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MASTER INDEX A MECHANICAL ....... Connectors secured by nuts, bolts or allen head devices ....... ............ COMPRESSION B SMALL ................... Connectors secured by indent or circumferential crimps ............. AND LARGE COMPRESSION C MEDIUM ...... .......... Connectors secured by indent or circumferential crimps ........ D GROUNDING Irreversable Compression Grounding System and Mechanical Grounding .... ......... .... E OVERHEAD Power distribution connectors both Mechanical and Compression used on pole applications .................. F WEJTAP™ Power actuated connection systems .......... ... ............. G SUBSTATION Power distribution connectors for tube cable and bus applications ... ... ... WELDMENTS H ALUMINUM Extra High Voltage devices ............................................... .............. UNDERGROUND I NETWORK ........................... Power distribution connectors for underground applications ... UNDERGROUND J URD Power distribution connectors for underground applications ........ ...................... TIES K CABLE UNIRAP™ cable ties ......................... ........................... L HARDWARE Nuts, Bolts and Washers of various metals ............ ........... .................. M ACCESSORIES ................................................. Oxide Inhibitors Markers and Terminal Blocks N TOOLING ... Hand-Held, Mechanical Hydraulic and Pneumatic ........ ............ O REFERENCES Dies, Connectors Charts and General Information ................................................ MASTER INDEX ........................... A ................ ......................... ............... B ..................................................................................... C ............. .................... D ................... ....... .... ....... E .......... ................. .... ..................................................................................... F ..................................................................................... G ..................................................................................... H ....... ................................................................... I ..................................................................................... J ..................................................................................... K ................................ ............................................... L ............................................. M ............................... ......... ...................... ......................... N ..................................................................................... O ............................................... BURNDY Mechanical TABLE OF CONTENTS Types KS, KS-3 & SC. . . A-4 Types VA, VVA . . . . . . . A-21 Type BIPC . . . . . . . . . . A-36 Type KSU . . . . . . . . . . . . A-5 Type HFB-P1 . . . . . . . . A-22 SPEC-BLOK . . . . A-37, A-38 Type KSA . . . . . . . . . . . . A-6 Type HFB-N . . . . . . . . . A-23 SPEC-BLOK PLATFORMS . . . . . . . A-39 Types KVS, KVSU . . . . . A-7 Types KA-U, KKA-U . . . A-24 Types KVSW, KVS-A . . . A-8 Type K2A-U . . . . . . . . . A-25 Type QPX . . . . . . . . . . . . A-9 Types K3A-U, KK3A-U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-26, A-27 Type QPX-Y . . . . . . . . . A-10 Types 1300A, 1350A, 1500A . . . A-41, A-42, A-43 Types BDA, BDB, BDC . . . . . . . . . A-44, A-45, A-46, A-47, A-48 Type KPA . . . . . . . . . . . A-11 Types K4A-U, KK4A, K11A-U, K21A, K22A . A-28 Types BIT, BISR . . . . . . A-49 Type KPA-UP . . . . . . . . A-12 Type KAU-KIT . . . . . . . A-29 Type BIBS . . . . . . . . . . A-50 Type KLU . . . . . . . . . . . A-13 Type AMS. . . . . . . . . . . A-30 Type BIBD . . . . . . . . . . A-51 Types KA, EA . . . . . . . . A-14 Type AGSKIT . . . . . . . . A-31 Types BIBS-MT, BIBD-MT . . . . . . . . . . A-52 Types BGBL, CL50-1 . . A-15 Type UGSKIT . . . . . . . . A-31 Type BISR-DB . . . . . . . A-53 Types QA, QQA . . . . . . A-16 Type UGSKIT8 . . . . . . . A-32 Type 1PL . . . . . . . . . . . A-54 Types Q2A, Q3A. . . . . . A-17 Type UGS350ULDB . . . A-32 Types QB, Q2B . . . . . . A-18 Type QGFL. . . . . . . . . . A-33 Types QDA & QR . . . . . A-19 Type FCB . . . . . . . . . . . A-34 Types VT, E-C-G . . . . . . A-20 Types KPU-AC, UCU-AC . . . . . . . . . . . A-35 Complies with NFPA 78-86 Ordinary Structures. Complies with NFPA 78-86 Heavy Duty Stacks (order: LD for Lead Plating for Heavy Duty Stacks applications). A-1 BURNDY Mechanical LIGHTNING PROTECTION INFO. Basic rules for selection are: 1 Must be like material to the conductor (Flexitap out due to steel bolts!). A-2 2. Two bolts to ground rod — minimum. 3 Cable to cable connections can be anything — one bolt, two bolt, compression, etc. 4 Cable to steel structure must have 8 square inch contact with steel. 5. Heavy duty stacks — mechanical only. 6. On all connectors with heavy duty stack rating, we must offer 1/16" thick lead plating as an option. Reason is closest 25 ft. to stack opening must use lead coated product. Complies with NFPA 78-86 Ordinary Structures. Complies with NFPA 78-86 Heavy Duty Stacks (order: LD for Lead Plating for Heavy Duty Stack applications) SPECIAL FEATURES Other features are also available for products listed in price book such as undrilled or special drilling, 45° or 90° pad angles, belling for extra flexible cable, smooth or special threaded studs, special labeling or packaging, extra long braid, and nuclear certification. REFER TO FACTORY. ALL OTHERS REFER TO FACTORY 1-800-346-4175 BURNDY Mechanical REVOLUTIONARY BURNDY DESIGN MEETS STRICT UL 486B STANDARDS A-3 Unique ‘‘bite and grip’’ TRITAP™ SERVIT® contact delivers safe, long-term reliability—even without scratch brushing . . . without oxide inhibiting compounds.† . . . and puts the bite on aluminum connections forever! For use on all combinations • Aluminum to aluminum • Aluminum to copper • Copper to copper Patented Available in sizes from #10 through 500 kcmil. Spacer provides built-in separation to retard galvanic corrosion. Triangular edges bite into cable to break through surface oxides ...provide low contact resistance. ...produces gas tight seal. Tin-plated contact surface inhibits oxide formation. Special heat-treated hard, aluminum alloy. Anti-galling, high efficiency threaded components result in high contact force. Easily installed using standard, everyday wrenches. †When used in NEC applications of insulated cables only. BURNDY Mechanical TYPES KS & KS-3 SERVIT® A-4 For Copper, Copperweld Compact, high strength, high copper alloy SERVIT® split-bolt has free-running threads and easy to grip wrench flats. Highly resistant to season cracking and corrosion, the SERVIT® provides maximum pressure and assures a secure connection on all combinations of run and tap conductors. Type KS-3 accommodates 3 maximum size conductors. CONDUCTOR COPPER CATALOG NUMBER KS90 **KS15 **KS17 * KS17-3 **KS20 * KS20-3 **KS22 * KS22-3 **KS23 **KS25 **KS26 **KS27 **KS29 **KS31 **KS34 KS39 KS44 CROSS FLATS L W .50 .50 .63 .85 .85 1.14 .38 .38 .45 .69 1.20 .51 .75 1.50 .60 .82 .94 1.05 1.36 1.36 1.70 1.82 2.31 2.56 1.54 1.77 1.94 1.86 2.07 2.51 2.79 3.29 3.73 .62 .73 .82 1.17 1.17 1.41 1.48 1.94 2.19 RANGE FOR EQUAL RUN AND TAP SOL. 12 STR. - 10 STR. 10 STR. - 8 STR. 8 STR. - 6 SOL. 8 STR. - 6 SOL. 8 STR. - 4 SOL. 8 STR. - 4 SOL. 6 STR. - 2 SOL. 6 STR. - 2 SOL. 6 STR. - 2 STR. 4 STR. - 1/0 STR. 2 STR. - 2/0 STR. 1 STR. - 3/0 STR. 1 STR. - 250 1/0 STR. - 350 2/0 STR. - 500 4/0 STR. - 750 300 - 1000 16 STR. 14 STR. 14 STR. 16 STR. 14 STR. 14 STR. 14 STR. 14 STR. 14 STR. 14 STR. 14 STR. 8 SOL. 8 STR. 1/0 STR. 2/0 STR. 4/0 STR. 4/0 STR. #10 #8 #6 #6 #4 #4 #2 #2 #1 2/0 3/0 — 4/0 — — — — ▲ Listed torque values are for maximum conductor combinations accommodated. Consult UL486 Tables 7-4, 7-5, 7-6 for smaller conductor combinations. ▲ COPPERWELD MIN. TAP WITH MAX. RUN MAXIMUM RUN AND TAP STR. TYPE A TYPE D — — 3 #12 3 #12 3 #10 3 #10 3 #8 3 #8 3 #7 3 #5 7 #7 — 7 #5 19 #8 19 #6 19 #5 — — — 8A 8A 6A 6A 4A 4A 3A 2A — — — — — — — — — 9-1/2D 9-1/2D 8D 8D 6D 6D 5D 4D — — — — — — — RECOMMENDED TIGHTENING TORQUE in-lb 80 165 275 385 500 650 825 1000 1100 See note page A-2 * Not UL or CSA Listed ** UL Rated for direct burial. TYPE SC SERVIT® COVER HUG-A-BUG Used indoors or outdoors, this compact, onepiece plastic SERVIT® cover saves time and material, eliminates costly taping of splitbolts. Positive latch snaps easily and quickly over connector, ideal for tight quarters. Selfpositioning plastic fingers wrap around wires fully insulating joint. UL Listed for 600 volt indoor application with type KS. Three Covers accommodate a range of 6 SERVIT® sizes through 2/0 Str. CATALOG NUMBER SC4 SC2 SERVIT® and cover combination can be ordered as follows: CKS4 KS20 with cover CKS2/0 KS26 with cover For other combinations, please contact factory. SC2/0 FOR USE WITH KS17, KS17-3, KS20 KSU17, KSU20 KS22, KS20-3, KS23, KS22-3, KSA6, KSA4, KSU22, KSU23 KS25, KS26, KSA2, KSA 1/0 KSU25, KSU26 BURNDY Mechanical TYPE KSU UNIVERSAL SERVIT® A-5 For All Combinations of Copper, Alum., ACSR, AAAC, 5005, and Steel Tin-plated, high strength copper alloy SERVIT® with spacer. Spacer separates dissimilar conductors and provides long contact length that prevents high pressure point contacts between run and tap conductors. 486A Copper Only Use of PENETROX™ joint compound recommended with Aluminum and ACSR. CONDUCTOR RUN CATALOG CROSS NUMBER FIG. FLAT KSU17 KSU20 KSU22 KSU23 KSU25 KSU26 KSU27 KSU29 KSU31 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 .62 .69 .74 .81 .93 1.04 1.38 1.38 1.69 KSU34 1 2.00 L W COPPER & ALUMINUM .92 1.05 1.25 1.48 1.77 1.93 2.34 2.50 2.88 TAP ACSR AAAC 5005 COPPER & ALUMINUM ACSR † AAAC 5005 .42 12 SOL. - 6 SOL. 8 (6-1) 12 SOL. - 6 SOL. 8 (6-1) .48 10 SOL. - 4 SOL. 6 (6-1) 10 SOL. - 4 SOL. 6 (6-1) .57 10 SOL. - 2 SOL. 6 (6-1) - 4 (7-1) 10 SOL. - 2 SOL. 6 (6-1) - 4 (7-1) .59 8 STR. - 2 STR. 3 (6-1) - 2 (6-1) 8 SOL. - 2 STR. 6 (6-1) - 2 (6-1) .70 2 STR. - 1/0 STR. 3 (6-1) - 1 (6-1) 10 STR. - 1/0 STR. 6 (6-1) - 1 (6-1) .79 1/0 STR. - 2/0 STR. 1 (6-1) - 1/0 (6-1) 8 STR. - 2/0 STR. 6 (6-1) - 1/0 (6-1) 1.12 1 STR. - 3/0 STR. 1 (6-1) - 2/0 (6-1) 8 SOL. - 3/0 STR. 8 (6-1) - 2/0 (6-1) 1.14 1 STR. - 250 2/0 (6-1) - 4/0 (6-1) 8 STR. - 250 6 (6-1) - 4/0 (6-1) 1.36 4/0 STR. - 350 3/0 (6-1) - 4/0 (6-1) 4 STR. - 350 4 (6-1) - 4/0 (6-1) 336 (30-7) - 477 3.12 1.47 400 - 500 2 STR. - 500 2 (6-1) - 477 (18-1) (18-1) Accommodates compressed conductors within conductor ranges. See note page A-2 MAXIMUM CONDUCTOR STEEL RECOMMENDED SOL. 3 STR. NOM TIGHTENING BWG BWG DIA. TORQUE in-lb. 8 6 4 — — — — — — — 8 6 4 — — — — — 5/32 7/32 1/4 5/16 3/8 7/16 1/2 1/2 5/8 — — — 165 275 275 385 385 500 650 650 825 BURNDY Mechanical TYPE KSA TRITAP SERVIT® A-6 For All Combinations of Aluminum to Aluminum, Aluminum to Copper and Copper to Copper, Aluminum Alloy Tin Plated PATENTED TRIANGULAR PENETRATION TECHNOLOGY CONTACT Features and Benefits • • • • • • • • • • CATALOG CROSS NUMBER FLATS L W No scratch brushing required. No oxide inhibitor required. Orients the conductor. Provides maximum pressure and assures a secure connection of run and tap conductors. Facilitates piercing the aluminum conductor surface oxides. UL 486B listed, 90°C rated. Provides a low contact resistance. Provides equal coefficient of expansion Inhibits the reformation of oxides by producing a gas-tight seal. Provides improved retention of minimum to maximum conductor combinations. ALUM. TO ALUM., ALUM. TO COPPER, COPPER TO COPPER CONDUCTORS MAX. RUN TO MAX. TAP MIN. RUN TO MIN. TAP MAX. RUN TO MIN. TAP KSA6 KSA4 KSA2 .75 .81 .94 1.28 .56 1.38 .62 1.58 .69 #6 STR. (.184) #4 STR. (.232) #2 STR. (.292) #6 STR. (.184) #4 STR. (.232) #2 STR. (.292) KSA 1/0 1.00 1.92 .75 #1/0 STR. (.373) #1/0 STR. (.373) KSA 2/0 1.12 1.92 .88 #2/0 STR. (.418) #2/0 STR. (.418) KSA 4/0 1.49 2.54 1.13 #4/0 STR. (.528) #4/0 STR. (.528) *KSA 350 1.69 3.24 1.50 350 KCMIL (.681) 350 KCMIL (.681) *KSA 500 2.00 3.62 1.73 500 KCMIL (.813) 500 KCMIL (.813) ▲ Listed torque values are for maximum conductor combinations accommodated. Consult UL486 Tables 7-4, 7-5, 7-6 for smaller conductor combinations. * Not CSA listed. ** No scratch brushing or oxide inhibiting compounds required for insulated 90° C max. rated conductor for N.E.C. applications. #10 SOL. (.102) #10 SOL. (.102) #8 SOL. (.129) #10 SOL. (.102) #6 SOL. (.169) #8 STR. (.146) #2 STR. COMPACT #8 SOL. (.129) (.268) #2 STR. COMPACT #8 STR. (.146) (.268) #2 STR. COMPACT #6 STR. (.184) (.268) #1/0 STR. COMPACT #4 STR. (.232) (.336) 400 KCMIL #2 STR. COMPACT COMPACT (.659) (.268) RECOMMENDED ▲ TIGHTENING TORQUE in-lb #6 STR. (.184) #4 STR. (.232) #2 STR. (.292) #10 SOL. (.102) #10 SOL. (.102) #8 SOL. (.146) 165 165 275 #1/0 STR. (.373) #8 SOL. (.129) 385 #2/0 STR. (.418) #8 STR. (.146) 385 #4/0 STR. (.528) #6 STR. (.184) 500 #350 KCMIL (.681) #4 STR. (.232) 650 #500 KCMIL (.813) #2 STR. COMPACT (.268) 825 BURNDY Mechanical TYPE KVS OKLIP™ A-7 Mechanical Connector For Copper & Copperweld Compact, two-piece, high strength, high copper alloy BURNDY® OKLIP™ recommended for heavy duty connections. Neoprene rings hold DURIUM™ bolts in place during installation. Installed with ordinary wrench. CONDUCTOR COPPER RUN TAP SOL. COPPERWELD MAX. RUN AND TAP STR. 2 STR. - 2/0 STR. 1/0 STR. - 4/0 STR. 250 - 350 400 - 500 400 - 800 500 - 1000 6 SOL. - 2/0 STR. 10 STR. - 4/0 STR. 10 STR. - 350 10 STR. - 500 3/0 STR - 800 3/0 STR. - 1000 3/0 4/0 — — — — 7 #8 7 #6 19 #8 19 #6 19 #5 — CATALOG NUMBER KVS26 KVS28 KVS31 KVS34 KVS40 KVS44 ▲ Listed torque values are for maximum conductor combinations accommodated. Consult UL486 Tables 7-4, 7-5, 7-6 for smaller conductor combinations. TYPE V RECOMMENDED ▲ TIGHTENING TORQUE in-lb — V3/0 V250 V350 — — 180 250 325 375 500 500 See note page A-2 TYPE KVSU UNIVERSAL OKLIP™ Mechanical Connector For All Combinations of Copper, Aluminum, ACSR, AAAC & 5005 Compact, high strength, tin plated copper alloy two-piece connector with spacer and tinplated silicon bronze DURIUM™ hardware. Recommended for heavy duty connections. Spacer separates dissimilar conductors and provides long contact length. Neoprene ring prevents loss of shorter bolt during installation. Longer peened bolt permits swivel action for easier installation. Use of PENETROX™ joint compound recommended with aluminum and ACSR. CONDUCTOR RUN CATALOG NUMBER COPPER & ALUM. KVSU26 KVSU28 KVSU31 KVSU34 KVSU40 KVSU44 TAP ACSR, AAAC, & 5005 2 STR. - 2/0 STR. 3 - 2/0 1/0 STR. - 4/0 STR. 1/0 - 4/0 250 - 350 4/0 - 300 400 - 500 336.4 - 397.5 400 - 800 4/0 - 800 500 - 1000 4/0 - 1000 RUN TAP COPPER COPPER ACSR, SOL., SOL., AAAC, COPPERWELD STEEL COPPERWELD STEEL COPPER & ALUM. & 5005 SOL., NOM. DIA. SOL., NOM. DIA. H 6 STR. - 2/0 STR. 6 STR. - 4/0 STR. 6 - 350 4 - 500 4/0 - 800 4/0 - 1000 Accomodations compressed conductors within diameter range. See note page A-2 6 - 2/0 6 - 4/0 6 - 300 5 - 397.5 3/0 - 715.5 4/0 - 900 1 - 3/0 2/0 - 4/0 — — — — 5/16 - 7/16 3/8 - 1/2 9/16 - 5/8 3/4 - 3/4 3/4 - 1 7/8 - 1-1/8 #6 - 3/0 #6 - 4/0 #6 - 4/0 #4 - 4/0 — — J L W 3/16 - 7/16 2 5/16 1 1-1/2 5/32 - 1/2 2-3/8 3/8 1-1/8 1-3/4 3/16 - 5/8 2-5/8 1/2 1-3/8 2-1/8 7/32 - 3/4 3 1/2 1-1/2 2-1/4 1/2 - 1 3-1/2 1/2 1-5/8 2-1/2 1/2 - 1-1/8 4 3/8 2 3 RECOMMENDED TIGHTENING TORQUE in-lb 180 250 325 375 500 BURNDY Mechanical TYPE KVSW OKLIP™ A-8 Mechanical Connector For Copper and Copperweld. Similiar to OKLIP™ Type KVS except for a high copper alloy spacer that separates run and tap conductors. Provides high contact pressure, confines conductor strands, and assures vibration-proof connection. Longer peened bolt, permits swivel action for easier installation. Silicon bronze DURIUM™ hardware. CATALOG NUMBER RECOMMENDED TIGHTENING TORQUE in-lb CONDUCTOR RUN KVSW26 KVSW28 KVSW31 KVSW34 KVSW40 KVSW44 TAP 2 STR. - 2/0 STR. 1/0 STR. - 4/0 STR. 250 - 350 400 - 500 400 - 800 500 - 1000 6 SOL. - 2/0 STR. 6 SOL. - 4/0 STR. 4 SOL. - 350 4 STR. - 500 4/0 - 800 250 - 1000 180 250 325 375 500 500 See note page A-2 TYPE KVS-A ALUMINUM OKLIP™ Mechanical Connector For All Combinations of Copper, Aluminum†, ACSR†, AAAC and 5005 Three-piece, high-conductivity, non-copper bearing aluminum alloy connector with thick spacer and aluminum hardware. Hardware in KVS26A and KVS28A is stainless steel. Recommended for heavy duty dissimilar metal applications. Spacer separates conductors and provides long contact length. Belled entrances prevent chafing, permit easier assembly of conductors. Longer peened bolt permits swivel action for easier installation. Neoprene ring prevents loss of shorter bolt. PENETROX™ joint compound recommended with aluminum and ACSR. THESE CONNECTORS CAN ACCOMMODATE ACSR CONDUCTORS OVER ARMOR ROD WITHIN THE DIAMETER RANGE INDICATED. APPLICATION OVER ARMOR ROD CONDUCTOR RUN CATALOG NUMBER KVS26A KVS28A KVS31A KVS34A KVS40A KVS44A COPPER, & ALUM.† ACSR†, AAAC, & 5005 COPPER, & ALUM.† TAP ACSR†, AAAC & 5005 RECOMMENDED TIGHTENING TORQUE in-lb 2 STR. - 2/0 STR. 1/0 STR. - 4/0 STR. 250 - 350 400 - 500 400 - 800 500 - 1000 4 - 2/0 1/0 - 4/0 4/0 - 336.4 336.4 - 397.5 336.4 - 715.5 397.5 - 900 10 STR. - 2/0 STR. 10 STR. - 4/0 STR. 6 STR. - 350 4 STR. - 500 3/0 STR. - 800 3/0 STR. - 1000 6 - 2/0 6 - 4/0 6 - 336.4 5 - 397.5 3/0 - 715.5 3/0 - 900 180 240 300 300 300 480 † Accommodates compressed conductors within diameter range. See note page A-2 CONDUCTOR RANGE BY DIAMETER CATALOG MAX. RUN & NUMBER MIN. RUN DIA. MIN. TAP DIA. TAP DIA. KVS26A KVS28A KVS31A KVS34A KVS40A KVS44A .281 .360 .565 .728 .728 .806 .116 .116 .184 .216 .470 .470 .447 .564 .681 .814 1.036 1.162 H J L W 2-1/4 3 3-1/16 3-9/16 4-1/16 4-7/8 5/16 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 5/8 1-1/4 1-5/8 1-15/16 2-5/16 2-7/16 2-1/2 1-5/8 2-1/16 2-7/16 2-5/8 2-7/8 3-1/8 BURNDY Mechanical TYPE QPX VERSITAP™ A-9 Parallel Clamp For Copper, Copperweld, CopperweldCopper The VERSITAP™ Type QPX is recommended for Tee, Cross, Parallel, Butt and Tap connections. Range-taking, only 10 connectors required to accommodate conductor sizes from #6 Str. to 1000 kcmil. Edges are rounded for easy taping. Made of high strength, high-conductivity copper alloy and silicon bronze DURIUM™ hardware. * For various configurations, see page A-10. Fig. 1 CATALOG NUMBER QPX2C2C QPX282C QPX2828 QPX342C QPX3428 QPX3434 QPX442C QPX4428 QPX4434 QPX4444 COPPER CONDUCTOR RUN TAP 6 STR. - 2 STR. 1 STR. - 4/0 STR. 250 - 500 500 - 1000 FIG. NO. 6 STR. - 2 STR. 6 STR. - 2 STR. 1 STR. - 4/0 STR. 6 STR. - 2 STR. 1 STR. - 4/0 STR. 250 - 500 6 STR. - 2 STR. 1 STR. - 4/0 STR. 250 - 500 500 - 1000 1 2 1 2 H Fig. 2 J 1-1/2 2-1/16 5/16 2-3/8 3/8 5/16 2-3/4 3 2-11/16 2-7/8 3-1/16 3-7/16 3/8 5/16 3/8 L 1-5/16 1-13/16 1-3/8 1-3/4 2-1/16 1-3/8 1-13/16 2-1/16 2-5/8 W 1-3/8 1-9/16 1-13/16 1-7/8 2-1/16 2-3/16 2-1/4 2-7/16 RECOMMENDED TIGHTENING TORQUE in-lb ▲ 150 250 375 500 2-9/16 ▲ Listed torque values are for maximum conductor combinations accommodated. Consult UL486 Tables 7-4, 7-5, 7-6 for smaller conductor combinations. See note page A-2. CONDUCTOR RUN CATALOG NUMBER QPX2C2C QPX282C QPX2828 QPX342C QPX3428 QPX3434 QPX442C QPX4428 QPX4434 QPX4444 COPPERWELD TAP COPPERWELD – COPPER 5 SOL. - 3 #7 7 #9 - 7 #5 7 #9 - 7 #5 8A - 4A 3A - 3/0 V 3A - 3/0 V 19 #9 - 19 #6 4/0 EK 19 #6 — COPPERWELD 5 SOL. - 3 #7 5 SOL. - 3 #7 7 #9 - 7 #5 5 SOL. - 3 #7 7 #9 - 7 #5 19 #9 - 19 #6 5 SOL. - 3 #7 7 #9 - 7 #5 19 #9 - 19 #6 19 #6 COPPERWELD – COPPER 8A - 4A 8A - 4A 3A - 3/0 V 8A - 4A 3A - 3/0 V 4/0 EK 8A - 4A 3A - 3/0 V 4/0 EK BURNDY Mechanical TYPE QPX-Y UNIVERSAL VERSITAP™ A-10 Universal Parallel Clamp For Copper and Aluminum High copper alloy cast connector, tin-plated for use with copper or aluminum cable. Makes parallel, tap, tee, cross or end-to-end connections. Edges rounded for easy taping. PENETROX™ joint compound recommended. Fig. 1 CATALOG NUMBER QPX2C2C-Y QPX282C-Y QPX2828-Y QPX342C-Y QPX3428-Y QPX3434-Y QPX4444-Y CONDUCTOR ALUMINUM OR COPPER RUN TAP 6 STR. - 2 STR. 1/0 STR. - 4/0 STR. 1/0 STR. - 4/0 STR. 250 - 500 750 - 1000 6 STR. - 2 STR. 6 STR. - 2 STR. 1/0 STR. - 4/0 STR. 6 STR. - 2 STR. 1/0 STR. - 4/0 STR. 200 - 500 750 - 1000 FIG. NO. Fig. 2 H 1-5/8 1-7/8 2 2-1/4 2-1/2 2-7/8 3-7/8 1 1 2 2 J L 5/16 1-1/2 3/8 5/16 2 1-1/2 2 2-1/2 3-1/2 3/8 1/2 W 1-5/8 1-7/8 2-1/8 2-1/8 2-1/2 2-5/8 3-1/2 ▲ Listed torque values are for maximum conductor combinations accommodated. Consult UL486 Tables 7 4, 7-5 7-6 for smaller conductor combinations. See note page A-2. APPLICATION VARIATIONS PARALLEL TAP CROSS TEE SPLICE RECOMMENDED TIGHTENING TORQUE in-lb ▲ 150 250 375 500 BURNDY Mechanical TYPE KPA SCRULUG™ A-11 For Copper Cable High copper alloy tin-plated terminal for joining a wide range of cable to equipment pads or terminal blocks. Especially good in light industrial applications. The tongue and body are a one-piece design. The pressure bar equalizes pressure over the conductor and prevents the screw from cutting into the cable. Fig. 1 CATALOG NUMBER KPA8C KPA4C KPA25 KPA28 KPA34 WIRE RANGE FIG. NO. C D H 8 STR. - 14 SOL. 14 SOL. - 4 STR. 4 STR. - 1/0 STR. 1/0 STR. - 4/0 STR. 4/0 STR. - 500 kcmil 1 1 2 2 2 .38 .50 .75 .97 1.38 .47 .59 .81 1.12 1.38 .72 .94 1.25 1.66 2.44 NOTE: For unplated version add “UNPL” suffix. Fig. 2 K STUD HOLE SIZE L N T RECOMMENDED TIGHTENING TORQUE in-lb .21 .27 .33 .40 .54 .10 1/4 5/16 3/8 1/2 .95 1.20 1.70 2.29 3.14 .22 .30 .41 .53 .75 .06 .06 .10 .13 .20 12 45 180 250 375 BURNDY Mechanical TYPE KPA-UP SCRULUG™ A-12 FOR COPPER CABLE High copper alloy terminal for joining a wide range of cable to equipment pads or terminal blocks. Plain copper finish. Features and Benefits • Compact design. ◊ Easy to use. • Slot Robertson screw, hex head, hex socket bolt. ◊ No special installation tools required. Eliminates over-torquing/potential conductor damage. • One piece design. ◊ Superior torque and pull out performance. • Convenient range taking design. ◊ Reduces catalog numbers. One catalog number accommodates several conductor sizes. • High conductivity copper alloy. ◊ Long lasting, reliable contact. Fig. 1 CATALOG WIRE NUMBER RANGE KPA8CUP KPA4CUP 14 SOL. 6 STR. 14 SOL. 4 STR. FIG. NO. Fig. 2 Fig. 3 C D H K STUD HOLE SIZE 0.38 0.51 0.81 0.20 #10 1.01 0.24 0.07 0.50 0.71 1.00 0.28 1/4 1.28 0.33 0.07 L N T 1 NOTE: For tin plating drop “-UP” suffix and add “-TP” suffix (example: KPA4CTP). For use in grounding applications with a green screw - contact factory. Listed for grounding per UL467. HARDWARE 1/4 Dia. Slot Robertson 5/16 Dia. Slot Robertson RECOMMENDED TIGHTENING TORQUE in-lb 35 45 BURNDY Mechanical TYPE KLU SCRULUG™ A-13 FOR COPPER CABLE OFFSET TONGUE NON-PLATED High copper alloy terminal with offset tongue for joining a wide range of cable to equipment pads or bar. Easy to install with screwdriver or wrench. Connector is reusable. Plain copper finish. Features and Benefits • Convenient range-taking design. ◊ Reduces catalog numbers. One conductor accommodates several conductor sizes. • High conductivity copper alloy. ◊ Long lasting reliable contact. • Compact design. ◊ Easy to use. Reduces labor time. • Slot Robertson screw, hex head/hex socket bolt. ◊ No special installation tools required. Eliminates over-torquing/potential conductor damage. Fig. 1 ➀ CATALOG NUMBER CONDUCTOR KLU25 14 Sol. 1.63 (0.64) Dia. to KLU25TP 10 Sol. 2.60 (1.02) Dia. CU KLU35 14 Sol. 1.63 (.0641) Dia. to KLU35TP 6 Str. 4.67 (.184) Dia. CU KLU70 8 Sol. 3.28 (.129) Dia. to KLU70TP 2 Str. 7.42 (.292) Dia. CU KLU125 2 Str. 7.42 (.292) Dia. to KLU125TP 1/0 Str. 9.44 (.372) Dia. CU KLU175 4 Str. 5.89 (.232) Dia. to KLU175TP 3/0 Str. 11.94 (.470) Dia. CU KLU225 2 Str. 7.42 (.292) Dia. to KLU225TP 4/0 Str. 13.4 (.528) Dia. CU KLU300 1/0 Str. 9.44 (.372) Dia. to KLU300TP 350 MCM 17.30 (.681) Dia. CU KLU400 1/0 Str. 9.44 (.372) Dia. to KLU400TP 500 MCM 207 (.813) Dia CU Fig. 2 RECOMMENDED FIG. B C K L N T TIGHTENING NO. (MM/IN) (MM/IN) (MM/IN) (MM/IN) (MM/IN) (MM/IN) TORQUE IN LBS. 3 2 1 2 6.4 .26 8.4 .33 11.8 .46 16.9 .63 18.0 .71 19.6 .77 25.2 1.0 29.6 1.16 NOTES: ➀ Suffix “-TP” on catalog number denotes tin plate (example: KLU400TP). 2 Material: Copper alloy. 8.0 .31 10.0 .39 12.0 .47 16.9 .63 19.0 .75 26.2 .99 26.2 .99 38.0 1.60 3.6 .14 6.0 .20 6.7 .26 6.5 .26 10.0 .39 8.5 .33 10.0 .39 10.0 .39 26.0 1.02 31.6 1.24 39.6 1.56 50.5 1.99 66.0 2.20 65.0 2.56 72.0 2.83 104.0 4.09 6.3 .21 5.6 .22 6.4 .25 10.8 .43 11.0 .43 13.0 .51 13.1 .52 23.0 .91 1.9 .07 1.8 .07 2.1 .08 2.7 .11 4.0 .16 3.1 .12 3.1 .12 4.5 .18 20 45 50 50 124 204 325 375 Fig. 3 HARDWARE No. 8 - 32 Slotted Round Machine Screw 1/4 UNF Slotted Set Screw 5/16 UNF Slotted Set Screw 3/8 UNF Slotted Set Screw 3/8 UNF Socket Set Screw 7/16 UNF Socket Set Screw 5/8 UNF Slotted Set Screw 5/8 UNF Slotted Set Screw STUD STRIP HOLE QUANTITY/ LENGTH SIZE PACKAGE (IN.) #6 100 7/16 #10 100 5/8 1/4 100 3/4 1/4 25 15/16 3/8 12 1 5/16 12 1-5/16 3/8 6 1-5/8 3/8 3 1-5/32 BURNDY Mechanical TYPE KA KA-LUG™ A-14 For Copper Cable Compact, economical, high copper alloy terminal for joining a wide range of cable to equipment pads or terminal blocks. Fig. 1 CATALOG NUMBER CONDUCTOR KA8C KA4C KA25 KA25-2TC 38 KA28 KA34 14 SOL. - 8 STR. 14 SOL. - 4 STR. 4 STR. - 1/0 STR. 4 STR. - 1/0 STR. 1 STR. - 4/0 STR. 4/0 STR. - 500 C H J K STUD HOLE SIZE 3/8 9/16 3/4 3/4 15/16 1-3/8 5/8 3/4 15/16 15/16 1-1/4 2-3/32 #12 5/16 1/2 1/2 5/8 13/16 7/32 9/32 27/64 27/64 27/64 9/16 #10 1/4 3/8 3/8 3/8 1/2 FIG. NO. 1 2 3 2 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 L N T RECOMMENDED TIGHTENING TORQUE in-lb 13/16 1-1/8 1-11/16 2-13/16 1-15/16 2-9/16 3/16 1/4 3/8 3/8 7/16 9/16 3/32 7/64 1/8 1/8 3/16 9/32 25 45 200 200 275 375 ▲ Listed torque values are for maximum conductor sizes accommodated. Consult UL486 Tables 7-4, 7-5, 7-6 for smaller conductor sizes. TYPE EA VERSILUG™ For Copper Cable Compact, high copper alloy terminal for joining a wide range of cable to equipment pads or bar. Clamping element adjustable to several angles. One-wrench installation. CATALOG NUMBER EA2C EA25 EA28 EA28-2N EA34 EA34-2N CONDUCTOR 8 SOL. - 2 STR. 2 STR. - 1/0 STR. 1/0 STR. - 4/0 STR. 250 - 500 NO. OF HOLES IN PAD 1 1 1 2 NEMA 1 2 NEMA * “N” indicates NEMA standard stud holes. ▲ Listed torque values are for maximum conductor sizes accommodated. Consult UL486 Tables 7-4, 7-5, 7-6 for smaller conductor sizes. C D E H 13/16 7/8 1-1/16 1-1/8 1-3/8 3-5/8 1-5/8 3-5/8 — — — 1-3/4 — 1-3/4 1-3/8 1-7/16 1-1/16 1-3/8 K 7/16 1-3/4 2-1/4 9/16 STUD HOLE SIZE L N 3/8 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 2-1/2 2-11/16 3-3/16 5-1/8 4 5-5/8 13/32 7/16 17/32 5/8 13/16 5/8 T RECOMMENDED TIGHTENING TORQUE in-lb 1/4 150 180 5/16 250 3/8 375 BURNDY Mechanical TYPE BGBL LAY-IN QIKLUG™ A-15 *UL LISTED 90° C, 600 V The Lay-In QIKLUG™, Type BGBL is manufactured from high strength 6061-T6 aluminum, and is ideally suited for grounding and bonding applications accommodating both copper and aluminum conductor sizes #14 AWG to 250 kcmil. Fig. 1 Features and Benefits • * UL 486B listed, AL9CU rated. ◊ For copper and aluminum conductor combinations up to 90° C, 600 Volt applications. • UL Recognized for grounding and bonding. ◊ Ensures reliability. • Electro-tin plated. ◊ Provides low contact resistance. • Lay-in feature. ◊ Eases installation. Fig. 2 DIMENSIONS CATALOG NUMBER FIG NO. CONDUCTOR RANGE 1 4 - 14 AWG BGBL-1/0 1 1/0 - 14 AWG BGBL-250 2 250 kcmil - 6 *BGBL-4 C D E H REF .39 [10] .63 [16] .88 [22] .62 [16] .80 [20] 1.18 [30] .48 [12] .83 [21] 1.00 [30] .79 [20] 1.16 [29] 1.72 [44] J 1/4 - 28 3/8 - 24 7/16 - 18 NOTE: PEN-A PENETROX® inhibitor is recommended for all aluminum terminations. TYPE CL50-1 COPPER LAY-IN QIKLUG™ FOR COPPER The Lay-In QIKLUG™ is manufactured from high strength pure electrolytic copper to ensure maximum strength and conductivity. UL467 Listed for direct burial in earth or concrete. The open-faced design allows for fast lay-in of the conductor without the need for cutting or breaking. CATALOG NUMBER CL50-1 WIRE RANGE COPPER STUD HOLE #14 - #4 CU #10 K DIA. L N T .22 [6] .28 [7] .28 [7] 1.10 [28] 1.63 [41] 2.18 [55] .20 [5] .44 [11] .45 [11] .13 [3] .19 [5] .25 [6] HEX SIZE SLOT SLOT 7/32 BURNDY Mechanical TYPES QA, QQA QIKLUG™ A-16 For Copper Cable Type QA heavy duty, compact, high copper alloy terminal for joining a wide range of cable to equipment pads or bar. Fast one-wrench installation. Type QQA heavy duty, high copper alloy terminal for joining cable to equipment pads or bar. Twin clamping elements secure joint vibration and flexing. One-wrench installation. Type QA CATALOG NUMBER* CONDUCTOR TYPE QA TYPE QQA COMMERCIAL NAVY QA8C-B QA8C-2B QA4C-B QA4C-2B QA1C-B QA1C-2B QA26-B QA26-2B QA28-B QA28-2B QA28-2N* QA31-B QA31-2B QA31-2N* QA34-B QA34-2B QA34-4B QA34-2N* QA40-B QA40-2N* QQA8C QQA8C-2 QQA4C QQA4C-2 QQA1C QQA1C-2 QQA26 QQA26-2 QQA28 14 SOL. - 8 STR. 4 - 14 8 STR. - 4 STR. 23 - 40 4 STR. - 1 STR. 50 - 75 1/0 STR - 2/0 STR. 100 - 125 3/0 STR. - 4/0 STR. 150 - 200 QQA28-2N* QQA31 250 - 350 250 - 350 QQA31-2N* QQA34 400 - 500 400 - 500 QQA34-2N* QQA40-2N* QQA40-4N QA44-B QA44-2N* QQA44-2N QA44-4N* QQA44-4N* QA46-B QA46-2N* 600 - 800 850 - 1000 1100 - 1500 * ‘‘N’’ indicates NEMA standard stud holes. All 4N items See note page A-2 650 - 800 1000 1300 NO. OF HOLES IN PAD 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 NEMA 1 2 2 NEMA 1 2 4 2 NEMA 1 2 NEMA 4 NEMA 1 2 NEMA 4 NEMA 1 2 NEMA C 9/16 5/8 13/16 1 1-3/16 1-3/8 1-7/8 1-3/8 1-5/8 3 D H K 9/16 — 11/16 1-1/4 5/8 7/32 5/8 — 3/4 1-3/16 5/8 9/32 3/4 — 1 1-9/16 7/8 11/32 1 — 1-3/16 1-15/16 1 13/32 1-1/16 — 2 1 1-5/16 3-1/8 1-3/4 9/16 1-3/8 — 17/32 1-31/32 1 1-11/16 7/16 3 1-3/4 9/16 1-5/8 — 17/32 2 13/32 1 2 1-15/16 7/16 3-3/32 1-3/4 9/16 1-7/8 — 11/16 2-7/16 3 1-3/4 9/16 2 3 3 3-1/16 2-1/8 2-1/8 3 1-7/8 E&F Type QQA — 1-3/4 — 1-3/4 11/16 2-3/4 3-1/8 STUD HOLE SIZE #10 1/4 5/16 3/8 1/2 3/8 1/2 3/8 1/2 5/8 1/2 5/8 L LL 1-3/8 2-5/16 2 3 1-7/16 2-3/8 2 2-15/16 1-3/4 2-13/16 2-9/16 3-5/8 2 3-3/16 3 4-3/16 2-1/4 3-9/16 3-9/16 — 4-5/16 5-5/8 2-11/36 4-1/8 3-3/8 — 4-7/16 5-7/8 3-3/16 4-7/8 3-9/16 — 3-1/2 — 4-11/16 6-9/32 3-11/16 — 4-14/16 7-3/32 — 3-15/16 — N T RECOMMENDED TIGHTENING TORQUE in-lb 9/32 5/16 5/32 75 5/16 3/16 110 11/32 150 7/32 7/16 17/32 7/16 5/8 11/16 7/16 5/8 13/16 7/16 7/16 5/8 27/32 5/8 180 1/4 250 5/16 325 5/16 375 3/8 500 1 9/16 1/2 5 7-1/8 5/8 13/16 9/16 3/4 1/2 4-3/8 5-1/4 — — 1-1/16 5/8 1/2 9/16 600 BURNDY Mechanical TYPE Q2A QIKLUG™ A-17 For Copper Cable Compact, high copper alloy terminal for joining two cables to equipment pads or bars. Each element accommodates a wide range of cable. One-wrench installation. CATALOG NUMBER* Q2A1C-2 Q2A26-2N Q2A28-2N Q2A28-4N Q2A31-2N Q2A31-4N Q2A34-2N Q2A34-4N Q2A40-2N Q2A40-4N Q2A44-4N Q2A46-4N CONDUCTOR NO. OF HOLES IN PAD 4 STR. - 1 STR. 1/0 STR. - 2/0 STR. 2 2 NEMA 2 NEMA 4 NEMA 2 NEMA 4 NEMA 2 NEMA 4 NEMA 2 NEMA 3/0 STR. - 4/0 STR. 250 - 350 400 - 500 600 - 800 4 NEMA 850 - 1000 1100 - 1500 4 NEMA C D E&F H K STUD HOLE SIZE 1-1/2 1-5/8 1-7/8 3 2-3/8 3 2-1/2 3 1-7/8 1 3/4 1-1/16 1-3/16 7/16 3/8 1-3/8 1-3/4 2 N T W 7/16 7/32 7/32 1-13/16 1-15/16 1-15/16 2-1/8 2-1/8 3 3 3-3/4 3-3/4 4-11/32 4-11/32 5 1/4 4-1/2 1-11/16 3-1/8 L 2-7/8 4-3/16 4-3/8 9/16 1/2 4-11/16 5/16 5/8 3/8 3 2-7/16 5 7/16 3-1/4 3-1/2 2-3/4 3-1/8 5-1/4 5-1/2 1/2 11/16 3-1/4 RECOMMENDED TIGHTENING TORQUE in-lb ▲ 150 180 250 325 375 500 600 * ‘‘N’’ indicates NEMA standard stud holes. All 4N items See note page A-2 TYPE Q3A QIKLUG™ For Copper Cable Compact, high copper alloy terminal for joining three cables to equipment pads or bar. Each element accommodates a wide range of cable. One-wrench installation. CATALOG NUMBER* Q3A28-2N Q3A28-4N Q3A31-2N Q3A31-4N Q3A34-2N Q3A34-4N Q3A40-4N Q3A44-4N Q3A46-4N CONDUCTOR NO. OF HOLES IN PAD 3/0 STR. - 4/0 STR. 250 - 350 400 - 500 600 - 800 850 - 1000 1100 - 1500 * ‘‘N’’ indicates NEMA standard stud holes. 2 NEMA 4 NEMA 2 NEMA 4 NEMA 2 NEMA 4 NEMA 4 NEMA 4 NEMA C 1-7/8 3 2-3/8 3 2-1/2 D 3-1/8 1-3/4 3 3-1/4 3-1/2 E&F 3-1/4 T W RECOMMENDED TIGHTENING TORQUE in-lb 1-3/8 4-5/16 4-3/8 1/4 3-3/16 250 1-11/16 4-7/16 5/16 4-1/16 325 3/8 4-9/16 375 7/16 1/2 11/16 5-13/16 6-5/8 7-7/8 H 1-15/16 2-7/16 2-3/4 3-1/8 K 9/16 STUD HOLE SIZE 1/2 L 4-3/4 5 5-1/4 5-1/2 N 5/8 500 600 BURNDY Mechanical TYPE QB QIKLUG™ A-18 For Copper Cable Compact, high copper alloy side entrance terminal for joining a range of cable at right angles to terminal blocks. One-wrench installation. CATALOG NUMBER* QB8C QB4C QB1C QB26 QB28 QB31-2N CONDUCTOR NO. OF HOLES IN PAD 14 SOL. - 8 STR. 8 STR. - 4 STR. 4 STR. - 1 STR. 1/0 STR. - 2/0 STR. 3/0 STR. - 4/0 STR. 250 - 350 1 1 1 1 1 2 NEMA C D E H K STUD HOLE SIZE 9/16 9/16 27/32 13/16 1 1-1/16 3-1/4 — — — — — 1-3/4 7/8 13/16 1 1-1/32 1-5/16 1-11/16 7/32 #10 9/32 1/4 13/32 3/8 9/16 1/2 K STUD HOLE SIZE L 3/8 1/2 1 5-3/16 5-7/8 6-11/16 11/16 13/16 1 13/16 L N T 1-1/8 1-3/8 1-1/2 1-13/16 2-1/16 4-1/2 9/32 5/32 1/4 11/32 7/16 17/32 5/8 7/32 1/4 5/16 RECOMMENDED TIGHTENING TORQUE in-lb ▲ 75 110 150 180 250 325 “N” indicates NEMA standard stud holes. TYPE Q2B QIKLUG™ For Copper Cable Compact, high copper alloy terminal for joining two cables at right angles to a single terminal block. Each element accommodates a range of cable. One-wrench installation. CATALOG NUMBER* Q2B28-2N Q2B31-2N Q2B40-4N CONDUCTOR NO. OF HOLES IN PAD C D E&F H 3/0 STR. - 4/0 STR. 250 - 350 600 - 800 2 NEMA 2 NEMA 4 NEMA 1-7/8 2-3/8 3 3-1/8 3-3/16 3-1/16 1-3/4 1-11/16 1-3/8 1-3/8 1-3/8 2-5/16 “N” indicates NEMA standard stud holes. All 4N items See note page A-2 9/16 N T 5/8 1/4 5/16 7/16 RECOMMENDED TIGHTENING TORQUE in-lb 250 325 500 BURNDY Mechanical TYPE QDA QIKLUG™ A-19 For Copper Cable Compact, high copper alloy terminal for joining a wide range of cable to equipment studs. Provides low contact resistance when gripped between two contact nuts. Onewrench installation. CATALOG NUMBER QDA8C QDA4C QDA1C QDA26 QDA28 QDA31 QDA34 QDA40 CONDUCTOR COMMERCIAL NAVY 14 SOL. - 8 STR. 8 STR. - 4 STR. 4 STR. - 1 STR. 1/0 STR. - 2/0 STR. 3/0 STR. - 4/0 STR. 250 - 350 400 - 500 600 - 800 C 3 - 14 23 - 40 50 - 75 100 - 125 150 - 200 250 - 350 400 - 500 650 - 800 1 1-1/4 1-1/2 1-7/8 2-1/8 H K 11/16 3/4 1 1-3/16 1-5/16 1-11/16 2 2-5/16 7/16 STUD HOLE SIZE L 1-7/8 3/8 9/16 1/2 11/16 13/16 1-1/16 5/8 3/4 1 2-3/16 2-1/2 2-5/8 3 3-5/8 4-3/16 T RECOMMENDED TIGHTENING TORQUE in-lb 3/16 7/32 9/32 75 110 150 180 250 325 375 500 5/16 3/8 TYPE QR QIKLINK® SPLICE OR REDUCER For Copper Cable to Cable High copper alloy splicer/reducer for joining a range of cable end to end. Neat, compact easy to tape installation. One-wrench installation. CATALOG NUMBER QR4C QR1C QR26 QR28 QR31 QR34 QR40 See note page A-2. CONDUCTOR EITHER SIZE H L W RECOMMENDED TIGHTENING TORQUE in-lb 8 STR. - 4 STR. 4 STR. - 1 STR. 1/0 STR. - 2/0 STR. 3/0 STR. - 4/0 STR. 250 - 350 400 - 500 600 - 800 3/4 1-1/16 1-3/16 1-3/8 1-11/16 1-15/16 2-7/16 1-11/16 1-15/16 2-1/8 2-3/8 2-5/8 3-1/16 3-5/8 5/8 11/16 13/16 1 1-1/4 1-7/16 1-7/8 110 150 180 250 325 375 500 BURNDY Mechanical TYPE VT VARITAP™ T-CONNECTOR A-20 For Copper Cable to Cable High copper alloy T-connector for cable run, cable tap. V-bolt clamping elements accommodate large range of cable and are particularly suited for extra flexible cable. One-wrench installation. CATALOG NUMBER VT2C2C VT2525 VT2825 VT2828 VT3025 VT3030 VT3425 VT3428 VT3430 VT3434 VT4040 VT4425 VT4428 VT4834 VT4844 VT4848 CONDUCTOR RUN TAP H L W 8 SOL. - 2 STR. 6 SOL. - 1/0 STR. 8 SOL. - 2 STR. 6 SOL. - 1/0 STR. 6 SOL. - 1/0 STR. 1/0 STR. - 4/0 STR. 6 SOL. - 1/0 STR. 1/0 STR. - 300 6 SOL. - 1/0 STR. 1/0 STR. - 4/0 STR. 1/0 STR. - 300 300 - 500 500 - 800 6 SOL. - 1/0 STR. 1/0 STR. - 4/0 STR. 300 - 500 750 - 1000 1500 - 2000 1-5/16 2-5/16 2-5/8 3-1/8 3-1/16 3-3/8 3-5/16 3-11/16 3-1/2 3-5/8 3-3/4 4-1/2 4-5/16 4-1/8 5-1/4 5-3/4 6-1/4 1-5/16 1-7/16 1-1/4 1-11/16 1-3/8 1-15/16 1-1/2 1-11/16 1-15/16 2-1/4 2-5/8 2 2 5 5 5 1/0 STR. - 4/0 STR. 1/0 STR. - 300 300 - 500 500 - 800 750 - 1000 1500 - 2000 1-5/8 1-7/8 2-5/16 2-9/16 2-7/8 4-1/4 See note page A-2 TYPE E-C-G TRANSFORMER TAP ADAPTER For Copper Multi-tap, range-taking cast copper alloy connector designed to take 2, 3 or 4 conductors from a single secondary transformer outlet. CATALOG NO. OF CONDUCTOR A NUMBER CONDUCTORS SIZE DIA. E2C34G1 E3C34G1 E4C34G1 2 3 4 1/0 SOL. - 500 .78 D H 3-3/4 2-7/8 J L 1/2-13 6-1/4 W 3-1/2 5-1/4 6-7/8 RECOMMENDED TIGHTENING TORQUE in-lb 480 RECOMMENDED TIGHTENING TORQUE in-lb RUN TAP 275 385 250 250 325 325 375 375 375 375 500 500 500 600 600 600 275 385 385 250 385 325 385 250 325 375 500 385 250 375 500 600 BURNDY Mechanical TYPE VA, VVA VARILUG™ A-21 For Copper Cable High copper alloy terminal for joining a wide range of cable to equipment pads or bar. Particularly suitable for use on extra flexible cable. One-wrench installation. Type VVA, twin elements secure joint against vibration and flexing. Particularly recommended for use on extra flexible cables. One-wrench installation. CATALOG NUMBER* TYPE VA TYPE VVA VA2C VA25 VA28 VA28-2N VA30 VA30-2N VA34 VA34-2N VA34-4N VA40 VA40-2N VA40-4N VVA2 VVA25 VVA28 VVA28-2N VVA30 VVA30-2N VVA34 VVA34-2N VVA34-4N VVA40 VVA40-2N VVA40-4N CONDUCTOR 8 SOL. - 2 STR. 6 SOL. - 1/0 STR. 1/0 STR. - 4/0 STR. 1/0 STR. - 300 300 - 500 500 - 800 “N” indicates NEMA standard stud holes. All 4N items See note page A-2 Type VVA Type VA NO. OF HOLES IN PAD 1 1 2 NEMA 1 2 NEMA 1 2 NEMA 4 NEMA 1 2 NEMA 4 NEMA C 13/16 7/8 D 1-1/4 1-5/16 1-1/2 1-1/16 3-1/2 1-5/8 1-1/8 3-9/16 2 1-3/8 3-5/8 3 3-5/8 2-5/16 1-5/8 3-5/8 3 2-5/8 E&F H — — — 1-3/4 — 1-3/4 — 1-3/4 1-3/4 — 1-3/4 1-3/4 1-1/2 1-7/8 2-1/4 2-3/16 3-11/32 2-7/8 K 7/16 STUD HOLE SIZE 3/8 7/16 9/16 7/16 1/2 3/8 9/16 1/2 11/16 9/16 9/16 5/8 1/2 L LL 2-3/4 4-1/16 2-7/8 4-5/16 2-7/8 4-1/8 4-15/16 6-3/6 3-1/4 4-5/8 5-3/16 6-9/16 3-13/16 5-5/16 5-3/8 6-7/8 5-3/8 6-7/8 4-1/2 6-3/8 5-13/16 7-11/16 5-13/16 7-11/16 N T 13/32 1/4 7/16 17/32 5/8 5/16 5/8 5/8 13/16 5/8 5/8 3/8 15/16 5/8 5/8 RECOMMENDED TIGHTENING TORQUE in-lb 275 385 250 325 375 500 BURNDY Mechanical TYPE HFB-P1 A-22 BAR CLAMP ASSEMBLY COMPONENTS For Copper Bar To build your own high strength clamp assembly for multiple flat bar using type HFB-P1 bar clamps and clamping hardware, the following tables have been provided. The clamp assembly eliminates the need for drilling the flat bar and is used in indoor and outdoor applications. BAR CLAMP BAR CATALOG RUN TAP NUMBER ‘A’ ‘AA’ HFB22P1 HFB33P1 HFB42P1 HFB44P1 HFB63P1 HFB66P1 HFB88P1 2.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 6.00 6.00 8.00 ONE CLAMP HALF “J” BOLT DIA. L 2.00 3.00 2.00 4.00 3.00 6.00 8.00 3/8 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 5/8 3/4 4.38 4.38 5.75 5.75 7.75 8.12 10.50 W Z RECOMMENDED TIGHTENING TORQUE in-lb 4.38 4.38 5.75 5.75 4.75 8.12 10.50 * * * * * * * 240 240 240 480 480 660 1990 *Z=Space between the bar clamp contact surfaces COPPER BUS BAR WIDTH (INCHES) RUN-A TAP-AA 2 3 4 4 6 6 8 BAR CLAMP ASSEMBLY COMPONENTS † SILICON BRONZE CLAMPING HARDWARE BAR CLAMP QTY. CAT. NO. 2 3 2 4 3 6 8 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 BOLTS HFB22P1 HFB33P1 HFB42P1 HFB44P1 HFB63P1 HFB66P1 HFB88P1 NUTS QTY. CAT. NO. QTY. CAT. NO. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 38 X (*) HEB 38 X (*) HEB 38 X (*) HEB 50 X (*) HEB 50 X (*) HEB 62 X (*) HEB 75 X (*) HEB 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 38CHEN 38CHEN 38CHEN 50CHEN 50CHEN 62CHEN 75CHEN SPLIT LOCK WASHERS QTY. CAT. NO. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 38SW 38SW 38SW 50SW 50SW 62SW 75SW † Ordered separately from BURNDY®. * See table below when ordering assembly clamping bolts to specify correct bolt length in Cat. #. CLAMP NUMBER “J” BOLT DIA. WHEN Z = 1.25 WHEN Z = 1.50 HFB22P1 HFB33P1 HFB42P1 HFB44P1 HFB63P1 HFB66P1 HFB88P1 3/8 (-16) 3/8 (-16) 3/8 (-16) 1/2 (-13) 1/2 (-13) 5/8 (-11) 3/4 (-10) 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.25 3.25 3.50 3.75 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.50 3.50 4.00 4.00 NOTE: When ordering assembly bolts specify correct bolt length in catalog number as indicated in table. BOLT LENGTH WHEN WHEN Z = 1.75 Z = 2.00 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.75 3.75 4.00 4.50 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.50 4.50 WHEN Z = 2.25 WHEN Z = 2.50 WHEN Z = 2.75 WHEN Z = 3.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.50 4.50 4.50 5.00 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 5.00 5.00 4.50 4.50 4.50 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.50 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.50 5.50 BURNDY Mechanical TYPE HFB-N BAR CLAMP TAP PAD ADAPTER A-23 For Copper Bar High conductivity copper, tap pad adapter provides a NEMA drilled contact pad when assembled to the HFB-P1 clamps. Tap connections can be made from copper bus bar(s) without drilling, by bolting standard mechanical or compression terminal pads directly to the pre-drilled tap pad Fig. 1 Fig. 2 CATALOG NUMBER FIG. NO. A-C E&F L N USE WITH ‘H’ CLAMP CATALOG NUMBER ① HFB33-4N HFB44-4N HFB66-6N 1 1 2 3.00 4.00 6.00 1.75 1.75 1.75 7.00 9.12 11.31 .62 1.12 1.12 HFB33P1 HFB44P1 HFB66P1 ① ‘H’ Clamp (two required per assembly) and hardware (as shown) not included with bar clamp tap pad, order separately. BURNDY Mechanical TYPES KA-U, KKA-U UNIVERSAL TERMINAL A-24 (One Conductor) For Aluminum and Copper Conductors These dual-rated one-conductor lugs are constructed from high strength aluminum alloy and electro tin-plated to provide low contact resistance. Fig. 1 Fig. 2 AL9CU Fig. 3 CATALOG NUMBER* FIG. NO. WIRE RANGE ALUMINUM OR COPPER KA6U KA2U KA25U KA26U KA29U KA30U KA31U KA34U KA36U KA40U KA44U KKA31U-2N KA36U-2N KA40U-2N KA44U-2N 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 4 4 14 STR. - 6 STR. 14 STR. - 2 STR. 14 STR. - 1/0 STR. 6 STR. - 2/0 STR. 6 STR. - 250 6 STR. - 300 6 STR. - 350 4 STR. - 500 2 STR. - 600 300 - 800 500 - 1000 6 STR. - 350 2 STR. - 600 300 - 800 500 - 1000 * "N" indicates NEMA standard stud holes. ▲ Listed torque values are for maximum conductor sizes accommodated. Consult UL486 Tables 7-4, 7-5, 7-6 for smaller conductor sizes. ** Maximum dimension. STUD HOLE SIZE 1/4 5/16 3/8 1/2 1/2 D L .63 .63 .81 .81 .94 .94 1.03 1.50 1.72 1.69 1.69 3.16 3.22 3.03 3.03 1.06 1.16 1.50 1.47 2.00 2.00 2.25 2.81 3.19 3.38 3.38 5.50 4.69 4.75 4.75 Fig. 4 DIMENSIONS ** N W E .25 .31 .44 .47 .50 .50 .88 .88 .78 .88 .88 .63 .63 .63 .63 .50 .50 .63 .63 1.00 1.00 1.13 1.51 1.50 1.75 1.75 1.25 1.50 1.75 1.75 — — — — — — — — — — — 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 T ** H RECOMMENDED TIGHTENING ▲ TORQUE in-lb .09 .10 .19 .19 .25 .25 .25 .31 .44 .50 .50 .38 .44 .50 .50 .50 .55 .80 .80 1.13 1.12 1.25 1.58 1.56 1.94 1.94 1.50 1.57 1.94 1.94 45 50 50 120 275 275 375 500 500 500 600 375 500 500 600 BURNDY Mechanical TYPE K2A-U UNIVERSAL TERMINAL A-25 (Two Conductor) For Aluminum and Copper Conductors Fig. 1 These dual-rated two-conductor lugs are constructed from high strength aluminum alloy and electro tin-plated to provide low contact resistance. Fig. 2 Fig. 3 CATALOG NUMBER* FIG. NO. WIRE RANGE ALUMINUM OR COPPER K2A25U K2A26U K2A29U K2A31U K2A36U K2A40U K2A44U K2A31U-2N K2A36U-2N K2A40U-2N K2A44U-2N 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 Two: 14 STR. - 1/0 STR. Two: 14 STR. - 2/0 STR. Two: 6 STR. - 250 Two: 4 STR. - 350 Two: 2 STR. - 600 Two: 300 - 800 Two: 500 - 1000 Two: 6 STR. - 350 Two: 2 STR. - 600 Two: 300 - 800 Two: 500 - 1000 * "N" indicates NEMA standard stud holes. ▲ Listed torque values are for maximum conductor sizes accommodated. Consult UL486 Tables 7-4, 7-5, 7-6 for smaller conductor sizes. ** Maximum dimension. STUD HOLE SIZE 1/4 3/8 1/2 5/8 1/2 D L .81 .81 1.50 1.69 1.75 1.66 1.66 3.00 3.22 3.03 3.03 1.47 1.47 2.56 2.88 3.20 3.38 3.50 4.50 4.69 4.75 4.75 DIMENSIONS ** N W E .44 .44 .50 .88 .63 .88 .88 .63 .63 .63 .63 1.13 1.25 1.66 1.94 2.41 3.19 3.52 2.31 2.41 3.19 3.19 — — — — — — — 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 T ** H RECOMMENDED TIGHTENING ▲ TORQUE in-lb .19 .19 .25 .25 .44 .50 .50 .31 .44 .50 .50 .79 .79 1.20 1.25 1.58 1.94 1.94 1.38 1.56 1.94 1.94 50 50 275 275 375 375 375 275 375 375 375 BURNDY Mechanical TYPES K3A-U, KK3A-U UNIVERSAL TERMINAL A-26 (Three Conductor) For Aluminum and Copper Conductors Fig. 1 Dual-rated three-conductor lugs are constructed from high strength aluminum alloy and electro tin-plated to provide low contact resistance. Fig. 2 AL9CU Fig. 3 CATALOG NUMBER* K3A2U-2* K3A25U-2* K3A26U-2N K3A27U-2N K3A29U-2N K3A31U-2N K3A36U-2N KK3A36U-2N KK3A40U-2N KK3A44U-2N FIG. NO. WIRE RANGE ALUMINUM OR COPPER 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 Three: 14 STR. - 2 STR. Three: 14 STR. - 1/0 STR. Three: 14 STR. - 2/0 STR. Three: 6 STR. - 3/0 STR. Three: 6 STR. - 250 Three: 6 STR. - 350 Three: 2 STR. - 600 Three: 2 STR. - 600 Three: 300 - 800 Three: 500 - 1000 * Slotted screw. ** ‘‘N” indicates NEMA standard stud holes. ▲ Listed torque values are for maximum conductor sizes accommodated. Consult UL486 Tables 7-4, 7-5, 7-6 for smaller conductor sizes. All 4N items See note page A-2 K STUD HOLE SIZE 11/32 7/16 5/16 3/8 9/16 1/2 D L 1.63 2.09 3.06 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.22 3.00 3.03 3.34 2.19 2.91 3.75 3.88 4.00 4.31 4.69 5.63 5.69 6.19 DIMENSIONS N W E T H .34 .34 .63 .63 .63 .63 .63 .56 .63 .63 .19 .25 .19 .31 .31 .31 .44 .44 .50 .56 .62 .88 1.79 1.12 1.19 1.38 1.56 1.69 1.94 1.88 1.59 1.94 1.95 2.81 2.81 3.00 3.63 4.22 4.81 4.75 .88 1.00 1.75 RECOMMENDED TIGHTENING ▲ TORQUE in-lb 50 275 375 BURNDY Mechanical TYPES K3A-U, KK3A-U (Continued) A-27 AL9CU Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 CATALOG NUMBER** FIG. NO. WIRE RANGE ALUMINUM OR COPPER K3A2U-4* K3A25U-4* K3A27U-4N K3A29U-4N K3A31U-4N K3A36U-4N K3A40U-4N KK3A36U-4N KK3A40U-4N KK3A44U-4N 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 Three: 14 STR. - 2 STR. Three: 14 STR. - 1/0 STR. Three: 6 STR. - 3/0 STR. Three: 6 STR. - 250 Three: 6 STR. - 350 Three: 2 STR. - 600 Three: 300 - 800 Three: 2 STR. - 600 Three: 350 - 800 Three: 500 - 1000 * Slotted screw ** ‘‘N” indicates NEMA standard stud holes. ▲ Listed torque values are for maximum conductor sizes accommodated. Consult UL486 Tables 7-4, 7-5, 7-6 for smaller conductor sizes. All 4N items See note page A-2 K STUD HOLE SIZE 11/32 7/16 5/16 3/8 9/16 1/2 Fig. 4 D L 1.63 2.09 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.22 3.03 3.00 3.34 3.34 2.19 2.91 3.88 4.00 4.31 4.69 4.75 5.63 6.19 6.19 DIMENSIONS N W E .34 .34 .63 1.59 1.94 2.81 2.81 3.00 3.63 4.81 4.22 5.34 4.75 .88 1.00 1.75 T H .19 .25 .31 .31 .31 .44 .50 .44 .56 .56 .62 .88 1.12 1.19 1.38 1.56 1.94 1.69 1.88 1.88 RECOMMENDED TIGHTENING ▲ TORQUE in-lb 50 275 375 275 375 BURNDY Mechanical TYPES K4A-U, KK4A-U UNIVERSAL TERMINAL A-28 (Four Conductor) For Aluminum and Copper Conductors Fig. 2 Fig. 1 These dual-rated four conductor lugs are constructed from high strength aluminum alloy and electro tin-plated to provide low contact resistance. AL9CU CATALOG NUMBER* K4A29U-4N K4A31U-4N KK4A36U-4N KK4A40U-4N WIRE RANGE ALUMINUM OR COPPER FIG. NO. 1 1 2 2 Four: 6 STR. - 250 Four: 6 STR. - 350 Four: 2 STR. - 600 Four: 300 - 800 STUD HOLE SIZE 1/2 D L DIMENSIONS N W E 3 3 3.34 3 4 4.31 5.63 6.19 3.69 5.04 5 6 .63 1.75 T H .31 .31 .44 .56 1.19 1.38 1.69 1.88 RECOMMENDED TIGHTENING ▲ TORQUE in-lb 275 375 * ”N” indicates NEMA standard stud holes. All 4N items See note page A-2 TYPES K11A-U, K21A-U, K22A-U Fig. 3 Fig. 2 Fig. 1 UNIVERSAL TERMINAL For Aluminum and Copper Conductors Fig. 5 Fig. 4 Dual-rated panelboard lugs are constructed from high strength extruded aluminum alloy and electro tin-plated to provide low contact resistance. AL9CU CATALOG NUMBER* FIG. NO. K11A30U* K11A34U-2 K11A36U-2 K21A36U-2 K22A36U-2 K11A39U-2 K22A39U-2 1 2 3 4 5 3 5 WIRE RANGE ALUMINUM OR COPPER Two: 6 STR. - 300 Two: 4/0 STR. - 500 Two: 2 STR. - 600 Three: 2 STR. - 600 Four: 2 STR. - 600 Two: 1/0 STR. - 750 Four: 1/0 STR. - 750 * Not CSA Listed. ▲ Listed torque values are for maximum conductor sizes accommodated. Consult UL486 Tables 7-4, 7-5, 7-6 for smaller conductor sizes. STUD HOLE SIZE 5/16 1/4 3/8 DIMENSIONS N W E T H — .69 .31 .63 2.00 2.38 1.38 .75 3.00 D L .94 3.00 2.91 .47 .25 4.91 .38 2.31 1.00 1.44 1.50 2.50 2.50 1.69 3.06 RECOMMENDED TIGHTENING ▲ TORQUE in-lb 275 375 BURNDY Mechanical TYPE KAU-KIT TRANSFORMER LUG KIT A-29 These dual-rated lugs are constructed from high strength aluminum alloy and electro tinplated to provide low contact resistance. Lugs and mounting hardware packaged together in these kits. Features and Benefits • UL listed AL9CU dual rated set screw terminals and CSA certified. ◊ Ensure the transformer feeders and taps are terminated properly. • Plated steel cap screws and hex nuts with captive conical washers or individual Belleville washers. ◊ Terminal to bus connections are made using proper hardware resulting in true torque to pressure performance. Compensates for dissimilar metal expansion and contraction. TERMINALS CATALOG TRANSFORMER CATALOG NUMBER KVA RATING QTY. NUMBER KAU-KIT1 KAU-KIT2 KAU-KIT3 KAU-KIT4 WIRE RANGE ALUMINUM OR COPPER 15 - 37.5 15 - 45 50 - 75 75 - 112.5 100 - 167 150 - 300 1Ø 3Ø 1Ø 3Ø 1Ø 3Ø 8 4 KA2U KA29U #14 - 2 #6 - 250 12 KA29U #6 - 250 6 7 K2A31U K2A40U #6 - 350 300 - 800 400 - 500 3Ø 15 K2A40U 300 - 800 QTY. BOLT SIZE 8 1/4-20 3/4 HH 8 8 5 6 7 4 1/4-20 3/4 HH 1/4-20 2 HH 1/2-13 3 HH 1/2-13 2-1/2 HH 1/2-13 2 1/2-13 2-1/2 • Hardware packed in plastic bag. ◊ No lost hardware prior to installation. • Larger 800 kcmil lugs in KIT3 and KIT4. ◊ Accommodates common 750 kcmil tap conductors in larger transformers. HARDWARE QTY. NUT QTY. WASHER 8 1/4 20 HN — Captive to Nut 16 1/4 20 HN — Captive to Nut 11 1/2-13 HN 11 1/2-13 HN 22 11 22 11 1/2 FW 1/2 Belleville 1/2 FW 1/2 Belleville BURNDY Mechanical TYPE AMS A-30 DUAL RATED SPLICER/REDUCER For Copper and Aluminum Cable All splicer/reducers are dual rated for use with aluminum and copper conductors and are constructed from high strength, tin plated aluminum. PENTROX™ oxide inhibiting joint compounds are recommended for all aluminum applications. CATALOG NUMBER WIRE RANGE MAX. MIN. AMS-2* AMS-0* AMS-4/0 AMS-250 AMS-350 AMS-500 AMS-750 AMS-1000 2 1/0 4/0 250 350 500 750 1000 14 8 6 6 6 3/0 250 500 * Slotted Screws. H2 measured with maximum conductors, reference only. Complies with NFPA 78-86. Features and Benefits • Large screw diameters. ◊ Ensures greater surface contact with wires for maximum pullout force. • Large cable ranges. ◊ Each splice is also an effective reducing connector. • All connectors are tin-plated. ◊ Provide low contact resistance and prevents galvanic corrosion. • Connectors feature rounded bottoms. ◊ Facilitates taping. • Solid center barrier. ◊ Prevents contact of dissimilar metals. L W H1 H2 MAX. NO. OF SCREWS SCREW DIA. HEX SIZE 1-19/32 1-29/32 2-5/16 4-3/32 4-11/32 4-25/32 6-1/16 8-11/16 9/16 3/4 1 1 1 1-1/4 1-7/16 1-21/32 9/16 3/4 1-3/32 1-3/32 1-3/32 1-3/8 1-5/8 1-7/8 .79 .86 1.28 1.29 1.30 1.48 1.98 2.34 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 6 3/8 7/16 9/16 5/8 11/16 13/16 15/16 1-1/8 S S 5/16 5/16 5/16 3/8 1/2 9/16 BURNDY Mechanical TYPE AGSKIT ABOVE GRADE SPLICE KITS A-31 For all Aluminum or Copper/Aluminum Combinations Type AGS Above Grade Splice Kit consists of a standard AMS splice/reducer and a heavy wall heat-shrink sleeve. The AMS Splice is dual rated for use with aluminum and copper conductors and are constructed from high strength, tin plated aluminum that provides low contact resistance and reduces the effects of galvanic corrosion. Connector is installed with common installation tools. The heavy wall heat shrink sleeve is lined with adhesive material, providing a positive seal against moisture egress. Heat shrink sleeve is installed with standard propane torch, or electric heat gun. Fig. 1 Catalog Number AGSKIT2 AGSKIT250 Figure Number 1 2 Fig. 2 Wire Range Maximum Minimum 2 8 250 1 TYPE UGSKIT WATERTIGHT/UNDERGROUND SPLICE KITS For all Aluminum or Copper/Aluminum Combinations Type UGS Watertight Underground Splice Kit consists of a standard AMS splice/reducer and two heavy wall heat-shrink sleeves. The AMS Splice is dual rated for use with aluminum and copper conductors and are constructed from high strength, tin plated aluminum that provides low contact resistance and reduces the effects of galvanic corrosion. Connector installed with common installation tools. Both heavy wall heat shrink sleeves are lined with adhesive material, providing a watertight splice that can withstand abrasions that may occur during direct burial applications. Heat shrink sleeve installed with standard propane torch, or electric heat gun. Fig. 1 Catalog Number UGSKIT2* UGSKIT250* Figure Number 1 2 *UL486D Listed for Direct Burial Wire Range Maximum Minimum 2 8 250 1 Fig. 2 BURNDY Mechanical TYPE UGSKIT8 A-32 UF DIRECT BURIAL SPLICE KIT Type UGS UF Splice Kit consists of a UF splice connector and a heavy wall heat-shrink sleeve. The UF splice connector can accommodate up to four UF conductors and is installed with common installation tools. The heavy wall heat shrink sleeve is lined with an adhesive material, providing a watertight splice that can withstand abrasions that may occur during direct burial applications. Heat shrink sleeve installed with standard propane torch, or electric heat gun. Catalog Number UGSKIT8* Wire Range Copper 8 AWG –14 AWG *UL486D Listed for Direct Burial TYPE UGS350ULDB IN-LINE SPLICE/REDUCER For Direct Burial Features and Benefits • EPDM rubber covered 6061-T6 aluminum connector. • Dual rated AL9CU for copper or aluminum conductor. • UL Listed and CSA Certified for Direct Burial. • Broad range taking capability. • Low installation cost. CATALOG NUMBER UGS350ULDB WIRE RANGE 12 AWG - 350 kcmil Dimensions in brackets [ ] are in millimeters. LENGTH In. [mm] HEIGHT In. [mm] 8.50 [216] 2.81 [71.4] HEX SIZE TORQUE (In. Lbs.) 5/16 350 BURNDY Mechanical TYPE QGFL BARTAP™ A-33 For Copper Cable To Flat High copper alloy BARTAP™ for joining a range of cable to bar or pad. One-wrench installation. CATALOG NUMBER QGFL1CB1 QGFL1CB1T6 QGFL26B1 QGFL26B1T6 QGFL26B2* QGFL26B2T6* QGFL29B1* QGFL29B1T6* QGFL31B1* QGFL31B1T6* QGFL34B1 QGFL34B1T6 QGFL39B1 QGFL39B1T6 QGFL44B1 QGFL44B1T6 QGFL46B1 QGFL46B1T6 QGFL48B1 QGFL48B1T6 COPPER CONDUCTOR 10 SOL. - 1 STR. 8 SOL. - 2/0 STR. B 1-1/8 1-1/4 1-1/2 6 STR. - 250 1-5/8 2 SOL. - 350 1-3/4 1/0 SOL. - 500 2 350 - 750 750 - 1000 1000 - 1500 2-1/4 1500 - 2000 * Can be installed side by side or in-line on NEMA drilled bar. H 1-7/8 2-3/8 2-1/8 2-5/8 2-1/2 2-1/8 2-5/8 3-1/8 2-7/8 3-1/4 3-1/8 3-5/8 3-1/4 3-5/8 3-3/8 4-1/8 4 4-1/2 5-1/4 5-1/4 J 3/8 1/2 T (MAX.) 1/4 3/4 1/4 3/4 1/4 3/4 1/4 3/4 1/4 3/4 1/4 3/4 1/4 3/4 1/4 3/4 1/4 3/4 1/4 3/4 W 1 1-1/8 1-3/8 1-5/8 1-3/4 2-1/8 2-1/2 3 BURNDY Mechanical TYPE FCB A-34 TRANSFORMER TAP ADAPTER For Copper and Aluminum Silver brazed 101% conductivity copper transformer tap adapter designed to accommodate from 1 to 6 NEMA drilled copper or aluminum terminal taps from a single secondary transformer outlet. Tin-plated. Order mounting hardware & tap terminals separately. Fig. 1 FIG. NO. CATALOG NUMBER A DIA. H REF. L P 1 2 1 2 1 2 FCB63-4N FCB63-6N FCB64-4N FCB64-6N FCB65-4N FCB65-6N FCB63-2NP300 FCB64-44NP50 .50 .50 .75 .75 1.00 1.00 .50 .75 5.25 5.25 5.75 5.75 7.00 7.00 5.00 9.00 3.75 5.50 4.00 5.75 4.25 6.00 3.50 5.00 2.25 2.25 2.75 2.75 4.00 4.00 3.00 5.00 4 NOTE: All pads are NEMA drilled. Fig. 2 BURNDY Mechanical TYPE KPU-AC POLYTAP™ A-35 Insulated Gutter Tap for All Copper and Aluminum Combinations Wide range-taking tin-plated aluminum parallel clamp and insulating cover assembly for industrial and multiple story structure applications. Only six connectors cover the entire 14 Sol.-750 kcmil range. Covers having flexible fingers that conform to conductor, fully insulating the connection. UL486B listed for 600 volts maximum 90° C service. Cover and connector are packaged together. No taping required. 600 Volt Max. 90° C CATALOG NUMBER KPU29A26AC KPU29A29AC KPU34A26AC KPU34A34AC KPU39A26AC KPU39A39AC CONDUCTOR COPPER OR ALUMINUM RUN TAP 1/0 STR. - 250 1/0 STR. - 250 4/0 STR. - 500 4/0 STR. - 500 500 - 750 500 - 750 14 SOL. - 2/0 STR. 6 STR. - 250 14 SOL. - 2/0 STR. 6 STR. - 500 14 SOL. - 2/0 STR. 1/0 STR. - 750 W H L RECOMMENDED TIGHTENING TORQUE in-lb 4 2-11/16 3-1/8 375 4-11/32 1-7/8 3-1/2 450 4-13/16 3-1/4 600 ▲ Listed torque values are for maximum conductor combinations accommodated. Consult UL486 Tables 7-4, 7-5, 7-6 for smaller combinations. See note page A-2. TYPE UCU-AC RISER TAP Parallel-groove riser tap and insulation cover for copper and aluminum. Wide range-taking assembly for apartment house and light industrial applications. Cover and connector are packaged together. Covers having insulating fingers that conform to conductors, fully insulating the connection. UL486B Listed for 600 volts max. 90° C service. 600 VOLT MAX. 90° C MAX. CATALOG NUMBER UCU28AC CONDUCTOR RUN TAP 2 STR. - 4/0 STR. 10 SOL. - 2 STR. ▲ Listed torque values are for maximum conductor combinations accommodated. Consult UL486 Tables 7-4, 7-5, 7-6 for smaller combinations. W H L RECOMMENDED TIGHTENING ▲ TORQUE in-lb 2-1/4 1-13/16 2-5/8 120 BURNDY Mechanical TYPE BIPC INSUL-TAP™ A-36 UL Listed 90° C, *600 Volt The INSUL-TAP™, TYPE BIPC, Burndy Insulation Piercing Connector is ideally suited for splicing and tapping aluminum and copper conductor wire sizes: #10 AWG to 500 kcmil. The BIPC's unique insulation piercing design allows for use on hot-line applications, eliminating the need for taping. Features and Benefits • Insulation piercing capability. ◊ Eliminates the need for conductor insulation stripping. • UL486B listed, AL9CU rated. ◊ For copper and aluminum conductor combinations up to 90° *600 Volt applications. • Insulation piercing design. ◊ For use on hot-line applications. Eliminates the need for taping. • Easy snap-out tabs. ◊ Eases installation, protects connection from dirt and debris. • Simple bolt-on connection. ◊ Eases installation. CATALOG NUMBER BIPC1/0-2 BIPC4/0-6 BIPC4/0-1/0 BIPC350-4/0 BIPC350-350 BIPC500-4/0 CONDUCTOR RANGE RUN TAP 1/0 - 8 AWG [50 - 6 mm2] 4/0 - 1/0 AWG [95 - 50 mm2] 4/0 - 1/0 AWG [95 - 50 mm2] 350 - 4/0 AWG [185 - 95 mm2] 350 - 4/0 AWG [185 - 95 mm2] 500 - 350 kcmil [240 - 185 mm2] 2 - 8 AWG [35 - 6 mm2] 1/0 - 6 AWG [50 - 16 mm2] 4/0 - 1/0 AWG [95 - 50 mm2] 4/0 - 10 AWG [95 - 6 mm2] 350 - 4/0 AWG [185 - 95 mm2] 4/0 - 4 AWG [95 - 25 mm2] Fig. 1 BOLT SIZE SOCKET FIG. SIZE NO. 5/16-18 1/2 1 5/16-18 1/2 2 5/16-18 1/2 2 3/8-16 9/16 1 3/8-16 9/16 2 3/8-16 9/16 1 Fig. 2 DIMENSIONS H L W 2.00 [51] 2.50 [64] 2.50 [64] 3.00 [76] 3.00 [76] 3.25 [83] 1.53 [39] 2.12 [54] 2.12 [2.12] 1.59 [40] 2.62 [67] 1.59 [40] 2.56 [65] 2.00 [51] 2.06 [52] 2.50 [64] 2.75 [70] 2.62 [67] RECOMMENDED TORQUE (N,m) 180 in. lbs. [20.3 N.m] 250 in. lbs. [28.3 N.m] 250 in. lbs. [28.3 N.m] 375 in. lbs. [42.4 N.m] 300 in. lbs. [33.9 N.m] 400 in. lbs. [45.2 N.m] MAX. VOLTAGE RATING 600V 300V 300V 300V 300V 600V BURNDY Mechanical SPEC-BLOK™ POWER DISTRIBUTION CONNECTORS A-37 Unique, modular, made-to-order, powerdistribution assemblies accommodate any number of supply and load conductors in any number of poles. Capacity matches the conductors accommodated and SPEC-BLOK™ assures uniform loading. Burndy will “design”, quote, assemble and ship SPEC-BLOK™ especially constructed to suit your particular requirements within 48 hours upon request. Adjacent poles are separated by easy-tohandle, wrap-around insulating covers which eliminate taping and reduce heat build-up by allowing air to flow freely around connectors. SPEC-BLOK™ is UL Listed for copper or aluminum conductors for 600 volts. (AL9CU) Assemblies are mounted on platforms suitable for easy installation in wireway or junction box. Features and Benefits • Accommodate unlimited conductors. ◊ Fits wide range of applications. Eliminates need for non-UL-listed improvisation. • Connector elements tin-plated. ◊ Provides high reliability, low-resistance connections. • User friendly, space-saving design. ◊ Easy to install. Saves labor. • 94-VO rated insulation folds into place insulating the components. ◊ Saves time and material. Allows easy installation. • Connector caps removable for easy cable lay-in. ◊ Saves labor. Makes installation easier. Allows installation or straight-through conductors. Eases retrofit. • Belleville washers built-in on pressure screw assemblies, except in assemblies installed with a 5/32" Allen wrench. ◊ Provides high-integrity connections. • Conductors can be cut or fed straight through. ◊ Straight through installation ideal for riser applications. Contact Burndy or Technical Services, 1-800-451-4956 or Burndy Customer Service, 1-800-346-4175 BURNDY Mechanical SPEC-BLOK™ Features and Benefits • The SPEC-BLOK™ system includes 12 connector elements ◊ A wide variety of conductor sizes can be accommodated • Each element can be bolted together in parallel ◊ Provides an efficient flow of current from one element to another • AL9CU rated for Copper or Aluminum conductors ◊ Dual-rated system, with UL486B’s highest temperature rating A-38 E • 2 Wire (series), 4 (parallel), and Multi-Tap versions available ◊ Nearly any conductor combination can be terminated • Tin-plated Aluminum Alloy Construction ◊ High-strength, corrosion-resistant connector elements • All SPEC-BLOKs™ are custom made for nearly any Power Distribution system requirement ◊ Time savings — pre-assembled in our factory for immediate installation! W D T SPEC-BLOK™ CONNECTORS C S CATALOG DESIGNATION (MAXIMUM CONDUCTOR) 4 Conductor 2 Conductor A Q B NUMBER OF CONDUCTORS ACCOMMODATED 4 Conductor 2 Conductor R A Q U P AL or CU WIRE RANGE UNDER EACH CAP DIMENSIONS ALLEN WRENCH Second SIZE Conductor Length Without Insulator (if Height On First Width required) Max 4 2 Conductors May Be Conductors Conductor Conductor MUST Be 1/0-2/0 #12-2/0 2-9/16 1-1/2 2-1./8 7/8 3-1/8 1-11/16 4-1/4 1-3/8 5/32" (2/0) B 3/0-250 R #6-250 (250) C S (350) D 1 to 4 (0, 1 or 2 per cap) 1 or 2 per cap T 250-350 400-500 1/4" #6-350 3-5/16 1-13/16 4-5/8 1-1/2 4-1/16 2 5-5/8 1-3/4 4-7/8 2-1/4 7-1/4 2-5/8 #6-500 (500) E W 600-750 3/8" 3/0-750 (750) Catalog Designation Number of Conductors (Maximum Conductor) Accommodated P (1/0) 1 to 8 (0, 1 or 2 under each screw) U (1/0 & 500) 2 to 9 (0, 1 or 2 under each screw plus one large conductor) ** This range may be expanded to include #8 provided two conductors are being installed in that particular element. Large Groove Small Grooves** Height On Maximum Conductors Width __ 6-1/0 3 1/2 2 3/0-500 6-1/0 4 1/8 2 Length Without Insulator Allen Wrench Size 1 3/4 5/32" BURNDY Mechanical SPEC-BLOK™ MOUNTING PLATFORMS A-39 SPEC-BLOK™ Mounting Platforms are rigid steel construction with a black finish. They can be supplied for junction box mounting or wireway construction allowing trough conductors to pass underneath the assemblies. (CPB-) (CPT-) CATALOG NUMBER L (Nominal) L (Overall) W (Overall) CPB6 CPB8 CPB10 CPB12 CPB16-5/8 CPB21-1/4 6 8 10 12 16-5/8 21-1/4 7-3/4 9-3/4 11-3/4 13-3/4 18-3/8 23 2-1/2 2-1/2 2-1/2 3-1/2 3-1/2 3-1/2 CATALOG NUMBER CPT6 CPT8 CPT10 CPT12 CPT16 L W H 5-7/8 7-7/8 9-7/8 11-7/8 15-7/8 2-1/2 3-1/2 3-1/2 3-1/2 3-1/2 2-1/4 3 3-1/2 4 4 SPEC-BLOK™ catalog numbers describe exactly how the distribution block is assembled: 5DR-NDST-GQP-12 (assembly pictured) 5 DR Total number of poles in the completed assembly One 'D' unit and one 'R' unit, bolted in parallel, forming each phase pole (3 phase poles) N Denotes the beginning of the neutral pole (where required) DST One 'D' unit, one 'S' unit, and on 'T' unit, bolted in parallel, forming the neutral pole G QP 12 Denotes the beginning of the ground pole description (where required) One 'Q' unit and on 'P' unit, bolted in parallel, forming the ground pole. Size (inches) of the wireway or trough that is needed to enclose the assembly. If a junction box enclosure is used, no number is used to denote the size of the enclosure. SPEC-BLOK™ IS A SYSTEM THAT CAN SOLVE MOST POWER DISTRIBUTION APPLICATIONS! BURNDY Mechanical QUESTIONNAIRE A-40 FOR SPEC-BLOK™ OR ELECTRO-RAIL™ APPLICATIONS What is the total capacity of the system?_____________amps Are any conductors continuous? ■ Yes ■ How many poles in the system If yes, which ones?____________________________________ (3-wire, 4-wire, single phase, etc.)?_____________poles ___________________________________________________ Are neutral conductors (when required) different sizes (AWG/KCMil) than the phase conductors? What kind of enclosure is connection assembly being mounted into and what are inside space dimensions? _________the same size Trough size _________________________________________ __________different size Is a ground connection required? ■ Yes ■ No What are the quantities, sizes (AWG/kcmil) and material (Al/Cu) of the incoming line conductors and outgoing load conductors? No Box, panel, cabinet, other size___________________________ When is a quotation required? Date:______________________ When is the material required? Date:_____________________ QUANTITY LINE PER PHASE SIZE CONDUCTOR TYPE (Cu/Al) Is there a preference for a particular Burndy distributor? ■ Yes ■ No If yes, give name, location & telephone Number: Name:______________________________________________ LOAD Address:____________________________________________ LINE PER NEUTRAL __________________________________________________ LOAD LINE PER GROUND LOAD Phone #:____________________________________________ BURNDY Mechanical 3 WIRE BUS ASSEMBLY FOR TROUGH A-41 (INSULATING COVERS AND MOUNTING BASE INCLUDED) Bus Assemblies consist of tin plated aluminum bus mounted to an insulating platform. Each phase is separated with 94VO 600 volt wrap-around adhesive insulations. The entire assembly is mounted on a trough type base. CATALOG NUMBER 1300A-8-3-10 1300A-12-3-10 1300A18-3-10 1300A-24-3-10 1300A-30-3-10 1350A-8-3-12 1350A-12-3-12 1350A-18-3-12 1350A-24-3-12 1350A-30-3-12 1500A-12-3-10 1500A-18-3-10 1500A-24-3-10 1500A-30-3-10 1500A-12-3-12 1500A-18-3-12 1500A-24-3-12 1500A-30-3-12 AMP RATING PER BUS 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 DIMENSIONS LENGTH BUS INSULATION 8 12 18 24 30 8 12 18 24 30 12 18 24 30 12 18 24 30 12 16 22 28 34 12 16 22 28 34 16 22 28 34 16 22 28 34 WIDTH HEIGHT WEIGHT PCS. PER CTN. 10 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 12 12 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 12 4.75 4.75 4.75 4.75 4.75 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 4.75 4.75 4.75 4.75 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 8 lbs. 11 lbs. 15 lbs. 22 lbs. 26 lbs. 9 lbs. 12 lbs. 16 lbs. 23 lbs. 27 lbs. 15 lbs. 18 lbs. 27 lbs. 30 lbs. 16 lbs. 19 lbs. 28 lbs. 31 lbs. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 BURNDY Mechanical A-42 4 WIRE BUS ASSEMBLY FOR TROUGH (INSULATING COVERS AND MOUNTING BASE INCLUDED) CATALOG NUMBER 1350A-8-4-12 1350A-12-4-10 1350A-18-4-12 1350A-24-4-12 1350A-30-4-12 1500A-12-4-12 1500A-18-4-12 1500A-24-4-12 1500A-30-4-12 AMP RATING PER BUS 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1500 1500 1500 1500 DIMENSIONS LENGTH BUS INSULATION 8 12 18 24 30 12 18 24 30 12 16 22 28 34 16 22 28 34 WIDTH HEIGHT WEIGHT PCS. PER CTN. 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 10 lbs. 13 lbs. 17 lbs. 26 lbs. 30 lbs. 18 lbs. 21 lbs. 30 lbs. 34 lbs. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 BURNDY Mechanical WIRE BUS ASSEMBLY FOR JUNCTION BOXES A-43 (INSULATING COVERS AND MOUNTING BASE INCLUDED) 3 WIRE BUS ASSEMBLY FOR JUNCTION BOXES (INSULATING COVERS AND MOUNTING BASE INCLUDED) CATALOG NUMBER 1350A-8-3-B 1350A-12-3-B 1350A-18-3-B 1350A-24-3-B 1350A-30-3-B 1500A-12-3-B 1500A-18-3-B 1500A-24-3-B 1500A-30-3-B AMP RATING PER BUS 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1500 1500 1500 1500 DIMENSIONS LENGTH BUS INSULATION 8 12 18 24 30 12 18 24 30 12 16 22 28 34 16 22 28 34 WIDTH HEIGHT WEIGHT PCS. PER CTN. 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 9 lbs. 12 lbs. 16 lbs. 23 lbs. 27 lbs. 15 lbs. 18 lbs. 27 lbs. 30 lbs. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 WIDTH HEIGHT WEIGHT PCS. PER CTN. 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 10 lbs. 13 lbs. 17 lbs. 26 lbs. 30 lbs. 18 lbs. 21 lbs. 30 lbs. 34 lbs. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 WIRE BUS ASSEMBLY FOR JUNCTION BOXES (INSULATING COVERS AND MOUNTING BASE INCLUDED) CATALOG NUMBER 1350A-8-4-B 1350A-12-4-B 1350A-18-4-B 1350A-24-4-B 1350A-30-4-B 1500A-12-4-B 1500A-18-4-B 1500A-24-4-B 1500A-30-4-B AMP RATING PER BUS 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350 1500 1500 1500 1500 DIMENSIONS LENGTH BUS INSULATION 8 12 18 24 30 12 18 24 30 12 16 22 28 34 16 22 28 34 BURNDY Mechanical VERSI-POLE™ A-44 POWER DISTRIBUTION BLOCKS VERSI-POLE™ Power Distribution Blocks are designed to provide modular solutions to power distribution applications. Each connector element is made from a high conductivity aluminum alloy which is insulated with a high strength polymer housing. One, two, and three pole versions available. "Add" a pole (snap-together) blocks are also available for wire sizes up to 500 kcmil. For use with Cu or Al. 600 V, AL9CU rated. Features and Benefits • "Add" a pole feature available. ◊ Provides capability to create as many poles as required. • Up to 30 tap conductors accommodated. ◊ Ideal for current distribution to multiple locations. • Single or dual run connections. ◊ Allows user to minimize the number of connectors needed to do the job. VERSI-POLE™ SNAPTOGETHER BLOCKS • Suitable for use with aluminum or copper conductors. ◊ Provides maximum versatility. • 600 V, AL9CU rated.* ◊ Meets or exceeds industry standard requirements. • Dead-front covers available ◊ Provides user protection – one cover per pole. * BDB-430-500-1 not UL recognized or CSA certified RUN WIRE RANGE AL9CU TAP WIRE RANGE AL9CU AMPERE RATING PER POLE NUMBER OF POLES BDA-112-350 350 kcmil - 6 4 - 14 350 ADDER BDA-16-350 350 kcmil - 6 2/0 - 14 350 ADDER BDA-16-500 500 kcmil - 4 2/0 - 4 430 ADDER BDA-26-350 350 kcmil - 6 2/0 - 14 700 ADDER BDA-212-500 500 kcmil - 4 4 - 14 860 ADDER BDA-26-500 500 kcmil - 4 2/0 - 14 860 ADDER BDA-24-500 500 kcmil - 4 4/0 - 6 860 ADDER BDA-11-500 500 kcmil - 4 500 kcmil - 4 430 ADDER BDA-22-350 350 kcmil - 6 350 kcmil - 6 700 ADDER BDA-22-500 500 kcmil - 4 500 kcmil - 4 860 ADDER CATALOG NUMBER CONNECTOR RUN NOTES: 1. Order Optional BDB COVER1 per pole if desired. 2. Snap-together blocks can also be assembled to 1, 2, 3 pole blocks to create multi-pole distribution blocks. TAP BURNDY Mechanical VERSI-POLE™ VERSI-POLE™ 1, 2, 3 POLE DISTRIBUTION BLOCKS A-45 RUN WIRE RANGE AL9CU TAP WIRE RANGE AL9CU AMPERE RATING PER POLE BDB-16-2/0-1 BDB-16-2/0-2 BDB-16-2/0-3 2/0 - 12 4 - 14 195 1 2 3 BDBCOVER2 BDB-26-2/0-1 BDB-26-2/0-2 BDB-26-2/0-3 2/0 - 14 2 - 14 390 1 2 3 BDBCOVER2 BDB-112-350-1 BDB-112-350-2 BDB-112-350-3 350 kcmil - 6 4 - 14 350 1 2 3 BDBCOVER1 BDB-16-350-1 BDB-16-350-2 BDB-16-350-3 350 kcmil - 6 2/0 - 14 350 1 2 3 BDBCOVER1 BDB-14-500-1 BDB-14-500-2 BDB-14-500-3 500 kcmil - 4 2/0 - 14 430 1 2 3 BDBCOVER2 BDB-16-500-1 BDB-16-500-2 BDB-16-500-3 500 kcmil - 4 2/0 - 14 430 1 2 3 BDBCOVER1 BDB-162-500-1 BDB-162-500-2 BDB-162-500-3 500 kcmil - 4 2 - 14 430 1 2 3 BDBCOVER2 BDB-26-350-1 BDB-26-350-2 BDB-26-350-3 350 kcmil - 6 2/0 - 14 700 1 2 3 BDBCOVER1 BDB-212-500-1 BDB-212-500-2 BDB-212-500-3 500 kcmil - 4 4 - 14 860 1 2 3 BDBCOVER1 BDB-26-500-1 BDB-26-500-2 BDB-26-500-3 500 kcmil - 4 2/0 - 14 860 1 2 3 BDBCOVER1 BDB-24-500-1 BDB-24-500-2 BDB-24-500-3 500 kcmil - 4 4/0 - 6 860 1 2 3 BDBCOVER1 CATALOG NUMBER CONNECTOR RUN TAP OPTIONAL NUMBER OF COVER ORDER POLES 1 PER POLE BURNDY Mechanical VERSI-POLE™ A-46 VERSI-POLE™ 1, 2, 3 SPLICE/REDUCER BLOCKS RUN WIRE RANGE AL9CU TAP WIRE RANGE AL9CU AMPERE RATING PER POLE BDB-11-2/0-1 BDB-11-2/0-2 BDB-11-2/0-3 2/0 - 14 2/0 - 14 195 1 2 3 BDBCOVER2 BDB-11-350-1 BDB-11-350-2 BDB-11-350-3 350 kcmil - 6 350 kcmil - 6 350 1 2 3 BDBCOVER2 BDB-11-500-1 BDB-11-500-2 BDB-11-500-3 500 kcmil - 6 500 kcmil - 6 430 1 2 3 BDBCOVER1 BDB-22-2/0-1 BDB-22-2/0-2 BDB-22-2/0-3 2/0 - 14 2/0 - 14 390 1 2 3 BDBCOVER2 BDB-22-350-1 BDB-22-350-2 BDB-22-350-3 350 kcmil - 6 350 kcmil - 6 700 1 2 3 BDBCOVER1 BDB-22-500-1 BDB-22-500-2 BDB-22-500-3 500 kcmil - 4 500 kcmil - 4 860 1 2 3 BDBCOVER1 RUN WIRE RANGE AL9CU TAP WIRE RANGE AL9CU AMPERE RATING PER POLE BDC-14-2/0-1 2/0 - 14 4 - 14 195 1 BDBCOVER3 BDA-14-2/0-1 2/0 - 14 4 - 14 195 ADDER BDBCOVER3 BDC-11-2/0-1 2/0 - 14 2/0 - 14 195 1 BDBCOVER3 BDA-11-2/0-1 2/0 - 14 2/0 - 14 195 ADDER BDBCOVER3 CATALOG NUMBER CONNECTOR RUN TAP OPTIONAL NUMBER OF COVER ORDER POLES 1 PER POLE SNAP TOGETHER SPLICER/REDUCER BLOCKS CATALOG NUMBER CONNECTOR RUN TAP OPTIONAL NUMBER OF COVER ORDER POLES 1 PER POLE BURNDY Mechanical VERSI-POLE™ (Continued) A-47 VERSI-POLE™ 1, 2, 3 SPLICE/REDUCER BLOCKS These tables and illustrations refer to VERSIPOLE™ Power Distribution Blocks listed on pages A-48 through A-50. THE FIGURE TO THE LOWER RIGHT IS APPLICABLE TO THE FOLLOWING: Catalog Number Number of Poles Catalog Number Number of Poles BDA-11-500 1 (adder) BDB-16-500-3 3 BDA-112-350 1 (adder) BDB-212-500-1 1 BDA-16-350 1 (adder) BDB-212-500-2 2 BDA-16-500 1 (adder) BDB-212-500-3 3 BDA-212-500 1 (adder) BDB-22-350-1 1 BDA-22-350 1 (adder) BDB-22-350-2 2 BDA-22-500 1 (adder) BDB-22-350-3 3 BDA-24-500 1 (adder) BDB-22-500-1 1 BDA-26-350 1 (adder) BDB-22-500-2 2 BDA-26-500 1 (adder) BDB-22-500-3 3 BDB-11-500-1 1 BDB-24-500-1 1 BDB-11-500-2 2 BDB-24-500-2 2 BDB-11-500-3 3 BDB-24-500-3 3 BDB-112-350-1 1 BDB-26-350-1 1 BDB-112-350-2 2 BDB-26-350-2 2 BDB-112-350-3 3 BDB-26-350-3 3 BDB-16-350-1 1 BDB-26-500-1 1 BDB-16-350-2 2 BDB-26-500-2 2 BDB-16-350-3 3 BDB-26-500-3 3 BDB-16-500-1 1 BDB-430-500-1 1 BDB-16-500-2 2 NO. OF POLES DIMENSIONS A INCHES Adder 1 2 3 N 2.50 2.81 5.31 7.81 (2.50 X N) + .31 Example for 10 poles: A = (2.50 X 10) + .31 = 25 BURNDY Mechanical VERSI-POLE™ (Continued) A-48 VERSI-POLE™ 1, 2, 3 SPLICE/REDUCER BLOCKS These tables and illustrations refer to VERSIPOLE™ Power Distribution Blocks listed on pages A-48 through A-50. THE FIGURE TO THE RIGHT IS APPLICABLE TO THE FOLLOWING: Catalog Number Number of Poles BDB-11-2/0-1 1 BDB-11-2/0-2 2 BDB-11-2/0-3 3 BDB-11-350-1 1 BDB-11-350-2 2 BDB-11-350-3 3 BDB-14-500-1 1 BDB-14-500-2 2 BDB-14-500-3 3 BDB-16-2/0-1 1 BDB-16-2/0-2 2 BDB-16-2/0-3 3 BDB-162-500-1 1 BDB-162-500-2 2 BDB-162-500-3 3 BDB-22-2/0-1 1 BDB-22-2/0-2 2 BDB-22-2/0-3 3 BDB-26-2/0-1 1 BDB-26-2/0-2 2 BDB-26-2/0-3 3 APPLICABLE VERSI-POLETM ITEMS Catalog Number Number of Poles BDA-14-2/0-1 1 (adder) BDC-14-2/0-1 1 BDA-11-2/0-1 1 (adder) BDC-11-2/0-1 1 NO. OF POLES DIMENSIONS A INCHES Adder 1 2 3 N .81 1.08 1.89 2.70 (.81 X N) + .27 Example for 10 poles: A = (.81 X 10) + .27 = 8.37 NO. OF POLES DIMENSIONS A INCHES Adder 1 2 3 N 1.64 1.94 3.57 5.20 (1.64 X N) + .30 Example for 10 poles: A = (1.64 X 10) + .30 = 16.20 BURNDY Mechanical BURNDY UNITAP™ CLEAR INSULATED MULTIPLE TAP CONNECTORS A-49 Tap connections and in-line splice/reductions are made quickly and easily with the UNITAP™ line of connectors. UL486B Listed. Dual-rated AL9CU for any stranded copper or stranded aluminum applications. 600 Volt, 90° C. Features and Benefits • Clear Plastisol covered AL6061-T6 aluminum body. ◊ Saves time, lowers installation costs, eliminates taping. • Clear Plastisol. ◊ Allows visual confirmation that conductor is properly inserted. • Oxide inhibitor pre-installed. ◊ Inhibits moisture and contaminants from entering the contact area. • Range-taking. ◊ Reduces number of connectors carried in inventory. 2 PORT 1 or 2 Sided Entry Catalog Number # of Ports Wire Range (AWG/kcmil) L W H Hex Key Fig. No. BIT4 BITO4 BIT2/0 BITO2/0 BIT250 BITO250 BIT350 BITO350 BIT600 BITO600 BIT750* BITO750* 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 #14 - #4 #14 - #4 #14 - 2/0 #14 - 2/0 #10 - 250 #10 - 250 #10 - 350 #10 - 350 #4 - 600 #4 - 600 #2 - 750 #2 - 750 1.16 1.16 1.52 1.52 2.03 2.03 2.22 2.22 2.72 2.72 2.87 2.87 1.16 1.50 1.40 1.56 2.07 2.64 2.32 3.00 2.38 3.00 2.70 3.38 1.25 1.25 1.38 1.38 2.13 2.13 2.50 2.50 2.75 2.75 3.00 3.00 1/8 1/8 3/16 3/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 Fig. 1 * Not UL Listed Fig. 2 IN-LINE SPLICER/REDUCER Catalog Number Wire Range (AWG/kcmil) L W H Hex Key BISR2 BISR1/0 BISR250 BISR350 BISR500 #14 - 2 #14 - 1/0 #10 - 250 #10 - 350 #6 - 500 2.38 2.91 4.01 4.63 5.00 0.75 0.91 1.19 1.34 1.62 1.22 1.38 2.10 2.35 2.62 5/32 3/16 5/16 5/16 3/8 BURNDY Mechanical BURNDY UNITAP™ A-50 MULTI-PORT Single-Sided Entry Catalog Number BIBS4-3 BIBS4-4 BIBS4-5 BIBS4-6 BIBS4-8 BIBS2/0-3 BIBS2/0-4 BIBS2/0-5 BIBS2/0-6 BIBS2/0-8 BIBS2/0-10 BIBS2/0-12 BIBS2/0-14 BIBS250-3 BIBS250-4 BIBS250-5 BIBS250-6 BIBS250-8 BIBS250-10 BIBS250-12 BIBS250-14 BIBS350-3 # of Wire Range Ports (AWG/kcmil) 3 4 5 6 8 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 3 #14 - 4 #14 - 4 #14 - 4 #14 - 4 #14 - 4 #14 - 2/0 #14 - 2/0 #14 - 2/0 #14 - 2/0 #14 - 2/0 #14 - 2/0 #14 - 2/0 #14 - 2/0 #10 - 250 #10 - 250 #10 - 250 #10 - 250 #10 - 250 #10 - 250 #10 - 250 #10 - 250 #10 - 350 L W H Hex Key Catalog Number 1.59 2.03 2.47 2.91 3.78 2.19 2.86 3.53 4.20 5.55 6.89 8.24 9.58 2.97 3.91 4.84 5.78 7.66 9.53 11.41 13.29 3.13 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.31 2.07 2.07 2.07 2..07 2.07 2.07 2.07 2.07 2.32 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.38 1.38 1.38 1.38 1.38 1.38 1.38 1.38 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.50 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 BIBS350-4 BIBS350-5 BIBS350-6 BIBS350-8 BIBS350-10 BIBS350-12 BIBS350-14 BIBS600-3 BIBS600-4 BIBS600-5 BIBS600-6 BIBS600-8 BIBS600-10 BIBS600-12 BIBS600-14 BIBS750-3* BIBS750-4* BIBS750-6* BIBS750-8* BIBS750-10* BIBS750-12* BIBS750-14* * Not UL Listed # of Wire Range Ports (AWG/kcmil) 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 #10 - 350 #10 - 350 #10 - 350 #10 - 350 #10 - 350 #10 - 350 #10 - 350 #4 - 600 #4 - 600 #4 - 600 #4 - 600 #4 - 600 #4 - 600 #4 - 600 #4 - 600 #2 - 750 #2 - 750 #2 - 750 #2 - 750 #2 - 750 #2 - 750 #2 - 750 L W H Hex Key 4.04 4.95 5.86 7.68 9.50 11.32 13.14 4.00 5.28 6.56 7.84 10.41 12.97 15.53 18.09 4.25 5.63 8.37 11.13 13.87 16.63 19.37 2.32 2.32 2.32 2.32 2.32 2.32 2.32 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.70 2.70 2.70 2.70 2.70 2.70 2.70 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 BURNDY Mechanical BURNDY UNITAP™ A-51 MULTI-PORT Double-Sided Entry Catalog Number BIBD4-2 BIBD4-3 BIBD4-4 BIBD4-5 BIBD4-6 BIBD4-8 BIBD2/0-2 BIBD2/0-3 BIBD2/0-4 BIBD2/0-5 BIBD2/0-6 BIBD2/0-8 BIBD2/0-10 BIBD2/0-12 BIBD2/0-14 BIBD250-2 BIBD250-3 BIBD250-4 BIBD250-5 BIBD250-6 BIBD250-8 BIBD250-10 BIBD250-12 BIBD250-14 BIBD350-2 # of Wire Range Ports (AWG/kcmil) 2 3 4 5 6 8 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 2 #14 - #4 #14 - #4 #14 - #4 #14 - #4 #14 - #4 #14 - #4 #14 - 2/0 #14 - 2/0 #14 - 2/0 #14 - 2/0 #14 - 2/0 #14 - 2/0 #14 - 2/0 #14 - 2/0 #14 - 2/0 #10 - 250 #10 - 250 #10 - 250 #10 - 250 #10 - 250 #10 - 250 #10 - 250 #10 - 250 #10 - 250 #10 - 350 L W H Hex Key Catalog Number 1.16 1.59 2.03 2.47 2.91 3.78 1.52 2.19 2.86 3.53 4.20 5.55 6.89 8.24 9.58 2.03 2.97 3.91 4.84 5.78 7.66 9.53 11.41 13.29 2.22 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.56 2.64 2.64 2.64 2.64 2.64 2.64 2.64 2.64 2.64 3.00 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.50 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 BIBD350-3 BIBD350-4 BIBD350-5 BIBD350-6 BIBD350-8 BIBD350-10 BIBD350-12 BIBD350-14 BIBD600-2 BIBD600-3 BIBD600-4 BIBD600-5 BIBD600-6 BIBD600-8 BIBD600-10 BIBD600-12 BIBD600-14 BIBD750-2* BIBD750-3* BIBD750-4* BIBD750-6* BIBD750-8* BIBD750-10* BIBD750-12* BIBD750-14* # of Wire Range Ports (AWG/kcmil) 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 #10 - 350 #10 - 350 #10 - 350 #10 - 350 #10 - 350 #10 - 350 #10 - 350 #10 - 350 #4 - 600 #4 - 600 #4 - 600 #4 - 600 #4 - 600 #4 - 600 #4 - 600 #4 - 600 #4 - 600 #2 - 750 #2 - 750 #2 - 750 #2 - 750 #2 - 750 #2 - 750 #2 - 750 #2 - 750 NOTE: Only 1 conductor per port allowed. * Not UL Listed L W H Hex Key 3.13 4.04 4.95 5.86 7.68 9.50 11.32 13.14 2.56 3.77 4.97 6.17 7.37 9.78 12.97 15.53 18.09 2.87 4.25 5.63 8.37 11.13 13.87 16.63 19.37 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.38 3.38 3.38 3.38 3.38 3.38 3.38 3.38 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 BURNDY Mechanical BURNDY UNITAP™ A-52 CLEAR INSULATED MULTIPLE TAP CONNECTORS MOUNTING VERSION TYPE BIBS-MT, BIBD-MT The BIBS-MT and BIBD-MT series UNITAP™ offer the same multi-port capabilities as the standard UNITAP™ connectors except these -MT types are provided with two isolated mounting holes at both ends of the connector for direct mounting to a trough, gutter or wireway. They will accommodate up to standard 1/4 hardware. Fig. 2 Fig. 1 MULTI-PORT Single-Sided Entry Catalog Number BIBS2/04MT BIBS2/06MT BIBS2/08MT BIBS2/010MT BIBS2/012MT BIBS2504MT BIBS2506MT BIBS2508MT BIBS25010MT BIBS25012MT BIBS3504MT BIBS3506MT BIBS3508MT BIBS35010MT BIBS35012MT BIBS6004MT BIBS6006MT BIBS6008MT BIBS60010MT BIBS60012MT # of Fig # Ports 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 6 8 10 12 4 6 8 10 12 4 6 8 10 12 4 6 8 10 12 MULTI-PORT Double-Sided Entry Wire Range (AWG/Kcmil) L W H Hex Key Catalog Number #14-2/0 #14-2/0 #14-2/0 #14-2/0 #14-2/0 #10-250 #10-250 #10-250 #10-250 #10-250 #10-350 #10-350 #10-350 #10-350 #10-350 #4-600 #4-600 #4-600 #4-600 #4-600 3.95 5.29 6.64 7.98 9.33 5.53 7.40 9.28 11.16 13.03 5.61 7.43 9.25 11.07 12.89 7.59 10.16 12.72 15.28 17.84 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.31 2.07 2.07 2.07 2.07 2.07 2.32 2.32 2.32 2.32 2.32 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 1.38 1.38 1.38 1.38 1.38 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 BIBD2/04MT BIBD2/06MT BIBD2/08MT BIBD2/010MT BIBD2/012MT BIBD2504MT BIBD2506MT BIBD2508MT BIBD25010MT BIBD25012MT BIBD3504MT BIBD3506MT BIBD3508MT BIBD35010MT BIBD35012MT BIBD6004MT BIBD6006MT BIBD6008MT BIBD60010MT BIBD60012MT # of Fig # Ports 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 6 8 10 12 4 6 8 10 12 4 6 8 10 12 4 6 8 10 12 Wire Range (AWG/Kcmil) L W H Hex Key #14-2/0 #14-2/0 #14-2/0 #14-2/0 #14-2/0 #10-250 #10-250 #10-250 #10-250 #10-250 #10-350 #10-350 #10-350 #10-350 #10-350 #4-600 #4-600 #4-600 #4-600 #4-600 3.95 5.29 6.64 7.98 9.33 5.53 7.40 9.28 11.16 13.03 5.61 7.43 9.25 11.07 12.89 7.59 10.16 12.72 15.28 17.84 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.56 2.64 2.64 2.64 2.64 2.64 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.38 1.38 1.38 1.38 1.38 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 BURNDY Mechanical BURNDY UNITAP™ THE MOLE™ A-53 For Direct Burial 600V, 90°C Designed specifically for direct burial applications, the MOLE™ inline splice/reducer is made with a specialized plastisol material that forms a rugged weathertight connection. Features and Benefits • UL486D Listed for direct burial. • AL9CU Dual-rated for copper and aluminum applications. 600V 90°C. • Plastisol covered AL6061-T6 aluminum body saves time by eliminating the need for heat shrink. • Oxide inhibitor pre-installed preventing moisture and contaminants from entering contact area. • Range-taking capability reduces the number of connectors carried in inventory. Number of Ports Wire Range (AWG/kcmil) BISR4-DB 2 #6 - 4 AWG 4.30 0.80 1.28 BISR1-DB 2 #2 - 1 AWG 6.30 0.93 1.59 BISR3/0-DB 2 1/0 - 3/0 AWG 6.25 0.99 1.84 BISR250-DB 2 4/0 - 250 kcmil 6.70 1.18 2.03 Catalog Number BISR-DB = BURNDY Inline Splice/Reducer Direct Burial Dimensions (Inches) L W H Hex Key (Torque) (In.-lbs.) 1/8 (50) 5/32 (130) 3/16 (220) 5/16 (360) Wire Strip Length 7/8 1-3/32 1-3/32 1-5/16 BURNDY Mechanical UV RATED BLACK UNITAP™ A-54 For Direct Burial 600V, 90°C Features and Benefits • UV Rated Plastisol covered AL6061-T6 aluminum body saves time by eliminating the need for taping. • Oxide inhibitor pre-installed inhibits moisture and contaminants from entering the contact area. Catalog Number 1PL42 1PLO42 1PL2/02 1PLO2/02 1PL2502 1PLO2502 1PL3502 1PL6002 1PLO6002 1PBS2 1PBS1/0 1PBS250 1PBS350 1PBS500 1PL43 1PL44 1PL2/03 1PL2503 1PLD43 1PLD44 1PLD2/02 1PLD2/03 1PLD2/04 1PLD2/06 1PLD2502 1PLD2503 1PLD2504 1PLD2506 1PLD3502 1PLD3503 1PLD3504 1PLD3506 1PLD3508 1PLD6002 1PLD6003 1PLD6004 1PLD6005 1PLD6006 1PLD6008 Fig. No. Number of Ports Wire Range (AWG/kcmil) 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 3 4 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 5 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 3 3 3 4 2 3 4 6 2 3 4 6 2 3 4 6 8 2 3 4 5 6 8 #14 - 4 #14 - 4 #14 - 2/0 #14 - 2/0 #10 - 250 #10 - 250 #10 - 350 #4 - 600 #4 - 600 #14 - 2 #14 - 1/0 #10 - 250 #10 - 350 #6 - 500 #14 - 4 #14 - 4 #14 - 2/0 #10 - 250 #14 - 4 #14 - 4 #14 - 2/0 #14 - 2/0 #14 - 2/0 #14 - 2/0 #10 - 250 #10 - 250 #10 - 250 #10 - 250 #10 - 350 #10 - 350 #10 - 350 #10 - 350 #10 - 350 #4 - 600 #4 - 600 #4 - 600 #4 - 600 #4 - 600 #4 - 600 1PL = 2 Port Single Sided Entry 1PLO = 2 Port Offset Entry 1PBS = In-line Splice/Reducer L Dimensions (Inches) W 1.16 1.16 1.52 1.52 2.03 2.03 2.22 2.72 2.72 2.38 2.91 4.01 4.63 5.00 1.59 2.03 2.19 2.97 1.59 2.03 1.52 2.19 2.86 4.20 2.03 2.97 3.91 5.78 2.22 3.13 4.04 5.86 7.68 2.56 3.77 4.97 6.17 7.37 9.78 1.16 1.50 1.40 1.56 2.07 2.64 2.32 2.38 3.00 0.75 0.91 1.19 1.34 1.62 1.25 1.25 1.31 2.07 1.50 1.50 1.56 1.56 1.56 1.56 2.64 2.64 2.64 2.64 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1PL = Multi-Port Single Sided Entry 1PLD = Multi-Port Double Sided Entry • Range-taking capability reduces the number of connectors carried in inventory. • UL486B Listed, AL9CU, 600V 90°C H Hex Key (Torque) (In.-lbs.) Wire Strip Length 1.25 1.25 1.38 1.38 2.13 2.13 2.50 2.75 2.75 1.22 1.38 2.10 2.35 2.62 1.25 1.25 1.38 2.13 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.13 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 1/8 (45) 1/8 (45) 3/16 (120) 3/16 (120) 5/16 (275) 5/16 (275) 5/16 (275) 3/8 (375) 3/8 (375) 5/32 (45) 3/16 (120) 5/16 (120) 5/16 (275) 3/8 (375) 1/8 (45) 1/8 (45) 3/16 (120) 5/16 (275) 1/8 (45) 1/8 (45) 3/16 (120) 3/16 (120) 3/16 (120) 3/16 (120) 5/16 (275) 5/16 (275) 5/16 (275) 5/16 (275) 5/16 (375) 5/16 (375) 5/16 (375) 5/16 (375) 5/16 (375) 3/8 (375) 3/8 (375) 3/8 (375) 3/8 (375) 3/8 (375) 3/8 (375) 5/8 5/8 11/16 11/16 1 1 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 3/4 1 1-3/16 1-3/8 1-1/2 5/8 5/8 11/16 1 5/8 5/8 11/16 11/16 11/16 11/16 1 1 1 1 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-1/8 BURNDY Compression SMALL HYDENT TABLE OF CONTENTS General Information ........................B-2, B-3 MIL. SPEC. Equivalent Tables ................B-4 Types T & YAD ........................................B-5 Types TP & BA ......................................B-6 Types TN & YAES ..........................B-7, B-8 Type YAE-G BOX ..................................B-9 Types YAE-N BOX & YAE-N ................B-10 Type YAES-K ..............................B-11, B-12 Types YAV BOX & YAV................B-13, B-14 Types YAV-L BOX & YAV-L ........B-15, B-16 Types YAV-H BOX & YAV-H ..................B-17 Type YBM ............................................B-18 Types YAEV & YAEV-L ................B-19, B-20 Type YAEV-H ..............................B-21, B-22 Types YAV-R & YAV-RS ........................B-23 Type YAEV-RS ......................................B-24 Type YAEV-RH ......................................B-25 Types T-F & YAD-F................................B-26 Types YAV-T-F BOX & YAV-T-F ............B-27 Types YAV-H-F BOX, YAV-H-F & YAV-Z ............................................B-28 Types TN-F & YAES-F ..........................B-29 Types YAE-N-F BOX & YAE-N-F ..........B-30 Types TP-F & BA-EF ............................B-31 Types YAE-Z BOX & YAE-Z ..................B-32 Types TP-Z & BA-EZ ............................B-33 Types TP-LF & BA-EL ..........................B-34 Type Q-F................................................B-35 Type QP-F ............................................B-35 Type QP-M ............................................B-36 Type QN-M ............................................B-36 Types PGP & PGN ................................B-37 Types FQN-F & FQN-M ........................B-38 Type FL..................................................B-39 Uninsulated Splices ..............................B-40 Types YSV, YSV-H & YSV-L ................B-40 Type YSV-L............................................B-41 Type YSM ..............................................B-42 Type YSCM............................................B-43 Types YSES-K ......................................B-44 Types SP & BS......................................B-45 Insulated Splices ..................................B-46 Types SN, YSE-HN................................B-46 Types SNM, YSE BOX, YSES, YSE-H BOX, YSE & YSE-H ..............B-47 Types YSV & YRV-L ..............................B-48 Types YQE & RK ..................................B-49 B-1 BURNDY Compression Table 1 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS - TERMINALS FOR COPPER WIRE PER MIL-T-7928 PER UL 486 The terminals and splices in this catalog are approved, per MIL-T-7928 and/or UL 486, where indicated. Table 1 shows the performance requirements for terminals used in military and commercial equipment. The voltage drops listed are maximum allowable B-2 values taken at currents well above rated current for the wires. Tensile values assure that the wires will not become separated from the terminals under reasonably expected stresses. UL tensile values are chosen to reflect the severest expected duty. MIL Specification tensile values apply only to crimp terminations and reflect minimum values that are obtained in good crimp joints. Actual performance of Burndy terminals exceeds the requirements of Table 1. Typical values are shown in Figs. 1-5. For High Temperature application BURNDY® YAV series with nickel plating "NK" suffix provide for continuous operation to 650° F and 750° F intermittent service. WIRE SIZE 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 1 0 00 000 0000 TEST CURRENT (Amps) MAX. VOLTAGE DROP (Mv). 3 4.5 9 11 16 22 32 41 55 73 101 135 181 211 245 283 320 380 TENSILE STRENGTH IN POUNDS Fig 1. Tensile strength of YAD HYLUG™ after axial rotation stresses. 8 8 7 6 5 7 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 MIN. TENSILE STRENGTH (Lbs.) MIN. TENSILE STRENGTH (Lbs.) 7 10 15 19 38 50 70 110 150 225 300 400 550 650 700 750 825 875 — — 8 13 20 30 50 70 80 90 100 140 180 200 250 300 350 450 TEST CURRENT FOR MAX. 50˚C RISE (Amps) — — — — — — 15 20 30 50 65 85 115 130 150 175 200 230 Fig 2. Tensile strength of BA VINYLUG™ after axial rotation stresses. TENSILE STRENGTH IN POUNDS Performance COMMERCIAL WIRE SIZE COMMERCIAL WIRE SIZE BURNDY Compression GENERAL INFORMATION (Continued) Fig 5. Voltage drops of YAES at currents per Table 1 after vibration. VOLTAGE DROP mV TENSILE STRENGTH IN POUNDS Fig 3. Tensile strength of YAES INSULUG™ after vibration. AN WIRE SIZE DEGREES CENTIGRADE Fig 4. Temperature rise of BA VINYLUG™ at currents per Table 1. TERMINAL SIZE COMMERCIAL WIRE SIZE AN WIRE SIZE B-3 BURNDY Compression EQUIVALENT TABLES MILITARY SPECIFICATIONS B-4 Terminals Terminals BURNDY® Equivalents to MS25036 in accordance with Specification MIL-T-7928 (ASG) BURNDY® Equivalents to MS20659 in accordance with Specification MIL-T-7928 (ASG) MS25036 Catalog Dash No. Number 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 YAES18-N1 YAE18-G43 YAES18-N2 YAE18-N21 YAES18-N3 YAE18N YAES18-N4 YAE18-N3 YAES18-N5 YAE18-N15 YAES14-N6 YAE14-N43 YAES14-N7 YAE14-N43 YAES14-N8 YAE14N YAES14-N9 YAE14-N3 YAES14-N10 YAE14-N4 YAES10-N11 YAE10-N5 YAES10-N12 YAE10N YAES10-N13 YAE10-N2 YAES10-N14 YAE10-N4 YAEV8C-L YAEV8C-L1 YAEV8C-L2 YAEV8C-L3 YAEV6C-L1M YAEV6C-LM YAEV6C-L4M YAEV6C-L2M YAEV4C-L Class Class 1 2 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Cage Code 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 MS25036 Dash No. 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 143 144 145 146 147 148 1NJK8 149 1NJK8 150 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 152 153 154 156 157 158 Catalog Number YAEV4C-L4 YAEV4C-L2 YAEV2C-L1 YAEV2C-L YAEV2C-L4 YAEV1C-L1 YAEV1C-L YAEV1C-L3 YAEV25-L1 YAEV25-L YAEV25-L3 YAEV26-L2 YAEV26-L YAEV26-L3 YAE22-G18 YAE22-G16 YAE22-G13 YAE22-G14 YAE22-G15 YAES18-N48 YAE18-N17 YAES18-N49 YAE18N1 YAES18-N50 YAE18-N2 YAES14-N52 YAES14-N53 YAE14-N1 YAES14-N54 YAE14-N2 YAES10-N56 YAE10-N11 YAES10-N57 YAE10-N3 YAES10-N58 Class Class Cage 1 2 Code X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 MS20659 Dash No. Catalog Number 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 128 129 130 131 132 133 YAV10 YAV10-T2 YAV8C-L YAV8C-L2 YAV6C-L YAV6C-L2 YAV4C-L YAV4C-L2 YAV2C-L1 YAV2C-L YAV1C-L1 YAV1C-L1 YAV25-L1 YAV25-L YAV26-L2 YAV26-L YAV27-L YAV27-L1 YAV28-L YAV28-L12 YAV10-T4 YAV8C-L3 YAV6C-L1 YAV6C-L4 YAV4C-L4 YAV2C-L4 Class Class 1 2 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Cage Code MS20659 Dash No. Catalog Number Class 1 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 134 135 136 137 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 165 YAV1C-L3 YAV25-L3 YAV26-L3 YAV28-L54 YAV8C-L14 YAV8C-L1 YAV8C-L4 YAV6C-L10 YAV4C-L3 YAV4C-L5 YAV2C-L3 YAV2C-L2 YAV2C-L11 YAV1C-L2 YAV1C-L4 YAV25-L2 YAV25-L16 YAV26-L1 YAV26-L16 YAV27-L20 YAV27-L18 YAV28-L56 YAV28-L60 YAV28-L13 YAV28-L14 YAV10-T7 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Class 2 Cage Code X 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 1NJK8 BURNDY Compression TYPES T AND YAD DEEP “V” GROOVE SERRATIONS HYLUG™ LONG BRAZED SEAM BARREL ELECTRO-TIN PLATED UNINSULATED COMPRESSION TERMINAL, RING TONGUE WIRE CRIMP The Type T uninsulated terminals are constructed of pure electrolytic copper. Designed with a long brazed seam barrel, standard neck, deep V groove inner serrations and electro-tin plated. The terminals are ideal for control wiring and other standard duty applications. The ring tongue provides a secure termination under the screw head that cannot be removed without the complete removal of the screw. Two or more terminals can easily be stacked on a common stud. CATALOG WIRE NUMBER RANGE T18-4 T18-6 T18-8 T18-10 T18-14 T18-516 T18-38 T14-4 T14-6 T14-8 T14-10 T14-14 T14-516 T14-38 T10-6 T10-8 T10-10 T10-14 T10-516 T10-38 22-18 20-14 12-10* STUD SIZE C 3, 4 4-6 6-8 8-10 1/4 5/16 3/8 3, 4 4-6 6-8 8-10 1/4 5/16 3/8 4-6 6-8 8-10 1/4 5/16 3/8 .25 .25 .31 .31 .45 .45 .53 .25 .25 .31 .31 .45 .45 .53 .37 .37 .37 .46 .53 .58 * NOTE: UL Listed for 14-10 when installed with MR8G98 and Y8MRB-1 tools only. • 1000 pcs/reel. RING TONGUE WIRE RANGE Features and Benefits • Constructed of pure electrolytic copper. ◊ Provides maximum conductivity, low resistance and ductility for excellent crimp forming properties. • Long brazed seam barrel and deep V groove inner serrations. ◊ Provides optimum conductivity reliability and holding power after crimping. • Electro-tin plated. ◊ Provides durable long-lasting corrosion resistance. DIMENSIONS L Y MAX. MAX. .65 .65 .77 .77 .96 .96 1.05 .67 .67 .77 .77 .96 .96 1.05 .83 .83 .83 .97 1.02 1.08 B-5 .53 .53 .61 .61 .73 .73 .78 .55 .55 .61 .61 .73 .73 .78 .64 .64 .64 .74 .76 .79 Z MIN. BULK CATALOG NUMBER* INSTALLATION TOOLING .24 .24 .33 .33 .44 .44 .49 .26 .26 .33 .33 .44 .44 .49 .29 .29 .29 .39 .41 .44 YAD18-4 YAD18-6 YAD18-8 YAD18-10 YAD18-14 YAD18-516 YAD18-38 YAD14-4 YAD14-6 YAD14-8 YAD14-10 YD14-14 YAD14-516 YAD14-38 YAD10-6 YAD10-8 YAD10-10 YAD10-14 YAD10-516 YAD10-38 Non-Ratchet: Y10D, Y10-22 Ratchet: MR8G98, Y8MRB-1, MR20 Non-Ratchet: Y10D, Y10-22 Ratchet: MR8G98, Y8MRB-1, MR20 Non-Ratchet: Y10D, Y10-22 Ratchet: MR8G98, Y8MRB-1, MR20 • Wire range is clearly marked on terminal. ◊ Provides easy identification. • Inspection hole. ◊ Provides an easy visual check of wire insertion. • Long neck terminal. ◊ Permits easy bending and stacking of several terminals on a common stud. TAPE MOUNTED WIRE CATALOG NO. INSTALLATION STRIP 2000/Reel TOOLING LENGTH YAD18-4M YAD18-6M YAD18-8M YAD18-10M YAD18-14M YAD18-516M YAD18-38M YAD14-4M YAD14-6M YAD14-8M YAD14-10M YAD14-14M YAD14-516M YAD14-38M •YAD10-6M •YAD10-8M •YAD10-10M *YAD10-14M *YAD10-516M *YAD10-38M TFM with DFM6D1 Die 9/32 TFM with DFM5D1 Die 9/32 TFM with DFM4D1 Die 11/32 BURNDY Compression TYPES TP AND BA WIRE CRIMP EXPANDED SHROUD INSULATION CRIMP VINYLUG™ B-6 TERMINAL POLYVINYLCHLORIDE INSULATED, RING TONGUE COLOR CODED INSULATION WIRE SIZE RANGE 600 VOLTS MAX. 105° C MAX. VINYLUG™ Type TP is designed for commercial and light duty industrial control and power circuit applications. Supplied with an expanded polyvinyl chloride (PVC) insulation shroud, many tongue variations and rated 600V makes TP terminals versatile and economical. CATALOG NUMBER TP16-4 TP16-6 TP16-8 TP16-10 TP16-14 TP16-38 TP14-4 TP14-6 TP14-8 TP14-10 TP14-14 TP14-516 TP14-38 TP10-6 TP10-8 TP10-10 TP10-14 TP10-38 * 1000/Reel WIRE RANGE 22-16 Max. Insul. Dia. Accom.: .145 Color Code: Red 16-14 Max. Insul. Dia. Accom.: .180 Color Code: Blue 12-10 Max. Insul. Dia. Accom.: .260 Color Code: Yellow STUD SIZE C 3-4 4-6 6-8 8-10 12, 1/4 3/8 3-4 4-6 6-8 8-10 12, 1/4 5/16 3/8 4-6 6-8 8-10 12, 1/4 3/8 .22 .25 .31 .31 .40 .53 .22 .25 .31 .31 .40 .53 .53 .31 .36 .36 .53 .53 SMOOTH ENTRY RING TONGUE TIN PLATED DEEP “V” SERRATIONS Features and Benefits • Expanded insulation support accepts standard and large wire diameters. ◊ Lowers inventory requirements, permits greater flexibility and provides insulation support. • Funnel entry. ◊ Easy wire insertion. • Manufactured of pure electrolytic copper. ◊ Provides maximum conductivity, low resistance and ductility for excellent crimp forming properties. DIMENSIONS L Y .71 .74 .85 .85 .99 1.15 .71 .74 .85 .85 .99 1.15 1.15 .91 1.00 1.00 1.22 1.27 .61 .62 .70 .70 .79 .88 .61 .62 .70 .70 .79 .88 .88 .75 .81 .81 .95 1.00 Z BULK CATALOG NUMBER* .17 .18 .26 .26 .36 .45 .17 .18 .26 .26 .36 .45 .45 .20 .26 .26 .40 .45 BA16E4 BA16E6 BA16E8 BA16E10 BA16E14 BA16E38 BA14E4 BA14E6 BA14E8 BA14E10 BA14E14 BA14E516 BA14E38 BA10E6 BA10E8 BA10E10 BA10E14 BA10E38 INSTALLATION TOOLING Plier Type: Y10-22, Y10D or Ratchet Tool: MR8-89-1, NR8-G96, MR15 Plier Type: Y10-22, Y10D or Ratchet: MR8-89-1, MR15 • Deep V groove serrations in the inner barrel. ◊ Provides added holding strength and better conductivity. • Electro-tin plated. ◊ Provides durable long-lasting corrosion resistance. TAPE MOUNTED WIRE CATALOG NO. INSTALLATION STRIP 2000/Reel TOOLING LENGTH BA16E4M BA16E6M BA16E8M BA16E10M BA16E14M BA16E38M BA14E4M BA14E6M BA14E8M BA14E10M BA14E14M BA14E516M BA14E38M *BA10E6M *BA10E8M *BA10E10M *BA10E14M *BA10E38M TFM with DFM3D-1 Die 13/64 TFM with DFM2D-1 Die 13/64 TFM with DFM1D5 Die 19/64 BURNDY Compression TYPES TN AND YAES INSULUG™ TERMINAL NYLON INSULATED, RING-TONGUE 300 VOLTS MAX. 105°C MAX. INSULUG™ type TN Nylon-insulated terminals are designed for heavy duty industrial, utility and military power and control-circuit applications for wire sizes 26 AWG through 10 AWG. They offer high dielectric strength and stability in oily conditions and meet military CLASS 1 and CLASS 2 requirements per MS25036 and the requirements of military specifications MIL-T-7928 (ASG). DEEP "V" SERRATIONS COLOR CODED NYLON INSULATION INTEGRAL ONE PIECE COPPER, TIN PLATED DESIGN SMOOTH FUNNEL ENTRY INTEGRAL INSULATION SUPPORT AND WIRE STRAIN RELIEF B-7 WIRE SIZE AND STUD SIZE Features and Benefits • An integral one-piece copper barrel /insulation grip and wire strain relief design. ◊ Provides improved physical strength characteristics over a multi-piece design. • Manufactured of pure electrolytic copper. ◊ Provides maximum conductivity, low resistance and ductility for excellent crimp forming properties. • Brazed seam. ◊ Provides a stronger barrel design to minimize any possible splitting and eliminates folding. • Deep inner barrel serrations. ◊ Provides excellent electrical conductivity and pullout strength values. • Smooth funnel entry. ◊ Easy wire insertion. • The insulation is locked in place. ◊ Will not twist off, thereby maintains proper dielectric values. • Electro-tin plated. ◊ Provides durable long-lasting resistance to corrosion. • Color-coded and clearly marked. ◊ Provides quick, easy wire size identification. • Ring Tongue. ◊ Provides a secure termination under the screw head that can not be removed without complete removal of the screw. • Two or more terminals may be stacked on a common stud easily. ◊ Provides flexibility and versatility. BURNDY Compression TYPES TN AND YAES (Continued) B-8 CATALOG NUMBER TN18-4 TN18-6 TN18-8 TN18-10 TN18-14 TN18-516 TN18-38 TN14-4 TN14-6 TN14-8 TN14-10 TN14-14 TN14-516 TN14-38 TN10-6 TN10-8 TN10-10 TN10-14 TN10-516 TN10-38 WIRE RANGE 22-18 Max. Insul. Dia. Accom.: .120 Color Code: Red 16-14 Max. Insul. Dia. Accom.: .153 Color Code: Blue 12-10 Max. Insul. Dia. Accom.: .210 Color Code: Yellow STUD SIZE MIL. STD. MS25036- C 3-4 4-6 6-8 8-10 12, 1/4 5/16 3/8 3-4 4-6 6-8 8-10 12, 1/4 5/16 3/8 4-6 6-8 8-10 12, 1/4 5/16 3/8 -148 -102 -149 -103 -150 -104 -105 -152 -106 -153 -108 -154 -109 -110 -111 -156 -112 -157 -113 -114 .23 .25 .31 .31 .46 .46 .53 .25 .25 .31 .31 .45 .45 .53 .37 .37 .37 .53 .53 .58 ▲ Class 1 and class 2. Meets the requirement of military specification MILT-T-7928 (ASG) * Use on #10 or #12 Str. Cu only. ** Meets requirements for Class 2 installation. For use as a Class 1 connector, use tool conforming to MS25037, Class 1. DIMENSIONS L MAX. Y MAX. .76 .87 .91 .91 1.09 1.09 1.17 .79 .79 .89 .89 1.08 1.08 1.16 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.32 1.32 1.34 .64 .74 .76 .76 .87 .87 .91 .67 .67 .74 .74 .86 .86 .90 .94 .94 .94 1.06 1.06 1.05 Z MAX. BULK CAT. NO. .20 .29 .29 .29 .41 .41 .45 .24 .24 .31 .31 .43 .43 .47 .26 .26 .26 .37 .37 .40 YAES18N48 YAES18N1 YAES18N49 YAES18N3 YAES18N50 YAES18N4 YAES18N5 YAE14N52 YAES14N6 YAES14N53 YAES14N8 YAES14N54 YAES14N9 YAES14N10 YAES10N11 YAES10N56 YAES10N12 YAES10N57 YAES10N13 YAES10N14 INSTALLATION TOOLING WIRE STRIP LENGTH 7/32” Non-Ratchet: Y10D, Y1022 7/32” Ratchet: MR8-83 11/32” BURNDY Compression TYPE YAE-G BOX WIRE CRIMP INSULUG™ DEEP "V" SERRATIONS TERMINAL NYLON INSULATED, RING-TONGUE MULTI-FINGER INSULATION GRIP TIN PLATED INSULATION CRIMP INSULUG™ Type YAE-N nylon insulated terminals are designed with a multi-finger insulation grip for paper, EPR and other elastic or hard to grip insulations. The metal fingers firmly grip the insulation providing superior holding characteristics, cable support and strain relief. Type YAE-N terminals are rated 105°C and meet military standard MS25036 class 2 and MIL-T-7928 (ASG) requirements. WIRE RANGE YAE22G18 BOX• 26-20 YAE22G12 BOX• Max. Insul. YAE22G16 BOX• Dia. Accom.: YAE22G13 BOX• .098 YAE22G14 BOX• Color Code: YAE22G15 BOX• Amber • Not UL recognized * 1000/Reel ** Class 2 B-9 COLOR CODED NYLON INSULATION WIRE SIZE RANGE 300 VOLTS MAX. 105° C MAX. CATALOG NUMBER MULTI-FINGER INSULATION GRIP RING TONGUE Features and Benefits • Multi-finger insulation grip. ◊ Provides superior insulation holding characteristics, especially on EPR and other elastic-type insulations. • Brazed seam. ◊ Provides stronger more durable termination. • Manufactured of pure electrolytic copper. ◊ Provides maximum conductivity, low resistance and ductility for excellent crimp forming properties. STUD SIZE MIL. STD.** MS25036 C 1.2 1.2 3.4 4-6 6-8 8-10 -148 – -144 -145 -146 -147 .15 .25 .18 .25 .32 .32 DIMENSIONS L Y MAX. MAX. .70 .75 .75 .75 .83 .83 .62 .62 .62 .62 .67 .67 Z MAX. .22 .22 .22 .22 .27 .27 • Deep V groove, inner barrel serrations. ◊ Provide optimum conductivity, reliability, and holding power. • Smooth funnel entry. ◊ Easy wire insertion. BULK TAPE MOUNTED WIRE CATALOG INSTALLATION CATALOG NO. INSTALLATION STRIP NUMBER* TOOLING 2000/Reel TOOLING LENGTH YAE22G18• YAE22G12• YAE22G16• YAE22G13• YAE22G14• YAE22G15• M8ND with N14HET-25V1 Die YAE22G18M• YAE22G12M• YAE22G16M• YAE22G13M• YAE22G14M• YAE22G15M• TFM with DFM11D1 Die 5/32 BURNDY Compression TYPES YAE-N BOX AND YAE (Continued) INSULUG™ B-10 CATALOG NUMBER YAE18N29 BOX YAE18N27 BOX YAE18N7 BOX YAE18N17 BOX YAE18N26 BOX YAE18N21 BOX YAE18N25 BOX YAE18G43 BOX YAE18N24 BOX YAE18N1 BOX YAE18N BOX WIRE RANGE 22-16 † Max. Insul. Dia. Accom.: .125 Color Code: Red YAE18N2 BOX YAE18N3 BOX YAE14N43 BOX YAE14N1 BOX YAE14N BOX YAE14N2 BOX YAE14N3 BOX YAE14N4 BOX YAE12N7 BOX YAE12N9 BOX YAE12N1 BOX YAE12N BOX YAE12N2 BOX 16-14 Max. Insul. Dia. Accom.: .156 Color Code: Blue 14-12 Max. Insul. Dia. Accom.: .180 Color Code: Green YAE10N5 BOX YAE10N11 BOX YAE10N BOX YAE10N3 BOX YAE10N2 YAE10N4 12-10 Max. Insul. Dia. Accom.: .209 Color Code: Yellow STUD SIZE MIL STD.** MS25036 C Z MIN. BULK CATALOG NUMBER 1-2 2 4 4 4 4-6 4-6 4-6 6-8 6-8 8-10 12, 1/4 5/16 4-6 6-8 8-10 1/4 5/16 3/8 10 6-8 6-8 8-10 — — — -148 — -102 — — — -149 -103 .14 .19 .25 .25 .23 .25 .22 .25 .28 .31 .31 .75 .77 .80 .80 .78 .89 .79 .90 .92 .92 .92 .68 .66 .68 .68 .68 .77 .68 .68 .77 .77 .77 .19 .19 .19 .19 .19 .28 .19 .19 .28 .28 .28 YAE18N29 YAE18N27 YAE18-N7 YAE18N17 YAE18N26 YAE18N21 YAE18N25 YAE18G43 YAE18N24 YAE18N1 YAE18N -150 .45 1.11 .88 .40 YAE18N2 -104 -106 -153 -108 -154 -109 -110 — — — — .45 .25 .31 .31 .45 .45 .53 .31 .31 .31 .31 1.11 .82 .92 .92 1.11 1.11 1.19 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 .88 .69 .75 .75 .88 .88 .93 .93 .90 .90 .90 .40 .20 .28 .28 .40 .40 .44 .29 .28 .28 .28 YAE18N3 YAE14N43 YAE14N1 YAE14N YAE14N2 YAE14N3 YAE14N4 YAE12N7 YAE12N9 YAE12N1 YAE12N 1/4 — .46 1.25 1.02 .40 YAE12N2 4-6 -111 .38 1.15 .96 .28 YAE10N5 DIMENSIONS L MAX. Y MAX. 6-8 -156 .38 1.17 .98 .30 YAE10N11 8-10 -112 .38 1.15 .96 .28 YAE10N 1/4 -157 .54 1.39 1.12 .44 YAE10N3 5/16 -113 .54 1.39 1.12 .44 YAE10N2 3/8 -114 .54 1.39 1.12 .44 YAE10N4 * 1000/Reel ** Class 2 † Use Y10D or Y10-22 only when crimping #16 AWG. TAPE MOUNTED INSTALLATION CATALOG NO. TOOLING 2000/REEL MR8-33T-1 (no extra dies required) M8ND with one of following dies: N14HET-25V1 N10ET-9 N14HET-15 or Y10D Y10-22 MR8-33T-1 (no extra dies required) Y10D M8ND with die N12HET-1 MR8-33T-1 (no extra dies required) M8ND with one of the following dies: N10HET-15 N10ET-9 Y10D, Y10-22 YAE18N29M YAE18N27M YAE18-N7M YAE18N17M YAE18N26M YAE18N21M YAE18N25M YAE18G43M YAE18N24M YAE18N1M YAE18NM INSTALLATION TOOLING WIRE STRIP LENGTH TFM with DFM10D1 die 3/16 TFM with DFM9D1 die 3/16 YAE18N2M YAE18N3M YAE14N43M YAE14N1M YAE14NM YAE14N2M YAE14N3M YAE14N4M YAE12N7M YAE12N9M YAE12N1M YAE12NM YAE12N2M * YAE10N5M * YAE10N11M * YAE10NM * YAE10N3M * YAE1ON2M * YAE10N4M 21/64 TFM with DFM7D1 die 3/8 BURNDY Compression TYPE YAES-K INSULUG™ COLOR CODED KYNAR INSULATION BRAZED SEAM ON BARREL NUCLEAR TERMINALS AND SPLICES INSULATION B-11 WIRE SIZE RADIATION RESISTANT INSULATED TERMINALS, RING TONGUE POLYVINYLIDENE (PVF2) INSULATED 200 MEGARADS, –60° THROUGH 150° C, 600 VOLTS The type YAES-K, radiation resistant KYNAR® insulated terminals are designed and have been tested to meet the requirements for class 1E critical circuits as set by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). Additional testing for compatibility under loss of coolant accident (LOCA) conditions with cross-link polyethylene (XLP) and HYPALON® insulations was completed successfully. Compatibility with ethylene propylene rubber (EPR) insulation was determined by analysis. Each terminal is manufactured of pure electrolytic copper per QQ-C 576 and bright tin-plated per MIL-T-10727 and meets or exceeds MIL-T-7928 using stranded copper AWG wire. The KYNAR® insulation offers 200 megarad radiation resistance. The Type YAES-K radiation resistant KYNAR® - insulated terminals are suitable for class 1E critical circuits and non-critical nuclear associated applications. SMOOTH FUNNEL ENTRY INTEGRAL SUPPORT Features and Benefits • KYNAR® insulation. ◊ Provides 200 megarad radiation resistance plus successfully tested for insulation compatibility. • An integral one-piece copper barrel/insulation grip and wire strain relief design. ◊ Provides improved physical strength characteristics over a multi-piece design. • The KYNAR® insulation is locked in place. ◊ The insulation will not move or twist off, thereby maintains proper dielectric values. • Manufactured from pure electrolytic copper. ◊ Provides maximum conductivity, low resistance and ductility for excellent crimp forming properties. • Bright tin-plated per MIL-T-10727. ◊ Provides durable long-lasting resistance to corrosion. • Deep inner barrel serrations. ◊ Provides excellent electrical conductivity and tensile strength values. • Brazed seam. ◊ Provides a stronger barrel design to minimize any possible splitting and eliminates folding. KYNAR - is a registered trademark of the Pennwalt Corp. for Polyvinylindene Floride (PVF2) HYPALON - Is a registered trademark of the E.I. DuPont deNemours & Co., Inc. • Smooth funnel entry. ◊ Easy wire insertion. • Color coded terminals. ◊ Provides easy wire size identification and inspection. • Coded raised dots in the die area of the connection after compression. ◊ Provides visual identification that the correct tool and die were used for proper installation. • Inspection hole. ◊ Permits visual check for proper wire insertion. • Ring tongue design. ◊ Provides a secure termination under screw head that cannot be removed without the complete removal of the screw. • Multiple terminals may be stacked on a common stud easily. ◊ Provides flexibility and versatility. BURNDY Compression TYPE YAES-K (Continued) INSULUG™ B-12 CATALOG NUMBER YAES18K48 YAES18K-1 YAES18K-2 YAES18K-49 YAES18K-3 YAES18K-50 YAES18K-4 YAES18K-5 YAES14K-52 YAES14K-6 YAES14K-7 YAES14K-53 YAES14K-8 YAES14K-54 YAES14K-9 YAES14K-10 YAES10K-11 YAES10K-11T1 YAES10K-56 YAES10K-12 YAES10K-57 YAES10K-13 YAES10K-14 YAES10K-58 WIRE RANGE 22-18 AWG str. Max. Insul. Dia. Accom.: .120 Color Code: Red 16-14 AWG str. Max. Insul. Dia. Accom.: .153 Stock Thickness: .032 Color Code: Blue 12-10 AWG str. Max. Insul. Dia. Accom.: .210 Stock Thickness: .040 Color Code: Yellow STUD SIZE C 4 6 6 8 10 1/4 5/16 3/8 4 6 6 8 10 1/4 5/16 3/8 6 6 8 10 1/4 5/16 3/8 1/2 .23 .23 .25 .31 .31 .46 .46 .53 .25 .25 .31 .31 .31 .46 .46 .53 .38 .31 .38 .38 .53 .53 .58 .72 DIMENSIONS L MAX. Y MAX. .76 .76 .87 .91 .91 1.09 1.09 1.18 .77 .77 .91 .91 .91 1.09 1.09 1.18 1.12 1.09 1.12 1.12 1.32 1.32 1.34 1.41 .64 .64 .74 .76 .76 .86 .86 .91 .65 .65 .76 .76 .76 .86 .86 .91 .94 .94 .94 .94 1.06 1.06 1.05 1.06 Z MIN. .20 .20 .29 .29 .29 .41 .41 .45 .22 .22 .29 .29 .29 .41 .41 .45 .26 .26 .26 .26 .37 .37 .40 .45 INSTALLATION TOOLING Ratchet Tool: MR10G6 Crimp Mark: (1) Small Dot Red Groove Calibration Gauge: PG-373-1 Ratchet Tool: MR10G6 Crimp Mark: (2) Small Dots Blue Groove Calibration Gauge: PG-371-1 Ratchet Tool: MR10G6 Crimp Mark: (1) Large Dot Calibration Gauge: PG-372-1 WIRE STRIP LENGTH 7/32 7/32 3/8 BURNDY Compression TYPES YAV BOX AND YAV SEAMLESS BARREL BEVELED ENTRY INSPECTION HOLE HYLUG™ SEAMLESS UNINSULATED COMPRESSION HEAVY DUTY RING TONGUE TERMINAL #22-10 STRANDED AND SOLID COPPER HYLUG™ type YAV is a seamless, heavy duty uninsulated compression ring tongue terminal manufactured from pure electrolytic copper tubing and is for use on copper commercial (code) cable, type AN aircraft cable and extra flexible conductors. Because of its seamless design, the YAV HYLUG™ also accommodates solid conductors. The seamless tubing produces a double thick tongue and a strong connector for demanding applications that require high reliability. Applications include industrials, hospitals, electric utilities, aircraft, shipboard and marine, computers, steel mills, mining equipment and other equipment that is subject to vibration or requiring dependable electrical performance. The YAV-HYLUG™ terminals meet the requirements of MIL-T-7928 (ASG). CRIMP B-13 ELECTRO-TIN PLATED DOUBLE THICK TONGUE Features and Benefits • Manufactured from seamless pure electrolytic copper tubing. ◊ Provides maximum conductivity, low resistance and excellent ductility for crimping. • Seamless tubular crimp barrel design. ◊ No seams to split resulting in a very high quality electrical connection. Also can be used on solid conductor. • Double thick tongue. ◊ Provides a very strong terminal tongue. • Produced from tubular copper. ◊ Extra copper material assures the compression connector will operate cooler than the conductors it connects. (See table on following page for specifications) • Internally bevelled barrel. ◊ Provides easy cable entry, especially for flexible conductors. • Inspection hole. ◊ Provides easy visual check for proper conductor insertion. • Electro-tin plated. ◊ Provides long lasting durable corrosion resistance. • Nickel plating available, add “NK” suffix.” ◊ Nickel plated Hylugs™ provide high temperature applications up to 650° F continuous service and 750° F intermittent service. BURNDY Compression TYPES YAV BOX AND YAV HYLUG™ B-14 SEAMLESS UNINSULATED COMPRESSION HEAVY DUTY RING TONGUE TERMINAL CATALOG NUMBER YAV18-T4 BOX YAV18-L33 BOX YAV18-T5 BOX YAV18-T1 BOX YAV18 BOX YAV14-L33 BOX YAV14-T5 BOX YAV14-T1 BOX YAV14-L36 BOX YAV14 BOX YAV14-T2 BOX YAV14-T3 BOX YAV12-G2 BOX ■ YAV12-G3 BOX ■ YAV10-T7 BOX YAV10-T11 BOX YAV10-L36 BOX YAV10 BOX YAV10-T3 BOX YAV10-T2 BOX YAV10-T4 BOX YAV9C-L36 BOX YAV9C-T9 BOX YAV9C-T4 BOX • WIRE RANGE 22-18 Str. and Sol. 20-14 Str. 20-12 Sol. 14-12 Str. †14 Str. 12-10 Str. and Sol. 10-9 Str. STUD SIZE C 3, 4 4-6 4-6 6-8 8-10 4-6 4-6 6-8 8-10 8-10 1/4 5/16 8-10 1/4 4-6 6-8 8-10 8-10 1/4 5/16 3/8 8-10 1/4 5/16 .19 .25 .31 .31 .31 .25 .31 .31 .29 .31 .42 .44 .30 .36 .30 .38 .29 .38 .47 .53 .56 .31 .44 .52 Available in (90o) right angle design. * Use #10 groove ■ Use #14 groove † UL listed for 14 Str. to #10 Sol. & Str. when installed with MR8G98 and Y8MRB-1 tools only. DIMENSIONS L MAX. Y MAX. .62 .67 .76 .76 .76 .71 .79 .79 .74 .79 .99 .99 .82 1.00 .93 .97 .86 .97 1.10 1.13 1.18 .97 1.19 1.27 .54 .55 .61 .61 .61 .59 .64 .64 .59 .64 .75 .75 .67 .76 .78 .79 .71 .79 .87 .87 .90 .83 .95 1.02 WIRE STRIP LENGTH Z MIN. BULK CAT. NO. INSTALLATION TOOLING .16 .18 .24 .24 .24 .18 .24 .24 .18 .24 .32 .32 .24 .34 .24 .26 .23 .26 .32 .31 .35 .15 .31 .36 YAV18-T4 YAV18-L33 YAV18-T5 YAV18-T1 YAV18 YAV14-L33 YAV14-T5 YAV14-T1 YAV14-L36 YAV14 YAV14-T2 YAV14-T3 YAV12-G2 YAV12-G3 YAV10-T7 YAV10-T11 YAV10-L36 YAV10 YAV10-T3 YAV10-T2 YAV10-T4 YAV9C-L36 YAV9C-T9 — Non-Ratchet: Y10D, Y10-22 Ratchet: MR8G98, MR8-9Q, Y8MRB-1, MR20 9/32 Non-Ratchet: Y10D, Y10-22 Ratchet: MR8G98, MR8-9Q, Y8MRB-1, MR20 9/32 Y10D, Y8MRB-1 M8ND w/N14HT 9/32 Non-Ratchet: Y10, Y10-22 Ratchet: MR8G98, MR8-9Q, Y8MRB-1, MR20 7/16 Ratchet: MR8-9Q, Y8MRB-1 7/16 BURNDY Compression TYPES YAV-L BOX AND YAV-L SEAMLESS BARREL BEVELED ENTRY INSPECTION HOLE HYLUG™ LARGE SIZE UNINSULATED COMPRESSION TERMINALS SEAMLESS UNINSULATED COMPRESSION RING TONGUE TERMINAL CRIMP B-15 ELECTRO-TIN PLATED DOUBLE THICK TONGUE #8-4/0 STR. COPPER HYLUG™ Type YAV is a seamless, heavy duty uninsulated compression terminal manufactured from electrolytic copper and is for use on Type AN aircraft cable, extra flexible conductors and commercial (code) conductors. The seamless tubing produces a double thick tongue and seamless barrel design provides a CATALOG NUMBER WIRE RANGE — YAV8C-L BOX 8 YAV8C-L1 BOX Aircraft YAV8C-L2 BOX AN 8 YAV8C-L3 BOX Flex YAV8C-L4 BOX YAV6C-L1 BOX 5&6 YAV6C-L BOX Aircraft YAV6C-L4 BOX AN 5 & 6 YAV6C-L2 BOX Flex YAV6C-L10 BOX YAV4C-L3 BOX 4 YAV4C-L BOX Aircraft YAV4C-L4 BOX AN 4 YAV4C-L2 BOX Flex YAV4C-L5 BOX — 2 YAV2C-L1 BOX Aircraft YAV2C-L2 BOX AN 2 YAV2C-L BOX Flex YAV2C-L4 BOX STUD SIZE MS20659 DASH NO.† 6-8 8-10 1/4 5/16 3/8 1/2 8-10 1/4 5/16 3/8 1/2 8-10 1/4 5/16 3/8 1/2 8-10 1/4 5/16 3/8 1/2 -140 -107 -141 -108 -129 -142 -130 -109 -131 -110 -143 -144 -111 -132 -112 -145 -146 -113 -147 -114 -133 † Class 1. • Available in (90°) right angle design. Suffix "RS" REPLACES SUFFIX "L". ▲ Use Y35P3 INDENTOR ADAPTER with Y35 and Y39 Tool. strong connector for demanding applications requiring high reliability. Applications include aircraft, industrials, hospitals, electric utilities, marine, computers, and other equipment subject to vibration or requiring dependable electrical performance. DIMENSIONS (INCH) L Y Z C MAX. MAX. MIN. .41 .41 .46 .57 .57 .73 .48 .48 .60 .60 .73 .55 .55 .63 .63 .73 .69 .69 .69 .69 .77 1.15 1.15 1.22 1.30 1.30 1.52 1.31 1.31 1.43 1.43 1.64 1.37 1.37 1.48 1.48 1.68 1.72 1.72 1.72 1.72 1.89 .94 .94 .99 1.01 1.01 1.14 1.06 1.06 1.13 1.13 1.26 1.11 1.11 1.17 1.17 1.30 1.37 1.37 1.37 1.37 1.49 .28 .28 .32 .34 .34 .48 .29 .29 .35 .35 .49 .28 .28 .33 .33 .47 .35 .35 .35 .35 .46 BULK CAT. NO. YAV8C-L14• YAV8C-L• YAV8C-L1• YAV8C-L2 YAV8C-L3• YAV8C-L4• YAV6C-L1• YAV6C-L• YAV6C-L4• YAV6C-L2• YAV6C-L10 YAV4C-L3• YAV4C-L YAV4C-L4• YAV4C-L2• YAV4C-L5 YAV2C-L3 YAV2C-L1• YAV2C-L2• YAV2C-L• YAV2C-L4 The YAV HYLUG™ terminals meet the requirements of MIL-T-7928 and are listed per MS20659 for use with copper aircraft cable per MIL-W-5086 The benefits of YAV-L connectors are the same as YAV connectors for stranded conductors. INSTALLATION TOOLING HYPRESS WIRE DIE Y29B, Y35, Y39, STRIP HYTOOL INDEX Y29NC Y750 ▲ LENGTH Non-Ratchet: Y10MV, MY29-11 Ratchet: MR4C, MR8-9Q, Y8MR8-1, M8ND w/ N8CT Die Set Non-Ratchet: MY28, MY29-11 Ratchet: MR4C Non-Ratchet: MY28, MY29-11 Ratchet: MR4C Non-Ratchet: MY28, MY29-11 ■ Bench Mount Adapter - Cat. BMY-BCH-MT is available for Type "MY" HYTOOLS™. Add "NK" sufix for nickel plated Hylugs™ for high temperature applications up to 650° F continuous service and 750° intermittent service. 38 39 40 41 DC8L-1 Nest Y29PL Indentor (1) Crimp UV8L Nest Y34PL Indentor (1) Crimp DC6L Nest Y29PL Indentor (1) Crimp DC4L Nest Y29PL Indentor (1) Crimp DC2L Nest Y29PL Indentor (1) Crimp UV6L Nest Y34PLA Indentor (1) Crimp UV4L Nest Y34PLA Indentor (1) Crimp UV2L Nest Y34PLA Indentor (1) Crimp 1/2 1/2 1/2 5/8 BURNDY Compression TYPES YAV-L BOX AND YAV-L (Continued) HYLUG™ B-16 CATALOG NUMBER — YAV1C-L1 BOX YAV1C-L2 BOX YAV1C-L BOX YAV1C-L3 BOX YAV25-L1 BOX YAV25-L2 BOX YAV25-L BOX YAV25-L3 BOX YAV25-L4 BOX YAV26-L1 BOX YAV26-L2 BOX YAV26-L BOX YAV26-L3 BOX YAV26-L12 BOX YAV27-L BOX YAV27-L1 BOX YAV27-L15 BOX YAV28-L BOX YAV28-L12 BOX YAV28-L13 BOX YAV28-L14 BOX WIRE RANGE 1 Aircraft AN 1 Flex 1/0 Aircraft AN 1/0 Flex 2/0 Aircraft AN 2/0 Flex 3/0 Aircraft AN 3/0 Flex 4/0 Aircraft AN 4/0 Flex STUD SIZE MS20659 DASH NO.† 8-10 1/4 5/16 3/8 1/2 1/4 5/16 3/8 1/2 5/8 1/4 5/16 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 — -115 -149 -116 -134 -117 -151 -118 -135 — -153 -119 -120 -136 — -121 -122 — -123 -124 -159 -160 † Class 1. • Available in (90°) right angle design. Suffix "RS" replaces suffix "L". ▲ Use Y35P3 INDENTOR ADAPTER with Y35 and Y39 Tool. DIMENSIONS (INCH) L Y Z C MAX. MAX. MIN. .76 .76 .76 .76 .86 .83 .83 .83 .88 .88 .93 .93 .93 .93 .93 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.23 1.67 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.97 2.01 2.01 2.01 2.09 2.31 2.32 2.32 2.32 2.32 2.52 2.45 2.45 2.60 2.72 2.72 2.72 2.95 1.32 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.54 1.61 1.61 1.61 1.64 1.80 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.99 1.93 1.93 2.04 2.16 2.16 2.16 2.33 .25 .38 .38 .38 .46 .43 .43 .43 .46 .62 .48 .48 .48 .48 .62 .52 .52 .62 .60 .60 .60 .78 BULK CAT. NO. YAV1C-L6• YAV1C-L1• YAV1C-L2• YAV1C-L YAV1C-L3 YAV25-L1 YAV25-L2 YAV25-L• YAV25-L3• YAV25-L4 YAV26-L1 YAV26-L2 YAV26-L• YAV26-L3• YAV26-L12 YAV27-L• YAV27-L1 YAV27-L15 YAV28-L YAV28-L12 YAV28-L13 YAV28-L14 HYTOOL INSTALLATION TOOLING HYPRESS DIE Y29B, Y35, Y39, INDEX Y29NC Y750 ▲ 42 43 Non-Ratchet: MY28, MY29-11 ■ Bench Mount Adapter - Cat. BMY-BCH-MT is available for Type "MY" HYTOOLS™. Add "NK" sufix for nickel plated Hylugs™ for high temperature applications up to 650° F continuous service and 750° intermittent service. 44 DV1L Nest Y29PL Indentor (1) Crimp DV25L Nest Y29PR Indentor (1) Crimp DV26L Nest Y29PL Indentor (1) Crimp 45 — 46 — UV1L Nest Y34PLA Indentor (1) Crimp UV25L Nest Y34PA Indentor (1) Crimp UV26L Nest Y34PA Indentor (1) Crimp UV27L Nest Y34PA Indentor (1) Crimp UV28L Nest Y34PA Indentor (1) Crimp WIRE STRIP LENGTH 5/8 11/16 13/16 13/16 7/8 BURNDY Compression TYPES YAV-H BOX AND YAV-H HYLUG™ SEAMLESS UNINSULATED COMPRESSION RING TONGUE TERMINAL WITH SHROUD B-17 The type YAV-H HYLUG™ is a seamless heavy duty uninsulated compression ring tongue terminal with a shroud for an insulation grip and cable support. They are manufactured from pure electrolytic copper tubing for use on copper commercial (code) cable, Type AN aircraft cable and extra flexible conductors. Features and Benefits • Shroud/insulation grip cable support and strain relief. ◊ Protects the wire against breaking under vibration or flexing conditions. The seamless design produces a double thick tongue and the seamless barrel provides a strong highly reliable connection. Meets the requirements of MIL-T-7928. The benefits of the Type YAV apply to the YAV-H HYLUG™. CATALOG NUMBER YAV18-H1 BOX YAV18-H BOX YAV14-H1 BOX YAV14-H BOX YAV14-H2 BOX YAV10-H25 BOX YAV10-H BOX YAV10-H3 BOX WIRE RANGE 22-18 20-14 12-10 * For conductor crimp only. STUD MAX. INSUL. SIZE DIA. ACCOM. 6-8 8-10 6-8 8-10 1/4 6-8 8-10 1/4 .120 .150 .192 C .31 .31 .31 .31 .42 .31 .38 .47 DIMENSIONS L MAX. Y MAX. .91 .91 .95 .95 1.14 1.04 1.09 1.22 .76 .76 .80 .80 .90 .90 .91 .99 Z MIN. BULK CAT. NO. INSTALL TOOLING .24 .24 .24 .24 .32 .24 .24 .32 YAV18-H1 YAV18-H YAV14-H1 YAV14-H YAV14-H2 YAV10-H25 YAV10-H YAV10-H3 Plier: Y10D*, Y10-22* Ratchet: MR8-G98, MR8-9Q, Y8MRB-1*, MR20*, M8ND DIES M8ND, with N14HT, N14HT-5 Die M8ND with N10HT Die WIRE STRIP LENGTH 9/32 9/32 7/16 BURNDY Compression TYPE YBM HYLUG™ FLAG-TYPE RING-TONGUE TERMINALS B-18 Made of pure electrolytic copper for maximum conductivity and ductility. Seamless extrusion tin plated to resist corrosion. WIRE RANGE 8 6 4 2 1 1/0 2/0 STUD SIZE CATALOG* NUMBER C 8-10 1/4 3/8 8-10 1/4 5/16 3/8 8-10 1/4 5/16 3/8 1/4 5/16 3/8 1/2 3/8 1/4 5/16 3/8 YBM8C YBM8C-T2 YBM8CT4 YBM6C-L9 YBM6C-L YBM6C-L2 YBM6C-L3 YBM4C-L4 YBM4C-L YBM4C-L1 YBM4C-L2 YBM2C-L1 YBM2C-L2 YBM2C-L YBM1C-L3 YBM1C-L YBM25-L1 YBM25-L2 YBM25-L 0.44 0.50 0.62 0.50 0.50 0.56 0.62 0.50 0.50 0.56 0.62 0.62 0.62 0.62 0.88 0.62 0.69 0.69 0.69 0.34 0.37 0.52 0.37 0.37 0.43 0.52 0.37 0.37 0.43 0.52 0.37 0.43 0.37 0.71 0.50 0.52 0.46 0.58 0.77 0.80 0.83 0.85 0.85 0.91 0.88 0.99 0.94 1.00 0.97 1.01 1.07 1.01 1.29 1.19 1.19 1.25 1.26 1.01 1.07 1.35 1.09 1.12 1.21 1.21 1.18 1.21 1.30 1.30 1.29 1.38 1.35 1.74 1.53 1.83 1.56 1.59 3/8 YBM26-L 0.81 0.51 1.37 1.72 * Lead Plated available, contact factory. DIMENSIONS IN INCHES Z MIN. Y MAX. L MAX. HYTOOL INSTALLATION TOOLING HYPRESS Y29NC & Y29B NEST INDENTOR WIRE STRIP LENGTH 7/16 1/2 9/16 DV8B Y29PBL-4 DV6BL 1/2 9/16 5/8 1/2 DV4BL Y29PBL MY28 DV2BL 9/16 5/8 5/8 Y29PL 1 DV1BL 5/8 DV25BL-1 Y29PR DV28L 3/4 13/16 BURNDY Compression TYPES YAEV AND YAEV-L INSPECTION HOLE COLOR CODED NYLON INSULATION RING TONGUE INSULUG™ SEAMLESS BARREL TERMINAL NYLON INSULATED RING-TONGUE DOUBLE THICK TONGUE TIN PLATED 300 VOLTS MAX. 105° C MAX. Features and Benefits The INSULUG™ type YAEV is designed for very demanding high vibration applications encountered in aircraft and aboard ships as well as motor lead applications in hospitals, industrials and generating plants. The nylon insulated seamless, electrolytic copper barrel with double thick tongue provides an extra strong insulated connection. The terminal is rated 105°C and meets MIL-T-7928 requirements. • Double thick tongue. ◊ Provides maximum reliability and electrical capacity plus an extra strong terminal tongue. • Manufactured from one-piece pure electrolytic copper. ◊ Provides high conductivity, low resistance with no seams to split plus ductility for excellent crimp forming properties. • Electro-tin plated. ◊ Provides long-lasting corrosion resistance. CATALOG NUMBER YAEV18 BOX YAEV14 BOX YAEV10-T7 BOX YAEV10-T11 BOX YAEV10 BOX YAEV10-L36 BOX YAEV10-T3 BOX YAEV10-T2 BOX YAEV10-T4 BOX * No. 10 Str. Cu. only. WIRE RANGE AWG AN AIRCRAFT 22-18 Max. Insul. Dia. Accom.: .125 Color Code: Red 18-14 Max. Insul. Dia. Accom.: .154 Color Code: Blue 12-10 Max. Insul. Dia. Accom.: .209 Color Code: Yellow B-19 DIMENSIONS Z MIN. Y MAX. • Nylon insulation is locked in place. ◊ Insulation will not move or twist off. • 300 volt nylon insulation. ◊ High dielectric strength and stability in demanding oily environmental conditions. • Color Coded. ◊ Provides quick, easy wire size connector selection. BULK CATALOG NUMBER MS25036-* DASH NO. C 8-10 — .31 .24 .77 .91 YAEV18 Ratchet: MR8D94 1/4 8-10 — .31 .24 .88 .94 YAEV14 Ratchet: MR18, MR8D94 1/4 4-5 6-8 8-10 8-10 1/4 5/16 3/8 — — — — — — — .30 .37 .37 .30 .47 .53 .56 .24 .26 .26 .18 .38 .31 .35 .95 .97 .97 .89 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.09 1.14 1.14 1.04 1.30 1.30 1.35 YAEV10-T7 YAEV10-T11 YAEV10 YAEV10-L36 YAEV10-T3 YAEV10-T2 YAEV10-T4 Ratchet: MR8D94 MR8-33-T1 M8ND with N10ET-9 DIE MR18* MR4 10M 5/16 L MAX. INSTALLATION TOOLING WIRE STRIP LENGTH STUD SIZE BURNDY Compression TYPES YAEV AND YAEV-L (Continued) INSULUG™ B-20 CATALOG NUMBER WIRE RANGE YAEV8C-L14 BOX STUD MS25036 SIZE † DASH NO. C DIMENSIONS Z MIN. Y MAX. L MAX. BULK CATALOG NUMBER 6-8 — .41 .28 1.20 1.40 YAEV8C-L14 YAEV8C-L BOX 8 Str. 8-10 -115 .41 .28 1.20 1.40 YAEV8C-L YAEV8C-L1 BOX Max. Insul. 1/4 -116 .46 .33 1.24 1.47 YAEV8-L1 YAEV8C-L2 BOX Dia. Accom.: .258 5/16 -117 .57 .35 1.28 1.55 YAEV8C-L2 YAEV8C-L3 BOX Color Code: Red YAEV8C-L4 BOX — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 6 Str. Max. Insul. Dia. Accom.: .313 Color Code: Blue 4 Str. Max. Insul. Dia. Accom.: .374 Color Code: Yellow 2 Str. Max. Insul. Dia. Accom.: .459 Color Code: Red 1 Str. Max. Insul. Dia. Accom.: .516 Color Code: White 1/0 Str. Max. Insul. Dia. Accom.: .564 Color Code: Blue 2/0 Str. Max. Insul. Dia. Accom.: .628 Color Code: Yellow 3/8 -118 .57 .35 1.39 1.55 YAEV8C-L3 1/2 8-10 1/4 5/16 3/8 1/2 8-10 1/4 5/16 3/8 1/2 10 1/4 5/16 3/8 1/2 1/4 — -119** -120** -121** -122** — — -123 -124 -125 — — -126 — -127 -128 -129 .73 .48 .48 .60 .60 .73 .55 .55 .63 .63 .73 .69 .69 .69 .69 .77 .76 .47 .29 .29 .36 .36 .47 .28 .28 .34 .34 .47 .35 .35 .35 .35 .47 .38 1.39 1.33 1.33 1.39 1.39 1.53 1.40 1.37 1.43 1.43 1.56 1.72 1.61 1.68 1.69 1.80 1.63 1.75 1.56 1.56 1.68 1.68 1.91 1.62 1.62 1.74 1.74 1.92 2.03 2.03 2.03 2.03 2.16 2.14 YAEV8C-L4 YAEV6C-L1** YAEV6C-L** YAEV6C-L4** YAEV6C-L2** YAEV6C-L10 YAEV4C-L3 YAEV4C-L YAEV4C-L4 YAEV4C-L2 YAEV4C-L5 YAEV2C-L3 YAEV2C-L1 YAEV2C-L2 YAEV2C-L YAEV2C-L4 YAEV1C-L1 5/16 3/8 1/2 1/4 5/16 3/8 1/2 5/8 1/4 5/16 3/8 1/2 5/8 — -130 -131 -132 — -133 -134 — — -135 -136 -137 — .76 .76 .86 .83 .83 .83 .88 .88 .93 .93 .93 .93 .93 .38 .38 .47 .43 .43 .43 .47 .63 .49 .49 .49 .49 .63 1.71 1.72 1.86 1.97 1.97 1.97 2.02 2.17 2.19 2.19 2.19 2.27 2.43 2.14 2.14 2.27 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.46 2.67 2.72 2.72 2.72 2.72 2.72 YAEV1C-L2 YAEV1C-L YAEV1C-L3 YAEV25-L1 YAEV25-L2 YAEV25-L YAEV25-L3 YAEV25-L4 YAEV26-L1 YAEV26-L2 YAEV26-L YAEV26-L3 YAEV26-L12 † Additional terminal stud sizes available. * BMY, BNCH-MT bench mount adapter available. ** NOTE: Add suffix "M" to cat. number to conform to MS25036 - standard for these items only (example: YAEV6C-L1M). See above. Contact Burndy for UL listed products. INSTALLATION TOOLING Ratchet: M8ND with N8CET-2 Die Non-Ratchet: MY28-6* Hydraulic: Y35, Y39 with U8CET Die Set Non-Ratchet: MY28-6* Hydraulic: Y35, Y39 with U6CET Die Set Non-Ratchet: MY28-6* Hydraulic: Y35, Y39 with U4CET Die Set Non-Ratchet: MY28-6* Hydraulic: Y35, Y39 with U2CET Die Set Non-Ratchet: MY28-6* Hydraulic: Y35, Y39 with U1CET Die Set Non-Ratchet: MY28-6* Hydraulic: Y35, Y39 with U25ET Die Set Non-Ratchet: MY28-6* Hydraulic: Y35, Y39 with U26ET Die Set WIRE HYPRESS Y29NC STRIP NEST INDENTOR LENGTH DEV8L 7/16 Y29PLE-1 Y29PLE-1 DEV6L 1/2 DEV4L 1/2 DEV2L 5/8 DV26L 5/8 Y29PLE Y29PLE DEV25L 11/16 DEV26L 13/16 BURNDY Compression TYPE YAEV-H INSULUG™ RING-TONGUE TERMINALS NYLON-INSULATED FOR EXPANDED INSULATION B-21 Designed to accommodate larger conductor insulation diameters. Made of one piece tin plated pure electrolytic seamless copper tubing for maximum conductivity and ductility. Color-coded insulating sleeves are locked into position. Inspection hole permits visual check of wire insertion. Meets requirements of MIL-T-7928 BULK CATALOG NUMBER YAEV8C-H14 YAEV8C-H YAEV8C-H1 YAEV8C-H2 YAEV8C-H3 YAEV8C-H4 YAEV6C-H1 YAEV6C-H YAEV6C-H4 YAEV6C-H2 YAEV6C-H10 YAEV4C-H3 YAEV4C-H YAEV4C-H4 YAEV4C-H2 YAEV4C-H5 YAEV2C-H3 YAEV2C-H1 YAEV2C-H2 YAEV2C-H YAEV2C-H4 YAEV1C-H1 YAEV1C-H2 YAEV1C-H YAEV1C-H3 WIRE RANGE 8 Max. Insul. Dia.: .30 Sleeve Color: Red 6 Max. Insul. Dia.: .38 Sleeve Color: Blue 4 Max. Insul. Dia.: .44 Sleeve Color: Yellow 2 Max. Insul. Dia.: .52 Sleeve Color: Red 1 Max. Insul. Dia.: .58 Sleeve Color: White STUD SIZE C 6-8 8-10 1/4 5/16 3/8 1/2 8-10 1/4 5/16 3/8 1/2 8-10 1/4 5/16 3/8 1/2 8-10 1/4 5/16 3/8 1/2 1/4 5/16 3/8 1/2 .41 .41 .46 .57 .57 .73 .48 .48 .60 .60 .73 .55 .55 .62 .62 .73 .69 .69 .69 .69 .77 .76 .76 .76 .86 * BMY BNCH-MT bench mount adapter available. Z MIN. Y MAX. L MAX. INSTALLATION TOOLING HYTOOL Y29NC HYPRESS NEST INDENTOR .25 1.32 1.54 M8ND .25 1.34 1.54 with .28 1.37 1.61 N8CET-2 Die .33 1.39 1.68 MY28-6* .33 1.39 1.68 Y35, Y39 with .47 1.52 1.91 U8CET Die .28 1.48 1.73 MY28-6* .28 1.48 1.73 Y35, Y39 .33 1.54 1.85 with U6CET CONSULT .34 1.54 FACTORY 1.85 Die Set .47 1.68 2.06 FOR AVAILABILITY .28 1.60 1.87 MY28-6* .28 1.60 1.87 Y35, Y39 .34 1.66 1.98 with .34 1.66 1.98 U4CET .47 1.79 2.18 .35 1.98 2.34 MY28-6* .35 1.98 2.34 Y35, Y39 .35 1.98 2.34 with .35 1.98 2.34 U2CET Die .47 2.10 2.49 .38 2.10 2.49 MY28-6* .38 2.10 2.49 Y35, Y39 .38 2.10 2.49 with .47 2.10 2.62 U1CET Die WIRE STRIP LENGTH DEV8K Y29PLE-1 7/16 DEV6L Y29PLE-1 1/2 DEV4L Y29PLE-1 1/2 DEV2L Y29PLE 5/8 DV26L Y29PLE 5/8 BURNDY Compression TYPE YAEV-H (Continued) B-22 BULK CATALOG NUMBER WIRE RANGE STUD SIZE C YAEV25-H1 YAEV25-H2 YAEV25-H YAEV25-H3 YAEV25-H4 YAEV26-H1 YAEV26-H2 YAEV26-H YAEV26-H3 YAEV26-H12 1/0 Max. Insul. Dia.: .66” Sleeve Color: Blue 2/0 Max. Insul. Dia.: .73” Sleeve Color: Yellow 1/4 5/16 3/8 1/2 5/8 1/4 5/16 3/8 1/2 5/8 .83 .83 .83 .88 .88 .94 .94 .94 .94 .94 * BMY BNCH-MT bench mount adapter available. Z MIN. Y MAX. L MAX. INSTALLATION TOOLING HYTOOL Y29NC HYPRESS NEST INDENTOR .43 2.39 2.82 MY28-6* .43 2.39 2.82 Y35, Y39 .43 2.39 2.82 with U25ET CONSULT .47 2.43 FACTORY 2.88 Die Set .62 2.59 3.10 FOR AVAILABILITY .48 2.65 3.13 MY28-6* .48 2.65 3.13 Y35, Y39 .48 2.65 3.13 with U26ET .48 2.65 3.13 Die Set .62 2.70 3.33 WIRE STRIP LENGTH DEV25L Y29PLE 11/16” DEV26L Y29PLE 13/16” BURNDY Compression TYPES YAV-R, YAV-RS HYLUG™ HEAVY DUTY RIGHT-ANGLE TERMINALS B-23 Factory formed right angle HYLUG™ connectors made of seamless pure copper tubing. These rugged terminals withstand the most severe applications. Inspection hole in barrel permits visual check of wire insertion. Tin plated to resist corrosion. Meets requirements of MIL-T-7928. CATALOG NUMBER YAV18-R YAV14-RL33 YAV14-R YAV10-R YAV10-R3 BOX BULK CATALOG NUMBER YAV8C-RS YAV8C-RS1 YAV8C-RS3 YAV6C-RS1 YAV6C-RS YAV6C-RS4 YAV6C-RS2 YAV4C-RS3 YAV4C-RS YAV4C-RS4 YAV4C-RS2 YAV2C-RS1 YAV2C-RS2 YAV2C-RS YAV1C-RS1 YAV1C-RS2 YAV25-RS YAV25-RS3 YAV26-RS YAV26-RS3 YAV27-RS YAV28-RS WIRE RANGE STUD SIZE C 22-18 8-10 4-6 8-10 8-10 1/4 .31 .25 .31 .38 .47 20-14 12-10 WIRE 8 6 4 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 STUD C 8-10 1/4 3/8 8-10 1/4 5/16 3/8 8-10 1/4 5/16 3/8 1/4 5/16 3/8 1/4 5/16 3/8 1/2 3/8 1/2 3/8 3/8 .41 .41 .56 .50 .50 .59 .59 .53 .53 .62 .62 .68 .68 .68 .73 .73 .82 .88 .92 .92 1.02 1.13 * For aircraft applications (Flexible Cable) use die DV8L-1 DIMENSIONS L MAX. Y MAX. Z MIN. .35 .37 .38 .55 .57 .54 .45 .57 .58 .60 DIMENSIONS IN INCHES L MAX. Y MAX. Z MIN. 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.35 1.35 1.51 1.51 1.63 1.63 1.65 1.80 .75 .79 .85 .81 .81 .89 .89 .87 .87 .95 .95 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.15 1.15 1.29 1.32 1.40 1.40 1.54 1.54 .25 .28 .34 .28 .28 .34 .34 .28 .28 .34 .34 .34 .34 .34 .34 .34 .43 .47 .47 .47 .47 .47 .25 .21 .25 .25 .28 N .20 .20 .20 .25 .25 .31 .31 .25 .25 .31 .31 .33 .33 .33 .33 .33 .39 .44 .39 .39 .48 .48 N INSTALLATION TOOLING .16 .12 .16 .19 .23 Non-Ratchet: Y10D Ratchet: Y8MRB-1, MR20, MR8-G98, MR8-9Q WIRE STRIP LENGTH 1/4 5/16 INSTALLATION TOOLING HYPRESS Y29NC HYTOOL NEST INDENTOR WIRE STRIP LENGTH DV8L-1* 7/16 DV6L 1/2 MY28 MY29-11 Y29PL DV4L DV2L 5/8 DV1L 5/8 DV25L 11/16 Y29PR DV26L — 13/16 — 7/8 BURNDY Compression TYPES YAEV-RS INSULUG™ RIGHT-ANGLE TERMINALS NYLON-INSULATED B-24 Factory formed right angle INSULUG™ connectors made of seamless pure copper tubing. These rugged terminals withstand the most severe applications. Inspection hole in barrel permits visual check of wire insertion. Meets requirements of MIL-T-7928. CATALOG NUMBER YAEV8C-RS YAEV8C-RS1 YAEV6C-RS1 YAEV6C-RS YAEV4C-RS YAEV4C-RS2 YAEV2C-RS1 YAEV2C-RS YAEV1C-RS2 YAEV1C-RS YAEV25-RS YAEV26-RS WIRE SIZE 8 Max. Insul. Dia.: .258 Sleeve Color: Red 6 Max. Insul. Dia.: .313 Sleeve Color: Blue 4 Max. Insul. Dia.: .374 Sleeve Color: Yellow 2 Max. Insul. Dia.: .459 Sleeve Color: Red 1 Max. Insul. Dia.: .516 Sleeve Color: White 1/0 Max. Insul. Dia.: .564 Sleeve Color: Blue 2/0 Max. Insul. Dia.: .628 Sleeve Color: Yellow STUD SIZE N C 8-10 .20 .41 .25 .82 1.25 1/4 .25 .41 .28 .84 1.25 8-10 .25 .50 .28 .88 1.28 1/4 .25 .50 .28 .88 1.20 1/4 .25 .53 .28 .95 1.28 3/8 .31 .62 .34 1.02 1.28 1/4 .33 .68 .34 1.13 1.62 3/8 .33 .68 .34 1.13 1.62 5/16 .33 .73 .34 1.22 1.65 3/8 .33 .73 .34 1.22 1.65 3/8 .39 .81 .43 1.46 3/8 .39 .92 .47 1.48 Z MIN. Y MAX. L MAX. INSTALLATION TOOLING HYPRESS Y29NC HYTOOL NEST INDENTOR LENGTH A DEV8L 7/16 B DEV6L C DEV4L 1/2 D DEV2L 5/8 E DEV26L 5/8 1.88 F DEV25L 11/16 2.06 G DEV26 13/16 Y29PLE-1 1/2 Y29PLE A B C D E F G Ratchet: M8ND with N8CET-2 Die Non-Ratchet: MY28-6†† Hydraulic: Y35, Y39 with U8CET Die Set Non-Ratchet: MY28-6†† Hydraulic: Y35, Y39 with U6CET Die Set Non-Ratchet: MY28-6†† Hydraulic: Y35, Y39 with U4CET Die Set Non-Ratchet: MY28-6†† Hydraulic: Y35, Y39 with U2CET Die Set Non-Ratchet: MY28-6†† Hydraulic: Y35, Y39 with U1CET Die Set Non-Ratchet: MY28-6†† Hydraulic: Y35, Y39 with U25ET Die Set Non-Ratchet: MY28-6†† Hydraulic: Y35, Y39 with U26ET Die Set †† BMY BNCH-MT bench mount adapter available. BURNDY Compression TYPE YAEV-RH INSULUG™ RIGHT-ANGLE TERMINALS, NYLON-INSULATED B-25 DESIGNED TO ACCOMMODATE LARGER CONDUCTOR INSULATION DIAMETERS Factory formed right angle INSULUG™ connectors made of seamless pure copper tubing. These rugged terminals withstand the most severe applications. Inspection hole in barrel permits visual check of wire insertion. Tin plated to resist corrosion. Meets requirements of MIL-T-7928. CATALOG NUMBER YAEV8C-RH YAEV8C-RH1 YAEV6C-RH1 YAEV6C-RH YAEV4C-RH YAEV4C-RH2 YAEV2C-RH1 YAEV2C-RH YAEV1C-RH2 YAEV1C-RH YAEV25-RH YAEV26-RH WIRE SIZE 8 Max. Insul. Dia.: .30 Sleeve Color: Red 6 Max. Insul. Dia.: .38 Sleeve Color: Blue 4 Max. Insul. Dia.: .44 Sleeve Color: Yellow 2 Max. Insul. Dia.: .52 Sleeve Color: White 1 Max. Insul. Dia.: .52 Sleeve Color: White 1/0 Max. Insul. Dia.: .66 Sleeve Color: Blue 2/0 Max. Insul. Dia.: .73 Sleeve Color: Yellow STUD SIZE N C 8-10 .20 .41 .25 .87 1.38 1/4 .25 .41 .28 .90 1.38 8-10 .25 .50 .28 .97 1.43 1/4 .25 .50 .28 .97 1.43 1/4 .25 .53 .28 1.04 1.53 3/8 .31 .62 .34 1.11 1.53 1/4 .33 .67 .34 1.22 1.88 3/8 .33 CONSULT .67 .34 5/16 .33 3/8 .33 .73 .34 1.32 1.99 3/8 .39 .81 .43 1.50 3/8 .39 .92 .47 1.60 Z MIN. Y MAX. L MAX. INSTALLATION TOOLING HYPRESS Y29NC HYTOOL NEST INDENTOR LENGTH A DEV8L B DEV6L C DEV4L 1/2 D DEV2L 5/8 E DV26L 5/18 2.29 F DEV25L 11/16 2.42 G DEV26L 13/16 1.22 1.88 FACTORY .73 AVAILABILITY .34 1.32 1.99 FOR 7/16 Y29PLE-1 1/2 Y29PLE A B C D E F G Ratchet: M8ND with N8CET-2 Die Non-Ratchet: MY28-6†† Hydraulic: Y35, Y39 with U8CET Die Set Non-Ratchet: MY28-6†† Hydraulic: Y35, Y39 with U6CET Die Set Non-Ratchet: MY28-6†† Hydraulic: Y35, Y39 with U4CET Die Set Non-Ratchet: MY28-6†† Hydraulic: Y35, Y39 with U2CET Die Set Non-Ratchet: MY28-6†† Hydraulic: Y35, Y39 with U1CET Die Set Non-Ratchet: MY28-6†† Hydraulic: Y35, Y39 with U25ET Die Set Non-Ratchet: MY28-6†† Hydraulic: Y35, Y39 with U26ET Die Set †† BMY BNCH-MT bench mount adapter available. BURNDY Compression TYPES T-F AND YAD-F BRAZED SEAM DEEP “V” GROOVE INNER SERRATIONS AND INSPECTION HOLE HYLUG™ B-26 LONG BARREL BEVELED ENTRY UNINSULATED COMPRESSION TERMINAL, FORK TONGUE Type T-F is constructed in the same manner as the type "T" and employs a fork tongue. LONG NECK ELECTRO-TIN PLATED FORKED TONGUE The fork permits rapid installation of the terminal under a screw head without completely removing the screw. Two or more terminals may be stacked easily on a common stud. CATALOG NUMBER T18-6F T18-8F T18-10F T18-14F T14-6F T14-8F T14-10F T14-14F T10-6F T10-8F T10-10F T10-14F WIRE RANGE 22-18 20-14 12-10 STUD SIZE 4-6 6-8 8-10 4-6 6-8 8-10 4-6 6-8 8-10 C .28 .31 .37 .47 .28 .31 .37 .47 .28 .31 .41 .50 DIMENSIONS L MAX. Y MAX. .68 .74 .74 .92 .68 .74 .74 .92 .74 .80 .87 1.00 .55 .57 .58 .69 .55 .57 .58 .69 .61 .63 .68 .75 Z MIN. BULK CAT. NO. INSTALLATION TOOLING .25 .27 .29 .39 .25 .27 .29 .39 .25 .27 .32 .39 YAD18-6F YAD18-8F YAD18-10F YAD18-14F YAD14-6F YAD14-8F YAD14-10F YAD14-14F YAD10-6F YAD10-8F YAD10-10F YAD10-14F Non-Ratchet: Y10D, Y10-22 Ratchet: MR8G9 Y8MRB-1, MR20 Non-Ratchet: Y10D, Y10-22 Ratchet: MR8G98, Y8MRB-1, MR20 Non-Ratchet: Y10D, Y10-22 Ratchet: MRG98, Y8MRB-1, MR20 WIRE STRIP LENGTH 9/32 9/32 11/32 BURNDY Compression TYPES YAV-T-F BOX AND YAV-T-F INSPECTION HOLE SEAMLESS BARREL BEVELED ENTRY HYLUG™ SEAMLESS UNINSULATED COMPRESSION FORK TONGUE TERMINAL The type YAV-T-F HYLUG™ is a seamless heavy duty uninsulated compression forktongue terminal manufactured from electrolytic copper for use on copper commercial (code) cable, Type AN aircraft cable and extra flexible conductors. CRIMP B-27 WIRE SIZE ELECTRO-TIN PLATED DOUBLE THICK FORK TONGUE Features and Benefits • Fork tongue. ◊ Allows installation of compression terminal under screw head without complete removal of the screw. The seamless design produces a double thick tongue and the seamless barrel provides a strong highly reliable connection. All the benefits of the Type YAV apply for the same wire sizes. CATALOG NUMBER YAV18-T19F BOX YAV18-T21F BOX YAV14-T32F BOX YAV14-T34F BOX YAV10-T21F BOX YAV10-T23F BOX WIRE RANGE 22-18 20-14 12-10 STUD SIZE C 4-6 8-10 4-6 8-10 8-10 1/4 .31 .37 .31 .37 .38 .47 DIMENSIONS L MAX. Y MAX. .80 .80 .80 .82 .91 1.00 .55 .55 .57 .60 .69 .75 Z MIN. BULK CAT. NO. INSTALLATION TOOLING .25 .25 .25 .26 .26 .34 YAV18-T19F YAV18-T21F YAV14-T32F YAV14-T34F YAV10-21F YAV10T23F Non-Ratchet: Y10D, Y10-22 Ratchet: MR8-G98, MR8-9Q, MR20, Y8MRB-1 WIRE STRIP LENGTH 9/32 9/32 7/16 BURNDY Compression TYPE YAV-H-F BOX, YAV-H-F AND YAV-Z INSPECTION HOLE HYLUG™ B-28 INSULATION GRIP AND CABLE SUPPORT SEAMLESS BARREL ELECTRO-TIN PLATED In addition to the benefits described for the YAV box series of connectors the YAVH-F Box and YAV-Z terminals provide the following benefits. WIRE RANGE FLANGED FORK TONGUE DOUBLE THICK TONGUE SEAMLESS BARREL INSULATION GRIP AND CABLE SUPPORT INSPECTION HOLE The type "YAV-H-F" HYLUG™ is a seamless heavy duty uninsulated compression fork tongue terminal with a shroud for an insulation grip and cable support. Manufactured from electrolytic copper tubing for use on copper commercial (code) cable, Type "AN" aircraft and extra flexible conductors. The seamless tubing produces a double thick tongue while the seamless barrel design provides a very strong connector for very demanding applications that require highly reliable connections. CRIMP CRIMP UNINSULATED COMPRESSION TERMINAL FORK TONGUE WITH SHROUD SEAMLESS ELECTRO-TIN PLATED CRIMP CRIMP WIRE RANGE FLANGED FORK TONGUE DOUBLE THICK TONGUE Features and Benefits • Fork tongue. ◊ Allows installation of compression terminal under screw head without complete removal of the screw thereby lowering installation costs. • Flanged fork tongue. ◊ Allows installation of compression terminal under screw head without complete removal of the screw plus aids in maintaining the terminal on the stud should the screw loosen slightly. Fig. 1 Fig. 2 CATALOG NUMBER FIG. YAV18-H6F BOX YAV18-H19 BOX YAV18-H21F BOX YAV14-Z5 BOX YAV14-H32F BOX YAV14-H56F BOX YAV14-H34F BOX YAV14-HF BOX YAV14-Z6 BOX YAV10-HF BOX * Crimps conductor crimp only. 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 WIRE RANGE 22-18 20-14 12-10 STUD SIZE MAX. INSUL. DIA. ACCOM. C 4-6 4-6 8-10 4-6 4-6 6-8 8-10 8-10 8-10 8-10 .120 .120 .120 .150 .150 .150 .150 .150 .150 .192 .25 .30 .37 .31 .30 .30 .37 .31 .37 .38 DIMENSIONS L MAX. Y MAX. Z MIN. .89 .97 .97 .89 .96 .96 .96 .93 1.04 1.07 .80 .75 .76 .69 .78 .78 .78 .78 .78 .92 .19 .21 .22 .13 .23 .23 .23 .23 .21 .24 BULK CAT. NO. INSTALLATION TOOLING YAV18-H6F YAV18-H19F YAV18-H21F YAV14-Z5 YAV14-H32F YAV14-H56F YAV14-H34F YAV14-HF YAV14-Z6 YAV10-HF Plier: Y10D*, Y14MV, Y10-22* Ratchet: MR8-G98, MR8-9Q, Y8MRB-1*, MR20, and M8ND with N14HT-5 Die N10HT Die WIRE STRIP LENGTH 1/4 7/16 BURNDY Compression TYPES TN-F AND YAES-F WIRE CRIMP INSULATION CRIMP BRAZED SEAM SMOOTH FUNNEL ENTRY INSULUG™ TERMINAL - NYLON INSULATED, FORK TONGUE FORK TONGUE TIN PLATED 300 VOLTS MAX. 105° C MAX The type TN-F, nylon insulated fork tongue terminal has the same high quality as the TN. It is designed to meet the heavy-duty requirements of industrial and utility applications. Used on both power and control circuits for wire sizes #26 AWG through #10 AWG. The TN-F provides high dielectric strength and stability in oily conditions. B-29 DEEP “V” SERRATIONS Features and Benefits • Fork tongue. ◊ Provides faster and easier installation by permitting insertion under the screw head without completely removing it. The TN-F is identical to the TN with the addition of a fork tongue which allows installation without complete removal of its supporting screw. CATALOG NUMBERS TN20-2F* TN20-6F* TN18-6F TN18-8F TN18-10F TN18-14F TN14-6F TN14-8F TN14-10F TN14-14F TN10-6F TN10-8F TN10-10F TN10-14F WIRE RANGE STUD SIZES C 26-20 Max. Insul. Dia. Accom.: .098 Color Code: Amber 22-18 Max. Insul. Dia. Accom.: .120 Color Code: Red 16-14 Max. Insul. Dia. Accom.: .153 Color Code: Blue 12-10 Max. Insul. Dia. Accom.: .209 Color Code: Yellow 1-2 .18 .76 .65 .24 — 4-6 .28 .80 .70 .28 — 4-6 6-8 8-10 .28 .31 .37 .47 .28 .31 .37 .47 .28 .31 .41 .50 .79 .84 .84 1.03 .79 .84 .84 1.03 .96 1.01 1.09 1.21 .65 .67 .68 .79 .65 .67 .68 .79 .82 .84 .89 .96 .24 .26 .27 .38 .24 .26 .27 .38 .24 .26 .31 .38 YAES18N1F YAES18N49F YAES18N3F YAES18N50F YAES14N6F YAES14N53F YAES14N8F YAES14N54F YAES10N11F YAES10N56F YAES10N12F YAES10N57F * These sizes not UL listed. ** Or other tool conforming to military specification MS25037 or MS90413 4-6 6-8 8-10 4-6 6-8 8-10 DIMENSIONS L MAX. Y MAX. Z MIN. BULK CAT. NO. INSTALLATION TOOLING M8ND with N14HET-25V1 Die Set Non-Ratchet: Y10D, Y10-22 WIRE STRIP LENGTH 3/16 7/32 7/32 Ratchet: MR8-83**, MR18 11/32 BURNDY Compression TYPES YAE-N-F BOX AND YAE-N-F MULTI-FINGER INSULATION GRIPS AND CABLE SUPPORT FUNNEL ENTRY WIRE SIZE INSULUG™ B-30 Terminal — Nylon Insulated, Fork Tongue ELECTRO-TIN PLATED Multi-Finger Insulation Grip FORK TONGUE 300 Volts Max. 105° C Max. WIRE RANGE 24 - 20 Max. Insul. Dia.: .098 Sleeve Color: YAE22N66F BOX• Amber YAE22N65F BOX• YAE18N60F BOX YAE18G43F BOX YAE18N56F BOX 22 - 16 Max. Insul. Dia.: .125 Sleeve Color: Red YAE18N57F BOX YAE14N76F BOX YAE14N77F BOX YAE14N78F BOX • Not UL recognized. 16 - 14 Max. Insul. Dia.: .156 Sleeve Color: Blue STUD SIZE WIRE CRIMP DEEP “V” SERRATIONS Features and Benefits INSULUG™ type YAE-N-F nylon insulated terminals are designed with a Multi-Finger Insulation grip, are rated 105° C and are supplied with a fork tongue for easy terminal insertion and removal. CATALOG NUMBER INSULATION CRIMP • Fork tongue. ◊ Permits rapid easy installation of the terminal under the screw head without complete removal of the screw. DIMENSIONS BULK L Y Z CATALOG C MAX. MAX. MIN. NUMBER 1-2 .18 .73 .65 .24 YAE22N65F• 4-6 .28 .80 .70 .28 YAE22N66F• 4 .21 .92 .73 .24 YAE18N60F .25 .78 .68 .19 YAE18G43F .28 .83 .76 .23 YAE18N56F 6-8 .31 .96 .78 .29 YAE18N57F 4-6 .28 .87 .76 .26 YAE14N76F 6-8 .31 .96 .78 .29 YAE14N77F 8 - 10 .36 1.01 .83 .34 YAE14N78F 4-6 INSTALLATION TOOLING Ratchet: M8ND N14HET25V1 Die Non-Ratchet: Y10D or Ratchet: MR8-33T-1, M8ND With one of the following Dies: N14HET-25V1, N10ET-9, N14HET-15 Non-Ratchet: Y10D or Y10-22 or Ratchet: MR8-33T1 TAPE MOUNTED WIRE CATALOG NO. INSTALLATION STRIP 2000/Reel TOOLING LENGTH YAE22N65FM• YAE22N66FM• TFM with DFM11D1 Die 5/32 TFM with DFM10D1 Die 3/16 TFM with DFM9D1 Die 3/16 YAE18G60FM YAE18G43FM YAE18N56FM YAE18N57FM YAE14N76FM YAE14N77FM YAE14N78FM BURNDY Compression TYPES TP-F AND BA-EF EXPANDED SHROUD INSULATION CRIMP WIRE CRIMP WIRE SIZE RANGE SMOOTH ENTRY VINYLUG™ TERMINAL POLYVINYLCHLORIDE INSULATED, FORK TONGUE FORK TONGUE The Type TP-F is a fork tongue variation of the TP design and makes installation easier. TP16-2F TP16-6F TP16-8F TP16-10F TP14-2F TP14-6F TP14-8F TP14-10F TP10-6F TP10-8F TP10-10F WIRE RANGE STUD SIZE C 22-16 Max. Insul. Dia. Accom.: .145 Color Code: Red 16-14 Max. Insul. Dia. Accom.: .180 Color Code: Blue 12-10 Max. Insul. Color Code: Yellow 1-2 4-6 6-8 8-10 1-2 4-6 6-8 8-10 4-5 6-8 8-10 .17 .28 .31 .41 .17 .28 .31 .41 .28 .31 .41 • UL and CSA listed with MR8-89-1 and MR15. * 1000/Reel. B-31 DEEP “V” SERRATIONS TIN PLATED 600 VOLTS MAX. 105° C MAX CATALOG NUMBER COLOR CODED INSULATION Features and Benefits • Fork tongue design. ◊ Faster installation-screw needs only to be loosened for termination. DIMENSIONS BULK TAPE MOUNTED WIRE L Y Z CATALOG INSTALLATION CATALOG NO. INSTALLATION STRIP MAX. MAX. MIN. NUMBER • TOOLING 2000/Reel TOOLING LENGTH .75 .80 .86 .95 .75 .80 .86 .95 .95 .98 1.07 .66 .66 .69 .75 .66 .66 .69 .75 .81 .81 .87 .23 .23 .26 .31 .23 .23 .26 .31 .26 .26 .31 BA16EF2 BA16EF6 BA16EF8 BA16EF10 BA14EF2 BA14EF6 BA14EF8 BA14EF10 BA10EF6 BA10EF8 BA10EF10 Plier Type: Y10-22 Ratchet Tool: MR8-89-1, MR15 BA16EF2M BA16EF6M BA16EF8M BA16EF10M BA14EF2M BA14EF6M BA14EF8M BA14EF10M *BA10EF6M *BA10EF8M *BA10EF10M TFM with DFM3D-1 Die TFM with DFM2D-1 Die TFM with DFM1D5 Die 13/64 13/64 19/64 BURNDY Compression TYPES YAE-Z BOX AND YAE-Z MULTI-FINGER INSULATION GRIPS AND CABLE SUPPORT WIRE SIZE INSULUG™ B-32 ELECTRO-TIN PLATED TERMINAL NYLON INSULATED, FLANGED FORK WIRE CRIMP INSULUG™ type YAE-Z is identical to type YAE-N and employs a flanged fork tongue for faster installation while maintaining security if supporting screw becomes loose. CATALOG NUMBER WIRE RANGE STUD SIZE C YAE22Z1 BOX YAE22Z2 BOX YAE22Z3 BOX YAE18Z1 BOX YAE18Z2 BOX YAE18Z3 BOX YAE18Z4 BOX YAE14Z2 BOX YAE14Z3 BOX YAE14Z4 BOX YAE12Z2 BOX YAE12Z3 BOX YAE12Z4 BOX 26-20 Max. Insul. Dia.: .098 Sleeve Color: Amber 1-2 4-6 6-8 1-2 4-6 6-8 8-10 4-6 6-8 8-10 4-6 6-8 8-10 .18 .28 .31 .18 .28 .31 .36 .28 .31 .36 .28 .31 .36 • Not UL recognized. DEEP “V” SERRATIONS Features and Benefits 300 VOLTS MAX. 105° C MAX 16-14 Max. Insul. Dia. Accom.: (156) Color Code: Blue 14-12 Max. Insul. Dia. Accom.: (180) Color Code: Green INSULATION CRIMP FLANGED FORK MULTI-FINGER INSULATION GRIP 22-16 Max. Insul. Dia. Accom.: (125) Color Code: Red FUNNEL ENTRY • Flanged fork. ◊ Permits rapid, easy installation of the terminal under the screw head without complete removal of the screw. Additionally, it may not be removed with only a slight loosening of the screw. DIMENSIONS BULK Z Y L CATALOG MAX. MAX. MAX. NUMBER .24 .28 .30 .22 .26 .29 .34 .26 .29 .34 .27 .32 .35 .65 .70 .72 .73 .76 .78 .83 .76 .78 .83 .90 .96 1.00 .75 .83 .92 .83 1.00 1.00 1.08 .90 1.00 1.08 1.04 1.16 1.23 YAE22Z1 YAE22Z2 YAE22Z3 YAE18Z1 YAE18Z2 YAE18Z3 YAE18Z4 YAE14Z2 YAE14Z3 YAE14Z4 YAE12Z2 YAE12Z3 YAE12Z4 INSTALLATION TOOLING M8ND with N14HET-25V1 Die Y10D, Y10-22 MR8-33T-1, M8ND with one of the following Dies: N14HET-15, N10HET-9, Y10D, Y10-22 MR833T-1, M8ND with N12HET-1, Y10D, Y10-22 BURNDY Compression TYPES TP-Z AND BA-EZ EXPANDED SHROUD INSULATION CRIMP WIRE CRIMP VINYLUG™ WIRE SIZE RANGE TERMINAL POLYVINYLCHLORIDE INSULATED, FLANGED FORK TONGUE DEEP “V” SERRATIONS FLANKED FORK 600 VOLTS MAX. 105° C MAX VINYLUG™ Type TP-Z is a variation of the Type TP and employs a flanged fork tongue for fast installation and security. CATALOG NUMBER TP16-2Z TP16-6Z TP16-8Z TP16-10Z TP14-2Z TP14-6Z TP14-8Z TP14-10Z TP10-6Z TP10-8Z TP10-10Z * 1000/Reel. FUNNEL ENTRY WIRE RANGE STUD SIZE C 22-16 Max. Insul. Dia. Accom.: .145 Color Code: Red 16-14 Max. Insul. Dia. Accom.: .180 Color Code: Blue 12-10 Max. Insul. Dia. Accom.: .260 Color Code: Yellow 1-2 4-6 6-8 8-10 1-2 4-6 6-8 8-10 4-6 6-8 8-10 .17 .28 .31 .41 .17 .28 .31 .41 .28 .31 .41 TIN PLATED Features and Benefits • Flange fork tongue design. ◊ Allows fast installation—screw only has to be loosened for termination. • The flanges on the end of the fork terminal aid in preventing a slightly loose terminal from becoming fully disconnected from the screw. ◊ Flanges make re-securing a loose terminal easier. DIMENSIONS BULK L Y Z CATALOG MAX. MAX. MIN. NUMBER .78 .83 .88 .96 .78 .83 .88 .96 .99 1.01 1.09 .66 .66 .69 .75 .66 .66 .69 .75 .81 .81 .81 .23 .23 .26 .31 .23 .23 .26 .31 .26 .26 .31 BA16EZ2 BA16EZ6 BA16EZ8 BA16EZ10 BA14EZ2 BA14EZ6 BA14EZ8 BA14EZ10 BA10EZ6 BA10EZ8 BA10EZ10 INSTALLATION TOOLING Plier Type: Y10-22 Ratchet Tool: MR8-89-1, MR15 B-33 BURNDY Compression TYPES TP-LF AND BA-EL WIRE SIZE RANGE VINYLUG™ B-34 LOCKING FORK TERMINAL POLYVINYLCHLORIDE INSULATED, LOCKING FORK TONGUE COLOR CODED INSULATION Features and Benefits Type TP-LF is a variation of the Type TP design and employs a locking fork tongue for fast installation and security. TP16-6LF TP16-8LF TP16-10LF TP14-6LF TP14-8LF TP14-10LF TP10-6LF TP10-8LF TP10-10LF DEEP “V” SERRATIONS TIN PLATED 600 VOLTS MAX. 105° C MAX CATALOG NUMBER EXPANDED SHROUD INSULATION CRIMP WIRE CRIMP • Locking fork tongue design. ◊ Allows fast installation—screw only has to be loosened for termination. • Internal configuration of the fork. ◊ Prevents the terminal from coming off the screw without applying a pulling force. • Locking fork is made from a copper alloy. ◊ Permits many installations while maintaining proper spring retention of forks. INSTALLATION TOOLING TAPE MOUNTED WIRE CATALOG NO. INSTALLATION STRIP 2000/Reel TOOLING LENGTH STUD SIZE C 22-16 MAX. INSUL. DIA. ACCOM.: .145 COLOR CODE: Red 16-14 MAX. INSUL. DIA. ACCOM.: .180 COLOR CODE: Blue 12-10 MAX. INSUL. DIA. ACCOM.: .260 COLOR CODE: Yellow 4-6 .28 .80 .66 .23 BA16EL6 6-8 .31 .86 .69 .26 BA16EL8 8-10 .41 .95 .75 .31 BA16EL10 4-6 .28 .80 .66 .23 BA14EL6 BA14EL6M 6-8 .31 .86 .69 .26 BA14EL8 BA14EL8M 8-10 .41 .95 .75 .31 BA14EL10 4-6 .28 .95 .81 .26 BA10EL6 6-8 .31 .98 .81 .26 BA10EL8 8-10 .41 1.07 .87 .31 BA10EL10 • UL and CSA listed with MR8-89-1 and MR15. * 1000/Reel. DIMENSIONS L MAX. Y MAX. Z MIN. BULK CATALOG NUMBER • WIRE RANGE BA16EL6M PLIER TYPE: Y10-22 RATCHET TOOL: MR8-89-1 MR15 BA16EL8M BA16EL10M BA14EL10M TFM WITH DFM3D-1 DIE TFM WITH DFM2D-1 DIE * BA10EL6M TFM * BA10EL8M WITH * BA10EL10M DFM1D5 DIE 13/64 13/64 19/64 BURNDY Compression TYPE Q-F FINGRIP™ NON-INSULATED FEMALE QUICK DISCONNECTS MATERIAL: TIN-PLATED BRASS B-35 Features and Benefits • Butted seam. • Chamfered barrel opening. ◊ Assures quick and easy wire insertion. • Dimpled female socket detent. ◊ Ensures firm grip. FEMALE BARE DISCONNECT TERMINAL STANDARD CATALOG NO. Q18F18X02D Q18F25X03D Q14F11X02D Q14F18X02D Q14F25X03D Q10F25X03D STD. PKG. QTY. WIRE RANGE 100 18-22 100 14-16 50 10-12 (Mates with Type Q-M male disconnects) NEMA TAB SIZE A .187 .020 .250 .032 .110 .020 .187 .020 .250 .032 .250 .032 0.58 0.62 0.55 0.58 0.62 0.73 DIMENSIONS B W 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.27 0.23 0.29 0.14 0.20 0.29 0.29 BULK CATALOG NO. Q18F18X02B Q18F25X03B Q14F11X02B Q14F18X02B Q14F25X03B Q10F25X03B BULK QTY. INSTALLATION TOOL* 1000 MR20, Y10D 500 * For UL listed applications consult BURNDY® factory. TYPE QP-F FINGRIP™ VINYL INSULATED FEMALE QUICK DISCONNECTS MATERIAL: TIN-PLATED BRASS 600 VOLTS MAX. 105 C MAX. Features and Benefits • Butted seam. • Insulated connectors. ◊ Eliminate the need for post installation insulation. • Funnel entry barrel opening. ◊ Assures quick and easy wire insertion. • Dimpled female socket detent. ◊ Ensures firm grip. FEMALE VINYL DISCONNECT TERMINAL STANDARD CATALOG NO. QP18F18X02D QP18F25X03D QP14F18X02D QP14F25X03D QP10F25X03D STD. PKG. QTY. WIRE RANGE 100 18-22 100 14-16 50 10-12 * For UL listed applications consult BURNDY® factory. (Mates with Type QP-M male disconnects) NEMA TAB SIZE A .187 .020 .250 .032 .187 .020 .250 .032 .250 .032 0.86 0.91 0.87 0.92 1.08 DIMENSIONS B W 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.27 0.22 0.29 0.23 0.29 0.29 BULK CATALOG NO. QP18F18X02B QP18F25X03B QP14F18X02B QP14F25X03B QP10F25X03B BULK PKG. QTY. 1000 500 INSTALLATION TOOL* Y10D BURNDY Compression TYPE QP-M FINGRIP™ VINYL INSULATED MALE QUICK DISCONNECTS B-36 MATERIAL: TIN-PLATED BRASS 600 VOLTS MAX. 105 C MAX. Features and Benefits • Butted seam. • Funnel entry barrel opening. ◊ Assures quick and easy wire insertion. • Mates with dimpled female socket detent. ◊ Ensures firm grip. MALE VINYL DISCONNECT TERMINAL STANDARD CATALOG NO. STD. PKG. QTY. WIRE RANGE 100 18-22 100 14-16 50 10-12 QP18M18X02D QP18M25X03D QP14M18X02D QP14M25X03D QP10M250D (Mates with Type QP-F female disconnects) NEMA TAB SIZE A .187 .020 .250 .032 .187 .020 .250 .032 .250 .032 0.83 0.95 0.83 0.95 1.12 DIMENSIONS B W 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.19 0.25 0.19 0.25 0.25 BULK CATALOG NO. QP18M18X02B QP18M25X03B QP14M18X02B QP14M25X03B — BULK PKG. QTY. INSTALLATION TOOL* 1000 1000 Y10D — * For UL listed applications consult BURNDY® factory. TYPE QN-M FINGRIP™ NYLON INSULATED MALE QUICK DISCONNECTS MATERIAL: TIN-PLATED BRASS 300 VOLTS MAX. 105 C MAX. Features and Benefits • Sleeved barrel. • Funnel entry barrel opening. ◊ Assures quick and easy wire insertion. • Mates with dimpled female socket detent. ◊ Ensures firm grip. MALE NYLON DISCONNECT TERMINAL STANDARD CATALOG NO. QN18M18X02D QN18M25X03D QN14M18X02D QN14M25X03D QN10M250D STD. PKG. QTY. WIRE RANGE 100 18-22 100 14-16 50 10-12 * For UL listed applications consult BURNDY® factory. NEMA TAB SIZE .187 .020 .250 .032 .187 .020 .250 .032 .250 .032 (Mates with Type QN-F female disconnects) DIMENSIONS A B W 0.82 0.91 0.84 0.91 1.12 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.19 0.25 0.19 0.25 0.25 BULK CATALOG NO. QN18M18X02B QN18M25X03B QN14M18X02B QN14M25X03B — BULK PKG. QTY. INSTALLATION TOOL* 1000 1000 — Y10D BURNDY Compression TYPES PGP, AND PGN FINGRIP™ MALE/FEMALE COMBINATION QUICK DISCONNECTS MATERIAL: TIN-PLATED BRASS B-37 Features and Benefits • Sleeved barrel. • Combination connector. ◊ Allows for more than one connection to a circuit. • Funnel entry barrel opening. ◊ Assures quick and easy wire insertion. • Dimpled female socket detent. ◊ Ensures firm grip. VINYL COMBINATION DISCONNECT TERMINAL STANDARD CATALOG NO. PGP1825X03D PGP1425X03D STD. PKG. QTY. WIRE RANGE NEMA TAB SIZE A 100 100 18-22 14-16 .250 .032 .250 .032 0.91 0.91 600 VOLTS MAX. 105 C MAX. DIMENSIONS B W 0.17 0.17 0.30 0.30 NYLON COMBINATION DISCONNECT TERMINAL STANDARD CATALOG NO. PGN1825X03D PGN1425X03D STD. PKG. QTY. WIRE RANGE NEMA TAB SIZE 100 100 18-22 14-16 .250 .032 .250 .032 * For UL listed applications consult BURNDY® factory. BULK PKG. QTY. PGP1825X03B PGP1425X03B 1000 1000 INSTALLATION TOOL* Y10D 300 VOLTS MAX. 105 C MAX. DIMENSIONS A B W 0.90 0.90 BULK CATALOG NO. 0.17 0.17 0.30 0.30 BULK CATALOG NO. BULK PKG. QTY. PGN1825X03B PGN1425X03B 1000 1000 INSTALLATION TOOL* Y10D BURNDY Compression TYPES FQN-F AND FQN-M FINGRIP™ B-38 NYLON FULLY INSULATED FEMALE AND MALE QUICK DISCONNECTS Fig. 1 MATERIAL: TIN-PLATED BRASS 300 VOLTS MAX. 105 C MAX. Features and Benefits • Fully insulated connectors. ◊ Eliminate the need for post installation insulation. • Funnel entry barrel opening. ◊ Assures quick and easy wire insertion. • Dimpled female socket detent. ◊ Ensures firm grip. Fig. 2 FULLY INSULATED FEMALE NYLON DISCONNECT TERMINAL (Fig. 1) STANDARD CATALOG NO. STD. PKG. QTY. WIRE RANGE NEMA TAB SIZE FQN18F25X03D FQN14F25X03D FQN10F25X03D 50 50 25 18-22 14-16 10-12 .250 .032 .250 .032 .250 .032 DIMENSIONS A W 0.98 0.96 0.99 0.40 0.40 0.41 BULK CATALOG NO. BULK PKG. QTY. FQN18F25X03B FQN14F25X03B FQN10F25X03B 1000 1000 500 INSTALLATION TOOL* Y10D FULLY INSULATED MALE NYLON DISCONNECT TERMINAL (Fig. 2) STANDARD CATALOG NO. STD. PKG. QTY. WIRE RANGE NEMA TAB SIZE FQN18M25X03D FQN14M25X03D FQN10M25X03D 50 50 25 18-22 14-16 10-12 .250 .032 .250 .032 .250 .032 * For UL listed applications consult BURNDY® factory. ** For Mylar tape reels consult BURNDY® factory. DIMENSIONS A W 1.05 1.03 1.03 0.48 0.48 0.48 BULK CATALOG NO. BULK PKG. QTY. FQN18M25X03B FQN14M25X03B FQN10M25X03B 1000 1000 500 INSTALLATION TOOL* Y10D BURNDY Compression TYPE FL FINGRIP™ FLAG-STYLE FEMALE QUICK DISCONNECT MATERIAL: TIN-PLATED BRASS B-39 Features and Benefits • Dimpled female socket detent. ◊ Ensures firm grip. FEMALE BARE DISCONNECT TERMINAL STANDARD CATALOG NO. FL1825X03D FL1425X03D FL1025X03D STD. PKG. QTY. WIRE RANGE NEMA TAB SIZE A 100 100 50 18-22 14-16 10-12 .250 .032 .250 .032 .250 .032 0.67 0.67 0.67 DIMENSIONS B W 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.25 0.25 0.25 BULK CATALOG NO. BULK PKG. QTY. FL1825X03B FL1425X03B FL1025X03B 1000 1000 500 INSTALLATION TOOL Consult Factory BURNDY Compression UNINSULATED SPLICES BURNDY® manufactures several designs of uninsulated butt splices. Each type is designed to meet specific application requirements and provide a high quality, electrical B-40 splice connection that is easily installed. The following features and benefits apply to all BURNDY® uninsulated splices. Features and Benefits • Manufactured from seamless tubing. ◊ A high quality design with no seams to split. • Electrolytic copper. ◊ Provides maximum conductivity, low resistance and ductility for excellent crimp forming properties. • Electro-tin plated. ◊ Provides durable long lasting resistance to corrosion. TYPES YSV, YSV-H AND YSV-L INSPECTION HOLE AND WIRE STOP BEVELED ENTRY • Positive center wire stops. ◊ Provides proper depth of wire insertion. • Marked with wire size. ◊ Provides easy wire size identification. • The HYLINK™ splice connectors have inspection holes. ◊ Provides easy visual inspection for proper wire insertion. BEVELED ENTRY INSPECTION HOLE AND WIRE STOP SEAMLESS TUBING SEAMLESS TUBING HYLINK™ UNINSULATED BUTT SPLICE 600 VOLTS MAXIMUM CRIMP CRIMP TIN-PLATED TIN-PLATED CRIMP HYLINK™ type YSV seamless splice connector is used to splice stranded and solid copper conductors in virtually all heavy duty industrial and general purpose applications. CRIMP CABLE SUPPORT The type YSV-H HYLINK™ seamless splice connector has the added benefit of an insulation support and cable strain relief. Fig. 2 Fig. 1 CATALOG NUMBER YSV18 BOX YSV18-H BOX YSV14 BOX YSV14-H BOX YSV10 BOX YSV10-H BOX WIRE RANGE CODE AWG. STR. AND SOL. AIRCRAFT-AN FIG. 22-18 str. & sol. 20-14 str. 20-12 sol. 12-10 str. & sol. 1 2 1 2 1 2 DIMENSIONS L MAX. DIA. .62 .89 .64 .94 .75 1.06 — .120 — .150 — .192 BULK CAT. NO. YSV18 YSV18-H YSV14 YSV14-H YSV10 YSV10-H YSV9C-L BOX 9 str. 1 .75 — YSV9C-L YSV8C-L BOX 8 str. 1 1.00 — YSV8C-L * Remove stop plate. ▲ Y2MR for 8 str. only † Use #10 groove Use MR8 series tools for (-H) series. INSTALLATION TOOLING HYTOOL WIRE STRIP LENGTH Non-Ratchet: Y10D, Y1022 Ratchet: MR20, Y8MRB-1, MR8-9Q*, MR8-G98 1/4 Non-Ratchet: MY28, MY29-3, MY29-11 Ratchet: MY28, Y8MRB-1†, MR8-9Q*, Y2MR ▲ 1/4 5/16 5/16 7/16 BURNDY Compression TYPE YSV-L INSPECTION HOLE AND WIRE STOP BEVELED ENTRY SEAMLESS TUBING HYLINK™ UNINSULATED BUTT SPLICE 600 VOLTS MAXIMUM CRIMP B-41 #8 THROUGH 4/0 COPPER HYLINK™ type YSV-L seamless splice connector is used to splice Type AN aircraft cables plus commercial stranded and solid AWG conductors. Suitable for aircraft, light duty industrial and general purpose applications. CATALOG NUMBER YSV8C-L BOX YSV6C-L BOX YSV4C-L BOX YSV2C-L BOX YSV1C-L BOX YSV25-L BOX YSV26-L BOX YSV27-L BOX YSV28-L BOX ELECTRO-TIN PLATED CRIMP WIRE RANGE AIRCRAFT-AN” COMM’L-AWG. STR. & SOL. DIMENSIONS L BULK CAT. NO. RATCHET 8 6 4 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 1.00 1.12 1.12 1.41 1.46 1.53 1.78 1.81 1.94 YSV8C-L YSV6C-L YSV4C-L YSV2C-L YSV1C-L YSV25-L YSV26-L YSC27-L YSV28-L Y2MR, MR4C Y2MR, MR4C Y2MR — — — — — * Remove stop plate • Use Y35P3 Indentor Adaptor. ** Bench Mount Adaptor - Cat. No. BMY-BCH-MT is available for Type MY HYTOOLS™. INSTALLATION TOOLING HYPRESS• H35, Y35BH, Y39, Y39BH HYTOOL * * NEST INDENTOR TYPE AH AIRCRAFT CABLE: MY28 All Others: MY29-3, MY29-11 1 Crimp UV8L-1 UV6L UV4L UV2L UV1L UV25L UV26L UV27L UV28L Y34PL Y34PLA Y34PA Y34PA WIRE STRIP LENGTH 7/16 1/2 5/8 5/8 5/8 11/16 13/16 13/16 7/8 BURNDY Compression TYPE YSM SEAMLESS TUBING BEVELED ENTRY HYLINK™ UNINSULATED PARALLEL SPLICE B-42 HYLINK™ type YSM seamless parallel splice connector permits wires to be laid parallel inside the connector and spliced together with Burndy's compression HYTOOL™. Each YSM connector accommodates a wide combination of round, square, and rectangular copper conductors that have a total combined circular mil area listed in the table below. The conductors to be spliced must physically fit within title splice without being forced. CATALOG NUMBER YSM18 YSM14 YSM10 YSM8C YSM6C YSM4C YSM2C YSM1C YSM25 YSM26 YSM27 YSM28 CIRCULAR MIL. RANGE MIN. MAX. 300 477 4,107 6,088 10,380 26,813 42,613 66,832 81,807 104,110 133,650 167,332 1,909 4,107 10,380 16,864 26,813 42,613 66,832 81,807 104,110 133,650 167,332 211,954 * Remove stop plate. • Use Y35P indentor adapter, with Y35BH and Y39BH HYPRESSES. CRIMP ELECTRO-TIN PLATED DIMENSIONS L .25 .25 .36 .41 .44 .50 .62 .62 .69 .81 .81 .88 RATCHET MR8-9Q* MR8-9Q* MR8-9Q*, MR4CQ INSTALLATION TOOLING HYPRESS MECHANICAL Y35BH, Y39BH* HYTOOL NEST INDENTOR — — — MR4CQ Y2MR Y2MR — — — — — MY29-11 or MY28 (1) Crimp — — — UV8L-1 UV6L UV4L UV2L UV1L UV25L UV26L UV27L UV28L — — — Y29PQ Y29PQ-6 WIRE STRIP LENGTH 5/16 5/16 7/16 1/2 1/2 9/16 11/16 11/16 3/4 7/8 7/8 15/16 BURNDY Compression TYPE YSCM SEAMLESS TUBING ELECTRO-TIN PLATED HYLINK™ COLOR-CODED UNINSULATED PARALLEL SPLICE Type YSCM HYLINK™ seamless parallel splice connectors permit stranded wires to be laid parallel inside the connector and spliced together with BURNDY® compression tools. Each YSCM connector accommodates a wide range of conductors and is color-coded to ensure proper tool and die match. YSCM connectors are UL 486A Listed for applications up to 600V and CSA Listed. CATALOG NUMBER CONDUCTOR RANGE CABLE ➄ CIRCULAR MILS MIN. MAX. YSCM17 13,060 16,910 YSCM27 16,910 26,890 YSCM42 29.970 41,520 YSCM66 42,750 66,040 YSCM80 67,980 80,020 YSCM104 82,870 103,630 YSCM133 104,960 133,220 YSCM167 134,340 166,560 YSCM212 167,380 211,820 YSCM231 — 230,800 B-43 DIMENSIONS INCH [mm] L O.D. ±.03 ±.01 .50 [13] .50 [13] .50 [13] .62 [16] .62 [16] .69 [18] .81 [21] .81 [21] .88 [22] 1.05 [27] .27 [7] .31 [8] .38 [10] .47 [12] .52 [13] .57 [14] .64 [16] .70 [18] .78 [20] .81 [21] CIRCULAR MIL TABLE PER ASTM B8 SIZE ASTM STRANDINGS STRANDED CIRCULAR MILS AWG CLASS 1,022 20 B 1,624 18 B RECOMMENDED INSTALLATION TOOLING OUR840, Y500CTHS, Y35, Y750, BAT35, BAT750, BCT500HS SERIES PAT750 SERIES WIRE STRIP ➃ LENGTH COLOR CODE DIE INDEX Red 49 X8CRT, W8CRT U8CRT 11/16 Blue 7 X5CRT, W5CRT U5CRT 11/16 Gray 8 X4CRT, W4CRT U4CRT 11/16 Brown 10 X2CRT, W2CRT U2CRT 3/4 Green 11 X1CRT, W1CRT U1CRT-1 3/4 Pink 12 X25RT, W25RT U25RT 15/16 Black 13 X26RT, W26RT U26RT 1-1/16 Orange 14 X27RT, W27RT U27RT 1-1/16 Purple 15 X28RT, W28RT U28RT 1-1/16 Yellow 16 X29RT, W29RT U29RT 1-1/16 CABLE DIAMETER INCHES 0.036 0.045 2,583 4,107 6,530 10,380 13,090 16,510 16 14 12 10 9 8 B B B B B B 0.057 0.072 0.091 0.116 0.130 0.146 20,820 26,250 33,100 41,740 41,740 52,630 7 6 5 4 4 3 B B B AA B&A AA 0.164 0.184 0.206 0.254 0.232 0.285 1. Material: Copper per ASTM B75. 2. Finish: Tin plated. For nickel plating, add suffix “NK” to the Catalog Number. 3. Dimensions in brackets [ ] are in millimeters rounded off to the nearest millimeter, unless otherwise noted, and are for reference only. BEVELED ENTRY COLOR-CODE AND DIE INDEX CIRCULAR MIL TABLE PER ASTM B8 SIZE ASTM STRANDINGS STRANDED CIRCULAR MILS AWG CLASS 52,630 3 B&A 66,370 2 AA 66,370 2 B&A 83,690 1 AA 83,690 1 A 83,690 1 B CABLE DIAMETER INCHES 0.260 0.320 0.292 0.360 0.328 0.332 105,500 105,500 105,500 133,100 133,100 133,100 1/0 1/0 1/0 2/0 2/0 2/0 A&A — B A&A — B 0.368 0.390 0.373 0.414 0.438 0.419 167,800 167,800 167,800 211,600 211,600 211,600 3/0 3/0 3/0 4/0 4/0 4/0 A&A — B A&A — B 0.464 0.492 0.470 0.522 0.522 0.528 ➃ Recommended strip length. Strip length dependant on size, no. of wires and insulation thickness. ➄ Refer to Circular Mil Table per ASTM B8 for total Class B Circular Mil calculations. BURNDY Compression TYPES YSES-K KYNAR INSULATED INSPECTION WINDOW INSULINK™ RADIATION RESISTANT INSULATED BUTT SPLICE B-44 SMOOTH FUNNEL ENTRY INTEGRAL METAL CABLE SUPPORT AND STRAIN RELIEF POLYVINYLIDENE FLOURIDE (PVF2) INSULATED SEAMLESS ELECTRO-TIN PLATED SPLICE COLOR CODED INSULATOR 200 MEGARADS - 60° C THROUGH 150° C, 600 VOLTS The type YSES-K radiation resistant KYNAR® insulated splices are suitable for class 1E applications plus non critical nuclear associated applications. The splice is manufactured from pure electrolytic copper seamless tubing which eliminates potential splitting of seams. A color code stripe is used for wire size identification and a window is provided for inspection of proper wire insertion. CATALOG NUMBER WIRE RANGE COLOR STRIPE DIMENSIONS MAX. INSUL. DIA. ACCOM. L MAX. YSES18K 22-18 Red .112 1.00 YSES14K 16-14 Blue .153 1.00 YSES10K 12-10 Yellow .210 1.38 * Remove terminal locator from tool when installing INSULINK™ splices. KYNAR® is the registered trademark for Pennwalt Corp. for Polyvinyllidene Flouride (PFV2) INSTALLATION TOOLING Ratchet Tool: MR10G8* Red Groove Calibration Gauge: PG-373-1 Crimp ID. Mark: (1) Small Dot Ratchet Tool: MR10G8* Blue Groove Calibration Gauge: PG-371-1 Crimp ID. Mark: (2) Small Dot Ratchet Tool: MR10G8* Yellow Groove Calibration Gauge: PG-372-1 Crimp ID. Mark: (1) Large Dot WIRE STRIP LENGTH 3/16 3/16 7/16 BURNDY Compression TYPES SP AND BS INSULATION SUPPORT CRIMP VINYLINK™ CRIMP SPLICE, POLYVINYLCHLORIDEINSULATED COLOR CODED B-45 SMOOTH ENTRY 600 VOLTS, 105° C The type SP VINYLINK™ is a PVC insulated seamless butt splice. Type SP VINYLINK™ is designed to accommodate a broad range of 600 volt cables. Features and Benefits • Manufactured from seamless electrolytic copper tubing. ◊ Provides maximum conductivity and tensil strength, in a high quality design with NO seams to split. • Funnel entry. ◊ Provides easy wire insertion. • Electro-tin plated. ◊ Provides durable long lasting resistance to corrosion. CATALOG NUMBER WIRE RANGE COLOR CODE BULK CAT. NO. SP16 SP14 SP10 22-16 16-14 12-10 Red Blue Yellow BS16 BS14 BS10 • Expanded insulation support. ◊ Lower inventory requirements. • Red wire range of 22-16. ◊ Lower inventory requirements. • Vinyl insulator. ◊ Economical means of providing high dielectric values and cable insulation support. DIMENSION (INCHES) L MAX. MAX. INSUL. DIA. 1.00 1.00 1.23 .145 .180 .260 INSTALLATION TOOLING Non-Ratchet: Y10D-22, Y10D Ratchet: MR8-9-1, MR15 WIRE STRIP LENGTH 1/4 1/4 21/64 BURNDY Compression INSULATED SPLICES BURNDY® manufactures several designs of insulated butt splices. Each type is designed to meet specific application requirements and provide a high quality electrically pre-insulated splice that is easily installed. The following features and benefits apply to all BURNDY® B-46 pre-insulated butt splices. Features and Benefits • Manufactured from seamless tubing. ◊ A high quality design with no seams to split. • Pure electrolytic copper. ◊ Provides maximum conductivity, low resistance and ductility for excellent crimp forming properties. • Electro-tin plated. ◊ Provides durable long-lasting resistance to corrosion. TYPES SN AND YSE-HN • Positive center wire stops. ◊ Provides for proper depth of wire insertion. • Color-coded in red, blue and yellow. ◊ Provides easy wire size identification. NYLON INSULATION INSULINK™ BUTT SPLICE, NYLONINSULATED INTEGRAL METAL CABLE SUPPORT AND STRAIN RELIEF 600 VOLTS MAXIMUM, 105° C MAXIMUM SEAMLESS ELECTRO-TIN PLATED SPLICE The type SN INSULINK™ is a high quality nylon-insulated butt splice designed to meet heavy duty application requirements. Meets the functional requirements of MIL-T7928 (ASG) and conforms to the requirements of NAS1388. Features and Benefits • Manufactured from one-piece tin-plated seamless copper tubing with an integral barrel/insulation grip. ◊ Provides maximum tensile strength, plus excellent cable support and strain relief and eliminates failures due to vibration. • Smooth funnel entry. ◊ Provides easy wire insertion. • Window position locator for full cycle ratchet tool crimp. ◊ Provides proper tool/connector alignment for correct crimp. • Nylon insulation offers high dielectric strength and stability in oily enviromental conditions. ◊ Maintains a high quality connection in demanding applications. • The nylon is locked into position. ◊ The connector will not move. 600 VOLTS, 105° C (1000 VOLTS, MAX. INSIDE SIGN OR FIXTURE) CATALOG NUMBER WIRE RANGE COLOR CODE BULK CAT. NO. SN18 SN14 SN10 22-18 16-14 12-10 Red Blue Yellow YSE18HN YSE14HN YSE10HN DIMENSIONS L MAX. MAX. INSUL. DIA. 1.25 1.25 1.64 .115 .150 .220 INSTALLATION TOOLING Plier: Y10D Ratchet: MR8-85, MR18 WIRE STRIP LENGTH 15/64 7/32 3/8 BURNDY Compression TYPES SNM AND YSES NYLON INSULATION LOCATOR RING INSPECTION WINDOW INSULINK™ INTEGRAL METAL INSULATION GRIP AND STRAIN RELIEF BUTT SPLICE, NYLON INSULATED MS25181, CLASS 1 SPLICE 300 VOLTS, 105° C Features and Benefits The type SNM INSULINK™ is a high quality nylon insulated butt splice designed to meet military MS25181, class 1 requirements. CATALOG NUMBER B-47 • Manufactured from tin plated, seamless copper tubing with an integral barrel/insulation grip. ◊ Provides maximum tensil strength, plus excellent cable support and strain relief. • Smooth funnel entry. ◊ Provides easy wire insertion. DIMENSIONS L MAX. MAX. DIA. INSUL. WIRE RANGE COLOR CODE BULK CAT. NO. MS25181 DASH NO. SNM18 22-18 Red YSES18-1 -1 1.53 .120 SNM14 16-14 Blue YSES14-2 -2 1.53 .150 TYPES YSE BOX, YSE-H BOX, YSE, YSES AND YSE-H • Transparent nylon insulation. ◊ Permits easy wire inspection. • External ring locator. ◊ Provides proper tool alignment for correct crimp. INSTALLATION TOOLING Plier: Y10D Ratchet: MR8-83 or MR8-85 MS25037 TOOL WIRE STRIP LENGTH 7/32 7/32 INSPECTION WINDOW FUNNEL ENTRY SPLIT HEAVY WALL INSULATION GRIP INSULINK™ SEAMLESS NYLON INSULATION Fig. 1 600 VOLTS, 105° C Features and Benefits The types YSE and YSE-H INSULINKS™ are high quality nylon insulated butt splices designed for splicing aircraft and commercial flexible cables. • Manufactured from tin plated, seamless electrolitic copper tubing with integral barrel/insulation grip. ◊ Provides maximum conductivity and tensile strength, plus excellent cable support and strain relief. • Split heavy wall insulation grip. ◊ Provides stronger insulation grip and strain relief. • Smooth funnel entry. ◊ Provides easy wire insertion. • Transparent nylon insulation. ◊ Permits easy wire inspection. Fig. 2 600 VOLTS 105°C WIRE RANGE CATALOG NUMBER YSE18H-BOX YSE14H-BOX YSE10-BOX FIG. WIRE CODE AWG. AIRCRAFT AN COLOR CODE BULK CAT. NO. 1 1 2 22-18 16-14 12-10 Red Blue Yellow YSE18H YSE14H YSE10 DIMENSIONS L MAX. MAX. INSUL. DIA. 1.220 1.36 1.15 .115 .150 .209 INSTALLATION TOOLING WIRE STRIP LENGTH Y10D Ratchet: MR8-33S-1 9/32 11/32 23/64 BURNDY Compression TYPES YSV, YRV-L HYREDUCER™ REDUCER BUTT SPLICE B-48 The HYREDUCER™ is a connector for splicing two different size wires. The larger conductor is inserted first and butts against the center of the connector where the smaller barrel begins. Constructed of pure electrolytic copper tubing for maximum conductivity, tin plated to resist corrosion, the HYREDUCER™ accommodates a wide range of cable sizes. Fig. 2 Fig. 1 Fig. 3 Dimensional information may be found in Table 1. Table 2 is a comprehensive tooling index for these connectors. TABLE 1 BULK CATALOG NUMBER TOTAL WIRE RANGE FIG. NO. B BARREL* WIRE SIZE B DIM. TOOL INDEX BB BARREL* WIRE SIZE BB DIM. TOOL INDEX “L” MAX. YSV1418 22 - 14 1 20 - 14 .27 1 22 - 18 .27 2 .64 YSV1214-G1 16 - 12 2 12 .31 4 16 - 14 .27 1 .83 YSV1014-G2 20 - 10 2 12 - 10 .31 4 20 - 14 .27 1 .83 YRV8CV14-L 20 - 8 3 8 .44 5 20 - 14 .39 1 1 YRV8CV10-L 12 - 8 3 8 .44 5 12 - 10 .53 4 1.18 YRV6CV10-L 12 - 6 3 6 .50 6 12 - 10 .53 4 1.28 YRV6CV8C-L 8-6 3 6 .50 6 8 .53 5 1.21 YRV4CV6C-L 6-4 3 4 .50 7 6 .54 6 1.27 YRV2CV6C-L 6-2 3 2 .62 8 6 .51 6 1.63 * B and BB dimensions are wire strip lengths. TABLE 2 INDEX NUMBER 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 TOOL INDEX HAND TOOLS MR8G98 Y8MRB-1 MR8-9Q† MR20 MR8G98 Y8MRB-1 MR8-9Q† MR20 MR8G98 Y8MRB-1 MR8-9Q† MR20 Y8MRB-1 MY28 MR4C Y2MR MY28 Y2MR MR4C MY28 Y2MR MR4C Y2MR MY28 * For aircraft applications (flexible cables). TOOLS WITH DIES Y29NC NEST INDENTOR DV8L-1* Y29PL DV6L Y29PL DV4L Y19PL DV2L Y29PL BURNDY Compression BURCAP TYPES YQE, RK PIGTAIL SPLICE, NYLON-INSULATED B-49 Rated at 600 volts for building wire and 1000 volts for fixtures and signs, the BURCAP is designed to splice a wide range of different cable sizes. CATALOG NUMBER YQE-91† *RK141-2 *RK142-2 TOTAL AREA CIRCULAR MILS WIRE COMBINATIONS 1 #16 & 1 #18 2 #18 RK141ABOX100 RK142ABOX100 22 7 6 5 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 20 18 16 18 1 1 2 16 1 2 3 14 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 2 1 3 2 1 4 1 2 3 2 2 2 1 4 3 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 3 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 5 NOTE: * Convenience Package. For Box quantity, order RK141ABOX100 and RK142ABOX100 respectively. † This item is UL Listed 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 4,205 3,250 500 5,180 2,400 13,100 L DIMENSIONS IN INCHES B C .76 .30 .24 .607 (16, 4) .722 (18, 3) .311 (7, 9) .440 (11, 2) .269 (8, 6) .384 (9, 8) INSTALLATION TOOLS DIE SET M8ND, Y8ND WIRE STRIP LENGTH N150WT 5/16 BURNDY Compression INTRODUCTION MEDIUM AND LARGE HYDENT™ Copper and aluminum compression terminals and splices for terminating conductors from #8 AWG through 2000 kcmil. The medium and large HYDENT™ line is designed for terminating and splicing medium and large conductors in electrical power applications. HYLUG™ Features and Benefits UNINSULATED COPPER COMPRESSION TERMINALS UL LISTED 90° C, 600 VOLTS TO 35 kV C-1 ◆ BURNDY's HYLUG™ terminals, types YA, YA-TC, YA-L, YA-L-TC, YA-2N, YA-2TC, YA-LTC-FX, YA-L-2TC, and YA-2LN are designed for terminating copper conductors in a wide variety of electrical connections, including heavy-duty industrial, utility, commercial, and telecommunications applications. The HYLUG™ terminals require simple cable preparation for an easily installed permanent and inspectable cable termination. The terminals are listed by UL (UL STD. 486A) and CSA certified to 600 volts, when applied with the proper tool and die combination. The terminals may be used in applications to 35KV. See each catalog page for UL 35kV listings. • Manufactured from seamless high conductivity electrolytic copper tubing with heavy duty wall thickness. ◊ Provides maximum conductivity, low resistance and ductility for an excellent combination of electrical and crimp forming properties. • Barrel diameter closely matches commercial (code) cable and Navy cable diameters. ◊ Provides an excellent relationship of the conductor/connector combination to produce a high quality electrical connection with the recommended tooling. • Electro-tin plated. Electro-lead plated. Burndy’s proprietary brite finish. ◊ Provides durable long-lasting corrosion resistance. • Internally beveled barrel end. ◊ Provides easy cable insertion. • Each connector is clearly marked with the wire size and type, die index, and color coding. ◊ Provides easy identification and proper tooling recommendation. • Marked with the proper number and location of crimps. ◊ Lowers installed costs. Provides for proper installations. • Proper compression systems forms a homogeneous mass. ◊ The result is an excellent electrical connection. • Use up to 35 kV as indicated. ◊ Suitable for high voltage applications. • Expanded wire ranges when using Y644 HYPRESS™ Dieless “1” Crimp. ◊ Provides ability to complete emergency repairs when connector and wire size do not match. • Crimp areas clearly marked. ◊ Provides correct number and location of crimps for proper installation. • Hydraulic and Battery tooling crimp embossment. ◊ Provides permanent die index number embossment on completed crimp for inspection purposes. BURNDY Compression COPPER HYLUG™ TABLE OF CONTENTS BURNDY® Die Sets & Die Index Chart 12 Ton U-Dies ...........................................C-9 W-Dies ......................................................C-9 One Hole HYLUG™ Non-Insulated Copper Terminals ............C-88 Index Chart .............................................C-10 HYSTACK™ Copper Terminals....................................C-94 One Hole HYLUG™ – Code Conductor Standard Barrel.......................................C-11 HYLINK™ Splices ....................................................C-95 C-2 Standard Barrel – Narrow Tongue ..........C-17 Long Barrel .............................................C-18 HYSPLICE™ and HYREDUCER™ In-Line Splice Kits .................................C-102 Long Barrel – With Inspection Window...C-23 One Hole HYLUG™ – Flex Conductor Standard Barrel.......................................C-27 Standard Barrel – Belled End .................C-33 Copper Taps C-Taps...................................................C-105 H-Taps...................................................C-108 Covers for H-Taps .................................C-112 Standard Barrel – Lead Plated ...............C-34 Long Barrel – Belled End........................C-40 “T” Connectors Copper ..................................................C-113 Long Barrel – With Inspection Window...C-42 Two Hole HYLUG™ – Code Conductor Standard Barrel.......................................C-45 Standard Barrel – Narrow Tongue ..........C-52 HYPLUG™ Copper Connectors...............................C-115 Aluminum HYLUG™ Terminals...............................................C-118 Long Barrel .............................................C-53 Long Barrel – With Inspection Window...C-59 Two Hole HYLUG™ – Flex Conductor Standard Barrel.......................................C-66 Transformer Lug Kits Aluminum or Copper.............................C-121 HYPLUG™ Aluminum and Copper Connectors ......C-122 Standard Barrel – Lead Plated ...............C-73 Long Barrel – Belled End........................C-80 Long Barrel – With Inspection Window...C-82 Double Barrel ..........................................C-93 E-Line HYLUG™ – Equipment Line Type YAE Compression Terminals ..........C-86 Four Hole HYLUG™ – Code Conductor Long Barrel .............................................C-87 HYLINK™ Aluminum Splices .................................C-124 Aluminum to Copper Splices ................C-127 H-CRIMPIT™ Aluminum Connectors ..........................C-128 Insulating Covers ..................................C-129 BURNDY Compression STD. LENGTH LUGS LONG BARREL LUGS STRANDED “CODE” CLASS “B” CABLE COPPER SPLICES REDUCER ADAPTER COPPER TAPS ONE HOLE YA-L, YA-L-TC C-11 - C16 NARROW TONGUE YA-L-NT C17 NARROW TONGUE TWO HOLE YA-L-2NT C52 TWO HOLE YA-2L, YA-2LN, YA-L-2TC C45 - C51 ONE HOLE YA, YA-TC, YAZ C18 - C26 TWO HOLE YA-2N, YA-2TC, YAZ C53 - C65 FOUR HOLE YA-4N, YAB-4N C87 STANDARD LENGTH YS-L C95 LONG BARREL YS, YS-T, YSP-T C96, C100 REDUCER ADAPTER Y-R C97 TEE YST, NYT C113 - C114 C-TAP YC-C C106 LIGHT DUTY C TAP YC-L C105 ONE HOLE YA-L, YA-L-FX, YAV, YAV-L-FX C27 - C32 ONE HOLE — WIDE BELLED ENTRY YA-LB C33 ONE HOLE — LEAD PLATED YAG-L-TC-LD C34 - C39 TWO HOLE YA-L-2TC-FX, YAV-L-2TC-FX C66 - C72 TWO HOLE-LEAD PLATED YAG-L-2TC-LD C73 - C79 ONE HOLE YA-TC-FXB, YAV-TC-FXB, YAZV C40 - C44 TWO HOLE YA-2TC-FXB, YAV-2TC-FXB, YAZV C80 - C85 PIN ADAPTER YEV-P-FX, YEP-FX, YEP C115 - C117 COPPER STD. LENGTH BARREL LUGS LONG BARREL-LUG FLEXIBLE EXTRA FLEX Accepts Code and Flex Cables Up to 4/0 PIN ADAPTER SPLICE COPPER TAPS LUGS SPLICE STANDARD LENGTH BELLED YS-LB C98 - C100 LONG BARREL — BELLED YS-FXB C101 C-TAP YCHC C107 H-TAP YH C108 - C110 LONG H TAP YSH C111 COVERS FOR H TAPS CF-FR C112 ONE HOLE YA-A, YA-A-TN C118 - C119 TWO HOLE YA-A C120 YA-A-KIT C121 ASA-U, CUSA C94 STRAIGHT AYP C122 - C123 OFFSET AYPO C122 - C123 STANDARD YS-A C124 - C125 TAPERED FOR HIGH VOLTAGE YS-AT C126 YRB C127 H-TAPS YFD, YFN, YFO, YFR C128 COVERS FOR H TAPS CFA, CFA-FR C129 TRANSFORM. LUG KIT STACKING ADAPTER ALUMINUM PIN ADAPTER SPLICES REDUCERS TAPS C-3 BURNDY Compression COMPRESSION CONNECTORS BURNDY's compression connectors are designed for reliable and controllable electrical connections. The complete installation is fully inspectable. They are high conductivity copper and operate cooler than the wire on which they are installed. The connectors withstand a wide range of electrical and environmental conditions, including current surges, C-4 temperatures, corrosion and vibrations, for a wide variety of applications. These features mean a consistently high quality connection at a low installed cost. Copper compression connectors are manufactured from high-conductivity electrolytic copper. The connectors are normally tinplated, lead-plated, or plated with proprietary BURNDY® brite finish to provide durable long-lasting corrosion resistance. The connector design has been matched to the cable size to provide the necessary physical strength requirements for reliable electrical performance. Aluminum compression connectors are manufactured from high conductivity, high purity wrought aluminum. They are designed with sufficient mass and are electro-tin plated to minimize corrosion due to galvanic action between dissimilar metals. The connector barrels are pre-filled with PENETROX®, BURNDY's oxide inhibiting compound. PENETROX® contains homogeneously suspended metallic particles which penetrate the wire's oxides to establish excellent continuity between the individual strands and the connector barrel for a low-resistance connection. PENETROX® maintains an air-tight connection. Each barrel end is covered with a color-coded plastic dust cap which prevents foreign matter from entering the connector before it is used. The connector design has been engineered to match the cable size to provide the necessary physical strength requirements for reliable electrical performance. SELECTION AND USE TOOLING Copper compression connectors are recommended for use on copper conductors. Aluminum compression connectors are recommended for use on aluminum conductors. Dual-rated aluminum compression connectors may be used on both copper and aluminum conductors. Tooling systems are essential for proper installation of a compression connector. Since connectors and dies are designed as a unit for specific wire sizes, only the recommended tools and dies should be used. Most aluminum and copper HYLUG™ terminals and HYLINK™ splices are marked with a die index number and are color-coded to identify the correct installation die. Dies marked with the matching die index number and color can be used to install the connector. Two basic compression designs are available: Circumferential and indent. Circumferential compression is solid and symmetrical. No sharp "Flash". Indent compression. The connector is swaged to the conductor. After compression, virtually all the air is removed leaving a tight homogeneous mass of connector and conductor. The circumferential crimp design is recommended for color coded connectors in low and high voltage applications. Die index number embossment provides an easy inspection where required to verify the use of the proper connector/die combination. It is also recommended for insulated connectors and for terminating flexible and welding cables. The circumferential crimp design dies compress cable strands into polygonal shapes forming intimate contact with each other and the connector barrel. This compression forms a tight homogeneous mass with virtually no air pockets. The circumferential crimp provides an excellent electrical connection with high pull-out values. The circumferential crimp is ideal for high voltage applications leaving the connector barrel symmetrical, which is easier to insulate. The indent type crimp can be used in virtually any application except polyvinylchloride (PVC) insulated terminals and splices. It is an excellent means of terminating flexible, extra flexible and welding cables. The indentor compresses the cable strands to form intimate contact with each other and the connector barrel. The result is an excellent electrical connection with high pull-out strength. Laboratory work testing curves established the proper depth and shape of indent for each type of connector and wire combination. BURNDY® tooling installs a wide range of connectors, is reliable, cost effective, and precision engineered for durable, long-lasting service and quality connections. The tools include small plier types, full cycle ratchet designs and hydraulically-powered HYPRESS™ heads and new Battery Actuated Tools. Some have permanent die grooves or adjustable dies, while others require a change of die sets or nest die for each connector size. BURNDY's recommended tools achieve crimp performance consistent with UL and other industry standards. Since several tools are suitable for most connectors, the most economical and practical tool can be chosen for each application. INDUSTRY STANDARDS BURNDY's compression terminals, splices and tap connectors requiring third party testing and approval are listed by Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. Many have also received CSA approval and are approved under MILT-7928 and other military standards. All conform to applicable sections of the National Electrical Code. BURNDY® also offers connectors and splices which meet the (LOCA Seismec and Aging) requirements of IEEE standards 323, 383 and 344 for class 1E critical circuits for use in Nuclear Utility Applications. Certification to 10CFR50 and 10CFR21 available. Detail catalog listings should be consulted to obtain the appropriate standards for each connector and splice. BURNDY Compression BURNDY® Telecommunications Connectors… The industry’s first choice in compression connections... BURNDY® provides a complete selection of one and two hole compression’s terminals, H-taps, C-taps, and other compression connection products specifically engineered to meet the demanding applications of both the Central Office and Wireless communications markets. All of BURNDY’s compression products are designed for reliable and controllable electrical connections. All connectors are made from high conductivity electrolytic copper and operate at cooler temperatures than the conductor on which they are installed. The connectors are normally tin-plated, lead-plated, or plated with a proprietary BURNDY® brite finish to provide the industry standard in long-lasting corrosion resistance. The complete installation is fully inspectable and UL listed when installed with BURNDY® dies. Every die in the system is color-coded and provides die index embossment for complete inspectability. The Circumferential Crimp… Circumferential compression is solid and symmetrical. No sharp "Flash". BURNDY’s circumferential crimp provides a solid, homogenous connection, with high pull out values and is rated for high voltage applications, more than sufficient for the 48 V DC operating voltage common in the telecom market. In addition the circumferential crimp doesn’t require the removal of the copper flash produced by other die systems. This not only saves time in installation but removes a potential safety hazard from the job. All of the dies in the system are color-coded to match the connectors and feature die index and die number matching to the connector for ease of installation. BURNDY® Tooling… the right choice for the job BURNDY® tooling installs a wide range of connectors, is reliable, cost effective, and precision engineered for durable, long-lasting C-5 service and quality connections. BURNDY’s compression tooling system ranges from full cycle ratchet hand tools to 12 and 15 ton hydraulically-powered HYPRESS™ heads. Hydraulic tools are available in selfcontained, battery powered, and AC service electrically powered pump and remote head designs to meet all possible installation situations. Industry Standards BURNDY’s compression terminals, splices and tap connectors requiring third party testing and approval are listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. Many have also received CSA approval, and all conform to the applicable sections of the National Electric Code. BURNDY Compression EXPANDED RANGES The following connectors are range taking when crimped onto code conductor using Y644HS family of tools: C-6 COPPER ALUMINUM COPPER HYLUG™ & HYLINK™ CONNECTORS TYPES YA, YA-L, YAB, YS, YS-L, YST, YS-T, YSP-T Catalog No. Standard Expanded Terminal* Splice** Wire Size Wire Range ALUMINUM HYLUG™ & HYLINK™ CONNECTORS TYPES YA-A & YS-A Catalog No. Standard Expanded Terminal* Splice** Wire Size Wire Range YA6CYA5CYA4CYA3CYA2CYA1CYA25YA26YA27YA28YA29YA30YA31YA32YA34YA36YA39YA40YA44- YA6CAYA4CAYA2CAYA1CAYA25AYA26AYA27AYA28AYA29AYA30AYA31AYA32AYA34AYA36AYA39AYA40AYA44A- * 1 Crimp ** 1 Crimp per side YS6CYS5CYS4CYS3CYS2CYS1CYS25YS26YS27YS28YS29YS30YS31YS32YS34YS36YS39YS40YS44- #6 AWG #5 AWG #4 AWG #3 AWG #2 AWG #1 AWG 1/0 AWG 2/0 AWG 3/0 AWG 4/0 AWG 250 Kcmil 300 Kcmil 350 Kcmil 400 Kcmil 500 Kcmil 600 Kcmil 750 Kcmil 800 Kcmil 1000 Kcmil #6 AWG #5 - #6 AWG #4 - #6 AWG #3 - #6 AWG #2 - #6 AWG #1 - #2 AWG 1/0 - #1 AWG 2/0 - #1 AWG 3/0 - #1 AWG 4/0 - #1 AWG 250 Kcmil - 1/0 AWG 300 Kcmil - 2/0 AWG 350 Kcmil - 3/0 AWG 400 Kcmil - 4/0 AWG 500 Kcmil - 4/0 AWG 600 - 250 Kcmil 750 - 500 Kcmil 800 - 500 Kcmil 1000 - 750 Kcmil * 1 Crimp ** 1 Crimp per side YS6CAYS4CAYS2CAYS1CAYS25AYS26AYS27AYS28AYS29AYS30AYS31AYS32AYS34AYS36AYS39AYS40AYS44A- #6 AWG #4 AWG #2 AWG #1 AWG 1/0 AWG 2/0 AWG 3/0 AWG 4/0 AWG 250 Kcmil 300 Kcmil 350 Kcmil 400 Kcmil 500 Kcmil 600 Kcmil 750 Kcmil 800 Kcmil 1000 Kcmil #6 AWG #4 - #6 AWG #2 - #6 AWG #1 - #2 AWG 1/0 - #1 AWG 2/0 - #1 AWG 3/0 - #1 AWG 4/0 - #1 AWG 250 Kcmil - 1/0 AWG 300 Kcmil - 2/0 AWG 350 Kcmil - 3/0 AWG 400 Kcmil - 4/0 AWG 500 Kcmil - 4/0 AWG 600 - 250 Kcmil 750 - 500 Kcmil 800 - 500 Kcmil 1000 - 750 Kcmil BURNDY Compression EXPANDED RANGES The following connectors are range taking when crimped onto code & flex conductor using 4-POINT™ family of tools: C-7 ALUMINUM CONNECTORS AYP/AYPO CONNECTORS ALUMINUM & COPPER CONDUCTOR (Code & Compact) Conductor Connector Wire Size Expanded Range Terminal Splice # Crimps (Aluminum and Copper — Code & Compact) Pin Expanded Range Straight Offset #8 AWG #6 AWG #4 AWG #2 AWG #1 AWG 1/0 AWG 2/0 AWG 3/0 AWG 4/0 AWG 250 kcmil 300 kcmil 350 kcmil 400 kcmil 500 kcmil 600 kcmil 750 kcmil #8 AWG #6 AWG #6 - #4 AWG #6-#2 AWG #6-#1 AWG #6-1/0 AWG #4 - 2/0 AWG #2 - 3/0 AWG #1 - 4/0 AWG 1/0 - 250 2/0 - 300 3/0 - 350 4/0 - 400 4/0 - 500 250 - 600 500-750 YA8CAYA6CAYA4CAYA2CAYA1CAYA25AYA26AYA27AYA28AYA29AYA30AYA31AYA32AYA34AYA36AYA39A- YS8CAYS6CAYS4CAYS2CAYS1CAYS25AYS26AYS27AYS28AYS29AYS30AYS31AYS32AYS34AYS36AYS39A- Wire Size #6 AWG #4 AWG #2 AWG #1 AWG 1/0 AWG 2/0 AWG 3/0 AWG 4/0 AWG 250 kcmil 300 kcmil 350 kcmil 400 kcmil 500 kcmil 600 kcmil 750 kcmil 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 4 4 4 #6 AWG #4 AWG #4 - #2 AWG #2 - #1 AWG #2 - 1/0 AWG #1 - 2/0 AWG 1/0 - 3/0 AWG 2/0 - 4/0 AWG 3/0 - 250 KCMIL 4/0 - 300 KCMIL 250 - 350 KCMIL 350 - 500 KCMIL 350 - 500 KCMIL 400 - 600 KCMIL 500 - 750 KCMIL AYP6 AYP4 AYP2 AYP1 AYP1/0 AYP2/0 AYP3/0 AYP4/0 AYP250 AYP300 AYP350 AYP400 AYP500 AYP600 AYP750 COPPER CONNECTORS COPPER CONDUCTOR (Code & Compact) Conductor Standard Barrel Long Barrell Expanded # of # of Wire Size Range Terminal Splice Crimps* Terminal Splice Crimps* #8 AWG #6 AWG #4 AWG #2 AWG #1 AWG 1/0 AWG 2/0 AWG 3/0 AWG 4/0 AWG 250 kcmil 300 kcmil 350 kcmil 400 kcmil 500 kcmil 600 kcmil 700 kcmil 750 kcmil 800 kcmil 1000 kcmil #8 AWG #6 AWG #6 - #4 #6-#2 #6-#1 #6-1/0 #4 - 2/0 #2 - 3/0 #1 - 4/0 1/0 - 250 2/0 - 300 3/0 - 350 4/0 - 400 4/0 - 500 250 - 600 350-700 500-750 500-800 750-1000 YA8CLYA6CLYA4CLYA2CLYA1CLYA25LYA26LYA27LYA28LYA29LYA30LYA31LYA32LYA34LYA36LYA38LYA39LYA40LYA44L- YS8CLYS6CLYS4CLYS2CLYS1CLYS25LYS26LYS27LYS28LYS29LYS30LYS31LYS32LYS34LYS36LYS38LYS39LYS40LYS44L- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 YA8CYA6CYA4CYA2CYA1CYA25YA26YA27YA28YA29YA30YA31YA32YA34YA36YA38YA39YA40YA44- YS8CYS6CYS4CYS2CYS1CYS25YS26YS27YS28YS29YS30YS31YS32YS34YS36YS38YS39YS40YS44- *Same number of recommended crimps for both Standard and Expanded wire ranges 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 — — — — — AYPO2/0 AYP03/0 AYPO4/0 AYP0250 AYP0300 AYP0350 AYP0400 AYPO500 AYPO600 AYP0750 # Crimps 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 BURNDY Compression EXPANDED RANGES The following connectors are range taking when crimped onto code & flex conductor using 4-POINT™ family of tools: COPPER CONNECTORS C-8 Nominal Flex Wire Size #8 AWG #6 AWG #4 AWG #2 AWG #1 AWG 1/0 AWG 2/0 AWG 3/0 AWG 4/0 AWG 250 kcmil 300 kcmil 350 kcmil 450 kcmil 500 kcmil 600 kcmil 650 kcmil 750 kcmil COPPER CONDUCTOR (Flex Only) Standard Barrel Long Barrell Expanded # of Expanded # of Range Terminal Splice Crimps Range Terminal Splice Crimps #8 AWG #6 AWG #6 - #4 AWG #4-#2 AWG #4-#1 AWG #4-1/0 AWG #2 - 2/0 AWG #1 - 3/0 AWG 1/0 - 4/0 AWG 3/0 - 250 4/0 - 313.1 250 - 373.7 250 - 444.4 373.7 - 535.3 373.7 - 600 444.4 - 646 535.3 - 777.7 YAV8CLYAV6CLYAV4CLYAV2CLYAV1CLYAV25LYAV26LYAV27LYAV28LYAV29LYA32LYA34LYA36LYA38LYA39LYA40LYA44L- YSV8CLYSV6CLYSV4CLYSV2CLYSV1CLYSV25LYSV26LYSV27LYSV28LYSV29LYS32LYS34LYS36LYS38LYS39LYS40LYS44L- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 #8 AWG #6 AWG #6 - #4 AWG #6-#2 AWG #4-#1 AWG #6-1/0 AWG #4 - 2/0 AWG #2 - 3/0 AWG #1 - 4/0 AWG 1/0 - 250 2/0 - 313.1 3/0 - 373.7 4/0 - 444.4 4/0 - 535.3 250 - 600 373.3 - 646 535.3 - 777.7 YAV8CYAV6CYAV4CYAV2CYAV1CYAV25YAV26YAV27YAV28YAV29YA32YA34YA36YA38YA39YA40YA44- YSV8CYSV6CYSV4CYSV2CYSV1CYSV25YSV26YSV27YSV28YS29YS32YS34YS36YS38YS39YS40YS44- 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 COPPER CONNECTORS Wire Size Expanded Wire Range Offset Cat. No. #8 AWG #6 AWG #4 AWG #2 AWG #1 AWG 1/0 AWG 2/0 AWG 3/0 AWG 4/0 AWG 250 kcmil 300 kcmil 350 kcmil 400 kcmil 500 kcmil 500 kcmil 600 kcmil 600 kcmil 700 kcmil 750 kcmil 750 kcmil 800 kcmil 1000 kcmil #8 AWG #6 AWG #6 - #4 #6-#2 #6-#1 #6-1/0 #4 - 2/0 #2 - 3/0 #1 - 4/0 1/0 - 250 2/0 - 300 3/0 - 350 4/0 - 400 4/0 - 500 4/0-500 250 - 600 250-600 350-700 500-750 500-750 500-800 750-1000 YA8CA-T-E YA2CA-T-E YA25A-T-E YA26A-T-E YA27A-T-E YA28A-T-E YA30A-T-E YA31A-T-E YA32A-T-E YA34A-T-E E-Line Connectors Aluminium Centerformed No. of Cat. No. Crimps Offset Cat. No. Copper Centerformed Cat. No. No. of Crimps 1 2 2 2 YA25L-T-E YA26L-T-E YAC25L-T-E YAC26L-T-E 1 1 2 2 4 4 YA30L-T-E YAC30L-T-E 2 1 YAC2CA-T-E YAC27A-T-E YAC31A-T-E 1 YA36A-T-E 4 YA39A-T-E 4 YA34L-T-E YA342L-T-E YA36L-T-E YA362L-T-E 2 2 2 2 YA39L-T-E YA392L-T-E 2 2 *Same number of recommended crimps for both Standard and Expanded wire ranges BURNDY Compression 12-TON U DIES* BURNDY® Die Sets Fits Y35, Y39, Y750, BAT35, BAT750, PAT750, Y46 (W/PUADP-1 Adapter) Wire Size Small #8 #6 #4 #3 #2 #1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 MCM 300 MCM 350 MCM 400 MCM 500 MCM 535 Flex MCM 600 MCM 750 MCM Large 777 Flex Copper Aluminum U8CRT U5CRT U4CRT U3CRT U2CRT U1CRT-1 U25RT U26RT U27RT U28RT U29RT U30RT U31RT U32RT U34RT U38XRT U36RT U39RT U44XRT U8CABT U6CABT U4CABT N/A U2CABT U1CART U25ART U26ART U27ART U28ART U29ART U30ART U31ART U32ART U34ART N/A U36ART U39ART-2 N/A U die case Part# PT29291, holds up to 15 dies C-9 * Non-tension U-type 12-ton dies for YA, YS, YA-A, YS-A style connectors. NOTE: N/A = not applicable. W DIES BURNDY® Die Sets Fits Tools MD6, MD7, Y500CTHS, BAT500, BCT500HS Small Large Wire Size Copper Aluminum #8 #6 #4 #3 #2 #1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 300 350 400 500 W8CVT W5CVT W4CVT W3CRT W2CVT W1CVT W25VT W26VT W27VT W28VT *W29VT *W30VT *W31VT *W32VT *W34VT X8CART W161 W162 N/A W239 W163 W241 W245 W166 W660 N/A N/A *W31ART N/A N/A * These sizes (250-500) for Y500CT, MD7-34(R), BAT500, BCT500 only. NOTE: N/A = not applicable. Suitable for use on YA, YS, YA-A, YS-A type non-tension connectors. W die case Part# PT4946, holds up to 12 dies BURNDY Compression Conductor AWG FLEX C-10 #8/#6 sol #8 #6 #6 #4 #4 #3/#2 sol #2 #2 #1 #1 1/0 1/0 2/0 2/0 3/0 3/0 4/0 4/0 INSTALLATION TOOLING SYSTEM TAPS TAPS T&B Thin-Wall C-taps Heavy Duty C-Taps Index Run=Tap, AWG only Run=Tap Code Index (Flex) Die Color Index Die Color Index LUGS & SPLICES One & Two HOLE Die W8CVT U8CRT W5CVT U5CRT W4CVT U4CRT W3CRT U3CRT W2CVT U2CRT W1CVT U1CRT-1 W25VT U25RT Color TAPS H-Taps Run=Tap Die Color Index U11T-1 GREEN 11 RED 49 21 W4CVT GRAY 8 U240 RED 240 BLUE 7 24 W2CVT BROWN 10 UC BROWN C GRAY 8 29 W25VT PINK 12 UC BROWN C UC BROWN C WHITE 9 W26VT BLACK 13 UC BROWN C UC BROWN C BROWN 10 W27VT ORANGE 14 UC BROWN C UC BROWN C GREEN 11 W28VT PURPLE 15 U997 ORANGE 997 U654 PURPLE 654 PINK 12 42 (45) W29VT YELLOW 16 U997 ORANGE 997 U654 PURPLE 654 BLACK 13 45 (50) U997 ORANGE 997 U654 PURPLE 654 ORANGE 14 U997 ORANGE 997 U654 PURPLE 654 PURPLE 15 W29VT U29RT YELLOW W30VT U30RT W26VT U26RT W27VT U27RT W28VT U28RT 33 54 (62) REFER TO CATALOG UBGRT ORANGE BG - - - U997 ORANGE 997 U654 PURPLE 654 16 - - - U997 ORANGE 997 U654 PURPLE 654 WHITE 17 - - - U1104 BROWN 1104 U1104 BROWN 1104 RED 18 - - - U1104 BROWN 1104 U1104 BROWN 1104 BLUE 19 - - - U1104 BROWN 1104 U1104 BROWN 1104 BROWN 20 - - - U1104 BROWN 1104 U1104 BROWN 1104 U38XRT PINK L99 - - - P1103 BLUE 1103 PYFR YELLOW KR 600 U36RT GREEN 22 - - - P1103 BLUE 1103 PYFR YELLOW KR 700 U38RT PINK 400 - - - P1103 BLUE 1103 PYFR YELLOW KR 646 U39RT BLACK 24 106 - - - P1103 BLUE 1103 PYFR YELLOW KR 750/ 777 U44XRT YELLOW L115 800 P40RT ORANGE 25 (115) - - - P1102 WHITE 1102 PYFR YELLOW KR 1000 P44RT WHITE 27 - - - P1102 WHITE 1102 PYFR YELLOW KR 250 300 350 4/0/250 class G&H 262/250 class I, K & M 313 350/ 373 500 444 500/ 535 750 W31VT U31RT W32VT U32RT W34VT U34RT 71 87 (99) BURNDY Compression ONE HOLE HYLUG™ CODE CONDUCTOR STANDARD BARREL DIE AND COLOR CODE INFORMATION BEVELED ENTRY INSPECTION WINDOW TYPES YA-L, YA-L-TC CRIMP COPPER COMPRESSION TERMINAL ELECTRO-TIN PLATED CABLE ACCOMMODATION C-11 B UL Listed 90° C, 600 Volts to 35 KV ◆ B 90° B T T T 45° L Fig. 1 Catalog Number YAV10-45-BOX YAV10-BOX YAV10R-BOX YAV10R3-BOX YAV10T2-BOX YAV10T3-45-BOX YAV10T3-BOX YAV10T4-BOX YA8CL1-BOX YA8CL1-45 YA8CL1-90 YA8CL2-BOX YA8CL2-45 YA8CL2-90 YA8CL3-BOX YA8CL3-45 YA8CL3-90 YA8CL4-BOX YA8CL4-45 YA8CL4-90 YA8CL-BOX YA8CL-45 YA8CL-90 YA6CL-BOX YA6CL-45 YA6CL-90 YA6CL1-BOX YA6CL1-45 YA6CL1-90 YA6CL3-BOX YA6CL3-45 YA6CL3-90 *** AWG Fig # 2 1 #14-#10 3 STR 3 1 #12-#10 2 SOL 1 1 1 2 3 1 2 #8 AWG 3 1 #8 WELD 2 3 37/24 1 2 #6 SOLID 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 #6 AWG 3 1 2 3 MM2 6 † 10 Tongue Width 8-10 .38 1/4 5/16 1/4 1/4 3/8 .47 .53 .47 .47 .56 Figure Dimensions (B) (T) .405 .058 .405 .058 .375 .058 .405 .047 .38 .047 .405 .047 .405 .047 .38 .047 1/4 .44 .44 .08 5/16 .52 .44 .06 3/8 .58 .44 .06 1/2 .71 .44 .05 8-10 .41 .44 .08 1/4 .45 .54 .08 8-10 .41 .41 .42 .54 .54 .54 .09 .09 .09 5/16 .52 .54 .07 * Use PUADP-1 adapter with "U" dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. ** P-RT die sets for use in Y46 HYPRESS™ only, PUADP-1 adapter not required. *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 2 conductor. Fig. 3 Fig. 2 Conductor Stud Hole Size L L Dieless (L) .92 1.02 .77 .83 1.12 1.10 1.10 1.18 1.26 1.24 .80 1.38 1.34 .92 1.51 1.45 1.04 1.76 1.67 1.28 1.16 1.16 .71 1.18 1.08 .81 .99 .89 .72 1.24 1.06 .93 (# of crimps) Y8MRB-1 (1) ▲ Installation Tooling Mechanical Hydraulic MD6, OUR840, BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, MD7-34R Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 - - Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length - - Y1MR (1) Y8MRB-1 (1) Y2MR (1) MY29-3 (1) W8CVT (1) W8CVT (1) MY29-11 (1) W8CRT (1) W8CRT (1) MRC840 (1) X8CRT (1) X8CRT (1) Y81KFT (1) Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) U8CRT (1) Red 49 7/16 Y1MR (1) MY29-3 (1) MY29-11 (1) MRC840 (1) Y2MR (1) Y81KFT (1) Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) U5CRT (1) Blue 7 7/8 W5CVT (1) W5CRT (1) X5CRT (1) X8CART (1) † The MM2 conductor size listed is for both Class 2 and Class 5 conductor. ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. W5CVT (1) W5CRT (1) X5CRT (1) X8CART (1) 7/16 ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts, consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. BURNDY Compression B ONE HOLE HYLUG™ CODE CONDUCTOR STANDARD BARREL (Continued) T Catalog Number C-12 YA6CL4-BOX YA6CL4-45 YA6CL4-90 YA6CL6-BOX YA6CL6-45 YA6CL6-90 YA5CL-BOX YA5CL-45 YA5CL-90 YA4CL-BOX YA4CL-45 YA4CL-90 YA4CL1-BOX YA4CL1-45 YA4CL1-90 YA4CL3-BOX YA4CL3-45 YA4CL3-90 YA4CL4-BOX YA4CL4-45 YA4CL4-90 YA4CL6-BOX YA4CL6-45 YA4CL6-90 YA3CL YA3CL-45 YA3CL-90 YA2CL2-BOX YA2CL2-45 YA2CL2-90 YA2CL-BOX YA2CL-45 YA2CL-90 YA2CL4-BOX YA2CL4-45 YA2CL4-90 YA2CL6-BOX YA2CL6-45 YA2CL6-90 YA1CL2 YA1CL2-45 YA1CL2-90 YA1CL-BOX YA1CL-45 YA1CL-90 YA1CL4-BOX YA1CL4-45 YA1CL4-90 YA1CL6-BOX YA1CL6-45 YA1CL6-90 Fig # 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 AWG Stud Hole Size Tongue Width 3/8 .63 #6 AWG #5 AWG #4 AWG # 3 STR # 2 SOL #2 AWG 25 1/2 .75 1/4 .44 1/4 .50 8-10 .50 5/16 .58 3/8 .58 1/2 .71 5/16 .55 1/4 .61 5/16 .61 35 3/8 .61 1/2 .73 1/4 .68 5/16 #1 AWG .68 50 3/8 .68 1/2 .73 * Use PUADP-1 adapter with "U" dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. ** P-RT die sets for use in Y46 HYPRESS™ only, PUADP-1 adapter not required. T 45° L L Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Conductor *** MM2 B 90° B T Figure Dimensions (B) (T) (L) 1.28 .54 .06 1.17 1.05 1.60 .54 .12 1.54 1.30 1.65 .81 .07 1.31 .81 1.74 .81 .09 1.44 .84 1.58 .81 .09 1.28 .75 1.92 .81 .08 1.68 .96 1.92 .81 .08 1.68 1.08 2.20 .81 .06 2.02 1.32 1.88 .88 .09 1.76 .98 1.88 .88 .11 1.55 .89 1.93 .88 .11 1.62 1.01 2.06 .88 .11 1.74 1.14 2.32 .88 .09 2.17 1.37 1.81 .88 .10 1.70 .91 1.94 .88 .01 1.82 1.03 2.06 .88 .10 1.95 1.16 2.37 .88 .09 2.22 1.40 Dieless (# of crimps) L Fig. 3 ▲ Installation Tooling Mechanical Hydraulic MD6, OUR840, BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, MD7-34R Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 Y1MR (1) W5CVT (1) MY29-3 (1) W5CRT (1) MY29-11 (1) X5CRT (1) MRC840 (1) X8CART (1) Y2MR (1) Y81KFT (1) W5CRT (1) Y81KFTMBH (1) W5CVT (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) X5CRT (1) Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length W5CVT (1) W5CRT (1) X5CRT (1) X8CART (1) U5CRT (1) UBCABT (1) Blue 7 7/8 W5CRT (1) X5CRT (1) W5CVT (1) U5CRT (1) Blue 7 7/8 W4CVT (1) W4CVT (1) W4CRT (1) W4CRT (1) X4CRT (1) X4CRT (1) U4CRT (1) U6CABT (1) Gray 8 7/8 U3CRT (1) White 9 15/16 U2CRT (1) Brown 10 15/16 U1CRT-1 (1) U4CABT (1) Green 11 15/16 Y1MR (2) MY29-3 (1) MY29-11 (1) MRC840 (1) Y2MR (2) Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (1) W3CRT (1) W3CRT (1) Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) W2CVT (1) W2CVT (1) W2CRT (1) W2CRT (1) X2CRT (1) X2CRT (1) Y1MR (2) MY29-3 (1) MY29-11 (1) W1CVT (1) W1CVT (1) MRC840 (1) W1CRT-1 (1) W1CRT-1 (1) Y644HS (1) X1CRT-1 (1) X1CRT-1 (1) Y81KFT (1) Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 2 conductor. ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts, consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. BURNDY Compression B ONE HOLE HYLUG™ CODE CONDUCTOR STANDARD BARREL (Continued) Catalog Number YA25L2-BOX YA25L2-45 YA25L2-90 YA25L4-BOX YA25L4-45 YA25L4-90 YA25L6-BOX YA25L6-45 YA25L6-90 YA25L-BOX YA25L-45 YA25L-90 YA26L2-BOX YA26L2-45 YA26L2-90 YA26L3-BOX YA26L3-45 YA26L3-90 YA26L-BOX YA26L-45 YA26L-90 YA26L60 YA26L60-45 YA26L60-90 YA26L6-BOX YA26L6-45 YA26L6-90 YA26L7-BOX YA26L7-45 YA26L7-90 YA26LNT516 YA27L2-BOX YA27L2-45 YA27L2-90 YA27L3 YA27L3-45 YA27L3-90 YA27L4-BOX YA27L4-45 YA27L4-90 YA27L-BOX YA27L-45 YA27L-90 YA27LNT38 YA28L17-BOX YA28L17-45 YA28L17-90 YA28L2-BOX YA28L2-45 Fig # 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 AWG Stud Hole Size Tongue Width 1/4 .75 3/8 .75 1/0 AWG 2/0 AWG 1/2 .75 5/16 .75 1/4 .83 5/16 .83 3/8 .83 3/4 .96 1/2 .83 5/8 .88 5/16 .62 1/4 1.00 5/16 .91 3/8 .91 1/2 .91 3/8 .76 5/8 1.02 70 3/0 AWG 4/0 AWG 1/4 * Use PUADP-1 adapter with "U" dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. ** P-RT die sets for use in Y46 HYPRESS™ only, PUADP-1 adapter not required. T T 45° Conductor *** MM2 B 90° B T 1.02 L L Fig. 1 Fig. 2 ▲ Installation Tooling Figure Mechanical Hydraulic Dimensions Dieless MD6, OUR840, BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, (B) (T) (L) (# of crimps) MD7-34R Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 1.84 .88 .12 1.76 .94 2.09 .88 .12 2.01 W25VT (2) W25VT (2) U25RT (1) W25RT (2) W25RT (2) 1.19 U2CABT (1) 2.34 X25RT (2) X25RT (2) .88 .12 2.26 1.44 1.96 .88 .12 1.88 1.07 1.94 MY29-3 (1) .94 .12 1.78 MY29-11 (1) .96 MRC840 (2) 2.06 Y644HS (1) .94 .12 1.91 Y81KFT (1) 1.09 Y81KFTMBH (1) 2.19 PAT81KFT-18V (1) .94 .12 2.03 1.21 W26VT (2) W26VT (2) 2.96 W26RT (2) W26RT (2) U26RT (1) .94 .12 2.77 X26RT (2) X26RT (2) 1.89 2.44 .94 .12 2.28 1.46 2.69 .94 .11 2.50 1.71 .94 .13 2.62 2.04 1.00 .13 1.91 .99 2.16 1.00 .13 2.03 1.12 W27VT (2) W27VT (2) MY29-3 (1) 2.29 W27RT (2) W27RT (2) U27RT (1) MY29-11 (1) 1.00 .13 1.91 X27RT (3) X27RT (3) MRC840 (2) .99 Y644HS (1) 2.54 Y81KFT (2) 1.00 .13 2.41 Y81KFTMBH (2) 1.49 PAT81KFT-18V (2) 1.00 .12 2.71 .88 .14 2.64 W28VT (2) W28VT (2) 1.79 W28RT (2) W28RT (2) U28RT (1) 1.96 X28RT (3) X28RT (3) .88 .14 1.89 *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 2 conductor. ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. L Fig. 3 Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length Pink 12 15/16 Black 13 1 Orange 14 1-1/16 Purple 15 1-1/8 ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts, consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. C-13 BURNDY Compression B ONE HOLE HYLUG™ CODE CONDUCTOR STANDARD BARREL (Continued) T C-14 Catalog Number YA28L2-90 YA28L3 YA28L3-45 YA28L3-90 YA28L4-BOX YA28L4-45 YA28L4-90 YA28L56 YA28L56-45 YA28L56-90 YA28L-BOX YA28L-45 YA28L-90 YA28LNT38 YA29L2 YA29L2-45 YA29L2-90 YA29L4 YA29L4-45 YA29L4-90 YA29L7 YA29L7-45 YA29L7-90 YA29LTC78 YA29LTC78-45 YA29LTC78-90 YA29LNT38 YA29L-BOX YA29L-45 YA29L-90 YA30L YA30L-45 YA30L-90 YA30L1 YA30L1-45 YA30L1-90 YA30L24 YA30L24-45 YA30L24-90 YA30L27 YA30L27-45 YA30L27-90 YA30L28 YA30L7 YA30L7-45 YA30L7-90 YA31L YA31L-45 YA31L-90 Fig # AWG 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 4/0 AWG 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 250 kcmil 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 300 kcmil 350 kcmil 150 185 Stud Hole Size 1/4 Tongue Width 1.02 5/16 1.02 3/8 1.02 3/4 1.05 1/2 1.02 3/8 .76 1/4 1.11 3/8 1.11 5/16 1.11 7/8 1.11 3/8 .96 1/2 1.11 1/2 1.20 5/16 1.20 3/8 1.20 7/8 1.20 3/4 1.20 5/8 1.20 1/2 1.29 * Use PUADP-1 adapter with "U" dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. ** P-RT die sets for use in Y46 HYPRESS™ only, PUADP-1 adapter not required. T 45° L L Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Conductor *** MM2 B 90° B T Figure Dimensions (B) (T) (L) .88 .14 1.04 2.08 .88 .14 2.01 1.16 2.21 .88 .14 2.14 1.29 2.90 .88 .13 2.81 1.97 2.46 .88 .14 2.39 1.54 .88 .16 2.79 2.17 1.06 .16 2.07 1.08 2.42 1.06 .16 2.32 1.33 2.30 1.06 .16 2.20 1.20 3.36 1.06 .14 3.23 2.26 1.06 .16 2.96 2.67 1.06 .16 2.57 1.58 2.69 1.03 .16 2.60 1.61 2.31 1.03 .16 2.22 1.24 2.44 1.03 .16 2.35 1.36 3.37 1.03 .16 3.29 2.30 1.03 .16 3.12 2.94 1.03 .16 2.85 1.86 2.75 1.06 .18 2.75 1.65 Dieless (# of crimps) L Fig. 3 ▲ Installation Tooling Mechanical Hydraulic MD6, OUR840, BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, MD7-34R Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 MY29-3 (1) MY29-11 (1) MRC840 (2) W28VT (2) W28VT (2) Y644HS (1) W28RT (2) W28RT (2) Y81KFT (2) X28RT (2) X28RT (3) Y81KFTMBH (2) PAT81KFT-18V (2) MY29-3 (1) MY29-11 (1) W29VT (2) Y644HS (1) X29RT (4) Y81KFT (2) Y81KFTMBH (2) PAT81KFT-18V (2) Y644HS (1) W30VT (2) Y81KFT (2) Y81KFTMBH (2) PAT81KFT-18V (2) W31VT (2) *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 2 conductor. ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length U28RT (1) Purple 15 1-1/8 W29VT (2) W29RT (2) X29RT (4) U29RT (1) Yellow 16 1-1/8 W30VT (2) W30RT (2) U30RT (2) U28ART (2) White 17 1-1/16 W31VT (2) W31RT (2) U31RT (2) U29ART (2) Red 18 1-3/16 ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts, consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. BURNDY Compression B ONE HOLE HYLUG™ CODE CONDUCTOR STANDARD BARREL (Continued) T Catalog Number YA31L11 YA31L11-45 YA31L11-90 YA31L36 YA31L36-45 YA31L36-90 YA31L7 YA31L7-45 YA31L7-90 YA31LNT38 YA32L YA32L-45 YA32L-90 YA32L1 YA32L1-45 YA32L1-90 YA32L14 YA32L14-45 YA32L14-90 YA32LTC78 YA32LTC78-45 YA32LTC78-90 YA33L YA33L-45 YA33L-90 YA34L YA34L-45 YA34L-90 YA34L20 YA34L20-45 YA34L20-90 YA34L37 YA34L37-45 YA34L37-90 YA34L6 YA34L6-45 YA34L6-90 YA34L8 YA34L8-45 YA34L8-90 YA34L9 YA34L9-45 YA34L9-90 YA35L YA35L-45 YA35L-90 YA36L11 YA36L YA36L-45 YA36L-90 Fig # AWG 1 2 3 1 2 350 kcmil 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 185 Stud Hole Size Tongue Width 3/8 1.29 7/8 1.29 5/8 1.29 3/8 96 5/8 1.38 1/2 1.40 400 kcmil 450 kcmil 500 kcmil 600 kcmil 3/8 1.38 7/8 1.40 5/8 1.48 5/8 1.55 1 1.55 3/8 1.55 240 550 kcmil 300 T 45° L L Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Conductor *** MM2 B 90° B T 1/2 1.55 3/4 1.55 7/8 1.55 5/8 1.65 1/2 1.74 5/8 1.74 * Use PUADP-1 adapter with "U" dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. ** P-RT die sets for use in Y46 HYPRESS™ only, PUADP-1 adapter not required. Figure Mechanical Dimensions Dieless MD6, OUR840, (B) (T) (L) (# of crimps) MD7-34R 2.50 1.06 .18 2.42 1.40 4.02 1.06 .18 4.02 W31VT (2) 3.94 3.00 1.06 .18 3.00 1.90 1.06 .18 3.37 3.18 1.19 .19 3.08 1.95 2.93 1.19 .19 2.83 1.70 W32VT (2) 2.68 1.19 .19 2.58 1.45 3.62 1.19 .19 3.52 2.38 3.57 Y644HS (1) 1.50 .21 3.30 W33VT (2) Y81KFT (2) 2.00 Y81KFTMBH (2) 3.37 PAT81KFT-18V (2) 1.27 .23 3.30 2.03 4.05 1.27 .23 3.99 2.72 2.87 1.27 .23 2.80 1.53 W34VT (2) 3.12 1.27 .23 3.05 1.78 3.55 1.27 .23 3.49 2.22 3.80 1.27 .23 3.74 2.47 3.81 1.69 .25 3.67 2.08 1.38 .27 3.29 3.72 1.38 .27 3.51 2.11 *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 2 conductor. ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. L Fig. 3 ▲ Installation Tooling Hydraulic BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length C-15 W31VT (2) W31RT (2) U31RT (2) U29ART (2) Red 18 1-3/16 W32VT (2) W32RT (2) U32RT (2) U30ART (2) Blue 19 W33VT (2) W33RT (2) U33RT (2) Gray 326 1-9/16 W34VT (2) W34RT (2) U34RT (2) U31ART (2) Brown 20 1-7/16 - U35RT (2) Yellow 21 1-3/4 - U36RT (2) Green 22 1-3/4 1-1/4 ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts, consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. BURNDY Compression B ONE HOLE HYLUG™ CODE CONDUCTOR STANDARD BARREL (Continued) T Catalog Number C-16 YA36LTC78 YA36LTC78-45 YA36LTC78-90 YA37L YA37L-45 YA37L-90 YA37L1 YA38L YA38L-90 YA38L-45 YA39L YA39L-45 YA39L-90 YA39L2 YA39L2-45 YA39L2-90 YA39L9 YA39L9-45 YA39L9-90 YA39LNT38 YA39L6 YA39L6-45 YA39L6-90 YA40L YA40L-45 YA40L-90 YA41L YA41L-45 YA41L-90 YA44L YA44L-45 YA44L-90 YA44L2 YA44L23 YA-45L YA-45L-45 YA-45L-90 YA-453L YA-453L-45 YA-453L-90 YA46L YA46L-45 YA46L-90 YA47L YA47L-45 YA47L-90 YA48L YA48L-45 YA48L-90 Fig # 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 AWG 600 kcmil *** MM2 300 Tongue Width 7/8 1.74 650 kcmil 5/8 1.80 700 kcmil 5/8 1.84 5/8 1.91 7/8 1.91 750 kcmil 1-1/4 1.91 800 kcmil 400 850 kcmil 3/8 1.12 1/2 1.91 5/8 1.98 5/8 2.01 5/8 2.19 1/2 1 2.49 2.19 1250 kcmil 3/4 2.46 1300 kcmil 3/4 2.53 1500 kcmil 3/4 2.69 1750 kcmil 3/4 2.90 2000 kcmil 3/4 3.10 1000 kcmil 500 * Use PUADP-1 adapter with "U" dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. ** P-RT die sets for use in Y46 HYPRESS™ only, PUADP-1 adapter not required. T 45° L L Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Conductor Stud Hole Size B 90° B T Figure Dimensions (B) (T) (L) 3.97 1.38 .27 3.95 2.55 3.57 3.55 1.39 .27 2.14 3.76 3.66 1.45 .27 3.60 2.15 3.67 1.42 .27 3.61 2.17 4.10 1.42 .27 4.05 2.61 4.85 1.42 .27 4.80 3.36 1.42 .27 4.70 3.41 1.42 .27 3.36 1.92 3.81 1.42 .30 3.69 2.21 4.15 1.88 .31 4.03 2.23 4.04 1.65 .33 4.01 2.32 1.65 .33 3.98 1.65 .33 4.73 4.68 2.00 .38 4.64 2.62 4.71 2.00 .39 4.68 2.65 4.78 2.00 .40 4.75 2.71 5.05 2.19 .42 5.00 2.79 5.19 2.25 .46 5.19 2.89 Dieless (# of crimps) Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (2) Y81KFTMBH (2) L Fig. 3 ▲ Installation Tooling Mechanical Hydraulic MD6, OUR840, BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, MD7-34R Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length - - U36RT (2) U32ART (2) Green 22 1-3/4 - - U37RT (2) Orange 23 1-15/16 - - U38RT (2) Pink 400 1-15/16 - - U39RT (2) P39RT (2) ** Black 24 1-15/16 - - P40RT(3) ** Orange 25 1-15/16 - - - Gold 26 1-15/16 - - P44RT(3) ** White 27 1-15/16 - - P45RT(3) ** Yellow 29 2-1/16 - - - Orange 30 2-1/16 - - P46RT (3) ** - Green 31 2-1/16 Gray 33 2-1/4 Brown 34 2-1/4 Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (3) Y81KFTMBH (3) PAT81KFT-18V (3) Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (3) Y81KFTMBH (3) PAT81KFT-18V (3) Y644MBH (1) PAT644-18V (1) *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 2 conductor. ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts, consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. BURNDY Compression ONE HOLE HYLUG™ CODE CONDUCTOR STANDARD BARREL NARROW TONGUE DIE AND COLOR CODE INFORMATION BEVELED ENTRY INSPECTION WINDOW TYPES YA-L-NT CRIMP ELECTRO-TIN PLATED COPPER COMPRESSION NARROW TONGUE TERMINAL CABLE ACCOMMODATION C-17 B UL Listed 90° C, 600 Volts to 35 KV ◆ B 90° B T T T 45° L Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Conductor Catalog Number Fig # AWG YA8CLNT6 1 #8 AWG YA6CLNT6 YA4CLNT10 1 1 YA3CLNT516 1 #6 AWG #4 AWG #3 AWG #2 SOL YA2CLNT10 YA2CLNT14 1 1 YA2CLNT516 1 YA1CLNT10 YA1CLNT14 YA25LNT10 YA25LNT516 YA26LNT10 YA26LNT516 YA26LNT516U YA26LNT38 YA27LNT38 YA28LNT38 YA29LNT38 YA29LENT38 YA30LNT38 YA31LNT38 YA32LNT38 YA34LNT38 YA36LNT38 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 YA39LNT38 1 *** MM2 Stud Hole Size Tongue Width L L Figure Dimensions (B) (T) (L) **** Dieless (# of crimps) Y8MRB-1 (1) Y2MR (1) MY29-3 (1) MY29-11 (1) MRC840 (1) Y81KFT (1) Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) Y1MR (1) Y2MR (1) MY29-3 (1) MY29-11 (1) MRC840 Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (1) Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) ▲ Installation Tooling Mechanical Hydraulic MD6, OUR840, BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, MD7-34R Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length W8CVT (1) X8CRT (1) U8CRT (1) Red 49 1/2 W5CVT (1) X5CRT (1) W4CVT (1) X4CRT (1) W3CVT (1) W3CVT (1) U5CRT (1) U4CRT (1) U3CRT (1) Blue Gray White 7 8 9 7/8 7/8 15/16 W2CVT (1) X2CRT (1) U2CRT (1) Brown 10 15/16 U1CRT (1) Green 11 15/16 U25RT (1) Pink 12 15/16 U26RT (1) Black 13 1 U27RT (1) U28RT (1) U29RT (1) U29RT (1) U30RT (2) U31RT (2) U32RT (2) U34RT (2) U36RT (2) Orange Purple Yellow Yellow White Red Blue Brown Green 14 1-1/16 15 1-1/8 16 1-1/8 16 1-1/8 17 1-1/8 18 1-3/16 19 1-1/4 20 1-7/16 22 1-3/4 U39RT (2) Black 24 ** 10 6 .29 .44 .09 1.08 - 6 # 10 .29 .40 .54 .81 .09 .09 1.17 1.73 25 5/16 .49 .88 .09 1.80 # 10 1/4 .48 .50 .88 .88 .11 .11 1.80 1.80 5/16 .49 .88 .11 1.82 # 10 1/4 # 10 5/16 # 10 5/16 3/8 3/8 3/8 .88 .88 .88 .88 .94 .94 .94 .94 1.00 .88 1.06 1.06 1.03 1.06 1.19 1.27 1.38 .10 .10 .12 .12 .13 .13 .13 .12 .12 .14 .16 .16 .16 .18 .20 .23 .27 1.42 .27 2.23 MY29-3 (1) W1CVT (1) X1CRT (1) 2.23 MY29-11 (1) 2.28 MRC840 W25VT (2) X25RT (2) 2.28 Y644HS (1) 2.62 Y81KFT (1) 2.62 Y81KFTMBH (1) W26VT (2) X26RT (2) 2.62 PAT81KFT-18V (1) 2.48 2.73 W27VT (2) X27RT (3) 2.67 W28VT (2) X28RT (3) 2.96 W29VT (2) X29RT (4) Y644HS (1) 2.96 W29VT (2) X29RT (4) Y81KFT (2) 2.97 W30VT (4) Y81KFTMBH (2) 3.31 W31VT (4) PAT81KFT-18V (2) 3.21 W32VT (4) 3.65 W34VT (4) 4.09 Y81KFT (3) 4.24 Y81KFTMBH (3) PAT81KFT-18V (3) * #2 AWG 35 #1 AWG 50 1/0 AWG - 2/0 AWG 70 3/0 AWG 4/0 AWG - 250 kcmil - 3/8 300 kcmil 350 kcmil 400 kcmil 500 kcmil 600 kcmil 150 185 240 300 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 .50 .50 .62 .62 .62 .62 .62 .72 .76 .76 .96 .76 .96 .96 .96 .96 1.12 750 kcmil - 3/8 1.12 * Use PUADP-1 adapter with "U" dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. ** The MM2 conductor size listed is for Class 2 and Class 5 conductor. *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 2 conductor. Fig. 3 **** Y644M is not recommended for standard barrel length #6 AWG HYLUGs. ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. Use ONLY color-coded die recommendations for “-FX”connectors. For nest/indentor system contact factory. 1-15/16 ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. BURNDY Compression ONE HOLE HYLUG™ CODE CONDUCTOR LONG BARREL BEVELED ENTRY DIE AND COLOR CODE INFORMATION NO INSPECTION WINDOW TYPES YA, YA-TC CRIMPS CABLE ACCOMMODATION ELECTRO-TIN PLATED UL Listed 90° C, 600 Volts to 35 KV ◆ B B C-18 UNINSULATED COPPER COMPRESSION TERMINAL 90° B T T 45° L L Fig. 1 Catalog Number YA8C-TC10 YA8C-TC10-45 YA8C-TC10-90 YA8C-TC14 YA8C-TC14-45 YA8C-TC14-90 YA8C-TC38 YA8C-TC38-45 YA8C-TC38-90 YA6C-TC10 YA6C-TC10-45 YA6C-TC10-90 YA6C-N YA6C-N-45 YA6C-N-90 YA6C YA6C-45 YA6C-90 YA5C YA5C-45 YA5C-90 YA5C-N YA5C-N-45 Fig # AWG 1 2 #8 AWG 3 1 #8 WELD 2 3 37/24 1 2 #6 SOL 3 1 2 3 1 2 #6 AWG 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 #5 AWG *** MM2 † 10 - Tongue Width # 10 .38 1/4 .41 3/8 .58 # 10 .41 1/2 .83 1/4 .41 1/4 .44 1/2 YA5C-N-90 3 YA4C-TC10 YA4C-TC10-45 YA4C-TC10-90 YA4C 1 2 3 1 YA4C-45 2 .83 Figure Dimensions (B) (T) (L) 1.57 .81 .08 1.46 .68 1.69 .81 .08 1.57 .86 1.88 .81 .06 1.71 1.04 1.89 1.12 .09 1.72 .75 2.64 1.12 .12 2.53 1.52 1.81 1.12 .09 1.24 .81 1.98 1.12 .07 1.75 .81 2.67 2.55 1.12 .12 1.52 # 10 .49 1.12 .09 #4 AWG 1/4 * Use PUADP-1 adapter with "U" dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. ** P-RT die sets for use in Y46 HYPRESS™ only, PUADP-1 adapter not required. *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 2 conductor. .50 1.12 .09 L Fig. 2 Conductor Stud Hole Size T 1.94 1.94 1.75 1.87 1.52 Dieless (# of crimps) ▲ Installation Tooling Mechanical Hydraulic MD6, OUR840, BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750 MD7-34R Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 MRC840 (2) Y8MBR-1 (1) Y2MR (2) W8CVT (2) X8CRT (2) Y1MR (2) W8CRT (2) W8CVT (2) Y81KFT (1) X8CRT (2) W8CRT (2) Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) MRC840 (2) MY29-3 (2) MY29-11 (2) Y2MR (2) Y644HS (1) Y1MR (2) Y81KFT (1) Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) Y1MR (2) MRC840 (2) MY29-3 (2) MY29-11 (2) Y2MR (2) Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (1) Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) MRC840 (2) MY29-3 (2) MY29-11 (2) Y2MR (4) Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (1) Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) Fig. 3 Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length U8CRT (2) Red 49 1 W5CVT (2) W5CRT (2) X5CRT (2) X8CART (2) U5CRT (2) U8CABT (2) Blue 7 1-3/16 W5CVT (2) W5CVT (2) W5CRT (2) W5CRT (2) X5CRT (2) X5CRT (2) U5CRT (2) Blue 7 1-3/16 W4CVT (2) W4CVT (2) W4CRT (2) W4CRT (2) X4CRT (2) X4CRT (2) U4CRT (2) U6CABT (2) Gray 8 1-3/16 W5CVT (2) W5CRT (2) X5CRT (2) X8CART (2) † The MM2 conductor size listed is for Class 2 and Class 5 conductor. ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. Use ONLY color coded die recommendations for "FX" connectors. For nest/indentor system contact factory. • Available undrilled. Add suffix "U" to catalog number (example: YA25U). ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. BURNDY Compression 90° B T T 45° Catalog Number YA4C-90 YA4C-TC38 YA4C-TC38-45 YA4C-TC38-90 YA4C-N YA4C-N-45 Fig # 3 1 2 3 1 2 YA4C-N-90 3 YA3C-TC14 YA3C-TC14-45 YA3C-TC14-90 YA3C YA3C-45 YA3C-90 YA3C-TC38 YA3C-TC38-45 YA3C-TC38-90 YA3CN YA3CN-45 YA3CN-90 YA2C-TC10 YA2C-TC10-45 YA2C-TC10-90 YA2C-TC14 YA2C-TC14-45 YA2C-TC14-90 YA2C YA2C-45 YA2C-90 YA2C-N YA2C-N-45 YA2C-N-90 YA1C-TC10 YA1C-TC10-45 YA1C-TC10-90 YA1C YA1C-45 YA1C-90 YA1C-N YA1C-N-45 YA1C-N-90 YA25TC10 YA25TC10-45 YA25TC10-90 YA25 YA25-45 YA25-90 YA25TC38 YA25TC38-45 YA25TC38-90 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 AWG #4 AWG Stud Hole Size 1/4 L Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Tongue Width .56 3/8 .58 - #3 AWG 1/2 .83 1/4 .55 5/16 .55 25 #2 SOLID #2 AWG #1 AWG 1/0 AWG 3/8 .61 1/2 .81 # 10 .61 1/4 .60 35 50 - 5/16 .61 1/2 .83 # 10 .68 5/16 .68 1/2 .83 # 10 .75 5/16 .75 3/8 .75 * Use PUADP-1 adapter with "U" dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. ** P-RT die sets for use in Y46 HYPRESS™ only, PUADP-1 adapter not required. Figure Mechanical Dimensions Dieless MD6, OUR840, (B) (T) (L) (# of crimps) MD7-34R 1.12’ .09 .84 MRC840 (2) 2.25 MY29-3 (2) 1.12 .08 2.02 MY29-11 (2) 1.08 Y2MR (4) W4CVT (2) 2.69 Y644HS (1) W4CRT (2) 2.56 Y1MR (4) X4CRT (2) 1.12 .12 Y81KFT (1) 1.54 Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) 2.23 1.25 .09 1.99 .92 2.30 MY29-3 (2) 1.25 .09 2.05 MY29-11 (2) .98 Y644HS (1) W3CRT (2) 2.42 Y81KFT (2) 1.25 .08 2.16 Y81KFTMBH (2) 1.10 PAT81KFT-18V (2) 2.86 1.25 .12 2.68 1.56 2.10 1.25 .11 1.90 Y1MR (4) .82 MRC840 (2) 2.23 MY29-3 (2) 1.25 .11 2.02 MY29-11 (2) W2CVT (2) .95 Y2MR (4) W2CRT (2) 2.29 Y644HS (1) X2CRT (2) 1.25 .11 2.09 Y81KFT (2) 1.01 Y81KFTMBH (2) 2.88 PAT81KFT-18V (2) 1.25 .12 2.70 1.58 2.27 Y1MR (4) 1.38 .10 2.00 MRC840 (2) .84 MY29-3 (2) 2.45 W1CVT (2) MY29-11 (2) 1.38 .10 2.19 W1CRT-1 (2) Y644HS (1) 1.03 X1CRT-1 (2) Y81KFT (2) 3.06 Y81KFTMBH (2) 1.38 .12 2.82 PAT81KFT-18V (2) 1.60 2.30 1.38 .12 2.06 MRC840 (4) .88 MY29-3 (2) 2.48 MY29-11 (2) W25VT (4) 1.38 .12” 2.25 Y644HS (1) W25RT (4) 1.07 Y81KFT (2) X25RT (4) 2.61 Y81KFTMBH (2) 1.38 .12 2.37 PAT81KFT-18V (2) 1.19 *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 2 conductor. ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. Use ONLY color coded die recommendations for "-FX" connectors. For nest/indentor system contact factory. T L L Conductor *** MM2 B B ONE HOLE HYLUG™ CODE CONDUCTOR LONG BARREL (Continued) ▲ Installation Tooling Hydraulic BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 Fig. 3 Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length W4CVT (2) W4CRT (2) X4CRT (2) U4CRT (2) U6CABT (2) Gray 8 1-3/16 W3CRT (2) U3CRT (2) White 9 1-1/2 W2CVT (2) W2CRT (2) X2CRT (2) U2CRT (2) Brown 10 1-5/16 W1CVT (2) W1CRT-1 (2) X1CRT-1 (2) U1CRT-1 (2) U4CABT (2) Green 11 1-7/16 W25VT (4) W25RT (4) X25RT (4) U25RT (2) U2CABT (2) Pink 12 1-7/16 • Available undrilled. Add suffix "U" to catalog number (example: YA25U). ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. C-19 BURNDY Compression C-20 Catalog Number YA25N YA25N-45 Fig # 1 2 AWG 1/0 AWG *** MM2 T T 45° Tongue Width Figure Dimensions (B) (T) (L) 3.05 2.79 - 1/2 .81 1.38 L L Fig. 1 Fig. 2 1-7/16 W26VT (4) W26VT (4) W26RT (4) W26RT (4) X26RT (4) X26RT (4) U26RT (2) Black 13 1-9/16 W27VT (4) W27VT (4) W27RT (4) W27RT (4) X27RT (6) X27RT (6) U27RT (2) Orange 14 1-9/16 W28VT (4) W28VT (4) W28RT (4) W28RT (4) X28RT (6) X28RT (6) U28RT (2) Purple 15 1-1/16 W29VT (4) X29RT (8) W29VT (4) W29RT (4) X29RT (8) U29RT (2) Yellow 16 1-1/16 W30VT (4) W30VT (4) W30RT (4) U30RT (4) U28ART (4) White 17 or 2-1/16 298 W31VT (4) W31VT (4) W31RT (4) U31RT (4) U29ART (4) Red 18 or 2-1/16 324 4.09 3.71 Y644HS (1) 1.88 Y81KFT (3) W32VT (4) 4.15 Y81KFTMBH (3) 3.77 PAT81KFT-18V (3) 1.95 W32VT (4) W32RT (4) U32RT (4) U30ART (4) Blue 19 or 2-3/16 470 1 2 3 1 2 YA26N-90 3 1.65 YA27 1 3.06 YA27-45 2 2/0 AWG 70 1/2 .83 1.50 .12 2.77 2.49 1.22 3.21 2.93 2.78 3/0 AWG - 1/2 .91 1.50 .13 YA27-90 3 1.49 YA28TC38 YA28TC38-45 YA28TC38-90 YA28 YA28-45 1 2 3 1 2 YA28-90 3 1.54 YA29 YA29-45 1 2 3.26 2.99 3/8 4/0 AWG - 1.02 1.62 .14 1/2 250 kcmil - 1/2 1.11 1.62 2.98 2.68 1.29 3.23 2.93 .16 YA29-90 3 1.58 YA30 YA30-45 1 2 3.69 3.31 YA30-90 3 1.61 YA31 YA31-45 1 2 3.73 3.36 YA31-90 3 YA32N YA32N-45 YA32N-90 YA32 YA32-45 YA32-90 1 2 3 1 2 3 300 kcmil 350 kcmil 150 185 1/2 1/2 1.20 1.29 2.00 2.00 .16 .18 1.65 1/2 400 kcmil 1.38 2.12 .19 5/8 * Use PUADP-1 adapter with "U" dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. ** P-RT die sets for use in Y46 HYPRESS™ only, PUADP-1 adapter not required. 1.38 2.12 .19 Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length 12 YA26 YA26-45 YA26-90 YA26N YA26N-45 .12 ▲ Installation Tooling Mechanical Hydraulic MD6, OUR840, BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, MD7-34R Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 Pink 1.62 1.50 (# of crimps) MRC840 (4) MY29-3 (2) MY29-11 (2) Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (2) Y81KFTMBH (2) PAT81KFT-18V (2) MRC840 (4) MY29-3 (2) MY29-11 (2) Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (2) Y81KFTMBH (2) PAT81KFT-18V (2) MRC840 (4) MY29-3 (2) MY29-11 (2) Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (2) Y81KFTMBH (2) PAT81KFT-18V (2) MRC840 (4) MY29-3 (2) MY29-11 (2) Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (2) Y81KFTMBH (2) PAT81KFT-18V (2) MY29-3 (2) MY29-11 (2) Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (2) Y81KFTMBH (2) PAT81KFT-18V (2) Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (3) Y81KFTMBH (3) PAT81KFT-18V (3) Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (3) Y81KFTMBH (3) PAT81KFT-18V (3) L Fig. 3 U25RT (2) U2CABT (2) 3 .83 Dieless T W25VT(4) W25VT (4) W25RT (4) W25RT (4) X25RT (4) X25RT (4) .11 YA25N-90 3/8 90° B Conductor Stud Hole Size B B ONE HOLE HYLUG™ CODE CONDUCTOR LONG BARREL (Continued) *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 2 conductor. ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. Use ONLY color coded die recommendations for "-FX" connectors. For nest/indentor system contact factory. • Available undrilled. Add suffix "U" to catalog number (example: YA25U). ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. BURNDY Compression 90° B T T 45° L L Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Conductor Catalog Number YA33 YA33-45 YA33-90 YA33-N YA33-N-45 YA33-N-90 YA34N YA34N-45 YA34N-90 YA34 YA34-45 YA34-90 YA35 YA35-45 YA35-90 YA35-N YA35-N-45 YA35-N-90 YA36N YA36N-45 YA36N-90 YA36 YA36-45 YA36-90 YA37 YA37-45 YA37-90 YA37-N YA37-N-45 YA37-N-90 YA38 YA38-45 YA38-90 YA38-N YA38-N-45 YA38-N-90 YA39N YA39N-45 YA39N-90 YA39 YA39-45 YA39-90 YA40 YA40-45 YA40-90 YA40-N YA40-N-45 YA40-N-90 Fig # 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 AWG 450 kcmil 500 kcmil 550 kcmil 600 kcmil 650 kcmil 700 kcmil *** MM2 Stud Hole Size Tongue Width 5/8 1.48 1/2 1.48 1/2 1.52 240 5/8 1.52 5/8 1.65 1/2 1.65 1/2 1.69 - 300 5/8 1.69 5/8 1.80 1/2 1.80 5/8 1.84 1/2 1.84 - - 1/2 750 kcmil 800 kcmil 1.89 5/8 1.89 5/8 1.98 400 1/2 * Use PUADP-1 adapter with "U" dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. ** P-RT die sets for use in Y46 HYPRESS™ only, PUADP-1 adapter not required. *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 2 conductor. B B ONE HOLE HYLUG™ CODE CONDUCTOR LONG BARREL (Continued) 1.98 Figure Mechanical Dimensions Dieless MD6, OUR840, (B) (T) (L) (# of crimps) MD7-34R 4.24 2.13 .21 3.87 2.00 W33VT (4) 4.17 2.13 .21 3.81 1.94 4.32 2.25 .23 3.96 1.97 W34VT (4) 4.39 2.25 .23 4.02 2.03 4.79 2.63 .25 4.37 2.08 4.73 2.63 .25 4.30 2.01 4.83 2.69 .27 4.41 2.05 4.90 Y644HS (1) 2.69 .27 4.47 Y81KFT (4) 2.11 Y81KFTMBH (4) 5.05 PAT81KFT-18V (4) 2.81 .27 4.59 2.14 4.98 2.81 .27 4.53 2.08 5.07 2.81 .27 4.60 2.15 5.01 2.81 .27 4.53 2.08 5.11 2.88 .27 4.62 2.11 5.17 2.88 .27 4.68 2.17 5.25 2.94 .30 4.80 2.21 5.19 2.94 .30 4.74 2.15 ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. Use ONLY color coded die recommendations for "FX" connectors. For nest/indentor system contact factory. • Available undrilled. Add suffix "U" to catalog number (example: YA25U). T L Fig. 3 ▲ Installation Tooling Hydraulic BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 - Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length W33VT (4) W33RT (4) U33RT (4) Gray 326 or 2-5/16 538 W34VT (4) W34RT (4) U34RT (4) U31ART (4) Brown 20 or 2-5/16 299 - U35RT (4) Yellow - U36RT (4) U32ART (4) Green - U37RT (4) Orange 23 2-7/8 - U38RT (4) Pink 400 2-7/8 - U39RT (4) P39RT (4) ** Black 24 2-15/16 - P40RT (4) ** Orange 25 3 21 2-11/16 22 or 2-3/4 472 - ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. C-21 BURNDY Compression C-22 Catalog Number YA41 YA41-45 YA41-90 YA41-N YA41-N-45 YA41-N-90 YA44 YA44-45 YA44-90 YA44-N YA44-N-45 YA44-N-90 YA45 YA45-45 YA45-90 YA45-N YA45-N-45 YA45-N-90 YA46 YA46-45 YA46-90 YA46-N YA46-N-45 YA46-N-90 YA47 YA47-45 YA47-90 YA47-N YA47-N-45 YA47-N-90 YA48 YA48-45 YA48-90 YA48-N YA48-N-45 YA48-N-90 Fig # 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 AWG 850 kcmil 1000 kcmil 1250 kcmil 1500 kcmil 1750 kcmil 2000 kcmil T Tongue Width 5/8 2.01 1/2 2.01 5/8 2.17 500 1/2 2.19 3/4 2.46 1/2 2.46 3/4 2.69 1/2 2.69 3/4 2.90 1/2 2.90 3/4 3.10 - * Use PUADP-1 adapter with "U" dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. ** P-RT die sets for use in Y46 HYPRESS™ only, PUADP-1 adapter not required. *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 2 conductor. ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. Use ONLY color coded die recommendations for "-FX" connectors. For nest/indentor system contact factory. T 45° Stud Hole Size 1/2 90° B Conductor *** MM2 B B ONE HOLE HYLUG™ CODE CONDUCTOR LONG BARREL (Continued) 3.10 L L Fig. 1 Fig. 2 ▲ Installation Tooling Figure Mechanical Hydraulic Dimensions Dieless MD6, OUR840, BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, (B) (T) (L) (# of crimps) MD7-34R Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 5.26 2.94 .31 4.82 2.23 5.20 2.91 .31 4.76 Y644HS (1) 2.17 Y81KFT (4) 5.45 Y81KFTMBH (4) 3.00 .33 5.01 PAT81KFT-18V (4) 2.32 P44RT (4) 5.38 ** 3.00 .33 4.95 2.26 5.93 3.19 .38 5.52 2.62 P45RT (6) 5.68 ** 3.19 .38 5.27 2.37 6.04 3.19 .40 5.64 2.71 P46RT (6) 5.79 ** 3.19 .40 5.39 2.46 6.38 3.44 .42 5.94 2.79 6.13 3.44 .42 5.69 2.54 6.47 3.44 .46 6.09 2.89 6.22 3.44 .46 5.84 2.64 • Available undrilled. Add suffix "U" to catalog number (example: YA25U). ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. T L Fig. 3 Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length Gold 26 3 White 27 3-1/16 Yellow 29 Green 31 3-5/16 Gray 33 3-1/2 Brown 34 3-1/2 3-1/4 BURNDY Compression ONE HOLE HYLUG™ CODE CONDUCTOR LONG BARREL WITH INSPECTION WINDOW DIE AND COLOR CODE INFORMATION BEVELED ENTRY INSPECTION WINDOW TYPE YAZ CRIMP CABLE ACCOMMODATION ELECTRO-TIN PLATED UNINSULATED COPPER COMPRESSION TERMINAL C-23 B UL Listed 90° C, 600 Volts to 35 KV ◆ B 90° B T T L L L Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Conductor Catalog Number YAZV10-TC14 YAZV10-TC14-45 YAZV10-TC14-90 YAZ8C-TC10 YAZ8C-TC10-45 YAZ8C-TC10-90 YAZ8C-TC14 YAZ8C-TC14-45 YAZ8C-TC14-90 YAZ8C-TC38 YAZ8C-TC38-45 YAZ8C-TC38-90 YAZ6C-TC14 YAZ6C-TC14-45 YAZ6C-TC14-90 YAZ6C-TC38 YAZ6C-TC38-45 YAZ6C-TC38-90 YAZ6C-TC12 YAZ6C-TC12-45 YAZ6C-TC12-90 YAZ5C-TC12 YAZ5C-TC12-45 YAZ5C-TC12-90 YAZ4C-TC14 YAZ4C-TC14-45 YAZ4C-TC14-90 YAZ4C-TC38 YAZ4C-TC38-45 YAZ4C-TC38-90 YAZ4C-TC12 YAZ4C-TC12-45 YAZ4C-TC12-90 Fig # AWG 1 #14 - 10 Str 2 #12 - 10 Sol 3 1 2 3 #8 AWG 1 #8 WELD 2 37/24 3 #6 SOL 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 #6 AWG 3 1 2 3 1 2 #5 AWG 3 1 2 3 1 2 #4 AWG 3 1 2 3 *** MM2 Stud Hole Size 6 1/4 .41 . #10 .41 1/4 .44 1/4 .58 1/4 .45 . 3/8 .58 1/2 1/2 .83 . . .83 1/4 .49 3/8 .58 1/2 .83 † 10 - - - * Use PUADP-1 adapter with "U" dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. ** P-RT die sets for use in Y46 HYPRESS™ only, PUADP-1 adapter not required. *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 2 conductor. Tongue Width T 45° Figure Dimensions (B) (T) (L) 1.54 .69 .05 1.41 .83 1.58 .75 .08 1.47 .75 1.71 .75 .08 1.58 .87 1.89 .75 .06 1.72 1.05 2.03 1.12 .08 1.83 .89 2.22 1.12 .06 1.97 1.06 2.65 1.12 .12 2.54 1.53 2.68 1.12 .12 2.56 1.53 2.05 1.12 .09 1.87 .92 2.23 1.12 .08 2.01 1.09 2.67 1.12 .12 2.55 1.55 Dieless (# of crimps) Y8MRB-1 ▲ Installation Tooling Mechanical Hydraulic MD6, OUR840, BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, MD7-34R Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 - - Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length - - - 3/4 U8CRT (2) Red 49 7/8 U5CRT (2) U8CABT (2) Blue 7 or 1-3/16 374 W5CRT (2) W5CVT (2) W5CVT (2) X5CRT (2) X5CRT (2) W5CRT (2) U5CRT (2) Blue 7 or 1-3/16 374 Y1MR (4) Y2MR (4) MY29-3 (2) MY29-11 (2) W4CVT (2) W4CVT (2) MRC840 (2) W4CRT (2) W4CRT (2) Y644HS (1) X4CRT (2) X4CRT (2) Y81KFT (1) Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) U4CRT (2) U6CABT (2) Gray 8 or 1-3/16 346 W8CVT (2) W8CVT (2) W8CRT (2) W8CRT (2) X8CRT (2) X8CRT (2) Y1MR (2) Y2MR (2) MY29-3 (2) MY29-11 (2) MRC840 (2) Y644HS (1) W5CVT (2) W5CVT (2) Y81KFT (1) W5CRT (2) W5CRT (2) Y81KFTMBH (1) X5CRT (2) X5CRT (2) PAT81KFT-18V (1) X8CART (2) X8CART (2) † The MM2 conductor size listed is for Class 2 and Class 5 conductor. ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. • Available undrilled. Add suffix "U" to catalog number (example: YA25U). ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. BURNDY Compression B ONE HOLE HYLUG™ CODE CONDUCTOR LONG BARREL WITH INSPECTION WINDOW (Continued) T T C-24 Catalog Number YAZ3C-TC14 YAZ3C-TC14-45 YAZ3C-TC14-90 YAZ3C-TC38 YAZ3C-TC38-45 YAZ3C-TC38-90 YAZ3C-TC12 YAZ3C-TC12-45 YAZ3C-TC12-90 YAZ2C-TC14 YAZ2C-TC14-45 YAZ2C-TC14-90 YAZ2C-TC38 YAZ2C-TC38-45 YAZ2C-TC38-90 YAZ2C-TC12 YAZ2C-TC12-45 YAZ2C-TC12-90 YAZ1C-TC14 YAZ1C-TC14-45 YAZ1C-TC14-90 YAZ1C-TC38 YAZ1C-TC38-45 YAZ1C-TC38-90 YAZ1C-TC12 YAZ1C-TC12-45 YAZ1C-TC12-90 YAZ25-TC14 YAZ25-TC14-45 YAZ25-TC14-90 YAZ25-TC516 YAZ25-TC516-45 YAZ25-TC516-90 YAZ25-TC38 YAZ25-TC38-45 YAZ25-TC38-90 YAZ25-TC12 YAZ25-TC12-45 YAZ25-TC12-90 YAZ26-TC14 YAZ26-TC14-45 YAZ26-TC14-90 YAZ26-TC38 YAZ26-TC38-45 YAZ26-TC38-90 YAZ26-TC12 YAZ26-TC12-45 YAZ26-TC12-90 YAZ27-TC38 YAZ27-TC38-45 YAZ27-TC38-90 Fig # 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 AWG Stud Hole Size Tongue Width 1/4 .55 3/8 .58 1/2 .83 1/4 .60 3/8 .60 1/2 .83 1/4 .67 3/8 .67 1/2 .83 1/4 .75 5/16 .75 #3 AWG 25 #2 SOL #2 AWG #1 AWG 1/0 AWG 2/0 AWG 3/0 AWG 35 50 - 70 - 3/8 .75 1/2 .83 1/4 .83 3/8 .83 1/2 .83 3/8 .90 * Use PUADP-1 adapter with "U" dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. ** P-RT die sets for use in Y46 HYPRESS™ only, PUADP-1 adapter not required. Figure Dimensions (B) (T) (L) 2.21 1.25 .09 1.97 .93 2.39 1.25 .08 2.13 1.11 2.83 1.25 .07 2.66 1.57 2.23 1.25 .11 2.03 .96 2.41 1.25 .11 2.21 1.14 2.85 1.25 .09 2.57 1.57 2.39 1.38 .10 2.13 .98 2.57 1.38 .10 2.31 1.16 3.01 1.38 .09 2.7 1.59 2.42 1.38 .12 2.19 1.02 2.47 1.38 .12 2.24 1.08 2.6 1.38 .12 2.37 1.2 3.04 1.38 .12 2.77 1.63 2.58 1.50 .12 2.3 1.04 2.76 1.50 .12 2.48 1.22 3.2 1.50 .12 2.92 1.66 2.8 1.50 .12 2.52 1.25 45° L L Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Conductor *** MM2 B 90° B Dieless (# of crimps) L Fig. 3 ▲ Installation Tooling Mechanical Hydraulic MD6, OUR840, BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, MD7-34R Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 W3CRT (2) Y1MR (4) Y2MR (4) MY29-3 (2) MY29-11 (2) MRC840 (2) Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (2) Y81KFTMBH (2) W2CVT (2) PAT81KFT-18V (2) W2CRT (2) X2CRT (2) T Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length W3CRT (2) U3CRT (2) White 9 1-5/16 W2CVT (2) W2CRT (2) X2CRT (2) U2CRT (2) Brown 10 1-5/16 Y1MR (4) MY29-3 (2) MY29-11 (2) W1CVT (2) W1CVT (2) MRC840 (2) W1CRT-1 (2) W1CRT-1 (2) Y644HS (1) X1CRT-1 (2) X1CRT-1 (2) Y81KFT (2) Y81KFTMBH (2) PAT81KFT-18V (2) U1CRT-1 (2) U4CABT (2) Green 11 or 1-7/16 375 W25VT (4) W25VT (4) W25RT (4) W25RT (4) X25RT (4) X25RT (4) U25RT (2) U2CABT (2) Pink 12 or 1-7/16 348 W26VT (4) W26VT (4) W26RT (4) W26RT (4) X26RT (4) X26RT (4) U26RT (2) Black 13 1-9/16 W27RT (4) W27VT (4) W27VT (4) W27RT (4) X27RT (6) X27RT (6) U27RT (2) Orange 14 1-9/16 MY29-3 (2) MY29-11 (2) MRC840 (4) Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (2) Y81KFTMBH (2) PAT81KFT-18V (2) *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 2 conductor. ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. • Available undrilled. Add suffix "U" to catalog number (example: YA25U). ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. BURNDY Compression B ONE HOLE HYLUG™ CODE CONDUCTOR LONG BARREL WITH INSPECTION WINDOW (Continued) T T Fig # 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 AWG *** MM2 Stud Hole Size Tongue Width 3/0 AWG - 1/2 .91 - 3/8 1.02 4/0 AWG - 250 kcmil 300 kcmil 350 kcmil 1/2 1.02 3/8 1.10 1/2 1.10 3/8 1.20 150 1/2 1.20 3/8 1.29 185 - 1/2 1.29 3/8 1.40 400 kcmil 450 kcmil 500 kcmil - 1/2 1.40 - 1/2 1.48 3/8 1.55 240 1/2 1.55 550 kcmil - 1/2 1.65 600 kcmil 300 3/8 1.74 * Use PUADP-1 adapter with "U" dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. ** P-RT die sets for use in Y46 HYPRESS™ only, PUADP-1 adapter not required. *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 2 conductor. Figure Dimensions (B) (T) (L) 3.23 1.5 0.12 2.96 1.69 2.99 1.62 0.14 2.69 1.3 3.4 1.62 0.14 3.11 1.73 2.99 1.62 0.16 2.73 1.34 3.43 1.62 0.16 3.17 1.77 3.42 2 .16 3.04 1.37 3.85 2 .16 3.48 1.81 3.45 2 0.18 3.1 1.41 3.89 2 0.18 3.54 1.85 3.62 2.12 .19 3.25 1.46 4.06 2.12 .19 3.69 1.89 4.14 2.12 .21 3.79 1.95 3.85 2.25 .23 3.5 1.54 4.29 2.25 .23 3.94 1.98 4.7 2.62 .25 4.28 2.02 4.55 2.69 .26 4.14 1.81 45° L L Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Conductor Catalog Number YAZ27-TC12 YAZ27-TC12-45 YAZ27-TC12-90 YAZ28-TC38 YAZ28-TC38-45 YAZ28-TC38-90 YAZ28-TC12 YAZ28-TC12-45 YAZ28-TC12-90 YAZ29-TC38 YAZ29-TC38-45 YAZ29-TC38-90 YAZ29-TC12 YAZ29-TC12-45 YAZ29-TC12-90 YAZ30-TC38 YAZ30-TC38-45 YAZ30-TC38-90 YAZ30-TC12 YAZ30-TC12-45 YAZ30-TC12-90 YAZ31-TC38 YAZ31-TC38-45 YAZ31-TC38-90 YAZ31-TC12 YAZ31-TC12-45 YAZ31-TC12-90 YAZ32-TC38 YAZ32-TC38-45 YAZ32-TC38-90 YAZ32-TC12 YAZ32-TC12-45 YAZ32-TC12-90 YAZ33-TC12 YAZ33-TC12-45 YAZ33-TC12-90 YAZ34-TC38 YAZ34-TC38-45 YAZ34-TC38-90 YAZ34-TC12 YAZ34-TC12-45 YAZ34-TC12-90 YAZ35-TC12 YAZ35-TC12-45 YAZ35-TC12-90 YAZ36-TC38 YAZ36-TC38-45 YAZ36-TC38-90 B 90° B Mechanical Dieless MD6, OUR840, (# of crimps) MD7-34R W27RT (4) MY29-3 (2) W27VT (4) MY29-11 (2) X27RT (6) MRC840 (4) Y644HS (1) W28VT (4) Y81KFT (2) W28RT (4) Y81KFTMBH (2) X28RT (6) PAT81KFT-18V (2) T L Fig. 3 ▲ Installation Tooling Hydraulic BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 W27VT (4) W27RT (4) U27RT (2) X27RT (6) Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length Orange 14 1-9/16 W28VT (4) W28RT (4) X28RT (6) U28RT (2) Purple 15 1-11/16 MY29-3 (2) MY29-11 (2) Y644HS (1) W29VT (4) Y81KFT (2) X29RT (8) Y81KFTMBH (2) PAT81KFT-18V (2) W29VT (4) W29RT (4) X29RT (6) U29RT (2) Yellow 16 1-11/16 W30VT (4) W30VT (4) W30RT (4) U30RT (4) U28ART (4) White 17 or 2-1/16 298 Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (3) W31VT (4) Y81KFTMBH (3) PAT81KFT-18V (3) W31VT (4) W31RT (4) U31RT (4) U29ART (4) Red 18 or 2-1/16 324 W32VT (4) W32VT (4) W32RT (4) U32RT (4) U30ART (4) Blue 19 or 2-3/16 470 W33VT (4) W33VT (4) W33RT (4) U33RT (4) Gray 326 2-5/16 W34VT (4) W34RT (4) U34RT (4) U31ART (4) Brown 20 or 2-5/16 299 - - U35RT (4) Yellow 21 2-11/16 - - U36RT (4) U32ART (4) Green Y644HS (1) W34VT (4) Y81KFT (4) Y81KFTMBH (4) PAT81KFT-18V (4) ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. • Available undrilled. Add suffix "U" to catalog number (example: YA25U). 22 or 472 2/4 ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. C-25 BURNDY Compression B ONE HOLE HYLUG™ CODE CONDUCTOR LONG BARREL WITH INSPECTION WINDOW (Continued) T Conductor C-26 Catalog Number YAZ36-TC12 YAZ36-TC12-45 YAZ36-TC12-90 YAZ37-TC12 YAZ37-TC12-45 YAZ37-TC12-90 YAZ38-TC12 YAZ38-TC12-45 YAZ38-TC12-90 YAZ39-TC38 YAZ39-TC38-45 YAZ39-TC38-90 YAZ39-TC12 YAZ39-TC12-45 YAZ39-TC12-90 YAZ39-NT12 YAZ39-NT12-45 YAZ39-NT12-90 YAZ40-TC12 YAZ40-TC12-45 YAZ40-TC12-90 YAZ41-TC12 YAZ41-TC12-45 YAZ41-TC12-90 YAZ44-TC38 YAZ44-TC38-45 YAZ44-TC38-90 YAZ44-TC12 YAZ44-TC12-45 YAZ44-TC12-90 YAZ45-TC12 YAZ45-TC12-45 YAZ45-TC12-90 YAZ453-TC12 YAZ453-TC12-45 YAZ453-TC12-90 YAZ46-TC12 YAZ46-TC12-45 YAZ46-TC12-90 YAZ47-TC12 YAZ47-TC12-45 YAZ47-TC12-90 YAZ48-TC12 YAZ48-TC12-45 YAZ48-TC12-90 Fig # 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 AWG *** MM2 Stud Hole Size Tongue Width 600 kcmil 300 1/2 1.74 650 kcmil - 1/2 1.80 700 kcmil - 1/2 1.84 3/8 1.91 1/2 1.91 1/2 1.63 750 kcmil - 800 kcmil 400 1/2 1.98 850 kcmil - 1/2 2.01 3/8 2.19 1000 kcmil 500 1/2 2.19 1250 kcmil - 1/2 2.46 1300 kcmil - 1/2 2.53 1/2 2.69 1/2 2.90 1/2 3.10 1500 kcmil 1750 kcmil 2000 kcmil - * Use PUADP-1 adapter with "U" dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. ** P-RT die sets for use in Y46 HYPRESS™ only, PUADP-1 adapter not required. *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 2 conductor. ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. B 90° B T 45° L L Fig. 1 Fig. 2 ▲ Installation Tooling Figure Mechanical Hydraulic Dimensions Dieless MD6, OUR840, BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, (B) (T) (L) (# of crimps) MD7-34R Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 4.80 2.69 .26 4.39 U36RT (4) 2.06 4.95 2.81 .27 4.51 U37RT (4) 2.09 4.97 2.81 .27 4.51 U38RT (4) 2.09 4.82 2.88 .27 4.34 1.87 5.07 U39RT (4) 2.88 .27 4.59 Y644HS (1) P39RT (4) 2.12 Y81KFT (4) ** 5.07 Y81KFTMBH (4) 2.88 .27 4.59 PAT81KFT-18V (4) 2.12 5.14 2.94 .30 4.71 P40RT (4) 2.16 ** 5.16 2.94 .31 4.73 2.18 5.09 3.00 .33 4.66 2.02 P44RT (4) 5.33 ** 3.00 .33 4.91 2.27 5.63 3.19 .38 5.24 P45RT (6) 2.38 ** 5.66 3.19 .39 5.28 2.41 5.73 3.19 .40 5.35 P46RT (6) 2.47 ** 6.07 3.44 .42 5.65 2.55 6.14 3.44 .46 5.79 2.65 • Available undrilled. Add suffix "U" to catalog number (example: YA25U). ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. T L Fig. 3 Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length Green 22 or 472 Orange 23 2/4 2-7/8 Pink 400 2-7/8 Black 24 2-15/16 Orange 25 3 Gold 26 3 White 27 3-1/16 Yellow 29 3-1/4 Orange 30 2-1/16 Green 31 3-5/16 Gray 33 3-1/2 Brown 34 3-1/2 BURNDY Compression ONE HOLE HYLUG™ FLEX CONDUCTOR STANDARD BARREL DIE AND COLOR CODE INFORMATION BEVELED ENTRY INSPECTION WINDOW TYPES YA-L, YA-L-FX, YAV, YAV-L-FX CRIMP ELECTRO-TIN PLATED CABLE ACCOMMODATION COPPER COMPRESSION TERMINAL C-27 B UL Listed 90° C, 600 Volts to 35 KV ◆ B B 90° T T T 45° L L L Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Conductor Catalog Number Fig # AWG YA8CL-BOX 1 YA8CL-45 2 YA8CL-90 3 YA8C-L1-BOX 1 YA8C-L1-45 2 YA8C-L1-90 3 37/24 YA8C-L2-BOX 1 YA8C-L2-45 2 #8 Weld YA8C-L2-90 3 YA8C-L3-BOX 1 #8 AWG YA8C-L3-45 2 YA8C-L3-90 3 YA8C-L4-BOX 1 YA8C-L4-45 2 YA8C-L4-90 3 YAV6CL-TC10-FX 1 YAV6CL-TC10-FX-45 2 YAV6CL-TC10-FX-90 3 YAV6CL-TC12-FX 1 YAV6CL-TC12-FX-45 2 YAV6CL-TC12-FX-90 3 61/24 YAV6CL-TC14-FX 1 YAV6CL-TC14-FX-45 2 #6 WELD YAV6CL-TC14-FX-90 3 YAV6CL-TC38-FX 1 #6 AWG YAV6CL-TC38-FX-45 2 YAV6CL-TC38-FX-90 3 YAV6CL-TC516-FX 1 YAV6CL-TC516-FX-45 2 YAV6CL-TC516-FX-90 3 *** MM2 Stud Hole Size Tongue Width 8-10 .41 1/4 .44 5/16 .52 3/8 .58 1/2 .71 8-10 .48 1/2 .75 1/4 .48 3/8 .60 5/16 .60 ** 10 ** 16 * Use PUADP-1 adapter with "U" dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. ** The MM2 conductor size listed is for both Class 2 and Class 5 conductors. *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 5 conductor. Figure Dimensions (B) (T) (L) 1.16 .44 .08 1.16 .71 1.26 .44 .08 1.24 .80 1.38 .44 .08 1.34 .92 1.51 .44 .08 1.45 1.04 1.76 .44 .08 1.67 1.28 1.30 .50 .08 1.26 .76 1.86 .50 .12 1.92 1.34 1.43 .50 .08 1.39 .88 1.61 .50 .06 1.54 1.06 1.49 .50 0.07 1.44 .94 Dieless (# of crimps) ▲ Installation Tooling Mechanical Hydraulic MD6, OUR840, BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, MD7-34R Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length Y1MR (1) Y8MRB-(1) Y2MR (1) W8CVT (1) W8CVT (1) MY29-11 (1) W8CRT (1) W8CRT (1) Y81KFT (1) X8CRT (1) X8CRT (1) Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) U8CRT (1) Red 49 7/16 Y1MR (1) Y2MR (1) W5CVT (1) W5CVT (1) MY29-11 (1) W5CRT (1) W5CRT (1) Y81KFT (1) X5CRT (1) X5CRT (1) Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) U5CRT (1) Blue 7 1/2 ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. Use ONLY color-coded die recommendations for “-FX” connectors. For nest/indentor system contact factory. ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. BURNDY Compression B ONE HOLE HYLUG™ FLEX CONDUCTOR STANDARD BARREL (Continued) C-28 Catalog Number YAV6CL-TC34-FX Fig # 1 AWG YAV6CL-TC34-FX-45 2 YAV6CL-TC34-FX-90 3 61/24 #6 WELD #6 AWG YAV4CL-TC10-FX YAV4CL-TC10-FX-45 YAV4CL-TC10-FX-90 YAV4CL-TC12-FX YAV4CL-TC12-FX-45 YAV4CL-TC12-FX-90 YAV4CL-TC14-FX YAV4CL-TC14-FX-45 YAV4CL-TC14-FX-90 YAV4CL-TC38-FX YAV4CL-TC38-FX-45 YAV4CL-TC38-FX-90 YAV4CL-TC516-FX YAV4CL-TC516-FX-45 YAV4CL-TC516-FX-90 YAV2CL-TC10-FX YAV2CL-TC10-FX-45 YAV2CL-TC10-FX-90 YAV2CL-TC12-FX YAV2CL-TC12-FX-45 YAV2CL-TC12-FX-90 YAV2CL-TC14-FX YAV2CL-TC14-FX-45 YAV2CL-TC14-FX-90 YAV2CL-TC38-FX YAV2CL-TC38-FX-45 YAV2CL-TC38-FX-90 YAV2CL-TC516-FX YAV2CL-TC516-FX-45 YAV2CL-TC516-FX-90 YAV1CL-TC10-FX YAV1CL-TC10-FX-45 YAV1CL-TC10-FX-90 YAV1CL-TC12-FX YAV1CL-TC12-FX-45 YAV1CL-TC12-FX-90 YAV1CL-TC14-FX YAV1CL-TC14-FX-45 YAV1CL-TC14-FX-90 YAV1CL-TC38-FX YAV1CL-TC38-FX-45 YAV1CL-TC38-FX-90 YAV1CL-TC516-FX YAV1CL-TC516-FX-45 YAV1CL-TC516-FX-90 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 3 2 3 2 3 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 *** MM2 ** 16 91/24 T Tongue Width Figure Dimensions (B) (T) (L) 2.30 3/4 1.05 .50 .13 10-8 .55 .50 .09 1/2 .71 .50 .07 1/4 .55 .50 .09 3/8 .58 .50 .08 5/16 .55 .50 .09 # 10 .68 .63 .10 1/2 .77 .63 0.09 1/4 .68 .63 .10 3/8 .68 .63 .10 5/16 .68 .63 .10 # 10 .75 .69 .12 1/2 .75 .69 .12 1/4 .75 .69 .12 3/8 .75 .69 .12 5/16 .75 .69 .12 #4 WELD #4 AWG 125/24 150/24 35 #2 WELD #2 AWG 175/24 225/24 #1 WELD #1 AWG * Use PUADP-1 adapter with "U" dies in Y46 HYPRESS™ ** The 16 MM2 is for both Class 2 and Class 5 conductors. *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 5 conductor. T 45° 105/24 - 90° T L L L Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Conductor Stud Hole Size B B Dieless (# of crimps) ▲ Installation Tooling Mechanical Hydraulic MD6, OUR840, BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, MD7-34R Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 Y2MR (1) MY29-11 (1) 2.39 Y644HS (1) W5CVT (1) Y81KFT (1) 1.78 Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) 1.32 1.30 .79 1.92 1.84 1.34 1.44 W4CVT (1) 1.43 W4CRT (1) .92 X4CRT (1) 1.67 1.63 1.10 1.51 Y1MR (2) 1.49 Y2MR (2) .98 MY29-11 (1) 1.50 Y81KFT (1) 1.46 Y81KFTMBH (1) .84 PAT81KFT-18V (1) 2.12 2.03 1.40 1.62 W2CVT (1) 1.58 W2CRT (1) .97 X2CRT (1) 1.81 1.77 1.15 1.69 1.65 1.03 1.59 1.56 .88 2.15 2.12 144 MY29-11 (1) 1.71 W1CVT (1) Y81KFT (1) 1.69 W1CRT-1 (1) Y81KFTMBH (1) 1.00 X1CRT-1 (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) 1.90 1.87 1.19 1.78 1.75 1.07 ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. Use ONLY color-coded die recommendations for “-FX” connectors. For nest/indentor system contact factory. Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length X5CRT (1) U5CRT (1) Blue 7 1/2 W4CVT (1) W4CRT (1) X4CRT (1) U4CRT (1) Gray 8 1/2 W2CVT (1) W2CRT (1) X2CRT (1) U2CRT (1) Brown 10 11/16 W1CVT (1) W1CRT-1 (1) X1CRT-1 (1) U1CRT (1) Green 11 11/16 ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. BURNDY Compression B ONE HOLE HYLUG™ FLEX CONDUCTOR STANDARD BARREL (Continued) Catalog Number Fig # AWG YAV25L-TC12-FX 1 YAV25L-TC12-FX-45 2 YAV25L-TC12-FX-90 3 YAV25L-TC14-FX 1 275/24 YAV25L-TC14-FX-45 2 YAV25L-TC14-FX-90 3 1/0 WELD YAV25L-TC38-FX 1 YAV25L-TC38-FX-45 2 1/0 AWG YAV25L-TC38-FX-90 3 YAV25L-TC516-FX 1 YAV25L-TC516-FX-45 2 YAV25L-TC516-FX-90 3 YAV26L-TC10-FX 1 YAV26L-TC10-FX-45 2 YAV26L-TC10-FX-90 3 YAV26L-TC12-FX 1 YAV26L-TC12-FX-45 2 YAV26L-TC12-FX-90 3 YAV26L-TC14-FX 1 YAV26L-TC14-FX-45 2 YAV26L-TC14-FX-90 3 325/24 YAV26L-TC34-FX 1 YAV26L-TC34-FX-45 2 2/0 WELD YAV26L-TC34-FX-90 3 YAV26L-TC38-FX 1 2/0 AWG YAV26L-TC38-FX-45 2 YAV26L-TC38-FX-90 3 YAV26L-TC516-FX 1 YAV26L-TC516-FX-45 2 YAV26L-TC516-FX-90 3 YAV26L-TC58-FX 1 YAV26L-TC58-FX-45 1 YAV26L-TC58-FX-90 1 YAV27L-TC10-FX 1 YAV27L-TC10-FX-45 2 YAV27L-TC10-FX-90 3 YAV27L-TC12-FX 1 YAV27L-TC12-FX-45 2 YAV27L-TC12-FX-90 3 450/24 YAV27L-TC14-FX 1 YAV27L-TC14-FX-45 2 3/0 WELD YAV27L-TC14-FX-90 3 YAV27L-TC38-FX 1 3/0 AWG YAV27L-TC38-FX-45 2 YAV27L-TC38-FX-90 3 YAV27L-TC516-FX 1 YAV27L-TC516-FX-45 2 YAV27L-TC516-FX-90 3 95 Stud Hole Size Tongue Width 1/2 .83 1/4 .83 3/8 .83 5/16 .83 # 10 .93 1/2 .93 1/4 .93 3/4 1.10 3/8 .93 5/16 .93 5/8 .93 # 10 1.03 1/2 1.03 1/4 1.03 3/8 1.03 5/16 1.03 * Use PUADP-1 adapter with "U" dies in Y46 HYPRESS™ *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 5 conductor. T 45° 50 70 90° T T L L L Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Conductor *** MM2 B B Figure Dimensions (B) (T) (L) 2.19 .69 .12 2.15 1.47 1.75 .69 .12 1.71 1.03 1.94 .69 .12 1.90 1.22 1.81 .69 .12 1.77 1.09 1.80 .81 .13 1.73 .94 2.36 .81 .13 2.29 1.51 1.92 .81 .13 1.85 1.07 2.89 .81 .11 2.75 1.93 2.11 .81 .13 2.04 1.26 1.98 .81 .13 1.92 1.13 2.61 .81 .13 2.54 1.76 2.03 1.00 .14 1.91 .98 2.59 1.00 .14 2.47 1.54 2.15 1.00 .14 2.04 1.10 2.34 1.00 .14 2.22 1.29 2.21 1.00 .14 2.10 1.17 Dieless (# of crimps) ▲ Installation Tooling Mechanical Hydraulic MD6, OUR840, BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, MD7-34R Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 MY29-11 (1) W25VT (2) W25VT (2) Y81KFT (1) W25RT (2) W25RT (2) Y81KFTMBH (1) X25RT (2) X25RT (2) PAT81KFT-18V (1) Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length U25RT (1) Pink 12 11/16 W26VT (2) W26VT (2) W26RT (2) W26RT (2) X26RT (2) X26RT (2) U26RT (1) Black 13 13/16 W27VT (2) W27VT (2) W27RT (2) W27RT (2) X27RT (3) X27RT (3) U27RT (1) Orange 14 MY29-11 (1) Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (1) Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. Use ONLY color-coded die recommendations for “-FX” connectors. For nest/indentor system contact factory. ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. 1 C-29 BURNDY Compression B ONE HOLE HYLUG™ FLEX CONDUCTOR STANDARD BARREL (Continued) C-30 Catalog Number Fig # YAV28L-TC12-FX 1 YAV28L-TC12-FX-45 2 YAV28L-TC12-FX-90 3 YAV28L-TC14-FX 1 YAV28L-TC14-FX-45 2 YAV28L-TC14-FX-90 3 YAV28L-TC34-FX 1 YAV28L-TC34-FX-45 2 YAV28L-TC34-FX-90 3 YAV28L-TC38-FX 1 YAV28L-TC38-FX-45 2 YAV28L-TC38-FX-90 3 YAV28L-TC516-FX 2 YAV28L-TC516-FX-45 2 YAV28L-TC516-FX-90 3 YAV28L-TC58-FX 1 YAV28L-TC58-FX-45 2 YAV28L-TC58-FX-90 3 YAV29L-TC12-FX 1 YAV29L-TC12-FX-45 2 YAV29L-TC12-FX-90 3 YAV29L-TC14-FX 1 YAV29L-TC14-FX-45 2 YAV29L-TC14-FX-90 3 YAV29L-TC34-FX 1 YAV29L-TC34-FX-45 2 YAV29L-TC34-FX-90 3 YAV29L-TC38-FX 1 YAV29L-TC38-FX-45 2 YAV29L-TC38-FX-90 3 YAV29L-TC516-FX 2 YAV29L-TC516-FX-45 2 YAV29L-TC516-FX-90 3 YAV29L-TC58-FX 1 YAV29L-TC58-FX-45 2 YAV29L-TC58-FX-90 3 YA30L-TC516-FX 1 YA30L-TC516-FX-45 2 YA30L-TC516-FX-90 3 YA30L-TC38-FX 1 YA30L-TC38-FX-45 2 YA30L-TC38-FX-90 3 YA30L-TC12-FX 1 YA30L-TC12-FX-45 2 YA30L-TC12-FX-90 3 YA30L-TC58-FX 1 YA30L-TC58-FX-45 2 YA30L-TC58-FX-90 3 AWG 550/24 4/0 WELD 550/24 Stud Hole Size Tongue Width 1/2 1.14 1/4 1.14 3/4 1.14 3/8 1.14 5/16 1.14 5/8 1.14 1/2 1.14 1/4 1.14 3/4 1.14 3/8 1.14 5/16 1.14 4/0 WELD 5/8 1.14 5/16 1.20 3/8 1.20 1/2 1.20 5/8 1.20 250 FLEX CLASS G 259 STR. - CLASS H 427 STR. * Use PUADP-1 adapter with "U" dies in Y46 HYPRESS™ ** The 120 MM2 referenced here is for both Class 2 and Class 5. *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 5 conductor. T 45° ** 120 4/0 AWG 90° T T L L L Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Conductor *** MM2 B B Figure Dimensions (B) (T) (L) 2.67 1.03 0.15 254 1.58 2.23 1.03 .15 2.11 1.14 3.11 1.03 .15 2.98 2.02 2.42 1.03 .15 2.29 1.33 2.29 1.03 .15 2.17 1.21 2.92 1.03 .15 2.79 1.83 2.67 1.03 .16 254 1.58 2.23 1.03 .16 2.11 1.14 3.11 1.03 .16 2.98 2.02 2.42 1.03 .16 2.29 1.33 2.29 1.03 .16 2.17 1.21 2.92 1.03 .16 2.79 1.83 2.31 1.03 .16 2.22 1.24 2.44 1.03 .16 2.35 1.36 2.69 1.03 .16 2.60 1.61 2.94 1.03 .16 2.85 1.86 Dieless (# of crimps) ▲ Installation Tooling Mechanical Hydraulic MD6, OUR840, BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, MD7-34R Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length MY29-11 (1) Y644HS (1) W28VT (2) W28VT (2) Y81KFT (1) W28RT (2) W28RT (2) Y81KFTMBH (1) X28RT (2) X28RT (3) PAT81KFT-18V (1) U28RT (1) Purple 15 1-1/16 Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (1) W29VT (2) Y81KFTMBH (1) X29RT (4) PAT81KFT-18V (1) U29RT (1) Yellow ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. Use ONLY color-coded die recommendations for “-FX” connectors. For nest/indentor system contact factory. ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. W29VT (2) W29RT (2) X29RT (4) 16 1-1/16 BURNDY Compression B ONE HOLE HYLUG™ FLEX CONDUCTOR STANDARD BARREL (Continued) Fig # 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 AWG 250 FLEX CLASS G 259 STR. CLASS H 427 STR *** MM2 Tongue Width - 3/4 1.20 1/4 1.29 5/16 1.29 3/8 1.29 1/2 .96 1/2 1.29 5/8 1.29 3/4 1.29 3/8 1.40 1/2 1.40 5/8 1.40 5/16 1.55 3/8 1.55 CLASS I, K, M 313.1 KCMIL 775/24 185 300 FLEX 373.7 KCMIL 925/24 240 350 FLEX 444.4 KCMIL 450 FLEX - 1/2 1.55 5/8 1.55 1/2 1.74 * Use PUADP-1 adapter with "U" dies in Y46 HYPRESS™ *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 5 conductor. L Fig. 1 Stud Hole Size 150 T 45° L 250 FLEX 637/24 90° T T Conductor Catalog Number YA30L-TC34-FX YA30L-TC34-FX-45 YA30L-TC34-FX-90 YA31L-TC14-FX YA31L-TC14-FX-45 YA31L-TC14-FX-90 YA31L-TC516-FX YA31L-TC516-FX-45 YA31L-TC516-FX-90 YA31L-TC38-FX YA31L-TC38-FX-45 YA31L-TC38-FX-90 YA31L-NT12-FX YA31L-NT12-FX-45 YA31L-NT12-FX-90 YA31L-TC12-FX YA31L-TC12-FX-45 YA31L-TC12-FX-90 YA31L-TC58-FX YA31L-TC58-FX-45 YA31L-TC58-FX-90 YA31L-TC34-FX YA31L-TC34-FX-45 YA31L-TC34-FX-90 YA32L-TC38-FX YA32L-TC38-FX-45 YA32L-TC38-FX-90 YA32L-TC12-FX YA32L-TC12-FX-45 YA32L-TC12-FX-90 YA32L-TC58-FX YA32L-TC58-FX-45 YA32L-TC58-FX-90 YA34L-TC516-FX YA34L-TC516-FX-45 YA34L-TC516-FX-90 YA34L-TC38-FX YA34L-TC38-FX-45 YA34L-TC38-FX-90 YA34L-TC12-FX YA34L-TC12-FX-45 YA34L-TC12-FX-90 YA34L-TC58-FX YA34L-TC58-FX-45 YA34L-TC58-FX-90 YA36L-TC12-FX YA36L-TC12-FX-45 YA36L-TC12-FX-90 B B Figure Mechanical Dimensions Dieless MD6, OUR840, (B) (T) (L) (# of crimps) MD7-34R 3.12 W29VT (2) 1.03 .16 3.04 X29RT (4) 2.05 2.31 1.06 .18 2.23 1.19 2.37 1.06 .18 2.30 1.27 2.50 1.06 .18 2.42 1.40 2.75 1.06 .18 2.67 W30VT (2) 1.65 2.75 1.06 .18 2.67 1.65 3.00 1.06 .18 2.92 1.90 3.19 Y644HS (1) 1.06 .18 3.11 Y81KFT (1) 2.09 Y81KFTMBH (1) 2.68 PAT81KFT-18V (1) 1.19 .19 2.58 1.45 2.93 1.19 .19 2.83 W31VT (2) 1.70 3.18 1.19 .19 3.08 1.95 2.74 1.27 .23 2.68 1.41 2.87 1.27 .23 2.80 1.53 W32VT (2) 3.12 1.27 .23 3.05 1.78 3.37 1.27 .23 3.30 2.03 3.29 1.38 .27 3.26 1.86 ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. Use ONLY color-coded die recommendations for “-FX” connectors. For nest/indentor system contact factory. ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. L Fig. 2 Fig. 3 ▲ Installation Tooling Hydraulic BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 X29RT (4) W29VT (2) U29RT (1) W29RT (2) Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length Yellow 16 1-1/16 W30VT (2) W30RT (2) U30RT (2) White 17 1-1/8 W31VT (2) W31RT (2) U31RT (2) Red 18 1-1/4 W32VT (2) W32RT (2) U32RT (2) Blue 19 1-5/16 - U34RT (2) Brown 20 1-3/8 C-31 BURNDY Compression B ONE HOLE HYLUG™ FLEX CONDUCTOR STANDARD BARREL (Continued) Catalog Number YA36L-TC58-FX YA36L-TC58-FX-45 YA36L-TC58-FX-90 YA38L-TC12-FX YA38L-TC12-FX-45 YA38L-TC12-FX-90 YA38L-TC58-FX YA38L-TC58-FX-45 YA38L-TC58-FX-90 YA38L-TC516-FX YA38L-TC516-FX-45 YA38L-TC516-FX-90 YA38L-TC38-FX YA38L-TC38-FX-45 YA38L-TC38-FX-90 YA40L-TC516-FX YA40L-TC516-FX-45 YA40L-TC516-FX-90 YA40L-TC38-FX YA40L-TC38-FX-45 YA40L-TC38-FX-90 YA40L-TC12-FX YA40L-TC12-FX-45 YA40L-TC12-FX-90 YA40L-TC58-FX YA40L-TC58-FX-45 YA40L-TC58-FX-90 YA44L-TC12-FX YA44L-TC12-FX-45 YA44L-TC12-FX-90 YA44L-TC58-FX YA44L-TC58-FX-45 YA44L-TC58-FX-90 Fig # AWG 1 2 1100/24 3 1 2 3 1 535.3 KCMIL 2 3 1325/24 1 2 500 FLEX 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 646 KCMIL 3 1 1600/24 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 777.7 KCMIL 1 1925/24 2 3 T *** MM2 Tongue Width - 5/8 1.74 1/2 1.84 5/8 1.84 300 5/16 1.84 3/8 1.84 5/16 1.98 3/8 1.98 400 1/2 1.98 5/8 1.98 1/2 2.19 500 * Use PUADP-1 adapter with "U" dies in Y46 HYPRESS™ *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 5 conductor. T 45° Stud Hole Size 5/8 90° T L L L Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Conductor C-32 B B 2.19 Figure Dimensions (B) (T) (L) 3.54 1.38 .27 3.51 2.11 3.41 1.45 .27 3.35 1.90 3.66 1.45 .27 3.60 2.15 3.03 1.45 .27 2.97 1.52 3.34 1.45 .27 3.29 1.83 3.05 1.42 .30 3.06 1.59 3.38 1.42 .30 3.38 1.91 3.43 1.42 .30 3.44 1.96 3.68 1.42 .30 3.69 2.21 3.79 1.65 .33 3.76 2.07 4.04 1.65 .33 4.01 2.32 Dieless (# of crimps) Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (1) Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) ▲ Installation Tooling Mechanical Hydraulic MD6, OUR840, BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, MD7-34R Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length - - U34RT (2) Brown 20 - - U38XRT (2) Pink L99 1-7/16 - - U39RT (2) Black 24 1-5/16 - - U44XRT (2) Yellow L115 1-5/8 1-3/8 Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (2) Y81KFTMBH (2) PAT81KFT-18V (2) ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. Use ONLY color-coded die recommendations for “-FX” connectors. For nest/indentor system contact factory. ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. BURNDY Compression ONE HOLE HYLUG™ FLEX CONDUCTOR STANDARD BARREL BELLED END DIE AND COLOR CODE INFORMATION BELLED END ASSISTS FLEXIBLE WIRE INSERTION INSPECTION WINDOW TYPE YA-LB CRIMPS COPPER COMPRESSION TERMINAL ELECTRO-TIN PLATED FLEXIBLE CONDUCTOR ACCOMMODATION C-33 UL Listed 90° C, 600 Volts to 35 KV ◆ Catalog Number YA8C-LB YA5C-LB YA4C-LB YA3C-LB YA2C-LB YA1C-LB YA25-LB YA26-LB YA27-LB YA28-LB YA29-LB YA30-LB YA31-LB YA32-LB YA34-LB YA36-LB YA38-LB Flexible Conductor Size AWG/kcmil 8 AWG 6 AWG 5 AWG 4 AWG 3 AWG 2 AWG 1 AWG 1/0 AWG 2/0 AWG 3/0 AWG 4/0 AWG 250 kcmil 262.2 kcmil 300 kcmil 313.1 kcmil 350 kcmil 373.3 kcmil 400 kcmil 444.4 kcmil 450 kcmil 500 kcmil 535.3 kcmil 550 kcmil YA39-LB 600 kcmil YA40-LB 650 kcmil 750 kcmil 777.7 kcmil YA44-LB G 49 133 259 259 259 427 427 427 - Stranding Class (Size of Strand) Battery Welding I Cable K Cable M H (#24 Str.) (#30 Str.) (#34 Str.) Number of Strands 41 168 420 63 266 665 84 336 836 133 105 420 1064 133 532 1323 161 665 1666 210 836 2107 266 1064 2646 259 342 1323 3325 418 1666 4256 427 532 2107 5320 637 2499 6384 427 735 2898 7851 3458 8806 427 980 1127 4522 11396 703 1372 5054 13664 703 1470 14945 703 - LocoMotive Cable 37/24 61/24 91/24 105/24 125/24 150/24 225/24 275/24 325/24 450/24 550/24 650/24 775/24 925/24 1100/24 1325/24 1600/24 1925/24 Bolt Size 10 Installation Tooling Dieless (# of crimps) 1/4 5/16 3/8 1/2 Y81KFT (1) Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) 5/8 Y81KFT (2) Y81KFTMBH (2) PAT81KFT-18 (2) Dimensions C L .41 1.12 .44 1.73 .50 1.92 .55 1.94 .61 1.97 .68 2.02 .75 2.26 .83 2.61 .91 2.67 1.02 2.77 1.11 2.82 1.20 2.93 1.29 3.31 Wire Die Index 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1.40 3.56 1026 1-1/4 1.52 3.83 1027 1-7/16 1.69 4.31 1028 1-3/4 1.81 4.27 1029 1.89 4.27 1030 1.95 4.27 1031 2.17 4.5 1032 Strip Length 7/16 7/8 5/16 1 1-1/16 1-1/8 1-3/16 1-15/16 BURNDY Compression ONE HOLE HYLUG™ FLEX CONDUCTOR STANDARD BARREL LEAD PLATED DIE AND COLOR CODE INFORMATION BEVELED ENTRY NO INSPECTION WINDOW TYPE YAG-L-TC-LD LEAD PLATED FLEXIBLE CONDUCTOR ACCOMMODATION B C-34 CRIMPS UL Listed 90° C, 600 Volts to 35KV ◆ B B T T T 90° 45° L L Fig. 2 Fig. 3 L Fig. 1 Conductor Catalog Number YAG18TC516LD YAG8CLTC10LD YAG8CLTC10LD45 YAG8CLTC10LD90 YAG8CLTC14LD YAG8CLTC14LD45 YAG8CLTC14LD90 YAG8CLTC516LD YAG8CLTC516LD45 YAG8CLTC516LD90 YAG8CLTC38LD YAG8CLTC38LD45 YAG8CLTC38LD90 YAG8CLTC12LD YAG8CLTC12LD45 YAG8CLTC12LD90 YAG6CLTC10LD YAG6CLTC10LD45 YAG6CLTC10LD90 YAG6CLTC14LD YAG6CLTC14LD45 YAG6CLTC14LD90 YAG6CLTC516LD YAG6CLTC516LD45 YAG6CLTC516LD90 YAG6CLTC38LD YAG6CLTC38LD45 YAG6CLTC38LD90 YAG6CLTC12LD YAG6CLTC12LD45 YAG6CLTC12LD90 Fig # AWG 1 22-18 AWG 1 2 3 1 2 3 37/24 1 2 #8 WELD 3 1 8 AWG 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 61/24 1 2 #6 WELD 3 1 #6 AWG 2 3 1 2 3 *** MM2 Stud Hole Tongue Size Width 5/16 .52 # 10 .41 1/4 .44 5/16 .52 3/8 .58 1/2 .71 # 10 .41 1/4 .48 5/16 .52 3/8 .58 1/2 .75 ** 10 ** 16 * Use PUADP-1 adapter with "U" dies in Y46 HYPRESS™ ** The MM2 conductor size referenced here is for both Class 2 and Class 5 conductor. *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 5 conductor. Figure Dimensions (B) (T) (L) .25 .06 1.42 1.19 .44 .08 1.20 .74 1.32 .44 .08 1.31 .86 1.38 .44 .06 1.34 .92 1.51 .44 .06 1.45 1.04 1.76 .44 .05 1.67 1.28 1.30 .50 .08 1.26 .76 1.43 .50 .08 1.39 .88 1.49 .50 .07 1.44 .94 1.61 .50 .06 1.54 1.06 1.86 .50 .12 1.92 1.34 Dieless (# of crimps) ▲ Installation Tooling Mechanical Hydraulic MD6, OUR840, BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, MD7-34R Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 MR20 (1) Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length – – 1/4 MY29-11 (1) Y2MR (1) W8CVT (1) W8CVT (1) Y1MR (1) W8CRT (1) W8CRT (1) Y81KFT (1) X8CRT (1) X8CRT (1) Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) U8CRT (1) Red 49 7/16 Y1MR (1) MY29-11 (1) W5CVT (1) W5CVT (1) Y2MR (1) W5CRT (1) W5CRT (1) Y81KFT (1) X5CRT (1) X5CRT (1) Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) U5CRT (1) Blue 7 1/2 ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. † Alternate Tooling includes Y8MRB-1, MY29-11 ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. BURNDY Compression B ONE HOLE HYLUG™ FLEX CONDUCTOR STANDARD BARREL LEAD PLATED (Continued) T Catalog Number YAG4CLTC10LD YAG4CLTC10LD45 YAG4CLTC10LD90 YAG4CLNT10LD YAG4CLNT10LD45 YAG4CLNT10LD90 YAG4CLTC14LD YAG4CLTC14LD45 YAG4CLTC14LD90 YAG4CLTC516LD YAG4CLTC516LD45 YAG4CLTC516LD90 YAG4CLTC38LD YAG4CLTC38LD45 YAG4CLTC38LD90 YAG4CLTC12LD YAG4CLTC12LD45 YAG4CLTC12LD90 YAG2CLTC10LD YAG2CLTC10LD45 YAG2CLTC10LD90 YAG2CLTC14LD YAG2CLTC14LD45 YAG2CLTC14LD90 YAG2CLTC516LD YAG2CLTC516LD45 YAG2CLTC516LD90 YAG2CLTC38LD YAG2CLTC38LD45 YAG2CLTC38LD90 YAG2CLTC12LD YAG2CLTC12LD45 YAG2CLTC12LD90 YAG1CLTC10LD YAG1CLTC10LD45 YAG1CLTC10LD90 YAG1CLTC14LD YAG1CLTC14LD45 YAG1CLTC14LD90 YAG1CLTC516LD YAG1CLTC516LD45 YAG1CLTC516LD90 YAG1CLTC38LD YAG1CLTC38LD45 YAG1CLTC38LD90 YAG1CLTC12LD YAG1CLTC12LD45 YAG1CLTC12LD90 Fig # AWG 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 91/24 - 105/24 2 3 #4 WELD 1 2 4 AWG 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 125/24 1 #2 WELD 2 3 1 2 AWG 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 225/24 1 2 175/24 - #1 WELD 3 1 1 AWG 2 3 1 2 3 35 45° Fig. 1 Stud Hole Size Tongue Width # 10 .55 # 10 .41 1/4 .55 5/16 .55 3/8 .58 1/2 .71 #10 .68 1/4 .68 5/16 .68 3/8 .68 1/2 .77 # 10 .75 1/4 .83 5/16 .75 3/8 .75 1/2 .75 * Use PUADP-1 adapter with "U" dies in Y46 HYPRESS™ *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 5 conductor. ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. 90° T L L Conductor *** MM2 B B T Figure Dimensions (B) (T) (L) 1.36 .50 .09 1.33 .79 1.36 .50 .09 1.33 .79 1.48 .50 .09 1.46 .92 1.55 .50 .08 1.52 .98 1.67 .50 .08 1.63 1.10 1.92 .50 .07 1.84 1.34 1.52 .63 .10 1.47 .84 1.64 .63 .10 1.60 .97 1.70 .63 .10 1.66 1.03 1.83 .63 .10 1.78 1.15 2.12 .63 .10 2.03 1.40 1.61 .69 .12 1.57 .88 1.73 .69 .12 1.70 1.00 1.80 .69’’ .12 1.76 1.07 1.92 .69 .12 1.89 1.19 2.17 .69 .12 2.14 1.44 Dieless (# of crimps) L Fig. 2 Fig. 3 ▲ Installation Tooling Mechanical Hydraulic MD6, OUR840, BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, MD7-34R Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length Y1MR (2) MY29-11 (1) W4CVT (1) W4CVT (1) Y2MR (2) W4CRT (1) W4CRT (1) Y81KFT (1) X4CRT (1) X4CRT (1) Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) U4CRT (1) Gray 8 1/2 Y1MR (2) MY29-11 (1) W2CRT (1) W2CRT (1) Y2MR (2) W2CVT (1) W2CVT (1) Y81KFT (1) X2CRT (1) X2CRT (1) Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) U2CRT (1) Brown 10 11/16 MY29-11 (1) W1CVT (1) W1CVT (1) Y81KFT (1) W1CRT-1 (1) W1CRT-1 (1) Y81KFTMBH (1 ) X1CRT-1 (1) X1CRT-1 (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) U1CRT-1 (1) Green 11 11/16 † Alternate Tooling includes Y8MRB-1, MY29-11 ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. C-35 BURNDY Compression B ONE HOLE HYLUG™ FLEX CONDUCTOR STANDARD BARREL LEAD PLATED (Continued) T Catalog Number YAG25LTC14LD YAG25LTC14LD45 YAG25LTC14LD90 YAG25LTC516LD YAG25LTC516LD45 YAG25LTC516LD90 YAG25LTC38LD YAG25LTC38LD45 YAG25LTC38LD90 YAG25LTC12LD YAG25LTC12LD45 YAG25LTC12LD90 YAG26LTC10LD YAG26LTC10LD45 YAG26LTC10LD90 YAG26LTC14LD YAG26LTC14LD45 YAG26LTC14LD90 YAG26LTC516LD YAG26LTC516LD45 YAG26LTC516LD90 YAG26LTC38LD YAG26LTC38LD45 YAG26LTC38LD90 YAG26LTC12LD YAG26LTC12LD45 YAG26LTC12LD90 YAG26LTC58LD YAG26LTC58LD45 YAG26LTC58LD90 YAG26LTC34LD YAG26LTC34LD45 YAG26LTC34LD90 YAG27LTC10LD YAG27LTC10LD45 YAG27LTC10LD90 YAG27LTC14LD YAG27LTC14LD45 YAG27LTC14LD90 YAG27LTC516LD YAG27LTC516LD45 YAG27LTC516LD90 YAG27LTC38LD YAG27LTC38LD45 YAG27LTC38LD90 YAG27LTC12LD YAG27LTC12LD45 YAG27LTC12LD90 Fig # AWG 1 2 3 1 275/24 2 3 1/0 WELD 1 2 1/0 AWG 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 325/24 1 2 2/0 WELD 3 1 2/0 AWG 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 450/24 1 2 3/0 WELD 3 1 3/0 AWG 2 3 1 2 3 *** MM2 45° Fig. 1 Stud Hole Size Tongue Width 1/4 .83 5/16 .83 50 70 95 3/8 .83 1/2 .83 # 10 .93 1/4 .93 5/16 .93 3/8 .93 1/2 .93 5/8 .93 3/4 .93 #10 1.03 1/4 1.03 5/16 1.03 3/8 1.03 1/2 1.03 * Use PUADP-1 adapter with "U" dies in Y46 HYPRESS™ *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 5 conductor. ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. 90° T L L Conductor C-36 B B T Figure Dimensions (B) (T) (L) 1.77 .69 .12 1.73 1.03 1.84 .69 .12 1.79 1.09 1.96 .69 .12 1.92 1.22 2.21 .69 .12 2.17 1.47 1.82 .81 .13 1.75 .94 1.95 .81 .13 1.87 1.07 2.01 .81 .13 1.93 1.13 2.13 .81 .13 2.06 1.26 2.38 .81 .13 2.31 1.51 2.63 .81 .13 2.56 1.76 2.89 .81 .11 2.75 1.93 2.05 1.00 .14 1.93 .98 2.18 1.00 .14 2.06 1.10 2.24 1.00 .14 2.12 1.17 2.37 1.00 .14 2.24 1.29 2.62 1.00 .14 2.49 1.54 Dieless (# of crimps) L Fig. 2 Fig. 3 ▲ Installation Tooling Mechanical Hydraulic MD6, OUR840, BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, MD7-34R Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length MY29-11 (1) W25RT (2) W25RT (2) Y81KFT (1) W25VT (2) W25VT (2) Y81KFTMBH (1) X25RT (2) X25RT (2) PAT81KFT-18V (1) U25RT (1) Pink 12 11/16 MY29-11 (1) Y644HS (1) W26VT (2) W26VT (2) Y81KFT (1) W26RT (2) W26RT (2) Y81KFTMBH (1) X26RT (2) X26RT (2) PAT81KFT-18V (1) U26RT (1) Black 13 13/16 MY29-11 (1) W27VT (2) W27VT (2) Y81KFT (1) X27RT (3) X27RT (3) Y81KFTMBH (1) W27RT (2) W27RT (2) PAT81KFT-18V (1) U27RT (1) Orange 14 † Alternate Tooling includes Y8MRB-1, MY29-11 ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. 1 BURNDY Compression B ONE HOLE HYLUG™ FLEX CONDUCTOR STANDARD BARREL LEAD PLATED (Continued) T Catalog Number Fig # YAG28LTC14LD 1 YAG28LTC14LD45 2 YAG28LTC14LD90 3 YAG28LTC516LD 1 YAG28LTC516LD45 2 YAG28LTC516LD90 3 YAG28LTC516N66LD 1 YAG28LTC38LD 1 YAG28LTC38LD45 2 YAG28LTC38LD90 3 YAG28LTC12LD 1 YAG28LTC12LD45 2 YAG28LTC12LD90 3 YAG28LTC58LD 1 YAG28LTC58LD45 2 YAG28LTC58LD90 3 YAG28LTC34LD 1 YAG28LTC34LD45 2 YAG28LTC34LD90 3 YAG29LTC14LD 1 YAG29LTC14LD45 2 YAG29LTC14LD90 3 YAG29LTC516LD 1 YAG29LTC516LD45 2 YAG29LTC516LD90 3 YAG29LTC38LD 1 YAG29LTC38LD45 2 YAG29LTC38LD90 3 YAG29LTC12LD 1 YAG29LTC12LD45 2 YAG29LTC12LD90 3 YAG29LTC58LD 1 YAG29LTC58LD45 2 YAG29LTC58LD90 3 YAG29LTC34LD 1 YAG29LTC34LD45 2 YAG29LTC34LD90 3 YAG30LTC516LD 1 YAG30LTC516LD45 2 YAG30LTC516LD90 3 YAG30LTC38LD 1 YAG30LTC38LD45 2 YAG30LTC38LD90 3 YAG30LTC12LD 1 YAG30LTC12LD45 2 YAG30LTC12LD90 3 AWG 45° Fig. 1 Stud Hole Size Tongue Width 1/4 1.14 5/16 1.14 3/8 1.14 550/24 ** 4/0 WELD 120 4/0 AWG 550/24 4/0 WELD 1/2 1.14 5/8 1.14 3/4 1.14 1/4 1.14 5/16 1.14 3/8 1.14 1/2 1.14 5/8 1.14 3/4 1.14 5/16 1.20 3/8 1.20 1/2 1.20 250 FLEX CLASS G - 259 STR. CLASS H - 427 STR. * Use PUADP-1 adapter with "U" dies in Y46 HYPRESS™ ** The 120 MM2 referenced here is for both Class 2 and Class 5 conductor. *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 5 conductor. 90° T L L Conductor *** MM2 B B T Figure Dimensions (B) (T) (L) 2.26 1.03 .15 2.13 1.14 2.32 1.03 .15 2.19 1.21 2.64 2.45 1.03 .15 2.32 1.33 2.70 1.03 .15 2.57 1.58 2.95 1.03 .15 2.82 1.83 3.14 1.03 .15 3.00 2.02 2.26 1.03 .16 2.13 1.14 2.32 1.03 .16 2.19 1.21 2.45 1.03 .16 2.32 1.33 2.70 1.03 .16 2.57 1.58 2.95 1.03 .16 2.82 1.83 3.14 1.03 .16 3.00 2.02 2.34 1.03 .16 2.25 1.24 2.47 1.03 .16 2.37 1.36 2.72 1.03 .16 2.62 1.61 Dieless (# of crimps) L Fig. 2 Fig. 3 ▲ Installation Tooling Mechanical Hydraulic MD6, OUR840, BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, MD7-34R Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length MY29-11 (1) Y644HS (1) W28VT (2) W28VT (2) Y81KFT (1) X28RT (3) X28RT (3) Y81KFTMBH (1) W28RT (2) W28RT (2) PAT81KFT-18V (1) U28RT (1) Purple 15 1-1/16 W29VT (2) X29RT (4) W29VT (2) X29RT (4) W29RT (2) U29RT (1) Yellow 16 1-1/16 W29VT (2) X29RT (4) W29VT (2) X29RT (4) W29RT (2) U29RT (1) Yellow 16 1-1/16 Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (1) Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. † Alternate Tooling includes Y8MRB-1, MY29-11 ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. C-37 BURNDY Compression B ONE HOLE HYLUG™ FLEX CONDUCTOR STANDARD BARREL LEAD PLATED (Continued) T Catalog Number YAG30LTC58LD YAG30LTC58LD45 YAG30LTC58LD90 YAG30LTC34LD YAG30LTC34LD45 YAG30LTC34LD90 YAG31LTC14LD YAG31LTC14LD45 YAG31LTC14LD90 YAG31LTC516LD YAG31LTC516LD45 YAG31LTC516LD90 YAG31LTC38LD YAG31LTC38LD45 YAG31LTC38LD90 YAG31LTC12LD YAG31LTC12LD45 YAG31LTC12LD90 YAG31LNT12LD YAG31LNT12LD45 YAG31LNT12LD90 YAG31LTC58LD YAG31LTC58LD45 YAG31LTC58LD90 YAG31LTC34LD YAG31LTC34LD45 YAG31LTC34LD90 YAG32LTC38LD YAG32LTC38LD45 YAG32LTC38LD90 YAG32LTC12LD YAG32LTC12LD45 YAG32LTC12LD90 YAG32LTC58LD YAG32LTC58LD45 YAG32LTC58LD90 YAG34LTC516LD YAG34LTC516LD45 YAG34LTC516LD90 YAG34LTC516N66LD YAG34LNT516N66LD YAG34LTC38LD YAG34LTC38LD45 YAG34LTC38LD90 YAG34LTC12LD YAG34LTC12LD45 YAG34LTC12LD90 Fig # 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 AWG *** MM2 250 FLEX CLASS G - 259 STR. CLASS H - 427 STR. Fig. 1 Stud Hole Size Tongue Width 5/8 1.20 3/4 1.20 1/4 1.29 5/16 1.29 3/8 1.29 1/2 1.29 1/2 .96 5/8 1.29 3/4 1.29 3/8 1.40 1/2 1.40 5/8 1.40 637/259 250 FLEX 150 CLASS I, K, M 775/24-300 FLEX 185 313.1 kcmil 5/16 925/24-350 FLEX 1.55 .96 240 373.7 kcmil 3/8 1.55 1/2 1.73 * Use PUADP-1 adapter with "U" dies in Y46 HYPRESS™ *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 5 conductor. ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. 90° T 45° L Conductor C-38 B B T Figure Mechanical Dimensions Dieless MD6, OUR840, (B) (T) (L) (# of crimps) MD7-34R 2.97 1.03 .16 2.87 1.86 W29VT (2) 3.16 X29RT (4) 1.03 .16 3.06 2.05 2.35 1.06 .18 2.26 1.19 2.41 1.06 .18 2.32 1.27 2.53 1.06 .18 2.45 1.40 2.78 1.06 .18 2.70 W30VT (2) 1.65 2.78 1.06 .18 2.70 1.65 3.03 Y644HS (1) 1.06 .18 2.95 Y81KFT (1) 1.90 Y81KFTMBH (1) 3.22 PAT81KFT-18V (1) 1.06 .18 3.13 2.09 2.72 1.19 .19 2.61 1.45 2.97 1.19 .19 2.86 W31VT (2) 1.70 3.22 1.19 .19 3.11 1.95 2.78 2.71 1.27 .23 1.41 3.09 1.27 .23 3.09 2.91 W32VT (2) 1.27 .23 2.83 1.53 3.16 1.27 .23 3.08 1.78 † Alternate Tooling includes Y8MRB-1, MY29-11 ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. L L Fig. 2 Fig. 3 ▲ Installation Tooling Hydraulic BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length W29VT (2) X29RT (4) W29RT (2) U29RT (1) Yellow 16 1-1/16 W30VT (2) W30RT (2) U30RT (2) White 17 1-1/8 W31VT (2) W31RT (2) U31RT (2) Red 18 1-1/4 W32VT (2) W32RT (2) U32RT (2) Blue 19 1-5/16 BURNDY Compression B ONE HOLE HYLUG™ FLEX CONDUCTOR STANDARD BARREL LEAD PLATED (Continued) T Catalog Number YAG34LTC58LD YAG34LTC58LD45 YAG34LTC58LD90 YAG36LTC12LD YAG36LTC12LD45 YAG36LTC12LD90 YAG36LTC58LD YAG36LTC58LD45 YAG36LTC58LD90 YAG38LTC516LD YAG38LTC516LD45 YAG38LTC516LD90 YAG38LTC38LD YAG38LTC38LD45 YAG38LTC38LD90 YAG38LTC12LD YAG38LTC12LD45 YAG38LTC12LD90 YAG38LTC58LD YAG38LTC58LD45 YAG38LTC58LD90 YAG40LTC516LD YAG40LTC516LD45 YAG40LTC516LD90 YAG40LTC38LD YAG40LTC38LD45 YAG40LTC38LD90 YAG40LTC12LD YAG40LTC12LD45 YAG40LTC12LD90 YAG40LTC58LD YAG40LTC58LD45 YAG40LTC58LD90 YAG44LTC12LD YAG44LTC12LD45 YAG44LTC12LD90 YAG44LTC58LD YAG44LTC58LD45 YAG44LTC58LD90 Fig # 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 AWG 925/24-350 FLEX 373.7 kcmil 1100/24-450 FLEX 444.4 kcmil 45° 1325/24 500 FLEX Tongue Width 5/8 1.73 1/2 1.73 1.73 5/16 1.84 3/8 1.84 300 535.3 kcmil 1600/24-646 kcmil 1/2 1.84 5/8 1.84 5/16 1.96 3/8 1.96 400 650 FLEX 1925/24 750 FLEX 777.7 kcmil 1/2 1.96 5/8 1.96 1/2 2.18 500 5/8 * Use PUADP-1 adapter with "U" dies in Y46 HYPRESS™ *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 5 conductor. ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. L Fig. 1 Stud Hole Size 5/8 90° T L Conductor *** MM2 B B T 2.18 Figure Dimensions (B) (T) (L) 3.41 1.27 .23 3.33 2.03 3.34 1.38 .27 3.30 1.86 3.59 1.38 .27 3.55 2.11 3.08 1.45 .27 3.01 1.52 3.39 1.45 .27 3.32 1.83 3.46 1.45 .27 3.38 1.90 3.71 1.45 .27 3.63 2.15 3.11 1.42 .30 3.10 1.59 3.42 1.42 .30 3.42 1.91 3.48 1.42 .30 3.47 1.96 3.73 1.42 .30 3.72 2.21 3.85 1.65 .33 3.81 2.07 4.10 1.65 .33 4.06 2.32 Dieless (# of crimps) L Fig. 2 Fig. 3 ▲ Installation Tooling Mechanical Hydraulic MD6, OUR840, BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, MD7-34R Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length W32VT (2) W32VT (2) W32RT (2) U32RT (2) - - U34RT (2) - - U38XRT (2) Pink L99 1-7/16 - - U39RT (2) Black 24 - - U44XRT (2) Yellow L115 1-5/8 Blue 19 1-5/16 Brown 20 1-3/8 Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (1) Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) 1-5/16 Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (2) Y81KFTMBH (2) PAT81KFT-18V (2) † Alternate Tooling includes Y8MRB-1, MY29-11 ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. C-39 BURNDY Compression ONE HOLE HYLUG™ FLEX CONDUCTOR LONG BARREL BELLED END BELLED END ASSISTS FLEXIBLE WIRE INSERTION DIE AND COLOR CODE INFORMATION NO INSPECTION WINDOW CRIMPS ELECTRO-TIN PLATED TYPES YA-TC-FXB, YAV-TC-FXB UL Listed 90° C, 600 Volts to 35 KV ◆ B C-40 FLEXIBLE CONDUCTOR ACCOMMODATION B B 90° T T 45° L L Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Conductor Catalog Number YA8C-TC10-FXB Fig # AWG *** MM2 1 1 YAV6C-TC10-FXB 1 Tongue Width Figure Dimensions (B) (T) (L) 8-10 37/24 #8 WELD 8 AWG YA8C-TC14-FXB Stud Hole Size ** 10 1.64 .41 .90 .08 1/4 1.76 8-10 YAV6C-TC14-FXB 1 YAV5C-TC14-FXB 1 YAV4C-TC10-FXB 1 YAV4C-TC14-FXB 1 YAV4C-TC516-FXB 1 YAV2C-TC10-FXB 1 61/24 #6 WELD #6 AWG 91/24 #5 STR 1 YAV1C-TC10-FXB 1 YAV1C-TC516-FXB 1 48 . 1.22 .08 1/4 #5 AWG 91/24 105/24 #4 WELD #4 AWG 2.11 1/4 .44 1.22 .07 2.11 8-10 .55 1.22 .09 2.03 1/4 .55 1.22 .09 2.16 5/16 .63 1.22 .09 2.22 .67 1.35 .10 8-10 125/24 150/24 #2 WELD #2 AWG YAV2C-TC516-FXB 1.90 ** 16 35 2.23 5/16 2.42 8-10 175/24 225/24 #1 WELD #1AWG 2.40 .69 5/16 * Use PUADP-1 adapter with “U” dies in Y46 HYPRESS™ ** The MM2 conductor sizes referenced here are for both Class 2 and Class 5 conductor. *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 5 conductor. 1.50 .12 2.59 Dieless (# of crimps) MRC840 (2) MY29-11 (2) Y2MR + Y1MR (2) Y81KFT (1) Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) MY29-11 (2) Y2MR + Y1MR (2) Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (1) Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) MY29-11 (2) Y2MR + Y1MR (2) Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (1) Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) MY29-11 (2) Y2MR + Y1MR (4) Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (1) Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) MY29-11 (2) Y2MR + Y1MR (4) Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (1) Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) MY29-11 (2) Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (1) Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) T L Fig. 3 ▲ Installation Tooling Mechanical Hydraulic MD6, OUR840, BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750 MD7-34R Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length W8CVT (2) W8CVT (2) U8CRT (2) Red 49 1 W5CVT (2) W5CVT (2) U5CRT (2) Blue 7 1-5/16 W5CVT (2) W5CVT (2) U5CRT (2) Blue 7 1-5/16 W4CVT (2) W4CVT (2) U4CRT (2) Gray 8 1-5/16 W2CVT (2) W2CVT (2) U2CRT (2) Brown 10 1-7/16 W1CVT (2) W1CVT (2) U1CRT-1 (2) Green 11 1-9/16 ‡ P44RT for use with Y46 HYPRESS™ only. PUADP-1 adapter not required. ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. Use ONLY color-coded die recommendations for “-FX” connectors. For nest/indentor system contact factory. ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. BURNDY Compression B ONE HOLE HYLUG™ FLEX CONDUCTOR LONG BARREL BELLED END (Continued) Catalog Number YAV25-TC10-FXB YAV25-TC516-FXB YAV25-TC38-FXB YAV25-TC12-FXB Fig # AWG 1 1 275/24 1 1/0 WELD 1/0 AWG 1 50 YAV26-TC38-FXB 1 352/24 2/0 WELD 2/0 AWG YAV26-TC12-FXB 1 450/24 3/0 WELD T 45° L YAV27-TC12-FXB 1 3/0 AWG 95 YAV28-TC38-FXB 1 ** 120 YAV28-TC12-FXB 1 550/24 4/0 WELD 4/0 AWG 250 FLEX YA30-TC12-FXB 1 Class G 259 str. Class H 427 str. 250 FLEX YA31-TC12-FXB 1 637/24 Class I,K,M 150 YA32-TC12-FXB YA32-TC58-FXB YA34-TC12-FXB YA34-TC58-FXB YA36-TC12-FXB YA36-TC58-FXB 1 1 1 1 1 1 313.1 kcmil 185 YA38-TC58-FXB 1 373.7 kcmil 925/24 444.4 kcmil 1100/24 535.3 kcmil 1325/24 Figure Dimensions (B) (T) (L) 2.44 2.63 1.50 .12 2.75 1/2 3.19 3/8 2.94 .93 1.63 .13 1/2 1/2 3.37 1.10 1.64 .14 3/8 3.17 1.12 1.77 .14 1/2 240 300 3.43 3.61 1/2 1.20 2.16 .16 4.02 1/2 1.28 2.18 .18 4.08 1/2 5/8 1/2 5/8 1/2 5/8 1.38 2.32 .19 1.50 2.48 .23 1.69 2.95 .26 5/8 1.81 3.08 .27 YA40-TC58-FXB 1 646 kcmil - 1600/24 400 5/8 1.95 3.24 .30 YA44-TC58-FXB 1 777.7 kcmil - 1925/24 500 5/8 2.17 3.33 .33 YA46-TC58-FXB 1 1111 kcmil 5/8 2.69 3.58 .39 * Use PUADP-1 adapter with “U” dies in Y46 HYPRESS™ ** The 16 MM2 and 120 MM2 referenced here are for both Class 2 and Class 5 conductor. *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 5 conductor. ‡ P44RT for use with Y46 HYPRESS™ only. PUADP-1 adapter not required. Dieless (# of crimps) MY29-11 (2) Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (2) Y81KFTMBH (2) PAT81KFT-18V (2) MY29-11 (2) Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (2) Y81KFTMBH (2) PAT81KFT-18V (2) MY29-11 (2) Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (2) Y81KFTMBH (2) PAT81KFT-18V (2) MY29-11 (2) Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (2) Y81KFTMBH (2) PAT81KFT-18V (2) Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (2) Y81KFTMBH (2) PAT81KFT-18V (2) Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (2) Y81KFTMBH (2) PAT81KFT-18V (2) Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (3) 5.53 Y81KFTMBH (3) PAT81KFT-18V (3) Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (3) 5.71 Y81KFTMBH (3) PAT81KFT-18V (3) 6.19 L Fig. 2 Fig. 3 ▲ Installation Tooling Mechanical Hydraulic MD6, OUR840, BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750 MD7-34R Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length W25VT (4) W25VT (4) U25RT (2) Pink 12 1-9/16 W26VT (4) W26VT (4) U26RT (2) Black 13 1-13/16 W27VT (4) W27VT (4) U27RT (2) Orange 14 1-13/16 W28VT (4) W28VT (4) U28RT (2) Purple 15 1-7/8 W29VT (4) W29VT (4) U29RT (2) Yellow 16 2-1/4 W30VT (4) W30VT (4) U30RT (4) White 17 2-1/4 W31VT (4) U31RT (4) Red 18 2-1/4 W32VT (4) U32RT (4) Blue 19 2-9/16 U34RT (4) Brown 20 3-1/16 4.28 W31VT (4) 4.34 4.54 Y644HS (1) W32VT (4) 4.60 Y81KFT (2) 5.09 Y81KFTMBH (2) 5.15 PAT81KFT-18V (2) 5.32 T L Fig. 1 Stud Hole Tongue Size Width 8-10 5/16 3/8 .83 70 90° T Conductor *** MM2 B B - - U38XRT (4) Pink L99 3-3/16 - - U39RT (4) Black 24 3-5/16 - - U44XRT (4) Yellow L115 3-7/16 - - **P45RT (4) Yellow ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. Use ONLY color-coded die recommendations for “-FX” connectors. For nest/indentor system contact factory. ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. 29 3-11/16 C-41 BURNDY Compression ONE HOLE HYLUG™ FLEX CONDUCTOR LONG BARREL WITH INSPECTION WINDOW DIE AND COLOR CODE INFORMATION BEVELED ENTRY INSPECTION WINDOW CRIMP ELECTRO-TIN PLATED TYPES YAZ, YAZV CABLE ACCOMMODATION COPPER COMPRESSION TERMINAL UL Listed 90° C, 600 Volts to 35 KV ◆ B C-42 T T 45° L Fig. 1 YAZV6CTC38FX YAZV6CTC38FX45 Fig # AWG 1 2 3 1 37/24 2 #8 WELD 3 #8 AWG 1 2 3 1 2 3 61/24 1 #6 WELD #6 AWG 2 YAZV6CTC38FX90 3 YAZV4CTC14FX YAZV4CTC14FX45 YAZV4CTC14FX90 YAZV4CTC38FX YAZV4CTC38FX45 YAZV4CTC38FX90 YAZV2CTC14FX YAZV2CTC14FX45 YAZV2CTC14FX90 YAZV2CTC38FX YAZV2CTC38FX45 YAZV2CTC38FX90 YAZV2CTC12FX YAZV2CTC12FX45 YAZV2CTC12FX90 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 YAZV1CTC14FX 1 YAZV1CTC14FX45 2 YAZV1CTC14FX90 3 91/24 105/24 #4 WELD #4 AWG 125/24 150/24 #2 WELD #2 AWG *** MM2 ** 10 ** 16 Stud Hole Size Tongue Width # 10 .41 1/4 .44 3/8 .58 1/4 .48 3/8 .58 1/4 .55 - 35 3/8 .58 1/4 .68 3/8 .68 1/2 .83 . 175/24 - 1/4 * Use PUADP-1 adapter with "U" dies in Y46 HYPRESS™ ** The MM2 conductor size referenced here is for both Class 2 and Class 5 conductor. *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 5 conductor. 75 T L L Fig. 2 Conductor Catalog Number YAZ8C-TC10 YAZ8C-TC10-45 YAZ8C-TC10-90 YAZ8C-TC14 YAZ8C-TC14-45 YAZ8C-TC14-90 YAZ8C-TC38 YAZ8C-TC38-45 YAZ8C-TC38-90 YAZV6CTC14FX YAZV6CTC14FX45 YAZV6CTC14FX90 B 90° B Figure Mechanical Dimensions Dieless MD6, OUR840, (B) (T) (L) (# of crimps) MD7-34R 1.58 Y1MR (2) .75 .08 1.47 Y8MRB-1 (2) .75 Y2MR (2) 1.7 MY29-3 (2) W8CVT (2) .75 .08 1.58 MY29-11 (2) W8CRT (2) .87 MRC840 (2) X8CRT (2) 1.89 Y81KFT (1) .75 .06 1.72 Y81KFTMBH (1) 1.05 PAT81KFT-18V (1) 2.03 Y1MR(2) .75 .08 1.83 Y2MR (2) .89 MY29-3 (2) MY29-11 (2) W5CVT (2) 2.22 MRC840 (2) W5CRT (2) Y644HS (1) X5CRT (2) .75 .06 1.97 Y81KFT (1) Y81KFTMBH (1) 1.06 PAT81KFT-18V (1) 2.21 1.25 .09 1.97 W4CVT (2) .93 W4CRT (2) 2.39 Y1MR (4) X4CRT (2) 1.25 .08 2.13 Y2MR (4) 1.11 MY29-3 (2) 2.39 MY29-11 (2) 1.38 .10 2.13 MRC840 (2) .98 Y644HS (1) 2.57 Y81KFT (1) W2CVT (2) 1.38 .10 2.31 Y81KFTMBH (1) W2CRT (2) 1.16 PAT81KFT-18V (1) X2CRT (2) 3.01 1.38 .09 2.75 1.6 MY29-3 (2) 2.42 MY29-11 (2) MRC840 (2) W1CRT-1 (2) 1.38 .12 2.19 Y644HS (1) W1CVT (2) Y81KFT (1) X1CRT-1 (2) Y81KFTMBH (1) 1.02 PAT81KFT-18V (1) ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. Use ONLY color-coded die recommendations for “-FX” connectors. For nest/indentor system contact factory. Fig. 3 ▲ Installation Tooling Hydraulic BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length W8CVT (2) W8CRT (2) X8CRT (2) U8CRT (2) Red 49 7/16 W5CVT (2) W5CRT (2) X5CRT (2) U5CRT (2) Blue 7 1-3/16 W4CVT (2) W4CRT (2) X4CRT (2) U4CRT (2) Gray 8 1-5/16 W2CVT (2) W2CRT (2) X2CRT (2) U2CRT (2) Brown 10 1-7/16 W1CRT-1 (2) W1CVT (2) X1CRT-1 (2) U1CRT-1 (2) Green 11 11/16 ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. BURNDY Compression B ONE HOLE HYLUG™ FLEX CONDUCTOR LONG BARREL WITH INSPECTION WINDOW (Continued) T T Catalog Number YAZV1CTC516FX YAZV1CTC516FX45 YAZV1CTC516FX90 YAZV1CTC38FX YAZV1CTC38FX45 YAZV1CTC38FX90 YAZV25TC14FX YAZV25TC14FX45 YAZV25TC14FX90 YAZV25TC38FX YAZV25TC38FX45 YAZV25TC38FX90 YAZV25TC12FX YAZV25TC12FX45 YAZV25TC12FX90 YAZV26TC14FX YAZV26TC14FX45 YAZV26TC14FX90 YAZV26TC38FX YAZV26TC38FX45 YAZV26TC38FX90 YAZV26TC12FX YAZV26TC12FX45 YAZV26TC12FX90 YAZV27TC38FX YAZV27TC38FX45 YAZV27TC38FX90 YAZV28NT38FX YAZV28NT38FX-45 YAZV28NT38FX-90 YAZV28TC38FX YAZV28TC38FX45 YAZV28TC38FX90 YAZV28TC12FX YAZV28TC12FX45 YAZV28TC12FX90 YAZV29NT516FX YAZV29NT516FX-45 YAZV29NT516FX-90 YAZ30TC38FX YAZ30TC38FX-45 YAZ30TC38FX-90 YAZ31TC38FX YAZ31TC38FX45 YAZ31TC38FX90 YAZ32TC38FX YAZ32TC38FX45 YAZ32TC38FX90 Fig # 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 AWG 225/24 #1 WELD #1 AWG 275/24 1/0 WELD 1/0 AWG 325/24 2/0 WELD 2/0 AWG 450/24 3/0 WELD 3/0 AWG 550/24 4/0 WELD 4/0 AWG 550/24 4/0 WELD 250 FLEX CLASS G 259 STR. CLASS H 427 STR. 262.2 FLEX 637/24 CLASS I, K, M 775/24 313.1 kcmil 300 FLEX Stud Hole Size Tongue Width 5/16 .75 - 50 70 3/8 .75 1/4 .83 3/8 .83 1/2 .83 1/4 .93 3/8 .93 1/2 .93 3/8 1.03 3/8 .94 3/8 1.14 1/2 1.14 - 5/16 .96 - 3/8 1.20 95 ** 120 150 3/8 1.28 185 3/8 1.55 * Use PUADP-1 adapter with "U" dies in Y46 HYPRESS™ ** The 120 MM2 referenced here is for both Class 2 and Class 5 conductor. *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 5 conductor. Figure Dimensions (B) (T) (L) 2.47 1.38 .12 2.24 1.08 2.60 1.38 .12 2.37 1.20 2.58 1.50 .12 2.30 1.04 2.76 1.50 .12 2.48 1.23 3.20 1.50 .12 2.92 1.66 2.58 1.50 .13 2.30 1.04 2.76 1.50 .13 2.48 1.23 3.20 1.50: .13 2.92 1.66 2.80 1.50 .14 2.52 1.25 2.96 1.62 .14 2.67 1.30 2.96 1.62 .14 2.67 1.30 3.18 1.62 .14 2.89 1.52 2.87 2.00 .16 2.60 1.21 3.42 2.00 .16 3.05 1.37 3.45 2.00 .18 3.10 1.41 3.62 2.12 .19 3.25 1.46 45° L L Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Conductor *** MM2 B 90° B Dieless (# of crimps) L Fig. 3 ▲ Installation Tooling Mechanical Hydraulic MD6, OUR840, BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, MD7-34R Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 Y644HS (1) W1CRT-1 (2) W1CRT-1 (2) Y81KFT (1) W1CVT (2) W1CVT (2) Y81KFTMBH (1) X1CRT-1 (2) X1CRT-1 (2) PAT81KFT-18V (1) T Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length U1CRT-1 (2) Green 11 1-7/16 W25VT (4) W25VT (4) W25RT (4) W25RT (4) X25RT (4) X25RT (4) U25RT (2) Pink 12 1-9/16 W26VT (4) W26VT (4) W26RT (4) W26RT (4) X26RT (4) X26RT (4) U26RT (2) Black 13 1-9/16 U27RT (2) Orange 14 1-9/16 U28RT (2) Purple 15 U29RT (2) Yellow 16 2-1/16 U29RT (2) Yellow 16 2-1/16 W30VT (4) W30RT (4) U30RT (4) White 17 2-1/16 W31VT (4) W31RT (4) U31RT (4) Blue 19 2-3/16 MY29-11 (2) Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (2) Y81KFTMBH (2) W27RT (4) W27RT (4) PAT81KFT-18V (2) W27VT (4) W27VT (4) X27RT (4) X27RT (4) W28VT (4) W28VT (4) W28RT (4) W28RT (4) X28RT (6) X28RT (6) W29VT (4) X29RT (8) W29VT (4) X29RT (8) Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (2) W30VT (4) Y81KFTMBH (2) PAT81KFT-18V (2) W31VT (4) ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. Use ONLY color-coded die recommendations for “FX” connectors. For nest/indentor system contact factory. ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. W29RT (4) W29VT (4) X29RT (8) W29RT (4) W29VT (4) X29RT (8) 1-11/16 C-43 BURNDY Compression B ONE HOLE HYLUG™ FLEX CONDUCTOR LONG BARREL WITH INSPECTION WINDOW (Continued) T Conductor C-44 Catalog Number YAZ34NT38FX YAZ34NT38FX-45 YAZ34NT38FX-90 YAZ34TC38FX YAZ34TC38FX45 YAZ34TC38FX90 YAZ34TC12FX YAZ34TC12FX45 YAZ34TC12FX90 YAZ36TC38FX YAZ36TC38FX45 YAZ36TC38FX90 YAZ38NT38FX YAZ38NT38FX-45 YAZ38NT38FX-90 YAZ38TC38FX YAZ38TC38FX45 YAZ38TC38FX90 YAZ38NT12FX YAZ38NT12FX-45 YAZ38NT12FX-90 YAZ38TC12FX YAZ38TC12FX45 YAZ38TC12FX90 Fig # 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 AWG 925/24 373.3 kcmil 350 FLEX 1100/24 444.4 kcmil 450 FLEX 1325/24 535.3 kcmil 500 FLEX *** MM2 240 - Stud Hole Size Tongue Width 3/8 .96 3/8 1.52 1/2 1.52 3/8 1.72 3/8 1.63 3/8 1.81 300 1/2 1.63 1/2 1.81 * Use PUADP-1 adapter with "U" dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. Catalog # PUADP-1 adapter is required to use “U” dies in Y46 series tools. *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 5 conductor. B 90° B T 45° L L Fig. 1 Fig. 2 ▲ Installation Tooling Figure Mechanical Hydraulic Dimensions Dieless MD6, OUR840, BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750 (B) (T) (L) (# of crimps) MD7-34R Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 3.85 2.25 .23 3.5 1.54 3.85 W32VT (4) 2.25 .23 3.5 W32VT (4) U32RT (4) W32RT (4) 1.54 4.29 2.25 .23 3.94 1.98 4.55 2.69 .26 4.14 Y644HS(1) U34RT (4) 1.81 Y81KFT (2) 4.72 Y81KFTMBH (2) 2.81 .27 4.26 PAT81KFT-18V (2) 1.84 4.72 2.81 .27 4.26 1.84 U38XRT (4) 4.97 2.81 .27 4.51 2.09 4.97 2.81 .27 4.51 2.09 ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. Use ONLY color-coded die recommendations for “-FX” connectors. For nest/indentor system contact factory. ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. T L Fig. 3 Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length Blue 19 2-5/16 Brown 20 Pink L99 2-7/8 2-3/4 BURNDY Compression TWO HOLE HYLUG™ CODE CONDUCTOR STANDARD BARREL DIE AND COLOR CODE INFORMATION BEVELED ENTRY INSPECTION WINDOW TYPES YAV-2TC, YA-L2L, YA-2LN, AND YA-L-2TC CRIMP COPPER COMPRESSION TERMINAL CABLE ACCOMMODATION ELECTRO-TIN PLATED C-45 B UL Listed 90° C, 600 Volts to 35 KV ◆ B B T T Fig. 1 T Conductor Catalog Number YAV102TC10 YAV102TC10-45 YAV102TC10-90 YAV102TC14 YAV102TC14-45 YAV102TC14-90 YAV102TC14E1 YAV102TC14E2 YAV102TC38 YAV102TC38-45 YAV102TC38-90 YA8CL-2TC10 YA8CL-2TC10-45 YA8CL-2TC10-90 YA8CL-2TC10E2 YA8CL-2TC10E2-45 YA8CL-2TC10E2-90 YA8CL-2TC14 YA8CL-2TC14-45 YA8CL-2TC14-90 YA8CL-2TC14E1 YA8CL-2TC14E1-45 YA8CL-2TC14E1-90 YA8CL-2TC14E2 YA8CL-2TC14E2-45 YA8CL-2TC14E2-90 YA8CL-2TC38 YA8CL-2TC38-45 YA8CL-2TC38-90 YA8C-2LN YA8C-2LN-45 YA8C-2LN-90 Fig # AWG 1 2 3 1 2 #14-10 STR 3 1 #12-10 SOL 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 #8 AWG 3 1 #8 WELD 2 3 37/24 1 2 #6 SOL 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 *** MM2 Stud Stud Hole Hole Tongue Size Spacing Width # 10 5/8 .38 1/4 5/8 .47 1/4 1/4 1 3/4 .47 .47 3/8 1 .56 # 10 5/8 .41 # 10 3/4 .41 1/4 5/8 .41 1/4 1 .41 1/4 3/4 .41 3/8 1 .57 6 † 10 1/2 1-3/4 0.83 -- Color code not assigned. * Use PUADP-1 adapter with "U" dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. ** P-RT die sets for use in Y46 HYPRESS™ only, PUADP-1 adapter not required. Figure Mechanical Dimensions Dieless MD6, OUR840, (B) (T) (L) (# of crimps) MD7-34R 1.72 .38 .06 1.70 1.33 1.84 .38 .06 1.81 1.45 Y8MRB-1 (1) .38 .05 2.22 .38 .05 1.97 2.40 .38 .04 2.34 2.01 1.83 .44 .08 1.83 1.37 1.95 .44 .08 1.96 1.50 1.95 Y1MR (1) .44 .08 1.94 Y2MR (1) 1.49 Y8MRB-1 (1) 2.33 MY29-3 (1) W8CVT (1) .44 .08 2.32 MY29-11 (1) W8CRT (1) 1.87 MRC840 (1) X8CRT (1) 2.08 Y81KFT (1) .44 .08 2.07 Y81KFTMBH (1) 1.62 PAT81KFT-18V (1) 2.52 .44 .06 2.46 2.05 3.75 .44 .12 3.83 3.27 *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 2 conductor. † The MM2 conductor size referenced here is for both Class 2 and Class 5. Fig. 3 Fig. 2 ▲ Installation Tooling Hydraulic BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 - - W8CVT (1) W8CRT (1) X8CRT (1) U8CRT (1) Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length 7/16 Red 49 1/2 ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. ◆ For applications greater than 2000 volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. BURNDY Compression B TWO HOLE HYLUG™ CODE CONDUCTOR STANDARD BARREL (Continued) T Fig. 1 Conductor Fig Catalog Number # 1 C-46 YA6C-2L YA6C-2L-45 2 YA6C-2L-90 3 YA6C-2LN 1 YA6C-2LN-45 2 YA6C-2LN-90 3 YA6CL-2TC10 1 YA6CL-2TC10-45 2 YA6CL-2TC10-90 3 YA6CL-2TC14 1 YA6CL-2TC14-45 2 YA6CL-2TC14-90 3 YA6CL-2TC14E 1 YA6CL-2TC14E-45 2 YA6CL-2TC14E-90 3 YA6CL-2TC14E1 1 YA6CL-2TC14E1-45 2 YA6CL-2TC14E1-90 3 YA6CL-2TC14E2 1 YA6CL-2TC14E2-45 2 YA6CL-2TC14E2-90 3 YA6CL-2TC38 1 YA6CL-2TC38-45 2 YA6CL-2TC38-90 3 YA6C-2L51 1 YA6C-2L51-45 2 YA6C-2L51-90 3 YA6CL-2TC516 1 YA6CL-2TC516-45 2 YA6CL-2TC516-90 3 YA6CL-2TC516E2 1 YA6CL-2TC516E2-45 2 YA6CL-2TC516E2-90 3 YA6C-2L52 1 YA6C-2L52-45 2 YA6C-2L52-90 3 YA5C-2L 1 YA5C-2L-45 2 YA5C-2L-90 3 YA4C-2L 1 YA4C-2L-45 2 YA4C-2L-90 3 YA4CL-2TC14 1 YA4CL-2TC14-45 2 YA4CL-2TC14-90 3 YA4CL-2TC38 1 YA4CL-2TC38-45 2 YA4CL-2TC38-90 3 YA4CL-2TC14E1 1 YA4CL-2TC14E1-45 2 YA4CL-2TC14E1-90 3 AWG *** MM2 Stud Stud Hole Hole Tongue Size Spacing Width 1/4 6 AWG 4 AWG 5/8 .45 1/2 1-3/4 .81 # 10 5/8 .42 1/4 5/8 .45 1/4 1/2 .45 1/4 1 .45 - 5 AWG 1/4 3/4 .44 3/8 1 .63 # 10 1/2 .42 5/16 1 .52 5/16 3/4 .52 1/4 1/2 .45 1/4 5/8 .44 1/4 5/8 .49 1/4 5/8 .49 3/8 1 .58 1/4 1 .49 -- Color code not assigned. ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. B B T Figure Dimensions (B) (T) (L) 2.01 .08 1.98 1.45 3.87 .12 3.91 3.28 1.94 .09 1.94 1.39 2.07 .08 2.04 1.51 1.94 .08 1.91 1.38 2.44 .08 2.41 1.88 .54 2.19 .08 2.16 1.63 2.63 .06 2.56 2.06 1.79 .09 1.78 1.23 2.51 .07 2.45 1.94 2.26 .07 2.20 1.69 1.88 .08 1.85 1.32 2.28 .81 .07 2.15 1.44 2.30 .81 .09 2.21 1.48 2.36 .81 .09 2.27 1.54 2.96 .81 .08 2.82 2.09 2.74 .81 .09 2.65 1.91 Dieless (# of crimps) T Fig. 2 Fig. 3 ▲ Installation Tooling Mechanical Hydraulic MD6, OUR840, BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, MD7-34R Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 Y1MR (1) Y2MR (1) MY29-3 (1) W5CVT (1) MY29-11 (1) W5CRT (1) MRC840 (1) X5CRT (1) Y81KFT (1) X8CART (1) Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length W5CVT (1) W5CRT (1) X5CRT (1) X8CART (1) U5CRT (1) U8CABT (1) Blue 7 7/8 Y1MR (2) Y2MR (2) MY29-3 (1) MY29-11 (1) W4CVT (1) W4CVT (1) MRC840 (1) W4CRT (1) W4CRT (1) Y644HS (1) X4CRT (1) X4CRT (1) Y81KFT (1) Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) U4CRT (1) U6CABT (1) Gray 8 7/8 ◆ For applications greater than 2000 volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. * Use PUADP-1 adapter with "U" dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. ** P-RT die sets for use in Y46 HYPRESS™ only, PUADP-1 adapter not required. *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 2 conductor. BURNDY Compression B TWO HOLE HYLUG™ CODE CONDUCTOR STANDARD BARREL (Continued) T Fig. 1 Conductor Catalog Number YA4C-2LN YA4C-2LN-45 YA4C-2LN-90 YA4CL-2TC14E2 YA4CL-2TC14E2-45 YA4CL-2TC14E2-90 YA4CL-2TC516 YA4CL-2TC516-45 YA4CL-2TC516-90 YA3CL-2TC14 YA3CL-2TC14-45 YA3CL-2TC14-90 YA3C-2L YA3C-2L-45 YA3C-2L-90 YA3CL-2TC38 YA3CL-2TC38-45 YA3CL-2TC38-90 YA2C-2L YA2C-2L-45 YA2C-2L-90 YA2C-2LN YA2C-2LN-45 YA2C-2LN-90 YA2CL-2TC14 YA2CL-2TC14-45 YA2CL-2TC14-90 YA2CL-2TC14E1 YA2CL-2TC14E1-45 YA2CL-2TC14E1-90 YA2CL-2TC14E2 YA2CL-2TC14E2-45 YA2CL-2TC14E2-90 YA2CL-2TC38 YA2CL-2TC38-45 YA2CL-2TC38-90 YA2CL-2TC516 YA2CL-2TC516-45 YA2CL-2TC516-90 YA1C-2LN YA1C-2LN-45 YA1C-2LN-90 YA1C-2L YA1C-2L-45 YA1C-2L-90 YA1CL-2TC14 YA1CL-2TC14-45 YA1CL-2TC14-90 YA1CL-2TC14E2 YA1CL-2TC14E2-45 YA1CL-2TC14E2-90 Fig # 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 AWG 4 AWG 3 AWG #2 Sol. 2 AWG *** MM2 - 25 35 Stud Stud Hole Hole Tongue Size Spacing Width 1/2 1-3/4 .83 1/4 3/4 .49 5/16 1 .52 1/4 5/8 .55 5/16 5/8 .55 3/8 1 .58 5/16 3/4 .60 1/2 1-3/4 .83 1/4 5/8 .60 1/4 1 .60 1/4 3/4 .60 3/8 1 .60 5/16 1 .60 1/2 1-3/4 5/16 1 AWG 7/8 .81 .68 50 1/4 5/8 .68 1/4 3/4 .68 -- Color code not assigned. ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. B B T Figure Dimensions (B) (T) (L) 4.14 .81 .12 4.10 3.30 2.49 .81 .09 2.40 1.66 2.80 .81 .09 2.69 1.97 2.45 .81 .09 2.33 1.55 2.64 .88 .09 2.52 1.74 3.06 .88 .08 2.90 2.11 2.67 .88 .11 2.57 1.77 4.27 .88 .11 4.19 3.14 2.47 .88 .11 2.38 1.58 2.85 .88 .11 2.77 1.96 2.60 .88 .11 2.51 1.71 3.03 .88 .11 2.94 2.15 2.91 .88 .11 2.82 2.02 4.32 .88 .12 4.23 3.36 2.82 .88 .10 2.71 1.92 2.51 .88 .10 2.40 1.60 2.64 .88 .10 2.52 1.73 Dieless (# of crimps) T Fig. 2 Fig. 3 ▲ Installation Tooling Mechanical Hydraulic MD6, OUR840, BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, MD7-34R Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length C-47 W4CVT (1) X4CRT (1) U4CRT (1) Gray 8 7/8 W3CRT (1) W3CRT (1) U3CRT (1) White 9 15/16 W2CVT (1) W2CVT (1) W2CRT (1) W2CRT (1) X2CRT (1) X2CRT (1) U2CRT (1) Brown 10 15/16 U1CRT-1 (1) U4CABT (1) Green 11 15/16 Y1MR (2) Y2MR (2) MY29-3 (1) MY29-11 (1) MRC840 (1) Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (1) Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) Y1MR (2) MY29-3 (1) MY29-11 (1) W1CVT (1) W1CVT (1) MRC840 (1) W1CRT-1 (1) W1CRT-1 (1) Y644HS (1) X1CRT-1 (1) X1CRT-1 (1) Y81KFT (1) Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) ◆ For applications greater than 2000 volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. * Use PUADP-1 adapter with "U" dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. ** P-RT die sets for use in Y46 HYPRESS™ only, PUADP-1 adapter not required. *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 2 conductor. BURNDY Compression B TWO HOLE HYLUG™ CODE CONDUCTOR STANDARD BARREL (Continued) T Fig. 1 Conductor Catalog Number C-48 YA1CL-2TC38 YA1CL-2TC38-45 Fig # 1 2 YA1CL-2TC38-90 3 YA25-2L YA25-2L-45 YA25-2L-90 YA252LN YA252LN-45 YA252LN-90 YA25L-2TC14 YA25L-2TC14-45 YA25L-2TC14-90 YA25L-2TC14E1 YA25L-2TC14E1-45 YA25L-2TC14E1-90 YA25L-2TC14E2 YA25L-2TC14E2-45 YA25L-2TC14E2-90 YA25L-2TC38 YA25L-2TC38-45 YA25L-2TC38-90 YA26-2L YA26-2L-45 YA26-2L-90 YA262LN YA262LN-45 YA262LN-90 YA26L-2TC14 YA26L-2TC14-45 YA26L-2TC14-90 YA26L-2TC14E1 YA26L-2TC14E1-45 YA26L-2TC14E1-90 YA26L-2TC14E2 YA26L-2TC14E2-45 YA26L-2TC14E2-90 YA26L-2TC38 YA26L-2TC38-45 YA26L-2TC38-90 YA272LN YA272LN-45 YA272LN-90 YA27L-2TC14E2 YA27L-2TC14E2-45 YA27L-2TC14E2-90 YA27L-2TC38 YA27L-2TC38-45 YA27L-2TC38-90 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 AWG *** MM2 - 1/0 AWG 2/0 AWG 3/0 AWG Stud Stud Hole Hole Tongue Size Spacing Width 3/8 1 .68 5/16 7/8 .75 1/2 1-3/4 .83 1/4 5/8 .75 1/4 1 .75 1/4 3/4 .75 3/8 1 .75 5/16 7/8 .83 - 1/2 1-3/4 .83 1/4 .83 5/8 70 - 1/4 1 .83 1/4 3/4 .83 3/8 1 .83 1/2 1-3/4 .91 1/4 3/4 .91 3/8 1 .91 -- Color code not assigned. ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. ◆ For applications greater than 2000 volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. B B T Figure Dimensions (B) (T) (L) 3.07 2.96 .88 .10 2.17 Dieless (# of crimps) T Fig. 2 Fig. 3 ▲ Installation Tooling Mechanical Hydraulic MD6, OUR840, BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, MD7-34R Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length W1CVT (1) X1CRT-1 (1) Green 11 2.85 .88 .12 2.77 1.95 4.29 .88 .11 4.20 3.38 2.64 .88 .12 2.45 W25VT (2) W25VT (2) 1.58 W25RT (2) W25RT (2) 3.01 X25RT (2) X25RT (2) .88 .12 2.91 1.95 2.66 .88 .12 2.58 1.70 3.10 .88 .12 3.02 MY29-3 (1) 2.14 MY29-11 (1) 2.95 MRC840 (2) .94 .12 2.84 Y644HS (1) 1.98 Y81KFT (1) 4.39 Y81KFTMBH (1) .94 .12 4.27 PAT81KFT-18V (1) 3.41 2.64 .94 .12 2.52 W26VT (2) W26VT (2) 1.66 W26RT (2) W26RT (2) 3.01 X26RT (2) X26RT (2) .94 .12 2.90 2.04 2.76 .94 .12 2.65 1.79 3.20 .94 .12 3.09 2.22 4.48 1.00 .13 4.35 3.44 2.86 W27VT (2) W27VT (2) 1.00 .12 2.73 W27RT (2) W27RT (2) 1.81 X27RT (3) X27RT (3) 3.30 1.00 .12 3.17 2.25 * Use PUADP-1 adapter with "U" dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. ** P-RT die sets for use in Y46 HYPRESS™ only, PUADP-1 adapter not required. *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 2 conductor U1CRT (1) 15/16 U25RT (1) U2CABT (1) Pink 12 15/16 U26RT (1) Black 13 1 U27RT (1) Orange 14 1-1/16 BURNDY Compression B TWO HOLE HYLUG™ CODE CONDUCTOR STANDARD BARREL (Continued) T Fig. 1 Conductor Catalog Number YA28-2L516 YA28-2L516-45 YA28-2L516-90 YA282LN YA282LN-45 YA282LN-90 YA28L-2TC14E1 YA28L-2TC14E1-45 YA28L-2TC14E1-90 YA28L-2TC14E2 YA28L-2TC14E2-45 YA28L-2TC14E2-90 YA28L-2TC38E2 YA28L-2TC38E2-45 YA28L-2TC38E2-90 YA28L-2TC38 YA28L-2TC38-45 YA28L-2TC38-90 YA292LN YA292LN-45 YA292LN-90 YA29L-2TC38 YA29L-2TC38-45 YA29L-2TC38-90 YA302LN YA302LN-45 YA302LN-90 YA30L-2TC-38 YA30L-2TC-38-45 YA30L-2TC-38-90 YA312LN YA312LN-45 YA312LN-90 YA31L-2TC12 YA31L-2TC12-45 YA31L-2TC12-90 YA31L-2TC14E2 YA31L-2TC14E2-45 YA31L-2TC14E2-90 YA31L-2TC38 YA31L-2TC38-45 YA31L-2TC38-90 YA31L-2NTC516 YA31L-2NTC516-45 YA31L-2NTC516-90 YA322LN YA322LN-45 YA322LN-90 Fig # 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 AWG *** MM2 Stud Stud Hole Hole Tongue Size Spacing Width 5/16 1-3/4 1.02 1/2 4/0 AWG 250 kcmil 1 1.02 1/4 3/4 1.02 3/8 3/4 1.02 3/8 1 1.02 - 1/2 1 1.11 1-3/4 1.20 150 3/8 350 kcmil 1-3/4 1.11 3/8 300 kcmil 1-3/4 1.02 1/4 1/2 185 1 1.20 1/2 1-3/4 1.29 1/2 1-1/4 1.29 1/4 3/4 1.29 3/8 1 1.29 5/16 1-3/4 1.29 400 kcmil 1/2 -- Color code not assigned. ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. ◆ For applications greater than 2000 volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. * Use PUADP-1 adapter with "U" dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. B B T 1-3/4 1.38 Figure Dimensions (B) (T) (L) 3.84 .88 .14 3.77 2.92 4.41 .88 .14 4.34 3.49 3.03 .88 .14 2.96 2.11 2.78 .88 .14 2.71 1.86 2.97 .88 .14 2.90 2.05 3.22 .88 .14 3.15 2.30 4.62 1.06 .16 4.52 3.52 3.45 1.06’ .16 3.33 2.34 4.63 1.03 .16 4.55 3.56 3.45 1.03 .16 3.36 2.37 4.70 1.06 .18 4.62 3.60 4.01 1.06 .18 3.93 2.91 3.07 1.06 .18 2.99 1.97 3.51 1.06 .18 3.43 2.41 4.13 1.06 .18 4.06 3.03 4.88 1.19 .19 4.78 3.64 Dieless (# of crimps) T Fig. 2 Fig. 3 ▲ Installation Tooling Mechanical Hydraulic MD6, OUR840, BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, MD7-34R Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length C-49 MY29-3 (1) MY29-11 (1) MRC840 (2) W28VT (2) Y644HS (1) W28RT (2) Y81KFT (1) X28RT (3) Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) W28VT (2) W28RT (2) X28RT (3) U28RT (1) Purple 15 1-1/8 MY29-3 (1) MY29-11 (1) W29VT (2) Y644HS (1) X29RT (4) Y81KFT (1) Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) W29VT (2) W29RT (2) X29RT (4) U29RT (1) Yellow 16 1-1/8 W30VT (2) W30VT (2) W30RT (2) U30RT (2) U28ART (2) White 17 1 W31VT (2) W31VT (2) W31RT (2) U31RT (2) U29ART (2) Red 18 1-1/8 W32VT (2) W32VT (2) W32RT (2) U32RT (2) U30ART (2) Blue 19 1-1/4 Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (1) Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) ** P-RT die sets for use in Y46 HYPRESS™ only, PUADP-1 adapter not required. *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 2 conductor. BURNDY Compression B TWO HOLE HYLUG™ CODE CONDUCTOR STANDARD BARREL (Continued) T Catalog Number C-50 YA32L-2TC38E5 YA32L-2TC38E5-45 YA32L-2TC38E5-90 YA32L-2TC38 YA32-2L YA32-2L-45 YA32-2L-90 YA33-2LN YA33-2LN-45 YA33-2LN-90 YA342LN YA342LN-45 YA342LN-90 YA34L-2TC12 YA34L-2TC12-45 YA34L-2TC12-90 YA34L-2TC14E2 YA34L-2TC14E2-45 YA34L-2TC14E2-90 YA34L-2TC38 YA34L-2TC38-45 YA34L-2TC38-90 YA34-2L YA34-2L-45 YA34-2L-90 YA35-2L YA35-2L-45 YA35-2L-90 YA35-2LN YA35-2LN-45 YA35-2LN-90 YA362LN YA362LN45 YA362LN90 YA36L-2TC38 YA36L-2TC38-45 YA36L-2TC38-90 YA37-2L YA37-2L-45 YA37-2L-90 YA37-2LN YA37-2LN-45 YA37-2LN-90 YA38-2L YA38-2L-45 YA38-2L-90 YA38-2LN YA38-2LN-45 YA38-2LN-90 AWG *** MM2 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 Stud Stud Hole Hole Tongue Size Spacing Width 3/8 1-1/16 1.40 400 kcmil 450 kcmil 3/8 1 1.38 3/8 1 1.40 1/2 1-3/4 1.48 1/2 1-3/4 1.52 1/2 1-1/4 1.52 500 kcmil 240 1/4 3/4 1.52 3/8 1 1.52 3/8 1 1.55 3/8 1-1/8 1.65 550 kcmil - 600 kcmil 300 650 kcmil - 700 kcmil - Fig. 2 Figure Mechanical Dimensions Dieless MD6, OUR840, (B) (T) (L) (# of crimps) MD7-34R 3.75 1.19 .19 3.66 2.52 1.19 .19 3.69 W32VT (2) 3.75 1.19 .19 3.66 2.52 5.23 1.50 .21 5.10 W33VT (2) 3.70 5.06 1.27 .23 5.00 3.73 4.38 1.27 .23 4.31 3.04 3.44 1.27 .23 3.37 W34VT (2) 2.10 3.88 1.27 .23 3.81 2.54 Y644HS (1) 3.94 Y81KFT (1) 1.27 .23 3.87 Y81KFTMBH (1) 2.59 PAT81KFT-18V (1) 4.64 1.69 .25 3.95 2.60 - 1/2 1-3/4 1.65 1.69 .25 5.07 3.73 4.36 1/2 1-3/4 1.74 1.38 .27 5.21 3.81 4.23 3/8 1 1.73 1.38 .27 4.21 2.81 4.40 3/8 1-1/8 1.80 1.39 .27 4.37 2.96 5.27 1/2 1-3/4 1.80 1.39 .27 5.25 3.84 4.48 3/8 1-1/8 1.84 1.45 .27 4.42 3.23 5.35 1/2 1-3/4 1.81 1.45 .27 5.29 3.84 -- Color code not assigned. ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. ◆ For applications greater than 2000 volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. T Fig. 1 Conductor Fig # 1 2 3 B B T * Use PUADP-1 adapter with "U" dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. ** P-RT die sets for use in Y46 HYPRESS™ only, PUADP-1 adapter not required. *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 2 conductor. Fig. 3 ▲ Installation Tooling Hydraulic BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length W32VT (2) W32RT (2) U32RT (2) U30ART (2) Blue W33VT (2) W33RT (2) U33RT (2) Gray 326 1-9/16 W34VT (2) W34RT (2) U34RT (2) U31ART (2) Brown 20 1-7/16 - U35RT (2) Yellow 21 1-3/4 - - U36RT (2) U32ART (2) Green 22 1-3/4 - - U37RT (2) Orange 23 1-15/16 - - U38RT (2) Pink 19 1-1/4 400 1-15/16 BURNDY Compression B TWO HOLE HYLUG™ CODE CONDUCTOR STANDARD BARREL (Continued) T Catalog Number YA38L-2TC12 YA38L-2TC12-45 YA38L-2TC12-90 YA38L-2TC38 YA38L-2TC38-45 YA38L-2TC38-90 YA392L YA392L-45 YA392L-90 YA392LN YA392LN45 YA392LN-90 YA39L-2TC12E3 YA39L-2TC12E3-45 YA39L-2TC12E3-90 YA39L-2TC38 YA39L-2TC38-45 YA39L-2TC38-90 YA39L-2TC58 YA39L-2TC58-45 YA39L-2TC58-90 YA40-2L YA40-2L-45 YA40-2L-90 YA402LN YA402LN-45 YA402LN-90 YA40L-2TC38 YA40L-2TC38-45 YA40L-2TC38-90 YA41-2L YA41-2L-45 YA41-2L-90 YA442LN A442LN-45 YA442LN-90 YA44-2L YA44-2L-45 YA44-2L-90 YA44L-2TC12 YA44L-2TC12-45 YA44L-2TC12-90 Stud Stud Hole Hole Tongue Size Spacing Width 1/2 1-1/2 1.81 3/8 1 1.81 3/8 1-1/8 1.91 1/2 1-3/4 1.89 1/2 1-1/2 1.89 3/8 1 1.89 5/8 1-1/2 1.89 3/8 1-1/8 1.98 1/2 1-3/4 1.89 3/8 1 1.95 3/8 1-1/8 2.01 1/2 1-3/4 2.17 1/2 1-1/4 2.19 1/2 1-1/4 2.17 -- Color code not assigned. ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. ◆ For applications greater than 2000 volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. * Use PUADP-1 adapter with "U" dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. T Fig. 1 Conductor Fig *** # AWG MM2 1 2 3 700 kcmil 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 750 kcmil 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 800 kcmil 400 3 1 2 3 1 2 850 kcmil 3 1 2 3 1 2 1000 kcmil 500 3 1 2 3 B B T Figure Dimensions (B) (T) (L) 4.67 1.45 .27 4.61 3.16 4.35 1.45 .27 4.30 2.84 4.48 1.42 .27 4.43 3.00 5.36 1.42 .27 5.31 3.87 4.92 1.42 .27 4.87 3.43 4.36 1.42 .27 4.31 2.87 5.17 1.42 .27 5.12 3.68 4.63 1.42 .30 4.51 3.04 5.51 1.42 .30 5.39 3.91 4.51 1.42 .30 4.38 2.91 4.97 1.88 .31 4.86 3.05 5.74 1.65 .33 5.71 4.02 5.24 1.65 .33 5.21 3.52 5.05 1.65 .33 5.02 3.33 Dieless (# of crimps) Fig. 2 Fig. 3 ▲ Installation Tooling Mechanical Hydraulic MD6, OUR840, BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, MD7-34R Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (1) Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (2) Y81KFTMBH (2) PAT81KFT-18V (2) ** P-RT die sets for use in Y46 HYPRESS™ only, PUADP-1 adapter not required. *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 2 conductor. Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length C-51 - - U38RT (2) Pink 400 1-15/16 - - U39RT (2) P39RT (2) ** Black 24 1-15/16 - - P40RT (3) ** Orange 25 1-15/16 - - - Gold 26 1-15/16 - - ** P44RT (3) White 27 1-15/16 BURNDY Compression TWO HOLE HYLUG™ CODE CONDUCTOR STANDARD BARREL NARROW TONGUE DIE AND COLOR CODE INFORMATION BEVELED ENTRY INSPECTION WINDOW TYPES YA-L-2NT ELECTRO-TIN PLATED COPPER COMPRESSION TERMINAL CABLE ACCOMMODATION UL Listed 90° C, 600 Volts to 35 KV ◆ B C-52 CRIMP T Fig. 1 T Fig. 2 Conductor Catalog Number YA2CL2NT14 YA2CL2NT1445 YA2CL2NT1490 YA2CL2NT14E2 YA2CL2NT14E1 YA2CL2NT14E145 Fig # 1 2 3 1 1 2 YA2CL2NT14E190 3 YA1CL2NT14E2 1 YA25L2NT14E1 1 YA25L2NT14E145 2 YA25L2NT14E190 3 YA26L2NT14 1 AWG #2 AWG *** MM2 Stud Stud Hole Hole Tongue Size Spacing Width 1/4 5/8 1/4 3/4 35 1/4 1 #1 AWG 50 1/4 3/4 1/0 AWG - 1/4 1 70 1/4 5/8 2/0 AWG YA26L2NT14E1 1 YA31L2NT38 YA34L2NT38 YA39L2NT38 YA39L2NT3845 YA39L2NT3890 1 1 1 2 3 B B T - 1/4 1 350 kcmil 185 500 kcmil 240 3/8 3/8 1 1 750 kcmil 3/8 1 - * Use PUADP-1 adapter with "U" dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 2 conductor. Figure Mechanical Dimensions Dieless MD6, OUR840, (B) (T) (L) (# of crimps) MD7-34R 2.47 MRC840 (1) .48 .88 .11 2.38 MY29-3 (1) 1.58 MY29-11 (1) .48 .88 .11 2.60 Y2MR (2) 2.84 Y644HS (1) W2CVT (1) 2.76 Y1MR (2) .48 .88 .11 Y81KFT (1) 1.96 Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) MRC840 (1) MY29-3 (1) MY29-11 (1) Y1MR (2) .50 .88 .10 2.68 W1CVT (1) Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (1) Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) MRC840 (2) 3.28 MY29-3 (1) MY29-11 (1) .48 .88 .12 2.83 Y644HS (1) W25VT (2) Y81KFT (1) Y81KFTMBH (1) 1.95 PAT81KFT-18V (1) MRC840 (2) .48 .94 .12 2.66 MY29-3 (1) MY29-11 (1) Y644HS (1) W26VT (2) Y81KFT (1) .48 .94 .12 3.03 Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) .96 1.06 .18 3.51 W31VT (4) Y644HS (1) .96 1.27 .23 3.65 W34VT (4) Y81KFT (2) 4.34 Y81KFTMBH (2) 1.63 1.42 .27 4.31 PAT81KFT-18V (2) 2.87 Fig. 3 ▲ Installation Tooling Hydraulic BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length W2CVT (1) U2CRT (1) Brown 10 15/16 W1CRT (1) U1CRT (1) Green 11 15/16 W25VT (1) U25RT (1) Pink 12 15/16 W26VT (1) X26RT (1) U26RT (1) Black 13 1 W31VT (4) W34VT (4) U31RT (2) U34RT (2) Red Brown 18 1-1/8 20 1-7/16 - U39RT (2) Black 24 1-1/2 BURNDY Compression TWO HOLE HYLUG™ CODE CONDUCTOR LONG BARREL DIE AND COLOR CODE INFORMATION BEVELED ENTRY NO INSPECTION WINDOW TYPES YA-2N, YA-2TC, YA-4N CRIMP UL Listed 90° C, 600 Volts to 35 KV ◆ ELECTRO-TIN PLATED CABLE ACCOMMODATION B C-53 B B T 90° T T 45° L Fig. 1 Conductor Catalog Number YA8C2TC14 YA8C2TC14-45 YA8C2TC14-90 YA8C2TC14E2 YA8C2TC14E2-45 YA8C2TC14E2-90 YA8C2TC38 YA8C2TC38-45 YA8C2TC38-90 YA6C2N YA6C2N-45 YA6C2N-90 YA6C2TC14 YA6C2TC14-45 YA6C2TC14-90 YA6C2TC14E1 YA6C2TC14E1-45 YA6C2TC14E1-90 YA6C2TC14E2 YA6C2TC14E2-45 YA6C2TC14E2-90 YA6C2TC38 YA6C2TC38-45 YA6C2TC38-90 YA6C2TC38E2 YA6C2TC38E2-45 YA6C2TC38E2-90 YA6C2TC38E6 YA6C2TC38E6-45 YA6C2TC38E6-90 Fig # 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 AWG *** MM2 #8 STR. † #6 SOL 10 37/24 #6 AWG - Stud Stud Hole Hole Tongue Size Spacing Width .40 1/4 5/8 .40 .41 .41 1/4 3/4 .41 .41 .73 3/8 1 .73 .73 .81 1/2 1-3/4 .81 .81 .45 1/4 5/8 .45 .45 .45 1/4 1 .45 .45 .45 1/4 3/4 .45 .45 .63 3/8 1 .63 .63 .63 3/8 3/4 .63 .63 .63 3/8 7/8 .63 .63 ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. * Use PUADP-1 adaptor with "U" -dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. ** P-RT die sets for use in Y46 HYPRESS™ only, PUADP-1 adapter not required. Figure Dimensions (B) (T) (L) 2.33 .81 .08 2.20 1.49 2.45 .81 .08 2.33 1.62 2.89 .81 .06 2.72 2.05 4.40 1.12 .12 4.29 3.28 2.65 1.12 .08 2.45 1.51 3.03 1.12 .08 2.83 1.88 2.78 1.12 .08 2.58 1.63 3.22 1.12 .06 2.97 2.06 2.97 1.12 .06 2.72 1.81 3.09 1.12 .06 2.85 1.94 Dieless (# of crimps) L L Fig. 2 Fig. 3 ▲ Installation Tooling Mechanical Hydraulic MD6, OUR840, BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, MD7-34R Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 Y2MR (2) Y8MRB-1 (2) MY29-3 (2) W8CVT (2) MY29-11 (2) W8CRT (2) MRC840 (2) X8CRT (2) Y81KFT (1) Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) Y1MR (2) Y2MR (2) MY29-3 (2) MY29-11 (2) MRC840 (2) Y81KFT (1) Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length W8CVT (2) W8CRT (2) X8CRT (2) U8CRT (1) Red 49 1 W5CVT (2) W5CVT (2) W5CRT (2) W5CRT (2) X5CRT (2) X5CRT (2) X8CART (2) X8CART (2) U5CRT (2) U8CABT (2) Blue 7 1-3/16 *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 2 conductor. † The MM2 conductor size listed here is for Class 2 and Class 5 conductor. " Available undrilled. Add suffix "U" to catalog number (example: YA25U). ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. BURNDY Compression B TWO HOLE HYLUG™ CODE CONDUCTOR LONG BARREL (Continued) T Catalog Number C-54 YA5C2N AWG *** MM2 T 2 YA5C2N-90 3 YA4C2N YA4C2N-45 YA4C2N-90 YA4C2TC14 YA4C2TC14-45 YA4C2TC14-90 YA4C2TC14E2 YA4C2TC14E2-45 YA4C2TC14E2-90 YA4C2TC38 YA4C2TC38-45 YA4C2TC38-90 YA3C2N YA3C2N-45 YA3C2N-90 YA3C2TC14 YA3C2TC14-45 YA3C2TC14-90 YA3C2TC14E2 YA3C2TC14E2-45 YA3C2TC14E2-90 YA3C2TC38 YA3C2TC38-45 YA3C2TC38-90 YA3C2TC38E2 YA3C2TC38E2-45 YA3C2TC38E2-90 YA2C2N YA2C2N-45 YA2C2N-90 YA2C2TC14 YA2C2TC14-45 YA2C2TC14-90 YA2C2TC14E2 YA2C2TC14E2-45 YA2C2TC14E2-90 YA2C2TC38E2 YA2C2TC38E2-45 YA2C2TC38E2-90 YA2C2TC516E2 YA2C2TC516E2-45 YA2C2TC516E2-90 YA2C2NTC38 YA2C2NTC38-45 YA2C2NTC38-90 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 5 AWG 4 AWG - Fig. 1 Stud Stud Hole Hole Tongue Size Spacing Width Figure Dimensions (B) (T) (L) 1/2 1-3/4 .83 1.12 1/2 1-3/4 .81 1.12 1/4 5/8 .50 1.12 1/4 3/4 .50 1.12 3/8 1 . .56 1.12 1/2 1-3/4 .81 1.25 1/4 5/8 .55 1.25 1/4 3/4 .55 1.25 3/8 1 .58 1.25 3/8 3/4 .58 1.25 1/2 1-3/4 .81 1.25 1/4 5/8 .60 1.25 1/4 3/4 .60 1.25 #3 STR # 3 AWG 25 #2 SOL #2 AWG 35 3/8 3/4 .60 1.25 5/16 3/4 .60 1.25 3/8 1-3/4 .60 1.25 ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. * Use PUADP-1 adaptor with "U" -dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. T 45° 1 YA5C2N-45 90° L Conductor Fig # B B Dieless (# of crimps) L L Fig. 2 Fig. 3 ▲ Installation Tooling Mechanical Hydraulic MD6, OUR840, BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, MD7-34R Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 MY29-3 (2) 4.43 MY29-1 (2) MRC840 (2) W5CRT (2) .12 4.31 Y644HS (1) W5CVT (2) Y81KFT (1) X5CRT (2) Y81KFTMBH (1) 3.28 PAT81KFT-18V (1) 4.45 .12 4.32 3.30 2.70 .09 2.51 W4CVT (2) 1.54 W4CRT (2) 2.83 X4CRT (2) .09 2.64 1.66 3.26 Y1MR (4) .08 3.03 Y2MR (4) 2.09 MY29-3 (2) 4.62 MY29-11 (2) .12 4.44 MRC840 (2) 3.32 Y644HS (1) 2.87 Y81KFT (1) .09 2.62 Y81KFTMBH (1) 1.55 PAT81KFT-18V (1) 2.99 .09 2.75 W3CRT (2) 1.68 3.43 .08 3.16 2.11 3.18 .08 2.91 1.86 4.64 .12 4.46 3.34 2.86 .11 2.66 Y1MR (4) 1.58 Y2MR (4) 2.98 MY29-3 (2) .11 2.78 W2CVT (2) MY29-11 (2) 1.71 W2CRT (2) MRC840 (2) 3.17 X2CRT (2) Y644HS (1) .11 2.97 Y81KFT (2) 1.90 Y81KFTMBH (2) 3.05 PAT81KFT-18V (2) .11 2.84 1.77 4.17 .11 3.97 2.90 ** P-RT die sets for use in Y46 HYPRESS™ only, PUADP-1 adapter not required. *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 2 conductor. Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length X5CRT (2) X5CVT (2) W5CRT (2) U5CRT (2) Blue 7 1-3/16 W4CVT (2) W4CRT (2) X4CRT (2) U4CRT (2) U6CABT (2) Gray 8 1-3/16 W3CRT (2) U3CRT (2) White 9 1-5/16 W2CVT (2) W2CRT (2) X2CRT (2) U2CRT (2) Brown 10 1-5/16 " Available undrilled. Add suffix "U" to catalog number (example: YA25U). ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. BURNDY Compression B TWO HOLE HYLUG™ CODE CONDUCTOR LONG BARREL (Continued) Catalog Number YA2C2TC38 YA2C2TC38-45 YA2C2TC38-90 YA2C2TC38E6 YA2C2TC38E6-45 YA2C2TC38E6-90 YA2C2TC516E2 YA2C2TC516E2-45 YA2C2TC516E2-90 YA1C2N YA1C2N-45 YA1C2N-90 YA1C2TC14 YA1C2TC14-45 YA1C2TC14-90 YA1C2TC14E2 YA1C2TC14E2-45 YA1C2TC14E2-90 YA1C2TC38 YA1C2TC38-45 YA1C2TC38-90 YA252N YA252N-45 YA252N-90 YA252TC14 YA252TC14-45 YA252TC14-90 YA252TC14E2 YA252TC14E2-45 YA252TC14E2-90 YA252TC38 YA252TC38-45 YA252TC38-90 YA252TC516 YA252TC516-45 YA252TC516-90 YA252NTC38 YA252NTC38-45 YA252NTC38-90 YA262N YA262N-45 YA262N-90 YA262TC14 YA262TC14-45 YA262TC14-90 YA262TC14E2 YA262TC14E2-45 YA262TC14E2-90 AWG #2 AWG *** MM2 35 1 AWG 1/0 AWG 2/0 AWG 45° Fig. 1 3/8 1 .60 3/8 7/8 .60 5/16 3/4 .60 1/2 1-3/4 .81 5/8 .68 50 1/4 3/4 .75 3/8 1 .68 1/2 1-3/4 .81 1/4 5/8 .75 1/4 3/4 .75 - 70 3/8 1 .75 5/16 1 .75 3/8 1-3/4 .75 1/2 1-3/4 .83 1/4 5/8 . .83 1/4 3/4 . .83 ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. * Use PUADP-1 adaptor with "U" -dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. ** P-RT die sets for use in Y46 HYPRESS™ only, PUADP-1 adapter not required. T L Stud Stud Hole Hole Tongue Size Spacing Width 1/4 90° T Conductor Fig # 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 B B T Figure Dimensions (B) (T) (L) 3.42 1.25 .11 3.22 2.14 3.30 1.25 .11 3.10 2.02 3.05 1.25 .11 2.84 1.77 4.82 1.38 .12 4.58 3.36 3.03 1.38 .10 2.76 1.60 3.15 1.38 .10 2.88 1.73 3.59 1.38 .10 3.32 2.16 4.81 1.38 .11’ 4.56 3.38 3.05 1.38 .12 2.82 1.64 3.18 1.38 .12 2.94 1.76 3.62 1.38 .12 3.38 2.20 3.49 1.38 .12 3.26 2.08 4.37 1.38 .12 4.13 2.95 4.97 1.50 .12 4.69 3.41 3.22 1.50 .12 2.94 1.66 3.34 1.50 .12 3.06 1.79 Dieless (# of crimps) L L Fig. 2 Fig. 3 ▲ Installation Tooling Mechanical Hydraulic MD6, OUR840, BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, MD7-34R Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 Y1MR (4) Y2MR (4) MY29-3 (2) MY29-11 (2) W2CVT (2) MRC840 (2) W2CRT (2) Y644HS(1) X2CRT (2) Y81KFT (2) Y81KFTMBH (2) PAT81KFT-18V (2) Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length C-55 W2CVT (2) W2CRT (2) X2CRT (2) U2CRT (2) Brown 10 1-5/16 Y1MR (4) MY29-3 (2) MY29-11 (2) W1CVT (2) W1CVT (2) MRC840 (2) W1CRT-1 (2) W1CRT-1 (2) Y644HS (1) X1CRT-1 (2) X1CRT-1 (2) Y81KFT (2) Y81KFTMBH (2) PAT81KFT-18V (2) U1CRT-1 (2) U4CABT (2) Green 11 1-1/2 MY29-3 (2) MY29-11 (2) MRC840 (4) Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (2) Y81KFTMBH (2) PAT81KFT-18V (2) W25VT (4) W25RT (4) X25RT (4) W25VT (4) W25RT (4) X25RT (4) U25RT (2) U2CABT (2) Pink 12 1-7/16 W26VT (4) W26RT (4) X26RT (4) W26VT (4) W26RT (4) X26RT (4) U26RT (2) Black 13 1-9/16 *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 2 conductor. " Available undrilled. Add suffix "U" to catalog number (example: YA25U). ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. BURNDY Compression B TWO HOLE HYLUG™ CODE CONDUCTOR LONG BARREL (Continued) Catalog Number C-56 YA262TC38 YA262TC38-45 YA262TC38-90 YA272N YA272N-45 YA272N-90 YA272TC14E2 YA272TC14E2-45 YA272TC14E2-90 YA272TC38 YA272TC38-45 YA272TC38-90 YA282N YA282N-45 YA282N-90 YA282TC38 YA282TC38-45 YA282TC38-90 YA282TC14E2 YA282TC14E2-45 YA282TC14E2-90 YA282NTC38 YA282NTC38-45 YA282NTC38-90 YA292N YA292N-45 YA292N-90 YA292TC38 YA292TC38-45 YA292TC38-90 YA302TC38 YA302TC38-45 YA302TC38-90 YA302N YA302N-45 YA302N-90 YA312N YA312N-45 YA312N-90 YA312TC14E2 YA312TC14E2-45 YA312TC14E2-90 YA312TC38 YA312TC38-45 YA312TC38-90 YA322N YA322N-45 YA322N-90 45° Fig. 1 AWG *** MM2 2/0 AWG 70 3/8 1 .83 1/2 1-3/4 .91 1/4 3/4 .91 3/8 1 .90 - 1/2 3/8 4/0 AWG 250 kcmil 300 kcmil 350 kcmil 400 kcmil 1-3/4 1.02 1 1.02 1/4 3/4 1.02 3/8 1-3/4 1.02 1/2 1-3/4 1.11 3/8 1 1.10 3/8 1 1.20 150 185 - 1/2 1-3/4 1.20 1/2 1-3/4 1.29 1/4 3/4 1.29 3/8 1 1.29 1/2 ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. * Use PUADP-1 adaptor with "U" -dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. ** P-RT die sets for use in Y46 HYPRESS™ only, PUADP-1 adapter not required. T L Stud Stud Hole Hole Tongue Size Spacing Width 3/0 AWG 90° T Conductor Fig # 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 B B T 1-3/4 1.38 Figure Dimensions (B) (T) (L) 3.78 1.50 .12 3.50 2.22 5.01 1.50 .13 4.73 3.44 3.38 1.50 .12 3.10 1.82 3.82 1.50 .12 3.54 2.25 5.17 1.62 .14 4.88 3.49 3.99 1.62 .14 3.69 2.30 3.55 1.62 .14 3.25 1.86 4.74 1.62 .14 4.44 3.05 5.21 1.62 .16 4.94 3.52 4.02 1.62 .16 3.75 2.34 4.45 2.00 .16 4.07 2.37 5.64 2.00 .16 5.26 3.56 5.68 2.00 .18 5.31 3.60 4.05 2.00 .18 3.68 1.97 4.49 2.00 .18 4.12 2.41 5.85 2.12 .19 5.47 3.64 Mechanical Dieless MD6, OUR840, (# of crimps) MD7-34R Y81KFT (1) W26VT (4) Y81KFTMBH (1) W26RT (4) PAT81KFT-18V (1) X26RT (4) L L Fig. 2 Fig. 3 ▲ Installation Tooling Hydraulic BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 W26VT (4) W26RT (4) U26RT (2) X26RT (4) Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length Black 13 1-9/16 W27VT (4) W27RT (4) X27RT (6) W27VT (4) W27RT (4) X27RT (6) U27RT (2) Orange 14 1-9/16 W28VT (4) W28RT (4) X28RT (6) W28VT (4) W28RT (4) X28RT (6) U28RT (2) Purple 15 1-11/16 MY29-3 (2) MY29-11 (2) Y644HS (1) W29VT (4) Y81KFT (2) X29RT (8) Y81KFTMBH (2) PAT81KFT-18V (2) W29VT (4) W29RT (4) X29RT (8) U29RT (2) Yellow 16 1-11/16 W30VT (4) W30VT (4) W30RT (4) U30RT (4) U28ART (4) White 17 2 W31VT (4) W31RT (4) U31RT (4) U29ART (4) Red 18 2-1/16 W32VT (4) W32RT (4) U32RT (4) U30ART (4) Blue 19 2-3/16 MY29-3 (2) MY29-11 (2) MRC840 (4) Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (2) Y81KFTMBH (2) PAT81KFT-18V (2) Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (3) Y81KFTMBH (3) PAT81KFT-18V (3) W31VT (4) W32VT (4) *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 2 conductor. " Available undrilled. Add suffix "U" to catalog number (example: YA25U). ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. BURNDY Compression B TWO HOLE HYLUG™ CODE CONDUCTOR LONG BARREL (Continued) Catalog Number YA322TC38 1 YA322TC38-45 YA322TC38-90 YA332N YA332N-45 YA332N-90 YA342N YA342N-45 YA342N-90 YA342TC14E2 YA342TC14E2-45 YA342TC14E2-90 YA342TC38 YA342TC38-45 YA342TC38-90 YA352N YA352N-45 YA352N-90 YA362N YA362N-45 YA362N-90 YA362TC38 YA362TC38-45 YA362TC38-90 YA372N YA372N-45 YA372N-90 YA382N YA382N-45 YA382N-90 YA382TC38 YA382TC38-45 YA382TC38-90 YA392N YA392N-45 YA392N-90 YA392NT38 YA392NT38-45 YA392NT38-90 YA392TC38 YA392TC38-45 YA392TC38-90 YA402N YA402N-45 YA402N-90 YA412N YA412N-45 YA412N-90 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 AWG *** MM2 45° Fig. 1 Stud Stud Hole Hole Tongue Size Spacing Width 3/8 450 kcmil - 1/2 1-3/4 1.48 2.12 1/2 1-3/4 1.55 2.25 550 kcmil 600 kcmil - 3/4 1.55 2.25 3/8 1 1.55 2.25 1/2 1-3/4 1.65 2.63 1/2 1-3/4 1.74 2.69 300 700 kcmil - 1 1.74 2.69 1/2 1-3/4 1.80 2.81 1/2 1-3/4 1.84 2.81 3/8 1/2 750 kcmil 1.38 2.12 1/4 3/8 650 kcmil 1 Figure Dimensions (B) (T) (L) - 240 - 1 1.84 2.81 1-3/4 1.91 2.88 3/8 1 1.63 2.88 3/8 1 1.91 2.88 800 kcmil 400 1/2 1-3/4 1.95 2.94 850 kcmil - 1/2 1-3/4 2.01 2.94 ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. * Use PUADP-1 adaptor with "U" -dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. ** P-RT die sets for use in Y46 HYPRESS™ only, PUADP-1 adapter not required. T L 400 kcmil 500 kcmil 90° T Conductor Fig # B B T Dieless (# of crimps) L L Fig. 2 Fig. 3 ▲ Installation Tooling Mechanical Hydraulic MD6, OUR840, BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, MD7-34R Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 Y644HS (1) 4.66 Y81KFT (3) .19 4.28 Y81KFTMBH (3) W32VT (4) 2.46 PAT81KFT-18V (3) 5.93 .21 5.57 W33VT (4) 3.70 6.06 .23 5.72 3.73 4.46 .23 4.09 W34VT (4) 2.10 4.90 .23 4.53 2.54 6.49 .25 6.06 Y644HS (1) 3.77 Y81KFT (4) 6.59 Y81KFTMBH (4) 6.17 PAT81KFT-18V (4) .27 3.81 5.59 .26 5.17 2.81 6.74 .27 6.29 3.84 6.77 .27 6.29 3.84 5.76 .27 5.29 2.84 6.87 .27 6.38 3.87 5.87 .27 5.38 2.87 Y644HS (1) 5.87 Y81KFT (3) .27 5.38 Y81KFTMBH (3) 2.87 PAT81KFT-18V (3) 6.95 .30 6.50 3.91 6.96 .31 6.52 3.93 *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 2 conductor. " Available undrilled. Add suffix "U" to catalog number (example: YA25U). ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length C-57 W32VT (4) W32RT (4) U32RT (4) U30RT (4) Blue 19 W33VT (4) W33RT (4) U33RT Gray 2-3/16 326 2-5/16 W34VT (4) W34RT (4) U34RT (4) U31ART (4) Brown 20 2-1/2 - U35RT (4) Yellow 21 2-11/16 - U36RT (4) U32ART (4) Green 22 2-3/4 - U37RT (4) Orange 23 2-7/8 - U38RT (4) Pink 400 2-7/8 - U39RT (4) P39RT (4) ** Black 24 2-3/4 - P40RT (4) ** - - 2-3/16 Orange 25 3 Gold 3 26 BURNDY Compression B TWO HOLE HYLUG™ CODE CONDUCTOR LONG BARREL (Continued) Catalog Number C-58 YA442N YA442N-45 YA442N-90 YA442TC38 YA442TC38-45 YA442TC38-90 YA452N YA452N-45 YA452N-90 YA4532N YA4532N-45 YA4532N-90 YA462N YA462N-45 YA462N-90 YA472N YA472N-45 YA472N-90 YA482N YA482N-45 YA482N-90 AWG *** MM2 Fig. 1 1-3/4 2.17 1000 kcmil 500 3/8 1 2.19 1250 kcmil - 1/2 1-3/4 2.46 1300 kcmil - 1/2 1-3/4 2.53 1500 kcmil - 1/2 1-3/4 2.67 1750 kcmil - 1/2 1-3/4 2.90 2000 kcmil - 1/2 1-3/4 3.10 ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. * Use PUADP-1 adaptor with "U" -dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. ** P-RT die sets for use in Y46 HYPRESS™ only, PUADP-1 adapter not required. T 45° Stud Stud Hole Hole Tongue Size Spacing Width 1/2 90° T L Conductor Fig # 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 B B T L L Fig. 2 Fig. 3 ▲ Installation Tooling Figure Mechanical Hydraulic Dimensions Dieless MD6, OUR840, BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, (B) (T) (L) (# of crimps) MD7-34R Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 7.14 3.00 .33 6.71 Y644HS (1) 4.02 Y81KFT (3) P44RT (4) 6.14 Y81KFTMBH (3) ** 3.00 .33 5.71 PAT81KFT-18V (3) 3.02 7.44 3.19 .38 7.03 P45RT (6) 4.13 ** 7.48 3.19 .39 7.07 4.16 7.55 3.19 .40 7.15 P46RT (6) 4.22 ** 7.89 3.44 .42 7.45 4.30 7.98 3.44 .46 7.60 4.40 *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 2 conductor. " Available undrilled. Add suffix "U" to catalog number (example: YA25U). ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length White 27 3-1/16 Yellow 29 3-1/4 Orange 30 3-1/4 2-1/16 Green 31 3-1/4 Gray 33 3-1/2 Brown 34 3-1/2 BURNDY Compression TWO HOLE HYLUG™ CODE CONDUCTOR LONG BARREL WITH INSPECTION WINDOW DIE AND COLOR CODE INFORMATION BEVELED ENTRY INSPECTION WINDOW CRIMP TYPES YAZ-2N, YAZ-2TC UL Listed 90° C, 600 Volts to 35 KV ◆ ELECTRO-TIN PLATED CABLE ACCOMMODATION B C-59 B B T 90° T T 45° L Fig. 1 Catalog Number YAZV10-2TC14 YAZV10-2TC14-45 YAZV10-2TC14-90 YAZV10-2TC14E2 YAZV10-2TC14E2-45 YAZV10-2TC14E2-90 YAZ8C-2TC10 YAZ8C-2TC10-45 YAZ8C-2TC10-90 YAZ8C-2TC10E2 YAZ8C-2TC10E2-45 YAZ8C-2TC10E2-90 YAZ8C-2TC14 YAZ8C-2TC14-45 YAZ8C-2TC14-90 YAZ8C-2TC14E2 YAZ8C-2TC14E2-45 YAZ8C-2TC14E2-90 YAZ8C-2TC14E1 YAZ8C-2TC14E1-45 YAZ8C-2TC14E1-90 YAZ8C-2TC38 YAZ8C-2TC38-45 YAZ8C-2TC38-90 YAZ6C-2N YAZ6C-2N-45 YAZ6C-2N-90 YAZ6C-2TC10E2 YAZ6C-2TC10E2-45 Fig *** # AWG MM2 1 2 3 14-10 AWG 6 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 #8 STR 2 † 3 #6 SOL 1 10 2 37/24 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 #6 AWG - YAZ6C-2TC10E2-90 3 1/4 5/8 .41 1/4 3/4 .41 #10 5/8 .41 #10 3/4 .41 1/4 5/8 .44 1/4 3/4 .44 1/4 1 .44 3/8 1 .58 1/2 1-3/4 .83 #10 ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. * Use PUADP-1 adaptor with "U" -dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. ** P-RT die sets for use in Y46 HYPRESS™ only, PUADP-1 adapter not required. *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 2 conductor. 3/4 .42 Fig. 3 Fig. 2 Conductor Stud Stud Hole Hole Tongue Size Spacing Width L L Figure Mechanical Dimensions Dieless MD6, OUR840, (B) (T) (L) (# of crimps) MD7-34R 2.16 .69 .05 2.03 1.45 Y8MRB-1 (2) 2.28 .69 .05 2.16 1.58 2.20 .75 .08 2.09 1.37 2.33 .75 .08 2.22 Y1MR (2) 1.50 Y8MRB-1 (2) 2.33 Y2MR (2) .75 .08 2.20 W8CVT (2) MY29-3 (2) 1.49 W8CRT (2) MY29-11 (2) 2.45 X8CRT (2) MRC840 (2) .75 .08 2.33 Y81KFT (1) 1.62 Y81KFTMBH (1) 2.70 PAT81KFT-18V (1) .75 .08 2.58 1.87 2.89 .75 .06 2.72 2.05 4.40 Y2MR (2) 1.12 .12 4.29 MY29-3 (2) 3.28 MY29-11 (2) W5CVT (2) 2.65 MRC840 (2) W5CRT (2) 2.48 Y644HS (1) X5CRT (2) Y1MR (2) 1.12 .09 X8CART (2) Y81KFT (1) 1.51 Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) † The MM2 conductor size referred to here is for Class 2 and Class 5 conductor. " Available undrilled. Add suffix "U" to catalog number (example: YA25U). ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. ▲ Installation Tooling Hydraulic BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length - - - - 3/4 W8CVT (2) W8CRT (2) X8CRT (2) U8CRT (2) Red 49 7/8 W5CVT (2) X5CRT (2) X5CRT (2) X8CART (2) U5CRT (2) U8CABT (2) Blue 7 or 1-1/16 374 BURNDY Compression TWO HOLE HYLUG™ CODE CONDUCTOR LONG BARREL WITH INSPECTION WINDOW B B B 90° T T T 45° L L L Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 (Continued) Conductor C-60 Catalog Number YAZ6C-2TC14 YAZ6C-2TC14-45 YAZ6C-2TC14-90 YAZ6C-2TC14E2 YAZ6C-2TC14E2-45 YAZ6C-2TC14E2-90 YAZ6C-2TC14E1 YAZ6C-2TC14E1-45 YAZ6C-2TC14E1-90 YAZ6C-2TC38E2 YAZ6C-2TC38E2-45 YAZ6C-2TC38E2-90 YAZ6C-2TC38E6 YAZ6C-2TC38E6-45 YAZ6C-2TC38E6-90 YAZ6C-2TC38 YAZ6C-2TC38-45 YAZ6C-2TC38-90 YAZ5C-2N YAZ5C-2N-45 YAZ5C-2N-90 YAZ4C-2N YAZ4C-2N-45 YAZ4C-2N-90 YAZ4C-2TC10-E2 YAZ4C-2TC10-E245 YAZ4C-2TC10-E290 YAZ4C-2TC14 YAZ4C-2TC14-45 YAZ4C-2TC14-90 YAZ4C-2TC14E2 YAZ4C-2TC14E2-45 YAZ4C-2TC14E2-90 YAZ4C-2TC38 YAZ4C-2TC38-45 YAZ4C-2TC38-90 YAZ3C-2N YAZ3C-2N-45 YAZ3C-2N-90 YAZ3C-2TC14 YAZ3C-2TC14-45 YAZ3C-2TC14-90 YAZ3C-2TC14E2 YAZ3C-2TC14E2-45 YAZ3C-2TC14E2-90 YAZ3C-2TC38E2 YAZ3C-2TC38E2-45 YAZ3C-2TC38E2-90 Fig # 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 AWG #6 AWG #5 AWG #4 AWG *** MM2 Stud Stud Hole Hole Tongue Size Spacing Width 1/4 5/8 .45 1/4 3/4 .45 1/4 1 .45 - - - #3 AWG 3/8 3/4 .58 3/8 7/8 .58 3/8 1 .58 1/2 1-3/4 .83 1/2 1-3/4 .83 #10 3/4 .49 1/4 5/8 .49 1/4 3/4 .49 3/8 1 . .58 1/2 1-3/4 .83 1/4 5/8 .55 25 #2 SOL 1/4 3/4 .55 3/8 3/4 .58 ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. * Use PUADP-1 adaptor with "U" -dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. ** P-RT die sets for use in Y46 HYPRESS™ only, PUADP-1 adapter not required. Figure Dimensions (B) (T) (L) 2.65 1.12 .08 2.45 1.51 2.78 1.12 .08 2.58 1.63 3.03 1.12 .08 2.83 1.63 2.97 1.12 .06 2.72 1.81 3.09 1.12 .06 2.85 1.94 3.22 1.12 .06 2.97 2.06 4.43 1.12 .12 4.31 3.28 4.42 1.12 .12 4.30 3.30 2.67 1.12 .09 2.49 1.54 2.67 1.12 .09 2.49 1.54 2.80 1.12 .09 2.61 1.66 3.23 1.12 .08 3.01 2.09 4.58 1.25 .12 4.41 3.32 2.83 1.25 .09 2.59 1.55 2.95 1.25 .09 2.72 1.68 3.14 1.25 .08 2.88 1.86 Dieless (# of crimps) Y1MR (2) Y2MR (2) MY29-3 (2) MY29-11 (2) MRC840 (2) Y644HS (2) Y81KFT (1) Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) ▲ Installation Tooling Mechanical Hydraulic MD6, OUR840, BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, MD7-34R Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length W5CVT (2) W5CVT (2) W5CRT (2) X5CRT (2) X5CRT (2) X5CRT (2) X8CART (2) X8CART (2) U5CRT (2) U8CABT (2) Blue 7 or 374 1-1/6 W5CRT (2) W5CVT (2) X5CRT (2) W5CVT (2) W5CRT (2) X5CRT (2) U5CRT (2) Blue 7 or 374 1/16 Y1MR (4) Y2MR (4) MY29-3 (2) MY29-11 (2) W4CVT (2) MRC840 (2) W4CRT (2) Y644HS (2) X4CRT (2) Y81KFT (1) Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) W4CVT (2) W4CRT (2) X4CRT (2) U4CRT (2) U6CABT (2) Gray 8 or 1-1/16 346 Y1MR (4) Y2MR (4) MY29-3 (2) MY29-11 (2) MRC840 (2) W3CRT (2) Y644HS (2) Y81KFT (2) Y81KFTMBH (2) PAT81KFT-18V (2)) W3CRT (2) U3CRT (2) White *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 2 conductor. " Available undrilled. Add suffix "U" to catalog number (example: YA25U). 9 1-5/16 ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. BURNDY Compression TWO HOLE HYLUG™ CODE CONDUCTOR LONG BARREL WITH INSPECTION WINDOW B T L L L Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Conductor Catalog Number YAZ3C-2TC38 YAZ3C-2TC38-45 YAZ3C-2TC38-90 YAZ2C-2N YAZ2C-2N-45 YAZ2C-2N-90 YAZ2C-2TC10E2 YAZ2C-2TC10E2-45 YAZ2C-2TC10E2-90 YAZ2C-2TC14 YAZ2C-2TC14-45 YAZ2C-2TC14-90 YAZ2C-2TC14E2 YAZ2C-2TC14E2-45 YAZ2C-2TC14E2-90 YAZ2C-2TC14E1 YAZ2C-2TC14E1-45 YAZ2C-2TC14E1-90 YAZ2C-2TC516E2 YAZ2C-2TC516E2-45 YAZ2C-2TC516E2-90 YAZ2C-2TC38E2 YAZ2C-2TC38E2-45 YAZ2C-2TC38E2-90 YAZ2C-2TC38E6 YAZ2C-2TC38E6-45 YAZ2C-2TC38E6-90 YAZ2C-2TC38 YAZ2C-2TC38-45 YAZ2C-2TC38-90 YAZ2C-2NTC38 YAZ2C-2NTC38-45 YAZ2C-2NTC38-90 YAZ1C-2N YAZ1C-2N-45 YAZ1C-2N-90 YAZ1C-2TC14 YAZ1C-2TC14-45 YAZ1C-2TC14-90 YAZ1C-2TC14E2 YAZ1C-2TC14E2-45 YAZ1C-2TC14E2-90 YAZ1C-2TC38 YAZ1C-2TC38-45 YAZ1C-2TC38-90 YAZ25-2N 1 YAZ25-2N-45 2 YAZ25-2N-90 3 AWG #3 AWG #2 SOL #2 AWG *** MM2 Stud Stud Hole Hole Tongue Size Spacing Width 25 3/8 1 .58 1/2 1-3/4 .83 #10 3/4 .60 1/4 5/8 .60 1/4 3/4 .60 1/4 1 .60 5/16 3/4 .60 3/8 3/4 .60 3/8 7/8 .60 3/8 1 .60 35 3/8 1-3/4 .60 1/2 1-3/4 .83 1/4 #1 AWG 90° T T 45° (Continued) Fig # 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 B B 5/8 .67 50 1/4 3/4 .67 3/8 1 .67 Figure Dimensions (B) (T) (L) 3.39 1.25 .08 3.13 2.11 4.60 1.25 .12 4.32 3.32 2.85 1.25 .11 2.65 1.58 2.85 1.25 .11 2.65 1.58 2.97 1.25 .11 2.77 1.71 3.22 1.25 .11 3.02 1.96 3.03 1.25 .11 2.84 1.77 3.16 1.25 .11 2.96 1.90 3.28 1.25 .11 3.09 2.02 3.41 1.25 .11 3.21 2.14 4.16 1.25 .11 3.96 2.90 4.76 1.38 .12 4.45 3.34 3.01 1.38 .10 2.75 1.60 3.13 1.38 .10 2.87 1.73 3.57 1.38 .10 3.31 2.16 Dieless (# of crimps) ▲ Installation Tooling Mechanical Hydraulic MD6, OUR840, BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, MD7-34R Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length W3CRT (2) W3CRT (2) U3CRT (2) White 9 U2CRT (2) Brown 10 1-5/16 Y1MR (4) Y2MR (4) MY29-3 (2) MY29-11 (2) MRC840 (2) Y644HS (1) W2CVT (2) W2CVT (2) Y81KFT (2) W2CRT (2) W2CRT (2) Y81KFTMBH (2) X2CRT (2) X2CRT (2) PATKFT-18V (2) 1-5/16 Y1MR (4) MY29-3 (2) MY29-11 (2) W1CVT (2) W1CVT (2) MRC840 (2) W1CRT-1 (2) W1CRT-1 (2) Y644HS (1) X1CRT-1 (2) X1CRT-1 (2) Y81KFT (2) Y81KFTMBH (2) PATKFT-18V (2) U1CRT-1 (2) U4CABT (2) Green 11 or 1-7/16 375 MY29-3 (2) MY29-11 (2) MRC840 (4) W25RT (4) W25VT (4) 4.52 1.38 .11 Y644HS (1) W25VT (4) X25RT (4) Y81KFT (2) X25RT (4) W25RT (4) 3.38 Y81KFTMBH (2) PATKFT-18V (2) U25RT (2) U2CABT (2) Pink 4.79 1/0 AWG - 1/2 1-3/4 ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. * Use PUADP-1 adaptor with "U" -dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. .83 ** P-RT die sets for use in Y46 HYPRESS™ only, PUADP-1 adapter not required. *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 2 conductor. 12 or 1-7/16 348 " Available undrilled. Add suffix "U" to catalog number (example: YA25U). ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. C-61 BURNDY Compression TWO HOLE HYLUG™ CODE CONDUCTOR LONG BARREL WITH INSPECTION WINDOW (Continued) B 90° T C-62 Catalog Number YAZ25-2TC14 YAZ25-2TC14-45 YAZ25-2TC14-90 YAZ25-2TC14E2 YAZ25-2TC14E2-45 YAZ25-2TC14E2-90 YAZ25-2TC14E1 YAZ25-2TC14E1-45 YAZ25-2TC14E1-90 YAZ25-2TC516E6 YAZ25-2TC516E6-45 YAZ25-2TC516E6-90 YAZ25-2TC516 YAZ25-2TC516-45 YAZ25-2TC516-90 YAZ25-2TC38 YAZ25-2TC38-45 YAZ25-2TC38-90 YAZ25-2NTC38 YAZ25-2NTC38-45 YAZ25-2NTC38-90 YAZ26-2N YAZ26-2N-45 YAZ26-2N-90 YAZ26-2TC14 YAZ26-2TC14-45 YAZ26-2TC14-90 YAZ26-2TC14E2 YAZ26-2TC14E2-45 YAZ26-2TC14E2-90 YAZ26-2TC38 YAZ26-2TC38-45 YAZ26-2TC38-90 YAZ27-2N YAZ27-2N-45 YAZ27-2N-90 YAZ27-2TC14E2 YAZ27-2TC14E2-45 YAZ27-2TC14E2-90 YAZ27-2TC38 YAZ27-2TC38-45 YAZ27-2TC38-90 YAZ28-2N YAZ28-2N-45 YAZ28-2N-90 YAZ28-2TC14E2 YAZ28-2TC14E2-45 YAZ28-2TC14E2-90 AWG 1/0 AWG 2/0 AWG 3/0 AWG 4/0 AWG *** MM2 - 45° L L L Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Stud Stud Hole Hole Tongue Size Spacing Width 1/4 5/8 1/4 3/4 1/4 1 5/16 7/8 5/16 1 3/8 1 3/8 1-3/4 1/2 1 3/4 1/4 5/8 70 - 1/4 3/4 3/8 1 1/2 1-3/4 1/4 3/4 3/8 1 1/2 1-3/4 1/4 ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. * Use PUADP-1 adaptor with "U" -dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. ** P-RT die sets for use in Y46 HYPRESS™ only, PUADP-1 adapter not required. T T Conductor Fig # 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 B B 3/4 Figure Mechanical Dimensions Dieless MD6, OUR840, (B) (T) (L) (# of crimps) MD7-34R 3.04 .75 1.38 .12 2.81 1.64 3.16 .75 1.38 .12 2.93 1.76 3.41 .75 1.38 .12 3.18 2.01 3.35 W25RT (4) .75 1.38 .12 3.12 W25VT (4) 1.95 X25RT (4) 3.47 .75 1.38 .12 3.24 2.08 3.60 .75 1.38 .12 3.37 2.20 4.35 .75 1.38 .12 4.12 2.95 MY29-3 (2) 4.95 MY29-11 (2) .83 1.50 .12 4.67 MRC840 (4) 3.41 Y644HS (1) 3.20 Y81KFT (2) .83 1.50 .12 2.92 Y81KFTMBH (2) W26VT (4) 1.66 PAT81KFT-18V (2) W26RT (4) 3.32 X26RT (4) .83 1.50 .12 3.05 1.79 3.76 .83 1.50 .12 3.48 2.22 4.98 .91 1.50 .13 4.71 3.44 3.36 W27VT (4) .90 1.50 .12 3.08 W27RT (4) 1.82 X27RT (6) 3.80 .90 1.50 .12 3.52 2.25 5.15 1.02 1.62 .14 4.86 W28VT (4) 3.48 W28RT (4) 3.55 X28RT (6) 1.02 1.62 .14 3.25 1.86 *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 2 conductor. " Available undrilled. Add suffix "U" to catalog number (example: YA25U). ▲ Installation Tooling Hydraulic BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length W25VT (4) W25RT (4) W25RT (4) U25RT (2) U2CABT (2) Pink W26VT (4) W26RT (4) X26RT (4) U26RT (2) Black 13 1-9/16 W27VT (4) W27RT (4) X27RT (6) U27RT (2) Orange 14 1-9/16 W28VT (4) W28RT (4) X28RT (6) U28RT (2) Purple 15 1-11/16 12 or 1-7/16 348 ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. BURNDY Compression TWO HOLE HYLUG™ CODE CONDUCTOR LONG BARREL WITH INSPECTION WINDOW (Continued) B 90° T Catalog Number YAZ28-2TC38 YAZ28-2TC38-45 YAZ28-2TC38-90 YAZ28-2NTC38 YAZ28-2NTC38-45 YAZ28-2NTC38-90 3 YAZ29-2N YAZ29-2N-45 YAZ29-2N-90 YAZ29-2TC38 YAZ29-2TC38-45 YAZ29-2TC38-90 YAZ30-2N YAZ30-2N-45 YAZ30-2N-90 YAZ30-2TC38 YAZ30-2TC38-45 YAZ30-2TC38-90 YAZ31-2N YAZ31-2N-45 YAZ31-2N-90 YAZ31-2TC14E2 YAZ31-2TC14E2-45 YAZ31-2TC14E2-90 YAZ31-2TC38 YAZ31-2TC38-45 YAZ31-2TC38-90 YAZ32-2N YAZ32-2N-45 YAZ32-2N-90 YAZ32-2TC38 YAZ32-2TC38-45 YAZ32-2TC38-90 YAZ33-2N YAZ33-2N-45 YAZ33-2N-90 YAZ34-2N YAZ34-2N-45 YAZ34-2N-90 YAZ34-2TC14E2 YAZ34-2TC14E2-45 YAZ34-2TC14E2-90 YAZ34-2TC38 YAZ34-2TC38-45 YAZ34-2TC38-90 YAZ35-2N YAZ35-2N-45 YAZ35-2N-90 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 AWG *** MM2 45° L L L Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Stud Stud Hole Hole Tongue Size Spacing Width 3/8 4/0 AWG 3/8 1/2 250 kcmil 3/8 1/2 300 kcmil 150 3/8 1/2 350 kcmil 185 1/4 3/8 1/2 400 kcmil 3/8 450 kcmil - 1/2 1/2 500 kcmil 240 1/4 3/8 550 kcmil - 1/2 ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. * Use PUADP-1 adaptor with "U" -dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. ** P-RT die sets for use in Y46 HYPRESS™ only, PUADP-1 adapter not required. T T Conductor Fig # 1 2 3 1 2 B B Figure Mechanical Dimensions Dieless MD6, OUR840, (B) (T) (L) (# of crimps) MD7-34R 3.99 MY29-3 (2) 1 1.02 1.62 .14 3.69 MY29-11 (2) 2.30 MRC840 (4) W28VT (4) 4.74 Y644HS (1) W28RT (4) 4.44 Y81KFT (2) X28RT (6) 1-3/4 1.02 1.62 .14 Y81KFTMBH (2) 3.05 PAT81KFT-18V (2) 5.18 MY29-3 (2) 1-3/4 1.10 1.62 .16 4.92 MY29-11(2) 3.52 Y644HS (1) W29VT (4) 3.99 Y81KFT (2) X29RT (8) 1 1.10 1.62 .14 3.73 Y81KFTMBH (2) 2.34 PAT81KFT-18V (2) 5.60 1-3/4 1.20 2.00 .16 5.23 3.56 W30VT (4) 4.42 1 1.20 2.00 .16 4.04 2.37 5.64 1-3/4 1.29 2.00 .18 5.29 3.60 Y644HS (1) 4.02 Y81KFT (3) 3/4 1.29 2.00 .18 3.66 W31VT (4) Y81KFTMBH (3) 1.97 PAT81KFT-18V (3) 4.45 1 1.29 2.00 .18 4.10 2.41 5.81 1-3/4 1.40 2.12 .19 5.44 3.64 W32VT (4) 4.62 1 1.40 2.12 .19 4.25 2.46 5.89 1-3/4 1.48 2.13 .21 5.54 W33VT (4) 3.70 6.04 1-3/4 1.55 2.25 .23 5.69 3.73 Y644HS (1) 4.42 Y81KFT (4) 3/4 1.55 2.25 .23 4.06 W34VT (4) Y81KFTMBH (4) 2.10 PAT81KFT-18V (4) 4.85 1 1.55 2.25 .23 4.50 2.54 6.45 1-3/4 1.65 2.63 .25 6.03 3.77 *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 2 conductor. " Available undrilled. Add suffix "U" to catalog number (example: YA25U). ▲ Installation Tooling Hydraulic BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length W28VT (4) W28RT (4) X28RT (6) U28RT (2) Purple 15 1-11/16 X29RT (8) W29VT (4) W29RT (4) U29RT (2) Yellow 1-11/16 W30VT (4) W30RT (4) U30RT (4) U28ART (4) White 17 or 2-1/16 298 W31VT (4) W31RT (4) U31RT (4) U29ART (4) Red 18 or 2-1/16 324 W32VT (4) W32RT (4) U32RT (4) U30ART (4) Blue 19 or 2/16 470 W33VT (4) W33RT (4) U33RT (4) Gray 326 or 2-5/16 538 W34VT (4) W34RT (4) U34RT (4) U31ART (4) Brown 20 or 2-5/16 299 - U35RT (4) Yellow 16 21 2-11/16 ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. C-63 BURNDY Compression TWO HOLE HYLUG™ CODE CONDUCTOR LONG BARREL WITH INSPECTION WINDOW (Continued) B T Catalog Number YAZ36-2N YAZ36-2N-45 YAZ36-2N-90 YAZ36-2TC38 YAZ36-2TC38-45 YAZ36-2TC38-90 YAZ37-2N YAZ37-2N-45 YAZ37-2N-90 YAZ38-2N YAZ38-2N-45 YAZ38-2N-90 YAZ39-2N YAZ39-2N-45 YAZ39-2N-90 YAZ39-2NT38 YAZ39-2NT38-45 YAZ39-2NT38-90 YAZ39-2TC38 YAZ39-2TC38-45 YAZ39-2TC38-90 YAZ39-2NNT YAZ39-2NNT-45 YAZ39-2NNT-90 YAZ40-2N YAZ40-2N-45 YAZ40-2N-90 YAZ41-2N YAZ41-2N-45 YAZ41-2N-90 YAZ44-2N YAZ44-2N-45 YAZ44-2N-90 YAZ44-2TC38 YAZ44-2TC38-45 YAZ44-2TC38-90 YAZ45-2N YAZ45-2N-45 YAZ45-2N-90 YAZ453-2N YAZ453-2N-45 YAZ453-2N-90 YAZ46-2N YAZ46-2N-45 YAZ46-2N-90 YAZ47-2N YAZ47-2N-45 YAZ47-2N-90 Fig # 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 AWG *** MM2 Stud Stud Hole Hole Tongue Size Spacing Width 1/2 600 kcmil 1-3/4 1.74 300 3/8 1 1.74 650 kcmil - 1/2 1-3/4 1.80 700 kcmil - 1/2 1-3/4 1.84 1/2 1-3/4 1.91 750 kcmil 3/8 1 1.63 3/8 1 1.91 - 1/2 1-3/4 1.63 800 kcmil 400 1/2 1-3/4 1.98 850 kcmil - 1/2 1-3/4 2.01 1/2 1-3/4 2.19 1000 kcmil 500 3/8 1 2.19 1250 kcmil - 1/2 1-3/4 2.46 1300 kcmil - 1/2 1-3/4 2.53 1500 kcmil - 1/2 1-3/4 2.69 1750 kcmil - 1/2 1-3/4 2.90 ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. * Use PUADP-1 adaptor with "U" -dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. ** P-RT die sets for use in Y46 HYPRESS™ only, PUADP-1 adapter not required. 90° T T 45° Conductor C-64 B B L L L Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 ▲ Installation Tooling Figure Mechanical Hydraulic Dimensions Dieless MD6, OUR840, BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, (B) (T) (L) (# of crimps) MD7-34R Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 6.55 2.69 .27 6.14 3.81 U36RT (4) 5.55 U32ART (4) 2.69 .26 5.14 2.81 6.70 2.81 .27 6.26 U37RT (4) 3.84 6.72 2.81 .27 6.26 U38RT (4) 3.84 6.82 2.88 .27 6.34 3.87 5.82 Y644HS (1) 2.88 .27 5.34 Y81KFT (4) U39RT (4) 2.87 Y81KFTMBH (4) P39RT (4) 5.82 PAT81KFT-18V (4) ** 2.88 .27 5.34 2.87 6.82 2.88 .27 6.34 3.87 6.89 P40RT (4) 2.94 .30 6.46 ** 3.91 6.91 2.94 .31 6.48 3.93 7.08 3.00 .33 6.66 4.02 P44RT (4) 6.09 ** 3.00 .33 5.66 3.02 7.38 P45RT (6) 3.19 .38 6.99 ** 4.13 7.41 3.19 .39 7.03 4.16 7.48 P46RT (6) 3.19 .40 7.10 ** 4.22 7.82 3.44 .42 7.40 4.30 *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 2 conductor. " Available undrilled. Add suffix "U" to catalog number (example: YA25U). Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length Green 22 or 472 Orange 23 2/4 2-7/8 Pink 400 2-7/8 Black 24 2-15/16 Orange 25 3 Gold 3 White 27 3-1/16 Yellow 29 3-1/4 Orange 30 2-1/16 Green 31 3-5/16 Gray 3-1/2 33 ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. BURNDY Compression TWO HOLE HYLUG™ CODE CONDUCTOR LONG BARREL WITH INSPECTION WINDOW (Continued) B Catalog Number YAZ48-2N YAZ48-2N-45 YAZ48-2N-90 T T 45° Stud Stud Hole Hole Tongue Size Spacing Width Figure Dimensions (B) (T) (L) 7.89 1/2 1-3/4 3.10 3.44 .46 7.54 4.40 ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. * Use PUADP-1 adaptor with "U" dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. ** P-RT die sets for use in Y46 HYPRESS™ only, PUADP-1 adapter not required. 90° T L L L Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Conductor Fig *** # AWG MM2 1 2 2000 kcmil 3 B B Dieless (# of crimps) ▲ Installation Tooling Mechanical Hydraulic MD6, OUR840, BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, MD7-34R Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 2 conductor. " Available undrilled. Add suffix "U" to catalog number (example: YA25U). ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. - - Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length Brown 34 3-1/2 C-65 BURNDY Compression TWO HOLE HYLUG™ FLEX CONDUCTOR STANDARD BARREL COLOR CODE AND DIE INFORMATION BEVELED ENTRY INSPECTION WINDOW TYPES YA-L-2TC, YA-L-2TC-FX, YAV-L-2TC-FX CRIMP ELECTRO-TIN PLATED CABLE ACCOMMODATION ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. UL Listed 90° C, 600 Volts to 35 KV ◆ B C-66 COPPER COMPRESSION TERMINAL B B T T Fig. 1 Conductor Catalog Number YA8CL2TC10 YA8CL2TC10-45 YA8CL2TC10-90 YA8CL2TC14 YA8CL2TC14-45 YA8CL2TC14-90 YA8CL2TC14E1 YA8CL2TC14E1-45 YA8CL2TC14E1-90 YA8CL2TC14E2 YA8CL2TC14E2-45 YA8CL2TC14E2-90 YA8CL2TC38 YA8CL2TC38-45 YA8CL2TC38-90 YAV6C-L2TC10-FX YAV6C-L2TC10-FX-45 YAV6C-L2TC10-FX-90 YAV6C-L2TC10E2-FX YAV6C-L2TC10E2-FX-45 YAV6C-L2TC10E2-FX-90 YAV6C-L2TC10E4-FX YAV6C-L2TC10E4-FX-45 YAV6C-L2TC10E4-FX-90 YAV6C-L2TC10E9-FX YAV6C-L2TC10E9-FX-45 YAV6C-L2TC10E9-FX-90 Fig # 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 AWG *** MM2 Stud Stud Hole Hole Tongue Size Spacing Width # 10 5/8 .41 1/4 5/8 .44 1/4 1 .44 1/4 3/4 .44 3/8 1 .58 # 10 5/8 .44 # 10 3/4 .48 37/24 #8 WELD ** 10 #8 AWG 61/24 ** #6 WELD #6 AWG 16 # 10 11/16 .44 # 10 1/2 .48 * Use PUADP-1 adaptor with "U" dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. ** The MM2 conductor size referenced here is for both Class 2 and Class 5 conductor. *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 5 conductor. T Fig. 2 ▲ Installation Tooling Figure Mechanical Hydraulic Dimensions Dieless MD6, OUR840, BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, (B) (T) (L) (# of crimps) MD7-34R Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 1.84 .44 .08 1.83 1.37 1.95 MRC840 (1) .44 .08 1.94 MY29-3 (1) 1.49 MY29-11 (1) 2.33 Y8MRB-1 (1) W8CVT (1) W8CVT (1) .44 .08 2.32 Y2MR (1) W8CRT (1) W8CRT (1) U8CRT (1) 1.87 Y1MR (1) X8CRT (1) X8CRT (1) 2.08 Y81KFT (1) .44 .08 2.07 Y81KFTMBH (1) 1.62 PAT81KFT-18V (1) 2.52 .44. .06 2.46 2.05 1.94 .50 .07 1.86 1.38 MRC840 (1) 2.06 MY29-11 (1) .50 .08 2.06 Y2MR (1) W5CVT (1) W5CVT (1) 1.57 Y1MR (1) W5CRT (1) W5CRT (1) U5CRT (1) 2.00 Y81KFT (1) X5CRT (1) X5CRT (1) .50 .07 1.95 Y81KFTMBH (1) 1.44 PAT81KFT-18V (1) 1.81 .50 .08 1.77 1.27 ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. Use ONLY color-coded die recommendations for “FX” connectors. For nest/indentor system contact factory. ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. Fig. 3 Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length Red 49 7/16 Blue 7 1/2 BURNDY Compression B TWO HOLE HYLUG™ FLEX CONDUCTOR STANDARD BARREL (Continued) Catalog Number YAV6C-L2TC14-FX YAV6C-L2TC14-FX-45 YAV6C-L2TC14-FX-90 YAV6C-L2TC14E2-FX YAV6C-L2TC14E2-FX-45 YAV6C-L2TC14E2-FX-90 YAV6C-L2TC14E1-FX YAV6C-L2TC14E1-FX-45 YAV6C-L2TC14E1-FX-90 YAV6C-L2TC516-FX YAV6C-L2TC516-FX-45 YAV6C-L2TC516-FX-90 YAV6C-L2TC38-FX YAV6C-L2TC38-FX-45 YAV6C-L2TC38-FX-90 YAV6C-L2NTC-FX YAV6C-L2NTC-FX-45 YAV6C-L2NTC-FX-90 YAV4C-L2NT10-FX YAV4C-L2NT10-FX-45 YAV4C-L2NT10-FX-90 YAV4C-L2NT10E1-FX YAV4C-L2NT10E1-FX-45 YAV4C-L2NT10E1-FX-90 YAV4C-L2TC14-FX YAV4C-L2TC14-FX-45 YAV4C-L2TC14-FX-90 YAV4C-L2TC14E2-FX YAV4C-L2TC14E2-FX-45 YAV4C-L2TC14E2-FX-90 YAV4C-L2TC14E1-FX YAV4C-L2TC14E1-FX-45 YAV4C-L2TC14E1-FX-90 YAV4C-L2TC516-FX YAV4C-L2TC516-FX-45 YAV4C-L2TC516-FX-90 YAV4C-L2TC38-FX YAV4C-L2TC38-FX-45 YAV4C-L2TC38-FX-90 YAV4C-L2NTC-FX YAV4C-L2NTC-FX-45 YAV4C-L2NTC-FX-90 YAV2C-L2TC14-FX YAV2C-L2TC14-FX-45 YAV2C-L2TC14-FX-90 YAV2C-L2TC14E2-FX YAV2C-L2TC14E2-FX-45 YAV2C-L2TC14E2-FX-90 AWG *** MM2 Stud Stud Hole Hole Tongue Size Spacing Width 1/4 5/8 .48 1/4 3/4 .48 1/4 1 .48 5/16 1 .52 3/8 1 .58 1/2 1-3/4 .83 # 10 5/8 .41 # 10 1 .41 1/4 5/8 .55 1/4 3/4 .55 61/24 ** #6 WELD 16 #6 AWG 91/24 105/24 #4 WELD 1/4 1 .55 5/16 1 .55 3/8 1 .58 1/2 1-3/4 .83 1/4 5/8 .68 1/4 3/4 .68 #4 AWG 125/24 150/24 #2 WELD #2 AWG 35 * Use PUADP-1 adaptor with "U" dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. ** The 16 MM2 referenced here is for both Class 2 and Class 5 conductor. *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 5 conductor. T Fig. 1 Conductor Fig # 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 B B T T Fig. 2 ▲ Installation Tooling Figure Mechanical Hydraulic Dimensions Dieless MD6, OUR840, BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, (B) (T) (L) (# of crimps) MD7-34R Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 2.06 .50 .08 2.02 1.52 2.19 .50 .08 2.15 1.64 2.44 MY29-11 (1) .50 .08 2.40 Y2MR (1) W5CVT (1) W5CVT (1) 1.89 Y1MR (1) W5CRT (1) W5CRT (1) U5CRT (1) 2.50 Y81KFT (1) X5CRT (1) X5CRT (1) .50 .07 2.45 Y81KFTMBH (1) 1.95 PAT81KFT-18V (1) 2.62 .50 .06 2.56 2.07 3.81 .50 .12 3.67 3.29 1.95 .50 .09 1.94 1.43 2.33 .50 .09 2.31 1.80 2.08 .50 .09 2.06 1.55 2.20 .50 .09 2.19 W4CVT (1) W4CVT (1) 1.68 W4CRT (1) W4CRT (1) U4CRT (1) 2.45 MY29-11 (1) X4CRT (1) X4CRT (1) .50 .09 2.44 Y2MR (2) 1.93 Y1MR (2) 2.52 Y81KFT (1) .50 .09 2.50 Y81KFTMBH (1) 1.99 PAT81KFT-18V (1) 2.68 .50 .08 2.64 2.11 3.87 .50 .12 3.91 3.32 2.26 .63 .10 2.22 W2CVT (1) W2CVT (1) 1.60 W2CRT (1) W2CRT (1) U2CRT (1) 2.38 X2CRT (1) X2CRT (1) .63 .10 2.34 1.73 ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. Use ONLY color-coded die recommendations for “-FX” connectors. For nest/indentor system contact factory. ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. Fig. 3 Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length C-67 Blue 7 7/16 Gray 8 1/2 Brown 10 11/16 BURNDY Compression B TWO HOLE HYLUG™ FLEX CONDUCTOR STANDARD BARREL (Continued) Catalog Number C-68 YAV2C-L2TC14E1-FX YAV2C-L2TC14E1-FX-45 YAV2C-L2TC14E1-FX-90 YAV2C-L2TC516-FX YAV2C-L2TC516-FX-45 YAV2C-L2TC516-FX-90 YAV2C-L2TC38-FX YAV2C-L2TC38-FX-45 YAV2C-L2TC38-FX-90 YAV2C-L2NTC-FX YAV2C-L2NTC-FX-45 YAV2C-L2NTC-FX-90 YAV1C-L2TC14-FX YAV1C-L2TC14-FX-45 YAV1C-L2TC14-FX-90 YAV1C-L2TC14E1-FX YAV1C-L2TC14E1-FX-45 YAV1C-L2TC14E1-FX-90 YAV1C-L2TC14E2-FX YAV1C-L2TC14E2-FX-45 YAV1C-L2TC14E2-FX-90 YAV1C-L2TC516-FX YAV1C-L2TC516-FX-45 YAV1C-L2TC516-FX-90 YAV1C-L2TC38-FX YAV1C-L2TC38-FX-45 YAV1C-L2TC38-FX-90 YAV1C-L2NTC-FX YAV1C-L2NTC-FX-45 YAV1C-L2NTC-FX-90 YAV25-L2TC14-FX YAV25-L2TC14-FX-45 YAV25-L2TC14-FX-90 YAV25-L2TC14E2-FX YAV25-L2TC14E2-FX-45 YAV25-L2TC14E2-FX-90 YAV25-L2TC516E2-FX YAV25-L2TC516E2-FX-45 YAV25-L2TC516E2-FX-90 YAV25-L2TC516-FX YAV25-L2TC516-FX-45 YAV25-L2TC516-FX-90 YAV25-L2TC38-FX YAV25-L2TC38-FX-45 YAV25-L2TC38-FX-90 YAV25-L2TC12E1-FX YAV25-L2TC12E1-FX-45 YAV25-L2TC12E1-FX-90 AWG *** MM2 150/24 #2 WELD Stud Stud Hole Hole Tongue Size Spacing Width 1/4 1 .68 5/16 1 .68 35 #2 AWG 3/8 1 .68 1/2 1-3/4 .83 1/4 5/8 .75 1/4 1 .75 1/4 3/4 .75 175/24 225/24 #1 WELD 5/16 1 .75 3/8 1 .75 1/2 1-3/4 .83 1/4 5/8 .83 1/4 3/4 .83 5/16 3/4 .83 5/16 1 . .83 3/8 1 .83 1/2 1 .83 #1 AWG 275/24 1/0 WELD 1/0 AWG 50 * Use PUADP-1 adaptor with "U" dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 5 conductor. T Fig. 1 Conductor Fig # 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 B B T T Fig. 2 ▲ Installation Tooling Figure Mechanical Hydraulic Dimensions Dieless MD6, OUR840, BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, (B) (T) (L) (# of crimps) MD7-34R Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 2.63 .63 .10 2.60 1.98 2.71 MY29-11 (1) .63 .10 2.70 Y2MR (2) W2CVT (1) W2CVT (1) 2.04 Y1MR (2) W2CRT (1) W2CRT (1) U2CRT (1) 2.82 Y81KFT (1) X2CRT (1) X2CRT (1) .63 .10 2.78 Y81KFTMBH (1) 2.17 PAT81KFT-18V (1) 4.07 .63 .08 3.93 3.34 2.35 .69 .12 2.32 1.64 2.71 .69 .12 2.69 2.00 2.47 .69 .12 2.45 W1CVT (1) W1CVT (1) 1.76 W1CRT-1 (1) W1CRT-1 (1) U1CRT-1 (1) 2.79 X1CRT-1 (1) X1CRT-1 (1) .69: .12 2.76 2.08 2.91 .69 .12 2.88 2.20 4.10 .69 .11 4.04 MY29-11 (1) 3.38 Y81KFT (1) 2.39 Y81KFTMBH (1) .69 .12 2.35 PAT81KFT-18V (1)) 1.66 2.51 .69 .12 2.47 1.79 2.57 .69 .12 2.53 W25VT (2) W25VT (2) 1.85 W25RT (2) W25RT (2) U25RT (1) 2.82 X25RT (2) X25RT (2) .69 .12 2.78 2.10 2.95 .69 .12 2.91 2.23 3.20 .69 .12 3.16 2.48 ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. Use ONLY color-coded die recommendations for “-FX” connectors. For nest/indentor system contact factory. Fig. 3 Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length Brown 10 11/16 Green 11 11/16 Pink 12 11/16 ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. BURNDY Compression B TWO HOLE HYLUG™ FLEX CONDUCTOR STANDARD BARREL (Continued) Catalog Number YAV25-L2NTC-FX YAV25-L2NTC-FX-45 YAV25-L2NTC-FX-90 YAV26-L2TC14-FX YAV26-L2TC14-FX-45 YAV26-L2TC14-FX-90 YAV26-L2TC14E2-FX YAV26-L2TC14E2-FX-45 YAV26-L2TC14E2-FX-90 YAV26-L2TC516-FX YAV26-L2TC516-FX-45 YAV26-L2TC516-FX-90 YAV26-L2TC38-FX YAV26-L2TC38-FX-45 YAV26-L2TC38-FX-90 YAV26-L2TC12E1-FX YAV26-L2TC12E1-FX-45 YAV26-L2TC12E1-FX-90 YAV26-L2NTC-FX YAV26-L2NTC-FX-45 YAV26-L2NTC-FX-90 YAV27-L2TC14-FX YAV27-L2TC14-FX-45 YAV27-L2TC14-FX-90 YAV27-L2TC38-FX YAV27-L2TC38-FX-45 YAV27-L2TC38-FX-90 YAV27-L2NTC-FX YAV27-L2NTC-FX-45 YAV27-L2NTC-FX-90 YAV27-L2NTC516-FX YAV27-L2NTC516-FX-45 YAV27-L2NTC516-FX-90 YAV28-L2TC14E2-FX YAV28-L2TC14E2-FX-45 YAV28-L2TC14E2-FX-90 YAV28-L2TC14-FX YAV28-L2TC14-FX-45 YAV28-L2TC14-FX-90 YAV28-L2TC516-FX YAV28-L2TC516-FX-45 YAV28-L2TC516-FX-90 YAV28-L2TC38-FX YAV28-L2TC38-FX-45 YAV28-L2TC38-FX-90 YAV28-L2NTC-FX YAV28-L2NTC-FX-45 YAV28-L2NTC-FX-90 AWG 275/24 1/0 AWG 1/0 WELD *** MM2 Stud Stud Hole Hole Tongue Size Spacing Width 50 1/2 1-3/4 .83 1/4 5/8 .93 1/4 3/4 .93 5/16 1 .93 325/24 2/0 WELD 70 2/0 AWG 3/8 1 .93 1/2 1 .93 1/2 1-3/4 .93 1/4 5/8 1.03 3/8 1 1.03 450/24 3/0 WELD 95 3/0 AWG 1/2 1-3/4 1.03 5/16 1 1.03 1/4 3/4 1.12 1/4 5/8 1.12 5/16 1 1.12 3/8 1 1.12 1/2 1-3/4 1.20 550/24 ** 4/0 WELD 120 4/0 AWG * Use PUADP-1 adaptor with "U" dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. ** The 120 MM2 referenced here is for both Class 2 and Class 5 conductor. *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 5 conductor. T Fig. 1 Conductor Fig # 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 B B T T Fig. 2 ▲ Installation Tooling Figure Mechanical Hydraulic Dimensions Dieless MD6, OUR840, BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, (B) (T) (L) (# of crimps) MD7-34R Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 4.14 .69 .12 4.10 W25VT (2) W25VT (2) U25RT (1) 3.41 2.56 .81 .13 2.49 1.70 2.68 .81 .13 2.61 1.83 2.99 .81 .13 2.93 W26VT (2) W26VT (2) 2.14 W26RT (2) W26RT (2) U26RT (1) 3.12 X26RT (2) X26RT (2) .81 .13 3.05 2.26 3.37 .81 .13 3.30 2.51 4.31 .81 .13 4.24 3.45 2.83 MY29-11 (1) 1.00 .14 2.69 Y644HS (1) 1.74 Y81KFT (1) 3.35 Y81KFTMBH (1) W27VT (2) 1.00 .14 3.23 PAT81KFT-18V (1) W27VT (2) 2.30 W27RT (2) W27RT (2) U27RT (1) 4.54 X27RT (3) X27RT (3) 1.00 .14 4.42 3.49 3.22 1.00 .14 3.11 2.18 2.91 1.03 .15 2.80 1.86 2.86 1.03 .15 2.74 1.78 3.30 W28VT (2) W28VT (2) 1.03 .15 3.18 W28RT (2) W28RT (2) U28RT (1) 2.22 X28RT (3) X28RT (3) 3.43 1.03 .15 3.30 2.34 4.18 1.03 .15 4.05 3.09 ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. Use ONLY color-coded die recommendations for “-FX” connectors. For nest/indentor system contact factory. ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. Fig. 3 Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length C-69 Pink 12 11/16 Black 13 13/16 Orange 14 1 Purple 15 1-1/16 BURNDY Compression B TWO HOLE HYLUG™ FLEX CONDUCTOR STANDARD BARREL (Continued) Stud Stud Hole Hole Tongue Size Spacing Width 1/4 3/4 1.14 3/8 1 .94 1/2 1 1.14 1/2 1-1/4 1.14 1/2 1-3/4 1.14 1/4 3/4 1.12 1/4 5/8 1.12 5/16 1 1.12 3/8 1 1.12 1/2 1-3/4 1.20 3/8 1 .94 1/2 1 1.14 1/2 1-1/4 1.14 3/8 1 1.20 1/2 1-1/4 1.20 1/2 1-3/4 1.20 * Use PUADP-1 adaptor with "U" dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. ** The 120 MM2 referenced here is for both Class 2 and Class 5 conductor. *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 5 conductor. T Fig. 1 Conductor Fig *** Catalog Number # AWG MM2 1 C-70 YAV28-L2TC14E2 YAV28-L2TC14E2-45 2 YAV28-L2TC14E2-90 3 YAV28-L2NT38-FX 1 YAV28-L2NT38-FX-45 2 YAV28-L2NT38-FX-90 3 550/24 YAV28-LTC12E1-FX 1 ** YAV28-LTC12E1-FX-45 2 4/0 WELD YAV28-LTC12E1-FX-90 3 120 YAV28-L2TC12-FX 1 4/0 AWG YAV28-L2TC12-FX-45 2 YAV28-L2TC12-FX-90 3 YAV28-L2NTC-FX 1 YAV28-L2NTC-FX-45 2 YAV28-L2NTC-FX-90 3 YAV29-L2TC14E2-FX 1 YAV29-L2TC14E2-FX-45 2 YAV29-L2TC14E2-FX-90 3 YAV29-L2TC14-FX 1 YAV29-L2TC14-FX-45 2 YAV29-L2TC14-FX-90 3 YAV29-L2TC516-FX 1 YAV29-L2TC516-FX-45 2 YAV29-L2TC516-FX-90 3 YAV29-L2TC38-FX 1 YAV29-L2TC38-FX-45 2 550/24 YAV29-L2TC38-FX-90 3 YAV29-L2NTC-FX 1 4/0 WELD YAV29-L2NTC-FX-45 2 YAV29-L2NTC-FX-90 3 YAV29-L2NT38-FX 1 YAV29-L2NT38-FX-45 2 YAV29-L2NT38-FX-90 3 YAV29-LTC12E1-FX 1 YAV29-LTC12E1-FX-45 2 YAV29-LTC12E1-FX-90 3 YAV29-L2TC12-FX 1 YAV29-L2TC12-FX-45 2 YAV29-L2TC12-FX-90 3 YA30-L2TC38-FX 1 YA30-L2TC38-FX-45 2 YA30-L2TC38-FX-90 3 YA30-L2TC12-FX 1 250 FLEX YA30-L2TC12-FX-45 2 CLASS G 259 STR YA30-L2TC12-FX-90 3 CLASS H 427 STR YA30-L2NTC-FX 1 YA30-L2NTC-FX-45 2 YA30-L2NTC-FX-90 3 B B T T Fig. 2 ▲ Installation Tooling Figure Mechanical Hydraulic Dimensions Dieless MD6, OUR840, BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, (B) (T) (L) (# of crimps) MD7-34R Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 2.99 1.03 .15 2.87 1.90 3.44 1.03 .15 3.36 2.36 MY29-11 (1) 3.68 Y644HS (1) W28VT (2) W28VT (2) 1.03 .15 3.55 Y81KFT (1) W28RT (2) W28RT (2) U28RT (1) 2.59 Y81KFTMBH (1) X28RT (3) X28RT (3) 3.93 PAT81KFT-18V (1) 1.03 .15 3.80 2.84 4.62 1.03 .15 4.49 3.53 2.91 1.03 .16 2.80 1.86 2.86 1.03 .16 2.74 1.78 3.30 1.03 .16 3.18 2.22 3.43 1.03 .16 3.30 Y644HS (1) W29VT (2) W29VT (2) 2.34 Y81KFT (1) W29RT (2) U29RT (1) X29RT (4) 4.18 Y81KFTMBH (1) X29RT (4) 1.03 .16 4.05 PAT81KFT-18V (1) 3.09 3.44 1.03 .16 3.36 2.36 3.68 1.03 .16 3.55 2.59 3.93 1.03 .16 3.80 2.84 3.45 1.03 .16 3.36 2.37 Y644HS (1) 3.95 W29VT (2) W29VT (2) Y81KFT (1) 1.03 .16 3.86 W29RT (2) U29RT (1) Y81KFTMBH (1) X29RT (4) 2.87 X29RT (4) PAT81KFT-18V (1) 4.63 1.03 .16 4.55 3.56 ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. Use ONLY color-coded die recommendations for “-FX” connectors. For nest/indentor system contact factory. ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. Fig. 3 Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length Purple 15 1-1/16 Yellow 16 1-1/16 Yellow 16 1-1/16 BURNDY Compression B TWO HOLE HYLUG™ FLEX CONDUCTOR STANDARD BARREL (Continued) T Catalog Number YA31-L2TC38-FX YA31-L2TC38-FX-45 YA31-L2TC38-FX-90 YA31-L2TC12-FX YA31-L2TC12-FX-45 YA31-L2TC12-FX-90 YA31-L2NTC-FX YA31-L2NTC-FX-45 YA31-L2NTC-FX-90 YA31-L2NTC38-FX YA31-L2NTC38-FX-45 YA31-L2NTC38-FX-90 YA32-L2TC38-FX YA32-L2TC38-FX-45 YA32-L2TC38-FX-90 YA32-L2NTC-FX YA32-L2NTC-FX-45 YA32-L2NTC-FX-90 YA34-L2TC38-FX YA34-L2TC38-FX-45 YA34-L2TC38-FX-90 YA34-L2TC12-FX YA34-L2TC12-FX-45 YA34-L2TC12-FX-90 YA34-L2NTC-FX YA34-L2NTC-FX-45 YA34-L2NTC-FX-90 YA34-L2TC516-FX YA34-L2TC516-FX-45 YA34-L2TC516-FX-90 YA34-L2NT38-FX YA34-L2NT38-FX-45 YA34-L2NT38-FX-90 YA34-L2NTC38-FX YA34-L2NTC38-FX-45 YA34-L2NTC38-FX-90 YA36-L2TC38-FX YA36-L2TC38-FX-45 YA36-L2TC38-FX-90 YA36-L2NTC-FX YA36-L2NTC-FX-45 YA36-L2NTC-FX-90 YA38-L2TC38-FX YA38-L2TC38-FX-45 YA38-L2TC38-FX-90 YA38-L2TC12-FX YA38-L2TC12-FX-45 YA38-L2TC12-FX-90 AWG *** MM2 Stud Stud Hole Hole Tongue Size Spacing Width 3/8 250 FLEX 637/24 1 1.29 1/2 1-1/4 1.29 150 1/2 1-3/4 1.29 CLASS I, K, M 3/8 1-3/4 1.29 3/8 775/24 1 1.38 185 313.1 kcmil 1/2 1-3/4 1.38 3/8 1 1.52 1/2 1-1/4 1.52 373.7 kcmil 1/2 1-3/4 1.52 925/24 240 (350 MCM NOM) 5/16 1 1.55 3/8 1 .96 3/8 1-3/4 1.55 3/8 1100/24 1 1.72 444.4 kcmil 535.3 kcmil 1325/24 300 (500 MCM NOM) 1/2 1-3/4 1.72 3/8 1 1.81 1/2 1-1/4 1.81 * Use PUADP-1 adaptor with "U" dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 5 conductor. ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. Use ONLY color-coded die recommendations for “-FX” connectors. For nest/indentor system contact factory. T Fig. 1 Conductor Fig # 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 B B T Figure Mechanical Dimensions Dieless MD6, OUR840, (B) (T) (L) (# of crimps) MD7-34R 3.51 1.06 .18 3.43 2.41 4.01 1.06 .18 3.93 2.91 W30VT (2) 4.70 1.06 .18 4.62 3.60 4.26 1.06 .18 4.18 3.16 3.69 1.19 .19 3.59 2.45 W31VT (2) 4.88 1.19 .19 4.78 3.64 3.88 1.27 .23 3.81 2.54 4.38 Y644HS (1) 1.27 .23 4.31 Y81KFT (1) 3.04 Y81KFTMBH (1) 5.06 PAT81KFT-18V (1) 1.27 .23 5.00 3.73 W32VT (2) 3.75 1.27 .23 3.69 2.42 3.88 1.27 .23 3.81 2.54 4.63 1.27 .23 4.56 3.29 4.24 1.38 .27 4.21 2.81 5.24 1.38 .27 5.21 3.81 4.35 1.45 .27 4.30 2.84 4.67 1.45 .27 4.61 3.16 ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. Fig. 2 Fig. 3 ▲ Installation Tooling Hydraulic BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length C-71 W30VT (2) W30RT (2) U30RT (2) White 17 1-1/8 W31VT (2) W31RT (2) U31RT (2) Red 18 1-1/4 W32VT (2) W32RT (2) U32RT (2) Blue 19 1-5/16 - U34RT (2) - U38XRT (2) Brown 20 1-7/16 Pink L99 1-7/16 BURNDY Compression B TWO HOLE HYLUG™ FLEX CONDUCTOR STANDARD BARREL (Continued) T AWG *** MM2 Stud Stud Hole Hole Tongue Size Spacing Width 1/2 1-3/4 1.81 535.3 kcmil 1325/24 5/16 1 1.84 300 3/8 (500 MCM NOM) 1 1.63 1/2 1-3/4 1.63 600 kcmil - 1/2 1-3/4 1.91 1/2 1-3/4 1.95 646 kcmil 400 3/8 1 1.98 1600/24 1/2 1-3/4 1.63 3/8 1 2.19 1/2 1-3/4 2.19 5/8 1-1/2 2.19 777.7 kcmil 1925/24 500 1/2 1-1/4 2.19 (750 MCM NOM) 1/2 1-1/2 2.19 3/8 1 1.63 1/2 1-3/4 1.63 * Use PUADP-1 adaptor with "U" dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 5 conductor. ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. Use ONLY color-coded die recommendations for “-FX” connectors. For nest/indentor system contact factory. T Fig. 1 Conductor Fig Catalog Number # C-72 YA38-L2NTC-FX 1 YA38-L2NTC-FX-45 2 YA38-L2NTC-FX-90 3 YA38-L2TC516-FX 1 YA38-L2TC516-FX-45 2 YA38-L2TC516-FX-90 3 YA38-L2NT38-FX 1 YA38-L2NT38-FX-45 2 YA38-L2NT38-FX-90 3 YA38-L2NNT-FX 1 YA38-L2NNT-FX-45 2 YA38-L2NNT-FX-90 3 YA39-L2NTC-FX 1 YA39-L2NTC-FX-45 2 YA39-L2NTC-FX-90 3 YA40-L2NTC-FX 1 YA40-L2NTC-FX-45 2 YA40-L2NTC-FX-90 3 YA40-L2TC38-FX 1 YA40-L2TC38-FX-45 2 YA40-L2TC38-FX-90 3 YA40-L2NNT-FX 1 YA40-L2NNT-FX-45 2 YA40-L2NNT-FX-90 3 YA44-L2TC38-FX 1 YA44-L2TC38-FX-45 2 YA44-L2TC38-FX-90 3 YA44-L2NTC-FX 1 YA44-L2NTC-FX-45 2 YA44-L2NTC-FX-90 3 YA44-L2TC58-FX 1 YA44-L2TC58-FX-45 2 YA44-L2TC58-FX-90 3 YA44-L2TC12-FX 1 YA44-L2TC12-FX-45 2 YA44-L2TC12-FX-90 3 YA44-L2TC12E3-FX 1 YA44-L2TC12E3-FX-45 2 YA44-L2TC12E3-FX-90 3 YA44-L2NT38-FX 1 YA44-L2NT38-FX-45 2 YA44-L2NT38-FX-90 3 YA44-L2NNT-FX 1 YA44-L2NNT-FX-45 2 YA44-L2NNT-FX-90 3 B B T Figure Dimensions (B) (T) (L) 5.35 1.45 .27 5.30 3.84 4.04 1.45 .27 3.98 2.53 4.35 1.45 .27 4.30 2.84 5.35 1.45 .27 5.30 3.84 5.36 1.42 .27 5.31 3.87 5.38 1.42 .30 5.38 3.91 4.28 1.42 .30 4.20 2.72 5.38 1.42 .30 5.38 3.91 4.74 1.65 .33 4.71 3.02 5.74 1.65 .33 5.71 4.02 5.55 1.65 .33 5.52 3.83 5.05 1.65 .33 5.02 3.33 5.30 1.65 .33 5.27 3.58 4.74 1.65 .33 4.71 3.02 5.74 1.65 .33 5.71 4.02 Dieless (# of crimps) Fig. 2 Fig. 3 ▲ Installation Tooling Mechanical Hydraulic MD6, OUR840, BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, MD7-34R Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (1) Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length - - U38XRT (2) Pink L99 1-7/16 - - U38RT (2) Purple 23 - - U39RT (2) Black - - U44XRT (2) Yellow L115 1-5/8 1-3/8 24 1-5/16 Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (2) Y81KFTMBH (2) PAT81KFT-18V (2) ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. BURNDY Compression TWO HOLE HYLUG™ FLEX CONDUCTOR STANDARD BARREL LEAD PLATED BEVELED ENTRY DIE AND COLOR CODE INFORMATION NO INSPECTION WINDOW CRIMPS TYPE YAG-L-2TC-LD LEAD PLATED COPPER COMPRESSION TERMINAL CABLE ACCOMMODATION C-73 B UL Listed 90° C, 600 Volts to 35 KV ◆ B B T T T 90° 45° L L Fig. 2 Fig. 3 L Fig. 1 Conductor Catalog Number YAG8CL-2TC14-LD YAG8CL-2TC14-LD-45 YAG8CL-2TC14-LD-90 YAG8CL-2TC38-LD YAG8CL-2TC38-LD-45 YAG8CL-2TC38-LD-90 YAG8CL-2TC10-LD YAG8CL-2TC10-LD-45 YAG8CL-2TC10-LD-90 YAG8CL-2TC14E1-LD YAG8CL-2TC14E1-LD-45 YAG8CL-2TC14E1-LD-90 YAG8CL-2TC14E2-LD YAG8CL-2TC14E2-LD-45 YAG8CL-2TC14E2-LD-90 YAG6CL-2TC10-LD YAG6CL-2TC10-LD-45 YAG6CL-2TC10-LD-90 YAG6CL-2TC10E2-LD YAG6CL-2TC10E2-LD-45 YAG6CL-2TC10E2-LD-90 YAG6CL-2TC10E4-LD YAG6CL-2TC10E4-LD-45 YAG6CL-2TC10E4-LD-90 YAG6CL-2TC10E-LD YAG6CL-2TC10E-LD-45 YAG6CL-2TC10E-LD-90 YAG6CL-2TC14-LD YAG6CL-2TC14-LD-45 YAG6CL-2TC14-LD-90 YAG6CL-2TC14E1-LD YAG6CL-2TC14E1-LD-45 YAG6CL-2TC14E1-LD-90 Fig # 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 AWG *** MM2 Stud Stud Hole Hole Tongue Size Spacing Width 1/4 5/8 .41 3/8 1 .57 # 10 5/8 .41 1/4 1 .44 1/4 3/4 .44 # 10 5/8 .44 # 10 3/4 .48 # 10 11/16 .44 #8 WELD 37/24 ** 10 #8 AWG #6 WELD 61/24 ** 16 #6 AWG # 10 1/2 .48 1/4 5/8 .48 1/4 1 .48 * Use PUADP-1 adapter with "U" dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. ** The MM2 conductor size referenced here is for both Class 2 and Class 5 conductor. Figure Dimensions (B) (T) (L) 1.95 .44 .08 1.94 1.00 2.52 .44 .06 2.46 2.05 1.84 .44 .08 1.83 1.37 2.33 .44 .08 2.32 1.87 2.08 .44 .08 2.07 1.62 1.94 .50 .07 1.86 1.38 2.06 .50 .08 2.02 1.57 2.00 .50 .07 1.95 1.44 1.81 .50 .08 1.77 1.27 2.06 .50 .08 2.02 1.52 2.44 .50 .08 2.40 1.89 Dieless (# of crimps) ▲ Installation Tooling Mechanical Hydraulic MD6, OUR840, BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, MD7-34R Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 W8CVT W8CVT U8CRT MRC840 (1) MY29-3 (1) MY29-11 (1) Y8MRB-1 (1) W8CVT (1) Y2MR (1) W8CRT (1) Y1MR (1) X8CRT (1) Y81KFT (1) Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) MY29-11 (1) Y2MR (1) W5CVT (1) Y1MR (1) W5CRT (1) Y81KFT (1) X5CRT (1) Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 5 conductor. ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length Red 49 1/2 W8CVT (1) W8CRT (1) X8CRT (1) U8CRT (1) Red 49 7/16 W5CVT (1) W5CRT (1) X5CRT (1) U5CRT (1) Blue 7 1/2 BURNDY Compression B TWO HOLE HYLUG™ FLEX CONDUCTOR STANDARD BARREL LEAD PLATED (Continued) Catalog Number YAG6CL-2TC14E2-LD YAG6CL-2TC14E2-LD-45 YAG6CL-2TC14E2-LD-90 YAG6CL-2TC516-LD YAG6CL-2TC516-LD-45 YAG6CL-2TC516-LD-90 YAG6CL-2TC38-LD YAG6CL-2TC38-LD-45 YAG6CL-2TC38-LD-90 YAG6CL-2NTC-LD YAG6CL-2NTC-LD-45 YAG6CL-2NTC-LD-90 YAG4CL-2NT10-LD YAG4CL-2NT10-LD-45 YAG4CL-2NT10-LD-90 YAG4CL-2NT10E1-LD YAG4CL-2NT10E1-LD-45 YAG4CL-2NT10E1-LD-90 YAG4CL-2TC14-LD YAG4CL-2TC14-LD-45 YAG4CL-2TC14-LD-90 YAG4CL-2TC14E2-LD YAG4CL-2TC14E2-LD-45 YAG4CL-2TC14E2-LD-90 YAG4CL-2TC14E1-LD YAG4CL-2TC14E1-LD-45 YAG4CL-2TC14E1-LD-90 YAG4CL-2TC38-LD YAG4CL-2TC38-LD-45 YAG4CL-2TC38-LD-90 YAG4CL-2TC516-LD YAG4CL-2TC516-LD-45 YAG4CL-2TC516-LD-90 YAG4CL-2NTC-LD YAG4CL-2NTC-LD-45 YAG4CL-2NTC-LD-90 YAG2CL-2TC14-LD YAG2CL-2TC14-LD-45 YAG2CL-2TC14-LD-90 YAG2CL-2TC14E1-LD YAG2CL-2TC14E1-LD-45 YAG2CL-2TC14E1-LD-90 YAG2CL-2TC14E2-LD YAG2CL-2TC14E2-LD-45 YAG2CL-2TC14E2-LD-90 YAG2CL-2TC38-LD YAG2CL-2TC38-LD-45 YAG2CL-2TC38-LD-90 Fig # 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 AWG *** MM2 #6 WELD 61/24 ** 16 #6 AWG Stud Stud Hole Hole Tongue Size Spacing Width 1/4 3/4 .48 5/16 1 .52 3/8 1 .58 1/2 1-3/4 .83 # 10 5/8 .41 # 10 1 .41 1/4 5/8 .55 1/4 3/4 .55 #4 WELD 91/24 105/24 1/4 1 .55 3/8 1 .58 5/16 1 .55 . 1/2 1-3/4 .83 1/4 5/8 .68 1/4 1 .68 #4 AWG #2 WELD 125/24 150/24 35 1/4 3/4 .68 3/8 1 .68 #2 AWG * Use PUADP-1 adapter with "U" dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. ** The 16 MM2 referenced here is for both Class 2 and Class 5 conductor. T 90° T 45° Conductor C-74 B B T L L L Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 ▲ Installation Tooling Figure Mechanical Hydraulic Dimensions Dieless MD6, OUR840, BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, (B) (T) (L) (# of crimps) MD7-34R Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 2.18 .50 .08 2.15 1.64 2.50 MY29-11 (1) .50 .07 2.45 Y2MR (1) 1.95 Y1MR (1) W5CVT (1) W5CVT (1) Y81KFT (1) W5CRT (1) W5CRT (1) U5CRT (1) 2.62 .50 .06 2.56 Y81KFTMBH (1) X5CRT (1) X5CRT (1) 2.07 PAT81KFT-18V (1) 3.81 .50 .12 3.67 3.29 1.99 .50 .09 1.97 1.43 2.37 .50 .09 2.34 1.80 2.11 .50 .09 2.09 1.55 2.24 .50 .09 2.22 W4CVT (1) W4CVT (1) 1.68 W4CRT (1) W4CRT (1) U4CRT (1) 2.49 X4CRT (1) X4CRT (1 ) .50 .09 2.47 1.93 MY29-11 (1) 2.68 Y2MR (2) .50 .08 2.64 Y1MR (2) 2.11 Y81KFT (1) 2.56 Y81KFTMBH (1) .50 .09 2.53 PAT81KFT-18V (1) 1.99 3.87 .50 .12 3.91 3.32 2.28 .63 .10 2.23 1.60 2.63 .63 .10 2.60 W2CVT (1) W2CVT (1) 1.98 W2CRT (1) W2CRT (1) U2CRT (1) 2.40 X2CRT (1) X2CRT (1) .63 .10 2.36 1.73 2.84 .63 .10 2.79 2.17 *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 5 conductor. ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length Blue 7 1/2 Gray 8 1/2 Brown 10 11/16 BURNDY Compression B TWO HOLE HYLUG™ FLEX CONDUCTOR STANDARD BARREL LEAD PLATED (Continued) YAG26L-2TC14-LD 1 YAG26L-2TC14-LD-45 2 YAG26L-2TC14-LD-90 3 AWG #2 WELD 125/24 150/24 #2 AWG *** MM2 Stud Stud Hole Hole Tongue Size Spacing Width 5/16 1 .68 1/2 1-3/4 .83 1/4 5/8 .75 1/4 3/4 .75 1/4 1 .75 35 #1 WELD 175/24 225/24 5/16 1 .75 3/8 1 .75 1/2 1-3/4 .83 1/4 5/8 .83 1/4 3/4 .83 5/16 3/4 .83 5/16 1 .83 3/8 1 .83 1/2 1-3/4 .83 1/2 1 .83 1/4 5/8 .93 #1 AWG 1/0 WELD 275/24 50 1/0 AWG 2/0 WELD 325/24 2/0 AWG 70 * Use PUADP-1 adapter with "U" dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 5 conductor. T 90° T 45° Conductor Fig Catalog Number # YAG2CL-2TC516-LD 1 YAG2CL-2TC516-LD-45 2 YAG2CL-2TC516-LD-90 3 YAG2CL-2NTC-LD 1 YAG2CL-2NTC-LD-45 2 YAG2CL-2NTC-LD-90 3 YAG1CL-2TC14-LD 1 YAG1CL-2TC14-LD-45 2 YAG1CL-2TC14-LD-90 3 YAG1CL-2TC14E2-LD 1 YAG1CL-2TC14E2-LD-45 2 YAG1CL-2TC14E2-LD-90 3 YAG1CL-2TC14E1-LD 1 YAG1CL-2TC14E1-LD-45 2 YAG1CL-2TC14E1-LD-90 3 YAG1CL-2TC516-LD 1 YAG1CL-2TC516-LD-45 2 YAG1CL-2TC516-LD-90 3 YAG1CL-2TC38-LD 1 YAG1CL-2TC38-LD-45 2 YAG1CL-2TC38-LD-90 3 YAG1CL-2NTC-LD 1 YAG1CL-2NTC-LD-45 2 YAG1CL-2NTC-LD-90 3 YAG25L-2TC14-LD 1 YAG25L-2TC14-LD-45 2 YAG25L-2TC14-LD-90 3 YAG25L-2TC14E2-LD 1 YAG25L-2TC14E2-LD-45 2 YAG25L-2TC14E2-LD-90 3 YAG25L-2TC516E2-LD 1 YAG25L-2TC516E2-LD-45 2 YAG25L-2TC516E2-LD-90 3 YAG25L-2TC516-LD 1 YAG25L-2TC516-LD-45 2 YAG25L-2TC516-LD-90 3 YAG25L-2TC38-LD 1 YAG25L-2TC38-LD-45 2 YAG25L-2TC38-LD-90 3 YAG25L-2NTC-LD 1 YAG25L-2NTC-LD-45 2 YAG25L-2NTC-LD-90 3 YAG25L-2TC12E1-LD 1 YAG25L-2TC12E1-LD-45 2 YAG25L-2TC12E1-LD-90 3 B B T L L L Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 ▲ Installation Tooling Figure Mechanical Hydraulic Dimensions Dieless MD6, OUR840, BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, (B) (T) (L) (# of crimps) MD7-34R Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 2.71 MY29-11 (1) .63 .10 2.67 Y2MR (2) 2.04 Y1MR (2) W2CVT (1) W2CVT (1) Y81KFT (1) W2CRT (1) W2CRT (1) U2CRT (1) 4.03 X2CRT (1) .63 .08 3.94 Y81KFTMBH (1) X2CRT (1) 3.34 PAT81KFT-18V (1) 2.37 .69 .12’’ 2.33 1.64 2.49 .69 .12 2.46 1.76 2.73 .69 .12 2.70 W1CVT (1) W1CVT (1) 2.00 W1CRT-1 (1) W1CRT-1 (1) U1CRT-1 (1) 2.81 X1CRT-1 (1) X1CRT-1 (1) .69 .12 2.77 2.08 2.93 .69 .12 2.90 2.20 4.12 .69 .11 4.06 3.38 2.41 .69 .12 2.36 1.66 MY29-11 (1) 2.53 Y81KFT (1) .69 .12 2.49 Y81KFTMBH (1) 1.79 PAT81KFT-18V (1) 2.60 .69 .12 2.55 1.85 2.85 W25VT (2) W25VT (2) .69 .12’’ 2.80 W25RT (2) W25RT (2) U25RT (1) 2.10 X25RT (2) X25RT (2) 2.97 .69 .12 2.92 2.23 4.16 .69 .12 4.11 3.41 3.22 .69 .12 3.17 2.48 MY29-11 (1) 2.58 Y644HS (1) W26RT (2) W26RT (2) .81 .13 2.51 Y81KFT (1) W26VT (2) W26VT (2) U26RT (1) Y81KFTMBH (1) X26RT (2) X26RT (2) 1.70 PAT81KFT-18V (1) ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length Brown 10 11/16 Green 11 11/16 Pink 12 11/16 Black 13 13/16 C-75 BURNDY Compression B TWO HOLE HYLUG™ FLEX CONDUCTOR STANDARD BARREL LEAD PLATED (Continued) Catalog Number YAG26L-2TC14E2-LD YAG26L-2TC14E2-LD-45 YAG26L-2TC14E2-LD-90 YAG26L-2TC516-LD YAG26L-2TC516-LD-45 YAG26L-2TC516-LD-90 YAG26L-2TC38-LD YAG26L-2TC38-LD-45 YAG26L-2TC38-LD-90 YAG26L-2NTC-LD YAG26L-2NTC-LD-45 YAG26L-2NTC-LD-90 YAG27L-2TC14-LD YAG27L-2TC14-LD-45 YAG27L-2TC14-LD-90 YAG27L-2TC14E2-LD YAG27L-2TC14E2-LD-45 YAG27L-2TC14E2-LD-90 YAG27L-2TC516-LD YAG27L-2TC516-LD-45 YAG27L-2TC516-LD-90 YAG27L-2TC38-LD YAG27L-2TC38-LD-45 YAG27L-2TC38-LD-90 YAG27L-2NTC-LD YAG27L-2NTC-LD-45 YAG27L-2NTC-LD-90 YAG28L-2TC14-LD YAG28L-2TC14-LD-45 YAG28L-2TC14-LD-90 YAG28L-2TC14E2-LD YAG28L-2TC14E2-LD-45 YAG28L-2TC14E2-LD-90 YAG28L-2TC516-LD YAG28L-2TC516-LD-45 YAG28L-2TC516-LD-90 YAG28L-2TC38-LD YAG28L-2TC38-LD-45 YAG28L-2TC38-LD-90 YAG28L-2NT38-LD YAG28L-2NT38-LD-45 YAG28L-2NT38-LD-90 YAG28L-2TC12E1-LD YAG28L-2TC12E1-LD-45 YAG28L-2TC12E1-LD-90 YAG28L-2TC12-LD YAG28L-2TC12-LD-45 YAG28L-2TC12-LD-90 Fig # 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 AWG *** MM2 2/0 WELD 325/24 Stud Stud Hole Hole Tongue Size Spacing Width 1/4 3/4 .93 5/16 1 .93 70 2/0 AWG 3/8 1 .93 1/2 1-3/4 .93 1/4 5/8 1.03 1/4 3/4 1.03 5/16 1 1.03 3/8 1 1.03 1/2 1-3/4 1.03 1/4 5/8 1.14 1/4 3/4 1.14 5/16 1 1.14 3/8 1 1.14 3/8 1 .94 1/2 1 1.14 1/2 1-1/4 1.14 3/0 WELD 450/24 95 3/0 AWG 4/0 WELD ** 550/24 120 4/0 AWG * Use PUADP-1 adapter with "U" dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. ** The 120 MM2 referenced here is for both Class 2 and Class 5 conductor. *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 5 conductor. T 90° T 45° Conductor C-76 B B T L L L Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 ▲ Installation Tooling Figure Mechanical Hydraulic Dimensions Dieless MD6, OUR840, BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, (B) (T) (L) (# of crimps) MD7-34R Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 2.71 .81 .13 2.63 1.83 3.02 .81 .13 2.94 W26RT (2) W26RT (2) 2.14 W26VT (2) W26VT (2) U26RT (1) 3.14 X26RT (2) X26RT (2) .81 .13 3.39 3.32 4.33 .81 .13 4.26 3.45 2.81 1.00 .14 2.67 1.74 2.94 1.00 .14 2.82 1.86 3.25 W27VT (2) W27VT (2) 1.00 .14 3.13 W27RT (2) W27RT (2) U27RT (1) 2.18 X27RT (3) X27RT (3) 3.38 MY29-11 (1) 1.00 .14 3.25 Y644HS (1) 2.30 Y81KFT (1) 4.56 Y81KFTMBH (1) 1.00 .14 4.44 PAT81KFT-18V (1) 3.49 2.90 1.03 .15 2.76 1.78 3.02 1.03 .15 2.89 1.90 3.33 1.03 .15 3.20 2.22 3.46 W28VT (2) W28VT (2) 1.03 .15 3.33 W28RT (2) W28RT (2) U28RT (1) 2.34 X28RT (3) X28RT (3) 3.48 1.03 .17 3.38 2.36 3.71 1.03 .17 3.58 2.59 3.96 1.03 .17 3.83 2.84 ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length Black 13 13/16 Orange 14 1.00 in. Purple 1-1/16 15 BURNDY Compression B TWO HOLE HYLUG™ FLEX CONDUCTOR STANDARD BARREL LEAD PLATED (Continued) T Catalog Number YAG28L-2NTC-LD 1 YAG28L-2NTC-LD-45 2 YAG28L-2NTC-LD-90 3 YAG29L-2TC14-LD YAG29L-2TC14-LD-45 YAG29L-2TC14-LD-90 YAG29L-2TC14E2-LD YAG29L-2TC14E2-LD-45 YAG29L-2TC14E2-LD-90 YAG29L-2TC516-LD YAG29L-2TC516-LD-45 YAG29L-2TC516-LD-90 YAG29L-2TC38-LD YAG29L-2TC38-LD-45 YAG29L-2TC38-LD-90 YAG29L-2NT38-LD YAG29L-2NT38-LD-45 YAG29L-2NT38-LD-90 YAG29L-2TC12E1-LD YAG29L-2TC12E1-LD-45 YAG29L-2TC12E1-LD-90 YAG29L-2TC12-LD YAG29L-2TC12-LD-45 YAG29L-2TC12-LD-90 YAG29L-2NTC-LD YAG29L-2NTC-LD-45 YAG29L-2NTC-LD-90 YAG30L-2TC38-LD YAG30L-2TC38-LD-45 YAG30L-2TC38-LD-90 YAG30L-2TC12-LD YAG30L-2TC12-LD-45 YAG30L-2TC12-LD-90 YAG30L-2NTC-LD YAG30L-2NTC-LD-45 YAG30L-2NTC-LD-90 YAG31L-2TC38-LD YAG31L-2TC38-LD-45 YAG31L-2TC38-LD-90 YAG31L-2NTC38-LD YAG31L-2NTC38-LD-45 YAG31L-2NTC38-LD-90 YAG31L-2TC12-LD YAG31L-2TC12-LD-45 YAG31L-2TC12-LD-90 YAG31L-2NTC-LD YAG31L-2NTC-LD-45 YAG31L-2NTC-LD-90 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 2 2 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 AWG 4/0 WELD 550/24 4/0 AWG *** MM2 45° L L Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Stud Stud Hole Hole Tongue Size Spacing Width Figure Dimensions (B) (T) (L) 4/0 WELD 1/2 1-3/4 1.14 1.03 .15 1/4 5/8 1.14 1.03 .16 1/4 3/4 1.14 1.03 .16 5/16 1 1.14 1.03 .16 3/8 1 1.14 1.03 .16 550/24 3/8 1 .94 1.03 .16 1/2 1 1.14 1.03 .16 1/2 1-1/4 1.14 1.03 .16 1/2 1-3/4 1.14 1.03 .16 3/8 1 1.20 1.03 .16 1/2 1-1/4 1.20 1.03 .16 1/2 1-3/4 1.20 1.03 .16 3/8 1 1.29 1.06 .18 3/8 1-3/4 1.29 1.06 .18 250 kcmil CLASS G 259 STR - CLASS H 427 STR 250 WELD 637/24 CLASS I,K,M Dieless (# of crimps) ▲ Installation Tooling Mechanical Hydraulic MD6, OUR840, BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, MD7-34R Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 MY29-11(1) Y644HS (1) W28VT (2) 4.51 Y81KFT (1) W28RT (2) Y81KFTMBH (1) X28RT (3) 3.53 PAT81KFT-18V (1) 2.90 2.76 1.78 3.02 2.89 1.90 3.33 3.20 2.22 3.46 3.33 W29VT (2) 2.34 X29RT (4) 3.48 3.38 2.36 3.71 3.58 2.59 3.96 3.83 2.84 Y644HS (1) 4.65 Y81KFT (1) 4.51 Y81KFTMBH (1) 3.53 PAT81KFT-18V (1) 3.48 3.38 2.37 3.98 W29VT (2) 3.88 X29RT (4) 2.87 4.67 4.57 3.56 3.54 3.46 2.41 4.30 4.20 3.20 W30VT (2) 4.04 3.96 2.91 4.73 4.64 3.60 4.65 ** 120 150 1/2 1-1/4 1.29 1.06 .18 1/2 1-3/4 1.29 1.06 .18 * Use PUADP-1 adapter with "U" dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. ** The 120 MM2 referenced here is for both Class 2 and Class 5 conductor. 90° T L Conductor Fig # B B T *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 5 conductor. ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length W28VT (2) W28RT (2) X28RT (3) U28RT (1) Purple 15 1-1/16 W29VT (2) W29RT (2) X29RT (4) U29RT (1) Yellow 16 1-1/16 W29VT (2) W29RT (2) X29RT (4) U29RT (1) Yellow 16 1-1/16 W30VT (2) W30RT (2) U30RT (2) White 17 1-1/8 C-77 BURNDY Compression B TWO HOLE HYLUG™ FLEX CONDUCTOR STANDARD BARREL LEAD PLATED (Continued) Catalog Number YAG32L-2TC38-LD YAG32L-2TC38-LD-45 YAG32L-2TC38-LD-90 YAG32L-2NTC-LD YAG32L-2NTC-LD-45 YAG32L-2NTC-LD-90 YAG34L-2TC516-LD YAG34L-2TC516-LD-45 YAG34L-2TC516-LD-90 YAG34L-2TC38-LD YAG34L-2TC38-LD-45 YAG34L-2TC38-LD-90 YAG34L-2NT38-LD YAG34L-2NT38-LD-45 YAG34L-2NT38-LD-90 YAG34L-2TC12-LD YAG34L-2TC12-LD-45 YAG34L-2TC12-LD-90 YAG34L-2NTC-LD YAG34L-2NTC-LD-45 YAG34L-2NTC-LD-90 YAG36L-2TC38-LD YAG36L-2TC38-LD-45 YAG36L-2TC38-LD-90 YAG36L-2NTC-LD YAG36L-2NTC-LD-45 YAG36L-2NTC-LD-90 YAG38L-2TC516-LD YAG38L-2TC516-LD-45 YAG38L-2TC516-LD-90 YAG38L-2NT38-LD YAG38L-2NT38-LD-45 YAG38L-2NT38-LD-90 YAG38L-2TC38-LD YAG38L-2TC38-LD-45 YAG38L-2TC38-LD-90 YAG38L-2TC12-LD YAG38L-2TC12-LD-45 YAG38L-2TC12-LD-90 YAG38L-2NTC-LD YAG38L-2NTC-LD-45 YAG38L-2NTC-LD-90 YAG39L-2NTC-LD YAG39L-2NTC-LD-45 YAG39L-2NTC-LD-90 YAG40L-2TC38-LD YAG40L-2TC38-LD-45 YAG40L-2TC38-LD-90 Fig # 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 AWG *** MM2 Stud Stud Hole Hole Tongue Size Spacing Width 3/8 775/24 1 1.40 185 313.1 kcmil 1/2 1-3/4 1.40 5/16 1 1.55 3/8 1 1.55 3/8 1-3/4 .96 1/2 1-1/4 1.55 1/2 1-3/4 1.55 3/8 1 1.73 1/2 1-3/4 1.73 5/16 1 1.82 3/8 1 1.63 3/8 1 1.82 1/2 1-1/4 1.82 1/2 1-3/4 1.82 373.7 kcmil 925/24 240 350 kcmil CLASS I 1100/24 444.4 kcmil 535.3 kcmil 1325/24 300 500 kcmil CLASS I 600 kcmil - 1/2 1-3/4 1.90 646 kcmil 1600/24 400 3/8 1 1.98 * Use PUADP-1 adapter with "U" dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 5 conductor. T 90° T 45° Conductor C-78 B B T L L L Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 ▲ Installation Tooling Figure Mechanical Hydraulic Dimensions Dieless MD6, OUR840, BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, (B) (T) (L) (# of crimps) MD7-34R Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 3.73 1.19 .19 3.62 2.45 W31VT (2) W31VT (2) U31RT (2) 4.91 W31RT (2) 1.19 .19 4.81 3.64 3.79 1.27 .23 3.72 2.42 3.92 1.27 .23 3.84 2.54 4.67 W32VT (2) 1.27 .23 4.59 W32VT (2) U32RT (2) W32RT (2) 3.29 4.42 1.27 .23 3.34 3.04 5.11 1.27 .23 5.03 Y644HS (1) 3.73 Y81KFT (1) 4.28 Y81KFTMBH (1) 1.38 .27 4.24 PAT81KFT-18V (1) 2.81 U34RT (2) 5.28 1.38 .27 5.24 3.81 4.09 1.45 .27 4.02 2.53 4.40 1.45 .27 4.33 2.84 4.28 1.45 .27 4.24 U38XRT (2) 2.81 4.72 1.45 .27 4.64 3.16 5.28 1.45 .27 5.24 3.81 5.29 1.19 .27 5.26 Y644HS (1) U38RT (2) 3.87 Y81KFT (2) 4.33 Y81KFTMBH (2) 1.42 .30 4.23 PAT81KFT-18V (2) U39RT (2) 2.72 ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length Red 18 1-1/4 Blue 19 1-5/16 Brown 20 1-3/8 Pink 20 1-3/8 Purple 400 1-3/8 Black 1-5/16 24 BURNDY Compression B TWO HOLE HYLUG™ FLEX CONDUCTOR STANDARD BARREL LEAD PLATED (Continued) Catalog Number YAG40L-2NNT-LD YAG40L-2NNT-LD-45 YAG40L-2NNT-LD-90 YAG40L-2NTC-LD YAG40L-2NTC-LD-45 YAG40L-2NTC-LD-90 YAG44L-2TC38-LD YAG44L-2TC38-LD-45 YAG44L-2TC38-LD-90 YAG44L-2TC12-LD YAG44L-2TC12-LD-45 YAG44L-2TC12-LD-90 YAG44L-2TC12E3-LD YAG44L-2TC12E3-LD-45 YAG44L-2TC12E3-LD-90 YAG44L-2NTC-LD YAG44L-2NTC-LD-45 YAG44L-2NTC-LD-90 YAG44L-2TC58-LD YAG44L-2TC58-LD-45 YAG44L-2TC58-LD-90 Stud Stud Hole Hole Tongue Size Spacing Width 1/2 1-3/4 1.63 1/2 1-3/4 1.98 3/8 1 2.18 1/2 1-1/4 2.18 1/2 1-1/2 2.18 1/2 1-3/4 2.18 5/8 1-1/2 2.18 * Use PUADP-1 adapter with "U" dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 5 conductor. T 90° T 45° Conductor Fig *** # AWG MM2 1 2 646 kcmil 3 1 1600/24 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 777.7 kcmil 1 2 1925/24 500 3 1 750 kcmil CLASS I 2 3 1 2 3 B B T L L L Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 ▲ Installation Tooling Figure Mechanical Hydraulic Dimensions Dieless MD6, OUR840, BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, (B) (T) (L) (# of crimps) MD7-34R Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 5.43 1.42 .30 5.42 3.91 U39RT (2) 5.43 1.42 .30 5.42 3.91 4.80 1.65 .33 4.75 3.02 Y644HS (1) 5.11 Y81KFT (2) 1.65 .33 5.07 Y81KFTMBH (2) 3.33 PAT81KFT-18V (2) 5.36 1.65 .33 5.32 U44XRT (2) 3.58 5.80 1.65 .33 5.75 4.02 5.61 1.65 .33 5.57 3.83 ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length Black 24 1-5/16 Yellow L115 1-5/8 C-79 BURNDY Compression TWO HOLE HYLUG™ FLEX CONDUCTOR LONG BARREL BELLED END DIE AND COLOR CODE INFORMATION NO INSPECTION WINDOW CRIMPS ELECTRO-TIN PLATED TYPES YA-2TC-FXB, YAV-2TC-FXB COPPER COMPRESSION TERMINAL CABLE ACCOMMODATION B C-80 BELLED END ASSISTS FLEXIBLE WIRE INSERTION B B T T L L Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Conductor Figure Dimensions (B) (T) (L) 1/4 3/4 .41 .90 .08 2.54 1/4 5/8 .41 .90 .08 2.41 Catalog Number YA8C2TC14E2-FXB 1 YA8C2TC14-FXB 1 YA8C2TC38-FXB 1 3/8 1 .57 .90 .06 2.98 YAV6C2TC14E2-FXB 1 1/4 3/4 .48 1.22 08 2.88 YAV6C2TC14-FXB 1 1/4 5/8 .48 1.22 .08 2.76 YAV6C2TC38-FXB 1 3/8 1 .60 1.22 .06 3.32 YAV6C2N-FXB 1 1/2 1-3/4 .77 1.22 .04 4.51 YAV5C2TC14-FXB 1 1/4 5/8 .44 1.22 .07 2.76 YAV4C2TC14E2-FXB YAV4C2TC14E1-FXB YAV4C2TC14-FXB YAV4C2TC516-FXB YAV4C2TC38-FXB YAV4C2N-FXB YA3C2TC516-FXB YA3C2TC38-FXB YA3C2N-FXB YAV2C2TC14-FXB YAV2C2TC14E2-FXB YAV2C2TC14E1-FXB YAV2C2TC516-FXB YAV2C2TC38-FXB YAV2C2NT38-FXB YAV2C2N-FXB YAV1C2TC14-FXB YAV1C2TC14E2-FXB YAV1C2TC38-FXB YAV1C2N-FXB 1 1 1 91/24 - 105/24 1 #4 WELD 1 #4 AWG 1 1 105/24 - 125/24 1 #3 WELD 1 #3 AWG 1 1 125/24 - 150/24 1 1 #2 WELD 35 1 1 #2 AWG 1 1 175/24 - 225/24 1 #1 WELD 1 #1 AWG 1 1/4 1/4 1/4 5/16 3/8 1/2 5/16 3/8 1/2 1/4 1/4 1/4 5/16 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/4 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/4 1 5/8 1 1 1-3/4 1 1 1-3/4 5/8 3/4 1 1 1 1 1-3/4 5/8 3/4 1 1-3/4 .55 .55 .55 .55 .63 .77 .55 .58 .77 .67 .67 .67 .67 .67 .48 .77 .75 .75 .75 .77 1.22 1.22 1.22 1.22 1.22 1.22 1.48 1.48 1.48 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 YAV252TC14-FXB 1 1/4 5/8 .83 1/4 3/4 .83 3/8 1 .83 YAV252TC38-FXB 1 AWG 37/24 # 8 WELD #8 AWG 61/24 #6 WELD #6 AWG #5 AWG 275/24 1/0 WELD *** MM2 Stud Stud Hole Hole Tongue Size Spacing Width Fig # 1 T 45° UL Listed 90° C, 600 Volts to 35 KV ◆ YAV252TC14E2-FXB 90° ** 10 ** 16 - 50 Consult cable manufacturers for stress relief instructions. ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. * Use PUADP-1 adaptor with "U" -dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. ** The MM2 conductor sizes referenced here are for both Class 2 and Class 5 conductors. .09 .09 .09 .09 .09 .09 .09 .09 .09 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .09 .12 .12 .12 .12 Dieless (# of crimps) Y8MRB-1 (2) Y2MR + Y1MR (2) MY29-11 (2) Y81KFT (1) Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) Y2MR + Y1MR (2) MY29-11 (2) Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (1) Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (1) Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) Y2MR + Y1MR (4) MY29-11 (2) Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (1) Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) L Fig. 3 ▲ Installation Tooling Mechanical Hydraulic MD6, OUR840, BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, MD7-34R Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length W8CRT (2) W8CVT (2) W8CVT (2) W8CRT (2) X8CRT (2) X8CRT (2) U8CRT (2) Red 49 1 W5CVT (2) W5CVT (2) W5CRT (2) W5CRT (2) X5CRT (2) X5CRT (2) U5CRT (2) Blue 7 1-5/16 U4CRT (2) Gray 8 1-5/16 U3CRT (2) White 9 1-9/16 U2CRT (2) Brown 10 1-7/16 U1CRT-1 (2) Green 11 1-9/16 U25RT (2) Pink 12 1-9/16 2.93 3.18 W4CVT (2) W4CVT (2) 2.81 W4CRT (2) W4CRT (2) 3.24 X4CRT (2) X4CRT (2) 3.37 4.56 3.51 3.64 W3CRT (2) W3CRT (2) 4.83 3.00 3.13 MY29-11 (2) 3.38 W2CVT (2) W2CVT (2) Y644HS (1) 3.44 W2CRT (2) W2CRT (2) Y81KFT (1) 3.57 X2CRT (2) X2CRT (2) Y81KFTMBH (1) 3.57 PAT81KFT-18V (1) 4.76 3.17 W1CVT (2) W1CVT (2) 3.30 W1CRT-1 (2) W1CRT-1 (2) 3.74 X1CRT-1 (2) X1CRT-1 (2) 4.92 MY29-11 (2) 1.50 .12 3.21 Y644HS (1) W25RT (4) W25RT (4) Y81KFT (2) W25VT (4) W25VT (4) 1.50 .12 3.34 Y81KFTMBH (2) X25RT (4) X25RT (4) 1.50 .12 3.78 PAT81KFT-18V (2) *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 5 conductor. ‡ P-RT die sets for use in Y46 HYPRESS™ only, PUADP-1 adapter not required. ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. Use ONLY color-coded die recommendations for “FX” connectors. Consult shielded cable manufacturers for stress relief instructions. BURNDY Compression B TWO HOLE HYLUG™ FLEX CONDUCTOR LONG BARREL BELLED END (Continued) Stud Hole Spacing 1-3/4 5/8 3/4 1 1-3/4 1-3/4 3/4 1 1-3/4 3/4 1 Tongue Width .83 .93 .93 .93 .93 .93 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.14 .75 1 1.14 Figure Dimensions (B) (T) (L) 1.50 .12 4.96 1.63 .13 3.40 1.63 .13 3.52 1.63` .13 3.96 1.63 .13 4.71 1.63 .13 5.15 1.64 .14 3.58 1.64 .14 4.01 1.64 .14 5.20 1.77 .14 3.76 1.77 .14 4.20 4.20 1.77 .14 3.92 2.39 1.77 .14 4.20 1.77 .14 5.39 2.00 .15 3.76 2.00 .15 4.20 4.20 2.00 .15 3.92 2.39 2.00 .15 4.20 2.00 .15 5.39 2.16 .16 4.61 2.12 .16 5.80 2.18 .18 4.66 2.18 .18 5.85 2.32 .19 4.85 2.32 .19 6.04 2.48 .23 4.66 2.48 .23 5.10 6.29 2.48 .23 5.93 3.73 6.01 3.08 .26 5.46 2.86 7.01 3.08 .26 6.46 3.84 3.08 .27 6.82 3.08 .27 6.26 Catalog Number YAV252N-FXB YAV262TC14-FXB YAV262TC14E2-FXB YAV262TC38-FXB YAV262NTC38-FXB YAV262N-FXB YAV272TC14E2-FXB YAV272TC38-FXB YAV272N-FXB YAV282TC14E2-FXB YAV282NT38-FXB YAV282TC38-FXB YAV282TC38-FXB-45 YAV282TC38-FXB-90 YAV282NTC38-FXB YAV282N-FXB YAV292TC14E2-FXB YAV292NT38-FXB YAV292TC38-FXB YAV292TC38-FXB-45 YAV292TC38-FXB-90 YAV292NTC38-FXB YAV292N-FXB YA302TC38-FXB YA302N-FXB YA312TC38-FXB YA312N-FXB YA322TC38-FXB YA322N-FXB YA342TC14E2-FXB YA342TC38-FXB YA342N-FXB YA342N-FXB-45 YA342N-FXB-90 YA382TC38-FXB YA382TC38-FXB-45 YA382TC38-FXB-90 YA382N-FXB YA382N-FXB-45 YA382N-FXB-90 YA382-FXBG2 YA382-FXBG3 YA402N-FXB 1 1600/24 646 kcmil 400 1/2 1-3/4 1.98 3.24 .30 7.22 YA442TC38-FXB YA442N-FXB YA462N-FXB 325/24 2/0 WELD 2/0 AWG 70 450/24 3/0 WELD 3/0 AWG 95 550/24 4/0 WELD 4/0 AWG ** 3/8 120 3/8 1-3/4 1.14 1/2 1-3/4 1.14 1/4 3/4 1.14 3/8 1 .75 550/24 - 3/8 1 1.14 1-3/4 1-3/4 1 1-3/4 1 1-3/4 1 1-3/4 3/4 1 1.14 1.14 1.20 1.20 1.29 1.29 1.40 1.40 1.55 1.55 4/0 WELD 3/8 1/2 250 FLEX - CLASS G 259 STR 3/8 CLASS H 427 STR 1/2 250 FLEX 3/8 150 637/24 CLASS I, K, M 1/2 775/24 3/8 185 313.1 kcmil 1/2 1/4 925/24 3/8 373.7 kcmil 240 (350 kcmil nom.) 1/2 3/8 1-3/4 1.55 1 1.84 1325/24 300 535.3 kcmil (500kcmil nom.) 1/2 1-3/4 1.84 3/8 2 1.84 1/2 1-7/8 1.84 L L L Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Dieless (# of crimps) ▲ Installation Tooling Mechanical Hydraulic MD6, OUR840, BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, MD7-34R Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 W26VT (4) W26VT (4) W26RT (4) W26RT (4) X26RT (4) X26RT (4) Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length U26RT (2) Black 13 1-13/16 U27RT (2) Orange 14 1-13/16 W28VT (4) W28VT (4) W28RT (4) W28RT (4) X28RT (6) X28RT (6) U28RT (2) Purple 15 1-7/8 W29VT (4) W29RT (4) X29RT (6) U29RT (2) Yellow 16 1-7/8 U30RT (4) White 17 2-1/4 U31RT (4) Red 18 2-1/4 MY29-11 (2) W27RT (4) W27RT (4) Y644HS (1) W27VT (4) W27VT (4) Y81KFT (2) X27RT (4) X27RT (4) Y81KFTMBH (2) PAT81KFT-18V (2) W29VT (4) X29RT (6) W30VT (4) Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (2) W31VT (4) Y81KFTMBH (2) PAT81KFT-18V (2) W30RT (4) W30VT (4) W31RT (4) W31VT (4) W32VT (4) W32VT (4) W32RT (4) U32RT (4) Blue 19 2-9/16 - - U38XRT (4) Pink L99 3-3/16 - - U39RT (4) Black 24 3-5/16 - - U44XRT (4) Yellow L115 3-7/16 - - P45RT (4) ** Yellow Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (3) 1 1925/24 3/8 1 2.19 3.33 .33 6.44 Y81KFTMBH (3) 500 1 777.7 kcmil (750kcmil nom.) 1/2 1-3/4 2.19 3.33 .33 7.44 PAT81KFT-18V (3) 2750/24 1 1/2 1-3/4 2.69 3.58 .39 7.91 1111 kcmil (1000kcmil nom.) Consult cable manufacturers for stress relief instructions. ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. * Use PUADP-1 adaptor with "U" -dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. T 45° Fig # 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 1 AWG 1/0 AWG *** MM2 50 90° T Conductor Stud Hole Size 1/2 1/4 1/4 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/4 3/8 1/2 1/4 3/8 B B T ** The MM2 conductor sizes referenced here are for both Class 2 and Class 5 conductors. *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 5 conductor. ‡ P-RT die sets for use in Y46 HYPRESS™ only, PUADP-1 adapter not required. 29 3-11/16 ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. Use ONLY color-coded die recommendations for “-FX” connectors. Consult shielded cable manufacturers for stress relief instructions. C-81 BURNDY Compression TWO HOLE HYLUG™ FLEX CONDUCTOR LONG BARREL WITH INSPECTION WINDOW BEVELED ENTRY DIE AND COLOR CODE INFORMATION INSPECTION WINDOW CRIMPS TYPE YAZ-FX CABLE ACCOMMODATION B C-82 ELECTRO-TIN PLATED UL Listed 90° C, 600 Volts to 35 KV ◆ B B 90° T T T 45° L L L Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Conductor Catalog Number YAZ8C2TC10FX YAZ8C2TC10FX45 YAZ8C2TC10FX90 YAZ8C2TC10E2FX YAZ8C2TC10E2FX45 YAZ8C2TC10E2FX90 YAZ8C2TC14E1FX YAZ8C2TC14E1FX45 YAZ8C2TC14E1FX90 YAZ8C2TC14FX YAZ8C2TC14FX45 YAZ8C2TC14FX90 YAZ8C2TC14E2FX YAZ8C2TC14E2FX45 YAZ8C2TC14E2FX90 YAZ8C2TC38FX YAZ8C2TC38FX45 YAZ8C2TC38FX90 YAZV6C2TC10E2FX YAZV6C2TC10E2FX45 YAZV6C2TC10E2FX90 YAZV6C2TC14FX YAZV6C2TC14FX45 YAZV6C2TC14FX90 YAZV6C2TC14E2FX YAZV6C2TC14E2FX45 YAZV6C2TC14E2FX90 YAZV6C2TC14E1FX YAZV6C2TC14E1FX45 YAZV6C2TC14E1FX90 YAZV6C2TC38FX YAZV6C2TC38FX45 YAZV6C2TC38FX90 Fig # 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 AWG *** MM2 37/24 #8 WELD Stud Stud Hole Hole Tongue Size Spacing Width # 10 5/8 .41 # 10 3/4 .41 1/4 1 .44 ** 10 #3 AWG 1/4 5/8 .44 1/4 3/4 .44 3/8 1 .58 # 10 3/4 .48 1/4 5/8 .48 1/4 3/4 .48 1/4 1 .48 3/8 1 .58 61/24 #6 WELD ** 16 #6 AWG * Use PUADP-1 adaptor with "U" -dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. ** The MM2 conductor size referenced here is for both Class 2 and Class 5 conductor. *** The MM2 conductor size listed are the recommendations for Class 5 conductor. Figure Dimensions (B) (T) (L) 2.20 .75 .08 2.09 1.37 2.33 .75 .08 2.22 1.50 2.70 .75 .08 2.60 1.87 2.32 .75 .08 2.20 1. 2.45 .75: .08 2.33 1.62 2.89 .75 .06 2.72 2.05 2.64 .75 .08 2.48 1.51 2.65 .75 .08 2.45 1.51 2.78 .75 .08 2.58 1.63 3.03 .75 .08 2.83 1.88 3.22 .75 .06 2.97 2.06 Dieless (# of crimps) ▲ Installation Tooling Mechanical Hydraulic MD6, OUR840, BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, MD7-34R Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length Y8MRB-1 (1) Y2MR (2) MY29-11 (2) W8CVT (2) W8CVT (2) Y1MR (2) W8CRT (2)) W8CRT (2) Y81KFT (1) X8CRT (2) X8CRT (2) Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) U8CRT (2) Red 49 1 Y2MR (2) MY29-11 (2) Y644HS (1) W5CVT (2) W5CVT (2) Y1MR (2) W5CRT (2) W5CRT (2) Y81KFT (1) X5CRT (2) X5CRT (2) Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) U5CRT (2) Blue 7 1-3/16 ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. Use ONLY color-coded die recommendations for “-FX” connecotrs. For nest/indentor system contact factory. ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. BURNDY Compression B TWO HOLE HYLUG™ FLEX CONDUCTOR LONG BARREL WITH INSPECTION WINDOW (Continued) T Catalog Number YAZV6C2TC38E2FX YAZV6C2TC38E2FX-45 YAZV6C2TC38E2FX-90 YAZV6C2TC38E6FX YAZV6C2TC38E6FX-45 YAZV6C2TC38E6FX-90 YAZV4C2TC38E2-FX YAZV4C2TC38E2-FX-45 YAZV4C2TC38E2-FX-90 YAZV4C2TC38FX YAZV4C2TC38FX45 YAZV4C2TC38FX90 YAZV4C2TC14FX YAZV4C2TC14FX45 YAZV4C2TC14FX90 YAZV4C2TC14E2FX YAZV4C2TC14E2FX45 YAZV4C2TC14E2FX90 YAZV2C2TC14FX YAZV2C2TC14FX45 YAZV2C2TC14FX90 YAZV2C2TC14E2FX YAZV2C2TC14E2FX45 YAZV2C2TC14E2FX90 YAZV2C2TC38FX YAZV2C2TC38FX45 YAZV2C2TC38FX90 YAZV2C2NTCFX YAZV2C2NTCFX45 YAZV2C2NTCFX90 YAZV1C2TC14FX YAZV1C2TC14FX45 YAZV1C2TC14FX90 YAZV1C2TC14E1FX YAZV1C2TC14E1FX45 YAZV1C2TC14E1FX90 YAZV1C2TC14E2FX YAZV1C2TC14E2FX45 YAZV1C2TC14E2FX90 YAZV1C2TC38FX YAZV1C2TC38FX45 YAZV1C2TC38FX90 YAZV1C2TC516E6FX YAZV1C2TC516E6FX-45 YAZV1C2TC516E6FX-90 YAZV1C2TC516FX YAZV1C2TC516FX45 YAZV1C2TC516FX90 3/4 .58 3/8 7/8 .58 3/8 3/4 .58 3/8 1 .58 1/4 5/8 .55 1/4 3/4 .55 1/4 5/8 .68 1/4 3/4 .68 3/8 1 .68 1/2 1-3/4 .83 1/4 5/8 .75 1/4 1 .75 1/4 3/4 .75 3/8 1 .75 5/16 7/8 .75 5/16 1 .75 * Use PUADP-1 adaptor with "U" -dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. ** The MM2 conductor size referenced here is for both Class 2 and Class 5 conductor. *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 5 conductor. T T 45° Stud Stud Hole Hole Tongue Size Spacing Width 3/8 90° L L Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Conductor Fig *** # AWG MM2 1 2 61/24 3 ** #6 WELD 1 16 #6 AWG 2 3 1 2 3 1 91/24-105/24 2 3 #4 WELD 1 2 #4 AWG 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 125/24-150/24 2 3 #2 WELD 35 1 2 #2 AWG 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 175/24-225/24 2 3 #1 WELD 1 2 #1 AWG 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 B B Figure Dimensions (B) (T) (L) 2.97 .75 .06 2.72 1.81 3.09 .75 .06 2.85 1.94 3.14 1.25 08 2.88 1.86 3.39 1.25 .08 3.13 2.11 2.83 1.25 .09 2.59 1.55 2.95 1.25 .09 2.72 1.68 3.01 1.38 .10 2.75 1.60 3.13 1.38 .10 2.87 1.73 3.57 1.38 .10 3.31 2.16 4.76 1.38 .10 4.50 3.35 3.04 1.38 .12 2.81 1.64 3.41 1.38 .12 3.18 2.01 3.16 1.38 .12 2.93 1.76 3.60 1.38 .12 3.37 2.20 3.35 1.38 .12 3.12 1.95 3.47 1.38 .12 3.24 2.08 Dieless (# of crimps) L Fig. 3 ▲ Installation Tooling Mechanical Hydraulic MD6, OUR840, BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, MD7-34R Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 Y2MR + Y1MR (2) MY29-11 (2) Y644HS (1) W5CVT (2) Y81KFT (1) W5CRT (2) Y81KFTMBH (1) X5CRT (2) PAT81KFT-18V (1) Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length W5CVT (2) W5CRT (2) X5CRT (2) U5CRT (2) Blue 7 1-3/16 W4CVT (2) W4CRT (2) X4CRT (2) W4CVT (2) W4CRT (2) X4CRT (2) U4CRT (2) Gray 8 1-5/16 W2CVT (2) W2CRT (2) X2CRT (2) W2CVT (2) W2CRT (2) X2CRT (2) U2CRT (2) Brown 10 1-7/16 MY29-11 (2) Y644HS (1) W1CVT (2) W1CVT (2) Y81KFT (1) W1CRT-1 (2) W1CRT-1 (2) Y81KFTMBH (1) X1CRT-1 (2) X1CRT-1 (2) PAT81KFT-18V (1) U1CRT-1 (2) Green 11 1-7/16 Y1MR (4) Y2MR (4) MY29-11 (2) Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (1) Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. Use ONLY color-coded die recommendations for “-FX” connecotrs. For nest/indentor system contact factory. ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. C-83 BURNDY Compression B TWO HOLE HYLUG™ FLEX CONDUCTOR LONG BARREL WITH INSPECTION WINDOW (Continued) T Catalog Number YAZV252TC14FX YAZV252TC14FX45 YAZV252TC14FX90 YAZV252TC14E2FX YAZV252TC14E2FX45 YAZV252TC14E2FX90 YAZV252TC38FX YAZV252TC38FX45 YAZV252TC38FX90 YAZV252NTCFX YAZV252NTCFX45 YAZV252NTCFX90 YAZV262TC14FX YAZV262TC14FX45 YAZV262TC14FX90 YAZV262TC14E2FX YAZV262TC14E2FX45 YAZV262TC14E2FX90 YAZV262TC38FX YAZV262TC38FX45 YAZV262TC38FX90 YAZV262NTCFX YAZV262NTCFX45 YAZV262NTCFX90 YAZV272TC14E2FX YAZV272TC14E2FX-45 YAZV272TC14E2FX-90 YAZV272TC38FX YAZV272TC38FX45 YAZV272TC38FX90 YAZV282TC14E2FX YAZV282TC14E2FX45 YAZV282TC14E2FX90 YAZV282NT38FX YAZV282NT38FX-45 YAZV282NT38FX-90 YAZV282TC38FX YAZV282TC38FX45 YAZV282TC38FX90 YAZV282NTCFX YAZV282NTCFX45 YAZV282NTCFX90 YAZV292NT516FX YAZV292NT516FX-45 Fig # 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 YAZV292NT516FX-90 3 AWG *** MM2 275/24 1/0 WELD .83 1/4 3/4 .83 1 .83 1/2 1-3/4 .83 1/4 5/8 .93 1/4 3/4 .93 3/8 1 .93 1/2 1-3/4 .93 1/4 1.03 3/4 95 550/24 4/0 WELD 5/8 70 2/0 AWG 450/24 3/0 WELD 3/0 AWG 1/4 3/8 325/24 2/0 WELD Stud Stud Hole Hole Tongue Size Spacing Width 50 1/0 AWG ** 120 4/0 AWG 3/8 1 1.03 1/4 3/4 1.14 3/8 1 .94 3/8 1 1.14 1/2 1-3/4 1.14 550/24 4/0 WELD - 5/16 1-3/4 1.20 * Use PUADP-1 adaptor with "U" -dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. ** The MM2 conductor size referenced here is for both Class 2 and Class 5 conductor. *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 5 conductor. 90° T T 45° Conductor C-84 B B L L Fig. 1 Fig. 2 ▲ Installation Tooling Figure Mechanical Hydraulic Dimensions Dieless MD6, OUR840, BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, (B) (T) (L) (# of crimps) MD7-34R Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 3.20 1.50 .12 2.92 1.66 3.32 1.50 .12 3.04 W25VT (4) W25VT (4) 1.79 W25RT (4) W25RT (4) U25RT (2) 3.76 X25RT (4) X25RT (4) 1.50 .12 3.48 2.23 4.95 1.50 .12 4.67 3.41 3.20 1.50 .13 2.92 1.66 3.32 1.50 .13 3.05 W26VT (4) W26VT (4) 1.79 W26RT (4) W26RT (4) U26RT (2) 3.76 MY29-11 (2) X26RT (4) X26RT (4) 1.50 .13 3.48 Y644HS (1) 2.23 Y81KFT (2) 4.95 Y81KFTMBH (2) 1.50 .13 4.67 PAT81KFT-18V (2) 3.41 3.36 1.50 .14 3.08 W27VT (4) W27VT (4) 1.82 W27RT (4) W27RT (4) U27RT (2) 3.80 X27RT (4) X27RT (4) 1.50 .14 3.52 2.25 3.52 1.62 .15 3.23 1.86 3.96 1.62 .15 3.67 W28VT (4) W28VT (4) 2.30 W28RT (4) W28RT (4) U28RT (2) 3.96 X28RT (6) X28RT (6) 1.62 .15 3.67 2.30 4.93 1.62 .15 4.64 3.27 4.62 Y644HS (1) W29RT (4) 4.35 Y81KFT (2) W29VT (4) 2.00 .16 W29VT (4) U29RT (2) Y81KFTMBH (2) X29RT (8) 2.96 X29RT (8) PAT81KFT-18V (2) ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. Use ONLY color-coded die recommendations for “-FX” connectors. For nest/indentor system contact factory. ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. L Fig. 3 Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length Pink 12 1-9/16 Black 13 1-9/16 Orange 14 1-9/16 Purple 15 1-11/16 Yellow 16 1-11/16 BURNDY Compression B TWO HOLE HYLUG™ FLEX CONDUCTOR LONG BARREL WITH INSPECTION WINDOW (Continued) Catalog Number YAZ302TC38FX YAZ302TC38FX-45 YAZ302TC38FX-90 YAZ312TC38FX YAZ312TC38FX45 YAZ312TC38FX90 YAZ312TC14E2FX YAZ312TC14E2FX-45 YAZ312TC14E2FX-90 YAZ322TC38FX YAZ322TC38FX45 YAZ322TC38FX90 YAZ342TC14E2FX YAZ342TC14E2FX-45 YAZ342TC14E2FX-90 YAZ342NT38FX YAZ342NT38FX-45 YAZ342NT38FX-90 YAZ342TC38FX YAZ342TC38FX45 YAZ342TC38FX90 YAZ342NTCFX YAZ342NTCFX45 YAZ342NTCFX90 YAZ362TC38FX YAZ362TC38FX45 YAZ362TC38FX90 YAZ382NT38FX YAZ382NT38FX-45 YAZ382NT38FX-90 YAZ382TC38FX YAZ382TC38FX45 YAZ382TC38FX90 YAZ382NNTFX YAZ382NNTFX-45 YAZ382NNTFX-90 YAZ382NTCFX YAZ382NTCFX45 YAZ382NTCFX90 AWG 250 FLEX CLASS G 259 STR. CLASS H 427 STR. *** MM2 250 FLEX 637/24 150 CLASS I, K, M 775/24 185 313.1 kcmil 373.3 kcmil 925/24 Stud Stud Hole Hole Tongue Size Spacing Width 3/8 1 1.20 3/8 1 1.28 1/4 3/4 1.29 3/8 1 1.55 1/4 3/4 1.55 3/8 1 .96 3/8 1 1.55 1/2 1-3/4 1.55 1100/24 444.4 kcmil - 535.3 kcmil 1325/24 (500 MCM NOM) 3/8 1 1.72 3/8 1 1.63 3/8 1 1.81 300 1/2 1-3/4 1.63 1/2 1-3/4 1.81 * Use PUADP-1 adaptor with "U" -dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 5 conductor. ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. Use ONLY color-coded die recommendations for “-FX” connecotrs. For nest/indentor system contact factory. T T 45° 240 (350 MCM NOM) 90° T L L L Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Conductor Fig # 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 B B Figure Dimensions Dieless (B) (T) (L) (# of crimps) 4.42 2.00 .16 4.05 2.37 4.45 2.00 .18 4.10 2.41 4.02 2.00 .18 3.66 1.97 4.62 2.12 .19 4.25 2.46 4.42 2.25 .23 4.06 2.10 4.85 2.25 .23 4.50 2.54 4.85 Y644HS (1) 2.25 .23 4.50 Y81KFT (2) 2.54 Y81KFTMBH (2) 6.04 PAT81KFT-18V (2) 2.25 .23 5.69 3.73 5.55 2.69 .27 5.14 2.81 5.72 2.81 .27 5.26 2.84 5.72 2.81 .27 5.26 2.84 6.72 2.81 .27 6.26 3.84 6.72 2.81 .27 6.26 3.84 Fig. 3 ▲ Installation Tooling Mechanical Hydraulic MD6, OUR840, BCT500HS, Y35,Y39,Y750, MD7-34R Y500CTHS Y46*, PAT750 W29RT (4) W29VT (4) W29VT (4) U29RT (2) X29RT (8) X29RT (8) Wire Color Die Strip Code Index Length Yellow 16 2-1/16 W30VT (4) W30VT (4) W30RT (4) U30RT (4) White 17 2-1/16 W31VT (4) W31VT (4) W31RT (4) U31RT (4) Red 18 2-3/16 W32VT (4) W32VT (4) W32RT (4) U32RT (4) Blue 19 2-5/16 - - U34RT (4) Brown 20 - - U38XRT (4) Pink L99 2-7/8 ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. 2-3/4 C-85 BURNDY Compression E-LINE HYLUG™ EQUIPMENT LINE TYPE YAE COPPER AND ALUMINUM COMPRESSION TERMINAL C-86 Fig. 1 Fig. 2 UL Listed 90° C, 600 Volts to 35 KV ◆ YA-E Equipment terminals are designed to provide replacements for original equipment mechanical or other compression terminals. These narrow tongue terminals are specially designed to fit in tight areas. Whether you’re upgrading or replacing, YA-E connectors will provide for any of your cable termination needs. When installed with our dieless tool, these terminals can accomodate a range of conductor sizes. COPPER E-LINE HYLUG™ COMPRESSION TERMINALS Catalog Number Conductor Accommodations Copper Only Fig Conventional Expanded Wire Range No. Wire Size using Y644M † Installation Tooling Mechanical Bolt Tongue Bolt Hole Width Size Spacing (max) Dimensions B T L YA25LN50T14E YA25LN64T516E 1 1 1/0 AWG #6 - 1/0 AWG 1/4 5/16 - 0.50 0.64 0.88 0.88 0.12 0.12 YA26LN50T14E 1 2/0 AWG #4 - 2/0 AWG 1/4 - 0.50 0.94 0.12 YA30LN98T516E YA30L24N100T38E YA342LNN119T12E YA342LNN131T12E YA34L6N131T12E YA39L6N131T12E 1 1 2 2 1 1 300 Kcmil 2/0 AWG - 300 Kcmil 500 Kcmil 4/0 AWG - 500 Kcmil 750 Kcmil 500 - 750 Kcmil 5/16 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1.75 1.75 - 0.98 1.00 1.19 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.03 1.03 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.42 0.16 0.16 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.27 Hydraulic Y35,Y750,Y46*, Dieless MD6, MD7 PAT750 (number of crimps) (number of crimps) (number of crimps) 1.84 1.96 Y644HS (1) PAT644HS (1) Y81KFT (1) 1.94 Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) 2.31 Y644HS (1) 2.44 PAT644HS (1) 5.06 Y81KFT (2) 5.06 Y81KFTMBH (2) 3.31 PAT81KFT-18V (2) 3.61 Color Code Die Index Wire Strip Length W25RT (2) W25VT (2) U25RT (1) U2CABT (1) Pink 12 348 15/16 W26RT (2) W26VT (2) U26RT (1) Black 13 1 White 17 298 1-1/16 Brown 20 299 1-5/16 Black 24 1-1/2 Color Code Die Index Wire Strip Length W30RT (2) U30RT (2) U28ART (2) U34RT (2) U31ART (2) P34RT (2) U39RT (2) ALUMINUM E-LINE HYLUG™ COMPRESSION TERMINALS Catalog Number YA8CA3S56T14E YA2CA5S53T14E YA2CA1S91T516E YA25A1S60T516E YA25A3N69T38E YA27A10S76T516E YA30A9N100T516E YA30A6N100T38E YA30A1N131T12E YA31A11N100T516E YA31A9N100T38E YA32A8N106T516E YA34A8N131T38E YA34A3N131T12E YA34A7N131T12E YA36A9N131TD12E YA36A3N131TD12E YA39A5N131TD12E YA39A1N131TD12E Conductor Accommodations Aluminum Copper or Aluminum Fig Conventional Expanded Wire Range No. Wire Size using Y644M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 #8 AWG #8 AWG #2 AWG #6 - #2 AWG 1/0 AWG #1 - 1/0 AWG 3/0 AWG #1 - 3/0 AWG 300 Kcmil 2/0 AWG - 300 Kcmil 350 Kcmil 3/0 AWG - 350 Kcmil 400 Kcmil 4/0 AWG - 400 Kcmil 500 Kcmil 4/0 AWG - 500 Kcmil 600 Kcmil 250 - 600 Kcmil 750 Kcmil 500 - 750 Kcmil Aluminum 500 Kcmil Copper Only † A variety of BURNDY® installation tools are available and not all tools are listed. If you require additional tooling information, please feel free to call our customer service department for other recommendations. † Installation Tooling Mechanical Bolt Tongue Bolt Hole Width Size Spacing (max) 1/4 1/4 5/16 5/16 3/8 5/16 5/16 3/8 1/2 5/16 3/8 5/16 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1.75 1.75 1.75 - 0.56 0.53 0.91 0.63 0.69 0.76 1.00 1.00 1.31 1.00 1.00 1.06 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.31 Dimensions B T L 0.62 1.00 1.12 1.00 1.05 1.11 1.53 1.53 1.53 1.85 1.85 2.26 1.64 1.64 1.64 1.64 1.64 1.86 1.86 0.09 0.22 0.16 0.21 0.21 0.26 0.36 0.36 0.35 0.39 0.39 0.43 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.39 0.39 0.31 0.31 Hydraulic Y35,Y750,Y46*, Dieless MD6, MD7,Y500CT PAT750 (number of crimps) (number of crimps) (number of crimps) 1.65 Y644HS (1) 2.25 PAT644HS (1) 2.50 Y81KFT (1) 2.29 Y81KFTMBH (1) 2.38 PAT81KFT-18V (1) 2.58 3.12 Y644HS (1) 3.20 PAT644HS (1) 3.57 Y81KFT (2) 3.51 Y81KFTMBH (2) 3.59 PAT81KFT-18V (2) 3.92 3.88 5.71 Y644HS (2) 3.88 PAT644HS (2) 3.98 Y81KFT (3) 5.71 Y81KFTMBH (3) 6.09 PAT81KFT-18V (3) 4.28 * Use PUADP-1 adapter with “U” dies in Y46 HYPRESS™, P-RT die sets for use in Y46 HYPRESS™ only. PUADP-1 adapter not required. - U8CABT (1) Blue 374 11/16 - U2CABT (1) Pink 348 1-3/16 - U25ART (1) Tan 296 1-1/8 - U27ART (2) Ruby 467 1-3/16 - U30ART (2) Blue 470 1-5/8 - U31ART (2) Brown 299 1-7/8 - U32ART (4) Green 472 2-5/16 U34ART (4) Pink 300 1-11/16 1-15/16 BURNDY Compression FOUR HOLE HYLUG™ CODE CONDUCTOR TYPE YA YA-4N YAB-4N B C-87 B B T 90° T T 45° L L Fig. 1 YA444N YA444N-45 YA444N-90 YA-454N YA-454N-45 YA-454N-90 YA464N YA464N-45 YA464N-90 YA47N YA47N-45 YA47N-90 YA484N YA484N-45 YA484N-90 YA4864N YA4864N-45 YA4864N-90 YAB344N YAB444N YAB464N Fig.# 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 1 1 AWG 1000 kcmil 1250 kcmil 1500 kcmil 1750 kcmil 2000 kcmil 2500 kcmil 500 kcmil 1000 kcmil 1500 kcmil *** MM2 Fig. 3 Fig. 2 Conductor Catalog Number L Installation Tooling Stud Hole Size Stud Hole Spacing Tongue Width Tongue Angle B T L 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3.10 3.10 3.10 3.06 3.06 3.06 3.46 3.46 3.46 3.00 3.03 3.00 Straight 45 Degree 90 Degree Straight 45 Degree 90 Degree Straight 45 Degree 90 Degree Straight 45 Degree 90 Degree Straight 45 Degree 90 Degree Straight Straight Straight Straight Straight Straight 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.19 3.19 3.19 3.19 3.19 3.19 3.44 3.44 3.44 3.44 3.44 3.44 4.69 4.69 4.69 2.25 3.00 3.19 .23 .23 .23 .30 .30 .30 .34 .34 .34 .39 .39 .39 .46 .46 .46 .52 .52 .52 .25 .50 .50 7.14 6.71 4.02 7.44 7.03 4.13 7.55 7.15 4.29 7.89 7.45 4.30 7.98 7.60 4.40 9.38 8.72 4.55 6.33 7.67 7.63 500 - Available undrilled. Add suffix “U” to catalog number (example YA444NU). * Use PUADP-1 adaptor with "U" dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. ** “P” dies for use with Y46 HYPRESS™ only. PUADP-1 adapter not required. *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are for Class 2 conductor. For applications greater than 2000 Volts, consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. ‡ Requires Y60BHU HYPRESS™ Hydraulic (Y35, Y39, Y750, Y46*) * Color Die ** Code Index P44RT P44RT P44RT P45RT P45RT P45RT P46RT P46RT P46RT ‡ L47RT ‡ L47RT ‡ L47RT ‡ L48RT ‡ L48RT ‡ L48RT ‡ L486RT ‡ L486RT ‡ L486RT U36RT P44RT P46RT White White White Yellow Yellow Yellow Green Green Green Gray Gray Gray Brown Brown Brown Green White Green 27 27 27 29 29 29 31 31 31 33 33 33 34 34 34 22 27 31 Wire Strip Length 3-1/16 1-15/16 1-15/16 3-1/4 2-1/16 2-1/16 3-1/4 3-5/16 3-5/16 3-1/2 3-1/2 3-1/2 3-1/2 3-1/2 3-1/2 4-3/4 4-3/4 4-3/4 2-1/2 3-1/16 3-1/4 BURNDY Compression TYPE YAV HYLUG™ NON-INSULATED COPPER TUBULAR TERMINALS 0.3 - 1000 mm2 C-88 Made from electrolytic copper tube, electro tinned. Range of copper tube formed terminals taking wires from 0.3 - 1000 mm2. Heat resistant up to +125° C. N = Nest die, I = Indentor 50 Y10R4BY 50 Y10R4BY N 50 Y10R4BY MY2913GE2 50 MY2913GE2 50 MY2913GE2 I N I N I Y644M DIELESS Y10R4BY UV6CD 100 Y35P1 + Y29PQS (Y29PQ10B1 UK) 7.2 Y10R4BY UV8CD 25 5.7 100 UV4CD 16 4.6 Y10R4BY Y29PL 10 3.8 100 DV8L Flex 6 3.3 Øk 3.1 3.7 6.9 4.3 5.1 3.7 4.3 6.9 5.3 6.4 8.4 4.3 6.9 5.3 6.4 3.7 4.3 5.3 9.5 6.4 8.4 10.5 4.3 5.3 9.9 6.4 8.4 10.5 4.3 5.3 6.4 12.0 8.4 10.5 12.3 5.3 6.4 14.0 8.4 10.5 13.2 5.3 6.4 15.0 8.4 10.5 13.2 DV6L 4-6 2.6 c Hydraulic tools Y29BH Y35BH Y29NC Y35 DV4L 2.5 - 4 2.3 b 4.8 6.1 8.0 8.0 6.0 8.0 8.0 10.4 11.1 6.9 7.6 9.1 7.0 8.0 10.0 11.0 13.0 14.2 8.0 9.7 11.0 13.0 14.0 10.3 10.3 11.1 14.3 14.3 18.5 12.7 12.7 15.0 15.0 18.5 13.9 13.9 15.9 15.9 18.5 50PIO-25C 1.5 - 2.5 1.4 y 13.7 15.5 15.5 15.5 13.7 15.2 15.2 16.7 17.9 15.2 15.2 16.7 17.9 19.4 19.9 20.9 23.4 22.5 18.1 19.1 20.1 22.1 24.1 19.4 20.4 21.4 23.4 25.4 28.4 22.9 23.9 25.9 27.9 30.9 24.7 25.7 27.7 29.7 32.7 Mechanical tools Tooling number MRD29 50NC1 0.3 - 1.2 d Pack Qty. 50NC1 mm2 Stud size 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 50NC2 Catalog Number YAV18T4 YAV18T5 YAV18T1 YAV18 YAV025M35 YAV025M4 YAV025M5 YAV025M6 YAV14T3 YAV04M4 YAV04M5 YAV04M6 YAV06M35 YAV06M4 YAV06M5 YAV06M6 YAV06M8 YAV10T38 YAV06FM4 YAV06FM5 YAV06FM6 YAV06FM8 YAV06FM10 YAV10M4 YAV10M5 YAV10M6 YAV10M8 YAV10M10 YAV10M12 YAV16M5 YAV16M6 YAV16M8 YAV16M10 YAV16M12 YAV25M5 YAV25M6 YAV25M8 YAV25M10 YAV25M12 BURNDY Compression TYPE YAV HYLUG™ NON-INSULATED COPPER TUBULAR TERMINALS 0.3 - 1000 mm2 (Continued) C-89 N = Nest die, I = Indentor *DV27L - DV28L - only for Y29BH 25.0 25 25.0 25 MY2913GE2 25 MY2913GE2 25 MY2913GE2 DV2L Y29PL DIELESS DV1L 50P35-70C Y644M Y35P1 + Y29PQS (Y29PQ11B1 UK) MY2913GE2 UV2CD 50 UV1CD MY2913GE2 UV25D 50 50NC2 MY2913GE2 UV26D 23.8 50 DV25L 21.0 MRD29 N I Y35P1 + Y29PQ6S (Y29PQ12B1 UK) 13.4 20.0 Tooling number Y29PR 12.8 20.0 Pack Qty. UV27D 95 11.3 17.0 Øk 5.3 6.4 8.4 10.5 13.2 5.3 6.4 8.4 10.5 13.2 15.0 17.0 5.3 6.4 8.4 10.5 13.2 15.0 17.0 5.3 6.4 8.4 10.5 13.2 15.0 17.0 5.3 6.4 8.4 10.5 13.2 15.0 17.0 8.4 10.5 13.2 15.0 17.0 DV26L Flex 70 10.0 c DV27L* 70 9.5 b 15.9 15.9 15.9 15.9 19.8 18.2 18.2 18.2 18.2 19.8 21.5 22.4 18.2 19.5 19.5 19.5 21.8 21.8 22.4 21.4 21.4 21.4 21.4 22.4 22.4 22.4 50P95-120C Flex 50 8.5 y 27.4 28.4 30.4 32.4 35.4 30.9 31.9 33.9 35.9 38.9 38.9 41.9 30.9 31.9 33.9 35.9 38.9 38.9 41.9 32.4 33.4 35.4 37.4 40.4 40.4 43.4 37.4 38.4 40.4 42.4 45.4 45.4 48.4 41.4 43.4 46.4 46.4 49.4 Hydraulic tools Y29BH Y35BH Y29NC Y35 N I N I 50NC2 50 d 50NC12 35 Stud size 5 6 8 10 12 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 8 10 12 14 16 50NC1 -2X mm2 50NC1 - 2X Catalog Number YAV35M5 YAV35M6 YAV35M8 YAV35M10 YAV35M12 YAV50M5 YAV50M6 YAV50M8 YAV50M10 YAV50M12 YAV50M14 YAV50M16 YAV50FM5 YAV50FM6 YAV50FM8 YAV50FM10 YAV50FM12 YAV50FM14 YAV50FM16 YAV70M5 YAV70M6 YAV70M8 YAV70M10 YAV70M12 YAV70M14 YAV70M16 YAV70FM5 YAV70FM6 YAV70FM8 YAV70FM10 YAV70FM12 YAV70FM14 YAV70FM16 YAV95M8 YAV95M10 YAV95M12 YAV95M14 YAV95M16 50NC2 - 2X Mechanical tools BURNDY Compression TYPE YAV HYLUG™ NON-INSULATED COPPER TUBULAR TERMINALS 0.3 - 1000 mm2 (Continued) C-90 N = Nest die, I = Indentor *DV27L - DV28L - only for Y29BH Y260DBHM takes U-Dies with adaptor 26UADP Y46 takes U-Dies with adaptor PUADP-1 25 MY2913GE2 25 MY2913GE2 Y644M DIELESS MY2913GE2 UV27D 25 MRD29 N I DV27L* Tooling number Y35P1 + Y29PQ6S (Y29PQ12B1 UK) 29.0 Pack Qty. Y29PR 29.0 Øk 8.4 10.5 25.0 13.2 15.0 17.0 8.4 10.5 13.2 27.0 15.0 17.0 21.0 8.4 10.5 13.2 27.0 15.0 17.0 21.0 DV28L* 25.0 c 50P95-120C b 50NC2 -2X y 41.4 43.4 46.4 46.4 49.4 44.4 46.4 49.4 49.4 52.4 58.4 44.4 46.4 49.4 49.4 52.4 58.4 50NC1 - 2X Stud size d 8 10 12 14.2 14 16 8 10 12 15.0 14 16 20 8 10 12 15.9 14 16 20 50NC1 - 2X Catalog Number mm2 YAV95FM8 YAV95FM10 YAV95FM12 Flex 95 YAV95FM14 YAV95FM16 YAV120M8 YAV120M10 YAV120M12 120 YAV120M14 YAV120M16 YAV120M20 YAV120FM8 YAV120FM10 YAV120FM12 Flex 120 YAV120FM14 YAV120FM16 YAV120FM20 Hydraulic tools Y29BH Y35BH Y29NC Y35 N I N I UV28D Mechanical tools BURNDY Compression TYPE YAV HYLUG™ NON-INSULATED COPPER TUBULAR TERMINALS 0.3 - 1000 mm2 (Continued) C-91 Hydraulic tools 24.2 N = Nest die, I = Indentor Y260DBHM takes U-Dies with adaptor 26UADP * Y46 takes U-Dies with adaptor PUADP-1 Y22BH takes U-Dies with adaptor 22UADP ED35BD PUADP + Y35P3 + Y34PR EDBP1 + Y20PQ8 U31D U32D ED32BD ED31BD U30D EDBP1 + Y20PQ10 10 U34D 43.0 U35BD 45.0 10 U36D 43.0 10 26P30-34C 43.0 10 26P36C 36.0 26M30D 41.0 26M31D 34.9 26M32D 39.6 26M34D 30.2 10 DIELESS 35.7 U30D 30.2 U31D 35.7 10 ED37BD Flex 300 UK 23.4 28.6 UK Y22BH N I Y46* N I U37BD 300 22.0 32.8 10 26M35BD Flex 240 UK 21.2 27.0 Y644M Y260DBHM N I 26M37BD 26M36D 240 19.4 30.4 Øk 10.5 13.2 15.0 17.0 21.0 10.5 13.2 15.0 17.0 21.0 10.5 13.2 15.0 17.0 21.0 10.5 13.2 15.0 17.0 21.0 10.5 13.2 15.0 17.0 21.0 10.5 13.2 15.0 17.0 21.0 13.2 15.0 17.0 21.0 13.2 15.0 17.0 21.0 Y35P1 + Y29PQ7S (Y29PQ12B1 UK) Flex 185 UK 18.4 c U32D 185 17.8 b U34D Flex 150 UK 16.5 y 52.3 55.3 55.3 58.3 64.3 55.9 58.9 58.9 61.9 67.9 61.8 64.8 64.8 67.8 73.8 61.8 64.8 64.8 67.8 73.8 68.2 71.2 71.2 74.2 80.2 73.4 76.4 76.4 79.4 85.4 77.3 78.3 80.3 86.3 81.4 82.4 84.4 90.4 U35BD 150 d Pack Qty. U36D mm2 Stud size 10 12 14 16 20 10 12 14 16 20 10 12 14 16 20 10 12 14 16 20 10 12 14 16 20 10 12 14 16 20 12 14 16 20 12 14 16 20 U37BD Catalog Number YAV150M10 YAV150M12 YAV150M14 YAV150M16 YAV150M20 YAV150FM10 YAV150FM12 YAV150FM14 YAV150FM16 YAV150FM20 YAV185M10 YAV185M12 YAV185M14 YAV185M16 YAV185M20 YAV185FM10 YAV185FM12 YAV185FM14 YAV185FM16 YAV185FM20 YAV240M10 YAV240M12 YAV240M14 YAV240M16 YAV240M20 YAV240FM10 YAV240FM12 YAV240FM14 YAV240FM16 YAV240FM20 YAV300M12 YAV300M14 YAV300M16 YAV300M20 YAV300FM12 YAV300FM14 YAV300FM16 YAV300FM20 Y35BH Y35 N I BURNDY Compression TYPE YAV HYLUG™ NON-INSULATED COPPER TUBULAR TERMINALS 0.3 - 1000 mm2 (Continued) C-92 Hydraulic tools 23.8 20 38.0 113.6 67.5 52.0 21.0 10 20 39.6 116.4 67.5 52.0 21.0 10 20 42.2 127.2 77.7 55.0 21.0 10 YA48L 1000 (2000 MCM) N = Nest die, I = Indentor Y260DBHM takes U-Dies with adaptor 26UADP * Y46 takes U-Dies with adaptor PUADP-1 Y22BH takes U-Dies with adaptor 22UADP Y530DBHM takes U-Dies with adaptor 53UADP. 53M39D 53M38D 53P40-45C 53M40D 53M41D 53M44D 53M45D EDPB1 + Y20PQ10 ED41BD ED44BD ED488D (1750 MCM) 53P46-48C 106.6 53M46D 10 22 53M47D 53.0 53M48D 21.0 63.0 ED453BD 104.6 EDPB1 + Y20PQ11 21.0 Y530DBHM N I EDPB2 + Y22PQ12 102.7 34.4 10 17.0 P44PR 51.0 P38D 61.8 10 P39D 47.7 UK-Y22BH N I P40D 55.1 10 DIELESS I P41D 44.0 10 P44D 51.0 10 Y46* N P45D 43.0 10 26P-36C 49.5 Y260DBHM N I 26M39D 26M38D 43.0 Y644M EDPB2 + Y48PQ2 800 48.0 Pack Qty. ED466BD 800 (1500 MCM) 43.0 96.7 20 YAV630FM22 46.0 Øk 13.2 17.0 21.0 13.2 17.0 21.0 13.2 15.0 17.0 21.0 13.2 15.0 17.0 21.0 13.2 15.0 17.0 21.0 26P40-45C 29.8 33.3 Flex 630 UK YA47L 27.2 20 YAV630FM20 YAV800M20* 26.7 c HEAD YAV630M20 26.2 b 26M40D 16 630 25.0 y 77.3 80.3 86.3 81.3 84.3 90.3 81.3 82.3 84.3 90.3 83.6 84.6 86.6 92.6 87.8 88.8 90.8 96.8 26M41D YAV630M16 d 26M44D Stud size 12 16 20 12 16 20 12 14 16 20 12 14 16 20 12 14 16 20 26M45D Catalog Number mm2 YAV350M12 350 YAV350M16 (700 MCM) YAV350M20 YAV375M12 375 YAV375M16 (750 MCM) YAV375M20 YAV400M12 YAV400M14 400 YAV400M16 YAV400M20 YAV400FM12 YAV400FM14 Flex 400 UK YAV400FM16 YAV400FM20 YAV500M12 YAV500M14 500 YAV500M16 YAV500M20 BURNDY Compression TYPE YAS-L-2TC-FX,60 TWO HOLE HYLUG™ DOUBLE BARREL COPPER COMPRESSION TERMINAL UL Listed 90° C, 600 Volts to 35 KV ◆ C-93 Fig. 1 CONDUCTOR CATALOG NUMBER YASG8CL-2TC14E2-FX YASG8CL-2TC14E2-FX-60 YASG6CL-2TC14E2-FX YASG6CL-2TC14E2-FX-60 YASV6CL-2TC14E2-FX** YASV6CL-2TC14E2-FX-60** FLEX AWG #8 WELD 37/24 #6 WELD 61/24 #6 WELD 61/24 DIMENSIONS *** BOLT FIG. MM2 SIZE NO. B C E 1 #8 AWG 10 1/4 .44 (11) .44 (11) .75 (19) .50 (13) .48 (12) .75 (19) .50 (13) .48 (12) .75 (19) 2 1 #6 AWG #6 AWG 16 1/4 2 1 16 1/4 ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. * Use PUADP-1 adapter with "U" dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. ** Type YASV series have inspection hole. *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 2 and Class 5 conductor. 2 H L – 2.7 (70) .66 (17) – .68 (17) – .68 (17) 2.6 (67) 3.0 (78) 2.9 (75) 3.0 (78) 2.9 (75) Fig. 2 INSTALLATION TOOLING MECHANICAL HYDRAULIC MD7-34 Y1MRTC WIRE T Y DIE COLOR MD6 Y2MR Y750,Y35, STRIP REF. MIN. INDEX CODE OUR840 Y8MRB-1 Y39,Y46* LENGTH .08 (2) 1.14 (29) 49 RED W8CVT W8CRT (1) .08 (2) 1.14 (29) 7 or 374 BLUE W5CVT W5CRT (1) .08 (2) 1.14 (29) 7 or 374 BLUE W5CVT W5CRT (1) Y8MRB-1 Y2MR (1) Y1MRTC (1) Y2MR (1) Y1MRTC (1) Y2MR (1) Y1MRTC (1) U8CRT (1) 1/2 U5CRT (1) 9/16 U5CRT (1) 9/16 BURNDY Compression TYPE ASA-U HYSTACK™ TERMINAL STACKING ADAPTOR FOR ALUMINUM AND COPPER TERMINALS C-94 The HYSTACK™ adaptor is specially designed to allow standard terminals to be stacked on two or four hole NEMA transformer or equipment terminal pads. HYSTACK™ is tin-plated, high-conductivity aluminum to provide optimum corrosion resistance. Only three sizes accommodate terminals from 250 mcm through 1000 mcm to help keep costly inventories to a minimum. ACCOMMODATES COPPER AND ALUMINUM COMPRESSION TERMINALS CONDUCTOR INSULATION MAX. O.D. 250 mcm 800 mcm 1000 mcm .868 1.372 1.494 CATALOG NUMBER C H ASA250U ASA800U ASA1000U 1.00 1.00 1.25 .77 1.13 1.25 To stack 4 hole NEMA drilled terminals use 2 adaptors assembled side by side. ASA-U stacking adaptors are recommended for use with any BURNDY® UL listed compression terminal, 2 or 4 hole NEMA pad aluminum and copper lugs,types YA, YA-L, YA-A, and for all 2-hole NEMA spaced lugs in the OVERHEAD and UNDERGROUND catalog sections. TYPE CUSA HYSTACK™ TERMINAL STACKING ADAPTOR This HYSTACK™ adaptor is specially designed to get terminals to the back end of a bus bar or other areas that require terminals to be elevated off the mounting surface. This HYSTACK™ is made from high conductivity copper and tin-plated to provide optimum corrosion resistance. It will accommodate #10 AWG through 750 kcmil HYLUGS™. Catalog Number CUSA442TC38 CUSA442NTC Stud Hole Size 3/8" 1/2" Stud Hole Spacing 1" 1 - 3/4" Reference: Catalog number TMH332. This TMH332 Kit has just the right hardware when using the CUSA442TC38 HYSTACK™ on a 1/4" bus bar with a 4/0 through 750 kcmil HYLUG™. Length 1.75" 2.50" Width 1.12" 1.12" Height 1.50" 1.50" BURNDY Compression TYPE YS-L HYLINK™ SPLICE STANDARD BARREL COPPER COMPRESSION UL Listed 90° C, 600 Volts to 35 KV ◆ C-95 Features and Benefits • Standard barrel length. ◊ Ideal for limited space applications while providing ample barrel length for proper crimp. • Four (4) center conductor stops. ◊ Provides a center wire stop for proper conductor insertion. Conductor Installation Tooling ▲ Dimensions MD7-34R W8CVT (1) MD6 OUR840 X8CRT (1) Die Number (# crimps) U8CRT (1) Color Code Red ▲ Die Index & Embossment 49 Wire Strip Length 1/2 W5CVT (1) X5CRT (1) UCRT (1) Blue 7 or 374 7/8 W4CVT (1) X4CRT (1) U4CRT (1) Gray 8 or 346 7/8 –– –– U3CRT (1) White 9 15/16 W2CVT (1) X2CRT (1) U2CRT (1) Brown 10 15/16 W1CVT (1) W25VT (2) W26VT (2) W27VT (2) W28VT (2) W29VT (2) W30VT (2) W31VT (2) W32VT (2) W34VT (2) X1CRT (1) X25RT (2) X26RT (2) X27RT (2) X28RT (2) U1CRT-1 (1) U25RT (1) U26RT (1) U27RT (1) U28RT (1) U29RT (1) U30RT (2) U31RT (2) U32RT (2) U34RT (2) U36RT (2) U38RT (2) U39RT (2) P44RT** (2) Green Pink Black Orange Purple Yellow White Red Blue Brown Green Pink Black White 11 or 375 12 or 348 13 14 15 16 17 or 298 18 or 324 19 or 470 20 or 299 22 or 472 400 24 27 15/16 15/16 1 1-1/16 1-1/16 1-1/8 1-1/8 1-3/16 1-1/4 1-7/16 1-7/16 1-7/16 1-11/16 1-15/16 Mechanical Catalog Number YS8C-L-BOX YS6C-L BOX YS5C-L BOX AWG 8 str. 6 str. 5 str. *** MM2 10 –– 16 L 1.24 1.75 1.90 B .41 .81 .81 YS4C-L BOX 4 str. –– 1.93 .81 YS3C-L 3 str. 25 2.05 .88 YS2C-L BOX 2 str. –– 2.07 .88 YS1C-L BOX YS25-L BOX YS26-L BOX YS27-L BOX YS28-L BOX YS29-L BOX YS30-L YS31-L YS32-L YS34-L YS36-L YS38-L YS39-L YS44-L 1 str. 1/0 str. 2/0 str. 3/0 str. 4/0 str. 250 kcmil 300 kcmil 350 kcmil 400 kcmil 500 kcmil 600 kcmil 700 kcmil 750 kcmil 1000 kcmil 50 –– 70 95 –– 120 150 185 –– 240 300 –– –– 500 2.06 2.08 2.17 2.30 2.32 2.46 2.47 2.60 2.74 3.15 3.22 3.22 3.72 4.28 .88 .88 .94 1.00 1.00 1.06 1.06 1.12 1.19 1.38 1.38 1.38 1.62 1.88 Dieless (# of crimps) Y1MRTC Y2MR Y2MR (1) Y1MRTC (1) Y81KFT (1) Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) Y81KFT (2) Y81KFTMBH (2) PAT81KFT-18V (2) Y81KFT (3) Y81KFTMBH (3) PAT81KFT-18V (3) ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. * Use PUADP-1 adapter with "U" dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. Y2MR (2) Y1MRTC (2) Y1MRTC (2) Y2MR (2) Y1MRTC (2) Y1MRTC (2) — Y35, ■ Y39, Y750, Y46* — — ** P44RT for use with Y46 HYPRESS™ only. PUADP-1 adaptor not required. *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 2 conductor. ■ The maximum size for the Y35 is 400 kcmil insulated code cable. ■ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instuctions. BURNDY Compression TYPE YS BEVELED ENTRY DIE AND COLOR CODE INFORMATION HYLINK™ SPLICE LONG BARREL ELECTRO-TIN PLATED COPPER COMPRESSION SPLICE CRIMP CRIMP C-96 UL Listed 90° C, 600 Volts to 35 KV ◆ CRIMP CRIMP (4) CENTER WIRE STOPS Features and Benefits • Long barrel length. ◊ Ideal for 600 volt heavy duty applications. Also may be used at higher voltages up to 35KV. • Four (4) center conductor stops. ◊ Provides a center wire stop for proper conductor insertion. • High pull out force. ◊ Provides added security for much greater mechanical and electrical properties. Conductor Installation Tooling ▲ Dimensions MD7-34R W8CVT (2) MD6 OUR840 X8CRT (2) Die Number (# crimps) U8CRT (2) Color Code Red ▲ Die Index & Embossment 49 Wire Strip Length 7/8" W5CVT (2) X5CRT (2) U5CRT (2) Blue 7 or 374 1-3/16" W4CVT (2) X4CRT (2) U4CRT (2) Gray 8 or 346 1-3/16" –– –– W2CVT/W2CRT W2CVT/W2CRT W2CVT (2) W1CVT (2) W25VT (4) W26VT (4) W27VT (4) W28VT (4) W29VT (4) W30VT (4) W31VT (4) W32VT (4) W34VT (4) X2CRT (2) X1CRT (2) X25RT (4) X26RT (4) X27RT (4) X28RT (4) –– U2CRT (2) U2CRT (2) U1CRT-1 (2) U25RT (2) U26RT (2) U27RT (2) U28RT (2) U29RT (2) U30RT (4) U31RT (4) U32RT (4) U34RT (4) U36RT (4) U39RT (4) P44RT** (4) P46RT** (6) L48RT (4) White Brown Brown Green Pink Black Orange Purple Yellow White Red Blue Brown Green Black White Green Brown 9 10 10 11 or 375 12 or 348 13 14 15 16 17 or 298 18 or 324 19 or 470 20 or 299 22 or 472 24 27 31 34 1-5/16" 1-5/8" 1-5/16" 1-7/16" 1-7/16" 1-9/16" 1-9/16" 1-11/16" 1-11/16" 2-1/16" 2-1/16" 2-3/16" 2-5/16" 2-3/4" 2-15/16" 3-1/16" 3-1/4" 3-3/8" Mechanical Catalog Number YS8C YS6C YS5C YS4C YS3C YR2C2WT YS2C YS1C YS25 YS26 YS27 YS28 YS29 YS30 YS31 YS32 YS34 YS36 YS39 YS44 YS46 YS48 AWG 8 str. 6 str. 5 str. *** MM2 10 –– 16 L 1.75 2.38 2.55 B .78 1.09 1.09 4 str. –– 2.55 1.09 3 str./2 sol. 2 str. - 2 sol. 2 str. 1 str. 1/0 str. 2/0 str. 3/0 str. 4/0 str. 250 kcmil 300 kcmil 350 kcmil 400 kcmil 500 kcmil 600 kcmil 750 kcmil 1000 kcmil 1500 kcmil 2000 kcmil 25 25 35 50 –– 70 –– –– 120 150 185 –– 240 300 –– 500 –– –– 2.80 2.90 2.82 3.07 3.06 3.30 3.30 3.57 3.58 4.34 4.35 4.62 4.91 5.85 6.38 6.95 7.01 7.57 1.22 1.44 1.22 1.34 1.34 1.45 1.45 1.58 1.58 1.95 1.95 2.08 2.20 2.63 2.81 2.94 3.13 3.27 Dieless (# of crimps) Y1MRTC Y2MR Y2MR (2) Y81KFT (1) Y1MRTC (2) Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) Y2MR (4) Y1MRTC (4) Y1MRTC (4) Y2MR (4) Y1MRTC (4) Y81KFT (2) Y1MRTC (4) Y81KFTMBH (2) PAT81KFT-18V (2) Y81KFT (3) Y81KFTMBH (3) PAT81KFT-18V (3) –– Y81KFT (4) Y81KFTMBH (4) PAT81KFT-18V (4) ➀ Not color coded. * Use PUADP-1 adapter with "U" dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. ** P44RT for use with Y46 HYPRESS™ only. PUADP-1 adapter not required. — Y35 ■, Y39, Y750, Y46* –– –– –– –– –– *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 2 conductor. ■ The maximum size for the Y35 is 400 kcmil. ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instuctions. † Requires Y60BHU HYPRESS™ with L48RT die set. BURNDY Compression TYPES Y-R INTERNALLY BEVELED ENDS REDUCING ADAPTER FOR COPPER 600 Volts to 35 KV◆ The Y-R reducing adapter has been designed to allow large size, long barrel, copper long barrel HYDENT™, HYSPLICE™ and HYTEE™ terminals, splices, and "T" taps to be used on smaller conductor sizes. To use, simply insert the reducer into the barrel, insert the wire into the reducer adapter and crimp the outer barrel using its recommended tooling. ELECTRO-TIN PLATED WIRE RANGE C-97 Features and Benefits • Wide range of conductors are accommodated. ◊ Lowers inventory requirements and affords maximum versatility. • Same die set for all legs of the connection. ◊ Permits the same tool and die combination normally used on the compression barrel. • Length fits the long barrel connector design (YS, YA). ◊ Can be used on all long barrel connectors. Field cut to fit shorter length compression barrels (YS-L, YA-L). • Manufactured from high conductivity electrolytic copper and electro-tin plated. ◊ Provides maximum conductivity low resistance and ductility for an excellent combination of electrical and crimp forming properties, and provides long lasting corrosion resistance. CATALOG NUMBER Y286CR Y284WR Y284CR Y282CR Y281CR Y2825R Y2826R Y2827R Y2928R Y302CR Y304CR Y3025R Y3026R Y3027R Y3028R Y3126R Y3128R Y3129R Y342CR Y3425R Y3426R Y3427R Y3428R Y3429R Y3430R Y3431R Y3432R Y3934R Y3936R Y4439R WIRE RANGE FROM TO 4/0 str. 250 kcmil 300 kcmil 350 kcmil 500 kcmil 750 kcmil 1000 kcmil 6, 8 str. 6 sol. 4 sol. 4 str. 2 str. 1 str. 1/0 str. 2/0 str. 3/0 str. 4/0 2 4 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 2/0 4/0 250 2 str. 1/0 str. 2/0 str. 3/0 str. 4/0 str. 250 kcmil 300 kcmil 350 kcmil 400 kcmil 500 kcmil 600 kcmil 750 kcmil Insert reducing adapter into splice connection as shown. Y3428R APPLICATION EXAMPLE YS34 Crimp with U34RT, 2 crimps each side. DIMENSIONS MAX O.D. L .534 1.75 .582 1.62 .637 2.00 .687 2.00 .821 2.50 .637 2.50 1.296 3.19 BURNDY Compression TYPE YS-LB DIE AND COLOR CODE INFORMATION HYLINK™ ELECTRO-TIN PLATED UNINSULATED BELLED COPPER COMPRESSION SPLICE C-98 CRIMP STANDARD LENGTH BELLED BARREL BELLED END UL Listed 90° C, 600 Volts to 35 kV◆ YS5C-LB YS4C-LB YS3C-LB YS2C-LB YS1C-LB YS25-LB YS26-LB YS27-LB YS28-LB YS29-LB YS30-LB CRIMP (4) CENTER WIRE STOP Features and Benefits HYLINK™ type YS-LB splices are designed for flexible and extra flexible copper conductors used in mining machines, locomotives, welding cables and other flexible cable applications. The seamless, high conductivity copper, electro-tin plated belled barrel provides for easy insertion of flexible stranded conductors and the nest indentor die system provides an excellent electrical and mechanical connection. CATALOG NUMBER BELLED END CODE CABLE FLEX CABLE NAVY CABLE — 6 FLEX — 5 FLEX — 4 FLEX — 3 FLEX — 2 FLEX — 1 FLEX — 1/0 FLEX — 2/0 FLEX — 3/0 FLEX — 4/0 FLEX — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 4/0 - 250 FLEX — • Belled barrel ends. ◊ Provides easy cable insertion into the splice barrel and smooth cable strain relief during cable flexing and movement. • Standard length barrel. ◊ Permits easy passage around pulleys yet is long enough for easy crimping. COPPER CABLES * FLEXIBLE AND EXTRA FLEXIBLE CABLES BATTERY WELDING CABLE CABLE LOCOMOTIVE CLASS “G” CLASS “H” CLASS “I” CLASS “K” CLASS “M” CABLE — #6 (49 str) — #5 (49 str) — #4 (49 str) — #3 (49 str) — #2 (49 str) — #1 (133 str) — 1/0 (133 str) — 2/0 (133 str) — 3/0 (133 str) — 4/0 (133 str) — 250 kcmil (259 str) • Contact BURNDY® for conductors not shown. ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. — #6 (133 str) — #5 (133 str) — #4 (133 str) — #3 (133 str) — #2 (133 str) — #1 (259 str) — 1/0 (259 str) — 2/0 (259 str) — 3/0 (259 str) — 4/0 (259 str) — 250 kcmil (427 str) METRIC DIMENSION CABLE “B” “L” — #6 (63/24) — #5 (84/24) — #4 (105/24) — #3 (133/24) — #2 (161/24) — #1 (210/24) — 1/0 (266/24) — 2/0 (342/24) — 3/0 (418/24) — — — — #6 (266/30) — #5 (336/30) — #4 (420/30) — #3 (532/30) — #2 (665/30) — #1 (836/30) — 1/0 (1064/30) — 2/0 (1323/30) — 3/0 (1666/30) — — — — #6 (665/34) — #5 (836/34) — #4 (1064/34) — #3 (1323/24) — #2 (1666/34) — #1 (2107/34) — 1/0 (2646/34) — 2/0 (3325/34) — — — — — — #6 (61/24) — #5 (91/24) — #4 (105/24) — #3 (125/24) — #2 (150/24) — #1 (225/24) — 1/0 (275/24) — 2/0 (325/24) — 3/0 (450/24) — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 4/0 (532/24) 4/0 (2107/30) 4/0 (5320/34) 4/0 (550/24) — .81 1.75 .81 1.75 .81 1.88 .81 1.88 .81 1.88 .81 1.88 .94 2.00 1.00 2.13 1.00 2.13 1.06 2.25 1.06 2.25 BURNDY Compression TYPE YS-LB DIE AND COLOR CODE INFORMATION BELLED END ELECTRO-TIN PLATED HYLINK™ UNINSULATED BELLED COPPER COMPRESSION SPLICE CRIMP BELLED END STANDARD LENGTH BELLED BARREL (4) CENTER WIRE STOP CRIMP C-99 UL Listed 90° C, 600 Volts to 35 kV◆ (INSTALLATION TOOLING) Catalog Number ➀ Code Cable Flex Cable Dieless Dieless HYTOOL (# of crimps) (# of crimps) Installation Tooling ▲ WIRE Die Color Hydraulic Tooling, Die Sets, (# of crimps) ▲ STRIP Index Code Die Type Y35† Y39†, Y750† Y46*† LENGTH YS5C-LB 6 flex 1014 YS4C-LB 5 flex 1015 YS3C-LB 4 flex 1016 YS2C-LB 3 flex YS1C-LB 2 flex YS25-LB 1 flex YS26-LB 1/0 flex 1020 YS27-LB 2/0 flex 1021 YS28-LB 3/0 flex YS29-LB 4/0 flex YS30-LB 4/0-250 flex Y81KFT (1) Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) 1017 MY29-11 (1) (1 Crimp/end) 1018 1019 — Nest Indentor U6CD-1 (1) Y34PR (1) U4CD-1 (1) Y34PR (1) U3CD-1 (1) Y34PR (1) U2CD-1 (1) Y34PR (1) U1CD-1 (1) Y34PR (1) U25D-1 (1) Y34PR-2 (1) U26D-1 (1) Y34PR-2 (1) U27D-1 (1) Y34PR-2 (1) 1022 Y81KFT (2) Y81KFTMBH (2) PAT81KFT-18V (2) † Use Y35P3 adaptor with Y34PR indentor. * Use PUADP-1 adaptor with U-DIES in Y46 HYPRESS™. ▲ See Tooling section in this catalog for complete tool and die listings. ① Not color coded ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. 1023 — 1024 — U6CD-1 (1) Y34PR (1) U4CD-1 (1) Y34PR (1) U3CD-1 (1) Y34PR (1) U2CD-1 (1) Y34PR (1) U1CD-1 (1) Y34PR (1) U25D-1 (1) Y34PR-2 (1) U26D-1 (1) Y34PR-2 (1) U27D-1 (1) Y34PR-2 (1) U28D-1 (1) Y34PR-2 (1) U29D-1 (1) Y34PR-2 (1) U30D-1 (1) Y34PR-2 (1) U6CD-1 (1) Y34PR (1) U4CD-1 (1) Y34PR (1) U3CD-1 (1) Y34PR (1) U2CD-1 (1) Y34PR (1) U1CD-1 (1) Y34PR (1) U25D-1 (1) Y34PR-2 (1) U26D-1 (1) Y34PR-2 (1) U27D-1 (1) Y34PR-2 (1) U28D-1 (1) Y34PR-2 (1) U29D-1 (1) Y34PR-2 (1) U30D-1 (1) Y34PR-2 (1) 7/8 7/8 15/16 15/16 15/16 15/16 1 1-1/16 1-1/16 1-1/16 1-1/8 BURNDY Compression TYPES YS-T AND YSP-T CRIMPING INFORMATION ELECTRO-TIN PLATED HIGH-VOLTAGE HYLINKS™ UNINSULATED HIGH VOLTAGE COPPER COMPRESSION SPLICE C-100 CRIMP TAPERED END CRIMP STANDARD BARREL TAPERED ENDS Seamless types YS-T and YSP-T high conductivity copper electro-tin plated compression HYLINK™ high-voltage splices with standard barrel and tapered ends are ideally suited for higher voltage applications from 5KV through 35 KV. Type YS-T splice connector has four center wire stops for proper conductor insertion. Type YSP-T splice connector has a brazed in place center plug to prevent the passage of oil between two oil filled conductors or between conductors without oil and conductors with oil and acts as a center wire stop for proper conductor insertion. YS6C-T YS4C-T YS2C-T YS1C-T YS25-T YS26-T YS28-T YS29-T YS30-T YS31-T YS34-T YS39-T YSP6C-T YSP4C-T YSP2C-T YSP1C-T YSP25-T YSP26-T YSP28-T YSP29-T — YSP31-T YSP34-T YSP39-T CODE CONDUCTORS 6 str. 4 str. 2 str. 1 str. 1/0 str. 2/0 str. 4/0 str. 250 kcmil 300 kcmil 350 kcmil 500 kcmil 750 kcmil CENTER OIL STOP YS-T YSP-T Features and Benefits UL Listed 90° C, 600 Volts to 35 KV◆ CATALOG NUMBER YS-T YSP-T BRAZED CENTER OIL STOP PLUG (TYPE YSP-T) (4) CENTER WIRE STOPS (TYPE YS-T) • Tapered connector ends per EEI standard TD160. ◊ Suitable for use on voltages 5KV through 35KV to aid in preventing corona emission and simplify taping thus lowering installed cost. • Type YS-T four center wire stops. ◊ Provides a center wire stop for proper conductor insertion. • Type YSP-T has a center plug permanently brazed in place. ◊ Prevents oil within oil-filled conductors from passing through the splice connector and provides a center strip for proper conductor insertion. DIMENSIONS B L .90 .90 .98 .97 .98 1.04 1.13 1.21 1.22 1.32 1.68 2.00 * Use adapter PUADP-1 with "U" Dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. Y46 HYPRESS™ uses the same nest indentor and adaptor as the Y35, Y39 and Y750, but with the PUADP-1 adaptors. ■ The maximum size for the Y35 is 400 kcmil. ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. 2.16 2.16 2.34 2.31 2.35 2.47 2.67 2.85 2.87 3.09 3.86 4.60 Y34B Y34PR INDENTOR NEST DIE B6CD B4CD B2CD B1CD B25D B26D B28D B29D B30D B31D No Die Needed — INSTALLATION TOOLING - NEST/INDENTOR ▲ Y35, Y39, Y750 Y35, Y39, Y750 Y34PR INDENTOR Y46*, PAT750 Y35P3 ADAPTOR DIE NUMBER (# OF DIE NEST DIE CRIMPS PER END) INDEX ▲ U6CD-1 U4CD-1 U2D-1 U1D-1 U25D-1 U26D-1 U28D-1 U29D-1 U30D-1 U31D-1 U34D-1 — U5CRT (2) U4CRT (2) U2CRT (2) U1CRT-1 (2) U25RT (2) U26RT (2) U28RT (2) U29RT (2) U30RT (4) U31RT (4) U34RT (4) U39RT (4) 7 8 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 20 24 NO. OF INDENT WIRE STRIP LENGTH 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 15/16 15/16 1 1 1-3/32 1-3/32 1-3/16 1-3/32 1-5/16 1-3/5 1-3/4 2-1/8 BURNDY Compression TYPE YS-FXB Features and Benefits HYLINK™ - SPLICE - BELLED LONG BARREL UL Listed 90° C, 600 Volts to 35 KV ◆ Catalog Number YS8C-FXB YSV6C-FXB YS5C-FXB YSV4C-FXB YS3C-FXB YSV2C-FXB YSV1C-FXB YSV25-FXB YSV26-FXB YSV27-FXB YSV28-FXB YS30-FXB YS31-FXB YS32-FXB YS34-FXB YS36-FXB YS38-FXB YS40-FXB YS44-FXB Conductor Flexible Cable Code AWG #8 Str. (37/24) #8 AWG #6 Str. (61/24) #6 AWG #5 Str. (91/24) #5 AWG #4 Str. (91/24-105/24) #4 AWG #3 Str. (105/24-125/24) #3 AWG #2 Str. (125/24-150/24) #2 AWG #1 Str. (175/24-225/24) #1 AWG 1/0 Str. (275/24) 1/0 AWG 2/0 Str. (325/24) 2/0 AWG 3/0 Str. (450/24) 3/0 AWG 4/0 Str. (550/24) 4/0 AWG 250 kcmil Flex Class G 259 STR. Class H 427 STR. 263 kcmil (650/24) 250 Flex Class I, K, M 313.1 kcmil (775/24) 300 kcmil Nom. 373 kcmil (925/24) 350 kcmil Nom. 444.4 kcmil (1100/24) 450 kcmil Nom. 535.3 kcmil (1325/24) 500 kcmil Nom. 646 kcmil (1600/24) 600 kcmil Nom. 777.7 kcmil (1925/24) 750 kcmil Nom. *** MM2 10 † 16 — — 25 35 — 50 70 95 † 120 — 150 185 240 300 — 400 500 • Long barrel length. ◊ High voltage terminations. • Four (4) center conductor stops. ◊ Provides a center wire stop for proper conductor insertion. • High pull out force. ◊ Provides added security for greater mechanical and electrical properties. • Belled cable entry. ◊ A funnel type entry provide easy insertion of extra flexable cables plus offers mechanical strain relief for individual strands. Dimensions L B (mm) (mm) 1.99 .90 (51) (23) 2.62 1.22 (67) (31) 2.62 1.22 (67) (31) 2.62 1.22 (67) (31) 2.87 1.47 (73) (37) 2.89 1.35 (73) (34) 3.18 1.50 (81) (38) 3.18 1.50 (81) (38) 3.44 1.63 (87) (41) 3.46 1.64 (88) (42) 3.72 1.77 (94) (45) 4.51 (115) 2.16 (55) 4.54 (115) 4.82 (122) 5.14 (131) 6.09 (155) 6.34 (161) 6.66 (1.69) 6.84 (174) 2.18 (55) 2.32 (59) 2.48 (63) 2.95 (75) 3.08 (78) 3.24 (82) 3.33 (85) * Use PUADP-1 adapter with "U" dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. ** P44RT and P46RT dies sets are for use with Y46 HYPRESS™ only. PUADP-1 adapter not required. *** The MM2 conductor sizes listed are the recommendations for Class 5 conductor. Dieless (# of crimps/end) Installation Tooling ▲ Mechanical Y35 ■, Y39, Y750, Y46* Y1MRTC Embossed Color Die Number (# of Y2MR Die Index Code crimps/end) 49 Red U8CRT (2) 7 Blue U5CRT (2) 7 Blue U5CRT (2) Y2MR (4) Y1MR (4) 8 Gray U4CRT (2) Y1MR (4) 9 White U3CRT (2) Y2MR (4) Y1MR (4) 10 Brown U2CRT (2) 11 Green U1CRT-1 (4) 12 Pink U25RT (4) 13 Black U26RT (4) 14 Orange U27RT (4) 15 Purple U28RT (4) 16 Yellow U29RT (4) 17 White U30RT (4) 18 Red U31RT (4) 19 Blue U32RT (4) 20 Brown U34RT (4) L99 Pink U38XRT (4) 24 Black U39RT (4) L115 Yellow U44XRT (4) Y2MR (2) Y1MR (2) Y81KFT (1) Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) — Y81KFT (2) Y81KFTMBH (2) PAT81KFT-18V (2) Y81KFT (3) Y81KFTMBH (3) PAT81KFT-18V (3) C-101 — –– – † 16mm2 and 120mm2 referenced are for both Class 2 and Class 5 ■ The maximum size for the Y35 is 373.7 kcmil. ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. Cable Strip Length 1" (25) 1-5/16" (33) 1-5/16" (33) 1-5/16" (33) 1-9/16" (40) 1-7/16" (37) 1-9/16" (40) 1-9/16" (40) 1-11/16" (43) 1-11/16" (43) 1-7/8" (48) 2-1/4" (57) 2-1/4" (57) 2-7/16" (62) 2-9/16" (65) 3-1/16" (79) 3-3/16" (81) 3-5/16" (84) 3-7/16" (87) ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. BURNDY Compression TYPE YS-TC HYSPLICE™ In-line Splice Kits for Telecommunications Applications YS-TC kits are for splicing cables and covering the connection with clear heat shrink. Splices are constructed from seamless, high C-102 conductivity electrolytic copper tubing for maximum conductivity and tin-plated to resist corrosion. Each YS-TC splice is provided with inspection holes and cable stops. The YS-TC family also features the BURNDY® color code system. Plastic Bag/Kit * Clear Wire Size Connector Dimensions Barrel Length Color Code B L Die Index Wire Strip Length Yellow L115 1.96 3.68 Black 23 1.67 1.71 3.87 Pink L99 1.77 Standard 1.56 3.51 Brown 20 1.60 YS34FXLTCKITC Standard 1.56 3.51 Blue 19 or L80 1.60 YS31LTCKITC Standard 1.39 3.10 Red 17 1.42 — YS29FXLTCKITC Standard 1.36 2.98 Yellow 16 1.38 — YS28LTCKITC Standard 1.23 2.69 Purple 15 1.24 YS26FXLTCKITC Standard 1.09 2.41 Black 13 1.10 YS25FXLTCKITC Standard 0.98 2.18 Pink 12 1.00 YS2CFXLTCKITC Standard 0.77 1.73 Brown 10 0.78 AWG mm2 750 kcmil FLEX 750 kcmil CODE 500 kcmil FLEX 500 kcmil CODE 350 kcmil FLEX 350 kcmil CODE 4/0 AWG FLEX 4/0 AWG CODE 2/0 AWG FLEX or CODE 1/0 AWG FLEX or CODE #2 AWG FLEX or CODE 500 mm2 Class 5 — mm2 300 Class 5 240 mm2 Class 2 240 mm2 Class 5 185 mm2 Class 2 mm2 70 Class 5 50 mm2 Class 5 35 mm2 Class 5 Heat Shrink Kit Catalog Number Barrel Type YS44FXLTCKITC Standard 1.90 4.30 YS39LTCKITC Standard 1.62 YS38FXLTCKITC Standard YS34LTCKITC * Clear Heatshrink – UL224 VW1 Listed – passes TELCORDIA GR-347-CORE “Abrasion and Cut Test”. (Up to 750 kcmil Class B code cable. Contact factory for 750 flex cable applications.) BURNDY Compression TYPE YSR-TC HYREDUCER™ In-line Reducer Splice Kits for Telecommunications Applications YSR-TC reducing splice kits provide for splicing two different cable sizes with inspection holes. The larger conductor is inserted first and butts against the center of the connector where the smaller barrel begins. Constructed from seamless, high conductivity electrolytic copper tubing for maximum conductivity, and tin plated to resist corrosion. The YSR-TC family also features the BURNDY® color code system. C-103 Plastic Bag/Kit Connector mm2 ** Clear Heat Shrink Kit Catalog Number Barrel Type — YSR44FX39LTCKITC Standard 2.09 1.78 4.38 Yellow Black L115 24 1.96 1.67 YSR44FX34LTCKITC Standard 2.09 1.69 4.91 Yellow Brown L115 20 1.96 1.60 YSR44FX38FXLKITC Standard 2.09 1.88 4.61 Yellow Pink L115 L99 1.96 1.77 YSR44FX31LTCKITC Standard 2.09 1.49 5.18 Yellow Red L115 18 1.96 1.41 YSR44FX34FXLKITC Standard 2.09 1.69 4.91 Yellow Blue L115 19 or L80 1.96 1.60 YSR44FX29FXLKITC Standard 2.09 1.44 5.33 Yellow Yellow L115 16 1.96 1.38 YSR3938FXLKITC Standard 1.78 1.88 3.79 Black Pink 24 L99 1.67 1.77 YSR3931LTCKITC Standard 1.78 1.49 4.36 Black Red 24 18 1.67 1.41 YSR3934FXLKITC Standard 1.78 1.69 4.09 Black Blue 24 19 or L80 1.67 1.60 — YSR3928LTCKITC Standard 1.78 1.30 4.65 Black Purple 24 15 1.67 1.24 — YSR3929FXLKITC Standard 1.78 1.44 4.51 Black Yellow 24 16 1.67 1.38 YSR38FX31LTCKITC Standard 1.88 1.49 4.33 Pink Red L99 18 1.77 1.41 YSR38FX34FXLKITC Standard 1.88 1.69 4.06 Pink Blue L99 19 or L80 1.77 1.60 — YSR38FX28LTCKITC Standard 1.88 1.30 4.62 Pink Purple L99 15 1.77 1.24 — YSR38FX29FXLKITC Standard 1.88 1.44 4.48 Pink Yellow L99 16 1.77 1.38 YSR3431LTCKITC Standard 1.69 1.49 3.66 Brown Red 20 18 1.60 1.41 YSR3434FXLKITC Standard 1.69 1.69 3.39 Brown Blue 20 19 or L80 1.60 1.60 YSR3428LTCKITC Standard 1.69 1.30 3.95 Brown Purple 20 15 1.60 1.24 Wire Range Barrel A AWG 750 kcmil FLEX 750 kcmil CODE 500 kcmil FLEX 500 kcmil CODE Barrel B mm2 500 mm2 Class 5 — 300 mm2 Class 5 240 mm2 Class 2 AWG 750 Kcmil CODE 500 Kcmil CODE 500 Kcmil FLEX 350 Kcmil CODE 350 Kcmil FLEX 4/0 AWG FLEX 500 Kcmil FLEX 350 Kcmil CODE 350 Kcmil FLEX 4/0 AWG CODE 4/0 AWG FLEX 350 Kcmil CODE 350 Kcmil FLEX 4/0 AWG CODE 4/0 AWG FLEX 350 Kcmil CODE 350 Kcmil FLEX 4/0 AWG CODE 240 mm2 Class 2 300 mm2 Class 5 185 mm2 Class 2 240 mm2 Class 5 — 300 mm2 Class 5 185 mm2 Class 2 240 mm2 Class 5 185 mm2 Class 2 240 mm2 Class 5 185 mm2 Class 2 240 mm2 Class 5 — † Provided with 2 heat shrink tubings. One will overlap the other. Install the smaller first and larger second. Dimensions Barrel A Barrel B ** Clear Heatshrink – UL224 VW1 Listed – passes TELCORDIA GR-347-CORE “Abrasion and Cut Test”. (Up to 750 kcmil Class B code cable. Contact factory for 750 flex cable applications.) L Wire Strip Length Color Code Die Index Barrel A Barrel B Barrel A Barrel B Barrel A Barrel B BURNDY Compression TYPE YSR-TC HYREDUCER™ (Continued) In-line Reducer Splice Kits for Telecommunications Applications Plastic Bag/Kit C-104 Connector Wire Range Barrel A AWG 500 kcmil CODE 350 kcmil FLEX 350 kcmil CODE Barrel B mm2 240 mm2 Class 2 240 mm2 Class 5 185 mm2 Class 2 300 kcmil FLEX 185 mm2 Class 5 4/0 AWG FLEX — 4/0 AWG CODE 2/0 AWG FLEX or CODE 1/0 AWG FLEX or CODE #2 AWG FLEX or CODE #4 AWG FLEX or CODE — 70 mm2 Class 5 50 mm2 Class 5 35 mm2 Class 5 — AWG 4/0 AWG FLEX 1/0 AWG FLEX or CODE 4/0 AWG FLEX 4/0 AWG CODE 4/0 AWG FLEX 1/0 AWG CODE 4/0 AWG CODE 4/0 AWG FLEX 1/0 AWG FLEX or CODE #2 AWG FLEX or CODE 4/0 AWG FLEX 1/0 AWG FLEX or CODE #2 AWG FLEX or CODE 1/0 AWG FLEX or CODE #2 AWG FLEX or CODE #6 AWG FLEX or CODE #6 AWG FLEX or CODE #6 AWG FLEX or CODE #6 AWG FLEX or CODE #6 AWG FLEX or CODE mm2 — ** Clear Heat Shrink Kit Catalog Number Dimensions Barrel Type Barrel A Barrel B L Wire Strip Length Color Code Die Index Barrel A Barrel B Barrel A Barrel B Barrel A Barrel B YSR3429FXLKITC Standard 1.69 1.44 3.81 Brown Yellow 20 16 1.60 1.38 YSR3425FXLTCKITC Standard 1.69 1.04 4.01 Brown Pink 20 12 1.60 1.00 YSR34FX28FXLTCKITC Standard 1.69 1.43 3.86 Blue Purple 19 or L80 15 1.60 1.36 — YSR34FX28LTCKITC Standard 1.69 1.30 3.95 Blue Purple 19 or L80 15 1.60 1.24 — YSR34FX29FXLKITC Standard 1.69 1.44 3.81 Blue Yellow 19 or L80 16 1.60 1.38 YSR34FX25FXLTCKITC Standard 1.69 1.04 4.01 Blue Pink 19 or L80 12 1.60 1.00 — YSR3128LTCKITC Standard 1.49 1.30 3.27 Red Purple 18 15 1.41 1.24 — YSR3129FXLKITC Standard 1.49 1.44 3.13 Red Yellow 18 16 1.41 1.38 YSR3125FXLTCKITC Standard 1.49 1.04 3.33 Red Pink 18 12 1.41 1.00 YSR312CFXLTCKITC Standard 1.49 0.82 3.37 Red Brown 18 10 1.41 0.78 YSR32FX29FXLTCKITC Standard 1.57 1.43 3.46 Red Yellow 18 16 1.48 1.36 YSR29FX25FXLTCKITC Standard 1.44 1.04 3.10 Yellow Pink 16 12 1.38 1.00 YSR29FX2CFXLTCKITC Standard 1.44 0.82 3.13 Yellow Brown 16 10 1.38 0.78 YSR2825FXLTCKITC Standard 1.30 1.04 2.66 Purple Pink 15 12 1.24 1.00 YSR282CFXLTCKITC Standard 1.30 0.82 2.70 Purple Brown 15 10 1.24 0.78 YSR286CFXLTCKITC Standard 1.30 0.73 2.99 Purple Blue 15 7 1.24 0.70 YSR26FX6CFXLTCKITC† Standard 1.16 0.73 2.71 Black Blue 13 7 1.10 0.70 YSR25FX6CFXLTCKITC† Standard 1.04 0.73 2.42 Pink Blue 12 7 1.00 0.70 YSR2CFX6CFXLTCKITC Standard 0.82 0.73 1.93 Brown Blue 10 7 0.78 0.70 YSR4CFX6CFXLTCKITC Standard 0.74 0.73 1.67 Gray Blue 8 7 0.71 0.70 50 mm2 Class 5 120 mm2 Class 5 or Class 2 50 mm2 Class 5 50 mm2 Class 5 35 mm2 Class 5 or Class 2 120 mm2 Class 5 or Class 2 50 mm2 Class 5 35 mm2 Class 5 or Class 2 50 mm2 Class 5 35 mm2 Class 5 or Class 2 16 mm2 Class 5 or Class 2 16 mm2 Class 5 or Class 2 16 mm2 Class 5 or Class 2 16 mm2 Class 5 or Class 2 16 mm2 Class 5 or Class 2 † Provided with 2 heat shrink tubings. One will overlap the other. Install the smaller first and larger second. ** Clear Heatshrink – UL224 VW1 Listed – passes TELCORDIA GR-347-CORE “Abrasion and Cut Test”. (Up to 750 kcmil Class B code cable. Contact factory for 750 flex cable applications.) BURNDY Compression TYPE YC-L T THIN-WALL COPPER C-TAP UL Listed to 600 Volts Type YC-L is a thin-wall high conductivity copper connector for making copper tap and parallel connections from #14 to 3/0 AWG. D Features and Benefits C • Manufactured form high conductivity wrought copper. ◊ Provides low resistance and excellent electrical conductivity. • Range-taking connector. ◊ Lowers inventory requirements. • Reinforced ribs. ◊ Provides maximum pull-out values. • Compact size. ◊ Easy to tape and insulate connection. • Economical. ◊ Provides low installed cost. C-105 RIBS B INSTALLATION TOOLING CATALOG NUMBER YC10L12 YC8L12 YC6L12 YC4L12 YC3L12 YC2L12 YC1L12 YC25L12 YC26L12 YC27L12 ACCOMMODATES RUN TAP 14 16-14 12 16-14 10 14 10 10 8 12 8 10-8 6 12-10 6 8-6 5,4 12-8 5,4 6-5 3 12-6 4 4 3 5 2 12-6 3 4-3 2 5-4 1 12-5 2 Str. 2 Str. 2 Sol. 2 Sol. 3 Str. 3 Sol. 1 Str. 4 Str. 4 Sol. 1 Sol. 3 Str. 3 Sol. 1/0 Str. 12 Str. 12 Sol. 1/0 Sol. - 4 Str. 4 Sol. 1 2-1 1/0 3-2 2/0 12-3 1/0 1-1/0 2/0 2-1 3/0 12-2 NO. OF RIBS B DIMENSIONS C D T .18 [4.6] .11 [2.8] .40 [10.2] .060 [1.65] .25 [6.4] .33 [8.4] .38 [9.7] .48 [11.4] .21 [3.8] .25 [5.1] .28 [6.1] .37 [6.4] .60 [15.2] .60 [15.2] 1.18 [30.2] 1.18 [30.2] .072 [1.83] .072 [1.83] .072 [1.83] .081 [2.06] 1 .50 [12.7] .36 [7.6] 1.18 [30.2] 2 .56 [14.2] .45 [8.6] 2 .62 [15.7] 0 0 0 1 1 COLOR CODE Red Blue Gray Brown MECHANICAL MD6, OUR840 & MD7-34R DIE NO. Y2MR (# CRIMPS) Red (1) W8CVT (1) Blue (1) Gray (2) Brown (2) W5CVT (1) W4CVT (1) W2CVT (2) W1CVT (2) DIE ▲ INDEX EMBOSSMENT BCT500, Y500CT, BAT500 (# CRIMPS) HYDRAULIC Y35,Y39, DIE ▲ Y750,Y45 INDEX WIRE Y46* EMBOSS- STRIP (# CRIMPS) MENT LENGTH 49 3/8 7 5/8 8 5/8 10 WC4 (1) UC4 (1) 10M Green – .081 [2.06] Pink – W25VT (2) 12 WC2 (1) UC2 (1) 12M 1-3/16 1.75 [44.4] .081 [2.06] Black – W26VT (3) 13 WC1 (2) UC1 (1) 13M 1-13/16 .50 [9.6] 1.75 [44.4] .090 [2.29] Orange – W27VT (3) 14 WC25 (2) UC25 (1) 14M 1-13/16 2 .69 .53 [17.5] [10.7] 1.75 [44.4] .090 [2.29] Purple – W28VT (3) 15 1-13/16 2 .81 .54 [20.6] [11.9] 1.75 [44.4] .090 [2.29] Yellow – W29VT (3) 16 1-13/16 ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. * Use PUADP-1 adapter with “U” dies in Y46 HYPRESS™ For Tin plating add “TN” suffix (example = YC10L12TN) 11 1-3/16 1-3/16 BURNDY Compression TYPES YC-C COPPER CRIMPIT™ UL Listed 90° C, 600 Volts to 35kV◆ Type YC-C copper CRIMPIT™ connector is a range-taking C shape compression connector for making tap or parallel copper C-106 connections from #12 sol. to 4/0 strand conductor. CATALOG NUMBER YC10C10 † YC8C8 YC4C8 YC4C6 YC4C4 YC2C4 YC2C2 YC26C2 YC26C26 YC28C2 YC28C26 YC28C28 RUN TAP 12 Sol. - 10 Str. 8 Sol. - 8 Str. 12 Sol. - 10 Str. 10 Sol. - 8 Str. 8 Sol. - 8 Str. 6 Sol. - 4 Str. 6 Sol. - 6 Str. 4 Sol. - 4 Str. 8 Sol. - 4 Str. 2 Sol. - 2 Str. 2 Sol. - 2 Str. 8 Sol. - 2 Str. 1/0 Sol. - 2/0 Str. 1/0 Sol. - 2/0 Str. 6 Sol. - 2 Str. 3/0 Sol. - 4/0 Str. 1/0 Sol. - 2/0 Str. 3/0 Sol. - 4/0 Str. † Not UL Listed. ‡ Number of Crimps. ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. * Use PUADP-1 adapter when using "U" dies in the Y46 HYPRESS™. Features and Benefits Copperweld-Copper Conductors • Range-taking connector. ◊ Lowers inventory requirments. • Compact size. ◊ Easy to tape and insulate connection. • Manufactured from high conductivity wrought copper. ◊ Provides low resistance and excellent electrical conductivity. • Economical ◊ Provides low installed cost. 8A 6A 4A 2A - Use CRIMPITS™ accommodating 6 str. Copper Use CRIMPITS™ accommodating 4 Str. Copper Use CRIMPITS™ accommodating 2 Str. Copper Use CRIMPITS™ accommodating 1/0 and 2/0 Copper TOOLS, DIE SET, CATALOG NO., and (‡No. of Crimps) ▲ MD6 OUR840 Y35, Y750, Y45, Y46* L ▲ DIE INDEX 3/8 1/2 238 162 or K W238 (1) W162 (2) W238 (1) W162 (2) U-238 (1) U162** (1) 5/8 BG or 5/8 BG (2) W-BG** (1) XNBG (2) U-BG (1) 3/4 C W-C (2) — U-C (1) 7/8 E or O — — U-E (3) U-O (1) 1-1/16 F or D3 — — U-F (3) U-D3** (1) ** Multiple crimp die set. Makes more than one crimp per tool compression. Figure ( ) indicates number of compressions. ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. CRIMPIT FOR 1 STR. COPPER RUN TAP — — 1 Str. — 1 Str. 6.8 Str., 8 Sol. — 1 or 2 Str. — — BURNDY Compression TYPE YCHC C-TAP COPPER CRIMPIT™ 90° C C-107 Features and Benefits • Wide range of run/tap combinations including Class B code I and locomotive flexible conductor combinations. All (B/B, B/I, I/I) combinations are recommended. ◊ Each connector accommodates many cable combinations, allowing maximum flexibility for the design and installation of a system. • Color-coded on the connector that matches the die. ◊ Provides matched system for fast and easy installation. BURNDY Catalog Number Flame Retardant Cover Clear Black Cat. No. Cat. No. ‡ YCHC44TC44 CCFR-FR CFR-FR YCHC39TC39 CCFR-FR CFR-FR YCHC39TC31 CCFR-FR CFR-FR YCHC39TC2 CCFR-FR CFR-FR YCHC34TC34 CCFN-FR CFN-FR YCHC34TC29 CCFN-FR CFN-FR YCHC34TC2 CCFN-FR CFN-FR YCHC29TC29 CCFD-FR CFD-FR YCHC29TC2 CCFD-FR CFD-FR YCHC2TC2 CCFO-FR CFO-FR YCHC8TC8 ♦ ♦ Tap 1 1000-750 (750-500) 750-500 (550-500) 750-500 (550-500) 750-500 (550-500) 500-4/0 (350-4/0) 500-4/0 (350-4/0) 500-4/0 (350-4/0) 250-2 (4/0-2) 250-2 (4/0-2) 2-6 STR./SOL. (2-8) 8-12 (8-12) 1000-750 (750-500) 750-350 (550-350) 350-2 (250-2) 2-6 STR./SOL. (2-8) 500-4/0 (350-4/0) 250-2 (4/0-2) 2-6 STR./SOL. (2-8) 250-2 (4/0-2) 2-6 STR./SOL. (2-8) 2-6 STR./SOL. (2-8) 8-12 (8-12) NOTE: To properly use tap 2 and/or tap 3 conductors in YCHC connector a conductor from the tap 1 cable range must be included in the tap 1 groove. ‡ To obtain covers made of polyethylene remove suffix-FR (example: CFO). CFO is not flame retardant. * Use PUADP-1 adaptor with "U" dies in Y46. Tap 2 Tap 3 2-6 STR./SOL. 8-14 (2-8) (8-14) 8-14 (8-14) 2-6 STR./SOL. (2-8) 8-14 (8-14) 8-14 (8-14) 8-14 (8-14) ▲ Die Index & Color EmbossY35 † Y750 † Y46* † Code ment ▲ Tooling († No. of Crimps) Condutor Sizes Code/(Flex) Cable Main • Each connector has a recommended insulating cover available. Flame retardant type CF-FR covers meet oxygen index 28 and UL94 V-O requirements. ◊ A complete insulated UL listed installation is provided. • Die index embossed on connector after completion of crimp. ◊ Permanent inspectability of installed connector is insure consistently reliable and dependable connections. H W L Strip Length — — — — P1102 1 White 1102 3.59 1.73 1.16 1-1/4 — — — — P1103 1 Blue 1103 3.12 1.53 1.06 1-1/8 — — — — P1103 1 Blue 1103 2.96 1.53 1.31 1-3/8 — — — — P1103 1 Blue 1103 2.66 1.53 1.31 1-3/8 — — U1104 2 P1104 1 Brown 1104 2.97 1.38 1.16 1-1/4 — — U1104 2 P1104 1 Brown 1104 2.45 1.26 .94 1 — — U1104 2 P1104 1 Brown 1104 2.45 1.26 .94 1 — — U997 1 U997 1 Orange 997 2.12 .98 .94 1 — — U251 1 U251 1 Red 251 1.78 .97 .81 1 U-C 1 1 U-C 1 Brown C 1.22 .60 .81 1 Red 240 .53 .56 5/8 U-C U-240 1 U-240 1 U-240 1 ▲ See tooling section of Master Catalog for complete tool and die listings. ◆ For applications requiring flame retardant cover, use either a CCFB-FR (Clear) or CFB-FR (Black) cover and YH2C2C connector by ordering YH8C8CWCC (Clear) or YH8C8CWC (Black). .35 BURNDY Compression TYPE YH COLOR CODE DIE AND CRIMP INFORMATION H-TAP COPPER CRIMPIT™ ELECTRO-TIN PLATED Fig. 1 CONDUCTOR RANGE C-108 Features and Benefits PATENTED “THIRD HAND” • Accommodates a wide range of run/tap copper cable combinations including both flexible and code combinations. All (B/B, B/I, I/B, I/I) combinations acceptable. ◊ Each connector has many copper cable combination applications allowing maximum flexibility for the design and installation of a system. • Tap grooves function independently of each other. Use of one tap is required. Balance may be used or left empty. ◊ Provides maximum design and installation flexibility. • Color code on the connector matches installation die. ◊ Provides matched system for fast and easy installation. • Die index embossed on connector after completion of crimp. ◊ Permanent inspectability of installed connectors to insure consistently reliable and dependable connections. • Recommended flame retardant type CFFR insulating covers meet oxygen index 28 and UL94 V-O requirements. ◊ A complete insulated UL listed installation is provided. • “Third Hand” constrains conductors while installer completes crimp. Included with each connector. ◊ Simplifies installation, reducing installed cost. Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Fig. 4 Fig. 5 TABLE 1 CODE CONDUCTOR AND METRIC EQUIVALENT H-Tap Connector Kit Catalog Number Flame Retardant Cover Clear Black Fig. # YH4444 YH4444WCC YH444WC YH4434* YH4434WCC* YH4434WC* YH4429 YH4429WCC YH4429WC 5 YH3939 YH3939WCC YH3939WC 1 YH3931 YH3931WCC YH3931WC 2 YH3434 YH3434WCC YH3434WC 1 YH3429 YH3429WCC YH3429WC 2 YH2929 YH2929WCC YH2929WC 1 YH292C YH292CWCC YH292CWC 3 YH298C YH298CWCC YH298CWC 3 YH2C2C YH2C2CWCC YH2C2CWC 4 YH6C6C YH6C6CWCC YH6C6CWC 1 YH8C8C YH8C8CWCC YH8C8CWC 1 • Use PUADP-1 adaptor with "U" dies in Y46. ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. 1 Conductor Sizes Code/(Flex Cable) Main Tap 1 Tap 2 Tap 3 1000-750 1000-750 (750-500) (750-500) — — (750) (350) 1000-750 250-2 — — (777-500) (4/0-2) 750-500 750-350 — — (550-500) (550-350) 750-350 4/0-1/0 1-6 STR/SOL 2-14 (550-500) (250-1/0) (1-8) (2-14) 500-250 500-4/0 — — (350-4/0) (350-4/0) 500-4/0 250/1/0 1-6 STR/SOL 8-14 (350-4/0) (4/0-1/0) (1-8) #8 250-2 250-2 — — (4/0-2) (4/0-2) 250-2 2-6 STR/SOL 8-14 — (4/0-2) (2-8) (8-14) 250-2 8-14 8-14 — (4/0-2) (8-14) (8-14) 2-6 STR/SOL 2-6 STR/SOL 8-14 8-14 (2-8) (2-8) (8-14) (8-14) 6-10 6-14 — — (6-10) (6-14) 8-14 8-14 — — (8-14) (8-14) * Not CSA approved. Note: All H-Taps ROHS compliant. Metric Conductor Sizes (mm2) Main Tap 1 Tap 2 Tap 3 500-400 500-400 — — 500-400 150-35 — — 300-300 300-185 — — 300-185 95-70 35-16 35-2.5 240-150 240-120 — — 240-120 120-70 35-16 6-2.5 120-35 120-35 — — 120-35 35-16 6-2.5 — 120-35 6-2.5 6-2.5 — 35-16 35-16 6-2.5 6-2.5 10-6 10-2.5 — — 6-2.5 6-2.5 — — BURNDY Compression TYPE YH COLOR CODE DIE AND CRIMP INFORMATION H-TAP COPPER CRIMPIT™ (Continued) ELECTRO-TIN PLATED CONDUCTOR RANGE TABLE 2 FLEX AND METRIC CONDUCTOR RANGES CATALOG NUMBER YH4444 YH4434 YH4429 YH3939 YH3931 YH3434 YH3429 YH2929 YH292C YH298C YH2C2C YH6C6C YH8C8C Main Tap 1 Main Tap 1 Main Tap 1 Main Tap 1 Main Tap1 Tap 2 Tap 3 Main Tap 1 Main Tap 1 Tap 2 Tap 3 Main Tap 1 Main Tap1 Tap 2 Main Tap1 Tap 2 Main Tap 1 Tap 2 Tap 3 Main Tap 1 Main Tap 1 MAXIMUM CONDUCTOR IN RANGE FLEX CONDUCTOR (AWG/kcmil) 777 777 777 – 777 4/0 550 550 550 250 1 2 350 350 350 4/0 1 8 4/0 4/0 4/0 2 8 4/0 8 8 2 2 8 8 6 6 8 8 • Use PUADP-1 adaptor with "U" dies in Y46. ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. MAXIMUM METRIC DIMENSIONS mm2 393 393 393 – 393 107 278 278 278 126 42 33.6 177 177 177 107 42 8 107 107 107 33.6 8 107 8 8 33.6 33.6 8 8 13 13 8 8 * Not CSA approved. Note: All H-Taps ROHS compliant. DIAMETER mm 28 28 28 – 28 15.5 25 25 25 17 9 8 20 20 20 15.5 9 4 15.5 15.5 15.5 8 4 15.5 4 4 8 8 4 4 5 5 4 4 “THIRD HAND” MIMIMUM CONDUCTOR IN RANGE FLEX CONDUCTOR (AWG/kcmil) 500 500 750 350 500 2 500 350 500 1/0 8 14 4/0 4/0 4/0 1/0 8 14 2 2 2 8 14 2 14 14 8 8 14 14 10 14 14 14 C-109 MINIMUM METRIC DIMENSIONS mm2 253 253 380 177 253 33.6 253 177 253 53.5 8 2 107 107 107 53 8 2 33.6 33.6 33.6 8 2 33.6 2 2 8 8 2 2 5 2 2 2 DIAMETER mm 24 24 31 20 24 8 24 20 24 11 4 2 15.5 15.5 15.5 11 4 2 8 8 8 4 2 8 2 2 4 4 2 2 3 2 2 2 BURNDY Compression TYPE YH COLOR CODE DIE AND CRIMP INFORMATION H-TAP COPPER CRIMPIT™ (Continued) ELECTRO-TIN PLATED Fig. 1 CONDUCTOR RANGE “THIRD HAND” C-110 Fig. 2 Fig. 4 Fig. 3 Fig. 5 TABLE 3 INSTALLATION TOOLING + DIMENSIONS BURNDY Catalog Number Kit Catalog Number Flame Retardant Cover Clear Black ‡ ▲ Tooling († No. of Crimps) Fig. No. Y35 † Y750 † Y46* † Color ▲ Die Index & Code Embossment 1 — — — — P1102 1 White 1102 3.38 1.70 1.00 1-1/8 5 1 2 — — — — — — U1104M U1104 U1104M U1104 — — 1 2 1 2 PYFR PYFR PYFR P1104 U1104M P1104 U1104M U654 P654 U654 P654 U654 P654 U-C UBGRT U11T-1 1 1 1 Yellow Yellow Yellow K-R K-R K-R 3.22 2.97 2.97 1.70 1.00 1.50 1.25 1.50 .95 1-3/8 1-3/8 1-1/16 1 Brown 1104 2.43 1.15 1.00 1-1/8 1 Brown 1104 2.23 1.31 1.00 1-1/8 1 Purple 654 1.85 .90 .90 1-1/16 1 Purple 654 1.52 .90 .90 1-1/16 1 Purple 654 1.52 .90 .90 1-1/16 1 1 1 Brown Orange Green C BG 11 1.25 .81 .63 .60 .39 .40 .75 .60 .60 7/8 3/4 3/4 YH4444 YH4434* YH4429 YH3939 YH3931 YH4444WCC YH4434WCC* YH4429WCC YH3939WCC YH3931WCC YH4444WC YH4434WC* YH4429WC YH3939WC YH3931WC YH3434 YH3434WCC YH3434WC 1 — — YH3429 YH3429WCC YH3429WC 2 — — YH2929 YH2929WCC YH2929WC 1 — — U654 1 YH292C YH292CWCC YH292CWC 3 — — U654 1 YH298C YH298CWCC YH298CWC 3 — — U654 1 YH2C2C YH6C6C YH8C8C YH2C2CWCC YH6C6CWCC YH8C8CWCC YH2C2CWC YH6C6CWC YH8C8CWC 4 1 1 U-C UBGRT U11T-1 1 1 1 U-C UBGRT U11T-1 1 1 1 • Use PUADP-1 adaptor with "U" dies in Y46. ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. * Not CSA approved. Note: All H-Taps ROHS compliant. H W L Strip Length BURNDY Compression TYPES YSH H COPPER CRIMPIT™ COPPER SPLIT COMPRESSION WYE TAP CONNECTOR TAP 3 Fig. 1 Expanded TAP 1 Components Expanded Catalog Number TAP 1 Range YSH-294C-E YSH-292C-E YSH-2925-E #4 #2 1/0 C-111 Features and Benefits • Accommodates a wide range of run/tap copper cable combinations including both flexible and code combinations. All (B/B, B/I, I/B, I/I) combinations acceptable. ◊ Each connector has many copper cable combination applications allowing maximum flexibility for the design and installation of a system. • Tap grooves function independently from each other. Use of one tap is required. Balance may be used or left empty. ◊ Provides maximum design and installation flexibility. Conductor Sizes Code Expanded TAP 1 (Flex Cable) Fig. YSH2929 1 YSH3429 2 YSH3434 1 YSH3931 2 YSH3939 1 Main 250-2 (4/0-2) 500-4/0 (350-4/0) 500-250 (350-4/0) 750-350 (550-500) 750-350 (550-500) TAP 1 250-2 (4/0-2) 250-1/0 (4/0-1/0) 500-4/0 (350-4/0) 350-1/0 (350-1/0) 750-350 (550-350) TAP 2 TAP 3 1-6 Str./Sol. (1-8) 1-6 Str./Sol. (1-8) * Use PUADP-1 adaptor with “U” dies in Y46. The Y46 and P dies result in a smooth crimp surface and is recommended for voltages above 600V. 8-14 (8-14) 2-14 (2-14) ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. † Number of crimps per connector. “U” -dies require double crimps. Main Conductor Main Conductor YSH Connector Tap Conductor ① • Color code on the connector matches installation die. ◊ Provides matched system for fast and easy installation. • Die index embossed on connector after completion of crimp. ◊ Permanent inspectability of installed connectors to ensure consistently reliable and dependable connections. • Insulation is not provided. Insulation can be obtained from Raychem (800-2729243) type HVSY Splice kits for 15 kV installations. ◊ A complete IEEE 404 15 kV installation is provided. ▲Tooling (†Number of Crimps) Color Y750 † Y46* † Code U654 U654 (4) (4)/(2) Purple P654 U1104 U1104 (4) (4)/(2) Brown P1104 U1104 U1104 (4) (4)/(2) Brown P1104 PYFR 2 Yellow PYFR 2 Yellow Conductor ends remain visible when conductor is split Strip Length 1–1/2” Fig. 2 For continuous and/or tap connections refer to table for conductor ranges. ① Due to thickness of underground wire insulation the minimum recommended strip length from the connector edge is 1 inch. Die Index ▲& Emboss ment H W 654 1.85 .90 1104 2.23 1.31 1104 2.43 1.15 3.00 K-R 2.97 1.50 K-R 2.97 1.50 L Strip Length See Application Notes Below Type YSH heavy duty connectors are designed for insulated underground wye splices. The split H copper CRIMPIT™ connector is longer than our standard H copper CRIMPIT™ and is suitable for use on high voltage (15 kV) power cables with copper conductors. The connectors can not be used with oil filled or mass impregnated cables since no oil stop is provided. The connector is installed with standard BURNDY® HYPRESS™ tools and is made of tin-plated electrolytic copper. Catalog Number TAP 2 TAP 1 TAP 1 BURNDY Compression TYPE CF-FR H-TAP - FLAME RETARDANT COVER UL Listed to 600 Volts C-112 Features and Benefits 600 VOLT 90° C CATALOG NUMBER • One-piece design. ◊ No extra parts or hardware required. • Slips over connector and latches securely shut. ◊ Fast, easy, reliable insulation of H-Tap compression. • Eliminates tapping. ◊ Economical, fast, easy installation. MAX. CONDUCTOR ACCOMMODATED MATCHED H COPPER CRIMPIT™ #8 AWG #6 AWG #2 AWG 250 kcmil 500 kcmil 750 kcmil 1000 kcmil YH8C8C YH6C6C YH2C2C YH292C, YH298C, YH2929 YH3434, YH3429* YH3939, YH3931, YH4429 YH4434 ,YH4444 CFBG-FR CFO-FR CFD-FR CFN-FR CFR-FR † * Use CFN-FR for single tap installation; use CFR-FR when 2 or more tap conductors are installed. • Flash barriers. ◊ Protects against electrical flashover. • CF-FR flame retardant design. ◊ Self-extinguishing retardant properties. • Minimum 28 oxygen index. ◊ Self-extinguishing retardant properties. • UL 94 V-O rated. ◊ Self-extinguishing retardant properties. MAX. CONNECTOR LENGTH CONNECTOR COLOR CODE .80 .95 1.10 1.30 1.10 Green Orange Brown Purple Brown Yellow Yellow, White MAX. CONNECTOR LENGTH CONNECTOR COLOR CODE .65 † Two-piece design packaged together. Note: ROHS compliant TYPE CCF-FR CLEAR H-TAP - FLAME RETARDANT COVER UL Listed to 600 Volts 600 VOLT 90° C CATALOG NUMBER CCFBG-FR CCFO-FR CCFD-FR CCFN-FR CCFR-FR † MAX. CONDUCTOR ACCOMMODATED MATCHED H COPPER CRIMPIT™ #8 AWG #6 AWG #2 AWG 250 kcmil 500 kcmil 750 kcmil 1000 kcmil YH8C8C YH6C6C YH2C2C YH292C, YH298C, YH2929 YH3434, YH3429* YH3939, YH3931, YH4429 YH4434, YH4444 * Use CFN-FR for single tap installation; use CFR-FR when 2 or more tap conductors are installed. † Two-piece design packaged together. Note: ROHS compliant .65 .80 .95 1.10 1.30 1.10 Green Orange Brown Purple Brown Yellow White BURNDY Compression TYPES YST ELECTRO-TIN PLATED TAP UNINSULATED “T” COPPER HYTEE™ COUPLER CRIMP UL Listed 90° C, 600 Volts to 35 KV◆ CRIMP RUN CRIMP Type YST copper compression tee is designed for connecting a run conductor with a perpendicular tap conductor. YST connectors are commonly used in junction boxes and manholes to make a radial tap off a main run. They are needed in many industrial, utility generation and commercial applications. The most common cable combinations are listed below. BURNDY® Type Y-R reducers can be used to accommodate most cable combinations. Catalog Number YST4C4C YST2C2C YST2525 YST2626 YST282C YST2825 YST2828 YST2929 YST3131 YST3428 YST3434 YST3939 * ■ • ▲ Code • Conductors Run Tap 4 str. 2 str. 1/0 str. 2/0 str. 4/0 str. 4/0 str. 4/0 str. 250 kcmil 350 kcmil 500 kcmil 500 kcmil 750 kcmil 4 str. 2 str. 1/0 str. 2/0 str. 2 str. 1/0 str. 4/0 str. 250 kcmil 350 kcmil 4/0 str. 500 kcmil 750 kcmil B 1.44 1.56 1.62 1.69 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 2.31 2.56 2.25 3.46 Dimensions BB H 1.38 1.56 1.56 1.67 1.50 1.56 1.75 1.78 2.25 1.75 2.70 3.34 1.72 1.98 1.91 2.18 2.12 2.25 2.44 2.53 3.12 2.81 3.76 4.64 L C-113 Features and Benefits • Manufactured from seamless high conductivity electrolytic copper tubing with heavy duty wall thickness. ◊ Provides maximum conductivity, low resistance and ductility for an excellent combination of electrical and crimp forming properties. • Long barrel design on all three (3) legs. ◊ Provides for an additional crimp or indent with almost twice the pull out strength properties as a standard length barrel plus a connection that will operate cooler under heavy loading. (# of crimps) Dieless Mechanical HYTOOL 3.25 3.56 Y81KFT (1) 3.81 MY29-3 (2) Y81KFTMBH (1) 3.94 MY29-11 (2) PAT81KFT-18V (1) 3.94 (2-crimps/end) 4.00 4.19 4.25 5.50 Y81KFT (2) 5.81 Y81KFTMBH (2) — 6.19 PAT81KFT-18V (2) 8.12 Use adapter PUADP-1 with "U" Dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. The maximum size for the Y35 is 400 kcmil. Contact factory for conductor combinations not shown. See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. Hydraulic HYPRESS Y644HS (1) (1 crimp/end) • Long barrel permits the use of the Y-R reducers. ◊ Affords total flexibility and versatility for virtually any conductor combination. • Electro-tin plated. ◊ Provides durable long-lasting corrosion resistance. • Barrel diameter closely matches commercial (code) cable and Navy cable diameters. ◊ Provides an excellent relationship of the conductor/ connector combination to produce a high quality electrical connection with the recommended tooling. Installation Tooling ▲ Run Conductors Tap Conductors Y35, ▲ Y39,Y750,Y46* Y35, ▲ Y39,Y750,Y46* Die Number Color Die Die Number Color Die (# of crimps) Code Index (# of crimps) Code Index▲ U4CRT (2) U2CRT (2) U24RT (2) U26RT (2) U28RT (2) U28RT (2) U28RT (2) U29RT (2) U31RT (4) U34RT (4) U34RT (4) U39RT (4) ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. Gray Brown Pink Black Purple Purple Purple Yellow Red Brown Brown Black 8 or 346 10 12 or 348 13 15 15 15 16 18 or 324 20 or 299 20 or 299 24 or 473 U4CRT (2) U2CRT (2) U25RT (2) U26RT (2) U2CRT (2) U25RT (2) U28RT (2) U29RT (2) U31RT (4) U28RT (2) U34RT (4) U39RT (4) Gray Brown Pink Black Brown Pink Purple Yellow Red Purple Brown Black 8 or 346 10 12 or 348 13 10 12 or 348 15 16 18 or 324 15 20 or 299 24 or 473 Wire Length Run Tap 1-3/16 1-5/16 1-7/16 1-9/16 1-11/16 1-11/16 1-11/16 1-11/16 2 2-5/16 2-5/16 2-15/16 1-3/16 1-5/16 1-7/16 1-9/16 1-5/16 1-3/16 1-11/16 1-11/16 2 1-11/16 2-5/16 2-15/16 BURNDY Compression T-CONNECTOR TYPE NYT CABLE RUN — CABLE TAP UL Listed 90° C, 600 Volts to 35 KV ◆ A “T” connector designed to provide a clampC-114 type element on the run and a permanent HYPRESS™ connection on the tap. Recommended for use on ring buses or for applications where occasional disconnects from the run conductor are desired without disturbing the tap connection. Tin plated. For proper installation of tap cable, see table below. Fig. 1 CONDUCTOR SIZE CATALOG FIG. RUN A TAP AA NUMBER NO. 4/0 STR. 250 MCM 350 MCM 500 MCM 750 MCM 1000 MCM 1500 MCM #2 STR. 1/0 STR. 2/0 STR. 4/0 STR. #2 STR. 1/0 STR. 2/0 STR. 4/0 STR. 250 MCM 1/0 STR. 2/0 STR. 4/0 STR. 250 MCM 350 MCM 2/0 STR. 4/0 STR. 250 MCM 350 MCM NYT282C NYT2825 NYT2826 NYT2828 NYT292C NYT2925 NYT2926 NYT2928 NYT2929 NYT3125 NYT3126 NYT3128 NYT3129 NYT3131 NYT3426 NYT3428 NYT3429 NYT3431 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 500 MCM NYT3434 2/0 STR. 4/0 STR. 250 MCM 350 MCM NYT3926 NYT3928 NYT3929 NYT3931 500 MCM Fig. 2 B DIMENSIONS IN INCHES BB H J L 1-3/8 1-3/8 1-3/8 2 1-3/8 1-3/8 1-3/8 2 2 1-3/8 1-3/8 2 2 2 1-3/8 2 2 2 1-1/4 1-3/8 1-1/2 1-5/8 1-1/4 1-3/8 1-1/2 1-5/8 1-5/8 1-3/8 1-1/2 1-5/8 1-5/8 2 1-1/2 1-5/8 1-5/8 2 1-3/8 1-3/8 1-3/8 1-3/8 1-7/16 1-7/16 1-7/16 1-7/16 1-7/16 1-1/2 1-1/2 1-1/2 1-1/2 1-1/2 1-5/8 1-5/8 1-5/8 1-5/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 2 2 2-1/4 1-5/8 3/8 1 2 2 2 1-3/8 2 2 2 1-1/2 1-5/8 1-5/8 2 1-7/8 1-7/8 1-7/8 1-7/8 NYT3934 2 2 2-1/4 750 MCM 2/0 STR. 4/0 STR. 250 MCM 350 MCM NYT3939 NYT4426 NYT4428 NYT4429 NYT4431 2 1 2 2 2 2 1-3/8 2 2 2 500 MCM NYT4434 2 INSTALLATION INFORMATION HYPRESS™ AND INDENTOR DIE Y29B Y34A Y34B Y44B WITH WITH WITH WITH Y29PR Y34PR Y34PR Y44PR NEST DIE 750 MCM NYT4439 2 2 2-7/8 2-1/4 3/8 6-3/8 — — B2CD B25D B26D B28D B2CD B25D B26D B28D B29D B25D B26D B28D B29D B31D B26D B28D B29D B31D No Nest Die Req. B26D B28D B29D B31D No Nest Die Req. — B26D B28D B29D B31D No Nest Die Req. — 1000 MCM NYT4444 2 2-11/16 3 2-5/16 1/2 7 — — — 4/0 STR. 250 MCM 350 MCM NYT4628 NYT4629 NYT4631 2 2 2 2 2 2 1-5/8 2-1/16 3/8 1-5/8 2-1/16 3/8 2 2-1/16 3/8 5-3/8 5-7/16 5-7/8 D28L D29L — A28D A29D A31D 500 MCM NYT4634 2 2 2-1/4 2-1/16 3/8 6-3/16 — A34D 2-7/8 2-1/16 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3-13/16 4 4-1/8 4-5/16 3-13/16 4-1/16 4-3/16 4-3/8 4-7/16 4-1/8 4-5/16 4-1/2 4-9/16 5 4-7/16 4-5/8 4-5/8 5-1/16 D2CL D25L D26L D28L D2CL D25L D26L D28L D29L D25L D26L D28L D29L — D26L D28L D29L — A2CD A25D A26D A28D A2CD A25D A26D A28D A29D A25D A26D A28D A29D A31D A26D A28D A29D A31D 5-3/8 — A34D 4-5/8 D26L 4-13/16 D28L 4-13/16 D29L 5-1/4 — A26D A28D A29D A31D 1-7/8 3/8 5-9/16 A34D 2-7/8 1-1/2 1-5/8 1-5/8 2 1-7/8 2-1/8 2-1/8 2-1/8 2-1/8 6-1/4 — 4-3/4 D26L 4-15/16 D28L 5 D29L 5-7/16 — 2 2-1/4 2-1/8 3/8 5-3/4 — A34D 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 750 MCM NYT4639 2 2 1000 MCM NYT4644 2 2-11/16 1500 MCM NYT4646 2 2-11/16 3-3/16 2-3/4 1/2 3 2-3/4 1/2 * Y48B HYPRESS™ with Y48PR indentor. ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. — — A26D A28D A29D A31D 6-3/4 — — B28D B29D B31D No Nest Die Req. — 7-1/8 — — — 7-11/16 — — — APP. SHIP. (NO. OF WT. IN INDENTS) LBS. — — — E28D — — — E28D E29D — — E28D E29D E31D — E28D E29D E31D (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) 1.5 1.5 1.5 2.2 1.5 1.5 1.5 2.2 2.2 1.5 1.5 2.2 2.2 2.5 1.7 2.5 2.5 2.5 E34D (2) 2.5 — E28D E29D E31D (1) (1) (1) (2) 1.7 2.5 2.5 2.5 E34D (2) 2.7 E39D — E28D E29D E31D (2) (1) (1) (1) (2) 3.0 1.7 2.5 2.5 2.5 E34D (2) 2.7 E39D No Nest Die Req. E28D E29D E31D (2) 3.0 (2) 3.2 (1) (1) (2) 4.7 4.7 4.7 E34D (2) 4.7 E39D No Nest Die Req. C46D* (2) 5.2 (2) 7.5 (2) 8.0 NOTE: Circumferential dies may be used. For information contact BURNDY®. BURNDY Compression TYPE YE-P, YE-P-FX HYPLUG™ FOR COPPER CONDUCTOR Type YE-P copper compression adapters are designed for reliable termination of copper conductor when the current capacity of the conductor is downsized, but larger conductor is utilized. Typical applications are for voltage drop protection when oversized conductors are used or flex conductor is used. These adapters facilitate the termination into existing mechanical set screw connectors for various stranded copper cables. 600 v, 900C EPDM rubber cover C-115 90° C INSTALLATION DATA CATALOG NUMBER YEV4CP20X75FX YEV2CP26X75FX YEV1CP29X75FX YEV25P33X75FX YEV26P37X75FX YEV27P41X82FX YEV28P46X92FX ACCOMMODATES PIN COPPER WIRE SIZES SIZE DIMENSIONS CODE EQUIV- A DIA. B L P FLEX CABLE AWG NAVY ALENT [MM] [MM] [MM] [MM] MECH TOOLS (# OF CRIMPS) OD COLOR [MM] CODE #4 STR. (91/24-105/24) #2 STR. (125/24-150/24) #1 STR. (175/24-225/24) 1/0 STR. (275/24) 2/0 STR. (325/24) 3/0 STR. (450/24) 4/0 STR. (550/24) .20 [5] .26 [7] .29 [8] .33 [8] .37 [9] .41 [10] .46 [12] 1.37 [35] 1.65 [42] 1.66 [42] 1.80 [46] 1.82 [46] 1.97 [50] 1.99 [51] 2.27 [58] 2.60 [66] 2.63 [67] 2.80 [71] 2.86 [73] 3.11 [77] 3.28 [81] .75 [19] .75 [19] .75 [19] .75 [19] .75 [19] .82 [21] .92 [23] .38 [10] .46 [12] .51 [13] .56 [14] .63 [16] .70 [18] .77 [20] 250 kcmil 262.6 kcmil 300 kcmil 350 kcmil 450 kcmil 500 kcmil 600 kcmil 750 kcmil .50 [10] .51 [13] .55 [14] .59 [15] .67 [17] .71 [18] .78 [20] .87 [22] 2.37 [60] 2.39 [61] 2.53 [65] 2.68 [68] 3.14 [80] 3.29 [84] 3.31 [84] 3.54 [90] 3.75 [95] 3.82 [97] 4.08 [104] 4.36 [111] 5.04 [128] 5.30 [135] 5.51 [140] 5.99 [152] 1.00 [25] 1.02 [26] 1.10 [28] 1.18 [30] 1.34 [34] 1.42 [36] 1.56 [40] 1.74 [44] .81 [21] .88 [22] .95 [24] 1.06 [27] 1.19 [30] 1.25 [32] 1.35 [34] 1.50 [38] 250 kcmil 300 kcmil 350 kcmil 400 kcmil 500 kcmil 600 kcmil 750 kcmil .50 [13] .55 [14] .59 [15] .63 [16] .71 [18] .78 [20] .87 [22] 1.99 [51] 2.37 [60] 2.39 [61] 2.53 [65] 2.68 [68] 3.14 [80] 3.37 [86] 3.33 [84] 3.85 [98] 3.98 [101] 4.24 [108] 4.60 [117] 5.25 [133] 5.73 [145] 1.00 [25] 1.10 [28] 1.18 [30] 1.26 [32] 1.42 [36] 1.56 [40] 1.74 [44] .75 [19] .81 [21] .88 [22] .95 [24] 1.06 [27] 1.19 [30] 1.30 [33] #4 40 #4 #2 60 #2 #1 75 #1 1/0 100 1/0 2/0 125 2/0 3/0 150 3/0 4/0 200 4/0 DIE INDEX MD6/ MD7 Y35/Y39 Y750 HYDRAULIC TOOLS (# OF CRIMPS) Y644M (ACCOMMODATES EXPANDED Y45 ➃ Y46 Y60BHU WIRE RANGE) MY Y2MR MD7-34R MY29-11 (2) MY29-11 (2) MY29-11 (2) MY29-11 (2) MY29-11 (2) MY29-11 (2) MY29-11 (2) Y2MR (4) Y2MR (4) W4CVT (4) W2CVT (4) W1CVT (4) W25VT (4) W26VT (4) W27VT (4) W28VT (4) W4CRT U4CRT (4) (2) W2CRT U2CRT (4) (2) W1CRT U1CRT-1 (4) (2) W25RT U25RT (4) (2) W26RT U26RT (4) (2) W27RT U27RT (4) (2) W28RT U28RT (4) (2) U4CRT (2) U2CRT (2) U1CRT-1 (2) U25RT (2) U26RT (2) U27RT (2) U28RT (2) U4CRT (2) U2CRT (2) U1CRT-1 (2) U25RT (2) U26RT (2) U27RT (2) U28RT (2) W29VT (4) W30VT (8) W31VT (8) W32VT (8) W29RT (4) W30RT (8) W31RT (8) W32RT (8) — — — — — — 24 — — — — Yellow L115 — — — — U29RT (2) U30RT (4) U31RT (4) U32RT (4) U34RT (4) U38XRT (4) U39RT (4) U44XRT (4) U29RT (2) U30RT (4) U31RT (4) U32RT (4) U34RT (4) U38XRT (4) U39RT (4) U44XRT (4) L29RT (1) L30RT (1) L31RT (1) L32RT (2) 1 L34RT (2) — U29RT (2) U30RT (4) U31RT (4) U32RT (4) U34RT (4) U38XRT (4) U39RT (4) U44XRT (4) Yellow 16 MY29-11 (2) — White 17 — — Red 18 — — Blue 19 — — Brown 20 — — W29VT (4) W30VT (8) W31VT (8) W32VT (8) W34VT (8) W29RT (4) W30RT (8) W31RT (8) W32RT (8) W34RT (8) Green 22 — — — — Black 24 — — — — U29RT (2) U30RT (4) U31RT (4) U32RT (4) U34RT (4) U36RT (4) U39RT (4) U29RT (2) U30RT (4) U31RT (4) U32RT (4) U34RT (4) U36RT (4) U39RT (4) U29RT (2) U30RT (4) U31RT (4) U32RT (4) U34RT (4) U36RT (4) U39RT (4) Gray 8 Brown 10 Green 11 Pink 12 Black 13 Orange 14 Purple 15 Yellow 16 MY29-11 (2) — White 17 — — Red 18 — — Blue 19 — — Brown 20 — Pink L99 Black — — — — — — — — — — — — #4 - #6 AWG (1) #2 - #6 AWG (1) #1 - #6 AWG (1) 1/0 - #6 AWG (1) 2/0 - #4 AWG (1) 3/0 - #2 AWG (1) 4/0 - #1 AWG (1) CABLE STRIP LENGTH 1-15/32 1-3/4 1-3/4 1-7/8 1-7/8 2-1/16 2-1/16 FLEX CABLE ONLY YE30P50X100FX YE31P51X102FX YE32P55X110FX YE34P59X118FX YE36P67X134FX YE38P71X142FX YE40P78X156FX YE44P87X174FX 250 kcmil FLEX CLASS G 259 CLASS H 427 262.6 kcmil FLEX 250 FLEX CLASS I, K, M 313.1 kcmil (775/24) (300 kcmil NOM) 373.7 kcmil (925/24) (350 kcmil NOM) 444.4 kcmil (1100/24) (450 kcmil NOM) 535.3 kciml (1325/24) (500 kcmil NOM) 646 kcmil (1600/24) (600 kcmil NOM) 777.7 kcmil (1925/24) (750 kcmil NOM) — — — — — — — — (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) — (1) L39RT (2) (1) — (1) L29RT (1) L30RT (1) L31RT (1) L32RT (1) L34RT (2) L36RT (2) L39RT (2) 250 kcmil - 1/0 AWG (1) 300 kcmil - 2/0 AWG (1) 350 kcmil - 3/0 AWG (1) 450 kcmil - 4/0 AWG (1) 500 kcmil - 4/0 AWG (1) 600 kcmil - 250 kcmil (1) 750 kcmil - 500 kcmil (1) 2-3/8 2-1/2 2-5/8 2-3/4 3-1/4 3-3/8 3-7/16 3-5/8 CODE CONDUCTOR ONLY AWG YE29P50X100 250 kcmil 250 YE30P55X110 300 kcmil 300 YE31P59X118 350 kcmil 350 YE32P63X126 400 kcmil 400 YE34P71X142 500 kcmil — YE36P78X156 600 kcmil — YE39P87X174 750 kcmil — 1 For sizes above 4/0 the MD6-6R2 must be used. ➃ To use "U" Dies in Y46 HYPRESS™, catalog number PUADP-1 die adaptor is required. 2-1/2 2-5/8 2-3/4 3-1/4 3-3/8 3-7/16 3-5/8 BURNDY Compression REDUCED PIN DIAMETER INSTALLATION DATA CATALOG NUMBER YEV4CP19X75FX YEV2CP23X75FX C-116 YEV1CP26X75FX YEV25P29X75FX YEV26P33X75FX YEV27P37X75FX YEV28P41X75FX ACCOMMODATES PIN COPPER WIRE SIZES SIZE DIMENSIONS CODE EQUIV- A DIA. B L P FLEX CABLE AWG NAVY ALENT [MM] [MM] [MM] [MM] OD COLOR [MM] CODE #4 STR. (91/24-105/24) #2 STR. (125/24-150/24) #1 STR. (175/24-225/24) 1/0 STR. (275/24) 2/0 STR. (325/24) 3/0 STR. (450/24) 4/0 STR. (550/24) #4 40 #5 #2 60 #3 #1 75 #2 1/0 100 #1 2/0 125 1/0 3/0 150 2/0 4/0 200 3/0 — 4/0 MECH TOOLS (# OF CRIMPS) .19 [5] .23 [6] .26 [7] .29 [8] .33 [8] .37 [9] .41 [10] 1.37 [35] 1.65 [42] 1.66 [42] 1.80 [46] 1.82 [46] 1.97 [50] 1.99 [51] 2.27 [58] 2.60 [66] 2.63 [67] 2.80 [71] 2.86 [73] 3.04 [77] 3.18 [81] .75 [19] .75 [19] .75 [19] .75 [19] .75 [19] .75 [19] .75 [21] .38 [10] .46 [12] .51 [13] .56 [14] .63 [16] .70 [18] .77 [20] .46 [12] .46 [12] .51 [13] .55 [14] .59 [15] .67 [17] .71 [18] .78 [20] 2.37 [60] 2.39 [61] 2.53 [65] 2.68 [68] 3.14 [80] 3.29 [84] 3.31 [84] 3.54 [90] 3.67 [93] 3.72 [94] 4.00 [102] 4.28 [109] 4.88 [124] 5.22 [133] 5.27 [136] 5.81 [148] .92 [23] .92 [23] 1.02 [26] 1.10 [28] 1.18 [30] 1.34 [34] 1.42 [36] 1.56 [40] .81 [21] .88 [22] .95 [24] 1.06 [27] 1.19 [30] 1.25 [32] 1.35 [34] 1.50 [38] .46 [12] .51 [13] .55 [14] .59 [15] .63 [16] .71 [18] .78 [20] 2.37 [60] 2.39 [61] 2.53 [65] 2.68 [68] 3.14 [80] 3.37 [86] 3.37 [86] 3.25 [82] 3.75 [95] 3.90 [99] 4.16 [106] 4.44 [113] 5.11 [130] 5.55 [141] .92 [23] 1.00 [25] 1.10 [28] 1.18 [30] 1.26 [32] 1.42 [36] 1.56 [40] .75 [19] .81 [21] .88 [22] .95 [24] 1.06 [27] 1.19 [30] 1.30 [33] DIE INDEX MY Y2MR MD7-34R MD6/ MD7 MY29-11 (2) MY29-11 (2) MY29-11 (2) MY29-11 (2) MY29-11 (2) MY29-11 (2) MY29-11 (2) Y2MR (4) Y2MR (4) W4CVT (2) W2CVT (2) W1CVT (2) W25VT (4) W26VT (4) W27VT (4) W28VT (4) W4CVT (2) W2CVT (2) W1CVT (2) W25VT (4) W26VT (4) W27VT (4) W28VT (4) U4CRT (2) U2CRT (2) U1CRT (2) U25RT (2) U26RT (2) U27RT (2) U28RT (2) U4CRT (2) U2CRT (2) U1CRT (2) U25RT (2) U26RT (2) U27RT (2) U28RT (2) U4CRT (2) U2CRT (2) U1CRT (2) U25RT (2) U26RT (2) U27RT (2) U28RT (2) W29VT (4) W30VT (8) W31VT (8) W32VT (8) W29VT (4) U29RT (2) U30RT (4) U31RT (4) U32RT (4) U34RT (4) U38XRT (4) U39RT (4) U44XRT (4) U29RT (2) U30RT (4) U31RT (4) U32RT (4) U34RT (4) U38XRT (4) U39RT (4) U44XRT (4) U29RT (2) U30RT (4) U31RT (4) U32RT (4) U34RT (4) U38XRT (4) U39RT (4) U44XRT (4) L29RT (1) L30RT (1) L31RT (1) L32RT (2) L34RT (2) U29RT (2) U30RT (4) U31RT (4) U32RT (4) U34RT (4) U36RT (4) U39RT (4) U29RT (2) U30RT (4) U31RT (4) U32RT (4) U34RT (4) U36RT (4) U39RT (4) U29RT (2) U30RT (4) U31RT (4) U32RT (4) U34RT (4) U36RT (4) U39RT (4) Gray 8 Brown 10 Green 11 Pink 12 Black 13 Orange 14 Purple 15 Yellow 16 MY29-11 (2) — White 17 — — Red 18 — — Blue 19 — — Brown 20 — — — — Pink L99 — — — — — — — — — Y35/Y39 Y750 HYDRAULIC TOOLS (# OF CRIMPS) Y644M (ACCOMMODATES EXPANDED Y45 ➃ Y46 Y60BHU WIRE RANGE) — — — — — — — #4 - #6 AWG (1) #2 - #6 AWG (1) #1 - #6 AWG (1) 1/0 - #6 AWG (1) 2/0 - #4 AWG (1) 3/0 - #2 AWG (1) 4/0 - #1 AWG (1) CABLE STRIP LENGTH 1-15/32 1-3/4 1-3/4 1-7/8 1-7/8 2-1/16 2-1/16 FLEX CABLE ONLY YE30P46X92FX YE31P46X92FX YE32P51X102FX YE34P55X110FX YE36P59X118FX YE38P67X134FX YE40P71X142FX YE44P78X156FX 250 kcmil FLEX CLASS G 259 CLASS H 427 262.6 kcmil FLEX 250 FLEX CLASS I, K, M 313.1 kcmil (775/24) (300 kcmil NOM) 373.7 kcmil (925/24) (350 kcmil NOM) 444.4 kcmil (1100/24) (450 kcmil NOM) 535.3 kcmil (1325/24) (500 kcmil NOM) 646 kcmil (1600/24) (600 kcmil NOM) 777.7 kcmil (1925/24) (750 kcmil NOM) — — — — — — — 4/0 250 kcmil 300 kcmil 350 kcmil 450 kcmil 500 kcmil 600 kcmil — — — Black 24 — — — — Yellow L115 — — — — Yellow 16 MY29-11 (2) — White 17 — — Red 18 — — Blue 19 — — Brown 20 — — W29VT (4) W30VT (8) W31VT (8) W32VT (8) W34VT (8) W29RT (4) W30RT (8) W31RT (8) W32RT (8) W34RT (8) Green 22 — — — — Black 24 — — — — (1) 2-3/8 (1) 2-1/2 (1) 2-5/8 (1) 2-3/4 (1) 3-1/4 — (1) 3-3/8 L39RT (2) (1) 3-7/16 — (1) 3-5/8 L29RT (1) L30RT (1) L31RT (1) L32RT (2) L34RT (2) L36RT (2) L39RT (2) 250 kcmil - 1/0 AWG (1) 300 kcmil - 2/0 AWG (1) 350 kcmil - 3/0 AWG (1) 450 kcmil - 4/0 AWG (1) 500 kcmil - 4/0 AWG (1) 600 kcmil - 250 kcmil (1) 750 kcmil - 500 kcmil (1) CODE CONDUCTOR ONLY AWG YE29P46X92 250 kcmil 250 YE30P50X100 300 kcmil 300 YE31P55X110 350 kcmil 350 YE32P59X118 400 kcmil 400 YE34P63X126 500 kcmil — YE36P71X142 600 kcmil — YE39P78X156 750 kcmil — 4/0 250 kcmil 300 kcmil 350 kcmil 400 kcmil 500 kcmil 600 kcmil 1 For sizes above 4/0 the MD6-6R2 must be used. ➃ To use "U" Dies in Y46 HYPRESS™, Catalog number PUADP-1 die adaptor is required. 2-1/2 2-5/8 2-3/4 3-1/4 3-3/8 3-7/16 3-5/8 BURNDY Compression REDUCED PIN DIAMETER INSTALLATION DATA CATALOG NUMBER YEV4CP16X75FX YEV2CP20X75FX YEV1CP23X75FX YEV25P26X75FX YEV26P29X75FX YEV27P33X75FX YEV28P37X75FX ACCOMMODATES PIN COPPER WIRE SIZES SIZE CODE EQUIV- A DIA. B FLEX CABLE AWG NAVY ALENT [MM] [MM] MECH TOOLS (# OF CRIMPS) DIMENSIONS L P OD COLOR [MM] [MM] [MM] CODE #4 STR. (91/24-105/24) #2 STR. (125/24-150/24) #1 STR. (175/24-225/24) 1/0 STR. (275/24) 2/0 STR. (325/24) 3/0 STR. (450/24) 4/0 STR. (550/24) .16 [4] .20 [5] .23 [6] .26 [7] .29 [8] .33 [8] .37 [9] 1.37 [35] 1.65 [42] 1.66 [42] 1.80 [46] 1.82 [46] 1.97 [50] 1.99 [51] 2.27 [58] 2.60 [66] 2.63 [67] 2.80 [71] 2.86 [73] 3.04 [77] 3.11 [81] .75 [19] .75 [19] .75 [19] .75 [19] .75 [19] .75 [19] .75 [19] .38 [10] .46 [12] .51 [13] .56 [14] .63 [16] .70 [18] .77 [20] 250 kcmil 300 kcmil 350 kcmil 450 kcmil 500 kcmil .41 [10] .41 [10] .46 [12] .51 [13] .55 [14] .59 [15] .67 [17] .71 [18] 2.37 [60] 2.39 [61] 2.53 [65] 2.68 [68] 3.14 [80] 3.29 [84] 3.31 [84] 3.54 [90] 3.57 [91] 3.62 [92] 3.90 [99] 4.20 [107] 4.80 [122] 5.06 [129] 5.29 [134] 5.67 [144] .82 [21] .82 [21] .92 [23] 1.02 [26] 1.10 [28] 1.18 [30] 1.34 [34] 1.42 [36] .81 [21] .88 [22] .95 [24] 1.06 [27] 1.19 [30] 1.25 [32] 1.35 [34] 1.50 [38] #1 .31 1.99 [51] 1.99 [51] 2.37 [60] 2.39 [61] 2.53 [65] 2.68 [68] 3.14 [80] 3.37 [86] 3.32 [79] 3.15 [80] 3.67 [93] 3.80 [96] 4.08 [104] 4.36 [111] 4.95 [126] 5.41 [137] 1.09 [28] .82 [21] .92 [23] 1.00 [25] 1.10 [28] 1.18 [30] 1.26 [32] 1.42 [36] .75 [19] .75 [19] .81 [21] .88 [22] .95 [24] 1.06 [27] 1.19 [30] 1.30 [33] #4 40 #6 #2 60 #4 #1 75 #3 1/0 100 #2 2/0 125 #1 3/0 150 1/0 4/0 200 2/0 — 3/0 — 3/0 DIE INDEX MD6/ MD7 Y35/Y39 Y750 HYDRAULIC TOOLS (# OF CRIMPS) Y644M (ACCOMMODATES EXPANDED Y45 ➃ Y46 Y60BHU WIRE RANGE) MY Y2MR MD7-34R MY29-11 (2) MY29-11 (2) MY29-11 (2) MY29-11 (2) MY29-11 (2) MY29-11 (2) MY29-11 (2) Y2MR (4) Y2MR (4) W4CVT (4) W2CVT (4) W1CVT (4) W25VT (4) W26VT (4) W27VT (4) W28VT (4) W4CRT U4CRT (4) (2) W2CRT U2CRT (4) (2) W1CRT U1CRT-1 (4) (2) W25RT U25RT (4) (2) W26RT U26RT (4) (2) W27RT U27RT (4) (2) W28RT U28RT (4) (2) U4CRT (2) U2CRT (2) U1CRT-1 (2) U25RT (2) U26RT (2) U27RT (2) U28RT (2) U4CRT (2) U2CRT (2) U1CRT-1 (2) U25RT (2) U26RT (2) U27RT (2) U28RT (2) W29VT (4) W30VT (8) W31VT (8) W32VT (8) W29RT (4) W30RT (8) W31RT (8) W32RT (8) — — — — — U29RT (2) U30RT (4) U31RT (4) U32RT (4) U34RT (4) U38XRT (4) U39RT (4) U44XRT (4) U29RT (2) U30RT (4) U31RT (4) U32RT (4) U34RT (4) U38XRT (4) U39RT (4) U44XRT (4) L29RT (1) L30RT (1) L31RT (1) L32RT (2) 1 L34RT (2) — U29RT (2) U30RT (4) U31RT (4) U32RT (4) U34RT (4) U38XRT (4) U39RT (4) U44XRT (4) U29RT (2) U29RT (2) U30RT (4) U31RT (4) U32RT (4) U34RT (4) U36RT (4) U39RT (4) U29RT (2) U29RT (2) U30RT (4) U31RT (4) U32RT (4) U34RT (4) U36RT (4) U39RT (4) U29RT (2) U29RT (2) U30RT (4) U31RT (4) U32RT (4) U34RT (4) U36RT (4) U39RT (4) Gray 8 Brown 10 Green 11 Pink 12 Black 13 Orange 14 Purple 15 Yellow 16 MY29-11 (2) — White 17 — — Red 18 — — Blue 19 — — Brown 20 — Pink L99 — — — — — — — — — — — — — #4 - #6 AWG (1) #2 - #6 AWG (1) #1 - #6 AWG (1) 1/0 - #6 AWG (1) 2/0 - #4 AWG (1) 3/0 - #2 AWG (1) 4/0 - #1 AWG (1) CABLE STRIP LENGTH 1-15/32 1-3/4 1-3/4 C-117 1-7/8 1-7/8 2-1/16 2-1/16 FLEX CABLE ONLY YE30P41X82FX YE31P41X82FX YE32P46X92FX YE34P51X102FX YE36P55X110FX YE38P59X118FX YE40P67X134FX YE44P71X142FX 250 kcmil FLEX CLASS G 259 CLASS H 427 262.6 kcmil FLEX 250 FLEX CLASS I, K, M 313.1 kcmil (775/24) (300 kcmil NOM) 373.7 kcmil (925/24) (350 kcmil NOM) 444.4 kcmil (1100/24) (450 kcmil NOM) 535.3 kciml (1325/24) (500 kcmil NOM) 646 kcmil (1600/24) (600 kcmil NOM) 777.7 kcmil (1925/24) (750 kcmil NOM) — — — — — — 4/0 Black 24 — — — — Yellow L115 — — — — Yellow 16 Yellow 16 White 17 — — Red 18 — — Blue 19 — — Brown 20 — — W29VT (4) W29VT (4) W30VT (8) W31VT (8) W32VT (8) W34VT (8) W29RT (4) W29RT (4) W30RT (8) W31RT (8) W32RT (8) W34RT (8) Green 22 — — — — Black 24 — — — — (1) 2-3/8 (1) 2-1/2 (1) 2-5/8 (1) 2-3/4 (1) 3-1/4 — (1) 3-3/8 L39RT (2) (1) 3-7/16 — (1) 3-5/8 L29RT (1) L29RT (1) L30RT (1) L31RT (1) L32RT (1) L34RT (2) L36RT (2) L39RT (2) 250 kcmil - 1/0 AWG (1) 250 kcmil - 1/0 AWG (1) 300 kcmil - 2/0 AWG (1) 350 kcmil - 3/0 AWG (1) 450 kcmil - 4/0 AWG (1) 500 kcmil - 4/0 AWG (1) 600 kcmil - 250 kcmil (1) 750 kcmil - 500 kcmil (1) CODE CONDUCTOR ONLY AWG YE29P31X109 250 kcmil 250 YE29P41X82 YE30P46X92 3/0 300 kcmil 300 YE31P50X100 350 kcmil 350 YE32P55X110 400 kcmil 400 YE34P59X118 500 kcmil — YE36P63X126 600 kcmil — YE39P71X142 750 kcmil — 4/0 250 kcmil 300 kcmil 350 kcmil 400 kcmil 500 kcmil 1 For sizes above 4/0 the MD6-6R2 must be used. .41 [10] .46 [12] .51 [13] .55 [14] .59 [15] .63 [16] .71 [18] ➃ To use "U" Dies in Y46 HYPRESS™, Catalog number PUADP-1 die adaptor is required. MY29-11 (2) MY29-11 (2) — — 2-1/2 2-1/2 2-5/8 2-3/4 3-1/4 3-3/8 3-7/16 3-5/8 BURNDY Compression TYPES YA-A AND YA-A-TN DIE AND CRIMP INFORMATION CLOSED BARREL ELECTRO-TIN PLATED HYLUG™ UNINSULATED ALUMINUM COMPRESSION TERMINAL CRIMP CRIMP 1-HOLE DESIGN C-118 CABLE ACCOMMODATION UL Listed 90° C, 600 Volts to 35 KV◆ Features and Benefits Type YA-A aluminum tin-plated compression HYLUG™ terminals are dual-rated and designed for use on both aluminum and copper conductors from #12 sol. through 2000 kcmil. They are designed for heavy duty applications to 35KV. YA-A terminals are prefilled with PENETROX®, and assembled with colorcoded end caps. Available with one, two, and four-hole NEMA tongues, the aluminum HYLUG™ terminals are designed for a permanent trouble-free electrical termination. • Manufactured from high conductivity, wrought aluminum with heavy duty wall thickness. ◊ Provides maximum conductivity, low resistance and ductility for an excellent combination of electrical and crimp forming properties. • Electro-tin plated. ◊ Provides durable long lasting corrosion resistance. • Internally bevelled barrel. ◊ Provides easy cable insertion. • Meets UL486B 90° C requirements. ◊ Provides a quality electrical dual connection. • Connector is clearly marked with wire size, die index, color-code and the proper number and location of crimps. ◊ Provides easy identification and tooling recommendation for a proper compression which forms a homogeneous mass resulting in an excellent electrical connection. Dimensions Catalog Number YA12WA-TN ‡ YA12A-TN ‡ YA10A-TN ‡ YA8CA1 YA8CA3 Code Conductor • Stud Size 12 sol. 12 str. 10 str. 12 10 10 10 8 str. YA6CA1 YA6CA3 COLOR CODED END CAP 1/4 No. of Holes in Pad 1 1 1 1 1/4 6 str. 3/8 1 • Contact BURNDY® for conductor, stud sizes and hole drillings not shown. ◆ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. ➀ No color code assigned. T Z REF. Min. C D L N .41 .41 .41 .53 .50 .50 .50 .60 1.19 1.22 1.22 1.50 .20 .20 .20 .20 .08 .08 .08 .09 .53 .75 1.65 .25 .09 .47 .75 1.84 .33 .14 .65 1.19 2.28 .44 .09 .30 .30 .30 .40 • Factory prefilled with PENETROX® oxide inhibiting compound. ◊ Oxide inhibiting compound contains homogeneously suspended metallic particles to penetrate the wires' oxides, establish electrical continuity and forms an airtight connection. • Color-coded end caps inserted in barrel end. ◊ Prevents foreign materials from entering and contaminating the connector prior to usage plus identifies the proper color-coded die for a reliable connection. Installation Tooling ▲ Dieless (# of crimps) Y35,Y39,Y70,Y46* Mechanical Hydraulic Die Number Color Tooling HYPRESS (# of crimps) Code MR8-27 (1) — Y81KFT (1) Y81KFTMBH (1) .50 MY29-3 (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) Y81KFT (1) .42 MY644M (1) Y81KFTMBH (1) Y81KFT (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) .75 Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) ‡ UL Listed for Aluminum only. * Use PUADP-1 adaptor with "U" dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. ▲ Die Index Wire Strip Length — ➀ — 5/8 U8CABT (1) Blue 374 5/8 U6CABT (1) Gray 346 3/4 BURNDY Compression TYPES YA-A AND YA-A-TN DIE AND CRIMP INFORMATION COLOR CODED END CAP CLOSED BARREL (Continued) ELECTRO-TIN PLATED HYLUG™ CRIMP UNINSULATED ALUMINUM COMPRESSION TERMINAL CRIMP AL9CU CABLE ACCOMMODATION 1-HOLE DESIGN C-119 UL Listed 90° C, 600 Volts to 35 KV◆ Dimensions Catalog Number YA4CA1 YA4CA3 Code Conductor 4 str. YA4CA6 YA2CA5 YA2CA1 YA2CA3 YA1CA1 YA25A1 YA25A3 YA25A9 YA26A6 YA26A1 YA27A1 YA27A3 YA28A1 YA28A3 YA29A1 YA30A6 YA30A1 Stud Size 1/4 5/16 No. of Holes in Pad 1 3/8 2 str. 1 str. 1/0 str. 2/0 str. 3/0 str. 4/0 str. 250 kcmil 300 kcmil 1/4 5/16 3/8 3/8 5/16 3/8 1/2 3/8 1/2 3/8 1/2 3/8 1/2 1/2 3/8 1/2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 T Z REF. Min. C D L N .47 .80 .75 .87 2.13 2.25 .33 .41 .18 .12 .42 .46 .80 .94 2.32 .44 .12 .50 .50 .88 .88 .76 .60 .82 1.03 .67 1.03 .73 1.04 1.17 1.17 1.26 1.38 1.38 .91 1.03 1.03 1.19 .87 1.18 1.34 1.18 1.36 1.18 1.37 1.18 1.36 1.36 1.37 1.37 2.25 2.50 2.56 2.59 2.31 2.67 2.67 2.79 3.03 2.88 3.27 3.26 3.44 3.53 3.90 3.90 .32 .41 .44 .44 .41 .63 .63 .44 .63 .44 .63 .44 .63 .63 .63 .63 .22 .16 .16 .19 .21 .21 .17 .24 .20 .26 .26 .30 .30 .33 .36 .36 .43 .47 .50 .75 .46 .55 .71 .74 .73 .74 .74 .74 .73 .73 .74 .74 YA31A1 350 kcmil 1/2 1 1.52 1.37 4.33 .63 .39 .74 YA32A1 YA34A1 YA36A1 YA39A1 YA39A3 YA44A1 400 kcmil 500 kcmil 600 kcmil 700/750 kcmil 1000 kcmil 5/8 5/8 5/8 1/2 5/8 5/8 1 1 1 1.62 1.80 1.97 2.05 2.05 2.50 .88 .88 .88 .63 .88 .88 .43 .46 .52 .43 .43 .43 1.00 1.03 1.00 .71 1.00 1.01 1 1 BURNDY® • Contact for conductor, stud sizes and hole drillings not shown. ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. Y644HS DIELESS HYPRESS™ RANGE-TAKING CAPABILITIES The following size HYDENT™ lugs and two way splices, when crimped with the Y644HS DIELESS HYPRESS™ tool, produce the following range taking capabilities: 1.88 1.91 1.88 1.34 1.88 1.89 4.92 5.56 5.82 5.26 5.80 6.50 Installation Tooling ▲ Dieless (# of crimps) Y35,Y39,Y70,Y46* Mechanical Hydraulic Die Number Color Tooling HYPRESS (# of crimps) Code MY29-3 (1) MY29-3 (1) MY29-3 (2) #6 AWG #4 AWG #2 AWG #1 AWG Y81KFT (2) Y81KFTMBH (2) Y644HS (1) PAT81KFT-18V (2) Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (3) Y81KFTMBH (3) PAT81KFT-18V (3) — * Use PUADP-1 adaptor with "U" dies in Y46 Hypress™. ** P44ART for use with Y46 HYPRESS™ only. PUADP-1 adapter not required. STANDARD WIRE SIZE Y81KFT (1) Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) Y644HS (1) 1/0 AWG 2/0 AWG 3/0 AWG 4/0 AWG Wire Strip Length U4CABT (1) Green 375 7/8 U2CABT (1) Pink 348 1-1/8 U1CART (1) Gold 471 15/16 U25ART (1) Tan 296 1-1/16 U26ART (2) Olive 297 1-3/8 U27ART (2) Ruby 467 1-1/2 U28ART (2) White 298 1-5/8 U29ART (2) Red 324 1-5/8 U30ART (2) Blue 470 1-3/4 U31ART (2) Brown 299 2-1/8 U32ART (4) Y644HS (1) U34ART (4) Y81KFT (4) U36ART (4) Y81KFTMBH (4) PAT81KFT-18V (4) U39ART-2 (4) Green Pink Black 472 300 473 2-1/2 2-5/8 2-7/8 Yellow 936 2-7/8 P44ART** (4) Brown 302 3 ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. ALUMINUM CONNECTORS EXPANDED STANDARD EXPANDED STANDARD WIRE RANGE WIRE SIZE WIRE RANGE WIRE SIZE #6 AWG #4 - #6 AWG #2 - #6 AWG #1 - #2 AWG ▲ Die Index 1/0 - #1 AWG 2/0 - #1 AWG 3/0 - #1 AWG 4/0 - #1 AWG 250 kcmil 300 kcmil 350 kcmil 400 kcmil 500 kcmil 600 kcmil 750 kcmil EXPANDED WIRE RANGE 250 kcmil - 1/0 AWG 300 kcmil - 2.0 AWG 350 kcmil - 3/0 AWG 400 kcmil - 4/0 AWG 500 kcmil - 4/0 AWG 600 - 250 kcmil 750 - 500 kcmil BURNDY Compression TYPE YA-A HYLUG™ C-120 (2) HOLE DRILLING UNINSULATED ALUMINUM COMPRESSION TERMINAL 2-HOLE AND 4-HOLE DESIGNS UL Listed 90° C, 600 Volts to 35 KV◆ YA2CA9 Code Conductor 2 str. YA25A5 YA25A7 1/0 str. ● Stud Size ● No. of Holes in Pad CLOSED BARREL BEVELED ENTRY CRIMPS ELECTRO-TIN PLATED CABLE ACCOMIDATION aluminum terminals have the same design features and benefits as the 1-hole YA-A with an added stud hole for a more secure termi- Type YA-A 2- and 4-hole pads inhibit connector rotation and increase area contact. These Catalog Number COLOR CODED END CAP DIE AND CRIMP INFORMATION Dimensions C E & F D L T Z REF. Min. N 1/2 2-NEMA 1.12 1.03 1.75 4.73 .63 .16 .73 3/8 2 .82 2.24 1.06 3.73 .63 .21 .55 1/2 2-NEMA 1.03 3.10 1.75 4.59 .63 .17 .72 2-NEMA 2 2-NEMA 2 2-NEMA 2 2-NEMA 2 2-NEMA 2 2 2-NEMA 1.03 .92 1.04 1.04 1.17 1.17 1.26 1.26 1.38 1.38 1.52 1.52 3.11 1.89 3.12 1.89 3.11 1.89 3.11 1.89 3.11 1.89 1.89 3.11 1.75 1.00 1.75 1.00 1.75 1.00 1.75 1.00 1.75 1.00 1.00 1.75 4.78 3.56 5.02 3.79 5.19 3.97 5.28 4.06 5.69 5.64 4.85 6.07 .63 .44 .63 .44 .63 .44 .63 .44 .63 .44 .44 .63 .20 .24 .26 .26 .30 .30 .33 .33 .36 .36 .39 .39 .73 .45 .74 .45 .73 .45 .73 .45 .73 .45 .45 .73 350 kcmil 1/2 3/8 1/2 3/8 1/2 3/8 1/2 3/8 1/2 3/8 3/8 1/2 YA32A5 400 kcmil 3/8 2 1.62 1.89 1.00 4.93 .44 .43 .94 1/2 3/8 1/2 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 2-NEMA 2 2-NEMA 2 2 2-NEMA 2-NEMA 2-NEMA 2-NEMA 4-NEMA 2-NEMA 1.62 1.80 1.62 1.97 2.05 1.62 1.69 1.65 3.09 3.09 3.57 3.15 1.89 3.15 1.89 1.89 3.15 3.12 3.15 3.16 3.16 3.11 1.75 1.00 1.75 1.00 1.00 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 6.80 5.54 7.09 5.83 5.81 7.07 7.31 7.76 8.75 8.75 8.49 .63 .44 .63 .44 .44 .63 .63 .63 .63 .63 .63 .46 .46 .52 .52 .43 .43 .57 .66 .81 .81 .90 .77 .45 .77 .45 .45 .77 .74 .77 .78 .78 .73 YA34A3 YA34A5 YA36A3 YA36A5 YA39A7 YA39A5 YA39AM2 YA44A3 YA46A3 YA46A5 YA48A3 2/0 str. 3/0 str. 4/0 str. 250 kcmil 300 kcmil 500 kcmil 600 kcmil 700/750 kcmil 1000 kcmil 1500 kcmil 2000 kcmil Installation Tooling ▲ Dieless (# of crimps) Y35,Y39,Y750,Y46* Mechanical Hydraulic Die Number Color Tooling HYPRESS (# of crimps) Code MY29-3 (1) MY29-3 (1) YA26A3 YA26A5 YA27A5 YA27A7 YA28A5 YA28A7 YA29A3 YA29A5 YA30A3 YA30A5 YA31A5 YA31A3 • Contact BURNDY® or conductor, stud sizes and hole drillings not shown. ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. ‡ Use Y60 BHU HYPRESS™ with L46ART and L48ART die sets. 90° C Rated. Y644HS DIELESS HYPRESS™ RANGE-TAKING CAPABILITIES The following size HYDENT™ lugs and two way splices, when crimped with the Y644HS DIELESS HYPRESS™ tool, produce the following range taking capabilities: MY29-3 (2) #6 AWG #4 AWG #2 AWG #1 AWG Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (1) Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (2) Y81KFTMBH (2) PAT81KFT-18V (2) Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (2) Y81KFTMBH (2) PAT81KFT-18V (2) Wire Strip Length U2CABT (1) Pink 348 1-1/8 U25ART (1) Tan 296 1-1/16 U26ART (2) Olive 297 1-3/8 U27ART (2) Ruby 467 1-1/2 U28ART (2) White 298 1-5/8 U29ART (2) Red 324 1-5/8 Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (3) Y81KFTMBH (3) PAT81KFT-18V (3) U30ART (2) Blue 470 1-3/4 U31ART (2) Brown 299 2-1/8 U32ART (4) Green 472 2 Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (4) Y81KFTMBH (4) PAT81KFT-18V (4) U34ART (4) Pink 300 2-5/8 U36ART (4) Black 473 2-7/8 — — U39ART (4) Yellow 936 2-7/8 P39ART** (4) P44ART** (4) Red Brown 301 302 2-7/8 3 L46ART (2) Red 478 2-3/4 L48ART (2) Red 479 4-1/8 ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. ALUMINUM CONNECTORS EXPANDED STANDARD EXPANDED STANDARD WIRE RANGE WIRE SIZE WIRE RANGE WIRE SIZE #6 AWG #4 - #6 AWG #2 - #6 AWG #1 - #2 AWG ▲ Die Index MY29-3 (2) * Use PUADP-1 adaptor with "U" dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. ** P39ART and P44ART die sets for use with Y46 HYPRESS™ only. PUADP-1 adapter not required. STANDARD WIRE SIZE nation to various types of equipment pads. They are dual-rated for use on both aluminum and copper conductors. 1/0 AWG 2/0 AWG 3/0 AWG 4/0 AWG 1/0 - #1 AWG 2/0 - #1 AWG 3/0 - #1 AWG 4/0 - #1 AWG 250 kcmil 300 kcmil 350 kcmil 400 kcmil 500 kcmil 600 kcmil 750 kcmil EXPANDED WIRE RANGE 250 kcmil - 1/0 AWG 300 kcmil - 2.0 AWG 350 kcmil - 3/0 AWG 400 kcmil - 4/0 AWG 500 kcmil - 4/0 AWG 600 - 250 kcmil 750 - 500 kcmil BURNDY Compression TYPE YA-A-KIT TRANSFORMER LUG KIT CONNECTOR Each kit contains the UL listed and CSA certified AL9CU rated aluminum compression connectors and tongue mounting hardware needed to terminate aluminum or copper cables in “dry type” transformers. The KVA rating gives an approximate cross reference to the appropriate kit. C-121 Features and Benefits • UL listed AL9CU dual rated compression terminals and CSA certified. ◊ Ensure the transformer feeders and taps are terminated properly. • Plated steel cap screws and hex nuts with captive conical washers or individual Belleville washers. ◊ Terminal to bus connections are made using proper hardware resulting in true torque to pressure performance. Compensates for dissimilar metal expansion and contraction. • Hardware packed in plastic bag. ◊ No lost hardware prior to installation. CATALOG NUMBER YA-A-KIT1 YA-AKIT2 YA-AKIT3 TERMINALS QTY. CAT. NO. KVA 15-37.5 15-45 3 50-75 75-112.5 100-167 150-300 1Ø 1Ø 1Ø 3Ø 1Ø 3Ø WIRE RANGE WITH Y644M 8 4 YA2C-A5 YA30-A7 #6-2 AWG 2/0 AWG-300 kcmil 12 YA30-A7 2/0 AWG-300 kcmil 3 22 YA30-A7 YA39-A1 2/0 AWG-300kcmil 500-750 kcmil HH- Hex Head HN- Hex Nut See Mechanical section for set screw terminal kits. BOLT QTY. HARDWARE QTY. WASHER 8 1/4-20 3/4 8 1/2 20HN Captive 8 8 3 16 1/4-20 3/4 1/4-20 2 1/4-20 3/4 1-2-13 2 16 1/4 20HN Captive 3 16 1/4 20 1/2-13 Captive 1/2 Belleville BURNDY Compression TYPE AYP, AYPO HYPLUG™ FOR ALUMINUM AND COPPER CONDUCTOR UL Listed 90° C, 600 Volts to 35 KV◆ C-122 TYPE AYP Types AYP and AYPO aluminum compression adapters are designed for reliable termination of aluminum and copper conductor in mechanical connectors. Typical applications include mechanical connectors in molded case circuit breakers, panel board equipment and meter sockets. AL9CU TYPE AYPO Features and Benefits • All-aluminum electro-tin plated design. ◊ Eliminates possible bi-metallic corrosion and provides the shortest connector length design possible. • Shortest connector length design possible. ◊ Permits easy installation in equipment with limited working space. • Solid electro-tin plated aluminum plug. ◊ Proper electrical connection made easily. Eliminates "how tight is tight" problem. • Smooth surface on the solid EC aluminum electro-tin plated plug. ◊ Provides greater area contact establishing excellent electrical conductivity. • Solid plug has same diameter as current carrying equivalent copper wire. ◊ Permits use of larger aluminum wire to connect equipment. • Offset plug design available in sizes 2/0 through 750 kcmil. ◊ Provides flexibility and maximizes the use of limited space eliminating interference between conductors and equipment. ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. • Electro-tin plated. ◊ Resists corrosion. • Factory prefilled with the proper amount of PENETROX® joint compound. ◊ PENTROX®, BURNDY's oxide inhibiting compound with conductive metallic particles penetrates aluminum oxide between strands and forms an air-tight connection. • EPDM rubber covers are supplied with each connector. ◊ Eliminates taping. • Only (5) die sets install the complete line from #6 to 750 kcmil. ◊ Lowers inventory requirements and saves money. • Supplied in a plastic convenience pack. ◊ The cover and connector are kept together and free of foreign material until used. • Connectors are clearly marked with catalog number, wire size, and color coded die index. ◊ Provides clear, easy to use information to lower installed cost. BURNDY Compression TYPE AYP, AYPO HYPLUG™ FOR ALUMINUM AND COPPER CONDUCTOR UL Listed 90° C, 600 Volts to 35 KV◆ Fig 1: TYPE AYP (STRAIGHT) Fig 2: TYPE AYPO (OFFSET) AL9CU Dimensions P L Plug HYPLUG Length Length Catalog Number Copper & Aluminum Conductor Fig. No. A Plug Dia. AYP6 AYP4 AYP2 AYP1 AYP1/0 AYPO2/0 AYPO3/0 #6 str #4 str #2 str #1 str 1/0 str 2/0 str 3/0 str 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 .23 .23 .23 .26 .29 .33 .37 .68 .68 .68 .84 .84 1.09 1.22 1.85 1.85 1.85 2.01 2.01 2.70 2.80 1.78 1.78 1.78 1.78 1.78 2.44 2.44 AYPO4/0 4/0 str 2 .42 1.22 2.80 2.44 AYP250 AYPO250 AYPO300 AYP350 AYPO350 AYPO400 AYP500 AYPO500 AYPO600 AYP750 250 kcmil 250 kcmil 300 kcmil 350 kcmil 350 kcmil 400 kcmil 500 kcmil 500 kcmil 600 kcmil 700/750 kcmil 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 .47 .47 .53 .57 .57 .63 .68 .68 .73 .81 1.22 1.22 1.34 1.34 1.34 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.64 1.76 2.63 2.98 3.08 2.75 3.08 3.43 3.08 3.43 4.02 3.79 2.54 2.88 2.88 2.54 2.88 3.16 2.81 3.16 4.06 3.66 AYPO750 700/750 kcmil 2 .81 1.76 4.16 4.06 Scratch brush aluminum conductor before installation. ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. ** For MY29-3 use aluminum index plate at 1/0 setting for sizes #6 through 1/0 or at 4/0 setting for sizes 2/0 through 4/0. + Not UL listed. Y644HS DIELESS HYPRESS™ RANGE-TAKING CAPABILITIES The following HYPLUG™ lugs and two way splices, when crimped with the Y644HS DIELESS HYPRESS™ tool, produce the following range- taking capabilities: LL Cover Length HYTOOLS Dieless Tools + (# of crimps) OH25 MY29-3 (2) ** Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (1) Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) MY29-3 (2) ** Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (2) Y81KFTMBH (2) PAT81KFT-18V (2) Hydraulic: Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (2) Y81KFTMBH (2) PAT81KFT-18V (2) Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (3) Y81KFTMBH (3) PAT81KFT-18V (3) 1 crimp — — Installation Tooling ▲ Y35,Y39,Y750,Y46* + Die Number Color MD6 (# of crimps) Code W241 — — ▲ Die Index & Embossment Wire Strip Length U25ART (1) Tan 296 1-1/16 U28ART (2) White 298 1-1/8 U31ART (2) Brown 299 1-1/8 U34ART (2) Pink 300 1-9/16 U39ART-2 (3) Yellow 936 1-3/4 * Use PUADP-1 adaptor with "U" dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. ■ Also accomodates compressed and compact conductors (except for 700 kcmil in 750 kcmil barrel). ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. STANDARD WIRE SIZE #6 AWG #4 AWG #2 AWG #1 AWG ALUMINUM CONNECTORS EXPANDED STANDARD EXPANDED WIRE RANGE WIRE SIZE WIRE RANGE #6 AWG 1/0 AWG 1/0 - #1 AWG #4 - #6 AWG 2/0 AWG 2/0 - #1 AWG #2 - #6 AWG 3/0 AWG 3/0 - #1 AWG #1 - #2 AWG 4/0 AWG 4/0 - #1 AWG STANDARD WIRE SIZE 250 kcmil 300 kcmil 350 kcmil 400 kcmil 500 kcmil 600 kcmil 750 kcmil EXPANDED WIRE RANGE 250 kcmil - 1/0 AWG 300 kcmil - 2/0 AWG 350 kcmil - 3/0 AWG 400 kcmil - 4/0 AWG 500 kcmil - 4/0 AWG 600 - 250 kcmil 750 - 500 kcmil C-123 BURNDY Compression TYPE YS-A DIE AND COLOR CODE INFORMATION HYLINK™ BELLED END ELECTRO-TIN PLATED UNINSULATED ALUMINUM COMPRESSION SPLICE CRIMP UL Listed 90° C, 600 Volts to 35 KV◆ C-124 BELLED END Type YS-A is a high-conductivity aluminum tin-plated compression butt splice for use on all combinations of aluminum to aluminum, aluminum to copper, and copper to copper conductor combinations. They are designed to accommodate conductors from #12 str. through 1,000 kcmil in standard and heavy duty applications. Prefilled with PENETROX™ oxide inhibiting compounds and assembled with color-coded end caps, the connectors provide a permanent trouble-free electrical splice with flexibility and low installed cost. • Manufactured from high-conductivity wrought aluminum with heavy duty wall thickness. ◊ Provides high-conductivity/low resistance and ductility for an excellent combination of electrical and crimp forming properties. • Electro-tin plated. ◊ Provides durable long lasting corrosion resistance. • Internally bevelled barrel. ◊ Provides easy cable entry. • Solid center stop and prefilled with PENETROX™ oxide inhibiting compound. ◊ Provides stop for proper conductor insertion and an aid in forcing the PENETROX™ between the individual wire strands. Code • Conductor YS12AG1 #12 str. .39 1.03 YS10WAG1 ‡ #10 str. .44 1.12 YS8CA1 YS6CA1 8 str. 6 str. .59 .72 1.44 1.70 YS4CA1 4 str. .86 1.97 YS2CA1 2 str. 1.09 2.44 1 str. 1/0 str. Dimensions B L .90 1.06 ◆ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listing. ① No color code assigned. ‡ UL Listed for Aluminum only. Not CSA Certified. * Use PUADP-1 adaptor with "U" dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. (4) CENTER WIRE STOP Features and Benefits Catalog Number YS1CA1 YS25A1 CRIMP 2.05 2.37 • Color-coded end caps. ◊ Provides easy wire size and die code identification plus prevents foreign materials from entering and contaminating the connector prior to usage. • Connector is clearly marked with wire size, die index and the proper number and location of crimps. ◊ Provides easy identification and tooling recommendation. Proper compression forms a homogeneous mass resulting in an excellent electrical connection. Installation Tooling ▲ Y35, ■ Y39, Y750, Y46* Dieless (# of crimps/end) Die Number Mechanical Hydraulic (# of crimps Color HYTOOL HYPRESS per end) Code Ratchet: MR8-27 (1) MY29-3 (1) MY29-3 (1) Die Index & Wire Embossment Strip ▲ Length — — ① — 5/8” Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (1) Y81KFTMBH (1) PAT81KFT-18V (1) Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (2) Y81KFTMBH (2) PAT81KFT-18V (2) U8CABT (1) U6CABT (1) Blue Gray 374 346 5/8” 3/4” U4CABT (1) Green 375 7/8” U2CABT (1) Pink 348 1-1/8” U1CART (1) U25ART (1) Gold Tan 471 296 15/16” 1-1/16” ■ The largest size for the Y35 is 400 kcmil. ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. • Also accomodates compressed and compact conductors (except for 700 kcmil in 750 kcmil barrel). BURNDY Compression TYPE YS-A (Continued) DIE AND COLOR CODE INFORMATION BELLED END ELECTRO-TIN PLATED HYLINK™ UNINSULATED ALUMINUM COMPRESSION SPLICE CRIMP UL Listed 90° C, 600 Volts to 35 KV◆ Catalog Number Code Conductor YS26A1 YS27A1 YS28A1 YS29A1 YS30A1 2/0 str. 3/0 str. 4/0 str. 250 kcmil 300 kcmil BELLED END Dimensions B L 1.18 1.31 1.40 1.46 1.47 1.89 4.04 YS32A1 YS34A1 YS36A1 400 kcmil 500 kcmil 600 kcmil 700/750 kcmil 700/750 kcmil 1000 kcmil 1250 kcmil 1500 kcmil 1750 kcmil 2000 kcmil 2250 kcmil ALUMINUM ONLY 2.30 2.38 2.44 4.86 5.00 5.14 2.50 5.26 YS39AM1* YS483A1 2.63 5.58 2.84 2.84 3.40 3.99 3.66 5.94 6.21 7.05 8.31 7.58 3.66 7.58 ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. ‡ UL Listed for Aluminum only. Not CSA certified. * Use PUADP-1 adaptor with "U" dies in Y46 HYPRESS™. ** P39ART and P44ART for use with Y46 HYPRESS™ only. PUADP-1 adapter not required. Y644HS DIELESS HYPRESS™ RANGE-TAKING CAPABILITIES The following size HYDENT™ lugs and two way splices, when crimped with the Y644HS DIELESS HYPRESS™ tool, produce the following range-taking capabilities: Installation Tooling ▲ Y35, ■ Y39, Y750, Y46*, Y60BHU Dieless (# of crimps/end) Die Number Mechanical Hydraulic (# of crimps Color HYTOOL HYPRESS per end) Code 2.61 2.88 3.06 3.18 3.20 350 kcmil YS44A1 YS45A1 YS46A1 YS47A1 YS48A1 (4) CENTER WIRE STOP C-125 YS31A1 YS39A1* CRIMP MY29-3 (2) Die Index & Wire Embossment Strip ▲ Length Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (2) Y81KFTMBH (2) PAT81KFT-18V (2) U26ART (2) U27ART (2) U28ART (2) U29ART (2) U30ART (2) Olive Ruby White Red Blue 297 467 298 324 470 1-3/8” 1-1/2” 1-5/8” 1-5/8” 1-3/4” Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (3) Y81KFTMBH (3) PAT81KFT-18V (3) U31ART (2) Brown 299 2-1/8” U32ART (4) U34ART (4) U36ART (4) Green Pink Black 472 300 473 2-1/2” 2-5/8” 2-7/8” U39ART-2 (4) Yellow 936 2-7/8” Y644HS (1) Y81KFT (4) Y81KFTMBH (4) PAT81KFT-18V (4) — — P39ART** (4) Red 301 2-7/8” P44ART** (4) P48PR1/L44ART** L46ART*** L47ART*** L48ART*** Brown Brown Blue White Red 302 302 478 587 479 3” 2-7/8” 3-3/8” 4” 3-5/8” L48ART*** Red 479 3-5/8” ■ The largest size for the Y35 is 400 kcmil. *** Y60BHU only. 90° C Rated. • Also accommodates compressed and compact conductors. (Except 700 kcmil in 750 kcmil barrel) STANDARD EXPANDED WIRE SIZE WIRE RANGE #6 AWG #4 AWG #2 AWG #1 AWG #6 AWG #4 - #6 AWG #2 - #6 AWG #1 - #2 AWG ALUMINUM CONNECTORS STANDARD EXPANDED STANDARD WIRE SIZE WIRE RANGE WIRE SIZE 1/0 AWG 2/0 AWG 3/0 AWG 4/0 AWG 1/0 - #1 AWG 2/0 - #1 AWG 3/0 - #1 AWG 4/0 - #1 AWG 250 kcmil 300 kcmil 350 kcmil 400 kcmil 500 kcmil 600 kcmil 750 kcmil EXPANDED WIRE RANGE 250 kcmil - 1/0 AWG 300 kcmil - 2/0 AWG 350 kcmil - 3/0 AWG 400 kcmil - 4/0 AWG 500 kcmil - 4/0 AWG 600 - 250 kcmil 750 - 500 kcmil BURNDY Compression TYPE YS-AT DIE AND CRIMP INFORMATION HIGH VOLTAGE UNINSULATED ALUMINUM COMPRESSION SPLICE PRE-FILLED WITH PENETROX Type YS-AT is a high-conductivity aluminum electro-tin plated compression butt splice with C-126 tapered ends for high voltage applications up to 35 KV. The YS-AT provides the same benefits as the YS-A with the addition of tapered ends for easy installation of high voltage insulating kits. Tapered ends aid in preventing corona emission and insulation breakdown. Recommended for high voltage splice applications. CATALOG NUMBER • † CODE CONDUCTOR YS2CAT YS25AT YS26AT YS27AT YS28AT YS29AT YS30AT YS31AT YS34AT YS39AT YS44AT 2 str. 1/0 str. 2/0 str. 3/0 str. 4/0 str. 250 kcmil 300 kcmil 350 kcmil 500 kcmil 700/750 kcmil • 1000 kcmil COLOR CODED END CAPS CRIMPS TAPERED END † Contact BURNDY® for conductor sizes not shown. * Use PUADP-1 adapter for "U" dies. ** P39ART and P44ART for use with Y46 HYPRESS™ only. PUADP-1 adapter not required. ■ The maximum size for the Y35 is 400 kcmil. CENTER STOP Features and Benefits • Tapered ends for applications through 35KV. ◊ Permits easy taping and aids in preventing corona emission and insulation breakdown. • Heavy wall aluminum tubing. ◊ For use with combinations of AL-AL, AL-CU, CU-CU DIMENSIONS B L 1.58 1.96 1.83 2.04 2.16 2.29 2.54 2.68 3.39 3.69 3.77 CRIMPS 4.00 4.73 4.29 4.69 5.05 5.37 5.91 6.23 7.79 8.57 9.69 INSTALLATION TOOLING ▲ Y35, ■ Y39, Y750, Y46* DIE (CRIMPS COLOR NUMBER PER END) CODE U2CABT U25ART U26ART U27ART U28ART U29ART U30ART U31ART U34ART P39ART** P44ART** (2) (2) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (6) (6) (6) ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. • Also accommodates compressed and compact conductors (except 700 kcmil in 750 kcmil barrel). Pink Tan Olive Ruby White Red Blue Brown Pink Red Brown DIE INDEX & EMBOSSMENT ▲ WIRE STRIP LENGTH 348 296 297 467 298 324 470 299 300 301 302 2-1/4 2-5/8 2-3/8 2-5/8 2-3/4 2-7/8 3-1/8 3-3/8 4-1/8 4-1/2 4-3/4 BURNDY Compression TYPE YRB HYREDUCER™ FOR ALUMINUM TO COPPER AND ALUMINUM TO ALUMINUM CRIMP UL Listed 90° C, 600 Volts to 35 KV◆ CRIMP C-127 HYREDUCER™ type YRB reducer butt splice is designed to splice two different conductor sizes and is UL listed for aluminum to copper and aluminum to aluminum applications. The outside diameter is held constant to minimize installation dies and is factory prefilled with PENETROX™. CATALOG NUMBER 1 str. 2 str. YRB25U2 1/0 str. YRB27U25 YRB27U26 YRB28U26 YRB29U28 YRB31U28 YRB31U29 YRB34U31 YRB36U31 YRB36U34 3/0 str. 3/0 str. 4/0 str. 250 kcmil 350 kcmil 350 kcmil 500 kcmil 600 kcmil 600 kcmil 700 kcmil 750 kcmil • 700 kcmil 750 kcmil • YRB39U36 • Constant outside diameters. Electro tin-plated. ◊ Minimizes installation dies and provides a smooth profile for easy taping. Provides durable long lasting corrosion resistance. • Factory prefilled with BURNDY's PENETROX™ oxide inhibiting compound. ◊ Contains Homogeneously suspended conductive metallic particles which penetrate oxides between conductor strands and forms an air tight connection. CONDUCTOR RANGE • ALUM. or CU. SIZE † BARREL BARREL A B YRB2U4 YRB39U34 Features and Benefits 4 str. 3 str. 1 str. 2 str. 1/0 str. 2/0 str. 2/0 str. 4/0 str. 4/0 str. 250 kcmil 350 kcmil 350 kcmil 500 kcmil DIMENSIONS O.D. B L .62 .88 2.00 .62 .88 2.00 .85 .85 .85 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.31 1.46 1.46 1.36 1.36 1.36 1.73 1.73 1.73 2.11 2.25 2.25 3.31 3.31 3.31 4.21 4.21 4.21 5.12 5.57 5.57 500 kcmil 1.46 2.25 5.57 600 kcmil 1.46 2.25 5.57 † Contact BURNDY® for conductor sizes not shown. ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. ‡ Number of crimps. * Use PUADP-1 adaptor with "U" dies shown in Y46 HYPRESS™. • Solid center barrier. ◊ Provides center stop for correct cable insertion and aids the thorough penetration of PENETROX™ oxide inhibiting compound between conductor strands. • Connectors are clearly marked with catalog number, wire size, and color-coded die index. ◊ Provides clear, easy to use information to lower installed costs. • Each barrel end has a plastic end cap. ◊ Keeps the connector barrels free of foreign materials. INSTALLATION TOOLING ▲ HYDRAULIC TOOLS, DIE SETS (NO. OF CRIMPS ‡) Y35 ■, Y39, Y750 DIE ▲ COLOR Y46* ‡ INDEX CODE WIRE STRIP LENGTH U25ART (1) 296 Tan 1-1/16 U28ART (2) 298 White 1-5/8 U31ART (2) 299 Brown 2-1/8 U34ART (4) 300 Pink 2-5/8 U39ART-2 (4) 936 Yellow 2-7/8 ■ The maximum size for the Y35 is 400 kcmil. ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. • Also accommodates compressed and compact conductors (except 700 kcmil in 750 kcmil barrel). BURNDY Compression TYPES YFD, YFN, YFO AND YFR DIE AND COLOR CODE AND CRIMP INFORMATION H-CRIMPIT™ UNINSULATED ALUMINUM COMPRESSION TAP CONNECTOR C-128 CRIMP ELECTRO-TIN PLATED PRE-FILLED WITH PENETROX FOR ALUMINUM TO COPPER AND ALUMINUM TO ALUMINUM UL Listed 90° C, 600 Volts to 35 kV◆ H-CRIMPIT™ compression tap connectors Types YFD, YFN, YFO and YFR are for use with aluminum to aluminum and aluminum to copper connections. The H-CRIMPIT™ is ideal for making both parallel and tap compression connections in risers and gutters. It should only be installed with hydraulic tools. Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Fig. 4 Features and Benefits • Each connector is factory sealed in polyethylene. ◊ Maintains the connector free of dirt and foreign materials prior to being used. • When installed the connector has a smooth profile. ◊ Easy to tape or to install an insulating crimpit cover (See Types CFA and CFA-FR) thereby lowering installed costs. • Connectors are color-coded to match installation die. ◊ Easy die selections lower installed cost. • UL 486B Listed. ◊ Provides a quality electrical connection. INSTALLATION TOOLING ▲ ACCOMODATES ➁ COPPER OR ALUMINUM RUN TAP 1/0-6 STR 4/0-1 STR 4/0-1 STR 4/0-3/0 STR 400-4/0 500-4/0 500-4/0 500-250 500-250 600-350 600-350 900-600 900-600 900-600 1000-350 1-6 STR 1-6 STR 2/0-1 STR 4/0-3/0 STR 400-4/0 2/0-6 STR 500-4/0 4/0-2/0 STR 350-250 350-2/0 600-350 350-2/0 600-350 900-600 1000-350 COMPACT ➃ RUN TAP 2/0-6 250-1/0 250-1/0 250-3/0 500-250 500-250 500-250 500-300 500-300 600-400 600-400 900-700 900-700 900-700 1000-400 1-6 STR 1-6 STR 3/0-1/0 250-3/0 500-250 3/0-6 STR 500-250 250-3/0 350-300 350-300 600-400 350-3/0 600-400 900-700 1000-400 DIA. RANGE RUN TAP CAT. NO. .398-.162 .332-.162 YFO-140* .563-.338 .332-.162 YFD-265* .563-.338 .477-.338 YFD-365* .563-.426 .563-.426 YFD-415* .750-.522 .750-.522 YFN-465 .815-.522 .450-.160 YFN-515 .815-.522 .815-.522 YFN-540 .815-.573 .565-.410 YFN565 .815-.573 .685-.570 YFN-615 .893-.659 .684-.398 YFR-715 893-.659 893-.659 YFR-765 1.108-.877 .685-.398 YFR-815 1.108-.877 .893-.659 YFR-865 1.108-.877 1.108-.877 YFR-915 1.165-.659 1.165-.659 YFR-965 ▲ See tooling section of this catalog for complete tool and die listings. † Do not use U-YFN die set with P-UADP-1 adapter in Y46 HYPRESS™. Use P-YFN only. ◆ For applications greater than 2000 Volts consult cable manufacturer for voltage stress relief instructions. * CSA listed. FIG. NO. HEIGHT 1 1 1 1 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 1.15 (29.2) 1.47 (37.3) 1.42 (36.1) 1.40 (35.6) 1.86 (47.2) 1.96 (50) 1.82 (46.2) 1.89 (48) 1.99 (50.5) 3.04 (77.2) 3.04 (77.2) 3.05 (77.5) 3.04 (77.2) 2.97 (75.4) 3.12 (80) LENGTH WIDTH 1.62 (41.1) 1.88 (47.8) 2.50 (63.5) 2.50 (63.5) 3.50 (89) 2.00 (51) 4.50 (114.3) 2.00 (51) 3.50 (88.9) 3.50 (88.9) 4.62 (117.3) 3.50 (88.9) 4.62 (117.3) 4.62 (117.3) 6.00 (152.4) .70 (17.8) .89 (22.6) .89 (22.6) .89 (22.6) 1.25 (31.8) 1.28 (32.5) 1.23 (31.2) 1.27 (32.3) 1.28 (32.5) 1.74 (44.2) 1.74 (44.2) 1.74 (44.2) 1.74 (44.2) 1.74 (44.2) 1.67 (42.4) DIELESS TOOLS ▲ HYDRAULIC TOOLS, DIE ADAPTOR, WIRE DIE COLOR DIE SETS (NO. OF CRIMPS) (NO. OF CRIMPS) STRIP INDEX CODE Y750,Y35,Y39 Y46 ➂ ( ) Y644M,Y644MBH LENGTH 0 Green UYFO, U-O D3 Blue U-D3 U-YFD N Red U-N U-YFN KR Yellow — — NOTES: 1. Material: Aluminum. ➁ For Conductor combinations of AL to AL or AL to CU. ➂ Catalog Number PUADP-1-Adaptor is required to use "U" type dies in Y46 tools. ➃ Other conductors not listed in table can be accommodated as long as the conductor diameter falls within diameter range specified. P-N P-YFN P-KR P-YFR (2) (2) (3) (3) (3) (2) (3) (2) (3) (3) (4) (3) (4) (4) (5) PT30541 (1) PT30540 (2) — — — — — — — — 1-7/8” 1-1/8” 2-3/4” 2-3/4” 3-3/4” 2-1/4” 4-7/8” 2-1/4” 3-3/4” 3-3/4” 5” 3-3/4” 5” 5” 6-1/4” BURNDY Compression TYPES CFA AND CFA-FR H-CRIMPIT™ INSULATING COVERS H-CRIMPIT™ FLAME RETARDANT INSULATING COVERS C-129 FOR O, D3, N, AND KR DIE SIZE H-TAP COMPRESSION CONNECTORS Features and Benefits UL Listed to 600 Volts Type CFA insulating covers are made of high impact, high density polyethylene to insulate H-tap CRIMPIT™ compression connectors. Overlapping flash barriers protect both seams against possible electrical flashover. End fingers remain closed or wrap closely around conductors. Multiple latches lock cover closed securely. Type CFA-FR flame retardant insulating covers are made of high impact, high density polypropylene with a minimum 28 oxygen index. This cover incorporates all the features of the CF design plus the benefit of selfextinguishing flame retardant properties. Material is UL 94V-O rated. • One-piece design. ◊ No extra parts or hardware required. • Slips over connector and latches securely shut. ◊ Fast, easy, reliable insulation of H-Tap compression connectors. • Eliminates taping. ◊ Economical, fast, easy installation. • Flash barriers. ◊ Protects against electrical flashover. • CFA-FR flame retardant design. Minimum 28 oxygen index. UL 94 V-O rated. ◊ Self-extinguishing flame retardant properties. Both CFA and CFA-FR types are suitable for indoor and outdoor use. Pliable in cool weather application. 600 VOLTS 90° C CATALOG NUMBER CFAO CFAO-FR CFAD CFAD-FR CFAN CFAN-FR CFANL CFANL-FR CFAR * CFAR-FR * MAX. CONDUCTOR ACCOMMODATED INSULATED H-TAP CRIMPIT™ CONNECTORS MAX. CONNECTOR LENGTH CONNECTOR DIE INDEX CONNNECTOR COLOR CODE 1/0 YFO140 2-1/2 O Green 4/0 YFD265, YFD365,YFD415 3-1/8 D Blue 500 kcmil YFN515, YFN565 2-1/2 500 kcmil YFN465, YFN540, YFN615 5-1/2 900 kcmil YFR715, YFR765, YFR815, YFR865 YFR915 4-7/8 * Two piece design packaged together. N-Short Connector N-Long Connector KR Red Red Yellow BURNDY Grounding TABLE OF CONTENTS HYGROUND™ IRREVERSIBLE COMPRESSION GROUNDING AND INSTALLATION TOOLING HYGROUND™ Features and Benefits ...................D-5 - D-6 Type YGIB .....................D-20 - D-21 Type YGL-C ................................D-7 Type GSTUD-HY .......................D-22 Type YGLR-C ..............................D-8 Types YGT & YTTAG ................D-23 Type YGHP-C .............................D-9 Type YG-B..................................D-24 Type YGHP-C ...........................D-10 MECHANICAL GROUNDING Types KC, K2C .........................D-25 Type YGHC-C ...........................D-11 Type YGC ..................................D-12 Type YSHG ................................D-13 Type YGHR-C .......................... D-14 Type YGHR-C ..........................D-15 Types KC22J12T13, EQC632C, KS-DB ..................D-26 Types KS-DB, GKA, KPB, CL50-1............................D-27 Type GAR ......................D-28 - D-29 Types GAR-BU & GAR 3900 Series & GAR-RB .........D-30 Type YGHA ...............................D-16 Type GAR-TC ...........................D-31 Type YGHS ...............................D-16 LIGHTNING PROTECTION INFO. Type YGA ..................................D-17 Type YGS ..................................D-18 Type YGF ..................................D-19 Basic rules for selection are: 1. Must be like material to the conductor. 2. Two bolts to ground rod –– minimum, for mechanical. 3. Cable to cable connections can be installed with – one bolt, two bolt, or compression. 4. Cable to steel structure must have 8 in.2 contact with steel. 5. Heavy duty stacks –– mechanical only. 6. On all connectors with heavy duty stack rating, we must offer 1/16 thick lead plating as an option. Reason is closest 25 ft. to stack opening must use lead coated product. 7. UL 96 Listing. D-1 BURNDY Grounding TABLE OF CONTENTS MECHANICAL GROUNDING (Continued) D-2 Type GD ....................................D-32 Types GC, GCM ........................D-46 Type GP ....................................D-33 Type GL ....................................D-47 Type GK ....................................D-33 Type GZ ....................................D-47 Water Pipe Grounding ..D-34 - D-39 Type GC-CT ..............................D-48 Type GC-A ................................D-40 Type GIE-G ...............................D-49 Type GG ....................................D-41 Rail Connector ..........................D-50 Type GQ ....................................D-42 Type QGFL ...............................D-51 Type GX ....................................D-43 Type GA-H ................................D-51 Type GRC .................................D-43 Type GRF ..................................D-52 Raised Floor Grounding Type B ............................D-44 - D-45 Types GP-G1, GPRT..................D-53 Raised Floor Grounding Types GB, GBM ........................D-46 BURNDY Grounding TABLE OF CONTENTS BURNDYWeld™ BURNDY Weld™ Introduction ................................D-55 Type BCR-17 ............................D-67 Type BCR-24 ............................D-68 Making a BURNDYWeld™ Connection ..........................D-56 Type BCS-1 ...............................D-70 WELD METAL ..........................D-57 Type BCS-8 ...............................D-70 Type BCC-1 ..............................D-58 Type BCS-2 ...............................D-71 Type BCC-2 ..............................D-59 Type BCS-9 ...............................D-71 Type BCC-4 ..............................D-60 Type BCS-3 ...............................D-72 Type BCC-11 ............................D-61 Type BCS-23 .............................D-73 Type BCC-6 ..............................D-62 Type BCS-4 ...............................D-74 Type BCC-14 ............................D-62 Type BCS-6 ...............................D-74 Type BCC-7 ..............................D-63 Type BCS-7................................D-75 Type BCR-1................................D-64 Type BCS-18 .............................D-75 Type BCR-2 ............................. D-65 Type BCS-5 ...............................D-76 Type BCR-3 .............................D-66 Type BCRE-1 ............................D-77 Type BCRE-2 ............................D-78 D-3 BURNDY Grounding TABLE OF CONTENTS BURNDYWeld™ (Continued) Type BCRE-3 ............................D-79 Type BCR-24 ............................D-69 Type BCRE-4 ............................D-80 Type BCR-25 ............................D-69 Type BCRE-6 ............................D-81 ACCESSORIES B38-0330-00 Cable Clamp .......D-90 D-4 BURNDYWeld™ FILL ..............D-82 Cable Cleaning Brush ...............D-90 BURNDYWeld™ SET ...............D-84 Card Cloth Brush ......................D-90 BURNDYWeld™ Prefabricated Wire Mesh .............................D-86 Types B-106 & B-107 Handle Clamps .....................D-88 B40-0106-75 Handle Attachment ...............D-88 Mold Cleaning Brush ................D-90 Mold Cleaners ...........................D-90 Packing Material ........................D-90 BURNDYWeld™ Tool Kit ..........D-91 Mold Support Clamp .................D-88 BURNDYWeld™ Tools ..............D-91 Vertical Magnetic Clamps ..................................D-89 B38-0101-00 Rasp ....................D-91 Horizontal & Vertical Chain Clamps .......................D-89 B38-0309-00 Flint Ignitor ..........D-91 Ground Rod Driving Sleeves .....................D-92 SINGLE SHOT MOLDS Type BCR-1 ..............................D-69 Type BCR-2 ..............................D-69 Shim Stock and Adapter Sleeves ....................D-92 Tips..................................D-93 - D94 BURNDY Grounding THE HYGROUND™ IRREVERSIBLE COMPRESSION SYSTEM BURNDY® has developed an irreversible compression ground system which meets the most stringent safety and performance requirements, including those of OSHA and nuclear power plant design. Performance excellence and long life expectancy are the system’s basic design guidelines. It is a complete system which consists of connectors for grid cross connections, taps, splices, cable to ground rod, ground plates and terminations. Our irreversible compression ground connectors employ well-proven design principles and technology that have been in existence for over 60 years. Connectors are just one component of our Irreversible Compression Ground System. Installation tooling is also an integral part of this system. BURNDY® pioneered the compression connector principle and continues today to be the leader in compression technology. Our tooling package is the most extensive in the industry and affords the user many options. D-5 BURNDY Grounding THE HYGROUND™ IRREVERSIBLE COMPRESSION SYSTEM (Continued) D-6 Features and Benefits • Irreversible compression. ◊ Meets 1999 NEC code, section 250-50 and 250-64. • Material-pure wrought copper extrusions, rod and seamless tubing––identical material to the conductor. ◊ Completely eliminates the possibility of corrosion due to dissimilar metals. • Heavy duty connector design. ◊ All connectors will carry the equivalent or greater current carrying capacity of the conductor while maintaining high mechanical strength and electrical integrity. • Range taking design––minimum number of connector combinations required to install a conductor range of #6 solid to 500 kcmil plus 1/2, 5/8, 3/4, and 1 ground rods and rebar. ◊ Inventories are kept to a minimum and product selection is simplified. • System engineered tooling. ◊ Each tooling recommendation has been designed to ensure reliability of the connection. • Irreversible compression connectors can be installed in all kinds of weather. ◊ Eliminates costly construction delays and enables the installer to better schedule his job. • May be installed without special training or special tools. Y750 crimps entire range. ◊ Low installed cost. Simplified installation. • Each connection can be made in less than 3 minutes. ◊ Low installed cost. Simplified installation. • Each connector is clearly marked with catalog number, conductor size and installation die information. ◊ Easy and accurate identification. • Inspection ports are provided to assure proper insertion of the conductor. ◊ Built-in quality assurance. • The die index number is embossed on the connector after completion of the crimp. ◊ Facilitates speedy inspection of installed connectors to insure consistently reliable and sound connections. • Most HYGROUND™ irreversible compression elements are prefilled with PENETROX™ and individually sealed in clear polyethylene sheet. ◊ Ensures that all contact surfaces are in the proper condition for installation. ◊ Ensures the electrical integrity of the finished connection by inhibiting moisture and contaminates from entering the contact area. • All HYGROUND™ irreversible compression connectors are Listed in conformance with Underwriters Laboratories Standard UL467 and conform to applicable sections of the National Electrical Code. ◊ May be used in direct burial or concrete embedded grounding applications. • All HYGROUND™ irreversible connectors (with the exception of type YGA and YGS) have been tested successfully according to requirements of Standard IEEE 837 latest revision. ◊ Meets tough industry performance requirements. ◊ UPRECRIMP™ dies give added mechanical strength. UPRECRIMP™ 34 for 3/4 rod, UPRECRIMP™ 12 for 1/2 rod, and UPRECRIMP™ 58 for 5/8 rod (now includes undersized U.S. market place rods). • Allows connection to most sizes of structural steel with no drilling, tapping, or welding. ◊ Safely installed at low cost. Hot work permits are not required to install in hazardous areas BURNDY Grounding TYPE YGL-C HYGRID CROSS CONNECTOR An irreversable compression ground grid cross connector which allows adjustment of the compression elements prior to installation. Only six connectors and four dies are required to install all combinations from #6 solid through 500 kcmil. UL467 Listed. Acceptable for direct burial in earth and concrete. Prefilled with PENETROX™ compound and strip sealed. CATALOG NUMBER YGL2C2 YGL29C2 YGL29C29 YGL34C2 YGL34C29 YGL34C34 MEETS ALL IEEE 467 837 REQUIREMENTS 96 D-7 B B-B C 1.09 .75 .75 1.66 2.09 1.10 1.10 2.28 C-C D 1.09 .313 1.66 1.09 1.66 2.28 .500 .313 .500 .750 L R .31 2.50 .50 .31 .50 .75 UL96 Listed for Lightning Protection. ORDERING INFORMATION CATALOG NUMBER YGL2C2 YGL29C2 YGL29C29 YGL34C2 YGL34C29 YGL34C34 CABLE TO CABLE ELEMENT “A” ELEMENT “B” #6 SOL. (.162) – #2 STR. (.292) {59500} – {59500} #6 SOL. (.162) – #2 STR. (.292) #1 STR. (.332) – 250 kcmil (.575) {59500} – {59500} {98500} – {131500} #2 STR. (.292) – 250 kcmil (.575) #2 STR. (.292) – 250 kcmil (.575) {65500} – {131500} {65500} – {131500} #6 SOL. (.162) – #2 STR. (.292) 250 kcmil (.575) – 500 kcmil (.813) #2 STR. (.292) – 250 kcmil (.575) 250 kcmil (.575) – 500 kcmil (.813) CABLE TO GROUND ROD ELEMENT “A” ELEMENT “B” TO REBAR ELEMENT “A” #6 SOL. (.162) – #2 STR. (.292) 3/8" – 1/2" #2 STR. (.292) – 250 kcmil (.575) #3 – 4 Rebar #6 SOL. (.162) – #2 STR. (.292) #2 STR. (.292) – 250 kcmil (.575) 250 kcmil (.575) – 500 kcmil (.813) 5/8" – 3/4" #5 – 6 Rebar 1/2" – 5/8" Rod 5/8" – 3/4" Rod Dimensions in brackets { } represent lightning protection conductors. CATALOG NUMBER INSTALLATION TOOLS, DIE SET CAT. NO. (NUMBER OF CRIMPS) Y750/Y35/Y39 HYPRESS PAT750-18V Y45 HYPRESS Y46 HYPRESS ELEMENT “A” ELEMENT “B” ELEMENT “A” ELEMENT “B” ELEMENT “A” ELEMENT “B” ELEMENT “A” ELEMENT “B” YGL2C2 YGL29C2 YGL29C29 U-0 (1) U997 (1) U997 (1) U-0 (1) U-0 (1) U997 (1) U-0 (1) ➂ U997P (1) ➂ U997P (1) U-0 (1) U-0 (1) ➂ U997P (1) YGL34C2* PU998 (1) U-0 (1) PU998 (1) U-0 (1) YGL34C29* PU998 (1) U997 (1) PU998 (1) ➂ U997P (1) YGL34C34* U1011 (3) U1011 (3) U1011 (3) U1011 (3) 1. Where a "U" or "PU" die is recommended with Y45 HYPRESS™, a PT6515 adapter must be used. 2. Where a "U" or "PU" die is recommended with the Y46 HYPRESS™, a PUADP-1 adapter must be used. ➂ Polarized die for the PAT750-18V. NOTES: • Before crimping, both connector elements can be turned on rod diameter "D" to any desired position. • Clean rust and/or protective coatings from rebar prior to installation. U-0 (1) U997 (1) U997 (1) S998 or PU998 (1) S998 or PU998 (1) S1011 (3) U-0 (1) U-0 (1) U997 (1) U-0 (1) U997 (1) S1011 (3) U-0 (1) U997 (1) U997 (1) P998 or PU998 (1) PU998 or PU998 (1) P1011 (3) U-0 (1) U-0 (1) U997 (1) U-0 (1) U997 (1) P1011 (3) * These connectors can only be installed using the Y750, Y45, or Y46 HYPRESS™ with the recommended dies. These connectors CANNOT be installed with the Y35 and Y39 HYPRESS™. • When attaching connector to ground rod, ground rod must be embossed with appropriate PRECRIMP™ die. For connections that must meet IEEE 837 requirements UPRECRIMP™ - type PRE crimp dies must be used for maximum clamping retention. GROUND ROD DIA. 1/2 5/8 3/4 PRECRIMP DIES UPRECRIMP 12 UPRECRIMP 58 UPRECRIMP 34 U2CABT BURNDY Grounding TYPE YGLR-C GRIDLOK Element A High Strength Irreversible Compression Ground Rod to Grid Connector Element B Ground grid connector for a wide range of copper cable to ground rod. Provides high torque strength on ground rod. UL467 Listed. Acceptable for direct burial in earth and concrete. Prefilled with PENETROX™ D-8 compound and strip sealed. CATALOG NUMBER YGLR29C12 YGLR34C12 YGLR29C58 YGLR34C58 YGLR29C34 YGLR34C34 YGLR29C100 YGLR34C100 COMMERCIAL COPPER CABLE RANGE ELEMENT “A” METRIC COPPER CABLE RANGE ELEMENT “A” COPPER WELD CABLE RANGE ELEMENT “A” #2 Str. (.292 Dia.) thru 250 kcmil (.575 Dia.) 250 kcmil (.575 Dia.) thru 500 kcmil (.813 Dia.) #2 Str. (.292 Dia.) thru 250 kcmil (.575 Dia.) 250 kcmil (.575 Dia.) thru 500 kcmil (.813 Dia.) #2 Str. (.292 Dia.) thru 250 kcmil (.575 Dia.) 250 kcmil (.575 Dia.) thru 500 kcmil (.813 Dia.) #2 Str. (.292 Dia.) thru 250 kcmil (.575 Dia.) 250 kcmil (.575 Dia.) thru 500 kcmil (.813 Dia.) 35mm2 (7.62mm Dia.) thru 120 mm2 (14.40mm Dia.) 120 mm2 (14.40mm Dia.) thru 240 mm2 (20.35mm Dia.) 35 mm2 (7.62mm Dia.) thru 120 mm2 (14.40mm Dia.) 120 mm2 (14.40mm Dia.) thru 240 mm2 (20.35mm Dia.) 35 mm2 (7.62mm Dia.) thru 120 mm2 (14.40mm Dia.) 120 mm2 (14.40mm Dia.) thru 240 mm2 (20.35mm Dia.) 35 mm2 (7.62mm Dia.) thru 120 mm2 (14.40mm Dia.) 120 mm2 (14.40mm Dia.) thru 240 mm2 (20.35mm Dia.) 91.65 kcmil (.343 Dia.) thru 248.8 kcmil (.572 Dia.) 248.8 kcmil (.572 Dia.) thru 498.8 kcmil (.810 Dia.) 91.65 kcmil (.343 Dia.) thru 248.8 kcmil (.572 Dia.) 248.8 kcmil (.572 Dia.) thru 498.8 kcmil (.810 Dia.) 91.65 kcmil (.343 Dia.) thru 248.8 kcmil (.572 Dia.) 248.8 kcmil (.572 Dia.) thru 496.8 kcmil (.810 Dia.) 91.65 kcmil (.343 Dia.) thru 248.8 kcmil (.572 Dia.) 248.8 kcmil (.572 Dia.) thru 498.8 kcmil (.810 Dia.) MEETS ALL IEEE 837 REQUIREMENTS GROUND ROD DIA. ELEMENT “B” B B-B D L INSTALLATION TOOLS, DIE SET CAT. NO., (NUMBER OF CRIMPS) Y35/Y39 HYPRESS™ Y750/PAT750 Y45 HYPRESS™ Y46 HYPRESS™ ELEMENT ELEMENT ELEMENT ELEMENT ELEMENT ELEMENT ELEMENT ELEMENT “A” “B” “A” “B” “A” “B” “A” “B” U997 (1) PU998 (1) 1/2 [12.7] — .313 [7.9] 2.53 [64.3] U997 (1) PU998 (1) 5/8 [15.9] .75 .88 [19.1] [22.4] PU998 (1) 3/4 [19.1] 1 [25.4] .500 [12.7] U997 (1) U997 (1) U1011 or PU998 (1) S998 or PU998 (1) P998 or PU998 (1) U997 (1) U997 (1) U997 (1) U1011 or PU998 (1) — U997 (1) U997 (1) 2.63 [66.8] — — 1 [25.4] U1011 (2) or PU998 (1) S998 or PU998 (1) S1012 (2) or PU998 (1) P998 or PU998 (1) U997 (1) U997 (1) U997 (1) U1011 (2) or PU998 U1011 (2) or PU998 U1011 (2) or PU998 U997 (1) U997 (1) U997 (1) U1011 (2) or PU998 (1) U1011 (2) or PU998 U1011 (2) or PU998 P1011(2) or PU998 (1) NOTES: 1. Before crimping, both connector elements can be turned on rod diameter 'D' to any desired position. 2. Grooves are filled with PENETROX™. 3. Suitable for direct burial in earth or concrete. 4. The catalog numbers shown are for unplated copper connectors for use on copper clad or stainless steel ground rod. To order electro-tin plated connectors for use on galvanized steel ground rod add suffix "TN" to the catalog number, only if the Figure 8 connector (Element “B”) is tin plated, the Figure 6 connector (Element “A”) is unplated. Note: The ground rod hole diameter is larger for galvanized steel ground rod in the tin plated connector. 5. Ground rod must be pre-crimped with die U2CABT (Index No. 348) when crimping the ground rod element (Element “B”) with the PU998 dies in the Y750, Y35, Y39, Y45, or Y46 tools. Precrimping is not required when the S1012, P1011 or U1011 dies are used. See precrimp die chart. 6. Where a 'U' or 'PU' die is recommended with the Y45 HYPRESS™, a PT6515 adapter must be used. 7. Where a 'U' or 'PU' die is recommended with the Y46 HYPRESS™, a PUADP-1 adapter must be used. 8. Dimensions in bracket [ ] are in millimeters. 9. Die "1011" appears on Element "B" of the connector only. GROUND ROD DIA. 1/2 5/8 3/4 PRECRIMP DIES UPRECRIMP 12 UPRECRIMP 58 UPRECRIMP 34 U2CABT When attaching connector to ground rod, ground rod must be embossed with appropriate PRECRIMP™ die. For connections that must meet IEEE 837 requirements UPRECRIMP™ - type PRE crimp dies must be used for maximum clamping retention. BURNDY Grounding TYPE YGHP-C HYTAP™ CONNECTOR Irreversible compression ground tap figure 6 can be used as a tap connector or as a tap splice connector. Four die sets and eight connectors can accommodate a conductor range from #8 solid through 500 kcmil plus 1/2, 5/8, and 3/4 copper bonded ground rods. UL467 Listed. Acceptable for direct burial in earth and concrete. Prefilled with PENETROX™ compound and strip sealed. UL96 Listed for Lightning Protection. MEETS ALL D-9 IEEE 837 REQUIREMENTS 467 Fig. 1 96 ➄ CATALOG NUMBER FIG. NO. YGHP2C2 1 YGHP2C6W6W➇ 2 YGHP29C6W6W➇ 2 YGHP29C2 1 YGHP29C26 1 YGHP29C29 ➁ 1 YGHP34C2 ➅ 1 YGHP34C26 ➅ 1 YGHP34C29 ➅ YGHP34C34 ➅ 1 1 ACCOMMODATES RUN TAP #6 SOL. (0.162) {59500} – ➀ #6 SOL. (0.162) {#2 STR.} – #2 STR. (0.292) {59500} #2 STR. (0.292) {#2 STR.} #6 SOL. (0.162) – #8 SOL. (0.128) – #2 STR. (0.292) 6 STR. (0.184) QTY. 2 #8 SOL. (0.128) – 6 STR. (0.184) QTY. 2 #4 SOL. (0.204) {#4 SOL.} – 1/0 STR. (0.372) {98500} – #2 STR. (0.292) {#2 STR.} 250 kcmil (0.575) {131500} 1/0 STR. (0.372) {98500} – 1/2" – 5/8" ROD 2/0 STR. (0.419) {98500} 3/0 STR. (0.470) {131500} – 250 kcmil (0.575) {211500} #4 SOL. (0.204) – #2 STR. (0.292) 250 kcmil (0.575) {250 kcmil} – 1/0 STR. (0.372) {98500} – 500 kcmil (0.813) {500 kcmil} 2/0 STR. (0.419) {98500} 5/8" – 3/4" ROD 3/0 STR. (0.470) {131500} – 250 kcmil (0.575) {211500} 250 kcmil (0.575) – 350 kcmil (0.681) – 500 kcmil (0.813) 500 kcmil (0.843) 5/8" – 3/4" ROD CABLE TO REBAR RUN TAP — — — — #3 REBAR 3/8 #5 REBAR 5/8 INSTALLATION DATA DIE Y750/Y35 ➂ ➃ INDEX Y39 Y45 Y46 NO. OF B NO. HYPRESS™ PAT750-18V HYPRESS™ HYPRESS™ CRIMPS 0 U0 U0 U0 U0 1 997 U997 ➆ U997P U997 U997 1 998 PU998 PU998 PU998 or S998 PU998 or P998 1 ➅U1011 U1011 S1011 P1011 3 #8 SOL. – 6 STR. #2 STR. THRU 1/2 #4 REBAR Fig. 2 1/0 STR. – 2/0 STR. .75 [19] 3/0 STR. – 250 kcmil — 1/0 STR. – 2/0 STR. THRU 3/0 STR. – 250 kcmil 3/4 #6 REBAR 350 kcmil – 500 kcmil 1.10 1011 [28] Dimensions in brackets { } represent lightning protection conductors. NOTES: ➀ When using #6 Sol. in tap, fold conductor double to improve ➄ Clean rust and protective coatings from rebar before con- fill in YGHP2C2. ➁ For YGHP29C29 when using 3/0 in tap, minimum run conductor is 2/0 STR. ➂ Where a 'U' or 'PU' die is recommended with the Y45 HYPRESS™, a PT6515 adapter must be used. ➃ Where a 'U' or 'PU' die is recommended with the Y45 HYPRESS™, a P-UADP-1 adapter must be used. nector installation to provide a proper ground connection. Precrimping is not required. ➅ These connectors can only be installed using the Y750, Y45 or Y46 HYPRESS™ with the recommended dies. These connectors can not be installed with the Y35 and Y39 HYPRESS™. ➆ Polarized die for the PAT750-18V. ➇ Not UL96/CSA. GROUND ROD DIA. 1/2 5/8 3/4 PRECRIMP DIES UPRECRIMP 12 UPRECRIMP 58 UPRECRIMP 34 U2CABT For increased rotational resistance on ground rods, pre-crimp ground rod with U2CABT die Index 348 or uprecrimp dies may be used for even greater rotation and vibration resistance on ground rods. CABLE TO GROUND ROD CABLE TO REBAR CABLE TO CABLE FOR CONCRETE ENCASED ELECTRODE GROUNDING APPLICATIONS BURNDY Grounding TYPE YGHP-C PREFILLED WITH PENETROX-E HYTAP™ CONNECTOR “THIRD HAND” TAP (B) High Strength Copper Irreversible Compression DIE INDEX AND CONDUCTOR INFORMATION Ground Rod Tap Connector TAP (A) PATENTED Type YGHP-C irreversible compression ground tap figure 6 can be used as a ground D-10 rod tap connector for both continuous run and tapping applications. An open groove allows ground rod to be connected to a continuous run or tap. The second groove is for a tap only. Prefilled with PENETROX-E™ and strip sealed. UL467 Listed for direct burial in earth or concrete. MEETS ALL IEEE 837 REQUIREMENTS Features and Benefits • Tap (A) accepts a continuous run on tap conductor Tap (B) accepts a tap conductor only. ◊ One connector style can be used for many applications, reducing number of connectors in inventory. • Material is high conductivity wrought copper extrusion, identical material to the conductor. ◊ High-conductivity copper minimizes resistance and voltage drop. Eliminates the possibility of corrosion due to dissimiliar metals. • System engineered tooling. ◊ The tooling recommendation has been designed to ensure a reliable, dependable connection every time. • The die index number is embossed on conductor after completion of crimp. ◊ Faciliates speedy inspection of installed connectors to insure consistently reliable and dependable connections. • Prefilled with PENETROX™ and individually sealed in clear polyethylene sheet. ◊ Ensures the electrical integrity of the finished connection by inhibiting moisture and contaminates from entering the contact area. Maintains long-term high-conductivity. • UL467 Listed. ◊ May be used in direct burial or concrete embedded grounding applications. Provides quality assurance to recognized industry NEC standards from an independent party. • “Third Hand” constrains conductors while installer completes crimp. Included with each connector. ◊ Simplifies installation, reducing installed cost. CONTINUOUS RUN CONTINUOUS RUN AND TAP SINGLE TAP ▲ INSTALLATION TOOLING Y35/Y750/PAT750 Y46 • CATALOG NUMBER GROUND ROD DIA. ■ YGHP58C2W-2 YGHP58C2W-2TN 1/2 - 5/8 DIMENSIONS B W TAP CONDUCTOR + H #2 Sol. - #6 Sol. Copper (1) Continuous run and (1) Tap or up to (2) taps may be connected. 1.90 NOTE: A 12" bend radius is recommended for the conductor. • Use PUADP-1 with ‘U’-dies in Y46. ▲ See tooling section in Master Catalog for complete tool and die listing. + Either tap position may be left void when fewer than (2) conductors are used. .75 .94 ■ Ground rod must be precrimped with die U2CABT (Index No. 348). For even greater rotational resistance use U-PRECRIMP die. For Galvanized Steel Rods order YGHP58C2W-2TN. DIE NO. NO. OF CRIMPS DIE NO. NO. OF CRIMPS DIE INDEX U997 (1) U997 (1) 997 BURNDY Grounding TYPE YGHC-C HYTAP™ CONNECTOR Irreversible compression ground tap figure "C" connectors. Accomodates all cable combinations from #6 solid through 500 kcmil. "C"- shaped opening permits placing two continuous parallel cables into conductor groove. UL 467 Listed. Acceptable for direct burial in earth or concrete. Prefilled with PENETROX™ compound and strip sealed. UL96 Listed for Lightning Protection. MEETS ALL IEEE D-11 837 REQUIREMENTS 467 96 COMMERCIAL COPPER STRANDED COPPER CATALOG CABLE RANGE CABLE RANGE NUMBER RUN TAP RUN TAP #6 SOL. (0.162) #6 SOL. (0.162) 10 mm2 (4.12 mm) 10 mm2 (4.12 mm) YGHC2C2 #2 STR. (0.292) #2 STR. (0.292) 35 mm2 (7.62 mm) 35 mm2 (7.62 mm) 1 STR. (0.328) #6 SOL. (0.162) 35 mm2 (7.62 mm) 10 mm2 (4.12 mm) {98500} {#6 SOL.} YGHC26C2 2/0 STR. (0.419) #2 STR. (0.292) 70 mm2 (10.9 mm) 35 mm2 (7.62 mm) {98500} {#2 STR.} 1 STR. (0.328) 1 STR. (0.328) 35 mm2 (7.62 mm) 35 mm2 (7.62 mm) {98500} {98500} YGHC26C26 2/0 STR. (0.419) 2/0 STR. (0.419) 70 mm2 (10.9 mm) 70 mm2 (10.9 mm) {98500} {98500} 3/0 STR. (0.470) 6 SOL. (0.419) 95 mm2 (12.5 mm) 10 mm2 (4.12 mm) {3/0 STR.} {59500} YGHC29C26 250 kcmil (0.575) 2/0 STR. (0.419) 120 mm2 (14.4 mm) 70 mm2 (10.9 mm) {250 kcmil} {98500} 3/0 STR. (0.470) 3/0 STR. (0.470) 95 mm2 (12.5 mm) 95 mm2 (12.5 mm) YGHC29C29 250 kcmil (0.575) 250 kcmil (0.575) 120 mm2 (14.4 mm) 120 mm2 (14.4 mm) 300 kcmil (0.630) #6 SOL. (0.162) 150 mm2 (16 mm) 10 mm2 (4.12 mm) {300 kcmil} {59500} YGHC34C26 ➅ 500 kcmil (0.813) 2/0 STR. (0.419) 240 mm2 (20.35 mm) 70 mm2 (10.9 mm) {500 kcmil} {98500} 300 kcmil (0.630) 3/0 STR. (0.470) 150 mm2 (16 mm) 95 mm2 (12.5 mm) YGHC34C29 ➅ 500 kcmil (0.813) 250 kcmil (0.575) 240 mm2 (20.35 mm) 120 mm2 (14.4 mm) 300 kcmil (0.630) 300 kcmil (0.630) 150 mm2 (16 mm) 150 mm2 (16 mm) YGHC34C34 ➅ 500 kcmil (0.813) 500 kcmil (0.813) 240 mm2 (20.35 mm) 240 mm2 (20.35 mm) A 1.16 [30] B 0.75 [19] 1.41 [36] INSTALLATION DATA Y750/Y35/ ➀ ➁ PAT750/Y39 Y45 Y46 HYPRESS™ HYPRESS™ HYPRESS™ NO. OF CRIMPS C U-C U-C U-C 1 0.75 [19] 0 U-O U-O U-O 1 1.54 [39] 0.75 [19] 0 U-O U-O U-O 1 1.97 [50] 0.75 [19] 997 U997 U997 U997 1 2.06 [52] 0.88 [22] 997 U997 U997 U997 1 2.42 [62] 0.88 [22] 1011 U1011 S1011 P1011 2 2.67 [66] 2.91 [74] 0.88 [22] 1.1 [28] 1011 U1011 S1011 P1011 2 1011 U1011 S1011 P1011 3 Dimensions in brackets { } represent lightning protection conductors. NOTES: ➀ Where a "U" or "PU" die is recommended with the Y45 HYPRESS™, PT6515 adapter must be used. ➁ Where a "U" or "PU" die is recommended with the Y46 HYPRESS™, a PUADP-1 adapter must be used. 3. Listed under UL486A for copper wire connectors 4. Dimensions in brackets [ ] are in millimeters. DIE INDEX NO. 5. In referencing connectors without PENETROX™ oxide inhibitor add suffix "NP" to the end of the Catalog Number. ➅ These connectors can only be installed using the Y750, Y45 or Y46 HYPRESS™ with the recommended dies. These connectors cannot be installed with the Y35 and Y39 HYPRESS™. BURNDY Grounding TYPE YGC COPPER CRIMPIT™ UL 467 Listed for direct burial in earth or concrete. Prefilled with PENETROX™ E2 oxide inhibitor. D-12 CATALOG NUMBER YGC8C8 YGC6C8 YGC6C6 COPPER CONDUCTOR RUN TAP #8 SOL. #8 STR. #6 SOL. #6 STR. #6 SOL. #6 STR. #8 SOL. #8 STR. #8 SOL. #8 STR. #6 SOL. #6 STR. H L INDEX OUR840 MD6/MD7 CRIMPS .46 .52 162 W162 W162 2 .73 .62 BG XBG WBG 2 .76 .62 BG XBG WBG 2 BURNDY Grounding TYPE YSHG HIGH STRENGTH COPPER IRREVERSIBLE COMPRESSION Double H-Tap Connector Type YSHG Double H-Tap grounding series is comprised of five connectors designed to accommodate wire range sizes #14 through 500 kcmil, including ground rod sizes: 3/4, 1, and rebar sizes: #6, #8 and #9. Prefilled with PENETROX™ E2 and strip sealed. Features and Benefits • UL467 Listed. ◊ Suitable for direct burial in earth or concrete. • Material is high conductivity copper extrusion. ◊ Minimizes resistance, eliminates corrosion due to dissimilar metals. YSHG4429 * YSHG3939 * YSHG3931 YSHG3434 YSHG3429 Fig. No. 3 1 2 1 2 • Grooves are prefilled with PENETROX™ E2 oxide inhibitor and individually sealed. ◊ Inhibits moisture and contaminants ensuring electrical integrity. Fig. 2 Fig. 1 Catalog Number D-13 Main Conductor Sizes Tap 1 Tap 2 #9 & #8 Rebar, 1 [25] Ground Rod 1 [25] Cu Clad Ground Rod 500 kcmil Copper #6 Rebar, 1 [25] Cu Clad Ground Rod, 3/4 Ground Rod 500 - 350 kcmil Copper #6 Rebar, 3/4 [19] Ground Rod 400 - 250 kcmil COPPER #6 Rebar, 3/4 [19] Ground Rod 400 - 4/0 kcmil Copper * NOTE: Not for use on 1 steel ground rod. † Use PUADP-1 adapter. Tap 3 Fig. 3 Tooling (number of crimps) PAT750/Y750 Y46 Index Embossment 250 - 2 PYFR (2) K-R 500 - 350 PYFR (2) K-R PYFR (2) K-R 4/0 - 1/0 1-6 2 - 14 400 - 4/0 3/0 - 1/0 U1104 (4) 1-4 8 - 14 U1104 (4) P1104 (2) †U1104 (4) P1104 (2) †U1104 (4) 1104 1104 W .06 T .04 L .06 3.22 [82] 2.97 [75] 1.70 [43] 1.50 [38] 2.44 [62] 2.94 [75] 2.97 [75] 1.50 [38] 2.34 [59] 2.43 [62] 2.23 [57] 1.15 [29] 1.31 [33] 2.44 [62] 2.44 [62] BURNDY Grounding TYPE YGHR-C HYTAIL™ High Strength Irreversible Compression Ground Rod Tap Connectors High torque strength ground rod connectors. Accommodates a wide range of copper conductors to ground rod. UL467 Listed. Acceptable for direct burial in earth or conD-14 crete. Prefilled with PENETROX™ compound and strip sealed. MEETS ALL IEEE 837 REQUIREMENTS CATALOG NUMBER YGHR26C12 YGHR26C58 YGHR26C34 YGHR26C100 YGHR29C12 YGHR29C58 YGHR29C34 YGHR29C100 YGHR34C58 YGHR34C34 YGHR34C100 CATALOG NUMBER YGHR26C12 YGHR26C58 YGHR26C34 YGHR26C100* YGHR29C12 YGHR29C58 YGHR29C34 YGHR29C100* YGHR34C58 YGHR34C34* YGHR34C100* COMMERCIAL COPPER CABLE RANGE NOMINAL GROUND ROD DIA. #2 STR. (.292 DIA.) thru 2/0 STR. (.419 DIA.) #4/0 STR. (.528 DIA.) thru 250 kcmil (.575 DIA.) 300 kcmil (.630 DIA.) thru 500 kcmil (.813 DIA.) NOTES: • The catalog numbers shown are for unplated copper connectors for use on copper clad or stainless steel ground rod. To order electro-tin plated connectors for use on galvanized steel ground rod add suffix "TN" to the catalog number. Note: The ground rod hole diameter is larger for galvanized steel ground rod in the tin plated connector. ① Ground rod must be pre-crimped with die U2CABT (Index No. 348) when the PU998 dies are used in the Y750, Y35, Y39, Y45, or Y46 tools. Pre-crimping is not required when the P1011, S1011, S1012 or U1011 dies are used. UPRECRIMP™ dies may be used for additional mechanical resistance on ground rods. H B 1.94 [49.3] 1.97 [50.0] 2.19 [55.6] 2.55 [56.2] 1.94 [49.3] 2.14 [54.4] 2.19 [55.6] 2.45 [62.2] 2.14 [54.4] 2.44 [62.0] 2.70 [68.6] .88 [22.4] INSTALLATION TOOLS, DIE SET CAT. NO. (NUMBER OF CRIMPS) PAT750/Y750/Y35/Y39 ① Y45 HYPRESS ① Y46 HYPRESS ① 1/2 [12.7] 5/8 [15.9] 3/4 [19.0] 1 [25.4] 1/2 [12.7] 5/8 [15.9] 3/4 [19.0] U1011 (2) ➃ PU998 (1) 1 [25.4] 5/8 [15.9] 3/4 [19.0] 1 [25.4] ➁ Where a PU998 die is recommended with the Y45 HYPRESS™, a PT6515 adapter must be used. ➂ Where a PU998 die is recommended with the Y46 HYPRESS™, a PUADP-1 adapter must be used. ➃ These die numbers do not appear on the connector. * These connectors can only be installed using the Y750, Y45 or the Y46 HYPRESS™ with the recommended dies. These connectors CAN NOT be installed with the Y35 and Y39 HYPRESS™. When attaching connector to ground rod, ground rod must be embossed with appropriate PRECRIMP™ die. For connections that must meet IEEE 837 requirements UPRECRIMP™ - type PRE crimp dies must be used for maximum clamping retention. S1012 (2) ➃ PU998 (1) ② S1011 (2) S1012 (2) PU998 (1) S1012 (2) ➃ PU998 (1) ② S1011 (2) S1012 (2) ➃ PU998 (1) S1012 (2) ➃ PU998 (1) ② S1011 (2) P1011 (2) ➃ PU998 (1) ③ P1011 (2) BURNDY Grounding TYPE YGHR-C HYTAIL™ High Strength Irreversible Compression Ground Rod Tap Connectors Type YGHR-C irreversible compression grounding connector is engineered specifically for the Telecommunications Industry for (1, 2 or 3) #2 solid, tinned or bare conductor taps. UL467 Listed. Acceptable for direct burial in earth or concrete. BURNDY® has designed this connector to meet the stringent requirements of OSHA, the National Electric Code (NEC), UL, and the Telecommunications Industry. Performance and long life are this connector’s basic design guidelines. Features and Benefits • Tap side 1, 2 or 3 conductors. ◊ One connector style can be used for many applications. • Material is high conductivity wrought copper extrusion, identical material to the conductor. ◊ High-conductivity copper minimizes resistance and voltage drop. Eliminates the possibility of corrosion due to dissimilar metals. • System engineered tooling. ◊ Each tooling recommendation has been designed to provide a reliable, dependable connection. YGHR58C2W-3 GROUND ROD DIAMETER • 5/8 • Contact BURNDY® for other ground rod diameters. * PU998 and U1011 die sets require PUADP-1 adapter for use in the Y46 HYPRESS™. Tap positions may be left void when fewer than (3) conductors are used. + To order electro-tin plated connector for use on galvanized steel ground rod add suffix -“TN” to the catalog number. NOTE: The ground rod hole diameter is larger for galvanized steel ground rod in the tin plated connector. TAP RUN TAP CATALOG NUMBER+ • The die index number is embossed on connector after completion of crimp. D-15 ◊ Facilitates speedy inspection of installed connectors to ensure consistently reliable and dependable connections. • Prefilled with PENETROX™ and individually sealed in clear polyethylene sheet. ◊ Ensures the electrical integrity of the finished connection by inhibiting moisture and contaminates from entering the contact area. Maintains long-term high-conductivity. • UL 467 Listed. Acceptable for direct burial. ◊ May be used in direct burial or concrete embedded grounding applications. Provides quality assurance to recognized industry NEC standards from an independent party. TAP CONDUCTOR ▲ #2 Sol. Copper 1, 2, or 3 may be connected INSTALLATION TOOLING PAT750/Y35/Y750** Y46* DIE NO. OF DIE NO. CRIMPS NO. PU998† (1) U1011 (2) † Ground rod must be precrimped with die U2CABT (Index No. 348) when PU998 die set is used in the Y35, Y750 or Y46 ▲ HYPRESS™ tools. For even greater mechanical resistance use UPRECRIMP™ 58 dies. ** The Y750 utilizes PU dies and the U1011 die. The Y35 only uses PU998 die set. NOTE: A 12" bend radius is recommended for the conductor. PU998† U1011 P998 P1011 AND RUN NO. OF CRIMPS DIE INDEX (1) (2) (1) (2) 998 or 1011 BURNDY Grounding TYPE YGHA HYLUG™ Heavy Duty Irreversible Compression Terminals Heavy duty HYLUG™ irreversible compression terminals designed not only to carry short circuit load, but to also withstand high mechanical stress. Each conductor element has an inspection probe hole to insure proper cable insertion. UL467 Listed. Acceptable for direct burial in earth or concrete. UL486A D-16 Listed. Prefilled with PENETROX™ compound and strip sealed. CATALOG NUMBER YGHA2C-2N YGHA25-2N YGHA26-2N YGHA27-2N YGHA28-2N YGHA29-2N YGHA31-2N YGHA34-2N MEETS ALL IEEE 837 REQUIREMENTS COPPER CONDUCTOR SIZE INSTALLATION TOOLS, DIE SET CAT. NO., AND (NUMBER OF CRIMPS) HYPRESS™ Y35/Y39/Y45 ① /Y46 ② /Y750 /PAT750 B C L T 2 str. 1/0 str. 2/0 str. 3/0 str. 4/0 str. 250 kcmil 350 kcmil 500 kcmil U1CRT (1) U27RT (1) U28RT (1) U29RT (1) U30RT (2) U31RT (2) U34RT (2) U36RT (3) .75 .83 .83 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.48 .97 .91 .97 1.08 1.22 1.28 1.62 1.72 4.21 4.60 4.38 4.94 4.94 4.94 5.00 5.42 .26 .19 .26 .29 .30 .34 .43 .40 ① Where a “U” or “PU” die is recommended with the Y45 HYPRESS™, a PT6515 adapter must be used. ➁ Where a “U” or “PU” die is recommended with the Y46 HYPRESS™, a PUADP-1 adapter must be used. TYPE YGHS HYLINK™ Heavy Duty Irreversible Compression Terminals Heavy duty HYLINK™ ground splice designed not only to carry short circuit load, but to also withstand high mechanical stress. Each conductor element has an inspection probe hole and a center stop to ensure proper cable insertion. UL467 Listed. Acceptable for direct burial in earth or concrete. UL486A Listed. Prefilled with PENETROX™ compound and strip sealed. CATALOG NUMBER YGHS2C YGHS25 YGHS26 YGHS27 YGHS28 YGHS29 YGHS31 YGHS34 KNURLED RINGS INSPECTION PROBE HOLES FOR CABLE STOP MEETS ALL IEEE 837 REQUIREMENTS COPPER CONDUCTOR SIZE INSTALLATION TOOLS, DIE SET CAT. NO., AND (NUMBER OF CRIMPS) HYPRESS™ Y35/Y39/Y45 ① /Y46 ② /Y750 /PAT750 B L 2 str. 1/0 str. 2/0 str. 3/0 str. 4/0 str. 250 kcmil 350 kcmil 500 kcmil U1CRT (1) U27RT (1) U28RT (1) U29RT (1) U30RT (2) U31RT (2) U34RT (2) U36RT (3) .75 .83 .83 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.48 1.73 1.89 1.89 2.59 2.59 2.59 2.59 3.19 ① Where a “U” or “PU” die is recommended with the Y45 HYPRESS™, a PT6515 adapter must be used. ➁ Where a “U” or “PU” die is recommended with the Y46 HYPRESS™, a PUADP-1 adapter must be used. BURNDY Grounding TYPE YGA HYLUG™ Grounding Irreversible Compression Terminals Irreversible compression HYLUG™ Ground terminal specifically designed for grounding applications. Each connector has an inspection probe hole to insure proper cable insertion. UL467 Listed. Acceptable for direct burial in earth or concrete. UL486A Listed. Prefilled with PENETROX™ compound and strip sealed. D-17 Fig. 2 Fig. 1 Catalog Number Installation Tools, Die Set Cat. No., and (number of crimps) Mechanical Hydraulic Y35/Y39/Y45/PAT750 ① Copper Y2MR MD7-34R OUR840 /Y46 ② /Y750 Fig. Conductor Die # (# of Die # (# of Die # (# of Die # (# of No. Size crimps) crimps) crimps) crimps) YGA8C-TC10 2 8 sol./8 str. Red (4) YGA8C-TC14 2 8 sol./8 str. Red (4) YGA8C-TC516 2 8 sol./8 str. Red (4) YGA8C-2N 1 8 sol./8 str. Red (4) YGA6C-TC10 2 6 sol./6 str. Blue (4) YGA6C-TC14 2 6 sol./6 str. Blue (4) YGA6C-TC516 2 6 sol./6 str. Blue (4) YGA6C-2TC38E2G1 1 6 sol./6 str. Blue (4) YGA6C-2N 1 6 sol./6 str. Blue (4) YGA2C-2TC38 1 2 sol./2 str. Brown (4) YGA2C-2TC38E2G1 1 2 sol./2 str. Brown (4) YGA2C-2N 1 2 str. Brown (4) YGA25-2N 1 1/0 str. — YGA26-2N 1 2/0 str. — YGA28-2N 1 4/0 str. — YGA29-2N YGA34-2N 1 1 250 kcmil 500 kcmil — — ① Where a “U” or “PU” die is recommended with the Y45 HYPRESS™, a PT6515 adapter must be used. W8CVT (2) X8CRT (2) W8CVT (2) X8CRT (2) W8CVT (2) X8CRT (2) W8CVT (2) X8CRT (2) W5CVT (2) X5CRT (2) W5CVT (2) X5CRT (2) W5CVT (2) X5CRT (2) W5CVT (2) X5CRT (2) W5CVT (2) X5CRT (2) W2CVT (2) X2CRT (2) W2CVT (2) X2CRT (2) W2CVT (2) X2CRT (2) W25VT (4) X25RT (4) W26VT (4) X26RT (4) W28VT (4) X28RT (4) W29VT (4) W34VT (4) Stud Size B C L T E U8CRT (2) #10 .81 .41 1.57 .08 — U8CRT (2) 1/4 .81 .44 1.69 .08 — U8CRT (2) 5/16 .81 .51 1.75 .06 — U8CRT (2) 1/2 .81 .71 4.09 .05 — U5CRT (2) #10 1.12 .42 1.89 .09 — U5CRT (2) 1/4 1.12 .45 2.02 .08 — U5CRT (2) 5/16 1.12 .51 2.08 .07 — U5CRT (2) 3/8 1.12 .58 3.42 .06 .75 U5CRT (2) 1/2 1.12 .83 4.40 .12 1.75 U2CRT (2) 3/8 1.25 .60 3.48 .12 1.00 U2CRT (2) 3/8 1.25 .60 3.66 .12 .75 U2CRT (2) 1/2 1.22 .81 4.71 .12 1.75 U25RT (2) 1/2 1.35 .81 4.91 .12 1.75 U26RT (2) 1/2 1.45 .81 4.89 .12 1.75 U28RT (2) 1/2 1.57 1.00 5.06 .14 1.75 U29RT (2) U34RT (4) 1/2 1/2 1.57 1.09 5.16 2.20 1.52 5.94 .16 .23 1.75 1.75 ➁ Where a “U” or “PU” die is recommended with the Y46 HYPRESS™, a PUADP-1 adapter must be used. BURNDY Grounding TYPE YGS HYLINK™ Grounding Irreversible Compression Splices Irreversible compression HYLINK™ ground splices specifically designed for grounding applications. Each conductor element has an inspection probe hole and a center stop to ensure proper cable insertion. UL467 Listed. Acceptable for direct burial in earth or concrete. UL486A Listed. Prefilled with D-18 PENETROX™ compound and strip sealed. CATALOG NUMBER COPPER CONDUCTOR SIZE Y2MR DIE # (# OF CRIMPS) YGS2C 2 str. Brown (4) YGS8C YGS6C #8 sol./str. #6 sol./str. — — YGS25 1/0 str. — YGS26 2/0 str. — YGS28 4/0 str. — YGS29 YGS34 250 kcmil 500 kcmil — — ① Where a “U” or “PU” die is recommended with the Y45 HYPRESS™, a PT6515 adapter must be used. ➁ Where a “U” or “PU” die is recommended with the Y46 HYPRESS™, a PUADP-1 adapter must be used. ③ Use "X" with OUR840, "W" with MD6/MD7. INSTALLATION TOOLS, DIE SET CAT. NO., AND (NUMBER OF CRIMPS) MECHANICAL HYDRAULIC MD7-34R OUR840 Y35/Y39/Y45① DIE # (# OF DIE # (# OF /Y46② /Y750/PAT750 CRIMPS) CRIMPS) DIE # (# OF CRIMPS) W2CVT (2) X2CRT (2) X8CRT, W8CRT, W8CVT ➂ X5CRT, W5CRT, W5CVT ➂ W25VT (4) X25RT (4) W26VT (4) X26RT (4) W28VT (4) X28RT (4) W29VT (4) W34VT (4) — B L U2CRT (2) 1.22 2.67 U8CRT (2) U6CRT (2) .78 1.09 1.75 2.38 U25RT (2) 1.35 2.97 U26RT (2) 1.45 3.13 U28RT (2) 1.57 3.37 U29RT (2) U34RT (4) 1.57 2.20 3.37 4.63 BURNDY Grounding TYPE YGF GROUNDING PLATE The irreversible compression ground plate is designed to withstand the rigors of concrete construction. The ground plates are made of high strength, high-conductivity cast copper alloy body with a pure wrought copper compression element. In addition to the tapped NEMA size holes and spacing on the face, the plate comes with a tapped hole on the underside for ease of positioning prior to pouring the concrete. UL467 Listed. Acceptable for direct burial in earth or concrete. Prefilled with PENETROX™ compound and strip sealed. Fig. 1 MEETS ALL IEEE D-19 837 REQUIREMENTS Fig. 2 Catalog Number Fig. No. C D H L T Y YGF29-2N YGF29-4N YGF34-2N YGF34-4N 1 2 1 2 2.00 3.25 2.00 3.75 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.75 3.62 3.62 4.62 4.62 5.78 5.78 5.40 5.90 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.31 2.00 2.00 2.19 2.19 NOTES: ① This tapped hole may be used to position the grounding ① 3/8-16 thread with 1.00 EFF. Thread is standard. If other plate on a threaded rod prior to placement of the concrete. Catalog Number YGF29-2N YGF29-4N YGF34-2N* YGF34-4N* thread is required, add appropriate Code No. to Catalog No. for desired thread. -50 (1/2 -13, .94 EFF. Thread), -62 (5/8 -11, .94 EFF. Thread) and -75 (3/4 -10, .81 EFF. Thread) Example: YGF34-4N-50 is YGF34-4N with 1/2 -13 Thread Copper Conductor Range Size 2 - 250 kcmil 2 - 250 kcmil 250 - 500 kcmil 250 - 500 kcmil 1/2 - 13 1/2 - 13 1/2 - 13 1/2 - 13 Tapped Holes Hole Centers 1-3/4 1-3/4 1-3/4 1-3/4 ② Plastic plugs are provided to keep dirt out of the threaded holes until the attachment of grounding terminals. Installation Tools, Die Set Cat. No., and (number of crimps) HYPRESS™ PAT750/Y750/Y35/Y39 Y45 ① U997 (1) U997 (1) U1011 (3) U1011 (3) U997 (1) U997 (1) S1011 (2) S1011 (2) Y46 ② U997 (1) U997 (1) P1011 (2) P1011 (2) ORDERING INFORMATION ① Where a “U” or “PU” die is recommended ➁ Where a “U” or “PU” die is recommended with the Y45 HYPRESS™, a PT6515 adapter must be used. with the Y46 HYPRESS™, a PUADP-1 adapter must be used. * These connectors can only be installed using the Y750, Y45 or Y46 HYPRESS™ with recommended dies. These connectors CAN NOT be installed with the Y35 or Y39 HYPRESS™. BURNDY Grounding TYPE YGIB MEETS ALL GROUNDLINK™ CONNECTOR 837 REQUIREMENTS IEEE An irreversible compression ground connection which allows attachment to a structural steel standard (angled) or wide flange (parallel) beam. Installed with a required 5-piece die set, Catalog PIBEAMKIT or UIBEAMKIT. Die index 1105. GROUNDLINK™ connectors are made of high-conductivity wrought copper and come pre-filled with PENETROX™ E compound and strip sealed. Order terminal mounting D-20 hardware separately. ➃ 1.84 IN. Minimum flange depth. 3.06 IN. Minimum flange width. Connector shipped with thread protection studs only. Order TMHG kits separately. Fig. 1 ➃ Y46 SERIES USE PIBEAMKIT Y750 SERIES USE UIBEAMKIT Fig. 2 “T” REF MAXIMUM TERMINAL PAD THICKNESS 2 HOLE NEMA SPACING STANDARD BEAMS (FLANGE ANGLED) USE YGIBS TERMINAL MOUNTING HARDWARE CATALOG NUMBER “T” TMHG-42 .42 TMHG-92 .92 NOTE: Use TMHG-D92 to double stack lugs. WIDE FLANGE BEAMS (FLANGE PARALLEL) USE YGIBW NOTES: 1. Terminal conector to be ordered separately. When I-beam connector is used with type "YGHA" terminal, the connection meets IEEE 837-1989 requirements. YGA-2N, YA-2N and other BURNDY® 2-hole NEMA copper terminals are suitable. 2. Order "TMHG" Terminal Mounting Hardware Kit separately. Kit consists of 2 studs, 2 flat washers, 2 lockwashers and 2 hex nuts. 3. Using the 1/4 hex key wrench, screw the stud into the connector until stud bottoms out in connector. Install a "YGHA" terminal, flat washer, lockwasher and hex nut onto stud. Tighten and torque to 480 pound-inches. ➃ Dimensions shown reflect the minimum dimensions required on a beam to properly install the I-beam connector. 5. To correctly determine the appropriate YGIB connector to use based on flange thickness, order either YGIBGAUGE1 or YGIBKIT1 (KIT1 contains wiremike). BURNDY Grounding TYPE YGIB (Continued) GROUNDLINK™ CONNECTOR COPPER CONDUCTOR RANGE CATALOG NUMBER FIG. NO. “L” YGIBS28-338-2N 1 3.00 YGIBW28-338-2N 2 3.00 YGIBS34-338-2N YGIBW34-338-2N 1 2 6.00 YGIBS28-400-2N 1 3.00 YGIBW28-400-2N 2 3.00 YGIBS34-400-2N YGIBW34-400-2N 1 2 6.00 YGIBS28-462-2N 1 3.00 YGIBW28-462-2N 2 3.00 YGIBS34-462-2N YGIBW34-462-2N 1 2 6.00 YGIBS28-550-2N 1 3.00 YGIBW28-550-2N 2 3.00 YGIBS34-550-2N YGIBW34-550-2N 1 2 6.00 YGIBS28-613-2N 1 3.00 YGIBW28-613-2N 2 3.00 YGIBS34-613-2N YGIBW34-613-2N 1 2 6.00 YGIBS28-675-2N 1 3.00 YGIBW28-675-2N 2 3.00 YGIBS34-675-2N YGIBW34-675-2N 1 2 6.00 “J” 2 - 4/0 AWG 250 - 500 kcmil .250 to .338 2 - 4/0 AWG 250 - 500 kcmil 2 - 4/0 AWG 250 - 500 kcmil 2 - 4/0 AWG 250 - 500 kcmil 2 - 4/0 AWG 250 - 500 kcmil .338 to .400 .400 to .462 1/2 - 13 2 - 4/0 AWG 250 - 500 kcmil iBEAM FLANGE THICKNESS 4.62 to .550 .550 to .613 .613 to .675 SUGGESTED TERMINALS COPPER CONDUCTOR TERMINAL #2 STR. AWG 1/0 STR. AWG 2/0 STR. AWG 4/0 STR. AWG 250 kcmil 500 kcmil #2 STR. AWG 1/0 STR. AWG 2/0 STR. AWG 4/0 STR. AWG 250 kcmil 500 kcmil #2 STR. AWG 1/0 STR. AWG 2/0 STR. AWG 4/0 STR. AWG 250 kcmil 500 kcmil #2 STR. AWG 1/0 STR. AWG 2/0 STR. AWG 4/0 STR. AWG 250 kcmil 500 kcmil #2 STR AWG 1/0 STR. AWG 2/0 STR. AWG 4/0 STR. AWG 250 kcmil 500 kcmil #2 STR. AWG 1/0 STR. AWG 2/0 STR. AWG 4/0 STR. AWG 250 kcmil 500 kcmil YGHA2C-2N YGHA25-2N YGHA26-2N YGHA28-2N YGHA29-2N YGHA34-2N YGHA2C-2N YGHA25-2N YGHA26-2N YGHA28-2N YGHA29-2N YGHA34-2N YGHA2C-2N YGHA25-2N YGHA26-2N YGHA28-2N YGHA29-2N YGHA34-2N YGHA2C-2N YGHA25-2N YGHA26-2N YGHA28-2N YGHA29-2N YGHA34-2N YGHA2C-2N YGHA25-2N YGHA26-2N YGHA28-2N YGHA29-2N YGHA34-2N YGHA2C-2N YGHA25-2N YGHA26-2N YGHA28-2N YGHA29-2N YGHA34-2N “T” REF. .26 .19 .26 .30 .34 .40 .26 .19 .26 .30 .34 .40 .26 .19 .26 .30 .34 .40 .26 .19 .26 .30 .34 .40 .26 .19 .26 .30 .34 .40 .26 .19 .26 .30 .34 .40 D-21 BURNDY Grounding TYPE GSTUD-HY VERSITAIL™ Structural Steel Grounding Connector INSTALLATION 1. Weld the VERSITAIL™ to the steel member. 2. Select the proper connector for your specific application. D-22 a. FOR COMPRESSION CONNECTORS Select the proper BURNDY® “YGHP,” connector. Clean the conductor, join the VERSITAIL™ and the grounding conductor together with the recommended tool and die set, then crimp the connector over the knurled area of the VERSITAIL™. b. FOR MECHANICAL CONNECTORS Select the properly sized BURNDY® connector. Clean the conductor, then apply PENETROX™ E oxide inhibiting compound on the contact area for increased effectiveness and service life. Put the connector over the knurled area of the VERSITAIL™ and apply the recommended torque value for correct installation. FEATURES SPECIFICATIONS • The VERSITAIL™ may be welded to steel surfaces quickly and easily with normal construction equipment. • The VERSITAIL™ eliminates costly disk grinding and the need to expose virgin metal. The welding process burns through the oxidation and “scale” to establish excellent electrical grounding continuity. • The VERSITAIL™ may be installed by the welder in the field or at the steel fabricator based on customer preference. • The VERSITAIL™ pure copper coating over low carbon, hot rolled steel is compatible with standard welding processes. No toxic gasses are generated. • The VERSITAIL™ knurled surface is copper plated and specifically designed to ensure excellent mechanical gripping and electrical integrity for BURNDY® compression and mechanical connectors in all grounding applications. • The VERSITAIL™ may be installed during adverse weather conditions thus eliminating costly construction delays. • Low Carbon, hot rolled steel. • Pure copper plated finish. (FLATTENING RESULTANT) T 45° 1.25 [32] TYPICAL LETTERING L A (STOCK DIA.) KNURLED END 2.19 [56] BENEFITS Low installation cost. • No drilling . . . No cleaning . . . • No special preparation CATALOG NUMBER GSTUD14HY GSTUD38HY GSTUD916HY GSTUD34HY B (DIA. OVER KNURL) NOM. ROD SIZE A IN. [MM] DIMENSIONS B L IN. [MM] IN. [MM] T IN. [MM] ELECTRICAL EQUIVALENT COPPER CONDUCTOR SIZE (AWG.)* 1/4 3/8 5/8 3/4 .25 [6.3] .38 [9.7] .56 [14.2] .75 [19.0] .26 [6.6] .39 [9.9] .57 [14.5] .76 [19.3] .19 [4.8] .25 [6.4] .38 [9.7] .51 [13.0] #6 #3 1/0 4/0 * This is the equivalent rating for continuous service. Larger conductors may be connected using both compression and bolted connectors in potential ground fault applications. 4.81 5.81 5.68 5.81 [122.2] [147.6] [144.3] [147.6] BURNDY Grounding TYPES YGT & YTTAG STATIC GROUNDING RECEPTACLE Type YGT Static Grounding Receptacle with Cover Type YTTAG Combination Static Grounding Receptacle and Aircraft Tie Down Bar Type YGT static grounding receptacles are designed for static grounding of equipment. The receptacle is connected to the ground grid with HYGROUND™ compression connectors and finished flush with surface to provide a permanent corrosion proof grounding point. D-23 Fig. 1 Catalog Number Figure Number YGT275 1 YTTAG388 2 * HYGROUND Connector Select suitable YGHR or YGLR for 3/4 ground rod and sized to ground conductor. * When using U or PU dies with Y46 HYPRESS™, a PUADP-1 adapter is required. NOTES: 1. Ground rod must be pre-crimped with U2CABT die set when PU998 die is used or for even higher mechanical resistance use special UPRECRIMP™ dies on ground rods. 2. Pre-crimping of ground is not necessary when P1011 die is used. Install YGHR or YGLR on hub Y. Hub Z is inserted into 1/2" rigid conduit. The conduit is driven into earth to provide support and provide correct level of receptacle prior to cement pour. Fig. 2 H D Dimensions Y Dia. Z Dia. “TD” 5.5 2.75 .75 .56 — 6.5 4.75 .75 .56 4.3 BURNDY Grounding TYPE YG-B BUS BAR CONNECTOR BURNDY’s YG14B2TC2C6C Compression Bus Bar Connector is ideally suited for cellular tower applicatons and is easier to use than exothermic connections. This high conductivity wrought copper connector allows attachment of the ground conductor to the ground bus with just one crimp using the BURNDY® Y750 HYPRESS™ Hydraulic Compression tool and the U1105 die set. This exclusive patent pending design allows the D-24 user to attach #2 AWG sol./str. and/or #6 sol./str. copper conductor to 1/4" thick copper bus bar. This connection is suitable using (1) or (2) conductors for power, grounding and bonding applictions. UL Listed to both UL486 and UL467 (suitable for direct burial) ensures that this connector will meet the rigors of either application. Prefilled with PENETROX™ E compound and strip sealed. Fig. 1 Fig. 3 FIG NO. GROUND BAR THICKNESS YG14B2TC2C6C 1 1/4" YG14B2TC2C2C* 2 1/4" YG14BTC26 3 1/4" YG14BTC28 3 1/4” CATALOG NUMBER NOTE: Suitable for use with either (1) or (2) conductors (excluding YG14BTC26 and YG14BTC28). * For continuous uncut conductor applications. Fig. 2 BUS BAR TAP CONDUCTORS #2 SOL/and/or STR COPPER #6 SOL/and/or STR COPPER #2 #2 #1 FLEX CABLE through 2/0 FLEX CABLE 4/0 AWG STR to 1/0 AWG STR COPPER TOOLING INSTALLATION DIE NO. NO. OF CRIMPS PAT750, Y750 U1105 1 PAT750, Y750 U1105 1 PAT750, Y750 U1105 1 PAT750, Y750 U1105 1 BURNDY Grounding MECHANICAL GROUNDING CONNECTORS More than 60 years of technological innovation has made BURNDY® mechanical grounding connectors one of the most widely used, highly respected lines in the industry. There is virtually no grounding application problem that this diversified line cannot help solve. All BURNDY® mechanical grounding connectors have been designed for easy installation and for outstanding durability. Only the finest high copper alloys are used in their manufacture, ensuring top performance under the most extreme environmental conditions. UL467 Listed for direct burial applications in earth or concrete. TYPES KC, K2C D-25 SERVIT POST™ For Copper Cable to Flat SERVIT POST™ used to ground one or two cables to steel structures, fence posts, transformers. Also used to tap one or two cables from bus bar. One-wrench installation. KC Catalog Number Type KC † Type K2C ‡ KC15 KC15B1 KC17 KC17B1 KC20 KC20B1 KC22 KC22B1 KC23 KC23B1 KC25 KC25B1 KC26 KC26B1 KC28 KC28B1 KC31 KC31B1 KC34 KC34B1 K2C15 K2C15B1 K2C17 K2C17B1 K2C20 K2C20B1 K2C22 K2C22B1 K2C23 K2C23B1 K2C25 K2C25B1 K2C26 K2C26B1 K2C28 K2C28B1 K2C31 K2C31B1 K2C34 K2C34B1 Conductor Stranded Solid Stud Diameter 12 - 9 12 - 8 1/4 - 20 10 - 7 10 - 6 1/4 - 20 10 - 5 10 - 4 5/16 - 18 10 - 3 10 - 2 3/8 - 16 8-2 10 - 1 3/8 - 16 2 - 1/0 2 - 2/0 1/2 - 13 2 - 2/0 2 - 3/0 1/2 - 13 1 - 4/0 1 - 4/0 5/8 - 11 1 - 350 — 5/8 - 11 3/0 - 500 — 3/4 - 10 † For 1 conductor. ‡ For 1 or 2 conductors. Add “NSP” suffix to have connector supplied w/split lockwasher and nut. B 3/8 7/8 3/8 7/8 13/32 27/32 15/32 31/32 15/32 31/32 9/16 1-1/16 17/32 1-1/16 3/4 1-1/4 3/4 1-1/4 1 1-1/2 K2C CFx CFy 1/2 3/8 5/8 7/16 11/16 1/2 3/4 5/8 13/16 5/8 15/16 3/4 1 7/8 1-1/2 1-3/16 1-11/16 1-3/8 2 1-5/8 D 1/2 1 1/2 1 5/8 1 5/8 1-1/8 5/8 1-1/8 3/4 1-1/4 3/4 1-1/4 1 1-1/2 1 1-1/2 1-1/4 1-3/4 H HH 5/8 7/8 7/8 1 7/8 1-1/8 1 1-1/4 1 1-3/8 1-1/8 1-5/8 1-3/8 1-7/8 1-3/4 2-1/4 2-1/4 2-7/8 2-3/8 3-1/4 BURNDY Grounding TYPES KC22J12T13, EQC632C TRANSFORMER GROUND CONNECTORS .6 For Copper Fits all standard EEI NEMA distribution transformers as a tank grounding terminal. Stud Size = 1⁄2” - 13 CATALOG NUMBER KC22J12T13 KC26 KC34J12T13 EQC632C D-26 Type EQC632C Type KC22J12T13 RANGES 8 Sol. - 2 Sol. 2 Sol. - 2/0 Str. 3/0 - 500 Str. 8 Sol. - 2 Str. Both, one-wrench installation. TYPE KS-DB SERVIT™ For Copper UL467 Listed for direct burial applications in earth or concrete. Compact, high-strength, high copper alloy SERVIT™ split-bolt has free-running threads and easy to grip wrench flats. Highly resistant to cracking and corrosion. Catalog Number Cross Flats L W KS15-DB KS17-DB KS20-DB KS22-DB KS23-DB KS25-DB .50 .63 .69 .75 .82 .94 .85 1.14 1.20 1.50 1.54 1.77 .38 .45 .51 .60 .62 .73 KS26-DB 1.05 1.94 .82 KS27-DB 1.36 1.86 1.17 KS29-DB 1.36 2.07 1.17 KS31-DB 1.70 2.51 1.41 KS34-DB 1.82 2.79 1.48 Copper Conductor Range (Sol. - Str.) Rebar w/ (1) No. 8 Sol. Cu Recommended Torque In. Lb. 12 AWG - 8 AWG 8 AWG - 6 AWG 8 AWG - 4 AWG 6 AWG - 3 AWG 6 AWG - 2 AWG 4 AWG - 1/0 2 AWG - 2/0 6 AWG - 8 AWG Str./Sol. 1 AWG - 3/0 1 AWG - 250 kcmil 6 AWG - 8 AWG Str./Sol. 1/0 AWG - 350 kcmil 6 AWG - 8 AWG Str./Sol. 2/0 AWG - 500 kcmil 6 AWG - 8 AWG Str./Sol. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A #3 (3/8) N/A #4 (1/2) #5 (5/8) #6 (3/4) 80 165 165 275 275 385 385 500 650 650 825 BURNDY Grounding TYPE GKA For Copper UL467 Listed for direct burial applications in earth or concrete. One-piece forged body construction insures mechanical integrity in an underground environment. Supplied with a stainless steel headless screw. CATALOG NUMBER CABLE RANGE B C H J K L GKA8C 1 GKA4C 2 #10 SOL. - #8 STR. #14 SOL. - #4 STR. .31 .46 .38 .54 .58 .71 #10 - 32 5/16 - 24 .21 .28 .81 1.13 1. To be assembled with TMH322 stainless steel hardware kit. Ordered separately. TYPE KPB For Copper UL467 Listed for direct burial in earth or concrete. UL 486 listed. This exclusive BURNDY® design accommodates #10 - #4 copper where continuous conductor runs are preferable. CATALOG NUMBER RANGE STUD HOLE KPB4CG1 #10 - #4 CU #10 1 1. To be assembled with TMH322 stainless steel hardware kit. Ordered separately. TYPE CL50-1 Stainless Steel Screw COPPER LAY-IN QIKLUG™ For Copper The Lay-In QIKLUG™ is manufactured from high strength pure electrolytic copper to ensure maximum strength and conductivity. UL467 Listed for direct burial in earth or concrete. The open-faced design allows for fast lay-in of the conductor without the need for cutting or breaking. CATALOG NUMBER CL50-1 WIRE RANGE COPPER STUD HOLE #14 - #4 CU #10 2. To be assembled with TMH 323 stainless steel hardware kit. Ordered separately. D-27 BURNDY Grounding TYPE GAR FENCE POST GROUNDING CONNECTOR For Parallel or 90° Copper Cable Connection To Rod or Pipe with the Same Connector High copper alloy ground connector for joinD-28 ing a range of cable, parallel or at right angles to rod or tube. Especially good for fence posts. High copper alloy cast body with DURIUM™ U-bolts, nuts and lockwashers, permit entire connection to be buried in ground or concrete without danger of corrosion. • One-wrench installation. • UL467 Listed. • Acceptable for direct burial. Catalog Number GAR114C GAR1126 GAR1129 GAR644C GAR6426 GAR6429 GAR6434 GAR144C GAR1426 GAR1429 GAR1434 GAR154C GAR1526 GAR1529 GAR1534 GAR164C GAR1626 GAR1629 GAR1634 GAR174C GAR1726 GAR1729 GAR1734 GAR184C GAR1826 GAR1829 GAR1834 GAR194C GAR1926 GAR1929 GAR1934 Tube I.P.S. 1/4 3/8 1/2 - 3/4 1 1-1/4 1-1/2 2 2-1/2 Conductor Rod Size or O.D. Range 1/2 5/8 - 3/4 7/8 - 1 1-1/8 - 1-1/4 1-3/8 - 1-1/2 1-5/8 - 1-7/8 2 - 2-3/8 2-1/2 - 7/8 Cable 8 Sol. - 4 Str. 4 Sol. - 2/0 Str. 2/0 Sol. - 250 8 Sol. - 4 Str. 4 Sol. - 2/0 Str. 2/0 Sol. - 250 300 - 500 8 Sol. - 4 Str. 4 Sol. - 2/0 Str. 2/0 Sol. - 250 300 - 500 8 Sol. - 4 Str. 4 Sol. - 2/0 Str. 2/0 Sol. - 250 300 - 500 8 Sol. - 4 Str. 4 Sol. - 2/0 Str. 2/0 Sol. - 250 300 - 500 8 Sol. - 4 Str. 4 Sol. - 2/0 Str. 2/0 Sol. - 250 300 - 500 8 Sol. - 4 Str. 4 Sol. - 2/0 Str. 2/0 Sol. - 250 300 - 500 8 Sol. - 4 Str. 4 Sol. - 2/0 Str. 2/0 Sol. - 250 300 - 500 H J 2-1/2 W 1-7/8 3/8 2-7/8 3-1/2 2-3/4 3 3-3/4 2-7/8 2-1/8 1/2 2-1/2 3/8 2-3/8 1/2 2-3/4 3/8 2-5/8 3-3/8 4-1/2 1/2 3-1/2 3/8 3 4-1/4 1/2 3-3/8 4 3/8 3-1/4 4-5/8 1/2 2-5/8 4-1/4 3/8 3-3/4 4-1/2 5-1/4 1/2 4-1/8 5 3/8 4-1/4 5-5/8 1/2 4-5/8 BURNDY Grounding TYPE GAR (Continued) FENCE POST GROUNDING CONNECTOR Catalog Number GAR204C GAR2026 GAR2029 GAR2034 GAR214C GAR2126 GAR2129 GAR2134 GAR224C GAR2226 GAR2229 GAR2234 GAR244C GAR2426 GAR2429 GAR2434 GAR8629 Tube I.P.S. Conductor Rod Size or O.D. Range 3 3-1/2 4 5 6 Contact BURNDY® for additional pipe and wire size combinations not shown. 3 - 3-1/2 3-1/2 - 4 4 - 4-1/2 — — Cable H J W 8 Sol. - 4 Str. 4 Sol. - 2/0 Str. 2/0 Sol. - 250 300 - 500 8 Sol. - 4 Str. 4 Sol. - 2/0 Str. 2/0 Sol. - 250 300 - 500 8 Sol. - 4 Str. 4 Sol. - 2/0 Str. 2/0 Sol. - 250 300 - 500 8 Sol. - 4 Str. 4 Sol. - 2/0 Str. 2/0 Sol. - 250 300 - 500 2/0 Sol. - 250 5-5/8 3/8 4-3/4 6-3/8 1/2 5-1/4 6-1/4 3/8 5-3/8 6-3/4 1/2 5-3/4 6-3/8 3/8 5-7/8 6-7/8 1/2 6-1/4 3/8 6-7/8 1/2 7-1/4 1/2 8-3/8 D-29 7-3/4 8-5/8 8-13/16 BURNDY Grounding TYPES GAR-BU AND GAR3902 SERIES GROUND CONNECTORS Type GAR-BU is a high-conductivity copper ground connector for connecting a small to medium range copper ground conductor to water pipe as well as structural and reinforcing rod shapes. Universal acceptance of several sizes of cylindrical shapes makes this suitable for industrial construction and maintenance work as well as cathodic protection. D-30 Cable clamp swivels to permit parallel grounding of one pipe or 90° degree cable run for grounding several parallel pipes. Single wrench installation. UL467 Listed and CSA certified. * CATALOG NUMBER * GAR3902-BU GAR3903-BU GAR3904-BU GAR3905-BU GAR3906-BU GAR3907-BU GAR3908-BU GAR3909-BU GAR3902 GAR3903 GAR3904 GAR3905 GAR3906 GAR3907 GAR3908 GAR3909 CABLE RANGE #4 - 4/0 AWG #4 - 4/0 AWG Features and benefits • Cable clamp swivels at 90°. ◊ Permits parallel grounding of one pipe or a 90° cable run for grounding several parallel pipes. • One-wrench installation. ◊ Simplified installation. • DURIUM™ silicon bronze hardware (-BU Series)*. ◊ Long lasting corrosion resistance and acceptable for direct burial in earth or concrete. • UL467 Listed. ◊ Provides quality assurance to recognized industry NEC standards from an independent party. IPS SIZE O.D. RANGE H 1/2 - 1 1-1/4 - 2 2-1/2 - 3-1/2 4 - 5 6 8 10 12 1/2 - 1 1-1/4 - 2 2-1/2 - 3-1/2 4 - 5 6 8 10 12 .840 - 1.32 1.66 - 2.38 2.88 - 4.00 4.50 - 5.56 6.62 8.62 10.75 12.75 .840 - 1.32 1.66 - 2.38 2.88 - 4.00 4.50 - 5.56 6.62 8.62 10.75 12.75 3.50 4.00 6.50 7.50 8.50 10.00 12.00 14.00 3.50 4.00 6.50 7.50 8.50 10.00 12.00 14.00 J 3/8 - 16 3/8 - 16 RECOMMENDED TIGHTENING TORQUE W 3.25 4.25 6.00 7.50 8.62 10.62 12.75 14.75 3.25 4.25 6.00 7.50 8.62 10.62 12.75 14.75 240 in. - lbs. 240 in. - lbs. * Type GAR-BU is supplied with DURIUM™ silicon bronze hardware and is listed for direct burial. TYPE GAR-RB For Reinforcement Bar CATALOG NUMBER GAR644C-RB REBAR IPS SIZE O.D. RANGE ROD #3 - 6 (.375 - .750) 3/8 .625 - .75 5/8 - 3/4 UL467 listed for direct burial in earth or concrete. COPPER CONDUCTOR MIN. MAX. 8 Sol. 4 Str. BURNDY Grounding TYPE GAR-TC WATER PIPE GROUND CONNECTOR Type GAR-TC is a high-conductivity copper ground connector that features a pre-drilled pad, allowing a 2-hole compression terminal to be directly connected to water pipe as well as structural and reinforcing rod shapes. Universal acceptance of several sizes of cylindrical shapes makes this suitable for industrial construction and maintenance work as well as telecommunications grounding. Terminal may be mounted parallel, 45° or 90° degrees to the pipe. Acceptable for direct burial. Fig. 1 PATENTED Features and Benefits • DURIUM™ silicon bronze hardware. ◊ Provide long lasting corrosion resistance D-31 acceptable for direct burial in earth or concrete. • One-wrench installation. ◊ Simplified installation. • UL467 Listed. ◊ Provides quality assurance to recognized industry NEC standards from an independent party. Type GAR-TC is acceptable for direct burial • Large, smooth connector contact area between pipe and ground clamp ◊ Provides large surface contact area to maximize contact area between connector and pipe. • The GAR-TC mounting pad permits parallel, 45° or 90° angle connections to the pipe. ◊ Provides maximum flexibility for field installation. • Pre-drilled pad for (2) 3/8 bolts on 1 centers. ◊ Allows direct mounting of (2) hole compression terminals up to 750 kcmil to pipe. MOUNTING PAD FOR (2) 3/8" BOLTS - 1" L CAST HIGH COPPER ALLOY SADDLE PIPE DIA. COMPRESSION LUG WITH PAD FOR (2) 3/8" DIA. BOLTS ON 1" CENTERS. 750 KCMIL MAX. J MOUNTING PAD DURIUM 3/8" SILICON BRONZE HARDWARE Fig. 2 CATALOG NUMBER FIG. NO. GAR3902TC GAR3903TC GAR3904TC GAR3905TC GAR3906TC GAR3907TC GAR3908TC GAR3909TC 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 ACCOMMODATES I.P.S. O.D. SIZE 1/2 - 1 1-1/4 - 2 2-1/2 - 3-1/2 4 - 5 6 8 10 12 ① Add suffix “-TNET” for electro-tin plated connector and electro-tin plated DURIUM™ silicon bronze hardware. Tin plated catalog number includes mounting hardware for second bolt hole. ② TMH-289 includes (1) 38 x 125 HEB, (1) 38 CHEN, (1) 38 SW and (2) 38 FW. Order separately. .840 - 1.32 1.66 - 2.38 2.88 - 4.00 4.50 - 5.56 6.62 8.62 10.75 12.75 H 3.50 4.00 6.50 7.50 8.50 10.00 12.00 14.00 J 3/8 - 16 3/8 - 16 NOTE: Clean pipe surface beneath saddle until virgin metal is exposed, install GAR-TC ground connector and for maximum conductivity, apply PENETROX®-E oxide inhibiting compound around perimeter of the saddle. W 3.75 4.75 6.50 8.00 9.12 11.25 13.25 15.25 RECOMMENDED TIGHTENING TORQUE 240 in.-lbs. 240 in.-lbs. BURNDY Grounding TYPE GD CABLE TO ROD/TUBE GROUND CONNECTOR For Two Copper Cables to Rod or Tube High copper alloy ground connector for joining a range of two parallel cables to rod or pipe. Especially good for grounding fence posts. High copper alloy cast body with DURIUM™ U-bolts, nuts, and lockwashers D-32 make the GD suitable for burial in ground or concrete. One-wrench installation. UL467 Listed. Acceptable for direct burial in earth or concrete. Catalog Number GD1526 GD1529 GD1626 GD1629 GD174C GD1726 GD1729 GD1734 GD184C GD1826 GD1829 GD1834 GD194C GD1926 GD1929 GD1934 GD204C GD2026 GD2029 GD2034 GD214C GD2126 GD2129 GD2134 GD224C GD2226 GD2229 GD2234 Tube I.P.S. Conductor Rod Size or O.D. Range 1 1-1/8 - 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-3/8 - 1-1/2 1-1/2 1-5/8 - 1-7/8 2 2-1/2 3 3-1/2 4 2 - 2-3/8 2-1/2 - 2-7/8 3 - 3-1/2 3-1/2 - 4 4 - 4-1/2 Complies with NFPA 78-86 HEAVY DUTY stacks. (Order: LD for lead plating for HEAVY DUTY stack applications.) Cable 4 Sol. - 2/0 Str. 2/0 Sol. - 250 4 Sol. - 2/0 Str. 2/0 Sol. - 250 8 Sol. - 4 Str. 4 Sol. - 2/0 Str. 2/0 Sol. - 250 300 - 500 8 Sol. - 4 Str. 4 Sol. - 2/0 Str. 2/0 Sol. - 250 300 - 500 8 Sol. - 4 Str. 4 Sol. - 2/0 Str. 2/0 Sol. - 250 300 - 500 8 Sol. - 4 Str. 4 Sol. - 2/0 Str. 2/0 Sol. - 250 300 - 500 8 Sol. - 4 Str. 4 Sol. - 2/0 Str. 2/0 Sol. - 250 300 - 500 8 Sol. - 4 Str. 4 Sol. - 2/0 Str. 2/0 Sol. - 250 300 - 500 H J 3-3/8 3-1/2 W 2-5/8 3 3/8 3-1/4 4 4-5/8 1/2 3-5/8 4-3/8 3/8 3-3/4 5-3/8 1/2 4-1/8 3/8 4-1/4 1/2 4-5/8 5-5/8 3/8 4-7/8 6-3/8 1/2 5-1/4 6-1/4 3/8 5-3/8 6-7/8 1/2 5-3/4 6-3/8 3/8 5-7/8 6-7/8 1/2 6-1/4 5 BURNDY Grounding TYPE GP GROUND CONNECTOR For Two Copper Cables to Rod or Pipe High copper alloy ground connector for joining a range of parallel cables perpendicular to rod, pipe or column. Also used with one groove for run, the other for tap to equipment. High copper alloy cast body and DURIUM™ U-bolts, nuts, and lockwashers make the GP suitable for direct burial in the ground or concrete. One-wrench installation. UL467 Listed. Acceptable for direct burial in earth or concrete. Catalog Number GP114C GP1126 GP1129 GP644C GP6426 GP6429 GP6434 GP144C GP1426 GP1429 GP1434 GP164C GP1629 GP1726 GP184C GP1826 GP2026 GP2226 Tube I.P.S. 1/4 3/8 Conductor Rod Size or O.D. Range 1/2 5/8 - 3/4 1/2 - 3/4 7/8 - 1 1-1/4 1-5/8 1-1/2 1-7/8 2 2-3/8 3 4 3-1/2 4-1/2 Tube I.P.S. Conductor Rod Size or O.D. Range Cable 8 Sol. - 4 Str. 4 Sol. - 2/0 Str. 2/0 Sol. - 250 8 Sol. - 4 Str. 4 Sol. - 2/0 Str. 2/0 Sol. - 250 300 - 500 8 Sol. - 4 Str. 4 Sol. - 2/0 Str. 3/0 Sol. - 250 300 - 500 8 Sol. - 4 Str. 2/0 Sol. - 250 4 Sol. - 2/0 Str. 8 Sol. - 4 Str. 4 Sol. - 2/0 Str. 4 Sol. - 2/0 Str. 4 Sol. - 2/0 Str. H J W 1-7/8 2-1/2 3/8 D-33 2-1/8 2-7/8 3-1/2 2-3/4 3 3-3/4 1/2 2-1/2 38 2-3/8 1/2 2-3/4 3-1/2 4 4-1/8 4-3/8 5-1/2 6-3/8 3 3-1/4 3/8 3-11/16 4-13/16 5-13/16 TYPE GK GROUND CONNECTOR For Three Copper Cables to Rod or Pipe High copper alloy ground connector for joining three equal cables to rod or tube. Cable grooves take a wide range of cable. High copper alloy cast body and DURIUM™ U-bolts, nuts, and lockwashers make the GK suitable for direct burial in soil or concrete. One-wrench installation. UL467 Listed. Acceptable for direct burial in earth or concrete. Catalog Number GK114C GK1126 GK1129 GK644C GK6426 GK6429 GK6434 GK1426 GK1429 GK1434 GK1526 GK1529 GK1626 GK1629 GK1726 GK1729 GK1826 GK1829 GK1926 GK1929 1/4 3/8 1/2 - 3/4 1/2 5/8 - 3/4 7/8 - 1 1 1-1/8 - 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-3/8 - 1-1/2 1-1/2 1-5/8 - 1-7/8 2 2 - 2-3/8 2-1/2 2-1/2 - 2-7/8 Cable 8 Sol. - 4 Str. 4 Sol. - 2/0 Str. 2/0 Sol. - 250 8 Sol. - 4 Str. 4 Sol. - 2/0 Str. 2/0 Sol. - 250 300 - 500 4 Sol. - 2/0 Str. 2 Sol. - 250 300 - 500 4 Sol. - 2/0 Str. 2/0 Sol. - 250 4 Sol. - 2/0 Str. 2/0 Sol. - 250 4 Sol. - 2/0 Str. 2/0 Sol. - 250 4 Sol. - 2/0 Str. 2/0 Sol. - 250 4 Sol. - 2/0 Str. 2/0 Sol. - 250 H 2-1/2 J 3/8 1/2 2-7/8 3-1/2 2-3/4 3/8 1/2 38 3-3/4 1/2 3-3/8 3-3/4 3-1/2 4-1/4 4 4-5/8 4-1/4 4-3/8 5 5 3/8 1/2 3/8 1/2 3/8 1/2 3/8 1/2 3/8 1/2 W 2-1/2 2-3/4 3-3/8 2-5/8 3 3-1/2 4 3-1/4 3-7/8 4-3/8 3-1/2 4-1/8 3-7/8 4-1/2 4-1/8 4-3/4 4-5/8 5-1/8 5-1/8 5-5/8 BURNDY Grounding CAST BRONZE CLAMPS FOR CONDUIT Pressure bar type conduit hub adjusts for 1/2, 3/4 EMT or 1/2 rigid conduit. Hub swings 360° for easy alignment. Zinc plated hardware. CATALOG NUMBER D-34 C-11JPT C-22JPT C-4JPT ACCOMMODATES CONDUCTOR RANGE WATER HUB PIPE GROUND SIZE 1/2 - 1 [13 - 25] 1-1/4 - 2 [32 - 51] 2-1/2 - 4 [64 - 102] 10 - 6 Sol. REFERENCE DIMENSIONS 1/2 [13] H L W 2.07 [53] 2.70 [69] 4.39 [112] 3.19 [81] 3.83 [97] 5.15 [131] 2.70 [69] RECOMMENDED SCREW TORQUE “INCH POUNDS” PIPE WIRE CLAMP CLAMP 50 in.-lb. 50 in.-lb. CAST BRONZE GROUND CLAMPS For connecting grounding conductor to water pipe or copper tube. "D" indicates UL467 Listed for direct burial in earth and concrete and are supplied with silicon bronze hardware. "B" indicates brass hardware. ACCOMMODATES CONDUCTOR RANGE CATALOG WATER NUMBER PIPE REBAR GROUND C-11N C-11D C-11B C-22 C-22D C-4 C-8 BUDGET PRICE CAST BRONZE GROUND CLAMP Similar to above but lighter duty. 1/2 - 1 [13 - 25] 1-1/4 - 2 [32 - 51] 2-1/2 - 4 [64 - 114] 4-1/2 - 6 [114 - 165] — #4 - #6 — REFERENCE DIMENSIONS H L W C 10 - 2 Str. 1.81 [46] 2.25 [56] .63 [16] .63 [16] 10 - 2 Str. 10 - 2 Str. 10 - 2 Str. 2.38 [60] 4.13 [105] 4.29 [109] 3.63 [92] 6.25 [159] 8.34 [212] .75 [19] .96 [24] 1.25 [32] 1.00 [25] 1.88 [48] 1.88 [48] ACCOMMODATES CONDUCTOR RANGE CATALOG WATER NUMBER PIPE REBAR GROUND REFERENCE DIMENSIONS H L W C C-5 (JUNIOR) 1.56 [40] 1/2 - 1 [13 - 25] — 10 - 2 Str. 2.25 [56] .56 [14] .50 [13] RECOMMENDED SCREW TORQUE “INCH POUNDS” PIPE WIRE CLAMP CLAMP 50 in.-lb. 50 in.-lb. RECOMMENDED SCREW TORQUE “INCH POUNDS” PIPE WIRE CLAMP CLAMP 50 in.-lb. 50 in.-lb. BURNDY Grounding CAST BRONZE GROUND CLAMPS With Lay-in Feature For connecting grounding conductor to water pipe, copper tube, ground rod or rebar. The open face design allows for fast lay-in of the tap conductor without the need for cutting. Simply reverse bottom clamp for smaller size rebar or rod. Connectors are provided with Silicon Bronze hardware. Fig. 1 Fig. 2 D-35 CATALOG NUMBER FIG # WATER PIPE C11K16D C11K17D Fig 1 Fig 2 1/2 - 1 [13 - 25] ACCOMMODATES CONDUCTOR RANGE MAIN GROUND REBAR ROD #4 - #6 3/8 - 1 TAP GROUND H REFERENCE DIMENSIONS L #10 - #2 Str. 1.64 2.28 W RECOMMENDED SCREW TORQUE “INCH POUNDS” 0.66 50 in.-lbs. DIE CAST CLAMPS Die cast zinc with zinc plated screws. CATALOG NUMBER CZ-11 ACCOMMODATES CONDUCTOR RANGE WATER PIPE GROUND 1/2 - 1 [13 - 25] 10 - 2 Str. REFERENCE DIMENSIONS H L W C 1.56 [40] 2.25 [56] .56 [14] .50 [13] RECOMMENDED SCREW TORQUE “INCH POUNDS” PIPE WIRE CLAMP CLAMP 50 in.-lb. 50 in.-lb. BURNDY Grounding CAST BRONZE CLAMPS To connect armored cable to water pipe. Zinc plated screws. Pressure bar grips armor or outer cable insulation. 360° swing hub for easy alignment. ACCOMMODATES CONDUCTOR RANGE WATER ARMORED PIPE CONDUCTOR CATALOG NUMBER D-36 1/2 - 1 [13 - 25] 1-1/4 - 2 [32 - 51] 2-1/2 - 4 [64 - 102] C-11JA C-22JA C-4JA REFERENCE DIMENSIONS 10 - 6 Sol. H L W 1.38 [35] 2.60 [66] 4.29 [109] 3.05 [77] 3.69 [94] 5.01 [128] 1.41 [36] RECOMMENDED SCREW TORQUE “INCH POUNDS” PIPE WIRE CLAMP CLAMP 50 in.-lb. 50 in.-lb. CAST BRONZE GROUND CLAMPS For connecting grounding conductor, EMT or rigid conduit to water pipe, copper tube, ground rod or rebar. Hub swings 360° for easy alignment. Simply reverse bottom clamp for smaller size rebar or rod. Connectors are provided with Silicon Bronze hardware. CATALOG NUMBER C11HD4/0DB C22HD4/0DB WATER PIPE 1/2 - 1 [13 - 25] 1-1/4 - 2 [32 - 51] ACCOMMODATES CONDUCTOR RANGE MAIN GROUND REBAR ROD #4 - #6 3/8 - 1 — — TAP GROUND #8 - 4/0 AWG #8 - 4/0 AWG H REFERENCE DIMENSIONS L W RECOMMENDED SCREW TORQUE “INCH POUNDS” 2.25 2.65 1.56 50 in.-lbs. 2.70 3.60 1.56 50 in.-lbs. BURNDY Grounding CAST BRONZE CLAMPS For connecting armored cable to water pipe. Zinc plated screws. "D" indicates UL467 for direct burial in earth and concrete, supplied with silicon bronze hardware. CATALOG NUMBER C-6 C-6D C-7 ACCOMMODATES CONDUCTOR RANGE WATER GROUND PIPE GROUND CLAMP 1/2 - 1 [13 - 25] 10 - 2 Str. 1-1/4 - 2 [32 - 51] 10 - 2 Str. Bare Armored Unarmored Wire Cables or Cords REFERENCE DIMENSIONS H L W C 1.60 [41] 2.34 [59] 1.06 [27] .63 [16] 2.38 [60] 3.62 [92] .94 [24] 1.00 [25] RECOMMENDED SCREW TORQUE “INCH POUNDS” PIPE WIRE CLAMP CLAMP 50 in.-lb. 50 in.-lb. D-37 BURNDY Grounding CAST BRONZE CLAMP FOR RIGID CONDUIT For grounding rigid Zinc plated screws. conduit systems. ACCOMMODATES CONDUCTOR RANGE CATALOG WATER HUB NUMBER PIPE GROUND SIZE D-38 C-61 C-66 1/2 - 1 [13 - 25] 1-1/4 - 2 [32 - 51] #6 Sol. Max. 1/2 [13] REFERENCE DIMENSIONS H L W C 2.07 [53] 2.69 [68] 2.34 [59] 3.62 [92] 1.34 [34] 1.34 [34] 1.06 [27] 1.40 [36] RECOMMENDED SCREW TORQUE “INCH POUNDS” PIPE WIRE CLAMP CLAMP 50 in.-lb. 50 in.-lb. CAST BRONZE CLAMPS FOR CONDUIT For grounding Continuity from ground provided conduit hub. Zinc rigid conduit systems. rigid conduit systems to by cast bronze threaded plated screws. ACCOMMODATES CONDUCTOR RANGE CATALOG WATER HUB NUMBER PIPE GROUND SIZE C-11LH-1 C-22LH-1 C-4LH-1 C-11LH-2 C-22LH-2 C-4LH-2 C-11LH-3 C-22LH-3 C-4LH-3 1/2 - 1 [13 - 25] 1-1/4 - 2 [32 - 51] 2-1/2 - 4 [54 - 102] 1/2 - 1 [13 - 25] 1-1/4 - 2 [32 - 51] 2-1/2 - 4 [64 - 102] 1/2 - 1 [13 - 25] 1-1/4 - 2 [32 - 51] 2-1/2 - 4 [63 - 102] 10 Str. 6 Sol. 1/2 [13] 2/0 - 10 Str. 3/4 [19] 3/0 - 10 Str. 1 [25] REFERENCE DIMENSIONS H L W C 2.25 [57] 2.88 [73] 4.56 [116] 2.56 [65] 3.19 [65] 4.88 [124] 2.69 [68] 3.32 [59] 5.01 [127] 3.23 [83] 3.50 [89] 4.82 [122] 2.86 [73] 3.50 [89] 4.82 [122] 2.86 [73] 3.50 [89] 4.82 [122] .69 [18] 1.00 [25] 1.13 [29] .97 [25] 1.34 [34] 2.44 [62] 1.13 [29] 1.50 [38] 2.38 [60] 1.19 [30] 1.56 [40] 2.44 [62] RECOMMENDED SCREW TORQUE “INCH POUNDS” PIPE WIRE CLAMP CLAMP 50 in.-lb. 50 in.-lb. BURNDY Grounding CAST BRONZE CLAMP WITH COPPER STRAP For grounding rigid conduit systems. Strap helps protect conduit system from water system vibrations. Zinc plated screws. Strap ETP copper. CATALOG NUMBER FIG. # C-11CSH-1 Fig. 1 C-11CSH-2 Fig. 1 C-11CSH-3 Fig. 1 C11CSLH12 Fig. 2 Fig. 1 ACCOMMODATES CONDUCTOR RANGE WATER HUB PIPE GROUND SIZE 6 Sol. Max. 1/2 - 1 [13 - 25] 4/0 Str. Max. #10 - 2/0 AWG 1/2 [13] 3/4 [19] 1 [25] 1/2 [13] H 1.75 [44] Fig. 2 REFERENCE DIMENSIONS L W C 8.50 [216] 1.06 [27] 1.25 [32] 1.50 [38] 1.18 1.06 [27] 1.50 [38] 1.75 [44] 1.06 [27] RECOMMENDED SCREW TORQUE “INCH POUNDS” PIPE WIRE CLAMP CLAMP D 6.12 [155] 50 in.-lb. 50 in.-lb. 45 in.-lb. GROUND STRAPS, ADJUSTABLE BURNDY® adjustable ground straps are made from pure annealed copper. The heavy type is .050 thick and 3/4 wide. The light type is .025 thick and 3/4 wide. The bolts, nuts and washers are plated steel. Four sizes cover a ground pipe range of 3/8 to 4. Ground wire connection can be soldered or solderless. CATALOG NUMBER GS1T50 GS1T25 GS2T50 GS2T25 GS3T50 GS3T25 GS4T50 GS4T25 ACCOMMODATES WATER PIPE 3/8 - 1 [10 - 25] 3/8 - 2 [10 - 51] 3/8 - 3 [10 - 76] 3/8 - 4 [10 - 102] REFERENCE DIMENSIONS H L W .050 [1] .025 [1] .050 [1] .025 [1] .050 [1] .025 [1] .050 [1] .025 [1] RECOMMENDED SCREW TORQUE “INCH POUNDS” 5.61 [142] 9.38 [238] .75 [19] 13.20 [335] 17.00 [432] 50 in.-lb. D-39 BURNDY Grounding TYPE GC-A DUAL RATED GROUND CLAMP For Copper and Aluminum Cable GC-A ground clamps are UL Listed for use with either copper or aluminum conductors to copper water pipe, galvanized pipe or steel conduit. All clamps are constructed from tin plated high-strength extruded aluminum alloy. D-40 PENETROX™ oxide inhibiting joint compounds are recommended for all aluminum applications. Features and Benefits • Clamps are dual rated for both copper and aluminum conductors. ◊ Maximum flexibility of application. • All connectors are tin plated. ◊ Provide low contact resistance and prevents galvanic corrosion. • All clamps are range taking. ◊ Only 3 catalog numbers covers complete range of applications from 1/2 - 4 inches. Catalog Number Conduit, Pipe, or Water Tube Size Wire Range Screw Type W L Hex Size GC15A GC18A GC22A 1/2 - 3/4 - 1 1-1/4 - 1-1/2 - 2 2-1/2 - 3 - 3-1/2 - 4 1/0 - 14 250 MCM - 6 250 MCM - 6 Slotted Hex Socket Hex Socket 11/16 13/16 1 2-1/4 3-3/4 6-5/16 S 5/16 5/16 BURNDY Grounding TYPE GG GROUND CONNECTOR For Copper Bar, Strap, Braid or Cable to Rod or Tube High copper alloy ground connector for joining bar, strap, braid or cable to rod or tube. High copper alloy cast body, DURIUM™ U-bolts, nuts and lockwashers make the GG particularly effective for use with braid for ground rods, switch handles, fence posts and gates. One-wrench installation. Catalog Number GG15-1 GG16-1 GG17-1 GG17-15 GG18-1 GG18-15 GG18-2 GG19-2 GG19-25 GG20-2 GG20-25 GG20-3 GG21-2 GG21-25 GG21-3 GG21-35 GG22-2 GG22-25 GG22-3 GG22-35 GG22-4 GG24-2 See note page D-1 Conductor Tube I.P.S. D-41 Rod 1 1-1/4 1-1/8 - 1-1/4 1-3/8 - 1-1/2 1-1/2 1-5/8 - 1-7/8 2 2 - 2-3/8 2-1/2 2-1/2 - 2-7/8 3 3 - 3-1/2 3-1/2 3-1/2 - 4 4 4 - 4-1/2 5 — A H J 3-3/8 1 3-1/2 1-1/2 1 1-1/2 2 2-1/2 2 2-1/2 3 2 2-1/2 3 3-1/2 2 2-1/2 3 3-1/2 4 2 W 2-5/8 3 3/8 4-1/4 3-1/4 3-3/4 4-3/8 4-1/8 5 4-5/8 6-3/8 5-1/4 5-7/8 1/2 5-3/4 6-1/2 6-1/4 7-5/8 7-1/4 BURNDY Grounding TYPE GQ GROUND CONNECTOR For Copper Cable to Tube High copper alloy ground connector for cross connecting a wide range of cable. High copper alloy, cast body, DURIUM™ U-bolts, nuts, and lockwashers make the GQ suitable for burial in soil or concrete. One-wrench installation. UL467 Listed. Acceptable for direct burial in earth or concrete. D-42 Catalog Number GQ2626 GQ26-1 GQ2929 GQ29-1 Conductor Tube I.P.S. Cable 6 Max. Above 6 6 Max. Above 6 4 Str. - 2/0 Str. 2/0 Str. - 250 H J 4-1/2 7-1/8 4-1/8 7-1/2 1/2 L W 5 2-1/2 6 2-3/4 BURNDY Grounding TYPE GX GROUND CONNECTOR For Copper Cables High copper alloy ground connector for cross connecting a wide range of cable. The high copper alloy cast body, DURIUM™ U-bolts, nuts, and lockwashers make the GX suitable for burial in soil or concrete. One-wrench installation. UL467 Listed. Acceptable for direct burial in earth or concrete. D-43 Catalog Number GX4C4C GX264C GX2626 GX294C GX2926 GX2929 GX344C GX3426 GX3429 GX3434 Conductor Groove A Groove B 8 Sol. - 4 Str. 8 Sol. - 4 Str. 8 Sol. - 4 Str. 4 Sol. - 2/0 Str. 8 Sol. - 4 Str. 4 Sol. - 2/0 Str. 2/0 Sol. - 250 8 Sol. - 4 Str. 4 Sol. - 2/0 Str. 2/0 Sol. - 250 300 - 500 4 Sol. - 2/0 Str. 2/0 Sol. - 250 300 - 500 L W 1-7/8 H J 1-5/8 1-5/8 2-1/2 1-3/4 1-3/4 3/8 1-7/8 2-3/4 1-7/8 2-1/8 4-1/4 1/2 2-5/8 2-5/8 TYPE GRC HIGH STRENGTH GROUND ROD CLAMP For Copper Cable to Rod High copper alloy ground connector for joining a range of cable to copper clad, galvanized steel, and stainless steel ground rods. Slips over end of rod, one-wrench installation. UL467 Listed for direct burial in earth and concrete. REA LISTED Catalog Number GRC12 GRC58 GRC34 Drive Rod 1/2 5/8 3/4 Conductor Range Min. Max. 10 Sol. 8 Sol. 2 Str. 1 Str. 1/0 Str. H W L J 2.00 2.19 2.47 .89 .95 1.09 .63 .63 .65 3/8 BURNDY Grounding TYPE B FLEXIBLE COPPER BRAID Flexible copper braid jumpers designed to take up linear expansion and contraction, compensate for misalignment and absorb vibratory movement of electrical equipment and devices. Made of flat extra flexible, tinned, pure copper braid, with unplated, seamless, pure copper ferrules formed into a rectangular shape on each end. D-44 Last two numbers in catalog number indicate total length of braid in inches (e.g., BD12N or BD12 is 12 long braid jumper). Other lengths, plating and drilling are available. Refer to factory or Section G (Substation). CATALOG NUMBER BD12 BD12N** BD18 BD18N** BD24 BD24N** BE12 BE12N** BE18 BE18N** BE24 BE24N** BF12 BF12N** BF18 BF18N** BF24 BF24N** BG12 BG12N** BG18 BG18N** BG24 BG24N** NUMBER OF BRAIDS IN FERRULES 1 C D E K L .94 2.50 3.00 2.50 3.00 2.50 3.00 1.25 1.75 1.25 1.75 1.25 1.75 1.50 1.75 1.50 1.75 1.50 1.75 1.50 1.75 1.50 1.75 1.50 1.75 1.50 1.75 1.50 1.75 1.50 1.75 .44 .56 .44 .56 .44 .56 .44 .56 .44 .56 .44 .56 .44 .56 .44 .56 .44 .56 .44 .56 .44 .56 .44 .56 12 12 18 18 24 24 12 12 18 18 24 24 12 12 18 18 24 24 12 12 18 18 24 24 1 1.50 3.00 1 1.19 3.00 1 1.50 3.00 * This rating may vary with ambient conditions, orientation of the braid and other service conditions. ** Tongue drilled per (2) hole NEMA standard. APPROXIMATE AMP INDOOR OUTDOOR N T .62 .13 190 225 .17 340 405 .25 360 430 .25 415 495 .75 .62 .75 .62 .75 .62 .75 .62 .75 .62 .75 .62 .75 .62 .75 .62 .75 .62 BURNDY Grounding FLEXIBLE COPPER BRAID (Continued) TYPE B CATALOG NUMBER B2D12 B2D12N** B2E12 B2E12N** B2F12 B2F12N** B2G12 B2G12N** B3D12 B3D12N** B3E12 B3E12N** B3F12 B3F12N** B3G12 B3G12N** B4D12 B4D12N** B4E12 B4E12N** B4F12 B4F12N** B4G12 B4G12N** NUMBER OF BRAIDS IN FERRULES C .94 1.62 2 1.38 1.50 1.19 1.64 3 1.44 1.69 1.19 1.64 4 1.50 1.69 D E K L N 2.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.25 1.75 1.50 1.75 1.50 1.75 1.50 1.75 1.25 1.75 1.50 1.75 1.50 1.75 1.50 1.75 1.25 1.75 1.50 1.75 1.50 1.75 1.50 1.75 .44 .56 .44 .56 .44 .56 .44 .56 .44 .56 .44 .56 .44 .56 .44 .56 .44 .56 .44 .56 .44 .56 .44 .56 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 .62 .62 .75 .62 .75 .62 .75 .62 .62 .62 .75 .62 .75 .62 .75 .62 .62 .62 .75 .62 .75 .62 .75 .62 * This rating may vary with ambient conditions, orientation of the braid and other service conditions. ** Tongue drilled per (2) hole NEMA standard. T APPROXIMATE AMP INDOOR OUTDOOR .25 380 455 .25 530 635 .38 600 720 .50 700 840 .25 470 560 .31 700 840 .56 820 980 .69 960 1150 .32 600 720 .36 850 1020 .78 1000 1200 .94 1200 1440 D-45 BURNDY Grounding TYPES GB, GBM Type GB GROUND CONNECTOR For Copper Cable to Bar Type GB High copper alloy ground connector for joining a range of cable to 1/4 thick bar.* Type GB separates cable from bar, GBM clamps cable directly on bar surface. One-wrench installation. UL467 Listed. The high copper alloy cast body and DURIUM™ bolts, nuts, and lockwashers make the GB and GBM suitable for direct burial in concrete D-46 or ground. Catalog Number Type GB Type GBM GB4C GB26 +GBL30 GB29 GB34 Type GBM Type GBM GBM4C GBM26 GBM29 GBM34 Conductor 8 Sol. - 4 Str. 4 Sol. - 2/0 Str. 4 Sol. - 300 2/0 Sol. - 250 300 - 500 H Type GB/GBL 1-1/2 H Type GBM J 1-1/2 3/8 2 2-1/4 1/2 2 3 W Type GB/GBL W Type GBM 1-1/4 1-1/2 7/8 2 2-3/8 1-1/4 1-1/2 0 2 2-3/8 + GBL30 is not UL listed. Add "GS" suffix for galvanized steel hardware. * For other bar thicknesses see note at bottom of page D-46. TYPES GC, GCM Type GC GROUND CONNECTOR For Two Copper Cables to Bar High copper alloy ground connector for joining a wide range of two parallel cables to 1/4 thick bar.* Type GC separates cable from bar, GCM clamps cable to bar surface. One-wrench installation. UL467 Listed. The high copper alloy cast body and DURIUM™ bolts, nuts, and lockwashers make the GC and GCM suitable for direct burial in concrete or ground. Type GC Type GCM Catalog Number Type GC Type GCM GC4C4C GC2626 GCL30 GC2929 GC3434 GCM4C GCM26 GCM30 GCM29 GCM34 Type GCM Conductor H Type GC/GCL 8 Sol. - 4 Str. 4 Sol. - 2/0 Str. 4 Str. - 300 2/0 Sol. - 250 300 - 500 1-1/2 2 2 2-1/4 2-7/8 Smooth oval-shank bolts are available upon request for cabletray applications (example: GC30G3). Also refer to type GC-CT. Add "GS" suffix for galavanized steel hardware. * For other bar thicknesses see note at bottom of page D-44. H Type GCM J 1-1/2 3/8 — 2 2-1/4 — — 1/2 W Type GC/GCL W Type GCM 1-3/8 1-3/4 1 2-1/4 2-7/8 1 1-3/8 — 2 2-5/8 BURNDY Grounding TYPE GL GROUND CONNECTOR For Two Copper Cables to Bar High copper alloy ground connector for joining a wide range of two parallel cables to 1/4 thick bar.* Two-bolt design, separates cable from bar. One-wrench installation. UL467 Listed. The high copper alloy cast body and DURIUM™ bolts, nuts, and lockwashers make them suitable for direct burial in concrete or ground. Catalog Number* GL4C4C GL2626 GL2929 GL3434 Conductor H 8 Sol. - 4 Str. 4 Sol. - 2/0 Str. 2/0 Sol. - 250 300 - 500 1-1/2 2 2-1/4 2-7/8 J 3/8 1/2 W 1-3/8 1-3/4 2-1/4 2-7/8 * For other bar thicknesses see note at bottom of page. TYPE GZ GROUND CONNECTOR For Copper Cable to Bar High copper alloy ground connector for joining a wide range of cable to 1/4 thick bar*. Cable is gripped by curving it around the clamping bolt in connector groove. UL467 Listed. The high copper alloy cast body and DURIUM™ bolts, nuts, and lockwashers make them suitable for direct burial in concrete or ground. Catalog Number* GZ4C-38 GZ4C-12 GZ4C-58 GZ26-38 GZ26-12 GZ26-58 GZ29-38 GZ29-12 GZ29-58 Conductor H J W 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/8 1/2 5/8 1-1/8 8 Str. - 4 Str. 1-1/2 1-7/8 2 3 Str. - 2/0 Str. 2-1/8 2-1/4 3/0 Str. - 250 NOTE: * The GB, GBM, GC, GCM, GL and GZ are all used for joining a range of cable to bar. The catalog numbers in each table accommodate the indicated cable range and up to 1/4 thick bar. Optional bolt lengths are available to accommodate up to 1 thick bar. For bar thicknesses from 1/4 to 1/2, add the suffix “T4” to the catalog number in the table. For bar thicknesses from 1/2 to 1, add the suffix “T8” to the catalog number in the table. 2-3/8 2-1/2 1-3/4 1-5/8 1-3/4 2-1/4 D-47 BURNDY Grounding TYPE GC-CT CABLETRAY GROUND CLAMP This unique connector incorporates features which are unmatched. Made of tin-plated cast copper alloy, it accommodates either one or two conductors, copper or aluminum cable. In addition to a low profile head with a deep Phillips recess, the galvanized steel bolt has a ribbed neck which prevents rotation during installation when installed in a .44 diameter D-48 hole. When used on aluminum conductor, the cable must be scratch brushed and PENETROX™ A joint compound must be used on cable and connector. UL467 Listed for copper conductor only. Suitable for direct burial in concrete or earth. CATALOG NUMBER GC2525CT GC2626CT GC2929CT ACCOMMODATES COPPER OR ALUMINUM CONDUCTOR IN EITHER GROOVE #6 Sol. (.162 Dia.) 1/0 Str. (.372 Dia.) #2 Sol. (.258 Dia.) 2/0 Str. (.419 Dia.) 2/0 Str. (.414 Dia.) 250 kcmil (.575 Dia.) NOTE: The bolt head is mounted on the inside wall of cabletray to avoid damage to the cable insulation. May be used with aluminum or galvanized steel cable tray. B CF H J W 1.12 .56 1.95 3/8” - 16 1.45 1.12 .56 1.95 3/8” - 16 1.70 1.12 .56 2.20 3/8” - 16 1.98 BURNDY Grounding TYPE GIE-G 8 1⁄8 GROUND CONNECTOR For Vehicle Grounding Heavy Duty Construction High-strength copper alloy ground clamps for grounding gasoline trucks, tank cars, aircraft and other vehicles where danger of explosion due to static electricity exists. Corrosion resistant and supplied with nonsparking, adjustable, replaceable contact grip screws. Automatic safety release disconnects should a vehicle unexpectedly move from the grounded area. Accommodates 4 Str. flexible copper cable. TYPE GIE-G GROUND CONNECTOR Accommodates flexible rubber sheath cable ranging from #6 to #2 conductor. Catalog Number: GIE2CG3 1.2 MAX. OPENING Catalog Number GIE4CG3 GIE4CG4 Catalog Number GIE4CG3P5 GIE4CG3P7 GIE4CG4P5 GIE4CG4P7 Replaceable Contact Grip Screws Material Point Configuration Beryllium Copper Stainless Steel Cone Point Cup Point Cone Point Cup Point D-49 BURNDY Grounding RAIL CONNECTOR Mechanical clamp connectors designed for use in power, contact or running rail applications. Connectors are cast of a high conductivity copper alloy, tin-plated, and assembled with high-strength DURIUM™ hardware. Connectors designed for extended service life. D-50 Catalog Number J278 J279 J280 J295 Fig. No. 1 1 1 2 RGC44G1* 3 RGC39G1* 4 * Tin-plated. Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Fig. 4 Accomodates 100 LBS. A.R.E.A. RUNNING RAIL 75 or 90 LBS. RUNNING RAIL 150 LBS. CONTACT RAIL 150 LBS. THIRD RAIL 150 LBS. NMC CONTACT RAIL and (1) 800-1000 kcmil CU CABLE 115 LBS. CONTACT or RUNNING RAIL and (1) 500-750 kcmil CU CABLE B 1.81 1.81 2.12 2.62 H 1.88 1.71 2.08 3.50 HH 1.72 1.55 1.92 3.50 L 7.50 7.50 7.00 7.75 W .88 .88 1.25 3.00 1.75 2.82 2.25 10.00 1.75 2.75 2.00 4.78 8.32 1.25 BURNDY Grounding TYPE QGFL BARTAP™ For Copper Cable to Flat Bar or Pad High copper alloy BARTAP™ for joining a range of cable to bar or pad. One-wrench installation. DURIUM™ nut and lockwasher. Catalog Number QGFL1CB1 QGFL1CB1T6 QGFL26B1 QGFL26B1T6 QGFL26B2* QGFL26B2T6* QGFL29B1* QGFL29B1T6* QGFL31B1* QGFL31B1T6* QGFL34B1 QGFL34B1T6 QGFL39B1 QGFL39B1T6 QGFL44B1 QGFL44B1T6 QGFL46B1 QGFL46B1T6 QGFL48B1 QGFL48B1T6 Conductor 10 Sol. - 1 Str. 8 Sol. - 2/0 Str. B 1-1/8 1-1/4 1-1/2 6 Str. - 250 1-5/8 2 Sol. - 350 1-3/4 1/0 Sol. - 500 2 350 - 750 750 - 1000 2-1/4 1000 - 1500 1500 - 2000 H T (Max.) J 1-7/8 2-3/8 2-1/8 2-5/8 1-1/2 2-7/8 2-5/8 3-1/8 2-7/8 3-1/4 3-1/8 3-5/8 3-1/4 3-5/8 3-3/8 4-1/8 4 4-1/2 4-3/4 5-1/4 W 1/4 3/4 1/4 3/4 1/4 3/4 1/4 3/4 1/4 3/4 1/4 3/4 1/4 3/4 1/4 3/4 1/4 3/4 1/4 3/4 3/8 1/2 1 D-51 1-1/8 1-3/8 1-5/8 1-3/4 1-3/4 2-1/8 2-1/2 3 * Can be installed side by side or in line on NEMA drilled bar. TYPE GA-H GROUND CONNECTOR For Copper Cable to “H” Beam High copper alloy ground connector for joining a wide range of cable parallel to “H” beams or square tube. Hardware is made from DURIUM™ for superior corrosion protection. CATALOG NUMBER GA25H26 CONDUCTOR “H” BEAM 1-7/8 1-7/8 - 2-1/2 2-1/2 CABLE H J W 4 Sol. - 2/0 Str. 4-3/4 3/8 4 BURNDY Grounding TYPE GRF UNIGROUND® RAISED FLOOR GROUNDING CONNECTOR The BURNDY® UNIGROUND™ is a universal grounding clamp, specifically designed for all raised flooring systems. It can be installed on round or square pedestals and can accommodate one or two grounding wires to make an efficient grid. The underfloor signal reference grid provides the low impedance ground path that attenuates high frequency D-52 static and 60 Hz transient noise for cleaner data output. UL467 Listed. CATALOG NUMBER GRF4C-3 GRF4C-4 Features and Benefits • One connector fits all applications. ◊ Ease of specification and installation. • Single bolt design. ◊ Ease of installation: ◊ — No need to disassemble. ◊ — Single wrench installation. • Accepts 1 or 2 ground conductors. ◊ Requires less connectors to install signal reference grid. • Tin plated cast bronze construction. ◊ Resists corrosion and provides extended life ground connection. NUMBER OF CONDUCTORS CONDUCTOR SIZE SOL. & STR. 1 or 2 1 or 2 #8 - #2 #8 - #2 PEDESTAL TYPE ROUND SQUARE Up to 1 Up to 3/4 Up to 7/8 Up to 5/8 • Grounds all pedestals (round or square). Will handle up to 7/8 square and 1 round. ◊ Ease of installation. One connector does it all • Serves 3 needs: 1. Signal Reference Grid. 2. Static Ground. 3. Fault Current Ground. ◊ UNIGROUND™ solves all possible grounding problems found in computer applications today. B H J W 1.96 1.79 3.14 3.13 3/8 3/8 1.76 1.40 BURNDY Grounding TYPES GP-G1, GP-RT RAISED FLOOR GROUNDING CLAMPS High copper alloy ground connector for raised floor computer grounding applications. These connectors can be installed on round and square pedestal applications and will accommodate one or two grounding wires to make an efficient grid. The underfloor signal reference grid provides the low impedance ground path that attenuates high frequency static and 60 Hz transient noise for cleaner data output. UL467 Listed. In addition we offer the GP1726RT, which is especially designed for penetrating epoxy paint on pedestals. This patented connector offers a low impedance, time saving connection between conductors and the Pedestal. GP1726RT Features and Benefits • Accepts 1 or 2 Ground Conductors ◊ Requires less connectors to install signal reference grid. • Made of copper alloy. • DURIUM™ U-Bolts, nuts and lockwashers. ◊ Provides a low impedance ground path for maximum performance. • Grounds all pedestals (round or square). • Will handle from 3⁄4 to 1 round or square. ◊ Ease of installation. • Serves 3 needs. 1. Signal Reference Grid. 2. Static Ground. 3. Fault Current Ground. ◊ Connectors solves all possible grounding problems found in computer applications today. D-53 CATALOG NUMBER NUMBER OF CONDUCTORS CONDUCTOR SIZE SOL. & STR. PEDESTAL TYPE ROUND OR SQUARE B J L W GP654CG1 GP64526G1 GP1526G1 GP1726RT 1 or 2 1 or 2 1 or 2 1 or 2 #8 Sol. - 4 Str. #4 Sol. - 2/0 Str. #4 Sol. - 2/0 Str. #6 Sol. - 2/0 Str. 3/4 - 1 Round 3/4 - 7/8 Square 1-1/4 Round 2 Round 1.5 1.5 1.75 2.12 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 1.31 1.69 1.69 1.50 2.38 2.38 2.62 3.22 BURNDY Grounding TABLE OF CONTENTS BURNDYWeld™ BURNDY Weld™ Introduction ................................D-55 Type BCR-24 ............................D-68 Type BCS-1 ...............................D-70 Making a BURNDYWeld™ Connection ..........................D-56 Type BCS-8 ...............................D-70 D-54 WELD METAL ..........................D-57 Type BCS-2 ...............................D-71 Type BCC-1 ..............................D-58 Type BCS-9 ...............................D-71 Type BCC-2 ..............................D-59 Type BCS-3 ...............................D-72 Type BCC-4 ..............................D-60 Type BCS-23 .............................D-73 Type BCC-11 ............................D-61 Type BCS-4 ...............................D-74 Type BCC-6 ..............................D-62 Type BCS-6 ...............................D-74 Type BCC-14 ............................D-62 Type BCS-7................................D-75 Type BCC-7 ..............................D-63 Type BCS-18 .............................D-75 Type BCR-1................................D-64 BURNDYWeld™ FILL ..............D-82 Type BCR-2 ............................. D-65 BURNDYWeld™ SET ...............D-84 Type BCR-3 .............................D-66 BURNDYWeld™ Prefabricated Wire Mesh ..............................D-86 Type BCR-17 ............................D-67 For mold types or BURNDYWeld™ items not shown, please contact factory or refer to full BURNDYWeld™ catalog. BURNDY Grounding BURNDYWeld™ The BURNDYWeld™ connection process is a simple, efficient method of welding copper to copper or copper to steel. One advantage is that NO outside power is required when using the BURNDYWeld™ exothermic process. The BURNDYWeld™ process uses high temperature reaction of powdered copper oxide and aluminum. The reaction takes place in a semipermanent graphite mold. These molds will last for fifty or more welds if proper care is given. The reaction takes place very rapidly, therefore the total amount of heat applied to the conductors or surfaces is considerably less than that of brazing or soldering. It is important to remember this when welding to insulated cable or thin wall pipe. This system is very field friendly, since it is light and portable and requires no outside power source. It requires very little time or skill to obtain an efficient, maintenance free connection when using the BURNDYWeld™ process. The BURNDYWeld™ connection is a molecular weld. The weld metal has the same melting point as copper. These factors along with the increased cross section of the connection, BURNDYWeld™ connections: 1. Will not be affected by a high current surge. Tests have shown that the electrical conductor will melt before the BURNDYWeld™ connection when subjected to high short circuit current. Consult IEEE Standard 837-1989. D-55 2. Will not loosen or corrode at the point of weld. There are no contact surfaces or mechanical pressures involved. A BURNDYWeld™ connection becomes an integral part of the conductor. 3. Have a current-carrying capacity equal to or greater than that of the conductors. For more information visit our website at www.fciconnect.com The BURNDYWeld™ process has been used to weld materials other than copper for electrical purposes. Materials welded include: Stainless Steel Copperweld® Nichrome V Galvanized Steel Silcone Bronze Copper Clad Steel Columbium Plain Steel Everdur® Kama Steel Rail Cor-Ten® Brass Bronze Niobium Chromax Cast Iron Monel Lid Starting Powder Graphite Mold Weld Metal When welding to galvanized steel it is recommended to resurface exposed bare steel. Tap Hole Weld Cavity Ground Rod For mold types or BURNDYWeld™ items not shown, please contact factory or refer to full BURNDYWeld™ catalog. Cable BURNDY Grounding Making a BURNDYWeld™ Connection D-56 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Position cleaned conductors in mold after making sure mold is dry, by pre-heating or making a test joint. Place metal disc in bottom of mold crucible. Dump powder into crucible, being careful not to loosen all the starting powder. Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Close lid and place a small amount of starting powder in the ignition pocket. Ignite the starting powder with the Flint Ignitor. Wait 15 seconds, then remove weld and clean mold before making next connection. For mold types or BURNDYWeld™ items not shown, please contact factory or refer to full BURNDYWeld™ catalog. BURNDY Grounding WELD METAL BURNDYWeld™ Weld Metal is packed in moisture-resistant plastic cartridges that have tight fitting caps. These cartridges, along with the necessary steel discs, are then packed in boxes that are hermetically-sealed. This ensures the powder arriving in good condition, always dry and ready for fast positive ignition. BURNDYWeld™ Weld Metal comes in several types; one for welding copper to copper, copper to steel, copper to rail, copper to cast iron and one for welding copper to steel for cathodic protection. The size and weight (in grams) of the cartridge are marked on each individual cartridge. Standard Cartridge Size Cast Iron Cartridge Size Cathodic Protection Cartridge Size Rail Cartridge Size Cartridges Per Box 15 25 32 45 65 90 115 150 200 250 500 15Cl 25Cl 32Cl 45Cl 65Cl 90Cl 115Cl — — — — 15CP 25CP 32CP 45CP 65CP — — — — — — 15R 25R 32R 45R 65R 90R 115R 150R 200R 250R 500R 20 20 10 20 20 10 10 10 10 10 10 BURNDYWeld™ Weld Metal is sold in box quantities only. Steel Discs Sold Separately Weld Metal Size Catalog Number Steel Discs Only Package Quantity 15 to 65 90 to 115 150 to 500 B370320-01 B370320-02 B370320-03 20 10 10 For mold types or BURNDYWeld™ items not shown, please contact factory or refer to full BURNDYWeld™ catalog. D-57 BURNDY Grounding BCC-1 TYPE MOLDS Horizontal End to End BCC-1 Type Molds are used for horizontal end to end cable connections. Size range is #6 through 1000 MCM solid or concentric stranded copper conductors. Contact BURNDY® Products for information on molds for conductors not listed below. D-58 Cable Mold Number Price Key Weld Metal Handle Clamps #8 #6 #4 #3 #2 #1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 MCM 300 MCM 350 MCM 500 MCM 750 MCM 1000 MCM Use Type BCC-14 On Page 16 Use Type BCC-14 On Page 16 B-5623 B-5624 B-5625 B-5626 B-205 B-206 B-207 B-208 B-209 B-210 B-211 B-213 B-214 B-215 — — 18 † * 18 † * 18 † * 18 † * 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 — — 25 32 32 32 45 65 90 90 115 115 150 200 2-150 2-200 — — N/A N/A N/A N/A B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B106 B-107 B-107 B-107 • For sizes not listed, contact BURNDY® Products. • Molds listed are for concentric stranded cable. Add suffix “-S” to mold number for solid conductors. • For heavy duty molds, molds with wear plates or molds for Copperweld® cable, contact BURNDY® Products. • For expedited service, contact BURNDY® Products. Required Tools: Handle Clamps (see chart for correct handles) † Sold complete with handles * B38-0309-00 Flint Ignitor (included) Other recommended accessories: B38-3922-00 Mold Cleaning Brush (pg D-85) B38-0135-00 Cable Cleaning Brush (pg D-85) B38-0330-00 Cable Clamp (pg D-85) For mold types or BURNDYWeld™ items not shown, please contact factory or refer to full BURNDYWeld™ catalog. BURNDY Grounding TYPE BCC-2 MOLDS Horizontal Cable Tap to Horizontal Cable Run Type BCC-2 Molds are used to join horizontal cable tap to a horizontal run cable. Size range is #6 through 750 MCM solid or concentric stranded copper conductors. Contact BURNDY® Products for information on molds for conductors not listed below. Cable Run Tap Mold Number #6 #4 #6 Use Type BCC-14 on Page 16 #4 B-221 #2 B-223 #2 #4 B-224 #1 B-225 #1 #2 B-226 #4 B-227 1/0 B-228 #1 B-229 1/0 #2 B-230 #4 B-231 2/0 B-232 1/0 B-233 2/0 #1 B-234 #2 B-235 #4 B-5475 3/0 B-236 2/0 B-237 1/0 B-238 3/0 #1 B-239 #2 B-240 #4 B-5574 4/0 B-241 3/0 B-242 2/0 B-243 4/0 1/0 B-244 #1 B-245 #2 B-246 #4 B-5021 250 MCM B-247 4/0 B-248 3/0 B-249 250 MCM 2/0 B-250 1/0 B-251 #1 B-252 #2 B-253 BURNDY® Price Weld Key Metal — 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 — 32 45 45 45 45 45 90 45 45 45 90 90 45 45 45 115 90 90 45 45 45 150 115 90 90 90 90 90 150 150 150 90 90 90 90 Handle Clamps — B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 • For sizes not listed, contact Products. • Molds listed are for concentric stranded cable. Add suffix “-S” to mold number for solid conductors. • For heavy duty molds, molds with wear plates or molds for Copperweld® cable, contact BURNDY® Products. • For expedited service, contact BURNDY® Products. Cable Run Tap 300 MCM 350 MCM 500 MCM 750 MCM 300 MCM 250 MCM 4/0 3/0 2/0 1/0 #1 #2 350 MCM 300 MCM 250 MCM 4/0 3/0 2/0 1/0 #1 #2 500 MCM 350 MCM 300 MCM 250 MCM 4/0 2/0 1/0 #1 #2 750 MCM 500 MCM 350 MCM 300 MCM 250 MCM 4/0 2/0 1/0 Mold Number Price Key Weld Metal Handle Clamps B-254 B-255 B-256 B-257 B-258 B-259 B-260 B-261 B-262 B-263 B-264 B-265 B-266 B-267 B-268 B-269 B-270 B-280 B-282 B-283 B-284 B-285 B-286 B-287 B-288 B-289 B-290 B-291 B-293 B-294 B-295 B-296 B-297 B-298 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 200 150 150 150 90 90 90 90 200 200 200 150 150 90 90 90 90 2-150 200 200 200 150 90 90 90 90 500 2-200 250 200 200 150 150 150 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-107 B-107 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 Required Tools: Handle Clamps (see chart for correct handles) B38-0309-00 Flint Ignitor Other recommended accessories: B40-0319-01 Mold Cleaner for cartridge sizes #15-#65 (pg D-85) B40-0319-03 Mold Cleaner for cartridge sizes #90-#500 (pg D-85) B38-3922-00 Mold Cleaning Brush (pg D-85) B38-0135-00 Cable Cleaning Brush (pg D-85) B38-0330-00 Cable Clamp (pg D-85) For mold types or BURNDYWeld™ items not shown, please contact factory or refer to full BURNDYWeld™ catalog. D-59 BURNDY Grounding TYPE BCC-4 MOLDS Horizontal to Horizontal Cable Cross Type BCC-4 Molds are used to join two horizontal cables at right angles. One cable is cut and the other is a through run. Size range is #6 through 500 MCM solid or concentric stranded copper conductors. Contact BURNDY® Products for information on molds for conductors not listed below. D-60 Cable Run Tap #6 #4 #3 #6 #4 #3 #2 #2 #4 #1 #1 #2 #4 1/0 #1 1/0 #2 #4 2/0 1/0 2/0 #1 #2 3/0 2/0 3/0 1/0 #1 #2 4/0 3/0 2/0 4/0 1/0 #1 #2 250 MCM 4/0 3/0 250 MCM 2/0 1/0 #1 #2 Mold Number Use Type BCC-11 on page 16 B-423 B-424 B-425 B-426 B-427 B-428 B-429 B-430 B-431 B-432 B-433 B-434 B-435 B-436 B-437 B-438 B-439 B-440 B-441 B-442 B-443 B-444 B-445 B-442 B-447 B-448 B-449 B-450 B-451 B-452 B-453 B-454 B-455 Price Weld Key Metal 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 45 45 65 65 65 65 65 90 90 90 90 115 115 115 115 150 150 115 115 115 200 200 150 150 115 115 200 200 200 150 150 115 115 Handle Clamps B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 Cable Run Tap Mold Number 300 MCM 250 MCM 4/0 3/0 300 MCM 2/0 1/0 #1 #2 350 MCM 300 MCM 250 MCM 4/0 350 MCM 3/0 2/0 1/0 #1 #2 500 MCM 350 MCM 300 MCM 250 MCM 4/0 500 MCM 3/0 2/0 1/0 #1 #2 B-456 B-457 B-458 B-459 B-460 B-461 B-462 B-463 B-464 B-465 B-466 B-467 B-468 B-469 B-470 B-471 B-472 B-483 B-485 B-486 B-487 B-488 B-489 B-490 B-491 B-492 B-493 Price Weld Key Metal 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 Required Tools: Handle Clamps (see chart for correct handles) B38-0309-00 Flint Ignitor Other recommended accessories: B40-0319-01 Mold Cleaner for cartridge sizes #15-#65 (pg D-85) B40-0319-03 Mold Cleaner for cartridge sizes #90-#500 (pg D-85) B38-3922-00 Mold Cleaning Brush (pg D-85) B38-0135-00 Cable Cleaning Brush (pg D-85) B38-0330-00 Cable Clamp (pg D-85) • For sizes not listed, contact BURNDY® Products. • Molds listed are for concentric stranded cable. Add suffix “-S” to mold number for solid conductors. • For heavy duty molds, molds with wear plates or molds for Copperweld® cable, contact BURNDY® Products. • For expedited service, contact BURNDY® Products. For mold types or BURNDYWeld™ items not shown, please contact factory or refer to full BURNDYWeld™ catalog. 250 250 200 200 150 150 115 115 250 250 250 200 200 200 200 150 150 500 2-200 2-200 2-150 2-150 2-150 250 250 200 200 Handle Clamps B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-107 B-107 B-107 B-107 B-107 B-107 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 BURNDY Grounding TYPE BCC-11 MOLDS Horizontal to Horizontal Cable Cross Type BCC-11 Molds are used to join uncut horizontal cables at right angles to each other. Size range is #6 through 500 MCM solid or concentric stranded copper conductors. Contact BURNDY® Products for information on molds for conductors not listed below. D-61 Cable Run Tap #6 #4 #2 #1 1/0 2/0 3/0 #6 #4 #2 #4 #1 #2 #4 1/0 #1 #2 #4 2/0 1/0 #1 #2 3/0 2/0 1/0 #1 #2 Mold Number B-5432 B-2687 B-2689 B-2690 B-2691 B-2692 B-2693 B-2694 B-2695 B-2696 B-2697 B-2698 B-2699 B-2700 B-2701 B-2702 B-2703 B-2704 B-2705 B-2706 Price Weld Key Metal 191* 4 4 4 4 4 4 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 45 65 90 65 115 90 90 150 150 115 115 200 200 150 150 250 200 200 150 150 Handle Clamps Cable Run Tap Mold Number N/A B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 4/0 3/0 2/0 4/0 1/0 #1 #2 250 MCM 4/0 3/0 250 MCM 2/0 1/0 #1 #2 500 MCM 250 MCM 4/0 3/0 500 MCM 2/0 1/0 #1 #2 B-2707 B-2708 B-2709 B-2710 B-2711 B-2712 B-2713 B-2714 B-2715 B-2716 B-2717 B-2718 B-2719 B-2747 B-2751 B-2752 B-2753 B-2754 B-2755 B-2756 B-2757 • For sizes not listed, contact BURNDY® Products. • Molds listed are for concentric stranded cable. Add suffix “-S” to mold number for solid conductors. • For heavy duty molds, molds with wear plates or molds for Copperweld® cable, contact BURNDY® Products. • For expedited service, contact BURNDY® Products. Price Weld Key Metal 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 22 22 22 Required Tools: Handle Clamps (see chart for correct handles) † Sold complete with handles * B38-0309-00 Flint Ignitor Other recommended accessories: B40-0319-01 Mold Cleaner for cartridge sizes #15-#65 (pg D-85) B40-0319-03 Mold Cleaner for cartridge sizes #90-#500 (pg D-85) B38-3922-00 Mold Cleaning Brush (pg D-85) B38-0135-00 Cable Cleaning Brush (pg D-85) B38-0330-00 Cable Clamp (pg D-85) For mold types or BURNDYWeld™ items not shown, please contact factory or refer to full BURNDYWeld™ catalog. 250 250 200 200 150 150 2-150 2-150 2-150 250 150 200 150 3-250 500 500 500 2-200 2-150 250 250 Handle Clamps B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-107 B-107 B-107 B-107 B-107 B-106 B-106 B-106 BURNDY Grounding BCC-6 TYPE MOLDS Horizontal Parallel Tap BCC-6 Type Molds are used to join horizontal parallel tap to run connections. The tap cable is over the run cable. Size range is #6 through 4/0 solid or concentric stranded copper conductors. Contact BURNDY® Products for information on molds for conductors not listed below. D-62 Cable Run Tap #6 Sol #6 #4 #2 #1 #6 Sol #6 #4 #6 #6 Sol #8 Sol #2 #4 #6 #6 Sol #8 Sol #1 #2 #4 #6 #6 Sol #8 Sol Mold Number Price Weld Key Metal B-1270 B-1271 B-1272 B-1273 B-1274 B-1275 B-1276 B-1277 B-1278 B-1279 B-1280 B-1281 B-1282 B-1283 B-1284 B-1285 B-1286 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 25 25 32 32 32 32 65 45 32 32 32 65 65 45 45 45 45 Handle Clamps B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 • For sizes not listed, contact BURNDY® Products. • Molds listed are for concentric stranded cable. Add suffix “-S” to mold number for solid conductors. • For heavy duty molds, molds with wear plates or molds for Copperweld® cable, contact BURNDY® Products. • For expedited service, contact BURNDY® Products. Required Tools: Handle Clamps (see chart for correct handles) Sold complete with handles B38-0309-00 Flint Ignitor Other recommended accessories: B38-3922-00 Mold Cleaning Brush (pg D-85) B38-0135-00 Cable Cleaning Brush (pg D-85) B38-0330-00 Cable Clamp (pg D-85) Cable Run Tap 1/0 2/0 4/0 1/0 #1 #2 #4 #6 #6 Sol #8 Sol 2/0 1/0 #1 #2 #4 #6 #6 Sol #8 Sol 4/0 2/0 1/0 #1 #2 #4 #6 #6 Sol #8 Sol Mold Number B-1287 B-1288 B-1289 B-1290 B-1291 B-1292 B-1293 B-1294 B-1295 B-1296 B-1297 B-1298 B-1299 B-1300 B-1301 B-1302 B-1303 B-1304 B-1305 B-1306 B-1307 B-1308 B-1309 B-1310 Price Weld Key Metal 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 90 90 65 65 45 45 45 115 115 90 90 65 65 65 65 150 115 115 115 115 90 90 90 90 Handle Clamps B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 BCC-14 TYPE MOLDS Horizontal Parallel through Cables BCC-14 Type Molds are used to join horizontal parallel through run cables. Cables run side by side in the mold. Size range is #8 through #6 solid or concentric stranded copper conductors. Contact BURNDY® Products for information on molds for conductors not listed. Cable Run Tap #8 #6 #8 #6 Mold Number B-5709 B-5618 For mold types or BURNDYWeld™ items not shown, please contact factory or refer to full BURNDYWeld™ catalog. Price Weld Key Metal 18+ 18+ 15 25 Handle Clamps N/A N/A BURNDY Grounding BCC-7 TYPE MOLDS Horizontal Parallel through Cables BCC-7 Type Molds are used to join horizontal parallel through run cables. One cable runs above the other cable in the mold. Size range is #6 through 4/0 solid or concentric stranded copper conductors. Contact BURNDY® Products for information on molds for conductors not listed below. D-63 Cable Run Tap #6 #4 #2 #1 1/0 #6 #4 #6 #6 Sol #8 #8 Sol #2 #4 #6 #6 Sol #8 #8 Sol #1 #2 #4 #6 #6 Sol #8 #8 Sol 1/0 #1 #2 #4 #6 #6 Sol #8 #8 Sol Mold Number Use Type BCC-14 on Page 16 B-1311 B-5627 B-8882 B-5629 B-5630 B-1313 B-1314 B-5631 B-5632 B-5634 B-5635 B-1315 B-1316 B-1317 B-5636 B-5637 B-5638 B-5639 B-1318 B-1319 B-1320 B-1321 B-5642 B-1208 B-5644 B-5645 Price Weld Key Metal — 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 — 32 32 32 32 32 65 65 45 45 45 45 65 65 65 65 65 45 45 90 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 Handle Clamps — B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 • For sizes not listed, contact BURNDY® Products. • Molds listed are for concentric stranded cable. Add suffix “-S” to mold number for solid conductors. • For heavy duty molds, molds with wear plates or molds for Copperweld® cable, contact BURNDY® Products. • For expedited service, contact BURNDY® Products. Cable Run Tap 2/0 3/0 4/0 2/0 1/0 #1 #2 #4 #6 #6 Sol #8 #8 Sol 3/0 2/0 1/0 #1 #2 #4 #6 #6 Sol #8 #8 Sol 4/0 3/0 2/0 1/0 #1 #2 #4 #6 #6 Sol #8 #8 Sol Mold Number B-1322 B-1323 B-1324 B-1325 B-5659 B-5342 B-5652 B-5668 B-5943 B-1326 B-1327 B-1328 B-1329 B-1330 B-6046 B-5676 B-5679 B-5680 B-5682 B-1331 B-1332 B-1333 B-1334 B-1335 B-1336 B-5340 B-5684 B-6552 B-5686 B-5688 Required Tools: Handle Clamps (see chart for correct handles) B38-0309-00 Flint Ignitor Other recommended accessories: B38-3922-00 Mold Cleaning Brush (pg D-85) B38-0135-00 Cable Cleaning Brush (pg D-85) B38-0330-00 Cable Clamp (pg D-85) For mold types or BURNDYWeld™ items not shown, please contact factory or refer to full BURNDYWeld™ catalog. Price Weld Key Metal 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 115 115 90 90 90 90 90 65 65 150 150 115 115 115 115 90 90 90 90 200 200 150 150 150 150 150 90 90 90 90 Handle Clamps B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 BURNDY Grounding TYPE BCR-1 MOLDS Horizontal Cable Terminal to Ground Rod Type BCR-1 Molds are used to terminate horizontal copper cable at the top of a vertical ground rod. Size range is #6 through 1000 MCM solid or concentric stranded copper conductors; 1/2 through 1 for the ground rod. Contact BURNDY® Products for information D-64 on molds for conductors not listed below. Cable Grd Rod Tap 1/2 5/8 #6 #4 #2 #1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 MCM 300 MCM #6 #4 #2 #1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 MCM 300 MCM 350 MCM 500 MCM Mold Number B-8402 B-8403 B-495 B-496 B-497 B-498 B-499 B-500 B-501 B-502 B-8414 B-8415 B-503 B-504 B-505 B-506 B-507 B-508 B-509 B-510 B-511 B-513 Price Weld Key Metal 18†* 18†* 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 18† 18† 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 25 25 65 65 90 90 90 90 90 90 32 32 65 65 90 90 90 90 90 115 115 150 Handle Clamps N/A N/A B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 N/A N/A B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 • For sizes not listed, contact BURNDY® Products. • Molds listed are for concentric stranded cable. Add suffix “-S” to mold number for solid conductors. • Molds listed are for copperclad ground rods. For welding to steel, stainless steel or galvanized steel ground rods add suffix “-N” to mold number. • For heavy duty molds, molds with wear plates or molds for Copperweld® cable, contact BURNDY® Products. • For expedited service, contact BURNDY® Products. Cable Grd Rod Tap 3/4 1 #6 #4 #2 #1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 MCM 300 MCM 350 MCM 500 MCM 750 MCM 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 MCM 300 MCM 350 MCM 500 MCM 750 MCM 1000 MCM Mold Number B-8422 B-8426 B-5781 B-514 B-515 B-516 B-517 B-518 B-519 B-520 B-521 B-523 B-524 B-525 B-526 B-527 B-528 B-529 B-530 B-531 B-533 B-534 B-535 Required Tools: Handle Clamps (see chart for correct handles) † Sold complete with handles * B38-0309-00 Flint Ignitor (included) Other recommended accessories: B38-3922-00 Mold Cleaning Brush (pg D-85) B38-0135-00 Cable Cleaning Brush (pg D-85) B38-0304-00 File (pg D-85) B38-0330-00 Cable Clamp (pg D-85) For mold types or BURNDYWeld™ items not shown, please contact factory or refer to full BURNDYWeld™ catalog. Price Weld Key Metal 181* 191* 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 32 45 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 115 115 150 250 150 150 150 150 150 200 200 200 250 2-150 Handle Clamps N/A N/A B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 BURNDY Grounding TYPE BCR-2 MOLDS Horizontal Cable to Ground Rod Type BCR-2 Molds are used to join horizontal through copper cable to the top of a vertical ground rod. Size range is #6 through 1000 MCM solid or concentric stranded copper conductors; 1/2 through 1 for the ground rod. Contact BURNDY® Products for information on molds for conductors not listed below. Cable Grd Rod Tap 1/2 5/8 #6 #4 #2 #1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 MCM 300 MCM #6 #4 #2 #1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 MCM 300 MCM 350 MCM 500 MCM Mold Number B-8434 B-8435 B-537 B-538 B-539 B-540 B-541 B-542 B-543 B-544 B-8441 B-8442 B-545 B-546 B-547 B-548 B-549 B-550 B-551 B-532 B-553 B-555 D-65 Price Weld Key Metal 181†* 18†* 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 18†* 18†* 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 32 32 90 90 90 90 115 115 150 200 32 32 90 90 90 115 115 115 150 200 200 250 Handle Clamps N/A N/A B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 N/A N/A B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 • For sizes not listed, contact BURNDY® Products. • Molds listed are for concentric stranded cable. Add suffix “-S” to mold number for solid conductors. • Molds listed are for copperclad ground rods. For welding to steel, stainless steel or galvanized steel ground rods add suffix “-N” to mold number. • For heavy duty molds, molds with wear plates or molds for Copperweld® cable, contact BURNDY® Products. • For expedited service, contact BURNDY® Products. Cable Grd Rod Tap 3/4 1 #6 #4 #2 #1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 MCM 300 MCM 350 MCM 500 MCM 750 MCM 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 MCM 300 MCM 350 MCM 500 MCM 750 MCM 1000 MCM Mold Number B-8452 B-8454 B-556 B-557 B-558 B-559 B-560 B-561 B-562 B-563 B-564 B-566 B-567 B-569 B-570 B-571 B-572 B-573 B-574 B-575 B-577 B-578 B-579 Required Tools: Handle Clamps (see chart for correct handles) † Sold complete with handles *B38-0309-00 Flint Ignitor (included) Other recommended accessories: B38-3922-00 Mold Cleaning Brush (pg D-85) B38-0135-00 Cable Cleaning Brush (pg D-85) B38-0304-00 File (pg D-85) B38-0330-00 Cable Clamp (pg D-85) For mold types or BURNDYWeld™ items not shown, please contact factory or refer to full BURNDYWeld™ catalog. Price Weld Key Metal 19†* 19†* 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 45 65 90 90 115 115 115 115 150 200 200 250 2-200 150 150 150 150 200 200 200 250 2-200 500 Handle Clamps N/A N/A B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-107 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-107 B-107 BURNDY Grounding TYPE BCR-3 MOLDS Horizontal Through Cable to Ground Rod Type BCR-3 Molds are used to join horizontal through run cable to the side of a vertical ground rod. Size range is #6 through 1000 MCM solid or concentric stranded copper conductors; 1/2 through 1 for the ground rod. Contact BURNDY® Products for information D-66 on molds for conductors not listed below. Cable Grd Rod Tap 1/2 5/8 #6 #4 #2 #1 1/0 2/0 4/0 250 MCM #6 #4 #2 #1 1/0 2/0 4/0 250 MCM 500 MCM Mold Number B-5321 B-2154 B-2155 B-2156 B-1581 B-1582 B-1583 B-1584 B-5660 B-2157 B-2158 B-2159 B-1586 B-1587 B-1588 B-1589 B-1593 Price Weld Key Metal 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 13 65 90 90 115 115 115 150 150 65 90 90 115 115 115 150 150 2-200 Handle Clamps B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-107 • For sizes not listed, contact BURNDY® Products. • Molds listed are for concentric stranded cable. Add suffix “-S” to mold number for solid conductors. • Molds listed are for copperclad ground rods. For welding to steel, stainless steel or galvanized steel ground rods add suffix “-N” to mold number. • For heavy duty molds, molds with wear plates or molds for Copperweld® cable, contact BURNDY® Products. • For expedited service, contact BURNDY® Products. Cable Grd Rod Tap 3/4 1 #6 #4 #2 #1 1/0 2/0 #4 250 MCM 500 MCM 750 MCM #6 #4 #2 #1 1/0 2/0 4/0 250 MCM 500 MCM 750 MCM Mold Number B-6630 B-2160 B-2161 B-2162 B-1594 B-1595 B-1596 B-1597 B-1601 B-1602 B-6906 B-2163 B-2164 B-2165 B-1603 B-1604 B-1605 B-1606 B-1610 B-1611 Required Tools: Handle Clamps (see chart for correct handles) B38-0309-00 Flint Ignitor Other recommended accessories: B38-3922-00 Mold Cleaning Brush (pg D-85) B38-0135-00 Cable Cleaning Brush (pg D-85) B38-0330-00 Cable Clamp (pg D-85) B38-0304-00 File (pg D-85) For mold types or BURNDYWeld™ items not shown, please contact factory or refer to full BURNDYWeld™ catalog. Price Weld Key Metal 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 13 13 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 13 13 65 90 90 115 115 115 150 200 500 3-250 90 90 90 115 15 115 150 200 500 3-250 Handle Clamps B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-107 B-107 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-107 B-107 BURNDY Grounding TYPE BCR-17 MOLDS Horizontal Run and Tap Cables to Ground Rod Type BCR-17 Molds are used to join horizontal run and tap cables to the top of a vertical ground rod. Size range is #4 through 750 MCM solid or concentric stranded copper conductors; 1/2 through 1 for the ground rod. Contact BURNDY® Products for information on molds for conductors not listed below. Cable Grd Rod Tap 1/2 5/8 #4 #2 #1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 #4 #2 #1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 MCM Mold Number B-5416 B-6165 B-5830 B-5940 B-5850 B-5833 B-5380 B-5972 B-5935 B-5699 B-5746 B-5963 B-5734 B-5732 B-5722 D-67 Price Weld Key Metal 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 90 90 90 115 150 200 200 90 115 115 150 200 250 250 2-150 Handle Clamps B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-107 • For sizes not listed, contact BURNDY® Products. • Molds listed are for concentric stranded cable. Add suffix “-S” to mold number for solid conductors. • Molds listed are for copperclad ground rods. For welding to steel, stainless steel or galvanized steel ground rods add suffix “-N” to mold number. • For heavy duty molds, molds with wear plates or molds for Copperweld® cable, contact BURNDY® Products. • For expedited service, contact BURNDY® Products. Cable Grd Rod Tap 3/4 1 #4 #2 #1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 MCM 300 MCM 350 MCM 500 MCM #4 #2 #1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 MCM 300 MCM 350 MCM 500 MCM 750 MCM Mold Number B-5698 B-5294 B-5390 B-6025 B-5738 B-6003 B-2566 B-5904 B-5857 B-5777 B-5961 B-5556 B-5555 B-6048 B-5992 B-5877 B-5821 B-5820 B-5804 B-5803 B-5561 B-5515 B-5513 Required Tools: Handle Clamps (see chart for correct handles) B38-0309-00 Flint Ignitor Other recommended accessories: B38-3922-00 Mold Cleaning Brush (pg D-85) B38-0135-00 Cable Cleaning Brush (pg D-85) B38-0330-00 Cable Clamp (pg D-85) B38-0304-00 File (pg D-85) For mold types or BURNDYWeld™ items not shown, please contact factory or refer to full BURNDYWeld™ catalog. Price Weld Key Metal 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 90 115 115 150 200 250 250 2-150 2-200 2-200 3-200 115 150 150 200 250 2-150 2-150 2-200 500 500 3-250 2-500 Handle Clamps B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-107 B-107 B-107 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-107 B-107 B-107 B-107 B-107 B-107 B-107 BURNDY Grounding TYPE BCR-24 MOLDS Horizontal Parallel Run Cables to Ground Rod Type BCR-24 Molds are used to join horizontal parallel cables to the top of a vertical ground rod. Size range is #4 through 750 MCM solid or concentric stranded copper conductors; 1/2 through 1 for the ground rod. Contact BURNDY® Products for information D-68 on molds for conductors not listed below. Cable Grd Rod Tap 1/2 5/8 #4 #2 #1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 #4 #2 #1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 MCM 300 MCM 350 MCM 500 MCM Mold Number B-5640 B-5667 B-6002 B-5767 B-5604 B-5560 B-6766 B-6208 B-5702 B-5517 B-5573 B-8451 B-2510 B-5428 B-1212 B-2084 B-2558 B-2450 Price Weld Key Metal 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 115 115 115 150 200 250 250 115 150 150 200 250 2-150 2-150 2-200 500 500 3-250 Handle Clamps B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-107 B-107 B-107 B-107 B-107 B-107 • For sizes not listed, contact BURNDY® Products. • Molds listed are for concentric stranded cable. Add suffix “-S” to mold number for solid conductors. • Molds listed are for copperclad ground rods. For welding to steel, stainless steel or galvanized steel ground rods add suffix “-N” to mold number. • For heavy duty molds, molds with wear plates or molds for Copperweld® cable, contact BURNDY® Products. • For expedited service, contact BURNDY® Products. Cable Grd Rod Tap 3/4 1 #4 #2 #1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 MCM 300 MCM 350 MCM 500 MCM 750 MCM #4 #2 #1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 MCM 300 MCM 350 MCM 500 MCM 750 MCM Mold Number B-8011 B-2320 B-2235 B-6051 B-8802 B-8726 B-5677 B-8461 B-8428 B-6294 B-8214 B-8027 B-5330 B-5332 B-5333 B-5334 B-5335 B-5336 B-5337 B-5338 B-5341 B-5351 B-5352 B-5353 Required Tools: Handle Clamps (see chart for correct handles) B38-0309-00 Flint Ignitor ‡ Crucible B-181 required Other recommended accessories: B38-3922-00 Mold Cleaning Brush (pg D-85) B38-0135-00 Cable Cleaning Brush (pg D-85) B38-0330-00 Cable Clamp (pg D-85) B38-0304-00 File (pg D-85) For mold types or BURNDYWeld™ items not shown, please contact factory or refer to full BURNDYWeld™ catalog. Price Weld Key Metal 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 64 115 150 150 200 250 2-150 2-150 2-200 500 500 3-250 2-500 150 200 200 250 2-150 2-200 2-200 500 3-200 3-200 2-500 5-250 Handle Clamps B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-107 B-107 B-107 B-107 B-107 B-107 B-107 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-107 B-107 B-107 B-107 B-107 B-107 B-107 B-107 BURNDY Grounding SINGLE SHOT MOLDS BURNDYWeld™ Single Shot Molds are an economical way to make cable connections onto the top of a ground rod. The Single Shot is a disposable single use ceramic mold that comes complete with everything required except the Flint Ignitor. Ground Rod Size 1/2 5/8 3/4 Cable Size Solid Stranded #6, #8 #3, #4 #1, #2 #6, #8 #3, #4 #1, #2 #6, #8 #3, #4 #1, #2 2/0, 1/0 #6, #8 #3, #4 #1, #2 2/0, 1/0 #6, #8 #3, #4 #1, #2 #6, #8 #3, #4 #1, #2 #6, #8 #3, #8 #1, #2 2/1, 1/0 #6, #8 #3, #4 #1, #2 2/0, 1/0 #6, #8 #3, #4 #1, #2 #6, #8 #3, #4 #1, #2 #8 #4, #6 #2, #3 #8 #4, #6 #2, #3 #8 #4, #6 #2, #3 1/0, #1 2/0 #8 #4, #6 #2, #3 1/0, #1 #8 #4, #6 #2, #3 #8 #4, #6 #2, #3 #8 #4, #6 #2, #3 1/0, #1 2/0 #8 #4, #6 #2, #3 1/0, #1 #8 #4, #6 #2, #3 #8 #4, #6 #2, #3 Type Mold Number Cadweld® Part # BCR-1 BCR-1 BCR-1 BCR-2 BCR-2 BCR-2 BCR-1 BCR-1 BCR-1 BCR-1 BCR-1 BC R-2 BCR-2 BCR-2 BCR-2 BCR-24 BCR-14 BCR-24 BCR-25 BCR-25 BCR-25 BCR-1 BCR-1 BCR-1 BCR-1 BCR-1 BCR-2 BCR-2 BCR-2 BCR-2 BCR-24 BCR-24 BCR-24 BCR-25 BCR-25 BCR-25 BS-2009 BS-2010 BS-2011 BS-2024 BS-2025 BS-2026 BS-2012 BS-2013 BS-2014 BS-2015 BS-2016 BS-2027 BS-2028 BS-2029 BS-2030 BS-2105 BS-2106 BS-2107 BS-2006 BS-2007 BS-2008 BS-2017 BS-2018 BS-2019 BS-2020 BS-2021 BS-2031 BS-2032 BS-2033 BS-2034 BS-2108 BS-2109 BS-2110 BS-2068 BS-2069 BS-2070 GR1-141G GR1-141L GR1-141V GT1-141G GT1-141L GT1-141V GT1-161G GT1-141L GR1-161V GR1-162C GR1-162G FRT1-161G GT1-161L GT1-161V GT1-162C NX1-161G NX1-161L NX1-161V NT1-161G NT1-161L NT1-161V GR1-181G GR1-181L GR1-181V GR1-182C GR1-182G GT1-181G GT1-181L GT1-181V T1-182C NX1-181G NX1-181L NX1-181V NT1-181G NT1-181L NT1-181V BCR-1 D-69 BCR-2 BCR-24 Cadweld® is a registered trademark of the Erico International Corporation BCR-25 For mold types or BURNDYWeld™ items not shown, please contact factory or refer to full BURNDYWeld™ catalog. BURNDY Grounding TYPE BCS-1 MOLDS Horizontal Cable to Horizontal Steel Surface Type BCS-1 Molds are used to terminate a horizontal copper cable to any horizontal steel surface. Note that the cable is OFF the surface. Size range is 1/0 through 1000 MCM solid or concentric stranded copper conductors. Contact BURNDY® Products for information on molds for conductors not listed below. D-70 Cable Size Mold Number Price Key 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 MCM 300 MCM 350 MCM 500 MCM 750 MCM 1000 MCM B-644 B-645 B-646 B-647 B-648 B-649 B-650 B-652 B-653 B-654 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 Weld Metal Handle Clamps 90 90 115 115 115 150 200 200 2-150 2-200 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-107 Weld Metal Handle Clamps 45 45 45 65 90 90 115 115 115 150 200 200 2-150 2-200 N/A N/A N/A N/A B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-107 B-107 • For sizes not listed, contact BURNDY® Products. • Molds listed are for concentric stranded cable. Add suffix “-S” to mold number for solid conductors. • For heavy duty molds, molds with wear plates or molds for Copperweld® cable, contact BURNDY® Products. • For expedited service, contact BURNDY® Products. Required Tools: Handle Clamps (see chart for correct handles) B38-0309-00 Flint Ignitor Other recommended accessories: B38-3922-00 Mold Cleaning Brush (pg D-85) B38-0135-00 Cable Cleaning Brush (pg D-85) B38-0330-00 Cable Clamp (pg D-85) B38-0101-00 Rasp (pg D-85) TYPE BCS-8 MOLDS Horizontal Cable to Horizontal Steel Surface Type BCS-8 Molds are used to terminate a horizontal copper cable to any horizontal steel surface. Note that the cable is ON the surface. Size range is #6 through 1000 MCM solid or concentric stranded copper conductors. Contact BURNDY® Products for information on molds for conductors not listed below. Cable Size Mold Number Price Key #6 #4 #2 #1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 MCM 300 MCM 350 MCM 500 MCM 750 MCM 1000 MCM B-628 B-629 B-630 B-631 B-7146 B-7075 B-2199 B-6114 B-2200 B-2506 B-2507 B-2509 B-2542 B-2511 3†** 3†* 3†* 3†* 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 • For sizes not listed, contact BURNDY® Products. • Molds listed are for concentric stranded cable. Add suffix “-S” to mold number for solid conductors. • For heavy duty molds, molds with wear plates or molds for Copperweld® cable, contact BURNDY® Products. • For expedited service, contact BURNDY® Products. Required Tools: Handle Clamps (see chart for correct handles) † Sold complete with frame * B38-0309-00 Flint Ignitor (included) Other recommended accessories: B38-3922-00 Mold Cleaning Brush (pg D-85) B38-0135-00 Cable Cleaning Brush (pg D-85) B38-0330-00 Cable Clamp (pg D-85) B38-0101-00 Rasp (pg D-85) For mold types or BURNDYWeld™ items not shown, please contact factory or refer to full BURNDYWeld™ catalog. BURNDY Grounding TYPE BCS-2 MOLDS Horizontal Through Cable to Horizontal Steel Surface Type BCS-2 Molds are used to join horizontal through copper cable to any horizontal steel surface. Note the cable is OFF the surface. Size range is 1/0 through 1000 MCM solid or concentric stranded copper conductors. Contact BURNDY® Products for information on molds for conductors not listed below. Cable Size Mold Number Price Key 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 MCM 300 MCM 350 MCM 500 MCM 750 MCM 1000 MCM B-616 B-617 B-618 B-619 B-620 B-621 B-622 B-624 B-625-H B-626-H 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 Weld Metal Handle Clamps 90 115 115 150 150 200 250 2-150 3-250 2-500 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-107 B-107 B-107 Weld Metal Handle Clamps 45 45 45 65 90 115 115 150 150 200 250 2-150 N/A N/A N/A N/A B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-107 • For sizes not listed, contact BURNDY® Products. • Molds listed are for concentric stranded cable. Add suffix “-S” to mold number for solid conductors. • For heavy duty molds, molds with wear plates or molds for Copperweld® cable, contact BURNDY® Products. • For expedited service, contact BURNDY® Products. Required Tools: Handle Clamps (see above for correct handles) B38-0309-00 Flint Ignitor Other recommended accessories: B38-3922-00 Mold Cleaning Brush (pg D-85) B38-0135-00 Cable Cleaning Brush (pg D-85) B38-0101-00 Rasp (pg D-85) TYPE BCS-9 MOLDS Horizontal Through Cable to Horizontal Steel Surface Type BCS-9 Molds are used to join horizontal through copper cable to any horizontal steel surface. Note the cable is ON the surface. Size range is #6 through 500 MCM solid or concentric stranded copper conductors. Contact BURNDY® Products for information on molds for conductors not listed below. Cable Size Mold Number Price Key #6 #4 #2 #1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 MCM 300 MCM 350 MCM 500 MCM B-602 B-603 B-604 B-605 B-8379 B-5331 B-8381 B-7192 B-8413 B-8423 B-8410 B-5065 3†* 3†* 3†* 3†* 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 • For sizes not listed, contact BURNDY® Products. • Molds listed are for concentric stranded cable. Add suffix “-S” to mold number for solid conductors. • For heavy duty molds, molds with wear plates or molds for Copperweld® cable, contact BURNDY® Products. • For expedited service, contact BURNDY® Products. Required Tools: Handle Clamps (see chart for correct handles) † Sold complete with handle frame * B38-0309-00 Flint Ignitor (included) Other recommended accessories: B40-0319-01 Mold Cleaner for cartridge sizes #15-#65 (pg D-85) B40-0319-03 Mold Cleaner for cartridge sizes #90-#500 (pg D-85) B38-3922-00 Mold Cleaning Brush (pg D-85) B38-0135-00 Cable Cleaning Brush (pg D-85) B38-0101-00 Rasp (pg D-85) For mold types or BURNDYWeld™ items not shown, please contact factory or refer to full BURNDYWeld™ catalog. D-71 BURNDY Grounding TYPE BCS-3 MOLDS Angular Cable Drop to Vertical Steel Surface Type BCS-3 Molds are used to join the end of a copper cable at a 45˚ angle to a vertical steel surface. Size range is #6 through 1000 MCM solid or concentric stranded copper conductors. Cable to Flat Steel Contact BURNDY® Products for information on molds for conductors not listed below. D-72 Cable to Flat Steel Cable to Pipe Cable to Pipe Cable Size Mold Number Price Key Weld Metal Handle Clamps #6 #4 #3 #2 #1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 MCM 300 MCM 350 MCM 500 MCM 750 MCM 1000 MCM B-585 B-586 B-587 B-588 B-589 B-590 B-591 B-592 B-593 B-594 B-595 B-596 B-598 B-599 B-600 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 45 45 45 45 65 90 90 115 115 115 150 200 200 2-150 2-200 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-107 B-107 • For sizes not listed, contact BURNDY® Products. • Molds listed are for concentric stranded cable. Add suffix “-S” to mold number for solid conductors. • For heavy duty molds, molds with wear plates or molds for Copperweld® cable, contact BURNDY® Products. • For expedited service, contact BURNDY® Products. Required Tools: Handle Clamps (see chart for correct handles) B38-0309-00 Flint Ignitor Other recommended accessories: Magnetic Clamps to hold molds against vertical steel (pg D-84) B38-3922-00 Mold Cleaning Brush (pg D-85) B38-0135-00 Cable Cleaning Brush (pg D-85) B38-0101-00 Rasp (pg D-85) Cable Size #4 #2 Sol #2 #1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 For mold types or BURNDYWeld™ items not shown, please contact factory or refer to full BURNDYWeld™ catalog. Pipe Size Mold Number Price Key Weld Metal Handle Clamps 1-1/4 to 4 4 to 6 6 to 10 12 & up 1-1/4 to 4 4 to 6 6 to 10 12 & up 1-1/4 to 4 4 to 6 6 to 10 12 & up 1-1/4 to 4 4 to 6 6 to 10 12 & up 1-1/4 to 4 4 to 6 6 to 10 12 & up 1-1/4 to 4 4 to 6 6 to 10 12 & up 1-1/4 to 4 4 to 6 6 to 10 12 & up 1-1/4 to 4 4 to 6 6 to 10 12 & up B-2476 B-2477 B-2478 B-586‡ B-9233-S B-2480-S B-2583-S B-588-S‡ B-9233 B-2480 B-2688 B-588‡ B-2482 B-2483 B-2484 B-589‡ B-2486 B2487 B-2488 B-590‡ B-8833 B-2490 B-2491 B-591‡ B-2493 B-2494 B2495 B-592‡ B-9021 B2497 B2498 B593‡ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 65 65 65 65 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 • For sizes not listed, contact BURNDY® Products. • Molds listed are for concentric stranded cable. Add suffix “-S” to mold number for solid conductors. • For heavy duty molds, molds with wear plates or molds for Copperweld® cable, contact BURNDY® Products. • For expedited service, contact BURNDY® Products. Required Tools: Handle Clamps (see chart for correct handles) B38-0309-00 Flint Ignitor Other recommended accessories: B106-32 Vertical Chain Clamp w/ B-106 Handles for 4 Pipe & smaller B40-0106-27 20 Chain Extension for 4 to 10 Pipe Use (2) 20 Chain Extensions for pipe sizes between 10 and 16 B38-3922-00 Mold Cleaning Brush (pg D-85) B38-0135-00 Cable Cleaning Brush (pg D-85) B38-0101-00 Rasp (pg D-85) ‡ Flat Surface Mold BURNDY Grounding TYPE BCS-23 MOLDS Vertical Cable Drop to Vertical Steel Surface Type BCS-23 Molds are used to join vertical cable down to a vertical steel surface. Note that the cable is OFF the surface. Size range is #6 through 500 MCM solid or concentric stranded copper conductors. Contact BURNDY® Products for information on molds for conductors not listed below. D-73 Cable Size Mold Number Price Key Weld Metal Handle Clamps #6 #4 #2 #1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 MCM 300 MCM 350 MCM 500 MCM B-5389 B-5359 B-2781 B-5361 B-2189 B-2540 B-5362 B-8718 B-8165 B-5363 B-9029 B-8512 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 17 45 65 65 90 115 115 150 150 200 200 250 2-150 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 • For sizes not listed, contact BURNDY® Products. • Molds listed are for concentric stranded cable. Add suffix “-S” to mold number for solid conductors. • For heavy duty molds, molds with wear plates or molds for Copperweld® cable, contact BURNDY® Products. • For expedited service, contact BURNDY® Products. Required Tools: Handle Clamps (see chart for correct handles) B38-0309-00 Flint Ignitor Other recommended accessories: Magnetic Clamps to hold molds against vertical steel B38-3922-00 Mold Cleaning Brush (pg D-85) B38-0135-00 Cable Cleaning Brush (pg D-85) B38-0101-00 Rasp (pg D-85) For mold types or BURNDYWeld™ items not shown, please contact factory or refer to full BURNDYWeld™ catalog. BURNDY Grounding TYPE BCS-4 MOLDS Vertical Through Cable to Vertical Steel Surface Type BCS-4 Molds are used to join a vertical through copper cable to a vertical steel surface. Note that the cable is OFF the surface. For molds with the cable on the surface, contact BURNDY® Products. Size range is #6 through 500 MCM solid or concentric stranded copper conductors. D-74 Contact BURNDY® Products for information on molds for conductors not listed below. Cable Size Mold Number Price Key #6 #4 #2 #1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 MCM 300 MCM 350 MCM 500 MCM B-1215 B-1216 B-1218 B-1219 B-1220 B-1221 B-1222 B-1223 B-1224 B-1225-H B-1226-H B-1228-H 4 4 4 4 17 17 17 17 17 6 6 6 Weld Metal Handle Clamps 90 90 115 115 200 200 250 250 250 500 3-200 3-250 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-107 B-107 B-107 Weld Metal Handle Clamps 65 65 65 90 115 115 150 150 150 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 • For sizes not listed, contact BURNDY® Products. • Molds listed are for concentric stranded cable. Add suffix “-S” to mold number for solid conductors. • For heavy duty molds, molds with wear plates or molds for Copperweld® cable, contact BURNDY® Products. • For expedited service, contact BURNDY® Products. Required Tools: Handle Clamps (see chart for correct handles) B38-0309-00 Flint Ignitor Other recommended accessories: Magnetic Clamps to hold molds against vertical steel B38-3922-00 Mold Cleaning Brush (pg D-85) B38-0135-00 Cable Cleaning Brush (pg D-85) B38-0101-00 Rasp (pg D-85) TYPE BCS-6 MOLDS Horizontal Through Cable to Vertical Steel Surface Type BCS-6 Molds are used to join horizontal through copper cable to a vertical steel surface. Note that the cable is OFF the surface. Size range is #6 through 250 MCM solid or concentric stranded copper conductors. Contact BURNDY® Products for information on molds for conductors not listed below. Cable Size Mold Number Price Key #6 #4 #2 #1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 MCM B-1626 B-1627 B-1628 B-1629 B-1630 B-1631 B-1632 B-1633 B-1634 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 • For sizes not listed, contact BURNDY® Products. • Molds listed are for concentric stranded cable. Add suffix “-S” to mold number for solid conductors. • For heavy duty molds, molds with wear plates or molds for Copperweld® cable, contact BURNDY® Products. • For expedited service, contact BURNDY® Products. Required Tools: Handle Clamps (see chart for correct handles) B38-0309-00 Flint Ignitor Other recommended accessories: B40-0319-01 Mold Cleaner for cartridge sizes #15-#65 (pg D-85) B40-0319-03 Mold Cleaner for cartridge sizes #90-#500 (pg D-85) B38-3922-00 Mold Cleaning Brush (pg D-85) B38-0135-00 Cable Cleaning Brush (pg D-85) B38-0101-00 Rasp (pg D-85) For mold types or BURNDYWeld™ items not shown, please contact factory or refer to full BURNDYWeld™ catalog. BURNDY Grounding TYPE BCS-7 MOLDS Overhead Vertical Tap Cable to Vertical Steel Surface Type BCS-7 Molds are used to join an overhead vertical copper conductor drop tap to a vertical steel surface. Size range is #6 through 1000 MCM solid or concentric stranded copper conductors. Contact BURNDY® Products for information on molds for conductors not listed below. Cable Size Mold Number Price Key #6 #4 #3 #2 #1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 MCM 300 MCM 350 MCM 500 MCM 750 MCM 1000 MCM B-1635 B-1636 B-1637 B-1638 B-1639 B-1640 B-1641 B-1642 B-1643 B-1644 B-1645 B-1646 B-1648 B-1649 B-1650 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 17 17 17 17 6 6 6 6 Weld Metal Handle Clamps 65 65 65 65 90 150 150 200 200 200 250 2-150 2-200 500 3-200 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-107 B-107 B-107 B-107 • For sizes not listed, contact BURNDY® Products. • Molds listed are for concentric stranded cable. Add suffix “-S” to mold number for solid conductors. • For heavy duty molds, molds with wear plates or molds for Copperweld® cable, contact BURNDY® Products. • For expedited service, contact BURNDY® Products. Required Tools: Handle Clamps (see chart for correct handles) B38-0309-00 Flint Ignitor Other recommended accessories: Magnetic Clamps to hold molds against vertical steel B38-3922-00 Mold Cleaning Brush (pg D-85) B38-0135-00 Cable Cleaning Brush (pg D-85) B38-0101-00 Rasp (pg D-85) For mold types or BURNDYWeld™ items not shown, please contact factory or refer to full BURNDYWeld™ catalog. TYPE BCS-18 MOLDS Horizontal Tap Cable to Vertical Steel Surface Type BCS-18 Molds are used to connect a horizontal conductor to a vertical steel surface. Note that the cable is ON the surface. Size range is #6 through 500 MCM solid or concentric stranded copper conductors. Contact BURNDY® Products for information on molds for conductors not listed below. Cable Size Mold Number Price Key Weld Metal Handle Clamps #6 #4 #2 #1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 MCM 300 MCM 350 MCM 500 MCM B-5910 B-2761 B-2569 B-6060 B-5419 B-2567 B-6072 B-9253 B-2568 B-6061 B-6067 B-8359 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 45 45 45 65 90 90 115 115 115 150 200 200 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 NOTE: Add (-R) to mold number for right hand mold or (-L) for left hand mold. Right hand (-R) mold will be furnished if not specified. • For sizes not listed, contact BURNDY® Products. • Molds listed are for concentric stranded cable. Add suffix “-S” to mold number for solid conductors. • For heavy duty molds, molds with wear plates or molds for Copperweld® cable, contact BURNDY® Products. • For expedited service, contact BURNDY® Products. Required Tools: Handle Clamps (see chart for correct handles) B38-0309-00 Flint Ignitor Other recommended accessories: Vertical Chain Clamps B38-3922-00 Mold Cleaning Brush (pg D-85) B38-0135-00 Cable Cleaning Brush (pg D-85) B38-0101-00 Rasp (pg D-85) For mold types or BURNDYWeld™ items not shown, please contact factory or refer to full BURNDYWeld™ catalog. D-75 BURNDY Grounding TYPE BCS-5 MOLDS Horizontal Cable Tap to Horizontal Cast Iron Surface Type BCS-5 Molds are used to join horizontal cable taps to horizontal cast iron surfaces. Note that the cable is ON the surface. Size range is #6 through #1 solid or concentric stranded copper conductors. Contact BURNDY® Products for information on molds for conductors not listed below. D-76 Cable Size Mold Number Price Key Weld Metal Handle Clamps #6 Sol #6 #4 Sol #4 #2 Sol #2 #1 Sol #1 B-1613 B-1614 B-1615 B-1616 B-1617 B-1618 B-1619 B-1620 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 2SCI 25CI 45CI 45CI 45CI 45CI 65CI 65CI N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A • For sizes not listed, contact BURNDY® Products. • Molds listed are for concentric stranded cable. Add suffix “-S” to mold number for solid conductors. • For heavy duty molds, molds with wear plates or molds for Copperweld® cable, contact BURNDY® Products. • For expedited service, contact BURNDY® Products. Required Tools: † Sold complete with frame B38-0309-00 Flint Ignitor (included) Other recommended accessories: B38-3922-00 Mold Cleaning Brush (pg D-85) B38-0135-00 Cable Cleaning Brush (pg D-85) B38-0101-00 Rasp (pg D-85) DO NOT use Type BCS-5 molds on Soil Pipe (ASTM A74-82). A test weld should be made on a section of the pipe being used to determine the possibility of detrimental metallurgical effects. For mold types or BURNDYWeld™ items not shown, please contact factory or refer to full BURNDYWeld™ catalog. BURNDY Grounding TYPE BCRE-1 MOLDS Horizontal Parallel Tap to Rebar Type BCRE-1 Molds are recommended for parallel, horizontal connections for solid or concentric stranded conductors #6 through 4/0 joined to reinforcing bars #3 through #6 and larger. The high copper content joint has a higher current carrying capacity than the conductors being joined and is impervious to vibration and moisture. D-77 Contact BURNDY® Products for information on molds for conductors not listed below. Rebar Size #3 #4 & Larger #4 #5 #6 & Larger Cable Size Mold Number Packing Material ‡ Price Key Weld Metal Handle Clamps #6 #4 #2 #1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 #6 #4 #2 #1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 B-7500 B-7501 B-7502 B-7503 B-7504 B-7505 B-7506 B-7507 B-7508 B-7509 B-7510 B-7511 B-7512 B-7513 B-7514 B-7515 B-7520 B-7521 B-7522 B-7523 B-7528 B-7529 B-7530 B-7531 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4061-00 838-4061-00 838-4061-00 838-4061-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4062-00 838-4062-00 838-4062-00 838-4062-00 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 14+ 14+ 14+ 14+ 25 32 45 65 90 90 115 115 25 32 45 65 90 90 115 115 90 90 115 115 90 90 115 115 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 N/A N/A N/A N/A B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 N/A N/A N/A N/A ‡ PACKING MATERIAL NOTE A packing pad is necessary when making BURNDYWeld™ connections to Rebar. Packing Material B38-4060-00 is a special, patented copper-wool packing, with enough in each bag to do between 40 and 50 connections. Packing Material No.’s B38-4061-00, B38-4062-00 and B38-4063-00 are a ceramic fiber material and can be used for one connection only. Be sure to specify Packing Material No. when ordering Mold and Weld Metal. • For sizes not listed, contact BURNDY® Products. • Molds listed are for concentric stranded cable. Add suffix “-S” to mold number for solid conductors. • For heavy duty molds, molds with wear plates or molds for Copperweld® cable, contact BURNDY® Products. • For expedited service, contact BURNDY® Products. Required Tools: Handle Clamps (see chart for correct handles) † Sold complete with frame B38-0309-00 Flint Ignitor Other recommended accessories: B38-3922-00 Mold Cleaning Brush (pg D-85) B38-0135-00 Cable Cleaning Brush (pg D-85) B38-0304-00 File (pg D-86) For mold types or BURNDYWeld™ items not shown, please contact factory or refer to full BURNDYWeld™ catalog. BURNDY Grounding TYPE BCRE-2 MOLDS Horizontal Cable Tap to Horizontal Rebar Run Type BCRE-2 Molds are recommended for right angle, horizontal connections for solid or concentric stranded conductors #6 through 4/0 joined to reinforcing bars #3 through #6. The high copper content joint has a higher current carrying capacity than the conductors being joined and is impervious to vibration and moisture. D-78 Contact BURNDY® Products for information on molds for conductors not listed below. Rebar Size #3 #4 #5 #6 Cable Size Mold Number Packing Material ‡ Price Key Weld Metal Handle Clamps #6 #4 #2 #1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 #6 #4 #2 #1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 #6 #4 #2 #1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 #6 #4 #2 #1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 B-7588 B-7589 B-7590 B-7591 B-7592 B-7593 B-7594 B-7595 B-7596 B-7597 B-7598 B-7599 B-7600 B-7601 B-7602 B-7603 B-7604 B-7605 B-7606 B-7607 B-7608 B-7609 B-7610 B-7611 B-7612 B-7613 B-7614 B-7615 B-7616 B-7617 B-7618 B-7619 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-406000 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4606-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 8384060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 45 45 65 65 90 90 115 115 45 45 65 65 90 90 115 115 90 90 90 90 115 115 150 150 90 90 90 90 115 115 150 150 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 • For sizes not listed, contact BURNDY® Products. • Molds listed are for concentric stranded cable. Add suffix “-S” to mold number for solid conductors. • For heavy duty molds, molds with wear plates or molds for Copperweld® cable, contact BURNDY® Products. • For expedited service, contact BURNDY® Products. Required Tools: Handle Clamps (see chart for correct handles) B38-0309-00 Flint Ignitor Other recommended accessories B40-0319-01 Mold Cleaner for cartridge sizes #15-#65 (pg D-85) B40-0319-03 Mold Cleaner for cartridge sizes #90-#500 (pg D-85) B38-3922-00 Mold Cleaning Brush (pg D-85) B38-0135-00 Cable Cleaning Brush (pg D-85) B38-0304-00 File (pg D-86) ‡ PACKING MATERIAL NOTE A packing pad is necessary when making BURNDYWeld™ connections to Rebar. Packing Material B38-4060-00 is a special, patented copper-wool packing, with enough in each bag to do between 40 and 50 connections. Packing Material No.’s B38-4061-00, B38-4062-00 and B38-4063-00 are a ceramic fiber material and can be used for one connection only. Be sure to specify Packing Material No. when ordering Mold and Weld Metal. For mold types or BURNDYWeld™ items not shown, please contact factory or refer to full BURNDYWeld™ catalog. BURNDY Grounding TYPE BCRE-3 MOLDS Horizontal through Cable to Vertical Rebar Type BCRE-3 Molds are recommended for horizontal conductors to vertical rebar connections for solid or concentric stranded conductors #6 through 4/0 joined to reinforcing bars #3 through #7 & larger. The high copper content joint has a higher current carrying capacity than the conductors being joined and is impervious to vibration and moisture. D-79 Contact BURNDY® Products for information on molds for conductors not listed below. Rebar Size #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 & Larger Cable Size Mold Number Packing Material ‡ Price Key Weld Metal Handle Clamps #6 #4 #2 #1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 #6 #4 #2 #1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 #6 #4 #2 #1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 #6 #4 #2 #1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 #6 #4 #2 #1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 B-7620 B-7621 B-7622 B-7623 B-7624 B-7625 B-7626 B-7627 B-7628 B-7629 B-7630 B-7631 B-7632 B-7633 B-7634 B-7635 B-7636 B-7637 B-7638 B-7639 B-7640 B-7641 B-7642 B-7643 B-7644 B-7645 B-7646 B-7647 B-7648 B-7649 B-7650 B-7651 B-7652 B-7653 B-7654 B-7655 B-7656 B-7657 B-7658 B-7659 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4063-00 838-4063-00 838-4063-00 838-4063-00 838-4063-00 838-4063-00 838-4063-00 838-4063-00 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 90 90 90 115 115 115 150 150 90 90 90 115 115 115 150 150 90 90 90 115 115 115 150 150 90 90 90 115 115 115 150 150 90 90 90 115 115 115 150 150 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106-41 B-106-41 B-106-41 B-106-41 B-106-41 B-106-41 B-106-41 B-106-41 For mold types or BURNDYWeld™ items not shown, please contact factory or refer to full BURNDYWeld™ catalog. ‡ PACKING MATERIAL NOTE A packing pad is necessary when making BURNDYWeld™ connections to Rebar. Packing Material B38-4060-00 is a special, patented copper-wool packing, with enough in each bag to do between 40 and 50 connections. Packing Material No.’s B38-4061-00, B38-4062-00 and B38-4063-00 are a ceramic fiber material and can be used for one connection only. Be sure to specify Packing Material No. when ordering Mold and Weld Metal. • For sizes not listed, contact BURNDY® Products. • Molds listed are for concentric stranded cable. Add suffix “-S” to mold number for solid conductors. • For heavy duty molds, molds with wear plates or molds for Copperweld® cable, contact BURNDY® Products. • For expedited service, contact BURNDY® Products. Required Tools: Handle Clamps (see chart for correct handles) B38-0309-00 Flint Ignitor Other recommended accessories: Vertical Chain Clamps † B40-0319-03 Mold Cleaner for cartridge sizes #90-#500 (pg D-85) B38-3922-00 Mold Cleaning Brush (pg D-85) B38-0135-00 Cable Cleaning Brush (pg D-85) B38-0304-00 File (pg D-85) BURNDY Grounding TYPE BCRE-4 MOLDS Horizontal through Cable to Horizontal Rebar Type BCRE-4 Molds are recommended for horizontal through conductors to horizontal rebar at right angle connections for solid or concentric stranded conductors #6 through 4/0 joined to reinforcing bars #3 through #6 & larger. The high copper content joint has a higher current carrying capacity than the conductors being joined and is impervious to D-80 vibration and moisture. Contact BURNDY® Products for information on molds for conductors not listed below. Rebar Size #3 #4 #5 #6 & Larger Cable Size Mold Number Packing Material ‡ Price Key Weld Metal Handle Clamps #6 #4 #2 #1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 #6 #4 #2 #1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 #6 #4 #2 #1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 #6 #4 #2 #1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 B-7708 B-7709 B-7710 B-7711 B-7712 B-7713 B-7714 B-7715 B-7716 B-7717 B-7718 B-7719 B-7720 B-7721 B-7722 B-7723 B-7724 B-7725 B-7726 B-7727 B-7728 B-7729 B-7730 B-7731 B-7732 B-7733 B-7734 B-7735 B-7736 B-7737 B-7738 B-7739 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4061-00 868-4061-00 838-4061-00 838-406100 838-4062-00 838-4062-00 838-4062-00 838-4062-00 4 4 4 4 22 22 22 22 4 4 4 22 22 22 22 22 4 4 4 22 22 22 22 22 14+ 14+ 14+ 14+ 14+ 14+ 14+ 14+ 90 90 90 115 115 115 150 150 90 90 90 115 115 115 150 150 90 90 90 115 115 115 150 150 90 90 90 115 115 115 150 150 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A ‡ PACKING MATERIAL NOTE A packing pad is necessary when making BURNDYWeld™ connections to Rebar. Packing Material B38-4060-00 is a special, patented copper-wool packing, with enough in each bag to do between 40 and 50 connections. Packing Material No.’s B38-4061-00, B38-4062-00 and B38-4063-00 are a ceramic fiber material and can be used for one connection only. Be sure to specify Packing Material No. when ordering Mold and Weld Metal. • For sizes not listed, contact BURNDY® Products. • Molds listed are for concentric stranded cable. Add suffix “-S” to mold number for solid conductors. • For heavy duty molds, molds with wear plates or molds for Copperweld® cable, contact BURNDY® Products. • For expedited service, contact BURNDY® Products. Required Tools: Handle Clamps (see chart for correct handles) † Sold complete with frame B38-0309-00 Flint Ignitor Other recommended accessories: B40-0319-03 Mold Cleaner for cartridge sizes #90-#500 (pg D-85) B38-3922-00 Mold Cleaning Brush (pg D-85) For mold types or BURNDYWeld™ items B38-0135-00 Cable Cleaning Brush (pg D-85) not shown, please contact factory B38-0304-00 File (pg D-86) or refer to full BURNDYWeld™ catalog. BURNDY Grounding TYPE BCRE-6 MOLDS Horizontal Cable Tap to Vertical Rebar Type BCRE-6 Molds are recommended for horizontal conductors terminating at right angles to vertical rebar connections for solid or concentric stranded conductors #6 through 4/0 joined to reinforcing bars #3 through #7 and larger. The high copper content joint has a higher current carrying capacity than the conductors being joined and is impervious to vibration and moisture. D-81 Contact BURNDY® Products for information on molds for conductors not listed below. Rebar Size #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 & Larger Cable Size Mold Number Packing Material ‡ Price Key Weld Metal Handle Clamps #6 #4 #2 #1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 #6 #4 #2 #1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 #6 #4 #2 #1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 #6 #4 #2 #1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 #6 #4 #2 #1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 B-7884 B-7885 B-7886 B-7887 B-7888 B-7889 B-7890 B-7891 B-7892 B-7893 B-7894 B-7895 B-7896 B-7897 B-7898 B-7899 B-7900 B-7901 B-7902 B-7903 B-7904 B-7905 B-7906 B-7907 B-7908 B-7909 B-7910 B-7911 B-7912 B-7913 B-7914 B-7915 B-7916 B-7917 B-7918 B-7919 B-7920 B-7921 B-7922 B-7923 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4060-00 838-4063-00 838-4063-00 838-4063-00 838-4063-00 838-4063-00 838-4063-00 838-4063-00 838-4063-00 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 90 90 90 115 115 115 150 150 90 90 90 115 115 115 150 150 90 90 90 115 115 115 150 150 90 90 90 115 115 115 150 150 90 90 90 115 115 115 150 150 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106 B-106-32 B-106-32 B-106-32 B-106-32 B-106-32 B-106-32 B-106-32 B-106-32 ‡ PACKING MATERIAL NOTE A packing pad is necessary when making BURNDYWeld™ connections to Rebar. Packing Material B38-4060-00 is a special, patented copper-wool packing, with enough in each bag to do between 40 and 50 connections. Packing Material No.’s B38-4061-00, B38-4062-00 and B38-4063-00 are a ceramic fiber material and can be used for one connection only. Be sure to specify Packing Material No. when ordering Mold and Weld Metal. • For sizes not listed, contact BURNDY® Products. • Molds listed are for concentric stranded cable. Add suffix “-S” to mold number for solid conductors. • For heavy duty molds, molds with wear plates or molds for Copperweld® cable, contact BURNDY® Products. • For expedited service, contact BURNDY® Products. Required Tools: Handle Clamps (see chart for correct handles) B38-0309-00 Flint Ignitor Other recommended accessories: B38-3922-00 Mold Cleaning Brush (pg D-85) B38-0135-00 Cable Cleaning Brush (pg D-85) B38-0304-00 File (pg D-86) *The B106-32 comes complete with a B-106 handle clamp and B40-0106-76 vertical chain clamp. Although good for use on all sizes of rebar, vertical chain clamps are strongly recommended on large size rebar as they hold the mold to the rebar securely. If you already have a B-106 handle clamp, you can purchase the vertical chain clamps separately. See page 76 for a variety of options. For mold types or BURNDYWeld™ items not shown, please contact factory or refer to full BURNDYWeld™ catalog. BURNDY Grounding BURNDYWeld FILL* BURNDYWeld™ FILL is an economical solution for areas with very difficult grounding issues. BURNDYWeld™ FILL is highly conductive in a wet or dry application and does not require moisture to lower the resistance of your grounding system. BURNDYWeld™ FILL contains a corrosion inhibitor which forms a film on copper, creating a barrier against corrosion. BURNDYWeld™ FILL can be poured in dry or pumped in slurry form. No tamping required. It is very contractor friendly. No special tools D-82 required. *BURNDYWeld™ FILL is the catalog number. 4 Thickness of BURNDYWeld™ FILL (Inches) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4.1 6.2 8.2 10.3 12.3 14.4 16.4 18.5 20.6 BURNDYWeld™ FILL Advantages: • • • • • • • • • • • • Easy to install. Electrically conductive. Environmentally friendly. Will not leach into the ground. Positive low resistance, electrical connection to earth. Does not contain any hazardous chemicals. Compatible with all copper grounding systems. Contains a corrosion inhibitor to protect copper. Will not expand or shrink. Not affected by freezing. Excellent shelf life. Typical resistivity <10 Ohm-cm Material Required Per Linear Foot of Trench Width of Trench (Inches) 6 8 10 12 14 6.2 9.3 12.3 15.4 18.5 21.6 24.7 27.8 30.8 8.1 12.1 16.2 20.2 24.2 28.3 32.3 36.4 40.4 10.1 15.2 20.2 25.3 30.3 35.4 40.4 45.5 50.5 12.1 18.2 24.2 30.3 36.4 42.4 48.5 54.6 60.6 14.1 21.2 28.3 35.4 42.4 49.5 56.0 63.7 70.7 16 18 20 22 24 16.2 24.2 32.3 40.4 48.5 56.6 64.7 72.7 80.8 18.2 27.3 36.4 45.5 54.6 63.7 72.7 81.8 90.9 20.2 30.3 40.4 50.5 60.6 70.7 80.8 90.9 101.0 22.2 33.3 44.5 55.6 66.7 77.8 88.9 100.0 111.1 24.2 36.4 48.5 60.6 72.7 84.9 97.0 109.1 121.2 To calculate the lbs. of material required to fill a trench: • Determine desired thickness. • Move to the right until you are under the known width of the trench. This number will be the weight of the material in lbs./linear ft. • Take this number and multiply by the length of the trench in feet.Your answer will be the amount of BURNDYWeld™ FILL material required to fill the trench to the desired level in lbs. Example: Thickness: Width = = Answer = = 6 inches 18 inches 54.6 lbs. per linear ft. (from the table above) 54.6 lbs. per linear ft. x 25 ft. trench = 1,365 lbs. of BURNDYWeld™ FILL 28 (50 lb.) bags of BURNDYWeld™ FILL For mold types or BURNDYWeld™ items not shown, please contact factory or refer to full BURNDYWeld™ catalog. BURNDY Grounding BURNDYWeld™ FILL* Application Information *BURNDYWeld™ FILL is the catalog number. Vertical Installation Drill or bore a hole the desired diameter and depth. Suspend ground electrode in center of hole to be filled. Pour BURNDYWeld™ FILL until desired level is obtained. No tamping is required. Dry Volume of BURNDYWeld™ FILL vs. Hole Size Lbs. of Hole BURNDYWeld™ FILL Size Per Ft. 4 6 8 10 12 Horizontal or Grid Construction† Pour into horizontal trench until level of ground wire is reached. Place ground wire. Pour in additional BURNDYWeld™ FILL until wire is covered to desired height. Cover with fill. No tamping required. For grid construction, pour BURNDYWeld™ FILL and spread over ground grid until desired thickness is achieved. Cover with fill. Ground Resistance Comparison of Bare Rod vs. Hole Size with Percent Resistance 5/8 x 10 Rod in Compared to Rod Center of 15 Hole Only (100%) 6.5 14.5 25.8 40.4 58.1 4 6 8 10 12 52% 47% 44% 42% 40% Steady State Leakage Resistance‡ Using 4/0 Copper Wire vs. BURNDYWeld™ FILL Percentage of Resistance with .475 Wire Plus BURNDYWeld™ FILL in Various Diameters Compared .475 Diameter to Wire Only (100%) Length 25 50 75 100 150 200 250 300 Wire Only 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 2 83% 85% 86% 87% 88% 88% 89% 89% † Entire grounding system should be surrounded by BURNDYWeld™ FILL. Conductors should be insulated as they exit BURNDYWeld™ FILL column. 3 78% 81% 82% 83% 84% 85% 85% 86% 4 74% 77% 79% 80% 82% 83% 83% 84% 6 69% 73% 75% 77% 78% 79% 80% 80% ‡ The use of BURNDYWeld™ FILL around the grounding system will also reduce surge impedance by increasing the effective contact area of the electrode to soil. Horizontal Construction BURNDYWeld™ FILL Copper Wire Earth or Fill Earth or Fill BURNDYWeld™ FILL D-83 Grid Construction Copper Wire For mold types or BURNDYWeld™ items not shown, please contact factory or refer to full BURNDYWeld™ catalog. BURNDY Grounding BURNDYWeld SET* Certain applications require a permanent hardening grounding material. BURNDYWeld™ SET is the product of choice. BURNDYWeld™ SET is compatible with all standard copper grounding systems. It is an economical solution to difficult grounding issues in hard to deal with areas. BURNDYWeld™ SET is manufactured from environmentally safe material and is extremely stable. When mixed with water or exposed to moisture, BURNDYWeld™ SET attains the hardening characteristics of cement while retaining its highly conductive properties. BURNDYWeld™ D-84 SET will remain highly conductive during a drought or when exposed to extremely low temperatures. Since BURNDYWeld™ SET does not have any shrinkage or expansion properties it will remain in constant contact with the earth. BURNDYWeld™ SET Advantages: • • • • • • • • • • • • Easy to install. Will attain a hardened state. Electrically conductive. Environmentally friendly. Will not leach into the ground. Positively low resistance, electrical connection to the earth. Does not contain any hazardous chemicals. Compatible with all copper grounding systems. Will not expand or shrink. Not effected by freezing. Excellent shelf life. Typical resistivity <10 Ohm-cm BURNDYWeld™ SET can be poured in dry or pumped in slurry form. No tamping required. It is very contractor friendly. No special tools required. *BURNDYWeld™ SET is the catalog number. 4 Thickness of BURNDYWeld™ SET (Inches) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3.6 5.4 7.2 9.0 10.8 12.6 14.4 16.3 18.1 Material Required Per Linear Foot of Trench Width of Trench (Inches) 6 8 10 12 14 5.4 8.1 10.8 13.5 16.3 19.0 21.7 24.4 27.1 7.2 10.8 14.4 18.0 21.5 25.1 28.7 32.3 35.9 9.0 13.5 18.0 22.4 26.9 31.4 35.9 40.4 44.9 10.8 16.2 21.5 26.9 32.3 37.7 43.1 48.5 53.9 12.6 18.8 25.1 31.4 37.7 44.0 50.3 56.5 62.8 16 18 20 22 24 14.4 21.5 28.7 35.9 43.1 50.3 57.4 64.6 71.8 16.2 24.2 32.3 40.4 48.5 56.5 64.6 72.7 80.8 18.0 26.9 35.9 44.9 53.9 62.8 71.8 80.8 89.8 19.7 29.6 39.5 49.4 59.2 69.1 79.0 88.9 98.7 21.5 32.3 43.1 53.9 64.6 75.4 86.2 96.9 107.7 To calculate the lbs. of material required to fill a trench: • Determine desired thickness of BURNDYWeld™ SET. • Move to the right until you are under the known width of the trench. This number will be the weight of the material in lbs./linear ft. • Take this number and multiply by the length of the trench in feet.Your answer will be the amount of BURNDYWeld™ SET material required to fill the trench to the desired level in lbs. Example: Thickness: Width = = Answer = = 6 inches 18 inches 48.5 lbs. per linear ft. (from the table above) 48.5 lbs. per linear ft. x 25 ft. trench = 1,212.5 lbs. of BURNDYWeld™ SET 24 (50 lb.) bags of BURNDYWeld™ SET For mold types or BURNDYWeld™ items not shown, please contact factory or refer to full BURNDYWeld™ catalog. BURNDY Grounding BURNDYWeld™ SET* Application Information *BURNDYWeld™ SET is the catalog number. Vertical Installation Drill or bore a hole to the desired diameter and depth. Suspend ground electrode in center of hole to be filled. Pour BURNDYWeld™ SET until desired level is obtained. Remove excess water prior to pumping. If necessary, BURNDYWeld™ SET may be premixed and pumped under water. Dry Volume of BURNDYWeld™ SET vs. Hole Size Lbs. of Hole BURNDYWeld™ SET Size Per Ft. 4 6 8 10 12 Horizontal or Grid Construction† Pour into horizontal trench until level of ground wire is reached. Place ground wire. Pour in additional BURNDYWeld™ SET until wire is covered to desired height. Cover with fill. No tamping required. Remove excess water prior to installation. For grid construction, pour BURNDYWeld™ SET and spread over ground grid until desired thickness is achieved. Cover with fill. Use ground staples to maintain ground wire in center of BURNDYWeld™ SET. Horizontal Construction Ground Resistance Comparison of Bare Rod vs. Hole Size with Percent Resistance 5/8 x 10 Rod in Compared to Rod Center of 15 Hole Only (100%) 5.7 12.8 22.7 35.5 51.1 4 6 8 10 12 52% 47% 44% 42% 40% Steady State Leakage Resistance‡ Using 4/0 Copper Wire vs. BURNDYWeld™ SET Percentage of Resistance with .475 Wire Plus BURNDYWeld™ SET in Various Diameters Compared .475 Diameter to Wire Only (100%) Length 25 50 75 100 150 200 250 300 Wire Only 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 2 83% 85% 86% 87% 88% 88% 89% 89% † Entire grounding system should be surrounded by BURNDYWeld™ SET. Conductors should be insulated as they exit BURNDYWeld™ SET column. BURNDYWeld™ SET should be used as a ground enhancement material when a setting fill is specified. 3 78% 81% 82% 83% 84% 85% 85% 86% 4 74% 77% 79% 80% 82% 83% 83% 84% 6 69% 73% 75% 77% 78% 79% 80% 80% ‡ The use of BURNDYWeld™ SET around the grounding system will also reduce surge impedance by increasing the effective contact area of the electrode to soil. BURNDYWeld™ FILL Copper Wire Earth or Fill Earth or Fill BURNDYWeld™ FILL D-85 Grid Construction Copper Wire For mold types or BURNDYWeld™ items not shown, please contact factory or refer to full BURNDYWeld™ catalog. BURNDY Grounding BURNDYWeld™ PREFABRICATED WIRE MESH Grounding, Personal Safety Mats, Equipotential Planes, Signal Reference Grid Prefabricated wire mesh is: • manufactured from bare solid copper or copperclad conductors. • spaced on 4, 6 or 12 centers. D-86 • factory silver brazed at each crossover using 35% silver and a non-corrosive flux. • furnished in sections with widths from 2 ft to 18 ft (length limited by weight). • shipped on tubes and protected for transporting. • interconnected in the field using BURNDYWeld™ molds and powder. Prefabricated Wire Mesh Description Part Number Contact Factory Weight/Sq Ft. #10 Solid Copper Wire Mesh on 4 Centers #6 Solid Copper Wire Mesh on 4 Centers #6 Solid Copper Wire Mesh on 6 Centers #6 Solid Copper Wire Mesh on 12 Centers Copperclad Wire Mesh may be ordered contact factory for part numbers 0.192 0.487 0.325 0.163 When ordering, specify wire type and size, width, length and spacing. Wire Size #6 Sol Copper #6 Sol Copperweld #8 Sol Copper #8 Sol Copperweld #10 Sol Copper #10 Sol Copperweld Molds for Connecting Prefabricated Wire Mesh Weld Mold Price Handle Type Number Key Clamp BCC-14 BCC-14 BCC-14 BCC-14 BCB-34 BCB-34 B-6205 B-6207 B-6209 B-6210 B-6211 B-6212 Adjoining sections of mesh are to be exothermically welded by installer using BURNDYWeld™ molds and powder. 18 18 18 18 18 18 included included included included included included Weld Metal #25 #15 #15 #15 #15 #15 For mold types or BURNDYWeld™ items not shown, please contact factory or refer to full BURNDYWeld™ catalog. BURNDY Grounding BURNDYWeld™ PREFABRICATED WIRE MESH The prefabricated wire mesh is a convenient, efficient and economical means of improving grounding systems at facilities where large area grounds are required. Wire Choices Wire mesh is made from solid wire, either copper clad steel or pure copper. Copper clad steel wire has the strength of steel combined with the higher conductivity and corrosion resistance of copper. The two metals are permanently bonded and act as a single material. Silver Brazed Joints The long wires and cross wires of wire mesh are silver brazed at their crossing points. This method provides joints with a breaking strength strong enough to resist separation during installation and strong enough to bear the traffic of heavy vehicles. Like the wire itself, the silver brazed joints are highly resistant to corrosion. Moreover, electrical continuity of a silver brazed joint is excellent. Installation Interconnecting Wire mesh is easily and economically installed. No expensive, special equipment is necessary, and there are no time consuming special handling procedures. The strong, pliable mesh is simply unrolled over the ground, interconnected using BURNDYWeld™ connections to attach adjacent sections of mesh, and BURNDYWeld™ to the main ground grid or ground rods. The mesh may be covered with a layer of earth or crushed stone. The BURNDYWeld™ process provides a rapid, economical, permanent, and highly conductive method of interconnecting wire mesh in the field. When used to control step and touch potentials in an electrical substation, the mesh does not replace the main ground grid. However, the main grid can be installed to control the station resistance without regard to the step and touch potentials. A properly designed system employing prefabricated mesh which is periodically interconnected to the main grid, will control the step and touch potentials. The BURNDYWeld™ process is a controlled reaction involving molten, superheated copper. It is ideal for connecting mesh because D-87 the reaction occurs quickly which fuses the wires together into a solid mass. The resulting weld is permanent and corrosion resistant. The large weld area provides current carrying capacity equal to the mesh conductors. A semipermanent graphite mold is used in making the BURNDYWeld™ connections. The mold controls the direction and speed of the molten metal and determines the shape of the weld. The equipment is lightweight, portable and easy to use. No outside source of heat or power is needed, and only a minimum of training is necessary. The mesh can be interconnected by this process even under adverse working conditions. The adjacent mesh sections are best joined by the exothermic parallel type BCC-14 connection. For mold types or BURNDYWeld™ items not shown, please contact factory or refer to full BURNDYWeld™ catalog. BURNDY Grounding B-106 & B-107 HANDLE CLAMPS BURNDYWeld™ Handle Clamps make possible the use of many different sizes and types of molds with only two different clamps. The two handle clamps are catalog numbers B-106 and B-107. These will fit 95% of all standard BURNDYWeld™ molds. 1. Use B-106 clamps for all molds having a price key 4, 7, 17, 22 or 24. These molds are a nominal 3 1/8 x 3 1/8 square. 2 Use B-107 clamps for all molds having a D-88 price key 5, 6, 8 or 23. These molds are a nominal 4 x 4 square. 3. All molds having a price key 2, 3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15 or 16 have an attached frame; separate handles are not required. B40-0106-75 HANDLE ATTACHMENT This Handle Attachment is used to hold Price Key-14 molds in position. It easily attaches to the B-106 Handle Clamp. This Handle Attachment can be used with weld types BCRE-1 and BCRE-4. Catalog Number B40-0106-75 B40-0106-75 Shown Attached to B-106 Handle Clamps B40-0106-75 MOLD SUPPORT CLAMP The Mold Support Clamp is used to hold a mold in position on a vertical steel column or angle. It is easily attached to the Handle Clamps. The Mold Support Clamp can be used with weld types BCS-3, BCS-18, BCS-23 and BCS-27. Catalog Number B40-3657-00 For mold types or BURNDYWeld™ items not shown, please contact factory or refer to full BURNDYWeld™ catalog. BURNDY Grounding VERTICAL MAGNETIC CLAMPS Magnetic Clamps are used to hold a mold in position on a vertical steel surface. The magnetic clamp can be purchased complete with B-106 Handle Clamps or if you already have a set of handle clamps, you can order just the magnetic mounting assembly. The mounting assembly can easily be mounted on the prongs of your existing B-106 handle clamps. A minimum of 10 is required. B40-4431-00 B40-4431-01 D-89 Magnetic Clamps With B106 Handle Catalog Fits Molds For Use With Number W/Price Key Weld Types Catalog Number 8404431-00 840-4431-01 4 & 17 BCS-3, 4, 7 & 23 Magnetic Clamp Only Fits Handle For Use With Clamps Weld Types B-106 & B-107 BCS-3, 4, 7 & 23 HORIZONTAL & VERTICAL CHAIN CLAMPS Chain Clamps are used to hold a mold in position on horizontal or vertical pipe up to 4 in diameter. For larger pipe a 20 chain extension is available to allow the chain clamps to be used on pipe up to 10 in diameter. The chain clamp can be purchased complete with B-106 or B-107 Handle Clamps or if you already have a set of handle clamps, you can order just the chain clamp and mounting assembly. The mounting assembly can easily attached to your existing handle clamps. 20 Chain Extension catalog number B40-0106-27. B106-32/B107-32 B40-0106-78 Catalog Number Fits Molds W/Price Key B106-32 B107-32 B106-37 B107-37 B106-41 4, 17, 22 & 24 5, 6 & 23 4, 17, 22 & 24 5, 6 & 23 4, 17 Catalog Number Chain Clamps For Use With Weld Types BCS-3, 4, 7, 23 & BCRE-6 BCS-3, 4, 7 & 23 BCS-1, 2, 5, 8 & 9 BCS-1, 2, 5, 8 & 9 BCS-6, 18 & BCRE-3 B-106 & B-107 B-106 & B-107 B-106 & B-107 BCS-3, 4, 7, 23 & BCRE-6 BCS-1, 2, 5, 8 & 9 BCS-6, 18 & BCRE-3 B40-0106-77 Pipe Position Vertical Vertical Horizontal Horizontal Vertical Chain Clamp Only (Handle Clamps Not Included) Fits Handle For Use With Clamp Weld Types Pipe Position B40-0106-76 B40-0106-78 B40-0106-77 B40-0106-76 Vertical Horizontal Vertical B106-41/B107-41 For mold types or BURNDYWeld™ items not shown, please contact factory or refer to full BURNDYWeld™ catalog. BURNDY Grounding BURNDYWeld™ ACCESSORIES B38-0330-00 CABLE CLAMP The BURNDYWeld™ Cable Clamp is recommended for holding a wide range of cables properly in place in molds when welding cables that are under tension. This prevents the cables from pulling out of the mold when the weld is made. D-90 CABLE CLEANING AND CARD CLOTH BRUSH The Cable Cleaning Brush is recommended for cleaning heavily oxidized cables. The V-shape brushes permit their use over a wide range of cable sizes. Brush assembly consists of a handle with two stiff wire bristle brushes that are rotatable, for longer life and are replaceable. The Card Cloth Brush is used for cleaning large conductors and bus bar. It has short stiff bristles. These brushes are for cleaning cable only, not molds. The Mold Cleaning Brush B38-3922-00 is used to clean the graphite mold without scratching the mold. B38-0135-00 Cable Cleaning Brush Replacement Brush Card Cloth Brush Mold Cleaning Brush B38-0306-00 B38-0135-00 B38-0135-01 B38-0306-00 B38-3922-00 B38-3922-00 MOLD CLEANERS Mold Cleaners are used to clean the slag from molds that are not split through the crucible. B40-0319-01 B40-0319-03 for cartridge sizes #15 through #65 for cartridge sizes #90 through #500 PACKING MATERIAL Packing material is used to prevent the molten weld metal from leaking out of the mold. When the cable opening becomes worn from heavy use, the packing material may be used to prolong mold use. It is also used around 7 strand cable to prevent leaking. Packing material comes in a 1 lb. or 5 lb. package. Catalog Number B38-4129-00 B38-4129-05 Description 1 lb. package 5 lb. package For mold types or BURNDYWeld™ items not shown, please contact factory or refer to full BURNDYWeld™ catalog. BURNDY Grounding BURNDYWeld™ ACCESSORIES D-91 BURNDYWeld™ TOOL KIT B38-0302-00 B38-0302-02 B38-0303-00 Tool Kit with Tools Shown except Rasp Tool Kit with Tools Shown and Rasp Tool Box only BURNDYWeld™ TOOLS B38-0309-00 B38-0304-00 B38-0307-00 B38-3922-00 B38-0308-00 B38-0305-00 B38-0101-00 B38-0306-00 Flint Ignitor 8 File Crimping Tool Mold Cleaning Brush 6 Screwdriver Wire Brush Rasp Card Cloth Brush B38-0101-00 RASP B38-0309-00 FLINT IGNITOR This tempered steel, curved rasp is recommended for removing rust and mill scale from steel and cast iron surfaces. The blade is replaceable. To order replacement rasp blade, specify catalog number B38-0101-01. The B38-0309-00 Flint Ignitor is used to ignite the starting powder. Each mold that is sold with a frame has a Flint Ignitor included. For added safety a Flint Ignitor extension is available, catalog number B38-0904-00, that attaches to the B38-0309-00 Flint Ignitor. This allows installers to stay approximately 36 away from the mold. Not recommended for use on galvanized surfaces. To order replacement flints, specify part number B38-0309-01. For mold types or BURNDYWeld™ items not shown, please contact factory or refer to full BURNDYWeld™ catalog. BURNDY Grounding GROUND ROD DRIVING SLEEVES Ground Rod Driving Sleeves are placed over the top of a ground rod while driving it into the ground. This prevents the top from mushrooming or flaring out. Ground rod driving sleeves are available in sizes to fit all standard unthreaded ground rods. D-92 Catalog Number For Use On B38-3662-01 B38-3662-02 B38-3662-05 B38-3662-03 B38-3662-06 B38-3662-04 1/2 Copper Clad or Steel Ground Rod 5/8 Copper Clad Ground Rod 5/8 Steel Ground Rod 3/4 Copper Clad Ground Rod 3/4 Steel Ground Rod 1 Copper Clad Ground Rod SHIM STOCK AND ADAPTER SLEEVES BURNDYWeld™ molds designed for larger cable sizes can be used on smaller diameter cables if copper adapter sleeves or shim stock are utilized. The copper shim stock, .0108 x 1-1/2 x 3, is normally wrapped around cable until the diameter is about equal to the cable opening. A tight fit is not necessary as the shim stock will unwrap slightly and prevent leakage of weld metal. To order shim stock use part number B38-0329-00. Shim stock comes 100 pieces per box. For Use on Cable Size Stranded Solid #12, #14 #9. #10 #7, #8, #10 #6 #4, #5 #4 #2 #1 1/0, #1 2/0, 1/0 4/0 250 MCM 350,400 MCM 250, 300, 350 MCM 750,800 MCM #10, #12, #14 #8. #9. #10 #6, #8 #5 #3, #4 #2 #1 1/0 2/0 3/0 — — — — — Part No. Use in Mold Size BA-200 BA-208 BA-201 BA-202 BA-207 BA-204 BA-203 BA-209 BA-205 BA-240 BA-211 BA-212 BA-213 BA-214 BA-215 #6 STR & Sol #4 Sol #4 #2 #2 #1 1/0 2/0 3/0 & 4/0 Sol 4/0 300 MCM 350 MCM 500 MCM 500 MCM 1000 MCM Sleeve Dimensions O.D. I.D. Length .156 .203 .227 .292 .302 .340 .370 .420 .469 .524 .625 .677 .811 .811 1.156 .111 .140 .177 .198 .246 .246 .307 .359 .385 .437 .545 .595 .762 .700 1.05 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.50 1.25 1.25 1.50 1.50 1.50 For mold types or BURNDYWeld™ items not shown, please contact factory or refer to full BURNDYWeld™ catalog. BURNDY Grounding TROUBLE SHOOTING TIPS PROBLEM PROBABLE CAUSE CORRECTION TO MAKE Insufficient metal to make weld. Worn mold resulting in leaking weld metal. Replace mold. If only worn around conductor opening, use duct seal around conductor. Do not get duct seal into mold cavity. Wrong size cartridge for mold. Check ID plate for mold and compare with number on bottom of cartridge. Too much spillage when dumping powder. Carefully open lid while holding over crucible and dump. Wrong mold for conductor being used. Replace with correct mold. In some applications, shim stock or adapter sleeves can be used to enlarge cable to fit mold. Handle clamps not properly adjusted. Remove cotter pin between the handles of the mold and adjust handle tension by backing out the eye bolt. Dirt or slag stuck in parting line of mold. Clean mold thoroughly between connections. Bent or out-of-round cable. Straighten or cut out bad section of cable. Handle clamps will not lock closed. Handle clamps not properly adjusted. Remove cotter pin between the handles of the mold and adjust handle tension by backing out the eye bolt. Excessively high weld, bubbly or gassy appearance, poor weld. Moisture in mold. Pre-heat mold to above 220˚ F with a propane torch, or ignite a sacrificial shot in mold with pieces of scrap conductor in it. If it is a horizontally split mold, shoot 3/4 of the recommended cartridge to make sure you do not lock up mold. Oil, grease, moisture or foreign material on conductors. Pre-heat conductors with propane torch then use a clean wire brush on conductor to remove any residue left on conductors. If welding to cast iron or steel surface, weld area must be cleaned down to bright metal. Duct seal in weld cavity. Take special precautions to keep duct seal out of weld cavity. Weld powder has gotten wet. Replace with fresh, dry weld powder. Mold worn or chipped around disc seal allowing powder to leak into mold cavity. Replace mold. Forgot to use steel disc or did not seat it properly at bottom of crucible. Make sure disc is seated at bottom of crucible before pouring the powder into crucible. Mold does not close tightly causing weld metal to leak out. Weld metal blows out top of mold. D-93 BURNDY Grounding TROUBLE SHOOTING TIPS (continued) PROBLEM PROBABLE CAUSE CORRECTION TO MAKE Cannot ignite powder. Insufficient starting powder in ignition pocket on mold lid. Place at least half of starting powder in ignition pocket of mold lid. Use all starting powder for each connection. Flint ignitor not shooting enough spark. Clean flint ignitor according to directions on box or replace flint ignitor. Starting powder lumped together. Break up starting powder on lid with edge of powder tube. Starting powder has gotten wet. Remove shot from mold and replace with a dry cartridge. Improper cleaning of mold. Use mold cleaner, soft natural bristle brush or clean rag to clean mold between shots. Do not use wire brush or screwdriver on molds. Bent or out of round cable causes chipping and premature wear of the mold. Use caution when closing mold. Do not force mold shut around bent, twisted or out of round conductors. Weight of mold not supported during reaction causing mold to slip when cable melts. Use locking pliers on ground rod under mold to support the weight of the mold during the reaction. Moisture or contaminant on cable or ground rod. Pre-heat conductors with propane torch then use a clean wire brush on conductors to remove any residue left on conductors. Improperly cleaned area on steel. An area larger than the weld area should be cleaned down to bright clean metal. Moisture or contaminant on cable or ground rod. Pre-heat conductors with propane torch then use a clean wire brush on conductors to remove any residue left on conductors. Cable is improperly positioned in mold, blocking the flow of weld metal. Position cable in mold in accordance with directions for mold. If directions are not available, position top of cable in the center of where the liquid weld metal hits the steel. D-94 Mold wearing out too fast. Poor weld to ground rod. Weld will not stick to steel surface. Weld will not stick to cast iron surface. Cable pulls out of mold when it is fired. All of the causes listed under welding to steel surface also apply to this section. Not using CI (Cast Iron) powder. Specify “CI” behind cartridge when ordering powder (i.e. 25 CI). Cables are either twisted or under tension. Use B38-0330-00 cable clamp or other method to remove tension. Cut out severely twisted cable. BURNDY Overhead PRODUCT LINE TABLE OF CONTENTS TAP CONNECTORS Mechanical (Bolted) ..........................E-4 - E-17 Compression...................................E-17 - E-38 Transformer and Equipment ...........E-39 - E-41 COMPRESSION SPLICES Service Entrance ............................E-44 - E-46 Neutral .......................................................E-47 Jumper ............................................E-48 - E-52 Repair Sleeve .................................E-53 - E-54 Full Tension.....................................E-55 - E-68 DEADEND FITTING AND ACCESSORIES Loop................................................E-70 - E-71 Primary and Strain Bus ..................E-72 - E-73 Full Tension Distribution or Transmission .................................E-74 - E-79 Stockbridge Damper ..................................E-80 COMPRESSION TERMINALS AND ACCESSORIES........................E-81 - E-89 E-1 BURNDY Overhead TAP CONNECTORS TABLE OF CONTENTS E-2 MECHANICAL (BOLTED) Mechanical Tap Connectors ............................E-3 Types KS & KS-3.............................................E-4 Type SC...........................................................E-4 Type KSU ........................................................E-5 Type KVS.........................................................E-5 Type KVSW .....................................................E-6 Types KVSU & KVS ........................................E-7 Type KVS-A .....................................................E-8 Types UC-L, UC-K...........................................E-9 Type CP-A .....................................................E-10 Type VP .........................................................E-11 Type UW-R ....................................................E-11 Type UC.........................................................E-12 Type CP.........................................................E-12 Type QPX ......................................................E-13 Type VT .........................................................E-14 Types UCG-R & UCG-RS .............................E-15 Types UC-R & UC-RS ...................................E-15 Type LSC.......................................................E-16 COMPRESSION Compression Tap Connectors .......................E-17 Type YC-C .....................................................E-18 Type YP-C .....................................................E-18 Type YC-A .....................................................E-19 Type YP-U .....................................................E-20 Type YPC-U ...................................................E-21 Type YC-U .....................................................E-22 Types YPC-A-U & YPC-R-U ..........................E-22 Type CC.........................................................E-23 Seven Connector Selector Chart ..................E-24 Types YHO & YHD.........................................E-25 Types YHN & YHR.........................................E-26 LOKTAP™ .....................................................E-27 Type YCT .......................................................E-28 Type YOT .......................................................E-28 Type YTU-R-R ...............................................E-29 Type YOT-R-R ................................................E-30 Type YNT-R-R................................................E-30 Type YNTA-R .................................................E-31 Type STS-4N .................................................E-31 Type YTA-R-2N ..............................................E-32 Types YKA-R-2N & YKA-A-2N.......................E-33 Type YSA-R-2N .............................................E-34 Type YTA-2N..................................................E-34 Type YKA-2N .................................................E-35 Type YCB-R ...................................................E-36 Types YCB-U & YCB-R-U..............................E-37 Types J990 & J1252......................................E-37 Types YHO-J, YHD-J, YHN-J .........................E-38 TRANSFORMER AND EQUIPMENT Type E-C-G....................................................E-39 Types KC2 & EQC632C ................................E-40 Type YA-2LH ..................................................E-40 Type YE-LH ...................................................E-41 Type YE-R, YE-W ..........................................E-41 BURNDY Overhead MECHANICAL (BOLTED) TAP CONNECTORS BURNDY's line of mechanical tap connectors is the most complete, dependable and economical available. These mechanical connectors consist of service, parallel, and midspan types. Generally the alloys and hardware used depend on whether the connector is for a strain or current carrying application, and is made of aluminum or copper. Particular alloys and hardware are selected for strength, conductivity, durability, ductility and resistance to corrosion. In a copper connector high strength alloys are used in mechanical clamping components and high conductivity alloy in current carrying elements. Aluminum clamp type connectors are made of alloy 356, which is impervious to stress corrosion. In its heat-treated state, it has high strength and is used for both current carrying and clamping elements. Hardware is high strength and corrosionresistant. In copper connectors, DURIUM™, a silicone bronze alloy, is used. Anodized aluminum alloy 2024-T4 bolts and 6061-T6 nuts are used in aluminum connectors. They provide the best combination of strength, resistance to galling and corrosion, and their thermal coefficient of expansion is most suitable for aluminum. To insure dependable connections, bolts should be tightened to the recommended torque values shown below. These mechanical tap connectors are mainly used in overhead distribution systems to provide primary service taps and/or secondary service drop connections to the end users. Features and Benefits • High strength alloys. ◊ Provides efficient and reliable performance. • Range taking. ◊ Accommodates a large range of conductors in either groove reducing inventory to a minimum. • Matched groove designs. ◊ Ensures maximum contact with conductors accomodated. • Hex bolts, nuts and washers. ◊ Provides high contact pressure and rapid assembly. A few of the key features and benefits of these connectors are: RECOMMENDED TIGHTENING TORQUE STANDARD WRENCH SIZE RECOMMENDED TORQUE (Inch BOLT SIZE BOLT Lbs.) DURIUM AND GALVANIZED STEEL HARDWARE 1/4 - 20 80 7/16 5/16 - 18 180 1/2 3/8 - 16 240 9/16 1/2 - 13 480 3/4 5/8 - 11 660 15/16 3/4 - 10 1050 1-1/8 ALUMINUM HARDWARE* 1/2 - 13 300 3/4 5/8 - 11 480 15/16 3/4 - 10 650 1-1/8 * Aluminum bolts are lubricated. NUT 7/16 1/2 9/16 3/4 15/16 1-1/8 3/4 15/16 1-1/8 E-3 BURNDY Overhead TYPES KS & KS-3 SERVIT® For Copper, Copperweld Compact, high strength, high copper alloy SERVIT® split-bolt has free-running threads, and easy to grip wrench flats. Highly resistant to season cracking and corrosion, the SERVIT® provides maximum pressure and assures secure connection on all combinations of run and tap conductors. Type KS-3, similar to Type KS, accommodates 3 maximum size conductors. E-4 CATALOG NUMBER CONDUCTOR COPPER RANGE FOR MIN. TAP EQUAL RUN WITH MAX. AND TAP RUN SOL. COPPERWELD MAXIMUM TYPE STR. A TYPE D KS90 KS15 KS17 KS17-3* KS20 KS20-3* KS22 KS22-3* KS23 KS25 KS26 KS27 KS29 KS31 KS34 KS39 KS44 12 Str. - 8 Str. 10 Str. - 8 Str. 8 Str. - 6 Sol. 8 Str. - 6 Sol. 8 Str. - 4 Sol. 8 Str. - 4 Sol. 6 Str. - 2 Sol. 6 Str. - 2 Sol. 6 Str. - 2 Str. 4 Str. - 1/0 Str. 2 Str. - 2/0 Str. 1 Str. - 3/0 Str. 1 Str. - 250 1/0 Str. - 350 2/0 Str. - 500 4/0 Str. - 750 300 - 1000 — — 3 #12 3 #12 3 #10 3 #10 3 #8 3 #8 3 #7 3 #5 7 #7 — 7 #5 19 #8 19 #6 19 #5 — — — 9-1/2D 9-1/2D 8D 8D 6D 6D 5D 4D — — — — — — — 16 Str. 14 Str. 14 Str. 14 Str. 14 Str. 14 Str. 14 Str. 14 Str. 14 Str. 14 Str. 14 Str. 8 Sol. 8 Str. 1/0 Str. 2/0 Str. 4/0 Str. 4/0 Str. #10 #8 #6 #6 #4 #4 #2 #2 #1 2/0 3/0 — 4/0 — — — — — — 8A 8A 6A 6A 4A 4A 3A 2A — — — — — — — * Not UL or CSA listed. TYPE SC SERVIT® COVER HUG-A-BUG Used indoors or outdoors this compact, onepiece plastic SERVIT® cover, saves time and material, eliminates costly taping of split-bolts. Positive latch snaps easily and quickly over connector, ideal for tight quarters. Self positioning plastic fingers wrap around wires fully insulating joint. UL listed for 600 volt indoor application. Three covers accommodate a range of 6 SERVIT® sizes through 2/0 Str. CONDUCTOR RANGE *FOR FOR CATALOG RANGE FOR EQUAL RUN AND TAP MIN. TAP WITH MAX. CABLE RUN USE USE NUMBER MIN. MAX. MIN. MAX. WITH WITH SC4 SC4 SC2 SC2 SC2/0 SC2/0 8 Str. 8 Str. 6 Str. 6 Str. 4 Str. 2 Str. 6 Sol. 4 Sol. 2 Sol. 2 Str. 1/0 Str. 2/0 Str. * UL listing of Type SC Cover applies to use on BURNDY® SERVIT™ Type KS and to equivalent split-bolt connectors indicated strip length is maintained, maximum indicated 14 Str. 14 Str. 14 Str. 14 Str. 14 Str. 14 Str. 6 Sol. 4 Sol. 2 Sol. 2 Str. 1/0 Str. 2/0 Str. KS17 — KS20 — KS22 KSA6 KS23 KSA4 KS25 KSA2 KS26 KSA1/0 conductor sizes are not exceeded, and connector is properly located within recess provided for it. BURNDY Overhead TYPE KSU UNIVERSAL SERVIT® For All Combinations of Copper, Aluminum, ACSR, AAAC, 5005, & Steel Tin-plated, high strength copper alloy SERVIT® with spacer. Spacer separates dissimilar conductors and provides long contact length that prevents high pressure point contacts between run and tap conductors. Use of PENETROX™ joint compound recommended with aluminum or ACSR. 486A Copper Only CONDUCTOR RUN CATALOG CROSS NUMBER FLAT L KSU17 KSU20 KSU22 KSU23 KSU25 KSU26 KSU27 KSU29 KSU31 KSU34 .62 .69 .74 .81 .93 1.04 1.38 1.38 1.69 2.00 .92 1.05 1.25 1.48 1.77 1.93 2.34 2.50 2.88 3.12 W COPPER & ALUMINUM .70 12 Sol. - 6 Sol. .78 10 Sol. - 4 Sol. .84 10 Sol. - 2 Sol. .94 8 Str. - 2 Str. 1.06 2 Str. - 1/0 Str. 1.19 1/0 Str. - 2/0 Str. 1.58 1 Str. - 3/0 Str. 1.58 1 Str. - 250 1.91 4/0 Str. - 350 2.28 400 - 500 MAXIMUM CONDUCTOR E-5 STEEL SOL. 3 STR. RECOMMENDED NOM. BWG TIGHTENING BWG DIA. TORQUE in.-lb. TAP ACSR, AAAC, 5005 COPPER & ALUMINUM 8 (6 - 1) 12 Sol. - 6 Sol. 6 (6 - 1) 10 Sol. - 4 Sol. 6 (6 - 1) - 4 (7 - 1) 10 Sol. - 2 Sol. 3 (6 - 1) - 2 (6 - 1) 8 Sol. - 2 Str. 3 (6 - 1) - 1 (6 - 1) 10 Str. - 1/0 Str. 1 (6 - 1) - 1/0 (6 - 1) 8 Str. - 2/0 Str. 1 (6 - 1) - 2/0 (6 - 1) 8 Sol. - 3/0 Str. 2/0 (6 - 1) - 4/0 (6 - 1) 8 Str. - 250 3/0 (6 - 1) - 4/0 (6 - 1) 4 Str. - 350 336 (30 - 7) - 477 (18 - 1) 2 Str. - 500 ACSR, AAAC, 5005 8 (6 - 1) 6 (6 - 1) 6 (6 - 1) - 4 (7 - 1) 6 (6 - 1) - 2 (6 - 1) 6 (6 - 1) - 1 (6 - 1) 6 (6 - 1) - 1/0 (6 - 1) 8 (6 - 1) - 2/0 (6 - 1) 6 (6 - 1) - 4/0 (6 - 1) 4 (6 - 1) - 4/0 (6 - 1) 2 (6 - 1) - 477 (18 - 1) 8 6 4 — — — — — — — — 8 6 4 — — — — — — 5/32 7/32 1/4 5/16 3/8 7/16 1/2 1/2 5/8 — 165 275 275 385 385 500 650 650 825 TYPE KVS OKLIP™ Mechanical Connector for Copper and Copperweld Compact, two-piece, high strength; high copper alloy BURNDY® OKLIP™ recommended for heavy duty connections. Neoprene rings hold bolts in place during installation. Installed with ordinary wrench. CONDUCTOR COPPER CATALOG NUMBER KVS26 KVS28 KVS31 KVS34 KVS40 KVS44 RUN TAP SOL. 1 Str. - 2/0 Str. 1/0 Str. - 4/0 Str. 250 - 350 400 - 500 400 - 800 500 - 1000 6 Str. - 2/0 Str. 10 Str. - 4/0 Str. 10 Str. - 350 10 Str. - 500 3/0 Str. - 800 3/0 Str. - 1000 3/0 4/0 — — — — COPPERWELD MAX. RUN AND TAP STR. 7 #8 7 #6 19 #8 19 #6 19 #5 — TYPE V — V3/0 V250 V350 — — BURNDY Overhead TYPE KVSW OKLIP™ Mechanical Connector for Copper and Copperweld Similar to OKLIP™ Type KVS except for high copper alloy spacer that separates run and tap conductor. Provides high contact pressure, confines conductor strands, and assures vibration proof connection. Longer peened bolt, permits swivel action for easier installation. E-6 CATALOG NUMBER KVSW26 KVSW28 KVSW31 KVSW34 KVSW40 KVSW44 CONDUCTOR RUN TAP 2 Str. - 2/0 Str. 1/0 Str. - 4/0 Str. 250 - 350 400 - 500 400 - 800 500 - 1000 6 Sol. - 2/0 Str. 6 Sol. - 4/0 Str. 4 Sol. - 350 4 Str. - 500 4/0 - 800 250 - 1000 BURNDY Overhead TYPES KVSU, KVS UNIVERSAL OKLIP™ Mechanical Connector for All Combinations of Copper, Aluminum†, ACSR†, AAAC and 5005 Compact, tin-plated, high strength, high copper allow two-piece connector with spacer and tin-plated silicone bronze DURIUM™ hardware. Recommended for heavy duty connections. Spacer separates dissimilar conductors and provides long contact length. Neoprene ring prevents loss of shorter bolt during installation. Longer peened bolt, permits swivel action for easier installation. E-7 Use of PENETROX™ joint compound recommended with aluminum and ACSR. CONDUCTOR RUN TAP CATALOG NUMBER COPPER & ALUMINUM† ACSR†, AAAC, & 5005 COPPER & ALUMINUM† ACSR†, AAAC, & 5005 KVSU26 KVSU28 KVSU31 KVSU34 KVSU40 KVSU44 2 Str. - 2/0 Str. 1/0 Str. - 4/0 Str. 250 - 350 400 - 500 400 - 800 500 - 1000 3 - 2/0 1/0 - 4/0 4/0 - 300 336.4 - 397.5 336.4 - 715.5 397.5 - 900 6 Str. - 2/0 Str. 6 Str. - 4/0 Str. 5 - 350 4 -500 4/0 - 800 4/0 - 1000 6 - 2/0 6 - 4/0 6 - 300 5 - 397.5 3/0 - 715.5 4/0 - 900 † Accommodates compressed conductors within diameter range. CONDUCTOR COPPER CATALOG NUMBER KVS26 KVS28 KVS31 KVS34 KVS40 KVS44 RUN TAP SOL. COPPERWELD MAX. RUN AND TAP STR. 1 Str. - 2/0 Str. 1/0 Str. - 4/0 Str. 250 - 350 400 - 500 400 - 800 500 - 1000 6 Str. - 2/0 Str. 10 Str. - 4/0 Str. 10 Str. - 350 10 Str. - 500 3/0 Str. - 800 3/0 Str. - 1000 3/0 4/0 — — — — 7 #8 7 #6 19 #8 19 #6 19 #5 — TYPE V — V3/0 V250 V350 — — BURNDY Overhead TYPE KVS-A ALUMINUM OKLIP™ Mechanical Connector for All Combinations of Copper, Aluminum†, ACSR†, AAAC & 5005 Three-piece, high-conductivity, non-copper bearing aluminum alloy connector with thick spacer and aluminum hardware. Hardware in KVS26A and KVS28A is stainless steel. Recommended for heavy duty dissimilar metal applications. Spacer separates conductors and provides long contact length. Belted entrances prevent chafing and permit easier assembly of conductors. Longer, peened bolt, permits swivel action for easier installation. Neoprene ring prevents loss of shorter bolt. PENETROX™ joint compound recommended with aluminum and ACSR. E-8 CONDUCTOR CATALOG NUMBER KVS26A KVS28A KVS31A KVS34A KVS40A KVS44A RUN TAP COPPER & ALUMINUM† ACSR†, AAAC, & 5005 COPPER & ALUMINUM† ACSR†, AAAC, 5005 2STR. - 2/0 STR. 1/0 STR. - 4/0 STR. 250 - 350 400 - 500 400 - 800 500 - 1000 4 - 2/0 1/0 - 4/0 4/0 - 336.4 336.4 - 397.5 336.4 - 715.5 397.5 - 900 10 STR. - 2/0 STR. 10 STR. - 4/0 STR. 6 STR. - 350 4 STR. - 500 3/0 STR. - 800 3/0 STR. - 1000 6 - 2/0 6 - 4/0 6 - 336.4 5 - 397.5 3/0 - 715.5 3/0 - 900 † Accommodates compressed conductors within diameter range. THESE CONNECTORS CAN ACCOMMODATE ACSR CONDUCTORS OVER ARMOR ROD WITHIN THE DIAMETER RANGE INDICATED. Application Over Armor Rod CATALOG NUMBER KVS26A KVS28A KVS31A KVS34A KVS40A KVS44A CONDUCTOR RANGE BY DIAMETER MIN. RUN MIN. TAP MAX. RUN & DIA. DIA. TAP DIA. .281 .360 .565 .728 .728 .806 .116 .116 .184 .216 .470 .470 .447 .564 .681 .814 1.036 1.162 H J L W 2 2-3/8 3 3-3/8 4 4-1/2 5/16 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 5/8 1-3/8 1-5/8 2 2-1/2 3-1/8 3-1/2 1-5/8 2 2-5/8 2-5/8 3 3-3/8 BURNDY Overhead TYPE UC-L UNIVERSAL PARALLEL CLAMP For All Combinations of Copper, Aluminum†, ACSR†, 6201, 5005, Steel and Copperweld Interlocking finger design accommodates large range of conductor sizes. Tin-plated, cast of high copper alloy and clamped with plated steel bolt, PENETROX™ joint compound recommended with aluminum and ACSR. ACSR†, CATALOG COPPER & ALUM. 6201, STEEL NUMBER (EITHER GROOVE) 5005 COPPERWELD NOM. DIA. AWG UC8W26-L *UC2W28-L 8 Sol. - 2/0 Str. 2 Sol. - 4/0 Str. 6 - 1/0 3 - 4/0 8 Sol. - 7 #7 3 #8 - 7 #6 5/32 - 7/16 9/32 - 9/16 INSTALLATION TOOLING COPPER TIGHTENING CONDUCTOR TORQUE SIZE (AWG) (in.-lbs.) 8 Sol. - 4-3 Str. 4-3 Str. - 4-3 Str. #8 #6 - #4 75 110 E-9 DIMENSIONS H J W L 1 1-1/2 1-1/8 1-1/2 5/16 3/8 1-7/16 1-3/4 † Accommodates compressed conductors within diameter range. TYPE UC-K UNIVERSAL PARALLEL CLAMP For All Combinations of Copper, Aluminum†, ACSR, Steel and Copperweld Interlocking finger design accommodates large range of conductor sizes. Tin-plated, cast of high copper alloy and clamped with silicon bronze DURIUM™ bolt, PENETROX™ CATALOG NUMBER UCK-1† UCK-2 UCK-3* FOR USE WITH: joint compound recommended with ACSR. Applications include grounding for the Cable TV industry. CONDUCTOR RANGE GROOVE A GROOVE B MAXIMUM MINIMUM MAXIMUM MINIMUM SIZE SIZE SIZE SIZE Aluminum or Galvanized 1/0 ACSR or 2/0 Str. Copper #8 Sol. Copper Steel Strand to Copper or 7/16 Galvanized #6 ACSR 7/16 Copperweld, 9-1/2D Copperweld Copper Bonded Steel Wire Steel Strand 2A Copperweld Aluminum or Galvanized 1/0 ACSR or 1/0 ACSR or Steel Strand to Aluminum or 7/16 Galvanized #6 ACSR 7/16 Galvanized #6 ACSR Galvanized Steel Strand Steel Strand Steel Strand 2/0 Str. Copper #8 Sol. Copper 2/0 Str. Copper #8 Sol. Copper Copper to Copper 7/16 Copperweld, 9-1/2D 7/16 Copperweld 9-1/2D Copperweld 2A Copperweld Copperweld 2A Copperweld † Accommodates compressed conductors within diameter range. INSTALLATION TORQUES CONDUCTOR TORQUE SIZE (in.-lbs.) #8 75 #6 - #4 110 1/0 - 2/0 150 L DIMENSIONS H J W 1 1-7/16 5/16 1-7/16 BURNDY Overhead TYPES CP-A PARALLEL CLAMP For All Combinations of Copper, Aluminum†, ACSR†, 6201 & 5005 Type CP-A is recommended for tap or parallel connections. High strength, high conductivity aluminum body and hardware provide corrosion resistant assembly. Long contact surface insures excellent contact and full conductivity. PENETROX™ joint compound recommended for all combinations. E-10 Fig. 1 Fig. 2 CATALOG NUMBER CP26A26A CP27A27A CP28A28A CP29A29A CP30A30A CP31A31A CP32A32A GROOVE A COPPER & ACSR, 6201, 5005 ALUMINUM ACSR, 6201, 5005 1/0 2/0 101.8 (12-7) 110.8 (12-7) 3/0 134.6 (12-7) 4/0 159 (12-7) 203 (8-7) 176.9 (12-7) 190.8 (12-7) 266.8 (18-1, 6-7, 26-7) 211.3 (12-7) 300 (26-7, 30-7) 336.4 (18-1) 203.2 (16-19) 336.4 (26-7, 30-7) 397.5 (18-1) 1/0 2/0 101.8 (12-7) 110.8 (12-7) 3/0 134.6 (12-7) 4/0 159 (12-7) 203 (8-7) 176.9 (12-7) 190.8 (12-7) 266.8 (18-1, 6-7, 26-7) 211.3 (12-7) 300 (26-7, 30-7) 336.4 (18-1) 203.2 (16-19) 336.4 (26-7, 30-7) 397.5 (18-1) CP34A34A 397.5 (26-7, 30-7) 477 (18-1) CP37A37A 500 (30-7) 556.5 (24-7, 26-7, 30-7) 636 (36-1) 605 (24-7) 3/0 Sol. - 2/0 Str. 4/0 Sol. - 3/0 Str. † Accommodates compact and compressed conductors within diameter range. For other sizes contact factory. 4/0 Str. 250 266.8 300 336.4 350 397.5 400 GROOVE B COPPER & ALUMINUM FIG. NO. L 1 4 DIMENSIONS H W 3/0 Sol. - 2/0 Str. 4/0 Sol. - 3/0 Str. 4/0 Str. 250 266.8 2-1/8 2-7/8 300 4-1/2 2-3/8 336.4 350 397.5 400 450 477 500 397.5 (26-7, 30-7) 477 (18-1) 450 477 500 636 500 (30-7) 556.5 (24-7, 26-7, 30-7) 636 (36-1) 605 (24-7) 636 2 5 3 2-1/2 5-1/4 3-3/8 3 BURNDY Overhead TYPE VP PARALLEL CLAMP For Copper Multiple V-bolt connector especially suited for flexible or extra flexible conductors. Made of high strength, high conductivity copper. Clamping elements accommodate a range of conductor sizes in either groove. V-bolts provide high pressure and compress the conductor over long contact area. Also recommended for jumper connections. CATALOG NUMBER VP2828 VP3030 VP3430 VP3434 VP4030 VP4040 VP4440 VP4646 VP4844 GROOVE A GROOVE B H DIMENSIONS L W 1/0 Str. - 4/0 Str. 1/0 Str. - 300 1/0 Str. - 4/0 Str. 2-1/8 2-1/2 2-3/4 3-1/8 1-3/4 2 3-1/8 3-1/4 2-1/2 1/0 Str. - 300 300 - 500 300 - 500 1/0 Str. - 300 500 - 800 500 - 800 750 - 1000 1000 - 1500 1500 - 2000 1000 - 1500 750 - 1000 3-1/2 3-3/4 3-7/8 4-1/2 4-3/4 4-3/8 5 5-3/8 6-3/8 E-11 2-7/8 3-1/4 3-1/2 4-1/8 TYPE UW-R CLIPIT™ Deadend Clamp for Aluminum†, ACSR†, 6201 and 5005 High strength aluminum casting with galvanized steel U-bolt, extra long aluminum spacer, and caps that confine strands. Holding strength of installations using two CLIPIT™ deadends exceeds rated breaking strength of conductor. Use of PENETROX™ joint compound is recommended. CATALOG NUMBER UW2R UW25R RUN A ACSR, 6201, 5005 ALUMINUM 6-2 6 - 1/0 6 Str. - 2 Str. 6 Str. - 2/0 Str. † Accommodates compressed conductors within diameter range. TAP B ACSR, 6201, 5005 6-2 6 - 1/0 ALUMINUM L DIMENSIONS H W 6 Str. - 2 Str. 6 Str. - 2/0 Str. 1-1/2 1-7/8 2-5/8 2-7/8 1-7/8 2 BURNDY Overhead TYPE UC PARALLEL CLAMP For Range of Copper Type UC connector accommodates large range of conductors in either groove, reducing inventory to a minimum. Interlocking finger design provides firm grip with maximum contact length. High strength, corrosion resistant silicone bronze hardware. One wrench installation. End View Type UC Fig. 1 Fig. 3 Fig. 2 E-12 CATALOG NUMBER CONDUCTOR (EITHER GROOVE) FIG. NO. L H J W 6 Sol. - 1/0 Str. 4 Sol. - 4/0 Str. 2 Sol. - 300 4/0 Str. - 500 300 - 800 500 - 1000 1 2 2 3 3 3 1-3/4 2-1/8 2-3/8 4-1/4 4-1/4 4-1/4 1-5/8 2 2-1/8 2-7/8 3-3/8 3-5/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 1-3/8 1-3/4 2 2-1/2 3 3-1/2 UC6W25 UC4W28 UC2W30 UC2834 UC3040 UC3444 DIMENSIONS’ TYPE CP PARALLEL CLAMP Fig. 1 For Copper High strength, high copper alloy Type CP is recommended for heavy duty parallel connections. Silicone bronze DURIUM™ hardware and cast copper body provides corrosion resistant assembly. Long contact surface provides excellent contact and assures full conductivity. CATALOG NUMBER CP2C2C CP2525 CP2626 CP282C CP2828 CP2929 CP3434 GROOVE Fig. 2 A B FIG. NO. L DIMENSIONS J W 2 Str. 1/0 Str. 2/0 Str. 4/0 Str. 4/0 Str. 250 500 2 Str. 1/0 Str. 2/0 Str. 2 Str. 4/0 Str. 250 500 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2-1/2 3 3 2-3/4 4 4 5 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 1/2 1-1/4 1-5/8 1-5/8 1-3/8 2 2 2-1/2 For other sizes contact factory. BURNDY Overhead TYPE QPX VERSITAP™ PARALLEL CLAMP For Copper, Copperweld and Copperweld-Copper The VERSITAP™ Type QPX is recommended for Tee, Cross, Parallel, Butt and Tap connections. Range-taking, only 10 connectors required to accommodate conductor sizes from #6 Str. to 1000 kcmil. Edges are rounded for easy taping. Made of high strength, high conductivity copper alloy and silicone bronze DURIUM™ hardware. E-13 PARALLEL TEE TAP RUN CATALOG NUMBER QPX2C2C QPX282C QPX2828 QPX342C QPX3428 QPX3434 QPX442C QPX4428 QPX4434 QPX4444 TAP COPPER COPPERWELD COPPERWELD -COPPER 6 Str. - 2 Str. 5 Sol. - 3 #7 8A - 4A 1 Str. - 4/0 Str. 7 #9 - 7 #5 3A - 3/0V 250 - 500 500 - 1000 19 #19 - 19 #6 19 #6 BUTT CROSS 4/0 EK — COPPER COPPERWELD COPPERWELD -COPPER L 6 Str. - 2 Str. 5 Sol. - 3 #7 8A - 4A 1-3/8 1 Str. - 4/0 Str. 6 Str. - 2 Str. 1 Str. - 4/0 Str. 250 - 500 6 Str. - 2 Str. 1 Str. - 4/0 Str. 250 - 500 500 - 1000 7 #9 - 7 #5 5 Sol. - 3 #7 7 #9 - 7 #5 19 #9 - 19 #6 5 Sol. - 3 #7 7 #9 - 7 #5 19 #19 - 19 #6 19 #6 3A - 3/0V 8A - 4A 3A - 3/0V 4/0 EK 8A - 4A 3A - 3/0V 4/0 EK — 1-7/8 1-3/8 1-3/4 2 1-3/8 1-7/8 2 2-5/8 DIMENSIONS H J W 1-5/8 2 5/16 1-3/8 1-5/8 2-1/8 3/8 5/16 1-7/8 2-1/2 2-3/4 2-5/8 2-7/8 3 3-3/8 3/8 5/16 3/8 2 2-1/8 2-1/4 2-3/8 2-5/8 BURNDY Overhead TYPE VT T-CONNECTOR For Copper Cable to Cable High copper alloy T-connector for cable run, cable tap. DURIUM™ V-bolt clamping elements accommodate large range of cable and are particularly suited for extra flexible cable. (One-wrench installation). CATALOG NUMBER E-14 VT2C2C VT2525 VT2825 VT2828 VT3025 VT3030 VT3425 VT3428 VT3430 VT3434 VT4040 VT4425 VT4428 VT4834 VT4844 VT4848 CONDUCTOR RUN (A) TAP (AA) H L W 8 Sol. - 2 Str. 6 Sol. - 1/0 Str. 8 Sol. - 2 Str. 1-3/8 2-3/8 2-5/8 1 1/0 Str. - 4/0 Str. 1/0 Str. - 300 300 - 500 500 - 800 750 - 1000 1500 - 2000 6 Sol. - 1/0 Str. 1/0 Str. - 4/0 Str. 6 Sol. - 1/0 Str. 1/0 Str. - 300 6 Sol. - 1/0 Str. 1/0 Str. - 4/0 Str. 1/0 Str. - 300 300 - 500 500 - 800 6 Sol. - 1/0 Str. 1/0 Str. - 4/0 Str. 300 - 500 750 - 1000 1500 - 2000 1-5/8 1-7/8 2-3/8 2-5/8 2-7/8 4-1/4 3-1/8 3-3/8 3-1/4 3-1/2 3-5/8 3-3/4 4-3/4 4-3/8 4-1/8 5-1/4 5-3/4 6-1/4 1-1/4 1-3/4 1-1/8 2 1-1/4 1-3/4 2 2-1/4 2-5/8 1-1/4 1-3/4 2-1/4 2-1/8 3-3/4 BURNDY Overhead TYPES UCG-R & UCG-RS TAPIT™ PARALLEL CLAMP For All Combinations of Copper, Aluminum†, ACSR†, 6201 & 5005 Multiple purpose parallel groove clamp made of high strength, high conductivity, noncopper bearing aluminum alloy. Properly proportioned to minimize stress corrosion and deterioration by galvanic action. Interlocking fingers on connector body halves prevent mismatching. Square shank, hex CATALOG NUMBER WITH WITHOUT STRIPSEAL STRIPSEAL UCG25R2RS** UCG25RS UCG28RS UCG32RS UCG25R2R** UCG25R UCG28R UCG32R head, round collar, high strength galvanized steel bolt allows one or two-wrench installation. Also supplied pre-filled with PENETROX™ joint compound and Stripsealed. E-15 GROOVE A COPPER & ACSR†, 6201, ALUMINUM† & 5005 GROOVE B COPPER & ACSR†, 6201, ALUMINUM† 5005 6 Sol. - 1/0 Str. 8 Str. - 1/0 Str. 1/0 Str. - 4/0 Str. 1/0 Str. - 397.5 6 Sol. - 2 Str. 8 Str. - 1/0 Str.* 1/0 Str. - 4/0 Str. 8 Str. - 2/0 Str. * Maximum recommended combinations: 1/0 Aluminum or ACSR Run - #2 Str. Copper Tap; 1/0 Copper Run - 1/0 Aluminum or ACSR Tap. 8 - 1/0 6 - 1/0 1/0 - 4/0 1/0 - 336.4 † Accommodates compact and compressed conductors within diameter range. 8-2 6 - 1/0 6 - 4/0 6 - 1/0 L 1-1/8 1-3/8 1.38 1-1/2 DIMENSIONS H J 1-7/8 2-1/8 2.21 2-5/8 5/16 3/8 3/8-16 3/8 W 1-3/8 1-5/8 1.87 2-1/8 ** Supplied with galvanized steel, square shank bolt. TYPES UC-R & UC-RS TAPIT™ PARALLEL CLAMP For All Combinations of Copper, Aluminum†, ACSR†, 6201 & 5005 High strength, high conductivity, non-copper bearing aluminum alloy, properly proportioned to minimize stress corrosion and deterioration by galvanic action. strength galvanized steel bolt allows one wrench installation. Keying tabs on connector body halves prevent mismatching. Square shank, high Also supplied pre-filled with PENETROX™ joint compound and Stripsealed. CATALOG NUMBER WITH WITHOUT STRIPSEAL STRIPSEAL UC25R2RS UC28RS UC32RS — UC25R2R UC28R UC32R UC33R GROOVE A COPPER & ACSR†, 6201, ALUMINUM† & 5005 GROOVE B COPPER & ACSR†, 6201, ALUMINUM† 5005 8 Sol. - 1/0 Str. 1/0 Str. - 4/0 Str. 1/0 Str. - 397.5 4/0 Str. - 400 8 Sol. - 2 Str. 8 Sol. - 1/0 Str.* 6 Sol. - 2/0 Str. 6 Sol. - 2/0 Str. * Maximum recommended combinations: 4/0 aluminum or ACSR RUN - #2 Str. copper TAP. 6 - 1/0 1/0 - 4/0 1/0 - 336.4 (26-7) 3/0 - 336.4 (30-7) † Accommodates compact and compressed conductors within diameter range. 6-2 6 - 1/0 6 - 1/0 6 - 2/0 L 1-1/8 1-3/8 1-1/2 1-3/4 DIMENSIONS H J 1-5/8 2-3/8 2-3/8 2-3/4 5/16 3/8 3/8 1/2 W 1-3/8 1-7/8 2-1/4 2-1/4 BURNDY Overhead TYPE LSC CATCHER For Aluminum and ACSR Primary Covered Conductor (Tree Wire) Cast aluminum lightning shield clamp with a galvanized steel eye bolt for use on covered aluminum and ACSR primary overhead distribution conductors ("Tree Wire"). They are designed to protect the "Tree Wire" from burn-down causing service interruption during high lightning activity. For further application details contact the factory. E-16 Conductor groove is pre-filled with PENETROX™ A13, which is compatible with cable insulation and individually bagged. CATALOG NUMBER LSC1/0 LSC1/0-1 LSC556 LSC556-1 ① ② CABLE ACCOMMODATES CABLE DIA. “A” INSUL. DIA. “B” (MAX.) “L” 1/0 Str. AAC - 1/0 ACSR 1/0 Str. AAC - 1/0 ACSR 4/0 Str. - 556.5 AAC 4/0 Str. - 556.5 AAC .368 - .398 .368 - .398 .528 - .858 .528 - .858 .65 .83 1.16 1.34 4.5 4.5 5.9 5.9 Approx. assembly length over eyebolt with cable clamped. Also approx. eyebolt position when shipped. Assembly can be installed using a shotgun hotstick as shown. Assembly instructions are supplied with each connector. BURNDY Overhead COMPRESSION TAP CONNECTORS BURNDY® compression tap connectors are wide range-taking; accommodate copper, aluminum, and ACSR; are easy to install; and are dependable and economical. They are designed to be installed with BURNDY® "matched" hand, hydraulic, and power-driven hydraulic tooling. The connector line consists of C-shaped, Figure 3, Figure 6-shaped and HYCRIMP™ tap connectors, disconnectable T-taps, terminals and stirrups. The copper CRIMPIT™ is a range-taking, reversible, C-shaped compression tap connector for combinations of copper conductors. Twelve connectors take tap combinations from #10 AWG through 4/0, and all sizes are installed with dies that also install aluminum connectors. Sizes accommodating conductors up to No. 2 may be installed with the MD6 and OUR840; all sizes may be installed with the Y35 or Y750. They make "hot" installation easy by permitting the lineman to grip the CRIMPIT™ in the compression tool and then place it on the line. The tap is then inserted and the CRIMPIT™ is compressed. Massive C-shape forces tap and line conductors together to form dependable, low-cost, low-resistance connections. The CABELOK CRIMPIT™ is a range-taking, universal and reversible, Figure 3-shaped aluminum compression tap connector with an adjustable spacer which separates the conductors. It accommodates combinations of copper, aluminum, and ACSR conductors from No. 6 up to 4/0, and is installed with the common O and D3 dies. The broad range capacity of each CABELOK CRIMPIT™ reduces the number of connectors required and simplifies connector selection. The spacer holds the run or tap in place permitting the lineman either to approach the line with the connector held in the tool and with the tap in the connector, or to assemble the connector and tap on the line and then bring up the tool to crimp. Each CABELOK CRIMPIT™ is pre-filled with PENETROX™ joint compound and individually bagged. These packages are clearly marked with the entire conductor range of the connector as well as pertinent tooling information. The open side of the CABELOK CRIMPIT™ makes "hot" installations easy by allowing the connector to be carried to the energized line in the crimping tool (MD6, Y35 or Y750 hot-line types). The Figure 6-shaped aluminum compression tap connector is one of the widest rangetaking compression tap connectors available. It accommodates copper, aluminum, or ACSR conductors in very broad ranges. Only four connectors are required to accommodate a range from No. 6 to 600 kcmil. This broad range is made possible by the long ram stroke of the Y35 and Y750. HYCRIMP™ compression tap connectors accommodate ACSR, stranded copper or aluminum, solid copper or aluminum, and compact conductors. Seventeen sizes are available to accommodate all conductors from #6 solid to 954 MCM compact. All HYCRIMP™ connectors can be installed with industry standard O, D, N and R dies. Each connector is factory filled with BURNDY® PENETROX™ and individually boxed for ease of handling, identification, and installation. BURNDY's disconnectable T-taps and jumper loop splices offer an economical approach to sectionalizing or isolating equipment on ener- E-17 gized lines. They combine the best features of compression and mechanical connectors. The pads can be easily assembled or separated from each other with hot-line tools. The STIRRUP™ combines a compression C-shaped Figure 6-shaped or H-shaped element for the run conductor, and a factory installed bail which accommodates a hot-line clamp. The line element can be gripped in the tool and carried to the line and then crimped. Note: Aluminum bodied compression tap connectors are not recommended for making copper to copper connections. Two connectors are recommended when feeding a line in both directions. BURNDY Overhead YC-C COPPER CRIMPIT™ Line Tap for Range of Copper Range-taking compression tap connector made of pure copper. Designed to be gripped in the jaws or dies of installation tool, then slipped directly over line for easy installation. Also used for deadending. Copperweld-Copper Conductors 8A - Use CRIMPITS™ 6 str. Copper E-18 6A - Use CRIMPITS™ 4 Str. Copper 4A - Use CRIMPITS™ 2 Str. Copper 2A - Use CRIMPITS™ 1/0 & 2/0 Copper CATALOG NUMBER accommodating YC10C10* accommodating YC8C8 accommodating YC4C8 YC4C6 accommodating YC4C4 YC2C4 YC2C2 YC26C2 YC26C26 YC28C2 YC28C26 YC28C28 RUN TAP L TOOLS, DIE SET CATALOG NO., & (NUMBER OF CRIMPS) CRIMPIT™ FOR DIE Y35, Y750, 1 STR. COPPER INDEX MD7, MD6 OUR840 Y45†, Y46‡ RUN TAP 12 Sol. 12 Sol. - 10 Str. 3/8 238 W238 (1) 10 Str. 8 Sol. 10 Sol. - 8 Str. 1/2 162 or K W 162 (2) 8 Str. 8 Sol. - 8 Str. 6 Sol. BG (2) 6 Sol. - 6 Str. 5/8 BG or 5/8 4 Str. W-BG** (1) 4 Sol. - 4 Str. 2 Sol. - 8 Sol. - 4 Str. 3/4 C W-C (2) 2 Str. 2 Sol. - 2 Str. 8 Sol. - 2 Str. 1/0 Sol. 1/0 Sol. 7/8 E or O — 2/0 Str. 2/0 Str. 6 Sol. - 2 Str. 1/0 Sol. 3/0 Sol. 2/0 Str. 1-1/16 F or D3 — 4/0 Str. 3/0 Sol. 4/0 Str. W238 (1) U238 (1) W162 (2) U162** (1) — XBG (2) U-BG (1) — U-C (1) — U-E (3) U-O (1) — U-F (3) U-D3 ** (1) — 1 Str. 6.8 Str., 8 Sol. — — 1 Str. 1 or 2 Str. — — ** Multiple crimp die set. Makes more than one crimp per tool compression. Figure ( ) indicates number of compressions. † U Die with adapter PT-6515. ‡ U Die with adapter PUADP-1. * Not UL listed. TYPE YP-C COPPER CRIMPIT™ Line Tap for Extra Wide Range of Copper Figure "6" -shaped, wide range-taking copper, compression tap connector for primary service taps and secondary service drops. Connector can be gripped in tool and slipped over the line for easy installation. CATALOG NUMBER YP2C2 YP28C28 YP29C26 D RUN TAP .75 1.00 .75 6 Sol. - 2 Str. 2/0 Str. - 4/0 Str. 1/0 Str. - 250 6 Sol. - 2 Str. 2/0 Str. - 4/0 Str. 4 Sol. - 2/0 Str. † U Die with adapter PT-6515. ‡ U Die with adapter PUADP-1. TOOLS, DIE SET CATALOG DIE NO., & (NUMBER OF CRIMPS) INDEX Y35, Y750, Y45†, Y46‡ 0 U-O (1) D≥ U-D3 (1) BURNDY Overhead TYPE YC-A ALUMINUM CRIMPIT™ Line Tap for Combinations of Aluminum, ACSR, 6201, 5005, Compressed and Compact Conductors Range-taking, C-shaped aluminum compression tap, or dead-ending connector designed to eliminate effects of cold flow. Can be gripped in tool and slipped over line for easy crimping. Pre-filled with PENETROX™ joint compound and Stripsealed. CATALOG NUMBER YC4A6 YC4A4 YC2A4 YC2A2 YC25A4 YC25A2 YC25A25 YC26A25 YC26A26 YC28A2 YC28A25 YC28A26 YC28A28 YC33R26 RUN ALUMINUM ACSR, 6201, 5005 6 Sol. - 4 Str. 6 2 Sol. & Str. 4-2 1/0 Str. 1/0 1/0 Str. - 2/0 Str. 1/0 Str. - 2/0 Str. 1/0 - 2/0 3/0 Str. - 4/0 Str. 3/0 - 4/0 300 - 397.5 336.4 (18-1) (26-7) * Multiple crimp die set; makes more than one crimp per tool compression. Figure indicates number of compressions. ** Index number "D" is not "D3" Cabelok CRIMPIT™ die. † U Die with adapter PT-6515. ‡ U Die with adapter PUADP-1. TAP ALUMINUM ACSR, 6201, 5005 6 Sol. & Str. 4 Sol. & Str. 4 Sol. & Str. 2 Sol. & Str. 6 Str. - 4 Str. 2 Sol. & Str. 1/0 Str. - 2/0 Str. 1/0 Str. 2/0 Str. 6 Sol. - 2 Str. 1/0 Str. 2/0 Str. 3/0 Str. - 4/0 Str. 2 Str. - 2/0 Str. — 6 6 4-2 6-4 2 1/0 1/0 2/0 6-2 1/0 2/0 3/0 - 4/0 2 - 1/0 TOOLS, DIE SET CATALOG NO., & (NUMBER OF CRIMPS) MD7, MD6 Y35, Y750, Y45†, Y46‡ L DIE INDEX 1-1/4 BG or 5/8 BG (4) W-BG (2)* U-BG (2)* 1-1/2 C W-C (4) U-C (2)* 1-1/2 2-1/4 1-3/4 C C Q W-C (4) W-C (6) W-Q (6)* U-C (2)* U-C (3)* 2-1/2 D** — U-D (3) 2-3/4 H — U-H (3) 1-1/2 R — U-R (2) E-19 BURNDY Overhead TYPE YP-U CABELOK CRIMPIT™ Line Tap for Copper, Aluminum or ACSR Wide range, universal and reversible, Figure "3" -shaped aluminum connector with adjustable overhanging spacer that separates conductors. Spacer holds run or tap in place permitting lineman to either approach the line ready to crimp, or to assemble connector and tap on run and then crimp. Massive aluminum design minimizes conductor corrosion due to galvanic action. Pre-filled with PENETROX™ joint compound and Stripsealed. Conductor E-20 range and tooling information clearly printed on connector and package. CATALOG NUMBER YP2U3* YP26AU2 YP25U25** YP27AU4 YP27AU2 YP27AU26 YP28U2 YP28U26 CATALOG NUMBER YP2U3* YP26AU2 YP25U25** YP27AU4 YP27AU2 YP27AU26 YP28U2 YP28U26 CONDUCTOR (SEE CHART BELOW FOR COMPRESSED CONDUCTOR) GROOVE A GROOVE B SOLID STRANDED ACSR SOLID STRANDED ACSR 6, 4, 3, 2 1, 1/0, 2/0, 3/0 2/0, 3/0 6, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1/0, 2/0 1, 1/0, 2/0 6, 4 3, 2, 1, 1/0 1, 1/0 2/0, 3/0, 4/0 1/0, 2/0, 3/0 1/0, 2/0 3/0, 4/0 2/0, 3/0 2/0 — 4/0 3/0, 4/0 6, 4, 3, 2, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1/0 2/0, 3/0 6, 4, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1/0 2/0, 3/0 2, 1, 1/0 2/0, 3/0 6, 4, 3 6, 4, 3, 2, 1 1, 1/0, 2/0 6, 4, 3 3, 2, 1 1/0, 2/0 4, 3, 2, 1 1/0, 2/0 6, 4 6 ,4, 3, 2 1, 1/0 6, 4 4, 3, 2 1, 1/0, 2/0 4, 3, 2 1, 1/0, 2/0 COMPRESSED CONDUCTOR GROOVE A GROOVE B STRANDED STRANDED ALUMINUM ACSR ALUMINUM ACSR 6, 4, 3, 2 2, 1, 1/0, 2/0 1/0, 2/0 6, 4, 3 2. 1. 1/0, 2/0 1/0, 2/0 2/0, 3/0 1/0, 2/0, 3/0 3/0 2/0, 3/0 4/0, 250, 266.8 4/0, 266.8, (18/1) * TAKE UP to #2 ACSR maximum in either groove if other wire is #2 solid or smaller. ** TAKES DOWN to #2 ACSR minimum in either groove if other groove wire is 1/0 stranded or larger. † U Die with adapter PT-6515. ‡ U Die with adapter PUADP-1. 6, 4, 3, 2 6, 4, 3, 2, 1 1/0, 2/0 6, 4, 3 3, 2, 1 1/0, 2/0, 3/0 3, 2, 1 1/0, 2/0, 3/0 6, 4, 3 6, 4, 3, 2, 1 1/0, 2/0 6, 4, 3 4, 3, 2, 1 1/0, 2/0 4, 3, 2, 1 1/0, 2/0 L DIE INDEX 1-1/2 0 1-5/8 D3 3-1/2 L DIE INDEX 1-1/2 0 1-5/8 3-1/2 D3 TOOL, DIE SET CATALOG NO., & (NUMBER OF CRIMPS) Y35, Y750, MD7, MD6 Y45†, Y46‡ W-O (4) U-O(1) MD6 (4) U-D3 (1) MD6 (9) U-D3 (2) TOOL, DIE SET CATALOG NO., & (NUMBER OF CRIMPS) Y36, Y750, MD7, MD6 Y45†, Y46‡ W-O (4) U-O (1) MD (4) U-D3 (1) MD6 (9) U-D3 (1) BURNDY Overhead TYPE YPC-U UNIVERSAL CRIMPIT™ Line Tap for Combinations of Copper, Aluminum, ACSR, 6201, 5005 and Compressed and Compact Conductors Extra wide range universal connector. Two dies and 5 connectors take run sizes 1/0-600, and tap sizes 6-400. Wide range made possible by long ram travel of BURNDY® HYPRESS™ tools. Figure "6"- shape separates run and tap wires, and minimizes galvanic corrosion of conductors. Connector can be gripped in tool and slipped over line for easy installation. Pre-filled with PENETROX™ joint compound and Stripsealed. RUN CATALOG NUMBER ALUMINUM & COPPER TAP ACSR, 5005 YPC28U4 3/0 - 4/0 Str. & 4/0, 250, 266.8 Alum. Compressed 3/0 - 4/0 & 4/0, 266.8 (18/1) ACSR Compressed YPC28U26 1/0 (7) - 4/0 (7) 1/0 - 4/0 3/0, 4/0 Str. 4/0 Sol. & 4/0, 250, 266.8 Alum. Compressed 3/0 - 4/0 & 3/0 - 4/0 266.8 (18/1) ACSR Compressed 3/0, 4/0 Str. & 4/0, 250, 266.8 Alum. Compressed 250 (37) - 400 (37) 250 (37) - 477 (37) 250 (37) - 400 (37) 477 (19) - 600 (61) 397.5 (19) - 600 (61) 397.5 (19) - 600 (61) 600 (61) - 800 (61) 600 (61) - 800 (61) 600 (61) - 954 (61) 3/0 - 4/0 & 4/0, 266.8 (18/1) ACSR Compressed 266.8 (18-1) - 397.5 (18-1) 266.8 (18-1) - 397.5 (18-1) 266.8 (18-1) - 397.5 (18-1) 397.5 (26-7) - 556.5 (18-1) 336.5 (26-7) - 556.5 (18-1) 336.5 (26-7) - 556.5 (18-1) 556.5 (18-1) - 795 (26-7) 556.5 (18-1) - 795 (26-7) 556.5 (18-1) - 795 (26-7) YPC28U28 ① YPC28R28A YPC33R26U YPC33R28R YPC33R33R YPC38R26U YPC36A32 YPC36A36 YPC40A32 YPC40A36 YPC40A40 ① 2/0 Str. Cu Aluminum and 2/0 ACSR may also be installed in run when tap is 3/0 Str. or larger. ② YPC28U4 only may be installed with MD6 HYTOOL™ and the BCT500HS with D3 groove. † U Die with adapter PT-6515. ‡ U Die with adapter PUADP-1. ALUMINUM & COPPER 6, 4, 3 Str. 6, 4, 3, 2 Sol. & 6, 4, 3, Alum. Compressed 3 Sol. - 2/0 (7) 2/0, 3/0, 4/0 Str. 4/0 Sol. & 3/0, 4/0, 250 266.8 Alum. Compressed 3/0 - 4/0 Str. & 4/0 Alum. Compressed 6 Sol. - 2/0 (19) 2/0 (19) - 4/0 (19) 250 (37) - 400 (37) 6 Sol. - 2/0 (19) 2/0 (7) - 400 (37) 397.5 (19) - 600 (61) 2/0 (7) - 400 (37) 397.5 (19) - 600 (61) 600 (61) - 954 (61) ACSR, 5005 L 6, 4 & 6, 4, 3 ACSR Compressed 1-5/8 4 - 1/0 E-21 TOOLS, DIE SET CATALOG DIE NO., & (NUMBER OF CRIMPS) INDEX Y35, Y750 Y45† Y46‡ D3 ② U-D3 (1) U-D3 (1) U-D3 (1) 2-3/4 D3 U-D3 (2) 2/0, 3/0, 4/0 & 3/0, 4/0, 266.8 (18/1) ACSR Compressed 2-3/4 D3 U-D3 (2) U-D3 (2) U-D3 (2) 3/0 & 4/0 ACSR Compressed 2-3/4 D3 U-D3 (2) U-D3 (2) U-D3 (2) 6 - 1/0 2/0 - 4/0 266.8 (18-1) - 397.5 (18-1) 6 - 1/0 2/0 (6-1) - 397.5 (18-1) 397.5 (26-7) - 556.5 (18-1) 2/0 (6-1) - 397.5 (18-1) 336.4 (26-7) - 556.5 (18-1) 556.5 (18-1) - 795 (26-7) 2-1/8 8-7/8 8-7/8 2-1/8 5 6-3/4 5 5 9-7/8 N N N N Z Z T T T U-N (2) U-N (3) U-N (3) U-N (2) — — — — — S-N (2) S-N (3) S-N (3) S-N (2) S-Z (3) S-Z (4) S-T (3) S-T (3) S-T (6) — — P-N (2) P-N (3) P-N (3) P-N (2) — — — — — BURNDY Overhead TYPE YC-U UNIVERSAL CRIMPIT™ Line Tap Combinations of Copper, Aluminum, ACSR, 6201, 5005 and Compressed and Compact Conductors Figure "6" -shaped, wide range-taking aluminum compression tap connector for smaller primary service taps and secondary service drops. Minimizes galvanic corrosion of conductors. Connector can be gripped in tool and slipped over line for easy installation. Installed with aluminum CRIMPIT™ dies. Pre-filled with PENETROX™ joint compound and Stripsealed. RUN E-22 TAP CATALOG NUMBER ALUMINUM & COPPER ACSR, 6201, & 5005 YC4U1 YC1U1 YC28U26 YC33R26U 4 Sol. - 4 Str. 2 Str. - 1 Str. 1/0 Str. - 4/0 Str. 300 - 400 4 2 1/0 - 4/0 266.8 (6-7) - 336.4 (30-7) TOOLS, DIE SET CATALOG DIE NO., & (NUMBER OF CRIMPS) INDEX Y35, Y750, Y45†, Y46‡ ACSR, 6201, & 5005 ALUMINUM & COPPER L 6 - 1 Str. 6 Sol. - 2 Str. 1-7/8 D* U-D (2) 6 - 1/0 6 Sol. - 2/0 Str. 2-1/8 H R U-H (2) U-R (2) * Die Index "D" is not Die Index "D3" (Cabelok & Universal CRIMPIT™ Die). † U Die with adapter PT-6515. ‡ U Die with adapter PUADP-1. TYPES YPC-A-U, YPC-R-U CRIMPIT™ Street Lighting Tap for Combinations of Copper, Aluminum, ACSR, Compressed and Compact Conductors Compact compression connector designed to tap small lighting wires from secondaries. Figure "6" -shape separates run and tap, and minimizes galvanic corrosion. Connector can CATALOG NUMBER ACSR RUN COMPRESSED ACSR YPC2A8U 6-4 YPC26R8U 2 - 3/0 be gripped in tool and slipped over line for easier installation. Pre-filled with PENETROX™ joint compound and Stripsealed. ALUMINUM & COPPER COMPRESSED ALUMINUM 6-2 4 - 2 Sol. 6 - 2 Str. 4-2 1 - 3/0 1 - 3/0 Str. 1/0 - 3/0 * Multiple crimp die set, makes more than one crimp per tool compression. Figure indicates number of compressions. † U Die with adapter PT-6515. ‡ U Die with adapter PUADP-1. TAP ALUMINUM & COPPER 14 Sol. - 8 Str. L 5/8 3/4 TOOLS, DIE SET CATALOG DIE NO., & (NUMBER OF CRIMPS) INDEX MD7, MD6 Y35, Y750, Y45†, Y46‡ OUR840 BG or 5/8 0 BG (2) W-BG (1)* U-BG (1)* XBG W-O (2) U-O (1) W-O BURNDY Overhead TYPE CC CRIMPIT™ COVER For All O, D and N Die Tap Connectors High density polyethylene cover accommodates most industry connectors in the O, D and N range. Four sizes cover the full #6-600 kcmil conductor range. One piece design. No extra hardware needed. Simply slip over connector and snap shut. Supplied in Black. CATALOG NUMBER CCO CCD CCN CCNL MAXIMUM CONNECTOR LENGTH CONNECTOR SERIES ACCOMMODATED 2-1/2 2-3/4 2-1/8 5-3/16 O Die D Die Short N Die Long N Die and YP28U26 E-23 BURNDY Overhead SEVEN CONNECTOR SELECTOR CHART E-24 For Compression Tap Connectors BURNDY® HYCRIMP™ and LOKTAP™ THREE SIMPLE SELECTION STEPS 1. Follow down from the smaller wire. 2. Across from the larger wire. 3. Intersection is in the area of the proper connector. Example: A. For #2 ACSR to #1/0 Str. select No. 2 connector. BURNDY Overhead TYPES YHO & YHD HYCRIMP™ Line Tap for Copper, Aluminum or ACSR and Compact Conductors conductors freeing the linemans hands to work with the installation tool. Massive aluminum design minimizes corrosion due to galvanic corrosion. Prefilled with Wide range, universal and reversible figure H shaped aluminum connector. Conductors are separated by the shape of the connector. Bendable tabs secure both run and tap CATALOG NUMBER YHO-100 YHO-150 YHD-200 YHD-250 YHD-300 YHD-350 YHD-400 ① WIRE CODE DIAMETER NO. RANGE 1 2 3 5 4 6 7 .162 - .332 .260 - .419 .398 - .470 .475 - .563 .336 - .470 .461 - .563 .461 - .563 HANDTOOL OR HYDRAULIC 7 CONNECTOR PROGRAM CONDUCTORS (SEE BELOW FOR COMPACT CONDUCTORS) GROOVE A (RUN) GROOVE B (TAP) WIRE DIAMETER SOL. STR. ACSR RANGE SOL. STR. ACSR #6 - #1 #1 - 2/0 3/0 - 4/0 250 - 300 2/0 - 4/0 250 - 300 250 - 200 #6 - #1; 7 Str. #3.3 Str. - 2/0 2/0 - 3/0 4/0 #1, 3 Str. - 3/0 3/0 - 4/0 3/0 - 4/0 #6 - #2 #3 - 1/0 1/0 - 2/0 3/0 - 4/0 #1 - 2/0 3/0 - 4/0 3/0 - 4/0 .162 - .332 .162 - .332 .162 - .332 .162 - .332 .336 - .447 .338 - .447 .461 - .563 #6 - #1 #6 - 1/0 #6 - 1/0 #6 - 1/0 2/0 - 3/0 2/0 - 3/0 250 - 300 #6 - #1, 7 Str. #6 - 1, 19 Str. #6 - #1, 19 Str. #6 - #1, 19 Str. #1, 3 Str. - 2/0 #1, 3 Str. - 2/0 3/0 - 4/0 #6 - #2 #6 - #2 #6 - #2 #6 - #2 #1 - 2/0 #1 - 2/0 3/0 - 4/0 PENETROX™ joint compound and individually packaged. Conductor ranges and tooling clearly printed on connector and package. DIMENSIONS H L W 1.12 1.12 1.44 1.47 1.42 1.42 1.49 1.50 1.75 1.88 1.88 1.88 2.50 2.50 .70 .70 .89 .89 .89 .89 .89 COMPACT CONDUCTORS GROOVE A (RUN) CATALOG NUMBER YHO-100 YHO-150 YHD-200 YHD-250 YHD-300 YHD-350 YHD-400 ① WIRE CODE DIAMETER NO. RANGE 1 2 3 5 4 6 7 COMPACT ACSR .162 - .336 .260 - .414 .398 - .470 .475 - .563 .336 - .470 .461 - .563 .461 - .563 CATALOG NUMBER WIRE DIAMETER RANGE YHO-125 YHD-250 YHD-350 YHD-400 .162 - .398 .338 - .563 .338 - .563 .426 - .563 #6 - #3 #2 - 1/0 2/0 - 3/0 4/0 - 266 (18/1) 1/0 - 3/0 3/0 - 266 (18/1) 3/0 - 266 (18/1) GROOVE B (TAP) WIRE COMPACT DIAMETER CU or AL RANGE #6 - #1 #2 - 2/0 3/0 4/0 - 266 1/0 - 3/0 4/0 - 266 4/0 - 266 .162 - .268 .162 - .332 .162 - .332 .162 - .332 .338 - .477 .338 - .447 .461 - .563 COMPACT ACSR COMPACT CU or AL #6 - #3 #6 - #1 #6 - #1 #6 - #1 1/0 - 2/0 1/0 - 2/0 3/0 - 266 (18/1) #6 - #1 #6 - #1 #6 - #1 #6 - #1 1/0 - 3/0 1/0 - 3/0 4/0 - 266 HYDRAULIC TOOL ONLY 4 CONNECTOR PROGRAM CONDUCTORS (SEE BELOW FOR COMPACT CONDUCTORS) GROOVE A (RUN) GROOVE B (TAP) WIRE DIAMETER SOL. STR. ACSR RANGE SOL. STR. ACSR #6 - 2/0 2/0 - 300 2/0 - 300 4/0 - 300 #6 - 1/0 #1.3 Str. - 4/0 #1, 3 Str. - 4/0 3/0 - 4/0 #6 - 1/0 #1 - 4/0 #1 - 4/0 2/0 - 4/0 .162 - .332 .162 - .332 .338 - .477 .426 - .563 #6 - 1/0 #6 - 1/0 2/0 - 3/0 4/0 - 300 #6 - #1, 19 Str. #6 - #1, 19 Str. #1, 3 Str. - 2/0 3/0 - 4/0 #6 - #2 #6 - #2 #1 - 2/0 2/0 - 4/0 DIMENSIONS H L W 1.12 1.12 1.44 1.47 1.42 1.42 1.49 1.50 1.75 1.88 1.88 1.88 2.50 2.50 .70 .70 .89 .89 .89 .89 .89 DIMENSIONS H L W 1.15 1.47 1.42 1.49 1.62 1.88 2.50 2.50 .70 .89 .89 .89 COMPACT CONDUCTORS GROOVE A (RUN) GROOVE B (TAP) CATALOG NUMBER WIRE DIAMETER RANGE COMPACT ACSR COMPACT CU or AL WIRE DIAMETER RANGE COMPACT ACSR COMPACT CU or AL YHO-125 YHD-250 YHD-350 YHD-400 .162 - .398 .338 - .563 .338 - .563 .426 - .563 #6 - 1/0 1/0 - 266 (18/1) 1/0 - 266 (18/1) 3/0 - 266 (18/1) #6 - 2/0 1/0 - 266 1/0 - 266 3/0 - 266 .162 - .332 .162 - .332 .336 - .477 .426 - .563 #6 - #1 #6 - #1 1/0 - 2/0 3/0 - 266 (18/1) #6 - #1 #6 - #1 1/0 - 3/0 3/0 - 266 † U Die with adapter PT-6515 ‡ U Die with adapter PUADP. ① See page E-25 for Seven Connector Selector Chart. ② Permanent dies in tool install all sizes. DIMENSIONS H L W 1.15 1.47 1.42 1.49 1.62 1.88 2.50 2.50 .70 .89 .89 .89 INSTALLATION DATA TOOL, DIE SET CAT. NO. & (NO. OF CRIMPS) DIE MD7-8 Y35, Y750, E-25 INDEX MD6-8 Y45†, Y46‡ O O D3 D3 D3 D3 D3 (4) (5) (5) ② (5) (5) (7) (7) U-O (2) U-O (2) UD3 (2) UD3 (2) UD3 (2) UD3 (3) UD3 (3) INSTALLATION DATA TOOL, DIE SET CAT. NO. & (NO. OF CRIMPS) DIE Y35, Y750, INDEX MD6-8 Y45†, Y46‡ O O D3 D3 D3 D3 D3 (4) (5) (5) ② (5) (5) (7) (7) U-O (2) U-O (2) UD3 (2) UD3 (2) UD3 (2) UD3 (3) UD3 (3) INSTALLATION DATA TOOL, DIE SET CAT. NO. & (NO. OF CRIMPS) DIE Y35, Y750, INDEX Y45†, Y46‡ O D3 D3 D3 U-O (2) UD3 (2) UD3 (3) UD3 (3) INSTALLATION DATA TOOL, DIE SET CAT. NO. & (NO. OF CRIMPS) DIE Y35, Y750, INDEX Y45†, Y46‡ O D3 D3 D3 U-O (2) UD3 (2) UD3 (3) UD3 (3) BURNDY Overhead TYPE YHN & YHR HYCRIMP™ Line Tap for Copper, Aluminum or ACSR and Compact Conductors CATALOG NUMBER E-26 YHN-450 YHN-500 YHN-525 YHN-550 YHN-600 N DIE CONNECTORS* CONDUCTORS (SEE BELOW FOR COMPACT CONDUCTORS) GROOVE A (RUN) GROOVE B (TAP) WIRE WIRE DIAMETER DIAMETER RANGE STR. ACSR RANGE SOL. STR. ACSR .522 - .750 .522 - .815 .814 - .522 .573 - .815 .573 - .815 4/0 - 400 4/0 - 500 4/0 - 500 250 - 500 250 - 500 4/0 - 397 (18/1) 4/0 - 477 (18/1) 4/0 - 477 (18/1) 266 - 477 (18/1) 266 - 477 (18/1) .522 - .750 .160 - .450 .814 - .522 .410 - .505 .570 - .685 336 - 477 #6 - 3/0 — 3/0 - 300 336 - 400 4/0 - 400 #6 - 2/0 4/0 - 500 2/0 - 4/0 250 - 350 DIMENSIONS H L W 4/0 - 397 (18/1) 2.05 3.50 #6 - 2/0 2.00 2.00 4/0 - 477 (18/1) 1.824 4.50 2/0 - 4/0 1.96 2.00 266 - 336.4 (18/1) 2.00 3.50 DIE INDEX 1.25 1.28 1.23 1.28 1.28 N N N N N U-N (3) U-N (2) U-N (3) U-N (2) U-N (3) COMPACT CONDUCTORS GROOVE A (RUN) GROOVE B (TAP) CATALOG NUMBER WIRE DIAMETER RANGE COMPRESSED ACSR COMPACT CU or AL WIRE DIAMETER RANGE COMPRESSED ACSR COMPACT CU or AL YHN-450 YHN-500 YHN-525 YHN-550 YHN-600** .522 - .750 .522 - .815 .814 - .522 .573 - .815 .573 - .815 226 - 477 (18/1) 266 - 556 266.8 - 556.5 300 - 556 300 - 556 250 - 500 250 - 556 250 - 556 300 - 556 300 - 556 .522 - .750 .160 - .450 .814 - .522 .410 - .565 .570 - .685 266 - 477 (18/1) #6 - 2/0 266.8 - 556.5 2/0 - 266 300 - 397 250 - 500 #6 - 3/0 250 - 556 3/0 - 266 300 - 397 CATALOG NUMBER WIRE DIAMETER RANGE YHR-700 YHR-750 YHR-800 YHR-850 YHR-900 YHR-950 .666 - .893 .666 - .893 .879 - 1.108 .879 - 1.108 .879 - 1.108 .666 - 1.165 R DIE CONNECTORS* CONDUCTORS (SEE BELOW FOR COMPACT CONDUCTORS) GROOVE A (RUN) GROOVE B (TAP) WIRE DIAMETER STR. ACSR RANGE SOL. STR. 336 - 600 336 - 600 600 - 900 600 - 900 600 - 900 336.4 - 1000 300 - 556 (18/1) 300 - 556 (18/1) 556.5 (18/1) - 795 (26/7) 556.5 (18/1) - 795 (26/7) 556.5 (18/1) - 795 (26/7) 556.5 (18/1) - 795 (26/7) .398 - .684 .666 - .893 .398 - .684 .666 - .893 .879 - 1.108 .666 - 1.165 3/0 - 350 — 3/0 - 350 — — — 2/0 - 350 300 - 600 2/0 - 350 336 - 600 600 - 900 336.4 - 1000 DIMENSIONS H L W 2.05 2.00 1.824 1.96 2.00 3.50 2.00 4.50 2.00 3.50 ACSR 1/0 - 336.4 (18/1) 300 - 556 (18/1) 1/0 - 336.4 (18/1) 300 - 556 (18/1) 556.5 (18/1) - 795 (26/7) 336.4 (18/1) - 954 (45/7) DIE INDEX 1.25 1.28 1.23 1.28 1.28 N N N N N 3.50 4.62 3.50 4.62 4.62 6.00 1.74 1.74 1.74 1.74 1.74 1.66 S-N (3) S-N (2) S-N (3) S-N (2) S-N (3) P-N (3) P-N (2) P-N (3) P-N (2) P-N (3) INSTALLATION DATA TOOL, DIE SET CAT. NO. & (NO. OF CRIMPS) Y35, Y750 Y45 Y46 U-N (3) U-N (2) U-N (3) U-N (2) U-N (3) DIMENSIONS H L W 3.04 3.04 3.05 3.04 2.97 3.14 INSTALLATION DATA TOOL, DIE SET CAT. NO. & (NO. OF CRIMPS) Y35, Y750 Y45 Y46 S-N (3) S-N (2) S-N (3) S-N (2) S-N (3) P-N (3) P-N (2) P-N (3) P-N (2) P-N (3) INSTALLATION DATA TOOL, DIE SET CAT. DIE NO. & (NO. OF CRIMPS) INDEX Y45 Y46 KR KR KR KR KR KR S-KR (3) S-KR (4) S-KR (3) S-KR (4) S-KR (4) S-KR (5) P-KR (3) P-KR (4) P-KR (3) P-KR (4) P-KR (4) P-KR (5) COMPACT CONDUCTORS GROOVE A (RUN) CATALOG NUMBER WIRE DIAMETER RANGE COMPRESSED ACSR YHR-700 YHR-750 YHR-800 YHR-850 YHR-900 YHR-950 .666 - .893 .666 - .893 .879 - 1.108 .879 - 1.108 .879 - 1.108 .666 - 1.165 397 - 636 397 - 636 795 - 954 795 - 954 795 - 954 — GROOVE B (TAP) COMPACT CU or AL WIRE DIAMETER RANGE COMPRESSED ACSR COMPACT CU or AL 477 - 636 477 - 636 795 - 954 795 - 954 795 - 954 — .398 - .684 .666 - .893 .398 - .684 .666 - .893 .879 - 1.108 .666 - 1.165 2/0 - 397 (18/1) 397 - 636 2/0 - 397 (18/1) 397 - 636 795 - 954 — 3/0 - 397.5 477 - 636 3/0 - 397.5 477 - 636 795 - 954 — * HYCRIMP™ connectors can be installed with competitive R dies. ** DIE INDEX S-T and S-Z may also be used on sizes 700900 only. S-KR required for 950 and S-Z. DIMENSIONS H L W 3.04 3.04 3.05 3.04 2.97 3.14 3.50 4.62 3.50 4.62 4.62 6.00 1.74 1.74 1.74 1.74 1.74 1.66 INSTALLATION DATA TOOL, DIE SET CAT. DIE NO. & (NO. OF CRIMPS) INDEX Y45 Y46 KR KR KR KR KR KR S-KR (3) S-KR (4) S-KR (3) S-KR (4) S-KR (4) S-KR (5) P-KR (3) P-KR (4) P-KR (3) P-KR (4) P-KR (4) P-KR (5) BURNDY Overhead LOKTAP™ LOKTAP™ compression connectors are high quality, range-taking devices which accommodate combinations of aluminum to copper, and aluminum to aluminum conductors. BURNDY® seven connector program accommodates a conductor range from #6 Sol. to 4/0 ACSR. In addition, LOKTAP™ products feature a "C" groove on both sides of the CATALOG NUMBER YHO-1 YHO-2 YHD-3 YHD-5 YHD-4 YHD-6 YHD-7 YHD-10** ① WIRE CODE DIAMETER NO. RANGE 1 2 3 5 4 6 7 — .162 - .332 .260 - .419 .398 - .470 .475 - .563 .336 - .470 .461 - .563 .461 - .563 .232 - .419** connector for use in street lighting applications from #14 Sol. to #10 Sol. HANDTOOL OR HYDRAULIC 7 CONNECTOR PROGRAM ① CONDUCTORS (SEE BELOW FOR COMPACT CONDUCTORS) GROOVE A (RUN) GROOVE B (TAP) WIRE DIAMETER SOL. STR. ACSR RANGE SOL. STR. ACSR #6 - #1 #1 - 2/0 3/0 - 4/0 250 - 300 2/0 - 4/0 250 - 300 250 - 300 #2 - #1** #6 - #1, 7 Str. #3.3 Str. - 2/0 2/0 - 3/0 4/0 #1, 3 Str. - 3/0 3/0 - 4/0 3/0 - 4/0 #4 - 2/0** #6 - #2 #3 - 1/0 1/0 - 2/0 3/0 - 4/0 #1 - 2/0 3/0 - 4/0 3/0 - 4/0 #4 - 1/0 .162 - .332 .162 - .332 .162 - .332 .162 - .332 .336 - .477 .336 - .447 .461 - 563 .232 - .419** #6 - #1 #6 - 1/0 #6 - 1/0 #6 - 1/0 2/0 - 3/0 2/0 - 3/0 250 - 300 #2 - #1** #6 - #1, 7 Str. #6 - #1, 19 Str. #6 - #1, 19 Str. #6 - #1, 19 Str. #1, 3 Str. - 2/0 #1, 3 Str. - 2/0 3/0 - 4/0 #4 - 2/0** #6 - #2 #6 - #2 #6 - #2 #6 - #2 #1 - 2/0 #1 - 2/0 3/0 - 4/0 #4 - 1/0 LOKTAP™ connectors are designed to be installed with BURNDY® mechanical or hydraulic tools and matching O and D3 die set. DIMENSIONS H L W 1.11 1.12 1.47 1.47 1.42 1.42 1.40 1.18 1.35 1.69 1.88 1.88 1.88 2.25 2.52 1.50 .67 .64 .76 .87 .83 .83 .84 .68 COMPACT CONDUCTORS GROOVE A (RUN) CATALOG NUMBER YHO-1 YHO-2 YHD-3 YHD-5 YHD-4 YHD-6 YHD-7 YHO-10** CATALOG NUMBER — YHD-5 YHD-6 YHD-7 ① WIRE CODE DIAMETER NO. RANGE 1 2 3 5 4 6 7 — COMPACT ACSR .162 - .332 .260 - .419 .398 - .470 .475 - .563 .336 - .470 .461 - .563 .461 - .563 .232 - .419** WIRE DIAMETER RANGE .162 - .398 .336 - .563 .336 - .563 .414 - .563 #6 - #1 #2 - 1/0 2/0 - 3/0 4/0 - 266 (18/1) 1/0 - 3/0 3/0 - 266 (18/1) 3/0 - 266 (18/1) #4 - 2/0 GROOVE B (TAP) WIRE COMPACT DIAMETER CU or AL RANGE #6 - #1 #2 - 2/0 3/0 4/0 - 256 1/0 - 3/0 4/0 - 266 4/0 - 266 #2 - 2/0** .162 - .332 .162 - .332 .162 - .332 .162 - .332 .338 - .447 .338 - .447 .461 - 563 .232 - .419** COMPACT ACSR COMPACT CU or AL #6 - #1 #6 - #1 #6 - #1 #6 - #1 1/0 - 2/0 1/0 - 2/0 3/0 - 266 (18/1) #4 - 2/0 #6 - #1 #6 - #1 #6 - #1 #6 - #1 1/0 - 3/0 1/0 - 3/0 4/0 - 266 #2 - 2/0** HYDRAULIC TOOL ONLY 4 CONNECTOR PROGRAM CONDUCTORS (SEE BELOW FOR COMPACT CONDUCTORS) GROOVE A (RUN) GROOVE B (TAP) WIRE DIAMETER SOL. STR. ACSR RANGE SOL. STR. ACSR #6 - 2/0 2/0 - 300 2/0 - 300 4/0 - 300 #6 - 1/0 #1.3 Str. - 4/0 #1, 3 Str. - 4/0 3/0 - 4/0 #6 - 1/0 #1 - 4/0 #1 - 4/0 2/0 - 4/0 .162 - .332 .162 - .332 .336 - .477 .461 - .563 #6 - 1/0 #6 - 1/0 2/0 - 3/0 4/0 - 300 #6 - #1, 19 Str. #6 - #1, 19 Str. #1.3 Str. - 2/0 3/0 - 4/0 #6 - #2 #6 - #2 #1 - 2/0 2/0 - 4/0 DIMENSIONS H L W 1.11 1.12 1.47 1.47 1.42 1.42 1.40 1.18 1.35 1.69 1.88 1.88 1.88 2.25 2.52 1.50 .67 .64 .76 .87 .83 .83 .84 .68 DIMENSIONS H L W 1.15 1.47 1.42 1.40 1.62 1.88 2.25 2.52 .70 .87 .83 .86 COMPACT CONDUCTORS GROOVE A (RUN) CATALOG NUMBER — YHD-5 YHD-6 YHD-7 GROOVE B (TAP) WIRE DIAMETER RANGE COMPACT ACSR COMPACT CU or AL WIRE DIAMETER RANGE COMPACT ACSR COMPACT CU or AL .162 - .398 .336 - .563 .336 - .563 .414 - .563 #6 - 1/0 1/0 - 266 (18/1) 1/0 - 266 (18/1) 3/0 - 266 (18/1) #6 - 2/0 1/0 - .256 1/0 - .256 3/0 - .256 .162 - .332 .162 - .332 .336 - .447 .414 - .563 #6 - #1 #6 - #1 1/0 - 2/0 3/0 - .266 (18/1) #6 - #1 #6 - #1 1/0 - 3/0 3/0 - 266 ** YHO-10: These ranges are for aluminum only. Use only #4 Str. concentric copper tap. † U Die with adapter PT-6515. ‡ U Die with adapter PUADP-1. ① See page E-25 for Seven Connector Selector Chart. ② PERMANENT DIES IN TOOL INSTALL ALL SIZES. ③ "C" grooves accommodate #10 Sol. - #14 Sol. RANGE,. 116 in.-.064 in. No "C" grooves on CAT. NO. YH0125. When utilizing "C" groove(s) apply PENETROX™ A13 prior to wire DIMENSIONS H L W 1.15 1.47 1.42 1.40 1.62 1.88 2.25 2.52 .70 .87 .83 .86 INSTALLATION DATA TOOL, DIE SET CAT. NO. & (NO. OF CRIMPS) DIE Y35, Y750, INDEX MD7, MD6 Y45†, Y46‡ O O D3 D3 D3 D3 D3 O (4) (5) (5) (5) ② (5) (6) (7) (4) U-O (2) U-O (2) UD3 (2) UD3 (2) UD3 (2) UD3 (3) UD3 (3) U-O (2) INSTALLATION DATA TOOL, DIE SET CAT. NO. & (NO. OF CRIMPS) DIE Y35, Y750, INDEX MD6 Y45†, Y46‡ O O D3 D3 D3 D3 D3 O (4) (5) (5) (5) ② (5) (6) (7) (4) U-O (2) U-O (2) UD3 (2) UD3 (2) UD3 (2) UD3 (3) UD3 (3) U-O (2) INSTALLATION DATA TOOL, DIE SET CAT. NO. & (NO. OF CRIMPS) DIE Y35, Y750, INDEX Y45†, Y46‡ O D3 D3 D3 U-O (2) UD3 (2) UD3 (3) UD3 (3) INSTALLATION DATA TOOL, DIE SET CAT. NO. & (NO. OF CRIMPS) DIE Y35, Y750, INDEX Y45†, Y46‡ O D3 D3 D3 U-O (2) UD3 (2) UD3 (3) UD3 (3) installation. When utilizing two (2) "C" groove taps, installation to be made with HYDRAULIC TOOL ONLY. All four (4) grooves CANNOT be utilized if using a hand tool. When hand tool is used, only one (1) "C" groove can be utilized and connector MUST be positioned as shown in FIG.5 E-27 BURNDY Overhead TYPE YCT HYTEE T-Tap for Copper One-piece, copper compression tap connector with U-shaped run element and tubular tap for joining hard and medium-hard drawn copper. Preformed run element simplifies installation on larger conductors. Uses same die as equivalent full-tension sleeve. CONDUCTORS CATALOG E-28 NUMBER YCT2626 YCT2828 RUN TAP H L DIE INDEX 2/0 (7, 12, 19) 4/0 (7, 12, 19) 2/0 (7, 12, 19) 4/0 (7, 12, 19) 3.26 4 5.62 5.72 166 168 RUN TOOLS, DIE SET CATALOG NO., & (CRIMPS PER END) Y35, Y750, MD7, MD6 Y45†, Y46‡ W166 (4) U166/U459 (2) U168 (2) DIE INDEX 166 168 TAP TOOLS, DIE SET CATALOG NO., & (CRIMPS PER END) Y35, Y750, MD6 Y45†, Y46‡ W166 (6) U-166 (3) U-168 (3) † U Die with adapter PT-6515. ‡ U Die with adapter PUADP-1. TYPE YOT HYTEE T-Tap for Copper Cast copper T-tap connector with two-piece line element and tubular tap for joining hard and medium drawn copper. Design simplifies installation on large conductors. Uses same die as equivalent sleeve. CATALOG NUMBER RUN TAP H L DIE INDEX YOT3434 500 (19, 37) 500 (19, 37) 4.82 10.38 210 † U Die with adapter PT-6515 ‡ U Die with adapter PUADP-1. RUN TOOLS, DIE SET CATALOG NO., & (CRIMPS PER END) Y35, Y750, Y45†, Y46‡ Y60B U210 (6) L210 (2) DIE INDEX 210 TAP TOOLS, DIE SET CATALOG NO., & (CRIMPS PER END) Y35, Y750, Y45†, Y46‡ Y60BHU U210 (6) L210 (2) BURNDY Overhead TYPE YTU-R-R T-Tap for Combinations of Aluminum, Copper, ACSR, 6201, 5005 Compressed and Compact Conductors One-piece heavy-wall aluminum compression tap connector for secondary service drop and transformer tap to primary or secondary. Connector can be gripped in tool for easy installation. Pre-filled with PENETROX™ joint compound. RUN CATALOG ACSR, 6201, NUMBER 5005 ALUMINUM COPPER YTU25R2W YTU25R4W #4 1/0 80 (8-1) 1/0 (7, 19) 1/0 (7, 12, 19) #6 2/0 (7, 12, 19) 3/0 (7, 12, 19) 4/0 (7, 12, 19) 4/0 (7, 12, 19) 1/0 80 (8-1) 2/0 3/0 1/0 (6-1) 4/0 YTU25R25R YTU26R26R YTU27R27R YTU28R25R YTU28R28R YTU30R30R 2/0 3/0 4/0 (6-1) 4/0 266.8 (18-1, 26-7, 6-7) 2/0 (7, 19) 3/0 (7, 19) 4/0 (7, 19) 4/0 (7, 19) 266.7 (7, 19, 37) 250 (19, 37) 300 (19, 37) 2 1/0 80 (8-1) 2/0 YTU321R25R YTU321R26R YTU321R28R 300 (26-7) 336.4 (18-1) 350 (19, 37) 336.4 (19, 37) 350 (19, 37) 4/0 YTU321R30R YTU321R321R YTU33R26R YTU33R28R YTU33R33R 336.4 (30.7) (26-7) 397.5 (18-1) 397.5 (19, 37) 400 (19, 37) 3/0 400 (19, 37) * Multiple crimp die set, makes more than one crimp per tool compression. Figure indicates number of compressions. † U Die with adapter PT-6515 ‡ U Die with adapter PUADP-1. COPPER H L 2-3/8 4-7/8 C W-C (2) U-C (1)* BG BG (3) W-BG (1)* U-BG (1)* 2/0 (7, 12, 19) 3/0 (7, 12, 19) 3-3/8 1/0 (7, 12, 19) 4/0 (7, 12, 19) 7 L W-L (4) U-L (2) L — U-L (2) 250 (12, 19, 37) 4-3/8 8-3/4 M — U-M (3) BG BG (3) W-BG (1)* U-BG (1)* C W-C (3) U-C (1)* #4 (7) #2 SLD #4 (7) #4 SLD #4 (3, 7) #2 SLD #4 (7) #4 SLD 1/0 (7, 19) — 2/0 (7, 19) 3/0 (7, 19) 1/0 (7, 19) 4/0 (7, 19) 266.7 (7, 19, 37) 250 (12, 19, 37) 266.8 (18-1, 250 (19, 37) 300 (19, 37) 26-7, 6-7) 300 (19, 37) YTU321R2R YTU321R27R TAP ACSR, 6201, 5005 ALUMINUM 2 (7 Str.) 2 (3, 7 Str.) 2-5/8 1/0 (7, 19) 6-5/8 1/0 (7, 12, 19) 2/0 (7, 19) 2/0 (7, 12, 19) 3/0 (7, 19) 3/0 (7, 12, 19) 3-1/2 4/0 (7, 19) 266.7 (7, 19, 37) 266.8 (18-1, 250 (19, 37) 26-7, 6-7) 300 (19, 37) 336.4 (18-1) 336.4 (19, 37) 300 (26-7) 350 (19, 37) 2/0 2/0 (7, 19) 4/0 4/0 (7, 19) 336.4 (30.7) 397.5 (19, 37) (26-7) 400 (19, 37) 397.5 (18-1) RUN TAP TOOLS, DIE SET TOOLS, DIE SET CATALOG NUMBER, CATALOG NUMBER, E-29 & (CRIMPS PER END) & (CRIMPS PER END) DIE MD7, Y35,Y750, DIE MD7, Y35,Y750, INDEX MD6 Y45†,Y46‡ INDEX MD6 Y45,Y46‡ 8-5/8 4/0 (7, 12, 19) 250 (12, 19, 37) 300 (19, 37) M 4-3/8 — L U-L (2) M U-M (3) U-M (3) 8-3/4 350 (19, 37) M — U-M (2) 2/0 (7, 12, 19) 3-1/2 4/0 (7, 12, 19) 8-5/8 L U-L (2) 400 (19, 37) 8-3/4 M U-M (3) 4-3/8 BURNDY Overhead TYPE YOT-R-R HYTEE T-Tap for Combinations of Aluminum, ACSR, 6201, 5005, Compressed and Compact Conductors Heavy duty cast aluminum connector with two-piece line element and barrel tap. Recommended for aluminum and ACSR runs with aluminum, ACSR. Uses same die as equivalent full-tension HYSPLICE™ sleeve. Tap element pre-filled with PENETROX™ joint compound and capped. E-30 RUN CATALOG NUMBER ACSR, 6201, 5005 TAP ALUMINUM ACSR, 6201, 5005 ALUMINUM H L DIE INDEX RUN TOOLS, DIE SET CATALOG NO., & (CRIMPS PER END) Y35, Y750 Y45† Y46‡ Y48B YOT361R361R 477 (18-1) (19) 477 (37) 477 (18-1) 477 (19, 37) 6-1/4 12-3/8 347, 426 or M U317 (60 U-M (4) (24-7) 477 (26-7) (30-7) 556 (18-1) (24-7) (19) 556 (37) (24-7) 477 (26-7) (30-7) 556 (19, 37) 556 (18-1) (24-7) 6-3/8 12-1/2 261, 318 or M U261 (6) U-M (4) YOT37R37R † TAP TOOLS, DIE SET CATALOG NO., & (CRIMPS PER END) Y60B C317 (2) — L317 (2) — C61 (2) — L261 (2) — DIE INDEX Y35, Y750 317, 426 or M U317 (6) U-M (4) 261, 318 or M U261 (6) U-M (4) ‡ Y45† Y46‡ † Y48B Y60BHU C137 (2) — L317 (2) — C261 (2) — L261 (2) — ‡ * Multiple crimp die set, makes more than one crimp per tool compression. Figure indicates number of compressions. † U Die with adapter PT-6515 ‡ U Die with adapter PUADP-1. TYPE YNT-R-R T-Tap Compression Tap for ACSR, ACAR and Stranded Aluminum Cable Two-piece compression T-Tap for ACSR, ACAR and SAC transmission lines. Installed with same dies as equivalent full tension splice. Tap element pre-filled with PENETROX™ joint compound and sealed. CATALOG NUMBER* YNT451R451R YNT49R49R ACAR CONDUCTOR RUN AND TAP ALUMINUM ACSR 840.2 - 927.2 983.1 - 1198 795 - 1000 1033.5 - 1272 715.5 - 874.5 900 - 1113 45/7 * For Extra High Voltage (EHV) applications add suffix "T" to catalog number (e.g., YNT49R49RT). ** Overlap crimps. TOOLS, DIE SETS H DIE INDEX Y45** Y46** Y60BHU** 7-1/2 7-3/4 725 727 S725 — P725 — L725 L727 BURNDY Overhead TYPE YNTA-R T-TAP WITH PAD TAP For ACSR, ACAR and Stranded Aluminum Cable Fig. 1 Fig. 2 CONDUCTOR E-31 TOOLS, DIE SETS CATALOG NUMBER ACAR ALUMINUM ACSR YNTA32R YNTA39R YNTA43R* YNTA451R* YNTA49R* YNTA58R* 395.1 - 395.2 634.9 - 653.1 — 840.2 - 927.2 983.1 - 1198 — 336.4 - 350 600 - 650 700 - 800 795 - 1000 1033.5 - 1272 2000 300 - 336.4 556.5 605 - 666.6 715.5 - 874.5 900 - 1113 45/7 1780 FIG. NO. 1 2 C H T 2 2-1/4 5 5-1/4 5-3/8 5-1/2 5-7/8 6-1/4 1/2 3-1/4 3-5/8 9/16 11/16 DIE INDEX 717 722 724 725 727 735 Y45** Y46** Y60BHU S717 S722 S724 S725 P717 P722 P724 P725 — — L717 L722 L724 L725 L727 L735 * For Extra High Voltage (EHV) applications order two tap pad shielding caps STS43A-4N. Catalog number indicates one cap (see chart below). ** Overlap crimps. TYPE STS-4N STREAMLINED PAD CAPS Streamlined caps for shielding hardware when bolting terminals to flat pads singly or back to back. Caps are for 4 NEMA tongues. Adapter is attached with tongue hardware. Shielding cap is fastened to adapter with stainless steel cap screw. Order one (1) STS for each side of pad. CATALOG NUMBER PAD SIZE MAXIMUM SHIELDED AREA STS33A-4N STS43A-4N STS44A-4N STS53A-4N 3 3 4 3 4 4 5 3 3 3 4 4 5-1/4 3-1/8 BURNDY Overhead TYPE YTA-R-2N DISCONNECTABLE T-TAP (WITH PAD) For Copper, Aluminum, ACSR, 6201, 5005, Compressed and Compact Conductors Fig. 1 Aluminum primary T-tap connector with slotted tap pad designed for easy disconnecting of tap conductor. Tap pad accommodates compression terminals Types YKA-R-2N and YKA-A-2N, and has positioning socket for proper alignment. On sizes larger than 336.4 ACSR, the YTA-R-2N run element has twopiece interlocking-key with lifting eye that E-32 simplifies hotline installations. Catalog number does not include mating terminal. Fig. 2 CATALOG NUMBER ACSR, 6201, 5005 COPPER ALUMINUM YTA2R-2N 2 2 (3, 7) 1 (7) 2 (7) 1 (7) YTA25R-2N 1/0 1/0 (7, 12, 19) 1/0 (7, 19) FIG. NO. L TOOLS, DIE SET CATALOG NUMBER, DIE & (NUMBER OF CRIMPS PER END) T INDEX MD7, MD6 Y35, Y750 Y45† Y46‡ Y48B Y60BHU 3/8 6-1/8 YTA26R-2N YTA27R-2N YTA28R-2N 2/0 2/0 (7, 12, 19) 2/0 (7, 19) 3/0 3/0 (7, 12, 19) 3/0 (7, 19) 4/0 4/0 (7, 12 19) 4/0 (7, 19) 300 (26-7) 336.4 (19, 37, 61) YTA321R-2N 350 (19, 37) 336.4 (18-1) 350 (19, 37, 61) 336.4 (26-7, 30-7) 397.5 (19, 37, 61) YTA33R-2N 400 (19, 37) 397.5 (18-1) 400 (19, 37, 61) YTA361R-2N 477 (18-1) YTA37R-2N 477 (24-7, 26-7, 30-7) 556.6 (19, 37) 636 (37) YTA39R-2N 556.5 (24-7, 26-7) 650 (61) 605 (30-19) — 605 (30-9) YTA43R-2N 636 795 (37, 61) (24-7, 26-7, 30-19) 666.6 (24-7) YTA391A-2N — * Multiple crimp die set, makes more than one crimp per tool compression. Figure indicates number of compressions. † U Die with adapter PT-6515. ‡ U Die with adapter PUADP-1. 1 7-7/8 BG or 243 659 C, 247 L or 251 BG (2) U-BG (1)* W-BG (1)* U243 (1) W243 (2) U659 (1) W-C (4) U-C (1)* W247 (1) U247(1) W-L (4) 1/2 U-L (2) U251 (3) — — — — U-M (3) 9-1/2 U317 (4) 13-1/8 M 16-1/4 608 2 16-1/2 3/4 292 or 319 342 U-M (5) — U608 (9) — C608 (3) L608 (3) S292 (9) S319 (9) P292 (9) C292 (3) L292 (3) P319 (9) C319 (3) L319 (3) S342 (9) P342 (9) C342 (3) L342 (3) BURNDY Overhead TYPES YKA-R-2N & YKA-A-2N DISCONNECTABLE TERMINAL (WITH FIXED HARDWARE) For Copper, Aluminum, ACSR, 6201, 5005, Compressed and Compact Conductors Aluminum compression terminal with fixed hardware and positioning pin for making disconnectable tap or jumper connections. Used with slotted YTA-R-2N T-tap or YSA-R-2N terminal. Supplied with aluminum bolts and washer-face, self locking nuts. Prefilled with PENETROX™ joint compound and capped. E-33 CATALOG NUMBER ACSR, 6201, 5005 COPPER ALUMINUM L YKA2R-2N 2 1 (7) 2 (3, 7) 1 (7) 2 (7) 5-1/2 YKA25R-2N 1/0 1/0 (7, 19) 1/0 (7, 19) 5-5/8 YKA26R-2N 2/0 (7, 19) 2/0 (7, 19) 3/0 (7, 19) 3/0 (7, 19) YKA28R-2N 2/0 3/0 110.8 (12-7) 4/0 YKA30R-2N 266.8 (18-1, 6-7, 26-7) 4/0 (7, 19) 250 (12, 19, 37) 300 (19, 37) 4/0 (7, 19) 250 (7, 37) 266 (19) 300 (37, 61) 350 (37, 61) 397.5 (19) 400 (37) 477 (19, 37) 500 (37, 61) 556.5 (19, 37) YKA27R-2N YKA321R-2N YKA33R-2N YKA361R-2N YKA37R-2N 336.4 (18-1) 300 (26-7) 336.4 (26-7, 30-7) 397.5 (18-1) 397.5 (26-7, 30-7) 477 (18-1) 477 (24-7, 26-7, 30-7) 350 (19, 37) — — — YKA34CA-2N 397.5 (26-7, 30-7) 477 (18-1) 500 (19, 37) 477 (19, 37) 500 (37, 61) YKA391A-2N — — 795 (37, 61) * Multiple crimp die set, makes more than one crimp per tool compression. Figure indicates number of compressions. † U Die with adapter PT-6515 ‡ U Die with adapter PUADP-1. T BOLT DIE TOOLS, DIE SET CATALOG NO., & (NO. OF CRIMPS) LENGTH INDEX MD7, MD6 Y35, Y750 Y45† Y46‡ Y48B Y60BHU BG or 243 C or 659 6 3/8 7-3/8 3/4 U-BG (3)* U243 (2) — — — — W-C (6) — U-C (3)* U659 (2) — — — — L or 251 — U-L (2) U251 (3) — — — — M or 317 — U-M (3) U317 (4) — — — — — U-M (3) — — — — — — S352 (9) P352 (9) C352 (3) L352 (3) S579 (9) P579 (9) C579 (3) L579 (3) — — S342 (9) P342 (9) C342 (3) L342 (3) 1-3/4 7-1/4 9-1/2 BG (8) W-BG (4)* W243 (4) 2-1/2 M 352 or 579 342 BURNDY Overhead TYPE YSA-R-2N DISCONNECTABLE TERMINAL (WITH SLOTTED PAD) For Copper, Aluminum, ACSR, 6201, 5005, Compressed and Compact Conductors Aluminum compression terminal with slotted pad and positioning socket for making disconnectable tap or jumper connections. Used with YKA-R-2N fixed hardware terminal. E-34 Pre-filled with PENETROX™ joint compound and capped. CATALOG NUMBER ACSR, 6201, 5005 COPPER ALUMINUM YSA2R-2N 2 2 (3, 7) 1 (7) 2 (7) 1 (7) YSA25R-2N 1/0 1/0 (7, 19) 1/0 (7, 19) YSA26R-2N YSA28R-2N 2/0 4/0 YSA30R-2N 266.8 (18-1, 6-7, 26-7) 2/0 (7, 19) 4/0 (7, 19) 250 (12, 19, 37) 300 (19, 37) 2/0 (7, 19) 4/0 (7, 19) 250 (37) 266.8 (7, 19) 300 (37, 61) 350 (37, 61) 556.5 (19, 37) 336.4 (18-1) 300 (26-7) 477 (24-7, 26-7, 30-7) YSA321R-2N YSA37R-2N 350 (19, 37) — * Multiple crimp die set, makes more than one crimp per tool compression. Figure indicates number of compressions. L 6-1/4 6-5/8 7-3/4 7-7/8 DIE INDEX BG or 243 C or 659 TOOLS, DIE SET CATALOG NO., & (NUMBER OF CRIMPS) MD7, MD8 Y35, Y750, Y45†, Y46‡ BG (8) W-BG (4)* W243 (4) U-BG (3)* U243 (2) — U-C (3)* U659 (2) — U-L U251 L or 251 M or 317 M U-M (3) U317 (4) U-M (3) — — † U Die with adapter PT-6515 ‡ U Die with adapter PUADP-1. TYPE YTA-2N DISCONNECTABLE T-TAP For Copper Cast copper primary t-tap connector with slotted tap pad for easy disconnecting of tap conductor. Tap pad accommodates compression terminal Type YKA-2N. On sizes larger that 4/0, the YTA-2N run element has a twopiece, interlocking-key with lifting eye that simplifies hot installations. Catalog number does not include terminal or hardware. CATALOG NUMBER CONDUCTOR YTA2C-2N 2 (7) YTA26-2N YTA28-2N YTA34-2N 2/0 (7, 19) 4/0 (7, 12, 19) 500 (19, 37, 61) FIG. NO. C Fig. 1 Fig. 2 L T 5-5/8 1 1-1/2 2 2 * Multiple crimp die set, makes more than one crimp per tool compression. Figure indicates number of compressions. 7-3/8 7-5/8 11-7/8 DIE INDEX 163 3/8 1/2 166 168 210 † U Die with adapter PT-6515 ‡ U Die with adapter PUADP-1. TOOLS, DIE SET CATALOG NUMBER, & (CRIMPS PER END) MD7, MD6 Y35, Y750, Y45†, Y46‡ Y48B Y60BHU W163 (3) Crimps Overlap W166 (6) — U163 (1)* U166 (3) U168 (4) U210 (6) — — C210 (2) L210 (2) BURNDY Overhead TYPE YKA-2N DISCONNECTABLE TERMINAL (WITH FIXED HARDWARE) For Copper Tin-plated copper compression terminal with fixed hardware for making disconnectable tap or jumper connections. Used with slotted YTA-2N T-tap or YSA-R-2N terminal. Supplied with tin-plated DURIUM™ bolts and washerface nuts. CATALOG NUMBER CONDUCTOR YKA6C-2N YKA4C-2N YKA2C-2N YKA26-2N YKA28-2N YKA29-2N YKA30-2N YKA34-2N YKA39-2N YKA44-2N 6 (7) 4 (7) 2 (7) 2/0 (7, 19, 37) 4/0 (7, 12, 19, 37) 250 (12, 19, 37) 300 (19, 37, 61) 500 (19, 37, 61) 750 (37, 61) 1000 (61) C L T DIE INDEX 7/8 5 3/8 163 1 1-1/4 1-3/8 1-1/2 1-7/8 2-3/8 2 5-1/4 5-3/8 1/4 166 168 169 170 210 627 345 5-1/2 6-1/2 7-1/4 7-5/8 * Multiple crimp die set, makes more than one crimp per tool compression. Figure indicates number of compressions. † U Die with adapter PT-6515 ‡ U Die with adapter PUADP-1. 3/8 1/2 5/8 1/2 TOOLS, DIE SET CATALOG NUMBER, & (NUMBER OF CRIMPS) MD7, MD6 Y35, Y750, Y45†, Y46‡ Y48B Y60BHU W163 (2) Crimps Overlap W166 (4) — U163 (1)* U166 (3) U168 (3) U169 (4) U170 (5) U210 (6) — — — C168 (1) C169 (1) C170 (1) C210 (2) C627 (3) C345 (4) L168 (1) L169 (1) L170 (1) L210 (2) L627 (3) L345 (4) E-35 BURNDY Overhead TYPE YCB-R STIRRUP HOT-LINE CLAMP ADAPTERS For Aluminum, ACSR, 6201, 5005, Compressed and Compact Conductors Permanent compression hot-line clamp adapter with aluminum run and copper bail. Accommodates any standard copper hot-line clamp on bail elements. Permits hot-line tapping without arcing or chafing damage to aluminum conductor. Installed with standard E-36 tools and dies. CATALOG NUMBER ALUMINUM ACSR, 6201, 5005 YCB2R 2 Str. - 6 Sol. 2-4 YCB25R YCB26R YCB27R YCB28R 1/0 (7, 19) 2/0 (7, 19) 3/0 (7, 19) 4/0 (7, 19) 350 (19, 37) 336.4 (19, 37) 400 (19, 37) 397.5 (19, 37) 500 (37, 61) 477 (19, 37) 477 (19, 37) 1/0 - 80 (8-1) 2/0 3/0 4/0 336.4 (18-1) 300 (26-7) 336.4 (26-7, 30-7) 397.5 (18-1) 397.5 (26-7) (30-7) 477 (18-1) YCB321R YCB33R YCB35R YCB361R * Multiple crimp die set, makes more than one crimp per tool compression. Figure indicates number of compressions. † U Die with adapter PT-6515 ‡ U Die with adapter PUADP-1. A 2 Sol. H L 3-3/4 9 5 D F DIE INDEX 2-1/2 BG TOOLS, DIE SET CATALOG NUMBER, & (CRIMPS PER END) MD7, MD6 Y35, Y750, Y45†, Y46‡ 9-3/4 C BG (6) W-BG (2)* W-C (4) 11-1/8 L W-L (4) 1/0 Sol. 2-1/2 3-1/2 U-BG (2)* U-C (2)* U-L (2) 3-1/2 5-3/8 12-3/4 M 5-1/4 13-1/4 317 — U-M (3) U317 (3) BURNDY Overhead TYPES YCB-U & YCB-R-U CRIMPIT™ STIRRUP Hot-Line Clamp Adapter for Aluminum, ACSR, 6201, 5005, Compressed and Compact Conductors Combines Figure "6" -shaped aluminum CRIMPIT™ tap connector with tin-plated copper bail. Can be gripped in tool and slipped over line for easy installation. Five sizes take range from #4 to 600 Mcm. Pre-filled with PENETROX™ joint compound and Stripsealed. CATALOG NUMBER ALUMINUM ACSR, 6201, 5005 YCB4U1 YCB1U1 YCB28U26 YCB33R26U YCB38R26U 4 Sol. - 4 (7) 2 (7) - 1 (7) 1/0 (7) - 4/0 (19) 300 (37) - 400 (37) 397.5 (19) - 600 (61) 4 2 1/0 - 4/0 266.8 (6-7) - 336.4 (30-7) 336.4 (26-7) - 556.5 (18-1) A 2 Sol. 1/0 Sol. H L 1-1/2 1-5/8 2 2-1/4 TOOLS, DIE SET CATALOG DIE NUMBER, & (NUMBER OF CRIMPS) INDEX Y35, Y750 Y45 Y46 1-7/8 D* U-D (2) 2-1/8 H R N U-H (2) U-R (2) U-N (2) † ‡ S-N (2) P-N (2) * Index number "D" is not "D3" Cabelok CRIMPIT™ die. † U Die with adapter PT-6515 ‡ U Die with adapter PUADP-1. TYPES J990 & J1252 HOT-LINE CLAMP BAILS Designed to make hot-line clamp adapter using HYCRIMP™, CABELOK CRIMPIT™ or Figure "6" -Shaped CRIMPIT™ connectors. Where hot sticks are used, the CABELOK CRIMPIT™ or Figure "6" -shaped CRIMPIT™ are recommended. The line can be approached with the connector and bail held in the tool. Bails are tin-plated, hard drawn copper. RECOMMENDED CONNECTOR & BAIL COMBINATIONS HYCRIMP™ CAT. NO. YHO-100 YHO-150 YHD-200 YHD-250 YHD-300 YHD350 — YHN-500 CABELOK CRIMPIT™ CAT. NO. YP2U3 YP26AU2 YP27AU4 YPC28U4 YP27AU26 YP28U26 YPC28U26 YPC33R26U BAIL A J990 #2 J1252 2/0 J990 J1252 J990 J1252 #2 2/0 #2 2/0 * For additional run conductors see specific connector catalog page. SOL. AL 6-2 1 - 2/0 3/0, 4/0 — 3/0 — RUN CONDUCTORS ACCOMMODATED* STR. AL ACSR 6 - 3 (7 Str.) 3 (3 Str.) - 1/0 2/0 - 3/0 4/0 2/0, 3/0 4/0 6, 4 3 - 1/0 1/0, 2/0 3/0, 4/0 2/0 3/0, 4/0 1/0 (7) - 4/0 1/0 - 4/0 250 (37) 400 (37) 266.8 (18-1) 397.5 (18-1) E-37 BURNDY Overhead TYPES YHO-J, YHD-J, YHN-J HYCRIMP™ STIRRUP Utilizing H-Framed Aluminum Tap Connectors with tin-plated copper bail. Bendable tabs secure run and bail freeing the lineman’s hands to work with the installation tool conductor grooves. Prefilled with PENETROX™ joint compound. E-38 CATALOG NUMBER RUN CONDUCTOR ACCOMMODATES SOL. AL STR. AL ACSR YHO100J1444 YHO150J1444 YHD200J1444 YHD250J1444 YHD300J1496 YHD350J1496 YHN500J1496 6-1 1 - 2/0 3/0 - 4/0 250 - 300 2/0 - 4/0 250 - 300 — 6 - 1 (7 Str.) 6-2 3 - 2/0 3 - 1/0 2 Sol. 2/0 - 3/0 1/0 - 2/0 (.258 dia.) 4/0 3/0 - 4/0 #1 (Str.) - 3/0 #1 - 2/0 2/0 Sol. 3/0 - 4/0 3/0 - 4/0 (.365 dia.) 4/0 - 500 4/0 - 477 (18/1) ① Permanent dies in tool install all sizes. † U Die with adapter PT-6515 ‡ U Die with adapter PUADP-1. A B C D E L DIE INDEX 1.50 1.75 1.88 1.88 1.88 2.50 2.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 4.75 4.75 4.75 3.75 3.75 3.75 3.75 5.62 5.62 5.62 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 15.5 15.5 15.5 O O D3 D3 D3 D3 N TOOLS, DIE SET CATALOG NUMBER, & (NO. OF CRIMPS) MD7-8 MD6-8 ① Y35, Y750, Y45†, Y46‡ (4) (5) (5) (5) (5) (7) — U-O (2) U-O (2) UD-3 (2) UD-3 (2) UD-3 (2) UD-3 (2) U-N (2) BURNDY Overhead TRANSFORMER AND EQUIPMENT TAP CONNECTORS Transformer and equipment tap connectors are specifically designed to provide single or multi-tap connections from secondary transformer outlets, disconnects, circuit breaker panels, and other equipment pads or bar. TYPE E-C-G E-39 TRANSFORMER TAP ADAPTER For Copper Multi-tap, range-taking cast copper alloy connector designed to take 2, 3, or 4 conductors from a single secondary transformer outlet. CATALOG NUMBER E2C34G1 E3C34G1 E4C34G1 NUMBER OF CONDUCTORS 2 3 4 CONDUCTOR SIZE 1/0 Sol. - 500 A DIA. .78 D 3-3/4 H 3-7/8 J 1/2-13 L W 6-1/4 3-1/2 5-1/4 6-7/8 BURNDY Overhead TYPE KC22J12T13, EQC632C TRANSFORMER GROUND CONNECTORS For Copper Type EQC632C Fits all standard EEI-NEMA distribution transformers as a tank grounding terminal. CATALOG NUMBER KC22J12T13 KC26 KC34J12T13 EQC632C RANGES 8 Sol. - 2 Sol. 2 Sol. - 2/0 Str. 3/0 - 500 Str. 8 Sol. - 2 Str. Both, one-wrench installation. E-40 TYPE YA-2LH HYSEALUG Terminal for Copper Tin-plated, pure copper 2-hole NEMA compression terminal with shrouded barrel for terminating insulated copper conductor to transformers and other equipment. Shroud prevents seepage of water or moisture into conductor strands and minimizes taping. CATALOG NUMBER CONDUCTOR YAB4C-2LH72 YAB4C-2LH73 YAB2C-2LH74 YAB2C2LH75 YAB25-2LH70 YAB25-2LH71 YA26-2LH88 YA26-2LH89 YA27-2LH97 YA27-2LH98 YA28-2LH114 YA28-2LH115 YA29-2LH90 YA29-2LH91 YA30-2LH85 YA30-2LH86 YA31-2LH89 YA31-2LH90 YA34-2LH110 YA34-2LH111 † U Die with adapter PT-6515 ‡ U Die with adapter PUADP-1. 4 Str. 2 Str. BB 5/8 3/4 1/0 Str. 2/0 Str. 3/0 Str. 1 4/0 Str. 250 300 1-1/4 350 500 1-1/2 SHROUD INSIDE DIA. .57 .84 .58 .91 .69 .98 .73 1.04 .84 1.06 .86 1.24 .88 1.25 .92 1.32 1.03 1.40 1.14 1.88 C L T 6-1/4 3/4 TOOLS, DIE SET CATALOG NUMBER, & (NUMBER OF CRIMPS) MD7, MD6 Y35, Y750, Y45†, Y46‡ W161 (2) U4CRT (2) W162 (4) U2CRT (2) W163 (4) U25RT (2) W241 (2) U26RT (2) W243 (2) U27RT (2) W-BG or W243 (2) U28RT (2) W166 (4) U29RT (2) 1/8 6-1/2 6-3/4 3/8 7/8 6-1/4 1 6-5/8 1/8 1-1/8 1-1/4 7 — U30RT (2) 1-3/8 7-5/8 W-O (5) U31RT (2) 1-1/2 7-3/4 — U34RT (2) 1/4 BURNDY Overhead TYPE YE-LH HYSEALPLUG Terminal Plug for Copper Oil and water-tight terminal with shrouded, tin-plated, copper barrel and brazed plug. Recommended for terminating insulated copper conductor at cutout, transformer and arrestor; or for joining insulated copper riser to overhead conductor. Shroud prevents seepage of water or moisture into conductor strands and minimizes taping. To obtain a tight fit on some insulations in the shroud it may be necessary to either "pencil" the insulation down, or build it up with tape. CATALOG NUMBER YE2C-LH128 YE2C-LH129 YE25-LH97 YE26-LH88 YE26-LH89 YE28-LH128 YE31-LH96 YE34-LH119 YE34-LH120 SHROUD INSIDE CONDUCTOR BB DIA. A DIA. 2 Str. 3/4 1/0 Str. 2/0 Str. 1 4/0 Str. 350 1-1/4 500 1-1/2 .58 .91 .98 .73 1.04 1.24 1.03 1.14 1.88 2 Sol. L TOOLS, DIE SET CATALOG NO., & (NUMBER OF CRIMPS) Y35, Y750, P MD7, MD6 Y45†, Y46‡ 9 6 W162 (4) U2CRT (2) 1/0 Sol. 11-1/8 W163 (4) U25RT (2) 2/0 Sol. 11-3/8 W241 (2) U26RT (2) W-BG or W243 (2) W-O (5) U28RT (2) U31RT (2) — U34RT (2) 4/0 Sol. 11-1/2 8 12-1/4 13-1/4 † U Die with adapter PT-6515. ‡ U Die with adapter PUADP-1. TYPES YE-R, YE-W HYPLUG™ Terminal Plug for Aluminum and ACSR In 1989 BURNDY® began shipping an improved pin type connector. A proprietary coating system was developed through intense research efforts which vastly prolongs the life of this type of connection. To help identify the new product a hex shaped crimp is now used on the pin interface crimp CATALOG NUMBER CONDUCTOR ALUMINUM ACSR YE6R-25 YE4R-25 YE1WAG1 YE2WAG5 YE2R-25 YE25R-25 YE26R-60 YE27R-60 YE28R-60 5, 6 Str. 3, 4 Str. #1 Sol. (.289) #2 Sol. (.258) 1, 2 Str. 1/0 Str. 2/0 Str. 3/0 Str. 4/0 Str. YE30R-60 300 YE32R-60 350 - 400 YE361R-60 477, 500 YE39R-60 600 * All crimps overlap † U Die with adapter PT-6515. ‡ U Die with adapter PUADP-1. 6 4 — — 2 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 (26/7) 266.8 (18/1) (26/7) 336.4 (18/1) 477 (18/1) (24/7) 556.5 (26/7) and BURNDY's overhead color coded end caps are utilized. be bent to desired angle for easier insertion. Three die sets accommodate 4 Str.-500 MCM. Terminals are pre-filled with PENETROX™ A-13 joint compound and sealed with color coded end caps. Aluminum HYPLUG™ with tin-plated copper plug for terminating aluminum or ACSR cable at cut-out, transformer and arrestor. Plug may A DIA. L P 4 Sol. 4-5/8 2-1/2 .257 2 Sol. 2 Sol. 1/0 Sol. 8.58 (218) 4-5/8 6 2-1/2 9-1/2 3/8 6 4/0 Sol. COLOR CODE Blue Orange Red Orange Red Yellow Gray Black Pink Green 5/8 BG or 243 BG WBG W243 5/8 - 1 U-BG C243 L243 U243 UK5/8-1T 249 or 840 W249 or W-K840 U249 U-K840T C249 L249 317, 705, 1-1/8 - 1 — U317 U705 U-K1-18-1T C317 L317 608 — U608 C608 L608 Blue 10-5/8 9/16 DIE INDEX TOOLS, DIE SET CATALOG NO., & (NUMBER OF CRIMPS)* Y750, Y35, MD7, MD6 Y45†, Y46‡ Y48BH Y60BH Pink 11-7/8 6 Yellow • BURNDY® furnishes many special versions of YE-R including: pin length variations, factory applied pin angles, etc. Contact your BURNDY® representative for your special needs. E-41 BURNDY Overhead COMPRESSION SPLICES TABLE OF CONTENTS E-42 COMPRESSION SPLICES...........................E-43 Types YCU-R & YOU-R .................................E-54 Type YCU-R (Static Wire)..............................E-54 SERVICE ENTRANCE Type ES.........................................................E-44 FULL TENSION Type YSU ......................................................E-45 Types YDS-A & YDS-AT ................................E-55 Type YSD ......................................................E-46 Types YDS & YDS-C .....................................E-56 Type YTS-A ...................................................E-57 NEUTRAL Types YSS, YCS-R, YDS-AT .........................E-47 JUMPER Type YCS-R...................................................E-48 Type YCS-RL.................................................E-49 Type YCS-A ...................................................E-50 Type YCR ......................................................E-50 Type YCR-R-G ..............................................E-51 Types YDS, YCS............................................E-52 Type YNS-R...................................................E-52 Types YDS-W & YDS ....................................E-57 Types YDS-R, YDS-RP1, YDS-RP2.....E-58, E-59 Type AWS-R..................................................E-60 Types YTS-R & YTS-RS................................E-61 Type YTS-AR.................................................E-62 Type YDS-RLY...............................................E-63 Types YDS-RL & YDS-LT.....................E-64, E-65 Types YDS-A & YDS-AT ................................E-65 Types YDS-R & YDS-RE ...............................E-66 Types YDS-E, YDS-H, YDS-U .......................E-66 Type YDS-K ...................................................E-67 REPAIR SLEEVE Type YTS-E ...................................................E-67 Type YCU-A...................................................E-53 Types YDS-KT & YDS-F................................E-68 Type YNU-R ..................................................E-53 Type YDS-M-T ...............................................E-68 BURNDY Overhead COMPRESSION SPLICES BURNDY® service, full-tension, and jumper sleeves provide a dependable, economical, and easy-to-install method of splicing overhead transmission and distribution lines. A major part of the Total Burndy Compression Program, they are available for copper, aluminum, ACSR, COPPERWELD, ALUMOWELD, STEEL, 6201, 5005, ACSR/AW, AWA, and compressed forms for aluminum and ACSR. Each is clearly marked with the installation Die Index number and knurls are provided which show the installer the correct number of crimps and the spacing required. Connections made with BURNDY® INSULINK™ and HYSPLICE™ sleeves have a lower resistance than an equal length of conductor. HYSPLICE™ sleeves are tapered or chamfered at the ends; externally to provide gradual reduction of pressure on the conductor, and internally to facilitate conductor insertion. Service Sleeve Design Service entrance connectors are available insulated (INSULINK™) or uninsulated (LINKIT™). Both are installed with the onehand OH25 and OUR840 HYTOOL™ or the MD6 HYTOOL™. The INSULINK™ feature polyethylene caps which seal out dirt and moisture, and grip the cable insulation leaving both hands free for crimping. The aluminum insert is anchored to the Nylon jacket so that it will not move when crimped, ensuring that the insert is always under the die. The jacket is color coded for easy identification of conductor size. The aluminum LINKIT™ minimizes the effects of galvanic corrosion. It is designed for easy location of crimps, and is color coded. The service HYSPLICE™ connectors are partial-tension sleeves for splicing the neutral conductor of triplex service. They are installed with MD6, OUR840 and the OH25 HYTOOL™ on aluminum and ACSR conductors from 6 to 1/0. Copper HYSPLICE™ Sleeve Design Full-tension holding strength and high conductivity of BURNDY® copper HYSPLICE™ sleeves are accomplished through the combined action of correct contact length, proper number of circular crimps of precisely controlled depth that perform a current carrying and keying function between the conductor and the sleeve. Aluminum HYSPLICE™ Sleeve Design HYSPLICE™ sleeves for aluminum conductor not only satisfy the basic tension requirements, but also deal with the problems of "cold flow" of aluminum and the oxide film which forms on the strands. "Cold flow" is compensated for by carefully coordinating the design of the sleeve and its associated installation die. To offset the effects of the non-conductive oxide film present on the surfaces of aluminum cable, BURNDY® HYSPLICE™ sleeves are pre-filled with PENETROX™ joint compound and capped or stripsealed. A solid center barrier forces the PENETROX™ around the cable strands during insertion. ACSR HYSPLICE™ Sleeve Design Two-piece, Full-tension HYSPLICE™ Two-piece, full-tension HYSPLICE™ for ACSR consists of an inner steel sleeve for joining the steel core, and an outer aluminum sleeve for connecting the aluminum strands. To install the two-piece HYSPLICE™, the cable is cut, the aluminum sleeve slid onto the cable, aluminum strands cut back and the steel sleeve installed. The aluminum sleeve is then centered over the steel sleeve, PENETROX™ joint compound injected (PENETROX™ is brushed on cable prior to centering aluminum sleeve on smaller sizes), and the sleeve is crimped. Single-sleeve, Full-tension UNISPLICE™ The UNISPLICE™ is as easy to install as aluminum full-tension sleeves. The single, heavy walled aluminum sleeve is filled with a special inhibiting compound containing grit particles which key the steel strand in place. The UNISPLICE™ eliminates cutting back of aluminum strands, the need for a separate E-43 steel sleeve, and careful positioning of the aluminum outer sleeve before crimping. Since the standard pull-out tests are inadequate for evaluating UNISPLICE™ performance, BURNDY® has developed the sustained- tension test that subjects a connector-conductor assembly to a 168 hour sustained load equal to 90% of the conductor strength. This test simulates a service life of 30-40 years at 60% of the conductor strength. Jumper Sleeves Since the holding strength required for jumper sleeves is less than that required for full-tension sleeves, the jumper HYSPLICE™ sleeve is shorter. Aluminum, ACSR, sleeves are pre-filled with PENETROX™ joint compound and installed with the same tools and dies as the full-tension sleeves. BURNDY Overhead TYPES ES INSULINK™ Service Entrance Sleeve for Insulated Combinations of Copper, Aluminum, ACSR Compressed. For use in overhead distribution applications. Pre-insulated service entrance compression connector installed with OH25, OUR840 and MD6 HYTOOL™ as well as Y35 and Y750 HYPRESS™ tools. Polyethylene caps preE-44 vent dirt from accumulating in barrel, grip cable for easy two-hand installation, and seal out moisture. Aluminum connector is CATALOG NUMBER ES8W8W ES6W8W ES6W6W ACSR — — — SIDE A • ALUMINUM & COPPER 10 Str. anchored to jacket, assuring the connector is under the die when crimping. Nylon jacket insulates connector electrically and protects against water and weather. Superior color coding. Pre-filled with PENETROX™ joint compound. Do not use insulated sealed connectors on bare conductors. Refer to LINKIT™ type connectors. COLOR CODE 8 Sol. Brown 8 Str. 6 Sol. #8 AL Compt Green ES4W8W ES4W6W — — — — 6 5, 6 Str. 4 Sol. Blue ES4W4W ES2W8W ES2W6W ACSR — 6 — 4 3, 4 Str. 2 Sol. Orange — ES2W4W ES2W2W ES2R8W 6 4 — ES2R6W — ES2R4W ES2R2W 2 1 Str. 2 Str. #1 AL Compt #2 AL Compt Red 6 4 ES2R2R 2 ES25R6W — ES25R4W ES25R2W 6 4 1/0, 1 1/0 Str. 1-19 Str. Yellow ES25R2R ES25R25R ES25A25A ES25A4W ES25A2W 2 — — — 1/0 Str. ▲ ˇ Not for use on bare conductors. ▲ Accommodates 1/0 stranded aluminum and copper, concentric, compressed and compact conductors. Yellow 1/0, 1 — 6 4 SIDE B • ALUMINUM & COPPER 10 Str. 8 Sol. 8 Str. 6 Sol. #8 AL Compt 10 Str. 8 Sol. 8 Str. 6 Sol. #8 AL Compt 5, 6 Str. 4 Sol. 10 Str. 8 Sol. 8 Str. 6 Sol. #8 AL Compt 5, 6 Str. 4 Sol. 3, 4 Str. 2 Sol. 10 Str. 8 Sol. 8 Str. 6 Sol. #8 AL Compt 5, 6 Str. 4 Sol. 3, 4 Str. 2 Sol. 1 Str. 2 Str. #1 AL Compt #2 AL Compt 8 Str. 6 Sol. #8 AL Compt 5, 6 Str. 4 Sol. 3, 4 Str. 2 Sol. 2 Str. 1 Str. #1 AL Compt #2 AL Compt COLOR CODE DIE INDEX TOOLS, DIE SET CATALOG NUMBER, & (CRIMPS PER END) Brown Green Brown Green HYTOOL™ TOOL DIE (CRIMPS PER END) OH25 (1) MD6, MD7 (3) MD6, MD7 W-BG (1)* OUR840 X-NBG (1)* Blue Brown Green Blue Orange Brown Green Blue Orange Red Green Blue Orange Red 1/0 Str. Yellow 5, 6 Str., 4 Sol. 3, 4 Str., 2 Sol. Blue Orange BG or 5/8 TOOL Y35 Y750 HYPRESS™ DIE (CRIMPS PER END) U-BG (1)* *Multiple crimp die set, makes more than one crimp per tool compression. Figure indicates number of compressions. BURNDY Overhead TYPE YSU 5/8" LINKIT™ Service Entrance Sleeve for Combination of Copper, Aluminum and ACSR Compressed. Heavy-walled aluminum tubing with solid barrier minimizes galvanic corrosion of conductors. Accommodates neutral strands of Type SE Service Entrance conductor as well as other conductors. Installed with standard tooling. Color Coded. Pre-filled with PENETROX™ joint compound and Stripsealed. CATALOG NUMBER ACSR YSU6W6W — SIDE A ALUMINUM & COPPER 8 Str. 6 Sol. #8 AL Compt E-45 COLOR CODE ACSR Green — YSU4W8W — YSU4W6W YSU4W4W 5, 6 Str. 4 Sol. #4 AL Compt Blue 6 — 6 YSU2W8W — YSU2W6W — 4 3, 4 Str. 2 Sol. Orange YSU2W4W 6 YSU2W2W YSU2R8W 4 — YSU2R6W — YSU2R4W YSU2R2W 2 2 Str. 1 Str. #1 AL Compt #2 AL Compt Red 6 4 YSU2R2R 2 YSU25R6W — YSU25R4W 6 YSU25R2W 1/0 YSU25R2R 1/0 Str. 2/0 AL Compt 1/0 AL Compt 4 Yellow 2 YSU25R25R YSU25A25A 1/0 1-1 1/0 Str. ▲ ▲ Accommodates 1/0 standard aluminum and copper concentric, compressed and compact conductors. Yellow 1/0 SIDE B ALUMINUM & COPPER 8 Str. 6 Sol. #8 AL Compt 8 Sol. 10 Str. 6 Sol. 8 Str. #8 AL Compt 5, 6 Str. 4 Sol. #4 AL Compt 8 Sol. 10 Str. 6 Sol. 8 Str. #8 AL Compt 5, 6 Str. 4 Sol. #4 AL Compt 3, 4 Str. 2 Sol. 8 Sol. 10 Str. 6 Sol. 8 Str. #8 AL Compt 5, 6 Str. 4 Sol. #4 AL Compt 3, 4 Str. 2 Sol. 2 Str. 1 Str. #1 AL Compt #2 AL Compt 8 Str. 6 Sol. #8 AL Compt 5, 6 Str. 4 Sol. #4 AL Compt 3, 4 Str. 2 Sol. 2 Str. 1 Str. #1 AL Compt #2 AL Compt 1/0 Str. 2/0 AL Compt 1/0 AL Compt 1/0 Str. COLOR CODE DIE INDEX TOOLS, DIE SET CATALOG NUMBER, & (CRIMPS PER END) Green Brown Green Blue HYTOOL™ TOOL DIE (CRIMPS PER END) OH25 (1) MD6, MD7 (3) MD6, MD7 W-BG (1)* OUR840 X-NBG (1)* Brown Green Blue Orange Brown Green Blue Orange Red Green Blue Orange Red Yellow Yellow BG or 5/8 HYPRESS™ TOOL DIE (CRIMPS PER END) Y35 U-BG (1)* Y35L, Y750 *Multiple crimp die set, makes more than one crimp per tool compression. Figure indicates number of compressions. BURNDY Overhead TYPE YSD .840" LINKIT™ Service Entrance Sleeve for Combinations of Copper, Aluminum, ACSR, 6201, 5005 and Compressed. Aluminum compression sleeve with solid center barrier. Designed for commercial and heavy residential services. Installed with standard tooling. Pre-filled with PENETROX™ joint compound, and capped. E-46 CATALOG NUMBER ACSR, 6201, 5005 YSD25R25R 1/0 SIDE A ALUMINUM & COPPER 1/0 Str. 2/0 AL Compt COLOR CODE ACSR, 6201, 5005 Yellow 1/0 YSD26R2W 4 YSD26R2R 2/0 YSD26R25R 2/0 Str. 3/0 AL Compt 2 Gray 1/0 YSD26R26R 2/0 YSD27R2W 4 YSD27R2R 2 YSD27R25R 3/0 3/0 Str. 4/0 AL Compt Black 1/0 YSD27R26R 2/0 YSD27R27R 3/0 YSD28R2W 4 YSD28R2R 2 YSD28R25R 4/0 YSD28R26R 4/0 Str. 300 AL Compt 1/0 Pink 2/0 YSD28R27R 3/0 YSD28R28R 4/0 SIDE B ALUMINUM & COPPER 1/0 2/0 AL Compt 3, 4 Str. 2 Sol. #2 AL Compt 2 Str. 1 Str. 1/0 AL Compt 1/0 Str. 2/0 AL Compt 2/0 Str. 3/0 AL Compt 3, 4 Str. 2 Sol. #2 AL Compt 2 Str. 1 Str. 1/0 AL Compt 1/0 Str. 2/0 AL Compt 2/0 Str. 3/0 AL Compt 3/0 Str. 4/0 AL Compt 3, 4 Str. 2 Sol. #2 AL Compt 2 Str. 1 Str. 1/0 AL Compt 1/0 Str. 2/0 AL Compt 2/0 Str. 3/0 AL Compt 3/0 Str. 4/0 AL Compt 4/0 Str. 300 AL Compt COLOR CODE DIE INDEX TOOLS, DIE SET CATALOG NUMBER, & (CRIMPS PER END) Yellow HYTOOL™ TOOL DIE (CRIMPS PER END) MD6, WK-840 (7) MD7 W-249 (4) X840 (7) OUR840 X249 (8) Orange Red Yellow Gray Orange Red EEI IIA Yellow Gray Black Orange Red 249 840 TOOL Y35 Y750* Y35 Y750* HYPRESS™ DIE (CRIMPS PER END) UK840 (4) U249 (2) Yellow Gray Black Pink *Multiple crimp die set, makes more than one crimp per tool compression. Figure indicates number of compressions. BURNDY Overhead TYPES YSS, YCS-R & YDS-AT HYSPLICE™ For Aluminum, ACSR, 6201, 5005 and Compressed. Single aluminum sleeve designed for service drop or short span overhead distribution lines. Installed with OH25 one-hand tool, and other standard tooling. Pre-filled with PENETROX™ joint compound and color coded capped. CATALOG NUMBER YSS6RG2 YSS6R YDS4WA YDS4CA YSS4R CONDUCTOR 6 ACSR 4 Sol. Al 4 Sol. Al 4 Str. Al (7) L HOLDING STRENGTH LBS. 4.00 4.72 2.62 900 700 900 700 750** 700** 4 ACSR 1000 2 Sol. Al 800 3.78 2 Al (7) 700 2 ACSR 1600 2 Al (7) 1200 TOOLS, DIE SETS CATALOG NUMBER, & (CRIMPS PER END) Y35, Y750, MD7, MD6 Y45†, Y46‡ DIE INDEX COLOR CODE BG or 5/8 Blue BG (6) W-BG (3)* U-BG (3)* — — 162 Blue W162 (4) U162 (2)* — — 162 Orange W162 (4) U162 (1)* — — 4 7 Al 4 5005 Al 4 5005 Al 4 (6-1) ACSR 4 (6-1) ACSR 4 (7-1) ACSR 4 (7-1) ACSR 2 Sol. Al 2 Sol. Al 2 (6-1) ACSR 2 (7-1) ACSR 2 (7-1) ACSR 2 7 Al 1/0 7 Al 1/0 (6-1) ACSR 1/0 (6-1) ACSR (3) (2) (3) (3) (2) (3) (2) (3) (2) (3) (3) (2) (3) (4) (2) (3) Orange BG or 5/8 YSS2R BG (6) W-BG (3)* U-BG (3)* BG (12) W-BG (6)* U-BG (6)* Red YDS25AT 1/0 Al (7) 7.27 2000 YCS25R 1/0 ACSR 7.09 2320 * Multiple crimp die set; makes more than one crimp per tool compression. Figure indicates number of compressions. ** Holding strength values up to 800 lbs. are obtained when HYPRESS™ tools are used for installations. † U Die with adapter PT-6515 ‡ U Die with adapter PUADP-1. OH25 APPLICATIONS OH25 (INDENTS CONDUCTOR PER END) BG, 5/8 or 243 Yellow E-47 BURNDY Overhead TYPE YCS-R HYSPLICE™ Jumper Sleeve for ACSR, All Aluminum, 6201, 5005 and Compressed HYSPLICE™ sleeve designed to withstand jumper loop tensile and vibration stresses. Made of aluminum with staked-in cable stop. Installed with same die as equivalent fulltension sleeves. Pre-filled with PENETROX™ joint compound. CONDUCTOR E-48 CATALOG NUMBER ACSR, 6201, 5005 ALL ALUMINUM L DIE INDEX YCS4R YCS2R 4 2 4 (7) 2 (7) 5 5 237 239 YCS25R 1/0 1/0 (7, 19) 7-1/8 243 YCS26R 2/0 (7, 19) 7 3/0 (7, 19) YCS28R YCS30R YCS321R YCS33R 2/0 3/0 110.8 (12-7) 4/0 266.8 (6/7, 18/1, 26/7) 336.4 (18-1) 300 336.4 (26-7, 30-7) YCS35R 397.5 (18-1, 26-7, 30-7) YCS361R YCS37R YCS39R 477 (18-1) 477 (24-7, 26-7, 30-7) 556.5 (18-1) 556.5 (24-7, 26-7) 605 (30-19) 636 (24-7, 26-7, 30-19) 666.6 (24-7, 54-7) 795 (36-1, 45-7) 795 (26-7, 54-7) 4/0 (7, 19) 266.8 336.4 (19) 397.5 (19) 477 (19, 37) 500 (37, 61) 500 (37, 61) 556.5 (19, 37) — YCS27R YCS43R YCD453R YCS45R † U Die with adapter PT-6515 ‡ U Die with adapter PUADP-1. TOOLS, DIE SET CATALOG NUMBER, & (CRIMPS PER END) MD7, MD6 Y35, Y750 Y45 Y46 Y48B Y60BHU U237 (2) U239 (2) UBG (10) or U243 (3) U245 (3) † † ‡ ‡ — — — — † ‡ — — 245 W237 (4) W239 (4) WBG (10) or W243 (6) W245 (6) † ‡ — — 5-3/4 247 W247 (6) U247 (3) † ‡ — — 5-3/4 6.47 6-1/2 8-3/4 249 251 490 316 W249 (6) W251 (10) — — U249 (3) U251 (6) U490 (5) U316 (6) † † † † ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ C249 (2) C251 (3) C490 (3) C316 (2) L249 (2) L251 (3) L490 (3) L316 (2) 8-7/8 317 — U317 (6) † ‡ C317 (2) L317 (2) 8-1/4 8-3/4 10-3/4 327 261 608 — — — U327 (6) U261 (6) U608 (9) † † † ‡ ‡ ‡ C327 (2) C261 (2) C608 (3) L327 (2) L261 (2) L608 (3) 795 (37) 10-5/8 292 or 319 — — S292 (9) S319 (9) P292 (9) P319 (9) C292 (3) C319 (3) L292 (3) L319 (3) — 900 (61, 91) 10-5/8 10-5/8 292 352 — — — — S292 (9) S352 (9) P292 (9) P352 (9) C292 (3) C352 (3) L292 (3) L352 (3) BURNDY Overhead TYPE YCS-RL UNISPLICE™ Jumper Sleeve for ACSR, All Aluminum 6201, 5005 Compressed and Compact Conductors. Aluminum jumper sleeve, with cable stop, designed to be installed with same dies as equivalent full-tension UNISPLICE™. Withstands jumper loop-tensile and vibration stresses. Pre-filled with PENETROX™ joint compound and capped. CATALOG NUMBER YCS25RL YCS26RL YCS28RL YCS321RL YCS341RL CONDUCTOR ††† 1/0 ACSR (6-1) 1/0 6201 (7) 1/0 5005 (7) 1/0 AAC (7) 2/0 ACSR (6-1) 2/0 6201 (7) 2/0 5005 (7) 2/0 AAC (7) 4/0 ACSR (6-1) 4/0 6201 (7) 4/0 5005 (7) 4/0 AAC (7) 336.4 ACSR (18-1) 336.4 AAC (19) 397.5 AAC (19) 397.5 ACSR (18-1) 400 AAC (37, 61) 18-1 336.4 ACSR 26-7 30-7 ( ) * MD6 NON-BOW Dies produce straight sleeves without rotating tool. † U Die with adapter PT-6515 ‡ U Die with adapter PUADP-1. ††† Accommodates ACSR with aluminized steel core. L 6-1/4 DIE INDEX C or 247 or 702 TOOLS, DIE SET CATALOG NUMBER, & (CRIMPS PER END) MD7, MD6 Y35, Y750, Y45†, Y46‡ W-C (12) — W702 (4) NON-BOW* — U247 (3) — 5-5/8 659 — U659 (3) 5-1/4 654 — U654 (3) 5-1/4 655 — U655 (3) 5-5/8 327 — U327 (4) E-49 BURNDY Overhead TYPE YCS-A JUMPER SLEEVE For All Aluminum, Compressed and Compact Conductors. HYSPLICE™ sleeve designed to withstand jumper loop tensile and vibration stresses. Made of aluminum with staked-in cable stop. Installed with same die as equivalent fulltension sleeve. Pre-filled with PENETROX™ joint compound and capped. E-50 CATALOG NUMBER CONDUCTOR L DIE INDEX YCS26A YCS28A YCS301A YCS311A YCS331A YCS331A YCS351A YCS361A YCS391A 2/0 (7) 4/0 (7, 19) 336.4 (19, 37) 397.5 (19) 477 (19, 37, 61) 500 (19, 37, 61) 556.5 (19, 37) 636 (37) 795 (37, 61) 5-1/8 4 4-3/8 5-5/8 6-14 6-1/4 8-3/4 7-3/8 10-1/2 245 249 321 468 317 317 261 469 342 TOOLS, DIE SET CATALOG NUMBER, & (CRIMPS PER END) MD7, MD6 Y35, Y750 Y45 Y46 Y48B Y60BHU W245 (4) W249 (4) — — — — — — — U245 (2) U249 (2) U321 (3) U468 (4) U317 (6) U317 (6) U261 (6) — — † † † † † † † S469 (6) S342 (9) ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ P469 (6) P342 (9) — C249 (1) C321 (2) — C317 (2) C317 (2) C261 (2) C469 (2) C342 (3) — L249 (1) L321 (2) — L317 (2) L317 (2) L261 (2) L469 (2) L342 (3) † U Die with adapter PT-6515 ‡ U Die with adapter PUADP-1. TYPE YCR JUMPER SLEEVE REDUCER For Copper Conductors. Copper sleeve designed to join different size copper conductors on transmission jumper applications. installed with same dies as full-tension sleeves. CATALOG NUMBER YCR2C4W YCR2625 YCR2725 YCR2825 YCR3228 YCR3425 COPPER CONDUCTOR SIDE A SIDE B 2 (7) 2/0 (7, 12, 19) 3/0 (7, 19) 4/0 (7, 12, 19) 400 (19, 37) 500 (19, 37) 4 Sol. 1/0 (7, 19) 1/0 (7, 19) 1/0 (7, 19) 4/0 (7, 12, 19) 1/0 (7, 19) L TOOLS, DIE SET CATALOG NO., & (CRIMPS PER END) TOOLS, DIE SET CATALOG NO., & (CRIMPS PER END) SIDE A SIDE B DIE Y35, Y750, DIE Y35, Y750, INDEX MD7, MD6 Y45†, Y46‡ Y48B Y60BHU INDEX MD6 Y45†, Y46‡ Y48B Y60BHU 3-3/4 3-3/8 3-1/2 3-3/8 5-1/2 6 * Multiple crimp die set; makes more than one crimp per tool compression. Figure indicates number of compressions. † UDie with adapter PT-6515. ‡ U Die with adapter PUADP-1. 163 166 167 168 209 210 W163 (3) W166 (6) — — — — U163 (1)* U166/U459 U167/U568 U168 (3) U209 (6) U210 (6) C163 (1)* C166 (1) C167 (1) C168 (1) C209 (2) C210 (2) L163 (1)* L166 (1) L167 (1) L168 (1) L209 (2) L210 (2) 162 165 165 165 168 165 W162 (4) W165 (3) W165 (3) W165 (3) — W165 (3) U162 (1)* U165/U205 U165/U205 U165/205 U168 (3) U165/205 C162 (1)* C165 (1) C165 (1) C165 (1) C168 (1) C165 (1) L162 (1) L165 (1) L165 (1) L165 (1) L168 (1) L165 (1) BURNDY Overhead TYPE YCR-R-G HYSPLICE™ Jumper Sleeve Reducer for ACSR, AAAC and Aluminum to Copper. Heavy-walled aluminum sleeve designed to connect all aluminum or ACSR to copper conductors, in all service conditions encountered in transmission and distribution. Sleeve has solid center barrier and is pre-filled with PENETROX™ joint compound and capped. CATALOG NUMBER YCR25RG6 YCR26RG2 YCR26RG3 YCR27RG5 YCR27RG6 YCR28RG5 YCR28RG6 YCR28RG7 YCR28RG8 YCR291RG2 YCR291RG3 YCR291RG4 SIDE A ACSR, 6201, ALUMINUM, 5005 COPPER 1/0 (6-1) 1/0 (7, 12, 19) 2/0 (6-1) 2/0 (7, 12, 19) 3/0 (6-1) 3/0 (7, 12, 19) 4/0 (6-1) 4/0 (7, 12, 19) 266.8 (18-1) 250 (19, 37) 266.8 (7, 12, 19) SIDE B ACSR, 6201, ALUMINUM, 5005 COPPER 1/0 (6-1) 1/0 (6-1) 2/0 (6-1) 1/0 (6-1) 2/0 (6-1) 1/0 (6-1) 2/0 (6-1) 3/0 (6-1) 4/0 (6-1) 2/0 (6-10 3/0 (6-1) 4/0 (6-1) YCR291RG5 266.8 (18-1) YCR30RG4 YCR30RG6 YCR30RG7 1/0 (6-1) 3/0 (6-1) 4/0 (6-1) YCR30RG8 266.8 (26-7) 300 (19, 37) 336.4 (19) 266.8 (18-1) YCR30RG9 266.8 (26-7) YCR32RG1 YCR32RG2 YCR32RG3 YCR32RG4 1/0 (6-1) 2/0 (6-1) 3/0 (6-1) 4/0 (6-1) YCR32RG5 336.4 (18-1) (26-7) 350 (19, 37) 397.5 (19) 266.8 (18-1) YCR32RG6 266.8 (26-7) YCR32RG7 336.4 (18-1) (26-7) * Crimps overlap on both ends. † U Die with adapter PT-6515 ‡ U Die with adapter PUADP-1. 1/0 (7, 12, 19) 1/0 (7, 12, 19) 2/0 (7, 12, 19) 1/0 (7, 12, 19) 2/0 (7, 12, 19) 1/0 (7, 12, 19) 2/0 (7, 12, 19) 3/0 (7, 12, 19) 4/0 (7, 12, 19) 2/0 (7, 12, 19) 3/0 (7, 12, 19) 4/0 (7, 12, 19) 250 (19, 37) 266.8 (7, 12, 19) 1/0 (7, 12, 19) 3/0 (7, 12, 19) 4/0 (7, 12, 19) 250 (19, 37) 266.8 (7, 12, 19) 300 (19, 37) 336.4 (19) 1/0 (7, 12, 19) 2/0 (7, 12, 19) 3/0 (7, 12, 19) 4/0 (7, 12, 19) 250 (19, 37) 266.8 (7, 12, 19) 300 (19, 37) 336.4 (19) 350 (19, 37) 397.5 (19) L 6-3/8 O.D. 1-1/16 TOOLS, DIE SET CATALOG NO., & (CRIMPS PER END) DIE Y35, Y750, INDEX Y45†, Y46‡ Y60B 654 or 705 U654 U705 L654 — Crimps Overlap Crimps Overlap U317 U705 L317 — Crimps Overlap Crimps Overlap 7-3/8 6-5/8 7-3/8 6-5/8 1-1/4 317 or 705 E-51 BURNDY Overhead TYPES YDS & YCS HYSPLICE™ Jumper Sleeve for Copper Conductors. Loop HYSPLICE™ connector designed to withstand jumper loop tensile and vibration stresses. Made of pure copper tubing. Installed with standard HYSPLICE™ tools and dies. CATALOG NUMBER YDS8W YDS6W YDS4W YDS2W YCS1W YDS6C YDS4C YDS2C YDS1C YCS25 YCS26 YCS27 YCS28 YCS29 YCS30 YCS31 YCS32 YCS34 YCS39 YCS44 E-52 CONDUCTOR L 8 Sol. 6 Sol. 4 Sol. 2 Sol. 1 Sol. 6 (7) 4 (7) 2 (7), 3 (3) 1 (7, 19) 1/0 (7, 19) 2/0 (7, 11, 12, 19) 3/0 (7, 19) 4/0 (7, 12, 19) 250 (7, 19, 37) 300 (19, 37) 350 (12, 19, 37) 400 (19, 37) 500 (19, 37) 750 (37) 1000 (37, 61) 1-5/8 2-5/8 2-1/2 3-3/4 4 2-3/4 2-5/8 3-5/8 3-1/8 3-3/8 3-1/4 3-1/8 3-5/8 5-3/8 5-3/4 5-1/8 6-7/8 7-3/4 TOOLS, DIE SET CATALOG NO., & (CRIMPS PER END) DIE Y750, Y35, INDEX MD7, MD6 Y45†, Y46‡ Y48B Y60BHU 171 161 162 163 164 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 267 209 210 627 345 W171 (1) W161 (2) W162 (4) W163 (6) W164 (4) W161 (2) W162 (4) W163 (6) W164 (4) W165 (3) W166 (6) — — — — — — — — — U171 (1)* U161 (1)* U162 (1)* U163 (2)* U164 (2)* U161 (1)* U162 (1)* U163 (2)* U164 (2)* U165 (3) U166 (3) U167 (3) U168 (3) U169 (4) U170 (4) U267 (6) U209 (6) U210 (6) — — — — — — — — — — — — — — C168 (1) C169 (2) C170 (1) C267 (2) C209 (2) C210 (2) C627 (3) C345 (4) — — — — — — — — — — — — L168 (1) L169 (2) L170 (1) L267 (2) L209 (2) L210 (2) L627 (3) L345 (4) * Multiple crimp die set; makes more than one crimp per tool compression. Figure indicates number of compressions. † U Die with adapter PT-6515 ‡ U Die with adapter PUADP-1. TYPE YNS-R Jumper Sleeve for ACSR, ACAR and Stranded Aluminum Cable. Jumper sleeve for ACSR, ACAR and SAC transmission lines. Installed with same dies as equivalent full tension splice. Sleeve is pre-filled with PENETROX™ joint compound and capped. CATALOG NUMBER YNS43R YNS451R YNS49R YNS59R ACAR 840.2 - 927.2 983.1 - 1198 CONDUCTOR ALUMINUM 700 - 800 795 - 1000 1033.5 - 1272 2250 - 2300 ACSR L 605 - 666.6 10 715.5 - 874.5 900 - 1113 45/7 10-1/8 2156 - 2167 14-1/2 * For Extra High Voltage (EHV) applications add suffix "T" to catalog number (e.g., YNS59RT). ** Overlap crimps. TOOLS, DIE SETS DIE INDEX Y45** Y46** Y60BHU** 724 725 727 735 S724 S725 — — P724 P725 — — L724 L725 L727 L735 BURNDY Overhead TYPE YCU-A Repair Sleeve for All Aluminum, Compressed and Compact Conductors For restoring conductivity to damaged conductors. Made of cast aluminum. Use same die as equivalent full-tension sleeve. Use of PENETROX™ joint compound required. CATALOG NUMBER YCU2CA YCU25A YCU28A YCU291A YCU301A CONDUCTOR L DIE INDEX MD7, MD6 2 (7) 1/0 (7) 4/0 (7, 19) 266.8 (7) 336.4 (19, 37) 7-5/8 8-3/4 11-7/8 11-5/8 11-5/8 163 243 249 251 321 W163 (27) W243 (20) W249 (28) — — TOOLS, DIE SET CATALOG NO., & (NUMBER OF CRIMPS) Y35, Y750 Y45 Y46 Y48B Y60BHU U163 (9)* U243 (10) U249 (14) U251 (20) U321 (20) † † † † † ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ — — C249 (7) C251 (10) C321 (10) — — L249 (7) L251 (10) L321 (10) L DIE INDEX Y45** Y46** Y60BHU** 724 725 727 S724 S725 — P724 P725 — L724 L725 L727 * Multiple crimp die set; makes more than one crimp per tool compression. Figure indicates number of compressions. † U Die with adapter PT-6515. ‡ U Die with adapter PUADP-1. TYPE YNU-R Repair Sleeve for ACSR, ACAR and Stranded Aluminum Cable Two-piece repair sleeves for restoring conductivity to damaged ACSR, ACAR or SAC transmission lines. Installed with same dies as equivalent full tension splice. Use of PENETROX™ joint compound required. TOOLS, DIE SETS CATALOG NUMBER * YNU43R YNU451R YNU49R ACAR CONDUCTOR ALUMINUM ACSR — 840.2 - 927.2 — 700 - 800 795 - 1000 1033.5 - 1272 605 - 666.6 715.5 - 874.5 900 - 1113 * For High Voltage and Extra High Voltage (EHV) applications. ** Overlap crimps. 16 16 E-53 BURNDY Overhead TYPES YCU-R & YOU-R Repair Sleeve for ACSR and Compressed and Compact Conductors For restoring conductivity to damaged conductors. Made of cast aluminum. Sizes up thru 266.8 are U-shaped. For 300 and larger, sleeves are two-piece interlocking elements. Use same die as equivalent full-tension sleeve. Use of PENETROX™ joint compound required. E-54 CATALOG NUMBER CONDUCTOR L DIE INDEX YCU4R YCU4RG1 YCU2R YCU25R YCU26R YCU27R YCU28R YCU30R YOU32R YCU321R YOU33R YOU35R YOU361R YOU37R YOU39R YOU41R YOU43R YOU43R YOU421R YOU43R YOU43R YOU453R YOU453R YOU453R YOU44R YOU44R 4 (6-1, 7-1) 4AAC 4 (7-1) 2 (6-1, 7-1) 1/0 (6-1) 2/0 (6-1) 3/0 (6-1) 4/0 (6-1) 266.8 (6-7, 18-1, 26-7) 300 (26-7) 336.4 (18-1) 336.4 (26-7, 30-7) 397.5 (18-1, 26-7, 30-7) 477 (18-1) 477 (24-7, 26-7, 30-7) 556.5 (24-7, 26-7) 605 (24-7, 54-7) 605 (30-19) 605 (30-19) 636 (36-1) 636 (26-7, 30-19) 666.6 (24-7, 54-7) 715.5 (26-7) 795 (36-1) 795 (36-1) 715.5 (54-7) 715.5 (54-7) 6-1/4 237 W237 (12) U237 (6) 8-1/4 239 W239 (16) U239 (8) 8-3/4 243 245 247 249 251 316 490, 547 316 317, 426 327 261, 318 608 319 W243 (20) W245 (24) W247 (24) W249 (28) — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — U243 (10) U245 (12) U247 (12) U249 (14) U251 (20) U316 (21) U490 (20) U316 (21) U317 (21) U327 (21) U261 (21) U608 (24) — — — — — — — — — — — 352, 579 — — 575 422 — — — — YOU45R 795 (26-7, 54-7) YOU48R YOU49R 900 (54-7) 954 (54-7) 1033.5 (54-7) 10 11-7/8 11-5/8 13 11-5/8 13 292, 578 319 292, 578 13-3/4 319 292578 319 292, 578 14-1/4 † U Die with adapter PT-6515. TOOLS, DIE SET CATALOG NO., & (NUMBER OF CRIMPS) MD7, MD6 Y35, Y750 Y45 Y46 Y48B Y60BHU † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ S319 (24) P319 (24) — — — — — — C249 (7) C251 (10) C316 (7) C490 (10) C316 (7) C317 (7) C327 (7) C261 (7) C608 (8) C292 (8) C352 (8) C319 (8) S292 (24) P292 (24) — — — — — — L249 (7) L251 (10) L316 (7) L490 (10) L316 (7) L317 (7) L327 (7) L261 (7) L608 (8) S292 (24) P292 (24) C292 (8) L292 (8) S319 (24) S292 (24) S319 (24) P319 (24) P292 (24) P319 (24) C319 (8) C292 (8) C319 (8) L319 (8) L292 (8) L319 (8) S292 (24) P292 (24) C292 (8) L292 (8) S319 (24) S352 (24) S579 (24) — — P319 (24) P352 (24) P579 (24) — — C319 (8) C352 (8) C579 (8) C575 (10) — L319 (8) L352 (8) L579 (8) L575 (10) L422 (10) L292 (8) L319 (8) ‡ U Die with adapter PUADP-1. TYPE YCU-R Repair Sleeve for ACSR "Static Wire" CATALOG NUMBER YCU27R YCU28R YCU30R CONDUCTOR L DIE INDEX 110.8 (12-7) 159 (12-7) 190.8 (12-7) 10 11-7/8 11-5/8 247 249 251 † U Die with adapter PT-6515. TOOLS, DIE SET CATALOG NO., & (NUMBER OF CRIMPS) MD7, MD6 Y35, Y750, Y45†, Y46‡ Y48B Y60BHU W247 (24) W249 (28) — ‡ U Die with adapter PUADP-1. U247 (12) U249 (14) U251 (20) — C249 (7) C251 (10) — L249 (7) L251 (10) BURNDY Overhead TYPES YDS-A & YDS-AT HYSPLICE™ Full Tension Sleeve for All Aluminum Compressed and Compact Conductors Full-Tension HYSPLICE™ sleeve made of aluminum tubing with staked-in cable stop. Sizes 1/0 and larger tapered for gradual transition of stress. Installed with HYSPLICE™ tools and dies. Pre-filled with PENETROX™ joint compound and capped. CATALOG NUMBER CONDUCTOR L YDS6WA YDS4WA YDS2WA YDS6CA YDS4CA YDS2CA 6 Sol. 4 Sol. 2 Sol. 6 (7) 4 (7) 2 (7) 3 2-5/8 3-7/8 3 2-5/8 3-7/8 YDS25AT 1/0 (7) 7-1/4 YDS26AT YDS27AT YDS28AT YDS29AT YDS291AT YDS301AT YDS31AT YDS311AT YDS331AT YDS351AT YDS361AT YDS391AT YDS431AT YDS451AT 2/0 (7) 3/0 (7, 19) 4/0 (7, 19) 250 (19) 266.8 (7, 19) 336.4 (19, 37) 350 (19) 397.5 (19) 477 (19) 556.5 (19, 37) 636 (37) 795 (37, 800 (61)) 954 (37, 61) 1272 (61) 9-1/4 7-1/4 10-1/2 7-1/2 8-5/8 9-7/8 11 12-1/4 12-3/4 13-1/2 13-5/8 17-5/8 18-1/2 * Multiple crimp die set; makes more than one crimp per tool compression. Figure indicates number of compressions. † U Die with adapter PT-6515. ‡ U Die with adapter PUADP-1. DIE INDEX 161 162 163 161 162 163 BG or 243 245 247 249 616 251 321 490 468 317 261 469 342 352 422 TOOLS, DIE SET CATALOG NO., & (NUMBER OF CRIMPS) MD7, MD6 Y35, Y750 Y45 Y46 Y48B Y60BHU W161 (2) W162 (4) W163 (6) W161 (2) W162 (4) W163 (6) BG (12) or W243 (6) W245 (8) W247 (8) W249 (12) — — — — — — — — — — — U161 (1)* U162 (1)* U163 (2)* U161 (1)* U162 (1)* U163 (2)* BG (3) or U243 (3) U245 (4) U247 (4) U249 (6) U616 (6) U251 (7) U321 (8) U490 (9) U468 (10) U317 (9) U261 (9) — — — — † † † † † † ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ — — — — — — — — — — — — † ‡ — — † † † † † † † † † † S469 (12) S342 (12) S352 (15) — ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ P469 (12) P342 (12) P352 (15) — — C247 (2) C249 (3) — C251 (4) C321 (4) C490 (5) — C317 (3) C261 (3) C469 (4) C342 (4) C352 (5) — — L247 (2) L249 (3) — L251 (4) L321 (4) L490 (5) — L317 (3) L261 (3) L469 (4) L342 (4) L352 (5) L422 (6) E-55 BURNDY Overhead TYPES YDS & YDS-C HYSPLICE™ Full Tension Sleeve for Stranded Copper Conductors. Made of pure copper tubing. Designed to develop the full rated breaking strength of hard drawn or medium hard drawn copper conductor. Installed with standard tooling. E-56 CATALOG NUMBER STRANDED CONDUCTOR L DIE INDEX YDS6C YDS4C YDS3C-3 YDS2C YDS2C-3 YDS1C YDS1C-3 YDS25 YDS26 YDS27 YDS28 YDS29 YDS30 YDS31 YDS32 YDS34 YDS39 YDS44 6 (7) 4 (7) 3 (3) 2 (7) 2 (3) 1 (7, 19) 1 (3) 1/0 (7, 19) 2/0 (7, 12, 19) 3/0 (7, 19) 4/0 (7, 12, 19) 250 (7, 19, 37) 300 (19, 37) 350 (12, 19, 37) 400 (19, 37) 500 (19, 37) 750 (37) 1000 (61, 37) 2-3/4 2-5/8 5-1/4 3-5/8 3-5/8 4-1/4 6-1/4 5-3/8 6 6-3/4 6-7/8 7-1/2 8-1/8 10-1/4 12-3/4 11-5/8 12-3/4 15-1/4 161 162 163 163 163 164 459 165 166 167 168 169 170 267 209 210 627 345 * Multiple crimp die set; makes more than one crimp per tool compression. Figure indicates number of compressions. † U Die with adapter PT-6515. ‡ U Die with adapter PUADP-1. TOOLS, DIE SET CATALOG NO., & (NUMBER OF CRIMPS) MD7, MD6 Y35, Y750, Y45†, Y46‡ Y48B Y60BHU W161 (2) W162 (4) W163 (9) W163 (6) W163 (6) W164 (6) — W165 (6) W166 (12) — — — — — — — — — U161 (1)* U162 (1)* U163 (3)* U163 (2)* U163 (2)* U164 (3)* U459 (6) U165/U205 (6) U166/U459 (6) U167/U568 (7) U168 (9) U169 (9) U170 (13) U267 (12) U209 (15) U210 (15) — — — — — — — — — — — — C168 (3) C169 (3) C170 (3) C267 (4) C209 (5) C210 (5) C627 (7) C345 (10) — — — — — — — — — — L168 (3) L169 (3) L170 (3) L267 (4) L209 (5) L210 (5) L627 (7) L345 (10) BURNDY Overhead TYPE YTS-A Full Tension Splice for Stranded Aluminum Cable Full tension splice for SAC transmission lines. Made of aluminum tube with staked-in cable stop. Pre-filled with PENETROX™ joint compound and capped. CATALOG NUMBER * YTS331A YTS39A YTS391A YTS431A YTS463A CONDUCTOR ALUMINUM CODE MCM. — COSMOS SYRINGA VIOLET NASTURTIUM CATTAIL ARBUTUS LILAC — — CROCUS MAGNOLIA GOLDENROD COREOPSIS 450 477 477 715.5 715.5 750 795 795 800 874.5 874.5 954 954 1590 STR. 37 19 37 37 61 61 37 61 61 37 61 37 61 61 L 9-1/4 TOOLS, DIE SETS DIE INDEX Y45** Y46** Y60BHU** 719 S719 P719 L719 724 S724 P724 L724 16-1/2 725 S725 P725 L725 21-1/2 728 — — L728 13-3/8 15-3/4 * For Extra High Voltage (EHV) applications add suffix "T" to catalog number (e.g., YTS391AT). ** Overlap crimps. TYPES YDS-W & YDS HYSPLICE™ Full Tension Sleeve for Solid Copper Conductors YDS-W is designed to develop full rated breaking strength of hard drawn and medium hard drawn solid copper conductor. Made of pure copper tubing. Installed with standard tooling. CATALOG SOLID NUMBER CONDUCTOR L YDS8WG1 YDS8W YDS6W YDS4W 8 8 6 4 1-7/8 1-1/2 2-5/8 2-5/8 YDS3W 3 2-7/8 YDS2W YDS1W YDS75 YDS76 YDS78 2 1 1/0 2/0 4/0 4 5-7/8 6-1/4 6-5/8 7-7/8 DIE TOOLS, DIE SET CATALOG NO., & (CRIMPS PER END) INDEX MD7, MD6 Y35, Y750, Y45†, Y46‡ Y48B Y60BHU 161 171 161 162 163 or 308 163 164 165 166 168 W161 (1) W171 (1) W161 (2) W162 (4) U161 (1) U171 (1)* U161 (1)* U162 (1)* — — — — — — — — W163 (4) — U163 (1)* U308 (2)* — — W163 (6) W164 (8) W165 (6) W166 (12) — U163 (2)* U164 (4)* U165/U205 (6) U166/U459 (6) U168 (9) — — — — C168 (3) — — — — L168 (3) * Multiple crimp die set; makes more than one crimp per tool compression. Figure indicates number of compressions. † U Die with adapter PT-6515. ‡ U Die with adapter PUADP-1. E-57 BURNDY Overhead TYPES YDS-R SET, YDS-RP1 ALUMINUM SLEEVE YDS-RP2 STEEL SLEEVE HYSPLICE™ Full Tension Sleeve for ACSR, Compressed and Compact Conductors Two-piece, full tension HYSPLICE™, consists of aluminum outer sleeve and steel E-58 inner sleeve. Tapered outer sleeve provides gradual transition of stress. Filler holes provided for PENETROX™ joint compound. Sizes 1/0 and larger supplied with plugs for filler hole. Installed with standard HYSPLICE™ tools and dies (thru 556 with Y35 or Y750 HYPRESS™). Aluminum and steel sleeves can be ordered separately or in sets. CATALOG NUMBER SET SLEEVES YDS021R YDS1R YDS25R YDS26R YDS27R YDS28R YDS291R YDS30R YDS321R YDS32R YDS33R YDS34R YDS35R YDS361R YDS326R YDS36R Steel Alum. Steel Alum. Steel Alum. Steel Alum. Steel Alum. Steel Alum. Steel Alum. Steel Alum. Steel Alum. Steel Alum. Steel Alum. Steel Alum. Steel Alum. Steel Alum. Steel Alum. Steel Alum. YDS25RP2 YDS021RP1 YDS1RP2 YDS1RP1 YDS25RP2 YDS25RP1 YDS26RP2 YDS26RP1 YDS27RP2 YDS27RP1 YDS28RP2 YDS28RP1 YDS1RP2 YDS291RP1 YDS30RP2 YDS30RP1 YDS25RP2 YDS321RP1 YDS32RP2 YDS33RP1 YDS41RP2 YDS33RP1 YDS34RP2 YDS35RP1 YDS44RP2 YDS35RP1 YDS27RP2 YDS361RP1 YDS34RP2 YDS37RP1 YDS36RP2 YDS37RP1 CONDUCTOR 2 (7-1) 1 (6-1) 1/0 (6-1) 2/0 (6-1) 3/0 (6-1) 4/0 (6-1) 266.8 (18-1) 266.8 (26-7) 336.4 (18-1) 336.4 (26-7) 336.4 (30-7) 397.5 (26-7) 397.5 (30-7) 477 (18-1) 477 (24-7) 477 (26-7) L 4-3/4 17 4-1/8 16-5/8 4-3/4 17 5-1/4 19-3/4 5-1/4 16-3/4 5-1/8 18-7/8 4-1/8 19-3/4 6 19-3/4 4-3/4 17-7/8 6-7/8 22-1/4 8-5/8 22-1/4 6-1/4 25-5/8 8 25-5/8 5-1/4 25-3/8 6-1/4 26-3/8 7-7/8 26-3/8 * Multiple crimp die set; makes more than one crimp per tool compression. Figure indicates number of compressions. † U Die with adapter PT-6515. ‡ U Die with adapter PUADP-1. TOOLS, DIE SET CATALOG NO., & (CRIMPS PER END) DIE Y35, Y750, INDEX MD7, MD6 Y45†, Y46‡ Y48B Y60BHU 242 241 240 241 242 243 242 245 248 247 248 249 240 251 250 251 242 490 252 316 305 316 253 317 255 317 248 327 253 261 350 261 W242 (8) W241 (10) W240 (6) W241 (10) W242 (8) W243 (10) W242 (8) W245 (12) W246 (16) W247 (12) W248 (14) W249 (14) W240 (6) — — — W242 (8) — — — — — — — — — W248 (16) — — — — — U242 (4) U241 (5) U240 (3) U241 (5) U242 (4) U243 (5) U242 (4) U245 (6) U248 (8) U247 (6) U248 (7) U249 (7) U240 (3) U251 (12) U250 (10) U251 (10) U242 (4) U490 (10) U252 (9) U316 (9) U305 (9) U316 (9) U253 (9) U317 (12) U255 (12) U317 (12) U248 (8) U327 (16) U253 (9) U261 (12) U350 (12) U261 (12) — — — — — — — — C248 (3)* C247 (2)* C248 (2)* C249 (4) — — — — — — L248 (3)* L247 (2)* L248 (2)* L249 (4) — L251 (6) L250 (8) L251 (5) L242 (2)* L490 (5) L252 (3) L316 (3) L305 (3) L316 (3) L253 (3) L317 (4) L255 (4) L317 (4) L248 (4)* L327 (4) L253 (3) L261 (4) L350 (4) L261 (4) C251 (6) C250 (8) C251 (5) C242 (2)* C490 (5) C252 (3) C316 (3) C305 (3) C316 (3) C253 (3) C317 (4) C255 (4) C317 (4) C248 (4)* C327 (4) C253 (3) C261 (4) C350 (4) C261 (4) BURNDY Overhead TYPES YDS-R SET, YDS-RP1 ALUMINUM SLEEVE YDS-RP2 STEEL SLEEVE (Continued) Full Tension Sleeve for ACSR and Compressed and Compact Conductors SET CATALOG NUMBER SLEEVES YDS392R YDS39R44RS YDS43R43RS YDS43R45RS YDS43R43RS YDS451R49RS YDS45R45RS YDS451R34RS YDS49R49RS YDS49R36RS Steel Alum. Steel Alum. Steel Alum. Steel Alum. Steel Alum. Steel Alum. Steel Alum. Steel Alum. Steel Alum. Steel Alum. L DIE INDEX 8-5/8 26-1/8 8 26-1/8 8 32-1/2 9 32-1/2 8 32-1/2 10 32-1/2 9 32-1/2 6-1/4 32-1/2 10 37 7-7/8 37 305 608 255 608 254 319 320 319 254 319 419 579 320 352 253 579 419 422 350 422 CONDUCTOR YDS41RP2 YDS39RP1 YDS44RP2 YDS39RP1 YDS43RP2 YDS43RP1 YDS45RP2 YDS43RP1 YDS43RP2 YDS43RP1 YDS49RP2 YDS451RP1 YDS45RP2 YDS45RP1 YDS34RP2 YDS451RP1 YDS49RP2 YDS49RP1 YDS36RP2 YDS49RP1 556.5 (24-7) 556.5 (26-7) 636 (24-7) 636 (26-7) 666.6 (24-7) 795 (26-7) 795 (54-7) 900 (45-7) 1033.5 (54-7) 1113 (45-7) TOOLS, DIE SET CATALOG NO., & (CRIMPS PER END) MD7, MD6 Y35, Y750 Y45 Y46 Y48B Y60BHU — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — U305 (9) U608 (15) U255 (12) U608 (15) — — — — — — — — — — U253 (9) — — — U350 (12) — † † † † S254 (15) S319 (18) S320 (15) S319 (18) S254 (15) S319 (18) S419 (21) S579 (18) S320 (15) S352 (18) † S579 — — † — ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ P254 (15) P319 (18) P320 (15) P319 (18) P254 (15) P319 (18) P419 (21) P579 (18) P320 (15) P352 (18) ‡ P579 — — ‡ — C305 (3) C608 (5) C255 (4) C608 (5) C254 (5) C319 (6) C320 (5) C319 (6) C254 (5) C319 (6) C419 (7) C579 (6) C320 (5) C352 (6) C253 (3) C579 (6) C419 (7) — C350 (4) — L305 (3) L608 (5) L255 (4) L608 (5) L254 (5) L319 (6) L320 (5) L319 (6) L254 (5) L319 (6) L419 (7) L579 (6) L320 (5) L352 (6) L253 (3) L579 (6) L419 (7) L422 (8) L350 (4) L422 (8) *†U Die with adapter PT-6515. ‡ U Die with adapter PUADP-1. FOR ACSR "STATIC" WIRE CATALOG NUMBER SET SLEEVES YDS011R YDS251R YDS261R YDS271R Steel Alum. Steel Alum. Steel Alum. Steel Alum. YDS27RP2 YDS011RP1 YDS34RP2 YDS251RP1 YDS41RP2 YDS261RP1 YDS44RP2 YDS271RP1 † U Die with adapter PT-6515. ‡ U Die with adapter PUADP-1. CONDUCTOR 80 (1-8) 101.8 (12-7) 134.6 (12-7) 159 (12-7) L DIE INDEX 5-1/4 19-3/4 6-1/4 22-1/4 8-5/8 22-1/4 8 25-5/8 248 245 253 316 305 316 255 317 TOOLS, DIE SET CATALOG NO., & (CRIMPS PER END) MD7, MD6 Y35, Y750, Y45†, Y46‡ Y48B Y60BHU W248 (16) W245 912) — — — — — — U248 (8) U245 (6) U253 (9) U316 (9) U305 (9) U316 (9) U255 (12) U317 (12) — — C253 (3) C316 93) C305 (3) C316 (3) C255 (4) C317 (4) — — L253 (3) L316 (3) L305 (3) L316 (3) L255 (4) L317 (4) E-59 BURNDY Overhead TYPE AWS-R Wedge Advance Thumb Tab Channel Lock® pliers gripping tabs to lock QIKSLEEVE in place QIKSLEEVE™ Aluminum overhead line splice for AAC, AAAC and ACSR conductors. QIKSLEEVE™ Aerial Wedge Splice is designed for use on Tension and Slack Span overhead applications. Features Benefits • Rated for both Tension and Slack Span applications. • Range-taking feature replaces several conventional designs. E-60 • All aluminum construction. • Open Frame design allows visual inspection and ease of installation. • Anti-reverse clip assists in the initial installation of the connector. A visual indicator also ensures verification of installation. • QIKSLEEVE™ is easily adjustable for flexibility during installation. Catalog Number AWS25R AWS28R AWS33R AWS36R Conductor #6 to 1/0 AAC AAAC and ACSR 1/0 to 4/0 AAC AAAC and ACSR 4/0 to 336.4 AAC AAAC and ACSR, 397 AAC 336.4 to 477 AAC AAAC and ACSR, 556 AAC ◊ Expands the capability of conventional field splice applications. ◊ Reduces warehouse and line truck inventory when used in place of tubular automatics. ◊ All Aluminum open style design does not trap water and eliminates dissimilar metal interactive corrosion. ◊ Installation Confidence: Verification that your installation was done properly. ◊ 30% less resistance than conventional designs. Less than a 3 year payback in kw savings alone. ◊ Field re-adjustment capability reduces the potential of scrapping incorrectly applied splices. ◊ Four sizes cover .184 to .858 conductor diameter ranges (#6 Str.-477 ACSR). ◊ Designed for future higher temperature/ higher current applications. Height (H) Length (L) Width (W) 1.5 in. [38 mm] 7.7 in. [196 mm] 2.2 in. [56 mm] 2006 2.3 in. [59 mm] 12.0 in. [305 mm] 2006 4.0 in. [102 mm] Conductor installation indicator/pointer Anti-reverse locking clip & release tab BURNDY Overhead TYPES YTS-R & YTS-RS Full Tension Splice for ACSR Full tension two-piece splice for ACSR transmission lines. Outer aluminum sleeve and inner steel sleeve ordered separately. Aluminum sleeve has filler hole and plugs for PENETROX™ joint compound. CATALOG CONDUCTOR NUMBER* ACSR ALUM. CODE MCM. STR. SLEEVE LINNET WIDGEON IBIS FLICKER HAWK PARAKEET DOVE EAGLE PEACOCK DUCK SQUAB ROOK GROSEBEAK GULL FLAMINGO CROW STARLING TERN CUCKOO CONDOR DRAKE MALLARD — RAIL CARDINAL — — ORTOLAN — CURLEW BLUEJAY — GRACKLE BUNTING — BITTERN PHEASANT DIPPER MARTIN BOBOLINK FINCH NUTHATCH — PARROT LAPWING FALCON CHUKAR BLUEBIRD KIWI 336.4 397.5 477 556.5 556.5 605 636 666.6 715.5 795 954 1027.4 26/7 24/7 26/7 24/7 26/7 24/7 26/7 30/7 24/7 54/7 26/7 24/7 26/7 54/7 24/7 54/7 26/7 45/7 24/7 54/7 26/7 30/19 24/7 45/7 54/7 YTS32R L 17-1/4 YTS34RS LL 5-3/4 YTS34R YTS36R 18-1/4 YTS362RS YTS36RS TOOLS, DIE SETS ALUM. SLEEVE STEEL SLEEVE DIE DIE INDEX Y60BHU** INDEX Y60BHU** 717 L717 719 L719 720 718 L718 L720 721 L721 722 L722 723 L723 5-7/8 E-61 YTS39R 19-7/8 YTS43RS YTS40R 24-7/8 YTS48RS 9 724 L724 726 L726 YTS43R 21-7/16 YTS43RS 5-7/8 724 L724 723 L723 725 L725 726 L726 727 L727 726 L726 727 L727 726 L726 728 L728 726 L726 9-1/8 9 9-1/8 729 L729 726 L726 4-1/4 735 YTS449RS 9 YTS48RS YTS481RS 9-1/8 YTS451R YTS449RS YTS48R 28 48/7 45/7 1033.5 48/7 54/7 45/7 1113 48/7 54/19 1192.5 45/7 48/7 45/7 1272 54/19 45/7 1351.5 54/19 1431 45/7 1113 54/19 45/7 1510.5 48/7 54/19 45/7 1590 54/19 1780 84/19 2156 84/19 2167 72/7 CATALOG NUMBER STEEL SLEEVE YTS483RS 9-1/8 YTS449RS 9 YTS48RS YTS483RS 9-1/8 YTS449RS YTS48RS 9 YTS521RS YTS49R YTS52R YTS549R YTS56R YTS58R YTS59R 9 YTS48RS YTS59RS 9-1/8 YTS48RS 9 YTS481RS 9-1/8 YTS48RS 9 YTS449RS 41 YTS59RS YTS521RS YTS59RS YTS521RS YTS48RS YTS521RS YTS549RS 31-3/4 YTS59RS YTS549RS YTS59RS 31-1/4 YTS48RS YTS59RS 42 YTS521RS * For Extra High Voltage (EHV) applications add suffix "T" to catalog number (e..g. YTS56RT). 9-1/8 9 9-1/8 9 ** Overlap crimps. L735 BURNDY Overhead TYPE YTS-AR Full Tension Splice for ACAR Full tension splice for ACAR transmission lines made of aluminum tube with staked-in cable stop. Pre-filled with PENETROX™ joint compound and capped. CATALOG NUMBERS* YTS32AR CONDUCTOR ACAR MCM. STR. 395.1 395.2 634.9 649.5 YTS39AR E-62 653.1 840.2 853.7 YTS451AR 862.7 927.2 983.1 1012.2 YTS48AR 1024.5 1081 1277 YTS51AR 1280 YTS55AR 1534 2267 2277 YTS59AR 2338 2335 YTS592AR 2493 12-7 15-7 12-7 18-19 15-4 12-7 18-19 24-13 30-7 24-13 18-19 30-7 24-13 18-19 30-7 24-13 30-7 24-13 18-19 30-7 24-13 18-19 42-19 54-7 30-7 24-13 18-19 42-19 54-7 48-13 42-19 54-7 48-13 42-19 72-19 30-61 54-37 * For Extra High Voltage (EHV) applications add suffix "T" to Catalog Number (e.g., YTS451ART). ** Overlap crimps. TOOL, DIE SETS L DIE INDEX Y45** Y46** Y60BHU** 15-1/4 717 S717 P717 L717 16-3/8 722 S722 P722 L722 19-1/2 725 S725 P725 L725 21-3/8 727 L727 21-1/2 — — 25-3/8 728 L728 23-1/2 814 *** 28-3/8 990 **** *** Use die H814 in Alcoa Press H2H, die M814 in Alcoa Press 150B and die MH814 in Alcoa Press 100A. These dies are manufactured by BURNDY®. **** Use die H990 in Alcoa Press H2H, die M990 in Alcoa Press 150B and die MH990 in Alcoa Press 100A. These dies are manufactured by BURNDY®. BURNDY Overhead TYPE YDS-RLY UNISPLICE™ SINGLE-SLEEVE Full Tension Sleeve for ACSR, Aluminum, 6201 AND 5005 Single sleeve splice similar to UNISPLICE™ type YDS-RL, except designed to eliminate possible conductor basketing on ACSR. Installed by crimping from end of connector towards center with standard tooling. Supplied pre-filled with PENETROX™ joint compound and capped. Factory installed plugs in pressure relief holes must be in place when conductors are inserted. Plugs drop out when sleeve is crimped. E-63 CATALOG NUMBER YDS4RLY CONDUCTOR ††† 4ACSR (7-1) 4 ACSR (6-1) 4 6201 (7) 4 5005 (7) 4 AAC (7) L 12-1/2 YDS2RLY 2 ACSR (6-1) 2 6201 (7) 2 5005 (7) 2 AAC (7) 12-3/8 YDS021RLY 2 ACSR (7-1) 2 ACSR (6-1) 2 6201 (7) 2 AAC (7) 14-3/8 YDS25RLY YDS26RLY YDS27RLY YDS28RLY YDS321RLY 1/0 ACSR (6-1) 1/0 6201 (7) 1/0 5005 (7) 1/0 AAC (7) 2/0 ACSR (6-1 2/0 6201 (7) 2/0 5005 (7) 2/0 AAC (7) 3/0 ACSR (6-1) 3/0 6201 (7) 3/0 5005 (7) 3/0 AAC (7) 4/0 ACSR (6-1) 4/0 6201 (7) 4/0 5005 (7) 4/0 AAC (7) 336.4 ACSR (18-1) 336.4 AAC (19) 17 DIE INDEX BG, or 687, or 243 BG, or 687, or 243 C, or 167, or 247, or 702 C, or 660, or 167, or 247, or 702 TOOLS, DIE SET CATALOG NUMBER, & (CRIMPS PER END) MD7, MD6 Y35, Y750, Y45†, Y46‡ Y48B Y60BHU BG (24) W-BG (12)* W687 (12) NON-BOW** — BG (20) W-BG (10)* W687 (10) NON-BOW** — W-C (28) — — W702 (11) NON-BOW** W-C (32) W660 (16) — — W702 (12) NON-BOW** U-BG (8)* — — — — — U243 (6) C243 (3) L243 (3) U-BG (8)* — — — — — U243 (6) — U167 (14) U247 (7) C243 (3) — C167 (7) L243 (3) — L167 (7) — — — — U660 (8) U167 (16) U247 (8) — — C167 (5) — — — L167 (5) — — — — 15 659 — U659 Crimps Overlap — — 21 658 — U658 Crimps Overlap — — 21 654 — U654 Crimps Overlap — — 20-1/2 655 — U655 Crimps Overlap — — * Multiple crimp die set; makes more than one crimp per tool compression. Figure indicates number of compressions. ** MD6 NON-BOW Dies produce straight sleeves without rotating tool. † U Die with adapter PT-6515. ‡ U Die with adapter PUADP-1. ††† Accommodates ACSR with aluminized steel core. BURNDY Overhead TYPES YDS-RL & YDS-LT UNISPLICE™ Full Tension Sleeve for ACSR All Aluminum, 5005, 6201, Compressed Conductors. Single-sleeve aluminum UNISPLICE™ designed to splice ACSR as simply as allaluminum. Pre-filled with PENETROX™ joint compound and capped. Eliminates strand stripping, installing separate steel sleeve and filling with joint compound. Ends ACSR joint failure due to faulty positioning of sleeve and E-64 lack of joint compound. Simplifies hot-line splicing. Electrical and mechanical performance equal to two-piece sleeves. CATALOG NUMBER YDS4RL YDS2RL YDS021RL YDS25RL YDS26RL YDS27RL YDS28RL YDS321RL * ** CONDUCTOR ††† 4 ACSR (7-1) 4 ACSR (6-1) 4 6201 (7) 4 5005 (7) 4 AAC (7) 2 ACSR (6-1) (7-1) 2 6201 (7) 2 5005 (7) 2 AAC (7) 2 ACSR (7-1) 2 ACSR (6-1) 2 6201 (7) 2 AAC (7) 1/0 ACSR (6-1) 1/0 6201 (7) 1/0 5005 (7) 1/0 AAC (7) 2/0 ACSR (6-1) 2/0 6201 (7) 2/0 5005 (7) 2/0 AAC (7) 3/0 ACSR (6-1) 3/0 6201 (7) 3/0 5005 (7) 3/0 AAC (7) 4/0 ACSR (6-1) 4/0 6201 (7) 4/0 5005 (7) 4/0 AAC (7) 336.4 ACSR (18-1) 336.4 AAC (19) 350 AAC L 11-7/8 10-1/4 11-1/4 13-7/8 DIE INDEX BG, or 243, or 687 BG, or 243, or 687 C, or 167, or 247, or 702 C, or 167, or 660, or 247, or 702 TOOLS, DIE SET CATALOG NUMBER, & (CRIMPS PER END) MD7, MD6 Y35, Y750, Y45†, Y46‡ Y48B Y60BHU BG (24) W-BG (12)* W243 (12) W687 (12) NON-BOW** BG (20) W-BG (10)* W243 (10) W687 (10) NON-BOW** W-C (28) — W247 (14) W702 (11) NON-BOW** W-C (32) — W660 (16) — W702 (12) NON-BOW** U-BG (8)* — — U243 (6) C243 (3) L243 (3) — — — U-BG (8)* — — U243 (5) C243 (3) L243 (3) — — — — U167/U568 (16) U247 (7) — C167 (7) — — L167 (7) — — — — — U167/U568 (14) U660 (8) U247 (8) — C167 (5) — — — L167 (5) — — — — — 13-1/2 659 — U659 Crimps Overlap — — 18-1/4 658 — U658 Crimps Overlap — — 18-1/4 654 — U654 Crimps Overlap — — 18-1/4 655 — U655 Crimps Overlap — — Multiple crimp die set; makes more than one crimp per tool compression. Figure indicates number of compressions. MD6 NON-BOW Dies produce straight sleeves without rotating tool. † U Die with adapter PT-6515. ‡ U Die with adapter PUADP-1. ††† Accommodates ACSR with aluminized steel core. BURNDY Overhead TYPES YDS-RL & YDS-LT (Continued) UNISPLICE™ Full Tension Sleeve for ACSR All Aluminum, 5005, 6201, Compressed Conductors CATALOG NUMBER YDS30LT YDS32LT YDS341RL YDS361RL YDS36LT YDS45LT CONDUCTOR CODE 312.8 6201 394.5 6201 394.5 5005 (336.4 E.C. Equiv.) 397.5 ACSR (18-1) 419.6 5005 477 (18-1) 556.5 (18-1) 587.2 5005 559.5 6201 559.5 5005 (477 E.C. Equiv.) 927.2 6201 927.2 5005 (795 E.C. Equiv.) BUTTE L DIE INDEX TOOLS, DIE SET CATALOG NUMBER, & (CRIMPS PER END) MD7, MD6 Y35, Y750, Y45†, Y46‡ Y48B Y60BHU 317 U317 C317 L317 CANTON RADIAN 14-1/2 642 — U642 (12) C642 (4) L642 (4) REDE 22 327 — U327 (18) — — — RUBLE 23-1/4 788 720 — U-788 Crimps Overlap DARIEN REMEX 16 667 — P667** C667 Crimps Overlap L720 Crimps Overlap L667 Crimps Overlap GREELEY SOLAR 21-3/8 648 — — — L648 (7) ** Y46 HYPRESS™ only. TYPES YDS-A & YDS-AT HYSPLICE™ Full Tension Sleeve for Aluminum (Installed with BURNDY® or EEI Dies) Full-tension HYSPLICE™ sleeve made of aluminum and with cable stop. Designed to be installed with BURNDY® or EEI dies. BURNDY® and EEI die index numbers clearly marked on sleeve. Sizes 1/0 and larger tapered for gradual transition of stress. Prefilled with PENETROX™ joint compound and capped. CATALOG NUMBER CONDUCTOR L EEI DIE INDEX INDEX YDS2CA YDS25AT YDS27AT YDS28AT YDS311AT YDS331AT 2 (7) 1/0 (7) 3/0 (7, 19) 4/0 (7, 19) 397.5 (19) 477 (19) 3-7/8 7-1/4 7-1/4 10-1/2 12-1/4 12-3/4 6A 8A 10A 11A 13A 14A 693 243 694 249 655 317 † U Die with adapter PT-6515. ‡ U Die with adapter PUADP-1. TOOLS, DIE SET CATALOG NUMBER, & (CRIMPS PER END) MD7, MD6 Y35, Y750, Y45†, Y46‡ W693 (8) W243 (6) W694 (8) W249 (12) — — U693 (2) U243 (3) U694 (4) U249 (6) U655 (10) U317 (9) E-65 BURNDY Overhead TYPES YDS-R & YDS-RE HYSPLICE™ Full Tension Sleeve for ACSR (Installed with BURNDY® EEI Dies) Two-piece, full-tension HYSPLICE™, made of aluminum outer sleeve and steel sleeve for steel core. Designed to be installed with BURNDY® EEI dies. BURNDY® and EEI die index numbers are clearly marked on the sleeve. E-66 CATALOG CATALOG NUMBER NUMBER ALUM. & STEEL ALUMINUM SLEEVE SET SLEEVE YDS2RE YDS021RE YDS25RE YDS26RE YDS27RE YDS28RE YDS321RE YDS361R YDS021REP1 YDS021REP1 YDS25RP1 YDS26RP1 YDS27RP1 YDS28RP1 YDS321REP1 YDS361RP1 CONDUCTOR 2 (6-1) 2 (7-1) 1/0 (6-1) 2/0 (6-1) 3/0 (6-1) 4/0 (6-1) 336.4 (18-1) 477 (18-1) L ALUMINUM OUTER SLEEVE TOOLS, DIE SET CATALOG CATALOG EEI NO., & (CRIMPS PER END) NUMBER DIE DIE Y35, Y750, STEEL NUMBER INDEX MD6 Y45†, Y46‡ SLEEVE 17-1/8 19-3/4 16-3/4 18-7/8 17-7/8 25-1/2 6A 693 W693 (20) U693 (5) 8A 9A 10A 11A 13A 14A 243 245 694 249 655 327 W243 (10) W245 (12) W694 (12) W249 (14) U243 (5) U245 (6) U694 (6) U249 (7) U655 (9) U327 (16) W327 YDS2REP2 STEEL INNER SLEEVE TOOLS, DIE SET CATALOG EEI NO., & (CRIMPS PER END) DIE DIE Y35, Y750, LL NUMBER INDEX MD6 Y45†, Y46‡ 4-1/8 1S 690 W690 (8) U690 (4) YDS25REP2 4-3/4 2S 691 W691 (9) U691 (3) YDS26REP2 YDS27RP2 YD28REP2 YDS25REP2 YDS27RP2 5-1/4 5-1/4 5-1/4 4-3/4 5-1/4 4S 5S 5S 2S 5S 692 248 248 691 248 W692 (12) W248 (8) W248 (8) W691 (9) W248 (8) U692 (6) U248 (8) U248 (8) U691 (3) U248 (3) † U Die with adapter PT-6515. ‡ U Die with adapter PUADP-1. TYPES YDS-E, YDS-H, YDS-U HYSPLICE™ Full Tension Sleeve for Steel Full-tension HYSPLICE™ sleeves designed for HS, EHS, Utilities (UT) or Siemens-Martin (SM) galvanized steel guy, messenger, and "Static" conductors. Made of hot-dip galvanized seamless milled steel tubing lined with silicone carbide particles. CATALOG NUMBER SIZE YDS250E YDS312H YDS312E YDS375H YDS500H 1/4 5/16 5/16 3/8 1/2 CONDUCTOR STR. GRADE 7 7 7 7 7 EHS HS EHS HS, UT HS * Multiple crimp die set makes more than one crimp per tool compression. Figure indicates number of compressions. † U Die with adapter PT-6515. ‡ U Die with adapter PUADP-1. L DIE INDEX 6-3/4 10-5/8 8-1/2 9 9-5/8 609 257 305 304 293 TOOLS, DIE SET CATALOG NUMBER, & (CRIMPS PER END) Y35, Y750, Y45†, Y46‡ Y48B Y60BHU U609 (10) U257 (20) U305 (6) U304 (12) — — C257 (5)* C305 (3) C304 (4) C293 (6) — L257 (5)* L305 (3) L304 (4) L293 (6) BURNDY Overhead TYPE YDS-K HYSPLICE™ Full Tension Sleeve for Copperweld Full-tension HYSPLICE™ designed to exceed the minimum rated breaking strength of, 30% conductivity extra high strength Copperweld, and lower strength conductors. Made of pure copper tubing. Installed with HYSPLICE™ tools and dies. CATALOG NUMBER CONDUCTOR L YDS8WK 8 Sol. 3-3/4 YDS6WK 6 Sol. 4-3/8 YDS3K10 YDS3K8 YDS3K7 YDS3K6 YDS3K5 YDS7K7 YDS7K6 YDS7K5 (3 #10) (3 #8) 5/16 (7 #10) (3 #7) 11/32 (7 #9) (3 #6) 3/8 (7 #8) (3 #5) 7/16 (7 #7) 1/2 (7 #6) 9/16 (7 #5) 4-7/8 5-5/8 10 9-1/2 6-7/8 6-7/8 9-3/8 11-3/8 DIE INDEX 162 or 285 162 or 276 403 205 167 331 259 328 260 344 TOOLS, DIE SET CATALOG NUMBER, & (CRIMPS PER END) MD7, MD6 Y35, Y750, Y45†, Y46‡ Y48B Y60BHU W162 (6) U285 (2) — — W162 (6) U276 (6) — — — — — — — — — — U403 (3)* U205 (5) U167/U568 (10) U331 (9) U259 (6) — — — — — C167 (4) C331 (9) C259 (2) C328 (3) C260 (4) C344 (6) — — L167 (4) L331 (3) L259 (2) L328 (3) L260 (4) L344 (6) * Multiple crimp die set; makes more than one crimp per tool compression. Figure indicates number of compressions. † U Die with adapter PT-6515. ‡ U Die with adapter PUADP-1. TYPE YTS-E Full Tension Splice for EHS Steel Full tension splice for EHS steel guy, messenger or "static" cable. Sleeve is prefilled with PENETROX™ joint compound and capped. CATALOG NUMBER YTS375E YTS438E CONDUCTOR† EHS STEEL L DIE INDEX Y60BHU* 3/8 7 Str. 7/16 7 Str. 10-3/8 11-7/8 723 726 L723 L726 * Overlap crimps. † Sleeve is high strength aluminum alloy for optimum corrosion resistance. TOOLS, DIE SETS E-67 BURNDY Overhead TYPES YDS-KT & YDS-F HYSPLICE™ Full Tension Sleeve for Copperweld-Copper Full-tension HYSPLICE™ made of pure copper tubing. Type YDS-KT is tapered to provide gradual transition of stress on Type "A" conductor. HYSPLICE™ Type YDS-F is recommended for Type "F" conductor. CATALOG NUMBER E-68 CONDUCTOR L YDS8KT 8A 5 YDS6KT 6A 6-1/8 YDS4KT 4A 6-3/8 YDS2KT YDS3K6 YDS2F YDS25F YDS26F YDS28F 2A 4D 2F 1/0F 2/0F 4/0F 7-3/4 9-1/2 6-1/4 8-3/4 9-5/8 11-7/8 DIE INDEX TOOLS, DIE SET CATALOG NUMBER, & (CRIMPS PER END) MD7, MD6 Y35, Y750, Y45†, Y46‡ Y48B Y60BHU 162 or 202 162 or 203 163 or 204 205 331 329 568 552 331 W162 (4) — W162 (10) — W162 (13) — — — — — — — — U202 (4)* — U203 (5)* — U204 (10) U205 (8) U331 (9) U329 (4) U167/U568 (8) U552 (11) U331 (12) — — — — — — — C331 (3) — — — C331 (4) — L331 (3) — — — L331 (4) * Multiple crimp die set; makes more than one crimp per tool compression. Figure indicates number of compressions. † U Die with adapter PT-6515. ‡ U Die with adapter PUADP-1. TYPE YDS-M-T Full Tension Sleeve for Alumoweld Full-tension splice for Alumoweld transmission lines. Five connectors accommodate eight conductor sizes. Sleeve is pre-filled with PENETROX™ joint compound and capped. CATALOG††† NUMBER CONDUCTOR ALUMOWELD L YDS7M10T 7 #10, 3 #7 10 YDS7M9T 7 #9, 3 #6 10-3/8 YDS7M8T 7 #8, 3 #5 12-1/4 YDS7M7T 7 #7 14-1/2 YDS7M6T 7 #6 15-1/8 * † ‡ ††† Overlap crimps. U Die with adapter PT-6515. U Die with adapter PUADP-1. Sleeve is high strength aluminum alloy for optimum corrosion resistance. DIE INDEX TOOLS, DIE SETS Y35, Y750, Y45†, Y46‡ Y60BHU* 676 or 721 677 668 or 723 678 or 726 679 or 726 U676 (8) — U677 (10) U668 (13) — U678 (19) — U679 (2) — — L721 — — L723 — L726 — L726 BURNDY Overhead DEADEND FITTING AND ACCESSORIES TABLE OF CONTENTS E-69 LOOP Type UP-R .....................................................E-70 Type BC.........................................................E-71 Type M...........................................................E-71 PRIMARY AND STRAIN BUS Type CUW-E..................................................E-72 Type DUW .....................................................E-72 Type CUW-A-E & CUW-R-E..........................E-73 Type DUW-A & DUW-A-E .............................E-73 FULL TENSION DISTRIBUTION OR TRANSMISSION Type YTW-M-T & YTW-E ...............................E-74 Type YDW-R ..................................................E-75 Type YTW-A, YTW-AD, YTW-AC, YTW-AE, YTW-AM.............................E-76, E-77 Type YTW-R, YTW-RC, YTW-RE, YTW-RM ............................E-78, E-79 (Refer to HYSPLICE™ introduction for installation instructions.) STOCKBRIDGE DAMPER Type FR .........................................................E-80 BURNDY Overhead DEADEND FITTINGS AND ACCESSORIES The deadend method selected for any particular application will depend upon the nature of the application, the size of the conductor, holding strength required, and preference for mechanical or compression devices. Secondaries are commonly deadended by bending wire around a spool insulator and snubbing with the same connectors used for the secondary to service drop connection. On copper conductor, connectors such as U-bolt Clip BC, SERVIT™ KS, OKLIP™ KVS or CRIMPIT™ YC-C are recommended. These connectors provide high holding strength without damaging conductor strands. On E-70 aluminum wires, CLIPIT™ UW-R, mechanical connector is recommended. The same methods can also be used on primaries. However, the straight line clamp Type CUW-A-E is more popular for this application. They are easier to install on either hot or de-energized lines. They are particularly well suited to hot-line maintenance, and allow easy re-sagging of conductors. Straight line types are also popular for deadending strain buses. These are normally large, hard to handle conductors that do not lend themselves to snub or "quadrant" types. Types DUW or CUW-E are recommended for copper conductor and DUW-A and DUW-A-E for aluminum and ACSR. The pulling eye on the DUW-A-E is in line with the cable to make installation easier. TYPE UP-R HEAVY DUTY PARALLEL CLAMP For All Combinations of Copper, Aluminum†, ACSR†, 6201 and 5005 Heavy duty aluminum connector for feeder, subtransmission and primary distribution. Massive design and large spacer give maximum protection against galvanic action and overload conditions. Spacing of U-bolts, tapered bell mouths and modified V groove minimize cold flow, eliminate cable damage, and produce wiping action on conductors. Spacer taps confine cable strands to prevent splaying. Captured, heat treated aluminum alloy U-bolts. PENETROX™ joint compound recommended for all combinations. CATALOG NUMBER UP34R UP45R36R UP45R GROOVE A ACSR †, 6201, 5055 COPPER OR ALUM. † 110.8 (12-7) - 397.5 (18-1) 336.4 (30-7) - 795 (30-19) 336.4 (30-7) - 795 (30-19) 3/0 Str. - 400 397.5 - 954 397.5 - 954 † Accommodates compact and compressed conductors within diameter range. GROOVE B ACSR †, 6201, 5005 COPPER OR ALUM. † 110.8 (12.7) - 397.5 (18-1) 110.8 (12-7) - 447 (18-1) 336.4 (30-7) - 795 (30-19) 3/0 Str. - 400 3/0 Str. - 500 397.5 - 954 H 4-5/8 5-1/4 6-1/4 DIMENSIONS J L 1/2-13 1/2-13 5/8-11 4 4 4-1/2 W 2-5/8 2-7/8 3-1/4 BURNDY Overhead TYPE BC CLIP Deadend Clamp for Guy Wire Deadend CLIP with DURIUM™ silicone bronze U-bolt, nuts, and washers. Saddle made of high strength corrosion resistant copper alloy. CATALOG NUMBER COPPER GUY WIRE BC2C BC25 BC28 BC30 2 Sol. 1/0 Str. 2/0 Str. - 4/0 Str. 4/0 Str. - 300 5/16 3/8 1/2 5/8 DIMENSIONS H J 2 3/8 2-3/8 2-3/4 1/2 L 1-1/4 1-3/8 1-3/4 2 W 1-3/4 2-1/4 2-3/8 E-71 TYPE M DEADEND THIMBLE Deadend Copper Conductor or Guy Wire High strength corrosion resistant copper alloy thimble groove to fit any size guy wire used for deadending. Generous radius prevents kinking or overstressing outer strands of wire. CATALOG NUMBER GROOVE SIZE A H L DIMENSIONS P M20 M30 M40 M50 M60 M70 M80 M90 5/16 3/8 7/16 1/2 5/8 3/4 7/8 1 1-5/8 1-7/8 1-3/4 1-7/8 2-1/4 2-5/8 3 3-3/8 1-7/8 2-1/8 2-5/8 2-1/4 2-5/8 3-1/4 3-3/8 3-3/4 7/8 1 W 5/8 1-1/8 1-3/8 1-1/2 1-3/4 2 7/8 1 1-1/4 1-3/8 BURNDY Overhead TYPE CUW-E DEADEND CLAMP For Copper High strength, two-bolt, cast copper alloy strain clamp with single saddle designed for short span distribution and strain bus application. Galvanized steel clevis pin, and U-bolts. E-72 CATALOG NUMBER CONDUCTOR RANGE H CUW34-E CUW44-E 4/0 Str. - 500 500 - 1000 3 3-3/8 DIMENSIONS L W 7-3/8 8-3/4 4 4-1/2 TYPE DUW DEADEND CLAMP For Copper High strength corrosion resistant copper alloy strain clamp with three DURIUM™ U-bolts and single serrated saddle. Galvanized steel clevis pin. CATALOG NUMBER CONDUCTOR H DIMENSIONS DUW28 DUW31 DUW34 DUW44 1 Str. - 4/0 Str. 4/0 Str. - 350 350 - 500 500 - 1000 2-1/2 2 2-5/8 2-7/8 J 3/8 1/2 L 9-7/8 11-3/8 W 2-1/4 2-3/8 2-3/4 3-1/4 BURNDY Overhead TYPES CUW-A-E & CUW-R-E DEADEND CLAMP For Aluminum†, ACSR†, 6201 and 5005 High strength aluminum clamp for deadending primary distribution lines. Straight-line design, with hot stick lifting-eye, pulling-eye, and captured, angled U-bolts, facilitates installation and maintenance, especially on hot-line work. Snub-pocket V-shaped, rangetaking conductor groove and galvanized steel U-bolts provide high holding strength. E-73 CATALOG NUMBER DIMENSIONS ALUMINUM† ACSR†, 6201, 5005 H J L W CUW26RE-1 CUW30A-E CUW32R-E CUW361R-E CUW391A-E 2 Str. - 2/0 (19) 1/0 (7) - 300 3/0 (7) - 350 4/0 - 500 336.4 - 795 4 - 2/0 1/0 - 266.8 (18-1) 3/0 - 336.4 (26-7) 4/0 - 477 (18-1) 300 (26-7) 636 (26-7) 3 3-5/8 4 4-1/8 4-7/8 3/8-16 1/2-13 1/2-13 1/2-13 1/2-13 8 10 10 11 11 3 3-1/2 3-5/8 3-5/8 4-1/8 † Accommodates compressed conductors within diameter range. TYPES DUW-A & DUW-A-E DEADEND CLAMP For Aluminum†, ACSR†, 6201 and 5005 High strength cast aluminum alloy clamp recommended for strain bus applications. Three galvanized steel U-bolts, single saddle and headed clevis pin provide high holding strength. Type DUW-A-E has pulling-eye in line with conductor for easier installation. CATALOG NUMBER WITHOUT WITH PULLING EYE PULLING EYE DUW28A DUW31A DUW44A DUW28A-E DUW31A-E DUW44A-E CONDUCTOR DIMENSIONS ALUMINUM† ACSR†, 6201, 5005 H 1 - 4/0 4/0 - 350 500 - 1000 2 (7-1) - 4/0 4/0 - 336.4 (18-1) 397.5 (30-7) - 900 (54-7) 2 2-5/8 3-3/8 J 3/8 1/2 K L W 7/8 1 1-1/4 9-1/2 9-5/8 11-1/4 2-1/4 2-3/8 3-5/8 BURNDY Overhead TYPES YTW-M-T, YTW-E FULL TENSION DEADEND For Alumoweld and EHS Steel Full-tension compression deadend for Alumoweld transmission lines. Supplied with a single 30° angle two hole NEMA pad. Can be supplied with clevis or eye. Aluminum barrel is pre-filled with PENETROX™ joint compound and sealed. Full tension compression deadend for EHS steel guy, messenger or "static" cable. Standard connector has single 30° angle two hole NEMA pad. Can be supplied without pad and with clevis or eye. E-74 Aluminum barrel is pre-filled with PENETROX™ joint compound and sealed. CONDUCTOR ALUMOWELD 7 #10, 3 #7 7 #9, 3 #6 7 #8, 3 #5 7 #7 7 #6 CATALOG NUMBER CLEVIS CLEVIS NO PAD 30° PAD YTW7M10TC YTW7M9TC YTW7M8TC YTW7M7TC YTW7M6TC YTW7M10TC YTW7M9TCA YTW7M8TCA YTW7M7TCA YTW7M6TCA P YTW-M-TC YTW-EC YTW-M-TE YTW-EE R &Y 3/4 7/8 1-3/8 1-1/4 1-1/2 CATALOG NUMBER EYE EYE NO PAD 30° PAD X YTW7M10TE 5/8 YTW7M9TE YTW7M8TE 3/4 YTW7M7TE 7/8 YTW7M6TE YTW7M10TE YTW7M9TEA YTW7M8TEA YTW7M7TEA YTW7M6TEA YTW-M-TCA YTW-ECA YTW-M-TEA YTW-EEA W TOOLS, DIE SETS, & (NO. OF CRIMPS) DIE Y35, Y750, INDEX Y45†, Y46‡ Y60BHU** B C Y 2-3/8 1-3/4 2-5/8 3-1/16 2 3/4 1-3/4 3-1/16 7/8 2 5/8 1-1/2 676 or 721 677 668 or 723 678 or 726 679 or 726 U676 (8) U677 (10) U668 (13) U678 (19) U679 (22) L721 — L723 L726 L726 † Die with adapter PT-6515. ‡ U Die with adapter PUADP-1. ** Overlap crimps. CONDUCTOR EHS STEEL 5/16” 3/8” 7/16” 1/2” 7 Str. 7 Str. 7 Str. 7 Str. CATALOG NUMBER** CLEVIS CLEVIS NO PAD 30° PAD YTW312EC YTW375EC YTW438EC YTW500EC YTW312ECA YTW375ECA YTW438ECA YTW500ECA * Overlap crimps. ** Sleeve is high strength aluminum alloy for optimum corrosion resistance. P 7/8 1-3/8 R &Y 3/4 1-1/4 1-1/2 X CATALOG NUMBER EYE EYE NO PAD 30° PAD YTW312EE 5/8 YTW375EE 3/4 YTW438EE 1 YTW500EE YTW312EEA YTW375EEA YTW438EEA YTW500EEA B C W Y 2-3/8 1-3/4 5/8 1-1/2 2-5/8 3-1/16 2 2-1/4 3/4 7/8 1-3/4 2 TOOLS, DIE SETS DIE INDEX Y60BHU 721 723 726 789 L721 L723 L726 L789 BURNDY Overhead TYPE YDW-R COMPRESSION DEADEND For ACSR, Compressed and Compact Full-tension compression assembly designed for deadending, and for tap or jumper loop terminating at 30° with HYLUG™ Types YCA-R, YCA-A, etc. The assembly consists of an outer aluminum body with inner steel sleeve bearing surface for steel core. Installed with equivalent two-piece, full-tension sleeve dies. Filler-hole and plug provide for injection of PENETROX®. Cat. No. YDW-R includes: aluminum body, steel sleeve, steel clevis pin, cotter pin. Neoprene sealing disc, and aluminum hardware for attaching jumper terminals. CATALOG NUMBER (COMPLETE SET) CONDUCTOR A E-75 C L YDW25R 1/0 (6-1) 7-3/8 YDW26R 2/0 (6-1) 18-3/4 YDW27R 3/0 (6-1) 18-1/8 3/4 7/8 4/0 (6-1) 19-1/8 YDW30R 266.8 (26-7) 18-1/4 YDW321R 336.4 (18-1) 17-3/8 YDW32R 336.4 (26-7) YDW36R 21-1/4 2-1/4 477 (26-7) * Multiple crimp die set; makes more than one crimp per tool compression. Figure indicates number of compressions. ** Number of crimps shown for aluminum (i.e., 10/4 crimps over cable, 4 crimps over steel insert threads). † U Die with adapter PT-6515. ††U Die with adapter PUADP-1. P 5/8 1/2 13/16 24-1/2 X 3/8 1-1/2 YDW28R 1-1/4 T 3/4 INSTALLATION DATA TOOLS, DIE SET CATALOG NO., & (NUMBER OF CRIMPS)** Y35, Y750, DIE INDEX MD7, MD6 Y45†, Y46‡ Y48B Y60BHU Alum. 243 Steel 242 Alum. 245 Steel 242 Alum. 247 Steel 248 Alum. 249 Steel 248 Alum. 251 Steel 250 Alum. 490 Steel 242 Alum. 316 Steel 252 Alum. 261 Steel 350 W243 (10/4) W242 (8) W245 (12/4) W242 (8) W247 (12/4) W282 (16) W249 (14/4) W248 (14) — W242 (8) — U243 (5/2) U242 (9) U245 (6/2) U242 (4) U247 (6/2) U248 (8) U249 (7/2) U248 (7) U251 (10/2) U250 (10) U490 (10/2) U242 (4) U316 (9/3) U252 (9) U261 (12/3) U350 (12) — — C249 (4/1) C248 (2)* C251 (5/1) C250 (3) C490 (4/1) C242 (2)* C316 (3/1) C252 (3) C261 (4/1) C350 (4) L249 (4/1) L248 (2)* L251 (5/1) L250 (3) L490 (4/1) L242 (2)* L316 (3/1) L252 (3) L261 (4/1) L350 (4) BURNDY Overhead TYPES YTW-A, YTW-AD, YTW-AC YTW-AE, YTW-AM Full Tension Deadend for Stranded Aluminum Cable Full tension compression deadend for SAC transmission lines. One design for applications up to and including 230 KV. Streamlined design for 345KV and higher (EHV)*. Two hole NEMA tap pad thru 636 MCM. Larger sizes have 4 holes NEMA pad. Standard 15° E-76 CONDUCTOR ALUMINUM CODE MCM. TULIP — CANNA — — COSMOS CYRINGA HYACINTH DAHLIA MISTLETOE — — ORCHID VIOLET NASTURTIUM CATTAIL ARBUTUS LILAC — — CROCUS MAGNOLIA GOLDENROD BLUEBELL LARKSPUR — MARIGOLD HAWTHORN NARCISSUS COLUMBINE CARNATION COREOPSIS JESSAMINE COWSLIP SAGEBRUSH — LUPINE 336.4 350 397.5 400 450 477 477 500 556.5 556.5 600 600 636 715.5 715.5 750 795 795 800 874.5 874.5 954 954 1033.5 1033.5 1113 1113 1192.5 1272 1351.5 1431 1590 1750 2000 2250 2300 2500 STR. 19 37 19 37 37 19 37 37 19 37 61 91 37 37 61 61 37 61 61 37 61 37 61 37 61 37 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 91 91 61 91 tap pad when used with YNA-R15 HYLUG™ terminal provides either 0° or 30° tap. Aluminum body is pre-filled with PENETROX® joint compound and capped. ALUMINUM BODY* ➀ CATALOG NUMBER ONE PAD TWO PADS C YTW301A YTW301AD YTW311A YTW311AD YTW331A YTW331AD L T STEEL CLEVIS ➀ CATALOG NUMBER P R &Y X 9-5/8 YTW331AC 13/16 5/8 9-3/4 2-1/4 YTW351A YTW351AD 11-5/8 YTW361A YTW361AD 12-1/4 YTW351AC 7/8 YTW39AC YTW39A YTW39AD 12-3/4 YTW391A YTW391AD 14-3/8 YTW431AD YTW445A YTW445AD 3-1/4 1-1/16 3/4 1-1/8 1-3/16 1 1-1/2 1-3/8 1/2 YTW431AC YTW431A 7/8 14-3/4 15-5/8 YTW463AC YTW451A YTW451AD YTW457A YTW457AD 16-1/2 YTW463A YTW47A YTW48A YTW463AD YTW47AD YTW48AD 17-1/8 YTW484A YTW484AD YTW486A YTW486AD * For Extra High Voltage (EHV) applications add suffix "T" to be the catalog number (e.g., YTW484A-T). ➀ 4 5/8 16-3/8 18-1/2 Complete deadend assembly which includes Aluminum Body and Steel (Clevis Eye or Adjustable Clevis). Fitting must beordered separately from BURNDY®. YTW47AC YTW484AC YTW486AC 1-1/8 1 1-5/8 1-1/2 1-1/8 1-3/4 Type YNA-R15, shown in module section H, page 88, must also be ordered separately for making tap connections from deadend body tap pad. Suffix NP = No pad. BURNDY Overhead TYPES YTW-A, YTW-AD, YTW-AC YTW-AE, YTW-AM (Continued) STEEL EYE ➀ CATALOG NUMBER B C W Y YTW331AE STEEL ADJUSTABLE CLEVIS ➀ CATALOG M MAX. NUMBER ADJ. P R &Y X TOOLS, DIE SETS DIE INDEX Y60BHU** 717 L717 719 L719 YTW331AM 5/8 7/8 5/8 MCM. 336.4 350 397.5 400 450 477 2-1/2 YTW351AE 7/8 1-1/8 11/16 19 37 19 YTW39AM 1-1/4 15/16 720 L720 722 L722 556.5 600 19 19 37 61 91 636 3/4 715.5 724 L724 750 795 37 800 YTW431AE 3/4 1-3/8 YTW431AM 1-1/4 874.5 725 L725 954 1033.5 1 2-11/16 1-1/4 727 YTW463AE 1-1/2 YTW463AM 4-1/4 1-3/8 L727 1-1/2 1 YTW47AE YTW486AE L728 Y35 L735 740 L740 YTW47AM YTW484AE ** Overlap crimps. Suffix NP = No pad. 728 4 3-1/8 1-1/4 1-5/8 YTW484AM 2-3/4 YTW486AM ➀ 5-1/8 1-5/8 1-3/4 1-1/8 Complete deadend assembly which includes Aluminum Body and Steel (Clevis Eye or Adjustable Clevis). Fitting must beordered separately from BURNDY®. 1113 1192.5 1272 1351.5 1431 1590 1750 2000 2250 2300 2500 TULIP — CANNA — 500 YTW351AM 3-3/8 YTW39AE CONDUCTOR ALUMINUM STR. CODE 37 61 37 61 37 61 37 61 61 91 COSMOS SYRINGA HYACINTH DAHLIA MISTLETOE — ORCHID VIOLET NASTURTIUM CATTAIL ARBUTUS LILAC — CROCUS MAGNOLIA GOLDENROD BLUEBELL LARKSPUR — MARIGOLD HAWTHORN NARCISSUS COLUMBINE CARNATION COREOPSIS JESSAMINE COWSLIP SAGEBRUSH — LUPINE E-77 BURNDY Overhead TYPES YTW-R, YTW-RC, YTW-RE, YTW-RM Full Tension Deadend for ACSR Full-tension compression deadend for ACSR transmission lines. One design for applications up to and including 230KV. Streamlined design for 345KV and higher (EHV)*. Two hole NEMA tap pad thru 556.5 MCM. Larger sizes have 4-hole NEMA pad. Standard 15° tap pad when used with YNA-R15 HYLUG™ terminal provides either 0° or 30° tap. E-78 CONDUCTOR ACSR ➁ CODE MCM. ORIOLE WIDGEON 336.4 LINNET IBIS 397.5 FLICKER 477 HAWK PARAKEET 556.5 DOVE PEACOCK DUCK 605 SQUAB ROOK 636 GROSBEAK GULL 666.6 FLAMINGO CROW 715.5 STARLING TERN CUCKOO 795 CONDOR DRAKE RUDY 900 — RAIL 954 CARDINAL — ORTOLAN — CURLEW BLUEJAY — FINCH GRACKLE BUNTING — BITTERN PHEASANT DIPPER MARTIN BOBOLINK NUTHATCH — PARROT LAPWING FALCON CHUKAR — BLUEBIRD KIWI — 1027.4 1033.5 1113 ALUMINUM BODY * STR. 30/7 24/7 26/7 24/7 26/7 24/7 26/7 24/7 54/7 26/7 24/7 26/7 54/7 24/7 54/7 26/7 45/7 24/7 54/7 26/7 45/7 24/7 45/7 54/7 CATALOG * NUMBER ➀ L YTW32R 13-1/4 T C 7-1/4 YTW34R 2-1/4 7-1/8 YTW36R 14-5/8 7-1/2 YTW39R 15-1/8 8 YTW43R 16 7-3/4 1/2 YTW451R 9 3-1/4 19-1/2 YTW48R 48/7 45/7 48/7 54/7 45/7 48/7 Y 8-1/2 YTW49R 54/19 1192.5 1272 1351.5 1431 1510.5 1590 1590 1780 2034.5 2032.1 2156 2167 2300 45/7 48/7 45/7 54/19 45/7 54/19 45/7 45/7 48/7 54/19 45/7 54/19 84/19 YTW52R 26-1/8 YW549R 22 5/8 4 11-1/4 YTW56R YTW58R 23 72/7 YTW585R 84/19 72/7 96/19 YTW59R 26-3/4 YTW594R 24-5/8 * For Extra High Voltage (EHV) applications add suffix "T" to catalog number (e.g., YTW49RT or YTW49RTY30). ➀ Complete deadend assembly which includes Aluminum Body and Steel (Clevis Eye or Adjustable Clevis) fitting must be ordered separately from BURNDY®. Type YNA-15, shown on page E87, must also be ordered separately for making tap connections from deadend body tap pad. ➁ For other sizes consult factory. Suffix NP = No pad. BURNDY Overhead TOOL DIE SETS STEEL CLEVIS CATALOG NUMBER YTW33RC P R&Y STEEL EYE X 13/16 YTW34RC 5/8 YTW362RC YTW36RC CATALOG NUMBER YTW33RE YTW34RE 7/8 W Y YTW34RM 5/8 3/4 7/8 YTW43RE 1-1/8 11/16 YTW45RM YTW48RM YTW481RM YTW45RC YTW45RE YTW45RM 1 YTW48RE YTW481RE YTW48RE YTW481RE YTW48RE 3/4 7/8 1-1/4 YTW43RM YTW45RE YTW48RE YTW481RE 1-1/8 1-3/16 5/8 3-3/8 YTW45RC YTW48RC YTW481RC YTW48RC YTW481RC YTW48RC YTW481RC YTW48RC X YTW362RM YTW36RM 2-1/2 1-1/16 C YTW362RE YTW36RE 7/8 YTW43RC B STEEL ADJUSTABLE CLEVIS CATALOG MAX NUMBER ADJ. P R&Y YTW33RM 1-3/8 717 L717 719 L719 720 L720 722 L722 724 L724 725 L725 727 L727 3/4 YTW48RM YTW481RM YTW48RM YTW481RM YTW48RM YTW45RC YTW45RE YTW45RM YTW483RC YTW449RC YTW50RC YTW483RC YTW449RC YTW483RE YTW449RE YTW50RE YTW483RE YTW449RE YTW483RM YTW449RM YTW50RM YTW483RM YTW449RM YTW50RC YTW50RE 2-11/16 1-1/4 ALUM. BODY DIE INDEX Y60** 4-1/4 1-3/8 1-1/2 CONDUCTOR PENESTEEL BODY TROX® DIE GALLON ACSR INDEX Y60BHU PER C MCM STR. CODE 30/7 ORIOLE 5/8 336.4 24/7 WIDGEON 718 L718 LINNET 1/2 397.5 26/7 IBIS 24/7 FLICKER 721 L721 477 26/7 HAWK 7/8 24/7 PARAKEET 556.5 26/7 DOVE 24/7 PEACOCK 605 54/7 DUCK 723 L723 26/7 SQUAB 1-1/4 24/7 ROOK 636 26/7 GROSBEAK 54/7 GULL 666.6 24/7 FLAMINGO 54/7 CROW 715.5 26/7 STARLING 45/7 TERN 1-3/4 24/7 CUCKOO 795 54/7 CONDOR 26/7 DRAKE 900 45/7 RUDY 24/7 — 45/7 RAIL 2 954 54/7 CARDINAL 1027.4 1 1033.5 2-5/8 1113 YTW50RM 726 L726 YTW521RE 1-1/2 YTW521RM YTW56RC YTW521RC YTW56RC YTW56RE YTW521RE 1-1/8 YTW56RE YTW56RM YTW521RM YTW56RM 5-1/8 4-1/4 5-1/8 1-5/8 1-3/8 1-5/8 1-3/4 1-1/2 1-3/4 YTW521RC YTW521RE YTW521RM 4-1/4 1-3/8 1-1/2 YTW549RC YTW56RC YTW549RC YTW590RC YTW58RC YTW549RE YTW56RE YTW549RE YTW590RE YTW58RE YTW549RM YTW56RM YTW549RM YTW590RM YTW58RM YTW591RC 1-1/2 1-5/8 YTW59RC YTW591RC YTW594RC ** Overlap crimps. Suffix NP = No pad. 1-3/8 1-1/2 YTW591RE 1-3/4 YTW59RE YTW591RE YTW594RE 1 1-5/8 4 YTW591RM YTW59RM YTW591RM 3-1/8 1-1/4 2-3/4 YTW594RM 728 L728 4-1/4 1272 1351 1431 1510.5 729 L729 5 1590 5-1/8 1-5/8 1-3/4 5-1/4 1-1/8 735 6 L735 7-3/4 740 L740 789 L789 — 45/7 48/7 54/7 45/7 48/7 ORTOLAN — CURLEW BLUEJAY — FINCH GRACKLE BUNTING — BITTERN PHEASANT DIPPER MARTIN BOBOLINK NUTHATCH — PARROT LAPWING FALCON CHUKAR 54/19 1192.5 YTW521RC 48/7 45/7 48/7 45/7 54/19 45/7 54/19 45/7 48/7 54/19 45/7 54/19 84/19 1780 2034.5 72/7 2032.1 2156 84/19 2167 72/7 2300 96/16 — BLUEBIRD KIWI — E-79 BURNDY Overhead STOCKBRIDGE DAMPER E-80 CATALOG NUMBER FR20 FR35 FR40 FR50 Features and Benefits Standards • Clamps designed around common conductor sizes. ◊ Ease to specification. • Single bolt design. ◊ Ease of installation. ◊ Single wrench installation. • Accurate components assembly represents greater energy dissipation. ◊ Provides extended life overhead lines. • Messenger cable and weights have a corrosion-resistant finish. ◊ Weight design eliminates water entrapment. ◊ Smooth surfaces and rounded edges to eliminate possible corona discharge. The Stockbridge Dampers meet the following Standards: • IEC 61897, Overhead lines— Requirements and Tests for Stockbridge type Aeolian Vibration Dampers. • IEEE Std 664-1993, IEEE Guide for Laboratory Measurement of the Power Dissipation Characteristics of Aeolian Vibration Dampers for Single Conductors. Conductors: ACSR, ALLOY, AAC and Static Wires: Galvanized Steel, Alumoweld and Copperweld CONDUCTOR RANGE WRENCH TORQUE DIAMETER INCHES [mm] N P L SIZE In.-Lb. (m.daN) WEIGHT 0.24 – 0.61 [6 – 15.5] 0.59 – 1.02 [15 – 26] 0.63 – 1.22 [21 – 31] 0.98 – 1.5 [25 – 38] 1.65 [42] 1.97 [50] 2.44 [62] 2.56 [65] 2.2 [56] 2.95 [75] 3.15 [80] 3.94 [100] 12.48 [317] 14.4 [366] 20.24 [514] 21.65 [550] 5/8 [15.8] 3/4 [19] 13/16 [20.5] 15/16 [23.8] 269.38 in.-lb. (3m.daN) 347.18 in.-lb. (4m.daN) 453.97 in.-lb. (5m.daN) 477.37 in.-lb. (5.5m.daN) 3.74 Lb. (1.700 Kg) 6.06 Lb. (2.750 Kg) 10.14 Lb. (4.600 Kg) 11.46 Lb. (5.200 Kg) INSTALLATION POINT Consult Factory Consult Factory Consult Factory Consult Factory BURNDY Overhead COMPRESSION TERMINALS AND ACCESSORIES TABLE OF CONTENTS E-81 Type YCA-2N & YCAB-4N .............................E-82 Type YCA-RL-2N............................................E-83 Types YCA-R-N & YCAK-R-N...............E-84, E-85 Type YNA-M-T................................................E-85 Types YNA-R15 & YNA-R ..............................E-86 Type YAK-A-2G ..............................................E-87 Types YAS-R-2N & YASO-R-2N .....................E-88 Types YCAK-A & YRA....................................E-89 BURNDY Overhead COMPRESSION TERMINALS & ACCESSORIES Compression terminals are used to make convenient and reliable connections to switch pads, transformers, and other electrical equipment. They accommodate either copper, aluminum, ACSR, ACAR, Alumoweld, or steel conductor and come with one, two or four hole NEMA drilled pads to match the equipment drilling. Standard copper and aluminum terminals are also listed in the compression section B. E-82 TYPES YCA-2N & YCAB-4N HYLUG™ Compression Terminal for Copper CATALOG NUMBER YCA25-2N YCA26-2N YCA27-2N YCA28-2N YCAB28-4N YCA29-2N YCA30-2N YCA31-2N YCA32-2N YCAB32-4N YCA34-2N YCAB34-4N YCA39-2N YCAB39-4N YCAB44-4N CONDUCTOR 1/0 (7, 19) 2/0 (7, 19, 37) 3/0 (7, 19) 4/0 (7, 12, 19) 250 (7, 19, 37) 300 (19, 37) 350 (12, 19, 37) 400 (19, 37) 500 (19, 37) 750 (37, 61) 1000 (61) YCAB have brazed pads. † U Die with adapter PT-6515. ‡ U Die with adapter PUADP-1. FIG. NO. 1 2 1 C L T 7/8 1 1-1/8 1-1/4 3 1-3/8 1-1/2 5-3/8 5-1/4 1/8 1-5/8 2 1 2 1 3 1-7/8 3 2-3/8 2 3 Fig. 2 Fig. 1 Compression HYLUG™ terminals designed for terminating copper conductors to switch pads and other substation or switch yard apparatus. NEMA standard mounting holes. Made of pure copper. Installed with same die as equivalent full-tension jumper loop and repair sleeves. 5-3/8 1/4 DIE INDEX 165 166 167 168 5-5/8 5-1/2 6-1/2 6-3/4 7-1/8 6-1/2 6-7/8 7-1/4 7-1/2 7-7/8 3/8 1/2 3/8 1/2 5/8 1/2 5/8 169 170 267 209 210 627 345 TOOLS, DIE SET CATALOG NO., & (NUMBER OF CRIMPS) MD7, MD6 Y35, Y750, Y45†, Y46‡ Y48B Y60BHU W165 (3) W166 (6) — — — — — — — — — — — — — U165/U205 (3) U166/U459 (3) U167/U568 (3) — — C167 (1) — — L167 (1) U168 (3) C168 (1) L168 (1) U169 (4) U170 (5) U267 (6) C169 (1) C170 (1) C267 (2) L169 (1) L170 (1) L267 (2) U209 (6) C209 (2) L209 (2) U210 (6) C210 (2) L210 (2) — — — C627 (3) L627 (3) C345 (4) L345 (4) BURNDY Overhead TYPE YCA-RL-2N HYLUG™ Compression Terminals for Aluminum, ACSR, 6201, 5005, Compressed and Compact Conductors Aluminum compression HYLUG™ for terminating overhead conductors to switch pads and other substation or switch yard apparatus. NEMA standard mounting holes. Installed with same die as equivalent fulltension UNISPLICE™. Pre-filled with PENETROX™ joint compound and capped. E-83 CATALOG NUMBER YCA4RL-2N YCA2RL-2N YCA25RL-2N YCA26RL-2N YCA27RL-2N YCA28RL-2N YCA321RL-2N CONDUCTOR 4 ACSR (6-1, 7-1) 4 6201 (7) 4 AAC (7) 2 ACSR (6-1, 7-1) 2 6201 (7) 2 AAC (7) 1/0 ACSR (6-1) 1/0 6201 (7) 1/0 5005 (7) 1/0 AAC (7) 2/0 ACSR (6-1) 2/0 6201 (7) 2/0 5005 (7) 2/0 AAC (7) 3/0 ACSR (6-1) 3/0 6201 (7) 3/0 AAC (7) 3/0 AAC (7) 4/0 ACSR (6-1) 4/0 6201 (7) 4/0 5005 (7) 4/0 AAC (7) 336.4 ACSR (18-1) 336.4 AAC (19) 350 AAC † U Die with adapter PT-6515. ‡ U Die with adapter PUADP-1. T DIE INDEX C L 7/8 6 BG, 687, 243 7/8 6 BG, 687, 243 7 C, or 247, or 702 1-1/8 3/8 1-1/4 TOOLS, DIE SET CATALOG NO. & NUMBER OF CRIMPS MD7, MD6 Y35, Y750, Y45† Y46‡ W-BG (8) FIXED BG (8) U243 W687 (4) W-BG (8) FIXED BG (8) U243 W687 (4) WC 12 — — U247 3 W702 4 — NON-BOW 659 U659 3 658 U658 3 6-1/2 — 1-1/2 654 U654 3 1-5/8 655 U655 3 BURNDY Overhead TYPES YCA-R-N & YCAK-R-N Compression Terminals for Aluminum, ACSR, 6201, 5005, Compressed and Compact Conductors Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Aluminum compression HYLUG™ for terminating jumper loops and equipment taps at switchpads and other substation apparatus, or to YDW-R deadends. NEMA standard mounting holes. Installed with same dies as equivalent full-tension sleeves. Pre-filled with PENETROX™ joint compound. E-84 CATALOG NUMBER YCA4R-2N YCA2R-2N YCA25R-2N YCAK25R-4N YCA26R-2N YCA27R-2N YCA28R-2N CONDUCTOR FIG. ACSR, 6201, 5005 ALUMINUM NO. 4 2 4 (7) 2 (7) 1/0 1/0 (7, 19) 2/0 3/0 - 110.8 (12-7) 2/0 (7, 19) 3/0 7, 19) C L 1-1/4 5-5/8 7/8 3 1 1-1/8 6-1/4 6-7/8 6-3/8 6-3/4 1-1/4 6-7/8 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 1-1/2 3 1-1/2 3 1-5/8 3 1-7/8 3 1-7/8 3 2 3 2-1/8 7-3/8 6-3/4 7-3/8 7 7-1/8 7-1/4 7-3/8 7-1/2 7-3/8 3/8 7-5/8 7/16 8-1/8 3/8 2 3 8-1/8 1 2 4/0 (6-1, 6-7) YCAK28R-4N YCA30R-2N 266.8 YCAK30R-4N (18-1, 6-7, 26-7) YCA321R-2N 336.4 (18-1) YCAK321R-4N YCA33R-2N 336.4 (26-7, 30-7) YCAK33R-4N 397.5 (18-1) YCA35R-2N 397.5 (26-7, 30-7) YCAK35R-4N YCA361R-2N 477 (18-1) YCAK361R-4N YCA37R-2N 556.5 (18-1) YCAK37R-4N 477 (24-7, 26-7, 30-7) YCA39R-2N 556.5 (24-7, 26-7) YCAK39R-4N YCAK361A-4N — 1 4/0 (7, 19) 266.8 (7, 19) 336.4 (19) 350 (19, 37, 61) 397.5 (19) 477 (19, 37) 500 (37, 61) 500 (37, 61) 556.5 (19, 37) — 636 (37) * Multiple crimp die set; makes more than one crimp per tool compression. Figure indicates number of compressions. † U Die with adapter PT-6515. ‡ U Die with adapter PUADP-1. YCA HYLUGS™ are made from heavy walled tubing. YCA4R2N, YCA2R-2N and all YCAK HYLUGS™ are cast aluminum alloy. T 1/4 3/8 1/4 8-3/8 1/2 DIE TOOLS, DIE SET CATALOG NO., & (NUMBER OF CRIMPS) INDEX MD7, MD6 Y35, Y750 Y45 Y46 Y48B Y60BHU 237 W237 (3) U237 (2) 239 W239 (3) U239 (2) KS18, BG (8) U-BG (4) BG, or W-BG (4)* 243, 8A U243 (2) U243 (2) 245, 9A W245 (4) U245 (2) 247 W247 (6) U247 (3) K840, 249 W249 (6) U249 (3) 11A — 251 U251 (4) — — 321 U321 (4) — — 316 U316 (4) — — 317 U317 (4) — — 327 U327 (4) — 261 608 469 — — — — † † ‡ ‡ — — — — † ‡ — — † † † ‡ ‡ ‡ † ‡ † † † ‡ ‡ ‡ † ‡ C321 (2) L321 (2) † ‡ C316 (2) L316 (2) † ‡ C317 (2) L317 (2) † ‡ C327 (2) L327 (2) U261 (5) † ‡ C261 (2) L261 (2) U608 (6) † ‡ C608 (2) L608 (2) — C243 (2) L243 (1) C245 (2) L245 (1) C247 (3) L247 (2) C249 (1) L249 (2) C251 (2) L251 (2) S469 (6) P469 (6) C469 (2) L469 (2) (Table continued on next page.) BURNDY Overhead TYPES YCA-R-N & YCAK-R-N (Continued) Compression Terminals for Aluminum, ACSR, 6201, 5005, Compressed and Compact Conductors Fig. 1 Fig. 2 CATALOG NUMBER CONDUCTOR ACSR, 6201, 5005 ALUMINUM YCA43R-2N 605 (30-19) 636 (24-7, 26-7, 30-19) 666.6 (24-7) YCAK43R-4N YCA391A-2N YCAK391A-4N YCAK453R-4N YCA44A2NG2 YCA45R-2N YCAK45R-4N YCA48R-4N YCA441A-4N YCA451A-4N 795 (37, 61) 700 (61) 750 (61) 795 (37) 750 (61) — 795 (36-1) 715.5 (26-7) 795 (45-7) — 900 (54-7) 954 (54-7) (45-7) 1033.5 (45-7) (36-1) — 1113 (54-19) C L T 1 2-/12 10-1/4 3/4 2 1 3 2-3/8 9-5/8 10-1/8 9-7/8 2 — 1000 900 (61, 91) 954 (37, 61) 1000 (61) 795 (26-7, 54-7) FIG. NO. — 1 1 3 2-3/8 2-1/2 9-5/8 DIE INDEX 5/8 11 10-1/4 9-5/8 2 3 1033.5 (37, 61) - 113 (61) 1272 (61) TOOLS, DIE SET CATALOG NO., & (NO. OF CRIMPS) Y45 Y46 Y48B Y60BHU 292 or 319 S292 (6) S319 (6) P292 (6) P319 (6) C292 (3) C319 (3) L292 (3) L319 (3) 342 S342 (6) P342 (6) C342 (3) L342 (3) 292, 578 S292 (6) P292 (6) C292 (6) L292 (3) 342 S342 (6) P342 (6) C342 (3) L342 (3) 352 S352 (6) S579 (6) P352 (6) P579 (6) C352 (3) C579 (3) L352 (3) L579 (3) C575 (3) L575 (3) — — C575 (3) — L575 (3) L422 (3) 10 3/4 575 10-1/4 5/8 422 TYPE YNA-M-T Compression Terminal for Alumoweld and EHS Steel Compression terminal for joining Alumoweld and EHS steel to YTW-M-T or YTW-E deadend. Installed with same dies as equivalent full tension splice and deadend. Barrel is pre-filled with PENETROX™ joint compound and capped. CATALOG NUMBER CONDUCTOR ALUMOWELD EHS STEEL L YNA7M10T 7 #10, 3 #7 5/16 7 Str. 8-1/2 YNA7M9T 7 #9, 3 #6 — 8-3/4 YNA7M8T 7 #8, 3 #5 3/8 7 Str. 9-3/4 YNA7M7T 7 #7 7/16 7 Str. 9-7/8 YNA7M6T 7 #6 1/2 7 Str. 9-3/4 * Overlap crimps. † U Die with adapter PT-6515. ‡ U Die with adapter PUADP-1. TOOLS, DIE SETS, & (NUMBER OF CRIMPS) DIE INDEX Y35, Y750, Y45†, Y46‡ Y60BHU** 676 or 721 677 668 or 723 678 or 726 679 or 726 U676 (4) — U677 (5) U688 (7) — U678 (10) — U679 (11) — — L721 — — L723 — L726 — L726 E-85 BURNDY Overhead TYPES YNA-R15 & YNA-R Compression Terminal for ACSR, ACAR and Stranded Aluminum Cable Fig. 1 Compression terminal for ACSR, ACAR and SAC Transmission lines. Two hole NEMA tongue through 556.5 MCM ACSR. Four hole NEMA supplied on larger sizes. When used with YTW-R or YTW-A, the 15° angle tongue provides either a 0° or 30° tap. Uses same dies as equivalent full-tension sleeve or deadend. Barrel pre-filled with PENETROX™ joint compound and capped. Pad coated with E-86 oxide retardant. CATALOG* NUMBER** 15° STRAIGHT YNA32R15 YNA34R15 YNA36R15 YNA39R15 YNA43R15 YNA451R15‡ YNA49R15‡ YNA52R15‡ YNA54R15‡ YNA56R15‡ YNA594R15‡ YNA32R YNA34R YNA36R YNA39R YNA43R YNA451R-T‡ YNA49R-T‡ YNA52R-T‡ YNA54R-T‡ YNA56R-T‡ YNA594R-T‡ Fig. 2 TOOLS, DIE SETS ACAR CONDUCTOR ALUMINUM ACSR 395.1 - 395.2 336.4 - 350 300 - 336.4 — 397.5 - 477 397.5 — 500 - 556.5 477 634.9 - 653.1 600 - 650 556.5 — 700 - 800 605 - 666.6 840.2 - 927.2 795 - 1000 715.5 - 874.5 983.1 - 1198 1033.5 - 1272 900 - 1113 45/7 1277 - 1280 1351.5 - 1510 1113 54/19 - 1351 1534 1590 - 1600 1431 — 1700 - 1800 1510.5 - 1590 2267 - 2500 2500 2300 * To specify mounting hardware for bolting to corresponding deadend pad, add suffix "H" to catalog number (e.g., YNA54RTH). ** For Extra High Voltage (EHV) applications add suffix "T" to catalog number (e.g., YNA451RT). † Overlap crimps. ‡ If shielding caps are required for this item, use #STS43A-4N. FIG. NO. 1 C 1-5/8 1-3/4 2 L 15° L STRAIGHT 9-1/8 9-5/16 9-5/8 9 9-1/8 9-1/2 9-3/4 10 10-1/4 10-1/2 12-1/4 13-1/2 12-3/4 14-1/4 10-1/8 2 10-1/4 3-1/4 10-3/8 12-1/8 13-5/16 3-7/16 12-1/2 3-11/16 12-7/8 T 3/8 7/16 DIE INDEX 3/8 7/16 1/2 717 719 720 722 724 725 727 11/16 728 7/8 11/16 729 740 1/2 Y45† Y46‡ Y60BHU† S717 S719 S720 S722 S724 S725 P717 P719 P720 P722 P724 P725 — — L717 L719 L720 L722 L724 L725 L727 L728 L728 L729 L740 BURNDY Overhead TYPE YAK-A-2G Fig. 1 STACKING HYLUG™ Fig. 2 For Aluminum Cast aluminum HYLUG™ with a special tongue configuration for stacking of conductors on two and four hole NEMA transformer or equipment terminal pads. Up to eight conductors may be stacked on one four hole NEMA pad. HYLUG™ is pre-filled with PENETROX™ joint compound and capped. CATALOG NUMBER YAK2CA2G1 YAK2CA2G2 YAK25A-2G1 YAK25A-2G2 YAK28A-2G1 YAK28A-2G2 YAK29A-2G1 YAK29A-2G2 YAK31A-2G1 YAK31A-2G2 YAK311A-2G1 YAK311A-2G2 YAK34A-2G1 YAK34A-2G2 YAK-361A-2G1 YAK-361A-2G2 YAK39A-2G1 YAK39A-2G2 YAK44A-2NG8 YAK44A-2NG7 * ** † ‡ FIG. NO. CONDUCTOR 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 Overlap crimps. Accommodates 4/0 Str., Al. or Cu. U Die with adapter PT-6515. U Die with adapter PUADP-1. C L T BG 2 Str. 7/8 5-5/8 1/4 1/0 Str. 4/0 Str.** 1-1/8 K 5/8 243 249 K840 TOOLS, DIE SET CATALOG NO., & (NO. OF CRIMPS) MD7, MD6 SERIES Y35, Y750 Y45 Y46 BG (3) W-BG (1) W243 (1) W249* W-K840* U-BG (1) † † † ‡ ‡ ‡ U249* † † ‡ ‡ UK 581T (3) U243 (1) 6-1/4 5/16 6-7/8 3/8 299 705 U299* U705 † † ‡ ‡ 7-3/4 7/16 317 705 U317* U705* † † ‡ ‡ 608 786 722 U608* U786* † S786* S722* ‡ P786* P722* 302 — S44ART* P44ART* 250 350 397.5 500 DIE INDEX 1-5/8 — 600 636 700 750 8-1/4 1000 8-7/8 5/8 E-87 BURNDY Overhead TYPES YAS-R-2N & YASO-R-2N Fig. 2 ALUMINUM HYLUG™ STACKING TERMINALS Fig. 1 For Aluminum, Copper or ACSR Aluminum HYLUG™ with a special tongue configuation for stacking of conductors on two or four hole NEMA transformer or equipment pads. Up to eight conductors may be stacked on one four hole NEMA Pad. HYLUGS™ are color coded, prefilled with PENETROX™ joint compound and capped. E-88 TOOLS, DIE SET CATALOG NO. & (NO. OF CRIMPS) CATALOG NUMBER FIG. NO. YAS6R-2N 1 YASO6R-2N 2 YAS4R-2N 1 YASO4R-2N 2 YAS1R-2N 1 YASO1R-2N 2 YAS25R-2N YASO25R-2N YAS26R-2N YASO26R-2N YAS27R-2N YASO27R-2N YAS28R-2N YASO28R-2N 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 YAS30R-2N 1 YAS030R-2N 2 YAS321R-2N YASO321R-2N YAS33R-2N YASO33R-2N YAS361R-2N YASO361R-2N YAS39A-2N YASO39A-2N 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 CONDUCTOR C 6 (7 STR)-5 (7 STR) AL, CU 6 (6/1) ACSR 4 (7 STR)-3 (7 STR) AL, CU 4 (6⁄1) ACSR L T OUR840 Y48B Y60BHU 4-5/8 COLOR CODE WIRE STRIP LENGTH BLUE 9⁄16 - 7⁄8 1⁄4 9/16 BG 243 U-BG (3) BG (3) X-BG (3) - K5⁄8-1 U-243 (1) W-BG (1) X-NBG (4) 4-3⁄4 ORANGE - - 1-3⁄32 RED 9/16 1/0 (19 STR) AL, CU 1/0 (6/1) ACSR 2/0 (19 STR) AL, CU 2⁄0 (6⁄1) ACSR 5-5⁄8 3/0 (19 STR) AL, CU 3/0 (6/1) ACSR 5⁄16 1-1⁄4 5-3⁄4 250, 300 (37 STR) AL, CU 266 (18/1) ACSR 6-9/16 350 (37 STR) AL, CU 336 (18/1) ACSR 6-7/8 400 (37 STR) AL, CU 397 (18/1) ACSR MD7, MD6 - 2 (7 STR)-1 (19 STR) AL, CU 2 (6/1) ACSR 4/0 (19 STR) AL, CU 4/0 (6/1) ACSR H DIE INDEX Y45*, Y46**, Y35, Y39, Y750 9/16 11/16 11/16 11/16 YELLOW 249 K840 U-K840 (2) U249 (4) U249 (1) W840 (4) GRAY - - - BLACK 1-19⁄32 PINK BLUE 3/8 1-5⁄8 500 (37 STR) AL, CU 477 (18/1) ACSR 7-3⁄16 7⁄16 7-1/2 2-1⁄8 700 (61 STR) AL 750 (61 STR) AL * U Die with Adapter PT6515. ** U Die with Adapter PUADP-1. Available tin plated. Add suffix "TN" to Catalog Number (example: YAS-28R-2NTN). Available with sealed barrel. Add "P" to Catalog Number (example: YASP28R-2N and YASOP28R-2N). 1⁄2 7-13/16 7⁄8 7/8 7/8 1-5/16 1-5/16 317 705 K1-1⁄8 U705 (2) U317 (2) - - C31AR (1) L31ART (1) GREEN 2 GREEN 608 722 K1-5⁄16 U608 (4) PINK - - C722 (2) L608 (2) 2-19/32 YELLOW BURNDY Overhead TYPES YCAK-A & YRA Fig. 1 ALUMINUM HYLUG™ For Aluminum, Copper or ACSR Aluminum HYLUG™ for joining aluminum and copper cable to transformer and equipment pads. HYLUG™ is pre-filled with PENETROX™ joint compound and capped. Installed with standard tooling, five die sets install fourteen terminal size. Fig. 2 E-89 CATALOG NUMBER YRA8CU-1 YRA6CU-1 YRA4CU-1 YRA1CU-1 YRA25A-1 YRAL4CU YRAL1CU YRA25U YRA26U YRA27U YRA28U YCAK28A-2G1* YCAK29A-2G1* YCAK31AG1* YCAK31A-2G1* YCAK34A-2G3* YCAK36A-2G1* YCAK39A-2G2* YCAK44A-2G2* * ** † ‡ FIG. NO. 1 2 1 2 CONDUCTOR ALUMINUM CONC. & COPPER COMPACT ACSR 6 Sol. - 8 Sol. 4 Sol. - 6 Str. 2 Sol. - 4 Str. 1 Str. - 2 Str. — 2 Sol. - 4 Str. 1 Str. - 2 Str. 1/0 Str. 2/0 Str. 3/0 Str. 8 Str. 4 Sol. - 6 Str. 2 Sol. - 4 Str. 1 Str. - 2 Str.** 1/0 Str. 2 Sol. - 4 Str. 1 Str. - 2 Str. 1/0 Str. 2/0 Str. 3/0 Str. 4/0 Str. 4/0 Str. 250 250 — 6 (6-1) 4 (6-1, 7-1) 2 (6-1, 7-1) — 4 (6-1, 7-1) 2 (6-1, 7-1) 1/0 (6-1) 2/0 (6-1) — — — 4/0 (6-1) 350 350 — 500 — — — 500 600 750 1000 — — — — Overlap crimps. YRA1CU-1 not recommended for 2 comp. conductor. U Die with adapter PT-6515. U Die with adapter PUADP-1. C DIE SET, TOOLS, CATALOG NO., & (NO. OF CRIMPS) DIE MD7, MD6 INDEX SERIES Y35, Y750 Y45 Y46 D L 1-1/16 2-9/16 BG 243 BG (3) K 5/8 243 (1) U-BG (1) U-K-5/8-1T (3) U243 (1) † † † ‡ ‡ ‡ 1-1/4 3-1/4 249 K840 W249* WK840* U249* UK-840 † † ‡ ‡ 3 5-5/8 317 705 — U317* U705* † S705* † ‡ P705* ‡ 608 786 — — U608* U786* 302 — — 15/16 1-1/4 1-1/2 1-11/16 1-5/16 3 4-1/2 6-1/4 6-1/2 6-15/16 7-1/2 † ‡ S786* P786* † ‡ S44ART* P44ART* BURNDY Wedge THE WEJTAP™ SYSTEM FOR ELECTRIC UTILITY DISTRIBUTION AND TRANSMISSION CONNECTIONS F-1 BURNDY Wedge TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction..................................................F-3 Large Conductor Connectors........F-25 - F-26 WEJTAP™ Connection System..................F-4 WEJTAP™ Cover WCCR, WCCB, WCCSY, WCCLY ..........F-27 WEJTAP™ and Test Data ............................F-5 Aluminum Connectors ................................F-6 WEJTAP™ Power Lug ................................F-7 Installation Tools WTRB, WTY, WTB, WTHRB, WTHY ......F-28 Installation Tool Accessories WTOCBR, WTOCY, WTCK......................F-29 WEJTAP™ Ordering Information ..............F-8 Hot Stick Tool WTBGBW ..........................F-30 F-2 Copper Connectors ....................................F-9 Connector Selection By Conductor Size ........................F-10 - F-14 By Diameter ..................................F-15 - F-17 WEJTAP™ Hotstick Accessories WHSCWH, WHSPBC ..............................F-30 WHS90ADP, WHSWADP, WCHAWAS, WHSTA, WHSWB ..........F-31 WHSGB, WHHWB ..................................F-32 Stirrup Selection........................................F-18 By Conductor Size ........................F-19 - F-23 By Diameter ............................................F-24 WEJTAP™ Kits ..........................................F-33 BURNDY Wedge INTRODUCTION The BURNDY® WEJTAP™ System components are designed to provide the most reliable connections available, with safer and easier installations. The system consists of a WEJTAP™ connector, WEJTAP™ installation tools and powerboosters. The detailed information on power-boosters, installation tools and accessories follows. The BURNDY® WEJTAP™ connector uses an aluminum alloy wedge that is power-driven between the run and tap cables locking them into a ‘‘C” shaped aluminum alloy spring-body. A wiping action takes place during installation between the conductors and Wedge which provides additional cleaning of surface oxides to supplement wire brushing. In addition, the contact grooves are lined with a patented PENETROX™ oxide inhibiting compound to enhance superior contact surface integrity. The Wedge is automatically locked onto the spring-body by a skiving action produced by a lance located at the forward end of the installation tool. During the life of the connection, the springbody continues to maintain pressure to ensure a reliable connection. THE WEJTAP™ CONNECTOR ■ Tested to NEMA and CSA Class A heat cycle requirements to ensure long term reliability. ■ Accommodates a full range of run and tap conductors from #8 to 1590 ACSR in all commonly used conductors to meet the needs of electrical distribution systems. ■ Color-coded connector, boosters, and tools to assist the installer to make the correct selection. ■ “Run locator” chamfer is machined into the Wedge at the end of the “large” groove to provide positive visual or/and hand contact identification of the large run groove for correct installation. ■ Removable design allows tap removal with minimum conductor damage. ■ Tool embosses BURNDY® identifier on end of Wedge to provide system identification. Ask about our unique WEJTAP™ Tool System and Power-Booster which provides safer and easier installations. F-3 BURNDY Wedge BURNDY WEJTAP™ CONNECTION SYSTEM BURNDY®, a leading manufacturer of quality electrical connectors for over 70 years, introduces the WEJTAP™ SYSTEM, a system that adds further dimension to the existing BURNDY® group of proven, reliable connection systems. WEJTAP™ COMPONENTS are designed to provide a reliable system connection. The system consists of WEJTAP™ connectors, installation tools (including a variety of hotline and lineman accessories) and a unique power-booster. WEJTAP™ CONNECTORS use an aluminum alloy wedge that is power-driven between the run and the tap cables locking them into a “C” shaped tempered aluminum F-4 alloy spring-body. The spring-body maintains consistent pressure throughout the life of the connection to ensure reliability during severe electrical and climatic conditions. The wedge’s wiping action combined with factory installed PENETROX™ PENA 13 provides superior contact integrity. The wedge is automatically locked onto the spring-body by a skiving action produced by a lance at the forward end of the WEJTAP™ installation tool. THE WEJTAP™ TOOL is a one-piece assembly that consists of a head and power unit. Two color-coded interchangeable heads accept all WEJTAP™ connectors and STIRRUP™. The design of the tool recognizes the need for simplicity and speed of operation as well as outstanding safety features such as automatic gas release vented away from the operator, fast simple breech loading and fast advance when engaging the connector assembly. No loose parts to drop or misplace and a booster ejection system that provides further safety to the operator. Fewer simplified hotline devices and handy lineman accessories complete an outstanding tool package. THE WEJTAP™ POWER-BOOSTER Patented is a self-contained device that provides the force necessary to drive the wedge into direct contact with the conductors. The booster is activated only when properly positioned in the tool assembly. A power cell in the booster is recessed to guard against premature discharge. The tool/booster system is designed to activate and deactivate the booster automatically should the operator decide to remove the tool from a connector prior to completing the installation. The deactivated booster may be safely removed from the tool. Features and Benefits • Large conductor chamfer on ends of wedge. ◊ Instant hand or visual identification of large run grooves. Ensures correct wedge orientation. • Color-coded WEJTAP™ connector and booster packaged together. ◊ Easy selection by installer. • Factory coated grooves with PENETROX™ PENA 13. ◊ Maintains low contact resistance, assists in protection against climatic conditions and is compatible with common insulations. • One-piece tool. ◊ No project delays due to dropped or lost parts. • Fewer and improved hotstick accessories ◊ Simplifies hotline installation and saves time. • Contained booster ejection system. ◊ Safe for operator guards against the booster being ejected in direction of the installer. • Automatic gas release vented away from operator. ◊ Eliminates manual gas venting and improves safety. • Simplified loading. ◊ Speeds installation––no threads––just depress safety bar, twist and pull open––load––push and twist to close prior to applying connector. • Acme-type threads. ◊ Provides smooth, fast engagement of tool and connector-saves installer’s time. BURNDY Wedge As with all BURNDY® connectors, the WEJTAP™ has been designed to operate cooler than the attached conductors. The WEJTAP™ connectors have also been subjected to the ASTM B117-73 Salt Spray Test. The results are shown to the right. ASTM Salt Spray Test Average Temperature Rise vs. Current Cycles Average % Relative Resistance vs. Hours of Salt Spray Exposure Relative Resistance (Percent) WEJTAP™ connectors have been subjected to extensive tests simulating the most severe service and weather conditions. In addition, the WEJTAP™ system meets or exceeds the industry standards of ANSI C119.4 Class 3, NEMA CC3 1973 Class A 500 Heat Cycles. ANSI C119.4 - 1986 Heat Cycle Test Temperature Rise (Deg. C.) WEJTAP™ AND TEST DATA Detailed test report packages are available upon request. Hours WEJTAP™ Spring-bodies are color-coded and the wedges are marked with nominal conductor run and tap ranges. WEJTAP™ connector packages are labeled with a variety of common conductors with their nominal ranges. ■ WEJTAP™ connector wedges are marked with nominal ACSR, Aluminum and Copper concentric standard conductors. ■ Red WEJTAP™ connector range Run 8-1/0 Tap 8-2 ■ Blue WEJTAP™ connector range Run 2-300 Tap 6-300 ■ Yellow WEJTAP™ connector range Run 266.8-1590 Tap 6-1590 All WEJTAP™ wedges contain a clearly defined chamfer on the large end of the run conductor groove to identify the “large run” groove. Installers will appreciate the convenience of visual or hand identification for correct wedge positioning. WEJTAP™ wedges are driven between the run and tap conductors and activate the spring characteristics of the “C” shaped body. This action maintains contact pressure even when the connection is subjected to severe climatic and electrical conditions. F-5 BURNDY Wedge ALUMINUM WEJTAP™ CONNECTORS The WEJTAP™ CONNECTOR SYSTEM provides TAPS, STIRRUPS and COVERS, conductor ranges #8 through 1590. Tap stirrup conductor ranges #6 - 1033.6. TAPS WEJTAP™ connector ranges are divided into three color-coded groups. RED BLUE YELLOW RUN 8-1/0 2-300 266.8-1590 TAP 8-2 6-300 6-1590 STIRRUPS™ are available from #6 through 1033.6 nominal conductor ranges. Tinned copper bails are permanently attached in sizes 2, 1/0, 2/0, 4/0 to provide a rugged “Hot Tap” connection point. F-6 COVERS are installed on WEJTAP™ connectors to prevent them from coming in contact with other taps or exposed ground points. The WEJTAP™ covers are rugged snap-on devices available in four sizes to cover all connector sizes, and are cold weather tested for easy installations. SAFETY FEATURES ■ Contained booster ejection system that guards against potential hazard of spent boosters being ejected at installers. ■ Automatic gas release vented away from the operator eliminates manual venting toward the operator. ■ Power-boosters can only be activated when properly positioned in the tool and engaged on the connector. Powerboosters are automatically deactivated should the operator decide to remove the tool from the connector prior to completing the installation. The deactivated booster may be safely removed, all to provide a safer tool for your line personnel. BURNDY Wedge WEJTAP™ POWER LUG WEJTAP™ POWERLUG™ terminals are made of cast aluminum alloy for termination of ACSR and Aluminum conductors. 4 HOLE POWER LUG 2 HOLE POWER LUG 4 HOLE FLAG F-7 Fig. 2 Fig. 1 TAP GROOVE FOR CONNECTOR SELECTION CATALOG NUMBER 4/0 STANDARD ACSR 336.4 STANDARD ACSR 795 STANDARD ACSR WCAB30R-2N WCAB30R-4N WCBB30R-4N WCAY39R-2N WCAY39R-4N WCBY39R-4N WCAY49R-2N WCAY49R-4N WCBY49R-4N STANDARD CONDUCTOR ACSR ASC/AAC 6 Str. - 266.8 6 Str. - 300 266.8 - 556.5 336.4 - 636 605 - 1033.5 715.5 - 1113 Fig. 3 FIGURE HOLES IN PAD C 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 2 4 4 2 4 4 2 4 4 1-1/4 3 1-3/4 1-1/4 3 3-3/4 1-3/4 3-1/2 4 DIMENSIONS D N 3 3 3-1/2 3 3 3-1/2 3-1/2 3-1/2 4 NOTE: The recommended connector and booster are ordered separately. Catalog number is for the POWERLUG™ only. MULTIPLE CONDUCTOR TAP APPLICATION CONNECTOR WCY 64 PB WCY 65 PB WCY 63 PB WCB 11 PB WCY 54 PB WCY 53 PB WCY 64 PB WCB 11 PB WCB 12 PB *RUN GROOVE Three - 1/0 ACSR (6/1) Diameter = 0.398 Three - 1/0 ACSR (6/1) Diameter = 0.398 Three - 2/0 ACSR (6/1) Diameter = 0.447 Three - #4 stranded Diameter = 0.232 Three - 1/0 stranded Diameter = 0.368 Three - 1/0 stranded Diameter = 0.368 Three - 2/0 stranded Diameter = 0.414 Three - #4 stranded Diameter = 0.232 Three - #4 stranded Diameter = 0.232 * Electrically, the three smaller conductors are the likely taps, however, during installation, they are located in the larger run groove due to their larger aggregate sum. *TAP GROOVE One - 4/0 ACSR (6/1) Diameter = 0.563 One - 3/0 ACSR (6/1) Diameter = 0.502 One - 4/0 ACSR (6/1) Diameter = 0.563 One - 1/0 ACSR (6/1) Diameter = 0.398 One - 4/0 stranded Diameter = 0.522 One - 3/0 stranded Diameter = 0.464 One - 4/0 stranded Diameter = 0.522 One - 1/0 stranded Diameter = 0.368 One - #4 solid copper hard drawn Diameter = 0.204 5/8 5/8 7/8 5/8 5/8 1 5/8 5/8 3/4 T 0.34 0.30 0.30 0.34 0.30 0.30 0.69 0.69 0.69 BURNDY Wedge The BURNDY® WEJTAP™ System has a wide variety of connectors available for many different conductor ranges. The following pages list some common conductors and the appropriate connector. ACSR to ACSR ACSR to AAC ACSR to Copper AAC to AAC AAC to Copper Stirrup Information page F10 page F11 page F12 page F13 page F14 pages F18 through F24 ORDERING INFORMATION ■ Power boosters may be ordered separately in boxes of 25. Red boosters Blue boosters Yellow boosters Cat. #WPBRN Box 25 Cat. #WPBBN Box 25 Cat. #WPBYN Box 25 For information about conductors which F-8 are not listed, and for further ordering information, please contact BURNDY® at 1-800-346-4175. BURNDY Wedge WEJTAP™ COPPER WEJTAP WEJTAP™ powder actuated copper connection system for use in standard grounding applications Listed under UL467 and overhead copper-to-copper tap applications Listed under UL486A. CATALOG NUMBER WCR33C-1 WCR32C-1 WCB2C2C WCB25C4C WCB25C1C WCB25C25 WCB26C4C WCB26C1C WCB26C26 WCB27C4C WCB27C1C WCB27C26 WCB27C27 WCB28C4C WCB28C1C WCB28C26 WCB28C28 WCB29C1C WCB29C25 WCB29C26 WCB29C28 WCB29C29 WCB30C4C WCB30C25 WCB30C27 WCB30C29 WCB30C30 WCB31C5C WCB31C4C WCB31C2C WCB31C26 WCB31C28 WCB31C31 WCB33C30 WCB34C2C WCB34C26 WCB34C28 WCB34C29 WCY34C34 WCY36C36 H DIMENSIONS L W 1.65 [42] 1.26 [32] .79 [20] 2.40 [61] 1.63 [41] 1.02 [26] 2.81 [71] 2.00 [51] 1.30 [33] 2.64 [67] 2.00 [51] 1.16 [29] 2.81 [71] 2.00 [51] 1.30 [33] — — — 2.81 [71] 2.00 [51] 1.30 [33] — 3.65 [93] — 3.00 [76] — 1.45 [37] COPPER CONDUCTORS ACCOMMODATED RUN TAP INSTALLATION BOOSTER COLOR #6 Str./Sol., #4 Str./Sol. #4 Str./Sol., #2 Str./Sol. #2 Str./Sol., #1 Sol. 1/0 Str. 1/0 Str. 1/0 Str. 2/0 Str. 2/0 Str. 2/0 Str. 3/0 Str. 3/0 Str. 3/0 Str. 3/0 Str. 4/0 Str. 4/0 Str. 4/0 Str. 4/0 Str. 250 kcmil 5/8 Cu Clad Rod 250 kcmil 250 kcmil, 5/8 Cu Clad Rod 250 kcmil #6 Str./Sol. #6 Str./Sol., #4 Str./Sol. #2 Str./Sol. #6 Str./Sol., #4 Str./Sol. #2 Str./Sol., #1 Sol. 1/0 Str. #6 Str./Sol., #4 Str./Sol. #2 Str./Sol., #1 Sol. 1/0 Str., 2/0 Str. #4 Sol. #2 Str. 1/0 Str., 2/0 Str. 3/0 Str. #6 Str./Sol., #4 Str./Sol. #2 Str./Sol., #1 Sol. 1/0 Str., 2/0 Str. 4/0 Str. #3 Str., #2 Str./Sol., #1 Str./Sol. 1/0 Str. 1/0 Str., 2/0 Str. 3/0 Str., 4/0 Str. 250 kcmil Red Red Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue 300 kcmil #4 Str., #2 Sol. Blue 300 kcmil 300 kcmil 300 kcmil 300 kcmil 350 kcmil, 3/4 Cu Clad Rod 3/4 Cu Clad Rod 3/4 Cu Clad Rod 350 kcmil, 3/4 Cu Clad Rod 350 kcmil, 3/4 Cu Clad Rod 350 kcmil 400 kcmil, 450 kcmil 500 kcmil 500 kcmil 500 kcmil 500 kcmil 500 kcmil 600 kcmil 1/0 Str. 3/0 Str. 5/8 Cu Clad Rod 300 kcmil #6 Str., #5 Str., #4 Sol. #4 Str. #2 Str. 2/0 Str. 4/0 Str. 350 kcmil 250 kcmil, 300 kcmil #2 Str. 2/0 Str. 4/0 Str. 250 kcmil, 5/8 Cu Clad Rod 500 kcmil 500 kcmil, 600 kcmil Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Yellow Yellow F-9 BURNDY Wedge BURNDY WEJTAP™ CONNECTOR SELECTOR CHART By Conductor Size F-10 ACSR-1033.5-36/1 ACSR-954.0-36/1 ACSR-795.0-36/1 ACSR-556.5-18/1 ACSR-477.0-18/1 ACSR-397.5-18/1 ACSR-336.4-18/1 ACSR-266.8-18/1 ACSR-4/0-6/1 ACSR-3/0-6/1 ACSR-1/0-6/1 ACSR #2-6/1 ACSR #4-6/1 ACSR-2/0-6/1 ACSR#8-6/1 37 37 36 35 33 33 32 12 12 12 15 21 40 59 59 70 85 02 02 ACSR#6-6/1 32 31 13 13 13 16 22 41 58 58 69 84 01 01 ACSR#4-6/1 10 10 10 11 11 23 42 57 57 67 83 00 00 ACSR#2-6/1 10 11 11 17 24 43 66 66 65 81 99 98 ACSR-1/0-6/1 11 17 18 25 44 65 65 64 81 98 97 ACSR-2/0-6/1 18 19 26 45 64 64 63 79 97 96 ACSR-3/0-6/1 20 27 46 64 64 63 79 96 95 ACSR-4/0-6/1 28 47 63 63 62 78 96 95 ACSR-266.8-18/1 47 62 62 61 77 95 94 ACSR-336.4-18/1 62 61 61 76 94 93 ACSR-397.5-18/1 61 61 75 93 92 ACSR-477.0-18/1 60 74 92 91 ACSR-556.5-18/1 72 89 88 ACSR-795.0-36/1 87 87 ACSR-954.0-36/1 86 ACSR-1033.5-36/1 ACSR TO ACSR COLOR BLUE BLUE RED YELLOW YELLOW NUMBER 10-28 40-47 29-37 48-99 00-39 CODE B B R Y Y CONNECTOR WCB20 WCB40 WCR30 WCY99 WCY100 (100-139) IF YELLOW, INSERT 1 BEFORE 00-39 TAP 34 ACSR #6-6/1 ACSR #8-6/1 RUN • When ordering, add WC and color code before number • Further information may be obtained by contacting BURNDY® at 1-800-346-4175 BURNDY Wedge BURNDY WEJTAP™ CONNECTOR SELECTOR CHART By Conductor Size ACSR-1033.5-36/1 ACSR-954.0-36/1 ACSR-795.0-36/1 ACSR-556.5-18/1 ACSR-477.0-18/1 ACSR-397.5-18/1 ACSR-336.4-18/1 ACSR-266.8-18/1 ACSR-4/0-6/1 ACSR-3/0-6/1 ACSR-2/0-6/1 ACSR-1/0-6/1 ACSR# 2-6/1 ACSR# 4-6/1 37 37 36 35 33 33 32 12 12 12 15 21 40 59 59 70 85 02 02 AAC #6 32 31 13 13 13 16 22 41 58 58 69 84 01 01 AAC #4 30 10 10 11 11 23 42 57 57 68 83 00 00 AAC #2 10 11 11 17 24 43 67 67 66 82 00 99 AAC-1/0 11 17 18 25 44 66 66 65 81 98 98 AAC-2/0 18 19 26 45 65 65 64 80 98 97 AAC-3/0 20 27 46 64 64 63 79 97 96 AAC-4/0 28 46 63 63 62 78 96 95 AAC-266.8 47 62 62 62 77 95 94 AAC-336.4 62 62 61 77 94 93 AAC-397.5 61 61 76 93 92 AAC-477.0 60 75 92 92 AAC-556.5 72 89 88 AAC-795.0 88 87 AAC-954.0 86 AAC-1033.5 AAC #8 ACSR TO AAC COLOR BLUE BLUE RED YELLOW YELLOW NUMBER 10-28 40-47 29-37 48-99 00-39 CODE B B R Y Y CONNECTOR WCB20 WCB40 WCR30 WCY99 WCY100 (100-139) IF YELLOW, INSERT 1 BEFORE 00-39 F-11 TAP 34 ACSR# 6-6/1 ACSR# 8-6/1 RUN • When ordering, add WC and color code before number • Further information may be obtained by contacting BURNDY® at 1-800-346-4175 BURNDY Wedge BURNDY WEJTAP™ CONNECTOR SELECTOR CHART By Conductor Size ACSR-1033.5-36/1 ACSR-954.0-36/1 ACSR-795.0-36/1 ACSR-556.5-18/1 ACSR-477.0-18/1 ACSR-397.5-18/1 ACSR-1/0-6/1 ACSR-336.4-18/1 ACSR# 2-6/1 ACSR-266.8-18/1 ACSR# 4-6/1 ACSR-4/0-6/1 ACSR# 6-6/1 ACSR-3/0-6/1 ACSR# 8-6/1 34 37 37 36 35 33 33 32 12 12 12 15 21 40 59 59 70 85 02 02 COPPER #6 32 31 13 13 13 16 22 41 58 58 69 84 01 01 COPPER #4 30 10 10 11 11 23 42 57 57 68 83 00 00 COPPER #2 10 11 11 17 24 43 67 67 66 82 00 99 COPPER-1/0 11 17 18 25 44 66 66 65 81 98 98 COPPER-2/0 18 19 26 45 65 65 64 80 98 97 COPPER-3/0 20 27 46 64 64 63 79 97 96 COPPER-4/0 27 46 63 62 62 78 96 95 COPPER-250.0 47 62 62 61 77 95 94 COPPER-350.0 62 61 61 75 93 92 COPPER-500.0 76 75 72 90 89 COPPER-750.0 92 89 87 87 COPPER-1000.0 COPPER #8 ACSR TO COPPER COLOR BLUE BLUE RED YELLOW YELLOW NUMBER 10-28 40-47 29-37 48-99 00-39 CODE B B R Y Y CONNECTOR WCB20 WCB40 WCR30 WCY99 WCY100 (100-139) IF YELLOW, INSERT 1 BEFORE 00-39 TAP F-12 ACSR-2/0-6/1 RUN • When ordering, add WC and color code before number • Further information may be obtained by contacting BURNDY® at 1-800-346-4175 BURNDY Wedge BURNDY WEJTAP™ CONNECTOR SELECTOR CHART By Conductor Size AAC-1033.5 AAC.954.0 AAC-795.0 AAC-556.5 AAC-477.0 AAC-397.5 AAC-1/0 AAC-336.4 AAC-#2 AAC-266.8 AAC-#4 AAC-4/0 AAC-#6 AAC-3/0 AAC-#8 AAC-2/0 RUN 34 37 37 36 35 33 33 32 12 12 12 15 21 40 48 59 59 85 02 02 32 31 13 13 13 16 22 41 49 58 58 84 01 01 30 29 10 14 11 23 42 50 57 57 83 00 00 10 14 11 17 24 43 51 67 66 82 99 00 AAC-1/0 11 17 18 25 44 52 66 65 81 98 98 AAC-2/0 18 19 26 45 53 65 64 80 98 97 AAC-3/0 20 27 46 54 64 63 79 97 96 AAC-4/0 28 46 55 63 62 78 96 95 AAC-266.8 47 56 62 62 77 95 94 AAC-336.4 56 62 61 77 94 93 AAC-397.5 62 61 76 93 92 AAC-477.0 60 75 92 92 AAC-556.5 72 89 88 AAC-795.0 88 87 AAC-954.0 86 AAC-1033.5 AAC #8 AAC TO AAC COLOR BLUE BLUE RED YELLOW YELLOW NUMBER 10-28 40-47 29-37 48-99 00-39 CODE B B R Y Y CONNECTOR WCB20 WCB40 WCR30 WCY99 WCY100 (100-139) IF YELLOW, INSERT 1 BEFORE 00-39 AAC #6 F-13 AAC #4 TAP AAC #2 • When ordering, add WC and color code before number • Further information may be obtained by contacting BURNDY® at 1-800-346-4175 BURNDY Wedge BURNDY WEJTAP™ CONNECTOR SELECTOR CHART By Conductor Size F-14 AAC-1033.5 AAC.954.0 AAC-795.0 AAC-556.5 AAC-477.0 AAC-397.5 AAC-336.4 AAC-266.8 AAC-4/0 AAC-3/0 AAC-2/0 AAC-1/0 AAC-#2 AAC-#4 37 37 36 35 33 33 32 12 12 12 15 21 40 48 59 59 85 02 02 COPPER #6 32 31 13 13 13 16 22 41 49 58 58 84 01 01 COPPER #4 30 29 10 14 11 23 42 50 57 57 83 00 00 COPPER #2 10 14 11 17 24 43 51 67 66 82 99 00 COPPER-1/0 11 17 18 25 44 52 66 65 81 98 98 COPPER-2/0 18 19 26 45 53 65 64 80 98 97 COPPER-3/0 20 27 46 54 64 63 79 97 96 COPPER-4/0 27 46 55 63 62 78 96 95 COPPER-250.0 47 56 62 61 77 95 94 COPPER-350.0 62 61 61 75 93 92 COPPER-500.0 76 75 72 90 89 COPPER-750.0 92 89 88 87 COPPER-1000.0 COPPER #8 AAC TO COPPER COLOR BLUE BLUE RED YELLOW YELLOW NUMBER 10-28 40-47 29-37 48-99 00-39 CODE B B R Y Y CONNECTOR WCB20 WCB40 WCR30 WCY99 WCY100 (100-139) IF YELLOW, INSERT 1 BEFORE 00-39 TAP 34 AAC-#6 AAC-#8 RUN • When ordering, add WC and color code before number • Further information may be obtained by contacting BURNDY® at 1-800-346-4175 BURNDY Wedge BURNDY WEJTAP™ SELECTION CHART By Diameter Catalog Number Sum of Diameters Max Min Run Tap Max Min Max Min 0.621 0.763 0.526 0.6 0.69 0.622 0.664 0.804 0.867 0.938 0.975 0.711 0.765 0.818 0.897 0.963 1.015 1.08 1.141 0.762 0.794 0.857 0.936 1.009 1.057 1.119 1.188 0.482 0.568 0.568 0.568 0.568 0.568 0.568 0.568 0.568 0.568 0.568 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.684 0.684 0.684 0.684 0.684 0.684 0.684 0.684 0.316 0.364 0.364 0.364 0.364 0.364 0.364 0.364 0.364 0.364 0.364 0.532 0.532 0.532 0.532 0.532 0.532 0.532 0.532 0.603 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.437 0.457 0.204 0.258 0.398 0.204 0.258 0.464 0.572 0.572 0.572 0.204 0.258 0.33 0.5 0.562 0.562 0.575 0.65 0.204 0.258 0.333 0.5 0.562 0.562 0.592 0.684 0.257 0.257 0.162 0.204 0.257 0.162 0.204 0.257 0.364 0.379 0.386 0.162 0.204 0.257 0.324 0.364 0.409 0.46 0.525 0.162 0.204 0.257 0.324 0.364 0.409 0.46 0.6 0.584 0.516 0.464 0.41 0.331 0.256 0.452 0.387 0.297 0.398 0.398 0.398 0.326 0.258 0.162 0.398 0.398 0.258 0.257 0.257 0.257 0.204 0.169 0.128 0.257 0.257 0.169 0.398 0.325 0.258 0.258 0.23 0.162 0.162 0.162 0.162 0.257 0.206 0.162 0.162 0.162 0.128 0.128 0.128 0.128 1.4 1.343 1.284 2.484 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.302 0.893 0.893 0.893 1.242 0.351 0.261 0.198 1.302 0.257 0.204 0.162 1.242 Installed with blue booster WCB10 WCB11 WCB12 WCB13 WCB14 WCB15 WCB16 WCB17 WCB18 WCB19 WCB20 WCB21 WCB22 WCB23 WCB24 WCB25 WCB26 WCB27 WCB28 WCB40 WCB41 WCB42 WCB43 WCB44 WCB45 WCB46 WCB47 0.795 0.901 0.707 0.761 0.839 0.769 0.823 0.963 1.011 1.068 1.13 0.846 0.9 0.972 1.052 1.104 1.163 1.221 1.284 0.888 0.942 1.011 1.094 1.146 1.204 1.284 1.368 Installed with red booster WCR29 WCR30 WCR31 WCR32 WCR33 WCR34 WCR35 WCR36 WCR37 0.723 0.656 0.602 0.53 0.459 0.324 0.56 0.487 0.416 Installed with yellow booster WCY100 WCY101 WCY102 WCY103 1.572 1.503 1.454 2.604 F-15 BURNDY Wedge BURNDY WEJTAP™ SELECTION CHART By Diameter F-16 Catalog Number Sum Of Diameters Max. Min. Installed with yellow booster WCY104 2.567 WCY105 2.489 WCY106 2.418 WCY107 2.373 WCY108 2.318 WCY109 2.255 WCY110 2.179 WCY111 2.102 WCY112 2.044 WCY113 1.961 WCY114 1.94 WCY115 1.863 WCY116 1.812 WCY117 1.762 WCY118 1.703 WCY119 1.631 WCY120 1.58 WCY121 2.844 WCY122 2.764 WCY123 2.68 WCY124 2.596 WCY125 2.535 WCY126 2.481 WCY127 2.426 WCY128 2.376 WCY129 2.286 WCY130 2.216 WCY131 2.152 WCY132 2.07 WCY133 1.99 WCY134 1.931 WCY135 1.876 WCY136 1.831 WCY137 1.771 WCY138 1.706 WCY139 1.664 WCY48 0.932 WCY49 1.012 WCY50 1.069 WCY51 1.141 WCY52 1.19 WCY53 1.236 WCY54 1.302 WCY55 1.37 WCY56 1.456 WCY57 1.19 2.407 2.329 2.258 2.213 2.158 2.095 2.019 1.942 1.884 1.801 1.74 1.663 1.612 1.562 1.503 1.431 1.38 2.642 2.562 2.479 2.394 2.333 2.279 2.224 2.174 2.084 2.014 1.95 1.868 1.786 1.729 1.674 1.629 1.569 1.504 1.462 0.765 0.807 0.86 0.927 1.001 1.012 1.063 1.14 1.245 0.979 Run Tap Max. Min. Max. Min. 1.302 1.302 1.302 1.302 1.302 1.302 1.302 1.302 1.302 1.302 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.422 1.422 1.422 1.422 1.422 1.422 1.422 1.422 1.422 1.422 1.422 1.422 1.422 1.422 1.422 1.422 1.422 1.422 1.422 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.893 1.242 1.242 1.242 1.242 1.242 1.242 1.242 1.242 1.242 1.242 1.242 1.242 1.242 1.242 1.242 1.242 1.242 1.314 1.314 1.314 1.314 1.314 1.314 1.314 1.314 1.314 1.314 1.314 1.314 1.314 1.314 1.314 1.314 1.314 1.314 1.314 0.537 0.537 0.537 0.537 0.537 0.537 0.537 0.537 0.537 0.666 1.265 1.187 1.116 1.071 1.016 0.953 0.877 0.8 0.742 0.659 0.59 0.513 0.462 0.412 0.353 0.281 0.23 1.422 1.342 1.258 1.174 1.113 1.059 1.004 0.954 0.864 0.794 0.73 0.648 0.568 0.509 0.454 0.409 0.349 0.284 0.242 0.204 0.271 0.355 0.557 0.588 0.619 0.63 0.714 0.75 0.326 1.165 1.087 1.016 0.971 0.916 0.853 0.777 0.7 0.642 0.559 0.498 0.421 0.37 0.32 0.261 0.189 0.138 1.328 1.248 1.164 1.08 1.019 0.965 0.91 0.86 0.77 0.7 0.636 0.554 0.472 0.415 0.36 0.315 0.255 0.19 0.148 0.162 0.203 0.257 0.324 0.364 0.409 0.46 0.499 0.524 0.257 BURNDY Wedge BURNDY WEJTAP™ SELECTION CHART By Diameter Catalog Number Sum Of Diameters Max. Min. Installed with yellow booster WCY58 1.118 WCY59 1.061 WCY60 1.854 WCY61 1.741 WCY62 1.594 WCY63 1.5 WCY64 1.421 WCY65 1.36 WCY66 1.305 WCY67 1.27 WCY68 1.253 WCY69 1.187 WCY70 1.13 WCY71 2.216 WCY72 2.133 WCY73 2.098 WCY74 2.035 WCY75 1.969 WCY76 1.901 WCY77 1.829 WCY78 1.75 WCY79 1.67 WCY80 1.61 WCY81 1.555 WCY82 1.506 WCY83 1.44 WCY84 1.369 WCY85 1.306 WCY86 2.496 WCY87 2.418 WCY88 2.354 WCY89 2.297 WCY90 2.238 WCY91 2.173 WCY92 2.104 WCY93 2.029 WCY94 1.967 WCY95 1.888 WCY96 1.811 WCY97 1.748 WCY98 1.695 WCY99 1.644 0.931 0.891 1.686 1.524 1.379 1.297 1.216 1.147 1.097 1.054 1.115 1.059 1.013 2.074 1.999 1.946 1.891 1.822 1.741 1.677 1.599 1.526 1.466 1.411 1.362 1.288 1.221 1.158 2.332 2.251 2.194 2.137 2.083 2.013 1.95 1.869 1.831 1.728 1.648 1.591 1.533 1.489 Run Tap Max. Min. Max. Min. 0.893 0.893 0.95 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 1.133 1.133 1.133 1.133 1.133 1.133 1.133 1.133 1.133 1.133 1.133 1.133 1.133 1.133 1.133 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 0.666 0.666 0.722 0.683 0.683 0.683 0.683 0.683 0.683 0.683 0.683 0.683 0.683 0.907 0.907 0.907 0.907 0.889 0.889 0.889 0.889 0.889 0.889 0.889 0.889 0.889 0.889 0.889 0.893 0.893 0.893 0.893 0.893 0.893 0.893 0.893 0.893 0.893 0.893 0.893 0.893 0.893 0.258 0.199 0.95 0.94 0.75 0.75 0.65 0.562 0.562 0.45 0.326 0.262 0.204 1.156 1.142 1.142 1.142 0.927 0.9 0.75 0.729 0.722 0.608 0.608 0.436 0.398 0.333 0.258 1.25 1.25 1.211 1.2 1.159 1.13 0.904 0.9 0.75 0.722 0.609 0.598 0.598 0.398 0.204 0.162 0.722 0.666 0.573 0.481 0.436 0.382 0.336 0.315 0.257 0.204 0.162 0.947 0.927 0.907 0.858 0.763 0.7 0.575 0.525 0.364 0.364 0.364 0.324 0.257 0.203 0.162 0.999 0.856 0.971 0.923 0.868 0.856 0.72 0.7 0.588 0.525 0.364 0.385 0.364 0.324 F-17 BURNDY Wedge WEJTAP™ STIRRUP™ AND POWER BOOSTERS (Large) Run Conductor position is identified on all wedges via a distinct chamfer. QIK Selector - for common ACSR, Aluminum and Copper Conductors CATALOG NUMBER NOMINAL CABLE RANGE BAIL SIZE CATALOG NUMBER SMALL RED CABLE RANGE 6-2 WSS1 WSS2 6 5, 4, 2 WSM1 WSM2 WSM3 WSM4 WSM5 WSM6 WSM7 WSM11 1, 1/0, 2/0 2/0, 3/0 3/0 - 4/0 266.8 350 266.8 - 336.4 BAIL SIZE LARGE YELLOW CABLE RANGE 300-1033.5 2 MEDIUM BLUE CABLE RANGE 1-300 F-18 NOMINAL CABLE RANGE 2 2 2 2/0 2 1/0 1/0 4/0 WSL1 WSL2 WSL3 WSL4 WSL5 WSL6 WSL7 WSL8 WSL9 WSL10 WSL11 WSL12 WSL13 WSL14 336.4 397.5 - 477 556.5 636 795 1033.5 1/0 2/0 4/0 1/0 2/0 4/0 1/0 2/0 4/0 4/0 2/0 2/0 4/0 4/0 BURNDY Wedge WEJTAP™ STIRRUP™ SELECTION BY CABLE SIZE MEDIUM CABLE RANGE 1-300 F-19 WSS1 WSS2 BURNDY Wedge WEJTAP™ STIRRUP™ SELECTION BY CABLE SIZE LARGE CABLE RANGE 300-1033.5 F-20 WSM1 WSM5 WSM2 WSM3 WSM6 WSM4 WSM7 BURNDY Wedge WEJTAP™ STIRRUP™ SELECTION BY CABLE SIZE LARGE CABLE RANGE 300-1033.5 F-21 WSL1 WSL2 WSL3 WSL4 WSL5 WSL6 BURNDY Wedge WEJTAP™ STIRRUP™ SELECTION BY CABLE SIZE LARGE CABLE RANGE 300-1033.5 F-22 WSL7 WSL8 WSL10 WSL11 WSL9 BURNDY Wedge WEJTAP™ STIRRUP™ SELECTION BY CABLE SIZE LARGE CABLE RANGE 300-1033.5 F-23 WSL12 WSL13 WSL14 BURNDY Wedge BURNDY WEJTAP™ STIRRUP SELECTION CHART By Diameter F-24 Catalog Number Sum Of Diameters Max. Min. Small stirrups WSS1 0.454 WSS2 0.575 Medium sized stirrups WSM1 0.697 WSM10 0.887 WSM2 0.752 WSM3 0.813 WSM4 0.938 WSM5 0.892 WSM6 0.968 WSM7 1.008 WSM8 0.934 WSM9 0.771 Large stirrups WSL1 1.05 WSL10 1.479 WSL11 1.394 WSL12 1.515 WSL13 1.6 WSL14 1.708 WSL2 0.976 WSL3 1.186 WSL4 1.186 WSL5 1.237 WSL6 1.322 WSL7 1.251 WSL8 1.302 WSL9 1.387 Run Tap Max. Min. Max. Min. 0.412 0.456 0.204 0.325 0.162 0.206 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.575 0.784 0.615 0.66 0.835 0.787 0.861 0.898 0.824 0.649 0.447 0.563 0.502 0.563 0.563 0.642 0.642 0.684 0.684 0.447 0.325 0.46 0.365 0.41 0.46 0.537 0.537 0.574 0.574 0.325 0.25 0.324 0.25 0.25 0.375 0.25 0.324 0.324 0.25 0.324 0.25 0.324 0.25 0.25 0.375 0.25 0.324 0.324 0.25 0.324 0.927 1.389 1.304 1.399 1.484 1.606 0.853 1.063 1.046 1.097 1.182 1.17 1.221 1.306 0.726 1.019 1.019 1.14 1.14 1.248 0.726 0.726 0.862 0.862 0.862 0.927 0.927 0.927 0.603 0.929 0.929 1.024 1.024 1.146 0.603 0.603 0.722 0.722 0.722 0.846 0.846 0.846 0.324 0.46 0.375 0.375 0.46 0.46 0.25 0.46 0.324 0.375 0.46 0.324 0.375 0.46 0.324 0.46 0.375 0.375 0.46 0.46 0.25 0.46 0.324 0.375 0.46 0.324 0.375 0.46 BURNDY Wedge WEJTAP™ Large WEJTAP™ system connectors for use in tap applications using large run and tap conductor sizes. CATALOG NUMBER WCY106 WCY107 WCY108 WCY109 WCY110 WCY111 WCY112 WCY113 WCY114 WCY121 WCY122 WCY125 WCY130 WCY131 WCY140 WCY145 CONDUCTOR TYPE RUN TAP BOOSTER COLOR 1272 AAC 61 STR 1272 AAC 61 STR 1272 AAC 61 STR 1192.5 ACSR 45/7 1272 AAC 61 STR 1272 AAC 61 STR 1272 AAC 61 STR 1272 AAC 61 STR 1272 AAC 61 STR 1272 ACSR 45/7 1272 ACSR 45/7 1272 ACSR 45/7 1272 ACSR 45/7 1272 ACSR 45/7 1590 ACSR 45/7 1590 ACSR 45/7 795 ACSR 45/7 636 ACSR 26/7 556.5 ACSR 26/7 556.5 SSAC 24/1 477 AAC 397.5 AAC 19 STR 336.4 ACSR 18/1 266.8 AAC 4/0 ACSR 6/1 1272 ACSR 45/7 1272 AAC 61 STR 795 ACSR 45/7 397.5 AAC 19 STR 336.4 ACSR 18/1 1590 ACSR 45/7 795 ACSR 45/7 Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow F-25 BURNDY Wedge LARGE WEJTAP™ (Continued) F-26 CATALOG NUMBER Max. Sum WCY106 WCY107 WCY108 WCY109 WCY110 WCY111 WCY112 WCY113 WCY114 WCY121 WCY122 WCY125 WCY130 WCY131 WCY140 WCY145 2.418 2.373 2.318 2.255 2.179 2.102 2.044 1.961 1.940 2.844 2.764 2.535 2.216 2.152 3.045 2.596 CATALOG NUMBER Max. Sum WCY106 WCY107 WCY108 WCY109 WCY110 WCY111 WCY112 WCY113 WCY114 WCY121 WCY122 WCY125 WCY130 WCY131 WCY140 WCY145 61.4 60.3 58.9 57.3 55.4 53.4 51.9 49.8 49.3 72.2 70.2 64.4 56.3 54.7 77.3 65.9 SUM OF THE DIAMETERS (in) FOR NEW WEJTAP™ CONNECTORS Min. Sum Max. Run Min. Run 2.258 2.213 2.158 2.095 2.095 1.942 1.884 1.801 1.740 2.642 2.562 2.333 2.014 1.950 2.090 2.534 1.302 1.302 1.302 1.302 1.302 1.302 1.302 1.302 1.350 1.422 1.422 1.422 1.422 1.422 1.533 1.533 1.242 1.242 1.242 1.242 1.242 1.242 1.242 1.242 1.242 1.314 1.314 1.314 1.314 1.314 1.471 1.032 Max. Tap Min. Tap 1.187 1.071 1.016 0.953 0.877 0.800 0.742 0.659 0.590 1.422 1.342 1.113 0.794 0.730 1.547 1.094 1.087 0.971 0.916 0.853 0.777 0.700 0.642 0.559 0.498 1.328 1.248 1.019 0.700 0.636 1.471 1.032 METRIC SUM OF THE DIAMETERS (mm) FOR NEW WEJTAP™ CONNECTORS Min. Sum Max. Run Min. Run Max. Tap 57.3 56.2 54.8 53.2 53.2 49.3 47.9 45.7 44.2 67.1 65.1 59.3 51.2 49.5 53.1 64.4 33.1 33.1 33.1 33.1 33.1 33.1 33.1 33.1 34.3 36.1 36.1 36.1 36.1 36.1 38.9 38.9 31.6 31.6 31.6 31.6 31.6 31.6 31.6 31.6 31.6 33.4 33.4 33.4 33.4 33.4 37.4 26.2 30.2 27.2 25.8 24.2 22.3 20.3 18.9 16.7 15.0 36.1 34.1 28.3 20.2 18.5 39.3 27.8 Min. Tap 27.6 24.7 23.3 21.6 19.7 17.8 16.3 14.2 12.7 33.7 31.7 25.9 17.8 16.2 37.4 26.2 BURNDY Wedge WEJTAP™ COVER WEJTAP™ Covers are installed on WEJTAP™ connectors to prevent them from coming in contact with other taps or exposed ground points. The covers are rugged snapon devices available in four sizes to cover all connector sizes. COVER CATALOG NO. WCCR WCCB WCCSY WCCLY WEJTAP SIZE Small Old Style Red Red & Blue Small (Yellow) Large (Yellow) NOMINAL CONDUCTOR RANGE RUN TAP 8 - 1/0 8-2 2 - 300 300 - 556.5 556.5 - 1033.5 6 - 300 6 - 556.5 556.5 - 1033.5 COVER COLOR Black Weather Rated F-27 BURNDY Wedge WEJTAP™ INSTALLATION TOOLS Type WTRB WEJTAP™ tool assembly with small head for small and medium range taps - #8 through 350 kcmil and stirrups. Patented Type WTY WEJTAP™ tool assembly with large head for medium and large range taps - 336.4 through 1590 kcmil ACSR, and stirrups. F-28 Type WTB WEJTAP™ tool body one-piece assembly basic drive mechanism used to install WEJTAP™ connectors and STIRRUPs range - #8 awg through 1590 kcmil ACSR. Type WTBGBW WEJTAP™ self firing tool body. Used to install WEJTAP™ connectors and stirrups. Utilizes a self firing actuator for use with hotsticks. Type WTHRB1S WEJTAP™ tool head operating platform for small and medium range (red/blue coded) connectors. Type WTHY1S WEJTAP™ tool head operating platform for medium and large range (yellow coded) connectors. BURNDY Wedge WEJTAP™ INSTALLATION TOOL ACCESSORIES Type WTOCBR WEJTAP™ removal clip for red type II and medium (blue coded) tap connectors used with type WTHRB tool head. Type WTOCY WEJTAP™ removal clip for large (yellow coded) tap connectors used with type WTHY tool head. F-29 Type WTCK WEJTAP™ tool cleaning/maintenance kit for use with type WTB tool body. BURNDY Wedge WEJTAP™ HOTSTICK TOOL Type WTBGBW WEJTAP™ Self firing tool body. Used to install WEJTAP™ connectors and stirrups. Similar to Type WTB tool except utilizes a self firing actuator for use with hotsticks. F-30 WEJTAP™ HOTSTICK ACCESORIES Type WHSCWH WEJTAP™ hotstick connector clamp used to hold the tap connector spring-body and wedge for installation on energized lines with the shotgun hotstick. Type WHSPBC WEJTAP™ hotstick dual cable clamp used to hold run and tap conductors in position during hotline installation. Universal for all applications from #8-1272 ACSR. BURNDY Wedge WEJTAP™ HOTSTICK ACCESSORIES Type WHS90ADP WEJTAP™ hotstick angle adapter used to attach tool to universal hotstick for hotline installation. Type WHSWHADP WEJTAP™ hotstick angle wedge holder adapter attaches wedge clamp to universal hotstick for hotline installation. F-31 Type WCHAWAS WEJTAP™ hotstick angle wedge holder adapter attaches wedge clamp to universal hotstick for hotline installation with shotgun stick. Type WHSTA WEJTAP™ hotstick tool (actuator) hammer attaches to the universal hotstick for striking the tool actuator button to complete the installation. Type WHSWB WEJTAP™ hotstick wirebrush attaches to the universal hotstick for cleaning the contact surface of the line conductor. BURNDY Wedge WEJTAP™ HOTSTICK ACCESSORIES (Continued) Type WHSGB WEJTAP™ hotstick breech drive. Geared shotgun hotstick adapter easily latches to the breech end of WEJTAP installation tool without disassembly for use on energized lines. Type WHHWB WEJTAP™ hand-held wire brush for cleaning surface contact areas on non-energized conductors. F-32 BURNDY Wedge WEJTAP™ KITS TYPE WTCC (Carrying Case Only) Type WABAG WEJTAP™ plastic carrying case. Designed for rugged use in all weather conditions. It accommodates WEJTAP™ installation tool, removal clips, and cleaning kit. WEJTAP™ accessories bag is designed for use in carrying installation tool(s), removal clips, and cleaning kit. Hotstick accessories may be accommodated as well. Holders for power boosters are conveniently located on the outside of the bag. F-33 Tools included in Kit (Quantity) WT2B2RBY WT2BRBY WTRBYK WTYK WTRBK WT2BRBYK WT2B2RBYK WTY WTRB WTY WTRB WTBGBW WTRBY WABAG WABAG WABAG WABAG RBYK WABAG Power Unit Self Firing Tool Large Frame Large T.O. Clip Small Frame Cleaning Kit Small T.O. Clip Carrying Case Carrying Case WTB WTBGBW WTHY1S WTOCY WTHRB-1S WTCK WTOCBR WTCC WABAG 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Contact your BURNDY representative for a WEJTAP™ demonstration or contact the factory at 1-800-346-4175 BURNDY Substation TABLE OF CONTENTS COPPER SUBSTATION Introduction .............................G-3 Type HFBW Bar Clamp ..............................G-13 Type NT Tube to Tube ............................G-4 Type HFB-P1 Bar Clamp ..............................G-14 Type NSNT/NHNT Tube to Cable ..........................G-5 Type HFB-N Tap Pad Adapter.....................G-15 Type NSNT/NHNT Cable to Cable ........................G-6 Type NA Tube to Flat ............................G-16 Type VT Cable to Cable .......................G-7 Type XA Tube to Flat, Expandable .......G-16 Type NS Tube to Tube.............................G-7 Type NAS/NAH Cable to Flat (Terminal)..........G-17 Type XP Tube to Tube.............................G-8 Type N2AH Two Cables to Flat..................G-18 Type B Flexible Braid Jumper ...G-8 - G-11 Type VA, VVA Cable to Flat (Terminal)..........G-19 Type B Assembly Components Expansion Coupler ................G-12 Type UH Bus Support, Tube..................G-20 G-1 BURNDY Substation TABLE OF CONTENTS Type UHR Bus Support, Tube or Cable ...G-20 Type NS-A Tube to Tube ...........................G-28 Types LH, LHR Bus Support, Tube or Cable ...G-21 Type NA-A Tube to Flat.............................G-29 Type NDR Stud Connector, Cable, Tube, Flat Bar .......................G-22 Type XA-A Tube to Flat.............................G-29 Type FD Stud Connector, Stud to Flat Bar .................................G-23 G-2 (Continued) Type QGFL Bar Tap, Cable to Flat .............G-24 Type FCB Transformer Tap Adapter ........G-24 Type E-C-G Transformer Tap Adapter ........G-25 Type NBC-A Tube to Flat .................G-30 - G-31 Type NAR-A Cable to Flat ...........................G-32 Type UHG-A Bus Support, Tube ..................G-33 Type UHKR-A Bus Support, Tube or Cable ...G-33 Type LB-A End Cap, Aluminum Tube .......G-34 Type FN .................................G-25 ALUMINUM SUBSTATION Introduction .............................G-26 Type NNT-A Tube to Tube ...........................G-27 Type NNTR-A Tube to Cable, Cable to Cable.. .........................G-27 - G-28 Type WAS-A Terminal Connector ................G-35 Type WASC-A-N Centerformed Terminal ...........G-36 Type WG-A Weldment Ground Stud ..........G-37 BURNDY Substation COPPER SUBSTATION CONNECTORS INTRODUCTION N-Line connectors are two-piece copper alloy castings assembled with DURIUM™ (silicon bronze) hex bolts, nuts and washers. They are available for connecting tube or cable. BURNDY® electrical connectors are designed to be installed with a minimum of effort, to run cooler than the conductors being joined and to provide optimum performance under all operating conditions. To achieve this type of performance, extensive research and development time is spent by BURNDY® engineers and scientists to improve manufacturing techniques, materials and designs. As these improvements become available, they are incorporated into both existing and new product lines. This continuous program of product innovation and improvement insures that, as new and more critical applications evolve, high quality connectors from BURNDY® will be available to meet the need. The Variline incorporates a modified V-bolt as the clamping element for heavy-duty applications. This line is particularly suited for use G-3 with flexible and extra flexible cables. Flat pad connectors used to join cable or tubing terminals to equipment studs. A variety of bus supports are also available for tube or cable. Some can be adjusted for either a rigid or slide-fit by rotating the clamping cap 180°. Expansion connectors are used to absorb the stress imposed on the bus by settling ground, thermal expansion and shocks, as in circuit breaker operations. The flexible elements are flat-tinned, copper braid, with sufficient cross sectional area to carry the rated current of the conductors being joined. BURNDY Substation TYPE NT T-CONNECTOR FOR COPPER TUBE TO TUBE High copper alloy T-Connector for tubing run and tap. Slots between bolts provide independent high-pressure areas of contact. One-wrench installation. CATALOG NUMBER G-4 NT1313 NT1413 NT1414 NT1514 NT1515 NT1614 NT1615 NT1616 NT1714 NT1715 NT1717 NT1816 NT1817 NT1818 NT1919 NT2020 NT2121 NT2222 CONDUCTOR RUN ‘A’ TAP ‘AA’ 1/2 3/4 3/4 1 1 1-1/4 1-1/2 2 2 2 2-1/2 3 3-1/2 4 1/2 1/2 3/4 3/4 1 3/4 1 1-1/4 3/4 1 1-1/2 1-1/4 1-1/2 2 2-1/2 3 3-1/2 4 B 2 H J 4 2 4-1/8 2-1/8 3/8 2-1/2 2-3/4 2 L 1-3/4 2-5/8 2-3/4 4-3/8 4-1/2 4-3/4 1/2 5-3/4 3/8 5-1/8 6-1/8 2-3/4 3-1/8 3-5/8 4-3/8 4-7/8 5-1/2 3-1/4 3-3/8 3-7/8 4-5/8 5-1/4 5-3/4 1/2 5/8 6-5/8 6-3/4 7-1/4 8-5/8 9-1/4 9-7/8 BURNDY Substation TYPE NSNT/NHNT T-CONNECTOR FOR COPPER TUBE TO CABLE High copper alloy T-Connector for joining copper tubing run to a wide range of copper tap cable. Tap utilizes reversible cap to achieve large conductor range and the connector is designed for one-wrench installation. CATALOG NUMBER RUN IPS OR EHPS A NSNT1329 NHNT1329 NSNT1429 NHNT1429 NSNT1434 NHNT1434 NSNT1529 NHNT1529 3/4 (1.050 Dia.) NHNT1534 1 (1.315 Dia.) 1/2 (.840 Dia.) NHNT1540 NSNT1629 NHNT1629 NHNT1634 1-1/4 (1.660 Dia.) NHNT1640 NHNT1644 NHNT1729 NHNT1734 1-1/2 (1.900 Dia.) NHNT1740 NHNT1744 NHNT1829 NHNT1834 NHNT1840 2 (2.375 Dia.) NHNT1844 NHNT1846 NHNT1929 NHNT1934 NHNT1940 2-1/2 (2.875 Dia.) NHNT1944 NHNT1946 NHNT2044 3 (3.500 Dia.) COMMERCIAL COPPER CABLE RANGE COMPLETE ➀ SMALL LARGE TAP CABLE TAP TAP RANGE AA GROOVE GROOVE 6 Sol. (.162 Dia.) to 250 kcmil (.575 Dia.) 6 Sol. (.162 Dia.) to 250 kcmil (.575 Dia.) 1/0 Sol. (.325 Dia.) to 500 kcmil (.813 Dia.) 6 Sol. (.162 Dia.) to 250 kcmil (.575 Dia.) 1/0 Sol. (.325 Dia.) to 500 kcmil (.813 Dia.) 2/0 Str. (.420 Dia.) to 800 kcmil (1.031 Dia.) 6 Sol. (1.62 Dia.) to 250 kcmil (.575 Dia.) to 1/0 Sol. (.325 Dia.) to 500 kcmil (.813 Dia.) 2/0 Str. (.420 Dia.) to 800 kcmil (1.031 Dia.) 4/0 Str. (.529 Dia.) to 1000 kcmil (1.152 Dia.) 6 Sol. (.162 Dia.) to 250 kcmil (.575 Dia.) 1/0 Sol. (.325 Dia.) to 500 kcmil (.813 Dia.) 2/0 Str. (.420 Dia.) to 800 kcmil (1.031 Dia.) 4/0 Str. (.529 Dia.) to 1000 kcmil (1.152 Dia.) 6 Sol. (.162 Dia.) to 250 kcmil (.575 Dia.) 1/0 Sol. (.325 Dia.) to 500 kcmil (.813 Dia.) 2/0 Str. (.420 Dia.) to 800 kcmil (1.031 Dia.) 4/0 Str. (.529 Dia.) to 1000 kcmil (1.152 Dia.) 1000 kcmil (1.152 Dia.) to 1500 kcmil (1.412 Dia.) 6 Sol. (.162 Dia.) to 250 kcmil (.575 Dia.) 1/0 Sol. (.325 Dia.) to 500 kcmil (.813 Dia.) 2/0 Str. (.420 Dia.) to 800 kcmil (1.031 Dia.) 4/0 Str. (.529 Dia.) to 1000 kcmil (1.152 Dia.) 1000 kcmil (1.152 Dia.) to 1500 kcmil (1.412 Dia.) 4/0 Str. (.529 Dia.) to 1000 kcmil (1.152 Dia.) 6 Sol. (.162 Dia.) to 1/0 Str. (.372 Dia.) 6 Sol. (.162 Dia.) to 1/0 Str. (.372 Dia.) 1/0 Sol. (.325 Dia.) to 4/0 Str. (.529 Dia.) 6 Sol. (.162 Dia.) to 1/0 Str. (.372 Dia.) 1/0 Sol. (.325 Dia.) to 4/0 Str. (.529 Dia.) 2/0 Str. (.420 Dia.) to 500 kcmil (.813 Dia.) 6 Sol (.162 Dia.) to 1/0 Str. (.372 Dia.) 1/0 Sol. (.325 Dia.) to 4/0 Str. (.529 Dia.) 2/0 Str. (.420 Dia.) to 500 kcmil (.813 Dia.) 4/0 Str. (.529 Dia.) to 750 kcmil (.998 Dia.) 6 Sol. (.162 Dia.) to 1/0 Str. (.372 Dia.) 1/0 Sol. (.325 Dia.) to 4/0 Str. (.529 Dia.) 2/0 Str. (.420 Dia.) to 500 kcmil (.813 Dia.) 4/0 Str. (.529 Dia.) to 750 kcmil (.998 Dia.) 6 Sol. (.162 Dia.) to 1/0 Str. (.372 Dia.) 1/0 Sol. (.325 Dia.) to 4/0 Str. (.529 Dia.) 2/0 Str. (.420 Dia.) to 500 kcmil (.813 Dia.) 4/0 Str. (.529 Dia.) to 750 kcmil (.998 Dia.) — 6 Sol. (.162 Dia.) to 1/0 Str. (.372 Dia.) 1/0 Sol. (.325 Dia.) to 4/0 Str. (.529 Dia.) 2/0 Str. (.420 Dia.) to 500 kcmil (.813 Dia.) 4/0 Str. (.529 Dia.) to 750 kcmil (.998 Dia.) — 4/0 Str. (.529 Dia.) to 750 kcmil (.998 Dia.) ① Complete cable range may be accommodated by reversing cap. 2/0 Str. (.420 Dia.) to 250 kcmil (.575 Dia.) 2/0 Str. (.420 Dia.) to 250 kcmil (.575 Dia.) 250 kcmil (.575 Dia.) to 500 kcmil (.813 Dia.) 2/0 Str. (.420 Dia.) to 250 kcmil (.575 Dia.) 250 kcmil (.575 Dia.) to 500 kcmil (.813 Dia.) 500 kcmil (.813 Dia.) to 800 kcmil (1.03 Dia.) 2/0 Str. (.420 Dia.) to 250 kcmil (.575 Dia.) 250 kcmil (.575 Dia.) to 500 kcmil (.813 Dia.) 500 kcmil (.813 Dia.) to 800 kcmil (1.031 Dia.) 750 kcmil (.998 Dia.) to 1000 kcmil (1.152 Dia.) 210 Str. (.420 Dia.) to 250 kcmil (.575 Dia.) 250 kcmil (.575 Dia.) to 500 kcmil (.813 Dia.) 500 kcmil (.813 Dia.) to 800 kcmil (1.031 Dia.) 750 kcmil (.998 Dia.) to 1000 kcmil (1.152 Dia.) 2/0 Str. (.420 Dia.) to 250 kcmil (.575 Dia.) 250 kcmil (.575 Dia.) to 500 kcmil (.813 Dia.) 500 kcmil (.813 Dia.) 800 kcmil (1.031 Dia.) 750 kcmil (.998 Dia.) to 1000 kcmil (1.152 Dia.) 1000 kcmil (1.152 Dia.) to 1500 kcmil (1.412 Dia.) 2/0 Str. (.420 Dia.) to 250 kcmil (.575 Dia.) 250 kcmil (.575 Dia.) to 500 kcmil (.813 Dia.) 500 kcmil (.813 Dia.) to 800 kcmil (1.031 Dia.) 750 kcmil (.998 Dia.) to 1000 kcmil (1.152 Dia.) 1000 kcmil (1.152 Dia.) to 1500 kcmil (1.412 Dia.) 750 kcmil (.998 Dia.) to 1000 kcmil (1.152 Dia.) B B-B H 2.00 2.25 2.00 2.25 2.00 2.25 2.00 2.38 2.62 2.38 2.62 2.38 2.62 2.38 2.00 2.32 2.00 2.32 2.10 2.42 2.00 2.57 2.25 2.62 2.00 2.38 2.57 “J” DIA. L W Y 3/8-16 1/2-13 3/8-16 1/2-13 3/8-16 1/2-13 3/8-16 5.08 5.82 5.08 5.82 5.08 5.82 5.34 1.96 2.44 1.96 2.44 2.20 2.56 1.96 2.44 3.89 4.38 3.89 4.38 3.89 4.38 4.02 5.92 1/2-13 2.60 2.62 2.69 2.37 2.57 — 3/8-16 2.60 5.78 6.32 2.68 2.88 4.43 2.78 1.96 4.24 2.44 2.56 4.63 2.78 2.69 6.58 2.70 2.62 2.56 2.90 4.89 2.44 2.70 6.76 2.56 4.85 2.69 2.78 2.88 2.78 2.80 7.02 2.90 5.11 2.44 2.62 3.06 1/2-13 7.44 2.69 2.56 5.19 2.78 2.88 3.06 7.70 2.90 5.45 3.06 3.23 7.88 3.16 5.63 2.44 2.62 8.06 3.64 2.56 5.50 2.78 2.69 2.88 8.32 2.90 5.76 3.06 8.50 3.16 5.94 8.95 2.90 6.07 5.75 4.26 G-5 BURNDY Substation TYPE NSNT/NHNT T-CONNECTOR FOR COPPER CABLE TO CABLE High copper alloy reversible T-Connector for joining a wide range of run and tap cables. Connector is designed for one-wrench installation. “S” standard 3/8 hardware and “H” heavy duty 1/2 hardware. SMALL RUN GROOVE 6 Sol. (.162 Dia.) to 250 kcmil (.575 Dia.) 1/0 Sol. (.325 Dia.) to 500 kcmil (.813 Dia.) 6 Sol. (.162 Dia.) to 1/0 Str. (.372 Dia.) 1/0 Sol. (.325 Dia.) to 4/0 Str. (.529 Dia.) 2/0 Str. (.420 Dia.) to 250 kcmil (.575 Dia.) 250 kcmil (.575 Dia.) to 500 kcmil (.813 Dia.) 4/0 Str. (.529 Dia.) to 1000 kcmil (1.152 Dia.) 4/0 Str. (.529 Dia.) to 750 kcmil (.998 Dia.) 750 kcmil (.998 Dia.) to 1000 kcmil (1.152 Dia.) 500 kcmil (.813 Dia.) to 2000 kcmil (1.632 Dia.) 500 kcmil (.813 Dia.) to 1500 kcmil (1.412 Dia.) 1500 kcmil (1.412 Dia.) to 2000 kcmil (1.632 Dia.) CATALOG NUMBER NSNT2929 NHNT2929 NSNT3429 NHNT3429 NSNT3434 NHNT3434 COMMERCIAL COPPER CABLE RANGE COMPLETE LARGE TAP CABLE RUN RANGE GROOVE AA ➀ COMPLETE RUN CABLE RANGE A➀ NHNT4429 G-6 NHNT4434 NHNT4440 NHNT4444 NHNT4834 NHNT4840 NHNT4844 NHNT4846 NHNT4848 SMALL TAP GROOVE LARGE TAP GROOVE 6 Sol. (.162 Dia.) to 250 kcmil (.575 Dia.) 6 Sol. (.162 Dia.) to 1/0 Str. (.372 Dia.) 2/0 Str. (.420 Dia.) to 250 kcmil (.575 Dia.) 1/0 Sol. (.325 Dia.) to 500 kcmil (.813 Dia.) 6 Sol. (.162 Dia.) to 250 kcmil (.575 Dia.) 1/0 Sol. (.325 Dia.) to 500 kcmil (.813 Dia.) 2/0 Str. (.420 Dia.) to 800 kcmil (1.031 Dia.) 4/0 Str. (.529 Dia.) to 1000 kcmil (1.152 Dia.) 1/0 Sol. (.325 Dia.) to 500 kcmil (.813 Dia.) 2/0 Str. (.420 Dia.) to 800 kcmil (1.031 Dia.) 4/0 Str. (.529 Dia.) to 1000 kcmil (1.152 Dia.) 1000 kcmil (1.152 Dia.) to 1500 kcmil (1.412 Dia.) 500 kcmil (.813 Dia.) to 2000 kcmil (1.632 Dia.) 1/0 Sol. (.325 Dia.) to 4/0 Str. (.529 Dia.) 6 Sol. (.162 Dia.) to 1/0 Str. (.372 Dia.) 1/0 Sol. (.325 Dia.) to 4/0 Str. (.529 Dia.) 2/0 Str. (.420 Dia.) to 500 kcmil (.813 Dia.) 4/0 Str. (.529 Dia.) to 750 kcmil (.998 Dia.) 1/0 sol. (.325 Dia.) to 4/0 Str. (.529 Dia.) 2/0 Str. (.420 Dia.) to 500 kcmil (.813 Dia.) 4/0 Str. (.529 Dia.) to 750 kcmil (.998 Dia.) 250 kcmil (.575 Dia.) to 500 kcmil (.813 Dia.) 2/0 Str. (.420 Dia.) to 250 kcmil (.575 Dia.) 250 kcmil (.575 Dia.) to 500 kcmil (.813 Dia.) 500 kcmil (.813 Dia.) to 800 kcmil (1.031 Dia.) 750 kcmil (.998 Dia.) to 1000 kcmil (1.152 Dia.) 250 kcmil (.575 Dia.) to 500 kcmil (.813 Dia.) 500 kcmil (.813 Dia.) to 800 kcmil (1.031 Dia.) 750 kcmil (.998 Dia.) to 1000 kcmil (1.152 Dia.) 1000 kcmil (1.152 Dia.) — to 1500 kcmil (1.412 Dia.) 500 kcmil (.813 Dia.) 1500 kcmil (1.412 Dia.) to 1500 kcmil to 2000 kcmil (1.412 Dia.) (1.632 Dia.) ① Complete cable range may be accommodated by reversing cap. CATALOG NUMBER NSNT2929 NHNT2929 NSNT3429 NHNT3429 NSNT3434 NHNT3434 NHNT4429 NHNT4434 NHNT4440 NHNT4444 NHNT4834 NHNT4840 NHNT4844 NHNT4846 NHNT4848 B B-B H “J” DIA. L W Y 2.38 2.62 2.38 2.62 2.38 2.62 2.38 2.62 2.38 2.62 2.38 2.62 1.75 2.07 2.00 2.32 2.00 2.32 3/8-16 1/2-13 3/8-16 1/2-13 3/8-16 4.60 5.32 4.84 5.44 4.84 5.38 1.96 2.44 1.96 2.44 2.20 2.56 2.44 2.56 2.78 2.90 2.56 2.78 2.90 3.16 3.38 3.62 4.10 3.74 4.16 3.74 4.10 2.88 2.62 2.88 3.25 2.62 2.88 3.06 3.25 5.78 2.57 1/2-13 6.03 6.26 3.07 6.51 6.76 6.94 4.33 4.58 4.57 4.82 5.07 5.25 BURNDY Substation TYPE VT T-CONNECTOR FOR COPPER CABLE TO CABLE High copper alloy T-Connector for cable run, cable tap, V-bolt clamping elements accommodate large range of cable and are particularly suited for extra flexible cable. Onewrench installation. Catalog Number Run - A Conductor Tap - AA H L W VT2C2C VT2525 VT2825 VT2828 VT3025 VT3030 VT3425 VT3428 VT3430 VT3434 VT4040 VT4425 VT4428 VT4834 VT4844 8 Sol. - 2 Str. 6 Sol. - 1/0 Str. 1/0 Str. - 4/0 Str. 1/0 Str. - 4/0 Str. 1/0 Str. - 300 1/0 Str. - 300 300 - 500 300 - 500 300 - 500 300 - 500 500 - 800 750 - 1000 750 - 1000 1500 - 2000 1500 - 2000 8 Sol. - 2 Str. 6 Sol. - 1/0 Str. 6 Sol. - 1/0 Str. 1/0 Str. - 4/0 Str. 6 Sol. - 1/0 Str. 1/0 Str. - 300 6 Sol. - 1/0 Str. 1/0 Str. - 4/0 Str. 1/0 Str. - 300 300 - 500 500 - 800 6 Sol. - 1/0 Str. 1/0 Str. - 4/0 Str. 300 - 500 750 - 1000 1-3/8 2-3/8 2-5/8 1 1-5/8 3-1/8 1-7/8 3-3/8 3-3/4 3-1/2 3-5/8 3-3/4 4-1/2 4-3/8 4-1/8 5-1/4 5-3/4 2-3/8 2-5/8 2-7/8 4-1/4 TYPE NS 1-1/4 1-3/4 1-1/8 2 1-1/4 1-3/4 2 2-1/4 2-5/8 1-1/4 1-3/4 2-1/4 2-7/8 Fig. 2 COUPLER FOR COPPER TUBE TO TUBE High copper alloy coupler for joining equal sizes of tube end to end. Slots between bolts provide independent high pressure areas of contact. One-wrench installation. Fig. 1 Catalog Number NS1313 NS1414HC NS1515 NS1616HC NS1717 NS1818 NS1919 NS2020 NS2121 NS2222 Conductor - A Conductor - B 1/2 3/4 1 1-1/4 1-1/2 2 2-1/2 3 3-1/2 4 1/2 3/4 1 1-1/4 1-1/2 2 2-1/2 3 3-1/2 4 J L 3/8 3-1/4 4 4-1/4 1/2 5-3/4 Fig. No. 1 2 5/8 7-1/4 8 8-1/2 G-7 BURNDY Substation TYPE XP EXPANSION COUPLER FOR COPPER TUBE TO TUBE High alloy copper expansion coupler for joining equal size tube on end. Extra flexible tinned copper braid allows longitudinal movement of the tube. Type XP has alignment guide. One-wrench installation. G-8 TYPE B FLEXIBLE COPPER BRAID JUMPER Flexible copper braid jumpers designed to take up linear expansion and contraction, compensate for misalignment and absorb vibratory movement of electrical equipment and devices. Made of flat, extra flexible, tinned, pure copper braid, with unplated, seamless, pure copper ferrules formed into a rectangular shape on each end. Last two numbers in catalog number indicate total length of braid in inches, e.g., BD12N or BD12 is standard 12 long braid jumper. All braids are available in 12, 18, and 24 lengths. Other lengths, plating and drilling are available. Refer to factory. Catalog Number Standard IPS With Guide Conductor H XP1313 XP1414 XP1515 XP1616 XP1717 XP1818 XP1919 XP2020 XP2121 XP2222 1/2 3/4 1 1-1/4 1-1/2 2 2-1/2 3 3-1/2 4 3-7/8 4-1/8 4-3/8 5-7/8 6-1/2 7 8-1/2 7-3/4 8 9-1/8 J 3/8 L 8-3/4 9-1/2 11-1/2 1/2 12 13 13-1/2 5/8 13-5/8 BURNDY Substation FLEXIBLE COPPER BRAID JUMPER Copper braid is made of tinned, pure copper wire woven and flattened into a rectangular shape for greater flexibility. Seamless, pure copper ferrules are formed and assembled on each end to provide appropriate contact surfaces. Braid is used extensively to compensate for expansion and contraction of moving parts and for thermal movement of rigid devices; to prevent breakage of insulators or bushings or equipment because of misalignment during settling of substation foundations; to absorb shock and vibration of operating equipment; and to provide flexible current carrying leads between moving parts of heavy machinery or equipment. CURRENT CARRYING CAPACITY Flexible copper braid has generally better heat dissipation properties than flat bar, cable or other conductors, and therefore can be expected to have a greater current carrying capacity for a given cross-sectional area. This is due to its greater surface area resulting from the woven construction of fine strands. However, ventilation, due to the vertical convection current of air, is appreciably better when the long axis of the braid is vertical rather than horizontal, so that the long sides of the braid, rather than the edges, are exposed to the moving air. This is particularly true when spaced braids are used in multiple as can be seen by comparing Figures 1 and 2. To take full advantage of ventilation, the cooling convection current of air should be permitted to flow freely between the braids. Therefore, if possible, the braids should be spaced apart, rather than bunched together, as illustrated in Figure 3. The effectiveness of spacing is, or course, greater when the braids are in a vertical position. Fig. 1 BULK BRAID Bulk braid can be ordered with a minimum order quantity of 10 feet. Specify feet in number of inches. Example: 10 feet of 190 ampere braid is Catalog No. BB077L120. INDOOR EQUIV APPROX RATING CIRCULAR CAT WEIGHT AMPS AREA NO. PER* FT 190 77,184 BB077L .24 340 153,700 BB154L .49 360 231,552 BB226L .76 415 300,000 BB300L 1.06 Fig. 2 G-9 Fig. 3 Cooling Due to Convection Currents Much More Effective with Spaced Braid BURNDY Substation FLEXIBLE COPPER BRAID CUSTOM DESIGNS Flexible copper braid offers an economical and efficient means of protecting electrical equipment from the potentially harmful effects of shock and vibration, terminal expansion, movement of components and misalignment that may occur during the service life of the equipment. Many varieties of braid are required to meet those needs which we can build to your specifications. We also offer engineering assistance in the selection of the most appropriate standard or custom braid configuration for your application. CUSTOM VARIATIONS Drilling * Undrilled G-10 * Elongated (slotted) holes * Special hole patterns and location * Metric * NEMA Plating * Tin * Silver * Nickel * Unplated Length * Jumper (overall) * Ferrule(s) contact Insulated (covered) * Tubular * Heat shrink Split Braid Assemblies * Stacked * Side-by-side Multiple Ferrules Preformed Configurations * Offset contact surfaces * Angular (e.g., 90°, 180°) bends * Ferrule contact surfaces rotated 90° on braid axis Combined Braid Assemblies Combined Connector - Braid Assemblies Ferrule Variations * Belled/unbelled * Width/thickness * Contact length * Special shaping * Bent at angle ° High Ampacity Requirements BURNDY Substation TYPE B FLEXIBLE COPPER BRAID JUMPER CATALOG NUMBER BD12 BD12N** BD18 BD18N** BD24 BD24N** BE12 BE12N** BE18 BE18N** BE24 BE24N** BF12 BF12N** BF18 BF18N** BF24 BF24N** BG12 BG12N** BG18 BG18N** BG24 BG24N** B2D12 B2D12N** B2E12 B2E12N** B2F12 B2F12N** B2G12 B2G12N** B3D12 B3D12N** B3E12 B3E12N** B3F12 B3F12N** B3G12 B3G12N** B4D12 B4D12N** B4E12 B4E12N** B4F12 B4F12N** B4G12 B4G12N** NO. OF BRAIDS IN FERRULES 1 C D E K L .94 2.50 3.00 2.50 3.00 2.50 3.00 1.25 1.75 1.25 1.75 1.25 1.75 1.50 1.75 1.50 1.75 1.50 1.75 1.50 1.75 1.50 1.75 1.50 1.75 1.50 1.75 1.50 1.75 1.50 1.75 1.25 1.75 1.50 1.75 1.50 1.75 1.50 1.75 1.25 1.75 1.50 1.75 1.50 1.75 1.50 1.75 1.25 1.75 1.50 1.75 1.50 1.75 1.50 1.75 .44 .56 .44 .56 .44 .56 .44 .56 .44 .56 .44 .56 .44 .56 .44 .56 .44 .56 .44 .56 .44 .56 .44 .56 .44 .56 .44 .56 .44 .56 .44 .56 .44 .56 .44 .56 .44 .56 .44 .56 .44 .56 .44 .56 .44 .56 .44 .56 12 12 18 18 24 24 12 12 18 18 24 24 12 12 18 18 24 24 12 12 18 18 24 24 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 1 1.50 3.00 1 1.19 3.00 1 1.50 3.00 .94 1.62 2 1.38 1.50 1.19 1.64 3 1.44 1.69 1.19 1.64 4 1.50 1.69 2.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 * This rating may vary with ambient conditions, orientation of the braid and other service conditions. ** Tongue drilled per NEMA Standard - 9/16 diameter for 1/2 diameter bolts on 13/4 C to C. APPROX. AMP INDOOR OUTDOOR N T .62 .13 190 225 .17 340 405 .25 360 430 .25 415 495 .25 380 455 .25 530 635 .38 600 720 .50 700 840 .25 470 560 .31 700 840 .56 820 980 .69 960 1150 .32 600 720 .38 850 1020 .78 1000 1200 .94 1200 1440 .75 .62 .75 .62 .75 .62 .75 .62 .75 .62 .75 .62 .75 .62 .75 .62 .75 .62 .62 .62 .75 .62 .75 .62 .75 .62 .62 .62 .75 .62 .75 .62 .75 .62 .62 .62 .75 .62 .75 .62 .75 .62 G-11 BURNDY Substation TYPE B EXPANSION COUPLER ASSEMBLY COMPONENTS Fig. 1 FOR COPPER BAR To build your own expansion coupler assembly for single or multiple flat bar(s), using extra flexible tinned copper braid (shown on page 9) and clamping hardware, the following table has been provided. The assembly takes up longitudinal and lateral motion. Fig. 2 CONDUCTOR FLEXIBLE COPPER BAR APPROXIMATE ➃ COPPER ➁ WIDTH ➁ AMPERE RATING BRAID JUMPER NUMBER ➂ INDOOR OUTDOOR QTY. CAT. NO. G-12 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 700 1100 1600 840 1320 1920 4 1800 2160 1 2 3 4 1 1000 1650 2000 2200 1350 1200 1980 2400 2640 1620 2 2250 2700 3 2700 3240 4 3000 3600 1 2 3 4 1 1600 2650 3200 3500 1900 1920 3180 3840 4200 2280 2 3150 3780 3 3800 4560 4 4200 5040 2 3 4 3 1 4 6 8 8 4 2 4 2 6 4 6 4 9 12 15 6 3 6 9 3 9 6 ① Components ordered separately from BURNDY. ② See page 9 for flexible copper braid jumper dimensions and drilling. ③ Bars listed are 1/4 thick. Multiple bars are spaced1/4. ④ For two hole NEMA drilling in each ferrule add suffix letter “N” to catalog number of braid jumper as shown on page 9. EXAMPLE: B2E12 drilling is .44 dia. holes on 1 .50 centers. B2E12N drilling is .56 dia. holes on 1.75 centers. When specifying NEMA drilling bolt diameter in table must be changed from 38 to 50 (length is not changed). EXPANSION COUPLER ASSEMBLY COMPONENTS ➀ SILICON BRONZE CLAMPING HARDWARE SPLIT BOLTS NUTS LOCKWASHER FLAT WASHER QTY. CAT. NO. QTY. CAT. NO. QTY. CAT. NO. QTY. CAT. NO. B2E12 BG12 B2E12 B3E12 ➄ BG12 B2E12 BG12 BG12 B2E12 B2E12 B2G12 ➄ B2G12 ➄ BG12 B2G12 ➄ BG12 B3E12 B2E12 BG12 BG12 B2E12 B2E12 B3E12 BG12 B2G12 ➄ BG12 B2G12 ➄ Fig. 3 4 38X125HEB 38X175HEB 38X225HEB 4 4 8 8 8 16 8 8 16 FIG. NO. 1 38X250HEB 8 38X125HEB 38X175HEB 38X225HEB 38X250HEB 38X125HEB 38X225HEB 8 38X250HEB 2 38CHEN 38SW 38FW 38X325HEB 8 12 38X125HEB 38X175HEB 38X225HEB 38X275HEB 38X125HEB 8 8 16 12 12 24 38X175HEB 12 38X250HEB 3 12 38X325HEB NOTE: Minimum length of each ferrule with NEMA drilling is 3.00. ⑤ Braid jumper ferrule (pad) thickness is larger than 1/4 requiring assembly to outer contact surface(s) of multiple (1/4 spaced ) bars. ➅ These ratings may vary with ambient conditions, orientation of the braid and other service conditions. ⑦ For other combinations and configurations of flat bar contact BURNDY. 12 24 BURNDY Substation TYPE HFBW BAR CLAMP FOR COPPER BAR The clamp assembly eliminates the need for drilling the flat bar and is used in indoor and outdoor applications. The open web design provides a uniform clamping pressure while minimizing the weight of the connector. Fig. 1 Fig. 2 G-13 CATALOG NUMBER * HFBW86T20CG1 HFBW66T16CG1 HFBW64T17CG1 HFBW63T10CG1 HFBW62T10CG1 HFBW44T17CG1 HFBW43T10CG1 HFBW42T10CG1 HFBW32T5CG1 CONDUCTOR RUN TAP 8.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 3.0 6.0 6.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 * Catalog number based on standard maximum “Z” dimension. Refer to your FCI representative for nonstandard “Z” dimensions. Add TN suffix for tin plating (example: HFBW86T20CG1TN). All dimensions in inches. FEATURES BENEFITS • Web design cast copper body. • Fully threaded yellow galvanized bolts with split-lockwashers and nuts included. • Flat bar accommodation molded into body. • • • • Increased tortional resistance. Reduced weight. Simple installation. Easy identification. FIG. NO. STD. MAX. ‘Z’ DIM. TOTAL NO. OF FLAT BARS (STD. 1/4” THICK) BOLT SIZE W L 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 5.00 4.00 4.25 2.50 2.50 4.25 2.50 2.50 1.25 20 16 17 10 10 17 10 10 5 5/8”-11 1/2”-13 1/2”-13 3/8”-16 3/8”-16 1/2”-13 3/8”-16 3/8”-16 3/8”-16 8.13 7.75 5.75 4.70 3.44 5.68 4.42 3.54 3.54 10.13 7.75 7.75 7.63 7.44 5.68 5.42 5.55 4.55 DIMENSIONS BURNDY Substation TYPE HFB-P1 BAR CLAMP ASSEMBLY COMPONENTS FOR COPPER BAR To build your own high strength clamp assembly for multiple flat bar using type HFB-P1 bar clamps & clamping hardware, the following tables have been provided. The clamp assembly eliminates the need for drilling the flat bar and is used in indoor and outdoor applications. ONE CLAMP HALF BUS BAR “J” RUN TAP BOLT ‘A’ ‘AA’ DIA. BAR CLAMP CATALOG NUMBER G-14 HFB33P1 HFB44P1 HFB63P1 HFB66P1 HFB88P1 3.00 4.00 6.00 6.00 8.00 COPPER BUS BAR WIDTH (INCHES) RUN-A TAP-AA 3 4 6 6 8 Position for assembly (2) Req’d for assembly 3 4 3 6 8 3.00 4.00 3.00 6.00 8.00 3/8 1/2 1/2 5/8 3/4 L W 4.38 5.75 7.75 8.12 10.50 4.38 5.75 4.75 8.12 10.50 Bar Clamp Assembly BAR CLAMP ASSEMBLY COMPONENTS † SILICON BRONZE CLAMPING HARDWARE BAR CLAMP BOLTS** NUTS SPLIT LOCKWASHERS QTY. CAT. NO. QTY. CAT. NO. QTY. CAT. NO. QTY. CAT. NO. 2 2 2 2 2 HFB33P1 HFB44P1 HFB63P1 HFB66P1 HFB88P1 4 4 4 4 4 38 X (*) HEB 50 X (*) HEB 50 X (*) HEB 62 X (*) HEB 75 X (*) HEB 4 4 4 4 4 38CHEN 50CHEN 50CHEN 62CHEN 75CHEN 4 4 4 4 4 38SW 50SW 50SW 62SW 75SW WHEN Z=2.25* WHEN Z=2.50* WHEN Z=2.75* WHEN Z=3.00* 4.00 4.50 4.50 4.50 5.00 4.50 4.50 4.50 5.00 5.00 4.50 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.50 5.00 5.00 5.00 6.00 5.50 † Ordered separately from BURNDY®. * Z = Space between the bar clamp contact surfaces. * * See table below when ordering assembly clamping bolts to specify correct bolt length in Cat. #. CLAMP NUMBER ‘J’ BOLT DIA. WHEN Z=1.25* WHEN Z=1.50* HFB33P1 HFB44P1 HFB63P1 HFB66P1 HFB88P1 3/8(-16) 1/2(-13) 1/2(-13) 5/8(-11) 3/4(-10) 3.00 3.25 3.25 3.50 3.75 3.25 3.50 3.50 4.00 4.00 BOLT LENGTH** WHEN WHEN Z=1.75* Z=2.00* 3.50 3.75 3.75 4.00 4.50 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.50 4.50 BURNDY Substation TYPE HFB-N BAR CLAMP TAP PAD ADAPTER FOR COPPER BAR High conductivity copper, tap pad adapter provides a NEMA drilled contact pad when assembled to the HFB-P1 clamps. Tap connections can be made from copper bus bar(s) without drilling by bolting standard mechanical or compression terminal pads directly to the pre-drilled tap pad adapter. G-15 Fig. 1 Fig. 2 ❶ USE WITH ‘H’ CATALOG NUMBER FIG. NO. A-C E&F L N CLAMP CAT. NO. HFB33-4N HFB44-4N HFB66-6N 1 1 2 3.00 4.00 6.00 1.75 1.75 1.75 7.00 9.12 11.31 .62 1.12 1.12 HFB33P1 HFB44P1 HFB66P1 ❶ ‘H’ Clamp (two required per assembly) and hardware (as shown) not included with bar clamp tap pad, order separately. BURNDY Substation TYPE NA TERMINAL FOR COPPER TUBE TO FLAT High copper alloy terminal for joining copper tube to a flat pad. Letter “N” on end of catalog number indicates pad drilled to NEMA standards. One-wrench installation. G-16 CATALOG NUMBER NA13-2N NA14-2N NA15-2N NA15-4N NA16-2N NA16-4N NA17-2N NA17-4N NA18-4N NA19-4N NA20-4N NA21-4N NA22-4N CONDUCTOR NO. OF HOLES IN PAD C 1/2 3/4 1 1 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/2 1-1/2 2 2-1/2 3 3-1/2 4 2 2 2 4 2 4 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 1-1/2 1-5/8 1-7/8 3 2-1/4 3 2-1/2 3 3-1/8 3-1/4 4-3/8 4-3/8 5-1/4 D 3 E&F H J 1-3/4 1-3/4 2 2-1/8 2-1/8 2-5/8 2-5/8 2-3/4 2-3/4 3-1/ 3-3/4 4-3/8 5 5-1/2 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 5/8 5/8 5/8 K L N T 5/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 3/4 3/4 7/8 7/8 5-1/4 9/16 6 6-5/8 TYPE XA EXPANSION TERMINAL FOR COPPER TUBE TO FLAT High copper alloy expansion terminal for tube to flat. Provides for longitudinal movement of tubing. Extra flexible braid carries full load of joint. One-wrench installation. Catalog Number Standard I.P.S. With Guide Conductor XA18-4N XA19-4N XA20-4N XA21-4N XA22-4N 2 2-1/2 3 3-1/2 4 * Conforms to NEMA Standards Number of Holes in Pad* 4 C H 3 3-3/4 4-3/8 4-3/4 5-1/4 7 7-1/2 8 8-1/4 9-1/2 J 1/2 5/8 L T 15-1/4 16-1/8 16-3/4 17 17 1/2 5/8 3/4 7/8 7/8 BURNDY Substation TYPE NAS/NAH TERMINAL FOR COPPER CABLE High copper alloy reversible cap terminal for joining a wide range of cable to equipment pads. Tongue is side formed to provide adequate clearance and terminal is designed for one-wrench installation. Fig. “B” Fig. “A” Fig. 1 Fig. “C” Fig. “E” Fig. “D” G-17 CATALOG NUMBER FIG. NO. COMPLETE CABLE RANGE NAS29-N NAS29-2N NAH29-2N NAS29-34N NAS34-N NAS34-2N NAH34-2N NAS34-34N NAH34-34N NAS40-2N 1B 1D 1D 1E 1C 1A 1A 1E 1E 1A NAH40-2N 1A NAS40-34N NAH40-34N NAS40-44N NAH40-44N NAH44-2N 1E 1E 1 1 1A 2/0 Sol. (.365 Dia.) to 800 kcmil (1.031 Dia.) NAH44-34N 1E 4/0 Str. (.528 Dia.) to 1000 kcmil (1.152 Dia.) NAH44-44N NAH46-2N 1 1A NAH46-34N 1E NAH46-44N NAH48-2N 1 1A NAH48-34N 1E NAH48-44N 1 COPPER CABLE RANGE SMALL GROOVE LARGE GROOVE 6 Sol. (.162 Dia.) to 250 kcmil (.575 Dia.) 6 Sol. (.162 Dia.) to 1/0 Str. (.373 Dia.) 2/0 Str. (.419 Dia.) to 250 kcmil (.575 Dia.) 1/0 Sol. (.325 Dia.) to 500 kcmil (.813 Dia.) 1/0 Sol. (.325 Dia.) to 4/0 Str. (.529 Dia.) 250 kcmil (.575 Dia.) to 500 kcmil (.813 Dia.) B 500 kcmil (.813 Dia.) to 800 kcmil (1.031 Dia.) J DIA. 2.38 1.80 3/8-16 2.62 2.12 1.80 1/2-13 2.38 2/0 Sol. (.365 Dia.) to 500 kcmil (.813 Dia.) H 2.62 2.38 2.62 2.05 3/8-16 2.38 2.05 2.30 2.30 1/2-13 3/8-16 1/2-13 3/8-16 2.62 1/2-13 2.30 2.62 2.30 3/8-16 1/2-13 3/8-16 L 3.58 5.62 5.88 5.62 4.12 5.62 5.88 5.62 T 2.00 .25 2.44 2.00 2.20 .31 .25 5.88 W .38 2.56 2.20 2.56 2.44 2.81 2.44 .31 6.88 2.81 2.44 2.62 4/0 Str. (.528 Dia.) to 750 kcmil (.998 Dia.) 750 kcmil (.998 Dia.) to 1000 kcmil (1.152 Dia.) 2.88 2.81 6.12 1000 kcmil (1.152 Dia.) to 1500 kcmil (1.412 Dia.) — 1000 kcmil (1.152 Dia.) to 1500 kcmil (1.412 Dia.) 3.06 2.88 1/2-13 7.12 6.31 7.31 500 kcmil (.813 Dia.) to 500 kcmil (.813 Dia.) to 2000 kcmil (1.632 Dia.) 1500 kcmil (1.412 Dia.) 1500 kcmil (1.412 Dia.) to 2000 kcmil (1.632 Dia.) 3.25 3.12 6.50 7.50 .44 .38 .31 .50 .41 .38 .69 .50 .44 2.88 3.19 3.38 BURNDY Substation TYPE N2AH TERMINAL FOR TWO COPPER CABLES TO FLAT High copper alloy, reversible cap terminal for joining a wide range of two copper cables to equipment pads. Tongue is side formed to provide adequate clearance and terminal is designed for one-wrench installation. G-18 CATALOG NUMBER FIG. NO. N2AH34-34N 1 N2AH40-34N 1 N2AH44-34N 1 N2AH44-44N 2 N2AH46-44N 2 COPPER CABLE RANGE COMPLETE SMALL CABLE RANGE GROOVE 1/0 Str. (.325) to 500 kcmil (.813) 2/0 Str. (.420) to 800 kcmil (1.031) 4/0 Str. (.529) to 1000 kcmil (1.152) 4/0 Str. (.529) to 1000 kcmil (1.152) 1000 kcmil (1.152) to 1500 kcmil (1.411) LARGE GROOVE 1/0 Sol. (.325) to 4/0 Str. (.529) 2/0 Str. (.420) to 500 kcmil (.813) 4/0 Str. (.529) to 750 kcmil (.998) 4/0 Sol. (.529) to 750 kcmil (.998) 250 kcmil (.575) to 500 kcmil (.813) 500 kcmil (.813) to 800 kcmil (1.031) 750 kcmil (.998) to 1000 kcmil (1.152) 750 kcmil (.998) to 1000 kcmil (1.152) — — Fig. 1 B H 2.63 [67] 2.63 [67] 2.88 [73] 2.88 [73] 3.07 [78] 2.30 [58] 2.62 [67] 2.62 [67] 2.25 [57] 2.50 [64] DIMENSIONS IN/[mm] J DIA. L 1/2 - 13 6.13 [156] 5.88 [149] 6.38 [175] 7.32 [186] 7.46 [189] Fig. 2 T W .31 [8] .31 [8] .50 [13] .50 [13] .75 [19] 3.88 [99] 5.70 [145] 4.69 [119] 6.12 [155] 6.50 [165] BURNDY Substation TYPE VA, VVA VARILUG FOR COPPER CABLE High copper alloy terminal for joining a wide range of cable to equipment pads or bar. Particularly suitable for use on extra flexible cable. One-wrench installation. Type VVA, twin elements secure joint against vibration and flexing. Particularly recommended for use on extra flexible cables. One-wrench installation. Type VA G-19 Type VVA CATALOG NUMBER* TYPE VA TYPE VVA VA2C VA25 VA28 VA28-2N VA30 VA30-2N VA34 VA34-2N VA34-4N VA40 VA40-2N VA40-4N VVA2C VVA25 VVA28 VVA28-2N VVA30 VVA30-2N VVA34 VVA34-2N VVA34-4N VVA40 VVA40-2N VVA40-4N * “N” indicates NEMA standard stud holes. CONDUCTOR 8 Sol. - 2 Str. 6 Sol. - 1/0 Str. 1/0 Str. - 4/0 Str. 1/0 Str. - 300 300 - 500 500 - 800 NO. OF HOLES IN PAD 1 1 2 NEMA 1 2 NEMA 1 2 NEMA 4 NEMA 1 2 NEMA 4 NEMA C D E&F H 13/16 7/8 1-1/4 1-3/8 1-1/2 3-1/2 1-5/8 3-5/8 2 3-5/8 3-1/16 2-3/8 3-5/8 2-5/8 — — — 1-3/4 — 1-3/4 — 1-3/4 1-3/4 — 1-3/4 1-3/4 1-1/2 1-7/8 1-1/16 1-1/8 1-3/8 3 1-5/8 3 1-7/8 2-1/4 2-5/8 2-9/16 2-1/8 K 7/16 7/16 9/16 7/16 9/16 9/16 9/16 9/16 11/16 9/16 9/16 L LL N 2-3/4 2-1/8 2-5/8 5 3-1/4 5-1/4 3-7/8 5-3/8 5-3/8 4-1/2 5-7/8 5-7/8 4-1/8 4-3/8 4-1/8 6-1/4 4-5/8 6-5/8 5-3/8 6-1/8 6-7/8 6-3/8 7-3/4 7-3/4 3/8 1/2 1/2 5/8 5/8 5/8 7/8 5/8 5/8 1 5/8 5/8 T 1/4 5/16 3/8 BURNDY Substation TYPE UH BUS SUPPORT FOR COPPER TUBE High copper alloy bus support for mounting tube on a post or pedestal type insulator. Single bolt allows rotation to any angle. Rotate cap 180° for slip or rigid fit. Onewrench installation. Supplied with hardware for mounting to cap of insulator. Specify base mounting hardware, if required, by adding suffix “B” to Catalog No. CATALOG NUMBER G-20 COPPER CONDUCTOR IPS “A” UH14-3 UH15-3 UH15-5 UH16-3 UH16-5 UH17-3 UH17-5 UH18-3 UH18-5 UH19-3 UH19-5 UH20-3 UH20-5 UH21-5 UH22-5 BOLT CIRCLE 3/4 3 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 5 5 1 1-1/4 1-1/2 2 2-1/2 3 3-1/2 4 B G H 2-1/2 2 2 2-3/8 2-7/8 3 3-1/4 3-1/2 3-5/8 2-1/2 3-7/8 2-1/4 2-11/16 J 3/8 1/2 3 3-1/4 2-3/4 4-3/8 3-1/8 5 3-5/8 5-7/8 4 4-1/2 5/8 6-1/2 7-1/4 K W 9/16 9/16 11/16 9/16 11/16 9/16 11/16 9/16 11/16 9/16 11/16 9/16 11/16 11/16 11/16 2-5/8 2-7/8 3-1/2 4 4-5/8 5-1/4 6-1/4 6-7/8 7-1/2 TYPE UHR BUS SUPPORT FOR COPPER CABLE OR TUBE High copper alloy bus support clamp for mounting a wide range of cable or tube on post or pedestal type insulators. Single bolt allows rotation to any angle. Supplied with hardware for mounting to cap of insulator. Specify base mounting hardware, if required, by adding suffix “-B” to Catalog No. Catalog Number UHR13-3 UHR13-5 UHR15-3 UHR15-5 UHR17-3 UHR17-5 Copper Conductor “A” Cable Tube 6 Str. - 500 1/8 - 1/2 4/0 Str. - 1250 1/4 - 1 750 - 2500 3/4 - 1-1/2 * With maximum conductor in place. Bolt Circle 3 5 3 5 3 5 B 3-5/8 3-3/4 2-7/8 G* H 1-3/4 2-1/8 2 2-1/4 3 3-3/8 3-1/2 3-3/4 J 3/8 2-1/2 4-1/4 1/2 K 9/16 11/16 9/16 11/16 9/16 11/16 W 2-1/4 2-3/4 4 BURNDY Substation TYPES LH, LHR BUS SUPPORT FOR COPPER CABLE OR TUBE High copper alloy, light duty bus support for mounting a wide range of cable or tube on post or pedestal type insulators. One-wrench installation. Supplied with hardware for mounting to cap of insulator. Specify base mounting hardware, if required, by adding suffix “-B” to Catalog No. COPPER CABLE RANGE COMPLETE RANGE ➄ BOLT ➅ CIRCLE TUBING SCH. 40/80 CATALOG NUMBER 6 Sol. - 4/0 Str. — 3 LH28-3 ➂ #8 - 250 kcmil 1/8 - 1/4 3 LHR29-3 2/0 Str. - 500 kcmil 1/4 - 1/2 3 LH34-3 ➂ 4/0 - 1000 kcmil 1/4 - 3/4 5 LHR44-5 NOTES: 1 Material: Connector: Cast copper alloy Clamping Hardware: Silicon bronze Mounting Hardware: Galvanized steel 2 Dimensions in brackets [ ] are in millimeters. ➂ Complete range may be accommodated by reversing the cap. ➃ Dimension with maximum conductor in place. ➄ ➅ B G➃ DIMENSIONS IN/[mm] H➃ J K 1.69 [43] 1.00 [25] 1.38 [35] 1.00 [25] 1.25 [32] 1.23 [31] 1.38 [35] 1.33 [34] 2.62 [66.5] 2.03 [52] 2.50 [63.5] 2.51 [64] Cap mounting hardware is supplied as standard. 3.00 Dia. bolt circle furnished with four 1/2 -13 1.00 long galvanized steel hex head bolts and split lockwashers. 5.00 Dia. bolt circle furnished as above except bolts are .625 1.75. If base mounting is desired, add “-B” to the Catalog Number and the following hardware will be supplied: 3.00 Dia. bolt circle furnished 1/2 -13 1-1/2 long galvanized steel hex head bolt, hex nuts, and 5.00 Dia. bolt circle furnished as above except bolts are .625 1.75. 3/8 - 16 .56 [14] .56 [14] .56 [14] .69 [18] W 4.25 [108] 4.25 [108] 4.25 [108] 6.25 [158] G-21 BURNDY Substation TYPE NDR STUD CONNECTOR FOR COPPER CABLE, TUBE, FLAT BAR High copper alloy reversible and rotatable cap stud connector joins cable, tube and flat bar in-line or at right angles to equipment studs. Accommodates a wide range of cables or tubes. One-wrench installation. Fig. 1 Fig. 2 G-22 Catalog Number Stud A NDR6328T13 NDR6428T16 NDR6434T16 NDR6444T16 NDR6528T14 NDR6534T14 NDR6544T14 NDR65528T12 NDR65534T12 NDR65544T12 NDR6644T12 NDR6728T12 NDR6734T12 NDR6744T12 NDR6748T12 NDR6844T12 NDR6848T12 1/2-13 3/4-16 1-14 1-1/8-12 1-1/4-12 1-1/2-12 2-12 Complete Range AA Fig. Cable Tube I.P.S. No. 6 Sol. - 4/0 Str. 6 Sol. - 4/0 Str. 6 Sol. - 500 2 Sol. - 1000 6 Sol. - 4/0 Str. 6 Sol. - 500 2 Sol. - 1000 6 Sol. - 4/0 Str. 6 Sol. - 500 2 Sol. - 1000 2 Sol. - 1000 6 Sol. - 4/0 Str. 6 Sol. - 500 2 Sol. - 1000 4/0 Str. - 2000 2 Sol. - 1000 4/0 Str. - 2000 — — 3/8 - 1/2 3/8 - 3/4 — 3/8 - 1/2 3/8 - 3/4 — 3/8 - 1/2 3/8 - 3/4 3/8 - 3/4 — 3/8 - 1/2 3/8 - 3/4 3/8-1-1/4 3/8 - 3/4 3/8-1-1/4 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 X Groove XX Groove 6 Sol. - 1 Str. 6 Sol. - 1 Str. 250 - 350 550 - 700 6 Sol. - 1 Str. 250 - 350 550 - 700 6 Sol. - 1 Str. 250 - 350 550 - 700 550 - 700 6 Sol. - 1 Str. 250 - 350 550 - 700 1250 - 1600 550 - 700 1250 - 1600 2/0 Sol. - 4/0 Str. 2/0 Sol. - 4/0 Str. 400 - 500 750 - 1000 2/0 Sol. - 4/0 Str. 400 - 500 750 - 1000 2/0 Sol. - 4/0 Str. 400 - 500 750 - 1000 750 - 1000 2/0 Sol. - 4/0 Str. 400 - 500 750 - 1000 1700 - 2000 750 - 1000 1700 - 2000 Z Groove 6 Sol. - 2 Str. 2 Sol. - 250 6 Sol. - 2 Str. 2 Sol. - 250 6 Sol. - 2 Str. 2 Sol. - 250 2 Sol. - 250 6 Sol. - 2 Str. 2 Sol. - 250 4/0 Str. - 600 2 Sol. - 250 4/0 Str. - 600 ZZ Groove E H 1-1/16 1-3/4 1/0 Sol. - 4/0 Str. 1-7/16 300 - 500 1-7/8 1-1/16 1/0 Sol. - 4/0 Str. 1-7/16 300 - 500 1-7/8 1-1/16 1/0 Sol. - 4/0 Str. 1-7/16 300 - 500 1-7/8 300 - 500 1-7/8 1-1/16 1/0 Sol. - 4/0 Str. 1-7/16 300 - 500 1-7/8 650 - 1200 2-3/8 300 - 500 1-7/8 650 - 1200 2-3/8 2-1/4 2-7/8 1-3/4 2-1/4 2-7/8 1-3/4 2-1/4 2-7/8 2-7/8 2-1/4 2-3/8 2-7/8 3-1/4 2-7/8 J JJ 3/8 1/2 3/8 3/8 1/2 3/8 1/2 3/8 1/2 1/2 L 3-5/8 4-1/8 4-5/8 4-1/8 4 4-3/4 4-1/8 4 4-5/8 4-5/8 4-3/4 5 5-1/8 5-3/4 6-1/8 6-5/8 BURNDY Substation TYPE FD STUD CONNECTOR FOR STUD TO FLAT BAR High copper alloy stud connector allows bolting cable and tubing terminals to equipment studs. Hex head captured bolts provide onewrench installation. One pad contact surface is on centerline of stud. Pad is finished on both sides. All pads are four hole NEMA drilled. Catalog Number FD64C5T16 FD65C6T14 FD655C6 FD655D6 FD66C6 FD66D6 FD67C6 FD67D8 FD675C8 FD675D8 FD68C8 FD68D8 FD68D12 FD685C8 FD685D8 FD685D12 FD69C8 FD69D8 FD69D12 FD70D8 FD70D12 FD70D16 Stud A 3/4 -16 1-14 1-1/8-12 1-1/4-12 1-1/2-12 1-3/4-12 2-12 2-1/4-12 2-1/2-12 3-12 Nominal Ampere Rating ➀ 1000 1075 1075 1300 1075 1300 1075 1450 1220 1450 1220 1450 2100 1220 1450 2100 1220 1450 2100 1450 2100 3000 NOTES: ➀ Indoor Rating 2. Contact factory for other variations in drilling, plating, etc. B 1.75 2.18 2.50 2.88 C D 3.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 3.00 4.00 3.00 4.00 3.00 4.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 3.00 4.00 3.00 4.00 3.00 4.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 J 3/8-16 1/2-13 5/8-11 L N T 5.72 5.72 5.80 6.86 5.78 6.84 6.23 7.30 6.32 7.39 6.35 7.42 7.42 6.71 7.77 7.77 6.77 8.03 8.03 8.28 8.26 8.24 .62 .62 .62 1.12 .62 1.12 .62 1.12 .62 1.12 .62 1.12 1.12 .62 1.12 1.12 .62 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 .31 .38 .38 .38 .38 .38 .38 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .75 .50 .50 .75 .50 .50 .75 .50 .75 1.00 G-23 BURNDY Substation TYPE QGFL BARTAP™ FOR COPPER CABLE TO FLAT High copper alloy BARTAP™ for joining a range of cable to bar or pad. One-wrench installation. Catalog Number QGFL1CB1 QGFL1CB1T6 QGFL26B1 QGFL26B1T6 QGFL26B2* QGFL26B2T6* QGFL29B1* QGFL29B1T6* QGFL31B1* QGFL31B1T6* QGFL34B1 QGFL34B1T6 QGFL39B1 QGFL39B1T6 QGFL44B1 QGFL44B1T6 QGFL46B1 QGFL46B1T6 QGFL48B1 QGFL48B1T6 G-24 Conductor B 10 Sol. - 1 Str. 1-1/8 1-1/4 8 Sol. - 2/0 Str. 1-1/2 6 Str. - 250 1-5/8 2 Sol. - 350 1-3/4 1/0 Sol. - 500 2 350 - 750 750 - 1000 2-1/4 1000 - 1500 1500 - 2000 H J 1-7/8 2-3/8 2-1/8 2-5/8 1-1/2 2-7/8 2-5/8 3-1/8 2-7/8 3-1/4 3-1/8 3-5/8 3-1/4 3-5/8 3-3/8 4-1/8 4 4-1/2 4-3/4 5-1/4 3/8 1/2 T (MAX.) 1/4 3/4 1/4 3/4 1/4 3/4 1/4 3/4 1/4 3/4 1/4 3/4 1/4 3/4 1/4 3/4 1/4 3/4 1/4 3/4 * Can be installed side by side or in-line on NEMA drilled bar. TYPE FCB TRANSFORMER TAP ADAPTER FOR COPPER AND ALUMINUM Cast in one piece from copper alloy. Transformer tap adapter designed to accommodate from 1 to 6 NEMA drilled copper or aluminum terminal taps from a single secondary transformer outlet. Tin-plated. Order mounting hardware and tap terminals separately. FIG. NO. CATALOG NUMBER A DIA. H REF L P 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 4 FCB63-4N FCB63-6N FCB64-4N FCB64-6N FCB65-4N FCB65-6N FCB63-2NP300 FCB64-44NP50 .50 .50 .75 .75 1.00 1.00 .50 .75 5.25 5.25 5.75 5.75 7.00 7.00 5.00 9.00 3.75 5.50 4.00 5.75 4.25 6.00 3.50 5.00 2.25 2.25 2.75 2.75 4.00 4.00 3.00 5.00 Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Fig. 4 W 1 1-1/8 1-3/8 1-5/8 1-3/4 1-3/4 2-1/8 2-1/2 3 BURNDY Substation TYPE E-C-G TRANSFORMER TAP ADAPTER FOR COPPER CABLE Multi-tap, range-taking cast copper alloy connector designed to take 2, 3, or 4 conductors from a single secondary transformer outlet. CATALOG NUMBER NO. OF CONDUCTORS E2C34G1 E3C34G1 E4C34G1 CONDUCTOR SIZE 2 3 4 1/0 Sol. to 500 A DIA. .78 D H 3-3/4 3-7/8 J 1/2-13 L W 6-1/4 3-1/2 5-1/4 6-7/8 TYPE FN CONTACT NUT FLAT TO STUD High copper alloy contact nut for joining bar or terminal pads to studs. Designed to carry full current load from flat to stud. Catalog Number Type FN Stud Dia. and Threads per Inch CF (Cross Flats) FN62T16 FN63T13 FN64T16 FN655T12 FN66T14 FN67T12 3/8 - 16 1/2 - 13 3/4 - 16 1-1/8 - 12 1-1/4 - 14 1-1/2 - 12 3/4 1 1-1/4 1-3/4 2 2-3/8 H T W 3/8 15/32 3/4 1 5/16 3/8 9/16 3/4 1-1/8 7/8 7/8 1-1/4 1-1/2 2-1/8 2-3/8 2-3/4 G-25 BURNDY Substation ALUMINUM INTRODUCTION CONNECTORS FOR ALUMINUM CONDUCTORS Bolted aluminum connectors are cast of aluminum alloy and assembled with aluminum alloy bolts, nuts and galvanized steel washers. The hex head bolts are captured for one-wrench installation. The connectors accommodate aluminum or copper conductor. The “mass anode” design pioneered by BURNDY® minimizes the effect of galvanic corrosion on aluminum (anode+) connectors when used with copper (cathode –) conductor (Reference Fig. 1). Joint deterioration caused by relaxation or “cold flow” of the aluminum is eliminated by the massive design. Generous contact areas distribute clamping forces evenly over the conductor, eliminating points of high stress that cause “cold flow.” These contact areas are factory treated to remove surface oxides and coated with an oxide inhibitor to prevent their reformation. Large radiating surfaces G-26 allow the connectors to run cooler than the copper conductor compensating for the fact that aluminum has a higher coefficient of thermal expansion. Connector and conductor expand and contract together during load cycles, eliminating stresses on the aluminum body that can cause relaxation of the joint. CONNECTOR SELECTION CONDUCTOR PREPARATION Generally, copper connectors are recommended for copper conductor and aluminum connectors for aluminum conductor. Where aluminum connectors are recommended for use on both aluminum and copper conductors, the copper must be positioned parallel to or below the aluminum to prevent contamination of the aluminum by copper salts washed down by rain. To obtain optimum performance from any connector, the conductor surface must be thoroughly cleaned before installation. The surface oxides that form on all conductors act as insulation. Failure to remove them can result in high resistance joint and, ultimately, failure. Except where indicated, all rigid connectors accept standard or extra heavy I.P.S. and all flexible connectors standard I.P.S. If extra heavy I.P.S. is to be used with a flexible joint, it must be spelled out at the time of ordering so that the proper cross sectional area of the flexible element may be supplied for the increased conductor rating. Conductor contact surfaces should be scratch brushed until bright and shiny. Aluminum conductor (new or old) should be coated with BURNDY® PENETROX™ after scratch brushing. PENETROX™ is a joint compound that aids in the establishment of low resistance joints and prevents aluminum oxides from reforming. Many aluminum ions removed by current flow Few aluminum ions removed by current flow Aluminum Anode Copper Cathode Copper Cathode Aluminum Anode Fig. 1 BURNDY Substation TYPE NNT-A T-CONNECTOR FOR ALUMINUM AND COPPER TUBE TO TUBE Aluminum alloy T-Connector for tubing run and tap. Properly proportioned to permit use on copper-aluminum conductor combinations. Captured hex head bolts permit onewrench installation. PENETROX™ joint compound recommended on contact surfaces. Catalog Number Run Conductor Tap B H J L NNT15A15A NNT16A16A NNT17A17A NNT18A18A NNT19A19A NNT20A20A NNT21A20A NNT22A22A 1 1-1/4 1-1/2 2 2-1/2 3 3-1/2 4 1 1-1/4 1-1/2 2 2-1/2 3 3 4 3-1/2 3-3/4 4 4-1/4 4-/12 5 5-1/2 6 3-3/8 3-3/8 3-7/8 4-1/2 5 5 5-5/8 6-1/4 1/2 1/2 1/2 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 6-7/8 7-/12 7-7/8 9 9 11 11-5/8 12-5/8 G-27 TYPE NNTR-A T-CONNECTOR FOR ALUMINUM & COPPER TUBE TO CABLE Aluminum alloy T-Connector for tube run, range of cable tap. Properly proportioned to permit use on copper-aluminum combinations. One-wrench installation. PENETROX™ joint compound recommended on contact surfaces. Catalog Number Run NNTR14A29A NNTR14A36A NNTR15A36A NNTR15A42A NNTR16A29A NNTR16A32A NNTR16A42A NNTR17A29A NNTR18A29A NNTR19A42A NNTR20A32A NNTR22A46A 3/4 3/4 1 1 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/4 1-1/2 2 2-1/2 3 4 Conductor Tap Alum. or Cu. 1/0 Str. - 250 350 - 600 350 - 600 600 - 900 1/0 Str. - 250 250 - 400 600 - 900 1/0 Str. - 250 1/0 Str. - 250 600 - 900 250 - 400 1250 - 1600 ACSR H 1/0 (6-1) - 4/0 (6-1) 336.4 (18-1) - 477 (30-7) 336.4 (18-1) - 477 (30-7) 477 (30-7) - 795 (54-7) 1/0 (6-1) - 4/0 (6-1) 4/0 (6-1) - 397.5 (18-1) 477 (30-7) - 795 (54-7) 1/0 (6-1) - 4/0 (6-1) 1/0 (6-1) - 4/0 (6-1) 477 (30-7) - 795 (54-7) 4/0 (6-1) - 397.5 (18-1) 1113 (54-9) - 1431 (45-7) 3-1/8 3-1/8 3-3/8 3-3/8 3-3-/8 3-3/8 3-7/8 3-7/8 4-1/2 4-5/8 5 J 1/2 JJ L 1/2 5-7/8 6-3/8 6-5/8 6-7/8 6-1/2 6-3/4 7-1/4 6-3/4 7-5/8 8-7/8 9 9-1/4 BURNDY Substation TYPE NNTR-A T-CONNECTOR FOR ALUMINUM AND COPPER CABLE TO CABLE Aluminum alloy T-Connector for a range of copper, aluminum and ACSR cable on run and tap. Properly proportioned to permit use on copper-aluminum conductor combinations. One-wrench installation. PENETROX™ joint compound recommended on contact surfaces. Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Conductor Run Catalog Number G-28 NNTR29A29A NNTR32A25A NNTR32A32A NNTR36A25A NNTR36A29A NNTR36A36A NNTR42A32A NNTR42A36A NNTR42A42A NNTR45A45A NNTR46A42A NNTR46A46A NNTR48A48A Alum. or Copper 1/0 Str. - 250 250 - 400 250 - 400 350 - 600 350 - 600 350 - 600 600 - 900 600 - 900 600 - 900 900 - 1250 1250 - 1600 1250 - 1600 1500 - 2000 Tap ACSR Alum. or Copper ACSR Fig. No. B H 1/0 (6-1) - 4/0 (6-1) 4/0 (6-1) - 397.5 (18.1) 4/0 (6-1) - 397.5 (18-1) 336.4 (18-1) - 477 (30-7) 336.4 (18-1) - 477 (30-7) 336.4 (18-1) - 477 (30-7) 477 (30-7) - 795 (54-7) 477 (30-7) - 795 (54-7) 477 (30-7) - 795 (54-7) 715.5 (30-19) - 1113 (54-19) 1113 (54-19) - 1431 (45-7) 1113 (54-19) - 1431 (45-7) 1272 (54-19) - 1780 (84-19) 1/0 Str. - 250 4 Str. - 1/0 Str. 250 - 400 4 Str. - 1/0 Str. 1/0 Str. - 250 350 - 600 250 - 400 350 - 600 600 - 900 900 - 1250 600 - 900 1250 - 1600 1500 - 2000 1/0 (6-1) - 4/0 (6-1) 4 (6-1) - 1/0 (6-1) 4/0 (6-1) - 397.5 (18-1) 4 (6-1) - 1/0 (6-1) 1/0 (6-1) - 4/0 (6-1) 336.4 (18-1) - 477 (30-7) 4/0 (6-1) - 397.5 (18-1) 336.4 (18-1) - 477 (30-7) 477 (30-7) - 795 (54-7) 715.5 (30-19) - 1113 (54-19) 477 (30-7) - 795 (54-7) 1113 (54-19) - 1431 (45-7) 1272 (54-19) - 1780 (84-19) 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2-3/4 1-7/8 3 1-7/8 3-1/4 3-1/4 3-1/2 3-1/2 3-1/2 3-3/4 3-3/4 4-3/8 4-3/8 2-5/8 2-5/8 2-5/8 2-5/8 2-5/8 2-5/8 3-1/8 3-1/8 3-1/8 3-1/4 3-1/2 3-3/4 3-7/8 TYPE NS-A COUPLER FOR ALUMINUM AND COPPER TUBE TO TUBE Aluminum alloy coupler for joining equal sizes of tube end to end. Properly proportioned to permit use on aluminum-copper conductor combinations. One-wrench installation. PENETROX™ joint compound recommended on contact surfaces. CATALOG NUMBER CONDUCTOR I.P.S. NS14A14A NS15A15A NS17A17A NS18A18A NS19A19A NS20A20A NS21A21A NS22A22A NS24A24A 3/4 1 1-1/2 2 2-1/2 3 3-1/2 4 5 FIG. NO. Fig. 1 J 1/2 1 5/8 2 L 6-3/4 7-1/4 8-1/4 8-3/4 9-1/4 10-1/4 11-1/4 12-1/4 14-1/4 Fig. 2 J 1/2 5/8 5/8 L 5-5/8 4-7/8 6 5 5-7/8 6-3/8 6-3/8 6-5/8 6-7/8 7-3/8 7-1/4 8-3/8 8-5/8 BURNDY Substation TYPE NA-A TERMINAL FOR ALUMINUM AND COPPER TUBE TO FLAT Aluminum alloy terminal for joining copper or aluminum tube to copper or aluminum pad. Properly proportioned to minimize conductor corrosion due to galvanic action. Drilling in pad conforms to NEMA standards. Onewrench installation. PENETROX™ joint compound recommended on contact surfaces. Fig. 1 Fig. 2 CATALOG NUMBER CONDUCTOR FIG. NO. B C G H J L T W NA15A-2N NA15A-4N NA16A-4N NA17A-2N NA17A-4N NA18A-2N NA18A-4N NA19A-4N NA20A-4N NA22A-4N 1 1 1-1/4 1-1/2 1-1/2 2 2 2-1/2 3 4 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 3-1/2 3-1/2 3-3/4 4 4 4-1/4 4-1/4 4-1/2 5 6 1-7/8 3 3 2-1/2 3 2-3/4 3-1/8 3-3/4 4-3/8 5-1/4 1.50 1.50 1.60 1.76 1.76 2.05 2.05 2.19 2.43 2.94 3-3/8 3-3/8 3-3/8 3-7/8 3-7/8 4-1/2 4-1/2 5 5-1/2 6-1/4 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 6-3/4 6-3/4 7 7-1/2 7-1/2 7-1/2 7-1/2 7-3/4 8-3/8 9-3/8 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 3/4 3/4 7/8 3-1/16 3-1/16 3-7/16 3-11/16 3-11/16 4-1/2 4-1/2 5 5-5/8 6-5/8 Catalog Number* STANDARD I.P.S. (Schedule 40) With Guide Conductor C J XA15A-4N XA16A-4N XA18A-4N XA19A-4N XA20A-4N XA21A-4N XA22A-4N XA24A-4N 1 1-1/4 2 2-1/2 3 3-1/2 4 5 3 3 3 3-3/4 4-3/8 4-3/4 5-1/4 6-1/2 TYPE XA-A EXPANSION TERMINAL FOR ALUMINUM AND COPPER TUBE TO FLAT Aluminum alloy expansion connector for joining tube to copper or aluminum bar or equipment pads. Flexible aluminum straps allow longitudinal or lateral movement and carries full current load of the joint. PENETROX™ joint compound recommended on contact surfaces. Pad contact surface is on centerline of conductor. * Conforms to 4-hole NEMA mounting standards. 1/2 5/8 L T 12-3/4 13-5/8 15-1/2 17 18-5/8 20 21 24-1/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 5/8 5/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 G-29 BURNDY Substation TYPE NBC-A BARTAP™ Aluminum alloy bolted type terminal for joining aluminum tube to copper or aluminum pads. Drilling in pad conforms to NEMA Standards. PENETROX™ joint compound recommended on contact surfaces. Fig. 1 G-30 Fig. 3 Fig. 2 BURNDY Substation TYPE NBC-A (Continued) CONDUCTOR ALUMINUM IPS/EHPS A 1” 1-1/4” 1-1/2” 2” 2-1/2” 3” 1.32 [33] 1.66 [42] 1.90 [48] 2.38 [42] 2.88 [73] 3.00 [76] 3-1/2” 4.50 [33] 4” 4.50 [114] 5” 6” 5.56 [141] 6.62 [168] CATALOG NUMBER FIG. NO. NBC15A-2N NBC15A-34N 1 2 NBC16A-2N 1 NBC16A-34N 2 NBC16A-44N 3 NBC17A-2N 1 NBC17A-34N 2 NBC17A-44N 3 NBC18A-2N 1 NBC18A-34N 2 NBC18A-44N 3 NBC19A-34N 2 NBC19A-44N 3 NBC20A-34N 2 NBC20A-44N 3 NBC21A-44N 3 NBC22A-34N 2 NBC22A-44N 3 NBC24A-34N 2 NBC86A-44N 3 NOTES: 1. Materials: Connector: Cast Aluminum Alloy Hardware: Aluminum Alloy 2. Scratch brush connector contact, surface dry then apply an oxide inhibitor, “PENETROX™ A”. “PENETROX™ A” can be purchased from BURNDY® Corporation in can or plastic squeeze bottles. 3. Recommended Tightening Torque: 1/2-13 300 Inch Pounds 5/8-11 480 Inch Pounds 4. All dimensions in brackets [ ] are in millimeters. B H 3.50 [89] 3.75 [95] 3.75 [95] 3.75 [95] 4.00 [102] 4.00 [102] 4.00 [102] 4.25 [108] 4.25 [108] 4.25 [108] 4.50 [114] 4.50 [114] 5.00 [127] 5.00 [127] 5.50 [140] 6.00 [152] 6.00 [152] 7.00 [178] 8.00 [203] 3.00 [76] 3.25 [76] 3.25 [76] 3.25 [76] 3.50 [89] 3.50 [89] 3.50 [89] 4.00 [76] 4.00 [76] 4.00 [76] 4.50 [114] 4.50 [114] 4.50 [114] 4.50 [114] 5.00 [127] 5.50 [140] 5.50 [140] 6.00 [152] 7.25 [184] DIMENSIONS IN [mm] J L 1/2 - 13 1/2 - 13 1/2 - 13 1/2 - 13 1/2 - 13 1/2 - 13 1/2 - 13 5/8 - 11 5/8 - 11 5/8 - 11 5/8 - 11 5/8 - 11 5/8 - 11 5/8 - 11 5/8 - 11 5/8 - 11 5/8 - 11 5/8 - 11 5/8 - 11 6.81 [173] 7.15 [182] 7.15 [182] 8.15 [207] 7.39 [188] 7.39 [188] 8.39 [213] 8.25 [210] 8.25 [210] 9.25 [135] 8.75 [222] 9.75 [248] 9.37 [238] 10.37 [263] 10.89 [277] 10.37 [263] 11.37 [289] 12.45 [316] 13.51 [343] T Y .38 [10] .38 [10] .38 [10] .38 [10] .38 [10] .38 [10] .38 [10] .38 [10] .38 [10] .38 [10] .50 [13] .50 [13] .50 [13] .50 [13] .62 [16] .62 [16] .62 [16] .62 [16] .75 [19] 5.28 [134] 5.45 [138] 5.45 [138] 6.45 [164] 5.57 [141] 5.57 [141] 6.57 [167] 6.00 [152] 6.00 [152] 7.00 [178] 6.25 [159] 7.25 [184] 6.56 [167] 7.56 [192] 7.82 [199] 7.06 [179] 8.06 [205] 8.60 [218] 9.13 [232] G-31 BURNDY Substation TYPE NAR-A TERMINAL FOR ALUMINUM AND COPPER CABLE TO FLAT Aluminum alloy terminal for joining a wide range of copper or aluminum cable to copper or aluminum pad. Properly proportioned to minimize conductor corrosion due to galvanic action. Drilling in pad conforms to NEMA standards. One-wrench installation. PENETROX™ A joint compound recommended on contact surfaces. G-32 Fig. 1 Catalog Number NAR25A-2N NAR29A-2N* NAR29A-4N* NAR32A-2N NAR32A-4N NAR36A-2N NAR36A-4N* NAR42A-2N** NAR42A-4N* NAR45A-2N NAR45A-4N NAR46A-2N NAR46A-4N* NAR48A-2N NAR48A-4N Conductor Alum. or Copper ACSR 4 Str. - 1/0 Str. 4 (6-1) - 1/0 (6-1) 1/0 Str. - 250 1.0 (6-1) - 4/0 (6-1) 250 - 400 4/0 (6-1) - 397.5 (18-1) 350 - 600 336.4 (18-1) - 477 (30-7) 600 - 900 477 (30-7) - 795 (54-7) 900 - 1250 715 (30-19) - 1113 (54-19) 1250 - 1600 1113 (54-19) - 1431 (54-7) 1500 - 2000 * Available with 90 degree pad as shown (example: NAR36A-4N90). ** Available with 45 degree pad as shown (example: NAR42A-2N45). 1272 (54-19) - 1780 (84-19) Fig. 2 No. of holes in pad 2 NEMA 4 NEMA 2 NEMA 4 NEMA 2 NEMA 4 NEMA 2 NEMA 4 NEMA 2 NEMA 4 NEMA 2 NEMA 4 NEMA 2 NEMA 4 NEMA Fig. 2A Fig. No. C H 1 2 2A 2 2A 2 2A 2 2A 2 2A 2 2A 2 2A 1-1/4 1-5/8 3 1-5/8 3 1-3/4 3 2 3 2-5/8 3 2-3/4 3 2-3/4 3 2-3/8 2-7/8 2-3/4 J L T 5-1/4 6-1/8 5/16 6-3/8 2-7/8 1/2 3/8 6-5/8 6-7/8 3-3/8 1/2 7-1/8 3-3/4 7-3/4 5/8 7-7/8 3/4 5/8 4 BURNDY Substation TYPE UHG-A BUS SUPPORT FOR ALUMINUM AND COPPER TUBE Aluminum alloy bus support for mounting tube on post or pedestal insulators. Properly proportioned to minimize conductor corrosion due to galvanic action. Rotate caps 180° for slip or rigid fit. One-wrench installation. Supplied with hardware for mounting to cap of insulator. Specify base mounting CATALOG NUMBER CONDUCTOR UHG14A-3 UHG15A-3 UHG15A-5 UHG17A-3 UHG17A-5 UHG18A-3 UHG18A-5 UHG19A-3 UHG19A-5 UHG20A-3 UHG20A-5 UHG21A-3 UHG22A-5 UHG24A-3 UHG24A-5 hardware, if required, by adding suffix “-B” to Catalog Number. For static clips add “-CH” to Catalog Number. BOLT CIRCLE 3/4 1 1-1/2 2 2-1/2 3 3-1/2 4 5 3 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 G H 2 2 2-1/4 3-1/2 J 3-5/8 2-1/2 4-1/8 2-3/4 5-1/4 4-5/8 3-1/8 5-1/4 3-5/8 6-1/8 4 4-1/2 6-3/4 7-1/2 5-1/4 8-7/8 1/2 5/8 K L W 9/16 9/16 11/16 9/16 11/16 9/16 11/16 9/16 11/16 9/16 11/16 9/16 11/16 9/16 11/16 7-1/2 7-1/2 9-7/8 7-3/4 10-1/8 7-3/4 10-1/8 7-3/4 10-5/8 8-1/4 10-5/8 8-1/4 10-5/8 8-3/4 11-5/8 3 3-1/8 3-3/4 4-1/8 4-5/8 5-5/8 6-1/4 6-5/8 7-3/4 TYPE UHKR-A BUS SUPPORT FOR ALUMINUM CABLE OR TUBE Aluminum alloy bus support for mounting a wide range of cable or tube on post or pedestal type insulators. Supplied with hardware for mounting to cap of insulator. Specify base mounting hardware, if required, by adding suffix “-B” to Catalog Number. CATALOG NUMBER UHKR11A-3 UHKR11A-5 UHKR13A-3 UHKR13A-5 UHKR14A-3 UHKR14A-5 UHKR16A-3 UHKR16A-5 CONDUCTOR CABLE ALUMINUM ACSR TUBE SCH. 40/80 4 Sol. - 4/0 Str. 6 (6-1) - 4/0 (6-1) 1/4 250 - 550 266.8 (6-7) - 477 (30-7) 3/8 - 1/2 600 - 1113 556.5 (26-7) - 1033.5 (54-7) 3/4 1000 - 2000 1113 (54-19) - 1780 (84-19) 1 - 1-1/4 * With maximum conductor in place. BOLT CIRCLE 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 G* H 1-1/8 2-5/8 1-3/8 2-7/8 1-3/4 1-1/2 1-31/32 1-13/16 3-5/8 3-3/8 4-1/16 3-7/8 J 1/2 1/2 K L 9/16 11/16 9/16 11/16 9/16 11/16 9/16 11/16 7-5/8 9-1/2 7-5/8 8-7/8 7-5/8 9-1/8 7-9/16 9-1/4 G-33 BURNDY Substation TYPE LB-A END CAP Aluminum alloy end cap for aluminum tube. Driven into place for a secure fit. Seals out moisture, reduces electrostatic loss and eliminates hazards created by nesting birds. CONDUCTOR ALUMINUM PIPE SIZE 1/2 3/4 1 1-1/4 1-1/2 G-34 2 2-1/2 3 3-1/2 4 5 6 NOTES: 1. Material: Cast Aluminum Alloy. 2. Dimensions in brackets [ ] are in millimeters. A DIMENSIONS IN/[mm] C L .84 [21] 1.05 [27] 1.32 [34] 1.66 [42] 1.90 [48] 2.38 [60] 2.88 [73] 3.50 [89] 4.00 [102] 4.50 [114] 5.56 [141] 6.63 [168] .38 [9.7] .50 [13] .50 [13] .50 [13] .50 [13] .88 [22] .88 [22] .88 [22] .88 [22] .88 [22] .88 [22] .88 [22] 1.25 [32] 1.37 [35] 1.43 [36] 1.43 [36] 1.45 [37] 1.85 [47] 2.01 [51] 2.10 [53] 2.15 [55] 2.22 [56] 2.34 [59] 2.46 [62] CATALOG NUMBER SCHD. 40 SCHD. 80 LB13A LB53A LB14A LB54A LB15A LB55A LB16A LB56A LB17A LB57A LB18A LB58A LB19A LB59A LB20A LB90A LB21A LB91A LB22A LB92A LB24A LB94A LB86A LB96A BURNDY Substation TYPE WAS-A TERMINAL CONNECTOR Aluminum alloy weld type terminal for joining aluminum tube to copper or aluminum pads. Drilling in pad conforms to NEMA standards. PENETROX™ joint compound recommended on pad contact surfaces. CONDUCTOR ALUMINUM SCH. 40/SCH. 80 A 3/4 1.05 [27] 1 1.32 [34] 1-1/4 1-1/2 1.66 [42] 1.90 [48] CATALOG NUMBER WAS14A-2N WAS15A-2N WAS15A-34N WAS16A-2N WAS16A-34N WAS17A-2N WAS17A-34N WAS18A-2N 2 2.38 [60] WAS18A-34N WAS18A-44N WAS19A-2N 2-1/2 2.88 [73] WAS19A-34N WAS19A-44N WAS20A-2N 3 3.50 [89] WAS20A-34N WAS20A-44N 3-1/2 4 5 6 4.00 [102] 4.50 [114] 5.56 [141] 6.63 [168] NOTES: 1 Material: Cast Aluminum Alloy. ➁ WELDING TO BE DONE BY THE CUSTOMER. For welding recommendation see drawing SD73608 WSA21A-34N WAS21A-44N WAS22A-44N WAS24A-44N WAS86A-44N B 2.50 [64] 2.75 [70] 2.75 [70] 3.00 [76] 3.00 [76] 3.25 [83] 3.25 [83] 3.50 [89] 3.50 [89] 3.63 [92] 3.63 [92] 3.63 [92] 3.63 [92] 3.67 [93] 3.75 [95] 3.75 [95] 4.25 [108] 4.25 [108] 4.25 [108] 4.25 [108] 4.25 [108] 3 After welding, scratch brush connector contact surface dry then apply an oxide inhibitor “PENETROX™ A”. “PENETROX™ A” can be purchased from BURNDY® Corporation in cans or plastic squeeze bottles. DIMENSIONS IN/[mm] G L 1.50 [38] 1.19 [30] 1.19 [30] 1.38 [35] 1.38 [35] 1.50 [38] 1.50 [38] 1.75 [44] 1.75 [44] 1.75 [44] 2.00 [51] 2.00 [51] 2.00 [51] 2.38 [60] 2.38 [60] 2.38 [60] 2.62 [67] 2.62 [67] 2.88 [73] 3.62 [92] 4.00 [102] 6.50 [165] 6.75 [171] 6.75 [171] 7.00 [178] 7.00 [178] 7.25 [184] 7.25 [184] 7.50 [19] 7.50 [19] 8.62 [219] 7.87 [200] 7.87 [200] 8.87 [225] 8.25 [21] 8.25 [21] 9.25 [235] 8.50 [216] 9.50 [241] 9.50 [241] 9.50 [241] 9.75 [248] T .38 [9.7] .38 [9.7] .38 [9.7] .38 [9.7] .38 [9.7] .44 [11] .38 [9.7] .44 [11] .38 [10] .50 [13] .56 [14] .56 [14] .50 [13] .69 [18] .62 [16] .62 [16] .62 [16] .62 [16] .75 [19] .75 [19] 1.00 [25] 4 Dimensions in brackets [ ] are in millimeters. 5 Tongue finished on ONE SIDE ONLY (bottom). For tongue finished on both sides, add suffix letter "Q" to Catalog Number (e.g., WAS22A-44NQ). G-35 BURNDY Substation TYPE WASC-A-N CENTERFORMED WELDMENT TERMINAL Aluminum alloy weldment terminal. Type WASC-A-N has one contact surface on the center line of the tube. Holes are NEMA spaced for terminating aluminum or copper mating pads. PENETROX™ joint compound recommended for use on contact surfaces. G-36 CATALOG NUMBER WASC14A2N WASC15A2N WASC15A34N WASC16A2N WASC16A34N WASC17A34N WASC18A2N WASC18A34N WASC18A44N WASC19A2N WASC19A34N WASC19A44N WASC20A2N WASC20A34N WASC20A44N WASC21A2N WASC21A34N WASC21A44N WASC22A2N WASC22A34N WASC22A44N WASC24A34N WASC24A44N WASC86A44N Fig. 3 Fig. 2 Fig. 1 ALUMINUM CONDUCTOR SCH. 40/80 A [mm] 3/4 1.05 [27] 1 1.32 [33] 1-1/4 1.66 [42] 1-1/2 1.90 [48] 2 2.38 [60] 2-1/2 3 3-1/2 4 2.88 [73] 3.50 [89] 4.00 [102] 4.50 [114] 5 5.56 [141] 6 6.63 [168] For tongue finished on both sides add suffix letter "Q" to Catalog Number (e.g., WASC14A2NQ). FIG. NO. 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 2 3 3 B DIMENSIONS IN/[mm] L T 2.50 [64] 6.44 [164] .22 [6] 2.75 [70] 6.69 [170] .38 [10] 3.00 [76] 7.00 [178] .38 [10] 3.25 [83] 7.31 [186] .44 [11] 3.50 [90] 7.56 [192] .50 [13] 8.56 [217] 3.75 [95] 7.88 [200] .56 [14] 8.88 [226] 4.00 [102] 8.13 [207] 9.13 [232] 4.25 [108] .62 [16] 8.38 [213] 9.38 [238] 4.25 [108] 4.25 [108] 4.25 [108] 8.38 [213] 9.38 [238] 8.50 [216] 9.50 [241] 9.50 [241] .75 [19] .75 [19] 1.00 [25] BURNDY Substation TYPE WG-A WELDMENT GROUND STUD B .75 DIA. [19] Range-taking weldment stud for grounding Aluminum tube. 1.50 DIA. [38] W 6.00 [152] "A" DIA. Y CATALOG NUMBER ALUM IPS WG19A 1 - 2-1/2 WG86A 3 - 6 Dimensions in brackets [ ] are in millimeters A 1.315 - 2.88 [33] - [73] 3.50 - 6.62 [89] - [168] DIMENSIONS IN/[mm] B W 3.00 [76] 2.00 [51] 1.32 [34] 3.06 [78] Y 8.19 [208] 10.31 [262] G-37 BURNDY EHV TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction................................................................H-3 Nomogram..................................................................H-4 Gradient Calibrator....................................................H-5 Formula Gradient.......................................................H-6 Nomogram..................................................................H-7 Interference & Contamination .......................................................H-8 TEE CONNECTORS Tap-off Pad SWAB-A-N............................H-17 Standard T SWT-A-A .....................H-18, H-19 75 Degree T SWT-A-A-75..........................H-20 APPLICATION SELECTOR TERMINALS V Tap SWAT-A-A-30........................H-21 BUS SUPPORTS Straight Tubing SWA-A-N 550 kV.....................................H-9 Rigid SWOH-A 550 kV...................................H-22 Straight Cable SWA-A-N 550 kV...................................H-10 Slide SWSUH-A 550 kV...................................H-23 Center Formed Tubing SWAC-A-N 550 kV...................................H-11 Expansion SWXA-A-NK 345 kV...................................H-12 Expansion SWXA-A-N 550 kV...................................H-13 COUPLERS Light Design WSLB-A 550 kV...................................H-14 Standard Design WS-A 550 kV...................................H-15 Expansion SWXP-A-A 550 kV...................................H-16 Rigid/Slip SWHRH-A 550 kV...................................H-24 Vertical SWVH-A 550 kV...................................H-25 Expansion SWXHP-A 550 kV...................................H-26 MISCELLANEOUS 90 Degree Elbow SWL-A 550 kV...................................H-27 End Plug WLB-A 550 kV...................................H-28 Corona Bell SCB-A 500 kV...................................H-28 Ground Stud SWCB-A 500 kV...................................H-29 H-1 BURNDY EHV TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) MISCELLANEOUS (Continued) Shielding Cap (Two Piece) STS-A-N 550 kV...................................H-30 Shielding Cap (One Piece) STS-A-NCG 550 kV...................................H-30 Four Bolt Tap S2GBPA-AB4 550 kV .....................H-35, H-36 Four Bolt Bus Support SH2GBP-A-B4 550 kV .....................H-35, H-36 CABLE SPACERS CABLE SPACERS (Two Conductor) H-2 Four Bolt Spacer S2GBP-AB4 550 kV .....................H-35, H-36 (Three Conductor) Single Bolt Spacer S2GBP-A 550 kV .....................H-31, H-32 Spacer S3GBP-A 550 kV...................................H-37 Single Bolt Tap S2GBPA-A 550 kV .....................H-31, H-32 BIFURCATING TERMINAL Single Bolt Bus Support SH2GBP-A 550 kV .....................H-31, H-32 Two Bolt Spacer S2GBP-AB2 550 kV .....................H-33, H-34 Two Bolt Tap S2GBPA-AB2 550 kV .....................H-33, H-34 Two Bolt Bus Support SH2GBP-A-B2 550 kV .....................H-33, H-34 Terminal SF2A-NL-EX 550 kV...................................H-38 TRIFURCATING CONNECTORS Coupler SW3A-A44N8 550 kV...................................H-39 T-Tap SW3AB-A44N8 550 kV...................................H-40 Terminal SF3A44N8 550 kV...................................H-41 BURNDY EHV INTRODUCTION Connectors for use in EHV Substations must meet essentially the same electrical and mechanical requirements as those for other power connectors. However, operation at extra high voltages imposes an important additional requirement. They must not produce corona discharges that interfere with radio reception and cause energy loss. Corona forms when the voltage gradient at the surface of a conducting material exceeds a critical value and ionizes the surrounding air. For conductors, the four basic factors that determine surface voltage gradient are distance from ground, conductor diameter, phase spacing and voltage. In A.C. circuits, there are two basic kinds of corona. Negative corona forms during the negative half cycle, and positive corona during the positive half cycle. Negative corona generally appears as a glow on conventional conductors at about 20 kV rms/cm. Its amplitude is relatively low and causes no significant radio interference. Positive corona appears as a plume at above 30 kV rms/cm. Its amplitude is about 50 times higher than that for negative corona and is the major cause of radio interference. BURNDY® EHV Connectors are designed so that under fair weather operating conditions, the voltage gradient at the connector surface will be at a level that will not cause corona and the resultant radio interference. (RIV) BURNDY® DESIGN CRITERIA Cable Connectors For reasons of economy, EHV systems using stranded conductor are generally designed to operate at voltage gradients close to the negative corona onset level. It is essential, therefore, that connectors provide corona-free performance superior to that of the cable. So our design criterion calls for the voltage at which corona extinguishes from the connector to be higher than the voltage at which it extinguishes from the cable. This criterion is met by eliminating all projections and by providing smooth contours on all surfaces. On compression elements, the ends are especially critical. Carefully designed tapers are provided to keep the voltage gradient at a level lower than that on the conductor. Of course, it is still necessary during installation to smooth crimped elements. On accessories, like spacers for bundled lines, the critical areas are those at the edges of the bundle. The bundle itself generally shields those parts that fall within it. Many projections that would cause corona on a single conductor line are quiet when they fall within the shielding influence of a bundle. However, those parts that fall at the edges are carefully finished at the factory to insure corona-free operation. Tubular Bus Connectors Station designers choose tubular bus sizes on the basis of mechanical rather than electrical requirements. For instance, stations that only need 4" IPS to meet electrical and corona requirements often have 6" IPS as main buses. The resultant voltage gradient on these buses is very low, perhaps only 10 kV rms/cm, well below the corona onset level. It is impractical, therefore, to require that connectors operate quieter than the bus regardless of voltage. Under some circumstances, it might be impossible to meet such criteria. In most cases, it would be prohibitively expensive to do so. Of course, theoretically optimum connectors could be designed for each application, based on the design voltage gradient for individual stations. However, in most cases even differences as great as that between 345 and 500 kV don’t have a meaningful impact on connector costs. So, from a practical point of view, it is feasible to design most connectors for 500 kV operation. This makes it more convenient for station designers to select and order connectors. Bus connectors are designed to provide corona-free performance under conditions of actual operation. This is done by calculating the voltage gradient on the surface of the bus at 500 kV, using the phase spacing and ground distance typical for this voltage. Connectors are then designed to operate corona free when the voltage gradient on the bus is 10% above this value. The exceptions to this rule are the flexible expansion connectors. Those designed for 345 kV are self-shielding. Those for 500 kV have separate shielding rings. Experimental work on self-shielding 500 kV expansion connectors indicates that the margin of safety is too small to justify recommending them for this voltage. CONTROLLING CORONA Since corona is caused when the voltage gradient at the surface of a conducting material reaches a level that causes the surrounding air to break down, then obviously, the way to prevent corona is to keep the gradient below this critical level. From the point of view of the connector designer, this can be accomplished in three ways: 1. By providing generous radii on all outside surfaces to keep the voltage H-3 stresses to a minimum. 2. By providing shielding rings. 3. By placing the connector within the shielding influence of some part of the bus structure. Since it is impossible for the connector designer to know the exact configuration of every bus system where the connectors might be used, the third approach is not practical. So, for purposes of developing a standard line, we concentrate on the first two. Whenever possible, connectors are designed to be self-shielding. This approach leads to less costly and less obstrusive designs. Only in the case of complicated connector configurations do BURNDY® EHV designs use corona rings. Examples of such applications are disconnectable equipment taps, expansion couplers and equipment terminals which often have configurations that preclude the use of self-shielding designs. BURNDY EHV NOMOGRAM FOR DETERMINING THE EQUIVALENT H-4 h-Three Phase Line Height Above Ground HEIGHT (he) OF A THREE PHASE LINE hd he = —————— 2 (4h + d2) Example: For a three phase line height, (h), of 60 ft. and a phase spacing, (d), of 40 ft., the equivalent height, (he), is 19 ft. d-Phase To Phase Spacing Nomogram for determining the equivalent height of a single conductor line having the same average voltage of gradient as the CENTER conductor of a horizontally spaced three phase line, with the same line to ground voltage and the same conductor size. All dimensions measured in the same units. BURNDY EHV The use of the laboratory is based on the fact that it is the surface voltage gradient that causes corona. Although most systems consist of 3 phase conductors and a ground plane, it is a rather simple matter to duplicate in the laboratory the conductor surface voltage gradient as it exists on any of these phase conductors with a single conductor and a ground plane. The following formula and nomograms give this three phase to single phase equivalency. Because this conversion is possible, all EHV testing is done single phase; and there is no necessity for 3 phase testing with its high cost in terms of equipment and space. Since voltage gradient is the significant factor, the single phase test does not have to be done at the full voltage of an operation system. By setting up the test closer to the ground plane, the operation voltage gradient can be obtained with a lower test voltage. There is a limit, however, below which the height cannot be lowered lest corona onset and flashover occur simultaneously. Generally, the minimum test height should be about 10 times the diameter of the test conductor. GRADIENT CALIBRATOR Normally, the conductor surface voltage gradient at the extinction of corona in the laboratory is calculated using the accompanying equations. However, for test setups involving unusual conductor configurations, the conductor gradient cannot be readily calculated. In these cases, a gradient calibrator may be used. This is a small sphere mounted on the conductor. It has previously been calibrated for each conductor size to establish the surface voltage gradient that starts positive corona on the sphere. With it tests can be duplicated in any number of laboratories. The applied voltages and ground distances could all be different. But the voltage gradient on the surface of the conductor when the corona occurs on the sphere will always be the same. The calibrator provides a convenient bench mark for measuring the corona performance of connectors. In use, the sphere is mounted on the conductor in a connector test setup. The voltage is raised until there is a corona on the sphere. We already know from previous calibration what the voltage gradient on the surface of the conductor is at this point. H-5 BURNDY EHV The sphere is removed and the voltage raised until there is a corona on the connector. Since the voltage gradient increases directly with increases in applied voltage, the gradient on the conductor at this point can be readily calculated. It is important to note that the significant parameter is the voltage gradient on the surface of the conductor. It is not necessary to know the gradient on the connector. The conductor gradient in any given substation is controlled by its design parameters and may be calculated using the following formulae and nomograms. Once the gradient is known, it is unnecessary to have any other information to design connectors. As long as connectors are corona-free at a conductor voltage gradient higher than that planned for the conductor, the connector will be corona-free under fair weather operating conditions. There may on occasion be unusual situations where choice of conductor, station geometry or clearance problems cause the need for connectors of special design. Where this is the case, BURNDY® is prepared to design corona-free devices to operate under such conditions. Formula for Determining The Voltage Gradient Notations Used h = line to ground distance (cm) r = radius of the individual conductor (cm) s = conductor spacing in the bundle (cm) d = phase to phase spacing of the line (cm) V = line to ground voltage (kV) Ea = average gradient at the surface of the conductor (kV/cm) Em = maximum gradient on the surface of a single conductor he = equivalent single phase line to ground distance (cm) re = equivalent single conductor radius (cm) of bundled conductors n = number of conductors in the bundle Single Conductor - Single Phase H-6 The maximum gradient (Em) occurs on the side facing the ground plane. Single Conductor - Three Phase The center conductor has a gradient about 5% higher than the outside conductors. The gradient on the center phase may be calculated using the formula for the single conductor. Single phase system and substituting (he) from the following formula or attached nomograms for the height above ground (h). For the center phase: Bundled Conductor - Single Phase It should be noted that he is somewhat smaller than The value of is unity for 1-, 2-, and 3- conductor bundles and 1.12 for 4- conductor bundles. Bundled Conductor - Three Phase This case may be reduced to the single bundled conductor case by replacing h with he in the equation. The definition of he is identical to that given for the single conductor –– three phase situation. Fig. 1 BURNDY EHV NOMOGRAM FOR FINDING THE AVERAGE CONDUCTOR-SURFACE VOLTAGE-GRADIENT FROM LINE DIMENSIONS AND VOLTAGE. H-7 V Ea = ———— r 1n 2h — r Example: For a 30 ft. high single phase bus* of 4" diameter, V/E = 30. At 450 kV to ground the average conductor-surface voltage-gradient is 15 kV RMS/CM. * For the equivalent single phase height (he) of a 3 phase bus arrangement see page 5. BURNDY EHV RADIO INTERFERENCE VOLTAGE EFFECT OF CONDUCTOR SIZE ON TESTING There is serious question as to whether measurement of RIV on connectors makes a meaningful contribution to quieter station operation. Conductor diameter has a significant effect on potential corona problems. The larger the diameter, the lower the surface voltage gradient for a given test voltage. This means that smaller conductors produce corona at lower voltages than larger ones. Under test conditions, there is generally no significant indication on the radio noise meter until the onset of visible positive corona. At this point, the RIV reading goes into the hundreds of thousands of microvolts. The effect of this phenomenon is to provide a visibly discernable point at which RIV will become excessive. It eliminates the necessity to make, record and plot RIV measurements. Where there is no corona, there is no RIV. So our test criterion calling for no visible corona insures that there will be no radio interference generated by the connector under operating conditions. Many connector designs have the same basic configuration for various conductor sizes. The only difference being the size of the attaching elements. This is particularly true for many of the welded type connectors. Where this is the case, it is often sufficient to test the connector only on the smallest conductor, since it yields the lowest corona extinction voltage. When there is any doubt, each size is tested. CONTAMINATION Much work has been done to establish the relationship between the corona onset voltage for contaminated as compared to clean hardware. Experiments in the TYPICAL CURVE H-8 BURNDY® laboratory indicate that this value can be reduced to half of the voltage for clean hardware. However, the relationship varies with the kind of contamination, atmospheric condition and type of connector. There have been a number of attempts to produce artifical contamination and atmospheres in laboratories. However, there is as yet no clearly established relationship between the corona performance of hardware contaminated in the laboratory. Until such a relationship is established, the only testing that provides comparable data is on clean hardware under fair weather conditions. CONCLUSION For almost 70 years, BURNDY® has been designing connectors for the industry’s most critical applications. Connectors for EHV are an outgrowth of this tradition. Whether your need is for catalog items or special designs, you can count on electrical, mechanical and corona-free performance, commensurate with the application. BURNDY EHV WELDED TERMINAL CONNECTOR SWA-A-N Weld type Application: Bus to Two or Four Hole Pad (offset terminal) EHV RATED: UP TO 550 kV when used with Shielding Caps Material: Cast 356 Aluminum Alloy CATALOG NUMBERS IPS (SCH40) EHPS (SCH80) ACCOMMODATES “A” DIA. ALUM. TUBE FIG. SWA18A-2N SWA58A-2N A SWA18A-34N SWA58A-34N SWA18A-44N SWA58A-44N C SWA19A-2N SWA59A-2N A SWA19A-34N SWA59A-34N SWA19A-44N SWA59A-44N C SWA20A-2N SWA90A-2N A SWA20A-34N SWA90A-34N SWA20A-44N SWA90A-44N SWA21A-34N SWA91A-34N 2 (2.375 DIA.) 2-1/2 (2.875 DIA) 3 (3.500 DIA.) B B B C B 3-1/2 (4.000 DIA.) SWA21A-44N SWA91A-44N C SWA22A-44N SWA92A-44N 4 (4.500 DIA.) C SWA23A-44N SWA93A-44N 4-1/2 (5.000 DIA.) C SWA24A-34N SWA94A-34N B 5 (5.563 DIA.) SWA24A-44N SWA94-44N SWA86A-44N SWA96A-44N NOTES: 1. Dimensions in brackets [ ] are in millimeters. 2. Conductor smaller than 3 inch bus size not recommended for 550 kV. 3. DOES NOT INCLUDE SHIELDING CAPS. For EHV applications, shielding caps are required. Order separately C 6 (6.625 DIA.) C B G L T 1.25 [32] 1.25 [32] 1.25 [32] 1.50 [38] 1.50 [38] 1.50 [38] 1.75 [44] 1.75 [44] 1.75 [44] 1.75 [44] 1.75 [44] 2.00 [51] 2.00 [51] 2.00 [51] 2.00 [51] 2.50 [64] 1.72 [44] 1.72 [44] 1.72 [44] 1.97 [50] 1.97 [50] 1.97 [50] 2.34 [59] 2.34 [59] 2.34 [59] 2.59 [66] 2.59 [66] 2.84 [72] 3.09 [78] 3.38 [86] 3.38 [86] 4.00 [102] 5.88 [149] 5.88 [149] 6.95 [177] 6.36 [162] 6.36 [162] 7.40 [188] 6.41 [163] 6.41 [163] 7.46 [189] 6.40 [163] 7.47 [190] 7.51 [191] 7.77 [197] 6.80 [173] 7.82 [199] 7.90 [201] .50 [13] .50 [13] .50 [13] .56 [14] .56 [14] .56 [14] .62 [16] .62 [16] .62 [16] .62 [16] .62 [16] .75 [19] .75 [19] .75 [19] .75 [19] 1.00 [25] (type STS) shown on page 32 or ADD SUFFIX “STS” to catalog number (example: SWA22A44NSTS), includes one shielding cap. 4. One surface of pad finished. For finished pad on both sides add SUFFIX “Q” to the catalog. number (example: SWA22A-44NQ). 5. For 45 or 90 degree angle add SUFFIX “45” or “90” to catalog number (example: SWA22A44N90). 6. For six hole NEMA pad contact factory. H-9 BURNDY EHV WELDED TERMINAL CONNECTOR SWA-A-N for Cable Weld type Application: Cable to Two or Four Hole Pad (offset terminal) EHV RATED: UP TO 550 kV when used with shielding caps Material: Cast 356 Aluminum Alloy H-10 CATALOG NUMBERS SWA44R-44N SWA48A-44N SWA54R-44N SWA58R-44N SWA444A-44N SWA454A-4N SWA486A-4N SWA486A-44N SWA486A-66N SWA493R-4N ACCOMMODATES “A” DIA. ALUM. CABLE ACSR CABLE 700 kcmil THRU 874.5 kcmil 2000 kcmil THRU 2250 kcmil 1400 kcmil THRU 1600 kcmil 1700 kcmil THRU 1900 kcmil 900 kcmil THRU 1100 kcmil 1113 kcmil THRU 1351.1 kcmil 2300 kcmil THRU 2500 kcmil 2300 kcmil THRU 2500 kcmil 2300 kcmil THRU 2500 kcmil 1272 kcmil THRU 1510.5 kcmil 1510.5 kcmil THRU 1780 kcmil 795 kcmil THRU 954 kcmil 1033.5 kcmil THRU 1192.5 kcmil 2156 kcmil THRU 2300 kcmil 2156 kcmil THRU 2300 kcmil 2156 kcmil THRU 2300 kcmil 3000 kcmil —— STR. 605 kcmil THRU 874.5 kcmil 26-7 30-19 2167 kcmil 72-7 NOTES: 1. Dimensions in brackets [ ] are in millimeters. 2. DOES NOT INCLUDE SHIELDING CAPS. For EHV applications, shielding caps are required. Order separately (type) shown on page 32 or ADD SUFFIX “STS” to catalog number (example: SWA54R-44NSTS), includes one shielding cap. 45-7 54-49 54-19 54-7 45-7 54-19 84-19 96-19 84-19 96-19 84-19 96-19 127 169 MAX. DIA. MAX. DIA. .961 [24] 1.606 [41] 1.341 [34] 1.471 [37] 1.086 [28] 1.211 [31] 1.741 [44] 1.741 [44] 1.741 [44] 1.876 [48] 1.085 [28] 1.740 [44] 1.470 [37] 1.605 [41] 1.210 [31] 1.340 [34] 1.875 [48] 1.875 [48] 1.875 [48] 2.05 [52] FIG. NO. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 B C D G H L N T 1.50 [38] 2.62 [67] 2.00 [51] 2.50 [64] 1.75 [44] 2.00 [51] 2.62 [67] 2.62 [67] 2.62 [67] 3.00 [76] 4.00 [102] 4.00 [102] 4.00 [102] 4.00 [102] 4.00 [102] 3.00 [76] 3.00 [76] 4.00 [102] 6.00 [152] 3.00 [76] 4.25 [108] 4.25 [108] 4.25 [108] 4.25 [108] 4.25 [108] 3.00 [76] 3.00 [76] 4.25 [108] 4.25 [108] 3.00 [76] 1.12 [28] 1.83 [47] 1.38 [35] 1.58 [40] 1.21 [31] 1.22 [31] 1.84 [47] 1.84 [47] 1.84 [47] 2.12 [54] 2.00 [51] 3.18 [81] 2.56 [65] 2.83 [72] 2.19 [56] 2.31 [59] 3.31 [84] 3.31 [84] 3.31 [84] 3.75 [92] 6.25 [159] 7.50 [191] 6.56 [167] 7.25 [184] 6.56 [167] 5.44 [138] 6.12 [156] 7.50 [191] 7.50 [191] 6.75 [172] 1.12 [28] 1.12 [28] 1.12 [28] 1.12 [28] 1.12 [28] .62 [57] .62 [57] 1.12 [28] 1.12 [28] .62 [16] .50 [13] .82 [21] .56 [14] .69 [18] .50 [13] .50 [13] 1.12 [28] 1.12 [28] 1.12 [28] 1.00 [25] 3. One surface of pad finished. For finished pad on both sides add SUFFIX “Q” to the catalog number (example: SWA22A-44NQ). 4. For 45 or 90 degree angle add SUFFIX “45” or “90” to catalog number (example: SWA54R-44N90). BURNDY EHV WELDED TERMINAL CONNECTOR SWAC-A-N Weld type Application: Bus to Two or Four Hole Pad (center formed) EHV RATED: UP TO 550 kV when used with Shielding Caps Material: Cast 356 Aluminum Alloy CATALOG NUMBER IPS (SCH40) EHPS (SCH80) SWAC18A-2N SWAC58A-2N SWAC18A-34N SWAC58A-34N SWAC18A-44N SWAC58A-44N SWAC19A-2N SWAC59A-2N SWAC19A-34N SWAC59A-34N SWAC19A-44N SWAC59A-44N SWAC20A-2N SWAC90A-2N SWAC20A-34N SWAC90A-34N SWAC20A-44N SWAC90A-44N SWAC21A-34N SWAC91A-34N CONDUCTOR IPS A 1 2 SWAC91A-44N SWAC22A-34N SWAC92A-34N SWAC22A-44N SWAC93A-34N SWAC24A-34N SWAC94A-34N SWAC24A-44N SWAC86A-44N 2 1 2-1/2 2.88 [73] 2 3 1 3 3.50 [89] 2 3 4.00 [102] 4 4.50 [114] 4-1/2 5.00 [127] 5 5.56 [141] 6 6.62 [168] SWAC92A-44N SWAC23A-34N 2.38 [60] 3 3-1/2 SWAC21A-44N FIG. NO. SWAC94A-44N SWAC96A-44N NOTES: 1. Dimensions in brackets [ ] are in millimeters. 2. Conductor smaller than 3 inch bus size not recommended for 550 kV. 3. DOES NOT INCLUDE SHIELDING CAPS. For EHV applications, shielding caps are required. Order separately (Type STS) shown on page 32 or ADD SUFFIX “STS” to Catalog Number (example: SWAC22A44NSTS), includes two shielding caps. 4. Pad surface finished on both sides of tongue. 5. For six hole NEMA pad contact factory. 2 3 2 3 2 2 3 3 DIMENSIONS IN / [mm] B L T 1.25 [32] 1.25 [32] 1.25 [32] 1.50 [38] 1.50 [38] 1.50 [38] 1.75 [44] 1.75 [44] 1.75 [44] 1.75 [44] 1.75 [44] 2.00 [51] 2.00 [51] 2.00 [51] 2.00 [51] 2.00 [51] 2.50 [64] 5.80 [147] 5.80 [147] 6.86 [174] 6.23 [158] 6.23 [158] 7.29 [185] 6.30 [160] 6.30 [160] 7.36 [187] 6.30 [160] 7.36 [187] 6.40 [163] 7.40 [188] 6.23 [158] 6.68 [170] 7.72 [196] 7.75 [197] .50 [13] .50 [13] .50 [13] .56 [14] .56 [14] .56 [14] .62 [16] .62 [16] .62 [16] .62 [16] .62 [16] .75 [14] .75 [19] .56 [19] .75 [19] .75 [19] 1.00 [25] H-11 BURNDY EHV WELDED EXPANSION TERMINAL CONNECTOR SWXA-A-NK Welded type Application: Bus to Four Hole Pad (Expansion Terminal with Corona protection) EHV RATED: SELF-SHIELDING UP TO 345 kV Material: Straps: Rings: Hardware: Ring mounting: Base mounting: Cast 356 Aluminum Alloy Aluminum Cables Aluminum Alloy Cable Aluminum Galvanized Steel H-12 CATALOG NUMBER ACCOMMODATES “A” DIA. ALUM. TUBE SWXA20A-4NK8 3 IPS (3.500 DIA.) SCH 40 SWXA22A-4NK8 4 IPS (5.500 DIA.) SCH 40 SWXA24A-4NK8 5 IPS (5.563 DIA.) SCH 40 SWXA86A-4NK8 6 IPS (6.625 DIA.) SCH 40 SWXA92A-4NK8 4 IPS (4.500 DIA.) SCH 80 SWXA94A-4NK8 5 IPS (5.563 DIA.) SCH 80 SWXA96A-4NK8 6 IPS (6.625 DIA.) SCH 80 NOTES: 1. Table is based on 90/ft. max BUS run. 2. Dimensions in brackets [ ] are in millimeters. 3. Shielding caps not required. 4. One side of pad finished. On Centerline of tubing. For finish pad on both sides add SUFFIX “Q” to catalog number (example: SWXA22A4NK8Q). 5 Accommodates maximum pad thickness of 1.00. H 26.38 [670] 27.00 [686] 28.06 [713] 29.12 [740] 27.00 [686] 28.06 [713] 29.12 [740] HARDWARE LENGTH 1/2–13 2-3/4 LG. INSTALLATION DATA BUS 3 TOTAL TEMP MOVEMENT F° Z –20 –10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 3.50 3.36 3.23 3.09 2.95 2.82 2.68 2.54 2.41 2.27 2.14 2.00 1.86 1.73 1.59 1.45 1.32 1.18 1.04 .91 .77 .64 .50 NOMINAL POSITION BURNDY EHV WELDED EXPANSION TERMINAL CONNECTOR SWXA-A-N Welded type Application: Bus to four or six hole pad (Expansion Terminal with Corona Rings) EHV RATED: SELF-SHIELDING UP TO 550 kV Material: Straps: Rings: Hardware: Ring mounting: Base mounting: A DIA. A DIA. Cast 356 Aluminum Alloy Laminated Aluminum Aluminum Alloy CUSTOMER WELD Aluminum Galvanized Steel CAST ALUM. ALLOY ALUM. MTG. BRACKET M Z LAMINATED ALUM. STRAPS CAST ALUM. ALLOY “K” DIA. (4 HOLES) CORONA RING ALUM. ALLOY ACCOMMODATES “A” DIA. ALUM. TUBE SWXA20A-44N 3 (3.500 DIA.) SCH 40 SWXA22A-44N 4 (4.500 DIA.) SCH 40 SWXA24A-44N 5 (5.563 DIA.) SCH 40 SWXA86A-44N 6 (6.625 DIA.) SCH 40 SWXA92A-44N 4 (4.500 DIA.) SCH 80 SWXA94A-44N 5 (5.563 DIA.) SCH 80 NOTES: 1. Table is based on 60/ft. max BUS run. 2. Dimensions in brackets [ ] are in millimeters. 3. Shielding caps not required. 4. One side of pad finished. On Centerline of tubing. For finish pad on both sides add SUFFIX “Q” to catalog number (example: SWXA22A4NQ). 5. For six hole NEMA pad change the suffix to 66N (example: SWXA22A66N). C D E F K 4.00 [101] 4.00 [101] 4.00 [101] 4.00 [101] 4.00 [101] 4.00 [101] 4.25 [108] 4.25 [108] 4.25 [108] 4.25 [108] 4.25 [108] 4.25 [108] 1.75 [44] 1.75 [44] 1.75 [44] 1.75 [44] 1.75 [44] 1.75 [44] 1.75 [44] 1.75 [44] 1.75 [44] 1.75 [44] 1.75 [44] 1.75 [44] .56 [14] .56 [14] .56 [14] .56 [14] .56 [14] .56 [14] ED 3.62 [92] T FINISHED SURFACE CATALOG NUMBER ALUM. HARDWARE 26.00 DIA. [660] F C N H-13 W M N 7.87 .62 [200] [16] 9.56 .62 [243] [16] 10.77 .62 [274] [16] 11.63 1.12 [295] [28] 9.56 .62 [243] [16] 10.77 1.12 [274] [28] T .75 [19] .86 [22] .81 [21] 1.00 [25] .86 [22] .86 [22] INSTALLATION DATA W TOTAL BUS. REF. MOVEMENT TEMP. OF Z 13.18 [335] 13.87 [352] 14.50 [368] 15.50 [394] 13.87 [352] 14.50 [368] 2.00 [51] –20 –10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 2.50 2.61 2.32 2.21 2.14 2.01 1.95 1.86 1.77 1.68 1.57 1.50 1.41 1.32 1.23 1.14 1.04 .95 .86 .77 .68 .59 .50 BURNDY EHV WELDED RIGID COUPLER WSLB-A Weld type Application: Bus to Bus Coupler EHV RATED: SELF-SHIELDING UP TO 550 kV Material: Cast 356 Aluminum Alloy H-14 SCH. 40 CATALOG NUMBER SCH. 80 WSLB15A WSLB55A WSLB16A WSLB56A WSLB17A WSLB57A WSLB18A WSLB58A WSLB19A WSLB59A WSLB20A WSLB90A WSLB21A WSLB91A WSLB22A WSLB92A WSLB24A WSLB94A WSLB86A WSLB96A NOTES: 1. Dimensions in brackets [ ] are in millimeters. 2. Conductors smaller than 3 inch bus size are not recommended for 550 kV. OD 1.32 [34] 1.66 [42] 1.90 [48] 2.38 [60] 2.88 [73] 3.50 [89] 4.00 [102] 4.50 [114] 5.56 [141] 6.62 [168] CONDUCTOR ALUMINUM TUBING SIZE 1 1-1/4 1-1/2 2 2-1/2 3 3-1/2 4 5 6 BURNDY EHV WELDED RIGID COUPLER WS-A Weld type Application: Bus to Bus Coupler EHV RATED: SELF-SHIELDING UP TO 550 kV Material: Cast 356 Aluminum Alloy L B B F A CATALOG NUMBER CONDUCTOR (IPS) “A” SCHEDULE 40 CONDUCTOR (EHPS) “A” SCHEDULE 80 WS14A 3/4 (1.050 DIA.) — WS15A 1 (DIA.) — WS16A 1-1/4 (1.660 DIA.) — WS17A 1-1/2 (1.900 DIA.) — WS18A 2 (2.375 DIA.) — WS19A 2-1/2 (2.875) — WS20A 3 (3.500 DIA.) — WS21A 3-1/2 (4.000 DIA.) — WS22A 4 (4.500 DIA.) — WS24A 5 (5.563 DIA.) — WS86A 6 (6.625 DIA.) — WS58A — 2 (2.375 DIA.) WS59A — 2-1/2 (2.875) WS90A — 3 (3.500 DIA.) WS91A — 3-1/2 (4.000 DIA.) WS92A — 4 (4.500 DIA.) WS94A — 5 (5.563 DIA.) WS96A — 6 (6.625 DIA.) NOTES: 1. Dimensions in brackets [ ] are in millimeters. 2. Conductor smaller than 3 inch bus size not recommended for 550 kV. B DIMENSIONS INCHES / [mm] F L 2.13 [54.1] 2.13 [54.1] 3.60 [91.4] 4.36 [110.7] 5.88 [149.4] 7.31 [185.7] 8.81 [223.8] 8.75 [222.3] 8.75 [222.3] 8.75 [222.3] 8.75 [222.3] 5.88 [149.4] 7.31 [185.7] 8.81 [223.8] 8.75 [222.3] 8.75 [222.3] 8.75 [222.3] 8.75 [222.3] .23 [5.8] .23 [5.8] .28 [7.1] .29 [7.4] .31 [7.9] .39 [9.9] .44 [11.2] .47 [11.9] .47 [11.9] .50 [12.7] .56 [14.2] .31 [7.9] .39 [9.9] .44 [11.2] .47 [11.9] .47 [11.9] .50 [12.7] .56 [14.2] 4.50 [114.3] 4.50 [114.3] 7.50 [190.5] 9.00 [228.6] 12.00 [304.8] 15.00 [381.0] 18.00 [457.2] 18.00 [457.2] 18.00 [457.2] 18.00 [457.2] 18.00 [457.2] 12.00 [304.8] 15.00 [381.0] 18.00 [457.2] 18.00 [457.2] 18.00 [457.2] 18.00 [457.2] 18.00 457.2] H-15 BURNDY EHV WELDED EXPANSION COUPLER SWXP-A-A Weld type Application: Bus to Bus Expansion EHV RATED: SELF-SHIELDING UP TO 550 kV Material: Hardware: Corona Rings: Straps: Cast 356 Aluminum Alloy Aluminum Alloy Aluminum Alloy Laminated Aluminum Strap INSTALLATION DATA BUS 3 TOTAL TEMP MOVEMENT F° Z H-16 –20 –10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 .50 .64 .77 .91 1.04 1.18 1.32 1.45 1.59 1.73 1.86 2.00 2.14 2.27 2.41 2.54 2.68 2.82 2.95 3.09 3.23 3.36 3.50 NOMINAL POSITION CATALOG NUMBER SCH 40 SCH 80 SWXP20A20A SWXP90A90A SWXP22A22A SWXP92A92A SWXP24A24A SWXP94A94A SWXP86A86A SWXP96A96A NOTES: ➀ Maximum movement per end equals one-half of total movement specified in table. Table is based on 90 ft. bus run (total) or 45 ft. per end. 2. Dimensions in brackets [ ] are in millimeters. 3. Conductors smaller than 3 inch not recommended for 550 kV. “A” DIA. ALUM. TUBE F H W TOTAL ➀ MOVEMENT 3 (3.50 DIA.) [89] 4 (4.50 DIA.) [114] 5 (5.56 DIA.) [141] 6 (6.63 DIA.) [168] 5.25 [133] 6.38 [162] 7.88 [200] 8.88 [226] 22.00 [559] 22.00 [559] 26.00 [660] 26.00 [660] 17.05 [433] 18.89 [480] 19.25 [489] 20.31 [516] 3.00 [76] 4.00 [102] 4.00 [102] 4.00 [102] BURNDY EHV WELDED T-CONNECTOR SWAB-A-N Weld type Application: Bus to Pad EHV RATED: UP TO 550 kV when used with Shielding Caps Material: Cast 356 Aluminum Alloy CATALOG NUMBER COMPLETE RANGE ALUMINUM TUBE FIGURE NUMBER B DIMENSIONS – INCHES / [mm] ALUMINUM IPS PIPE T W NOMINAL A 1 SWAB19A-2N 1 1 3.00 [76] .38 [10] 1-1/4 1.32 [34] To 2-1/2 SWAB19A-34N SWAB22A-2N 2 2-1/2 1 To SWAB22A-34N 4 SWAB22A-44N 2 3 4.00 [102] 2 .50 [13] 2-1/2 2-1/2 3.00 [76] 4.00 [102] 4.50 [114] 1-1/2 .75 [19] 2.40 [61] 3 3-1/2 4 3 SWAB86A-2N 3 1 3-1/2 3.00 [76] 1.00 [25] To 6 SWAB86A-34N 2 SWAB86A-44N 3 NOTES: 1. Dimensions in brackets [ ] are in millimeters. 2. Conductor smaller than 3 inch bus size not recommended for 550 kV. 3. DOES NOT INCLUDE SHIELDING CAPS. For EHV applications, shielding caps are required. Order separately 4.00 [102] 4.50 [114] (Type STS) shown on page 32 or ADD SUFFIX “STS” to Catalog Number (example: SWAB22A44NSTS), includes two shielding caps. 4. Pad surface finished on both sides of tongue. 5. For six hole NEMA pad contact factory. 2.62 [67] 4 4-1/2 5 6 1.32 [34] 1.66 [42] 1.90 [48] 2.38 [60] 2.88 [73] 2.88 [73] 3.50 [89] 4.00 [102] 4.50 [114] 3.50 [89] 4.00 [102] 4.50 [114] 5.00 [127] 5.56 [141] 6.62 [168] Y 4.45 [113] 4.67 [119] 4.80 [122] 5.08 [129] 5.32 [135] 5.25 [133] 5.62 [143] 5.92 [150] 6.21 [158] 5.58 [142] 6.08 [154] 6.36 [162] 6.36 [162] 6.67 [169] 7.24 [184] H-17 BURNDY EHV WELDED T-CONNECTOR SWT-A-A Weld type Application: Bus to Bus T-Connector EHV RATED: SELF-SHIELDING UP TO 550 kV Material: Cast 356 Aluminum Alloy CATALOG NUMBER RUN ‘A’ ALUMINUM TUBE TAP ‘AA’ ALUMINUM TUBE TUBE AA SWT17A17A 1-1/2 1/2 SWT19A19A 2-1/2 2-1/2 1.90 [48] 2.88 [27] RUN DATA NOM. TUBE 1-1/2 2-1/2 2 SWT21A14A 3/4 1.05 [28] 2-1/2 3 3-1/2 H-18 2 SWT21A15A 2 To 3-1/2 1 1.32 [34] 2-1/2 3 3-1/2 2 SWT21A16A 1-1/4 1.66 [42] 2-1/2 3 3-1/2 DIMENSIONS Inches/[mm] BB W WW Y A B 1.90 [48] 2.88 [73] 2.38 [60.4] 2.88 [73] 3.50 [89] 4.00 [102] 2.38 [60.4] 288 [73] 3.50 [89] 4.00 [102] 2.38 [60.4] 2.88 [73] 3.50 [89] 4.00 [102] 3.19 [81] 4.00 [54] 1.00 [25] 1.38 [35] 2.64 [67] 3.78 [96] 2.52 [64] 3.78 [96] 2.12 [54] .75 [19] 1.75 [44] 1.64 [42] 2.38 [60.4] .75 [19] 2.28 [60] 1.88 [48] 2.69 [68] 1.00 [25] 2.36 [60] 2.26 [57] 2.16 [55] 3.02 [37] 2.13 [54] 2.47 [42] 2.84 [72] 3.12 [51] 2.12 [54] 2.50 [64] 2.87 [73] 3.16 [80] 2.38 [60] 2.76 [70] 3.14 [80] 3.42 [87] (Table continued on next page) NOTES: 1. Dimensions in brackets [ ] are in millimeters. 2. Conductor smaller than 3 inch bus size not recommended for 550 kV. BURNDY EHV WELDED T-CONNECTOR (Continued) SWT-A-A CATALOG NUMBER RUN ‘A’ ALUMINUM TUBE TAP ‘AA’ ALUMINUM TUBE TUBE AA RUN DATA NOM. TUBE 2 SWT21A17A 2 To 3-1/2 1-1/2 1.90 [48] 2-1/2 3 3-1/2 2 SWT21A18A 2 To 3-1/2 2 2.38 [60.4] 2-1/2 3 3-1/2 2-1/2 SWT21A19A 2-1/2 To 3-1/2” 2-1/2 2.88 [73] 3 3-1/2 SWT21A20A 2 To 3-1/2 3 SWT22A18A 2 SWT22A19A 2-1/2 SWT22A20A 4 3 SWT22A21A 3-1/2 SWT22A22A 4 SWT24A20A 3 SWT24A21A 3-1/2 5 SWT24A22A 4 SWT24A24A 5 SWT86A20A 3 SWT86A21A 3-1/2 SWT86A22A 6 4 SWT86A24A 5 SWT86A86A 6 NOTES: 1. Dimensions in brackets [ ] are in millimeters. 3.50 [90] 2.38 [60.4] 2.88 [73] 3.50 [102] 4.00 [102] 4.50 [114] 3.50 [48] 4.00 [102] 4.50 [114] 5.56 [141] 3.50 [90] 4.00 [102] 4.50 [114] 5.56 [141] 6.62 [168] 3 3-1/2 A 2.38 [60.4] 2.88 [73] 3.50 [89] 4.00 [102] 2.38 [60.4] 2.88 [73] 3.50 [90] 4.00 [102] 2.88 [73] 3.50 [90] 4.00 [102] 3.50 [102] 4.00 [102] 4 4.50 [114] 5 5.56 [141] 6 6.62 [168] 2. Conductor smaller than 3 inch bus size not recommended for 550 kV. B DIMENSIONS Inches/[mm] BB W WW Y 3.19 [81] 1.00 [25] 2.62 [67] 2.52 [64] 4.00 [102] 1.00 [25] 3.33 [84] 3.00 [76] 4.00 [102] 1.38 [35] 3.78 [96] 3.68 [93] 4.56 [116] 4.56 [116] 4.00 [102] 4.00 [102] 4.56 [116] 5.50 [140] 6.00 [152] 4.72 [120] 5.50 [140] 6.00 [152] 7.38 [187] 4.56 [116] 5.50 [140] 6.00 [152] 7.38 [187] 8.00 [203] 1.38 [35] 1.38 [35] 1.00 [13] 1.38 [35] 1.38 [35] 4.38 [25] 1.38 [35] 1.38 [35] 1.38 [35] 1.38 [35] 1.62 [41] 1.88 [48] 1.38 [35] 1.38 [35] 1.62 [41] 1.62 [41] 4.52 [115] 4.52 [115] 3.50 [102] 4.80 [122] 4.50 [114] 5.00 [127] 5.60 [142] 4.30 [109] 5.00 [127] 5.60 [142] 6.84 [174] 5.00 [127] 5.50 [140] 6.66 [169] 6.84 [174] 8.00 [203] 4.34 [110] 4.34 [110] 3.00 [76] 3.70 [94] 4.38 [64] 4.88 [124] 5.46 [139] 4.40 [112] 4.86 [123] 5.46 [139] 6.64 [169] 4.40 [112] 4.40 [112] 5.50 [140] 6.66 [169] 7.82 [199] 2.35 [60] 2.75 [70] 3.14 [80] 3.43 [87] 2.40 [61] 2.71 [69] 3.07 [78] 3.34 [85] 3.02 [77] 3.40 [86] 3.70 [94] 3.33 [87] 3.70 [55] 3.45 [87] 3.83 [97] 3.83 [97] 3.87 [98] 3.89 [99] 4.33 [110] 4.41 [112] 4.41 [112] 4.66 [118] 4.89 [124] 4.94 [125] 4.75 [121] 5.17 [131] 5.00 [127] H-19 BURNDY EHV WELDED T-CONNECTOR SWT-A-A-75 Weld type Application: Bus “A” Frame Connector (75°) EHV RATED: SELF-SHIELDING UP TO 550 kV Material: Cast 356 Aluminum Alloy CATALOG NUMBER RUN NOMINAL SWT18A16A-75 2 SWT18A17A-75 ALUMINUM TUBE TAP A NOMINAL 2.38 [60.4] SWT19A16A-75 SWT19A17A-75 1-1/2 1-1/4 2-1/2 2.88 [73] 1-1/2 SWT19A18A-75 2 SWT20A17A-75 1-1/2 SWT20A18A-75 H-20 1-1/4 3 3.50 [89] 2 SWT20A19A-75 2-1/2 SWT21A16A-75 1-1/4 SWT21A17A-75 3-1/2 SWT21A18A-75 4.00 [102] 1-1/2 2 SWT21A19A-75 2-1/2 SWT22A18A-75 2 SWT22A19A-75 4 4.50 [114] 2-1/2 SWT22A20A-75 3 SWT24A18A-75 2 SWT24A19A-75 5 5.56 [141] 2-1/2 SWT24A20A-75 3 SWT86A20A-75 3 SWT86A21A-75 6 6.62 [168] SWT86A22A-75 NOTES: 1. Dimensions in brackets [ ] are in millimeters. 2. Conductor smaller than 3 inch bus size not recommended for 550 kV. 3-1/2 4 AA 1.66 [42] 1.90 [48] 1.66 [42] 1.90 [48] 2.38 [60] 1.90 [48] 2.38 [60] 2.88 [73] 1.66 [42] 1.90 [48] 2.38 [42] 2.88 [73] 2.38 [60] 2.88 [73] 3.50 [89] 2.38 [60] 2.88 [73] 3.50 [89] 3.50 [89] 4.00 [102] 4.50 [114] DIMENSIONS IN / [mm] B BB W Y 2.69 [68] 3.19 [81] 2.69 [68] 3.19 [81] 4.00 [102] 3.19 [81] 4.00 [102] 4.00 [102] 2.69 [68] 3.19 [68] 4.00 [68] 4.00 [68] 4.12 [105] 4.00 [102] 4.56 [116] 4.00 [102] 4.00 [102] 4.56 [116] 4.56 [116] 5.50 [140] 6.00 [152] 1.00 [25] 1.00 [25] 1.00 [25] 1.00 [25] 1.00 [25] 1.00 [25] 1.00 [25] 1.38 [35] 1.00 [25] 1.00 [25] 1.00 [25] 1.38 [35] 1.00 [25] 1.38 [35] 1.38 [35] 1.00 [25] 1.38 [35] 1.38 [35] 1.38 [35] 1.38 [35] 1.38 [35] 2.36 2.57 [60] [65] 2.60 2.60 [66] [66] 2.72 2.83 [69] [72] 2.60 2.87 [66] [73] 3.10 2.92 [79] [74] 2.48 3.17 [63] [81] 3.10 3.23 [79] [82] 3.80 3.65 [97] [93] 2.80 3.37 [71] [86] 3.00 3.41 [76] [87] 3.50 3.47 [89] [88] 3.78 3.89 [96] [99] 3.75 3.71 [95] [94] 4.20 4.16 [107] [106] 4.50 4.24 [114] [108] 3.60 4.26 [91] [108] 4.90 4.76 [124] [121] 4.98 4.77 [126] [121.2] 5.08 5.31 [129] [135] 5.47 5.43 [139] [138] 6.06 5.47 [154] [139] BURNDY EHV WELDED V-CONNECTOR SWAT-A-A-30 Weld type Application: Bus “A” Frame Connector (30°) EHV RATED: SELF-SHIELDING UP TO 550 kV Material: Cast 356 Aluminum Alloy CATALOG NUMBER ALUMINUM I.P.S. RUN “A” TAP “A-A” SWAT18A16A-30 SWAT18A17A-30 1-1/4 (1.660 DIA.) 2 (2.375 DIA.) 1-1/2 (1.900 DIA.) SWAT18A18A-30 2 (2.375 DIA.) SWAT19A16A-30 1-1/4 (2.375 DIA.) SWAT19A17A-30 2-1/2 (2.875 DIA.) 1-1/2 (1.900 DIA.) SWAT19A18A-30 2 (2.375 DIA.) SWAT20A17A-30 1-1/2 (1.900 DIA.) SWAT20A18A-30 3 (3.500 DIA.) 2 (2.375 DIA.) SWAT2019A-30 2-1/2 (2.875 DIA.) SWAT21A16A-30 1-1/4 (2.375 DIA.) SWAT21A17A-30 1-1/2 (1.900 DIA.) SWAT21A18A-30 3-1/2 (4.000 DIA.) 2 (2.375 DIA.) SWAT21A19A-30 2-1/2 (2.0875 DIA.) SWAT21A20A-30 3 (3.500 DIA.) SWT22A18A-30 2 (2.375 DIA.) SWT22A19A-30 4 (4.500 DIA.) 2-1/2 (2.875 DIA.) SWAT22A20A-30 3 (3.500 DIA.) SWAT24A18A-30 2 (2.375 DIA.) SWAT24A19A-30 5 (5.563 DIA.) 2-1/2 (2.875 DIA.) SWAT24A20A-30 3 (3.500 DIA.) SWAT86A20A-30 3 (3.500 DIA.) SWAT86A21A-30 6 (6.625 DIA.) SWAT86A22A-30 NOTES: 1. Dimensions in brackets [ ] are in millimeters 3-1/2 (4.000 DIA.) 4 (4.500 DIA.) B B-B W Y Z 3.25 [83] 3.50 [89] 4.00 [102] 3.25 [83] 3.50 [89] 4.00 [102] 3.50 [89] 4.00 [102] 4.38 [111] 3.25 [83] 3.50 [89] 4.00 [102] 4.38 [111] 5.00 [127] 4.00 [102] 4.38 [111] 5.12 [130] 4.00 [102] 4.38 [111] 2.12 [130] 5.12 [130] 5.88 [149] 6.25 [159] 1.00 [25] 1.00 [25] 1.00 [25] 1.00 [25] 1.00 [25] 1.00 [25] 1.00 [25] 1.00 [25] 1.38 [35] 1.00 [25] 1.00 [25] 1.00 [25] 1.38 [35] 1.38 [35] 1.00 [25] 1.38 [35] 1.38 [1.38] 1.00 [25] 1.38 [35] 1.38 [35] 1.38 [35] 1.38 [35] 1.38 [35] 4.81 [122] 5.25 [133] 6.38 [160] 4.82 [122] 5.25 [132] 6.19 [157] 5.12 [130] 6.25 [159] 7.19 [183] 5.06 [129] 5.25 [132] 6.31 [160] 7.38 [187] 8.38 [213] 6.50 [165] 7.41 [188] 8.62 [219] 6.50 [165] 7.38 [187] 8.62 [219] 8.69 [221] 9.69 [246] 10.62 [270] 3.19 [81] 3.00 [76] 3.12 [71] 3.31 [84] 3.28 [83] 3.19 [81] 3.44 [87] 3.50 [89] 3.88 [99] 3.34 [85] 3.44 [87] 3.16 [80] 4.00 [102] 4.12 [105] 3.81 [97] 4.09 [104] 4.28 [109] 3.81 [97] 4.47 [114] 4.62 [117] 4.81 [122] 5.19 [132] 5.00 [127] 1.76 [45] 2.34 [59] 3.46 [88] 1.74 [44] 2.00 [51] 3.04 [77] 1.87 [47] 2.71 [69] 3.41 [87] 2.07 [53] 1.97 [50] 2.68 [68] 3.09 [78] 4.21 [107] 2.82 [72] 3.13 [80] 4.05 [103] 3.06 [78] 2.87 [73] 3.76 [96] 3.57 [91] 4.11 [104] 5.15 [131] 2. Conductor smaller than 3 inch bus size not recommended for 550 kV. H-21 BURNDY EHV WELDED RIGID BUS SUPPORT SWOH-A Weld type Application: Fixed Bus Support to Insulator EHV RATED: SELF-SHIELDING UP TO 550 kV— When used on Corona free Post Insulators Material: Cast 356 Aluminum Alloy H-22 CATALOG NUMBER SWOH18A-3 SWOH18A-5 SWOH19A-3 SWOH19A-5 SWOH20A-3 SWOH20A-5 SWOH21A-3 SWOH21A-5 SWOH22A-3 SWOH22A-5 SWOH24A-5 SWOH86A-5 “A” DIA. ALUM. TUBE 2 (2.375 DIA.) [60] 2-1/2 (2.875 DIA.) [73] 3 (3.500 DIA.) [89] 3-1/2 (4.000 DIA.) [102] 4 (4.500 DIA.) [114] 5 (5.563 DIA.) [141] 6 (6.625 DIA.) [168] NOTES: 1. Dimensions in brackets [ ] are in millimeters. 2. “G” dimension conforms to NEMA standards. ➂ Cap mounting (galvanized steel) hardware supplied as standard. For Base Mounting hardware add SUFFIX “B” to catalog number (example: SWOH22A-5B). BOLT CIRCLE DIA. 3.00 [76] 5.00 [127] 3.00 [76] 5.00 [127] 3.00 [76] 5.00 [127] 3.00 [76] 5.00 [127] 3.00 [76] 5.00 [127] 5.00 [127] 5.00 [127] 4. Conductors smaller than 3 inch bus size not recommended for 550 kV. G 2.75 [70] 3.12 [79] 3.00 [76] 4.00 [102] 4.50 [114] 5.00 [127] 5.50 [140] K L W .56 [14] .69 [18] .56 [14] .69 [18] .56 [14] .69 [18] .56 [14] .69 [18] .56 [14] .69 [18] .69 [18] .69 [18] 5.60 [142] 7.48 [190] 6.06 [154] 7.62 [194] 5.78 [147] 7.20 [183] 5.80 [147] 7.58 [193] 5.82 [148] 7.68 [195] 7.68 [195] 7.68 [195] 4.96 [126] 6.76 [172] 5.19 [132] 6.80 [173] 4.96 [126] 6.29 [160] 4.96 [126] 6.76 [172] 4.96 [126] 6.57 [167] 6.57 [167] 6.57 [167] BURNDY EHV WELDED SLIDE SUPPORT SWSUH-A Weld type Application: Slide or Fixed Bus Support to Insulator EHV RATED: SELF-SHIELDING UP TO 550 kV— When used on Corona free Post Insulators Material: Cast 356 Aluminum Alloy H-23 CATALOG NUMBER SWSUH18A-3 SWSUH18A-5 SWSUH19A-3 SWSUH19A-5 SWSUH20A-3 SWSUH20A-5 SWSUH21A-3 SWSUH21A-5 SWSUH22A-3 SWSUH22A-5 SWSUH24A-5 SWSUH86A-5 “A” DIA. ALUM. TUBE 2 (2.375 DIA.) [60] 2-1/2 (2.875 DIA.) [73] 3 (3.500 DIA.) [89] 3-1/2 (4.000 DIA.) [102] 4 (4.500 DIA.) [114] 5 (5.563 DIA.) [141] 6 (6.625 DIA.) [168] NOTES: 1. Dimensions in brackets [ ] are in millimeters. 2. “G” dimension conforms to NEMA standards. ➂ Cap mounting (galvanized steel) hardware supplied as standard. For Base Mounting hardware add SUFFIX “B” to catalog number (example: SWSUH22A-5B). BOLT CIRCLE DIA. 3.00 [76] 5.00 [127] 3.00 [76] 5.00 [127] 3.00 [76] 5.00 [127] 3.00 [76] 5.00 [127] 3.00 [76] 5.00 [127] 5.00 [127] 5.00 [127] G 2.75 [70] 3.12 [79] 3.62 [92] 4.00 [102] 4.50 [114] 5.00 [127] 5.50 [140] 4. Conductors smaller than 3 inch bus size not recommended for 550 kV. ➄ Four aluminum alloy bushings are supplied for slip fit installations. K L Q W .81 [20] .88 [22] .81 [20] .88 [22] .81 [20] .88 [22] .81 [20] .88 [22] .81 [20] .88 [22] .88 [22] .88 [22] 8.75 [222] 10.62 [270] 8.75 [222] 10.62 [270] 8.75 [222] 10.62 [270] 8.75 [222] 10.62 [270] 8.75 [222] 10.62 [270] 10.62 [270] 10.62 [270] 5.94 [151] 7.11 [181] 5.94 [151] 7.42 [188] 5.94 [151] 7.42 [188] 5.94 [151] 7.42 [188] 5.94 [151] 7.42 [188] 7.42 [188] 7.42 [188] 5.00 [127] 6.75 [171] 5.00 [127] 6.75 [171] 5.00 [127] 6.75 [171] 5.00 [127] 6.75 [171] 5.00 [127] 6.75 [171] 6.75 [171] 6.75 [171] BURNDY EHV WELDED RIGID OR SLIP FIT BUS SUPPORT SWHRH-A Welded type Application: Fixed or Slip Fit Bus Support to Insulator. EHV RATED: SELF-SHIELDING UP TO 550 kV— When used on corona free Post Insulators. Material: Cast 356 Aluminum Alloy H-24 ALUMINUM CONDUCTOR IPS/EHPS “A” DIA. CATALOG NUMBER 3 BOLT CIRCLE CATALOG NUMBER 5 BOLT CIRCLE SWHRH18A-3CH SWHRH18A-5CH 2 SWHRH19A-3CH SWHRH19A-5CH 2-1/2 SWHRH20A-3CH SWHRH20A-5CH 3 SWHRH21A-3CH SWHRH21A-5CH 3-1/2 SWHRH22A-3CH SWHRH22A-5CH 4 SWHRH24A-3CH SWHRH24A-5CH 5 SWHRH86A-3CH SWHRH86A-5CH 6 NOTES: 1. Dimensions in brackets [ ] are in millimeters. 2. G dimension conforms to NEMA standards. 3. Cap mounting (galvanized steel) hardware supplied as standard. For Base mounting hardware add SUFFIX “B’” to catalog number (example: SWHRH22A-5B). 4. Conductors smaller than 3 inch bus size not recommended for 550 kV. 2.38 [60] 2.88 [73] 3.50 [89] 4.00 [102] 4.50 [114] 5.56 [141] 6.63 [168] G H 2.75 [70] 3.12 [79] 3.62 [92] 4.00 [102] 4.50 [114] 5.00 [127] 5.50 [140] 4.58 [116] 5.21 [132] 6.15 [156] 6.77 [172] 7.52 [191] 8.68 [220] 9.71 [247] 3 BOLT CIRCLE K L W .56 .75 [14 19] 7.76 [197] 6.26 [159] 8.61 [219] 5 BOLT CIRCLE K L W .69 .88 [18 22] 9.37 [238] 8.61 [219] BURNDY EHV WELDED VERTICAL BUS SUPPORT SWVH-A Weld type Application: Bus to insulator (Vertical Position) EHV RATED: SELF-SHIELDING UP TO 550 kV Material: Cast 356 Aluminum Alloy Hardware: Galvanized Steel Factory Weld M B K Customer Weld 45 N R Factory Weld Bolt Circle Dia. -A- H-25 A CATALOG NO. SWVH19A-5 SWVH19A-7 SWVH20A-5 SWVH20A-7 SWVH22A-5 SWVH22A-7 SWVH24A-5 SWVH24A-7 SWVH86A-5 SWVH86A-7 ACCOMMODATES 2-1/2 IPS (2.88 DIA.) [73] ALUM. TUBE 3 IPS (3.50 DIA.) [89] ALUM. TUBE 4 IPS (4.50 DIA.) [114] ALUM. TUBE 5 IPS (5.56 DIA.) [141] ALUM. TUBE 6 IPS (6.63 DIA.) [168] ALUM. TUBE NOTES: 1.Dimensions in brackets [ ] are in millimeters. 2.Cap mounting hardware supplied. For base mounted hardware add SUFFIX “B” to catalog number (example: SWVH22A5B). 3.Conductors smaller than 3 inch not recommended for 550 kV. BOLT CIRCLE DIA. 5 7 5 7 5 7 5 7 5 7 “A” DIA. 8.19 [208] 10.25 [260] 8.19 [208] 10.25 [260] 8.19 [208] 10.25 [260] 8.19 [208] 10.25 [260] 8.19 [208] 10.25 [260] “B” DIA. 4.16 [106] 4.79 [122] 5.79 [147] 6.87 [175] 7.93 [201] “K” & “M” SLOT N R .69 1.12 [18] [28] .81 1.44 [21] [37] .69 1.12 [18] [28] .81 1.44 [21] [37] .69 1.12 [18] [28] .81 1.44 [21] [37] .69 1.12 [18] [28] .81 1.44 [21] [37] .69 1.12 [18] [28] .81 1.44 [21] [37] 1.38 [35] 5.38 [137] BURNDY EHV WELDED EXPANSION BUS SUPPORT COUPLER SWXHP-A Weld type Application: Bus to Bus Expansion Coupler to Insulator EHV RATED: SELF-SHIELDING up to 550 kV Material: Cast 356 Aluminum Alloy Corona Rings: Aluminum Alloy Straps: Laminated Aluminum Strap H-26 SCH 40 CATALOG NUMBER SCH 80 SWXHP19A-5 SWXHP59A-5 SWXHP20A-5 SWXHP90A-5 SWXHP21A-5 SWXHP91A-5 SWXHP22A-5 SWXHP92A-5 SWXHP24A-5 SWXHP94A-5 SWXHP86A-5 SWXHP96A-5 “A” DIA. ALUM. TUBE BOLT CIRCLE DIA. G* K H TOTAL ➀ MOVEMENT 2-1/2 (2.88 DIA.) [73] 3 (3.50 DIA.) [89] 3-1/2 (4.00 DIA.) [102] 4 (4.50 DIA.) [114] 5 (5.56 DIA.) [141] 6 (6.63 DIA.) [168] 5.00 [127] 5.00 [127] 5.00 [127] 5.00 [127] 5.00 [127] 5.00 [127] 3.12 [79] 3.62 [92] 4.00 [102] 4.50 [114] 5.25 [133] 5.50 [140] .69 [18] .69 [18] .69 [18] .69 [18] .69 [18] .69 [18] 12.77 [324] 13.62 [346] 14.25 [362] 14.90 [378] 16.31 [414] 17.34 [440] 3.00 [76] 3.00 [76] 3.00 [76] 4.00 [102] 4.00 [102] 4.00 [102] NOTES: *Conforms to NEMA standards. ➀ Maximum movement per end equals one-half of total movement specified in table. 2. Dimensions in brackets [ ] are in millimeters. 3. Cap mounting hardware supplied (Galvanized Steel). For base mounted hardware add SUFFIX “B” to catalog number (example: SWXHP20A5B). 4. Conductors smaller than 3 inch not recommended for 550 kV. 5. Bus support couplers are supplied without bus end plugs. If end plugs are required, add SUFFIX “EP” to catalog number (example: SWXHP20A5EP). ➅ Table is based on 80 ft. max. bus run (total) or 40 ft. per end. ➆ Table is based on 110 ft. max. bus run (total) or 55 ft. per end. INSTALLATION DATA BUS 3 TOTAL 4 TOTAL TEMP MOVEMENT MOVEMENT F° Z➅ Z➆ –20 –10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 .75 .82 .89 .95 1.02 1.09 1.16 1.23 1.30 1.36 1.43 1.50 1.57 1.64 1.70 1.77 1.84 1.91 1.98 2.05 2.11 2.18 2.25 .75 .84 .83 1.02 1.11 1.20 1.29 1.39 1.48 1.57 1.66 1.75 1.84 1.93 2.02 2.11 2.20 2.29 2.39 2.48 2.57 2.66 2.75 NOMINAL POSITION BURNDY EHV WELDED 90° ELBOW SWL-A Weld type Application: Bus to Bus Elbow, 90° EHV RATED: SELF-SHIELDING UP TO 550 kV Material: Cast 356 Aluminum Alloy CATALOG NUMBER SCH. 40 SCH. 80 CONDUCTOR ALUMINUM TUBING SIZE SWL18A SWL58A 2 SWL19A SWL59A 2-1/2 SWL20A SWL90A 3 SWL21A SWL91A 3-1/2 SWL22A SWL92A 4 SWL24A SWL93A 5 SWL86A SWL96A 6 NOTES: 1. Dimensions in brackets [ ] are in millimeters. 2. Conductor smaller than 3 inch bus size not recommended for 550 kV 3. For 45° angle ADD SUFFIX "45" to catalog number (example: SWL22A-45). A DIA. 2.38 [60.4] 2.88 [73] 3.50 [89] 4.00 [102] 4.50 [114] 5.56 [141] 6.63 [168] DIMENSIONS IN / [mm] B 1.00 [25] 1.38 [35] 1.62 [41] L 3.50 [89] 3.88 [99] 4.68 [119] 5.12 [130] 5.63 [143] 6.16 [156] 6.16 [156] H-27 BURNDY EHV WELDED END PLUG WLB-A Weld type Application: Bus to End Cap, used with shielded bus support/expansion couplers EHV RATED: UP TO 550 kV when used with shielded bus and expansion connectors Material: Cast 356 Aluminum Alloy H-28 CATALOG NUMBER SCH. 40 SCH. 80 WLB15A WLB55A WLB16A WLB56A WLB17A WLB57A WLB18A WLB58A WLB19A WLB59A WLB20A WLB90A WLB21A WLB91A WLB22A WLB92A WLB24A WLB94A WLB86A WLB96A OD 1.32 [34] 1.66 [42] 1.90 [48] 2.38 [60] 2.88 [73] 3.50 [89] 4.00 [102] 4.50 [114] 5.56 [141] 6.62 [168] CONDUCTOR ALUMINUM TUBING SIZE 1 1-1/4 1-1/2 2 2-1/2 3 3-1/2 4 5 6 NOTES: 1. Dimensions in brackets [ ] are in millimeters. 2. Conductor smaller than 3 inch bus size not recommended for 550 kV. WELDED CORONA BELL SCB-A Weld type Application: Bus to Corona Bell EHV RATED: SELF-SHIELDING UP TO 550 kV Material: Aluminum Alloy CATALOG NUMBER ACCOMMODATES ‘A’ DIA. ALUMINUM TUBE SCB19A SCB20A SCB21A SCB22A SCB24A SCB86A NOTES: 1. For bolted design contact factory. 2. Dimensions in brackets [ ] are in millimeters. 3. Conductor smaller than 3 inch bus size not recommended for 550 kV. 2-1/2 (2.875 DIA.) 3 (3.500 DIA.) 3-1/2 (4.000 DIA.) 4 (4.500 DIA.) 5 (5.563 DIA.) 6 (6.625 DIA.) BURNDY EHV WELDED GROUND STUD SWCB-A Weld type Application: Bus to corona sphere EHV RATED: SELF-SHIELDING UP TO 550 kV Material: Cast 356 Aluminum Alloy Corona Sphere: Aluminum Alloy H-29 CATALOG NUMBER SWCB19A SWCB20A SWCB22A SWCB24A SWCB86A ‘A’ DIA. ALUMINUM TUBE 2-1/2 I.P.S. (2.875 DIA.) [73] 3 I.P.S. (3.500 DIA.) [89] 4 I.P.S. (4.500 DIA.) [114] 5 I.P.S. (5.563 DIA.) [141] 6 I.P.S. (6.625 DIA.) [168] NOTES: 1. Dimensions in brackets [ ] are in millimeters. 2. Conductor smaller than 3 inch bus size not recommended for 550 kV. ‘C’ DIA. B 1.50 [38] 3.00 [76] 9.00 [229] 4.00 [102] BURNDY EHV TERMINAL PAD CAP (Two Piece) STS-A-N Bolted type Application: Pad shielding EHV RATED: SELF-SHIELDING UP TO 550 kV Material: Cast 356 Aluminum Alloy Hardware: 1/4–20 3-3/4 LG Stainless Steel Hex Hd. Bolt and Split Lockwasher CATALOG NUMBER ➀ STS33A-4N STS43A-4N STS44A-4N H-30 ➁ E F H L W MAX. SHIELDED AREA 1.75 [44] 1.75 [44] 1.75 [44] 1.75 [44] 1.75 [44] 1.75 [44] 1.25 [32] 1.31 [33] 1.25 [32] 3.48 [88] 3.36 [85] 4.50 [114] 3.62 [92] 4.50 [114] 4.62 [117] 33 [76] [76] 4.00 3.12 [102 79] 44 [102 102] ➀ Catalog number includes one pad cap, one adapter plate, ➁ Used with YNA451R-T and YNA451R-T15 through and stainless steel adaptor hardware. YNA594R-T and YNA594R-T15 compresseion terminals. TERMINAL PAD CAP (One Piece) STS-A-NCG Bolted type Application: Pad shielding EHV RATED: SELF-SHIELDING UP TO 550 kV L (4) 1/2 Dia. Bolts, Nuts and Split Lockwasher Supplied by Customer Material: Cast 356 Aluminum Alloy 1.44 [37] STS44A-4NCG2 STS46A-6NCG1 E F H 1.75 [44] 1.75 [44] 1.75 [44] 1.75 [44] 1.25 [32] 1.25 [32] NOTES: 1. Dimensions in brackets [ ] are in millimeters. H F W CATALOG NUMBER .38 TYP [10] Terminal Pad E J DIA. 1/2–13 1/2–13 L W 4.50 [114] 4.50 [114] 4.50 [114] 6.50 [165] 2. Catalog number is for one shielding cap only. If more than one is required, specifiy total quantity. Customer Pad MAX. SHIELDED AREA 44 64 BURNDY EHV BOLTED BUNDLED CABLE SPACER S2GBP-A (Spacer) S2GBPA-A (Terminal Tap) SH2GBP-A (Bus Support) Bolted type Applications: Cable to Cable spacer (Two Cables), Cable spacer with four hole pad, and Cable spacer to insulator. Fig. 1 Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 2 EHV RATED: SELF-SHIELDING UP TO 550 kV Material: Cast 356 Aluminum Alloy Hardware: Aluminum Alloy H-31 Fig. 3 Fig. 3 FIG. 1 CATALOG NUMBER FIG. 2 FIG. 3 S2GBP41A S2GBPA41A SH2GBP41A5 S2GBP41A12 S2GBPA41A12 SH2GBP41A512 S2GBP44A S2GBPA44A SH2GBP44A5 S2GBP44A12 S2GBPA44A12 SH2GBP44A512 S2GBP445A S2GBPA445A SH2GBP445A5 S2GBP445A12 S2GBPA445A12 SH2GBP445A512 S2GBP45A S2GBPA45A SH2GBP45A5 S2GBP45A12 S2GBPA45A12 SH2GBP45A512 CABLE RANGE A.A.C. CABLE DIA. MIN. MAX. A.C.S.R. 795 kcmil 37 STR. (1.026 DIA.) 874.5 kcmil 61 STR. (1.077 DIA.) 715 kcmil 24/7 STR. (1.036 DIA.) 715.5 kcmil 26/7 STR. (1.051 DIA.) 1.026 [26] 1.092 [28] 954 kcmil 61 STR. (1.126 DIA.) 795 kcmil 24/7 STR. (1.092 DIA.) 795 kcmil 54/7 STR. (1.093 DIA.) 1.092 [28] 1.165 [30] 1033.5 kcmil 37 STR. (1.170 DIA.) 1113 kcmil 61 STR. (1.216 DIA.) 954 kcmil 45/7 STR. (1.165 DIA.) 1033.5 kcmil 45/7 STR. (1.213 DIA.) 1.165 [30] 1.246 [32] 1192 kcmil 61 STR. (1.258 DIA.) 1272 kcmil 61 STR. (1.300 DIA.) 1033.5 kcmil 54/7 STR. (1.246 DIA.) 1192.5 kcmil 54/19 STR. (1.333 DIA.) 1.246 [32] 1.382 [35] “L” 18.00 [457] 12.00 [305] 18.00 [457] 12.00 [305] 18.00 [457] 12.00 [305] 18.00 [457] 12.00 [305] “J” DIA. 5/8–11 X 1-1/2 LG. ALUM. ALLOY 5/8–11 X 1-3/4 LG. ALUM. ALLOY (Table continued on next page) NOTES: 1. Dimensions in brackets [ ] are in millimeters. 2. For stainless steel hardware add SUFFIX “SS” to catalog number (example: S2GBP41ASS). 3. For variations in cable spacing contact factory. 4. Not recommended for overhead transmission lines. 5. For pad rotated 90° on S2GBPA-A add suffix R90 to the catalog number (example: S2GBPA44AR90). 6. For Bolt Circles other than 5 inch on type SH2GBP-A contact factory. 7. S2GBPA-A connectors rated 550 kV when used with type “STS” Shielding Caps. Ordered separately, refer to page 32. BURNDY EHV BOLTED BUNDLED CABLE SPACER (Continued) S2GBP-A (Spacer) S2GBPA-A (Terminal Tap) SH2GBP-A (Bus Support) FIG. 1 H-32 CATALOG NUMBER FIG. 2 FIG. 3 S2GBP46A S2GBPA46A SH2GBP46A5 S2GBP46A12 S2GBPA46A12 SH2GBP46A512 S2GBP48A S2GBPA48A SH2GBP48A5 S2GBP48A12 S2GBPA48A12 SH2GBP48A512 S2GBP483A S2GBPA483A SH2GBP483A5 S2GBP483A12 S2GBPA483A12 SH2GBP483A512 S2GBP486A S2GBPA486A SH2GBP486A5 S2GBP486A12 S2GBPA486A12 SH2GBP486A512 NOTES: 1. Dimensions in brackets [ ] are in millimeters. 2. For stainless steel hardware add SUFFIX “SS” to catalog number (example: S2GBP41ASS). 3. For variations in cable spacing contact factory. 4. Not recommended for overhead transmission lines. 5. For pad rotated 90° onS2GBPA-A add suffix R90 to the catalog number (example: S2GBPA44AR90). 6. For Bolt Circles other than 5 inch on type SH2GBP-A contact factory. 7. S2GBPA-A connectors rated 550 kV when used with type “STS” Shielding Caps. Ordered separately, refer to page 32. CABLE RANGE A.A.C. A.C.S.R. CABLE DIA. MIN. MAX. 1590 kcmil 61 STR. (1.453 DIA.) 1600 kcmil 127 STR. (1.454 DIA.) 1272 kcmil 54/19 STR. (1.382 DIA.) 1431 kcmil 54/19 STR. (1.465 DIA.) 1.382 [35] 1.504 [38] 1750 kcmil 127 STR. (1.526 DIA.) 2000 kcmil 91 STR. (1.630 DIA.) 1590 kcmil 45/7 STR. (1.502 DIA.) 1750 kcmil 84/19 STR. (1.602 DIA.) 1.504 [38] 1.632 [41] 2000 kcmil 91 STR. (1.630 DIA.) 2250 kcmil 91 STR. (1.729 DIA.) 1890 kcmil 84/19 STR. (1.650 DIA.) 2167 kcmil 72/7 STR. (1.737 DIA.) 1.632 [41] 1.737 [44] 2300 kcmil 61 STR. (1.750 DIA.) 2500 kcmil 127 STR. (1.823 DIA.) 2167 kcmil 72/7 STR. (1.737 DIA.) 2156 kcmil 84/19 STR. (1.762 DIA.) 1.737 [44] 1.824 [46] “L” 18.00 [457] 12.00 [305] 18.00 [457] 12.00 [305] 18.00 [457] 12.00 [305] 18.00 [457] 12.00 [305] “J” DIA. 5/8–11 X 1-3/4 LG. ALUM. ALLOY 5/8–11 X 2 LG. ALUM. ALLOY BURNDY EHV BOLTED BUNDLED CABLE SPACER (Two Bolt Clamping) S2GBP-AB2 (Spacer) S2GBPA-AB2 (Terminal Tap) SH2GBP-A-B2 (Bus Support) Bolted type Applications: Cable to Cable spacer (Two Cables), Cable spacer with four hole pad, and Cable spacer to insulator. Fig. 1 Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 2 EHV RATED: SELF-SHIELDING UP TO 550 kV Material: Cast 356 Aluminum Alloy Hardware: Aluminum Alloy H-33 Fig. 3 Fig. 3 FIG. 1 CATALOG NUMBER FIG. 2 FIG. 3 S2GBP41AB2 S2GBPA41AB2 SH2GBP41A5B2 S2GBP41A12B2 S2GBPA41A12B2 SH2GBP41A512B2 S2GBP44AB2 S2GBPA44AB2 SH2GBP44A5B2 S2GBP44A12B2 S2GBPA44A12B2 SH2GBP44A512B2 S2GBP445AB2 S2GBPA445AB2 SH2GBP445A5B2 S2GBP445A12B2 S2GBPA445A12B2 SH2GBP445A512B2 S2GBP45AB2 S2GBPA45AB2 SH2GBP45A5B2 S2GBP45A12B2 S2GBPA45A12B2 SH2GBP45A512B2 CABLE RANGE A.A.C. CABLE DIA. MIN. MAX. A.C.S.R. 795 kcmil 37 STR. (1.026 DIA.) 874.5 kcmil 61 STR. (1.077 DIA.) 715 kcmil 24/7 STR. (1.036 DIA.) 715.5 kcmil 26/7 STR. (1.051 DIA.) 1.026 [26] 1.092 [28] 954 kcmil 61 STR. (1.126 DIA.) 795 kcmil 24/7 STR. (1.092 DIA.) 795 kcmil 54/7 STR. (1.093 DIA.) 1.092 [28] 1.165 [30] 1033.5 kcmil 37 STR. (1.170 DIA.) 1113 kcmil 61 STR. (1.216 DIA.) 954 kcmil 45/7 STR. (1.165 DIA.) 1033.5 kcmil 45/7 STR. (1.213 DIA.) 1.165 [30] 1.246 [32] 1192 kcmil 61 STR. (1.258 DIA.) 1272 kcmil 61 STR. (1.300 DIA.) 1033.5 kcmil 54/7 STR. (1.246 DIA.) 1192.5 kcmil 54/19 STR. (1.333 DIA.) 1.246 [32] 1.382 [35] “L” 18.00 [457] 12.00 [305] 18.00 [457] 12.00 [305] 18.00 [457] 12.00 [305] 18.00 [457] 12.00 [305] “J” DIA. 5/8–11 X 1-1/2 LG. ALUM. ALLOY 5/8–11 X 1-3/4 LG. ALUM. ALLOY (Table continued on next page) NOTES: 1. Dimensions in brackets [ ] are in millimeters. 2. For stainless steel hardware add SUFFIX “SS” to catalog number (example: S2GBP41AB2SS). 3. For variations in cable spacing contact factory. 4. Not recommended for overhead transmission lines. 5. For pad rotated 90° on S2GBPA-AB2 add suffix R90 to the catalog number (example: S2GBPA44AB2R90). 6. For Bolt Circles other than 5 inch on type SH2GBP-A-B2 contact factory. 7. S2GBPA-B2 connectors rated 550 kV when used with type “STS” Shielding Caps. Ordered separately, refer to page 32. BURNDY EHV BOLTED BUNDLED CABLE SPACER (Continued) (Two Bolt Clamping) S2GBP-AB2 (Spacer) S2GBPA-AB2 (Terminal Tap) SH2GBP-A-B2 (Bus Support) FIG. 1 H-34 CATALOG NUMBER FIG. 2 FIG. 3 S2GBP46AB2 S2GBPA46AB2 SH2GBP46A5B2 S2GBP46A12B2 S2GBPA46A12B2 SH2GBP46A512B2 S2GBP48AB2 S2GBPA48AB2 SH2GBP48A5B2 S2GBP48A12B2 S2GBPA48A12B2 SH2GBP48A512B2 S2GBP483AB2 S2GBPA483AB2 SH2GBP483A5B2 S2GBP483A12B2 S2GBPA483A12B2 SH2GBP483A512B2 S2GBP486AB2 S2GBPA486AB2 SH2GBP486A5B2 S2GBP486A12B2 S2GBPA486A12B2 SH2GBP486A512B2 NOTES: 1. Dimensions in brackets [ ] are in millimeters. 2. For stainless steel hardware add SUFFIX “SS” to catalog number (example: S2GBP41AB2SS). 3. For variations in cable spacing contact factory. 4. Not recommended for overhead transmission lines. CABLE RANGE A.A.C. CABLE DIA. MIN. MAX. A.C.S.R. 1590 kcmil 61 STR. (1.453 DIA.) 1600 kcmil 127 STR. (1.454 DIA.) 1272 kcmil 54/19 STR. (1.382 DIA.) 1431 kcmil 54/19 STR. (1.465 DIA.) 1.382 [35] 1.504 [38] 1750 kcmil 127 STR. (1.526 DIA.) 2000 kcmil 91 STR. (1.630 DIA.) 1590 kcmil 45/7 STR. (1.502 DIA.) 1750 kcmil 84/19 STR. (1.602 DIA.) 1.504 [38] 1.632 [41] 2000 kcmil 91 STR. (1.630 DIA.) 2250 kcmil 91 STR. (1.729 DIA.) 1890 kcmil 84/19 STR. (1.650 DIA.) 2167 kcmil 72/7 STR. (1.737 DIA.) 1.632 [41] 1.737 [44] 2300 kcmil 61 STR. (1.750 DIA.) 2500 kcmil 127 STR. (1.823 DIA.) 2167 kcmil 72/7 STR. (1.737 DIA.) 2156 kcmil 84/19 STR. (1.762 DIA.) 1.737 [44] 1.824 [46] 5. For pad rotated 90° on S2GBPA-AB2 add suffix R90 to the catalog number (example: S2GBPA44AB2R90). 6. For Bolt Circles other than 5 inch on type SH2GBP-A-B2 contact factory. “L” 18.00 [457] 12.00 [305] 18.00 [457] 12.00 [305] 18.00 [457] 12.00 [305] 18.00 [457] 12.00 [305] “J” DIA. 5/8–11 X 1-3/4 LG. ALUM. ALLOY 5/8–11 X 2 LG. ALUM. ALLOY 7. S2GBPA-B2 connectors rated 550 kV when used with type “STS” Shielding Caps. Ordered separately, refer to page 32. BURNDY EHV BOLTED BUNDLED CABLE SPACER (Four Bolt Clamping) S2GBP-AB4 (Spacer) S2GBPA-AB4 (Terminal Tap) SH2GBP-A-B4 (Bus Support) Bolted type Applications: Cable to Cable spacer (Two Cables), Cable spacers with four hole pad, and Cable spacer to bus support insulator. Fig. 1 Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 2 EHV RATED: SELF-SHIELDING UP TO 550 kV Material: Cast 356 Aluminum Alloy Hardware: Aluminum Alloy H-35 Fig. 3 Fig. 3 FIG. 1 CATALOG NUMBER FIG. 2 FIG. 3 S2GBP41AB4 S2GBPA41AB4 SH2GBP41A5B4 S2GBP41A12B4 S2GBPA41A12B4 SH2GBP41A512B4 S2GBP44AB4 S2GBPA44AB4 SH2GBP44A5B4 S2GBP44A12B4 S2GBPA44A12B4 SH2GBP44A512B4 S2GBP445AB4 S2GBPA445AB4 SH2GBP445A5B4 S2GBP445A12B4 S2GBPA445A12B4 SH2GBP445A512B4 S2GBP45AB4 S2GBPA45AB4 SH2GBP45A5B4 S2GBP45A12B4 S2GBPA45A12B4 SH2GBP45A512B4 CABLE RANGE A.A.C. CABLE DIA. MIN. MAX. A.C.S.R. 795 kcmil 37 STR. (1.026 DIA.) 874.5 kcmil 61 STR. (1.077 DIA.) 715 kcmil 24/7 STR. (1.036 DIA.) 715.5 kcmil 26/7 STR. (1.051 DIA.) 1.026 [26] 1.092 [28] 954 kcmil 61 STR. (1.126 DIA.) 795 kcmil 24/7 STR. (1.092 DIA.) 795 kcmil 54/7 STR. (1.093 DIA.) 1.092 [28] 1.165 [30] 1033.5 kcmil 37 STR. (1.170 DIA.) 1113 kcmil 61 STR. (1.216 DIA.) 954 kcmil 45/7 STR. (1.165 DIA.) 1033.5 kcmil 45/7 STR. (1.213 DIA.) 1.165 [30] 1.246 [32] 1192 kcmil 61 STR. (1.258 DIA.) 1272 kcmil 61 STR. (1.300 DIA.) 1033.5 kcmil 54/7 STR. (1.246 DIA.) 1192.5 kcmil 54/19 STR. (1.333 DIA.) 1.246 [32] 1.382 [35] “L” 18.00 [457] 12.00 [305] 18.00 [457] 12.00 [305] 18.00 [457] 12.00 [305] 18.00 [457] 12.00 [305] “J” DIA. 5/8–11 X 1-1/2 LG. ALUM. ALLOY 5/8–11 X 1-3/4 LG. ALUM. ALLOY (Table continued on next page) NOTES: 1. Dimensions in brackets [ ] are in millimeters. 2. For stainless steel hardware add SUFFIX “SS” to catalog number (example: S2GBP41AB4SS). 3. For variations in cable spacing contact factory. 4. Not recommended for overhead transmission lines. 5. For pad rotated 90° on S2GBPA-AB4 add suffix R90 to the catalog number (example: S2GBPA44AB4R90). 6. For Bolt Circles other than 5 inch on type SH2GBP-A-B2 contact factory. 7. S2GBPA-B4 connectors rated 550 kV when used with type “STS” Shielding Caps. Ordered separately, refer to page 32. BURNDY EHV BOLTED BUNDLED CABLE SPACER (Continued) (Four Bolt Clamping) S2GBP-AB4 (Spacer) S2GBPA-AB4 (Terminal Tap) SH2GBP-A-B4 (Bus Support) FIG. 1 H-36 CATALOG NUMBER FIG. 2 FIG. 3 S2GBP46AB4 S2GBPA46AB4 SH2GBP46A5B4 S2GBP46A12B4 S2GBPA46A12B4 SH2GBP46A512B4 S2GBP48AB4 S2GBPA48AB4 SH2GBP48A5B4 S2GBP48A12B4 S2GBPA48A12B4 SH2GBP48A512B4 S2GBP483AB4 S2GBPA483AB4 SH2GBP483A5B4 S2GBP483A12B4 S2GBPA483A12B4 SH2GBP483A512B4 S2GBP486AB4 S2GBPA486AB4 SH2GBP486A5B4 S2GBP486A12B4 S2GBPA486A12B4 SH2GBP486A512B4 NOTES: 1. Dimensions in brackets [ ] are in millimeters. 2. For stainless steel hardware add SUFFIX “SS” to catalog number (example: S2GBP41AB4SS). 3. For variations in cable spacing contact factory. 4. Not recommended for overhead transmission lines. CABLE RANGE A.A.C. CABLE DIA. MIN. MAX. A.C.S.R. 1590 kcmil 61 STR. (1.453 DIA.) 1600 kcmil 127 STR. (1.454 DIA.) 1272 kcmil 54/19 STR. (1.382 DIA.) 1431 kcmil 54/19 STR. (1.465 DIA.) 1.382 [35] 1.504 [38] 1750 kcmil 127 STR. (1.526 DIA.) 2000 kcmil 91 STR. (1.630 DIA.) 1590 kcmil 45/7 STR. (1.502 DIA.) 1750 kcmil 84/19 STR. (1.602 DIA.) 1.504 [38] 1.632 [41] 2000 kcmil 91 STR. (1.630 DIA.) 2250 kcmil 91 STR. (1.729 DIA.) 1890 kcmil 84/19 STR. (1.650 DIA.) 2167 kcmil 72/7 STR. (1.737 DIA.) 1.632 [41] 1.737 [44] 2300 kcmil 61 STR. (1.750 DIA.) 2500 kcmil 127 STR. (1.823 DIA.) 2167 kcmil 72/7 STR. (1.737 DIA.) 2156 kcmil 84/19 STR. (1.762 DIA.) 1.737 [44] 1.824 [46] 5. For pad rotated 90° on S2GBPA-AB4 add suffix R90 to the catalog number (example: S2GBPA44AB4R90). 6. For Bolt Circles other than 5 inch on type SH2GBP-A-B2 contact factory. “L” 18.00 [457] 12.00 [305] 18.00 [457] 12.00 [305] 18.00 [457] 12.00 [305] 18.00 [457] 12.00 [305] “J” DIA. 5/8–11 X 1-3/4 LG. ALUM. ALLOY 5/8–11 X 2 LG. ALUM. ALLOY 7. S2GBPA-B4 connectors rated 550 kV when used with type “STS” Shielding Caps. Ordered separately, refer to page 32. BURNDY EHV BOLTED BUNDLED CABLE SPACER (Three Conductor) S3GBP-A Bolted type Application: Cable to Cable Spacer (three cables) EHV RATED: SELF-SHIELDING UP TO 550 kV Material: Cast 356 Aluminum Alloy Hardware: Aluminum Alloy CABLE RANGE CATALOG NUMBER A.A.C. A.C.S.R. S3GBP41A 795 kcmil 37 STR. (1.026 DIA.) 874.5 kcmil 61 STR. (1.077 DIA.) S3GBP44A 954 kcmil 61 STR. (1.126 DIA.) 715 kcmil 24/7 STR. (1.036 DIA.) 715.5 kcmil 26/7 STR. (1.051 DIA.) 795 kcmil 24/7 STR. (1.092 DIA.) 795 kcmil 54/7 STR. (1.093 DIA.) 954 kcmil 45/7 STR. (1.165 DIA.) 1033.5 kcmil 45/7 STR. (1.213 DIA.) 1033.5 kcmil 54/7 STR. (1.246 DIA.) 1192.5 kcmil 54/19 STR. (1.333 DIA.) 1272 kcmil 54/19 STR. (1.382 DIA.) 1431 kcmil 54/19 STR. (1.465 DIA.) 1590 kcmil 45/7 STR. (1.502 DIA.) 1750 kcmil 84/19 STR. (1.602 DIA.) 1890 kcmil 84/19 STR. (1.650 DIA.) 2167 kcmil 72/7 STR. (1.737 DIA.) 2167 kcmil 72-/7 STR. (1.737 DIA.) 2156 kcmil 84/19 STR. (1.762 DIA.) S3GBP445A S3GBP45A S3GBP46A S3GBP48A S3GBP483A S3GBP486A 1033.5 kcmil 37 STR. (1.170 DIA.) 1113 kcmil 61 STR. (1.216 DIA.) 1192 kcmil 61 STR. (1.258 DIA.) 1272 kcmil 61 STR. (1.300 DIA.) 1590 kcmil 61 STR. (1.453 DIA.) 1600 kcmil 127 STR. (1.454 DIA.) 1750 kcmil 127 STR. (1.526 DIA.) 2000 kcmil 91 STR. (1.630 DIA.) 2000 kcmil 91 STR. (1.630 DIA.) 2250 kcmil 91 STR. (1.729 DIA.) 2300 kcmil 61 STR. (1.750 DIA.) 2500 kcmil 127 STR. (1.823 DIA.) NOTES: 1. Dimensions in brackets [ ] are in millimeters. 2. For stainless steel hardware add SUFFIX “SS” to catalog number (example: S3GBP48ASS). 3. For variations in cable spacing contact factory. 4. Not recommended for overhead transmission lines. 5. For four hole straight pad tap or 90° version or bus support three bundled cable spacer, contact the factory. CABLE DIA. MIN. MAX. 1.026 [26] 1.092 [28] 1.165 [30] 1.246 [32] 1.382 [35] 1.504 [38] 1.632 [41] 1.737 [44] 1.092 [28] 1.165 [30] 1.246 [32] 1.382 [35] 1.504 [38] 1.632 [41] 1.737 [44] 1.824 [46] “J” DIA. 5/8’-11 1-1/2” LG. ALUM. ALLOY 5/8”-11 1-3/4” LG. ALUM. ALLOY H-37 5/8”-11 2” LG. ALUM ALLOY BURNDY EHV BIFURCATING TERMINAL CONNECTOR SF2A-NL-EX Bolted type Application: Four to Six Hole NEMA Pad to Two Four Hole NEMA Recessed Pads Bifurcating Terminal EHV RATED: SELF-SHIELDING UP TO 550 kV Material: Cast 356 Aluminum Alloy H-38 CATALOG NUMBER SF2A44NL12EX SF2A44NL18EX “L” “LL” 17.21 [437] 21.51 [546] 13.97 [355] 18.27 [464] NOTES: 1. Dimensions in brackets [ ] are in millimeters. 2. One surface of pad finished. For finished pad on both sides add SUFFIX “Q” to the catalog number (example: SF2A44NL12EXQ). 3. Shielding caps are not required when terminals are installed within the recessed Housing. Hardware ordered separately. 4. Shielding caps are required when installing to center (non recessed) four hole NEMA Pad. Reference STS type shielding caps on page 32. 5. For six hole NEMA pad add “66” to catalog number (example: SF2A66NL12EX). BURNDY EHV TRIFURCATING COUPLER CONNECTOR SW3A-A44N8 Weld type Application: Bus to Trifurcating Terminals EHV RATED: SELF-SHIELDING UP TO 550 kV Material: Cast 356 Aluminum Alloy CATALOG NUMBER ACCOMMODATES ALUM. TUBING SIZE “A” DIA. SW3A20A44N8 SW3A22A44N8 SW3A24A44N8 SW3A86A44N8 NOTES: 1. Dimensions in brackets [ ] are in millimeters. 2. Shielding caps are not required when terminals are installed within the recessed housing. Hardware ordered separately. 3 [76] 4 [101] 5 [127] 6 [152] 3.56 [90] 4.57 [116] 5.65 [144] 6.72 [171] “B” DIA. 5.06 [129] 6.09 [155] 7.16 [182] 8.00 [203] H-39 BURNDY EHV TRIFURCATING TEE CONNECTOR SW3AB-A44N8 Weld type Application: Bus to Trifurcating Terminals EHV RATED: SELF-SHIELDING UP TO 550 kV Material: Cast 356 Aluminum Alloy CATALOG NUMBER ACCOMMODATES ALUM. TUBING SIZE SW3AB20A44N8 H-40 SW3AB22A44N8 SW3AB24A44N8 SW3AB86A44N8 NOTES: 1. Dimensions in brackets [ ] are in millimeters. 2. Shielding caps are not required when terminals are installed within the recessed housing. Hardware ordered separately. 3 [76] 4 [101] 5 [127] 6 [152] “A” DIA. 3.50 [89] 4.50 [114] 5.56 [141] 6.62 [168] BURNDY EHV TRIFURCATING TERMINAL CONNECTOR SF3A44N8 Bolted type Application: Pad-to-Pad Trifurcating Terminal EHV RATED: SELF-SHIELDING UP TO 550 kV Material: Cast 356 Aluminum Alloy H-41 NOTES: 1. Dimensions in brackets [ ] are in millimeters. 2. One surface of pad finished. For finished pad on both sides add SUFFIX ‘Q’ to the catalog number (example: SF3A44N8Q). 3. Shielding caps are not required when terminals are installed within the recessed housing. Hardware ordered separately. For terminals not installed within the recessed housing shielding caps are required. Reference STS shielding caps page 32. Ordered separately. 4. For six hole NEMA external (non-recessed) pad order SF3A44N866N. BURNDY Network Underground UNDERGROUND SYSTEM CONNECTION AND PROTECTION Nowhere in the distribution of electric power are the problems of connecting conductors and protecting them and equipment against the effects of fault currents as complex as in underground systems. For more than 70 years, BURNDY® engineers have worked closely with utilities to develop devices for connecting and protecting conductors and associated equipment in underground systems. These devices, with their inherent dependability and economy, have contributed to the rapid growth of underground systems throughout the country. To assist utility personnel in more effectively selecting and applying these devices, the engineering talent and experience of BURNDY® have been pooled to prepare this technical section, and the catalog information that follows. The devices are designed for use in both radial and network type underground systems. Radial systems (Fig. 1) distribute power economically except in high load density areas where a high degree of service reliability is required. Network systems (Fig. 2) have become standard for AC power distribution where load density is high and service continuity must be assured under nearly all conditions. The improved equipment and methods which are described in this catalog have been designed to meet these secondary network system requirements and to reduce the cost of installation and maintenance. Early Problems in Underground Connections Despite the many advantages of underground distribution, a major problem was that of making connections in congested manholes or junction boxes. The necessary procedure— soldering conductors, taping joints, and wiping lead covered cable—was so complex, that it demanded considerable skill and was time consuming and costly. This involved procedure had to be repeated each time a service was added to a main. When completed, the multiple-branch joints were excessively bulky and their electrical and mechanical performance suffered from the shortcomings of soldered connections. The installation of underground distribution made greater strides as those early connection methods gave way to specialized products and techniques developed by BURNDY® at the request of, and in close collaboration with, engineers of leading utilities. These specialized connectors were easier and more economical to install, more compact, and more dependable electrically and mechanically. For installation in conjunction with these connectors, BURNDY® also developed products to protect the secondary system from the effects of fault currents. The continuing improvement of these products, based on field experience and laboratory research, is contributing to even greater dependability and economy in underground distribution. Design Objectives in Connectors for Underground While each of the principal types of equipment described in the following pages has been designed to meet particular service requirements, all have several basic objectives in common: Reliability: To minimize outages and their serious consequences in the high load density areas served by underground systems. Ease of Installation: Compact for easy installation in the confined space of a manhole and transformer vaults. Mechanical connections that eliminate difficult solder joints. Economy: By reducing the time and skill required for installation of a dependable, insulated compact connection. Versatility: For permitting easier changes, expansion, and additional services with a I-1 minimum of system shutdown. BURNDY Network Underground Figure 1 RADIAL SECONDARY DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM Figure 2 TYPES OF BURNDY® UNDERGROUND CONNECTORS AND ACCESSORIES The MOLE™ and HYCRAB™ The most popular of the engineered connectors developed specifically for underground manholes and transformer vaults are the MOLE™ and the HYCRAB™ that provide for multiple connections at a single junction point of main, feeder, and service cables. Preinsulated to eliminate extensive taping, these connectors are essentially bus bars with sevI-2 eral cable outlets: mechanical installation in the MOLE™, and compression installation in the HYCRAB™. Limiters and Fuses To prevent “roasting” of cable insulation, resulting from fault current, BURNDY® has developed cable limiters that are inserted in each secondary cable at all junction points. Network protector fuses have been designed to back up the protector breaker in the event of a malfunction during a transformer or primary cable fault. By coordinating the time current characteristics of the fuse with those of the cable limiters, the possibility of limiter blowing on primary faults is eliminated, which in turn reduces the fault finding task. Also, limiter, fuse, and cable insulation characteristics must be carefully coordinated to assure isolating a fault on the secondary before it can cause extensive damage or interrupt service in other sections of the secondary system. High Capacity Limiter 200,000 Amperes at 600 Volts The BURNDY® High Capacity Limiter is designed to economically protect electrical distribution systems from the destructive effect of high energy faults. The increasing number of 600 volt secondary network installations for industrial and commercial applications demand a cable limiter that can safely interrupt 200,000 amperes (symmetrical available) and one that will also completely coordinate with the higher voltage nework protector fuses. Available fault currents as high as 200,000 amperes rms at 600 volts across the fusible elements have been interrupted during tests on the BURNDY® High Capacity Limiter. The power factor during these tests was less than 15%, thereby imposing the most difficult clearing conditions. No external distrubance is experienced upon clearing fault currents from the "float" value to 200,000 amperes. The quartz filler absorbs the intense energy gererated by interrupting the fault current. The quartz fuses into tubular fulgurites, with a high dielectric strength, and forms an insulating barrier between the melted link sections. This action prevents restrike of the internal arc. The rugged glass melamine housing provides a vessel that completely contains the developed energy. The carefully developed time-current characteristics and rigid manufacturing tolerances assure proper coordination with the network protector fuses and the insulation damage characteristics of 4/0, 250, 350, 500 and 750 kcmil cable. The High Capacity Limiter is available in four variations to accommodate a variety of installation practices. The Type HYS has cable sockets at both ends, which allow for indenting to the cable ends with a hydraulic BURNDY® HYPRESS™. The HYAO has an offset lug on one end which permits back-toback mounting on bus bar. For those installations where BURNDY® Moles™ are used for manhole junctions or transformer vault buses, the Type HYM permits a replaceable connection of the limiter directly to the Mole outlet at one end and a compression cable connection at the other. Modern electrical distribution systems require low cost protection to safeguard costly equipment and quickly isolate faults, so that the undamaged portions of the system may function normally. BURNDY® High Capacity Limiters assure positive, economical protection when installed in properly designed systems. Compression Connectors BURNDY® HYDENT™ compression type connectors, and installation tools, have been designed for splicing and terminating copper as well as aluminum underground cables, in both primary and secondary circuits. BURNDY® tools and dies are custom designed to produce sound electrical, and mechanical joints on BURNDY® connectors. The use of BURNDY’s matched tools and connectors assures optimum results. Residential Underground The trend toward improvement in neighborhood appearances, and the elimination of storm outages, tree trimming, etc., has created the need for residential underground distribution. To meet these needs, BURNDY® offers: Mechanical type pre-insulated multiconductor terminal connectors for submersible transformer locations; and compact multiconductor connectors for above ground transformer and enclosures. For service taps, BURNDY® offers: Pre-insulated, multiconductor compression and mechanical connectors; and a range taking compression connector for below grade service. Power pedestals for direct burial, above ground application, and conduit systems are offered. Residential Underground Fuse Block assembly with replaceable fuse for each service cable is also available. BURNDY Network Underground Connectors for Aluminum For systems where aluminum is used, connectors especially designed for aluminum conductors are available in bolted and compression types: HYCRAB™, HYPLUG™, HYREDUCER™, and HYSOCKET. Aluminum conductors can be connected to standard MOLE™ connectors by using HYPLUG™ adapters. Multiple Outlet Connectors The increasing use in modern electrical distribution systems of junction points where several relatively large cables must be connected, has brought about the development of BURNDY® MOLE™ line equipment to speed up and simplify the making of such connections. The modern tendency toward network systems not only in underground utility practice but also in industrial wiring, has greatly increased the number of multiconnection joints. The BURNDY® MOLE™ and HYCRAB™ connectors are insulated bus bars with multiple connector outlets for service cables, secondary mains, or equipment leads. In the MOLE™, clamping action secures conductors to the connector; in the HYCRAB™, connections are made by indenting with a compression tool. Both lines of insulated connectors offer the following basic advantages: 3. Efficient, Dependable Performance: The MOLE™ and HYCRAB™ connectors assure permanent, high conductivity connections, good moisture seal, and insulation that resists the severest condition encountered in underground installations. I-3 1. Ease and Economy of Installations: The ease and reduction of time required to make and insulate dependable multi-connections greatly reduces the cost of installation. The compact design makes maximum use of space and provides for simplified racking. MOLE™ and HYCRAB™ Insulation The location in vaults and manholes often exposes these connectors to immersion in water, chemical, and other contaminants, as well as to heat from overload or fault currents. The MOLE™ and HYCRAB™ insulations provide electrical, mechanical, and thermal properties essential to assure the service continuity of underground distribution systems. 2. Versatility for System Modification: The MOLE™ and HYCRAB™ are designed to accommodate the standard secondary main and service cables, and permit easy modification or later additions. The numerous available connector configurations permit a wide variety of arrangements of cables and equipment connections. The 600 volt rating of the MOLE™ and HYCRAB™ insulation provides for efficient operation at all standard utilization voltages. Recognizing the importance of proper connector insulation, BURNDY® established performance specifications exceeding those of 600 volt cable insulation. BURNDY Network Underground MULTIPLE OUTLET CONNECTORS (Continued) MOLE™ and MOLE™ Accessories The BURNDY® MOLE™ is a multi-cable connector that consists of a pre-insulated copper bus bar with threaded outlets that permit a minimum of two cables to be connected by means of a socket, nut, and cone assembly (Illustration A). The clamping action of the socket, nut and cone assembly on the cable develops high contact pressures that maintain joint conductivities greater than 100% of the continuous conductor. A compression socket that is threaded into the MOLE™ insert is also available. The MOLE™ design affords exceptional versatility in four ways: 1. MOLE™ outlets can be plugged-off until needed for the addition of cables. 2. Installed cables can be easily removed. 3. Cable sizes can be increased by changing the socket, nut and cone assembly. 4. The number of outlets may be increased by joining MOLE™ connectors with a MOLE™ coupler. Insulation The copper bus bar insert is encased in a molded insulating jacket that eliminates crotch taping. The thickness of the jacket I-4 prevents any possibility of the insert weight to cause the insulation at the supports to flow away at the high temperatures of fault conditions. Ratings MOLE™ connectors are rated at 1500, 2000, 2500, and 3000 amperes, based on the maximum current the insert cross-section can carry. Each outlet can carry the full rated current of the cable connected to it. To avoid exceeding the insert rating, the cables should be arranged in such a manner that most current flows directly across the insert. (See Illustration B) Installation Cables are connected to the MOLE™ by means of a socket, nut and compression cone assembly. The socket is threaded into Taping; MOLE™ Outlet Insulating Sleeves, sealed with a minimum of taping; or Notape MOLE™ Sleeve, sealed to the cable and mole insulation by two non-corrosive hose clamps. Tests under flooding and other adverse conditions demonstrate that such joints are impervious to water. Accessories A socket, cone and nut assembly is screwed into each MOLE™ outlet to which a cable is to be connected. The socket has a tapered recess into which the clamping nut forces the cable and the compression cone. The cone is slotted to controlled widths and depths for maximum flexibility, and its inside surface is serrated for low contact resistance and high pullout strength. Illustration A A compression socket is available that threads directly into the MOLE™ outlet and provides a compression sleeve for connecting the cable with HYPRESS™ tools. the MOLE™ insert. The stripped cable end is inserted into nut and compression cone, and then into the socket where it is securely clamped by tightening the nut. The joint is then sealed watertight in one of three ways: Plugs seal MOLE™ outlets not in use. The MOLE™ is delivered with one-fourth of its outlets sealed with plugs. Additional plugs may be ordered. MOLE™ couplers facilitate system expansion by joining additional MOLE™ connectors to those already installed. Couplers are easily installed in end or side outlets of the MOLE™, and make connections that are effective both electrically and mechanically. (Continued) Illustration B BURNDY Network Underground MULTIPLE OUTLET CONNECTORS (Continued) BURNDY® manufactures a complete line of Networking products. For more information on these specialized BURNDY® NETWORK UNDERGROUND products, please contact our Customer Satisfaction Center at: 800-346-4175 or write us at: FCI BURNDY Products P.O. Box 9507 Manchester, NH 03108-9507 Attention Customer Satisfaction Center. I-5 BURNDY URD Underground URD UNDERGROUND RESIDENTIAL DISTRIBUTION For over 70 years, BURNDY® has pioneered and produced economical, dependable connectors and protective devices for urban underground distribution systems. This extensive experience has been applied to the development of equipment for low cost underground distribution systems for light commercial and residential areas. Increasing interest by home buyers and developers has created a need for URD components comparable in cost with those used in overhead systems. Using connectors designed for other purposes, early URD installations were relatively expensive. Recognizing the need to reduce installation costs BURNDY® developed a line of connectors specifically for URD. These products are shown in this section. They are the result of a continuing search for new materials and more efficient production methods to bring down cost to meet the requirements of low cost underground construction. URD SECTION Type Y-LOK .................................J-5 Type RDMD-28G..........................J-2 Type YRB-U.........................J-6 - J-8 Type RDMD-2858D ......................J-2 Type YRB-T .......................J-9 - J-12 Type RDMD-28 CR ......................J-2 Type K-P-C.................................J-13 Type RDM-28 ...............................J-2 Type YPC-C ...............................J-13 Type RDM-28T .............................J-3 Types K6B & K33B....................J-14 Types RYA-UC, RYA-AC, RYA-UCR, RYA-ACR Tap Kits...J-3 Type F-A.....................................J-15 Types RA6UC-SL, RA6UCR-SL Tap Kits................J-4 Type YS-CG Insulated Splice Kit..................J-5 Type K6A34U-6N .......................J-15 Type K-P-UC ..............................J-15 Types BPD & BPD2...................J-16 J-1 BURNDY URD Underground URD CATALOG NUMBER STUD MOLE™ TYPE RDMD-28G RDMD4-28G3 RDMD6-28G3 The RDMD-28G Stud MOLE™ is a submersible junction designed to accommodate a range of copper and aluminum conductors. The Stud MOLE™ is designed for use on transformers where a dead front secondary is required. It is insulated with molded EPT rubber. Mates with a 5/8-11 copper stud. A jam nut is supplied with the MOLE™ to secure and lock it to the stud. NO. OF OUTLETS INSULATED 4 6 Yes Yes NO. OF OUTLETS INSULATED 4 6 Yes Yes It is available with either four or six outlets. All outlets except one have factory installed removable sealing caps. Tap kits are ordered separately. REA listed. Also available without insulation and sealing caps. STUD MOLE™ CATALOG NUMBER TYPE RDMD-2858D RDMD4-2858D RDMD6-2858D The RDMD-2858D Stud MOLE™ is identical to the insulated RDMD-28G except an adapter is supplied, allowing MOLE™ to be removed from transformer stud without disconnecting the individual services. RUBBER INSULATING BOOT J-2 TYPE RDMD-28CR The EPDM rubber force fit boot is designed to provide a completely dead-front and moisture tight installation when used with either the Type RDMD-28G3 or Type RDMD-2858D Stud MOLE™. Bushing end will seal any diameter from .875 to 1.125 inch. URD MOLE™ TYPE RDM-28 FOR ALUMINUM OR COPPER Type RDM-28 MOLE™ is an economical, insulated, submersible service junction suitable for direct burial or for use in enclosures. Disconnectable joints allow additions of new services without disturbing previous installations. Taping is eliminated, heat-shrink or force-fit rubber sleeves insulate each joint. Rubber is used to insulate the MOLE™ body. Removable sealing covers are supplied on all outlets but two. REA listed Tap Kits, including HYLUG™, hardware and sleeve are ordered separately. CATALOG NUMBER NO. OF OUTLETS RDM4-28 RDM6-28 RDM8-28 4 6 8 BURNDY URD Underground URD MOLE™ TYPE RDM-28T FOR ALUMINUM AND COPPER The RDM-28T MOLE™ is available with five or seven outlets. The single hole outlets are the same size as the RDM-28 series and accommodate the same RYA-UC or RYA-UCR tap kits. The larger two-hole outlet accommodates the 500 or 350 kcmil copper cable secondary supplied with many subsurface transformers. These cables are extended to a junction point where secondary mains or services are connected. Tin-plated copper RYA-C-2 tap kits are used to join the 500 or 350 kcmil copper secondaries to the RDM-28T MOLE™. CATALOG NUMBER RDM5-28T RDM7-28T NO. OF OUTLETS 12 SOL. - 350 350 - 500 4 6 1 1 COPPER CATALOG NUMBER TOOLS, DIE SET, CATALOG NO. & (NO. OF CRIMPS) CONDUCTOR HEAT SHRINK FORCE FIT DIE INDEX Y34A Y35* SERIES Y750, 739 350 500 RYA31C-2 RYA34C-2 RYA31CR-2 RYA34CR-2 20 A34R (4) U34RT (4) * Y35 U-Dies with adapter PT6515 can also be used in Y45 series HYPRESSES™. Same number of crimps as Y35. MOLE™ TAP KITS TYPES RYA-UC, RYA-AC FOR ALUMINUM OR COPPER FOR USE WITH TYPE RDM-28 URD MOLE™ TYPE RYA-UCR, RYA-ACR TYPE RYA-UC, RYA-AC The kit consists of: Universal HYLUG™, mounting hardware and heat-shrink sleeve. The HYLUG™ is pre-filled with PENETROX™ joint compound and sealed. Installed with common installation tools, three die sets install a range of 4 str.- 350 kcmil. The heatshrink sleeve is lined with a mastic material, providing a positive seal. Installed with standard propane torch, or 500°F electric heat gun. Acetylene heat is too intense and is not recommended. TYPES RYA-UCR, RYA-ACR The kit consists of: Universal HYLUG™, mounting hardware and pre-lubricated forcefit rubber sleeve. The HYLUG™ is pre-filled with PENETROX™ joint compound and sealed. Installed with common installation tools, three die sets install a range of 4 str.350MCM. The rubber sleeve has internal sealing rings that provide a positive moisture seal by exerting circumferential force on cable and MOLE™ insulation. Pre-lubricating sleeve makes installation easier. REA listed. No trimming required. J-3 CONDUCTOR COPPER ALUMINUM 2 Sol. - 4 Str. 4 Str. Comp. 2 Str. - 1/0 Sol. 2 Str. - 1/0 Sol. 2-1 Str. Comp. 1/0 Str. - 2/0 Sol. 1/0 Str. 1/0 Str. Comp. 2 Sol. EC-O 1/0 Sol. EC-O 2/0 Str. 2/0 Str. 2/0 Str. Comp. 3/0 Str. 3/0 Str. 3/0 Str. Comp. 4/0 Sol. EC-O** 4/0 Str. 4/0 Str. 4/0 Str. - 250 Comp. 250 250 MCM 250 Comp. 300 - 350 — 300 - 350 Comp. 2 Sol. - 4 Str. TOOLS, DIE SET CATALOG NO., CATALOG NUMBER & (NUMBER OF CRIMPS) HEAT SHRINK FORCE FIT Y39, COMPLETE SHRINK COMPLETE EEI DIE DIE MD6 Y35, Y750 SET SLEEVE ONLY SET INDEX INDEX SERIES SERIES OUR840 RYA4UC RYA4UCR RYA2UC RYA2UCR 8A RYAC25 RYA25UC RYA25UCR RYA2WAC RYA75AC RYA2WACR RYA75ACR RYA26UC RYA26UCR RYA27UC RYA27UCR RYA28UC RYAC31 RYA29UC ** 11 RYA28UCR RYA29UCR * Overlap Crimps. ** Do not use EEI Die. (11A) to install 4/0 Sol. EC-O. NOTE: Standard mounting hardware is 3/8" button head socket cap screw with captive conical washer. For HEX HEAD bolt with captive conical washer add “HEX” suffix. RYA31ACR W-BG (1) BG3 or W243 U-BG (1) XBG (3) UK58-IT (3) XNBG (2) U243 (1) BG (5) BG (5) — XBG (5) — — UK58-IT (5) XNBG (3) 249 or W249 (3) U249 (2)* X249 (6) 840 WK840 (5) UK840T (3) X840 (5) 13A RYA31AC BG or 5/8 - 1 or 243 249 or 840 299 or 655 or 705 W249 (4) U249 (2) X249 (8) WK840 (7) UK840T (4) X840 (7) U31ART (2) U655 (3) U705 (2) NOTE: Example: RYA4UCR-HEX. For HEX HEAD bolt and captive flat washer add suffix “HEX1”. For HEX HEAD bolt and non-captive flat washer add suffix “HEX2”. For HEX HEAD bolt and non-captive conical washer add suffix “HEX3”. For Stainless Steel HEX HEAD bolt add “HEX355” suffix. BURNDY URD Underground URD CATALOG NUMBER CONDUCTOR HEAT SHRINK FORCE FIT URD STREET LIGHTING TAP KIT TYPES RA6UC-SL, RA6UCR-SL 6 Str. - 12 Sol. FOR ALUMINUM OR COPPER URD tap kit for making street lighting taps from URD MOLE™ types RDM-28 and RDM28T. Each kit accommodates 6 str. - 12 sol. Kits include connector, mounting hardware and insulating sleeve. J-4 Cat. No. RA6UC-SL Cat. No. RA6URC-SL RA6UC-SL RA6UCR-SL BURNDY URD Underground URD URD INSULATED SPLICE KIT TYPE YS-CG FOR ALL ALUMINUM OR COPPER/ALUMINUM COMBINATIONS Type YS-CG URD insulated splice kit consists of a standard YSU or YSD LINKIT™ and a heat-shrink sleeve. Used to splice URD secondary lines up to 600 volts. It is installed with common installation tools. Heat-shrink sleeve is installed with standard propane torch, or 500° F electric heat gun. Acetylene is not recommended. ALUMINUM 1-2 Str. 1/0 Str. 1/0 Comp. 2/0 Str. 2/0 Comp. 3/0 Str. 3/0 Comp. 4/0 Str. 4/0 Comp. 350 350 Comp. CONDUCTOR BOTH SIDES ACSR CATALOG NUMBER COMPLETE HEAT SHRINK SPLICE KIT SLEEVE COPPER* 2 (6-1, 7-1) 1-2 Str. YS2UCGI 1/0 (6-1) 1/0 Str. YS25UCGI 2/0 (6-1) 2/0 Str. YS26UCGI 3/0 (6-1) 3/0 Str. YS27UCGI 4/0 (6-1) 4/0 Str. YS28UCGI — 350 YS31ACGI DIE INDEX TOOLS, DIE SET CATALOG NO., & (NO. OF CRIMPS) MD6 SERIES Y34A Y35 SERIES RYAC25 BG 243 BG (3) W-BG (1)** W243 (2) — A243 (1) U-BG (1)** U243 (1) RYAC31-1 249/840 W249 (4) W-K840 (7) A249 (2) — U249 (2) U-K840T (4) RYAC31 299/705 — — U299 (2) U705 (1) * Use to join copper to aluminum or ACSR, not copper to copper. ** Multiple crimp die set, makes more than one crimp per compression. Y-LOK FOR LOCKING ENCLOSURES Assembly consists of aluminum-clad steel wire loop and a compression type aluminum connector. Installed with BG groove of MD6 or OUR840 Compression Tools. Can also be installed with 5/8 or 5/8-1 grooves. J-5 J1592 J1207 Compression Y-LOK installed with BG or 5/8 groove INSTALLATION TOOLING CATALOG D1D6, Y35, Y750, NUMBER OUR840 Y46 J1207 J1592 WBG XBG UBG L C D 2.28 2.31 .75 .75 1.00 .75 BURNDY URD Underground TYPE YRB-U HYREDUCER™ SPLICE FOR ALUMINUM-TO-ALUMINUM AND ALUMINUM-TO-COPPER Type YRB-U splice is designed for use within underground systems. Aluminum splices are tin-plated and recommended for use on Aluminum-to-Aluminum and Aluminum-toCopper cables. All splices have solid center stop for use with oil filled and non-oil filled cables. The Outside Diameter is held constant to minimize installation dies and connectors are prefilled with PENETROX™. Rated up to 35 kV. CONDUCTOR RANGE CATALOG NUMBER BARREL “A” CU & ALUM. YRB2U3TTN J-6 #2 (.292 Dia.) 7 Str. #1 (.332 Dia.) 19 Str. or YRB1CU2TTN 1/0 CMPCT (.336 Dia.) 19 Str. #1 (.332 Dia.) 19 Str. or YRB1CU1TTN 1/0 CMPCT (.336 Dia.) 19 Str. 1/0 (.373 Dia.) 19 Str. or YRB25U3TTN 1/0 CMPCT (.336 Dia.) 19 Str. 1/0 (.373 Dia.) 19 Str. or YRB25U2TTN 1/0 CMPCT (.336 Dia.) 19 Str. 1/0 (.373 Dia.) 19 Str. or YRB25U25TTN 1/0 CMPCT (.336 Dia.) 19 Str. 3/0 (.470 Dia.) 19 Str. or YRB27U25TW 3/0 CMPCT (.423 Dia.) 19 Str. 4/0 (.528 Dia.) 19 Str. or YRB28U3TW 4/0 CMPCT (.475 Dia.) 19 Str. 4/0 (.528 Dia.) 19 Str. or YRB28U2TW 4/0 CMPCT (.475 Dia.) 19 Str. 4/0 (.528 Dia.) 19 Str. or YRB28U1TW 4/0 CMPCT (.475 Dia.) 19 Str. 4/0 (.528 Dia.) 19 Str. or YRB28U25TW 4/0 CMPCT (.475 Dia.) 19 Str. 4/0 (.528 Dia.) 19 Str. or YRB28U26TW 4/0 CMPCT (.475 Dia.) 19 Str. 4/0 (.528 Dia.) 19 Str. or YRB28U28TW 4/0 CMPCT (.475 Dia.) 19 Str. 350 kcmil (.681 Dia.) 37 Str. or YRB31U25TW 350 kcmil CMPCT (.616 Dia.) 19 Str. AL; 37 Str. AL & CU 350 kcmil (.681 Dia.) 37 Str. or YRB31U28TW 350 kcmil (.616 Dia.) 19 Str. AL; 37 Str. AL & CU 350 kcmil (.681 Dia.) 37 Str. or YRB31U31TW 350 kcmil CMPCT (.616 Dia.) 19 Str. AL; 37 Str. AL & CU 1 Material: Aluminum. 2 Finish: Electro-tin plated. ➂ Barrels are partially filled with PENETROX™ and sealed. 4 Scratch brushing of all conductors before making installation is recommended. 5 Not for use with Copper-to-Copper applications. 6 Dimensions in brackets [ ] are in millimeters rounded off to the nearest millimeter, unless otherwise noted, and are for reference only. BARREL “B” CU & ALUM. DIMENSIONS B MIN. L WIRE STRIP LENGTH BARREL BARREL DIE COLOR O.D. “A” “B” NUMBER CODE 1.35 [34] 3.25 [83] .65 [17] 1-3/4 1-3/4 296 Tan 1.53 [39] 3.69 [94] .85 [22] 1-1/2 1-1/2 298 White 1.11 [28] 2-1/4 2-1/4 299 Brown #3 (.260 Dia.) 7 Str. #2 (.292 Dia.) 7 Str. #1 (.332 Dia.) 19 Str. or 1/0 CMPCT (.336 Dia.) 19 Str. #3 (.260 Dia.) 7 Str. #2 (.292 Dia.) 7 Str. 1/0 (.373 Dia.) 19 Str. or 1/0 CMPCT (.336 Dia.) 19 Str. 1/0 (.373 Dia.) 19 Str. or 1/0 CMPCT (.336 Dia.) 19 Str. #3 (.260 Dia.) 7 Str. #2 (.292 Dia.) 7 Str. or #2 CMPCT (.268 Dia.) 7 Str. #1 (.332 Dia.) 19 Str. or 1/0 CMPCT (.299 Dia.) 7 Str. 1/0 (.373 Dia.) 19 Str. or 1/0 CMPCT (.336 Dia.) 19 Str. 2/0 (.419 Dia.) 19 Str. or 2/0 CMPCT (.376 Dia.) 19 Str. 4/0 (.528 Dia.) 19 Str. or 4/0 CMPCT (.475 Dia.) 19 Str. 1.53 [39] 3.70 [94] 1.53 [39] 3.69 [94] 2.34 [59] 5.43 [138] 1/0 (.373 Dia.) 19 Str. or 1/0 CMPCT (.336 Dia.) 19 Str. 4/0 (.528 Dia.) 19 Str. or 250 kcmil CMPCT (.520 Dia.) 37 Str. 350 kcmil (.681 Dia.) 37 Str. or 350 kcmil CMPCT (.616 Dia.) 19 Str. AL; 37 Str. AL & CU ➆ Catalog number PT6515 Adaptor is required to use “U” dies in Y45 series tools. ⑧ Catalog number PUADP-1 Adaptor is required to use “U” dies in Y46 series tools. 9 On MY29-3 HYTOOL™ use alum. Index plate settings as follows, for 1/0 conductor use 1/0 setting. For conductor smaller than 1/0 size use 2/0 setting. BURNDY URD Underground TYPE YRB-U HYREDUCER™ SPLICE (Continued) FOR ALUMINUM-TO-ALUMINUM AND ALUMINUM-TO-COPPER CONDUCTOR RANGE CATALOG NUMBER YRB34U25TW YRB34U28TW YRB34U29TW YRB34U30TW YRB34U31TW YRB34U34TW YRB39U28TW YRB39U30TW BARREL “A” CU & ALUM. 500 kcmil (.813 Dia.) 37 Str. or 500 kcmil CMPCT (.736 Dia.) 19 Str. AL; 37 Str. AL & CU 500 kcmil (.813 Dia.) 37 Str. or 500 kcmil CMPCT (.736 Dia.) 19 Str. AL; 37 Str. AL & CU 500 kcmil (.813 Dia.) 37 Str. or 500 kcmil CMPCT (.736 Dia.) 19 Str. AL; 37 Str. AL & CU 500 kcmil (.813 Dia.) 37 Str. or 500 kcmil CMPCT (.736 Dia.) 19 Str. AL; 37 Str. AL & CU 500 kcmil (.813 Dia.) 37 Str. or 500 kcmil CMPCT (.736 Dia.) 19 Str. AL; 37 Str. AL & CU 500 kcmil (.813 Dia.) 37 Str. or 500 kcmil CMPCT (.736 Dia.) 19 Str. AL; 37 Str. AL & CU 750 kcmil (.998 Dia.) 61 Str. or 750 kcmil CMPCT (.908 Dia.) 61 Str. 750 kcmil (.998 Dia.) 61 Str. or 750 kcmil CMPCT (.908 Dia.) 61 Str. YRB39U31TW 750 kcmil (.998 Dia.) 61 Str. or 750 kcmil CMPCT (.908 Dia.) 61 Str. YRB39U34TW 750 kcmil (.998 Dia.) 61 Str. or 750 kcmil CMPCT (.908 Dia.) 61 Str. YRB39U39TW 750 kcmil (.998 Dia.) 61 Str. or 750 kcmil CMPCT (.908 Dia.) 61 Str. YRB44U31TW 1000 kcmil (1.152 Dia.) 61 Str. YRB44U34TW 1000 kcmil (1.152 Dia.) 61 Str. YRB44U39TW 1000 kcmil (1.152 Dia.) 61 Str. YRB44U44TW 1000 kcmil (1.152 Dia.) 61 Str. 1 Material: Aluminum. 2 Finish: Electro-tin plated. ➂ Barrels are partially filled with PENETROX™ and sealed. 4 Scratch brushing of all conductors before making installation is recommended. 5 Not for use with Copper-to-Copper applications. 6 Dimensions in brackets [ ] are in millimeters rounded off to the nearest millimeter, unless otherwise noted, and are for reference only. BARREL “B” CU & ALUM. DIMENSIONS B MIN. L WIRE STRIP LENGTH BARREL BARREL DIE COLOR O.D. “A” “B” NUMBER CODE 2.70 [69] 1.31 [33] 1/0 (.373 Dia.) 19 Str. 4/0 (.528 Dia.) 19 Str. or 4/0 CMPCT (.475 Dia.) 19 Str. 250 kcmil (.575 Dia.) 37 Str. 6.00 [152] 1-1/8 1-1/8 300 Pink 300 kcmil (.630 Dia.) 37 Str. 350 kcmil (.681 Dia.) 37 Str. 350 kcmil CMPCT (.616 Dia.) 19 Str. AL; 37 Str. AL & CU 500 kcmil (.813 Dia.) 37 Str. or 500 kcmil CMPCT (.736 Dia.) 19 Str. AL; 37 Str. AL & CU 4/0 (.528 Dia.) 19 Str. or 4/0 CMPCT (.475 Dia.) 19 Str. 300 kcmil (.630 Dia.) 37 Str. 350 kcmil (.681 Dia.) 37 Str. or 350 kcmil CMPCT (.616 Dia.) 19 Str. AL; 37 Str. AL & CU 500 kcmil (.813 Dia.) 37 Str. or 500 kcmil CMPCT (.736 Dia.) 19 Str. AL; 37 Str. AL & CU 750 kcmil (.998 Dia.) 61 Str. or 750 kcmil CMPCT (.908 Dia.) 61 Str. 350 kcmil (.681 Dia.) 37 Str. or 350 kcmil CMPCT (.616 Dia.) 19 Str. AL; 37 Str. AL & CU 500 kcmil (.813 Dia.) 37 Str. or 500 kcmil CMPCT (.736 Dia.) 19 Str. AL; 37 Str. AL & CU 750 kcmil (.998 Dia.) 61 Str. or 750 kcmil CMPCT (.908 Dia.) 61 Str. 1000 kcmil (1.152 Dia.) 61 Str. J-7 2.87 [73] 6.74 [171 ➆ Catalog number PT6515 Adaptor is required to use “U” dies in Y45 series tools. ⑧ Catalog number PUADP-1 Adaptor is required to use “U” dies in Y46 series tools. 9 On MY29-3 HYTOOL™ use alum. Index plate settings as follows, for 1/0 conductor use 1/0 setting. For conductor smaller than 1/0 size use 2/0 setting. 1.46 [37] 3 3-11/16 936 Yellow BURNDY URD Underground TYPE YRB-U HYREDUCER™ SPLICE (Continued) FOR ALUMINUM-TO-ALUMINUM AND ALUMINUM-TO-COPPER INSTALLATION TOOLING (NUMBER OF CRIMPS PER END) MECHANICAL RATCHET HYDRAULIC COLOR CODE DIE INDEX OUR840 MD6, MD7 Y35, Y39, Y750 BAT35, BAT750, PAT750 Tan 296 — — U25ART (1) U25ART (1) U25ART (1) C25AR (1) — White 298 — — U28ART (2) U28ART (2) U28ART (2) C28AR (2) — Brown 299 — — U31ART Overlap Crimp U34ART Overlap Crimp U39ART-2 (4) U31ART Overlap Crimp U34ART Overlap Crimp U39ART-2 (4) U31ART Overlap Crimp U34ART Overlap Crimp U39ART-2 (4) C31AR (1) L31ART (1) Pink 300 — — Yellow 936 — — 1 Material: Aluminum. 2 Finish: Electro-tin plated. ➂ Barrels are partially filled with PENETROX™ and sealed. J-8 4 Scratch brushing of all conductors before making installation is recommended. ➄ Not for use with Copper-to-Copper applications. 6 Dimensions in brackets [ ] are in millimeters rounded off to the nearest millimeter, unless otherwise noted, and are for reference only. ➇ Y46 ➆ Y45 Y48B Y60BHU ➆ Catalog number PT6515 Adaptor is required to use “U” dies in Y45 series tools. ⑧ Catalog number PUADP-1 Adaptor is required to use “U” dies in Y46 series tools. 9 On MY29-3 HYTOOL™ use alum. Index plate settings as follows, for 1/0 conductor use 1/0 setting. For conductor smaller than 1/0 size use 2/0 setting. ➄ DIELESS (# OF CRIMPS) Mechanical: MY29-3 (1) MY29-11 (1) Hydraulic: Y644M (1) PAT644-18V (1) MY29-3 (1) MY29-11 (1) Y644M (1) PAT644-18V (1) Y644M (1) PAT644-18V (1) C34AR (1) L34ART C39AR (2) L39ART (2) — BURNDY URD Underground TYPE YRB-T HYREDUCER™ SPLICE FOR COPPER-TO-COPPER Type YRB-T splice is designed for use within underground systems. Copper splices are tapered and recommended for use on copper-to-copper cables. Fig. 1 All splices have solid center stops for use with oil filled and non-oil filled cables. The Outside Diameter is held constant to minimize installation dies. Rated up to 35 kV. Fig. 2 Fig. 3 CONDUCTOR SIZE CATALOG ➁ NUMBER ➆ FIGURE NO. BARREL “A” BARREL “B” YRB6C6CT #6 Str. (.184) #6 Str. (.184) YRB4C4CT #4 Str. (.232) #4 Str. (.232) #2 Str. (.292) #2 Str. (.292) YRB2525T 1/0 (.372) 1/0 (.372) YRB2626T 2/0 (.419) 2/0 (.419) YRB2825T 4/0 (.528) 1/0 (.372) 4/0 (.528) 4/0 (.528) YRB2929T 250 kcmil (.575) 250 kcmil (.575) YRB3128T 350 kcmil (.681) 4/0 (.528) YRB3131T 350 kcmil (.681) 350 kcmil (.681) YRB3228T 400 kcmil (.728 4/0 (.528) YRB3428T 500 kcmil (.813) 4/0 (.528) 500 kcmil (.813) 350 kcmil (.681) YRB3432T 500 kcmil (.813) 400 kcmil (.728) YRB3434T 500 kcmil (.813) 500 kcmil (.813) YRB3728T 650 kcmil (.929) 4/0 (.528) YRB3734T 650 kcmil (.929) 500 kcmil (.813) YRB2C2CT YRB2828T YRB3431T 1 2 3 1 Material: Copper. ➁ For Tin-Plating, add suffix “TN” to the Catalog Number (ex.: YRB2825TN). For Hot Tin dipped add suffix “W” to the catalog number (ex.: YRB2825TW). ➂ Catalog Number PT6515 Adaptor is required to use “U” dies in Y45 series tools. B MIN. DIMENSIONS BB MIN. L O.D. .90 [23] .90 [23] .98 [25] .98 [25] 1.04 [26] 1.16 [29] 1.16 [29] 1.25 [32] 1.36 [35] 1.36 [35] 1.38 [35] 1.73 [44] 1.73 [44] 1.73 [44] 1.73 [44] 2.06 [52] 2.06 [52] .90 [23] .90 [23] .98 [25] .98 [25] 1.04 [26] 1.16 [29] 1.16 [29] 1.25 [32] 1.36 [35] 1.36 [35] 1.38 [35] 1.73 [44] 1.73 [44] 1.73 [44] 1.73 [44] 2.06 [52] 2.06 [52] .29 [7] .34 [9] .42 [11] .51 [13] .69 [18] .69 [18] .69 [18] .75 [19] .88 [85] .88 [85] .95 [24] 1.06 [27] 1.06 [27] 1.06 [27] 1.06 [27] 1.23 [31] 1.23 [31] ➃ Catalog Number PUADP-1 is required to use “U” dies in Y46 series tools. 5 Dimensions in brackets [ ] are in millimeters rounded off to the nearest millimeter, unless otherwise specified, and are for reference only. 2.05 [52] 2.05 [52] 2.21 [56] 2.63 [67] 2.36 [60] 2.84 [73] 2.84 [73] 3.12 [79] 3.34 [85] 3.34 [85] 3.48 [88] 4.50 [114] 4.50 [114] 4.50 [114] 4.50 [114] 4.75 [120] 4.75 [120] ➅ For use by customers that have this HYPRESS™. No new Y34 HYPRESS™ tools are being processed. ➆ Suffix “TN” and “W” will not be stamped on part. J-9 BURNDY URD Underground TYPE YRB-T HYREDUCER™ SPLICE (Continued) FOR COPPER-TO-COPPER Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 CONDUCTOR SIZE CATALOG ➁ NUMBER ➆ FIGURE NO. BARREL “A” BARREL “B” YRB3737T 650 kcmil (.929) 650 kcmil (.929) YRB3931T 750 kcmil (.998) 350 kcmil (.681) 750 kcmil (.998) 500 kcmil (.813) YRB3936T 750 kcmil (.998) 600 kcmil (.893) YRB3937T 750 kcmil (.998) 650 kcmil (.929) YRB3939T 750 kcmil (.998) 750 kcmil (.998) YRB4028T 800 kcmil (1.031) 4/0 (.528) YRB4037T 800 kcmil (1.031) 650 kcmil (.929) 800 kcmil (1.031) 750 kcmil (.998) YRB4439T 1000 kcmil (1.152) 750 kcmil (.998) YRB4444T 1000 kcmil (1.152) 1000 kcmil (1.152) YRB3934T 3 J-10 YRB4039T 2 1 Material: Copper. ➁ For Tin-Plating, add suffix “TN” to the Catalog Number (ex.: YRB2825TN). For Hot Tin dipped add suffix “W” to the catalog number (ex.: YRB2825TW). ➂ Catalog Number PT6515 Adaptor is required to use “U” dies in Y45 series tools. B MIN. DIMENSIONS BB MIN. L O.D. 2.06 [52] 2.06 [52] 2.06 [52] 2.06 [52] 2.06 [52] 2.06 [52] 2.13 [54] 2.13 [54] 2.13 [54] 2.50 [64] 2.50 [64] 2.06 [52] 2.06 [52] 2.06 [52] 2.06 [52] 2.06 [52] 2.06 [52] 2.13 [54] 2.13 [54] 2.13 [54] 2.50 [64] 2.05 [64] 1.23 [31] 1.30 [33] 1.30 [33] 1.30 [33] 1.30 [33] 1.30 [33] 1.35 [34] 1.35 [34] 1.35 [34] 1.50 [38] 1.50 [38] ➃ Catalog Number PUADP-1 is required to use “U” dies in Y46 series tools. 5 Dimensions in brackets [ ] are in millimeters rounded off to the nearest millimeter, unless otherwise specified, and are for reference only. 4.75 [120] 4.75 [120] 4.75 [120] 4.75 [120] 4.75 [120] 4.75 [120] 4.89 [124] 4.89 [124] 4.89 [124] 5.86 [149] 5.86 [149] ➅ For use by customers that have this HYPRESS™. No new Y34 HYPRESS™ tools are being processed. ➆ Suffix “TN” and “W” will not be stamped on part. BURNDY URD Underground TYPE YRB-T HYREDUCER™ SPLICE (Continued) FOR COPPER-TO-COPPER Fig. 1 Fig. 2 DIE INFORMATION CATALOG ➁ COLOR DIE NUMBER ➆ CODE INDEX TYPE Die 7 or 374 Die 8 or 346 YRB6C6CT Blue YRB4C4CT Gray YRB2C2CT Brown Die 10 Pink Die 12 or 348 YRB2525T YRB2626T Black Die 13 YRB2825T Purple Die 15 YRB2828T Purple Die 15 YRB2929T Yellow YRB3128T Red YRB3131T Red YRB3228T Blue YRB3428T Brown YRB3431T Brown YRB3432T Brown YRB3434T Brown YRB3728T Orange Die 16 Die 18 or 324 Die 18 or 324 Die 19 or 470 Die 20 or 299 Die 20 or 299 Die 20 or 299 Die 20 or 299 Die 23 Blue Die Set Gray Die Set Brown Die Set Pink Die Set Black Die Set Purple Die Set Purple Die Set Yellow Die Set Red Die Set Red Die Set Blue Die Set Brown Die Set Brown Die Set Brown Die Set Brown Die Set Orange Die Set Fig. 3 INSTALLATION TOOLING (NUMBER OF CRIMPS) MECHANICAL HYDRAULIC Y35,Y39,Y750, MD7 BAT35, BAT750, BCT500, OUR840 MD7-34R MD6 Y34A ➅ PAT750 Y500CT Y46 ➃ Y45 ➂ X5CRT (2) W5CVT 92) X5CVT (2) X4CRT (2) W4CVT (2) X4CRT (2) — X2CRT (2) W2CVT (2) X2CVT (2) X25RT (4) X25VT (4) W26VT (4) W26RT (4) X28VT (4) X28RT (4) X28VT (4) X28RT (4) Y48B WIRE DIELESS STRIP Y60BHU (# OF CRIMPS) LENGTH U5CRT (2) W5CVT (2) U5CRT (2) 31/32 U4CRT (2) W4CVT (2) U4CRT (2) 31/32 U2CRT (2) W2CVT (2) U2CRT (2) — — 1-1/16 — W25RT (4) X25VT (4) A25R (1) W26VT (4) W26RT (4) X28VT (4) X28RT (4) X28VT (4) X28RT (4) — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 1 Material: Copper. ➁ For Tin-Plating, add suffix “TN” to the Catalog Number (ex.: YRB2825TN). For Hot Tin dipped add suffix “W” to the catalog number (ex.: YRB2825TW). ➂ Catalog Number PT6515 Adaptor is required to use “U” dies in Y45 series tools. W25RT (4) U25RT (1) 1-1/16 U26RT (1) W26VT (4) W26RT (4) U26RT (1) 1-1/8 U28RT (1) — U28RT (1) C28R (1) L29ART (1) — U28RT (1) U28RT (1) C28R (1) L29ART (1) U28RT (1) X29RT (4) W29VT (4) W29VT (4) A29R (1) — U25RT (1) — U31RT (2) U29ART (2) U31RT (2) U29ART (2) U32RT (2) U30ART (2) U34RT (2) U31ART (2) U34RT (2) U31ART (2) U34RT (2) U31ART (2) U34RT (2) U31ART (2) X29RT (4) W29VT (4) W31VT (2) W31RT (2) W31VT (2) W31RT (2) W32RT (2) W32VT (2) W34VT (2) W34RT (2) W34VT (2) W34RT (2) W34VT (2) W34RT (2) W34VT (2) W34RT (2) U37RT (2) — U29RT (1) J-11 U29RT (1) U29RT (1) C29R (1) U31RT (2) U29ART (2) U31RT (2) U29ART (2) U32RT (2) U30ART (2) U34RT (2) U31ART (2) U34RT (2) U31ART (2) U34RT (2) U31ART (2) U34RT (2) U31ART (2) C31R (2) L31RT (1) C31AR (1) L29ART (1) C31R (2) L31RT (1) C31AR (1) L29ART (1) C32R (1) L32RT (1) C30AR (1) L30ART (1) C34R (1) L34RT (1) C31AR (1) C34R (1) L34RT (1) C31AR (1) C34R (1) L34RT (1) C31AR (1) C34R (1) L34RT (1) C31AR (1) U31RT (2) U29ART (2) U31RT (2) U29ART (2) U32RT (2) U30ART (2) U34RT (2) U31ART (2) U34RT (2) U31ART (2) U34RT (2) U31ART (2) U34RT (2) U31ART (2) U37RT (2) U37RT (2) ➃ Catalog Number PUADP-1 is required to use “U” dies in Y46 series tools. 5 Dimensions in brackets [ ] are in millimeters rounded off to the nearest millimeter, unless otherwise specified, and are for reference only. C37R (1) L29RT (1) 1-7/32 1-7/32 Hydraulic: Y644M (1) BAT644M (1) PAT644M (1) L37RT (1) 1-3/8 1-7/16 1-7/16 1-1/2 1-13/16 1-13/16 1-13/16 1-13/16 2-3/16 ➅ For use by customers that have this HYPRESS™. No new Y34 HYPRESS™ tools are being processed. ➆ Suffix “TN” and “W” will not be stamped on part. BURNDY URD Underground TYPE YRB-T HYREDUCER™ SPLICE (Continued) FOR COPPER-TO-COPPER Fig. 1 Fig. 2 DIE INFORMATION CATALOG ➁ COLOR DIE NUMBER ➆ CODE INDEX TYPE YRB3734T Orange Die 23 YRB3737T Orange Die 23 YRB3931T Black Die 24 YRB3934T Black Die 24 YRB3936T Black Die 24 J-12 YRB3937T Black Die 24 YRB3939T Black Die 24 YRB4028T Orange Die 25 YRB4037T Orange Die 25 YRB4039T Orange Die 25 YRB4439T White Die 27 YRB4444T White Die 27 Orange Die Set Orange Die Set Black Die Set Black Die Set Black Die Set Black Die Set Black Die Set Orange Die Set Orange Die Set Orange Die Set White Die Set White Die Set Fig. 3 INSTALLATION TOOLING (NUMBER OF CRIMPS) MECHANICAL HYDRAULIC Y35,Y39,Y750, MD7 BAT35, BAT750, BCT500, OUR840 MD7-34R MD6 Y34A ➅ PAT750 Y500CT Y46 ➃ Y45 ➂ — — — U37RT (2) — U37RT (2) U37RT (2) — — — U37RT (2) — U37RT (2) U37RT (2) U39RT (2) P39RT (2) U39RT (2) P39RT (2) U39RT (2) P39RT (2) U39RT (2) P39RT (2) U39RT (2) P39RT (2) U39RT (2) S39RT (2) U39RT (2) S39RT (2) U39RT (2) S39RT (2) U39RT (2) S39RT (2) U39RT (2) S39RT (2) — — — U39RT (2) — — — — U39RT (2) — — — — U39RT (2) — — — — U39RT (2) — — Y48B C37R (1) WIRE DIELESS STRIP Y60BHU (# OF CRIMPS) LENGTH L37RT (1) 2-3/16 C37R (1) L37RT (1) 2-3/16 C39R (1) C36AR (1) C39R (1) C36AR (1) C39R (1) C36AR (1) C39R (1) C36AR (1) C39R (1) C36AR (1) L39RT (1) L36ART (1) L39RT (1) L36ART (1) L39RT (1) L36ART (1) L39RT (1) L36ART (1) L39RT (1) L36ART (1) 2-1/8 2-1/8 2-1/8 Hydraulic: Y644M (1) BAT644M (1) PAT644M (1) 2-1/8 — — — U39RT (2) — — — — — — P40RT (2) S40RT (2) C40R (1) L40RT (1) 2-7/32 — — — — — P40RT (2) S40RT (2) C40R (1) L40RT (1) 2-7/32 — — — — — P40RT (2) S40RT (2) C40R (1) L40RT (1) 2-7/32 — — — — — P44RT (2) S44RT (2) C44R (1) L44RT (1) 2-5/8 — — — — — P44RT (2) S44RT (2) C44R (1) L44RT (1) 2-5/8 1 Material: Copper. ➁ For Tin-Plating, add suffix “TN” to the Catalog Number (ex.: YRB2825TN). For Hot Tin dipped add suffix “W” to the catalog number (ex.: YRB2825TW). ➂ Catalog Number PT6515 Adaptor is required to use “U” dies in Y45 series tools. ➃ Catalog Number PUADP-1 is required to use “U” dies in Y46 series tools. 5 Dimensions in brackets [ ] are in millimeters rounded off to the nearest millimeter, unless otherwise specified, and are for reference only. 2-1/8 ➅ For use by customers that have this HYPRESS™. No new Y34 HYPRESS™ tools are being processed. ➆ Suffix “TN” and “W” will not be stamped on part. BURNDY URD Underground URD TYPE K-P-C URD SERVICE TAP FOR COPPER CONDUCTORS These compact, wide-range-taking, multiple outlet connectors are made of high conductivity copper alloy. Spherical point Allen set screws provide even clamping forces on conductors up to 4/0 Str. Each connector is supplied with an insulating cover. The mechanical clamping elements allow individual cables to be disconnected without disturbing adjacent connections. CATALOG NUMBER COMPLETE CONNECTOR COVER CONDUCTOR ASSEMBLY ONLY ONLY 6 Str. - 4/0 Str. K6P28C K6P28 K-PC28 NUMBER OF OUTLETS A B C 6 5-1/8 2-3/4 1-5/8 COMPRESSION SERVICE TAPS AND TRANSFORMER TERMINALS Where compression-type service taps are required, the wide-range-taking, figure "6" shaped, tap connectors are recommended. They can be gripped in a HYPRESS™ and slipped over the secondary main for easy installation. For above-grade installation, commercially available insulating tubes are often used to cover a series of these taps on each main cable stub. Separation of run and tap cables simplifies taping. J-13 TYPE YPC-C TIN-PLATED COPPER CRIMPIT™ FOR COPPER CONDUCTORS Made of tin-plated pure copper this connector is recommended for copper service taps in above-grade enclosures or for direct burial. The streamlined design facilitates taping. The plating eliminates reaction with insulators. Conductor Run 2/0 Str. - 250 Tap Catalog Number L Die Index 4 Str. - 2/0 Str YPC29C26 1.00 D3 * Y35 HYPRESS™ U-Dies with adapter PUADP-1 can also be used with Y46. Same number of crimps as Y35. Installation Tooling Y35, Y750, Y46 HYPRESS Die Cat. No. (No. of Crimps) U-D3 (1) BURNDY URD Underground URD TRANSFORMER TERMINALS TYPES K6B AND K33B FOR COPPER CONDUCTORS These terminals are companion connectors of the various types of DOME-TAP, and possess the same advantages of wide conductor range and compactness. These features simplify cable terminations in the secondary compartments of pad-mounted transformers. The design also permits individual cables to be disconnected without disturbing adjacent joints. Made of a high conductivity copper alloy, these compact range-taking connectors provide for connecting up to six copper cables at the transformer terminals. The outlets are equipped with spherical point, tin-plated brass socket set-screws to provide even clamping forces on the conductors throughout the cable range. Fig. 1 Where cable sizes exceed 4/0 STR., a pressure bar is added to assure optimum performance. J-14 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 CONDUCTOR Two Outlets: #6 - 4/0 Four Outlets: 6 Str. - 2/0 Six Outlets: 6 Str. - 4/0 Str. Six Outlets: 4/0 Str. - 500 CATALOG NUMBER FIG. NO. NEMA Tongue K6B2826-2N 1 2-Hole K6B28-4N K33B34-4N 2 3 4-Hole 4-Hole BURNDY URD Underground URD FUSED TRANSFORMER TERMINALS TYPE F-A These Transformer Tap assembles bolt directly to the secondary terminal pad. They provide for up to eight cables to be fused directly at the secondary terminals. This may be all service taps or combinations of secondary mains and service taps. CATALOG NUMBER NUMBER OF FUSES L INCHES F22A28 4 6-1/2 Type LF LIMITER and HYLUG™ (copper or aluminum) Compression terminals must be ordered separately. TRANSFORMER TERMINALS FOR ALUMINUM AND COPPER CONDUCTORS Made of aluminum alloy, the massive design minimizes conductor corrosion due to galvanic action. Each outlet is pre-filled with PENETROX™ joint compound and sealed. Plated aluminum socket head pressure screws and aluminum pressure bars prevent conductor damage. Six hole pad allows for adjustable positioning on four hole NEMA spades. CONDUCTOR CATALOG NUMBER NUMBER OF OUTLETS Two Outlets 2 Str. - 500 Four Outlets 6 Str. - 4/0 Str. K6A34U-6N 6 J-15 UNIVERSAL URD SERVICE TAP TYPE K-P-UC FOR ALUMINUM OR COPPER Made of aluminum alloy, the massive design minimizes conductor corrosion due to galvanic action. Each outlet is pre-filled with PENETROX™ joint compound and sealed. Plated aluminum socket head pressure screws and aluminum pressure bars prevent conductor damage. Each connector is supplied with an insulating cover. CONDUCTOR Two Outlets 2 Str. - 500 Four Outlets 6 Str. - 4/0 Str. CATALOG NUMBER COMPLETE CONNECTOR COVER ASSEMBLY ONLY ONLY K6P34UC K6P34U K6PC34U NUMBER OF OUTLETS A B C 6 5-3/4 3-1/8 2-1/8 BURNDY URD Underground TYPES BPD & BPD2 POWER DISTRIBUTION BLOCKS Dual rated ground pedestal lugs. Rated for 600 volt. Constructed from high strength aluminum alloy 6061-T6. Connectors are all plated to provide low contact resistance. BPD BIC BPD2 BIC2 Plastisol covers dielectric strength rating of 120 volts per mil. Nominal thickness is 156 mils. Covers purchased separately. J-16 CATALOG NUMBER WIRE RANGE AL OR CU. NUMBER OF CONDUCTORS A DIMENSIONS B C INSULATING COVER BPD-4-350 BPD-6-350 BPD-8-350 BPD-4-500 BPD-6-500 BPD-8-500 BPD2-4-750 BPD2-6-750 BPD2-8-750 #6 - 350 #6 - 350 #6 - 350 #2 - 500 #2 - 500 #2 - 500 #2 - 750 #2 - 750 #2 - 750 4 6 8 4 6 8 4 6 8 3.88 5.69 7.50 4.75 7.00 9.25 6.56 9.88 13.81 1.38 1.38 1.38 1.63 1.63 1.63 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.50 2.50 2.50 BIC-4-350 BIC-6-350 BIC-8-350 BIC-4-500 BIC-6-500 BIC-8-500 BIC2-4-750 BIC2-6-750 BIC2-8-750 BURNDY Cable Ties TABLE OF CONTENTS UNIRAP™ Cable Tie Features and Specs ........K-2 - K-4 Type TFV-B Hook and Loop Straps ............................K-13 Military Spec Cable Ties ...........................K-5 Mounting Bases (4-Way) ...................................................K-14 Standard Cable Ties ........................K-6 - K-7 (2-Way) ...................................................K-14 Releaseable Cable Ties ............................K-8 Identification Cable Ties............................K-9 Mounting Hole Cable Ties ........................K-9 Halar® Cable Ties ...................................K-10 Tefzel® Cable Ties ..................................K-10 Stainless Steel Ties ................................K-11 Cable Hangers...........................................K-15 Cable Tie Tools ..........................................K-16 Stainless Steel Strap and Accessories Buckles ...................................................K-17 Stainless Steel Strap Installation Tools OPV, OPC..............................................K-18 K-1 BURNDY Cable Ties UNIRAP™ NYLON CABLE TIES UNIRAP™ cable ties are fabricated of onepiece Nylon with no metal parts. The straps are tough, resilient, lightweight and abrasion resistant. They offer high tensile strength and are chemically resistive to solvents, alkalies, oils, grease and diluted acids. Self-locking, they secure without twisting or leaving sharp projections. Compact heads and pre-bent tips facilitate cable bundling in a minimum of time and space. Component Precision Engineering Strap 1 2 3 6 UNIRAP™ cable ties are designed for both field and production line use and may be installed easily by hand. 5 K-2 4 9 Enhanced Performance 1. Includes load bearing serrations. 1. Serrations provide complete adjustability within the fastening range. 2. Features flats between the serrations. 2. Flats reduce stress concentrations and help make the tie stronger. 3. Features the double outer rail system. 3. Smooth rails promote low drag, as well as minimize chafing. 4. The pawl is integrally formed with the head. 4. The locking unit will not disengage. It also promotes low insertion with high pull out force for very easy installation. 5. The pawl is stepped in order to wedge against the serrations in the strap to form the lock. 5. The tie’s ultimate strength achieves optimum levels. 6. The shoulders, or the sides of the head, guide the strap and prevent it from disengaging from the pawl during loaded conditions. 6. Promotes cable tie strength, endurance, and longevity. 7. The back supports the strap during the wedging of the lock formation. 7. Ensures optimum locking capability. 8. Features a bent tip. 8. Easy pick-up for installers, which leads to fast assembly. 9. Includes a ribbed grip. 9. Allows for easy, no-slip grip. 7 Head FCI BURNDY® cable ties consist of three components: strap, head, and tail. These components are specifically designed to function together to make FCI BURNDY® UNIRAP™ cable ties superior in quality and performance. Tail 8 BURNDY Cable Ties Available Materials Nylon 6/6 — General Purpose General purpose nylon 6/6 features light weight, high strength and a wide temperature range. It is halogen free so it does not release dangerous gases, such as chlorine, bromine, fluorine and iodine when burned. Nylon 6/6 is hygroscopic, and therefore, absorbs or releases moisture depending on its environment. Thus, the moisture level of the material will affect tensile strength, stiffness and elongation of the product. Nylon 6/6 — Heat Stabilized With similar properties and benefits as nylon 6/6, products manufactured with heat stabilized nylon 6/6 material have a chemical stabilizer added for higher continuous temperature applications. Nylon 6/6 — UV Stabilized Chemical inhibitors are used to give nylon 6/6 material added properties to fight against premature aging of products due to the effects of ultraviolet rays. Nylon 6/6 — UV Stabilized (2% Carbon for Military Specification) The physical properties of this material include carbon, which acts as a UV stabilizer, prolonging the life of the product under ultraviolet conditions. It also allows cable ties to meet the particular military specification for cable ties. Nylon 6/6 — V0 Flame Retardant This material meets UL 94V-0 flammability requirements. Flame retardant additives generally reduce tensile strength when compared to general-purpose nylon 6/6, but this resin has been formulated to minimize such effects. Nylon 6/6 — High Impact Impact modifiers are added to increase flexibility. High impact nylon 6/6 has stable tensile strength due to its reduced influence from moisture. It is excellent for high vibration applications, as within the aircraft and automobile industries and performs better than nylon 6/6 against ultraviolet rays. Good for outdoor use. Polypropylene Polypropylene is used in environments where chemical effects on nylon are a concern. It is not affected by inorganic acids (hydrochloric), polyhydric alcohols (ethyleneglycol), neutral salts (sodium chloride) and basic salts (sodium bicarbonate). Polypropylene also resists a number of other chemicals with good results, although it has lower tensile strength than nylon 6/6 (about half). Polypropylene has good UV resistance. Tefzel® Although about two-thirds the strength of nylon 6/6, Tefzel is resistant to a wide range of chemicals, such as concentrated hydrofluoric and sulfuric acids. It is also a low water absorbing material, therefore, is not adversely affected by water. Tefzel is radiation resistant up to 100 megarads and meets the fire and smoke requirements of IEEE 383. Tefzel also withstands high temperatures and ultraviolet light exposure. Products made from Tefzel material also have non-outgassing properties for zero gravity applications. Halar® Halar is similar to Tefzel in performance and benefits. Halar is recognized for its low smoke density attribute when burned. This makes products made out of Halar more desirable for use in areas where smoke generation is a concern, as when bundling wire and cable in air handling spaces. Material Specifications Material Nylon 6/6 — General Purpose (CT) Nylon 6/6 — Heat Stabilized (CTHS) Nylon 6/6 — UV Stabilized (O) Nylon 6/6 — 2% Carbon UV Stabilized (OO) Nylon 6/6 — Flame Retardant (CTV) Nylon 6/6 — High Impact Polypropylene — Chemical Resistant (CTPP) Nylon 12 — UV Stabilized Tefzel® (CTZ) Halar® (CTH) Continuous* Operating Temperature Max. Min. 185° F 85° C 220° F 105° C 185° C 85° C 220° F 105° C 185° F 85° C 185° F 85° C 185° F 85° C 176° F 80° C 302° F 150° C 284° F 140° C –40° F –40° C –40° F –40° C –40° F –40° C –40° F –40° C –40° F –40° C –40° F –40° C –40° F –40° C –40° F –40° C –50° F –46° C –50° F –46° C * Elevated temperatures, over time, will affect materials’ properties such as tensile strength, stiffness, elongation and appearance. Tensile Strength at UL Gamma 73° F Dry as Molded Flame Oxygen Radiation ASTM D-638 (PSI) Rating Index % Resistance UV Resistance Military, Federal, ASTM, and FDA Specifications 12,000 94V-2 28 1 105 Rads Poor ASTM D-4066PA0111 FDA CFR177.1500 12,000 94V-2 26 1 105 Rads Poor ASTM D-4066PA0121 12,000 94V-2 26 1 105 Rads Good ASTM D4066PA0191 12,000 94V-2 26 1 105 Rads Good ASTM D-4066PA0181 MS3367/8 10,800 94V-0 34 1 105 Rads Poor ASTM D-4066PA0110 8,800 94-HB 19 1 105 Rads Good ASTM D-4066PA0150 3,400 94-HB N/A 1 105 Rads Good ASTM D-4101PP0320 FDA CFR177.1520 5,800 94-HB N/A 9 106 Rads Good ASTM D-4066PA411 5,800 94V-0 30 2 108 Rads Excellent 6,100 94V-0 52 2 108 Rads Excellent FCI BURNDY® recommends the evaluation of cable ties in the actual application to determine the suitability of the tie for that application. UL2043 Grade 1 ASTM D-3159 Type 1 ASTM D-3275 Type 3 FDA CRF177.1380 Tefzel® is a registered trademark of E.I. DuPont Corporation. Halar® is a registered trademark of Ausimont Chemical Co. K-3 BURNDY Cable Ties Material Performance Guide Nylon 6/6 Nylon 6/6 General Heat Nylon 6/6 Purpose Stab. UV Stab. Selection Tensile Strength High Temp. Flammability UV Resistance Radiation Chemical — Hydrocarbons — Chlorinated — Hydrocarbons — Acids-Bases — Salts Relative Cost 8 2 5 1 3 6 8 6 2 6 3 Low 8 3 5 1 3 6 8 6 2 6 3 Low Nylon 6/6 2% Carbon UV Stab. Nylon 6/6 Flame Ret. V0 Nylon 6/6 High Impact Polypropylene Nylon 12 UV Stab. Tefzel® Halar® 9 2 5 8 3 6 8 6 2 6 3 Med. 7 2 10 1 3 6 8 6 2 6 3 Med. 8 2 2 2 3 6 8 6 2 6 3 Med. 2 2 2 5 6 8 6 3 8 8 10 Med. 4 1 2 3 3 8 8 8 5 6 8 Med. 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 High 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 High 8 2 5 5 3 6 8 6 2 6 3 Med. 1 = Least Recommended 10 = Most Recommended The following chart is meant to help you understand FCI BURNDY’s cable tie catalog numbering system. Not every cable tie is available in every listed option. See below Catalog Numbering System Charts or contact Type CT BET = Burndy Extended Tie CT = Nylon 6/6 Standard CTAS = Aerial Support Tensile Bundle Dia. 175 075 = 3/4 087 = 7/8 100 = 1 125 = 1-1/4 137 = 1-3/8 150 = 1-1/2 175 = 1-3/4 200 = 2 250 = 2-1/2 300 = 3 400 = 4 500 = 5 600 = 6 700 = 7 800 = 8 900 = 9 1000 = 10 1100 = 11 1200 = 12 1300 = 13 1400 = 14 1500 = 15 1600 = 16 CTZ = Tefzel ® CTHS = Nylon 6/6 Heat Stabilized CTV = Nylon 6/6 Flame Retardant UL94V-0 CTPP = Polypropylene 1Material: Nylon 2Material: Nylon 6/6 — UV Stabilized Type CTSS CTSS = 304 Stainless Steel Type CTB CTB = Cable Tie Base Grey bars contain catalog number examples. 50 18 = 18 lbs. 30 = 30 lbs. 40 = 40 lbs. 50 = 50 lbs. 120 = 120 lbs. 175 = 175 lbs. 250 = 250 lbs. CTH = Halar ® K-4 FCI BURNDY® Customer Service for more information. Tensile 100 100 = 100 lbs. 250 = 250 lbs. Size 125 075 = 3/4” 125 = 1-1/4” 150 = 1=1/2” Feature Package EPR = Extended Pawl Releasable ID = Single Head ID ID2 = Double Head ID ID3 = Triple Head ID FL = ID Flag MH4 = Mounting Hole #4 MH6 = Mounting Hole #6 MH8 = Mounting Hole #8 MH10 = Mounting Hole #10 MH14 = Mounting Hole #14 PM = Push Mount Tie PML = Push Mount Tie w/Louvers PMW = Push Mount Tie w/Wing R = Releasable Tie LP = Low Profile Tie PS = Positive Stop C V=5 X = 10 Q = 25 L = 50 C = 100 B = 250 D = 500 M = 1000 Color 1 = Brown 2 = Red 3 = Orange 4 = Yellow 5 = Green 6 = Blue 7 = Purple 8 = Grey None = Natural 10 = White 11 = Telco Gray 0 = UV Black1 00 = UV Black2 02 = Red 20 = Black 6/6 — 2% Carbon UV Stabilized (Mil. Spec.) Bundle Dia. Package 200 Same as above C Same as above Mount Method RA RA = Rubber Adhesive AA = Acrylic Adhesive S = Screw Mounted Feature Quantity 4 2 = 2 way 4 = 4 way C L = 50 C = 100 D = 500 M = 1000 Color 0 0 = UV Black BURNDY Cable Ties Military Specification UNIRAP™ Cable Ties The FCI BURNDY® cable ties shown below meet the requirements of SAE AS23190A (formerly MIL-S-23190) in accordance with specification MS3367, MS3368, and are QPL-23190 listed. Natural Cable Ties Mil Spec Distributor Pack Catalog Number Bulk Pack Catalog Number Description (Bundle Dia. - Tensile Strength) MS3367-1-9 MS3367-2-9 MS3367-3-9 MS3367-3-9 MS3367-3-9 MS3367-4-9 MS3367-5-9 MS3367-6-9 MS3367-6-9 MS3367-7-9 CT50175C CT50400C CT120400L CT175400Q CT175600Q CT18075C CT30125C CT120900L CT175900Q CT50300C CT50175M CT50400M CT120400D N/A N/A CT18075M CT30125M CT120900D N/A CT50300M 1.75 - 50 lbs. 4 - 50 lbs. 4 - 120 lbs. 4 - 175 lbs. 6 - 175 lbs. .75 - 18 lbs. 1.25 - 30 lbs. 9 - 120 lbs. 9 - 175 lbs. 3 - 50 lbs. UV Resistant Black Cable Ties Mil Spec Distributor Pack Catalog Number Bulk Pack Catalog Number Description (Bundle Dia. - Tensile Strength) MS3367-1-0 MS3367-2-0 MS3367-3-0 MS3367-3-0 MS3367-3-0 MS3367-4-0 MS3367-5-0 MS3367-6-0 MS3367-6-0 MS3367-7-0 CT50175C00 CT50400C00 CT120400L00 CT175400Q00 CT175600Q00 CT18075C00 CT30125C00 CT120900L00 CT175900Q00 CT50300C00 CT50175M00 CT50400M00 CT120400D00 N/A N/A CT18075M00 CT30125M00 CT120900D00 N/A CT50300M00 1.75 - 50 lbs. 4 - 50 lbs. 4 - 120 lbs. 4 - 175 lbs. 6 - 175 lbs. .75 - 18 lbs. 1.25 - 30 lbs. 9 - 120 lbs. 9 - 175 lbs. 3 - 50 lbs. Mil Spec Distributor Pack Catalog Number Bulk Pack Catalog Number Description (Bundle Dia. - Tensile Strength) MS3368-1-A MS3368-2-A MS3368-3-C MS3368-4-D MS3368-5-E CT50175IDC CT50400IDC CT50175ID2L CT50175ID3L CT18075IDC N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1.75 - 50 lbs. 4 - 50 lbs. 1.75 - 50 lbs. Double Strap 1.75 - 50 lbs. Triple Strap .75 - 18 lbs. Natural Identification Cable Ties K-5 BURNDY Cable Ties UNIRAP™ STANDARD CABLE TIES 18 Lb. Minimum Tensile Strength STANDARD PACKAGE CATALOG NUMBER CT18075C CT18075C0 CT18125C CT18125C0 CT18200C CT18200C0 MATERIAL Natural Nylon 6/6 Black Nylon 6/6 UV Natural Nylon 6/6 Black Nylon 6/6 UV Natural Nylon 6/6 Black Nylon 6/6 UV MAXIMUM BUNDLE DIAMETER In. [mm] MINIMUM TENSILE STRENGTH Lbs. (N) .75 [19] 1.25 [32] LENGTH In. [mm] WIDTH In. [mm] INSTALLATION TOOL TOOL SETTING 4.00 [102] 18 (80) 2.00 [51] 5.67 [144] .10 [2.5] TWT1, MK7 Mini 8.00 [203] BULK PACKAGE CATALOG NUMBER CT18075M CT18075M0 CT18125M CT18125M0 CT18200M CT18200M0 30 Lb. Minimum Tensile Strength STANDARD PACKAGE CATALOG NUMBER CT30125C CT30125C0 MATERIAL Natural Nylon 6/6 Black Nylon 6/6 UV MAXIMUM BUNDLE DIAMETER In. [mm] MINIMUM TENSILE STRENGTH Lbs. (N) LENGTH In. [mm] WIDTH In. [mm] INSTALLATION TOOL TOOL SETTING 1.25 [32] 30 (133) 6.00 [152] .14 [3.6] TWT1, MK7 Intermediate MAXIMUM BUNDLE DIAMETER In. [mm] MINIMUM TENSILE STRENGTH Lbs. (N) BULK PACKAGE CATALOG NUMBER CT30125M CT30125M0 40 Lb. Minimum Tensile Strength K-6 STANDARD PACKAGE CATALOG NUMBER CT40200C CT40200C0 CT40300C CT40300C0 CT40400C CT40400C0 MATERIAL Natural Nylon 6/6 Black Nylon 6/6 UV Natural Nylon 6/6 Black Nylon 6/6 UV Natural Nylon 6/6 Black Nylon 6/6 UV 2.00 [51] 3.00 [76] LENGTH In. [mm] WIDTH In. [mm] INSTALLATION TOOL TOOL SETTING 8.50 [216] 40 (178) 4.00 [102] 11.50 [292] .15 [3.8] TWT1, MK7 Intermediate 14.50 [368] BULK PACKAGE CATALOG NUMBER CT40200M CT40200M0 CT40300M CT40300M0 CT40400M CT40400M0 50 Lb. Minimum Tensile Strength STANDARD PACKAGE CATALOG NUMBER CT50175C CT50175C0 CT50300C CT50300C0 CT50400C CT50400C0 MATERIAL Natural Nylon 6/6 Black Nylon 6/6 UV Natural Nylon 6/6 Black Nylon 6/6 UV Natural Nylon 6/6 Black Nylon 6/6 UV MAXIMUM BUNDLE DIAMETER In. [mm] MINIMUM TENSILE STRENGTH Lbs. (N) 1.75 [44] 3.00 [76] 4.00 [102] LENGTH In. [mm] WIDTH In. [mm] INSTALLATION TOOL TOOL SETTING 8.00 [203] 50 (222) 11.75 [298] 15.50 [394] .18 [4.6] TWT1, MK7 Standard BULK PACKAGE CATALOG NUMBER CT50175M CT50175M0 CT50300M CT50300M0 CT50400M CT50400M0 BURNDY Cable Ties UNIRAP™ STANDARD CABLE TIES (Continued) 120 Lb. Minimum Tensile Strength STANDARD PACKAGE CATALOG NUMBER MATERIAL CT120200L CT120200L0 CT120300L CT120300L0 CT120400L CT120400L0 CT120900L CT120900L0 Natural Nylon 6/6 Black Nylon 6/6 UV Natural Nylon 6/6 Black Nylon 6/6 UV Natural Nylon 6/6 Black Nylon 6/6 UV Natural Nylon 6/6 Black Nylon 6/6 UV MAXIMUM BUNDLE DIAMETER In. [mm] MINIMUM TENSILE STRENGTH Lbs. (N) 2.00 [51] LENGTH In. [mm] WIDTH In. [mm] INSTALLATION TOOL TOOL SETTING 8.87 [226] 3.00 [76] 11.87 [302] 120 (534) .30 [7.6] 4.00 [102] 15.25 [387] 9.00 [229] 29.75 [776] TWT2, MK9 Standard BULK PACKAGE CATALOG NUMBER CT120200D CT120200D0 CT120300D CT120300D0 CT120400D CT120400D0 CT120900D CT120900D0 175 Lb. Minimum Tensile Strength STANDARD PACKAGE CATALOG NUMBER MATERIAL CT175400Q CT175400Q0 CT175600Q CT175600Q0 CT175900Q CT175900Q0 CT1751100Q CT1751100Q0 CT1751400Q CT1751400Q0 Natural Nylon 6/6 Black Nylon 6/6 UV Natural Nylon 6/6 Black Nylon 6/6 UV Natural Nylon 6/6 Black Nylon 6/6 UV Natural Nylon 6/6 Black Nylon 6/6 UV Natural Nylon 6/6 Black Nylon 6/6 UV MAXIMUM BUNDLE DIAMETER In. [mm] MINIMUM TENSILE STRENGTH Lbs. (N) LENGTH In. [mm] 4.00 [102] 15.00 [381] 6.00 [152] 21.00 [533] 9.00 [229] 175 (778) 32.00 [813] 11.00 [279] 36.00 [914] 14.00 [356] 52.00 [1321] WIDTH In. [mm] INSTALLATION TOOL TOOL SETTING .35 [8.9] TWT2, MK9 Heavy BULK PACKAGE CATALOG NUMBER K-7 250 Lb. Minimum Tensile Strength STANDARD PACKAGE CATALOG NUMBER MATERIAL CT250600Q CT250600Q0 CT250800Q CT250800Q0 CT2501000Q CT2501000Q0 CT2501200Q CT2501200Q0 Natural Nylon 6/6 Black Nylon 6/6 UV Natural Nylon 6/6 Black Nylon 6/6 UV Natural Nylon 6/6 Black Nylon 6/6 UV Natural Nylon 6/6 Black Nylon 6/6 UV MAXIMUM BUNDLE DIAMETER In. [mm] MINIMUM TENSILE STRENGTH Lbs. (N) 6.00 [152] LENGTH In. [mm] WIDTH In. [mm] INSTALLATION TOOL TOOL SETTING .50 [12.7] TWT2, MK9 Heavy 23.00 [584] 8.00 [203] 29.00 [737] 250 (1112) 10.00 [254] 35.00 [889] 12.00 [305] 40.00 [1016] BULK PACKAGE CATALOG NUMBER BURNDY Cable Ties UNIRAP™ RELEASABLE CABLE TIES Perfect for prototype construction, releasable cable ties are ideal for temporary installations. Releasable ties are also good for applications where service requires adding or subtracting wires from an existing wire bundle. Standard Releasable Ties Extended Pawl Releasable Ties Standard Releasable Cable Ties STANDARD PACKAGE CATALOG NUMBER MATERIAL CT40200RC CT40200RC0 CT50137RC CT50137RC0 CT50400RC CT50400RC0 Natural Nylon 6/6 Black Nylon 6/6 UV Natural Nylon 6/6 Black Nylon 6/6 UV Natural Nylon 6/6 Black Nylon 6/6 UV MAXIMUM BUNDLE DIAMETER In. [mm] MINIMUM TENSILE STRENGTH Lbs. (N) LENGTH In. [mm] WIDTH In. [mm] 2.00 [51] 40 (178) 8.50 [216] .16 [4] 1.38 [35] 6.50 [165] 50 (222) 4.00 [102] .18 [4.6] 15.50 [394] Extended Pawl Releasable Cable Ties STANDARD PACKAGE CATALOG NUMBER CT50137EPRC CT50137EPRC0 CT50250EPRC CT50250EPRC0 MATERIAL Natural Nylon 6/6 Black Nylon 6/6 UV Natural Nylon 6/6 Black Nylon 6/6 UV MAXIMUM BUNDLE DIAMETER In. [mm] MINIMUM TENSILE STRENGTH Lbs. (N) 1.38 [35] LENGTH In. [mm] WIDTH In. [mm] 5.50 [140] 50 (222) 2.50 [64] .291 [7.4] 9.80 [249] K-8 Heavy Duty Releasable Cable Ties STANDARD PACKAGE CATALOG NUMBER CT250200RQ CT250200RQ0 CT250500RQ CT250500RQ0 CT250600RQ CT250600RQ0 CT250800RQ CT250800RQ0 CT2501000RQ CT2501000RQ0 CT2501200RQ CT2501200RQ0 MATERIAL Natural Nylon 6/6 Black Nylon 6/6 UV Natural Nylon 6/6 Black Nylon 6/6 UV Natural Nylon 6/6 Black Nylon 6/6 UV Natural Nylon 6/6 Black Nylon 6/6 UV Natural Nylon 6/6 Black Nylon 6/6 UV Natural Nylon 6/6 Black Nylon 6/6 UV MAXIMUM BUNDLE DIAMETER In. [mm] MINIMUM TENSILE STRENGTH Lbs. (N) LENGTH In. [mm] 2.00 [51] 9.00 [229] 5.00 [127] 20.00 [508] 6.00 [152] WIDTH In. [mm] 23.00 [584] 250 (1112) .50 [12.7] 8.00 [203] 29.00 [737] 10.00 [254] 35.00 [889] 12.00 [305] 40.00 [1016] BURNDY Cable Ties UNIRAP™ IDENTIFICATION CABLE TIES Identification cable ties are used in both bundling and identifying wire groups at the same time. STANDARD PACKAGE CATALOG NUMBER CT18075IDC CT18075FLC CT50175IDC CT50175ID2L CT50175ID3L CT50400IDC MATERIAL FIG. NO. MARKING PAD SIZE In. [mm] Natural Nylon 6/6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 19/64 [25.4 7.5] 13/16 5/16 [20.5 7.9] 1 7/16 [25.4 11.1] 1-11/16 5/16 [29.8 23.8] 1-13/16 15/16 [46 23.8] 1/2 2-1/8 [12.7 54] MAXIMUM BUNDLE DIAMETER In. [mm] MINIMUM TENSILE STRENGTH Lbs. (N) .75 [19] 18 (80) 1.75 [44] WIDTH In. [mm] INSTALLATION TOOL & (SETTING) 4.00 [102] 4.25 [108] .10 [2.5] MK7 (MIN) .18 [4.6] MK7 (STD) 8.00 [203] 50 (222) 4.00 [107] LENGTH In. [mm] 15.00 [381] K-9 UNIRAP™ MOUNTING HOLE CABLE TIES STANDARD PACKAGE CATALOG NUMBER CT18075MH4C CT18075MH4C0 CT30125MH8C CT30125MH8C0 CT50175MH10C CT50175MH10C0 CT50400MH10C CT50400MH10C0 CT120400MH14L CT120400MH14L0 MATERIAL Natural Nylon 6/6 Black Nylon 6/6 UV Nylon 6/6 Nylon 6/6 UV Nylon 6/6 Nylon 6/6 UV Nylon 6/6 GP Nylon 6/6 UV Nylon 6/6 Nylon 6/6 UV SCREW SIZE MAXIMUM BUNDLE DIAMETER In. [mm] MINIMUM TENSILE STRENGTH Lbs. (N) LENGTH In. [mm] WIDTH In. [mm] INSTALLATION TOOL & (SETTING) #4 (M2,5) .75 [19] 18 (80) 4.25 [108] .10 [2.5] MK7 (MIN) #8 (M4) 1.25 [32] 30 (133) 6.25 [159] .14 [3.6] MK7 (INT) #10 (M5) 1.75 [44] 50 (222) 8.50 [216] .18 [4.6] MK7 (STD) #10 (M5) 4.00 [102] 50 (222) 16.00 [406] 1/4 (M6) 4.00 [102] 120 (534) 16.25 [413] .30 [7.6] MK9 (STD) BULK PACKAGE CATALOG NUMBER CT18075MH4M CT18075MH4M0 CT30125MH8M CT30125MH8M0 CT50175MH10M CT50175MH10M0 CT50400MH10M CT50400MH10M0 CT120400MH14D CT120400MH14D0 BURNDY Cable Ties UNIRAP™ HALAR® TIES Halar® ties meet NEC regulations and can be used in applications where low smoke and low flame are a concern, as in air handling spaces. The raw material used to manufacture FCI BURNDY® Halar® cable ties is UL 94V-0 rated. These ties come in a distinct color of red for easy identification. Halar® Cable Ties STANDARD PACKAGE CATALOG NUMBER CTH18075C CTH30200C CTH50175C CTH120400L MATERIAL Halar MAXIMUM BUNDLE DIAMETER In. [mm] MINIMUM TENSILE STRENGTH Lbs. (N) LENGTH In. [mm] WIDTH In. [mm] .75 [19] 2.00 [51] 1.75 [44] 4.00 [102] 18 (80) 30 (133) 50 (222) 120 (534) 4.00 [102] 8.00 [203] 8.00 [203] 15.25 [387] .10 [2.5] .14 [3.6] .18 [4.6] .18 [4.6] INSTALLATION TOOL TOOL SETTING MK7 Mini Intermediate MK9 Standard BULK PACKAGE CATALOG NUMBER CTH18075M CTH30200M CTH50175M CTH120400D UNIRAP™ TEFZEL® TIES Tefzel® ties provide excellent protection against radiation, ultraviolet light, and a wide range of chemicals. It is also rated for low out® ® K-10 gassing applications. FCI BURNDY Tefzel ties offer temperature stability to 150° C and come in a standard color of blue for easy identification. Tefzel® Cable Ties STANDARD PACKAGE CATALOG NUMBER CTZ18075C CTZ30200C CTZ50175C CTZ120400L MATERIAL Tefzel MAXIMUM BUNDLE DIAMETER In. [mm] MINIMUM TENSILE STRENGTH Lbs. (N) LENGTH In. [mm] WIDTH In. [mm] .75 [19] 2.00 [51] 1.75 [44] 4.00 [102] 18 (80) 30 (133) 50 (222) 120 (534) 4.00 [102] 8.00 [203] 8.00 [203] 15.25 [387] .10 [2.5] .14 [3.6] .18 [4.6] .18 [4.6] INSTALLATION TOOL TOOL SETTING MK7 Mini Intermediate MK9 Standard BULK PACKAGE CATALOG NUMBER CTZ18075M CTZ30200M CTZ50175M CTZ120400D BURNDY Cable Ties UNIRAP™ STAINLESS STEEL TIES FCI BURNDY's Stainless Steel ties are designed to secure hoses, cables, poles, pipes, and more when harsh environmental conditions may adversely affect the bundling application. Used where corrosion, vibration, weathering, radiation, and temperature extremes are a concern, FCI BURNDY's Stainless Steel ties can be used in virtually any indoor, outdoor, and underground application. Features FCI BURNDY® Stainless Steel ties are made from Grade 304 Stainless Steel. This tie is designed with a low profile clamping bearing head with fully adjustable strap accommodating many bundle diameters. STANDARD PACKAGE CATALOG NUMBER CTSS100200C CTSS100400C CTSS100600C CTSS100800C CTSS1001000C CTSS250200L CTSS250400L CTSS250600L CTSS250800L CTSS2501000Q MATERIAL 304 SS 304 SS MAXIMUM BUNDLE DIAMETER In. [mm] 1.96 [50] 3.93 [100] 5.90 [150] 7.87 [200] 9.84 [250] 1.96 [50] 3.93 [100] 5.90 [150] 7.87 [200] 9.84 [250] • Smooth, rounded edges help ensure safe, efficient handling. • Ergonomically designed installation tool consistently tensions and cuts off ties leaving flush edges. • Flame retardant and non-toxic for applications where safety from fire is critical. MINIMUM TENSILE STRENGTH Lbs. (N) 100 (444) 250 (1112) LENGTH In. [mm] 7.90 [201] 14.30 [363] 20.50 [521] 26.80 [681] 33.00 [838] 7.90 [201] 14.30 [363] 20.50 [521] 26.80 [681] 33.00 [838] HEAD WIDTH In. [mm] STRAP WIDTH In. [mm] INSTALLATION TOOL & (SETTING) .26 [4.6] .18 [4.6] MK9SST (INT) .39 [9.8] .31 [7.9] MK9SST (STD) K-11 BURNDY Cable Ties TYPE TFV-B HOOK AND LOOP STRAPS Reusable and flexible BURNDY® Hook and Loop Straps are a unique self-gripping fastening system. These ties are specifically used on fiberoptic applications. The TFV-V2 flame retardant straps are UL Listed Wire Positioning Devices (ZODZ), UL94-V2 rated for use in air handling spaces in accordance with the NEC section 300-22 (c) and (d). Perfect for plenum areas. 25 straps are conveniently packaged in each polybag. CATALOG NUMBER TFV3B12V2** TFV3B18V2** TFV3BLU12 TFV3BLU18 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION C L W T VELCRO® hook and loop strap, 3/4 12, Black, 25pk VELCRO® hook and loop strap, 3/4 18, Black, 25pk VELCRO® hook and loop strap, 3/4 12, Royal Blue, 25pk VELCRO® hook and loop strap, 3/4 18, Royal Blue, 25pk 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 12.00 18.00 12.00 18.00 .50 .50 .50 .50 .09 .09 .09 .09 * Straps sold by the package, quantity 1 package equals 25 straps. ** UL94-V2 listed. VELCRO® is a registered trademark of Velcro USA, Inc. K-12 MAX. AVG. SHEER AVG. PEEL PKG. BUNDLE DIA. (PSI) (PIW) QTY. 3.0 5.0 3.0 5.0 29 29 23 23 .6 .6 .5 .5 *1 *1 *1 *1 BURNDY Cable Ties MOUNTING BASES FCI BURNDY® offers a wide variety of mounting bases suited for many applications. Mounting bases are used in conjunction with cable ties to stabilize and secure wire bundles, both indoors and outdoors. Mounting bases can be secured to a surface using rubber based adhesive, acrylic adhesive, or also can be screw mounted. FCI BURNDY’s 4-way mounting bases are available in four sizes to accommodate CT18 through CT150 series cable ties. Insertion of ties can be made from all sides. Each mount may be secured with two screws, with adhesive backing, or both, for ease of application and stability. For applications where higher temperatures, certain chemicals, or UV radiation are a concern and an adhesive is the preferred method for securing, the acrylic adhesive 4-way mounting bases are recommended. The 2-way mounting bases may be secured with one screw, with adhesive backing, or both, and allow ties to be inserted from two sides. 4-Way CATALOG NUMBER CTB075S4C CTB075S4M CTB075AA4C CTB075AA4M CTB075RA4C CTB075RA4M CTB125S4C CTB125S4D CTB125AA4C CTB125AA4D CTB125RA4C CTB125RA4L CTB125RA4D CTB150S4C CTB150S4B CTB150AA4C CTB150AA4B CTB150RA4C CTB150RA4B MOUNTING METHOD MAX. TIE SLOT WIDTH DIMENSION A DIMENSION B DIMENSION C PKG. QTY. #4 Screw #4 Screw Acrylic Adhesive Acrylic Adhesive Rubber Adhesive Rubber Adhesive #8 Screw #8 Screw Acrylic Adhesive Acrylic Adhesive Rubber Adhesive Rubber Adhesive Rubber Adhesive #8 Screw #8 Screw Acrylic Adhesive Acrylic Adhesive Rubber Adhesive Rubber Adhesive .14 .14 .14 .14 .14 .14 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .20 .35 .35 .35 .35 .35 .35 .75 .75 .75 .75 .75 .75 1.125 1.125 1.125 1.125 1.125 1.125 1.125 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 .75 .75 .75 .75 .75 .75 1.125 1.125 1.125 1.125 1.125 1.125 1.125 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 .15 .15 .15 .15 .15 .15 .19 .19 .19 .19 .19 .19 .19 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 100 1000 100 1000 100 1000 100 500 100 500 100 50 500 100 250 100 250 100 250 MOUNTING METHOD MAX. TIE SLOT WIDTH DIMENSION A DIMENSION B DIMENSION C PKG. QTY. #6 Screw Rubber Adhesive .18 .18 1.125 1.125 1.125 1.125 .21 .21 100 100 All bases listed above are natural. UV Black mounting bases are also available in nearly every size. Insert “0” after the part number. 2-Way CATALOG NUMBER CTB125S2C CTB125RA2C All bases listed above are natural. UV Black mounting bases are also available in nearly every size. Insert “0” after the part number. K-13 BURNDY Cable Ties CABLE HANGERS Cable Hangers provide a contact area range of 1/2 to 3/8 in width. All contact edges have a full radius for product protection, and sizes are clearly marked on each clamp. Cable Hangers are injection molded. Available in white nylon 6/6 and black nylon 6/6. K-14 Catalog Number Mounting Screw Max. Bundle Dimension A Dimension B Dimension C Pkg. Qty. CH2C CH2M CH3C CH3M CH4C CH4M CH5C CH5M CH6C CH6M CH7C CH7M CH8C CH8M CH9C CH9M CH10C CH10M CH11C CH11M CH12C CH12M CH14C CH14M CH16C CH16M CH18C CH18M CH24L CH24C #10 Screw #10 Screw #10 Screw #10 Screw #10 Screw #10 Screw #10 Screw #10 Screw #10 Screw #10 Screw #10 Screw #10 Screw #10 Screw #10 Screw #10 Screw #10 Screw #10 Screw #10 Screw #10 Screw #10 Screw #10 Screw #10 Screw #10 Screw #10 Screw #10 Screw #10 Screw #10 Screw #10 Screw #10 Screw #10 Screw .125 .125 .187 .187 .25 .25 .312 .312 .375 .375 .437 .437 .5 .5 .563 .563 .625 .625 .625 .625 .750 .750 .875 .875 1 1 1.12 1.12 1.5 1.5 .125 .125 .188 .188 .250 .250 .313 .313 .375 .375 .438 .438 .5 .5 .563 .563 .625 .625 .625 .625 .750 .750 .875 .875 1 1 1.125 1.125 1.5 1.5 .375 .375 .375 .375 .375 .375 .375 .375 .375 .375 .375 .375 .375 .375 .375 .375 .375 .375 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .329 .329 .430 .430 .410 .410 .495 .495 .595 .595 .574 .574 .605 .605 .606 .606 .606 .606 .655 .655 .78 .78 .845 .845 .91 .91 .97 .97 1.19 1.19 100 1000 100 1000 100 1000 100 1000 100 1000 100 1000 100 1000 100 1000 100 1000 100 1000 100 1000 100 1000 100 1000 100 1000 50 100 All hangers listed above are natural. UV Black cable hangers are also available in nearly every size. Insert “0” after the part number. BURNDY Cable Ties CABLE TIE TOOLS Ergonomics and the prevention of repetitive motion injuries, coupled with the need to continually improve assembly efficiencies and procedures, are a major concern with most cable tie users. FCI BURNDY® cable tie tools effectively address both issues. FCI BURNDY® has world class cable tie tools to complement its line of high quality cable ties. FCI BURNDY® cable tie tools are truly stateof-the-art in both design and performance. FCI BURNDY® tools make it easier for operators to install cable ties, while maintaining correct tension and flush cut-off. Worker safety is further enhanced as the tools can eliminate the sharp edges of a cut-off cable tie. Catalog Number Description For Use On MK7 MK9 MK9SST TWT1 TWT2 Adjustable Tensioning Tool for Width .10” to .19” Adjustable Tensioning Tool for Width .19” to .35” Adapted for use with Stainless Steel Ties Non-adjustable Tensioning Tool for Width .10” to .19” Non-adjustable Tensioning Tool for Width .19” to .35” CT18 - CT50 Series Ties CT18 - CT250 Series Ties CTSS Series Ties CT18 - CT50 Series Ties CT120 - CT175 Series Ties K-15 BURNDY Cable Ties STAINLESS STEEL STRAP AND ACCESSORIES Stainless Steel straps are designed for use in many applications where a wrap around method is required for securing objects to outside perimeter surfaces. The FCI Stainless Steel Strap system includes strap in convenient tote carrying packages, buckles for securing the strap and installation tooling designed for a convenient and reliable clamping application. Straps and buckles are manufactured from a type 301 stainless steel which provides a high strength and corrosion resistant application. BUCKLES Type 301 Stainless Steel buckles are designed to provide secure installation of stainless straps. Catalog Number A100 A200 K-16 Width Inches mm 0.433 0.826 11 21 Weight per 100 Lbs Kg 0.771 1.830 0.350 0.830 For Use With F107C31 F207C31 BURNDY Cable Ties STAINLESS STEEL STRAP INSTALLATION TOOLS TYPE OPV OPV - Bench screw type band installation tool with carrying case. Bench screw type tool provides tensioning capability with a built in cutter. This tool incorporates a gripper to secure the strap and a spin handle for easy tensioning. 4 lbs. 1.8 kg TYPE OPC The OPC cutting tool is manufactured from heat treated steel and includes a strap cutting guide for safe, easy cutting operations. 1.50 lbs. 0.68 kg K-17 BURNDY Hardware TABLE OF CONTENTS DURIUM™ Hardware Bolts ..........................................................L-2 Aluminum Hardware Bolts ..........................................................L-6 Nuts ...........................................................L-3 Nuts ...........................................................L-6 Flat Washer ...............................................L-3 Flat Washer ...............................................L-6 Split Lockwasher .......................................L-3 Split Lockwashers .....................................L-6 Internal Tooth Lockwasher ........................L-3 Stainless Steel Hardware Bolts ..........................................................L-7 TMH Hardware Kits Durium™ ...................................................L-4 Nuts ...........................................................L-7 Stainless Steel ..........................................L-4 Flat Washer ...............................................L-7 Galvanized Steel Hardware Bolts ..........................................................L-5 Split Lockwashers .....................................L-7 Belleville Washers .......................................L-7 Nuts ...........................................................L-5 DURIUM™ U-Bolts ......................................L-8 Flat Washer ...............................................L-5 Internal Tooth Lockwashers.......................L-5 L-1 BURNDY Hardware HARDWARE DATA RECOMMENDED TIGHTENING TORQUE The hardware used in connectors must be compatible with the connector material, have high mechanical strength and be corrosion resistant and correspond to NEMA recommendations. Copper alloy connectors have hardware made of DURIUM™, which is BURNDY's trade name for silicon bronze alloy ASTMB99 type B. This material was first introduced by BURNDY® in 1927 for use in outdoor construction, and today, is the standard throughout the industry. DURIUM™ and Steel Hardware Aluminum Hardware Recommended Recommended Bolt Bolt Torque Torque Size Size (Inch Pounds) (Inch Pounds) 1/4 - 20 80 300 1/2 - 13 5/16 - 18 180 480 5/8 - 11 3/8 - 16 240 650 3/4 - 10 1/2 - 13 480 5/8 - 11 660 3/4 - 10 1,050 Aluminum connectors generally have aluminum alloy hardware. The bolts are 2024T4 and anodized to resist corrosion. The nuts are 6061T6, which is resistant to corrosion and does not require anodizing. Both nuts and bolts are lubricated to eliminate galling and to provide consistent clamping forces. The size material for clamping hardware are selected to provide the required force when tightened to the recommended torque. To reduce or greatly exceed the recommended torque can adversely affect the performance of the connector. DURIUM™ BOLT SILICON BRONZE BURNDY® introduced silicon-bronze bolts, nuts, and other hardware items on outdoor connector applications in 1927. Today the DURIUM™ trademark is a standard for this use. DURIUM™ bolts combine high strength with corrosion resistance. Bolts up to 2 inches long are fully threaded; longer bolts are threaded for two inches. Heads have L-2 American Standard dimension, and the threads are per American National Coarse Series, Class #2 fit. The silicon bronze is per ASTM B99. Catalog Number Thread Size B Length Catalog Number Thread Size B Length Catalog Number Thread Size B Length 25x50 HEB BOX 25x62 HEB BOX 25x75 HEB BOX 25x100 HEB BOX 25x125 HEB BOX 25x150 HEB BOX 25x200 HEB BOX 25x250 HEB BOX 25x300 HEB BOX 31x50 HEB BOX 31x62 HEB BOX 31x75 HEB BOX 31x100 HEB BOX 31x125 HEB BOX 31x150 HEB BOX 31x175 HEB BOX 31x200 HEB BOX 31x250 HEB BOX 31x300 HEB BOX 38x50 HEB BOX 38x62 HEB BOX 38x75 HEB BOX 38x88 HEB BOX 38x100 HEB BOX 1/4-20 1/4-20 1/4-20 1/4-20 1/4-20 1/4-20 1/4-20 1/4-20 1/4-20 5/16-18 5/16-18 5/16-18 5/16-18 5/16-18 5/16-18 5/16-18 5/16-18 5/16-18 5/16-18 3/8-16 3/8-16 3/8-16 3/8-16 3/8-16 1/2 5/8 3/4 1 1-1/4 1-1/2 2 2-1/2 3 1/2 5/8 3/4 1 1-1/4 1-1/2 1-3/4 2 2-1/2 3 1/2 5/8 3/4 7/8 1 38x125 HEB BOX 38x150 HEB BOX 38x175 HEB BOX 38x200 HEB BOX 38x225 HEB BOX 38x250 HEB BOX 38x275 HEB BOX 38x300 HEB BOX 38x325 HEB BOX 38x350 HEB BOX 38x400 HEB BOX 38x450 HEB BOX 38x500 HEB BOX 44x150 HEB BOX 44x200 HEB BOX 50x75 HEB BOX 50x100 HEB BOX 50x125 HEB BOX 50x150 HEB BOX 50x175 HEB BOX 50x200 HEB BOX 50x225 HEB BOX 50x250 HEB BOX 50x275 HEB BOX 3/8-16 3/8-16 3/8-16 3/8-16 3/8-16 3/8-16 3/8-16 3/8-16 3/8-16 3/8-16 3/8-16 3/8-16 3/8-16 7/16-14 7/16-14 1/2-13 1/2-13 1/2-13 1/2-13 1/2-13 1/2-13 1/2-13 1/2-13 1/2-13 1-1/4 1-1/2 1-3/4 2 2-1/4 2-1/2 2-3/4 3 3-1/4 3-1/2 4 4-1/2 5 1-1/2 2 3/4 1 1-1/4 1-1/2 1-3/4 2 2-1/4 2-1/2 2-3/4 50x300 HEB BOX 50x325 HEB BOX 50x350 HEB BOX 50x375 HEB BOX 50x400 HEB BOX 50x450 HEB BOX 50x500 HEB BOX 50x550 HEB BOX 50x600 HEB BOX 62x100 HEB BOX 62x125 HEB BOX 62x150 HEB BOX 62x175 HEB BOX 62x200 HEB BOX 62x225 HEB BOX 62x250 HEB BOX 62x275 HEB BOX 62x300 HEB BOX 62x325 HEB BOX 62x350 HEB BOX 62x400 HEB BOX 62x450 HEB BOX 62x500 HEB BOX 62x600 HEB BOX 1/2-13 1/2-13 1/2-13 1/2-13 1/2-13 1/2-13 1/2-13 1/2-13 1/2-13 5/8-11 5/8-11 5/8-11 5/8-11 5/8-11 5/8-11 5/8-11 5/8-11 5/8-11 5/8-11 5/8-11 5/8-11 5/8-11 5/8-11 5/8-11 3 3-1/4 3-1/2 3-3/4 4 4-1/2 5 5-1/2 6 1 1-1/4 1-1/2 1-3/4 2 2-1/4 2-1/2 2-3/4 3 3-1/4 3-1/2 4 4-1/2 5 6 BURNDY Hardware DURIUM™ NUT SILICON BRONZE DURIUM™ hexagon regular nuts are nonmagnetic and are made to American Standard dimensions. American National Coarse Series threads, #2 fit. Catalog Number Thread Size 25C HEN BOX 31C HEN BOX 38C HEN BOX 44C HEN BOX 50C HEN BOX 62C HEN BOX 75C HEN BOX 1/4-20 5/16-18 3/8-16 7/16-14 1/2-13 5/8-11 3/4-10 DURIUM™ FLAT WASHER SILICON BRONZE High strength DURIUM™ Flat Washers are non-magnetic and free from galvanic action when in contact with copper. Conforms to SAE standards. DURIUM™ SPLIT LOCKWASHER SILICON BRONZE DURIUM™ spring type lockwasher has high resiliency and exerts constant pressure on the face of the nut, preventing vibration from loosening the nut. DURIUM™ INTERNAL TOOTH LOCKWASHER SILICON BRONZE DURIUM™ Internal Tooth Lockwashers are available as illustrated. The teeth are twisted slightly and present biting edges which grip the nut and the part being clamped, preventing the nut from backing off. Catalog Number For Bolt Size 25 FW BOX 31 FW BOX 38 FW BOX 44 FW BOX 50 FW BOX 62 FW BOX 1/4 5/16 3/8 7/16 1/2 5/8 Nominal Dimensions in Inches A B 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/16 3/32 3/32 5/8 11/16 13/16 15/16 1-1/16 1-5/16 Catalog Number For Bolt Size 25 SW BOX 31 SW BOX 38 SW BOX 44 SW BOX 50 SW BOX 62 SW BOX 1/4 5/16 3/8 7/16 1/2 5/8 L-3 Catalog Number For Bolt Size 25 NW BOX 31 NW BOX 38 NW BOX 44 NW BOX 50 NW BOX 62 NW BOX 1/4 5/16 3/8 7/16 1/2 5/8 BURNDY Hardware TYPE TMH DURIUM™ SILICON BRONZE HARDWARE KITS Type TMH are DURIUM™ silicon bronze hardware kits. The kits can be ordered for specific applications ensuring the proper type and amount of hardware for each installation. Packaged in separate sealed bags, they are convenient to use, eliminating mismatched quantities. DURIUM™ silicon bronze material provides long lasting corrosion resistance. Catalog Number TMH262 TMH263 TMH264 TMH265 TMH323 TMH266 TMH267 TMH268 TMH269 TMH270 TMH271 TMH332 2 TMH261 † TMH289 †† TMH295 TMH272 TMH294 TMH69 Size 1/4-20 3/8-16 1/2-13 Bolt Length 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 0.75 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.75 3.00 1.25 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 Each TMH Kit Includes: Flat Split Qty. Washer Washer 2 4 2 2 4 2 2 4 2 2 4 2 1 0 1 2 4 2 2 4 2 2 4 2 2 4 2 2 4 2 2 4 2 2 4 2 2 4 2 1 2 1 2 4 2 2 4 2 2 4 2 2 4 2 † For use with CUSA750-2TC38 copper spacer adaptor, (2) terminals and ˚" thick equipment bus bar. For other combinations contact BURNDY®. †† For use with all GAR-TC connectors. "R" dimension is allowable pad thickness of terminal TYPE TMH-SS L-4 STAINLESS STEEL HARDWARE KITS Type TMH-SS are Grade 5 stainless steel hardware kits. Just like the standard TMH kits, these kits can be ordered for specific applications ensuring the proper type and amount of hardware for each installation. They are packaged in separate sealed bags and convenient for use and ordering. Catalog Number TMH322SS TMH262SS TMH263SS TMH264SS TMH265SS TMH323SS TMH266SS TMH267SS TMH268SS TMH269SS TMH270SS TMH271SS TMH261SS † TMH289SS †† TMH295SS TMH272SS TMH294SS TMH69SS Size 10 - 32 1/4-20 3/8-16 1/2-13 Hex Nut 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 Working Range R 0.09 - 0.34 0.34 - 0.59 0.59 - 0.84 0.84 - 1.09 0.00 - 0.19 0.19 - 0.44 0.44 - 0.69 0.69 - 0.94 0.94 - 1.19 1.19 - 1.44 2.15 - 2.40 0.02 - 0.27 0.27 - 0.49 0.49 - 0.74 0.74 - 0.99 0.99 - 1.24 Installation Torque (In-lbs) 80 240 480 * For other combinations contact BURNDY®. ➀ "L" dimension never exceeds .25" 2 For use with CUSA442TC38 on 1/4" bus bar and HYLUG™ 4/0 - 750 kcmil. Each TMH Kit Includes: Bolt Flat Split Length Qty. Washer Washer 0.875 1 0 1 0.75 2 4 2 1.00 2 4 2 1.25 2 4 2 1.50 2 4 2 0.75 1 0 1 0.75 2 4 2 1.00 2 4 2 1.25 2 4 2 1.50 2 4 2 1.75 2 4 2 2.00 2 4 2 3.00 2 4 2 1.25 1 2 1 1.25 2 4 2 1.50 2 4 2 1.75 2 4 2 2.00 2 4 2 Hex Nut 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 Working Range R 0.09 - 0.34 0.34 - 0.59 0.59 - 0.84 0.84 - 1.09 0.00 - 0.19 0.19 - 0.44 0.44 - 0.69 0.69 - 0.94 0.94 - 1.19 1.19 - 1.44 2.15 - 2.40 0.02 - 0.27 0.27 - 0.49 0.49 - 0.74 0.74 - 0.99 0.99 - 1.24 Installation Torque (In-lbs) 45 80 240 480 BURNDY Hardware GALVANIZED STEEL HARDWARE Galvanized bolts, nuts, flatwashers, and internal tooth lockwashers are manufactured per ASTM307 Grade A. Bolts up to 2 inches long are fully threaded; longer bolts are threaded for 2 inches. Nut surfaces and bolt heads have American Standard dimensions, and the threads are per American National Coarse Series, Class #2 fit. Galvanizing is per ASTM A153. BOLTS CATALOG NUMBER THREAD SIZE LENGTH (B) 38x125 HGSB 38x275 HGSB 38x225 HGSB 50x100 HGSB 50x150 HGSB 50x200 HGSB 62x125 HGSB 62x175 HGSB 75x125 HGSB NUTS 3/8-16 3/8-16 3/8-16 1/2-13 1/2-13 1/2-13 5/8-11 5/8-11 3/4-10 CATALOG NUMBER THREAD SIZE 31CHGSN 38 HGSN-009 38 HGSN 50 HGSN 62 HGSN 5/16-18 3/8-16 3/8-16 1/2-13 5/8-11 FLATWASHER CATALOG NUMBER BOLT SIZE 38x81 FWGS 50x106 FWGS 62x31 FWGS 75 FWGS INTERNAL TOOTH LOCKWASHERS 1.25 2.75 2.25 1.00 1.50 2.00 1.00 1.75 1.25 NOMINAL DIMENSIONS L-5 (INCHES) I.D. A O.D. B 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 0.406 0.531 0.656 0.812 0.813 1.06 1.75 1.50 CATALOG NUMBER BOLT SIZE 38 NWGS 50 NWGS 62 NWGS 75 NWGS 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 BURNDY Hardware ALUMINUM HARDWARE BOLTS BURNDY® aluminum hexagon head bolts are manufactured of alloy 2024-T4 and are finished with anodic coating and lubricated. Threads are coarse series, class 2A fit. CATALOG NUMBER THREAD SIZE B LENGTH CATALOG NUMBER THREAD SIZE B LENGTH 50x150 HAB BOX 50x175 HAB BOX 50x200 HAB BOX 50x225 HAB BOX 50x250 HAB BOX 50x275 HAB BOX 50x300 HAB BOX 50x325 HAB BOX 50x350 HAB BOX 50x375 HAB BOX 50x400 HAB BOX 50x425 HAB BOX 50x450 HAB BOX 1/2-13 1/2-13 1/2-13 1/2-13 1/2-13 1/2-13 1/2-13 1/2-13 1/2-13 1/2-13 1/2-13 1/2-13 1/2-13 1-1/2 1-3/4 2 2-1/4 2-1/2 2-3/4 3 3-1/4 3-1/2 3-3/4 4 4-1/4 4-1/2 50x500 HAB BOX 50x550 HAB BOX 62x175 HAB BOX 62x200 HAB BOX 62x225 HAB BOX 62x250 HAB BOX 62x300 HAB BOX 62x350 HAB BOX 62x400 HAB BOX 62x450 HAB BOX 62x500 HAB BOX 62x550 HAB BOX 62x600 HAB BOX 1/2-13 1/2-13 5/8-11 5/8-11 5/8-11 5/8-11 5/8-11 5/8-11 5/8-11 5/8-11 5/8-11 5/8-11 5/8-11 5 5-1/2 1-3/4 2 2-1/4 2-1/2 3 3-1/2 4 4-1/2 5 5-1/2 6 NUTS CATALOG NUMBER THREAD SIZE BURNDY® aluminum nuts are manufactured of alloy 6061-T6, are finished type, coarse thread, class 2B fit. 50 HAN BOX 62 HAN BOX 75 HAN BOX 1/2-13 5/8-11 3/4-10 L-6 FLATWASHER CATALOG NUMBER DESCRIPTION FOR BOLT SIZE BURNDY® aluminum flat washers are manufactured of alloy 2024-T4 and are medium design. 50 FWA BOX 62 FWA BOX Flat Washer Flat Washer 1/2 5/8 SPLIT LOCKWASHERS CATALOG NUMBER DESCRIPTION FOR BOLT SIZE Split Washer Split Washer 1/2 5/8 BURNDY® aluminum split lockwashers are manufactured of alloy 7075-T6 and are regular design. 50 SWAL BOX 62 SWAL BOX BURNDY Hardware STAINLESS STEEL HARDWARE Stainless steel bolts, nuts, flatwashers and split lockwashers are manufactured from 18-8 non-magnetic material. Bolts up to 2 inches long are fully threaded; longer bolts are threaded for 2 inches. Nut surfaces and bolt heads have American National Coarse Series, Class #2 fit. BOLTS CATALOG NUMBER THREAD SIZE LENGTH B (INCHES) 3/8-16 3/8-16 3/8-16 3/8-16 1/2-13 1/2-13 1/2-13 5/8-11 1.25 2.25 2.50 2.75 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.00 38X125 HSSB 38x225 HSSB 38x250 HSSB 38x275 HSSB 50x200 HSSB 50x250 HSSB 50x300 HSSB 62x300 HSSB NUTS SPLIT LOCKWASHERS CATALOG NUMBER THREAD SIZE 25 HSSN 38 HSSN 50 HSSN 62 HSSN 1/4-20 3/8-16 1/2-13 5/8-11 CATALOG NUMBER FOR BOLT SIZE 25 SWSS LT 38 SWSSMD 50 SWSSMD 62 SWSSMD 1/4 3/8 1/2 5/8 FLATWASHER NOMINAL DIMENSIONS BOLT (INCHES) SIZE I.D. A O.D. B CATALOG NUMBER 25 FWSS 38 FWSS 50 FWSS 62 FWSS 75 FLATWASHER (VC) 1/4 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 0.266 0.406 0.594 0.656 0.812 0.688 1.000 1.125 1.312 2.000 BELLEVILLE WASHERS Any bolted "pad to flat" electrical connection should include a bolt, two flatwashers, and the nut. In addition, if any of the flat components is aluminum, a properly designed Belleville washer should be interposed between one of the flatwashers and either the bolt head or the nut, with the hollow of the Belleville washer placed against the flat washer. BURNDY® Belleville washers are designed to maintain substantial force when tightened to NEMA - recommended values and finely finished to avoid galling. CATALOG NUMBER 38x75 BWSS 50x106 BWSS MATERIAL Stainless The stainless washers are 301 stainless steel. BOLT SIZE 3/8 1/2 NOMINAL DIMENSIONS THICKNESS I.D. O.D. .062 .095 .388 .530 .750 1.06 L-7 BURNDY Hardware DURIUM™ U-BOLTS SILICON BRONZE TYPE UB DURIUM™ U-BOLTS are specifically designed for electrical connections to pipe and rod. The U-BOLTS are threaded on the straight portion of the legs only allowing for more contact surface on the pipe or rod. American National Coarse Threads Class #2 fit. The silicon bronze is per ASTM B99. Catalog Number L-8 UB101 UB104 UB105 UB106 UB107 UB336 UB337 UB178 UB354 UB187 UB271 UB284 UB467 UB222 UB242 UB383 UB269 UB357 UB466 UB384 UB249 UB1031 UB244 UB199 UB204 UB124 UB268 UB257 UB1032 UB310 UB266 UB275 UB267 UB258 UB264 UB1033 UB261 UB422 UB1027 UB1028 UB1029 UB1030 UB224 UB358 Thread Size 1/4-20 3/8-16 1/2-13 H C D B 1.38 1.81 2.03 2.31 2.66 1.50 1.94 2.00 2.44 2.47 2.50 2.50 2.62 2.69 2.72 2.75 2.78 2.78 2.88 2.91 3.00 3.31 3.31 3.41 3.47 3.50 3.97 4.16 4.41 4.41 4.97 5.09 5.53 5.56 6.16 6.16 6.34 7.69 8.12 9.62 11.20 12.70 2.44 2.66 0.75 1.12 1.31 1.62 1.94 0.88 1.12 0.88 1.25 1.16 1.00 1.38 1.04 1.50 1.16 0.94 1.19 1.69 1.09 1.44 1.50 1.75 1.75 2.34 2.06 2.75 2.34 2.81 2.81 2.81 3.31 3.31 3.94 4.00 4.44 4.44 4.94 6.00 7.12 9.12 11.25 13.25 1.12 1.31 0.75 0.88 1.00 1.12 1.31 0.62 0.75 0.75 1.00 1.06 1.19 1.00 1.28 1.12 1.31 1.47 1.38 1.12 1.52 1.38 1.44 1.90 1.62 1.44 1.62 1.31 2.00 1.94 2.56 2.19 2.50 3.62 2.75 2.75 3.12 3.50 3.06 3.88 2.88 2.88 2.88 2.88 0.88 1.00 0.88 1.12 1.25 1.38 1.56 0.88 1.19 1.38 1.62 1.69 1.81 1.62 1.91 1.75 1.94 2.09 2.00 1.75 2.14 2.00 2.06 2.25 2.25 2.05 2.25 1.94 2.62 2.56 2.81 2.81 3.12 4.25 3.38 3.38 3.75 3.75 3.69 4.50 4.38 4.88 5.38 5.88 1.62 1.75 Catalog Number UB226 UB291 UB293 UB507 UB464 UB468 UB540 UB460 UB254 UB328 UB469 UB465 UB463 UB400 UB462 UB256 UB230 UB360 UB311 UB302 UB232 UB260 UB390 UB263 UB388 UB282 UB236 UB399 UB436 UB262 UB392 UB416 UB300 UB306 UB437 UB294 UB314 UB425 UB317 UB315 UB332 UB318 UB344 UB319 Thread Size 1/2-13 5/8-11 3/4-10 H C D B 2.75 2.81 2.81 2.97 3.12 3.16 3.19 3.25 3.41 3.41 3.50 3.50 3.59 4.03 4.16 4.16 4.34 4.44 4.44 4.62 4.97 5.34 5.38 5.78 6.16 6.31 6.41 6.66 6.66 6.78 7.06 7.53 7.62 7.88 8.56 3.50 3.66 3.72 4.97 5.56 4.22 4.22 4.72 6.34 1.25 1.19 1.75 1.31 1.81 1.69 1.38 1.50 1.31 2.94 1.62 1.75 2.17 1.31 2.10 2.22 2.94 1.62 1.88 2.47 3.44 2.94 2.50 4.56 4.56 4.12 5.06 1.31 4.56 5.06 1.62 5.06 6.12 6.12 6.12 1.38 2.09 2.31 1.81 2.09 1.81 2.44 1.94 2.44 1.12 1.22 1.19 1.31 1.31 1.31 1.75 1.50 1.75 0.94 1.69 1.62 1.50 2.38 2.12 2.06 1.88 2.62 2.50 2.38 2.25 2.88 3.12 2.50 2.88 3.25 2.88 5.00 3.62 3.25 5.25 4.00 3.56 3.81 4.50 1.75 1.56 1.50 3.00 3.44 2.19 1.87 2.63 4.00 1.88 1.97 1.69 2.06 1.96 2.06 2.25 2.25 2.50 1.69 2.44 2.38 2.25 3.12 2.86 2.81 2.62 3.38 3.25 3.12 3.00 3.62 3.88 3.25 3.62 4.00 3.62 5.75 4.12 4.00 6.00 4.75 4.31 4.56 5.25 2.50 2.31 2.25 3.75 4.19 2.94 2.62 3.38 4.75 BURNDY Accessories TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction.................................................M-2 Heavy Wall Heat Shrinkable End Cap.......M-9 PENETROX™ (Install Connections).................................M-2 Clear Heat Shrink Tubing .........................M-10 PENETROX™ A, PENA-1 LB, PENETROX™ A-13, PENETROX® E ...........M-3 PENETROX™ Technical & Ordering Information.............M-4 Thin Wall Heat Shrink Tubing — 6 Inch Lengths..........................................M-5 Thin Wall Polyvinyl Chloride Heat Shrink Tubing ...............................M-11 MISCELLANEOUS ACCESSORIES: Terminal Blocks ........................................M-12 Panel Lights ..............................................M-12 Pigtail Connectors....................................M-13 4 Foot Reels .............................................M-6 Alligator Clips ...........................................M-13 25 Foot Reels ...........................................M-7 Steinel® Hot Air Gun.................................M-14 Heavy Wall Heat Shrink Tubing — 4 Foot Sticks.............................................M-8 Circuit Tester .............................................M-14 Cut Lengths ..............................................M-8 Alligator Test Leads..................................M-14 M-1 BURNDY Accessories INTRODUCTION BURNDY® wiring accessories have been designed to supplement and enhance BURNDY® connector selection and use. All have been designed and engineered for easy PENETROX™ HOW TO INSTALL CONNECTORS: 1. Select the right connector. Always use an aluminum connector for aluminum or copper conductor. And choose a connector that's marked for the wire size you're using. Never use a copper connector on aluminum conductor. 2. Strip carefully. Remove the insulation without nicking the wire. 3. Brush thoroughly. Always wire-brush the stripped portion of the wire. An unplated terminal pad, and the surface to which the terminal will be attached should also be wire-brushed. 4. Apply PENETROX™ For mechanical connectors, apply PENETROX™ joint compound liberally to the conductor to prevent the formation of surface oxides once the connection is made. Also apply PENETROX™ to any terminal pad. 5. Tighten completely. For mechanical connectors, use wrench or M-2 screwdriver to securely tighten the aluminum connectors, as recommended by BURNDY®. 6. Crimp. For compression connectors, choose the right die and the right tool. Insert the wire completely and make the recommended number of crimps. BURNDY® takes the guesswork out of aluminum connections because the connectors and crimp dies are color coded. Crimps can be easily located between marks. installation and long life, reflecting over 65 years of experience and resulting contributions to all aspects of the electrical industry. BURNDY Accessories TYPES PENETROX™ A, A-13 AND E OXIDE-INHIBITING JOINT COMPOUNDS PENETROX™ oxide-inhibiting compounds produce low initial contact resistance, seal out air and moisture, prevent oxidation or corrosion, exhibit superior weathering characteristics, are usable over wide temperature ranges, and provide a high conductivity "gastight" joint. All PENETROX™ compounds contain homogeneously suspended metal particles. The suspended metal particles assist in penetrating thin oxide films, act as electrical "bridges" between conductor strands, aid in gripping the conductor, improve electrical conductivity and enhance the integrity of the connection. PENA-1 LB PENETROX A-13 PENA-1 LB is a 1 lb. cartridge filled with PENETROX-A. It's designed to fit standard caulking guns for easy insertion into transmission and distribution connectors. Additionally, this packaging design provides a convenient method for applying PENETROX™ to many different applications. PENETROX A-13 is a synthetic base compound with evenly suspended zinc particles. It is recommended for aluminum to aluminum, aluminum to copper connection plus aluminum conduit threads. It is compatible with rubber, polyethylene and other insulating materials. UL listed for all voltages. PENETROX A PENETROX E PENETROX A is a natural (petroleum) base compound with evenly suspended zinc particles. It is recommended for aluminum to aluminum, aluminum to copper connections and aluminum conduit threads. It is not recommended for use with rubber or polyethylene insulated conductors. UL listed to 600V. PENETROX E is a synthetic base compound with evenly suspended copper particles. It is recommended for copper to copper, copper threads and all grounding applications. UL listed. The specially formulated PENETROX™ compounds are for use with compression and bolted connectors providing an improved service life for both copper and aluminum connections. Additionally, the non-toxic compounds are an excellent lubricant for threaded applications reducing galling and seizing. M-3 BURNDY Accessories PENETROX A, A-13 AND E TECHNICAL INFORMATION PENETROX A PENETROX A consists of a natural (petroleum) base vehicle in which zinc particles are suspended. For aluminum to aluminum, aluminum to copper applications and aluminum conduit threads. It is not recommended for use with rubber and polyethylene insulated conductors. UL listed to 600 volts. PENETROX A-13 PENETROX A-13 consists of a nonpetroleum base vehicle in which zinc particles are suspended. Recommended for aluminum to aluminum, aluminum to copper applications and aluminum conduit threads. Compatible with insulating materials such as rubber, or polyethylene. UL listed and recommended for all voltages. PENETROX E PENETROX E consists of a non-petroleum base vehicle in which copper granules are suspended. Recommended for copper to copper applications, grounding and for use on copper conduit threads. UL listed. Easy to apply: 1. Scratch brush the conductor surfaces until bright and clean. 2. Immediately apply PENETROX™ to the conductive surfaces. 3. For EHV applications, remove all excess PENETROX™ after installation is complete. SHELF LIFE When stored in its original container in cool (under 100° F) dry environment, PENETROX™ oxide inhibiting compound will remain workable and functional for (5) years from the date marked on the container provided it is mixed per instructions prior to use. PROPERTIES OF PENETROX® PROPERTY PENETRATION (UNWORKED) VALUE PENETROX™ DEFINITION The value in accordance to ASTM D217 indicates the consistency of a grease. The higher the number, the softer the grease. PENETROX™ E & A13 A 250 230 DROPPING POINT (MIN) The temperature at which the grease passes from the semi-solid to a liquid state under test conditions. 500° F 230° F POUR POINT (MAX.) The lowest temperature at which the compound will flow. Pour point is the lubricant’s ability to perform in cold conditions. –10° F –15° F * MSDS sheets available through customer service. ORDERING INFORMATION M-4 CATALOG NUMBER PENETROX™ A PENA 1/2 PEN A-4 P8A PEN A-1LB PEN A-QT PEN A-GAL PEN A-5GAL PEN A-55GAL * 1 lb. cartridge will fit standard caulking guns. PENETROX™ A-13 — PEN A13-4 PEN A13-8 PENA13-1LB PEN A13-QT PEN A13-GAL PEN A13-5GAL PEN A13-55GAL CONTAINER PENETROX™ E — PEN E-4 PEN E-8 — PEN E-QT PEN E-GAL PEN E-5GAL PEN E-55GAL CONTAINER TYPE TUBE SQUEEZE BOTTLE SQUEEZE BOTTLE CARTRIDGE PLASTIC TUB CAN PAIL DRUM SIZE 1/2 oz. 4 oz. 8 oz. 1 lb.* 1 QUART 1 GALLON 5 GALLONS 55 GALLONS BURNDY Accessories TYPE HS-T-PF THIN WALL HEAT SHRINK TUBING CROSS-LINKED POLYOLEFIN 6 INCH LENGTHS Type HS-T-PF is a flexible thin wall, flame retardant heat shrink tubing made of crosslinked polyolefin. The 2:1 shrink ratio allows for faster shrink recovery, covering wire sizes: #18 AWG to 300 kcmil. Operating temperatures from –55° C to 135° C with a shrink temperature of 120° C. Catalog Number HSM116T6PF26 HSB116T6PF26 HSM332T6PF24 HSB332T6PF24 HSM18T6PF20 HSB18T6PF20 HSM316T6PF18 HSB316T6PF18 HSM14T6PF14 HSB14T6PF14 HSM38T6PF12 HSB38T6PF12 HSM12T6PF10 HSB12T6PF10 HSM34T6PF8 HSB34T6PF8 HSM100T6PF7 HSB100T6PF7 Meets MIL-I-23053/5 600 VOLTS Nominal Diameter Inches Min. Exp. I.D. In. Max. Recov. I.D. In. Nom. Wall Thickness In. Conductor Range 1/16 1/16 3/32 3/32 1/8 1/8 3/16 3/16 1/4 1/4 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 3/4 3/4 1 1 0.06 0.06 0.09 0.09 0.12 0.12 0.19 0.19 0.25 0.25 0.38 0.38 0.50 0.50 0.75 0.75 1.00 1.00 0.03 0.03 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.06 0.09 0.09 0.12 0.12 0.19 0.19 0.12 0.12 0.38 0.38 0.50 0.50 0.018 0.018 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.180 0.180 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.180 0.180 #18 #18 #18 - 16 #18 - 16 #18 - 14 #18 - 14 #18 - 12 #18 - 12 #14 - 10 #14 - 10 #8 - 6 #8 - 6 #6 - 2 #6 - 2 #1 - 3/0 #1 - 3/0 2/0 - 300 2/0 - 300 Pcs. per Package # Pcs. # Pcs. Ea. Black Color 8 26 6 24 2 20 6 18 2 14 6 12 4 10 2 8 1 7 3 0 3 0 3 0 2 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 14 8 0 0 HSB series — all black HSM series — multiple colors: black, blue, clear, green, red, white, yellow HSB11612T6PF14 HSB38100T6PF8 1/16, 3/32, 1/8, 3/16, 1/4, 3/8, 1/2 3/8, 1/2, 3/4, 1 Multiple diameter packages contain two pieces of each size listed: Black only. M-5 BURNDY Accessories TYPE HS-T-PF THIN WALL HEAT SHRINK TUBING CROSS-LINKED POLYOLEFIN 4 FOOT REELS Type HS-T-PF is a flexible thin wall, flame retardant heat shrink tubing made of crosslinked polyolefin. The 2:1 shrink ratio allows for faster shrink recovery, covering wire sizes #18 AWG to 300 kcmil. Operating temperatures from –55° C to 135° C with a shrink temperature of 120° C. SPECIFY COLOR CODE IN THIRD POSITION OF CATALOG NUMBER: Meets MIL-I-23053/5 600 VOLTS Example: HSC116T48PF B: BL: C: G: R: W: Y: Catalog Number HS_116T48PF HS_332T48PF HS_18T48PF HS_316T48PF HS_14T48PF HS_38T48PF HS_12T48PF HS_34T48PF HS_100T48PF HS_150T48PF HS_200T48PF M-6 BLACK BLUE CLEAR GREEN RED WHITE YELLOW Nominal Diameter Inches Min. Exp. I.D. In. Max. Recov. I.D. In. Nom. Wall Thickness In. Conductor Range 1/16 3/32 1/8 3/16 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/4 1 1-1/2 2 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.19 0.25 0.38 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.50 2.00 0.03 0.05 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.19 0.12 0.38 0.50 .75 1.00 0.018 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.180 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.180 0.180 0.180 #18 #18 - 16 #18 - 14 #18 - 12 #14 - 10 #8 - 6 #6 - 2 #1 - 3/0 2/0 - 300 2/0 - 350 250 - 500 BURNDY Accessories TYPE HS-T-PF THIN-WALL HEAT SHRINK TUBING CROSS-LINKED POLYOLEFIN 25 FOOT REELS Type HS-T-PF is a flexible thin wall, flame retardant heat shrink tubing made of crosslinked polyolefin. The 2:1 shrink ratio allows for faster shrink recovery, covering wire sizes #18 AWG to 300 kcmil. Operating temperatures from –55° C to 135° C with a shrink temperature of 120° C. SPECIFY COLOR CODE IN THIRD POSITION OF CATALOG NUMBER: Example: HSC116T300PF B: BL: C: G: R: W: Y: Meets MIL-I-23053/5 600 VOLTS Catalog Number HS_116T300PF HS_332T300PF HS_18T300PF HS_316T300PF HS_14T300PF HS_38T300PF HS_12T300PF HS_34T300PF HS_100T300PF BLACK BLUE CLEAR GREEN RED WHITE YELLOW Nominal Diameter Inches Min. Exp. I.D. In. Max. Recov. I.D. In. Nom. Wall Thickness In. Conductor Range 1/16 3/32 1/8 3/16 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/4 1 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.19 0.25 0.38 0.50 0.75 1.00 0.03 0.05 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.19 0.12 0.38 0.50 0.018 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.180 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.180 #18 #18 - 16 #18 - 14 #18 - 12 #14 - 10 #8 - 6 #6 - 2 #1 - 3/0 2/0 - 300 M-7 BURNDY Accessories TYPE HS-H-PF HEAVY WALL HEAT SHRINK TUBING CROSS-LINKED POLYOLEFIN CUT LENGTHS AND 4 FOOT STICKS Type HS-H-PF is a heavy wall, flame retardant heat shrink tubing made of cross-linked polyolefin. The shrink ratio is 3:1, and the inside diameter is coated with an adhesive sealant to protect against moisture and corrosion. UL486D Listed for direct burial applications. Accommodates #14 AWG - 500 kcmil conductors. Operating temperatures from –55° C to 135° C with a shrink temperature of 120° C. Catalog Number HSB35H3PF25 HSB35H6PF25 HSB35H48PF5 HSB34H6PF10 HSB34H9PF10 HSB34H48PF5 HSB110H6PF5 HSB110H9PF5 HSB110H48PF5 HSB150H9PF3 HSB150H12PF3 HSB150H48PF5 HSB200H9PF2 HSB200H12PF2 HSB200H48PF2 Available in black only. M-8 SURFACE MARKED Meets MIL-I-23053/5 600 VOLTS Length Nominal Diameter Inches Min. Exp. ID In. Max. Recov. ID In. Nom. Wall Thickness In. Conductor Range Number of Pcs. Per Package 3 6 4 6 9 4 6 9 4 9 12 4 9 12 4 .350 .350 .350 .750 .750 .750 1.100 1.100 1.100 1.500 1.500 1.500 2.000 2.000 2.000 .350 .350 .350 .750 .750 .750 1.100 1.100 1.100 1.500 1.500 1.500 2.000 2.000 2.000 .150 .150 .150 .220 .220 .220 .400 .400 .400 .500 .500 .500 .750 .750 .750 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.090 0.090 0.090 0.120 0.120 0.120 0.160 0.160 0.160 0.160 0.160 0.160 #14-10 #14-10 #14-8 #6-2 #6-2 #6-2 #1-3/0 #1-3/0 #1-3/0 2/0-350 2/0-350 2/0-350 250-500 250-500 250-500 25 25 5 10 10 5 5 5 5 3 3 5 2 2 2 BURNDY Accessories TYPE HSIC - FR Features and Benefits HEAVY WALL HEAT SHRINKABLE END CAP UL LISTED TO 600V Type HSIC-FR, Heat Shrink Insulating End Cap Fire Retardant is a heavy wall, fire retardant end cap made of cross-linked thermally stabilized black polyolefin. Used to insulate exposed conductors in energized applications. The 3:1 shrink ratio offers greater range, accommodating copper wire sizes, #8 AWG thru 2500+ kcmil. Performs effectively over lead, aluminum, steel, polyethylene, EPR, and PVC jacketed materials. Blue thermal chromatic lines disappear indicating correct installation temperature and provide inspectability. I.D. adhesive provides superior moisture and weather resistant characteristics. CATALOG NUMBER HSIC8-1FR HSIC4-40FR HSIC10-500FR HSIC30-1000FR HSIC200FR HSIC269FR HSIC350FR • Minimum 28 Oxygen index, UL94-VO rated. ◊ Self-extinguishing flame retardant properties. • 3:1 shrink ratio. ◊ Minimum inventory required. • Thermal chromatic lines. ◊ Indicate proper installation. • Low shrink temperature, 150°C. ◊ Only requires common hot air gun to apply. • Meets sealing requirements: ANSI-C119.1, UL486D ◊ Weather and moisture resistant. 600V CABLE CODE FLEX #8 - #1 #4 - 4/0 1/0 - 500 kcmil 3/0 - 1000 kcmil 300 - 1750 kcmil 600 - 2500 kcmil 1250 kcmil (min) #8 - #4 #4 - 2/0 #1 - 313.1 kcmil 2/0 - 646 kcmil 250 - 1111 kcmil – – INTERNAL DIAMETER (MIN) (MAX) EXP. REC. .50 .75 1.10 1.50 2.00 2.68 3.50 .16 .24 .35 .47 .63 .87 1.18 WALL THICKNESS REC. EXP. 20% .034 .030 .039 .054 .050 .050 .051 .080 .080 .120 .160 .160 .160 .160 LENGTH 20% EXP. REC. 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 4.5 5.0 5.0 2.50 2.50 3.00 3.25 3.50 4.00 4.50 NUMBER OF PCS. PER PACKAGE 10 10 5 5 5 5 5 M-9 1. Slide the HSIC-FR end cap onto the cable and hold in place using forefinger or thumb. 2. Beginning at closed end apply heat, blue thermochromatic lines will begin to disappear at 150° C. Gradually, move heat source to open end and around cap. Once lines are no longer visible and adhesive flows out of open end, discontinue heating. BURNDY Accessories TYPE HSC-FR Features and Benefits VISI-SHRINK FIRE RETARDANT CLEAR HEAT SHRINK TUBING UL RECOGNIZED TO 600V Type HSC-FR is a flexible polyvinyl chloride clear heat-shrink tubing. Excellent flame retardant properties and a 2:1 shrink ratio, the VISI-SHRINK tubing enables inspectors to read die index embossments on installed connectors easily. UL recognized, 105° C, 600V, the operating temperature from –20° C to 105° C with a shrink temperature of 135° C. CATALOG NUMBER HSC18FR HSC18FR250 HSC14FR HSC14FR250 HSC38FR HSC38FR250 HSC12FR HSC12FR250 HSC34FR HSC34FR250 HSC100FR HSC100FR100 HSC112FR HSC112FR100 HSC200FR HSC200FR100 I.D. EXPANDED I.D. AFTER RECOVERY WALL THICKNESS .125 .125 .250 .250 .375 .375 .500 .500 .750 .750 1.00 1.00 1.50 1.50 2.00 2.00 .062 .062 .125 .125 .187 .187 .250 .250 .375 .375 .500 .500 .750 .750 1.00 1.00 .025 .025 .025 .025 .025 .025 .025 .025 .030 .030 .035 .035 .040 .040 .045 .045 NOTES: 1 Shrink temperature is 135° C (275° F). 2 For best results move heat gun along the length of heat shrink to avoid concentrations. 3 To extend useful life, store material below 70°F. 4 For additional Heat Shrinkable Tubing see "URD" section Type RYAC and RK169-2, RK170-2 in this section. M-10 • UL 224, VW-1 Rated. ◊ Self-extinguishing flame retardant properties. • Clear Tubing. ◊ Allows inspection of die index embossed and shiner after installation is complete. Should any corrosion occur it will be visible during inspection. • Low Shrink Temperature. ◊ Only requires common hot air guns to apply. CONDUCTOR RANGE CODE FLEX #16 - #14 #16 - #14 #12 - #8 #12 - #8 #6 - #4 #6 - #4 #4 - #1 #4 - #1 1/0 - 3/0 1/0 - 3/0 4/0 - 3/0 4/0 - 3/0 350 - 750 350 - 750 800 - 1000 800 - 1000 #16 - #14 #16 - #14 #12 - #10 #12 - #10 #8 - #6 #8 - #6 #6 - #4 #6 - #4 #2 - 1/0 #2 - 1/0 1/0 - 4/0 1/0 - 4/0 250 - 500 250 - 500 500 - 750 500 - 750 STANDARD REEL SIZE (FEET) 50 250 50 250 50 250 50 250 50 250 25 100 25 100 25 100 BURNDY Accessories TYPE HS-FR Features and Benefits THIN-WALL HEAT SHRINK FIRE RETARDANT HEAT SHRINK TUBING UL RECOGNIZED TO 600V Type HS-FR is a flexible polyvinyl chloride thin-wall heat-shrink. Offering insulating, color identification and strain relieving properties for terminations and splices. The 2:1 shrink ratio allows for faster shrink recovery, covering wire sizes: #16 AWG to 1000 kcmil. UL recognized, 105° C, 600V, operating temperatures from –20° C to 105° C with a shrink temperature of 135° C. CATALOG NUMBER HS_18FR HS_18FR250 HS_14FR HS_14FR250 HS_38FR HS_38FR250 HS_12FR HS_12FR250 HS_34FR HS_34FR250 HS_100FR HS_100FR100 HS_112FR HS_112FR100 HS_200FR HS_200FR100 • UL 224, VW-1 Rated ◊ Self-extinguishing flame retardant properties. • Multi-use Tubing ◊ Insulate, strain relief. • Easy Identification ◊ Available in wide range of colors. • Low Shrink Temperature ◊ Only requires common hot air guns to apply. How to Order Ex: HSB18FR B BLU G R W Y - I.D. EXPANDED I.D. AFTER RECOVERY WALL THICKNESS .125 .125 .250 .250 .375 .375 .500 .500 .750 .750 1.00 1.00 1.50 1.50 2.00 2.00 .062 .062 .125 .125 .187 .187 .250 .250 .375 .375 .500 .500 .750 .750 1.00 1.00 .025 .025 .025 .025 .025 .025 .025 .025 .030 .030 .035 .035 .040 .040 .045 .045 NOTES: 1 Shrink temperature is 105° C (221° F). 2 For best results move heat gun along the length of heat shrink to avoid concentrations. 3 To extend useful life, store material below 70° F. 4 For additional Heat Shrinkable Tubing see "URD" section Type RYAC and RK169-2, RK170-2 in this section. Black Blue Green Red White Yellow CONDUCTOR RANGE CODE FLEX #16 - #14 #16 - #14 #12 - #8 #12 - #8 #6 - #4 #6 - #4 #4 - #1 #4 - #1 1/0 - 3/0 1/0 - 3/0 4/0 - 3/0 4/0 - 3/0 350 - 750 350 - 750 800 - 1000 800 - 1000 #16 - #14 #16 - #14 #12 - #10 #12 - #10 #8 - #6 #8 - #6 #6 - #4 #6 - #4 #2 - 1/0 #2 - 1/0 1/0 - 4/0 1/0 - 4/0 250 - 500 250 - 500 500 - 750 500 - 750 STANDARD REEL SIZE (FEET) 50 250 50 250 50 250 50 250 50 250 25 100 25 100 25 100 M-11 BURNDY Accessories MISCELLANEOUS ACCESSORIES TERMINAL BLOCKS Meets UL component requirements: NUMBER OF CIRCUITS OVERALL LENGTH 2 2 6 8 10 12 14 16 2-3/32 3-7/32 4-11/32 5-15/32 6-19/32 7-23/32 8-27/32 9-31/32 CLASS B: Commercial Equipment 600 V RMS CLASS C: General Industrial 600 V RMS Withstands volts, Vdc 10,500 GENERAL DESCRIPTION Moulded General Purpose Phenolic Base 30 amps, #10 studs 1 piece, per card 600-volt rating CATALOG NUMBER RK149-2 RK150-2 RK225-2 RK151-2 RK152-2 RK226-2 RK153-2 RK227-2 For bulk pack contact factory. PANEL LIGHTS SNAP-IN TYPES* M-12 VOLTAGE RATING LENS COLOR MOUNTING HOLE DIAMETER LEADS CATALOG NUMBER CARD QUANTITY 125V 125V 125V 125V 125V 125V 28V 28V 28V 12V 12V 12V Red Yellow Green Red Yellow Green Red Yellow Green Red Yellow Green 1/2 1/2 1/2 5/16 5/16 5/16 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 RK160-2 RK161-2 RK162-2 RK236-2 RK237-2 RK238-2 RK231-2 RK230-2 RK232-2 RK163-2 RK164-2 RK165-2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 * Available in convenience packaging only. BURNDY Accessories PIGTAIL WIRE CONNECTORS* PACKAGE QUANTITY 25 25 25 20 10 WIRE COMBINATION RANGE AND COLOR CODE CATALOG NUMBER Black 22 - 14 AWG—Min. 3 #20 Max. 3 #16 Orange 22 - 14 AWG—Min. 3 #20 Max. 3 #16 & 1 #18 Yellow 18 - 12 AWG—Min. 1 #14 & 1 #18 Max. 4 #14 & 1 #18 Red 18 - 10 AWG—Min. 2 #14 Max. 2 #10 & 2 #14 Blue 12 - 6 AWG—Min. 1 #10 & 1 #12 Max. 1 #6 & 2 #8 RK239-2 RK240-2 RK241-2 RK242-2 RK257-2 * Available in convenience packaging only. ALLIGATOR CLIPS* WIRE RANGE LENGTH JAW LENGTH CATALOG NUMBER CARD QUANTITY 22 - 16 AWG 22 - 14 AWG 22 - 10 AWG 1-11/16 2 2-7/8 5/16 7/16 3/4 RK154-2 RK155-2 RK229-2 4 4 4 * Available in convenience packaging only. M-13 BURNDY Accessories TYPE HL1802E Voltage Output Temperature STEINEL® HOT AIR GUN 120° – 1100° F (50° – 650° C) Air Flow STEINEL® professional hot air gun and accessories are recommended for all of your BURNDY® heat shrink applications. The HL1802E hot air gun is UL and CSA Listed for 120 volts. It has a temperature range of 120° – 1100° F (50° – 650° C) and a cool air stage. Weight Noise Technical Specifications UL/CSA Listed 230 V AC 2,000 Watts Setting 1: 50°C Setting 2: 50° - 650°C Setting 3: 50° - 650°C Setting 1: 08.8 cfm Setting 2: 09.5 cfm Setting 3: 17.6 cfm 30.7 oz. < 70 dB (A) 120 V AC 1,500 Watts 120°F 120 - 1100° F 120 - 1100° F Accessories CATALOG NUMBER DESCRIPTION HSREDUCER HSREFLECTOR1 HSREFLECTOR1/2 HSSTAND 3/8 Reduction Nozzle for concentrated air flow. 1-1/4 Reflector Nozzle accommodating up to 1 tubing. 5/8 Reflector Nozzle accommodating up to 1/2 tubing. Metal Stand for bench work applications. MISCELLANEOUS ACCESSORIES CIRCUIT TESTER FOR 3 WIRE 125V CIRCUITS VOLTAGE RATING 125V GENERAL DESCRIPTION Indicates: Correct wiring, open ground, reverse polarity, open hot wire, open neutral, hot and ground reversed, and hot on neutral and hot open. CATALOG NUMBER RK228-2 M-14 ALLIGATOR TEST LEADS JUMPER LENGTH CATALOG NUMBER 600 V 18 AWG 32 RK191-2 BURNDY Tooling TABLE OF CONTENTS HAND-HELD TOOLS Y10D.................................................................N-3 Y10-22 ..............................................................N-4 Y8MRB-1 ..........................................................N-5 MR8 & MR10....................................................N-6 MR15, MR18 & MR20 ......................................N-7 MR4C ...............................................................N-8 Y1MRTC ...........................................................N-9 M8ND .............................................................N-10 MECHANICAL TOOLS MRC840 .........................................................N-11 MY29 & MY28 ................................................N-12 OH25 ..............................................................N-13 OUR840..........................................................N-14 MD6, MD6-4, MD6-6, MD6-12, MD6-14, MD6-37 & MD6-38 ........................N-15 MD7, MD7-6 & MD7-8....................................N-16 MD7-34R ........................................................N-17 MD6/MD7 Accessories...................................N-18 MD6R .............................................................N-19 MD6 Hotstick Tools .........................................N-20 SELF-CONTAINED HYDRAULIC Y500CT-HS.....................................................N-21 Y35 & Y35-2 ...................................................N-22 Y35 Accessories.............................................N-23 Y39 .................................................................N-24 Y750HS & Y750-2HS .....................................N-25 Y644HS ..........................................................N-26 Y81KFT ..........................................................N-27 YCUT129ACSR ..............................................N-28 BATTERY ACTUATED TOOLS PAT750-18V....................................................N-29 PAT644-18V....................................................N-30 PAT81KFT-18V................................................N-31 PAT600-18V....................................................N-32 PATCUT129ACSR-18V...................................N-33 PATCUT245CUAL-18V ...................................N-34 BCC1000CUAL...............................................N-35 Y700DC-1B ....................................................N-36 Y29BH (6000 Psi)...........................................N-40 Y750BH (10000 Psi).......................................N-41 LPHY750 (KOMPRESSOR™) .......................N-42 LPHY46 (KOMPRESSOR™) .........................N-43 Y644MBH .......................................................N-44 Y81KFTMBH ..................................................N-45 Y45 (10000 Psi)..............................................N-46 Y46 & Y46C (10000 Psi) ................................N-47 Y48BH (8800 Psi)...........................................N-48 Y60BHU & Y60BHU-D....................................N-49 RHCC129ACSR .............................................N-50 MCC500 & MCC1000.....................................N-51 RCC556 & RCC1000 .....................................N-52 HYDRAULIC PUMPS HAND PUMPS HP10 (10000 Psi) ..........................................N-53 HP8 (8800 Psi) ..............................................N-53 HP6 (6000 Psi) ..............................................N-53 FOOT PUMPS FP10 (10000 Psi) ..........................................N-54 FP8 (8800 Psi) ..............................................N-54 FP6 (6000 Psi) ..............................................N-54 ELECTRIC PUMPS EPP10 & EPP6...............................................N-55 EPAC10, EPAC8 & EPAC6 .............................N-56 EP10, EP8, EP6, EP10-2, EP8-2 & EP6-2 ....N-57 EP10-1HP, EP8-1HP, EP6-1HP, EP10-1HP-2, EP8-1HP-2 & EP6-1HP-2 ......N-58 GASOLINE PUMPS GP10 (10000 Psi) ..........................................N-59 GP8 (8800 Psi) ..............................................N-59 GP6 (6000 Psi) ..............................................N-59 Hydraulic Hoses ...........................................N-60 Accessories ..................................................N-61 RK147-2 & Wire Mike....................................N-62 Y29NC Pneumatic HYPRESS™...................N-63 REMOTE HYDRAULIC Y35BH (10000 Psi).........................................N-37 Y39BH (10000 Psi).........................................N-38 Y34BH (10000 Psi).........................................N-39 TFM Tape Fed Machine ................................N-64 TFM Installation Tooling Chart ....................N-65 N-1 BURNDY Tooling INTRODUCTION INSTALLATION TOOLS FCI Electrical’s total compression program offers the most complete line of installation tools, mechanical, full cycle ratchet, self contained hydraulic, remote controlled hydraulic, power actuated pumps, hoses and accessories, available to the electrical industry.These tools have been designed to integrate with the complete line of BURNDY® compression connectors. Whether you’re a small contractor working with #22 wire or a large utility working with 2500 kcmil conductor, there’s a BURNDY® compression tool available to do the job. The benefits of compression are many, however, probably the most significant benefit is reliability. There’s nothing more important to the electrical industry today than reliability. It represents the one area that leads to economical installations that will endure for the life of the installation. TOOL CENTER An important element of the BURNDY® compression program is the Tool Center, 150 Burndy Road, Littleton, NH 03561 (800-4268720). This center provides advice and information on the operation, maintenance and repair of BURNDY® tools. The repair center is staffed with specialized technicians who provide the best possible tool repair service, for all BURNDY® tools, pumps and accessories. We designed and produced the first self contained hydraulic compression electrical connector installation tool in 1934. In our continuing efforts to provide the highest quality and highest value connection systems, we offer the current BURNDY® tool policy. LIMITED WARRANTY The full line of FCI BURNDY Products® tools are warranted to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period of five (5) years from the date of shipment. If inspection by a certified tool technician shows the trouble is caused by defective workmanship or material, BURNDY will repair (or at our option), replace the tool. N-2 This Warranty does not apply where: • Repairs or alterations have been made or attempted by others. • Repairs are required because of normal wear and tear. • The tool has been abused, misused or improperly maintained. • The use of any non-BURNDY® products has resulted in damage to the tool. STANDARD LIMITED WARRANTY AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FCI BURNDY Products® warrants that the goods and services stated on the face hereof, when furnished to Buyer by FCI, conform with FCI’s current written specifications and drawings (or with those of the Buyer specifically accepted by FCI in writing), and will be free of defects in materials and workmanship. FCI’s sole obligation (and Buyer’s sole and exclusive remedy) for any breach of warranty under the foregoing warranty shall be to repair (at location designated by FCI) or, at FCI’s option: To replace FOB the original point of delivery any goods which are nonconforming or defective and are so specified by buyer in a written certified mail notice to an officer of FCI within the applicable warranty period. FCI expressly disclaims any and all express or implied warranties other than the warranty of its title to goods and the warranty hereinabove set forth. Such disclaimer includes, without limitation, warranty of fitness for a particular purpose and warranty of merchantable quality. Limitation of Liability—FCI will not, under any circumstances, be liable for the cost of removal or reinstallation of goods or the cost of disassembly or reassembly of equipment in connection therewith, or for loss of the use of Buyer’s equipment or facilities, or for loss of business or good will or profits, or for cost of inspection or storage, or for any incidental or consequential damages of any nature or description whatever which may arise from FCI’s sale of goods to Buyer. REPAIR POLICY All non-warranty repaired tools are completely reconditioned and receive a limited 1-year warranty. Non-warranty repair returns tools to like new condition at a maximum cost of 40% of a new tool. A nominal service charge of $5.00 is applied to all repairs to cover shop supplies, oil disposal and other miscellaneous services not covered as part of the standard repair. If the decision is made not to repair, a handling charge of $25.00 will be applied plus return freight costs. RETURN PROCEDURE All tools sent to the Burndy Tool Center or an authorized repair center must be accompanied by a purchase order with detailed bill to and ship to address authorizing repair. Requests for repair charges before work is done must be stated on the purchase order. All tools sent to the Burndy Tool Center or an authorized repair center as a warranty claim must be accompanied by a proof of purchase such as a BURNDY® invoice or invoice from any BURNDY® distributor. All tools must be shipped at the owner’s expense, prepaid. BURNDY pays for the return freight, same surface freight as received. Airfreight returns will be returned same way collect for non-warranty repair and prepaid for warranty repairs. This warranty and repair policy supercedes all previous policies and is in effect January 1, 2005. BURNDY Tooling TYPE Y10D SPECIFICATIONS Length: 9-3/4 Weight: 13.5 oz. HYTOOL™ TWO TOOLS IN ONE #22-10 AWG NYLON INSULATED CONNECTORS #22-10 AWG UNINSULATED CONNECTORS FOR USE ON BOX CAT. TYPES BULK CAT. TYPES #10-22 AWG nylon insulated terminals TN TN-F YAE-N BOX YAE-N-F BOX YAE-Z BOX YAEV BOX Hand-held plier type tool that will install #1022 AWG nylon insulated and uninsulated terminals and splices, with a precision machined wire cutter for aluminum and copper wire in the nose of the tool. Long handles provide greater mechanical advantage. 5-year limited warranty. Also available in convenience package as catalog number RK195-2. YAES YAES-E YAE-N YAE-N-F YAE-Z YAEV #10-22 AWG nylon insulated splices SN SNM YSE-H BOX * YSE-HN * YSES YSE-H * #10-22 AWG uninsulated (bare) terminals. BENEFITS BENEFITS • Easy wire cutting with precision machined cutting blade. • Save time, money and lower installed costs with one tool for both nylon insulated and uninsulated (bare) connectors. • Easy tool operation out of the carton. No need to break in the tool prior to actual usage. • A heavy duty forged steel tool, that has a rust resistant finish will provide a long durable life. • Easier crimping on #22-10 bare and nylon insulated connectors because of the longer handles that provides greater mechanical advantage.* • Comfort grip handles fit hands comfortably helping make the tool easy to use. • Terminals and splice connectors are UL listed and CSA certified when installed with the Y10D HYTOOL™. • 5-year limited warranty. (CONTINUED) T T-F YAV BOX YAV-T-F BOX YAV-H BOX * YAV-H-F BOX * YAV-Z BOX YAD YAD-F YAV YAV-T-F YAV-H * YAV-H-F * YAV-Z #10-22 AWG uninsulated (bare) splices YSV BOX YSV-H BOX * YSV YSV-H * * Conductor crimp only. Features COMFORT GRIP HANDLES READY TO USE LUBRICATED PIVOT HEAVY DUTY FORGED STEEL PRECISION MACHINED WIRE CUTTER N-3 LONG HANDLES FOR GREATER MECHANICAL ADVANTAGE RUST RESISTANT FINISH #22-10 UNINSULATED (BARE) #22-10 NYLON INSULATED BURNDY Tooling TYPE Y10-22 SPECIFICATIONS Length: 8-5/8 Weight: 11 oz. HYTOOL™ #22-10 AWG INSULATED CONNECTORS #22-10 AWG UNINSULATED CONNECTORS FOR USE ON BOX CAT. TYPES BULK CAT. TYPES #10-22 AWG NYLON INSULATED TERMINALS TN YAES TN-F YAES-F YAE-N BOX YAE-N YAE-N-F BOX YAE-N-F YAE-Z BOX YAE-Z YAEV BOX YAEV Hand-held plier type tool to install #10-22 AWG insulated and uninsulated terminals and splices with a wire cutter in the nose of the tool. Will strip #10-22 AWG wire and cut common size mild steel and non-ferrous screws. 5-year limited warranty. Also available in convenience package as RK102-2. #10-22 AWG NYLON INSULATED SPLICES BENEFITS • Easy wire cutting with anvil type wire cutter design. • Crimps full range of insulated terminals and splices #22-10 AWG. • Cut off dies for common size mild steel and non-ferrous screws. • Crimps full range of uninsulated terminals and splices #22-10 AWG. • Full range insulation strippers for wire sizes #22-10. One step stripping. • Comfort grip handles fit hands comfortably helping make the tool easy to use. • 5-year limited warranty. * Conductor crimp only. SN SNM YSE-H BOX YSE-HN * YSES *YSE-H * #10-22 AWG VINYL INSULATED TERMINALS TP TP-F TP-ZBA-EZ BA BA-EF #10-22 AWG VINYL INSULATED SPLICES SP BS #10-22 AWG UNINSULATED (BARE) TERMINALS T T-F YAV BOX YAV-T-F BOX YAV-H-F BOX * YAV-Z BOX YAD YAD-F YAV YAV-T-F YAV-H-F * YAV-Z #10-22 AWG UNINSULATED (BARE) SPLICES YSV BOX YSV-H BOX * YSV YSV-H * Features WIRE CUTTERS ONE STEP INDIVIDUALLY SIZED WIRE STRIPPERS N-4 COMFORT GRIP PLASTIC HANDLES #12-10 INSULATED COLOR CODE YELLOW SCREW AND BOLT CUTTERS #22-10 UNINSULATED WIRE CUTTER #22-14 INSULATED COLOR CODE RED & BLUE BURNDY Tooling TYPE Y8MRB-1 SPECIFICATIONS Length: 9-1/2 Weight: 1.21 lbs. HYTOOL™ #22-8 AWG FOR USE ON BOX CAT. TYPES BULK CAT. TYPES Hand-held full cycle ratchet tool for #8-22 AWG uninsulated terminals and splices. Full cycle feature builds in reliability and removes the human factor from the finished installation. 5-year limited warranty. UNINSULATED TERMINALS T T-F YAV BOX YAV-L BOX YAV-T-F BOX YAV-Z BOX YAD YAD-F YAV YAV-L YAV-T-F YAV-Z UNINSULATED SPLICES YSV BOX YSV-L BOX YSV YSV-L BENEFITS • • • • One tool to accommodate #22-8 AWG. Lightweight. Full cycle ratchet for positive crimping. Inspection (PG) gauges available to check each groove. Groove #18 #14 #10 # 8 Gauge# PG395-1 PG396-1 PG397-1 PG398-1 • Each indentor has its own identifying mark for inspectability. • Jaw opening orientation, molded finger and palm grips and the easy reach frame minimize user fatigue. Features FULL CYCLE RATCHET MECHANISM EMERGENCY RELEASE COMFORT GRIPS STEEL BODY N-5 NEST/INDENTORS SIZE RANGE #22-8 AWG MOLDED FINGER GRIPS BURNDY Tooling TYPES MR8 AND MR10 SPECIFICATIONS HYTOOL™ FOR USE ON Length: 10-1/2 Weight: 1-1/2 lbs. FULL CYCLE RATCHET HAND TOOLS The Types MR8- and MR10-series HYTOOLS™ incorporate a full cycle ratchet mechanism that provides a complete, positive crimp each time. Once started the ratchet mechanism does not allow the handles to be opened until after the full ratcheting cycle is completed. This provides for a completed crimp before a connector can be removed from the tool. The MR8- and MR10-series of tools are specifically designed with the ratchet mechanism completely inside the body of the tool without a path to reach and defeat the mechanism. This permits the tools to be used in the most critical applications including nuclear-class 1E terminations, heavy duty industrial, utility generation, OEM, aircraft, and other applications where a dependable electrical termination is needed. 5-year limited warranty. MR8-83 MR8-85 MR8-G96 MR8-89-1 MR8-91 MR8-92 MR8-G98 AWG SIZE RANGE #10-22 AN Copper Cable #8-18 AN Copper Cable #10-22 AWG Sol. Cable #8-22 Str. AWG Cable #10-18 MIL-W-5086 Str. #10-22 #10-22 #14-22 #10-22 #10-22 #14-22 #10-22 MR10-D2 #10-12 MR10-D3 #10-22 MR10-D4 #14-22 MR10-G6 #10-22 TOOL MR8-1A MR8-9Q MR8-33S-1 BENEFITS • Lightweight aluminum permits easier continuous usage. • One tool to accommodate #22-10 AWG. • Easy groove identification with color-coded dies. • Long life expectancy with fully protected ratchet mechanism. • Easy one-hand tool operation with long handle length for greater mechanical advantage. • 5-year limited warranty. Features LONG HANDLES PROVIDE GREATER MECHANICAL ADVANTAGE ADJUSTABLE STOP FOR TERMINALS LOWERS FOR SPLICES COLOR CODED DIE GROOVERS N-6 FULLY PROTECTED RATCHET MECHANISM REINFORCED HEAVY DUTY BACK HIGH STRENGTH ALUMINUM BODY CONNECTORS BOX CAT. TYPES INSULUG™ BULK CAT. TYPES YAE YAV BOX YSV BOX T T-F YAV, YSV YAD, YAD-F YSE BOX YSE-H BOX YSE YSE-H TN SN TP TP, SP T PQ-R-D YAV, T YAES YSE-HN BA BA, BS YAD PQ YAD, YAV FINGRIP PQ PQ FORK-LOK TP-LF BA-EL FINGRIP PQ PQ NUCLEAR YAES-K BURNDY Tooling TYPES MR15, MR18, MR20 FOR USE ON MR15 Vinyl Insulated Terminals and Splices (Wire Range 22-10 AWG) Vinyl Terminals HYTOOL™ TP TP-F TP-Z TP-LF FULL CYCLE RATCHET HAND TOOLS The Types MR15, MR18 and MR20 series HYTOOL™ incorporate a full cycle ratchet mechanism that provides a complete, positive crimp each time. Once started the ratchet mechanism does not allow the handles to be opened until after the full ratcheting cycle is completed, unless the user actuates the emergency release lever. This provides for a completed crimp before a connector can be removed from the tool. • UL listed for use with BURNDY® connectors. • Fully ratcheted tool to assure properly crimped connections. • Easy groove indentification with color coded dies. • Maximum crimping comfort grips. • Compact, narrow nose to work in confined areas. • 5-year limited warranty. Vinyl Splices SP BS MR18 Nylon Insulated Terminals and Splices Nylon Terminals TN TN-F YAES YAES-F MR15 MR18 MR20 SN SNM YSE-HN YSES Terminals Length: Weight: Open: Closed Wire Range: Nylon Splices MR20 Uninsulated Terminals and Splices T T-F YAV YAD YAV-T-F SPECIFICATIONS BENEFITS BA BA-EF BA-EZ BA-EL 8.86 1.10 lbs. 5.90 2.50 #22-10 Awg. YAD-F YAV-H* YAV-H-F* Splices YSV YSV-H* *Conductor crimps only. Features PERMANENT DIE SETS HEAVY DUTY FORGED STEEL FRAME FULL CYCLE RATCHET MECHANISM EMERGENCY RELEASE COMFORT GRIP HANDLES N-7 BURNDY Tooling TYPE MR4C SPECIFICATIONS Length: 1-3/4 Weight: 2-1/4 #9-4 AWG UNINSULATED TERMINALS AND SPLICES FOR USE ON Hand-held full cycle ratchet tool for #9-4 AWG uninsulated terminals and splices. Full cycle feature builds in reliability and removes the human factor from the completed installation. Long handles provide greater leverage. 5-year limited warranty. Terminals YAV-L YA-L Splices YSV YSM YS-L BENEFITS • • • • High strength aluminum body. Fully protected ratchet mechanism. Reinforced heavy duty back. Long handles provide greater mechanical advantages. • Lightweight aluminum permits easier continuous usage. • One tool to accommodate #9-4 AWG. • Inspection (PG) gauges available to check each groove. Groove 9-8 6 4 Gauge# - PG121-1 PG125-1 PG133-1 • Spring loaded indentor jaw holds connector in groove prior to crimping or ratchet engaging. • 5-year limited warranty. Features SPRING LOADED INDENTOR HOLDS CONNECTOR FULL CYCLE RATCHET MECHANISM N-8 LONG HANDLES REINFORCED HEAVY DUTY ALUM. BACK BURNDY Tooling TYPE Y1MRTC HYTOOL™ Y1MRTC Wire Range: #8-#1 AWG Class B, #8-#2 Class I Flex. #2 Solid & #3 Stranded #8 – #1 COPPER HYDENT TERMINALS, SPLICES, AND #6–#6 THIN-WALL C-TAPS Type Y1MRTC mechanical full cycle ratchet HYTOOL™ will accommodate copper compression HYDENT™ connectors for #8 through #1 code conductor, #8 through #2 Class I flexible strand copper conductor, and #2 solid. The color coded die wheel rotates to provide a proper match of the die and color coded connector. The die index is embossed on the crimped connector for permanent inspectability. A ratchet mechanism assures the tool must complete a full cycle before releasing. SPECIFICATIONS Length: Height: Width: Weight: Wire Range: 9.875 2.72 (closed) .73 1.7 lbs. #8-#1 code conductor, #8-#2 Class I Flex, #2 Solid Up to #6-#6 (Brown) type “YC-L CTAP” Y1MRKIT BENEFITS • Rotating die is color coded to match color coded connectors • Die index embossment allows permanent inspectability of installed connectors to insure consistently reliable and dependable connections. • Molded comfort grips reduce fatigue during continuous use. • Ratchet mechanism assures a complete crimp every time. • Emergency release mechanism allows tool to be removed from connector in case of mistaken die choice or to reposition tool. • 5-year limited warranty. Kit Contains: Y1MRTC Full-cycle Ratchet Tool Sturdy Metal Carrying Case Terminals: YA8CL, YA8CL1, YA6CL, YAV6CLTC14FX, YA4CL, YAV4CLTC14FX, YA2CL, YAV2CLTC516FX, YA1CL Splices: YS8CL, YS6CL, YS4CL, YS2CL, YS1CL Y1MRTCKIT Kit Contains: Y1MRTC Full-cycle Ratchet Tool Sturdy Metal Carrying Case Terminals: YA8CL2TC14, YA8CL2TC38, YA6C2TC38, YA6CL2TC14, YA6CL2TC14E1, YA6CL2TC14E2, YA6CL2TC38, YAV6CL2TC14E2FX, YAV6CL2TC14FX, YA4CL2TC14, YA4CL2TC38, YA3C2TC38, YA2C2TC28, YA2CL2TC38 Thin-Wall C-Taps: YC4L12 FOR USE ON Cu Lug and Splice Connectors Copper Wire Size # 8 AWG Code & Flex #6 AWG Code #6 AWG Code & Flex #4 AWG Code #4 AWG Code & Flex #3 AWG #2 Sol. #2 AWG Code #2 AWG Code & Flex #1 AWG Code Connector Catalog Types YA8CYS8CYAV8CYSV8CYA6CYS6CYAV6CYSV6CYA4CYS4CYAV4CYSV4CYA3CYS3CYA2CYS2CYAV2CYSV2CYA1CYS1C- ** Die Index 10 (Brown Die) and 11 (Green Die) use the same die wheel crimp groove. Die Index # (Color) 49 (Red) # of Crimps Per Barrel Length Std Long 1 2 Cu C-Tap Connectors Wire Size Cu Str. Catalog AWG Die Index # # of Number Run Tap (Color) Crimps YC10L12 YC8L12 YC6L12 7 (Blue) 1 2 YC4L12 14 12 10 10 8 8 6 6 5,4 16-14 16-14 16 10 12 10-8 12-10 8-6 12-8 49 (Red) 7 (Blue) 8 (Grey) 10 (Brown) 1 1 1 2 N-9 8 (Grey) 2 4 9 (White) 2 4 10** (Brown) 2 4 11** (Green) 2 4 Die Index Number Embossment on Connector after Crimp for inspection verification. BURNDY Tooling TYPE M8ND SPECIFICATIONS Length: 10-3/4 Width: 1-3/4 #26-8 AWG TERMINALS AND SPLICES FOR USE ON Hand-held full cycle ratchet tool for #8-26 AWG terminals and splices. Full cycle feature builds in reliability and removes the human element from the completed installation. Long handles provide greater leverage. 5-year limited warranty. Terminals YAD YAD-F YAE YAE-F YAE-Z YAES YAEV-H YAEV-L YAV YAV-F YAV-H YAV-H-F BENEFITS BA-E BA-EF BA-ES BA-EZ BA-EL Splices • Fully protected ratchet mechanism. • Reinforced heavy duty back. • Long handles provide greater mechanical advantages. • Easy groove identification with color-coded dies. • 5-year limited warranty. YSV YSV-H YSM YRV-L Features FULL CYCLE RATCHET MECHANISM REMOVABLE DIE SETS LONG COMFORTABLE HANDLE N-10 BURNDY Tooling TYPE MRC840 SPECIFICATIONS Length: 26 Height: 8 Weight: 8-1/4 lbs. HYTOOL™ #8-4/0 AWG NON-INSULATED COPPER CONNECTORS The MRC840 Mechanical Rotating Crimp Tool will accommodate copper compression BURNDY® HYDENT™ connectors from # 8 AWG str. - 4/0 AWG str. copper conductor. Butting steel jaw and over center cam action assure full crimp force. Rotatable die wheel is color-coded and stamped with the conductor size to provide an easy match of the die and color-coded BURNDY® HYDENT™ connector. BURNDY® YA and YS series connectors are U.L. listed when installed with this tool. 1-year limited warranty. Features and Benefits • Comfort grip handles. ◊ Aids in prevention of hand slippage. Reduces fatigue during continuous use. • Heat treated steel jaws ◊ Reduces jaw buckling and misalignment under heavy loading. • Approximately 9000 crimp cycle life. ◊ Lasts longer than imitations and will still be working when others have worn out. • Multiple grip selections on rotatable die wheels. ◊ No lost dies, 9 position color-coded rotatable die wheels. • High strength fasteners. ◊ Increase tool life by reducing tool wear. • Plated jaws. ◊ Provide enhanced corrosion protection. • Engraved crimp groove (Die index number). ◊ Die index embossment allows permanent inspectability of installed connectors to ensure consistently reliable and dependable connections. Features SPRING LOADED MECHANISM LOCKS DIE WHEEL INTO POSITION. PRESS MECHANISM TO RELEASE. ROTATE DIE WHEEL TO DESIRED CRIMP GROOVE. N-11 COLOR COATED ROTATABLE DIE WHEEL MARKED WITH AWG SIZES 5.0 [127] PRODUCT LABEL WARNING LABEL INSTALLATION CHART OIL LOCATING JAW. STEEL 26.0 [660] 8.0 [203] BURNDY Tooling TYPE MY SPECIFICATIONS Length: 22.65 Width: 8 lbs. approx. Depth: 4.86 Width: 1.12 Bench Mount Adapter Cat. No. BMY-BCH-MT DIELESS HYTOOL™ #8 STR. THROUGH 250 KCMIL COPPER- #8 STR. THROUGH 4/0 STR. ALUMINUM CONDUCTORS BENEFITS TOOL • Save on capital investment with the type MY HYTOOL™ that accommodates a wide range of connector/conductor combinations from #8 str.-250 kcmil. • Save time, money, and lower installed cost with the original dieless MY tool design. No separate dies required to purchase or to lose. • Fast and easy tool setting for the connector/conductor combination simply by aligning the white scribe on the nest die with the wire size on the gauge for proper crimping results. • Easy to adjust nest die with knurled steel knob and machine threads. • Quality tool with precision machines indentor, component parts and tool body. • Fast, medium and high volume crimping is easily accomplished by bench mounting the type MY tool in the BMY-BCH-MT bench mount adapter. A single bolt holds the MY HYTOOL™ securely using the .31 dia. mounting hole in the bench mount adapter. MY29-3 MY29-3C MY29-3CF MY29-11 MY29-11C MY29-3 MY29-3C (covered handles) MY29-3CF (fully covered) MY29 UNIVERSAL KIT MY29-11 MY29-11C (covered handles) MY28 MY28-4 MY28-6 (nylon covered connector) N-12 FOR USE ON TWO-PLY COVERED HANDLES ON MY29-3C AND MY29-11C DESIGNS HEAVY DUTY FORGED STEEL BACK BODY AND HANDLES COMFORT GRIPS #8 30 #8 #8 30 #8 #8 #8 MY28 MY28-4 MY28-6 BENEFITS (CONTINUED) • High quality rugged tool design manufactured from heavy duty forged steel with strong reinforced back and handles. • Covered handles available on the MY29-3C, MY29-11C and MY29-3CF HYTOOL™. • Comfort grip handles for long periods of usage. • Compression terminals and splices are UL listed and CSA certified when installed with type MY HYTOOL™. • 5-year limited warranty. str.-250 kcmil Copper commercial (code) cable Navy-250 Navy Copper Navy Cable str.-4/0 str. Aluminum commercial (code) cable str.-250 kcmil Copper commercial (code) cable Navy-250 Navy Copper Navy cable str.-4/0 str. Flexible copper mine machine cable str.-4/0 str. Copper aircraft cable str.-4/0 str. Aluminum aircraft cable #8 str.-2/0 str. Copper aircraft cable (flexible) Features STRONG REINFORCED FORGED STEEL BACK EXTRA STRONG HEAVY DUTY REINFORCED HANDLES SETTING PLATE INDENTOR DIE .31" DIA. HOLE FOR BENCH MOUNTING OPERATIONS. KNURLED STEEL ADJUSTING KNOB CONNECTORS Copper-YA, YA-L, YS-L Aluminum-YA-A, YS-A Copper-YA, YA-L, YS YAV-FX YS-L, YAV-L, YSV-L YAV-L, YSV-L YAV-A-L, YSV-A-L, YAV-A-R YAE-L, YAEV-RS, YAEV-H, YAEV-RH ACCESSORIES BMY-BCH-MT BENCH MOUNT ADAPTER MY29 UNIVERSAL KIT CONTENTS: 1 EA 50 EA 50 EA 50 EA 50 EA 50 EA 10 EA 10 EA 10 EA 10 EA 10 EA 1 EA MY29-11 YA8CLBOX YAV6CLTC14FX YAV4CLTC516FX YAV2CLTC516FX YAV1CLTC38FX YAV25LTC38FX YAV26LTC516FX YAV27LTC12FX YAV28LTC12FX YA29LBOX CASE BURNDY Tooling TYPE OH25 SPECIFICATIONS Handle force: Max force developed: Weight: Length: HYTOOL™ ONE-HAND OPERATION, DIELESS, FULL CYCLE RATCHET TOOL 50 lbs. max. 6,000 lbs. 2 lbs. 11 oz. 12-1/4 ACCESSORIES Leather Holster Cat. #PT4583 Installs service entrance splice connectors. Conductor range: #10 through 1/0. The OH25 incorporates a full cycle ratchet and cam mechanism allowing an easy, onehand crimping operation. The ratchet mechanism provides for properly completed crimps every time before the tool can be removed from the connection. The OH25 is designed to install 5/8 INSULINK™ and LINKIT™ service entrance connectors with only (1) crimp per connector end, speeding installation time. The single crimp covers the complete contact area, eliminating possible overlapping or failure to make the proper number of crimps. 5-year limited warranty. No-Go Gauge Cat. #PT8504 The PT8504 NO-GO Gauge is used to check the OH25 HYTOOL™ crimp dimensions. FOR USE ON BENEFITS • One crimp speeds installation. • No dies to lose. • Long dependable life with forged steel jaws and stainless steel indentor. • Convenient hole to hang tool. • Protection of internal parts provides long life. • Ratchet mechanism provides proper crimp and uniform quality installations. • Easy one-hand tool operation with spring loaded comfort grip handles. • Proven reliable with years of dependable service. • 5-year limited warranty. • 5/8" Service entrance sleeves • INSULINK™ Type ES (insulated) #10 through 1/0 str. • LINKIT™ type YSU (bare) #8 through 1/0 str. • 5/8" neutral tension sleeves HYSPLICE™ types YS-S YCS-R YDS-AT #4 through 1/0. • AYP HYPLUG™ #6-1/0 str. Features HEAT TREATED STEEL 1/4" HOLE FOR SNAP FASTENER FORGED STEEL JAWS NEST DIE N-13 COMFORT GRIP HANDLES SPRING LOADED HANDLES PROTECTED RATCHET MECHANISM REPLACEMENT STAINLESS STEEL INDENTOR BURNDY Tooling TYPE OUR840 SPECIFICATIONS Max. crimp force: Max Handle Force: Weight: Length: 840 POPPER HYTOOL™ ONE-HANDED OPERATION, OVERHEAD/UNDERGROUND, FULL CYCLE RATCHET TOOL INSTALLS A RANGE OF CONNECTORS (TAPS, SPLICES, TERMINALS) The OUR840 incorporates a full cycle ratchet and cam mechanism allowing an easy, one hand crimping action. Designed for low maintenance operation. The OUR840 has a five (5) year warranty. The ratchet mechanism provides for properly completed crimps every time before the tool can be removed from the connection. With nest and indentor dies, it will install 5/8 INSULINK™ and LINKIT™ service entrance connectors with only one (1) crimp per end. With the use of reduced handle force “X” dies, additional splices, taps, and terminals can be properly installed. The die inserts snap into the permanent groove easily with one hand and lock securely in the tool with the spring loaded positive lock die retainer buttons. Tool operation is simple: A. Slip the tool over the connector. B. The first few strokes grip the connector. C. Stroke until automatic tool release signifies a completed compression. INSTALLATION TOOLING N-14 CONDUCTOR (COPPER) CONNECTOR (COPPER) HYLUG™ HYLINK™ COLOR TERM SPLICE CODE #8 AWG STR. #6 AWG STR. #5 AWG STR. #4 AWG STR. #2 AWG STR. #1 AWG STR. 1/0 AWG STR. 2/0 AWG STR. 3/0 AWG STR. 4/0 AWG STR. 250 Kcmil YA8CYA6CYA5CYA4CYA2CYA1CYA25YA26YA27YA28YA29- CONDUCTOR (ALUMINUM) CONNECTOR (ALUMINUM) HYLUG™ HYLINK™ TERM SPLICE COLOR CODE DIE DIE INDEX NO OF CRIMPS #8 AWG STR. #6 AWG STR. #4 AWG STR. #2 AWG STR. #1 AWG STR. 1/0 AWG STR. 2/0 AWG STR. 3/0 AWG STR. 4/0 AWG STR. YA8CAYA6CAYA4CAYA2CAYA1CA YA25AYA26AYA27AYA28A- BLUE GRAY GREEN PINK GOLD TAN OLIVE RUBY WHITE X8CART X6CART X4CART X2CART X1CART X25ART X26ART X27ART X28ART 374 346 375 348 471 296 297 467 298 2 2 3 4 3 4 4 4 6 YS8CYS6CYS5CYS4CYS2CYS1CYS25YS26YS27YS28YS29- YS8CAYS6CAYS4CAYS2CAYS1CA YS25AYS26AYS27A YS28A- OUR-840 DIE DIE (# CRIMPS) INDEX STD. LONG RED X8CRT 49 1 BLUE X5CRT 7 1 BLUE X5CRT 7 1 GRAY X4CRT 8 1 BROWN X2CRT 10 1 GREEN X1CRT 11 1 PINK X25RT 12 2 BLACK X26RT 13 2 ORANGE X27RT 14 3 PURPLE X28RT 15 3 YELLOW X29RT 16 4 WVT DIES MAY BE SUBSTITUED 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 6 6 8 OUR-840 8,000 lbs. 8 lbs. approx. 2 lbs. 14 oz. 13 FOR USE ON SELECTED APPLICATIONS Aluminum connectors from #8 AWG to 250 kcmil. ACCESSORIES Cat. No. OUR840-WH BENEFITS OUR840-WC • Allows proper crimping of sleeves and terminations in crimping underground applications. • Proper crimps are assured with butting surface inspection and full cycle ratchet mechanism. • Uses reduced handles force “X” dies. • One tool for most service applications. • Improved service through redesign and improvement of many internal parts. • Easy visual field check for proper tool adjustment with butting surfaces. • Easier tool operation is provided with mini strokes and anti-slip grips. • Nest and indenter dies available. • W-28K cutter die permits use of OUR840 tool as a cable cutter. Conductor range: #4-4/0 ACSR. Aluminum and Copper. • UL Listed connections when color coded “X” dies are used on BURNDY® connectors. • 5-year limited warranty. SPRING LOADED POSITIVE LOCK DIE RETAINER BUTTONS Leather Holder • Top grain cowhide saddle leather. • Large grommet. (Order Separately) Metal carrying case with die tray. • Holds one (1) OUR840 and up to eleven (11) “X” dies. Dies not included. (Order Separately) OUR840 DIES X-DIES CAT. NO. DIE INDEX RECOMMENDED “W” DIE CRIMP RATIO XNBG XBG X161 X241 X245 X247 X249 X660 X840 XOH25 BG BG 161 241 245 247 249 660 840 - 2* 2 3* 2 2 2 2 2 1 OH 25 EQUIV. * Overlap crimps • “W” Dies with a die index listed above are not recommended for the OUR840. Since the standard “W” Dies are wider than the “X” Dies, additional crimps are required depending on the connector and the die index. Features 1/4 HOLE FOR SNAP FASTENER BUTTING SURFACES PROVIDE VISUAL CHECK FOR TOOL ADJUSTMENT SPRING LOADED HANDLE RUGGED AND PROTECTED RATCHET MECHANISM HIGH STRENGTH STEEL HEAT TREATED STEEL CONSTRUCTION COMFORT GRIP HANDLES BURNDY Tooling TYPE MD6-8 SPECIFICATIONS Crimp force: 9000 lbs. Length: 25-3/8 Weight: 6 lbs. HYTOOL™ HAND-OPERATED TOOL Quality Unsurpassed! Life cycle tested under full operating forces for over 90,000 cycles successfully without adjustment or any parts replacement. Installs full range of connectors (taps, splices, terminals): #14 through 4/0. Applications: Full Tension and Non-Tension. FOR USE ON The MD6-8 has a five (5) year warranty and is designed to provide over 90,000 reliable crimps installing full-tension and non-tension connectors. The MD6-8 installs almost all of the line, pole and house connections in the Burndy Compression Connector Program with only one (1) extra die set (W-BG). The tool has two (2) permanent die grooves, “O” and “D3” for distribution tap connectors. The “D3” groove also serves as a seat for die inserts to install additional splices, taps and terminal connectors. The die inserts snap into the D3 groove easily with one hand and lock securely in the tool with the spring loaded positive lock die retainer buttons. MD6 Tool Variations MD6 BENEFITS • Proper crimps are assured with butting steel jaws. • No additional dies required for “O” and “D3” size tap connectors. • Increased strength and greater bearing area is provided with larger steel bolts. • Fast, easy, one-hand die insertion. • No lost dies with spring loaded positive lock die retainer buttons. • Easy visual field check for proper tool adjustment with orange alignment guide lines. • Over 90,000 crimps provided with Teflon impregnated steel backed bronze bushings. • Full crimp force assured with over center cam action. • Easy tool adjustment with allen wrench. • Operator protection provided with butt stops and heat shrink tubing. • Long life expectancy provided with select clear hickory handles and lightweight high strength aluminum alloy castings. • Easier tool operation is provided with bent handles and anti-slip grips. • The “D3” groove accommodates the complete line of type “W-” die inserts. • 5-year limited warranty. MD6-4 Standard MD6 with permanent “BG” (5/8) and “D3” grooves. Installs CABLELOK CRIMPIT and HYCRIMP™ Tap Connectors with one additional die insert (W-O). All other tool features and connector ranges are the same as the MD6-8 described above. Standard MD6 with permanent “BG” (5/8) and “D3” grooves and straight fiberglass handles 24" long. Fiberglass rated at 100KV per foot for 5 minutes. MD6-14 Standard MD6 with permanent “BG” (5/8) and “D3” grooves and straight fiberglass handles 19" long including bent aluminum grips. Fiberglass rated at 100KV per foot for 5 minutes. MD6-12 Standard MD6-8 jaws with permanent “O” and “D3” grooves and straight fiberglass handles 24" long. Fiberglass rated at 100KV per foot for 5 minutes. MD6-6 • Copper, Aluminum, ACSR, Copperweld, Alumoweld, Steel, 6201, 5005, Compressed and compact conductors. • Copper Taps: #10 sol.-2/0 str. • Aluminum, ACSR Taps: #14 sol.-4/0 ACSR • Stirrups: #6 ACSR-4/0 ACSR • Overhead Full Tension Deadend, Full Tension Splices, Non Tension Splices, and Terminals Conductor Range: #10 str.-4/0 ACSR. • Code conductor connectors: #6-4/0 str. Copper and Aluminum To Check Tool Adjustment Simply close the tool handles until the jaws initially butt. When the orange alignment grooves are in line, the tool is in correct adjustment. Features EASY DIE INSERTION/REMOVAL JAWS BUTT HIGH STRENGTH FORGED STEEL JAWS PERMANENT “O” DIE GROOVE SPRING LOADED POSITIVE LOCK DIE RETAINER BUTTONS PERMANENT “D3” DIE GROOVE LARGE DIAMETER HARDENED STEEL BOLTS PTFE* IMPREGNATED STEEL BACKED BRONZE BUSHINGS ORANGE ALIGNMENT GROOVES PROVIDE VISUAL CHECK FOR TOOL ADJUSTMENT OVER CENTER CAM ACTION ADJUSTMENT SCREW HIGH STRENGTH CAST ALUMINUM ADJUSTMENT LOCKING SCREW “Snub-Nose” variation of MD6 has a permanent “D3” groove in jaw. Recommended for use where space for tool jaw is limited. MD6-37 Permanent 161, 162, 163, 171 dies in the jaw. (J, M&P, T & X) MD6-38 Permanent K, BG, C, dies in the jaw. HEAT SHRINK TUBING HIGH QUALITY CLEAR HICKORY HANDLES N-15 HANDLE BUTT STOPS BENT HANDLES PROVIDE EASIER TOOL OPERATION ANTI-SLIP HANDLE GRIPS BURNDY Tooling TYPE MD7 POSI-PRESS HYTOOL™ SPECIFICATIONS Crimp force: 9,000 lbs. 60 lbs. Handle Force Length: 25 Width: 8 (at handle end) 4-1/2 (at jaw end) Width: 7 lbs. HAND-OPERATED TOOL The MD7 POSI-PRESS HYTOOL™ is a composite polymer handle installation tool that requires no adjustment for the life of the tool. This assures users of the MD7 tool, that all connections installed with the MD7 POSI-PRESS HYTOOL™ are consistent and reliable over the life of the tool. This new technology tool provides a visual wear indicator that makes verification of the tool's condition easy to determine. Once the tool has worn beyond its useful life, it can be returned to BURNDY's Tool Repair Center for re-fitting at a fraction of the price of a new tool. Unsurpassed Quality that no one else can match! Life cycle tested under the full range of operating forces for over 99,000 cycles successfully without failure or any parts replacement. FOR USE ON FEATURES • Ergonomically designed, one-piece, composite polymer handles. • Comfort grip handles. • Time-proven steel jaw designs. • No tool adjustment required. • 99,000 crimp/cycle life. • Positive lock, spring loaded die retainer buttons. • Permanent "D3" die groove. • PTFE impregnated steel/bronze bushings and stainless steel pins. • Electroless nickel plated jaws and jaw links. Installs full range of connectors, (taps, splices, terminals): #14 Awg through 4/0 Awg. Applications: Full-Tension and Non-Tension. The MD7 series of tooling has a five (5) year warranty and is designed to provide over 99,000 reliable crimps installing both fulltension and non-tension connectors. The MD7-8 POSI-PRESS HYTOOL™ installs almost all of the line, pole, and house connections in the Burndy Compression Connector Program with only one (1) extra die set (W-BG). The MD7-8 tool has two (2) permanent die grooves, "O" and D3" for distribution tap connectors. For other tool versions, see the MD7 Tool Variations sections below. The "D3" groove also serves as a seat for die inserts to install splices, taps, and terminal connectors. The die inserts snap into the "D3" groove easily with only one hand, and lock securely in the tool with the spring loaded, positive lock, die retainer buttons. Handles have been tested at 100 Kv per foot for five (5) minutes. N-16 COMFORT GRIP DESIGN WITH CHECKED SURFACE AND ERGONOMIC HANDLE ENDS PROVIDE A POSITIVE, SLIP-FREE GRIP. BENEFITS • Easier tool operation due to unique handle design, and anti-slip grips. • Improves operation by preventing slipping. • Proper crimps are assured with butting jaws. • Provides reliable and consistent crimps every time. • Lasts up to 6 times longer than cheap imitations, and will still be working when others have long since worn out. • No lost dies and one-hand die insertion. • Allows use of the complete line of Burndy "W" and "X" die inserts. • Increases life of tool by reducing tool wear. • 5-year limited warranty Features HANDLE BUTT STOPS INDICATOR GROOVE PERMINATE “D3” DIE GROOVE REINFORCED POLYMER COMPOSITE HANDLES TESTED FOR 100KV PER FOOT FOR FIVE MINUTES WHEN NEW AND WHEN PROPERLY CLEANED BLANK INSERT PROVIDED FOR PERSONALIZING TOOL FOR IDENTIFICATION AND INVENTORY PURPOSES • Copper, Aluminum, ACSR, Copperweld, Alumoweld, Steel, 6201 5005. Compressed and compact conductors • Copper Taps: #10 sol. - 2/0 str. • Aluminum, ACSR Taps: #14 sol. - 4/0 ACSR • Stirrups: #6 ACSR - 4/0 ACSR • Overhead Full Tension Deadend, Full Tension Splices, Non Tension Splices, and Terminals Conductor Range: #10 str. - 4/0 ACSR • Code conductor connectors: #6 - 4/0 str. Copper and Aluminum SPRING LOADED POSITIVE LOCK DIE RETAINER BUTTONS HIGH STRENGTH STAINLESS STEEL PINS RESIST CORROSION AND HELP PROVIDE LONG TOOL LIFE ELECTROLESS NICKEL PLATED JAWS AND JAW LINKS PROVIDE ENHANCED CORROSION RESISTANCE MD7 Tool Variations MD7-8 MD7 with permanent "O" and "D3" grooves. Installs almost all of the line, pole, and house connections in the Burndy Compression Connector Program with only one (1) extra die set (W-BG). MD7-6 "Snub-Nose" variation of MD7 has a permanent "D3" groove jaw. Accepts the full-line of BURNDY® "W" and "X" die inserts. Recommended for use where space for tool jaw is limited. MD7 Standard MD7 with permanent "BG" (5/8) and "D3" grooves. Installs Cablelok Crimpit and HYCRIMP™ Tap connectors with one (1) additional die insert (W-O). All other tool features and connector ranges are the same as the MD7-8. BURNDY Tooling TYPE MD7-34R POSI-PRESS HYTOOL™ SPECIFICATIONS Crimp force: Length: Width: Jaw Covering: 9,000 lbs. 26 8 at handles 4-1/2 at jaws EPDM Rubber (MD7-34RC). Handle Material : Reinforced composite polymer Warranty: 5 years HAND-OPERATED FULL CYCLE RATCHET TOOL The MD7-34R POSI-PRESS HYTOOL™ has a full stroke ratchet that assures the user has cycled the tool completely for a consistent crimp every time. The tool handles are manufactured from a new reinforced composite polymer that requires no adjustment for the life of the tool. This new tool design assures users that all connections installed with the MD7-34R are consistent and reliable over the life of the tool. A visual wear indicator provides easy verification of the tool's condition. An emergency ratchet release allows tool removal in case of mistaken die choice or to reposition tool. The MD7-34R crimps color coded lugs and splices for #8-500 kcmil class B code conductor and #8-350 kcmil Cu Flex conductor. It will also crimp thin wall C-Taps from #12 - 3/0 AWG class B code conductor. The color coded W-VT dies snap into the jaw grooves easily with only one hand and lock securely into the tool with the spring loaded, positive lock, die retainer buttons. The die index number is engraved in the crimping groove to emboss the finished connection. This makes inspection and verification of proper installation an easy process. Due to the one piece handle design, if the tool ever wears beyond it's useful life, it can be returned to BURNDY's Tool Repair Center for refitting at a fraction of the price of a new tool. A rubber covered version, the MD7-34R-C, is available. MD7-34 Tool Variations MD7-34R - #8-500 Cu HYDENT™, Full Stroke Ratchet MD7-34R-KIT 1 - MD7-34R, metal carrying case and all dies for #8-500 kcmil Cu HYDENT™ and C-Taps MD7-34 - Supplied without the ratchet mechanism MD7-34-KIT1 - MD7-34, metal carrying case, and all dies for #8-500 kcmil Cu HYDENT™ and C-Taps for #12 - 3/0 AWG. FEATURES • Full Stroke Ratchet Mechanism. • Ergonomically designed, one piece, composite polymer handles. • Comfort grip handles. • Time-proven forged steel jaw designs. • No tool adjustment required. • Positive lock, spring loaded die retainer buttons. • PTFE impregnated steel/bronze bushings and stainless steel pins. • Color Coded Dies. • DIE index embossed on finished connection. FULL STROKE RATCHET MECHANISM EMERGENCY RATCHET RELEASE BLANK INSERT PROVIDED FOR PERSONALIZING TOOL FOR IDENTIFICATION AND INVNETORY PURPOSES REINFORCED POLYMER COMPOSITE HANDLES RATED FOR 100 KV PER FOOT FOR FIVE MINUTES WHEN NEW AND WHEN PROPERLY CLEANED • Copper Lugs and Splices #8-500 kcmil. Types YA, YA-L, YA-L-TC, YA-L-NT, YS-L, YS, YST, YA-TC • Copper Lugs and Splices #8-350 kcmil Flex. Types YAV-L-TC-FX, YA-LB, YA-TC-FXB, YSV-L, YAV-L-NT-FX, YAV-L-FX, YAV-FXB • Copper Battery Lugs #8-350 kcmil Flex. Types YAG-TC-LD • Thin wall C-taps #12 - 3/0 AWG. Types YC-L BENEFITS Features COMFORT GRIP DESIGN WITH CHECKERED SURFACE AND ERGONOMIC HANDLE ENDS PROVIDE A POSITIVE, SLIP-FREE GRIP FOR USE ON SPRING LOADED POSITIVE LOCK DIE RETAINER BUTTONS JAWS BUTT AT COMPLETED CRIMP HIGH STRENGTH STAINLESS STEEL PINS RESIST CORROSION AND HELP PROVIDE LONG TOOL LIFE • Easier tool operation due to unique handle design, and anti-slip grips. • Grips and handle knobs improve operation by preventing slipping. • Butting jaws assure proper crimps. • Wear indicator allows instant inspection of calibration. • Full cycle ratchet assures complete consistent crimp. • High grade hardware increases tool life and durability. • Allows use of complete line of BURNDY® N-17 W-VT, W-RT and X-RT series dies. • Color Coded dies simplify selection of correct connector and die combinations. • Die index embossment on crimp provides easy inspection and quality assurance. • 99,000 crimps without needing adjustment. • 5-year limited warranty. BURNDY Tooling TYPE MD6/MD7 TOOLING ACCESSORIES Dies for Special Applications (See present installation tool index in reference section for complete W-Die listing.) Cat. No. PT4946 Compact Steel Die Case Compact die case for (12) "W" or "X" die sets. Dies purchased separately. W-BG The W-BG die is a double groove die set requiring only one (1) crimp per end on service entrance sleeves and only 1/2 the number of crimps on other 5/8 sleeves. W-28K The W-28K cutter die permits use of MD6/MD7 type tools as a cable cutter. Conductor range: 4-4/0 ACSR, Aluminum or Copper. Non-Bowing Dies Cat. Nos. W-687 and W-702 The Non-Bowing die sets install one-piece, full-tension UNISPLICE™ sleeves on ACSR conductors without bowing. UNISPLICE™ ONE-PIECE SLEEVES: Protective Jaw Covers W-687 Installs: #4 ACSR 6/1, 7/1-YDS4RL and YDS4RLY #2 ACSR 6/1-YDS2RL and YDS2RLY W-702 Installs: #2 ACSR 7/1-YDSO21RL and YDS021RLY 1/0 ACSR-YDS25RL and YDS25RLY Cat. No. MD6-CP1 The laminated vinyl covers, a non-conductive material, are provided for the MD6/MD7 HYTOOL™ to avoid damage. Compact in size, the covers snap easily into place over the jaw edges without obstructing vision. The MD6-CP1 fits all MD6/MD7 tool variations except the Snub-Nose MD6-6/MD7-6 type design. Supplied as a set. PT4931-1 Die Button Repair Kit Cat. No. PT6744 The semi-rigid Neoprene cover, a nonconductive material, is provided for the MD6-6 “Snub-Nose” HYTOOL™ to avoid damage. Fits all MD6-6 Snub-Nose variations. Cat. No. PT4925 Canvas Bag The PT4925 is a sturdy canvas bag for protecting the MD6/MD7 tools with or without rubber covers plus up to (9) die sets. Dies purchased separately. Cat. No. WDIETREE W Die Holder This innovative W-Die Holder replaces the standard metal carrying case designed for BURNDY® W-Dies. Its straight forward design allows for easy insertion of the W-Dies onto the holder, providing greater flexibility and secure storage. Cat. No. PT4952-1 Steel Carrying Case The PT4952-1 steel carrying case provides storage and protection for the MD6 tools with or without rubber covers plus up to (18) die sets. Tool and die sets not included. Fits MD6, MD6-6, MD6-8, MD6-14, MD6-37 , MD6-38, MD7 and MD7-6. N-18 Cat. No. PT6733 Hot-Line Tool Carrying Bag The PT6733 is a heavy-duty, adjustable canvas bag for the storage and protection of HotLine Tools. The bag accommodates 48, 60 and 72 variations of the MD6 and Y35 HotLine Tools. BURNDY Tooling TYPE MD6R SPECIFICATIONS Output force: Handle input force: Number of strokes: Weight: Length : HYTOOL™ FULL-CYCLE RATCHET TOOL Installs full range of connectors (Taps, Splices, Terminals): #6 through 4/0 AWG. FOR USE ON Applications: Overhead and underground –– full-tension and non-tension. Use MD6-6R2 for code cable terminals and splices through 500 kcmil copper. The MD6R full-cycle ratchet tool installs all the same connectors using the same “W”type dies that the MD6 tool installs plus the addition of code cable connectors through 500 kcmil copper. A maximum handle force of 40 lbs. plus short handle opening and angled head combine to provide an ideal tool for difficult overhead and tight underground applications. Fiveyear limited warranty. 12,000 lbs. 40 lbs. 5 10 lbs. 24 BENEFITS • Precise crimping everytime is provided with the ratchet mechanism and automatic release only after five (5) handle strokes. • Easy tool operation is provided with 40 lbs. maximum handle force reducing possible back strain. • Convenient operator usage for difficult to reach overhead and tight underground trench applications is provided with the angled head, short handle stroke and minimal handle force requirements. • Easy handling and insertion is provided with spring loaded handles. • The D3 groove accommodates the complete line of “W” die inserts. • 5-year limited warranty • Copper, Aluminum, ACSR, Copperweld, Alumoweld, Steel, 6201, 5005, Compressed and compact conductors. • Copper Taps: #10 sol.- 2/0 str. • Aluminum, ACSR Taps: #14 sol.4/0 ACSR. • Stirrups: #6 ACSR- 4/0 ACSR. • Overhead Full Tension Deadends, Full Tension Splices, Non Tension Splices, and Terminals Conductor Range: #10 str.-4/0 ACSR. • Code conductor connectors: #6-500kcmil. Copper. Features 12,000 LBS. CRIMP FORCE STANDARD MD6 JAW VARATIONS HEAVY GAUGE ABS PLASTIC PROTECTS RATCHET MECHANISM MD6R Variations: Cat. No. MD6R MD6-6R MD6-6R-2 MD6-8R Permanent Die Grooves BG (5/8) and D3 D3 Snub-Nose D3 Modified for copper color coded dies #8 through 500 kcmil. O and D3 45° ANGLED HEAD FIVE (5) STROKES REQUIRED FOR COMPLETED CRIMP AND AUTOMATIC RELEASE Accessories: Cat. No. PT4925 The PT4925 is a heavy-duty canvas carrying bag for the storage and protection of the MD6...R tools. Pockets for dies are included. Cat. No. PT17188 ABS Cover Kit The PT17188 is the heavy-duty ABS plastic cover kit including (3) piece ABS cover, label and hardware. 40 LB. MAX HANDLE FORCE REQUIRED SPRING LOADED STRAIGHT HICKORY HANDLES FULL CYCLE RATCHET MECHANISM PLASTIC COMFORT GRIPS 60° HANDLE OPENING N-19 BURNDY Tooling MD6 HOTSTICK TOOLS SPECIFICATIONS The MD6 Type Hotstick tools incorporate either a pantograph toggle action handle or straight handles. They use standard MD6 Type jaws so that they will do everything the standard MD6 will do only they can be used for energized installations. The fiberglass handles are rated at 100 kv/ft for 5 minutes. 5-year limited warranty. Cat. No. MD6HS60 MD6HS72 MD6-6HS60 MD6-6HS72 MD6-8HS60 MD6-8HS72 Handle Length 60 72 60 72 60 72 Weight/Lbs. 15.5 16.5 15.5 16.5 15.5 16.5 MD6-AH48 MD6-6AH48 MD6-8AH48 48 48 48 13.75 13.75 13.75 FOR USE ON BENEFITS • The MD6-HS type Hot-Line Tool incorporates a pantograph, toggle-action design to install connectors with the same handle force as the standard MD6-type tooling. • All fiberglass handles rated at 100KV per foot for five minutes. • Angled head and lightweight makes connector installation easier. • Supplied with MD6, MD6-6, and MD6-8 jaw variations. • The MD6-AH type Hot-Line Tool incorporates an angled head to make hard to reach hot-line connections easier. • Straight 48" fiberglass handles rated at 100 KV per foot for five minutes. • Supplied in MD6, MD6-6 and MD6-8 jaw variations. • 5-year limited warranty. • Copper, Aluminum, ACSR, Copperweld, Alumoweld, Steel, 6201, 5005. Compressed and compact conductors. • Copper Taps: #10 sol.-2/0 str. • Aluminum, ACSR Taps: #14 sol.4/0 ACSR. • Stirrups: #6 ACSR-4/0 ACSR. • Overhead Full Tension Deadends, Full Tension Splices, Non Tension Splices, and Terminals Conductor Range: #10 str.- 4/0 ACSR. • Code conductor connectors: #6 - 4/0 str. Copper and Aluminum. Features TOGGLE ACTION HANDLE N-20 FIBERGLASS HANDLES ANGLED HEAD STD MD6 JAWS BURNDY Tooling TYPE Y500CT-HS SPECIFICATIONS Output Force: Tool Weight: Total Strokes: Height: Length: L'IL CRIMP™ 6 TON - HYDRAULIC CRIMP TOOL The BURNDY® Y500CT-HS HYPRESS™ connector installation tool provides 6 U.S. Short tons of force in a compact and easy to use, hand-held hydraulic tool. The Y500CTHS incorporates a specialized latch style head with a generous working stroke for a wide variety of crimping applications. The specialized head allows interference-free closures on tap connectors up to the BURNDY® YHD-400 size. The head is fitted onto a lightweight tool body with handles that are ergonomically designed to provide slip-free grip and easier crimping. The tool features a patented high speed ram advance mechanism that minimizes crimp cycle time along with an ergonomic trigger drain mechanism that allows the ram to return to the preset position. The tool accommodates all BURNDY® “X”, “W”, and “W-VT” style dies that seat in the permanent “D3” crimping groove. Installation applications include #6 AWG to 600 kcmil copper lugs and splices, #6 AWG to 350 AWG aluminum lugs and splices, and up to 4/0 aluminum tap connections. The permanent “D3” groove and 180 degree rotatable head are standard on the Y500CT-HS. Each Y500CT-HS HYPRESS™ tool uses BURNDY® dies and off-the-shelf connectors that are available worldwide. Your Y500CT-HS HYPRESS™ comes equipped with a durable metal carry case to hold the tool and a multitude of die sets. 6 tons (5.4 metric tons) 7.8 lbs. (3.5 kg) 7 (w/o connector) 6.0 (152 mm) 17.6 (447 mm) FOR USE ON • Copper, Aluminum, ASCR, Steel, Copperweld, Alumoweld, 6201, 5005, Compressed, Compact, Stranded & Solid conductors • Installs splices, taps, or terminations: #8 - 600 kcmil Copper Str #8 - 350 kcmil Flex #8 - 350 AWG Aluminum Features and Benefits • Light weight latch head design. ◊ Provides enhanced clearance for tap connectors. • 180° head rotation. ◊ Versatile tool head allowing user crimp access into tight spaces. • Ergonomic handle design. ◊ Easier operation, helping reduce fatigue. • Audible pressure "pop-off" valve. ◊ Indicates properly completed crimp. • Permanent "D3" crimp groove accepts all BURNDY® “W” and “X” dies. ◊ Standard die design with proven performance. • Durable metal carrying case. ◊ Provides superior protection and stores all accessories. • High speed ram advance. ◊ Provides faster crimps. • Handle trigger drain. ◊ Convenient ram retraction. • 5-year limited warranty. ◊ Customer satisfaction and technical support. RANGE TAKING DIES WDC4500: #4-500 Cu STR. #2-4/0 Cu FLEX UL and CSA for use on YA and YS series. Also for use on YAV and YSV series. WDA8300: #8-300 Al #6-400 Cu STR. #2-4/0 Cu FLEX UL and CSA for use on YA, YS, YA-A, and YS-A series. Also for use on YAV and YSV series. Features ERGONOMIC HANDLE DESIGN SPRING LOADED DIE RETAINING PINS LATCH HEAD RELEASE N-21 6.0 [152] FUNCTIONAL D3 DIE GROOVE 180° ROTATABLE HEAD SPECIALIZED LATCH DESIGN 17.6 [447] BURNDY Tooling TYPE Y35 AND Y35-2 HYPRESS™ SPECIFICATIONS Force developed: Operating pressure: Weight (less case): Overall length: Head width: Molded Covering: HAND-OPERATED HYDRAULIC TOOL The Y35 HYPRESS™ Tool incorporates a C-shaped, rotatable head for overhead line work and compression grounding applications. The hook style head with extensive ram travel provides for easy tapping and splicing of overhead lines as well as HYGROUND™ compression grounding systems. Y35-2 12 tons 10,000 psi 13-1/2 lbs. 24 6 Head, Body and Handles FOR USE ON Copper #8 str.-500 kcmil Code Cables The Y35-2 HYPRESS™ head, body and handles are covered with 3/16 rubber for tool impact protection. Copper #8 str.-kcmil and up to 3/4" ground rod Copper #8 str.-750 kcmil Code Cables N30-N500 Navy Cables Flexible and Extra Flex Order the hot-line handle assembly, “U” dies and accessories separately. 5-year limited warranty. BENEFITS • Compact “C” shaped head allows easy placement and removal from continuous conductor lengths. • Easy to position tool for work with 180° head rotation. • Versatile and economical-tool works with all commonly used copper, aluminum and ACSR conductors from #6 str. to #556.5 26/7 stranding. • Body and handles covered with 3/16 molded rubber for tool impact protection. • Easy die change accomplished with push button die locks. • Quality assurance is provided with automatic 10,000 PSI blow-off pressure release valve for positive crimping. Y35 12 tons 10,000 psi 13 lbs. 23-1/4 4-3/4 Body & Handles BENEFITS (CONTINUED) • Rapid ram advance reduces installation time by eliminating need to pump handles to advance ram to connector. • Saves installation time with trigger controlled return release which returns ram to its preset starting point. • Long continuous usage is aided with comfort grip handles. • Compression terminal and splice connectors are UL listed and CSA certified when installed with recommended die set. • 5- year limited warranty. Aluminum #8 str.-750 kcmil Code Cables ACSR Terminals-grounding YGH, YGHA, YGF Splices-grounding YGS, YGHS Taps-grounding YGHC-C, YGHP-C YGHR-C Terminals Uninsulated YA, YA-2N, YA-L, YA-LB YA-2LN Terminals Insulated YAEV-L Box, YAEV-L YAEV-H, YAEV-RS, YAEV-RH Splices To Size 400 kcmil YS, YS-T, YS-L YS-LB, YSV-L Box YSV-L, YSM Terminals YA-A AYP, AYPO Splices To Size 350 kcmil YSA, YRB, YS-AT See Burndy Overhead Transmission and Distribution Catalog Module Features COMFORT GRIP HANDLES N-22 TRIGGER CONTROLLED RAM RELEASE SHORT HANDLE THROW RUBBER COVERED HANDLES 180° HEAD ROTATION ‘C’ SHAPED HEAD HOLE FOR LIFTING EYE BUILT-IN AUTOMATIC 10,000 PSI “BLOW-OFF RAPID RAM PRESSURE RELEASE ADVANCE VALVE HANDLE Y35-2 HAS RUBBER COVERED HEAD RUBBER BODY COVERING POSITIVE PUSH BUTTON DIE LOCKS BURNDY Tooling Y35 SERIES ACCESSORIES Cat. No. PT29291 Die Case Steel case designed for storage and protecton of “U” dies used with the Y35 and other BURNDY® tools. Holds 15 die sets. Length 9 1/2, width 6, height 1-1/2. Dies sold separately. PT 29279-2 Force Test Gauge The PT 29279-2 Force Test Gauge is designed to provide an accurate visual reading of the output force produced by the handhydraulic Y35, Y35-2, Y39 and Y750 HYPRESS™ tools. It is not recommended for any remote powered HYPRESS™ heads such as the Y35BH. The PT 29279-2 Force Test Gauge is factory calibrated and inspected to very stringent tolerances providing the customer accuracy and an excellent means for quality assurance control. Supplied with padded storage case. Cat. No. HH5-RL48 Hot-Line Handle Assembly The HH5-RL48 is a 48" long fiberglass handle assembly that easily attaches to a standard Y35 HYPRESS™ tool. Rotation of the handles controls the rapid ram advance and release mechanisms. The handles are rated at 100KV per foot for five minutes. The Catalog Number does not include the Y35. For factory assembled unit order Catalog Number Y35-16. Y34A INDENTOR ADAPTOR: To use Y34A indentors in a Y35, Y39, or Y750 tool. Cat. No. Y35P3 SEAL REPAIR KIT: Cat. No. Y35/Y39 REP KIT A Steel Carrying Case Cat. No. PT2972 for Y35 Cat. No. PT29360 for Y35-2 BENEFITS • Easy to read • Provides means for quality assurance control. • Blank (test) “U” dies are provided for testing procedure. • Tool output force is applied to load cell for visual read out of the resulting force on the dial. • The blank (test) “U” set is included with the Force Test Gauge. • An easy to read operating and maintenance manual is included. Cat. No. PT6733 Hot-Line Tool (Heavy-Duty) Carrying Bag The PT6733 is a heavy-duty, adjustable canvas bag for the storage and protection of hot-line tools. The bag accommodates 48 through 72 variations of the Y35 and MD6 hot-line tools. N-23 BURNDY Tooling TYPE Y39 HYPRESS™ SPECIFICATIONS Force developed: Operating force: Weight - less case: Overall length: Max. head width: Die accommodation: HYDRAULIC TOOL HAND-OPERATED The versatile, lightweight Y39 weighs 13 lbs., and its small 3-1/8 wide head rotates 180° for convenience and flexibility. The tool provides 12 tons of crimping power, while its built-in overload valve automatically releases pressure when the crimp is completed. FOR USE ON COPPER #6 AWG -750 Kcmil str. Code Cable N30 - N650 Navy Cable Flexible and Extra Flexible Terminals -Uninsulated YA, YA-L, YA-LB, YGH, YGHA Splices & Tees - Uninsulated YS, YS-L, YS-LB, YS-T, YSP-T, YST The Y39 is designed for easy die insertion and removal without ball checks or set screws. Its rapid ram advance and triggercontrolled release eliminate unnecessary pumping after every crimp. 5-year limited warranty. BENEFITS BENEFITS • Easy to work in small tight spaces with only a 3-1/8 wide compression head and short handle throw. • Easy to position tool for work with 180° head rotation. • Versatile and economical-tool works on all commonly used copper and aluminum conductors from #6 str. to 750 kcmil. • Body and handles covered with 3/16 rubber. • Easy to locate and hold dies in position with the positive push button die locks plus die changing is accomplished easily without ball checks or set screws. • Easy to remove or lock into position die holder with recessed spring latch plus leather strap to prevent loss. • Quality assurance is provided with automatic 10,000 psi “blow off” pressure release valve for positive crimping. • Rapid ram advance elmininates requirement for pumping handles to advance ram to connector. • Trigger release allows ram to return to preset position. • Long continuous usage is aided with comfort grip handles. • Compression terminal, tap and splice connectors are UL listed and CSA certified when installed with the Y39 tool and recommended die set. • 5-year limited warranty. (CONTINUED) BUILT IN AUTOMATIC 10,000 PSI “BLOW-OFF” PRESSURE RELEASE VALVE SHORT HANDLE STROKE POSITIVE PUSH BUTTON DIE LOCKS RUBBER COVERED HANDLES COPPER-INSULATED TERMINALS #8 AWG - #2/0 str. Code Cable AN8 - AN #2/0 Aircraft Cable Flexible and Extra Flexible Terminals-Insulated YAEV- L Box, YAEV- L, YAEV- RS Box, YAEV- RS, YAEV-RH COPPER-TAPS #12 AWG Solid-250 kcmil Taps -YC-C, YGHC -C, YGHP -C, YGHR -C, YH, YCHC -TC ALUMINUM #6 str.-500 kcmil Taps -YFD, YFN, YFO RAPID RAM ADVANCE HANDLE N-24 RECESSED DIE RETAINER SPRING LATCH COPPER- AN or AIR #6 AWG-#4/0 str. Code Cable AN6-AN #4/0 Aircraft Cable Flexible and Extra Flexible Terminals - Uninsulated YAV-L Box, YAV-L, YAV-Rs Box, YAV-RS Splices - Uninsulated YSV-L Box, YSV-L ALUMINUM #8 AWG-750 kcmil str. Code Cable Terminals-YA-A Splices-YS-A, YS-AT, YRB Features LEATHER DIE RUBBER RETAINER BODY STRAP 180° HEAD COVER ROTATION 12 tons 10,000 PSI 12 lbs. 23 3-1/8 U-dies TRIGGER CONTROLLED RAM RELEASE COMFORT GRIP HANDLES BURNDY Tooling TYPES Y750HS AND Y750-2HS RUBBER COVERED HEAD SPECIFICATIONS Force developed: Weight: Length: Height: Width: Jaw opening: 750 REVOLVER HYPRESS™ 12 tons 14.5 lbs. (5.4 kg) 23.5 (7162 mm) 2.75 (838 mm) 8.0 (2438 mm) 1.65 (42 mm) HYDRAULIC HAND OPERATED TOOL — 12 TON CRIMP FORCE FOR USE ON CONDUCTOR RANGE: #12-750 KCMIL CU/AL AND #4-556.5 KCMIL ACSR • Tension Sleeves Copper Aluminum ACSR #8 sol.-500 kcmil #8 sol.-587-2 kcmil #4-556.5 kcmil • Taps Copper Aluminum #14 sol.-500 kcmil #8-500 kcmil • Aerial Cable Copper #6-500 kcmil The BURNDY® Y750HS Series HYPRESS™ is a wide mouth (1.65) hand operated hydraulic 12 ton crimping tool for use on virtually all compression applications. The C-shaped head rotates 355° relative to the handle and is mated to a patented rapid advance pump. The Y750HS provides easy tapping, splicing, and terminating of overhead lines, the full line of HYGROUND™ compression grounding connectors, NEC cable connections, and N30-N650 Navy cable connections. The Y750HS accepts all BURNDY® “U” dies for use on conductor ranges of #12-750 kcmil AL/CU and #4-556.5 kcmil ACSR conductors. The Y750-2HS HYPRESS™ has a rubbercovered head and handles for tool impact protection. BENEFITS • Covers a wide range of applications with a lightweight, self-contained system and provides easy tool removal from continuous conductors with its C-shaped head. • Easy tool positioning with its 355° head rotation. • Patented rapid advance pump for faster crimps. • Exposed positive die lock buttons for easy die change out and die retention. • Handle trigger drain for convenient ram retraction. • Quality assurance is provided with an audible “Pop-Off” pressure relief valve. • Comfort grip handles help ease operator fatigue with continuous use. Features • Terminals & Splices Aluminum #8-750 kcmil Copper #8-750 kcmil ACSR #4-556 kcmil • HYGROUND™ (Compression Ground) Copper #8-500 kcmil (cable/ground rod) Ground Rods 1/2 - 1 Diameter ACCESSORIES: Cat. No. Y750HSCASE Description Plastic Carrying Case for Y750HS and Y750-2HS BENEFITS (Continued) • Long life expectancy from the company that provided the industry with the first selfcontained hydraulic tool in 1934. • Rubber covered head and handles on Y750-2HS for tool impact protection. • Supplied with high impact plastic carrying case. • 5-year limited warranty. N-25 BURNDY Tooling TYPE Y644HS DIELESS HYPRESS™ SPECIFICATIONS Output Force: Weight: Length: Height: Width: THE “1” CRIMP RANGE TAKING TOOL HYDRAULIC HAND OPERATED TOOL — 11 TON CRIMP FORCE FOR USE ON #6 - 1000 KCMIL COPPER HYLUG™ TERMINALS AND HYLINK™ SPLICES AWG/KCMIL SIZE RANGE Copper #6-1000 kcmil CONNECTOR TYPE Terminals YA-L, YA-2LN, YA, YA-FXB YA-2N, YA-L-2TC, YA-L-FX YAB-4N, YA-L-TC, YA-2L, YA-4N, YEV-P-FX, YE-P, 4E-P-FX Splices YS-L, YS, YS-T Aluminum #6-750 kcmil Terminals YA-A, YA-A-TN Splices YS-A Aluminum #6-750 kcmil HYPLUG™ AYP, AYPO #6 - 750 KCMIL ALUMINUM HYLUG™ TERMINALS AND HYLINK™ SPLICES The Y644HS dieless HYPRESS™ is a hand operated 11 ton hydraulic crimping tool. Only 1 crimp is required for each wire termination for both long and standard length barrels on HYLUG™ terminals and HYLINK™ splices. The Y644HS has a latch style head which provides easy tool removal from continuous conductor runs. The head rotates 355° relative to the handles and is mated to a patented rapid advance pump. The Y644HS weighs only 15 pounds and delivers 11 tons of crimping force. The result is easy terminating and splicing using BURNDY® HYLUG™ and HYLINK™ terminals and splices. Y644HS Dieless HYPRESS™ Range Taking Capabilities. The following size HYDENT™ lugs and two way splices, when crimped with the Y644HS Dieless HYPRESS™ Tool, produce the following UL listed range taking capabilities. ALUMINUM CONNECTORS Standard Expanded Wire Size Wire Range #6 AWG #6 AWG #5 AWG #5-#6 AWG #4 AWG #4-#6 AWG #3 AWG #3-#6 AWG #2-#6 AWG N-26 #2 AWG #1 AWG #1-#2 AWG 1/0 AWG 1/0-#1 AWG 2/0 AWG 2/0-#1 AWG 3/0 AWG 3/0-#1 AWG 4/0 AWG 4/0-#1 AWG 250 kcmil 250-1/0 AWG 300 kcmil 300-2/0 AWG 350 kcmil 350-3/0 AWG 400 kcmil 400-4/0 AWG 500 kcmil 500-4/0 AWG 600 kcmil 600-250 kcmil 750 kcmil 750-500 kcmil COPPER CONNECTORS Standard Expanded Wire Size Wire Range #6 AWG #6 AWG #5 AWG #5-#6 AWG #4 AWG #4-#6 AWG #3 AWG #3-#6 AWG #2 AWG #2-#6 AWG #1 AWG #1-#6 AWG 1/0 AWG 1/0-#6 AWG 2/0 AWG 2/0-#4 AWG 3.0 AWG 3/0-#2 AWG 4/0 AWG 4/0-#1 AWG 250 kcmil 250-1/0 300 kcmil 300-2/0 350 kcmil 350-3/0 400 kcmil 400-4/0 500 kcmil 500-4/0 600 kcmil 600-250 750 kcmil 750-500 800 kcmil 800-500 1000 kcmil 1000-750 11 tons (22,000 lbs.) 15 lbs. (5.6 kg) 22.5 (572.5 mm) 2.75 (70 mm) 8.0 (207 mm) BENEFITS • Dieless system, eliminates the need to purchase and maintain dies. • Patented rapid advance pump for faster crimps. • Pressure relief “Pop-Off” valve provides audible indication that crimp is complete. • Handle trigger drain for convenient ram retraction. • 355° head rotation for versatile tool head positioning in tight areas. • Easy inspection and positive identification is provided with the BURNDY “ ”. • Comfort grip handles help ease fatigue with continuous use. • Supplied with high impact plastic carrying case. • 5-year limited warranty. ACCESSORIES Cat. No. Y644HSCASE • Plastic Carrying Case Features BURNDY Tooling TYPE 4-POINT™ Y81KFT SPECIFICATIONS Output Force: 6 tons (12,000lbs) (5450 kg) Weight: 12 lbs (5.45 kg) Length: 25.6 in (650 mm) Height: 7.7in (196 mm) Width: 2.5in (64 mm) DIELESS HYPRESS™ HYDRAULIC HAND OPERATED CRIMPING TOOL FOR USE ON #8 – 1000 KCMIL COPPER HYLUG™ TERMINALS and HYLINK™ SPLICES • Copper, Aluminum, Compressed, Compact, Stranded, Solid and Flex Conductors. #8 – 750 KCMIL ALUMINUM HYLUG™ TERMINALS and HYLINK™ SPLICES The Y81KFT 4-POINT™ dieless HYPRESS™ is a hand operated 6 ton hydraulic crimping tool for use on a wide variety of terminal and splice compression applications. The Y81KFT incorporates a dieless latch style head that provides easy tool removal from continuous conductor runs and eliminates the need to purchase and maintain dies. The head rotates 360º relative to the handles and is mated to a patented rapid advance pump. The Y81KFT weighs only 12 pounds and delivers 6 tons of crimping force. The result is easy termination and splicing using BURNDY® HYLUG™ and HYLINK™ terminals and splices. The Y81KFT is supplied with a molded high impact plastic case and comes complete with a 5-year limited warranty. Y81KFT dieless HYPRESS™ Range Taking Capabilities: The Y81KFT provides range taking capabilities that is UL and CSA listed for Copper (Code, Compact and Flex) and Aluminum (Code and Compact) conductors when used in conjunction with BURNDY® HYLUG™ terminals and HYLINK™ splices. See chart for connector, conductor and range taking combinations. • Installs Splices, Taps and Terminations: #8 - 1000 kcmil Copper (YA, YA-L, YS, YS-L, YS-T, Y-R ) #8 - 777.7 (750 Nominal Flex Wire Size) kcmil Flex (YA-FX, YAV, YA-L-FX, YS, YSV-FXB) #8 - 750 kcmil Aluminum (YA-A, YS-A) #8 - 750 kcmil Aluminium Pin Adapters (AYP, AYPO) Features and Benefits • Dieless installation system. ◊ Eliminates the need to purchase and maintain dies. • UL Listed and CSA Certified with Range Taking Capabilities ◊ Provides the installer with a UL Listed and CSA Certified crimps with Range Taking Capabilities when used in conjunction with BURNDY® HYLUG™ Terminals and HYLINK™ Splices • Flip top head design. ◊ For easy loading and removal of installed terminals and splices, saving time. HANDLE TRIGGER DRAIN ERGONOMIC HANDLE DESIGN • Audible pressure "pop-off" valve and die embossment providing 360º inspectability. ◊ Assures proper crimps with both audible and visual indicators for the installer. • Handle Trigger release. ◊ Convenient ram release located in the handle. • Advanced high speed pump design. ◊ Provides fast crimps, longer life, efficiency, and reliability. • 360 Degree head rotation. ◊ Versatile tool head positioning lets the user get into tight areas easier. • Durable high impact formed carrying case. ◊ Provides tool protection and stores all accessories. • 5-year limited warranty on tool, 1 year on batteries and charger. ◊ Customer satisfaction and support. COMFORT GRIP HANDLES N-27 LOCKING LATCH PIN DIELESS SYSTEM AUDIBLE “POP-OFF” PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE 360° HEAD ROTATION PIVOTING NEST DIE BURNDY Tooling YCUT129ACSR SPECIFICATIONS Force Developed: Tool Weight: Length: Width: Height: Hydraulic Hand Operated Cutter The BURNDY® YCUT129ACSR incorporates a specialized latch style cutting head that allows interference-free closure for mid-span cuts. The cutter head rotates 180 degrees to allow users to get into tight areas easier. The YCUT129ACSR weighs only 11.4 pounds, yet delivers 7 tons of cutting force. The YCUT129ACSR with its hardened steel blades is capable of cutting up to 1.29 diameter bare or insulated copper and aluminum cable, 1113 ACSR, 5/8" ground rod, 1/2 rebar and 5/8 diameter soft steel bolts 1/2 standard guy strand and up to 3/8 EHS guy strand. The YCUT129ACSR comes equipped with a high impact formed carrying case to hold the tool and accessories. The BURNDY® YCUT129ACSR is provided with a 5-year limited warranty (excluding blades). 7 U.S. short tons 11.4 lbs. (5.1 kg) 22.4 (56.9 cm) 2.5 (6.4 cm) 6.6 (16.8 cm) FOR USE ON • • • • • • • • Copper Cable: up to 1.29 Aluminum Cable: up to 1.29 ACSR: up to 1113 ACSR Ground Rod: up to 5/8 Rebar: up to 1/2 Soft Steel Bolts: up to 5/8 Standard Guy Strand: up to 1/2 EHS Guy Strand: up to 3/8 ACCESSORIES • Carrying Case: Features and Benefits • Patented rapid advance pump. ◊ Faster cuts with less hand strokes. • Specialized latch head design. ◊ Interference free closure on mid-span cuts. • Handle trigger drain ◊ For convenient blade retraction. • Hardened steel blades. ◊ Ability to cut ACSR, ground rods, rebar and guy wire. • Comfort grip handles. ◊ Help ease fatigue with continuous use. • 180-degree head rotation. ◊ Versatile head positioning to get into tight areas easier. • Durable high impact formed carrying case. ◊ Provides tool protection and stores accessories. • 5-year limited warranty on tool (excluding blades). ◊ Customer satisfaction and support. Cat# PT10024162 • Replacement Blades: Cat# PT10037388 (Moving Blade) Cat# PT10037384 (Fixed Blade) ERGONOMIC HANDLE DESIGN N-28 SPECIALIZED LATCH HEAD DESIGN PRECISION CUTTING BLADES 1.29 CUTTING CAPACITY HANDLE TRIGGER DRAIN PATENTED RAPID ADVANCE PUMP 180° HEAD DESIGN COMFORT GRIP HANDLES BURNDY Tooling TYPE PATRIOT® PAT750-18V SPECIFICATIONS Crimp Force: 12 Tons (10.9 metric tons) Tool Weight: 16.5 lbs (7.5 kg) Length: 15-1/2 (39.37 cm) Width: 3-1/2 (8.89 cm) Height: 13-7/8 (35.24 cm) Operating Voltage: 18 V-DC Recharge Time: < 45 mins. BATTERY ACTUATED TOOL – Hydraulic Self-Contained – 12 Ton The BURNDY® PATRIOT® can be operated with only one hand, making them the only true, one-handed battery powered crimping tools available in the world today. The BURNDY® PATRIOT® PAT750-18V incorporates the latest engineering technology with patent pending pump, transmission and piston component designs. Our self-contained hydraulic tool provides a consistent, reliable connection every time. The PAT750-18V features BURNDY’s Y750 tool head, capable of using all “U” style dies, and incorporates a patent pending bearing and alignment guide for use on HYGROUND™ and other asymmetrical connectors. Features reliable head rotation design for operation in virtually any position. Each PATRIOT® uses standard BURNDY® dies and off-the-shelf connectors available worldwide. Supplied with a durable high impact formed carrying case to hold the tool, battery charger, two batteries, tool retention lanyard, and die compartment to hold “U” die sets. (Dies sold separately.) All BURNDY® PATOOL™ 18V series tools are provided with a 5-year limited warranty. FOR USE ON FEATURES • True, one-handed operation for advance, retract, and hold. • 12-ton output force. • State of the art crimping head design, 360 head rotation. • Audible “pop-off” and Green indicator indicates properly completed crimps. • Ergonomically balanced tool design. • Durable High Impact Formed carrying case. • PAT750C-18V – with rubber covered head is available. Ni-MH battery eliminates voltage depression (memory issues). • 5-year limited warranty on tool. • 1-year limited warranty on batteries and charger. Features AUDIBLE “POP-OFF” WITH GREEN INDICATOR SAFETY LANYARD CONNECTION • Tension Sleeves Copper Aluminum ACSR #8 sol.–500 kcmil #8 sol.–587-2 kcmil #4–556.5 kcmil • Taps Copper Aluminum #14 sol.–500 kcmil #8 sol.–500 kcmil • Aerial Cable Copper #6–500 kcmil • Terminals and Splices Aluminum #8–750 kcmil Copper #8–750 kcmil ACSR #4–556 kcmil • HYGROUND™ (Compression Ground) Copper #8–500 kcmil (cable/ground rods) Ground Rods 1/2 – 1 Diameter ACCESSORIES • Battery: Hi-capacity Ni-MH (2200 mA-hr) Cat# BAT18V • Charger: 120V-AC 12/24V-DC Cat# BATCHGR-18V Cat# BCT/PATDCCHGR • Lanyard: Cat# PT208620 LARGE JAW OPENING TO ACCOMMODATE ASYMMETRICAL CONNECTORS BENEFITS ROTATIONAL HEAD FOR USE WITH “U” STYLE DIES 12 TON OUTPUT FORCE ERGONOMICALLY BALANCED TOOL DESIGN NI-MH 18 VOLT BATTERY • Easier tool operation. • Versatile tool head positioning lets user get into tight areas easier. • Allows use of standard BURNDY® dies already in use. • Less “down-time” due to high capacity, high voltage 18 volt battery. • Assures proper crimps with both audible and visual indicators, leaving no doubt for the tool user. • Ergonomically balanced tool eases operation and helps lessen fatigue. • Smoother, quieter, more efficient tool operation. • Durable high impact formed case provides superior protection and stores all accessories. N-29 BURNDY Tooling TYPE PATRIOT® PAT644-18V SPECIFICATIONS Crimp Force: 11 Tons (10.9 metric tons) Tool Weight: 17 lbs (7.7 kg) Length: 15-1/2 (39.37 cm) Width: 3-1/2 (8.89 cm) Height: 13-7/8 (35.24 cm) Operating Voltage: 18 V-DC Recharge Time: < 45 mins. BATTERY ACTUATED TOOL – Hydraulic Self-Contained – 11 Ton The BURNDY® PATRIOT® series of battery actuated tools can be operated with only one hand, which allows the other hand to be free to position the connector and conductor prior to crimping. The BURNDY® PATRIOT® PAT644-18V incorporates the latest engineering technology with patent pending pump, transmission and piston component designs. Our self-contained hydraulic tool provides a consistent, reliable connection every time. The PAT644-18V features BURNDY’s Y644 dieless latch head tool which eliminates the need to purchase and maintain dies. Features reliable head rotation design for operation in virtually any position. Each PATRIOT uses standard BURNDY off-the-shelf connectors available worldwide. Supplied with a durable high impact formed carrying case to hold the tool, battery charger, two batteries, and tool retention lanyard. All BURNDY® PATOOL™ 18V series tools are provided with a 5-year limited warranty. ® ® FOR USE ON CONNECTOR TYPES Terminals YA-L, YA-2LN, YA, YA-2N, YA-L-2TC, YAB-4N, YA-L-TC, YA-2L, YA-4N Splices YS-L, YS, YS-T Aluminum #6 - 750 kcmil Terminals YA-A, YA-A-TN Splices YS-A Aluminum #6 - 750 kcmil HYPLUG™ AYP, AYPO FEATURES • Dieless system. • True, one-handed operation for advance, retract, and hold. • 11-ton output force. • State of the art crimping head design, 360 head rotation. • Audible “pop-off” and Green indicator indicates properly completed crimps. • Ergonomically balanced tool design. • Durable High Impact Formed carrying case. • Ni-MH battery eliminates voltage depression (memory issues). • 5-year limited warranty on tool. • 1-year limited warranty on batteries and charger. PAT644-18V Range Taking Capabilities: Please refer to the individual connector pages for detailed information on the PAT644-18V range taking capabilities. Features AUDIBLE “POP-OFF” WITH GREEN INDICATOR AWG/KCMIL WIRE SIZE RANGE Copper #6 - 1000 kcmil ROTATIONAL NEST AND INDENTOR LATCH HEAD ELIMINATES THE NEED FOR DIES 11 TON OUTPUT FORCE ERGONOMICALLY BALANCED TOOL DESIGN NI-MH 18 VOLT BATTERY • Battery: Hi-capacity Ni-MH (2200 mA-hr) Cat# BAT18V • Charger: 120V-AC 12/24V-DC Cat# BATCHGR-18V Cat# BCT/PATDCCHGR • Lanyard: Cat# PT208620 BENEFITS SAFETY LANYARD CONNECTION N-30 ACCESSORIES • Eliminates the need to purchase and maintain dies. • Easier tool operation. • Versatile tool head positioning lets user get into tight areas easier. • Less “down-time” due to high capacity, high voltage 18 volt battery. • Assures proper crimps with both audible and visual indicators, leaving no doubt for the tool user. • Ergonomically balanced tool eases operation and helps lessen fatigue. • Smoother, quieter, more efficient tool operation. • Durable high impact formed case provides superior protection and stores all accessories. BURNDY Tooling TYPE 4-POINT™ PATRIOT® PAT81KFT-18V SPECIFICATIONS Output Force: 6 tons (5.4 Metric Tons) Weight: 14 lbs (6.35 kg) Length: 17.6 (447 mm) Height: 13.9 in (354 mm) Width: 3.7 in (94 mm) Operating Voltage: 18V-DC Battery Recharge Time: <45 Mins BATTERY ACTUATED TOOL Hydraulic Self-Contained Crimping Tool FOR USE ON #8-1000 KCMIL COPPER HYLUG™ TERMINALS and HYLINK™ SPLICES Features and Benefits #8-750 KCMIL ALUMINUM HYLUG™ TERMINALS and HYLINK™ SPLICES The BURNDY® PAT81KFT-18V is a battery powered crimping tool that provides a powerful 6 tons of crimping force. It is compact, fast, easy to use and incorporates the latest in battery tool technology. The ergonomic design allows for one hand operation so that the other is free to position the connectors and conductor prior to crimping. The PAT81KFT18V features a dieless latch head design which eliminates the need to purchase and maintain dies. Featuring 360° head rotation, the PAT81KFT-18V is designed for easy operation in virtually any position. The PAT81KFT-18V is supplied with a high impact carrying case, battery charger, lanyard and two batteries. The PAT81KFT-18V comes complete with a 5-year limited warranty on the tool and 1 year limited warranty on the batteries. PAT81KFT-18V Dieless HYPRESS™ Range Taking Capabilities: The PAT81KFT-18V provides range taking capabilities that is UL and CSA listed for Copper (Code, Compact and Flex) and Aluminum (Code and Compact) conductors when used in conjunction with BURNDY® HYLUG™ terminals and HYLINK™ splices. See chart for connector, conductor and range taking combinations. SAFETY LANYARD CONNECTION • • • • • • • Dieless installation system. ◊ Eliminates the need to purchase and maintain dies. UL Listed and CSA Certified with Range Taking Capabilities ◊ Provides the installer with UL Listed and CSA Certified crimps with Range Taking Capabilities when used in conjunction with BURNDY® HYLUG™ Terminals and HYLINK™ Splices Audible pressure “pop-off” valve and die embossment providing 360º inspectability. ◊ Assures proper crimps with both audible and visual indicators for the installer. Battery powered crimp technology. ◊ Easy Tool Operation and portability. Advanced high speed pump design. ◊ Provides faster crimps, longer life, efficiency, and reliability. Ergonomic design allows one hand operation for ram advance and ram retraction. ◊ User always has one hand free to manipulate connector and conductor. 360 Degree head rotation. ◊ Versatile tool head positioning lets the user get into tight areas easier. Ram holds position when trigger is released. ◊ Provides the ability to hold the connector between the indentors and check for alignment prior to crimping action. 360° HEAD ROTATION LOCKING LATCH PIN DIELESS SYSTEM PIVOTING NEST DIE ERGONOMICALLY BALANCED TOOL DESIGN AUDIBLE “POPOFF” VALVE TRIGGER GUARD NI-MH 18-VOLT BATTERY • Copper, Aluminum, Compressed, Compact, Stranded, Solid and Flex Conductors. • Installs Splices, Taps and Terminations: #8 - 1000 kcmil Copper (YA, YA-L, YS, YS-L, YS-T, Y-R ) #8 - 777.7 (750 Nominal Flex Wire Size) kcmil Flex (YA-FX, YAV, YA-L-FX, YS, YSV-FXB) #8 - 750 kcmil Aluminum (YA-A, YS-A) #8 - 750 kcmil Aluminium Pin Adapters (AYP, AYPO) ACCESSORIES • Battery: Cat# BAT18V Hi Capacity Ni-MH (2200 mA-hr) • Charger: 120V-AC 12/240V-DC Cat# BATCHGR-18V Cat# BCT/PATDCCHGR • Lanyard Cat# PT208620 • Mechanical ram release. ◊ Reliable ram release (no battery consumption). • Uses 18 volt Ni-MH batteries. ◊ Eliminates voltage depression or “memory”. • Audible pressure “pop-off” value. ◊ Indicates properly completed crimps. • Durable high impact formed carrying case. ◊ Provides tool protection and stores all accessories. • 5-year limited warranty on tool, 1 year on N-31 batteries and charger. ◊ Customer satisfaction and support. BURNDY Tooling TYPE PATRIOT® PAT600-18V SPECIFICATIONS Crimp Force: 6 Tons (US) (5.4 metric tons) Tool Weight: 10.9 lbs (4.9 kg) Length: 14.5 (36.8 cm) Width: 3.5 (8.9 cm) Height: 13.75 (34.9 cm) Operating Voltage: 18 V-DC Crimp Time: Approx. 3 seconds Recharge Time: < 45 mins. BATTERY ACTUATED TOOL – Hydraulic Self-Contained – 6 Ton The BURNDY® PAT600-18V battery powered crimping tool provides a powerful 6 tons of crimping force and completes a crimp in approximately 3 seconds. The PAT600-18V is compact, easy to use and incorporates the latest in battery tool technology. The PAT60018V tool incorporates a specialized latch style head with enhanced working stroke and clearance capabilities. The specialized head allows interference-free closure on tap connections up to the BURNDY® YHD-400 size including 350 kcmil aluminum connectors. Die selection with this tool includes all BURNDY® “W” and “W-VT” style dies which seat in the permanent “D3” crimping groove. Installation applications include #8 AWG to 600 kcmil copper lugs and splices, #8 AWG to 350 kcmil aluminum lugs and splices (YA-A and YS-A), and up to 4/0 aluminum tap connections. The permanent “D3” groove and 180 degree rotatable head are standard on the PAT600-18V. Each PAT600-18V tool uses BURNDY® dies and off-the-shelf connectors available worldwide. The PAT600-18V comes equipped with a high impact formed carrying case to hold the tool, a battery charger and two batteries. The case houses up to 10 “W” dies (dies purchased separately). The PAT600-18V uses industry standard batteries and chargers. The PAT600-18V comes complete with a 5-year limited warranty and one year on batteries and charger. SAFETY LANYARD CONNECTION FOR USE ON Features and Benefits • Battery powered crimp technology. ◊ Easy tool operation and portability. • Advance design high speed pump completes crimp in approximately 3 seconds. ◊ Longer life, efficiency, and reliability. • Ergonomic design allows one hand operation for ram advance and ram retraction. ◊ User always has one hand free to manipulate connector and conductor. • Variable speed trigger. ◊ Provides flexibility in speed of ram advance. • Ram holds position when trigger is released. ◊ Provides ability to hold the connector between dies and check for proper alignment prior to crimping action. • Mechanical ram release. ◊ Reliable ram release (no battery power consumption). • Specialized latch head design. ◊ Provides enhanced clearance on tap connectors when compared with competitive designs. 180° HEAD ROTATION FUNCTIONAL D3 DIE GROOVE 6 TON OUTPUT FORCE N-32 SPRING LOADED DIE RETAINING PINS ERGONOMICALLY BALANCED TOOL DESIGN TRIGGER GUARD NI-MH 18 VOLT BATTERY • Copper, Aluminum, ACSR, Steel, Copperweld, Alumoweld, 6201, 5005, Compressed, Compact, Stranded & Solid • Installs splices, taps, or terminations: #8 - 600 kcmil Copper Str. (YA, YA-L,YS, YS-L) #8 - 350 kcmil Flex #8 - 350 kcmil Aluminum (YA-A & YS-A) ACCESSORIES • Lanyard: Cat# PT208620 • W Die Holder Cat# WDIETREE • Battery: Hi-capacity (2200 mA-hr) Cat# BAT18V • Battery with LED light: (3000 mA-hr) Cat# BAT18VLED • Charger: 120V-AC 12/24V-DC 240/250V-AC Cat# PATCHGR18V Cat# BCT/PATDCCHGR Cat# PATCHGR250V • 180 degree head rotation. ◊ Versatile tool head positioning lets user get into tight areas easier. • Uses 18 volt Ni-MH batteries. ◊ Eliminates voltage depression or “memory”. • Audible pressure “pop-off” valve. ◊ Indicates properly completed crimp. • Permanent D3 crimp groove accepts all “W-Dies”. ◊ Uses standard die design with proven performance. • PAT600C-18V with covered head is available. ◊ Covered head for impact protection. • Durable high impact formed carrying case. ◊ Provides tool protection and stores all accessories. • 5-year limited warranty on tool, 1 year on batteries and charger. ◊ Customer satisfaction and support. BURNDY Tooling TYPE PATRIOT™ PATCUT129ACSR-18V SPECIFICATIONS Tool Weight: Length: Width: Height: Operating Voltage: Recharge Time: BATTERY ACTUATED TOOL – Hydraulic Self-Contained – Cutter The BURNDY® PATCUT129ACSR-18V battery powered cutting tool is compact, fast, easy to use and incorporates the latest in battery tool technology. The ergonomic design allows one hand operation so that the other is free to manipulate the conductor in the proper cutting position. The PATCUT129ACSR18V incorporates a specialized latch style cutting head that allows interference-free closure for mid-span cuts. The cutter head rotates 180 degrees to allow users to get into tight areas easier. The PATCUT129ACSR18V is capable of cutting up to 1.29 diameter copper and aluminum cable, 1113 ACSR, 5/8 ground rod, 1/2 rebar, 5/8 diameter soft steel bolts, up to 1/2 standard guy strand, and up to 3/8 EHS guy strand. The PATCUT129ACSR-18V operates on industry standard 18-volt Ni/MH batteries that eliminate voltage depression or "memory" issues. The PATCUT129ACSR-18V comes equipped with a high impact formed carrying case to hold the tool, a tool retention lanyard, a battery charger and two batteries. The PATCUT129ACSR-18V is provided with a 5-year limited warranty (excluding blades), and 1year on batteries and charger. Made in the USA. 11 lbs. 14.5 3.5 13.5 18 V-DC < 45 mins. FOR USE ON Features and Benefits • Battery powered cutting technology. ◊ Easy tool operation and portability. • Advance design high-speed pump completes tough cuts faster. ◊ Longer life, efficiency, and reliability. • Specialized latch head design. ◊ Interference free closure for mid-span cuts. • Ergonomic design allows one hand operation. ◊ User has one hand free to manipulate material to be cut. • 180 degree head rotation. ◊ Versatile head positioning allows user to get into tight areas easier. • Mechanical ram release. ◊ Reliable ram release (no battery power consumption). • Operates on 18 volt Ni-MH batteries. ◊ Eliminates voltage depression or “memory” issues. • Durable high impact formed carrying case. ◊ Provides tool protection and stores all accessories. • 5-year limited warranty on tool (excluding blades) and 1 year on batteries and charger. ◊ Customer satisfaction and support. • • • • • • • • Copper Cable: up to 1.29 Aluminum Cable: up to 1.29 ACSR: up to 1113 ACSR Ground Rod: up to 5/8 Rebar: up to 1/2 Soft Steel Bolts: up to 5/8 Standard Guy Strand: up to 1/2 EHS Guy Strand: up to 3/8 ACCESSORIES • Lanyard: Cat# PT208620 • Battery: Hi-capacity (2200 mA-hr) Cat# BAT18V • Battery with LED light: (3000 mA-hr) Cat# BAT18VLED • Charger: 120V-AC 12/24V-DC 240/250V-AC Cat# PATCHGR18V Cat# BCT/PATDCCHGR Cat# PATCHGR250V • Replacement Blades: Cat# PT10037388 (Moving Blade) Cat# PT10037384 (Fixed Blade) N-33 BURNDY Tooling PATRIOT® PATCUT245CUAL-18V SPECIFICATIONS Tool Weight: 14.5 lbs (5.4 kg) With Battery Length: 18 (45.7 cm) Width: 3.75 (9.5 cm) Height: 14.75 (37.5 cm) Operating Voltage: 18 V-DC Recharge Time: < 45 mins. BATTERY ACTUATED TOOL – Hydraulic Self Contained Cutter The BURNDY® PATCUT245CUAL-18V battery powered cutting tool is compact, fast, easy to use and incorporates the latest in battery tool technology. The ergonomic design allows one hand operation so that the other is free to manipulate the conductor in the proper cutting position. The PATCUT245CUAL18V incorporates a specialized latch style cutting head that allows interference-free closure for mid-span cuts. The cutter head rotates 180 degrees to allow users to get into tight areas easier. The PATCUT245CUAL18V is capable of cutting up to 2.45 diameter copper and aluminum cable. The PATCUT245CUAL-18V operates on industry standard 18-volt Ni/MH batteries that eliminate voltage depression or "memory" issues. The PATCUT245CUAL-18V comes equipped with a high impact formed carrying case to hold the tool, a tool retention lanyard, a battery charger and two batteries. The PATCUT245CUAL-18V is provided with a 5-year limited warranty (excluding blades), and 1year on batteries and charger. FOR USE ON Copper and Aluminum Cable: Features and Benefits • Battery powered cutting technology. ◊ Easy tool operation and portability. • Advance design high-speed pump completes tough cuts faster. ◊ Longer life, efficiency, and reliability. • Specialized latch head design. ◊ Interference free closure for mid-span cuts. • Ergonomic design allows one hand operation. ◊ User has one hand free to manipulate material to be cut. • 180-degree head rotation. ◊ Versatile head positioning allows user to get into tight areas easier. • Mechanical ram release. ◊ Reliable ram release (no battery power consumption). • Operates on 18-volt Ni/MH batteries. ◊ Eliminates voltage depression or "memory" issues. • Durable high impact formed carrying case. ◊ Provides tool protection and stores all accessories. • 5-year limited warranty on tool (excluding blades) and 1-year on batteries and charger. ◊ Customer satisfaction and support. SAFETY LANYARD ATTACHMENT 180° HEAD ROTATION Up to 2.45 O.D (62.2 mm) FOR COPPER AND ALUMINUM CABLE ONLY. DO NOT CUT STEEL, GROUND ROD, REBAR, OR GUY WIRE. ACCESSORIES • Carrying Case: Cat# PT10044980 • Lanyard: Cat# PT208620 • Battery: Hi-capacity (2200 mA-hr) Cat# BAT18V • Battery with LED light: (3000 mA-hr) Cat# BAT18VLED • Charger: 120V-AC 12/24V-DC 240/250V-AC Cat# PATCHGR18V Cat# BCT/PATDCCHGR Cat# PATCHGR250V • Replacement Blades: Cat# PT10038657 (Moving Blade) Cat# PT10040663 (Fixed Blade) SPECIALIZED LATCH HEAD DESIGN PRECISION CUTTING BLADES N-34 2.45 CUTTING CAPACITY ERGONOMICALLY BALANCED TOOL DESIGN TRIGGER GUARD 18 VOLT Ni-MH BATTERY BURNDY Tooling TYPE BCC1000CUAL BATTERY ACTUATED CABLE CUTTER The BURNDY® BCC1000CUAL is a 12-V-DC battery actuated cable cutter capable of cutting up to 750 kcmil hard drawn copper cable, and up to 1000 kcmil soft drawn copper and up to 2 O.D. aluminum cable. DO NOT CUT STEEL or ACSR. The BCC1000CUAL comes with battery powered cutting tool, sealed nickel cadmium 12V battery, 120V AC charger, carrying case, and wrist loop which provides added security when making cuts overhead. The BURNDY® BCC1000CUAL is designed to cut copper and aluminum cables in a limited amount of space. The BCC1000CUAL makes fast reliable cuts without stress to the user. Just squeeze the trigger and it will cut through your toughest copper and aluminum cables. The BCC1000CUAL has a three-way switch (forward, reverse, and neutral) which allows the user to make partial cuts, back off cables, or make adjustments during cutting. The battery charge time is approximately 1 hour for a fast charge (80%), 4 to 6 hours for a quick charge, and 14 to 16 hours for a standard charge (100%). The 12V battery can be recharged approximately 1,000 times. The BCC1000CUAL (excluding cutting blades) is warranted to be free of defects in material and workmanship for a period of 90 days, except in the case of abuse or modification. FEATURES • • • • • Hook head design. Three way switch. Hardened steel blades. Ergonomic design. Wrist loop. SPECIFICATIONS Specifications Cutting Tool: Drive Unit: Dimensions: Weight: Cutting Capacity: BENEFITS • Simplifies conductor cutting and allows working in tight spaces. • Allows backing off cable, partial cuts, and adjusting during cutting. • Helps ensure consistent cuts and longer blade life. • Prevents hand/wrist injury. • Withstands rugged use. Resists oil and solvents. • Added security when cutting cables overhead. Description 12.0V DC Motor 4L 4.5W 14.5 H 6 lb 1000 kcmil soft drawn copper, 750 kcmil hard drawn copper and up to 2 O.D. aluminum Battery: Battery Type: Voltage: Rated Capacity: Charge Time: Sealed nickel cadmium 12.0V DC 1.2A/hr Fast, approx. 1 hour Quick, 4-6 hours Standard, 14-16 hours Dimensions: 2.75L 2.7W 4.75H Weight: 1.4 lb Battery Charger: Input Voltage: Input Frequency: Input Current Dimensions: Weight: 120V AC 60 Hz 110/120V 5.7L 3W 2.8H 2.2 lb FOR USE ON Maximum conductors accommodated: 750 kcmil hard drawn copper 1000 kcmil soft drawn copper 1000 kcmil alumimum ACCESSORIES Catalog Number BCCBAT12V BCCCHGR BCCCASE RP50RP03 RP50RP02 Item Description BCC1000CUAL Battery BCC1000CUAL Charger BCC1000CUAL Carrying Case BCC1000CUAL Moving Blade BCC1000CUAL Fixed Blade N-35 BURNDY Tooling TYPE Y700DC-1B SPECIFICATIONS MOTOR Type: Power Source: Max Output: Max Draw: PUMP Operating PSI: Y-DC BATTERY POWERED HYDRAULIC PUMP HYDRAULIC OUTPUT PRESSURE OF: 10,000 PSI The lightweight, portable, battery powered hydraulic pump unit for use with almost all BURNDY® HYPRESS™ remote tool heads and cutters. The pump will provide approximately 30 operations before requiring a recharge of the batteries, which can be recharged in under 15 minutes, utilizing the rapid charger provided. The high capacity 12 VDC batteries and charging system will allow 1,000 charge/discharge cycles per battery providing more than double the life of other batteries. The pump is supplied with a dielectric grade 6’ long hydraulic hose, 1 rapid battery charger, and 2 rechargeable batteries. Also included is an air-bulb control switch that allows remote operation of the pump, or users may opt for the built-in switch to operate the unit. The Y700DC-1B provides consistent, reliable compression connections due to the factory-set “pop-off” pressure relief valve. The full automatic operation allows the operator to control functions such as “Advance”, “Hold”, and “Retract” at will, truly making the Y700DC-1B a versatile, go-anywhere pump unit. FEATURES • • • • • Lightweight, easy to carry. Two modes of operation. Transparent reservoir. Charged/Low battery indicator. Rapid battery recharger (less than 15 mins.). • Allows use of wide range of remote tool heads and cutters. Low-0.98 Mpa High -68.6 + 3.4 Mpa Hydraulic Fluid: BURNDY® ALFLUID™ Control Type: Air-bulb or switch COMPLETE UNIT DIMENSIONS Weight: 15-1/2 lbs. with fluid and two batteries Height: 11.5 Width: 8.25 Depth: 6.5 FOR USE ON Battery Pump Psi CARRY STRAP PUSH BUTTON CONTROL SWITCH BATTERY STATUS INDICATOR ON/OFF CONTROL SWITCH SINGLE OR DUAL BATTERY OPERABLE N-36 AIR BULB CONTROL Y34BH, Y35BH, Y35BH-4, Y39BH, Y75OBH, Y75OBH-2, Y644MBH, Y45, Y45-1, Y46, Y46-C, RHCC Series Cutters ACCESSORIES • Steel Carry Case: Cat# YDC-CASE Holds pump (w/2 batteries), Charger, 6 Hose, and air-bulb control • Batteries: Cat# BAT12B • Charger: Cat# BATCHGR BENEFITS Features Tools and Cutters Y700DC-1B 10,000 BENEFITS • Lightweight and easy to lift, carry, and transport to/around job site. • Advance and hold feature permits final inspection before completing crimp cycle. • Transparent reservoir allows viewing for daily checking of fluid level. • Choice of operation method with either mounted switch or remote air-bulb control devices. Electric (12V-DC) 12V-DC batteries (2) 280 watt 35 amp (Continued) • Unit allows operation with only 1 battery while the other recharging the other. • Built-in device prevents operation when batteries have insufficient power to complete crimping cycle. • Able to operate in remote locations without electric power source. BURNDY Tooling TYPE Y35BH HYPRESS™ 10,000 PSI SPECIFICATIONS Operating pressure: Jaw Opening: Force developed: Weight (less case): Maximum width: Maximum height: Molded covering: REMOTE POWER OPERATED COMPRESSION TOOLS The Y35BH...series remote head is designed for remote power operation and incorporates the same C-shaped head as the Y35. The hook style head with extensive ram travel provides for easy tapping and splicing of overhead lines as well as HYGROUND™ compression grounding systems. The remote power operated Y35 heads are available covered with 3/16 molded rubber cover for tool impact protection. Order head, hose, pump, dies and accessories separately. Five-year limited warranty. Y35BH 10,000 psi .95 12 tons 8 lbs. 4-3/4 9-1/4 — Y35BH-4 10,000 psi .95 12 tons 9 lbs. 6 10-1/2 Yes FOR USE ON CONNECTOR TYPE CONDUCTOR RANGE Tension Sleeves Copper #8 sol.-500 kcmil Aluminum #6 sol.-636 kcmil ACSR #4 -556.5 (26/7) BENEFITS • Easy tool removal from line conductor after compression taps are installed with the open “C” shaped head. • Easily lifted into working position using the lifting eye. • Easy die changing plus secure die alignments provided with the positive die lock buttons. • Long life expectancy is provided with heavy duty reinforced back. • Mates with all universal type Hot-stick tooling. • Rapid assembly and disassembly is provided with the quick disconnect hydraulic fitting. • Type Y35BH-4 head is covered with 3/16 molded rubber. • 5-year limited warranty. FEATURES HEAVY-DUTY REINFORCED BACK C-SHAPE HEAD LIFTING EYE POSITIVE DIE LOCK BUTTONS QUICK DISCONNECT HYDRAULIC FITTING LARGE JAW OPENING Taps Aerial Cable Connectors #14-556.5 ACSR (18/1) Copper #6 str.-500 kcmil Aluminum #4 str.-600 kcmil Code Conductors Copper #8 str.-750 kcmil Term (400 kcmil splice) Aluminum #6 str.-750 kcmil Term (400 kcmil splices) HYGROUND™ Compression Grounding Copper (cable/cable) #6-500 kcmil Copper #6-250 kcmil (cable/grd. rod) Ground Rods 1/2–3/4 Y35BH Variations: Y35BH Head Only. Y35H Includes the Y35BH HYPRESS™ head, PT29402-1 universal hot-stick adapter, and steel carrying case. Y35B Includes the Y35BH HYPRESS™ head, PT91 steel reinforced hydraulic hose and an FP10 foot pump in a steel carrying case. Note: NOT for use on energized conductors. Y35BH-4 Permanent Molded Rubber Head. The Y35BH-4 is covered with N-37 3/16 molded rubber for tool impact protection (not insulation). BURNDY Tooling TYPE Y39BH HYPRESS™ 10,000 PSI SPECIFICATIONS Operating pressure: Force developed: Weight: Maximum head width: Minimum height: REMOTE POWER OPERATED COMPRESSION TOOL 10,000 psi 12 tons 6-1/2 lbs. 3-1/8 9-1/8 FOR USE ON COPPER #6 AWG-750 kcmil str. Code Cable N30-N650 Navy Cable Flexible and Extra Flexible Terminals-Uninsulated YA, YA-L, YA-LB, YGH, YGHA Splices and Tees-Uninsulated YS, YS-L, YS-LB, YS-T, YSP-T, YST The Y39BH Remote Head is designed for remote power operation and incorporates the same small head as the Y39. Convenient die holder with recessed spring latch makes it easy to remove or lock into position. Dies are located and held in position with positive push button die locks. Dies sold separately. Five-year limited warranty. BENEFITS • Easy to work in small tight spaces with only a 3-1/8 wide compression head. • Easy to locate and hold dies in position with the positive push button die locks plus die changing is accomplished easily without ball checks or set screws. • Easy to remove or lock into position die holder with recessed spring latch plus leather strap to prevent loss. • Compression terminal, tap and splice connectors are UL listed and CSA certified when installed with the Y39 tool and recommended die set. • Very versatile tool that is able to work with 10,000 PSI pumps. • 5-year limited warranty. COPPER-AN or AIR #6 AWG-4/0 str. Code Cable AN6-AN 4/0 Aircraft Cable Flexible and Extra Flexible Terminals-Uninsulated YAV-L Box, YAV-L, YAV-Rs Box, YAV-RS Splices and Tees-Uninsulated YSV-L Box, YSV-L COPPER-INSULATED TERMINALS #8-AWG-2/0 str. Code Cable AN8-AN 2/0 Aircraft Cable Flexible and Extra Flexible Terminals-Insulated YAEV-L Box, YAEV-L, YAEV-RS Box, YAEV-RS, YAEV-RH COPPER - TAPS #12 AWG Solid-250 kcmil Taps-YC-C, YGHC-C, YGHP-C, YGHR-C, YH, YCHC ALUMINUM #8 AWG-750 kcmil str. Code Cable Terminals-YA-A Splices-YS-A, YS-AT, YRB ALUMINUM #6 str.-500 kcmil Taps-YFD, YFN, YFO FEATURES RECESSED DIE RETAINER SPRING LATCH N-38 SMALL 3 1/8” WIDE HEAD QUICK DISCONNECT HYDRAULIC FITTING POSITIVE PUSH BUTTON DIE LOCKS LEATHER DIE RETAINER STRAP BURNDY Tooling TYPE Y34BH HYPRESS™ SPECIFICATIONS Operating pressure: 10,000 psi Jaw opening: 1-1/2 Max force generated: 9 Tons Head and body rubberized Accommodates “B” dies Head length: 11-1/2 Overall dimensions: 16-3/4 (incl. boot) Total weight: Approx. 8 lbs. HYDRAULIC TOOL - REMOTE OPERATED 10,000 PSI 9 ton remote power operated hydraulic tool. The Y34BH HYPRESS™ tool is designed for remote hydraulic power operation. Its new 10,000 PSI operating pressure makes it easily adaptable to most remote power systems. Its small C-shaped head is light-weight, compact and with a relatively large jaw opening ideally suited for NETWORK UNDERGROUND systems. The tool comes standard with permanent molded head with 3/16" rubber and includes a separate molded rubber boot that covers the lower body and hydraulic coupler for tool impact protection. Together, with other BURNDY® hydraulic accessories, the Y34BH HYPRESS™ tool may be used on lines. The Y34BH-1 has a ten foot non-conductive 10,000 PSI hose attached at the factory. The Y34BH Series tool has a 5-year limited warranty. FOR USE ON BENEFITS • Allows for easy placement and removal from continuous conductor lengths. • Long life. • Fast ram retraction. • Moldedrubber covering on head, body, and hose fittings. • Standard operating pressure. • Ease in handling. • Greater reliability. • Reduced tool life cycle cost. • 5-year limited warranty. • Copper #4-500 kcmil str. Welding Cable-350 kcmil N40 to N500 Navy Cable Flexible and Extra Flexible #4 to 4/0 Aircraft Cable Hylugs™-Terminals-Uninsulated Hylinks™-Splices and Tees-Uninsulated • Hycrabs-Burndy Network Connector System. Copper #4-500 kcmil str. Aluminum-#6-300 kcmil MAX. CONDUCTOR SIZE Copper Aluminum INSTALLATION Nest DIE Indentor B4CD B1CD B26D B26D B27D B29D B30D B31D B32D No die req’d. Y34PA Y34PA Y34PA Y34PR-5 Y34PR-5 Y34PR-5 Y34PR-5 Y34PR-5 Y34PR-5 Y34PR-11 INSTALLATION Nest DIE Indentor MAX. CONDUCTOR SIZE Copper Aluminum B4CD B2CD B1CD B25D B26D B27D B28D B29D B30D B31D No die req’d. Y34PR Y34PR Y34PR Y34PR Y34PR Y34PR Y34PR Y34PR Y34PR Y34PR Y34PR #4 STR. #2 STR. #1 STR. 1/0 STR. 2/0 STR. 3/0 STR. 4/0 STR. 250 kcmil 300 kcmil 350 kcmil 500 kcmil #6 STR. #4 STR. #2 STR. #1 STR. 1/0 STR. 2/0 STR. 3/0 STR. 4/0 STR. 250 kcmil 300 kcmil FEATURES MOLDED RUBBER COVERING HEAVY DUTY RETURN SPRING OPERATES ON STANDARD 10,000 PSI PUMPS MOLDED RUBBER BOOT COMPACT “C” SHAPED FORGED HEAD ACCOMMODATES “B” DIES LIGHTWEIGHT DESIGN N-39 BURNDY Tooling TYPE Y29BH HYPRESS™ 6000 PSI SPECIFICATIONS Operating Pressure: 6000 psi Height: 3 Length: 10.75 (including coupler fitting) Head Width: 1.15 Jaw Opening: 1.2 Weight: 5 lbs Output Force: 4.5 tons (9000 lbs) Crimp Type: Nest/Indentor HYDRAULIC TOOL REMOTE OPERATED 4.5 Ton remote power operated hydraulic tool. The Y29BH HYPRESS™ tool is designed for remote hydraulic power operation. Its small, 'C' shaped head is lightweight, designed for use in confined areas, where visibility and space is limited. Accommodates D-(series) nest dies and Y29-(series) indentor dies, for use with code or flex connector/conductor applications. Ideal for OEM applications. Dies sold separately. The Y29BH has a 5-year limited warranty. FOR USE ON BENEFITS • Easy placement/removal on continuous conductor lengths. • Lightweight, portable head design • Companion tool of Y29NC pneumatic HYPRESS™. • Installs a wide variety of lugs and splices • Ideal for AN, flex and code conductor terminations. • 5-year limited warranty. UNINSULATED CONNECTORS NEST DV8L-1 DV6L DV4L DV2L DV1L DV25L DV26L COPPER #8 - 4/0 AWG, code/flex Nylon Insulated Lugs (Connectors meet MIL-T-7928 requirements) • YAEV-L, YAEV-H, YAEV-RS, YAEV-RH Non-Insulated Lugs (Connectors meet MIL-T-7928 requirements) • YAV-L, YAV-R, YAV-RS Non-Insulated Splices (Type YSV-L connectors UL Listed, CSA Certifed) • YSM, YSV-L (Consult ‘Section B' of Catalog for detailed connector descriptions) MAXIMUM CONDUCTOR INSULATED CONNECTORS IND. SIZE NEST Y29PL Y29PL Y29PL Y29PL Y29PL Y29PL Y29PL #8 AWG #6 AWG #4 AWG #2 AWG #1 AWG 1/0 AWG 2/0 AWG DEV8L DEV6L DEV4L DEV2L DEV6L DEV25L DEV26L IND Y29PLE-1 Y29PLE-1 Y29PLE-1 Y29PLE Y29PLE Y29PLE Y29PLE FEATURES N-40 NEST DIE LOCATION RAM FULLY EXTENDED ‘C’ SHAPED HEAD OPERATING PRESSURE LABEL INDENTOR DIE LOCATION HYDRAULIC COUPLER BURNDY Tooling TYPE Y750BH HYPRESS™ 10,000 PSI SPECIFICATIONS Operating pressure: Force developed: Jaw opening: Length: 12 TON REMOTE POWER OPERATED HYDRAULIC TOOL All standard BURNDY® Y35 series U dies fit the Y750BH HYPRESS™. Dies and accessories sold separately. The Y750BH-2 has a permanently molded rubber head and includes a separate rubber molded boot that covers the lower body and hydraulic fitting for tool impact protection. Five-year limited warranty. Y750BH-2 10,000 psi 12 tons 1.65 18.93 (includes boot) Weight: 10.3 lbs. Head width: 4.43 Molded Covering: — CONDUCTOR RANGE: #14-750 kcmil AL/CU #4-556.5 kcmil ACSR 12 ton remote power operated hydraulic tool. The Y750BH HYPRESS™ incorporates a wide mouth (1.65") C-shaped head for all compression applications. The hook style head provides for easy tapping, splicing, and terminating of overhead lines as well as the full range of HYGROUND™ compression grounding system connectors, NEC cable connections and N30-N650 Navy cable applications. Y750BH 10,000 psi 12 tons 1.65 12 11.8 lbs. 4.92 Yes FOR USE ON • Tension Sleeves Copper #8 sol-500 kcmil Aluminum #6 sol.-587-2 kcmil ACSR #4-556.5 kcmil • Taps Copper #14 solid 500 kcmil Aluminum #6-500 kcmil BENEFITS • Covers a wide range of applications and provides easy tool removal from continuous conductors with its C-shaped head (1.65 opening). • Easy die change out and retention within exposed positive die lock buttons. • Uses all standard BURNDY® U-dies. • Y750BH-2 provides molded rubber covering on head, body and hose fittings. • Hot stick adapter sold separately. • Infinitely rotatable head, so hydraulic couplers won’t easily loosen. • 5-year limited warranty. • Aerial Cable Copper #6-500 kcmil • Terminals and Splices Aluminum #8-750 kcmil Copper #8-750 kcmil ACSR #4-556 kcmil • HYGROUND™ (Compression Ground) Copper #6-500 kcmil (cable/grd. rod) Ground Rods 1/2 "-1" Diameter ACCESSORIES: Cat. No.: PT23484 Description: Hot stick adapter. FEATURES MODULAR COMPONENT DESIGN HOT STICK ATTACHMENT STANDARD ON ALL VERSIONS LIFTING EYE HOLE N-41 HEAVY DUTY HEAD ROTATES 360° SO HYDRAULIC COUPLERS WON’T LOOSEN BOTH DIE RELEASE BUTTONS EXPOSED BURNDY Tooling TYPE KOMPRESSOR™ LPHY750 SPECIFICATIONS LPHY750 Flow Rate: 3 - 9 GPM (11 - 34 LPM) Operating Pressure: 1,500 - 2,500 psi (103 - 172 BAR) Force Developed: 12 Tons Weight: 21 lbs (9.5 kg) Overall Length: 20.65 in (524 mm) Width: 15 in (381 mm) Jaw Opening: 1.65 in (42 mm) Max. Back Pressure: 250 psi (17 BAR) Crimp Time: Approximately 2 seconds REMOTE OPERATED 12 TON LOW PRESSURE HYDRAULIC COMPRESSION TOOL The BURNDY® LPHY750 KOMPRESSOR™ is a lightweight, compact, low pressure, hydraulic 12 ton crimping tool. The LPHY750 is double acting for hydraulic ram advance and retract. The KOMPRESSOR™ also has an industry exclusive spring back up for ram retraction in case of loss of hydraulic pressure. The LPHY750 comes equipped with an ergonomic handle designed for better balance, which helps lessen fatigue to the operator. The LPHY750 KOMPRESSOR™ features the BURNDY® Y750 tool head with a 1.65 jaw opening capable of using all industry standard BURNDY® “U” dies. The LPHY750 also has an industry exclusive visual crimp indicator to assure the operator of a properly completed crimp. The LPHY750 also has an audible crimp indicator. The LPHY750 is powered directly from open center or closed center hydraulic tool circuits present on most utility line trucks or can be operated from individual low-pressure hydraulic power units. The LPHY750 can be switched from open center to closed center operation with a simple external adjustment. The LPHY750 does not require any additional tooling such as boosters, intensifiers, or hand controls in the bucket. Five-year limited warranty. BENEFITS FOR USE ON • Visual and audible crimp indicator assures properly completed crimps with 12 tons of force. • Covers a wide range of applications with its 1.65 jaw opening. • 350 head rotation for versatile tool head positioning allowing the user to get into tight areas easier. • Uses all standard BURNDY® “U” dies. • Operates on open center or closed center hydraulic systems. • Ergonomic handle design for better balance and helps lessen fatigue. • Double acting tool for hydraulic ram advance and retraction. • Spring back up for ram retraction if hydraulic system shuts down. • 5-year limited warranty. • Tension Sleeves Copper Aluminum ACSR #8 sol - 500 kcmil #8 sol - 587.2 kcmil #4 - 556.5 kcmil • Taps Copper Aluminum #14 sol - 500 kcmil #8 sol - 500 kcmil • Aerial Cable Copper #6 - 500 kcmil • Terminals and Splices Copper #8 - 750 kcmil Aluminum #8 - 750 kcmil ACSR #4 - 556.5 kcmil • HYGROUND™ Copper Ground Rods #8 - 500 kcmil 1/2 - 1 diameter ACCESSORIES Hoses: Cat No. LPHTHOSNCR66668OP Direct connect 8 non-conductive hose set Activation Trigger Ergonomically Balanced Tool and Handle Design Large 1.65 Jaw Opening Exposed Die Release Buttons for BURNDY® Style “U” dies Visual Crimp Indicator Open Center, Closed Center Adjustment N-42 Cat No. LPHTHOSNCR666610OP Direct connect 10 non-conductive hose set *Cat No. LPHTHOSNCR66668 8 non-conductive hose set *Cat No. LPHTHOSNCR666610 10 non-conductive hose set Hydraulic Fittings: Cat No. LPHTHTMANOSE66 Male coupler 3/8 HTMA Cat No. LPHTHTMABODY66 Female coupler 3/8 HTMA Cat No. LPHTADPSMFOP66 Swivel Adapter Y750 Tool Head 12 Tons of Output Force Internal Ram Retraction Backup Spring *These hoses are used with the LPHTADPSMFOP66 swivel adapter. BURNDY Tooling TYPE KOMPRESSOR™ LPHY46 SPECIFICATIONS LPHY46 Flow Rate: 3-9 GPM (11-34 LPM) Operating Pressure: 1,550-2,500 psi (107-172 BAR) Force Developed: 15 Tons Weight: 28.5 lbs (13 kg) Overall Length: 18 in (465 mm) Width: 6 in (153 mm) Max. Back Pressure: 250 psi (17 BAR) Crimp Time: Approximately 2 seconds REMOTE OPERATED 15 TON LOW PRESSURE HYDRAULIC COMPRESSION TOOL The BURNDY® LPHY46 KOMPRESSOR™ is a compact, low pressure, hydraulic 15 ton crimping tool. The LPHY46 is double acting for hydraulic ram advance and retract. The KOMPRESSOR™ also has an industry exclusive spring back up for ram retraction in case of loss of hydraulic pressure. The LPHY46 comes equipped with an ergonomic handle designed for better balance, which helps lessen fatigue to the operator. The LPHY46 KOMPRESSOR™ features the BURNDY® Y46 tool head with a 2 jaw opening capable of using all industry standard BURNDY® “P” dies, and “U” dies, with PUADP-1 adapter. The LPHY46 has a visual and audible crimp indicator that assures properly completed crimps with 15 tons of force. The LPHY46 is powered directly from open center or closed center hydraulic tool circuits present on most utility line trucks or can be operated from individual low-pressure hydraulic power units. The LPHY46 can be switched from open center to closed center operation with a simple external adjustment. The LPHY46 does not require any additional tooling such as boosters, intensifiers, or hand controls in the bucket. Five-year limited warranty. Large 2 Jaw Opening Y46 Tool Head FOR USE ON BENEFITS • Visual and audible crimp indicator assures properly completed crimps with 15 tons of force. • Covers a wide range of applications with its 2 jaw opening. • 350 head rotation for versatile tool head positioning allowing the user to get into tight areas easier. • Uses all standard BURNDY® “P” dies, and “U” dies with PUADP-1 adapter. • Operates on open center or closed center hydraulic systems. • Ergonomic handle design for better balance and helps lessen fatigue. • Double acting tool for hydraulic ram advance and retraction. • Spring back up for ram retraction if hydraulic system shuts down. • 5-year limited warranty. CONNECTOR TYPE CONDUCTOR RANGE Copper #8-AWG str. 1500 kcmil Code Cable Navy Cables Flexible and Extra Flexible 1/2-1 Ground Rods Terminals-grounding to 500 kcmil YGA, YGHA, YGF Terminals-Uninsulated #8 to 1500 kcmil YA, YA-2N, YA-L YA-LB, YA-TC, YA-2LN, YAB-4N Aluminum #8 AWG1250 kcmil Code Cables ACSR YAV-L Box, YAV-L, YAV-RS Box, YAV-RS, YA-TC-FX Terminals-Insulated #8 to 2/0 YAEV-L Box, YAEV-L, YAEV-H, YAEV-RS, YAEV-RH Splices #8 to 1500 kcmil YS, YS-T, YS-L, YS-LB, YST, YSP-T, YGS, YGHS Taps YH, YCHC #14 to 1000 kcmil YC-C to 4/0 AWG Taps-Grounding to 500 kcmil YGHC-C, YGHP-C, YGHR-C Terminals YA-A, AYP, AYPO Splices YS-A, YS-AT, YRB Taps YFD, YFN, YFO, YFR See Burndy Overhead Transmission and Distribution Catalog Module Variable Speed Trigger Ergonomically Balanced Tool and Handle Design Visual Crimp Indicator ACCESSORIES Cat No. PUADP-1 “U” - Die adapter Cat No. P15K Cutter die (max. 1.2 dia.) Hoses: Open Center, Closed Center Adjustment Exposed Die Release Buttons for BURNDY® Style “P” Dies or “U” Dies with Adapter Lifting Eyes Cat No. LPHTHOSNCR66668OP Direct connect 8 non-conductive hose set Cat No. LPHTHOSNCR666610OP Direct connect 10 non-conductive hose set *Cat No. LPHTHOSNCR66668 8 non-conductive hose set *Cat No. LPHTHOSNCR666610 10 non-conductive hose set Hydraulic Fittings: Cat No. LPHTHTMANOSE66 Male coupler 3/8 HTMA 350° Head Rotation Cat No. LPHTHTMABODY66 Female coupler 3/8 HTMA 15 Tons of Output Force Cat No. LPHTADPSMFOP66 Swivel Adapter *These hoses are used with the LPHTADPSMFOP66 swivel adapter. N-43 BURNDY Tooling TYPE Y644MBH DIELESS HYPRESS™ 10,000 PSI SPECIFICATIONS Force Developed: Operating Pressure: Head Width: Overall Length: Weight (less case): HYDRAULIC TOOL REMOTE OPERATED 11 Tons 10,000 psi 3.93 12 9-1/2 lbs. FOR USE ON The "1" Crimp-Range Taking 11-Ton Force Hydraulic Remote Tool #6-1000 kcmil Copper HYLUG™ Terminals and HYLINK™ Splices #6-1000 kcmil Aluminum HYLUG™ Terminal and HYLINK™ Splices The "1" Crimp Type Y644MBH Dieless HYPRESS™ Remote Tool, crimps 195 different copper and aluminum HYLUG™ terminals and HYLINK™ splices, which cover the breadth of 38 code conductor sizes and 15 Navy cable sizes. Only one (1) crimp is required for each wire termination for both long and standard length barrels on BURNDY® HYLUG™ and HYLINK™connectors throughout the entire conductor range. The Y644MBH dieless remote head tool operates on 10,000 psi hydraulic pressure and develops an output force of 11 tons, the same as the self-contained Y644M Dieless HYPRESS™. Installation of BURNDY® YFO and YFD series H-CRIMPIT™ connectors can be accomplished by using the accessory adapters listed below, purchased separately. Five-year limited warranty. The following size Hydent™ lugs and two way splices, when crimped with the Y644MBH Dieless Hypress™ Tool, produce the following range taking capabilites. ALUMINUM CONNECTORS Standard Expanded Wire Size Wire Range #6 AWG #6 AWG #5 AWG #5-#6 AWG #4 AWG #4-#6 AWG #3 AWG #3-#6 AWG #2 AWG #2-#6 AWG #1 AWG #1-#2 AWG 1/0-#1 AWG N-44 1/0 AWG 2/0 AWG 2/0-#1 AWG 3/0 AWG 3/0-#1 AWG 4/0 AWG 4/0-#1 AWG 250 kcmil 250-1/0 AWG 300 kcmil 300-2/0 AWG 350 kcmil 350-3/0 AWG 400 kcmil 400-4/0 AWG 500 kcmil 500-4/0 AWG 600 kcmil 600-250 kcmil 750 kcmil 750-500 kcmil 1000 kcmil 1000-750 kcmil COPPER CONNECTORS Standard Expanded Wire Size Wire Range #6 AWG #6 AWG #5 AWG #5-#6 AWG #4 AWG #4-#6 AWG #3 AWG #3-#6 AWG #2 AWG #2-#6 AWG #1 AWG #1-#6 AWG 1/0 AWG 1/0-#6 AWG 2/0 AWG 2/0-#4 AWG 3/0 AWG 3/0-#2 AWG 4/0 AWG 4/0-#1 AWG 250 kcmil 250-1/0 300 kcmil 300-2/0 350 kcmil 350-3/0 400 kcmil 400-4/0 500 kcmil 500-4/0 600 kcmil 600-250 750 kcmil 750-500 800 kcmil 800-500 1000 kcmil 1000-750 BENEFITS • Dieless system, eliminates the need to purchase and maintain dies. • Easy tool positioning with its infinitely rotatable head. • Easy inspection and positive identification is provided with the BURNDY® logo. • H-CRIMPIT™ dies to crimp YFO and YFD type H-CRIMPIT™ taps offered as accessory option. • Five-year limited warranty. AWG/KCMIL WIRE SIZE RANGE CONNECTOR TYPE Copper #6-1000 kcmil Terminals YA-L, YA-2LN, YA, YA-2N, YA-L-2TC, YAB-4N, YA-L-TC, YA-2L, YA-4N Splices YS-L, YS-T, YS Aluminum #6-1000 kcmil Terminals YA-A, YA-A-TN Splices YS-A Aluminum #6-750 kcmil HYPLUG™ AYP, AYPO Aluminum #6-250 kcmil Taps H-CRIMPIT™ YFO, YFD ACCESSORIES Cat. No. PT30541 • Die for YFO series H-CRIMPIT™ Cat. No. PT30540 • Die for YFD series H-CRIMPIT™ FEATURES HEAVY DUTY HEAD PIVOTING DIE NEST INFINITELY ROTATABLE HEAD BURNDY Tooling TYPE 4-POINT™ Y81KFTMBH SPECIFICATIONS Output Force: 6 tons (12,000 lbs.) (5.4 Metric Tons) Weight: 8.5 lbs (3.86 kg) Overall Length: 13.9 in (354 mm) Head Width: 5.4 in (138 mm) Operating Pressure: 10,000 psi (68.9 MPa) DIELESS HYPRESS™ 10,000 PSI DIELESS HYDRAULIC TOOL – REMOTE OPERATED FOR USE ON #8 - 1000 KCMIL COPPER HYLUG™ TERMINALS and HYLINK™ SPLICES Features and Benefits #8 - 750 KCMIL ALUMINUM HYLUG™ TERMINALS and HYLINK™ SPLICES • Dieless installation system. ◊ Eliminates the need to purchase and maintain dies. • UL Listed and CSA Certified with Range Taking Capabilities ◊ Provides the installer with UL Listed and CSA Certified crimps with Range Taking Capabilities when used in conjunction with BURNDY® HYLINK™ Terminals and HYLINK™ Splices. • Flip top head design. ◊ For easy loading and removal of installed terminals and splices, saving time. • Incorporates Parker type quick connect couplers. ◊ Eases installation time. • Audible pressure “pop-off” valve and die embossment providing 360° inspectability. ◊ Assures proper crimps with both audible and visual indicators for the installer. • 5-year limited warranty on tool. ◊ Customer satisfaction and support. The Y81KFTMBH 4-POINT™ dieless HYPRESS™ is a remote powered 6 ton hydraulic crimping tool for use on a wide variety of terminal and splice compression applications. The Y81KFTMBH incorporates a dieless latch style head that provides easy tool removal from continuous conductor runs and eliminates the need to purchase and maintain dies. The Y81KFTMBH dieless remote head tool operates on 10,000 psi hydraulic pressure and develops an output force of 6 tons, the same as the self contained Y81KFTMBH. The result is easy termination and splicing using BURNDY® HYLUG™ and HYLINK™ terminals and splices. The Y81KFTMBH is supplied with a canvas bag and quick connect fittings and comes complete with a 5-year limited warranty. • Copper, Aluminum, Compressed, Compact, Stranded, Solid and Flex Conductors. • Installs Splices, Taps and Terminations: #8 - 1000 kcmil Copper (YA, YA-L, YS, YS-L, YS-T, Y-R ) #8 - 777.7 (750 Nominal Flex Wire Size) kcmil Flex (YA-FX, YAV, YA-L-FX, YS, YSV-FXB) #8 - 750 kcmil Aluminum (YA-A, YS-A) #8 - 750 kcmil Aluminium Pin Adapters (AYP, AYPO) Y81KFTMBH dieless HYPRESS™ Range Taking Capabilities: The Y81KFTMBH provides range taking capabilities that is UL and CSA listed for Copper (Code, Compact and Flex) and Aluminum (Code and Compact) conductors when used in conjunction with BURNDY® HYLUG™ terminals and HYLINK™ splices. See chart for connector, conductor and range taking combinations. PIVOTING NEST DIE N-45 QUICK DISCONNECT MALE COUPLER DIELESS SYSTEM AUDIBLE “POP-OFF” PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE LOCKING LATCH PIN BURNDY Tooling TYPE Y45 HYPRESS™ 10,000 PSI SPECIFICATIONS 15 TON REMOTE POWER OPERATED HYDRAULIC TOOLS The Y45 Series is designed for remote hydraulic operation. A C-shaped head design provides easy installation of tap and splice connectors. The hook style head with extensive ram travel operates easily on large distribution and transmission conductors. Together with accessories, the Y45 Series tooling may be used on overhead lines. The small light-weight head design is very adaptable for work in underground trenches and manholes. Cat. No. PT6515 is required to use “U-” type dies in all Y45 variations. Order Head, Hose, Pump, Dies, and accessories separately. 5-year limited warranty. Y45 10,000 psi 15 Tons 15-3/4 lbs. 7-1/4 14-1/4 Operating pressure: Force developed: Weight (less case): Maximum Width: Maximum Height: FOR USE ON AWG/KCMIL WIRE SIZE RANGE Tension Sleeves Copper Aluminum ACSR #8 sol.-500 kcmil #6 sol.-954 kcmil #4 -795 (26/7) Taps Aluminum ACSR #14-954 (18/1) ACSR #6-795 (54/7) Aerial Cable Connectors Copper Aluminum #6 str.-1500 kcmil #4 str.-1000 kcmil HYGROUND™ Compression Grounding Copper #6-500 kcmil 1/2 - 1 ground rods Copper Aluminum #8-1500 kcmil #8-1000 kcmil Copper Aluminum #14-1000 kcmil #14-900 kcmil PT6545 BENEFITS • Easy connector installation and tool removal from line conductors with the open C-shaped head. • Easily lifted into working position using lifting eye. • Easy die changing plus secure die alignment is provided with the positive die lock buttons. • Long life expectancy is provided with fully protected ram and die buttons. • Rapid assembly and disassembly is provided with the quick disconnect hydraulic coupler. • Rugged design provides long life expectancy. • 5-year limited warranty. CONNECTOR TYPE Code Cable Terminals and Splices Taps ACCESSORIES: Cat. No. PT6515 Description: Adapter for use with "U-"die sets. Cat. No. PT6547-2 Description: Universal Hot-stick adapter for Y45 HYPRESS™ tools. Cat. No. PT6581 Description: Fiberglass handle adapter for Y45 (10,000 PSI) Cat. No. PT6545 Description: Die carrying case for “S-” type dies used with Y45 HYPRESS™ tools. Holds eight (8) die sets. (Dies sold separately.) FEATURES LARGE JAW OPENING N-46 QUICK DISCONNECT HYDRAULIC FITTING C-SHAPED HOOK STYLE HEAD HEAVY DUTY REINFORCED FORGED STEEL BODY BURNDY Tooling TYPE Y46 AND Y46C HYPRESS™ 10,000 PSI SPECIFICATIONS Force developed: Operating pressure: Jaw opening: Maximum width: Overall length: 15 TON FORCE REMOTE OPERATED HYDRAULIC TOOL Y46 15 Tons 10,000 psi 2 4-1/2 15 Weight (less case): 16 lbs. Molded Covering: No The Y46 standard tool and Y46C rubber covered tools are lightweight, compact and versatile with installation dies for both circumferential and nest-indentor types. Accessories include “U-” die adapter, a cable cutting die for 1.2 diameter non-steel conductors, plus a lifting eye and universal hot-stick adapter for overhead line construction. 5-year limited warranty. Y46C 15 Tons 10,000 psi 2 4-3/4 21-3/4 (incl. boot) 17-1/2 lbs. Yes FOR USE ON CONNECTOR TYPE BENEFITS • Compact “C” shaped head allows easy placement and removal from continuous conductor lengths. • Versatile and economical-HYPRESS™ tools work on all commonly used copper and aluminum products. • Dies and adapters lock into or remove from tool head easily with the positive push button die locks. • Safety, strength and high quality is provided with strong forged steel and precision machined components. • Excellent for HYGROUND™ compression grounding applications through 1" ground rods and up to 500 kcmil taps, terminals and splices. • Compression terminal, splice and tap connectors are UL listed and CSA certified when installed with the Y46 and Y46C HYPRESS™ and recommended die set. • Y46C has a permanently molded head of 3/16" rubber and includes a separate molded rubber boot to cover the lower HYPRESS™ body and hydraulic coupler for impact protection. Copper #8 AWG str.1500 kcmil Code Cable Navy Cables Flexible and Extra Flexible 1/2"-1" Ground Rods CONDUCTOR RANGE Terminals-grounding to 500 kcmil YGA, YGHA, YGF Terminals-Uninsulated #8 to 1500 kcmil YA, YA-2N, YA-L, YA-LB, YA-TC, YA-2LN, YAB-4N, YAV-L Box, YAV-L, YAV-RS Box, YAV-RS, YA-TC-FX Terminals-Insulated #8 to 2/0 YAEV-L Box, YAEV-L, YAEV-H, YAEV-RS, YAEV-RH Splices #8 to 1500 kcmil YS, YS-T, YS-L, YS-LB, YST, YSP-T, YGS, YGHS Taps YH, YCHC #14 to 1000 kcmil YC-C to 4/0 AWG Taps-Grounding to 500 kcmil YGHC-C, YGHP-C, YGHR-C Aluminum #8 AWG1250 kcmil Code Cables Terminals YA-A, AYP, AYPO Splices YS-A, YS-AT, YRB Taps YFD, YFN, YFO, YFR ACSR See Burndy Overhead Transmission and Distribution Catalog Module ACCESSORIES: Cat. No. P15K PUADP-1 PT10121 PT10128 PT10131 FEATURES POSITIVE PUSH BUTTON DIE LOCK LARGE 2” JAW OPENING Y46-2 FORGED STEEL BODY MALE QUICK DISCONNECT 10,000 PSI HYDRAULIC FITTING STRONG REINFORCED BACK PRECISION MACHINED STEEL COMPONENTS Cutter die max. 1.2 dia. “U”-die adapter Lifting eye Universal hotstick adapter-Y46 Universal hotstick adapter-Y46C Same as Y46 with Female coupler N-47 BURNDY Tooling TYPE Y48BH HYPRESS™ 8,800 PSI SPECIFICATIONS Operating pressure: Forced developed: Weight: Maximum width: Height: 40 TON REMOTE POWER OPERATED HYDRAULIC TOOL 8800 psi 40 Tons 26 lbs. 8-1/2 10 FOR USE ON The Y48 series is designed for remote hydraulic power operation. It features a “U” type head which makes it convenient to remove from installed splices. The head is insulated from the assembled hose and pump. The Y48 is designed for easy die insertion without set screws. Operates at 8,800 PSI and provides 40 tons of force. Uses “C” dies. Dies sold separately. Five-year limited warranty. Copper 4/0-2,000 mcm Terminals YA, YA-2N, YAB-4N, YA-L, YA-2LN, YA-LB Splices YS, YST, YS-L, YS-T, YSP-T BENEFITS • Easy die changing is provided with ball checks. • Rugged design provides long life expectancy • Head is insulated from assembled hose and pump. • Provides 40 tons of force. • Handles on both side of head makes it easy to carry and position. • 5-year limited warranty. Aluminum 3/0-1,500 mcm Terminals YA-A Splices YS-A, YS-AT Full Tension Splices COPPER-4/0-1,000 mcm-YDS ACSR-3/0 (6-1)-795 (54-7)-YDS-R ALUMINUM-4/0-795 mcm-YDS-AT Cat. No. Y48BH Head Only Cat. No. Y48B Includes head, carry case, PT76 8 long steel braided hose and FP8 foot pump. FEATURES CARRYING HANDLES “U” SHAPED HEAD N-48 INSULATING DISC HOSE FITTING BURNDY Tooling TYPE Y60BHU AND Y60BHU-D HYPRESS™ SPECIFICATIONS Force developed: Operating pressure: Hydraulic oil: Life expectancy: Height: Weight (less case): Shipping weight: 60 TON REMOTE POWER OPERATED HYDRAULIC TOOLS FOR USE ON SINGLE AND DOUBLE ACTING HYDRAULIC TOOL DESIGNS The Y60BHU HYPRESS™, single acting, and Y60BHU-D HYPRESS™, double acting, are both designed to provide fast, easy operation plus a durable and substantially longer design life expectancy. Both Y60BHU and Y60BHU-D HYPRESS tools accommodate the same “L” dies. The “L” dies are designed for copper and aluminum code cables and aerial conductor sizes through 2500 kcmil and will accommodate ACSR through 2156 (84/19) str. Five-year limited warranty. 60 tons 10,000 psi BURNDY® ALFLUID 50,000 cycles min. 16.62 70 lbs. 97 lbs. COPPER 300 kcmil-2000 kcmil Str. Code Cable Terminals YA, YA-2N, YAB-4N, YA-L, YA-2LN, YA-LB Splices YS, YST, YS-L, YS-T, YSP-T BENEFITS • Easy to carry with heavy duty handle. • Easy to remove splices with nest that pivots open. • Safety and security is provided with captive locking pin for nest die. • Long life expectancy (50,000 cycles) with heavy duty steel frame. • Fast easy die changing and secure die positioning with positive die release locking pins. • Faster retraction with double acting hydraulic system (Y60BHUD). • Protected male coupler with captive cap. • Stability is provided with sturdy steel base. • Easy, less costly repairs with fewer parts that are easily accessible. Ex: Bottom die holder. • 5-year limited warranty. ALUMINUM 250 kcmil-2000 kcmil Str. Code Cable Terminals YA-A Splices YS-A, YS-AT TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION CONNECTORS Tension Sleeves: Copper: 1/0 str.-1000 kcmil Aluminum: 1/0 str.-2300 kcmil ACSR: 1/0-2156 (84/19 str.) Aerial: Copper: 4/0 str.-2500 kcmil Aluminum: 3/0 str.-2500 kcmil YTS, YTN, YNS, YNA, YNT, YNTA, YNU, YDS, YDN, YCS, YCA, YCU FEATURES HEAVY DUTY HANDLE NEST HINGE ALLOWS FULLY OPEN POSITIONING POSITIVE PUSH BUTTON DIE LOCKS AND DIE RELEASE CAPTIVE LOCKING PIN AND HANDLE FOR TOOL NEST PORT FOR DOUBLE ACTING HYDRAULIC SYSTEM 10,000 PSI MALE COUPLER AND COVER STURDY STEEL BASE HEAVY DUTY STEEL FRAME N-49 BURNDY Tooling TYPE RHCC129ACSR SPECIFICATIONS Operating Pressure: Tool Weight: Length: Width: 10,000 PSI Remote Cable Cutter REMOTE POWER OPERATED HYDRAULIC CABLE CUTTER The BURNDY® RHCC129ACSR remote hydraulic cable cutter incorporates a specialized latch style cutting head that allows interference-free closure for mid-span cuts. The RHCC129ACSR with its precision cutting blades is capable of cutting up to 1.29 diameter bare or insulated copper and aluminum cable, 1113 ACSR, 5/8 ground rod, 1/2 rebar, 5/8 diameter soft steel bolts, 1/2 standard guy strand, and up to 3/8 EHS guy strand. The RHCC129ACSR is provided with a 5-year limited warranty (excluding blades). 10,000 psi (700 bar) 5.85 lbs. (2.65 kg) 11.25 (286 mm) 3.7 (94 mm) FOR USE ON • • • • • • • • Copper Cable: up to 1.29 Aluminum Cable: up to 1.29 ACSR: up to 1113 ACSR Ground Rod: up to 5/8 Rebar: up to 1/2 Soft Steel Bolts: up to 5/8 Standard Guy Strand: up to 1/2 EHS Guy Strand: up to 3/8 ACCESSORIES Features and Benefits • Specialized latch head design. ◊ Interference free closure for mid-span cuts. • Precision cutting blades. ◊ For clean cuts on Cu/Al, ACSR, ground rods, rebar, guy strand, and soft steel bolts. • High strength steel cylinder. ◊ For durability and long life. • Lightweight ergonomic design allows one hand operation. ◊ User has one hand free to manipulate material to be cut. • Durable canvas carrying bag. ◊ Provides tool protection and stores all accessories. • 5-year limited warranty on tool (excluding blades). ◊ Customer satisfaction and support. Canvas Bag: Cat# PT10043890 Replacement Blades: Cat# PT10037388 (Moving Blade) Cat# PT10037384 (Fixed Blade) PRECISION CUTTING BLADES HIGH STRENGTH STEEL CYLINDER N-50 QUICK DISCONNECT HYDRAULIC FITTING SPECIALIZED LATCH HEAD DESIGN 1.29 CUTTING CAPACITY BURNDY Tooling TYPE MCC500 AND MCC1000 SPECIFICATIONS Catalog Number MANUAL CABLE CUTTERS The MCC500 and MCC1000 manual cable cutters are precision high quality tools designed to cut up to 500 kcmil and 1000 kcmil copper and aluminum cables respectively. Rugged steel blades and fiberglass handle construction provide cutting ease, minimum cable distortion and long life. The MCC500 and MCC1000 cable cutters are warranted to be free of defects in material (excluding blades) and workmanship for five years except in the case of abuse or modification. Overall Length Capacity Max. Copper and Insulation Aluminum Diameter Weight MCC500 21 500 kcmil (533 mm) 1.25 (32 mm) 3.5 lbs (1.5 kg) MCC1000 32 1000 kcmil 1.90 (813 mm) (48 mm) 9.0 lbs (4.0 kg) FOR USE ON MCC500 Maximum conductors accommodated: MCC500: 500 kcmil Copper and Aluminum MCC1000 MCC1000: 1000 kcmil Copper and Aluminum FEATURES • High quality design and construction. • Rugged high quality steel blades. • Fiberglass handles with soft grips. BENEFITS • Easy cutting with minimum cable distortion and long life. • Excellent cutting edge performance. • Provides comfortable tool operation and long life. HANDLES REPLACEMENT BLADES HANDLE GRIPS N-51 BURNDY Tooling TYPE RCC556 AND RCC1000 FEATURES • Patented, high strength steel blades. • Bi-directional ratchet mechanism. • Thumb-controlled rapid blade movement feature (fast action mode). • Fiberglass handles with soft grips. • Stiffener bar (RCC556 only). RATCHET CABLE CUTTERS The RCC556 and RCC1000 ratchet cable cutters are precision high quality tools designed to cut up to 556 ACSR and 1000 kcmil copper and aluminum cables respectively. The tools are equipped with rugged steel blades, a precision bi-directional ratchet mechanism for positive blade control, a fast action thumb slide collar for fast blade movement (when not cutting) and rugged fiberglass handles. The RCC556 and RCC1000 ratchet cable cutters are warranted to be free of defects in material (excluding blades) and workmanship for five years except in the case of abuse or modification. BENEFITS RCC556 RCC1000 FOR USE ON SPECIFICATIONS Maximum conductors accommodated: Catalog Number Overall Length Capacity: ACSR, Copper and Aluminum Max. Insulation Diameter RCC556 21 (533 mm) 556 ACSR 600 kcmil Al/Cu (32 mm) 1.25 (1.5 kg) 3.5 lbs 32 (813 mm) 1000 kcmil AL/Cu (48 mm) 1.90 (4.0 kg) 9.0 lbs RCC1000 • Provides ease of cutting and long life. • Provides positive control of blade movement and greater cutting capacity. • Provides convenient quick closing or opening of blades when cutting is not being done. • Provides comfortable tool operation and long life. • Increases operator safety when cutting ACSR cable. MOVABLE JAWS STATIONARY JAW Weight RCC556: 556 ACSR 600 kcmil Copper and Aluminum RCC1000: 1000 kcmil Copper and Aluminum Do not cut steel or ACSR DIRECTION OPEN/CLOSE COVER HANDLE GRIPS RAPID ADVANCE FEATURE N-52 BURNDY Tooling TYPES HP10, HP8, AND HP6 HP SERIES MANUAL HYDRAULIC HAND PUMPS HYDRAULIC OUTPUT PRESSURES OF: 10,000 PSI, 8,800 PSI, AND 6,000 PSI Hand pumps are designed to match the output pressure requirements of HYPRESS™ heads and cutters. Each pump is equipped with a built-in, factory set pressure release valve with audible click to signal completion of crimp cycle. BENEFITS SPECIFICATIONS • Durable, long life expectancy. • Easy to transport and move tool around job site with built in handle. • Maximum mechanical advantage provided with long handle. • Solid tool base provided with sturdy broad leg stabilizers. • Save time with quick disconnect hydraulic fitting. • High quality crimps provided with built-in, factory set pressure release valve and audible click to signal completion of crimp. • 5-year limited warranty. Reservoir volume: Length: Width: Weight: Closed height: Height (with handle open): 1-1/8 qts. 24-3/4 5 18 lbs. 6-3/4 20 FOR USE ON HP10 10,000 Y34BH, Y35BH, Y35BH-4, Y750BH, Y750BH-2, Y39BH, Y45, Y46C, Y46, Y60BHU, RHCC Series Cutters HP8 8,800 Y48BH HP6 6,000 Y35-L, RHCC Series Cutters ACCESSORIES Extended leg pad stablilizes (w/hardware) Cat # BP10PADKIT FEATURES HANDLE GRIP LONG ARM BUILT-IN FACTORY SET PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE HANDLE STURDY LEG STABILIZERS LIGHTWEIGHT RUGGED DESIGN PORTABLE QUICK DISCONNECT HYDRAULIC FITTING N-53 BURNDY Tooling TYPES FP10, FP8, AND FP6 FP SERIES MANUAL HYDRAULIC FOOT PUMPS HYDRAULIC OUTPUT PRESSURES OF: 10,000 PSI, 8,800 PSI, AND 6,000 PSI Foot pumps are designed to match the output pressure requirements for use with all HYPRESS™ heads and cutters. Each pump is equipped with a built-in, factory set pressure release valve with audible click to signal completion of a crimp cycle. BENEFITS SPECIFICATIONS • Easy to lift and carry. • Durable. Long life expectancy. • Easy to transport and move tool around job site with built in handle. • Easy operation provided with spring assisted return arm. • Maximum mechanical advantage provided with long arm extending beyond pump body. • Quality, heavy duty foot pad provided with diamond plate steel. • Solid tool base provided with sturdy broad leg stabilizers. • Time saving quick disconnect hydraulic fitting. • High quality crimps provided with factory set pressure release valve with audible click to signal completion of crimp. • 5-year limited warranty. Reservoir volume: Length: Width: Weight: Closed height: Height (with handle open): 1-1/8 qts. 24-3/4 5 19 lbs. 6-1/2 17 FOR USE ON FP-10 10,000 Y34BH, Y35BH, Y35BH-4, Y750BH, Y750BH-2, Y39BH, Y45, Y46C, Y46, Y60BHU, Y750BH, RHCC Series Cutters FP-8 8,800 Y48BH FP-6 6,000 Y35-L, RHCC Series Cutters ACCESSORIES Extended leg pad stablilizes (w/hardware) Cat # BP10PADKIT FEATURES LONG ARM SPRING LOADED ARM DIAMOND PLATE STEEL FOOT PAD N-54 BUILT-IN FACTORY SET PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE STURDY LEG STABILIZERS LIGHTWEIGHT RUGGED DESIGN PORTABLE QUICK DISCONNECT HYDRAULIC FITTING BURNDY Tooling TYPE EPP10 AND EPP6 SPECIFICATIONS Motor: 115 V-AC/60 Hz 1/2 HP @ 3450 RPM Maximum current draw: 12.5 amperes Reservoir volume: 2 qts. Height: 16 Base: 6 8 Weight: 30 lbs. EPP SERIES ELECTRIC/ HYDRAULIC PUMP HYDRAULIC OUTPUT PRESSURE OF: 10,000 PSI AND 6,000 PSI The lightweight and durable EPP10 electric/hydraulic pump is for use with all BURNDY HYPRESS™ remote heads and cutters requiring 10,000 PSI operating pressure. Both the EPP10 and the EPP6 are equipped with a built-in, factory set pressure relief valve. An audible “pop” and recycling of the pump and relaxing of the hose, signals completion of the crimping/cutting cycle. Both pumps are supplied with a durable hand-held electric pendant switch, for remote operation of the unit, and have a manual selection switch mounted for operation of the unit at the pump. The operator can select which method is best suited for the application. An optional carry/shipping case can be ordered. All EPP Series pumps have been life cycle tested to over 100,000 cycles without failure, and are warranted to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for five (5) years when properly maintained and operated. FOR USE ON FEATURES • • • • • Lightweight. Small size. Factory set relief valve. 100,000 (+) life cycles. Sealed electric pendant switch. BENEFITS • High quality crimps are achieved with built in, factory set pressure release valve and audible recycling of pump to signal completion of crimp cycle. • Easy to lift, carry and transport tool around job site with lightweight body and handle. • Convenient 115 V-AC electric powered motor. • Durable remote pendent switch. • Easy operation controlled with pendent switch, or manual switch. • Saves time with quick disconnect hydraulic fitting. • Long durable life expectancy with lightweight cast aluminum reservoir body. • 5-year limited warranty. EPP10 10,000 Y34BH, Y35BH, Y35BH-4, Y39BH, Y45, Y46, Y46C, Y60BHU, 750BH, Y750BH-2, Y644MBH, RHCC Series Cutters EPP6 6,000 Y35L, Y28B, RHCC Series Cutters ACCESSORIES Cat. No. EPPCASE-1 Steel carrying case with handle and locking latch. N-55 BURNDY Tooling TYPES EPAC10, EPAC8, AND EPAC6 SPECIFICATIONS Motor: 1/2 HP 115/230 V-AC, 60 Cycle (EPAC**-2 versions): 1/2 HP 220/230 V-AC, 50 Cycle Maximum current draw: 10 amperes Reservoir volume: 8 quarts max, 2 quarts min Height: 17-1/2 Base: 11-3/4 18-1/2 Dry weight: 68 lbs (82 lbs w/max fluid) (1/2 HP @ 3450 RPM) EPAC SERIES ELECTRIC/ HYDRAULIC PUMP, AIR CONTROL HYDRAULIC OUTPUT PRESSURES OF: 10,000 PSI, 8,800 PSI, AND 6,000 PSI The EPAC10, EPAC8, and EPAC6 electrically driven hydraulic pumps feature exclusive automatic or manual “jog and hold” operation control provided by a unique air control switch, which provides the safest operation method of any pump available. All EPAC’s are remotely controlled by an improved air control switch which electrically isolates the operator from the unit, and can be operated by either hand or foot activation. A three (3) position toggle switch mounted on the control box allows the operator to select either full automatic, off, or manual operation. The automatic mode advances the remote tool into a “hold” position without crimping the connector so the operator can inspect the orientation before completing the crimp. Once the crimp is completed, the pump automatically turns the pump off, allowing the retraction of the remote tool and resets itself for the next operation. The manual position allows the operator to jog the tool forward without the tool ram retracting. To retract the tool prior to completing the crimp, turn the control switch to “off,” the pump will stop and the tool will retract. In the manual mode the pump advances only while the control is being depressed. To complete a crimp, squeeze and hold the air control switch until the pump reaches the preset pressure and shuts off. The EPAC Series of electrically driven hydraulic pumps incorporate a heavy-duty roll cage design that is both rugged and portable. All EPAC Series pumps have been life cycle N-56 tested to over 100,000 cycles without failure, and are warranted to be free of defects in material and workmanship for five (5) years when properly maintained and operated. FEATURES FOR USE ON • • • • • • EPAC10 10,000 Y34BH, Y35BH, EPAC10-2 Y35BH-4,Y39BH, Y45,Y46,Y46-C, Y60BHU, Y750BH, Y750BH-2, Y644MBH, RHCC Series Cutters Roll cage 3 position switch and control box Factory set output pressure Quick disconnect hydraulic coupler Oil level window 8 quart reservoir BENEFITS • Permits final inspection of connector before completing crimp cycle. • Extra supply hydraulic fluid 8-quart reservoir. • Full automatic or manual “Jog and Hold” cycles. • Operator safety with power loss “smart circuit,” freezes unit in event of power disruption. • Method of operation desired is permitted with 3-position selection switch. • Safety is provided against hazardous shock with airbulb actuator and air line. • Saves time with quick disconnect hydraulic fitting. • Windows allows easy inspection of proper oil level. • High quality crimps are achieved with builtin factory set pressure release valve. • 5-year limited warranty. EPAC-8 8,800 Y48BH EPAC-6 6,000 Y35L, RHCC Series Cutters BURNDY Tooling TYPES EP10, EP8, EP6 AND EP10-2, EP8-2, EP6-2 SPECIFICATIONS Motor: 1/2 HP 115/230 V-AC, 60 cycle (EP**-2 versions): 1/2 HP 220/230 V-AC, 50 cycle Maximum current draw: 10 amperes Reservoir volume: 8 quarts max, 2 quarts min Height: 17-1/2 Base: 11-3/4 18-1/2 Dry weight: 68 lbs (86 lbs with max fluid) (1/2 hp @ 3450 rpm) EP SERIES ELECTRIC/ HYDRAULIC PUMPS HYDRAULIC OUTPUT PRESSURES OF 10,000 PSI, 8,800 PSI, AND 6,000 PSI Electrically driven hydraulic pumps are supplied with a durable, hand-held electric pendent switch that remotely controls the pump and matches the output requirements of all HYPRESS™ remote heads and cutters. Each pump is equipped with a built-in, factory set, pressure relief valve. An audible “pop” and recycling of the pump and relaxing of the hose, signals completion of the crimping/cutting cycle. All EP series pumps are supplied with 115/230 - 220/230 voltage, 60/50 hertz, 1/2 horsepower motor and can be wired for use with any electric power source worldwide. A three prong, grounded plug is wired standard on the units. All EP Series pumps have been life cycle tested to over 100,000 cycles without failure, and are warranted to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for five (5) years when properly maintained and operated. BENEFITS FOR USE ON • Provides fast sure pump action plus a long life expectancy. • It’s portable. Roll cage allows easy moving on the job site. • Durable 1/2 HP dual voltage motor. • Extra supply of hydraulic fluid with 8 quart reservoir. • Saves time with quick-disconnect hydraulic fitting. • Easy operator control is provided with remote pendent switch. • Easy inspection of proper oil level is provided by see through window. • High quality crimps are achieved with built-in, factory set, pressure release valve and audible recycling of pump which signals completion of crimp. • 5-year limited warranty. EP10 10,000 Y34BH, Y35BH, Y35BH-4, EP10-2 Y39BH, Y45, Y46, Y46-C, Y60BHU, Y750BH, Y750BH-2, RHCC Series Cutters EP8 8,800 EP8-2 Y48BH EP6 6,000 EP6-2 Y35L, RHCC Series Cutters FEATURES 1/2 HP MOTOR DUAL VOLTAGE/HERTZ ROLL CAGE QUICK DISCONNECT HYDRALIC COUPLER OIL LEVEL WINDOW 8 QUART RESERVOIR N-57 FACTORY SET OUTPUT PRESSURE BURNDY Tooling TYPES EP10-1HP, EP8-1HP, EP6-1HP AND EP10-1HP-2, EP8-1HP-2, EP6-1HP-2 SPECIFICATIONS Motor: 1/2 HP 115/230 V-AC, 60 cycle (EP**-2 versions): 1/2 HP 220/230 V-AC, 50 cycle Maximum current draw: 10 amperes Reservoir volume: 8 quarts max, 2 quarts min Height: 17-1/2 Base: 11-3/4 18-1/2 Dry weight: 68 lbs (86 lbs with max fluid) (1/2 hp @ 3450 rpm) EP-1HP SERIES ELECTRIC/ HYDRAULIC PUMPS HYDRAULIC OUTPUT PRESSURES OF: 10,000 PSI, 8,800 PSI, AND 6,000 PSI Heavy duty electrically driven hydraulic pumps are supplied with a durable, hand-held electric pendent switch that remotely controls the pump and matches the output requirements of all HYPRESS™ remote heads and cutters. Each pump is equipped with a builtin, factory set, pressure relief valve. An audible “pop” and recycling of the pump and relaxing of the hose, signals completion of the crimping/cutting cycle. All EP-1HP series pumps are supplied with 115/230 - 220/230 voltage, 60/50 hertz, 1 horsepower motors and can be wired for use with any electric power source worldwide. A three prong, grounded plug is wired standard on the units. All EP-1HP Series pumps have been life cycle tested to over 100,000 cycles without failure, and are warranted to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for five (5) years when properly maintained and operated. N-58 FEATURES FOR USE ON • • • • • • • EP10-1HP 10,000 Y34BH, Y35BH, EP10-1HP-2 Y35BH-4, Y39BH, Y45, Y46, Y46-C, Y60BHU, Y750BH, Y750BH-2, RHCC Series Cutters Heavy duty design. Roll cage. Quick disconnect hydraulic coupler. Oil level window. 8 quart reservoir. Factory set output pressure. 1 HP motor dual voltage/hertz. BENEFITS • Provides fast sure pump action plus a long life expectancy. • Its portable roll cage allows easy moving on the job site. • Strong durable motor provided with (1) H.P. dual voltage design. • Extra supply of hydraulic fluid with 8 quart reservoir. • Saves time with quick-disconnect hydraulic fitting. • Easy operator control is provided with remote pendant switch. • Easy inspection of proper oil level is provided by see through window. • High quality crimps are achieved with built-in, factory set, pressure release valve and audible recycling of pump which signals completion of crimp. • 5-year limited warranty. EP8-1HP EP8-1HP-2 8,800 Y48BH EP6-1HP 6,000 Y35L, RHCC Series Cutters EP6-1HP-2 BURNDY Tooling TYPES GP10, GP8, AND GP6 Specifications Engine: Reservoir volume: Pump height: Pump width: Pump length: Overall height: Overall width: Overall length: Pump and motor dry weight: Overall dry weight: GP SERIES GASOLINE ENGINE DRIVEN HYDRAULIC PUMP HYDRAULIC OUTPUT PRESSURES OF: 10,000 PSI, 8,800 PSI, AND 6,000 PSI The GP series gasoline engine driven hydraulic pump is a heavy-duty design that is rugged and portable. Supplied with a four (4) H.P. engine, the pump operates all BURNDY® remote compression heads and cable cutters. All GP style pumps have a built-in, factory pre-set, automatic pressure release overload valve with a definite pulsing and recycling to signal the completion of a crimp. The manual control valve allows user to "Jog and Hold" due to the unique check valve design that keeps pressure in the output line until retracted. 4 H.P., 4 cycle 2 gallons (8 qts.) 19-3/4 13 18 22-1/4 16 21 64-1/4 lbs. 77-3/4 lbs. FOR USE ON Pump PSI GP10 10,000 Y34BH, Y35BH, Y35BH-4, Y39BH, Y45, Y46, Y46C, Y60BHU, Y60BHU-D, Y750BH, Y750BH-2, RHCC Series Cutters GP8 8,800 Y48BH GP6 6,000 Y35L, RHCC Series Cutters BENEFITS • Portable pump with sturdy steel roll cage. • Durable heavy-duty four (4) H.P. engine for all HYPRESS™ applications and long life expectancy. • Manual control valve permits easy control of crimping or cutting operations. • Manual control valve permits easy control of crimping or cutting operations. • Fast hose assembly with quick disconnect pressure matched hydraulic couplers. • Ample hydraulic capacity with (8) quart reservoir. • 5-year limited warranty. Hydraulic Tools and Cutter FEATURES STURDY STEEL ROLL CAGE DESIGN HEAVY-DUTY GASOLINE ENGINE MANUAL CONTROL VALVE QUICK DISCONNECT HYDRAULIC COUPLER 8 QUART RESERVOIR OIL LEVEL INSPECTION WINDOW N-59 BURNDY Tooling HYDRAULIC HOSES NON CONDUCTIVE HOSES* NON CONDUCTIVE HOSES* CONDUCTIVE HOSES* 10,000 PSI 6,000 PSI 10,000 PSI Cat. No. Cat. No. Description PT 29900-10 10 - 3/16 diameter - non conductive hose with stackable couplers (male/female) orange PT 29900-15 15 - 3/16 diameter - non conductive hose with stackable couplers (male/female) orange PT 29900-25 25 - 3/16 diameter - non conductive hose with stackable couplers (male/female) orange PT 29901-10 10 - 1/4 diameter - non conductive hose with stackable couplers (male/female) orange PT 29901-15 15 - 1/4 diameter - non conductive hose with stackable couplers (male/female) orange Description PT 29902-10 10 - non conductive hose with stackable couplers (male/female) - orange Cat. No. Description PT 91 8 - steel braided hose with steel spring reinforced ends. Stackable couplers (male/female) - Black. No electrical rating. DO NOT use on energized conductor. PT 29902-15 15 - non conductive hose with stackable couplers (male/female) - orange PT 29902-25 25 - non conductive hose with stackable couplers (male/female) - orange PT 29074-1 Non conductive hose carrying bag * For proper care and maintenance of hydraulic hoses, consult the “Hydraulic Hose Care” manual, Form No. 7828 8,800 PSI Cat No. Description PT 76 8 - steel braided hose with steel spring reinforced ends. Stackable couplers (male/female) - Black. No electrical rating. DO NOT use on energized conductor. * For proper care and maintenance of hydraulic hoses, consult the “Hydraulic Hose Care” manual, Form No. 7828. PT 29901-25 25 - 1/4 diameter - non conductive hose with stackable couplers (male/female) orange NOTE: 1/4 diameter hose provides higher flow rate for faster ram movement. N-60 * For proper care and maintenance of hydraulic hoses, consult the “Hydraulic Hose Care” manual, Form No. 7828 Do not attempt to repair or recouple the hose yourself! BURNDY Tooling ACCESSORIES PT 29074-1 Insulated hose carrying bag Designed to provide protection and cleanliness of non conductive hoses. Accomodates 100 ft. of non conductive coiled to 17-1/2 O.D. and 3-3/4 wide. Max. carrying capacity: 10 lbs. Adjustable Head Grip For joining HYPRESS™ heads to universal hot sticks PT 29075 (for Y35L) PT 29402-1 (for Y35BH) PT 6547-2 (for Y45) PT 10128 (for Y46) PT 10131 (for Y46C) ALFLUID ALFLUID QT. ALFLUID GAL. (available in quart and gallon size containers) Use ALFLUID™ in hand operated tools during extended use below 32 degrees. All weather HYDRAULIC fluid for BURNDY® pumps: Pressure Tee* Y106PSI Y108PSI (10,000 to 6,000 p.s.i.) (10,000 to 8,800 p.s.i.) Allows use of 10,000 p.s.i. pumps in conjunction with BURNDY® 6,000 p.s.i. and 8,800 p.s.i. HYPRESS™ tools. Replacement Coupler 6,000 psi operating pressure PT 29091 (male) PT 29214-1 (female) HP hand pump FP foot pump GP gasoline pump EPP. electric pump AC-3H auto/man. elect. pump DC-3H auto/man. elect. pump * For proper care and maintenance of hydraulic hoses, consult the “Hydraulic Hose Care” manual, Form No. 7828 HYFLUID Replacement Coupler 10,000 psi operating pressure PT 94 (male) PT 93 (female) HYFLUID QT. HYFLUID GAL. (available in quart and gallon size containers) Hydraulic fluid for BURNDY® HYPRESS™ hand operated tools: Y35 and Y35-2 HYPRESS™ tools Y39 HYPRESS™ tool Y750 REVOLVER HYPRESS™ tools In-line Pressure Gauge 10,000 psi operating pressure for hydraulic pumps PT 11018 TOOL Y35 HYPRESS™ Y35-2, Non Conductive version Y35 Y39 HYPRESS™ Y750 & Y750-2, Revolver HYPRESS™ Y644M, Die-less HYPRESS™ (Y644 tool, obsolete) Y35BH, 12 Ton Remote Y35 Y35BH-4, Non Conductive Y35BH ttol Y39BH, 12 Ton Remote Y39 Y750BH, 12 Ton Remote Y750 Y750BH2, Non Conductive Y750BH TOOL CARRY CASE CAT# #PT2972 - Steel w/ 13 die holder tray #PT29360 - Steel w/ 13 die holder tray #PT12814 - Steel w/ 13 die holder tray #PT23490 - Steel w/ 13 die holder tray #PT30539 - Steel case, no die holder tray (#PT30007 - Steel carry case) #PT29413 - Steel w/ 6 die holder tray N/A, (use Y50BH-2 case, # PT23607) #PT12821 - Steel w/ 6 die holder tray #PT23492 - Steel w/ 6 die holder tray #PT23607 - Steel w/ 6 die holder tray DIE CASES PT 29291 (Y750, Y35/Y39) die case for “U” -type die sets PT 6545 (Y45) die case for “S” -type die sets TOOL Y644MBH, Die-less remote Y45, 15 Ton Remote HYPRESS Y45, 15 Ton Remote HYPRESS (Y45L-1, old style press) Y46, 15 Ton Remote HYPRESS Y46C, Non Conductive version Y46 Y60BHU, 60 Ton Remote HYPRESS Y29BH, Remote HYPRESS FP/HP Series Foot & Hand Pumps (new style pumps) N-61 TOOL CARRY CASE CAT# #PT207190-01 - Steel, no die holder #411-206016-014 - Steel, 1 die holder #411-206091-018 - Steel, w/ 1 die holder (#PT6573 - Steel, w/ 1 die holder) #433-206016-010 - Steel, w/ 1 die holder #433-206071-012 - Steel, w/ 1 die holder #PT22648 - Steel, no die holders #PT30250 - Steel, w/ die holder #PT8 - Steel, fits Pump, Hose, and Head BURNDY Tooling TYPE RK147-2 CONSTRUCTION/ MAINTENANCE WIRE STRIPPERS These two lightweight strippers feature precision ground blades that give a precise and rapid strip for small wire applications. The RK190-2 has presize stripping grooves for #10-#20 AWG solid and a copper wire cutting blade. The RK147-2 is an adjustable stripper cutter with a simple cam screw adjustment for multi-varied wire sizes and insulation thickness up to #12 AWG solid or stranded wire. Both tools are part of BURNDY’s convenience package program and are shipped on merchandising rack cards. RK147-2 Wire Stripping Range: Overall Length: Weight: No minimum, up to #12 AWG 5.31 .18 lbs. WIRE MIKE BENEFITS: RK 194-2 The wire mike is a useful instrument designed for measuring ACSR, stranded and solid conductors, I.P.S. tubing, rigid and thinwall conduit, plus inside and outside dimensions of tubing and pipe sizes. A ruler is also included. FOR USE ON: • • • • ACSR: #6 - 336.4 (26/7) str. Stranded: #18 str. - 2,000 kcmil Solid: #20 sol. - 4/0 sol. IPS Tubing (Cu/Al) & Rigid conduit: 1/4 - 2-1/2 • Tubing sizes: 3-11/8 inside max. 2-15/16 outside max. • Thinwall conduit: 3/8 - 2-1/2 N-62 • Provides quick and easy identification of commonly used conductors (ACSR, stranded and solid AWG). • Provides quick and easy identification of IPS tubing and rigid conduit. • Provides quick and easy identification of thinwall conduit. • Measures I.D. and O.D. of tubing. • Provides easy conversion of information. • Strong, durable, long lasting, high quality stainless steel wire mike. • Convenient size makes it easy to carry. • Available with your company name and logo. Customer must supply camera ready artwork. Contact BURNDY® for details. Minimum order required. BURNDY Tooling Y29NC PNEUMATIC HYPRESS™ The Y29NC Pneumatic ates on 85-100 PSI and and uninsulated #8-2/0 copper. Uses DV type indentor. HYPRESS™ operwill install insulated terminals from type nest with Y29 BENEFITS • Portable or bench mounted. • Adjustable blow off valve to insure proper indenting force. • Uses DV type nest with Y29 type indentor. • Hand operated. • 5-year limited warranty. SPECIFICATIONS Weight: 12-1/2 lbs. Length: 17-1/2 Air line pressure: 85 – 100 psi FOR USE ON Wire Range: #8–2/0 Cu YAEV-L, YAEV-H, YAEV-RS, YAEV-RH, YAV-L,YAV-R YAV-RS, YSV-L, YSM DIE INDEX NEST/INDENTER 38/631 6/631 39/632 7 40/633 9 41/634 42 43 13 44 49 DV8L/Y29PL DV8L/Y29PL DV6LY29PL D6CL/Y29PL DV4L/Y29PL D3CL/Y29PR DV2CL/Y29PL DVIL/Y29PR DV256/Y29PR D26L/Y29PR DV26L/Y29PR DV8L/Y29PL HAND ACTUATOR STEEL CONSTRUCTION N-63 REMOVABLE DIE SETS BURNDY Tooling TFM-TAPE FED MACHINE SPECIFICATIONS Height: Width: Depth: Weight: FOR AUTOMATIC INSTALLATION OF TAPE MOUNTED TERMINALS 16 13 6 35 lbs. FOR USE ON #26 - #10 AWG Cu The BURNDY® TFM machine installs vinyl insulated, nylon insulated and uninsulated terminal sizes #26-#10 without timeconsuming die changes. A rotating turret die holder consists of three die sets. With the new TFM, your operators can crimp from 1,500 to 2,500 terminals per hour. BURNDY® has made a breakthrough in die changing-the TFM is the first and only turret die holder to crimp terminals automatically. No long complicated setups or paying for duplicate machines: Once the dies are secure to the die holder there’s never a need to remove them. No adjustments. No calibrations. Just a simple twist of the wrist. An operator can change reels, terminals and dies in seconds flat. VINYL INSULATED TERMINALS: BA-EF-M, BA-EL-M, BA-EM, BA-EZ-M NYLON INSULATED TERMINALS: YAE-M, YAE-FM, YAE-ZM NON-INSULATED TERMINALS: YAD-M, YAD-FM VINYL INSULATED DISCONNECTS: PQ-M FEATURES BENEFITS • • • • • • • • • • Positive wire locator. Foot-actuated crimp. Lightweight Reel. Quiet operation. Lease policy. Can crimp up to 1,500 to 2,500 terminals per hour. • An operator can change reels, terminals and dies in 30 seconds. • Rotating turret die holder permits terminal change over in seconds. Ensures proper wire termination. Minimizes repetitive hand motion injuries. Smooth rotation advance of connectors. Eliminates need for earplugs/noise dampeners. • Inexpensive alternative to buying. • High volume production capability. • Minimizes production downtime. CAT.# TFM1D5R (LEASE ONLY) TWO POSITON REEL HOLDER FITS LIGHTWEIGHT, CARDBOARD REEL. HOLDS UP TO 2000 TERMINALS. 3-WAY ADJUSTABLE STAND WARNING LIGHT TOOLIS IN TFM 80-100 PSI SHOP AIR IN (HOSE NOT PROVIDED) N-64 ROTATING DIE TURRETS FOR FASTER CHANGEOVERS TERMINALS ARE SECURED MOUNTED TO MYLAR FILM AND RELEASED FROM THE FILM AFTER THE CRIMP 110 V/AC POWER IN (POWER CORD SUPPLIED) SMALL OPENING, FOR SAFER WIRE INSERTION, ELIMINATES ACCIDENTS. NO FINGER CAN GET IN. OSHA APPROVED FOOT ACTUATED CRIMP PEDAL (NOT SHOWN) BURNDY Tooling TFM INSTALLATION TOOLING CHART TAPE MOUNTED CATALOG NO. 2000/REEL BA16E4M BA16E6M BA16E8M BA16E10M BA16E14M BA16E38M BA14E4M BA14E6M BA14E8M BA14E10M BA14E14M BA14E516M BA14E38M *BA10E6M *BA10E8M *BA10E10M *BA10E14M *BA10E38M BA16EF2M BA16EF6M BA16EF8M BA16EF10M BA14EF2M BA14EF6M BA14EF8M BA14EF10M *BA10EF6M *BA10EF8M *BA10EF10M INSTALLATION TOOLING TFM with DFM3-1 Die TFM with DFM2-1 TFM with DFM1D5 Die TFM with DFM3-1 Die TFM with DFM2-1 Die TFM with DFM1D5 Die TAPE MOUNTED CATALOG NO. 2000/REEL YAD18-4M YAD18-6M YAD18-8M YAD18-10M YAD18-14M YAD18-516M YAD18-38M YAD14-4M YAD14-6M YAD14-8M YAD14-10M YAD14-14M YAD14-516M YAD14-38M *YAD10-6M *YAD10-8M *YAD10-10M *TAD10-14M *YAD10-516M *YAD10-38M YAE22N65FM YAE22N66FM YAE18N60FM YAE18G43FM YAE18N56FM YAE18N57FM YAE14N76FM YAE14N77FM YAE14N78FM BA16EL6M BA16EL8M BA16EL10M BA14EL6M BA14EL8M BA14EL10M *BA10EL6M *BA10EL8M *BA10EL10M TFM with DFM20D1 (20-22 AWG) DFM3-1 (16-10 AWG) TFM with DFM2-1 DIE TFM with DFM1D5 Die * 1000 per Reel INSTALLATION TOOLING TFM with DFM6-1 Die TFM with DFM5D1 Die TFM with DFM4D1 Die TFM with DFM11D1 Die TFM with DFM10D1 Die TFM with DFM9D1 Die TAPE MOUNTED CATALOG NO. 2000/REEL YAE22G18M YAE22G12M YAE22G16M YAE22G13M YAE22G14M YAE22G15M YAE18N29M YAE18N27M YAE18-N7M YAE18N17M YAE18N26M YAE18N21M YAE18N25M YAE18G43M YAE-18N24M YAE18N1M YAE18NM YAE18N2M YAE18N3M YAE14N43M YAE14N1M YAE14NM YAE14N2M YAE14N3M YAE14N4M YAE12N7M YAE12N9M YAE12N1M YAE12NM YAE12N2M YAE12N3M *YAE10N5M *YAE10N11M *YAE10NM *YAE10N3M *YAE10N2M *YAE10N4M * 1000 per Reel INSTALLATION TOOLING TAPE MOUNTED CATALOG NO. 2000/REEL YAE22Z1M TFM with DFM11D1 Die YAE22Z2M YAE22Z3M YAE18Z1M YAE18Z2M YAE18Z3M YAE18Z4M YAE14Z2M YAE14Z3M TFM with DFM10D1 Die YAE14Z4M YAE12Z2M YAE12Z3M YAE12Z4M TFM with DFM9D1 Die BA16EZ2M BA16EZ6M BA16EZ8M BA16EZ10M BA14EZ2M BA14EZ6M BA14EZ8M BA14EZ10M *BA10EZ6M *BA10EZ8M TFM with DFM7D1 Die *BA10EZ10M PQ18R257M PQ18R258M PQ14R257M PQ14R258M PQ10R258M PQ18R256M PQ14R256M PQ18R187M * 1000 per Reel PQ18R188M PQ14R187M PQ14R188M * 1000 per Reel INSTALLATION TOOLING TFM with DFM11D1 Die TFM with DFM10D1 Die TFM with DFM9D1 Die TFM with DFM7D1 Die TFM with DFM3-1 Die TFM with DFM2-1 Die TFM with DFM1D5 Die TFM with DFM13D1 Die TFM with DFM12D1 Die TFM with DFM16D1 Die TFM with DFM15D1 Die TFM with DFM14D1 Die TFM with DFM13D1 Die TFM with DFM12D1 Die N-65 BURNDY Reference TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Compact ACSR Cable ................................O-15 Basic Connection Principles .........................O-2 ACSR/TW Cable (Trap Wire)...........O-15 - O-16 HARDWARE DATA AAC/TW Cable (All aluminum trap wire)............................O-16 DURIUM™ Steel/Aluminum Tightening Torques .....................................O-6 ACAR Cable ...............................................O-16 DURIUM™ Hex Bolts Data...........................O-6 UL Tightening Torque UL486........................O-7 SSAC Cable................................................O-17 STEEL CONDUCTORS Copperweld Cable ......................................O-18 CABLE DATA (TABLES) COPPER CABLE Copper Tube .................................................O-8 Solid Copper Wire.........................................O-8 Stranded Copper Cable ................................O-8 Copperweld - Copper Cable .......................O-18 Galvanized Steel Cable ..............................O-18 Alumoweld Cable........................................O-19 AWG vs Metric Wire Sizes .......................O-19 Compact Stranded Copper Cable ................O-9 Inches - Millimeters Conversion Chart....................................O-20 Flexible Copper Stranded Cable.................O-10 Terminal Stud Size Chart .........................O-21 ALUMINUM AND ACSR CABLE Die Set Conversion Chart (Obsolete Dies) ............................O-22 - O-28 Aluminum Tube ...........................................O-11 Aluminum 1350 Cable Bare-Classes AA and A..........................O-11 Aluminum 1350 Cable Bare-Class B ..........................................O-11 ACSR Cable ...............................................O-12 High Strength ACSR Cable ........................O-12 Compact Aluminum 1350 Cable.................O-13 Aluminum Alloy 5005 Cable .......................O-13 Aluminum 6201 Cable ................................O-13 Aluminum Alloy 8000 Series "O" Temper Cable ................................O-14 - O-15 BURNDY® Conductor Numbering System .....................O-29 - O-30 Installation Tool Index ...................O-31 - O-41 Catalog Numbers Requiring MSDS .....................................O-42 Color Coding for Overhead Connectors..............................................O-42 Color Coding for AL/CU Connectors..................................O-43 Color Coding for Copper Lugs and Splices ....................................O-43 Alpha-Numeric Index ....................O-44 - O-67 Product/Trade Name Index ......................O-68 O-1 BURNDY Reference INTRODUCTION BASIC ELECTRICAL CONNECTION PRINCIPLES Basic Factors: The basic factors which influence the design and performance of pressure wire connections are as follows: 1. Creep 2. Surface Oxide 3. Corrosion A fourth factor, known as thermal effects, is also a consideration, but due to the technical nature and length of the topic, it will not be discussed in this publication. At the outset it should be pointed out that these factors give rise to much more difficult problems in connections involving aluminum conductors than those encountered in copper to copper connections. CREEP (COLD FLOW) Creep is the cold flow of the metal under pressure, and it continues until the pressure reduces to a value at which any further creep is negligible. Creep properties depend on the particular metal or alloy and on its hardness; alloys having less creep than pure metals, and harder metals have less creep than soft metals. In a typical connection, the conductors are generally of pure metal and often of soft temper and therefore, subject to considerable creep. In addition, the condition is further exaggerated when aluminum is the conductor as compared to copper, since its creep rate is many times that of copper. Effect of Creep: Figure 2 shows typical curves of total contact resistance plotted against total contact force. Curve A shows how the contact resistance continually decreases with increasing contact force. When the full contact force F1 is reached, the contact resistance reaches the low value of R1. In general, the full tightening force on a connector greatly exceeds the maximum force for which there is no appreciable creep. Therefore, the force will gradually settle down to a value after which there will be no further significant creep. Fortunately, however, the resistance does not climb back up along curve O-2 Fig. 2 A, the tightening curve, but instead it follows a new curve B, the relaxing curve, along which the resistance changes very little, until the force relaxes to a value such as F2. Admittedly, the point of "no appreciable creep" is difficult to define. For pure metals, especially in the soft state, there is always some creep, even at very low pressures at room temperature. However, we do know that the pressure required to produce the same creep rate is several times greater for copper than for aluminum. Thus, to permit the same contact force F2 for aluminum and copper, the contact area A required for aluminum can be expected to be considerably greater than that required for copper. This explains why the contact areas for connectors for aluminum must be considerably greater than for copper, and why many light duty connectors for copper are entirely inadequate for aluminum, even when specially plated and when recommended compounds are used on the contact surfaces. Relaxation: Relaxation of pressure due to creep, or for any other reason, would be a much more difficult factor in a pressure connection were it not for the relationship of contact pressure to contact resistance on the relaxation curve as shown in Figure 2. It is frequently observed that some time after the bolts of a clamp type connector are tightened, the bolt tensions are relaxed appreciably. The question arises as to whether it is necessary to retighten the bolts to the original torque value. In a properly designed connector, retightening is unnecessary since the contact resistance should increase very little due to the relaxation of pressure, as shown by the relaxation curve of Figure 2. This fact is largely responsible for the successful operation of a compression connector. The application of the compression tool applies very high pressure, establishing very low contact resistance. The removal of the compression tool releases a very large proportion of this pressure, and creep further relaxes this pressure. Fortunately, the contact resistance increases very little due to this pressure relaxation. Contact Force: The previous analysis shows that the total contact force largely determines the contact resistance. Thus, to achieve the desired low value of contact resistance, the proper size and number of bolts in a clamp type connector must be supplied, and the compression tool must apply the proper force to a compression connector. In addition, the connector must be designed with sufficient structural strength, contact area, and resilience, to assure that the contact force cannot relax beyond the point where contact resistance begins to rise appreciably, as shown in Figure 2. SURFACE OXIDE The contact of pure metallic surfaces cannot be assured in practical connections. Surface contamination must be expected, especially surface oxidation. These surface films are insulators as far as contact resistance is concerned, and they must be broken to achieve metal to metal contact to make an adequate electrical connection. The difficulty of breaking the film depends on the nature of the film, its thickness, and the metal on which it is formed. Copper oxide is generally broken down by reasonably low values of contact pressure. Unless the copper is badly oxidized, good contact can be obtained with very little or no cleaning. Silver oxide is even more easily broken down by the contact pressure; and since silver oxide forms less readily at elevated temperatures, silver contact surfaces are preferred over copper when used for higher temperatures. For this reason, it is considered good practice to silver plate copper contact surfaces that must operate at temperatures over 200° C. On the other hand, aluminum oxide is a hard, tenacious, high resistance film that forms very rapidly on the surface of aluminum exposed to air. In fact, it is the toughness of this film that gives aluminum its good corrosion resistance. The oxide film that forms after more than a few hours is too thick and tough to permit a low resistance contact without cleaning. The aluminum oxide film is transparent so that even the bright and clean appearance of an aluminum connector is no assurance that the low contact resistance can be attained without cleaning. In addition to the necessity for cleaning the oxide from aluminum, the surface should be covered with a good connector compound to prevent the oxide from reforming. Common practice is to clean the surface with a wire brush or emery cloth. The compound should be applied immediately after cleaning, or the compound should be put on first and the surface scraped through the compound. Present practice is to scratch brush dry and to apply the compound immediately thereafter. This allows a more thorough job of cleaning the conductor. BURNDY Reference INTRODUCTION Contact Compounds: Petrolatum or NoOxid are good contact surface compounds for aluminum, but BURNDY® PENETROX A, a petrolatum type compound containing zinc dust, has the additional advantage of assisting in the breaking down of the contact resistance. How this is accomplished is not certain, but it appears that the zinc particles of PENETROX A probably act as current bridges in the breaks in the oxide film. For more complete information about the PENETROX® line of compounds, refer to the Accessories Section of this catalog. Interstrand Resistance: The high contact resistance due to the oxide on the strands of an aluminum cable may be responsible for a poor distribution of current among the strands on the cable. Thus, the outer strands may carry much more than their share of the current and overheating of the cable may result. Tests have shown that even on new cable this effect of interstrand resistance can be considerable unless a good contact compound is used. The clamping action tends to break down the oxide and force the compound between the strands. This is particularly true of compression connectors due to the very high unit pressures developed. The most effective way to break down interstrand resistance of aluminum cable is to use compression connectors filled with a compound having zinc particles. Then, when the end of the cable is inserted in the connector, the compound is forced between the strands where it very effectively breaks down the interstrand resistance upon application of the compressive force. Plating Aluminum: Plating the contact surfaces of aluminum connectors will prevent the formation of aluminum oxide. Electro-tin, cadmium and zinc platings have been used for this purpose. However, the use of a plated aluminum conductor, does not make it less necessary to scratch brush the aluminum conductor, nor does it reduce the need for a good contact compound. Additional problems are introduced due to the plating on aluminum which render it of very doubtful value over the proper use of bare aluminum. This will be more fully discussed later. CORROSION The electrical conductivity and mechanical strength of an electrical connection must remain stable under the deteriorating influences of the environment. This deterioration is corrosion. It is the electrolytic action of moisture and other elements of the atmosphere in conjunction with the metals of the (Continued) connection. If the conductors and connectors are of copper or a corrosion resistant copper alloy, corrosion is usually a minor factor. However, it is a very vital factor if aluminum is involved. If moisture can be kept away from the connection, corrosion will not be a factor. The electrical connection of a high voltage splice on insulated cable is generally free from corrosion since the taping must be moistureproof. Similarly, taping may be used to avoid corrosion on bare cable, provided it excludes moisture. It is difficult to get a good tape seal to the conductor itself, especially on stranded cable. If moisture does penetrate the taping, it will not dry out as readily as if the joint were untaped. Various plastic materials are available today for covering low voltage connections or for bare conductor connections on high voltage. Unless such coverings are completely moisture-proof, it is better to rely on installation with a good contact compound, using a connector designed to resist corrosion. Galvanic Action: Whenever dissimilar metals are in the presence of an electrolyte, a difference in electric potential is developed. One metal becomes the cathode and receives a positive charge. The other becomes the anode and receives a negative charge. When these metals are in contact, an electrical current will flow, as in the case of any short-circuited electric cell. This electrolytic action causes an attack of the anodic metal, leaving the cathodic metal unharmed. The extent of the attack is proportional to the strength of the electrolytic current, which in turn is proportional to the electric potential difference developed. The magnitude of the potential difference generated between two dissimilar metals can be seen by the position of these metals in the electrolytic series. Figure 3 is such a series. When two metals are in contact in an electrolyte, the one higher up in this series is the anode, the corroded metal, while the one lower is the cathode, the protected metal. The further apart the metals are in this series, the greater the electrolytic potential difference, and the greater the attack to the anodic metal. Note that copper and aluminum are quite far apart in the series, copper being cathodic and aluminum anodic. Hence, when aluminum and copper are in contact in an electrolyte, the aluminum can be expected to be severely attacked. Crevice Corrosion: Electrolytic attack can also occur between like metals due to a phenomenon known as oxygen concentration cell or crevice corrosion. Since oxygen is necessary for corrosive action, a variation in the concentration of oxygen where a metal is exposed to an electrolyte will generate a difference of potential, and cause a corrosive attack in the oxygen starved area. Thus, since an electrolyte in a deep crevice is freely exposed to the air at the outside, the concentration of oxygen will be greatest at the mouth of the crevice. Then corrosion can be expected to occur in the crevice remote from the surface. Crevice corrosion can be prevented if the crevice is filled with a compound to exclude moisture. Thus, within the contact groove of an aluminum connector containing an aluminum conductor, there will be numerous crevices in which corrosion will take place unless a good connector compound is applied during installation. Copper, being a more noble metal, appears to be much less subject to crevice corrosion. Corrosion Testing: The effectiveness of an electrical connection to resist corrosion can be tested in the laboratory under conditions designed to greatly accelerate the natural corrosive conditions of actual service. The most widely accepted means is the standard salt spray chamber. In this chamber the specimens are placed in a salt fog made by atomizing a 20% salt solution at 100 deg F. FCI - BURNDY Electrical as well as other manufacturers and utility companies, have done a great deal of testing and a considerable area of agreement has been reached. There are, however, minor differences in recommended practices. The problem is concerned with aluminum and aluminum to copper connections since the effect of corrosion on copper to copper connections is far less serious. Let us study the recommended practices. Aluminum to Aluminum Connections: For joining aluminum to aluminum conductors, there is little disagreement that an aluminum bodied connector is the proper choice, since this obviously eliminates the galvanic corrosion of dissimilar metals. However, even in this case, care must be taken to prevent O-3 crevice corrosion and to select an alloy of aluminum for the connector body that is free from cracking due to stress corrosion. Aluminum to Copper Connections: Similarly, for joining aluminum to copper conductors, an aluminum bodied connector is the best choice since it prevents galvanic BURNDY Reference INTRODUCTION LESS NOBLE (ANODIC) Magnesium Magnesium alloys Zinc Aluminum 1100 Cadmium Aluminum 2024-T4 Steel or Iron Cast Iron Chromium Iron (Active) Ni-Resist Type 304 Stainless (Active) Type 316 Stainless (Active) (Continued) corrosion of the aluminum conductor, the most vulnerable element to attack in the connection. Realizing this, BURNDY® initiated a research program aimed at finding the best way to make an aluminum connector suitable for joining aluminum to copper conductors. This led to the evolution of the “Massive Anode Principal” of connector design for joining conductors of dissimilar metal. On the basis of this principal, properly designed, allaluminum connectors became available for universal use in joining aluminum to aluminum or aluminum to copper conductors. Massive Anode Principle: By making the aluminum connector massive in comparison to the copper conductor, when the copper conductor emerges from the connector, the electrolytic current density over the exposed face of the aluminum connector is greatly reduced. This is schematically represented in Figure 4. Since the rate of corrosion is directly related to the current density on the surface of the anodic material, the relatively large face of the aluminum connector will suffer only minor attack. Lead Tin Solders Lead Tin Nickle (Active) Inconel Brasses Copper Bronzes Copper-nickle alloys Monel Silver Solder Nickel (Passive) Inconel (Passive) Chromium-Iron (Passive) Type 304 Stainless (Passive) Type 316 Stainless (Passive) Silver Titanium Graphite Gold Platinum O-4 MORE NOBLE (CATHODIC) Fig. 3 Fig. 4 In addition, because the aluminum connector body is massive in the region where the corrosion occurs, the small loss of metal caused by corrosion is insignificant, even after long periods of service. Furthermore, the connector design should be such that clamping bolts, and areas of high stress which provide structural strength, are not in the regions subject to galvanic attack. The effectiveness of this theory has been amply demonstrated in salt spray corrosion tests in which the connectors were subject to 1,000 hours in the salt spray fog with only minor corrosive pitting adjacent to the copper conductor, as seen in Figure 5. In addition, the aluminum conductor was completely protected, and the joint resistance remained virtually unchanged. The test involved a wide variety of sizes and types of connectors showing the effectiveness for small service connectors as well as large power connectors. Figure 6 shows a large all aluminum clamp type T connector installed on 31⁄2" diameter copper run and 750MCM aluminum tap. The figure shows this connector opened up after the 1,400 hours of the salt spray test. Note that the contact surfaces are bright and clean and the only evidence is minor pitting along the faces adjacent to the copper. *It should be emphasized that a good compound should be used on the contact surfaces whether aluminum or copper is used in an aluminum connector. Position of Conductor: A properly designed aluminum connector for joining aluminum to copper must provide adequate separation between the conductors to prevent electrolytic attack on the aluminum conductor. Even then, it is good practice to install the aluminum conductor above the copper conductor if possible. This will prevent pitting of the aluminum conductor due to copper salts being washed over the aluminum. Plated Aluminum Connectors: Plating has been used as a means to make an aluminum connector suitable for copper conductor. Such platings as copper, zinc, tin and cadmium have been used. The plating of aluminum is much more critical than plating a more noble metal such as copper. In addition, a preplate, usually of copper or brass, must be applied, thus introducing numerous metals and further possibilities for galvanic corrosion. To be effective in reducing galvanic corrosion between the copper conductor and the aluminum connector, the plated metal must be closer in the Electrolytic Series to copper than is aluminum. It must therefore, be cathodic to aluminum. Since porosity and minor scratches are always present, galvanic action can be expected in the presence of moisture, resulting in attack of the aluminum under the plating. Corrosion tests reveal attack in the form of a mottled appearance and flaking of the plating. In addition, the presence of plated metal can cause galvanic attack of the aluminum conductor, thus reducing the protection offered to this conductor in an aluminum connector. Cleaning and the Use of Compound: It should be emphasized that when aluminum connectors or conductors are involved, proper cleaning of the aluminum and the use of a good connector compound, such as BURNDY® PENETROX A, are essential for trouble-free service. BURNDY®, as well as other manufacturers, provide the contact grooves with a coating to make it unnecessary to clean the connectors, but in all cases, BURNDY Reference INTRODUCTION (Continued) the aluminum conductor should be cleaned by means such as scratch brushing, and immediately coated with the connector compound. To simplify the application of the compound, and to assure its use, almost all BURNDY® aluminum connectors, except the large clamp type substation connectors, are supplied factory filled with PENETROX compound. For the tubular compression connectors, the tubular barrels are sufficiently filled with PENETROX and capped. For other types, the contact grooves are filled with PENETROX and enclosed in plastic packaging in a process called “Stripsealing”. Clamp vs. Compression: In general, a compression connection can be expected to be more corrosion resistant than a clamp connection. The high pressures applied in a compression connector more effectively seal the contact against the penetration of moisture. The tubular sleeve of a compression connector has no side openings such as exist in clamp connectors between the clamping members. On the other hand, the clamp connector can be made more corrosion resistant if the conductor grooves conform more closely with the conductor contour. Thus a clamp connector made to accommodate a wide range of conductor sizes cannot be expected to be as corrosion resistant as one designed for one specific conductor size. Nevertheless, the differences in effectiveness of various designs can be minimized if a good contact compound is used. Fig. 5 Negligible Corrosion of Severe Salt Spray on Compression Connector Joining Aluminum to Copper. Fig. 6 Large Aluminum Bolted Connector Joining Copper Run to Aluminum Tap After Severe Salt Spray Test. O-5 BURNDY Reference HARDWARE DATA Steel Hardware Bolt Size 1/4 - 20 80 1/2 - 13 300 5/16 - 18 180 5/8 - 11 480 3/8 - 16 240 3/4 - 10 650 1/2 - 13 480 Bolt Size RECOMMENDED TIGHTENING TORQUE The hardware used in connectors must be compatible with the connector material, have high mechanical strength and be corrosion resistant. Copper alloy connectors have hardware made of DURIUM™, which is BURNDY's trade name for silicon bronze alloy ASTMB99. This material was first introduced by BURNDY® in 1927 for use in outdoor construction, and today, is the standard throughout the industry. Aluminum connectors generally have aluminum alloy hardware. The bolts are 2024T4 and anodized to resist corrosion. The nuts are 6061T6, which is resistant to corrosion Aluminum Hardware Recommended Torque (Inch Pounds) 5/8 - 11 660 3/4 - 10 1050 Recommended Torque (Inch Pounds) and does not require anodizing. Bolts are lubricated to eliminate galling and to provide consistent clamping forces. The size material for clamping hardware are selected to provide the required force when tightened to the recommended torque. To reduce or greatly exceed the recommended torque can adversely affect the performance of the connector. DURIUM™ (SILICON BRONZE) HEXAGONAL BOLT DATA ➁ CATALOG NO. SERIES 25X_ _ _HEB 31X_ _ _HEB 38X_ _ _HEB 50X_ _ _HEB 62X_ _ _HEB 75X_ _ _HEB ➂ "A" (BOLT SIZE) 1/4 - 20 UNC 5/16 - 18 UNC 3/8 - 16 UNC 1/2 - 13 UNC 5/8 - 11 UNC 3/4 - 10 UNC "B" 7/16 1/2 9/16 3/4 15/16 1-1/8 1. Material: DURIUM™ (Silicon Bronze) ➁ "_ _ _" is substituted for bolt length. Consult sales representative for available lengths. ➂ These torque values develop maximum bolt preload. 4. This drawing is based on BURNDY® engineering spec. RECOMMENDED TERMINATION HARDWARE O-6 "C" .50 .56 .65 .87 1.08 1.30 "D" .16 .21 .24 .32 .40 .48 RECOMMENDED TORQUE (in-lb) 80 180 240 480 660 1050 MIN. BREAKING FORCE (lb) 1,780 2,930 4,350 7,950 12,700 17,510 MIN. SHEARING FORCE (lb) 990 1,640 2,430 4,460 7,100 10,540 BURNDY Reference RECOMMENDED TIGHTENING TORQUE Tightening Torque, Pound-Inches (N.m) Hexagonal Head External Drive Socket Wrench Slotted Head No. 10 and Larger 1 Test Wire Size Installed In Connector AWG or MCM (mm1) PER UL486A AND UL486B Slot Width 0.047 Inch (1.2 mm) or Less and Slot Length 1/4 Inch (6.4 mm) or Less Slot Width Over 0.047 Inch (1.2 mm or Slot Length Over 1/4 Inch (6.4 mm) Split-Bolt Connectors Other Connectors 18-10 (.082-5.3) 20 (2.3) 35 (4.0) 80 (9.0) 75 (8.5) 8 (8.4) 25 (2.8) 40 (4.5) 80 (9.0) 75 (8.5) 6-4 (13.3-21.2) 35 (4.0) 45 (5.1) 165 (18.6) 110 (12.4) 3 (26.7) 35 (4.0) 50 (5.6) 275 (31.1) 150 (16.9) 2 (33.6) 40 (4.5) 50 (5.6) 275 (31.1) 150 (16.9) 1 (42.4) - 50 (5.6) 275 (31.1) 150 (16.9) 1/0-2/0 (53.5-67.4) - 50 (5.6) 385 (43.5) 180 (20.3) 3/0-4/0 (85.0-107.2) - 50 (5.6) 500 (56.5) 250 (28.2) 250-350 (127-177) - 50 (5.6) 650 (73.4) 325 (36.7) 400 (203) - 50 (5.6) 825 (93.2) 325 (36.7) 500 (253) - 50 (5.6) 825 (93.2) 375 (42.4) 600-750 (304-380) - 50 (5.6) 1000 (113.0) 375 (42.4) 800-1000 (406-508) - 50 (5.6) 1000 (124.3) 500 (56.5) 1250-2000 (635-1010) - - 1100 (124.3) 600 (67.8) TABLE 7.4: 1 For values of slot width or length not corresponding to those specified, select the largest torque value associated with the Tightening Torque, Pound-Inches (N-m) conductor size. Slot width is the nominal design value. Slot length is measured at the bottom of the slot. Socket Size Across Tightening Torque, Flats Inch (mm)1 Pound-Inches (N-m) Slot Width of Screw Inch (mm)1 Slot Length of Screw Inch (mm)2 Smaller Than 0.047 (1.2) 0.047 (1.2) and Larger 1/8 (3.2) 45 (5.1) 5/32 (4.0) 100 (11.4) 3/16 (4.8) 120 (13.8) 7/32 (5.6) 150 (17.0) Less than 5/32 (4) 7 (0.79) 9 (1.0) 1/4 (6.4) 200 (22.6) 5/32 (4) 7 (0.79) 12 (1.4) 5/16 (7.9) 275 (31.1) 3/16 (4.8) 7 (0.79) 12 (1.4) 3/8 (9.5) 375 (42.4) 7/32 (5.6) 7 (0.79) 12 (1.4) 1/2 (12.7) 500 (56.5) 1/4 (6.4) 9 (1.0) 12 (1.4) 9/16 (14.3) 600 (67.8) 9/32 (7.1) 15 (1.7) Above 9/32 (7.1) 20 (2.3) O-7 TABLE 7.6: 1 TABLE 7.5: 1 2 Slot width is the nominal design value For slot lengths of intermediate values, select torques pertaining to next shorter slot length. Also, see note 1 to Table 7.4 for screws with multiple tightening means. Slot length is to be measured at the bottom of the slot. See note means. 1 to Table 7.4 for screws with multiple tightening BURNDY Reference CABLE DATA COPPER TUBE (BUS) DIAMETER OF TUBE WALL (Inches) THICKNESS (Inches) OUTSIDE INSIDE STANDARD PIPE SIZES 0.540 0.375 0.082 5 0.675 0.494 0.090 5 0.840 0.625 0.107 5 1.050 0.822 0.114 0 1.315 1.062 0.126 5 1.660 1.368 0.146 0 1.900 1.600 0.150 0 2.375 2.062 0.156 5 2.875 2.500 0.187 5 3.500 3.062 0.219 0 4.000 3.500 0.250 0 4.500 4.000 0.250 0 5.000 4.500 0.250 0 5.563 5.063 0.250 0 6.625 6.125 0.250 0 EXTRA HEAVY PIPE SIZES 0.540 0.294 0.123 0.675 0.421 0.127 0.840 0.542 0.149 1.050 0.736 0.157 1.315 0.951 0.182 1.660 1.272 0.194 1.900 1.494 0.203 2.375 1.933 0.221 2.875 2.315 0.280 3.500 2.892 0.304 4.000 3.358 0.321 4.500 3.818 0.341 5.000 4.250 0.375 5.563 4.813 0.375 6.625 5.751 0.437 DOUBLE EXTRA HEAVY PIPE SIZES 0.840 0.252 0.294 1.050 0.434 0.308 1.315 0.599 0.358 1.660 0.896 0.382 1.900 1.100 0.400 2.375 1.503 0.436 2.875 1.771 0.552 3.500 2.300 0.600 4.000 2.728 0.636 4.500 3.152 0.674 5.000 3.580 0.710 5.563 4.063 0.750 6.625 4.897 0.864 SIZE OF TUBE IPS 1/4" 3/8" 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1-1/4" 1-1/2" 2" 2-1/2" 3" 3-1/2" 4" 4-1/2" 5" 6" 1/4" 3/8" 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1-1/4" 1-1/2" 2" 2-1/2" 3" 3-1/2" 4" 4-1/2" 5" 6" 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1-1/4 " 1-1/2" 2" 2-1/2" 3" 3-1/2" 4" 4-1/2" 5" 6" O-8 Tube dimensions (excepting wall thickness, of double extra heavy) taken from A.S.T.M. Specification B42-33. Tubular values based on a density of 0.322 pound per cubic inch. * Conductivity of 98% I.A.C.S. at 20° C or 68° F. SOLID COPPER WIRE (ASTM B1, B2, & B3) SIZE AWG (SOLID) WIRE DIA Inch HARD DRAWN NORMAL BREAKING LOAD Pounds MEDIUM SOFT DRAWN DRAWN MINIMUM BREAKING ELONGATION IN 10 IN. LOAD % MIN. Pounds 18 17 16 15 .040 .045 .050 .057 30 26 82 07 85.76 107.5 135.2 170.0 67.61 84.71 106.2 133.0 25 25 25 25 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 .064 08 .071 96 .080 81 .090 74 .101 9 .114 4 .128 5 213.8 268.2 337.0 422.5 529.2 661.0 826.0 166.6 208.0 261.6 327.6 410.4 514.2 643.9 25 25 25 25 25 30 30 7 6 5 4 3 .128 .162 .181 .204 .229 5 0 9 3 4 1,030 1,280 1,591 1,970 2,439 806.6 1,010 1,265 1,584 1,984 30 30 30 30 30 2 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 .257 .289 .324 .364 .409 .460 6 3 9 8 6 0 3,003 3,688 4,519 5,518 6,722 8,143 2,450 3,024 3,730 4,599 5,667 6,980 30 30 35 35 35 35 STRANDED COPPER WIRE (ASTM B8 EXCLUDING BREAKING LOADS) A.S.T.M. STRANDINGS SIZE STRANDED HARD MEDIUM SOFT DRAWN DRAWN DRAWN Mimimum Mimimum Mimimum Breaking Breaking Breaking Load Load Load Pounds Pounds Pounds Class No. of Wires Cable Diameter Inches 20 18 B B 7 7 0.036 3 0.045 6 50.04 78.99 40.67 63.91 32.09 51.03 2,583 4,107 6,530 10,380 13,090 16,510 16 14 12 10 9 8 B B B B B B 7 7 7 7 7 7 0.057 6 0.072 6 0.091 5 0.116 0.130 0.146 124.7 197.1 311.1 491.7 618.2 777.2 100.4 157.7 247.7 388.9 487.4 610.7 81.14 124.2 197.5 314.0 395.9 499.2 20,820 26,250 33,100 41,740 41,740 52,630 7 6 5 4 4 3 B B B AA B&A AA 7 7 7 3 7 3 0.164 0.184 0.206 0.254 0.232 0.285 977.1 1,288 1,542 1,879 1,938 2,359 765.2 958.6 1,201 1,465 1,505 1,835 629.5 793.8 1001 1213 1262 1530 Circular Mills AWG 1,022 1,624 BURNDY Reference CABLE DATA (Continued) STRANDED COPPER WIRE (Continued) (ASTM B8 EXCLUDING BREAKING LOADS) A.S.T.M. STRANDINGS SIZE STRANDED HARD MEDIUM SOFT DRAWN DRAWN DRAWN Mimimum Mimimum Mimimum Breaking Breaking Breaking Load Load Load Pounds Pounds Pounds Class No. of Wires Cable Diameter Inches 3 2 2 1 1 1 B&A AA B&A AA A B 7 3 7 3 7 19 0.260 0.320 0.292 0.360 0.328 0.332 2,433 2,913 3,045 3,621 3,804 3,899 1,885 2,299 2,361 2,879 2,958 3,037 1592 1929 2007 2432 2432 2531 105,500 105,500 105,500 133,100 133,100 133,100 1/0 1/0 1/0 2/0 2/0 2/0 A&A — B A&A — B 7 12 19 7 12 19 0.368 0.390 0.373 0.414 0.438 0.419 4,752 4,841 4,901 5,926 6,048 6,152 3,705 3,755 3,805 4,640 4,703 4,765 3067 3191 3191 3867 3867 4024 167,800 167,800 167,800 211,600 211,600 211,600 3/0 3/0 3/0 4/0 4/0 4/0 A&A — B A&A — B 7 12 19 7 12 19 0.464 0.492 0.470 0.522 0.522 0.528 7,366 7,556 7,698 9,154 9,483 9,617 5,812 5,890 5,970 7,278 7,378 7,479 4876 4876 5074 6149 6149 6149 Circular Mills AWG 52,630 66,370 66,370 83,690 83,690 83,690 COMPACT STRANDED COPPER CABLE (ASTM SPEC.B496) CONDUCTOR SIZE KCMIL (OR) AWG 1 2 3 NUMBER OF WIRES CONDUCTOR DIAMETER (IN.) 1000 900 800 750 700 650 600 550 611 611 611 611 611 611 611 611 1.060 0.999 0.938 0.908 0.877 0.845 0.813 0.775 500 450 400 350 300 250 372 372 372 372 372 372 0.736 0.700 0.659 0.616 0.570 0.520 4/0 3/0 2/0 1/0 1 193 193 193 193 193 0.475 0.423 0.376 0.336 0.299 2 4 6 8 7 7 7 7 0.268 0.213 0.169 0.134 58 Wires Minimum 35 Wires Minimum 18 Wires MInimum A.S.T.M. STRANDINGS SIZE HARD MEDIUM SOFT DRAWN DRAWN DRAWN Mimimum Mimimum Mimimum Cable Breaking Breaking Breaking Diameter Load Load Load Inches Pounds Pounds Pounds Circular Mills Class No. of Wires 250 250 250 300 300 AA A B AA A 12 19 37 12 19 0.600 0.574 0.575 0.657 0.628 11,130 11,360 11,560 13,170 13,510 8,717 8,986 8,952 10,390 10,530 7265 7265 7559 8718 8718 300 350 350 350 400 400 B AA A B A&AA B 37 12 19 37 19 37 0.630 0.710 0.679 0.681 0.726 0.728 13,870 15,140 15,590 16,060 17,810 18,320 10,740 12,040 12,200 12,450 13,950 14,140 9071 10170 10170 10580 11620 11620 450 450 500 500 600 600 AA B&A AA B&A A&AA B 19 37 19 37 37 61 0.770 0.772 0.811 0.813 0.891 0.893 19,750 20,450 21,950 22,510 27,020 27,530 15,590 15,900 17,320 17,550 21,060 21,350 13080 13080 14530 14530 17440 18140 700 700 750 750 800 800 AA B&A AA B&A AA B&A 37 61 37 61 37 61 0.963 0.964 0.997 0.998 1.029 1.031 31,170 31,820 33,400 34,090 35,120 36,360 24,410 24,740 26,150 26,510 27,710 28,270 20340 20340 21790 21790 23250 23250 900 900 1,000 1,000 1,250 1,250 AA B&A AA B&A A B 37 61 37 61 61 91 1.092 1.094 1.151 1.152 1.288 1.289 39,510 40,520 43,830 45,030 55,670 56,280 31,170 31,590 34,400 35,100 43,590 43,880 26150 26150 29060 29060 36320 36320 1,500 1,500 1,750 1,750 2,000 2,000 A B A B A B 61 91 91 127 91 127 1.411 1.412 1.526 1.526 1.630 1.632 65,840 67,540 77,930 78,800 87,790 90,050 51,950 52,650 61,020 61,430 69,270 70,210 43590 43590 50850 50850 58120 58120 O-9 BURNDY Reference CABLE DATA (Continued) FLEXIBLE COPPER STRANDED CABLE O-10 CONDUCTOR SIZE KCMIL OR B &SG (AWG) 8 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 2/0 2/0 2/0 2/0 2/0 3/0 3/0 3/0 3/0 3/0 4/0 4/0 4/0 4/0 4/0 STRANDING AND DIAMETER NOMINAL DIAMETER CLASS 41/.0201 49/.0184 133/.0111 168/.010 420/.0063 49/.0206 52/.0201 133/.0125 210/.010 532/.0063 49/.0231 63/.0201 133/.0140 266/.010 665/.0063 49/.0260 84/.0201 133/.0158 336/.010 836/.0063 49/.0292 105/.0201 133/.0177 420/.010 1064/.0063 49/.0328 133/.0199 133/.0201 532/.010 1323/.0063 49/.0368 133/.0223 161/.0201 665/.010 1666/.0063 133/.0251 210/.0201 259/.018 836/.010 2107/.0063 133/.0282 259/.0202 266/.0201 1064/.010 2646/.0063 133/.0316 259/.0227 342/.0201 1323/.010 3325/.0063 133/.0355 259/.0255 418/.0201 1666/.010 4256/.0063 133/.0399 259/.0286 532/.0201 2107/.010 5320/.0063 .156 .166 .167 .157 .162 .185 .185 .188 .179 .196 .208 .207 .210 .210 .215 .234 .235 .237 .235 .240 .263 .263 .266 .272 .269 .295 .299 .291 .304 .305 .331 .335 .319 .338 .337 .377 .367 .378 .397 .376 .423 .424 .441 .451 .423 .474 .477 .500 .470 .508 .533 .536 .549 .533 .576 .599 .601 .613 .627 .645 I G H K M G I H K M G I H K M G I H K M G I H K M G H I K M G H I K M G I H K M G H I K M G H I K M G H I K M G H I K M CONDUCTOR SIZE KCMIL OR B &SG (AWG) STRANDING AND DIAMETER NOMINAL DIAMETER CLASS 250 250 250 250 250 300 300 300 300 300 350 350 350 350 350 400 400 400 400 400 450 450 450 450 450 500 500 500 500 500 600 600 600 600 600 700 700 700 700 700 800 800 800 800 800 900 900 900 900 900 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 259/.0311 427/.0242 637/.0201 2499/.010 6384/.0063 259/.0340 427/.0265 735/.0201 2989/.010 7581/.0063 259/.0368 427/.0286 882/.0201 3458/.010 8806/.0063 259/.0393 427/.0306 980/.0201 3990/.010 10101/.0063 259/.0417 427/.0325 1127/.0201 4522/.010 11396/.0063 259/.0439 427/.0342 1225/.0201 5054/.010 12691/.0063 427/.0375 703/.0292 1470/.0201 5985/.010 14945/.0063 427/.0405 703/.0316 1729/.0201 6916/.010 17507/.0063 427/.0433 703/.0337 1995/.0201 7980/.010 20069/.0063 427/.0459 703/.0358 2261/.0201 9065/.010 22631/.0063 427/.0484 703/.0377 2527/.0201 10101/.010 25193/.0063 .650 .653 .682 .682 .713 .714 .716 .737 .768 .768 .773 .772 .800 .809 .825 .825 .826 .831 .878 .901 .876 .878 .894 .933 .940 .922 .923 .941 .988 .997 1.013 1.022 1.027 1.125 1.084 1.094 1.106 1.194 1.207 1.183 1.169 1.180 1.290 1.305 1.256 1.239 1.253 1.372 1.323 1.331 1.307 1.320 1.427 1.419 1.404 G H I K M G H I K M G H I K M G H I K M G H I K M G H I K M G H I K M G H I K M G H I K M G H I K M G H I K M BURNDY Reference CABLE DATA ALUMINUM TUBE DIAMETER OF TUBE (IN.) OUTSIDE INSIDE STANDARD PIPE SIZES 0.540 0.364 0.675 0.493 0.840 0.622 1.050 0.824 1.315 1.049 1.660 1.380 1.900 1.610 2.375 2.067 2.875 2.469 3.500 3.068 4.000 3.548 4.500 4.026 5.000 4.506 5.563 5.047 6.625 6.065 EXTRA HEAVY PIPE SIZES 0.540 0.302 0.675 0.423 0.840 0.546 1.050 0.742 1.315 0.957 1.660 1.278 1.900 1.500 2.375 1.939 2.875 2.323 3.500 2.900 4.000 3.364 4.500 3.826 5.000 4.290 5.563 4.813 6.625 5.761 SIZE OF TUBE IPS 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/4 1 1-1/4 1-1/2 2 2-1/2 3 3-1/2 4 4-1/2 5 6 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/4 1 1-1/4 1-1/2 2 2-1/2 3 3-1/2 4 4-1/2 5 6 WALL THICKNESS (Continued) ALUMINUM 1350 CABLE BARE-CLASS B Circular Mils or A.W.G. Copper Equivelent based upon equal D.C. resistance, Co. 97% Alum 51% 250000 300000 350000 SIZE 0.088 0.091 0.109 0.113 0.133 0.140 0.145 0.154 0.203 0.216 0.226 0.237 0.247 0.258 0.280 0.119 0.126 0.147 0.154 0.179 0.191 0.200 0.218 0.276 0.300 0.318 0.337 0.355 0.375 0.432 Ultimate Strength STRANDING Minimum Ultimate Strength Minimum Ultimate Strength No. of Wires Cable DIA. Inches Pounds Hard Drawn Pounds 3/4 Hard Pounds Inter Temper 157300 188800 220200 37 37 37 0.575 0.629 0.681 4860 5831 6680 3338 4005 4673 2946 3534 4123 400000 450000 500000 550000 251500 283000 314500 346000 37 37 37 61 0.728 0.772 0.813 0.855 7352 8110 9012 10490 5341 6007 6675 7344 4713 5301 5890 6480 600000 650000 700000 750000 377000 409000 440000 472000 61 61 61 61 0.893 0.929 0.964 0.998 11450 11940 12860 13510 8010 8678 9346 10010 7068 7657 8247 8835 800000 900000 1000000 1100000 503000 566000 629000 692000 61 61 61 91 1.031 1.094 1.152 1.209 14410 15900 17670 20210 10680 12010 13350 14680 9424 10600 11780 12950 1200000 1250000 1300000 1400000 755000 786000 818000 880000 91 91 91 91 1.263 1.289 1.315 1.364 21630 22530 23430 24750 16020 16690 17350 18700 14130 14720 15310 16500 1500000 1600000 1700000 1750000 943000 1006000 1069000 1101000 91 127 127 127 1.412 1.459 1.504 1.526 26500 28840 30630 31530 20020 21360 22690 23350 17670 18850 20020 20610 1800000 1900000 2000000 2500000 1132000 1195000 1258000 1570000 127 127 127 127 1.548 1.590 1.632 1.824 32450 33570 35340 43300 24030 25360 26700 33380 21210 22380 23560 29460 3000000 3500000 1890000 2200000 169 169 1.998 2.158 53010 60610 40050 46730 35340 41230 ALUMINUM 1350 CABLE BARE-CLASSES AA AND A HARD DRAWN CABLE CODE WORD SIZE Circular mils or A.W.G. COPPER EQUIVALENT based on NO. OF equal D.C. WIRES resistance, Cu. 97% Alum. 61% CABLE DIA. Inches ULTIMATE STRENGTH Pounds CABLE CODE WORD SIZE Circular mils or A.W.G. COPPER EQUIVALENT based on equal D.C. resistance, Cu. 97% Alum. 61% NO. OF WIRES CABLE DIA. Inches ULTIMATE STRENGTH Pounds 6 4 3 2 8 6 5 4 7 7 7 7 0.184 0.232 0.260 0.292 528 826 1022 1266 Mistletoe Orchid Violet Nasturtium 556500 636000 715500 715500 350000 400000 450000 450000 37 37 37 61 0.858 0.918 0.974 0.975 9830 11240 12640 13150 Pansy Poppy Aster Phlox 1 1/0 2/0 3/0 3 2 1 1/0 7 7 7 7 0.328 0.368 0.414 0.464 1537 1865 2350 2845 Arbutus Lilac Anemone Crocus 795000 795000 874500 874500 500000 500000 550000 550000 37 61 37 61 1.026 1.028 1.077 1.078 13770 14330 14830 15760 Oxlip Daisy Laurel Tulip 4/0 266800 266800 336400 2/0 3/0 3/0 4/0 7 7 19 19 0.522 0.586 0.593 0.666 3590 4525 4800 5940 Magnolia Goldenrod Bluebell Larkspur 954000 954000 1033500 1033500 600000 600000 650000 650000 37 61 37 61 1.124 1.126 1.170 1.172 16180 16860 17530 18260 Canna Cosmos Syringa Dahlia 397500 477000 477000 556500 250000 300000 300000 350000 19 19 37 19 0.724 0.793 0.795 0.856 6880 8090 8600 9440 Marigold Narcissus Carnation Coreopsis 1113000 1272000 1431000 1590000 700000 800000 900000 1000000 61 61 61 61 1.216 1.300 1.379 1.454 19660 22000 24300 27000 Dogwood 1590000 100000 91 1.454 28100 Peachbell Rose Lily Iris O-11 BURNDY Reference CABLE DATA (Continued) ACSR ASCR CODE WORD Cir. Mils. or A.W.G. DIAMETER Inches STRANDING Number of Strands Alum. Steel Complete cable Steel Core Copper Equivalent based Ultimate upon equal Strength D.C. Pounds resistance Cu. 97% Alum. 61% ASCR CODE WORD Cir. Mils. or A.W.G. DIAMETER Inches STRANDING Number of Strands Alum. Steel Complete cable Steel Core Turkey Thrush Swan Swanate 6 5 4 4 6 6 6 7 1 1 1 1 0.198 0.223 0.250 0.257 0.0661 0.0743 0.0834 0.1029 8 7 6 6 1170 1460 1830 2288 Hen Parakeet Dove Eagle 477000 556500 556500 556500 30 24 26 30 7 7 7 7 0.883 0.914 0.927 0.953 0.3783 0.3045 0.341 0.409 300000 350000 350000 350000 23300 19850 22400 27200 Swallow Sparrow Sparate Robin 3 2 2 1 6 6 7 6 1 1 1 1 0.281 0.316 0.325 0.355 0.0937 0.1052 0.1299 0.1182 5 4 4 3 2250 2790 3525 3480 Peacock Squab Teal Rook 605000 605000 605000 636000 24 26 30 24 7 7 19 7 0.953 0.966 0.994 0.977 0.318 0.356 0.426 0.326 380500 380500 380500 400000 21500 24100 30000 22600 Raven Quail Pigeon Penquin 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 6 6 6 6 1 1 1 1 0.398 0.447 0.502 0.563 0.1327 0.1490 0.1672 0.1878 2 1 1/0 2/0 4280 5345 6675 8420 Grosbeak Egret Flamingo Crow 636000 636000 666600 715500 26 30 24 54 7 19 7 7 0.990 1.019 1.000 1.036 0.365 0.437 0.333 0.345 400000 400000 419000 450000 25000 31500 23700 26300 Waxwing Owl Partridge Ostrich 266800 266800 266800 300000 18 26 26 26 1 7 7 7 0.609 0.633 0.642 0.680 0.1217 0.2109 0.2364 0.2505 3/0 3/0 3/0 188700 7100 9645 11250 12650 Starling Redwing Condor Drake 715500 715500 795000 795000 26 30 54 26 7 19 7 7 1.051 1.081 1.093 1.108 0.387 0.463 0.364 0.408 450000 450000 500000 500000 28100 34600 28500 31200 Merlin Linnet Oriole Chickadee Brant Ibis Lark Pelican Flicker Hawk 336400 336400 336400 397500 397500 397500 397500 477000 477000 477000 18 26 30 18 24 26 30 18 24 26 1 7 7 1 7 7 7 1 7 7 0.684 0.721 0.741 0.743 0.771 0.783 0.806 0.814 0.846 0.858 0.1367 0.2655 0.3177 0.1486 0.2575 0.2883 0.3453 0.1628 0.2820 0.3162 4/0 4/0 4/0 250000 250000 250000 250000 300000 300000 300000 8950 14050 17040 10400 14690 16190 19980 12300 17200 19430 Mallard Crane Canary Cardinal 795000 874500 900000 954000 30 54 54 54 19 7 7 7 1.140 1.146 1.162 1.196 0.489 0.382 0.387 0.399 500000 550000 566000 600000 38400 31400 32300 34200 Curlew Finch Pheasant Plover Falcon 1033500 1113000 1272000 1431000 1590000 54 54 54 54 54 7 19 19 19 19 1.246 1.293 1.382 1.465 1.545 0.415 0.431 0.461 0.489 0.515 650000 700000 800000 900000 1000000 37100 40200 44800 50400 56000 HIGH STRENGTH ACSR ASCR O-12 Copper Equivalent based upon equal Ultimate Strength D.C. resistance Pounds Cu. 97% Alum. 61% DIAMETER Inches STRANDING Number of Strands CODE WORD Cir. Mils. or A.W.G. Alum. Steel Grouse Petrel Minorca Leghorn 80000 101800 110800 134600 8 12 12 12 Guinea Dotterel Dorking Cochin Brahma 159000 176900 190800 211300 203200 12 12 12 12 16 Complete cable Steel Core 1 7 7 7 0.367 0.461 0.481 0.530 0.1670 0.2763 0.2883 0.3177 7 7 7 7 9 0.576 0.607 0.631 0.663 0.714 0.3453 0.3642 0.3783 0.3981 0.4885 Copper Equivalent based upon equal Ultimate Strength D.C. resistance Pounds Cu. 97% Alum. 61% 50310 5200 64160 9860 69700 10730 84600 12920 100000 111200 120000 132900 127800 15200 16440 17730 19640 27500 BURNDY Reference CABLE DATA COMPACT ALUMINUM 1350 CABLE (ASTM B400) EXTRA HARD Number of Wire Conductor Diameter Inches Breaking Strength Lbs. 1000 900 800 750 700 650 B B B B B B 611 611 611 611 611 611 1.060 0.999 0.938 0.908 0.877 0.845 17,700 15,900 14,400 13,500 12,900 11,900 600 556 550 500 500 477 B AA B B AA AA 611 19 3 611 372 19 3 19 3 0.813 0.780 0.775 0.736 0.736 0.722 11,500 9,750 10,500 9,110 8,760 8,360 450 400 397 350 350 B B AA, A B A 372 372 19 3 372 19 3 0.700 0.659 0.659 0.616 0.616 8,200 7,440 7,110 6,760 6,390 336 336 300 300 300 A AA B A AA 19 3 7 372 19 3 7 0.603 0.603 0.570 0.570 0.570 6,150 5,960 5,890 5,480 5,430 266 266 250 250 250 A AA B A AA 19 3 7 372 19 3 7 0.537 0.537 0.520 0.520 0.520 4,970 4,830 4,910 4,660 4,520 4/0 4/0 3/0 3/0 2/0 2/0 B AA, A B AA, A B AA, A 19 3 7 19 3 7 19 3 7 0.475 0.475 0.423 0.423 0.376 0.376 4,020 3,830 3,310 3,040 2,670 2,510 1/0 1/0 1 1 B AA, A B AA, A 19 3 7 19 3 7 0.336 0.336 0.299 0.299 2,160 1,990 1,740 1,640 2 3 4 6 8 AA, A, B A, B A, B A, B A, B 7 7 7 7 7 0.268 0.238 0.213 0.169 0.134 1,350 1,090 .881 .563 .312 KCMIL 1 2 3 ALUMINUM ALLOY 5005 CABLE (ASTM B397) Class Conductor Size AWG 58 wires minimum 35 wires minimum 18 wires minimum (Continued) Approx. Aluminum Size & Stranding of ACSR with Conductor Number 1350 Size having Rated Equal Diameter Equivalent Resistance Size of Strength cmil Wires Lbs. cmil AWG cmil AWG Stranding 927,200 740,800 652,400 587,200 559,500 503,600 465,400 419,400 394,500 355,100 312,800 281,400 246,900 195,700 155,400 123,300 77,470 48,690 30,580 37 37 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 795,000 636,000 556,5000 506,500 477,000 435,500 397,500 362,000 336,400 306,400 266,800 242,900 211,600 167,800 133,100 105,600 66,360 41,740 26,240 — — — — — — — — — — — — 4/0 3/0 2/0 1/0 2 4 6 795,000 636,000 556,500 556,500 477,000 477,500 397,500 397,500 336,400 336,400 266,800 266,800 211,600 167,800 133,100 105,600 66,360 41,740 26,240 — — — — — — — — — — — — 4/0 3/0 2/0 1/0 2 4 6 26/7 26/7 26/7 18/1 26/7 18/1 26/7 18/1 26/7 18/1 26/7 18/1 6/1 6/1 6/1 6/1 6/1 6/1 6/1 23,900 19,300 16,200 14,600 13,900 12,500 12,200 11,200 10,500 9,600 8,450 7,610 6,330 5,020 4,280 3,440 2,200 1,430 922 ALUMINUM ALLOY 6201 CABLE (ASTM B399) Approx. Aluminum Size & Stranding of ACSR with 1350 Size having Conductor Number Rated Equal Diameter Equivalent Resistance Size of Strength cmil Wires Lbs. cmil AWG cmil AWG Stranding 1439,200 1348,800 1259,600 1165,100 1077,400 927,200 740,800 652,400 559,500 465,400 394,500 312,800 246,900 195,700 155,400 123,300 77,470 48,690 30,580 61 61 61 61 61 37 37 19 19 19 19 19 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 1272,000 1192,500 1113,000 1033,500 954,000 795,000 636,000 556,500 477,000 397,500 336,400 266,800 211,600 167,800 133,100 105,600 66,360 41,740 26,240 — — — — — — — — — — — — 4/0 3/0 2/0 1/0 2 4 6 1272,000 1192,500 1113,000 1033,500 954,000 795,000 636,000 556,500 477,000 397,500 336,400 266,800 211,600 167,800 133,100 105,600 66,360 41,740 26,240 — — — — — — — — — — — — 4/0 3/0 2/0 1/0 2 4 6 54/7 54/7 54/7 54/7 54/7 26/7 26/7 26/7 26/7 26/7 26/7 26/7 6/1 6/1 6/1 6/1 6/1 6/1 6/1 46,800 43,900 41,000 37,900 35,000 30,500 24,400 21,900 18,800 15,600 13,300 11,000 8,560 6,790 5,390 4,460 2,800 1,760 1,110 O-13 BURNDY Reference CABLE DATA (Continued) ALUMINUM ALLOY 8000 SERIES “O” TEMPER CABLE (ASTM B801) CONDUCTOR SIZE NUMBER OF WIRES† CLASS 127 91 61 127 91 61 127 91 61 127 91 61 127 91 61 127 91 61 37 127 91 61 37 127 91 61 37 127 91 61 550 500 500 500 477 477 477 450 450 450 400 400 400 397 397 397 397 350 350 350 350 336 336 336 300 300 300 266 266 266 250 KCMIL 1000 1000 1000 900 900 900 800 800 800 750 750 750 700 700 700 650 650 650 650 600 600 600 600 556 556 556 556 550 550 550 O-14 AWG CONDUCTOR DIAMETER MIN. BREAKING STRENGTH LBS. D C B, A D C B, A D C B, A D C B, A D C B, A D C B A D C B A D C B A D C B Conventional In. 1.153 1.153 1.152 1.095 1.093 1.093 1.032 1.032 1.031 0.998 0.999 0.998 0.965 0.965 0.964 0.930 0.930 0.929 0.928 0.893 0.893 0.893 0.891 0.861 0.860 0.860 0.858 0.855 0.855 0.855 Compressed In. 1.119 1.118 1.117 1.062 1.060 1.060 1.001 1.001 1.000 0.968 0.969 0.968 0.936 0.936 0.935 0.902 0.902 0.901 0.900 0.866 0.866 0.866 0.864 0.835 0.834 0.834 0.832 0.829 0.829 0.829 Compact In. 1.060 1.060 1.060 0.999 0.999 0.999 0.938 0.938 0.938 0.908 0.908 0.908 0.877 0.877 0.877 0.845 0.845 0.845 0.845 0.813 0.813 0.813 0.813 0.780 0.780 0.780 0.780 0.775 0.775 0.775 37 91 61 37 A D C B, A 0.853 0.815 0.815 0.813 0.827 0.791 0.791 0.789 0.775 0.736 0.736 0.736 3340 3000 3000 3040 91 61 37 91 61 37 91 61 37 91 61 37 19 91 61 37 19 61 37 19 61 37 19 61 37 19 61 D C B, A D C B, A D C B, A D C B A D C B A C B A C B A C B A C 0.796 0.796 0.795 0.773 0.773 0.772 0.729 0.729 0.728 0.727 0.726 0.725 0.724 0.682 0.681 0.681 0.679 0.669 0.668 0.666 0.631 0.630 0.629 0.595 0.594 0.593 0.576 0.772 0.772 0.771 0.750 0.750 0.749 0.707 0.707 0.706 0.705 0.704 0.703 0.702 0.661 0.661 0.661 0.659 0.649 0.648 0.646 0.612 0.611 0.610 0.577 0.576 0.575 0.559 0.722 0.722 0.722 0.700 0.700 0.700 0.659 0.659 0.659 0.659 0.659 0.659 0.659 0.616 0.616 0.616 0.616 0.603 0.603 0.603 0.570 0.570 0.576 0.537 0.537 0.537 0.520 2860 2860 2900 2700 2700 2730 2400 2400 2430 2390 2390 2410 2470 2100 2100 2130 2170 2020 2040 2090 1800 1820 1860 1600 1620 1660 1500 6010 6010 6010 5400 5400 5400 4800 4800 4800 4500 4500 4500 4200 4200 4200 3900 3900 3900 3950 3600 3600 3600 3640 3340 3340 3340 3380 3300 3300 3300 BURNDY Reference CABLE DATA (Continued) ALUMINUM ALLOY 8000 SERIES “O” TEMPER CABLE (Continued) CONDUCTOR SIZE KCMIL AWG 250 250 4/0 4/0 4/0 3/0 3/0 3/0 2/0 2/0 1/0 1/0 1 2 3 4 6 8 NUMBER OF WIRES† 37 19 37 19 7 37 19 7 19 7 19 7 19 7 7 7 7 7 CLASS B A C B A C B A B A B A B B, A B, A B, A B, A B, A CONDUCTOR DIAMETER Conventional In. Compressed In. Compact In. 0.575 0.558 0.520 0.574 0.557 0.520 0.529 0.513 0.475 0.528 0.512 0.475 0.522 0.506 0.475 0.471 0.457 0.423 0.470 0.456 0.423 0.464 0.450 0.423 0.419 0.406 0.376 0.414 0.402 0.376 0.373 0.362 0.336 0.368 0.357 0.336 0.332 0.322 0.229 0.292 0.283 0.268 0.260 0.252 0.238 0.232 0.225 0.213 0.184 0.178 0.169 0.146 0.142 0.134 † For compact-stranded constructions, the number of wires may be reduced as follows: 19-Wire Constructions - 18 Wires Minimum 37-Wire Constructions - 35 Wires Minimum 61-Wire Constructions - 58 Wires Minimum 91-Wire Constructions - 87 Wires Minimum 127-Wire Constructions - 122 Wires Minimum ACSR/TW (TRAP WIRE) CABLE (Continued) COMPACT ACSR (ASTM B401) CONDUCTOR SIZE KCMIL AWG 336.4 266.8 4/0 3/0 2/0 1/0 1 2 2 3 4 4 6 CONDUCTOR DIAMETER (IN.) 0.628 0.559 0.517 0.461 0.410 0.365 0.326 0.298 0.290 0.258 0.236 0.229 0.182 BREAKING STRENGTH (LB) 8,260 6,540 7,420 5,880 4,880 3,980 3,290 3,260 2,640 2,130 2,160 1,760 1,120 ACSR/TW (TRAP WIRE) CABLE (ASTM B779) CONDUCTOR SIZE KCMIL 336.4 477.0 477.0 556.5 556.5 636.0 636.0 636.0 795.0 795.0 MIN. BREAKING STRENGTH LBS. 1520 1550 1280 1310 1360 1020 1040 1070 826 853 655 676 519 425 337 267 168 106 STRANDING Number of Number of NOMINAL RATED Aluminum Steel DIAMETER STRENGTH Wires Wires INCHES LBS 14 1 0.63 8,600 18 7 0.78 17,200 18 7 0.79 19,400 18 7 0.84 20,000 20 7 0.85 22,600 27 1 0.85 13,500 18 7 0.89 22,900 20 7 0.91 25,400 17 7 0.96 21,000 18 7 0.98 25,900 CONDUCTOR SIZE KCMIL 405.1 571.7 565.3 664.8 666.6 762.8 768.2 768.9 795.0 795.0 946.7 954.0 954.0 954.0 957.2 1033.5 1033.5 1033.5 1113.0 1113.0 1113.0 1192.5 1192.5 1192.5 1272.0 1272.0 1272.0 1351.5 1351.5 1431.0 1431.0 1590.0 1590.0 1780.0 2156.0 STRANDING Number of Number of Steel Aluminum Wires Wires 14 1 18 7 20 7 20 7 20 7 20 7 20 7 27 1 20 7 20 7 35 7 30 7 32 7 20 7 32 7 30 7 32 7 21 7 30 7 33 7 38 19 30 7 33 7 38 19 30 7 35 7 19 39 7 35 19 39 7 36 39 19 36 7 42 19 37 19 64 19 NOMINAL DIAMETER INCHES 0.68 0.85 0.86 0.93 0.91 0.99 0.98 0.93 0.99 1.01 1.08 1.05 1.06 1.08 1.06 1.09 1.10 1.13 1.13 1.14 1.19 1.17 1.18 1.22 1.20 1.22 1.26 1.26 1.30 1.29 1.34 1.36 1.41 1.45 1.61 RATED STRENGTH LBS 10,200 20,600 22,900 26,600 24,000 30,500 27,700 16,400 28,200 31,800 29,600 23,700 25,900 33,500 26,000 25,700 28,100 36,300 27,500 30,000 39,100 29,500 32,400 41,900 31,400 34,600 44,100 36,700 46,800 38,900 49,600 42,200 55,100 50,700 61,100 O-15 BURNDY Reference CABLE DATA ACSR/TW (TRAP WIRE) CABLE (Continued) STRANDING CONDUCTOR Number of Number of NOMINAL RATED Steel Aluminum DIAMETER STRENGTH SIZE Wires Wires INCHES LBS KCMIL 959.6 22 7 1.11 37,000 966.2 21 7 1.09 34,000 1158.0 33 7 1.17 31,600 1158.4 25 7 1.20 39,600 1168.1 30 7 1.16 28,900 1233.6 38 19 1.25 42,900 7 1.21 1257.1 35 34,200 7 1.20 1272.0 30 31,400 19 1.29 1334.6 39 46,300 7 1.26 1359.7 36 36,900 1372.5 30 7 1.25 33,400 1433.6 39 19 1.34 49,700 1455.3 36 7 1.30 39,200 1467.8 33 7 1.29 35,800 1533.3 39 19 1.38 53,200 1557.4 36 7 1.35 41,900 33 7 38,200 1569.0 1.33 39 19 57,500 1622.0 1.42 36 7 44,000 1657.4 1.39 39 59,400 1730.6 1.47 19 1758.6 37 19 7.14 34,600 1926.9 42 19 1.55 65,300 1949.6 42 7 1.50 51,900 2153.8 64 19 1.60 61,100 2627.3 64 19 1.76 74,500 AAC/TW (ALL ALUMINUM TRAP WIRE) (ASTM B778) CONDUCTOR SIZE, KCMIL O-16 336.4 397.5 477.0 500.0 556.5 600.0 636.0 700.0 750.0 795.0 900.0 954.0 1000.0 1033.5 1113.0 1192.5 1272.0 1351.5 1431.0 1590.0 1750.0 2000.0 NOMINAL DIAMETER, IN. 0.612 0.661 0.720 0.736 0.775 0.803 0.825 0.864 0.893 0.919 0.990 1.018 1.041 1.057 1.095 1.132 1.168 1.202 1.236 1.315 1.377 1.468 NUMBER OF WIRES RATED STRENGTH, LBF 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 49 49 49 6,220 7,230 8,530 8,940 9,950 10,700 11,400 12,500 13,400 13,900 15,800 16,700 17,500 18,100 19,500 20,900 22,300 23,700 24,600 27,300 30,000 34,300 (Continued) ACAR CABLE‡ (ASTM B524) CONDUCTOR SIZE KCMIL AWG 2000 2000 1900 1800 1750 1700 1600 1500 1400 1300 1300 1250 1250 1200 1200 1100 1100 1000 1000 950 900 850 800 750 700 650 600 600 550 550 500 500 450 400 350 300 250 246.9 4/0 195.7 3/0 155.4 2/0 123.3 1/0 77.4 2 48.6 4 30.5 NUMBER OF WIRES 91 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 37 61 37 61 37 61 37 61 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 19 37 19 37 19 19 19 19 19 19 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 ‡ Refer to ASTM Specification B524 for breaking strengths. NOMINAL OUTSIDE DIAMETER 1.630 1.630 1.588 1.546 1.525 1.502 1.458 1.411 1.364 1.314 1.312 1.288 1.287 1.263 1.261 1.209 1.207 1.152 1.151 1.121 1.092 1.061 1.029 0.997 0.962 0.928 0.891 0.888 0.853 0.850 0.813 0.811 0.770 0.726 0.678 0.628 0.574 0.563 0.522 0.502 0.464 0.447 0.414 0.398 0.368 0.316 0.292 0.250 0.232 0.198 BURNDY Reference CABLE DATA SSAC CABLE SIZE AWG OR KCMIL 266.8 266.8 266.8 266.8 300.0 336.4 336.4 336.4 336.4 336.4 397.5 397.5 397.5 397.5 397.5 477.0 477.0 477.0 477.0 477.0 500.0 556.5 556.5 556.5 556.5 556.5 605.0 605.0 605.0 605.0 636.0 636.0 636.0 636.0 636.0 636.0 666.6 666.6 715.5 715.5 715.5 795.0 795.0 795.0 795.0 795.0 795.0 795.0 795.0 900.0 900.0 954.0 954.0 954.0 954.0 954.0 954.0 954.0 STRANDING ALUMINUM STEEL 22 7 24 7 26 7 30 7 26 7 20 7 22 7 24 7 26 7 30 7 20 7 22 7 24 7 26 7 30 7 20 7 22 7 24 7 26 7 30 7 30 7 20 7 22 7 24 7 26 7 30 7 24 7 26 7 30 7 30 19 20 7 22 7 24 7 26 7 30 7 30 19 24 7 26 7 24 7 26 7 30 19 42 7 20 7 45 7 22 7 24 7 54 7 26 7 30 19 45 7 54 7 42 7 20 7 45 7 48 7 24 7 54 7 30 19 (Continued) SSAC CABLE (Continued) CONDUCTOR DIAMETER .622 .633 .642 .660 .680 .692 .701 .710 .720 .741 .752 .762 .772 .783 .806 .823 .834 .846 .858 .883 .904 .890 .901 .914 .927 .953 .953 .966 .994 .994 .951 .963 .977 .990 1.019 1.019 1.000 1.104 1.036 1.051 1.081 1.055 1.063 1.063 1.077 1.092 1.092 1.108 1.140 1.131 1.162 1.155 1.185 1.165 1.175 1.196 1.196 1.248 RATED STRENGTH POUNDS 6030 7410 8880 11700 9970 5990 7610 9340 11200 14800 7090 8990 11000 13000 17500 8490 10800 13000 15600 21000 22000 9910 12600 15200 18200 24500 16500 19700 26000 26600 11300 14100 17300 20700 27400 28000 18200 21700 19500 23300 30800 11800 14200 14200 17700 21700 21700 25900 34300 15800 24600 14200 16700 16700 19700 26000 26000 41100 SIZE AWG OR KCMIL 1033.5 1033.5 1033.5 1033.5 1113.0 1113.0 1113.0 1113.0 1192.5 1192.5 1192.5 1192.5 1272.0 1272.0 1272.0 1272.0 1351.5 1351.5 1351.5 1351.5 1431.0 1431.0 1431.0 1431.0 1510.5 1510.5 1590.0 1590.0 1590.0 1590.0 1780.0 1869.0 2034.5 STRANDING ALUMINUM STEEL 42 7 45 7 48 7 54 7 42 7 45 7 48 7 54 19 42 7 45 7 48 7 54 19 42 7 45 7 48 7 54 19 42 7 45 7 48 7 54 19 42 7 45 7 48 7 54 19 45 7 54 19 42 45 48 54 84 68 72 7 7 7 19 19 7 7 CONDUCTOR DIAMETER 1.203 1.212 1.222 1.245 1.248 1.259 1.269 1.293 1.292 1.302 1.313 1.338 1.334 1.345 1.357 1.382 1.376 1.386 1.398 1.424 1.415 1.427 1.439 1.465 1.466 1.505 RATED STRENGTH POUNDS 15400 18100 21300 28200 16300 19500 23000 30400 17500 20900 24600 32600 18700 22300 26200 34100 19900 23700 27900 36200 21000 25100 29500 38400 26500 40500 1.492 1.504 1.517 1.545 1.602 1.603 1.681 23400 27900 32200 42600 35400 21500 27200 O-17 BURNDY Reference CABLE DATA SOLID COPPERWELD CABLE (ASTM B227) Conductor Nominal Size Diameter Circular Mils (AWG) (Inches) Minimum Breaking Load (lbs.) Grade 40 Grade 40 Grade 30 Grade 30 HS EHS HS EHS — 3,934 4,671 — 3,249 3,911 2,779 3,367 — 2,679 3,246 — — 0.1443 7 20,820 2,207 2,207 2,681 — 8 0.1285 16,510 1,816 1,816 2,205 — 0.1280* 16,380 1,802 1,802 2,188 — 9 0.1144 13,090 1,491 1,491 1,790 — 0.1040* 10,820 — 1,283 1,325 1,283 1,487 0.1019 10 10,380 1,231 — 1,231 1,460 0.0808 12 6,530 774 — 774 918 0.0800* — 6,400 759 — 759 900 — — 4,096 485 485 576 0.0640* — 18 1,624 193 193 228 0.0403 — 1,521 180 180 214 0.0390* — 20 1,024 121 121 144 0.0320 — * These diameters are often employed by purchasers for communication lines BUT are not in the American Wire Gauge (B & S Wire Gauge) series, as are the other diameters listed. 4 5 — 6 0.2043 0.1819 0.1650* 0.1620 41,740 33,090 27,230 26,240 3,540 2,937 2,779 2,679 COPPERWELD-COPPER CABLE (ASTM B229) Conductor Size Hard Drawn Copper Equivalent cmil AWG TYPE 350,000 350,000 350,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 O-18 211,600 211,600 211,600 211,600 167,800 167,800 167,800 167,800 167,800 167,800 133,100 133,100 133,100 133,100 133,100 105,600 105,600 105,600 105,600 83,690 83,690 83,690 83,690 83,690 66,360 66,360 66,360 66,360 66,360 66,360 66,360 55,620 52,620 52,620 52,620 52,620 41,740 41,740 41,740 41,740 33,090 33,090 33,090 26,240 26,240 26,240 20,820 20,820 16,510 16,510 16,510 11,750 — — — — — 211,600 — — — 4/0 4/0 4/0 4/0 4/0 3/0 3/0 3/0 3/0 3/0 3/0 2/0 2/0 2/0 2/0 2/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1/0 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 9 E EK V E EK V E EK V E G EK V F E J G EK V F K J G V F K J G F N K J G F P N K J A G F P N K J A P N D A P D A D A C D A D A C D Nominal Diameter of Conductor (inches) 0.788 0.735 0.754 0.729 0.680 0.698 0.666 0.621 0.637 0.613 0.583 0.571 0.586 0.550 0.545 0.555 0.519 0.509 0.522 0.490 0.534 0.494 0.463 0.465 0.436 0.475 0.440 0.412 0.388 0.464 0.423 0.392 0.367 0.346 0.462 0.413 0.377 0.349 0.366 0.327 0.308 0.411 0.368 0.336 0.311 0.326 0.366 0.328 0.348 0.290 0.326 0.310 0.258 0.276 0.230 0.225 0.246 0.223 0.219 0.199 0.179 0.174 Minimum Breaking Load (pounds) 32,420 23,850 23,480 27,770 20,960 20,730 23,920 17,840 17,420 20,730 15,640 15,370 15,000 12,290 16,800 16,170 12,860 12,370 12,200 9,980 17,600 13,430 10,510 9,846 8,094 14,490 10,970 8,563 6,536 15,410 11,900 9,000 6,956 5,266 16,870 12,680 9,730 7,322 5,876 5,626 4,233 13,910 10,390 7,910 5,955 4,810 11,420 8,460 7,340 3,938 9,311 6,035 3,193 4,942 2,585 2,143 4,022 2,754 3,256 2,233 1,362 1,743 STRANDED COPPERWELD CABLE (ASTM B228) Nominal Diameter† (Inch) Size A.W.G.‡ 7/8 (19 No. 5) 13/16 (19 No. 6) 23/32 (19 No. 7) 27/32 (19 No. 8) 9/16 (19 No. 9) 5/8 (7 No. 4) 9/16 (7 No. 5) 1/2 (7 No. 6) 7/16 (7 No. 7) 3/8 (7 No. 8) 11/32 (7 No. 9) 5/16 (7 No. 10) 3 No. 5 3 No. 6 3 No. 7 3 No. 8 3 No. 9 3 No. 10 3 No. 12 Circular Diameter* Mils (Inch) 628,900 .910 498,800 .810 395,500 .721 313,700 .642 248,800 .572 292,200 .613 231,700 .546 183,800 .486 145,700 .433 115,600 .385 91,650 .343 72,680 .306 99,310 .392 78,750 .349 62,450 .311 49,530 .277 39,280 .247 31,150 .220 19,590 .174 Breaking Load Lbs.** Extra High High Strength Strength 40% 30% 30% Cond. Cond. Cond. 50,240 55,570 66,910 41,600 45,830 55,530 34,390 37,740 45,850 28,380 31,040 37,690 23,390 25,500 30,610 22,310 24,780 29,430 18,510 20,470 24,650 15,330 16,890 20,460 12,670 13,910 16,890 10,460 11,440 13,890 8,616 9,393 11,280 7,121 7,758 9,196 8,373 9,262 11,860 6,934 7,639 9,754 5,732 6,291 7,922 4,730 5,174 6,282 3,898 4,250 5,129 3,221 3,509 4,160 2,236 — — † The designation "Inch" is the approximate diameter in proper fraction of an inch. ‡ The designation of "AWG" is a combination of the number of wires each of the American Wire Gage size indicated by "No." * Diameter of circumscribing. ** Breaking loads of 7-wire and 19-wire conductors are taken as 90% of the sum of the breaking loads of individual wires; breaking load of 3-wire conductors is taken as 95% of the sum of the breaking loads of the individual wires. GALVANIZED STEEL CABLE (ASTM A475) Nominal Number Minimum Breaking Load (lbs.) Diameter of Wires Extra HighHighSiemensin of Strand Utilities Common Strength Strength Martin Strand (mm) Grade Grade Inches Grade Grade Grade 1/8 (3.18) 7 — 540 910 1,330 1,830 (3.97) 7 — 870 2,140 2,940 5/32 1,470 (4.76) 7 — 1,150 2,850 3,990 3/16 1,900 (4.76) 7 2,400 — — — — 3/16 (5.56) 3 — 1,400 3,500 4,900 2,340 7/32 (5.56) 7 — 1,540 3,850 5,400 2,560 7/32 1/4 1/4 1/4 9/32 9/32 5/16 (6.35) (6.35) (6.35) (7.14) (7.14) (7.94) 3 3 7 3 7 3 3,150 4,500 — — 4,600 6,500 1,860 — 1,900 2,080 2,570 2,490 3,040 — 3,150 3,380 4,250 4,090 4,730 — 4,750 5,260 6,400 6,350 6,740 — 6,650 7,500 8,950 9,100 5/16 5/16 3/8 3/8 7/16 (7.94) (7.94) (9.52) (9.52) (11.11) 7 7 3 7 7 — 6,000 8,500 11,500 18,000 3,200 — 3,330 4,250 5,700 5,350 — 5,560 6,950 9,350 8,000 — 8,360 10,800 14,500 11,200 — 11,800 15,400 20,800 1/2 1/2 9/16 9/16 5/8 (12.70) (12.70) (14.29) (14.29) (15.88) 7 19 7 19 7 25,000 — — — — 7,400 7,620 9,600 9,640 11,600 12,100 12,700 15,700 16,100 19,100 18,800 19,100 24,500 24,100 29,600 26,900 26,700 35,000 33,700 42,400 5/8 3/4 7/8 1 1 (15.88) (19.05) (22.22) (25.40) (25.40) 19 19 19 9 37 — — — — — 11,000 16,000 21,900 28,700 28,300 18,100 26,200 35,900 47,000 46,200 28,100 40,800 55,800 73,200 71,900 40,200 58,300 79,700 104,500 102,700 1-1/8 1-1/4 (28.58) (31.75) 37 37 — — 36,000 44,600 58,900 73,000 91,600 113,600 130,800 162,200 BURNDY Reference CABLE DATA ALUMINUM-COATED STEEL CABLE (ASTM A474) NOMINAL DIAMETER NUMBER OF WIRES OF STRAND (IN.) IN STRAND 3/16 7 3/16 7 1/4 3 1/4 3 1/4 7 9/32 7 5/16 3 5/16 7 5/16 7 3/8 3 3/8 7 7/16 7 1/2 7 MINIMUM BREAKING STRENGTH, lbf SIEMANS-MARTIN HIGH-STRENGTH GRADE GRADE COMMON GRADE 1 150 1 900 2 850 UTILITIES GRADE* EXTRA HIGHSTRENGTH GRADE 2 400 3 150 4 500 1 900 3 150 4 750 6 650 3 200 5 350 8 000 11 200 4 250 5 350 7 400 6 950 9 350 12 100 10 800 14 500 18 800 15 400 20 800 26 900 4 600 6 500 6 000 8 500 11 500 18 000 25 000 * The Utilities Grade is used principally by communications and power and light industries. AWG VS. METRIC WIRE SIZES CIRC. MILS — 1020 — 1620 1620 — — 2580 2580 — — 4110 4110 — — 6530 6530 — — 10380 10380 — — 13000 13090 16510 16510 — — 20520 20520 EQUIVALENT CIRC. MILS 937 — 1480 — — 1974 1974 — — 2960 2960 — — 4934 4934 — — 7894 7894 — — 11840 11840 — — — — 19740 19740 — — 26240 26240 — 33090 41740 — — 52620 66300 — — STRANDING/WIRE DIAMETER PER STRAND AWG. SIZE — 20 — 18 18 — — 16 16 — — 14 14 — — 12 12 — — 10 10 — — 9 9 8 8 — — 7 7 METRIC WIRE SIZE MM 0.50 — .075 — — 1.0 1.0 — — 1.5 1.5 — — 2.5 2.5 — — 4 4 — — 6 6 — — — — 10 10 — — 1/.032 7/.0121 1/.039 1/.0103 7/.0152 1/.045 7/.017 1/.0503 7/.0192 1/.055 7/.021 1/.0641 7/.0242 1/.071 7/.027 1/.0308 7/.0305 1/.089 7/.034 1/.1019 7/.0355 1/.109 7/.042 1/.1144 7/.0432 1/.1285 7/.0486 1/.141 7/.054 1/.1443 7/.0545 — — 31580 — — 6 6 — 5 4 — — 16 — — 49340 49340 — — 69070 69070 — — 3 2 — — 25 25 — — 35 35 APPROXIMATE OVERALL DIAMETER IN. MM 1/.813 1/.307 1/.091 1/1.02 7/.386 1/1.14 7/.422 1/1.29 7/.468 1/1.40 7/5.33 1/1.63 7/.615 1/1.80 7/6.66 1/2.05 7/.775 1/2.26 7/.864 1/2.59 7/.978 1/2.77 7/.107 1/2.91 7/1.10 1/3.26 7/1.23 1/3.58 7/1.37 1/3.67 7/1.38 .032 .036 .039 .040 .046 .045 .061 .051 .058 .055 .063 .064 .073 .071 .081 .081 .092 .089 .102 .102 .116 .109 .126 .114 .130 .128 .146 .141 .162 .144 .164 .061 0.91 0.99 1.02 1.16 1.14 1.30 1.29 1.46 1.40 1.60 1.63 1.84 1.80 2.06 2.05 2.32 2.26 2.59 2.59 2.93 2.77 3..21 2.91 3.30 3.25 3.70 3.58 4.12 3.67 4.15 CIRC. MILS 83690 — 10500 133100 — 167800 167800 — — 211600 — 250 MCM 300 MCM 350 MCM — 400MCM — — 500 MCM 500MCM — 600 MCM 700MCM 750 MCM 750 MCM — 800 MCM 800 MCM 1000 MCM 1000 MCM — 1/.162 7/.0612 7/.008 7/.0688 7/.0772 1/4.11 7/1.55 7/1.73 7/1.75 7/1.96 .162 .184 .204 .206 .232 4.11 4.66 5.13 5.24 5.88 1250 MCM 1250 MCM 1500 MCM 1500 MCM — 7/.085 19/.052 7/.0867 7/.0974 7/.100 19/.001 7/2.16 10/1.32 7/2.20 7/2.47 7/2.54 19/1.55 .255 .260 .260 .292 .300 .305 6.48 6.60 6.61 7.42 7.62 7.75 — 2000 MCM 2000 MCM IN. MM EQUIVALENT CIRC. MILS — 98680 — — 138100 — — 187500 187500 — 237.8 MCM — — — 365.1 MCM — 473.6 MCM 473.6 MCM — — 592.1 MCM — — — — 789.4 MCM — — 986.8 MCM — 1233.7 MCM — — — — — 1578.8 MCM 1973.5 MCM — — AWG. SIZE 1 — 1/0 2/0 — 3/0 3/0 — — 4/0 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — STRANDING/WIRE DIAMETER PER STRAND APPROXIMATE OVERALL DIAMETER METRIC WIRE SIZE MM — 50 — — 70 — — 95 95 — 120 — 150 — 185 — 240 240 — — 300 — — — — 400 — — 500 — 625 IN. MM 19/.0064 19/.073 19/.0745 19/.0837 19/.086 19/.094 36/.0673 19/.101 37/.072 19/.1055 37/.081 37/.0822 37/.090 37/.0973 37/.100 37/104 37/.114 61/.089 37/.1162 61/.0905 61/.099 61/.0992 61/.1071 61/.1109 91/.0908 61/.114 61/.1145 91/.0938 61/.1280 91/.1048 91/.117 19/1.50 19/1.85 19/1.59 19/2.13 19/2.18 19/2.59 37/1.71 19/2.57 37/1.83 19/2.89 37/2.06 37/2.07 37/2.29 37/2.47 37/2.54 37/2.64 37/2.90 61/2.26 37/2.95 61/2.30 61/2.51 61/2.52 61/2.72 61/2.82 91/2.31 61/2.90 61/2.91 91/2.38 61/3.25 91/2.66 91/2.97 .332 .365 .373 .419 .430 .470 .471 .505 .504 .528 .567 .575 .630 .681 .700 .728 .798 .801 .813 .814 .891 .893 .964 .998 .998 1.026 1.031 1.032 1.152 1.153 1.287 8.43 9.27 9.46 10.6 10.9 11.9 12.0 12.8 12.5 13.4 14.4 14.6 16.0 17.3 17.8 18.5 20.3 20.3 20.7 20.7 22.6 22.7 24.5 25.4 25.4 26.1 26.2 26.2 28.3 29.3 32.7 — — — — 800 91/.1172 127/.0992 91/.1284 127/.1087 91/.132 91/2.93 127/2.52 91/3.26 127/2.76 91/3.35 1.289 1.200 1.412 1.413 1.452 32.7 32.8 36.9 36.9 36.9 1000 — — 91/.147 127/.1255 169/.1088 91/3.73 127/3.19 169/2.76 1.617 1.632 1.632 41.1 41.5 41.5 IN. MM O-19 BURNDY Reference INCHES & MILLIMETERS CONVERSION CHART INCHES 1 64 1 32 1 16 3 32 1 8 5 32 3 16 7 32 1 17 64 9 32 5 16 11 32 3 8 13 32 7 16 15 32 1 2 3 4 64 25 32 — 7.144 — 7.938 64 13 16 64 27 32 — 8.731 — 9.525 7 8 29 32 — 10.319 — 11.113 15 16 31 32 — 11.906 .484375 — 12.303 .5000 — 12.700 1 1mm = .03937 — 23.019 .921875 — 23.416 — 23.813 .953125 — 24.209 .96875 63 64 — 22.225 .890625 — 22.622 .9375 61 64 — 21.431 .859375 — 21.828 .90625 59 64 — 20.638 .828125 — 21.034 .8750 57 64 — 19.844 .796875 — 20.241 .84375 55 64 — 19.050 .765625 — 19.447 .8125 53 — 18.256 .734375 — 18.653 .78125 51 — 17.463 .703125 — 17.859 .7500 49 .453125 — 11.509 .46875 31 64 — 6.350 — 16.669 .671875 — 17.066 .71875 47 64 .421875 — 10.716 .4375 29 64 23 32 — 5.556 — 15.875 .640625 — 16.272 .6875 45 64 .390625 — 9.922 .40625 27 64 11 16 .359375 — 9.128 .3750 25 64 — 4.763 .328125 — 8.334 .34375 23 64 43 64 — 15.081 .609375 — 15.478 .65625 32 .296875 — 7.541 .3125 21 64 21 — 3.969 — 14.288 .578125 — 14.684 .6250 41 64 .265625 — 6.747 .28125 19 64 5 8 .234375 — 5.953 .2500 4 — 3.175 — 13.494 .546875 — 13.891 .59375 39 64 .203125 — 5.159 .21875 15 64 19 32 — 2.381 .515625 — 13.097 .5625 37 64 .171875 — 4.366 .1875 13 64 9 16 .140625 — 3.572 .15625 11 64 — 1.588 MILLIMETERS .53125 35 64 .109375 — 2.778 .1250 9 64 17 32 — 0.794 .078125 — 1.984 .09375 7 64 33 64 .046875 — 1.191 .0625 5 64 INCHES .015625 — 0.397 .03125 3 64 O-20 MILLIMETERS — 24.606 .984375 — 25.003 1.000 — 25.400 .001 = .0254 mm. MM .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — INCHES MM .0039 .0079 .0118 .0157 .0197 .0236 .0276 .0315 .0354 .0394 .0787 .1181 .1575 .1969 .2362 .2756 .3150 .3543 .3937 .4331 .4724 .5118 .5512 .5906 .6299 .6693 .7087 .7480 .7874 .8268 .8661 .9055 .9449 .9843 1.0236 1.0630 1.1024 1.1417 1.1811 1.2205 1.2598 1.2992 1.3386 1.3780 1.4173 1.4567 1.4961 1.5354 1.5748 1.6142 1.6535 1.6929 1.7323 1.7717 46 47 48 48 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 INCHES — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 1.8110 1.8504 1.8898 1.9291 1.9685 2.0079 2.0472 2.0866 2.1260 2.1654 2.2047 2.2441 2.2835 2.3228 2.3622 2.4016 2.4409 2.4803 2.5197 2.5591 2.5984 2.6378 2.6772 2.7165 2.7559 2.7953 2.8346 2.8740 2.9134 2.9528 2.9921 3.0315 3.0709 3.1102 3.1496 3.1890 3.2283 3.2677 3.3071 3.3465 3.3858 3.4252 3.4646 3.5039 3.5433 3.5827 3.6220 3.6614 3.7008 3.7402 3.7795 3.8189 3.8583 3.8976 3.9370 BURNDY Reference TERMINAL STUD SIZE CHART* STUD SIZE #0 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #8 #10 #12 #14 1/4" 5/16" 3/8" Stud Diameter .060 .073 .086 .090 .112 .125 .138 .164 .190 .216 .242 .250 .312 .375 Stud Hole .067 .171 .197 .223 .250 17/64 21/64 25/64 STUD SIZE 7/16" 1/2" 5/8" 3/4" 7/8" 1" Stud Diameter .437 .500 .625 .750 .875 1.000 Stud Hole 29/64 33/64 21/32 29/32 29/32 1 - 1/32 .093 .119 .145 * Tolerance .003" on decimal and .005" on fractional dimensions O-21 BURNDY Reference DIE SET CONVERSION CHART FOR OBSOLETE DIES AND TOOLS This catalog uses the new, BURNDY® simplified overhead lines die set catalog numbering system, based on Die Index numbers and letters. The Die Index numbers are marked on the connectors and die sets. Where a die set has more than one Die Index, the catalog number O-22 DIE INDEX OLD A NEW OLD BG NEW OLD C NEW OLD D NEW OLD D3 NEW OLD E NEW OLD F NEW OLD H NEW OLD K NEW OLD K-840 NEW OLD L NEW OLD M NEW OLD N NEW OLD O NEW OLD Q NEW OLD R NEW OLD 161 NEW OLD 162 NEW OLD 163 NEW Same as 505 OLD 164 Same as 275 NEW MECHANICAL TOOLS MD5 MD5-3 MD5-3 MD5-3 MD5-3 will generally be the lowest number assigned or all indexes may be marked. The Die Index numbers and letters in this conversion chart are arranged in numerical or alphabetical order. To determine the new catalog number for old die sets, cross reference the Die Index on the Y34A A8YC A-A A2YC A-C A26AYC A-D A26YC A-E Y35 & Y35L U8YCMT U-A U2YLCMT U-BG U2YCMT U-C U26AYCT U-D U28YPT U-D3 U26YCT U-E U28YCT U-F U28AYCT U-H HYDRAULIC TOOLS Y45L Y48B connector, or the old die set, with the Die Index shown on the chart. The new die set catalog number or letters appear for each tool in the previous table. NOTE: Many "A" dies are available. Contact the factory. The gage column lists quality control inspection gages for the corresponding die index. Y486RB Y60B GAGE NO. UG-BG UG-BG-YSU MD5-3 MD5-3 U-K840 U28YTT U-L U33YTT U-M U33YPCT U-N U26YPT U-O MD5-2 MD5-2 MD5-2 MD5-2 MD5-2 MD5-2 A6CYD A161 A4CYD A162 A2CYD A163 A1CYD A164 U33RYCT U-R U6CYDMT U161 U4CYDMT U162 U2CYDMT U163 U1CYDMT U164 S33YPT S-N C4CYD C162 C2CYD C163 C1CYD C164 F4CYD F162 F2CYD F163 F1CYD F164 UG4C UG2C UG1C BURNDY Reference DIE SET CONVERSION CHART (Continued) FOR OBSOLETE DIES AND TOOLS DIE INDEX OLD 165 NEW Same as 287 OLD 166 Same as 206 NEW OLD 167 NEW Same as 207, 211, 256 OLD 168 Same as 208 NEW OLD 169 NEW OLD 170 Same as 306 NEW OLD 171 NEW OLD 192 NEW OLD 193 NEW OLD 202 NEW OLD 203 NEW OLD 204 NEW OLD 205 Same as 339 NEW OLD 206 Same as 166 NEW OLD 207 NEW Same as 167, 211, 256 OLD 208 Same as 168 NEW OLD 209 NEW OLD 210 NEW OLD 211 Same as 167, 211, 256 NEW OLD 236 NEW OLD 237 NEW OLD 238 NEW OLD 239 NEW OLD 240 NEW MECHANICAL TOOLS MD5 MD5-2 D5-2 MD5-1 MD5-1 Y34A A25YD A165 A26YD A166 A27YD A167 A28YD A168 A29YD A169 A30YD A170 A8WYD A171 A31RYD A192 A33RYD A193 A8KYD A202 A6KYD A203 A4KYD A204 A2KYD A205 A26YD A166 A27YD A167 A28YD A168 A27YD A167 A4RSYF A236 A4RYF A237 A2RSYF A238 A2RYF A239 A1RSYF A240 Y35 & Y35L U25YDT U165 U26YDT U166 U27YDT U167 U28YDT U168 U29YDT U169 U30YDT U170 U8WYDMT U171 U33RYDT U193 U8KYDMT U202 U6KYDMT U203 U4KYDT U204 U2KYDT U205 U26YDT U166 U27YDT U167 U28YDT U168 U32YDT U209 U34YDT U210 U27YDT U167 U4RSYFT U236 U4RYFT U237 U2RSYFT U238 U2RYFT U239 U1RSYFT U240 HYDRAULIC TOOLS Y45L Y48B C25YD C165 C26YD C166 C27YD C167 C28YD C168 C29YD C169 C30YD C170 Y486RB F25YD F165 F26YD F166 F27YD F167 F28YD F168 F29YD F169 F30YD F170 C33RYD C193 Y60B L25YDT L165 L26YDT L166 L27YDT L167 L28YDT L168 L29YDT L169 L30YDT L170 GAGE NO. UG25 UG26 UG27 UG28 UG29 UG30 L33RYDT L193 UG2K C26YD C166 C27YD C167 C28YD C168 C32YD C209 C34YD C210 C27YD C167 C4RSYF C236 C4RYF C237 C2RSYF C238 C2RYF C239 C1RSYF C240 F26YD F166 F27YD F167 F28YD F168 F32YD F209 F34YD F210 F27YD F167 L26YDT L166 L27YDT L167 L28YDT L168 L32YDT L209 L34YDT L210 L27YDT L167 UG26 UG27 UG28 UG34 UG27 UG4RS UG4R O-23 UG2RS UG2R BURNDY Reference DIE SET CONVERSION CHART (Continued) FOR OBSOLETE DIES AND TOOLS DIE INDEX OLD 241 NEW OLD 24 Same as 244 NEW OLD 243 NEW OLD 244 Same as 242 NEW OLD 245 NEW OLD 246 Same as 248 NEW OLD 247 NEW OLD 248 NEW Same as 246 OLD 249 NEW OLD 250 NEW OLD 251 NEW OLD 252 NEW OLD 253 NEW OLD 254 NEW OLD 255 NEW OLD 256 NEW Same as 167, 207, 211 OLD 257 NEW OLD 259 NEW OLD 260 NEW OLD 261 Same as 318 NEW OLD 263 NEW O-24 OLD 267 NEW OLD 275 Same as 164 NEW OLD 276 NEW MECHANICAL TOOLS MD5 Y34A A1RYF A241 A26RSYF A242 A25RYF A243 A26RSYF A242 A26RYF A245 A28RSYF A248 A27RYF A247 A28RSYF A248 A28RYF A249 A30RSYF A250 A30RYF A251 A27YD A167 A312HYD A257 A26YD-1 A263 A1CYD A164 A6WKYD A276 Y35 & Y35L U1RYFT U241 U26RSYFT U242 U25RYFT U243 U26RSYFT U242 U26RYFT U245 U28RSYFT U248 U27RYFT U247 U28RSYFT U248 U28RYFT U249 U30RSYFT U250 U30RYFT U251 U32RSYFT U252 U34RSYFT U253 U44RSYFT U255 U27YDT U167 U312HYDT U257 U3K5YDT U259 U37RYFT U261 U26YDT-1 U263 U31YDT U267 U1CYDMT U164 U6WKYDT U276 HYDRAULIC TOOLS Y45L Y48B C1RYF C241 C26RSYF C242 C25RYF C243 C26RSYF C242 C26RYF C245 C28RSYF C248 C27RYF C247 C28RSYF C248 C28RYF C249 C30RSYF C250 C30RYF C251 C32RSYF C252 C34RSYF C253 C43RSYF S254 C254 C44RSYF C255 C27YD C167 C312HYD C257 C3K5YD C259 C7K6YD C260 C37RYF C261 C31YD C267 C1CYD C164 Y486RB Y60B GAGE NO. UG1R F30RSYF F250 F30RYF F251 F32RSYF F252 F34RSYF F253 F34RSYF F254 F44RSYF F255 F27YD F167 L26RSYFT L242 L25RYFT L243 L26RSYFT L242 L26RYFT L245 L28RSYFT L248 L27RYFT L247 L28RSYFT L248 L28RYFT L249 L30RSYFT L250 L30RYFT L251 L32RSYFT L252 L34RSYFT L253 L34RSYFT L254 L44RSYFT L255 L27YDT L167 L312HYDT L257 UG26RS UG25R UG26RS UG26R UG28RS UG27R UG28RS UG28R UG30RS UG30R UG32RS UG34RS UG27 UG3K5 F7K6YD F260 F37RYF F261 L7K6YDT L260 L37RYFT L261 F31YD F267 F1CYD F164 L31YDT L267 UG37R UG31 UG1C BURNDY Reference DIE SET CONVERSION CHART (Continued) FOR OBSOLETE DIES AND TOOLS DIE INDEX OLD 285 NEW OLD 287 NEW Same as 165 OLD 292 NEW Same as 578 OLD 293 NEW OLD 294 Same as 293 NEW OLD 304 NEW OLD 305 Same as 341 NEW OLD 306 NEW Same as 170 OLD 308 NEW OLD 313 NEW OLD 314 Same as 376 NEW OLD 316 NEW OLD 317 Same as 426 NEW OLD 318 Same as 261 NEW OLD 319 NEW OLD 320 NEW OLD 321 NEW OLD 322 NEW OLD 327 NEW OLD 328 NEW OLD 329 NEW OLD 331 NEW OLD 339 Same as 205 NEW OLD 341 Same as 205 NEW MECHANICAL TOOLS MD5 Y34A A8WKYD A285 A25YD A165 Y35 & Y35L U8WKYDMT U285 U25YDT U165 HYDRAULIC TOOLS Y45L Y48B S292 S293 A30YD A170 A3WYD A308 U375HYDT U304 U41RSYFT U305 U30YDT U170 U3WYDT U308 U47RSYFT U313 U33RYFT U316 U35RYFT U317 U37RYFT U261 S319 S320 A301AYD A321 A30AYD A322 A2FYD A329 A2KYD A205 U301AYDT U321 U30AYDT U322 U361RYFT U327 U2FYDT U329 U3K6YDT U331 U2KYDT U205 U41RSYFT U305 Y486RB Y60B C25YD C165 C412RYF-1 C292 C412RSYF C293 C412RSYF C293 C375HYD C304 C41RSYF C305 C30YD C170 F25YD F165 F412RYF-1 F292 F412RSYF F293 F412RSYF F293 F41RSYF F305 F30YD F170 L25YDT L165 L412RYFT-1 L292 L412RSYFT L293 L412RSYFT L293 L375HYDT L304 L41RSYFT L305 L30YDT L170 C47RSYF C313 C48RSYF C314 C33RYF C316 C35RYF C317 C37RYF C261 C43RYF C319 C45RSYF C320 C301AYD C321 F47RSYF F313 F48RSYF F314 F33RYF F316 F35RYF F317 F37RYF F261 F43RYF F319 F45RSYF F320 L47RSYFT L313 L48RSYFT L314 L33RYFT L316 L35RYFT L317 L37RYFT L261 L43RYFT L319 L45RSYFT L320 GAGE NO. UG25 UG412R1 UG375H UG30 UG33R UG35R UG37R UG301A C361RYF C327 C7K7YD C328 L361RYFT L327 UG361R O-25 C3K6YD C331 UG2K C41RSYF C305 F41RSYF F305 L41RSYFT L305 BURNDY Reference DIE SET CONVERSION CHART (Continued) FOR OBSOLETE DIES AND TOOLS O-26 DIE INDEX OLD 342 NEW OLD 344 NEW OLD 345 NEW OLD 350 NEW OLD 352 NEW OLD 373 NEW OLD 376 NEW Same as 314 OLD 403 NEW OLD 406 NEW OLD 419 NEW OLD 422 NEW OLD 426 NEW Same as 317 OLD 459 NEW OLD 468 NEW OLD 469 NEW OLD 490 NEW Same as 547 OLD 495 NEW OLD 505 NEW Same as 163 OLD 547 NEW Same as 490 OLD 552 NEW OLD 568 NEW OLD 575 NEW OLD 576 NEW OLD 578 Same as 292 NEW MECHANICAL TOOLS MD5 Y34A Y35 & Y35L U36RSYFT U350 A25YD-1 A373 A1CYD-1 A403 A26GYD A406 A1CYD-3 A459 A311AYD A468 HYDRAULIC TOOLS Y45L Y48B C391AYD S342 C342 C7K5YD C344 C44YD C345 C36RSYF C350 C45RYF S352 C352 Y486RB F391AYD F342 Y60B L391AYDT L342 F44YD F345 F36RSYF F350 F45RYF F352 L44YDT L345 L36RSYFT L350 L45RYFT L352 C48RSYF C314 F48RSYF F314 L48RSYFT L314 C49RSYF C419 F49RSYF F419 F49RYF F422 L49RSYFT L419 L49RYFT L422 L35RYFT L317 UG361A UG36RS U25YDT-1 U373 U1CYDT-1 U403 U35RYFT U317 U1CYDT-3 U459 U311AYDT U468 C35RYF C317 S469 MD5-2 MD5-2 GAGE NO. A321RYF A490 U321RYFT U490 A2CYD A163 A321RYF A490 A26FYD A552 A25FYD A568 U2CYDMT U163 U321YRFT U490 U26FYDT U552 U25FYDT U568 S292 C361AYD C469 C321RYF C490 C47RYF C495 C2CYD C163 C321RYF C490 F361AYD F469 F321RYF F490 R47RYF F495 F2CYD F163 F321RYF F490 L361AYDT L469 L321RYFT L490 L47RYFT L495 L2CYDT L163 L321RYFT L490 C48RYF C575 C36YD C576 C412RYF-1 C292 F48RYF F575 F36YD F576 F412RYF-1 F292 L48RYFT L575 L36YDT L576 L412RYFT-1 L292 UG49RS UG35R UG321R UG2C UG321R UG48R UG412R1 BURNDY Reference DIE SET CONVERSION CHART (Continued) FOR OBSOLETE DIES AND TOOLS DIE INDEX OLD 579 NEW OLD 607 NEW OLD 608 NEW OLD 609 NEW OLD 614 NEW OLD 616 NEW OLD 627 NEW OLD 642 NEW OLD 643 NEW OLD 648 NEW OLD 654 NEW OLD 655 NEW OLD 657 NEW OLD 658 NEW OLD 659 NEW OLD 660 NEW OLD 667 NEW OLD 668 NEW OLD 676 NEW OLD 677 NEW OLD 678 NEW OLD 679 NEW OLD 684 NEW OLD 687 NEW MECHANICAL TOOLS MD5 Y34A Y35 & Y35L A250EYD A609 U281UYDT U607 U39RYFT U608 U250EYDT U609 HYDRAULIC TOOLS Y45L Y48B C451RYF C579 Y486RB F451RYF F579 Y60B L451RYFT L579 C39RYF C608 C250EYD C609 C38RYF C614 F39RYF F608 L39RYFT L608 C39YD C627 C32LYD C642 F39YD F627 L39YDT L627 F49RYF-1 F648 L49RYFT-1 L648 L28RLYRT L654 GAGE NO. A29AYD A616 U32LYDT U642 U32RLYDT U643 A28RLYR A654 U28RLYRT U654 U321RLYRT U655 UG49R C39LYR C657 A27RLYR A658 A26RLYR A659 A25RLYR A660 U27RLYRT U658 U26RLYRT U659 U25RLYRT U660 UG27RL UG26RL C36RLYR-1 C667 U7M8YRT U668 U7M10YRT U676 U7M9YRT U677 U7M7YRT U678 U7M6YRT U679 UG7M9 O-27 F51RYR F684 L51RYRT L684 BURNDY Reference DIE SET CONVERSION CHART (Continued) FOR OBSOLETE DIES AND TOOLS DIE INDEX OLD 690 NEW OLD 691 NEW OLD 692 NEW OLD 693 NEW OLD 694 NEW OLD 702 NEW O-28 MECHANICAL TOOLS MD5 Y34A Y35 & Y35L U1SET U690 U2SET U691 U4SET U692 U6AET U693 U10AET U694 HYDRAULIC TOOLS Y45L Y48B Y486RB Y60B GAGE NO. BURNDY Reference BURNDY CONDUCTOR NUMBERING SYSTEM COPYRIGHT 1940 BY BURNDY ENGINEERING CO., INC. OUTSIDE DIA. IN. .102 .114 .116 .125 .129 .130 .144 .146 .158 .162 .164 .176 .182 .184 .198 .204 .206 .223 .229 .232 .250 .258 .260 .281 .289 .292 .316 .325 .332 .355 .365 .372 .375 .398 .405 .410 .419 .447 .460 .470 .500 .502 .528 .540 .563 .575 .630 .633 .642 .675 .680 .681 .721 .728 .741 .750 .772 .783 .806 .813 .840 .855 .858 OUTSIDE DIA. MM. 2.594 2.896 2.946 3.175 3.277 3.302 3.658 3.708 4.013 4.115 4.166 4.470 4.597 4.648 5.029 5.182 5.258 5.664 5.817 5.867 6.350 6.553 6.629 7.137 7.344 7.394 8.026 8.255 8.382 9.017 9.274 9.474 9.525 10.109 10.287 10.414 10.617 11.354 11.684 11.938 12.700 12.725 13.414 13.716 14.326 14.605 16.002 16.078 16.307 17.145 17.272 17.297 18.313 18.494 18.824 19.050 19.609 19.888 20.472 20.676 21.336 21.717 21.742 STR. CABLE Cat. Size No. 10 C SOL. WIRE Cat. Size No. 10W 10 9W 9 10 AREA MM2 Copper Cable 5.261 6.634 5.261 A.C.S.R. PIPE SIZE CONDUCTOR Cat. Cat. Ex No. Cable Size Cat. No. ST D No. Hvy TUBE & ROD Cat. Dia. No. 60 9C 9 8C 8 8W 8 7W 7 6W 6 13.300 10.550 5W 5 16.770 13.300 6C 4W 4 21.150 16.770 5C 3W 3 26.670 21.150 4C 2W 2 33.630 2.6670 3C 1W 1 42.410 33.630 2C 1C 25 7 6 5 4 3 2 75 1/0 53.480 42.410 76 2/0 67.430 53.480 1 1/0 KS15 8 KS17 7R 7 6R 6 KS20 5R 5 4R 4 61 3R 3 2R 2 1R 1 KS23 KS25 25R 26 2/0 78 27 3/0 4/0 1/8 50 1/8 85.030 67.430 KS26 26R 2/0 27R 3/0 107.20 85.03 63 28 29 30 31 32 4/0 250 300 350 400 450 1/2 107.20 KS28 28R 4/0 29R 30R 266,800 266,800 31R 300,000 32R 336,400 33R 336,400 11 1/4 51 1/4 12 3/8 52 3/8 127.00 152.00 177.00 KS31 O-29 203.00 64 33 3/8 1/0 10 3/0 1/4 KS22 62 77 1/8 8.366 6.634 10.550 8.366 8R 7C SERVIT NO. KS90 3/4 228.00 34R 35R 34 500 253.00 35 550 279.00 397,500 397,500 13 1/2 53 1/2 KS34 36R 477,000 BURNDY Reference BURNDY CONDUCTOR NUMBERING SYSTEM O-30 OUTSIDE DIA. IN. .883 .893 .904 .927 .929 .953 .953 .964 .977 .998 1.000 1.031 1.036 1.050 1.062 1.094 1.123 1.146 1.152 1.162 1.196 1.209 1.246 1.250 1.263 1.289 1.293 1.315 1.338 1.364 1.382 1.412 1.424 1.459 1.465 1.500 1.504 1.506 1.526 1.545 1.548 1.590 1.632 1.660 1.729 1.824 1.900 1.914 1.988 2.000 2.375 2.500 2.875 3.000 3.500 4.000 4.500 5.000 5.563 6.063 6.625 7.625 8.625 OUTSIDE DIA. MM. 22.428 22.682 22.962 23.546 23.597 24.206 24.206 24.486 24.714 25.349 25.400 26.187 26.314 26.670 26.975 27.762 28.524 29.108 29.264 29.515 30.378 30.709 31.648 31.750 32.080 32.744 32.817 33.404 33.960 34.646 35.103 35.865 36.170 37.059 37.214 38.100 38.202 38.252 38.786 39.218 39.319 40.386 41.427 42.164 43.917 46.330 48.260 48.616 50.495 50.800 60.325 63.500 73.025 76.200 88.900 101.600 114.300 127.000 141.300 154.000 168.275 193.675 219.075 STR. CABLE Cat. No. Size 36 37 600 650 SOL. WIRE Cat. No. Size AREA MM2 Copper Cable 355.00 39 750 380.00 38R 39R 500,000 556,500 40R 41R 556,500 605,000 42R 636,000 43R 666,600 44R 715,500 KS39 65 14 850 900 950 431.00 456.00 481.00 44 1000 507.00 1100 SERVIT NO. 1 405.00 41 42 43 444 TUBE & ROD Cat. No. Dia. 329.00 700 800 A.C.S.R. PIPE SIZE CONDUCTOR Cat. Cat. Ex No. Cable Size Cat. No. ST D No. Hvy 37R 477,000 304.00 38 40 (Continued) 45R 795,000 46R 874,500 47R 48R 900,000 954,000 49R 1,033,500 54 KS44 557.00 448 45 1200 1250 608.00 633.00 452 1300 659.00 456 1400 709.00 46 1500 760.00 464 1600 811.00 468 1700 861.00 47 1750 886.00 472 476 48 1800 1900 2000 912.00 963.00 1013.00 483 486 2250 2500 1140.00 1267.00 490 493 2750 3000 1393.00 1520.00 50R 1,113,000 51R 1,192,500 52R 1,272,000 53R 1,351,500 54R 1,431,000 15 55R 1,510,500 56R 1,590,000 16 1 1 55 56 66 1 67 1 1/2 68 2 69 2 1/2 70 71 72 73 74 3 3 1/2 4 4 1/2 5 1 1 17 1 1/2 57 1 1/2 18 2 58 2 19 2 1/2 59 2 1/2 20 21 22 23 24 85 86 87 88 3 3 1/2 4 4 1/2 5 5 1/2 6 7 8 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 3 3 1/2 4 4 1/2 5 5 1/2 6 7 8 BURNDY Reference PRESENT INSTALLATION TOOL INDEX Installation Tool This chart provides a cross-reference between die index numbers marked on BURNDY® COMPRESSION CONNECTORS and the CORRESPONDING DIE SETS used with the various BURNDY® INSTALLATION TOOLS. This is the only way to have a BURNDY® compression system. A die index number has been assigned to each required groove configuration. A prefix letter is used to indicate the specific installation tool for which the die has been designed, as shown below. Corresponding Die Set DIE IDENTIFICATION NUMBERING SYSTEM U 34 ART USE CHART (CHART III) WIRE SIZE (CHART II) OR INDEX TOOL TYPE (CHART I) A - Y34A B - Y34BH C - Y48B 12 - #12 10 - #10 8C - # 8 6C - # 6 5C - # 5 E - Y44B F - Y486RB G - Y34C L - Y60B 4C - #4 3C - #3 2C - #2 1C - #1 25 - 1/0 CHART I P - Y46 S - Y45 U - Y35 W - MD-6/OUR840 CHART II 26 - 2/0 27 - 3/0 28 - 4/0 29 - 250 MCM 30 - 300 MCM 31 - 350 MCM 32 - 400 MCM 34 - 500 MCM 36 - 600 MCM 39 - 750 MCM 44 - 1000 MCM X - OUR840/MD-6 OR INDEX i.e., U312 312 Die Index CHART III A - ALUMINUM B - INDENTOR NEST (USED WITH INDENTOR DIE # Y34P**) R - ROUND DIE (CIRCUMFERENTAL) T - TWIN DIE (BOTH HALVES) O-31 BURNDY Reference PRESENT INSTALLATION TOOL INDEX DIE DIELESS TOOLS GROOVE BURNDY EEI MECH. HYDR. MR, MY Y644 INSTALLATION TOOLING USING DIES DIE INFORMATION TYPE A DIE SET BG DIE SET C DIE SET D DIE SET COLOR MECHANICAL MD6 Perm GR W-BG BROWN OUR840 HYDRAULIC Y29B➄ Y34B X-BG X-NBG W-C BLUE D3 Y35 ➀ Y39 Y750 ➀ Y45 ➁ Y46 ➂ U-A U-A U-A U-A U-A U-BG U-BG U-BG U-BG U-BG U-C U-C U-C U-C U-C U-D U-D U-D U-D U-D U-YFD U-YFD U-YFD U-YFD U-YFD U-D3 U-D3 U-D3 U-D3 U-D3 U-E DIE SET Perm GR E DIE SET U-E U-E U-E U-E F DIE SET U-F U-F U-F U-F U-F H DIE SET U-H U-H U-H U-H U-H K-1/4 DIE SET WK14 K-5/16 DIE SET WK516 UK516T UK516T UK516T UK516T UK516T K-3/8 DIE SET WK38 UK38T UK38T UK38T UK38T UK38T K-1/2 DIE SET WK12 K-9/16 DIE SET WK916 UK916T UK916T UK916T UK916T UK916T K-19/32 DIE SET WK1932 K-5/8-1 DIE SET K-11/16 DIE SET K-3/4 K-1 UK581T UK581T UK581T UK581T UK581T UK1116T UK1116T UK1116T UK1116T UK1116T DIE SET UK34T UK34T UK34T UK34T UK34T DIE SET UK1T UK1T UK1T UK1T UK1T K-1-5/16 DIE SET UK1516T UK1516T UK1516T UK1516T UK1516T K-635 DIE SET WK737 UK737T UK737T UK737T UK737T UK737T K-747 DIE SET WK747 K-781 DIE SET WK781 K-840 DIE SET W-K840 U-K840 U-K840 U-K840 U-K840 U-K840 KB DIE SET WKB UKBT UKBT UKBT UKBT UKBT KBKT DIE SET UKBKTT UKBKTT UKBKTT UKBKTT UKBKTT KC DIE SET UKCT UKCT UKCT UKCT UKCT KK DIE SET DIE SET WK1116 WKK YELLOW P-YFR KR O-32 KT DIE SET KU DIE SET L DIE SET L80 DIE SET S-KR P-KR UKUT WKT UKUT UKUT UKUT UKUT U-L U-L U-L U-L U-L — U34XRT U34XRT U34XRT U34XRT U34XRT W-L L99 DIE SET PINK U38XRT U38XRT U38XRT U38XRT U38XRT L115 DIE SET YELLOW U44XRT U44XRT U44XRT U44XRT U44XRT M DIE SET U-M U-M U-M U-M U-M RED U-YFN U-YFN U-YFN U-YFN P-YFN U-N U-N U-N S-N P-N GREEN U-YFO U-YFO U-YFO U-YFO U-YFO U-O U-O U-O U-O U-O N O Q DIE SET DIE SET DIE SET ① Cat. No. Y35P3 Adaptor is required to use "Y34PR" type indentors with "U" type nest dies in Y35 and Y750 series tools. ➁ Cat. No. PT6515 Adaptor is required to use "U" type dies in Y45 series tools. Perm GR W-O W-Q ③ Cat. No. PUADP-1 Adaptor is required to use "U" type dies in Y46 series tools. ➃ The MD6-6R2 ratchet tool is required on these sizes. The standard MD6 or MD6R ratchet tools will not work. ⑤ Also pnuematic version Y29NC. Y48B Y60BHU BURNDY Reference PRESENT INSTALLATION TOOL INDEX DIE DIELESS TOOLS GROOVE MECH. HYDR. BURNDY EEI MR, MY Y644 INSTALLATION TOOLING USING DIES DIE INFORMATION TYPE R DIE SET T DIE SET Z DIE SET 7 DIE SET 94 8 95 9 96 10 97 11 98 12 99 13 100 14 101 MR4C MY29-3 MY29-11 MR4C MY29-3 MY29-11 1 CRIMP 1 CRIMP 1 CRIMP 1 CRIMP MY29-3 MY29-11 1 CRIMP MY29-3 MY29-11 1 CRIMP MY29-3 MY29-11 1 CRIMP 15 MY29-3 MY29-11 1 CRIMP MY29-3 MY29-11 1 CRIMP 1 CRIMP 1 CRIMP 1 CRIMP 1 CRIMP BROWN GREEN D6CL B6CD Y29PR Y34PR W4CRT Y750 ➀ Y45 ➁ Y46 ➂ U-R U-R U-R U-R W25RT BLACK PURPLE U5CRT U5CRT U6CD-1 U6CD-1 U6CD-1 U6CD-1 U6CD-1 Y34PR Y34PR Y34PR Y34PR Y34PR U4CRT U4CRT U4CRT U4CRT U4CRT U4CD-1 B4CD U4CD-1 U4CD-1 U4CD-1 U4CD-1 Y34PR Y34PR Y34PR Y34PR Y34PR U3CRT U3CRT U3CRT U3CRT U3CRT U3CD-1 W3CRT D3CL B3CD U3CD-1 U3CD-1 U3CD-1 U3CD-1 Y29PR Y34PR Y34PR Y34PR Y34PR Y34PR Y34PR U2CRT U2CRT U2CRT U2CRT U2CRT U2CD-1 D2CL B2CD U2CD-1 U2CD-1 U2CD-1 U2CD-1 Y29PR Y34PR Y34PR Y34PR Y34PR Y34PR Y34PR U1CRT U1CRT U1CRT U1CRT U1CRT D1CL B1CD U1CD-1 U1CD-1 U1CD-1 U1CD-1 U1CD-1 Y29PR Y34PR Y34PR Y34PR Y34PR Y34PR Y34PR U25RT U25RT U25RT U25RT U25RT W25RT D25L B25D U25D-1 U25D-1 U25D-1 U25D-1 U25D-1 Y29PR Y34PR Y34PR Y34PR Y34PR Y34PR Y34PR U26RT U26RT U26RT U26RT U26RT D26CL B26D U26D-1 U26D-1 U26D-1 U26D-1 U26D-1 Y29PR Y34PR Y34PR Y34PR Y34PR Y34PR Y34PR U27RT U27RT U27RT U27RT U27RT W27RT D27L B27D U27D-1 U27D-1 U27D-1 U27D-1 U27D-1 Y29PR Y34PR Y34PR Y34PR Y34PR Y34PR Y34PR U28RT U28RT U28RT U28RT U28RT W28RT Y48 Y60BHU B28D U28D-1 U28D-1 U28D-1 U28D-1 U28D-1 C28D Y29PR Y34PR Y34PR Y34PR Y34PR Y34PR Y34PR Y48PR U29RT U29RT U29RT U29RT C29R D29L B29D U29D-1 U29D-1 U29D-1 U29D-1 C29D Y29PR Y34PR Y34PR Y34PR Y34PR Y34PR Y48PR U29RT W30RT ➃ U30RT U30RT U30RT U30RT U30RT C30R U30D-1 U30D-1 U30D-1 U30D-1 C30D Y34PR Y34PR Y34PR Y34PR Y48PR U31RT U31RT U31RT U31RT C31R U31D-1 U31D-1 U31D-1 U31D-1 C31D Y34PR Y34PR Y34PR Y34PR Y48PR U32RT U32RT U32RT U32RT C32R U32D-1 U32D-1 U32D-1 U32D-1 C32D Y34PR Y34PR Y34PR Y34PR Y48PR U34RT U34RT U34RT U34RT C34R NO DIE U34D-1 U34D-1 U34D-1 U34D-1 C34D Y34PR Y34PR Y34PR Y34PR Y34PR Y48PR B30D Y34PR W31RT ➃ RED U31RT B31D Y34PR W32RT ➃ BLUE U32RT B32D Y34PR BROWN NEST INDENTOR ① Cat. No. Y35P3 Adapter is required to accommodate "Y34PR" type indentor in Y35, Y39, Y750 HYTOOLS and with the PUADP-1 adapter in the Y46 and with the PT6515 adapter in the Y45. ➁ Cat. No. PT6515 Adapter is required to use "U" type dies in Y45 series tools. ③ Cat. No. PUADP-1 Adapter is required to use "U" type dies in Y46 series tools. C28R D28L YELLOW W29RT ➃ WHITE U5CRT Y34PR W26RT ORANGE U5CRT D4CL W1CRT PINK U5CRT Y29PR W2CRT NEST INDENTOR DIE SET 20 W3CRT NEST INDENTOR DIE SET 19 WHITE NEST INDENTOR DIE SET 18 W4CRT NEST INDENTOR DIE SET 17 GRAY NEST INDENTOR DIE SET 16 W5CRT NEST INDENTOR DIE SET Y39 S-Z BLUE NEST INDENTOR DIE SET Y35 ➀ S-T NEST INDENTOR DIE SET Y34B U-R NEST INDENTOR DIE SET HYDRAULIC OUR840 Y29B ➄ NEST INDENTOR DIE SET MY29-3 MY29-11 MD6 NEST INDENTOR DIE SET MY29-3 MY29-11 COLOR NEST INDENTOR DIE SET MY29-3 MY29-11 MECHANICAL NEST INDENTOR DIE SET 1 CRIMP (Continued) W34RT ➃ U34RT ➃ The MD6-6R2 ratchet tool is required on these sizes. The standard MD6 or MD6R ratchet tools will not work. ⑤ Also pneumatic version Y29NC. ➅ Use U11T-1 for YH8C8C. ⑦ Hexagonal crimp. ⑧ Die 302 recommended for 1.84 O.D. barrel. L30RT L31RT L32RT L34RT O-33 BURNDY Reference PRESENT INSTALLATION TOOL INDEX DIE DIELESS TOOLS GROOVE BURNDY EEI MECH. HYDR. MR, MY Y644 1 CRIMP 21 INSTALLATION TOOLING USING DIES DIE INFORMATION COLOR DIE SET YELLOW 1 CRIMP 1 CRIMP 1 CRIMP Y39 U35RT Y750 ➀ Y45 ➁ U35RT U35RT Y46 ➂ Y48 Y60BHU U35RT C35D Y48PR GREEN U36RT U36RT U36RT U36RT C36R P36D C36D P44PR Y48PR ORANGE L36RT C37R C37D Y48PR BLACK U39RT U39RT S39RT ORANGE S40RT NEST INDENTOR P39RT C39R P39D C39D P44PR Y48PR P40RT C40R P40D C40D P44PR Y48PR L39RT L40RT GOLD C41D NEST INDENTOR DIE SET 1 CRIMP 27 Y35 ➀ NEST INDENTOR DIE SET 26 Y34B NEST INDENTOR DIE SET 25 HYDRAULIC OUR840 Y29B ➄ NEST INDENTOR DIE SET 1 CRIMP 24 MD6 NEST INDENTOR DIE SET 23 MECHANICAL TYPE DIE SET 1 CRIMP 22 (Continued) Y48PR WHITE S44RT NEST INDENTOR P44RT C44R P44D C44D P44PR Y48PR L44RT DIE SET 28 DIE SET 29 30 DIE SET P45RT 33 34 Y48PR C453D Y48PR GREEN S46RT P46RT C46R No Nest C46D Y44PR Y48PR GRAY C47R NEST INDENTOR MR4C MY28 NEST INDENTOR L46RT L47RT C47D Y48PR BROWN L48RT C48D NEST INDENTOR MR4C MR8G98 MR89Q MY28 Y8MRB-1 L45RT ORANGE NEST INDENTOR DIE SET C45R C45D NEST INDENTOR DIE SET 39 YELLOW NEST INDENTOR 31 O-34 Y48PR NEST INDENTOR DIE SET 38 C443D NEST INDENTOR ① Cat. No. Y35P3 Adapter is required to accommodate "Y34PR" type indentor in Y35, Y39, Y750 HYTOOLS and with the PUADP-1 adapter in the Y46 and with the PT6515 adapter in the Y45. ➁ Cat. No. PT6515 Adapter is required to use "U" type dies in Y45 series tools. Y48PR DV8L BV8L UV8L UV8L UV8L UV8L UV8L Y29PL Y34PL Y34PL Y34PL Y34PL Y34PL Y34PL DV6L BV6L UV6L UV6L UV6L UV6L UV6L Y29PL Y34PLA Y34PLA Y34PLA Y34PLA Y34PLA Y34PLA ③ Cat. No. PUADP-1 Adapter is required to use "U" type dies in Y46 series tools. ⑤ Also pneumatic version Y29NC. BURNDY Reference PRESENT INSTALLATION TOOL INDEX DIE DIELESS TOOLS GROOVE MECH. HYDR. BURNDY EEI MR, MY Y644 (Continued) INSTALLATION TOOLING USING DIES DIE INFORMATION TYPE COLOR MECHANICAL MD6 HYDRAULIC Y34B Y35 ➀ DV4L BV4L Y29PL OUR840 Y29B ➄ Y39 Y750 ➀ Y45 ➁ Y46 ➂ UV4L UV4L UV4L UV4L UV4L Y34PLA MR4C MY28 NEST INDENTOR Y34PLA Y34PLA Y34PLA Y34PLA Y34PLA 41 MY28 NEST INDENTOR DV2L BV2L UV2L UV2L UV2L UV2L UV2L Y29PL Y34PLA Y34PLA Y34PLA Y34PLA Y34PLA Y34PLA 42 MY28 NEST INDENTOR DV1L BV1L UV1L UV1L UV1L UV1L UV1L Y29PL Y34PLA Y34PLA Y34PLA Y34PLA Y34PLA Y34PLA 43 MY28 NEST INDENTOR DV25L BV25L UV25L UV25L UV25L UV25L UV25L Y29PL Y34PA Y34PA Y34PA Y34PA Y34PA Y34PA 44 MY28 NEST INDENTOR DV26L BV26L UV26L UV26L UV26L UV26L UV26L Y29PL Y34PA Y34PA Y34PA Y34PA Y34PA Y34PA 45 MY28 NEST INDENTOR BV27L UV27L UV27L UV27L UV27L UV27L Y34PA Y34PA Y34PA Y34PA Y34PA Y34PA 46 MY28 NEST INDENTOR BV28L UV28L UV28L UV28L UV28L UV28L Y34PA Y34PA Y34PA Y34PA Y34PA Y34PA * 40 W8CRT Y60BHU 49 DIE SET U8CRT U8CRT U8CRT U8CRT U8CRT 161 DIE SET W161 X-161 U161 U161 U161 U161 U161 162 DIE SET W162 W162 U162 U162 U162 U162 U162 C162 163 505 DIE SET W163 W163 U163 U163 U163 U163 U163 C163 164 275 DIE SET W164 U164 U164 U164 U164 U164 C164 DIE SET W165 U165/ U205 U165/ U205 U165/ U205 U165/ U205 U165/ U205 C165 L165 DIE SET W166 U166/ U459 U166/ U459 U166/ U459 U166/ U459 U166/ U459 C166 L166 DIE SET W167 U167/ U568 U167/ U568 U167/ U568 U167/ U568 U167/ U568 C167 L167 165 205,287 339 166 206,459 167 207,211 256,568 RED Y48 X-165 168 208 DIE SET U168 U168 U168 U168 U168 C168 L168 169 DIE SET U169 U169 U169 U169 U169 C169 L169 170 306 DIE SET U170 U170 U170 U170 U170 C170 L170 171 DIE SET U171 U171 U171 U171 U171 193 DIE SET U193 U193 U193 U193 U193 C193 L193 202 DIE SET U202 U202 U202 U202 U202 203 DIE SET U203 U203 U203 U203 U203 204 DIE SET U204 U204 U204 U204 U204 DIE SET U165/ U205 U165/ U205 U165/ U205 U165/ U205 U165/ U205 205 165,287 339 206 166 459 207 167,211 256,568 208 168 W171 X-165 DIE SET W166 U166/ U459 U166/ U459 U166/ U459 U166/ U459 U166/ U459 DIE SET W167 U167/ U568 U167/ U568 U167/ U568 U167/ U568 U167/ U568 C167 L167 DIE SET U168 U168 U168 U168 U168 C168 L168 209 DIE SET U209 U209 U209 U209 U209 C209 L209 210 DIE SET U210 U210 U210 U210 U210 C210 L210 ① Cat. No. Y35P3 Adapter is required to accommodate "Y34PR" type indentor in Y35, Y39, Y750 HYTOOLS and with the PUADP-1 adapter in the Y46 and with the PT6515 adapter in the Y45. ➁ Cat. No. PT6515 Adapter is required to use "U" type dies in Y45 series tools. ③ Cat. No. PUADP-1 Adapter is required to use "U" type dies in Y46 series tools. ⑤ Also pneumatic version Y29NC. * Add Nest (BV8L) & Indentor (Y34PL) for Y34B. L166 O-35 BURNDY Reference PRESENT INSTALLATION TOOL INDEX DIE DIELESS TOOLS GROOVE BURNDY EEI MECH. HYDR. MR, MY Y644 INSTALLATION TOOLING USING DIES DIE INFORMATION TYPE COLOR Y46 ➂ Y48 Y60BHU U167/ U568 U167/ U568 U167/ U568 C167 L167 U236 U236 U236 U236 U237 U237 U237 U237 U238 U238 U238 U238 U238 U239 U239 U239 U239 U239 U240 U240 U240 U240 U240 U241 U241 U241 U241 U241 W242 U242 U242 U242 U242 U242 C242 L242 W167 236 DIE SET W236 237 DIE SET W237 238 DIE SET W238 239 DIE SET W239 240 DIE SET 241 DIE SET W241 3S/ 4S DIE SET RED OUR840 Y29B ➄ HYDRAULIC Y45 ➁ MD6 DIE SET X-237 X-239 W240 X-241 Y34B Y35 ➀ Y39 Y750 ➀ U167/ U568 U167/ U568 U236 U237 243 8A DIE SET W243 U243 U243 U243 U243 U243 C243 L243 244 242 3S DIE SET W242 U242 U242 U242 U242 U242 C242 L242 245 9A DIE SET W245 U245 U245 U245 U245 U245 C245 L245 246 248 5S DIE SET W248 U248 U248 U248 U248 U248 C248 L248 DIE SET W247 U247 U247 U247 U247 U247 C247 L247 U248 U248 U248 U248 U248 C248 L248 U249 U249 U249 U249 U249 C249 L249 U250 U250 U250 U250 U250 C250 L250 U251 U251 U251 U251 U251 C251 L251 247 248 246 5S DIE SET W248 249 11A DIE SET W249 251 X-245 X-247 X-249 DIE SET 250 12A DIE SET RED W251 252 DIE SET U252 U252 U252 U252 U252 C252 L252 253 DIE SET U253 U253 U253 U253 U253 C253 L253 254 DIE SET S254 P254 C254 L254 255 DIE SET U255 U255 U255 U255 U255 C255 L255 256 167, 207 211, 568 DIE SET U167/ U568 U167/ U568 U167/ U568 U167/ U568 U167/ U568 C167 L167 257 DIE SET U257 U257 U257 U257 U257 C257 L257 259 DIE SET U259 U259 U259 U259 U259 C260 L260 DIE SET U261 U261 U261 U261 U261 C261 L261 263 DIE SET U263 U263 U263 U263 U263 U267 U267 U267 U267 U267 C267 L267 U164 U164 U164 U164 U164 C164 W167 DIE SET 260 261 318 15A 267 DIE SET 275 164 DIE SET 276 DIE SET U276 U276 U276 U276 U276 285 DIE SET U285 U285 U285 U285 U285 287 165, 205 339 DIE SET U165/ U205 U165/ U205 U165/ U205 U165/ U205 U165/ U205 292 578 DIE SET S292 P292 C292 L292 293 294 DIE SET S293 P293 C293 L293 U25ART U25ART C25AR W164 W165 DIE SET 296 MY29-3 1 CRIMP 297 MY29-3 1 CRIMP TAN U25ART U25ART U25ART L165 P27D NEST INDENTER DIE SET O-36 MECHANICAL 211 167, 211 256, 568 242 244 (Continued) P34PR5 OLIVE U26ART U26ART ① Cat. No. Y35P3 Adapter is required to accommodate "Y34PR" type indentor in Y35, Y39, Y750 HYTOOLS and with the PUADP-1 adapter in the Y46 and with the PT6515 adapter in the Y45. U26ART U26ART U26ART P29D NEST INDENTER P34PR5 ➁ Cat. No. PT6515 Adapter is required to use "U" type dies in Y45 series tools. ③ Cat. No. PUADP-1 Adapter is required to use "U" type dies in Y46 series tools. ⑤ Also pneumatic version Y29NC. C26AR BURNDY Reference PRESENT INSTALLATION TOOL INDEX DIE DIELESS TOOLS GROOVE BURNDY EEI MECH. HYDR. MR, MY Y644 MY29-3 298 1 CRIMP INSTALLATION TOOLING USING DIES DIE INFORMATION 1 CRIMP COLOR DIE SET WHITE 1 CRIMP 1 CRIMP 1 CRIMP HYDRAULIC Y34B Y35 ➀ U28ART Y39 Y750 ➀ Y45 ➁ Y46 ➂ Y48 Y60BHU U28ART U28ART U28ART U28ART C28AR L28ART U31ART C31AR L31ART P35D C35D P31D Y34PR5 BROWN U31ART U31ART U31ART U31ART PINK U34ART U34ART U34ART U34ART NEST INDENTOR RED S39ART NEST INDENTOR DIE SET 302 OUR840 Y29B ➄ NEST INDENTOR DIE SET 301 MD6 NEST INDENTOR DIE SET 300 MECHANICAL TYPE DIE SET 299 (Continued) BROWN S44ART NEST INDENTOR P48PR1 Y48PR1 U34ART C34AR P39D C39D P48PR1 Y48PR1 P39ART C39AR ➅ P45D C45D P48PR1 Y48PR1 P44ART C44AR No Nest C46D L34ART L39ART L44ART P48PR1 Y48PR1 304 DIE SET U304 U304 U304 U304 U304 C304 L304 305 341 DIE SET U305 U305 U305 U305 U305 C305 L305 306 170 DIE SET U170 U170 U170 U170 U170 C170 L170 308 DIE SET U308 U308 U308 U308 U308 U313 U313 U313 U313 U313 C313 L313 C314 L314 313 DIE SET 314 376 DIE SET 316 DIE SET U316 U316 U316 U316 U316 C316 L316 317 426 DIE SET U317 U317 U317 U317 U317 C317 L317 318 261 DIE SET U261 U261 U261 U261 U261 C261 L261 319 DIE SET S319 P319 C319 L319 320 DIE SET S320 P320 C320 L320 321 DIE SET U321 U321 U321 U321 U321 C321 L321 322 DIE SET U322 U322 U322 U322 U322 U29ART U29ART U29ART U29ART U29ART C29AR L29ART C327 L327 C328 L328 DIE SET 1 CRIMP 324 326 538 327 14A RED P32D NEST INDENTER P34PR5 DIE SET U33RT U33RT U33RT U33RT U33RT DIE SET U327 U327 U327 U327 U327 328 DIE SET 329 DIE SET 331 U329 U329 U329 U329 U329 DIE SET U331 U331 U331 U331 U331 339 165, 205 287 DIE SET U165/ U205 U165/ U205 U165/ U205 U165/ U205 U165/ U205 341 305 DIE SET U305 U305 U305 U305 U305 C305 L305 342 DIE SET S342 P342 C342 L342 344 DIE SET C344 L344 345 DIE SET C345 L345 346 ➆ 1 CRIMP DIE SET X-339 GRAY ① Cat. No. Y35P3 Adapter is required to accommodate "Y34PR" type indentor in Y35, Y39, Y750 HYTOOLS and with the PUADP-1 adapter in the Y46 and with the PT6515 Adapter in the Y45. ➁ Cat. No. PT6515 Adapter is required to use "U" type dies in Y45 series tools. ③ Cat. No. PUADP-1 Adapter is required to use "U" type dies in Y46 series tools. U6CABT ➃ The MD6-6R2 ratchet tool is required on these sizes. The standard MD6 or MD6R ratchet tools will not work. ⑤ Also pneumatic version Y29NC. ➅ Use C39AR round die 301 for 1.60 O.D. barrel. Use C39AR-2 hex die 936 for 1.46 O.D. barrel. ⑦ Hexagonal crimp. ⑧ Die 302 recommended for 1.84 O.D. barrel. U6CABT U6CABT U6CABT U6CABT O-37 BURNDY Reference PRESENT INSTALLATION TOOL INDEX DIE DIELESS TOOLS GROOVE BURNDY 348 EEI MECH. HYDR. MR, MY Y644 1 CRIMP INSTALLATION TOOLING USING DIES DIE INFORMATION TYPE COLOR DIE SET PINK 350 DIE SET 352 DIE SET 373 DIE SET 374 MY29-3 375 MY29-3 1 CRIMP U350 C350 L350 P352 C352 L352 C314 L314 L419 U373 U373 U373 U373 U373 U403 U403 U403 S419 P419 C419 U317 U317 U317 L422 U317 U317 U317 U166/459 U166/459 U166/459 U166/459 U166/459 RUBY U27ART A27ART U27ART U27ART DIE SET C27AR P34PR5 U468 BLUE U30ART U468 U30ART U468 U30ART U468 U468 S469 P469 C469 L469 U30ART U30ART C30AR L30ART NEST INDENTOR DIE SET U27ART P30D NEST INDENTOR DIE SET P34D C34D P48PR1 Y48PR1 GOLD U1CART U1CART U1CART U1CART U1CART GREEN U32ART U32ART U32ART U32ART U32ART C32AR P35D C35D NEST INDENTOR DIE SET NEST INDENTOR DIE SET BLACK U36ART U36ART U36ART U36ART NEST INDENTOR DIE SET GOLD S40ART P48PR1 Y48PR1 U36ART C36AR P44D C44D P48PR1 Y48PR1 P40ART C40AR L32ART L36ART L40ART C45D NEST INDENTOR DIE SET O-38 S352 U403 469 1 CRIMP U350 U403 DIE SET 478 U350 U4CABT 468 1 CRIMP U350 Y60BHU U8CABT DIE SET 474 U350 Y48 U4CABT DIE SET 1 CRIMP U2CABT Y46 U8CABT 459 166 473 U2CABT U4CABT DIE SET 1 CRIMP U2CABT U8CABT 426 317 472 U2CABT U4CABT DIE SET 1 CRIMP U2CABT Y750 U8CABT DIE SET MY29-3 ➂ Y39 U4CABT 422 471 ➀ Y45 ➁ Y35 ➀ U8CABT 419 1 CRIMP HYDRAULIC Y34B BLUE DIE SET 470 OUR840 Y29B GREEN 403 1 CRIMP MD6 DIE SET DIE SET MY29-3 MECHANICAL DIE SET 376 314 467 (Continued) Y48PR1 BLUE C46AR L46ART C46AD NEST INDENTOR Y48PR11 479 DIE SET RED 490 547 DIE SET 495 DIE SET 505 163 DIE SET 511 MY29-3 NEST INDENTOR Y34PA 512 MY29-3 NEST INDENTOR Y34PA 513 MY29-3 NEST INDENTOR Y34PA 514 MY29-3 NEST INDENTOR Y34PA ① Cat. No. Y35P3 Adapter is required to accommodate "Y34PR" type indentor in Y35, Y39, Y750 HYTOOLS and with the PUADP-1 adapter in the Y46 and with the PT6515 adapter in the Y45. ➁ Cat. No. PT6515 Adapter is required to use "U" type dies in Y45 series tools. L48ART U490 W163 U163 B6CD B4CD B1CD B26D ③ Cat. No. PUADP-1 Adapter is required to use "U" type dies in Y46 series tools. ➃ The MD6-6R2 ratchet tool is required on these sizes. The standard MD6 or MD6R ratchet tools will not work. ⑤ Also pneumatic version Y29NC. ➅ Hexagonal crimp. U490 U163 U490 U163 U490 U163 U490 U163 C490 L490 C495 L495 L163 BURNDY Reference PRESENT INSTALLATION TOOL INDEX DIE DIELESS TOOLS GROOVE BURNDY EEI MECH. HYDR. MR, MY Y644 (Continued) INSTALLATION TOOLING USING DIES DIE INFORMATION TYPE MECHANICAL COLOR MD6 OUR840 Y29B ➄ HYDRAULIC Y34B Y35 ➀ Y39 Y750 ➀ Y45 ➁ Y46 ➂ Y48 Y60BHU B26D 515 MY29-3 NEST INDENTOR 516 MY29-3 NEST INDENTOR Y34PR5 517 MY29-3 NEST INDENTOR Y34PR5 518 MY29-3 NEST INDENTOR Y34PR5 519 MY29-3 NEST INDENTOR Y34PR5 520 MY29-3 NEST INDENTOR Y34PR5 521 NEST INDENTOR No Nest C34D Y34PR11 Y48PR-1 522 NEST INDENTOR Y48PR-1 523 NEST INDENTOR Y48PR-1 524 NEST INDENTOR Y48PR-1 525 NEST INDENTOR Y48PR-1 526 NEST INDENTOR Y48PR-1 527 NEST INDENTOR Y48PR-1 528 NEST INDENTOR Y48PR-1 529 NEST INDENTOR Y48PR-11 Y34PR5 B27D B29D B30D B31D B32D C35D C35D C39D C44D C45D C45D C46D C46AD 538 326 DIE SET U33RT U33RT U33RT U33RT U33RT 547 490 DIE SET U490 U490 U490 U490 U490 552 DIE SET U552 U552 U552 U552 U552 568 167, 207 211, 256 DIE SET U167/ U568 U167/ U568 U167/ U568 U167/ U568 U167/ U568 575 576 578 292 DIE SET S292 579 DIE SET S579 587 DIE SET 607 DIE SET U607 U607 U607 U607 U607 608 DIE SET U608 U608 U608 U608 U608 C608 609 DIE SET U609 U609 U609 U609 U609 C609 627 DIE SET 642 DIE SET U642 U642 U642 U642 U642 643 DIE SET U643 U643 U643 U643 U643 647 ⑤ DIE SET C490 L490 DIE SET C575 L575 DIE SET C576 L576 P292 C292 L292 P579 C579 ① Cat. No. Y35P3 Adapter is required to accommodate "Y34PR" type indentor in Y35, Y39, Y750 HYTOOLS and with the PUADP-1 adapter in the Y46 and with the PT6515 adapter in the Y45. ➁ Cat. No. PT6515 Adapter is required to use "U" type dies in Y45 series tools. W167 L579 L47ART ③ Cat. No. PUADP-1 Adapter is required to use "U" type dies in Y46 series tools. ➃ Also pneumatic version Y29NC. ⑤ Die 302 recommended for 1.84 O.D. barrel. L608 C627 L627 C642 L642 C45AR L45ART O-39 BURNDY Reference PRESENT INSTALLATION TOOL INDEX DIE DIELESS TOOLS GROOVE BURNDY EEI MECH. HYDR. MR, MY Y644 MECHANICAL TYPE MD6 DIE SET 654 DIE SET 13A COLOR OUR840 Y29B➄ Y34B HYDRAULIC Y35 ➀ Y45 ➁ Y46 ➂ Y39 Y750 ➀ U654 U654 U654 U654 P654 U655 U655 U655 U655 U655 U658 U658 U658 U658 U658 U659 U659 U659 U659 U659 U660 U660 U660 U660 U660 Y48 Y60BHU L648 PURPLE DIE SET 658 DIE SET 659 DIE SET W659 660 DIE SET W660 667 DIE SET 668 DIE SET U668 U668 U668 U668 U668 676 DIE SET U676 U676 U676 U676 U676 677 DIE SET U677 U677 U677 U677 U677 678 DIE SET U678 U678 U678 U678 U678 679 DIE SET U679 U679 U679 U679 U679 684 DIE SET 687 DIE SET W687 X-660 L654 C667 L667 C668 L677 L684 X-687 690 1S DIE SET W690 U690 U690 U690 U690 U690 691 2S DIE SET W691 U691 U691 U691 U691 U691 692 4S DIE SET W692 U692 U692 U692 U692 U692 693 6A DIE SET W693 U693 U693 U693 U693 U693 694 10A DIE SET W694 U694 U694 U694 U694 U694 702 DIE SET W702 705 DIE SET U705 U705 U705 U705 U705 717 ➆ DIE SET S717 P717 718 ➆ DIE SET 719 ➆ DIE SET S719 P719 L719 720 ➆ DIE SET S720 P720 L720 721 ➆ DIE SET 722 ➆ DIE SET S722 P722 723 ➆ DIE SET 724 ➆ DIE SET S724 725 ➆ DIE SET S725 726 ➆ DIE SET L726 727 ➆ DIE SET L727 728 ➆ DIE SET L728 729 ➆ DIE SET L729 735 ➆ DIE SET L735 740 ➆ DIE SET 786 DIE SET U786 U786 U786 U786 U786 788 DIE SET U788 U788 U788 U788 U788 789 DIE SET 936 ➆ O-40 INSTALLATION TOOLING USING DIES DIE INFORMATION 648 655 (Continued) 1 CRIMP L718 L721 C722 L722 C723 L723 P724 C724 L724 P725 C725 L725 L740 L789 DIE SET YELLOW 997 DIE SET ORANGE 998 DIE SET 999 DIE SET 1011 DIE SET 1012 DIE SET 1013 NEST INDENTOR MY29-11 L717 ① Cat. No. Y35P3 Adapter is required to accommodate "Y34PR" type indentor in Y35, Y39, Y750 HYTOOLS and with the PUADP-1 adapter in the Y46 and with the PT6515 adapter in the Y45. ➁ Cat. No. PT6515 Adapter is required to use "U" type dies in Y45 series tools. ③ Cat. No. PUADP-1 Adapter is required to use "U" type dies in Y46 series tools. U39ART-2 U39ART-2 U39ART-2 U39ART-2 U39ART-2 C39ART-2 U997 U997 U997 U997 U997 PU998 S998 P998 U1011 S999 P999 S1011 P1011 S1012 UV8L UV8L UV8L UV8L UV8L Y34PL Y34PL Y34PL Y34PL Y34PL ➃ The MD6-6R2 ratchet tool is required on these sizes. The standard MD6 or MD6R ratchet tools will not work. ⑤ Also pneumatic version Y29NC. ➅ Use C39AR round die 301 for 1.60 O.D. barrel. Use C39AR-2 hex die 936 for 1.46 O.D. barrel. ⑦ Hexagonal crimp. L39ART-2 BURNDY Reference PRESENT INSTALLATION TOOL INDEX DIE GROOVE BURNDY EEI DIELESS TOOLS MECH. HYDR. MR, MY Y644 1014 MY29-11 1015 MY29-11 1016 MY29-11 1017 MY29-11 1018 MY29-11 1019 MY29-11 1020 MY29-11 1021 MY29-11 1022 MY29-11 1023 MY29-11 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1102 1103 1104 1105 400 2000 DIE INFORMATION TYPE COLOR NEST INDENTOR NEST INDENTOR NEST INDENTOR NEST INDENTOR NEST INDENTOR NEST INDENTOR NEST INDENTOR NEST INDENTOR NEST INDENTOR NEST INDENTOR NEST INDENTOR NEST INDENTOR NEST INDENTOR NEST INDENTOR NEST INDENTOR NEST INDENTOR NEST INDENTOR NEST INDENTOR NEST INDENTOR DIE SET DIE SET DIE SET DIE SET NEST INDENTOR NEST INDENTOR ➀ Cat. No. Y35P3 Adapter is required to accommodate "Y34PR" type indentor in Y35, Y39, Y750 HYTOOLS and with the PUADP-1 adapter in the Y46 and with the PT6515 adapter in the Y45. ➁ Cat. No. PT6515 Adapter is required to use "U" type dies in Y45 series tools. (Continued) INSTALLATION TOOLING USING DIES MECHANICAL HYDRAULIC MD6 OUR840 Y29B ➃ Y34B Y35 ➀ Y39 Y750 ➀ Y45 ➁ U6CD1 Y34PR U4CD1 Y34PR U3CD1 Y34PR U2CD1 Y34PR U1CD1 Y34PR U25D1 Y34PR2 U26D1 Y34PR2 U27D1 Y34PR2 U28D1 Y34PR2 U29D1 Y34PR2 U30D1 Y34PR2 U31D1 Y34PR2 U32D1 Y34PR2 U34D1 Y34PR2 U6CD1 Y34PR U4CD1 Y34PR U3CD1 Y34PR U2CD1 Y34PR U1CD1 Y34PR U25D1 Y34PR2 U26D1 Y34PR2 U27D1 Y34PR2 U28D1 Y34PR2 U29D1 Y34PR2 U30D1 Y34PR2 U31D1 Y34PR2 U32D1 Y34PR2 U34D1 Y34PR2 White Blue Brown Purple U38RT U38RT U6CD1 Y34PR U4CD1 Y34PR U3CD1 Y34PR U2CD1 Y34PR U1CD1 Y34PR U25D1 Y34PR2 U26D1 Y34PR2 U27D1 Y34PR2 U28D1 Y34PR2 U29D1 Y34PR2 U30D1 Y34PR2 U31D1 Y34PR2 U32D1 Y34PR2 U34D1 Y34PR2 U1104 U1105 U38RT U6CD1 Y34PR U4CD1 Y34PR U3CD1 Y34PR U2CD1 Y34PR U1CD1 Y34PR U25D1 Y34PR2 U26D1 Y34PR2 U27D1 Y34PR2 U28D1 Y34PR2 U29D1 Y34PR2 U30D1 Y34PR2 U31D1 Y34PR2 U32D1 Y34PR2 U34D1 Y34PR2 U38RT Y46 ➂ U6CD1 Y34PR U4CD1 Y34PR U3CD1 Y34PR U2CD1 Y34PR U1CD1 Y34PR U25D1 Y34PR2 U26D1 Y34PR2 U27D1 Y34PR2 U28D1 Y34PR2 U29D1 Y34PR2 U30D1 Y34PR2 U31D1 Y34PR2 U32D1 Y34PR2 U34D1 Y34PR2 P36D P48PR1 P38D P48PR1 P39D P48PR1 P40D P48PR1 P44D P48PR1 P1102 P1103 P1104 P1105 U38RT Y48B Y60BHU C36D Y48PR1 C38D Y48PR1 C39D Y48PR1 C40D Y48PR1 C44D Y48PR1 C38D Y48PR U27B U27B U27B Y34PR15 Y34PR15 Y34PR15 ➂ Cat. No. PUADP-1 Adapter is required to use "U" type dies in Y46 series tools. ➃ Also pneumatic version Y29NC. Available in PIBEAM KIT O-41 BURNDY Reference CATALOG NUMBERS REQUIRING MSDS POWERCELL PENA13-3 PENE-8 PENA-3 PENA13-4 PENE-PT PENA-4 PENA13-8 PENE QT P8A PENA13PT PENE GAL PENA 1LB PENA13QT PENE 5GAL PENA PT PENA13GAL PENE 55GAL PENA QT PENA13 5GAL ALFLUID QT ALFLUID GAL PENA GAL PENA13 55GAL PENA 5GAL PENE-3 HYFLUID QT PENA 55GAL PENE-4 HYFLUID GAL * All Wejtap catalog numbers ending in PB require MSDS for Power Cell. COLOR CODING FOR OVERHEAD CONNECTORS ALUMINUM & COPPER COLOR CODE STR COMPACT ASCR BROWN 10 8 GREEN 8 6 BLUE 5, 6 4 6 ORANGE 3, 4 #2 2 4 1-19, 2 1/0 1 2 YELLOW 1/0 2/0 1/0, 1 GRAY 2/0 3/0 2/0 BLACK 3/0 4/0 3/0 PINK 4/0 266, 300 4/0 RED 250 WHITE 266 BLUE 300 350 266.8 (26/7, 18/1) BROWN 336 GREEN 350, 397, 400 RED GRAY 450 PINK 500 GREEN 556 PURPLE 600 YELLOW O-42 SOL 336.4 (26/7, 18/1) 477 (18/1) 556.5 (24/7, 26/7) BLUE 650 RED 700 YELLOW 750 ORANGE 800 WHITE 900 BROWN 1000 NOTE: This chart is only intended as a guide, for specific applications refer to your catalog. For connectors with a range, the color is keyed by the largest conductor. BURNDY Reference COLOR CODING FOR AL/CU CONNECTORS COLOR CODE STR COLOR CODE STR BLUE 8 BLUE 300 GRAY 6 BROWN 350 GREEN 4 GREEN 400 PINK 2 PINK 500 GOLD 1 BLACK 600 TAN 1/0 YELLOW 700/750 OLIVE 2/0 RED 700/750 RUBY 3/0 BROWN 1000 WHITE 4/0 BLUE 1500 RED 250 RED 2000 NOTE: This chart is only intended as a guide. For specific applications refer to your catalog. COLOR CODING FOR COPPER LUGS AND SPLICES CODE SIZE COLOR CODE FLEX CABLE STR SOL RED 8 6 BLUE 6 BLUE 5 GRAY 4 WHITE 3 BROWN 2 2 GREEN 1 1 PINK 1/0 1/0 BLACK 2/0 2/0 ORANGE 3/0 3/0 PURPLE 4/0 4/0 YELLOW 250 4/0 & 250 WHITE 300 250 RED 350 313.1 BLUE 400 373.7 BROWN 500 444.4 GREEN 600 PINK 700 PURPLE BLACK WHITE 6 4 2 535.3 600 750 YELLOW ORANGE 8 646 777.7 800 1000 YELLOW 1111 GREEN 1500 BROWN 2000 NOTE: This chart is only intended as a guide. For specific applications refer to your catalog. O-43 BURNDY Alpha-numeric CATALOG NO. 115Cl 115R 1300A-12-3-10 1300A-24-3-10 1300A-30-3-10 1300A-8-3-10 1300A18-3-10 1350A-12-3-12 1350A-12-3-B 1350A-12-4-10 1350A-12-4-B 1350A-18-3-12 1350A-18-3-B 1350A-18-4-12 1350A-18-4-B 1350A-24-3-12 1350A-24-3-B 1350A-24-4-12 1350A-24-4-B 1350A-30-3-12 1350A-30-3-B 1350A-30-4-12 1350A-30-4-B 1350A-8-3-12 1350A-8-3-B 1350A-8-4-12 1350A-8-4-B 1500A-12-3-10 1500A-12-3-12 1500A-12-3-B 1500A-12-4-12 1500A-12-4-B 1500A-18-3-10 1500A-18-3-12 1500A-18-3-B 1500A-18-4-12 1500A-18-4-B 1500A-24-3-10 1500A-24-3-12 1500A-24-3-B 1500A-24-4-12 1500A-24-4-B 1500A-30-3-10 1500A-30-3-12 1500A-30-3-B 1500A-30-4-12 1500A-30-4-B 150R 15Cl 15CP 15R 1PBS1/0 1PBS2 1PBS250 1PBS350 1PBS500 1PL2/02 1PL2/03 1PL2502 1PL2503 1PL3502 1PL42 1PL43 1PL44 1PL6002 1PLD2/02 1PLD2/03 O-44 1PLD2/04 1PLD2/06 1PLD2502 1PLD2503 1PLD2504 1PLD2506 1PLD3502 1PLD3503 1PLD3504 1PLD3506 1PLD3508 1PLD43 1PLD44 PAGE NO. D57 D57 A41 A41 A41 A41 A41 A41 A43 A42 A43 A41 A43 A42 A43 A41 A43 A42 A43 A41 A43 A42 A43 A41 A43 A42 A43 A41 A41 A43 A42 A43 A41 A41 A43 A42 A43 A41 A41 A43 A42 A43 A41 A41 A43 A42 A43 D57 D57 D57 D57 A54 A54 A54 A54 A54 A54 A54 A54 A54 A54 A54 A54 A54 A54 A54 A54 A54 A54 A54 A54 A54 A54 A54 A54 A54 A54 A54 A54 A54 CATALOG NO. PAGE NO. 1PLD6002 A54 1PLD6003 A54 1PLD6004 A54 1PLD6005 A54 1PLD6006 A54 1PLD6008 A54 1PLO2/02 A54 1PLO2502 A54 1PLO42 A54 1PLO6002 A54 200R D57 25 FW BOX L3 25 FWSS L7 25 HSSN L7 25 NW BOX L3 25 SW BOX L3 25 SWSS LT L7 250R D57 25C HEN BOX L3 25Cl D57 25CP D57 25R D57 25x100 HEB BOX L2 25x125 HEB BOX L2 25x150 HEB BOX L2 25x200 HEB BOX L2 25x250 HEB BOX L2 25x300 HEB BOX L2 25x50 HEB BOX L2 25x62 HEB BOX L2 25x75 HEB BOX L2 31 FW BOX L3 31 NW BOX L3 31 SW BOX L3 31C HEN BOX L3 31CHGSN L5 31x100 HEB BOX L2 31x125 HEB BOX L2 31x150 HEB BOX L2 31x175 HEB BOX L2 31x200 HEB BOX L2 31x250 HEB BOX L2 31x300 HEB BOX L2 31x50 HEB BOX L2 31x62 HEB BOX L2 31x75 HEB BOX L2 32Cl D57 32CP D57 32R D57 38 FW BOX L3 38 FWSS L7 38 HGSN L5 38 HGSN-009 L5 38 HSSN L7 38 NW BOX L3 38 NWGS L5 38 SW BOX L3 38 SWSSMD L7 38 X (*) HEB G14 38 x (*) HEB A22 38C HEN BOX L3 38CHEN A22, G12, G14 38FW G12 38SW A22, G12, G14 38x100 HEB BOX L2 38x125 HEB BOX L2 38x125 HGSB L5 38X125 HSSB L7 38X125HEB G12 38x150 HEB BOX L2 38x175 HEB BOX L2 38X175HEB G12 38x200 HEB BOX L2 38x225 HEB BOX L2 38x225 HGSB L5 38x225 HSSB L7 38X225HEB G12 38x250 HEB BOX L2 38x250 HSSB L7 38X250HEB G12 CATALOG NO. 38x275 HEB BOX 38x275 HGSB 38x275 HSSB 38X275HEB 38x300 HEB BOX 38x325 HEB BOX 38X325HEB 38x350 HEB BOX 38x400 HEB BOX 38x450 HEB BOX 38x50 HEB BOX 38x500 HEB BOX 38x62 HEB BOX 38x75 BWSS 38x75 HEB BOX 38x81 FWGS 38x88 HEB BOX 411-206016-014 411-206091-018 433-206016-010 433-206071-012 44 FW BOX 44 NW BOX 44 SW BOX 44C HEN BOX 44x150 HEB BOX 44x200 HEB BOX 45Cl 45CP 45R 50 FW BOX 50 FWA BOX 50 FWSS 50 HAN BOX 50 HGSN 50 HSSN 50 NW BOX 50 NWGS 50 SW BOX 50 SWAL BOX 50 SWSSMD 50 X (*) HEB 50 x (*) HEB 500R 50C HEN BOX 50CHEN 50SW 50x100 HEB BOX 50x100 HGSB 50x106 BWSS 50x106 FWGS 50x125 HEB BOX 50x150 HAB BOX 50x150 HEB BOX 50x150 HGSB 50x175 HAB BOX 50x175 HEB BOX 50x200 HAB BOX 50x200 HEB BOX 50x200 HGSB 50x200 HSSB 50x225 HAB BOX 50x225 HEB BOX 50x250 HAB BOX 50x250 HEB BOX 50x250 HSSB 50x275 HAB BOX 50x275 HEB BOX 50x300 HAB BOX 50x300 HEB BOX 50x300 HSSB 50x325 HAB BOX 50x325 HEB BOX 50x350 HAB BOX 50x350 HEB BOX 50x375 HAB BOX 50x375 HEB BOX 50x400 HAB BOX 50x400 HEB BOX 50x425 HAB BOX PAGE NO. L2 L5 L7 G12 L2 L2 G12 L2 L2 L2 L2 L2 L2 L7 L2 L5 L2 N61 N61 N61 N61 L3 L3 L3 L3 L2 L2 D57 D57 D57 L3 L6 L7 L6 L5 L7 L3 L5 L3 L6 L7 G14 A22 D57 L3 A22, G14 A22, G14 L2 L5 L7 L5 L2 L6 L2 L5 L6 L2 L6 L2 L5 L7 L6 L2 L6 L2 L7 L6 L2 L6 L2 L7 L6 L2 L6 L2 L6 L2 L6 L2 L6 CATALOG NO. PAGE NO. 50x450 HAB BOX L6 50x450 HEB BOX L2 50x500 HAB BOX L6 50x500 HEB BOX L2 50x550 HAB BOX L6 50x550 HEB BOX L2 50x600 HEB BOX L2 50x75 HEB BOX L2 62 FW BOX L3 62 FWA BOX L6 62 FWSS L7 62 HAN BOX L6 62 HGSN L5 62 HSSN L7 62 NW BOX L3 62 NWGS L5 62 SW BOX L3 62 SWAL BOX L6 62 SWSSMD L7 62 X (*) HEB G14 62 x (*) HEB A22 62C HEN BOX L3 62CHEN A22, G14 62SW A22, G14 62x100 HEB BOX L2 62x125 HEB BOX L2 62x125 HGSB L5 62x150 HEB BOX L2 62x175 HAB BOX L6 62x175 HEB BOX L2 62x175 HGSB L5 62x200 HAB BOX L6 62x200 HEB BOX L2 62x225 HAB BOX L6 62x225 HEB BOX L2 62x250 HAB BOX L6 62x250 HEB BOX L2 62x275 HEB BOX L2 62x300 HAB BOX L6 62x300 HEB BOX L2 62x300 HSSB L7 62x31 FWGS L5 62x325 HEB BOX L2 62x350 HAB BOX L6 62x350 HEB BOX L2 62x400 HAB BOX L6 62x400 HEB BOX L2 62x450 HAB BOX L6 62x450 HEB BOX L2 62x500 HAB BOX L6 62x500 HEB BOX L2 62x550 HAB BOX L6 62x600 HAB BOX L6 62x600 HEB BOX L2 65Cl D57 65CP D57 65R D57 75 FLATWASHER (VC) L7 75 FWGS L5 75 HAN BOX L6 75 NWGS L5 75 X (*) HEB G14 75 x (*) HEB A22 75C HEN BOX L3 75CHEN A22, G14 75SW A22, G14 75x125 HGSB L5 840-4431-01 D89 8404431-00 D89 90Cl D57 90R D57 A100 K16 A200 K16 A442LN-45 C51 AGSKIT2 A31 AGSKIT250 A31 ALFLUID GAL N61 ALFLUID QT N61 AMS-0 A30 AMS-1000 A30 CATALOG NO. AMS-2 AMS-250 AMS-350 AMS-4/0 AMS-500 AMS-750 ASA1000U ASA250U ASA800U AWS25R AWS28R AWS33R AWS36R AYP1 AYP1/0 AYP2 AYP250 AYP350 AYP4 AYP500 AYP6 AYP750 AYPO2/0 AYPO250 AYPO3/0 AYPO300 AYPO350 AYPO4/0 AYPO400 AYPO500 AYPO600 AYPO750 B-106 B-107 B-1208 B-1212 B-1215 B-1216 B-1218 B-1219 B-1220 B-1221 B-1222 B-1223 B-1224 B-1225-H B-1226-H B-1228-H B-1270 B-1271 B-1272 B-1273 B-1274 B-1275 B-1276 B-1277 B-1278 B-1279 B-1280 B-1281 B-1282 B-1283 B-1284 B-1285 B-1286 B-1287 B-1288 B-1289 B-1290 B-1291 B-1292 B-1293 B-1294 B-1295 B-1296 B-1297 B-1298 B-1299 B-1300 B-1301 PAGE NO. A30 A30 A30 A30 A30 A30 C94 C94 C94 E60 E60 E60 E60 C123 C123 C123 C123 C123 C123 C123 C123 C123 C123 C123 C123 C123 C123 C123 C123 C123 C123 C123 D88 D88 D63 D68 D74 D74 D74 D74 D74 D74 D74 D74 D74 D74 D74 D74 D62 D62 D62 D62 D62 D62 D62 D62 D62 D62 D62 D62 D62 D62 D62 D62 D62 D62 D62 D62 D62 D62 D62 D62 D62 D62 D62 D62 D62 D62 D62 D62 BURNDY Alpha-numeric CATALOG NO. B-1302 B-1303 B-1304 B-1305 B-1306 B-1307 B-1308 B-1309 B-1310 B-1311 B-1313 B-1314 B-1315 B-1316 B-1317 B-1318 B-1319 B-1320 B-1321 B-1322 B-1323 B-1324 B-1325 B-1326 B-1327 B-1328 B-1329 B-1330 B-1331 B-1332 B-1333 B-1334 B-1335 B-1336 B-1581 B-1582 B-1583 B-1584 B-1586 B-1587 B-1588 B-1589 B-1593 B-1594 B-1595 B-1596 B-1597 B-1601 B-1602 B-1603 B-1604 B-1605 B-1606 B-1610 B-1611 B-1613 B-1614 B-1615 B-1616 B-1617 B-1618 B-1619 B-1620 B-1626 B-1627 B-1628 B-1629 B-1630 B-1631 B-1632 B-1633 B-1634 B-1635 B-1636 B-1637 B-1638 B-1639 B-1640 B-1641 B-1642 PAGE NO. D62 D62 D62 D62 D62 D62 D62 D62 D62 D63 D63 D63 D63 D63 D63 D63 D63 D63 D63 D63 D63 D63 D63 D63 D63 D63 D63 D63 D63 D63 D63 D63 D63 D63 D66 D66 D66 D66 D66 D66 D66 D66 D66 D66 D66 D66 D66 D66 D66 D66 D66 D66 D66 D66 D66 D76 D76 D76 D76 D76 D76 D76 D76 D74 D74 D74 D74 D74 D74 D74 D74 D74 D75 D75 D75 D75 D75 D75 D75 D75 CATALOG NO. B-1643 B-1644 B-1645 B-1646 B-1648 B-1649 B-1650 B-205 B-206 B-207 B-208 B-2084 B-209 B-210 B-211 B-213 B-214 B-215 B-2154 B-2155 B-2156 B-2157 B-2158 B-2159 B-2160 B-2161 B-2162 B-2163 B-2164 B-2165 B-2189 B-2199 B-2200 B-221 B-223 B-2235 B-224 B-225 B-226 B-227 B-228 B-229 B-230 B-231 B-232 B-2320 B-233 B-234 B-235 B-236 B-237 B-238 B-239 B-240 B-241 B-242 B-243 B-244 B-245 B-2450 B-246 B-247 B-2476 B-2477 B-2478 B-248 B-2480 B-2480-S B-2482 B-2483 B-2484 B-2486 B-2488 B-249 B-2490 B-2491 B-2493 B-2494 B-250 B-2506 PAGE NO. D75 D75 D75 D75 D75 D75 D75 D58 D58 D58 D58 D68 D58 D58 D58 D58 D58 D58 D66 D66 D66 D66 D66 D66 D66 D66 D66 D66 D66 D66 D73 D70 D70 D59 D59 D68 D59 D59 D59 D59 D59 D59 D59 D59 D59 D68 D59 D59 D59 D59 D59 D59 D59 D59 D59 D59 D59 D59 D59 D68 D59 D59 D72 D72 D72 D59 D72 D72 D72 D72 D72 D72 D72 D59 D72 D72 D72 D72 D59 D70 CATALOG NO. B-2507 B-2509 B-251 B-2510 B-2511 B-252 B-253 B-254 B-2540 B-2542 B-255 B-2558 B-256 B-2566 B-2567 B-2568 B-2569 B-257 B-258 B-2583-S B-259 B-260 B-261 B-262 B-263 B-264 B-265 B-266 B-267 B-268 B-2687 B-2688 B-2689 B-269 B-2690 B-2691 B-2692 B-2693 B-2694 B-2695 B-2696 B-2697 B-2698 B-2699 B-270 B-2700 B-2701 B-2702 B-2703 B-2704 B-2705 B-2706 B-2707 B-2708 B-2709 B-2710 B-2711 B-2712 B-2713 B-2714 B-2715 B-2716 B-2717 B-2718 B-2719 B-2747 B-2751 B-2752 B-2753 B-2754 B-2755 B-2756 B-2757 B-2761 B-2781 B-280 B-282 B-283 B-284 B-285 PAGE NO. D70 D70 D59 D68 D70 D59 D59 D59 D73 D70 D59 D68 D59 D67 D75 D75 D75 D59 D59 D72 D59 D59 D59 D59 D59 D59 D59 D59 D59 D59 D61 D72 D61 D59 D61 D61 D61 D61 D61 D61 D61 D61 D61 D61 D59 D61 D61 D61 D61 D61 D61 D61 D61 D61 D61 D61 D61 D61 D61 D61 D61 D61 D61 D61 D61 D61 D61 D61 D61 D61 D61 D61 D61 D75 D73 D59 D59 D59 D59 D59 CATALOG NO. B-286 B-287 B-288 B-289 B-290 B-291 B-293 B-294 B-295 B-296 B-297 B-298 B-423 B-424 B-425 B-426 B-427 B-428 B-429 B-430 B-431 B-432 B-433 B-434 B-435 B-436 B-437 B-438 B-439 B-440 B-441 B-442 B-443 B-444 B-445 B-447 B-448 B-449 B-450 B-451 B-452 B-453 B-454 B-455 B-456 B-457 B-458 B-459 B-460 B-461 B-462 B-463 B-464 B-465 B-466 B-467 B-468 B-469 B-470 B-471 B-472 B-483 B-485 B-486 B-487 B-488 B-489 B-490 B-491 B-492 B-493 B-495 B-496 B-497 B-498 B-499 B-500 B-501 B-502 B-5021 PAGE NO. D59 D59 D59 D59 D59 D59 D59 D59 D59 D59 D59 D59 D60 D60 D60 D60 D60 D60 D60 D60 D60 D60 D60 D60 D60 D60 D60 D60 D60 D60 D60 D60 D60 D60 D60 D60 D60 D60 D60 D60 D60 D60 D60 D60 D60 D60 D60 D60 D60 D60 D60 D60 D60 D60 D60 D60 D60 D60 D60 D60 D60 D60 D60 D60 D60 D60 D60 D60 D60 D60 D60 D64 D64 D64 D64 D64 D64 D64 D64 D59 CATALOG NO. B-503 B-504 B-505 B-506 B-5065 B-507 B-508 B-509 B-510 B-511 B-513 B-514 B-515 B-516 B-517 B-518 B-519 B-520 B-521 B-523 B-524 B-525 B-526 B-527 B-528 B-529 B-5294 B-530 B-531 B-532 B-5321 B-533 B-5330 B-5331 B-5332 B-5333 B-5334 B-5335 B-5336 B-5337 B-5338 B-534 B-5340 B-5341 B-5342 B-535 B-5351 B-5352 B-5353 B-5359 B-5361 B-5362 B-5363 B-537 B-538 B-5380 B-5389 B-539 B-5390 B-540 B-541 B-5416 B-5419 B-542 B-5428 B-543 B-5432 B-544 B-545 B-546 B-547 B-5475 B-548 B-549 B-550 B-551 B-5513 B-5515 B-5517 B-553 PAGE NO. D64 D64 D64 D64 D71 D64 D64 D64 D64 D64 D64 D64 D64 D64 D64 D64 D64 D64 D64 D64 D64 D64 D64 D64 D64 D64 D67 D64 D64 D65 D66 D64 D68 D71 D68 D68 D68 D68 D68 D68 D68 D64 D63 D68 D63 D64 D68 D68 D68 D73 D73 D73 D73 D65 D65 D67 D73 D65 D67 D65 D65 D67 D75 D65 D68 D65 D61 D65 O-45 D65 D65 D65 D59 D65 D65 D65 D65 D67 D67 D68 D65 BURNDY Alpha-numeric CATALOG NO. B-555 B-5555 B-5556 B-556 B-5560 B-5561 B-557 B-5573 B-5574 B-558 B-559 B-560 B-5604 B-561 B-5618 B-562 B-5623 B-5624 B-5625 B-5626 B-5627 B-5629 B-563 B-5630 B-5631 B-5632 B-5634 B-5635 B-5636 B-5637 B-5638 B-5639 B-564 B-5640 B-5642 B-5644 B-5645 B-5652 B-5659 B-566 B-5660 B-5667 B-5668 B-567 B-5676 B-5677 B-5679 B-5680 B-5682 B-5684 B-5686 B-5688 B-569 B-5698 B-5699 B-570 B-5702 B-5709 B-571 B-572 B-5722 B-573 B-5732 B-5734 B-5738 B-574 B-5746 O-46 B-575 B-5767 B-577 B-5777 B-578 B-5781 B-579 B-5803 B-5804 B-5820 B-5821 B-5830 B-5833 PAGE NO. D65 D67 D67 D65 D68 D67 D65 D68 D59 D65 D65 D65 D68 D65 D62 D65 D58 D58 D58 D58 D63 D63 D65 D63 D63 D63 D63 D63 D63 D63 D63 D63 D65 D68 D63 D63 D63 D63 D63 D65 D66 D68 D63 D65 D63 D68 D63 D63 D63 D63 D63 D63 D65 D67 D67 D65 D68 D62 D65 D65 D67 D65 D67 D67 D67 D65 D67 D65 D68 D65 D67 D65 D64 D65 D67 D67 D67 D67 D67 D67 CATALOG NO. B-585 B-5850 B-5857 B-586 B-587 B-5877 B-588 B-588-S B-589 B-590 B-5904 B-591 B-5910 B-592 B-593 B-5935 B-594 B-5940 B-5943 B-595 B-596 B-5961 B-5963 B-5972 B-598 B-599 B-5992 B-600 B-6002 B-6003 B-602 B-6025 B-603 B-604 B-6046 B-6048 B-605 B-6051 B-6060 B-6061 B-6067 B-6072 B-6114 B-616 B-6165 B-617 B-618 B-619 B-620 B-6205 B-6207 B-6208 B-6209 B-621 B-6210 B-6211 B-6212 B-622 B-624 B-625-H B-626-H B-628 B-629 B-6294 B-630 B-631 B-644 B-645 B-646 B-647 B-648 B-649 B-650 B-652 B-653 B-654 B-6552 B-6630 B-6766 B-6906 PAGE NO. D72 D67 D67 D72 D72 D67 D72 D72 D72 D72 D67 D72 D75 D72 D72 D67 D72 D67 D63 D72 D72 D67 D67 D67 D72 D72 D67 D72 D68 D67 D71 D67 D71 D71 D63 D67 D71 D68 D75 D75 D75 D75 D70 D71 D67 D71 D71 D71 D71 D86 D86 D68 D86 D71 D86 D86 D86 D71 D71 D71 D71 D70 D70 D68 D70 D70 D70 D70 D70 D70 D70 D70 D70 D70 D70 D70 D63 D66 D68 D66 CATALOG NO. 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A51 A51 A50 A50 A50 A50 A50 A50 A50 A50 A52 A52 A52 A52 A52 A50 A50 A50 A50 A50 A50 A50 A50 A52 A52 A52 A52 A52 A50 A50 A50 A50 A50 A50 A50 A50 A52 A52 A52 A52 A52 A50 A50 A50 A50 A50 A50 A50 A50 A50 A50 A50 A50 A50 A52 A52 A52 A52 A52 A50 A50 A50 A50 A50 A50 A50 J16 J16 O-47 J16 J16 J16 J16 J16 J16 J16 A36 A36 A36 A36 A36 BURNDY Alpha-numeric CATALOG NO. PAGE NO. BIPC500-4/0 A36 BISR1-DB A53 BISR1/0 A49 BISR2 A49 BISR250 A49 BISR250-DB A53 BISR3/0-DB A53 BISR350 A49 BISR4-DB A53 BISR500 A49 BIT2/0 A49 BIT250 A49 BIT350 A49 BIT4 A49 BIT600 A49 BIT750 A49 BITO2/0 A49 BITO250 A49 BITO350 A49 BITO4 A49 BITO600 A49 BITO750 A49 BMY-BCH-MT N12 BP10PADKIT N53, N54 BPD-4-350 J16 BPD-4-500 J16 BPD-6-350 J16 BPD-6-500 J16 BPD-8-350 J16 BPD-8-500 J16 BPD2-4-750 J16 BPD2-6-750 J16 BPD2-8-750 J16 BS-2006 D69 BS-2007 D69 BS-2008 D69 BS-2009 D69 BS-2010 D69 BS-2011 D69 BS-2012 D69 BS-2013 D69 BS-2014 D69 BS-2015 D69 BS-2016 D69 BS-2017 D69 BS-2018 D69 BS-2019 D69 BS-2020 D69 BS-2021 D69 BS-2024 D69 BS-2025 D69 BS-2026 D69 BS-2027 D69 BS-2028 D69 BS-2029 D69 BS-2030 D69 BS-2031 D69 BS-2032 D69 BS-2033 D69 BS-2034 D69 BS-2068 D69 BS-2069 D69 BS-2070 D69 BS-2105 D69 BS-2106 D69 BS-2107 D69 BS-2108 D69 O-48 BS-2109 D69 BS-2110 D69 BS10 B45 BS14 B45 BS16 B45 BURNDYWeld™ FILL D82 BURNDYWeld™ SET D84 C-11B D34 C-11CSH-1 D39 C-11CSH-2 D39 C-11CSH-3 D39 C-11D D34 C-11JA D36 CATALOG NO. PAGE NO. C-11JPT C-11LH-1 C-11LH-2 C-11LH-3 C-11N C-22 C-22D C-22JA C-22JPT C-22LH-1 C-22LH-2 C-22LH-3 C-4 C-4JA C-4JPT C-4LH-1 C-4LH-2 C-4LH-3 C-5 (JUNIOR) C-6 C-61 C-66 C-6D C-7 C-8 C11HD4/0DB C11K16D C11K17D C22HD4/0DB CCD CCFBG-FR CCFD-FR CCFN-FR CCFO-FR CCFR-FR CCN CCNL CCO CFAD CFAD-FR CFAN CFAN-FR CFANL CFANL-FR CFAO CFAO-FR CFAR CFAR-FR CFBG-FR CFD-FR CFN-FR CFO-FR CFR-FR CH10C CH10M CH11C CH11M CH12C CH12M CH14C CH14M CH16C CH16M CH18C CH18M CH24C CH24L CH2C CH2M CH3C CH3M CH4C CH4M CH5C CH5M CH6C CH6M CH7C CH7M CH8C D34 D38 D38 D38 D34 D34 D34 D36 D34 D38 D38 D38 D34 D36 D34 D38 D38 D38 D34 D37 D38 D38 D37 D37 D34 D36 D35 D35 D36 E23 C112 C107, C112 C107, C112 C107, C112 C107, C112 E23 E23 E23 C129 C129 C129 C129 C129 C129 C129 C129 C129 C129 C112 C107, C112 C107, C112 C107, C112 C107, C112 K14 K14 K14 K14 K14 K14 K14 K14 K14 K14 K14 K14 K14 K14 K14 K14 K14 K14 K14 K14 K14 K14 K14 K14 K14 K14 K14 CATALOG NO. CH8M CH9C CH9M CKS2/0 CKS4 CL50-1 CP2525 CP2626 CP26A26A CP27A27A CP2828 CP282C CP28A28A CP2929 CP29A29A CP2C2C CP30A30A CP31A31A CP32A32A CP3434 CP34A34A CP37A37A CPB10 CPB12 CPB16-5/8 CPB21-1/4 CPB6 CPB8 CPT10 CPT12 CPT16 CPT6 CPT8 CT120200D CT120200D0 CT120200L CT120200L0 CT120300D CT120300D0 CT120300L CT120300L0 CT120400D CT120400D0 CT120400D00 CT120400L CT120400L0 CT120400L00 CT120400MH14D CT120400MH14D0 CT120400MH14L CT120400MH14L0 CT120900D CT120900D0 CT120900D00 CT120900L CT120900L0 CT120900L00 CT1751100Q CT1751100Q0 CT1751400Q CT1751400Q0 CT175400Q CT175400Q0 CT175400Q00 CT175600Q CT175600Q0 CT175600Q00 CT175900Q CT175900Q0 CT175900Q00 CT18075C CT18075C0 CT18075C00 CT18075FLC CT18075IDC CT18075M CT18075M0 CT18075M00 CT18075MH4C CT18075MH4C0 PAGE NO. K14 K14 K14 A4 A4 A15, D27 E12 E12 E10 E10 E12 E12 E10 E12 E10 E12 E10 E10 E10 E12 E10 E10 A39 A39 A39 A39 A39 A39 A39 A39 A39 A39 A39 K7 K7 K7 K7 K7 K7 K7 K7 K5, K7 K7 K5 K5, K7 K7 K5 K9 K9 K9 K9 K5, K7 K7 K5 K5, K7 K7 K5 K7 K7 K7 K7 K5, K7 K7 K5 K5, K7 K7 K5 K5, K7 K7 K5 K5, K6 K6 K5 K9 K5, K9 K5, K6 K6 K5 K9 K9 CATALOG NO. CT18075MH4M CT18075MH4M0 CT18125C CT18125C0 CT18125M CT18125M0 CT18200C CT18200C0 CT18200M CT18200M0 CT2501000Q CT2501000Q0 CT2501000RQ CT2501000RQ0 CT2501200Q CT2501200Q0 CT2501200RQ CT2501200RQ0 CT250200RQ CT250200RQ0 CT250500RQ CT250500RQ0 CT250600Q CT250600Q0 CT250600RQ CT250600RQ0 CT250800Q CT250800Q0 CT250800RQ CT250800RQ0 CT30125C CT30125C0 CT30125C00 CT30125M CT30125M0 CT30125M00 CT30125MH8C CT30125MH8C0 CT30125MH8M CT30125MH8M0 CT40200C CT40200C0 CT40200M CT40200M0 CT40200RC CT40200RC0 CT40300C CT40300C0 CT40300M CT40300M0 CT40400C CT40400C0 CT40400M CT40400M0 CT50137EPRC CT50137EPRC0 CT50137RC CT50137RC0 CT50175C CT50175C0 CT50175C00 CT50175ID2L CT50175ID3L CT50175IDC CT50175M CT50175M0 CT50175M00 CT50175MH10C CT50175MH10C0 CT50175MH10M CT50175MH10M0 CT50250EPRC CT50250EPRC0 CT50300C CT50300C0 CT50300C00 CT50300M CT50300M0 CT50300M00 CT50400C PAGE NO. K9 K9 K6 K6 K6 K6 K6 K6 K6 K6 K7 K7 K8 K8 K7 K7 K8 K8 K8 K8 K8 K8 K7 K7 K8 K8 K7 K7 K8 K8 K5, K6 K6 K5 K5, K6 K6 K5 K9 K9 K9 K9 K6 K6 K6 K6 K8 K8 K6 K6 K6 K6 K6 K6 K6 K6 K8 K8 K8 K8 K5, K6 K6 K5 K5, K9 K5, K9 K5, K9 K5, K6 K6 K5 K9 K9 K9 K9 K8 K8 K5, K6 K6 K5 K5, K6 K6 K5 K5, K6 CATALOG NO. PAGE NO. CT50400C0 K6 CT50400C00 K5 CT50400IDC K5, K9 CT50400M K5, K6 CT50400M0 K6 CT50400M00 K5 CT50400MH10C K9 CT50400MH10C0 K9 CT50400MH10M K9 CT50400MH10M0 K9 CT50400RC K8 CT50400RC0 K8 CTB075AA4C K13 CTB075AA4M K13 CTB075RA4C K13 CTB075RA4M K13 CTB075S4C K13 CTB075S4M K13 CTB125AA4C K13 CTB125AA4D K13 CTB125RA2C K13 CTB125RA4C K13 CTB125RA4D K13 CTB125RA4L K13 CTB125S2C K13 CTB125S4C K13 CTB125S4D K13 CTB150AA4B K13 CTB150AA4C K13 CTB150RA4B K13 CTB150RA4C K13 CTB150S4B K13 CTB150S4C K13 CTH120400D K10 CTH120400L K10 CTH18075C K10 CTH18075M K10 CTH30200C K10 CTH30200M K10 CTH50175C K10 CTH50175M K10 CTSS1001000C K11 CTSS100200C K11 CTSS100400C K11 CTSS100600C K11 CTSS100800C K11 CTSS2501000Q K11 CTSS250200L K11 CTSS250400L K11 CTSS250600L K11 CTSS250800L K11 CTZ120400D K10 CTZ120400L K10 CTZ18075C K10 CTZ18075M K10 CTZ30200C K10 CTZ30200M K10 CTZ50175C K10 CTZ50175M K10 CUSA442NTC C94 CUSA442TC38 C94 CUW26RE-1 E73 CUW30A-E E73 CUW32R-E E73 CUW34-E E72 CUW361R-E E73 CUW391A-E E73 CUW44-E E72 CZ-11 D35 DUW28 E72 DUW28A E73 DUW28A-E E73 DUW31 E72 DUW31A E73 DUW31A-E E73 DUW34 E72 DUW44 E72 DUW44A E73 DUW44A-E E73 E2C34G1 A20, E39, G25 BURNDY Alpha-numeric CATALOG NO. PAGE NO. E3C34G1 A20, E39, G25 E4C34G1 A20, E39, G25 EA25 A14 EA28 A14 EA28-2N A14 EA2C A14 EA34 A14 EA34-2N A14 EP10 N57 EP10-1HP N58 EP10-1HP-2 N58 EP10-2 N57 EP6 N57 EP6-1HP N58 EP6-1HP-2 N58 EP6-2 N57 EP8 N57 EP8-1HP N58 EP8-1HP-2 N58 EP8-2 N57 EPAC-6 N56 EPAC-8 N56 EPAC10 N56 EPAC10-2 N56 EPP10 N55 EPP6 N55 EPPCASE-1 N55 EQC632C D26, E40 ES25A25A E44 ES25A2W E44 ES25A4W E44 ES25R25R E44 ES25R2R E44 ES25R2W E44 ES25R4W E44 ES25R6W E44 ES2R2R E44 ES2R2W E44 ES2R4W E44 ES2R6W E44 ES2R8W E44 ES2W2W E44 ES2W4W E44 ES2W6W E44 ES2W8W E44 ES4W4W E44 ES4W6W E44 ES4W8W E44 ES6W6W E44 ES6W8W E44 ES8W8W E44 F22A28 J15 FCB63-2NP300 A34, G24 FCB63-4N A34, G24 FCB63-6N A34, G24 FCB64-44NP50 A34, G24 FCB64-4N A34, G24 FCB64-6N A34, G24 FCB65-4N A34, G24 FCB65-6N A34, G24 FD64C5T16 G23 FD655C6 G23 FD655D6 G23 FD65C6T14 G23 FD66C6 G23 FD66D6 G23 FD675C8 G23 FD675D8 G23 FD67C6 G23 FD67D8 G23 FD685C8 G23 FD685D12 G23 FD685D8 G23 FD68C8 G23 FD68D12 G23 FD68D8 G23 FD69C8 G23 FD69D12 G23 FD69D8 G23 FD70D12 G23 CATALOG NO. FD70D16 FD70D8 FL1025X03B FL1025X03D FL1425X03B FL1425X03D FL1825X03B FL1825X03D FN62T16 FN63T13 FN64T16 FN655T12 FN66T14 FN67T12 FP-10 FP-6 FP-8 FP8 FQN10F25X03B FQN10F25X03D FQN10M25X03B FQN10M25X03D FQN14F25X03B FQN14F25X03D FQN14M25X03B FQN14M25X03D FQN18F25X03B FQN18F25X03D FQN18M25X03B FQN18M25X03D FR20 FR35 FR40 FR50 GA25H26 GAR1126 GAR1129 GAR114C GAR1426 GAR1429 GAR1434 GAR144C GAR1526 GAR1529 GAR1534 GAR154C GAR1626 GAR1629 GAR1634 GAR164C GAR1726 GAR1729 GAR1734 GAR174C GAR1826 GAR1829 GAR1834 GAR184C GAR1926 GAR1929 GAR1934 GAR194C GAR2026 GAR2029 GAR2034 GAR204C GAR2126 GAR2129 GAR2134 GAR214C GAR2226 GAR2229 GAR2234 GAR224C GAR2426 GAR2429 GAR2434 GAR244C GAR3902 GAR3902-BU PAGE NO. G23 G23 B39 B39 B39 B39 B39 B39 G25 G25 G25 G25 G25 G25 N54 N54 N54 N48 B38 B38 B38 B38 B38 B38 B38 B38 B38 B38 B38 B38 E80 E80 E80 E80 D51 D28 D28 D28 D28 D28 D28 D28 D28 D28 D28 D28 D28 D28 D28 D28 D28 D28 D28 D28 D28 D28 D28 D28 D28 D28 D28 D28 D29 D29 D29 D29 D29 D29 D29 D29 D29 D29 D29 D29 D29 D29 D29 D29 D30 D30 CATALOG NO. GAR3902TC GAR3903 GAR3903-BU GAR3903TC GAR3904 GAR3904-BU GAR3904TC GAR3905 GAR3905-BU GAR3905TC GAR3906 GAR3906-BU GAR3906TC GAR3907 GAR3907-BU GAR3907TC GAR3908 GAR3908-BU GAR3908TC GAR3909 GAR3909-BU GAR3909TC GAR6426 GAR6429 GAR6434 GAR644C GAR644C-RB GAR8629 GB26 GB29 GB34 GB4C GBL30 GBM26 GBM29 GBM34 GBM4C GC15A GC18A GC22A GC2525CT GC2626 GC2626CT GC2929 GC2929CT GC3434 GC4C4C GCL30 GCM26 GCM29 GCM30 GCM34 GCM4C GD1526 GD1529 GD1626 GD1629 GD1726 GD1729 GD1734 GD174C GD1826 GD1829 GD1834 GD184C GD1926 GD1929 GD1934 GD194C GD2026 GD2029 GD2034 GD204C GD2126 GD2129 GD2134 GD214C GD2226 GD2229 GD2234 PAGE NO. D31 D30 D30 D31 D30 D30 D31 D30 D30 D31 D30 D30 D31 D30 D30 D31 D30 D30 D31 D30 D30 D31 D28 D28 D28 D28 D30 D29 D46 D46 D46 D46 D46 D46 D46 D46 D46 D40 D40 D40 D48 D46 D48 D46 D48 D46 D46 D46 D46 D46 D46 D46 D46 D32 D32 D32 D32 D32 D32 D32 D32 D32 D32 D32 D32 D32 D32 D32 D32 D32 D32 D32 D32 D32 D32 D32 D32 D32 D32 D32 CATALOG NO. GD224C GG15-1 GG16-1 GG17-1 GG17-15 GG18-1 GG18-15 GG18-2 GG19-2 GG19-25 GG20-2 GG20-25 GG20-3 GG21-2 GG21-25 GG21-3 GG21-35 GG22-2 GG22-25 GG22-3 GG22-35 GG22-4 GG24-2 GIE2CG3 GIE4CG3 GIE4CG3P5 GIE4CG3P7 GIE4CG4 GIE4CG4P5 GIE4CG4P7 GK1126 GK1129 GK114C GK1426 GK1429 GK1434 GK1526 GK1529 GK1626 GK1629 GK1726 GK1729 GK1826 GK1829 GK1926 GK1929 GK6426 GK6429 GK6434 GK644C GKA4C GKA8C GL2626 GL2929 GL3434 GL4C4C GP10 GP1126 GP1129 GP114C GP1426 GP1429 GP1434 GP144C GP1526G1 GP1629 GP164C GP1726 GP1726RT GP1826 GP184C GP2026 GP2226 GP6 GP6426 GP6429 GP6434 GP644C GP64526G1 GP654CG1 PAGE NO. D32 D41 D41 D41 D41 D41 D41 D41 D41 D41 D41 D41 D41 D41 D41 D41 D41 D41 D41 D41 D41 D41 D41 D49 D49 D49 D49 D49 D49 D49 D33 D33 D33 D33 D33 D33 D33 D33 D33 D33 D33 D33 D33 D33 D33 D33 D33 D33 D33 D33 D27 D27 D47 D47 D47 D47 N59 D33 D33 D33 D33 D33 D33 D33 D53 D33 D33 D33 D53 D33 D33 D33 D33 N59 D33 D33 D33 D33 D53 D53 CATALOG NO. PAGE NO. GP8 N59 GQ26-1 D42 GQ2626 D42 GQ29-1 D42 GQ2929 D42 GRC12 D43 GRC34 D43 GRC58 D43 GRF4C-3 D52 GRF4C-4 D52 GS1T25 D39 GS1T50 D39 GS2T25 D39 GS2T50 D39 GS3T25 D39 GS3T50 D39 GS4T25 D39 GS4T50 D39 GSTUD14HY D22 GSTUD34HY D22 GSTUD38HY D22 GSTUD916HY D22 GX2626 D43 GX264C D43 GX2926 D43 GX2929 D43 GX294C D43 GX3426 D43 GX3429 D43 GX3434 D43 GX344C D43 GX4C4C D43 GZ26-12 D47 GZ26-38 D47 GZ26-58 D47 GZ29-12 D47 GZ29-38 D47 GZ29-58 D47 GZ4C-12 D47 GZ4C-38 D47 GZ4C-58 D47 HFB22P1 A22 HFB33-4N A23, G15 HFB33P1 A22, A23, G14, G15 HFB42P1 A22 HFB44-4N A23, G15 HFB44P1 A22, A23, G14, G15 HFB63P1 A22, G14 HFB66-6N A23, G15 HFB66P1 A22, A23, G14, G15 HFB88P1 A22, G14 HFBW32T5CG1 G13 HFBW42T10CG1 G13 HFBW43T10CG1 G13 HFBW44T17CG1 G13 HFBW62T10CG1 G13 HFBW63T10CG1 G13 HFBW64T17CG1 G13 HFBW66T16CG1 G13 HFBW86T20CG1 G13 HH5-RL48 N23 HL1802E M14 HP10 N53 HP6 N53 HP8 N53 HS_100FR M11 HS_100FR100 M11 HS_100T300PF M7 O-49 HS_100T48PF M6 HS_112FR M11 HS_112FR100 M11 HS_116T300PF M7 HS_116T48PF M6 HS_12FR M11 HS_12FR250 M11 HS_12T300PF M7 HS_12T48PF M6 HS_14FR M11 HS_14FR250 M11 HS_14T300PF M7 BURNDY Alpha-numeric CATALOG NO. HS_14T48PF HS_150T48PF HS_18FR HS_18FR250 HS_18T300PF HS_18T48PF HS_200FR HS_200FR100 HS_200T48PF HS_316T300PF HS_316T48PF HS_332T300PF HS_332T48PF HS_34FR HS_34FR250 HS_34T300PF HS_34T48PF HS_38FR HS_38FR250 HS_38T300PF HS_38T48PF HSB100T6PF7 HSB110H48PF5 HSB110H6PF5 HSB110H9PF5 HSB11612T6PF14 HSB116T6PF26 HSB12T6PF10 HSB14T6PF14 HSB150H12PF3 HSB150H48PF5 HSB150H9PF3 HSB18T6PF20 HSB200H12PF2 HSB200H48PF2 HSB200H9PF2 HSB316T6PF18 HSB332T6PF24 HSB34H48PF5 HSB34H6PF10 HSB34H9PF10 HSB34T6PF8 HSB35H3PF25 HSB35H48PF5 HSB35H6PF25 HSB38100T6PF8 HSB38T6PF12 HSC100FR HSC100FR100 HSC112FR HSC112FR100 HSC12FR HSC12FR250 HSC14FR HSC14FR250 HSC18FR HSC18FR250 HSC200FR HSC200FR100 HSC34FR HSC34FR250 HSC38FR HSC38FR250 HSIC10-500FR HSIC200FR HSIC269FR HSIC30-1000FR O-50 HSIC350FR HSIC4-40FR HSIC8-1FR HSM100T6PF7 HSM116T6PF26 HSM12T6PF10 HSM14T6PF14 HSM18T6PF20 HSM316T6PF18 HSM332T6PF24 HSM34T6PF8 HSM38T6PF12 HSREDUCER PAGE NO. M6 M6 M11 M11 M7 M6 M11 M11 M6 M7 M6 M7 M6 M11 M11 M7 M6 M11 M11 M7 M6 M5 M8 M8 M8 M5 M5 M5 M5 M8 M8 M8 M5 M8 M8 M8 M5 M5 M8 M8 M8 M5 M8 M8 M8 M5 M5 M10 M10 M10 M10 M10 M10 M10 M10 M10 M10 M10 M10 M10 M10 M10 M10 M9 M9 M9 M9 M9 M9 M9 M5 M5 M5 M5 M5 M5 M5 M5 M5 M14 CATALOG NO. HSREFLECTOR1 HSREFLECTOR1/2 HSSTAND HYFLUID GAL HYFLUID QT J1207 J1252 J1592 J278 J279 J280 J295 J990 K-PC28 K11A30U k11a34u-2 K11A36U-2 K11A39U-2 K21A36U-2 K22A36U-2 K22A39U-2 K2A25U K2A26U K2A29U K2A31U K2A31U-2N K2A36U K2A36U-2N K2A40U K2A40U-2N K2A44U K2A44U-2N K2C15 K2C15B1 K2C17 K2C17B1 K2C20 K2C20B1 K2C22 K2C22B1 K2C23 K2C23B1 K2C25 K2C25B1 K2C26 K2C26B1 K2C28 K2C28B1 K2C31 K2C31B1 K2C34 K2C34B1 K33B34-4N K3A25U-2 K3A25U-4 K3A26U-2N K3A27U-2N K3A27U-4N K3A29U-2N K3A29U-4N K3A2U-2 K3A2U-4 K3A31U-2N K3A31U-4N K3A36U-2N K3A36U-4N K3A40U-4N K4A29U-4N K4A31U-4N K6A34U-6N K6B28-4N K6B2826-2N K6P28 K6P28C K6P34U K6P34UC K6PC34U KA25 KA25-2TC 38 KA25U PAGE NO. CATALOG NO. M14 M14 M14 N61 N61 J5 E37 J5 D50 D50 D50 D50 E37 J13 A28 A28 A28 A28 A28 A28 A28 A25 A25 A25 A25, A29 A25 A25 A25 A25, A29 A25 A25 A25 D25 D25 D25 D25 D25 D25 D25 D25 D25 D25 D25 D25 D25 D25 D25 D25 D25 D25 D25 D25 J14 A26 A27 A26 A26 A27 A26 A27 A26 A27 A26 A27 A26 A27 A27 A28 A28 J15 J14 J14 J13 J13 J15 J15 J15 A14 A14 A24 KA26U KA28 KA29U KA2U KA30U KA31U KA34 KA34U KA36U KA36U-2N KA40U KA40U-2N KA44U KA44U-2N KA4C KA6U KA8C KAU-KIT1 KAU-KIT2 KAU-KIT3 KAU-KIT4 KC15 KC15B1 KC17 KC17B1 KC20 KC20B1 KC22 KC22B1 KC22J12T13 KC23 KC23B1 KC25 KC25B1 KC26 KC26B1 KC28 KC28B1 KC31 KC31B1 KC34 KC34B1 KC34J12T13 KK3A36U-2N KK3A36U-4N KK3A40U-2N KK3A40U-4N KK3A44U-2N KK3A44U-4N KK4A36U-4N KK4A40U-4N KKA31U-2N KLU125 KLU125TP KLU175 KLU175TP KLU225 KLU225TP KLU25 KLU25TP KLU300 KLU300TP KLU35 KLU35TP KLU400 KLU400TP KLU70 KLU70TP KPA25 KPA28 KPA34 KPA4C KPA4CUP KPA8C KPA8CUP KPB4CG1 KPU29A26AC KPU29A29AC KPU34A26AC KPU34A34AC PAGE NO. A24 A14 A24, A29 A24, A29 A24 A24 A14 A24 A24 A24 A24 A24 A24 A24 A14 A24 A14 A29 A29 A29 A29 D25 D25 D25 D25 D25 D25 D25 D25 D26, E40 D25 D25 D25 D25 D25, D26, E40 D25 D25 D25 D25 D25 D25 D25 D26, E40 A26 A27 A26 A27 A26 A27 A28 A28 A24 A13 A13 A13 A13 A13 A13 A13 A13 A13 A13 A13 A13 A13 A13 A13 A13 A11 A11 A11 A11 A12 A11 A12 D27 A35 A35 A35 A35 CATALOG NO. PAGE NO. CATALOG NO. KPU39A26AC KPU39A39AC KS15 KS15-DB KS17 KS17-3 KS17-DB KS20 KS20-3 KS20-DB KS22 KS22-3 KS22-DB KS23 KS23-DB KS25 KS25-DB KS26 KS26-DB KS27 KS27-DB KS29 KS29-DB KS31 KS31-DB KS34 KS34-DB KS39 KS44 KS90 KSA 1/0 KSA 2/0 KSA 350 KSA 4/0 KSA 500 KSA2 KSA4 KSA6 KSU17 KSU20 KSU22 KSU23 KSU25 KSU26 KSU27 KSU29 KSU31 KSU34 KVS26 KVS26A KVS28 KVS28A KVS31 KVS31A KVS34 KVS34A KVS40 KVS40A KVS44 KVS44A KVSU26 KVSU28 KVSU31 KVSU34 KVSU40 KVSU44 KVSW26 KVSW28 KVSW31 KVSW34 KVSW40 KVSW44 LB13A LB14A LB15A LB16A LB17A LB18A LB19A LB20A A35 A35 A4, E4 D26 A4, E4 A4, E4 D26 A4, E4 A4, E4 D26 A4, E4 A4, E4 D26 A4, E4 D26 A4, E4 D26 A4, E4 D26 A4, E4 D26 A4, E4 D26 A4, E4 D26 A4, E4 D26 A4, E4 A4, E4 A4, E4 A6 A6 A6 A6 A6 A6 A6 A6 A5, E5 A5, E5 A5, E5 A5, E5 A5, E5 A5, E5 A5, E5 A5, E5 A5, E5 A5, E5 A7, E5, E7 A8, E8 A7, E5, E7 A8, E8 A7, E5, E7 A8, E8 A7, E5, E7 A8, E8 A7, E5, E7 A8, E8 A7, E5, E7 A8, E8 A7, E7 A7, E7 A7, E7 A7, E7 A7, E7 A7, E7 A8, E6 A8, E6 A8, E6 A8, E6 A8, E6 A8, E6 G34 G34 G34 G34 G34 G34 G34 G34 LB21A LB22A LB24A LB53A LB54A LB55A LB56A LB57A LB58A LB59A LB86A LB90A LB91A LB92A LB94A LB96A LH28-3 LH34-3 LHR29-3 LHR44-5 LPHTADPSMFOP66 LPHTHOSNCR666610 LPHTHOSNCR666610OP LPHTHOSNCR66668 LPHTHOSNCR66668OP LPHTHTMABODY66 LPHTHTMANOSE66 LPHY46 LPHY750 LSC1/0 LSC1/0-1 LSC556 LSC556-1 M20 M30 M40 M50 M60 M70 M80 M8ND M90 MCC1000 MCC500 MD6 MD6-12 MD6-14 MD6-37 MD6-38 MD6-4 MD6-6 MD6-6AH48 MD6-6HS60 MD6-6HS72 MD6-6R MD6-6R-2 MD6-8AH48 MD6-8HS60 MD6-8HS72 MD6-8R MD6-AH48 MD6-CP1 MD6HS60 MD6HS72 MD6R MD7 MD7-34 MD7-34-KIT1 MD7-34R MD7-34R-KIT 1 MD7-6 MD7-8 MK7 MK9 MK9SST MR10-D2 MR10-D3 MR10-D4 MR10-G6 MR15 PAGE NO. G34 G34 G34 G34 G34 G34 G34 G34 G34 G34 G34 G34 G34 G34 G34 G34 G21 G21 G21 G21 N42, N43 N42, N43 N42, N43 N42, N43 N42, N43 N42, N43 N42, N43 N43 N42 E16 E16 E16 E16 E71 E71 E71 E71 E71 E71 E71 N10 E71 N51 N51 N15 N15 N15 N15 N15 N15 N15 N20 N20 N20 N19 N19 N20 N20 N20 N19 N20 N18 N20 N20 N19 N16 N17 N17 N17 N17 N16 N16 K15 K15 K15 N6 N6 N6 N6 N7 BURNDY Alpha-numeric CATALOG NO. PAGE NO. MR18 MR20 MR4C MR8-1A MR8-33S-1 MR8-83 MR8-85 MR8-89-1 MR8-91 MR8-92 MR8-9Q MR8-G96 MR8-G98 MRC840 MY28 MY28-4 MY28-6 MY29 UNIVERSAL KIT MY29-11 MY29-11C MY29-3 MY29-3C MY29-3CF N2AH34-34N N2AH40-34N N2AH44-34N N2AH44-44N N2AH46-44N NA13-2N NA14-2N NA15-2N NA15-4N NA15A-2N NA15A-4N NA16-2N NA16-4N NA16A-4N NA17-2N NA17-4N NA17A-2N NA17A-4N NA18-4N NA18A-2N NA18A-4N NA19-4N NA19A-4N NA20-4N NA20A-4N NA21-4N NA22-4N NA22A-4N NAH29-2N NAH34-2N NAH34-34N NAH40-2N NAH40-34N NAH40-44N NAH44-2N NAH44-34N NAH44-44N NAH46-2N NAH46-34N NAH46-44N NAH48-2N NAH48-34N NAH48-44N NAR25A-2N NAR29A-2N NAR29A-4N NAR32A-2N NAR32A-4N NAR36A-2N NAR36A-4N NAR42A-2N NAR42A-4N NAR45A-2N NAR45A-4N NAR46A-2N NAR46A-4N NAR48A-2N N7 N7 N8 N6 N6 N6 N6 N6 N6 N6 N6 N6 N6 N11 N12 N12 N12 N12 N12 N12 N12 N12 N12 G18 G18 G18 G18 G18 G16 G16 G16 G16 G29 G29 G16 G16 G29 G16 G16 G29 G29 G16 G29 G29 G16 G29 G16 G29 G16 G16 G29 G17 G17 G17 G17 G17 G17 G17 G17 G17 G17 G17 G17 G17 G17 G17 G32 G32 G32 G32 G32 G32 G32 G32 G32 G32 G32 G32 G32 G32 CATALOG NO. PAGE NO. NAR48A-4N NAS29-2N NAS29-34N NAS29-N NAS34-2N NAS34-34N NAS34-N NAS40-2N NAS40-34N NAS40-44N NBC15A-2N NBC15A-34N NBC16A-2N NBC16A-34N NBC16A-44N NBC17A-2N NBC17A-34N NBC17A-44N NBC18A-2N NBC18A-34N NBC18A-44N NBC19A-34N NBC19A-44N NBC20A-34N NBC20A-44N NBC21A-44N NBC22A-34N NBC22A-44N NBC24A-34N NBC86A-44N NDR6328T13 NDR6428T16 NDR6434T16 NDR6444T16 NDR6528T14 NDR6534T14 NDR6544T14 NDR65528T12 NDR65534T12 NDR65544T12 NDR6644T12 NDR6728T12 NDR6734T12 NDR6744T12 NDR6748T12 NDR6844T12 NDR6848T12 NHNT1329 NHNT1429 NHNT1434 NHNT1529 NHNT1534 NHNT1540 NHNT1629 NHNT1634 NHNT1640 NHNT1644 NHNT1729 NHNT1734 NHNT1740 NHNT1744 NHNT1829 NHNT1834 NHNT1840 NHNT1844 NHNT1846 NHNT1929 NHNT1934 NHNT1940 NHNT1944 NHNT1946 NHNT2044 NHNT2929 NHNT3429 NHNT3434 NHNT4429 NHNT4434 NHNT4440 NHNT4444 NHNT4834 G32 G17 G17 G17 G17 G17 G17 G17 G17 G17 G31 G31 G31 G31 G31 G31 G31 G31 G31 G31 G31 G31 G31 G31 G31 G31 G31 G31 G31 G31 G22 G22 G22 G22 G22 G22 G22 G22 G22 G22 G22 G22 G22 G22 G22 G22 G22 G5 G5 G5 G5 G5 G5 G5 G5 G5 G5 G5 G5 G5 G5 G5 G5 G5 G5 G5 G5 G5 G5 G5 G5 G5 G6 G6 G6 G6 G6 G6 G6 G6 CATALOG NO. NHNT4840 NHNT4844 NHNT4846 NHNT4848 NNT15A15A NNT16A16A NNT17A17A NNT18A18A NNT19A19A NNT20A20A NNT21A20A NNT22A22A NNTR14A29A NNTR14A36A NNTR15A36A NNTR15A42A NNTR16A29A NNTR16A32A NNTR16A42A NNTR17A29A NNTR18A29A NNTR19A42A NNTR20A32A NNTR22A46A NNTR29A29A NNTR32A25A NNTR32A32A NNTR36A25A NNTR36A29A NNTR36A36A NNTR42A32A NNTR42A36A NNTR42A42A NNTR45A45A NNTR46A42A NNTR46A46A NNTR48A48A NS1313 NS1414HC NS14A14A NS1515 NS15A15A NS1616HC NS1717 NS17A17A NS1818 NS18A18A NS1919 NS19A19A NS2020 NS20A20A NS2121 NS21A21A NS2222 NS22A22A NS24A24A NSNT1429 NSNT1434 NSNT1529 NSNT1629 NSNT2929 NSNT3429 NSNT3434 NT1313 NT1413 NT1414 NT1514 NT1515 NT1614 NT1615 NT1616 NT1714 NT1715 NT1717 NT1816 NT1817 NT1818 NT1919 NT2020 NT2121 PAGE NO. G6 G6 G6 G6 G27 G27 G27 G27 G27 G27 G27 G27 G27 G27 G27 G27 G27 G27 G27 G27 G27 G27 G27 G27 G28 G28 G28 G28 G28 G28 G28 G28 G28 G28 G28 G28 G28 G7 G7 G28 G7 G28 G7 G7 G28 G7 G28 G7 G28 G7 G28 G7 G28 G7 G28 G28 G5 G5 G5 G5 G6 G6 G6 G4 G4 G4 G4 G4 G4 G4 G4 G4 G4 G4 G4 G4 G4 G4 G4 G4 CATALOG NO. PAGE NO. NT2222 G4 NYT2825 C114 NYT2826 C114 NYT2828 C114 NYT282C C114 NYT2925 C114 NYT2926 C114 NYT2928 C114 NYT2929 C114 NYT292C C114 NYT3125 C114 NYT3126 C114 NYT3128 C114 NYT3129 C114 NYT3131 C114 NYT3426 C114 NYT3428 C114 NYT3429 C114 NYT3431 C114 NYT3434 C114 NYT3926 C114 NYT3928 C114 NYT3929 C114 NYT3931 C114 NYT3934 C114 NYT3939 C114 NYT4426 C114 NYT4428 C114 NYT4429 C114 NYT4431 C114 NYT4434 C114 NYT4439 C114 NYT4444 C114 NYT4628 C114 NYT4629 C114 NYT4631 C114 NYT4634 C114 NYT4639 C114 NYT4644 C114 NYT4646 C114 OH25 N13 OPC K17 OPV K17 OUR840 N14 OUR840-WC N14 OUR840-WH N14 P15K N43, N47 P8A M4 PAT600-18V N32 PAT644-18V N30 PAT750-18V N29 PAT81KFT-18V N31 PATCHGR18V N32-N34 PATCHGR250V N32-N34 PATCUT129ACSR-18V N33 PATCUT245CUAL-18V N34 PEN A-1LB M4 PEN A-4 M4 PEN A-55GAL M4 PEN A-5GAL M4 PEN A-GAL M4 PEN A-QT M4 PEN A13-4 M4 PEN A13-55GAL M4 PEN A13-5GAL M4 PEN A13-8 M4 PEN A13-GAL M4 PEN A13-QT M4 PEN E-4 M4 PEN E-55GAL M4 PEN E-5GAL M4 PEN E-8 M4 PEN E-GAL M4 PEN E-QT M4 PENA 1/2 M4 PENA-1 LB M3 PENA13-1LB M4 PENETROX A M3 PENETROX A-13 M3 PENETROX E M3 CATALOG NO. PAGE NO. PGN1425X03B B37 PGN1425X03D B37 PGN1825X03B B37 PGN1825X03D B37 PGP1425X03B B37 PGP1425X03D B37 PGP1825X03B B37 PGP1825X03D B37 PT 10128 N61 PT 10131 N61 PT 11018 N61 PT 29074-1 N60, N61 PT 29075 N61 PT 29091 N61 PT 29214-1 N61 PT 29279-2 N23 PT 29291 N61 PT 29402-1 N61 PT 29900-10 N60 PT 29900-15 N60 PT 29900-25 N60 PT 29901-10 N60 PT 29901-15 N60 PT 29901-25 N60 PT 29902-10 N60 PT 29902-15 N60 PT 29902-25 N60 PT 6545 N61 PT 6547-2 N61 PT 76 N60 PT 91 N60 PT 93 N61 PT 94 N61 PT10024162 N28 PT10037384 N28, N33, N50 PT10037388 N28, N33, N50 PT10038657 N34 PT10040663 N34 PT10043890 N50 PT10044980 N34 PT10121 N47 PT10128 N47 PT10131 N47 PT12814 N61 PT12821 N61 PT17188 N19 PT207190-01 N61 PT208620 N29-N34 PT22648 N61 PT23484 N41 PT23492 N61 PT23607 N61 PT29291 C9, N23 PT29360 N23, N61 PT29413 N61 PT2972 N23, N61 PT30007 N61 PT30250 N61 PT30540 N44 PT30541 N44 PT4583 N13 PT4925 N18, N19 PT4931-1 N18 PT4946 C9, N18 PT4952-1 N18 PT6515 N46 PT6545 N46 PT6547-2 N46 O-51 PT6573 N61 PT6581 N46 PT6733 N18, N23 PT6744 N18 PT76 N48 PT8 N61 PT8504 N13 PUADP-1 N43, N47 Q10F25X03B B35 Q10F25X03D B35 Q14F11X02B B35 Q14F11X02D B35 BURNDY Alpha-numeric CATALOG NO. Q14F18X02B Q14F18X02D Q14F25X03B Q14F25X03D Q18F18X02B Q18F18X02D Q18F25X03B Q18F25X03D Q2A1C-2 Q2A26-2N Q2A28-2N Q2A28-4N Q2A31-2N Q2A31-4N Q2A34-2N Q2A34-4N Q2A40-2N Q2A40-4N Q2A44-4N Q2A46-4N Q2B28-2N Q2B31-2N Q2B40-4N Q3A28-2N Q3A28-4N Q3A31-2N Q3A31-4N Q3A34-2N Q3A34-4N Q3A40-4N Q3A44-4N Q3A46-4N QA1C-2B QA1C-B QA26-2B QA26-B QA28-2B QA28-2N QA28-B QA31-2B QA31-2N QA31-B QA34-2B QA34-2N QA34-4B QA34-B QA40-2N QA40-B QA44-2N QA44-4N QA44-B QA46-2N QA46-B QA4C-2B QA4C-B QA8C-2B QA8C-B QB1C QB26 QB28 QB31-2N QB4C QB8C QDA1C QDA26 QDA28 QDA31 O-52 QDA34 QDA40 QDA4C QDA8C QGFL1CB1 QGFL1CB1T6 QGFL26B1 QGFL26B1T6 QGFL26B2 QGFL26B2T6 QGFL29B1 QGFL29B1T6 QGFL31B1 PAGE NO. CATALOG NO. PAGE NO. CATALOG NO. PAGE NO. 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RYAC31-1 S2GBP41A S2GBP41A12 S2GBP41A12B2 S2GBP41A12B4 S2GBP41AB2 S2GBP41AB4 S2GBP445A S2GBP445A12 S2GBP445A12B2 S2GBP445A12B4 S2GBP445AB2 S2GBP445AB4 S2GBP44A S2GBP44A12 S2GBP44A12B2 S2GBP44A12B4 S2GBP44AB2 S2GBP44AB4 S2GBP45A S2GBP45A12 S2GBP45A12B2 S2GBP45A12B4 S2GBP45AB2 S2GBP45AB4 S2GBP46A S2GBP46A12 S2GBP46A12B2 S2GBP46A12B4 S2GBP46AB2 S2GBP46AB4 S2GBP483A S2GBP483A12 S2GBP483A12B2 S2GBP483A12B4 S2GBP483AB2 S2GBP483AB4 S2GBP486A S2GBP486A12 S2GBP486A12B2 S2GBP486A12B4 S2GBP486AB2 S2GBP486AB4 S2GBP48A S2GBP48A12 S2GBP48A12B2 S2GBP48A12B4 S2GBP48AB2 S2GBP48AB4 S2GBPA41A S2GBPA41A12 S2GBPA41A12B2 S2GBPA41A12B4 S2GBPA41AB2 S2GBPA41AB4 S2GBPA445A S2GBPA445A12 S2GBPA445A12B2 S2GBPA445A12B4 S2GBPA445AB2 S2GBPA445AB4 S2GBPA44A S2GBPA44A12 S2GBPA44A12B2 S2GBPA44A12B4 S2GBPA44AB2 S2GBPA44AB4 S2GBPA45A S2GBPA45A12 S2GBPA45A12B2 S2GBPA45A12B4 S2GBPA45AB2 S2GBPA45AB4 S2GBPA46A S2GBPA46A12 S2GBPA46A12B2 S2GBPA46A12B4 S2GBPA46AB2 S2GBPA46AB4 S2GBPA483A PAGE NO. 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SWVH22A-7 SWVH24A-5 SWVH24A-7 SWVH86A-5 SWVH86A-7 SWXA20A-44N SWXA20A-4NK8 SWXA22A-44N SWXA22A-4NK8 SWXA24A-44N SWXA24A-4NK8 SWXA86A-44N SWXA86A-4NK8 SWXA92A-44N SWXA92A-4NK8 SWXA94A-44N SWXA94A-4NK8 SWXA96A-4NK8 SWXHP19A-5 SWXHP20A-5 SWXHP21A-5 SWXHP22A-5 SWXHP24A-5 SWXHP59A-5 SWXHP86A-5 SWXHP90A-5 SWXHP91A-5 SWXHP92A-5 SWXHP94A-5 SWXHP96A-5 SWXP20A20A SWXP22A22A SWXP24A24A SWXP86A86A SWXP90A90A SWXP92A92A SWXP94A94A SWXP96A96A T10-10 T10-10F T10-14 T10-14F T10-38 T10-516 T10-6 T10-6F T10-8 T10-8F T14-10 T14-10F T14-14 T14-14F T14-38 T14-4 T14-516 T14-6 T14-6F T14-8 T14-8F T18-10 T18-10F T18-14 T18-14F T18-38 T18-4 T18-516 T18-6 T18-6F T18-8 T18-8F TFM1D5R TFV3B12V2 TFV3B18V2 TFV3BLU12 TFV3BLU18 TMH261 TMH261SS TMH262 TMH262SS TMH263 PAGE NO. H25 H25 H25 H25 H25 H13 H12 H13 H12 H13 H12 H13 H12 H13 H12 H13 H12 H12 H26 H26 H26 H26 H26 H26 H26 H26 H26 H26 H26 H26 H16 H16 H16 H16 H16 H16 H16 H16 B5 B26 B5 B26 B5 B5 B5 B26 B5 B26 B5 B26 B5 B26 B5 B5 B5 B5 B26 B5 B26 B5 B26 B5 B26 B5 B5 B5 B5 B26 B5 B26 N64 K12 K12 K12 K12 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 CATALOG NO. TMH263SS TMH264 TMH264SS TMH265 TMH265SS TMH266 TMH266SS TMH267 TMH267SS TMH268 TMH268SS TMH269 TMH269SS TMH270 TMH270SS TMH271 TMH271SS TMH272 TMH272SS TMH289 TMH289SS TMH294 TMH294SS TMH295 TMH295SS TMH322SS TMH323 TMH323SS TMH332 TMH69 TMH69SS TMHG-42 TMHG-92 TN10-10 TN10-10F TN10-14 TN10-14F TN10-38 TN10-516 TN10-6 TN10-6F TN10-8 TN10-8F TN14-10 TN14-10F TN14-14 TN14-14F TN14-38 TN14-4 TN14-516 TN14-6 TN14-6F TN14-8 TN14-8F TN18-10 TN18-10F TN18-14 TN18-14F TN18-38 TN18-4 TN18-516 TN18-6 TN18-6F TN18-8 TN18-8F TN20-2F TN20-6F TP10-10 TP10-10F TP10-10LF TP10-10Z TP10-14 TP10-38 TP10-6 TP10-6F TP10-6LF TP10-6Z TP10-8 TP10-8F TP10-8LF PAGE NO. L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 L4 C94, L4 L4 L4 D20 D20 B8 B29 B8 B29 B8 B8 B8 B29 B8 B29 B8 B29 B8 B29 B8 B8 B8 B8 B29 B8 B29 B8 B29 B8 B29 B8 B8 B8 B8 B29 B8 B29 B29 B29 B6 O-53 B31 B34 B33 B6 B6 B6 B31 B34 B33 B6 B31 B34 BURNDY Alpha-numeric CATALOG NO. TP10-8Z TP14-10 TP14-10F TP14-10LF TP14-10Z TP14-14 TP14-2F TP14-2Z TP14-38 TP14-4 TP14-516 TP14-6 TP14-6F TP14-6LF TP14-6Z TP14-8 TP14-8F TP14-8LF TP14-8Z TP16-10 TP16-10F TP16-10LF TP16-10Z TP16-14 TP16-2F TP16-2Z TP16-38 TP16-4 TP16-6 TP16-6F TP16-6LF TP16-6Z TP16-8 TP16-8F TP16-8LF TP16-8Z TWT1 TWT2 U1CART U1CRT-1 U25ART U25RT U26ART U26RT U27ART U27RT U28ART U28RT U29ART U29RT U2CABT U2CRT U30ART U30RT U31ART U31RT U32ART U32RT U34ART U34RT U36ART U36RT U38XRT U39ART-2 U39RT U3CRT U44XRT O-54 U4CABT U4CRT U5CRT U6CABT U8CABT U8CRT UB101 UB1027 UB1028 UB1029 UB1030 UB1031 UB1032 PAGE NO. B33 B6 B31 B34 B33 B6 B31 B33 B6 B6 B6 B6 B31 B34 B33 B6 B31 B34 B33 B6 B31 B34 B33 B6 B31 B33 B6 B6 B6 B31 B34 B33 B6 B31 B34 B33 K15 K15 C9 C9 C9 C9 C9 C9 C9 C9 C9 C9 C9 C9 C9 C9 C9 C9 C9 C9 C9 C9 C9 C9 C9 C9 C9 C9 C9 C9 C9 C9 C9 C9 C9 C9 C9 L8 L8 L8 L8 L8 L8 L8 CATALOG NO. UB1033 UB104 UB105 UB106 UB107 UB124 UB178 UB187 UB199 UB204 UB222 UB224 UB226 UB230 UB232 UB236 UB242 UB244 UB249 UB254 UB256 UB257 UB258 UB260 UB261 UB262 UB263 UB264 UB266 UB267 UB268 UB269 UB271 UB275 UB282 UB284 UB291 UB293 UB294 UB300 UB302 UB306 UB310 UB311 UB314 UB315 UB317 UB318 UB319 UB328 UB332 UB336 UB337 UB344 UB354 UB357 UB358 UB360 UB383 UB384 UB388 UB390 UB392 UB399 UB400 UB416 UB422 UB425 UB436 UB437 UB460 UB462 UB463 UB464 UB465 UB466 UB467 UB468 UB469 UB507 PAGE NO. 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WSLB91A WSLB92A WSLB94A WSLB96A WSM1 WSM10 WSM11 WSM2 WSM3 WSM4 WSM5 WSM6 WSM7 WSM8 WSM9 WSS1 WSS2 WTB WTBGBW WTCC WTCK WTHRB-1S WTHRB1S WTHY1S WTOCBR WTOCY WTRB WTY X161 X241 X245 X247 X249 X660 X840 X8CART XA15A-4N XA16A-4N XA18-4N XA18A-4N XA19-4N XA19A-4N XA20-4N XA20A-4N XA21-4N XA21A-4N XA22-4N XA22A-4N XA24A-4N XBG XNBG XOH25 XP1313 XP1414 XP1515 XP1616 XP1717 XP1818 XP1919 XP2020 XP2121 XP2222 Y10-22 Y106PSI Y108PSI Y10D Y1MRKIT Y1MRTC Y1MRTCKIT Y281CR Y2825R Y2826R Y2827R Y282CR Y284CR Y284WR Y286CR Y2928R Y29BH Y29NC PAGE NO. H14 H14 H14 H14 F18, F20, F24 F24 F18 F18, F20, F24 F18, F20, F24 F18, F20, F24 F18, F20, F24 F18, F20, F24 F18, F20, F24 F24 F24 F18, F19, F24 F18, F19, F24 F28, F33 F28, F30, F33 F33 F29, F33 F33 F28 F28, F33 F29, F33 F29, F33 F28 F28 N14 N14 N14 N14 N14 N14 N14 C9 G29 G29 G16 G29 G16 G29 G16 G29 G16 G29 G16 G29 G29 N14 N14 N14 G8 G8 G8 G8 G8 G8 G8 G8 G8 G8 N4 N61 N61 N3 N9 N9 N9 C97 C97 C97 C97 C97 C97 C97 C97 C97 N40 N63 CATALOG NO. Y3025R Y3026R Y3027R Y3028R Y302CR Y304CR Y3126R Y3128R Y3129R Y3425R Y3426R Y3427R Y3428R Y3429R Y342CR Y3430R Y3431R Y3432R Y34BH Y35 Y35-16 Y35-2 Y35/Y39 REP KIT A Y35B Y35BH Y35BH-4 Y35H Y35P3 Y39 Y3934R Y3936R Y39BH Y4439R Y45 Y46 Y46-2 Y46C Y48B Y48BH Y500CT-HS Y60BHU Y60BHU-D Y644HS Y644HSCASE Y644MBH Y700DC-1B Y750-2HS Y750BH Y750BH-2 Y750HS Y750HSCASE Y81KFT Y81KFTMBH Y8MRB-1 YA-453L YA-453L-45 YA-453L-90 YA-454N YA-454N-45 YA-454N-90 YA-45L YA-45L-45 YA-45L-90 YA-A-KIT1 YA-AKIT2 YA-AKIT3 YA10A-TN YA12A-TN YA12WA-TN YA1C YA1C-2L YA1C-2L-45 YA1C-2L-90 YA1C-2LN YA1C-2LN-45 YA1C-2LN-90 YA1C-45 YA1C-90 YA1C-LB YA1C-N PAGE NO. 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YAV25-L BOX B16 YAV25-L1 B4, B16 YAV25-L1 BOX B16 YAV25-L16 B4 YAV25-L2 B4, B16 YAV25-L2 BOX B16 YAV25-L2NTC-FX C69 YAV25-L2NTC-FX-45 C69 YAV25-L2NTC-FX-90 C69 YAV25-L2TC12E1-FX C68 YAV25-L2TC12E1-FX-45 C68 YAV25-L2TC12E1-FX-90 C68 YAV25-L2TC14-FX C68 YAV25-L2TC14-FX-45 C68 YAV25-L2TC14-FX-90 C68 YAV25-L2TC14E2-FX C68 YAV25-L2TC14E2-FX-45 C68 YAV25-L2TC14E2-FX-90 C68 YAV25-L2TC38-FX C68 YAV25-L2TC38-FX-45 C68 YAV25-L2TC38-FX-90 C68 YAV25-L2TC516-FX C68 YAV25-L2TC516-FX-45 C68 YAV25-L2TC516-FX-90 C68 YAV25-L2TC516E2-FX C68 YAV25-L2TC516E2-FX-45 C68 YAV25-L2TC516E2-FX-90 C68 YAV25-L3 B4, B16 YAV25-L3 BOX B16 YAV25-L4 B16 YAV25-L4 BOX B16 YAV25-RS B23 YAV25-RS3 B23 YAV25-TC10-FXB C41 YAV25-TC12-FXB C41 YAV25-TC38-FXB C41 YAV25-TC516-FXB C41 YAV252N-FXB C81 YAV252TC14-FXB C80 YAV252TC14E2-FXB C80 YAV252TC38-FXB C80 YAV25L-TC12-FX C29 YAV25L-TC12-FX-45 C29 YAV25L-TC12-FX-90 C29 YAV25L-TC14-FX C29 YAV25L-TC14-FX-45 C29 YAV25L-TC14-FX-90 C29 YAV25L-TC38-FX C29 YAV25L-TC38-FX-45 C29 YAV25L-TC38-FX-90 C29 YAV25L-TC516-FX C29 YAV25L-TC516-FX-45 C29 YAV25L-TC516-FX-90 C29 YAV25M10 C88 YAV25M12 C88 YAV25M5 C88 YAV25M6 C88 YAV25M8 C88 YAV26-L B4, B16 YAV26-L BOX B16 YAV26-L1 B4, B16 YAV26-L1 BOX B16 YAV26-L12 B16 YAV26-L12 BOX B16 YAV26-L16 B4 YAV26-L2 B4, B16 YAV26-L2 BOX B16 YAV26-L2NTC-FX C69 YAV26-L2NTC-FX-45 C69 YAV26-L2NTC-FX-90 C69 YAV26-L2TC12E1-FX C69 YAV26-L2TC12E1-FX-45 C69 YAV26-L2TC12E1-FX-90 C69 YAV26-L2TC14-FX C69 YAV26-L2TC14-FX-45 C69 YAV26-L2TC14-FX-90 C69 YAV26-L2TC14E2-FX C69 YAV26-L2TC14E2-FX-45 C69 YAV26-L2TC14E2-FX-90 C69 YAV26-L2TC38-FX C69 BURNDY Alpha-numeric CATALOG NO. 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PAGE NO. 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PAGE NO. YAZV2C2TC14E2FX45 YAZV2C2TC14E2FX90 YAZV2C2TC14FX YAZV2C2TC14FX45 YAZV2C2TC14FX90 YAZV2C2TC38FX YAZV2C2TC38FX45 YAZV2C2TC38FX90 YAZV2CTC12FX YAZV2CTC12FX45 YAZV2CTC12FX90 YAZV2CTC14FX YAZV2CTC14FX45 YAZV2CTC14FX90 YAZV2CTC38FX YAZV2CTC38FX45 YAZV2CTC38FX90 YAZV4C2TC14E2FX YAZV4C2TC14E2FX45 YAZV4C2TC14E2FX90 YAZV4C2TC14FX YAZV4C2TC14FX45 YAZV4C2TC14FX90 YAZV4C2TC38E2-FX YAZV4C2TC38E2-FX-45 YAZV4C2TC38E2-FX-90 YAZV4C2TC38FX YAZV4C2TC38FX45 YAZV4C2TC38FX90 YAZV4CTC14FX YAZV4CTC14FX45 YAZV4CTC14FX90 YAZV4CTC38FX YAZV4CTC38FX45 YAZV4CTC38FX90 YAZV6C2TC10E2FX YAZV6C2TC10E2FX45 YAZV6C2TC10E2FX90 YAZV6C2TC14E1FX YAZV6C2TC14E1FX45 YAZV6C2TC14E1FX90 YAZV6C2TC14E2FX YAZV6C2TC14E2FX45 YAZV6C2TC14E2FX90 YAZV6C2TC14FX YAZV6C2TC14FX45 YAZV6C2TC14FX90 YAZV6C2TC38E2FX YAZV6C2TC38E2FX-45 YAZV6C2TC38E2FX-90 YAZV6C2TC38E6FX YAZV6C2TC38E6FX-45 YAZV6C2TC38E6FX-90 YAZV6C2TC38FX YAZV6C2TC38FX45 YAZV6C2TC38FX90 YAZV6CTC14FX YAZV6CTC14FX45 YAZV6CTC14FX90 YAZV6CTC38FX YAZV6CTC38FX45 YAZV6CTC38FX90 YBM1C-L YBM1C-L3 YBM25-L YBM25-L1 YBM25-L2 YBM26-L YBM2C-L YBM2C-L1 YBM2C-L2 YBM4C-L YBM4C-L1 YBM4C-L2 YBM4C-L4 YBM6C-L YBM6C-L2 YBM6C-L3 YBM6C-L9 YBM8C C83 C83 C83 C83 C83 C83 C83 C83 C42 C42 C42 C42 C42 C42 C42 C42 C42 C83 C83 C83 C83 C83 C83 C83 C83 C83 C83 C83 C83 C42 C42 C42 C42 C42 C42 C82 C82 C82 C82 C82 C82 C82 C82 C82 C82 C82 C82 C83 C83 C83 C83 C83 C83 C82 C82 C82 C42 C42 C42 C42 C42 C42 B18 B18 B18 B18 B18 B18 O-65 B18 B18 B18 B18 B18 B18 B18 B18 B18 B18 B18 B18 BURNDY Alpha-numeric CATALOG NO. YBM8C-T2 YBM8CT4 YC10C10 YC10L12 YC1L12 YC1U1 YC25A2 YC25A25 YC25A4 YC25L12 YC26A25 YC26A26 YC26C2 YC26C26 YC26L12 YC27L12 YC28A2 YC28A25 YC28A26 YC28A28 YC28C2 YC28C26 YC28C28 YC28U26 YC2A2 YC2A4 YC2C2 YC2C4 YC2L12 YC33R26 YC33R26U YC3L12 YC4A4 YC4A6 YC4C4 YC4C6 YC4C8 YC4L12 YC4U1 YC6L12 YC8C8 YC8L12 YCA25-2N YCA25R-2N YCA25RL-2N YCA26-2N YCA26R-2N YCA26RL-2N YCA27-2N YCA27R-2N YCA27RL-2N YCA28-2N YCA28R-2N YCA28RL-2N YCA29-2N YCA2R-2N YCA2RL-2N YCA30-2N YCA30R-2N YCA31-2N YCA32-2N YCA321R-2N YCA321RL-2N YCA33R-2N YCA34-2N YCA35R-2N YCA361R-2N O-66 YCA37R-2N YCA39-2N YCA391A-2N YCA39R-2N YCA43R-2N YCA441A-4N YCA44A2NG2 YCA451A-4N YCA45R-2N YCA48R-4N YCA4R-2N YCA4RL-2N YCAB28-4N PAGE NO. CATALOG NO. PAGE NO. CATALOG NO. PAGE NO. B18 B18 C106, E18 C105, N9 C105 E22 E19 E19 E19 C105 E19 E19 C106, E18 C106, E18 C105 C105 E19 E19 E19 E19 C106, E18 C106, E18 C106, E18 E22 E19 E19 C106, E18 C106, E18 C105 E19 E22 C105 E19 E19 C106, E18 C106, E18 C106, E18 C105, N9 E22 C105, N9 C106, E18 C105, N9 E82 E84 E83 E82 E84 E83 E82 E84 E83 E82 E84 E83 E82 E84 E83 E82 E84 E82 E82 E84 E83 E84 E82 E84 E84 E84 E82 E85 E84 E85 E85 E85 E85 E85 E85 E84 E83 E82 YCAB32-4N YCAB34-4N YCAB39-4N YCAB44-4N YCAK25R-4N YCAK28A-2G1 YCAK28R-4N YCAK29A-2G1 YCAK30R-4N YCAK31A-2G1 YCAK31AG1 YCAK321R-4N YCAK33R-4N YCAK34A-2G3 YCAK35R-4N YCAK361A-4N YCAK361R-4N YCAK36A-2G1 YCAK37R-4N YCAK391A-4N YCAK39A-2G2 YCAK39R-4N YCAK43R-4N YCAK44A-2G2 YCAK453R-4N YCAK45R-4N YCB1U1 YCB25R YCB26R YCB27R YCB28R YCB28U26 YCB2R YCB321R YCB33R YCB33R26U YCB35R YCB361R YCB38R26U YCB4U1 YCD453R YCHC29TC2 YCHC29TC29 YCHC2TC2 YCHC34TC2 YCHC34TC29 YCHC34TC34 YCHC39TC2 YCHC39TC31 YCHC39TC39 YCHC44TC44 YCHC8TC8 YCR25RG6 YCR2625 YCR26RG2 YCR26RG3 YCR2725 YCR27RG5 YCR27RG6 YCR2825 YCR28RG5 YCR28RG6 YCR28RG7 YCR28RG8 YCR291RG2 YCR291RG3 YCR291RG4 YCR291RG5 YCR2C4W YCR30RG4 YCR30RG6 YCR30RG7 YCR30RG8 YCR30RG9 YCR3228 YCR32RG1 YCR32RG2 YCR32RG3 YCR32RG4 YCR32RG5 E82 E82 E82 E82 E84 E89 E84 E89 E84 E89 E89 E84 E84 E89 E84 E84 E84 E89 E84 E85 E89 E84 E85 E89 E85 E85 E37 E36 E36 E36 E36 E37 E36 E36 E36 E37 E36 E36 E37 E37 E48 C107 C107 C107 C107 C107 C107 C107 C107 C107 C107 C107 E51 E50 E51 E51 E50 E51 E51 E50 E51 E51 E51 E51 E51 E51 E51 E51 E50 E51 E51 E51 E51 E51 E50 E51 E51 E51 E51 E51 YCR32RG6 YCR32RG7 YCR3425 YCS1W YCS25 YCS25R YCS25RL YCS26 YCS26A YCS26R YCS26RL YCS27 YCS27R YCS28 YCS28A YCS28R YCS28RL YCS29 YCS2R YCS30 YCS301A YCS30R YCS31 YCS311A YCS32 YCS321R YCS321RL YCS331A YCS33R YCS34 YCS341RL YCS351A YCS35R YCS361A YCS361R YCS37R YCS39 YCS391A YCS39R YCS43R YCS44 YCS45R YCS4R YCT2626 YCT2828 YCU25A YCU25R YCU26R YCU27R YCU28A YCU28R YCU291A YCU2CA YCU2R YCU301A YCU30R YCU321R YCU4R YCU4RG1 YCUT129ACSR YD14-14 YD28REP2 YDC-CASE YDS011R YDS011RP1 YDS021R YDS021RE YDS021REP1 YDS021RL YDS021RLY YDS021RP1 YDS1C YDS1C-3 YDS1R YDS1RP1 YDS1RP2 YDS1W YDS25 YDS250E YDS251R E51 E51 E50 E52 E52 E47, E48 E49 E52 E50 E48 E49 E52 E48 E52 E50 E48 E49 E52 E48 E52 E50 E48 E52 E50 E52 E48 E49 E50 E48 E52 E49 E50 E48 E50 E48 E48 E52 E50 E48 E48 E52 E48 E48 E28 E28 E53 E54 E54 E54 E53 E54 E53 E53 E54 E53 E54 E54 E54 E54 N28 B5 E66 N36 E59 E59 E58 E66 E66 E64 E63 E58 E52, E56 E56 E58 E58 E58 E57 E56 E66 E59 CATALOG NO. YDS251RP1 YDS25AT YDS25F YDS25R YDS25RE YDS25REP2 YDS25RL YDS25RLY YDS25RP1 YDS25RP2 YDS26 YDS261R YDS261RP1 YDS26AT YDS26F YDS26R YDS26RE YDS26REP2 YDS26RL YDS26RLY YDS26RP1 YDS26RP2 YDS27 YDS271R YDS271RP1 YDS27AT YDS27R YDS27RE YDS27RL YDS27RLY YDS27RP1 YDS27RP2 YDS28 YDS28AT YDS28F YDS28R YDS28RE YDS28RL YDS28RLY YDS28RP1 YDS28RP2 YDS29 YDS291AT YDS291R YDS291RP1 YDS29AT YDS2C YDS2C-3 YDS2CA YDS2F YDS2KT YDS2RE YDS2REP2 YDS2RL YDS2RLY YDS2W YDS2WA YDS30 YDS301AT YDS30LT YDS30R YDS30RP1 YDS30RP2 YDS31 YDS311AT YDS312E YDS312H YDS31AT YDS32 YDS321R YDS321RE YDS321REP1 YDS321RL YDS321RLY YDS321RP1 YDS326R YDS32LT YDS32R YDS32RP2 YDS331AT PAGE NO. CATALOG NO. PAGE NO. E59 E47, E55, E65 E68 E58 E66 E66 E64 E63 E58, E66 E58 E56 E59 E59 E55 E68 E58 E66 E66 E64 E63 E58, E66 E58 E56 E59 E59 E55, E65 E58 E66 E64 E63 E58, E66 E58, E59, E66 E56 E55, E65 E68 E58 E66 E64 E63 E58, E66 E58 E56 E55 E58 E58 E55 E52, E56 E56 E55, E65 E68 E68 E66 E66 E64 E63 E52, E57 E55 E56 E55 E65 E58 E58 E58 E56 E55, E65 E66 E66 E55 E56 E58 E66 E66 E64 E63 E58 E58 E65 E58 E58 E55, E65 YDS33R YDS33RP1 YDS34 YDS341RL YDS34R YDS34RP2 YDS351AT YDS35R YDS35RP1 YDS361AT YDS361R YDS361RL YDS361RP1 YDS36LT YDS36R YDS36RP2 YDS375H YDS37RP1 YDS39 YDS391AT YDS392R YDS39R44RS YDS39RP1 YDS3C-3 YDS3K10 YDS3K5 YDS3K6 YDS3K7 YDS3K8 YDS3W YDS41RP2 YDS431AT YDS43R43RS YDS43R45RS YDS43RP1 YDS43RP2 YDS44 YDS44RP2 YDS451AT YDS451R34RS YDS451R49RS YDS451RP1 YDS45LT YDS45R45RS YDS45RP1 YDS45RP2 YDS49R36RS YDS49R49RS YDS49RP1 YDS49RP2 YDS4C YDS4CA YDS4KT YDS4RL YDS4RLY YDS4W YDS4WA YDS500H YDS6C YDS6CA YDS6KT YDS6W YDS6WA YDS6WK YDS75 YDS76 YDS78 YDS7K5 YDS7K6 YDS7K7 YDS7M10T YDS7M6T YDS7M7T YDS7M8T YDS7M9T YDS8KT YDS8W YDS8WG1 YDS8WK YDW25R E58 E58 E56 E65 E58 E58, E59 E55 E58 E58 E55 E58, E66 E65 E58, E66 E65 E58 E58, E59 E66 E58 E56 E55 E59 E59 E59 E56 E67 E67 E67, E68 E67 E67 E57 E58, E59 E55 E59 E59 E59 E59 E56 E58, E59 E55 E59 E59 E59 E65 E59 E59 E59 E59 E59 E59 E59 E52, E56 E47, E55 E68 E64 E63 E52, E57 E47, E55 E66 E52, E56 E55 E68 E52, E57 E55 E67 E57 E57 E57 E67 E67 E67 E68 E68 E68 E68 E68 E68 E52, E57 E57 E67 E75 BURNDY Alpha-numeric CATALOG NO. YDW26R YDW27R YDW28R YDW30R YDW321R YDW32R YDW36R YE1WAG1 YE25-LH97 YE25R-25 YE26-LH88 YE26-LH89 YE26R-60 YE27R-60 YE28-LH128 YE28R-60 YE29P31X109 YE29P41X82 YE29P46X92 YE29P50X100 YE2C-LH128 YE2C-LH129 YE2R-25 YE2WAG5 YE30P41X82FX YE30P46X92 YE30P46X92FX YE30P50X100 YE30P50X100FX YE30P55X110 YE30R-60 YE31-LH96 YE31P41X82FX YE31P46X92FX YE31P50X100 YE31P51X102FX YE31P55X110 YE31P59X118 YE32P46X92FX YE32P51X102FX YE32P55X110 YE32P55X110FX YE32P59X118 YE32P63X126 YE32R-60 YE34-LH119 YE34-LH120 YE34P51X102FX YE34P55X110FX YE34P59X118 YE34P59X118FX YE34P63X126 YE34P71X142 YE361R-60 YE36P55X110FX YE36P59X118FX YE36P63X126 YE36P67X134FX YE36P71X142 YE36P78X156 YE38P59X118FX YE38P67X134FX YE38P71X142FX YE39P71X142 YE39P78X156 YE39P87X174 YE39R-60 YE40P67X134FX YE40P71X142FX YE40P78X156FX YE44P71X142FX YE44P78X156FX YE44P87X174FX YE4R-25 YE6R-25 YEV1CP23X75FX YEV1CP26X75FX YEV1CP29X75FX YEV25P26X75FX YEV25P29X75FX PAGE NO. E75 E75 E75 E75 E75 E75 E75 E41 E41 E41 E41 E41 E41 E41 E41 E41 C117 C117 C116 C115 E41 E41 E41 E41 C117 C117 C116 C116 C115 C115 E41 E41 C117 C116 C117 C115 C116 C115 C117 C116 C117 C115 C116 C115 E41 E41 E41 C117 C116 C117 C115 C116 C115 E41 C117 C116 C117 C115 C116 C115 C117 C116 C115 C117 C116 C115 E41 C117 C116 C115 C117 C116 C115 E41 E41 C117 C116 C115 C117 C116 CATALOG NO. YEV25P33X75FX YEV26P29X75FX YEV26P33X75FX YEV26P37X75FX YEV27P33X75FX YEV27P37X75FX YEV27P41X82FX YEV28P37X75FX YEV28P41X75FX YEV28P46X92FX YEV2CP20X75FX YEV2CP23X75FX YEV2CP26X75FX YEV4CP16X75FX YEV4CP19X75FX YEV4CP20X75FX YFD-265 YFD-365 YFD-415 YFN-465 YFN-515 YFN-540 YFN-615 YFN565 YFO-140 YFR-715 YFR-765 YFR-815 YFR-865 YFR-915 YFR-965 YG14B2TC2C2C YG14B2TC2C6C YG14BTC26 YG14BTC28 YGA25-2N YGA26-2N YGA28-2N YGA29-2N YGA2C-2N YGA2C-2TC38 YGA2C-2TC38E2G1 YGA34-2N YGA6C-2N YGA6C-2TC38E2G1 YGA6C-TC10 YGA6C-TC14 YGA6C-TC516 YGA8C-2N YGA8C-TC10 YGA8C-TC14 YGA8C-TC516 YGC6C6 YGC6C8 YGC8C8 YGF29-2N YGF29-4N YGF34-2N YGF34-4N YGHA25-2N YGHA26-2N YGHA27-2N YGHA28-2N YGHA29-2N YGHA2C-2N YGHA31-2N YGHA34-2N YGHC26C2 YGHC26C26 YGHC29C26 YGHC29C29 YGHC2C2 YGHC34C26 YGHC34C29 YGHC34C34 YGHP29C2 YGHP29C26 YGHP29C29 YGHP29C6W6W YGHP2C2 PAGE NO. C115 C117 C116 C115 C117 C116 C115 C117 C116 C115 C117 C116 C115 C117 C116 C115 C128 C128 C128 C128 C128 C128 C128 C128 C128 C128 C128 C128 C128 C128 C128 D24 D24 D24 D24 D17 D17 D17 D17 D17 D17 D17 D17 D17 D17 D17 D17 D17 D17 D17 D17 D17 D12 D12 D12 D19 D19 D19 D19 D16 D16 D16 D16 D16 D16 D16 D16 D11 D11 D11 D11 D11 D11 D11 D11 D9 D9 D9 D9 D9 CATALOG NO. 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YRB3931T YRB3934T YRB3936T YRB3937T YRB3939T YRB39U28TW YRB39U30TW YRB39U31TW YRB39U34 YRB39U34TW YRB39U36 YRB39U39TW YRB4028T YRB4037T YRB4039T YRB4439T YRB4444T YRB44U31TW YRB44U34TW YRB44U39TW YRB44U44TW YRB4C4CT YRB6C6CT YRV2CV6C-L YRV4CV6C-L YRV6CV10-L YRV6CV8C-L YRV8CV10-L YRV8CV14-L YS10WAG1 YS12AG1 YS1C YS1C-L BOX YS1C-LB YS1C-T YS1CA1 YS25 YS25-L BOX YS25-LB YS25-T YS25A1 YS25AT YS25FXLTCKITC YS25UCGI YS26 YS26-L BOX YS26-LB YS26-T YS26A1 YS26AT YS26FXLTCKITC YS26UCGI YS27 YS27-L BOX YS27-LB YS27A1 YS27AT YS27UCGI YS28 YS28-L BOX YS28-LB YS28-T YS28A1 YS28AT YS28LTCKITC YS28UCGI YS29 YS29-L BOX YS29-LB YS29-T YS29A1 YS29AT YS29FXLTCKITC YS2C YS2C-L BOX YS2C-LB YS2C-T YS2CA1 YS2CAT YS2CFXLTCKITC PAGE NO. 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YS2UCGI YS30 YS30-FXB YS30-L YS30-LB YS30-T YS30A1 YS30AT YS31 YS31-FXB YS31-L YS31-T YS31A1 YS31ACGI YS31AT YS31LTCKITC YS32 YS32-FXB YS32-L YS32A1 YS34 YS34-FXB YS34-L YS34-T YS34A1 YS34AT YS34FXLTCKITC YS34LTCKITC YS36 YS36-FXB YS36-L YS36A1 YS38-FXB YS38-L YS38FXLTCKITC YS39 YS39-L YS39-T YS39A1 YS39AM1 YS39AT YS39LTCKITC YS3C YS3C-FXB YS3C-L YS3C-LB YS40-FXB YS44 YS44-FXB YS44-L YS44A1 YS44AT YS44FXLTCKITC YS45A1 YS46 YS46A1 YS47A1 YS48 YS483A1 YS48A1 YS4C YS4C-L BOX YS4C-LB YS4C-T YS4CA1 YS5C YS5C-FXB YS5C-L BOX YS5C-LB YS6C YS6C-L BOX YS6C-T YS6CA1 YS8C YS8C-FXB YS8C-L-BOX YS8CA1 YSA25R-2N YSA26R-2N YSA28R-2N PAGE NO. 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YSA2R-2N YSA30R-2N YSA321R-2N YSA37R-2N YSC27-L YSCM104 YSCM133 YSCM167 YSCM17 YSCM212 YSCM231 YSCM27 YSCM42 YSCM66 YSCM80 YSD25R25R YSD26R25R YSD26R26R YSD26R2R YSD26R2W YSD27R25R YSD27R26R YSD27R27R YSD27R2R YSD27R2W YSD28R25R YSD28R26R YSD28R27R YSD28R28R YSD28R2R YSD28R2W YSE10 YSE10-BOX YSE10HN YSE14H YSE14H-BOX YSE14HN YSE18H YSE18H-BOX YSE18HN YSES10K YSES14-2 YSES14K YSES18-1 YSES18K YSH-2925-E YSH-292C-E YSH-294C-E YSH2929 YSH3429 YSH3434 YSH3931 YSH3939 YSHG3429 YSHG3434 YSHG3931 YSHG3939 YSHG4429 YSM10 YSM14 YSM18 YSM1C YSM25 YSM26 YSM27 YSM28 YSM2C YSM4C YSM6C YSM8C YSP1C-T YSP25-T YSP26-T YSP28-T YSP29-T YSP2C-T YSP31-T YSP34-T YSP39-T YSP4C-T PAGE NO. 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YSP6C-T YSR25FX6CFXLTCKITC YSR26FX6CFXLTCKITC YSR2825FXLTCKITC YSR282CFXLTCKITC YSR286CFXLTCKITC YSR29FX25FXLTCKITC YSR29FX2CFXLTCKITC YSR2CFX6CFXLTCKITC YSR3125FXLTCKITC YSR3128LTCKITC YSR3129FXLKITC YSR312CFXLTCKITC YSR32FX29FXLTCKITC YSR3425FXLTCKITC YSR3428LTCKITC YSR3429FXLKITC YSR3431LTCKITC YSR3434FXLTEL34 YSR34FX25FXLTCKITC YSR34FX28FXLTCKITC YSR34FX28LTCKITC YSR34FX29FXLKITC YSR38FX28LTCKITC YSR38FX29FXLTEL14 YSR38FX31LTCKITC YSR38FX34FXLTEL38 YSR3928LTCKITC YSR3929FXLTEL2 YSR3931LTCKITC YSR3934FXLTEL26 YSR3938FXLTEL42 YSR44FX29FXLTEL6 YSR44FX31LTCKITC YSR44FX34FXLTEL30 YSR44FX34LTCKITC YSR44FX38FXLTEL46 YSR44FX39LTCKITC YSR4CFX6CFXLTCKITC YSS2R YSS4R YSS6R YSS6RG2 YST2525 YST2626 YST2825 YST2828 YST282C YST2929 YST2C2C YST3131 YST3428 YST3434 YST3939 YST4C4C YSU25A25A YSU25R25R YSU25R2R YSU25R2W YSU25R4W YSU25R6W YSU2R2R YSU2R2W YSU2R4W YSU2R6W YSU2R8W YSU2W2W YSU2W4W YSU2W6W YSU2W8W YSU4W4W YSU4W6W YSU4W8W YSU6W6W YSV10 YSV10 BOX YSV10-H YSV10-H BOX YSV1014-G2 YSV1214-G1 C100 C104 C104 C104 C104 C104 C104 C104 C104 C104 C104 C104 C104 C104 C104 C103 C104 C103 C103 C104 C104 C104 C104 C103 C103 C103 C103 C103 C103 C103 C103 C103 C103 C103 C103 C103 C103 C103 C104 E47 E47 E47 E47 C113 C113 C113 C113 C113 C113 C113 C113 C113 C113 C113 C113 E45 E45 E45 E45 E45 E45 E45 E45 E45 E45 E45 E45 E45 E45 E45 E45 E45 E45 E45 B40 B40 B40 B40 B48 B48 BURNDY Alpha-numeric CATALOG NO. YSV14 YSV14 BOX YSV14-H YSV14-H BOX YSV1418 YSV18 YSV18 BOX YSV18-H YSV18-H BOX YSV1C-FXB YSV1C-L YSV1C-L BOX YSV25-FXB YSV25-L YSV25-L BOX YSV26-FXB YSV26-L YSV26-L BOX YSV27-FXB YSV27-L BOX YSV28-FXB YSV28-L YSV28-L BOX YSV2C-FXB YSV2C-L YSV2C-L BOX YSV4C-FXB YSV4C-L YSV4C-L BOX YSV6C-FXB YSV6C-L YSV6C-L BOX YSV8C-L YSV8C-L BOX YSV9C-L YSV9C-L BOX YTA25R-2N YTA26-2N YTA26R-2N YTA27R-2N YTA28-2N YTA28R-2N YTA2C-2N YTA2R-2N YTA321R-2N YTA33R-2N YTA34-2N YTA361R-2N YTA37R-2N YTA391A-2N YTA39R-2N YTA43R-2N YTS32AR YTS32R YTS331A PAGE NO. CATALOG NO. PAGE NO. 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YTU33R33R YTW301A YTW301AD YTW311A YTW311AD YTW312EC YTW312ECA YTW312EE YTW312EEA YTW32R YTW331A YTW331AC YTW331AD YTW331AE YTW331AM YTW33RC YTW33RE YTW33RM YTW34R YTW34RC YTW34RE YTW34RM YTW351A YTW351AC YTW351AD YTW351AE YTW351AM YTW361A YTW361AD YTW362RC YTW362RE YTW362RM YTW36R YTW36RC YTW36RE YTW36RM YTW375EC YTW375ECA YTW375EE YTW375EEA YTW391A YTW391AD YTW39A YTW39AC YTW39AD YTW39AE YTW39AM YTW39R YTW431A YTW431AC YTW431AD YTW431AE YTW431AM YTW438EC YTW438ECA PAGE NO. E29 E76 E76 E76 E76 E74 E74 E74 E74 E78 E76 E76 E76 E77 E77 E79 E79 E79 E78 E79 E79 E79 E76 E76 E76 E77 E77 E76 E76 E79 E79 E79 E78 E79 E79 E79 E74 E74 E74 E74 E76 E76 E76 E76 E76 E77 E77 E78 E76 E76 E76 E77 E77 E74 E74 CATALOG NO. YTW438EE YTW438EEA YTW43R YTW43RC YTW43RE YTW43RM YTW445A YTW445AD YTW449RC YTW449RE YTW449RM YTW451A YTW451AD YTW451R YTW457A YTW457AD YTW45RC YTW45RE YTW45RM YTW463A YTW463AC YTW463AD YTW463AE YTW463AM YTW47A YTW47AC YTW47AD YTW47AE YTW47AM YTW481RC YTW481RE YTW481RM YTW483RC YTW483RE YTW483RM YTW484A YTW484AC YTW484AD YTW484AE YTW484AM YTW486A YTW486AC YTW486AD YTW486AE YTW486AM YTW48A YTW48AD YTW48R YTW48RC YTW48RE YTW48RM YTW49R YTW500EC YTW500ECA YTW500EE PAGE NO. E74 E74 E78 E79 E79 E79 E76 E76 E79 E79 E79 E76 E76 E78 E76 E76 E79 E79 E79 E76 E76 E76 E77 E77 E76 E76 E76 E77 E77 E79 E79 E79 E79 E79 E79 E76 E76 E76 E77 E77 E76 E76 E76 E77 E77 E76 E76 E78 E79 E79 E79 E78 E74 E74 E74 CATALOG NO. 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E74 E79 E79 E79 E79 E79 E79 E78 E79 E79 E79 E78 E79 E79 E79 E78 E78 E79 E79 E79 E79 E79 E79 E79 E79 E79 E78 E79 E79 E79 E78 E79 E79 E79 E74 E74 E74 E74 E74 E74 E74 E74 E74 E74 E74 E74 E74 E74 E74 E74 E74 E74 E78 O-69 BURNDY Alpha-numeric PRODUCT/TRADE NAME INDEX PRODUCT/TRADE NAME ALFLUID AUTOMATIC CRIMP BARTAP BATOOL BATTERY CHARGER BATTERY CRIMPER BATTERY TOOLS BOLTS BOOSTERS BRAID BURNDY BURNDYWELD B-CRIMP C COPPER CRIMPIT CABELOK CABLE CLAMP CABLE CUTTERS CABLE TIES CABLE TRAY CLAMP CALIPERS CABLE STRIPPERS CIRCUIT TESTER CLIPIT COAXIAL COMPRESSION CONNECTOR COUPLINGS CRIMPERS CRIMPIT CRIMPS CUTTERS DIE INDEX DIES DURICOMP DURIUM ELECTRO-RAIL FINGRIP FINLINK FLAGLOK FLEXI-TAP FORKLOK GRIDLOK GROUNDEM GROUNDING GROUNDIT GUAGES GUTTER TAP H-CRIMPIT H COPPER CRIMIPIT HARDWARE HEAT SHRINK HOSES HOT LINE TOOLS HYBOOST O-70 HYBUTTIN HYCRAB HYCRIMP HYDENT HYDR COUPLING HYDR FITTINGS CATALOG SECTION N N A, G N N N N L F, N D, G D B C,E E N M D M N M E K B, C N N E M, N O N I L A B B B A B D D D D N A E, C C L M, J N F, N N B I E, C C N N PRODUCT/TRADE NAME HYDRAULIC FLUID HYDRAULIC HOSE HYFLUID HYGRID HYGROUND HYLINK HYLUG HYPLUG HYPRESS HYRACK HYREDUCER HYSEALPLUG HYSEALUG HYSPLICE HYSTACK HYTAIL HYTAP HYTEE HYTOOL I-BEAM CLAMP INSULINK INSULUG INTENSIFIERS KA-LUG KITS LIGHTNING LINKIT L’IL CRIMP LOCK WASHERS LOKTAP LUG MARKING PEN MOLE MOLIMITER MOUNTING BASES NOTAPE NUTS NYLOCLIP OKLIP OXIDE INHIBITOR PATOOLS PATRIOT PENETROX POLYTAP POPPER POSI-PRESS POWERLINK POWERLUG PRESSES PRESSURE GAUGES PUMPS NETWORK UNDGRD QIKLINK QIKLUG QIKPWR QIKSLEEVE QIKSTOCK QIKSTOP QIKTAP CATALOG SECTION N N N D D C C C N B C E E C, E, J C, E D C, E C, E N D E B N A D E N L E M I, J I M I L M A M N N M A N N I F N N N I A A C E B, C B, C A PRODUCT/TRADE NAME RAISED FLOOR REDUCERS REFERENCE DATA REMOTE HEADS REVOLVER RISERTAP SCRULINK SCRULUG SERVIT SERVIT POST SILCON BRONZE SPANTAP SPEC-BLOK SPLICE SPLICE KITS SPLICE-BLOK SPLICIT SPLIT BOLT STAINLESS HDWR STEP-TAP STIRRUP STRIPPERS STUD MOLE SUBSTATION TAPIT TERMINAL TERMINAL BLOCKS TEST LEADS TOOL BAGS TOOL CASES TOOL KITS TOOLS TRITAP TRITAP SERVIT TUBING UNIGROUND UNIRAP UNITAP UNISPLICE URD U-BLOK U-TAPS VARILINK VARITAP VERSILUG VERSITAP VINYLINK VINYLUG VISI-SHRINK WASHERS WEJIT WEJTAP WIRE BRUSH WIRE CONNECTOR WIRE CUTTERS WIRE MARKERS WIRE NUTS WIRE STRIPPERS Y-LOK CATALOG SECTION D B, C, E O N N A A A A, E D L E A J A B A, E L J E N I, J G, H E M, A M F, N N B, N, C N, M A A M, J D M A E J A A A A A A B B M L E F M N M M N B
Source Exif Data:
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