Device Network SDK Programming Manual(Decoder)
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Device Network SDK Programming User Manual V4.2 (For Decoder) I Device Network SDK User Manual The information in this documentation is subject to change without notice and does not represent any commitment on behalf of HIKVISION. HIKVISION disclaims any liability whatsoever for incorrect data that may appear in this documentation. The product(s) described in this documentation are furnished subject to a license and may only be used in accordance with the terms and conditions of such license. Copyright © 2006-2012 by HIKVISION. All rights reserved. This documentation is issued in strict confidence and is to be used only for the purposes for which it is supplied. It may not be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, or by any means or be used for any other purpose without prior written consent of HIKVISION and then only on the condition that this notice is included in any such reproduction. No information as to the contents or subject matter of this documentation, or any part thereof, or arising directly or indirectly therefrom, shall be given orally or in writing or shall be communicated in any manner whatsoever to any third party being an individual, firm, or company or any employee thereof without the prior written consent of HIKVISION. Use of this product is subject to acceptance of the HIKVISION agreement required to use this product. HIKVISION reserves the right to make changes to its products as circumstances may warrant, without notice. This documentation is provided “as-is,” without warranty of any kind. Please send any comments regarding the documentation to: Find out more about HIKVISION at II Device Network SDK User Manual Index 1 2 3 4 SDK Overview ............................................................................................................................ 1 API Calling Procedure ................................................................................................................ 3 2.1 The Calling Procedure of Decoder ............................................................................... 3 2.2 Active Decoding Procedure ......................................................................................... 4 2.2.1 Decode Real-time Stream.................................................................................. 4 2.2.2 Remote File Playback ........................................................................................ 5 2.3 Passive Decoding Procedure ....................................................................................... 6 API Calling Example ................................................................................................................... 7 3.1 Example Code of Dynamic Decoding........................................................................... 7 3.1.1 Decode Real-time Stream.................................................................................. 7 3.1.2 Decode Remote File Recorded in the Device .................................................. 10 3.2 Example Code of Passive Decoding ........................................................................... 13 API Description ........................................................................................................................ 15 4.1 SDK Initialization........................................................................................................ 15 4.1.1 Initialize SDK: NET_DVR_Init ........................................................................... 15 4.1.2 Release SDK resource: NET_DVR_Cleanup ...................................................... 15 4.2 Get Error Message ..................................................................................................... 15 4.2.1 Get the error code of last operation: NET_DVR_GetLastError ........................ 15 4.2.2 Get the error message of last operation: NET_DVR_GetErrorMsg ................. 16 4.3 Login the Device ........................................................................................................ 16 4.3.1 Loin the device: NET_DVR_Login_V30 ............................................................ 16 4.3.2 Logout: NET_DVR_Logout ............................................................................... 16 4.4 Get the capability set of the device .......................................................................... 17 4.4.1 Get the capability set: NET_DVR_GetDeviceAbility ........................................ 17 4.5 Configuration and Control of the Display Channel .................................................... 18 4.5.1 Get the information of display channel: NET_DVR_MatrixGetDisplayCfg_V41 .. ......................................................................................................................... 18 4.5.2 Configure the display channel: NET_DVR_MatrixSetDisplayCfg_V41 ............. 18 4.5.3 Control the display channel: NET_DVR_MatrixDiaplayControl ....................... 18 4.6 Parameter Configuration ........................................................................................... 19 4.6.1 Get configuration of the device: NET_DVR_GetDVRConfig............................. 19 4.6.2 Set the parameters of the device: NET_DVR_SetDVRConfig ........................... 20 4.7 Function about Decoding Channel ............................................................................ 20 4.7.1 Get the configuration of decoding channel: NET_DVR_MatrixGetDecChanCfg .. ......................................................................................................................... 20 4.7.2 Configure the decoding channel: NET_DVR_MatrixSetDecChanCfg ............... 21 4.7.3 Get the video format of the decoding channel: NET_DVR_MatrixGetVideoStandard ............................................................................... 21 4.7.4 Set the video format of the decoding channel: NET_DVR_MatrixSetVideoStandard ............................................................................... 21 4.7.5 Get the status of current decoding channel: III Device Network SDK User Manual 5 NET_DVR_MatrixGetDecChanStatus............................................................................... 22 4.7.6 Get the switch of the decoding channel: NET_DVR_MatrixGetDecChanEnable . ......................................................................................................................... 22 4.7.7 Set the switch of the decoding channel: NET_DVR_MatrixSetDecChanEnable .. ......................................................................................................................... 22 4.8 Active Decoding......................................................................................................... 23 4.8.1 Start dynamic decoding: NET_DVR_MatrixStartDynamic_V30 ....................... 23 4.8.2 Stop dynamic decoding: NET_DVR_MatrixStopDynamic ................................ 23 4.8.3 Get the information of circle decoding channel: NET_DVR_MatrixGetLoopDecChanInfo_V30 .................................................................. 24 4.8.4 Set the circle decoding channel: NET_DVR_MatrixSetLoopDecChanInfo_V30 ... ......................................................................................................................... 24 4.8.5 Get the circle switch of the decoding channel: NET_DVR_MatrixGetLoopDecChanEnable ...................................................................... 25 4.8.6 Set the circle switch of the decoding channel: NET_DVR_MatrixSetLoopDecChanEnable ...................................................................... 25 4.8.7 Set the circle switch of all decoding channels: NET_DVR_MatrixGetLoopDecEnable .............................................................................. 26 4.8.8 Get the information of current decoding channel: NET_DVR_MatrixGetDecChanInfo_V30 .......................................................................... 26 4.8.9 Configure the playback of remote files: NET_DVR_MatrixSetRemotePlay ..... 26 4.8.10 Control the playback of remote files: NET_DVR_MatrixSetRemotePlayControl . ......................................................................................................................... 27 4.8.11 Get the status of playback: NET_DVR_MatrixGetRemotePlayStatus .............. 28 4.9 Passive Decoding ....................................................................................................... 28 4.9.1 Start passive decoding: NET_DVR_MatrixStartPassiveDecode ....................... 28 4.9.2 Send data to the passive decoding channel: NET_DVR_MatrixSendData ....... 29 4.9.3 Stop the passive decoding: NET_DVR_MatrixStopPassiveDecode .................. 29 4.9.4 Get status of the passive decoding: NET_DVR_MatrixGetPassiveDecodeStatus ......................................................................................................................... 29 4.9.5 Control of the passive decoding: NET_DVR_MatrixPassiveDecodeControl .... 30 4.10 Upload the LOGO and Control Its Display.................................................................. 30 4.10.1 Upload the LOGO: NET_DVR_UploadLogo ...................................................... 30 4.10.2 Display control of the LOGO: NET_DVR_LogoSwitch ....................................... 30 4.11 Transparent Channel ................................................................................................. 31 4.11.1 Get the information of transparent channel: NET_DVR_MatrixGetTranInfo_V30 ................................................................................. 31 4.11.2 Set the transparent channel: NET_DVR_MatrixSetTranInfo_V30 ................... 31 4.12 Device Status ............................................................................................................. 32 4.12.1 Get the status of the device: NET_DVR_MatrixGetDeviceStatus_V41............ 32 Macro Definition of Error Code ............................................................................................... 33 5.1 Error code of network communication library .......................................................... 33 5.2 Error code of RTSP communication library ............................................................... 37 5.3 Error code of software decoding library ................................................................... 38 1 Device Network SDK User Manual 1 SDK Overview The device network SDK is developed based on private network communication protocol, and it is designed for the remote connection and configuration of embedded devices. This document is mainly for decoder, and the main device types are listed as below: DS-6300D(-JX), DS-6400HD(-JX/-T) series decoder This document introduces only the major function supported by decoder, and please get more information about other function and related structures from “Device Network SDK Programming Manual.chm”. The device network SDK has both Windows and Linux version. 1. Windows version supports Windows7/XP/2000/2003/Vista(32bit), and it has the files: Network HCNetSDK.h head file Communication HCNetSDK.lib LIB file Library HCNetSDK.dll DLL file Qos Library QosControl.dll DLL file StreamTransClient.dll DLL file PlayM4.h head file PlayCtrl.lib LIB file PlayCtrl.dll DLL file SystemTransform.dll DLL file DataType.h head file RTSP Communication Library Software Decode Library Encapsulation Transformation Library Hardware decode and DecodeCardSdk.h Library DsSdk.lib LIB file DsSdk.dll DLL file 2. Linux version supports the system(32bit) that gcc-v is 4.1 or above. The tested system have RedHat AS 5/6, (Fedora)FC10/12, CentOS 5, SUSE 10, openSUSE 11, and Ubuntu 9.04/10.04. The SDK has the files: Network hcnetsdk.h head file SO file Communication Library 2 Device Network SDK User Manual Qos Library SO file SO file Software Decode playsdkpu.h head file Library SO file SO file RTSP Communication Library Encapsulation Transformation Library HCNetSDK is required to be loaded for client development, and the other '.dll' files are optional components. The Network Communication Library is the main functional part of the device network SDK. It is used for communication between the client and devices, including remote control & configuration, video stream acquiring and handling, etc; and Network communication library will dynamically loading RTSP communication library, Software decoding library, Hardware decoding library, etc. Network communication library combines a lot of functions from the Software decoding library and Hardware decoding library to facilitate the programming work. However, it is suggested the users to get video stream from 'HCNetSDK.dll', and call relative APIs in the Software decoding library or Hardware decoding library directly if you want to build a system with more complete functions, or in a more flexible way. The 'QosControl' library is stream bitrate control library, used for push mode SDK. RTSP Communication Library only supports IP devices. Users need to load this component for operations like streaming from products which support RTSP protocol. Software Decoding Library is used for decoding real-time video stream (remote live view), playback files, etc. It has included standard stream decoding function. If users needs to play real-time stream or recoding data and display(i.e. the second structure parameter play handle of NET_DVR_RealPlay_V30 interface set to effective), must load this component. However, if users just need to use it for capturing data, then do external operation, needn't load this component, this way is more flexible. Encapsulation transformation library function can be divided into two pieces: one is converting standard stream data to private encapsulation format stream data. When users need to capture private format stream data from products supporting RTSP protocol(that is setting callback function of NET_DVR_RealPlay_V30 interface for capturing data or call NET_DVR_SetRealDataCallBack interface to capture data), must load this component. Another is converting standard stream data to other package format, such as 3GPP,PS and so on. For example, when users need to capture specific package format real-time stream data from products supporting RTSP protocol(corresponding interface is NET_DVR_SaveRealData), must load this component. Hardware Decoding Library can only be used when there is MDI card installed in the PC, and it can output video or video matrix to analog monitors. For decoder, this library is not required. 3 Device Network SDK User Manual 2 API Calling Procedure Notes: The part in dashed box is optional and will not affect the function and use of other process and modules. 2.1 The Calling Procedure of Decoder Fuction modules of multi-channel decoder include display channel control, parameter configuration, dynamic decoding, passive decoding, transparent channel configuration, getting device status information and getting device capability set modules. All modules need to register user to the device, and the user ID returned from NET_DVR_Login_V30 is used as parameter of other APIs. Display channel control module: configuration of each parameter of display channel, audio turn on & off, and zoom control of child window. For details, please refer to "Configuration and Control of Display Channel". Parameter configuration module: to configure the basic parameters of the multi-channel decoder, the related APIs: NET_DVR_GetDVRConfig and NET_DVR_SetDVRConfig. For details, please refer to “Parameter Configuration”. Active decoding module: the decoder gets the stream data from encoder devices actively, then decodes the data. The related function has: 1) get the parameter of dynamic decoding; 2)control the decoding, including the starting and stopping the dynamic decoding and circle decoding, controlling the playback of remote files, and getting the status of decoding; 3) upload LOGO to the decoder. For details, please refer to “Active Decoding Procedure”. Passive decoding module: start decoding, send data and stop decoding of passive decoding channels. For details, please refer to “Passive Decoding Procedure”. Transparent channel configuration module: configure related parameters of transparent 4 Device Network SDK User Manual channel. For details, please refer to “Transparent Channel Configuration”. Get device status information: It supports to get the status information of decoding, alam input, alarm output, and voice talk by calling NET_DVR_MatrixGetDeviceStatus_V41. Get device capability set: It supports to get the capability information ofdisplay and decoding by calling NET_DVR_GetDeviceAbility. 2.2 Active Decoding Procedure 2.2.1 Decode Real-time Stream After login the decoder, it requires to set the display channel firstly. Please set the decoding channel associated with the display channel, otherwise, it is not able to start decoding 5 Device Network SDK User Manual normally. The related APIs: NET_DVR_MatrixGetDisplayCfg_V41, NET_DVR_MatrixSetDisplayCfg_V41. Call NET_DVR_MatrixStartDynamic_V30 to start dynamic decoding, the decoder will get stream form the encoder device and decode the data. It supports to set circle decoding, by calling NET_DVR_MatrixSetLoopDecChanInfo_V30 to set circle group and calling NET_DVR_MatrixSetLoopDecChanEnable to start circle decoding. Example Code 2.2.2 Remote File Playback After login the decoder, it requires to set the display channel firstly. Please set the decoding channel associated with the display channel, otherwise, it is not able to start decoding normally. The related APIs: NET_DVR_MatrixGetDisplayCfg_V41, NET_DVR_MatrixSetDisplayCfg_V41. Set to decode remote record files: firstly, please call NET_DVR_MatrixSetRemotePlay to set playback by time or by file name, and then call NET_DVR_MatrixSetRemotePlayControl to start encoding. Example Code 6 Device Network SDK User Manual 2.3 Passive Decoding Procedure After login the decoder, it requires to set the display channel firstly. Please set the decoding channel associated with the display channel, otherwise, it is not able to start decoding normally. The related APIs: NET_DVR_MatrixGetDisplayCfg_V41, NET_DVR_MatrixSetDisplayCfg_V41. After calling NET_DVR_MatrixStartPassiveDecode to start passive decoding, please call NET_DVR_MatrixSendData to send data to the decoding channel. The data to be decoded can be get from remote device or read from record file, and the size of data for each sending should be less than 30K bytes. Decoding control: pause, fast play, slow play, open or close sound, clear buffer, and so on. Related APIs: NET_DVR_MatrixPassiveDecodeControl. Example Code 7 Device Network SDK User Manual 3 API Calling Example 3.1 Example Code of Dynamic Decoding 3.1.1 Decode Real-time Stream Related procedure chart #include#include #include "Windows.h" #include "HCNetSDK.h" using namespace std; void main() { //--------------------------------------//Initialize SDK NET_DVR_Init(); //Set connect time and reconnect time NET_DVR_SetConnectTime(2000, 1); NET_DVR_SetReconnect(10000, true); //--------------------------------------// Login the device (Login the decoder) NET_DVR_DEVICEINFO_V30 struDeviceInfo; memset(&struDeviceInfo, 0, sizeof(NET_DVR_DEVICEINFO_V30)); //The structure to save device information LONG lUserID = NET_DVR_Login_V30("", 8000, "admin", "12345", &struDeviceInfo); if (lUserID < 0) { if (NET_DVR_GetLastError() == NET_DVR_PASSWORD_ERROR)//Password error { …… //Handle the error message } else if(NET_DVR_GetLastError() == NET_DVR_OVER_MAXLINK) //The count of connection to the device over the limit { …… // Handle the error message } …… // Handle other error message } 8 Device Network SDK User Manual //Get display capability of the decoder NET_DVR_MATRIX_ABILITY m_matrixability; NET_DVR_GetDeviceAbility(lUserID, MATRIXDECODER_ABILITY, NULL, 0, (char*)&m_matrixability, sizeof(NET_DVR_MATRIX_ABILITY)); //Configure the display channel DWORD DispChanNum=1;//Display channel, can get it from capability set NET_DVR_MATRIX_VOUTCFG VoutCfg; if(!NET_DVR_MatrixGetDisplayCfg_V41(lUserID, DecChanNum, &VoutCfg)) { …… // Handle the error message } VoutCfg.dwWindowMode = 4; //Set window to 4 screens VoutCfg.byJoinDecChan[0] = 1; //The decoding channel associated with the upper left screen is set to channel 1 …… //To set other display channels if(!NET_DVR_MatrixSetDisplayCfg_V41(lUserID, DecChanNum, &VoutCfg)) { …… // Handle the error message } //Active decoding(includes dynamic decoding and circle decoding) int DecChanNum = 1;//Decoding channel number DWORD dec = 0; if(!NET_DVR_MatrixGetDecChanEnable(lUserID, DispChanNum, &dec)) //Get the switch of decoding channels { …… // Handle the error message } dec = 1; //Open the decoding channel: 0- close, 1- open if(!NET_DVR_MatrixSetDecChanEnable(lUserID, DecChanNum, dec)) // Set the switch of decoding channels, if set to close, the channel will stop decoding { …… // Handle the error message } // Dynamic decoding NET_DVR_PU_STREAM_CFG dt; dt.struDevChanInfo.struIP.sIpV4 = "";//IP address of front-end device(encoder device) dt.struDevChanInfo.wDVRPort = 8000; //Port number of front-end device dt.struDevChanInfo.byChannel = 1;//Channel number dt.struStreamMediaSvrCfg.byValid = 0; //Whether enable to get stream from stream server: 0- disable, not 0-enable 9 Device Network SDK User Manual …… //Set other parameters of dynamic decoding if(!NET_DVR_MatrixStartDynamic_V30(lUserID, DecChanNum, &dt)) //Start dynamic decoding { CString tmp; tmp.Format("Error: NET_DVR_MatrixStartDynamic = %d\n", NET_DVR_GetLastError()); //Get error code AfxMessageBox(tmp); } //Get decoding status NET_DVR_MATRIX_DEC_CHAN_STATUS m_DecChanStatus; memset(&m_DecChanStatus, 0, sizeof(NET_DVR_MATRIX_DEC_CHAN_STATUS)); if(!NET_DVR_MatrixGetDecChanStatus(lUserID, DecChanNum, &m_DecChanStatus)) //Get the status of the decoding channel { …… // Handle the error message } NET_DVR_MATRIX_DEC_CHAN_INFO_V30 m_DecChanInfo; memset(&m_DecChanInfo, 0, sizeof(NET_DVR_MATRIX_DEC_CHAN_INFO_V30)); if(!NET_DVR_MatrixGetDecChanInfo_V30(lUserID, DecChanNum, &m_DecChanInfo)) //Get the information of the decoding channel { …… // Handle the error message } //Other operation if(!NET_DVR_MatrixStopDynamic(lUserID, DecChanNum)) //Stop dynamic decoding { CString tmp; tmp.Format("Error: NET_DVR_MatrixStartDynamic = %d\n", NET_DVR_GetLastError()); //Get error code AfxMessageBox(tmp); } //Loop decoding NET_DVR_MATRIX_LOOP_DECINFO_V30 m_MatLoopDec; memset(&m_MatLoopDec, 0, sizeof(NET_DVR_MATRIX_LOOP_DECINFO_V30)); NET_DVR_MatrixGetLoopDecChanInfo_V30(lUserID, DecChanNum, &m_MatLoopDec); //Get parameters of loop decoding channel CString m_DVRIP = ""; sprintf(m_MatLoopDec.struchanConInfo.struDecChanInfo.struIP.sIpV4,"%s", m_DVRIP); 10 Device Network SDK User Manual //IP address of the device to be decoded …… // Set other parameters of loop decoding channel NET_DVR_MatrixSetLoopDecChanInfo_V30 (lUserID, DecChanNum, &m_MatLoopDec); //Set the parameter of loop decoding channel DWORD chanNum = 0; NET_DVR_MatrixGetLoopDecChanEnable(lUserID, DecChanNum, &chanNum); //Get decoding switch of current channel, if chanNum=0, it is closed; if chanNum=1, it is open chanNum = 1; //Open switch of decoding NET_DVR_MatrixSetLoopDecChanEnable(lUserID, DecChanNum, chanNum); /*Close the switch of current decoding channel. If the loop switch is closed, the decoding channel stopped the loop and switch to dynamic decoding*/ NET_DVR_MatrixGetLoopDecEnable(lUserID, &chanNum); //Get the decoding switch of all channels, indicated by byte: 0- closed, 1- open // E.g. chanNum&0x01==0 means the channel no.1 is closed dec = 0; //Close the decoding channel: 0- close, 1- open if(!NET_DVR_MatrixSetDecChanEnable(lUserID, DecChanNum, dec)) // Set the switch of decoding channels, the channel stops decoding { …… // Handle the error message } // Logout NET_DVR_Logout(lUserID); // Release SDK resource NET_DVR_Cleanup(); return; } 3.1.2 Decode Remote File Recorded in the Device Related procedure chart #include #include #include "Windows.h" #include "HCNetSDK.h" using namespace std; void main() { //--------------------------------------- 11 Device Network SDK User Manual //Initialize SDK NET_DVR_Init(); //Set connect time and reconnect time NET_DVR_SetConnectTime(2000, 1); NET_DVR_SetReconnect(10000, true); //--------------------------------------// Login the device NET_DVR_DEVICEINFO_V30 struDeviceInfo; memset(&struDeviceInfo, 0, sizeof(NET_DVR_DEVICEINFO_V30));//The structure to save device information LONG lUserID = NET_DVR_Login_V30("", 8000, "admin", "12345", &struDeviceInfo); if (lUserID < 0) { if (NET_DVR_GetLastError() == NET_DVR_PASSWORD_ERROR)//Password error { …… // Handle the error message } else if(NET_DVR_GetLastError() == NET_DVR_OVER_MAXLINK) // The count of connection to the device over the limit { …… // Handle the error message } …… // Handle other error message } // Get display capability of the decoder NET_DVR_MATRIX_ABILITY m_matrixability; NET_DVR_GetDeviceAbility(lUserID, MATRIXDECODER_ABILITY, NULL, 0, (char*)&m_matrixability, sizeof(NET_DVR_MATRIX_ABILITY)); // Configure the display channel DWORD DispChanNum=1;// Display channel, can get it from capability set NET_DVR_MATRIX_VOUTCFG VoutCfg; if(!NET_DVR_MatrixGetDisplayCfg_V41(lUserID, DecChanNum, &VoutCfg)) { …… // Handle the error message } VoutCfg.dwWindowMode = 1; // Set window to 4 screens VoutCfg.byJoinDecChan[0] = 1; //The decoding channel associated with the upper left screen is set to channel 1 …… //To set other display channels if(!NET_DVR_MatrixSetDisplayCfg_V41(lUserID, DecChanNum, &VoutCfg)) { 12 Device Network SDK User Manual …… // Handle the error message } int DecChanNum = 1; //Decoding channel number if(!NET_DVR_MatrixGetDecChanEnable(lUserID, DispChanNum, &dec)) //Get the switch of decoding channels { …… // Handle the error message } dec = 1; //Open the decoding channel: 0- close, 1- open if(!NET_DVR_MatrixSetDecChanEnable(lUserID, DecChanNum, dwEnable)) // Set the switch of decoding channels, if set to close, the channel will stop decoding { …… // Handle the error message } //Playback remote file in the front-end device (encoder device) NET_DVR_MATRIX_DEC_REMOTE_PLAY m_struPlay; m_struPlay. sDVRIP = ""; //IP address of front-end device(encoder device) m_struPlay.wDVRPort = m_PlayBackPort; //Port number of front-end device m_struPlay.byChannel = (BYTE)m_PlayBackChan; //Channel number of the front-end device to be decoded …… //Set other parameters of playback NET_DVR_MatrixSetRemotePlay(lUserID, DecChanNum, &m_struPlay); //Configure the remote playback //Start playback NET_DVR_MatrixSetRemotePlayControl(lUserID, DecChanNum, NET_DVR_PLAYSTART, 0, NULL); //Open sound NET_DVR_MatrixSetRemotePlayControl(lUserID, DecChanNum, NET_DVR_PLAYSTARTAUDIO, 0, NULL); NET_DVR_MatrixSetRemotePlayControl(lUserID, DecChanNum, …, 0, NULL);//Other playback control NET_DVR_MATRIX_DEC_REMOTE_PLAY_STATUS m_struState; NET_DVR_MatrixGetRemotePlayStatus(lUserID, DecChanNum, &m_struState); //Get playback status //Stop decoding NET_DVR_MatrixSetRemotePlayControl(lUserID, DecChanNum, NET_DVR_PLAYSTOP, 0, NULL); //Logout NET_DVR_Logout(lUserID); // Release SDK resource NET_DVR_Cleanup(); return; } 13 Device Network SDK User Manual 3.2 Example Code of Passive Decoding Related procedure chart #include #include #include "Windows.h" #include "HCNetSDK.h" using namespace std; void main() { //--------------------------------------//Initialize SDK NET_DVR_Init(); //Set connect time and reconnect time NET_DVR_SetConnectTime(2000, 1); NET_DVR_SetReconnect(10000, true); //--------------------------------------// Login the device NET_DVR_DEVICEINFO_V30 struDeviceInfo; memset(&struDeviceInfo, 0, sizeof(NET_DVR_DEVICEINFO_V30)); //The structure to save device information LONG lUserID = NET_DVR_Login_V30("", 8000, "admin", "12345", &struDeviceInfo); if (lUserID < 0) { if (NET_DVR_GetLastError() == NET_DVR_PASSWORD_ERROR) //Password error { …… // Handle the error message } else if(NET_DVR_GetLastError() == NET_DVR_OVER_MAXLINK) //The count of connection to the device over the limit { …… // Handle the error message } ……// Handle other error message } //Get display capability of the decoder NET_DVR_MATRIX_ABILITY m_matrixability; NET_DVR_GetDeviceAbility(lUserID, MATRIXDECODER_ABILITY, NULL, 0, (char*)&m_matrixability, sizeof(NET_DVR_MATRIX_ABILITY)); //Configure the display channel DWORD DispChanNum=1; //Display channel, can get it from capability set NET_DVR_MATRIX_VOUTCFG VoutCfg; 14 Device Network SDK User Manual if(!NET_DVR_MatrixGetDisplayCfg_V41(lUserID, DecChanNum, &VoutCfg)) { …… // Handle the error message } VoutCfg.dwWindowMode = 1; //Set window to 4 screens VoutCfg.byJoinDecChan[0] = 1; //The decoding channel associated with the upper left screen is set to channel 1 ……//To set other display channels if(!NET_DVR_MatrixSetDisplayCfg_V41(lUserID, DecChanNum, &VoutCfg)) { …… // Handle the error message } int DecChanNum = 1;// Decoding channel number if(!NET_DVR_MatrixGetDecChanEnable(lUserID, DispChanNum, &dec)) // Get the switch of decoding channels { …… // Handle the error message } dec = 1; // Open the decoding channel: 0- close, 1- open if(!NET_DVR_MatrixSetDecChanEnable(lUserID, DecChanNum, dwEnable)) // Set the switch of decoding channels, if set to close, the channel will stop decoding { …… // Handle the error message } //Passive decoding DWORD m_PassivePort = 8000; LONG lPassiveModeHandle = -1; //The handle of passive decoding NET_DVR_MATRIX_PASSIVEMODE m_PassiveMode; m_PassiveMode.wPassivePort = m_PassivePort; //The port number of UDP, when the transmission mode is TCP, it is defaulted to 8000. …… //Other parameters of passive decoding lPassiveModeHandle = NET_DVR_MatrixStartPassiveDecode(lUserID, DecChanNum, &m_PassiveMode); //Start passive decoding NET_DVR_MatrixSendData(lPassiveModeHandle, pSendBuf, dwBufSize); //Send data to the decoder, pSendBuf is the buffer that saves the data, and dwBufSize is the size of the data NET_DVR_MatrixStopPassiveDecode(lPassiveModeHandle); //Stop passive decoding //Logout NET_DVR_Logout(lUserID); // Release SDK resource NET_DVR_Cleanup(); return; } 15 Device Network SDK User Manual 4 API Description 4.1 SDK Initialization 4.1.1 Initialize SDK: NET_DVR_Init API: Parameters: Return: Remarks: BOOL NET_DVR_Init() None Return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. This API is used to initialize SDK. Please call this API before calling any other API. Return to index 4.1.2 Release SDK resource: NET_DVR_Cleanup API: Parameters: Return: Remarks: BOOL NET_DVR_Cleanup() None Return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Please call NET_DVR_GetLastError to get the error code. This API is used to release SDK resource. Please calling it before closing the program. Return to index 4.2 Get Error Message 4.2.1 Get the error code of last operation: NET_DVR_GetLastError API: Parameters: Return: Remarks: DWORD NET_DVR_GetLastError() The error code of last operation. Return the error code. Generally, there are 3 different types of error information: error of network communication library, error of RTSP library, and error of software/hardware decoding library, see detail to macro definition of error code. Return to index 16 Device Network SDK User Manual 4.2.2 Get the error message of last operation: NET_DVR_GetErrorMsg API: Parameters: Return: Remarks: char* NET_DVR_GetErrorMsg(LONG *pErrorNo) [out] pErrorNo The pointer of the error code number The pointer that saves the error message. Please call NET_DVR_GetLastError to get the error code. Generally, there are 3 different types of error information: error of network communication library, error of RTSP library, and error of software/hardware decoding library, see detail to macro definition of error code. Return to index 4.3 Login the Device 4.3.1 Loin the device: NET_DVR_Login_V30 API: Parameters: Return: Remarks: LONG NET_DVR_Login_V30(char *sDVRIP, WORD wDVRPort, char *sUserName, char *sPassword,LPNET_DVR_DEVICEINFO_V30 lpDeviceInfo) [in] Sdvrip IP address of the device [in] wDVRPort Port number of the devic [in] sUserName User name [in] sPassword Password [out] lpDeviceInfo Device information Return -1 if it is failed, and other value is the value of returned user ID. The user ID is unique, and next operations should be realized through this ID. Please call NET_DVR_GetLastError to get the error code. Decoder supports 32 different user names and 128 users login at the same time. SDK supports 512 * login. UserID is incremented one by one, from 0 to 511 and then return to 0. Logout and NET_DVR_Cleanup will not initialize the UserID to 0. Return to index 4.3.2 Logout: NET_DVR_Logout API: Parameters: Return: Remarks: BOOL NET_DVR_Logout(LONG lUserID) [in] lUserID User ID, the return value of NET_DVR_Login_V30 Return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Please call NET_DVR_GetLastError to get the error code. It is suggested to call this API to logout. Return to index 17 Device Network SDK User Manual 4.4 Get the capability set of the device 4.4.1 Get the capability set: NET_DVR_GetDeviceAbility API: Parameters: BOOL NET_DVR_GetDeviceAbility(LONG lUserID, DWORD dwAbilityType, char* pInBuf, DWORD dwInLength, char* pOutBuf, DWORD dwOutLength) [in] lUserID The return value of NET_DVR_Login_V30 [in] dwAbilityType Capability type, details listed below [in] pInBuf Pointer of the input buffer (according to description mode of ability parameter, defined by device, it supports XML text or structure format) [in] dwInLength Length of input buffer [out] pOutBuf Pointer of the output buffer (according to description mode of ability set, defined by device, it supports XML text or structure format) [in] dwOutLength Length of output buffer dwAbilityType Macro Definition Value Implication MATRIXDECODER_ABILITY 0x200 Display and decoding capability of multi-channel decoder MATRIXDECODER_ABILITY_V41 Return: Remarks: 0x260 Decoder capability set (extended) Return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Please call NET_DVR_GetLastError to get the error code. The definitions of pInBuf are different according to different devices, and the input and output parameter format when getting different types of capabilities are defined as below: Macro Definition Type of Ability pInBuf pOutBuf MATRIXDECODER_ABILITY Get display and decoding None NET_DVR_MATRIX_ABILITY None NET_DVR_MATRIX_ABILITY_V41 capability of multi-channel decoder MATRIXDECODER_ABILITY_V41 Get decoder capability set (extended) Return to index 18 Device Network SDK User Manual 4.5 Configuration and Control of the Display Channel 4.5.1 Get the information of display channel: NET_DVR_MatrixGetDisplayCfg_V41 API: Parameters: Return: BOOL NET_DVR_MatrixGetDisplayCfg_V41 (LONG lUserID, LONG dwDispChanNum, LPNET_DVR_MATRIX_VOUTCFG lpVoutCfg) [in]lUserID User ID, the return value of NET_DVR_Login_V30 [in] dwDispChanNum Display channel, please get it from capability set [out] lpVoutCfg Display channel information, please kindly refer to the structure: NET_DVR_MATRIX_VOUTCFG Return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Please call NET_DVR_GetLastError to get the error code. Remarks: Return to index 4.5.2 Configure the display channel: NET_DVR_MatrixSetDisplayCfg_V41 API: Parameters: Return: BOOL NET_DVR_MatrixSetDisplayCfg_V41(LONG lUserID, LONG dwDispChanNum, LPNET_DVR_MATRIX_VOUTCFG lpVoutCfg) [in] lUserID User ID, the return value of NET_DVR_Login_V30 [in] dwDispChanNum Display channel, please get it from capability set [in] lpVoutCfg Display channel configuration, please kindly refer to the structure: NET_DVR_MATRIX_VOUTCFG Return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Please call NET_DVR_GetLastError to get the error code. Remarks: Return to index 4.5.3 Control the display channel: NET_DVR_MatrixDiaplayControl API: Parameters: BOOL NET_DVR_MatrixDiaplayControl(LONG lUserID, DWORD dwDispChanNum, DWORD dwDispChanCmd, DWORD dwCmdParam) [in] lUserID User ID, the return value of NET_DVR_Login_V30 [in] dwDispChanNum Display channel, please get it from capability set [in] dwDispChanCmd Display channel control command, see to the following list 19 Device Network SDK User Manual [in] dwCmdParam Return: Command parameter, please set to 0 dwDispChanNum Macro Definition Value Implication DISP_CMD_ENLARGE_WINDOW 1 Enlarge one window of the display channel DISP_CMD_RENEW_WINDOW 2 Resume the window of the display channel Return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Please call NET_DVR_GetLastError to get the error code. Remarks: Return to index 4.6 Parameter Configuration 4.6.1 Get configuration of the device: NET_DVR_GetDVRConfig API: BOOL NET_DVR_GetDVRConfig(LONG lUserID, DWORD dwCommand,LONG lChannel, LPVOID lpOutBuffer, DWORD dwOutBufferSize, LPDWORD lpBytesReturned) Paramete [in] lUserID User ID, the return value of NET_DVR_Login_V30 rs: [in] dwCommand Configuration command, please kindly refer to the following list [in] lChannel Channel number, if the channel parameter is not required, lChannel is invalid, and set it as 0xFFFFFFFF [out] lpOutBuffer The buffer to save the received data [in] dwOutBufferSize The size of the buffer (unit: byte), it can't be 0 [out] lpBytesReturned The size of the returned buffer, it can't be NULL Return: Return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Please call NET_DVR_GetLastError to get the error code. Remarks: The structures and command numbers are different according to the various getting functions, and they are listed as below: Macro Definition of dwCommand Description lChannel lpOutBuffer NET_DVR_GET_NETCFG_OTHER invalid NET_DVR_NETCFG_OTHER 244 valid NET_DVR_BIGSCREENCFG Get network Value configuration of multi-channel decoder NET_DVR_MATRIX_BIGSCREENCFG Get screen stitching _GET 1140 parameter(supported by 64-T HD decoder) Return to index 20 Device Network SDK User Manual 4.6.2 Set the parameters of the device: NET_DVR_SetDVRConfig API: Parameters: Return: Remarks: BOOL NET_DVR_SetDVRConfig(LONG lUserID, DWORD dwCommand,LONG lChannel, LPVOID lpInBuffer, DWORD dwInBufferSize) [in] lUserID User ID, the return value of NET_DVR_Login_V30 [in] dwCommand Parameter type. Please kindly refer to the following list [in] lChannel Channel number, if it is not the channel parameter, do not use lChannel, and set it as 0xFFFFFFFF [in] lpInBuffer Buffer that saves the output parameters [in] dwInBufferSize The buffer size (unit: byte) Return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Please call NET_DVR_GetLastError to get the error code. The structures and command numbers are different according to the various setting functions, and they are listed as below: Macro Definition of dwCommand Description lChannel lpInBuffer NET_DVR_SET_NETCFG_OTHER invalid NET_DVR_NETCFG_OTHER 245 valid NET_DVR_BIGSCREENCFG Se network parameter Value channel decoder NET_DVR_MATRIX_BIGSCREENCFG Set screen stitching _SET 1141 parameter(supported by 64-T HD decoder) Return to index 4.7 Function about Decoding Channel 4.7.1 Get the configuration of decoding channel: NET_DVR_MatrixGetDecChanCfg API: Parameters: Return: BOOL NET_DVR_MatrixGetDecChanCfg(LONG lUserID, DWORD dwDecChan, LPNET_DVR_MATRIX_DECCHAN_CONTROL lpInter) [in] lUserID User ID, the return value of NET_DVR_Login_V30 [in] dwDecChan Decoding channel number [out] lpInter Decode channel zoom control, please kindly refer to the structure: NET_DVR_MATRIX_DECCHAN_CONTROL Return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Please call NET_DVR_GetLastError to get the error code. Remarks: Return to index 21 Device Network SDK User Manual 4.7.2 Configure the decoding channel: NET_DVR_MatrixSetDecChanCfg API: Parameters: Return: BOOL NET_DVR_MatrixSetDecChanCfg(LONG lUserID, DWORD dwDecChan, LPNET_DVR_MATRIX_DECCHAN_CONTROL lpInter) [in] lUserID User ID, the return value of NET_DVR_Login_V30 [in] dwDecChan Decoding channel number [in] lpInter Decode channel zoom control, please kindly refer to the structure: NET_DVR_MATRIX_DECCHAN_CONTROL Return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Please call NET_DVR_GetLastError to get the error code. Remarks: Return to index 4.7.3 Get the video format of the decoding channel: NET_DVR_MatrixGetVideoStandard API: Parameters: Return: BOOL NET_DVR_MatrixGetVideoStandard(LONG lUserID,LONG dwDecChanNum, LPDWORD lpdwVideoStandard) [in] lUserID User ID, the return value of NET_DVR_Login_V30 [in] dwDecChanNum Decoding channel number [out] lpdwVideoStandard Decode video format: 0- PAL, 1- NTSC Return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Please call NET_DVR_GetLastError to get the error code. Remarks: Return to index 4.7.4 Set the video format of the decoding channel: NET_DVR_MatrixSetVideoStandard API: Parameters: Return: BOOL NET_DVR_MatrixSetVideoStandard(LONG lUserID,DWORD dwDecChanNum, DWORD dwVideoStandard) [in] lUserID User ID, the return value of NET_DVR_Login_V30 [in] dwDecChanNum Decoding channel number [in] dwVideoStandard Decode video format: 0- PAL, 1- NTSC Return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Please call NET_DVR_GetLastError to get the error code. Remarks: Return to index 22 Device Network SDK User Manual 4.7.5 Get the status of current decoding channel: NET_DVR_MatrixGetDecChanStatus API: Parameters: Return: Remarks: BOOL NET_DVR_MatrixGetDecChanStatus(LONG lUserID, DWORD dwDecChanNum, LPNET_DVR_MATRIX_DEC_CHAN_STATUS lpInter) [in] lUserID User ID, the return value of NET_DVR_Login_V30 [in] dwDecChanNum Decoding channel number [out] lpInter Status of the decoding channel, please kindly refer to the structure: NET_DVR_MATRIX_DEC_CHAN_STATUS Return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Please call NET_DVR_GetLastError to get the error code. It is used to get the status of the decoding channel, including decoding status, stream transmission rate Return to index 4.7.6 Get the switch of the decoding channel: NET_DVR_MatrixGetDecChanEnable API: Parameters: Return: Remarks: BOOL NET_DVR_MatrixGetDecChanEnable(LONG lUserID, DWORD dwDecChanNum, LPDWORD lpdwEnable) [in] lUserID User ID, the return value of NET_DVR_Login_V30 [in] dwDecChanNum Decoding channel number [out] lpdwEnable 0- close, 1- open Return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Please call NET_DVR_GetLastError to get the error code. The switch of decoding channel, is used to control the decoding process of the decoding channel. When set the switch to close, whether current decoding channel is during dynamic decoding or loop decoding, it will stop decoding. The display window will turn to black screen after it is effected. If set the switch on, it will resume the last process. Notes: This function can be used with the switch of loop decoding to control loop decoding. Return to index 4.7.7 Set the switch of the decoding channel: NET_DVR_MatrixSetDecChanEnable API: BOOL NET_DVR_MatrixSetDecChanEnable (LONG lUserID, DWORD 23 Device Network SDK User Manual Parameters: Return: Remarks: dwDecChanNum, DWORD dwEnable) [in] lUserID User ID, the return value of NET_DVR_Login_V30 [in] dwDecChanNum Decoding channel number [in] dwEnable 0- close, 1- open Return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Please call NET_DVR_GetLastError to get the error code. The switch of decoding channel, is used to control the decoding process of the decoding channel. When set the switch to close, whether current decoding channel is during dynamic decoding or loop decoding, it will stop decoding. The display window will turn to black screen after it is effected. If set the switch on, it will resume the last process. Notes: This function can be used with the switch of loop decoding to control loop decoding. Return to index 4.8 Active Decoding 4.8.1 Start dynamic decoding: NET_DVR_MatrixStartDynamic_V30 API: Parameters: Return: Remarks: BOOL NET_DVR_MatrixStartDynamic_V30( LONG lUserID, DWORD dwDecChanNum, LPNET_DVR_PU_STREAM_CFG lpDynamicInfo) [in] lUserID User ID, the return value of NET_DVR_Login_V30 [in] dwDecChanNum Decoding channel number [in] lpDynamicInfo Dynamic decoding parameter, please kindly refer to the structure: NET_DVR_PU_STREAM_CFG Return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Please call NET_DVR_GetLastError to get the error code. It is used to connect one decoding channel of the multi-channel decoder to one channel of front-end device, and continue to decode until call the stop API or set decoding switch off. If decoding interruption is caused by network interrupted during the decoding process, the multi-channel decoder will automatically re-connect to the front device, till the connection is successful or the stop API is called. During re-connecting, the decoding channel is in the black state. Return to index 4.8.2 Stop dynamic decoding: NET_DVR_MatrixStopDynamic API: Parameters: BOOL NET_DVR_MatrixStopDynamic(LONG lUserID, DWORD dwDecChanNum) [in] lUserID User ID, the return value of NET_DVR_Login_V30 [in] dwDecChanNum Decoding channel number 24 Device Network SDK User Manual Return: Return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Please call NET_DVR_GetLastError to get the error code. Remarks: Return to index 4.8.3 Get the information of circle decoding channel: NET_DVR_MatrixGetLoopDecChanInfo_V30 API: Parameters: Return: Remarks: BOOL NET_DVR_MatrixGetLoopDecChanInfo_V30(LONG lUserID, DWORD dwDecChanNum, LPNET_DVR_MATRIX_LOOP_DECINFO_V30 lpInter) [in] lUserID User ID, the return value of NET_DVR_Login_V30 [in]dwDecChanNum Decoding channel number [out] lpInter The info of circle decoding channel, please kindly refer to the structure: NET_DVR_MATRIX_LOOP_DECINFO_V30 Return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Please call NET_DVR_GetLastError to get the error code. It is used to set circle decoding parameter of one decode channel in multi-channel decoder, and every decoding channel can connect to 16 front-end channels for circle decoding. The cycle period supports to be set. After set successfully, if the starting flag of connection information is enabled, the channel go into circle status and start circle decoding; If disabled, then not start loop decoding. We can use with the switch API of circle decoding to achieve the circle decoding control, details refer to the part of the circle decoding switch (NET_DVR_MatrixGetLoopDecChanEnable and NET_DVR_MatrixSetLoopDecChanEnable). Return to index 4.8.4 Set the circle decoding channel: NET_DVR_MatrixSetLoopDecChanInfo_V30 API: Parameters: Return: Remarks: BOOL NET_DVR_MatrixSetLoopDecChanInfo_V30(LONG lUserID, DWORD dwDecChanNum, LPNET_DVR_MATRIX_LOOP_DECINFO_V30 lpInter) [in] lUserID User ID, the return value of NET_DVR_Login_V30 [in] dwDecChanNum Decoding channel number [in] lpInter The configuration of the circle decoding channel, please kindly refer to the structure: NET_DVR_MATRIX_LOOP_DECINFO_V30 Return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Please call NET_DVR_GetLastError to get the error code. It is used to set circle decoding parameter of one decode channel in 25 Device Network SDK User Manual multi-channel decoder, and every decoding channel can connect to 16 front-end channels for circle decoding. The cycle period supports to be set. After set successfully, if the starting flag of connection information is enabled, the channel go into circle status and start circle decoding; If disabled, then not start loop decoding. We can use with the switch API of circle decoding to achieve the circle decoding control, details refer to the part of the circle decoding switch (NET_DVR_MatrixGetLoopDecChanEnable and NET_DVR_MatrixSetLoopDecChanEnable). Return to index 4.8.5 Get the circle switch of the decoding channel: NET_DVR_MatrixGetLoopDecChanEnable API: Parameters: Return: Remarks: BOOL NET_DVR_MatrixGetLoopDecChanEnable(LONG lUserID, DWORD dwDecChanNum, LPDWORD lpdwEnable) [in] lUserID User ID, the return value of NET_DVR_Login_V30 [in] dwDecChanNum Decoding channel number [out] lpdwEnable 0- close, 1- open Return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Please call NET_DVR_GetLastError to get the error code. The circle switch is used to control the starting and stopping of circle decoing, not to control the starting and stopping of decoding. When set the circle switch off, the decoding channel will stop the circle decoding and continue to decode the stream of the currently connected channel, that is, turn to dynamic decoding. When set the switch on, it will resume to circle decoding. Return to index 4.8.6 Set the circle switch of the decoding channel: NET_DVR_MatrixSetLoopDecChanEnable API: Parameters: Return: Remarks: BOOL NET_DVR_MatrixSetLoopDecChanEnable(LONG lUserID, DWORD dwDecChanNum, DWORD dwEnable) [in] lUserID User ID, the return value of NET_DVR_Login_V30 [in] dwDecChanNum Decoding channel number [in] dwEnable 0- close, 1- open Return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Please call NET_DVR_GetLastError to get the error code. The circle switch is used to control the starting and stopping of circle decoing, not to control the starting and stopping of decoding. When set the circle switch off, the decoding channel will stop the circle decoding and continue to decode the stream of the currently connected channel, that is, turn to 26 Device Network SDK User Manual dynamic decoding. When set the switch on, it will resume to circle decoding. Return to index 4.8.7 Set the circle switch of all decoding channels: NET_DVR_MatrixGetLoopDecEnable API: Parameters: Return: Remarks: BOOL NET_DVR_MatrixGetLoopDecEnable(LONG lUserID, LPDWORD lpdwEnable) [in] lUserID User ID, the return value of NET_DVR_Login_V30 [out] lpdwEnable indicated by bit: 0- close, 1- open Return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Please call NET_DVR_GetLastError to get the error code. lpdwEnable is indicated by bit, for example, if lpdwEnable&0x1=1 and lpdwEnable&0x4=1, other bits are 0, it means the circle switch of no.1 and no.3 decoding channel are turned on, and that of the other channels are off. Return to index 4.8.8 Get the information of current decoding channel: NET_DVR_MatrixGetDecChanInfo_V30 API: Parameters: Return: Remarks: BOOL NET_DVR_MatrixGetDecChanInfo_V30(LONG lUserID, DWORD dwDecChanNum, LPNET_DVR_MATRIX_DEC_CHAN_INFO_V30 lpInter) [in] lUserID User ID, the return value of NET_DVR_Login_V30 [in] dwDecChanNum Decoding channel number [out] lpInter Decoding channel information, please kindly refer to the structure: NET_DVR_MATRIX_DEC_CHAN_INFO_V30 Return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Please call NET_DVR_GetLastError to get the error code. It is used to get the information of current decoding channel, including the information of front-end device, stream mode, and so on. Return to index 4.8.9 Configure the playback of remote files: NET_DVR_MatrixSetRemotePlay API: Parameters: BOOL NET_DVR_MatrixSetRemotePlay(LONG lUserID, DWORD dwDecChanNum, LPNET_DVR_MATRIX_DEC_REMOTE_PLAY lpInter) [in] lUserID User ID, the return value of NET_DVR_Login_V30 27 Device Network SDK User Manual [in] dwDecChanNum [in] lpInter Decoding channel number Playback parameters, please kindly refer to the structure: NET_DVR_MATRIX_DEC_REMOTE_PLAY Return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Please call NET_DVR_GetLastError to get the error code. After calling this API to configure the parameters, please call NET_DVR_MatrixSetRemotePlayControl (NET_DVR_PLAYSTART) to start play. Return to index Return: Remarks: 4.8.10 Control the playback of remote files: NET_DVR_MatrixSetRemotePlayControl API: Parameters: Return: Remarks: BOOL NET_DVR_MatrixSetRemotePlayControl(LONG lUserID, DWORD dwDecChanNum, DWORD dwControlCode, DWORD dwInValue, DWORD *lpOutValue) [in] lUserID User ID, the return value of NET_DVR_Login_V30 [in] dwDecChanNum Decoding channel number [in] dwControlCode Control commands, see to the following list [in] dwInValue The input value, related to the command [in] lpOutValue The output parameter, related to the command dwControlCode Macro Definition Value Implication NET_DVR_PLAYSTART 1 Start playing NET_DVR_PLAYSTOP 2 Stop playing NET_DVR_PLAYPAUSE 3 Pause NET_DVR_PLAYRESTART 4 Resume NET_DVR_PLAYFAST 5 Fast NET_DVR_PLAYSLOW 6 Slow NET_DVR_PLAYNORMAL 7 Normal speed NET_DVR_PLAYSTARTAUDIO 9 Open sound NET_DVR_PLAYSTOPAUDIO 10 Close sound NET_DVR_PLAYSETPOS 12 Change progress of playback by file Return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Please call NET_DVR_GetLastError to get the error code. dwInValue and lpOutValue are related to the control command. For some commands, such as NET_DVR_PLAYSTART, it does not require to set both the two parameters; For some commands, such as NET_DVR_PLAYSETPOS, it requires to set the value of dwInValue. The playback by time does not support the control command NET_DVR_PLAYSETPOS Return to index 28 Device Network SDK User Manual 4.8.11 Get the status of playback: NET_DVR_MatrixGetRemotePlayStatus API: Parameters: Return: Remarks: BOOL NET_DVR_MatrixGetRemotePlayStatus(LONG lUserID, DWORD dwDecChanNum,LPNET_DVR_MATRIX_DEC_REMOTE_PLAY_STATUS lpOuter) [in] lUserID User ID, the return value of NET_DVR_Login_V30 [in] dwDecChanNum Decoding channel number [out] lpOuter Playback status, please kindly refer to the structure: NET_DVR_MATRIX_DEC_REMOTE_PLAY_STATUS Return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Please call NET_DVR_GetLastError to get the error code. The decoder connects to the front-end device and playback the files by file name or by time. This API is used to get the status of the playback. There is certain delay for the command is transferred by the client, so we cannot call NET_DVR_MatrixSetRemotePlayControl frequently. If we get the status of playback and handle the playback according to the status, we should consider the network delay. Return to index 4.9 Passive Decoding 4.9.1 Start passive decoding: NET_DVR_MatrixStartPassiveDecode API: Parameters: Return: LONG NET_DVR_MatrixStartPassiveDecode(LONG lUserID, DWORD dwDecChanNum, LPNET_DVR_MATRIX_PASSIVEMODE lpPassiveMode) [in] lUserID User ID, the return value of NET_DVR_Login_V30 [in] dwDecChanNum Decoding channel number [in] lpPassiveMode Passive decoding parameter, please kindly refer to the structure: NET_DVR_MATRIX_PASSIVEMODE -1 means false, and other values could be used as the parameters of other interfaces, such as NET_DVR_MatrixSendData. Please call NET_DVR_GetLastError to get the error code. Remarks: Return to index 29 Device Network SDK User Manual 4.9.2 Send data to the passive decoding channel: NET_DVR_MatrixSendData API: Parameters: Return: BOOL NET_DVR_MatrixSendData(LONG lPassiveHandle, char *pSendBuf, DWORD dwBufSize) [in] lPassiveHandle The return value of NET_DVR_MatrixStartPassiveDecode [in] pSendBuf The buffer that saves the data to be sent [in] dwBufSize Size of the buffer, should be less than 30K bytes Return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Please call NET_DVR_GetLastError to get the error code. Remarks: Return to index 4.9.3 Stop the passive decoding: NET_DVR_MatrixStopPassiveDecode API: Parameters: Return: BOOL NET_DVR_MatrixStopPassiveDecode(LONG lPassiveHandle) [in] lPassiveHandle The return value of NET_DVR_MatrixStartPassiveDecode Return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Please call NET_DVR_GetLastError to get the error code. Remarks: Return to index 4.9.4 Get status of the passive decoding: NET_DVR_MatrixGetPassiveDecodeStatus API: Parameters: Return: LONG NET_DVR_MatrixGetPassiveDecodeStatus(LONG lPassiveHandle) [in] lPassiveHandle The return value of NET_DVR_MatrixStartPassiveDecode -1- failed, 1- send the data successfully, 2- sending is suspended, 3- sending is resumed, 4- error, 5- heartbeat messages. Please call NET_DVR_GetLastError to get the error code. Remarks: Return to index 30 Device Network SDK User Manual 4.9.5 Control of the passive decoding: NET_DVR_MatrixPassiveDecodeControl API: Parameters: Return: BOOL NET_DVR_MatrixPassiveDecodeControl( LONG lUserID, DWORD dwDecChanNum, LPNET_DVR_PASSIVEDECODE_CONTROL lpInter) [in] lUserID User ID, the return value of NET_DVR_Login_V30 [in] dwDecChanNum Decoding channel number [in] lpInter The control parameters, please kindly refer to the structure: NET_DVR_PASSIVEDECODE_CONTROL Return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Please call NET_DVR_GetLastError to get the error code. Remarks: Return to index 4.10 Upload the LOGO and Control Its Display 4.10.1 Upload the LOGO: NET_DVR_UploadLogo API: Parameters: Return: BOOL NET_DVR_UploadLogo(LONG lUserID,DWORD dwDecChanNum, LPNET_DVR_DISP_LOGOCFG lpDispLogoCfg, char *sLogoBuffer) [in] lUserID User ID, the return value of NET_DVR_Login_V30 [in] dwDecChanNum The number of decoding channel [in] lpDispLogoCfg The LOGO parameters, please kindly refer to the structure: NET_DVR_DISP_LOGOCFG [in] sLogoBuffer LOGO data buffer, at most 100k, width and height must be multiples of 32 Return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Please call NET_DVR_GetLastError to get the error code. Remarks: Return to index 4.10.2 Display control of the LOGO: NET_DVR_LogoSwitch API: Parameters: BOOL NET_DVR_LogoSwitch(LONG lUserID, DWORD dwDecChan, DWORD dwLogoSwitch) [in] lUserID User ID, the return value of NET_DVR_Login_V30 [in] dwDecChan The number of decoding channel [in] dwLogoSwitch Switch command, please kindly see to the following list 31 Device Network SDK User Manual Return: Macro Definition Value Implication NET_DVR_SHOWLOGO 1 Display LOGO NET_DVR_HIDELOGO 2 Hide LOGO Return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Please call NET_DVR_GetLastError to get the error code. Remarks: Return to index 4.11 Transparent Channel 4.11.1 Get the information of transparent channel: NET_DVR_MatrixGetTranInfo_V30 API: Parameters: Return: Remarks: BOOL NET_DVR_MatrixGetTranInfo_V30(LONG lUserID, LPNET_DVR_MATRIX_TRAN_CHAN_CONFIG_V30 lpTranInfo) [in] lUserID User ID, the return value of NET_DVR_Login_V30 [out] lpTranInfo The parameter of transparent channel, please kindly refer to the structure: NET_DVR_MATRIX_TRAN_CHAN_CONFIG_V30 Return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Please call NET_DVR_GetLastError to get the error code. Here transparent channel configuration is to build network transparent channel between the decoder and the front-end device, not between client and the decoder. Because most multi-channel decoders don't support building 232/485 transparent channel between with the PC client, local serial port can only be the access port of the serial console (via RS 232) or device like control keyboard (via RS232/RS485). Return to index 4.11.2 Set the transparent channel: NET_DVR_MatrixSetTranInfo_V30 API: Parameters: Return: Remarks: BOOL NET_DVR_MatrixSetTranInfo_V30(LONG lUserID, LPNET_DVR_MATRIX_TRAN_CHAN_CONFIG_V30 lpTranInfo) [in] lUserID User ID, the return value of NET_DVR_Login_V30 [in] lpTranInfo The parameter of transparent channel, please kindly refer to the structure: NET_DVR_MATRIX_TRAN_CHAN_CONFIG_V30 Return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Please call NET_DVR_GetLastError to get the error code. Currently, one multi-channel decoder supports 64 transparent channels at 32 Device Network SDK User Manual most, including 232 and 485 transparent channels. It supports only one 232 full-duplex transparent channel and one 485 full-duplex transparent channel, and it supports not to set full-duple transparent channel. Return to index 4.12 Device Status 4.12.1 Get the status of the device: NET_DVR_MatrixGetDeviceStatus_V41 API: Parameters: Return: BOOL NET_DVR_MatrixGetDeviceStatus_V41(LONG lUserID, LPNET_DVR_DECODER_WORK_STATUS_V41 lpDecoderCfg) [in] lUserID User ID, the return value of NET_DVR_Login_V30 [out] lpDecoderCfg The status of the decoder, please kindly refer to the structure: NET_DVR_DECODER_WORK_STATUS_V41 Return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. Please call NET_DVR_GetLastError to get the error code. Remarks: Return to index 33 Device Network SDK User Manual 5 Macro Definition of Error Code 5.1 Error code of network communication library Error Value Message NET_DVR_NOERROR 0 No error. NET_DVR_PASSWORD_ERROR 1 User name or password error. NET_DVR_NOENOUGHPRI 2 Not authorized to do this operation. NET_DVR_NOINIT 3 SDK is not initialized. NET_DVR_CHANNEL_ERROR 4 Channel number error. There is no corresponding channel number on the device. NET_DVR_OVER_MAXLINK 5 The number of clients connected to the device has exceeded the max limit. NET_DVR_VERSIONNOMATCH 6 Version mismatch. SDK version is not matching with the device. NET_DVR_NETWORK_FAIL_CONNECT 7 Failed to connect to the device. The device is off-line, or connection timeout caused by network. NET_DVR_NETWORK_SEND_ERROR 8 Failed to send data to the device. NET_DVR_NETWORK_RECV_ERROR 9 Failed to receive data from the device. NET_DVR_NETWORK_RECV_TIMEOUT 10 Timeout when receiving the data from the device. NET_DVR_NETWORK_ERRORDATA 11 The data sent to the device is illegal, or the data received from the device error. E.g. The input data is not supported by the device for remote configuration. NET_DVR_ORDER_ERROR 12 API calling order error. NET_DVR_OPERNOPERMIT 13 Not authorized for this operation. NET_DVR_COMMANDTIMEOUT 14 Executing command on the device is timeout. NET_DVR_ERRORSERIALPORT 15 Serial port number error. The assigned serial port does not exist on the device. NET_DVR_ERRORALARMPORT 16 Alarm port number error. NET_DVR_PARAMETER_ERROR 17 Parameter error. Input or output parameter in the SDK API is NULL. NET_DVR_CHAN_EXCEPTION 18 Device channel is in exception status. NET_DVR_NODISK 19 No hard disk on the device, and the operation of recording and hard disk configuration will fail. NET_DVR_ERRORDISKNUM 20 Hard disk number error. The assigned hard disk number does not exist during hard disk management. NET_DVR_DISK_FULL 21 Device hark disk is full. NET_DVR_DISK_ERROR 22 Device hard disk error. NET_DVR_NOSUPPORT 23 Device does not support this function. NET_DVR_BUSY 24 Device is busy. NET_DVR_MODIFY_FAIL 25 Failed to modify device parameters. 34 Device Network SDK User Manual NET_DVR_PASSWORD_FORMAT_ERROR 26 The inputting password format is not correct. NET_DVR_DISK_FORMATING 27 Hard disk is formatting, and the operation cannot be done. NET_DVR_DVRNORESOURCE 28 Not enough resource on the device. NET_DVR_DVROPRATEFAILED 29 Device operation failed. NET_DVR_OPENHOSTSOUND_FAIL 30 Failed to collect local audio data or to open audio output during voice talk / broadcasting. NET_DVR_DVRVOICEOPENED 31 Voice talk channel on the device has been occupied. NET_DVR_TIMEINPUTERROR 32 Time input is not correct. NET_DVR_NOSPECFILE 33 There is no selected file for playback. NET_DVR_CREATEFILE_ERROR 34 Failed to create a file, during local recording, saving picture, getting configuration file or downloading record file. NET_DVR_FILEOPENFAIL 35 Failed to open a file, when importing configuration file, upgrading device or uploading inquest file. NET_DVR_OPERNOTFINISH 36 The last operation has not been completed. NET_DVR_GETPLAYTIMEFAIL 37 Failed to get the current played time. NET_DVR_PLAYFAIL 38 Failed to start playback. NET_DVR_FILEFORMAT_ERROR 39 The file format is not correct. NET_DVR_DIR_ERROR 40 File directory error. NET_DVR_ALLOC_RESOURCE_ERROR 41 Resource allocation error. NET_DVR_AUDIO_MODE_ERROR 42 Sound adapter mode error. Currently opened sound playing mode does not match with the set mode. NET_DVR_NOENOUGH_BUF 43 Buffer is not enough. NET_DVR_CREATESOCKET_ERROR 44 Create SOCKET error. NET_DVR_SETSOCKET_ERROR 45 Set SOCKET error. NET_DVR_MAX_NUM 46 The number of login or preview connections has exceeded the SDK limitation. NET_DVR_USERNOTEXIST 47 NET_DVR_WRITEFLASHERROR 48 User doest not exist. The user ID has been logged out or unavailable. Writing FLASH error. Failed to write FLASH during device upgrade. NET_DVR_UPGRADEFAIL 49 Failed to upgrade device. It is caused by network problem or the language mismatch between the device and the upgrade file. NET_DVR_CARDHAVEINIT 50 The decode card has already been initialed. NET_DVR_PLAYERFAILED 51 Failed to call API of player SDK. NET_DVR_MAX_USERNUM 52 The number of login user has reached the maximum limit. NET_DVR_GETLOCALIPANDMACFAIL 53 Failed to get the IP address or physical address of local PC. NET_DVR_NOENCODEING 54 This channel hasn't started encoding. NET_DVR_IPMISMATCH 55 IP address not match. NET_DVR_MACMISMATCH 56 MAC address not match. NET_DVR_UPGRADELANGMISMATCH 57 The language of upgrading file does not match the language of the device. 35 Device Network SDK User Manual NET_DVR_MAX_PLAYERPORT 58 The number of player ports has reached the maximum limit. NET_DVR_NOSPACEBACKUP 59 No enough space to backup file in backup device. NET_DVR_NODEVICEBACKUP 60 No backup device. NET_DVR_PICTURE_BITS_ERROR 61 The color quality setting of the picture does not match the requirement, and it should be limited to 24. NET_DVR_PICTURE_DIMENSION_ERROR 62 The dimension is over 128x256. NET_DVR_PICTURE_SIZ_ERROR 63 The size of picture is over 100K. NET_DVR_LOADPLAYERSDKFAILED 64 Failed to load the player SDK. NET_DVR_LOADPLAYERSDKPROC_ERROR 65 Can not find the function in player SDK. NET_DVR_LOADDSSDKFAILED 66 Failed to load the library file-"DsSdk". NET_DVR_LOADDSSDKPROC_ERROR 67 Can not find the API in "DsSdk". NET_DVR_DSSDK_ERROR 68 Failed to call the API in "DsSdk". NET_DVR_VOICEMONOPOLIZE 69 Sound adapter has been monopolized. NET_DVR_JOINMULTICASTFAILED 70 Failed to join to multicast group. NET_DVR_CREATEDIR_ERROR 71 Failed to create log file directory. NET_DVR_BINDSOCKET_ERROR 72 Failed to bind socket. NET_DVR_SOCKETCLOSE_ERROR 73 Socket disconnected. It is caused by network disconnection or destination unreachable. NET_DVR_USERID_ISUSING 74 The user ID is operating when logout. NET_DVR_SOCKETLISTEN_ERROR 75 Failed to listen. NET_DVR_PROGRAM_EXCEPTION 76 SDK program exception. NET_DVR_WRITEFILE_FAILED 77 Failed to write file, during local recording, saving picture or downloading record file. NET_DVR_FORMAT_READONLY 78 Failed to format read-only HD. NET_DVR_WITHSAMEUSERNAME 79 This user name already exists in the user configuration structure. NET_DVR_DEVICETYPE_ERROR 80 Device type does not match when import configuration. NET_DVR_LANGUAGE_ERROR 81 Language does not match when import configuration. NET_DVR_PARAVERSION_ERROR 82 Software version does not match when import configuration. NET_DVR_IPCHAN_NOTALIVE 83 IP channel is not on-line when previewing. NET_DVR_RTSP_SDK_ERROR 84 Load StreamTransClient.dll failed. NET_DVR_CONVERT_SDK_ERROR 85 Load SystemTransform.dll failed. NET_DVR_IPC_COUNT_OVERFLOW 86 Exceeds maximum number of connected IP channels. NET_DVR_MAX_ADD_NUM 87 Exceeds maximum number of supported record labels or other operations. NET_DVR_PARAMMODE_ERROR 88 Image intensifier, parameter mode error. This error may occur when client sets software or hardware parameters. NET_DVR_CODESPITTER_OFFLINE 89 Code splitter is offline. NET_DVR_BACKUP_COPYING 90 Device is backing up. NET_DVR_CHAN_NOTSUPPORT 91 Channel not support. NET_DVR_CALLINEINVALID 92 The height line location is too concentrated, or the length line is not inclined enough. 36 Device Network SDK User Manual NET_DVR_CALCANCELCONFLICT 93 Cancel calibration conflict, if the rule and overall actual size filter have been set. NET_DVR_CALPOINTOUTRANGE 94 Calibration point exceeds the range. NET_DVR_FILTERRECTINVALID 95 The size filter does not meet the requirement. NET_DVR_DDNS_DEVOFFLINE 96 Device has not registered to DDNS. NET_DVR_DDNS_INTER_ERROR 97 DDNS inner error. NET_DVR_ALIAS_DUPLICATE 150 Alias is duplicate (for EasyDDNS) NET_DVR_DEV_NET_OVERFLOW 800 Network traffic is over device ability limit. NET_DVR_STATUS_RECORDFILE_WRITING 801 The video file is recording and can't be locked. 802 The hard disk capacity is too small and can not be _NOT_LOCK NET_DVR_STATUS_CANT_FORMAT_LITTLE _DISK formatted. Error code of RAID NET_DVR_NAME_NOT_ONLY 200 This user name already exists. NET_DVR_OVER_MAX_ARRAY 201 The array exceeds the limitation. NET_DVR_OVER_MAX_VD 202 The virtual disk exceeds the limitation. NET_DVR_VD_SLOT_EXCEED 203 The virtual disk slots are full. NET_DVR_PD_STATUS_INVALID 204 Physical disk used to rebuild RAID is in error state. NET_DVR_PD_BE_DEDICATE_SPARE 205 Physical disk used to rebuild RAID is assigned as spare disk. NET_DVR_PD_NOT_FREE 206 Physical disk used to rebuild RAID is not free. NET_DVR_CANNOT_MIG2NEWMODE 207 Can not migrate from current RAID type to the new type. NET_DVR_MIG_PAUSE 208 Migration has been paused. NET_DVR_MIG_ABOUTED 209 Migration has been aborted. NET_DVR_EXIST_VD 210 There is virtual disk in the array, and the array can not been deleted. NET_DVR_TARGET_IN_LD_FUNCTIONAL 211 Target physical disk is part of the virtual disk and is functional. NET_DVR_HD_IS_ASSIGNED_ALREADY 212 Specified physical disk is assigned as a virtual disk. NET_DVR_INVALID_HD_COUNT 213 Number of physical disks doesn't fit the specified RAID level. NET_DVR_LD_IS_FUNCTIONAL 214 Specified virtual disk is functional and it can not be rebuilt. NET_DVR_BGA_RUNNING 215 BGA is running. NET_DVR_LD_NO_ATAPI 216 Can not create virtual disk with ATAPI drive. NET_DVR_MIGRATION_NOT_NEED 217 Migration is not necessary. NET_DVR_HD_TYPE_MISMATCH 218 Physical disks are not of the same type. NET_DVR_NO_LD_IN_DG 219 No virtual disk exists on the specified array. NET_DVR_NO_ROOM_FOR_SPARE 220 Disk space is too small to be assigned as spare drive. NET_DVR_SPARE_IS_IN_MULTI_DG 221 Disk is already assigned as a spare drive for an array. NET_DVR_DG_HAS_MISSING_PD 222 Disk is missing from an array. 37 Device Network SDK User Manual Error code of intelligent device NET_DVR_ID_ERROR 300 Configuration ID is illegal. NET_DVR_POLYGON_ERROR 301 Polygon does not match requirement. NET_DVR_RULE_PARAM_ERROR 302 Rule parameter is illegal. NET_DVR_RULE_CFG_CONFLICT 303 Configuration conflict. NET_DVR_CALIBRATE_NOT_READY 304 Calibration not ready. NET_DVR_CAMERA_DATA_ERROR 305 Camera parameter is illegal. NET_DVR_CALIBRATE_DATA_UNFIT 306 Not inclined enough, not fit to calibrate. NET_DVR_CALIBRATE_DATA_CONFILICT 307 Calibration error. NET_DVR_CALIBRATE_CALC_FAIL 308 Failed to calculate camera calibration parameter. NET_DVR_CALIBRATE_LINE_OUT_RECT 309 The input calibrating line exceeds the external rectangle sample. NET_DVR_ENTER_RULE_NOT_READY 310 Enter rule not ready. NET_DVR_AID_RULE_NO_INCLUDE_LANE 311 It does not include lane in the traffic event rule (especial for traffic jam or driving against the traffic). NET_DVR_LANE_NOT_READY 312 Lane not ready. NET_DVR_RULE_INCLUDE_TWO_WAY 313 There are two different directions in event rule. NET_DVR_LANE_TPS_RULE_CONFLICT 314 The lane conflicts with the data rule. NET_DVR_NOT_SUPPORT_EVENT_TYPE 315 The event type is not supported by the device. NET_DVR_LANE_NO_WAY 316 The lane has no direction. NET_DVR_SIZE_FILTER_ERROR 317 The size of filter is illegal. NET_DVR_LIB_FFL_NO_FACE 318 There is no face when feature point positioning. NET_DVR_LIB_FFL_IMG_TOO_SMALL 319 The input image is too small when feature point positioning. NET_DVR_LIB_FD_IMG_NO_FACE 320 The input image has no face when detecting face in single image. NET_DVR_LIB_FACE_TOO_SMALL 321 Face is too small when building model. NET_DVR_LIB_FACE_QUALITY_TOO_BAD 322 Face image is of poor quality when building model. NET_DVR_KEY_PARAM_ERR 323 Advanced parameter setting error. NET_DVR_CALIBRATE_DATA_ERR 324 Calibration sample size error, or data value error, or sample points beyond the horizon NET_DVR_CALIBRATE_DISABLE_FAIL 325 The configured rules do not allow to cancel calibration. 5.2 Error code of RTSP communication library Error Value Message NET_DVR_RTSP_GETPORTFAILED 407 RTSP port getting error. NET_DVR_RTSP_DESCRIBESENDTIMEOUT 411 Sending "RTSP DECRIBE" is timeout. NET_DVR_RTSP_DESCRIBESENDERROR 412 Failed to send "RTSP DECRIBE". NET_DVR_RTSP_DESCRIBERECVTIMEOUT 413 Receiving "RTSP DECRIBE" is timeout. NET_DVR_RTSP_DESCRIBERECVDATALOST 414 Receiving data of "RTSP DECRIBE" error. NET_DVR_RTSP_DESCRIBERECVERROR 415 Failed to receive "RTSP DECRIBE". 38 Device Network SDK User Manual NET_DVR_RTSP_DESCRIBESERVERERR 416 "RTSP DECRIBE" device returns the error that values 401 or 501. NET_DVR_RTSP_SETUPSENDTIMEOUT 421 Sending "RTSP SETUP" is timeout. NET_DVR_RTSP_SETUPSENDERROR 422 Sending "RTSP SETUP" error. NET_DVR_RTSP_SETUPRECVTIMEOUT 423 Receiving "RTSP SETUP" is timeout. NET_DVR_RTSP_SETUPRECVDATALOST 424 Receiving data of "RTSP SETUP" error. NET_DVR_RTSP_SETUPRECVERROR 425 Failed to receive "RTSP SETUP". NET_DVR_RTSP_OVER_MAX_CHAN 426 "RTSP SETUP" device returns the error that values 401 or 501. It exceeds the max connection number. NET_DVR_RTSP_PLAYSENDTIMEOUT 431 Sending "RTSP PLAY" is timeout. NET_DVR_RTSP_PLAYSENDERROR 432 Sending "RTSP PLAY" error. NET_DVR_RTSP_PLAYRECVTIMEOUT 433 Receiving "RTSP PLAY" is timeout. NET_DVR_RTSP_PLAYRECVDATALOST 434 Receiving data of "RTSP PLAY" error. NET_DVR_RTSP_PLAYRECVERROR 435 Failed to receive "RTSP PLAY". NET_DVR_RTSP_PLAYSERVERERR 436 "RTSP PLAY" device returns the error that values 401 or 501. NET_DVR_RTSP_TEARDOWNSENDTIMEOUT 441 Sending "RTSP TEARDOWN" is timeout. NET_DVR_RTSP_TEARDOWNSENDERROR 442 Sending "RTSP TEARDOWN" error. NET_DVR_RTSP_TEARDOWNRECVTIMEOUT 443 Receiving "RTSP TEARDOWN" is timeout. NET_DVR_RTSP_TEARDOWNRECVDATALOST 444 Receiving data of "RTSP TEARDOWN" error. NET_DVR_RTSP_TEARDOWNRECVERROR 445 Failed to receive "RTSP TEARDOWN". NET_DVR_RTSP_TEARDOWNSERVERERR 446 "RTSP TEARDOWN" device returns the error that values 401 or 501. 5.3 Error code of software decoding library Error Value Message NET_PLAYM4_NOERROR 500 No error. NET_PLAYM4_PARA_OVER 501 Input parameter is invalid. NET_PLAYM4_ORDER_ERROR 502 API calling order error. NET_PLAYM4_TIMER_ERROR 503 Failed to create multimedia clock. NET_PLAYM4_DEC_VIDEO_ERROR 504 Failed to decode video data. NET_PLAYM4_DEC_AUDIO_ERROR 505 Failed to decode audio data. NET_PLAYM4_ALLOC_MEMORY_ERROR 506 Failed to allocate memory. NET_PLAYM4_OPEN_FILE_ERROR 507 Failed to open the file. NET_PLAYM4_CREATE_OBJ_ERROR 508 Failed to create thread event. NET_PLAYM4_CREATE_DDRAW_ERROR 509 Failed to create DirectDraw object. NET_PLAYM4_CREATE_OFFSCREEN_ERROR 510 Failed to create backstage cache for OFFSCREEN 39 Device Network SDK User Manual mode. NET_PLAYM4_BUF_OVER 511 Buffer overflow, failed to input stream. NET_PLAYM4_CREATE_SOUND_ERROR 512 Failed to create audio equipment. NET_PLAYM4_SET_VOLUME_ERROR 513 Failed to set the volume. NET_PLAYM4_SUPPORT_FILE_ONLY 514 This API can be called only for file playback mode. NET_PLAYM4_SUPPORT_STREAM_ONLY 515 This API can be called only when playing stream. NET_PLAYM4_SYS_NOT_SUPPORT 516 Not support by the system. Decoder can only work on the system above Pentium 3. NET_PLAYM4_FILEHEADER_UNKNOWN 517 There is no file header. NET_PLAYM4_VERSION_INCORRECT 518 The version mismatch between decoder and encoder. NET_PLAYM4_INIT_DECODER_ERROR 519 Failed to initialize the decoder. NET_PLAYM4_CHECK_FILE_ERROR 520 The file is too short, or the stream data is unknown. NET_PLAYM4_INIT_TIMER_ERROR 521 Failed to initialize multimedia clock. NET_PLAYM4_BLT_ERROR 522 BLT failure. NET_PLAYM4_UPDATE_ERROR 523 Failed to update overlay surface NET_PLAYM4_OPEN_FILE_ERROR_MULTI 524 Failed to open video & audio stream file. NET_PLAYM4_OPEN_FILE_ERROR_VIDEO 525 Failed to open video stream file. NET_PLAYM4_JPEG_COMPRESS_ERROR 526 JPEG compression error. NET_PLAYM4_EXTRACT_NOT_SUPPORT 527 Don't support the version of this file. NET_PLAYM4_EXTRACT_DATA_ERROR 528 Extract video data failed.
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