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MSB–enhanced substation primary and load interrupter switchgear Reduce the arc flash hazard in your substation with Eaton’s MSB, featuring the Arcflash Reduction Maintenance System Eaton’s MSB (metal-enclosed switch and breaker combination) is an integrated assembly using reliable, cost-effective load interrupter switches in series with VCP-TR vacuum circuit breakers. MSB combines the reliable visible disconnect of a load-break switch with the superior protection capabilities of a fixed-mounted vacuum circuit breaker. MSB can be used as the primary protection for a single-ended substation (eliminating the need for a secondary main breaker), or it can be used as the primary main device and integrated into a lineup of fused MVS switchgear. Arc flash hazard reduction Safety is crucial and standards like NFPA 70E (Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace) have emerged, making it unacceptable for engineers to accept existing or to design new unit substations without considering the impact of arc flash hazards and secondary bus protection. Eaton’s MSB delivers an elegantly simple design approach. MSB offers primary transformer protection and secondary bus protection in one 15 kV class primary metalenclosed assembly. Arc Flash and PPE These two articles in the Code resulted in thousands of unit substations being installed using a fused load-break switch as the secondary bus protection! For the past 30 to 40 years, engineers have designed secondary unit substations based on application of a 15 kV metal-enclosed fused load-break switch, close coupled to a transformer primary, then in turn connected to low voltage switchgear at the transformer secondary. National Electrical Code (NEC) requirements for this class of equipment contained two statements that resulted in quite a few unit substations being installed with very high levels of available arcing energy unprotected on the secondary bus of the transformers. Those two statements were: 1. Note 2 of NEC Article 450.3 Equipment—Transformers describes the “six disconnect rule.” This article states, “Where secondary overcurrent protection is required, the secondary overcurrent device shall be permitted to consist of not more than six circuit breakers or six sets of fuses grouped in one location.” 2. NEC Article 240.21(C)2 Overcurrent Protection describes transformer secondary conductors not over 10 ft (3m) long such that the ampacity of the secondary conductors is not less than the combined calculated loads on the circuits supplied by the secondary conductors. The emergence of new electrical safe workplace standards such as the NFPA 70E–2009 has challenged users to take another look at their substations based on the incident energy or arc flash hazard should a secondary bus fault occur. This could happen while doing energized work such as racking a secondary feeder circuit breaker on or off of an energized bus. NFPA 70E arc flash hazard calculations conducted at one industrial site yielded arc flash energies in excess of 700 calories/centimeter2 at the secondary bus as shown in the substation diagram below. Because personal protective equipment (PPE) available at the site was only rated up to Category 4, 40 calories/ centimeter2, there was no safe condition in which an operator could insert or remove a feeder circuit breaker from an energized bus in order to perform lockout/ tagout safety procedures. MSB is the solution to the arc flash hazard dilemma Reduce arc flash hazard in your substation with Eaton’s MSB. Solving this electrical safety hazard involved replacement of the existing metal-enclosed fused load-break switch with an Eaton metal-enclosed medium voltage switch over vacuum circuit breaker (MSB) assembly. MSB is perfect for retrofit in existing substations where arc flash safety is an issue. And, the MSB is perfect for application in new substations. With MSB, sensors can be installed on the secondary bus that are connected into the primary vacuum circuit breaker. MSB can effectively provide primary substation transformer protection as well as secondary switchgear bus protection using one device. 0 0 55.25 (1403.4) MSB Side View Two available methods for reducing incident arcing energy are: • Arcflash Reduction Maintenance System mode • (ZSI) Zone selective interlocking; see diagram on page 3 for ZSI example MSB Front View Vent Vents ØA DANGER HIGH VOLTAGE ØB 1500 kVA 5.75% Z ØC NAMEPLATE VT CPT FDR 800A MAIN METERING Potential arc flash hazard for secondary switchgear bus without MSB Bus fault at 480V switchgear • 10 kA secondary arcing fault CT • At 13.8 kV = 348A primary fault 2000A • 100E fuse clearing time = 160 seconds FDR 800A N Fault at 480V switchgear bus FDR 800A FDR 800A Typical unit substation with fused switch primary and no secondary main breaker 2 52.25 (1327.1) The VCP-T main circuit breaker can be equipped with multiple user preferred methods for arc energy reduction, drastically reducing the arc flash energy on the secondary bus for any unit substation. Vent 100E 105.45 (2678.4) Barrier Unit substation dilemma EATON CORPORATION MSB–enhanced substation primary and load interrupter switchgear • NFPA 70E results • 31.8 kA symmetrical fault current • 1167-inch arc flash boundary • 702.4 cal/cm at 18 inches • Unapproachable NFPA 70E–2009: Category 4 is highest category at 40 cal/cm Reduced arc flash hazard with MSB Bus fault at 480V switchgear • • 10 kA secondary arcing fault • At 13.8 kV = 348A primary fault • 100E fuse clearing time = 160 seconds Using MSB with integral trip unit with ZSI or in Arcflash Reduction Maintenance System mode clears fault in three cycles or less (arcing energy down to Category 2 per NFPA 70E) From 15 kV Switchgear To Substation 1-3/C, #4/0 AWG 15 kV, EPR, MV-105, 133%, Tape Shield Cable Tray 1-3/C, #4/0 AWG 15 kV, EPR, MV-105, 133%, Tape Shield Cable Tray Substation One-Line Preferred Primary Protection LV Substation 600A, 15 kV, 40 kA, Asymmetrical Interrupting 3-100:5 CT Eaton MSB Fused Load-Breaker Switch with VCP-TR Vacuum Breaker MV VCB L,S,I 600AF 800AT ZSI 50 51 2000/3000 kVA-12,470-480Y/277V AA/FA (Cast Coil) Z = 5.77% 0–5A AM FU1.0A 86 G Alarm 59 G (1) VT (2.5:1) FU1.0A 10:10 250 ȍ 3-3150:1 Current Sensors 3-3200:5 CT Power Metering High Resistance Grounding CPT 480V, 3200A Cu. Bus, 3-Phase, 3-Wire, 60 Hz, Isc. = 100 kA 2A ZSI GSCT To Transformer Fans 5 kVA 2C 2B LV PCB L,S,I 800AF 800AT AM LV PCB L,S,I 800AF 800AT ZSI GSCT 4-3/C, #500 kcmil 600V, TC, XHHW-2, with Ground Cable Tray 100 Feet LV MCC DES-XXX 50 51 DT-3000 or EDR-3000 ST 86 Note: 50/51 Integral Trip Includes Arms 2D LV PCB L,S,I 800AF 800AT ZSI GSCT AM 4-3/C, #500 kcmil 600V, TC, XHHW-2, with Ground Cable Tray 100 Feet AM LV PCB L,S,I 800AF 800AT ZSI GSCT AM 4-3/C, #500 kcmil 600V, TC, XHHW-2, with Ground Cable Tray 100 Feet LV MCC DES-XXX LV MCC DES-XXX 4-3/C, #500 kcmil 600V, TC, XHHW-2, with Ground Cable Tray 100 Feet LV MCC DES-XXX Diagram of substation using MSB with ZSI employed between the primary main breaker and the secondary feeder breakers Product offering • Rated maximum voltage: 4.76 to 15 kV • Rated voltage withstand (BIL): 4.76 kV Class—60 kV peak; 15 kV Class—95 kV peak • • • • Assembly main bus continuous current: 1200A Non-fused and fused switch: refer to type MVS load interrupter switchgear Available configurations • Main with feeders • Maintenance tie breaker with feeders • Main-main with feeders • Main-main automatic transfer • Maintenance tie breaker automatic transfer • Main service disconnect • Switching and protection of transformers, feeder circuits and capacitor banks Fuse types: current limiting (CLE), expulsion (RBA) Breaker types: VCP-TR, VCPTRL vacuum breakers, fixed • Unique features • Combination load-break switch and medium voltage vacuum circuit breaker • Door-mounted DT-3000 50/51 overcurrent protection with integral current transformers • Capacitor switching • Integral 50/51 trip unit in a VCP-T primary vacuum breaker with special design current sensors mounted at the secondary bus. Special arc flash reduction maintenance setting to lower incident energy while racking secondary feeder breakers Capability for ZSI connection across all Eaton trip units at both primary and secondary • Special design R-C snubber network to ensure substation transformer is protected from switching transients • Arcflash Reduction Maintenance System mode available to temporarily reduce the clearing time for the VCP-T breaker during downstream maintenance Standards • IEEE C37.20.3 • IEEE C37.04 • IEEE C37.06 • IEEE C37.09 • CSA C22.2 EATON CORPORATION MSB–enhanced substation primary and load interrupter switchgear 3 Enhanced circuit breaker protection With the addition of VCP-TR/ VCP-TRL vacuum circuit breakers, MSB is able to provide enhanced system capabilities as follows: • VCP-TRL breakers use a linear actuator mechanism that is capable of enduring 100,000 operations • High interrupting capacity suitable for use with ground fault equipment and differential relay schemes • Adjustable overcurrent protection • Three-phase tripping, eliminating single phasing • Eaton’s integrally mounted self-powered 520MCV, 1150V trip units and FP-5000 protective relay offer Arcflash Reduction Maintenance System Available vacuum breaker ratings VCP-TR Breaker Ratings for Use with MSB (ANSI C37.04 UL-Recognized Component) Identification Rated Values Insulation Level Circuit Breaker Type Rated Maximum Voltage (V) Power Frequency Impulse Withstand Continuous Current Short Circuit Breaking Current Short Circuit Making Current kV rms kV rms kV Peak Amperes kA rms kA Peak Operations 50 VCP-TR16 4.76 19 60 600, 1200 16 42 10,000 157, 159 50 VCP-TR20 4.76 19 60 600, 1200 20 52 — 163, 165 150 VCP-TR25 4.76 19 60 600, 1200 25 65 10,000 169, 171 150 VCP-TR16 15 36 95 600, 1200 16 42 10,000 159, 161 50 VCP-TR20 15 19 95 600, 1200 20 52 10,000 165, 167 150 VCP-TR25 15 36 95 600, 1200 25 65 10,000 171, 173 50 VCP-TR20 4.76 19 60 600, 1200 40 104 10,000 334, 334 150 VCP-TR25 15 36 95 600, 1200 40 104 10,000 338, 338 Mechanical Endurance C-O Approx. Weight Lbs Independent shunt trips are available for use with traditional protective relaying schemes. Also two-second short time current rating. VCP-TLR Breaker Ratings for Use with MSB (ANSI C37.04 and C37.09 UL-Recognized Components) Identification Rated Values Insulation Level Circuit Breaker Type Rated Maximum Voltage (V) Power Frequency Impulse Withstand Continuous Current Short Circuit Breaking Current Short Circuit Making Current Mechanical Endurance C-O Approx. Weight kV rms kV rms kV Peak Amperes kA rms kA Peak Operations 50 VCP-TR16 4.76 19 60 600, 1200 16 42 100,000 Lbs 153, 155 50 VCP-TR20 4.76 19 60 600, 1200 20 52 — 159, 161 150 VCP-TR25 4.76 19 60 600, 1200 25 65 100,000 166, 168 150 VCP-TR16 15 36 95 600, 1200 16 42 100,000 156, 157 50 VCP-TR20 15 36 95 600, 1200 20 52 100,000 161, 163 150 VCP-TR25 15 36 95 600, 1200 25 65 100,000 168, 170 Independent shunt trips are available for use with traditional protective relaying schemes. Also two-second short time current rating. Operating mechanism up to 100,000 operations, vacuum interrupter 30,000. Optional VCP-TRL Breakers with Capacitors Switching Capabilities Circuit Breaker Type Single Bank Back-toBack Cable Charging Optional “C” type versions available in rating shown in above rating table 250A and 1000A 250A and 630A 25A Eaton Corporation Electrical Sector 1111 Superior Ave. Cleveland, OH 44114 United States 877-ETN-CARE (877-386-2273) © 2010 Eaton Corporation All Rights Reserved Printed in USA Publication No. PA02100001E / Z9564 February 2010 PowerChain Management is a registered trademark of Eaton Corporation. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.4 Linearized : Yes Author : Zoltun Create Date : 2010:02:03 12:24:00-05:00 Modify Date : 2010:02:04 14:08:27-05:00 Subject : MSB-enhanced substation primary and load interrupter switchgear XMP Toolkit : Adobe XMP Core 4.2.1-c043 52.372728, 2009/01/18-15:08:04 Creator Tool : Adobe InDesign CS4 (6.0) Metadata Date : 2010:02:04 14:08:27-05:00 Format : application/pdf Title : PA02100001E Creator : Zoltun Description : MSB-enhanced substation primary and load interrupter switchgear Producer : Acrobat Distiller 9.0.0 (Macintosh) Document ID : uuid:2d9e5b04-c34f-3449-af4a-280befcda04f Instance ID : uuid:699bacbc-c853-4484-8b6f-462c8b0b0332 Page Layout : SinglePage Page Count : 4EXIF Metadata provided by