 622 30A-MK4 ....................... 622 30TC-212V .................... 608 30TC-215V .................... 608 30TC-2V .........606, 607, 608 30TC-2V212 .................. 607 30TC-3s2 ...............607, 609 30TC-412V .................... 608 30TC-415V .................... 608 30TC-4V .........606, 607, 608 30TC-4V412 .................. 607 30TC-CVR ..................... 609 30TP-212V .................... 602 30TP-2V .........577, 602, 606 30TP-412V .................... 602 30TP-412V3s2 .............. 602 30TP-4V .........577, 602, 606 30TP-4V3s2 .................. 602 30TP-A .......................... 605 30TP-AAP ................14, 605 30TP-AP ....................... 609 30TP-B.......................... 605 30TP-C .......................... 605 30TP-J .......................... 605 30TP-L .....................14, 605 30TP-MAAP .............14, 605 3000 .............................. 684 3010B .............................. 50 3011E .............................. 50 3015E .............................. 50 3017TCE.......................... 50 3018AE ............................ 50 3027AE ...................... 50, 51 Cat. No. Page 3033JE ...................... 50, 51 3036HE ..................... 50, 51 3040CE............................ 51 3043 ................................ 51 3043GE............................ 50 3044-2 ............................. 50 3046 ................................ 51 3046KD ........................... 50 3048R .............................. 51 3082 ................................ 50 3051LE ............................ 51 311 ................................ 157 312 ................................ 515 312-1......................521, 551 312-11/2 ................521, 551 312-11/4 ................521, 551 312-2......................521, 551 312-3/4 ..................521, 551 312F .............................. 532 312F-1 .......................... 533 312F-11/2 ..................... 533 312F-11/4 ..................... 533 314 ................................ 515 314-3/4 ..................521, 533 314F .............................. 532 317 .........................157, 515 317-3/4 ......................... 521 318 ................................ 157 322 ................................ 515 322-11/2 ....................... 521 322-11/4 ....................... 521 3222EXT ........................ 526 3222F-0..................532, 533 3222F-0 10 ................... 531 3222F-ws ..............532, 535 3222FB...........531, 532, 535 3222FBCC ..................... 532 3222FC ...................532, 533 3222FCs........................ 532 3222FCsA ..................... 532 3222FCsA-28 ................ 531 3222FsT .........531, 532, 533 3222HR ..................514, 525 3222Hs ..................514, 525 3222JR ... 514, 525, 526, 529 3222Js ...........514, 525, 530 3224EXT ........................ 526 3224HR ..................514, 525 3224Hs ..................514, 525 3224JR ... 514, 525, 526, 529 3224Js ...........514, 525, 530 324 .........................515, 532 324-3/4 ......................... 521 3244 .............................. 526 3244EXT ........................ 526 3244HR ..................514, 525 3244Hs ..................514, 525 3244JR ...........514, 525, 529 3244Js ...........514, 525, 530 32JB3510 ...............529, 555 332F .......................532, 533 332uF ....................515, 522 333F-2 ...................532, 533 334-1-3 ......................... 533 334F-1-2 ................532, 533 334F-1-3 ................531, 532 334uF .... 515, 521, 532, 533 336F .......................532, 533 336F-2 ...................532, 533 336F-3 ...........531, 532, 533 338F-2 .......................... 532 338F-3 ...................531, 532 338uF .... 515, 522, 532, 534 338uF-2 ........................ 534 338uF-3 ........................ 534 33JB3510 ...............529, 555 33JBC ........................... 554 WIREMOLD INDEX 3—5 Page 33JBC-CA ..................... 554 3424HR ..................514, 525 3424Hs ..................514, 525 3424JR ... 514, 525, 526, 529 3424Js ...........514, 525, 530 342F .......................532, 534 342F-2 ...................532, 534 342F-3 ...................532, 534 342uF ....................515, 522 3444HR ......................... 514 3444Hs ......................... 514 3444JR ...................514, 529 3444Js ...................514, 530 3609uLBC..................... 627 3609uLBD .................... 627 362F .......................532, 534 362F-2 ...................532, 534 362F-3 ...................532, 534 372 .........................515, 522 372F .......................532, 534 375 .........................515, 523 382 .........................515, 523 3A44B2-1 ...................... 623 3A86B2-1 ...................... 623 3B43B2-1-RAM ............ 623 3B44B2-1 ...................... 623 3B53B2-1-AM ............... 623 3B86B2-1 ...................... 623 4 4-0................................. 518 4-12X2X11/2 ................. 519 4-12X2X2....................... 519 4-12X2X21/2 ................. 519 4-12X2X3....................... 519 4-12X2X7/8 ................... 519 4-24X2X11/2 ................. 519 4-24X2X2....................... 519 4-24X2X21/2 ................. 519 4-24X2X3....................... 519 4-24X2X7/8 ................... 519 400 ................................ 684 4000 .........................94, 684 4000C .............................. 63 4001A .............................. 63 4001DA ................64, 74, 78 400BAC .. 125, 132, 152, 154 400BAC-wH.................. 125 400F .............................. 534 400wC........................... 125 4010B ........................ 61, 71 4010DFC ......................... 71 4010DFO ................... 61, 71 4011 ................................ 61 4011/15RI........................ 65 4011DRI .......................... 66 4014A .............................. 71 4015 ................................ 71 4015D ........................ 61, 71 4015DRI .......................... 66 4015FO ............................ 71 4017 ................................ 61 4017/18RI........................ 66 4017FO ............................ 61 4018 ................................ 61 4018FO ............................ 61 404 ................................ 520 4047BX............................ 61 4047JX ............................ 61 4047RF............................ 61 4047RH ........................... 61 4050 ....................16, 19, 61, ....................79, 152, 155 406 .................124, 125, 132 406-wH ......................... 125 4064H-2 .......................... 71 Cat. No. Page 4074A .............................. 50 4075DA ........................... 61 4089 .......................... 38, 44 40N2 ........................16, 684 40N2B08 ................139, 140 40N2B08V ..................... 140 40N2B08wH ................. 140 40N2C08 ................139, 140 40N2C08V ..................... 140 40N2C08wH ................. 140 40N2F05 ................139, 140 40N2F05V ..................... 140 40N2F05wH.................. 140 40N2F06 ................139, 140 40N2F06V ..................... 140 40N2F06wH.................. 140 40N2F11 ................139, 141 40N2F11V ..................... 141 40N2F11wH.................. 141 40N2F15 ................139, 141 40N2F15V ..................... 141 40N2F15wH.................. 141 40N2F17 ................139, 141 40N2F17V ..................... 141 40N2F17wH.................. 141 40N2F19 ................139, 141 40N2F19V ..................... 141 40N2F19wH.................. 141 40N2F20 ................139, 141 40N2F20V ..................... 141 40N2F20wH.................. 141 40N2F21 ................139, 141 40N2F21V ..................... 141 40N2F21wH.................. 141 40N2F31 139, 141, 152, 155 40N2F31V ..................... 141 40N2F31wH.................. 141 40N2F55 ....................... 141 40N2F74 ................139, 141 40N2F74V ..................... 141 40N2F74wH.................. 141 40N2FwC ...................... 140 410B .............................. 125 410B-wH ...................... 125 411 .........................124, 125 411-wH ......................... 125 415 .........................124, 125 415-wH ......................... 125 415B .............................. 520 415N ............................. 520 417 .........................124, 125 417-wH ......................... 125 418 .........................124, 126 418-wH ......................... 126 421 ......... 502, 509, 515, 520 4215 .............................. 523 4220 .............................. 523 42222HR ....................... 514 42222Hs ....................... 514 42222JR ........................ 514 42222Js ........................ 514 422GR ....................515, 520 422RD ....................515, 520 4225 .......................502, 523 4230 .......................502, 523 424-1............................. 493 424-3/4 ......................... 493 425 .........................502, 520 426 .........................502, 520 427 ................................ 509 430075 .......................... 509 430s505 ........................ 509 431075 ......................... 509 431D505 ........................ 509 432 ................................ 509 436-2 7/8....................... 492 436-2-1 1/2 ............492, 523 Cat. No. Page 436-2-2 ..................492, 523 436-2-23/8 .................... 523 436-2-3 ..................492, 523 436-2-3/8 ...............492, 523 437 ................................ 495 439 ................................ 496 450F-1 ...................532, 534 450F-11/4 ..................... 534 450FP-1 .................532, 534 450FP-11/4 ................... 534 455F-1 ...................532, 534 455F-3/4 ....................... 534 455FP-1 .................532, 534 455FP-3/4 ..................... 534 470F-1 ...................532, 534 470F-11/4 ..................... 534 480 ................................ 523 4810BCs ....................... 626 4810BCs20R ................. 626 4810BDs ....................... 626 4810BDs20R................. 626 4810uLBC..................... 627 4810uLBC20R .............. 627 4810uLBC20R-TL ........ 627 4810uLBD .................... 627 4810uLBD20R .............. 627 4810uLBD20R-TL ........ 627 485 ................................ 546 4B43B2-2-RAM ............ 623 4B44B2-2 ...................... 623 4B53B2-2-AM ............... 623 4B86B2-2 ...................... 623 4FFATC ......................... 321 4FFATC ......................... 572 4FFATCAL ..................... 321 4FFATCAL422Cw.......... 572 4FFATCBK .................... 321 4FFATCBK422Cw ......... 572 4FFATCBs ..................... 321 4FFATCBs422Cw ......... 572 4FFATCGY ..................... 321 4FFATCGY422Cw .......... 572 4FFCTC ......................... 321 4FFCTCAL..................... 321 4FFCTCBK .................... 321 4FFCTCBs .................... 321 4FFCTCGY ..................... 321 5 5-15R .....................195, 200 5-20R ...............43, 195, 200 5-30R .....................195, 200 5-50R ............................ 200 500 ........... 61, 102, 262, 684 500-GFI ......................... 488 500-MAAP................14, 488 5000 .......................154, 684 5000B .............134, 137, 138 5000C .............134, 137, 138 5000CBK ....................... 134 5000CGY ....................... 134 5000COA ....................... 134 5000Cw ......................... 134 5000CwH ...................... 134 5000T .............134, 137, 138 5000TBK ....................... 134 5000TGY ........................ 134 5000TOA........................ 134 5000Tw ......................... 134 5000TwH ...................... 134 5001 .......................134, 137 5004 .......................136, 138 5004BK ......................... 136 5004GY .......................... 136 5004OA.......................... 136 5004w ........................... 136 Cat. No. Page 5004wH ........................ 136 5005 .......................136, 138 5005BK ......................... 136 5005GY .......................... 136 5005wH ........................ 136 5006 .......................134, 137 5006A .....................134, 137 5006BK ......................... 134 5006GY .......................... 134 5006wH ........................ 134 5007C .....................136, 138 5007C-1A .......133, 135, 138 5007C-1ABK ................. 135 5007C-1AGY .................. 135 5007C-1AwH ................ 135 5007C-2AB.....133, 135, 138 5007C-2ABBK............... 135 5007C-2ABGY ............... 135 5007C-2ABwH .............. 135 5007C-2RT .....133, 136, 138 5007C-2RTBK ............... 136 5007C-2RTGY................ 136 5007C-2RTwH .............. 136 500ACT.......................... 488 500B .............................. 488 500DR ........................... 488 500RT.......................14, 488 500sP-1/2 ..................... 488 500T .............................. 488 5010A .............133, 134, 138 5010ABK ....................... 134 5010AGY........................ 134 5010AwH ...................... 134 5010L .............133, 135, 137 5010LBK ....................... 135 5010LGY ........................ 135 5010LwH ...................... 135 5010R .....................133, 134 5010RBK ....................... 134 5010RGY ....................... 134 5010RwH ...................... 134 5017B .............133, 135, 137 5017C .............133, 135, 137 5017CBK ....................... 135 5017CGY ....................... 135 5017CwH ...................... 135 5017wG..................135, 138 5018B .............133, 135, 137 5018C .............133, 135, 137 5018CBK ....................... 135 5018CGY ....................... 135 5018CwH ...................... 135 5018wG..................135, 137 502 .................................. 25 504 .................................. 24 506 .................................. 24 511 .................................. 24 517 .................................. 24 518 ............................ 24, 34 522222HR ..................... 514 522222Hs...................... 514 522222JR ...................... 514 522222Js ...................... 514 525 ................................ 531 525A ....... 487, 517, 532, 548 525ACT... 487, 517, 532, 548 525B ....... 487, 517, 532, 548 525C ....... 487, 517, 532, 548 525D....... 487, 517, 532, 548 525F ....... 487, 517, 532, 548 525G ...............487, 532, 548 525H....... 487, 517, 532, 548 525HB ........................... 488 525I ........ 487, 517, 532, 548 525J ....... 488, 517, 532, 548 525RT..... 487, 517, 532, 548 5400 .............................. 230 Cat. No. Page 5400 .............................. 684 5400C .............142, 143, 147 5400C-wH .................... 143 5400HR824 ................... 230 5400TB .......... 142, 143, 144, ..................147, 152, 154 5400TB-wH .................. 143 5400TC ...........142, 143, 147 5400TC-wH .................. 143 5400TD8 ........................ 230 5400TwC........142, 143, 147 5406A .............142, 143, 147 5406A-wH) ................... 143 5406T .............142, 143, 147 5406T-wH ..................... 143 5406TB ...................144, 147 5406TB-wH .................. 144 5407A3 .......................... 147 5408L .............144, 146, 148 5408L-wH ..................... 144 5408R .............144, 146, 148 5408R-wH .................... 144 5410 ....... 142, 144, 147, 148 5410-wH ....................... 144 5410DFO ........142, 144, 148 5410DFO-wH ................ 144 5411FO ...........142, 144, 147 5411FO-wH .................. 144 5415 ...............142, 144, 148 5415-wH ....................... 144 5415FO .......................... 144 5415FO-wH .................. 144 5417FO ...................142, 144 5417FO-wH .................. 144 5418 ...............142, 144, 148 5418FO ...........142, 145, 148 5418FO-wH .................. 145 5450 .......... 16, 19, 142, 145, ..................147, 152, 155 5450-ORAP ................... 145 5450-wH ....................... 145 5450A3 ...........142, 145, 147 5450A3-wH................... 145 5450T ............ 142, 145, 147, ..........................152, 155 5450T-wH ..................... 145 5474 ...............142, 145, 148 5474-wH ....................... 145 5500 .............................. 684 5500BD3 ...............150, 152, ..........................153, 154 5500BD3-wH ................ 150 5500C .....................150, 153 5500C-wH .................... 150 5500wCA .......149, 150, 153 5506 ...............149, 150, 153 5506-wH ....................... 150 5506B ............................ 151 5506B-wH .................... 151 5507-4TJ ..................49, 155 5507-4TJ-Fw ................ 155 5507-4TJ-G ................... 155 5507-4TJ-wH ................ 155 5507-4TJFw .................... 49 5507-6TJ ..................49, 155 5507-6TJ-Fw ................ 155 5507-6TJ-G ................... 155 5507-6TJ-wH ................ 155 5507-6TJFw .................... 49 55074TJ-wH ................. 355 55076TJ-wH ................. 355 5507AAP ...... 12, 13, 49, 155 5507AAP-BK ............13, 155 5507AAP-Fw ...........13, 155 5507AAP-G ........12, 13, 155 5507AAP-GY ............13, 155 5507AAP-wH ...........13, 155 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD INDEX Cat. No. 695 WIREMOLD INDEX 5—8 INDEX Cat. No. 696 Page 5507AD ....................48, 154 5507AD-Fw .............48, 154 5507AD-G ..................... 154 5507AD-wH .................. 154 5507AVIP......................... 49 5507B .......................48, 154 5507B-Fw ................48, 154 5507B-G ........................ 154 5507B-GY ...................... 154 5507B-wH .............154, 355 5507D ...................48, 61, 79 5507D .....................138, 154 5507D-BK ..................... 154 5507D-Fw ................48, 154 5507D-G ........................ 154 5507D-GY ...................... 154 5507D-wH .............154, 355 5507FRJ ...................49, 154 5507FRJ-Fw ............49, 154 5507FRJ-G .................... 154 5507FRJ-GY .................. 154 5507FRJ-wH ................ 154 5507MAAP ... 12, 13, 49, 155 5507MAAP-BK .........13, 155 5507MAAP-Fw ........13, 155 5507MAAP-G .....12, 13, 155 5507MAAP-GY .........13, 155 5507MAAP-wH ........13, 155 5507R ..................12, 13, 48, ..........................138, 155 5507R-BK ....................... 13 5507R-Fw ..........13, 48, 155 5507R-G .............12, 13, 155 5507R-GY ........................ 13 5507R-wH .......13, 155, 355 5507RJ ...............49, 61, 155 5507RJ-Fw ..............49, 155 5507RJ-G ...................... 155 5507RJ-GY .................... 155 5507RJ-wH................... 155 5507s ............................ 155 5507s-BK ..................... 155 5507s-Fw ..................... 155 5507s-G ........................ 155 5507s-GY ...................... 155 5507s-wH..............155, 355 5507sw ..............48, 79, 155 5507sw-Fw .............48, 155 5507sw-G ..................... 155 5507sw-wH ................. 155 5507T1 .....................48, 155 5507T1-Fw ..............48, 155 5507T1-G ...................... 155 5507T1-wH ............155, 355 5507T2 .....................49, 155 5507T2-Fw ..................... 49 5507T2-G ...................... 155 5507T2-wH ............155, 355 5510 ....... 149, 151, 152, 153 5510-wH ....................... 151 5510D ..... 149, 151, 152, 153 5510D-wH .................... 151 5511FO ...........149, 151, 153 5514A ..... 149, 151, 152, 153 5514A-wH..................... 151 5515 ...............149, 151, 153 5518 ...............149, 151, 153 5550 .......................... 16, 19 5550 ....... 149, 152, 153, 155 5574 ....... 149, 151, 152, 153 5701 ................................ 27 5703 ................................ 24 5709 ................................ 27 5715 ................................ 24 5515-wH ....................... 151 5517FO ...........149, 151, 153 5517FO-wH .................. 151 Cat. No. Page 5518-wH ....................... 151 5518FO ...........149, 151, 153 5518FO-wH .................. 151 5550-wH ....................... 152 5550A4 ...........149, 152, 153 5550A4-wH................... 152 5574-wH ....................... 151 5574A .....................149, 152 5574A-wH..................... 152 5700CG ........................... 25 5700LL ............................ 25 5703wH .......................... 27 5709GC ........................... 27 5711LHA ......................... 27 5711LHAwH ................... 27 5711RHA ......................... 27 5711RHAwH ................... 27 5715wH .......................... 27 5719 ................................ 24 5719wH .......................... 27 57243G ............................ 24 5724O .............................. 24 5734A .............................. 24 5735 ................................ 29 5736wH .......................... 29 5737 .......................... 29, 30 5737A .............................. 29 5737AwH ........................ 30 5737wH .......................... 30 5738 .....................24, 29, 30 5738A .............................. 30 5738AF ............................ 29 5738AFwH ...................... 30 5738AwH ........................ 30 5738wH .......................... 30 5739 .......................... 29, 30 5739A .............................. 29 5739wH .......................... 30 5741wH .......................... 30 5744 .....................24, 30, 38 5744-2 ............................. 30 5744-2wH ....................... 30 5744-3 ............................. 30 5744-wH ......................... 30 5744s .............................. 31 5744s-2........................... 31 5744s-2wH ..................... 31 5744s-3........................... 31 5744swH ........................ 31 5745wH .......................... 31 5747 .....................24, 31, 38 5747-2 ............................. 31 5747-2wH ....................... 31 5747-3 ............................. 31 5747wH .......................... 31 5748 .....................24, 31, 34 5748-2 ............................. 31 5748-3 ............................. 31 5748-4 ............................. 31 5748-5 ............................. 31 5748-6 ............................. 31 5748s .............................. 24 5748swH ........................ 31 5751 ................................ 31 5751-2 ............................. 31 5751-2wH ....................... 31 5751-3 ............................. 31 5751AwH ........................ 32 5751wH .......................... 31 575CHA ..................297, 304 575CHA ..................568, 569 5781A .............................. 28 5752 ................................ 24 5753 ................................ 24 5780 ................................ 28 5781 .......................... 24, 28 5782 .......................... 24, 28 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD Cat. No. Page 5782A .............................. 28 5785 .......................... 24, 61 5785wH .......................... 29 5791 .......................... 28, 29 5786wH .......................... 29 5790B ........................ 28, 29 57242 .............................. 24 5B11N ........................... 620 5BLH ......................297, 304 5BLH ............................. 568 5PTHA ....................297, 304 5PTHA ....................568, 569 5w11N .......................... 620 6 6-15R .....................195, 200 6-20R .....................195, 200 6-30R .....................195, 200 6-50R ............................ 200 600B ................................ 32 6000 .........................63, 684 6000B .............................. 63 6001A .............................. 81 6007C-1 .......................... 79 6007C-2 .......................... 79 6010B .............................. 79 6011TX ............................ 79 6014A .............................. 79 6017TX ............................ 79 6046KD ........................... 79 605 .................................. 25 605K ................................ 25 6074A .............................. 71 607 .................................. 26 607K ................................ 26 60N2 ............................. 684 615 .................................. 32 616 .................................. 32 620 .................................. 35 620 ................................ 258 620BCK ........................... 35 620BCK ......................... 258 624 .....................39, 45, 265 624BCK ..................... 39, 45 624BCK ......................... 265 630B ................................ 51 630BDK ........................... 51 630C ................................ 52 630CDK ........................... 52 640B ................................ 63 640BDK ........................... 63 640C .......................... 63, 81 640CDK ..................... 63, 81 640Ds ............................. 60 640DsBDK ...................... 60 650RT.............................. 60 656 ...........................99, 103 660B ................................ 80 660BDK ........................... 81 682A .......................296, 304 682A ...............296, 304, 568 682A-PT .................296, 304 686039-100FT ............... 542 686052-100FT ............... 546 68B.........................296, 303 68MAAP ...................... 9, 10 68MAAP .................296, 303 68MAAP ........................ 568 68REC ....................296, 303 68REC-25...................... 303 6AAP ................................. 9 6AAP ............................. 295 6AAP ............................. 568 6ACT8A ......................... 295 6ACT8A ......................... 568 6AER-11/2-21/8............ 526 Cat. No. Page 6AER-23/8-3 ................. 526 6AT ................................ 292 6ATBK ........................... 292 6ATBs ........................... 292 6ATBZ ........................... 292 6ATC.............................. 292 6ATCBK..................292, 293 6ATCBs ..................292, 293 6ATCBZ ..................292, 293 6ATCFF ..................293, 569 6ATCGY ..................292, 293 6ATCNK .................292, 293 6ATCP ........................... 292 6ATCPAV ....................... 293 6ATCPAVBK .................. 293 6ATCPAVBs .................. 293 6ATCPAVBZ................... 293 6ATCPAVGY ................... 293 6ATCPAVNK .................. 293 6ATCPBK ...................... 292 6ATCPBs ...................... 292 6ATCPBZ....................... 292 6ATCPGY ....................... 292 6ATCPNK ...................... 292 6ATGY............................ 292 6ATNK ........................... 292 6ATP.............................. 292 6ATPAV ......................... 293 6ATPAVBK..................... 293 6ATPAVBs ..................... 293 6ATPAVBZ ..................... 293 6ATPAVGY ..................... 293 6ATPAVNK .................... 293 6ATPBK......................... 292 6ATPBs ......................... 292 6ATPBZ ......................... 292 6ATPGY ......................... 292 6ATPNK ........................ 292 6B21E ........................... 621 6B21N ........................... 620 6B22E ........................... 621 6CFFTC ......................... 295 6CFFTC ......................... 409 6CFFTCBK .................... 295 6CFFTCBs .................... 295 6CFFTCBZ .................... 295 6CFFTCGY..................... 295 6CFFTCNK .................... 295 6CT.........................294, 409 6CTBK ........................... 294 6CTBs ........................... 294 6CTBZ ........................... 294 6CTC ......................294, 409 6CTCBK ........................ 294 6CTCBs......................... 294 6CTCBZ ......................... 294 6CTCGY ......................... 294 6CTCNK ........................ 294 6CTGY ........................... 294 6CTNK .......................... 294 6DEC ..................9, 295, 568 6DP ............................... 295 6ER-11/2....................... 524 6ER-2 ............................ 524 6ER-2 1/2 ...................... 524 6ER-3 ............................ 524 6ER-3 1/2 ...................... 524 6LH ............................... 535 6LHB-1/4 ...................... 528 6LHB-1/8 ...................... 528 6LHs-1/4 ...................... 528 6LHs-1/8 ...................... 528 6MAAP ...............9, 296, 568 6MAAP-2A ........................ 9 6MAAP2A ...................... 296 6MOs ............................ 295 6MOsBs........................ 295 Cat. No. Page 6PPs ............................. 294 6RTT ............................. 526 6s1 ................................ 295 6s2 ................................ 295 6sER ..................9, 295, 568 6sTC ......................293, 294 6sTCP ....................294, 568 6sTCPAV ................294, 568 6TRAC ....................296, 568 6Ts .........................295, 409 6w21E ........................... 621 6w21N .......................... 620 6w22E ........................... 621 7 7-30R ............................ 200 7-50R ............................ 200 700 ................................ 684 700wH ............................ 26 7011BCs ....................... 626 7011BCs20R ................. 626 7011BDs ....................... 626 7011BDs20R................. 626 7011uLBC..............615, 627 7011uLBC20R .............. 627 7011uLBC20R-TL ........ 627 7011uLBD .................... 627 7011uLBD20R .............. 627 7011uLBD20R-TL ........ 627 702 .................................. 26 704wH ............................ 26 706wH ............................ 26 7107F ............................ 534 711wH ............................ 27 712wH ............................ 27 7140F .....................532, 534 7141F .....................532, 534 717wH ............................ 27 718wH ............................ 27 7712BCs ....................... 626 7712BCs20R ................. 626 7712BDs ....................... 626 7712BDs20R................. 626 7712uLBC..................... 627 7712uLBC20R .............. 627 7712uLBC20R-TL ........ 627 7712uLBD .................... 627 7712uLBD20R .............. 627 7712uLBD20R-TL ........ 627 7LH ............................... 535 7LHB-1/4 ...................... 528 7LHB-1/8 ...................... 528 7LHs-1/4 ...................... 528 7LHs-1/8 ...................... 528 8 800 ................................ 684 800BAC ..........126, 132, 152 800BAC-wH.................. 126 800CILCK ...................... 436 800LCK ......................... 436 800wC........................... 126 806 .................124, 126, 132 806-wH ......................... 126 810A2 .............124, 126, 131 810A2-wH..................... 126 810B .............................. 126 810B-wH ...................... 126 811 .........................124, 127 811-wH ......................... 127 815 .........................124, 127 815-wH ......................... 127 817 .........................124, 127 817-wH ......................... 127 WIREMOLD INDEX 8—A Page 817B .............. 361, 373, 388, .......... 425, 440, 503, 517 817C ....... 361, 373, 425, 440 817PCC ......... 366, 376, 392, ..........................430, 445 817PCC ......................... 508 817PCC ......................... 517 817T .......................425, 440 817TAL ...................429, 443 817TCAL ....... 365, 376, 390, ..........................429, 443 817TCAL ....................... 506 818 .........................124, 127 818-wH ......................... 127 818TAL ...................427, 442 818TCAL ....... 363, 374, 389, .......... 427, 442, 505, 517 825A .............................. 437 825A-1 .......................... 437 825A-1/2 ....................... 437 825A-3/4 ....................... 437 825CK ........................... 437 825CK-1 ........................ 437 825CK-1/2..................... 437 825CK-3/4..................... 437 825CP ........................... 437 825sFCK ....................... 437 827B .............. 361, 388, 425, ..................440, 503, 517 827C ...............362, 425, 440 827PCC ......... 366, 392, 430, ..................445, 508, 517 827T .......................425, 440 827TAL ...................429, 444 827TCAL ....... 365, 391, 429, ..........................443, 506 828-MAAP......................... 7 828COMTC .............362, 426 828COMTCAL ........364, 428 828DLR ......... 362, 374, 388, ..................426, 441, 504 828DLRAL..... 364, 375, 390, ..................428, 442, 505 828DPGFITC .........362, 374, .......... 388, 426, 441, 503 828DPGFITCAL .....364, 375, .......... 390, 428, 442, 505 828GFITC ...... 362, 373, 388, ..................425, 440, 503 828GFITCAL..........364, 365, ......... 375, 376, 390, 391, ......... 428, 430, 442, 444, ..........................505, 507 828MAAP ...... 363, 364, 365, ......... 374, 375, 376, 389, ......... 390, 391, 426, 428, ......... 430, 441, 443, 444, ..................504, 506, 507 828PR ........... 366, 377, 392, ..................431, 445, 508 828PRGFI...... 366, 377, 392, ..................431, 445, 508 828R .............. 362, 373, 388, ..................425, 440, 503 828R-TCAL ...........364, 365, ......... 375, 376, 390, 391, ......... 428, 430, 442, 444, ..........................505, 507 828sPTC ....... 362, 374, 388, .......... 426, 441, 495, 504 828TAL ...................427, 442 828TCAL ....... 363, 389, 427, ................. 442, 505, 517 829CK ........... 362, 374, 389, .......... 426, 441, 495, 504 829CK-1 ........ 363, 374, 389, ..................426, 441, 495 Cat. No. Page 829CK-1/2..... 363, 374, 389, .......... 426, 441, 495, 504 829CK-3/4..... 363, 374, 389, .......... 426, 441, 495, 504 829CK1 ......................... 504 829CKAL-1 ...........365, 376, .......... 391, 430, 444, 507 829CKAL-3/4 ........365, 376, ..................391, 430, 444 829CKTCAL................... 375 829CKTCAL-1 ............... 375 829CKTCAL-1/2 ............ 375 829CKTCAL-3/4 ............ 375 829PCK ......... 366, 377, 392, ..................431, 445, 508 829PFL ......... 366, 377, 392, ..................431, 445, 508 829PFLRT ..... 366, 377, 392, ..................431, 445, 508 829PsTC ....... 366, 377, 392, ..................431, 445, 495 829sTC.......... 362, 374, 388, ................. 426, 441, 495, ..........................504, 508 830CKTCAL...........364, 390, ..................428, 443, 506 830CKTCAL-1 .......364, 390, ..................428, 443, 506 830CKTCAL-1/2 ........... 364, .......... 390, 428, 443, 506 830CKTCAL-3/4 ........... 364, .......... 390, 428, 443, 506 837B .............. 361, 388, 425, ..................440, 503, 517 837C ...............362, 425, 440 837PCC ......... 366, 392, 431, ..................445, 508, 517 837T .......................425, 440 837TCAL ....... 365, 391, 429, ..........................443, 507 838TAL-880CM3 ........... 427 838TAL-880Cs3 ............ 427 838TAL-880M3 ............. 427 838TAL-880s3 .............. 427 838TCAL ....... 363, 389, 427, ..................442, 505, 517 861 ................................ 447 861AMDTC .................... 447 861DB ........................... 447 861FFTC ....................... 447 861QTC ......................... 447 862 ................................ 450 862C .............................. 450 862DB ........................... 450 862GFI .......................... 450 862KIT........................... 450 862TGFI ........................ 450 863DPCOM ................... 452 863DPCOMAL ............... 452 863DRGFICOM.............. 452 863DRGFICOMAL ......... 452 880CM1-1 ..................... 424 880CM2-1 ..................... 424 880CM3-1 ..................... 424 880Cs1-1 ...................... 423 880Cs2-1 ...................... 423 880Cs3-1 ...................... 423 880M1 ........................... 422 880M1FC ....................... 361 880M2 ........................... 422 880M2FC ....................... 361 880M3 ........................... 422 880M3FC ....................... 361 880MP2 ......................... 387 880MPA..................373, 387 880MPFC ...................... 373 880s1 ............................ 421 Cat. No. Page 880s1FC........................ 360 880s2 ............................ 421 880s2FC........................ 360 880s3 ............................ 421 880s3FC........................ 360 880w1 ........................... 438 880w1817B ................... 439 880w1818TCAL ............ 439 880w2 ........................... 438 880w2827B ................... 439 880w2828TCAL ............ 439 880w3 ........................... 439 880w3837B ................... 439 880w3838TCAL ............ 439 881 ................................ 380 881-ADP ....................... 380 881-DIV ......................... 380 881ADP ......................... 378 881AMD8CTCAL ............... 8 881AMD8CTCBK ............... 8 881AMD8CTCBs ............... 8 881AMD8CTCGY ............... 8 881AV3CTCAL ................... 8 881AV3CTCBK .................. 8 881AV3CTCBs................... 8 881AV3CTCGY ................... 8 881FC ............................ 378 885B .............................. 433 886B .............................. 433 887B .............................. 433 889A .......................127, 131 889A-wH ...................... 127 889B .............................. 433 895 ......... 378, 381, 434, 448 895DCC ......................... 381 895GFI ... 378, 381, 434, 448 895GFICAL.....378, 381, 448 895P ...............382, 434, 448 895PCK ......................... 382 895sP.............381, 434, 448 895sPCAL ......381, 434, 448 895T ...............381, 434, 448 895TAL ...........381, 434, 448 895TCAL ....... 378, 381, 382, ..........................434, 448 895TGFI .........381, 434, 448 895TGFIAL .....381, 434, 448 895TsP...........381, 434, 448 895TsPAL ..................... 448 896 .........................381, 434 896CK ....................381, 434 896CK-1 .................382, 435 896CK-1/2..............381, 435 896CK-3/4..............382, 435 896CKAL-1/2 .........381, 435 896PCK ......................... 435 896T .......................381, 434 896TCK ..................381, 435 896TCK-1 ...............382, 435 896TCK-1/2............382, 435 896TCK-3/4............382, 435 896TCKAL-1/2 .......382, 435 897AR ........................... 496 898AR ........................... 496 8002 .............................. 625 8DEC ............................. 302 8AAP ........................10, 303 8ACT6A ......................... 302 8AT ................................ 300 8ATBK ........................... 300 8ATBs ........................... 300 8ATBZ ........................... 300 8ATC.............................. 300 8ATCBK......................... 300 8ATCBs ......................... 300 8ATCBZ ......................... 300 8ATCGY ......................... 300 Cat. No. Page 8ATCNK ........................ 300 8ATCP ........................... 300 8ATCPBK ...................... 300 8ATCPBs ...................... 300 8ATCPBZ....................... 300 8ATCPGY ....................... 300 8ATCPNK ...................... 300 8ATGY............................ 300 8ATNK ........................... 300 8ATP.............................. 300 8ATPBK......................... 300 8ATPBs ......................... 300 8ATPBZ ......................... 300 8ATPGY ......................... 300 8ATPNK ........................ 300 8B ................................. 302 8CREsT....................10, 302 8CREsT3G ...............10, 303 8CT......... 302, 412, 470, 567 8CTBK ........................... 302 8CTBs ........................... 302 8CTBZ ........................... 302 8CTC ...... 302, 412, 470, 567 8CTCBK .................302, 567 8CTCBs..................302, 567 8CTCBZ ..................302, 567 8CTCGY ..................302, 567 8CTCNK .................302, 567 8CTGY ........................... 302 8CTNK .......................... 302 8DEC ............................... 10 8DIV .............................. 305 8DP ............................... 302 8MAAP .....................10, 303 8MOs ............................ 302 8PPs ............................. 301 8s1 ................................ 302 8s2 ................................ 302 8sER ........................10, 303 8sTC ............................. 301 8sTCP ....................301, 569 8TRAC ........................... 303 8Ts .........................302, 412 9 929046 .......................... 552 a AAPCTM4...................... 284 AATCTM4 ...................... 284 AB2TJ.............................. 19 AB2TJ-BK ....................... 19 AB2TJ-G.......................... 19 AB2TJ-GY........................ 19 AB2TJ-wH ...................... 19 ABPLuG3 ...... 307, 309, 311, ..................323, 325, 327 ABPLuG4 ...... 313, 315, 317, ..........................319, 321 ABPLuG6 ...................... 294 ABPLuG8 ...................... 301 ABs2 ............................... 19 ABs2-BK ........................ 19 ABs2-G ........................... 19 ABs2-GY ......................... 19 AC10105........................ 566 AC10105YC2111PA ....... 566 AC10105YC2222PA ....... 566 AC10105YC42222PA ..... 566 AC8104.......................... 465 AC8104YC2111PA ......... 565 AC8104YC2222PA ......... 565 AC8105.......................... 463 AC8105YC2111PA ......... 565 AC8105YC2222PA ......... 565 Cat. No. Page AC8105YC42222PA ....... 565 AC8840.......................... 465 AC8840YC2111PA ......... 565 AC8840YC2222PA ......... 565 AC8850.......................... 463 AC8850YC2111PA ......... 565 AC8850YC2222PA ......... 565 AC8850YC42222PA ....... 565 ADPD453LM2 ........280, 282 AERHB-048 .................. 554 AERHB-052 .................. 526 AERHB-116 .................. 554 AERHB-120 .................. 526 AERHB-128 .................. 526 AERHB-132 .................. 554 AERHB-144 .................. 526 AERHB-148 .................. 554 AERHB-152 .................. 526 AERHB-200 .................. 554 AF-1 .............................. 457 AF-3 .............................. 458 AF2KC2111PA............... 564 AF2KC2222PA............... 564 AF2KC4222PA............... 564 AF2KT2111PA ............... 564 AF2KT2222PA ............... 564 AF2KT4222PA ............... 564 AF2NC2111PA .............. 564 AF2NC2222PA .............. 564 AF2NC4222PA .............. 564 AF2NT2111PA............... 564 AF2NT2222PA............... 564 AF2NT4222PA............... 564 AF2YC2111PA ............... 564 AF2YC2222PA ............... 564 AF2YC4222PA ............... 564 AF2YT2111PA ............... 564 AF2YT2222PA ............... 564 AF2YT4222PA ............... 564 AF4KC2111PA............... 564 AF4KC2222PA............... 564 AF4KC4222PA............... 564 AF4KT2111PA ............... 564 AF4KT2222PA ............... 564 AF4KT4222PA ............... 564 AF4NC2111PA .............. 564 AF4NC2222PA .............. 564 AF4NC4222PA .............. 564 AF4NT2111PA............... 564 AF4NT2222PA............... 564 AF4NT4222PA............... 564 AF4YC2111PA ............... 564 AF4YC2222PA ............... 564 AF4YC4222PA ............... 564 AF4YT2111PA ............... 564 AF4YT2222PA ............... 564 AF4YT4222PA ............... 564 AGFTR153M4 ................ 282 AL0GB506TR ................ 278 AL2000 ...........162, 278, 684 AL2000B ....................... 160 AL2000B-10 ...........163, 274 AL2000B-5 .............163, 274 AL2000C ....................... 160 AL2000C-5 .............163, 274 AL2000wC .............163, 274 AL2001 ..................162, 163, ..........................274, 278 AL2003 ..................162, 163, ..........................272, 274 AL2006 ...................163, 274 AL2009 ...........164, 274, 278 AL2010A ....... 162, 164, 272, ..........................274, 278 AL2010B ....... 162, 164, 272, ..........................274, 278 AL2011 ...................164, 274 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD INDEX Cat. No. 697 WIREMOLD INDEX A INDEX Cat. No. 698 Page AL2015 ...................164, 275 AL2017 ...................164, 275 AL2018 ...................164, 275 AL2038 ...................164, 275 AL2040A ................164, 275 AL2043 ...........162, 164, 275 AL2043IG ...............164, 275 AL2044 ...........165, 275, 686 AL2044-2 .......165, 275, 686 AL2044-3 ...................... 686 AL2047 ..................165, 275, ..........................278, 686 AL2047-2 .......165, 275, 686 AL2051H ........165, 275, 278 AL20GB306 ................... 273 AL20GB306TR .............. 278 AL20GB306TRGFI......... 276 AL20GB506 ................... 273 AL20GB506TRTRGFI .... 276 AL20GB512 ................... 273 AL20GB606 ................... 273 AL20GB612 ................... 273 AL20GB618 ................... 273 AL20GBA606................. 273 AL20GBA612................. 273 AL20GBA618................. 273 AL20IG306 .................... 273 AL20IG506 .................... 273 AL20IG606 .................... 273 AL2400 .......................... 684 AL2400B ....................... 160 AL2400B-10 .................. 167 AL2400B-5 .................... 167 AL2400C ................160, 167 AL2400wC .................... 167 AL2401 .......................... 167 AL2406 .......................... 167 AL2409 .......................... 167 AL2410B ....................... 167 AL2410B2 ..................... 167 AL2411 .......................... 167 AL2415 .......................... 167 AL2416 .......................... 167 AL2417 .......................... 167 AL2418 .......................... 168 AL241FP6A-6A ............. 664 AL241FP6A-B ............... 665 AL241FP6A-D ............... 664 AL241FP6A-DEC .......... 665 AL241FPB-6A ............... 664 AL241FPB-B................. 664 AL241FPB-D................. 665 AL241FPD-6A ............... 664 AL241FPD-B................. 665 AL241FPD-D................. 664 AL241FPDEC-6A .......... 665 AL241FPDEC-B ............ 664 AL241FPDEC-DEC ....... 664 AL241s-HB ................... 663 AL2446P-D ................... 168 AL2451H ....................... 168 AL3000 .......................... 200 AL3000C ................197, 198 AL3001 .......................... 202 AL3010B ....................... 202 AL3010B1 ..................... 202 AL3011 .......................... 202 AL3012A ....................... 202 AL3012B ....................... 202 AL3015 .......................... 202 AL3017 .......................... 202 AL3018 .......................... 202 AL3300 ...................197, 200 AL3300 .......................... 684 AL3300B ....................... 160 AL3300B10 ................... 170 AL3300C ................160, 197 Cat. No. Page AL3300C5 ..................... 170 AL3300D5 ..............170, 205 AL3300wC .............170, 205 AL3301 ...................170, 205 AL3301D ................170, 205 AL3309 ...................170, 205 AL3310B ................171, 205 AL3310B1 ..............171, 205 AL3311 ...................171, 206 AL3315 ...................171, 206 AL3316 ...................171, 206 AL3317 ...................171, 206 AL3318 ...................171, 206 AL3320 .......................... 197 AL3346D ....................... 171 AL3346DO ..................... 171 AL3346E........................ 171 AL3346G ....................... 171 AL3346GO ..................... 172 AL3356-ACTLPB........... 172 AL3356-LPB3s2 ........... 172 AL33562A...................... 172 AL3356ABRT ................ 172 AL3356R ....................... 172 AL3356Z ........................ 172 AL4000 ...................197, 200 AL4000C ................197, 198 AL4001 .......................... 207 AL4010B ....................... 207 AL4010B2 ..................... 207 AL4011 .......................... 207 AL4012A ................207, 209 AL4012B ....................... 207 AL4015 .......................... 208 AL4017 .......................... 208 AL4018 .......................... 208 AL4301 .......................... 213 AL4310B ....................... 213 AL4310B2 ..................... 213 AL4311 .......................... 213 AL4312A ....................... 213 AL4312B ....................... 214 AL4315 .......................... 214 AL4317 .......................... 214 AL4318 .......................... 214 AL4320 ...................200, 213 AL4400 ...................197, 200 AL4401 .......................... 209 AL4410B ....................... 209 AL4410B2 ..................... 209 AL4411 .......................... 209 AL4412B ....................... 210 AL4415 .......................... 210 AL4417 .......................... 210 AL4418 .......................... 210 AL4501 .......................... 215 AL4510B ....................... 215 AL4510B2 ..................... 215 AL4511 .......................... 215 AL4512A ....................... 215 AL4512B ....................... 216 AL4515 .......................... 216 AL4517 .......................... 216 AL4518 .......................... 216 AL4520 ...................197, 200 AL4701 ...................211, 212 AL4710B ....................... 211 AL4710B2 ..................... 211 AL4711 .......................... 211 AL4712A ....................... 211 AL4712B ....................... 212 AL4715 .......................... 212 AL4717 .......................... 212 AL4718 .......................... 212 AL4750 ...................197, 200 AL4750C ....................... 197 AL5200 .......................... 684 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD Cat. No. Page AL5200B ....................... 161 AL5200B-10 .................. 187 AL5200B-5 .................... 187 AL5200C ....................... 161 AL5200C-10 .................. 187 AL5200C-5 .................... 187 AL5200D-10 .................. 187 AL5200D-5 .................... 187 AL5200wC .............185, 187 AL5200wC2 .................. 187 AL5200wC3 .................. 187 AL5201 ...................185, 187 AL5206 .......................... 187 AL5209 .......................... 187 AL5210B ....................... 187 AL5210B1 ..................... 188 AL5210B2 ..............185, 188 AL5210B3 ..................... 188 AL5211 .......................... 188 AL5214 .......................... 188 AL5215 .......................... 188 AL5216 .......................... 188 AL5217 .......................... 188 AL5217A ....................... 188 AL5217N ....................... 188 AL5218 .......................... 188 AL5246-B ...................... 188 AL5246-D ...................... 188 AL5246-DD ................... 188 AL5246-F ...................... 189 AL5246-G ...................... 189 AL5256-2A .................... 190 AL5256-2LPB3s2 ......... 190 AL5256-ABRT ............... 189 AL5256-ACT2LP ........... 189 AL5256-ACTLPB........... 189 AL5256-ACTMAB .......... 189 AL5256-D2A ................. 189 AL5256-DABRT ............ 190 AL5256-DACT ............... 189 AL5256-DMABRT ......... 190 AL5256-DZ.................... 189 AL5256-G2A.................. 190 AL5256-GABRT ............ 190 AL5256-GACT ............... 189 AL5256-GMABRT ......... 190 AL5256-GZ .................... 190 AL5256-LPB3s2 ........... 190 AL5256-MABRT ............ 190 AL5256-Z ...................... 190 AL5260 .......................... 190 AL7301 .......................... 221 AL7310B ....................... 221 AL7310B3 ..................... 221 AL7311 .......................... 221 AL7312A ....................... 221 AL7312B ....................... 222 AL7315 .......................... 222 AL7317 .......................... 222 AL7318 .......................... 222 AL7320 ...........198, 200, 221 AL7401 .......................... 223 AL7410B ....................... 223 AL7410B3 ..................... 223 AL7411 .......................... 223 AL7412A ....................... 223 AL7412B ....................... 224 AL7415 .......................... 224 AL7417 .......................... 224 AL7418 .......................... 224 AL7450 ...........198, 200, 224 ALA-2A ..................180, 184 ALA-ABRT .................... 183 ALA-BL ......................... 183 ALA-C ........................... 197 ALA-DR..................179, 183 ALA-E ....................179, 183 Cat. No. Page ALA-F ....................179, 183 ALA-G ....................179, 183 ALA-J .....................179, 183 ALA-LPB................179, 184 ALA-LPB3s2..........179, 184 ALA-MAB ...............179, 184 ALA-MABRT ..........179, 184 ALA-N ....................179, 183 ALA-sG ..................180, 184 ALA-Z.....................180, 184 ALA01 ........... 178, 182, 203, ..........................204, 217 ALA09 ............182, 203, 217 ALA11R ......................... 218 ALA11R1 ................184, 204 ALA17/18R .................... 218 ALA17/18R1 ...........184, 204 ALA17A ......................... 182 ALA17A ..................203, 217 ALA3000 ....................... 197 ALA3800 ........197, 200, 684 ALA3800B ..................... 160 ALA3800B-10................ 178 ALA3800C ..................... 160 ALA3806 ................178, 203 ALA3810B ..............178, 203 ALA3810B1 ............178, 204 ALA3811 ................178, 204 ALA3815 ................178, 204 ALA3817 ................178, 204 ALA3817N ..............178, 204 ALA3818 ........178, 204, 218 ALA4800 ....... 197, 200, 218, ..........................229, 230 ALA4800B ..................... 160 ALA4800B-10................ 182 ALA4800C ..................... 160 ALA4806 ................182, 217 ALA4810B ..............182, 217 ALA4810B2 ............182, 218 ALA4811 ................182, 218 ALA4812A ..................... 218 ALA4812B ..................... 218 ALA4815 ................182, 218 ALA4817 ................182, 218 ALA4817N ..............183, 218 ALA4818 ................183, 218 ALA48HR1024CM ......... 230 ALA48HR1024RT .......... 230 ALA48TD8CM ............... 229 ALA48TD8RT ................ 229 ALAC-5 ..................178, 182 ALAwC ..................178, 182, ..........................203, 217 ALDs4000 ......197, 200, 684 ALDs4000B....161, 175, 219 ALDs4000C...........161, 175, ..........................197, 219 ALDs4006 ..............175, 219 ALDs4010A ....173, 175, 219 ALDs4010B....173, 175, 219 ALDs4011 ......173, 175, 219 ALDs4015 ......173, 175, 220 ALDs4017 ......173, 175, 220 ALDs4018 ......173, 175, 220 ALDs4047 ..................... 173 ALDs4047-2A ........173, 176 ALDs4047C............173, 176 ALDs4047D ...........173, 176 ALDs4047E ............173, 176 ALDs4047F ............173, 176 ALDs4047MAB ......173, 176 ALDs4047R............173, 176 ALEXTLEDTM4 ............. 283 ALLNLEDTM4............... 283 ALPKLEDTM4 ............... 283 ALTC-20w ..................... 609 Cat. No. Page ALTC-2P........................ 609 ALTC-2s ........................ 609 ALTP ............................. 603 ALTP-20w ......603, 604, 607 ALTP-2P ........603, 604, 607 ALTP-2s.........603, 604, 607 AMD8APTC ................... 313 AMD8APTCBK .............. 313 AMD8APTCGY ............... 313 AMD8ATC ...................... 313 AMD8ATCAA ............10, 313 AMD8ATCAB ............10, 313 AMD8ATCAL ............10, 313 AMD8ATCBK ............10, 313 AMD8ATCBs ............10, 313 AMD8ATCGY ............10, 313 AMD8ATCVY .............10, 313 AMD8CTC ..................... 313 AMD8CTCAA ................. 313 AMD8CTCAB ................. 313 AMD8CTCAL ................. 313 AMD8CTCBK ................ 313 AMD8CTCBs ................. 313 AMD8CTCGY ................. 313 AMD8CTCVY ................. 313 AMD8sHTC ................... 313 AMD8sHTCAL............... 313 AMD8sHTCBK .............. 313 AMD8sHTCBs .............. 313 AMD8sHTCGY............... 313 AMD8sHTCVY ............... 313 AMD8sTC...................... 313 AMDTP-4 ..............578, 603, ..........................606, 609 AMDTP-4-C .................. 604 AMDTP-412 .................. 603 AMDTP-415 .................. 603 AMDTP-4D .....603, 604, 606 AMDTP-A ...................... 605 AMDTP-B...................... 605 AMDTP-L ...................... 605 AMTC-3s2..................... 609 AMTC-4 ..........606, 607, 608 AMTC-412 ..............607, 608 AMTC-415 ..............607, 608 AMTC-ACT .................... 609 AMTC-CVR .................... 609 AP-FITTC ...................... 330 APCB1TM4 ................... 282 APCB2TM2 ................... 282 APCB3TM4 ................... 282 APCB4TM1 ................... 282 APCB5TM1 ................... 282 APCCTM4...................... 281 APDwCTM1 .................. 282 APME18TM2 ................. 281 APMT12TM2 ................. 281 APMT18TM4 ................. 281 APMT27TM2 ................. 281 APTR15TM4 .................. 284 APusB2TM4 ................. 284 ARA-s2 ............20, 152, 155 ARA-s2-BK..............20, 155 ARA-s2-Fw .................. 155 ARA-s2-G ................20, 155 ARA-s2-GY ..............20, 155 ARA-s2-IV .................... 155 ARA-s2-wH .............20, 155 AuDMTM1 .................... 284 AV1000BK ......................... 2 AV1002BK ......................... 2 AV2002BK ......................... 3 AV2003BK ......................... 3 AV2004BK ......................... 5 AV3000BK ......................... 3 AV3APTC ....................... 315 AV3APTCBK .................. 315 WIREMOLD INDEX A—C Page AV3APTCGY .................. 315 AV3ATC ..................315, 571 AV3ATCAA ................10, 315 AV3ATCAA111PA .......... 571 AV3ATCAB................10, 315 AV3ATCAB111PA .......... 571 AV3ATCAL ................10, 315 AV3ATCAL111PA........... 571 AV3ATCBK ...............10, 315 AV3ATCBs................10, 315 AV3ATCBs111PA .......... 571 AV3ATCGY ................10, 315 AV3ATCGY111PA ........... 571 AV3ATCVY ................10, 315 AV3CTC ......................... 315 AV3CTCAA................10, 315 AV3CTCAB ...............10, 315 AV3CTCAL ................10, 315 AV3CTCBK ...............10, 315 AV3CTCBs ...............10, 315 AV3CTCGY ................10, 315 AV3CTCVY ................10, 315 AV3sHTC....................... 315 AV3sHTCAL .................. 315 AV3sHTCBK.................. 315 AV3sHTCBs .................. 315 AV3sHTCGY .................. 315 AV3sHTCVY................... 315 AV3sTC ..................315, 321 AV4000BK ......................... 2 AV4005BK ......................... 2 AV5000BK ......................... 3 AV5001BK ......................... 3 AV5002BK ......................... 3 AV5004BK ......................... 3 AV5005BK ......................... 5 AV6001BK ......................... 4 AV7000BK ......................... 4 AV7004BK ......................... 4 AV7005BK ......................... 4 AV8008BK ......................... 4 AV8009BK ......................... 4 AV8010BK ......................... 4 AV9003BK ......................... 5 AV9004BK ......................... 5 AV9008BK ......................... 5 AV9010BK ......................... 3 AV9012BK ......................... 5 AV9014BK ......................... 5 AV9015BK ......................... 5 AV9016BK ......................... 4 AVATCBK111PA ............ 571 B BE1200-10 .................... 105 BE1200-5 ...................... 105 BE1200-50 .................... 105 BE1200-5R ................... 105 BE1400-10 .................... 106 BE1400-5 ...................... 106 BE1400-50 .................... 106 BE1600-10 .................... 106 BE1600-25 .................... 106 BE1600-5 ...................... 106 BK1200-10 .................... 105 BK1200-5 ...................... 105 BK1200-50 .................... 105 BK1400-10 .................... 106 BK1400-5 ...................... 106 BK1400-50 .................... 106 BK1600-10 .................... 106 BK1600-25 .................... 106 BK1600-5 ...................... 106 BK2000B-10 ................. 258 BK2000B-5 ................... 258 BK2000BC .................... 258 Cat. No. Page BK2000C ....................... 258 BK2006 ......................... 258 BK2010A2 ..............259, 277 BK2010A3 ..................... 259 BK2010B ....................... 277 BK2011 ......................... 259 BK2015 ......................... 259 BK2018C ....................... 259 BK2040B ....................... 277 BK2048 ......................... 259 BK2048-2 ...................... 260 BK2051H ....................... 260 BK20GB306TR .............. 276 BK20GB306TRGFI ........ 276 BK20GB506TR .............. 276 BK20GB506TRGFI ........ 276 BK20GB606TR .............. 276 BKwE-P.......................... 60 BKwE-s .......................... 60 BR1200-10 .................... 105 BR1200-5 ...................... 105 BR1200-50 .................... 105 BR1200-5R ................... 105 BR1400-10 .................... 106 BR1400-5 ...................... 106 BR1400-50 .................... 106 BR1600-10 .................... 106 BR1600-25 .................... 106 BR1600-5 ...................... 106 C C10105P-3ACT ............. 467 C10105P-3RT ........... 9, 467 C10105P-AAP-6A ..... 9, 467 C10105P-B ................... 467 C10105P-MAAP-6A .. 9, 467 C110-40 ........................ 240 C110-41 ........................ 240 C110-42 ........................ 240 C110-45 ........................ 240 C110-4BH ..................... 242 C110-4C ........................ 241 C110-4E ........................ 240 C110-4E45 .................... 240 C110-4E45VI ................. 241 C110-4E45VO ................ 241 C110-4EB ..................... 241 C110-4EVI ..................... 241 C110-4EVO.................... 241 C110-4F ........................ 242 C110-4H........................ 243 C110-4T ........................ 242 C110-4TH...............242, 243 C110-4X ........................ 242 C112-60 ........................ 240 C112-61 ........................ 240 C112-62 ........................ 240 C112-65 ........................ 240 C112-6BH ..................... 242 C112-6C ........................ 241 C112-6E ........................ 240 C112-6E45 .................... 240 C112-6E45VI ................. 241 C112-6E45VO ................ 241 C112-6EB ..................... 241 C112-6EVI ..................... 241 C112-6EVO.................... 241 C112-6F ........................ 242 C112-6H........................ 243 C112-6R6 ...................... 242 C112-6T ........................ 242 C112-6TH...............242, 243 C112-6X ........................ 242 C11200 .......................... 240 C11201 .......................... 240 C11202 .......................... 240 Cat. No. Page C11205 .......................... 240 C112BH......................... 242 C112C ........................... 241 C112E............................ 240 C112E45........................ 240 C112E45VI..................... 241 C112E45VO ................... 241 C112EB ......................... 241 C112EVI ........................ 241 C112EVO ....................... 241 C112F............................ 242 C112FB ......................... 243 C112H ........................... 243 C112R8 ......................... 242 C112T ............................ 242 C112TH ......................... 242 C112X ............................ 242 C118-61 ........................ 240 C118-62 ........................ 240 C118-65 ........................ 240 C118-6BH ..................... 242 C118-6C ........................ 241 C118-6E ........................ 240 C118-6E45 .................... 240 C118-6E45VI ................. 241 C118-6E45VO ................ 241 C118-6EB ..............241, 242 C118-6EVI ..................... 241 C118-6EVO.................... 241 C118-6F ........................ 242 C118-6R12-6 ................ 242 C118-6T .................242, 243 C118-6TH...............242, 243 C118-6X ........................ 242 C124-61 ........................ 240 C124-62 ........................ 240 C124-65 ........................ 240 C124-6BH ..................... 242 C124-6C ........................ 241 C124-6E ........................ 240 C124-6E45 .................... 240 C124-6E45VI ................. 241 C124-6E45VO ................ 241 C124-6EB ..............241, 242 C124-6EVI ..................... 241 C124-6EVO.................... 241 C124-6F ........................ 242 C124-6R18-6 ................ 242 C124-6T .................242, 243 C124-6TH...............242, 243 C124-6X ........................ 242 C1250 ............................ 240 C1251 ............................ 240 C1252 ............................ 240 C1255 ............................ 240 C125BH......................... 242 C125C ........................... 241 C125E............................ 240 C125E45........................ 240 C125E45VI..................... 241 C125E45VO ................... 241 C125EB ......................... 241 C125EVI ........................ 241 C125EVO ....................... 241 C125F............................ 242 C125FB ......................... 243 C125H ........................... 243 C125T ............................ 242 C125TH ......................... 242 C125X ............................ 242 C1400 ............................ 240 C1401 ............................ 240 C1402 ............................ 240 C1405 ............................ 240 C14BH....................233, 242 C14C ............................. 241 C14E ......................233, 240 Cat. No. Page C14E45.......................... 240 C14E45VI ...............233, 241 C14E45VO ..............233, 241 C14EB ....................233, 241 C14EVI ...................233, 241 C14EVO ......................... 241 C14F.............................. 242 C14FB ........................... 243 C14H ......................233, 243 C14R25 ..................233, 242 C14T.......................233, 242 C14TH ........................... 242 C14X.......................233, 242 C1600 ............................ 240 C1601 ............................ 240 C1602 ............................ 240 C1605 ............................ 240 C16BH........................... 242 C16C ............................. 241 C16E ............................. 240 C16E45.......................... 240 C16E45VI ...................... 241 C16E45VO ..................... 241 C16EB ........................... 241 C16EVI .......................... 241 C16EVO ......................... 241 C16F.............................. 242 C16FB ........................... 243 C16H ............................. 243 C16R4 ........................... 242 C16T.............................. 242 C16TH ........................... 242 C16X.............................. 242 C1800 ............................ 240 C1801 ............................ 240 C1802 ............................ 240 C1805 ............................ 240 C18BH........................... 242 C18C ............................. 241 C18E ............................. 240 C18E45.......................... 240 C18E45VI ...................... 241 C18E45VO ..................... 241 C18EB ........................... 241 C18EVI .......................... 241 C18EVO ......................... 241 C18F.............................. 242 C18FB ........................... 243 C18H ............................. 243 C18R6 ........................... 242 C18T.............................. 242 C18TH ........................... 242 C18X.............................. 242 C8004P-2ACT ............... 466 C8004P-2DBP............... 466 C8004P-2RT ..................... 9 C8004P-2RT ................. 466 C8005P-2RT ..................... 9 C8005P-3ACT ............... 465 C8005P-3DBP............... 464 C8005P-3RT ..................... 9 C8005P-3RT ................. 464 C8005P-AAP-6A ............... 9 C8005P-AAP-6A ........... 465 C8005P-MAAP-6A ............ 9 C8005P-MAAP-6A ........ 465 C8005P-RT ....................... 9 C8850P-2ACT ............... 464 C8850P-2RT ................. 464 C8850P-ACT ................. 464 C8850P-RT ................... 464 CABs2-wH ..................... 19 CBR-HT ........................ 552 CBR-LHT ...............547, 552 CBR-LT ......................... 552 CBR11/2-LHT ............... 552 CCBBLCTCAL ............... 478 Cat. No. Page CCBBs .......................... 477 CCBBs-DIV ............480, 481 CCBBs-OG ................... 477 CCBBsCTCAL ............... 478 CCFB-EBCH ................. 475 CCFB-EBCI ................... 475 CCFB-HB ...................... 475 CCFB-PH ...................... 475 CCFB-QT ...................... 475 CCFBC-BL-H-C1 .......... 474 CCFBC-BL-H-C2 .......... 474 CCFBC-BL-H-C3 .......... 474 CCFBC-BL-H-C4 .......... 474 CCFBC-BL-H-C5 .......... 474 CCFBC-BL-N-C1.......... 474 CCFBC-BL-N-C2.......... 474 CCFBC-BL-N-C3.......... 474 CCFBC-BL-N-C4.......... 474 CCFBC-BL-N-C5.......... 474 CCFBC-CR-H-C1.......... 474 CCFBC-CR-H-C2.......... 474 CCFBC-CR-H-C3.......... 474 CCFBC-CR-H-C4.......... 474 CCFBC-CR-H-C5.......... 474 CCFBC-CR-N-C1 ......... 474 CCFBC-CR-N-C2 ......... 474 CCFBC-CR-N-C3 ......... 474 CCFBC-CR-N-C4 ......... 474 CCFBC-CR-N-C5 ......... 474 CCFBC-Ns-H-C1 ......... 474 CCFBC-Ns-H-C2 ......... 474 CCFBC-Ns-H-C3 ......... 474 CCFBC-Ns-H-C4 ......... 474 CCFBC-Ns-H-C5 ......... 474 CCFBC-Ns-N-C1 ......... 474 CCFBC-Ns-N-C2 ......... 474 CCFBC-Ns-N-C3 ......... 474 CCFBC-Ns-N-C4 ......... 474 CCFBC-Ns-N-C5 ......... 474 CCM-DFP-BK ................. 20 CCM2-u2TJ-BK .............. 18 CCwB ........................... 476 CIH/LT-B....................... 402 CIHT-D .......................... 402 CIHT-GFI....................... 402 CILT-2-RT ..................... 403 CILT-2AB ...................... 402 CILT-4TKO .................... 403 CM-2AB .......................... 19 CM-2AB-BK .................... 19 CM-2AB-G ...................... 19 CM-2AB-GY .................... 19 CM-2AB-wH ................... 19 CM-ARA ...........19, 152, 156 CM-ARA-BK ................... 19 CM-ARA-Fw ................. 156 CM-ARA-G ...............19, 156 CM-ARA-GY .............19, 156 CM-ARA-wH ...........19, 156 CM-DAP .......................... 20 CM-DAP-BK ................... 20 CM-DAP-G ...................... 20 CM-DAP-GY .................... 20 CM-DAP-wH .................. 20 CM-DFP .......................... 20 CM-DFP-G ...................... 20 CM-DFP-GY .................... 20 CM-DFP-wH .................. 20 CM-EPLA ..........19, 49, 156, ................................. 252 CM-EPLA-Fw ....19, 49, 156 CM-EPLA-G ................... 19, ................................. 156 CM-EPLA-wH .........19, 156 CM-MAB ......................... 19 CM-MAB-BK................... 19 CM-MAB-Fw .................. 19 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD INDEX Cat. No. 699 WIREMOLD INDEX C—E INDEX Cat. No. 700 Page CM-MAB-GY ................... 19 CM-MMB-231 ............... 131 CM-MMB-231-wH........ 131 CM-MMB-232 ............... 131 CM-MMB-232-wH........ 131 CM-MMB-233 ............... 131 CM-MMB-233-wH........ 131 CM-MMB-291 ............... 116 CM-MMB-291-wH........ 116 CM-MMB-292 ............... 116 CM-MMB-292-wH........ 116 CM-MMB-293 ........111, 116 CM-MMB-293-wH........ 116 CM-MMB-571 ................. 32 CM-sAP .......................... 20 CM-sAP-BK.................... 20 CM-sAP-G ...................... 20 CM-sAP-GY .................... 20 CM-sAP-wH ................... 20 CM-sFP .......................... 20 CM-sFP-BK.................... 20 CM-sFP-G ...................... 20 CM-sFP-GY .................... 20 CM-sFP-wH ................... 20 CM2............................... 133 CM2-BL .......................... 18 CM2-BL-BK .................... 18 CM2-BL-G ...................... 18 CM2-BL-GY .................... 18 CM2-BL-wH ................... 18 CM2-u1ATT .................... 17 CM2-u1ATT-BK .............. 17 CM2-u1ATT-G ................ 17 CM2-u1ATT-GY .............. 17 CM2-u1ATT-wH ............. 17 CM2-u1KEYA .................. 17 CM2-u1KEYA-BK ........... 17 CM2-u1KEYA-G .............. 17 CM2-u1KEYA-GY ............ 17 CM2-u1KEYA-wH .......... 17 CM2-u1NOR ................... 18 CM2-u1NOR-BK ............ 18 CM2-u1NOR-G ............... 18 CM2-u1NOR-GY ............. 18 CM2-u1NOR-wH ........... 18 CM2-u2AMP ................... 18 CM2-u2AMP-BK ............ 18 CM2-u2AMP-G ............... 18 CM2-u2AMP-GY ............. 18 CM2-u2AMP-wH ........... 18 CM2-u2ATT .................... 17 CM2-u2ATT-BK .............. 17 CM2-u2ATT-G ................ 17 CM2-u2ATT-GY .............. 17 CM2-u2ATT-wH ............. 17 CM2-u2KEYA .................. 17 CM2-u2KEYA-BK ........... 17 CM2-u2KEYA-G .............. 17 CM2-u2KEYA-GY ............ 17 CM2-u2KEYA-wH .......... 17 CM2-u2NOR ................... 18 CM2-u2NOR-BK ............ 18 CM2-u2NOR-G ............... 18 CM2-u2NOR-GY ............. 18 CM2-u2NOR-wH ........... 18 CM2-u2sC ...................... 18 CM2-u2sC-BK ............... 18 CM2-u2sC-G .................. 18 CM2-u2sC-GY ................ 18 CM2-u2sC-wH .............. 18 CM2-u2sT ...................... 18 CM2-u2sT-BK ................ 18 CM2-u2sT-G .................. 18 CM2-u2sT-GY ................ 18 CM2-u2sT-wH ............... 18 CM2-u2sVGA.................. 18 CM2-u2sVGA-G.............. 18 Cat. No. Page CM2-u2sVGA-GY............ 18 CM2-u2sVGA-wH .......... 18 CM2-u2TJ ....................... 18 CM2-u2TJ-G ................... 18 CM2-u2TJ-GY ................. 18 CM2-u2TJ-wH ............... 18 CM2, sERIEs II ............. 111 COM50 ...........307, 319, 323 COM75 .......... 307, 317, 319, ................................. 323 CP06-F30 ...................... 537 CP06-HLF ..................... 538 CP06-HLs ..................... 538 CP06-ILF ...................... 538 CP06-ILs ...................... 538 CP06-s30 ...................... 537 CP06-TF........................ 539 CP06-Ts ....................... 539 CP06-XF ....................... 540 CP06-Xs ....................... 540 CP06w350-ELF ............ 539 CP06w350-ELs ............ 539 CP06w350-IELF ........... 539 CP06w350-IELs ........... 539 CP10-F30 ...............536, 537 CP10-HLF ..............536, 538 CP10-HLs ..................... 538 CP10-ILF ...............536, 538 CP10-ILs ...................... 538 CP10-s30 ...................... 537 CP10-TF.................536, 539 CP10-Ts ....................... 539 CP10-XF ................536, 540 CP10-Xs ....................... 540 CP10w350-ELF ............ 539 CP10w350-ELs ............ 539 CP10w350-IELF ........... 539 CP10w350-IELs ........... 539 CP18-F30 ...................... 537 CP18-HLF ..................... 538 CP18-HLs ..................... 538 CP18-ILF ...................... 538 CP18-ILs ...................... 538 CP18-s30 ...................... 537 CP18-TF........................ 539 CP18-Ts ....................... 539 CP18-XF ....................... 540 CP18-Xs ....................... 540 CP18w350-ELF ............ 539 CP18w350-ELs ............ 539 CP18w350-IELF ........... 539 CP18w350-IELs ........... 539 CRFB ............................ 566 CRFB-6COM-4 ............. 472 CRFB-AB-1................... 470 CRFB-AB-2................... 471 CRFB-AB-3................... 472 CRFB-B-1 ..................... 470 CRFB-B-2 ..................... 471 CRFB-B-3 ..................... 471 CRFB-B-4 ..................... 472 CRFB-BEZ-6A-4....... 9, 472 CRFB-CGFI-4 ................... 9 CRFB-D-1 ..................... 470 CRFB-D-2 ..................... 471 CRFB-D-3 ..................... 471 CRFB-D-4 ..................... 472 CRFB-GFI-1...................... 9 CRFB-GFI-1.................. 470 CRFB-GFI-2.............. 9, 471 CRFB-GFI-3.............. 9, 471 CRFB-GFI-4.................. 472 CRFB-HOusING ........... 469 CRFB-MAAP-4 ......... 9, 472 CRFB-RT-1 ................... 470 CRFB-RT-2 ................... 471 CRFB-RT-3 ................... 472 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD Cat. No. Page CRFB-sR1-1 ................. 470 CRFB-sR1-2 ................. 471 CRFB-sR1-3 ................. 471 CRFB-sR1-4 ................. 472 CRFB-sR2-2 ................. 471 CRFB-TuN ................... 470 CRFB4 .......................... 469 CRFB4P2111PA ............ 566 CRFB4P2222PA ............ 566 CRFB4P4222PA ............ 566 CRFBBTC...............469, 567 CRFBBTC-TR ............... 470 CRFBBTCBK................. 567 CRFBBTCBKTR ............ 567 CRFBBTCBs ................. 567 CRFBBTCBsTR ............ 567 CRFBBTCBZ ................. 567 CRFBBTCBZTR ............ 567 CRFBBTCGY ................. 567 CRFBBTCGYTR............. 567 CRFBBTCNK ................ 567 CRFBBTCNKTR ............ 567 CRFBBTCTR ................. 567 CRFBCTC ...............469, 567 CRFBCTC-TR................ 469 CRFBCTCBK ................. 567 CRFBCTCBKTR ............ 567 CRFBCTCBs ................. 567 CRFBCTCBsTR ............ 567 CRFBCTCBZ ................. 567 CRFBCTCBZTR............. 567 CRFBCTCGY ................. 567 CRFBCTCGYTR ............. 567 CRFBCTCNK................. 567 CRFBCTCNKTR ............ 567 CRFBCTCTR ................. 567 CT10 .............................. 515 CT10-1/4 ....................... 530 CT10-1/8 ....................... 530 CT15 .............................. 515 CT15-1/4 ....................... 530 CT15-1/8 ....................... 530 CT18 .............................. 515 CT18-1/4 ....................... 530 CT18-1/8 ....................... 530 CT21-1/4 ....................... 530 CT21-1/8 ....................... 530 CT25-1/4 ....................... 530 CT25-1/8 ....................... 530 CT6................................ 515 CT6-1/4 ......................... 530 CT6-1/8 ......................... 530 CZE-242412A ................ 681 CZE-242412PP ............. 681 CZE-242412wB ............ 681 D D2075 ............................ 520 D21210 ...................514, 518 D21215 ...................514, 518 D21220 ...................514, 518 D21225 ...................514, 518 D21230 ...................514, 518 D22410 ...................514, 518 D22415 ...................514, 518 D22420 ...................514, 518 D22425 ...................514, 518 D22430 ...................514, 518 D4075 ............................ 520 D41210 ...................514, 519 D41215 ...................514, 519 D41220 ...................514, 519 D41225 ...................514, 519 D41230 ...................514, 519 D42410 ...................514, 519 D42415 ...................514, 519 Cat. No. Page D42420 ...................514, 519 D42425 ...................514, 519 D42430 ...................514, 519 DGT-2DP....................... 459 DGT-AAP .................. 8, 459 DGT-ACT ....................... 459 DGT-B ........................... 459 DGT-DP/B ..................... 459 DGT-MAAP ............... 8, 459 DGT-RT ............................. 8 DGT-RT ......................... 460 DGwE-s .......................... 60 DR20A-G ......................... 55 DR20A-V ......................... 55 DRP20A-V ....................... 55 Ds4000 ....................93, 684 Ds4000B ................... 58, 60 Ds4000C ......................... 58 Ds4000C-BK................... 58 Ds4000C-DG................... 58 Ds4000C-DV ................... 58 Ds4000wC .......58, 175, 219 Ds4001 ............58, 175, 219 Ds4006 ........................... 58 Ds4006-BK ..................... 58 Ds4006-DG ..................... 58 Ds4006-DV ..................... 58 Ds4006B ......................... 58 Ds4006B-BK .................. 58 Ds4006B-DG .................. 58 Ds4006B-DV ................... 58 Ds4010A ................... 56, 58 Ds4010A-BK ................... 58 Ds4010A-DG................... 58 Ds4010A-DV ................... 58 Ds4010B ................... 56, 58 Ds4010B-BK .................. 58 Ds4010B-DG .................. 58 Ds4010B-DV ................... 58 Ds4011 ..................... 56, 58 Ds4011-DG ..................... 58 Ds4011-DV ..................... 58 Ds4014A ..........58, 175, 220 Ds4015 ..................... 56, 58 Ds4015-BK ..................... 58 Ds4015-DG ..................... 58 Ds4015-DV ..................... 58 Ds4017 ..................... 56, 59 Ds4017-BK ..................... 59 Ds4017-DG ..................... 59 Ds4017-DV) .................... 59 Ds4018 ..................... 56, 59 Ds4018-BK ..................... 59 Ds4018-DG ..................... 59 Ds4018-DV ..................... 59 Ds4047-BK ..................... 59 Ds4047-DG ..................... 59 Ds4047-DV ..................... 59 Ds4047C ................... 56, 59 Ds4047C-BK................... 59 Ds4047C-DG................... 59 Ds4047C-DV ................... 59 Ds4047D ................... 56, 59 Ds4047DQ....................... 59 Ds4047DQ-BK ................ 59 Ds4047DQ-DG ................ 59 Ds4047DQ-DV ................ 59 Ds4047MAB.............. 56, 59 Ds4047MAB-BK ............. 59 Ds4047MAB-DG ............. 59 Ds4047MAB-DV ............. 59 Ds4047R ................... 56, 59 Ds4047R-BK .................. 59 Ds4047R-DG .................. 59 Ds4047R-DV ................... 59 Ds4075 ..................... 56, 60 Ds4075-BK ..................... 60 Cat. No. Page Ds4075-DG ..................... 60 Ds4075-DV ..................... 60 Ds4075A ................... 56, 60 Ds4075A-BK ................... 60 Ds4075A-DG................... 60 Ds4075A-DV ................... 60 Ds4089 ..................... 60, 71 Ds4089-BK ..................... 60 Ds4089-DG ..................... 60 Ds4089-DV ..................... 60 DsDwND ........................ 59 DsDwND-BK .................. 59 DsDwND-DG .................. 59 DsDwND-DV .................. 59 DsDwNDQ ...................... 59 DsDwNDQ-BK ............... 59 DsDwNDQ-DG ............... 59 DsDwNDQ-DV ................ 59 DsDwNR ........................ 59 DsDwNR-BK ............ 12, 59 DsDwNR-BZ .................. 12 DsDwNR-DG ............ 12, 59 DsDwNR-DV ............ 12, 59 DsDwNs......................... 60 DsDwNs-BK ............ 12, 60 DsDwNs-BZ .................. 12 DsDwNs-DG ............ 12, 60 DsDwNs-DV ............ 12, 60 DsDwNu ........................ 60 DsDwNu-BK ............ 12, 60 DsDwNu-BZ .................. 12 DsDwNu-DG .................. 12 DsDwNu-DV ............ 12, 60 DsDwNX ......................... 60 DsTRK ............................ 60 DTB-2-2A...................... 554 DTB-2-2AB ............400, 554 DTB-2-2RT ................... 400 DTB-2-4TKO ..........400, 554 DTB-2-AAP ................... 400 DTB-2-B ....................... 554 DTB-2-DECORA ........... 400 DTB-2-DT ..................... 400 DTB-2-EXT ................... 400 DTB-2-RT ..................... 554 DTB-2-sD ..................... 400 DVwE-P ......... 43, 45, 48, 60 DVwE-s ......... 43, 45, 48, 60 e ED799 ........................... 229 EFB-50A ................351, 356 EFB-AAP ...........6, 347, 351 EFB-B ....................348, 351 EFB-CLL ................351, 356 EFB-MAAP ....................... 6 EFB-MAAP ............348, 351 EFB-MOs ...............348, 351 EFB-TEMPLATE ........... 357 EFB10 -DEC ................. 354 EFB10-2C ..................... 354 EFB10-3s2 ................... 354 EFB10-6AB ................... 354 EFB10-AAP............... 6, 354 EFB10-B ....................... 354 EFB10-DEC ...................... 6 EFB10-DP ..................... 354 EFB10-MAAP............ 6, 354 EFB10-MB .................... 353 EFB10-MOs .................. 355 EFB10-s1 ..................... 354 EFB10-s2 ..................... 354 EFB10M ........................ 353 EFB10s ......................... 352 EFB10s-23GMB ........... 353 EFB10s-5GMB ............. 353 WIREMOLD INDEX E—L Page EFB10s-FC ................... 353 EFB10s-OG .................. 352 EFB6-3/4-11/4.............. 348 EFB6-DIV ...................... 348 EFB6-MB ...................... 347 EFB6-TuN .................... 348 EFB610-Ts ................... 357 EFB610BT..................... 357 EFB610BTC .................. 357 EFB610CT ..................... 356 EFB610CTC .................. 356 EFB610CTR .................. 357 EFB6M .......................... 347 EFB6s ........................... 346 EFB6s-2HuB ................ 348 EFB6s-FC ..................... 347 EFB6s-OG .................... 346 EFB8-MB ...................... 350 EFB810-2 ...............351, 355 EFB810-3/4-11/4 ...351, 355 EFB810-3/4-3/4 .....351, 355 EFB810-DIV ...........351, 356 EFB810-TuN .........351, 356 EFB8M .......................... 350 EFB8s ........................... 349 EFB8s-22GMB ............. 350 EFB8s-4GMB ............... 350 EFB8s-FC ..................... 350 EFB8s-OG .................... 349 EFBCLL ........................ 348 EFBCMG ........348, 351, 356 EFBFF........................... 358 EFBFF-CLL .................. 359 EFBFF-DIV ................... 359 EFBFF-OG .................... 358 F FBTCAL ........................ 547 FFD-P ........................... 325 FIFP-1.390 .............329, 333 FIFP-1.562 .................... 329 FIFP-B .......................... 329 FIFP-R .......................... 329 FIFP-ss ........................ 329 FIFP-T .......................... 329 FIFP50 .......................... 329 FIFP75 .......................... 329 FIT................................. 329 FIT-EXT ......................... 330 FP-CTR ......... 359, 396, 401, ..................403, 404, 411 FP1.390-1.390 .............. 329 FP1.562-1.562 .............. 330 FP2R ............................. 330 FP2T ............................. 330 FP50-50 ........................ 330 FP75-50 ........................ 330 FP75-75 ........................ 330 FPACT-ACT ................... 330 FPB-2RT ....................... 330 FPB-ACT ....................... 330 FPB-B ........................... 330 FPB-RT ......................... 330 FPBT ..............397, 405, 413 FPBT ..............499, 548, 553 FPBTC........... 371, 397, 405, ..................413, 548, 553 FPBTC-NA ............372, 398, ..........................406, 414 FPCT ............. 397, 405, 413, ..................499, 548, 553 FPCTC ........... 371, 397, 405, ..................413, 548, 553 FPCTC-NA ............372, 398, ..........................406, 414 Cat. No. Page FPFFT ........... 397, 405, 413, ..................499, 548, 553 FPFFTC ......... 359, 371, 372, ......... 397, 398, 405, 406, .......... 413, 414, 548, 553 FPss-ss ....................... 330 Fs2R ............................. 672 Fs2R-GA ....................... 672 Fs2R-RED .................... 672 Fs2RHs ........................ 672 Fs2RwP8 ...................... 672 Fs4R ............................. 672 Fs4R-GA ....................... 672 Fs4R-RED .................... 672 Fs4RHs ........................ 672 Fs4RwP12 .................... 672 FsPCC2758 ................... 672 FsPCC4758 ................... 672 Fss-18 .......................... 252 FT10 .............................. 515 FT10-1/4 ....................... 530 FT10-1/8 ....................... 530 FT15 .............................. 515 FT15-1/4 ....................... 530 FT15-1/8 ....................... 530 FT18 .............................. 515 FT18-1/4 ....................... 530 FT18-1/8 ....................... 530 FT21 .............................. 515 FT21-1/4 ....................... 530 FT21-1/8 ....................... 530 FT25 .............................. 515 FT25-1/4 ....................... 530 FT25-1/8 ....................... 530 FT6 ................................ 515 FT6-1/4 ......................... 530 FT6-1/8 ......................... 530 g G20-C2 .......................... 634 G2000B-10 ...............35, 258 G2000B-5 .................35, 258 G2000BC ..................35, 258 G2000C ......................... 258 G2006 .......................36, 258 G2010A2...........36, 259, 277 G2010A3...................36, 259 G2010B ............36, 259, 277 G2011 .......................36, 259 G2015 .......................36, 259 G2018C ....................36, 259 G2040B ......................... 277 G2048 ...............37, 259, 686 G2048-2 ...................37, 686 G2051H ....................37, 260 G20GB306TR ................ 276 G20GB306TRGFI ........... 276 G20GB506TR ................ 276 G20GB506TRGFI ........... 276 G3000B ........................... 51 G3000C075...................... 51 G3000C195...................... 51 G3000CE ......................... 51 G3000wC ........................ 52 G3001 .............................. 52 G3001A ........................... 52 G3003 .............................. 52 G3006E............................ 52 G3007C ..................... 52, 53 G3008C ........................... 52 G3010AE ......................... 52 G3010B ........................... 52 G3010C ....................52, 609 G3011E............................ 53 G3014C ........................... 53 G3015E............................ 53 Cat. No. Page G3017TCE ....................... 53 G3018AE ......................... 53 G3027AE ......................... 53 G3028 .......................53, 686 G3033JE.......................... 53 G3036HE ......................... 53 G3040CE ......................... 54 G3043BE ......................... 54 G3043GE ......................... 54 G3044-2 ...................54, 686 G3046BE ......................... 54 G3046H-2........................ 54 G3046KD ......................... 54 G3046KTsQ..................... 54 G3046QOu ...................... 54 G3046s...................... 11, 55 G3046u ..................... 11, 55 G3046V ...................... 11, 55 G3048R ........................... 54 G3051LE ......................... 54 G3082 .............................. 55 G4000B-10 ...................... 63 G4000C ........................... 63 G4000C075...................... 63 G4000C135...................... 63 G4000C195...................... 63 G4000C315...................... 63 G4000D ..................... 63, 74 G4000wC ........................ 63 G4006 .............................. 64 G4010B ........................... 64 G4010DFO ....................... 64 G4011 .............................. 64 G4011FO ......................... 64 G4012TX.......................... 64 G4014A ........................... 64 G4015 .............................. 64 G4015D ........................... 64 G4015DFO ....................... 65 G4015FO ......................... 65 G4017 .............................. 65 G4017FO ......................... 65 G4017N ........................... 65 G4017TC ......................... 72 G4017TCA ................. 65, 75 G4018 .............................. 65 G4018FO ......................... 65 G4046H-2.................. 67, 83 G4046VX .......................... 12 G4047-2BBBB ................ 69 G4047-2BBFF ................. 70 G4047-2BBMM ............... 70 G4047-2BBss ................. 70 G4047-2BBTT ................. 70 G4047-2BBXX ................. 70 G4047-2RRXX ................. 70 G4047-2wwFF................ 70 G4047-2wwMM .............. 70 G4047-2wwss................ 70 G4047-2wwTT ................ 71 G4047-2wwXX ................ 71 G4047AX ......................... 67 G4047BB ......................... 67 G4047BF ......................... 68 G4047BM ........................ 68 G4047Bs ......................... 68 G4047BT ......................... 68 G4047BX ......................... 67 G4047C-1 ........................ 68 G4047C-2 ........................ 68 G4047JX .......................... 68 G4047RF ......................... 69 G4047RX ......................... 68 G4047uX ..............12, 71, 82 G4047VX ...............12, 71, 82 G4047wF ........................ 69 G4047wM........................ 69 Cat. No. Page G4047ws ........................ 69 G4047wT......................... 69 G4047wX......................... 69 G4050 ...................67, 82, 88 G4074A ..................... 66, 71 G4075D ........................... 66 G4075DA ......................... 66 G4086A ........................... 66 G6000B-10 ...................... 80 G6000C ........................... 80 G6000DA ................... 80, 81 G6000wC ........................ 81 G6001DA ......................... 81 G6001TX.................... 81, 82 G6006 .............................. 81 G6007C-1 ........................ 81 G6007C-2 ........................ 81 G6008A ........................... 81 G6010B ........................... 81 G6011TX.......................... 81 G6012TX.......................... 82 G6014A ..................... 82, 83 G6017TX.......................... 82 G6046KD ......................... 82 G6074 ........................ 82, 83 G6074A ........................... 83 G6086 .............................. 83 GR1200-10 .................... 105 GR1200-5 ...................... 105 GR1200-50 .................... 105 GR1200-5R ................... 105 GR1400-10 .................... 106 GR1400-5 ...................... 106 GR1400-50 .................... 106 GR1600-10 .................... 106 GR1600-25 .................... 106 GR1600-5 ...................... 106 GwE-P .................53, 67, 82 GwE-s ........... 37, 53, 67, 82 H H14-As ..........523, 524, 526 H14-BA ......................... 523 H14ABD .................523, 524 H14BC........................... 524 H203.......................515, 527 H232.............................. 515 H232-2 .......................... 527 H296.............................. 532 H302.......................515, 521 H304.......................515, 521 H312.............................. 515 H312-1 .......................... 521 H312-11/2 ..................... 521 H312-11/4 ..................... 521 H312-2 .......................... 521 H312-3/4 ....................... 521 H317.............................. 515 H317-3/4 ....................... 521 H322.............................. 515 H322-11/2 ..................... 521 H322-11/4 ..................... 521 H324.............................. 515 H332.......................515, 522 H334.......................515, 522 H338.......................515, 522 H338Au-1 ..............522, 526 H342.......................515, 522 H372.......................515, 522 H375.......................515, 523 H382.......................515, 523 Hs12 ............................. 520 Hs14 ............................. 520 Hs222 ........................... 520 Hs224 ........................... 520 Hs3222 ......................... 520 Cat. No. Page Hs3244 ......................... 520 Hs342 ........................... 520 I IEC5 .............................. 637 IG2427GA .................43, 266 IG2427GA-Fw ................. 43 IG2427GT .................43, 266 IG2427GT-Fw ................. 43 ITTBOX .......................... 475 IwE-P ........... 32, 37, 43, 45, .................. 48, 53, 67, 82 IwE-s............ 32, 37, 43, 45, .................. 48, 53, 67, 82 J J06B0B ......................... 629 J06B0B20 ..................... 630 J06B0B20X ................... 630 J06B0B20X-AM ............ 630 J06B0BX ....................... 629 J06B2B ......................... 629 J06B2B20 ..................... 630 J06B2B20X ................... 630 J06B2BX ....................... 629 J08B0B ......................... 629 J08B2B ......................... 629 J24B0B ......................... 629 J24B2B ......................... 629 J60B0B ......................... 629 J60B0B-90 .................... 630 J60B0B20 ..................... 630 J60B0B20X ................... 630 J60B2B ..................615, 629 J60B2B-90 .................... 630 J60B2B20 ..................... 630 J60B2B20X ................... 630 JBHCC24 ...............547, 555 JBHCC30 ...................... 555 JBHCC36 ...................... 555 JBHEC2425................... 555 JBHEC3025................... 555 JBHEC3625................... 555 K KA102RT ....................... 657 KA104CM ...................... 657 KA301 ........................... 657 KA302 ......................11, 657 KA305 ......................11, 657 KA305-AAP ..............11, 657 KA700 ........................... 657 KC10CM2 ...................... 656 KC10RT8 ....................... 656 KC15RT8 ....................... 656 KF10CM8 ...................... 656 KF15RT2 ....................... 656 KP2345 ......................... 659 KP2345-15 .................... 659 KP2345CM .................... 659 KP2345CM-15............... 659 KP2345RT ..................... 659 KP2345RT-15 ............... 659 KP9999 ......................... 659 KP9999-15 .................... 659 KP9999CM .................... 659 KP9999CM-15............... 659 KP9999RT ..................... 659 KP9999RT-15 ............... 659 L L5-15R ...................195, 200 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD INDEX Cat. No. 701 WIREMOLD INDEX L—P Cat. No. Page L5-20R .......................... 195 L5-30R .......................... 195 L6-15R ...................195, 200 L6-20R .......................... 195 L6-30R .......................... 195 L7-15R .......................... 200 LPB ............................... 201 LPB3s2 ......................... 201 LTF48-1 ........................ 491 LTF48-2 ........................ 491 LTF48-ACT .................... 491 LTF48-B ........................ 490 LTF48-MAAP ...........14, 491 LTF48-RT ...................... 491 M M-2DR .......................... 491 M-2GFI .......................... 491 M-DR ............................ 491 M-DR/GFI ..................... 491 M-GFI............................ 491 M5BZ ............................ 632 M5s ............................... 632 M620BZLs .................... 632 M620BZLs-15 ............... 632 M6BZ ............................ 632 M6BZ-15 ....................... 632 M6BZNET ..................... 632 M6BZNET-15 ................ 632 M6BZR .......................... 632 M6BZR-15 .................... 632 M6s ........................615, 632 M6s-15 ......................... 632 MAB3s2 .......................... 19 MAB3s2-BK ................... 19 MAB3s2-G ...................... 19 MAB3s2-GY .................... 19 MAB6TJ .......................... 19 MAB6TJ-BK .................... 19 MAB6TJ-G ...................... 19 MAB6TJ-GY..................... 19 MAB6TJ-wH ................... 19 METL520....................... 624 METL530................615, 624 METL620....................... 624 METL630....................... 624 MP4........ 490, 517, 532, 548 MP8........ 490, 517, 532, 548 MP8-1 .... 490, 517, 532, 548 MRTC ............................ 647 MXN2A08 ...............146, 148 MXN2A08-wH............... 146 MXN2F21 ...................... 146 MXN2F21-wH ............... 146 MXN2FwC .................... 146 INDEX N 702 NCBs111 ...................... 562 NCs111AL10 ................ 560 NCw111AL10F ............. 560 NDu222wC6 ................. 559 NDu332FF .................... 559 NDuP222wC6 .............. 559 NE1000GC ...................... 85 NE1000TB ....................... 85 NE1000wC ...................... 85 NE1001 ........................... 85 NE1008A ......................... 86 NE1008Aw ...................... 86 NE1010B ......................... 86 NE1010BK ...................... 86 NE1010D ......................... 86 NE1010DFO .................... 86 NE1010DFOT .................. 86 Cat. No. Page NE1010DT ....................... 86 NE1011 ........................... 86 NE1011FO ....................... 86 NE1011FOT ..................... 86 NE1011RFO .................... 86 NE1011RFOT .................. 86 NE1011T ......................... 86 NE1014 ........................... 86 NE1014T ......................... 86 NE1015 ........................... 86 NE1015FO ....................... 86 NE1015FOT ..................... 86 NE1015L ......................... 87 NE1015LFO..................... 87 NE1015LFOT................... 87 NE1015LT ....................... 87 NE1015T ......................... 86 NE1017 ........................... 87 NE1017FO ....................... 87 NE1017FOT ..................... 87 NE1017P ......................... 87 NE1017PT ....................... 87 NE1017T ......................... 87 NE1018 ........................... 87 NE1018FO ....................... 87 NE1018FOT ..................... 87 NE1018T ......................... 87 NE1046 ........................... 88 NE1046-2 ........................ 88 NE1046-2T ...................... 88 NE1046AP....................... 88 NE1046APN .................... 88 NE1046H......................... 87 NE1046HT....................... 87 NE1046T ......................... 88 NE1047 ........................... 87 NE1047T ......................... 87 NE1047wC ...................... 87 NE1047wCT .................... 87 NE1086A ......................... 88 NE1407 ........................... 87 NE1407T ......................... 87 NE1C............................... 84 NE1CT............................. 84 NE1CTw ......................... 84 NE1Cw ........................... 84 NE610 ............................. 88 NE610C ........................... 88 NEMA 5-15R ................... 30 NEMA 5-20R ................... 30 NM20-C3 ...................... 634 NM20-C4 ...................... 634 NM20-C5 ...................... 635 NM20-C6 ...................... 635 NM2000 .........269, 270, 684 NM2000B ...................... 269 NM2000BC.................... 269 NM2000C ...............268, 269 NM2000wC ............268, 269 NM2003 ........................ 269 NM2006 .........267, 269, 271 NM2010A .......267, 269, 271 NM2010B .......267, 269, 271 NM2011 .........267, 269, 271 NM2015 .........267, 270, 271 NM2017 .........267, 270, 271 NM2018 .........267, 270, 271 NM2027-15 ................... 270 NM2027-20 ................... 270 NM2044 .........116, 270, 686 NM2044-2 ......116, 270, 686 NM2044-2wH ............... 116 NM2044-wH ................. 116 NM2048 ........ 111, 116, 118, .......... 267, 270, 271, 686 NM2048-2 .............116, 267, ..........................270, 686 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD Cat. No. Page NM2048-2wH ............... 116 NM2048-wH ................. 116 NM2051H .......267, 270, 271 NM2051V ...............267, 270 NM20GB12 ................... 268 NM20GB412.................. 268 NM20GB512.................. 268 NM20GB515.................. 268 NM20GB530.................. 268 NM20GB609.................. 268 NM20GB612.................. 268 NM20GB618.................. 268 NM20GBA12 ................. 268 NM20GBA412 ............... 268 NM20GBA512 ............... 268 NM20GBA609 ............... 268 NM20GBA612 ............... 268 NM20IG412 ................... 268 NM20IG512 ................... 268 NM20IG612 ................... 268 NM24GB412.................. 268 NM24GB512.................. 268 NM24GB530.................. 268 NM24GB612.................. 268 NM24GB618.................. 268 NM24GBA412 ............... 268 NM24GBA512 ............... 268 NM24GBA612 ............... 268 NME1250AP ................. 679 NP800 ........................... 611 NP800C-10-2B ......578, 608 NP800C-12-2B ............. 607 NP800C-12-8B ......607, 608 NP800C-15-2B ......607, 608 NPA222AL10M.............. 561 NPA222AL15................. 561 NPT18B111................... 562 NwC222AL12FL ........... 563 NwC222AL12Fs ........... 563 NwC222AL12ML .......... 563 NwC222AL12Ms .......... 563 NwC332AL12Fs ........... 563 NwC332AL12Ms .......... 563 o OFR1 ............................... 97 OFR10A ........................... 96 OFR10w .......................... 96 OFR11 ....................... 94, 97 OFR47-2A ....................... 97 OFR47-B ......................... 97 OFR47-D ......................... 97 OFR47-R ................... 12, 97 OFR47-u ................... 12, 97 OFR47-u2A............... 12, 97 OFR47-V ................... 12, 97 OFR48-2 ................... 94, 96 OFR48-4 ..............93, 94, 96 OFR48-4GX ..................... 96 OFR6 ............................... 95 OFR89 ....................... 93, 94 OFR89-2400 .............. 94, 96 OFR89-4000 .................... 96 OFR89-Ds4000 ............... 96 OFR89-VFL ..................... 97 OFR89-VIs ...................... 96 OFR9 ............................... 97 OFRB-8 ..................... 93, 95 OFRBC-8 .................. 94, 95 OFRC-8 ..................... 93, 95 OFRwC ........................... 96 P P10105-4DP.................. 467 P10105-5DP.................. 467 Cat. No. Page P6 ................................. 636 P6-15 ............................ 636 P8104-2DP ................... 466 P8105-4DP ................... 464 P8840-2DP ................... 466 P8850-4DP ................... 464 PA120T...................615, 641 PA120Y .......................... 641 PA240DCT ..................... 641 PA277Y .......................... 641 PABFMC ....................... 641 PB120T ......................... 641 PB120Y ......................... 641 PB240DCT .................... 641 PB277Y ......................... 641 PBB2s2 .................119, 123 PBB2s2-Fw.................. 123 PBB2s2-V ..................... 123 PBB2s2-wH ................. 123 PBB4TJ ..................119, 123 PBB4TJ-Fw .................. 123 PBB4TJ-V ..................... 123 PBB4TJ-wH.................. 123 PDB1CM ................119, 122 PDB1CM-Fw ................ 122 PDB1CM-V.................... 122 PDB1CM-wH ................ 122 PDB1s2 .................119, 122 PDB1s2-Fw.................. 122 PDB1s2-V ..................... 122 PDB1s2-wH ................. 122 PDB2CM ................119, 122 PDB2CM-Fw ................ 122 PDB2CM-V.................... 122 PDB2CM-wH ................ 122 PDB2s2 .................119, 122 PDB2s2-Fw.................. 122 PDB2s2-V ..................... 122 PDB2s2-wH ................. 122 PDB2TJ ......................... 122 PDB2TJ-Fw .................. 122 PDB2TJ-V ..................... 122 PDB2TJ-wH.................. 122 PDB4TJ ..................119, 123 PDB4TJ-Fw .................. 123 PDB4TJ-V ..................... 123 PDB4TJ-wH.................. 123 PIP36 ............................ 260 PIP36BK ....................... 260 PIP36V .......................... 260 PIP36wH ...................... 260 PK150 ........................... 550 PK200 ....................547, 550 PK250 ........................... 550 PK300 ........................... 550 PK325 ........................... 550 PKCAP .......................... 551 PKER-10 ....................... 550 PKER-15 ....................... 550 PKER-20 ....................... 550 PKER-25 ....................... 550 PKER-30 ....................... 550 PKGRBR ....................... 553 PKKIT............................ 554 PM48T........................... 264 PMs-415N .................... 551 PN03 ......................152, 684 PN03F06 ................119, 120 PN03F06-Fw ................ 120 PN03F06-V ................... 120 PN03F06-wH................ 120 PN03F11 ................119, 120 PN03F11Fw.................. 120 PN03F15 ................119, 121 PN03F15-Fw ................ 121 PN03F17 ................119, 121 PN03F17-Fw ................ 121 Cat. No. Page PN03F17-V ................... 121 PN03F17-wH................ 121 PN03F18 ................119, 121 PN03F18-Fw ................ 121 PN03F18-V ................... 121 PN03F18-wH................ 121 PN03F19 ................119, 121 PN03F19-F ................... 121 PN03F20 ................119, 121 PN03F20-Fw ................ 121 PN03F20-V ................... 121 PN03F20-wH................ 121 PN03L08 ................119, 120 PN03L08-Fw ................ 120 PN03L10 ................119, 120 PN03L10-Fw ................ 120 PN05 ......................152, 684 PN05F06 ................119, 120 PN05F06-Fw ................ 120 PN05F06-V ................... 120 PN05F06-wH................ 120 PN05F11 ................119, 120 PN05F11Fw.................. 120 PN05F15 ................119, 121 PN05F15-Fw ................ 121 PN05F17 ................119, 121 PN05F17-Fw ................ 121 PN05F17-V ................... 121 PN05F17-wH................ 121 PN05F18 ................119, 121 PN05F18-Fw ................ 121 PN05F18-V ................... 121 PN05F18-wH................ 121 PN05F19 ................119, 121 PN05F19-Fw ................ 121 PN05F20 ................119, 121 PN05F20-Fw ................ 121 PN05F20-V ................... 121 PN05F20-wH................ 121 PN05F86 ................119, 121 PN05F86-Fw ................ 121 PN05L08 ................119, 120 PN05L08-Fw ................ 120 PN05L10 ................119, 120 PN05L10-Fw ................ 120 PN10 ......................152, 684 PN10F06 ................119, 120 PN10F06-Fw ................ 120 PN10F06-V ................... 120 PN10F06-wH................ 120 PN10F11 ................119, 120 PN10F11Fw.................. 120 PN10F15 ................119, 121 PN10F15-Fw ................ 121 PN10F17 ................119, 121 PN10F17-Fw ................ 121 PN10F17-V ................... 121 PN10F17-wH................ 121 PN10F18 ................119, 121 PN10F18-Fw ................ 121 PN10F18-V ................... 121 PN10F18-wH................ 121 PN10F19 ................119, 121 PN10F19-Fw ................ 121 PN10F20 ................119, 121 PN10F20-Fw ................ 121 PN10F20-V ................... 121 PN10F20-wH................ 121 PN10F21 ................119, 121 PN10F21-Fw ................ 121 PN10F21-V ................... 121 PN10F21-wH................ 121 PN10F86 ................119, 121 PN10F86-Fw ................ 121 PN10L08 ................119, 120 PN10L08-Fw ................ 120 PN10L10 ................119, 120 WIREMOLD INDEX P—s Page PN10L10-Fw ................ 120 PN153R..................119, 121 PN153R-Fw.................. 121 PN153R-V ..................... 121 PN153R-wH ................. 121 PPDu-620 ..................... 476 PR609N..................615, 633 PR610N......................... 633 PsB1 ...... 119, 122, 139, 686 PsB1-Fw ...................... 122 PsB1-V ......................... 122 PsB1-wH...................... 122 PsB2 ..............119, 122, 686 PsB2-Fw ...................... 122 PsB2-V ......................... 122 PsB2-wH...................... 122 PsB3 ..............119, 122, 686 PsB3-Fw ...................... 122 PsB3-V ......................... 122 PsB3-wH...................... 122 PsRC9AMDTC .............. 517 PsRC9AMDTCG ............ 501 PsRC9FF2TC ................ 501 PsRC9FFTC ...........501, 517 PsRC9TC ...............501, 517 PVC-1............ 112, 113, 114, .......... 125, 126, 128, 157 R R5752 .......................32, 686 R5753 .......................32, 686 R5BZ ............................. 629 R5BZ-15........................ 629 R5BZ20 ......................... 629 R5BZ20-15.................... 629 R5BZ20X ....................... 629 R5BZ20X-15.................. 629 R5BZX ........................... 629 R5BZX-15 ..................... 629 R5s ............................... 629 R5s-15 .......................... 629 R610 .............................. 636 R612 .............................. 636 R8BZ ............................. 629 R8BZ-15........................ 629 RC37REC .......307, 315, 319 RC37REC-25 .........307, 315, ................................. 319 RC3APTC ...................... 318 RC3APTCBK ................. 318 RC3APTCGY .................. 318 RC3ATC ......................... 319 RC3ATCAA .................... 319 RC3ATCAB .................... 319 RC3ATCAL .................... 319 RC3ATCBK .................... 319 RC3ATCGY .................... 319 RC3ATCVY ..................... 319 RC3CTC ........................ 319 RC3CTCAA .................... 319 RC3CTCAB .................... 319 RC3CTCAL .................... 319 RC3CTCBK.................... 319 RC3CTCGY .................... 319 RC3CTCVY .................... 319 RC3sHTC ...................... 319 RC3sHTCAA ................. 319 RC3sHTCBK ................. 319 RC3sHTCBs ................. 319 RC3sHTCGY.................. 319 RC3sHTCVY .................. 319 RC3sTC......................... 318 RC4APTC ...................... 317 RC4APTCBK ................. 317 RC4APTCBs ................. 317 RC4APTCGY .................. 317 Cat. No. Page RC4APTCVY .................. 317 RC4ATC ..................317, 570 RC4ATCAA .................... 317 RC4ATCAA222PA .......... 570 RC4ATCAB .................... 317 RC4ATCAB222PA.......... 570 RC4ATCAL .................... 317 RC4ATCAL222PA .......... 570 RC4ATCBK .................... 317 RC4ATCBK222PA ......... 570 RC4ATCBs .................... 317 RC4ATCBs222PA .......... 570 RC4ATCGY .................... 317 RC4ATCGY222PA .......... 570 RC4ATCVY ..................... 317 RC4C ............................. 316 RC4CTC ........................ 317 RC4CTCAA .................... 317 RC4CTCAB .................... 317 RC4CTCAL .................... 317 RC4CTCBK.................... 317 RC4CTCBs .................... 317 RC4CTCGY .................... 317 RC4CTCVY .................... 317 RC4KTCAL .................... 317 RC4KTCBK ................... 317 RC4KTCBs.................... 317 RC4KTCG ...................... 317 RC4KTCGY .................... 317 RC4KTCVY .................... 317 RC4REC2 ...................... 317 RC4REC2-25 ................. 317 RC4sHTC ...................... 316 RC4sHTCAL.................. 316 RC4sHTCBK ................. 316 RC4sHTCBs ................. 316 RC4sHTCGY.................. 316 RC4sTC......................... 316 RC7AFFTC .................... 323 RC7AFFTCAL ................ 323 RC7AFFTCBK ............... 323 RC7AFFTCBs ............... 323 RC7AFFTCGY ................ 323 RC7AM2TC ................... 327 RC7AM2TCAL ............... 327 RC7AM2TCBK............... 327 RC7AM2TCBs ............... 327 RC7AM2TCGY ............... 327 RC7APTC ...................... 307 RC7APTCBK ................. 307 RC7APTCGY .................. 307 RC7ATC ..................307, 571 RC7ATCAA .................... 307 RC7ATCAA111Cw ......... 571 RC7ATCAB .................... 307 RC7ATCAB111Cw......... 571 RC7ATCAL .................... 307 RC7ATCAL111Cw ......... 571 RC7ATCBK .................... 307 RC7ATCBK111Cw ........ 571 RC7ATCBs .................... 307 RC7ATCBs111Cw......... 571 RC7ATCGY .................... 307 RC7ATCGY111Cw ......... 571 RC7ATCVY ..................... 307 RC7CFFTC .............323, 327 RC7CFFTCAL.........323, 327 RC7CFFTCBK ........323, 327 RC7CFFTCBs ........323, 327 RC7CFFTCGY .........323, 327 RC7CTC ........................ 307 RC7CTCAA .................... 307 RC7CTCAB .................... 307 RC7CTCAL .................... 307 RC7CTCBK.................... 307 RC7CTCBs .................... 307 RC7CTCGY .................... 307 Cat. No. Page RC7CTCVY .................... 307 RC7sHTC ...................... 307 RC7sHTCAA ................. 307 RC7sHTCBK ................. 307 RC7sHTCBs ................. 307 RC7sHTCGY.................. 307 RC7sHTCVY .................. 307 RC7sTC..................307, 323 RC91GHBTC ................. 332 RC92GHBTC ................. 332 RC9A ............................. 570 RC9A15TC..............309, 570 RC9A15TCAA ................ 309 RC9A15TCAA111Cw ..... 570 RC9A15TCAB ................ 309 RC9A15TCAB111Cw .... 570 RC9A15TCAL ................ 309 RC9A15TCAL111Cw ..... 570 RC9A15TCBK ................ 309 RC9A15TCBK111Cw .... 570 RC9A15TCBs ................ 309 RC9A15TCBs111Cw..... 570 RC9A15TCGY ................ 309 RC9A15TCGY111Cw ..... 570 RC9A15TCVY ................. 309 RC9AFFTC .................... 325 RC9AFFTCBK ............... 325 RC9AFFTCGY ................ 325 RC9AM2sTC ..........311, 327 RC9AM2TC ................... 327 RC9AM2TCAL ............... 327 RC9AM2TCBK............... 327 RC9AM2TCGY ............... 327 RC9AMDTC ................... 311 RC9AMDTCAA .........10, 311 RC9AMDTCAB .............. 311 RC9AMDTCAL..........10, 311 RC9AMDTCBK .........10, 311 RC9AMDTCBs .........10, 311 RC9AMDTCGY..........10, 311 RC9AMDTCVY ..........10, 311 RC9APTC ...............309, 311 RC9APTCBK ..........309, 311 RC9CFFTC .................... 325 RC9CFFTCBK ............... 325 RC9CFFTCGY ................ 325 RC9CM2TC ................... 327 RC9CM2TCAL ............... 327 RC9CM2TCBK .............. 327 RC9CM2TCGY ............... 327 RC9CMD ....................... 311 RC9CMDTC ................... 311 RC9CMDTCAA .............. 311 RC9CMDTCAB .............. 311 RC9CMDTCAL .............. 311 RC9CMDTCBK .............. 311 RC9CMDTCBs .............. 311 RC9CMDTCGY............... 311 RC9CMDTCVY ............... 311 RC9CTC ........................ 309 RC9CTCAA .................... 309 RC9CTCAB .................... 309 RC9CTCAL .................... 309 RC9CTCBK.................... 309 RC9CTCGY .................... 309 RC9CTCVY .................... 309 RC9FFs..................325, 332 RC9REC ........................ 309 RC9REC-25................... 309 RC9sHMDTC ................ 311 RC9sHMDTCAA ............ 311 RC9sHMDTCBK ........... 311 RC9sHMDTCBs ............ 311 RC9sHMDTCGY ............ 311 RC9sHMDTCVY ............ 311 RC9sHTC ...................... 309 RC9sHTCAA ................. 309 Cat. No. Page RC9sHTCBK ................. 309 RC9sHTCBs ................. 309 RC9sHTCGY.................. 309 RC9sHTCVY .................. 309 RC9sTC......................... 309 RCAPFFTC .............325, 327 RCAPFFTCBK ........325, 327 REC ............................... 551 REC11/2 ........................ 551 REC11/2-C .................... 552 REC11/2-CA ................. 551 REC2-C ......................... 552 REC2-CA ....................... 551 REC3-C ......................... 552 REC3-CA ....................... 551 RECDu111 .................... 559 RFB-2-ssRT ..........370, 404 RFB-2AB-ss..........370, 404 RFB-4TKO-ss .......370, 404 RFB-B ........................... 400 RFB-B-ss ..............370, 404 RFB-DR ........................ 400 RFB-DR-4DB ................ 369 RFB-GFI........................ 400 RFB-GFI-4DB ........369, 401 RFB-GFI-ss.......6, 370, 404 RFB-RB-ss ...........370, 404 RFB-wTB ..............369, 401 RFB11 ........................... 415 RFB11-OG .................... 415 RFB119-2sAB .......418, 480 RFB119-2sB ..........417, 480 RFB119-2sRT ........418, 480 RFB119-3B ................... 481 RFB119-3D ............418, 481 RFB119-3GFI .....7, 418, 481 RFB119-3sB ................. 480 RFB119-AAP .........418, 480 RFB119-AB............419, 481 RFB119-B ..............418, 481 RFB119-D ..............418, 481 RFB119-GFI .......7, 418, 481 RFB119-KO............419, 481 RFB119-MAAP ......419, 481 RFB119-PAN ................ 417 RFB119-RT ............419, 481 RFB119-sB ....417, 480, 481 RFB119-sGFI ....7, 417, 480 RFB119-sKO ................ 418 RFB119-sPACER......... 419, ..........................481, 482 RFB119-sR1 ..........418, 481 RFB119-sR2 ..........418, 481 RFB119-sR3 ..........418, 481 RFB119-ssR1........417, 480 RFB119-ssR2........417, 480 RFB119-sXLR................... 7 RFB119-Ts ................... 417 RFB119-XLR ..................... 7 RFB119-XLR .........419, 480, ................................ 482 RFB119BTC .................. 416 RFB119CTC .................. 416 RFB119sD .............417, 480 RFB2 ............................. 395 RFB2-AAP .........6, 367, 396 RFB2-OG ...................... 395 RFB2-ss ....................... 394 RFB2-ssFC .................. 367 RFB22AB ...............368, 396 RFB2B ...................367, 396 RFB2DP .................367, 396 RFB2EXT ...........6, 368, 396 RFB2FC ........................ 367 RFB2GFI ............6, 367, 396 RFB2RT .............6, 368, 396 RFB4 ............................. 399 Cat. No. Page RFB4-4DB .................... 399 RFB4-4DBFC ................ 368 RFB4-CI-1 .................... 402 RFB4-GFI-4DB ................. 6 RFB4-LPB .................... 400 RFB4-LPBs2 ................ 400 RFB4-ss ....................... 403 RFB4-ss-AAP ...6, 370, 404 RFB4-ss-MAAP .......6, 370, ................................. 404 RFB4-ssFC .................. 369 RFB4E........................... 407 RFB4E-CTR .................. 408 RFB4EKIT ..................... 408 RFB6 ............................. 410 RFB6-AAP .........7, 408, 411 RFB6-OG ...................... 410 RFB62A..................408, 411 RFB6B ...................408, 411 RFB6DP .................408, 411 RFB6E........................... 410 RFB6E-CTR .................. 411 RFB6E-OG .................... 410 RFB6EXT ...........7, 408, 411 RFB6GFI ............7, 408, 411 RFB6RT .............7, 408, 411 RFB6s1 ..................408, 411 RFB6s2 ..................408, 411 RFB9 ............................. 416 RFB9-OG ...................... 416 RFBCIKI ........................ 403 RFBKIT ..........396, 401, 404 RFE-242412 .................. 682 RFE-25256 .................... 682 RFE-25257RB ............... 682 RGP ............................... 551 RJ11 .............................. 138 RJ45 .............................. 138 RP-DIV .......................... 386 RP4FFCTC .................... 385 RP7CTC ........................ 384 RPAMD4CTC ................. 385 RPAMD8CTC ................. 385 RPAV3CTC .................... 384 RPsFB .......................... 383 RPsFB-OG .................... 383 RRPNFB ....................... 384 RsCB-18 ....................... 551 RsCB-28 ....................... 547 RsCB-33 ....................... 551 RsCB-48 ....................... 551 RTT13 ........................... 526 RTT16 ........................... 526 RTT20 ........................... 526 RTT4 ............................. 526 RTT8 ............................. 526 S s124B ........................... 495 s124BLK ....................... 494 s125 .............................. 495 s125B ........................... 495 s130 .............................. 495 s165 .............................. 494 s165B ....................494, 517 s165BLK/BRN .............. 517 s166 .............................. 494 s166B ....................494, 517 s166BLK/BRN .............. 517 s175 .............................. 494 s175BLK/BRN .............. 517 s1ER ............................. 496 s1MC ............................ 496 s1MC-Ms...................... 496 s2-EPL ........................... 49 s2-EPL ..................156, 252 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD INDEX Cat. No. 703 WIREMOLD INDEX s—V INDEX Cat. No. 704 Page s2-EPL-Fw .............49, 156 s2-EPL-G ..................... 156 s2-EPL-wH .................. 156 s2000B-10 .................... 258 s2000B-5 ...................... 258 s2000BC ....................... 258 s2000C.......................... 258 s2010A2 .................259, 277 s2010B...................259, 277 s2011 ............................ 259 s2018C.......................... 259 s2040B.......................... 277 s2048 ............................ 259 s2048-2......................... 260 s204822 ........................ 260 s2051H ......................... 260 s20GB306TR................. 276 s20GB306TRGFI ........... 276 s20GB506TR................. 276 s20GB506TRGFI ........... 276 s20GB606TR................. 276 s20GB606TRTRGFI ...... 276 s3AXBP......................... 500 s4000B............................ 73 s4000C-5 ........................ 73 s4000C075 ...................... 73 s4000C090 ...................... 73 s4000C135 ...................... 73 s4000C150 ...................... 74 s4000C195 ...................... 74 s4000C270 ...................... 74 s4000C315 ...................... 74 s4000C390 ...................... 74 s4000C435 ...................... 74 s4007C............................ 72 s4007C-1 ........................ 75 s4007C-1R...................... 76 s4007C-2 ........................ 76 s4010B0.......................... 74 s4010B1.................... 74, 78 s4010B2...............72, 74, 78 s4010BO ......................... 78 s4010D ................72, 75, 78 s4011 ........................ 72, 75 s4014A ...................... 75, 78 s4015 .............................. 75 s4015D ..................... 72, 75 s4017 ........................ 72, 75 s4018 ........................ 72, 75 s4046 .............................. 77 s4046ARJ ....................... 76 s4046DRJ ....................... 76 s4046DRJ-2 .................... 76 s4046JRJ ........................ 76 s4046RRJ ....................... 76 s4048 .............................. 77 s4048B...................... 72, 76 s4048BF ......................... 77 s4048J ...................... 72, 76 s4048R............................ 77 s4048RF ................... 72, 77 s4086A ............................ 77 s6008A ............................ 74 sAF ............................... 461 sAF21/2-KC .................. 461 sAF21/2-KT .................. 461 sAF21/2-NC ................. 461 sAF21/2-NT .................. 461 sAF21/2-YC .................. 461 sAF21/2-YT................... 461 sAFKC2111PA .............. 564 sAFKC2222PA .............. 564 sAFKT2111PA............... 564 sAFKT2222PA............... 564 sAFNC2111PA .............. 564 sAFNC2222PA .............. 564 sAFNT2111PA .............. 564 Cat. No. Page sAFNT2222PA .............. 564 sAFYC2111PA ............... 564 sAFYC2222PA ............... 564 sAFYT2111PA ............... 564 sAFYT2222PA ............... 564 sC12 ......................515, 520 sC14 ......................515, 520 sC222.....................515, 520 sC224.....................515, 520 sC244.....................515, 520 sC3222...................515, 520 sC3224...................515, 520 sC3244...................515, 520 sC3424.......................... 520 sFCB14 ......................... 515 sFCB14-1/4 .................. 529 sFCB14-1/8 .................. 529 sFCB17 ......................... 515 sFCB17-1/8 .................. 529 sFCB20 ......................... 515 sFCB20-1/4 .................. 529 sFCB20-1/8 .................. 529 sFCB24 ......................... 515 sFCB24-1/4 .................. 529 sFCB24-1/8 .................. 529 sFCB5 ........................... 515 sFCB5-1/4 .................... 529 sFCB5-1/8* .................. 529 sFCB9 ........................... 515 sFCB9-1/4 .................... 529 sFCB9-1/8 .................... 529 sFCs14 ......................... 515 sFCs14-1/4 .................. 529 sFCs14-1/8 .................. 529 sFCs17 ......................... 515 sFCs17-1/4 .................. 529 sFCs17-1/8 .................. 529 sFCs20 ......................... 515 sFCs20-1/4 .................. 529 sFCs20-1/8 .................. 529 sFCs24 ......................... 515 sFCs24-1/4 .................. 529 sFCs24-1/8 .................. 529 sFCs5 ........................... 515 sFCs5-1/4 .................... 529 sFCs5-1/8 .................... 529 sFCs9 ........................... 515 sFCs9-1/4 .................... 529 sFCs9-1/8 .................... 529 sG2-B ........................... 462 sG2-DP ......................... 462 sGB-3s2 ................... 8, 460 sGB-3TJ........................ 460 sGB-ACT....................... 460 sGB-B ........................... 460 sGB-DP ........................ 460 sGB-MAAP ............... 8, 460 sGC2-ACT ..................... 462 sGC2-B ......................... 462 sGC2-MAAP ............. 8, 462 sGC2-RT ................... 8, 462 sGT-1KO ....................... 459 sGT-3s2.................... 8, 459 sGT-3TJ ........................ 460 sGT-ACT ....................... 459 sGT-B ........................... 459 sGT-DP ......................... 459 sGT-H ........................... 459 sGT-MAAP ................ 8, 459 sOu ................................. 54 sOw ................................ 54 sPDu16-2u .................. 616 sPDu20-0u .................. 618 sPDu8-1u .................... 617 sPMGL .......................... 672 sPMJ-10-10-4 .............. 248 sPMJ-10-10-6 .............. 248 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD Cat. No. Page sPMJ-12-12-4 .............. 248 sPMJ-12-12-6 .............. 248 sPMJ-18-12-4 .............. 248 sPMJ-18-12-6 .............. 248 sPMJ-18-12-8 .............. 248 sPMJ-18-18-4 .............. 248 sPMJ-18-18-6 .............. 248 sPMJ-18-18-8 .............. 248 sPMJ-24-18-6 .............. 248 sPMJ-24-18-8 .............. 248 sPMJ-24-24-6 .............. 248 sPMJ-30-24-6 .............. 248 sPMJ-30-24-8 .............. 248 sPMJ-36-24-12 ............ 248 sPMJ-36-24-8 .............. 248 sPMJ-6-4-4 .................. 248 sPMJ-6-6-4 .................. 248 sPMJ-8-6-4 .................. 248 sPMJ-8-6-6 .................. 248 sPMJ-8-8-4 .................. 248 sPMJ-8-8-6 ...........233, 248 sPMJF-10-10-4 ............ 249 sPMJF-10-10-6 ............ 249 sPMJF-12-12-4 ............ 249 sPMJF-12-12-6 ............ 249 sPMJF-18-12-4 ............ 249 sPMJF-18-12-6 ............ 249 sPMJF-18-18-4 ............ 249 sPMJF-18-18-6 ............ 249 sPMJF-24-18-6 ............ 249 sPMJF-24-24-6 ............ 249 sPMJF-30-24-6 ............ 249 sPMJF-6-6-4 ................ 249 sPMJF-8-6-4 ................ 249 sPMJF-8-6-6 ................ 249 sPMJF-8-8-4 ................ 249 sPMJF-8-8-6 ................ 249 sPMJL-12-12-6 ............ 245 sPMJL-18-12-6 ............ 245 sPMJL-18-18-6 ............ 245 sPMJL-20-20-10 .......... 245 sPMJL-24-12-6 ............ 245 sPMJL-24-18-6 ............ 245 sPMJL-24-24-6 ............ 245 sPMJL-30-30-10 .......... 245 sPMJL-36-24-10 .......... 245 sPMJP-10-10-4............ 246 sPMJP-10-10-6............ 246 sPMJP-12-12-4............ 246 sPMJP-12-12-6............ 246 sPMJP-18-12-4............ 246 sPMJP-18-12-6............ 246 sPMJP-18-12-8............ 246 sPMJP-18-18-6............ 246 sPMJP-18-18-8............ 246 sPMJP-24-18-6............ 246 sPMJP-24-18-8............ 246 sPMJP-24-24-6............ 246 sPMJP-30-24-6............ 246 sPMJP-30-24-8............ 246 sPMJP-36-24-12 .......... 246 sPMJP-36-24-8............ 246 sPMJP-6-4-4................ 246 sPMJP-6-6-4................ 246 sPMJP-8-6-4................ 246 sPMJP-8-6-6................ 246 sPMJP-8-8-4................ 246 sPMJP-8-8-6.........233, 246 sPMJw-12-4-4 ............. 247 sPMJw-12-6-6 ............. 247 sPMJw-18-8-8 ............. 247 sPMJw-24-4-4 ............. 247 sPMJw-24-6-6 ............. 247 sPMJw-24-8-8 ............. 247 sPMJw-36-4-4 ............. 247 sPMJw-36-6-6 ............. 247 sPMJw-36-8-8 ............. 247 Cat. No. Page sPMJw-48-4-4 ............. 247 sPMJw-48-6-6 ............. 247 sPMJw-48-8-8 ............. 247 sPMJw-60-4-4 ............. 247 sPMJw-60-6-6 ............. 247 sPMJw-60-8-8 ............. 247 sPMJw-72-4-4 ............. 247 sPMJw-72-6-6 ............. 247 sPMJw-72-8-8 ............. 247 sR10N ........................... 632 sRD10N ........................ 633 sRu ................................. 54 sRw ................................ 54 ssu ................................. 54 t T250HZP-5.............536, 544 T325HZP-5.................... 544 TG-1 .......................325, 329 Ts2345AM1L1GYCM ..... 660 Ts2345AM1L1GYRT ...... 660 Ts2345AM1L2GYCM ..... 660 Ts2345AM1L2GYRT ...... 660 Ts2345AX1L1GYCM ...... 660 Ts2345AX1L1GYRT ....... 660 Ts2345AX1L2GYCM ...... 660 Ts2345AX1L2GYRT ....... 660 U u4000........................ 38, 44 uL100BC....................... 635 uL100BD ...................... 635 uL101BC....................... 635 uL101BD ...................... 635 uL104BC....................... 635 uL104BD ...................... 635 uL1090BC..................... 636 uL1090BD .................... 636 uL204BC....................... 635 uL204BD ...................... 635 uL205BC....................... 635 uL205BD ...................... 635 uL2062BC..............615, 634 uL2062BD .................... 634 uL2063BC..................... 634 uL2063BD .................... 634 uL2064BC..................... 634 uL2064BD .................... 634 uL2065BC..................... 634 uL2065BD .................... 634 uL206BC....................... 635 uL206BD ...................... 635 uL207BC....................... 635 uL207BD ...................... 635 uL209BC....................... 636 uL209BD ...................... 636 uL210BC....................... 636 uL210BD ...................... 636 uL215BC....................... 636 uL215BD ...................... 636 uL218BC....................... 636 uL218BD ...................... 636 uL300BC....................... 633 uL300BD ...................... 633 uL309BC....................... 633 uL309BD ...................... 633 uL401BC....................... 633 uL401BD ...................... 633 uL402BC....................... 633 uL402BD ...................... 633 uL403BC....................... 634 uL403BD ...................... 634 uL404BC....................... 634 uL404BD ...................... 634 uLB420-15 ................... 636 Cat. No. Page uLB420-6 ..................... 636 uLB620-15 ................... 636 uLB620-6 ..................... 636 uLB820-15 ................... 637 uLB820-6 ..................... 637 uLBH4-15 ..................... 637 uLBH4-6 ....................... 637 uLBH6-15 ..................... 637 uLBH6-6 ....................... 637 uLM4-15 ....................... 637 uLM4-6 ......................... 637 uLM6-15 ....................... 637 uLM6-6 ......................... 637 uLM620 -15 .................. 637 uLM620-6 ..................... 637 uTCM5 .......................... 646 V V1517B ...............98, 99, 102 V20-C2 .......................... 634 V2000B-10 ...................... 35 V2000B-10 .................... 258 V2000B-5 .................35, 258 V2000BC ..................35, 258 V2000C .......................... 258 V2003 .............................. 35 V2006 .......................36, 256 V2010A2 ..........36, 256, 259, ..........................260, 277 V2010A3 ..........36, 256, 259, ................................. 260 V2010B ..... 36, 256, 259, 277 V2011 .......................36, 256 V20111 .......................... 259 V2015 ...............36, 256, 259 V2018C .............36, 256, 259 V2040B .......................... 277 V2048 ................36, 37, 256, ..................259, 260, 686 V2048-2...... 36, 37, 260, 686 V2051H..............36, 37, 256, ..........................260, 277 V2089 ..................28, 36, 37, ..........................256, 260 V2089E ................28, 36, 37, ..........................256, 260 V20GB306TR ................. 276 V20GB306TRGFI ........... 276 V20GB506 ..................... 256 V20GB506TR ................. 276 V20GB506TRGFI ........... 276 V2400B .....................39, 264 V2400B-10 ...................... 39 V2400BC ..................39, 264 V2400BD ......................... 45 V2400C ...............39, 45, 264 V2406 .................39, 46, 264 V2407-2CM ..................... 43 V2407-2TJ ....................... 43 V2407-3TJ ....................... 43 V2410A .............39, 262, 264 V2410B .............40, 262, 264 V2410BD ......................... 46 V2410C .....................40, 264 V2410D............................ 46 V2410DFO ................. 40, 46 V2410FC .......................... 40 V2411 ............................ 262 V2411D............................ 46 V2411DFO ....................... 46 V2411FO.......................... 40 V2411M ....................40, 265 V2415DFO ....................... 46 V2415FO.......................... 40 V2415M ........................... 40 V2417 ............................ 262 WIREMOLD INDEX V—w Page V2417D............................ 46 V2417DFO ....................... 46 V2417M ....................40, 265 V2418 ............................ 262 V2418DFO ....................... 46 V2418FO.......................... 41 V2418M ....................41, 265 V2426 .......................41, 266 V2427GA ..................43, 265 V2427GT ...................43, 266 V2444 .......................41, 265 V2444-2....................42, 265 V2444-2Ls ...................... 42 V2444D...................... 41, 47 V2444D-2A ................ 19, 47 V2444D-2N ..................... 47 V2448 ....... 42, 262, 265, 686 V2448-2.... 42, 262, 265, 686 V2450 .............................. 47 V2451H.....................42, 265 V2475D...................... 42, 48 V2489 ...............42, 262, 265 V2489TB.......................... 42 V24DwND ................. 41, 47 V24DwNR ................. 41, 47 V24DwNs ............11, 41, 47 V24DwNu ............11, 41, 47 V24GB306 ..................... 263 V24GB506 ..................... 263 V24GB512 ..................... 263 V24GB606 ..................... 263 V24GB612 ..................... 263 V24GB618 ..................... 263 V24GBA512 ................... 263 V24GBA612 ................... 263 V24GBA618 ................... 263 V3000B ............................ 51 V3000C075 ...................... 51 V3000C195 ...................... 51 V3000CE.......................... 51 V3003 .............................. 52 V3006E ............................ 52 V3010AE.......................... 52 V3010B ............................ 52 V3010C ............................ 52 V3011E ............................ 53 V3014C ............................ 53 V3015E ............................ 53 V3017TCE........................ 53 V3018AE.......................... 53 V3027AE.......................... 53 V3028 .............................. 53 V3033JE .......................... 53 V3036HE ......................... 53 V3040CE.......................... 54 V3043BE ......................... 54 V3043GE ......................... 54 V3044-2........................... 54 V3046BE ......................... 54 V3046H-2 ........................ 54 V3046KD ......................... 54 V3046KTsQ ..................... 54 V3046QOu ....................... 54 V3046s ...................... 11, 55 V3046u...................... 11, 55 V3046V ...................... 11, 55 V3048R ............................ 54 V3051LE .......................... 54 V4000 .....................229, 230 V4000B-10 ...................... 63 V4000C ............................ 63 V4000C075 ...................... 63 V4000C135 ...................... 63 V4000C195 ...................... 63 V4000C315 ...................... 63 V4000HR1024 ............... 230 V4000TD8...................... 229 Cat. No. Page V4006 .............................. 64 V4010B ............................ 64 V4010DFO ....................... 64 V4011 .............................. 64 V4011FO.......................... 64 V4012TX .......................... 64 V4014A ............................ 64 V4015 .............................. 64 V4015D............................ 64 V4015DFO ....................... 65 V4015FO.......................... 65 V4017 .............................. 65 V4017FO.......................... 65 V4017N ........................... 65 V4018 .............................. 65 V4018FO.......................... 65 V4046H-2 ........................ 67 V4047-2BBBB................. 69 V4047-2BBFF ................. 70 V4047-2BBMM................ 70 V4047-2BBss ................. 70 V4047-2BBTT.................. 70 V4047-2BBXX ................. 70 V4047-2RRXX.................. 70 V4047-2wwFF ................ 70 V4047-2wwMM .............. 70 V4047-2wwss ................ 70 V4047-2wwTT ................ 71 V4047-2wwXX ................ 71 V4047AX .......................... 67 V4047BB ......................... 67 V4047BF ......................... 68 V4047BM......................... 68 V4047Bs ......................... 68 V4047BT.......................... 68 V4047BX.......................... 67 V4047C-1 ........................ 68 V4047C-2 ........................ 68 V4047JX .......................... 68 V4047RF.......................... 69 V4047RX.......................... 68 V4047uX...............12, 71, 82 V4047VX ...............12, 71, 82 V4047wF ......................... 69 V4047wM ........................ 69 V4047ws ......................... 69 V4047wT ......................... 69 V4047wX ......................... 69 V4050 ............. 67, 72, 82, 88 V4074A ............................ 66 V4075D............................ 66 V4075DA ......................... 66 V4086A ............................ 66 V4089 ...................43, 48, 66 V500 ...................25, 98, 256 V500-5............................. 25 V504 ................................ 25 V506 ................................ 25 V511 ................................ 25 V512 ................................ 25 V517 ................................ 25 V518 .........................25, 256 V5400 ............................ 230 V5700F ............................ 27 V5703 .............................. 27 V5715 .............................. 27 V5719 .......................27, 686 V57240 .....................30, 686 V57242 .....................30, 686 V57243G ...................30, 686 V5731 .............................. 29 V5733 ............................ 686 V5734 ............................ 686 V5734A .......................... 686 V5735 .................28, 29, 686 V5736 .............................. 29 V5737 .................28, 30, 686 Cat. No. Page V5737A ...............28, 30, 686 V5738 .......................30, 686 V5738A .......................... 686 V5738AF ...................30, 686 V5739 .................24, 28, 686 V5739A .....................30, 686 V5741 .......................30, 686 V5744 ............................ 686 V5744-2....................28, 686 V5744-3......................... 686 V5744s .....................31, 686 V5744s-2 ...........28, 31, 686 V5744s-3 .................31, 686 V5745 .......................31, 686 V5747 ...............31, 262, 686 V5747-2..............28, 31, 686 V5747-3....................31, 686 V5748 ...............31, 256, 686 V5748-2..............28, 31, 686 V5748-2wH ..................... 31 V5748-3....................31, 686 V5748-3wH ..................... 31 V5748-4....................31, 686 V5748-5....................31, 686 V5748-6....................31, 686 V5748s .....................31, 686 V5748wH ........................ 31 V5751 .................28, 31, 686 V5751-2....................686, 31 V5751-3....................31, 686 V5751A ............................ 32 V5752 .......................32, 686 V5753 .......................32, 686 V5760 .......................28, 686 V5783 .............................. 28 V5784 .............................. 28 V5785 ...................28, 29, 71 V5786 ...................24, 28, 29 V6000B-10 ...................... 80 V6000C ............................ 80 V6006 .............................. 81 V6007C-1 ........................ 81 V6007C-2 ........................ 81 V6010B ............................ 81 V6011TX .......................... 81 V6012TX .......................... 82 V6014A ............................ 82 V6017TX .......................... 82 V6046KD ......................... 82 V6074 .............................. 82 V6074A ............................ 83 V6086 .............................. 83 V700 ................................ 26 V704 ................................ 26 V706 ................................ 26 V711 ................................ 27 V712 ................................ 27 V717 ................................ 27 V718 ................................ 27 VA06sss250-5 .............. 544 VA06sss325-5 .............. 544 VA06w ........................... 546 VA06w-AH3 .................. 546 VA06w-VL ..................... 546 VA06w-VR..................... 546 VA06w250H .................. 546 VA06w250H-L45........... 546 VA06w250H-LL ............ 546 VA06w250H-RL ............ 546 VA06w250H-T............... 545 VA06w250H-X............... 545 VA06w250HEC.............. 545 VA06w325H-L45........... 546 VA06w325H-LL ............ 546 VA06w325H-RL ............ 546 VA06w325H-T............... 545 VA06w325H-X............... 545 Cat. No. Page VA06w325HEC.............. 545 VA12sss250-5 .............. 544 VA12sss325-5 .............. 544 VA12w-AH3 .................. 546 VA12w-VL10 ..........536, 546 VA12w-VR10 ..........536, 546 VA12w250H .................. 544 VA12w250H-1 ............... 544 VA12w250H-2 ............... 544 VA12w250H-5 ........536, 544 VA12w250H-6 ............... 544 VA12w250H-EC ............ 536 VA12w250H-L45........... 546 VA12w250H-LL .....536, 546 VA12w250H-RL ............ 546 VA12w250H-T............... 545 VA12w250H-X............... 545 VA12w250HEC.............. 545 VA12w325H-1 ............... 544 VA12w325H-2 ............... 544 VA12w325H-5 ............... 544 VA12w325H-6 ............... 544 VA12w325H-L45........... 546 VA12w325H-LL ............ 546 VA12w325H-RL ............ 546 VA12w325H-T............... 545 VA12w325H-X............... 545 VA12w325HEC.............. 545 VA18w-AH3 .................. 546 VA18w-VL ..................... 546 VA18w-VR..................... 546 VA18w250H-L45........... 546 VA18w250H-LL ............ 546 VA18w250H-RL ............ 546 VA18w250H-T............... 545 VA18w250H-X............... 545 VA18w250HEC.............. 545 VA18w325H-L45........... 546 VA18w325H-LL ............ 546 VA18w325H-RL ............ 546 VA18w325H-T............... 545 VA18w325H-X............... 545 VA18w325HEC.............. 545 VA24w-AH3 .................. 546 VA24w-VR..................... 546 VA24w250H-L45........... 546 VA24w250H-LL ............ 546 VA24w250H-RL ............ 546 VA24w250H-T............... 545 VA24w250H-X............... 545 VA24w250HEC.............. 545 VA24w325H-L45........... 546 VA24w325H-LL ............ 546 VA24w325H-RL ............ 546 VA24w325H-T............... 545 VA24w325H-X............... 545 VA24w325HEC.............. 545 VA250PEC ..................... 545 VA250PEC-LH3............. 545 VA250PEC-LH6............. 545 VA250PEC-RH3 ............ 545 VA250PEC-RH6 ............ 545 VA325PEC-LH3............. 545 VA325PEC-LH6............. 545 VA325PEC-RH3 ............ 545 VA325PEC-RH6 ............ 545 VAT12w250H3CT .......... 545 VAT12w250H3CX .......... 545 VAT12w250H4CT .......... 546 VAT12w325H3CT .......... 545 VAT12w325H3CX .......... 545 VAT12w325H4CT .......... 546 VAT18w250H3CT .......... 545 VAT18w250H3CX .......... 545 VAT18w250H4CT .......... 546 VAT18w325H3CT .......... 545 VAT18w325H3CX .......... 545 Cat. No. Page VAT18w325H4CT .......... 546 VAT24w250H3CT .......... 545 VAT24w250H3CX .......... 545 VAT24w250H4CT .......... 546 VAT24w325H3CT .......... 545 VAT24w325H3CX .......... 545 VAT24w325H4CT .......... 546 VB880.....................597, 598 VEL662345234524 ........ 588 VEL66234524 .........581, 587 VEL6623524 .................. 587 VEL772345441024 ........ 585 VEs66234524 ................ 581 VFL662345FFZZD ......... 588 VFL772345FFZZP ......... 585 VL2A.........................14, 597 VL3D ......................583, 591 VL662345 ...................... 580 VL662345FF .................. 580 VLCM .....................583, 592 VLCP662345.................. 587 VLCR .................13, 14, 583, ..........................591, 597 VLEA .................13, 14, 583, ..........................591, 597 VLEAP5 ....................14, 597 VLEM ................13, 14, 583, ..........................591, 597 VLEMP5 ...................14, 597 VLFF ......................583, 591 VLLB ............................. 592 VLP5662345 .................. 595 VLRT ................13, 583, 591 VLV ................................ 581 VLwAP .......................... 675 VPLA34410 ................... 585 VPLY2345 ...................... 588 Vs1A ............................. 598 Vs2D ............................. 584 Vs662345 ...................... 580 Vs662345FF .................. 580 VsCM ............................ 584 VsCR .......... 13, 14, 584, 598 VsEA .......... 13, 14, 584, 598 VsEAP5 ....................14, 598 VsEM ......... 13, 14, 584, 598 VsEMP5 ...................14, 598 VsFF ............................. 584 VsLB ............................. 584 VsP5662345 .................. 595 VsRT ........................13, 584 VY602345L2Y ................ 588 W w30 ................261, 269, 274 w30/w30G .......35, 163, 258 w30G ....... 35, 261, 269, 274 wAPBRKT ..................... 680 wAPE10-1200KIT ......... 676 wAPE10-1232KIT ......... 677 wAPE10-1242KIT ......... 677 wAPE10-BLKIT ............ 676 wAPE10-DOME ............ 677 wAPE10-uNIKIT .......... 677 wAPE5-1200KIT ........... 676 wAPE5-1232KIT ........... 677 wAPE5-1242KIT ........... 677 wAPE5-1250KITD......... 677 wAPE5-1250KITR......... 677 wAPE5-BLKIT .............. 676 wAPE5-uNIKIT ............ 677 wAPENCL..................... 678 wAPENCL-24-24-4 ...... 678 wBsBC ......................... 672 wCHD2425.................... 555 wCHD3025.................... 555 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD INDEX Cat. No. 705 WIREMOLD INDEX w—Z Cat. No. Page Page wD10w350-swTs ....... 536, ................................. 542 wD10w350-T .........536, 539 wD10w350-TuN ...536, 539 wD10w350-X .........536, 540 wD10w350-XTuN ....... 536, ................................. 540 wD18-ACPF.................. 541 wD18-ACPs.................. 541 wD18-wR ..................... 538 wD18w350-3TuN ........ 540 wD18w350-60 .............. 537 wD18w350-CC/DO ....... 541 wD18w350-ECF ........... 538 wD18w350-ECs ........... 538 wD18w350-EL ............. 539 wD18w350-FCCF ......... 542 wD18w350-FsT ........... 541 wD18w350-HL ............. 538 wD18w350-IEL ............ 539 wD18w350-IL............... 538 wD18w350-LTuN......... 540 wD18w350-RTuN ........ 539 wD18w350-sEs ........... 541 wD18w350-swCCs .... 536, ................................. 541 wD18w350-swTs ........ 542 wD18w350-T ................ 539 wD18w350-TuN .......... 539 wD18w350-X ................ 540 wD18w350-XTuN ........ 540 wD350-CA .................... 538 wD350-CP .............536, 538 wD350-P60................... 536 wD350-PsE .................. 540 wD350-R04................... 536 wD350-RO2 .................. 541 wD350-RO4 .................. 541 wD350P60 .................... 538 wH2000B-10 ................ 258 wH2000B-5 .................. 258 wH2000BC.................... 258 wH2000C ...................... 258 wH2006 ........................ 258 wH2010A2 .............259, 277 wH2010A3 .................... 259 wH2010B ...................... 259 wH2011 ........................ 259 wH2015 ........................ 259 wH2018C ...................... 259 wH2040B ...................... 277 wH2048 ........................ 259 wH2048-2 ..................... 260 wH2051H ...................... 260 wH20GB306TR ............. 276 wH20GB306TRGFI ....... 276 INDEX wCHD3625.................... 555 wCR11/2 ........547, 552, 554 wCR11/2-10/24 ............ 550 wCR11/2-10B ............... 550 wCR2 .............547, 552, 554 wCR2-10/24 ................. 550 wCR2-10/B ................... 547 wCR2-10B .................... 550 wCR3 .............547, 552, 554 wCR3-10/24 ................. 550 wCR3-10B .................... 550 wD-10CDO ............536, 542 wD-10CDOD ................. 542 wD06-ACPF.................. 541 wD06-ACPs.................. 541 wD06-wR ..................... 538 wD06w350-60 .............. 537 wD06w350-CC/DO ....... 541 wD06w350-ECF ........... 538 wD06w350-ECs ........... 538 wD06w350-EL ............. 539 wD06w350-FCCF ......... 542 wD06w350-FCCs ......... 542 wD06w350-FsT ........... 541 wD06w350-HL ............. 538 wD06w350-IEL ............ 539 wD06w350-IL............... 538 wD06w350-LTuN......... 540 wD06w350-RTuN ........ 539 wD06w350-sEs ........... 541 wD06w350-swCCs ..... 541 wD06w350-swTs ........ 542 wD06w350-T ................ 539 wD06w350-TuN .......... 539 wD06w350-X ................ 540 wD06w350-XTuN ........ 540 wD10-ACPF...........536, 541 wD10-ACPs.................. 541 wD10-wR ..................... 538 wD10w350-3TuN ........ 540 wD10w350-60 .......536, 537 wD10w350-CC/DO ...... 536, ................................. 541 wD10w350-ECF ....536, 538 wD10w350-ECs ........... 538 wD10w350-EL ......536, 539 wD10w350-FCCF ..536, 542 wD10w350-FCCs ......... 542 wD10w350-FsT ....536, 541 wD10w350-HL ......536, 538 wD10w350-IEL ............ 539 wD10w350-IL........536, 538 wD10w350-LTuN..536, 540 wD10w350-RTuN ........ 539 wD10w350-sEs ....536, 541 wD10w350-swCCs ..... 541 Cat. No. 706 www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD Cat. No. Page wH20GB506TR ............. 276 wH20GB506TRGFI ....... 276 wH20GB606TR ............. 276 wMFB1DRB.................. 454 wMFB1DRN ................. 454 wMFB1Ks2B ................ 455 wMFB1Ks2N ................ 455 wMFB1Ks4B ................ 455 wMFB1Ks4N ................ 455 wMFB1sRB .................. 454 wMFB1sRKs1B ........... 454 wMFB1sRKs1N ........... 454 wMFB1sRN .................. 454 wMFB2DR2B................ 454 wMFB2DR2N ............... 454 wMFB2DRKs4B ........... 455 wMFB2DRKs4N ........... 455 wMFB2Ks8B ................ 455 wMFB2Ks8N ................ 455 wPACR ......................... 554 wPACR-1G ............553, 554 wPACR-2G ................... 553 ws6F ............................ 654 ws6FBK ......................... 11 ws6FBs .......................... 11 ws6FBZ .......................... 11 ws6FGY .......................... 11 ws6FNK ......................... 11 ws6s ............................ 654 ws6sBK ......................... 11 ws6sBs .......................... 11 ws6sBZ .......................... 11 ws6sGY .......................... 11 ws6sNK ......................... 11 ws8F ............................ 654 ws8FBK ......................... 11 ws8FBs .......................... 11 ws8FBZ .......................... 11 ws8FGY .......................... 11 ws8FNK ......................... 11 ws8s ............................ 654 ws8sBK ......................... 11 ws8sBs .......................... 11 ws8sBZ .......................... 11 ws8sGY .......................... 11 ws8sNK ......................... 11 wsA00-4 ....................... 252 wsA00-4BK .................. 252 wsA00-4GY................... 252 wsA00-4wH ................. 252 wsA07-4A....................... 19 wsA07-4A..................... 251 wsA07-4ABK................ 251 wsA07-4AG .................. 251 wsA07-4AGY ................ 251 Cat. No. Page wsA07-4AwH ............... 251 wsA07A .......................... 16 wsA42-4 ....................... 251 wsA42-6 ....................... 252 wsA86 .......................... 252 wsB07-2A .................... 252 wsB07-2ABK ............... 252 wsB07-2AG .................. 252 wsB07-2AGY ................ 252 wsB07-2AwH............... 252 wsB42-2....................... 251 wsC07-6A .................... 251 wsC07-6AG .................. 251 wsC07-6AGY ................ 251 wsC07-6AwH ............... 251 wsC320-s..................... 666 wsC400-s..................... 666 wsC42-6 ....................... 252 wsCEDTCBK ................ 650 wsCEDTCsL ................. 650 wsDM210BK ................ 668 wsDM210BKR .............. 668 wsDM211BK ................ 668 wsDM211BKR .............. 668 wsDMDC ...................... 668 wsDMuC ...................... 668 wsF6F .......................... 653 wsF6FBK ....................... 11 wsF6FBs........................ 11 wsF6FBZ........................ 11 wsF6FGY ........................ 11 wsF6FNK ....................... 11 wsF6s .......................... 653 wsF6sBK ....................... 11 wsF6sBs ....................... 11 wsF6sBZ........................ 11 wsF6sGY ........................ 11 wsF6sNK ....................... 11 wsF8F .......................... 653 wsF8FBK ....................... 11 wsF8FBs........................ 11 wsF8FBZ........................ 11 wsF8FGY ........................ 11 wsF8FNK ....................... 11 wsF8s .......................... 653 wsF8sBK ....................... 11 wsF8sBs ....................... 11 wsF8sBZ........................ 11 wsF8sGY ........................ 11 wsF8sNK ....................... 11 wsMEDTC60sLDK ....... 649 wsMEDTC60sLDK-2.... 649 wsMEDTC60sLsK ....... 649 wsMEDTC60sLsK-2 .... 649 wsMEDTC72sLDK ....... 649 Cat. No. Page wsMEDTC72sLDK-2.... 649 wsMEDTC72sLsK ....... 649 wsMEDTC72sLsK-2 .... 649 wsMP-QD..................... 651 wsMP-T ....................... 651 wsMPCMM12 ............... 651 wsMPDuT60BKsK ...... 650 wsMPDuT60BKsK-2 ... 650 wsMPDuT72BKsK ...... 650 wsMPDuT72BKsK-2 ... 650 wsMPHwsC72 ............. 651 wsMPQDsFF................ 651 wTB-2-AB .............369, 401 wTB-2-RT..............369, 401 wTB-AAP...........6, 369, 401 wTB-MAAP........6, 369, 401 Y YL1200-50 ..................... 105 YL1400-50 ..................... 106 YL1600-25 ..................... 106 Z ZA120T ...................638, 639 ZA120Y ...................638, 639 ZA277Y ...................638, 639 ZB120T ..................638, 639 ZB120Y...................638, 639 ZB277Y...................638, 639 ZBM120T ...............638, 639 ZBM120Y................638, 639 ZBM277Y................638, 639 ZC120T...................638, 639 ZC120Y ...................638, 639 ZC277Y ...................638, 639 ZCM120T................638, 639 ZCM120Y ................638, 639 ZCM277Y ................638, 639 ZE120T ...................638, 639 ZE120Y ...................638, 639 ZE277Y ...................638, 639 ZEM120T ................638, 639 ZEM120Y ................638, 639 ZEM277Y ................638, 639 ZPA120T........................ 640 ZPA120Y........................ 640 ZPA240DCT ................... 640 ZPA277Y........................ 640 ZPB120T ....................... 640 ZPB120Y ....................... 640 ZPB240DCT .................. 640 ZPB277Y ....................... 640 WIREMOLD Warranty & trademark InformatIon Wiremold® Limited Warranty & Liability Statement wiremold warrants, to the original purchaser or owner only, that any product manufactured and sold by wiremold will be substantially free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service, for a period of one year from the date of original installation or two years from the date of purchase, whichever is sooner. This limited warranty applies only to products, which have been installed properly in accordance with Installation Instructions supplied by wiremold and any applicable codes and standards. This limited warranty is void and wiremold shall not be liable for any damages or held responsible for the quality, performance or safety of products that have been repaired, altered or tampered with outside of wiremold facilities or which have been intermixed (used within a system) with products or materials not approved by wiremold or have been subjected to accident, negligence, misuse or abuse. wiremold’s sole obligation (and the sole and exclusive remedy of the purchaser or owner of the product) with respect to any products which are proven to be defective, shall be the repair or replacement of the defective products, at the sole option of wiremold. Returned products will not be accepted unless wiremold is notified and authorizes the return, prior to shipment. wiremold shall not be liable for any damages in excess of the purchase price of the defective products, and under no circumstances shall wiremold be liable for incidental, consequential, special or punitive damages. Certain products of wiremold may have a specific limited warranty or limitation of liability which is included with such products and which differs from that set forth in this statement. The terms of any such specific limited warranty or limitation of liability will supersede that set forth in this statement. Except as set forth in the preceding paragraph, THIs LIMITED wARRANTY Is EXCLusIVE AND wIREMOLD MAKEs NO OTHER wARRANTIEs wITH REsPECT OF ITs PRODuCTs, EXPREssED OR IMPLIED, INCLuDING NO wARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR OF FITNEss FOR A PARTICuLAR PuRPOsE. Wiremold® Trademarks wiremold® Raceways and Fittings are listed by underwriters Laboratories Inc. and the Canadian standards Association. Registered Trademarks of wiremold and its subsidiaries include: 500, 700, 2000, 3000, 4000, 6000, 4000 Designer series, Access, CabinetMATE, Cablesmart, Centerex, Chan-L-wire, CordMate, CordMate II, Corduct, Ds4000, EZ-Pole, FiberReady, Flushduct, HideAcord, Isoduct, On-wall, Pancake, Perma Power, Plug-In Outlet Center, Plugmold, Plugmold Plus, Plugmold Tough, Power Commander, Resource RFB, sentrex, snapicoil, source II, sure-snap, synergy, Tele-Power, uniduct, V500, V700, walker, walkercell, walkerdeck, walkerduct, walkerduct Pro, walkerflex, walkerflex Aws, wiremold, and wiring Projects Made Easy. Trademarks of wiremold include 300 series, 400 series, 525 series, 800 series, 800w series, 861 series, 862 series, 863 series, 880 series, 882C series, 884C series, 1200 series, 1400 series, 1500 series, 1600 series, 2300 series, 2300D series, 2400 series, 2400D series, 2600 series, 4047 series, 4FFATC series, 5400 series, 5500 series, 5507 series, AC series, AF series, AL2000 series, AL2400 series, AL3000 series, AL3300 series, AL4000 series, AL4320 series, AL4400 series, AL4520 series, AL4750 series, AL5200 series, AL7320 series, AL7450 series, ALA3800 series, ALA4800 series, ALDs4000 series, AMD8 series, Anysize, AV3 series, CableMate, CornerMate, CM series, CRFB series, CZE series, Data-Fense, deQuorum, Eclipse, Evolution, FieldMate, FIT series, Flamestopper, FloorPort, Floorsource, Isoduct, MeterReader, Modulink, Multiplex, NM2000 series, OFR series, Omnibox, PA/PB series, PsRC9 series, Prewired select, RC3 series, RC4 series, RC7 sereis, RC7AFFTC series, RC700XR series, RC9 series, RC9AFFTC series, RC9AM2TC series, RC9AMD series, RC91GHBTC series, RC92GHBTC series, RFE series, scuffCoat, Tablesource, TopGuard, Vista Architectural, wallsource and wMFB series. wiremold Prewired XPress is a service Mark of wiremold. All brand and product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders. All wiremold products, unless specifically noted, are listed by underwriters Laboratories Inc. and conform to Federal specifications w-C-582 and the National Electrical Code. Products designed for use in telephone or communications wiring normally do not require uL listing. Most products in this catalog are also certified by the Canadian standards Association. special ordering information for products to be installed in Canada is available upon request. © Copyright 2013 Legrand All Rights Reserved Wiremold Catalog on the Web! The latest version of the wiremold Catalog is also available in online. You can access it through our website: www.legrand.us/wiremold, then click on the link for the online catalog. The online version is fully searchable, has lots of special features and makes locating and accessing product information fast and easy. Give it a try! www.LEGRAND.us/WIREMOLD Legrand, North America 60 Woodlawn Street West Hartford, CT 06110 1.877.BY.LEGRAND (295.3472) www.legrand.us 570 Applewood Crescent Vaughan, Ontario L4K 4B4 905.738.9195 www.legrand.ca ©2013 Legrand All Rights Reserved ED1560R5 0413 Wiremold® 60 Woodlawn Street West Hartford, CT 06110 800.621.0049
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