803prel.bk T800/T803 Tone Remote & Alarm/803_A4 803 A4
T800/T803 Tone Remote & Alarm/803_A4 803_A4
T800/T803 Tone Remote & Alarm/803_A4 803_A4
T800/T803 Tone Remote & Alarm/803_A4 803_A4
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1 M803-00-PRELIM T803 Tone Remote And Alarm Interface Service Manual Preliminary Issue May 1999 M803-00-PRELIM Copyright TEL 17/05/99 2 M803-00-PRELIM T800 T800 Head Office New Zealand Tait Electronics Ltd 558 Wairakei Road P.O. Box 1645 Christchurch New Zealand Phone: 64 3 358-3399 Fax: 64 3 358-3903 Canada Taiwan Tait Mobile Radio Inc. Unit 5, 158 Anderson Avenue Markham Ontario L6E1A9 Canada Phone: 1 905 472-1100 Toll Free: 1 800 890-8248 Fax: 1 905 472-5300 Tait Mobile Radio (Taiwan) Ltd 1104, No. 142 Chung Hsiao E. Rd Sec. 4 Taipei Taiwan Phone: 886 2 2731-1290 Fax: 886 2 2711-6351 Thailand France Tait France Sarl 2 Avenue de la Cristallerie 92 316 Sèvres, Cedex France Phone: 33 1 41 14-05-50 Fax: 33 1 41 14-05-55 Germany Tait Mobilfunk GmbH Willstätterstraße 50 D-90449 Nürnberg 60 Germany Phone: 49 911 96 746-0 Fax: 49 911 96 746-79 Radio Systems Division 535 Wairakei Road P.O. Box 1645 Christchurch New Zealand Phone: 64 3 358-1069 Fax: 64 3 358-6486 Australia Tait Electronics (Aust) Pty Ltd 186 Granite Street Geebung Queensland 4034 P.O. Box 679 Virginia Queensland 4014 Australia Phone: 61 7 3865-7799 Toll Free: 1800 077-112 Fax: 61 7 3865-7990 Hong Kong Tait Mobile Radio (HK) Ltd Unit 2216 North Tower Concordia Plaza No. 1, Science Museum Road Tsim Sha Tsui East Kowloon Hong Kong Phone: 852 2369-3040 Fax: 852 2369-3009 New Zealand Tait Communications Ltd Unit 4, 75 Blenheim Road P.O. Box 1185 Christchurch Phone: 64 3 348-3301 Fax: 64 3 343-0558 Beijing Singapore Tait Mobile Radio (HK) Ltd Beijing Representative Office Room 812, Tower A Beijing Bright China Chang An Building No. 7 Jianguomennei Dai Jei Dongcheng District Beijing China 100005 Tait Electronics (Far East) Pte Ltd 4 Leng Kee Road SIS Building #05-11A Singapore 159088 Phone: 65 471-2688 Fax: 65 479-7778 17/05/99 Tait Mobile Radio Ltd 14/1 Suwan Tower Ground Floor Soi Saladaeng 1 North Sathorn Road Bangrak Bangkok 10500 Thailand Phone: 662 267-6290-2 Fax: 662 267-6293 United Kingdom Tait Europe Ltd Ermine Business Park Ermine Road Huntingdon Cambridgeshire PE18 6YA United Kingdom Phone: 44 1480-52255 Fax: 44 1480-411996 USA Tait Electronics (USA) Inc. 9434 Old Katy Road Suite 110 Houston Texas 77055 USA Phone: 1 713 984-8684 Toll Free: 1 800 222-1255 Fax: 1 713 468-6944 Internet http://www.taitworld.com Copyright TEL 3 M803-00-PRELIM About This Manual Scope This manual contains preliminary general, technical and servicing information on the T803 tone remote and alarm interface. PCB Information PCB information is provided for the T803 main and front panel PCBs, as well as for the associated T800-53-0000 rack frame backplane PCB. You will find the parts list, grid reference index (if necessary), PCB layouts and circuit diagram(s) for each individual PCB grouped together. Errors If you find an error in this manual, or have a suggestion on how it might be improved, please do not hesitate to contact Customer Support, Radio Systems Division, Tait Electronics Ltd, Christchurch, New Zealand (full contact details are on page 2). Updating Equipment And Manuals In the interests of improving performance, reliability or servicing, Tait Electronics Ltd reserve the right to update their equipment and/or manuals without prior notice. Copyright All information contained in this manual is the property of Tait Electronics Ltd. All rights are reserved. This manual may not, in whole or part, be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated stored or reduced to any electronic medium or machine readable form without prior written permission from Tait Electronics Ltd. Ordering Tait Service Manuals You can order additional copies of this service manual from your nearest Tait Dealer or Customer Service Organisation. When ordering, make sure you quote the correct Tait product code ("M" number). Publication Information T803 Service Manual Issue Publication Date Product Code Preliminary May 1999 M803-00-PRELIM Copyright TEL 17/05/99 4 M803-00-PRELIM Table Of Contents This manual is divided into the five sections listed below. There is a detailed table of contents at the start of each section. Section 17/05/99 Title 1 General Information 2 Circuit Operation 3 Introduction To Servicing 4 Setting Up, Testing & Fault Finding 5 PCB Information Copyright TEL General Information M803-00-PRELIM 1 1.1 General Information This section provides a brief description of the T803 tone remote, along with detailed specifications and information on system configuration. The following topics are covered in this section. Section Title Page 1.1 Introduction 1.3 1.2 Specifications 1.5 1.2.1 Introduction 1.5 1.2.2 General 1.5 1.2.3 Line 1.5 1.2.4 Tone Remote 1.6 1.2.5 Audio Response 1.6 1.2.6 Alarms 1.6 1.2.7 Morse Code 1.7 1.2.8 Voting 1.7 1.2.9 Miscellaneous 1.7 1.3 System Configuration 1.8 1.4 Product Codes 1.9 1.5 Regulatory Information 1.10 1.5.1 Canada Industry Canada Warnings Avis d’Industrie Canada 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.5.2 United States Of America 1.12 1.5.3 Europe 1.13 1.5.4 New Zealand 1.14 Figure 1.1 Copyright TEL Title T803 System Configuration Page 1.8 17/05/99 1.2 17/05/99 General Information M803-00-PRELIM Copyright TEL M803-00-PRELIM 1.1 General Information 1.3 Introduction The T803 is an AC tone remote with alarm monitoring, voting tone generation and simple highsite control and is designed to fit into a Tait T800 Series II rack frame. It interfaces either a 2-wire or 4-wire line circuit to any standard T800 Series II receiver/ transmitter/exciter/power amplifier combination. It plugs into a backplane PCB (which may be purchased separately or as part of a T800 Series II rack frame) which eliminates wiring between the T803 and T800 Series II radios. The T803 is configured using Tait PGM800Win programming software (V3.0 and later) which runs on a PC. The T803 AC tone remote function enables a user to: • remotely key a T800 Series II transmitter/exciter; • defeat a receiver's CTCSS mute (to monitor a channel); • change their set channel (up to 128 channels); • change between base station and repeater modes (repeater knockdown); • cancel alarms; • turn repeater site equipment on or off (highsite control); • loop back line audio (4-wire line interface only). This is achieved using three industry-standard tone signalling plans for ease of integration into existing control systems and choice of vendor for office/control room equipment. These plans are: • EIA tone remote using a single function tone. In this system, when the control room user presses the transmit key, the line control equipment sends a 120mS burst of high level guard tone (HLGT - usually 2175Hz at +10dBM to line). This is followed by a single 40mS function tone at 0dBm to line. This function tone can change channel (1850Hz or 1950Hz) or monitor the radio channel (defeat receiver CTCSS - 2050Hz). Other tones (1050Hz to 1750Hz in 100Hz steps) can be used for various functions. Following these initial tone bursts, a low level guard tone (LLGT - usually 2175Hz at -20dBm) is sent to line and speech is gated onto line (at approx. 0dBm peak level). This continues until the user releases the transmit key, whereupon speech is removed from the line and LLGT tone ceases. • EIA enhanced tone remote using two function tones. In this variant of the above system two function tones are sent one after the other in the period between HLGT and LLGT. The tone set is also expanded (650Hz to 2050Hz in 100Hz steps) to give 225 possible combinations which can be allocated to various actions. Often the duration of both HLGT and function tones can be varied. • Simple Tx keying using LLGT. This is used where complex functionality is not required. One application is to key a link transmitter where HLGT, the function tones and speech + LLGT are transparently carried to an end base station. Note in this application the notch filters (which ordinarily remove the key tone from the audio path) must be turned off using PGM800Win so that the keying signal is propagated to the end transmitter. The T803 can also generate voting tones where a 4-wire line interface is used. Voting systems are used where several base station receivers are tuned to the same radio chan- Copyright TEL 17/05/99 1.4 General Information M803-00-PRELIM nel and located at different sites, sending audio back to a central control where the best quality audio must be selected or "voted upon". Tone-on-idle or sliding voting tones can be generated to interface a T800 Series II rack frame to a wide variety of industry standard radio voting systems. In tone-on-idle applications, a tone (normally the same frequency as LLGT) is transmitted to line when the T800 Series II receiver is muted. When the tone disappears, control room equipment can perform signal-to-noise measurements on incoming audio lines and select the best for feeding to the control room user. In sliding voting tone systems a tone is transmitted to line whose frequency is proportional to the T800 Series II receiver's RSSI. Control room equipment determines which receiver has the highest RSSI and thus selects which line carries the highest quality incoming audio. The T803 monitors three T800 Series II rack alarms (transmitter/PA forward & reverse power and low battery/power supply), one line alarm (line fail indication) and four external closure alarms. If alarms are triggered, the T803 will generate tone sequences to alert system users of a problem. The T803 has a width of 60mm and occupies a single space in a Tait rack frame, which has the ability to accommodate up to seven standard modules. 17/05/99 Copyright TEL General Information M803-00-PRELIM 1.2 Specifications 1.2.1 Introduction 1.5 The performance figures given are minimum figures, unless otherwise indicated, for equipment operating at standard room temperature (+22°C to +28°C) and standard test voltage (13.8V DC). Details of test methods and the conditions which apply for Type Approval testing in all countries can be obtained from Tait Electronics Ltd. 1.2.2 General Complies with ETS 300 086 & CISPR22 radiated & conducted emissions specifications. Supply Voltage: Operating Voltage Standard Test Voltage Polarity .. 10.8 to 16V DC .. 13.8V DC .. negative earth only Supply Current .. 250mA max. Operating Temperature Range .. -30 to +70°C. Dimensions: Height Width Length Weight 1.2.3 .. 183mm .. 60mm .. 310mm .. 1.5kg Line Complies with TBR15 (2-wire line) & TBR17 (4-wire line) ETSI specifications. Line Output (for receiver with 1kHz tone @ 60% mod): 2-Wire 4-Wire .. -10dBm ±0.5dBm .. -14dBm ±0.5dBm Automatic Level Control (ALC): Range Line Input For -3dB To Transmitter Attack/Decay Time Copyright TEL .. 40dB .. -28dBm typical .. 20mS/5sec nominal 17/05/99 General Information 1.6 M803-00-PRELIM Maximum Line Attenuation For Correct Tone Remote Operation: Sending Unit With Standard Line Output Sending Unit ETSI Compliant 1.2.4 .. 30dB typical .. 20dB typical Tone Remote Keytone Accept Bandwidth (speech @ -10dBm, keytone @ -30dBm) .. ±0.73% typical (±16Hz @ 2175Hz) Talkoff (max. difference between speech & keytone) .. >27dB Keytone Sensitivity .. <-50dBm Programmable Guardtone Frequencies .. 2100, 2175, 2325, 2500, 2600, 2800, 2970 & 3000Hz Programmable HLGT Duration .. 60 - 200mS Function Tone Frequencies .. 650Hz - 2050Hz in 100Hz steps Function Tone Accept Bandwidth .. ±19Hz typical Maximum Number Of Function Tones .. 2 Programmable Function Tone Duration .. 20 - 100mS 1.2.5 Audio Response Frequency Response .. ±1dB 300Hz to 3kHz except at notch frequency Notch Filter Bandwidth At -40dB .. ±0.5% typical (±10Hz @ 2175Hz) Notch Filter Bandwidth At -3dB .. ±1.28% typical (±28Hz @ 2175Hz) Audio Distortion: From Line From Receiver 1.2.6 .. <5% .. <2% Alarms Supply Voltage Alarm Threshold .. 10.7V ±0.05V RF Power Alarm Thresholds .. adjusted inside Tx/PA 17/05/99 Copyright TEL General Information M803-00-PRELIM 1.7 Line Fail Alarm Timer .. off or 1 minute - 4 hours Alarm Input Threshold .. <1.5V (or to 0V via 3k3 resistor) Maximum Alarm Input Voltage .. 25V Alarm Sequence .. 0 - 14 tones to radio and/or line Programmable 5-Tone Standards .. CCIR, EIA, EEA, ZVEI & DZVEI 5-Tone Carrier Deviation (for test tone set @ 60%) .. 70% nom. system deviation @ 1kHz Alarm Pip Tone Frequency/Duration .. 600Hz/200mS on tail of audio 1.2.7 Morse Code Sending Speed .. 20 words per minute Maximum Code Length .. 15.36 seconds Tone Frequency .. 1200Hz Valid Station ID .. alphanumeric only Repetition Rate .. off or 1 - 60 minutes Carrier Deviation (for test tone set @ 60%) .. 20% nominal system deviation 1.2.8 Voting Programmable Tone-On-Idle Frequencies .. 1950, 2100, 2175, 2325, 2500, 2600, 2800, 2970 and 3000Hz Programmable Sliding Voting Tone Frequencies .. 2700 to 3000Hz Voting Tone Level To Line .. -30dBm to -10dBm 1.2.9 Miscellaneous Auxiliary Output Rating .. open collector, 50V, 250mA (@25°C) Momentary Monitor (CTCSS Defeat) Time .. off or 1 - 20 seconds Line Fail Timer .. off or 1 - 240 minutes Copyright TEL 17/05/99 1.8 General Information 1.3 System Configuration M803-00-PRELIM The following flow chart will help you to configure your T800 Series II system to include a T803 tone remote module. Refer to Section 1.4 for details on the product types mentioned in this chart. START Existing T800II Rack to be used Yes Fit T800-53-0000 to existing rack Yes T800-27-0001 is required No New Rack needed For 50W/100W PA No For 1 or 2 TX 1 T800-27-0000 is required Yes T800-80-0001 is required 2 T800-27-0002 is required Line Intercom needed No RF Power alarms needed Yes Fit T1500-52-0000 into Tx Yes Using Tx (25W) No No Remote channel change needed Yes Fit T800-03-0000 into RX & EX. Also fit into TX if T1500-52-0000 is not already required. No Channel Monitor (RX CTCSS defeat) needed Yes Fit T800-03-0000 into Rx No Voting tone generation needed No Yes Tone on idle system Yes No Rx is UHF No Yes Fit T800-04-0000 into Rx END Figure 1.1 T803 System Configuration 17/05/99 Copyright TEL General Information M803-00-PRELIM 1.4 1.9 Product Codes The following table provides a brief description of the products mentioned in Section 1.3. Consult your nearest Tait Dealer or Customer Service Organisation for more information on these products. Product Code Description T800-01-0000 PGM800Win V3.0. Includes programming cable. T800-03-0000 T800 auxiliary D-range kit. T800-04-0000 T800 UHF RSSI kit. T800-27-0000 T800 rack frame assembled for T803, Rx, 25W Tx & PSU. Includes T800-53-0000. T800-27-0001 T800 rack frame assembled for T803, Rx, Ex, PA (50W & 100W) & PSU. Includes T800-53-0000. T800-27-0002 T800 rack frame assembled for dual T803, dual Rx, dual Tx & single PSU. Includes T800-53-0000. T800-53-0000 T800 rack frame backplane PCB for T803-00-0000. T800-80-0001 T803 test microphone. Used for line intercom and to talk on air. T803-00-0000 Tone remote module. T1500-52-0000 Tx alarm & multichannel kit. Copyright TEL 17/05/99 1.10 General Information 1.5 Regulatory Information 1.5.1 Canada Industry Canada Warnings M803-00-PRELIM Notice: The Industry Canada Label identifies certified equipment. This certification means that the equipment meets telecommunications network protective, operational and safety requirements as prescribed in the appropriate Terminal Equipment Technical Requirements document(s). The Department does not guarantee the equipment will operate to the user’s satisfaction. Before installing this equipment, users should ensure that it is permissible to be connected to the facilities of the local telecommunications company. The equipment must also be installed using an acceptable method of connection. The customer should be aware that compliance with the above conditions may not prevent degradation of service in some situations. Repairs to certified equipment should be coordinated by a representative designated by the supplier. Any repairs or alterations made by the user to this equipment, or equipment malfunctions, may give the telecommunications company cause to request the user to disconnect the equipment. Users should ensure for their own protection that the electrical ground connections of the power utility, telephone lines and internal metallic water pipe system, if present, are connected together. This precaution may be particularly important in rural areas. Caution: Users should not attempt to make such connections themselves, but should contact the appropriate electric inspection authority, or electrician, as appropriate. Avis d’Industrie Canada Avis: L’étiquette d’Industrie Canada identifie le matériel homologué. Cette étiquette certifie que le matériel est conforme aux normes de protection, d’exploitation et de sécurité des réseaux de télécommunications, comme le prescrivent les documents concernant les exigences techniques relatives au matériel terminal. Le Ministére n’assure toutefois pas que le matériel fonctionnera à la satisfaction de l’utilisateur. Avant d’installer ce matériel, l’utilisateur doit s’assurer qu’il est permis de le raccorder aux installations de l’entreprise locale de télécommunication. Le matériel doit également être installé en suivant une méthode acceptée de raccordement. L’abonné ne doit pas oublier qu’il est possible que la comformité aux conditions énoncées ci-dessus n’empêche pas la dégradation du service dans certaines situations. 17/05/99 Copyright TEL M803-00-PRELIM General Information 1.11 Les réparations de matériel homologué doivent être coordonnées par un représentant désigné par le fournisseur. L’entreprise de télécommunications peut demander à l’utilisateur de débrancher un appareil à la suite de réparations ou de modifications effectuées par l’utilisateur ou à cause de mauvais fonctionnement. Pour sa propre protection, l’utilisateur doit s’assurer que tous les fils de mise à la terre de la source d’énergie électrique, des lignes téléphoniques et des canalisations d’eau métalliques, s’il y en a, sont raccordés ensemble. Cette précaution est particuliérement importante dans les régions rurales. Avertissement: L’utilisateur ne doit pas tenter de faire ces raccordements lui-même; il doit avoir recours à un service d’inspection des installations électriques, ou à un électricien, selon le cas. Copyright TEL 17/05/99 1.12 General Information 1.5.2 United States Of America M803-00-PRELIM Analogue Device Warnings This equipment complies with Part 68 of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules for the United States. A label is located on the rear panel of the unit indicating the FCC registration number and Ringer Equivalence Number (REN). You must upon request, provide the following information to your local telephone company: T803 Tone Remote and Alarm Interface, FCC Registration Number XXXXX. Unit Configuration Function USOC Jack Type REN T803 2-wire 2-wire leased line RJ-11C - T803 4-wire 4-wire leased line RJ-48S - Should you experience trouble with this telephone equipment, please contact: Tait Electronics USA Inc. 39434 Old Katy Road Houston, TX77055 Ph: 713 984 8684 Fax: 713 468 6944 If trouble is experienced with this equipment T803 Tone Remote and Alarm Interface, for repair or warranty information, please contact Tait Electronics USA Inc. at 713 984 8684. If the equipment is causing harm to the telephone network, the telephone company may request that you disconnect the equipment until the problem is resolved. For repair/warranty information. The telephone company may ask you to disconnect this equipment from the line network until the problem has been corrected. This equipment cannot be used on public coin phone service provided by the telephone company. Connection to party line service is subject to state tariffs. Your telephone company may discontinue your service if your equipment causes harm to the telephone network. They will notify you in advance of disconnection, if possible. During notification, you will be informed of your right to file a complaint to the FCC. Occasionally, your telephone company may make changes in its facilities, equipment, operation, or procedures that could affect the operation of your equipment. If so, you will be given advance notice of the change to give you an opportunity to maintain uninterrupted service. This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. 17/05/99 Copyright TEL General Information M803-00-PRELIM 1.5.3 1.13 Europe European Union Declaration Of Conformity (according to IEC Guide 22) We:Manufacturer: European Representative: Tait Electronics Ltd Radio Systems Division PO Box 1645 Christchurch New Zealand Tait Europe Ltd Ermine Business Park Ermine Road Cambridgeshire PE18 6YA United Kingdom declare under our sole legal responsibility and according to the requirements of the following EC Council Directives: 89/336/EEC + 92/31/EEC EMC Directive 73/23/EEC + 93/68/EEC LV Directive 91/263/EEC + 98/13/EEC TTE Directive 93/68/EEC CE Mark Directive that the terminal equipment identified as: Model: Tone Remote and Alarm Interface Part Number: T803-00-0000 produced or sold by the above to which this declaration relates is in conformity with the following Common Technical Regulations and or normative documents (or the relevant standards where national approvals apply): CTR 15, CTR 17 EN60950:1992 +A1, +A2, +A3, +A4 EN55022:1994 EN50082-1:1997 For and of behalf of Tait Electronics Ltd David Balloch RSD Development Manager Christchurch, NZ, 18 May 1999, RSD/TCF/2027 Rev 001 Copyright TEL 17/05/99 1.14 General Information 1.5.4 New Zealand M803-00-PRELIM Warning T803-00-0000 for use in New Zealand "The grant of a Telepermit for any item of terminal equipment indicates only that Telecom New Zealand has accepted that the item complies with minimum conditions for connection to its network. It indicates no endorsement of the product by Telecom New Zealand, nor does it provide any sort of warranty. Above all, it provides no assurance that any item will work correctly in all respects with another item of Telepermitted equipment of a different make or model, nor does it imply that any product is compatible with all of Telecom New Zealand's network services." "This equipment does not fully meet Telecom New Zealand's impedance requirements. Performance limitations may occur when used in conjunction with some parts of the network. Telecom New Zealand will accept no responsibility should difficulties arise in such circumstances." 17/05/99 Copyright TEL Circuit Operation M803-00-PRELIM 2 2.1 Circuit Operation This section provides a basic description of the circuit operation of the T803 tone remote. Note: Unless otherwise specified, the term "PGM800Win" used in this and following sections refers to version 3.00 and later of the software. Refer to Section 5 where the parts lists, grid reference index and diagrams will provide detailed information on identifying and locating components and test points on the main PCB. The following topics are covered in this section. Section 2.1 Title Introduction Figure Page 2.3 Title Page 2.1 High Level Block Diagram 2.3 2.2 Signal Flow 2.5 Copyright TEL 17/05/99 2.2 17/05/99 Circuit Operation M803-00-PRELIM Copyright TEL Circuit Operation M803-00-PRELIM 2.1 2.3 Introduction from ALC line LINE 2W/4W Select Front Panel LEDs & Switches Line Codec PGM800 i/f to line Channel Select EEPROM Digital Signal Processor Test Mic Rx Audio Micro Controller RAM Aux I/Ps Power Alarm I/Ps Tx Key Low freq boost Radio Codec CTCSS Defeat Tx Audio Speaker A/D Tx CTCSS Audio CTCSS Codec Battery RSSI Figure 2.1 High Level Block Diagram The T803 is connected to a leased line from control room equipment by means of an RJ45 connector. 600R transformers are used to couple the audio into and out of the T803. On the secondary of these line matching transformers are analogue transmission switches which configure the line interface as either 2-wire or 4-wire compatible. Audio from line is passed through an automatic level control (ALC) circuit before entering a CODEC where it is digitised. The ALC ensures a good signal-to-noise ratio and effective radio channel utilisation for a wide range of line input levels. Audio to line is output from the same line CODEC. The line CODEC is connected to a digital signal processor (DSP) which is also connected to a similar radio CODEC (the CTCSS CODEC is not used in this application). The radio CODEC receives audio from the T800 Series II receiver and sends audio to the T800 Series II transmitter/exciter to which it is connected via the special backplane PCB. Receiver audio is low frequency filtered to extend the radio CODEC’s effective frequency range. The DSP processes the digitised audio streams from the CODECs in accord with instructions sent to it by the T803's microcontroller. The DSP can: • detect HLGT, LLGT and function tones coming from line, notch filter line in and receiver audio (used to eliminate LLGT from line out and transmitter audio); Copyright TEL 17/05/99 Circuit Operation 2.4 M803-00-PRELIM • generate 5-tone alarms and pip tones to line out and transmitter audio; • generate voting tones to line out; • generate morse code to transmitter audio; • cross connect line and radio audio paths; • mute audio from line in and receiver. The microcontroller boot loads the DSP, interfaces with the user via the front panel switches and LEDs, interfaces with PGM800Win and runs the T803 state machines (alarm monitoring, alarm tone generation, HLGT/function tone/LLGT timing, RSSI/ voting tone conversion etc.). 17/05/99 Copyright TEL Introduction To Servicing M803-00-PRELIM 3 3.1 Introduction To Servicing This section of the manual provides some general and advisory information on servicing procedures. Note: Unless otherwise specified, the term "PGM800Win" used in this and following sections refers to version 3.00 and later of the software. Refer to Section 5 where the parts lists, grid reference index and diagrams will provide detailed information on identifying and locating components and test points on the main PCB. The following topics are covered in this section. Section Title Page 3.1 Caution: CMOS Devices 3.3 3.2 Mechanical 3.4 3.2.1 Torx Recess Head Screws 3.4 3.2.2 Pozidriv & Philips Recess Head Screws 3.5 Component Replacement 3.6 3.3.1 Leaded Components Desoldering Iron Method Component Cutting Method 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.3.2 Surface Mount Devices 3.7 3.3 Figure Title Page 3.1 Typical Anti-static Bench Set-up 3.3 3.2 Torx Screw Identification 3.4 3.3 Pozidriv & Philips Screw & Screwdriver Identification 3.5 Copyright TEL 17/05/99 3.2 17/05/99 Introduction To Servicing M803-00-PRELIM Copyright TEL Introduction To Servicing M803-00-PRELIM 3.1 3.3 Caution: CMOS Devices This equipment contains CMOS Devices which are susceptible to damage from static charges. Care when handling these devices is essential. For correct handling procedures refer to the manufacturers' data books, e.g. Philips data books covering CMOS devices, or Motorola CMOS data books, Section 5 'Handling', etc. An anti-static bench kit (refer to Figure 3.1) is available from Tait Electronics Ltd under the following product codes: • KS0001 - 1 conductive rubber bench mat - 1 earth lead to connect the mat to ground • KS0004 - 1 wrist strap. conductive wrist strap conductive rubber bench mat to building earth (not mains earth) Figure 3.1 Typical Anti-static Bench Set-up Copyright TEL 17/05/99 3.4 Introduction To Servicing 3.2 Mechanical 3.2.1 Torx Recess Head Screws M803-00-PRELIM Torx recess head screws are becoming the standard screw head type in all T800 Series II equipment, with Pozidriv and Philips recess head screws being used in fewer applications. The Torx recess head has the advantage of improved screwdriver tip location, reducing the chances of screw head damage caused by the driver tip rotating within the recess. In addition, using a ball-tip Torx screwdriver allows you to drive a Torx head screw with the driver on a slight angle, which can be useful in situations where access is restricted. It is important that you use the correct Torx screwdriver tip: M3 screws M4 screws - T10 T20. Figure 3.2 below shows a typical Torx recess head screw (actual hardware may differ slightly from this illustration due to variations in manufacturing techniques). "star" shaped recess with six internal notches Figure 3.2 Torx Screw Identification 17/05/99 Copyright TEL Introduction To Servicing M803-00-PRELIM 3.2.2 3.5 Pozidriv & Philips Recess Head Screws Pozidriv and Philips recess head screws will continue to be used in T800 Series II equipment in a few special applications. It is important that you use the correct type and size screwdriver for each screw type to avoid damaging the screw head. It is particularly important that you do not use Philips screwdrivers on Pozidriv screw heads as the tapered driving flutes of the Philips screwdriver do not engage correctly with the parallel-sided slots in the Pozidriv screw head. This can result in considerable damage to the screw head if the screwdriver tip turns inside the recess. Note: If you find you need excessive downwards pressure to keep the screwdriver tip in the Pozidriv screw head, you are probably using the wrong type and/ or size screwdriver. Figure 3.3 below shows the main differences between typical Pozidriv and Philips screw heads and screwdriver tips (actual hardware may differ slightly from these illustrations due to variations in manufacturing techniques). Pozidriv Philips internal notches no special markings "star" markings between slots slots with parallel sides slots with tapered sides driving flutes with parallel sides driving flutes with tapered sides ridges between driving flutes Figure 3.3 Pozidriv & Philips Screw & Screwdriver Identification Copyright TEL 17/05/99 3.6 Introduction To Servicing 3.3 Component Replacement 3.3.1 Leaded Components M803-00-PRELIM Whenever you are doing any work on the PCB that involves removing or fitting components, you must take care not to damage the copper tracks. The two satisfactory methods of removing components from plated-through hole (PTH) PCBs are detailed below. Note: The first method requires the use of a desoldering station, e.g. Philips SBC 314 or Pace MBT-100E. Desoldering Iron Method Place the tip over the lead and, as the solder starts to melt, move the tip in a circular motion. Start the suction and continue the movement until 3 or 4 circles have been completed. Remove the tip while continuing suction to ensure that all solder is removed from the joint, then stop the suction. Before pulling the lead out, ensure it is not stuck to the plating. If the lead is still not free, resolder the joint and try again. Note: The desoldering iron does not usually have enough heat to desolder leads from the ground plane. Additional heat may be applied by holding a soldering iron on the tip of the desoldering iron (this may require some additional help). Component Cutting Method Cut the leads on the component side of the PCB. Heat the solder joint sufficiently to allow easy removal of the lead by drawing it out from the component side: do not use undue force. Fill the hole with solder and then clear with solderwick. 17/05/99 Copyright TEL Introduction To Servicing M803-00-PRELIM 3.3.2 Caution: Copyright TEL 3.7 Surface Mount Devices Surface mount devices (SMDs) require special storage, handling, removal and replacement techniques. This equipment should be serviced only by an approved Tait Dealer or Customer Service Organisation equipped with the necessary facilities. Repairs attempted with incorrect equipment or by untrained personnel may result in permanent damage. If in doubt, contact your nearest Tait Dealer or Customer Service Organisation. 17/05/99 3.8 17/05/99 Introduction To Servicing M803-00-PRELIM Copyright TEL Setting Up, Testing & Fault Finding M803-00-PRELIM 4 4.1 Setting Up, Testing & Fault Finding Caution: This equipment contains CMOS devices which are susceptible to damage from static charges. Refer to Section 3.1 for more information on anti-static procedures when handling these devices. This section of the manual describes how to set up the T803 in a T800 Series II rack frame and test that it is functioning correctly. It also provides a brief fault finding procedure. Refer to Section 5 where the parts lists, grid reference index and diagrams will provide detailed information on identifying and locating components and test points on the main PCB. The following topics are covered in this section. Section 4.1 Title Page Setting Up 4.3 4.1.1 Rack Frame Preparation 4.3 4.1.2 T800 Series II Equipment Preparation 4.4 4.2 Testing 4.5 4.3 Fault Finding 4.6 Figure Title Page 4.1 T800-53-0000 Backplane PCB Link Locations 4.3 4.2 Test Equipment Set-up 4.4 Copyright TEL 17/05/99 4.2 17/05/99 Setting Up, Testing & Fault Finding M803-00-PRELIM Copyright TEL Setting Up, Testing & Fault Finding M803-00-PRELIM 4.1 Setting Up 4.1.1 Rack Frame Preparation 4.3 If you are not using a prewired T800-27-000X rack frame, you will have to install a T800-53-0000 3-bin tone remote backplane PCB into the left side (looking from the front) of a T800 Series II rack frame. If you are using a transmitter and need to use power alarms, connect LINK1 & LINK2 on the backplane PCB. Note: For correct power alarm operation these links should be correctly set at power-up. Connect pins 1 and 2 of LINK5. SK10 K1 N LI 2 K N LI SW1 LINK6 LI N K LI 4 N LI K3 N K7 LINK5 SK7 SK8 Figure 4.1 T800-53-0000 Backplane PCB Link Locations Copyright TEL 17/05/99 4.4 Setting Up, Testing & Fault Finding 4.1.2 T800 Series II Equipment Preparation M803-00-PRELIM optional RF TEST SET Audio meter out line matching in Attn RJ45 T803 T800 T800 T800 Rx Tx (Ex) (PA) T800 PSU T800-27 Rack Figure 4.2 Test Equipment Set-up Remove any coaxial relay/duplexer from the T800 modules’ RF path and connect the modules directly to an RF test set. Ensure that the transmitter/PA RF output is sufficiently attenuated to prevent damage to the test set (refer to Figure 4.2). Run up the receiver and transmitter/exciter/PA as instructed in the appropriate T800 Series II service manual. Install the T803, receiver and transmitter/exciter/PA in the rack frame as shown in Figure 4.2. Note 1: A T800-03-0000 auxiliary D-range is required where remote channel change or CTCSS defeat (for monitoring) is required. Note 2: A T1500-52-0000 should be fitted if a transmitter is being used and power alarms are required. 17/05/99 Copyright TEL M803-00-PRELIM 4.2 Setting Up, Testing & Fault Finding 4.5 Testing Put the T803 into test mode by pressing the "Monitor On/Off" and "Mode Toggle" buttons on the front panel simultaneously and holding them pressed for three seconds. Check that the T803 keys on the associated transmitter/exciter and encodes a 1kHz test tone to the transmitter/exciter for one minute. The test tone can be heard on the built-in speaker and appears on the line out pair at -10dBm (2-wire) or -14dBm (4-wire). Adjust the "Line Sensitivity" control on the front panel of the transmitter/exciter to give a reading on the RF test set of 60% system modulation, making allowances for any CTCSS tone deviation. Press the "Monitor On/Off" and "Mode Toggle" buttons on the T803 front panel simultaneously to cancel test mode. Use the RF test set to unmute the receiver. Press the "Mode Toggle" switch on the T803 to put the unit into talk through mode. Modulate the RF carrier with a 1kHz tone at 60% system modulation, adding CTCSS tone if necessary. Ensure that CTCSS tone is removed from the receiver’s audio output by selecting the correct links inside the receiver. Check that the transmitter/exciter is keyed on. Adjust the "Line Level" control on the receiver front panel to produce 60% system deviation at the transmitter/exciter RF output as measured on the test set. The line levels are now automatically set to comply with ETSI TBR15 (2-wire line) and TBR17 (4-wire line) specifications. Copyright TEL 17/05/99 4.6 Setting Up, Testing & Fault Finding 4.3 Fault Finding M803-00-PRELIM 1. Connect the T803 to its companion dispatch terminal via the leased line. Check that speech sent from the terminal can be heard on the T803 speaker. One possible cause of incorrect operation is that the line connections have become transposed in the wiring network or that the dispatch terminal uses different Go/Return pairs (also the speaker could be muted). 2. Use the console to key on the transmitter. If the transmitter does not key on, check that the dispatch terminal and T803 have been compatibly programmed, i.e: • check 2-wire/4-wire; • check the keytone frequency; • check if function tones are used; • check high level guard tone and function tone periods (if used) are the same. Finally check that the dispatch terminal is sending appropriate signal levels and that tone durations are correct (which are often variable), and that the line is not causing unacceptable attenuation or distortion. 3. If the dispatch terminal can key the transmitter but not change channel, repeater/ base station mode, auxiliary outputs, Rx defeat or cancel alarms, carry out the checks in Step 1 above, but pay particular attention to the function tone programming. 4. If the dispatch terminal can key the transmitter except when speech is present, talkoff is occurring due to the keytone being 27dB lower than peak speech. Adjust the relative levels inside the dispatch terminal (keytone should be 20dB lower than peak speech). 17/05/99 Copyright TEL T803 PCB Information M803-00-PRELIM 5 5.1.1 T803 PCB Information Caution: This equipment contains CMOS devices which are susceptible to damage from static charges. Refer to Section 3.1 for more information on anti-static procedures when handling these devices. This section provides the following information on the T803 and its associated rack frame backplane PCB, the T800-53-0000: • parts list • grid reference index • PCB layouts • circuit diagrams. Section Title IPN Page 5.1 Introduction 5.2 T803 Main & Front Panel PCBs 220-01581-01 5.2.1 5.3 T800-53-0000 Backplane PCB 220-01449-02 5.3.1 Copyright TEL 5.1.3 17/05/99 5.1.2 17/05/99 T803 PCB Information M803-00-PRELIM Copyright TEL T803 PCB Information M803-00-PRELIM 5.1 5.1.3 Introduction PCB Identification All PCBs are identified by a unique 10 digit “internal part number” (IPN), e.g. 220-12345-00, which is screen printed onto the PCB (usually on the top side), as shown in the example below: The last 2 digits of this number define the issue status, which starts at 00 and increments through 01, 02, 03, etc. as the PCB is updated. Some issue PCBs never reach full production status and are therefore not included in this manual. A letter following the 10 digit IPN has no relevance in identifying the PCB for service purposes. Note: It is important that you identify which issue PCB you are working on so that you can refer to the appropriate set of PCB information. Parts Lists The 10 digit numbers (000-00000-00) in this Parts List are “internal part numbers” (IPNs). We can process your spare parts orders more efficiently and accurately if you quote the IPN and provide a brief description of the part. The components listed in this parts list are divided into two main types: those with a circuit reference (e.g. C2, D1, R121, etc.) and those without (miscellaneous and mechanical). Those with a circuit reference are grouped in alphabetical order and then in numerical order within each group. Each component entry comprises three or four columns, as shown below: circuit reference lists components in alphanumeric order variant column indicates that this is a variant component which is fitted only to the product type listed description gives a brief description of the component Internal Part Number order the component by this number The mechanical and miscellaneous section lists the variant and common parts in IPN order. Copyright TEL 17/05/99 T803 PCB Information 5.1.4 M803-00-PRELIM Parts List Amendments At the front of the parts list is the Parts List Amendments box (an example of which is shown below). This box contains a list of component changes which took place after the parts list and diagrams in this section were compiled. These changes (e.g. value changes, added/deleted components, etc.) are listed by circuit reference in alphanumeric order and supersede the information given in the parts list or diagrams. Components without circuit references are listed in IPN order. The number in brackets at the end of each entry refers to the Tait internal Change Order document. IPN of new component Change Order number Parts List Amendments R306 Changed from 180Ω to 560Ω (036-13560-00) to increase sensitivity (71003). circuit reference or IPN description of change Grid Reference Index This section contains a component grid reference index to help you find components and labelled pads on the PCB layouts and circuit diagrams. This index lists the components and pads in alphanumeric order, along with the appropriate alphanumeric grid references, as shown below: components listed in alphanumeric order PCB layout reference circuit diagram reference component location on the sheet sheet number component location on the layer layer number 1 = top side layer 2 = bottom side layer 17/05/99 Copyright TEL T803 PCB Information M803-00-PRELIM 5.1.5 Using CAD Circuit Diagrams Reading a CAD circuit diagram is similar to reading a road map, in that both have an alphanumeric border. The circuit diagrams in this manual use letters to represent the horizontal axis, and numbers for the vertical axis. These circuit diagram “grid references” are useful in following a circuit that is spread over two or more sheets. When a line representing part of the circuitry is discontinued, a reference will be given at the end of the line to indicate where the rest of the circuitry is located, as shown below. The first digit refers to the sheet number and the last two characters refer to the location on that sheet of the continuation of the circuit (e.g. 1R3). DISCRIMINATOR 1R3 2R9 2R9 8A2 C371 %R338 100 10U R339 100K C369 100P these grid references show where the circuit is continued Copyright TEL C301 4N7 R303 L310 33U D 4R4 G S IF-SIG 12 17/05/99 5.1.6 17/05/99 T803 PCB Information M803-00-PRELIM Copyright TEL T803 PCB Information M803-00-PRELIM 5.2 5.2.1 T803 Main & Front Panel PCBs This section contains the following information. IPN 220-01581-01 Copyright TEL Section Page Parts List 5.2.3 Mechanical & Miscellaneous Parts 5.2.7 Grid Reference Index 5.2.8 PCB Layout - Top Side 5.2.11 PCB Layout - Bottom Side 5.2.12 Overview & Front Panel Circuit Diagram 5.2.13 Interface Circuit Diagram 5.2.14 Control & Processing Circuit Diagram 5.2.15 P100 PI Filters Circuit Diagram 5.2.16 SK100 PI Filters Circuit Diagram 5.2.17 SK102 PI Filters Circuit Diagram 5.2.18 17/05/99 5.2.2 17/05/99 T803 PCB Information M803-00-PRELIM Copyright TEL IPN 220-01581-01 M803-00-PRELIM T803 PCB Information 5.2.3 T803 Parts List (IPN 220-01581-01) How To Use This Parts List The components listed in this parts list are divided into two main types: those with a circuit reference (e.g. C2, D1, R121, etc.) and those without (miscellaneous and mechanical). Those with a circuit reference are grouped in alphabetical order and then in numerical order within each group. Each component entry comprises three or four columns: the circuit reference, variant (if applicable), IPN and description. A number in the variant column indicates that this is a variant component which is fitted only to the product type listed. Static sensitive devices are indicated by an (S) at the start of the description column. The miscellaneous and mechanical section lists the variant and common parts in IPN order. Where possible, a number in the legend column indicates their position in the mechanical assembly drawing. The Parts List Amendments box below lists component changes that took place after the parts list and diagrams in this section were compiled. These changes (e.g. value changes, added/deleted components, etc.) are listed by circuit reference in alphanumeric order and supersede the information given in the parts list or diagrams. Components without circuit references are listed in IPN order. Parts List Amendments There were no amendments to the parts list at the time of publication. Copyright TEL IPN 220-01581-01 T803 PCB Information 5.2.4 Ref Var C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C128 C145 C162 C163 C164 C165 C166 C167 C168 C170 C172 C173 C174 C202 C203 C204 C205 C206 C207 C208 C210 C211 C212 C213 C214 C215 C216 C217 C218 C219 C220 C221 C222 C223 C224 C225 C226 C227 C232 C233 C235 C236 C239 C240 C300 C301 C302 C303 C304 C305 C306 C307 C308 C310 C311 C312 C313 C314 C315 C316 C317 C318 C319 C320 C400 C401 C402 C403 C404 C405 C406 C407 C408 C409 C410 C411 C412 C413 C414 C415 C416 C417 C418 C419 C420 C421 C422 C423 C424 C425 C426 17/05/99 M803-00-PRELIM IPN Description Ref IPN Description 015-24100-08 016-08100-01 015-24100-08 015-26100-08 016-08470-01 016-08470-01 015-27100-10 015-24100-08 015-24100-08 016-08470-01 016-08100-01 015-24100-08 015-24100-08 015-24100-08 016-08470-01 016-08100-01 015-24100-08 015-25100-08 015-25100-08 015-25100-08 015-25100-08 016-07470-06 016-07470-06 015-25220-08 015-25220-08 015-24470-08 015-24470-08 015-25100-08 015-23470-08 015-05330-08 015-05330-08 015-23470-08 015-23470-08 015-23470-08 015-25100-08 015-27100-10 015-25100-08 015-27100-10 015-26100-08 015-24100-08 016-08470-01 015-27100-10 015-26100-08 015-24470-08 015-26100-08 015-26100-08 015-24100-08 015-26100-08 015-26100-08 015-25100-08 015-25100-08 015-25100-08 015-25100-08 015-25100-08 015-25100-08 015-25100-08 015-22270-01 015-22270-01 015-25100-08 015-25100-08 015-25100-08 015-25100-08 015-24100-08 015-25100-08 015-22270-01 015-25100-08 015-25100-08 015-25100-08 015-25100-08 015-25100-08 015-25100-08 015-24100-08 015-24100-08 015-24100-08 015-24100-08 015-24100-08 015-24100-08 015-24100-08 015-24100-08 015-24100-08 015-24100-08 015-24100-08 015-24100-08 015-24100-08 015-24100-08 015-24100-08 015-24100-08 015-24100-08 015-24100-08 015-24100-08 015-24100-08 015-24100-08 015-24100-08 015-24100-08 015-24100-08 015-24100-08 015-24100-08 015-24100-08 CAP CER 0805 1N 10% X7R 50V CAP EL 6X4 10M 20% 16V CAP CER 0805 1N 10% X7R 50V CAP CER 0805 100N 10% X7R 50V CAP EL 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040-05500-09 POT 10K LOG 15K10 VERT PCB MTG S1 230-00020-38 SWITCH SPNO THRU HOLE PCB MTG Copyright TEL Var 5.2.5 17/05/99 IPN 220-01581-01 T803 PCB Information 5.2.6 Ref IPN Description S2 Var 230-00020-38 SWITCH SPNO THRU HOLE PCB MTG SK1 SK2 SK100 SK101 240-10000-07 240-04021-60 240-04021-80 240-10000-07 CONN SMD SKT 16W 2R M-MATCH SKT P/JACK 6-WAY VER 69254-001 SKT 8WAY RJ45 R/A PCB LOW-PROF CONN SMD SKT 16W 2R M-MATCH T200 T201 054-00010-16 054-00010-16 (L) XFMR LINE 600 OHM 1:1 (L) XFMR LINE 600 OHM 1:1 XL300 274-00010-59 XTAL 18.432MHz HC-49/U 17/05/99 M803-00-PRELIM Ref Var IPN Description Copyright TEL IPN 220-01581-01 T803 PCB Information M803-00-PRELIM 5.2.7 T803 Mechanical & Miscellaneous Parts (220-01581-01) IPN Legend Description 201-00030-08 WIRE T/C 7/0.2 PVC GREY 201-00030-10 WIRE T/C 7/0.2 PVC BLACK 219-02685-00 TONE REMOTE RIBBON CABLE LOOM 220-01581-01 PCB T803-00-0000 TONE REMOTE 230-00010-38 SWITCH EXTENDER CAP 19MM S1 & S2 240-00020-72 HEADER 2W PCB MG ULTREX 240-04020-42 SKT 44 PIN SMD PLCC IC311 240-04020-76 SKT RECEP CRIMP 4 ULTREX HOUS 252-00010-74 SPEAKER 36MM 16E MERRY 303-23149-00 COVER SIDE T1511-20-0000 308-01007-02 HANDLE BASE STN-SII INT THREAD 316-06706-00 PNL FRT SUB CHASSIS 14mm 316-06707-00 PNL FRT T803-00-0000 316-21252-00 PNL REAR T803-00-0000 (RJ45) 318-01037-00 RAIL CHAS T1511-20 EXTR ALUM 345-00040-08 SCRW M3*12MM P/POZ ST BZ 345-00040-09 SCRW M3*6MM CSK POZI TRUNC 345-00050-04 SCRW M4X10MM CSK POZI ST BZ 349-00020-08 SCRW T/T 4-40X3/8 CSK POZI BZ 349-00020-09 SCRW T/T 4-40X3/8 IN P/POZ BLK 349-00020-36 SCREW TT M3X8m PANTORX BLK 365-00100-20 LABEL WHITE S/A 28X11MM 365-01391-01 LABEL 30*10.8 T/MARK VOID 369-01035-01 TAPE DIE CUT T3000 SPKR-F/P 399-00010-51 BAG PLASTIC 75*100MM 410-01081-01 CRT T800 SERIES II Copyright TEL IPN Legend Description 17/05/99 IPN 220-01581-01 T803 PCB Information 5.2.8 M803-00-PRELIM T803 Grid Reference Index (IPN 220-01581-01) How To Use This Grid Reference Index The first digit in the PCB layout reference is a "1" or "2", indicating the top or bottom side layout respectively, and the last two characters give the location of the component on that diagram. The first digit in the circuit diagram reference is the sheet number, and the last two characters give the location of the component on that sheet. Device PCB Circuit Device PCB Circuit Device PCB Circuit Device PCB Circuit C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C128 C145 C162 C163 C164 C165 C166 C167 C168 C170 C172 C173 C174 C202 C203 C204 C205 C206 C207 C208 C210 C211 C212 C213 C214 C215 C216 C217 C218 C219 C220 C221 C222 C223 C224 C225 C226 C227 *C228 *C230 *C231 C232 C233 *C234 C235 C236 *C237 C239 C240 C300 C301 C302 1:Q10 1:Q11 1:Q11 1:S11 1:S11 1:S7 1:S7 1:H5 1:H5 1:H5 1:H8 1:H8 1:H3 1:H3 1:H4 1:H4 1:G4 1:G5 1:G5 1:G5 1:F5 1:C12 1:C9 1:C12 1:C9 1:C12 1:C9 1:F4 1:F12 1:F12 1:F10 1:F10 1:F11 1:F10 1:F7 1:C15 1:F11 1:D15 1:D15 1:F8 1:B14 1:C14 1:D15 1:E15 1:D14 1:E13 1:D14 1:G13 1:E15 1:F7 1:G15 1:F13 1:E13 1:H13 1:F8 1:E15 1:L15 1:M15 1:K13 1-N3 1-O3 1-O3 1-P3 1-Q3 1-Q4 1-R3 1-A0 1-B0 1-B0 1-C0 1-D0 1-E0 1-F0 1-F0 1-G0 1-G0 1-H0 1-H0 1-I0 2-E2 2-E9 2-E8 2-F9 2-F8 2-F9 2-F8 2-G4 2-G9 2-G9 2-G8 2-G7 2-H9 2-H7 2-H5 2-K5 2-J9 2-L5 2-L4 2-N2 2-N7 2-M4 2-M4 2-M5 2-N4 2-N8 2-N5 2-N4 2-N7 2-O1 2-N2 2-P8 2-P5 2-O4 2-O2 2-K5 3-A9 3-B9 3-D9 C303 C304 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IC206 *IC207 IC208 IC209 IC300 IC300 IC301 IC303 IC303 IC303 IC303 IC303 IC307 IC310 IC311 IC312 IC313 1:R12 1:S9 1:R7 1:H6 1:G3 1:F4 1:E3 1:F6 1:F3 1:F11 1:F14 1:D14 1:G14 1:F8 1:G11 1:L14 1:L14 1:G12 1:H9 1:H9 1:H9 1:H9 1:H9 1:L11 1:L9 1:L7 1:K6 1:G9 1-O3 1-P1 1-R3 1-C0 1-F0 2-F1 2-F3 2-G4 2-H3 2-J8 2-O7 2-O4 2-O2 2-P1 2-S0 3-F5 3-B9 3-F2 3-K8 3-J8 3-I8 3-I8 3-I9 3-J1 3-M5 3-P5 3-Q1 3-R3 D1 D1 D2 D2 2:T9 2:T9 2:T8 2:T8 1-T2 1-S2 1-T2 1-S2 JP200 JP201 *JP210 JP300 JP301 JP302 JP303 JP304 JP306 JP307 1:F15 1:E13 1:B15 1:K15 1:J15 1:J15 1:J15 1:J15 1:H9 1:H9 2-L8 2-M8 2-M6 3-F7 3-E5 3-F5 3-E4 3-F4 3-P3 3-P3 L1 L114 1:Q11 1:J5 1-O3 1-B0 17/05/99 Copyright TEL IPN 220-01581-01 T803 PCB Information M803-00-PRELIM 5.2.9 Device PCB Circuit Device PCB Circuit Device PCB Circuit Device PCB Circuit L131 L132 L200 L201 L202 L203 L400 L401 L402 L403 L404 L405 L406 L407 L408 L409 L410 L411 L412 L413 L414 L415 L416 L417 L418 L419 L420 L421 L422 L423 L424 L425 L426 L500 L501 L502 L503 L504 L505 L506 L507 L508 L509 L510 L511 L512 L513 L600 L601 L602 L603 L604 L605 L606 1:H3 1:G5 1:C12 1:C12 1:C9 1:C9 1:E8 1:E8 1:D6 1:E6 1:D7 1:D4 1:D3 1:D5 1:D5 1:E5 1:E4 1:E3 1:D6 1:D8 1:E8 1:E7 1:E7 1:E6 1:D7 1:D3 1:E3 1:C3 1:E5 1:E5 1:E4 1:D5 1:D4 1:M5 1:M5 1:M5 1:M4 1:M4 1:M3 1:M3 1:N5 1:N5 1:N5 1:N4 1:N4 1:N3 1:N3 1:J3 1:K3 1:L3 1:J3 1:K3 1:K3 1:L3 1-E0 1-H0 2-E9 2-E8 2-E8 2-E8 4-H8 4-H8 4-H7 4-H6 4-H6 4-H5 4-H4 4-H4 4-H3 4-H2 4-H1 4-H1 4-H0 4-J9 4-J8 4-J7 4-J7 4-J6 4-J5 4-J5 4-J4 4-J3 4-J2 4-J2 4-J1 4-J0 4-J0 5-F8 5-F7 5-F6 5-F5 5-F4 5-F3 5-F2 5-G8 5-G7 5-G6 5-G5 5-G4 5-G3 5-G2 6-E6 6-E5 6-E4 6-G6 6-G5 6-G4 6-G3 2-T1 2-L5 2-L7 3-E6 3-E5 3-E3 3-F7 3-G3 3-G4 3-H9 3-H8 3-I2 3-K4 3-K3 3-H7 3-M4 3-M4 3-M4 3-M4 3-M4 3-M4 3-M4 3-M4 3-M4 3-M4 3-M4 3-M4 3-M4 3-L3 3-P4 3-P4 3-P4 3-P4 3-P4 3-P4 3-O2 3-P2 3-Q3 3-Q3 3-R6 TP304 TP305 TP306 1:J13 1:J12 1:H12 3-G4 3-E3 3-G3 XL300 1:J14 3-G4 RV1 2:R6 1-S3 S1 S2 *S300 2:T5 2:T4 1:G8 1-T1 1-S1 3-R3 *SG200 *SG201 1:B12 1:B9 2-D9 2-D8 SK1 SK2 SK100 SK101 *SK102 1:R8 2:S2 1:B11 1:P4 1:K3 1-M2 1-T0 1-B9 1-K2 1-L3 1-T3 1-B3 1-U8 1-U6 3-H3 3-R0 T200 T201 1:D12 1:D10 2-G9 2-G8 Q201 Q202 Q203 1:B14 1:B14 1:J5 2-L7 2-L7 2-G0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R7 R8 R9 R10 R12 1:Q3 1:S7 1:R7 1:S9 1:S9 1:S8 1:S9 1:S8 1:S8 1:S7 1-O0 1-S3 1-T3 1-S2 1-T2 1-S2 1-T2 1-S2 1-T2 1-S1 1-T1 1-S0 1-T0 1-H0 2-E2 2-E2 2-E2 2-E1 2-E1 2-E1 2-E1 2-E1 2-E1 2-E5 2-E5 2-E5 2-E5 2-E5 2-E5 2-E5 2-M2 2-F5 2-N2 2-F5 2-F5 2-F5 2-F5 2-G5 2-G5 2-H5 2-K8 2-H8 2-I8 2-J8 2-K8 2-L7 2-L5 2-L8 2-L5 2-L5 2-L5 2-L8 2-L7 2-L4 2-L8 2-M5 2-M7 2-M4 2-M8 2-M8 2-M5 2-M5 2-M7 2-M3 2-M4 2-M3 2-N7 2-N8 2-N5 2-M3 2-N5 2-N1 2-M3 2-N4 2-N3 2-O1 2-O9 2-O6 2-R0 2-O4 2-G0 2-G0 2-S7 2-S5 2-S3 2-S1 1:G11 1:E15 1:B15 1:L15 1:J13 1:H12 1:K15 1:L15 1:M15 1:H9 1:J10 1:L13 1:K12 1:K13 1:K15 1:K9 1:L9 1:K9 1:L9 1:K9 1:L9 1:K9 1:L9 1:J7 1:J7 1:J6 1:J7 1:J7 1:K13 1:N10 1:N10 1:G10 1:N10 1:J8 1:J8 1:L6 1:L5 1:G9 1:H9 1:M8 2:Q5 1:B5 1:P9 1:P9 1:P14 1:K4 1:S8 1:R13 1:R13 1:F5 1:F5 1:E5 1:E5 1:E5 1:E4 1:E4 1:E4 1:E4 1:H11 1:E6 1:E6 1:E6 1:E7 1:G6 1:G6 1:E6 1:F8 1:E6 1:F8 1:E6 1:E7 1:G6 1:G6 1:G7 1:E7 1:G6 1:F13 1:F10 1:F11 1:F12 1:F13 1:B15 1:C15 1:F15 1:D15 1:D15 1:C15 1:E15 1:B14 1:D15 1:F13 1:D15 1:C15 1:D15 1:F15 1:E13 1:E15 1:D13 1:C15 1:G15 1:C14 1:G13 1:C14 1:E13 1:D13 1:G15 1:E15 1:F7 1:G13 1:D14 1:G15 1:F8 1:G13 1:E13 1:H10 1:H13 1:J5 1:K5 1:G12 1:G12 1:G12 1:H11 R277 R280 R281 R301 R302 R303 R310 R311 R312 R313 R314 R317 R318 R320 R321 R322 R323 R324 R325 R326 R327 R328 R330 R331 R332 R333 R334 R335 R336 R341 R342 R343 R344 R345 R346 R347 R348 R351 R352 R353 P1 P100 P101 P101 *P300 *P301 R13 R14 R15 R100 R201 R202 R203 R204 R205 R206 R207 R208 R209 R210 R211 R212 R213 R214 R215 R216 R217 R218 R219 R220 R221 R223 R224 R225 R226 R227 R228 R229 R230 R231 R232 R233 R234 R235 R236 R237 R238 R240 R241 R242 R243 R244 R245 R246 R247 R248 R250 R251 R252 *R253 R254 *R255 R256 R257 R258 *R260 R261 R262 *R263 R264 *R265 R266 R267 R268 R269 *R270 R271 R272 R273 R274 R275 R276 TP200 TP201 TP202 TP203 TP204 TP205 TP206 TP207 TP208 TP209 TP211 TP212 TP213 TP300 TP301 TP302 TP303 1:F12 1:G12 1:B14 1:C14 1:G12 1:F12 1:H12 1:C14 1:H12 1:J13 1:G12 1:G12 1:H12 1:J12 1:J12 1:H13 1:J13 2-L8 2-L3 2-M7 2-M5 2-M8 2-Q4 2-Q2 2-R7 2-P3 2-L3 2-R8 2-R5 2-R3 3-C5 3-C5 3-C4 3-G5 Copyright TEL 17/05/99 IPN 220-01581-01 5.2.10 17/05/99 T803 PCB Information M803-00-PRELIM Copyright TEL T800-53-0000 PCB Information M803-00-PRELIM 5.3 5.3.1 T800-53-0000 Backplane PCB This section contains the following information. IPN 220-01449-02 Copyright TEL Section Page Parts List 5.3.3 PCB Layout - Top Side 5.3.5 PCB Layout - Bottom Side 5.3.6 Circuit Diagram 5.3.7 17/05/99 5.3.2 17/05/99 T800-53-0000 PCB Information M803-00-PRELIM Copyright TEL IPN 220-01449-02 M803-00-PRELIM T800-53-0000 PCB Information 5.3.3 T800-53-0000 Parts List (IPN 220-01449-02) How To Use This Parts List The components listed in this parts list are divided into two main types: those with a circuit reference (e.g. C2, D1, R121, etc.) and those without (miscellaneous and mechanical). Those with a circuit reference are grouped in alphabetical order and then in numerical order within each group. Each component entry comprises three or four columns: the circuit reference, variant (if applicable), IPN and description. A number in the variant column indicates that this is a variant component which is fitted only to the product type listed. Static sensitive devices are indicated by an (S) at the start of the description column. The miscellaneous and mechanical section lists the variant and common parts in IPN order. Where possible, a number in the legend column indicates their position in the mechanical assembly drawing. The Parts List Amendments box below lists component changes that took place after the parts list and diagrams in this section were compiled. These changes (e.g. value changes, added/deleted components, etc.) are listed by circuit reference in alphanumeric order and supersede the information given in the parts list or diagrams. Components without circuit references are listed in IPN order. Parts List Amendments There were no amendments to the parts list at the time of publication. Copyright TEL IPN 220-01449-02 T800-53-0000 PCB Information 5.3.4 Ref IPN Description D1 D5 D6 Var 001-00011-70 001-00015-12 001-00011-70 S) DIODE 1N4001 1A/50V S) DIODE ZEN 5V6 0.4W 5% S) DIODE 1N4001 1A/50V Q1 000-50010-60 S) XSTR AI BC327 PNP TO92 AF R1 R2 R5 030-06180-00 030-05100-00 032-32100-00 RES FILM 180K 5% 0.25W 7X2.5 RES FILM 10K 5% 0.25W 7X2.5 RES M/F PWR 10E 5% 1W 10X4MM RV1 042-05100-10 RES PRE 10K CER 9.5MM SQ FLAT SK1 SK2 SK3 SK4 SK5 SK6 SK7 SK8 SK10 240-02020-15 240-02020-15 240-02020-15 240-02020-15 240-02020-15 240-02020-15 240-02020-15 240-04021-60 240-02020-20 SKT 15 DRANGE PCB PLUS PCB HW SKT 15 DRANGE PCB PLUS PCB HW SKT 15 DRANGE PCB PLUS PCB HW SKT 15 DRANGE PCB PLUS PCB HW SKT 15 DRANGE PCB PLUS PCB HW SKT 15 DRANGE PCB PLUS PCB HW SKT 15 DRANGE PCB PLUS PCB HW SKT P/JACK 6-WAY VER 69254-001 SKT 25 DRANGE PCB PLUS FULL HW SW1 230-00010-19 SWITCH*8 SPST DIP PKG 220-01449-02 240-00020-59 240-00020-68 240-04020-62 349-00020-03 PCB TONE-REMOTE 3 BIN BACKPLAN HEADER 3 W 1 R PCB MTG HEADER 2W PCB MTG STD SKT 2 W RECEP SHORTING LINK SCRW T/T 4-40X1/4IN P/POZ 17/05/99 M803-00-PRELIM Ref Var IPN Description Copyright TEL IPN 220-01449-02 T800-53-0000 PCB Information M803-00-PRELIM 5.3.5 TX-AUX2 LINK2 TX-AUX1 SK7 LINK1 TX-AUX0 0PTO- 0PT0+ TX-KEY TX-AUDIO TXAUDIO2 CTCSS LINK4 LINK6 SW1 LINK3 LINK7 RX-AUX0 RX-AUX1 RX-AUX2 RV1 RELAY-NO RELAY-CO RXAUDIO2 D1 RX-AUDIO LINK5 R2 R1 Q1 R5 D5 D6 SK8 SK10 T800-53-0000 PCB (IPN 220-01449-02) - Top Side Copyright TEL 17/05/99 IPN 220-01449-02 T800-53-0000 PCB Information SK2 SK3 SK5 SK6 SK4 SK2 SK3 SK5 SK6 SK4 SK1 M803-00-PRELIM SK1 5.3.6 T800-53-0000 PCB (IPN 220-01449-02) - Bottom Side 17/05/99 Copyright TEL
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