[2017][Crowd Flower]image Annotation Guide




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A practical guide to image annotation for computer vision


A practical guide to image annotation for computer vision

On July 7th, 1966, a professor named Seymour Papert proposed
a summer project to the Artificial Intelligence Group at MIT.
Using a handful of undergrads as research assistants, Papert was
confident he and his team could construct "a significant part of a
visual system" over the course of a single summer. In fact, Papert
titled this whole endeavor "The Summer Vision Project." And while
it's a bit difficult to pinpoint what his team actually accomplished,
50 years later, we can safely say that a summer in 1966 probably
wasn't quite enough time to solve computer vision for good.

This is true for nearly every use case. An AI that can accurately
score radiology images can only do so because it's learned from
labeled examples that show it what to look for. The same goes for
autonomous drones, AIs that can predict deforestation from
aerial imagery, penguin-counting algorithms, you name it.
And while this means that a general AI capable of looking at and
identifying any object in any image would take a preposterous
amount of high-quality training data, it also highlights the fact that,
no matter what your algorithm is supposed to "see," the steps to
building a well-trained, accurate image classifier are essentially
the same.

We've come a long way since the summer of ‘66. Facebook's
clumsily named DeepFace system achieved human-level
accuracy as early as 2014. In that same year, machines were
reading radiology images correctly 95% of the time. Pinterest
and eBay have both rolled out AI that allows you to shop for
products from snapshots. Computer vision algorithms are
looking at everything from satellite photographs to microscopic
biopsy images and they're getting smarter and more accurate by
the day.
Now, before we dig in too far, it’s a good idea to define what
we mean when we talk about computer vision. Put simply, the
goal of computer vision is to have machines see and understand
images and videos. Often, from a business process perspective,
computer vision is concerned with automating tasks that
humans can do; for example, understanding radiology images so
that doctors don’t spend all their time analyzing scans or seeing
the road so that our car can drive for us (or, at least, keep us from
And as far as we’ve come in the field over the past few decades,
computer vision accuracy still isn't close to human accuracy. That
same AI that can confidently score radiology images? It would
be completely at sea looking at images of dogs. That's because AIs
learn to "see" through labeled training data. To understand that an
image is a dog, AIs need to have seen tens of thousands of images
of dogs from all different angles, in all different poses. And even
then, they may have problems with oddly colored dogs, drawings
of dogs, or occluded pictures where it can only see a pair of eyes or
a tail.

At CrowdFlower, we've seen and helped with tons of these
projects. We've labeled over a million images, helping some of
the world's most innovative companies power and validate their
computer vision models. In this guide, we'll share a bit of what
we've learned along the way. You'll learn how to scope a computer
vision project, what kind of source data you need to make it
successful, what kind of tools fit your project best, how to label
your dataset so your algorithms can learn, and a whole lot more.


If you're doing a computer vision project, the first thing you need to
do is decide what your goal actually is. This might seem trivial but
it's actually incredibly important to do this right. You want to be
as exacting as possible here, thinking both granularly and at a big
picture level. Here’s an example:
Say your company is working on a self-driving car. If you're working
on the AI that will allow the car to drive autonomously, you need to
define what that means. Do you expect your car to:

Park itself?
Drive itself on the freeway?
How about the city?
What happens in inclement weather?
Drive on the left or the right?

The answers to all these questions have serious implications for
the sort of data you're going to need to train your AI.
As for how much data you'll need? There really isn't a hard-and-fast
rule. It's heavily dependent on how complex your problem is, how
accurate you need to be, and what you're actually doing with your
model. Many projects necessitate an ontology of some kind, so
you’ll want to plan that out too (as well as be willing to amend and
refine it as necessary). Up front, you may create an ontology for a
retail vision project that contains only “dress” but then expands to
include types and styles of dresses as you analyze your data and
your model’s performance, for example.
You should also keep in mind what happens when your models are
wrong (or just not confident). What’s the cost to their inaccuracy?
It’s probably obvious, but if you're building an algorithm that allows

cameras to see inventory on grocery store shelves, your problem is
a lot simpler than an autonomous vehicle model. Your surroundings
will be more uniform, so you'll likely need much less training data,
and, importantly, your penalty for inaccuracy isn't that big of a deal.
If your algorithm incorrectly thinks there's no cereal on a shelf, that
store ends up with extra Rice Krispies. If a self-driving car makes an
error, lives are at stake.
But back to how much data you need: you're not training a good
computer vision algorithm on hundreds of images. You're going to
need tens or hundreds of thousands of images per category. And
even that might be underselling it.
In fact, remember what we said in the intro about Facebook's
success with facial recognition? The reason they've enjoyed so
much accuracy is because they trained DeepFace on a gigantic,
well-labeled image set: user images. Facebook has access to
hundreds of billions of photos–labeled by users themselves–with
350 million added daily. That's a lot of training data.
As for where it comes from? Generally, it’s best practice to use
your own, proprietary data. Open source data is usually not robust
enough and, once you’ve run into edge cases or realize you’ll need
more of that data, you may find yourself at an impasse. That said,
for some applications, something like the CityScape dataset,
Microsoft’s Coco dataset, ImageNet, or any other robust datasets
can be a good place to start.
You’ll want to leverage whatever in-house big data you have that
fits the bill, but don’t be afraid to be scrappy. Taping a phone to a
dashboard and taking video for your self-driving car project can
provide you with a host of usable stills for annotation. Scraping
sites for product images in retail or buying large datasets from
satellite providers can be a good first step too.

We've all heard the phrase "garbage in, garbage out." That's especially true for training machine learning algorithms. A security robot
trained on good data knows that a broken window means it should alert the police. A security robot trained on bad data wheels itself into
a fountain.
And it's not just quality, it's quantity. Take a look at this graph:
What many people see when they look at this chart is that
there's a difference between the accuracy in these algorithms.
Which, certainly, is one way to look at it. What's at least as
important, however, is how they converge as more and more
data is added to them. In fact, the difference between state-ofthe-art methods and older ones effectively disappears when
they've been fed enough information.
In other words, more training data leads to smarter algorithms.
Smaller datasets, like a lot of open source datasets you can get
your hands on, are fine for toy use cases or graduate theses
or general models that aren't trying for high accuracy. And
while there are other reasons computer vision projects fail–
unreasonable timelines, fuzzy buy-in from business owners,
budgets, changing priorities, and more–most often, it really does
boil down to the data you're using. The more you can provide–
and the closer it hews to your actual end use case–the better.
But image data–raw files like product images, satellite photos, street snapshots, or anything else–rarely comes labelled. That's where we
come in. You choose what you parts of these images you need annotated; our platform leverages a network of human labelers to get the
work done.
Put another way: images without labels won't get you anywhere in your computer vision project. You'll just have raw data with pixel
values. You'll know where some colors are, essentially, but that's it. Labeled images train algorithms to know the difference between
a mother pushing a stroller and a fire hydrant, how to tell if a person's smiling, how to spot a new logging road carving through the
rainforest. To label images accurately, you need good technology and good people. We've got both.


Let's get back to your project. Once you've taken a first pass at
scoping, it's time to align the goals of your project with right kind of
image processing tasks. Roughly, these break into three separate




Shape annotation


Pixel labeling

Image classification is an extremely common first step for all sorts
of computer vision projects. It helps you parcel out work correctly,
teaches you what's actually in your source data, and sets you up for
higher accuracy and speed when you get to actually marking up the
images themselves.
So what is image classification? It's a fairly simple process where
you have human labelers mark whether a picture contains a certain
object (or objects) in your ontology. And it's probably easiest to
explain with an example.

They all have their pros and cons and each excel for different use
cases. Again, what matters most here is which tasks and workflow
make sense for the algorithm or classifier you're trying to build. You
may need to run the same source data through different annotation
tasks to find the most accurate model(s). You may need to use
several different kinds of annotation tools for the same overall
project or employ different algorithms for specific uses within your
Take classification tasks, for example. They can be used to identify
which images need annotation and then again to validate your
algorithm’s performance. In fact, let’s start there.

Say you're trying to build a self-driving car algorithm. That means
your source data is almost certainly street view pictures like
dashcam stills of highways and crowded intersections. You might be
tempted to start annotating those images straight away, but that's
actually not the best idea. Let us explain why.
Take those two kinds of images we mentioned above: a city
intersection and a stretch of highway. While a fully autonomous car
will have to deal with both, the sorts of annotations you'll eventually
be doing are wildly different. City images have all sorts of objects
and a lot more going on than highway images (for example, you
shouldn't expect pedestrians on the freeway).

Image classification is the best way to parcel out that data and keep
it clean from the get-go. So for our example, all you'd need to do is
present labelers with an image and ask them simple classification
questions like:

Are there homes in this image?
Are there pools in this image?
Are there roads in this image?

There's a good reason for doing this. When people start labeling
images with boxes (for example), they're much more accurate when
they’re given discrete tasks. Asking a person to label every car in an
image is a lot easier than asking them to mark each part of an image
based on a taxonomy. They'll work faster and be far more accurate.
Images with pedestrians can be sent to labelers who are working

just on annotating pedestrians. They won't see those highway
images because, hopefully, there aren't any pedestrians there and
your labelers can concentrate on a single task.
Classification can also keep your algorithm from overfitting. We'll
get into this more later, but basically, if your image set is mostly
cheese, your algorithm is going to assume most objects are cheese.
Classifying your images allows you to make sure you're building
a model that has a more nuanced view of its world and doesn't
assume a mailbox is automatically a block of cheddar.
One last thing: your classifications can be as specific as your
project requires. Take the "are there pedestrians in this image?"
question. For example, you can ask additional questions like "is this
pedestrian pushing an object?" or "is this pedestrian on a bike or
skateboard?" A mother pushing a stroller behaves much differently
from a bicyclist, after all.

Now, often, we get asked which sort of tool we recommend
for a particular project. We've seen a pretty wide variety of
annotation jobs and we have a handle on which work well
for which use case. But before we dig into that too far, it's

important to level-set on what each tool is and how they
work. We'll start with shapes, but first, here’s a chart to
explain some high-level differences:

At a glance, here’s a quick overview of the tools we’ll discuss:




Least expensive

More expensive

More expensive

Most expensive
























Series of x,y

Series of x,y coordinates,

Coded RGB pixels as an


with shapes resolving



X,Y coordinate,

width and length of
each box

* see page 13


Once you've classified your images and parcelled them out, it's time
to get annotating. Again, we recommend creating distinct tasks
for labeling. In other words: "Draw a box around every car in this
image" or "mark every pedestrian in this image" and so on. You can
merge the image data from these separate tasks if an image contains
multiple classes your algorithm cares about.
Shape annotation tasks can generally be broken into three main

There are pros and cons to each of these approaches and which
one(s) you use, again, depends on what it is you need your model to
do. Each approach, however, is attempting to do the same thing at a
high level: mark objects in a real image.
Since it's the most common tool, and a great place to start, let's look
at bounding boxes.

Bounding boxes:
Drawing a box around a particular object


Marking an image with a series of dots or points


Lines (or polygons):
Drawing lines or creating shapes (polygons) with a
simple line drawing tool

It's probably safe to assume you know what a bounding box on an
image looks like, but if not, here's a pretty common example. In
the image above, a data scientist has asked a labeler to draw a box
around each car.
Bounding boxes are a simple way to capture certain objects in
images and are the easiest type of annotation. Depending on your

quantity and quality of data, sometimes, a model can learn to
identify the objects you need just by training with bounding boxes.
So when should you use bounding boxes? What are some best
practices? First off, you'll likely want to use bounding boxes when
your objects are, well, boxable. Think of drawing a box around crate,
for example. If your image is front-facing, labelers can draw a much
tighter box around it than if your image is at, say, a three-quarter



By way of example, a product on a shelf can usually be boxed, but, say, a river from an aerial photograph would be a bad candidate.

You'll also want to come up with a strategy for occluded images
and this strategy should marry to the goal of your computer vision
project. If we return to our self-driving car example, what would
you do with a person who's partially obscured behind a parked car
or a bus stop bench? Well, you want your model to know that the
object is a person, not half a person. Many data scientists would
advise boxing the entire individual, even if they're not completely
visible. If you were simply building an algorithm that counted people
in a particular location, that might not be as necessary.

By virtue of this, they finish faster and cheaper than other types
of image annotation. They're not as precise as the other methods
we'll discuss, but they're simple and they work quite well for a lot of
applications, including self-driving cars, general object recognition
jobs, and multiple retail applications. Lastly, because boxes are less
precise than pixels or polygons, you'll likely need a bit more training
data to reach the accuracy of those methods. But, again, the
labeling goes much quicker and is generally much cheaper, so don't
let that fact discourage you.

Bounding boxes are the easiest kind of annotation, requiring less
attention and less complicated tools than pixel or polygon jobs.

Next, we're going to look at the bounding box's first cousin: lines
and polygons.

While there are occasional reasons to annotate an image with
a single line, a vast majority of so-called "line" jobs involve
labelers drawing shapes around objects. In many ways it can be
seen as a bridge between boxes and semantic segmentation
(a.k.a. pixel labeling).

Line tools (like the one on CrowdFlower) allow labelers to draw tight
shapes around the objects you need identified. Unlike boxes which
can capture a lot of white space and additional noise, leading to
confusion in vision models, polygons are far more precise. Remember
the aerial photo from our last section?

This is a perfect candidate for this sort of line/polygon annotation.
While a box would capture far more grass than river, a polygon can
be far more exacting. Same thing goes for the three-quarters view
of a crate we showed above.

Of course, drawing shapes requires more work for labelers, so these
types of jobs cost a bit more–both in time and money–than bounding
box annotation does. You'll often see them used for everything from
aerial imagery to medical research.

Though the output will be a bit different than with bounding boxes
(we’ll get to that later), the general processes, workflow, and best
practices still apply here. Polygons should be as tight as possible and
breaking up work with image classification tasks first will absolutely

improve both the speed and accuracy of your labeling work.
Let's move off shapes into a completely different kind of
annotation: dots.

Dot annotation is exactly what it sounds like. In these tasks, labelers
place dots where you ask them to. Generally, these tools are used most
often for counting jobs and gesture or facial recognition tasks.
The counting jobs are pretty self explanatory. Say, for example, you
want to count the cars in a parking lot in a large mall as a proxy for
shopper density. Here, you'd have labelers annotate aerial imagery on
that mall's parking lot, simply putting a dot on each car. More often,
however, you'll see dots being used for gesture and facial recognition.

Similarly, facial recognition tasks involve marking certain points
on faces: the corners of each eye, the tip of the nose, the corners
of the mouth, and so on. These, in turn, allow facial recognition
algorithms to recognize individuals by analyzing the unique ratios
between these points on a person's face. Additionally, if you
combine facial recognition with a categorization task, you could
create an algorithm that detected emotion. People are great at
understanding, at a glance, if another person is upset, laughing,
frustrated, or any other emotion.

As augmented reality initiatives become more and more common, so
do gesture recognition AIs. Dot annotation is usually your best bet for
these kinds of projects and the process is fairly simple. Essentially, you'd
have labelers mark important points on the human body that your
gesture project will care about, for example, every knuckle on a hand
and the ends of each finger. With enough high-quality training data, this
allows an AI to understand subtle but discrete hand motions, allowing
end users to manipulate "objects" in augmented realities.

You’ll also see a dot tool used for certain consumer packaged goods
(or CPG) jobs. Sometimes, this will happen as a simple counting
job, i.e. “put a dot on each can of beans in this image.” You’ll also
sometimes see jobs where labelers annotate the corners of, say,
cereal or anything else in a box. This actually gets around the issue
we were talking about with boxes vs. polygons earlier and works
quite well for computer vision algorithms in this space as you can
get fairly tight coordinates for every object you're "dotting."

Semantic segmentation is by far the most exacting type of image
annotation. It involves labelers labeling every part of an image so that
every pixel is accounted for. If this sounds like it takes a while, that's
because it does. A fairly average image–in terms of size and complexity–
takes anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour to annotate! That said,
you'll generally need far fewer of these images to train a computer
vision model because they're incredibly accurate.

See those colors on the side? That's the ontology used to label this
image. Interestingly, because labelers will be annotating several
objects in an entire image, it's often unnecessary to send these
through image classification tasks first.
Semantic segmentation has become more and more common in the
past few years. There are a few reasons for this. First off, it really is
as exacting as you can get and, for a lot of computer vision projects,
there's really no such thing as being too accurate. Additionally,
semantic segmentation can be really ideal if you don't have copious
amounts of source data. Because while more well-labeled data is
always a good thing, if you have a limited amount for your project,
you can get more actionable information for your models from every
single image.


Generally, it works like this: you provide a labeler with an image and
an ontology of objects they need to find. This can be a city street
for an automated vehicle project, an open box with parts in it for a
manufacturing logistics job, or a whole host of other use cases. A
labeler would see something like this:

The flipside is that annotating pixel-by-pixel takes a while and, out
of all these tasks, the cognitive load on the labeler is the highest for
semantic segmentation. Since each image takes serious time and many
involve robust ontologies, there's a bit of a higher chance for error
here as well. Which is to say, like any annotation task, there are pros
and cons. If you're thinking about starting any of these projects, we
can help you decide what the right solution is for you and your project.
Now that we've gone over scoping and the tools, we thought we'd
tell you a bit about how to actually get your images labeled. It’s our


No matter what kind of computer vision project you're undertaking,
you need lots of high-quality data to make it work. And while press
articles about the latest advances in the field often gloss over this fact,
practitioners know that this training data can be more important and
more vital than leveraging the newest models.
Some companies have built in image labelers. Take the Facebook
example we mentioned earlier: every time you tag your friend or your
child on Facebook, somewhere behind the scenes, there's an algorithm
understanding a bit more about what that person looks like and slowly
learning to label him or her by itself. When a CAPTCHA modal pops up
and asks you to click on every picture of a truck, you're actually doing
double-duty: you're proving you're not a robot and you're training an
Most companies don't have access to these natural "workforces."
Instead, they turn to platforms like CrowdFlower to train, test, and
tune their computer vision models. On a very high level, it works like

The tool you use determines the enriched data you'll receive as an
output from your image annotation job. It breaks down as follows:
• Classification: Full category breakdown of every image.
If you ask "is there a person in this image?" you'll know
whether there is for each image. The same is true of every
question you ask.
• Bounding boxes: The output here is the image
coordinate of the top left corner of your bounding box,
plus the width and height of the box.

First, you upload the data you want annotated in a simple .csv. Then,
you design the task you want people to do, using a template or
creating your own. You choose the tool you want to use, write the
instructions to get exactly what you want, and give a few examples of
what you're looking for. Then? You launch your job. At that point, real
human labelers–we call them contributors–get to classifying, labeling,
and annotating your images. Our contributors work around the clock,
following your instructions, and finish labeling your images. You
download enriched data (or hook up to our API) and use that in your
CV project.

• Dots: A list of X/Y coordinates for each dot.
• Lines or Polygons: A series of coordinates for each
shape. If the shape connects, the first and last coordinate
will be the same.
• Semantic segmentation: The output here encodes
ontology categories into an R,G,B pixel in the R value. If a
contributor labels a certain pixel with the first category in
your ontology, that pixel's value would be 1,0,0.

Not only can you, but most projects do. This is a case-by-case
determination that you and your team will want to make, but more
data–and more diverse data–tend to create smarter, more accurate


Like “how much data should I use?”, this is a tough question to answer
without knowing the specifics of your project. If you’d like to get in
touch, we’d be happy to help answer any questions you have. We’re at

By the way, this extends beyond just image data. If you're working
on autonomous vehicles, you're going to want to look at sensor data,
LIDAR data, and a whole host of other sources to improve your
performance. Variety's generally not a bad idea.

If your data has a preponderance of a certain category–and if it's
missing a lot of another category–it's likely going to overfit. Which is to
say, if all it knows are cars, it's going to think everything is a car.
So how do you fix that? Simple! More data from under-represented

Generally, you’re going to want to use your own source data. If you
don’t have enough for your project, open datasets like Microsoft’s
Coco or Imagenet can be a good place to start. You can also purchase
image sets or scrape public pages in a pinch.


About CrowdFlower
CrowdFlower is the essential human-in-the-loop AI platform for data science teams. CrowdFlower helps customers generate high quality customized
training data for their machine learning initiatives, or automate a business process with easy-to-deploy models and integrated human-in-the-loop
workflows. The CrowdFlower software platform supports a wide range of use cases including self-driving cars, intelligent personal assistants, medical
image labeling, content categorization, customer support ticket classification, social data insight, CRM data enrichment, product categorization, and
search relevance.
Headquartered in San Francisco and backed by Canvas Venture Fund, Trinity Ventures, and Microsoft Ventures, CrowdFlower serves data science
teams at Fortune 500 and fast-growing data-driven organizations across a wide variety of industries.
For more information, visit www.crowdflower.com.


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