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- About the manual
- 1 Overview
- 2 General information
- 3 Functions
- 3.2 Showing molecular structure and viewing orbitals / isosurfaces (0)
- 3.3 Outputting all properties at a point (1)
- 3.4 Outputting and plotting specific property in a line (3)
- 3.5 Outputting and plotting specific property in a plane (4)
- 3.6 Outputting and plotting specific property within a spatial region (5)
- 3.7 Custom operation, promolecular and deformation properties (subfunction 0, -1, -2 in main function 3, 4, 5)
- 3.8 Checking & Modifying wavefunction (6)
- 3.9 Population analysis and atomic charges (7)
- 3.9.1 Hirshfeld population (1)
- 3.9.2 Voronoi deformation density (VDD) population (2)
- 3.9.3 Mulliken atom & basis function population analysis (5)
- 3.9.4 Löwdin population (6)
- 3.9.5 Modified Mulliken population defined by Ros & Schuit (SCPA) (7)
- 3.9.6 Modified Mulliken population defined by Stout & Politzer (8)
- 3.9.7 Modified Mulliken population defined by Bickelhaupt (9)
- 3.9.8 Becke atomic charge with atomic dipole moment correction (10)
- 3.9.9 Atomic dipole moment corrected Hirshfeld charges (ADCH, 11)
- 3.9.10 CHELPG (Charges from electrostatic potentials using a grid based method, 12)
- 3.9.11 Merz-Kollmann charge (13)
- 3.9.12 AIM charge (14)
- 3.9.13 Hirshfeld-I population (15)
- 3.9.14 CM5 charge (16)
- 3.9.15 Electronegativity Equalization Method (EEM) (17)
- 3.10 Orbital composition analysis (8)
- 3.10.1 Output basis function, shell and atom composition in a specific orbital by Mulliken, Stout-Politzer and SCPA approaches (1, 2, 3)
- 3.10.2 Define fragment 1 and 2 (-1, -2)
- 3.10.3 Output composition of fragment 1 and inter-fragment composition by Mulliken, Stout-Politzer and SCPA approaches (4, 5, 6)
- 3.10.4 Orbital composition analysis by natural atomic orbital approach (7)
- 3.10.5 Calculate atom and fragment contributions by Hirshfeld or Hirshfeld-I method (8,10)
- 3.10.6 Calculate atom and fragment contributions by Becke method (9)
- 3.10.7 Evaluate oxidation state by LOBA method
- 3.11 Bond order analysis (9)
- 3.11.1 Mayer bond order analysis (1)
- 3.11.2 Multi-center bond order analysis (2, -2, -3)
- 3.11.3 Wiberg bond order analysis in Löwdin orthogonalized basis (3)
- 3.11.4 Mulliken bond order analysis (4) and decomposition (5)
- 3.11.5 Orbital occupancy-perturbed Mayer bond order (6)
- 3.11.6 Fuzzy bond order (7)
- 3.11.7 Laplacian bond order (8)
- 3.11.8 Decompose Wiberg bond order in NAO basis as atomic orbital pair contributions (9)
- 3.12 Plotting total, partial, and overlap population density-of-states (10)
- 3.13 Plotting IR/Raman/UV-Vis/ECD/VCD spectrum (11)
- 3.14 Topology analysis (2)
- 3.15 Quantitative analysis of molecular surface (12)
- 3.16 Process grid data (13)
- 3.16.0 Visualize isosurface of present grid data (-2)
- 3.16.1 Output present grid data to Gaussian cube file (0)
- 3.16.2 Output all data points with value and coordinate (1)
- 3.16.3 Output data points in a XY/YZ/XZ plane (2, 3, 4)
- 3.16.4 Output average data of XY/YZ/XZ planes in a range of Z/X/Y (5,6,7)
- 3.16.5 Output data points in a plane defined three atom indices or three points (8,9)
- 3.16.6 Output data points in specified value range (10)
- 3.16.7 Grid data calculation (11)
- 3.16.8 Map values of a cube file to specified isosurface of present grid data (12)
- 3.16.9 Set value of the grid points that far away from / close to some atoms (13)
- 3.16.10 Set value of the grid points outside overlap region of two fragments (14)
- 3.16.11 If data value is within certain range, set it to a specified value (15)
- 3.16.12 Scale data range (16)
- 3.16.13 Show statistic data of the points in specific spatial and value range (17)
- 3.16.14 Calculate and plot integral curve in X/Y/Z direction (18)
- 3.17 Adaptive natural density partitioning (AdNDP) analysis (14)
- 3.18 Fuzzy atomic space analysis (15)
- 3.18.0 Basic concepts
- 3.18.1 Integration of a real space function in fuzzy atomic spaces (1)
- 3.18.2 Integration of a real space function in overlap spaces (8)
- 3.18.3 Calculate atomic multipole moments (2)
- 3.18.4 Calculate atomic overlap matrix (3)
- 3.18.5 Calculate localization and delocalization index (4)
- 3.18.6 Calculate PDI (5)
- 3.18.7 Calculate FLU and FLU-π (6,7)
- 3.18.8 Calculate condensed linear response kernel (9)
- 3.18.9 Calculate para linear response index (10)
- 3.18.10 Calculate multi-center delocalization index (11)
- 3.19 Charge decomposition analysis and plotting orbital interaction diagram (16)
- 3.20 Basin analysis (17)
- 3.21 Electron excitation analysis (18)
- 3.21.1 Analyze and visualize hole-electron distribution, transition dipole moment and transition density (1)
- 3.21.2 Plot transition density matrix as color-filled map (2)
- 3.21.3 Analyze charge-transfer based on density difference grid data (3)
- 3.21.4 Calculate (r index to measure charge-transfer length (4)
- 3.21.5 Calculate transition dipole moments between all excited states (5)
- 3.21.6 Generate natural transition orbitals (NTOs) (6)
- 3.21.7 Calculate ghost-hunter index (7)
- 3.21.8 Calculate interfragment charge transfer in electronic excitation (8)
- 3.100 Other functions part 1 (100)
- 3.100.1 Draw scatter graph between two functions and generate their cube files
- 3.100.2 Export .pdb, .xyz, .wfn, .wfx, .molden, .fch, NBO .47 or input file of mainstream quantum chemistry codes
- 3.100.3 Calculate molecular van der Waals volume
- 3.100.4 Integrate a function in whole space
- 3.100.5 Show overlap integral between alpha and beta orbitals
- 3.100.6 Monitor SCF convergence process of Gaussian
- 3.100.7 Generate Gaussian input file with initial guess from converged wavefunction
- 3.100.8 Generate Gaussian input file with initial guess from fragment wavefunctions
- 3.100.9 Evaluate coordination number for all atoms
- 3.100.11 Calculate overlap and centroid distance between two orbitals
- 3.100.13 Calculate HOMA and Bird aromaticity index
- 3.100.14 Calculate LOLIPOP (LOL Integrated Pi Over Plane)
- 3.100.15 Calculate intermolecular orbital overlap
- 3.100.18 Yoshizawa's electron transport route analysis
- 3.100.19 Generate promolecular .wfn file from fragment wavefunctions
- 3.100.20 Calculate Hellmann-Feynman forces
- 3.100.21 Calculate properties based on geometry information for specific atoms
- 3.100.22 Detect π orbitals and set occupation numbers
- 3.100.23 Fit function distribution to atomic value
- 3.100.24 Obtain NICS_ZZ for non-planar system
- 3.100.25 Calculate area and perimeter for a ring
- 3.200 Other functions part 2 (200)
- 3.200.1 Weak interaction analysis for fluctuation environment by RDG method
- 3.200.2 Calculate atomic and bond dipole moments in Hilbert space
- 3.200.3 Generate cube file for multiple orbital wavefunctions
- 3.200.4 Generate iso-chemical shielding surfaces (ICSS) and related quantities
- 3.200.5 Plot radial distribution function for a real space function
- 3.200.6 Analyze correspondence between orbitals in two wavefunctions
- 3.200.7 Parse output of (hyper)polarizability task of Gaussian
- 3.200.8 Calculate (hyper)polarizability by sum-over-states (SOS) method
- 3.200.9 Calculate average bond length and average coordinate number
- 3.200.10 Output various kinds of integral between orbitals
- 3.200.11 Calculate center, the first and second moments of a real space function
- 3.200.12 Calculate energy index (EI) or bond polarity index (BPI)
- 3.200.13 Pipek-Mezey orbital localization
- 3.200.14 Perform integration within isosurfaces of a real space function
- 3.200.15 Calculate electron correlation index
- 3.200.16 Generate natural orbitals based on the density matrix in .fch/.fchk file
- 4 Tutorials and Examples
- Prologue and generation of input files
- 4.0 View orbitals and structure
- 4.1 Calculate properties at a point
- 4.2 Topology analysis
- 4.3 Plot properties in a line
- 4.4 Plot properties in a plane
- 4.4.1 Color-filled map of electron density of hydrogen cyanide
- 4.4.2 Shaded surface map with projection of localized orbital locator in a plane of monofluoroethane
- 4.4.3 Contour map of electron density Laplacian of uracil without contributions from some atoms
- 4.4.4 Contour map of electrostatic potential of chlorine trifluoride
- 4.4.5 Contour map of two orbital wavefunctions
- 4.4.6 Gradient+contour map with topology paths of electron density of hydrogen peroxide
- 4.4.7 Deformation map of electron density of acetyl chloride
- 4.5 Generate grid data and view isosurface
- 4.5.1 Electron localization function of chlorine trifluoride
- 4.5.2 Laplacian of electron density of 1,3-butadiene
- 4.5.3 Calculate ELF-α and ELF-π to study aromaticity of benzene
- 4.5.4 Use Fukui function and dual descriptor to study favorable site for electrophilic attack of phenol
- 4.5.5 Plot difference map of electron density to study electron transfer of imidazole coordinated magnesium porphyrin
- 4.5.6 Study electron delocalization range function EDR(r;d) of anionic water dimer
- 4.5.7 Study orbital overlap distance function D(r) of thioformic acid
- 4.6 Modify wavefunction
- 4.7 Population analysis and atomic charge calculation
- 4.7.1 Calculate Hirshfeld and CHELPG charges for chlorine trifluoride
- 4.7.2 Calculate and compare ADCH charges with Hirshfeld charges for acetamide
- 4.7.3 Calculate condensed Fukui function and condensed dual descriptor
- 4.7.4 Illustration of computing Hirshfeld-I charges
- 4.7.5 Calculating EEM charges for ethanol-water cluster
- 4.8 Molecular orbital composition analysis
- 4.9 Bond order analysis
- 4.10 Plot density of states (DOS)
- 4.11 Plot spectrums
- 4.11.1 Plot infrared spectrum for NH3BF3
- 4.11.2 Plot UV-Vis spectrum and the contributions from individual transitions for acetic acid
- 4.11.3 Plot electronic circular dichroism spectrum for asparagine
- 4.11.4 Plot conformational weighted spectrum for plumericin
- 4.11.5 Plot Raman spectrum for 2-methyloxirane based on Raman intensity
- 4.11.6 Simultanously plot multiple systems
- 4.12 Quantitative analysis of molecular surface
- 4.12.1 Electrostatic potential analysis on phenol molecular surface
- 4.12.2 Average local ionization energy analysis on phenol molecular surface
- 4.12.3 Local molecular surface analysis for acrolein
- 4.12.4 Fukui function distribution on local molecular surface of phenol
- 4.12.5 Becke surface analysis on guanine-cytosine base pair
- 4.12.6 Hirshfeld surface analysis and fingerprint plot analysis on urea crystal
- 4.12.7 Two tricks to reduce computational time in ESP analysis on vdW surface
- 4.12.8 Quantitative analysis of orbital overlap distance function D(r) on thioformic acid molecular surface
- 4.13 Process grid data
- 4.13.1 Extract data points in a plane
- 4.13.2 Perform mathematical operation on grid data
- 4.13.3 Scaling numerical range of grid data
- 4.13.4 Screen isosurfaces in local regions
- 4.13.5 Acquire barycenter of a molecular orbital
- 4.13.6 Plot charge displacement curve
- 4.13.7 Evaluation of electron density overlap
- 4.14 Adaptive natural density partitioning (AdNDP) analysis
- 4.15 Fuzzy atomic space analysis
- 4.16 Charge decomposition analysis and plotting orbital interaction diagram
- 4.17 Basin analysis
- 4.17.1 AIM basin analysis for HCN
- 4.17.2 ELF basin analysis for acetylene
- 4.17.3 Electrostatic potential basin analysis for H2O
- 4.17.4 Basin analysis of electron density difference for H2O
- 4.17.5 Calculate source function in AIM basins
- 4.17.6 Local region basin analysis for polyyne
- 4.17.7 Evaluate atomic contribution to population of ELF basins
- 4.18 Electron excitation analysis
- 4.18.1 Analyze hole-electron distribution, transition density, transition dipole moment, charge-transfer and so on for N-phenylpyrrole
- 4.18.2 Plot transition density matrix of large-size conjugated molecule as color-filled map
- 4.18.3 Analyze charge-transfer during electron excitation based on electron density difference
- 4.18.4 Generate and analyze natural transition orbitals (NTOs)
- 4.18.5 Plot transition dipole moment vector contributed by molecular fragments as arrows
- 4.18.6 Calculate interfragment charge transfer during electronic excitation for 4-nitroaniline
- 4.100 Other functions, Part 1
- 4.100.1 Visual study of weak interaction by RDG (NCI) and DORI method
- 4.100.4 Calculate kinetic energy and nuclear attraction potential energy of phosgene by numerical integration
- 4.100.8 Perform simple energy decomposition by using combined fragment wavefunctions
- 4.100.13 Calculate HOMA and Bird aromaticity index for phenanthrene
- 4.100.14 Calculate LOLIPOP for phenanthrene
- 4.100.15 Calculate intermolecular orbital overlap integral of DB-TTF
- 4.100.18 Yoshizawa's electron transmission route analysis for phenanthrene
- 4.100.19 ELF analysis on the promolecular wavefunction combined from fragment wavefunctions
- 4.100.22 Analyze ( electron character of non-planar system: cycloheptatriene
- 4.200 Other functions, Part 2
- 4.200.1 Visually studying weak interaction in molecular dynamics simulation by aRDG method
- 4.200.4 Study iso-chemical shielding surface (ICSS) and magnetic shielding distribution for benzene
- 4.200.5 Plot radial distribution function of electron density
- 4.200.8 Calculate polarizability and hyperpolarizability for NH3 via sum-over-states (SOS) method
- 4.200.12 Calculate energy index (EI) and bond polarity index (BPI)
- 4.200.13 Localizing molecular orbital of 1,3-butadiene by Pipek-Mezey method
- 4.200.14 Integrate real space function within reduced density gradient (RDG) isosurfaces to study weak interaction
- 4.A Special topics and advanced tutorials
- 4.A.1 Study variation of electronic structure along IRC path
- 4.A.2 Calculate spin population
- 4.A.3 Study aromaticity
- 4.A.4 Predict reactive sites
- 4.A.5 Study weak interactions
- 4.A.6 Calculate odd electron density and local electron correlation function
- 4.A.7 Plot (hyper)polarizability density
- 4.A.8 Analyze higher level of wavefunction than CCSD
- 5 Skills
- Appendix