Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide I
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Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide Release 2.10 July 2016 Merchant Partners 11121 Willows Rd NE Suite 120 Redmond, WA 98052 © 2016 Merchant Partners. All Rights Reserved. Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide Table of Contents Overview......................................................................................................................................................................Page 1 What's In This Guide........................................................................................................................................Page 1 How to Comment on This Guide......................................................................................................................Page 1 Contact Information....................................................................................................................................Page 1 Customer Service......................................................................................................................................Page 1 Documentation...........................................................................................................................................Page 1 Certified Networks......................................................................................................................................Page 1 Hardware Compatible List..........................................................................................................................Page 1 Transaction Processing URL.....................................................................................................................Page 1 Transaction Types (XML Actions)..............................................................................................................Page 2 Credit Card Transactions...........................................................................................................................................Page 4 Credit Card Pre-Authorization..........................................................................................................................Page 4 Credit Card Pre-Authorization Sample 1.1.................................................................................................Page 8 Credit Card Sale...............................................................................................................................................Page 9 Credit Card Sale Sample 2.1...................................................................................................................Page 14 Credit Card Authentication.............................................................................................................................Page 15 Credit Card Authentication Sample 2.2....................................................................................................Page 20 Credit Card Post Capture...............................................................................................................................Page 21 Credit Card Post Capture Sample 3.1.....................................................................................................Page 22 Credit Card Refund........................................................................................................................................Page 23 Credit Card Refund Sample 4.1...............................................................................................................Page 23 Credit Card Void.............................................................................................................................................Page 24 Credit Card Void Sample 5.1...................................................................................................................Page 24 Standalone Credit/Refund..............................................................................................................................Page 26 Standalone Credit/Refund Sample 6.1....................................................................................................Page 27 Credit Card Incremental Auth.........................................................................................................................Page 28 Credit Card Incremental Auth Sample 7.1...............................................................................................Page 30 Credit Card Pre-Auth Reversal.......................................................................................................................Page 31 Credit Card Pre-Auth Reversal Sample 8.1.............................................................................................Page 33 EBT Transactions......................................................................................................................................................Page 35 EBT Supported fields.....................................................................................................................................Page 35 EBT Transaction Sample 9.0...................................................................................................................Page 37 EBT Void........................................................................................................................................................Page 38 EBT Void Sample 9.0a.............................................................................................................................Page 39 Debit Card Transactions...........................................................................................................................................Page 41 Debit Card Sale..............................................................................................................................................Page 41 Debit Card Sale Sample 9.1....................................................................................................................Page 44 Debit Card Return..........................................................................................................................................Page 46 Debit Card Return Sample 9.2.................................................................................................................Page 48 ACH Transaction.......................................................................................................................................................Page 50 ACH Sale........................................................................................................................................................Page 50 ACH Sale Sample 11.1............................................................................................................................Page 52 ACH Void........................................................................................................................................................Page 53 ACH Void Sample 12.1............................................................................................................................Page 53 ACH Credit/Refund.........................................................................................................................................Page 54 ACH Credit/Refund Sample 13.1.............................................................................................................Page 55 Check 21 Transactions.............................................................................................................................................Page 56 Check 21 Sales..............................................................................................................................................Page 56 Check 21 Sale Sample 14.1....................................................................................................................Page 57 Check 21 Void................................................................................................................................................Page 59 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide Table of Contents Check 21 Transactions Check 21 Void Sample 15.1....................................................................................................................Page 59 Check 21 Credit/Refund.................................................................................................................................Page 60 Check 21 Credit/Refund Sample 16.1.....................................................................................................Page 60 3rd Party Check Processing Service Providers.....................................................................................................Page 62 External ACH Sale.........................................................................................................................................Page 62 External ACH Sale Sample 17.1..............................................................................................................Page 63 External ACH Consumer Disbursement.........................................................................................................Page 65 External ACH Consumer Disbursement Sample 18.1.............................................................................Page 66 External ACH Credit/Refund..........................................................................................................................Page 68 External ACH Credit/Refund Sample 19.1...............................................................................................Page 68 External ACH Void.........................................................................................................................................Page 69 External ACH Void Sample 20.1..............................................................................................................Page 69 Transaction Retrieve.................................................................................................................................................Page 71 Transaction Retrieve......................................................................................................................................Page 71 Transaction Retrieve Sample 21.1...........................................................................................................Page 71 Stored Profile.............................................................................................................................................................Page 73 Profile Add......................................................................................................................................................Page 73 Profile Add Sample 22.1..........................................................................................................................Page 75 Profile Sale.....................................................................................................................................................Page 77 Profile Sale Sample 23.1.........................................................................................................................Page 79 Profile Update.................................................................................................................................................Page 80 Profile Update Sample 24.1.....................................................................................................................Page 82 Profile Delete..................................................................................................................................................Page 84 Profile Delete Sample 25.1......................................................................................................................Page 84 Profile Retrieve...............................................................................................................................................Page 86 Profile Retrieve Sample 26.1...................................................................................................................Page 87 Profile Credit...................................................................................................................................................Page 88 Profile Credit Sample 27.1.......................................................................................................................Page 90 Profile Import (Deprecated. Refer to Profile Add)...........................................................................................Page 91 Stored Value Transactions.......................................................................................................................................Page 92 Stored Value Supported fields........................................................................................................................Page 92 Stored Value Transaction Sample...........................................................................................................Page 94 Stored Value Refund......................................................................................................................................Page 95 Stored Value Refund Sample..................................................................................................................Page 96 Batch Settlements.....................................................................................................................................................Page 97 Batch Settlement (Settlement a Single Batch Number).................................................................................Page 97 Batch Settle Sample................................................................................................................................Page 97 Batch Settle All (Settles All Open Batches)....................................................................................................Page 98 Batch Settle All Sample...........................................................................................................................Page 98 Transaction Results................................................................................................................................................Page 100 Appendix A: Transaction Authorization Specification........................................................................................Page 101 Credit Card Approval response format.........................................................................................................Page 101 Credit Card Decline response format...........................................................................................................Page 102 Appendix B: AVS Response Codes......................................................................................................................Page 103 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide Table of Contents Appendix C: CVV2/CVC2 Response Codes..........................................................................................................Page 104 Appendix D: Country and Currency Code............................................................................................................Page 105 Appendix E: LineItems...........................................................................................................................................Page 112 Appendix E-1: Product Codes......................................................................................................................Page 112 Appendix E-3: Service Codes................................................................................................................Page 119 Appendix E-4: Measurement Codes......................................................................................................Page 120 Appendix E-5: Default Dispenser Card Reader Pre-Auth Amounts and Cutoff Amounts......................Page 120 Appendix E-6: Fleet Card Partial Authorization and VoicePost Support................................................Page 120 Appendix F: P2P Encrypted Device Format.........................................................................................................Page 122 MAGTEK......................................................................................................................................................Page 122 MAGTEK iPAD.............................................................................................................................................Page 123 ID TECH.......................................................................................................................................................Page 123 INGENICO....................................................................................................................................................Page 124 Overview Online Commerce Suite is a Web-based payment gateway that allows you to process secure credit card and electronic check payments for goods and services over the Internet. Using the Online Merchant Center™ web-based administrative user interface, you can configure your Online Commerce Suite account, add users, and manage your e-business. Online Commerce Suite provides a comprehensive set of online and downloadable transaction management and accounting reports. What's In This Guide The Online Commerce Suite XML Integration Guide is designed to assist you with the steps required to process credit card and electronic check transactions via the XML API. XML is just one of many transaction processing methods available in the Online Commerce Suite. For an overview of the integration methods available, please refer to the Integration Guide. How to Comment on This Guide Every effort has been made to produce an accurate and easy to understand the XML Integration Guide. Contact Information For more information about Online Commerce Suite, refer to the following: Customer Service If you have problems with this document, or find that the instructions are incorrect, incomplete, or inadequate, please let us know. Send your comments to Phone: (866) 242-9933 Documentation Web Site URL: Certified Networks Web Site URL: Hardware Compatible List Web Site URL: Transaction Processing URL URL: Page 1 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide Transaction Types (XML Actions) The following transaction types are available: Credit Card Transaction Service Number Description Credit Card Pre-Auth 1 A purchase amount is reserved at a card and authorization is needed to withdraw money and finish a payment. Credit Card Sales 2 A single-step transaction without pre-authorization. Money are just withdrawn from a card. Credit Card Post Capture 3 The reserved amount was withdrawn after authorization. Credit Card Refund 4 Issue Credit for the CC (previous transaction required). Credit Card Void 5 Void a Credit Card Auth or Sale (previous transaction required). Standalone Credit/Refund 6 Process a Standalone Credit Card Credit. Credit Card Incremental Authorization 20 This transaction types processes an incremental transaction which only applies to credit card transactions. Credit Card Pre-Auth Reversal 21 This transaction types processes an authorized reversal which only applies to credit card. Credit Card Authentication 30 This transaction types processes an credit card authentication. EBT Transaction Service Number Description EBT Balance Inquiry 32 Process a EBT Balance Inquiry EBT Cash Benefit Balance Inquiry 33 Process a EBT Cash Benefit Balance Inquiry EBT Cash Benefit Return 34 Process a EBT Cash Benefit Return EBT Cash Benefit Withdrawal 35 Process a EBT Cash Benefit Withdrawal EBT Cash Benefit Sale 36 Process a EBT Cash Benefit Sale EBT FoodStamp Voucher Sale 37 Process a EBT FoodStamp Voucher Sale EBT FoodStamp Return 38 Process a EBT FoodStamp Return EBT FoodStamp Sale 39 Process a EBT FoodStamp Sale EBT FoodStamp Balance Inquiry 40 Process a EBT FoodStamp Balance Inquiry EBT Void 41 Process a EBT Void Debit Card Transaction Service Number Description Debit Card 11 Process PIN-Debit Transaction. Debit Card Return 26 Issue PIN-Debit Return. Stored Value Cards Service Number Description Sale 42 Process Stored Value Card: Sale Add Value 43 Process Stored Value: Add Value Issue 44 Process Stored Value: Issue Deactivate 45 Process Stored Value: Deactivate Balance Inquiry 46 Process Stored Value: Balance Inquiry Page 2 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide Refund Credit Card Batch Settlement 47 Service Number Process Stored Value: Refund Description Batch Settlement 24 Process Settlement for a single Batch. Batch Settlement All 25 Process Settlement for ALL Open Batches. ACH Transaction Service Number Description ACH Sale 2 Process a ACH sale. ACH Credit/Refund 4 Issue Credit for the ACH Sale (previous transaction required). ACH Void 5 Void a ACH Sale (previous transaction required). ACH Standalone Credit 6 Process a Standalone ACH Credit. Check 21 Transaction Service Number Description Check 21 Sale 27 Process a Check21 Sale. Check 21 Void 28 Process a Check21 Void (previous transaction required). Check 21 Credit/Refund 29 Process a Check21 Credit (previous transaction required). 3rd Party Check Processing Service Providers Service Number Description Extended ACH Sale 14 Process a Extended ACH Sale. Extended ACH Consumer Disbursement 15 Process a Standalone Extended ACH Consumer Disbursement. Extended ACH Credit 16 Process a Extended ACH Credit (previous transaction required). Extended ACH Void 17 Process a Ext ACH Void (previous transaction required). Extended ACH ProfileAdd 31 Process a Ext ACH Profile Add. Transaction Retrieve Transaction Retrieve Stored Profile Service Number 19 Service Number Description Retrieves the transaction results of the last transaction which applies to all transaction types. Description Profile Add 7 Issue Credit Card or ACH Sale using the Stored Profile. Profile Sale 8 Issue Credit Card or ACH Sale using the Stored Profile. Profile Update 9 Updates the Stored Profile (ie, card number, expiration dates, etc.). Profile Delete 10 Deletes the Stored Profile (ie, card number, expiration dates, etc.). Profile Retrieve 12 Retrieves the account number, address and billing info. Profile Credit 13 Issue Credit using the Stored Profile. Profile Import 18 The Online Commerce Suite to Import the Profile. A PreAuth (creditcard) will not be performed. Page 3 Credit Card Transactions The following tables describe required and optional data elements that can be sent to the Merchant Partners gateway to complete a transaction. Credit Card Pre-Authorization Fields transaction name service acctid subid ccname ccnum expmon expyear cvv2 currencycode swipedata encryptedswipedata encryptedreadertype merchantpin amount billaddr1 billaddr2 billcity billstate billcity billzip billcountry shipaddr1 shipaddr2 shipcity shipstate shipzip shipcountry custom1 Required Description X Credit card only X The 1 instructs Online Commerce Suite to process an AUTH. X Five character alphanumeric Account ID assigned to the merchant. Use TEST0 for testing if you do not have an Account ID. Change to your Account ID for live transaction processing. Merchant Sub ID. If unsure whether you have one, leave blank. X Consumer name as it appears on the credit card. X Consumers credit card number. Do not include spaces. If the 3DES encryption option has been enabled on the account, this value must be encrypted using the 3DES key assigned to the Account ID. Use the FRISK Configuration Options menu in the Online Merchant Center to view and configure the 3DES encryption option. X Expiration month (12) of the consumer credit card. X Expiration year of the consumers credit card in yyyy format Credit card cvv2/cvc2 code Three-letter ISO4217 (refer to Appendix D) The swipe data from the magnetic strip on the back of a credit or debit card. Used for card-present transactions. The encrypted swipe data from the magnetic strip on the back of a credit or debit card. Used for card-present transactions. Format of this data depends on the device. Refer to Appendix E for string format. The value of this field depends on the encrypted swipe device used. This field has to be used if encryptedswipedata is used. 1 = Magtek (Most Magtek devices), 2 = Magtek IPAD, 3 = IDTECH, 4 = Ingenico iSC250,350 / iPP250,350. The 32 character Merchant PIN code generated from the Online Merchant Center. When the Merchant PIN option has been enabled in the Online Merchant Center, transactions without a valid Merchant PIN will be declined with a decline response of DECLINED:1101150001:DECLINED X Transaction dollar amount in US dollars in the form of 1.00. For CC it will default to $1 if not provided. The consumers billing address. The consumers billing address. The consumers billing city. The consumers billing state. The consumers billing city. The consumers billing zip. The consumers billing country. The consumers shipping address. The consumers shipping address. The consumers shipping city. The consumers shipping state. The consumers shipping city. The consumers shipping zip. 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) Page 4 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide custom2 custom3 custom4 custom5 custom6 email memo ipaddress merchantordernumber dlnum ssnum cardpresent dynamicdescriptor cardpresentreader industrycode chargetypeamx roomrateamt checkindate checkoutdate purchaseid property extracharges recur_create recur_billingcycle recur_billingmax recur_start * 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) Consumer email address Comments associated to this profile Consumers IP address Customers unique alpha-numeric number Driver License Number Social Security Number 1 indicates the card was present This field will be passed all the way to the Consumers Credit Card statement. This is only available for TSYS. 1 indicates a card reader was present Industry Code One character value: "H": Hotel / "F": food(restaurants) / "R": Retail (*Only required for TCMP) Code indicating whether the primary charge is Lodging, Restaurant, or Gift Shop. One character value: 1 Hotel, 2 Restaurant, 3 Gift Shop Room rate dollar amount in US dollars in the form of 0.00. The date (yymmdd) that the guest checked in to the hotel The date (yymmdd) that the guest checked out of the hotel Hotel Folio number (25 characters alphanumeric) Prestigious property indicatory. Used by participants in Visa Prestigious Lodging Program. A transaction amount of $1 should be entered in the amount field if the merchant wishes the transaction to participate in the program. Number value: 500, 1000, or 1500 Extra charges 6 1-digit codes, each a partial or complete explanation of why charged amount differs from receipt cardholder received at checkout. Digit values: 0: no extra, 2: Restaurant, 3: Gift Shop, 4: Mini-bar, 5: Telephone, 6: Other, 7: Laundry. Example: "240000" indicates restaurant and mini-bar charges. Creates a recurring billing record for a consumer. Set recur_create=1 to create a recurring billing record. 0 = No Recurring Billing Cycle 1 = Weekly Recurring Billing Cycle 2 = Monthly Recurring Billing Cycle 3 = Quarterly Recurring Billing Cycle 4 = Semi-Annual Recurring Billing Cycle 5 = Annual Recurring Billing Cycle 6 = Bi-Weekly Recurring Billing Cycle 7 = Bi-Annual Recurring Billing Cycle 8 = Quad Weekly (28 day) Recurring Billing Cycle 9 = One Time Recurring Billing Cycle 10 = Daily Recurring Billing Cycle 11 = Bi-Monthly Recurring Billing Cycle Maximum number of times a consumers account is debited through recurring billing. For example, setting recur_billingmax =6 bills the consumer 6 times. -1 = Unlimited number of times 0 = No Recurring Billing Number of days after an initial payment where the consumer is debited on a recurring cycle. recur_amount Page 5 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide Amount the consumer is to be re-debited on the recurring cycle. Do not use a dollar sign. fsa purchasecardlevel2 emvdata health care flag 0 is off 1 is on rxamount Qualified amount. pocustmerrefid Cardholders Customer ID or Reference Number for the Purchase Card. taxamount Total tax charged for the transaction. taxexempt 1 = a tax exempt purchase. 0 = a taxable purchase. emvflag Must be set to 1 for an EMV transaction interchangeprofile 82 - Indicates the capabilities of the card to support specific functions in the application dedicatedfilename 84 - Identifies the name of the DF as described in ISO/IEC 7816-4 termverresults 95 - Status of the different functions as seen from the terminal secondarypinblock 0C0B - Discover also allows the cardholder to change pins at the terminal so LISO needs to allow for the secondary PIN Block. This is the encrypted PIN Block sent from the terminal. applicationid 4F - Identifies the application as described in ISO/IEC 7816-5 languagepreference 5F2D - 1-4 languages stored in order of preference, each represented by 2 alphabetical characters according to ISO 639 Note: EMVCo strongly recommends that cards be personalised with data element '5F2D' coded in lowercase, but that terminals accept the data element whether it is coded in upper or lower case. panseqnumber 5F34 - Identifies and differentiates cards with the same PAN terminaltransdate 9A - Local date that the transaction was authorised transactionstatus 9B - Indicates the functions performed in a transaction cryptotranstype 9C - Indicates the type of financial transaction, represented by the first two digits of ISO 8583:1987 Processing Code aidterminal 9F06 - Identifies the application as described in ISO/IEC 7816-5 appusagecontrol 9F07 - Indicates issuerÕs specified restrictions on the geographic usage and services allowed for the application terminalversionno 9F09 - Version number assigned by the payment system for the application issueractiondefault 9F0D - Specifies the issuer's conditions that cause a transaction to be rejected if it might have been approved online, but the terminal is unable to process Page 6 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide the transaction online issueractiondenial 9F0E - Specifies the issuer's conditions that cause the denial of a transaction without attempt to go online issueractiononline 9F0F - Specifies the issuer's conditions that cause a transaction to be transmitted online issuerdata 9F10 - Contains proprietary application data for transmission to the issuer in an online transaction terminalcountrycode 9F1A - Indicates the country of the terminal, represented according to ISO 3166 terminalserialnum 9F1E - Unique and permanent serial number assigned to the IFD by the manufacturer cryptogram 9F26 - Cryptogram returned by the ICC in response of the GENERATE AC command cryptoid 9F27 - Indicates the type of cryptogram and the actions to be performed by the terminal terminalcapprofile 9F33 - Indicates the card data input, CVM, and security capabilities of the terminal cvresults 9F34 - Indicates the results of the last CVM performed terminaltype 9F35 - Indicates the environment of the terminal, its communications capability, and its operational control transcounter 9F36 - Counter maintained by the application in the ICC (incrementing the ATC is managed by the ICC) randomnumber 9F37 - Value to provide variability and uniqueness to the generation of a cryptogram transrefcurrencycode 9F3C - Code defining the common currency used by the terminal in case the Transaction Currency Code is different from the Application Currency Code additionaltermcapability 9F40 - Indicates the data input and output capabilities of the terminal transseqcounter 9F41 - Counter maintained by the terminal that is incremented by one for each transaction iccdynamicnumber 9F4C - Time-variant number generated by the ICC, to be captured by the terminal transcatcode 9F53 - Indicates the type of transaction being processed issuerscriptresult 9F5B - Present if scripts were sent by Issuer in original response formfactorindicator 9F6E - Indicates the form factor of the consumer payment device customerexcdata 9F7C - In US contactless transactions, issuer proprietary info Page 7 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide Credit Card Pre-Authorization Sample 1.1 [INPUT][OUTPUT] 1 TEST0 1111 main st 9.95 TestHost Credit Card Sale Fields transaction name service acctid subid ccname ccnum expmon expyear ckname ckaba ckacct ckno cktype cvv2 voiceauth currencycode swipedata encryptedswipedata encryptedreadertype merchantpin amount Required Description X credit card and ach (if ach, check name, check ABA, check account is required) X The 2 instructs Online Commerce Suite to process an SALE. X Five character alphanumeric Account ID assigned to the merchant. Use TEST0 for testing if you do not have an Account ID. Change to your Account ID for live transaction processing. Merchant Sub ID. If unsure whether you have one, leave blank. X Consumer name as it appears on the credit card. X Consumers credit card number. Do not include spaces. If the 3DES encryption option has been enabled on the account, this value must be encrypted using the 3DES key assigned to the Account ID. Use the FRISK Configuration Options menu in the Online Merchant Center to view and configure the 3DES encryption option. X Expiration month (12) of the consumer credit card. X Expiration year of the consumers credit card in yyyy format First and Last Name Routing number Account number Check number SEC code for transaction (WEB, POP, ARC, PPD, ICL, RCK, BOC, TEL) Credit card cvv2/cvc2 code Authorization code for Voice Authorization Three-letter ISO4217 (refer to Appendix D) The swipe data from the magnetic strip on the back of a credit or debit card. Used for card-present transactions. The encrypted swipe data from the magnetic strip on the back of a credit or debit card. Used for card-present transactions. Format of this data depends on the device. Refer to Appendix E for string format. The value of this field depends on the encrypted swipe device used. This field has to be used if encryptedswipedata is used. 1 = Magtek (Most Magtek devices), 2 = Magtek IPAD, 3 = IDTECH, 4 = Ingenico iSC250,350 / iPP250,350. The 32 character Merchant PIN code generated from the Online Merchant Center. When the Merchant PIN option has been enabled in the Online Merchant Center, transactions without a valid Merchant PIN will be declined with a decline response of DECLINED:1101150001:DECLINED X Page 9 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide billaddr1 billaddr2 billcity billstate billcity billzip billcountry shipaddr1 shipaddr2 shipcity shipstate shipzip shipcountry custom1 custom2 custom3 custom4 custom5 custom6 email memo ipaddress merchantordernumber dlnum ssnum cardpresent dynamicdescriptor cardpresentreader industrycode chargetypeamx roomrateamt checkindate checkoutdate purchaseid property extracharges recur_create recur_billingcycle * Transaction dollar amount in US dollars in the form of 1.00. For CC it will default to $1 if not provided. The consumers billing address. The consumers billing address. The consumers billing city. The consumers billing state. The consumers billing city. The consumers billing zip. The consumers billing country. The consumers shipping address. The consumers shipping address. The consumers shipping city. The consumers shipping state. The consumers shipping city. The consumers shipping zip. 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) Consumer email address Comments associated to this profile Consumers IP address Customers unique alpha-numeric number Driver License Number Social Security Number 1 indicates the card was present This field will be passed all the way to the Consumers Credit Card statement. This is only available for TSYS. 1 indicates a card reader was present Industry Code One character value: "H": Hotel / "F": food(restaurants) / "R": Retail (*Only required for TCMP) Code indicating whether the primary charge is Lodging, Restaurant, or Gift Shop. One character value: 1 Hotel, 2 Restaurant, 3 Gift Shop Room rate dollar amount in US dollars in the form of 0.00. The date (yymmdd) that the guest checked in to the hotel The date (yymmdd) that the guest checked out of the hotel Hotel Folio number (25 characters alphanumeric) Prestigious property indicatory. Used by participants in Visa Prestigious Lodging Program. A transaction amount of $1 should be entered in the amount field if the merchant wishes the transaction to participate in the program. Number value: 500, 1000, or 1500 Extra charges 6 1-digit codes, each a partial or complete explanation of why charged amount differs from receipt cardholder received at checkout. Digit values: 0: no extra, 2: Restaurant, 3: Gift Shop, 4: Mini-bar, 5: Telephone, 6: Other, 7: Laundry. Example: "240000" indicates restaurant and mini-bar charges. Creates a recurring billing record for a consumer. Set recur_create=1 to create a recurring billing record. 0 = No Recurring Billing Cycle 1 = Weekly Recurring Billing Cycle Page 10 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide recur_billingmax recur_start recur_amount fsa purchasecardlevel2 emvdata 2 = Monthly Recurring Billing Cycle 3 = Quarterly Recurring Billing Cycle 4 = Semi-Annual Recurring Billing Cycle 5 = Annual Recurring Billing Cycle 6 = Bi-Weekly Recurring Billing Cycle 7 = Bi-Annual Recurring Billing Cycle 8 = Quad Weekly (28 day) Recurring Billing Cycle 9 = One Time Recurring Billing Cycle 10 = Daily Recurring Billing Cycle 11 = Bi-Monthly Recurring Billing Cycle Maximum number of times a consumers account is debited through recurring billing. For example, setting recur_billingmax =6 bills the consumer 6 times. -1 = Unlimited number of times 0 = No Recurring Billing Number of days after an initial payment where the consumer is debited on a recurring cycle. Amount the consumer is to be re-debited on the recurring cycle. Do not use a dollar sign. health care flag 0 is off 1 is on rxamount Qualified amount. pocustmerrefid Cardholders Customer ID or Reference Number for the Purchase Card. taxamount Total tax charged for the transaction. taxexempt 1 = a tax exempt purchase. 0 = a taxable purchase. emvflag Must be set to 1 for an EMV transaction interchangeprofile 82 - Indicates the capabilities of the card to support specific functions in the application dedicatedfilename 84 - Identifies the name of the DF as described in ISO/IEC 7816-4 termverresults 95 - Status of the different functions as seen from the terminal secondarypinblock 0C0B - Discover also allows the cardholder to change pins at the terminal so LISO needs to allow for the secondary PIN Block. This is the encrypted PIN Block sent from the terminal. applicationid 4F - Identifies the application as described in ISO/IEC 7816-5 languagepreference 5F2D - 1-4 languages stored in order of preference, each represented by 2 alphabetical characters according to ISO 639 Note: EMVCo strongly recommends that cards be personalised with data element '5F2D' coded in lowercase, but that terminals accept the data element whether it is coded in upper or lower case. panseqnumber 5F34 - Identifies and differentiates cards with the same PAN terminaltransdate 9A - Local date that the transaction was authorised Page 11 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide transactionstatus 9B - Indicates the functions performed in a transaction cryptotranstype 9C - Indicates the type of financial transaction, represented by the first two digits of ISO 8583:1987 Processing Code aidterminal 9F06 - Identifies the application as described in ISO/IEC 7816-5 appusagecontrol 9F07 - Indicates issuerÕs specified restrictions on the geographic usage and services allowed for the application terminalversionno 9F09 - Version number assigned by the payment system for the application issueractiondefault 9F0D - Specifies the issuer's conditions that cause a transaction to be rejected if it might have been approved online, but the terminal is unable to process the transaction online issueractiondenial 9F0E - Specifies the issuer's conditions that cause the denial of a transaction without attempt to go online issueractiononline 9F0F - Specifies the issuer's conditions that cause a transaction to be transmitted online issuerdata 9F10 - Contains proprietary application data for transmission to the issuer in an online transaction terminalcountrycode 9F1A - Indicates the country of the terminal, represented according to ISO 3166 terminalserialnum 9F1E - Unique and permanent serial number assigned to the IFD by the manufacturer cryptogram 9F26 - Cryptogram returned by the ICC in response of the GENERATE AC command cryptoid 9F27 - Indicates the type of cryptogram and the actions to be performed by the terminal terminalcapprofile 9F33 - Indicates the card data input, CVM, and security capabilities of the terminal cvresults 9F34 - Indicates the results of the last CVM performed terminaltype 9F35 - Indicates the environment of the terminal, its communications capability, and its operational control transcounter 9F36 - Counter maintained by the application in the ICC (incrementing the ATC is managed by the ICC) randomnumber 9F37 - Value to provide variability and uniqueness to the generation of a cryptogram transrefcurrencycode 9F3C - Code defining the common currency used by the terminal in case the Transaction Currency Code is different from the Application Currency Code additionaltermcapability 9F40 - Indicates the data input and output capabilities of the terminal transseqcounter 9F41 - Counter maintained by the terminal that is incremented by one for each transaction Page 12 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide iccdynamicnumber 9F4C - Time-variant number generated by the ICC, to be captured by the terminal transcatcode 9F53 - Indicates the type of transaction being processed issuerscriptresult 9F5B - Present if scripts were sent by Issuer in original response formfactorindicator 9F6E - Indicates the form factor of the consumer payment device customerexcdata 9F7C - In US contactless transactions, issuer proprietary info Page 13 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide Credit Card Sale Sample 2.1 [INPUT] Page 8 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide Approved John Doe AUTH:TEST:::126476380::: TEST 126476381 98452813 126476380 9.95 0 [OUTPUT] Page 14 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide 2 TEST0 1111 main st 9.95 TestHost Credit Card Authentication Fields transaction name service acctid subid ccname ccnum expmon expyear cvv2 voiceauth currencycode swipedata merchantpin amount billaddr1 billaddr2 Required Description X creditcard X The "30" instructs Online Commerce Suite to process an Authentication. X Five character alphanumeric Account ID assigned to the merchant. Use TEST0 for testing if you do not have an Account ID. Change to your Account ID for live transaction processing. Merchant Sub ID. If unsure whether you have one, leave blank. X Consumer name as it appears on the credit card. X Consumers credit card number. Do not include spaces. If the 3DES encryption option has been enabled on the account, this value must be encrypted using the 3DES key assigned to the Account ID. Use the FRISK Configuration Options menu in the Online Merchant Center to view and configure the 3DES encryption option. X Expiration month (12) of the consumer credit card. X Expiration year of the consumers credit card in yyyy format Credit card cvv2/cvc2 code Authorization code for Voice Authorization Three-letter ISO4217 (refer to Appendix D) The swipe data from the magnetic strip on the back of a credit or debit card. Used for card-present transactions. The 32 character Merchant PIN code generated from the Online Merchant Center. When the Merchant PIN option has been enabled in the Online Merchant Center, transactions without a valid Merchant PIN will be declined with a decline response of DECLINED:1101150001:DECLINED X Transaction dollar amount in US dollars in the form of 0.00. The consumers billing address. The consumers billing address. Page 15 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide billcity billstate billcity billzip billcountry shipaddr1 shipaddr2 shipcity shipstate shipzip shipcountry custom1 custom2 custom3 custom4 custom5 custom6 email memo ipaddress merchantordernumber dlnum ssnum cardpresent dynamicdescriptor cardpresentreader industrycode chargetypeamx roomrateamt checkindate checkoutdate purchaseid property extracharges deviceid recur_create recur_billingcycle The consumers billing city. The consumers billing state. The consumers billing city. The consumers billing zip. The consumers billing country. The consumers shipping address. The consumers shipping address. The consumers shipping city. The consumers shipping state. The consumers shipping city. The consumers shipping zip. 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) Consumer email address Comments associated to this profile Consumers IP address Customers unique alpha-numeric number Driver License Number Social Security Number 1 indicates the card was present This field will be passed all the way to the Consumers Credit Card statement. This is only available for TSYS. 1 indicates a card reader was present Industry Code One character value: "H": Hotel Code indicating whether the primary charge is Lodging, Restaurant, or Gift Shop. One character value: 1 Hotel, 2 Restaurant, 3 Gift Shop Room rate dollar amount in US dollars in the form of 0.00. The date (yymmdd) that the guest checked in to the hotel The date (yymmdd) that the guest checked out of the hotel Hotel Folio number (25 characters alphanumeric) Prestigious property indicatory. Used by participants in Visa Prestigious Lodging Program. A transaction amount of $1 should be entered in the amount field if the merchant wishes the transaction to participate in the program. Number value: 500, 1000, or 1500 Extra charges 6 1-digit codes, each a partial or complete explanation of why charged amount differs from receipt cardholder received at checkout. Digit values: 0: no extra, 2: Restaurant, 3: Gift Shop, 4: Mini-bar, 5: Telephone, 6: Other, 7: Laundry. Example: "240000" indicates restaurant and mini-bar charges. Used by the acquired to identify the lane, pump, or device where the transaction occurs in a multilane environment. ID should start at 0001 and go up to 9999 and is mandatory for MasterCard. Creates a recurring billing record for a consumer. Set recur_create=1 to create a recurring billing record. 0 = No Recurring Billing Cycle 1 = Weekly Recurring Billing Cycle 2 = Monthly Recurring Billing Cycle 3 = Quarterly Recurring Billing Cycle Page 16 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide recur_billingmax recur_start recur_amount fsa purchasecardlevel2 emvdata 4 = Semi-Annual Recurring Billing Cycle 5 = Annual Recurring Billing Cycle 6 = Bi-Weekly Recurring Billing Cycle 7 = Bi-Annual Recurring Billing Cycle 8 = Quad Weekly (28 day) Recurring Billing Cycle 9 = One Time Recurring Billing Cycle 10 = Daily Recurring Billing Cycle 11 = Bi-Monthly Recurring Billing Cycle Maximum number of times a consumers account is debited through recurring billing. For example, setting recur_billingmax =6 bills the consumer 6 times. -1 = Unlimited number of times 0 = No Recurring Billing Number of days after an initial payment where the consumer is debited on a recurring cycle. Amount the consumer is to be re-debited on the recurring cycle. Do not use a dollar sign. health care flag 0 is off 1 is on rxamount Qualified amount. pocustmerrefid Cardholders Customer ID or Reference Number for the Purchase Card. taxamount Total tax charged for the transaction. taxexempt 1 = a tax exempt purchase. 0 = a taxable purchase. emvflag Must be set to 1 for an EMV transaction interchangeprofile 82 - Indicates the capabilities of the card to support specific functions in the application dedicatedfilename 84 - Identifies the name of the DF as described in ISO/IEC 7816-4 termverresults 95 - Status of the different functions as seen from the terminal secondarypinblock 0C0B - Discover also allows the cardholder to change pins at the terminal so LISO needs to allow for the secondary PIN Block. This is the encrypted PIN Block sent from the terminal. applicationid 4F - Identifies the application as described in ISO/IEC 7816-5 languagepreference 5F2D - 1-4 languages stored in order of preference, each represented by 2 alphabetical characters according to ISO 639 Note: EMVCo strongly recommends that cards be personalised with data element '5F2D' coded in lowercase, but that terminals accept the data element whether it is coded in upper or lower case. panseqnumber 5F34 - Identifies and differentiates cards with the same PAN terminaltransdate 9A - Local date that the transaction was authorised transactionstatus 9B - Indicates the functions performed in a transaction Page 17 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide cryptotranstype 9C - Indicates the type of financial transaction, represented by the first two digits of ISO 8583:1987 Processing Code aidterminal 9F06 - Identifies the application as described in ISO/IEC 7816-5 appusagecontrol 9F07 - Indicates issuerÕs specified restrictions on the geographic usage and services allowed for the application terminalversionno 9F09 - Version number assigned by the payment system for the application issueractiondefault 9F0D - Specifies the issuer's conditions that cause a transaction to be rejected if it might have been approved online, but the terminal is unable to process the transaction online issueractiondenial 9F0E - Specifies the issuer's conditions that cause the denial of a transaction without attempt to go online issueractiononline 9F0F - Specifies the issuer's conditions that cause a transaction to be transmitted online issuerdata 9F10 - Contains proprietary application data for transmission to the issuer in an online transaction terminalcountrycode 9F1A - Indicates the country of the terminal, represented according to ISO 3166 terminalserialnum 9F1E - Unique and permanent serial number assigned to the IFD by the manufacturer cryptogram 9F26 - Cryptogram returned by the ICC in response of the GENERATE AC command cryptoid 9F27 - Indicates the type of cryptogram and the actions to be performed by the terminal terminalcapprofile 9F33 - Indicates the card data input, CVM, and security capabilities of the terminal cvresults 9F34 - Indicates the results of the last CVM performed terminaltype 9F35 - Indicates the environment of the terminal, its communications capability, and its operational control transcounter 9F36 - Counter maintained by the application in the ICC (incrementing the ATC is managed by the ICC) randomnumber 9F37 - Value to provide variability and uniqueness to the generation of a cryptogram transrefcurrencycode 9F3C - Code defining the common currency used by the terminal in case the Transaction Currency Code is different from the Application Currency Code additionaltermcapability 9F40 - Indicates the data input and output capabilities of the terminal transseqcounter 9F41 - Counter maintained by the terminal that is incremented by one for each transaction iccdynamicnumber Page 18 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide 9F4C - Time-variant number generated by the ICC, to be captured by the terminal transcatcode 9F53 - Indicates the type of transaction being processed issuerscriptresult 9F5B - Present if scripts were sent by Issuer in original response formfactorindicator 9F6E - Indicates the form factor of the consumer payment device customerexcdata 9F7C - In US contactless transactions, issuer proprietary info Page 19 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide Credit Card Authentication Sample 2.2 [INPUT] Approved John Doe AUTH:TEST:::126476380::: TEST 126476381 98452813 126476380 9.95 0 [OUTPUT] Page 20 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide 2 TEST0 0.00 1111 main st TestHost Credit Card Post Capture Fields transaction name service Required Description X Credit card only X The 3 instructs Online Commerce Suite to process a POST or Capture a previous AUTH transaction. acctid X Five character alphanumeric Account ID assigned to the merchant. Use TEST0 for testing if you do not have an Account ID. Change to your Account ID for live transaction processing. subid Merchant Sub ID. If unsure whether you have one, leave blank. merchantpin The 32 character Merchant PIN code generated from the Online Merchant Center. When the Merchant PIN option has been enabled in the Online Merchant Center, transactions without a valid Merchant PIN will be declined with a decline response of DECLINED:1101150001:DECLINED amount X Transaction dollar amount in US dollars in the form of 1.00. It will default to original AUTH amount if its not defined. historykeyid X The history ID of the AUTH transaction. ipaddress Consumers IP address merchantordernumber Customers unique alpha-numeric number Page 21 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide Credit Card Post Capture Sample 3.1 [INPUT] Approved John Doe AUTHENTICATE:TEST:::532311090:N::U TEST 532311090 396487140 532311090 0.00 0 [OUTPUT] 3 TEST0 TestHost Page 22 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide Credit Card Refund Fields transaction name service Required Description X Credit card or ach X The 4 instructs Online Commerce Suite to process a Credit / Refund of a previous Sale transaction. acctid X Five character alphanumeric Account ID assigned to the merchant. Use TEST0 for testing if you do not have an Account ID. Change to your Account ID for live transaction processing. subid Merchant Sub ID. If unsure whether you have one, leave blank. merchantpin The 32 character Merchant PIN code generated from the Online Merchant Center. When the Merchant PIN option has been enabled in the Online Merchant Center, transactions without a valid Merchant PIN will be declined with a decline response of DECLINED:1101150001:DECLINED amount X Transaction dollar amount in US dollars in the form of 1.00. It will default to original Sale amount if its not defined. historykeyid X The history ID of the Sale transaction. orderkeyid X The order id of the Sale transaction. ipaddress Consumers IP address merchantordernumber Customers unique alpha-numeric number Credit Card Refund Sample 4.1 [INPUT] Approved John Doe POST:TEST:::126476380::: TEST 126476381 98452813 126476380 9.95 0 [OUTPUT] 4 TEST0 TestHost Credit Card Void Fields transaction name service Required Description X Credit card or ach X The 5 instructs Online Commerce Suite to process a VOID on a previous Sale transaction. acctid X Five character alphanumeric Account ID assigned to the merchant. Use TEST0 for testing if you do not have an Account ID. Change to your Account ID for live transaction processing. subid Merchant Sub ID. If unsure whether you have one, leave blank. merchantpin The 32 character Merchant PIN code generated from the Online Merchant Center. When the Merchant PIN option has been enabled in the Online Merchant Center, transactions without a valid Merchant PIN will be declined with a decline response of DECLINED:1101150001:DECLINED amount X Transaction dollar amount in US dollars in the form of 1.00. It will default to original Sale amount if its not defined. historykeyid X The history ID of the Sale transaction. orderkeyid X The order id of the Sale transaction. ipaddress Consumers IP address merchantordernumber Customers unique alpha-numeric number Credit Card Void Sample 5.1 [INPUT] Approved John Doe CREDIT:TEST:::126476380::: TEST Page 23 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide126476381 98452813 126476380 9.95 0 [OUTPUT] Page 24 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide 5 TEST0 TestHost Page 25 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide Standalone Credit/Refund Fields transaction name service acctid Required Description X Credit card and ach (if ach, check name, check ABA, checking account is required) X The 6 instructs Online Commerce Suite to process any Standalone Credit/Refund. X Five character alphanumeric Account ID assigned to the merchant. Use TEST0 for testing if you do not have an Account ID. Change to your Account ID for live transaction processing. subid Merchant Sub ID. If unsure whether you have one, leave blank. ccname X Consumer name as it appears on the credit card. ccnum X Consumers credit card number. Do not include spaces. If the 3DES encryption option has been enabled on the account, this value must be encrypted using the 3DES key assigned to the Account ID. Use the FRISK Configuration Options menu in the Online Merchant Center to view and configure the 3DES encryption option. expmon X Expiration month (12) of the consumer credit card. expyear X Expiration year of the consumers credit card in yyyy format ckname First and Last Name ckaba Routing number ckacct Account number ckno Check number cktype SEC code for transaction (WEB, POP, ARC, PPD, ICL, RCK, BOC, TEL) cvv2 Credit card cvv2/cvc2 code currencycode Three-letter ISO4217 (refer to Appendix D) swipedata The swipe data from the magnetic strip on the back of a credit or debit card. Used for card-present transactions. encryptedswipedata The encrypted swipe data from the magnetic strip on the back of a credit or debit card. Used for card-present transactions. Format of this data depends on the device. Refer to Appendix E for string format. encryptedreadertype The value of this field depends on the encrypted swipe device used. This field has to be used if encryptedswipedata is used. 1 = Magtek (Most Magtek devices), 2 = Magtek IPAD, 3 = IDTECH, 4 = Ingenico iSC250,350 / iPP250,350. merchantpin The 32 character Merchant PIN code generated from the Online Merchant Center. When the Merchant PIN option has been enabled in the Online Merchant Center, transactions without a valid Merchant PIN will be declined with a decline response of DECLINED:1101150001:DECLINED amount X Transaction dollar amount in US dollars in the form of 1.00. This field will be passed all the way to the Consumers Credit Card statement. This is dynamicdescriptor only available for TSYS. custom1 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) custom2 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) custom3 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) custom4 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) custom5 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) custom6 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) ipaddress Consumers IP address merchantordernumber Customers unique alpha-numeric number Page 26 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide Standalone Credit/Refund Sample 6.1 [INPUT] Approved John Doe VOID:TEST:::126476380::: TEST 126476381 98452813 126476380 9.95 0 [OUTPUT] 6 TEST0 9.95 TestHost Page 27 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide Credit Card Incremental Auth Fields transaction name service acctid subid ccname ccnum expmon expyear cvv2 currencycode swipedata encryptedswipedata encryptedreadertype merchantpin amount billaddr1 billaddr2 billcity billstate billcity billzip billcountry shipaddr1 shipaddr2 shipcity shipstate shipzip shipcountry custom1 custom2 custom3 custom4 custom5 custom6 Required Description X Incremental Auth only X The 20 instructs Online Commerce Suite to process an AUTH. X Five character alphanumeric Account ID assigned to the merchant. Use TEST0 for testing if you do not have an Account ID. Change to your Account ID for live transaction processing. Merchant Sub ID. If unsure whether you have one, leave blank. X Consumer name as it appears on the credit card. X Consumers credit card number. Do not include spaces. If the 3DES encryption option has been enabled on the account, this value must be encrypted using the 3DES key assigned to the Account ID. Use the FRISK Configuration Options menu in the Online Merchant Center to view and configure the 3DES encryption option. X Expiration month (12) of the consumer credit card. X Expiration year of the consumers credit card in yyyy format Credit card cvv2/cvc2 code Three-letter ISO4217 (refer to Appendix D) The swipe data from the magnetic strip on the back of a credit or debit card. Used for card-present transactions. The encrypted swipe data from the magnetic strip on the back of a credit or debit card. Used for card-present transactions. Format of this data depends on the device. Refer to Appendix E for string format. The value of this field depends on the encrypted swipe device used. This field has to be used if encryptedswipedata is used. 1 = Magtek (Most Magtek devices), 2 = Magtek IPAD, 3 = IDTECH, 4 = Ingenico iSC250,350 / iPP250,350. The 32 character Merchant PIN code generated from the Online Merchant Center. When the Merchant PIN option has been enabled in the Online Merchant Center, transactions without a valid Merchant PIN will be declined with a decline response of DECLINED:1101150001:DECLINED X Transaction dollar amount in US dollars in the form of 1.00. For CC it will default to $1 if not provided. The consumers billing address. The consumers billing address. The consumers billing city. The consumers billing state. The consumers billing city. The consumers billing zip. The consumers billing country. The consumers shipping address. The consumers shipping address. The consumers shipping city. The consumers shipping state. The consumers shipping city. The consumers shipping zip. 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) Page 28 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide email memo ipaddress merchantordernumber dlnum ssnum cardpresent dynamicdescriptor cardpresentreader industrycode chargetypeamx roomrateamt checkindate checkoutdate purchaseid property extracharges recur_create recur_billingcycle recur_billingmax recur_start recur_amount * Consumer email address Comments associated to this profile Consumers IP address Customers unique alpha-numeric number Driver License Number Social Security Number 1 indicates the card was present This field will be passed all the way to the Consumers Credit Card statement. This is only available for TSYS. 1 indicates a card reader was present Industry Code One character value: "H": Hotel / "F": food(restaurants) / "R": Retail (*Only required for TCMP) Code indicating whether the primary charge is Lodging, Restaurant, or Gift Shop. One character value: 1 Hotel, 2 Restaurant, 3 Gift Shop Room rate dollar amount in US dollars in the form of 0.00. The date (yymmdd) that the guest checked in to the hotel The date (yymmdd) that the guest checked out of the hotel Hotel Folio number (25 characters alphanumeric) Prestigious property indicatory. Used by participants in Visa Prestigious Lodging Program. A transaction amount of $1 should be entered in the amount field if the merchant wishes the transaction to participate in the program. Number value: 500, 1000, or 1500 Extra charges 6 1-digit codes, each a partial or complete explanation of why charged amount differs from receipt cardholder received at checkout. Digit values: 0: no extra, 2: Restaurant, 3: Gift Shop, 4: Mini-bar, 5: Telephone, 6: Other, 7: Laundry. Example: "240000" indicates restaurant and mini-bar charges. Creates a recurring billing record for a consumer. Set recur_create=1 to create a recurring billing record. 0 = No Recurring Billing Cycle 1 = Weekly Recurring Billing Cycle 2 = Monthly Recurring Billing Cycle 3 = Quarterly Recurring Billing Cycle 4 = Semi-Annual Recurring Billing Cycle 5 = Annual Recurring Billing Cycle 6 = Bi-Weekly Recurring Billing Cycle 7 = Bi-Annual Recurring Billing Cycle 8 = Quad Weekly (28 day) Recurring Billing Cycle 9 = One Time Recurring Billing Cycle 10 = Daily Recurring Billing Cycle 11 = Bi-Monthly Recurring Billing Cycle Maximum number of times a consumers account is debited through recurring billing. For example, setting recur_billingmax =6 bills the consumer 6 times. -1 = Unlimited number of times 0 = No Recurring Billing Number of days after an initial payment where the consumer is debited on a recurring cycle. Amount the consumer is to be re-debited on the recurring cycle. Do not use a dollar sign. Page 29 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide Credit Card Incremental Auth Sample 7.1 [INPUT] Approved John Doe CREDIT:TEST:::126476380::: TEST 126476381 98452813 126476380 9.95 0 [OUTPUT] Page 30 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide 20 TEST0 1111 main st 9.95 TestHost Credit Card Pre-Auth Reversal Fields transaction name service acctid subid ccname ccnum expmon expyear cvv2 currencycode swipedata encryptedswipedata encryptedreadertype merchantpin Required Description X Pre-Auth Reversal X The 21 instructs Online Commerce Suite to process an AUTH. X Five character alphanumeric Account ID assigned to the merchant. Use TEST0 for testing if you do not have an Account ID. Change to your Account ID for live transaction processing. Merchant Sub ID. If unsure whether you have one, leave blank. X Consumer name as it appears on the credit card. X Consumers credit card number. Do not include spaces. If the 3DES encryption option has been enabled on the account, this value must be encrypted using the 3DES key assigned to the Account ID. Use the FRISK Configuration Options menu in the Online Merchant Center to view and configure the 3DES encryption option. X Expiration month (12) of the consumer credit card. X Expiration year of the consumers credit card in yyyy format Credit card cvv2/cvc2 code Three-letter ISO4217 (refer to Appendix D) The swipe data from the magnetic strip on the back of a credit or debit card. Used for card-present transactions. The encrypted swipe data from the magnetic strip on the back of a credit or debit card. Used for card-present transactions. Format of this data depends on the device. Refer to Appendix E for string format. The value of this field depends on the encrypted swipe device used. This field has to be used if encryptedswipedata is used. 1 = Magtek (Most Magtek devices), 2 = Magtek IPAD, 3 = IDTECH, 4 = Ingenico iSC250,350 / iPP250,350. The 32 character Merchant PIN code generated from the Online Merchant Center. When the Merchant PIN option has been enabled in the Online Merchant Center, Page 31 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide amount X billaddr1 billaddr2 billcity billstate billcity billzip billcountry shipaddr1 shipaddr2 shipcity shipstate shipzip shipcountry custom1 custom2 custom3 custom4 custom5 custom6 email memo ipaddress merchantordernumber dlnum ssnum cardpresent cardpresent cardpresentreader industrycode * chargetypeamx roomrateamt checkindate checkoutdate purchaseid property extracharges recur_create transactions without a valid Merchant PIN will be declined with a decline response of DECLINED:1101150001:DECLINED Transaction dollar amount in US dollars in the form of 1.00. For CC it will default to $1 if not provided. The consumers billing address. The consumers billing address. The consumers billing city. The consumers billing state. The consumers billing city. The consumers billing zip. The consumers billing country. The consumers shipping address. The consumers shipping address. The consumers shipping city. The consumers shipping state. The consumers shipping city. The consumers shipping zip. 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) Consumer email address Comments associated to this profile Consumers IP address Customers unique alpha-numeric number Driver License Number Social Security Number 1 indicates the card was present 1 indicates the card was present 1 indicates a card reader was present Industry Code One character value: "H": Hotel / "F": food(restaurants) / "R": Retail (*Only required for TCMP) Code indicating whether the primary charge is Lodging, Restaurant, or Gift Shop. One character value: 1 Hotel, 2 Restaurant, 3 Gift Shop Room rate dollar amount in US dollars in the form of 0.00. The date (yymmdd) that the guest checked in to the hotel The date (yymmdd) that the guest checked out of the hotel Hotel Folio number (25 characters alphanumeric) Prestigious property indicatory. Used by participants in Visa Prestigious Lodging Program. A transaction amount of $1 should be entered in the amount field if the merchant wishes the transaction to participate in the program. Number value: 500, 1000, or 1500 Extra charges 6 1-digit codes, each a partial or complete explanation of why charged amount differs from receipt cardholder received at checkout. Digit values: 0: no extra, 2: Restaurant, 3: Gift Shop, 4: Mini-bar, 5: Telephone, 6: Other, 7: Laundry. Example: "240000" indicates restaurant and mini-bar charges. Creates a recurring billing record for a consumer. Set recur_create=1 to create a recurring billing record. recur_billingcycle Page 32 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide recur_billingmax recur_start recur_amount 0 = No Recurring Billing Cycle 1 = Weekly Recurring Billing Cycle 2 = Monthly Recurring Billing Cycle 3 = Quarterly Recurring Billing Cycle 4 = Semi-Annual Recurring Billing Cycle 5 = Annual Recurring Billing Cycle 6 = Bi-Weekly Recurring Billing Cycle 7 = Bi-Annual Recurring Billing Cycle 8 = Quad Weekly (28 day) Recurring Billing Cycle 9 = One Time Recurring Billing Cycle 10 = Daily Recurring Billing Cycle 11 = Bi-Monthly Recurring Billing Cycle Maximum number of times a consumers account is debited through recurring billing. For example, setting recur_billingmax =6 bills the consumer 6 times. -1 = Unlimited number of times 0 = No Recurring Billing Number of days after an initial payment where the consumer is debited on a recurring cycle. Amount the consumer is to be re-debited on the recurring cycle. Do not use a dollar sign. Credit Card Pre-Auth Reversal Sample 8.1 [INPUT] Approved John Doe AUTH:TEST:::126476380::: TEST 126476381 98452813 126476380 9.95 0 [OUTPUT] 21 TEST0 1111 main st Page 33 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide 9.95 TestHost Page 34 EBT Transactions The following tables describe required and optional data elements that can be sent to the Merchant Partners gateway to complete a transaction. EBT Supported fields (EBT Balance Inquiry / EBT Cash Benefit Balance Inquiry / EBT Cash Benefit Return/ EBT Cash Benefit Withdrawal / EBT Cash Benefit Sale / EBT FoodStamp Voucher Sale / EBT FoodStamp Return / EBT FoodStamp Sale / EBT FoodStamp Balance Inquiry) Fields transaction name service acctid subid ccname ebtapprovalcode voucherserialnumber ccnum expmon expyear cvv2 currencycode swipedata encryptedswipedata encryptedreadertype merchantpin amount cashbackamount Required Description X creditcard X 32 = EBT Balance Inquiry 33 = EBT Cash Benefit Balance Inquiry 34 = EBT Cash Benefit Return 35 = EBT Cash Benefit Withdrawal 36 = EBT Cash Benefit Sale 37 = EBT FoodStamp Voucher Sale 38 = EBT FoodStamp Return 39 = EBT FoodStamp Sale 40 = EBT FoodStamp Balance Inquiry X Five character alphanumeric Account ID assigned to the merchant. Use TEST0 for testing if you do not have an Account ID. Change to your Account ID for live transaction processing. Merchant Sub ID. If unsure whether you have one, leave blank. X Consumer name as it appears on the credit card. EBT Approval Code Voucher Serial Number Consumers credit card number. Do not include spaces. If the 3DES encryption option has been enabled on the account, this value must be encrypted using the 3DES key assigned to the Account ID. Use the FRISK Configuration Options menu in the Online Merchant Center to view and configure the 3DES encryption option. Expiration month (12) of the consumer credit card. Expiration year of the consumers credit card in yyyy format Credit card cvv2/cvc2 code Three-letter ISO4217 (refer to Appendix D) X The swipe data from the magnetic strip on the back of a credit or debit card. Used for card-present transactions. The encrypted swipe data from the magnetic strip on the back of a credit or debit card. Used for card-present transactions. Format of this data depends on the device. Refer to Appendix E for string format. The value of this field depends on the encrypted swipe device used. This field has to be used if encryptedswipedata is used. 1 = Magtek (Most Magtek devices), 2 = Magtek IPAD, 3 = IDTECH, 4 = Ingenico iSC250,350 / iPP250,350. The 32 character Merchant PIN code generated from the Online Merchant Center. When the Merchant PIN option has been enabled in the Online Merchant Center, transactions without a valid Merchant PIN will be declined with a decline response of DECLINED:1101150001:DECLINED X Transaction dollar amount in US dollars in the form of 1.00. For CC it will default to $1 if not provided. Transaction dollar amount in US dollars in the form of 1.00. Page 35 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide customerid billaddr1 billaddr2 billcity billstate billcity billzip billcountry shipaddr1 shipaddr2 shipcity shipstate shipzip shipcountry dlnum ssnum custom1 custom2 custom3 custom4 custom5 custom6 email memo ipaddress merchantordernumber cardpresent cardpresentreader industrycode chargetypeamx roomrateamt checkindate checkoutdate purchaseid property extracharges recur_create recur_billingcycle * Encrypted PIN pad data. Includes KSN data followed by the PIN data The consumers billing address. The consumers billing address. The consumers billing city. The consumers billing state. The consumers billing city. The consumers billing zip. The consumers billing country. The consumers shipping address. The consumers shipping address. The consumers shipping city. The consumers shipping state. The consumers shipping city. The consumers shipping zip. Driver License Number Social Security Number 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) Consumer email address Comments associated to this profile Consumers IP address Customers unique alpha-numeric number 1 indicates the card was present 1 indicates a card reader was present Industry Code One character value: "H": Hotel / "F": food(restaurants) / "R": Retail (*Only required for TCMP) Code indicating whether the primary charge is Lodging, Restaurant, or Gift Shop. One character value: 1 Hotel, 2 Restaurant, 3 Gift Shop Room rate dollar amount in US dollars in the form of 0.00. The date (yymmdd) that the guest checked in to the hotel The date (yymmdd) that the guest checked out of the hotel Hotel Folio number (25 characters alphanumeric) Prestigious property indicatory. Used by participants in Visa Prestigious Lodging Program. A transaction amount of $1 should be entered in the amount field if the merchant wishes the transaction to participate in the program. Number value: 500, 1000, or 1500 Extra charges 6 1-digit codes, each a partial or complete explanation of why charged amount differs from receipt cardholder received at checkout. Digit values: 0: no extra, 2: Restaurant, 3: Gift Shop, 4: Mini-bar, 5: Telephone, 6: Other, 7: Laundry. Example: "240000" indicates restaurant and mini-bar charges. Creates a recurring billing record for a consumer. Set recur_create=1 to create a recurring billing record. 0 = No Recurring Billing Cycle 1 = Weekly Recurring Billing Cycle 2 = Monthly Recurring Billing Cycle 3 = Quarterly Recurring Billing Cycle 4 = Semi-Annual Recurring Billing Cycle Page 36 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide recur_billingmax recur_start recur_amount 5 = Annual Recurring Billing Cycle 6 = Bi-Weekly Recurring Billing Cycle 7 = Bi-Annual Recurring Billing Cycle 8 = Quad Weekly (28 day) Recurring Billing Cycle 9 = One Time Recurring Billing Cycle 10 = Daily Recurring Billing Cycle 11 = Bi-Monthly Recurring Billing Cycle Maximum number of times a consumers account is debited through recurring billing. For example, setting recur_billingmax =6 bills the consumer 6 times. -1 = Unlimited number of times 0 = No Recurring Billing Number of days after an initial payment where the consumer is debited on a recurring cycle. Amount the consumer is to be re-debited on the recurring cycle. Do not use a dollar sign. EBT Transaction Sample 9.0 [INPUT] Approved John Doe AUTH:TEST:::126476380::: TEST 126476381 98452813 126476380 9.95 0 [OUTPUT] 32 Page 37 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide TestHost EBT Void Fields transaction name service Required Description X creditcard X The 41 instructs Online Commerce Suite to process a VOID on a previous EBT transaction. Page 38 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide acctid X subid merchantpin amount historykeyid orderkeyid ipaddress merchantordernumber X X Five character alphanumeric Account ID assigned to the merchant. Use TEST0 for testing if you do not have an Account ID. Change to your Account ID for live transaction processing. Merchant Sub ID. If unsure whether you have one, leave blank. The 32 character Merchant PIN code generated from the Online Merchant Center. When the Merchant PIN option has been enabled in the Online Merchant Center, transactions without a valid Merchant PIN will be declined with a decline response of DECLINED:1101150001:DECLINED Transaction dollar amount in US dollars in the form of 1.00. It will default to original Sale amount if its not defined. The history ID of the Sale transaction. The order id of the Sale transaction. Consumers IP address Customers unique alpha-numeric number EBT Void Sample 9.0a [INPUT] Approved 0 [OUTPUT] 41 Page 40 Debit Card Transactions The following tables describe required and optional data elements that can be sent to the Merchant Partners gateway to complete a transaction. Debit Card Sale Fields transaction name service acctid subid ccname ccnum expmon expyear cvv2 currencycode swipedata encryptedswipedata encryptedreadertype merchantpin amount cashbackamount customerid billaddr1 billaddr2 billcity billstate billcity billzip billcountry shipaddr1 shipaddr2 shipcity shipstate shipzip Required Description X creditcard X The 11 instructs Online Commerce Suite to process Debit. X Five character alphanumeric Account ID assigned to the merchant. Use TEST0 for testing if you do not have an Account ID. Change to your Account ID for live transaction processing. Merchant Sub ID. If unsure whether you have one, leave blank. X Consumer name as it appears on the credit card. Consumers credit card number. Do not include spaces. If the 3DES encryption option has been enabled on the account, this value must be encrypted using the 3DES key assigned to the Account ID. Use the FRISK Configuration Options menu in the Online Merchant Center to view and configure the 3DES encryption option. Expiration month (12) of the consumer credit card. Expiration year of the consumers credit card in yyyy format Credit card cvv2/cvc2 code Three-letter ISO4217 (refer to Appendix D) X The swipe data from the magnetic strip on the back of a credit or debit card. Used for card-present transactions. The encrypted swipe data from the magnetic strip on the back of a credit or debit card. Used for card-present transactions. Format of this data depends on the device. Refer to Appendix E for string format. The value of this field depends on the encrypted swipe device used. This field has to be used if encryptedswipedata is used. 1 = Magtek (Most Magtek devices), 2 = Magtek IPAD, 3 = IDTECH, 4 = Ingenico iSC250,350 / iPP250,350. The 32 character Merchant PIN code generated from the Online Merchant Center. When the Merchant PIN option has been enabled in the Online Merchant Center, transactions without a valid Merchant PIN will be declined with a decline response of DECLINED:1101150001:DECLINED X Transaction dollar amount in US dollars in the form of 1.00. For CC it will default to $1 if not provided. X Transaction dollar amount in US dollars in the form of 1.00. X Encrypted PIN pad data. Includes KSN data followed by the PIN data The consumers billing address. The consumers billing address. The consumers billing city. The consumers billing state. The consumers billing city. The consumers billing zip. The consumers billing country. The consumers shipping address. The consumers shipping address. The consumers shipping city. The consumers shipping state. The consumers shipping city. Page 41 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide shipcountry dlnum ssnum custom1 custom2 custom3 custom4 custom5 custom6 email memo ipaddress merchantordernumber cardpresent cardpresentreader industrycode chargetypeamx roomrateamt checkindate checkoutdate purchaseid property extracharges recur_create recur_billingcycle recur_billingmax recur_start X X * The consumers shipping zip. Driver License Number Social Security Number 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) Consumer email address Comments associated to this profile Consumers IP address Customers unique alpha-numeric number 1 indicates the card was present 1 indicates a card reader was present Industry Code One character value: "H": Hotel / "F": food(restaurants) / "R": Retail (*Only required for TCMP) Code indicating whether the primary charge is Lodging, Restaurant, or Gift Shop. One character value: 1 Hotel, 2 Restaurant, 3 Gift Shop Room rate dollar amount in US dollars in the form of 0.00. The date (yymmdd) that the guest checked in to the hotel The date (yymmdd) that the guest checked out of the hotel Hotel Folio number (25 characters alphanumeric) Prestigious property indicatory. Used by participants in Visa Prestigious Lodging Program. A transaction amount of $1 should be entered in the amount field if the merchant wishes the transaction to participate in the program. Number value: 500, 1000, or 1500 Extra charges 6 1-digit codes, each a partial or complete explanation of why charged amount differs from receipt cardholder received at checkout. Digit values: 0: no extra, 2: Restaurant, 3: Gift Shop, 4: Mini-bar, 5: Telephone, 6: Other, 7: Laundry. Example: "240000" indicates restaurant and mini-bar charges. Creates a recurring billing record for a consumer. Set recur_create=1 to create a recurring billing record. 0 = No Recurring Billing Cycle 1 = Weekly Recurring Billing Cycle 2 = Monthly Recurring Billing Cycle 3 = Quarterly Recurring Billing Cycle 4 = Semi-Annual Recurring Billing Cycle 5 = Annual Recurring Billing Cycle 6 = Bi-Weekly Recurring Billing Cycle 7 = Bi-Annual Recurring Billing Cycle 8 = Quad Weekly (28 day) Recurring Billing Cycle 9 = One Time Recurring Billing Cycle 10 = Daily Recurring Billing Cycle 11 = Bi-Monthly Recurring Billing Cycle Maximum number of times a consumers account is debited through recurring billing. For example, setting recur_billingmax =6 bills the consumer 6 times. -1 = Unlimited number of times 0 = No Recurring Billing Number of days after an initial payment where the consumer is debited on a recurring cycle. recur_amount Page 42 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide Amount the consumer is to be re-debited on the recurring cycle. Do not use a dollar sign. emvdata emvflag Must be set to 1 for an EMV transaction interchangeprofile 82 - Indicates the capabilities of the card to support specific functions in the application dedicatedfilename 84 - Identifies the name of the DF as described in ISO/IEC 7816-4 termverresults 95 - Status of the different functions as seen from the terminal secondarypinblock 0C0B - Discover also allows the cardholder to change pins at the terminal so LISO needs to allow for the secondary PIN Block. This is the encrypted PIN Block sent from the terminal. applicationid 4F - Identifies the application as described in ISO/IEC 7816-5 languagepreference 5F2D - 1-4 languages stored in order of preference, each represented by 2 alphabetical characters according to ISO 639 Note: EMVCo strongly recommends that cards be personalised with data element '5F2D' coded in lowercase, but that terminals accept the data element whether it is coded in upper or lower case. panseqnumber 5F34 - Identifies and differentiates cards with the same PAN terminaltransdate 9A - Local date that the transaction was authorised transactionstatus 9B - Indicates the functions performed in a transaction cryptotranstype 9C - Indicates the type of financial transaction, represented by the first two digits of ISO 8583:1987 Processing Code aidterminal 9F06 - Identifies the application as described in ISO/IEC 7816-5 appusagecontrol 9F07 - Indicates issuerÕs specified restrictions on the geographic usage and services allowed for the application terminalversionno 9F09 - Version number assigned by the payment system for the application issueractiondefault 9F0D - Specifies the issuer's conditions that cause a transaction to be rejected if it might have been approved online, but the terminal is unable to process the transaction online issueractiondenial 9F0E - Specifies the issuer's conditions that cause the denial of a transaction without attempt to go online issueractiononline 9F0F - Specifies the issuer's conditions that cause a transaction to be transmitted online issuerdata 9F10 - Contains proprietary application data for transmission to the issuer in an online transaction Page 43 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide terminalcountrycode 9F1A - Indicates the country of the terminal, represented according to ISO 3166 terminalserialnum 9F1E - Unique and permanent serial number assigned to the IFD by the manufacturer cryptogram 9F26 - Cryptogram returned by the ICC in response of the GENERATE AC command cryptoid 9F27 - Indicates the type of cryptogram and the actions to be performed by the terminal terminalcapprofile 9F33 - Indicates the card data input, CVM, and security capabilities of the terminal cvresults 9F34 - Indicates the results of the last CVM performed terminaltype 9F35 - Indicates the environment of the terminal, its communications capability, and its operational control transcounter 9F36 - Counter maintained by the application in the ICC (incrementing the ATC is managed by the ICC) randomnumber 9F37 - Value to provide variability and uniqueness to the generation of a cryptogram transrefcurrencycode 9F3C - Code defining the common currency used by the terminal in case the Transaction Currency Code is different from the Application Currency Code additionaltermcapability 9F40 - Indicates the data input and output capabilities of the terminal transseqcounter 9F41 - Counter maintained by the terminal that is incremented by one for each transaction iccdynamicnumber 9F4C - Time-variant number generated by the ICC, to be captured by the terminal transcatcode 9F53 - Indicates the type of transaction being processed issuerscriptresult 9F5B - Present if scripts were sent by Issuer in original response formfactorindicator 9F6E - Indicates the form factor of the consumer payment device customerexcdata 9F7C - In US contactless transactions, issuer proprietary info Debit Card Sale Sample 9.1 [INPUT] Page 39 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide 0 [OUTPUT] 11 TEST0 Page 44 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide 1111 main st 9.95 TestHost Debit Card Return Fields transaction name service acctid subid ccname ccnum expmon expyear cvv2 currencycode swipedata encryptedswipedata encryptedreadertype merchantpin amount cashbackamount customerid billaddr1 billaddr2 billcity Required Description X creditcard X The 26 instructs Online Commerce Suite to process Debit Return. X Five character alphanumeric Account ID assigned to the merchant. Use TEST0 for testing if you do not have an Account ID. Change to your Account ID for live transaction processing. Merchant Sub ID. If unsure whether you have one, leave blank. X Consumer name as it appears on the credit card. Consumers credit card number. Do not include spaces. If the 3DES encryption option has been enabled on the account, this value must be encrypted using the 3DES key assigned to the Account ID. Use the FRISK Configuration Options menu in the Online Merchant Center to view and configure the 3DES encryption option. Expiration month (12) of the consumer credit card. Expiration year of the consumers credit card in yyyy format Credit card cvv2/cvc2 code Three-letter ISO4217 (refer to Appendix D) X The swipe data from the magnetic strip on the back of a credit or debit card. Used for card-present transactions. The encrypted swipe data from the magnetic strip on the back of a credit or debit card. Used for card-present transactions. Format of this data depends on the device. Refer to Appendix E for string format. The value of this field depends on the encrypted swipe device used. This field has to be used if encryptedswipedata is used. 1 = Magtek (Most Magtek devices), 2 = Magtek IPAD, 3 = IDTECH, 4 = Ingenico iSC250,350 / iPP250,350. The 32 character Merchant PIN code generated from the Online Merchant Center. When the Merchant PIN option has been enabled in the Online Merchant Center, transactions without a valid Merchant PIN will be declined with a decline response of DECLINED:1101150001:DECLINED X Transaction dollar amount in US dollars in the form of 1.00. For CC it will default to $1 if not provided. Transaction dollar amount in US dollars in the form of 1.00. X Encrypted PIN pad data. Includes KSN data followed by the PIN data The consumers billing address. The consumers billing address. The consumers billing city. Page 46 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide billstate billcity billzip billcountry shipaddr1 shipaddr2 shipcity shipstate shipzip shipcountry dlnum ssnum custom1 custom2 custom3 custom4 custom5 custom6 email memo ipaddress merchantordernumber cardpresent cardpresentreader industrycode chargetypeamx roomrateamt checkindate checkoutdate purchaseid property extracharges recur_create recur_billingcycle X X * The consumers billing state. The consumers billing city. The consumers billing zip. The consumers billing country. The consumers shipping address. The consumers shipping address. The consumers shipping city. The consumers shipping state. The consumers shipping city. The consumers shipping zip. Driver License Number Social Security Number 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) Consumer email address Comments associated to this profile Consumers IP address Customers unique alpha-numeric number 1 indicates the card was present 1 indicates a card reader was present Industry Code One character value: "H": Hotel / "F": food(restaurants) / "R": Retail (*Only required for TCMP) Code indicating whether the primary charge is Lodging, Restaurant, or Gift Shop. One character value: 1 Hotel, 2 Restaurant, 3 Gift Shop Room rate dollar amount in US dollars in the form of 0.00. The date (yymmdd) that the guest checked in to the hotel The date (yymmdd) that the guest checked out of the hotel Hotel Folio number (25 characters alphanumeric) Prestigious property indicatory. Used by participants in Visa Prestigious Lodging Program. A transaction amount of $1 should be entered in the amount field if the merchant wishes the transaction to participate in the program. Number value: 500, 1000, or 1500 Extra charges 6 1-digit codes, each a partial or complete explanation of why charged amount differs from receipt cardholder received at checkout. Digit values: 0: no extra, 2: Restaurant, 3: Gift Shop, 4: Mini-bar, 5: Telephone, 6: Other, 7: Laundry. Example: "240000" indicates restaurant and mini-bar charges. Creates a recurring billing record for a consumer. Set recur_create=1 to create a recurring billing record. 0 = No Recurring Billing Cycle 1 = Weekly Recurring Billing Cycle 2 = Monthly Recurring Billing Cycle 3 = Quarterly Recurring Billing Cycle 4 = Semi-Annual Recurring Billing Cycle 5 = Annual Recurring Billing Cycle 6 = Bi-Weekly Recurring Billing Cycle 7 = Bi-Annual Recurring Billing Cycle 8 = Quad Weekly (28 day) Recurring Billing Cycle Page 47 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide recur_billingmax recur_start recur_amount 9 = One Time Recurring Billing Cycle 10 = Daily Recurring Billing Cycle 11 = Bi-Monthly Recurring Billing Cycle Maximum number of times a consumers account is debited through recurring billing. For example, setting recur_billingmax =6 bills the consumer 6 times. -1 = Unlimited number of times 0 = No Recurring Billing Number of days after an initial payment where the consumer is debited on a recurring cycle. Amount the consumer is to be re-debited on the recurring cycle. Do not use a dollar sign. Debit Card Return Sample 9.2 [INPUT] Approved Page 45 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration GuideJohn Doe DEBIT:TEST:::126476380::: TEST 126476381 98452813 126476380 9.95 0 [OUTPUT] 26 TEST0 1111 main st Page 48 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide 9.95 TestHost Page 49 ACH Transaction The following tables describe required and optional data elements that can be sent to the Merchant Partners gateway to complete a transaction. ACH Sale Fields transaction name service acctid subid ccname ccnum expmon expyear ckname ckaba ckacct ckno cktype ckimagefront ckimageback cvv2 currencycode swipedata merchantpin amount billaddr1 billaddr2 billcity billstate billcity billzip billcountry shipaddr1 shipaddr2 shipcity shipstate shipzip Required Description X credit card and ach (if ach, check name, check ABA, check account is required) X The 2 instructs Online Commerce Suite to process an SALE. X Five character alphanumeric Account ID assigned to the merchant. Use TEST0 for testing if you do not have an Account ID. Change to your Account ID for live transaction processing. Merchant Sub ID. If unsure whether you have one, leave blank. X Consumer name as it appears on the credit card. X Consumers credit card number. Do not include spaces. If the 3DES encryption option has been enabled on the account, this value must be encrypted using the 3DES key assigned to the Account ID. Use the FRISK Configuration Options menu in the Online Merchant Center to view and configure the 3DES encryption option. X Expiration month (12) of the consumer credit card. X Expiration year of the consumers credit card in yyyy format First and Last Name Routing number Account number Check number SEC code for transaction (WEB, POP, ARC, PPD, ICL, RCK, BOC, TEL)  Front image of the check. Maximum of 20K.  Back image of the check. Maximum of 20K. Credit card cvv2/cvc2 code Three-letter ISO4217 (refer to Appendix D) The swipe data from the magnetic strip on the back of a credit or debit card. Used for card-present transactions. The 32 character Merchant PIN code generated from the Online Merchant Center. When the Merchant PIN option has been enabled in the Online Merchant Center, transactions without a valid Merchant PIN will be declined with a decline response of DECLINED:1101150001:DECLINED X Transaction dollar amount in US dollars in the form of 1.00. For CC it will default to $1 if not provided. The consumers billing address. The consumers billing address. The consumers billing city. The consumers billing state. The consumers billing city. The consumers billing zip. The consumers billing country. The consumers shipping address. The consumers shipping address. The consumers shipping city. The consumers shipping state. The consumers shipping city. Page 50 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide shipcountry custom1 custom2 custom3 custom4 custom5 custom6 email memo ipaddress merchantordernumber dlnum ssnum cardpresent cardpresentreader industrycode chargetypeamx roomrateamt checkindate checkoutdate purchaseid property extracharges recur_create recur_billingcycle recur_billingmax recur_start * The consumers shipping zip. 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) Consumer email address Comments associated to this profile Consumers IP address Customers unique alpha-numeric number Driver License Number Social Security Number 1 indicates the card was present 1 indicates a card reader was present Industry Code One character value: "H": Hotel / "F": food(restaurants) / "R": Retail (*Only required for TCMP) Code indicating whether the primary charge is Lodging, Restaurant, or Gift Shop. One character value: 1 Hotel, 2 Restaurant, 3 Gift Shop Room rate dollar amount in US dollars in the form of 0.00. The date (yymmdd) that the guest checked in to the hotel The date (yymmdd) that the guest checked out of the hotel Hotel Folio number (25 characters alphanumeric) Prestigious property indicatory. Used by participants in Visa Prestigious Lodging Program. A transaction amount of $1 should be entered in the amount field if the merchant wishes the transaction to participate in the program. Number value: 500, 1000, or 1500 Extra charges 6 1-digit codes, each a partial or complete explanation of why charged amount differs from receipt cardholder received at checkout. Digit values: 0: no extra, 2: Restaurant, 3: Gift Shop, 4: Mini-bar, 5: Telephone, 6: Other, 7: Laundry. Example: "240000" indicates restaurant and mini-bar charges. Creates a recurring billing record for a consumer. Set recur_create=1 to create a recurring billing record. 0 = No Recurring Billing Cycle 1 = Weekly Recurring Billing Cycle 2 = Monthly Recurring Billing Cycle 3 = Quarterly Recurring Billing Cycle 4 = Semi-Annual Recurring Billing Cycle 5 = Annual Recurring Billing Cycle 6 = Bi-Weekly Recurring Billing Cycle 7 = Bi-Annual Recurring Billing Cycle 8 = Quad Weekly (28 day) Recurring Billing Cycle 9 = One Time Recurring Billing Cycle 10 = Daily Recurring Billing Cycle 11 = Bi-Monthly Recurring Billing Cycle Maximum number of times a consumers account is debited through recurring billing. For example, setting recur_billingmax =6 bills the consumer 6 times. -1 = Unlimited number of times 0 = No Recurring Billing Number of days after an initial payment where the consumer is debited on a recurring cycle. recur_amount Page 51 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide Amount the consumer is to be re-debited on the recurring cycle. Do not use a dollar sign. ACH Sale Sample 11.1 [INPUT] Approved John Doe DEBITRETURN:TEST:::126476380::: TEST 126476381 98452813 126476380 9.95 0 [OUTPUT] 2 TEST0 1111 main st 9.95 TestHost ACH Void Fields transaction name service Required Description X ACH only X The 5 instructs Online Commerce Suite to process a VOID against a previous External ACH Sale/Consumer Disbursement transaction. acctid X Five character alphanumeric Account ID assigned to the merchant. Use TEST0 for testing if you do not have an Account ID. Change to your Account ID for live transaction processing. subid Merchant Sub ID. If unsure whether you have one, leave blank. merchantpin The 32 character Merchant PIN code generated from the Online Merchant Center. When the Merchant PIN option has been enabled in the Online Merchant Center, transactions without a valid Merchant PIN will be declined with a decline response of DECLINED:1101150001:DECLINED historykeyid X The history id of the Sale transaction. orderkeyid X The order id of the Sale transaction. ipaddress Consumers IP address merchantordernumber Customers unique alpha-numeric number ACH Void Sample 12.1 [INPUT] Page 52 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide Approved John Doe CHECKAUTH:TEST:::126558434::: TEST 126558434 98512982 126558434 9.95 0 [OUTPUT] 5 TEST0 Page 53 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide TestHost ACH Credit/Refund Fields transaction name service Required Description X Credit card or ach X The 4 instructs Online Commerce Suite to process a Credit / Refund of a previous Sale transaction. acctid X Five character alphanumeric Account ID assigned to the merchant. Use TEST0 for testing if you do not have an Account ID. Change to your Account ID for live transaction processing. subid Merchant Sub ID. If unsure whether you have one, leave blank. merchantpin The 32 character Merchant PIN code generated from the Online Merchant Center. When the Merchant PIN option has been enabled in the Online Merchant Center, transactions without a valid Merchant PIN will be declined with a decline response of DECLINED:1101150001:DECLINED amount X Transaction dollar amount in US dollars in the form of 1.00. It will default to original Sale amount if its not defined. historykeyid X The history ID of the Sale transaction. orderkeyid X The order id of the Sale transaction. ipaddress Consumers IP address merchantordernumber Customers unique alpha-numeric number Page 54 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide ACH Credit/Refund Sample 13.1 [INPUT] Approved John Doe EXTACHVOID::::13514261::: 135145261 10455412 135145261 0 [OUTPUT] 4 TEST0 TestHost Page 55 Check 21 Transactions The following tables describe required and optional data elements that can be sent to the Merchant Partners gateway to complete a transaction. Check 21 Sales Fields transaction name service acctid subid ckname ckaba ckacct ckno ckaccttypedesc ckaccttype cktype merchantpin amount currencycode verificationflag dlnum ssnum billaddr1 billaddr2 billcity billstate billcity billzip billcountry shipaddr1 shipaddr2 shipcity shipstate shipzip shipcountry Required Description X Check 21 only. X The 27 instructs Online Commerce Suite to process an Check 21 SALE. X Five character alphanumeric Account ID assigned to the merchant. Use TEST0 for testing if you do not have an Account ID. Change to your Account ID for live transaction processing. Merchant Sub ID. If unsure whether you have one, leave blank. X First and Last Name X Routing number X Account number X Check number X One of the following: Personal Checking Personal Savings Business Checking Business Savings 1 = Checking Account 2 = Savings Account SEC code for transaction (WEB, POP, ARC, PPD, ICL, RCK, BOC, TEL) The 32 character Merchant PIN code generated from the Online Merchant Center. When the Merchant PIN option has been enabled in the Online Merchant Center, transactions without a valid Merchant PIN will be declined with a decline response of DECLINED:1101150001:DECLINED X Transaction dollar amount in US dollars in the form of 1.00. For CC it will default to $1 if not provided. Three-letter ISO4217 (refer to Appendix D) 1 = Activate Verification for the supplied info (drivers license number, SSN, phone, check number) Driver License Number Social Security Number The consumers billing address. The consumers billing address. The consumers billing city. The consumers billing state. The consumers billing city. The consumers billing zip. The consumers billing country. The consumers shipping address. The consumers shipping address. The consumers shipping city. The consumers shipping state. The consumers shipping city. The consumers shipping zip. Page 56 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide custom1 custom2 custom3 custom4 custom5 custom6 email memo ipaddress merchantordernumber recur_create recur_billingcycle recur_billingmax recur_start recur_amount 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) Consumer email address Comments associated to this profile Consumers IP address Customers unique alpha-numeric number Creates a recurring billing record for a consumer. Set recur_create=1 to create a recurring billing record. 0 = No Recurring Billing Cycle 1 = Weekly Recurring Billing Cycle 2 = Monthly Recurring Billing Cycle 3 = Quarterly Recurring Billing Cycle 4 = Semi-Annual Recurring Billing Cycle 5 = Annual Recurring Billing Cycle 6 = Bi-Weekly Recurring Billing Cycle 7 = Bi-Annual Recurring Billing Cycle 8 = Quad Weekly (28 day) Recurring Billing Cycle 9 = One Time Recurring Billing Cycle 10 = Daily Recurring Billing Cycle 11 = Bi-Monthly Recurring Billing Cycle Maximum number of times a consumers account is debited through recurring billing. For example, setting recur_billingmax =6 bills the consumer 6 times. -1 = Unlimited number of times 0 = No Recurring Billing Number of days after an initial payment where the consumer is debited on a recurring cycle. Amount the consumer is to be re-debited on the recurring cycle. Do not use a dollar sign. Check 21 Sale Sample 14.1 [INPUT] Approved John Doe EXTACHREFUND::::13514261::: 135145261 10455412 135145261 9.95 0 [OUTPUT] 27 TEST0 Page 57 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide TestHost Page 58 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide Check 21 Void Fields transaction name service Required Description X Check 21 only. X The 28 instructs Online Commerce Suite to process a VOID against a previous Check 21 Sale/Consumer Disbursement transaction. acctid X Five character alphanumeric Account ID assigned to the merchant. Use TEST0 for testing if you do not have an Account ID. Change to your Account ID for live transaction processing. subid Merchant Sub ID. If unsure whether you have one, leave blank. merchantpin The 32 character Merchant PIN code generated from the Online Merchant Center. When the Merchant PIN option has been enabled in the Online Merchant Center, transactions without a valid Merchant PIN will be declined with a decline response of DECLINED:1101150001:DECLINED historykeyid X The history id of the Sale transaction. orderkeyid X The order id of the Sale transaction. ipaddress Consumers IP address merchantordernumber Customers unique alpha-numeric number Check 21 Void Sample 15.1 [INPUT] Approved John Doe EXTACH:1104110104:::135128506::: 135128506 104532348 135128506 9.95 0 [OUTPUT] 28 TEST0 TestHost Check 21 Credit/Refund Fields transaction name service Required Description X Check 21 only. X The 29 instructs Online Commerce Suite to process a Credit / Refund of a previous Check 21 Sale transaction. acctid X Five character alphanumeric Account ID assigned to the merchant. Use TEST0 for testing if you do not have an Account ID. Change to your Account ID for live transaction processing. subid Merchant Sub ID. If unsure whether you have one, leave blank. merchantpin The 32 character Merchant PIN code generated from the Online Merchant Center. When the Merchant PIN option has been enabled in the Online Merchant Center, transactions without a valid Merchant PIN will be declined with a decline response of DECLINED:1101150001:DECLINED amount X Transaction dollar amount in US dollars in the form of 1.00. It will default to original Sale amount if its not defined. historykeyid X The history ID of the Sale transaction. orderkeyid X The order id of the Sale transaction. ipaddress Consumers IP address merchantordernumber Customers unique alpha-numeric number Check 21 Credit/Refund Sample 16.1 [INPUT] Approved John Doe EXTACHVOID::::13514261::: 135145261 10455412 Page 59 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide135145261 0 [OUTPUT] Page 60 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide 29 TEST0 TestHost Page 61 3rd Party Check Processing Service Providers The following tables describe required and optional data elements that can be sent to the Merchant Partners gateway to complete a transaction. External ACH Sale Fields transaction name service acctid subid ckname ckaba ckacct ckno ckaccttypedesc ckaccttype cktype merchantpin amount currencycode verificationflag dlnum ssnum billaddr1 billaddr2 billcity billstate billcity billzip billcountry shipaddr1 shipaddr2 shipcity shipstate shipzip shipcountry Required Description X ACH only X The 14 instructs Online Commerce Suite to process an Extended ACH SALE. X Five character alphanumeric Account ID assigned to the merchant. Use TEST0 for testing if you do not have an Account ID. Change to your Account ID for live transaction processing. Merchant Sub ID. If unsure whether you have one, leave blank. X First and Last Name X Routing number X Account number X Check number X One of the following: Personal Checking Personal Savings Business Checking Business Savings 1 = Checking Account 2 = Savings Account SEC code for transaction (WEB, POP, ARC, PPD, ICL, RCK, BOC, TEL) The 32 character Merchant PIN code generated from the Online Merchant Center. When the Merchant PIN option has been enabled in the Online Merchant Center, transactions without a valid Merchant PIN will be declined with a decline response of DECLINED:1101150001:DECLINED X Transaction dollar amount in US dollars in the form of 1.00. For CC it will default to $1 if not provided. Three-letter ISO4217 (refer to Appendix D) 1 = Activate Verification for the supplied info (drivers license number, SSN, phone, check number) Driver License Number Social Security Number The consumers billing address. The consumers billing address. The consumers billing city. The consumers billing state. The consumers billing city. The consumers billing zip. The consumers billing country. The consumers shipping address. The consumers shipping address. The consumers shipping city. The consumers shipping state. The consumers shipping city. The consumers shipping zip. Page 62 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide custom1 custom2 custom3 custom4 custom5 custom6 email memo ipaddress merchantordernumber recur_create recur_billingcycle recur_billingmax recur_start recur_amount 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) Consumer email address Comments associated to this profile Consumers IP address Customers unique alpha-numeric number Creates a recurring billing record for a consumer. Set recur_create=1 to create a recurring billing record. 0 = No Recurring Billing Cycle 1 = Weekly Recurring Billing Cycle 2 = Monthly Recurring Billing Cycle 3 = Quarterly Recurring Billing Cycle 4 = Semi-Annual Recurring Billing Cycle 5 = Annual Recurring Billing Cycle 6 = Bi-Weekly Recurring Billing Cycle 7 = Bi-Annual Recurring Billing Cycle 8 = Quad Weekly (28 day) Recurring Billing Cycle 9 = One Time Recurring Billing Cycle 10 = Daily Recurring Billing Cycle 11 = Bi-Monthly Recurring Billing Cycle Maximum number of times a consumers account is debited through recurring billing. For example, setting recur_billingmax =6 bills the consumer 6 times. -1 = Unlimited number of times 0 = No Recurring Billing Number of days after an initial payment where the consumer is debited on a recurring cycle. Amount the consumer is to be re-debited on the recurring cycle. Do not use a dollar sign. External ACH Sale Sample 17.1 [INPUT] Approved John Doe EXTACHREFUND::::13514261::: 135145261 10455412 135145261 9.95 0 [OUTPUT] 14 TEST0 Page 63 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide TestHost Page 64 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide External ACH Consumer Disbursement Fields transaction name service acctid subid ckname ckaba ckacct Ckno ckaccttypedesc ckaccttype cktype merchantpin amount currencycode dlnum ssnum billaddr1 billaddr2 billcity billstate billcity billzip billcountry shipaddr1 shipaddr2 shipcity shipstate shipzip shipcountry custom1 custom2 custom3 custom4 custom5 custom6 Required Description X ACH only X The 15 instructs Online Commerce Suite to process an External ACH Consumer Disbursement. X Five character alphanumeric Account ID assigned to the merchant. Use TEST0 for testing if you do not have an Account ID. Change to your Account ID for live transaction processing. Merchant Sub ID. If unsure whether you have one, leave blank. X First and Last Name X Routing number X Account number X Check number X One of he following: Personal Checking Personal Savings Business Checking Business Savings 1 = Checking Account 2 = Savings Account SEC code for transaction (WEB, POP, ARC, PPD, ICL, RCK, BOC, TEL) The 32 character Merchant PIN code generated from the Online Merchant Center. When the Merchant PIN option has been enabled in the Online Merchant Center, transactions without a valid Merchant PIN will be declined with a decline response of DECLINED:1101150001:DECLINED X Transaction dollar amount in US dollars in the form of 1.00. For CC it will default to $1 if not provided. Three-letter ISO4217 (refer to Appendix D) Driver License Number Social Security Number The consumers billing address. The consumers billing address. The consumers billing city. The consumers billing state. The consumers billing city. The consumers billing zip. The consumers billing country. The consumers shipping address. The consumers shipping address. The consumers shipping city. The consumers shipping state. The consumers shipping city. The consumers shipping zip. 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) Page 65 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide email memo ipaddress merchantordernumber recur_create recur_billingcycle recur_billingmax recur_start recur_amount Consumer email address Comments associated to this profile Consumers IP address Customers unique alpha-numeric number Creates a recurring billing record for a consumer. Set recur_create=1 to create a recurring billing record. 0 = No Recurring Billing Cycle 1 = Weekly Recurring Billing Cycle 2 = Monthly Recurring Billing Cycle 3 = Quarterly Recurring Billing Cycle 4 = Semi-Annual Recurring Billing Cycle 5 = Annual Recurring Billing Cycle 6 = Bi-Weekly Recurring Billing Cycle 7 = Bi-Annual Recurring Billing Cycle 8 = Quad Weekly (28 day) Recurring Billing Cycle 9 = One Time Recurring Billing Cycle 10 = Daily Recurring Billing Cycle 11 = Bi-Monthly Recurring Billing Cycle Maximum number of times a consumers account is debited through recurring billing. For example, setting recur_billingmax = 6 bills the consumer 6 times. -1 = Unlimited number of times 0 = No Recurring Billing Number of days after an initial payment where the consumer is debited on a recurring cycle. Amount the consumer is to be re-debited on the recurring cycle. Do not use a dollar sign. External ACH Consumer Disbursement Sample 18.1 [INPUT] Approved John Doe EXTACH:1104110104:::135128506::: 135128506 104532348 135128506 9.95 0 [OUTPUT] 15 TEST0 Page 66 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide TestHost Page 67 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide External ACH Credit/Refund Fields transaction name service Required Description X ACH only X The 16 instructs Online Commerce Suite to process a Credit / Refund of a previous Extended ACH Sale transaction. acctid X Five character alphanumeric Account ID assigned to the merchant. Use TEST0 for testing if you do not have an Account ID. Change to your Account ID for live transaction processing. subid Merchant Sub ID. If unsure whether you have one, leave blank. merchantpin The 32 character Merchant PIN code generated from the Online Merchant Center. When the Merchant PIN option has been enabled in the Online Merchant Center, transactions without a valid Merchant PIN will be declined with a decline response of DECLINED:1101150001:DECLINED amount X Transaction dollar amount in US dollars in the form of 1.00. It will default to original Sale amount if its not defined. historykeyid X The history ID of the Sale transaction. orderkeyid X The order id of the Sale transaction. ipaddress Consumers IP address merchantordernumber Customers unique alpha-numeric number External ACH Credit/Refund Sample 19.1 [INPUT] Approved John Doe EXTACHCREDIT:1104110251:::135128604::: 135128604 104532440 135128604 9.95 0 [OUTPUT] 16 TEST0 TestHost External ACH Void Fields transaction name service Required Description X ACH only X The 17 instructs Online Commerce Suite to process a VOID against a previous Extended ACH Sale/Consumer Disbursement transaction. acctid X Five character alphanumeric Account ID assigned to the merchant. Use TEST0 for testing if you do not have an Account ID. Change to your Account ID for live transaction processing. subid Merchant Sub ID. If unsure whether you have one, leave blank. merchantpin The 32 character Merchant PIN code generated from the Online Merchant Center. When the Merchant PIN option has been enabled in the Online Merchant Center, transactions without a valid Merchant PIN will be declined with a decline response of DECLINED:1101150001:DECLINED historykeyid X The history id of the Sale transaction. orderkeyid X The order id of the Sale transaction. ipaddress Consumers IP address merchantordernumber Customers unique alpha-numeric number External ACH Void Sample 20.1 [INPUT] Approved John Doe EXTACHREFUND::::13514261::: Page 68 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide 135145261 10455412 135145261 9.95 0 [OUTPUT] Page 69 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide 17 TEST0 TestHost Page 70 Transaction Retrieve The following tables describe required and optional data elements that can be sent to the Merchant Partners gateway to complete a transaction. Transaction Retrieve Fields transaction name service Required Description X Credit card or ach. X Service The 19 instructs Online Commerce Suite to Retrieve the last result of the transaction. acctid X Five character alphanumeric Account ID assigned to the merchant. Use TEST0 for testing if you do not have an Account ID. Change to your Account ID for live transaction processing. subid Merchant Sub ID. If unsure whether you have one, leave blank. merchantpin X The 32 character Merchant PIN code generated from the Online Merchant Center. When the Merchant PIN option has been enabled in the Online Merchant Center, transactions without a valid Merchant PIN will be declined with a decline response of DECLINED:1101150001:DECLINED ipaddress Consumers IP address merchantordernumber X Customers unique alpha-numeric number Transaction Retrieve Sample 21.1 [INPUT] Approved John Doe EXTACHVOID::::13514261::: 135145261 10455412 135145261 0 [OUTPUT] 19 TEST0 TestHost Page 72 Stored Profile The following tables describe required and optional data elements that can be sent to the Merchant Partners gateway to complete a transaction. Profile Add Fields transaction name service acctid subid ccname ccnum expmon expyear profileactiontype ckname ckaba ckacct ckno cktype cvv2 currencycode swipedata encryptedswipedata encryptedreadertype merchantpin amount billaddr1 Required Description X credit card and ach (if ach, check name, check ABA, check account is required) X The 7 action instructs Online Commerce Suite to add a stored payment method X Five character alphanumeric Account ID assigned to the merchant. Use TEST0 for testing if you do not have an Account ID. Change to your Account ID for live transaction processing. Merchant Sub ID. If unsure whether you have one, leave blank. X Consumer name as it appears on the credit card. X Consumers credit card number. Do not include spaces. If the 3DES encryption option has been enabled on the account, this value must be encrypted using the 3DES key assigned to the Account ID. Use the FRISK Configuration Options menu in the Online Merchant Center to view and configure the 3DES encryption option. X Expiration month (12) of the consumer credit card. X Expiration year of the consumers credit card in yyyy format X 0 - will validate the credit card with a $1.00 Authorization. If the Authorization is successful the card will be added to the vault. ACH and EXTACH payment types will only have basic validation performed on them before they are added to the vault. 1 - will run an Authorization of the amount requested. If the Authorization is successful the card will be added to the vault. The action is only allowed for credit cards. 2 - will run a Sale for the amount requested. If the Sale is successful the payment type will be added to the vault. 3 - will import the payment type to the vault and no other transaction will be run. (Note) Not passing or setting this name/value will default to "0". First and Last Name Routing number Account number Check number SEC code for transaction (WEB, POP, ARC, PPD, ICL, RCK, BOC, TEL) Credit card cvv2/cvc2 code Three-letter ISO4217 (refer to Appendix D) The swipe data from the magnetic strip on the back of a credit or debit card. Used for card-present transactions. The encrypted swipe data from the magnetic strip on the back of a credit or debit card. Used for card-present transactions. Format of this data depends on the device. Refer to Appendix E for string format. The value of this field depends on the encrypted swipe device used. This field has to be used if encryptedswipedata is used. 1 = Magtek (Most Magtek devices), 2 = Magtek IPAD, 3 = IDTECH, 4 = Ingenico iSC250,350 / iPP250,350. The 32 character Merchant PIN code generated from the Online Merchant Center. When the Merchant PIN option has been enabled in the Online Merchant Center, transactions without a valid Merchant PIN will be declined with a decline response of DECLINED:1101150001:DECLINED X Transaction dollar amount in US dollars in the form of 1.00. For CC it will default to $1 if not provided. The consumers billing address. Page 73 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide billaddr2 billcity billstate billcity billzip billcountry shipaddr1 shipaddr2 shipcity shipstate shipzip shipcountry custom1 custom2 custom3 custom4 custom5 custom6 email memo ipaddress merchantordernumber dlnum ssnum recur_create recur_billingcycle recur_billingmax recur_start recur_amount The consumers billing address. The consumers billing city. The consumers billing state. The consumers billing city. The consumers billing zip. The consumers billing country. The consumers shipping address. The consumers shipping address. The consumers shipping city. The consumers shipping state. The consumers shipping city. The consumers shipping zip. 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) Consumer email address Comments associated to this profile Consumers IP address Customers unique alpha-numeric number Driver License Number Social Security Number Creates a recurring billing record for a consumer. Set recur_create=1 to create a recurring billing record. 0 = No Recurring Billing Cycle 1 = Weekly Recurring Billing Cycle 2 = Monthly Recurring Billing Cycle 3 = Quarterly Recurring Billing Cycle 4 = Semi-Annual Recurring Billing Cycle 5 = Annual Recurring Billing Cycle 6 = Bi-Weekly Recurring Billing Cycle 7 = Bi-Annual Recurring Billing Cycle 8 = Quad Weekly (28 day) Recurring Billing Cycle 9 = One Time Recurring Billing Cycle 10 = Daily Recurring Billing Cycle 11 = Bi-Monthly Recurring Billing Cycle Maximum number of times a consumers account is debited through recurring billing. For example, setting recur_billingmax =6 bills the consumer 6 times. -1 = Unlimited number of times 0 = No Recurring Billing Number of days after an initial payment where the consumer is debited on a recurring cycle. Amount the consumer is to be re-debited on the recurring cycle. Do not use a dollar sign. Page 74 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide Profile Add Sample 22.1 [INPUT] Approved John Doe POST:TEST:::126476380::: TEST 126476381 Page 71 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide98452813 126476380 9.95 0 [OUTPUT] 7 TEST0 John Doe 1110 main st Los Angeles CA 90025 US John Doe 5454545454545454 Visa 05 2010 TestHost Page 76 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide Profile Sale Fields transaction name service acctid Required Description X credit card and ach. X The 8 instructs Online Commerce Suite to process an SALE. X Five character alphanumeric Account ID assigned to the merchant. Use TEST0 for testing if you do not have an Account ID. Change to your Account ID for live transaction processing. subid Merchant Sub ID. If unsure whether you have one, leave blank. userprofileid X userpofileid of the payment method last4digits X Last 4 digit of account number ckno Check number cktype SEC code for transaction (WEB, POP, ARC, PPD, ICL, RCK, BOC, TEL) cvv2 Credit card cvv2/cvc2 code currencycode Three-letter ISO4217 (refer to Appendix D) swipedata The swipe data from the magnetic strip on the back of a credit or debit card. Used for card-present transactions. merchantpin The 32 character Merchant PIN code generated from the Online Merchant Center. When the Merchant PIN option has been enabled in the Online Merchant Center, transactions without a valid Merchant PIN will be declined with a decline response of DECLINED:1101150001:DECLINED amount X Transaction dollar amount in US dollars in the form of 1.00. For CC it will default to $1 if not provided. billaddr1 The consumers billing address. billaddr2 The consumers billing address. billcity The consumers billing city. billstate The consumers billing state. billcity The consumers billing city. billzip The consumers billing zip. billcountry The consumers billing country. shipaddr1 The consumers shipping address. shipaddr2 The consumers shipping address. shipcity The consumers shipping city. shipstate The consumers shipping state. shipzip The consumers shipping city. shipcountry The consumers shipping zip. custom1 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) custom2 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) custom3 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) custom4 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) custom5 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) custom6 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) email Consumer email address memo Comments associated to this profile ipaddress Consumers IP address merchantordernumber Customers unique alpha-numeric number dlnum Driver License Number ssnum Social Security Number cardpresent 1 indicates the card was present dynamicdescriptor Page 77 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide cardpresentreader industrycode chargetypeamx roomrateamt checkindate checkoutdate purchaseid property extracharges recur_create recur_billingcycle recur_billingmax recur_start recur_amount fsa purchasecardlevel2 * This field will be passed all the way to the Consumers Credit Card statement. This is only available for TSYS. 1 indicates a card reader was present Industry Code One character value: "H": Hotel / "F": food(restaurants) / "R": Retail (*Only required for TCMP) Code indicating whether the primary charge is Lodging, Restaurant, or Gift Shop. One character value: 1 Hotel, 2 Restaurant, 3 Gift Shop Room rate dollar amount in US dollars in the form of 0.00. The date (yymmdd) that the guest checked in to the hotel The date (yymmdd) that the guest checked out of the hotel Hotel Folio number (25 characters alphanumeric) Prestigious property indicatory. Used by participants in Visa Prestigious Lodging Program. A transaction amount of $1 should be entered in the amount field if the merchant wishes the transaction to participate in the program. Number value: 500, 1000, or 1500 Extra charges 6 1-digit codes, each a partial or complete explanation of why charged amount differs from receipt cardholder received at checkout. Digit values: 0: no extra, 2: Restaurant, 3: Gift Shop, 4: Mini-bar, 5: Telephone, 6: Other, 7: Laundry. Example: "240000" indicates restaurant and mini-bar charges. Creates a recurring billing record for a consumer. Set recur_create=1 to create a recurring billing record. 0 = No Recurring Billing Cycle 1 = Weekly Recurring Billing Cycle 2 = Monthly Recurring Billing Cycle 3 = Quarterly Recurring Billing Cycle 4 = Semi-Annual Recurring Billing Cycle 5 = Annual Recurring Billing Cycle 6 = Bi-Weekly Recurring Billing Cycle 7 = Bi-Annual Recurring Billing Cycle 8 = Quad Weekly (28 day) Recurring Billing Cycle 9 = One Time Recurring Billing Cycle 10 = Daily Recurring Billing Cycle 11 = Bi-Monthly Recurring Billing Cycle Maximum number of times a consumers account is debited through recurring billing. For example, setting recur_billingmax =6 bills the consumer 6 times. -1 = Unlimited number of times 0 = No Recurring Billing Number of days after an initial payment where the consumer is debited on a recurring cycle. Amount the consumer is to be re-debited on the recurring cycle. Do not use a dollar sign. health care flag 0 is off 1 is on rxamount Qualified amount. pocustmerrefid Cardholders Customer ID or Reference Number for the Purchase Card. taxamount Total tax charged for the transaction. taxexempt 1 = a tax exempt purchase. 0 = a taxable purchase. Page 78 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide Profile Sale Sample 23.1 [INPUT] Page 75 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide Approved John Doe AUTH:TEST:::126476380::: TEST 126476380 98452812 5860346 126476380 1.0 5454 0 [OUTPUT] 8 TEST0 5860346 5454 9.95 TestHost Page 79 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide Profile Update Fields transaction name service acctid subid ccname ccnum expmon expyear userprofileid last4digits ckname ckaba ckacct ckno cktype cvv2 currencycode swipedata merchantpin amount billaddr1 billaddr2 billcity billstate billcity billzip billcountry shipaddr1 shipaddr2 shipcity shipstate shipzip shipcountry custom1 custom2 custom3 custom4 Required Description X Credit card and ach. X The 9 instructs Online Commerce Suite to Update a Profile X Five character alphanumeric Account ID assigned to the merchant. Use TEST0 for testing if you do not have an Account ID. Change to your Account ID for live transaction processing. Merchant Sub ID. If unsure whether you have one, leave blank. Consumer name as it appears on the credit card. Consumers credit card number. Do not include spaces. If the 3DES encryption option has been enabled on the account, this value must be encrypted using the 3DES key assigned to the Account ID. Use the FRISK Configuration Options menu in the Online Merchant Center to view and configure the 3DES encryption option. Expiration month (12) of the consumer credit card. Expiration year of the consumers credit card in yyyy format X userpofileid of the payment method X last4digits = Last 4 digit of account number. First and Last Name Routing number Account number Check number SEC code for transaction (WEB, POP, ARC, PPD, ICL, RCK, BOC, TEL) Credit card cvv2/cvc2 code Three-letter ISO4217 (refer to Appendix D) The swipe data from the magnetic strip on the back of a credit or debit card. Used for card-present transactions. The 32 character Merchant PIN code generated from the Online Merchant Center. When the Merchant PIN option has been enabled in the Online Merchant Center, transactions without a valid Merchant PIN will be declined with a decline response of DECLINED:1101150001:DECLINED X Transaction dollar amount in US dollars in the form of 1.00. For CC it will default to $1 if not provided. The consumers billing address. The consumers billing address. The consumers billing city. The consumers billing state. The consumers billing city. The consumers billing zip. The consumers billing country. The consumers shipping address. The consumers shipping address. The consumers shipping city. The consumers shipping state. The consumers shipping city. The consumers shipping zip. 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) Page 80 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide custom5 custom6 email memo ipaddress merchantordernumber dlnum ssnum 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) Consumer email address Comments associated to this profile Consumers IP address Customers unique alpha-numeric number Driver License Number Social Security Number Page 81 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide Profile Update Sample 24.1 [INPUT] Approved John Doe AUTH:TEST:::126476380::: TEST 126476381 98452813 5860346 126476380 9.95 5454 0 [OUTPUT] 9 TEST0 1111 main st 5860346 5454 TestHost Page 83 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide Profile Delete Fields transaction name service acctid subid userprofileid last4digits merchantpin Required X Credit card and ach. X X X X Description The 10 instructs Online Commerce Suite to delete a Profile. Five character alphanumeric Account ID assigned to the merchant. Use TEST0 for testing if you do not have an Account ID. Change to your Account ID for live transaction processing. Merchant Sub ID. If unsure whether you have one, leave blank. userprofileid of the payment method that needs update. Last 4 digit of account number. The 32 character Merchant PIN code generated from the Online Merchant Center. When the Merchant PIN option has been enabled in the Online Merchant Center, transactions without a valid Merchant PIN will be declined with a decline response of DECLINED:1101150001:DECLINED Profile Delete Sample 25.1 [INPUT] Approved John Doe AUTH:TEST:::126476380::: TEST 126476381 98452813 5860346 126476380 1.0 5454 0 Page 82 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide[OUTPUT] 10 TEST0 5860346 5454 TestHost Page 85 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide Profile Retrieve Fields transaction name service Required X Credit card and ach. X acctid X subid userprofileid last4digits merchantpin X X Description The 12 instructs the Online Commerce Suite to Retrieve the CC or ACH account numbers along with billing address. Five character alphanumeric Account ID assigned to the merchant. Use TEST0 for testing if you do not have an Account ID. Change to your Account ID for live transaction processing. Merchant Sub ID. If unsure whether you have one, leave blank. userprofileid of the payment method that needs update. Last 4 digit of account number. The 32 character Merchant PIN code generated from the Online Merchant Center. When the Merchant PIN option has been enabled in the Online Merchant Center, transactions without a valid Merchant PIN will be declined with a decline response of DECLINED:1101150001:DECLINED Page 86 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide Profile Retrieve Sample 26.1 [INPUT] Approved PROFILEDELETE:Success:::0::: 0 0 0.00 Page 84 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide 0 [OUTPUT] 12 TEST0 5860346 5454 testpin TestHost Page 87 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide Profile Credit Fields transaction name service acctid Required Description X Credit card and ach. X The 13 instructs Online Commerce Suite to process a Credit. X Five character alphanumeric Account ID assigned to the merchant. Use TEST0 for testing if you do not have an Account ID. Change to your Account ID for live transaction processing. subid Merchant Sub ID. If unsure whether you have one, leave blank. userprofileid X userpofileid of the payment method last4digits X Last 4 digit of account number. ckno Check number cktype SEC code for transaction (WEB, POP, ARC, PPD, ICL, RCK, BOC, TEL) cvv2 Credit card cvv2/cvc2 code currencycode Three-letter ISO4217 (refer to Appendix D) swipedata The swipe data from the magnetic strip on the back of a credit or debit card. Used for card-present transactions. merchantpin The 32 character Merchant PIN code generated from the Online Merchant Center. When the Merchant PIN option has been enabled in the Online Merchant Center, transactions without a valid Merchant PIN will be declined with a decline response of DECLINED:1101150001:DECLINED amount X Transaction dollar amount in US dollars in the form of 1.00. For CC it will default to $1 if not provided. billaddr1 The consumers billing address. billaddr2 The consumers billing address. billcity The consumers billing city. billstate The consumers billing state. billcity The consumers billing city. billzip The consumers billing zip. billcountry The consumers billing country. shipaddr1 The consumers shipping address. shipaddr2 The consumers shipping address. shipcity The consumers shipping city. shipstate The consumers shipping state. shipzip The consumers shipping city. shipcountry The consumers shipping zip. custom1 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) custom2 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) custom3 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) custom4 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) custom5 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) custom6 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) email Consumer email address memo Comments associated to this profile ipaddress Consumers IP address merchantordernumber Customers unique alpha-numeric number dlnum Driver License Number ssnum Social Security Number cardpresent 1 indicates the card was present cardpresentreader 1 indicates a card reader was present Page 88 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide industrycode chargetypeamx roomrateamt checkindate checkoutdate purchaseid property extracharges recur_create recur_billingcycle recur_billingmax recur_start recur_amount * Industry Code One character value: "H": Hotel / "F": food(restaurants) / "R": Retail (*Only required for TCMP) Code indicating whether the primary charge is Lodging, Restaurant, or Gift Shop. One character value: 1 Hotel, 2 Restaurant, 3 Gift Shop Room rate dollar amount in US dollars in the form of 0.00. The date (yymmdd) that the guest checked in to the hotel The date (yymmdd) that the guest checked out of the hotel Hotel Folio number (25 characters alphanumeric) Prestigious property indicatory. Used by participants in Visa Prestigious Lodging Program. A transaction amount of $1 should be entered in the amount field if the merchant wishes the transaction to participate in the program. Number value: 500, 1000, or 1500 Extra charges 6 1-digit codes, each a partial or complete explanation of why charged amount differs from receipt cardholder received at checkout. Digit values: 0: no extra, 2: Restaurant, 3: Gift Shop, 4: Mini-bar, 5: Telephone, 6: Other, 7: Laundry. Example: "240000" indicates restaurant and mini-bar charges. Creates a recurring billing record for a consumer. Set recur_create=1 to create a recurring billing record. 0 = No Recurring Billing Cycle 1 = Weekly Recurring Billing Cycle 2 = Monthly Recurring Billing Cycle 3 = Quarterly Recurring Billing Cycle 4 = Semi-Annual Recurring Billing Cycle 5 = Annual Recurring Billing Cycle 6 = Bi-Weekly Recurring Billing Cycle 7 = Bi-Annual Recurring Billing Cycle 8 = Quad Weekly (28 day) Recurring Billing Cycle 9 = One Time Recurring Billing Cycle 10 = Daily Recurring Billing Cycle 11 = Bi-Monthly Recurring Billing Cycle Maximum number of times a consumers account is debited through recurring billing. For example, setting recur_billingmax =6 bills the consumer 6 times. -1 = Unlimited number of times 0 = No Recurring Billing Number of days after an initial payment where the consumer is debited on a recurring cycle. Amount the consumer is to be re-debited on the recurring cycle. Do not use a dollar sign. Page 89 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide Profile Credit Sample 27.1 [INPUT] Approved PROFILERETRIEVE:Success:::0::: 0 0 0.00 0 5454545454545454 03/2009 [OUTPUT] 13 TEST0 5860346 5454 9.95 TestHost Page 90 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide Profile Import (Deprecated. Refer to Profile Add) Page 91 Stored Value Transactions The following tables describe required and optional data elements that can be sent to the Merchant Partners gateway to complete a transaction. Stored Value Supported fields (SV Sale / SV Add Value / SV Issue / SV Deactivate / SV Balance Inquiry) Fields transaction name service acctid subid ccname ccnum expmon expyear cvv2 currencycode swipedata encryptedswipedata encryptedreadertype merchantpin amount cashbackamount customerid billaddr1 billaddr2 billcity billstate billcity billzip Required Description X creditcard X 42 = SV Sale 43 = SV Add Value 44 = SV Issue 45 = SV Deactivate 46 = SV Balance Inquiry X Five character alphanumeric Account ID assigned to the merchant. Use TEST0 for testing if you do not have an Account ID. Change to your Account ID for live transaction processing. Merchant Sub ID. If unsure whether you have one, leave blank. X Consumer name as it appears on the credit card. Consumers credit card number. Do not include spaces. If the 3DES encryption option has been enabled on the account, this value must be encrypted using the 3DES key assigned to the Account ID. Use the FRISK Configuration Options menu in the Online Merchant Center to view and configure the 3DES encryption option. Expiration month (12) of the consumer credit card. Expiration year of the consumers credit card in yyyy format Credit card cvv2/cvc2 code Three-letter ISO4217 (refer to Appendix D) X The swipe data from the magnetic strip on the back of a credit or debit card. Used for card-present transactions. The encrypted swipe data from the magnetic strip on the back of a credit or debit card. Used for card-present transactions. Format of this data depends on the device. Refer to Appendix E for string format. The value of this field depends on the encrypted swipe device used. This field has to be used if encryptedswipedata is used. 1 = Magtek (Most Magtek devices), 2 = Magtek IPAD, 3 = IDTECH, 4 = Ingenico iSC250,350 / iPP250,350. The 32 character Merchant PIN code generated from the Online Merchant Center. When the Merchant PIN option has been enabled in the Online Merchant Center, transactions without a valid Merchant PIN will be declined with a decline response of DECLINED:1101150001:DECLINED X Transaction dollar amount in US dollars in the form of 1.00. For CC it will default to $1 if not provided. Transaction dollar amount in US dollars in the form of 1.00. Encrypted PIN pad data. Includes KSN data followed by the PIN data The consumers billing address. The consumers billing address. The consumers billing city. The consumers billing state. The consumers billing city. The consumers billing zip. Page 92 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide billcountry shipaddr1 shipaddr2 shipcity shipstate shipzip shipcountry dlnum ssnum custom1 custom2 custom3 custom4 custom5 custom6 email memo ipaddress merchantordernumber cardpresent cardpresentreader industrycode chargetypeamx roomrateamt checkindate checkoutdate purchaseid property extracharges recur_create recur_billingcycle * The consumers billing country. The consumers shipping address. The consumers shipping address. The consumers shipping city. The consumers shipping state. The consumers shipping city. The consumers shipping zip. Driver License Number Social Security Number 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) 32 char alphanumeric string for data storage (included in reports) Consumer email address Comments associated to this profile Consumers IP address Customers unique alpha-numeric number 1 indicates the card was present 1 indicates a card reader was present Industry Code One character value: "H": Hotel / "F": food(restaurants) / "R": Retail (*Only required for TCMP) Code indicating whether the primary charge is Lodging, Restaurant, or Gift Shop. One character value: 1 Hotel, 2 Restaurant, 3 Gift Shop Room rate dollar amount in US dollars in the form of 0.00. The date (yymmdd) that the guest checked in to the hotel The date (yymmdd) that the guest checked out of the hotel Hotel Folio number (25 characters alphanumeric) Prestigious property indicatory. Used by participants in Visa Prestigious Lodging Program. A transaction amount of $1 should be entered in the amount field if the merchant wishes the transaction to participate in the program. Number value: 500, 1000, or 1500 Extra charges 6 1-digit codes, each a partial or complete explanation of why charged amount differs from receipt cardholder received at checkout. Digit values: 0: no extra, 2: Restaurant, 3: Gift Shop, 4: Mini-bar, 5: Telephone, 6: Other, 7: Laundry. Example: "240000" indicates restaurant and mini-bar charges. Creates a recurring billing record for a consumer. Set recur_create=1 to create a recurring billing record. 0 = No Recurring Billing Cycle 1 = Weekly Recurring Billing Cycle 2 = Monthly Recurring Billing Cycle 3 = Quarterly Recurring Billing Cycle 4 = Semi-Annual Recurring Billing Cycle 5 = Annual Recurring Billing Cycle 6 = Bi-Weekly Recurring Billing Cycle 7 = Bi-Annual Recurring Billing Cycle 8 = Quad Weekly (28 day) Recurring Billing Cycle 9 = One Time Recurring Billing Cycle 10 = Daily Recurring Billing Cycle 11 = Bi-Monthly Recurring Billing Cycle recur_billingmax Page 93 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide recur_start recur_amount Maximum number of times a consumers account is debited through recurring billing. For example, setting recur_billingmax =6 bills the consumer 6 times. -1 = Unlimited number of times 0 = No Recurring Billing Number of days after an initial payment where the consumer is debited on a recurring cycle. Amount the consumer is to be re-debited on the recurring cycle. Do not use a dollar sign. Stored Value Transaction Sample [INPUT] Approved John Doe AUTH:TEST:::126476380::: TEST 126476381 98452813 5860346 126476380 9.95 5454 0 [OUTPUT] 42 Page 94 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide TestHost Stored Value Refund Fields transaction name service acctid subid merchantpin Required Description X creditcard X The 47 instructs Online Commerce Suite to process a Refund on a previous transaction. X Five character alphanumeric Account ID assigned to the merchant. Use TEST0 for testing if you do not have an Account ID. Change to your Account ID for live transaction processing. Merchant Sub ID. If unsure whether you have one, leave blank. The 32 character Merchant PIN code generated from the Online Merchant Center. When the Merchant PIN option has been enabled in the Online Merchant Center, transactions without a valid Merchant PIN will be declined with a decline response of DECLINED:1101150001:DECLINED Page 95 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide amount historykeyid orderkeyid ipaddress merchantordernumber X X Transaction dollar amount in US dollars in the form of 1.00. It will default to original Sale amount if its not defined. The history ID of the Sale transaction. The order id of the Sale transaction. Consumers IP address Customers unique alpha-numeric number Stored Value Refund Sample [INPUT] Approved 0 [OUTPUT] 47 Page 96 Batch Settlements The following tables describe required and optional data elements that can be sent to the Merchant Partners gateway to complete a transaction. Batch Settlement (Settlement a Single Batch Number) Fields transaction name service acctid subid merchantpin batchnumber cardidtype ipaddress merchantordernumber Required Description X creditcard X The 24 instructs Online Commerce Suite to process a Batch Settlement on a single Batch Number X Five character alphanumeric Account ID assigned to the merchant. Use TEST0 for testing if you do not have an Account ID. Change to your Account ID for live transaction processing. Merchant Sub ID. If unsure whether you have one, leave blank. The 32 character Merchant PIN code generated from the Online Merchant Center. When the Merchant PIN option has been enabled in the Online Merchant Center, transactions without a valid Merchant PIN will be declined with a decline response of DECLINED:1101150001:DECLINED X Batch Number of the Open Batch Consumers IP address Customers unique alpha-numeric number Batch Settle Sample [INPUT] 0 [OUTPUT] 24 Batch Settle All (Settles All Open Batches) Fields transaction name service acctid subid merchantpin cardidtype ipaddress Required X creditcard X X Description The 25 instructs Online Commerce Suite to process a Batch Settlement on a single Batch Number Five character alphanumeric Account ID assigned to the merchant. Use TEST0 for testing if you do not have an Account ID. Change to your Account ID for live transaction processing. Merchant Sub ID. If unsure whether you have one, leave blank. The 32 character Merchant PIN code generated from the Online Merchant Center. When the Merchant PIN option has been enabled in the Online Merchant Center, transactions without a valid Merchant PIN will be declined with a decline response of DECLINED:1101150001:DECLINED Consumers IP address Batch Settle All Sample [INPUT] Page 97 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide 0 Page 98 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide [OUTPUT] 25 Page 99 Transaction Results Field status accountname authcode historyid Description Approved or Declined. Name on the account. Authorization response: Refer to Appendix A. History id (Unique ID) for this transaction. Will be required for 2 step processes (Post/Capture, Refunds, etc). orderid Order id of original transaction. Will be required for 2 step processes (Post/Capture, Refunds, etc). refcode Identical to history id. total The total amount the transaction was processed for. merchantordernumber The Merchant Order Number used to process the transaction with. last4digits The last 4 digits of the account number. avsresult AVS response code. cvv2result CVV2 response code. duplicate Default is 0. 1=Duplicate transaction detected. The results of the original transaction will be returned. paytype Type of payment used (Visa, Amex, Check, etc). userprofileid (Profile Only). The User Profile ID (Unique ID) assigned to the Profile. Required for subsequent Profile transactions. recurprice (Recurring Only). The recurring amount. recurcycle (Recurring Only). The recurring billing cycle. nextbillingdate (Recurring Only). The recurring next billing date. recurprice (Recurring Only). The recurring amount. ccnum_decrypt (Profile Retrieve Only). The decrypted credit card number. expdate_decrypt (Profile Retrieve Only). The decrypted expiration date. billaddr1 (Profile Retrieve Only). The Billing Address 1. billaddr2 (Profile Retrieve Only). The Billing Address 2. billcity (Profile Retrieve Only). The Billing City. billstate (Profile Retrieve Only). The Billing State. billzip (Profile Retrieve Only). The Billing Zip. billcountry (Profile Retrieve Only). The Billing Country. batchnumber (Batch Status Only). The batch number. opendate (Batch Status Only). The Date of when this batch was opened. closedate (Batch Status Only). The Date of when this batch was closed. lasttransactiondate (Batch Status Only). The Date of when the last transaction was processed for this batch. actioncode (PARTIAL AUTH only). This will contain a code for Partial Auth Transaction. The total value will reflect the approved Partial Amount. issuerscripttemplate1 71 - Contains proprietary issuer data for transmission to the ICC before the second GENERATE AC command issuerscripttemplate2 72 - Contains proprietary issuer data for transmission to the ICC after the second GENERATE AC command issueauthdata 91 - Data sent to the ICC for online issuer authentication Page 100 Appendix A: Transaction Authorization Specification. Credit Card Approval response format The transaction approval authorization response message consists of a string of eight fields delimited by the colon : character. Here is an example of the format of the complete approval message: AVSSALE: 123456:1234567890123:9:12345678: Y: AUTHNETSPECIFIC: M :PARTIAL The following table describes each of the fields returned in the approval response message. Transaction Approval Authorization Response Format Field Description Value Transaction Type Type of transaction submitted SALE AVSSALE AUTH AVSAUTH POST AVSPOST VOICEPOST VOID CREDIT Authorization Code The six digit authorization or approval Varies code provided by the authorizing network Reference Number Additional reference information provided Varies by the authorizing network Batch Number Batch settlement number in which this transaction is included Number Transaction ID Unique number assigned by the Online Commerce Suite to this transaction. Number AVS Result Code Result code generated by the Address Verification System. See Appendix B: AVS response codes Auth Net Specific Miscellaneous auth net message CVV2/CVC2 Result Code One character result code generated by the CVV2/CVC2 system PARTIAL AUTH Contains the ":PARTIAL" string if it's a Partial Auth See Appendix C: CVV2/CVC2 Response Codes (Auth Net Specific). The "total" will reflect the approved Partial Auth Amount and an "actioncode" will also be returned. Page 101 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide Credit Card Decline response format The transaction decline authorization response message consists of the string DECLINE followed by two fields delimited by the colon : character. Here is an example of the format of the complete approval message: DECLINED: 1234567890: TEXT RESPONSE The following table describes each of the fields returned in the approval response message. Transaction Decline Authorization Response Field Description Value Transaction Result Result of the transaction DECLINE Decline Code First Digit: 0 10 digit decline code. 1 2 3 Digits 2-10 Text Response Text message indicating the reason for the decline. Page 102 Varies Authorizing network declined the transaction Gateway declined the transaction Authorizing network returned an error, forcing a decline Gateway returned an error, forcing a decline Internal decline number Appendix B: AVS Response Codes The following table defines AVS response codes returned from the Address Verification System. Response Code Definition A Street addresses matches, but the ZIP code does not. The first five numerical characters contained in the address match. However, the ZIP code does not match. E Ineligible transaction. The card issuing institution is not supporting AVS on the card in question. N Neither address nor ZIP matches. The first five numerical characters contained in the address do not match, and the ZIP code does not match. R Retry (system unavailable or timed out). S Card type not supported. The card type for this transaction is not supported by AVS. AVS can verify addresses for Visa cards, MasterCard, proprietary cards, and private label transactions. U Address information unavailable. The address information was not available at the issuer. W 9 digit ZIP code matches, address does not. The nine digit ZIP code matches that stored at the issuer. However, the first five numerical characters contained in the address do not match. X Exact match (9 digit zip and address) Both the nine digit postal ZIP code as well as the first five numerical characters contained in the address match. Y Address and 5 digit zip match. Both the five digit postal ZIP code as well as the first five numerical characters contained in the address match. Z 5 digit ZIP matches, but the address does not. The five digit postal ZIP code matches that stored at the VIC or card issuers center. However, the first five numerical characters contained in the address do not match. FOREIGN CODES: B Street address matches for international transaction. Postal Code not verified due to incompatible formats. C Street address and Postal Code not verified for international transaction due to incompatible format. D Street address and Postal Code match for international transaction. P Postal Code match for international transaction. Street address not verified due to incompatible formats. Page 103 Appendix C: CVV2/CVC2 Response Codes The following table defines CVV2/CVC2 response codes returned from the credit card authorizing network. Response Code Definition Space CVV2 processing not requested M CVV2/CVC2 Match N CVV2/CVC2 not matched P Not processed S CVV2 should be printed on the card, but it was indicated that the value was not present U Issuer does not support CVV2 X Service provider did not respond Page 104 Appendix D: Country and Currency Code You must first verify that your credit card merchant account processor and the gateway support the currency code submitted prior to attempting any transactions other than those in "U.S." dollars. The following table defines the country, currency code, and the requirement of decimals in amount fields. "NONE" indicates that the decimal is not required when setting the amount. Country Currency Code United Arab Emirates AED Afghanistan AFN Albania ALL Armenia AMD Netherlands Antilles ANG Angola AOA Argentina ARS Australia AUD Christmas Island AUD Cocos (Keeling) Islands AUD Heard and McDonald Islands AUD Kiribati AUD Nauru AUD Norfolk Island AUD Tuvalu AUD Aruba AWG Azerbaijan AZN Bosnia and Herzegovina BAM Barbados BBD Bangladesh BDT Bulgaria BGN Bahrain BHD Burundi BIF Bermuda BMD Brunei BND Singapore BND Bolivia BOB Bolivia BOV Brazil BRL Bahamas BSD Page 105 Decimal NONE Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide Country Currency Code Bhutan BTN Botswana BWP Belarus BYR Belize BZD Canada CAD Democratic Republic of Congo CDF Liechtenstein CHF Switzerland CHF Chile CLP China CNY Colombia COP Colombia COU Costa Rica CRC Cuba CUP Cape Verde CVE Czech Republic CZK Djibouti DJF Denmark DKK Faroe Islands DKK Greenland DKK Dominican Republic DOP Algeria DZD Estonia EEK Egypt EGP Eritrea ERN Ethiopia ETB Andorra EUR Austria EUR Belgium EUR Cyprus EUR Finland EUR France EUR Germany EUR Greece EUR Ireland EUR Page 106 Decimal NONE NONE NONE Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide Country Currency Code Italy EUR Kosovo EUR Luxembourg EUR Malta EUR Monaco EUR Montenegro EUR Netherlands EUR Portugal EUR San Marino EUR Slovenia EUR Spain EUR Vatican EUR Fiji FJD Falkland Islands FKP British Indian Ocean Territory GBP Isle of Man GBP South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands GBP United Kingdom GBP Georgia GEL Ghana GHS Gibraltar GIP Gambia GMD Guinea GNF Guatemala GTQ Guyana GYD Hong Kong HKD Honduras HNL Croatia HRK Haiti HTG Hungary HUF Indonesia IDR Israel ILS Bhutan INR India INR Iraq IQD Page 107 Decimal NONE Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide Country Currency Code Iran IRR Iceland ISK Jamaica JMD Jordan JOD Japan JPY Kenya KES Kyrgyzstan KGS Cambodia KHR Comoros KMF North Korea KPW South Korea KRW Kuwait KWD Cayman Islands KYD Kazakhstan KZT Laos LAK Lebanon LBP Sri Lanka LKR Liberia LRD Lesotho LSL Lithuania LTL Latvia LVL Libya LYD Morocco MAD Western Sahara MAD Moldova MDL Madagascar MGA The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia MKD Myanmar MMK Mongolia MNT Macau MOP Mauritania MRO Mauritius MUR Maldives MVR Malawi MWK Mexico MXN Page 108 Decimal NONE NONE NONE NONE Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide Country Currency Code Malaysia MYR Mozambique MZN Namibia NAD Nigeria NGN Nicaragua NIO Norway NOK Nepal NPR Cook Islands NZD New Zealand NZD Niue NZD Pitcairn NZD Tokelau NZD Oman OMR Panama PAB Peru PEN Papua New Guinea PGK Philippines PHP Pakistan PKR Poland PLN Paraguay PYG Qatar QAR Romania RON Serbia RSD Russia RUB Rwanda RWF Saudi Arabia SAR Solomon Islands SBD Seychelles SCR Sudan SDG Sweden SEK Brunei SGD Singapore SGD Saint Helena SHP Slovakia SKK Sierra Leone SLL Page 109 Decimal NONE NONE Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide Country Currency Code Somalia SOS Suriname SRD São Tomé and Príncipe STD Syria SYP Swaziland SZL Thailand THB Tajikistan TJS Turkmenistan TMM Tunisia TND Tonga TOP Cyprus TRY Turkey TRY Trinidad and Tobago TTD Taiwan TWD Tanzania TZS Ukraine UAH Uganda UGX American Samoa USD Bermuda USD British Indian Ocean Territory USD British Virgin Islands USD East Timor USD Ecuador USD El Salvador USD Guam USD Haiti USD Marshall Islands USD Micronesia USD Northern Mariana Islands USD Palau USD Panama USD Puerto Rico USD Turks and Caicos Islands USD United States USD United States Virgin Islands USD Page 110 Decimal Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide Country Currency Code Uruguay UYU Uzbekistan UZS Venezuela VEF Vietnam VND Vanuatu VUV Samoa WST Cameroon XAF Central African Republic XAF Chad XAF Congo XAF Equatorial Guinea XAF Gabon XAF Anguilla XCD Antigua and Barbuda XCD Dominica XCD Grenada XCD Montserrat XCD Saint Kitts and Nevis XCD Saint Lucia XCD Saint Vincent and the Grenadines XCD Benin XOF Burkina Faso XOF Côte d'Ivoire XOF Guinea-Bissau XOF Mali XOF Niger XOF Senegal XOF Togo XOF French Polynesia XPF NONE New Caledonia XPF NONE Wallis and Futuna XPF NONE Yemen YER South Africa ZAR Zambia ZMK Zimbabwe ZWD Page 111 Decimal NONE NONE Appendix E: LineItems The following table defines how the LineItems is formated. Line items are delimited by a "|" (Pipe) and should look like: LineItem | LineItem | LineItem (Spaces added for readability) Each Line item can contain multiple Item Product Codes. Item Product Codes (IPC) are delimited by ";" (Semi-Colon) and should look like: IPC ; IPC ; IPC ; | IPC ; IPC ; IPC ; IPC (Spaces added for readability). Each IPC has a value that is delimited by ":" (Full Colon). A full example is of two line items with multiple Item product codes per line item is as follows: 512:450;513:1.0000;518:3.00000;510:3.00|512:950;513:1.0000;518:1.00000;510:1.00 Item Product Code Description Fleet Visa MCard 501 Alternate Item Number x 502 Debit/Credit Indicator x 503 Discount Amount; 9(6)v99 x 504 Discount Indicator x 505 Discount Per Line; 99v99 506 Extended Item Amount; 9(6)v99 507 Item Commodity Code x 508 Item Description x 510 Line Item Total Cost; 9(6)v99 511 Net/Gross Indicator 512 Product Code (See Appendix E-1) x x x 513 Quantity/Num Units; 9(3)v9999 x x x 514 Service Code/Level (See Appendix E-2) x 515 Alternate Tax Amount; 99v99 x 516 Tax Rate Applied; 99v99 x 517 Tax Rate Applied x 518 Unit Cost/Price; 9(6)v9999 x x x 519 Unit of Measure (See Appendix E-3) x x x 520 VAT/Tax Amount; 9(6)v99 x 521 VAT/Tax Rate; 99v99 x 522 Discount Rate; 9(6)v99 x x x x Product Code Description Not Used 001-099 001 x x Appendix E-1: Product Codes 000 x Fuels Unleaded Regular Page 112 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide 002 Unleaded Plus 003 Unleaded Super 004 Unleaded 4 005 Unleaded 5 006 Unleaded Methanol (5.7%) 007 Unleaded Plus Methanol (5.7%) 008 Super Unleaded Methanol (5.7% blend) 009 Unleaded Methanol (7.7%) 010 Unleaded Plus Methanol (7.7% blend) 011 Unleaded Ethanol (5.7%) 012 Unleaded Plus Ethanol (5.7%) 013 Super Unleaded Ethanol (5.7%) 014 Unleaded Ethanol (7.7%) 015 Unleaded Plus Ethanol (7.7%) 016 Methanol / Leaded 017 Ethanol / Leaded 018 Leaded 019 Regular Diesel #2 020 Premium Diesel #2 021 Diesel #1 022 Compressed Natural Gas 023 Liquid Propane Gas 024 Liquid Natural Gas 025 M-85 026 E-85 027 Unleaded / Reformulated 1 028 Unleaded / Reformulated 2 029 Unleaded / Reformulated 3 030 Unleaded / Reformulated 4 031 Unleaded / Reformulated 5 032 Diesel Off-Road (# 1 and #2 Non-Taxable) 033 Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Off-Road (Non-Taxable) 034 Biodiesel Blend Off-Road (Non-Taxable) 035 Ultra Low Sulfur Biodiesel Off-Road (Non-Taxable) 036 Racing Fuel 037 Super Unleaded Methanol (7.7%) Page 113 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide 038 Unleaded Methanol (10%) 039 Unleaded Plus Methanol (10%) 040 Dyed Diesel 041 Super Unleaded Methanol (10%) 042 - 044 Undefined Fuel 045 B2 Diesel Blend 2% Biodiesel 046 B5 Diesel Blend 5% Biodiesel 047 B10 Diesel Blend 10% Biodiesel 047 B11 Diesel Blend 11% Biodiesel 049 B15 Diesel Blend 15% Biodiesel 050 B20 Diesel Blend 20% Biodiesel 051 B100 Diesel Blend 100% Biodiesel 052 Ultra Low Sulfur #1 053 Ultra Low Sulfur #2 054 Ultra Low Sulfur Premium Diesel #2 055 Ultra Low Sulfur Biodiesel Blend 2% 056 Ultra Low Sulfur Biodiesel Blend 5% 057 Ultra Low Sulfur Biodiesel Blend 10% 058 Ultra Low Sulfur Biodiesel Blend 11% 059 Ultra Low Sulfur Biodiesel Blend 15% 060 Ultra Low Sulfur Biodiesel Blend 20% 061 Ultra Low Sulfur Biodiesel Blend 100% 062 - 098 099 Undefined Fuel Miscellaneous Fuel 100-149 Auto Products / Services 100 General Merchandise 101 Motor Oil 102 Car Wash 103 Oil Change 104 Oil Filter 105 Work Order 106 Anti-Freeze 107 Washer Fluid 108 Brake Fluid 109 Tires 110 Federal Excise Tax / Tires Page 114 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide 111 Tire Rotation 112 Batteries 113 Lube 114 Inspection 115 Labor 116 Towing 117 Road Service 118 Auto Accessories 119 Auto Parts 120 Preventive Maintenance 121 Air Conditioning Service 122 Engine Service 123 Transmission Service 124 Brake Service 125 Exhaust Service 126 Body Work 127 Automotive Glass 128 Synthetic Oil 129 Lamps 130 Wipers 131 Hoses 132 Tire-related (Wheel Balance, Valve Stem) 133 Repairs 134 Service Package 135 Automotive Parking 136 Truck Tank Cleaning 137 Other Lubricants 138 - 148 149 Automotive Fuel Additives/Treatment (injected) Miscellaneous Part/Services 150-199 Aviation Fuels 150 Jet Fuel 151 Aviation Fuel Regular 152 Aviation Fuel Premium 153 Aviation Fuel JP8 154 Aviation Fuel 4 155 Aviation Fuel 5 Page 115 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide 156 - 198 199 Undefined Aviation Fuel Miscellaneous 200-249 Aviation Products / Services 200 Storage 201 Aircraft Ground Handling 202 Aircraft Ground Power Unit 203 Aircraft Labor 204 Aircraft Work Order 205 Aircraft Maintenance 206 Aircraft Service 207 Transportation 208 De-icing 209 Ramp Fees 210 Catering 211 Hangar Fee 212 Landing Fee 213 Call Out Fee 214 Aircraft Rental 215 Instruction Fee 216 Flight Plans/ Weather Brief 217 Charter Fee 218 Communication Fee 219 Aircraft Cleaning 220 Cargo Handling 221 Aircraft Accessories 222 Pilot Supplies 223 Aircraft Parking Fee 224 Aircraft Tiedown Fees 225 Aircraft Sanitation Fees 226 Aircraft Fuel Additive 227 - 248 249 Undefined Aviation Miscellaneous Aviation 300-349 Marine Products / Services 300 Marine Services 301 Marine Labor 302 Marine Work Order Page 116 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide 303 Launch Fee 304 Slip Rental 305 - 348 349 Undefined Marine Services Miscellaneous Marine Service 350-449 Other Fuels 350 Kerosene - Low Sulfur 351 White Gas 352 Heating Oil 353 Bottled Propane 354 Other Fuel / Non-taxable 355 Kerosene - Ultra Low Sulfur 356 Kerosene -Low Sulfur (Non-Taxable) 357 Kerosene -Ultra Low Sulfur (Non-Taxable) 358 - 448 449 Undefined Miscellaneous / Other Fuel 450 - 599 Merchandise 450 General Merchandise 451 Cigarettes 452 Tobacco - Other 453 Pkg Bvgs / Non-alcoholic 454 Hot Dispensed Bvgs 455 Cold Dispensed Bvgs 456 Frozen dispensed Bvgs 457 Other Beverages 458 Ice 459 Packaged Ice Cream 460 Salty Snacks 461 Alternative Snacks 462 Sweet Snacks 463 Candy 464 Fluid Milk Product 465 Other Dairy 466 Juice 467 Edible Groceries 468 Non-edible Groceries 469 Perishable Groceries Page 117 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide 470 Publications 471 Undefined 472 Undefined 473 Healthy/Beauty Care 474 Beer (Alcoholic) 475 Beer (Non-alcoholic) 476 Wine 477 Liquor 478 Deli Sandwiches 479 Prepared Food 480 Deli Items 481 Food Service 482 Lottery (Instant) 483 Lottery (Online) 484 Lottery (Other) 485 General 486 Vendor Payment 487 Payroll Check 488 Gift Certificate 489 Refund Check 490 Official Check 491 Rebate Check 492 Dividend Check 493 Utility Check 494 - 502 Undefined 503 Store Services 504 Home Delivery 505 Prepaid Cards- Purchase 506 Prepaid Cards-Activation 507 Membership/Loyalty 508 - 599 Undefined 600 - 699 Reserved 900 - 949 Negative Transactions 900 Discount 1 901 Discount 2 902 Discount 3 Page 118 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide 903 Discount 4 904 Discount 5 905 Coupon 1 906 Coupon 2 907 Coupon 3 908 Coupon 4 909 Coupon 5 910 Lotto Payout (Instant) 911 Lotto Payout (Online) 912 Lotto Payout (Other) 913 Split Tender 914 Tax Discount/Forgiven 915 - 948 Undefined 949 Miscellaneous Negative 950 - 999 Administrative 950 Tax 1 951 Tax 2 952 Tax 3 953 Tax 4 954 Tax 5 955 Cash back 956 Cash back Fee 957 Fee 1 958 Fee 2 959 Fee 3 960 Fee 4 961 Fee 5 962 Miscellaneous Aviation Tax 963 - 999 Undefined Admin Appendix E-3: Service Codes Value Description F Full Service S Self Service N Mini Serve X Maxi Serve Page 119 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide O Other or Non-Fuel Appendix E-4: Measurement Codes Value Description C Case/Carton G Gallons K Kilograms L Liters P Pounds Q Quarts U Units Z Ounces X Undefined Appendix E-5: Default Dispenser Card Reader Pre-Auth Amounts and Cutoff Amounts Card Brand Pre-Auth Amount Cut Off Amount Visa $1.00 $75.00 MasterCard $1.00 $100.00 American Express $90.00 $90.00 Discover $75.00 $75.00 Gift Cards $75.00 $75.00 Wright Express $1.00 $150.00 Voyager $75.00 $75.00 Visa Fleet $1.00 $150.00 MasterCard Fleet $1.00 $150.00 Debit $50.00 $50.00 Fleet One $250.00 $250.00 FuelMan $50.00 Authorizer can return higher amount Appendix E-6: Fleet Card Partial Authorization and VoicePost Support Fleet Card Wright Express Description Partial Approval VoicePost Pay at Pump Magnetic Read No No Inside Console Magnetic Read No Yes Inside Console Manual Entry No Yes Page 120 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide Voyager MasterCard Fleet Visa Fleet Fleet One FuelMan Pay at Pump Magnetic Read No No Inside Console Magnetic Read No Yes Inside Console Manual Entry No Yes Pay at Pump Magnetic Read Yes No Inside Console Magnetic Read Yes Yes Inside Console Manual Entry Yes Yes Pay at Pump Magnetic Read Yes No Inside Console Magnetic Read Yes Yes Inside Console Manual Entry Yes Yes Pay at Pump Magnetic Read No No Inside Console Magnetic Read No Yes Inside Console Manual Entry No Yes Pay at Pump Magnetic Read No No Inside Console Magnetic Read No No Inside Console Manual Entry No No Page 121 Appendix F: P2P Encrypted Device Format The swipe data format is determined by the device type you are using. This section will give you the format of the string that you need to send through for a successful transaction Fields that are required for P2P Encryption: ENCRYPTEDREADERTYPE ENCRYPTEDSWIPEDATA There are 4 devices types we currently support: MAGTEK MAGTEK iPAD ID TECH INGENICO MAGTEK ENCRYPTEDREADERTYPE = 1 *NOTE: All delimiters ( | ) must be present. ENCRYPTEDSWIPEDATA = %B340100080000067^ANGEL/QA^1512000000000000000000000000000?;340100080000067=151200000000000000000?| 0600|167D00009B409DAB749018FF50DD5E2B31787B42D3E06C24657C4F02CEEDADCD5DB2A1B293869FA63C1674 B30ADAC21C7EECC14D0118154B6B7E93E950AEF434|601119A4857E1421475E8DDB32036E3E777EAB324A8788210 A3DFC88159184AE84B5251A904CD218||61401000|65B67D833B698002151B02CF75B69A45AA9E285C49BB4D8BD74 C9B18D5CD38BEE181F452100BF46B10EB552D5EE6844BEA6C59904A0F79DF|B1A8BD2061813AA|0AEA78882CE22 FA1|9502530000001720001B|947C||1000 Masked Track 1 Masked Track 2 Encrypted Track 1 Encrypted Track 2 KSN Working Example: %B4003000001006781^TEST/MPS^15120000000000000?;4003000001006781=15120000000000000000?|| 009EC855F2B7569A764161E185634EB18990AFF612C9DB8EF7B225D6F2FC1FCC9B1F02C6311471E9ECC0794D43892A E3|6FD276477FCFE75D0D392E0D7D4B04C7377098D49D2E9CE7F8390B3FA846C72FEE5E7FAAFBDFF2E||||||950253000 0001720001B||| Page 122 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide MAGTEK iPAD ENCRYPTEDREADERTYPE = 2 *NOTE: All delimiters ( | ) and field numbers with following (~) must be present. ENCRYPTEDSWIPEDATA = 0~IPAD100KB|24~98AE18020C1D110C|1~11|2~9B2B41DBD5CB767440BDB754E2EEF1FDDEC54439FDF64566B8EDF 7C29BBFB4F18573DF747E319239FFA1AE64D0ED6AF35581489EC9FCAE9A0667C0FF90A1AA13|3~DAB592BD02285 C2356A9E937AD08286FF11F63F877CA8E385E1744648FDC35322562B817715BAE83|4~|5~259A9E2A3ED9667B09BD2D B2F6FA81119B68CF11847C2A2DFEE9EEAB56D74943D6C6825DC83B634FADED81FEEB2F885A3C919C3E48895710| 6~%B340101005000067^ANGEL/QA^1512000000000000000000000000000?|7~;340101005000067=151200000000000000 000?|8~|9~00000000|10~000001|11~95025300000015200009|12~00000200| Masked Track 1 Masked Track 2 Encrypted Track 1 Encrypted Track 2 KSN ID TECH ENCRYPTEDREADERTYPE = 3 ENCRYPTEDSWIPEDATA = Standard Encryption 020A21001F3C2800%*3401*******0067^ANGEL/QA^*******************************?*;3401*******0067=**** *****************?*536AA70F64EA8277DE5AEAA62215BE0FB674B7AA88743AC164F1AF5CA0F2860B0CFA9CE B2DF8A233659D1A8F42292BCC5EB68EFC5C469F83B1923C611C4E172FF1D6DCE2AF02E1BEAAB6CC9AD2F3630 654123EF1ACA5D42A3AF4111A7B4A0AE4F000F9214B567F64B410C89630795C5025EECF7B558415894B14ED847E D168E23C5D81C4546687C01DB702E64C08B7CA6299490053000220001B741E03 Enhanced Encryption 6000D6801F2E1F00039B%*4446********7892^WORLDPAY/TEST^***********?*;4446********7892=***********?* E4B0EA21D841CED4C0177B700346B051D179EF2C70049B46EAF8FA2ACACB72D4560D9E5525CCEBF9681A277A152 2BF39B1D5695805970068BF6D8880FC2C774AA23F2BAA5437BD1B8C33F9A7B68FF683 62994996300024800010BE0312 Enhanced Encryption Flag If the enhanced encryption flag = 8 then 20 characters must precede Masked Track1 If the enhanced encryption flag = 0 then 16 Characters must precede Masked Track 1 HEX Track 1 Unencrypted Length Page 123 Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration Guide HEX Track 1 Unencrypted Length Masked Track 1 Masked Track 2 Encrypted Track 1+2 KSN *NOTE: any 6 characters have to follow after the KSN Working Example: 6000d6801f2e1f00039b%*4446********7892^WORLDPAY/TEST^***********?*;4446********7892= ***********?*8ef5dc98d3290f21a932addf8905464cee79724609f196a71fc0250d7630b1a0e7ecd9c9ff48f10e0bf84facf6af266 efb49482f6151af9283a675979e2b97f63b2e3778493d2119c0426dad2b78521b873376b4376c83cd9320c34febde68624d2f66f8 6b110cca59d2aca3eb5092a9f2e2d5781ab0531d6299499630002420003fRANDOM INGENICO ENCRYPTEDREADERTYPE = 4 *NOTE: All delimiters ( : ) must be present. ENCRYPTEDSWIPEDATA = %B340100000000067^ANGEL/QA^1512000000000000000000000000000?;340100000000067=151200000000000000000?: E67ABD5CBFACB959B4309674D51EC5FF8ECBCD47F72200DCC6C7FA7772DC1F4C042A019F1DB230A933142E1 81CD34D8F6F04BC5A444709CFD654CEA32E07E59D:FFFF9502530001400021: 935A04DBBDB15D413916784E1956A956BFC4894D74B18B69496787583395B431863A1727EA258A86: FFFF9502530001400022 Masked Track 1 Masked Track 2 Encrypted Track 2 KSN Working Example: %B4446660000007892^WORLDPAY/TEST^20120000000?;4446660000007892=20120000000?: 415CF12A802971571FE258DB71DD26A9F5DEAB545879C1338C2D4567CD4DA72C8913B0123B0A88BF3CF44 482446BF287:FFFF950253000C800095:91C96B173B41C9EFA57B6ACFCEC37236728AC2DDE17725DF3F73AF 500BA15C76:FFFF950253000C800096 Page 124 0
Source Exif Data:
File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.3 Linearized : No Encryption : Standard V1.2 (40-bit) User Access : Print, Copy, Fill forms, Extract, Assemble, Print high-res Page Count : 128 Page Layout : SinglePage Page Mode : UseOutlines Producer : htmldoc 1.8.27 Copyright 1997-2006 Easy Software Products, All Rights Reserved. Create Date : 2016:07:13 09:23:53 Title : Online Commerce Suite™ XML Integration GuideEXIF Metadata provided by