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2/26/2018 Introduction to Myeloproliferative Neoplasms (MPNs) Post-ASH 2017 Wrap-Up Naveen Pemmaraju, M.D. Associate Professor Department of Leukemia University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center Houston, Texas, USA Disclosures • Research support, honorarium, consulting: – Incyte – Novartis – Stemline – Cellectis – LFB – Grant Funding: Affymetrix, Stemline – Abbvie – Samus Overview/Objectives • Introduction to MPN/MF • ASH 2017 Wrap-Up: Clinical trials • Translational Focus: Bench to Bedside and Back to the Bench • MPN: Symptom Burden: Why it Matters 1 2/26/2018 “Some Speculations on the myeloproliferative syndromes” William Dameshek (1900-1966) (ASH website) • “It is possible that these various conditions— 'myeloproliferative disorders'—are all…variable manifestations of proliferative activity of the bone marrow cells, perhaps due to a hitherto undiscovered stimulus.”—William Dameshek, 1951, Blood Natural History of MPNs courtesy Dr Ruben Mesa, MD, Mayo Clinic Overt PMF Post ET/PV MF PV ET Early PMF Short term: Vascular events Progressive constitutional symptoms Progressive organomegaly/EMH Progressive cytopenias Leukemic transformation Lead time: Typically years (>10) to Time: Variable 3-5 years common Premature death CP1266735-1 JAK2 V617F Constitutively active kinase Over-signals via STAT, ERK, MAP kinase, RAS pathways Autonomous growth, cell survival & differentiation Slide courtesy of Alison Moliterno, MD, Johns Hopkins Hospital JAK2 V617F p p 2 2/26/2018 CALR • Chromosome 19p13.3 – Exon 9 of CALR (insertions or deletions) • Calreticulin= protein Ca++binding fucntion or the Endoplasmic reticulum • Also found in nucleus; possible role transcription regulation • Klampfel et al NEJM 2013: CALR in 25% pts with JAK2 negative ET, and in 35% in JAK2 negative MF Klampfl T et al. N Engl J Med 2013;369:2379-2390. Heterogeneous clinical outcomes in MF Survival by PMF-PS 1 .9 .8 Probability .7 .6 .5 .4 .3 .2 .1 0 0 24 48 72 96 120 144 168 192 216 240 264 288 Months 95% CI 95% CI 95% CI PMF-PS = 0 PMF-PS = 1 PMF-PS = 2 95% CI PMF-PS = 3 Cervantes et al., Blood 2009;113:2895-2901 Slide Courtesy: S. Verstovsek 3 2/26/2018 MF: Risk Stratification: Poor prognostic variables • • • • • Age >65 y Presence of Constitutional symptoms Hgb <10 WBC >25 Circulating blasts cells ≥1% • P values were all <0.001 • 1054 pts at 7 centers Cervantes et al, Blood 2009;113:2895-2901 MF-New Prognostic Scoring System #factors Patients % Med survival (months) Deaths % Low 0 22 135 32 Int-1 1 29 95 50 Int-2 2 28 48 71 High >3 21 27 73 Cervantes et al, Blood 2009;113:2895-2901 Cervantes et al, Blood 2009;113:2895-2901 4 2/26/2018 MF: Further scoring systems • DIPSS (dynamic)—Mayo (Blood 2010;115) – Modified IPSS to be able to calculate over time: all 1 pt except Hb (2 points) – Age >65 – WBC >25K – Hb <10: 2 points – Circulating blasts greater than or equal to 1% – Constitutional sxs • DIPSS Plus—adds 3 new factors, each 1 point (Mayo, 2011 JCO) – Unfavorable karyotype – Plt count <100K – Transfusion need Kaplan-Meier estimate of blast phase–free survival in primary myelofibrosis according to the DIPSS. Risk categories were according to the score obtained anytime during follow-up. Francesco Passamonti et al. Blood 2010;116:2857-2858 ©2010 by American Society of Hematology Fig 3 Survival data of 793 patients with primary myelofibrosis evaluated at time of their first Mayo Clinic referral and stratified by their Dynamic International Prognostic Scoring System (DIPSS) + karyotype + platelet count + transfusion status prognostic scores. Low risk, zero adverse points; n = 66; median survival, approximately 185 months. Intermediate-1 risk, one adverse point; n = 174; median survival, approximately 78 months. Intermediate-2 risk, two or three adverse points; n = 360; median survival, approximately 35 months. High risk, four to six adverse points; n = 193; median survival, approximately 16 months. Scale for DIPSS: high risk, three adverse points; intermediate-2, two adverse points; intermediate-1, unfavorable karyotype, platelets < 100 x 109/L, and transfusion need, one adverse point. Published in: Naseema Gangat; Domenica Caramazza; Rakhee Vaidya; Geeta George; Kebede Begna; Susan Schwager; Daniel Van Dyke; Curtis Hanson; Wenting Wu; Animesh Pardanani; Francisco Cervantes; Francesco Passamonti; Ayalew Tefferi; JCO 2011, 29, 392-397. DOI: 10.1200/JCO.2010.32.2446 Copyright © 2010 5 2/26/2018 Kaplan-Meier analysis of survival of PMF patients stratified according to their driver mutation. Elisa Rumi et al. Blood 2014;124:1062-1069 ©2014 by American Society of Hematology ASH 2017: MIPSS70 • ASH 2017: Abstract 200 MIPSS70: MutationEnhanced Prognostic System for Transplant Age Patients with Primary Myelofibrosis – Alessandro M. Vannucchi, MD1, et al, ASH 2017 • MVA for OS: • 1)Anemia Hb <10 • 2)WBC >25K • 3)plts <100 • 4)circulating blasts ≥ 2% • 5)BM fibrosis ≥ 2 • 6)Constitutional sxs • 7)absence of CALR Type 1mutation • 8)Presence of HR molecular mutation [ASXL1; EZH2; SRSF2; IDH1/2] • 9)Presence of two or more HR molecular mutations Guglielmelli P et al JCO 2017; 36: 310-318; Fig A1. Overall survival (OS) in (A) learning and (B) validation cohorts by the MIPSS70 prognostic scoring system risk classification in all age–inclusive cohorts. OS in (C) learning and (D) validation cohorts by the MIPSS70-plus prognostic scoring system risk classification in all age–inclusive cohorts. Appendix Table A2 lists details. Published in: Paola Guglielmelli; Terra L. Lasho; Giada Rotunno; Mythri Mudireddy; Carmela Mannarelli; Maura Nicolosi; Annalisa Pacilli; Animesh Pardanani; Elisa Rumi; Vittorio Rosti; Curtis A. Hanson; Francesco Mannelli; Rhett P. Ketterling; Naseema Gangat; Alessandro Rambaldi; Francesco Passamonti; Giovanni Barosi; Tiziano Barbui; Mario Cazzola; Alessandro M. Vannucchi; Ayalew Tefferi; JCO 2018, 36, 310-318. DOI: 10.1200/JCO.2017.76.4886 Copyright © 2017 American Society of Clinical Oncology 6 2/26/2018 Fig A2. Leukemia-free survival (LFS) in (A) learning and (B) validation cohorts by the MIPSS70 prognostic scoring system risk classification. LFS in (C) learning and (D) validation cohorts by the MIPSS70-plus prognostic scoring system risk classification. Appendix Table A3 lists details. Published in: Paola Guglielmelli; Terra L. Lasho; Giada Rotunno; Mythri Mudireddy; Carmela Mannarelli; Maura Nicolosi; Annalisa Pacilli; Animesh Pardanani; Elisa Rumi; Vittorio Rosti; Curtis A. Hanson; Francesco Mannelli; Rhett P. Ketterling; Naseema Gangat; Alessandro Rambaldi; Francesco Passamonti; Giovanni Barosi; Tiziano Barbui; Mario Cazzola; Alessandro M. Vannucchi; Ayalew Tefferi; JCO 2018, 36, 310-318. DOI: 10.1200/JCO.2017.76.4886 Copyright © 2017 American Society of Clinical Oncology WHO 2016 • New categories/items to note: • SM: now its own separate myeloid neoplasm outside of MPN • Creation of new “pre-fibrotic MF” (ET/MF) • Lowering of PV Hb threshold • CALR • CSF3R Symptom Burden in MF: Total Symptom Score (MPN-TSS) • • • • • • • • • • Fatigue Early Satiety Abdominal discomfort Inactivity Concentration problems Night Sweats Pruritis Bone pain Fever Weight loss Emmanuel/Mesa JCO 2012, Mesa et al Cancer 2007, Geyer/Mesa Blood 2014 7 2/26/2018 #MPNSM: An ongoing Twitter conversation about MPNs • Inspired by: CTO (based on #hcsm & #btsm) (Katz et al Disease-Specific hashtags for online communication about cancer care - JCO. 2015;33 suppl abstr 6520); and for hematology specific influence, #mmsm • Founder of #MPNSM Twitter community : Naveen Pemmaraju, MD @doctorpemm – With key co-founders: @mtmdphd, @Vikas_Gupta_1, @mpdrc • First tweet: @doctorpemm [Aug 2014]but #mpnsm did not really take off as a regular hashtag until Dec’14-Jan’15: during/after #ASH15 meeting • As of Sept,13,2015: For #MPNSM, According to @symplur @healthcarehashtags project: Jan’15-Sept’15 Pemmaraju N, e t al Current Hematologic – 2013 tweets from 285 participants Malignancy Reports10(4), 413-420. 9/28/15 online Pemmaraju N, et al Curr Hematol Malig Rep. 2016 – Resulting in: 4,049,415 impressions Aug 4. [Epub ahead of print] • Brings together, in real-time: investigators/researchers, MPN healthcare providers, patients, advocates, organizations for discussion of basic science, translational, and clinical topics in MPNs Slide: courtesy Mike Thompson, MD, PhD #EBMT16 22 Thank you • Please email me or call me 713-792-4956 if you have any questions • #MPNSM: Twitter/social media • Thank you to Dr Serge Verstovsek, our chief of MPNs, research RNs, and MPN team at MDACC 8 2/26/2018 Beyond single-agent JAK inhibitors: New therapies and combinations from ASH 2017 Aaron T. Gerds, MD, MS Assistant Professor of Medicine Hematology and Medical Oncology @AaronGerds Leukemia & Myeloid Disorders Program Beyond single-agent JAK inhibitors – ASH 2017 • New drugs • • • • • • • Givinostat LCL-161 Glasdegib Sotatercept Idasanutlin Alisertib SL-401 Abstract No. Comments 253/1648 256 258 255 254 1631 2908 HDACi, CR/PR 86% (ITT, n=30) in PV Oral Smac Mimetic, ORR 30% in MF Modest symptom and spleen reduction in MF New “ESA,” activin receptor IIA ligand trap MDM2 inhibitor, in PV/ET, Ph1 study Aurora kinase inhibitor Recombinant IL-3 fused to diphtheria toxin 1632 4179 1649 Modest benefit over single-agent ruxolitinib No clear benefit over single-agent ruxolitinib AP/BP, ORR 33% (2 of 6 evaluable patients) 321/323/320 4197 Front-line and beyond, Ropeginterferon ⍺-2b Wernicke’s exposé from JAKARTA studies • Combination therapy • Pracinostat + ruxolitinib • Vismodegib + ruxolitinib • Azacitidine + ruxolitinib • Old is new again! • Interferons • Fedratinib @AaronGerds SOTATERCEPT (ACE-011) ALONE AND WITH RUXOLITINIB IN PATIENTS WITH MPNASSOCIATED MYELOFIBROSIS (MF) AND ANEMIA Prithviraj Bose, Naval G. Daver, Naveen Pemmaraju, Elias J. Jabbour, Zeev Estrov, Allison M. Pike, Julie Huynh-Lu, Madeleine Nguyen-Cao, Xuemei Wang, Lingsha Zhou, Sherry Pierce, Hagop M. Kantarjian, and Srdan Verstovsek Slide courtesy of Prithviraj Bose Supported by Celgene Corporation 1 2/26/2018 Sotatercept Phase II Study Design • MF with Hgb <10 g/dL x ≥ 84 days • 2 cohorts: • Sotatercept alone q3 wk • Sotatercept q3 wk in patients on stable dose of ruxolitinib • Response (on study x ≥ 84 days): • Anemic patients: ≥1.5 g/dL ↑ from baseline x ≥ 84 d • Tx-dependent patients: transfusion independence per 2013 IWG-MRT criteria Sotatercept/Luspatercept responsive Suragani RN, et al. Nat Med. 2014 Apr;20(4):408-14 Bose P, et al. Blood. 2017 Dec;130(supp1):225 Variable Value/Category Sotatercept (n=24) Sotatercpt + Rux (n=11) Median age (range) years 66.5 (47-84) 68 (57 – 84) Diagnosis PMF 20 9 Post-ET/PV MF 4 2 Sex Male 14 7 Median baseline hemoglobin (range) g/dl 7.5 (4.7 – 8.7) 7.2 (4.6 – 9.1) Driver mutation JAK2 16 8 CALR 3 2 MPL 3 1 Triple negative 1, CALR mutation status unknown in 1 0 Karyotype Abnormal 8, insufficient metaphases in 1 6 DIPSS category Intermediate-2 19 7 High 5 4 MF-2 8 5 MF-3 16 5 Splenomegaly Present 13 11 Previously treated Yes 19 Median rux dose (range) mg PO BID Bone marrow fibrosis grade Bose P, et al. Blood. 2017 Dec;130(supp1):225 10 (5-20) @AaronGerds Summary of results Sotatercept (n=18 evaluable) Sotatercept + Rux(n=10 evaluable) • 40% response (7/18); 3/11 transfusion-dependent • 30% response (3/10); 0/4 transfusiondependent • Median time to response 7d (1-22d) • Responses began at 7, 14 and 140 d • Median response duration 12 (5-24+) months • Response durations of 3+, 4+ and 15+ months • Multiple drug holds in 3 patients due to Hgb levels ≥11.5 g/dl • Multiple drug holds in 1 patient due to Hgb levels ≥11.5 g/dl • 1.5 g/dl ↑ in Hgb from baseline in 1 additional patient (s/p 3 cycles) Bose P, et al. Blood. 2017 Dec;130(supp1):225 2 2/26/2018 MEAN HEMOGLOBIN OVER TIME IN RESPONDERS (N=10) Slide courtesy of Prithviraj Bose Sotatercept in MF ADVERSE EVENTS POSSIBLY RELATED TO SOTATERCEPT (N = 35) Adverse event Grade No. of patients Hypertension 3 3 2 2 3 1 2 1 1 1 Elevated UMACR 1 2 Limb edema 1 1 Headache (in the context of HTN) 2 1 1 1 Nausea 1 1 Pain (joints/muscle) Slide courtesy of Prithviraj Bose Comclusions • Sotatercept effective for MPN-associated anemia • Planned enrollment 60 subjects • Multi-center phase 2 trial of luspatercept in MF open • Identifier: NCT03194542 Bose P, et al. Blood. 2017 Dec;130(supp1):225 @AaronGerds 3 2/26/2018 Open Label Phase I Study of Single Agent Oral RG7388 (idasanutlin) in Patients with Polycythemia Vera and Essential Thrombocythemia Mascarenhas J1, Lu M1, Virtgaym E1, Kosiorek H 2, Stal M1, Sandy L1, Orellana A1, Xia L1, Rampal R3, Kremyanskaya M1, Petersen B4, Dueck A 2, Hoffman R1 1 Tisch Cancer Institute, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, New York Mayo Clinic Scottsdale, Scottsdale, Arizona Leukemia Service, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, New York 4 Department of Pathology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, New York 10029 2 3 Slide courtesy of John Mascarenhas Background: P53/MDM2 • P53 regulates cell cycle, apoptosis, DNA repair, and senescence • Wild type P53 seen in chronic phase MPN and mutated P53 in advanced phase • Down regulation of P53 by MDM2 overexpression • • • • Promotes proteosomal degradation Inhibits P53 transcription Inhibits transactivation Facilitates export from nucleus • Nutlins Block the MDM2:P53 interaction and activate the p53 pathway Nakatake M et al. Oncogene. (2012); Cassinat and Kiladjian Blood (2012); Shangary and Wang. Clin Cancer Res. (2008); Lu and Hoffman Oncotarget (2012). Slide courtesy of John Mascarenhas Study Schema and Design • 2 dose cohorts evaluated • 100 mg daily, days 1-5 • 150 mg daily, days 1-5 • DLT is defined as: • non-hematologic AE of G3+ • hematologic AE of G2+ thrombocytopenia, G3+ neutropenia, or G3+ anemia • Dosing after cycle 3 dependent on attaining HCT >42% and/or PLT >400K at Day 1 Slide courtesy of John Mascarenhas 4 2/26/2018 Baseline Demographics Diagnosis Essential Thrombocythemia Polycythemia Vera Age, median (years) Gender, female Disease duration, mos (prior to study) Previous thrombosis Prior hydroxyurea therapy Spleen length by palpation, median (cm) Leukocytes , median (x109/L) 100 mg (N=6) 150 mg (N=6) Total (N=12) 1 (16.7%) 0 (0.0%) 1 (8.3%) 5 (83.3%) 6 (100.0%) 11 (91.6%) 62 (32-83) 63 (48-68) 63.5 (32-83) 5 (83.3%) 2 (33.3%) 41.6 65.4 43.9 (14.9-80.1) (21.0-154.3) (14.9-154.3) 3 (50.0%) 0 (0.0%) 3 (25.0%) 7 (58.3%) 5 (83.3%) 5 (83.3%) 10 (83.3%) 1.0 (1.0-7.0) 2.5(0.0-18.0) 1.0 (0.0-18.0) 10.3 12.2 Hemoglobin, median (g/dL) (4.9-15.9) 13.4 (7.4-28.3) 13.7 (4.9-28.3) 13.6 Hematocrit , median (%) (12.8-15.6) 41.5 (12.3-14.7) 43.0 (12.3-15.6) 42.3 (38.3-46.7) 443.5 (40.7-47.8) 412.0 (38.3-47.8) 443.5 (118.0-1339.0) 252.0 (153.0-700.0) 252.0 (118.0-1339.0) 252.0 (184.0-370.0) 23.7 (177.0-616.0) 63.7 (177.0-616.0) 40.6 (5.3-69.3) (6.3-88.6) (5.3-88.6) Platelets median, (x 109/L) LDH median, (U/L) JAK2V617F Variant Allele Frequency, median (%) 11.3 Slide courtesy of John Mascarenhas TEAE occurring in at least 2 patients regardless of attribution 100 mg (n=6) 150 mg (n=6) Grade 3 Grade 1/2 5 (83.3%) 1 (16.7%) 4 (66.7%) Headache 4 (66.7%) 1 (16.7%) 1 (16.7%) 6 (50%) Dry skin 2 (33.3%) 2 (33.3%) 4 (33.3%) Pain 1 (16.7%) 1 (16.7%) 3 (25%) Arthralgia 1 (16.7%) Grade 3 Total (n=12) Grade 1/2 Fatigue 10 (91.7%) 3 (50%) Dizziness Any grade 3 (25%) 3 (50%) 3 (25%) 2 (33.3%) Atrial fibrillation 2 (16.7%) Cough 2 (33.3%) 2 (16.7%) Decreased appetite 1 (16.7%) 1 (16.7%) 2 (16.7%) Epistaxis 1 (16.7%) 1 (16.7%) 2 (16.7%) Flushing 2 (33.3%) Jaw pain 2 (33.3%) Oropharyngeal pain 1 (16.7%) 1 (16.7%) 2 (16.7%) URI 1 (16.7%) 1 (16.7%) 2 (16.7%) Weight gain 1 (16.7%) 1 (16.7%) 2 (16.7%) • 3 patients had grade 3 nonhematologic AE (all at 100 mg) • Pt #1 – grade 3 fatigue • Pt #2 – grade 3 headache • Pt #3 – grade 3 pain • No grade 4 non-hematologic adverse events at either dose level noted • No hematologic AE of any grade noted 2 (16.7%) 2 (16.7%) Slide courtesy of John Mascarenhas Focus on Gastrointestinal TEAE (regardless of attribution) 100 mg (n=6) Grade 1/2 Grade 3 150 mg (n=6) Grade 1/2 Grade 3 Total (n=12) Any grade Constipation 6 (100%) 4 (66.7%) Nausea 5 (83.3%) 4 (66.7%) 9 (75%) Diarrhea 5 (83.3%) 3 (50%) 8 (66.7%) Dyspepsia 4 (33.3%) 3 (16.7%) 7 (58.3%) Abdominal pain 4 (66.7%) 1 (16.7%) 5 (41.7%) Anorexia 2 (33.3%) 2 (33.3%) 4 (33%) Vomiting 3 (50%) 10 (91.7%) • No G3/4 GI TEAE were observed • GI prophylaxis: • Ondansetron • Lorazepam • Decadron • Constipation likely due to 5ht3 antagonist 3 (25%) Abdominal distension 2 (33.3%) 1 (16.7%) Dysgeusia 1 (16.7%) 2 (33.3%) 3 (25%) 3 (25%) Flatulence 1 (16.7%) 1 (16.7%) 2 (16.7%) Slide courtesy of John Mascarenhas 5 2/26/2018 Responses by 2013 ELN-IWG1 criteria By 6 cycles of therapy with idasanutlin monotherapy in PART A and combination pegylated interferon-α in PART B Not evaluable (NE) No response (NR) Partial Response (PR) Complete Response (CR) Overall Response (PR+CR) PART A (n=12) 1# 4 3* 4 7 (58%) PART B (n=4)^ 1+ 1 1 1 2 (50%) PART A + PART B ORR 9 (75%) • # not evaluable due to patient decision to withdraw from study after 4 cycles due to GI toxicity • *Residual splenomegaly likely due to known portal vein thrombosis, likely a CR (n=1) • ^4 subjects from PART A that had NR continued on to PART B combination idasanutlin + interferon-α • + not yet completed cycle 7 Slide courtesy of John Mascarenhas 1Barosi et al Blood 2013 Maximum Total Symptom Score (TSS) response on study 1 Baseline TSS 8 8 14 12 42 42 66 8 50 2 6 1 13 32 7 2 2 3 3 3 4 6 2 Slide courtesy of John Mascarenhas Driver mutation responses with idasanutlin therapy Median % reduction -43% (range -91.9% to +60.3%) 4 4 7 52% 7 82% 8 8 69% 9 4 4 12 12 3 3 9 89% 87% 2% 24% 8 8 23% 10 10 45% 6 6 36% 8 8 6% Baseline VAF Slide courtesy of John Mascarenhas 6 2/26/2018 Bone marrow responses with Idasanutlin therapy A B Pre-treatment X100 Post-treatment X100 C D Pre-treatment X400 Post-treatment X400 Slide courtesy of John Mascarenhas Conclusions • Idasanutlin is well tolerated in patients with PV after multiple cycles of exposure and expected GI toxicity is manageable • No DLT was observed and 150 mg x 5 days/cycle was chosen to be RPTD • Idasanutlin may also be safely combined with pegylated IFN to improve upon the response (PART B) • On target P53 pathway activation was demonstrated with idasanutlin treatment • Normalization of the hematologic profile and improvement in symptom burden were observed with idasanutlin monotherapy and in combination with Pegasys • Extended treatment-free-periods are possible with idasanutlin therapy • Bone marrow morphologic and molecular responses were attained with idasanutlin therapy • A global, multicenter, single arm phase II trial of idasanutlin in patients with hydroxyurea resistant/intolerant PV is underway ( Identifier: NCT03287245) Slide courtesy of John Mascarenhas @AaronGerds 7 2/26/2018 Fedratinib clinical activity • JAKARTA-1 (randomized placebo-controlled) • 47% (400mg) and 50% (500mg) of patients with intermediate 2 or high risk myelofibrosis (MF) had SRV of ≥35% at 24 weeks • JAKARTA-2 (open-label) • 53% of MF intermediate/high-risk patients who were resistant and 63% of patients who were intolerant to ruxolitinib had ≥35% reduction in spleen volume at Week 24 Pardanani A, et al. JAMA Oncol. 2015 Aug;1(5):643-51. Harrison CN, et al. Lancet Haematol. 2017;4(7):e317-e324. @AaronGerds US FDA: Hold it! • Clinical hold placed on November 15, 2013 as a result of neurological symptoms, suggestive of Wernicke’s encephalopathy in 8/877 patients, exposed to fedratinib @AaronGerds Thiamine uptake and fedratinib • Fedratinib IC50 >300 μm against THTr1 and THTr2 • Clinical Cmax = 3-5 μM at 400 & 500 mg doses, respectively Thiamine (nmol/L) End of fedratinib treatment Patients (N) Mean Median 161 171 198 Normal range of thiamine levels: 74-224 nmol/L Harrison CN, et al. Blood. 2017 Dec;130(supp1):4197 @AaronGerds 8 2/26/2018 Harrison CN, et al. Blood. 2017 Dec;130(supp1):4197 @AaronGerds Summary • Treatment with fedratinib did not decrease thiamine levels in patients from the clinical trials • • A single confirmed case of WE from 877 treated patients • 2 patients with unconfirmed diagnosis (symptoms and MRI findings consistent with WE but presence of confounding abnormalities) • Prevalence of WE in the trials was less than what has been published for people with MPNs • Prevalence 0.1%-0.4% Harrison CN, et al. Blood. 2017 Dec;130(supp1):4197 @AaronGerds Summary and Conclusions • New, non-JAK inhibitor agents being developed • Combination therapy remains burdened with toxicity and limited additive benefit • Many challenges remain • • • • • Separate normal biology from pathogenesis Spectrum of fitness Long time observation until outcome of interest (PV/ET) “Ruxolitinib failure” not defined (MF) Dealing with cytopenias (MF) @AaronGerds 9 2/26/2018 Thanks! Mikkael Sekeres, MD, MS Jaroslaw Maciejewski, MD, PhD Sudipto Mukherjee, MD, PhD Yogen Saunthararajah, MD Hetty Carraway, MD, MBA Anjali Advani, MD Matt Kalaycio, MD Ronald Sobecks, MD Betty Hamilton, MD Aziz Nazha, MD John Desamito, MD Leukemia & Myeloid Disorders Program Tracy Cinalli, RN Jacqui Mau, RN Christine Cooper, RN Mary Lynn Rush, RN Rachael Diligente, RN Andrea Smith, RN Eric Parsons, RN Samjhana Bogati, RN Barbara Paulic, RN, NP Raychel Berardinelli, RN, NP Barb Tripp, RN, NP Alicia Bitterice, RN, NP Meghan Scully, RN, NP Becky Habecker, BA Chante Cavin, BA Sarah Kaufman, BA Dennis Kramarz, BA Ben Pannell, BA Allison Unger, BA Abby Statler, MPH Donna Abounader, BA Abigail Snow, BA Justine DeAngelis, BA Oliovia Kodramaz Caitlin Swann, PharmD And Our Patients!!! @AaronGerds 10 2/26/2018 Inflammation in MPN Angela Fleischman M.D. Ph.D. University of California, Irvine Feb 26, 2018 Angela Fleischman Disclosures • Incyte (speakers bureau) Elevated Inflammatory Cytokines in Many Hematologic Malignancies CML AML MDS MPN 1 2/26/2018 Elevated Inflammatory Cytokines in MPN MPN patients Mouse Model CD40 IL-2R IL-2 MIP-1α MIP-1β IL-9 IL-7 TNF VCAM-1 IFN-α IL-11 ICAM-1 MMP-2 MMP-10 IL-8 IL-13 IL-18 IL-15 VEGF IL-6 IL-16 IL-10 TIMP-1 IFN-γ (Tyner et al, 2010) IL-1α,ß IL-12 G-CSF (Verstovsek et al, 2010 Slezak et al, 2009, Boissinot et al, 2010, Tefferi et al 2011) Both mutant and wild-type cells produce excessive inflammatory cytokines in MPN Wild -type Wild -type mutant mutant Wild -type Wild -type Wild -type mutant Kleppe et al, Cancer Discovery 2015 Specific Cytokines Drive Specific Symptoms in MPN Geyer et. al. Mediators of Inflammation 2015 2 2/26/2018 Impact of Inflammatory Cytokines and Chemokines in the MPNs INF BMP1 VCAM1 BMP6 HGF TNF-RII Splenomegaly TIMP1 MIG IL1RA Disease Advancement PAL1 BMPRcp2 IL1B TNF-1 IL-8 IL8 IL-8 TNF1 IP10 Clonal expansion/bla sts TIMP1 IL17A IL-12 Leptin Ferritin Symptom Burden TNF-RII JAK2V617F INF B2MG VCAM1 IL8 BMP7 IL12 Inferior Survival IL8 IL15 IL2R Leptin PAL1 TNFa Tefferi et. al. J Clin Oncol. 2011 Apr 1;29(10):1356-63. Geyer et. al. Mediators of Inflammation 2015. 1-9. Chronic inflammation Exhausts Blood stem cells HSC exhaustion Stress hematopoiesis What are methods to control inflammation? • Prescription Medications • Over the counter medications and supplements • Stress reduction/mindfulness • Exercise • Diet 3 2/26/2018 Inflammation as a Treatment Target in MPNs Understanding Our Current Therapies • Contributes both to: • Platelet aggregation inhibition • Inhibit the activity of cyclooxygenase which leads to the formation of prostaglandins. Interferon: • Alters the inflammatory pathway and has been one of the only therapeutic options which has been able to alter the stem cell clone • Initially developed as an antiinflammatory in RA • Associated with reduced inflammatory markers (previously described) • Proposed to be one of the most powerful non-steroidal anti-inflammatories available. Aspirin: Ruxolitinib: JAK usage by cytokine receptors JAK inhibitors are anti-inflammatory drugs From Murray P, Journal of Immunology 2007 JAK inhibitors in development for MPN Company Activity Status Ruxolitinib (INCB18424) Agent Novartis/Incyte JAK1/JAK2 FDAapproved Fedratinib (TG101348/SAR302503) (ON HOLD; Wernicke’s encephalopathy ) Celgene JAK2, FLT3 Phase 3 Momelotinib (CYT387) Gilead (ON HOLD, failed to meet endpoint goals in phase 3) JAK1/JAK2/ TYK2 Phase 3 Pacritinib (SB1518) (ON HOLD, then back to dose-finding) CTI BioPharma JAK2, FLT3, IRAK1 Phase 3 Lestaurtinib (CEP701) Cephalon JAK2/FLT3 Phase 1/2 BMS-911453 Bristol-Myers Squibb JAK2 Phase 1 NS-018 Nippon-Shinyaku JAK2/Src Phase 1/2 AZD1480 (discontinued due to neurotoxicity and other side effects) Astra Zeneca JAK1/JAK2 Phase 1 Gandotinib (LY2784544) Eli Lily JAK2 V617F Phase 1 INCB039110 Incyte JAK1 (alone) Phase 2 INCB054329 Incyte JAK1 Phase 1/2 4 2/26/2018 Rationale for JAK1 inhibitor • Blockade of inflammatory signaling pathways that use JAK1 while sparing myelosuppression attributable to the inhibition of JAK2-mediated hematopoiesis • INCB039110 (itacitinib) is a potent and selective inhibitor of JAK1 with low in vitro affinity for JAK2 (>20-fold selectivity for JAK1 over JAK2) and other members of the JAK family (>100-fold selectivity for JAK1 over JAK3 and TYK2) Phase II Open-Label Trial Of INCB039110, A Selective JAK1 Inhibitor, In Patients With Myelofibrosis Simon two-stage design to assess the efficacy and safety of different doses of INCB039110 83 patients evaluable for primary endpoint 10 patients in 100 mg twice-daily 42 patients in 200 mg twice-daily 31 patients in 600 mg once-daily cohorts, respectively Inclusion criteria: intermediate- or high-risk myelofibrosis Plt≥50×109/L, Hgb ≥8.0 g/dL, ANC ≥1×109/L palpable spleen or prior splenectomy active myelofibrosis-related symptoms Mascarenhas et al, Haematologica 2017 Phase II Open-Label Trial Of INCB039110, A Selective JAK1 Inhibitor, In Patients With Myelofibrosis Primary endpoint: • proportion of patients in each dose group with a ≥50% reduction from baseline to week 12 in total symptom score (TSS Secondary endpoints: • proportion of patients with a ≥50% reduction in TSS from baseline to week 24 • proportions of patients with a ≥35% reduction in spleen volume from baseline to weeks 12 and 24 • percentage changes from baseline to weeks 12 and 24 in TSS and spleen volume • proportion of patients who exhibited a ≥50% decrease in transfusion frequency over any 12-week period during the study Mascarenhas et al, Haematologica 2017 5 2/26/2018 Treatment Effects on Total Symptom Score (TSS) Mascarenhas et al. Haematologica 2017;102:327-335 Treatment Effects on Spleen Volume Mascarenhas et al. Haematologica 2017;102:327-335 Effects on Blood Counts Mascarenhas et al. Haematologica 2017;102:327-335 6 2/26/2018 Impact on plasma cytokines at week 4 Plasma levels of a number of key inflammatory markers, such as C-reactive protein, interleukin-6, interleukin-10, CD40 ligand, RANTES, and vascular endothelial growth factor, decreased in most patients following 4 weeks of treatment Mascarenhas et al. Haematologica 2017;102:327-335 IRAK1 is involved in production of inflammatory cytokines ligands to IL-1R and TLRs Jeoung-Eun Park et al. J Immunol 2009;182:6316-6327 Pacritinib is an IRAK1 inhibitor Company Activity Status Ruxolitinib (INCB18424) Agent Novartis/Incyte JAK1/JAK2 FDAapproved Fedratinib (TG101348/SAR302503) (ON HOLD; Wernicke’s encephalopathy ) Celgene JAK2, FLT3 Phase 3 Momelotinib (CYT387) Gilead (ON HOLD, failed to meet endpoint goals in phase 3) JAK1/JAK2/ TYK2 Phase 3 Pacritinib (SB1518) (ON HOLD, then back to dose-finding) CTI BioPharma JAK2, FLT3, IRAK1 Phase 3 Lestaurtinib (CEP701) Cephalon JAK2/FLT3 Phase 1/2 BMS-911453 Bristol-Myers Squibb JAK2 Phase 1 NS-018 Nippon-Shinyaku JAK2/Src Phase 1/2 AZD1480 (discontinued due to neurotoxicity and other side effects) Astra Zeneca JAK1/JAK2 Phase 1 Gandotinib (LY2784544) Eli Lily JAK2 V617F Phase 1 INCB039110 Incyte JAK1 (alone) Phase 2 INCB054329 Incyte JAK1 Phase 1/2 7 2/26/2018 Take Home Points • Inflammation is high in MPN and drives symptom burden and potentially disease progression • JAK inhibitors reduce inflammation • Each JAK inhibitor has a unique spectrum of signaling molecules which it inhibits Thanks UC Irvine UT-San Antonio Rick Van Etten Robyn Scherber Susan O’Brien Ruben Mesa Lauren Pinter Brown Edward Nelson Deepa Jeyakumar Elizabeth Brem Mayo Clinic AZ Holly Geyer Amylou Dueck Jeanne Palmer Leslie Padrnos Heidi Kosiorek Blake Langlais 8
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