62940034M_CDC_CC63X_Display_Terminal_Hardware_Maintenance_Manual_Aug1986 62940034M CDC CC63X Display Terminal Hardware Maintenance Manual Aug1986
62940034M_CDC_CC63X_Display_Terminal_Hardware_Maintenance_Manual_Aug1986 62940034M_CDC_CC63X_Display_Terminal_Hardware_Maintenance_Manual_Aug1986
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62940034 (./ 6-14 6A-2 6B-2 6B-4 6B-5 6B-7 6B-8 6B-10 6B-11 6B-13 .6B-14 6B-15 6B-18 6B-19 6B-21 6B-23 6B-24 6B-25 6B-28 6B-29 6B-33 6B-34 6B-38.1 6B-38.3 6B-38.3 6B-42 6B-42.1 6B-44 62940034 tvl \ / { TABLES (~ 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1-1 2. '. • • • • • • • 1-2 OPERATION 2-1 6. Display Terminal Features and Options Controls and Indicators • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2-1 MAINTENANCE 6A-l 6B-l Symptoms/SAMs Correlation video Adjustment Controls .. .. .. . . .. . . .. • • • 6A-l • • • 6B-26 ( .. • ( ( 62940034 E xv/xvi ( ( 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION This section describes the functions, major assemblies, external interfaces, electrical requirements and physical specifications of the terminal. INTRODUCTION { ( The CDC CC63X Multifunction Display Terminal is a microprocessorcontrolled input/output hardware device with a detached keyboard and loadab1e 64K memory. The basic resident terminal mode supports CYBER (Advanced) Mode and Control Data Shared Network (CDSN) down1ine load capability. It will operate as an 1ST III terminal via the CDSN. The major application of this terminal, however, is the versatility offered by the addition of hardware options and the capability for loading various operating programs. One of the available options is an internal 1200/1200-baud (bit-per-second or b/s) modem that enables terminal connection to CDSN via the telephone lines and incorporates user oriented features such as automatic dialing (call originate mode) and automatic answering (answer mode).* TERMINAL APPLICATIONS AND BUILDING BLOCKS ( The display terminal is a versatile input/output device that can be configured to operate in many modes by the addition of options and any number of pluggable ROM packs. The operational mode of the terminal is determined by the application of the user. The memory is loadab1e through the communications line or. an operator plug-in memory module (ROM pack). The terminal contains internal interfaces which allow the addition of several options, including a touchpane1 and/or an internal 1200/1200 b/s modem. Refer to table 1-1 for display terminal features and options. ( ( *The automatic answering feature of the internal modem is only available on enhanced model terminals. 62940034 E 1-1 TABLE 1-1. DISPLAY TERMINAL FEATURES AND OPTIONS I FACTORY-INSTALLED FEATURES I DISPLAY TERMINALS ICC634-AlcC634-B CC638-AlcC638-B --r 64K RAM (main logic board) --r x --r x Dot graphics board with touch panel x x x x Enhanced (revision 4) firmware x x Power-cord interlock (enables internal 1200/1200 b/s modem and dot graphics board to be user installed) x x 120-V ac, 60-Hz operation x x x x AVAILABLE OPTIONS THAT ARE SERVICE CENTER INSTALLED: • • • • • XA3S8-A dot graphics board with touchpanel on CC634-A/B terminals. XA360-A internal 1200/1200 bls modem on CC634-A/CC638-A terminals. XA368-A dot graphics board on CC634-A terminals. XA369-A touchpanel on CC634-A/B terminals with XA368-A dot graphics board installed. YA109-Aenhanced (revision 4) firmware on CC634-A/CC638-A terminals. AVAILABLE OPTIONS THAT ARE CUSTOMER INSTALLED: • • • •• • • • • • I. I. I • 1-2 XA360-A internal 1200/1200 b/s modem on cC634-B/cc638-B terminals. XA368-A dot graphics board on CC634-B terminals. YA274-A United Kingdom keycap kit. YA274-B Spanish keycap kit. YA274-C German keycap kit. YA274-D French keycap kit. YA274-E Swedish/Finnish keYCap kit. YA274-F Danish/Norwegian keycap kit. YA27S-A 220/240-V ac, 50-Hz power conversion kit. YR101-A dual asynchronous-interface board. YRI02-A parallel-interface board. YR107-A/B graphics memory module (ROM pack). ------ .-----~------- --------~------ 6294003'4 E ( (~ r-- - --- ----------------, BASIC TERMINAL CONTROL MEMORY MODULE (ROM PACK) ( ZeOB MICRO PROCESSOR ~ ALPHA-NUMERIC CRT LOGIC ~ I RAM 64K BYTES f _ TO GRAPHIC OPTION KEYBOARD INTERFACE (UARTJ - NON VOLATILE RAM 256 X4 (PARAMETERS) INTERNAL ROM 32 K BYTES (MAX) -----'----- HOST COMMUNICATIONS LOGIC STANDARD MULTI-USER KEYBOARD BATTERY I DATA SET I/F I RS-232 -C . r-.. HOST I _________ .;...JI PROCESSOR BUS TO EXPANSION MODULES Figure 1-1. 62940034 C 0'1336-4 Basic Terminal Configuration 1-3 BASIC TERMINAL TYPICAL 1/0 CONNECTIONS OPTIONAL LOGIC BOARDS I------~ I I I DOT GRAPHICS I * I I I I I TOUCH PANEL I I I STANDARD MULTI-USER KEYBOARD I I I t I• I DUAL ASYNC RS232** I I I I I I I • I INTERNAL 1200/1200 B/S MODEM SERIAL CHARACTER PRINTER W/ASYNC PORTS I I * I I I L ______ --.J I PERIPHERALS I I MEMORY MODULE (ROM PACK) OPTIONAL I I I t I PARALLEL I/O INTERFACE** I BASIC TERMINAL CONTROL CONFIGURATION J I I I I I I I STANDARD RS.2321/F DATA SET HOST COMPUTER/MODEM HOST COMPUTER/MODEM MONITOR NOTES: *** DENOTES LARGE OPTION MODULES DENOTES SMALL OPTION MODULES Figure 1-2. 1-4 04337 Expanded Terminal Configuration 62940034 E Since it is difficult to determine all possible display terminal applications, this manual covers only on-site maintenance for the display terminal in its basic and expanded configurations as indicated in figures 1-1 and 1-2. That is, the maintenance information contained in this manual covers the basic terminal, the graphics board with touchpanel, and the internal modem. The maintenance of any other hardware, software, or firmware added to or used with the terminal is covered in their respective maintenance manuals. The memory of the terminal iucludes 20K bytes of ROM and 64K bytes of RAM plus any ROM pack that may be inserted. The 20K bytes of ROM contains the resident CYBER mode as well as programs that perform self-testing of the terminal hardware by resident diagnostics. The ROM pack allows a program to be loaded into the terminal. Operating parameters are loaded through the keyboard. The parameters are stored in a nonvolatile memory (NVM), which will retain this information after the terminal is turned off or unplugged (the NVM is battery-supported). The resident ROM contains subroutines that allow qualified personnel to change the stored parameters, when necessary. ( CUSTOMER ENGINEERING TRAINING In addition to providing display terminal maintenance information, this manual will also serve as the only maintenance training document. Due to a low piece-part count, internal diagnostics and modular construction, there is no display terminal classroom instruction offered. By reading and using this manual, the CE will acquire the expertise to isolate display terminal malfunctions. Section 6 lists the main tasks a CE must be able to perform before responding to a customer request for maintenance on the terminal. The CC63X display terminal training course consists of reading this manual and taking a final test found on Engineering Services Educations PLM. This test covers the following objectives: ( ( • Locate and list the function of all major assemblies, components and controls. • List the steps necessary to initiate, execute and terminate the resident diagnostic tests. • List the field-replaceable units (as specified by the SAM listings) for terminal malfunctions. 62940034 E 1-5 EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS The following paragraphs describe the physical, electrical, and environmental specifications for the display terminal. PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS The size and weight of the monitor and control module and detached keyboard module are as follows: • Monitor and control logic module Height: 440 mm (17.3 in) nominal position Width: 430 mm (16.9 in) maximum Depth: 430 mm (16.9 in) maximum Weight: 19.5 kg (43 lb) maximum Weight ( packaged) : • 22.2 kg (49 lb) maximum Keyboard module '-. Height: 51 mm (2.0 in) maximum 80 mm (3.1 in) maximum (raised positi.on) Width: 490 mm (19.3 in) maximum Depth: 230 mm (9.0 in) maximum Weight: 3.0 kg (8 lb) Weight (packaged) : 4.5 kg (10 lb) maximum ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS The display terminal has the following electrical power requirements: fl. 1-6 62940034 F ( ( Basic Configuration • • • • Full Confi~uration 120V ac, 50/60 Hz, at 1.0 A, nominal: 1. 30 A, maximum 220V ac, 50/60 Hz, at 0.5 A, nominal: 0.71 A, maximum 240V ac, 50/60 Hz, at 0.5 A, nominal: 0.65 A, maximum 85 W (290 Btu/hr), heat dissipation configuration without options ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS The display terminal has the following environmental requirements: ( • OPERATING: Temperature range: Temperature change: Relative humidity range: 20 to 80 percent • Humidity change: 10 percent/60 minutes Altitude: 3000m (9850 ft) maximum NONOPERATING: Temperature range: -40°C(-40°F) to 60°C(140°F) Temperature change: 20°C(36°F)/60 minutes Relative humidity range: 5 to 100 percent Humidity change: 62940034 10 percent/60 minutes 1-7 ( OPERATION (~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 This section describes the operator accessible controls and indicators on the display terminal. CONTROLS AND INDICATORS Refer to table 2-1 for a description of controls and indicators mounted on the cabinet (figure 2-1). TABLE 2-1. ( CONTROLS AND INDICATORS rCONTROL/INDICATOR I FUNCTION I I POWER 0/1 (OFF/ON) SwitchlAllows the operator to control priImary power application to the terminal. This switch is located at the front of the terminal. ( CBl Circuit Breaker TEST Switch ( RESET Switch BRIGHTNESS (Intensity) Control (' ( Provides line circuit over-current protection for the terminal. CBl is located at the rear of the terminal and can be reset when the overcurrent fault condition is cleared. This slide switch allows maintenance loopback of the resident host interface (RS232C) for fault isolation capability. It is in the TEST (looped) position when the actuator is pulled out. This switch is Ilocated at the rear of the terminal. I IAllows operator to reset the terminal Ito a normal restart condition (proIvides a clear function to the termiInal). Terminal activity is program I dependent. This switch is located Ion the front of the terminal. I IAllows the operator to adjust the Ivideo intensity to the ambient lightling conditions. This control is Ilocated on the front of the terminal.) I 62940034 I 2-1 TABLE 2-1. CONTROLS AND INDICATORS (CONTD) CONTROL/INDICATOR CONTRAST Control I I I I FUNCTION IAllows the operator to adjust the I intensity variation between the norImal characters and background. This Icontrol is located at the front of Ithe terminal. I LINE VOLTAGE Switch IAllows for selection of the approIpriate line voltage range (115/220 V lac) for terminal operation. This Iswitch is located at the rear of the Iterminal. CAUTION: This switch must be set to agree with the line voltage. DATA SET READY INDICATOR (Green) Illuminates if the Data Set Ready signal at the modem (host) interface is present. The DSR indicator is located at the front of the terminal. LOCK (Keyboard Locked) Indicator (Red) Illuminates during a page print operation. The keyboard is also locked and the LOCK indicator is lit if the terminal is unable to transmit data due to loss of modem control signals such as CTS or DSR while the terminal is online and ready to send, or if the terminal is disabled by host command. Also, the keyboard is locked out during block mode communication with the host or when a disk operation is active. The LOCK indicator is located at the front of the terminal. MESSAGE (Message Waiting) This indicator is under program Indicator (Red) control. The MESSAGE indicator is located on the front of the terminal. ALERT Indicator (Red) M-REL (Manual Release) 2-2 Used as an alternate visible alert Iwhen the audible alarm is disabled or I cannot be heard. It is controlled Iby a programmable bit. The Alert I indicator is located at the front of I the terminal. I IThis key will perform a firmware Imanual release. Any print or host loperation is aborted. 62940034 B ( ( ( TABLE 2-1. ( FUNCTION CONTROL/INDICATOR ERROR Indicator (Red) Illuminates when a terminal SUbsystem or mode-dependent error condition is detected. It is controlled by a programmable bit. The ERROR indicator is located at the front of the terminal. PROGRAM I, 2, 3 Indicators (Red) These three indicators are under program control, thus their functions are program dependent. The PROGRAM indicators are located at the front of the terminal. Audible Alarm Provides a two-level (loud/soft intensity) audible alarm signal. Operation is under firmware control and is also operator-parameter-bit controlled. The following conditions cause an audible alarm to occur: ( ( CONTROLS AND INDICATORS (CONTD) • After power on or RESET has run test 1 • Improper keyboard entries during mode selection or parameter selection • Host code sequence • Attempt to enter keyboard data while the cursor is in a protected position* • Entry on keyboard while the keyboard is locked • If margin alert has been selected in mode installation parameters, when keyboard entries advance the cursor to the 8th position fram end of line or into the last line. *with terminals having the enhanced firmware, enable automatic tabbing in CYBER mode which the alarm for the above condition. Instead, board data is tabbed to the next unprotected 62940034 E the host can will not sound the entered keyposition. 2-3 KEYBOARD CONFIGURATIONS .7 Refer to section 4 for keyboard configurations. ERROR LOCK . ,, ., ,, ,"'-'t. , '_ .. ,, ALERT PROGRAM - , ,-,, "\ ... -;' FRONT VIEW r " '- MESSAGE -- I 1 . ,,,-"',. ,-, :'-' 2 I , ,3 DATA SET ,,,-,I --' READY 04218-2 LINE VOLTAGE SWITCH POWER-CORD INTERLOCK LATCH (ONLY ON CC634-B/CC63B-B UNITS) TEST SWITCH IF OPtiON "IS INSTALLED REAR VIEW . TEST SWITCH 05210-1 Figure 2-1. 2-4 Location of Controls and Indicators 62940034 F .... J ' ( INSTALLATION AND CHECKOUT 3 ( This section contains installation information. INTRODUCTION The installation of the display terminal plus the installation of certain options are the responsibility of the customer. Therefore, this section only refers to the installation of those options that are the responsibility of CE personnel. For a breakdown of terminal features and available options, refer to table 1-1 in section 1. For information concerning the installation and checkout of the terminal, refer to the terminal operator's guide/installation instructions manual or the terminal owner's manual (preface lists publication numbers). OPTIONS INSTALLED BY CUSTOMER ENGINEERING PERSONNEL ( The options requiring installation by CE personnel include the: • YR109-A enhanced firmware option that applies to a CC634-A/CC638-A terminal. For this installation, refer to the installation drawing in section 5. • XA360-A 1200/1200 b/s internal modem if it is to be installed in a CC634-A/CC638-A terminal. For this installation, refer to procedure 23 in section 6B. • XA369-A touchpanel, the XA368-A dot graphics board (customer installed in CC634-B terminals but not in CC634-A terminals), or the XA358-A touchpanel/dot graphics board combination. These options apply to a CC634-A/B terminal and their installation is described with the installation drawing, section 5 . . ( (~ 62940034 F 3-1 • 3-2 62940034 K 4 THEORY OF OPERATION GENERAL The operational mode of the display terminal is determined by parameters set in from the keyboard. Parameters may be selected to initiate the resident CYBER mode, or to load and initiate host programs. The terminal contains firmware for the resident CYBER mode~ any other program must be downline-loaded from the host. The terminal also contains firmware for self tests and for loading host controlware. Operations within the terminal are controlled by a microprocessor. It can interface asynchronously with a higher-level processor either directly or through a modem. The terminal is multifunctional with the base unit being an alphanumeric display. It contains interfaces for three small option boards and two large option boards. These boards provide interfaces to host computers, modems, and peripheral equipment. Refer to figure 4-1 for a block diagram of the display terminal. ( • The operator uses the keyboard to enter, change, or delete information and to select initial operating parameters. The terminal is multifunctional, having the capability for one standard and six foreign languages and a variety of graphics symbols. Terminal-operating parameters are entered from the keyboard into a nonvolatile RAM, and read by the microprocessor~ There are three groups of operating parameters: • Terminal installation parameters (select terminal-related conditions, such as interfaces, memory option, or type of peripheral to be used). • Mode installation parameters (s.elects port rates and data rates of each operating mode, such as CYBER). • Mode operator parameters (determines conditions within which selected mode will operate, i.e., on line, off line, 80/132, cursor type, alert, etc.) • The terminal uses a Z80B microprocessor which controls all operations inside the terminal. It directs the operations of associated peripherals such as printers and modems. The microprocessor uses 64K of dynamic RAM for instruction processing. This RAM is dedicated for program operations and CRT refresh. ( (- 62940034 B 4-1 rl-~~ CRT MONITOR -............; r-------D~P~;_---------·I--..., I 4K POWER SUPPL Y BOARD +5 VDC +12 VDC -12 VOC +24 VDC F __-.....,."';'" TYPICAL APPLICATIONS: MEMORY MODULE (ROM PACKI I CYBER I 120/17011801 I STANDARD COMMUNICATIONS IIF RS2321CCITT MODEM TERMINAL CRT MONITOR BOARD HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL DEFLECTION 1-_ _ _ _ _......, • BRIGHTNESS • FOCUS • CONTRAST o MAIN LOGIC BOARD ru:;:;;:1 DATASET ~ CONN. TOUCHPANEL DOT GRAPHICS IIF 5 ...... ~ U • CRT CONTROLLER • VIDEO CIRCUIT • POWER 64K DRAM - t I ADDRESS~ COUNTER~ t zaOB MICRO PROCESSOR r-- KBD UART IIF 4 SERIA = DUAL ASYNC RS232 PORTS AlB CASYN""'''{ 0 IIF 2 I DATA UART I • CLOCK t-- 20K ROM FIRMWARE: STORES KEYBOARD PARAMETERS - CD i'---i- ~ RAM iNVM) INTERNAL MODEM IIF 3 ifF 1 I- r-- • - ;-- INTERNAL MODEM INTERFACE KEYBOARD - ~----lL..w r--- I • RESIDENT CYBER MODE RESIDENT DIAGNOSTICS • LOADERS (ASCII, FLEX. DISK, ROM PAK) • BATTERY PARALLEL 1/0 INTERFACE CD L- _____________________ J 04456-1 NOTES: (0 o POWER IS DISTRIBUTED THROUGHOUT THE TERMINAL VIA THE MAIN LOGIC BOARD OPTIONS SHOWN IN I/F! AND I/F3 CAN BE (N ANY OF THE I/F-l THROUGH 1/F-3 SLOTS Figure 4-1. 4-2 Display Terminal Block Diagram 62940034 E ( ( An internal ROM (figure 4-1) contains the resident CYBER mode, resident diagnostics, and controlware loaders. The diagnostics consist of self tests which are performed each time the terminal is activated for use. (POWER on or RESET.) The nonvolatile memory (NVM) is a RAM device which stores keyboard-entered operating parameters for a selected operation. A battery maintains the stored data when terminal power is removed. If terminal power is ever turned off and the battery removed, default parameters are forced into the nonvolatile memory (default parameters are described in the manuals listed in the preface). The pluggable memory module (ROM pack) is optional and can be used in a number of special operations. The terminal can checksum the ROM pack contents, and load operating firmware from the memory module. MAJOR ASSEMBLIES Figure 4-2 depicts the major assemblies comprising the display terminal and the following paragraphs describe those assemblies. ( DISPLAY MONITOR { The display monitor consists of a cathode-ray tube (CRT) with yoke and a CRT monitor board. The CRT screen provides a display of alphanumeric and graphic symbols. A green phosphor screen and reduced-glare faceplate is used. The screen measures 380 mm (15 inches) diagonally with a 203 mm (8 inch) by 262 mm (10.3 inch) viewable area. The CRT monitor board contains the horizontal and vertical deflection circuits, video circuits, and the high voltage power supply. These circuits are responsible for generating and deflecting the electronic beam in the CRT/yoke assembly. The video signal unblanks (illuminates) the screen dots at the proper times to present readable information. Vertical and horizontal sync pulses ensure a stable trace. The sync pulses and video signal originate on the main logic board. ( ( Directly below the CRT are the operator controls. Section 2 for a description of these controls. 62940034 E Refer to 4-3 KEYBOARD The detached keyboard provides for operator entry of symbols and control codes. Each key, when depressed, sends an 8-bit serial code and parity to the keyboards universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (UART). A similar code is sent when the key is released. This allows the terminal program to monitor the state of the keyboard and assign and/or define a resultant activity. There are 104 keystations. Keyboard arrays are available to support foreign language transmission. When using a foreign language, the keyboard is modified by installing selected keycaps. The keyboard contains an adjustable leg for selecting one of two operating positions. There are three keyboard modes, shift, lock, and control. These modes are controlled by the terminal. The installation parameters allow the selection of character generation to match the key-cap set. CRT MONITOR LARGE OPTION (I/F 4 SLOT) LARGE OPTION (I/F 5 SLOT) DISPLAY I : YMONITOR ./,1 , I I ) MAIN LOGIC BOARD 04350 Figure 4-2. 4-4 I I Major Assemblies 62940014 (LOGIC DRAWER ASSEMBLY ( The logic drawer assembly consists of a removable rack on which the main logic assembly board, power supply board, memory module, small option boards (if any), and the large option boards (if used) are mounted. The logic drawer assembly contains an internal plug-in board for mounting the small option boards (if used). The rear of the logic drawer assembly forms the backpanel of the terminal. The backpanel contains input/output connectors (I/F 1 through I/F 5), switches, circuit breaker, and the terminal power cord. A battery is mounted in an enclosure accessible from the backpanel. (The battery is used to retain stored parameters in the event of power loss.) • Main Logic Board - The main logic board is a large printed circuit board containing most of the display terminal logic. It contains a microprocessor that provides control of display operations as determined by preselected installation parameters. The main logic board also contains counters, control logic, ROMS, RAMS, UARTS, and external interfaces. It interfaces the CRT monitor, and installed option boards through a flat ribbon cable. • Power Supply Board - The switcher power supply provides fully regulated dc power with minimal power loss. It supplies +5, +12, -12, and +24 V dc power. • Large Option Boards - These options, if installed, enable additional functions of the terminal. Currently available large option boards include the dot-graphics board and the internal 1200/1200 b/s modem board (refer to figure 4-2). ( ( ( ENCLOSURE All the internal parts of the terminal are housed in the enclosure or hood. The enclosure (figure 4-2) attaches to the CRT bezel adapter assembly, which contains the CRT, yoke, and CRT monitor board. The bezel assembly is attached to the CRT/bezel adapter assembly. If the graphics option is installed the touchpanel is mounted in back of the bezel assembly. ( ( 62940034 E 4-5 EXTERNAL INTERFACES The internal and external interfaces used in the terminal connect to the main logic board as shown in figure 4-3. The terminal may be connected to a host either through the RS232-C interface (connector Jl) or through the internal modem interface (I/F-4 slot). The main bus interface (connector J4) can accommodate up to three small option modules and two large option modules. A small option mother board (internal to the terminal) provides a fanout of the bus to accommodate the three small options. These small options plug into IIF 1, IIF 2, and IIF 3 slots in the rear of the terminal (connect to mother-board J2, J3, and J4 connectors respectively). If installed, the memory module connects to main logic board connector J3. The main logic board connectors J2, J5, J6 and J8 contain internal interfaces. A diagram of these interfaces is shown in figure 5-1. MONITOR CABLE ASSEMBLY A5 DISPLAY TERMINAL PI TO LARGE OPTION II/F 5 SLOT) MAIN LOGIC BOARD AI RS-232 (DATA SET) J3 PI MEMORY MOOULE MAIN BUS TO t----I LARGE OPTION BOARDS (I/F 4 a I/F 5 SLOTS) -_._---...., P2 P3 PI ~------ SMALL I OPTION I MOTHER BOARD ,, A8 , (P4) (P3) I r-----' r.====f~==~==3' (F:,~'!tf)' J5 , II I L\.o~T~O~ -I TO , I/F 1 TO TO I/F2 I/F 3 , I REAR PANEL SMALL OPTION SLOTS Figure 4-3. 4-6 Display Terminal Interfaces 62940034 E 11") :>i lIS ..-l Q) 0!0'l til 1-1 .0-1 lIS "O..-l ..-l I Q) Q) ,t::,t:: < p::: (!) < H 0 ~r . ,. "'" ~ t It') ~ ..... '" ~,... 10 ~ =J I til 1IS0'l 1-1 t: 01·0-1 lIS ~ .0-1 lIS "0 1-1 t:"O o t: .0-1 0 +l.o-I U+l Q) lIS t:..-l t:..-l o lIS U+l 1-1 til Q) t: +l.o-I t: .0-1 til :E: ""'0 I-CII 1-1 1-1 o0 4-14-1 rJl ~ Ox: +l+J E - N -IQ.ILI ILl J2'P2 ~ 2020 10 10 19 19 9 9 18 18 8 8 11 11 1 1 1616 6 6 15 15 +24V RETURN +24V RETURN +24V +24V HORIZONT l SRD -HORIZ SYNC VERT GRO VERT SYNC NC HC 14 14 44 13 13 3 3 12 12 NC VIDEO GROUND ::l tIl_ 11 11 ~ , t:..-l .0-1 I 1ISll) +l t: Q) o 1-1 U ::l O'ltll t: .0-1 "0 04-11-1 .0-1_ lIS 0 +J U..-l,o Q) lIS til t: t: ·0-10 til e·o-I .0-1 +l P ~ VIDEO fTO MON~ ....... 4 1 JI 25 24 21 18 9 FRAME GROUND +5V n ~ ...iRDUND GROUND TRANSMIT DA~ ClliK _ 4 4 3 3 '"'::: III > ~ :l; :: RECEIVE DATA C CI !~i 2 2 3 : - ~3 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 5 6 8 8 I I I I I I I I I ____ ..J +l Q) Q) .c: rJl ~ H O'l lIS .""C t: 0 0"" +J U NOT USED Q) (OPEN) il TRANSMIT DATA RECE I VE DATA REOUE NI CLEAR TO SEND 20 DATA RY : CARRIER ON 19 SE RTS ~~ 2 ,,'--'- -----T 16 15 14 13 12 10 ~ PI r;-r;' 11 17 RING INDICATOR DSRO SIGNAL GROUND FRAME GROUND :-:1 ~, t: t: 0 () 1-1 Q) +J s:: H ..... I 11") Q) GROUND ~ 9V 8ATTERY +9V O'l ."" - ~ f:rl qo (\') 0 0 qo 0\ N 8+l0 '-' 1 ~ ,t::Q)~ ~ 4 5 5 66 8 8 1 1 86 5 5 1 ' -1'- HC I 2 2 3 3 1010 J.'l.u../ 2 2 t:..-l lIS ~ 1.......________ ./ lr[BR=,:~:k1NE~S : :ARM: : ;:l9 lOW SRI GHTNESS NC NC NC 1 11 11 HIGH BRIGHTNE.. 10 k 5 5 rI __ ~ 20 20 P rJ-,L----------r ----11919 18 18 17 11 16 16 1515 14 14 13 13 12 12 an \0 ...,- '-'" ......, . ~~ '---I I~- ~~ I~"'= 1 1-:"""_.., 1-1-""" L __ -=-:...J ;! - ~ PI 1 4 +12V I -1 • • :;; +5V +5V 2 3 5 11 1 ~ P3 - - - - -- - 1 4 2 3 5 GROUND GROUND POIER 8000 • •• A2 PUlER SUPPLY lD 11 4 3 I 2 m lii 1 1 •• 12 12 12 11 1111 .1 z $20 Ii ~ ~ S II ~ ~. -- - - - 1 1 fLl L NOTE: 5-2 _ Switch S1 (115-220 V) is numbered as viewed from inside the terminal. Figure 5-1. • ___ Interconnection Diagram (Sheet 2 of 4) 62940034 H ( Pll JB J1 P2 f . ~ ~ :: 19 19 11 17 15 15 13 13 1111 9 9 7 7 5 5 3 3 1 1 20 20 18 18 16 16 14 14 1212 10 10 8 8 6 4 2 +5V -BANK 10 OPT In - N 19 19 1717 15 15 13 13 1111 9 9 7 7 5 5 3 3 1 1 20 20 J4 4 47 45 43 41 39 37 35 33 31 29 27 25 23 21 19 11 15 13 11 1818 -INTERRUPT 4 A 0 -EXT CLOCK IN -REFRESH CLK POIER GROUND f 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 MAIN LOGIC CARD _TO PI SHEET 4 ( ( ( Figure 5-1. 62940034 Interconnection Diagram (Sheet 3 of 4) 5-3 _FROMJ4 SHEET 3 I I L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _RIBBON _ _CABLE _ _- _ ________ L _______ _ I MAIN_ BUS Figure 5-1. 5-4 -Interconnection Diagram (Sheet 4 of 4) 62940034 ........, ~. .~ -. en LS~D I\.) I.Q ~~4-~_ ~ o o w ON , ~ l- I INSTALL~TIOt-J DE'5CRIPTIOI-J _ VIDEO I="I!-T--E:R . FIGUR.E " APPlICA~l~ A t-JOTES i ~ //-. ~::.e.-A ~~!~~~~0~--A~- ;xt 0: -I, 3r:~-1- Y'-f r./'-,1 DOT GRAPHIC.-::'(FIElD IIJS-TAU.) MOOE.Iy1(FiE.LD ItJ~TALL) A C. --izooI1200 I 2. 0 A L> fI e; REVISION RECORD c c.. o 0 I~';''I;:;' 't,O!l~ ~ H ;J K " I-?(' -?7-e3 I/JX. l~k ~ -~£ ~~ V./ 1116 [ e~o <'E./lH~f) /¥,e GLo REVISED PElt ECD ''''S~ C, ~v".seD rtK ECO 17023 (h!6 ')on:!: JJ) ~.~_ C 8-\ DATE .p.-;.... ~ WJG 8-2-54- " D ~"r-+ AbtEt> IFITE .; 6.= -- ',-:Mi "!~~ .~ 1/3- i'~ 'lIe"'" 'I'I;,G :tub l.~ GRAPI:IICS OPT/ON (FJELD INvTALL j?/L_ . TABLE .3 I TOUCI!PANEL (flEJP INSTI-.~LJ_ 1,2,3 TlJ.fiL,_~ 1._._ j'<;.O FIRMWfJRt. OPT/ON(E!~LD--'NS}"J='=.L _._~_ ..... _.T..ABlE5_. _ ~OTES & ·· TORQUE.. MCO NUTS 12.7-1"-1 CM-KG("-141f,j-Ll~)I-DR rACTORY IfJS,TALL. 4 FOR I="IELD I"-ISTALLA-nON M HOULD B.E i-IAt-JD TIC;~TENE.D U<'::'ING ~ FING.EIC!'::. A-t-JD TI-IUMI3. TO GRAS,PToOL PER ILlU-::.TR .....TION: dL. ~ I( ~ f- J ~ ~ ~ ,j I I & I ill 4. \ \ I COf-'PER FOIL APPLIES TV F/N 61409475 ONLY. REFFR TO FIGURE 3_IF THE. BEZEL ADAPTOR IS RUC' -F,', if! AREA SH,)'vVN r.0NTlN{JE WITJ.i N£Y.T 5TEP OF IN£~f.j~T/,)I/. JF NOT(EAFIID<' UNITS; PEFFCRNI THE FDLL0WIJ.lG ~E_~T: TEfViPORAFiILY INSTALL Tlir BEZEL. YOU NEf.D FJ.':.TEIf ALLEN ;CPEWS BUT APPLY PRE ':SURE WHr.PE -:--EY ATTi1CH INSPECT THE TOUCH PANEL FOR DIMPLING CNJSr-:L f 0!1fC Tj-iE TOUCH PANEL AND REM0VE 4. TPIANG LJLAR SPAC.EPS ]/'0; TI--£ BACI< CCJP.NERS OF THE TOUCH FANE!._ • ",n- · ~ U1 I U1 • I ON LATER UNITS F¥J.RT NUMBERS 61409475,7149358'2:, AND 7149.=: 89 HAVE ALL BEEN CHANGED TO 71494524, - I DETACHED LISTS & ENGR ± MF. ± • ~ ~ 'd·' OWN UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED DIMENSIONS ARE IN TOLERANCES PLACE ANGLES PLACE CHKD :~: "':' ih.:..1_\ ~-";_B iJ,.r/", _'oj '.1'. APVO ~I/.J~.<- eQUIP. NO. if-",', "'1Fro C!::!) COR/'OR/lnON CONTR,OL DATA *-E3-. cl 15920 + j I NSTALLAT lOt-..! DRAWING) LA-.RGE OPTIO~ cc~:,4-A ANGLE TH'"D PROJECTION I ITlE _ SCALE - I j"WGN° S63 \5803 . ISHEET I OF G 4 • 2 3 111 I 0'\ TABLE I XA358-A FIELD INSTALLATION NOTES TABLE 3 XA 368-A FIELD INSTALLATION NOTES I. REMOVE TOP ACCESS COVER PER HIM (HARDWARE MAINTENANCE MANUAL) (62940034) 2, REMOVE LOGIC DRAIER ASSEMBLY PER PROCEDURE DESCRIBED IN THE DISPLAY TERMINAL HIM 3, REMOVE BEZEL ASSEMBLY AS SHOWN IN FIGURE I 4, REMOVE VIDEO FILTER ASSEMBLY (REFE~ TO FIGURE 3): MOUNT TOUCH PANEL ASSEMBLY WITH HARDWARE AS SHOWN IN FIGURE I, PASS CABLE BETIEEN ADAPTER AND CRT AS PANEL IS INSTALLED, SEE NOTE I (SHEET 1) FOR TORQUE SPECIFICATION 5A. SEE NOTE 4. 6, SECURE TOUCH PANEL CABLE (SHIELDED PORTION) litH BRACKEt (7I493B33) AS SHOIN IN FIGURE 2. 6A. REMOVE AND DISCARD CHANNEL (51942165 SHOWN IN FIGURE 4) TO RELEASE END OF 50 PIN RIBBON CABLE, REMOVE LDGI C DRAWER ASSEMBLY PER PROCEDURE DESCRIBE; IN THE 0I SPLAY TERMI NAL HMY - 4, MDLINT TOUCH PANEL ASSEM8LY WITH HARDWARE ),S SHOWN IN FIGU~E 1. pm CABLE BETWEEN ADAPTER AND CRT .s PANEL IS INSTALLED, SEE NOTE I (SHEET I) FOR TORQUE SPECIFICATlr.U, 4A 5, 6. SEE NOTE 4 SECURE TOUCH PANEl CABLE (SHIELDED PO~TlON) WITH BRACKET (71493833) AS SHOIN IN FIGURE 2 ATTACH TOUCH PANEl CA8LE TO CARD ASSEMBLY (IALo), 7. REPLACE 8EZEL AND ACCESS COVER PER PROCEDU1E IN HMM B, ADO THE EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION HUM8ER. S"RIES CODE PART NUM8ER AND SERIAL NUMBER TO THE EQUIPMENT CONFIGU~ATlON LOG. INFORMATION IS CONTAINED ON DUALITY ASSU~ANCE TAG OF THIS OPTION, 9, ADJUST VIDEO ALIGNMENT "TH GRAPHICS TOUCII PANEL PER PROCEDURE IN It... 10, COVE~ PE~ I, REMOVE LOGIC GRAWER ASSEM8LY M'O TOP ACCESS (HARD"RE MAINTENANCE MANUAL) (62940034) 2. RE~on 3. REMOVE FIRMWARE CHIPS FROM LOCATIONS KI. K2 4ND K5 ON MAiN LOGIC BOARD .SEE FIGURE 5 l 6 NOTE CHIP ORIENTATION AS REPLACEMENT CHIPS OILL 8E ORIENTATED THE SAME, PROCEDURE DESCRIBED IN THE DISPLAI TER'lIMlt ••• 'MAiN LOGIC PCB" PER PROCEDURE IN HIM. DO NOT DISCONNECT THE BATTERY 66315366 AT K2 AND 66315367 AT :;0:: 4 ;:" 3 ~5 4, INmeL CHIP P W 66315365 IN LOCATION KI 5. REPLACE IIMAIN lOGIC PCB" PER PROCEDURE IN HMM. 6. I. REPLACE LOGIC DRAWER ASSEMBlY AND TOP ACCESS COVER PER PROCEOIIRE IN HM. ADD THE EUUIPllNT IDENTIFICATION NIlIBER, SERIES CODE AND PART NJIIIER TO TIlE ErtJII'1IENT CONFI_HIII LOG, CDNTAltD ON QUALITY ASSURANCE TAG IF THIS IPTIIIt, IlIECKtIIT PER !JPERATDRS WIDE (62940019 F ,"'N W 01:>- ~UIOE TABLE 5 YR 109 FIELD INSTALLATION NOTES 8, o o SET TERMINAL INSTALLATION PARAMETER (CDNiIGURATlON F2-2 SET TO I) AND CHECKOUT PER OPERATORS (62940019 FOR CCG34A CC6381) OR (62950101 FOR OC6348 CC638B), B 2 15920 A I!IF_HIII 1$ a 4 0\ to.J ...o 2 MTG TAB AS5Y ~ (~140~47 s) lb. WI>.5i-1EQ (3c..4e>5~OO) \Q ~~! -'. ~, ~. (~.~ o D COPPEIi FOIL TO C.OIJTAC. T w FOIL oil- & O~ CDI~",.jEIC OF TOUCI-I PA\JE:L Co! MTG TAB IA (7W~55eB) _./ c ~--~-~ - :..:-- - ::.---- --:;:::---MTG TA.~IA ------- c (714q~5BB) a cD If) ~ \.9 ~ B B ~UT) MIDIt\ MTGTAB£ (7149~Se",) (ISIG.500Z)(QTY4) CRT TOUCI-l PA.I-JEL. A~~Y (SI'l4140?> Tt-IRU 07) DI~PLAY TERMINAL. A"55Y (l5~328/4 OR 15(;,33350 U1 I A FIGURE' DOT GRAPI-IIC5 1'-J~TALLATIOt-J -.l INSTALLATIOI>J DRAWIf-JG, 115920 H LARGE OPTIOJJ t----'-+-----r---JL..--I ~EZEL A~~Y 4 a 2 , 4 CARD A.'S~Y' z I LOC,/>,TE JUMPER. IAJD A"':. ~I-IOW,,", U1 cb D \}I~W fi NUT I M4 (QlY Z) (9IQ757Z.!.) QEaD O~LY Qt...\ MOORS w/o IIJSE~t5 A-A. ~EXT Toom LOCK.- c ... ~ -,., ~ WA"!:.~/Ef< (QiY 2) (9/975'-70) REQD OOLY OI.J MODE.L':.w/o '~S~1S Ie BRK.T.CABLE GIJD (7/4~3e3~.) sce~w) M4l'.1Z. (151,"49\'~)(QTY Z. REQD ONLY ON MObE.LS WiG 'N5~ SCREW M4)(a (l51r..4911)(QTY 2) B REaD ONLY ON NIOOELS WfTH ()II_"'-': ~ ~C.ONDUtTOR WITH FOR XA~5B-A/XA3108A ADD IDEfJT 'NFO TO fDUIPN\ENT WNFI6URATION LOG TRAC.ER ~ 'IJ~TALL 50 PIIJ Co"",,,", ECTOR.. CARD A'5'5Y (IALD) 0"1 CA~LE A~'5Y (,",40.,1"'3 ) I\.) \0. ~ o o w A l=IGURE 2. DOT GI2A.PI-IIC5 IN':>TALLATIOt.J ~ INSTALLATIOIoJ DRAWI""G, 1 15920 LARGe:. OPTIO,,", . C4 3 ;" 1- 1---.---- 1'" 1 - i z ,/ ·.--., ....... ,~ ~. , a 4 ~ .~~, 2 0'1 t-J \Q ~~ or:. o o tAl or:. D ~ --------c c IF - 4 PLATE; COI.;!.J :::OV£I:? (7/493338) FOR. CCra:'4AICCIP38A. ,Y TE~M.~'5"'Y (&1409047) FOk CC{P3'fB/ CC&3CE<. ,IF-5 PlAT£,CONIJ (NER \ (714q333q) MOT USE!) ON CC&34B/ CCI0382 ------------- VIDEO FILTER A'5'5Y (~14.0~4.IO ) B EARLIER UNITS ARE AS SHOWN ABOVE LATER. UNITS liRE RECESSED 5MM AROUNf) ALL 4 MOUNTING STUDS AS SHOWN BELOW. I="IGuRE. :; VIDE.O FILTER It-JSTALLATIOtJ Q A NUT. M4.(ISI(;'SOOO) QTY - 2. PEe LOCATE JUMPE.R AS SHOWN FIGURE 4- U'I I \Q • VIEW 4 CON/JE.CTOe COVtz PLATE:. IIJSTALLAnOAI II-JSTALLATIOIJ DklAWING LARGE OPTIOt-.l B-B 3 2 Pt..t>..TE IA a 4 z 01 I ...... o D D VACANT K5 (NOTE THAT K2 15 A 24 PIN IC K2 AND ITS RELAnvE POSITION IN THE 26 PIN SOCKET) KI DI~PLAY' TERMIt-JAL A.~Sy ALTERNATE EQUIP C.ONFIGURATION [DC:! POSITION FIGURE 6 'I,D FIRMWARE INSTALLATION c c FONER SUPPLY I '-- B-:fiiNOQF;.-~,,~ ---- _____ '-/ JK tIIODH/I,·· / BOIl' Ii , ... ,~ ~ ';MALLEJ< !lOA"". BOA~ I FOIC '" \ ; LCONNfiNSION CABLE -- '" - N 1.0 ~ _ A ~ )(A~~~A ADD IDEIJT 1t.J~0 TO EQUIPMENT CONFIGURATION LOC; FCC LABEL FOR MODEM , so CONN""" Th'~',~~,~~_ /-"- / 5 H - O - RT SMAIL &DA£_ --sI 8 " ~ ~~'~":'~120::;200 - '"'''', I'll ".J §' MODEM 51lP•• EXTeNS,ON _ _ ._------ ShOVvS TI-RU SLOT IN DRAWER RWEL WINC:! NUT,M4l959 BEZEL ADAPTER ASSEMBLY POWER SWITCH ROCKER 04344-2 KNOBS Figure 6B-6. 6B-lO POWER ACTUATOR BAR Removing the Bezel Assembly 62940034 F (( 5. Position the terminal so that it rests on the rear frame with the glass screen facing upward. 6. Remove the four screws securing the bezel adapter assembly to the hood (figure 6B-7). Early units were built with two short screws at the top and two longer screws at the bottom, discard the two shorter screws (if applicable) as two longer screws are provided with the replacement bezel adapter assembly. 7. Remove the assembly from the display terminal hood and set it face (screen side) down. NOTE The power actuator bar should fall loose inside hood. Remove the bar together with small return spring located at rear of bar. Set the bar and spring aside for reassembly later. The drawer track might now be loose inside the enclosure, or still in place on the bezel adapter assembly. .{ REPLACE SHORTER SCREWS ( ENCLOSURE (HOOD) CRT FACE (" ( ~8EZELADAPTER FASTON WIRE MONITOR SHIELD BOX ASSEMBLY 0434S-1 Figure 6B-7. Removing the Bezel Adapter Assembly 62940034 F 6B-ll NOTE When replacing bezel adapter assembly, check surface noted on figure 6B-7. If surface is recessed at corners where touchpanel or anti-glare panel ~ttaches, look at detail on figure 6B-4 showing top of frame where power supply is attached. Compare this to terminal and remove cross hatched area with a file or clipper, if needed. This will prevent frame from wedging up against CRT when installing bezel adapter assembly. 8. To reinstall, after removing the plastic bag (taped to the bezel adapter assembly) containing the replacement screws fit the bezel adapter assembly in place. Install the two top screws (using the replacement screws) that secure the bezel assembly to the hood, but do not compress the washers. 9. Lift terminal up and place it on its pedestal. 10. Insert the power actuator bar from the rear of the terminal into the bezel adapter guide hole. Position the bar as observed in step 1. 11. Place the return spring (removed in step 7) in the guide hole in the rear flange of the hood. Then slide bar into the guide hole. Once the bar is in guide hole, keep pressure on bar to ensure that spring does not fly free and proceed to step 13. 12. While holding back the actuator bar, replace the POWER switch rocker. 13. Replace the touchpanel (procedure 19). 14. If the drawer track is not in place, slide it tpward the front of the terminal until it clears the back lip of the hood, and push it down. Then snap the drawer track in place by pulling it toward the rear. 15. Replace the remaining two screws in the bezel adapter assembly and tighten two top screws. Replace the bezel assembly on the terminal. 16. Replace the BRIGHTNESS and CONTRAST knobs. ground wire from monitor shield to stud. Replace the 17. Replace the logic drawer assembly (procedure 4, steps 6 through 13). 18. Perform video alignment procedure (procedure 16). 6B-12 62940034 K Procedure 6 - Removing and Replacing the BRIGHTNESS/CONTRAST Control Assembly Remove and replace the BRIGHTNESS/CONTRAST control assembly as follows. 1. Remove the CRT/bezel adapter assembly (procedure 5, steps 1 through 6). 2. Loosen the three screws securing the monitor shield (figure 6B-8) and slide the monitor shield off. 3. Disconnect ribbon cable comming from BRIGHTNESS/CONTRAST control assembly at the CRT monitor board assembly. 4. Remove the two screws holding the BRIGHTNESS/CONTRAST control assembly and lift it out (figure 6B-8). 5. Install a new control assembly and replace the attaching screws. 6. Replace the assemblies removed in steps 1 through 5 (of this procedure) beginning with steps 7 through 17, procedure 5. ) ('" fJ1111'..-/MONITOR SHIELD ( ( Figure 6B-8. 62940034 K "'" r-~. j ~SCREW RIBBON CABLE 04308-2 BRIGHTNESS/CONTRAST Control Assembly Mounting 6B-13 I Procedure 7 - Checking Power Supply Voltages Check the power supply voltages as follows: 1. Remove access lid (procedure 3). 2. Determine if the LEDS on the power supply are lighted. I 3. Check for the presence of 5-volt and 12-volt power on the appropriate test points near the power supply LEDS (figure 6B-9). These voltages should be 5.10 ~0.14 (4.96 to 5.24) volts dc, 12 +0.2 (11.8 to 12.2) volts dc, and -12 +0.2 (-12.2 to -11.8) volts dc respectively. Measure 24-volt power on the video monitor board (see figure 6B-16). This voltage should be 24 +2.4 (21.6 to 26.4) volts dc. 4. Replace access lid (procedure 3). GROUND TEST POINT ( 04031-2 Figure 6B-9. Power Supply Board Test Points Procedure 8 - Removing and Replacing the Power Supply Board Remove and install a new power supply board as follows. WARNING Line voltage may be present on the power supply board before step 1 is performed. 6B-14 62940034 K 1. Remove logic drawer assembly (procedure 4, steps 1 through 5). 2. Remove cable between power supply and the main logic board. Set cable aside for later reconnection. 3. Disconnect AC power-input connector to power supply board. Disconnect green ground wire from two spade lugs on power supply. 4. Remove two screws which secure power supply to mounting rack. 5. Lift tab on end of mounting rack and slide out power supply board (figure 6B-10). 6. Install a new power supply board and reconnect connectors in the reverse order of disassembly. 7. Replace mounting screws holding power supply board to mounting rack. 8. Replace the logic drawer assembly (procedure 4, steps 6 through 13). MOUNTING RACK, ONE ARM EACH SIDE ON LOGIC DRAWER ASSEMBLY ( ( MOUNTING RACK TAB, PUSH UP TO REMOVE BOARD ( ( 04031-5 Figure 62940034 E 6B·~0. Power Supply Board Mounting Detail 6B-15 Procedure 9 - Removing and Replacing the LaEge Graphics Option Board The large graphics option board is mounted internally on the logic drawer assembly (external connectors are exposed in the back) • Remove and replace the graphics option board as follows. CAUTION Make certain that battery is installed before removing power from terminal, and do not remove battery when power is off. If battery is not installed and power is removed, the terminal operating parameters will be forced to default values. 1. Remove logic drawer assembly (procedure 4, steps 1 through 5). 2. Disconnect input/output ribbon cable(s) to the graphics option board. Note placement of cable connections for reconnect ion later. The 20-pin ribbon cable connecting the main-logic and graphics boards has its red stripe toward front of terminal when properly installed. Pull up tab on upper card guide and slide out board to be replaced. 3. Install replacement board and reconnect the cables. 4. Reassemble the terminal as specified in procedure 4, steps 6 through 13. Procedure 10 - Removi~~ and Replacing the Main Logic Board Remove the main logic board as described in steps 1 through 7. NOTE Ensure that parameter information is recorded or available from the user. 1. Remove logic drawer assembly (procedure 4, steps 1 through 5). 6B-16 62940034 E ( ( 2. Remove the memory module (ROM pack) and battery from the rear of the logic drawer assembly, if applicable. Refer to figure 6B-5 for location. 3. Remove nuts that secure the data set connector to the rear panel. 4. Unplug the ribbon cable at the main logic board to the small option mother board and the cable from the power supply. Remove 20-pin ribbon cable to graphics option. 5. Place the logic drawer assembly so that it is resting on its rear panel. 6. Release the interlock tabs holding the main logic board to the logic drawer assembly as follows: a. Pull bottom tabs toward each other and lift board approximately one-fourth inch (figure 6B-ll). b. Grasp board and push up with hands. tabs. Then release top c. Slide main logic board upward and pull it out. 7. Slide new main logic board into the two slots on each end of the logic drawer assembly, and observe the fOllowing: ( a. Ensure that the data set connector is lined up with the mating rear panel screw holes. b. The TEST switch on the rear panel should be lined up with its cutout. c. Check the position of the graphics jumper in the area around the LEOs. Match the new board to the removed board. 8. Snap release interlock tabs back into the main logic board. 9. Replace screws on data set connector. 10. Reinsert the memory modu~e ROM pack (if applicable), and also reinsert the battery. 11. Reconnect ribbon cables and power cable to main logic board. After installing each cable connector press it firmly in place to ensure proper seating. ( (~ 62940034 E 6B-17 / 12. Replace logic drawer assembly (procedure 4, steps 6 through l3). 13. Re-enter terminal and mode installation parameters into NVM (information on entering parameters is contained in the manuals listed in preface). / \ - - - - - - - - - : :..... MOUNTING RACK LOGIC DRAWER ___-'---~ (BACK PANEL) .,..// PUSH REAR PORTION OF TAB TOWARD CENTER OF MAIN LOGIC BOARD MOVE MAIN LOGIC BOARD FORWARD AND DOWN TO REMOVE FROM MTG. RACK 0434. Figure 6B-ll. Removing Main Logic Board Procedure 11 - Removing and Replacing Power Actuator Bar Remove and replace the power actuator bar as follows: 1. Remove the bezel adapter assembly (procedure 5, steps 1 through 4). 2. Remove the actuator bar and spring from its socket. 3. Install a replacement actuator bar in position. . 4. Reassemble the terminal with instructions in procedure 5, steps 13 through 17. 6B-18 62940034 F Procedure 12 - ~moving and Replacing the Power Interlock Switch Remove the power interlock switch assembly as follows: WARNING Line voltage may be present on power supply board before step 1 is performed. Unplug power cord from terminal. 1. Remove logic drawer assembly (procedure 4, steps 1 through 5). 2. Remove main logic assembly (procedure 10, steps 2 through 6). 3. Push detents on both sides of switch and partially remove it by prying. 4. Disconnect the two leadwire clips to the interlock switch and remove it entirely. 5. Partially insert a new switch as shown in figure 6B-12. Reattach the wire clips using No. 1 and No. 3 lugs on switch as shown and seat switch fully in place. 6. Reassemble the terminal according to instructions in procedure 10, steps 7 through 13. TO POWER SUPPLY 4 ( ( ( AC LINE FILTER POWER INTERLOCK SWITCH SHOWN PARTIALLY INSERTED 04299-4 Figure 6B-12. 62940034 E Power Wiring Detail 6B-19 Procedure 13 - Removing and Assembly Replaci~~the CRT Monitor Board Replace the CRT monitor board assembly as follows. 1. Remove the log ic drawer assembly (procedure 4). 2. Disconnect the CRT socket connector. 3. Disconnect the in-line connector to the yoke. 4. Remove ribbon cable connector on bottom inside corner of CRT monitor board. 5. Remove the high voltage lead from the side of the CRT. NOTE When doing the next step, note which grounding tab on the bezel adapter assembly the ground strap is removed from. The ground strap must be reconnected to the-same tab during reassembly. 6. Remove the ground strap from bezel adapter assembly going to CRT socket connector. 7. Remove the two screws at the top of the CRT monitor board and lift it upwards to clear_the shield (figure 6B-13). 8. Replace CRT monitor board by performing steps 1-8 in the reverse order. CAUTION Ensure that ribbon-cable connector (removed in step 4) is not misaligned. It should fit squarely in the receptacle after installation. After installing connector, check for correct alignment by looking down through top of terminal and in from rear of terminal before replacing access lid and logic drawer (procedures 3 and 4). '. """ 6B-20 62940034 E .. / f ( ~SCREW(2) r~ V MONITOR BOARD ASSEMBLY MONITOR BOX SHIELD 04507-2 Figure 6B-13. Removing CRT Monitor Board Assembly Procedure 14 - Adjustment/Touchup of Video Alignment with Touchpanel and Graphics Option To determine if adjustment is necessary, do the following: (Allow 15 minutes of warmup before making any adjustments.) 1. Power on and press RESET to present mode menu on the screen. 2. Select CYBER mode by pressing Fl. 62940034 E 6B-2l 3. Press the SETUP key to obtain operator parameters selection near the bottom of the screen. 4. Select the following conditions on the operator parameters selection display: • LINE (OFF) - use F2 of first operator display to select terminal offline. • SCREEN (PAGE) - use F8 of first operator display to select page mode. • MORE SELECT - use FlO of first operator display to select the second operator display. • BACKGD (LIGHT) - use F2 of second operator display to select inverse video (dark characters on a light background) . • CURSOR (BLOCK) - use F3 of second operator display to select the block type of cursor. • CURSOR (SOLID) - use F4 of second operator display to select the unblinking type of cursor. • CHR/LN (80) - use F7 of the second operator display to select 80 characters per line. • LINES (30) - useF8 of the second operator display to select 30 lines per screen. 5. Press Fl key to return to CYBER mode. 6. Enable touchpanel by pressing: CTRL + Shift and +/= CTRL + Shift and R Shift and R 7. Turn the brightness and contrast controls to maximum and determine if the touchpanel has both vertical and horizontal grid lines visible. If only horizontal lines are visible, perform steps 16 through 22 of this procedure for aligning the screen. If both horizontal and vertical grid lines are visible, perform steps 8 through 15 of this procedure. 8. Press touchpanel in all 4 corners and center grids. The cursor should be inside the grid area. It does not have to be centered. 6B-22 62940034 F ..- 9. If the cursor touches any grid boundary, press the H key. If the dots on the H character are outside the grid area by more than 1 dot vertically or 1 dot horizontally, touchup/a1ignment is necessary. Do not proceed or make adju'stments if they are not required. 10. Starting with the cursor in the upper left home position, advance the cursor to the top line position directly above the 1st column of touchpane1 grids, and enter a 1 (one). 11. Using the numeric-pad and cursor control keys, enter a column of sequential numbers under the 1 on the top line. The bottom line number will be 30. 12. Reposition the cursor to the beginning of line 15 and enter sequential numbers starting with 1 across the screen ( 1 2 3 4 5 6 789 0 1 2 3 • etc.). 13. Compare the screen image to figure 6B-14. ( • • • • Line I is in top grid • 8 characters are to right of grid area • 4 characters per grid Line 30 is in bottom grid All other lines are 2 per grid 8 characters are to left of grid area 14. If adjustment is necessary, use the horizontal/vertical size, center, and linearity adjustments in ProcedUre 16 to position the video correctly. 15. Repeat steps 8 and 9 to check alignment. procedure if necessary. Repeat When only the horizontal grid lines are visible after performing step 7: 16. Starting with the cursor in the upper left home position, enter sequential numbers starting with 1 (one) across the screen ( 1 2 3 4 5 6 789 01 2 3 • • • etc.). Repeat this step on lines 15 and 30. 17. Using the numeric-pad and cursor control keys, enter a column of sequential numbers from lines 1 through 30. The screen should now look like figure 6B-14 ( ( 62940394 F 6B-22.1 Horizontal Alignment Check 18. Move the cursor to the left or right margin. Refer to figure 6B-14. Use the eraser~end'of a pencil or similar blunt instrument to touch the following areas on the touchpanel: • Touch characters at random in columns designated "A" in the figure. The cursor should not move. • Touch characters at random in columns designated "B" in the figure. The cursor should move to the number I (one) on the left side, or the number 0 (zero)' on the right side, depending on which side you touch. After each cursor movement, touch an area away from the test area. Any of the four characters in the columns designated "B" in the figure should cause the cursor to move to the I or o. • Touch characters at random in columns designated "c" in the figure. The cursor should move to the number 5 on the left side, or the number 6 on the right side, depending on which side you touch. After each cUrsor movement, touch an area away from the test area. Any of the four characters in the columns designated tiC" in the figure should cause the cursor to move to the 5 or 6. • Touch characters at random in columns designated "0" in the figure. The cursor should move to the number 9. After each cursor movement, touch an area away from the test area. Any of the four characters in the columns designated "0" in the figure should cause the cursor to move to the 9. 19. Place a straight-edge from the top center to the bottom center alignment notches on the bezel. The straight-edge should fall between the 0 and Ion the horizontal sequences of numbers, as shown in figure 6B-14. These numbers correspond to screen poritions 40 and 41. Vertical Alignment Check 20. Compare the screen image to figure 6B-14. 6B-22.2 • • Top to bottom measures 8 inches • Line 1 is in top grid • Line 30 is in bottom grid • All other lines are evenly spaced and 2 per grid 62940394 F t" ( 21. If adjustment is necessary, use the horizontal/vertical size, center and linearity adjustments in Procedure 16 to position the video correctly. 22. Repeat steps 18 and 19 to check alignment. procedure if necessary. Repeat ( ( ( f (, 62940394 F 6B-22.3/6B-22.4 • ( 16 X 16 TOUCHPANEL GRID, VISIBLE WHEN IN INVERSE VIDEO ( VIDEO AREA APPROX.8XI0 i ~.' ~ ~. ,~ 6 7 8 9 LIN E ION FIRS T GRID 10 2 LINE S FOR MIDDLE GRIDS 12 13 " ,-.i...., , 2345678 . 7 8 g e 1 23 ~67E 19012 16 17 LINE 30 ON LAS T GRID 1345.123~ 1567E ~o 12 1345E i789( ) 23' ~~ "67890 ~ C1ARA~TER V 18 19 zo POSI~IONS / 121 22 23 !4 25 26 r--....... ~7 28 ,.•,,"".n,'".''' 29 ( 2345678 \ ' - 8 CHARACTERS OUTSIDE GRID (4 CHARACTERS PER GRID) "" ".I'.....,.."'"...,""".,._•• " ..,~ -y ~ "" TOUCH SENSITIVE-AREA 8 X 8 INCHES NOTE: VERTICAL LINES MAY NOT BE VISIBLE 10.0 INCHES Figure 6B-14. Procedure 15 - Display Screen Touchpane1 Video Alignment Adjusti~"t?;) ,s- /' JJA~ff. ".L; ~ ~'I""" e6. 1"/11/ ~ 1·;jJ..,., ,',', - frV15E~ P,~ uo ~ &&.. I/"/z.£' ICrh'v"",,,,,Q /"/-v./" 1r., 327973 00 0 6631578~ I 00 00 O~ O~ 00 o. 90 .. 4651 01 0 90 ....6515 ( PC PCA lAJo-2 IYX LOGIC 80AROI 01 01 754"6Z7Q PC CUE 01 01 754"6271! PC FOA" SET P ! 2 P I : 'I0 .... 655c.: 904106&81. 4 CHE~RY-"03-0001 KEY SMITCH PC PTa 80 ASSY 1 PC CABLE ASSY EXTENDER PC REPLACED BY 90~"6687 16972 PC CD &SSY 81&HO-4 IPOMER SUPPL Wl OUT 8432 8 .. 32 P 185107-00 P DRA~ER u.s .•. A 1697. 8401 ... 52 1452 1534 1232 A 1534 1233 P 160 .. 833. 160"~ 133. A & PC PCA ULD-1 (YX GRAPHIC LOGICI S 1612! 16'172 0013 TOTAL LINES 7-2 62940034 J ( 721 DISrl.I.Y m~IIIl!AL CC634 , CC63U ( 1. 2. 3. 4. See Sheet 2 and 3 for Equlpr.1cnt :... tstir.,'t_ . If replacing PWR supply 1AHD-2 P.N 90446543 use 90446543 a8 a replacement. .s a replacement. D.C Power cable (61409137) to be returned wlth FIIR supply when P.S ls sent back for repair. If replacing PWR supply 1AHD-3 P.N 90446556 use 90446687 or 90446543 .---------1 ( I OWN I CHKD I EN. u.'''"~ '0" Ci:~ ~ MF. TITLE '"EFIlJ DOCUMENT NO. 721 DISPLAY TERMINAL CODE 10ENT 'PI SPL "'fn CC634,CC638 15920 T IA4 1A REVISIOI RECORD SHEET REVISIOI STATUS 1A 66315008 I fiRST USED ON 6 T 5 r 4 3 2 TN N 1 REV r r UU rr /oJ V U U DESCRIPTION fCO 16564 1(,70z.. DRfT AIIlI!Il NDIE 2,3,& 4. ,1blJ 00 "',rE- S- e£.. AP, DATE ""''l-6t 1/U Nn QAl V U T TN V V V I~i'''.? In.J 3Sr. t' IOIfs I£Y.]3O/¥ /i.e. th/K W,," "'lr. WT T N VW W 1",.,72. ~00 FIN 514 HOlE", GHG I/OJE 31'14·85 ",,, '-III"'" I~ Y YT TN V Y y /151/ OELETE FIN 'II, C/IG Mv", ID·I•.!'! !i!h' l~ 61 ~al Dc" lilt. AA 4~ r r NV -4-1 AA /7J>z..7 1Mk:" p/,v S"2. ( W NOTE$: 6. If replacing PWR Supply 1AIID-4 PIN 90446687 ,use 90446687 or 90446543. ...." • • • Y. ,.. 62940034 M I .. , DETACHED LISTS ... 7-3 • 1~~~ __________________________~IL-_C_;o_5~_2_'~_EN_T__-L-ISH_'_E_T_____________~IS_P_L__"IL-°OC__~_M6_E~_:_~_~_O_8_________ILR_F._V_"V__1 DESCRIPTION SPL DISPLAY EC ~ CC634-A (15632910) Chart Column CC638-A (15633009) CC634-B (15633349) CC638-B (15633351) Chart Column ~ Chart Column ~ Chart Column ~ FIELD INSTALLABLE OPTIONS XA358-A (15632920) Display Terminal Display Thrminal Display Terminal Display Terminal DESCRIPTION SPARED PARTS 190i..46.516 1519':'1404 PWB Assy 1ALD-1 (Dot Graphics) Touch Panel ASsy XA369-A (15633355) 51941404 Touch Panel Option* ~275-A (15633093) 15165426 Power Cord 50 liZ XA360-A (15633013) 15633564 { 61409589 51917918 " 61409165 See Note 5 YR109-A (15633357) * Must" have XA368A (Graphics) installed. ~ ~ ________________________ CUSTOMER INSTALLED OPTIONS * * 15920 4.0 Firmware Set IlIlEn 3 ____________ _ L-________~ I I SPL DOCUMEH' NO. 66315008" DESCRIPTION SPARED PARTS YR101-A (15632914) 15632914 Dual Asyn IIF - Spared at the EC level YR102-A (15632916) 15632916 XA368-A (15633353) XA360-A (15633013) 90446516 15633014 Parallel IIF - Spared at the BC level Graphics Option 1200/1200 Modem KEYBOARD CONVERSION KITS * COIlE IDEN' 1200/1200 Modem Cable Assy, Modem-Phone Duplex Adapter 10 Bus Ext. Cable DESCRIPTION SPL YA274-A (15633078) 66315936 SPL for U.K. YA274-B (15633079) 66315937 SPL for Spanish YA274-C (15633080) 66315938 SPL for German YA274-D ( 15633081) 66315939 SPL for French YA274-E (15633082) 66315940 SPL for Swedish/Finnish YA274-F (15633083) 66315941 SPL for Danish/Norweigian Cuatomer installable on the CC634B/6388 only. on the CC634A/638A Terminal. Customer Engineer instal1able ( \ 7-4 62940034 J ( 4 ( SPEClf leA TlONS, HOTES, OR MATER'AL NOMENCLATURE OR DESCRI PTION ~"U ••• A. I If~:~ I........PART r ........... ~AHTlnREQUIRED ~ &113\1/4\ CooE IOEN T 1591.0 I SHEfT ISPL , 5 U;~T 315000 NOIIENCLATURE OR DESCRIPTION MEAS r'" SPECifIC"""". NOTE I, oa MATeRIAL ~1 ( ~2 71493303 1 1 1 1 IDEZEL MONITOR ~3 71493308 1 1 1 1 ICOVER HOOD 124 71493313 1 1 1 t Ill()()J)_ ~~. 71493672 1 1 1 1 IpOWER BUTTON 126 71493715 2 2 2 2 IFRAME PC I PS BOAII.DS 127 71l,937Cl t t 1 1 HANDLE ,nnp",,,,, SWITCII 1 r.OD POWEll ~8 71493325 1 1 1 ~9 71493326 1 I 1 1 SLIDE DLlAIiEll. -'II! n493332 I I 1 1 IDECAL 31 !6140S475 C) ! -~ 1 frro 1 1 l[tNOB TAB ASSY T.P, I'n.....D .~ ... 32 51941283 33 ~l""l . . R" 1 t t 1 IKNOB OR 31, 71493588 0 2 0 2 ImG TAB TOUCII PANEL 1 t 35 7!493589 .0 t 0 I 1'·ttG TAB TOUCH PANEL 36 71493652 t t 1 1 ISPRING KYBD CABLE GND 37 71493833 0 1 0 1 IORACf-ET T. P 33 aru '~'A b .... ~EF REF REF ~!I 90446516 0 I 0 t ~O 90446328 1 1 I .~ _ ... _. .. 62940034 J CADLE GIlD ICD ASSY 1AIID-2 . PIIR SUPI' .Y r'!) 2&4 loSSY tALD-l ICD ASSY lAUD HTHI1 BIl 7-5 I IF~:O P.RT I'u,""ro~ QUANTITY REQUIRED .~ 111\ IA I.&. &. COOE IPEN r 15970 I SHEET.< Js 6 I~=: 1 DOCUMENT NO.- PL 66315008 EL SPECIFICATIONS, NOTES, OR MATERIAL NOMENCLATURE OR DESCRIPTION 41 42 94203499 1 1 1 1 IS PIlING 43 94205208 1 1 1 1 ISPRING 0.180 COMP_ 36485900 10 1 0 1 ~ASIIER 145 193660005 2 2 2 2 ~CREW '46 ' 90446749 1 1 1 1 ~D ASSt lAJD~4 _MAtt' 47 51917918 1 11 1 1 PUPLF.x T ADAPTER 148 61409589 1 11 1 1 PABLE. ..~, ~punN" 149 144 LOG IC 61409165 1 11 0 0 50 PIN CABLE 150 . 90446556 1 1 1 1 CD ASSY lAHD-J PWR SUPP SEE NOTE J 90446687 1 1 1 1 CD ASSY lAHD-4 PWR SUPP ~NOTE 52 ' 51942891 0 1 0 1 51 6 IMYLAR I-- .u......."."1 • 7-6 62940034 M '",-----/ I~' ~ ~ .~. I 0'1 N Ctl3 •• CCl31A CC8m 15832910 158333.. 151330"9 15&33351 EC ~ o o w ". CCl3.A I,C) TLA DISPUITTERI 0 mmOn-sr ~ 15833010 15833352 ,58321,. 15&33350 1513211. 15833358 _6'.OO'.!.~ 81409U. ~~1.~ 81.00U. I I EC CC83. (SEE TABLE) I I ~ PlATE COlIN tSEE TADLEl 1 01 SPLAT TlA TERI (SEE TABLE) -1 .', 81.DIC.7 1,.08157 8U08Cn 8U09857 71.93338 614096.7 71.9333 61.09UT 71CS3339 71.9333 I ~ "OED FIllER 11.0U10 1 KEYBOARD ASST 1 IDISPLAT ADAPTOR 8/409851 10. H •• :~~B~;:~,IiNS) H HIGII RESOLUTION OISPUT 5U.,00G 51941115 H ADAPTOR BEZEl 71413277 ~YBO. H BRACKET SH IElO BASE 71493279 H H H Y RETAINER. KYBD LEG 71493239 1 Y 1 H 1 ION ITOR CAlLl ASST 9U09244 H PIB ASST laID IASIC lOGIC IOUI7 ••. H SMALL OPTI ON 10THER 80 laUD 90U6328 I fRAIE. 8PT1111C BOARDS 71 ...113 H H HelRculT BREAKER 51782149 1 OPT! ONmTCOYER I140U.1 . 1 1 -..J LINE fillER ASST 8U092DI ~ 1- POIER CORD ~ -1 CAlLE ASST D.C. POWER 61409137 n~~y INTERlOCK • DOT GRAPH ICS 1 , TOUCH PANEl 15832921 H .H J 150023Cl H (SEE TA8LE)_ y' I 15185425 YOlTAGf SElECT SWITCH 150023.7 71413723 .... - SIIC1141 r; E 15347 1';3'14 RI:VI5ED Pl IRlr -r T /1;.s-1I !,4,HtJ GI'7/odS R.. T u ._'L fl.~2£.~- A~A!'-.~."!ii;:jj(,~~Noji vr Y V 1'-710 ADf) 1]00 MOVtM I~FO WT ww '"KIP' {~ft!c.rNN ~c I. 48 ~I'T 3 wr V y 1"571 R'-VISEO PER E.CO ~IT ~)]G. IIIG 1'£1'_ t3.~__ ';0';.?{~~ ;m. ... H I I 1 : HCDYER. TOP ACCESSI : I· IEZEL 71493303 7UICn. H H H HOOO 71493313 I j ... .:,.'(" .. POIER BunUN I· 7UI3327 H IH IY EMBLEM 51941.U RO~. palER ACt. j 1. 71U3325 KNOlS 519.1283 519CI2IC l1U2118 SPARE PARTS KIT CCl3n t1:Cl311 •••• , 11321384 180mll MaNUAL-DP GUIDE/INSTALUIIJIII ......• 18oCZ970 (FOR CC83C1t1:Cl31B '" .............. 82150101 110.2130 MANUAL-I\EfUENCE .(fOR .CCBlUI. . . •. . 18318553 CCl38B) •.••.•..••... . ...................... 12850102 160.2890 8RAPHICS/fIRIIARE OPTION .•..•••. '" 82950118 18042818 4.0 fl_ARE SPEC ; .••.•••••••••••• 11042.70 18042920 RIGID DISK INTERfACE OPTION 82201087 SENUl08T CHART ............. : ..... 88321385 12201072 SOURCEICROSS REfERENCE LIST 88315103 1200/1200 lOOEI ••.••...•..•..•1832119SI1941 8U1515. TRillA USER INfORIATION SHEET •.•• 12150170 180.2893 51941006 519C 1115 86315001 511C1403-07 SCHEIlAY·,C DIAGRAI 1A10-. (il'N;::::. 10••1483 SCHEIATIC OIAGRAI laND (P.S.) ...... 90U629. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAI lAlD (GRAPl/ICS) •••• 0•• 6303 SCHEIATIC DIAGRAI IILD (PARALLEl) •• B0446312 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM laID (DUal) •••••• 90U6333 SCHUATIC DIAGRAI laUD (ITHR 10) •• 90uom VIDEO f IllER PANEl •..•..•...•....•. 519m S8 LOGIC DRAIER EXTENDER •..........•. 66315788 UNPACKIPACIiNG INSTRUCTION ......... 829.0038 IANUAL-OP GUIOE/INSTALLATION (fOR. CC13U/CC838A) .....•••..•.•...•.••• 629.0011 IANUAL-REfERENCE (fOR CC634AI . CC631A) ............•••..•... ;: ..... 82IC0020 IANUAL-SERVICE CENTER!1I1I SITE •••••• 829.0034 IANUAl-REPAIR CENTER MAINTENANCE .•• &29.0037 INSTALLATION INST GRAPHIC~ BOARD ••• 629511111 INSTALLATION INST-unO/1200 MODEl .. 82950119 UNlESS OTttEA'NISE SPECIFIED OWN .;;t ~ANf) 71C93872 TRACK DRAIER REFERENCE OoMENTS [QUIPI£NT SPEC ...................•. BASIC ERS CCl34/31A ••.•..••.••••... IASIC [IS CCl3C/31B .•••.••...•.•••. GRAPH ICS SPEC ...................... . INSTALLATION D'S-SIIALL·DPTlON •••••• 1200/1100 MODEl SPEC ••...••..•.•... DUAL ASTN SPEC .•...•.•.....••.•..• PARALlEl CHANNEL mc .............. INTERCONNECTION DIAGRAI ••••••••••.• LOGIC SUPPORT DDCUIIENT ............. INSTAllATION DIG. OPTIONS •.•••...•. TEST PLAN AND REPORT (OVY) ..•..•..•• POWER SUPPLY SPEC .................. HIGH RESOLUTION OISPLAT SPEC ...•••• KEYBOARD SPEC ...................... SPARE PARTS LIST ................... TOUCH PANEL SPEC •...•..•.•.•••••..• 1 . I n DIMENSIONS ARE IN I'LACE ± / CHKD TOlERANCI!IJ P\.ACE ., I ~iS M~ 1 I ENQR I\~J. "/~ol•. J .9./'~·L!," .J MFG ". APVO ,:-:"1/ )1...<- ·JI·q2. ...... /1" . F~ - CC&':34-A n~IRD ~-E3 "NGlE . __ PROJeCTION • I .@ ~ CQNTR.Ol DATA CORfOR/\nON ITLE L<-z-r EQUIP. NO. DETACHEO lISTIil .~ IIH iVlT -'" i;1i.' PEDESTal H 1 H IACKPANEl ASST 1 H ECO {J-D ISZ," ""vo CHICO DATE iU>-' FACTORY INSTALLED IN CC13481311 ~ ~OLERANCES :W:E~~CE 68315365 \0 W 88315388 o o w 68315387 FINISH oIlIo DETACHED LISTS t"i 4 ~';;\ 3 ..., IB EC VA275A ! I 1/1 ::~R "" 7 / I I ,;l~C~OLDATA \:::I c:I CORj'ORf,TION. A CHART 72.1 DISPLAY TERMINAL TITLEGENEALOGY DWONO. ./ 1 i'-~ " / ~'~I ~. /..-.." D'TIDNI INITALLED . ~ BY ~ ~ CUSTDIEI CTI N 1.0 .t:. o o D D W .t:. :s: CI Ie 10448511 L ~tD ~HIP'IN; 1!.~.! C:"fNiiir (2) 15118451 ~ looEI 1200 IPS I I 111111" LAlEL-CllIIlflCATllII1 101108•• T' •• IMI. r IS655S03 r 15855S03 I~ Il'\ Cl ~ c<"') ..s ..s 81 , I ~O"''''''68' I~-- IB • IC U%OII AND IC Uy,e" IILL IE INSTALLED IY CUSTIlllER DNLT IN THE CC834 AND CC83. • IDDEL TERIINALS. T"ET IILL IE INSULLED " THE SEIVICE CENlEi fOR THE A IDDEL lElIiHALS, A GENEALOGY CHART 721 DISPLAY TERMINAL --.,J I 1.0 • I 3 2 15920 DWN I~. rw.n "-.l Glaser 'UJ rJ\ . .A ....' 1.-9.-16 ENG 171.1.>:.,,_. (, './t... MFO '{C/J/l., , •., • .<::2.' APPR ,: . J!" (~ I~/; @8 TITlE .~ ~ct' ~ PREFIX SPARE PARTS n'.' 721 :lISPL'.Y TE.n.t1!l1.'r. I I nAn USED ON ceDE IOEttT C'~634B, 15920 REY 66329381> 1 of 1 SHEET CC631lJ SHEE'F REVISION Sr".TUS REVISION RECORO REY DESCRIPTION ECO 0:> ~ SOO'!,'1S RELEASED CLASS DRFT 8 c- '(D(DOl. D 1t..r.IO DEL£TE FIN 1 2 1c..~72. OlAN6E FIN 8 F 17571 CI-IAIIlGI:. -- -- FIN l/~kJ ~Ll I. 17a:~· {' . - ./<:..~ ~h T.JPf a WJ(. DELETE FIN II E APP DATE ~ ISf$l-$1f R~tIlA56.D CHIs!:" 8 /('/ZS" ~u#/) -7"v i' II 'iiOt'rr IF DOCUMENT NO. SI"i, :H"8't 1114 ~·1I·9 Yi/l·/i'" lilKK WJ(, 8-15·6 wJ(, I'~"~ ''''i-~'' III" '0:2,,, 10 (It-4.~ "'1'lt~ 1---- SPI{ Number 66315799 is idelltical to SPK l~umher 66329384 .,ith the exception of Main r.o~ic fCJ. CC63XA uses. P.N. 90446515, (;CG3;·::. useG c.N. 90(,l,65~7 • . . I f!'L I AliflO Rf:V.' JI 663293&4 DETACHED LISTS HINTED IN U.'." • (52)CONT~L DATA ASSEMBLY PARTS LIST '\.... SPHf PHT5 KIT ...."" IIIU.". ... G .II. .. _ ",..... I A lHlHH 2 A lH3HH 3 A 51'lH ~C 4 4 C tl4CH5t ~ A 6t112~32 1 C 6t31~ Ie'! f A tt32H13 12 C' HHf21C 13 0 HHtHl ~ 0 9C4HH6 IC 0 '1C44f~~1 e 0 9CHftel 1C r. '1C4HH9 - GUAJ,mn I.oe 1.00 I.e( I.CO 2C .00 1.00 I.CO I.ce 1.00 I.CO I.ec 1.00 I.CO ._ .. "'01127011 RE:¥ 4·80 CDC ~VI 7-10 (FS PC PC PC PC PC PC FC PC FC PC PC PC PC ,_. •."'- ,.".,._ _AI. ~P" .,.",."" v. IlU.L R5212C IIF IHI CPT, ~. PUALLEL I/f lEel TOU(~ PAhEL, C~T A~TIGl'RE "Ha[A~D ASSY "fYS~ ITCH ~CCUlf CABLE A55Y DR.~E~ E.UhDH PTD eo USY 18510 1-00 [HE Fur SET PCA "ULD-I IVX GUPhlC LOCIel eD ASSY UJO-l LeGit 8D CC HSY 8lAhC-4 IP[WER SUPPLY CD ASSY UJC-4 . N"rHR LF llhE 11HS • ~IC~FSI FlhC ~l'PfP CUT CI;T Ih Ih Ih Ih Th Ih Ih Ih CUT Ih Ih -- c::........ _ 0",,, ~- ............,..,,......,.. - ~ 016810 C81084 AYM a It 8lC C810H AY~4 PPP4 AYM PPP4 AYM PPP4 PPP4 PPP4 H144 011571 C920H AY144 016'112 122884 AYM 011571 C'l2085 AYM . o~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h h h h h ~ h h ~ II 1) -'- rH IHd 62940034 L / ( (' A KEYSTATION CODE ASSIGNMENTS The basic keyboard consists of 106 keyswitches or keystations (figure A-I). Each keyswitch outputs a code when the switch is pressed and when it is released. The code is unique to the keyboard and is not an ASCII code. These codes can be displayed during the resident diagnostic TEST 3 keyboard test. Table A-I lists the codes for all keystations. , 80 82 \ 84 86 88 05942-11 Figure A-I. Keystation Assignments On some keyboards, a keycap will cover more than one switch. In this case the code for both is generated (figure A-2) when the keycap is pressed (the last received is shown). R'NT ~ETU ~ THIS KEYCAP COVERS SWITCHES 16 AND 32 OUTPUT CODE - DOWN ·IA OR IS -_.....::::::::::::" UP·990R9S THIS KEYCAP COVERS SWITCHES 62 AN-D 63 OUTPUT CODE - DOWN"IC OR 24 UP~C OR A4 ( ( Figure A-2. 62940034 88,E 04348 Keycap, Keyswitch and Output Code Relationship A-I TABLE A-I. KEYSTATION OUTPUT CODES .- 1 KEY STATION NUMBER OUTPUT CODE DOWN 1 10 I 18 1 20 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 --- 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I -- 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 4S 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 r- 28 30 38 40 48 50 58 60 68 70 78 11 19 21 29 31 39 4i 49 51 59 61 69 71 79 7E 76 13 IB 23 2B 33 3B 43 4B 53 5B 63 6B 73 7B 71' 12 lA 22 2A 32 3A 42 4A 52 SA J UP KEY STATION NUMBER 90 98 AO A8 BO B8 CO C8_ DO 08 EO E8 FO 1'8 91 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 99 71 Al A9 B1 B9 c1 C9 01 09 El E9 F1 1'9 FE 1'6 93 98 A3 AS B3 BB C3 CB 03 DB E3 EB 1'3 FB FF 92 9A A2 AA B2 SA 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 OUTPUT CODE DOWN UP 62 6A E2 72 F2 FA E7 EA 7A 67 14 94 lC 24 2C 34 3C 9C A4 AC B4 Be C4 CC 44 4C 54 5C 64 6C 74 7C 66 D4 DC E4 EC 1'4 PC 25 E6 AS 20 35 6E 36 B5 AD EE 86 1'7 77 61' SF 5S 50 56 45 40 70 75 60 37 10 16 lE 26 17 11' 27 41' EF OF 05 DO 061 C5 1 CD 1 I'D 1 F5 1 ED 1 87 1 90 1 96 1 9E 1 ~I 97 91' A7 1 1 CF 47 C7 3F 4E 46 3E 3D 81' CE C6 BE 80 C2 CA 02 - ~ / A-2 62940034 \. RASTER DRIFT B The CC63X display terminal has a terminal installation parameter that allows the installer or operator to move the raster left or right and/or up or down. This allows for correction of raster drift due to CRT aging. At the factory, the parameter values are set at zero (no displacement) before the vertical and horizontal centering alignments are made to the monitor board. As the CRT ages, the customer or operator can use this parameter to center a raster that has started to drift. ( Before any monitor board adjustments are made in the field, the parameter values or displacement values must be set at zero. Proceed as follows to check the present parameter values and zero if necessary. 1. Power on the terminal (procedure 1), if not already power on. 2. Pullout the TEST switch. 3. Press RESET switch (initiate TESTl). ( 4. When the MODE SELECTION MENU appears on the screen, push the TEST switch in. s. Press CTRL and SETUP keys. This will display terminal installation parameters. (See figure B-1.) ( Flretiirnl FICOiiFrGI FICONFIGI FICOiiFrGI FICONFIGI FIAS x 1(1 FIr;-li)1 FIPOii'fAI FIPOR'i'BI F linstl I 11 _ _ 1 211234561 311234561 411234561 F 6 x ~O----~f~--~O~ Figure B-1. 62940034 91~1 101~1 yl I UP/DOWN DISPLACEMENT VALUE ~-----------LEFT/RIGHT ( ( AS 51~1 61~1 71Q..J!!!!!!!1 BI~I DISPLACEMENT VALUE Terminal Installation Parameters B-1 6. Locate the sixth block (F6) from the left. Note the entry directly under the letter X and Y and do the following as applicable. • If entry in X = 0 or 4 AND Y = 0 or 8, press Fl key and return to alignment procedure. • If entry in X next step. F 0 or 4 OR Y F ) 0 or 8, proceed with the 7. Press F6 key to advance cursor into block 6. Then use the space bar to advance cursor under X. If cursor is advanced too far, backspace cursor with Backspace key (+-). 8. Press 0 (zero) key. 9. Use the space bar to advance cursor under Y. o (zero) key. Then, press NOTE At this point, both X and Y displacement value should be 0 (zero). If they are not, repeat steps 7-9. 10. Press COpy key. This writes the entry into a nonvolatile memory and changes alignment. 11. Press Fl key and return to alignment procedure. , ,/ B-2 62940034 E COMMENT SHEET CC63X Displ a~ Terminal Hardware Maintenance Manual (Servlce Center and On-Site Information) REVISION: M PUBLICATION NO.: 62940034 MANUAL TITLE: NAME::__________________________________________ ~-------------------- COMPANY: _____________________________________________________________ STREET ADDRESS: _________________________________________________________ CITY: ______________________ STATE: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ZIP CODE: _______________ This form is not intended to be used as an order blank. Control Data Corporation welcome. your evaluation of this manual. 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