Business Guide GPP Method Of Payment

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Global PAYplus Version 4.6.6
Method of Payment
Business Guide

© 2009-2017 D+H Global Transaction Banking Solutions. All rights reserved. D+H is a trademark of D+H Limited
PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL - This document contains information, which contains Confidential and
Know How property of D+H. Disclosure to or use by persons who are not expressly authorized in writing by D+H
is strictly prohibited.
D+H reserves the right to alter the specifications and descriptions in this publication without prior notice. No part
of this publication shall be deemed to be part of any contract or warranty unless specifically incorporated by
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All brand or product names are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
The information contained herein is merely descriptive in nature, and does not constitute a binding offer for the
license of the product described herein.
Catalog ID: GPP4.6-00-B03-06-201706

Method of Payment

Version Control

Version Control


Summary of Changes


Document created


Updated section Memberships with RTGS BIC checkbox, Method
of Payment and Membership Validation with membership check
level Metro/Country, Parties with enhances graphical use interface


Updated Method of Payments profile


Document restructured


Nov 2015

Document updated for rebranding


July 2016

Updated descriptions of Earliest Value Date, Latest Value Date,
and Value Date Extension

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents

OVERVIEW ..................................................................................................................................... 5


Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 5
High Level Schema .................................................................................................................. 5
Target Audience ....................................................................................................................... 6
PROCESSING ................................................................................................................................ 6


MANUAL HANDLING ................................................................................................................... 17


MOP Selection ......................................................................................................................... 7
Message Type Selection per MOP .......................................................................................... 7
Value Date Determination ........................................................................................................ 8
Define Participating Calendars ............................................................................................. 9
Validate Payment Value Date ............................................................................................ 10
Calculate Processing Date & Dr Value Date ...................................................................... 10
Validate Processing Date ................................................................................................... 11
Cut-off Assessment ............................................................................................................ 12
MOP Validation ...................................................................................................................... 12
MT/MOP Validity................................................................................................................. 12
MOP Validation System Rule Assessment ........................................................................ 12
Relationship Management Application (RMA) Validation................................................... 15
Membership Validation ....................................................................................................... 15

Automated Error Handling ..................................................................................................... 17
Pre define the Preferred MOP ............................................................................................... 17
Interim Cut-off Time Handling ................................................................................................ 17
SYSTEM CONFIGURATION AND BUSINESS SETUP............................................................... 17

Business Setup ...................................................................................................................... 18
System Parameters ............................................................................................................ 18
Profiles ................................................................................................................................ 18
Business Rules ................................................................................................................... 27
Statuses .............................................................................................................................. 29
Entitlements ........................................................................................................................ 29
System Configuration ............................................................................................................. 30
System Rules ..................................................................................................................... 30

MESSAGE DATA ......................................................................................................................... 31
Message Attributes ................................................................................................................ 31
MOP Related ...................................................................................................................... 31
Value Date Related ............................................................................................................ 31

APPENDIX A: GLOSSARY ..................................................................................................................... 32

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Method of Payment defines the means via which a payment is executed / delivered (for example,
Book Transfer, SWIFT, via the RTGS/Clearing House).
The method of payment determines many aspects of the processing such as:

Clearing Settlement account (when using RTGS such as TARGET).


Value date determination (by taking into account the cut-off restrictions & the relevant calendars
to be used)


Formats and message types to be used


Whether membership validation is required (e.g. EBA membership)


Whether exchange of bilateral keys or RMA required


Whether routing through correspondents is allowed or not

Global PAYplus (GPP) supports both automatic and manual method of payment selection:

The initiator (manual or electronic) may determine the method of payment, in which case GPP
validates the requested method of payment against various validation parameters.


Alternatively, the initiator of the payment may leave the method of payment selection to be
executed by GPP. The automatic method of payment selection is done using the bank-defined
Method of Payment Selection rules. GPP scans all the Method of Payment Selection rules in
order of priority and selects the first one (i.e. the rule with the highest priority) that is valid both
against the payment at hand and against the method of payment itself that gives the earliest valid
value date to the message. This allows the bank to determine its own preferences in usage of the
various alternative methods of payments while maintaining integrity of usage.

This business guide describes in detail:





Relationship management application (RMA)


SWIFT Standard Settlement Instructions (SSI) or Bank routing as it is described in GPP


Value date determination


Calendars selection


Cut-off assessment


High Level Schema

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Target Audience

This document describes the MOP workflow. It is designed for business analysts and system
administrators who need to set up and configure this feature. It is also of value to anyone who wants
to know more about how this feature is implemented.



This section details how GPP processes Method of Payment (MOP) selection.
The MOP Selection service determines the best method/channel to transfer funds. It is performed in
seven steps:
1. MOP selection: Selecting all applicable MOPs as determined by payment attributes. This step is
performed first at the specific customer level and then at the default (Office) level.
2. Message type selection per MOP: Temporary setup of Message Type (MT) per the examined
3. Value date determination: Calculate MOP Value Date for each of the candidate MOPs found in
previous step. This step includes an assessment of all types of Cut-offs that are set in the system
4. MOP validation: Additional validations that are performed on the selected MOPs from previous
step, or performed on a specific MOP that was input manually.
5. RMA check: Re-check bilateral key dates (if needed).
6. Message type selection: Restore original MT (after all applicable MOPs are examined)
7. MOP determination: Selecting the ‘Best MOP’ out of the MOPs found at previous step.
The service can run in two modes:

Full MOP Selection – includes steps 1-7


MOP Validation – includes steps 4-7

In cases where the first-in-credit chain cannot be reached either directly (when accounting
relationship exists) or via a clearing house (usually when sending foreign currency to the first in credit
chain) the Bank routing profile is assessed to find the first-in-credit chain correspondent and MOP
selection is performed again.
See GPP Business Guide Building Correspondent Chain for more details.

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MOP Selection

1. Assess MOP Selection business rules that are attached to the receiving party and the Office.
2. Collect all applicable MOPs.
3. If MOP exists, then continue to MOP Validation.
MOP Selection Rules are used to determine and assign a MOP for each payment.

The list of available actions for MOP Selection rules consists of all the active MOPs in the system


The rule can be attached to Party and Office

If a STOP action is defined, the service stops evaluating the MOP selection rules from this point
onward (both at Customer and Office level).
The outcome of the evaluation process is a list of applicable MOPs that are further validated in the
next step.
Note: It is possible that the same MOP is found valid after the MOP selection phase is complete. In
this case, the list of applicable MOPs is distinct (i.e. use only one MOP, where more than one
applicable MOP is found).


Message Type Selection per MOP

Note: The Message Type may be received with the message, or manually defined by the operator.
System table MSG_TYPE_MOP defines the applicable message types for every MOP.
For example, Target 2 supports SWIFT 103 and 202, and not pain or pacs (ISO based payment
types). Since it is possible for GPP to receive the ISO-based message types, a temporary conversion

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is required just to ensure that the message type is supported for the MOP. The validation itself is
performed during the MOP validation step.
The system rule Message Type selection is evaluated and converts the original message type to a
different one depending on the candidate MOP (which is the sub-rule type in this system rule).
The message type is temporarily set in the payment information and it is restored back to the original
message type information when all applicable MOPs have been examined.
Note: Each time a MOP is examined, the relevant Message Type – if found by the process –
becomes the temporary Message Type, overriding the previous one. The original Message Type is
restored before selecting the best MOP.


Value Date Determination

For every candidate MOP, a value date calculation is performed.
To be able to conclude, the processing date, which is an internal attribute, should be determined. This
is the date the payment needs to be processed by before posting. It comprises the following steps:

Define Participating Calendars


Validate Payment Value Date


Calculate Processing Date & Dr Value Date


Validate Processing Date


Cut-off Assessment

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Define Participating Calendars


Assess Calendar Selection business rule to allow a selection of the relevant participating


The system default selection is the list of all participating calendars. The business rule action
allows an exclusion or inclusion of specific (or some) calendars from the list. In this rule, all
matching rules are selected.


Calendar list:

Calendar Name


Local office



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Calendar Name


Debit currency


Credit currency


Country (of receiver)


Customer (receiver)


The list of actions (calendar inclusion/exclusion):
Rule Action Name
Exclude Country Calendar
Exclude Credit Currency Calendar
Exclude Credit Customer Calendar
Exclude Debit Currency Calendar
Exclude Mop Calendar
Exclude Office Calendar
Include Country Calendar
Include Credit Currency Calendar
Include Credit Customer Calendar
Include Debit Currency Calendar
Include Mop Calendar
Include Office Calendar

The system concatenates all defined calendars into one virtual calendar. This calendar takes effect in
the business date calculation.


Validate Payment Value Date

1. If the payment value date >= local office business date:
a. If the payment value date < MOP attribute extension, ensure the payment value date is a
business date for the concatenated calendar. If the payment value date is a non-working day,
advance the payment value date to the next working day.
b. If the payment value date > MOP attribute extension, stop evaluation and set the payment to
2. If the payment value date < local office business date:
a. If the payment value date < MOP attribute earliest, set the payment value date to the earliest
value date.
b. If the payment value date > MOP attribute earliest, ensure the payment value date is a
working day. If it is a non-working day, adjust it to the next working day.


Calculate Processing Date & Dr Value Date

1. Set Soonest value date (Soonest std vd) attribute. Soonest value date = the value of the
participating customer overrides soonest value date (D_STANDARD_VD). If not empty, then
soonest value date is known and should be taken into account as received. This skips the
derivation phase below. If received empty, then value should be derived. Continue to next step.
a. If there is no currency conversion involved, set soonest value date = 0 and exit service.

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b. If there is currency conversion in payment or where there is no conversion but system
parameter ALWAYS_INCL_CCY_SOONEST is set to Yes, derive the soonest value date as

Define the relevant participating customer in conversion (i.e. either debit or credit
customer) and check whether the customer is set up for expedited soonest value date


Find a matching soonest value date profile from:

Exchange rate info for the specific payment currency pairs


Currency preferences (referring to the “other” currency with base currency)

2. Calculate processing date:
b. With system parameter VALUE_DATE_METHOD set to LATEST the debit value date is
defined by the soonest value date (working days) before the instruction value date and the
processing date is the same as the debit value date.
Processing date = value date –soonest value
Dr date = Processing date



With system parameter set to EARLIEST_PD, the debit value date is defined by the
soonest value date (working days) before the instruction value date and the processing
date is defined by the MOP latest value date (this may cause situations where a message
is sent out of the bank with future debit and credit value date).
Processing date = value date – Maximum
of (MOP latest & soonest value date)
Dr date = value date –soonest value date


With system parameter set to EARLIEST_DR, the debit value date is defined by the
soonest value date (working days) before the instruction value date and may be changed
if the MOP latest value date enables sending the message in advance. In this case, the
debit value date is adjusted to the MOP latest MOP value date (no earlier than TODAY).
The processing date is defined by the MOP latest value date as well.
Processing date = value date – Maximum
of (MOP latest & soonest value date)
Dr date = Processing date


Validate Processing Date

Processing date must be greater than or equal to the office business date.
1. If < TODAY, then set the processing date for TODAY and recalculate the new credit value date.
2. Must be a working day:
a. If a holiday then move forward to the next working day.
b. Reevaluate value date if processing date was adjusted.

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Cut-off Assessment

1. Processing date is performed for TODAY processing date only.
2. If passed Cut-off time, advance processing date (for processing Cut-off) or credit value date (for
clearing and treasury Cut-off) & recalculate the value date.
3. If processing date > business date, the Cut-off rules are not assessed and the payment is
warehoused in the Scheduled queue
4. The following logic applies for all Cut-off assessments:
a. Assess the relevant Cut-off business rule to retrieve a Cut-off profile.

Cut-off profile includes interim Cut-off time and final Cut-off time.


It is also possible to define different times per specific dates.

b. If rule is not found, take the default rule that is defined in the Static Data as follows:

Default processing Cut-off rule over the local office profile.


Default clearing Cut-off rule over the MOP profile.

iii. Default treasury Cut-off rule over the currency profile.

If a rule is found (or if taken from the default profile) check server local office time with the
interim and final Cut-off time.

If before interim Cut-off time, then set the relevant cut-off status to ‘Before’.


If after interim and before final, set the relevant cut-off time to ‘XXX’ and assess the
missed Cut-off business rules.


If a matching rule is found, set payment status to Repair and prompt the user (would
you like to override). User action may be:

Override (allow processing) – set cut-off status to ‘XXX’


Not override – set Cut-off status to ‘XXX’

If a matching rule not found, the interim cut-off is considered as passed Cut-off and
will be set to ‘XXX’.

iii. If after final Cut-off, set the Cut-off status to ‘After’.
Note: System parameter REPAIR_AFTER_CUTOFF specifies whether the system can move the
value date when Cut-off time is passed. This is done when the payment was captured via a feeding
system and the bank/FI is obligated for the feeding value date and considers the passed Cut-off time
a bank/FI issue.


MOP Validation
MT/MOP Validity

The MT/MOP combination validity is checked by accessing the MSG_TYPE_MOP table with the
payment’s MT and candidate MOP. If the combination is found, the service continues with the
evaluation of the MOP validation rules. Otherwise, the service stops the evaluation of the current
MOP and continues to the next MOP. An error describing the reason for failure of the current MOP
needs to be defined.


MOP Validation System Rule Assessment

The MOP profile includes attributes that help in specifying the MOP. Some attributes are used for
validation, for example, the MOP maximum allowed amount is specified in the MOP profile and is
validated to be within the MOP boundaries for every payment.
The following attributes take part in the MOP validation:

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MOP down

This option is used to indicate that the
MOP is not available for selection.

In exceptional cases, where the MOP
is not applicable, it is easier to amend
the MOP down flag so that all
payments fail the MOP down
validation, rather than change the rule


MOP currency (where applicable).

Min. amount

The minimum amount (in base currency)
of a payment that this MOP will accept.

The minimum and maximum amounts
are validated for every payment.

Max. amount

The maximum amount (in base
currency) of a payment that this MOP
will accept.

See above

Allowed for nonaccounting

Indicates that the MOP can be selected
for non-accounting messages.


Specifies the identification code type
used for the Sender and Receiver of the
message, for example, BICs for SWIFT,
ABAs for FED messages, etc.


Indicates that membership validations
are required for the MOP.

Draft currency

Validates that the payment currency is a
Draft Currency as set up in the Currency

The MOP Validation system rule specifies extra validations that should be performed on the candidate
MOP. The table describes a pre-defined set of rules that cover the current validations:
Rule Name

Rule Description



If the MOP down check box is
selected, the MOP is not
available for use.

[Cdt MOP Down] is TRUE (MOP Down flag =

If MOP currency is not defined,
then all currencies are valid.
If MOP currency is defined (not
empty), check that the
Instruction Currency is equal to
MOP Currency or if MOP
Currency = EUR and Instruction
Currency is flagged to ‘In Euro’
If not equal or not flagged then
the MOP is not valid.

[Cdt MOP Ccy] Is Not EMPTY AND
([Cdt MOP Ccy] <> EUR AND [Cdt MOP Ccy]
<> [Sttlm Ccy])


Global PAYplus Business Guide

Cdt MOP Down refers to MOP.MOPDOWN

([Cdt MOP Ccy] = EUR AND [Instr ccy euro] <>
IN AND [Orgnl sttlm ccy] <> [Cdt MOP Ccy])
* Instr ccy euro [F_INSTR_CCY_EURO] is the
reference to the currency profile euro IN indicator.

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Rule Name

Rule Description



If Draft currency in MOP profile
is un-checked – Skip validation
If checked, validate that the
payment currency is allowed as
a Draft Currency (specified in
the currency preferences profile
for the settlement currency)

[Cdt MOP Chk Draft Ccy] Is TRUE AND [Instr ccy
draft] Is Not TRUE
Cdt MOP chk draft refers to
Instr ccy draft ccy refers to


If Min/Max Amounts are not
defined – Skip the validation.
If instruction is below the Min
amount, then the MOP is not
If Instruction amount is over the
Max amount, then check the
‘MOP split over amount’ flag.
If the flag is not checked, then
the MOP is not valid.
If the flag is checked, then the
MOP is valid.

([Cdt MOP Min Amt] Is Not EMPTY AND
[Sttlm amt] < [Cdt MOP Min Amt])
([Cdt MOP Max Amt] Is Not EMPTY AND [Sttlm
amt] > [Cdt MOP Max Amt] AND [Cdt MOP Split
Over Max] Is FALSE)


Checks the Sender/Receiver
identified in MOP when the
MOP is specified as a MOP
that sends out payments
If checked, validates that the
Sender and Receiver are
identified in the MOP – Sender
(SEND_ABA) and Receiver
(REC_ABA) can be identified
by the type defined in the
‘Sender/Receiver Type’ field.
For example:
‘Sender/Receiver Type’ = SA,
Sender and Receiver should be
identified by a BIC
‘Sender/Receiver Type’ = FW,
Sender and Receiver should be
identified by an ABA
If Sender ID is defined in the
MOP, then there is no need to
validate the Sender.
If Sender and Receiver cannot
be identified, then MOP is
If MOP.NCC_TYPE not empty
and swift required and
YPE then valid

([Cdt MOP Send Out Msg] Is TRUE
AND (([Cdt MOP Send Rec ID Cd] = SA
AND ([Cdt pty BIC] Is EMPTY
OR [Instg pty BIC] Is EMPTY))
OR ([Cdt MOP Send Rec ID Cd] = FW
AND ([Cdt pty ABA] Is EMPTY
OR [Instg pty ABA] Is EMPTY))
OR ([Cdt MOP Send Rec ID Cd] = CP
AND ([Cdt pty alias] Is EMPTY
OR [Instg pty alias] Is EMPTY))))
OR ([Cdt MOP Send Out Msg] Is TRUE
AND (([Cdt MOP Send Rec ID Cd] = SA
AND [Cdt pty BIC] Is EMPTY)
OR ([Cdt MOP Send Rec ID Cd] = FW
AND [Cdt pty ABA] Is EMPTY)
OR ([Cdt MOP Send Rec ID Cd] = CP
AND [Cdt pty alias] Is EMPTY)))
Cdt MOP Send Out Msg refers to
Cdt MOP Sndr BIC refers to
Cdt pty BIC refers to CUSTOMRS.SWIFT_ID
Cdt MOP Send Rec ID Cd refers to
Cdt pty ABA refers to CUSTOMRS.ABA
Cdt pty alias refers to CUSTOMRS.ALIAS


Credit account does not exist
If credit account does not exist,

[Cdt MOP Sttlm acct exists] Is FALSE

Global PAYplus Business Guide

Cdt MOP Split Over Max refers to
Cdt MOP Min Amt refers to MOP.MINAMOUNT
Cdt MOP Max Amt refers to MOP.MAXAMOUNT

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Method of Payment

Rule Name


Rule Description


then do not select a MOP that
does not have a clearing

AND [Cdt acct nb] Is EMPTY
AND [Msg class] <> OPI
Cdt MOP Sttlm acct exists refers to

If the MOP is found to be invalid, i.e., a fitting rule is found, the service stops the evaluation of the
MOP validation rules and continues to the next MOP. If there is no other MOP to validate, then the
MOP Selection service finishes.


Relationship Management Application (RMA) Validation

If no fitting rule is found, meaning the MOP is valid, the service performs the RMA (former Bilateral
Keys) validation (where required to do so by candidate MOP profile)
If the RMA check required check box is not selected in the Method of Payment profile
(MOP.BILATERALKEYREQUIRED), then skip validation. If it is selected, then continue with the
If selected, validate that there is a relationship with the candidate receiving bank (can be either the
initial receiver or the full member that was mapped to receiver field) in Bilateral Key Profile.
Note: In the past, the validation of relationship was determined based on the existence of Bilateral
Key between 2 counterparties. As of 2008, SWIFT introduced a mechanism called RMA that replaces
the Bilateral Key mechanism and is now used for relationship validation.
If the MOP RMA check box is selected, access the SWIFT RMA profile with the following parameters:

Correspondent – the candidate receiver, BIC8


Sender – “own” BIC8


Payment’s Value Date – if either the Start Date or the End Date of the RMA record is filled, the
payment’s processing date must be between those dates. The dates are expressed in
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). However, since the payment’s processing date is only
calculated later in the process, the validation of the date will be checked only after the processing
date is determined, that is, after Step 4. If either the Start Date or the End Date of the RMA record
is filled, a flag will be set to indicate that Step 5 needs to be performed.


Payment’s MT (Message Type) – first, the process will check if the MT requires authorization – an
attribute of the MT. If it requires, and the permission list in the RMA record is not empty, then the
process will further check if the payment’s MT exist in the include list of MTs for this particular
correspondent (or the payment’s MT is not included in the excluded MTs – depending on the

The process only returns entries in active status. If no entry is found for the specific parameters, the
MOP is not valid.


Membership Validation

Membership is validated if the MOP validation business rule passes and the candidate MOP requires
membership check.
1. If the Membership required flag is not selected in the Method of Payment profile, then skip
2. If membership check is required, then

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d. Assess the type field to have an indication of the method of assessing the membership
profile. Where type (MOP.MEMBERSHIP_TYPE) =
iv. MOP – use the MOP name to assess membership profile.

Group – use the group name (defined in the next field- MOP.MOP_GROUP) to assess
the membership profile.

vi. MOPs in Group – Find all MOPs that are associated with the defined group name field
(i.e. get a list of MOPs in hand) and find membership to one of these MOPs in
membership profile.
3. The Country entry point check box in the Method of Payment profile is an additional check box
that also defines the Membership assessment method: If selected, it indicates the entry point
defined for the country of the receiver prior to membership validation. That is whether the receiver
country code profile (COUNTRY_CFG.STEP2_ENABLED= 1) is set for Step2 enabled. Relevant
4. When assessing the membership profile, the following is assessed:
a. Select Member Type, Member ID, MOP and Processing Date.
b. The values of Member Type, Member ID and MOP may change as follows:
 Member Type and Member ID (Receiver of the payment)
1) If the receiver is identified in the MOP:
Member Type = Sender/Receiver Type in MOP profile (SA, FW or CP)
Member ID = Receiver (SA – SWIFT_ID, FW – ABA, CP – ALIAS)
2) Or Member Type = MOP.NCC_TYPE (of the evaluated MOP)
Member ID = the value in CR_NCC
5. Analyzing the results:
a. If an entry found, validate that the Business Date is within the Valid from and Valid to dates. If
not, MOP is invalid.
b. If the entry found is marked as associate (MEMBERSHIP.MEMBERASSOCIATE=A), then
map the full member (MEMBERSHIP.MEMBERIFASSOCIATE) to be the new first-in-credit
chain (in most cases it becomes the message receiver).

If no entry is found and the Receiver is identified by a BIC (Member Type = SA) then perform
the check again:

If Check main BIC in membership check box (MOP.CHK_MAIN_BIC) is flagged, look for
an entry in the Memberships.

 Set the Member check level
 Metro (6 BIC digits, default)
 Country (8 BIC digits)
d. If no entry is found, then MOP is invalid.

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Manual Handling

Manual Handling


Automated Error Handling

If GPP is not able to derive a MOP for the payment at hand, the payment is dropped to Repair for
manual handling. Error messages are displayed in the error pane of the message.
Following manual handling (either correcting the payment or static data setup), the user must submit
the payment for processing. GPP will then execute the MOP selection process again.


Pre define the Preferred MOP

When manually handling a payment, the user can either request that a specific MOP be assigned to a
payment or allow GPP to determine the MOP for the payment at hand by invoking the MOP selection
If the user selects a specific MOP for the payment (selects the MOP from the drop-down list, where all
MOPs appearing is this list are the MOPs whose profile is checked for manual selection by a User)
then GPP only performs MOP validation. If validation fails then the payment is dropped to Repair with
an error message indicating the reason for validation failure. If validation is successful, processing
continues on the payment with the requested MOP.


Interim Cut-off Time Handling

When the missed cut-off rule found (i.e. passed interim cut-off time and before final cut-off time) the
payment is routed to repair queue and the operator has to define whether the payment can continue
processing (i.e. considered as if it is before final cut-off time) or actually passed cut-off.


System Configuration and Business Setup

The list of available MOPs is defined by D+H. If a new MOP is required, please contact D+H. All
provided MOPs are setup on the global level office (from which an office based MOP can be copied
and set).
The list of provided MOPs is:



In-house payments




Direct payment











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System Configuration and Business Setup

Business Setup


System Parameters

Specify whether the default global offices values are okay and if not specify a local office system
parameters entries.



Refer to the currency soonest attribute even when no need for
currency conversion. Default is No


If payment has passed Cut-off time, payment is sent to repair
rather than forwarding the value date so that the payment is sent
to SCHEDULE. This system parameter is different to standard
GPP functionality. Default is No



These are the details of the required setup in GPP profiles for the Method of Payment.
Note: For a detailed description of all the fields in the profiles, see GPP Online Help.


The Offices profile identifies the main bank and all subsidiary banks and branches within a GPP SP
installation. A single GPP SP installation can serve a number of institutions or branches.
These are the specific fields in the Offices profile that must be defined for MOP processing.
Field Name


Base currency

Code for the base currency that this office uses. The list is derived from Profile
➔ Global ➔ Currencies Info. This attribute is used in the Statuses and Filters
tree to show the total message count and the corresponding base currency

Business date

Business date of the office. Automatically populated based on the default
office business date. This date is updated automatically by End-of-Day tasks.

Next business date

States the next calculated business date for the office.


National/regional holiday calendar to use at this office, selected from a dropdown list. The list is derived from Profile ➜ Schedule ➜ Calendars.

Default Cut-off

Processing cut-off time for the office. No payment for the office is processed
after this time. The list is derived from Profile ➜ Cut-off Times.


The Parties profile maintains the customer data. Customers can be financial institutions with which
the office has a relationship or a private (non-financial) customer of the bank. The Parties profile
defines bank information within the SWIFT or similar payment network. In this context, a Party
includes any financial institution in the payment network, including your own financial institution.
These are the specific fields in the Main panel of the Parties profile that must be defined for MOP

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Method of Payment

System Configuration and Business Setup

Field Name


Party Name

Name of the party


ISO 9362 (also known as BIC code or SWIFT code) is a standard format of Bank
Identifier Codes approved by the International Organization for Standardization. It
is the unique identification code of a particular bank.


The American Bankers Association (ABA) is a free-trade and professional
association that promotes and advocates issues important to the banking industry
in the United States.
ABA codes are assigned to American banks

Participant ID

Additional optional identification code for the clearing house.
Registration code that identifies a financial institution that is engaged in trading


Enables a calendar to be assigned to a party for payment value date calculations
when the party is the payment receiver. Clicking
opens a list of
national/regional holiday calendars. The list is derived from Profiles ➔ Schedule ➔

Base currency

Specifies the party base currency.


Opens the Memberships profile Data Search window for accessing the relevant
party’s membership information.

Bank Routing

Opens the Bank Routing profile Data Search window for accessing the relevant
party’s Bank routing information.

These are the specific fields in the Processing panel of the Parties profile that must be defined for
MOP processing.
Field Name


Override serial
payments with

If selected, overrides the Transfer Method profile default settings. Setting this flag
always sends both direct and cover, rather than serial.
Serial payments may still be sent if the Beneficiary Band does not have

Expedited FX

If selected, overrides the currency profile Soonest Value Date attribute with Next
Day Value. For example: if AUD is a spot currency for a U.S. office and the
customer has the Expedited FX Settlement selected (checked), then for that
customer the currency attribute is Next Day Value.

Prohibit Rolled

Determines whether or not the maturity date (settlement date) on collections
received from a Creditor or Indirect Participant, should be rolled forward to the
earliest available settlement date.
• If the check box is unchecked then the settlement date will be rolled forward to
the next available working day.
• If the check box is checked then the settlement date will not be rolled forward
and the payment will be rejected with the following error.

Bank Routing

Bank Routing Profiles are also known as Standard settlement instructions (SSI). It is a directory that
sets up, for each bank/FI, a list of agents that holds its foreign currency accounts. The bank route is
associated with a party in the system (i.e. BIC11 level).

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Method of Payment

System Configuration and Business Setup

The business practice may define a higher level of bank routing that applies for all the
banks/branches below that level. For example, it is possible to have a bank route for bank
BANKGB22 (region level) and to state that all branches below it (example: BANKGB22ABC and
BANKGB22DEF) share the same configuration.
Ensure the SSI information is setup under this profile. You may use profile update task to perform this
task by a service.
These are the specific fields in the Bank Routing profile that must be defined for MOP processing.
Field Name



The destination bank code for the message.


Name of the bank. Populated automatically based on the Destination Bank


Select the required currency code. If not selected, routing operates for all

Route Level

Banks should setup all bank routes and specify the route levels as follows: Metro
for BIC 8 setup, Country for BIC 6 setup, Full for BIC 11 setup.


The Bank BIC. Populated automatically based on the Destination Bank selection.

Message Type

Select an option to associate a message type with an agent.


The agent of the destination bank.

Agent Name

The name of the agent. Populated automatically based on the Agent selection


Select from three options:
Serial: Direct message/transfer funds via a third bank
Cover: Direct cover message transfer from bank to bank, with funds transfer via a
third bank
Transfer method profile: Sending serial payments or direct and cover messages to
chosen countries for a given currency, as specified in Transfer method profile


Most clearing houses require the payment receiver and sender to be a member. The Membership
profile defines whether the MOP requires membership and a list of parties that are members for a
certain clearing house.
Define all the required memberships.
These are the specific fields in the Membership profile that must be defined for MOP processing.
Field Name



MOP in which membership is being registered.

Member Type

Allows linking an associate member bank against a settlement bank with ID of
type Sort Codes.
Note: When the MOP Sender/Receiver type is BIC and the NCC type is SC, then
Member IDs may either be Sort Codes or BICs, but the Member if-Associate (in
other words, the Member ID of the Member via which as associate is a member)
must always be a BIC.

Member ID

Member ID for the MOP selected from the Parties Data Search window. After
selection, value of BIC/BEI, ABA or CP ID, is shown based on the Member Type.

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Method of Payment

System Configuration and Business Setup

Field Name


Main BIC

If selected, indicates that when membership check using BIC-11 fails, the system
executes the check again, looking for an entry where the first 8 characters of the
BIC are the same and the entry is flagged as a Main BIC entry.

Type of

Three types of membership:
• Full member: Indicates full membership in the MOP, and Member field is
• Associate: Indicates associate membership in the MOP, that is, the member
via which this bank is a member of the MOP. When selected, Member dropdown list is enabled
• RTGS BIC: For future use


Member/City selected from the Parties Data Search window. This field is disabled
if Full Member is selected from Type of Membership.

Valid from/to

Effective start and expiry date of membership.


Indicates that the party is a member of RTGS

Method of Payment

The Method of Payment profile is provided to support the wide variety of payment methods. A MOP
profile is defined for each method of payment.
The profile includes several parameters that allow the MOP to be configured to conform to the
characteristics of the payment channel, and how the bank utilizes the specific channel, for example,
whether membership is required, minimum and maximum transfer amounts, whether to check Cut-off
times, or the acceptable greatest prior or future value date allowable.
Every payment is assigned a “debit” (“original” or “incoming”) MOP to indicate how the payment was
received. Additionally, every payment within GPP SP is assigned a “credit” (“current” or “outgoing”)
MOP which identifies how the payment will be affected.
Note: A new MOP cannot be created. It is possible to save an existing MOP as a new office-based
MOP when the MOP SWIFT is provided and each bank sets the MOP profile for SWIFT per its local
Create local office MOPs.
These are the specific fields in the General panel of the MOP profile that must be defined for MOP
Field Name



The name of the MOP. In GPP, creation of new MOP name is not allowed. The
user can save an existing MOP per office and set it accordingly.


A short description of the MOP.

MOP Down

If selected, this flag indicates to GPP that the MOP is not available.
If selected, this MOP will not be selected or validated.
If cleared, GPP will resume using the MOP.


If the MOP operates under a specific calendar, select a calendar from the list and
assign it to the MOP.
If no calendar is assigned, the default calendar for the office is used.
The calendars are displayed from the Profiles  Schedule  Calendars menu.

MOP Business

The current business day for the MOP.

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Method of Payment

System Configuration and Business Setup

Field Name



The business date can be changed manually or by an end-of-day task that
advances the MOP business date to the next valid business date for the MOP.

Advance to
day after

If selected, advances the MOP Business Date if it falls on a holiday.

Roll forward at
start of day

If selected, rolls the MOP Business Date at SOD task.

Default cut-off

Specifies the default cut-off time for the MOP. A list of all the default clearing cut-off
times is shown from Profiles  Cut-off Times.

Earliest value

Defines the number of days that the transaction can be sent in advance to the
clearing for the settlement date.
Note: Only positive numbers are allowed. This number is deducted from the value
date for value date range validation.

Latest value

Defines the number of days that the transaction has to be sent in advance to the
clearing in order to meet the settlement date.
Note: Only positive numbers are allowed. This number is deducted from the value
date for value date range validation.

Value date

MOP Extension is an attribute which determines the limit for the future dated
transactions that are acceptable for the MOP.
Defines the number of days relative to the Latest value date that defines a value
date extension (max. 10 characters).
Payments with value dates between the latest value date and the value date
extension are validated for the particular MOP and sent to the Schedule queue.
Possible values:
• 0 - Today
• 1 - Next business date, and so on


When the MOP is for a specific currency, select the 3-character code for the
currency. If left blank, all currencies are valid for the MOP.

Min. amount

The minimum amount (in base currency) of a payment that this MOP will accept.

Max. amount

The maximum amount (base currency) of a payment that this MOP will accept.

account exists

If selected, indicates that a settlement account has been defined for the MOP.
Initially, the field is disabled. Once the operator defines a settlement account for the
MOP via the Identifiers Profile, the ‘Settlement account exists’ flag (of that MOP)
will be checked without enabling it.

Allowed for

If selected, indicates that the MOP can be selected for non-accounting messages.


If selected, indicates that membership validations are required for the MOP.

Country entry

If selected, requires MOP STEP2 XCT where set up of a country base
representative is enough to confirm the required membership.

Check main
BIC in

Required for the TARGET2 MOP. Checks the main BIC only for a valid

RMA check

The system checks if the payment’s Processing Date is within the range of the
Start Date or the End Date of the RMA record. If it falls within the range, the MOP
is valid. If it doesn’t, the MOP is invalid.


Defines the membership check either on Metropolitan (BIC-8) or country (BIC-6)

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Method of Payment

System Configuration and Business Setup

Field Name


check level



Select from the possible options:
• MOP - The intended receiver is set up as a member or associate of the MOP.
• Group - The intended receiver is set up as a member or associate of the Group.
This checks membership in a group of MOPs
• MOPs in Group - The intended receiver is set up as a member or associate of
any MOP that belongs to the Group
Note: Mandatory if Membership Required is selected.


Allows a MOP to be added to a logic group. For example, each FED district is a
distinct MOP, but a single group named FED is used as the Group.
Note: Mandatory if the ‘Group’ or ‘MOPs in Group’ option is selected in the Type
drop-down list.

MOP can be
selected by

If selected, the Method of Payment can be selected when the message is in the
Repair or Create Status.

Send outgoing

If selected, indicates that an outgoing payment is required for this MOP.

member type

An additional party identifier type that should be allowed for the Member type in the
Membership profile. The drop-down provided includes NCC_TYPE_ISO of all
entries in the COUNTRY_NCC table.

Allow force

If selected, indicates that payments with this MOP can be forced from the
Scheduled queue.

Draft currency

If selected, GPP SP will validate that the payment currency is a Draft Currency as
set up in the currency profile. If the payment currency is not a Draft Currency then
this MOP is not selected or validated for the message. When unchecked, no
checking of Draft Currency occurs.


Opens the Identifiers profile Data Search window.

Party ID

Opens the Party ID Enrichment profile Data Search window.

Backdate VD
to Retain

If initial Value date < Business dt (back date value payments)
• If initial Value date < value stated in the “Allowed Back date value date” over the
original MOP  Set msg status to Repair
• If initial Value date >= value stated in the “Allowed Back dated value date to
advance” over the original MOP  advance the initial Value date to the original
MOP ‘Allowed backdated VD to retain’ time.
If initial Value date > Business dt  continue processing

Backdated VD
to Advance

These are the specific fields in the Processing panel of the MOP profile that must be defined for MOP
Field Name


General Section
Outgoing only

If selected, this MOP may only be used for outgoing messages.


If selected, defines a MOP that moves funds between offices (i.e. message is

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Method of Payment

Field Name

System Configuration and Business Setup

not sent out).

Supports priority

If selected, indicates that the MOP supports EUR priority payments, that is, a
SWIFT based scheme that supports the tag23B SPRI codeword.
When the check box is not selected & codeword sent in payment = SPRI, then
the codeword on the outgoing payment is changed to CRED.

Value date
override allowed

Relevant when payment value date is greater than MOP value date extension.
If selected, the payment is sent to Repair. The operator can override (value
date remains unchanged) and the payment is sent to ‘Release Q’.
If clear, the payment is sent to Repair and the operator must amend the value


If selected, indicates whether a unique reference should be generated for the


Indicates the algorithm to be used for the UTR generation. Mandatory if
‘Generate Reference’ field is checked and disabled if unchecked. Dropdown list
of algorithm names, Possible values:
UTR – 16 characters reference based on System ID, date and sequence
UTR_S – 9 digits reference based on a unique sequence number

Validate reference
in confirmation

If selected, GPP verifies that the UTR in the response matches the UTR in the
payment. If the UTR does not match the payment will be routed to the Rejected

Enrich party

If selected, indicates that the identifier in hand for the first credit chain, if not of
the type specified in the Sender/receiver type field, should be used to derive
the correct identifier of type specified in the Sender/receiver type field. The
derivation process will use the Party Identifier Enrichment profile.

Split payment over

If selected, indicates that GPP SP should split payments above the maximum
amount, rather than invalidating the MOP or selecting a different MOP.

Eligible for virtual

If selected, indicates if this MOP is eligible for virtual account processing.
The check box is not selected by default.

Bulking profile

Where MOP requires the messages to be sent in a bulk (group). This field
enables to define a bulking profile attributes by pointing to a bulking profile ID.
Where applicable, the same bulking profile can be associated to multiple

Outward return

Specifies the number of days allowed for an outward/outgoing return message.


Determines whether the Direct should be processed dependently or
independently from the Cover and the point in the flow where Direct payment
generation takes place.

Messaging Section
FIN copy service

If the MOP is a SWIFT FIN-copy based system, this field identifies the FIN
service code. The code maps to block 3, field 103 of a SWIFT message.


Specifies the identification code type used for the Sender and Receiver of the
message, for example, BICs for SWIFT, ABAs for FED messages, etc.

Sender ID

The ID of the sender institution. Used if the MOP requires the institution to use
a different ID than the regular one. For example, in the Australian RTGS, banks
use different BICs than the ones they use for international payments.

Receiver ID

The ID of the Receiver of messages using this MOP. Used in MOPs like
TARGET, where the receiver is always the BIC that the central bank has set-up
for the purpose of TARGET messaging.

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Method of Payment

System Configuration and Business Setup

Field Name



Specifies whether the outgoing payment should be waiting for SWIFT
acknowledgement (ACK) and whether the payment should wait for confirmation
(012) before continue processing. Where the following possibilities are covered:
None (default selection) – Do not wait for ACK or confirmation and continue
processing (if a NAK or Rejection is received the system acts accordingly)
Wait for ACK – payments wait for ACK in a wait ACK queue before continue
Wait for confirmation – payments wait for Confirmation in a wait confirmation
queue before continue processing

Accounting Section
Clearing suspense
account: Office

The clearing suspense office account details:
Account office
Account number
Account currency: Auto-populated for the account selected
Account owner: Specifies the following values concatenated for the party which
account belongs to. Read Only.

Return of funds
account: Office

The return of funds account office details:
Account office
Account number
Account currency: Auto-populated for the account selected
Account owner: Specifies the following values concatenated for the party which
account belongs to. Read Only.



The Relationship Management Application (RMA) is used for establishing a relationship between the
parties exchanging traffic over the SWIFT network. It replaces the Bilateral Key Exchange (BKE)
model used by SWIFT.
The RMA in GPP ensures that the Office, as one of the SWIFT operators, can maintain its business
relationships with other SWIFT operators by providing full and/or selective control over the traffic it
receives from them.
When defining an RMA profile in GPP:

GPP derives the Correspondent from the relevant Office.


The GPP user selects the Issuer from a list of options.

GPP maintains only those relationship requests issued by an Office to a Correspondent.
Define the office RMA entries
These are the specific fields on the SWIFT RMA profile that must be defined for MOP processing.
Field Name



The BIC-8 of the defined Office and populated automatically based on the

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Method of Payment

System Configuration and Business Setup

Field Name



The BIC-8 of the counterparty as selected from a list.

Start Date

Start date of the relationship between issuer and correspondent.

End Date

End date of the relationship between issuer and correspondent.

Include message

Select to include specific message categories.

Include message

Select to include message type to RMA based on categories selected.

Exclude message

Select message type to RMA based on categories selected.


MOP Identifiers are used to set up and view the party identifiers and settlement account information
for a MOP (e.g., EBA settlement account). One or more identifier can be set up per MOP. In the case
of clearing-type MOPs, the settlement account at the clearing is defined as an attribute of the MOP.
For example:

For MOP SWIFT: There will be an entry for each of the BICs that the Office uses on the SWIFT
network. The identifiers for SWIFT will not have a settlement account.


For MOP EBA: There will be an entry for each of the BICs that the Office uses to identify itself at
EBA. Each of these entries will have a settlement account.

Set up office identifiers for every MOP.
These are the specific fields in the Identifiers profile that must be defined for MOP Processing.
Field Name



The MOP of the MOP profile for which an identifier is defined.


Opens the Parties profile from which to select the appropriate identifier for the
local bank in the MOP.
Note: Enabled after selection of MOP.

Default ID for

If selected, indicates that this identifier should automatically populate the local
bank field in manually created transactions for this office.

Default Office for

If selected, ensures that if the same identifier is used across multiple offices, an
incoming message destined to this identifier should be associated with the office
of this entry.

Settlement Account Section

Office associated with the Settlement Account.


Select the Settlement Account that the local bank uses at the MOP for payments
exchanged with this MOP.


Populated automatically based on Account selection

Account owner

Populated automatically based on Account selection

MOP Button

Selects all MOP associated identifiers

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Method of Payment

System Configuration and Business Setup

Cut-off Times

The Cut-off Times profile defines the latest time for transactions to be processed for various MOPs
and currencies for the office. It allows value date adjustments for transactions that are processed in
other time zones.

Create clearing, treasury and processing cut-off


Assign a default processing cut-off to the local office


Assign default treasury cut-off to the currency preferences profile


Assign default clearing cut-off to the relevant clearinghouse MOPs

These are the specific fields in the Cut-off Times profile that must be defined for MOP processing.
Field Name


Cut-off name

Cut-off name

Cut-off type

Available types:
Clearing – Clearing House
Treasury – Bank Treasury
Processing – Bank Processing


Description of the Cut-off Times profile

Default time

Time zone

Disabled and selected by default. Uses times defined in the Times section of Cutoff Times profiles.
Disabled and cleared if an exception is defined for the Cut-off time so that different
dates and times can be specified.
Time zone for aligning cut-off times

Dates Section
message types

Select message type to RMA based on categories selected.

Times Section
Interim cut-off

Interim cut-off time (in the time zone specified in the profile)

Final cut-off

Final cut-off time (in the time zone specified in the profile)


Enables the creation of a Cut-off exception for a specific Cut-off time. This button
is enabled only when updating a Cut-off Time profile that is flagged as ‘Default


Business Rules

GPP uses these Business Rules in MOP Processing.

MOP Selection

MOP Selection Rules are used to determine and assign a MOP for each payment.
The list of available actions for MOP Selection rules consists of all the active MOPs in the system.
The rule can be attached to Party and Office.

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Method of Payment

System Configuration and Business Setup

The service evaluates the MOP Selection Rules attached to the Receiver and the Office. All rules will
be evaluated.
If a STOP action is defined, the service will stop evaluating the MOP selection rules from this point
onward (both Customer and Office level).
The outcome of the evaluation process is a list of applicable MOPs that will be further validated in the
next step.
Note: The MOP list may include the same MOP more than once. The list should be filtered to hold
only one appearance per MOP. The MOP with the lower priority is removed.
Setup and attach MOPs as follows:
1. Create local office MOPs
2. Create MOP selection business rules to select the specified MOPs
3. Attach (pay attention to the attachment order) the list of MOP selection rules

Example of MOP selection rule attachment list
Rule Type


Object Name

MOP Selection



Rule Attachment Selection List
Rule Name



test 203 that parsed to 202 that will


For MOP selection service


When RT comes in first in Cdt chain


For MOP Selection


MOP Selection for office FD1


MOP Selection office FD1




BOOK for bank payment


MOP BOOK for customer paymento

Text of the Selected Rule

Cut-off Business Rules

Define all required cut-off selection and missed cut-off business rules (6 of them).

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Method of Payment

System Configuration and Business Setup

Cut-off Selection

There are three types of Cut-off Selection Rules:

Processing (for Low value payments)


Clearing (MOP)


Treasury (Currency)

The Cut-off rules are attached to Office.
The action of the Cut-off Selection rule is a Cut-off Time Profile (entry which is marked as default).
Rule action: The first valid rule found is used.

Missed Cut-off

There are three types of Missed Cut-off Rules:

Missed Treasury Cut-off


Missed Clearing Cut-off


Missed Processing Cut-off

The rules determine whether to send a payment that missed the cut-off times for manual override,
allowing the user to process the payment on the same day. The rules are attached to the Office.
Rule action – Manual override. First valid rule is used.

Calendar Selection

The business rule defines the list of calendars that need to be taken into account when calculating the
business dates in value date phase.





Available Action Buttons


Messages with future processing dates waiting to
be released on matured processing date

Send to Repair


Here the operator is able to:

Amend the payment & submit. The system reevaluates the payment details


Cancel the payment



Ensure that entitlements are given and set for the relevant system users to access the relevant
queues and profiles.

Access Class Profiles

Global: Country Preferences, Currency Preferences

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Method of Payment

System Configuration and Business Setup

Routing: Bank Routing, Identifiers, Membership, Method of Payment, Party Identifier Enrichment,
SWIFT RMA Cut-off Times

Rule Type Level Profiles


MOP Selection


MOP Validation


Processing Cut-off


Missed Processing Cut-off


System Configuration


System Rules
Message Type Selection Rule

This rule specifies the conditions in which the original MT is temporary set to a new MT (the rule’s

The rule requires a subtype to be chosen.


The subtype list for this rule will be taken from MOP profile (Distinct list)


The available rule action is a list of Message Types. This list is derived by joining between
MSG_TYPES and MSG_TYPE_MOP tables, retrieving MT records for the MOP chosen as


The rules will be attached to the Office

Rule action: First valid rule is returned

MOP Validation

This rule specifies the conditions under which the MOP fails the validation. The MOP Validation rule is
a system rule. The rules will be attached to the Office. All rules are evaluated. If a fitting rule is found,
the evaluated MOP fails the validation and becomes invalid.
Rule action – Invalid MOP (system action)

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Method of Payment


Message Data

Message Data


Message Attributes


MOP Related

Field ID




Available MOPs

Available method of payments


MOP selection sts

MOP selection status


User set cdt MOP sts

A monitor for user interaction to set the
credit MOP



Credit method of payment (MOP)


Value Date Related

Field ID




Orgnl initiating party cust cd

Original initiating party party


Pmt office



Sttlm Ccy

Settlement (SWIFT tag 32A)Currency


Cdt acct ccy

Credit account currency


Dbt acct ccy

Total debit account currency


Cdt pty ctry cd

Credit party country code


Dbt pty country cd

Debit party country code


Used expedite value dt

Used expedite value date


User force std value dt

User monitor. Forces standard
soonest value date calculation


Process dt month cal

Calendar days’ availability. 0 unavailable, 1-available.
Always set to 31 char. Long.
First character is the first day of


Value dt month cal

Calendar days’ availability. 0 unavailable, 1-available.
Always set to 31 char. Long.
First character is the first day of


Soonest std vd

Soonest standard value date.
Calculated value date


Is MOP valid

Is MOP valid

Global PAYplus Business Guide

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Method of Payment

Appendix A: Glossary

Appendix A: Glossary



An interim situation where the MOP (or list of MOPs) are examined (post MOP
selection phase and prior to the final decision making point)

Clearing Cut
Off Time

Is the cut off time set by the bank where they no longer accept to process
messages from external sources i.e. SWIFT and FEEDER for the current business
day. In general messages received after this cut off should have their processing
date advanced to the next business day and then held for processing until this

Instruction Date

The date contained in field 32 of any incoming SWIFT messages or in any
messages sent in from the feeder systems


Method of payment

MOP Earliest
value date

The number of days before MOP business date that payments may be set.

MOP Extension

The number of days from MOP business date and forward that allows payment
processing. Any value date that is great than Latest and below Extension will be
processed and stored in the schedule queue. Any payment exceeding the
extension will be sent to repair queue.

MOP latest
value date

The number of days after MOP business date that payments may be set


Message Type abbreviation

Cut-off Time

An internal cut-off time that may be defined to ensure latest time of day to process
the payment.


An internal attribute (i.e. not going out with the payment details) that indicates the
time the payment needs to be processed (up until posting phase) so that the
payment value date will be fulfilled. When, for example, the payment includes FX
transaction for currency with soonest value date greater than zero the processing
date would be before the value date

Soonest Value
Date (of

The number of business days required to process a currency.
O/N Overnight - Same day value (0 days)
T/N Tomorrow/Next day value (1 day)
SPOT – Two business days’ value (2 days)

Treasury Cut
Off Time

Treasury cut-off times are applied to Incoming, outgoing and internal messages.
The function “treasury cut off time “refers to the cut off time that should be applied
to transactions being paid in a currency that the branch does not have direct
access to via a clearing system. The treasury cut off time is the time at which the
treasury department closes their position in a currency.


Standard Settlement Instruction

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