Manual LPS304
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LPS Series Linear Power Supplies OPERATION MANUAL /METER INTERNATIONAL CORP. 6 Floor, No. 59, Tsao-Dih Woei, Wan Shun Liao, Shen Keng Hsiang, Taipei Hsien, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel: 886-2-662-5093 ~5 886-2-662-5194 ~6 Fax: 886-2-662-5097 l CONTENTS ONE: 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Two: 2.1 2.2 2.3 GENERAL INFORMATION Introduction Safety considerations Accessories Output Isolation Specifications GETTING STARTED Fromt Panel Controls And Output Terminals LCD Display How To Set Voltage/Current THREE: OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS AND CONFIGUATIONS 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 Introduction Operating Ranges Load Consideration Connecting Multiple Loads Parallel Connection Operation Series Connection Operation Tracking Operation (LPS-304) Range Operation (LPS-30 l/302) FOUR: USER MAINTENANCE/SERVICE 4.1 4.2 FIVE: Fuse Replacement In Case Of Difficulties USING THE RS-232-C SERIAL INTERFACE 1. GENERAL INFORMATION 1.1 Introduction This section contains a general description of your power supply as well as its performance specifications. Information about options and accessories are also provided. 1.2 Safety Considerations DO NOT EXCEED INPUT RATINGS This instrument must be connected to a properly grounded receptacle to minimize electric shock hazard. Operation at line voltages or frequencies in excess of those stated on the data plate may cause leakage currents in excess of 5.0mA peak. SAFETY SYMBOLS WARNING The WARNING sign denotes a hazard. It calls attention to a procedure, practice, or the like, which, if not correctly performed or adhered to, could result in personal injury. Do not proceed beyond a WARNING sign until the indicated conditions are fully understood and met CAUTION A The CAUTION sign denotes a hazard. It calls attention to a procedure, practice, or the like, which, if not correctly performed or adhered to, could result in damage to or destruction of part or all of the product.. Do not proceed beyond a CAUTION sign until the indicated conditions are fully understood and met 1.3 Accessories Power cable Operation manual Fuse 1.4 Output Isolation The output of the power supply is isolated from earth ground. Either output terminal may be grounded or the output may floated up to +/- 240 Vdc (including output voltage) from chassis ground 1.5 Specifications Model LPS-302 LPS-303 LPS-304 30W 60W 90W 70W Single Single Single Triple LPS301 MAX. OUTPUT POWER OUTPUTS t OUTPUT VOLTAGE Output I Voltage Peak Output Voltage Setting Resolution OUTPUT CURRENT Output Current Peak Output Current Setting Resolution 30V/15V 30V/15V 32V/16V 32V/16V 3ov 10mV 10mV 10mV +/-30V 5V +/-32V 10mV 2A/1A 4A/2A 2.5A 1A 2.4A/l.2A 4.4A/2.2A 3A 1.2A 1mA 1mA ImA 1mA 1mV 1mV 1mV 2A 4 , CONSTANT VOLTAGE CHARACTERISTICS (at rated output) Line Regulation ( 0% AC) 1mV Load Regulation (100% load change) 5mV 2mV 2mV 2mV 2mV 10mV Ripple/Noise rms (1 0Hz to 20MHz) 1mV rms 1mV rms 1mV rms 1mV rms 2mV rms Ripple/Noise peak (1 0Hz to 20MHz) 1 0mV p-p 10mV p-p 1 0mV p-p 10mV p-p 1 0mV p-p Transient Response 30ms Temperature Coefficient I 100ppm/“c CONSTANT CURRENT CHARACTERISTICS (at rated output) I Line Regulation ( 0% AC) 2mA 2mA 2mA 2mA Load Regulation (100% load change) 5mA 5mA 5mA 5mA Ripple/Noise rms (1 0Hz to 20MHz) 1mA rms 1mA rms 1mA rms 1 Ripple/Noise peak (1 0Hz to 20MHz) 5mA P-P 5mA P-P 5mA p-p 5mA P-P Temperature Coefficient 200ppm/C I OTHER I Display 16 character x 2 line backlit LCD Voltage Accuracy * Current Accuracy * Common Mode Voltage Temperature Range Dimensions (WxHxL) Weight Cooling 40Vdc Operating: O’C to 40°C , less than 80% RH; Storage: -45°C to 75°C , less than 80% RH 8.7”x 3.4”x 8.7”x 3.4”x 8.7”x 3.4”x 8.7”x 3.4”x 11.8” 11.8” 11.8” 11.8” 12 lbs 10 lbs 12 lbs 12 lbs Forced Air *For output less than 5% of rated output, add 5 digits to the accuracy specification RS232 Interface: (optional) 1. RS232C DCE interface: 9 pin D-SUB connector 2. Port configuration: asynchronous 2400 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bits, no parity NOTE: 1. All RS232 command are case-nonsensitivity ASCII codes. 2. Use async framing 8 data bits, no parity bit , l stop bit. 3. Bit rate=2400bps 4. Every command string is terminated by CR or LF or BOTH (carriage return) 5. There is one command allowable in a command string 6. A command string enter before “OK” prompt will be reject & no function 7. STATUS opratin explanation: After a LPS accept A “STAUS” command, it will display a decimal number in ASCII Convert this decimal number to binary form. each bit indicate a action/status: bit 0: channel 1 o=cv l=CC bit 1: channel 2 o=cv l=CC bit 3,2: bit 4: 0 : digital output off 1: digital output on bit 5: 0: digtal output 5V l:digital output 3.3V bit 6: 0O: independent 10: tracking to channel 1 2 11 : tracking to channel O: output off 1: output on bit 7: 0=nothing 1 =digital output overload bit 8: O=fanoff 1=fan on bit 9: O=beeper function disbale l=beeper function enable bit 10: 0=CC output compensated off l=CC output compensated on Calibration For LPS 301-304 Equipment needed for calibration: DMM, such as Fluke model 46 or HP 3479A ---- Step 1: Simultaneously calibration Setp 2: Sept 3 : press ( -v-/-1- ; . \ -s-w / and i v i \- - - - / keys to enter mode. Measure the DC voltage from the positive channel output terminals (+ and COMl) with DMM, and then use the arrow keys to enter the measured value as the +V Lo, Repeat step 2. Enter the measured value as +V Hi. Sept 4: Measure the DC current from positive channel output terminals the DMM and enter the measured current value as +I Lo. Sept 5: Repeat step 4. Enter the measured value as +I Hi. (For LPS-304 Only) Sept 6: Measure the DC voltage from negative channel output terminals COMl) with the DMM, and enter the measured value as -V Lo. step Sept 7: Repeat Sept 8: Measure the DC current from negative channel output terminals the DMM and enter the measured current value as -1 Lo. Sept 9: Repeat step. completed.' NOTE: If Error #0002 with 6. Enter the measured value- as -V Hi.------- (- a; --with 8. Enter the measured value as -1 Hi. Calibration is appear on the LCD after inputting ca1ibration parameter please make sure all the calibration parameters are correct-and the re-enter them again.
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.3 Linearized : No Modify Date : 2001:04:08 22:26:14+02:00 Create Date : 2002:01:05 21:01:21+01:00 Creator : Acrobat 4.05 Capture Plug-in for Windows Producer : Acrobat 4.05 Scan Plug-in for Windows Page Count : 17EXIF Metadata provided by