82122900_3290 D_Display_Equipment_Oct68 82122900 3290 D Display Equipment Oct68
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CONTROL DATA® MODEL 3290·0 DISPLAY EQUIPMENT CONTROL DATA • General Description • Operation • Programm i ng HARDWARE REFERENCE MANUAL MODEL 3290-D DISPLAY EQUIPMENT HARDWARE REFERENCE MANUAL SECTIONS IN THIS MANUAL: Section I General Description Section II Operation Section III Programming Any comments concerning this publication should be addressed to: Control Data Corporation Technical Publ ication Department 2401 North Fairview Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55113 Publication No. 82122900 April 1968 Changed October 1968 C> Copyright 1968 Control Data Corporation PRINTED I N USA Model 3290-0 Display Equipment HARDWARE REFERENCE MANUAL Revised Edition REVISION RECORD REVI SION A-O-O DESCRIPTION Released (3-8-68) Revised - to incorporat~~9ption lC>..03~-C (80 by 13 display A-I-0 (8-13-68) format) which is used in the Display Controller. Affected pages are: cover, title, copyright, A, i, 1-1, 1-3, 1-4, 3-14, 3-30, 3-31, 3-32, 3-33. -- DOl 219 REV 3/68 82122900 A 3290 FOREWORD This manual contains infonnation to guide personnel in operating the CONTROL DATA Model 3290-D Display Equipment. This manual explains the operation of the display equipment from a user's point of view and bridges the gap between the more detai led customer eng ineering publications for each device. Discussion in th is manual is arranged in three basic sections. A brief outl ine of each section follows: Section I, General Description descriptions, and electrical data. contains functional, operotional, physical Section II, Operation lists controls and their functions and explains operating procedures through use of the controls. Section III, Programming gives programm ing aspects of the display equipment. Information is provided on function codes, status codes, interface signals, word formats, etc. For a more detailed description of the equipment described herein, reference the Model 211-G, H, J, K, l, P Display Station Reference/Customer Engineering Manual (publication number 82117800), Model 218-F, G Printer Station Reference/ Customer Engineering Manual (publ ication number 82132900), and Model 3290-0 (with 215-8 Poller and including Option l0033-C) Customer Engineering tv\anual, Books 1 through 4 (publication numbers 82123000, 82123100, 82135600, 82123200, and 82123300, respectively). 82122900 Changed 10/68 3290 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Section I GENERAL DESCRIPTION Operational Description Functional Description Environmental Conditions Physical Data Display Controller Electrical Data Display Station Electrical Data Printer Station Electrical Data Conven ience Outlets II OPERATION Controls Display Controller Display Station Printer Station Operating Procedures Turn On/Turn Off Typical Operation Sequence III 2-1 2-1 2-5 2-8 2-9 2-10 2-10 PROGRAMMING Interface Signal lines Data lines (12) Parity line Connect line Function line Read line Write Line Data Signal line Master C lear line Channel Busy line Negate BCD Conversion Line ii 1-1 1-2 1-4 1-4 1-6 1-7 1-7 1-9 3-1 3-1 3-1 3-1 3-3 3-3 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 82122900 3290 TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONT) Section III APPENDIX 1 - Reply line Reiect line Suppress Assembly/Disassembly line End of Record line Parity Error line Status lines (12) Interrupt lines (8) Interface Control Codes Connect Code Function Codes Status Codes Interrupts Symbol Data Word Formats Read;Write Operations Read Operation Initiated by a Requesting Station Read Operation Initiated by the Computer Write Operation to a local Display Station Write Operation to Poller Programming Aids Programm ing Restri ctions Poller Translation InterfaceS ignals Poller Control Codes Symbol Subset Message Format Error Processing Poller Symbol Repertoire CONVERSION TABLES 3-4 3-5 3-5 3-6 3-6 3-6 3-6 3-6 3-7 3-7 3-7 3-11 3-12 3-14 3-19 3-20 3-21 3-21 3-21 3-22 3-22 3-23 3-23 3-26 3-28 3-30 3-35 3-36 1A-1 AlPAHBETICAl INDEX 82122900 iii 3290 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Section I GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5 1-6 II 1-0 1-3 1-6 1-7 1-8 1-8 Display Controller Maintenance Panel Auxiliary Maintenance Panel A-C Control Panel Display Controller Interface Panel Data Set Interface Pane I Display Station Display Station Keyboard Printer Station Typewriter Controls Typical Operation Sequence Flow Diagram 2-1 2-3 2-3 2-4 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-9 2-11 PROGRAMMING 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5 3-6 3-7 3-8 3-9 3-10 iv Typical Set of Display Equipment Display Station Functional Diagram Display Equipment Block Diagram Display Controller Physical Data Display Station Physical Data Printer Station Physical Data OPERATION 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7 2-8 2-9 III Page Figure Computer/Display Controller Interface Lines Connect Code Symbol Code Quick Reference Chart Connect Sequence Function Sequence Simplified Read Timing Simplified Write Timing Poller Interface Signals Genera I Message Format Symbol and Function Codes, Binary Translation 3-2 3-7 3-14 3-17 3-18 3-20 3-21 3-24 3-30 3-37 82122900 3290 LIST OF TABLES Section I GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1-1 1-2 1-3 II 1-5 1-5 1-5 Maintenance Panel Controls and Indicators Turn On/Turn Off Procedures 2-2 2-10 PROGRAMMING 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5 3-6 3-7 3-8 3-9 3-10 82122900 Display Controller Environmental Conditions Display Station Environmental Conditions Printer Station Environmental Conditions OPERATION 2-1 2-2 III Page Table Display Controller Function Codes Display Controller Starus Conditions Display Controller Interrupts Symbol Repertoire Word Formats Control Codes Symbol Subset Conversion to Computer Symbol Subset Conversion from Computer Messages Sent by the Poller Messages Received by the Poller 3-8 3-10 3-12 3-13 3-15 3-26 3-29 3-29 3-31 3-33 v I o Figure 1-1. Typical Set of Display Equipment 3290 SECTION I GENERAL DESCRIPTION The display equipnent, designed for use with a CONTROL DATA 3000 Series computer, consists of a Display Controller and a combination (not to exceed 12) of Display Stations, Pri nter Stations, and po II ers • A typical set of display equipment is shown in figure 1-1. The display equipment provides access to data storage and computational capabil ities of a central computer complex by means of inquiry and retrieval Display Stations. To obtain hardcopy records of displayed messages, transfer data to an associated off-line Printer Station. The poller allows communications between the computer and remote sites. The Display Stations and/or Printer Stations may be located as far as 1000 feet from the Dispray Controller. A Display Station and its associated logic circu itry must be employed for every Printer Station used; however, one Printer Station may serve more than one Display Station. The poller assembly controls communications between the 3000 Series computer and a remote terminal Display Controller. Communications between the poller assembly and the remote Display Controller take place over conventional phone lines utilizing a DATA-PHONE * Data Set 201A or 2018. OPERATIONAL DESCRIPTION. Data is entered on>the Display Station 14-inch (diagonal measurement) cathode ray tube (crt) screen from the computer at an approximate rate of 50,000 symbols per second and from the Display Station keyboard at operator typing speeds. Standard display format is 20 lines of 50 symbols per line within a nominal 8-inchwide by 6-inch-high raster area. An optional display format is available with 13 lines of 80 symbols per line. Symbol intensity is adiustable and the P4 phosphor-coated crt makes displays clearly legible in normal office lighting. Data presented on the display screen is refreshed at a flicker-free rate of 50 cycles per second. Symbol dimensions are nominally 1/8-inch wide by 1/4-inch high. * Trademark of AT&T 82122900 Changed 10/68 1-1 General Description 3290 Section I An entry marker, displayed as an underline, conveniently indicates to the operator where the next symbol will appear. The entry marker can be positioned anywhere with in the 8 by 6 inch viewing area and moves automatically across the page as each symbol is typed, or inserted by the computer. At the end of a line, the entry marker automatically moves to the first symbol position in the next line down. When it reaches the end of the last I ine on the page, it automatically moves to the first symbol position in the upper left corner of the screen. Positioning the entry marker at the end of the print message and depressing the keyboard PRINT key transmits displayed messages to an associated Printer Station. Data from the top of the screen to the entry marker position is transmitted to the Printer Station and typed out at the rate of 15.5 symbols per second on continuous strip paper 9-7/8 inches wide and perforated for folding and tearing at ll-inch intervals. FU NCTIONAL DESCRIPTION. The remainder of Section I describes in more detail primary Display Controller, Display Station, and Printer Station functions. The Display Controller consists of an interface, central control and symbol generator assembly, station driver assemblies, printer driver assembl ies, and may contain up to two poller assemblies. On diagrams and some figures the central control and symbol generator assembly is referred to as CBU, station drivers as SDU's and printer drivers as PCU·s. The interface enables Display Controller communications with a 3000 Series computer. Two cables (up to 200 feet long), identified as "All and "BII, provide the data link between the computer and Display Controller. Twisted-pair signal lines, contained in cables A and B, are described under interface signals in Section III. Symbol generation, timing, and data flow gating logic are contained in the central control and symbol generator assembly. Video pulse trains, representing symbols, are developed in the symbol generator. These pulse trains are made available to each station driver. The station driver selects the proper pulse train and transmits it to the crt where it is displayed by unblanking the beam in a 5 by 7 dot matrix. Symbol dimensions are, nominally, 1/8-inch wide by 1/4-inch high. Each station driver contains logic circuitry controlling the operation of a Display Station. It receives data from the Display Station keyboard and the central control symbol generator assembly. All data sent to the station driver is stored in an assoc iated 1-2 82122900 3290 Section I General Description 10-millisecond magnetostrictive delay-line memory. All stored data is assembled and decoded in each station driver, fed to the Display Station, and displayed on the crt. The display remains visible as long as stored data is continually refreshed on the crt. Figure 1-2 is a functional diagram of the Display Station. DISPLAY CONTROLLER MATRIX 7 5 ENTER L TTER A FROM KEYBOARD Figure 1-2. Display Station Functional Diagram One symbol requires 16.8 microseconds to display while one line is displayed in 991.2 microseconds. Twenty lines of 50 symbols, therefore, require 19.824 milliseconds allowing 9 symbol times for horizontal retrace. Thirteen lines of 80 symbols require 19.437 milliseconds. A printer driver contains the Printer Station control logic. Data from the station driver assembly register is translated and sent to the printer driver. Printer control and priority control logic are in the printer driver. One Printer Station can serve as an output device for up to 10 Display Stations if one poller is used or it can be used for an output device for up to 9 Display Stations if two pollers are used. 82122900 Changed 10/68 1-3 General Description 3290 Section I Each Printer Station contains a Selectric * typewriter; depressing the PRINT key at a Display Station activates the typewriter. If the PRINT keys at several Display Stations associated with a Printer Station are depressed while the Printer Station is busy printing, the requests are processed in order of lowest Display Station number. Type set is designated IIData No. 111 ** and type spacing is 10 symbols per inch in a line with 6 lines per inch. The printer uses a black fabric ribbon to type symbols on a 9-7/8-inch-wide continuous strip paper. The paper is perforated for folding and tearing at ll-inch intervals. Feed holes are 9-3/8 inches apart and spaced 1/2 inch in the longitudinal direction. Printout is accomplished at the following speeds: print one symbol, 64.5 milliseconds; carriage return, 129.0 milliseconds; shift, 64.5 milliseconds; and space, 64.5 milliseconds. The Display Controller may contain a maximum of two pollers. Data is sent to or from the remote stations via the poller in 8-bit serial codes. The Data Set synchronizes all received or transmitted data. A poller controls the remote site1s requests to transfer data by periodically polling (scanning) them in sequential order. ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS. The Display Controller operates at normal room temperature but has a blower assembly housing located beneath the logic chassis assemblies for specific cooling of the logic chassis. The Display Stations and Printer Stations also operate at normal room temperature but are cooled by radiation and convection. Tables 1-1 through 1-3 list specific environmental limitations for all three units. PHYSICAL DATA. The display equ ipment configuration may consist of no more than 12 Display Stations, Printer Stations, and pollers. No more than two pollers may be employed, so the maximum display equipment configuration that would be possible locally would be a combination of ten Display Stations and/or Printer Stations with two pollers. The pollers are capable of communicating with up to 16 remote Display Controllers. Refer to figure 1-3. * IBM ** IBM 1-4 Trademark. Classification. 82122900 Changed 10/68 Section I 3290 General Description TABLE 1-1. DISPLAY CONTROLLER ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS OPERATIONAL Normal/Standby CONDITION NONOPERATIONAL Stor~ge/Tran_s~t (Note 1) Temperature +65 F to +85 F - 30 F to + 150 F Relative Humidity 10 to 900k a to Altitude - 1000 to + 10,000 feet - 1000 to + 15, 000 feet Note 1 Note 2 - 1000k (Note 2) packed for shipment. includes condensation in the form of mo istu re or frost. TABLE 1-2. DISPLAY STATION ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS OPERATIONAL Normal/Standby CONDITION NONOPERATIONAL Storage/Transit (Note 1) Temperature +65 F to + 100 F - 65 F to + 160 F Relative Humidity 40 to 600k 10 to 900k (Note 2) Altitude 8, 000 feet 12, 000 feet Note 1 - packed for sh ipment. Note 2 - includes condensation in the form of moisture or frost. TABLE 1-3. PRINTER STATION ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS OPERATIONAL Norma I/S tandby CONDITION NONOPERATIONAL Storage/Transit (Note 1) Temperature + 60 F to + 100 F - 30 F to + 150 F Relative Humidity 10 to 900k 5 to 1000/0 (Note 2) Altitude - 1000 to + 10, 000 feet - 1000 to + 15,000 feet 82122900 Note 1 - packed for shipment. Note 2 - includes condensation in the form of moisture or frost. 1-5 3290 General Description UPTO 8 REMOTE SITES .- Section I CONTROL DATA 3000 SERIES COMPUTER DATA SET DATA SET TO 8 --. UP REMOTE SITES DISPLAY CONTROLLER - POLLER - INTERFACE POLLER CENTRAL CONTROL AND SYMBOL GENERATOR I PRINTER DRIVER I STATION DRIVER / "'- / PRINTER STATION -- TOTAL COMBINATION: UP TO 11 WITH T POLLER UP TO 10 WITH 2 POllERS ~. .. ---- DISPLAY STATION Figure 1-3. Display Equipment Block Diagram Physical construction of the display equipment incorporates latest recognized factors in engineering, convenience, and safety to operating personnel Figures 1-4 through 1-6 show the dimensions and approximate weight of the Display Controller, Display Station, and Printer Station respectively. 0 DISPLAY CONTROLLER ELECTRICAL DATA. The Display Controller requires 57 to 63 Hz, 187 to 216 volts, 3-phase alternating current of 8 amperes. Each station driver or printer driver requires 0.4 ampere in addition to that required for the Display Controller. 1-6 82122900 Section I 3290 General Description NOTE: Only on units with pollers. - - - . . Figure 1-4. Display Controller Physical Data DISPLAY STATION ELECTRICAL DATA. The Display Station requires 115/23Q-volt, 50/60-Hz, 3-wire, single-phase power. Power expended is 130 watts with heat dissipation of 465 Btu per hour. Voltage potentials in the Display Station range from - 16 volts dc to 10 kilovolts. PRINTER STATION ELECTRICAL DATA. The Printer Station requires 120-volt, single-phase, 60-Hz power. It has a maxi mum current rating of 1 .0 ampere, dissipates 400 Btu per hour, and is cooled by rad iation and convection. 82122900 1-7 3290 General Description Section I . 1-17-3/4"-j I 16-5/8 11 -! Figure 1-5. Display Station Physical Data 24-5/8" ----~ 28" WEIGHT = 175 POUNDS Figure 1-6. Printer Station Physical Data 1-8 82122900 Section I 3290 General Description CONVENIENCE OUTLETS. To facilitate the use of test equipment during periods of maintenance, Control Data requires that a convenience outlet be available within 15 feet of each system component cabinet. The outlets may be located in the walls or raised floor panels and must not be obstructed by storage racks or other furniture. The receptacles shall be of the single-phase grounded type, installed according to local electrical codes. For 60-hertz installations, the nominal voltage shall be 120 volts. For 50-hertz installations, the nominal voltage shall be 220, 230, or 240 volts, as dictated by the single-phase power available at the site. 82122900 1-9 3290 SECTION II OPERATION Th is section contains a I ist of control s for operation and maintenance of the display equipment and also contains information on data inquiry, and turn on/turn off procedures. CONTROLS. Display Equipment controls are divided into three groups: Display Controller, Display Station, and Printer Station. Following paragraphs explain control usage within each group. The Display Controller maintenance panel controls apply power and enable checking the display equipment operational sequence. Display Station controls apply power and adiust crt intensity. The Display Station keyboard enters data into the . display equipment and controls its destination. Printer Station controls apply power to the hardcopy printer. DISPLAY CONTROLLER. Figure 2-1 shows the Display Controller maintenance panel explains the ca II outs • 3 0 4 Table 2-1 5 6 Figure 2-1. Display Controller Maintenance Panel 82122900 2-1 Operation 3290 Section III TABLE 2-1. MAINTENANCE PANE L CONTROLS AND INDICATORS CONTROL NAME CONTROL TYPE 1 SDU BUSY 1 through 12 Indicators white Indicates the print busy status of each Display Station. 2 SDU ACTIVE 1 through 12 Indicators white Indicates the input/output status of each Display Station .. 3 CONNECT Indicator white Indicates the Display Controller is connected to the compu ter by a compu ter connect code. 4 PARITY Indicator red Indicates the Display Controller has detected a transmission parity error. 5 POllER TEST/ RUN/MASTER CLEAR lever switch 3-position POLlER TEST allows communications between remote site and poller. RUN enables normal Display Controller operation. MASTER CLEAR clears Display Controller logic and all data from the delay-line memory within each station driver. 6 POWER ON/OFF Two pushbutt()ns Turns Display Controller cabinet power on and off. CALLOUT FUNCTION The auxiliary maintenance panel (figure 2-2) contains a toggle switch and a light for each of the sixteen possible remote sites (8 for each poller). The corresponding site address for each switch is labeled directly below the switch. If a switch is in the down position, the corresponding remote site receives a poll message from the poller. If it is in the up position, its site address is not polled in the poller sequence .. The indicator for each site, located directly above the switch, illuminates when a poll message is initiated to its corresponding remote site. The indicator extinguishes when the poller receives an errorless message from that site. If a particular indicator remains illuminated indefinitely I there is a communications 2-2 82122900 3290 Section II Operation problem between that site and the poller. The switch corresponding to th is indicator should then be placed in the up position This will extinguish the light and remove the site from the system 0 0 Figure 2-2. Auxiliary Maintenance Panel Circuit breaker CB 1 on the a-c control panel (figure 2-3) applies primary 20B-volt, 3-phase power to the Display Controller. Also on this panel are two 120-volt ac convenience outlets and a meter, Ml, which indicates the total number of hours power has been appl ied to the Display Controller. The six fuses located on the panel provide circuit protection for the power supplies, blower assembly, and convenience outletso V! 1$ ....-- CIRCUIT BREAKER ,Figure 2-3. A-C Control Panel {8.212'2900 .2-3 3290 Operation Section II The interface panel contains the EQU IPMENT SELECTOR rotary switch (figure 2-4) for selecting a specific exterr)al equipment address 0 through 7 for the Display Controller. The switch setting also determines which interrupt line to the computer is used. Four receptacles are provided for connecting the Display Controller to the computer; only two are used at one time. The other two shou Id be terminated if not in use. : • .... " 6 " $EI.£~ I 1;U_IIT Jill J21l Figure 2-4. Display Controller Interface Panel Figure 2-5 shows the Data Set interf~ce panel. This panel provides the power and data outlets for two pollers. Jl and J2 are the data cable receptables whi Ie J3 and J4 provide 120-volt ac , 60 Hz power to the Data Set. -. 'OlU_ t .. .. I~. O'!A H1 01li1' .. ~. ,. _ _ }F- ~ ro. HT Oat' DIU 't Jl ,-J/Z ~ n 0. j /·1/2 0• J. Figure 2-5. Data Set Interface Panel 2-4 82122900 3290 Section II Operation DISPLAY STATION. Rotating the ON/OFF/INTENSITY control, located on the right side of the Display Station, toward the rear of the cabinet turns the Display Station on; further rotation increases the intensity of the displayed symbols. The ON/OFF/INTENSITY control being off does not prevent communication on the interface between the computer and the delay-line memory and does not disable keys on the keyboard, except the SHIFT key. Figure 2-6 shows the Display Station and figure 2-7 shows the Display Station keyboard. ON/OFF/INTENSITY CONTROL ----KEyBOARD Figure 2-6. Display Station Four rows of keys on the Display Station keyboard enter symbols into the delay I ine for display on the crt. Depression of a key enters the code for the symbol indicated on the key into memory at the position of the entry marker, generates the symbol on the crt, and advances the entry marker. The keyboard is inoperative during the following intervals: (a) SEND key is depressed until the end of a read message from or a write message to that .station • (b) PRINT key depressed unti I printout is complete. The C LEAR key is not locked out during printout. 82122900 2-5 Operation 3290 Section II Figure 2-7. Display Station Keyboard (c) The station is connected and the Channel Busy signal is a logical 1. (d) Reset function or reset clear function is being performed by the Display Station. The following list explains the operation of the control keys. Clear. Depress the C LEAR key to clear all data from the delay Iine and from the crt. The entry marker moves to the upper left corner of the screen. Th is operation prevents sending or rece iv ing data from the time the key is depressed until 16.8 microseconds to 20 mill i seconds after the key is re leased. (The time variation is due to latency characteristics of the de lay line). 2-6 82122900 Section II 3290 Operation Reset. Depress the RES ET key to move the entry marker to the upper left corner without affecting data. This operation prevents sending or receiving data from the time the key is depressed until 16.8 microseconds to 20 milliseconds after the key is re leased. Sh ift. Continued depression of either SHIFT key enables entry of the upper symbol on the two-symbol keys. Operation of the single-symbol keys is not affected by the SHIFT keys; all alphabetic symbols are displayed in uppercase form. The SHIFT keys are non locking • Space. Operating the SPACE key stores a space code in the delay line at the position of the entry marker and advances the entry marker. Data is not affected. Skip. Depress the S KIP key to move the entry marker one space forward. Data is unchanged. Repeat. Operating the REPT key in coniunction with another key enables a repeated action of that key's character/function. CLEAR, PRINT, RESET, SEND, and SHIFT keys are not affected by the REPT key. Backspace. The BKSP key moves the entry marker one space back without changing data. Backspace is accomplished in 10 milliseconds minimum to 90 milliseconds maximum, during which time no data can be transferred on the data channel. 82122900 2-7 Operation 3290 Section II Line Skip. Depress the LINE SKIP key to advance the entry marker to the beginning of the next line. Line skip is accomplished in 151.2 microseconds minimum to 1 millisecond maximum, during which time no data is transferred between a connected Display Station and the computer. Return. Operation of the RETU RN key inserts a carriage return code at the entry marker position and moves the entry marker to the first symbol position on the next line. The carriage return is displayed as a superscript dash (). The return takes from 151.2 microseconds (if the entry marker is at the end of a line) to 1 millisecond (if the entry marker is at the beginning of a line), during which time no data can be transferred between the Display Station and the computer. Send. ~ The SEND key stores an end of message symbol (elevated ) at the entry marker posi tion and moves the entry marker to the upper left corner. Data transfer is prevented during the time (16.8 microseconds minimum to 20 milliseconds maximum) the entry marker is moving. Print. Operation of the PRINT key stores an end of print code (') at the entry marker position, moves the entry marker to the upper left corner, and initiates printout of data from the upper left corner to the end of print code on an associated Printer Station. The keyboard, except for the C LEAR key, is disabled during printout. During printout, the Display Station is not ready to the computer. PRINTER STATION. Figure 2-8 shows the Printer Station typewriter controls Note the location of the ON/OFF switch to the right of the keyboard. A multipaper adjustment (top left) provides even printing for carbon copies. Remaining controls are common 0 2-8 82122900 3290 Section II Operation to an electric typewriter and include the following: platen knobs for manually advancing the paper, a line space lever for single or double spacing, a paper release lever, left and right visible margin stops, an impression selector lever which adjusts the striking force of the typing element, a tab set and clear control, tab key, index key, shift keys, margin release, space bar, etc. Refer to the IBM Selectric Manual supplied with the equipment for more detailed information about the typewriter. PLATEN KNOB MULTICOPY CONTROL LINE SPACE PAPER - - RELEASE IMPRESSION SELECTOR LEFT-RIGHT MARGIN Figure 2-8. Printer Station Typewriter Controls OPERATING PROCEDURES. The remainder of th is section describes normal operating procedures for the display equipment. Included are turn on/turn off procedures followed by a typical operation sequence. 82122900 2-9 Operation 3290 Section II TURN ON/TURN OFF. Turn on/turn off procedures are listed in table 2-2. For precautionary measures, it is recommended the steps be followed in the order listed. TABLE 2-2. TURN ON/TURN OFF PROCEDURES STEP LOCATION I OPERATION I TURN ON 1 Display Controller Place the POWER ON/OFF switch in the ON position. Move RU N/MASTER C LEAR switch to MASTER C LEAR position, then to RU N position. 2 Display Stations Rotate the ON/OFF/INTENSITY control to the ON position. Depress the CLEAR key. After a 30-second warmup period, rotate ON/OFF/ INTENS ITY control until the entry marker is visible. 3 Printer Stations Depress the ON/OFF rocker switch to the ON position. TURN OFF Printer Stations Depress the ON/OFF rocker s~itch to the OFF position. 2 Display Stations Rotate the ON/OFF/INTENSITY control to the OFF position. 3 Display Controller Place the POWER ON/OFF switch in the OFF position 0 TYPICAL OPERATION SEQUENCE. F'igure 2-9 is a flow diagram depicting a typical operation sequence. Depress the CLEAR key on the Display Station keyboard to clear the display screen. The operator then enters data via data entry keys. When data is properly composed, it may be sent to the computer by actuation of the SEND key, or to a Printer Station, which shares memory with the Display Station, by depressing the PRINT key. 2-10 82122900 Operation 3290 Section II The computer may respond to properly transmitted data by sending the requested data or a message acknowledging receipt of the transmitted data. The operator may then print the reply data, or edit it (eg, fill ing in information on a blank form, or updating stored data), and transmit the edited data back to the computer. DEPRESS CLEAR KEY MESSAGE DIRECTED TO PRINTER OMPOSE .............. MESSAGE DEPRESS PRINT KEY NO NO DEPRESS SEND KEY NO COMPUTER REPLY Figure 2-9. Typical Operation Sequence Flow Diagram 82122900 2-11 3290 SECTION III PROGRAMMING This section describes programming aspects of the display equipment. It provides a complete description of signals, function and status codes, interrupts, symbol data, word formats, various read/write operations, and programming aids for both interface and poller assemblies. INTERFACE SIGNAL LINES. The Display Controller operates from the standard (12 bit) 3000 Series standard communications channels. Figure 3-1 shows the interconnecting data and control lines between the computer communications channel and the Display Controller. Following is a description of each line or group of lines. DATA LINES (12). There are 12 bidirectional data lines. During a read operation (input to the computer), these data lines carry data, 12 bits at a time, from the Display Controller to the computer. During a writ~ operation (output fro~ the computer),· the data lines carry data from the computer to the Display Controller. The data lines also are used to transmit the 12-bit connect and function codes associated with Connect and Function signals, respectively. PARITY LINE. A parity bit accompanies each 12 bits of data, connect code, and function code transmitted between the computer and the Display Controller. Odd parity is used, ie, the total number of lis transmitted is always an odd number. CONNECT LINE. A Connect signal is sent to the Display Controller when a 12-bit connect code is available on the dato lines. The li>isplay Controller connects only if the following conditions are met: 82122900 3-1 Programm ing 3290 Section III .. ISA SEMBLY _ SUPPRESS ASSEMBLY!Os .- DATA LINES (12) - PARITY LINE - .... CONNECT 3000 SERIES STANDARD COMMUNICATION CHANNEL ,;.. READ ·- WRITE .- DATA SIGNAL ..- MASTER CLEAR ..- NEGATE BCD CONVERSION ...- .... .- .... --- -· -.. FUNCTION' CHANNEL BUSY ...- ..- REPLY - DISPLAY CONTROLLER -.,. ·- REJECT END OF RECORD PARITY ERROR STATUS LINES (12) INTERRUPT LINES (8) Figure 3-1. Computer/Display Controller Interface Li nes 3-2 (a) The most significant 3 bits of the connect code must match the number setting of the EQUIPMENT SELECTOR switch. (b) Display Controller power is on. (c) The RU N/MASTER C LEAR switch is in the RU N position. (d) Parity is correct. 82122900 Section III 3290 Programming No response is returned when a parity error exists on the connect code; however, the red PARITY error indicator on the Display Controller maintenance panel (figure 2-1) lights on all Display Controllers and external equipment controllers associated with that communications channel. After a delay of 100 microseconds, the communications channel generates its own internal Reiect signal. Once a Display Controller is connected to the computer, it remains connected until the communications channel initiates a disconnect. To perform a disconnect, send any connect code with the upper 3 bits not matching the Display Controller EQUIPMENT SELECTOR switch setting, a Master Clear signal, or a release function code. FU NCTION LINE. A Function signal is sent to the Display Controller when a 12-bit function code is available on the data I ines (function codes are listed under interface control codes). If the Display Controller is connected to the computer and is capable of executing the specified function at the time it receives the Function signal, it initiates the function and returns a Reply signal. If the Display Controller cannot perform the function, it returns a Reiect signal. The Function signal and 12-bit function code drop when a Reply or Reiect signal is returned. If a Reply or Reiect signal is not returned within 100 microseconds, the computer generates its own internal reiect. The specified function is not performed if a parity error exists on the function code; however, a Parity Error signal is returned by the Display Controller and the red PARITY error indicator on the Display Controller maintenance panel (figure 2-1) lights. Once a function code is accepted by the Display Controller, all other function codes are locked out until the first one is acted upon. The Display Controller does not hold or stack up the function codes; a Reply or Reiect signal is returned within 5 microseconds. If a second function code is received which specifies the same function as the previous function code, the second function code is reiected unless the function can be performed immediately a second time. READ LINE. A Read signal transmitted to the Display Controller directs the Display Controller to begin reading data from a specified Display Station memory. 82122900 3-3 Programming 3290 Section III WRITE LINE. A Write signal transmitted to the Display Controller directs the Display Controller to begin writing data into a specified Display Station memory. DATA SIGNAL LINE. A Data signal is sent from the computer to the Display Controller for each 12-bit data word du.ring read and write operations. The Data signal drops when a Reply (or End of Record) signal is transmitted by the Display Controller. During a read operation, the Data signal indicates that the computer is ready to accept a 12-bit data word from the Display Controller. During a write operation, the Data signal indicates that the computer placed a 12-bit data word on the data lines. MASTER CLEAR LINE. A Master Clear signal sent from the computer returns the Display Controller to its initial clear condition and starts the polling operation. CHANNEL BUSY LINE. A Channel Busy signal is sent to the Display Controller when the computer communications channel is active during a read or write operation. NEGATE BCD CONVERSION LINE. When the Negate BCD Conversion signal is a logical 1,external BCD codes are used; when the N,egate BCD Conversion signal is a logical 0, internal BCD codes are used. ' Refer to Symbol Data in th is section. REPLY LINE. The Display Controller transmits a Reply signal in response to the following: 3-4 82122900 3290 Section III Programm i ng (a) A connect code having no parity error and containing a matching Display Controller EQUIPMENT S ELECTOR switch equ ipment se lect code and proper select code. (b) A function code received with no parity error if the Display Controller is capable of executing the specified function at the time it receives the Function signal. (c) During a write operation after the Display Controller has read a data word. (d) During a read operation when the Display Controller has a word on the data lines (see End of Record signal for exception). The Reply signal drops when the Connect, Function, or Oata signal drops. REJECT LI NE • The Display Controller transmits a Reiect signal in response to the following: (a) A connect code (with no parity error) specifying a nonexistent or busy station. (b) A function code (with no parity error) specifying an illegal function. (c) A function code (with no parity error) which cannot be performed within 5 microseconds after receipt of the Function signal (refer to programming aids for such conditions). (d) An alert function to a poller that had its alert request status cleared, or an alert function to any station other than a poller 0 SUPPRESS ASSEMBLY/DISASSEMBLY LINE. During a read operation, the Suppress Assembly/Disassembly signal forces the Display Controller to assemble logical O·s in bits 6 through 11 of each 12-bit data byte. In a write operation, bits 6 through 11 are not used when the Suppress Assembly/Disassembly line is enabled. The signal has no effect on the address word during a read operation initiated by an interrupt. 82122900 3-5 Programming 3290 Section III END OF RECORD LINE. The Display Controller transmits an End of Record signal (instead of a Reply signal) in response to the next Data signal following transmission of EOM signal. The End of Record signal drops when the Data signal drops. If the Read signal drops before the read operation completes, the End of Record signal is not transmitted because the remaining data is not transmitted. PARITY ERROR LINE. The Display Controller transmits a Parity Error signal when a parity error occurs on a function code or write operation. No Parity Error signal is generated for a parity error occurring on a connect code or read operation. During a write operation, a parity error on one word of a 12-bit byte results in displ~y of both words as parity error symbols when the Suppress signal equals -0. STATUS LINES (12). The Display Controller places information on the 12 available status lines following a connect operation to indicate its operating conditions to the computer. Display equipment status remains enabled to the computer until a disconnect is sent from the computer. The computer may sample the status lines at any time. Status bits are listed under interface control codes. INTERRUPT LINES (8). Each Display Controller and external equipment controller attached to a given computer communications channel is assigned to one of eight separate interrupt lines selected by the EQUIPMENT SELECTOR switch. The interrupt line indicates to the computer that a predetermined condition has been reached. The interrupting condition can be determined by program sampling the status lines following transmission of an Interrupt signal if connected. INTERFACE CONTROL CODES. Interface control codes include connect, function, and status codes. The connect code is used in addressing the display equipment. Function codes, with 3-6 82122900 3290 Section III Programm i ng the exception of reset, alert, and release, set up and remove interrupt conditions in the Display Controller. Status codes indicate what conditions exi st at the Display Controller. Following is a description of the connect code, display equipment function codes, and status line assignments. CONNECT CODE. The connect code is 12 bits long and is transmitted to the Display Controller on the 12 data I ines along with a Connect signal on the connect line. The Display Controller interprets the connect code (figure 3-2) as follows: 11 9 8 EQUIPMENT SELECT STATION SELECT Figure 3-2. Connect Code Bits 9 through 11 designate the number setting of the Display Controller EQUIPMENT SELECTOR switch. The station select portion of the connect code allows selection of a Display Station or poller or selection of a Display Station or poller that caused an interrupt. Bits 4 through 8 are not interpreted. FUNCTION CODES. Function codes are 12 bits long and are transmitted to the Display Controller on the data lines along with a Function signal on the function line. Table 3-1 lists and describes Display Controller function codes. STATUS CODES. Twelve status lines are available for indicating display equipment operating conditions to the computer. The computer may sample these lines at any time. 82122900 3-7 Section III 3290 Programm ing TABLE 3-1. DISPLAY CONTROLLER FUNCTION CODES OCTAL CODE FUNCTION DESCRIPTION 0000 Release Disconnects the Display Controller from the computer and clears all interrupt selections and parity error indications. Also master clears a poller if the poller is connected. 0010 Reset Entry Marker Positions the entry marker on selected Display Station or poller to upper left corner to prepare for a read or write. The Display Station or poller indicates busy status for 3.2 microseconds to 20 milliseconds after receipt of the function. Generally precedes a write or computer-initiated read 0 0011 Reset-Clear Simi lar to a reset entry marker function except data is cleared from the delay line When addressed to a poller, the function does not clear the delay line but clears existing send requests. The Display Station or poller indicates busy status for 20 to 40 milliseconds upon receipt. Generally precedes a write to local station. 0 0020 Select Interrupt for Ready and Not Bu sy (Note 1) Allows generation of an interrupt when printer operation completes. Rese lection removes an interrupt resu Iting from a previous selection. 0021 Clear Interrupt Enable for Ready and Not Busy (Note 1) Removes interrupt and selection resulting from code 0020. 0022 Select Interrupt on End of Operation (Note 1) Allows generation of an interrupt when the read or wri te operations or a reset or a reset clear operation completes. Reselection removes interrupt resulting from a previous operation. 3-8 82122900 Programming 3290 Section III TABLE 3-1. DISPLAY CONTROLLER FUNCTION CODES (CONT) OCTAL CODE FUNCTION DESCRIPTION 0023 Clear Interrupt on End of Operation (Note 1) Removes interrupt and selection resulting from code 0022. 0024 Select Alert Interrupt Allows generation of an interrupt upon completion of an alert message by a poller. Reselection removes an interrupt resulting from a previous operation. 0025 Clear Alert Interrupt Clears interrupt and se lection due to code 0024. 0026 Select Station Interrupt (Note 1) Allows generation of an interrupt if a SEND key on a Display Station is depressed, if a poller receives a read message in response to a poll message or if an error is indicated. Reselection removes an interrupt resu Iting from a previous selection if a read or write operation is performed on the interrupting station prior to reselection. Stacking of station interrupts is possible and, if more than one stQtion has had its SEND key depressed, another interrupt occurs immediately after reselection. 0027 Clear Station Interrupt (Note 1) Removes interrupt and selection resulti ng from code 0026. (Note 2) Alert Poller Instructs connected poller to send an alert message to the addressed remote site and station. Alert occurs in the polling sequence. If the alert is sent to a local station, it is reiected. 82122900 Note 1 - affect all stations simultaneously. Note 2 - 1XXXXXXX0011 binary. 3-9 3290 Programm i ng Section III Table 3-2 identifies status conditions, lines, and octal codes characteristic of the Display Controller. The computer may sample any single status line or group of lines. All conditions listed in table 3-2 except send request and print request, are general status conditions; ie, the computer connects only to the Display Controller and any existing station before sampling status. Lines 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10 are on a per station basis, ie, a specific station must be referred to before sampling status. Lines not listed in table 3-2 are not used. TABLE 3-2. DISPLAY CONTROLLER STAmS CONDITIONS LINE OCTAL CODE 0 XXX1 DESCRIPTION CONDITION Ready The Display Controller is ready when power is on and the RU N/MASTER C LEAR switch is in the RU N position A particular station may become not ready if an operator depresses the PRINT key and the printer begins printout. 0 1 XXX2 Busy The Display Controller is busy when the Channel Busy and the Read signal or Write signal is active, or when the reset or reset-clear function is executed. The Display Station keys are inoperative during a read or write operation. 2 XXX4 Send Request Indicates on a per station basis that an operator depressed the SEND key or that a connected poller has a read message or a message in error. 3 XX1X Print Request Indicates on a per station basis that a print operation is requested by the station or it is performing a print operation. 4 XX2X Poll Message Error Indicates that the connected poller was unable to receive an expected response to a poll message in three attempts 0 3-10 82122900 3290 Section III Programm ing TABLE 3-2. DISPLAY CONTROLLER STATUS CONDITIONS (CONT) LINE OCTAL CODE 5 XX4X AI ert Request A connected poller is ready to process an alert function from the computer. Any previous alert function has been processed. 6 X1XX Station Interrupt Indicates that a station interrupt was caused by depressing one or more SEND keys, or that a poller detected a message in error or received a read message. 7 X2XX Ready and Not Busy Interrupt Indicates that a ready and not busy interrupt was generated when printou t completed and that the ready and not busy interrupt was selected. 8 X4XX End of Operation Interrupt Indicates that an interrupt was generated by the end of a read/wri te operation, reset, or reset-clear function. A new function, or read or write operation may be initiated following the end of operation interrupt. 9 1XXX AI ert In terrupt Interrupt generated by completion of an Alert message to a remote site. 10 2XXX Poller Error Error condi tion after three attempted write, clear-write, write-reset, or alert messages to a remote site from the connected poller. CONDITION DESCRIPTION I NTERRU PTS • The interrupt permits th~ display equipment to indicate to the computer certain preprogrammed conditions. The computer can selectively activate or deactivate these interrupt condi tions. Four conditions generate an interrupt and four function codes enable these interrupts to the computer for the Display Controller. Table 3-3 lists the interrupt cQnditions, enabling functions, and disabling functions. Refer to the specific enabling function code (table 3-2) for a complete description of the interrupt condition. 82122900 3-11 3290 Programming Section III TABLE 3-3. DISPLAY CONTROLLER INTERRUPTS INTERRUPT FUNCTION CODE DISABLE ENABLE Ready and Not Busy 0020 0021 End of Operation 0022 0023 Alert 0024 0025 Station 0026 0027 The computer must first connect to a specific Display Station before issuing any interrupt enable function codes. Normally, status is checked immediately following the connect. If the computer desires to perform a reset operation (function code 0010), or a read or write operation, and wants to be informed when the operation is completed, it transmits function code 0022 (interrupt on end of operation) prior to the operation. An end of printout operation can interrupt the computer if the ready and not busy interrupt is enabled. After connecting to a specific Display Station and finding the station busy executing a printout, the computer has the option to discontinue the printout or select the interrupt on ready and not busy condition (function code 0020). Even though the function code is directed to a specific Display Station, it enables a station interrupt from any Display Station satisfying the ready and not busy condition. If the computer wants to receive the data from a local Display Station, function code 0026 {station interrupt enable} is transmitted. An interrupt transmits when the SEND key on this station, or any other Display Station, is depressed. Upon receiving an interrupt from the display equipment, the computer normally connects to the Display Controller and samples status to determine what caused the interrupt. It can immediately perform a read operation following a connect word having a select code 0000 if the interrupt is a station interrupt. A write operation or other interrupt requires connecting to a specific station before beginning the operation. After servicing an interrupt, the interrupt line may be cleared by reselecting or deselecting the same interrupt except station interrupt. SYMBOL DATA. The display equipment symbol repertoire includes the alphabet in uppercase, arabic numerals (0 through 9), punctuation marks, and special symbols. Table 3-4 presents the Display Controller symbol repertoire in alphabetic and numeric order. Figure 3-3 shows two quick reference charts for locating a 3-12 82122900 3290 Section III Programming TABLE 3-4. SYMBOL REPERTOIRE . SYMBOL: BCD EXT INT BCD EXT INT SYMBOL BCD EXT INT SYMBOL , 33 73 30 67 Comma 70· Left paren ( 34 74 Z 31 71 Parity error I 35 75 : 00 12 36 76 25 1 01 01 I End of print (Note) 66 26 2 02 02 Logical OR 1\ 37 77 27 3 03 03 Hyphen - 40 40 H 67 70. 30 4 04 04- Logical AND v 52 52 I 71 31 5 05 05 Dollar sign $ 53 53 J 41 41 6 06 06 Asterisk 54 54 K 42 42 7 07 07 * Arrow up 55 55 L 43 43 8 10 10 f Arrow down ~ 56 56 M 44 44 9 11 11 Greater than > 57 57 N 45 45 {6 12 00 Plus + 60 20 0 46 46 Equal 13 Less than < 72 32 P 47 47 Not equal = 13 I 14 Period . 73 33 Q 50 50 ~ 15 15 Right paren ) 74 34 R 51 51 Less than or equal to Percent Ok 16 16 Greater than > or equal to - 75 35 Left bracket [ 17 17 - 76 36 Space 20 60 Carriage return (Note) / ] 21 61 fl. 77 37 32 I~ End of message A 61 21 X 27 B 62 Y C 63 22 23 D 64 24 E 65 F G S T 22 23 62 63 Colon U 24 64 V 2S 26 65 Right diagonal 66 Right brac ket W Note 82122900 - 14 displayed as superscript, does not print. 3-13 Programm i ng m ~ 3290 Section III n-. INT 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 BCD 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 BCD EXT 0 0 : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 1 8 9 0 = t ~ % [ 6 2 ~ / S T U V W ~~ 7 3 Y Z ] , ( 4 4 - J K L M N- O 5 5 Q R V $ * t , P > 2 6 + A B C 0 E F 3 7 H I < . ) ~ .... ~.... ~ PARITY ERROR r-- -END OF PRINT CARRIAGE G...... ~ RETURN ~ - A ...... END OF MESSAGE NOTE: 00 internal BCD equals 12 external BCD 00 external BCD equals 12 internal BCD Figure 3-3. Symbol Code Quick Reference Chart symbol when given the 6-bit octal or BCD code. A two-digit code of the form min uniquely specifies each code, eg, external BCD code 65 represents the letter E. Standard display format is 20 lines of 50 symbols per line with an optional display format of 13 lines of 80 symbols available. The Display Station INTENSITY/ ON/OFF switch adjusts symbol intensity. Symbol size is adjustable internally and is normally set to generate symbols 1/8-inch wide by 1/4-inch high. WORD FORMATS. The display word format is 6 bits. Each 6-bit word specifies a symbol code or control code as listed in the symbol repertoire table. 3-14 82122900 Changed 10/68 Section III 3290 Programming Besides the display word format, there are five 12-bit interface word formats. The connect, function, data, and station word are transmitted on the data lines and are identified by a signal transmitted on a corresponding signal line. The status word is enabled to the computer on the status lines whenever the Display Controller is connected to the computer. Table 3-5 lists all word formats and identifies the distinguishing signal where applicable. WORD SIGNAL Display Connect Connect Function Function Data Data Status Data Station 1 Alert Function 82122900 1 87 10 REMOTE SITE J:l 43 REMOTE STATION 0011 Function 3-15 Section III 3290 Programming The connect word contains information which directs the Display Controller to connect the computer data channer to the designated Display Station or poller. Bits 9 through 11, the equipment select code, designates the equipment number which may be chosen on the EQUIPMENT SELECTOR switch Bits a through 3 (the station select code) are used to select the specific local Display Station or poller with which the computer is to communicate. A station select code of 0001 through 1100 binary designates the corresponding numbered Display Station or poller. A station select code of 0000 binary indicates that the computer requests a check of status conditions, or requests to commun icate with the lowest numbered Display Station causing an interrupt. If no interrupt is present, connection is prevented C) C) Figure 3-4 shows the sequence of event5 upon receipt of a Connect signal. If the Display Controller is in a ready state, parity is checked upon receipt of the Connect signal. A parity error at th is time illuminates the PARITY indicator and the display equipment disconnects in approximately 1 microsecond. Assuming parity is correct, the EQUIPMENT SELECTOR switch setting is compared to the equipment select code. If the two do not compare, a disconnect is performed in about 1 microsecond. An exact comparison allows the status lines to be enabled. After comparing the equipment select code, the Display Controller examines the station select code to see if it is addressing an existing Display Station or poller. If the device is nonexistent or busy, a Reiect signal is transmitted to the computer no sooner than 2 microseconds after the condition is detected. Assuming the Display Station or poller exists and is not busy, the Display Controller responds with a Reply signal in about 2 microseconds. If the station select code contains all O·s and an interrupt condition is not pending, a Reiect signal is sent to the computer An interrupt condition at this time draws a Reply signal response from the Display Controller and the interrupting Display Station or poller is connected The computer then reads at least one word (the station word) and normally continues the read operation unti I all of that station·s data is read. If the interrupt condition is nonexistent, a connect is made to the Display Controller for reading Display Controller status only. No read or write operation is performed. 0 C) Once connected, the Display Controller is ready to perform any function desired by the computer in addition to a read or write operation. Figure 3-5 shows the sequence of events upon rece ipt of a Function signal. If the Display Controller is not connected, it takes no action in response to a Function signal. An assembly/disassembly register in the Display Controller handles packing and unpacking chores for read and write operations respectively. The most significant 6 bits of the data word are always filled or emptied first. If the computer enables the Suppress Assembly/Disassembly line, the most significant 6 bits would 3-16 82122900 3290 Section III ONNEC.~ Programm i ng __ SIGNAL SEND REJECT ENABLE PARITY ERROR ~.. CONNECT TO STATION OR POllER SELECT STATION WITH DEPRESSED SEND KEY OR POLlER WITH READ MESSAGE SEND REPLY DISCONNECT DISPLAY EQUIPMENT NO CONNECT TO ·DISPLAY CONTROLLER ~:""-----t FOR STATUS CHECK NO READ OR WRITE INTERRUPT DISABLED SEND REJECT Figure 3-4. Connect Sequence 82122900 3-17 3290 Programming Section III FUNCTION SIGNAL PARITY ERROR INDICATOR UGHTS RESET OR RE 5 ET -C LEAR SEND PARITY ERROR SIGNAL ;YES SEND REJECT SIGNAL PERFORM FUNCTION SEND REPLY SIGNAL BUSY YES Figure 3-5. Function Sequence 3-18 82122900 Section III 3290 Programming neither be filled or emptied for the duration of the signal. The least significant 6 bits are unaffected; therefore, data transmission takes place in the form of one 6-bit word at a time. READ;WRITE OPERATIONS. Read or write operations to or from a local Display Station may be performed any time at the discretion of the computer, after checking status. The computerinitiated action takes priority over the operator. If a read or write operation is initiated during a period when an operator is composing a message from the keyboard, the operator1s keyboard is locked out and computer operation takes over. A read or write operation to a Display Station performing a printout results in termination of the printout and the read or write operation is performed at the specified Display Station. The Display Controller allows the computer to enable an interrupt on an end of printout condition. Following connection to a specific Display Station and sampling status, print request status (line 3) is enabled if the Display Station requests a print operation or if it is presently performing a printout. Not ready status indicates the Display Station is actually performing a printout. Using function code 0020 octal, the computer may enable the select interrupt on ready and not busy condition. Upon completing printout, an interrupt is sent to the computer and status line 7 (ready and not busy interrupt) is made active. The 0020 function code enables an interrupt to generate when any Display Station completes printout 0 Computer read and write operations do not take priority in the poller. The poller scans the remote stations to determine if a SEND key is depressed. If this condition exists, the selected station transmits a read message to the poller. After storing the message in memory, the poller generates a send request and the computer responds with a read operation. In response to the read message, the computer must send a write message to the selected poller. The poller then relays this message to the remote station. The alert function turns on the ALERT light and audible alarm at the remote station; the SEND key must be depressed to tum them off. The subsequent read message enables the computer to perform a write operation. Read operations may be initiated from the local or remote Display Stations by an operator depressing the SEND key or from the computer by programmed instructions (local Display Station only). A write operation is initiated only from the computer. Following is a description of read and write operationso 82122900 3-19 3290 Programm ing Section III READ OPERATION INITIATED BY A REQUESTING STATION. A requesting station is a local Display Station at which a SEND key was depressed, or a poller which received a read message from a remote station. At a requesting station an end of message symbol is inserted at the entry marker position, the entry marker is moved to the upper left corner, and a station interrupt is in itiared if the station interrupt is enabled by the computer. The computer responds to the interrupt with a connect word containing a station select code of 00 octal. The Display Controller then connects to the requesting station in scanning sequence and activates the status lines. The computer must perform a read operation to clear the send request. If a read operation is not performed, the station interrupt is sent again upon receipt of the station interrupt enable. I The station word (shown in table 3-5), containing the number of the scanner selected requesting station, is sent in response to the first Data signal during a station-interrupt initiated read operation. If the selected requesting station is a poller, the remote site and station are indicated in bits 4 through 10. Successive words after the station word contain data stored in the delay line starting at the entry marker position. When the end of message code is detected, it is sent to the computer in a data word. In response to the next Data signal following an end of message code, the End of Record signal accompanied by an all-zero data word is sent instead of the Reply signal. The Read signal terminates the read operation and becomes disabled for more than 200 nanoseconds. Data may therefore be read beyond the end of message code if the Read signal remains enabled. Figure 3-6 shows simplified read operation timing. READ DATA Itt~~tttttt~~lItt~ttt/rIt{ttIttrIftttrfrrtrmtI~~tIttttItJfItl Mttt~~tt~~tttl REPLY ttr~~~~~~~~r~fft~tJ r{ft~~~~))))~~~~~J [E[J CONTAINS EOM END OF RECORD EOM DETECTION Figure 3-6. Simplified Read Timing 3-20 82122900 3290 Section III Programming If successive read operations are performed without resetting the entry marker (such as repetitive one-word reads) one symbol is lost each time the Read signal is dropped. READ OPERATION INITIATED BY THE COMPUTER. The computer may initiate a read operation at any time the connected local Display Station or poller is not busy. Discretion is required in the use of th is operation since it prevents entry of data by a Display Station operator. After connecting, the entry marker may be moved to the upper left corner by the reset function or may be left at its current position. In response to the Read and Data signals, data words are sent along with the Reply signal. A read operation performed on a connect to a specific station does not send the station word. WRITE OPERATION TO A LOCAL DISPLAY STATION. Data may be written into a connected station at any time the station is not busy. After connecting and checking status, the computer sends data words to be written on the crt starting at the position of the entry marker. A reset or reset-clear function may move the entry marker to the upper left corner before writing data. Sequential symbols in data words are written from left to right and from top to bottom on the crt. After the last symbol is wri tten in the lower right comer, the entry marker moves to the upper left corner and data writing may continue, with the later data replacing data written earlier. Figure 3-7 shows simplified write operation timing. DATA REPLY l~m~;~~~~~;~;~~;~~;~~;t~~~~~~~~;~~l 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 Figure 3-7. Simplified Write Timing WRITE OPERATION TO A POLL:ER. Data is always transferred to a poller after a read operation from the potier. After connecting to the poller and checking status, the computer sends data words 82122900 3-21 3290 Programm ing Section III to be written into the poller memory starting at the position of the entry marker .. The entry marker is always at start-of-memory after any computer read operation. A reset function immediately preceding a write to the poller results in a write-reset message from the poller to the remote station; a reset-clear function results in a clear-write message. No function results in write message. Sequential symbols in dpta words are written into the poller memory. The poller is informed that it is to send the message when the Write signal drops. The write, write-reset, or clear-write message is sent to the remote station wh ich had iust previously sent a read message. PROGRAMMING AIDS. Following are several points concerning display equipment timing: (a) The Display Controller is busy for 33 microseconds after the last Reply signal is sent at the end of a write operation. (b) The Display Controller is busy from 3.2 microseconds to 20 mi lIiseconds after rece ipt of a reset function. (c) If a read or write operation follows a reset function which transmits an interrupt upon completion, 20-millisecond delay (after the end of operation interrupt is sent) occurs before the first data word is stored or read from memory. (d) One symbol time is 16.8 microseconds. Each data word contains two symbols and requires 33.6 microseconds. The delay-line memory cycle time is 20 millisecondso During a read or write operation, successive data words must follow within 33 6 microseconds (time required to read or write two symbols) or a 20-millisecond delay occurs between bytes due to delay line latency characteristics. 0 PROGRAMMING RESTRICTIONS. 3-22 (a) It is necessary to read at least two 12-bit words to clear the send ff when a connect is issued after an interrupt. (b) There should not be any unsolicited read or write operations (poller only) • (c) Sending an end of print message to a Display Station initiates operation of its associated Printer Station{s}. 82122900 Section III 3290 Programm ing POlLER TRANSLATION. The poller converts all codes and signals to a format which is compatible with Data Set operation. Signals transmitted between the poller and the Data Set meet or exceed the minimum of EIA Standard RS-232. A negative voltage of greater than -6 volts represents a logical 1; a positive voltage greater than +6 volts represents a logical O. Half duplex" 2- or 4-wire operati_on, DATA-PHONE Data Set 201 A or 201 B service is required. Private communications lines are necessary and no provision is made for automatic ringing or answering. A single-phase, 12o-volt, 60-Hz, three-wire outlet from the Display Controller is supplied for the Data Set, so the same ground bus is used for both. This measure is necessary to prevent impulse noise potentials which might otherwise develop and cause data errors. The poller sends and receives data in an 8-bit code which is transmitted serially over Send Data and Receive Data lines. These bits are synchronized with the Serial Clock Receive and Serial Clock Transmit signals. Data Set 201 A operates at 2000 baud, Data Set 201B at 2400 baud. INTERFACE SIGNALS 0 Figure 3-8 shows interface signals between the Data Set and the poller. The arrows indicate signal origin. Following paragraphs provide an elaboration on the signals shown in figure 3-8. Send Data. The Send Data signal originates in the poller and contains serial dato. Positive polarity represents a logical 0 and negative polarity represents a logical 1. Data bits are provided to the Data Set at the time of positive transition of the Serial C lock Transmit signal. Request to Send. The poller makes the Request to Send signal positive when a transmit operation is desired. Placing a negative potential on the line returns the Data Set to a receive condition. 82122900 3-23 3290 Programming -- SEND DATA -- REQUEST TO SEND DATA-PHONE DATA SET 201A OR 201 B Section III CLEAR TO SEND -- INTERLOCK --- SERIAL CLOCK TRANSMIT _ - RECEIVE DATA CARRIER ON SERIAL CLOCK RECEIVE -- POllER ---- --- REMOTE CONTROL Figure 3-8. Poller Interface Signals Clear to Send. The Data Set makes the Clear to Send signal positive in response to a Request to Send signal from the poller. The amount of time elapsed between the leading edge of the Request to Send and the leading edge of C lear to Send is determined by the Data Set strapping options. The Data Set makes the C lear to Send signal negative when the Request to Send signal drops 0 Interlock 0 A + 6 volts on the Interlock Line indicates that the Data Set is ready to send or receive datao A O-volt signal indicates that the Data Set is not in an operating condition 0 3-24 82122900 3290 Section III Programm i ng Serial Clock Transmit. The Serial Clock Transmit signal is a symmetrical square wave of +6 volts to - 6 volts amplitude originating in the Data Set which is us~d to synchronize the acceptance of data by the Data Set. Data is placed on the Send Data line at the time of the positive transition of the Serial Clock Transmit signal and is sampled by the Data Set at the time of negative transition. Rece ive Data. The Receive Data signal contains serial binary data which is synchronized with the Serial C lock Receive signal Positive polarity is defined as a logical 0 and negative polarity as a logical 1. 0 Carrier On. A positive potential at the Carrier On terminal indicates that the Data Set is receiving the carrier. A negative potential indicates that no carrier is being received. The Carrie"r On signal cha~ges from negative to positive within 9 milliseconds after carrier appears at the receiver terminal. Remote Control. A positive potential indicates that the poller is ready to communicate with the Data Set. Serial C lock Receive. The Serial C lock Receive signal is a symmetri cal square wave of + 6 volts to - 6 volts amplitude. The square wave is synchronized with the receiver timing circuits. Data bits on the Receive Data line are initiated synchronously with the positive transition of the Serial Clock Receive signal and are sampled at the negative transition. 82122900 3-25 3290 Programming Section III pallER CONTROL CODES. The basic poller codes are eight bits long and are used for commun ication between the poller and the remote sites. The most significant bit, which is received last serially, is the parity bit. Parity is odd. The following paragraphs list poller codes. Table 3-6 lists control codes and their octal translation. TABLE 3-6. CONTROL CODES DESCRIPTION 7-81T OCTAL TRANS lATION Start of Message (SaM) 001 USASCII End of Message (USASCII EOM) 003 Poll 005 Acknowledge (AC K) 006 Alert 007 Reset-Write 014 Write 021 Clear-Write 022 Read 023 Synchron ization (SYNC) 026 Reiect 030 S tart of Message. The start of message code indicates that the next 7-bit word contains the site address. The start of message code follows the synchronization codes. It is both initiated and received by the poller. Alert. The poller initiates the alert code when instructed by the computer. The alert code designates a message which turns on the ALERT light on the addressed remote site Display Station 0 3-26 82122900 Section III 3290 Programming USASCII End of Message. The USASCII end of message code indicates that the previous word was the last word of data. The word following the USASCII end of message code is the message parity word. This code is both initiated and received by the poller. Message Parity. Message parity is applicable from the start of message through the USASCII end of message code, and excludes all sync codes. The message parity code is oddo The parity bit is excluded. Poll. The poller initiates the poll code which designates the poll message. The poll message instructs the remote site to respond with a read message if a SEND key has been depressed or a read request active is set or a reiect message if the above two conditions do not exist. Acknowledge. The acknowledge code originates at a remote site and designates a message which acknowledges receipt of'a write, reset-write, clear-write, or alert message wi th no errors. Reset-Write. The poller transmits the reset-write code when instructed by the computer The code designates a message which instructs the addressed display equipment to write data starting at the upper left corner. The reset-write code is followed by 12 sync codes to allow time for the entry marker to reset. Write 0 0 The poller initiates the write code when instructed by a computer message. The message contains data to be written on the remote crt starting at the current entry marker position. 82122900 3-27 Programming 3290 Section III Clear-Write. The poller in itiates the clear-write code when instructed by the compu ter. This code designates a message which instructs the addressed Display Station to clear data from the crt and write the contained data starting at the upper left corner. The poller transmits 12 sync codes following the clear-write code to allow time for the entry marker to reset. Read. The read code originates at a remote site and designates a message containing data on the Display Station crt wh ich is to be sent to the compu ter It Synchronization. The poller receives and transmits the sync code. Four sync codes are transmitted at the beginning of each message to assure receiver synchronization. These codes are not considered for purposes of message parity 0 Sync codes also act as synchronization idles when contained with in the message structure {reset-write and clear-write} 0 Reject. The reject code originates at a remote site. This code designates a message which informs the poller that a SEND key was not depressed, a read request active was not set before receipt of the poll message, or because of a busy condition, a write, reset-write or clear-write was rejected. SYMBOL SUBSET. The symbol subset codes (codes with bit 5 or 6 a logical 1, but not both) are stored in the delay-line memory and specify data presented or are displayed on the crt of a Display Station at a remote site. These codes are the data sent in read, write, reset-write, and clear-write messageso 3-28 82122900 3290 Section III Programm ing An escape code (76) followed by any code other than carriage return, E1, E2, or E3 codes will be converted to a space code (20 external BCD or 60 internal BCD). Refer to tables 3-7 and 3-8. TABLE 3-7. SYMBOL SUBSET CONVERSION TO COMPUTER INTERNAL CODE EXTERNAL CODE ESCAPE CODE RECEIVED 36 76 76 01 (CR) 37 77 76 02 (E1) 76 36 76 40 (E2) 75 35 76 41 (E3) TABLE 3-8. SYMBOL SUBSET CONVERSION FROM COMPUTER INTERNAL BCD EXTERNAL BCD 36 76 76 01 (CR) 37 77 76 02 (E1) 76 36 76 40 (E2) 75 35 76 41 (E3) ESCAPE CODE SENT Station Address. The station address code designates the remote site Display Station to which a poller is communicating The station address in a read message is retained by the poller and sent to the computer. The next write, reset-write, or clear-write message from the computer to the poller is automatically sent to the Display Station from which the read message was received. 0 Site Address. The site address code designates the remote site to which a message is addressed or from which a message is received. The remote sites polled are designated by site address switches on the Display Controller auxiliary maintenance panels. Polling takes place in numerical order 0 82122900 3-29 Programming 3290 Section III MESSAGE FORMAT. Messages received and sent by the poller consist of several codes. The general message format is shown in figure 3-9. All messag'es transmitted are preceded by four sync codes to assure synchronization recovery on the receiving end. The start of message code designates that the next code is the first word of the message. The site address and station address follow in that order. The control code defines the command or data which follows. Data to or from a remote Display Station may consist of 1 to 1040 words. The USASCII end of message code designates that the previous word was the last word of the message. The message parity code follows the end of message code. Message parity is applicable from the start of message through the end of message code inclusive and excludes all sync codes. Specific messages sent and received are listed in tables 3-9 and 3-10. SYNC SYNC SYNC SYNC IGNORE FOR PURPOSES OF MESSAGE PARllY T SQ\A SITE ADDRESS STATI~ ADDRESS CONTROL CODE .>ESCAPE I- { 12 • % [ " NOTES: 1. Set aside for USASCII control codes. 2. The lower portion of the four two-symbol data subset blocks are the interpretation of the codes when they immediately follow on escape code. Figure 3-10. Symbol and Function Codes, Binary Translation 82122900 3-37 3290 TABLE lA-l. POWERS. OF 2 2n n 2-n 1 2 4 8 0 1 2 3 1.0 0.5 0.25 0.125 16 32 64 128 4 5 6 7 0.062 0.031 0.015 0.007 5 25 625 812 5 256 512 1 024 2 048 8 9 10 11 0.003 0.001 0.000 0.000 906 953 976 488 25 125 562 5 281 25 4 8 16 32 096 192 384 768 12 13 14 15 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 244 122 061 030 140 070 035 517 625 312 5 156 25 578 125 65 131 262 524 536 072 144 288 16 17 18 19 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 015 007 003 001 258 629 814 907 789 394 697 348 062 531 265 632 5 25 625 812 5 1 2 4 8 048 097 194 388 576 152 304 608 20 21 22 23 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 000 000 000 000 953 476 238 119 674 837 418 209 316 158 579 289 406 203 101 550 25 125 562 5 781 25 16 33 67 134 777 554 108 217 216 432 864 728 24 25 26 27 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 000 000 000 000 059 029 014 007 604 802 901 450 644 322 161 580 775 387 193 596 390 695 847 923 625 312 5 656 25 828 125 268 536 1 073 2 147 435 870 741 483 456 912 824 648 28 29 30 31 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 000 000 000 000 003 001 000 000 725 862 931 465 290 645 322 661 298 149 574 287 461 230 615 307 914 957 478 739 062 031 515 257 5 25 625 812 5 4 8 17 34 294 589 179 359 967 934 869 738 296 592 184 368 32 33 34 35 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 232 116 058 029 830 415 207 103 643 321 e60 830 653 826 913 456 869 934 467 733 628 814 407 703 906 453 226 613 25 125 562 5 281 25 68 137 274 649 719 438 877 756 476 963 906 813 736 472 944 888 36 37 38 39 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 014 007 003 001 551 275 637 818 915 957 978 989 228 614 807 403 366 183 091 546 861 425 712 856 808 903 961 475 840 320 860 830 82122900 625 312 6 166 25 078 125 lA-l 3290 TABLE lA-2. OCTAL-DECIMAL CONVERSION TABLE (SHEET 1 OF 4) 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 0004 0012 0020 0028 0036 0044 0052 0060 0005 0013 0021 0029 0037 0045 0053 0061 0006 0014 0022 0030 0038 0046 0054 0062 0007 0015 0023 0031 0039 0047 0055 0063 0400 0410 0420 0430 0440 0450 0460 0470 0256 0264 0272 0280 0288 0296 0304 0312 0257 0265 0273 0281 0289 0297 0305 0313 0258 0266 0274 0282 0290 0298 0306 0314 0259 0267 0275 0283 0291 0299 0307 0315 5 6 7 3 6 7 0260 0266 0276 0284 0292 0300 0308 0316 0261 0269 0277 0285 0293 0301 0309 0317 0262 0270 0278 0286 0294 0302 0310 0318 0263 0271 0279 0287 0295 0303 0311 0319 4 5 0000 0010 0020 0030 0040 0050 0060 0070 0000 0008 0016 0024 0032 0040 0048 0056 0001 0009 0017 0025 0033 0041 0049 0057 0002 0010 0018 0026 0034 0042 0050 0058 0003 0011 0019 0027 0035 0043 0051 0059 0100 0110 0120 0130 0140 0150 0160 0170 0064 0072 0080 00118 0096 0104 0112 0120 0065 0073 0081 0089 0097 0105 0113 0121 0066 0074 0082 0090 0098 0106 0114 0122 0067 0068 0075 0076 0083 0084 0091 0092 0099 0100 0107 0108 0115 Dl18 0123 0124 0069 0077 0085 0093 0101 0109 D117 0125 0070 0078 0086 0094 0102 0110 0118 0126 0071 0079 0087 0095 0103 0111 0119 0127 0500 0510 0520 0530 0540 0550 0580 0570 0320 0328 0336 0344 0352 0360 0368 0378 0321 0329 0337 0345 0353 0361 0369 0377 0322 0330 0338 0346 0354 0362 0370 0378 0323 0331 0339 0347 0355 0363 0371 0379 0324 0332 0340 0346 0356 0364 0372 0380 0325 0333 0341 0349 0357 0365 0373 0381 0326 0334 0342 0350 0358 0366 0374 0382 0327 0335 0343 0351 0359 0367 0375 0383 0200 0210 0220 0230 0240 0250 0260 0270 0128 0136 0144 0152 0160 0168 0176 0184 0129 0137 0145 0153 0181 0189 0177 0185 0130 0138 0146 0154 0162 0170 0178 0186 0131 0132 0139 0140 0147 0148 0155 0156 0163 0164 0171 0172 0179 0180 0187 0188 0133 0141 0149 0157 0165 0173 0181 0189 0134 0142 0150 0158 0168 0174 0182 0190 0135 0143 0151 0159 0167 0175 0183 0191 0600 0610 0820 0630 0840 0850 0880 0670 0364 0392 0400 0408 0416 0424 0432 0440 0385 0393 0401 0409 0417 0425 0433 0441 0386 0394 0402 0410 0418 0426 0434 0442 0387 0395 0403 0411 0419 0427 0435 0443 0388 0396 0404 0412 0420 0428 0438 0444 0389 0397 0405 0413 0421 0429 0437 0445 0390 0398 0406 0414 0422 0430 0438 0446 0391 0399 0407 0415 0423 0431 0439 0447 0300 0310 0320 0330 0340 0350 0380 0370 0192 0200 0208 0218 0224 0232 0240 0248 0193 0201 0209 0217 0225 0233 0241 0249 0194 0202 0210 0218 0228 0234 0242 0250 0195 0196 0203 0204 0211 0212 0219 0220 0227 0228 0235 0236 0243 0244 0251 0252 0197 0205 0213 0221 0229 0237 0245 0253 0198 0206 0214 0222 0230 0238 0246 0254 0199 0207 0215 0223 0231 0239 0247 0255 0700 0710 0720 0730 0740 0750 0760 0770 0446 0456 0484 0472 0480 0488 0496 0504 0449 0457 0485 0473 0461 0489 0497 0505 0450 0458 0466 0474 0462 0490 0498 0506 0451 0459 0467 0475 0463 0491 0499 0507 0452 0460 0468 0476 0484 0492 0500 0508 0453 0481 0469 0477 0485 0493 0501 0509 0454 0462 0470 0478 0486 0494 0502 0510 0455 0463 0471 0479 0487 0495 0503 0511 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 6 7 1000 1010 1020 1030 1040 1060 1080 1070 0512 0520 0628 0638 0544 0662 0680 0!l88 0513 0521 0529 0537 0546 0553 0681 0589 0514 0522 0530 0538 0548 0564 0582 0570 0515 0518 0523 0524 0531 0532 0539 0540 0547 0548 0566 0558 0583 0584 0571 0572 0517 0626 0633 0541 0549 0667 0686 0573 0518 0526 0534 0542 0550 0558 0586 0574 0519 0527 0635 0543 0551 0559 0587 0575 1400 1410 1420 1430 1440 1450 1480 147D 0768 0176 0784 0792 0800 0808 0818 0824 0769 0777 0785 0793 0801 0809 0817 0825 0770 0778 0788 0794 0802 0810 0818 0826 0771 0779 0787 0796 0803 0811 0819 0827 0772 0180 0788 0796 0804 0812 0820 0828 0773 0781 0789 0797 0805 0813 0821 0829 0774 0782 0790 0798 0806 0814 0822 0830 0775 0783 0791 0799 0807 0816 0823 0831 1100 1110 1120 1130 1140 1150 1180 1170 0678 0584 0692 0800 0808 0818 0824 0832 0517 0685 0593 0801 0809 0817 0825 0833 0578 0688 0594 0802 01110 01118 0828 0834 0579 0580 0581 0588 0595 0598 0803 0804 0811 0812 0819 0820 0821 0828 0836 0838 0581 0689 0697 0806 0813 0821 0829 0837 0582 0590 0598 0808 01114 0822 0830 0838 0583 0591 0599 0801 0815 0823 0831 0839 1500 1510 1620 1630 1540 1550 1580 1570 0832 0840 0848 0868 0884 0872 0880 0888 0833 D841 0849 0857 0885 0873 D881 D889 0834 0842 0850 0868 0888 0874 D882 0890 0835 0843 0851 0869 0887 0875 0883 0891 0838 0844 0862 0880 0888 0878 0884 0892 0837 0846 0853 0881 088~ 0877 0886 0893 0838 0848 0864 0882 087D 0878 0888 0894 0839 0847 0866 0883 0871 0879 0887 0896 1200 1210 1220 1230 1240 1260 1280 1270 0840 0848 0858 0884 0872 01180 0888 08911 0841 0849 0857 0885 01173 0881 DII89 0897 0842 0850 01158 0888 01174 0882 D89D DII98 0843 0861 0859 0887 01175 0883 0891 DII99 0844 0862 08eD 01188 01178 0884 0892 070D 0846 0853 0881 01177 DII86 D893 0701 0848 01154 0882 0870 01178 011811 DII94 0702 0841 0856 0883 0871 01179 01187 0896 0703 1800 1810 1820 1830 1840 1660 1880 1870 0898 0904 0912 0920 0928 0938 0944 0962 D897 0906 0913 0921 D929 0937 0946 0963 0898 0908 0914 0922 0930 0938 09411 0954 0899 0907 0916 0923 0931 0939 0947 0966 0900 0908 0918 0924 0932 0940 0948 0958 0901 0909 0917 0926 0933 0941 0949 0967 0902 0910 0918 09211 0934 0942 0960 0968 0903 0911 0919 0927 0935 0943 0961 0969 13DO 0704 1310 0712 1320 0720 1330 072B 1340 0738 1350 0744 13110 0752 1370 07110 D706 0713 0721 0729 0737 0745 0753 0781 07D8 0714 0722 0730 0738 0748 0754 D782 07D7 07D8 D716 0718 0723 0724 0731 0732 0739 0740 0747 0748 D758 om D783 0784 D709 D717 0726 0733 0741 0749 07&7 0785 0710 0718 0728 0734 0742 0750 0768 0788 0711 0719 0727 1700 1710 1720 1730 1740 1760 1780 1770 0980 0988 0978 0984 0992 1000 1008 10111 0981 D989 0977 0986 0993 1001 1008 1017 0982 0970 0978 0988 0994 lD02 1010 1018 0983 0971 0979 0987 0995 1003 1011 1019 0984 0972 0980 0888 0998 lD04 lD12 lD2D 0986 0973 0981 0989 0997 lD06 1013 1021 0988 0974 0982 0990 0998 1008 1014 1022 0987 0976 0983 0991 0999 1007 lD16 1023 0000 to 0511 (Decimal) Decimal Octal 10000· 4096 20000 - 8192 30000 . 12288 40000 . 16364 50000 . 20460 60000 . 24576 70000 . 28672 r--------- ,.-. lA-2 0000 to 0777 (Octal) 4 6 0189 8 7 om 0743 0761 om 0787 6 1000 0612 10 10 1717 (OcIII) lD23 (Olelmll) 82122900 3290 TABLE lA-2. OCTAL-DECIMAL CONVERSION TABLE (SHEET 2 OF 4) 2000 1024 to to 2777 (DetaIl 1535 (Decima!l Octal Decimal 10000 - 4096 20000 - 8192 30000 - 12288 40000 - 16384 50000 - 20480 60000 - 24576 70000 - 28672 3000 1536 to to 3777 2047 (Decima/I (~,.U 82122900 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 2070 1£;24 1032 1040 1048 1056 1064 1072 1080 1025 1033 1041 1049 1057 1065 1073 1081 1026 1034 1042 1050 1058 1066 1074 1082 1027 1035 1043 1051 1059 1067 1075 1083 1028 1036 1044 1052 1060 1068 1076 1084 1029 1037 1045 1053 1061 1069 1077 1085 1030 1038 1046 1054 1062 1070 1078 1086 1031 1039 1047 1055 1063 1071 1079 1087 2400 2410 2420 2430 2440 2450 2460 2470 1280 1288 1296 1304 1312 1320 1328 1336 1281 1289 1297 1305 1313 1321 1329 1337 1282 1290 1298 1306 1314 1322 1330 1338 1283 1291 1299 1307 1315 1323 1331 1339 1284 1292 1300 1308 1316 1324 1332 1340 1285 1293 1301 1309 1317 1325 1333 1341 1286 1294 1302 1310 1318 1326 1334 1342 1287 1295 1303 1311 1319 1327 1335 1343 2100 2100 2120 2130 2140 2150 2160 2170 1088 1096 1104 1112 1120 1128 1136 1144 1089 1097 1105 1113 1121 1129 1137 1145 1090 1098 1106 1114 1122 1130 1138 1146 1091 1099 1107 1115 1123 1131 1139 1147 1092 1100 1108 1116 1124 1132 1140 1148 1093 1101 1109 1117 1125 1133 1141 1149 1094 1102 1110 1118 1126 1134 1142 1150 1095 1103 1111 1119 1127 1135 1143 1151 2500 2510 2520 2530 2540 2550 2560 2570 1344 1352 1360 1368 1376 1384 1392 1400 1345 1353 1361 1369 1377 1385 1393 1401 1346 1354 1362 1370 1378 1386 1394 1402 1347 1355 1363 1371 1379 1387 1395 1403 1348 1356 1364 1372 1380 1388 1396 1404 1349 1357 1365 1373 1381 1389 1397 1405 1350 1358 1366 1374 1382 1390 1398 1406 1351 1359 1367 1375 1383 1391 1399 1407 2200 2210 2220 2230 2240 2250 2260 2270 1152 1160 1168 1176 1184 1192 1200 1208 1153 1161 1169 1177 1185 1193 1201 1209 1154 1162 1170 1178 1186 1194 1202 1210 1155 1163 1171 1179 1187 1195 1203 1211 1156 1164 1172 1180 1188 1196 1204 1212 1157 1165 1173 1181 1189 1197 1205 1213 1158 fl66 1174 1182 1190 1198 1206 1214 1159 1167 1175 1183 1191 1199 1207 1215 2600 2610 2620 2630 2640 2650 2660 2670 1408 1416 1424 1432 1440 1448 1456 1464 1409 1417 1425 1433 1441 1449 1457 1465 1410 1418 1426 1434 1442 1450 1458 1466 1411 1419 1427 1435 1443 1451 1459 1467 1412 1420 1428 1436 1444 1452 1460 1468 1413 1421 1429 1437 1445 1453 1461 1469 1414 1422 1430 1438 1446 1454 1462 1470 1415 1423 1431 1439 1447 1455 1463 1471 2300 2310 2320 2330 2340 2350 2360 2370 1216 1224 1232 1240 1248 1256 1264 1272 1217 1225 1233 1241 1249 1257 1265 1273 1218 1226 1234 1242 1250 1258 1266 1274 1219 1227 1235 1243 1251 1259 1267 1275 1220 1228 1236 1244 1252 1260 1268 1276 1221 1229 1237 1245 1253 1261 1289 1277 1222 1230 1238 1246 1254 1262 1270 1278 1223 1231 1239 1247 1255 1263 1271 1279 2700 2710 2720 2730 2740 2750 2760 2770 1472 1480 1488 1496 1504 1512 1520 1528 1473 1481 1489 1497 1505 1513 1521 1529 1474 1482 1490 1498 1506 1514 1522 1530 1475 1483 1491 1499 1507 1515 1523 1531 1476 1484 1492 1500 1508 1516 1524 1532 1477 1485 1493 1501 1519 1517 1525 1533 1478 1486 1494 1502 1510 1518 1526 1534 1479 1487 1495 1503 1511 1519 1527 1535 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 3000 3010 3020 3030 3040 3050 3080 3070 1536 1544 1552 1560 1568 1576 1584 1592 1537 1545 1553 1561 1569 1577 1585 1593 1538 1546 1554 1562 1570 1578 1586 1594 1539 1547 1555 1563 1571 1579 1587 1595 1540 1548 1556 1564 1572 1580 1588 1596 1541 1549 1557 1565 1573 1581 1589 1597 1542 1550 1558 1566 1574 1582 1590 1598 1543 1551 1559 1567 1575 1583 1591 1599 3400 3410 3420 3430 3440 3450 3460 3470 1792 1800 1808 1816 1824 1832 1840 1848 1793 1801 1809 1817 1825 1833 1841 1849 1794 1802 1810 1818 1826 1834 1842 1850 1795 1803 1811 1819 1827 1835 1643 1851 1796 1804 1812 1820 1828 1836 1844 1852 1797 1805 1813 1821 1829 1837 1845 1853 1798 1806 1814 1822 1830 1838 1646 1854 1799 1807 1815 1823 1831 1839 1847 1855 3100 3110 3120 3130 3140 3150 3160 3170 1600 1608 1616 1624 1632 1640 1648 1656 1601 1809 1617 1625 1633 1641 1649 1657 1602 1610 1618 1626 1634 1642 1650 1658 1603 1611 1619 1627 1635 1643 1651 1659 1604 1612 1620 1628 1636 1644 1652 1660 1605 1613 1621 1629 1637 1645 1653 1661 1608 1614 1622 1630 1638 1646 1654 1662 1807 1615 1623 1631 1639 1647 1655 1683 3500 3510 3520 3530 3540 3550 3560 3570 1858 1864 1872 1880 1888 1896 1904 1912 1857 1865 1873 1881 1889 1897 1905 1913 1858 1866 1874 1882 1890 1898 1906 1914 1859 1867 1875 1883 1891 1899 1907 1915 1860 1868 1876 1884 1892 1900 1908 1916 1861 1869 1877 1685 1893 1901 1909 1917 1862 1870 1878 1886 1894 1902 1910 1918 1863 1871 1879 1887 1895 1903 1911 1919 3200 3210 3220 3230 3240 3250 3280 3270 1664 1672 1680 1688 1898 1704 1712 1720 1665 1673 1881 1889 1897 1705 1713 1721 1666 1674 1682 1690 1698 1706 1714 1722 1667 1675 1883 1891 1899 1707 1715 1723 1668 1676 1664 1692 1700 1708 1718 1724 1669 1677 1685 1693 1701 1709 1717 1725 1670 1678 1886 1694 1702 1710 1718 1726 1671 1679 1887 1695 1703 1711 1719 1727 3800 3610 3820 3830 3850 3880 3870 1920 1928 1938 1944 1952 1980 1988 1978 1921 1929 1937 1945 1953 1981 1989 1977 1922 1930 1938 1946 1954 1962 1970 1978 1923 1931 1939 1947 1955 1983 1971 1979 1924 1932 1940 1948 1958 1964 1972 1980 1925 1933 1941 1949 1957 1965 1973 1981 1926 1934 1942 1950 1958 1988 1974 1982 1927 1935 1943 1951 1959 1967 1975 1983 3300 3310 3320 3330 3340 3350 3360 3370 1728 1738 1744 1729 1737 1745 1763 1781 1789 1777 1785 1730 1738 1746 1764 1782 1770 1778 1788 1731 1739 1747 1755 1783 1771 1779 1787 1732 1740 1748 1758 \164 1772 1780 1788 1733 1741 1749 1757 1786 1773 1781 1789 1734 1742 1750 1768 1788 1774 1782 1790 1735 1743 1751 1759 1787 1775 1783 1791 3700 3710 3720 3730 3740 3750 3780 3770 1984 1992 2000 2008 2018 2024 2032 2040 1985 1993 2001 2009 2017 2025 2033 2041 1988 1994 2002 2010 2018 2028 2034 2042 1987 1995 2003 2011 2019 1988 1998 2004 2012 2020 2028 2038 2044 1989 1997 2005 2013 2021 2029 2037 2045 1990 1998 2008 2014 2022 2030 2038 2048 1991 1999 2007 2015 2023 2031 2039 2047 1762 1780 1788 1776 1794 3840 ~027 2035 2043 7 lA-3 3290 TABLE lA-2. OCTAL-DECIMAL CONVERSION TABLE (SHEET 3 OF 4) o 2 3 4 5 2052 2060 2068 2076 2084 2092 2100 2108 2053 2061 2069 2077 2085 2093 2101 2109 6 o 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 2306 2314 2322 2330 2338 2346 2354 2362 2307 2315 2323 2331 2339 2347 2355 2363 2308 2316 2324 2332 2340 2348 2356 2364 2:l0S 2317 232!J 2333 2341 2349 2357 2365 2310 2318 2326 2334 2342 2350 2358 2366 2311 2319 2321 2335 2343 2351 2359 2367 2055 2063 2071 2079 2087 2095 2103 2111 4400 4410 4420 4430 4440 4450 4460 4410 2304 2320 2328 2336 2344 2352 2360 2305 2313 2321 2329 2337 2345 2353 2361 4100 2112 2113 2114 2115 2116 2117 2118 2119 4110 2120 2121 2122 2123 2124 2125 2126 2127 4120 2128 2129 2130 2131 2132 2133 2134 2135 4130 2136 2137 2138 2139 2140 2141 2142 2143 4140 2144 2145 2146 2147 2148 2149 2150 2151 4150 2152 2153 2154 2155 2156 2157 2158 2159 416021602161216221632164216521662167 4170 2168 2169 2170 2171 2172 2173 2174 2175 4500 4510 4520 4530 4540 4550 4560 4570 2368 2376 2384 2392 2400 2408 2416 2424 2369 2377 2385 2393 2401 2409 2417 2425 2370 2378 2386 2394 2402 2410 2418 2426 2371 2379 2387 2395 2403 2411 2419 2421 2372 2380 2388 2396 2404 2412 2420 2428 2373 2381 2389 2397 2405 2413 2421 2429 2374 2382 2390 2398 2406 2414 2422 2430 2375 2383 2391 2399 2407 2415 2423 2431 4600 4610 4620 4630 4640 4650 4660 4670 2432 1440 2448 2456 2464 2472 2480 2488 2433 2441 2449 2457 2465 1473 2481 2489 2434 2442 2450 2458 2466 2474 2482 2490 2435 2443 2451 2459 2467 2475 2483 2491 2436 2444 2452 2460 2468 2476 2484 2492 2437 2445 2453 2461 2469 2477 2.1R'i 2493 2438 2446 2454 2462 2470 2478 2486 2494 2439 2447 2455 2463 2471 2479 2487 2495 2496 2497 2498 2499 2500 2501 2505 2'-'06 2507 2508 250'1 7512 2513 2514 2515 2516 2517 7520 2521 7522 2523 2524 2525 7528 2529 2530 2531 2532 2533 2536 2537 2538 2539 2540 2541 2544 2545 2546 2547 2548 2549 2552 2553 2554 2555 2556 2557 1 _ _ - ___________ _ 2502 7510 2518 2526 2534 2542 2550 2558 2503 2511 2519 2527 2535 2543 2551 2559 4000 4010 4020 4030 4040 4050 4060 4070 2048 2056 2064 2072 2080 2088 2096 2104 2049 2057 2065 2073 2081 2089 2097 2105 2050 2058 2066 2074 2082 1090 2098 2106 2051 2059 2067 2075 2083 2091 2099 2107 2054 2062 2070 2078 2086 2094 2102 2110 I 4200 4210 4220 4230 4240 4250 4260 4270 2176 2184 2192 2200 2208 2216 2224 223:: 2177 2185 2193 2201 2209 2217 2225 2233 2178 2186 2194 2202 2210 21'18 2226 2234 2179 21R7 2195 2203 2211 221n 2227 2235 2180 2188 2196 2204 2212 22211 2228 2236 2181 2189 2197 2205 2213 2221 2229 2237 2182 2190 2198 2206 2214 2222 2230 2238 2183 2191 2199 2207 2215 4300 4310 4320 4330 4340 4350 4360 4370 2240 2248 2256 2764 2272 2280 2288 2296 2241 2249 2257 2265 2::73 2281 2289 2297 2242 2250 2258 nB6 2274 2282 2290 2798 2243 2251 2259 2267 2275 2283 2291 2299 2244 2252 2260 2268 2276 2284 2292 2300 2245 :1253 2261 2269 2277 2285 2293 2301 2246 2254 2262 2270 2278 2286 2294 2302 2247 4700 2255 4710 22fl3, 4/20 2271: 4730 22791[4740 2287 47'i0 2295 4760 2303 4770 2 3 4 5 7223 2231 2239 L...-L....____________________ o 6 ____ 231~ 7504 I o 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 5000 5010 5020 5030 5040 5050 5060 5070 2560 2568 2576 2584 2592 2600 2608 2616 2561 2569 2577 2585 2593 2601 2609 2617 2562 2570 2578 2586 2594 :602 2610 2618 2563 2571 2579 2587 2595 2603 2611 2619 2564 2572 2580 2588 2596 2604 2612 2620 2565 2573 2581 2589 2597 2605 2613 2621 2566 2574 2582 2590 2598 2606 2614 2622 2567 7575 2583 2591 2599 2607 2615 2623 5400 5410 5420 5430 5440 5450 5460 5470 2816 2874 2832 2840 2848 2856 2864 2872 2817 2825 2833 2841 2849 2857 2865 2873 2818 2826 2834 2842 2850 2858 2866 2874 2819 2827 2835 2843 2851 2859 2867 2875 2820 2828 2836 2844 2852 2860 2868 2876 2821 2829 2837 2845 2853 2861 2869 2877 2822 2830 2838 2846 2854 2862 2870 2878 2823 2831 2839 2847 2855 2863 2871 2879 5100 5110 5120 5130 5140 5150 5160 5170 2624 2632 2640 2648 2656 2664 2672 2680 2625 2633 2641 2649 2657 2665 2673 2681 2626 2634 2642 2650 7658 2666 2674 2682 2627 2635 2643 2651 26'i9 2667 2675 2683 2628 2636 2644 2652 2660 2r,68 2676 2684 2629 2637 2645 2653 2661 2669 2677 2685 2630 2638 2646 2654 2662 2670 2678 2686 2631 2639 2647 2655 2663 2671 2679 2687 5500 5510 5520 5530 5540 5550 5560 5570 2880 2888 2896 2904 ]912 2920 2928 2936 2881 2889 2897 2905 2913 2921 2929 2937 2882 2890 2898 2906 2914 2922 2930 2938 2883 2891 2899 2907 2915 2923 2931 2939 2884 2892 2900 2908 2916 2924 2932 2940 2885 2893 2901 2909 2917 2925 2933 2941 2886 2894 2902 2910 2918 2926 2934 2942 2887 2895 2903 2911 2919 2927 2935 2943 5200 5210 5220 5230 5240 5250 5260 5270 26B8 2696 2704 2712 2720 2728 2736 2144 26B9 2697 2705 2713 2721 2729 2737 2745 2690 2698 2706 2114 2722 2730 2738 2746 2691 2699 2707 2115 2723 2731 2739 2147 2692 2700 2708 2116 2724 2732 2740 2748 2693 2701 2709 2717 2125 2733 2741 2749 2694 2702 2710 2718 2726 2734 2742 2750 2695 2703 2711 2719 2127 2735 2743 2751 5600 5610 5620 5630 5640 5650 5660 5870 2944 2952 2960 2968 2976 2984 2992 3000 2945 2953 2961 2969 2971 2985 2993 3001 2946 2954 2962 2970 2978 2986 2994 3002 2947 2955 2963 2971 2979 2987 2995 3003 2948 2956 2964 2972 2980 2988 2996 3004 2949 2957 2965 2973 2981 2989 2997 3005 2950 2958 2966 2974 2982 2990 2998 3006 2951 2959 2967 2975 2983 2991 2999 3007 5300 5310 5320 5330 5340 5350 5380 5370 2752 2760 2768 2778 2784 2792 '800 '808 2753 2761 2769 2777 2785 2193 2801 2809 2754 2162 2770 2778 2788 2794 2802 2810 2755 2763 2771 2779 2787 2195 2803 2811 2756 2764 2772 2780 :nRB 2798 2804 2812 2757 2765 2773 2781 2789 2197 2B05 2813 2758 2766 2774 2782 27!10 2198 'BOA 2814 2759 2767 2775 2783 2191 2199 'AOl 5100 5710 5720 5730 5140 5750 5760 5770 3008 3016 3024 3032 3040 3048 30M :10114 3009 3017 3025 3033 3041 3049 3051 306!! 3010 3018 3028 3034 3042 3050 3058 3088 3011 3019 3027 3035 3043 3051 3059 30B7 3012 3020 3028 3036 3044 3052 3060 3068 3013 3021 3029 3037 3045 3053 30Gl 3089 3014 3022 3030 3038 3048 3054 3082 3070 3015 3023 3031 3039 3047 3055 3083 3071 lA-4 'Rl~ - ..•... --.---- 4000 to 4777 (Octal) Octal 2048 to 2559 (Decimal) Decimal 10000 - 4096 20000· 8192 30000 - 12288 40000 - 16384 50000 . 20480 60000 . 24576 70000 . 28672 5000 to 5777 2560 to 3071 (Octal) (Oecimal) 82122900 3290 TABLE 1A-2. OCTAL-DECIMAL CONVERSION TABLE (SHEET 4 OF 4) 6000 to 6717 3072 to 3583 (Octal} (Decimal} Octal Decimal 10000 - 4096 20000 - 8192 30000 - 12288 40000 - 16384 50000 - 20480 60000 - 24576 70000 - 28672 1 2 3 4 5 6000 6010 6020 6030 6040 6050 6060 6010 3072 3080 3088 3096 3104 3112 3120 3128 3073 3081 3089 3097 3105 3113 3121 3129 3074 3082 3090 3098 3106 3114 3122 3130 3075 3083 3091 3099 3107 3115 3123 3131 3076 3084 3092 3100 3108 3116 3124 3132 3077 3085 3093 3101 3109 3117 3125 3133 3078 3086 3094 3102 3110 3118 3126 3134 3079 3087 3095 3103 3111 3119 3127 3135 6100 6110 6120, 6130 6140 6150 6160 6170 3136 3144 3152 3160 3168 3176 3184 3192 3137 3145 3153 3161 3169 3177 3185 3193 3138 3146 3154 3162 3170 3178 3186 3194 3139 3147 3155 3163 3171 3179 3187 3195 3140 3148 3156 3164 3172 3180 3188 3196 3141 3149 3157 3165 3173 3181 3189 3197 3142 3150 3158 3166 3174 3182 3190 3198 6200 6210 6220 6230 6240 6250 6260 6270 3200 3208 3216 3224 3232 3240 3248 3256 3201 3209 3217 3225 3233 3241 3249 3257 3202 3210 3218 3226 3234 3242 3250 3258 3203 3211 3219 3227 3235 3243 3251 3259 3204 3212 3220 3228 3236 3244 3252 3260 3205 3213 3221 3229 3237 3245 3253 3261 6300 6310 6320 6330 6340 6350 6360 6370 3264 3272 3280 3288 3296 3304 3312 3320 3265 3273 3281 3289 3297 3305 3313 3321 3266 3274 3282 3290 3298 3306 3314 3322 3267 3275 3283 3291 3299 3307 3315 3323 3268 3276 3284 3292 3300 3308 3316 3324 -7000 to 7777 3584 to 4095 (Octal} (olcimal} 6 5 6 7 3333 3341 3349 3357 3365 3373 3381 3389 3334 3342 3350 3358 3366 3374 3382 3390 3335 3343 3351 3359 3367 3375 3383 3391 3394 3395 3402 3403 3410 3411 3418 3419 3426 3427 3434 3435 3442 3443 3450 3451 3396 3397 3404 3405 3412 3413 3420 3421 3428 3429 3436 3437 3444 3445 3452 3453 3398 3406 3414 3422 3430 3438 3446 3454 3399 3407 3415 3423 3431 3439 3447 3455 3457 3465 3473 3481 3489 3497 3505 3513 3458 3466 3474 3482 3490 3498 3506 3514 3459 3467 3475 3483 3491 3499 3507 3515 3460 3468 3476 3484 3492 3500 3508 3516 3461 3469 3417 3485 3493 3501 3509 3517 3462 3470 3478 3486 3494 3502 3510 3518 3463 3471 3479 3487 3495 3503 3511 3519 3521 3529 3537 3545 3553 3561 3569 3577 3522 3530 3538 3546 3554 3562 35'70 3578 3523 3531 3539 3547 3555 3563 3571 3579 3524 3532 3540 3548 3556 3564 3572 3580 3525 3533 3541 3549 3557 3565 3573 3581 3526 3534 3542 3550 3558 3566 3574 3582 3527 3535 3543 3551 3559 3567 3575 3583 0 1 2 3 4 6 6 0 1 2 6400 6410 6420 6430 6440 6450 6460 6470 3328 3336 3344 3352 3360 3368 3376 3384 3329 3337 3345 3353 3361 3369 3317 3385 3330 3338 3346 3354 3362 3370 3378 3386 3143 3151 3159 3167 3175 3183 3191 3199 6500 6510 6520 6530 6540 6550 6560 6570 3392 3400 3408 3416 3432 3440 3448 3393 3401 3409 3417 3425 3433 3441 3449 3206 3214 3222 3230 3238 3246 3254 3262 3207 3215 3223 3231 3239 3247 3255 3263 6600 6610 6620 6630 6640 6650 6660 6670 3456 3484 3472 3480 3488 3496 3504 3512 3269 3277 3285 3293 3301 3309 3317 3325 3270 3278 3286 3294 3302 3310 3318 3326 3271 3279 3287 3295 3303 3311 3319 3327 6700 6710 6720 6730 6740 6750 6760 6770 3520 3528 3536 3544 3552 3560 3568 3576 -- ~24 4 3 3331 3339 3347 3355 3363 3371 3379 3387 3332 3340 3348 3356 3364 3372 3380 3388 ,..--. 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7000 7010 7020 7030 7040 7050 7060 7070 3584 3592 3800 3608 3616 3624 3632 3840 3585 3593 3601 3609 3617 3625 3633 3641 3588 3594 3602 3610 3618 3626 3634 3642 3587 3595 3803 3811 3819 3627 3635 3643 3588 3498 3604 3612 3620 3628 3636 3844 3589 3497 3805 3613 3621 3629 3637 3645 3590 3598 3808 3814 3622 3630 3638 3846 3591 3599 3807 3815 3823 3631 3639 3647 740D 7410 7420 7430 7440 7450 7460 747D 3840 3848 3856 3884 3872 3880 3888 3896 3841 3849 3857 3865 3873 3881 3889 3897 3842 3850 3858 3866 3874 3882 3890 3898 3843 3851 3859 3867 3875 3883 3891 3899 3844 3852 3880 3888 3876 3884 3892 3900 3845 3853 3861 3869 3877 3885 3893 3901 3846 3854 3862 3870 3878 3886 3894 3902 3847 3855 3863 3871 3879 3887 3895 3903 7100 7110 7120 7130 7140 7150 7180 7170 3848 3858 3864 3872 3880 3888 3896 3704 3649 3657 3885 3673 3681 3889 3897 3705 3650 3658 3888 3874 3882 3890 3898 3708 3651 3859 3887 3875 3883 3891 3899 3707 3652 3880 3888 3678 3884 3892 3700 3708 3853 3661 3889 3871 3885 3893 3701 3709 3854 3882 3870 3678 3686 3894 3702 3710 3855 3863 3671 3879 3887 3695 3703 3711 7500 7510 7520 7530 7540 7550 7560 7510 3904 3912 3920 3928 3936 3944 3952 3980 3905 3913 3921 3929 3937 3945 3953 3981 3906 3914 3922 3930 3938 3946 3954 3962 3907 3915 3923 3931 3939 3947 3955 3963 3908 3916 3924 3932 3940 3948 3956 3964 3909 3917 3925 3933 3941 3949 3957 3965 3910 3918 3928 3934 3942 3950 3958 3966 3911 3919 3927 3935 3943 3951 3959 3967 7200 7210 7220 7230 7240 7250 7260 7270 3712 3120 3728 3738 3744 3752 3780 3788 3113 3121 3129 3737 3745 3753 3761 3769 3714 3722 3730 3738 3748 3754 3762 3770 3715 3723 3731 3739 3747 3755 3763 3771 3716 3724 3732 3740 3748 3764 3772 3717 3725 3733 3741 3749 3757 3765 3713 3718 3728 3734 3742 3750 3758 3766 3174 3719 3127 3735 3743 3751 3759 3767 3775 7600 7610 7620 7630 7840 7650 7660 7670 3988 3978 3984 3992 4000 4008 4016 4024 3969 3977 3985 3993 4001 4009 4017 4025 3970 3978 3986 3994 4002 4010 4018 4026 3!l71 3979 3987 3995 4003 4011 4019 4027 3972 3980 3988 3996 4004 4012 4020 4028 3973 3981 3989 3997 4D05 4013 4021 4029 3974 3982 3990 3998 4006 4014 4022 4030 3975 3983 3991 3999 4007 4015 4023 4D31 7300 7310 7320 7330 7340 7350 7360 1370 3718 3784 3792 3800 3808 3818 3824 3832 3777 3785 3793 3801 3809 3817 3825 3833 3778 3788 3794 3802 3810 3818 3828 3834 3779 3787 3796 3803 3811 3819 3827 3835 3780 3788 3798 3804 3812 3820 3828 3838 3781 3789 3797 3805 3813 3821 3829 3837 3782 3790 3798 3808 3814 3822 3830 3838 3783 3791 3799 3807 3815 3823 3831 3839 7700 7710 7720 7730 4032 4040 4048 4056 7740 4084 7750 77RO 7770 4072 4080 4088 4033 4041 4049 4057 4086 4073 4081 4089 4034 4042 4050 4068 4086 4074 4082 4090 4035 4043 4051 4059 4087 4075 4083 4091 4038 4044 4052 4080 4088 4018 4084 4092 4D37 4045 4063 4081 4089 4077 4086 4093 4038 4046 4054 4082 4070 4078 4D88 4094 4039 4047 4055 4083 4071 4079 4087 4095 37~6 ... 82122900 7 0 _-------- lA-5 3290 TABLE lA-3. OCTAL-DECIMAL FRACTION CONVERSION TABLE (SHEET 1 OF 3) ..' OCTAL DEC. OCTAL DEC. .125000 .126953 .128906 .130859 .132812 .134765 .136718 .138671 .200 .201 .202 .203 .204 .205 .206 .207 .250000 .251953 .253906 .255859 .. 257812 .259765 .261718 .263671 .300 .301 .302 .303 .304 :305 .306 .307 .375000 .376953 .378906 .380859 .382812 .384765 .386718 .388671 .110 .111 .112 .113 .114 .115 .116 .117 .140625 .142578 .144531 .146484 .148437 .150390 .152343 .154296 .210 .211 .212 .213 .214 .215 .216 .217 .265625 .267578 .269531 .271484 .273437 .275390 .277343 .279296 .310 .311 .312 .313 .314 .315 .316 .317 .390625 .392578 .394531 .396484 .398437 .400390 .402343 .404296 .031250 .033203 .035156 .037109 .039062 .041015 .042968 .044921 .120 .121 .122 .123 .124 .125 .126 .127 .156250 .158203 .160156 .162109 .164062 .166015 .167968 .169921 .220 .221 .222 .223 .224 .225 .226 .227 .281250 .283203 .285156 .287109 .289062 .291015 .292968 .294921 .320 .321 .322 .323 .324 .325 .326 .327 .406250 .408203 .410156 .412109 .414062 .416015 .417968 .419921 .030 .031 .032 .033 .034 ,035 ,036 .037 .046875 .048828 .050781 ,052734 .054687 .056640 .058593 .060546 .130 .131 .132 .133 .134 .135 .136 .137 .171875 .173828 .175781 .177734 .179687 .181640 .183593 ,185546 .230 .231 .232 .233 .234 .235 .236 .237 .296875 .298828 .300781 .302734 .304687 .306640 .308593 ,310546 330 331 .332 .333 .334 ,335 ,336 ,337 .421875 .423828 .425781 .427734 .429687 .431640 .433593 .435546 .040 .041 .042 .043 ,044 .046 .046 .047 .062500 .064463 ,066406 ,068359 .070312 ,072265 ,074218 .076171 .140 .141 ,142 ,143 .144 ,146 ,146 .147 .187500 .189453 .191406 ,193359 .195312 ,197265 .199218 .201171 .240 .241 .242 .243 .244 .245 ,246 .247 .312500 ,314463 ,318406 ,318369 .320312 ,322265 .324218 .326171 .340 ,341 ,342 .343 .344 ,345 ,346 .347 .437600 ,439453 ,441408 ,443359 ,446312 ,447265 ,449218 .451171 ,060 .051 .052 .053 .054 .055 .056 .057 .078125 .080078 .082031 .083984 .085937 .087890 .089843 ,091796 .150 .161 .162 .163 ,164 ,155 .166 .167 .203125 .205078 .207031 .208984 .210937 ,212890 .214843 ,216796 .250 .251 .252 .253 .254 .255 .256 .257 .328125 .330078 .332031 .333984 .335937 .337890 ,339843 .341796 .350 .351 .352 .353 ,354 .355 .356 .357 .453125 .455078 .457031 .458984 ,460937 .462890 .464843 .466796 .060 .061 .062 083 ,064 ,066 ,068 .067 .093750 .095703 097658 .099809 101562 .103515 .105468 .107421 .160 .161 ,182 ,163 .184 165 ,186 .187 .218750 .220703 .222856 224609 ,226562 228515 230488 232421 .260 ,261 262 263 264 266 28e 267 343750 .345703 ,347658 .349609 .351562 353515 .365488 .357421 ',360 361 ,362 .383 384 .365 36e .367 .468750 .470703 ,472656 474609 .478582 .478515 .480468 482421 .070 ,071 .072 .073 ,074 .075 ,076 .077 109375 .111328 113281 .115234 .117187 ,119140, .121093' ,123046 .170 ,171 ,172 .173 ,174 ,175 176 ,177 .234375 .236328 .238281 .240234 ,242187 .244140 ,246093 ,248046 270 .271 .272 ,273 ,274 275 276 277 359375 .361328 .363281 .365234 ,367187 .369140 371093 ,373046 .370 .371 .372 ,373 374 ,375 .376 .484375 486328 .488281 ,490234 492187 .494140 .496093 498046 OCTAL DEC. OCTAL .000 .001 .002 .003 .004 .005 .006 .007 .000000 .001953 .003906 .005859 .007812 .009765 .011718 .013671 .100 .101 .102 .103 .104 .105 .106 .107 .010 .011 .012 .013 .014 .015 .016 .017 .015625 .017578 .019531 .021484 .023437 .025390 .027343 .029296 .020 .021 .022 .023 .024 .025 .026 .027 lA-6 DEC. .377 82122900 3290 TABLE lA-3. OCTAL-DECIMAL FRACTION CONVERSION TABLE (SHEET 2 OF 3) . OCTAL DEC. OCTAL -, DEC. OCTAL DEC. OCTAL DEC. .000400 .000401 .000402 .000403 .000404 .000405 .000406 .000407 .000976 .000980 .000984 .000988 .000991 .000995 .000999 .001003 .000500 .000501 .000502 .000503 .000504 .000505 .000506 .000507 .001220 .001224 .001228 .001232 .001235 .001239 .001243 .001247 .000600 .000601 .000602 .000603 .000604 .000605 .000606 .000607 .001464 .001468 .001472 .001476 .001480 .001483 .001487 .001491 .000700 .000701 .000702 .000703 .000704 .000705 .000706 .000707 .001708 .001712 .001716 .001720 .001724 .001728 .001731 .001735 .000410 .000411 .000412 .000413 .000414 .000415 .000416 .000417 .001007 .001010 .001014 .001018 .001022 .001026 .001029 .001033 .000510 .000511 .000512 .000513 .000514 .000515 .000516 .000517 .001251 .001255 .001258 .001262 .001266 .001270 .001274 .001277 .000610 .000611 .000612 .000613 .000614 .000615 .000616 .000617 .001495 .001499 .001502 .001506 .001510 .001514 .001518 .001522 .000710 .000711 .000712 .000713 .000714 .000715 .000716 .000717 .001739 .001743 .001747 .001750 .001754 .001758 .001762 .001766 .000420 .000421 .000422 .000423 .000424 .000425 .000426 .000427 .001037 .001041 .001045 .001049 .001052 .001056 .001060 .001064 .000520 .000521 .000522 .000523 .000524 .000525 .000526 .000527 .001281 .001285 .001289 .001293 .001296 .001300 .001304 .001308 .000620 .000621 .000622 .000623 .000624 .000625 .000626 .000627 .001525 .001529 .001533 .001537 .001541 .001544 .001548 .001552 .000720 .000721 .000722 .000723 .000724 .000725 .000726 .000727 .001770 .001773 .001777 .001781 .001785 .001789 .001792 .001796 .000430 .000431 .000432 .000433 .000434 .000435 .000436 .000437 .001069 .001071 .001075 .001079 .001083 .001087 .001091 .001094 .000530 .000531 .000532 .000533 .000534 .000535 .000536 .000537 .001312 .001316 .001319 .001323 .001327 .001331 .001335 .001338 .000630 .000631 .000632 .000633 .000634 .000635 .000636 .000637 .001556 .001560 .001564 .001567 .001571 .001575 .001579 .001583 .000730 .000731 .000732 .000733 .000734 .000735 .000736 .000737 .001800 .001804 .001808 .001811 .001815 .001819 .001823 .001827 .000440 .000441 .000442 .000443 .000444 .000446 .000446 .000447 .001098 .001102 .001108 .001110 .001113 .001117 .001121 .001125 .000540 .000641 .000642 .000643 .000644 .000646 .00064f .000547 .001342 .001348 .001350 .001354 .001358 .001381 .001365 .001369 .000640 .000841 .000642 .000643 .000844 .000645 .000646 .000647 .001688 .001690 .001694 .001598 .001802 .001805 .001609 .001613 .000740 .000741 .000742 .000743 .000744 .000745 .000748 .000747 .001831 .001834 .001838 .001842 .001846 .001850 .001853 .001857 .000460 ,000461 .000462 .000463 .000464 ,000466 ,000468 .000467 .001129 ,001132 ,001138 .001140 .001144 .001148 .001162 .001166 .000660 .000661 .000662 .000663 .000664 .000666 .00066f .000667 .001373 .001377 .001380 .001384 .001388 .001392 .001398 .001399 .000850 ,000851 .000862 .000853 .000864 .000666 .000868 .000667 .001617 .001821 .001825 .001828 .001832 .001638 .001840 .001844 .000750 .000751 .000762 .000763 .000764 .000766 ,000768 .000767 .001861 .001885 .001889 .001873 .001878 .001880 .001884 .001888 .000460 .000481 ,000482 .000483 ,000484 .000486 .0004e8 ,000487 .001169 ,001163 .001187 .001171 .001174 .001178 .001182 .001188 .00058C .0001581 .0001582 .0001583 .0001584 .000S8f. .0001586 .0001587 .001403 .001407 .001411 .001415 .001419 .001422 .001428 .001430 .000880 .000881 .000882 .000883 .000884 .000886 .0008e8 .000887 .001847 .001861 .001856 .001859 .001883 ..001887 .001870 .001874 .000760 ,000781 .000782 ,000783 .000784 .0007815 .000788 .000787 .001892 .0018915 .001899 .001903 ,001907 .001911 .001914 .001918 .000470 .000471 .000472 .000473 .000474 .000475 .000476 .000477 .001190 .001194 .001197 .001201 .001206 .. 001209 .001213 .001218 .0001570 .0001571 .0001572 .000573 .000574 .000575 .000576 .000577 .001434 .001438 .001441 .001445 .001449 .001453 .001457 .001481 .000870 .000871 .000672 .000873 .000874 .000675 .000678 .000677 .00187S .001882 .0018S8 .001889 .001893 .001897 .001701 .001705 .000770 .000771 .000772 .000773 .000774 .000775 .000776 .000777 .001922 .001928 .001930 .001934 .001937 .001941 .001945 .001949 82122900 , lA-7 3290 TABLE lA-3. OCTAL-DECIMAL FRACTION CONVERSION TABLE (SHEET 3 OF 3) ~ I .. - . . -- .. - DEC. OCTAL DEC. OCTAL DEC. OCTAL DEC . .000000 .000001 .000002 .000003 .000004 .000005 .000006 .000007 .000000 .000003 .000007 .000011 .000015 .000019 .000022 .000026 .000100 .000101 .000102 .000103 .000104 .000105 .000106 .000107 .000244 .000247 .000251 .000255 .000259 .000263 .000267 .000270 .000200 .000201 .000202 .000203 .000204 .000205 .000206 .000207 .000488 .000492 .000495 .000499 .000503 .000507 .000511 .000514 .000300 .000301 .000302 .000303 .000304 .000305 .000306 .000307 .000732 .000736 .000740 .000743 .000747 .000751 .000755 .000759 .000010 .000011 .000012 .000013 .000014 .000015 .000016 .000017 .000030 .000034 .000038 .000041 .000045 .000049 .000053 .000057 .000110 .000111 .000112 .000113 .000114 .000115 .000116 .000117 .000274 .000278 .000282 .000286 .000289 .000293 .000297 .000301 .000210 .000211 .000212 .000213 .000214 .000215 .000216 .000217 .000518 .000522 .000526 .000530 .000534 .000537 .000541 .000545 .000310 .000311 .000312 .000313 .000314 .000315 .000316 .000317 .000762 .000766 .000770 .000774 .000778 .000782 .000785 .000789 .000020 .000021 .000022 .000023 .000024 .000025 .000026 .000027 .000061 .000064 .000068 .000072 .000076 .000080 .000083 .000087 .000120 .000121 .000122 .000123 .000124 .000125 .000126 .000127 .000305 .000308 .000312 .000316 .000320 .000324 .000328 .000331 .000220 .000221 .000222 .000223 .000224 .000225 .000226 .000227 .000549 .000553 .000556 .000560 .000564 .000568 .000572 .000576 .000320 .000321 .000322 .000323 .000324 .000325 .000326 .000327 .000793 .000797 .000801 .000805 .000808 .000812 .000816 .000820 .000030 .000031 .000032 .000033 .000034 .000035 .000036 .000037 .000091 .000095 .000099 .000102 .000106 .000110 .000114 .000118 .000130 .000131 .000132 .000133 .000134 .000135 .000136 .000137 .000335 .000339 .000343 .000347 .000350 .000354 .000358 .000362 .000230 .000231 .0002.32 .000233 .000234 .000235 .000236 .000237 .000579 .000583 .000587 .000591 .000595 .000598 .000602 .000606 .000330 .000331 .000332 .000333 .000334 .000335 .000336 .000337 .000823 000827 .000831 .000835 .000839 .000843 .000846 .000850 .000040 .000041 .000042 .000043 .000044 .000045 .000046 .000047 .000122 .000125 .000129 .000133 .000137 .000141 .000144 .000148 .000140 .000141 .000142 .000143 .000144 .000145 .000146 .000147 .000366 .000370 .000373 .000377 .000381 .000385 .000389 .000392 .000240 .000241 .000242 .000243 .000244 .000245 .000246 .000247 .000610 .000614 .000617 .000621 .000625 .000629 .000633 .000637 .000340 .000341 .000342 .000343 .000344 .000345 .000346 .000347 .000854 .000858 .000862 .000865 .000869 .000873 .000877 .000881 .000050 .000051 .000062 .000053 .000064 .000065 .000066 .000057 .000152 .000156 .000160 .000164 .000167 .000171 .000175 .000179 .000150 .000151 .000152 .000153 .000154 .000155 .000156 .000167 .000396 .000400 .000404 .000408 .000411 .000415 .000419 .000423 .000250 .000251 .000262 .000253 .000264 .000265 .000256 .000257 .000640 .000644 .000648 .000652 .000656 .000659 .000663 .000667 .000350 .000351 .000352 .000353 .000364 .000355 .000356 .000357 .000885 .000888 .000892 .000896 .000900 .000904 .000907 .000911 .000060 .000061 .000062 .000063 .000064 .000065 .000066 .000067 .000183 .000186 .000190 .000194 .000198 .000202 .000205 .000209 .000160 .000161 .000162 .000163 .000164 .000165 .000166 .000167 .000427 .000431 .000434 .000438 .000442 .000446 .000450 .000453 .000260 .000261 .000262 .000263 .000264 .000265 .000266 .000267 .000671 .000675 .000679 .000682 .000686 .000690 .000694 .000698 .000360 .000361 .000362 .000363 .000364 .000365 .000366 .000367 .000915 .000919 .000923 .000926 .000930 .000934 .000938 .000942 .000070 .000071 .000072 .000073 .000074 .000075 .000076 .000077 .000213 .000217 .000221 .000225 .000228 .000232 .000236 .000240 .000170 .000171 .000172 .000173 .000174 .000176 .000176 .000177 .000457 .000461 .000465 .000469 .000473 .000476 .000480 .000484 .000270 .000271 .000272 .000273 .000274 .000275 .000276 000277 .000701 .000705 .000709 .000713 .000717 .000720 .000724 .000728 .000370 .000371 .000372 .000373 .000374 .000375 .000376 .000377 .000946 .000949 .000953 .000957 .000961 .000965 .000968 .000972 OCTAL lA-8 82122900 3290 ALPHABETICAL INDEX Subject Page C Channel Busy line Connect Code Connect Line Controls 3-4 3-7 3-1 2-1 0 Data Lines (12) Data Signal line Display Controller Display Station 3-1 3-4 2-1 2-5 E End of Record li ne Error Processing 3-6 3-35 F Fu nction Codes Function line Functional Description 3-7 3-3 1-2 I Interface Control Codes Interface Signal lines Interrupt lines (8) Interrupts 3-6 3-1 3-6 3-11 M Master C lear line Message Format 3-4 3-30 N Negate BCD Conversion line 3-4 0 Operating Procedures Operational Description 2-9 1-1 P Parity Error Line Parity line Poller Symbol Repertoire Poller Translation Poller Interface Signals 3-6 3-1 3-36 3-23 3-23 82122900 3290 ALPHABETICAL INDEX (CONT) 2 Subject Page P Poller Control Codes Programming Aids Programming Restrictions 3-26 3-22 3-22 R Read Line Read Operation Initiated by a Requesting Station Read Operation Initiated by the Computer Read;Write Operations Reiect Line Reply Line 3-3 3-20 3-21 3-19 3-5 3-4 S Status Codes Status lines (12) Suppress Assembly/Disassembly Line Symbol Data 3-7 3-6 3-5 3-12 T Typical Operation Sequence 2-10 W Word Formats Write Line Write Operation to a Local Display Station Write Operation to a Poller 3-14 3-4 3-21 3-21 82122900
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