NOS_2_Analysis_Handbook_Ref_60459300M_Dec88_Part_2 NOS 2 Analysis Handbook Ref 60459300M Dec88 Part
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*PROC Directive Parameter Description tyi Record type of routine: R e c o r d Ty p e D e s c r i p t i o n A B S C P U m u l t i p l e e n t r y p o i n t o v e r l a y. OVL PP CPU PP o v e r l a y. absolute. REL Relocatable CPU routine. If a record type other than ABS, OVL, PP, or REL is specified, the run is aborted. reci Record name of routine. A routine is allowed on only one alternate system device. Additional qualifications: • Once a routine is placed on an alternate system device, SYSEDIT may be used to prohibit access to the routine; however, the space for that routine is not released until LIBDECK is modified and the system is reloaded. • If extended memory is an alternate system device, all ABS, OVL, or REL routines residing there will be loaded from extended memory directly to the load address. • If DDP is available, PP programs residing in extended memory will be loaded using DDP, and CPU programs will be loaded using the CPU access to extended memory. *PROC Directive The *PROC directive identifies a record as a procedure. It can be treated as any command, with parameters as required by the procedure itself. Further information on procedure creation and execution can be found in the NOS Version 2 Reference Set, Volumes 2 and 3. The format of the directive is: *PROC,reci,rec2,...,recn Parameter Description reci Record name of routine to be defined as a procedure file. 0ms 0$ms Revision M SYSEDIT 19-5 *SC Directive *SC Directive The *SC directive specifies the commands in a certain program that are to be processed in product set format rather than in NOS format (refer to the NOS Version 2 Reference Set, Volume 3). The format of the directive is: *SC,tyi/reci,ty2/rec2 tyn/recn Parameter Description tyi/reci Record type and record name of the routine to be processed in product set format. *FL Directive The * FL directive specifies the field length that routines to be loaded require to begin execution. The format of the directive is: * F L , t y i / r e c i - f l i , t y 2 / r e c 2 - fl 2 t y n / r e c n - fl n Parameter Description tyi/reci Record type and record name of the routine. fli Field length divided by 1008 required by the routine. The actual field length obtained is subject to the rules governing RFL= and MFL= entry points, since the specified fli field is placed in the library directory. The system . uses this information to determine field length in the following manner: 1. If bit 11 is not set, an RFL= entry point is indicated. The field length is set to the value in the entry. 2. If bit 11 is set (indicating a value of 400000s), an MFL= entry point is indicated. The field length is determined in one of two ways: a. If bit 10 is also set, the field length is set to the maximum of the value of the last RFL command and the value in the entry after masking off these upper 2 bits. b. If bit 10 is not set, the field length is set to the maximum of the existing field length and the value in the entry after masking off these upper 2 bits. 19-6 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M */ Directive */ Directive The */ directive specifies comment lines that are listed on the output file. Other than being listed on the output file, comment lines are ignored. They can occur any place in the directives file or on LIBDECK. The format of the directive is: */ comment Parameter Description comment A comment line can contain any valid characters and be used for any purpose. ♦DELETE Directive The *DELETE directive deletes a record from the system. It cannot, however, delete a user library (ULIB type record). The format of the directive is: •DELETE, ty1/reci,ty2/rec2 tyn/recn or *D,tyi/reci,...,tyn/recn Parameter Description tyi/reci Record type and record name to be deleted from the system, tvi must not be ULIB. 0$m\. r Revision M SYSEDIT 19-7 *PILE Directive ~ *FILE Directive > The *FILE directive declares an additional file containing records to be added to the system or to logically replace records on the system. The format of the directive is: •FILE,filename or •FILE.fllename.NR Parameter Description filename Name of local file containing addition or replacement records to be placed on the system. File filename is rewound before processing if NR is omitted. NR Optional parameter that inhibits rewinding of file filename before processing. ♦IGNORE Directive The *IGNORE directive specifies that records on a replacement file are to be ignored. If no *FILE directive precedes an *IGNORE directive, SYSEDIT ignores the records named on this directive on the replacement file specified by the B parameter. If one or more *FILE directives precede an *IGNORE directive, SYSEDIT ignores the records on the file specified in the most recent *FILE directive. The format of the directive is: •IGNORE,tyi/reci,ty2/rec2,.. .,tyn/recn Parameter Description tyi/reci Record type and record name to be ignored on the current replacement file. *PPSYN Directive The *PPSYN directive specifies one or more names to be synonymous with the name of an existing PP routine. The format of the directive is: • ,name2,... ,namen Parameter Description name Name of existing PP routine. namei Additional (synonymous) name for name. ■'*s*% 19-8 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M Record Types Record Types The following record types may be specified in SYSEDIT directives. Ty p e D e s c r i p t i o n ABS Multiple entry point overlay. CAP Fast dynamic load capsule. OPL Modify old program library deck. OPLC Modify old program library common deck. OPLD Modify old program library directory. OVL Central processor overlay. PP Peripheral processor program. PPU Peripheral processor unit program. PROC Procedure record. REL Relocatable central processor program. TEXT Unrecognizable as a program. U L I B U s e r l i b r a r y. The system library contains a maximum of 62 ULIB type records. If more records are added, only the first 62 can be assessed. Revision M SYSEDIT 19-9 ^ f* System ISF Deadstart # ^ ^ File :— Initialization 20 20-1 Sequencing 20-4 v_- System File Initialization 20 This section describes the system mechanisms used to initialize the fast-attach files used by MODVAL, PROFILE, and RESEX. ISF The ISF command initializes the fast-attach system files VALIDUs, PROFILa, RSXDid, and RSXVid.1 A fast-attach file is a special direct-access file under user index 377777s that is initialized with the E parameter on the ISF command and released with the R parameter on the ISF command. However, in order to release a fast-attach file, an idle family situation must be present. That is, the job containing the ISF,R=filename command must be the only job in the family (family count is zero, and the direct-access file count equals the number of fast-attach files). Therefore, the DSD command IDLEFAMILY must be used to clear the system of all jobs. All current jobs and subsystems (such as maintenance jobs, MAGNET, and IAF) must be allowed to complete or be terminated. Refer to the family status display (E,F) in the NOS 2 Operations Handbook to determine when the above conditions have been met. The fast-attach file mechanism should be used by special system jobs for files that are to be retained as permanent files but have a high enough access rate to make permanent file ATTACHs excessively time-consuming. When a permanent file is activated as a fast-attach file, an entry in the system FNT is made that retains the basic data normally kept in the catalog entry and system sector of the file (interlocks and file name). This eliminates the catalog search and system sector read normally necessary to attach a permanent file. If the file is a shared (global) fast-attach file for a multimainframe network, additional information is also maintained in the fast-attach table on the link device. The type of file determines whether it is entered as global fast attach or local fast attach. This criterion is kept internal to ISF. Basically, VALIDUs and PROFILa are entered as global fast-attach files if they reside on a shared device. The resource files are always entered as local fast attach. A limit of 77s exists on the number of files that can be entered as global fast attach in a multimainframe environment. Because of the special nature of fast-attach files, a job containing an ISF command must be a system origin job. Processing the command causes a search of the system permanent file catalog (UI = 377777s) for files with the predefined names previously listed. They are defined in a table internal to ISF. The format of the ISF command is: SF,opt 1on,FM=fami 1yname,SJ=fllename,SP=fllename. 1. The resource files are generated and maintained separately for each machine id in a multimainframe or single mainframe system by appending the machine id to the file name (for example, RSXVid becomes RSXVAB on the machine with an id of AB). Revision M System File Initialization 20-1 ISF Parameter Description option Specifies whether to initialize or release system files. option Description E=filename System file that is initialized. If E=0 or no filename is specified (neither E nor R appear), all files defined in the ISF table are initialized (refer to table 20-1). R=filename Currently active system file that is released from fast-attach status. If R=0, all of the files in the ISF table for the specified family that are currently active are released. When this parameter is specified, an idle family situation (family count is zero, and the direct-access file count equals the number of fast-attach files) must first be created with the DSD command IDLEFAMILY. When the family is idle, the IDLEFAMILY command must be entered again so that the system will accept the ISF command. To release fast-attach system files, you must use this format of the ISF command: X.ISF(R=f1lename) Since initialization and release are mutually exclusive, E and R cannot appear on the same command. FM=familyname Family of devices. If FM is not specified, the calling job's current family is used. The calling job's family will be restored upon exit from ISF. SJ=filename Job file that ISF submits as a system origin job. The file must be an indirect-access permanent file stored under the system user index (377777s). If SJ is specified without = filename, ISF assumes SJ = SYSJOB. If SJ=0 is specified, no job is submitted. SP=filename Procedure file that ISF calls with system origin. The file must be an indirect-access permanent file stored under the system user index. If SP is specified without = filename, ISF assumes SP=SYSPROC. If SP=0 is specified, no procedure is called. ISF is automatically executed at each deadstart (refer to Deadstart Sequencing later in this section). This enables the use of SYSJOB and/or SYSPROC to SYSEDIT local modifications into the system. ISF can also be entered as a command from the console with the DSD X command or from any system origin job. 20-2 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M ISF 0$ms. The matrix in table 20-1 shows how the initialize (E) and release (R) parameters affect individual fast-attach files. Table 20-1. Initialize and Release Parameters of Fast-Attach Files Name of Fast-Attach System File Initialize (E) Parameter Release (R) Parameter VALIDUs PROFILa Make global fast-attach file. Return from fast-attach status to normal direct access. RSXDid RSXVid Make local fast-attach file. If the file does not exist in the system catalog (UI = 377777s), ISF creates the file and makes it a fast-attach file. The file is created with the backup requirement set to none (BR=N). This prevents PFDUMP from dumping the file. If either RSXDid or RSXVid is specified, ISF initializes both files. Return from fast-attach status to normal direct access. If either RSXDid or RSXVid is specified, ISF returns both files to normal direct access. r One use of the R parameter is to release fast-attach files activated on a device to be initialized or unloaded. Device initialization is not initiated as long as any directaccess files are active on the device (an activated fast-attach file is treated the same as an active direct-access file). Until these files are released, the system will reply to an attempted device initialization with the. error message: ACTIVE FILES ON DEVICE Similarly, a device cannot be unloaded until all its fast-attach files are released. 0$ms Revision M System File Initialization 20-3 Deadstart Sequencing Deadstart Sequencing /*^%l During a level 0 deadstart, a job is queued for input using the service class DSSC. This job executes the PP routine CMS, whose normal functions include mass storage initialization and recovery. After completing these functions, CMS checks its service class. If the service class is DSSC (indicating a deadstart sequencing call), CMS places one of the following ISF commands in its command buffer and causes the system to execute it. Command Description ISF,FM=0,SJ. Used for recovery deadstarts. ISF,FM=0,SJ,SP. Used for other deadstarts. The CMS deadstart sequencing job begins execution only after job processing has been enabled by the DSD AUTO or MAINTENANCE command. The job scheduler prohibits scheduling of all other jobs until the CMS job completes, thereby ensuring that all system files in the default family are initialized and that a SYSPROC procedure (if -m^ any) is executed before normal job processing begins (refer to ISF earlier in this section). NOTE Since the deadstart job (including SYSPROC commands) must complete before normal job processing begins, avoid using SYSPROC for unnecessary or time-consuming tasks. SYSJOB may be more appropriate for some tasks. Also, SYSPROC cannot use tapes since MAGNET is not available. If SYSPROC uses removable disk packs, they must be mounted and ready. 20-4 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M Tracer/Probe Utilities 21 Tracer Utility . , 21-1 TRACER Commands .', 21-4 ACPD Command 21-4 ENDCPD Command 21-5 ICPD Command 21-6 Output File Format 21-8 Summary File Format 21-19 Data Items Reported by TRACER 21-19 Fast Loop Items 21-22 Fast Loop Samples 21-22 PPs Active 21-22 Move Request Pending ....... 21-22 No PP Available 21-23 No CPP Available 21-23 EM Transfer in Progress 21-23 MTR Cycle Time 21-23 Monitor Mode — CPU0/CPU1 ., .... 21-23 Scheduler Active 21-24 Channel Reserved 21-24 Channel Active , 21-25 Channel Requested 21-26 Requests Pending .21-26 Buffered I/O Lists .;..... 21-26 Buffered I/O Channel Busy 21-26 CPU Usage 21-27 Subsystem CPU Usage 21-27 Medium Loop Items 251-28 Medium Loop Samples . 21-28 CPS in W Status .., 21-28 CPS in X Status 21-28 CPS in I Status , 21-28 Same Move Request 21-28 FL Available , 21-28 User EM Available 21-29 Noninteractive Jobs 21-29 Detached Jobs 21-29 Online Jobs .............. 21-29 Preinitial Job Step 21-29 Executing 21-29 Scheduler Rollout 21-29 SCP Rollin 21-29 SCP Rollout 21-29 Timed/Event Rollout 21-30 Interactive Rollout 21-30 Disabled Rollout 21-30 Suspended Rollout 21-30 Rollout File Error 21-30 EJT Entries in Use 21-30 FL at Control Points 21-30 FL at Pseudo-control Points 21-31 FL in Rollout Queue 21-31 EM Memory at Control Points 21-31 EM Memory at Pseudo-control Points ... 21-31 EM in Rollout Queue ... 21-31 Subsystem FL , ..... .. 21-31 Slow Loop Items ... .... 21-32 Slow Loop Samples ...21-32 IAF Users . ....... 21-32 IAF Pots Allocated ... .■ ...... 21-32 IAF Pots in Use ........... 21-32 Queue Files Assigned , .... 21-32 Input Files ;. 21-32 Print Files ... 21-32 Punch Files 21-32 Other Queue Files ... 21-32 QFT Entries in Use 21-33 Ta p e Drives in Use ... , 21-33 Tracks Available 21-33 CPPs Active 21-33 ISHARED Ta b l e Changes 21-33 ISHARED Device Updates 21-33 ISHARED Seek Time 21-33 ISHARED Updating Time 21-33 Statistical Summary -..*....,. '. 21-34 MTR Maximum Time 21-34 Direct Moves . 21-34 Worst Case MTR Cycle Time 21-34 Missed Clock Updates .,. 21-34 Extended Memory Moves .... 21-34 Central Memory Moves 21-34 To t a l Rollouts ...:... 21-34 Secondary Rollouts 21-34 To t a l Sectors Rolled ,,.... .,.. :, 21-34 Secondary Sec Rolled .— ..... 21-35 Rollouts/User Limits 21-35 Time Slices : 21-35 PP Priority Exchanges 21-35 No Comm Buffer Avail 21-35 No PCP Available ................-. .., ". 21-35 EJT Scans , 21-35 Schedulable Jobs 21-35 Jobs Preempted ...21-35 Jobs Scheduled 21-35 Scheduled No Constraints ....... ..... .......... 21-36 I n s u f fi c i e n t CM Scans 21-36 I n s u f fi c i e n t EM Scans 21-36 No Control Point Scans -,-. ... 21-36 PROBE Utility 21-37 '^\ Tracer/Probe Utilities The TRACER and PROBE utilities described in this section provide data for statistical analysis of the system. The data is used to determine where problems occur and where improvements in design might be made, and to perform system tuning. The TRACER utility monitors the system's activity and gathers data periodically. The PROBE utility traps and measures particular internal events in the system. Both utilities capture valuable data that may not be obtainable any other way. Tracer Utility The TRACER utility monitors these conditions: Channel activity by channel. Channel reserved. Channel requested. Requests pending. Number of active PPs. Number of active concurrent PPs. Buffered input/output list parameters. Buffered input/output channel busy. CPU use (idle, system, subsystem, system-related activity, or user activity). r Subsystem CPU use. Storage moves pending. PP saturation. Extended memory transfer in progress. MTR cycle time. CPUO or CPU1 is or is not in monitor mode. Same storage move request is pending. Control points in automatic recall (I) status. Control points in periodic or automatic recall (X) status. Control points in waiting (W) status. Amount of available memory. Amount of memory at control points by service class. Amount of memory in queue by service class. Amount of memory at control points by subsystem. Number of noninteractive jobs. Number of detached interactive jobs. Number of online jobs. Number of preinitial jobs by service class. Revision M Tracer/Probe Utilities 21-1 Tracer Utility • Number of executing jobs by service class. ® Number of jobs rolled out by job scheduler for each service class. ^ © Number of jobs rolled in or out by system control point processing for each service 1 class. Number of jobs in a timed/event rollout queue by service class. Number of jobs rolled out by interactive input/output processing for each service class. Number of disabled jobs rolled out by service class. Number of suspended jobs rolled out by service class. Number of jobs with rollout file errors by service class. Number of EST entries in use. Number of FNT entries in use. Number of EJT entries in use. Number of queued files assigned to jobs at control points. Number of input files by service class. Number of print and punch files by service class. Number of other queued files not assigned to jobs at control points. Number of QFT entries in use. Number of FOT entries in use. Number of control points in use. Number of pseudo-control points in use. Number of IAF active users. Number of IAF pots available. Number of IAF pots in use. Number of tape drives in use. Number of tracks available by mass storage device. Number of segment table reads. Number of missed clock updates. Number of extended memory moves. Number of central Number of all Number of rollouts to secondary rollout devices. memory moves. rollouts. Number of all sectors rolled. Number of sectors rolled out to secondary rollout devices. Number of rollouts/user limits. Number of time slices. Number of PP priority exchanges. Number of times communication buffer not available. Number of EJT scans. Number of schedulable jobs. Number of jobs preempted. 21-2 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M **% > Tracer Utility • Number of jobs scheduled. • Number of jobs scheduled with no constraints. • Number of insufficient CM scans. • Number of insufficient EM scans. • Number of no control point scans. • Number of ISHARED table changes. • Number of ISHARED device updates. • Amount of ISHARED seek time. • Amount of ISHARED updating time. The TRACER utility includes the following programs: Program Description ICPD A CPU program that initiates system monitoring by CPD. r CPD A PP program that monitors any of the system activities just listed. CPD is dedicated to a PP while it is monitoring system activity. Data is written to a direct access permanent file for future analysis. ACPD A postprocessor program that generates an output report from the direct access permanent file written by CPD. ENDCPD A CPU program that terminates system monitoring by CPD. A0S*S, 0sms. Revision M Tracer/Probe Utilities 21-3 TRACER Commands TRACER Commands TRACER commands are described next. ACPD Command ACPD reads the sample data file produced by CPD and generates reports, in both user-readable and machine-readable formats, for further analysis. The sample data file must be attached before ACPD is called. If ICPD is called with the M=A or M = M parameters, the sample data file can be accessed while CPD is still active. ACPD assumes a continuity of the sample data file. Therefore, the uncollected information during the time gap separating two consecutive files is assumed to be present, although the information is not reported. As a result, if the consecutive files on the sample data file are not in chronological order, ACPD terminates and issues an error message. Format: ACPD,Pi, Pi Description FN = datafile Name of sample file. Default is SAMPLE. This file is not rewound before or after processing. L=outfile Name of output file generated by ACPD. Default is OUTPUT. S=sumfile Name of machine-readable summary file generated by ACPD. If this parameter is omitted, no summary file is generated. If S is specified without sumfile, SUMMARY is assumed. IC=nn Select the report interval by specifying the number of CPD sample file records. This allows selection of report intervals of less than 1 minute. You can specify the report interval by using either the IC or IN parameter, but not both. IN = nn Time span of report interval, in minutes. Default value is 6 minutes. ACPD generates a report for each report interval. You can specify the report interval by using either the IN or IC parameter, but not both. LO = Z Report data items with zero values. Default is to suppress data items with zero values. N = nn Number of files on the sample data file to be analyzed and reported. Default is only one file processed. If N is not equivalenced, all files are processed until EOI is reached on the sample data file. The sample data file is not rewound before processing. BT=hhmmss Beginning time in the form hour minute second. If BT = hhmmss is specified, only data collected after this time on the date specified by BD=yymmdd is reported. If BT is omitted or no time is specified, BT=0 is assumed. s4'ssS. 21 -4 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M ENDCPD Command Description Pi ET=hhmmss Ending time in the form hour minute second. If ET=hhmmss is specified, only data collected before this time on the date specified by ED=yymmdd is reported. If ET is omitted or no time is specified, ET=0 is assumed. BD^= yymmdd Beginning date in the form year month day. If BD=yymmdd is specified, only data collected on or after this date is reported. If BD is omitted or no date is specified, the beginning date is the date of the current file on the sample data file. ED=yymmdd Ending date in the form year month day. If ED=yymmdd is specified, only data collected on or before this date is reported. If ED is omitted or no date is specified, but ET=hhmmss is specified, the ending date is the same as the beginning date. If neither ED nor ET is specified, ACPD terminates when the number of files specified by the N parameter are processed, or end-of-information is encountered, whichever happens first. ACPD begins by processing the command parameters. If the beginning time (BT) and beginning date (BD) are specified, ACPD first locates the correct file and then processing begins. Processing continues until the ending time (ET) and ending date (ED) are encountered, the number of files specified by the N parameter have been processed, or end-of-information is encountered, whichever happens first. If the BT and BD parameters are not specified, ACPD starts at the current position of the sample data file. The sample data file is not rewound before processing starts. ENDCPD Command The ENDCPD command terminates all CPD data gathering. Format: ENDCPD. Revision M Tracer/Probe Utilities 21-5 ICPD Command ICPD Command ICPD defines a mass storage file to which CPD will write statistical data and then initiates system monitoring by CPD. .A^S NOTE If you want the statistical data to include only data from the start of this TRACER run rather than an accumulation of data from the last deadstart, enter the command PROBE(OP=C,L=0) before entering the ICPD command so that the statistical data area of CMR will be cleared prior to the reporting done by CPD. Format: lCPD,p1,p2, Pi Description F L = fl Fast loop sampling frequency, in milliseconds, during which items such as PPs active and move request pending are sampled. Default is 5 milliseconds. ML=ml Medium loop sampling frequency, in milliseconds, during which items such as control points in I, X, and W status and field length available are sampled. Default is 100 milliseconds. SL=sl Slow loop sampling frequency, in milliseconds, during which items such as IAF users and tape drives in use are sampled. Default is 1000 milliseconds. FW=fw Snapshot loop sampling frequency, in seconds. Default "is 5 seconds. FN=filename Name of sample data file. Default is SAMPLE. ICPD will attempt to attach a direct access file by this name. If no file exists, it will be defined. If a file is found, ICPD will skip to EOI and write an EOF. CPD will then start writing data after the EOF. M=mode Permanent file mode for sample data file. Default is M=WRITE, mode can have one of these values: mode Description WRITE or W Sample data file attached in write mode. APPEND or A Sample data file attached in append mode. MODIFY or M Sample data file attached in modify mode. ^=^v 21-6 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M ICPD Command NOTE If the sample data file is attached in write mode, the file cannot be accessed until ENDCPD is run. If the sample data file is to be accessed while data is being collected, append or modify mode must be specified. In this situation, the file may be attached in read/allow modify (RM) mode. (Attaching the file in write mode rather than in modify or append mode expends less overhead when interlocking and writing the data file.) If a loop time is set to 0 (zero), no samples for that loop will be taken. If the data block sample time is set to 0 (zero), the data file will be written only when the sampling interval terminates. All numeric data should lie within the range 0 through 4095 (0 through 7777s). Revision M Tracer/Probe Utilities 21-7 Output File Format Output File Format The first three pages of the output report produced by ACPD contain the header block information. Next the data items are reported for fast, medium, and slow loop samples. The report ends with the snapshot data items. Figure 21-1 is an example showing the format of the output report. The example has been simplified and condensed to reduce the amount of output. Also, supporting text has been added to the example. Data items monitored at successive time intervals are listed in the same row. For each data item, the average, standard deviation, and percentage are listed in successive rows. Up to 10 intervals can be listed per page in successive vertical columns. If the output file contains more than 10 columns per row, the output report lists the first 10 columns for all rows of data items and then resumes listing subsequent intervals following the snapshot data items. The SUBTOTAL column contains the values of the data items for the time spanned by the preceding intervals on the current page; that is, the time spanned by the preceding /"!3% intervals is considered one interval. The TOTAL column appears after the last interval / reported and contains the statistical values of the data items for the entire run. The SUBTOTAL column is not listed if the subtotal data and total data are identical and would appear on the same page. In this case, only the TOTAL column is listed. The SUBTOTAL and TOTAL columns are not reported for the snapshot data items. The ♦MAX* and *MIN* columns appear at the end of the report and contain the maximum and minimum interval values of the data items for the entire run. The maximum and minimum interval values on each page are indicated by brackets and parentheses, respectively. The average is not reported for data items that have a weighting factor of 1, and the percentage is not reported for data items that have a weighting factor of 100, since this information is redundant. 21-8 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M Output File Format * c p d - vbi 9.1 cdc bethou opeiatihc system. SUXn D AT E S TA RT TUB 86/0S/2J. 23.50.13. KOS 2 yy/as/dd. ACPD coaaand paraaeter* (FN, IC, IN) CPD VEESION 9.1 PAST LOOP ItRBEVAL (KSBCS) 10 k s d i o h l o o p n m t E VA i . ( k s e c s ) 1 0 0 sum loop nrravAL (ksecs) iooo SNAPSHOT LOOP URIEVAL (SECS) 60 ICPD coaaend paraaeter* (PL, KL, SL, PW) ■D M B E B OP CPUS 1 most op ppus 20 nnnn op cpps 10 KEKOET SIZE / 100B 7777B USEE EM / 1000B 200B KAOtETlC TA P E OBITS * ludzce UCOVBET KIMEBB OP KACRXKE PCP-S 1001 LEVEL TUKIHAIS ID 0 0 4008 32 CPU USACE CATBCOEIES (CTCOL) (BANJUL TABLE LEKCTB (CTALL) LEKCTH OP AM EST BKTBT (ESTE) LEKOTB OP AN PIT EWXBYN-y12.358 0.000 0.000 0.000 _ 0.000 (0.001 )(8) 0.001 5.114 v-/(5.067) 0.000 0.000 0.105 0.076 0.010 0.262 7.781 £39.«0S3 The Interval ending time is shown at the 23.56.13 INTERVAL NOS 2 y y / a a / d d . h h . s a . s s . PA C E 4 23.58.12 00.00.12 00.02.13 INTERVAL INTERVAL INTERVAL 10525 4.987 0.118 24.933 0.000 0.067 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.105 0.372 0.008 0.012 8.603 0.000 0.000 0.006 7.333 10517 7.166 0.151 35.931 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.095 03.436) (0.000) 0.009 C13.6053 0.000 0.000 0.041 15.915 (0.000) 0.076 0.012 11.135 0.000 0.095 (0.003) 16.810 10528 10524 C7.70S3 4.552 CO.3633 0.238 (38.5383 22.760 0.000 0.000 CO.1243 0.048 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.209 0.162 0.412 0.372 0.013 0.007 0.003 (0.002) 10.961 8.200 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.022 0.019 C19.1363 7.091 0.036 3.776 0.033 12.914 0.000 0.095 0.059 19.718 00.04.12 INTERVAL 00.06.13 INTERVAL 00.08.13 00 : 1 8 I f fi _ ~ . INTERVAL SUBTOTAL (^5J \6) 10516 4.504 0.034 22.519 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 C0.0013 [0.2093 0.370 0.001 0.010 9.870 0.000 0.000 0.001 5.696 10507 4.250 0.021 21.250 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 CO.000) 0.086 (0.364) 0.004 0.002 8.376 0.000 0.000 0.001 5.605 10517 6.154 0.143 30.770 C0.0013 0.067 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.057 0.433 C0.0233 0.005 9.186 O.OOD 0.000 CO.0693 12.110 94633 5.539 1.261 27.693 0.001 0.035 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.125 0.392 0.029 0.020 9.895 0.000 0.000 0.057 9.246 0.001 0.095 0.016 25.217 0.000 (0.038) O.OQS (7.434) CO. 0683 C6.8983 C0.2753 33.625 0.034 1.250 D.16S 19.383 top ol each report coition. The report I n t e r v a l 1 * s p e c i fi e d by the IC or IN paraaeter of the ACPD command. T h e s a m p l i n g f r e q u e n c y f o r f a s t l o o p I t e m s I s s p e c i fi e d b y t h e T L p a r a m e t e r o f t h e I C P D c o e o s n d . R e t i l f a s t l o o p t t * a s that TRACER reports. er to table 21-1 for Fast loop Item* are described following the table. The statistics reported for each data Item are the average (AV), standard deviation (SD), end percentage (PC) for the report Interval. The SUBTOTAL column contains a summation o f e l l d a t a g a t h e r e d f r o n e l l l n t e r v i l i of etch page. This column Is not listed If the subtotal data and the total data are i d e n t i c a l and troul< appear on the esoe page. This example has 13 columns of Informstion for each rov of dat* ttcts. However the remaining caluims *r* listed at the end of the r e p o r t . only 10 coitions can be shown pe r psge, so The values enclosed in brackets are the maximum Interval values for each rov of dots items on each page. Refer to note 0*) . The value* enclosed In parentheses are the minimum I n t e r v a l values for etch row of date Items on each page. Kef er lo note ©■ Figure 21-1. Example of TRACER Output 21-12 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook (Continued) Revision M Output File Format y^^S (Continued) _ eeeeeeeeeee—«««»««««» (9) IDOP SJUtB.ES ^^ HEDIUR CPS IN M STATUS 0pS AV SD PC CPS IN X STATUS AV SD PC CPS IN 1 STATUS AV SD PC SANE NOVE REfiUEST SO PC AV FL AVAILABLE SD PC USER EH AVAILWLE AV SD PC NON INTERACTIVE JOBS AV SD PC AV DETACHED JOOS SD PC AV ON-LINE JOBS SD PC PRE-INIT1AL JOB STEP ST AV SD PX BC AV SD PC RB AV SD PC AV TS SD PC 1170 (0.225) 0.043 (0.805) (5.7B7) 0.020 (20.669) (0.067) (0.031) (0.238) O.OOO 0.000 [434703 (1.227) C61.H03 OB 0.000 0.000 (1.022) 0.136 (0.177) 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.174 .1175 0.339 0.144 1.209 6.452 0.014 23.043 0.130 0.016 0.465 0.000 0.000 42366 7.470 59.740 OS 0.000 0.000 2.096 (0.023) 0.364 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.174 1175 0.889 CO.3203 3.175 5.894 (0.003) 21.052 0.083 0.015 0.295 0.000 0.000 3363B 22.167 48.185 03 0.000 0.000 2.668 0.456 0.463 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.174 (1.000) (0.000) (0.174) (0.025) 0.025 (0.004) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 O.OOO 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.174 1.000 (O.OOO) 0.174 'O.OOO 0.000 . 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.001 0.001 0.174 0.684 0.125 0.119 O.OOO 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1173 1175 1.868 C2.4943 0.113 0.293 6.671 C8.9073 C6.CD23 6.078 0.044 0.101 Q4.2933 21.705 C0.18S3 0.177 0.004 0.005 CO. 6613 0.632 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2675D 2471B 82.904 C126.2103 39.794 36.213 03 OB 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 4.243 C6.S913 CQ.6193 0.139 0.737 C1.1441 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.174 0.174 1.029 0.029 0.179 1.166 0.166 0.202 0.000 0.000 O.OOO 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.174 C1.6653 0.335 C0.2893 O.OOO 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1175 1.699 (0.002) 6»067 5.906 0.009 21.091 0.091 0.011 0.325 '0.000 0.000 3017B 5.241 42.016 1173 1.282 0.134 4.579 5.827 C0.1903 20.811 0.075 0.002 0.268 0.000 0.000 33738 9.916 48.459 0.000 0.000 2.603 0.462 0.452 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.174 1175 2.085 0.122 7.446 6.080 0.162 21.714 0.09S 0.008 0.340 0.000 0.000 (2412B) 60.961 (34.957) 03 O.OOO 0.000 2.351 0.258 0.408 0.000 O.OOO 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.174 1.000 0.000 0.174 0.094 0.0*. 0.016 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.174 0.236 0.236 0.041 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 oa 0.000 0.000 2.191 0.033 0.380 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.174 1175 1.27B 0.137 4.566 6.079 0.159 21.712 0.141 CO.0753 0.505 O.OOO 0.000 314QB 117.505 44.173 03 0.000 0.000 3.598 0.178 0.625 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.174 10566 1.351 0.747 4.825 6.101 0.328 21.788 0.116 0.049 0.414 0.000 0.000 32508 337.642 46.143 03 0.000 0.000 3.O40 1.556 0.528 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.174 1.001 0.001 0.174 0.092 0.029 0.016 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 C1.3441 C0.3443 CO. 233) 0.462 CO.4623 0.080 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.042 0.157 0.181 0.603 0.582 0.105 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 oa (or medium loop Items is specified by the HL psraaecer of the ICPD cosaand. Refer to table 21-1 frequency ^(9J " ^ tThe o r aeaapllog ll medium l o o p i tem* thee TRACER reports. Hedium loop items are described following the t e b l e . Figure 21-1. Example of TRACER Output Revision M (Continued) Tracer/Probe Utilities 21-13 Output File Format 1 (Continued) _. easaeaeeseaeasas****** MO) SUM LOOP SANPLES IAF USERS AV SO P C IAF PDTS ALLOCATED AV SD IAF PDTS IN USE AV SD P C QUEUE FILES ASSIGNED AV SD PC INPUT FILES SY AV SO P C BC AV SD P C RB AV SD PC TS AV SO PC PRINT FILES ST AV SO PC BC AV SD PC RS AV SD PC TS AV SO PC PC 119 1.000 0.000 0.781 435.000 0.000 (193.000) (0.000) (42.418) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) 11 9 1.000 0.000 0.781 453.000 0.000 193.000 0.000 42.418 0.008 0.008 0.002 119 1.000 0.000 0.781 455.000 0.000 193.017 0.000 42.421 0.000 0.000 0.000 119 1.000 0.000 0.781 455.000 0.000 193.008 0.008 42.419 0.008 0.008 0.002 119 1.000 0.000 0.781 455.000 0.000 193.017 0.017 42.421 0.050 0.050 0.012 0.030 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 O.OOO 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 O.OOO 0.000 0.090 0.000 0.000 O.OOO 0.000 0.000 0.030 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 O.OOO 0.000 0.030 O.OOO 0.030 0.000 0.030 0.000 0.030 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 O.OOO 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.030 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 O.OOO 0.000 (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 O.OOO 0.000 0.000 0.000 O.OOO O.OOO 0.000 O.OOO 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 O.OOO 0.000 0.000 0.030 0.000 0.000 O.OOO 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 O.OOO 0.000 O.OOO 0.000 O.OOO 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.030 0.000 O.OOO C0.00J3 C0.00B3 C0.O023 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.030 0.000 0.030 0.000 0.030 0.000 O.OOO 119 1.000 0.030 0.781 455.030 0.000. Cl97.2973 C4.2973 C43.3623 0.000 0.000 0.000 119 0.781 455.000 0.000 193.000 0.000 42.418 0.000 O.OOO 0.000 119 1.000 O.OOO 0.781 455.000 0.000 193.000 0.000 42.418 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.030 0.000 0.030 0.000 O.OOO 0.000 0.030 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.030 0.000 0.030 0.000 0.030 0.000 0.030 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.030 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.030 0.000 0.030 0.000 0.030 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.030 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.030 0.000 0.030 0.000 O.OOO 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.030 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.030 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.030 0.000 0.030 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.004 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.030 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 O.OOO OJQOO 0.030 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.030 0.000 0.030 0.000 0.000 g frequency for slow loop items it specified by the SL peraaeter of the ICPD cososnd. v( i-o^) fTohre asl tl a p s ll ionw loop items that TRACER reports. Sl ow loop ltcos sr* described following the tsble. 11 9 1.000 0.000 0.781 455.000 0.000 193.000 0.000 42.418 C0.0923 CO. 0923 CO.0233 O.OOO Refer to tsble 21-'. Figure 21-1. Example of TRACER Output 21-14 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook 1071 1.000 0.000 0.781 455.000 0.000 193.462 1.967 42.524 0.018 0.046 0.004 (Continued) Revision M Output File Format (Continued) © •*•*»••••••»*»*••••»•» SNAP SHOT OF INS L (INOL) ■ (IN1L) • (IN2L) = (IN3L) = (IN4L) > (INSL) = (1H6L) * (IN7L) x © OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO 0200 oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo 0300 oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo 0200 oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo OBOO oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo 0000 OODO OOOO OOOO OOOO OOOO 0200 0200 oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo OOOO ' OOOO OOOO OOOO oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo 0200 0200 oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo 0200 0200 0200 oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo oooo Instslletlon ares from CMt The ssspllog frequency for snapshot loop Items Is specified by the FV persaecer of the ICPD command. Figure 21-1. Example of TRACER Output (Continued) 0IKS. Revision M Tracer/Probe Utilities 21-15 Output File Format /xtzm§s$\ (Continued) KIR HEN TUB WORST CASE MTR CXCLR TIKE MISSED CLOCK UPDATES EN MOVES CM MOVES DIRECT MOVES ROLLOUTS TO MS SECOVDABT ROLLOUTS SECTORS ROLLED TD HS SECONDARY SEC ROLLED ROLLOUTS/USER LIMITS TIME SLICES PP PRIORITY EXCHANGES 743 743 743 743 743 743 743 743 743 243 54 243 56 276 70 276 74 315 77 344 85 344 S O 344 96 377 97 6046 6100 7168 7240 7763 B862 10029 10119 10146 20 22 40 43 46 49 51 51 52 Statistical dst* sr«a from CKR no cam kipper avail NO PCP AVIALABU EJT SCANS SCaSBULABLS JOSS JOBS PREEMPTED JOBS SCEXOOUBD BCEXOUIED NO CONSTRAINTS INSUFFICIENT CH SCANS UUOmCISRT EH SCANS NO CONTROL POINT SCANS 112 114 190 334 714 761 786 797 646 1024 1171 1357 149S 1633 1793 1946 2101 2236 72 74 98 104 106 115 120 127 130 Figure 21-1. Example of TRACER Output 21-16 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook (Continued) Revision M Output File Format (Continued) SNAP SNOT OF CPTV -CPO OOOO 0104 oooo oooo - 7750 0104 7475 0005 7750 0104 7475 0005 7750 OOOO OOOO 1616 4124 1400 1672 5014 2000 OOOO OOOO 1752 4315 OOOO 0104 7475 0005 7750 OOOO 0104 7475 0005 7750 OOOO 0104 7475 0005 OOOO OOOO OOOO 1342 1115 4000 0003 1406 6704 1000 oooo 0340 1551 0300 0925 3020 0040 1741 0040 2131 0040 2321 0040 2511 0040 2701 OOOO 0362 OOOO 0417 7620 OOOO 0455 2120 OOOO 0512 4420 OOOO OBOO OOOO -1S05 3127 6415 OOOO OOOO OOOO 1505 3127 7015 OOOO OOOO OOOO 1505 3200 0014 OOOO OOOO 1505 3200 7*75 0005 7750 OOOO 0104 7475 0005 7750 OOOO 0104 OOOO OOOO 2072 7132 7000 OOOO 0040 0040 3261 0040 3451 OOOO OOOO 0605 1220 0642 3520 0677 6020 OOOO OOOO 1505 OOOO OOOO 1505 OOOO 3200 0414 3200 0615 7*75 0005 7750 OOOO 0104 7475 0005 7750 SNAP SHOT OF CPTV - CPN OOOO OOOO 11 4 1 5056 2400 oooo 2400 oooo 2120 4576 0400 OOOO OOOO 2163 CP sccusulstor aret from OCX 5100 6000 SNAP SNOT OF RTCL 5320 0547 6721 son oooo Real time clock area from CMR SNAP SNOT OF POTL oooo 1505 3127 6615 oooo 1505 3127 7214 0215 oooo 1505 3200 1015 Figure 21-1. Example of TRACER Output r Packed date/time area from CIR (Continued) r r Revision M Tracer/Probe Utilities 21-17 Output File Format (Continued) A C P D - VER 8.0 2 NOB INTERVAL CDC N E n O R K C P E R AT I N 6 S Y S T E M . N O S 2 3:18 KR e 3)T0TAL T?)«1tAX* FAST LOOP SAMPLES ^(tt) PPUS ACTIVE AV SD PC HOVE REQUEST PENDIN6 SD PC SD NO PPU AVAILABLE PC GN TRANSFER IN PROC SD PC HTR CTCLE TIME AV SD MONITOR NODE - CPU 0 SD PC MONITOR NODE - CPU 1 SD P C SCHEDULER ACTIVE SD PC CHANNEL RESERVED CH 12 SD P C CH 13 SD PC y y / n s / d d . h h . m a . s t . PA 6 E 3 0 J B / 0 5 / 2 5 TO 83/05/26 TSjeMIN* 94633 5.S39 1.261 27.693 0.001 O.CBS 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.12s 0.392 0.029 0.020 9.095 0.003 0.000 0.057 9.248 7.708 0.363 38.538 0.001 0.124 0.000 0.030 0.001 0.209 0.436 0.023 0.013 13.605 0.000 0.000 0.069 19.136 4.236 0.014 21.180 0.000 O.OOO O.OOO 0.030 0.000 0.048 0.364 0.030 0.002 7.S37 0.000 0.000 0.001 5.067 0.034 1.250 0.168 19.383 0.068 6.898 0.275 39.808 0.030 0.038 0.003 7.434 O2) These fast loop Items are the regaining columns from page 4 of the eutopic. Refer to note (bj. \ly The TOTAL column contains the total samples, average, etandsrd devistlon, end percentage for the entire ACPD run. Q£) The *MAX* column contains the Bsxlnuo lntsrval value for each row of preceding intervals for the entire ACPD run. Refer to note COn?) The •KIN* column contains the minlaum Interval value (or oaeh row of preceding Intervals for the entire ACPD run. Refer to note (fl). Figure 21-1. Example of TRACER Output 21-18 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M Summary File Format Summary FUe Format The machine-readable summary file has two types of records, the header block record and the data block record. An *EOR* separates consecutive records. The header block record contains the header data in an unpacked format. Each data block record is divided into two equal length parts. The first part contains the average values of the data items. The second part contains the corresponding standard deviations of the data items. Total and subtotal data and interval percentage data does not appear on the summary file. The loop sample times and snapshot data items have 0 standard deviations to simplify the summary file format. Data Items Reported by TRACER 0ms The data items reported by TRACER are described in the following paragraphs and are summarized in table 21-1. TRACER increments each item's counter when the item is in a given state, and periodically writes the contents of the counters to the data file for future processing by ACPD. When and how the counter for a given item is incremented is also discussed. Suggestions are given to help you determine system performance. Performance may be affected by several areas within the system; therefore, a full analysis should be done prior to making any changes. Table 21-1. Data Items Fast Loop Items Weighting Factor Fast loop samples PPs active Move request pending No PP available No CPP available EM transfer in progress MTR cycle time Monitor mode — CPUO Monitor mode — CPU1 Scheduler active Channel reserved Channel active Channel requested Requests pending Buffered I/O lists Buffered I/O channel busy CPU usage — CPUO CPU usage — CPU1 Subsystem CPU usage None Number of PPs available l 00' 00 Number of I/O buffers 1. The average value will not be reported if the weighting factor is 1. 2. The percentage value will not be reported if the weighting factor is 100. (Continued) Revision M Tracer/Probe Utilities 21-19 Data Items Reported by TRACER Table 21-1. Data Items (Continued) Medium Loop Items Weighting Factor Medium loop samples CPS in W status CPS in X status CPS in I status Same move request FL available None Number of control points Number of control points Number of control points 1 Available field length (machine size — CMR size) Available user extended memory field length Number of EJT entries Number of EJT entries Number of EJT entries Number of EJT entries Number of EJT entries Number of EJT entries Number of EJT entries Number of EJT entries Number of EJT entries Number of EJT entries Number of EJT entries Number of EJT entries Number of EJT entries Number of EJT entries Available field length Available field length Available field length User extended memory size/10008 User extended memory size/10008 User EM available Noninteractive jobs Detached jobs Online jobs Preinitial job step Executing Scheduler rollout SCP rollin SCP rollout Timed/event rollout Interactive rollout Disabled rollout Suspended rollout Rollout file error EJT entries in use FL at control points FL at pseudo-control points FL in rollout queue EM memory at control point EM memory at pseudo-control point EM in rollout queue Subsystem FL User extended memory size/10008 Available field length (Continued) 21-20 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M Data Items Reported by TRACER Table 21-1. Data Items (Continued) Slow Loop Items Weighting Factor Slow loop samples IAF users IAF pots allocated IAF pots in use Queue files assigned Input files Print files Punch files Other queue files QFT entries in use Tape drives in use Tracks available None Number of terminals defined 100 IAF pots allocated Number of QFT entries Number of QFT entries Number of QFT entries Number of QFT entries Number of QFT entries Number of QFT entries Number of available tape drives Maximum number of tracks for monitored device Number of CPPs available None None None None CPPs active ISHARED table changes ISHARED device updates ISHARED seek time ISHARED updating time Revision M Tracer/Probe Utilities 21-21 Fast Loop Items Fast Loop Items The following paragraphs describe fast loop items. Fast loop items are continuously changing, so they should be sampled frequently. Fast Loop Samples TRACER increments the fast loop samples counter each time the fast loop items are sampled. PPs Active TRACER increments the PP active counter for each active PP it finds when scanning the PP communication area. Disabled PPs (those turned off at deadstart time) are not considered active. An active PP is one that has a nonzero input register. MTR (PPO) and DSD (PPI) are always counted as active PPs. If this counter's percentage exceeds 80 percent and the no PP available counter is greater than 20 percent, you may need more PPs. Check the channel active counters for disks. If the disk channels range from 35 to 40 percent, you may not need additional PPs; instead, look at what is causing your disk channels to be so busy. If you can reduce their activity to below 30 percent, the percentages should also drop for the PPs active counter and the no PP available counter. Examine which PPs are dedicated. If the percentage of floating PPs is low (about 20 percent of the total PPs configured), you may need more PPs. Move Request Pending ^^) TRACER increments the move request pending counter whenever it determines, from word CMCL of CMR, that a storage move request is outstanding. If this counter's percentage ranges from 30 to 40 percent, the system is degrading. The following items could cause excessive storage movements. • Are subsystems at the highest or lowest control points? If not, NOS may be moving them up or down in memory frequently in order to satisfy other user job memory requests. If a subsystem like NAM is being moved, its users may experience slow response time since a subsystem cannot execute while it is moving in memory. • Try to stabilize the field lengths of your subsystems. For example, if TAF is not built correctly for your site's use, it may roll out and roll in quite often. Depending on your CM constraints, you may want TAF to roll out less frequently. You should evaluate each subsystem and place it at the correct control point. • Are some user jobs changing their field length excessively? For example, jobs that open and close many files repeatedly cause CMM to adjust the user's field length, which causes other job movement within memory. This may save on field length but takes resources from the sytem, which increases system overhead. This type of job should be changed to be more efficient. 21-22 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M Fast Loop Items No PP Available TRACER increments the no PP available counter each time it determines, from word PPAL of CMR, that there are no PPs available. The percentage for this counter should be examined with the percentage for the PP active counter. If the PP active percentage is low (less than 50 percent) but you have counts of no PPs available, it means that you have peaks in your work load and this may be acceptable. However, if the PP active percentage is high (from 80 to 90 percent) and you have counts of no PPs available, you may need more PPs. No CPP Available TRACER increments the no CPP available counter each time it determines, from word PPAL of CMR, that there are no CPPs available. EM Transfer in Progress TRACER increments the extended memory transfer in progress counter whenever the S/C register (maintenance register for models 865 and 875) indicates an extended memory transfer is active. This data is available for CYBER 170 Computer Systems except models 176, 815, 825, 835, 845, and 855. MTR Cycle Time yims TRACER increments the MTR cycle time counter by the cycle time for the last MTR cycle. This item indicates how fast MTR is completing one complete scan of all PP output registers and processing those functions present. The MTR cycle time should not exceed 0.5 seconds. If it does, MTR could miss updating the real time clock. Refer to MTR MXN TIME reported in the statistical data area from CMR (figure 21-1) for the worst case. Monitor Mode — CPU0ICPU1 TRACER increments the monitor mode counter for CPU0/CPU1 whenever the S/C register (maintenance register for models 865 and 875) indicates that the CPU0/CPU1 is in monitor mode. This data is available for CYBER 170 Computer Systems except models 815, 825, 835, 845, and 855. During monitor mode, the CPU is executing the code of CPUMTR, which performs NOS overhead. During program mode, CPUMTR is executing to perform a function that a user job requested and only CPUMTR has the capability or security to do. When the monitor mode counter reaches 20 percent for each CPU on a dual CPU configuration or 30 percent for a single CPU machine, you should examine the data provided by PROBE. PROBE reports each monitor request for both monitor mode and program mode. Examine the requests to determine what functions were called in excess. As a basis of comparison, use a PROBE report for which system performance was good and the monitor mode statistics were normal. 0m*, Revision M Tracer/Probe Utilities 21-23 Fast Loop Items Scheduler Active TRACER increments the scheduler active counter whenever it determines that the job scheduler (1SJ) is active. The job scheduler is considered active when the scheduler active flag in word JSCL is set. The job scheduler is called to process input queues and rollout queues. The scheduler searches all of the corresponding queues, starting with the last EJT or QFT entry scheduled to a control point. It schedules the highest priority jobs into execution. Queue length and decision processing determines the amount of time the scheduler spends. Limit the size of the queues to the amount shown in the EJT entries in use and the QFT entries in use statistics. If the scheduler active counter reaches 70 to 90 percent, you may notice problems. The reason is that 1SJ is called to process EJT entries or QFT entries, not both. For example, if 1SJ spends all of its time processing EJT entries, no input queue jobs are processed. In this case, interactive users entering the system for the first time will never get started. Also, excessive rollin/rollout because of central memory constraints or CM/CP time slice expirations could cause the scheduler to be busy. Examine the SERVICE parameters; you might have to do some tuning. Channel Reserved TRACER maintains a channel reserved counter for each available channel or concurrent channel and increments a counter whenever its channel is logically reserved by the operating system. TRACER samples the channel status table for this data. A PP program may have a channel reserved without actually using it to transfer data. This can cause a problem only if the channel has a high reserve percentage (from 80 to 100 percent) and the corresponding activity for the channel is low (less than 20 percent). The exceptions are those channels that are dedicated to PPs such as DSD, PIP, and 1HP. y*^fe\ 21-24 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M Fast Loop Items Channel Active TRACER maintains a channel active counter for each available channel and increments a counter whenever it detects that the channel is not inactive, as determined by an UM PP instruction. System performance is affected most by disk channel activity. A percentage of from 10 to 30 percent is considered normal. When this percentage reaches 35 to 40 percent, your system may experience performance degradation. High channel activity could be caused by the following factors. If you can scale down these problems, you may decrease channel activity and improve system performance; otherwise, you may need more disk controllers. • Do all the disk channels show similar activity levels? If not, examine the attributes you have described for each disk unit. For example, what units contain permanent files, rollout files, a copy of the system, and temporary files? You may have to redistribute the work load by changing attributes. Determine which files are busy and the devices on which they reside using the PFCAT utility. You may find that altering device masks and/or moving files will lower the channel activity. You are looking for an even percentage of work performed by each of the disk channels. The system selects file residency based on several factors. If the file is a permanent file, the system uses the device masks you have set for your family. If it is a temporary file or rollout file, the system looks at the attributes set for each device and selects the best candidate based on the following. 00&?\ - First, the system looks at the number of tracks available on each potential device. If any of the devices have fewer tracks available than the low space threshold set by the THRESHOLD command, those devices will no longer be candidates for selection unless all of the other potential devices are also below their threshold levels. - Second, the system picks (from the remaining candidates) the device with the least activity. ® Are there an excessive number of rollouts? User jobs may be reaching the CM or CP time slice limits. Check your SERVICE parameters and examine the number of time slices reported in the statistical data area from CMR. The system may be rolling jobs in and out of the control points if your SERVICE limits are too small. By adjusting the limits, you should improve system performance. © Are large user jobs or subsystems rolling in or out? This can be determined by watching the DSD rollout status display (R). One large job can cause problems if it uses too many resources. Redesigning or rescheduling the job may help. • Examine the PROBE utility output. PROBE reports the PP programs that were loaded (program name, residency, and number of loads). Any program that is loading more than once per second, should be made central memory resident. If you are short of central memory, place these programs in extended memory. Revision M Tracer/Probe Utilities 21-25 Fast Loop Items /£*3SS^y Channel Requested TRACER maintains a channel requested counter for each available channel or concurrent channel and increments a counter whenever there is an outstanding request for that channel. TRACER uses the channel status table to determine the channel requested status. This counter tells you how often PP programs have requested a channel but were unable to reserve it because another PP program had it reserved. A normal count is from 20 to 50 percent. The exceptions are those channels that are dedicated to PPs such as DSD, PIP, and 1HP. This can be used for debugging purposes when developong your own PP programs that require channels. Be sure that you follow the rules governing channel dialog. Requests Pending TRACER maintains a request pending counter for each mass storage device available and increments a counter by the number of outstanding requests on that device when the sampling occurs. The MST provides this information. Ensure that the number of requests pending is evenly distributed between all units. If not, you may have to redistribute files (permanent, system, temporary, and rollout files) for the devices to obtain a more even distribution. Adding more disk units to a configuration will also aid in reducing the number of requests outstanding. Buffered IIO Lists j^Sfe. TRACER maintains a counter for each type of buffered I/O buffer list (Empty, Data Written, Read, Write). The number of buffers assigned to each list is incremented based on the buffered I/O data tables. An average of 25 percent of the buffers on the Empty and Data Written lists is normal. The Write list should contain from 2 to 3 percent of the buffers, but a higher percentage is acceptable. The Read list is normal at from 65 to 75 percent. If there seems to be a shortage of Empty and Data Written buffers, you can add more extended memory for I/O buffer space. Buffered IIO Channel Busy TRACER maintains a PP driver busy counter for each buffered I/O channel and increments a counter whenever a data transfer associated with that channel is in progress. For 885-4x disks, the data transfer occurs through the low-speed port to ESM rather than the channel; only control and status information transfers over the channel. TRACER uses the buffered I/O channel control table to determine the PP driver busy status. The normal percentage is from 15 to 20 percent for a model 760 with two channels. This percentage may be higher for machines with slower CPUs. 21-26 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M Fast Loop Items CPU Usage TRACER maintains a set of CPU usage counters for each CPU. There is a counter for each type of CPU use. Counter CPU Use IDLE CPU is not currently being used. SYSTEM CPU is being used by CPUMTR. SUB-SYS CPU is being used by a subsystem. SYS ORG CPU is being used by a system origin job (subsystems are not considered system origin). USER CPU is being used by a user program. Each time the CPU status is sampled (in words CPAL and CPAL+1 in CMR), TRACER increments one of the CPU usage counters. It determines which counter to update by investigating the control point area to which the CPU is assigned. Tune your system to get the most CPU usage for your users. Following are suggestions on how to do this. 00ms. JffitW$*s, • If you run a mixture of jobs, such as interactive and batch jobs, set the limit of executing batch jobs to a number that minimally impacts interactive users with respect to central memory and control points. You may have to assign batch jobs a higher queue priority so they essentially will be locked into the control points. Since interactive jobs tend to use the CPU for short durations, the batch jobs will be there using up whatever CPU time is left from the interactive jobs. • On machines with big memories, it is usually advantageous to assign most of the memory to the users instead of using UEM as a rollout device. This helps in two ways: 1) rolling jobs to disk usually takes less CPU overhead than rolling jobs to UEM; 2) with more memory for the users, NOS performs less storage moves. However, if you are rolling jobs to 895 disks and your system is CPU-saturated, you may want to rollout jobs to UEM and use the ENABLE.DDP ROLLOUT PATH entry in the IPRDECK. This will make rollout processing slower but should reduce system CPU usage. • If you run site-developed subsystems, examine the possibility of performing more of the work as disk activity rather than manipulating the data in central memory. Subsystem CPU Usage Subsystem CPU usage is a further breakdown of subsystems of the SUB-SYS CPU usage data. TRACER maintains a CPU usage counter for every subsystem. Whenever the SUB-SYS CPU usage counter is incremented, TRACER also increments the appropriate subsystem CPU usage counter. Revision M Tracer/Probe Utilities 21-27 Medium Loop Items Medium Loop Items The following paragraphs describe medium loop items. j Medium Loop Samples TRACER increments the medium loop samples counter each time the medium loop items are sampled. CPS in W Status TRACER increments the control points in waiting (W) status counter whenever a control point is found in W status (determined by STSW word of control point area). TRACER scans all control points during each medium loop cycle. CPS in X Status TRACER increments the control points in periodic or automatic recall (X) status counter whenever it finds a control point in X status (determined by STSW word of control point area). TRACER scans all control points during each medium loop cycle. CPS in I Status TRACER increments the control points in automatic recall (I) status counter whenever a control point is found in I status (determined by STSW word of control point area). TRACER scans all control points during each medium loop cycle. Same Move Request TRACER increments the same move request counter every time the move request pending for the current medium loop cycle is the same as the previous medium loop cycle. Word CMCL of CMR is used to determine this status. Use this counter to determine if NOS is having trouble moving jobs ih central memory. A value of from 5 to 10 percent is not unreasonable. A higher percentage indicates that you probably are short of memory. Examine the FL available counter. FL Available TRACER increments the FL available counter by the amount of available FL during the current medium loop cycle. Word ACML of CMR determines the available FL. Compare this counter with the average FL in the rollout queue (FL in the rollout queue divided by the average number of jobs in the queue). On a busy system, the average amount of FL available should be less than that required for the average job in the rollout queue. You may need to consider any jobs that are in the rollout queue but are not schedulable, such as NAM supervisory applications (CS, NS, and NVF). On a system that is not heavily used, the FL available counter is of little value since there should always be memory available. A^^S 21-28 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M Medium Loop Items 0ps User EM Available TRACER increments the user extended memory available counter by the amount of available user extended memory FL during the current medium loop cycle. Word AECL of CMR determines the available user extended memory FL. Compare this number to the amount of extended memory at control points and rollout queues to determine if you have enough user extended memory. Noninteractive Jobs TRACER maintains a count of noninteractive jobs by monitoring the number of EJT entries with a connection status of NICS. Detached Jobs TRACER maintains a count of detached interactive jobs by monitoring the number of EJT entries with a connection status of DTCS. Online Jobs TRACER maintains a count of online jobs by monitoring the number of EJT entries with a connection status of OLCS. Preinitial Job Step TRACER maintains a count of preinitial jobs for each service class by monitoring the number of EJT entries with a job status of PRJS. A job is in this state after it has been assigned to an EJT entry but before it has been assigned to a control point for the first time. Executing TRACER maintains a count of executing jobs for each service class by monitoring the number of EJT entries with a job status of EXJS. Scheduler Rollout TRACER maintains a count of jobs rolled out by the job scheduler for each service class by monitoring the number of EJT entries with a job status of ROJS. SCP Rollin TRACER maintains a count of jobs rolled in by system control point processing for each service class by monitoring the number of EJT entries with a job status of SIJS. SCP Rollout TRACER maintains a count of jobs rolled out by system control point processing for each service class by monitoring the number of EJT entries with a job status of SOJS. 0$m\ Revision M Tracer/Probe Utilities 21-29 Medium Loop Items TimedlEvent Rollout TRACER maintains a count of jobs in a timed/event rollout queue for each service class by monitoring the number of EJT entries with a job status of TOJS. Interactive Rollout TRACER maintains a count of jobs rolled out by interactive input/output processing for each service class by monitoring the number of EJT entries with a job status of IOJS. Disabled Rollout TRACER maintains a count of disabled jobs rolled out for each service class by monitoring the number of EJT entries with a job status of DOJS. Suspended Rollout TRACER maintains a count of suspended jobs rolled out for each service class by /*^\ monitoring the number of EJT entries with a job status of SUJS. Rollout File Error TRACER maintains a count of jobs with rollout file errors for each service class by monitoring the number of EJT entries with a job status of ERJS. EJT Entries in Use TRACER-maintains a count of the number of EJT entries in use for all jobs during the specified time interval. Each EJT entry is four central memory words long. If you are short of memory, you can gain some memory by decreasing the number of EJT entries. FL at Control Points TRACER maintains an FL at control point counter for each service class. When an active control point is found, the service class is determined and the appropriate counter is incremented by the amount of FL assigned to that control point (determined ^^ by FLSW of control point area). TRACER scans all control points during the medium J loop cycle. Use this count to determine which service class of jobs is using the most memory. For example, if you have poor interactive job response and notice that the batch service class is using the most memory, it may help to restrict batch jobs to a smaller central memory time slice using the CM parameter of the SERVICE entry in the IPRDECK. 21-30 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M Medium Loop Items FL at Pseudo-control Points TRACER maintains an FL at pseudo-control point counter for each service class. When an active pseudo-control point is found, the service class is determined and the appropriate counter is incremented by the amount of FL assigned to that pseudo-control point (determined by FLSW of pseudo-control point area). TRACER scans all pseudo-control points during the medium loop cycle. FL in Rollout Queue TRACER maintains an FL in rollout queue counter for each service class. When a rollout file is found in the queue, and it is not assigned to a control point, the amount of FL it will require (determined from the EJT) when it is rolled into a control point is added to the appropriate counter. TRACER scans all EJT entries during the medium loop cycle. Use this count in conjunction with the FL available counter to determine if you have a central memory shortage. EM Memory at Control Points TRACER maintains an extended memory at control point counter for each service class. When an active control point is found, the service class is determined and the appropriate counter is incremented by the amount of extended memory assigned to that control point (determined by ECSW of control point area). TRACER scans all control points during the medium loop cycle. Use this count in conjunction with the user EM available counter and the EM in rollout queue counter to determine if you have an extended memory shortage. EM Memory at Pseudo-control Points Use this count in conjunction with the user EM available counter and the EM in rollout queue counter to determine if you have an extended memory shortage. EM in Rollout Queue TRACER maintains an extended memory in rollout queue counter for each service class. When a rollout file is found in the queue, and it is not assigned to a control point, the amount of extended memory FL it will require when rolled in (determined from the EJT) is added to the appropriate counter. TRACER scans all EJT entries during the medium loop cycle. Use this count in conjunction with the user EM available counter and the EM memory at CP counter to determine if you have an extended memory shortage. Subsystem FL 0^s. r TRACER maintains a subsystem FL counter for every possible subsystem. When a subsystem is found at a control point, the amount of FL assigned to that subsystem is added to the appropriate counter. TRACER scans all control points during the medium loop cycle. Revision M Tracer/Probe Utilities 21-31 Slow Loop Items Slow Loop Items The following paragraphs describe slow loop items. Slow Loop Samples TRACER increments the slow loop samples counter each time the slow loop items are sampled. IAF Users TRACER increments the IAF users counter by the number of users connected to IAF during the slow loop cycle. IAF must be active for this data to be collected. Word VANL of IAF FL determines the number of users. IAF Pots Allocated TRACER increments the pots allocated counter by the number of pots that are currently available for use, whether they are being used or not. Word VPAL of IAF FL determines the number of pots allocated. IAF Pots in Use TRACER increments the pots in use counter by the number of pots currently assigned to a connection. Word VPUL of IAF FL determines the number of pots in use. Queue Files Assigned TRACER maintains a count of the number of queued files assigned to control points by monitoring QFT entries. Input Files TRACER maintains a count of the number of input files for each service class by monitoring QFT entries. Print Files TRACER maintains a count of the number of print files for each service class by monitoring QFT entries. Punch Files TRACER maintains a count of the number of punch files for each service class by monitoring QFT entries. Other Queue Files TRACER maintains a count of the number of other queued files not assigned to control points for each service class by monitoring QFT entries. This includes any queued file that is not an input, print, or punch file. 21-32 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M Slow Loop Items QFT Entries in Use TRACER maintains a count of the number of QFT entries in use for all jobs during the specified time interval. Each QFT entry is four central memory words long. If you are short of memory, you can gain some memory by decreasing the number of QFT entries. Tape Drives in Use TRACER maintains two tape drives in use counters; one for 7-track and one for 9-track drives. A tape drive is considered to be in use if an EST entry indicates it is logically turned on, and it is assigned to a job. TRACER increments the appropriate counter for each drive found in use. Tracks Available TRACER maintains a tracks available counter for each mass storage equipment and adds the number of available tracks (tracks not currently assigned to a file) for a device to the appropriate counter for each mass storage device found in the EST. TRACER obtains this information from TDGL of the MST. CPPs Active TRACER increments the CPP active counter for each active CPP it finds when scanning the PP communication area. Disabled CPPs (those turned off at deadstart time) are not considered active. An active CPP is one that has a nonzero input register. ISHARED Table Changes TRACER maintains a count of the number of monitor function calls that force a table update in an ISHARED environment. ISHARED Device Updates TRACER maintains a count of the number of times the device-resident tables are updated in an ISHARED environment. ISHARED Seek Time TRACER monitors the ISHARED seek time by recording the total time spent reading the first sector during a table update sequence. ISHARED Updating Time TRACER monitors the ISHARED updating time by recording the total time spent updating tables and the maximum time and minimum time to update the tables for both single and simultaneous operations. Revision M Tracer/Probe Utilities 21-33 Statistical Summary Statistical Summary The following paragraphs describe various statistics collected by TRACER. MTR Maximum Time TRACER reports the maximum time, in microseconds, that MTR waits for a CPU exchange to occur after being initiated by a monitor exchange jump (MXN). Direct Moves Tracer reports the number of direct storage moves of central memory. Worst Case MTR Cycle Time TRACER reports the maximum time, in milliseconds, that it takes MTR to make a complete cycle; processing all PP output register requests and performing its other system functions. y*=5^ Missed Clock Updates TRACER reports the number of times MTR was not able to update the clock. Extended Memory Moves TRACER reports the number of storage moves of extended memory performed by CPUMTR. Central Memory Moves TRACER reports the number of storage moves of central memory performed by CPUMTR. Total Rollouts TRACER reports the total number of jobs rolled out by the job rollout routine (1RO). Secondary Rollouts TRACER reports the number of jobs rolled out to secondary rollout devices by the job rollout routine (1RO). Total Sectors Rolled TRACER reports the total number of sectors of mass storage used by the job rollout routine (1RO) for rollouts. 21-34 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M Statistical Summary Secondary Sec Rolled TRACER reports the number of sectors of mass storage used by the job rollout routine (1RO) for rollouts to secondary rollout devices. RolloutslUser Limits TRACER reports the number of jobs rolled out due to a time limit or SRU limit detected by the job scheduler (1SJ). Time Slices TRACER reports the number of jobs whose scheduling is set to the lower bound for its service class due to an expired CPU or CM time slice. PP Priority Exchanges /^^ TRACER reports the number of priority exchange requests issued by PPs and CPPs. A - priority exchange is issued after three unsuccessful attempts to perform a monitor exchange jump (MXN). No Comm Buffer Avail TRACER reports the number of times CPUMTR could not use a communications buffer because all buffers were full. / ^ ^ V. No PCP Available TRACER reports the number of times a pseudo-control point was not available. EJT Scans TRACER reports the number of times the job scheduler (1SJ) scans the executing job table (EJT) to schedule a job to a control point. Schedulable Jobs TRACER reports the total number of schedulable jobs. This is determined by adding the number of schedulable jobs in EJT on each EJT scan. Jobs Preempted TRACER reports the number of jobs rolled out so the job scheduler (1SJ) could schedule a higher priority job. Jobs Scheduled TRACER reports the number of jobs scheduled to a control point. /JP^V^ Revision M Tracer/Probe Utilities 21-35 Statistical Summary Scheduled No Constraints TRACER reports the number of jobs scheduled with no service class, central memory, or extended memory constraints imposed. Insufficient CM Scans TRACER reports the number of EJT scans for which a schedulable job was found, but could not be scheduled due to insufficient central memory. Insufficient EM Scans TRACER reports the number of EJT scans for which a schedulable job was found, but could not be scheduled due to insufficient extended memory. No Control Point Scans TRACER reports the number of EJT scans for which a schedulable job was found, but could not be scheduled because all control points were busy. -*&s 21-36 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M PROBE Utility PROBE Utility The PROBE utility measures the following: • Number of times a PP or CPP routine was loaded. • Number of CIO RA+1 requests by function number. • Number of PP requests to CPUMTR by function number. • Number of MTR requests to CPUMTR by function number. • Statistical data accumulated in CMR includes items such as number of sectors rolled, number of rollouts, and number of pseudo-rollouts. • Input/output statistics for 885-42 and 895 Disk Storage Subsystems showing the number of sectors transferred and control buffer tables transferred. PROBE data gathering is selectable at deadstart time by an IPRDECK entry. SYSEDIT resets the PROBE data tables to zeros. The PROBE utility generates a report from the data collected by the system. PROBE analyzes data either from system tables or from a binary file containing data from a previous PROBE run. An IPRDECK entry ENABLE,PROBE must be specified at deadstart time to allow the system to collect the data. (Refer to section 3, Deadstart Decks, for more information.) Format: ym*s PROBE,pi,p2. Pi .Pn Description B=readfile Binary file to be read. Default is STATS. L=outfile Report file. Default is OUTPUT. L=0 No report is to be generated. LO=opt Sort option for PP program load information. Default is F. opt Description A Sort data in alphabetic order. F Sort data by frequency of loads. R Sort data by location and frequency of loads. Revision M Tracer/Probe Utilities 21-37 PROBE Utility Pi Description OP=opt Processing option. Default is P. opt Description C Perform R option functions and clear system tables after they are read. P Generate report from binary file specified by the B parameter. This binary file has been created by a previous PROBE run with OP=C or OP=R specified. R Read system tables, and write binary file and report file as specified. P = writefile Binary file to be written. Default is STATS. P=0 No binary file is to be written. R Rewind binary files before and after operation. Default is no rewind. NOTE The file names must be unique. If you specify OP=C or OP=R, then you may not specify P=0. Figure 21-2 is an example of the PROBE output file format. When looking at the PP program load information reported on the PROBE output, check to see if it meets these suggested performance requirements: • PP programs called at least once every second should be central memory resident. • PP programs called at least once every 2 seconds are good candidates for alternate residency using extended memory. • PP programs called every 3 seconds or less should be disk resident. You can change a PP program's residency using the SYSEDIT command (refer to section 19, SYSEDIT). 21-38 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M PROBE Utility r PROBE VERSION 1.0. yy/mm/dd. PAGE 1 PROBE VERSION 1.0 START OF SAMPLE INTERVAL END OF SAMPLE INTERVAL yy/mm/dd. yy/mm/dd. yy/mm/dd. MONITOR REQUESTS PROGRAM MODE CPUO CHGM( 21) HNGM( 22) ( 23) AFAM( 24) DLKM{ 25) DTKM{ 26) RTCM( 27) STBM( 30) VMSM( 31) ACTM( 32) BFMM( 33) CKSM( 34) CSTM( 35) ECSM( 36) PIOM{ 37) RDCM{ 40) ABTM< 41) BIOM( 42) BMIM( 43) CCAM( 44) CEFM( 45) CPRM( 46) DCPM( 47) DEQM( 50) OFMM{ 51) DPPM( 52) EATM( 53) JACM( 54) LDAM( 55) LMSM( 56) MTRM( 57) PLFM( 60) RCLM( 61) RCPM( 62) RECM( 63) REQM{ 64) RJSM{ 65) RLMM( 66) ROCM( 67) 0*^S MONITOR MODE CPUO CPU1 7177 131214 129S69 9108 1133 189955 129969 121555 9108 20059 435 435 34405 34670 3170 3170 76 77321 832 25696 41425 36827 1108876 48694 59846 844946 2495 76738 447037 1110 46638 41426 675 30666 15092 0 106311 15481 62387 70802 22237 1358228 17566 11532 21228 37099 583735 1473766 0 14518 13180 0 7230584 309434 7230584 Figure 21-2. Example of PROBE Output (Continued) r Revision M Tracer/Probe Utilities 21-39 PROBE Utility (Continued) PROBE VERSION 1.0. yy/mm/dd. PAGE 2 MTR REQUESTS CPUO CPU1 ARTF{ 1) 27487 IARF{ 2) 0 CSLF< 3) 23220 RCLF{ 4) 6134559 MFLF( 5) 66297 SCSF( 6) 0 SMSF< 7) 0 CMSF<10) 0 P R Q F ( 11 ) 4 1 6 3 8 ACSF(12) 93425 PCXF(13) 0 ARMF(14) 0 (15) 0 MFEF(16) 0 SUBTOTAL 6386626 T O TA L 6 3 8 6 6 2 6 PROGRAM MODE M STF{ 1 ) PDMF( PMRF{ MECF( T O TA L CPUO 23220 2) 0 3) 0 4) 0 23220 MTR PERFORMANCE PARAMETERS WORST CASE «MXN» TIME = WORST CASE CYCLE TIME = MISSED CLOCK UPDATES * CPUMTR PERFORMANCE PARAMETERS EM STORAGE MOVES = CM STORAGE MOVES = DIRECT MOVES = COMMUNICATIONS BUFFER NOT AVAILABLE = PP PRIORITY EXCHANGE REQUESTS = PSEUDO-CONTROL POINT NOT AVAILABLE 1RO PERFORMANCE PARAMETERS NUMBER OF ROLLOUTS = PSEUDO-ROLLOUTS * PSEUDO-CONTROL POINT ROLLOUTS = ROLLOUTS TO SECONDARY DEVICES = NUMBER OF SECTORS ROLLED « SECTORS ROLLED TO SECONDARY DEVICES = 1SJ PERFORMANCE PARAMETERS EJT SCANS = SCHEDULABLE JOBS* JOBS PREEMPTED = JOBS SCHEDULED = JOBS SCHEDULED NO CONSTRAINTS = EJT SCANS WITH INSUFFICIENT CM = EJT SCANS WITH INSUFFICIENT EM = EJT SCANS WITH NO CONTROL POINT = ROLLOUTS FOR RESOURCE LIMITS = TIME SLICES = 751 24173 20540 351 18393 4000 1000 2918049 76193 21917 95 17866 130 460 Figure 21-2. Example of PROBE Output (Continued) ^ 21-40 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M \ PROBE Utility (Continued) PROBE VERSION 1.0. yy/mm/tid. PAGE 3 CIO REQUESTS FUNCTION RPHR(OOO) WRITE(014) WRITER(024) BKSP(040) ««*(54) RETURNC070) OPEN(104) OPEN<120) OPEN(140) CLOSE(150) CL0SE(170) READCW(200) READLS(210) REWRITER(224) SKIPF(240) READEI(600) CALLS FUNCTION 3015 READ(OIO) 83438 READSKP(020) 53751 WRITEF(034) 465 REWIND(050) 128 UNLOAD(060) 30345 OPENOOO) 2643 EVICT(114) 2602 CLOSE(130) 753 0PENO44) 582 0PEN(160) 5339 CLOSEt174) 15476 WRITECW(204) 1235 REWRITE(214) 11907 RPHRLS(230) 9784 READNS(250) 5893 SKIPB(640) TOTAL CIO FUNCTIONS PROCESSED CALLS 154978 4907 5237 55857 459 2200 1653 1356 4885 543 465 7361 13111 25137 400 4386 510291 Figure 21-2. Example of PROBE Output Revision M (Continued) Tracer/Probe Utilities 21-41 PROBE Utility .-*m$S (Continued) PROBE VERSION 1.0. yy/mm/dd. PAGE 4 PPUPROGRAMLOADS NAME CPM IMS 4MB 4MD 4ME QAC 303 1SJ 3AE LFM IAJ 3LB TCS 3QU LDR 1MA OBF 3QS 4MC 3NW 110 NDR RHH M IT 3ME CDF 3MF 3CD 3AF 3MJ QFM RPV 1RO 1RI 1MI 3LD SFM 3SX STD 4SD 3AD 2MA TLX 1DD 4MF 3RP 3RH PFM 3PA 3LC 3AI LOC CMR CMR CMR CMR CMR CMR CMR CMR CMR CMR CMR CMR CMR DSK CMR CMR CMR CMR CMR CMR CMR CMR DSK CMR CMR CMR CMR CMR CMR CMR DSK CMR CMR CMR CMR CMR CMR CMR DSK DSK DSK DSK CMR CMR CMR CMR CMR CMR CMR CMR CMR LOADS 605181 460275 243588 169670 155651 83410 83372 73838 70341 69611 47141 46964 46406 46381 43575 39939 37181 36988 31223 29968 27405 26489 25371 24435 24435 24317 23257 21678 19990 19709 19637 18598 18282 18262 14294 12765 12584 10536 9223 9222 8614 8501 8444 7995 7600 7357 7342 6861 5122 5085 4722 NAME PIP PNC SBP SLL SMP TMG VEJ VER W R M XIS X26 OCI OIP O M C O M D OSD OSI OTD 1FA 1HP IIS 1KB 1LC 1LT M IF 1MR 1PC IPD 1PL 1PR 1RM 1RP 1RU 1TM 1TN 1TP 1TS 1VP 2DC 2DD 2IE 2IM 2IN 2IP 2IQ 2KA 2KB 2KC 2LD 2MB 2ME LOC DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK CMR DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK CMR DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK LOADS Figure 21-2. Example of PROBE Output y^^S (Continued) .•"^**S\ 21-42 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M PROBE Utility (Continued) yy/mm/dd. PAGE PROBE VERSION 1.0. jH^OO!?*^ 3LE CMR 3PC CMR DSK 3QD CMR LDQ 3PD CMR DSK 3QA CMR 3CR CMR 3CS 1TO CMR 2T0 CMR 3PE C M R OAV CMR 1TA DSK CMR 3CB DSK 1CK CMR 3PR CMR 3MQ 3CC DSK DSK 3SV CMR 3PN ORP CMR LDD CMR 3TC DSK OFA CMR DSP DSK 3DB DSK DSK O D Q 3RG DSK 2NW DSK 3MI CMR OAU DSK 3AK DSK DSK 3AA CMR 3PQ 2NR DSK DSK 3AJ DSK 3QW DSK 3QX ' DSK 3Q0 3PH CMR CVL DSK 3QC DSK SFP CMR 3AB DSK CMR IDS 3DA DSK 1ML DSK 3TE DSK DSK 3P1 1DL CMR CMS DSK 4DB DSK 400 DSK 3SA DSK 3M0 CMR 3NM DSK DSK 3ML DSK 3MH 4024 3960 3959 3790 3619 2800 2749 2748 2296 2203 2080 1887 1867 1822 1699 1682 1670 1643 1598 1489 1325 1301 1200 1162 1161 1120 1086 1029 995 981 947 941 934 923 922 918 904 903 903 791 747 685 605 596 521 491 490 480 479 454 429 426 426 425 383 382 354 350 2MF 2MN 2MR 2MZ 2NT 2NU 2PT 2PV 2PX 2RP 2RU 2SB 2SC 2SE 2SF 2SG 2SI 2TM 2TN 3AG 3AH 3BB 3BC 3BD 3BE 3BF 3CA 3CV 3FB 3IC 3ID 3IE 3IM 3IN 310 3IP 3IQ 3KA 3KB 3KC 3LA 3MA 3MB 3MD 3MK 3MM 3MR 3MU 3PM 3PP 3QR 3Q1 3RF 3RU 3SU 3SZ 3TA 4DF DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK CMR DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK CMR DSK CMR DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK Figure 21-2. Example of PROBE Output (Continued) /0ms Revision M Tracer/Probe Utilities 21-43 PROBE Utility I (Continued) PROBE VERSION 1.0. 3PF 2MD 4MA OVJ OVU 3PK 3MC 3AL 2MC 9AA SSH 3MG 3TB PFU SEA ORF 2SD 3MT 2NS 3MP 3PB 3PJ 3AM SBA 3MN ORT 3MS 2NQ T76 6DI OPT • QAP NLD 30C 3FA 3Q2 DIS 3BA 3BG 3IA 3IB 51E 3QB 1CD 3PL 3AC 2DA 2SA 7CI 7DI 7EI 7EL 7EM 7EN 7E0 7EP 7SI 4MH CMR DSK CMR DSK DSK DSK CMR DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK CMR DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK C M R C M R DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK CMR CMR CMR CMR CMR C M R C M R C M R C M R DSK yy/mm/dd. PAGE 6 348 338 313 310 310 245 237 235 216 215 210 193 188 177 168 163 141 138 136 133 129 126 91 83 82 74 67 63 58 58 51 48 46 36 35 32 29 24 24 24 24 24 22 21 19 15 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 t2 4DI 4DJ 4DK 4DZ 4IM 410 4 IP 4IQ 4KB 4KC 4KD 4MG 4NB 4NC 4NM 4RA 4RB 4RC 4RD 4RE 4RF 4RG 5BA 5BB SBC 5BD 5CU 5CV 5D1 5D2 5D3 5FF 5FH 5IA 51C 5 ID 5IG 5IH 5LC 5LL 5MA 5MB 5MC 5MD 5ME 5MG 5MR 5MS 5MT 5MU 5MW 5SE 5SU 5SV 5S1 5S2 5XA 5XB DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK Figure 21-2. Example of PROBE Output (Continued) A ^ % . 21-44 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M PROBE Utility (Continued) yy/mm/dd. PAGE PROBE VERSION 1.0. IMS 3PG 3QY 3QZ 2SH 3CE OPI r 1MB IMP 2DB 3DD 4DA 4DC 4DG 026 SGA 3R1 2NX 2NY 3AN 3P0 3QT 3QV 7EQ 7ES OST 3SY OTI OTJ 3CK 3RJ 3SW 3TD ADC BAT CPD CUX DDF DOG DS1 ELM EYE FDP HFM LIF MDD MLD MP3 PIM DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK CMR DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK CMR CMR DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK 10 10 5XC 5XD 5XE 5XF 5XG 541 55X 56X 57X 58F 58H 58X 7ER 7F1 7GI 7HI 711 7JI 7KI 7L1 7SE 7WI 8XA 8XB 8XC 9CA 9CB 9CC SCO 9CE 9CF 9CG 9CH 9CI 9CJ 9CK 9CL 9CM 9CN 9C0 9CP 9CQ 9CR 9CS 9JN 9VA 9WA NUMBER OFASR PROGRAMS NUMBEROFCMRPROGRAMS NUMBER OF DSK PROGRAMS NUMBER OF PLD ENTRIES = DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK DSK C M R CMR CMR CMR CMR CMR CMR C M R C M R C M R DSK DSK DSK CMR OR CM? CMR C M R C M R C M R CMR CMR CMR CMR cm C M R C M R C M R CMR CMR CMR CMR DSK DSK DSK 0 123 313 436 Figure 21-2. Example of PROBE Output Revision M (Continued) Tracer/Probe Utilities 21-45 PROBE Utility (Continued) PROBE VERSION 1.0. y y / i ™ / d d . h h . m m . s s . PA G E 8 I/O STATISTICS FOR DB006: SECTORS TRANSFERRED 1 2-3 4-7 10B-17B 20B-37B 40B-77B 100B-177B 200B-MORE CBT-S TRANSFERRED I-40B 41B-140B 141B-340B 341B-740B 741B-1740B 1741B-3740B 3741B-7740B 7741B-M0RE READS WRITES 23 TOTALS 24 I/O STATISTICS FOR DB007: SECTORS TRANSFERRED 1 2-3 4-7 10B-17B 20B-37B 4CB-77B 100B-177B 200B-MORE CBT-S TRANSFERRED 1-40B 41B-140B 141B-340B 341B-740B 741B-1740B 1741B-3740B 3741B-7740B 774 IB-MORE TOTALS READS WRITES 19 23 I/O STATISTICS FOR DB010: SECTORS TRANSFERRED 1 2-3 4-7 10B-17B 20B-37B 40B-77B 100B-177B 200B-MORE CBT-S TRANSFERRED 1-40B 41B-140B 141B-340B 341B-740B 741B-1740B 1741B-3740B 3741B-7740B 774 IB-MORE READS WRITES TOTALS Figure 21-2. Example of PROBE Output 21-46 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M Appendixes Character Sets ,t Glossary , Scope 2 jj.l Station Status/Control 680 A-l Facility Register Programmable Simulator Format Control C-l D-l E-l 633/536, 537, and 585 Printer Electronic Vertical Format Unit (EVFU) F-l 881/883 Pack NOS/VE Address Management Display PA C K E R f* J^S Reformatting Of Disk Formats Storage File Utility Media (DDF) Utility Defects Utility .G-l H-l 1-1 J-l K-l Character Sets A character set is composed of graphic and control characters. A code set is a set of codes used to represent each character within a character set. A graphic character may be displayed at a terminal or printed by a line printer. Examples are the characters A through Z and the digits 0 through 9. A control character initiates, modifies, or stops a control operation. An example is the backspace character that moves the terminal carriage or cursor back one space. Although a control character is not a graphic character, a terminal may produce a graphic representation when it receives a control character. All references within this manual to the ASCII character set or the ASCII code set refer to the character set and code set defined in the American National Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII, ANSI Standard X3.4-1977). References in this manual to the ASCII character set do not necessarily refer to the ASCII code set. NOS supports the following character sets. • CDC graphic 64- (or 63-) character set. • ASCII 128-character set. • ASCII graphic 64- (or 63-) character set. • ASCII graphic 95-character set. Each installation selects either the 64-character set or the 63-character set. The differences between the two are described next, under Character Set Anomalies. Any reference in this appendix to the 64-character set implies either the 63- or 64-character set, unless otherwise stated. NOS supports the following code sets. • 6-bit display code. • 6/12-bit display code. yfHflstfT^Y • 7-bit ASCII code. Display code is a set of 6-bit codes from 00s to 778. The 6/12-bit display code is a combination of 6-bit codes and 12-bit codes. The 6-bit codes are 00s through 77s, excluding 74s and 76s. (Refer to Character Set Anomalies, next, for the interpretation of the 008 and 63s codes.) The 12-bit codes begin with either 74s or 76s and are followed by a 6-bit code. Thus, 74s and 76s are considered escape codes and are never used as 6-bit codes within the 6/12-bit display code set. The 12-bit codes are 74018, 74028, 74048, 74078, and 76018 through 7677s. All other 12-bit codes (74xx8 and 7600s) are undefined. The 7-bit ASCII code (as defined by ANSI Standard X3.4-1977) is right-justified in a 12-bit byte. Assuming that the bits are numbered from the right starting with 0, bits 0 through 6 contain the ASCII code, bits 7 through 10 contain zeros, and bit 11 distinguishes the 00008 code from the end-of-line byte. The 7-bit codes are 00018 through 01778 and 4000s. r Revision M Character Sets A-l Character Set Anomolies Character Set Anomolies NOS interprets two codes differently when the installation selects the 63-character set rather than the 64-character set. In tables A-l, A-2, and A3, the codes for the colon and percent graphic characters in the 64-character set are unshaded; the codes for the colon and percent graphic characters in the 63-character set are shaded. If an installation uses the 63-character set, the colon graphic character is always represented by a 63s code, and the 00s code is undefined. However, if the installation uses the 64-character set, output of 6/12-bit display codes 7404s or 6-bit display code 008 produces a colon. In ASCII mode for interactive jobs, a colon can be input only as a 74048 6/12-bit display code. When using either the 63- or 64-character set, the use of undefined 6/12-bit display codes in output files produces unpredictable results and should be avoided. On input, NOS recognizes alternate 029 punch codes of 11-0 for the right bracket Q) and 12-0 for the left bracket ([). The alternate codes support the COBOL sign overpunch convention and are not recommended for other uses. Refer to the COBOL 5 Reference Manual. Also, two 008 codes may be confused with an end-of-line byte and should be avoided (refer to the NOS 2 Reference Set, Volume 3 for further explanation). Translation of 7-bit ASCII to 6-bit display code causes character set folding from the 128-character ASCII set to the 63- or 64-character ASCII subset. The following special character substitutions occur: 7 - B i t: ASCII Code Character 6 - B i t Display Code Code Character 0140 74 0173 61 @ 7 - B i t; ASCII Code Character 0100 0133 "^ \j l ->** 0174 0175 62 0135 0176 76 0136 A ^ S A-2 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M Character Set Tables 0ms Character Set Tables This appendix includes character set tables for interactive jobs, batch jobs, and jobs involving magnetic tapes. Table A-l is for interactive jobs, and table A-2 is for batch jobs. Table A-3 is a conversion table used to cross-reference 7-bit ASCII codes and 6/12-bit display codes and to convert ASCII codes from octal to hexadecimal. Tables A-4, A-5, and A-6 list the magnetic tape codes and their display code equivalents. The character set tables are designed so that you can find the character represented by a code (such as in a dump) or find the code that represents a character. To find the character represented by a code, look up the code in the column listing the appropriate code set and then find the character on that line in the column listing the appropriate character set. To find the code that represents a character, you first look up the character and then find the code on the same line in the appropriate column. Interactive Jobs Table A-l shows the character sets and code sets available to you at an ASCII code terminal. When in NORMAL mode (specified by the NORMAL command), NOS displays the ASCII graphic 64-character set and interprets all input and output as display code. When in ASCII mode (specified by the ASCII command), NOS displays the ASCII 128-character set and interprets all input and output as 6/12-bit display code. To determine the octal or hexadecimal ASCII code for a character, refer to table A-3. (Certain terminal definition commands require specification of an ASCII code.) On output, the US code is reserved for network use and defined as an end-of-line. Use of this character, except in transparent mode, causes incorrect formatting and possible loss of output characters. Batch Jobs Table A-2 lists the CDC graphic 64-character set, the ASCII graphic 64-character set, and the ASCII graphic 95-character sets. It also lists the code sets and card punch codes (026 and 029) that represent the characters. The 64-character sets use display code as their code set; the 95-character set uses 7-bit ASCII code. The 95-character set is composed of all the characters in the ASCII 128-character set that can be printed at a line printer (refer to Jobs Using Line Printers, next). Only 7-bit ASCII code files can be printed using the ASCII graphic 95-character set. To print a 6/12-bit display code file (usually created by an interactive job in ASCII mode), you must convert the file to 7-bit ASCII code. To do this, you enter the FCOPY command (refer to the NOS 2 Reference Set, Volume 3). The 95-character set is represented by 7-bit ASCII codes 0040s through 01768. Revision M Character Sets A-3 Character Set Tables Jobs Using Line Printers The batch character set printed depends on the print train used on the line printer to which the file is sent (refer to the ROUTE command in the NOS 2 Reference Set, Volume 3). The following are the print trains corresponding to each of the batch character sets. PSU Printer Print Band Character Set Print Train CDC graphic 64-character set 596-1 ASCII graphic 64-character set 596-5 530-1 ASCII graphic 95-character set 596-6 530-2 The characters of the default 596-1 print train are listed in the table A-2 column labeled CDC Graphic (64 Character); the 596-5 print train characters are listed in the table A-2 column labeled ASCII Graphic (64 Character); and the 596-6 print train characters are listed in the table A-2 column labeled ASCII Graphic (95 Character). If a transmission error occurs when printing a line, the system prints the line again. The CDC graphic print train prints a concatenation symbol ( r* ) in the first printable column of the repeated listing of the line. The ASCII print trains print an underline (_) instead of the concatenation symbol. If an unprintable character exists in a line (that is, a 7-bit ASCII code outside the range 0040s through 0176s), the number sign (#) appears in the first printable column of a print line, and a space replaces the unprintable character. To route and correctly print a 6/12-bit display code file on a line printer with the ASCII graphic 95-character set, you must convert the 6/12-bit display code file to a 7-bit ASCII code file with the FCOPY command (refer to the NOS 2 Reference Set, Volume 3). The resulting 7-bit ASCII file can be routed to a line printer (refer to the ROUTE command in the NOS 2 Reference Set, Volume 3) but cannot be output at an interactive terminal. A-4 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M Character Set Tables Table A-l. Character Sets for Interactive Jobs ASCII Graphic (64-Character) ASCII Character (128 Character) colon 6-Bit Display Code 6/12-Bit Display Code 7-Bit ASCII Code 00 Display code 80 is undefined at sites using the 63*charaoter set. yams A B C D E F G A B C D E F G 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 0101 0102 0103 0104 0105 0106 0107 H I J K L M N 0 H I J K L M N O 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 0110 0111 0112 0113 0114 0115 0116 0117 P Q R S T U V W P Q R S T U V 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 0120 0121 0122 0123 0124 0125 0126 0127 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 0130 0131 0132 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 w 1. The interpretation of this character or code may depend on its context. Refer to Character Set Anomalies elsewhere in this appendix. (Continued) 0ms Revision M Character Sets A-5 Character Set Tables Table A-l. Character Sets for Interactive Jobs (Continued) ASCII Graphic (64-Character) ASCII Character (128 Character) 6-Bit Display Code 6/12-Bit Display Code 7-Bit ASCII Code 5 6 7 8 9 + plus - dash * asterisk 5 6 7 8 9 + plus - dash * asterisk 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 0065 0066 0067 0070 0071 0053 0055 0052 / slant ( opening parenthesis ) closing parenthesis $ dollar sign = equal space , comma . period / slant ( opening parenthesis ) closing parenthesis $ dollar sign = equal space , comma . period 50 51 50 51 0057 0050 52 52 0051 53 54 55 56 57 53 54 55 56 57 . 0044 0075 0040 0054 0056 # number sign [ opening bracket ] closing bracket % percent sign # number sign [ opening bracket ] closing bracket % percent sign i"iquote iiii mm _ underline ! exclamation point & ampersand _ underline ! exclamation point & ampersand 60 61 62 631 63 64 65 66 0043 0133 0135 0045 i"iquote iiii 60 61 62 63 63 64 65 66 67 67 0046 ' apostrophe ? question mark < less than > greater than @ commercial at \ reverse slant A circumflex ' apostrophe ; semicolon ; semicolon 70 71 72 73 741 75 76 77 70 71 72 73 7401 75 7402 77 0047 0077 0074 0076 0100 0134 0136 0073 ? question mark < less than > greater than @ commercial at \ reverse slant A circumflex 0042 0137 0041 1. The interpretation of this character or code may depend on its context. Refer to Character Set Anomalies elsewhere in this appendix. (Continued) ■^^fev A-6 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M Character Set Tables Table A-l. Character Sets for Interactive Jobs (Continued) 0nm*\ ASCII Graphic (64-Character) ASCII 6-Bit 6/12-Bit 7-Bit Character Display Display ASCII (128 Character) Code Code Code : colon 7404 7404 7407 0072 0045 0140 7601 7602 7603 7604 7605 7606 7607 0141 0142 0143 0144 0145 0146 0147 h i j k 1 m n o 7610 7611 7612 7613 7614 7615 7616 7617 0150 0151 0152 0153 0154 0155 0156 0157 P 7620 7621 7622 7623 7624 7625 7626 7627 0160 0161 0162 0163 0164 0165 0166 0167 7630 7631 7632 7633 7634 7635 7636 7637 0170 0171 0172 0173 0174 0175 0176 0177 * grave accent 741 q r s t u V w X y z { opening brace 61 | vertical line 75 }~ closing brace 7 62 tilde 61 DEL 1. The interpretation of this character or code may depend on its context. Refer to Character Set Anomalies elsewhere in this appendix. (Continued) Revision M Character Sets A-7 Character Set Tables Table A-l. Character Sets for Interactive Jobs (Continued) ASCII Graphic (64-Character) 6/12-Bit Display Code 7-Bit ASCII Code NUL SOH STX ETX EOT ENQ ACK BEL 7640 7641 7642 7643 7644 7645 7646 7647 4000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 BS HT LF VT FF CR SO SI 7650 7651 7652 7653 7654 7655 7656 7657 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 DLE DC1 DC2 DC3 DC4 NAK SYN ETB 7660 7661 7662 7663 7664 7665 7666 7667 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 CAN EM SUB ESC FS GS RS US1 7670 7671 7672 7673 7674 7675 7676 7677 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 ASCII Character (128 Character) 6-Bit Display Code 1. Reserved for network use. Refer to Character Set Tables in this appendix. A-8 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M Character Set Tables Table A-2. Character Sets for Batch Jobs CDC Graphic (64 Character) ASCII Graphic (64 Character) : colon1 : colon1 ASCII Graphic (95 Character) 6-Bit Dis play Code 6/12Bit Dis play Code 7-Bit ASCII Code OO1 Punch Code 026 Punch Code 029 8-2 8-2 Display c^ at sites using the 63«character s e t y^s A B C D E F G A B C D E F G A B C D E F G 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 0101 0102 0103 0104 0105 0106 0107 12-1 12-2 12-3 12-4 12-5 12-6 12-7 12-1 12-2 12-3 12-4 12-5 12-6 12-7 H I J K L M N 0 H I J K L M N 0 H I J K L M N 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 0110 0111 0112 0113 0114 0115 0116 0117 12-8 12-9 11-1 11-2 11-3 11-4 11-5 11-6 12-8 12-9 11-1 11-2 11-3 11-4 11-5 11-6 P Q R S T U V W P Q R S T U V W P Q R S T U V 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 0120 0121 0122 0123 0124 0125 0126 0127 11-7 11-8 11-9 0-2 0-3 0-4 0-5 0-6 11-7 11-8 11-9 0-2 0-3 0-4 0-5 0-6 X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 X Y 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 0130 0131 0132 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0-7 0-8 0-9 0-7 0-8 0-9 w z 0 1 2 3 4 1. The interpretation of this character or code may depend on its context. Refer to Character Set Anomalies elsewhere in this appendix. (Continued) yim-s Revision M Character Sets A-9 Character Set Tables A^-^S. Table A-2. Character Sets for Batch Jobs (Continued) Character) 6-Bit Dis play Code 6/12Bit Dis play Code 7-Bit ASCII Code Punch Code 026 Punch Code 029 5 6 7 8 9 + plus - dash * asterisk 5 6 7 8 9 + plus - dash * asterisk 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 0065 0066 0067 0070 0071 0053 0055 0052 12 11 11-8-4 12-8-6 / slant ( opening parenthesis ) closing parenthesis $ dollar sign = equal space / slant ( opening parenthesis ) closing parenthesis $ dollar sign = equal space / slant ( opening parenthesis ) closing parenthesis $ dollar sign = equal space 50 51 50 51 0057 0050 0-1 0-8-4 0-1 52 52 0051 12-8-4 11-8-5 53 53 0044 11-8-3 11-8-3 54 55 54 55 0075 0040 8-6 , comma . period , comma . period , comma . period 56 57 56 57 0054 0056 8-3 no punch 0-8-3 12-8-3 = # number sign [ opening bracket ] closing # number sign [ opening . bracket ] closing 60 60 0043 0-8-6 8-3 61 61 0133 8-7 12-8-21 62 62 0135 0-8-2 11-8-21 bracket % percent sign1 bracket % percent sign1 631 631 0045 8-6 0-8-4 . £4 ms. 8-2 ASCII Graphic Character) ASCII Graphic (64 Character) 5 6 7 8 9 + plus - dash * asterisk CDC Graphic (64 equivalence [ opening bracket ] closing bracket % percent sign1 §§$$§!$& ^ not equal r* concaten ation v logical OR a logical AND (95 11 11-8-4 12-8-5 no punch 0-8-3 12-8-3 i"Uquote Hl ^muf " quote 63 64 63 64 0072 0042 m am t underline 65 65 0137 0-8-5 0-8-5 underline ! exclam ation point ! exclam ation point 66 66 0041 11-0 12-8-7 67 67 0046 0-8-7 12 ampersand fcV7 ampersand 1. The interpretation of this character or code may depend on its context. Refer to Character Set Anomalies elsewhere in this appendix. (Continued) •/^^\ A-10 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M Character Set Tables Table A-2. Character Sets for Batch Jobs (Continued) CDC ASCII ASCII 6-Bit Graphic Graphic Graphic Dis(64 (64 (95 play Character) Character) Character) Code 6/12Bit Dis- 7-Bit play ASCII Code Code Punch Punch Code Code 026 029 t 70 70 0047 11-8-5 8-5 71 71 0077 11-8-6 0-8-7 72 72 0074 12-0 12-8-4 73 73 0076 11-8-7 0-8-6 8-5 8-4 superscript J subscript < less than > greater than ^ less or equal Ss greater or equal - logical NOT ; semicolon apostrophe ? question mark < less than > greater than apostrophe ? question mark < less than > greater than 74 @ commercial at \ reverse slant \ reverse slant A circumflex ; semicolon 75 75 0134 76 12-8-5 0-8-2 12-8-6 11-8-7 ; semicolon 77 77 0073 @ 741 7401 0100 761 7402 0136 12-8-7 11-8-6 commercial at A circumflex : colon1 grave accent a b c d e f 74041 0072 74J iHi iii 7407 0140 7601 7602 7603 7604 7605 7606 7607 0141 0142 0143 0144 0145 0146 0147 1. The interpretation of this character or code may depend on its context. Refer to Character Set Anomalies elsewhere in this appendix. (Continued) Revision M Character Sets A-ll Character Set Tables Table A-2. Character Sets for Batch Jobs (Continued) 6/12CDC ASCII ASCII 6-Bit Bit Graphic Graphic Graphic Dis- Dis- 7-Bit Punch Punch (64 (64 (95 play play ASCII Code Code Character) Character) Character) Code Code Code 026 029 h i j k 1 m n o 7610 7611 7612 7613 7614 7615 7616 7617 0150 0151 0152 0153 0154 0155 0156 0157 P q r s t u 7620 7621 7622 7623 7624 7625 7626 7627 0160 0161 0162 0163 0164 0165 0166 0167 61J 7630 7631 7632 7633 0170 0171 0172 0173 75J 7634 0174 62J 7635 0175 76J 7636 0176 V w y z { opening brace | vertical line } closing brace - tilde 1. The interpretation of this character or code may depend on its context. Refer to Character Set Anomalies elsewhere in this appendix. y^^^V A-12 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M Character Set Tables Table A-3. ASCII to 6/12-Bit Display Code Conversion ASCII Character (128 Character) 7-Bit ASCII Code Octal 7-Bit ASCII Code Hexadecimal 6/12-Bit Display Code NUL SOH STX ETX EOT ENQ ACK BEL 4000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 7640 7641 7642 7643 7644 7645 7646 7647 BS HT LF VT FF CR SO SI 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 08 09 0A 0B OC 0D 0E OF 7650 7651 7652 7653 7654 7655 7656 7657 DLE DC1 DC2 DC3 DC4 NAK SYN ETB 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 7660 7661 7662 7663 7664 7665 7666 7667 CAN EM SUB ESC FS GS RS US1 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 18 19 IA IB IC ID IE IF 7670 7671 7672 7673 7674 7675 7676 76771 space ! exclamation point " quote 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0045 0046 0047 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 26 27 55 66 64 60 53 632 7404 67 70 # number sign $ dollar sign % percent sign2 ^;:;::pedW^tl||gn & ampersand ' apostrophe 1. Reserved for network use. Refer to Character Set Tables in this appendix. /~^ 2. The interpretation of this character or code may depend on its context. Refer to f Character Set Anomalies in this appendix. (Continued) Revision M Character Sets A-13 Character Set Tables Table A-3. ASCII to 6/12-Bit Display Code Conversion (Continued) ASCII Character (128 Character) 7-Bit ASCII Code Octal 7-Bit ASCII Code Hexadecimal 6/12-Bit Display Code ( opening parenthesis ) closing parenthesis * asterisk + plus , comma - dash . period / slant 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 51 52 47 45 56 46 57 50 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 33 34 35 36 37 40 41 42 8 9 : colon1 ; semicolon < less than = equal > greater than ? question mark 0070 0071 0072 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 38 39 3A 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 43 44 74041 63 77 72 54 73 71 @ commercial at A B C D E F G 0100 0101 0102 0103 0104 0105 0106 0107 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 7401 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 H I J K L M N 0 0110 0111 0112 0113 0114 0115 0116 0117 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 liMl 1. The interpretation of this character or codei may depend on its context. Refer to Character Set Anomalies in this appendix. (Continued) A-14 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M Character Set Tables Table A-3. ASCII to 6/12-Bit Display Code Conversion (Continued) ASCII Character (128 Character) 7-Bit ASCII Code Octal 7-Bit ASCII Code Hexadecimal 6/12-Bit Display Code P Q R S T U V W 0120 0121 0122 0123 0124 0125 0126 0127 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 X Y Z [ opening bracket \ reverse slant ] closing bracket * circumflex 0130 0131 0132 0133 0134 0135 0136 0137 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 30 31 32 61 75 62 7402 65 0140 0141 0142 0143 0144 0145 0146 0147 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 7407 7601 7602 7603 7604 7605 7606 7607 h i j k 1 m n o 0150 0151 0152 0153 0154 0155 0156 0157 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 7610 7611 7612 7613 7614 7615 7616 7617 P q r s t u 0160 0161 0162 0163 0164 0165 0166 0167 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 7620 7621 7622 7623 7624 7625 7626 7627 _ underline grave accent V w (Continued) 0$&s Revision M Character Sets A-l 5 Character Set Tables Table A-3. ASCII to 6/12-Bit Display Code Conversion (Continued) ASCII Character (128 Character) 7-Bit ASCII Code Octal 7-Bit ASCII Code Hexadecimal 6/12-Bit Display Code X 0170 0171 0172 0173 0174 0175 0176 0177 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F 7630 7631 7632 7633 7634 7635 7636 7637 y z { opening brace | vertical line }- closing tilde brace DEL - A-16 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M ^ Character Set Tables Jobs Using Magnetic Tape Coded data to be copied from disk to magnetic tape is assumed to be represented in display code. NOS converts the data to external BCD code when writing a coded 7-track tape and to ASCII or EBCDIC code (as specified on the tape assignment command) when writing a coded 9-track tape. Because only 63 characters can be represented in 7-track even parity, one of the 64 display codes is lost in conversion to and from external BCD code. Figure A-l shows the differences in conversion depending on the character set (63 or 64) that the system uses. The ASCII character for the specified character code is shown in parentheses. The output arrow shows how the 6-bit display code changes when it is written on tape in external BCD. The input arrow shows how the external BCD code changes when the tape is read and converted to 6-bit display code. 63-Character Set /0&S 6-Bit Display Code External BCD 00 33 6-Bit Display Code 16 (Z) (0) Output 63 (:) 12 (0) 00 Input 12 (0) 33 (0) 33 (0) 64-Character Set 6-Bit Display Code External BCD 6-Bit Display Code 00 (:) 12 (0) 33 (0) 33 63 (0) (Z) Output ~ '""* 12 (0) Input 16 (Z) 33 (0) 63 (Z) Figure A-l. Conversion Differences If a lowercase ASCII or EBCDIC code is read from a 9-track coded tape, it is converted to its uppercase 6-bit display code equivalent. To read or write lowercase ASCII or EBCDIC characters, you must assign the tape in binary mode and use FCOPY to read or write the tape. Tables A-4 and A-5 show the character set conversion for 9-track tapes. Table A-4 lists the conversions to and from the 7-bit ASCII character code and 6-bit display code. Table A-5 lists the conversions between the EBCDIC character code and the 6-bit display code. Table A-6 shows the character set conversions between external BCD and 6-bit display code for 7-track tapes. Revision M Character Sets A-17 Character Set Tables Table A-4. Nine-Track A,SCII Coded Tape Conversion 7-Bit ASCII Code (Hex) 20 21 22 23 24 25 126 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 7-Bit ASCII Char1 space ii 7-Bit ASCII Code (Hex) 00 7D 02 03 04 05 05 06 07 08 09 OA OB OC 0D 0E OF 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 IA 3B 3C 3D NUL space STX ETX EOT ENQ ;EMQ ACK BEL BS HT LF VT FF CR SO SI DLE DC1 DC2 DC3 DC4 NAK SYN ETB CAN EM SUB ti 6-Bit Display Code Code (Octal) Bpace3 55 66 64 60 53 63 55 67 70 51 52 47 45 56 46 57 50 33 34 35 36 37 40 41 42 43 44 00 /f=^^. -iii^i^l^^barac^r^sftt iililiij^^ m 7-Bit ASCII Char2 6-Bit Display Code Char J: IB 7B ID SUB ESC :4 :t GS 63 77 72 54 1. When these characters are copied from/or to a tape, the characters remain the same but the codes change from one code set to the other. 2. These characters do not exist in 6-bit display code. Therefore, when the characters are copied from a tape, each 7-bit ASCII character is changed to an alternate 6-bit display code character. The corresponding codes are also changed. Example: When the system copies a lowercase a, 61i6, from tape, it writes an uppercase A, 01s. 3. A 6-bit display code space always translates to a 7-bit ASCII space. (Continued) A-18 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M Character Set Tables r Table A-4. Nine-Track ASCII Coded Tape Conversion (Continued) 7-Bit ASCII Code (Hex) r 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 7-Bit ASCII Char1 7-Bit ASCII Code (Hex) IE IF 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A IC 7C 01 7E 7F 7-Bit ASCII Char2 RS US FS SOH "• DEL 6-Bit Display Code Char 6-Bit Display Code Code (Octal) 73 71 74 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 30 31 32 61 75 62 76 65 1. When these characters are copied from/or to a tape, the characters remain the same but the codes change from one code set to the other. 2. These characters do not exist in 6-bit display code. Therefore, when the characters are copied from a tape, each 7-bit ASCII character is changed to an alternate 6-bit display code character. The corresponding codes are also changed. Example: When the system copies a lowercase a, 61i6, from tape, it writes an uppercase A, 01s. /gP>\ Revision M Character Sets A-19 Character Set Tables Table A-5. Nine-Track EBCDIC Coded Tape Conversion 6-Bit EBCDIC Code (Hex) 40 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 60 61 6B 6C m 6D 6E 6F 7A EBCDIC Char1 space t < ( + | & ! $ * ) ; / % m > ? EBCDIC Code (Hex) 00 IC 0E CO 16 0B DO 2E 01 37 25 05 27 Al 0D OF 0C 2D 2D 07 IE IF 3F EBCDIC Char2 NUL IFS SO Display Code Char space BS VT ACK SOH EOT LF HT ESC CR SI FF ENQ mm DEL IRS IUS SUB . % ■$$-W$ 6-Bit Display Code Code (Octal) 55 61 57 72 51 45 66 67 62 53 47 52 77 76 46 50 56 63 55 65 73 71 00 /*^\ ^Bit disp^y code GO is und afi**ed at sites £8*$$ the 63-eharacter mt i-sisi? s mm. ♦: S3 1. When these characters are copied from/or to a tape, the characters remain the same (except EBCDIC codes 4A, 4F, 5A, and 5F) but the codes change from one code set to the other. 2. These characters do not exist in 6-bit display code. Therefore, when the characters are copied from a tape, each EBCDIC character is changed to an alternate 6-bit display code character. The corresponding codes are also changed. Example: When the system copies a lowercase a, 8116, from tape, it writes an uppercase A, 018. 3. All EBCDIC codes not listed translate to 6-bit display code 55s (space). A 6-bit display code space always translates to an EBCDIC space. (Continued) A-20 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M Character Set Tables Table A-5. Nine-Track EBCDIC Coded Tape Conversion (Continued) EBCDIC Code (Hex) r 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F Cl C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 DI D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 EO E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 EBCDIC Char1 it EBCDIC Code (Hex) 03 79 2F ID 02 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 6A A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 EBCDIC Char2 6-Bit Display Code Char ETX BEL IGS STX •i 6-Bit Display Code Code (Octal) 60 74 70 54 64 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 75 23 24 25 26 27 30 1. When these characters are copied from/or to a tape, the characters remain the same (except EBCDIC codes 4A, 4F, 5A, and 5F) but the codes change from one code set to the other. 2. These characters do not exist in 6-bit display code. Therefore, when the characters are copied from a tape, each EBCDIC character is changed to an alternate 6-bit display code character. The corresponding codes are also changed. Example: When the system copies a lowercase a, 81i6,from tape, it writes an uppercase A, 01s. (Continued) Revision M Character Sets A-21 Character Set Tables Table A-5. Nine-Track EBCDIC Coded Tape Conversion (Continued) 6-Bit EBCDIC Code (Hex) E8 E9 FO Fl F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 EBCDIC Char1 EBCDIC Code (Hex) A8 A9 10 11 12 13 3C 3D 32 26 18 19 EBCDIC Char2 DLE DC1 DC2 TM DC4 NAK SYN ETB CAN EM Display Code Char 6-Bit Display Code Code (Octal) 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 40 41 42 43 44 1. When these characters are copied from/or to a tape, the characters remain the same (except EBCDIC codes 4A, 4F, 5A, and 5F) but the codes change from one code set to the other. 2. These characters do not exist in 6-bit display code. Therefore, when the characters are copied from a tape, each EBCDIC character is changed to an alternate 6-bit display code character. The corresponding codes are also changed. Example: When the system copies a lowercase a, 81i6, from tape, it writes an uppercase A, 01s. A-22 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M Character Set Tables /#^\ Table A-6. Seven-Track Coded Tape Conversions External ASCII 6-Bit BCD Character Display Code (Octal) 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 10 11 121 13 14 15 161 17 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 34 35 36 37 40 41 42 43 44 33 54 64 74 63 61 55 50 23 24 25 26 27 30 31 32 62 56 51 65 60 67 space «M> 1. As explained previously in this appendix, conversion of these codes depends on whether the tape is being read or written. (Continued) Revision M Character Sets A-23 Character Set Tables Table A-6. Seven-Track Coded Tape Conversions (Continued) External BCD 6-Bit Display Code (Octal) ASCII Character 46 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 66 53 47 70 71 73 45 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 10 11 72 57 52 75 76 77 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 A-24 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M Access Category Alternate Storage Glossary B Access Category See File Access Category and System Access Categories. Access Code A hardware/software security code assigned to each NAD on the network. A NAD may communicate only with other NADs having matching codes. Access Level A property of each file, job, and equipment on a secured system that is used to indicate the sensitivity of information in the file or job, or the sensitivity of information that can be processed by the equipment. On a secured system, there are up to eight access levels corresponding to increasing levels of sensitivity; you are authorized to access some or all of those levels. Refer also to Equipment Access Levels, File Access Level, Job Access Level, and System Access Levels. Access Level Limits See Job Access Level Limits. Account Dayfile A dayfile that provides a history of system usage over the life of the account. It provides information necessary for accurate billing and system usage analysis. ACN See Application Connection Number. AFD Utility A dayfile dumping utility that dumps all or selected parts of the account dayfile to produce a listing. y fi fl ^ ^ L AIP Trace Utility See Application Interface Program Trace Utility. Allocation Summary Table (AST) A table that contains information used by the allocation algorithm to select the cartridges on which a file will reside in an MSE environment. Allocation Unit (AU) In an MSE environment, an allocation unit is the smallest allocatable portion of a cartridge. Each AU consists of 14 data strips; each cartridge has 1931 AUs. Alternate Storage The storage of permanent file data on external media other than mass storage such as tape alternate storage or MSE. When a file resides on alternate storage, the file's permanent file catalog (PFC) entry and permit data still reside on disk, but the disk space occupied by the file data can be released. Revision M Glossary B-l Alternate Storage Address (ASA) Auto Recall Alternate Storage Address (ASA) The pointers in a file's PFC entry that point to the location of the file data on tape "^ alternate storage or MSE. Application See Application Program. Application Connection Number (ACN) A number assigned by the NAM program to identify a particular logical connection within an application. Application Interface Program (AIP) Trace Utility A utility that produces a trace file of the messages transferred between IAF and NAM. The information contained in this trace can be useful in tracking network problems and in debugging application programs. Application Program A program resident in a host computer that provides an information storage, retrieval, and/or processing service to a remote user via the data communication network and the Network Access Method. Application programs use the system control point feature of NOS to communicate with the Network Access Method. In the context of network software, an application program is not an interactive job, but rather a terminal servicing facility that provides terminal users with a specific processing capability such as remote job entry from batch terminals, transaction processing, entry and execution of interactive jobs, and so forth. For example, the standard CDC Interactive Facility IAF makes terminal input and output appear the ^_^^ same to an executing program as file input and output; IAF is a network application ^ program, but the executing program using IAF is an interactive job. Archive Files A dump of permanent files accumulated on disk that are dumped as a whole or in part to a backup tape (or other type of backup medium) to protect the files from loss in case of a device malfunction or to free a device for temporary use during preventive maintenance. ASCII American National Standard Code for Information Interchange. The standard character set and code used for information interchange between systems. It is a 7-bit code representing a prescribed set of 128 characters. AST See Allocation Summary Table. Attach The process of making a direct access permanent file accessible to a job by specifying the proper permanent file identification and passwords. AU See Allocation Unit. Auto Recall The act of a program releasing control of the CPU until a requested function is ) complete. Refer to Recall. B-2 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M Auxiliary Device Cartridge Alternate Storage Auxiliary Device A disk device that is not part of a permanent file family. Auxiliary devices can contain direct or indirect access permanent files. B Backup Tape See Archive Files. Batch Job The instructions and data that are submitted as a complete unit without further user intervention. The job can be punched on cards or created and submitted from a terminal. Beginning-of-information (BOI) The start of the first programmer record in a file is known as the r beginning-of-information. System information, such as tape labels on sequential files or indexes, does not affect the beginning-of-information. Binary File A noneditable file that contains a precompiled program. BOI See Beginning-of-information. Breakpoint A designated location in a program where, if reached during program execution, a break or suspension in execution occurs. Buffer An intermediate storage area used to compensate for a difference in rates of data flow, or times of event occurrences, when transmitting data between central memory and an external device during input/output operations. Byte A group of bits. Unless prefixed (for example, a 6-bit byte), the term means 8-bit groups. When used for encoding character data, a byte represents a single character. c Cache A high-speed memory that resides in the central processor. Cartridge A component of the MSE. The cartridge consists of a plastic housing that encloses a strip of magnetic tape on which data is stored under program control. 0*ms Cartridge Alternate Storage Cartridge (MSE) used as an alternate storage medium for permanent files. See Alternate Storage. Revision M Glossary B-3 Cassette Charge Number Cassette The magnetic tape device in an NPU used for bootstrap loading of offline diagnostics and (in remote NPUs) the bootstrap load/dump operation. Catalog Image Record (CIR) A record written at the beginning of the archive file on which the permanent files are dumped for each incremental dump. When a file is loaded, this CIR information is placed in the permanent file catalog of the device being loaded. Catalog Track A track on a user's master device containing the catalog entries that define and specify the location of each permanent file created by that user. Users are assigned by groups to catalog tracks according to user index and number of catalog tracks on the master device. Catenet A collection of network solutions connected using gateways. Abbreviated from ^^ concatenated network. /^^\ CCITT See Consultative Committee of International Telephone and Telegraph (CCITT). CCP See Communications Control Program. CDCNET See CONTROL DATA® Distributed Communications Network. CDCNET Operator (COP) The administrative operator who resides at either the system console or a terminal and controls CDCNET network elements (such as lines, terminals, trunks, and DIs associated with CDCNET). Central Memory Resident (CMR) The low address area of central memory reserved for tables, pointers, and subroutines necessary for operation of the operating system. It is never accessible to a user's /*s\ central processor program. The monitor allocates the remainder of central memory to jobs as they are selected on a priority basis for execution. Channel Number The number of the data channel on which a peripheral device controller can be accessed. Character Unless otherwise specified, references to characters in this manual are to 7-bit ASCII code. Charge Number An alphanumeric identifier the installation uses to allocate charges to individual users for system usage. B-4 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M Checkpoint C O M PA S S Checkpoint The process of writing a copy of your job's central memory, the system information used for job control, and the names and contents of all assigned files that are identified in a CHECKPT request to a magnetic tape or disk. CIO See Combined Input/Output CIR See Catalog Image Record. CLA See Communications Line Adapter. CMR See Central Memory Resident. CMRDECK The central memory resident deck that resides on the deadstart file. It defines central memory, table sizes, and configuration information not oriented to equipment. Coldstart Procedure used to deadstart if the tape or disk controller has not yet been loaded with controlware, or the controlware is not running. Combined Input/Output (CIO) A system routine that performs NOS I/O. Common Testing and Initialization (CTI) Common deadstart process that resides on the deadstart file and the maintenance system library. A ^ S Communication Line A complete communication circuit between a terminal and its network processing unit. Communications Control Program (CCP) A portion of the network software that resides in a 255x series network processing unit. This software can include routines such as the terminal interface program. Communications Line Adapter (CLA) Hardware that provides the interface between NPUs and modems. Communications Supervisor (CS) A portion of the network software written as an application program; the CS coordinates the network-oriented activities of the host computer and of the lines and terminals logically linked to it. COMPASS 0^s COMPrehensive ASsembly System. The standard assembly language used with CYBER 180, CYBER 170, CYBER 70, and 6000 Computer Systems. Also, the command used to assemble a program written in the COMPASS assembly language. Revision M Glossary B-5 CTI Connection Number Connection Number A number assigned to an IAF terminal by the system when the terminal is logged in and an entry is made for the job in the executing job table. Connection Status A job attribute kept in the job's executing job table (EJT) entry. The system uses it to determine the job's relationship with IAF. Consultative Committee of International Telephone and Telegraph (CCITT) (Actually, the Comite Consultif International Telephonique et Telegraphique). An organization chartered by the United Nations to develop and publish international standards for the communications industry. CONTROL DATA® Distributed Communications Network (CDCNET) A catenet system using Control Data Network Architecture, CDC hardware, and CDC software. Control Point The portion of central memory that is assigned to a job. When a job is allocated a portion of central memory, it becomes eligible for assignment to the central processor for execution. Control Point Number The number of the control point to which a job is assigned while the job resides in central memory. The actual number of control points is an installation parameter. Before the job can execute, each central processor program must be assigned to a control point. Controller Hardware device that connects channels to peripheral devices. For example, a tape controller might connect up to eight tape units to one channel. Controlling NOP An NPU operator (NOP) who is allowed to change the status of network elements (lines, logical links, terminals, and trunks) connected to an NPU. Controlware A special type of software that resides in a peripheral controller. The controlware defines the functional characteristics of the controller. COP See CDCNET Operator. CS See Communications Supervisor. CTI See Common Testing and Initialization. s^s. B-6 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M D AT Detached Job D DAT See Device Access Table. Data Channel One of the 9 to 24 channels (12-bit) by which information passes between the peripheral processors and peripheral devices. Refer to Channel Number. Data Recording Drive (DRD) A component of the 7991 Storage Module. The DRD reads data from and writes data to the cartridges. Dayfile A chronological file created during job execution that forms a permanent accounting and job history record. Dayfile messages are generated by operator action or when some commands are processed. A copy of the dayfile is printed with the output for each job. The user must explicitly request it in an interactive job. DDP The distributive data path. Deadstart The process of initializing the system by loading the operating system library programs and any of the product set from magnetic tape or disk. Deadstart recovery is reinitialization after system failure. Deadstart Sequencing The execution of a selected set of commands before normal system job scheduling is enabled. Debug Log File Processor (DLFP) A processor that analyzes trace files produced by the application interface program trace utility. Destage Dump Tapes Tapes that contain files that were destaged from disk using the PFDUMP utility with the DT parameter specified. Destaging The process of creating an alternate storage copy of a file on tape alternate storage or MSE. Files are destaged to tape alternate storage when the site executes PFDUMP with the DT parameter specified. Files are destaged to MSE when the site executes SSMOVE with the appropriate parameters specified. Detached Job An interactive service class job removed from control of the Interactive Subsystem. It may or may not continue to execute, depending on the presence of commands in the command buffer or an active job step. Control is regained by recovering the EJT entry for the job. 0$$S Revision M Glossary B-7 Device Access Ta b l e ( D AT ) Disabled Job Device Access Table (DAT) A table that contains the logical description (family name/pack name and device number) of each disk device (shared or nonshared) that is accessible by any machine in a linked shared device multimainframe complex. Device Index Table (DIT) A table that is used to determine device usage in an independent shared device multimainframe complex. Device Interface (DI) CDCNET hardware for open system interconnection. The device interface houses processor boards in configurations that permit a network of various other data processing equipment. Device Mask An 8-bit quantity that identifies the group of users who have the particular device as their master device; that is, it identifies the device that contains their file catalogs, all their indirect access files, and possibly some or all of their direct access files. DFD Utility A dayfile dumping utility that dumps all or selected parts of the system dayfile to produce a listing. DFLIST Utility A utility that generates a printer listing of all permanent files created by the DFTERM utility. DFTERM Utility A utility that terminates an active or inactive dayfile and retains it as a direct access permanent file for later use. DI See Device Interface. Diagnostic Operator (DOP) An NPU operator who resides at a terminal and has permission only to check status and test the network. Direct Access File A NOS permanent file that can be attached to the your job. All changes to this file are made on the file itself rather than a temporary copy of the file (compare with Indirect Access File). DIS (Job Display) A system peripheral processor program similar to the system display (DSD) that provides communication between a job in central memory and the operator at the console, and permits the operator to control execution of the program through the console keyboard. Disabled Job An interactive service class job temporarily rolled out due to user break processing or encountering the end of its command stream. The job scheduler ignores disabled jobs. /*a*% B-8 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M Display Code EJT Display Code A 6-bit character code set that represents alphanumeric and special characters. Disposition Code A 2-character mnemonic indicating the destination queue and format for processing a file named on a ROUTE function. DIT See Device Index Table. DLFP See Debug Log File Processor. DMPNAD See Dump NAD Memory. 0ms DOP See Diagnostic Operator. Downline The direction of output flow, from host to terminal. DRD See Data Recording Drive. DSD (System Display) The operating system program that provides communication between the operator and the system by accepting control information typed on the console keyboard and by displaying information pertinent to all jobs known to the system. DSD is permanently assigned to peripheral processor 1. r DSDI Utility A deadstart dump interpreter utility that is called by a batch command to convert selected portions of the binary information on an express deadstart dump file into reports to be listed. Dump NAD Memory (DMPNAD) A utility that reads the NAD memory and formats the data into an output file. E ECS . See Extended Core Storage. EDD FUe See Express Deadstart Dump File. EDD Utility See Express Deadstart Dump Utility. EJT See Executing Job Table. Revision M Glossary B-9 EJT Ordinal Equipment Access Levels EJT Ordinal An index into the executing job table (EJT). It uniquely identifies an EJT entry. The ^^\ acceptable range is from 0001 to 4095. ELD Utility A dayfile dumping utility that dumps all or selected parts of the error log dayfile to produce a listing. End-of-Chain Flag (EOC) In an MSE environment, EOC is a flag in the 7990 catalog that identifies the last volume in a chain of allocated AUs. End-of-File (EOF) A boundary within a sequential file, but not necessarily the end of a file that can be referenced by name. The actual end of a named file is defined by EOI. For labeled tape, EOF and EOI (denoted by the EOFl label) are the same. For multifile tape files, EOF and EOI do not correspond. In the product set manuals, an end-of-file is ^^ also referred to as an end-of-partition. *^i End-of-Information (EOI) The end of data on a file. Information appearing after this point is not considered part of file data. In card decks, a card with a 6/7/8/9 multiple punch in column 1. On mass storage devices, the position of the last written data. On labeled tape, it is the EOFl label. CYBER Record Manager defines end-of-information in terms of file residency and organization. End-of-Record (EOR) An indicator that marks the end of a logical record. Also referred to as end-of-section. Entry Point A location within a program or procedure that can be referenced from other programs. Each entry point has a unique name with which it is associated. EOC See End-of-Chain Flag. EOF See End-of-File. EOI See End-of-Information. EOR See End-of-Record. EQPDECK The equipment description deck used during deadstart to define the system equipment configuration. Equipment Access Levels A range of access levels specified for each equipment on a secured system. In order for a file to be stored or output on a given equipment, the file's access level must be within the equipment access levels for that equipment. B-10 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M Equipment Number Extended Core Storage (ECS) Equipment Number A number from 0 to 7 that identifies the setting on a peripheral device controller. Equipment Status Table (EST) A central memory resident table listing all the defined equipments, parameters affecting their operation, and the status of the equipments. ESM See Extended Semiconductor Memory. EST See Equipment Status Table. EST Ordinal The number designating the position of an entry within the equipment status table (EST) established at each installation. Devices are identified in operator commands by EST ordinals. The EST ordinal is sometimes referred to as equipment number. Ethernet A baseband local area network protocol developed by the XEROX, Intel, and Digital Equipment Corporations. CDCNET is an Ethernet-compatible network. Exchange Package A table that contains information used during job execution. It is printed as part of the output when a job aborts. Executing Job Table (EJT) A central memory resident table that contains a 4-word entry for all executing jobs including interactive service class jobs. It is used to control jobs that are executing at a control point and jobs that are rolled out. Every executing job in the system has an EJT entry. 0$$*s Execution An input job is in execution after it is selected by the operating system and assigned to a control point. A job remains in execution until terminated, but it can be temporarily swapped or rolled out by the operating system. Express Deadstart Dump (EDD) File A file that is generated on magnetic tape by the express deadstart dump utility. This file contains a dump of memory, executing exchange packages, hardware registers, and controller memory. Express Deadstart Dump (EDD) Utility A utility that may be run at deadstart time after a system malfunction has occurred. It generates the express deadstart dump file on magnetic tape. Extended Core Storage (ECS) A type of extended memory that is an option available for 6000 Computer Systems, CYBER 70 Computer Systems, CYBER 170 Computer Systems (except model 176), and CYBER 180 Computer Systems. The maximum size of ECS is two million words. See Extended Memory. Revision M Glossary B-ll Extended Memory (EM) FET Extended Memory (EM) An additional portion of memory that is available as an option. This memory can be *«% used for program and data storage, but not for program execution. Special hardware J instructions exist for transferring data between central memory and extended memory. Extended memory consists of either extended core storage (ECS), extended semiconductor memory (ESM), large central memory extended (LCME), or unified extended memory (UEM). Extended Memory File Space The portion of extended memory that is defined as a mass storage device. Extended Memory I/O Buffers The portion of extended memory that is used for buffering I/O data to and from disks. Disks requiring I/O buffers are: 819, 885-42, 887, 895, and 9853. Extended Semiconductor Memory (ESM) A type of extended memory that is an option available for 6000 Computer Systems, ^^ CYBER 70 Computer Systems, CYBER 170 Computer Systems (except model 176), ^ and CYBER 180 Computer Systems. The maximum size of ESM is 16 million words. See Extended Memory. Facility Interface Program (FIP) A program consisting of routines and buffers that are loaded into each application program's field length. This program is the interface between the application program and RHF. Family Device A mass storage permanent file device associated with a specific system. A family may consist of from 1 to 63 logical devices. Normally, a system runs with one family of permanent file devices available. However, additional families may be introduced during normal operation. This enables users associated with the additional families to access their permanent files via the alternate family. Family Name Name of the permanent file storage device or set of devices on which all of a user's permanent files are stored. When a user requests a permanent file, the system looks for it on this family (group) of devices. Usually a system has only one family of permanent file devices, but it is possible to have alternate families in the system. At login, the user may have to specify which family he/she is using. A user gets a family name from his/her employer, instructor, or computer center personnel. Family Ordinal Table (FOT) A table that maintains the relationship between family ordinals and family names. FCT See File and Cartridge Table. FET See File Environment Table. B-12 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M Field Length FIp Field Length The area in central memory allocated to a particular job; the only part of central memory that a job can directly access. Also the number of central memory words required to process a job. File A collection of information referred to by a file name (from 1 to 7 alphanumeric characters). You can create a file at the terminal or retrieve a file from permanent file storage for use during a terminal session. File Access Category A property of a permanent file used by the creator of the file on a secured system to restrict access of the file to a particular group of users. A secured system supports up to 32 access categories, and a user is authorized to use some, all, or none of those categories. Refer also to System Access Categories. File Access Level A property of each file on a secured system used to indicate the sensitivity of information contained on the file. A file is assigned the current job access level by default when it is created or stored; the file creator may specify any access level for that file that is within the set of access levels valid for the job, the system, the file creator, and (for interactive jobs) the communication line to the host mainframe. If a user accesses a file on a secured system, that user must be validated for the access level of the file. Refer also to Access Level, Job Access Level, and Job Access Level Limits. File and Cartridge Table (FCT) Table that has an entry for each cubicle assigned to the subfamily from a given SM. File Category Each permanent file is assigned a category of private, semiprivate, or public. File Count A maximum number of permanent files allowed each user. File Environment Table (FET) A table within a program's field length through which the program communicates with operating system input/output routines. One FET exists for each file in use by the program. File Name Table (FNT) A system-managed table that contains the local file name, the file type, and other job control information. All active files in the system have an FNT entry. File Status Table (FST) A system-managed table that contains information pertaining to the file's location in mass storage and other job control information. Each active file in the system has an FST entry. See also File Name Table. FIP See Facility Interface Program. Revision M Glossary B-13 First Level Peripheral Processor (FLPP) H0P First Level Peripheral Processor (FLPP) The processor that is connected directly to the CYBER 170 Model 176 mainframe and ^ operates synchronously with the mainframe. FLPP See First Level Peripheral Processor. FNT See File Name Table. Forms Code An attribute of output files and output devices. The user can specify special forms required for output, and then mount the special forms and use the FORM command to let the system process his/her output. FOT See Family Ordinal Table. FST See File Status Table. Function Processor A system CPU or PP program that the user can call by placing a request in location RA+1. Function processors perform input/output, local and permanent file manipulations, and so on. H Hardware Initialization and Verification Software (HIVS) The software package that assists CTI during deadstart and provides deadstart confidence-level testing (HVS). Hardware Verification Sequence (HVS) HVS is a member of HIVS. It tests the ability of memory to hold patterns of data and execute instructions. The user can choose to test central memory, extended ^gm e m o r y, PP m e m o r y, and central processor m e m o r y. j Head-of-Chain Flag (HOC) In an MSE environment, HOC is a flag in the 7990 catalog that identifies the first volume in a chain of allocated AUs. Header A word or set of words at the beginning of a block, record, file, or buffer that contains control information for that unit of data. HIVS See Hardware Initialization and Verification Software. HOC See Head-of-Chain Flag. HOP See Host Operator. B-14 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M Host Interactive Transfer Facility (ITF) Host The computer that controls a network, executes the application programs, and processes network messages. Host Operator (HOP) The administrative operator who resides at the system console, initiates NAM, and controls NPUs and network related host elements. HVS See Hardware Verification Sequence. I IAF See Interactive Facility. Inactive Queued File Table (IQFT) A table of file entries that has been removed from the queued file table. An IQFT file is on each mass storage device on which one or more inactive queued files reside. Incremental Dump An incremental dump copies those permanent files modified after a specified date. Each incremental dump writes a catalog image record at the beginning of the archive file on which the permanent files are dumped. Incremental Load An incremental load builds up an accumulation of the most recently modified versions of the files extracted from the archive files for loading. A series of archive files is read in reverse order of creation. The CIR is read and checked against the archive files. If a file matches an entry on the CIR, that file is a candidate for loading. Indirect Access File A NOS permanent file that you access by making a temporary copy of the file (GET or OLD command). You create or alter it by saving or substituting the contents of an existing temporary file (REPLACE or SAVE command). Input File The system-defined file that contains the entire job the user submits for processing. It is also known as the job file. Input/Output Unit (IOU) A collection of all PPs, PP channels, and related hardware for models 865 and 875 and CYBER 180-class machines. Interactive Facility (IAF) An application that provides a terminal operator with interactive processing capability. The Interactive Facility makes terminal input/output and file input/output appear the same to an executing program. Interactive Transfer Facility (ITF) f^ A network application that allows the user to connect an interactive terminal to a remote CYBER 200 computer system linked to a host mainframe by a loosely coupled network. Revision M Glossary B-15 IOU LCN IOU See Input/Output Unit. ^ IQFT See Inactive Queued File Table. ITF See Interactive Transfer Facility. Job Access Level On a secured system, each job has an access level. This is the default access level that is assigned to files that are created or stored in the job. A job's initial access level is the lower access level limit for the job. The job's access level is automatically raised to the access level of any file from which information is read. The user can also change the job access level. Refer also to Job Access Level Limits. s*ms Job Access Level Limits An upper limit and a lower limit that determine the range of access levels that are valid for a particular job on a secured system. All files used in a given job must have an access level within the job's access level limits. Job Sequence Name (JSN) The unique, system-defined name assigned to every executing job or queued file. The JSN is a string of four alphabetic characters. Job Status A job attribute kept in the job's executing job table (EJT) entry. It is used by the system to determine if a job is rolled in or rolled out. If the job is rolled out, job status indicates why it was rolled out. JSN See Job Sequence Name. LAN See Local Area Network. Large Central Memory Extended (LCME) A type of extended memory that is an option available for model 176. Refer to Extended Memory. LCF See Local Configuration File. LCME See Large Central Memory Extended. LCN See Loosely Coupled Network. B-16 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M LDLIST Utility ^ NAD LDLIST Utility A utility that generates a printer listing of queued files present on a dump tape produced by the QDUMP utility. LFG See Load File Generator. LID See Logical Identifier. LISTPPM Utility A PIP dump analyzer program that converts all available PIP dump binary records on th PIP memory dump file into a report to be listed in byte format. Load File Generator (LFG) A utility program that reformats communications control program files for subsequent use by the network supervisor of NAM to load network processing units. Load Point Metallic strip marking the beginning of the recordable portion of a magnetic tape. Data, including labels, is written after the load point. A rewind positions a single file volume to the load point. Load Sequence A sequence of load operations that encompasses all of the loader's processing from the time that nothing is loaded until the time execution begins. It includes initialization, specification of specified loader requests, and completion of load. Local Area Network (LAN) A privately owned network that interconnects data processing equipment to provide high-speed communications. It allows users and services to exchange messages and share resources. Local Batch Job A batch job submitted at the central computer site through a card reader or terminal. Local Configuration File (LCF) A file in the host computer system containing information on the logical makeup of the communication elements of the host. The file contains a list of the application programs available for execution in the host computer, and the users that can access it. This is a NOS direct access permanent file. Local File Any file that is currently associated with a job. Local files include all temporary files and attached direct access files. Local File Name The file name assigned to a file while it is local (assigned) to a job. The name is contained in the local file name table. Local NAD A 380-170 NAD connected to the host mainframe using a channel and configured in the EST. A^ms Revision M Glossary B-17 Local NPU MAP Local NPU An NPU that is connected to the host via a coupler. A local NPU always contains a host interface program for processing block protocol transfers across the host/local NPU interface. Logical Identifier (LID) A 3-character alphanumeric string used to identify a particular mainframe. LIDs are identified by the user's site. Loosely Coupled Network (LCN) A network of physically connected computer systems. The LCN environment allows jobs, data files, and messages to be transmitted from one computer system to another. M Machine Identification (MID) The identifier that associates a specific machine with its access to a shared device. Machine Recovery Table (MRT) A table that provides the information needed to recover the mass storage space and interlocks of a machine that shares a mass storage device. Machine Recovery Utility (MREC) A utility that clears interlocks held by the machine to be deadstarted that have not been cleared by CPUMTR. It also recovers mass storage space on a shared device that is currently not accessible because of a machine interruption. Macro A sequence of source statements that is saved and then assembled whenever needed through a macro call. Mainframe Device Interface (MDI) A device interface that is configured to connect a CYBER mainframe to Ethernet. Mainframe to Terminal Interface (MTI) A terminal interface that is configured to connect a CYBER mainframe to a terminal for support of terminal-to-network communications. MAINLOG Utility A dayfile dumping utility that dumps all or selected parts of the binary maintenance log to produce an output file in binary format. Maintenance Logging Transfer Utility (MLTF) A utility that controls logging NAD error logs into the binary maintenance log. Maintenance Register A hardware register used in error detection, logging, and recovery procedures. Maintenance registers are used on models 865 and 875 instead of status/control registers. Refer to Status/Control (S/C) Register. MAP The Matrix Algorithm Processor. A<5$s B-18 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M Mass Storage Device MTI Mass Storage Device ^** An extended memory or disk unit that has defined logical attributes such as family, file residency, and so on. Mass Storage Extended Subsystem (MSE) MSE is the product consisting of the 7990 hardware, the channel interface, the diagnostics, and the operational software. MSE stores data on the 7990 and moves it to disk upon request for access by an authorized user. Mass Storage Table (MST) A table that contains an entry for each logical device in the configuration of mass storage devices currently available to the system. Master Device A disk device that contains the user's permanent file catalog entries; all of the user's indirect access files; and all, part, or none of the user's direct access files. MCT See Memory Control Table. MDI See Mainframe Device Interface. MID See Machine Identification. Memory Control Table A central memory table used in allocating central memory and extended memory to user jobs. MLIA See Multiplex Loop Interface Adapter. Monitor The system routine that coordinates and controls all activities of the computer system. It occupies peripheral processor 0 and part of central memory. It schedules the use of the central processor and the other peripheral processors. MREC See Machine Recovery Utility. MRT See Machine Recovery Table. MSE See Mass Storage Extended Subsystem. MST See Mass Storage Table. MTI See Mainframe to Terminal Interface. Revision M Glossary B-19 Multimainframe Operation NETOU Multimainframe Operation An operation that provides mechanisms by which more than one computer can share a^\ mass storage devices. Multiplex Loop Interface Adapter (MLIA) The hardware portion of the multiplex subsystem that controls the multiplex loops (input and output) as well as the interface between the NPU and the multiplex subsystem. Multispindle Device A logical mass storage device that includes from two to eight disk units. Multiterminal Job A job that does one specific task for many terminals while being scheduled into the system only once. N s*%. NAD See Network Access Device. NAM See Network Access Method. NCF See Network C o n fi g u r a t i o n File. r*%. NCTF See Network Description File. NDA See NPU Dump Analyzer. NDI See Network Device Interface. NDL Processor See Network Definition Language Processor. NDR See Network Driver. Negative Field Length (NFL) Central memory assigned to a control point that physically precedes the job's reference address (RA). NETLOG A program that uses the network configuration file to determine which remote NADs should be logged. NETOU See Network Operator Utility. B-20 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M Network Network Operator Utility (NETOU) Network An interconnected set of network elements consisting of a host and one or more NPUs and terminals. Network Access Device (NAD) The primary element in a loosely coupled network. Each NAD connects a computer system to the network. Network Access Method (NAM) A software package that provides a generalized method of using a communications network for switching, buffering, queuing, and transmitting data. NAM is a set of interface routines used by a terminal servicing facility for shared access to a network of terminals and other applications, so that the facility program does not need to support the physical structures and protocols of a private communication network. Network Configuration File (NCF) A network definition file in the host computer containing information on the network elements and permissible linkages between them. The status of the elements described in this file is modified by the NPU operator in the course of managing the network. This is a NOS direct access permanent file. Network Definition Language (NDL) Processor The network software module that processes an NDL program as an offline batch job to create the network definition files and other NDL program output. Network Description File (NCTF) A file that must be present if the Transaction Facility is used. The file is prepared by the site analyst. Network Device Interface (NDI) A device interface that is configured to transfer data between networks; for example, LAN to LAN, LAN to PDN, PDN to PDN, or LAN to communication lines. Network Driver (NDR) 0^S, A program that executes in a dedicated peripheral processor unit. It communicates with the network access devices using a host computer data channel, and is the interface between RHF and the communication network. Network Invocation Number (NIN) A 1- to 3-digit decimal number. NIN is incremented by 1 every time NAM is brought up. Network Load File (NLF) An output file generated by the load file generator utility for use by the network supervisor. Network Operator Utility (NETOU) A group of programs residing in a host computer and in a mainframe device interface connected to the mainframe that allow a network operator to access, monitor, control, and configure a CDCNET network from the host console or a remote terminal. NETOU allows commands from network operators to be sent through the CDCNET network to specific device interfaces or all of the DIs in the network. Revision M Glossary B-21 Network Processing Unit (NPU) NVF Network Processing Unit (NPU) The collection of hardware and software that switches, buffers, and transmits data /<5\ between terminals and host computers. Network Supervisor (NS) A portion of the network software written as a NAM application program. NS dumps and loads NPUs upon request. Network Terminal A terminal that communicates with the operating system through the network. Network Validation Facility (NVF) A portion of the network software, written as a NAM application program. The network validation facility performs application validation and all connection validation processing and supports login dialog with the terminal user. NFL See Negative Field Length. ) NIN See Network Invocation Number. NLF See Network Load File. Nonincremental Load A nonincremental load does no CIR checking and uses only parameter options specified on the PFLOAD call, if any, to select candidates for loading. NOP See NPU Operator. NPU See Network Processing Unit. NPU Dump Analyzer (NDA) A utility program that produces a readable printout from the NPU dump files. NPU Operator (NOP) The administrative operator who resides at a terminal and controls NPUs. NS See Network Supervisor. NVF See Network Validation Facility. /^^i\ B-22 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M Object Code PDN o Object Code The machine language version of a program that has been translated (compiled) from source code written in a higher-level language. Operating System The set of system programs that controls the execution of computer programs and provides scheduling, error detection, input/output control, accounting, compilation, storage assignment, and other related services. Origin Type A job attribute that indicates how a job entered the system. The four origin types are interactive origin, batch origin, remote batch origin, and system origin. Output File as the file printthat or punch file. the output from job processing. It is also known rThe system-defined contains PACKER Utility A utility that provides the capability to manage the holes within the indirect access permanent file chain on a permanent file device. Paging (Screen) The process of filling a CRT display with data and holding additional data for subsequent displays. Changing the page display is an operator-controlled function if the page-wait option is selected. Parity In writing data, an extra bit is either set or cleared in each byte so that every byte has either an odd number of set bits (odd parity) or an even number of set bits (even parity). Parity is checked on a read for error detection and possible recovery. Partial Dump A partial dump copies permanent files according to any specified options, except those defining a full or incremental dump. Password A name or word the user enters during login to provide extra security for his/her user name. A unique password ensures that no one else can log into the system with someone else's user name and access that user's files. A user's password is given to him/her by that user's employer, instructor, or computer center personnel. PCP See Pseudo-control Point. PDN See Public Data Network. Revision M Glossary B-23 Peripheral Interface Package (PIP) Permission Mode ^^%v Peripheral Interface Package (PIP) The interface package between the PPU of the CYBER computer and the network application. Peripheral Processor (PP) The hardware unit within the host computer that performs physical input and output through the computer's data channels. Peripheral Processor Unit (PPU) First level peripheral processor. A PPU is contained in the mainframe in a multimainframe environment and operates synchronously with the mainframe. Sometimes referred to as FLPP. Permanent File A mass storage file that is cataloged by the system so that its location and identification are always known to the system. Permanent files cannot be destroyed accidentally during normal system operation. They are protected by the system from unauthorized access according to privacy controls specified when they are created. Permanent File Catalog Entry (PFC) A 16-word entry that the system maintains and uses to determine the file name, owner, identification, disk pointers, alternate storage pointers, and other attributes of a permanent file. Permanent File Family The permanent files that reside on the family devices of a specific system. Permanent File Manager (PFM) PFM identifies the master device and catalog track information when a user submits a job. Permanent File Supervisor (PFS) The PFS processes parameters in utility commands and loads the correct processing overlays. Permanent File Transfer Facility (PTF) PTF is an application program initiator started by the user using an MFLINK command. It is responsible for initiating and completing (with the help of its servicing application, PTFS on another host) a permanent file transfer. Permanent File Transfer Facility Servicer (PTFS) PTFS is an application program servicer started by RHF or NAM when requested by a PTF on another host. The PTFS application assists the PTF application in completing the file transfer by performing those permanent file functions requested by the user and then transferring the file between PTF and PTFS. Permanent File Utility (PFU) A utility that manages the catalogs, permits, data allocation on a device, and the data transfer between the device and the overlay. Permission Mode A mode of operation that a user is allowed for a particular permanent file, such as write, modify, append, read, and so forth. B-24 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M P FAT C Utility PICB PFATC Utility f A utility that produces a cataloged directory of file information derived from an archive file previously created by the PFDUMP utility. PFC See Permanent File Catalog. PFCAT Utility A utility that produces a cataloged directory of file information derived from catalog tracks on a master device. PFCOPY Utility A utility that extracts files from an archive file and copies them to one or more files at a control point. PFDUMP Utility A utility that dumps permanent files to an archive file. Dumps can be reloaded by the PFLOAD utility and can be accessed by the PFATC and PFCOPY utilities for cataloging and copying. PFLOAD Utility A utility that loads archived files produced by the PFDUMP utility back into the permanent file system. The load can reestablish the permanent file system exactly as it was at the time of the dump, or can load only a desired subset of files on the archive file. PFM See Permanent File Manager. PFREL Utility A utility that releases disk space for permanent files that have copies on alternate storage. PFS See Permanent File Supervisor. PFU See Permanent File Utility. Physical Identifier (PID) The unique 3-character identifier of a specific host. Physical Record Unit (PRU) The amount of information transmitted by a single physical operation of a specified device. For mass storage files, a PRU is 64 central memory words (640 characters); for magnetic tape files, the size of the PRU depends upon the tape format. A PRU that is not full of user data is called a short PRU; a PRU that has a level terminator but no user data is called a zero-length PRU. PICB See Program Initiation Control Block. Revision M Glossary B-25 PID Program Initiation Control Block (PICB) /<^K PID See Physical Identifier. PIP See Peripheral Interface Package. PP See Peripheral Processor. PPS The Peripheral Processor Subsystem. PPU See Peripheral Processor Unit. Preserved File A mass storage file that is recovered on all levels of system deadstart. Preserved files y13^ i n c l u d e p e r m a n e n t fi l e s , q u e u e d fi l e s , a n d s y s t e m d a y fi l e s . ' Primary File A temporary file created with the OLD, NEW, LIB, (interactive jobs only), or PRIMARY command. The primary file is assumed to be the file on which most system operations are performed unless another file is specified. There can be only one primary file associated with your job. Primary VSN The volume serial number (VSN) of a single reel destage dump tape or the VSN of the first reel of a multireel set of destage dump tapes. The VSN must be two alphanumeric characters followed by a four-digit decimal number; the number must be in the range 0000 through 4095. Privileged Analyst A user with AW=CPAM validation (refer to the NOS Version 2 Administration Handbook for information on MODVAL validation). Such a user can read system status information (such as the system dayfile, account file, and error log) using a nonsystem-origin job if PRIVILEGED ANALYST MODE is enabled (via IPRDECK or ^ DSD command). Note that PRIVILEGED ANALYST MODE cannot be enabled on a secured system. PROBE Utility A utility that traps and measures particular interval events in the system. PROBE generates a report from the data collected by the system. Procedure A user-defined set of instructions that can be referenced by name. The instructions consist of procedure directives and system commands. Program Initiation Control Block (PICB) A sequence of commands that initiates NPU load and dump operations for a specific NPU variant. Several PICBs may exist on the network load file. Each PICB is a separate record with a unique NPU variant name as its record name. B-26 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M Programmable Format Control PTFS Programmable Format Control Spacing and format control for 580 line printers provided by the use of software and a microprocessor instead of a carriage control format tape. Project Number An alphanumeric identifier that may be required at a user's installation for accounting and billing to a specific project. If it is required, the project number is entered during the login procedure. It is given to the user by personnel at his/her installation. Protocol A set of conventions or rules that must be used to achieve complete communication between entities in a network. A protocol can be a set of predefined coding sequences such as the control byte envelopes added to or removed from data exchanged with a terminal; a set of data addressing and division methods, such as the block mechanism used between an application program and NAM; or a set of procedures used to control communication, such as the supervisory message sequences used between an application program and NAM. PRU See Physical Record Unit. Pseudo A Register A software register used by DSD to function channels and to manipulate peripheral hardware devices from the operator's console. 0ms Pseudo-control Point (PCP) The portion of central memory that is assigned to a job that has been pseudo-rolled. Pseudo-control points are the same as control points except that a job at a pseudo-control point cannot have any activity (such as PP assignment or CPU assignment). Pseudo-control Point Number The number of the pseudo-control point to which a job is assigned while the job resides in central memory. The actual number of pseudo-control points is an installation parameter. Pseudo-rollout The removal of jobs from a control point to a pseudo-control point so that the control point and central memory can be assigned to another job. A job is rolled out to a pseudo-control point when its control point is needed by a higher priority job. Pseudo-rollin The return of jobs from a pseudo-control point to a control point. PTF See Permanent File Transfer Facility. PTFS See Permanent File Transfer Facility Servicer. Revision M Glossary B-27 Public Auxiliary Device " Public Auxiliary Device An auxiliary device that is available for access by all validated users knowing the ^ correct pack name. Additional validation is required to create or replace files on an auxiliary device. Public Data Network (PDN) A commercial packet-switching network that supports the interface described in the CCITT protocol X.25. Q QALTER Utility A utility that displays, lists, and/or alters routing and other information about active queued files. It selects files for processing according to specified criteria. QALTER can also purge selected files from the system. QDUMP Utility A utility that dumps selected queued files from a single device, a family of devices, or all devices on the system. These queued files can be dumped either to a tape or disk. QDUMP also provides a listing of all files dumped with information about each file processed. / as^\ E-4 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M Adding Programmable Format Control Arrays Table E-l. Released Programmable Format Control Arrays (Continued) 8.5 Location 11 in.1 in.1 8.5 11 in.2 in.2 8.5 11 in.3 in.3 8.5 11 in.4 in.4 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 0 5 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 12 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 11 12 0 5 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 2 0 12 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 5 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 12 0 0 1 0 0 1. 6 lpi default (default is SC = ). 2. 6 lpi alternate (alternate is SC = 1). 3. 8 lpi default. 4. 8 lpi alternate. (Continued) /§SSN Revision M 580 Programmable Format Control E-5 Adding Programmable Format Control Arrays Table E-l. Released Programmable Format Control Arrays (Continued) Location 8.5 11 in.1 in.1 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 11 in.2 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 7 0 8.5 in. 8.5 11 in.3 in.3 8.5 11 in.4 in.4 0 3 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 12 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 7 10 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 5 0 0 11 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 •"^^JV 1. 6 lpi default (default is SC=). 2. 6 lpi alternate (alternate is SC = 1). 3. 8 lpi default. 4. 8 lpi alternate. (Continued) E-6 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M Adding Programmable Format Control Arrays Table E-l. Released Programmable Format Control Arrays (Continued) Location 11 in. 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 8.5 in. 8.5 11 in.2 in.s5 1 1 i n . 3 8.5 in.3 8.5 11 in.4 in.4 10 10 11 10 11 11 12 178 12 178 12 12 178 178 1. 6 lpi default (default is SC = ). 2. 6 lpi alternate (alternate is SC = 1). 3. 8 lpi default. 4. 8 lpi alternate. (Continued) Revision M 580 Programmable Format Control E-7 Adding Programmable Format Control Arrays Table E-l. Released Programmable Format Control Arrays (Continued) 8.5 Location 11 in.1 i« in. i 8.5 11 inu1 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 in in.2 11 in.3 8.5 in.3 8.5 11 in.4 * 4 in. 10 11 12 12 178 178 1. 6 lpi default (default is SC:= ). 2. 6 lpi alternate (alternate is SC = 1). 3. 8 lpi default. 4. 8 lpi alternate. ^-*»»iV E-8 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M m*- 533/536, 537, and 585 Printer Electronic Vertical Format Unit (EVFU) F Upon startup, the printer support utility (PSU) looks for an EVFU load file which is a public file named EVFULFN under the network user name NETOPS. The EVFU load file contains definitions which describe all 533, 536, 537, and 585 printers to be serviced by PSU. In addition, for 533/536 printers it contains directives that describe the actions to be taken while printing files that have format control characters in column 1 and the page length and print density specified. EVFU information for 537 and 585 printers is supplied by CDCNET, and is documented in the CDCNET Configuration and Site Administration Guide. PSU supports up to 12 printers with any mix of 533/536, 537, and 585 printers. The printer directives in the released EVFU file specify PRINT01 through PRINT04 as 533/536 printers; PRINT05 and PRINT06 as 537 interactive printers and PRINT07 rand PRINT08 Ifasthese 537printer batchnames printers; andcorrect PRINT09 PRINT12 printers. are not for thethrough printers being used,as the585 EVFU file will have to be changed accordingly. If 533/536 printers are used, the 533/536 printer definitions must follow all other printer definitions, which are then followed by the 533/536 EVFU load data. If a mismatch occurs between the EVFU load file printer definition and the connection received from the network, the connection is placed in a HOLD state and a K-display message provides the pertinent information. If the K-display is not assigned when this occurs, a flashing B-display message requests that the K-display be assigned to PSU. r EVFU Directives for 533/536 Printers EVFU directives follow the printer definitions in the EVFU load file. The presence of a character in column 1 initiates a new EVFU directive. A line with a blank in column 1 is a continuation of the line that started the current EVFU directive. Blank lines are not permitted in the EVFU load file. An EVFU directive terminates with a semicolon or end-of-line. You can add comments to an EVFU directive line following the semicolon. An EVFU load file contains two types of EVFU directives: • Format control directives. • EVFU load directives. Format Control Directives The character in column 1 of each line of a print file is a format control character. PSU translates this character into a string of one or more data characters that are output instead of the format control character. A format control directive consists of a single format control character followed by the associated data for PSU to output in place of the format control character specified in the directive. At least one space must separate the format control character from the data characters. There are two formats for the data characters, and you can intermix the two formats. The first data format is pairs of hexadecimal digits representing ASCII characters. These pairs of digits may be separated from each other by spaces for readability. The second data format is ASCII strings delimited by quotation marks, for example, "data". Revision M 533/536, 537, and 585 Printer Electronic Vertical Format Unit (EVFU) F-l Format Control Directives You can specify a maximum of six data items in a format control directive. They can be hexadecimal digit pairs or ASCII strings or both, but not more than a total of six items representing ASCII characters. Character data should not extend over line boundaries. PSU supports the following format control characters: Character Description 1 2 + space 0 Eject page before printing. Skip to last line of form before printing. Skip zero lines before printing (overprint). Single space. Skip one line before printing (double space). Skip two lines before printing (triple space). Skip to top of page (channel 1) before printing. Skip two lines (channel 2) before printing. Skip three lines (channel 3) before printing. Skip four lines (channel 4) before printing. Skip five lines (channel 5) before printing. Skip one page (channel 6) before printing. Skip seven lines (channel 7) before printing. Skip eight lines (channel 8) before printing. Skip three lines (channel 9) before printing. Skip ten lines (channel 10) before printing. Eject page (channel 11) before printing. Eject page (channel 12) before printing. Eject page after printing. Skip to last line of form after printing. Skip zero lines after printing (overprint). Skip to top of page (channel 1) after printing. Skip two lines (channel 2) after printing. Skip three lines (channel 3) after printing. Skip four lines (channel 4) after printing. Skip five lines (channel 5) after printing. Skip one page (channel 6) after printing. Skip seven lines (channel 7) after printing. Skip eight lines (channel 8) after printing. Skip three lines (channel 9) after printing. Skip ten lines (channel 10) after printing. Eject page (channel 11) after printing. Eject page (channel 12) after printing. Clear auto page eject. Set auto page eject. Set 6-lpi print density. Set 8-lpi print density. 8 7 6 5 4 3 9 X Y Z w u A B / H G F E D C I J K L M N Q R S T A?*£%S If column 1 of a format control directive contains a blank or any character that has not been defined, PSU performs a line termination and line feed sequence. Thus, the concept of an invalid format control character does not exist. Lines with something other than a defined character in column 1 will have that character replaced by a blank. Following the line feed, processing of the rest of the line will continue as normal. ■* * \ F-2 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M EVFU Load File Example Note that Q, R, S, and T may appear either as format control characters or as EVFU load characters. However, if both are specified, the format control character takes precedence and the EVFU load character will not be used. The level number mentioned earlier corresponds to various combinations of page size and print density or spacing codes that can be specified. The following EVFU level numbers are defined for the default EVFU load file: Level Number Description 1 D e fi n e s a 1 2 - i n c h f o r m l e n g t h w i t h a 6 - l p i p r i n t d e n s i t y. 2 D e fi n e s a 1 2 - i n c h f o r m l e n g t h w i t h a n 8 - l p i p r i n t d e n s i t y. 3 D e fi n e s a n 11 - i n c h f o r m l e n g t h w i t h a 6 - l p i p r i n t d e n s i t y. 4 D e fi n e s a n 11 - i n c h f o r m l e n g t h w i t h a n 8 - l p i p r i n t d e n s i t y. 5 D e fi n e s a n 8 . 5 - i n c h f o r m l e n g t h w i t h a 6 - l p i p r i n t d e n s i t y. 6 D e fi n e s a n 8 . 5 - i n c h f o r m l e n g t h w i t h a n 8 - l p i p r i n t d e n s i t y. If you specify a spacing code or request a forms length/density for which no load data exists, PSU will issue a message to the printer, then rewind the output file, and print it using the default EVFU level of 3. EVFU Load File Example 0ims Figure F-l provides an example of an EVFU Load File. It shows the required order of directives for a 533/536 printer EVFU load file; printer definitions are first, format control directives are next, and EVFU load directives are last. In this example, IB 5C is the trailer for all EVFU data except for the print density selection. For format control directives (skip to channel), the leader is IB 50 22. For EVFU load directives, the leader is IB 50 23. However, the printer paper must be positioned at the top of form any time the EVFU is changed because that is how the printer determines the top of form (when the EVFU is changed). Hence, all EVFU load data starts with OC (form feed). The IB 63 in the V load directive is a printer reset. A T specifies the total number of lines on the form (T66). An L specifies where to set a stop in a particular line; for example L41;4;5 sets stops at positions 4 and 5 in line 41. Similarly, a C clears a stop. Items following the leader IB 50 23 and preceding the trailer IB 5C are separated by semicolons. 0^s Revision M 533/536, 537, and 585 Printer Electronic Vertical Format Unit (EVFU) F-3 EVFU Load File Example PRINT09,PC=CDC585,DOWN. PRINT10,PC=CDC585,DOWN. PRINT11,PC=CDC585,DOWN. PRINT12,PC=CDC585,DOWN. PRINT05,PC=C537INT,DOWN. P r i n t e r D e fi n i t i o n s PRINT06,PC=C537INT,DOWN. PRINT07,PC=C537BAT,DOWN. PRINT08,PC=C537BAT,DOWN. PRINT01,PC=C533536,DOWN. PRINT02,PC=C533536,DOWN. PRINT03,PC=C533536,DOWN. PRINT04,PC=C533536,DOWN. 8 1B 50 22 "1" 1B 5C 7 1B 50 22 "2" 1B 5C 6 1B 50 22 "3" 1B 5C 5 1B 50 22 "4" 1B 5C 4 IB 50 22 "5" 1B 5C 3 1B 50 22 °6H 1B 5C H IB 50 22 "1" 1B 5C Format Control G 1B 50 22 "2" 1B 5C Directives F 1B 50 22 "3" IB 5C E 1B 50 22 "4° 1B 5C D 1B 50 22 "5" 1B 5C C 1B 50 22 "6" 1B 5C Q3 OC 1B 50 23 "C64;2;L66;2" 1B 5C 1 R3 OC 1B 50 23 "C66;2;L64;2" 1B 5C S3 OC 1B 50 23 "T66;L64;2;C65;4;C66;5" 1B 5C IB 5B 31 32 30 20 47 T4 OC 1B 50 23 MT88;C64;2;7;L65;4;L86;2;7" 1B 5C 1B 5B 39 30 20 47 V3 OC 1B 63 1B 50 23 "T66;" "L1;1;3;4;5;6;7;L3;7;L4;3;L5;4;7;" "L6;5;L7;3;7;L9;4;7;L10;3;" "L11 5 ; 7 ; L 1 3 ; 3 ; 4 ; 7 ; L 1 5 ; 7 ; " "L16 3 ; 5 ; L 1 7 ; 4 ; L 1 9 ; 3 ; 7 ; " "L21 4 ; 5 ; 7 ; L 2 2 ; 3 ; L 2 3 ; 7 ; L 2 5 ; 3 ; 4 ; 7 ; " "L26 5 ; L 2 7 ; 7 ; L 2 8 ; 3 ; L 2 9 ; 4 ; 7 ; " EVFU "L31 3 ; 5 ; 7 ; L 3 3 ; 4 ; 7 ; L 3 4 ; 3 ; L 3 5 ; 7 ; " Load "L36 5 ; L 3 7 ; 3 ; 4 ; 7 ; L 3 9 ; 7 ; L 4 0 ; 3 ; " Directives UL41 4 ; 5 ; 7 ; L 4 3 ; 3 ; 7 ; L 4 5 ; 4 ; 7 ; , , "L46 3 ; 5 ; L 4 7 ; 7 ; L 4 9 ; 3 ; 4 ; 7 ; " "L51 5 ; 7 ; L 5 2 ; 3 ; L 5 3 ; 4 ; 7 ; L 5 5 ; 3 ; 7 ; U "L56 5 ; L 5 7 ; 4 ; 7 ; L 5 8 ; 3 ; L 5 9 ; 7 ; " "L61 3 ; 4 ; 5 ; 7 ; L 6 3 ; 7 ; L 6 4 ; 2 ; 3 ; " "L67 3 ; 7 ; L 6 9 ; 4 ; 7 ; L 7 0 ; 3 ; " "L71 5 ; 7 ; L 7 3 ; 3 ; 4 ; 7 ; L 7 5 ; 7 ; " "L76 3;5;L77;4;7;L79;3;7;U "L81 4 ; 5 ; 7 ; L 8 2 ; 3 ; L 8 3 ; 7 ; L 8 5 ; 3 ; 4 ; 7 ; " "L86 2;5" 1B 5C J CLEAR AUTO PAGE EJECT SET AUTO PAGE EJECT FF, 66 LPF, BOF SELECT 6 LPI FF, 88 LPF, BOF SELECT 8 LPI FF, RESET, LINES/FORM LINES 1 - 5 LINES 6-10 L I N E S 11 - 1 5 LINES 16 - 20 LINES 21 - 25 LINES 26 - 30 LINES 31 - 35 LINES 36 - 40 LINES 41 - 45 LINES 46 - 50 LINES 51 - 55 LINES 56 - 60 LINES 61 - 65 LINES 66 - 70 LINES 71 - 75 LINES 76 - 80 LINES 81-85 LINES 86 - 88 TERMINATE Figure F-l. EVFU Load File F-4 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M EVFU Load Image EVFU Load Image Table F-l shows the released EVFU load image for 533/536 printers. The channel numbers in the format control character descriptions correspond to the channel numbers in table F-l. For example, format control character Y causes the printer to skip three lines before printing. It does this by using channel 9 in the EVFU load image. Table F-l. Released EVFU Load Image: Print Lines and Channel Numbers Print Line 123456789 1 2 3 4 11 12 xxxxxxxxxx X X 5 X XX 6 7 8 X X X X X 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 10 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XX XXX X XX X X X X X X X XXX X XX X X X X X X X XX X X (Continued) Revision M 533/536, 537, and 585 Printer Electronic Vertical Format Unit (EVFU) F-5 EVFU Load Image Table F-l. Released EVFU Load Image: Print Lines and Channel Numbers (Continued) Print Line 123456789 10 11 12 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 1. Set for 8.5 inch form at 6 lines per inch. 2. Set for 11 inch form at 6 lines per inch. 3. Set for 8.5 inch form at 8 lines per inch. 4. Set for 11 inch form at 8 lines per inch. (Continued) F-6 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M EVFU Load Image 0SrS, /SiiS*», Table F-l. Released EVFU Load Image: Print Lines and Channel Numbers (Continued) V Pr i nt Line ^ms .y /ffNsftrt^ { 1 7 . 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 1 0 11 1 2 l l 2 2 1. Set for 12 inch form at 6 lines per inch. 2. Set for 12 inch form at 8 lines per inch. Revision M 533/536, 537, and 585 Printer Electronic Vertical Format Unit (EVFU) F-7 881/883 Pack Reformatting Utility G Each 881 disk pack used in the 844 disk contains factory-recorded flawing information on cylinder 6328 (410), track 0, sectors 0, 1, and 2. Each 883 pack contains this information on cylinder 14668 (822), track 0, sectors 0, 1, and 2. The following information is included on the cylinders. • Cylinder 6328 (or 1466s for 883 packs), track 0, sector 0 contains the factory-recorded manufacturing data. This data consists of the pack serial number and the manufacturing date. • Cylinder 6328 (or 1466s), track 0, sector 1 contains the factory map. This map contains a list of all factory-detected flaws, both correctable and uncorrectable. • Cylinder 6328 (or 1466s), track 0, sector 2 contains the utility map. This map originally contains all factory-detected uncorrectable flaws. This map is updated by the reformatting utility. FORMAT is a CPU program that operates in conjunction with FDP, a PP program, to maintain and reformat 881/883 disk packs. It is used to perform the following functions. • Factory-recorded manufacturing data, factory-recorded flaw data, and utility flaw data can be retrieved from a factory-formatted disk pack. • Sector and track flaws can be set or cleared on a factory-formatted disk pack. • Address fields of a previously factory-formatted disk pack can be restored. (This function is used only in the event that addresses on the pack are lost.) In order to function, FORMAT requires that the factory-recorded data [sectors 0 and 1 of cylinder 6328 (or 1466s)] be correct and readable. The pack cannot be processed if this data is unreadable. If packs are available that do not contain this factory-recorded information, consult a customer engineer to have this information placed on the packs. Also, the correct level of controlware must be present in order for FORMAT to function. To determine the controlware level and for procedures to install this controlware, refer to the NOS Version 2 Installation Handbook. Since the operating system requires that the utility map contain the physical flaw information in order for automatic logical flawing to be performed, it is important that the utility map be properly maintained. The operating system automatically sets logical flaws when initializing 844 equipment. This is done by reading the utility map of the 844 units involved, and mapping this physical flaw information into the corresponding logical track addresses. Logical track flaw reservations are then made in the track reservation table (TRT) for the 844 equipment being installed. For example, if the 844 equipment being initialized consists of two physical units (such as a DI-2 configuration), the logical flaws set in the TRT are obtained from the physical flaw information recorded in the utility maps of both units making up the DI-2 configuration. This automatic flawing occurs when an equipment is initialized, regardless of whether the initialization is done during deadstart or online. Automatic flawing also occurs when an X.FLAW request is made from the console. 00&S Revision M 881/883 Pack Reformatting Utility G-l FORMAT Command The operating system allows for setting and clearing flaw information. The SLF and CLF APRDECK entries set or clear logical track reservations in the TRT of the ^\ equipment. (Refer to section 3, Deadstart Decks, for information concerning these ' entries.) If the device is then checkpointed, this flaw information is preserved in the TRT portion of the device label. The SLF entry can be made during deadstart, during online initialization, or by using the FLAW utility (as described in section 8, K-Display Utilities). In any case, the flawing done via these entries is only logical; the flaw information remains only in the TRT and is discarded on subsequent deadstart initialization. This information is also lost during online initializations if it was not possible to recover the equipment. Using SLF does not cause any additional information to be recorded in the utility map; only FORMAT is capable of updating the utility map data. Caution should be used if attempts are made to cancel a logical flaw that was made during automatic flawing, since the physical disk sector is still marked as flawed and attempts to access that sector yield error conditions. The use of the FORMAT utility for maintaining and reformatting 881/883 disk packs is described next. FORMAT Command Processing maintenance operations on an 881/883 type disk pack is initiated by the FORMAT command. This program interfaces with you as required. The format of this command is: FORMAT, Pi,p2,...,Pn- Each pi is a keyword or a keyword equated to a value. pi Description ____^___ G=m Relative unit of a multispindle device. This value is checked for validity within the device. For example, if the device is a DI-2 and G=2 is specified, an error results. I=infile File on which input directives and data are written. I Same as I = I N P U T. L=outfile Output file on which the information extracted from the disk pack is to be written. (Refer to Output Formats later in this appendix.) L Same G-2 NOS as L= O U T P U T. Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M FORMAT Command Pi Description MODE=mode Operational mode for FORMAT. mode Description ALTER The input file contains directives to control the set or clear flaw operations (refer to Input Formats later in this appendix). FETCH The factory-recorded flawing information contained on cylinder 6328 (or 1466s), track 0, sectors 0, 1, and 2 is obtained and copied to the output file (and optional output file, if available). RESTORE The addresses, flawed sectors, and tracks are restored according to information given in the utility flaw map. If the utility flaw map is not intact, the program aborts. MODE Same as MODE = FETCH. 0=filename Optional output file to contain the output extracted from the disk pack. NOTE If output files other than OUTPUT or optional output files are specified, they should be created prior to the initiation of FORMAT. If they are not, they are destroyed upon completion of FORMAT processing. P = serialnumber Pack serial number in decimal of the pack to be processed. If serialnumber does not match the serial number recorded on the disk pack at the factory, processing does not occur. P Same as P = 0. U = est EST ordinal of the 844 drive on which the disk pack is mounted. The unit is checked to ensure that it is available for formatting (refer to Accessing Disk Devices later in this appendix). V Specifies that the utility is to verify the addresses recorded on the disk pack. This parameter is valid only if MODE = FETCH or MODE=RESTORE is specified. Example: If all default values are used, the following call is made. FORMAT,I=INPUT,L=0UTPUT,M0DE=FETCH,P=0. At least the U and the P parameter must be correctly specified to initiate processing. 0ms Revision M 881/883 Pack Reformatting Utility G-3 Input Formats Input Formats Input to FORMAT consists of control directives and data statements. Control directives specify the type of operation to be performed. Data statements specify locations on the pack where the operations are to be performed. A number of data statements may follow each control directive. Control directives and data statements are contained on the input file. This file is accessed only when MODE=ALTER has been specified on the FORMAT command. The input file (and therefore, control directives and data statements) has no significance when MODE = FETCH or MODE = RESTORE is specified. Control Directives Control directives begin in column 1. The format is: directive The following are acceptable directives. Directive Description SET Declares that the following data statements contain the addresses of flaws to be set and entered in the utility flaw map. CLEAR Declares that the following data statements contain the addresses of flaws to be cleared and deleted from the utility flaw map. FINIS Declares the end of the input. No information following this directive is processed. This directive is optional. SET and CLEAR directives may be intermixed in the input file. However, all CLEAR operations are performed before any SET operation. Any attempt to alter the factory map or to set or clear sector flaws in a previously flawed track results in an error. G-4 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M ^ Data Statements Data Statements Data statements begin in column 1. The format is:,ss Parameter Description x Type of flaw to be set or cleared. Acceptable values are: x Description S Specifies that the SET or CLEAR directive applies to a sector. T Specifies that the SET or CLEAR directive applies to a track. cccc Octal number specifying the cylinder; from 0 to 632s (or 1466s for 883 packs). tt Octal number specifying the track; from 0 to 22s. ss Octal number specifying the sector; from 0 to 27s. This field is ignored for track flaws (x = T). All input data is checked to ensure that the values are within range. Any errors in input result in the termination of the utility before the disk is accessed. Any attempt to alter the factory map, or to set or clear sector flaws in a previously flawed track results in an error. A maximum of 157 data statements can appear in the input stream. 0ms Revision M 881/883 Pack Reformatting Utility G-5 Output Formats Output Formats Output generated by FORMAT is placed on the output file (L=filename on the FORMAT command). This file, for all modes of operation (ALTER, FETCH, and RESTORE), contains: • A listing of the input stream, if any. • The pack serial number and date of factory formatting on cylinder 632s (or 1466s), track 0, sector 0. • A listing of the factory flaw map contained on cylinder 6328 (or 1466s), track 0, sector 1. • A listing of the utility flaw map contained on cylinder 632s (or 1466s), track 0, sector 2. • A listing of the utility flaw map following any changes resulting from SET or CLEAR directives. This listing appears only when MODE=ALTER is specified on the FORMAT command. • A listing of the flawed sectors and tracks as read from the disk during address verification. This listing appears only when MODE = FETCH or MODE=RESTORE, and the V parameter are specified on the FORMAT command. The output generated by FORMAT can be directed to an optional output file (0=filename). This file can then be used as input to another program, or it can be punched or printed. The following three examples of standard output illustrate a series of reformatting operations performed on the same pack. -=*% G-6 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M Output Formats yjpP^V Example 1: A RESTORE operation is performed on an 881 pack. A command similar to the following was entered. FORMAT,U=est,P=819545,M0DE=REST0RE. Figure G-l illustrates the resulting output. DISK PACK REFORMATTING UTILITY MODE = RESTORE -VERSION 1.1 - 82/01/25. DISK PACK SERIAL NUMBER 819545 DATE OF ORIGINAL FACTORY FORMATTING 74/04/30 FACTORY FLAW MAP (C=CORRECTABLE ERROR,S=SECT0R FLAW,T=TRACK FLAW) S.632, 00, 00 S.632, 00, 01 S.632, 00, 02 T.302, 16, 00 T.362, 01, 00 T.373, 21, 00 S.626, 15, 15 UTILITY FLAW MAP (S=SECTOR FLAW,T=TRACK FLAW) MAP EMPTY PACK FORMATTING COMPLETE, VERIFICATION FOLLOWS S.632, 00, 00 S.632, 00, 02 S.632, 00, 01 ADDRESS VERIFICATION COMPLETE Figure G-l. FORMAT Output, MODE = RESTORE c Revision M 881/883 Pack Reformatting Utility G-7 Output Formats Example 2: A^ms The flaws noted in the factory flaw map from example 1 (refer to figure G-l) are now j set in the utility flaw map. Input similar to the following was entered. FORMAT,U=est,P=819545.MODE=ALTER. __ EOR— SET S,626,15,15 T,302,16,0 T,362,01,00 Tf373,21,00 FINIS —EOI— y ^ \ y^S\ G-8 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M r Output Formats Figure G-2 illustrates the resulting output. DISK PACK REFORMATTING UTILITY MODE = ALTER -VERSION 1.1 - 82/01/25. INPUT DATA SET S.626, T.302, T.362, T.373, FINIS 15, 16, 01, 21, 15 00 00 00 DISK PACK SERIAL NUMBER 819545 DATE OF ORIGINAL FACTORY FORMATTING 74/04/30 FACTORY FLAW MAP (C=CORRECTABLE ERROR, S=SECTOR FLAW, T=TRACK FLAW) S.632, 00, 00 S.632, 00, 01 S.632, 00, 02 T.302, 16, 00 T.362, 01, 00 T.373, 21, 00 S.626, 15. 15 0ms UTILITY FLAW MAP (S=SECTOR FLAW, T=TRACK FLAW) MAP EMPTY UTILITY FLAW MAP (ALTERED) (S=SECTOR FLAW, T=TRACK FLAW) S.626, 15. 15 T.302, 16, 00 T.362, 01, 00 T.373, 21, 00 Figure G-2. FORMAT Output, MODE = ALTER Revision M 881/883 Pack Reformatting Utility G-9 Output Formats Example 3: A FETCH with verification operation is performed to ensure proper reformatting. A command similar to the following was entered. FORMAT,U=est,P=819545,MODE=FETCH,V. Figure G-3 illustrates the resulting output. DISK PACK REFORMATTING UTILITY MODE = FETCH -VERSION 1.1 - 82/01/25. DISK PACK SERIAL NUMBER 819545 DATE OF ORIGINAL FACTORY FORMATTING 74/04/30 '-5*\ FACTORY FLAW MAP (C=CORRECTABLE ERROR, S=SECT0R FLAW, T=TRACK FLAW) S.632, 00. 00 S.632. 00, 01 S.632, 00. 02 T.302, 16. 00 T.362. 01, 00 T.373, 21. 00 S.626. 15. 15 UTILITY FLAW MAP (S^SECTOR FLAW,T=TRACK FLAW) S.626, 15, 15 T.302. 16, 00 T.362. 01. 00 T.373. 21, 00 ADDRESS VERIFICATION FOLLOWS T.302. 16, 00 T.362, 01. 00 T.373, 21, 00 S.626, 15, 15 S.632. 00. 00 S.632. 00. 02 S.632. 00. 01 ADDRESS VERIFICATION COMPLETE Figure G-3. FORMAT Output, MODE = FETCH G-10 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M Accessing Disk Devices j0mS Accessing Disk Devices Special procedures must be used to access the 844 drive used in the reformatting utility. Since certain FORMAT operations (ALTER and RESTORE) can change addresses on the pack, user access to the pack must be restricted. FORMAT can operate on the pack as follows. • A read operation (FETCH) obtains formatting information from the pack. The integrity of the pack is maintained. • Read and write operations (ALTER and RESTORE) can set and clear flaws, and addresses can be rewritten. Users cannot place permanent files on the pack when these operations occur. The integrity of the data on the pack is lost, so a full initialization of the pack must occur before system usage occurs. Access for Read Operations Accessing the pack for read operations requires that you specify the U parameter on the FORMAT command with the correct EST ordinal of the device containing the pack. In this case, the device must be a single-spindle device unless you also specify the G parameter. You must also specify the P parameter with the correct pack serial number. In addition, FORMAT must be called from one of the following. • A system origin job (from the console). • A system privileged job (in this case, engineering mode must have been selected on the system console). Revision M 881/883 Pack Reformatting Utility G-ll Access for Read and Write Operations Access for Read and Write Operations In addition to the information specified for read only operations, the following additional steps must be taken to access a device when write operations (ALTER and RESTORE) are to be performed. 1. The pack to be accessed should be mounted on a removable disk device. 2. One of the following conditions is required. • The device should not be a shared device. (Refer to section 13, Multimainframe Operations.) • If the device is shared, a global unload should be set. 3. The device must be declared logically off. Use the OFF DSD command or the OFF parameter in the EQPDECK EQ entry. 4. The disk status display (E,M) must show that the device is not in use. 5. One of the following conditions is required. • The disk status display (E,M) must show that the device is unavailable for permanent file access. • The following conditions are required. - The full initialize status and the format pending status must be set. Use the DSD command, INITIALIZE,FP,est. - The direct access file user count should be equal to zero. The family status display (E,F) gives this information. If all the necessary conditions are satisfied, FORMAT is able to access the pack for reformatting purposes. FORMAT repeatedly checks to ensure that these conditions are satisfied throughout the FORMAT operation. At the end of the FORMAT process the disk must be initialized (INITIALIZE ,AL,est) to copy the flaw information to the TRT and label. Otherwise, the flaw map changes will have no effect on NOS until the next time the disk is recovered. At that time, '*s% unreserved tracks marked as flaws in the flaw map will be flawed in the appropriate NOS tables. G-12 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M NOS/VE Address Formats When doing an analysis of a NOS/VE dump tape, you can specify NOS/VE addresses to the DSDI utility in any of several formats. These formats allow a flexible specification of the address range in which you are interested. Address Format Description nn.n A real memory address (RMA). asid#nn..n A system virtual address (SVA). seg#nn..n#exch A process virtual address (PVA) based on the exchange package that contains the address. reg#exch The register and exchange package that contains the address. nn..n#reg#exch A PVA formed from the segment field of the specified register pointed to by the specified exchange package. In this format nn..n is the byte offset from the beginning of the segment. PVA#exch The address in the pseudo register PVA of the specified exchange package. exch The address as the beginning of the specified exchange package. The number sign (#) character is used in address formats to separate parts of the address parameter. Commas cannot be used because they delimit parameters within DSDI directives. The symbols used for the various parts of the address formats are described as follows: Symbol Description nn..n A number (octal, decimal, or hexadecimal as required by the directive) of from 1 to 8 digits. seg A hexadecimal number of from 1 to 3 digits specifying a segment number. asid A hexadecimal number of from 1 to 4 digits specifying an actual segment identifier. Revision M NOS/VE Address Formats H-l NOS/VE Address Formats Symbol Description reg Any one of the following registers: reg Description P S p e c i fi e s t h e p r o c e s s o r P r e g i s t e r. RAO to Specifies the corresponding address register 0 to F RAF hexadecimal. RNI to Specifies the top of stack address for the RN15 corresponding ring 1 to 15. UTP Specifies the address in the untranslatable pointer register. TP Specifies the address in the trap pointer register. exch Either a hexadecimal number of from 1 to 6 digits specifying an RMA of an exchange package (used to get the register values, segment table address, and segment table length needed to change the real address into a PVA), or one of the following keywords: exch Description MPS Address pointed to by the monitor process state register. JPS Address pointed to by the job process state register. RMA Real memory address calculated using the SETRMA DSDI directive. PXP Specifies that the current processor exchange package be used to obtain the P register address. .■^B^\ You can modify each address by adding or subtracting a hexadecimal number of bytes from the specified address. If the number added or subtracted is entered with no address, the last address specified is used as the base address. The following illustrates some examples of valid address formats. Example Address Format 25E101 nn..n MPS exch RA0#JPS-40 reg#exch 1000#RN1#MPS nn..n#reg#exch P # P X P + 4 0 P VA # e x c h .--SSS H-2 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M Management Of Storage Media Defects I This appendix describes the process of detecting failing devices that are suspected of having storage media defects and the process of dealing with known storage media defects. Detecting Failing Devices This aspect of storage media management is the process of detecting failing mass storage devices and making informed decisions regarding the proper course of action. The action may be to place a failing disk in idle mode, change its threshold values, or set its device state to OFF or DOWN. These actions are discussed in the following paragraphs. When a mass storage device or channel begins to fail, the system directs new file assignments away from the device and inhibits access to files on the device that are being used by executing jobs. The operator is alerted to the device failure through the A,OPERATOR display. Also the E,E and E,H displays provide an overview of the mass storage devices that have abnormal conditions present. The E,E display shows that a device error has occurred on a particular device and the current state of that device. The E,H display shows the current mass storage threshold values and the current count associated with each threshold value. Refer to the NOS Version 2 Operations Handbook for additional information about the E,E and E,H displays. You can use the IDLE command in conjunction with the THRESHOLD command to maintain some degree of flexibility in deciding when to repair the failing device. For more information, refer to the IDLE and THRESHOLD commands in section 5, DSD Commands. NOTE The decision to continue using a failing device should be made under the advisement of a customer engineer. If there is a chance of data corruption due to the nature of the failure, it may be best to leave the device OFF or DOWN until it can be repaired. Revision M Management Of Storage Media Defects 1-1 Disk Idle Mode Disk Idle Mode A^S When a disk is in idle mode, the system temporarily eliminates access to the device / when it starts to fail. Nonsubsystem jobs accessing the device will be rolled out so that the rest of the system and jobs not accessing the device can continue running. A verification algorithm will be used to. attempt to isolate the problem to a particular part of the hardware (media, drive, controller, or channel). If the cause of the problem can be isolated to a failing channel or drive, then the system will attempt to DOWN that particular hardware resource. Mass Storage Thresholds The initial threshold values for a mass storage device are determined by THRESHOLD EQPDECK entries in the deadstart file. You can use the DSD THRESHOLD command to change the following threshold values for any mass storage device: • Verification failure threshold • Restricted activity threshold • Low space threshold • Recovered error threshold • Unrecovered error threshold These threshold values are described under the DSD THRESHOLD command in section 5. When the space available on a mass storage device falls below the low space threshold, the following message appears on the A,OPERATOR display: LOW SPACE ON MASS STORAGE DEVICE. 1-2 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M j^m\ j Dealing With Known Media Defects Dealing With Known Media Defects This aspect of storage media management is the process of dealing with known media defects on mass storage devices. This process includes keeping an accurate record of all known defects and preventing the system from using defective areas. You should follow these general steps when you or the system encounter a media defect: 1. Record the media defect in a logbook. 2. Use the FLAW utility to reserve (flaw) the defective area and prevent the system from using that space. 3. Modify or create an APRDECK for the device containing the defect to include a command to flaw the defective area. 4. Modify the EQPDECK entry for the device to include a reference to the APRDECK entry. This appendix describes general procedures for storage media management and the software tools you will need to perform these procedures. Later in this appendix an example shows the specific steps you should perform given a defined media defect problem. Keeping An Accurate Record of Media Defects Your site should maintain a logbook that documents all of the known mass storage media defects. This logbook should be kept by the system console so that an operator can record any media defect messages displayed. The information can then be used to reserve defective areas and thus prevent the system from using them. Preventing The System From Using Flawed Disk Space NOS allocates space on a mass storage device in units of logical tracks. For example, when you write a file to disk, NOS assigns a logical track to the file and then writes the file information to that logical track. The logical track remains assigned to the file until you release the file. That is, as long as the logical track is assigned to your file, it cannot be assigned to another file. To prevent NOS from assigning a defective logical track to a file, you must reserve the track. This is called flawing a track. However, you cannot flaw a track while it is in use; that is, if the logical track with the defect is currently assigned to a file, you cannot flaw the track until the file is released. If a media defect is encountered on a logical track assigned to a type of file that will not be released (such as, the system file, dayfiles, permanent file catalogs, and system checkpoint files) you will have to perform special procedures to explicitly move these files and then flaw the track. For example, you may need to dump and reload permanent files, reinitialize a disk, or deadstart the system. For a discussion of dealing with media defects encountered on areas assigned to these files, refer to Releasing Special Files and Reinitializing a Device later in this appendix. yams Revision M Management Of Storage Media Defects 1-3 Media Management Tools ylRK Media Management Tools | You can use the following software tools to help with storage media management: I • Error log messages for 887, 895, and 9853 disks | • FLAW utility | • APRDECK entries | • EQPDECK entries I • FORMAT utility for 881/883 disk packs | Error Log Messages for 887, 895, and 9853 Disks I NOS automatically detects the presence of a media defect on an 887, 895, or 9853 disk. | NOS automatically flaws the logical track that contains the media defect when the file | containing the logical track is released. I When NOS encounters a media defect on an 887, 895, or 9853 disk, it issues a SEE | A,ERROR LOG message to the operator. The operator should then use the A,ERROR | LOG command to view the error log screen. The following message describes the media | defect encountered: dtest.TKnnnn,MEDIA DEFECT ENCOUNTERED where dt is the device type, est is the EST ordinal of the device, and nnnn is the number of the logical track containing the media defect. The operator should copy this message to a logbook for future use. This message indicates that NOS has detected a media defect; it does not indicate that the defective area has been automatically flawed. When the file assigned to the logical track containing the defect is released, NOS will then automatically flaw the track. However, because media defects are rare (they should occur only once per device every two years), NOS stores only one media defect; the last defect encountered. Thus, your operator should always log the media defects encountered so that the information will not be lost if multiple defects occur. ***%. When NOS automatically flaws a logical track, it again issues a SEE A,ERROR LOG message to the operator and displays this message on the error log screen: dtest,TKnnnn,MEDIA DEFECT FLAWED The operator should copy this message to a logbook for future use. FLAW Utility If a media defect occurs during normal system operation, use the FLAW utility to reserve (flaw) the defective track. (You can also use the FLAW utility to clear any flaws previously set.) To flaw a defective logical track, you must know the EST ordinal of the device containing the defect and the logical track number of the defect. For more information, refer to FLAW K Display in section 8, K-Display Utilities. ~} 1-4 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M APRDECK Entries APRDECK Entries /fJRX In addition to using the FLAW utility to flaw a defective area of mass storage, you should also modify the APRDECK (auxiliary mass storage parameter deck) for the device containing the defect. An APRDECK is a text record on the deadstart file that is used when the device is initialized. APRDECK entries identify areas of mass storage that are unusable (flawed) and prevent the system from accessing them. The system uses the information in the APRDECK entries to build the track reservation table (TRT) that resides in central memory resident (CMR) and also in the mass storage device label for each device. By making APRDECK entries, you cause the system to flaw the media defects without your intervention during the next deadstart initialization of the device. For more information, refer to APRDECK in section 3, Deadstart Decks. EQPDECK Entries An EQPDECK (equipment deck) is a text record on the deadstart file that declares all the devices that comprise your computer system. Each device is defined to the system with an EQPDECK entry. An optional parameter on the EQPDECK entry declares an APRDECK for the device. When you create an APRDECK entry for a device, modify the EQPDECK entry for the device to include the reference to the APRDECK entry. For more information, refer to EQPDECK in section 3, Deadstart Decks. FORMAT Utility for 881/883 Disk Packs When you use the FLAW utility or an APRDECK entry to flaw an area of an 881 or 883 disk pack, this flawing is only logical. That is, the flaw information is kept in the TRT and is discarded on subsequent deadstart initializations of the device. This information is also lost during online initializations if it was not possible to recover the equipment. For 881 and 883 disk packs, which contain factory-recorded utility maps, you have the option of storing flaw information on the utility map on the disk. To modify or add information to the utility map, use the FORMAT utility. For more information, refer to appendix G. Revision M Management Of Storage Media Defects 1-5 Media Defect Example Media Defect Example Suppose a job encounters a media defect on a local file. The file is located on an 895 disk device with EST ordinal 15 and the bad track is 5010. Use the following procedure to record the media defect and flaw the defective area. 1. When the system displays the message SEE *A,OPERATOR* use the A.OPERATOR command to view the operator screen. This message is displayed: 13 SEE A,ERROR LOG. 2. To view the error log, enter this command: A,ERROR LOG. The following message is displayed on the error log screen: EQ015.TK5010.MEDIA DEFECT ENCOUNTERED. 3. Record the information in the media defect logbook. 4. Enter this command to tell the system you are taking care of the problem: LOG,13. 5. When the job using the local file releases the file, the following message is displayed on the error log screen: EQ015.TK5010.MEDIA DEFECT FLAWED. 6. Record the information in the media defect logbook. 7. Suppose there is no APRDECK for the device with EST ordinal 15. Add the AP=nn parameter to the EQPDECK entry for device 15. Here is an example of what the EQPDECK entry should look like: EQO15=type,ST=0N,CH=ch,AP»00. This entry assigns the first APRDECK to device 15. 8. Create the APRDECK for device 15: APRD00. SLF=5010. 9. Use the LIBEDIT command to place the APRDECK entry and the updated EQPDECK entry on the deadstart file. (Remember that the number of the APRDECK record is determined by its position in relation to the APRINST record and not by the number on the record name; it is a good idea to name the records according to their position.) A-m* 1-6 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M Releasing Special Files Releasing Special Files Because a media defect cannot be flawed automatically by the system until the file assigned to the defective track is released, you may have to release certain file types: File Description Direct access file When a flaw is detected on a track assigned to a direct access file, purge the file so that the system can perform automatic track flawing for the bad track. Dayfile Job dayfiles are released at job termination; system dayfiles are released when they are initialized or if you perform a DFTERM and then purge the files created by DFTERM. System file The system file is released at deadstart. Thus, at deadstart a defective track assigned to the system file will be flawed automatically. Reinitializing A Device Some track chains are not released unless the device is reinitialized: • Indirect access file chain. • Disk deadstart file. • Catalog track chain. If a storage media defect is encountered in one of these files, perform the following steps: 1. Create or update an APRDECK for the device. 2. Modify the EQPDECK entry for the device to include the APRDECK reference. 3. Dump the files on the device to tape. 4. Reinitialize the device. 5. Reload the files to the device. Revision M Management Of Storage Media Defects 1-7 y^mitt Display Disk File (DDF) Utility J The Display Disk File (DDF) utility provides the capability to read, display, change, and print the contents of physical disk sectors. It is intended to be used by analysts as an aid when working on system problems that involve data stored on mass storage devices. CAUTION Changing disk table contents should be done carefully and only by analysts who understand the effects of the changes. Unless extreme care is exercised, use of DDF can lead to system hangs or loss of permanent files. Bringing Up DDF The DSD display for the DDF utility is brought up on the system console by entering the following command: x.DDF. NOTE Since DDF allows access to all disk space without regard for security access levels and categories, use of DDF in a secured system requires that the system be in SECURITY-UNLOCK state (refer to Secured System Control Commands in section 5, DSD Commands). Revision M Display Disk File (DDF) Utility J-l DDF Display Left Screen DDF Display Left Screen The left screen displays the following disk and control point information: Disk EST ordinal and equipment type. Current disk track and sector address. Central memory address and byte number of the TRT link byte for the current track. The link byte is intensified if it is not consistent with the sector linkage bytes. TRT reservation, interlock, and preserved file status for the current track. Family name, pack name, control point number, and JSN of the associated job. Track numbers for the first track of the permit chain and the first track of the indirect access file data chain for the specified family/pack. First and second control point messages, if issued. The second control point message ) is usually a disk error and is intensified. Contents of DDF scratch areas, labeled A through F (refer to the DDF STORE command). The recovery track pointer and track recovery word, when pack recovery is in progress. Various status and errors may be displayed at the bottom of the screen. J-2 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M DDF Display Right Screen DDF Display Right Screen The right screen displays the contents of the specified disk sector. The byte numbers displayed in parenthesis after the central memory address are the actual byte numbers for the physical disk sector. The byte numbers are used in the memory changing commands. You can change the right screen format with the right blank key on the CC545 console or the tab key on the CC634B console. The following right screen displays are available: • Five Bytes Per Line. The contents of the sector are displayed in 5 bytes per line. The CC545 console displays one half sector per page and uses the / to toggle between the first and second half of the sector. The CC598B and CC634B consoles display one quarter of a sector per page and uses the / to increment the addresses. • Ten Bytes Per Line. The contents of the sector are displayed in 108 bytes per line with byte numbers. The CC545 console displays the entire sector on one page. The CC598B and CC634B consoles display one half sector per page and uses the / to toggle between the first and second half of the sector. • Text Mode. The contents of the sector are displayed in text mode. The CC545 console displays the entire sector on one page. The CC598B and CC634B consoles display one half sector per page and uses the / to toggle between the first and second half of the sector. • Interpreted mode. The data is formatted in one of three ways depending on the linkage bytes: - System Sector. The file name table (FNT) word and file status table (FST) word of the file are displayed along with the date and time when the sector was last updated. If the file type is PMFT, the copy of the permanent file catalog entry (PFC) contained in the system sector is also displayed. - PFC Entry or Data Sector. The contents of one permanent file catalog entry (20s words) are displayed. Some fields such as dates are decoded. The / is used to advance to the next PFC entry in the sector. - End of Information Sector. This display shows a short format of the system sector display. • Legal Commands. This display shows a list of the DDF commands. Revision M Display Disk File (DDF) Utility J-3 Keyboard Input /*^\ Keyboard Input You can use the following keys to interact with the DDF display. Key Action Initiated + R e a d t h e n e x t s e c t o r. I f p o s i t i o n e d a t E O I o r t h e e n d o f t h e track, the current sector is reread. Read the previous sector. If positioned at the beginning of the track, the current sector is reread. Advance to the track specified in the control bytes and set the sector to 0. If the control bytes do not contain a track link, the current sector is reread. , Advance to the next track in the TRT chain. The sector number is not changed. If currently at the last track in the chain, the current sector is reread. = R e a d t h e n e x t s e c t o r, c o n t i n u i n g p a s t E O I . I f p o s i t i o n e d a t t h e end of an EOI track, the current sector is reread. CR or NEXT Initiate processing of an entered command. This key also sets REPEAT ENTRY if a complete command has not yet been entered. Space bar Read the current sector into the buffer. The current sector is the sector to which the current EST ordinal, track, and sector values point. Toggle between DSD and DDF. 8 Increment the track number by one and read the sector. 9 Decrement the track number by one and read the sector. Right blank, or Tab Change the right screen displays on the CC545 console. This function is done by the Tab key on the CC598B console and the i*\ (tab) key on the CC634B console. Toggle or increment the sector displays on the right screen. BKSP, <— Back Space Left blank, kf Esc or Delete the previous character typed on the CC545 console. This function is done by the Back Space key on the CC598B console and by the back arrow < (backspace) key on the CC634B console. or Delete the current line being entered on the CC545 console. This function is done by the Esc key on the CC598B console and thekt (back tab) key on the CC634B console. J-4 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M Console Messages Console Messages The following messages may appear at the control point. Message Description WAITING FOR MEMORY DDF is waiting for central memory to store the display and command processors. READING EQxxx TPxxxx CTxxxx This message shows the status of checkout during a pack recovery operation. The following messages may appear above the command line at the bottom of the left screen. Message Description FORMAT ERROR. A format error has been detected during translation of the entry. INCORRECT ENTRY. The command is not valid. INCORRECT EQUIPMENT. EST is not mass storage, nor is it a null equipment. INCORRECT PARAMETER. The parameter in the entry is invalid or too long. REPEAT ENTRY. The entry will not be cleared after execution. SYSTEM BUSY. DDF is waiting for the system to process a request. BYTE xxxx. The data specified is in byte number xxxx. LENGTH = nnnn. The SKIPEI command has skipped nnnn octal sectors. Some commands read several sectors. If a disk error is encountered while processing one of these commands, processing stops and an error code appears on the left screen. r Revision M Display Disk File (DDF) Utility J-5 DDF Commands DDF Commands All DDF commands are displayed on the bottom of the left screen as they are entered. When you enter a command, it must be followed by a carriage return before any action is taken. DDF commands are processed interpretively. After the period (.), any alphanumeric characters can be entered: however, the message FORMAT ERROR or INCORRECT PARAMETER will appear (after the carriage return is entered) if you make an error. Most DDF commands do not actually cause a sector to be read and displayed. After entering a command that changes the EST ordinal, track, or sector, you must enter a SPACE key to read the sector. This allows data from one sector to be read and then written to another sector. After entering a command that changes the equipment or track, the track and sector numbers are checked. If either the track or sector number is invalid, it will be set to zero. The FIND commands scan the catalog track starting at the current position and search for the specified catalog entry. The EST ordinal and track number of the catalog track must first be set using the appropriate commands (FAMILY, PACKNAM, UI, etc.). The first sector of the catalog track must also be read, by entering the space bar, before the FIND command is used. Command Description AUTOREAD.nnnn. Read the sector every nnnn seconds. If nnnn is not entered, 1 is used. AUTOREAD is terminated by clearing the command entry with the left blank key or back tab key. BLDEOI. Creates an EOI sector in the buffer. BOT.nnnn. Back up one track. Search the TRT starting at track number nnnn for a track that points to the current track. If one is found, the current track is set to that value. If no track is found that points to the current track, the message INCORRECT PARAMETER is displayed. If nnnn is not entered, the search starts at track 0. CTB.1 Clear the track interlock bit for the current track and equipment. DEP. Disable error processing for calls to the mass storage driver to read a sector. (By default, error processing is disabled.) DIS. Drop the DDF display and call DIS to the control point. DROP. Drop the DDF display and PP. DTK Drop tracks to the end of the chain starting with the current track. /^^. •*^®S\ 1. The keyboard must be unlocked to use this command (refer to the UNLOCK command in section 5, DSD Commands). J-41 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M DDF Commands Command Description DTK.ssss.2 Drop tracks starting with the current track and set the EOI sector in the TRT to the value ssss. EEP. Enable error processing for calls to the mass storage driver to read a sector. (By default, error processing is disabled.) If a disk error is encountered when reading or writing a sector with error processing enabled, the screens will not be refreshed until the driver has finished performing error processing. This may result in the screens being blank for many seconds. EJT.ejt. Enter the disk address from EJT ordinal ejt (0 ^ ejt ^ largest EJT ordinal). The equipment, track, and sector are set to the beginning of the file. The message INCORRECT PARAMETER is displayed if the EJT entry is not used or the file does not have any tracks assigned. EST.est. Enter the EST ordinal est. The equipment must be a mass storage device. FAMILY.familyname. Use permanent file family familyname. The family is set internally in DDF. PFCW in the control point area is not changed. The family is initially set to the family name specified in PFCW. FIND.pfn.userindex. Search for permanent file pfn with user index userindex. FIND.pfn.. Search for permanent file pfn with a zero user index (i.e., a hole). FIND.pfn. Search for permanent file pfn with any nonzero user index. FIND..userindex. Search for any permanent file with user index userindex. The file name is ignored. FIND... Search for any permanent file with a zero user index. The file name is ignored (i.e., search for any hole). FINDISS.userindex. Starting at the current position, search for the next system sector with user index userindex on the chain. If userindex is not specified, the user index is not checked and the next system sector is displayed. This command is intended to be used on the indirect access permanent file chain. Set the EST ordinal, track, and sector to point to a position within the indirect chain before entering this command. 2. The keyboard must be unlocked to use this command (refer to the UNLOCK command in section 5, DSD Commands). Revision M Display Disk File (DDF) Utility J-7 DDF Commands Command Description FINDO.octalnum. Search from the current position for the octal number specified. The number can be 1 to 20 digits and is right justified in as many bytes as necessary to hold the number. The search starts on a byte boundary and the byte number is displayed if the search is successful. If the first part of the number is found at the end of the buffer, the search terminates even though the entire number is not found. If the carriage return is entered again, the search continues at the location of the first match. FINDS.string. Search from the current position for the specified string of characters. If the first part of the string matches the end of the buffer, the search terminates even though the entire string is not found. The byte number of the beginning of the string is displayed. If the carriage return is entered again, the search continues at that point. FINDSS.userindex. Starting from the current track and searching to the end of the TRT, find and display the next system sector with user index userindex. If userindex is not specified, the user index is not checked. FNT.fnt. Enter disk information from the system FNT ordinal fnt (0 ^ fnt ^ largest FNT ordinal). The EST ordinal, track, and sector are set to the beginning of the file. The message INCORRECT PARAMETER is displayed if the FNT entry is not used or the file does not have any tracks assigned. FNTL.fnt. Enter the disk address from the local FNT ordinal fnt (0 ^ fnt ^ largest FNT ordinal). The EST ordinal, track, and sector are set to the beginning of the file. The message INCORRECT PARAMETER is displayed if the FNT entry is not used or the file does not have any tracks assigned. FNTLCfnt. Enter the disk address from the local FNT ordinal fnt (0 ^ fnt ^ largest FNT ordinal). The EST ordinal, track, and sector are set to the current position of the file. The message INCORRECT PARAMETER is displayed if the FNT entry is not used or the file does not have any tracks assigned. GETTRT.nnnn. This command is intended to be used on the label track. The EST ordinal and track must be set for the label track before the command is used. GETTRT reads the sector that contains the checkpoint TRT information for track number nnnn and displays the byte number within the sector for that track. HOLD. Release the display and wait for the operator to reassign the display. LOAD.c. Reload the EST ordinal, track, sector, and display selection from scratch area c. The scratch area is specified by a single alphabetic character. Valid characters are A through F. (Refer to the STORE command.) J-8 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M DDF Commands Command Description PACKNAM.packname. Use permanent file pack packname. The pack name is set internally in DDF. PKNW in the control point area is not changed. The pack name is initially set to the name specified in PKNW. PREAD.3 Read the current sector using the read protected sector function. This command is used instead of the space bar when reading protected sectors. PTK.nnnn.3 Enter the protected track number nnnn. This command works the same as the TK command except the track number entered is not checked. PWRITE.3 Write the current sector using the write protected sector function. This command should be used instead of the WRITE command when writing protected sectors. QFT.qft. Enter the disk address from QFT ordinal qft (0 ^ qft ^ largest QFT ordinal). The EST ordinal, track, and sector are set to the beginning of the file. The message INCORRECT PARAMETER is displayed if the QFT entry is not used or the file does not have any tracks assigned. RANDOM.nnnn.addr. Set the track and sector for random address addr using number nnnn as the first track. The current track is used as the first track if nnnn is not specified. The message INCORRECT PARAMETER is displayed if the random address is not on the chain. RANDOM..addr. Set the track and sector for random address addr using the current track as the first track. The message INCORRECT PARAMETER is displayed if the random address is not on the chain. RANDOM.c.addr. Set the track and sector for random address addr using the track specified by scratch area c as the first track. The scratch area is specified by a single alphabetic character. Valid characters are A through F. (Refer to the STORE command.) The message INCORRECT PARAMETER is displayed if the random address is not on the chain. SC.nnnn. Enter the sector number nnnn. The message INCORRECT PARAMETER is displayed if the sector number is too large. SC*. Enter the sector number of the last sector on the track. SCAN. Scan from the current position until the EOI control bytes are encountered. Scanning stops if, at some point, the control bytes are incorrect or the track is not reserved. /$Rv 3. The keyboard must be unlocked to use this command (refer to the UNLOCK command in section 5 DSD Commands). ' Revision M Display Disk File (DDF) Utility J-9 DDF Commands Command Description SCAN. Scan from the current position until the end of information indicated in the TRT is reached. This is intended to be used for the indirect access permanent file chain. Note that when PFM delinks a track in the middle of the chain, it does not update the track pointer in the preceding track; which causes SCAN to stop at this point and display an error. SHOWPF. Display the permanent file whose catalog entry is currently displayed. The PFC display must be on the right screen to use this command. The device, track, and sector from the PFC currently displayed are used to display the file. If the device is not present, the message INCORRECT PARAMETER is displayed. SKIPEI. Set the track and sector to EOI based on the current position and information in the TRT. The number of sectors skipped is displayed on the left screen. SKIPF. Read the file starting at the current position until an EOF is encountered. SKIPR. Read the file starting at the current position until an EOR or EOF is encountered. STB.4 Set the track interlock bit for the current track. STORE.c.comment Store the current EST ordinal, track, sector, and display selection into scratch area c. The scratch area is specified by a single alphabetic character (valid characters are A through F). The comment is copied to the scratch area and displayed on the left screen. The for convenience only and is truncated after 10 characters. The EST ordinal, track, sector, and display selection can be reloaded from the scratch area using the LOAD command. TK.nnnn. Enter the track number nnnn. The message INCORRECT PARAMETER is displayed if the track number is too large. Ul.userindex. Set the EST ordinal and track for the catalog entries for user index userindex (userindex ^ 377777). The message INCORRECT PARAMETER is displayed if the catalog is not found (this may be the result of entering the wrong family name or pack name). If either the family name or pack name is changed after entering the UI command, the UI command must be reentered. WRITE. Write the contents of the buffer to the sector currently displayed. .-^i§\ /-^\ 4. The keyboard must be unlocked to use this command (refer to the UNLOCK command in section 5, DSD Commands). J-10 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M Print Sector Data Commands Print Sector Data Commands The following commands are used to print the contents of the disk sector and manipulate the listing file. These commands use a CPU resident helper program called DDFILE. If DDF is unable to load DDFILE (due to system activity or other constraints), the use of these commands will be disabled. Command Description LISTING.filename. Set the listing file name to filename. The default listing file name is OUTPUT. OUT. Release the listing file to the output queue. PRINT. Print the current equipment type, track, sector, TRT information, and the contents of the sector. PRINT.num. Print the next num (octal) sectors starting with the current sector. Printing stops if EOI is encountered before num sectors have been printed. One page of output is produced for each sector printed. RETURN. Return the listing file. REWIND. Rewind the listing file. Set the identifier for the listing file to id. SKIPL. Advance from the current position of the listing file to the end of the file. Change Sector Data Commands The following commands are used to change the data in the current sector. If the comma (,) is replaced by a plus (+), the byte number xxxx is incremented after the entry is processed. The actual data on the disk is not changed until you enter the WRITE command. /$SS$fcS Command Description xxxx.yyyy. Enter value yyyy into byte number xxxx. xxxx,Dcc. Enter display code characters cc into byte number xxxx. Revision M Display Disk File (DDF) Utility J-ll DDF Examples DDF Examples The following examples illustrate DDF usage. Example 1: Read the system sector for permanent file ABC under user index 1234 on family XYZ. x . D D F. B r i n g u p t h e D D F d i s p l a y. FAMILY.XYZ. U1.1234. Set the EST ordinal, track, and sector of the first catalog entry on this catalog track. S p a c e b a r R e a d t h e fi r s t c a t a l o g s e c t o r. FIND.ABC. 1234. Search the catalog track for the PFC entry. SHOWPF. Set the EST ordinal, track, and sector of the file. Space bar Readvthe system sector of the file. Example 2: Look at the PFC entries under user index 1234 on family XYZ. x . D D F. B r i n g u p t h e D D F d i s p l a y. FAMILY.XYZ. U1.1234. Set the EST ordinal, track, and sector of the first catalog entry on this catalog track. S p a c e b a r R e a d t h e fi r s t c a t a l o g s e c t o r. FIND.. 1234. Search for the first file under the user index 1234. Example 3: *^ While using DIS, look at the contents of a local file. Be sure to remember the FNT ordinal fnt of the file. Switch control from DIS to DDF. Set the EST ordinal, track, and sector to the system sector of the file. DDF. FNTL.fnt. or FNTLC. f n t . Space b a r Use +, -, and / DIS. J-12 NOS Set the EST ordinal, track, and sector to the current position of the fi l e . Read the system sector of the file (if FNTLC was entered, read the sector to which the file is currently positioned). Look at different parts of the file. Switch control from DDF to DIS. Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision ^ M DDF Examples Example 4: Display a system file (e.g., the VALIDUS file). Look at the DSD H display to determine the FNT ordinal fnt. x . D D F. B r i n g u p t h e D D F d i s p l a y. FNT.fnt. Set the EST ordinal, track, and sector to the system sector of the file. Space bar Read the system sector of the file. Use +, -, and / Look at different parts of the file. Example 5: Determine the length of a file and display the EOI sector. Display the system sector of the file (see previous examples). SKIPEI. Set the track and sector to the file EOI and display the number of sectors skipped above the command. Left blank Clear the message and command. S p a c e b a r R e a d t h e E O I s e c t o r. Example 6: Verify that a file can be read and that the linkage bytes are correct. Display the first sector of the file (see previous examples). SCAN. Read every sector from the current position in the file to the EOI. If any errors are encountered, SCAN stops and displays a message. SCAN verifies that the track linkage bytes match the TRT. Example 7: Print the contents of sectors. Display the first sector (see previous examples). PR I NT. num. Print the next num sectors (num must be an octal number) to a listing file. The default for num is 1. The default for the listing file is OUTPUT unless the LISTING command has been used to specify another file name. O U T. P u t t h e l i s t i n g fi l e i n t h e o u t p u t q u e u e t o b e p r i n t e d . D I S . F i l e O U T P U T c o n t a i n s t h e l i s t i n g fi l e o f s e c t o r s . Revision M Display Disk File (DDF) Utility J-13 DDF Examples Example 8: Often it is necessary to look at several different places on the disk. The DDF utility has a facility to remember disk locations. X.DDF. FAMILY.ABC. UI.113. Space bar FIND.XYZ.113 STORE.A.XYZ PFC SHOWPF. Space bar STORE.B.XYZ SS SKIPEI. Left blank Space bar STORE.C.XYZ EOI LOAD.A. Space bar LOAD.B. Space bar LOAD.C. Space bar Bring up the DDF display. Set the EST ordinal, track, and sector of the first sector of the catalog track. Read the first sector of the catalog track. Find the PFC entry for the file XYZ on user index 113. Save the current EST ordinal, track and sector in scratch area A. Save the characters XYZ PFC as a comment. This information is displayed on the left screen. Set the EST ordinal, track, and sector for the system sector of the file. Read the system sector of the file. Save the current EST ordinal, track, and sector in scratch area B. Save the characters XYZ SS as a comment. Skip to the EOI sector of the file. Read the EOI sector of the file. Save the current EST ordinal, track, and sector in scratch area C. Save the characters XYZ EOI as a comment. Reset DDF to display the PFC entry. Read the PFC sector. Reset DDF to display the system sector. Read the system sector. Reset DDF to display the EOI sector. Read the EOI sector. J-14 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M DDF Examples Example 9: Change data on the disk. Display the sector to be changed. Determine from the display the byte number of the byte to be changed. CAUTION Be very careful and be sure you know what you are doing before changing data on the disk. Unless extreme care is exercised, use of DDF to change data on the disk can lead to system hangs or loss of permanent files. UNLOCK, xxxx,yyyy. WRITE. Return control to DSD. Allow privileged commands to be entered. Return control to DDF. Set byte number xxxx to value yyyy. If a mistake is made, press the space bar to reread the sector and start over. Write what is displayed to the disk. CAUTION Be sure another program does not change the sector between the time DDF reads it and writes it; otherwise, the changes may be lost. Depending on what you are changing, it may be best to make changes only when the system is idle. For changes to permanent files and catalog entries, the STB and CTB commands can be used to prevent other accesses to the sector; however, an understanding of permanent file interlocking is advisable before you use these commands. Example 10: Display the disk flaw map. First, determine (from the appropriate hardware manual) the logical track and sector of the flaw map. This is not currently operational for buffered devices. X.DDF. EST.est. UNLOCK. PTK.nnnn SC.nnnn. PREAD. Bring up the DDF display. Set the EST ordinal est. Return control to DSD. Allow privileged commands to be entered. Return control to DDF. Set the protected track number nnnn. DDF does not verify that the track number is valid. Set the sector number nnnn. Read the sector using a protected read function. (Do not attempt to read the sector using the space bar; this would cause a disk error because this sector is protected.) / f fl ^ ^ V Revision M Display Disk File (DDF) Utility J-15 Pack Recovery Pack Recovery In the event that the label sector and TRT on a device have been overwritten and no suitable backup is available, a special set of DDF commands are available to allow the reconstruction of these tables. Note that this process requires extensive analyst intervention (on the order of several hours of dedicated time). To effectively use these commands, an analyst must have a thorough and detailed understanding of the NOS mass storage and permanent file table structures, both in CMR and on disk. Recovery achieved by these commands is not automatic; the analyst will have to make manual changes to the label sector and TRT during the process of the reconstruction. Refer to Pack Recovery Hints later in this section for an outline of the procedure to be used. Pack Recovery Display Changes When pack recovery is in progress, the recovery track pointer and the track recovery j word are displayed on the left screen. Recovery Table Format The pack recovery process uses a recovery table in central memory to record linkage information. The table is initialized by the BEGINR command. The other commands use or modify the data in the table to effect device recovery. The table (which is stored within DDF's central memory field length) is formatted as follows: • Image of MST for the device (MSTL words long). • FNSS/FTSS/DTSS words from the system sector of the current chain. • Recovery pointer word. vr 59 FT FieI d 35 23 PT UNUSED SC ./*-fev Description FT First track of the current chain. PT Previous track in the chain. SC Current sector for the EOI search after an error. <"**5!\ J-16 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M Recovery Table Format Indirect chain pointer word (not currently used). 59 47 FT Field 35 UNUSED PT Description FT First track of the indirect chain. PT Previous track of the indirect chain. • Build pointer word. 59 47 TT 35 SC 11 23 FT NF Field Description TT Destination track for writing the TRT. SC Sector for the current piece of the TRT. FT First track for the current piece of the TRT. NF DAF file count. TL TRT length from the MST. TL Two reserved words. Revision M Display Disk File (DDF) Utility J-17 Recovery Table Format Track recovery table (one word per track). 47 59 35 FT FLAGS Field FLAGS 11 23 PT NT LC Description The following flags are valid: Flag Bits Description TY 59-54 File type from system sector (for tracks beginning with a system sector). RE 53 Read error detected in track.. SS 52 System sector in track at other than sector zero. FL 51 Flawed track indicator. 50 Not used. 49-48 EOI status for track (0, 1, or 2). EI 0 No EOI. 1 Normal EOI in track. 2 EOI (written by IMS). FT First track of the chain linked to this track. PT First track encountered that is linked to this track. (PT equals the current track if at the start of the file.) NT Next track or EOI sector number. LC Linkage count. (Number of tracks linked to this track.) J-18 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook /<«S^V Revision M Pack Recovery Commands Pack Recovery Commands The BEGINR command must be entered as the first command of a pack recovery sequence; until the BEGINR command is entered, none of the other pack recovery commands will be accepted. All of these commands require that the keyboard be unlocked. Command Description BEGINR. Begin track recovery for the current selected equipment. The equipment to be recovered must be removable and unloaded. The MST in CMR for the selected equipment is used to initialize the MST for the label track built by the recovery commands. Be sure the equipment mnemonic in the E,M display matches that of the pack to be recovered. (The correct mnemonic can be set with the DSD INITIALIZE command.) 0ms The first use of this command initializes the recovery process by: • Setting the recovery track pointer to zero. • Reserving and clearing the central memory (CM) recovery table. • Setting up the MST skeleton in the recovery table. • Enabling the use of the other recovery commands. If the BEGINR command is used again, recovery restarts for the current equipment. BLDSL. Build a label sector image in the data buffer from data in the CM recovery table. Once the other recovery commands have completed, memory change commands can be used to fill in any missing data. The buffer can then be written to disk using the WRITE command. BLDSTRT. Build the next sector of the TRT data for the label track. The track and sector are set for the WRITE command. If any linkage errors are detected, the message ERROR IN TRACK STATUS is issued. After the last sector is built, the pointers are reset to the first sector again. You must manually generate the EOI sector for the label track using the BLDEOI command. BLDSTRT.nnnn. Build sector number nnnn of the TRT data for the label track (nnnn ^ 1). Revision M Display Disk File (DDF) Utility J-19 Pack Recovery Commands Command Description NEXTAT. Locate the next available track on the current equipment and read the first sector of that track. The search begins at the displayed recovery track pointer +1. By resetting the track pointer to track zero and using this command, unreserved tracks can be found and checked for being part of the catalog track chain or the indirect access file chain. NEXTSS. Locate the next track in the recovery table that begins with a system sector. The search begins at the displayed recovery track pointer +1. RECOVER.RECOVER.c. Scan the entire device, saving linkage information in the track recovery table. The first sector of each track is read until a system sector is found. For non-SYFT system sectors and for SYFT files other than DATA, read each sector (following the sector linkage) until either an EOI sector, a multiple linkage, an embedded system sector, or a read error is encountered. For SYFT files LABEL, DATA, and PERMIT, set the ALGL track pointer in the MST skeleton. If the scan stops for any reason, it can be restarted by entering either the RECOVER or RECOVER.c command (where c is any character). Entering RECOVER.c resumes the linkage chain scanning from the sector after the one in which the scan stopped. Entering RECOVER causes DDF to go back to the last track on which a system sector was found, advance the track by one, and resume scanning the first sector of each track looking for another system sector. Once the RECOVER command has been used to scan the entire device (which may take several hours) the other commands can be used to resolve any linkage conflicts or other loose ends that remain. NOTE DDF releases the display to DSD while executing the RECOVER command to improve performance (minimize lost revolutions). The display is automatically rerequested when the scan stops for any reason. SETRW.b.nnnn. Change byte b of the current track recovery word to number nnnn. This is the method used to resolve linkage conflicts before using the BLDSL and BLDSTRT commands. SETTP.nnnn. Set the recovery track pointer for the RECOVER, NEXTAT, NEXTSS, and SETRW commands to track number nnnn. J-20 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M Pack Recovery Hints Pack Recovery Hints The general process for recovering a pack is as follows: Example Explanation BEGINR. RECOVER. Repeat as many times as required. SETRW. Repeat as necessary to correct linkage conflicts and oversights. BLDSL. WRITE. B L D S T R T. R e p e a t u n t i l T R T i s c o m p l e t e . WRITE. Repeat until TRT is complete. SC.nnnn. Set EOI sector address. BLDEOI. WRITE. There are, however, several manual operations required in addition to the process outlined above. • Several fields in the MST image in the label sector must be entered manually after the BLDSL command and before the WRITE command. These include: - Family/pack name. - Device number. - Device masks. - Number of catalog tracks. • The catalog tracks are not automatically recovered. The NEXTAT command can be used to search for the catalog tracks after the device has been completely scanned by the RECOVER command. In general, the catalog tracks are allocated on a device immediately prior to the first track of the indirect chain. (The first track of the indirect chain can be found by checking byte 0 of ALGL in the MST, built by the BLDSL command.) Once the catalog tracks are found, the track linkage information for these tracks must be set in the track recovery words by using the SETRW command. The label track must be linked to the first catalog track, which is linked to the second original catalog track, which is linked to the third original catalog track, and so forth. All overflow catalog tracks are linked after the last of the original catalog tracks. There can be one or more overflow catalog tracks for each of the original catalog tracks. These overflow tracks are linked from their corresponding catalog track via the sector linkage in the last sector of that track. This means that the sector linkage does not correspond to the TRT linkage for these tracks. 0ms 0ms Revision M Display Disk File (DDF) Utility J-21 Pack Recovery Hints y*^|\ The indirect chain is not automatically recovered. Tracks in the indirect chain can b e l o c a t e d u s i n g t h e N E X TAT c o m m a n d a n d t h e R E C O V E R . c o r F I N D I S S ^ ^ commands. Tracks for which bit 52 is set in the recovery word (which indicates ) that a system sector was found in a sector other than sector zero on this track) are probably part of the indirect chain. Examining the sector linkage of the last sector of each track that has been identified as containing indirect access file data can be used to establish the ordering of these tracks. Note that if the last sector of an indirect chain track is a system sector, byte NSSS contains the pointer to the next track. Alternatively, the PFCs on the catalog tracks can be examined to determine the tracks that are on the indirect chain and the ordering of these tracks. Instances in which multiple tracks are linked to a single track in the track recovery table must be resolved in order to correctly build the TRT. Note that the BLDSTRT command will inform you of these conflicts. You must inspect the contents of the various tracks and make an empirical judgment as to the correct linkage. The SETRW and SETTP commands must be used to eliminate the conflicting linkage. If a track is to be left unreserved, its track recovery word should be zeroed. A ^ S Flawed tracks may be indicated by setting the flawed track indicator (FL flag) in the track recovery word for that track. ^ms J-22 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M Jp^*- PA C K E R Utility K The PACKER utility enables you to manage holes within the indirect access permanent file chain (IAPF chain) on a permanent file device. This chain is the set of tracks that contains all the indirect access permanent files on a permanent file device. Space within the chain is allocated to individual files. Holes are the spaces created within the IAPF chain when indirect access permanent files are deleted. These spaces may be reused later for other indirect access permanent files; however, over time these spaces tend to become fragmented into smaller and smaller pieces. Eventually, a large amount of space may be in small, unusable holes. The PACKER utility reorganizes the IAPF chain so that more of the holes are available for storage. It combines adjacent holes, moves files to allow holes to be combined, and releases entire tracks when possible. These actions make more tracks available on the device (relieving a TRACK LIMIT condition, if one exists) as well as making the remaining holes larger and thus more usable. Operational Overview A single call to the PACKER utility only processes a single permanent file device, but you can process multiple devices at the same time by calling a different copy of PACKER for each device. NOTE y$m\ While PACKER is processing a device, no other files are allowed to access that device. PACKER begins processing a device by reading all the permanent file catalog entries (PFC entries) on the specified device and building a set of tables that allows it to operate on the IAPF chain in sequential order. PACKER then scans the IAPF chain from the beginning, searching for holes. Lost Space Processing If PACKER encounters any lost space during its scan, it attempts to reclaim the space for future use. Lost space is a condition where space exists on the IAPF chain that is not pointed to by a permanent file catalog (PFC) entry. Without a PFC entry, the permanent file manager (PFM) is unaware of the space. Lost space is usually the result of a previous PACKER run being interrupted by a system failure. If the lost space is preceded by or followed by a hole, PACKER merges the lost space with one of the holes. If the lost space is preceded by a file and not followed by a hole, PACKER creates a new PFC entry for it, transforming it into a normal IAPF hole. If the lost space is smaller than the absolute minimum IAPF hole size of three PRUs, it cannot be reclaimed and is left as lost space. Revision M PA C K E R Utility K-l Hole Processing Hole Processing When PACKER encounters a hole during its scan, a sequence of events begins. Unless the collection hole is already open, the newly found hole is turned into the collection hole. The collection hole is the focal point of the major operations of combining holes and moving files. The PFC pointing to the collection hole is changed into a purged direct access permanent file (DAPF) PFC. This PFC is changed back into an IAPF PFC pointing to the hole when the collection hole is changed back into a normal hole; until that occurs, the collection hole is lost space. PACKER uses this procedure to provide for system failures during PACKER operation. If such a failure occurs, the system is unaware of the changes PACKER is making, all files are intact, and the lost space is recovered the next time PACKER is run. The following sequence is repeated until the collection hole is closed. 1. Any holes following the collection hole have their PFCs changed into purged DAPF PFCs and their space is added to the collection hole. This combining of contiguous holes is continued until PACKER encounters a file. 2. When a file is encountered, PACKER checks to see if the collection hole is big enough for tracks to be delinked from it. If so, it delinks and returns the tracks to the system. This premove delinking limits the amount of data (files) that are moved by limiting the size of the collection hole. 3. The utility looks for the largest file that fits into the collection hole by starting from the end of the IAPF chain and scanning toward the current position. If it finds such a file, PACKER copies the file to the beginning of the collection hole, updates its PFC to point to the new position, and updates the collection hole's starting address and length. (This is called the fill-move technique.) If the collection hole is completely filled, PACKER considers it closed and begins scanning again. If the move is successful, PACKER repeats it until no further files can be moved using the fill-move technique. 4. The file adjacent to the collection hole (which was excluded from the fill-move search) is then examined to see if it can be slid across the collection hole. This file must completely fit within the collection hole, for the file would be destroyed if the file was copied on top of itself and the system failed during the copy. PACKER examines the sizes of all the files until the next hole to ensure that they fit in the collection hole (if any do not fit, the effect of the moves would only be to move the position of the hole, which in itself is of no benefit). If all the files fit, PACKER copies them, one by one, across the collection hole, and updates the address of the collection hole. (This is called the slide-move technique.) PACKER combines the newly adjacent hole with the collection hole and resumes scanning. If all the files between the collection hole and the next hole do not fit into the collection hole, PACKER closes the collection hole and scans for the next hole. 5. PACKER terminates the scan when it encounters the end of the IAPF chain. If the collection hole is open, PACKER drops it off the end of the IAPF chain by adjusting the EOI. K-2 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M Dayfile Statistics Dayfile Statistics At termination, PACKER issues the following set of statistical dayfile messages. These messages document the original state of the device, changes made by PACKER, final state of the device, and resources used by PACKER. ONSET FILES NNNNNN, SSSSSS PRUS ONSET HOLES NNNNNN, SSSSSS PRUS FILL MOVES NNNNNN, SSSSSS PRUS SLIDE MOVES NNNNNN, SSSSSS PRUS FILES MOVED NNNNNN, SSSSSS PRUS LOST SPACE NNNNNN, SSSSSS PRUS HOLES LEFT NNNNNN, SSSSSS PRUS HOLES FREED NNNNNN, SSSSSS PRUS TRACKS FREED NNNNNN, SSSSSS PRUS FLAW SPACE NNNNNN, SSSSSS PRUS SRUS 23456.890 UNTS. CPU SECONDS 23456.890 SECS. MAXIMUM CM FL 234567890 SCM. MANAGED TABLE MOVES 234567890 UNTS. /0ms Revision M PACKER Utility K-3 Command Format Command Format The PACKER command calls the utility that reorganizes the indirect access permanent files on a specified permanent file device. The command has the following format: PACKER,Pi=f1,p2=f2. • • • .Pn=f*rv Pi Description DN=devicenumber Device number. This parameter is required if a family device is to be processed. It cannot be used with the PN parameter. FM=familyname Family name. This parameter cannot be used with the PN parameter. If you omit both the FM and PN parameters, PACKER processes the system default family. NM No moves. If you specify this parameter, PACKER does not move any files; it limits its work to the combining of contiguous holes and the reclamation of lost space. Since this parameter greatly decreases the time required to run PACKER, you can use it when attempting to relieve a TRACK LIMIT condition during production hours. PN=packname Pack name. This parameter is required if the device to be processed is an auxiliary pack. This parameter cannot be used with the FM or DN parameter. TL=timelimit Time limit. If you specify this parameter, PACKER stops running after the specified number of seconds (wall clock time). If a value is specified, the system assumes it is octal. If the TL parameter is specified but not equivalenced (that is, TL is specified without a value), the system uses a limit of 300D. The following command parameters are not needed for normal operations, but may be useful in special situations. Pi Description EF Exact fit. If you specify this parameter, an exact fit is required when moving a file with the fill-move technique. Use of this parameter might increase the number of files moved using the slide-move technique, which can result in more space being released to the operating system at the expense of moving an increased number of files. IX=index Index. This parameter specifies the starting index into PACKER'S sorted PFC table. You can use it to skip the specified number of PFC entries before beginning processing. In some situations, this parameter provides a useful method of shortening the execution time of PACKER. If a value is specified, the system assumes it is octal. (The use of this parameter has an impact on the end-of-run statistics, since they do not reflect the portion skipped.) K-4 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M Command Format pi Description 0m^** f M R = m o v e r a t i o M o v e r a t i o . T h i s p a r a m e t e r s p e c i fi e s t h e m a x i m u m r a t i o between the total length of the files to be moved in a slide move and the size of the hole into which the files are to be moved. A value of 0 prevents all files from being moved using the slide-move technique; however, it is recommended that you use the NS parameter instead of MR=0. If a value is specified, the system assumes it is octal. If you omit the MR parameter, the system uses a value of 100B for the move ratio; if the MR parameter is specified, but not equivalenced, the system uses a value of 377777B. N C N o c h a n g e s . I f y o u s p e c i f y t h i s p a r a m e t e r, PA C K E R determines what operations ought to be performed in response to the other specified parameters, but does not actually make any changes to the device. Since PACKER still issues dayfile messages at termination detailing the changes that would have been made, you may use this option to preview the potential effect of a parameter setting. You can compare alternative parameter combinations to determine the best way to reach a desired result. N F N o fi l l m o v e s . I f y o u s p e c i f y t h i s p a r a m e t e r, PA C K E R d o e s n o t move any files using the fill-move technique. Use of this parameter forces all files to be moved using the slide-move technique. This can result in more space being released to the operating system at the expense of moving an increased number of files. N P N o p r e m o v e d e l i n k s . I f y o u s p e c i f y t h i s p a r a m e t e r, PA C K E R does not delink tracks before attempting to move files. Delinking tracks before moving files limits the size to which the collection hole is allowed to grow, which in turn limits the amount of data moved by PACKER in its attempts to fill the collection hole. These delinks might shorten the time PACKER executes at the expense of possibly leaving small holes where tracks were delinked. This parameter does not affect the delinking of tracks from holes that remain after PACKER has completed its work. N S N o s l i d e m o v e s . If s p e c i fi e d , PA C K E R d o e s n o t m o v e a n y fi l e s using the slide-move technique. This might increase the speed of PACKER execution by leaving more holes unfilled. You may also use the MR parameter to control slide moves in a more general fashion; however, to totally disable slide moves, you should use the NS parameter rather than specifying MR=0. 0ims Revision M PA C K E R Utility K-5 PACKER Examples PACKER Examples The following examples illustrate how you can use the PACKER utility to perform periodic maintenance on permanent file devices. Example 1: For normal periodic maintenance, the PACKER utility can be executed when the production load is light and there is little interactive usage. For example, a site might want to use the following command every day in the early morning: PACKER(FM=ffffff,DN=nn) Example 2: To get some space on a device that is at or near track limit, PACKER can be run quickly even during active production hours by specifying the NM parameter. Specifying this parameter reduces the amount of space reclaimed, but also greatly reduces the amount of time required to run PACKER. The following command may be entered: PA C K E R ( F M = ffffff , D N = n n , N M ) Example 3: If a site determines that daily PACKER runs have too great an impact on production, the site can specify the NM parameter (as in example 2) when running PACKER on weekdays, and only do full PACKER runs (as in example 1) once a week. -^s. K-6 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M **%■ -K Access count Cartridge Index 0>^$S r Access count 7-11 ACCESS EQPDECK entry 3-94 Access level limits 3-94, 150 Account dayfile 3-15 ACCOUNT DSDI directive 6-26 ACCOUNT EQPDECK entry 3-15 ACN DSD command 5-74 ACPD TRACER command 21-4 Active dayfiles 18-27 Active queued files 18-26, 41 *AD SYSEDIT directive 19-4 Add cartridges 11-17 Add cubicles 11-16 Add SMs 11-16 AFD utility 18-56 AIP 16-1, 32 AIP trace with IAF 16-32 ALLMEM DSDI directive 6-12 Allocation information 3-46 Allocation summary table (AST) 11-5 Allocation unit(s) 11-3 Alter memory file 15-5 Alternate permanent file family 3-44 Alternate storage 12-1; 17-2 Alternate storage address 12-1 Alternate system device 3-41 Alternate system library entry 3-86 Alternate user CATLIST permission 17-14, 63 ANSWERBAC entry 16-37 AP DSDI directive 6-19, 67 Application Interface Program (See AIP) APRDECK Description 3-103 Display 2-22 Format 3-103 Modifying 2-22 APRINST display 2-22 Archive file Description 17-1 Multifile 17-2 Preassignment 17-60 Arrays Adding E-3 Building E-2 Description E-l Released E-4 ASR EQPDECK entry 3-86 ASSIGN DSD command 5-24 AU conflict flag 11-10 AUs Available for large files 11-6 Available for small files 11-6 AUTO DSD command 5-56 AUTOLOAD EQPDECK entry 3-96 Revision M Automatic flawing 3-104; G-l Automatic label checking 3-148 AUTORESTART IPRDECK entry 3-136 Auxiliary device 3-45, 81; 17-25 Auxiliary device pack name 3-82 Auxiliary packs 3-134 B Backup requirement(s) 11-11; 17-14, 62 Batch I/O 3-134 BATCHIO DSDI directive 6-41 BCDUMP DSDI directive 6-54 BEGIN DIS command 4-14 Binary maintenance log 3-17, 55; 18-56 BIO DSD command 5-50 BKP DIS command 4-14 BKP DSD command 5-76 BKPA DIS command 4-14 BKSP DSD command 5-24 BKSPF DSD command 5-24 BKSPRU DSD command 5-25 Breakpoint package CPUMTR commands 5-80 PP commands 5-75 Breakpoint processing 5-75 BSP CMRDECK entry 3-3 Buffered disks 3-55 C DSDI directive 6-15, 57, 74 CAF APRDECK entry 3-104 Calling DSDI 6-2 Calling FLAW utility 8-4 Calling MREC utility 8-17 Calling utilities 18-2 Batch 17-44 Console 17-37 DIS 17-44 Procedure files 17-45 Terminal 17-45 Cancel alternate NPU load file command 15-11 Card punch 3-23 Card reader 3-23 Carriage control tape E-l Cartridge Add 11-17 Assignment 11-3, 22 Description 11-1, 3 File allocation 11-18 Label(s), information 11-3, 22 Lost, restore 11-17 Manufacturer code 11-4, 7 Pool 11-18 Removal 11-17, 88 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Index-1 Cartridge accessor unit Restoration 11-87 Serial number 11-69 Cartridge accessor unit 11-1 Cartridge alternate storage address 17-18, 63 Cartridge alternate storage flags 17-15, 63 Cartridge alternate storage type 17-18, 63 CARTRIDGE PF STAGING IPRDECK entry 3-136 Catalog archive file (See PFATC) Catalog entry 17-11 Catalog image record (See CIR) Catalog information 3-46 Catalog permanent file (See PFCAT) Catalog track Chain 17-10 Description 17-9 Entry 17-11 CBT DSDI directive 6-22 CCP files 16-9 CCT DSDI directive 6-22 CC545 Display differences J-3 Keys 4-10, 13, 15; J-4 CC598B Display differences 5-2; J-3 Keys 4-10, 13, 15; J-4 CC634B Display differences 5-2; J-3 Keys 4-10, 13, 15; J-4 CDCfiff DSD command 5-50 CDCNET COP 15-4, 62 Device interface EST entry 3-34 MDI 15-2 NDI 15-2 Network 15-1 TDI 15-4 CDCNET Operator (See COP) CEF DIS command 4-14 Central memory 3-2 Clearing 3-124 Descriptions 3-3 Reservation 3-7 Resident 3-3 Table of sizes 3-12 Time slice 3-153 Central processor multiplier (CPM) 3-119 CFO DSD command 5-9 CFO NAM command 15-5 CFR DSD command 5-75 Chain control field 11-10 Change flag, SM map 11-61 Change NPU load file command 15-12 Changing system attributes 9-16, 17 Channel 15-2 Channel control commands 15-74 Index-2 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Configuring shared mass storage devices Character set(s) Anomalies A-2 Description A-l Mode A-121 Charge number 17-19, 63 Check mass storage (CMS) routine 3-98 CHECK POINT SYSTEM DSD command 5-56 Checkpoint, multimainframe 13-9, 16 CIR Catalog 17-78 Description 17-79 PF utility option 17-55 Circular buffer data structure 16-15 CKP DSD command 5-4 CLASS DSD command 5-10 CLASS IPRDECK entry 3-137 Clear all flaw reservations 3-104 Clear logical flaws 3-105 Clear physical disk area flaws 3-104 Clear physical extended memory track 3-104 Clear tape unit assignment 3-104 Clear unit reservations 3-96 Clearing permanent file error flags 11-77 CLF APRDECK entry 3-105 CLT CMRDECK entry 3-4 Cluster control blocks (CCB) 16-17 CM DSDI directive 6-12 *CM SYSEDIT directive 19-3 CMRDECK Description 3-2 Display 2-3 Entries 3-3 Listing 3-2 Modifying 2-3; 3-1 CMRINST Description 3-2 Display 2-3 Code conversion parameters 10-13 COLLECT command 16-6 Collection hole K-2 COMLIB IPRDECK entry 3-118 COMMENT DSD command 5-9 Comments 16-14 Common library table 3-4, 118 Common test and initialization software 7-1 Communications Control Program (See CCP) 16-9 Communications supervisor (See CS) Concurrent channel 6-38 Down 5-25 Dump 6-38 PP Dump 6-51 Up 5-47 Concurrent PP 6-46, 51 Configuration information 3-2 Configuring shared mass storage devices 13-6, 13 Revision M r ^ S Connection slot array y^S. A^S. Connection slot array 8-42 Console equipment EST entry 3-58 Console operation under DIS 4-14 Contiguous block data structure 16-15 Continuation AU flag 11-10 CONTINUE DSD command 5-25 Control cartridge allocation 11-18 Control module Controlware 1-1 EST entry 3-66 Control of jobs 3-110 Control points Area 3-3 Number 3-8, 111 Usage 3-110 Controller, 7021 block identification 3-29 Controlware Loading utility 1-1 Status display 2-19 Type 1-1; 3-90 Version number 3-92 Conversion mode, tape 3-129 Coupler Description 15-2 Disable or enable 15-7 CP DSDI directive 6-28, 58, 68 CPB DSD command 5-78 CPF APRDECK entry 3-106 CPM default values 3-119 CPM IPRDECK entry 3-118 CPO DSDI directive 6-30 CPTT DSD command 5-11 CPTT IPRDECK entry 3-138 CPU job priority 3-139 CPU recall delay 3-139 CPU recall period 3-139 CPUMTR breakpoint C Display 5-81 Commands 5-80 Precautions 5-83 CPUPFM transfer threshold 3-138 CS Description 15-1 Information command 15-48 CSM IPRDECK entry 3-121 CT DSDI directive 6-30 Cubicle assignment 11-4 Cubicles 11-1 CYBERPLUS ring port EST entry 3-39 D r D DSDI directive 6-16, 59 Data gathering facility 3-125 Data recording controllers (DRC) 11-1 Data recording drives (DRD) 11-1 Data storage display (F) 4-6 Database control system, CYBER 3-134 DATE DSD command 5-57 Date line 3-8 Revision M Debug mode Date/time entry 2-25 Dayfile Account 3-15 Commands 5-3 Description 3-15 Dumping utilities 18-1, 56 Dumps 5-3 Error log 3-16 Logging messages 3-142 System 3-16 Termination 18-17, 58 DAYFILE DSDI directive 6-30 DAYFILE EQPDECK entry 3-16 DB DSDI directive 6-30 DBW DSDI directive 6-31 DCH DSD command 5-74 DCN DSD command 5-74 DCP DIS command 5-14 DDB DSDI directive 6-31 DDF Bringing up J-l Change sector data commands J-ll . Commands J-6 Console messages J-5 Description J-l Examples J-12 Keyboard input J-4 Left screen display J-2 Pack recovery J-l6 Print sector data commands J-ll Right screen display J-3 DDF DIS command 4-14 DDF pack recovery Commands J-l6 Display changes J-l6 Hints J-21 Recovery table J-l 6 DDFILE J-ll DDP rollout path 3-140 DDP ROLLOUT PATH IPRDECK entry 3-140 Deadstart Displays 2-9 DSD entry 3-99 Error idle recovery 2-44 Error processing 2-36 Level 0 initial recovery 2-36 Level 1 recovery 2-35 Level 2 recovery 2-34 Level 3 recovery 2-31 Mass storage device 2-38 Preparation 2-28 Process 2-1 Deadstart decks 3-1 Deadstart dump interpreter (See DSDI) Deadstart file 3-1 Deadstart sequencing 20-4 DEBUG DSD command 5-58 DEBUG IPRDECK entry 3-138 Debug log file processor (DLFP) 16-32 Debug mode 3-138 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Ind.ex-3 Debugging commands Debugging commands 5-84 Decision algorithm hierarchy 11-34 Default family name assignment entry 3-87 DELAY DSD command 5-10 DELAY IPRDECK entry 3-139 Delay values, record 5-12 ♦DELETE SYSEDIT directive 19-7 DEMUX command 16-52 Destage dump tape Characteristics 12-3 Data format 12-3 Description 12-1 Destaging files 12-3 Modifying files 12-7 Organization 12-3 Recycling 12-7 Destage/release processing Algorithms 11-33 Destaging 12-1; 17-3 Excluding 11-32 Destaging files 11-12; 12-3 Device Auxiliary 3-45 Family 3-46 Link 3-46 Master 3-46 Private 3-45 Public 3-45 Device access table 13-2, 6 Device configuration Independent SDM 13-13 Linked SDM 13-2 Device index table 13-10, 14 Device initialization options table 8-10 Device mask 3-81; 17-4, 5 DFD utility 18-56 DFLIST routine 18-27 DFPT IPRDECK entry 3-140 DFT CMRDECK entry 3-4 DFTERM routine 18-27 Diagnostic operator (See DOP) DIAL DSD command 5-8 Direct access files 3-47, 153 Directory display (Z) 4-9 DIS Commands 4-14 Console operation 4-10 DIS command 4-1 Display identifiers 4-2 Display selection commands 4-13 DSD command 5-58 Keyboard entries 4-14 Keys with special meaning 4-13 Memory displays 4-6 Memory entry commands 4-18 Messages 4-12 Operations 4-1 PP call commands 4-20 * DIS command 4-17 , DIS command 4-17 Index-4 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook DOWN DSD command DIS DIS command 4-14 DIS displays Data Data storage 4-6 Directory 4-8 Display (A) 4-4 Display (B) 4-4 Display (F) 4-6 Display (G) 4-7 Display (X) 4-8 Display (Z) 4-8 Displays (C, D, F, G) 4-6 Exchange package 4-8 Job dayfile 4-4 Job status 4-4 Memory 4-6 Program storage 4-7 DIS memory displays DISABLE DSD command 5-59 Disable host element command 15-15 Disable network element command 15-29 Disable subsystems 3-134 Disk controlware 1-2 Disk equipment EST entry 3-60 Disk file format Full stripe 11-67 Partial stripe 11-68 Disk flaws (See Storage media defects) Disk idle mode 1-2 Disk, removable 3-54, 87 Disk space Detecting failing devices 1-1 Known media defects 1-3 Management 11-11, 35, 79, 86; K-l Release 11-11; 12-5; 17-57 Disk thresholds display 2-20 DISK VALIDATION IPRDECK entry 3-121 Display console equipment EST entry 3-58 Display disk file utility J-l Display disk file utility (See DDF) Display identifiers (DIS) 4-2 Display selection commands (DIS) 4-2 Display selection commands (DSD) 5-2 DISPOSE DSDI directive 6-10 Disposition type 18-14, 18, 23 Distributive data path (DDP) 3-68 DMPCCC utility 1-4 DMPNAD utility 14-1 DOP Commands 15-48 Control commands 15-62 Network control 15-43 Responsibilities 15-4, 43 SEND command 15-54 Status message formats 15-45 Unsolicited status reports 15-48 DOP (See Diagnostic operator) DOWN channel entry 3-80 DOWN DSD command 5-25 Revision M '/s^\ Index-6 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Revision M Format control Format control E-l; F-l FORMAT utility 3-141; G-l Forms code 3-20; 18-16 FOT CMRDECK entry 3-4 FOT DSDI directive 6-32 FOTD L display 9-2 Free/busy flag 11-10 Free cartridge files 11-18 Free cartridge flag 11-8 Frozen chain flag 11-10 Full dump 17-74, 82 G GENPFD Command 12-9 File selection processing 12-13 Input directives 12-10 Limitations 12-13 GETLOG utility 18-56 Glossary B-l GO DIS command 4-15 GO DSD command 5-9 GRENADE EQPDECK entry 3-77 Group 11-12 Group-encoded tapes 3-23 H / ^ S Hardware diagnostic information 3-14 HARDWARE FAULTS INJECTION IPRDECK entry 3-123 Hardware verification 3-98 Hash table 6-33 HAT DSDI directive 6-33 Head-of-chain (HOC) 11-3 Highest priority 3-122 HOLD DIS command 4-15 HOP Control commands 15-59 HOP Commands 15-2 Network control 15-9 Responsibilities 15-4 Status message formats 15-9 Unsolicited status reports 15-10 Host operator (See HOP) I I DSDI directive 6-15 IAF Control point assignment 3-134 DSDI directive 6-42 Number of network terminals 3-125 IAF stimulator Description 16-1, 36 Dynamic login 16-42 EST entry 3-31 Examples 16-54 IPRDECK entry 3-134 Revision M IPD CMRDECK entry Mixed mode parameters 16-46 Multiple sessions 16-50 Output evaluation 16-56 Parameter output 16-50 Postprocessing 16-52 Procedure file example 16-54 Session file 16-37, 45 STIMULA 16-37 Task definitions 16-43 Think time 16-43 IAFEX command 16-33 IAFffff DSD command 5-50 IAFTM procedure file 16-32 IAFTR procedure file 16-33 IAN DSD command 5-74 ICPD TRACER command 21-4 ID DSD command 5-27 IDLE DSD command 5-28, 52, 64 Idle host element command 15-16 IDLEFAMILY DSD command 5-29 ♦IGNORE SYSEDIT directive 19-8 Inactive dayfiles 18-27 Inactive queued files 18-26, 41 INB CMRDECK entry 3-6 Incremental dump 17-73, 83 Incremental load 17-80 Independent SDM operation Checkpoint 13-16 CMRDECK 13-10 Deadstart 13-10 Description 13-10, 13 EQPDECK 13-10 MSE 13-16 Recovery 13-15 Unload 13-15 Independent shared device entry 3-89 Index, user 17-4 Indirect access files 3-47, 155 Indirect access permanent file chain K-l Inhibit allocation flag 11-8 INIT parameter record 15-7 INIT startup procedure 16-3 Initial DSD commands 3-122 Initialization entry 3-96 Initialize and flaw tracks procedure 8-9 INITIALIZE DSD command 5-30 INITIALIZE EQPDECK entry 3-96 INITIALIZE K display 8-8 Initializing fast-attach files 20-3 Initiating job processing 2-26 Initiating NAM 15-1, 4 INSTALL command 7-1 Installation block size 3-6 Instruction-stack purging 3-123 Interactive facility (See IAF) Interactive job control commands 5-8 Interactive stimulator 3-25 IOUCR DSDI directive 6-46 IOUMR DSDI directive 6-46 IPD CMRDECK entry 3-6 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Index-7 IPRDECK Link field ,A^$S IPRDECK Deadstart entries 3-133 Deadstart only entries 3-118 Description 3-107 Display 2-23 Entries 3-107 Listing 3-107 Modifying 2-23; 3-107 Selection 3-4 Subsystem entries 3-133 IPRINST Description 3-107 Display 2-23 ISF command 20-1 ISHARE EQPDECK entry 3-89 JC DSDI directive 6-32 Job Maximum extended memory length 3-127 Maximum field length 3-127 Maximum number 3-126 Job communication commands 5-9 Job control 3-108 Commands 5-4 Information 3-108 Parameter example 3-112 Job dayfile display (A) 4-3 Job flow commands 5-10 Job processing Control commands 5-9 Initiating 2-26 Job queue type 3-146 Job scheduler interval 3-139 Job scheduling 3-108 Job status display (B) 4-4 Jobs Batch A-3 Interactive A-3 Using line printers A-4 Using magnetic tapes A-17 K K-display utilities FLAW 8-3 INITIALIZE 8-8 MREC 8-16 MSE 8-25 NAM 8-27 Overview 8-1 QTF 8-41 RBF 8-72 REDEFINE 8-61 RHF 8-75 SSF 8-85 TAF 8-89 K DSD command 5-64 Index-fr NOSyVetsioa 2rAnaJ3fg*s>Kiandboofc.* KEYPM IPRDECK entry 3-124 Keypunch mode 3-124 Keys, special DIS meaning 4-10 Keywords, table 3-19 KILL DSD command 5-6 L-display utilities FOTD 9-2 LIDOU 9-3 QDSPLAY 9-6 SCTD 9-10 SDSPLAY 9-12 SUBSYST 9-20 L DSD command 5-64 Label checking 3-148 Label track 17-22 Large central memory extended (See LCME) LBC EQPDECK entry 3-90 LC DSDI directive 6-33 LCFFILE file 16-34 LCME EST entry 3-68 Extended memory 3-56 LCN examples 10-20 LCN sample 8-77; 10-20 LDC DSD command 5-74 LDIS DSDI directive 6-34 LDLIST routine 18-36 LDT CMRDECK entry 3-6 Level 0 initial deadstart 2-36 Level 1 recovery deadstart 2-35 Level 2 recovery deadstart 2-34 Level 3 recovery deadstart 2-31 Levels of recovery deadstart 2-29 LIB CMRDECK entry 3-6 LIBDECK ♦AD entry 3-41 Entries 3-159 Selection 3-6 LID configuration file creation 10-1 LID configuration files 10-1 LID/RHF configuration files 10-1 LID table Building or rebuilding 10-6 Listing 10-7 Specifying size 3-4; 10-6 LIDOU L display Changing LIDs 10-7 HELP display 9-3 LID display 9-3 LIDT DSDI directive 6-34 LIDVEid file 10-7 Line 15-2 Line control blocks (LCB) 16-17 Line printer 3-23 Link device 3-46 Link field 11-10 .Revision M y^S5\ Linkage byte MEMORY CLEARING IPRDECK entry A0$S Linkage byte 17-22 Linkage error flag 11-8 Linkage format 17-24 Linkage statements Node/path 11-71 SM/CU 11-73 Linked SDM operation Checkpoint 13-9 CMRDECK entry 13-3 Configuration 13-3 Deadstart 13-3 Description 13-2 EQPDECK entry 13-3 MSE 13-9 Recovery 13-8 Unload 13-8 List option 18-18 Listing NAD dumps 14-3 LISTLID command 10-7 LISTPPM command 16-31 Load buffer controllers entry 3-90 LOAD DSD command 5-32 Load File Generator Description 16-1, 9 Input directives 16-10 Network load file 16-11 Summary listing 16-11 Load partition 16-11 LOADBC utility 1-1 Command 1-1 Dumping controlware 1-3 Loading microcode 3-125 Loading the system 2-24 Local configuration file (LCF) 16-34 LOCK DSD command 5-64 LOCK IPRDECK entry 3-142 LOGGING IPRDECK entry 3-142 Logical flaws 3-105 Logical identifier (LID) 10-1; 18-7 Logical link 15-2 Logical mapping 11-71 Lost cartridge flag 11-8 Low-speed port (LSP) 3-68 Lower bound CPU priority 3-152 Lowest priority 3-147 LPVA DSDI directive 6-47 M M DIS command 4-15 Machine recovery program (See MREC) Machine recovery table 13-10 Macromemory words 16-14, 16 MAG EST entry 3-27 IPRDECK entry 3-134 MAGffff DSD command 5-50 MAGNET command 12-8 MAGNET DSDI directive 6-44 Magnetic tape subsystem (See MAG) Revision M Mainframe device interface (See MDI) Mainframe examples 3-72 Mainframe terminal interface (See MTI) MAINLOG DSDI directive 6-34 MAINLOG EQPDECK entry 3-17 MAINLOG utility 18-56 MAINTENANCE DSD command 5-65 Maintenance host facility (MHF) 14-3 Maintenance mode 3-69 Management of storage media defects 1-1 MAP EST entry 3-37 IPRDECK entry 3-134 MAP III or IV 3-109 MAP III or IV equipment EST entry 3-37 MAPffff DSD command 5-52 Mask Device 17-4, 5 Secondary 17-7 Track 17-10 Mass storage Allocation of job files 3-78 Clear logical flaws 3-105 Concepts 3-41; 17-3 Configuration example 3-44 Device functions 3-42 Device recovery table 2-38 Device types 3-61 Display 2-13, 16 Equipment assignments 3-41 Hardware validation 3-121 Number of devices 3-61 Set logical flaws 3-85 Validation 3-143 Mass storage ext. subsystem (See MSE) Mass storage table 17-9 Description 17-68 Mass storage thresholds 1-2 Master device 3-46 Catalog tracks 17-10 Definition 17-4 User index relationship 17-3 Master file name 15-6; 16-2 Master mainframe 11-12; 13-2 Master mode, MSE executive 3-143 MASTER MSE IPRDECK entry 3-143 Matrix algorithm processor (See MAP) MCH DSD command 5-74 MCS IPRDECK entry 3-134 MCSffff DSD command 5-52 MCT CMR dump directive 6-34 MCT DSDI command 6-34 MCT DSDI directive 6-34 MDI 3-34; 15-2 MEMMR DSDI directive 6-47 Memory clearing 3-124 MEMORY CLEARING IPRDECK entry 3-124 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Index-9 NCF Memory control Memory control 3-91 Memory displays (DIS) 4-6 Memory entry commands (DIS) 4-6 Memory entry commands (DSD) 5-18 Memory padding value 3-139 Message control system (See MCS) 3-134 Messages, DIS 4-11 MICRO IPRDECK entry 3-125 MID CMRDECK entry 3-6 MINCM CMRDECK entry 3-7 MINIT parameter record 15-7 MINIT startup procedure 16-3 Mode of access 17-12 Modifications APRDECK 2-22; 3-103 CMRDECK 2-3; 3-2 EQPDECK 2-4; 3-13 IPRDECK 2-23; 3-107 MOUNT DSD command 5-33 MPP DSDI directive 6-20 MREC Commands 8-20 K display 8-17, 22 Parameters 8-21 Procedures 8-20 Unit and controller reservations 8-23 Usage 13-4, 12 MRECOV parameter record 15-7 MRECOV startup procedure 16-3 ♦MS SYSEDIT directive 19-3 MS VALIDATION IPRDECK entry 3-143 MSAL DSD command 5-34 MSAL EQPDECK entry 3-78 MSE Commands 8-25 EST entry 3-30 Introduction 11-1 IPRDECK entry 3-134 K display 8-25 Operational procedures 11-78 Utilities 11-2, 13 Utility terminology 11-3 MSE processing Backup and recovery 11-82 Corrective actions 11-86 Disk space management 11-79 Error conditions 11-86 Initialization 11-78 7990 space management 11-80 MSE utilities SSALTER 11-75 SSBLD 11-72 SSDEBUG 11-60 SSDEF 11-13 SSLABEL 11-14 SSMOVE 11-24 SSUSE 11-51 SSVAL 11-40 MSEffff DSD command 5-53 MST DSDI directive 6-35, 73 MTI 3-34; 15-2 Index-10 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook MTR DSDI directive 6-35 MTRQUEUE DSDI directive 6-36 MULTI parameter record 15-7 MULTI startup procedure 16-3 Multimainframe configuration 13-1 Multimainframe examples 3-75 Multimainframe operation Deadstart 13-3 Description 13-1 Mass storage 13-1 Multiplex line control blocks 16-18 Multipliers for central processor 3-119 Multispindle device 3-48 N N DIS command 4-15 NAD Controlware 1-2 EST entry 3-35 NAD maintenance utilities 14-1 NAM Configuration file directives 10-23 Initialization 15-1; 16-1 IPRDECK entry 3-134 K display 8-27 Procedure file 16-2 Shutdown 15-8 Startup 15-5 Status display 8-37 NAM K display Control characters 8-29 Fields 8-27 NAM mode 8-30 Operation 8-30 NAM mode Commands 8-30 DB command 8-32 DE command 8-33 DU command 8-33 FL command 8-34 LB command 8-34 LE command 8-35 LR command 8-35 RS command 8-36 ST command 8-37 NAME CMRDECK entry 3-8 NAMffff DSD command 5-53 NAMIAF IPRDECK entry 3-125 NAMNOGO procedure file 16-2 NCF APPL 10-10 CHARGE 10-14 DEBUG 10-18 Examples 10-20 File 16-34 LNAD 10-16 LNDR 10-13 NPID 10-15 PATH 10-15 ^•^s ^*^\ Revision M NCFFILE file 0S^s RNAD 10-15 Statements 10-11 NCFFILE file 16-34 NCP CMRDECK entry 3-8 NCTFi file 16-34 NDA Description 16-1, 12 Dump interpretation 16-30 Input directives 16-14 NPU dump files 16-30 Output file content 16-29 Parameters 16-12 Sample NDA output file 16-19 NE equipment EST entry 3-22 NETOPS user name 16-34 Network CDCNET 15-1 Command summary 15-59 Commands 15-1 Invocation number (NIN) 15-5; 16-2 Organization 15-1 Processing units (NPUs) 15-1 Sample 255x NPU network 15-4 Supervisor (NS) 15-1 Validation facility (NVF) 15-1 Network access device (See NAD) Network access method (See NAM) Network configuration file (See NCF) Network control DOP 15-43 HOP 15-9 NOP 15-21 Network definition language processor 16-34 Network description file 16-1, 34 Network device interface (NDI) 15-2 Network device interface (See NDI) Network dump collector 16-6 Network dump collector command 16-6 Network element Channel 15-2 Coupler 15-2 Line 15-2 Logical link 15-2 NPU 15-2 Terminal 15-2 Trunk 15-2 Network file server (NETFS) 15-2 Network host products (NHP) 15-4 Network invocation number 15-4; 16-2 Network load file 16-11 Network operations 15-1 Network operator utility (NETOU) 15-1 Network processing unit EST entry 3-32 Network startup process 16-3 Network supervisor (See NS) Network utilities 16-1 Network validation facility (NVF) 15-1 NEXTREEL DSD command 5-35 NIN (See Network invocation number) Nine-track tape units EST entry 3-27 Revision M Origin type NLID statement 10-3 Node/path linkage statements 11-71 Nonincremental load 17-80 Nonmass storage equipment assignments 3-21 Nonremovable device recovery 2-44 Nonremovable mass storage device 3-54 Nonstandard equipment EST entry 3-21 NOP ALERT command 15-26 Commands 15-26 CONTROL command 15-27 Control commands 15-62 DISABLE command 15-29 ENABLE command 15-33 Network control 15-21 NPU DUMP command 15-40 NPU GO command 15-38 NPU LOAD command 15-38 Responsibilities 15-4, 21 SEND command 15-41 Status message formats 15-23 Unsolicited status reports 15-25 NOS/VE address formats H-l NOS/VE dual state (NVE) 3-134 NOS/VE-NOS dual state 10-7 NPID statement 10-2 NPU Alternate load file 15-11 Diagnostic test command 15-50 DUMP command 15-40 GO command 15-37 LOAD command 15-38 Load/dump command 15-11 Load file command 15-11 Load status command 15-13 Memory dump indicator 15-13 NPU Dump Analyzer (See NDA) NS 15-1 NS control commands 15-11 NS recent HISTORY command 15-14 NVF control commands 15-15 o OAN DSD command 5-74 ODIS DSDI directive 6-36 Off-cartridge link flag 11-10 OFF DSD command 5-36 Off status for a device 3-87 OFFSW DIS command 4-15 OFFSW DSD command 5-9 ON DSD command 5-37 ONSW DIS command 4-15 ONSW DSD command 5-9 Operation under DIS 4-1 OPSECM CMRDECK entry 3-9 OQSH DSD command 5-70 OQSH IPRDECK entry 3-144 Origin type 3-137; 5-10 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Index-11 Orphan file(s) Orphan file(s) 11-11 OUTPUT DSDI directive 6-10 Output queue special handling level 3-144 OVERRIDE DSD command 5-6 026 DIS command 4-16 026 keypunch mode 3-124 029 keypunch mode 3-124 P DSDI directive 6-20 PACER 3-31 Pack reformatting, 881/883 Directives G-4 Examples G-7 FORMAT G-2 Input G-4 Output G-6 Statements G-5 PACKER utility Command K-4 Dayfile statistics K-3 Description K-l Examples K-6 Hole processing K-2 Lost space processing K-l Overview K-l Packet switching network (PSN) 15-2 Page registers 16-16 Paper size for line printer 3-26 Parameter record name 15-6; 16-3 Partial dump 17-74, 84 PAUSE DSD command 5-9 PCLASS DSD command 5-13 PCLASS IPRDECK entry 3-144 PCP CMR dump directive 6-36 PCP CMRDECK entry 3-8 PCP DSDI directive 6-36 PD DSDI directive 6-8 Peripheral equipment control commands 5-24 Peripheral interface package (PIP) 16-31 Permanent file catalog Analysis 11-45 Description 12-1 Entry 17-11 Format 17-11 Problems 11-86 Permanent file device 17-25; K-l Permanent file family, default 3-44 Permanent file recovery 11-86 Permanent file supervisor (PFS) 17-1 Permanent file utilities (See PF) Permanent files Device assignment 3-81 Maximum number 3-154 Size 3-153 Permission mode 17-61 Permit information 3-47 Index-12 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Preserved files PF DSDI directive 6-21 PF EQPDECK entry 3-81 PF utilities Example 17-84 List 17-2 Overview 17-1 Parameters 17-46 Summary file 17-29 Terminology 17-2 PF utility displays K display 17-39 List 17-2 Overview 17-1 PFDUMP K display 17-41 PF VALIDATION IPRDECK entry 3-145 PFATC 17-66 PFCAT 17-66 PFCOPY 17-72 PFDUMP Description 17-72 Example 17-84 File interlocking 17-74 MSE alternate storage 17-74 Protected Files 17-76 Tape alternate storage 17-74 PFLOAD Description 17-77 Example 17-84 MSE alternate storage 17-83 Selection process 17-80 Tape alternate storage 17-83 PFREL 17-92 Physical flaws 3-105 Physical identifier (PIP) 10-1 PID/selection class matrix 8-42 PIP Dump Analyzer Description 16-1, 31 LISTPPM command 16-31 PLAffff DSD command 5-53 Plato-NAM interface (PLA) IPRDECK entry 3-134 PLD DSDI directive 6-37 PMS DSDI directive 6-21 PO DSDI directive 6-22 Pool cartridges 11-18 PP breakpoint Commands 5-75 Precautions 5-79 V Display 5-81 PP call commands (DIS) 4-20 PP DSD command 5-76 PP DSDI directive 6-37, 60, 66 PP recall interval 3-139 PPs 3-7 ♦PPSYN SYSEDIT directive 19-8 PPU CMRDECK entry 3-7 PPU CMRDECK relationship 3-10 PPU/hardware diagnostics 3-141 Preferred residence 17-13, 62 Preserved file validation 3-145 Preserved files 13-1 Revision M /*^|v PRESET EQPDECK entry Queued file size index /^v r r PRESET EQPDECK entry 3-101 Preset independent shared device entry 3-102 Preset link device entry 3-101 Primary VSN 12-1 Printed output Charge per page 3-127 Density 3-128 Format control E-l; F-l Page length 3-128 Page width 3-128 Printer Equipment EST entry 3-23 Print train 3-24 Printer support utility (PSU) F-l Priority of queues 3-108, 146 Private device 3-45 PRIVILEGED ANALYST MODE IPRDECK entry 3-145 PRIVILEGED RDF IPRDECK entry 3-146 PROBE Command 21-37 Conditions monitored 21-37 Description 21-1 Example 21-39 PROBE DSDI directive 6-37 PROBE IPRDECK entry 3-125 ♦PROC SYSEDIT directive 19-5 PROCA DSDI directive 6-48 Processing option 18-21 PROCW DSDI directive 6-48 Product set format 19-6 PROFILa 20-3 Program initiation control block 16-10 Program storage display (G) 4-7 Programmable format control 3-23 Project number 17-19, 63 PROMR DSDI directive 6-48 PROPM DSDI directive 6-49 PRORF DSDI directive 6-49, 76 PROSM DSDI directive 6-49 Protected files, PFDUMP 17-76 PROXP DSDI directive 6-50 PRSIZE DSD command 5-37 Pseudo-control points Number 3-8, 111 Usage 3-111 Pseudoequipment EST entry 3-22 PST DSDI directive 6-37 Public data network 15-2 Public device 3-45 PUT DSDI directive 6-38 PX DSDI directive 6-22 Revision M Q Q DSDI directive 6-23, 61 QALTER routine 18-31 QDSPLAY commands 9-8 QDSPLAY L display 9-6 QDUMP routine 18-37 QF DSDI directive 6-23 QFSP 18-2 QFT CMRDECK entry 3-10 QFT DSDI directive 6-38 QFTLIST routine 18-41 QLIST routine 18-41 QLOAD routine 18-42 QMOVE routine 18-45 QOA DSDI directive 6-24, 62 QOD DSDI directive 6-24, 62 QREC routine 18-50 QTF Configuration requirements 10-23 K-display 8-41 Procedure file 3-10; 10-25; 18-26 QTF K-display Commands 8-47 File selection criteria 8-44 File selection process 8-41 File size index values 8-44 NAM operation 8-46 RHF operation 8-45 Selection classes 8-41 Usage 8-45 QTF K-display commands CLASS 8-46 DISABLE 8-49 ENABLE 8-49 HELP 8-50 IDLE 8-50 INCLUDE 8-51 SCHED 8-51 ST 8-37 STATUS 8-51 Summary list 8-51 QTF K-displays K display 8-50, 55, 57, 59 Physical identifier 8-55 QTF HELP 8-50 QTF selection class 8-57 QTF STATUS,PID 8-55 QTF STATUS,SC 8-57 QTF STATUS,TRANSFER 8-59 QTF transfer 8-55 Queue control 3-108 QUEUE DSD command 5-14 Queue file transfer facility (See QTF) QUEUE IPRDECK entry 3-146 Queue priorities, record 5-16 Queue priority 3-108, 146 Queue type, list 5-5 Queued/dayfile utilities 18-1 Queued file size and transfer times 8-44 Queued file size index 8-43 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Index-13 Queued file supervisor Queued file supervisor 18-1 Queued file utilities Batch input 18-11 Commands 5-4; 18-7 Console input 18-11 Input files 18-10 Overview 18-1 Parameters 18-12 Preassignment 18-26 Routines 18-27 Terminal input 18-11 Queued files 3-10 QXA DSDI directive 6-25, 62 QXD DSDI directive 6-25, 62 R RA DSDI directive 6-13 RAC DSDI directive 6-14 RBF IPRDECK entry 3-134 K display 8-72 RBFffff DSD command 5-53 RCFGEN utility 10-8 RCL DSDI directive 6-38 RCP DIS command 4-15 RCS DIS command 4-15 RD equipment EST entry 3-22 RDF IPRDECK entry 3-134 Port number 3-36 Privileged mode 3-145 Resident mode 3-149 RDFffff DSD command 5-53 Read AUs 11-61 READ DSDI directive 6-11 Read file 11-61 Recall delay, CPU 3-139 Recent history command 15-18 Recent HISTORY command Description 15-52 NS command 15-14 NVF command 15-18 Reconfiguration Commands 8-66 Equipment 8-59 Examples 8-68 Parameters 8-65 Run output 8-67 Sequence 8-62 Record types for SYSEDIT 19-9 RECOVR parameter record 15-7 RECOVR startup procedure 16-3 REDEFINE K display 8-61 Release data file 17-56 Release disk space 11-11; 17-92 RELEASE DSD command 5-70 Release frozen chain space 11-61 Releasing disk space 12-5 Releasing fast-attach files 20-3 Index-14 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook ROLLOUT DIS command Relinquish NOP status 15-22 Remote batch facility (See RBF) Remote diagnostic facility (See RDF) Remote host facility (See RHF) Removable device Assignment 3-54 Defined 3-87 DFPT 3-140 Error idle recovery 2-44 Removable mass storage device(s) 3-54, 148 REMOVABLE PACKS IPRDECK entry 3-148 Remove a mass storage device 3-87 Remove cartridge entry SM map 11-61 7990 catalog 11-61 Remove cartridges 11-17 Remove cubicles 11-16 REMOVE EQPDECK entry 3-87 Remove SMs 11-16 REPEAT DSD command 5-38 Report unsolicited status command 15-53 REPRINT DSD command 5-38 REPUNCH DSD command 5-38 RERUN DSD command 5-7 Reserve Central memory 3-7 Central memory for NOS/VE 3-11 Extended memory for buffers 3-92 Extended memory for user 3-92 Tracks 3-104 Reset device attributes 3-102 RESET EQPDECK entry 3-102 Resident central library (RCL) 19-3 Resident peripheral library (RPL) 19-3 RESIDENT RDF IPRDECK entry 3-149 Restore lost cartridges 11-17 Restricted commands 3-142 RESTRT parameter record 15-7 RESTRT startup procedure 16-3 RETRY DSD command 5-38 REWIND DSDI directive 6-11 RHF Application table display 8-79 Commands 8-78 Configuration file directives 10-23 Configuration files 10-9 DISABLE command 8-84 DSDI directive 6-45 ENABLE command 8-84 Initiation 8-76 IPRDECK entry 3-134 K display 8-75 Network path table display 8-81 Operator interface 8-76 Termination 8-84 RHFffff DSD command 5-54 RNS DIS command 4-15 ROLLIN DSD command 5-7 ROLLOUT DIS command 4-16 Revision M ROLLOUT DSD command yim^. 0ms ROLLOUT DSD command 5-7 Rollout file, secondary 3-156 Rollout files 3-78 Rollout path, DDP 3-140 RPL DSDI directive 6-39 RSS DIS command 4-16 RSXDid 20-3 RSXVid 20-3 SAB DSDI directive 6-39 Sample directory 17-65, 67 SC DSDI directive 6-50 ♦SC SYSEDIT directive 19-6 SCHEDULE DSD command 5-65 Scheduling jobs 3-108 SCI parameter table 3-3 SCKP EQPDECK entry 3-86 SCOPE 2 station facility (See SSF) SCP IPRDECK entry 3-126 SCRATCH DSD command 5-39 Screen management facility (See SMF) SCRSIM Calling format D-2 Calling from batch input D-4 Calling from console input D-2 Commands D-5 Description D-l IPRDECK entry 3-126 SCS DIS command 4-16 SCTD commands 9-10 SCTD L display 9-10 SDA DSDI directive 6-39 SDSPLAY L display Commands 9-16 SDSPLAY-CLASS 9-14 SDSPLAY-HELP 9-12 System attributes 9-17 Utility 9-12 SECCATS IPRDECK entry 3-127 SECDED DSDI directive 6-39 Secondary mask Description 17-7 Examples 17-7 PF EQPDECK entry 3-81 Secondary rollout files 3-78 Secondary rollout sector threshold 3-156 SECONDARY USER COMMANDS IPRDECK entry 3-123 Secondary VSN 12-2 Secured system control commands 5-70 SECUREQ DSD command 5-39 SECURES DSD command 5-70 SECURES IPRDECK entry 3-150 Security access categories 3-127 Security mode 3-9 Send message command 15-41, 54 Serpoint file 3-86U Revision M SRST IPRDECK entry Service class Detached job assignment 3-153 List 5-10 Origin type 3-137 Priority level 3-146 Queue priorities 3-146 Service limits 3-125 Table 3-137 SERVICE DSD command 5-17 SERVICE IPRDECK entry 3-151 Service limits, record 5-23 Session file 16-37 Set access level limits 3-95 Set disk thresholds 3-95 SET DSD command 5-2 SET program 3-3 SETCPU DSDI directive 6-50 SETIOU DSDI directive 6-51 SETJPS DSDI directive 6-51 SETRMA DSDI directive 6-52 Setting or clearing flaw areas 3-105 SETVEP DSDI directive 6-52 Seven-track tape units EST entry 3-27 SFR DSD command 5-75 SHARE EQPDECK entry 3-88 Shared device 3-54 Shared device entry 3-88 Shared mass storage Initialization 13-7, 14 Multimainframe 13-6, 12 Recovery tables 13-7, 13 Unloading 13-8, 15 Simulation of hardware faults 3-123 SKIP DSD command 5-39 SKIPF DSD command 5-39 SKIPRU DSD command 5-40 Slave mainframe 11-12; 13-2 Slave mode, MSE executive 3-143 SLF APRDECK entry 3-105 SM/CU linkage statements 11-73 SM identifier 11-3 SM map Analysis 11-43 Backup 11-82 Creating 11-13 Description 11-3 Problems 11-89 SMF IPRDECK entry 3-134 SMFffff DSD command 5-54 SPC IPRDECK entry 3-127 SPD IPRDECK entry 3-128 SPF APRDECK entry 3-105 SPINDOWN DSD command 5-40 SPINDOWN IPRDECK entry 3-156 Spindown, 834, 836, 887, 9853 disk units 3-156 SPINUP DSD command 5-40 SPL IPRDECK entry 3-128 SPW IPRDECK entry 3-128 SRST DSD command 5-22 SRST IPRDECK entry 3-156 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Index-15 SSALTER SSALTER Console input 11-75 CU K display 11-77 Description 11-75 SM K display 11-76 SSBLD Configuration constraints 11-74 Description 11-71 Example 11-73 Statements 11-71 SSDEBUG Description 11-60 Directive parameters 11-62 Directives 11-61 Restrictions 11-66 SM map ordinal 11-66 Usage 11-65 SSDEF 11-13 SSEXEC Description 11-12 Master mode 3-30 SSF Coupler 3-30 Equipment configuration C-l Error logout C-4 File transfers C-2 IPRDECK entry 3-134 K display 8-85 SSF K display File transfer commands 8-87 File transfers 8-85 Operator interface 8-85 Spooled file commands 8-85 Staged file commands 8-87 Station disconnection 8-88 Station login 8-85 Station logout 8-88 Station recovery 8-86 SSFffff DSD command 5-54 SSLABEL Description 11-14 Directive parameters 11-19 Directives 11-15 Examples 11-15, 23 Restrictions 11 -23 Update sequence 11-32 SSMOVE Description 11-24 Directives 11-27 Example 11-36 Parameters 11-25 Restrictions 11-32 Selection algorithms 11-32 Specific file directives 11-27 Value specifier directives 11-28 SSSLV Description 11-12 Slave mode 3-30 SST DSDI directive 6-40 Index-16 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook SUI DIS command SSUSE Basic usage report 11-53 Description 11-51 Optional report A 11-56 Optional report B 11-57 Optional report C 11-58 Optional report D 11-59 SSVAL Description 11-40 Error classification 11-43 Error detection 11-43 Examples 11-49 Parameters 11-40 Problem fixing 11-46 Problem reporting 11-43 Release processing 11-42, 46 Restrictions 11-50 Typical runs 11-49 Validation report 11-47 Staging 12-1 Staging files to disk 3-136, 158; 11-12; 12-3; 17-3 Start of fragment flag 11-10 Status/control register (See SCRSIM) Status/control register simulation 3-126 Status host element command 15-18 Status message formats DOP 15-9 HOP 15-45 NOP 15-23 Status network element command 15-55 STEP DSD command 5-65 STIMULA 3-31, 134; 16-37 Stimulator equipment EST entry 3-31 STM IPRDECK entry 3-134 STMffff DSD command 5-54 STMffff procedure file 16-45 STOP DSD command 5-40, 54 Storage media defects APRDECK entries 1-5 EQPDECK entries 1-5 Example 1-6 FLAW utility 1-4 Flawing tracks 1-3 FORMAT utility 1-5 Keeping records 1-3 Known defects 1-3 Reinitializing 1-7 Releasing files 1-7 Tools 1-4 STORNET EST entry 3-68 Extended memory 3-56 Subcatalog 11-6 Subcontrol point processing 3-129 SUBCP IPRDECK entry 3-129 Subfamily 11-6, 12; 17-4 SUBSYST L display 9-20 Subsystem code 17-14 Subsystem control commands 5-50 SUI DIS command 4-16 Revision M Summary file Summary file 17-29 SUPPRESS DSD command 5-41 Suspended job 3-155 SYSEDIT Command 19-1 Description 19-1 Directives 3-159; 19-3 Record types 3-159; 19-9 ♦/ SYSEDIT directive 19-7 System Access level limits 3-150 Checkpoint entry 3-89 Console lock 3-142 Console unlock 3-158 Control commands 5-56 Control point facility 3-127 Date line 3-8 Dayfile 3-16 Deadstart file 7-1 Debug mode 3-157 Delay parameters 3-139 Device 3-54 Display console EST entry 3-58 File initialization 20-1 Library 3-85 Library device entry 3-85 Status information 3-145 Tape density 3-130 Version name 3-12 SYSTEM DEBUG IPRDECK entry 3-157 SYSTEM EQPDECK entry 3-85 T DIS command 4-16 Table sizes 3-2 Tables A-3 TAF CRMTASK commands 8-101 IPRDECK entry 3-134 K display 8-89 K display commands 8-96 Restarting TAF K display 8-93 TAF K display CRM file status 8-103 CRM status 8-102 CRMTASK commands 8-100 Data base status 8-102 Initialization 8-89 Status 8-94 TAF K displays TAFffff DSD command 5-55 Tape. Conversion mode 3-129 Density 3-130 Track type 3-130 Unit EST entry 3-27 Tape alternate storage 12-1 Tape alternate storage flags 17-19, 64 Tape alternate storage VSN 17-21, 64 Revision M Trunk control units Tape file sequence number 17-21, 64 TAPE PF STAGING IPRDECK entry 3-158 Task name 16-44 Task usage parameter 16-44 TBDUMP CMR dump directive 6-40 TBDUMP DSDI command 6-40 TBDUMP DSDI directive 6-40 TCVM IPRDECK entry 3-129 TDEN IPRDECK entry 3-130 TDTR IPRDECK entry 3-130 TE equipment EST entry 3-22 TEMP DSD command 5-41 Temporary file device 3-54 Terminal control blocks (TCB) 16-15 Terminal definition directive 16-31 Terminal device interface (See TDI) Terminal device interface (TDI) 15-2 Terminal job priority 3-155 Terminal verification facility (See TVF) TERMINATE DSD command 5-41 Threshold count 3-78 THRESHOLD DSD command 5-42 THRESHOLD EQPDECK entry 3-78 TIME DSD command 5-66 Time-out delay 3-155 Time slice 3-153 TMS IPRDECK entry 3-131 TMSTO IPRDECK entry 3-131 Toggle autoloading 3-96 TRACE DSD command 5-84 TRACE IPRDECK entry 3-132 Trace (See AIP) TRACEBK DSDI directive 6-53 TRACER Commands 21-4 Conditions monitored 21-1 Data items reported 21-19 Description 21-1 Example 21-9 Fast loop items 21-19, 22 Medium loop items 21-20, 28 Output file format 21-8 Programs 21-4 Slow loop items 21-21, 32 Statistical summary 21-34 Summary file format 21-19 TRACIAF file 16-33 Track flawing options table 8-11 Track mask 17-10 Track, mass storage Flawed 17-23; G-l Interlock bits, 17-22 TRT 17-22 Track reservation table (See TRT) Track type 3-130 TRAIN DSD command 5-43 Transaction facility (See TAF) TRAP DSD command 5-87 TRT 3-46, 103; 17-22; G-l Trunk control units 1-3 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Index-17 6683 satellite coupler EST entry TST command TST command 15-50 TT equipment EST entry 3-22 TVF 15-1 Two-port multiplexer EST entry 3-36 u U DIS command 4-17 UCC DIS command 4-17 UEC DSDI directive 6-14 UEM equipment initialization 3-75 UEMIN EQPDECK entry 3-75 Unified extended memory (UEM) EST entry 3-55 Unit device table 11-2, 71 Unit record equipment 3-20 UNLOAD DSD command 5-45 UNLOCK DSD command 5-67, 71 UNLOCK IPRDECK entry 3-131 Unsolicited status reports DOP 15-43 HOP 15-10 NOP 15-25 UNSTEP DSD command 5-68 Unusable disk areas 3-83 UP channel entry 3-80 UP DSD command 5-47 UP EQPDECK entry 3-80 Upper bound CPU priority 3-152 USER command, multiple entries 3-123 User control word 17-21 User extended memory 3-131 USER EXTENDED MEMORY IPRDECK entry 3-131 User index 17-4 Using the simulator D-l Utilities Controlware loading 1-1 Dayfile dumping 18-1, 56 Deadstart dump interpreter 6-1 GENPFD 12-9 K display 8-1 L display 9-1 MSE 11-1 NAD maintenance 14-1 Network 16-1 Permanent file 17-1, 61 Queued file 18-1, 27 System data gathering 21-1 Utility map, disk pack G-l V V DIS command 4-17 V DSD command 5-77 VALIDATE DSD command 5-47 Validation Mass storage 3-143 Preserved files 3-145 Report 11-47 Index-18 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook VALIDUs 20-3 Value specifier directive format 11-28 Variable-length data structures 16-15 VE CMRDECK entry 3-11 Verify file 17-59 VERSION CMRDECK entry 3-12 Volume 11-12 VSN File name 3-22 Primary 12-1 Secondary 12-2 VSN DSD command 5-47 w W DSDI directive 6-18 WARN DSD command 5-8 Weighting factor, queue 3-108, 147 X X.AFD DSD command 5-3 X.DFD DSD command 5-3 X. DIS command 4-16 X DSD command 5-68 X.DSD command 5-3 X.ELD DSD command 5-3 X.MDD DSD command 5-68 X.QMOVE DSD command 5-4 X.QREC DSD command 5-4 X.25 packet switching network (PSN) 15-2 XM EQPDECK entry 3-121 XP DSDI directive 6-53 y,z relationship with SM map ordinal 11-66 255x NPU network 15-2 533/536, 537, and 538 printer EVFU F-l 580 programmable format control E-l 6250 cpi 3-29 63-character set 3-98 64-character set 3-98 6683 satellite coupler EST entry 3-38 Revision M 7021 controller block identification 99 DSD command ^p*v 7021 controller block identification 3-29 7990 block header and trailer 11-70 7990 block header/ trailer 7990 catalog 11-70 7990 catalog Analysis 11-44 Backup 11-84 Chain problems 11-90 Change flag 11-61 Creating 11-13 Description 11-5 FCT entry format 11-7 Header format 11-6 PFC mismatch 11-89 Problems 11-89 SM map mismatch 11-89 Subcatalog 11-5 Subcatalog entry format 11-6 7990 control unit 11-1 7990 controller 3-30 7990 equipment configuration constraints 11-74 Revision M 7990 files 11-11 7990 hardware components 11-1 7990 space management 11-80 7990 stripe header and trailer 11-69 7991 storage module 3-30; 11-1 8 819 disk, buffer in LCME 3-55 834 disk, control module 3-66 836 disk, control module 3-66 844 disk drives 3-48 844 expander 3-48, 50 881/883 pack formatting 3-141; G-l 885 disk drives 3-48 885-42 disk, buffer in ESM 3-55 887 disk, buffer in UEM 3-55 895 disk, buffer in UEM 3-55 9853 disk, buffer in UEM 3-55 99 DSD command 5-69 NOS Version 2 Analysis Handbook Index-19 f*% Comments (continued from other side) 0m* r Please fold on dotted line; seal edges with tape only. 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' Quick Reference Index { ^ # ^ #^' Controlware: Commands LOADBC 1-1,2 DMPCCC 1-4 Deadstart Decks: APRDECK Entries. 3-103 CAF 3-104 CLF 3-105 CPF 3-106 SLF 3-105 SPF 3-105 Deadstart Decks: CMRDECK Entries 3-2 B S P. 3-3 C LT. . . 3-4 DFT ...3-4 EJT 3-4 EQP 3-4 FNT 3-5 FOT 3-5 INB ..3-6 IPD 3-6 LDT •.. 3-6 LIB 3-6 MID 3-6 MINCM 3-7 NAME .. 3-8 NCP .., 3-8 OPSECM 3-9 PCP .3-8 PPU 3-10 QFT 3-10 VE. 3 - 11 VERSION ..'.. 3-12 Deadstart Decks: EQPDECK Entries..... , 3-13 ACCESS 3-94 ACCOUNT 3-15 ASR 3-86 AUTOLOAD 3-96 D AY F I L E 3-16 DOWN 3-80 ERRLOG 3-16,17 EQ..: 3-18 to 3-77 FA M I LY 3-87 GRENADE 3-96 INITIALIZE 3-96 ISHARE 3-89 LBC 3-90 MAINLOG 3-17 MSAL 3-78 PF 3-81 PRESET ... 3-101 REMOVE 3-87 RESET 3-102 SCKP . 3-86 SHARE . 3-88 SYSTEM .... . 3-85 THRESHOLD . 3-95 UEMIN . 3-93 UP . 3-80 XM . 3-92 Deadstart Decks: IPRDECK Entries 3-107 AUTORESTART 3-136 BIO 134 CARTRIDGE PF STAGING 136 CDC 134 CLASS 137 COMLIB 118 CPM 118 CPTT , . 3-138 CSM 3-121 DDP ROLLOUT PATH 3-140 DEBUG 3-138 DELAY 3-140 DFPT 3-140 3-136 DISABLE,subsystem DISK VALIDATION 3-121 DSD ....: 3-122 EI 3-122 ENABLE,subsystem 3-136 ENGR 3-141 EXTENDED STACK PURGING . 3-123 HARDWARE FAULT INJECTION. 3-123 IAF 3-134 KEYPM 3-124 LOCK 142 LOGGING 142 MAG.... 134 MAP 134 MASTER MSE 143 MCS 3-134 MEMORY CLEARING 3-124 MICRO 3-125 MS VAUDATION 3-143 MSE 3-134 NAM 3-134 NAMIAF 3-125 NVE 3-134 OQSH 3-144 PCLASS 3-144 PF VALIDATION 3-145 PLA 3-134 PRIVILEGED ANALYST MODE 3-145 PRIVILEGED RDF 3-146 PROBE 3-125 QUEUE 3-146 RBF 3-134 RDF 3-134 R E M O VA B L E PA C K S 3 - 1 4 8 RESIDENT RDF 3-148 RHF .. .....3-134 SCP .* 3-126 SCRSIM .. 3-126 S E C C AT S 3-127 SECONDARY USER COMMANDS. 3-149 SECURES 3-150 SERVICE 3-150 SMF 3-134 SPC 3-127 SPD 3-128 SPINDOWN 3-156 SPL. 3-128 SPW 3-128 SRST 3-156 SSF ..3-134 STM ■. . 3-134 SUBCP .. 3-129 SYSTEM DEBUG .............. 3-157 TA F 3-134 TA P E P F S TA G I N G 3 - 1 5 8 TCVM , 3-129 TDEN... ...3-130 TDTR .■ 3-130 TMS 3-131 TMSTO .. 3-131 TRACE 3-132 UNLOCK ...'.3-158 USER EXTENDED MEMORY .. 3-158 Deadstart Decks: LIBDECK 3-159 *AD .. 3-159 *CM ... 3-159 *FL 3-159 *MS 3-159 *PROC 3-160 *SC 3-160 */ .. ..... .............. 3-160 DIS Commands BEGIN... 4-14 BKP .. 4-14 B K PA 4-14 CEF 4-14 DCP 4-14 DDF . 4-14 DIS 4-14 Display Selection 4-13 D R O P. . . . 4-14 ELS........ 4-14 ENAi . 4-14 ENBi , .■ 4-14 ENEM 4-14 ENFL 4^14 ENFLE ....4-15 ENP 4-15 ENPR 4-15 ENS 4-15 ENTER 4-15 ENTL 4-15 ENXi 4-15 ERR 4-15 GO 4-15 HOLD 4-15 M .....4-15 Memory Entry 4-18,19 N 4-15 OFFSWs 4-16 ONSWs 4-16 026 ... 4-16 PP Call 4-20 RCP ...4-16 RCS 4-16 RNS 4-16 ROLLOUT 4-16 RSS 4-16 SCS 4-16 S E T. . . . . 4-13 SUI 4-16 T 4-16 U 4-17 UCC 4-17 V 4-17 X 4-17 *.,...... 4-17 DSD Commands ACN 5-74 ASSIGN 5-24 AUTO . 5-56 BIO 5-50 BKP 5-76 BKSP ........,.,........; 5-24 B K S P F. . . . , 5-24 BKSPRU .• 5-25 CDCffff 5-50 CFO 5-9 CFR 5-75 CHECK POINT SYSTEM 5-56,57 CKP 5-4 CLASS 5-10 COMMENT 5-9 CONTINUE 5-25 CPB 5-80,81 CPTT . . . . . 5 - 11 CPUMTR breakpoint.... .. 5-80 D AT E ........ -.-. 5-57 DCH 5-74 DCN 5-74 DEBUG 5-58 f** 00ms Debugging .. 5-84 D E L AY 5 - 11 DIAL ........ 5-8 DIS 5-58 DISABLE 5-50 to 5-64 DOWN 5-25,26 DROP .. , 5.5 ENABLE 5-59 to 5-64 END 5-27 ENPR 5-5 ENQP 5-5 FCN 5-74 FORM . 5-27 GO 5-9 IAFffff 5-50,51 IAN ..5-74 ID 5-27 IDLE .. .... 5-28,29,52,64 I D L E FA M I LY 5-29 INITIALIZE 5-30 to 5-33 K 5-64 KILL 5-6 L. 5.64 LDC 5-74 LOAD 5-32 LOCK 5-64 MAGffff 5-52 MAINTENANCE 5-65 MAPffff 5-52 MCH 5-74 MCSffff 5-52 Memory Entry 5-57,58 MOUNT 5-33 MSAL 5-34 MSEffff 5-53 NAMffff.. 5-53 NEXTREEL 5-35 OAN 5-74 OFF 5-36 OFFSW 5-9 ON 5-37 ONSW 5-9 OQSH 5-70 OVERRIDE 5-6 PA U S E 5-9 PCLASS .. 5-13 PLAffff 5-53 PP 5-76 PP breakpoint .... 5-75 PRIVILEGED ANALYST MODE . 5-61 PRSIZE 5-37 QUEUE 5-14 RBFffff 5-53 RDFffff.,... 5-53 RELEASE 5-70 R E P E AT 5-38 REPRINT 5-38 REPUNCH 5-38 RERUN 5-7 RETRY 5-38 RHFffff 5-54 ROLLIN 5-7 ROLLOUT ...5-7 S C R AT C H 5-39 SCHEDULE 5-65 SECUREQ ,... 5-39 SECURES 5-70 SERVICE 5-17 SET ....5-2 SFR 5-75 SKIP . 5-39 SKIPF 5-39 SKIPRU 5-40 SMFffff 5-54 SPINDOWN 5-40 SPINUP 5-40 SRST 5-22 SSFffff 5-54 STEP 5-65,66 STMffff .5-54 STOP 5-40,54 SUPPRESS 5-41 TA F ffff 5-55 TEMP 5-41 T E R M I N AT E 5-41 THRESHOLD 5-42,43 TIME 5-66 TRACE ..-. 5-84 to 5-86 TRAIN 5-43,44 TRAP 5-87,88 UNLOAD 5-45,46 UNLOCK -.. 5-67,68,71 UNSTEP 5-68 UP 5-47 V 5-77 VA L I D AT E 5-47 VSN 5-47 to 5-49 WARN -. 5-8 X 5-68 X.AFD 5-3 X.DFD ...: 5-3 X.ELD 5-3 X.MDD 5-68 X.QMOVE 5-4 X.QREC 5-4 xy 5-2 99 5-69 DSDI Input Directives ACCOUNT 6-26 ALLMEM .6-12 AP 6-19 B AT C H I O 6-41 BCDUMP 6-54 BIO C CBT CCT CM CP CPO CT D D AY F I L E DB DBW DDB DISPOSE DP E EC EICB EJ . EJOFF EJON EJT EPB ERRLOG E S T. . . . . . . . FMFREG FNT FOT H AT I IAF IOUCR IOUMR JC LC LDIS... L I D T. . . L P VA MAG... MAGNET MAINLOG MCT .... .., MEMMR MPP MST MTR MTRQUEUE ... ODIS. ,.. OUTPUT P PCP PD...... PF PLD PMS PO PP 6-41 6-15,57 6-27 .6-27 6-12 6-28,58 .6-30 .6-30 6-16,59 6-30 6-30 6-31 6-31 6-10,56 6-31 6-16 6-13 6-31 6-8 6-8 6-8 6-31 6-32 6-32 6-32 6-46 6-32 6-32 6-33 6-17 6-42 6-46 6-46 6-33 6-33 6-34 6-34 6-47 6-44 6-44 6-34 6-34 6-47 6-20 6-35 6-35 6-36 6-36 6-10,56 6-20 ...6-36 6-8 6-21 6-37 6-21 6-22 6-37,60 PROBE PROCA PROCW PROMR PROPM . PRORF PROSM PROXP ...-. P S T. . . . PUT PX Q QF QFT QOA QOD QXA QXD RA RAC RCL READ REWIND RHF RPL SC : SAB SDA .., SECDED SETCPU SETIOU SETJPS SETRMA SETVEP SST TBDUMP TRACEBK UEC W... XP *. INSTALL: Command I N S TA L L . . . K-Display Commands CLASS CRMTASK Commands ... DB. DE DISABLE DU ENABLE FL HELP IDLE INCLUDE INITIALIZE 6-37 6-48 6-48 6-48 6-49 f>49 6-49 6-50 6-37 6-38 6-22 6-23,61 6-23 6-38 6-24,62 6-24,62 6-25,62 6-25,62 6-13 6-14 6-38 6 - 11 6 - 11 6-45 6-39 6-50 6-39 6-39 6-39 6-50 6-51 6-51 6-52 6-52 6-40 6-40 6-53 6-14 6-18 6-53 6-9 **% 7-1 8-47,48 8-94 to 8-97 8-32 8-33 8-47,49 8-33 8-47,49 8-34 8-47,50 8-47,50 8-47,50 8-8 ^ f* f* K,CMS 8-9 K . D I S , C R M TA S K 8-100 K,MSE 8-25 K,NAM 8-27 K,RBF 8-72 K.RERUN....,....... 8 - 11 K,RHF 8-78 K,SSF 8-85 K , TA F 8-89 LB .... 8-34 LE 8-35 LR ...... 8-35 MREC Commands 8-20 MSE Commands 8-25 NAM Mode Commands 8-30,31 NAM Mode Maintenance Commands 8-32 to 8-40 QTF Commands 8-47 to 8-61 Reconfiguration Commands 8-66 REDEFINE 8-61 RHF Commands 8-78 to 8-84 RS 8-36 SCHED ,. 8-47,52 SSF Commands 8-85 to 8-86 ST 8-37 S TAT U S 8-47,53 TA F C o m m a n d s 8 - 8 9 t o 8 - 9 9 X.FLAW 8-4 X.MREC 8-16,20 L-Display Commands FOTD 9-1,2 LDISopt 9-1 LIDOU 9-1,3 Q D S P L AY 9-1,6 SCTD 9-1,10 S D S P L AY 9-1,12,16 SUBSYST 9-1,20 LID/RHF Configuration Files: Commands LISTLID 10-7 QTF 10-23 RCFGEN 10-9 X.CLDT '.. 10-6 LID/RHF Configuration Files: LID Configuration Statements NLID 10-3 NPID 10-2 LID/RHF Configuration Files: RHF Configuration Statements APPL 1 0 - 11 , 1 3 CHARGE 1 0 - 11 , 1 9 DEBUG 1 0 - 11 , 1 8 LNAD 1 0 - 11 , 1 6 LNDR ... 1 0 - 11 , 1 3 NPID 1 0 - 11 , 1 5 PAT H 1 0 - 11 , 1 5 RNAD 1 0 - 11 , 1 8 Mass Storage Extended Subsystem (MSE): Commands S S A LT E R 11 - 2 , 7 5 SSBLD n-2,71 SSDEBUG H-2,60 SSDEF 11 - 2 , 1 3 SSLABEL 11 - 2 , 1 4 SSMOVE 11 - 2 , 2 4 SSUSE 11 - 2 , 5 1 S S VA L , 11 - 2 , 4 0 Tape Alternate Storage: Commands MAGNET 12-8 GENPFD ,. 12-9 NAD Maintenance: Commands DMPNAD 14-1 MHF 14-3 NETWORK OPERATIONS: Commands ALERT 15-26,62 CFO 15-6 CONTROL 15-27,62 DISABLE ., 15-15,29 to 31,61,62 DUMP 15-40,62 ENABLE 15-16,33 to 36,61,62 FILE 15-12,62 GO 15-37,62 HISTORY 15-52,61,62 IDLE 15-16,61 INFO 15-48,62 LOAD 15-38,39,62 NAM 15-5 NAMNOGO 15-6 NOFILE . 1 5 - 11 , 5 1 REPORT 15-53,62 SEND 15-41,54,62 STATUS 15-12,13,18 to 20,55 to 58,61,62 T S T. 15-50,62 NETWORK Commands COLLECT 16-6 DEMUX 16-52 IAFEX 16-32 LFG 16-9 LISTPPM 16-31 NAMI 16-2 NDA .. 16-12 STIMULA 16-37 PERMANENT FILE Commands FA M I LY 17-25 P FAT C 17-1,66 P F C AT 17-1,66 PFCOPY 17-1,72 PFDUMP , 17-1,72 PFLOAD 17-1,77 PFREL 17-1,92 QUEUE/DAYFILE Commands AFD 18-56 DFD 18-56 DFLIST .......... 18-1,27 DFTERM 18-1,27 ELD 18-56 GETLOG ,........ 18-56 LDLIST 18-1,31 MAINLOG 18-56 Q A LT E R 18-1,31 QDUMP 18-1,37 QFTLIST 18-1,41 QLIST 18-1,41 QLOAD 18-1,42 QMOVE 18-1,45 QREC 18-1,50 SYSEDIT Directives *AD .... 19-4,5 *CM 19-3 *DELETE ♦FILE *FL ♦IGNORE *MS ♦PPSYN ♦PROC *SC */....., System File Initialization: Commands ISF TRACER/PROBE Utilities: Commands ACPD CPD ., ENDCPD ICPD PROBE 19-7 19-8 19-6 19-8 19-3 19-8 19-5 19-6 19-7 20-1 21-3,4 21-3 21-3,5 21-3,6 21-37
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