No Starch Press Absolute Free BSD The Guide To 2nd Edition
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President of
the FreeBSD Foundation
With a foreword by
• Use advanced security features like packet filtering,
virtual machines, and host-based intrusion detection
• Build custom live FreeBSD CDs and bootable flash
• Manage network services and filesystems
• Use DNS and set up email, IMAP, web, and FTP
services for both servers and clients
• Monitor your system with performance-testing and
troubleshooting tools
• Run diskless systems
“ I L AY F L AT .”
This book uses RepKover — a durable binding that won’t snap shut.
Printed on recycled paper
• Integrate FreeBSD-specific SNMP into your network
management system
Whether you’re just getting started with FreeBSD or
you’ve been using it for years, you’ll find this book to
be the definitive guide to FreeBSD that you’ve been
waiting for.
Michael W. Lucas is a network engineer and system
administrator responsible for a network that stretches
across the Western Hemisphere. He is the author of the
critically acclaimed Absolute OpenBSD, Cisco Routers
for the Desperate, and PGP & GPG, all from No Starch
Press. Despite being from Detroit, Michigan, he knows
almost nothing about automobiles. He has been using
Unix systems for over 20 years and FreeBSD since 1995.
Fortunately for the rest of us, his writing keeps him too
busy to implement his plans for world domination.
$59.95 ($65.95 CDN)
w w
• Implement redundant disks, without special hardware
• Build custom network appliances with embedded
Absolute FreeBSD, 2nd Edition is your complete guide
to FreeBSD, written by FreeBSD committer Michael
W. Lucas. Lucas considers this completely revised and
rewritten second edition of his landmark work to be his
best work ever; a true product of his love for FreeBSD
and the support of the FreeBSD community. Absolute
FreeBSD, 2nd Edition covers installation, networking,
security, network services, system performance, kernel
tweaking, filesystems, SMP, upgrading, crash debugging,
and much more, including coverage of how to:
• Manage schedulers, remap shared libraries, and
optimize your system for your hardware and your
FreeBSD—the powerful, flexible, and free Unix-like
operating system—is the preferred server for many
enterprises. But it can be even trickier to use than either
Unix or Linux, and harder still to master.
“Even longtime users of FreeBSD may be surprised at the power and features
it can bring to bear as a server platform, and Absolute BSD is an excellent guide
to harnessing that power.”
“ . . . provides beautifully written tutorials and reference material to help you
make the most of the strengths of this OS.”
“ . . . a great resource for people new to BSD and those who have been using
it for years. Michael Lucas has a writing style which is very easy to read and
“A very fine piece of work, it isn’t about how to implement BSD solutions, but
it is about managing systems in situ.”
“ . . . packed with a lot of information.”
“Absolute OpenBSD by Michael Lucas is a broad and mostly gentle introduction
into the world of the OpenBSD operating system. It is sufficiently complete
and deep to give someone new to OpenBSD a solid footing for doing real
work and the mental tools for further exploration. . . . The potentially boring
topic of systems administration is made very readable and even fun by the
light tone that Lucas uses.”
“ . . . a well-written book that hits its market squarely on target. Those new to
OpenBSD will appreciate the comprehensive approach that takes them from
concept to functional execution. Existing and advanced users will benefit from
the discussion of OpenBSD-specific topics such as the security features and
pf administration.”
“I recommend Absolute OpenBSD to all programmers and administrators
working with the OpenBSD operating system (OS), or considering it.”
“PGP & GPG is another excellent book by Michael Lucas. I thoroughly enjoyed
his other books due to their content and style. PGP & GPG continues in this
fine tradition. If you are trying to learn how to use PGP or GPG, or at least
want to ensure you are using them properly, read PGP & GPG.”
“The world’s first user-friendly book on email privacy. Unless you’re a
cryptographer, or never use email, you should read this book.”
“ Excellent tutorial, quick read, and enough humor to make it enjoyable.”
“An excellent book that shows the end-user in an easy to read and often
entertaining style just about everything they need to know to effectively and
properly use PGP and OpenPGP.”
“ . . . this book isn’t a reference—it’s a survival guide, a ‘break glass in case
of emergency’ safety harness. . . . What I found remarkable was how it was
obviously written for people like me—those of us who have little interest in
router management but whose jobs depend on the consistent, trusted functioning of such infrastructure.
“If only Cisco Routers for the Desperate had been on my bookshelf a few years
ago! It would have definitely saved me many hours of searching for configuration help on my Cisco routers. . . . I would strongly recommend this book
for both IT Professionals looking to get started with Cisco routers, as well as
anyone who has to deal with a Cisco router from time to time but doesn’t
have the time or technological know-how to tackle a more in-depth book
on the subject.”
by Mi chael W. L u cas
San Francisco
ABSOLUTE FREEBSD, 2ND EDITION. Copyright © 2008 by Michael W. Lucas.
All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the prior
written permission of the copyright owner and the publisher.
Printed on recycled paper in the United States of America
11 10 09 08 07
ISBN-10: 1-59327-151-4
ISBN-13: 978-1-59327-151-0
Publisher: William Pollock
Production Editors: Christina Samuell and Megan Dunchak
Cover and Interior Design: Octopod Studios
Developmental Editor: William Pollock
Technical Reviewer: John Baldwin
Copyeditor: Dmitry Kirsanov
Compositor: Riley Hoffman
Proofreader: Alina Kirsanova
Indexer: Nancy Guenther
For information on book distributors or translations, please contact No Starch Press, Inc. directly:
No Starch Press, Inc.
555 De Haro Street, Suite 250, San Francisco, CA 94107
phone: 415.863.9900; fax: 415.863.9950;;
Librar y of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Lucas, Michael, 1967Absolute FreeBSD : the complete guide to FreeBSD / Michael W. Lucas. -- 2nd ed.
p. cm.
Includes index.
ISBN-13: 978-1-59327-145-9
ISBN-10: 1-59327-145-X
1. FreeBSD. 2. UNIX (Computer file) 3. Internet service providers--Computer programs.
servers--Computer programs. 5. Client/server computing. I. Title.
QA76.76.O63L83 2007
4. Web
No Starch Press and the No Starch Press logo are registered trademarks of No Starch Press, Inc. Other product and
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symbol with every occurrence of a trademarked name, we are using the names only in an editorial fashion and to the
benefit of the trademark owner, with no intention of infringement of the trademark.
The mark “FreeBSD” is a registered trademark of The FreeBSD Foundation and is used by Michael W. Lucas with the
permission of The FreeBSD Foundation.
The FreeBSD Logo is a trademark of The FreeBSD Foundation and is used by Michael W. Lucas with the permission
of The FreeBSD Foundation.
The BSD Daemon is copyright Marshall Kirk McKusick and is used with permission.
The information in this book is distributed on an “As Is” basis, without warranty. While every precaution has been
taken in the preparation of this work, neither the author nor No Starch Press, Inc. shall have any liability to any
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information contained in it.
For Liz. With luck, this one is the right size to plug that dang gopher hole.
Foreword by Robert N.M. Watson ............................................................................... xxvii
Acknowledgments ....................................................................................................... xxix
Introduction ....................................................................................................................1
Chapter 1: Getting More Help ........................................................................................19
Chapter 2: Installing FreeBSD .........................................................................................33
Chapter 3: Start Me Up! The Boot Process........................................................................61
Chapter 4: Read This Before You Break Something Else! (Backup and Recovery)...................89
Chapter 5: Kernel Games ............................................................................................117
Chapter 6: The Network ..............................................................................................145
Chapter 7: Securing Your System ..................................................................................177
Chapter 8: Disks and Filesystems ..................................................................................209
Chapter 9: Advanced Security Features .........................................................................261
Chapter 10: Exploring /etc ..........................................................................................301
Chapter 11: Making Your System Useful ........................................................................315
Chapter 12: Advanced Software Management ...............................................................343
Chapter 13: Upgrading FreeBSD ..................................................................................371
Chapter 14: The Internet Road Map: DNS .....................................................................411
Chapter 15: Small System Services ...............................................................................439
Chapter 16: Spam, Worms, and Viruses (Plus Email, If You Insist) .....................................467
Chapter 17: Web and FTP Services...............................................................................499
Chapter 18: Disk Tricks with GEOM..............................................................................529
Chapter 19: System Performance and Monitoring ...........................................................569
Chapter 20: The Fringe of FreeBSD ...............................................................................603
Chapter 21: System (and Sysadmin) Panics and Crashes .................................................637
Appendix: Some Interesting sysctl MIBs..........................................................................661
Index .........................................................................................................................675
B ri ef C on ten t s
F O R E W O R D B Y R O B E R T N. M . W AT SO N
What Is FreeBSD? .................................................................................................... 2
BSD: FreeBSD’s Granddaddy ....................................................................... 2
The BSD License .......................................................................................... 3
The AT&T/CSRG/BSDi Iron Cage Match ....................................................... 4
The Birth of FreeBSD .................................................................................... 4
FreeBSD Development ............................................................................................... 5
Committers ................................................................................................. 5
Contributors ................................................................................................ 6
Users ......................................................................................................... 7
Other BSDs ............................................................................................................. 7
NetBSD ...................................................................................................... 7
OpenBSD ................................................................................................... 7
Mac OS X .................................................................................................. 8
FreeBSD’s Children ...................................................................................... 8
Other Unixes ........................................................................................................... 8
Solaris/OpenSolaris .................................................................................... 8
AIX ............................................................................................................ 9
Linux .......................................................................................................... 9
IRIX, HP/UX, and So On .............................................................................. 9
FreeBSD’s Strengths ................................................................................................ 10
Portability ................................................................................................. 10
Power ...................................................................................................... 10
Simplified Software Management ................................................................ 10
Optimized Upgrade Process ....................................................................... 11
Advanced Filesystem ................................................................................. 11
Who Should Use FreeBSD? ..................................................................................... 11
Who Should Run Another BSD? ............................................................................... 11
Who Should Run a Proprietary Operating System? ..................................................... 12
How to Read This Book ........................................................................................... 12
What Must You Know? ........................................................................................... 12
For the New System Administrator ............................................................................ 13
Desktop FreeBSD ....................................................................................... 13
How to Think About Unix ........................................................................... 14
Notes on the Second Edition .................................................................................... 16
Contents of This Book ............................................................................................. 16
Why Not Just Email for Help? .................................................................................. 20
The FreeBSD Attitude ................................................................................. 20
Support Options ........................................................................................ 20
Man Pages ............................................................................................................ 21
Manual Sections ....................................................................................... 22
Navigating Man Pages .............................................................................. 23
Finding Man Pages ................................................................................... 23
Section Numbers and Man ......................................................................... 24
Man Page Contents ................................................................................... 24 .......................................................................................................... 25
Web Documents ....................................................................................... 25
The Mailing List Archives ............................................................................ 26
Other Websites ...................................................................................................... 26
Using FreeBSD Problem-Solving Resources ................................................................. 26
Checking the Handbook/FAQ .................................................................... 27
Checking the Man Pages ........................................................................... 27
Checking the Mailing List Archives .............................................................. 28
Using Your Answer .................................................................................... 28
Emailing for Help ................................................................................................... 29
Writing Your Email .................................................................................... 29
Sending Your Email ................................................................................... 30
Responding to Email .................................................................................. 31
Email Is Forever ........................................................................................ 31
FreeBSD Hardware ................................................................................................ 34
Sample Hardware ..................................................................................... 35
Proprietary Hardware ................................................................................ 35
What We Won’t Cover ............................................................................. 36
Hardware Requirements ............................................................................. 36
Preinstall Decisions ................................................................................................. 37
Partitioning ............................................................................................... 37
Multiple Hard Drives .................................................................................. 40
Partition Block Size .................................................................................... 41
Choosing Your Distribution(s) ...................................................................... 42
The FreeBSD FTP Site .............................................................................................. 43
FTP Server Content .................................................................................... 43
The Install Process .................................................................................................. 45
Choosing Boot Media ................................................................................ 45
Choosing Installation Media ....................................................................... 46
Preparing Boot Floppies .......................................................................................... 47
Preparing Boot CDs ................................................................................................ 47
FTP Media Setup .................................................................................................... 48
Actually Installing FreeBSD ...................................................................................... 49
Configuring the Network ............................................................................ 54
Miscellaneous Network Services ................................................................. 56
Time Zone ................................................................................................ 56
Linux Mode .............................................................................................. 56
PS/2 Mouse ............................................................................................. 56
Adding Packages ...................................................................................... 56
Adding Users ............................................................................................ 57
Root Password .......................................................................................... 58
Post-Installation Setup ................................................................................. 58
Restart! ................................................................................................................. 59
C on t en ts in D et ai l
S T A R T M E U P ! T H E B O O T P R O CE S S
Power-On and the Loader ........................................................................................ 62
Single-User Mode ................................................................................................... 63
Disks in Single-User Mode .......................................................................... 64
Programs Available in Single-User Mode ...................................................... 64
The Network in Single-User Mode ............................................................... 65
Uses for Single-User Mode ......................................................................... 65
The Loader Prompt ................................................................................................. 66
Default Files ........................................................................................................... 68
Loader Configuration .............................................................................................. 69
Serial Consoles ...................................................................................................... 70
Hardware Serial Consoles .......................................................................... 71
Software Serial Consoles ........................................................................... 71
Serial Console Physical Setup ..................................................................... 73
Serial Console Use .................................................................................... 73
Serial Console Disconnection ...................................................................... 75
Startup Messages ................................................................................................... 76
Multi-User Startup ................................................................................................... 79
/etc/rc.conf and /etc/defaults/rc.conf ........................................................ 79
The rc.d Startup System .............................................................................. 87
Shutdown ................................................................................................. 88
R E A D T H I S B E F O R E Y O U B R E A K S O M E T HI N G E L S E !
( B A CK U P A ND R E C O VE R Y )
System Backups ..................................................................................................... 90
Backup Tapes ........................................................................................................ 90
Tape Drive Device Nodes, Rewinding, and Ejecting ...................................... 91
The $TAPE Variable ................................................................................... 91
Tape Status with mt(1) ................................................................................ 92
Other Tape Drive Commands ..................................................................... 93
To Rewind or Not? .................................................................................... 93
Backup Programs ................................................................................................... 94
tar ........................................................................................................................ 94
tar Modes ................................................................................................ 94
Other tar Features ..................................................................................... 96
gzip ........................................................................................................ 97
dump .................................................................................................................... 98
User Control ............................................................................................. 98
dump Levels .............................................................................................. 98
dump, Tape Drives, and Files ...................................................................... 99
dump and Live Filesystems .......................................................................... 99
Timestamps and dump ............................................................................. 100
Running dump ........................................................................................ 100
Throwing Data Overboard with nodump .................................................... 101
Restoring from a dump .......................................................................................... 101
Checking the Contents of an Archive ......................................................... 101
Restoring dump Data ............................................................................... 102
Multiple Backups on One Tape .............................................................................. 105
C on t en ts in D et ail
Revision Control ................................................................................................... 106
Initializing Revision Control ...................................................................... 107
Editing Files in RCS ................................................................................. 108
Checking Back In .................................................................................... 108
Viewing RCS Logs ................................................................................... 109
Reviewing a File’s Revision History ............................................................ 110
Getting Older Versions ............................................................................ 111
Breaking Locks ........................................................................................ 112
Recording What Happened ................................................................................... 114
The Fixit Disk ....................................................................................................... 114
What Is the Kernel? .............................................................................................. 118
sysctl .................................................................................................................. 119
sysctl MIBs .............................................................................................. 120
sysctl Values ........................................................................................... 121
Viewing sysctls ........................................................................................ 121
Changing sysctls ..................................................................................... 122
Kernel Modules .................................................................................................... 124
Viewing Loaded Modules ......................................................................... 124
Loading and Unloading Modules .............................................................. 125
Loading Modules at Boot ......................................................................... 125
Build Your Own Kernel ......................................................................................... 126
Preparations ........................................................................................... 126
Buses and Attachments ............................................................................ 127
Back Up Your Working Kernel .................................................................. 128
Configuration File Format ......................................................................... 128
Configuration Files .................................................................................. 129
Trimming a Kernel ................................................................................................ 131
CPU Types ............................................................................................. 131
Basic Options ......................................................................................... 131
Multiple Processors .................................................................................. 134
Device Drivers ........................................................................................ 134
Pseudodevices ........................................................................................ 135
Removable Hardware .............................................................................. 136
Building a Kernel ................................................................................................. 136
Troubleshooting Kernel Builds ................................................................... 137
Booting an Alternate Kernel ...................................................................... 137
Inclusions, Exclusions, and Expanding the Kernel ..................................................... 138
NOTES .................................................................................................. 138
Inclusions and Exclusions ......................................................................... 139
How Kernel Options Fix Problems ............................................................. 139
Sharing Kernels .................................................................................................... 140
Testing Kernels Remotely ....................................................................................... 141
Kernel Stuff You Should Know ................................................................................ 142
ACPI ...................................................................................................... 142
PAE ....................................................................................................... 142
Symmetric Multiprocessing ....................................................................... 143
Lock Order Reversals ............................................................................... 143
C on te nt s i n De ta il
Network Layers .................................................................................................... 146
The Physical Layer ................................................................................... 146
Datalink: The Physical Protocol .................................................................. 146
The Network Layer .................................................................................. 147
Heavy Lifting: The Transport Layer ............................................................. 147
Applications ........................................................................................... 148
The Network in Practice ........................................................................................ 148
Getting Bits and Hexes ......................................................................................... 150
Remedial TCP/IP .................................................................................................. 152
IP Addresses and Netmasks ...................................................................... 152
ICMP ..................................................................................................... 155
UDP ....................................................................................................... 155
TCP ....................................................................................................... 156
How Protocols Fit Together ....................................................................... 157
Transport Protocol Ports ............................................................................ 157
Understanding Ethernet ......................................................................................... 158
Protocol and Hardware ............................................................................ 159
Ethernet Speed and Duplex ...................................................................... 160
MAC Addresses ...................................................................................... 160
Configuring Your Ethernet Connection .................................................................... 161
ifconfig(8) .............................................................................................. 161
Adding an IP to an Interface ..................................................................... 162
Testing Your Interface .............................................................................. 163
Set Default Route ..................................................................................... 163
Multiple IP Addresses on One Interface ...................................................... 163
Renaming Interfaces ................................................................................ 164
DHCP .................................................................................................... 165
Reboot! .................................................................................................. 166
Network Activity .................................................................................................. 166
Current Network Activity .......................................................................... 166
What’s Listening on What Port? ................................................................ 167
Port Listeners in Detail .............................................................................. 168
Network Capacity in the Kernel ................................................................ 169
Optimizing Network Performance .......................................................................... 170
Optimizing Network Hardware ................................................................. 170
Memory Usage ....................................................................................... 171
Maximum Incoming Connections ............................................................... 173
Polling ................................................................................................... 174
Changing Window Size .......................................................................... 174
Other Optimizations ................................................................................ 175
Network Adapter Teaming .................................................................................... 175
Aggregation Protocols ............................................................................. 175
Configuring lagg(4) ................................................................................. 176
Who Is the Enemy? .............................................................................................. 178
Script Kiddies ......................................................................................... 178
Botnets ................................................................................................... 179
C o nt en t s in D et ai l
Disaffected Users .................................................................................... 179
Motivated Skilled Attackers ...................................................................... 179
FreeBSD Security Announcements ........................................................................... 180
User Security ....................................................................................................... 181
Creating User Accounts ........................................................................... 181
Editing Users: passwd(1), chpass(1), and Friends ........................................ 183
Shells and /etc/shells ........................................................................................... 188
root, Groups, and Management ............................................................................. 189
The root Password ................................................................................... 189
Groups of Users ...................................................................................... 190
Using Groups to Avoid Root ..................................................................... 191
Tweaking User Security ......................................................................................... 195
Restricting Login Ability ............................................................................ 195
Restricting System Usage .......................................................................... 197
File Flags ............................................................................................................ 201
Setting and Viewing File Flags .................................................................. 203
Securelevels ......................................................................................................... 204
Securelevel Definitions ............................................................................. 204
Which Securelevel Do You Need? ............................................................ 205
What Won’t Securelevels and File Flags Accomplish? ................................. 206
Living with Securelevels ............................................................................ 206
Network Targets .................................................................................................. 207
Putting It All Together ............................................................................................ 208
Disk Drives 101 ................................................................................................... 209
Device Nodes ...................................................................................................... 210
Hard Disks and Partitions ......................................................................... 211
The Filesystem Table: /etc/fstab ............................................................................. 212
What’s Mounted Now? ........................................................................................ 214
Mounting and Unmounting Disks ............................................................................ 214
Mounting Standard Filesystems ................................................................. 214
Mounting at Nonstandard Locations .......................................................... 215
Unmounting a Partition ............................................................................ 215
How Full Is a Partition? ......................................................................................... 215
The Fast File System .............................................................................................. 217
Vnodes .................................................................................................. 218
FFS Mount Types ..................................................................................... 218
FFS Mount Options .................................................................................. 220
Soft Updates and Journaling with FFS ........................................................ 220
Write Caching ........................................................................................ 221
Snapshots .............................................................................................. 222
Dirty Disks .............................................................................................. 222
Forcing Read-Write Mounts on Dirty Disks .................................................. 224
FFS Syncer at Shutdown ........................................................................... 224
Background fsck, fsck -y, Foreground fsck, Oy Vey! ..................................... 225
Using Foreign Filesystems ...................................................................................... 225
Supported Foreign Filesystems .................................................................. 226
Permissions and Foreign Filesystems .......................................................... 228
C on te nt s i n De ta il
Removable-Media Filesystems ................................................................................ 228
Formatting FAT32 Media ......................................................................... 228
Using Removable Media .......................................................................... 230
Ejecting Removable Media ....................................................................... 231
Removable Media and /etc/fstab ............................................................. 231
Other FreeBSD Filesystems .................................................................................... 231
Memory Filesystems ................................................................................. 232
Mounting Disk Images ............................................................................. 235
Filesystems in Files ................................................................................... 235
Miscellaneous Filesystems ......................................................................... 238
Wiring Down Devices ........................................................................................... 238
Adding New Hard Disks ....................................................................................... 240
Creating Slices ....................................................................................... 240
Creating Partitions ................................................................................... 241
Configuring /etc/fstab ............................................................................. 241
Installing Existing Files onto New Disks ...................................................... 241
Stackable Mounts .................................................................................... 242
Network Filesystems ............................................................................................. 243
FreeBSD and CIFS ................................................................................................ 248
Prerequisites ........................................................................................... 248
Kernel Support ........................................................................................ 249
Configuring CIFS .................................................................................... 249
nsmb.conf Keywords ............................................................................... 249
CIFS Name Resolution ............................................................................. 250
Other smbutil(1) Functions ........................................................................ 250
Mounting a Share ................................................................................... 251
Other mount_smbfs Options ..................................................................... 251
Sample nsmb.conf Entries ......................................................................... 252
CIFS File Ownership ................................................................................ 252
Serving CIFS Shares ............................................................................................. 252
devfs .................................................................................................................. 253
devfs at Boot: devfs.conf .......................................................................... 253
Global devfs Rules ................................................................................... 255
Dynamic Device Management with devd(8) ................................................ 256
Unprivileged Users ............................................................................................... 261
The nobody Account ................................................................................ 263
A Sample Unprivileged User ..................................................................... 263
Network Traffic Control ......................................................................................... 263
Default Accept vs. Default Deny ............................................................................. 264
TCP Wrappers ..................................................................................................... 265
Configuring Wrappers ............................................................................. 265
Wrapping Up Wrappers .......................................................................... 271
Packet Filtering .................................................................................................... 272
Enabling PF ............................................................................................ 273
Default Accept and Default Deny in Packet Filtering ..................................... 273
Basic Packet Filtering and Stateful Inspection .............................................. 274
Configuring PF ........................................................................................ 275
Complete PF Rule Sample ......................................................................... 278
Activating PF Rules .................................................................................. 279
C on t en ts i n D et ail
Public Key Encryption ........................................................................................... 280
Configuring OpenSSL .............................................................................. 281
Certificates ............................................................................................. 282
SSL Trick: Connecting to SSL-Protected Ports ................................................ 285
Jails .................................................................................................................... 286
Jail Host Server Setup .............................................................................. 287
Jail and the Kernel ................................................................................... 289
Client Setup ............................................................................................ 290
Decorating Your Cell: In-Jail Setup ............................................................. 291
Jail and /etc/rc.conf ............................................................................... 293
Jail Startup and Shutdown ........................................................................ 293
Managing Jails ....................................................................................... 294
Jail Shutdown ......................................................................................... 295
What’s Wrong with Jails .......................................................................... 295
Preparing for Intrusions with mtree(1) ...................................................................... 296
Running mtree(1) ..................................................................................... 297
Saving the Spec File ................................................................................ 298
Reacting to an Intrusion ............................................................................ 299
Monitoring System Security ................................................................................... 299
If You’re Hacked .................................................................................................. 300
E X P LO R I N G / E T C
/etc Across Unix Species ...................................................................................... 302
/etc/adduser.conf ................................................................................................ 302
/etc/ .................................................................................................... 302
/etc/bluetooth, /etc/bluetooth.device.conf, and
/etc/defaults/bluetooth.device.conf ................................................................. 302
/etc/crontab ....................................................................................................... 302
/etc/csh.* .......................................................................................................... 303
/etc/devd.conf .................................................................................................... 303
/etc/devfs.conf, /etc/devfs.rules, and
/etc/defaults/devfs.rules ................................................................................ 303
/etc/dhclient.conf ................................................................................................ 303
/etc/disktab ........................................................................................................ 303
/etc/freebsd-update.conf ...................................................................................... 304
/etc/fstab ........................................................................................................... 304
/etc/ftp.* ........................................................................................................... 304
/etc/group .......................................................................................................... 304
/etc/hosts ........................................................................................................... 304
/etc/hosts.allow .................................................................................................. 304
/etc/hosts.equiv .................................................................................................. 304
/etc/hosts.lpd ...................................................................................................... 305
/etc/inetd.conf .................................................................................................... 305
/etc/localtime ..................................................................................................... 305
/etc/locate.rc ...................................................................................................... 305
/etc/login.* ........................................................................................................ 306
/etc/mail/mailer.conf .......................................................................................... 306
C on te nt s i n De ta il
/etc/make.conf ................................................................................................... 306
CFLAGS ................................................................................................. 307
COPTFLAGS ........................................................................................... 307
CXXFLAGS ............................................................................................. 307
CPUTYPE=i686 ....................................................................................... 307
INSTALL=install -C ................................................................................... 308
/etc/master.passwd ............................................................................................. 308
/etc/motd ........................................................................................................... 308
/etc/mtree .......................................................................................................... 308
/etc/namedb ...................................................................................................... 309
/etc/netstart ........................................................................................................ 309
/etc/network.subr ................................................................................................ 309
/etc/newsyslog.conf ............................................................................................ 309
/etc/nscd.conf ..................................................................................................... 309
/etc/nsmb.conf .................................................................................................... 309
/etc/nsswitch.conf ............................................................................................... 309
/etc/opie* .......................................................................................................... 309
/etc/pam.d/* ..................................................................................................... 310
/etc/pccard_ether ................................................................................................ 310
/etc/periodic.conf and /etc/defaults/periodic.conf ................................................. 310
daily_output=”root” ................................................................................. 310
daily_show_success=”YES” ...................................................................... 310
daily_show_info=”YES” ........................................................................... 310
daily_show_badconfig=”NO” .................................................................. 311
daily_local=”/etc/daily.local” .................................................................. 311
/etc/pf.conf ........................................................................................................ 311
/etc/pf.os ........................................................................................................... 311
/etc/phones ........................................................................................................ 311
/etc/portsnap.conf ............................................................................................... 311
/etc/ppp ............................................................................................................ 311
/etc/printcap ...................................................................................................... 312
/etc/profile ......................................................................................................... 312
/etc/protocols ..................................................................................................... 312
/etc/rc* ............................................................................................................. 312
/etc/remote ........................................................................................................ 312
/etc/rpc ............................................................................................................. 313
/etc/security/ ...................................................................................................... 313
/etc/services ....................................................................................................... 313
/etc/shells .......................................................................................................... 313
/etc/snmpd.config ............................................................................................... 313
/etc/src.conf ....................................................................................................... 313
/etc/sysctl.conf .................................................................................................... 313
/etc/syslog.conf .................................................................................................. 313
/etc/termcap ....................................................................................................... 314
/etc/ttys ............................................................................................................. 314
Making Software ................................................................................................. 316
Source Code and Software ................................................................................... 316
C o nt en t s in D et ai l
The Ports and Packages System .............................................................................. 317
Ports ...................................................................................................... 318
Finding Software .................................................................................................. 320
Finding by Name .................................................................................... 321
Finding by Keyword ................................................................................ 321
Legal Restrictions ..................................................................................... 322
Using Packages ................................................................................................... 322
CD Packages .......................................................................................... 323
FTP Packages .......................................................................................... 324
Installing Packages .................................................................................. 325
pkg_add(1) Environment Settings .............................................................. 326
What Does a Package Install? .................................................................. 327
Uninstalling Packages .............................................................................. 328
Package Information ................................................................................ 329
Package Problems ................................................................................... 330
Using Ports .......................................................................................................... 331
Installing a Port ....................................................................................... 332
Integrated Port Customizations .................................................................. 334
Port Makefiles ......................................................................................... 336
Uninstalling and Reinstalling ..................................................................... 337
Tracking Port Build Status ......................................................................... 338
Cleaning Up Ports ................................................................................... 338
Building Packages ................................................................................... 339
Changing the Install Path .......................................................................... 339
Setting make Options Permanently ............................................................ 340
Ports and Package Security ................................................................................... 340
Using Multiple Processors: SMP ............................................................................. 344
Kernel Assumptions ................................................................................. 344
SMP: The First Try .................................................................................... 345
Today’s SMP .......................................................................................... 346
Processors and SMP ................................................................................ 347
Using SMP ............................................................................................. 348
Schedulers ........................................................................................................... 349
Startup and Shutdown Scripts ................................................................................ 350
rc Script Ordering ................................................................................... 350
A Typical rc Script ................................................................................... 351
Special rc Script Providers ........................................................................ 352
Using Scripts to Manage Running Programs ............................................... 353
Vendor Startup/Shutdown Scripts .............................................................. 353
Debugging Custom rc Scripts .................................................................... 353
Managing Shared Libraries ................................................................................... 354
Shared Library Versions and Files .............................................................. 354
Attaching Shared Libraries to Programs ...................................................... 355
LD_LIBRARY_PATH ................................................................................... 357
What a Program Wants ........................................................................... 358
Threads, Threads, and More Threads ..................................................................... 358
Userland Threading Libraries ................................................................................. 359
Remapping Shared Libraries .................................................................................. 360
C ont en t s in D et a il
Running Software from the Wrong OS .................................................................... 361
Recompilation ......................................................................................... 362
Emulation ............................................................................................... 363
ABI Reimplementation .............................................................................. 363
Binary Branding ...................................................................................... 364
Supported ABIs ....................................................................................... 364
Foreign Software Libraries ........................................................................ 365
Using Linux Mode ................................................................................................ 365
The Linuxulator Userland .......................................................................... 366
Testing Linux Mode .................................................................................. 366
Identifying and Setting Brands .................................................................. 367
linprocfs ................................................................................................. 367
Debugging Linux Mode with truss(1) .......................................................... 368
Running Software from the Wrong Architecture ........................................................ 369
FreeBSD Versions ................................................................................................. 372
Releases ................................................................................................. 372
FreeBSD-current ....................................................................................... 373
FreeBSD-stable ........................................................................................ 374
Snapshots .............................................................................................. 375
FreeBSD and Testing ................................................................................ 376
Which Version Should You Use? ............................................................... 376
Upgrade Methods ................................................................................................ 377
Binary Updates .................................................................................................... 378
/etc/freebsd-update.conf ......................................................................... 378
Running freebsd-update(8) ........................................................................ 379
Scheduling Binary Updates ....................................................................... 380
Upgrading via sysinstall ........................................................................................ 380
Upgrading via Source ........................................................................................... 382
Selecting Your Supfile .............................................................................. 383
Modifying Your Supfile ............................................................................ 384
A Complete Supfile ................................................................................. 386
Blocking Updates: The Refuse File ............................................................. 386
Updating System Source Code .................................................................. 387
Using csup to Get the Whole Source Tree .................................................. 387
Building FreeBSD from Source ............................................................................... 388
Build the World ...................................................................................... 388
Build, Install, and Test a Kernel ................................................................. 389
Optimization with Parallel Builds ............................................................... 390
Prepare to Install the New World .............................................................. 390
Installing the World ................................................................................. 393
mergemaster Revisited ............................................................................. 395
Upgrades and Single-User Mode .............................................................. 395
Shrinking FreeBSD ................................................................................................ 396
Updating with csup and make ............................................................................... 398
Cross-Building FreeBSD ......................................................................................... 399
Building a Local CVSup Server ............................................................................... 399
Controlling Access ................................................................................... 402
C on te nt s i n De ta il
Upgrading the Ports Collection ............................................................................... 403
Configuring portsnap ............................................................................... 403
Using portsnap(8) ................................................................................... 404
Updating Installed Ports ....................................................................................... 404
Initial portmaster Setup ............................................................................ 405
Identifying Unneeded Software ................................................................. 406
Identifying and Upgrading Software .......................................................... 406
Forcing a Rebuild .................................................................................... 407
Rebuilding Upward Dependencies ............................................................. 408
Changing Dependencies .......................................................................... 408
Ignoring Ports ......................................................................................... 408
Other portmaster Features ........................................................................ 409
Reducing the Size of the Ports Tree ............................................................ 409
How DNS Works ................................................................................................. 412
Basic DNS Tools .................................................................................................. 413
The host(1) Command .............................................................................. 413
Digging for Detail ................................................................................... 414
Finding Hostnames with dig ..................................................................... 416
More dig Options ................................................................................... 417 ........................................................................................... 418
Configuring the Resolver ....................................................................................... 419
Host/IP Information Sources ..................................................................... 419
Setting Local Domain Names .................................................................... 420
The Nameserver List ................................................................................ 421
Local DNS Overrides with /etc/hosts ..................................................................... 422
Building a Nameserver ......................................................................................... 422
Masters and Slaves ................................................................................. 423
BIND Configuration Files .......................................................................... 423
Configuring BIND with named.conf ........................................................................ 424
Options ................................................................................................. 424
Zones in named.conf ............................................................................... 425
Configuring a Slave Domain .................................................................... 426
Configuring a Master Domain .................................................................. 427
Master and Slave File Storage .................................................................. 427
Zone Files ........................................................................................................... 428
A Real Sample Zone ................................................................................ 432
Dots and Termination in Zone Files ............................................................ 433
Reverse DNS Zones ................................................................................. 433
Managing named ................................................................................................ 434
Configuring rndc ..................................................................................... 434
Using rndc ............................................................................................. 435
Checking DNS ..................................................................................................... 436
Nameserver Security ............................................................................................ 436
Controlling Zone Transfers ........................................................................ 436
Securing named(8) .................................................................................. 437
More on BIND ..................................................................................................... 437
C o nt en t s in D et ai l
SSH .................................................................................................................... 439
The SSH Server: sshd(8) ........................................................................... 440
Configuring the SSH Daemon ................................................................... 442
Managing SSH User Access ..................................................................... 444
SSH Clients ............................................................................................ 445
Network Time ...................................................................................................... 447
Setting the Time Zone .............................................................................. 447
Network Time Protocol ............................................................................. 448
Name Service Switching and Caching .................................................................... 450
/etc/nsswitch.conf .................................................................................. 450
Name Query Caching with nscd(8) ........................................................... 451
inetd ................................................................................................................... 453
/etc/inetd.conf ....................................................................................... 453
Configuring inetd Servers ......................................................................... 454
Starting inetd(8) ...................................................................................... 455
Changing inetd’s Behavior ....................................................................... 456
DHCP ................................................................................................................. 456
How DHCP Works .................................................................................. 457
Managing dhcpd(8) ................................................................................ 457
Configuring dhcpd(8) .............................................................................. 457
Printing and Print Servers ...................................................................................... 459
/etc/printcap ......................................................................................... 460
TFTP ................................................................................................................... 461
Root Directory ......................................................................................... 461
tftpd and Files ......................................................................................... 462
File Ownership ....................................................................................... 462
tftpd(8) Configuration .............................................................................. 462
Scheduling Tasks .................................................................................................. 463
User Crontabs vs. /etc/crontab ................................................................ 463
cron and Environment .............................................................................. 464
Crontab Format ....................................................................................... 464
S PA M , W O R M S , A N D V IR US E S
( PL U S E M A I L, I F Y O U I N SI S T )
Email Overview ................................................................................................... 468
Finding Mail Servers for a Domain ............................................................ 468
Undeliverable Email ................................................................................ 469
The SMTP Protocol ................................................................................... 470
Relay Control .......................................................................................... 472
Stopping Bad Email ................................................................................. 472
Sendmail ............................................................................................................. 473
mailwrapper(8) ....................................................................................... 474
Submission vs. Reception ......................................................................... 474
Sendmail Logging ................................................................................... 476
Configuring Sendmail ........................................................................................... 476
The access File ........................................................................................ 476
The aliases File ....................................................................................... 478
C on te nt s i n De ta il
The mailertable File ................................................................................. 479
The relay-domains File ............................................................................. 480
Making Changes Take Effect .................................................................... 480
Virtual Domains ................................................................................................... 481
The /etc/mail/local-host-names File ........................................................... 481
User Mapping ........................................................................................ 481
Changing ........................................................................................... 483
Custom .mc Files ..................................................................................... 484
Rejecting Spam Sources ........................................................................... 485
Greylisting .......................................................................................................... 487
Configuring milter-greylist ......................................................................... 488
Attaching milter-sendmail to Sendmail ........................................................ 490
Sendmail Authentication with SASL ......................................................................... 491
saslauthd(8) ............................................................................................ 492
mailer.conf and Your New Sendmail ......................................................... 492
Building ................................................................................ 492
Testing SASL ........................................................................................... 493
IMAP and POP3 ................................................................................................... 493
Installing Dovecot .................................................................................... 494
Configuring Dovecot ................................................................................ 494
Creating a Dovecot SSL Certificate ............................................................ 495
Running Dovecot ..................................................................................... 496
Testing POP3S ........................................................................................ 496
Testing IMAPS ........................................................................................ 497
How a Web Server Works .................................................................................... 500
The Apache Web Server ....................................................................................... 500
Apache Configuration Files ...................................................................... 501
Core Apache Configuration ..................................................................... 501
Apache Logs .......................................................................................... 503
Apache Modules .................................................................................................. 505
Directories and Permissions ................................................................................... 507
Controlling Access by IP Address .............................................................. 507
Directory Options .................................................................................... 508
Configuration by Users ............................................................................ 510
Other Directory Settings ........................................................................... 511
Password Protection and Apache .............................................................. 512
Including Other Configuration Files ........................................................................ 515
Virtual Hosting ..................................................................................................... 517
Configuring Virtual Hosts ......................................................................... 517
Tuning Virtual Hosts ................................................................................. 518
HTTPS Websites ................................................................................................... 520
Controlling Apache .............................................................................................. 521
File Transfer ......................................................................................................... 522
FTP Security ............................................................................................ 522
The FTP Client ......................................................................................... 522
Binary and ASCII Transfers ....................................................................... 523
The FTP Server ........................................................................................ 524
FTP User Control ..................................................................................... 524
C on t en ts in D et ail
FTP Server Messages ............................................................................... 525
Setting Up Anonymous FTP Servers ............................................................ 526
Chrooting sftp(1) and scp(1) .................................................................................. 527
GEOM Essentials ................................................................................................. 530
Disk Drives 102 ................................................................................................... 530
Slicing Disks ........................................................................................................ 531
Viewing the Slice Table with fdisk(8) .......................................................... 532
Backing Up the Slice Table ....................................................................... 533
Changing the Slice Table ......................................................................... 533
Partitioning Slices .................................................................................... 536
Reading Disklabels .................................................................................. 537
Backing Up and Restoring Disklabels ......................................................... 538
Editing Disklabels .................................................................................... 538
Replicating Drive Slicing and Partitioning ................................................... 539
Missing Disklabels ................................................................................... 540
Building Filesystems .............................................................................................. 540
RAID ................................................................................................................... 541
Hardware vs. Software RAID .................................................................... 541
GEOM RAID and Disk Size ...................................................................... 542
Parity and Stripe Size .............................................................................. 542
RAID Types ............................................................................................. 543
Generic GEOM Commands .................................................................................. 544
Striping Disks ....................................................................................................... 545
Creating a Striped Provider ...................................................................... 546
gstripe Destruction ................................................................................... 546
Daily Status Check .................................................................................. 547
Mirroring Disks .................................................................................................... 547
Creating a Mirror .................................................................................... 547
Repairing Mirrors .................................................................................... 548
Mirrored Boot Disks ................................................................................. 549
Destroying Mirrored Disks ........................................................................ 550
Daily Status Check .................................................................................. 550
RAID-3 ................................................................................................................ 550
Creating a RAID-3 ................................................................................... 551
Repairing a RAID-3 ................................................................................. 551
Destroying a RAID-3 ............................................................................... 553
RAID-10 .............................................................................................................. 553
RAID-10 Setup ........................................................................................ 553
RAID-10 Status ........................................................................................ 554
Destroying a RAID-10 ............................................................................. 554
Journaling Filesystems with gjournal(8) .................................................................... 554
Configuring gjournal(8) ........................................................................... 556
Using a Separate Journal Device ............................................................... 557
De-Journaling Partitions ............................................................................ 557
Filesystem Encryption ............................................................................................ 558
Kernel Configuration ............................................................................... 559
Generating and Using a Cryptographic Key ............................................... 559
Filesystems on Encrypted Devices .............................................................. 560
C on t en ts in D et ai l
Deactivating Encrypted Disks .................................................................... 560
Encrypting Swap Space with geli(8) .......................................................... 561
Disk Device Network Exports ................................................................................. 561
geom_gate Security ................................................................................. 562
geom_gate Server Setup .......................................................................... 562
geom_gate Client Setup ........................................................................... 563
Identifying geom_gate Devices ................................................................. 564
Shutting Down geom_gate ....................................................................... 564
Oops! Rescuing geom_gate ...................................................................... 564
Mirroring Disks Across the Network ........................................................................ 565
Backup Server Setup ................................................................................ 565
Primary Server Setup ............................................................................... 566
Mirror Failover and Recovery ................................................................... 567
Computer Resources ............................................................................................. 570
Checking the Network .......................................................................................... 571
General Bottleneck Analysis with vmstat(8) .............................................................. 571
Processes ............................................................................................... 572
Memory ................................................................................................. 572
Paging ................................................................................................... 572
Disks ..................................................................................................... 573
Faults ..................................................................................................... 573
CPU ...................................................................................................... 573
Using vmstat ........................................................................................... 573
Continuous vmstat ................................................................................... 574
Disk I/O ............................................................................................................. 574
CPU, Memory, and I/O with top(1) ........................................................................ 575
PID Values .............................................................................................. 576
Load Average ......................................................................................... 576
Uptime ................................................................................................... 576
Process Counts ........................................................................................ 576
Process Types ......................................................................................... 577
Memory ................................................................................................. 577
Swap ..................................................................................................... 578
Process List ............................................................................................. 578
top(1) and I/O ....................................................................................... 579
Following Processes .............................................................................................. 580
Paging and Swapping .......................................................................................... 581
Paging ................................................................................................... 582
Swapping .............................................................................................. 582
Performance Tuning .............................................................................................. 582
Memory Usage ....................................................................................... 583
Swap Space Usage ................................................................................. 583
CPU Usage ............................................................................................ 583
Rescheduling .......................................................................................... 584
Reprioritizing with Niceness ..................................................................... 584
Investigating Software .............................................................................. 586
Status Mail .......................................................................................................... 586
C on t en t s in D et ai l
Logging with syslogd ............................................................................................ 587
Facilities ................................................................................................. 587
Levels ..................................................................................................... 588
Processing Messages with syslogd(8) ......................................................... 589
syslogd Customization ............................................................................. 592
Log File Management ........................................................................................... 593
Log File Path ........................................................................................... 594
Owner and Group .................................................................................. 594
Permissions ............................................................................................. 594
Count .................................................................................................... 594
Size ....................................................................................................... 595
Time ...................................................................................................... 595
Flags ..................................................................................................... 596
Pidfile .................................................................................................... 597
Signal .................................................................................................... 597
Sample newsyslog.conf Entry .................................................................... 597
FreeBSD and SNMP ............................................................................................. 598
SNMP 101 ............................................................................................. 598
Configuring bsnmpd ................................................................................ 600
/etc/ttys ............................................................................................................. 604
/etc/ttys Format ...................................................................................... 604
Insecure Console ..................................................................................... 605
Diskless FreeBSD .................................................................................................. 606
Diskless Clients ....................................................................................... 607
DHCP Server Setup ................................................................................. 607
tftpd and the Boot Loader ......................................................................... 609
The NFS Server and the Diskless Client Userland ......................................... 609
Diskless Farm Configuration .................................................................................. 611
The /conf/base Directory ......................................................................... 611
The /conf/default Directory ................................................................................... 612
Per-Subnet and Per-Client Directories ......................................................... 612
Diskless Packages and Files ................................................................................... 613
Installing Packages .................................................................................. 613
Diskless Configuration Files ...................................................................... 613
NanoBSD: Building Your Own Appliances .............................................................. 615
What Is NanoBSD? ................................................................................. 616
Your Hardware and Your Flash Drive ........................................................ 617
The NanoBSD Toolkit ............................................................................... 618
Expanding FlashDevice.sub ...................................................................... 618
NanoBSD Configuration Options .............................................................. 619
A Sample NanoBSD Configuration ............................................................ 621
Building NanoBSD .................................................................................. 624
Customizing NanoBSD ............................................................................ 627
Using NanoBSD ...................................................................................... 629
Live Media with FreeSBIE ...................................................................................... 630
Installing the FreeSBIE Toolkit .................................................................... 631
Configuring FreeSBIE ............................................................................... 631
FreeSBIE Plug-ins ..................................................................................... 634
C on te nt s in D e ta il
Choosing Packages ................................................................................. 635
Building a FreeSBIE Image ....................................................................... 636
Rebuilding FreeSBIE ................................................................................. 636
What Causes Panics? ........................................................................................... 637
Recognizing Panics .............................................................................................. 638
Responding to a Panic .......................................................................................... 639
Preparations ........................................................................................... 640
The Crash Dump in Action ........................................................................ 640
Configuring Crash Dumps ........................................................................ 640
Debugging Kernels .................................................................................. 641
When Panic Strikes: Manual Crash Dumps .............................................................. 642
Using the Dump ................................................................................................... 643
Getting a Backtrace ................................................................................. 643
vmcore and Security ................................................................................ 645
Submitting Problem Reports ................................................................................... 646
Before Filing a PR .................................................................................... 647
Bad PRs ................................................................................................. 648
Good PRs ............................................................................................... 649
A Sample PR .......................................................................................... 652
Submitting the PR .................................................................................... 653
After Submitting the PR ............................................................................. 653
The Community .................................................................................................... 655
Why Do We Do It? .............................................................................................. 656
What Can You Do? .............................................................................................. 657
If Nothing Else . . . ............................................................................................... 658
Getting Things Done ............................................................................................. 658
C on t en t s in D et ai l
It gives me great pleasure to write the foreword to
Michael Lucas’s Absolute FreeBSD. For five years, Michael’s
Absolute series has provided the definitive guide to BSD
software, not just as a reference, but also as a narrative for real human beings.
This is an important distinction, because while there is no lack of excellent
reference material on FreeBSD, this book provides a nuts-and-bolts tutorial
that readers will find an invaluable companion.
Michael is an active long-term contributor in the FreeBSD community.
Absolute FreeBSD draws on his experience with the many ways in which people
use FreeBSD in the real world—what they want to do, what works, and what
doesn’t. Apart from covering the use of FreeBSD, Michael will tell you about
the thousands of software developers—from hobbyists to professional developers and university professors—who write FreeBSD and about the evolution
of this community and its software. What I would like to do is invite you to
become a part of that community.
FreeBSD is a powerful network operating system with state-of-the-art
features that make it not only one of the most widely used pieces of software
in the world, but also an easy and practical tool on which to build and
provision services. From the Yahoo! and Verio websites to NetApp storage
products, from Cisco anti-spam appliances and Juniper routers to the root
nameservers—it’s hard to throw a rock on the Internet without hitting
FreeBSD. However, FreeBSD is not the product of any one company, but of a
large open source community: the FreeBSD Project, made up of developers,
users, and countless supporters and advocates. While you can, as many people
do, use FreeBSD simply as a piece of software without ever interacting with
that community, you can significantly enrich your FreeBSD experience by
becoming a part of that community.
Whether you are a first-time user or a kernel hacker, the resources available via the website, countless mailing lists, regional
user groups, and conferences can be invaluable. Have a question? Just email, and one or more of the hundreds of volunteers will
undoubtedly answer it. Want to learn more about the exciting new features
coming in future FreeBSD versions? Read the Project’s quarterly status
reports, development mailing lists, or attend one of the many regional BSD
conferences taking place around the world; at the time of writing, the most
recent addition is the first BSDConTR in Istanbul, Turkey.
These resources are a product of the FreeBSD Project and its community,
a large number of collaborating individuals and companies, as well as the
FreeBSD Foundation, a nonprofit organization coordinating funding, legal
resources, and support for development work and community activities.
Michael’s easy-to-use book provides a gateway for newbies to benefit from
this community’s expertise and to become active users of FreeBSD themselves.
FreeBSD is open source software, available for you to use and distribute
at no charge. By helping to support, advocate, or even develop FreeBSD, you
can give back to the FreeBSD Project and help this community grow.
Whether you are a new user of FreeBSD or an experienced one, I am
confident you will find Absolute FreeBSD a book you want to keep close at hand.
Robert N.M. Watson
FreeBSD Core Team Member
President, FreeBSD Foundation
Cambridge, UK
September 2007
F orew ord
I would like to thank all the members of the FreeBSD
community for their hard work, dedication, and
friendship. FreeBSD has saved my hide on numerous
occasions, and I’m delighted to give something back. In that community,
however, there are a few people who I want to specifically thank by name.
Doug Barton, Ceri Davies, Alex Dupre, Max Laier, Alexander Leidinger,
Remko Lodder, Benno Rice, Tom Rhodes, Gleb Smirnoff, and Robert Watson
all provided valuable feedback on this book. Some of them read individual
chapters that they have special expertise in, while others read the whole
manuscript, whether they knew about the topics or not. Wilko Bulte not
only did a review of this book, he volunteered to do so after reviewing the
entire first edition of this book back in 2001. He certainly deserves some
sort of “iron man” award! John Baldwin did an excellent final technical
review, catching an astonishing variety of errors ranging from subtle to
blatant. Any errors in this book were introduced by myself despite these
people’s best efforts.
I’d like to thank David Boyd, David O’Brien, and Wilko Bulte for donating
a variety of hardware that made it possible for me to write this book. I’d
especially like to thank Matt Olander of iXSystems, who sent me a complete
amd64 server when I really, really needed one. Speaking of hardware, as I was
finishing this book, I was wondering where I would find a good kernel panic
to write about in the last chapter. FreeBSD obliged me. Thanks to Scott Long
for fixing that panic, so I could actually write Chapter 18.
As always, the folks at No Starch Press have worked their butts off to
bring this to you. You all deserve a long vacation after putting up with me—
tell Bill I said it’s okay. Similarly, the fine staff at the School of Chinese
Martial Arts deserve a vacation from me. Sadly, now that this book is done
I’ll be spending some quality time on the mats, so they don’t get any time
off. Sorry, folks.
And, as always, I’m grateful that my wife did not succumb to the temptation to bash me over the head with a shovel and bury me and my laptop
behind the garage while I was finishing this book. She’s been more than
patient waiting for me to finish up so I could take out the trash. Last March’s
trash, that is . . .
Michael Lucas
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
September 2007
Ac kn owl edg m en ts
Welcome to Absolute FreeBSD! This book is
a one-stop shop for system administrators
who want to build, configure, and manage
FreeBSD servers. It will also be useful for those folks
who want to run FreeBSD on their desktops, servers,
diskless system farms, and so on. By the time you finish
this book, you should be able to use FreeBSD to provide network services.
You should also understand how to manage, patch, and maintain your
FreeBSD systems and have a basic understanding of networking, system
security, and software management. We’ll discuss FreeBSD version 7, which
is the version recommended for production use at the time this book is
being released; however, most of this book applies to earlier and later
versions as well.
What Is FreeBSD?
FreeBSD is a freely available Unix-like operating system, used widely by
Internet service providers, in appliances and embedded systems, and
anywhere that reliability on commodity hardware is paramount. One day
last week, FreeBSD miraculously appeared on the Internet, fully formed,
extruded directly from the mutant brain of its heroic creator’s lofty intellect.
Just kidding; the truth is far more impressive. FreeBSD is a result of almost
three decades of continuous development, research, and refinement. The
story of FreeBSD begins in 1979, with BSD.
BSD: FreeBSD’s Granddaddy
Many years ago, AT&T needed a lot of specialized, custom-written computer
software to run its business. It was not allowed to compete in the computer
industry, however, so it could not sell its software. Instead, AT&T licensed
various pieces of software and the source code for that software to universities
at low, low prices. The universities could save money by using this software
instead of commercial equivalents with pricey licenses, and university students
with access to this nifty technology could read the source code to see how
everything worked. In return, AT&T got exposure, some pocket change, and
a generation of computer scientists who had cut their teeth on AT&T technology. Everyone got something out of the deal. The best-known software
distributed under this licensing plan was Unix.
Compared with modern operating systems, the original Unix had a lot of
problems. Thousands of students had access to its source code, however, and
hundreds of teachers needed interesting projects for their students. If a program behaved oddly, or if the operating system itself had a problem, the
people who lived with the system on a day-to-day basis had the tools and the
motivation to fix it. Their efforts quickly improved Unix and created many
features we now take for granted. Students added the ability to control
running processes, also known as job control. The Unix S51K filesystem made
system administrators cry like small children, so they replaced it with the Fast
File System, whose features have spread into every modern filesystem. Many
small, useful programs were written over the years, gradually replacing entire
swaths of Unix.
The Computer Science Research Group (CSRG) at the University of
California, Berkeley, participated in these improvements and also acted as
a central clearinghouse for Unix code improvements. The CSRG collected
changes from other universities, evaluated them, packaged them, and
distributed the compilation for free to anyone with a valid AT&T UNIX
license. The CSRG also contracted with the Defense Advanced Research
Projects Agency (DARPA) to implement various features in Unix, such as
TCP/IP. The resulting collection of software came to be known as the
Berkeley Software Distribution, or BSD.
I n t rod uct io n
BSD users took the software and improved it further, then fed their
enhancements back into BSD. Today, we consider this to be a fairly standard
way for an open source project to run, but in 1979 it was revolutionary. BSD
was also quite successful; if you check the copyright statement on an old BSD
system, you’ll see this:
Copyright 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994
The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
Yep, 15 years of work—a lifetime in software development. How many
other pieces of software are not only still in use, but still in active development,
15 years after work began? In fact, so many enhancements and improvements
went into BSD that the CSRG found that over the years, it had replaced almost
all of the original Unix with code created by the CSRG and its contributors.
You had to look hard to find any original AT&T code.
Eventually, the CSRG’s funding ebbed, and it became clear that the BSD
project would end. After some political wrangling within the University of
California, in 1992 the BSD code was released to the general public under
what became known as the BSD license.
The BSD License
BSD code is available for anyone to use under what is probably the most
liberal license in the history of software development. The license can be
summarized as follows:
Don’t claim you wrote this.
Don’t blame us if it breaks.
Don’t use our name to promote your product.
This means that you can do almost anything you want with BSD code.
(The original BSD license did require that users be notified if a software
product included BSD-licensed code, but that requirement was later
dropped.) There’s not even a requirement that you share your changes
with the original authors! People were free to take BSD and include it in
proprietary products, open source products, or free products—they could
even print it out on punch cards and cover the lawn with it. You want to run
off 10,000 BSD CDs and distribute them to your friends? Enjoy. Instead of
copyright, the BSD license is sometimes referred to as copycenter, as in Take this
down to the copy center and run off a few for yourself. Not surprisingly, companies
such as Sun Microsystems jumped right on it: It was free, it worked, and plenty
of new graduates had experience with the technology. One company, BSDi,
was formed specifically to take advantage of BSD Unix.
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The AT&T/CSRG/BSDi Iron Cage Match
At AT&T, UNIX work continued apace even as the CSRG went on its merry
way. AT&T took parts of the BSD Unix distribution and integrated them with
its UNIX, then relicensed the result back to the universities that provided
those improvements. This worked well for AT&T until the company was
broken up and the resulting companies were permitted to compete in the
computer software business. AT&T had one particularly valuable property: a
high-end operating system that had been extensively debugged by thousands of
people. This operating system had many useful features, such as a variety of
small but powerful commands, a modern filesystem, job control, and TCP/IP.
AT&T started a subsidiary, Unix Systems Laboratories (USL), which happily
started selling Unix to enterprises and charging very high fees for it, all the
while maintaining the university relationship that had given it such an
advanced operating system in the first place.
Berkeley’s public release of the BSD code in 1992 was met with great
displeasure from USL. Almost immediately, USL sued the university and the
software companies that had taken advantage of the software, particularly
BSDi. The University of California claimed that the CSRG had compiled BSD
from thousands of third-party contributors unrelated to AT&T, and so it was
the CSRG’s intellectual property to dispose of as it saw fit.
This lawsuit motivated many people to grab a copy of BSD to see what all
the fuss was about, while others started building products on top of it. One of
these products was 386BSD, which would eventually be used as the core of
FreeBSD 1.0.
In 1994, after two years of legal wrangling, the University of California
lawyers proved that the majority of AT&T UNIX was actually taken in its
entirety from BSD, rather than the other way around. To add insult to injury,
AT&T had actually violated the BSD license by stripping the CSRG copyright
from files it had assimilated. (Only a very special company can violate the
world’s most liberal software license!) A half-dozen files were the only sources
of contention, and to resolve these outstanding issues, USL donated some of
them to BSD while retaining some as proprietary information.
Once the dust settled, a new version of BSD Unix was released to the
world as BSD 4.4-Lite. A subsequent update, BSD 4.4-Lite2, is the grandfather
of the current FreeBSD, as well as ancestor to every other BSD variant in use
The Birth of FreeBSD
One early result of BSD was 386BSD, a version of BSD designed to run on the
cheap 386 processor.1 The 386BSD project successfully ported BSD to Intel’s
386 processor, but it stalled. After a period of neglect, a group of 386BSD
users decided to branch out on their own and create FreeBSD so that they
At the time, several thousand dollars for a computer was dirt cheap. You young punks have no
idea how good you have it.
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could keep the operating system up to date. (Several other groups started
their own branches off of 386BSD around the same time, of which only
NetBSD remains.)
386BSD and FreeBSD 1 were derived from 1992’s BSD release, the
subject of AT&T’s wrath. As a result of the lawsuit, all users of the original
BSD were requested to base any further work on BSD 4.4-Lite2. BSD 4.4-Lite2
was not a complete operating system—in particular, those few files AT&T
had retained as proprietary were vital to the system’s function. (After all, if
those files hadn’t been vital, AT&T wouldn’t have bothered!) The FreeBSD
development team worked frantically to replace those missing files, and
FreeBSD 2.0 was released shortly afterward. Development has continued
ever since.
Today, FreeBSD is used across the Internet by some of the most vital
and visible Internet-oriented companies. Yahoo! runs almost entirely on
FreeBSD. IBM, Nokia, Juniper, NetApp, and many other hardware companies use FreeBSD in embedded systems where you’d never even know it
unless someone told you. The fact is, if a company needs to pump serious
Internet bandwidth, it’s probably running FreeBSD or one of its BSD relatives.
Like smog, spiders, and corn syrup, FreeBSD is all around you; you simply
don’t see it because FreeBSD just works. The key to FreeBSD’s reliability is
the development team and user community—which are really the same thing.
FreeBSD Development
There’s an old saying that managing programmers is like herding cats. Despite
the fact that the FreeBSD development team is scattered across the world
and speaks dozens of languages, for the most part, the members work well
together as parts of the FreeBSD team. They’re more like a pride of lions
than a collection of house cats. Unlike some other projects, all FreeBSD
development happens in public. Three groups of people are responsible
for FreeBSD’s progress: committers, contributors, and users.
FreeBSD has about 500 developers, or committers. Committers have read-andwrite access to the FreeBSD master source code repository and can develop,
debug, or enhance any piece of the system. (The term committer comes from
their ability to commit changes to the source code.) Because these commits
can break the operating system in both subtle and obvious ways, committers
carry a heavy responsibility. Committers are responsible for keeping FreeBSD
working or, at worst, not breaking it as they add new features and evaluate
patches from contributors. Most of these developers are volunteers; only a
handful are actually paid to do this painstaking work, and most of those
people are paid only as it relates to other work. For example, Intel employs
a committer to ensure that FreeBSD properly supports its network cards.
FreeBSD has a high profile in the Internet’s heavy-lifting crowd, so Intel
needs its cards to work on FreeBSD.
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To plug yourself into the beehive of FreeBSD development, consider
subscribing to the mailing list, which contains
most of the technical discussion. Some of the technical talk is broken out
into more specific mailing lists—for example, fine details of the networking
implementation are discussed in
Every few years, the committer team elects a small number of its members
to serve as a core team, or Core. Core’s work is simultaneously vital, underrated,
and misunderstood. Core is theoretically responsible for the overall management of FreeBSD, but in practice, it manages little other than resolving
personality disputes and procedural conflicts among committers. Core also
approves new committers and delegates responsibility for large parts of
FreeBSD to individuals or groups. For example, it delegates authority over
the ports and packages system to the ports management team. Core does
not set architectural direction for FreeBSD, nor does it dictate processes or
procedures; that’s up to the committers, who must agree en masse. Core
does suggest, cajole, mediate, and inspire, however.
Core also experiences the worst part of management. Some of the key
functions of management in a company are oversight, motivation, and
handling problems between people. Oversight is provided by the millions
of users who will complain loudly when anything breaks or behaves unexpectedly, and FreeBSD committers are self-motivated. The ugly part of
management is settling a squabble between two people, and that’s the part
that Core has its hands full of. The status one gets from saying, “I’m in Core”
is an insufficient reward for having to manage an argument between two
talented developers who have gotten on each other’s nerves.
In addition to the committer team, FreeBSD has thousands of contributors.
Contributors don’t have to worry about breaking the main operating system
source code repository; they just submit patches for consideration by
committers. Committers evaluate contributor submissions and decide what
to accept and what to reject. A contributor who submits many high-quality
patches is often asked to become a committer himself.
For example, I spent several years contributing to FreeBSD whenever
the urge struck me. Any time I feel that I’ve wasted my life, I can look at the
FreeBSD website and see where my work was accepted by the committers and
distributed to thousands of people. After I submitted the first edition of this
book to the publisher, I spent my spare time submitting patches to the FreeBSD
FAQ. Eventually, some members of the FreeBSD Documentation Project
approached me and asked me to become a committer. As a reward, I got an
email address and the opportunity to humiliate myself before thousands of
people, once again demonstrating that no good deed goes unpunished.
If I had never contributed anything, I’d remain a user. Nothing’s wrong
with that, either.
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Users are the people who run FreeBSD systems. It’s impossible to realistically
estimate the number of FreeBSD users, although organizations such as the
BSDstats Project ( are making an effort. After all,
you can download the whole of FreeBSD for free and never register, upgrade,
or email a mailing list. Companies such as Netcraft estimate that between 5
and 15 percent of all computers attached to the Internet are BSD-based. If
you remove all the Windows boxes on corporate desktops, the percentage
rises considerably.
Since FreeBSD is by far the most popular open source BSD, that’s not
an inconsiderable number of machines. And since one FreeBSD server can
handle hundreds of thousands of Internet domains, a disproportionate
number of sites use FreeBSD as their supporting operating system. This
means that there are hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of FreeBSD
system administrators out in the world today.
Other BSDs
FreeBSD might be the most popular BSD, but it’s not the only one.
BSD 4.4-Lite2 spawned several different projects, each with its own focus
and purpose. Those projects in turn had their own offspring, several of
which thrive today.
NetBSD is similar to FreeBSD in many ways, and NetBSD and FreeBSD share
developers and code. NetBSD’s main goal is to provide a secure and reliable
operating system that can be ported to any hardware platform with minimal
effort. As such, NetBSD runs on VAXes, PocketPC devices, and high-end
SPARC and Alpha servers. I run NetBSD on my HP Jornada handheld
OpenBSD branched off from NetBSD in 1996 with the goal of becoming the
most secure BSD. OpenBSD was the first to support hardware-accelerated
cryptography, and its developers are rightfully proud of the fact that their
default installation was largely immune to remote exploits for several years.
The OpenBSD team has contributed several valuable pieces of software to
the world, the most notable being the OpenSSH suite used by almost every
operating system and hardware vendor today.
If you’re ever in a position where you need to prove that you are Alpha Geek amongst the pack,
running Unix on your palmtop will almost certainly do it.
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Mac OS X
Mac OS X? That’s right. Apple incorporates large chunks of FreeBSD into
its Mac OS X on an ongoing basis. If you’re looking for a stable operating
system with a friendly face and a powerful core, Mac OS X is unquestionably
for you. While FreeBSD makes an excellent desktop for a computer professional, I wouldn’t put it in front of Grandma. I would put Mac OS X in
front of Grandma without a second thought, however, and I’d even feel that
I was doing the right thing. But Mac OS X includes many things that aren’t
at all necessary for an Internet server, and it only runs on Apple hardware,
so I don’t recommend it as an inexpensive general-purpose server.
What’s more, code goes both ways. FreeBSD has incorporated code
originally developed for Mac OS X. And while you cannot view the user
interface source code for Mac OS X, you can get the source code to its BSD
core and Mach kernel. Apple has released both under the code name
FreeBSD’s Children
Several projects have taken FreeBSD and built other projects or products
on top of it. The award-winning FreeNAS transforms an x 86 system into a
network fileserver with just a simple menu. FreeSBIE is a bootable CD that
lets you run FreeBSD without installing it. The m0n0wall project is also a
bootable CD, but it transforms your system into a firewall with a nice web
management interface. PC-BSD puts a friendly face on FreeBSD, trying to
make FreeBSD usable by Grandma. Other projects like this appear from time
to time; while not all are successful, I’m sure by the time this book comes out,
we’ll have one or two more solid members of this group.
Other Unixes
Several other operating systems derive from or emulate primordial Unix in
one way or another. This list is by no means exhaustive, but I’ll touch on the
high points.
The best-known Unix is Sun Microsystems’ Solaris and its new offspring,
OpenSolaris. Solaris runs on high-end hardware that supports dozens of
processors and gobs of disk. (Yes, gobs is a technical term, meaning more than
you could possibly ever need, and I know very well that you need more disk than I
think you need.) Solaris, especially early versions of Solaris, had strong BSD
roots. Many enterprise-level applications run on Solaris. Solaris runs mainly
on the SPARC hardware platform manufactured by Sun, which allows Sun to
support interesting features such as hot-swappable memory and mainboards.
OpenSolaris increasingly targets commodity hardware, however.
I n t rod uct io n
One thing to note is that FreeBSD, Linux, and so on are called Unix-like instead of
Unix. The term Unix is a trademark of The Open Group. For an operating system to
receive the right to call itself Unix, the vendor must prove that the OS complies with the
current version of the Single Unix Specification. While FreeBSD generally meets the
standard, continuous testing and re-certification cost money, which the FreeBSD
Project doesn’t have to spare. Certification as Unix also requires that someone sign
a paper stating that not only is he or she responsible for FreeBSD’s conformance to
the Single Unix Specification, but that he or she will fix any deviations from the
standard that are found in the future. FreeBSD’s development model makes this even
more difficult—bugs are found and deviations are fixed, but there’s nobody who
can sign a piece of paper that guarantees 100 percent standards compliance.
Another Unix contender is IBM’s entry, AIX. AIX’s main claim to fame is its
journaling filesystem, which records all disk transactions as they happen and
allows for fast recovery from a crash. It was also IBM’s standard Unix for
many years, and anything backed by Big Blue shows up all over the place.
AIX is largely based on BSD.
Linux is a close cousin of Unix, written from the ground up. Linux is similar
to FreeBSD in many ways, though FreeBSD has a much longer heritage and
is more friendly to commercial use than Linux. Linux includes a requirement
that any user who distributes Linux must make his or her changes available
to the end user, while BSD has no such restriction. Of course, a Linux fan
would say, “FreeBSD is more vulnerable to exploitation than Linux.” Linux
developers believe in share-and-share-alike, while BSD developers offer a nostrings-attached gift to everyone. It all depends on what’s important to you.
Many new Unix users have a perception of conflict between the BSD and
Linux camps. If you dig a little deeper, however, you’ll find that most of the
developers of these operating systems communicate and cooperate in a friendly
and open manner. It’s just a hard fringe of users and developers that generate
friction, much like different soccer teams’ hooligans or fans of different Star
Trek series.
IRIX, HP/UX, and So On
Other Unixes include Silicon Graphics’ IRIX, a solid Unix for graphics
applications, and Hewlett-Packard’s HP/UX, popular in large enterprises.
A quick web search uncovers many smaller contenders, such as Tru64 Unix
and the suicidal SCO Group’s UnixWare. You’ll also find old castoffs such as
Apple’s A/UX and Microsoft’s Xenix. (Yes, Microsoft was a licensed Unix
vendor, back in that age when dinosaurs watched the skies nervously and my
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dad hunted mammoth for tribal rituals.) Many high-end applications are
designed to run best on one particular flavor of Unix. All modern Unixes
have learned lessons from these older operating systems, and today’s Unixes
and Unix-like operating systems are remarkably similar.
FreeBSD’s Strengths
After all this, what makes FreeBSD unique?
The FreeBSD Project’s goal is to provide a freely redistributable, stable, and
secure operating system that runs on the computer hardware that people are
most likely to have access to. Today this means Intel x 86-compatible systems
such as the 486, the various Pentiums, AMD, and so on, as well as AMD’s
amd64 architecture (copied by Intel as EM64T). Older x86 systems no
longer work out of the box with newer versions of FreeBSD, but most of
those systems are either long dysfunctional or aren’t about to change
operating systems any time soon.
The ARM platform used in embedded devices is a new addition to
FreeBSD and is well supported on specific embedded boards. FreeBSD also
supports Sun’s SPARC systems and Intel’s Itanium (IA64), as well as the
PowerPC processor recently used by Apple. While these other platforms
are not afterthoughts, they don’t receive the same level of attention that
x 86 and amd64 do.
Since FreeBSD runs adequately on 386 hardware, it runs extremely well on
modern computers. It’s rather nice to have an operating system that doesn’t
demand a Pentium III and half a gig of RAM just to run the user interface. As
a result, you can actually dedicate your hardware to accomplishing real work
rather than tasks you don’t care about. If you choose to run a pretty graphical
interface with all sorts of spinning geegaws and fancy whistles, FreeBSD will
support you; it just won’t penalize you if you don’t want that. FreeBSD will
also support you on the latest n-CPU hardware.
Simplified Software Management
FreeBSD also simplifies software management through the Ports Collection.
Traditionally, running software on a Unix-like system required a great deal
of expertise. The Ports Collection simplifies this considerably by automating
and documenting the install, uninstall, and configuration processes for
thousands of software packages.
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Optimized Upgrade Process
Unlike operating systems that require painful and risky upgrade procedures,
FreeBSD’s simple upgrade process builds an operating system optimized for
your hardware and applications. This lets FreeBSD use every feature supported
by your hardware, instead of just the lowest common denominator. If you
change hardware, you can rebuild your operating system to best handle that
particular hardware. Vendors such as Sun and Apple do exactly this, but they
control both the hardware and the software; FreeBSD pulls off the same trick
on commodity hardware.
Advanced Filesystem
A filesystem is how information is stored on the physical disk—it is what maps
the file My Resume to a series of zeroes and ones on a hard drive. FreeBSD
supports very sophisticated filesystems and can support files up to a petabyte
(one thousand thousand gigabytes). Its default filesystem is highly damage
resistant and reads and writes files extremely quickly. The BSD filesystem is
advanced enough that many commercial Unix vendors have used it as a basis
for their own filesystems.
Who Should Use FreeBSD?
While FreeBSD can be used as a powerful desktop or development machine,
its history shows a strong bias towards web, mail, file, and support services.
FreeBSD is most famous for its strengths as an Internet server, and it is an
excellent choice as an underlying platform for any network service. If major
firms such as Yahoo! count on FreeBSD to provide reliable service, it will
work as well for you.
If you’re thinking of running FreeBSD (or any Unix) on your desktop,
you’ll need to understand how your computer works. FreeBSD is not your
best choice if you need point-and-click simplicity. If that’s your goal, get a
Mac so you can use the power of Unix when you need it and not worry about
it the rest of the time. If you want to learn FreeBSD, though, running it on
your desktop is the best way—as we’ll discuss later.
Who Should Run Another BSD?
NetBSD and OpenBSD are FreeBSD’s closest competitors. Unlike competitors
in the commercial world, this competition is mostly friendly. FreeBSD,
NetBSD, and OpenBSD freely share code and developers; some people
even maintain the same subsystems in multiple operating systems.
If you want to use old or oddball hardware, NetBSD is a good choice for
you. For several years I ran NetBSD on an ancient SGI workstation that I used
as a Domain Name System (DNS) and fileserver. It did the job well until the
hardware finally released a cloud of smoke and stopped working.
I nt r odu ct ion
OpenBSD has implemented an impressive variety of security features.
Many of the tools are eventually integrated into FreeBSD, but that takes
months or years. If you have real security concerns but don’t need sophisticated multiprocessor support, you might look at OpenBSD.
If you’re just experimenting to see what’s out there, any BSD is good!
Who Should Run a Proprietary Operating System?
Operating systems such as Solaris, Windows, AIX, and their ilk are still quite
popular, despite the open source operating systems gnawing at their market
share. High-end enterprises are pretty tightly shackled to these operating
systems. While this is slowly changing, you’re probably stuck with commercial
operating systems in such environments. But slipping in an occasional
FreeBSD machine to handle basic services such as monitoring and department file serving can make your life much easier at much lower cost. Yahoo!
and NetApp have built entire businesses using FreeBSD instead of commercial
operating systems.
Of course, if the software you need only runs on a proprietary operating
system, your choice is pretty clear. Still, always ask a vendor if a FreeBSD
version is available; you might be pleasantly surprised.
How to Read This Book
Many computer books are thick and heavy enough to stun an ox, if you have
the strength to lift them high enough. Plus, they’re either encyclopedic in
scope or so painfully detailed that they’re difficult to actually read. Do you
really need to reference a screenshot when you’re told click OK or accept the
license agreement? And when was the last time you actually sat down to read
the encyclopedia?
Absolute FreeBSD is a little different. It’s designed to be read once, from
front to back. You can skip around if you want to, but each chapter builds on
what comes before it. While this isn’t a small book, it’s smaller than many
popular computer books. After you’ve read it once, it makes a decent
If you’re a frequent buyer of computer books, please feel free to insert
all that usual crud about “read a chapter at a time for best learning” and so
on. I’m not going to coddle you—if you picked up this book, you either have
two brain cells to rub together or you’re visiting someone who does. (If it’s
the latter, hopefully your host is smart enough to take this book away from
you before you learn enough to become dangerous.)
What Must You Know?
This book is aimed at the new Unix administrator. Two decades ago, the
average Unix administrator had kernel programming experience and was
working on his master’s degree in computer science. Even a decade ago, he
was already a skilled Unix user with real programming skills and most of a
bachelor’s degree in comp sci. Today, Unix-like operating systems are freely
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available, computers are cheaper than food, and even 12-year-old children
can run Unix, read the source code, and learn enough to intimidate older
folks. As such, I don’t expect you to know a huge amount about Unix before
firing it up.
To use this book to its full potential, you need to have familiarity with
some basic tasks, such as how to change directories, list files in a directory,
and log in with a username and password. If you’re not familiar with basic
commands and the Unix shell, I recommend you begin with a book like
UNIX System Administration Handbook by Evi Nemeth and friends (Prentice
Hall PTR, 2006). To make things easier on newer system administrators,
I include the exact commands needed to produce the desired results. If you
learn best by example, you should have everything you need right here.
You’ll also need to know something about computer hardware—not a
huge amount, mind you, but something. For example, it helps to know how
to recognize an IDE, SCSI, or SATA cable. Your need for this knowledge
depends on the hardware you’re using, but if you’re interested enough to
pick up this book and read this far, you probably know enough.
For the New System Administrator
If you’re new to Unix, the best way to learn is to eat your own dog food. No,
I’m not suggesting that you dine with Rover. If you ran a dog food company,
you’d want to make a product that your own dog eats happily. If your dog
turns his nose up at your latest recipe, you have a problem. The point here is
that if you work with a tool or create something, you should actually use it.
The same thing applies to any Unix-like operating system, including FreeBSD.
Desktop FreeBSD
If you’re serious about learning FreeBSD, I suggest wiping out the operating
system on your main computer and running FreeBSD instead. Yes, I know,
now that dog food doesn’t sound so bad. But learning an operating system is
like learning a language; total immersion is the quickest and most powerful
way to learn. That’s what I did, and today I can make a Unix-like system do
anything I want. In fact, this book was composed entirely on a FreeBSD
laptop, using the open source text editor XEmacs and the
business suite. I also use FreeBSD to watch movies, rip and listen to MP3s,
balance my bank accounts, process my email, and surf the Web. As I write
this, I have a dozen animated BSD daemons running around on top of my
desktop windows, and I occasionally take a break to zap them with my mouse.
If this doesn’t count as a Stupid Desktop Trick, I don’t know what does.3
Many Unix system administrators these days come from a Windows
background. They’re beavering away in their little world when management
swoops by and says, “You can handle one more system, can’t you? Glad to
In the first edition of this book, I neglected to mention exactly how to do a similar Stupid
Desktop Trick, which generated more questioning email than any other topic in the whole
book. That’s a mistake I won’t make again!
I nt r odu ct ion
hear it! It’s a Unix box, by the way,” and then vanishes into the managerial
ether. Once the new Unix administrator decides to not slit his wrists, the
boss’s wrists, or start a fresh and exciting career as a whale autopsy technician,
he tentatively pokes at the system. He learns that ls is like dir and that cd is
the same on both platforms. He can learn the commands by rote, reading,
and experience. What he cannot learn, coming from this background, is how
a Unix machine thinks. Unix will not adjust to you; you must adjust to it.
Windows and OS X require similar adjustments, but they hide this behind a
glittering facade. With that in mind, let’s spend a little time learning how to
think about Unix.
How to Think About Unix
These days, most Unix systems come with pretty GUIs out of the box, but
they’re just eye candy. The real work happens on the command line, no
matter how many tools purport to hide it. The command line is actually
one of Unix’s strengths, and it is responsible for its unparalleled flexibility.
Unix’s underlying philosophy is many small tools, each of which does a
single job well. My laptop’s local programs directory (/usr/local/bin) has
662 programs in it. I have installed every one of them, either directly or
indirectly. Most are small, simple programs that only do one task, with
occasional exceptions, such as the office suite. This array of small tools
makes Unix extremely flexible and adaptable. Many commercial software
packages try to do everything; they wind up with all sorts of capabilities but
only mediocre performance in their core functions. Remember, at one time
you needed to be a programmer to use a Unix system, let alone run one.
Programmers don’t mind building their own tools. The Unix concept of
channels encouraged this.
Channels of Communication
People used to GUI environments such as Windows and Mac OS X are
probably unfamiliar with how Unix handles output and input. They’re used
to clicking something and seeing either an OK message, an error, nothing,
or (all too often) a pretty blue screen with nifty high-tech letters explaining
in the language called Geek why the system crashed. Unix does things a little
Unix programs have three channels of communication: standard input,
standard output, and standard error. Once you understand how each of
these channels works, you’re a good way along to understanding the whole
Standard input is the source of information. When you’re at the console
typing a command, the standard input is the data coming from the keyboard.
If a program is listening to the network, the standard input is the network.
Many programs can rearrange standard input to accept data from the
network, a file, another program, the keyboard, or any other source.
The standard output is where the program’s output is displayed. This is
frequently the console (screen). Network programs usually return their
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output to the network. Programs might send their output to a file, another
program, over the network, or anywhere else available to the computer.
Finally, standard error is where the program sends its error messages.
Frequently, console programs return their errors to the console; others log
errors in a file. If you set up a program incorrectly, it just might discard all
error information.
These three channels can be arbitrarily arranged, a concept that is
perhaps the biggest hurdle for new Unix users and administrators. For
example, if you don’t like the error messages appearing on the terminal,
you can redirect them to a file. If you don’t want to repeatedly type a lot
of information into a command, you can put the information into a file
(so you can reuse it) and dump the file into the command’s standard input.
Or, better still, you can run a command to generate that information and put
it in a file, or just pipe (send) the output of the first command directly to the
second, without even bothering with a file.
Small Programs, Channels, and the Command Line
Taken to its logical extreme, these input/output channels and the variety of
tools seem overwhelming. When I saw a sysadmin type something like the
following during my initial Unix training session, I gave serious consideration
to changing careers.
$ tail -f /var/log/messages | grep -v popper | grep -v named &
Lines of incomprehensible text began spilling across the screen, and
they kept coming. And worse still, my mentor kept typing as gibberish
poured out! If you’re from a point-and-click computing environment, a long
string of commands like this is definitely intimidating. What do all those
funky words mean? And an ampersand? You want me to learn what ?
Think of learning to use the command line as learning a language.
When learning a language, we start with simple words. As we increase our
vocabulary, we also learn how to string the words together. We learn that
placing words in a certain order makes sense, and that a different order
makes no sense at all. You didn’t speak that well at three years old—give
yourself some slack and you’ll get there.
Smaller, simpler programs and channels of communication provide
almost unlimited flexibility. Have you ever wished you could use a function
from one program in another program? By using a variety of smaller programs and arranging the inputs and outputs as you like, you can make
a Unix system behave in any manner that amuses you. Eventually, you’ll
feel positively crippled if you can’t just run a command’s output through
| sort -rnk 6 | less. 4
This ugly thing takes the output of the last command, sorts it in reverse order by the contents
of the sixth column, and presents it one screen at a time. If you have hundreds of lines of output,
and you want to know which entries have the highest values in the sixth column, this is how you
do it. Or, if you have lots of time, you can dump the output to a spreadsheet and fiddle with
equally obscure commands for a much longer time.
I nt r odu ct ion
Everything Is a File
You can’t be around Unix for very long before hearing that everything is a
file. Programs, account information, and system configuration are all stored
in files. Unix has no Windows-style registry; if you back up the files, you have
the whole system.
What’s more, the system identifies system hardware as files! Your CD-ROM
drive is a file, /dev/acd0. Network cards appear as files in /dev/net. Even virtual
devices, such as packet sniffers and partitions on hard drives, are files.
When you have a problem, keep this fact in mind. Everything is a file or
is in a file, somewhere on your system. All you have to do is find it!
Notes on the Second Edition
When I wrote my first technical book, the members of the BSD family had
huge amounts in common. A system administrator familiar with one BSD
could sit down at a different one and have the environment tuned nicely in
an hour or two. Some tools were in a different place, the boot sequences
were slightly different, and some features didn’t quite match, but on the
whole, each was just another derivative of BSD 4.4. That was five years ago,
and in the meantime each BSD has marched down a different path. While
they still have a lot in common, the differences are broad enough that I no
longer feel comfortable saying that much of this book is largely applicable to
all three BSDs. As such, this is Absolute FreeBSD, 2nd Edition, instead of just
Absolute BSD, 2nd Edition.
You’ll find other changes from the first edition, of course. The differences
between FreeBSD 4 and FreeBSD 7 vary from the dramatic to the subtle, and
either can trip you up if you’re not careful. Many tools for making Sendmail
manageable and friendly have been integrated into the system, so I cover
Sendmail instead of Postfix. (I still like Postfix, but this is a FreeBSD book.)
In 2000, it was unthinkable to have a computer without a floppy disk drive;
now, some computers ship without any integrated removable-media drives
whatsoever. This makes diskless work much more important, because for
some hardware, it’s the only way to get an operating system on the machine!
Lastly, FreeBSD has evolved greatly in the last five years, and I’ve learned more
in that time than I would have believed possible. Hopefully, this combination
makes Absolute FreeBSD, 2nd Edition a quantum leap better than its predecessor.
Contents of This Book
Absolute FreeBSD, 2nd Edition contains the following chapters.
Chapter 1: Getting More Help
This chapter discusses the information resources the FreeBSD Project
and its devotees provide for users. No one book can cover everything,
but knowing how to use the many FreeBSD resources on the Internet
helps fill any gaps you find here.
In t ro duc ti on
Chapter 2: Installing FreeBSD
This chapter gives you an overview of installing FreeBSD and offers
advice on an optimal install.
Chapter 3: Start Me Up! The Boot Process
This chapter teaches you about the FreeBSD boot process and how to
make your system start, stop, and reboot in different configurations.
Chapter 4: Read This Before You Break Something Else!
Here we discuss how to back up your data on both a system-wide and a
file-by-file level, and how to make your changes so that they can be easily
Chapter 5: Kernel Games
This chapter describes configuring the FreeBSD kernel. Unlike some
other operating systems, you are expected to tune FreeBSD’s kernel to
best suit your purposes. This gives you tremendous flexibility and lets you
optimize your hardware’s potential.
Chapter 6: The Network
Here we discuss the network and how it works in FreeBSD.
Chapter 7: Securing Your System
This chapter teaches you how to make your computer resist attackers
and intruders.
Chapter 8: Disks and Filesystems
This chapter covers some of the details of working with hard drives in
FreeBSD, support for other filesystems, and a few network filesystems.
Chapter 9: Advanced Security Features
Here we discuss some of the more interesting security features found in
Chapter 10: Exploring /etc
This chapter describes the many configuration files in FreeBSD and how
they operate.
Chapter 11: Making Your System Useful
Here I describe the ports and packages system that FreeBSD uses to
manage add-on software.
Chapter 12: Advanced Software Management
This chapter discusses some of the finer points of running software on
FreeBSD systems.
Chapter 13: Upgrading FreeBSD
This chapter teaches you how to use FreeBSD’s upgrade process. The
upgrade system is among the most remarkable and smooth of any operating system.
Chapter 14: The Internet Road Map: DNS
This chapter describes DNS and teaches you how to install and troubleshoot it.
I nt r odu ct ion
Chapter 15: Small System Services
Here we discuss some of the small programs you’ll need to manage in
order to use FreeBSD properly.
Chapter 16: Spam, Worms, and Viruses (Plus Email, If You Insist)
This chapter describes how to set up an email system on FreeBSD to reliably deliver mail and repel spam and viruses.
Chapter 17: Web and FTP Services
This chapter teaches you how to set up and secure these two vital
Internet services.
Chapter 18: Disk Tricks with GEOM
This chapter goes over some of the fancy techniques FreeBSD supports
for mirroring disks, exporting disk devices across the network, and generally having a good old time protecting and manipulating your data.
Chapter 19: System Performance and Monitoring
This chapter covers some of FreeBSD’s performance-testing and troubleshooting tools and shows you how to interpret the results. We also discuss
system logging and FreeBSD’s SNMP implementation.
Chapter 20: The Fringe of FreeBSD
This chapter teaches you some of the more interesting tricks you can do
with FreeBSD, such as running systems without disks and with tiny disks,
as well as some live failover and redundancy setups.
Chapter 21: System (and Sysadmin) Panics and Crashes
This chapter teaches you how to deal with those rare occasions when a
FreeBSD system fails, how to debug problems, and how to create a useful
problem report.
Appendix: Some Interesting sysctl MIBs
This appendix provides basic information about some of the kerneltuning options available for your use.
Okay, enough with the introductory stuff. Onward!
In t ro duc ti on
As thick as this book is, it still can’t possibly
cover everything you must know about
FreeBSD. After all, Unix has been kicking
around for close to four decades, BSD is over a
quarter-century old, and FreeBSD is already a teenager.
Even if you memorize this book, it won’t cover every
situation you might encounter—especially when FreeBSD starts acting like a
typical teenager and needs a good smack. The FreeBSD Project supports a
huge variety of information resources, including numerous mailing lists and
the FreeBSD website, not to mention the official manual and Handbook. Its
users maintain even more documentation. The flood of information can be
overwhelming in itself, and it can make you want to just email the world and
beg for help. But before you send a question to a mailing list, confirm that
the information you need isn’t already available.
Why Not Just Email for Help?
The FreeBSD mailing lists are the best-known support resources. Many mailing list participants are very knowledgeable and can answer your questions
very quickly. But remember, when you mail a question to a FreeBSD mailing
list, you are asking tens of thousands of people all over the world to take a
moment to read your email. You’re also asking that one or more of them
take the time to help you instead of watching a favorite movie, enjoying
dinner with their families, or catching up on sleep. Problems arise when
these experts answer the same question 10, 50, or even hundreds of times.
They become grumpy. Some get downright tetchy.
What makes matters worse is that these same people have spent a
great deal of time and effort making the answers to most of these questions
available elsewhere. If you make it clear that you have already searched the
resources and your answer really doesn’t appear therein, you will probably
receive a polite, helpful answer. If you ask a question that has already been
asked several hundred times, however, the expert on that subject just might
snap and go ballistic on you. Do your homework, and chances are you’ll get
an answer more quickly than a fresh call to the mailing list could provide.
The FreeBSD Attitude
“Homework? What do you mean? Am I back in school? What do you want,
burnt offerings on bended knee?” Yes, you are in school. The information
technology business is nothing but lifelong, self-guided learning. Get used
to it or get out. Burnt offerings, on the other hand, are difficult to transmit
via email and are not quite so useful today.
Most commercial operating systems conceal their inner workings. The
only access you have to them is through the options presented by the vendor.
Even if you want to learn how something works, you probably can’t. When
something breaks, you have no choice but to call the vendor and grovel for
help. Worse, the people paid to help you frequently know little more than
you do.
If you’ve never worked with open source software vendors, FreeBSD’s
support mechanism might surprise you. There is no toll-free number to call
and no vendor to escalate within. No, you may not speak to a manager, for a
good reason: You are the manager. Congratulations on your promotion!
Support Options
Having said that, you’re not entirely on your own. The FreeBSD community
includes numerous developers, contributors, and users who care very deeply
about FreeBSD’s quality, and they’re happy to work with you. FreeBSD
provides everything you need: complete access to the source code used to
create the system, the tools needed to turn that source code into programs,
and the same debuggers used by the developers. Nothing is hidden; you can
see the innards, warts and all. You can view FreeBSD’s development history
C ha pt er 1
since the beginning, including every change ever made and the reason for it.
These tools might be beyond your abilities, but that’s not the Project’s problem. Various community members are even happy to provide guidance as you
develop your own skills so you can use those tools yourself. You’ll have lots of
help fulfilling your responsibilities.
As a grossly overgeneralized rule, people help those like themselves.
If you want to use FreeBSD, you must make the jump from eating what the
vendor gives you to learning how to cook. Every member of the FreeBSD
user community learned how to use it, and they welcome interested new
users with open arms. If you just want to know what to type without really
understanding what’s going on behind the scenes, you’ll be better off
reading the documentation: The general FreeBSD support community
simply isn’t motivated to help those who won’t help themselves or who
can’t follow instructions.
If you want to use FreeBSD but have neither the time nor the inclination
to learn more, invest in a commercial support contract. It might not be able to
put you in touch with FreeBSD’s owner, but at least you’ll have someone
to yell at. You’ll find several commercial support providers listed on the
FreeBSD website.
It’s also important to remember that the FreeBSD Project only maintains FreeBSD. If you’re having trouble with some other piece of software, a
FreeBSD mailing list is not the place to ask for help. FreeBSD developers are
generally proficient in a variety of software, but that doesn’t mean that they
want to help you, say, configure KDE.
The first part of your homework, then, is to learn about the resources
available beyond this book. These include the integrated manual, the
FreeBSD website, the mailing list archives, and other websites.
Man Pages
Man pages (short for manual pages) are the primordial way of presenting
Unix documentation. While man pages have a reputation for being obtuse,
difficult, or even incomprehensible, they’re actually quite friendly—for
particular users. When man pages were first created, the average system
administrator was a C programmer and, as a result, the pages were written
by programmers, for programmers. If you can think like a programmer, man
pages are perfect for you. I’ve tried thinking like a programmer, but I only
achieved real success after remaining awake for two days straight. (Lots of
caffeine and a high fever help.)
Over the last several years, the skill level required for system administration has dropped; no longer must you be a programmer. Similarly, man pages
have become more and more readable. Man pages are not tutorials, however;
they explain the behavior of one particular program, not how to achieve a
desired effect. While they’re neither friendly nor comforting, they should be
your first line of defense. If you send a question to a mailing list without
checking the manual, you’re likely to get a terse man whatever in response.
Get t in g M ore Hel p
Manual Sections
The FreeBSD manual is divided into nine sections. Roughly speaking, the
sections are:
General user commands
System calls and error numbers
C programming libraries
Devices and device drivers
File formats
Game instructions
Miscellaneous information
System maintenance commands
Kernel interfaces
Each man page starts with the name of the command it documents
followed by its section number in parenthesis, like this: reboot(8). When you
see something in this format in other documents, it’s telling you to read that
man page in that section of the manual. Almost every topic has a man page.
For example, to see the man page for the editor vi, type this command:
$ man vi
In response, you should see the following:
ex, vi, view - text editors
ex [-eFGRrSsv] [-c cmd] [-t tag] [-w size] [file ...]
vi [-eFGlRrSv] [-c cmd] [-t tag] [-w size] [file ...]
view [-eFGRrSv] [-c cmd] [-t tag] [-w size] [file ...]
The vi program is freely redistributable. You are welcome to copy,
modify and share it with others under the conditions listed in the
LICENSE file. If any company (not individual!) finds vi sufficiently
useful that you would have purchased it, or if any company wishes to
redistribute it, contributions to the authors would be appreciated.
Vi is a screen oriented text editor. Ex is a line-oriented text editor
Ex and vi are different interfaces to the same program, and it is
possible to switch back and forth during an edit session. View is the
The page starts with the title of the man page (vi) and the section
number (1), and then it gives the name of the page. This particular page
has three names: ex, vi, and view. Typing man ex or man view would take you
to this same page.
C ha pt er 1
Navigating Man Pages
Once you’re in a man page, pressing the spacebar or the PGDN key takes you
forward one full screen. If you don’t want to go that far, pressing ENTER or the
down arrow scrolls down one line. Typing B or pressing the PGUP key takes
you back one screen. To search within a man page, type / followed by the word
you’re searching for. You’ll jump down to the first appearance of the word,
which will be highlighted. Typing N subsequently takes you to the next
occurrence of the word.
This assumes that you’re using the default BSD pager, more(1). If you’re
using a different pager, use that pager’s syntax. Of course, if you know so
much about Unix that you’ve already set your preferred default pager, you’ve
probably skipped this part of the book entirely.
Finding Man Pages
New users often say that they’d be happy to read the man pages, if they
could find the right one. You can perform basic keyword searches on the
man pages with apropos(1) and whatis(1). apropos(1) searches for any man page
name or description that includes the word you specify. whatis(1) does the
same search, but only matches whole words. For example, if you’re interested
in the vi command, you might try the following:
$ apropos vi
- add a device node to the tree with a given priority
- print information about a device
BUS_READ_IVAR(9), BUS_WRITE_IVAR(9) - manipulate bus-specific device instance
- attach a device
This continues for a total of 581 entries, which is probably far more
than you want to look at. Most of these have nothing to do with vi(1),
however; the letters vi just appear in the name or description. Device driver is
a fairly common term in the manual, so that’s not surprising. On the other
hand, whatis(1) gives more useful results in this case.
$ whatis vi
ex(1), vi(1), view(1)
etags(1), ctags(1)
- text editors
- generate tag file for Emacs, vi
There are only two results, and both clearly have relevance to vi(1). On
other searches, apropos(1) gives better results than whatis(1). Experiment with
both and you’ll quickly learn how they fit your style.
Get t in g M ore Hel p
Section Numbers and Man
You might find cases where a single command appears in multiple parts of
the manual. For example, every man section has an introductory man page
that explains the contents of the section. To specify a section to search for a
man page, give the number immediately after the man command.
$ man 3 intro
This pulls up the introduction to section 3 of the manual. I recommend
you read the intro pages to each section of the manual, if only to help you
understand the breadth and depth of information available.
Man Page Contents
Man pages are divided into sections. While the author can put just about any
heading he likes into a man page, several are standard. See mdoc(7) for a
partial list of these headings as well as other man page standards:
NAME gives the name(s) of a program or utility. Some programs have
multiple names—for example, the vi(1) text editor is also available as
ex(1) and view(1).
SYNOPSIS lists the possible command-line options and their arguments,
or how a library call is accessed. If I’m already familiar with a program
but just can’t remember the option I’m looking for, I find that this
header is sufficient to remind me of what I need.
DESCRIPTION contains a brief description of the program, library, or
feature. The contents of this section vary widely depending on the topic,
as programs, files, and libraries all have very different documentation
OPTIONS gives a program’s command-line options and their effects.
BUGS describes known problems with the code and can frequently save
a lot of headaches. How many times have you wrestled with a computer
problem only to learn that it doesn’t work the way you would expect
under those circumstances? The goal of the BUGS section is to save you
time and describe known errors and other weirdness.1
SEE ALSO is traditionally the last section of a man page. Remember that
Unix is like a language, and the system is an interrelated whole. Like duct
tape, the SEE ALSO links hold everything together.
If you don’t have access to the manual pages at the moment, many
websites offer them. Among them is the main FreeBSD website.
C ha pt er 1
It’s called honesty. IT professionals may find this term unfamiliar, but a dictionary can help.
The FreeBSD website ( contains a variety of information about general FreeBSD administration, installation, and management.
The most useful portions are the Handbook, the FAQ, and the mailing list
archives, but you’ll also find a wide number of articles on dozens of topics.
In addition to documents about FreeBSD, the website also contains a great
deal of information about the FreeBSD Project’s internal management and
the status of various parts of the Project.
If you find that the main website works slowly for you, try using a mirror
site. The main site offers a drop-down box with a choice of national mirrors,
or you can just try Almost every country
has a local site that provides a duplicate of the FreeBSD website. I frequently
find that a mirror is more responsive than the main website.
Web Documents
The FreeBSD documentation is divided into articles and books. The difference
between the two is highly arbitrary: As a rule, books are longer than articles
and cover broader topics, while articles are short and focus on a single topic.
The two books that should most interest new users are the Handbook and
the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).
The Handbook is the FreeBSD Project’s tutorial-style manual. It is continuously updated, describes how to perform basic system tasks, and is an
excellent reference when you’re first starting on a project. In fact, I have
deliberately chosen not to include some topics in this book because they
have adequate coverage in the Handbook.
The FAQ is designed to provide quick answers to the questions most
frequently asked on the FreeBSD mailing lists. Some of the answers aren’t
suitable for inclusion in the Handbook, while others just point to the proper
Handbook chapter or article.
Several other books cover a variety of topics, from kernel debugging to
Project organization.
Of the 50 or so articles available, some are kept only for historical reasons
(such as the road map to releasing FreeBSD version 5), while others discuss
the subtleties of specific parts of the system such as serial ports or CVSup.
A few are old enough that they’re retained for only a handful of users who
are still stuck with 20th-century systems.
These documents are very formal, and they require preparation. As such,
they always lag a bit behind the real world. When a new feature is first rolled
out, the appropriate Handbook entry might not appear for weeks or months.
If the web documentation seems out of date, your best resource for up-to-theminute answers is the mailing list archive.
Get t in g M ore Hel p
The Mailing List Archives
Unless you’re really on the bleeding edge, someone has probably struggled
with your problem before and posted a question about it to the mailing lists.
After all, the archives go back to 1994 and contain close to two million messages. The only problem is that there are two million pieces of email, any one
of which might contain the answer you seek. (When the first edition of this
book came out, the archives contained only one million messages; they have
nearly doubled in size in the last few years!)
While FreeBSD provides a search facility for its web pages and the
mailing list archive, it pales beside the one offered by Google. Google has
a BSD-specific search site at Search for your error
message on Google, both in the regular web search and the Groups search.
Google Groups also indexes the FreeBSD mailing lists, and you can search
the website on Google by including the search term
in your query. Additionally, the Rambler search engine has a very good
FreeBSD-specific search engine at Rambler runs on
FreeBSD, and it employs at least one FreeBSD committer.
Other Websites
FreeBSD’s users have built a plethora of websites that you might check for
answers, help, education, products, and general hobnobbing. Here are some
of my favorites:
Daemon News (
This site provides links to news postings on all BSD topics, not just
FreeBSD Mall (
The people who run FreeBSD Mall have been commercial supporters of
FreeBSD since the beginning. They sell FreeBSD on CD and DVD and
offer training and support contracts, as well as FreeBSD paraphernalia
such as clothes and toys. FreeBSD Mall is owned by IX Systems.
O’Reilly Network BSD Developer Center ( )
This site hosts a variety of BSD articles, as well as content of interest to
BSD users. In my utterly unbiased opinion, the most fascinating thing
on the site is the Big Scary Daemons column on BSD, but everything else
there is also pretty good.
Using FreeBSD Problem-Solving Resources
Okay, let’s pick a common problem and use the FreeBSD resources to solve it.
I’ve seen this question more than once, on several different FreeBSD mailing
lists, so we’ll start with it.
C ha pt er 1
I’ve just installed FreeBSD on my 486 and the network isn’t
working. When I try to ping anything, the console shows
ed0: timeout. What’s wrong?
We’ll use several different methods to find an answer.
Checking the Handbook/FAQ
The Handbook doesn’t have anything relevant to the problem. In the FAQ,
however, this entry appears under Troubleshooting:
I keep seeing messages like "ed1: timeout". What's wrong?
That looks pretty darn close. Read the entry and try the solution presented.
Checking the Man Pages
As we go on, you’ll see that the numbers after device names are simply
instances of a particular device. If you see ed0, it just means device ed, unit
number 0. Every device driver has a man page, so if you type man ed to bring
up the manual entry for this device, you’ll see the following:
FreeBSD General Commands Manual
ed, red --
text editor
ed [-] [-sx] [-p string] [file]
red [-] [-sx] [-p string] [file]
The ed utility is a line-oriented text editor. It is used to create,
A text editor? What? My text editor is fine! Something obviously isn’t
right. Look closely at this man page; it’s from section 1 of the manual, the
General Commands section. You need to search the manual for other entries
containing ed. As the letters ed appear in an awful lot of manual pages, use
the more specific whatis(1) search.
$ whatis ed
ed(1), red(1)
- text editor
- NE-2000 and WD-80x3 Ethernet driver
Bingo! The text editor ed(1) is a general-purpose command. We want
the ed in section 4 of the manual. Type man 4 ed to bring up the manual page
for the network device. It’s pretty long, though, about 500 lines. Being lazy,
Get t in g M ore Hel p
I’d rather not read the whole thing—I’d rather just search for the part that
has the information I need. Looking at the error message, I guess that timeout
might be a good keyword to look for. Type /timeout and press ENTER.
ed%d: device timeout Indicates that an expected transmitter interrupt
did not occur. Usually caused by an interrupt conflict with another card
on the ISA bus.
Bingo again! Here we have a terse explanation of the problem and a
probable cause (interrupt timeout). We have a good old-fashioned IRQ
conflict, and if you’re actually on a 486, you know more about this problem
than you want to.
Checking the Mailing List Archives
You could use the FreeBSD website search engine to search the mailing list
archives, but I prefer either Google or Rambler. A search for ed0: timeout spits out a whole bunch of results. Some of them date from
1994. When I did this right now, the first response answered the question.
When I did this for the first edition, the first result was correct then, as well.
Now, isn’t that faster than composing an email to a mailing list?
Using Your Answer
Any answer you get for our ed0 timeout example assumes that you know what
an IRQ is and how to adjust one on your hardware. This is fairly typical of the
level of expertise required for basic problems. If you get an answer that is
beyond your comprehension, you need to do the research to understand it.
While an experienced developer or system administrator is probably not
going to be interested in explaining IRQs to you, he or she might be willing
to point you to a web page that explains them, if you ask nicely.
A S K I N G AG A I N . . . A N D AG AI N . . .
A N D AG AIN . . .
Some of the emails answering this problem date from 1994. Yes, that’s right, over a
dozen years ago! Remember when I mentioned people being sick of answering the
same questions over and over again? Some of these questions have been asked
many times over the years. Be sure you’ve checked all the resources where you
might find assistance for your problem. If you truly can’t find any other help, then
perhaps your problem is unique enough to warrant broadcasting it to the world.
C ha pt er 1
Emailing for Help
When you finally decide to ask for help, do so in a way that allows people to
actually provide the assistance you need. You must include all the information
you have at your disposal, as we will soon discuss. There’s a lot of suggested
information to include, and you can choose to skip some or all of it. If you
slack off and fail to provide all the necessary information, one of the following
things will happen:
Your question will be ignored.
You will receive a barrage of email asking you to gather this information.
On the other hand, if you actually want help solving your problem,
include the following pieces of information in your message:
A complete problem description. A message like How do I make my modem
work? only generates a multitude of questions: What do you want your
modem to do? What kind of modem is it? What are the symptoms? What
happens when you try to use it? How are you trying to use it?
The output of uname -a. This gives the operating system version and
If you have upgraded your system via csup, give the date and time of your
last update. (This is the date of the newest files in /usr/src.)
Any error output. Be as complete as possible, and include any messages
from the console or from your logs, especially /var/log/messages and any
application-specific logs. Messages about hardware problems should
include a copy of /var/run/dmesg.boot.
It’s much better to start with a message like My modem isn’t dialing my ISP.
The modem is a BastardCorp v.90 model BOFH667. My OS is version 7.2 on a dualcore Opteron. There are no error messages in /var/log/messages or /var/log/ppp.log.
You’ll skip a whole round of email with a message like this, and you’ll get
better results more quickly.
Writing Your Email
First, be polite. People often say things in email that they wouldn’t dream
of saying to someone’s face. These lists are staffed by volunteers who are
answering your message out of sheer kindness. Before you click that Send
button, ask yourself, Would I be late for my date with the hot twins down the hall
to answer this message? 2 The fierce attitude that is occasionally necessary when
working with corporate telephone-based support only makes these knowledgeable people delete your emails unread. Their world doesn’t have to include
Several developers have assured me that they absolutely would accept a date with said hot twins
in lieu of politeness. Large sacks of money also suffice, preferably large, unmarked bills.
Get t in g M ore Hel p
surly jerks. Screaming until someone helps you is a valuable skill when dealing with commercial software support, but it will actively hurt your ability to
get FreeBSD support.
Send your email in plaintext, not HTML. Many FreeBSD developers read
their email with a text-only email program such as mutt or elm. These are
very powerful tools for handling large amounts of email, but they do not
display HTML messages without contortions. To see for yourself what this is
like, install /usr/ports/mail/mutt and read some HTML email with it. If you
are using a graphic mail client such as Microsoft Outlook, either send your
email in plaintext or make sure that your messages include both a plaintext
and an HTML version. All mail clients can do this; it’s just a question of
discovering where your GUI hides the buttons. What’s more, be sure to wrap
your text at 72 characters. Sending email in HTML, or without decent linewrapping, is an invitation to have your email discarded unread.
Harsh? Not at all, once you understand whom you’re writing to. Most
email clients are poorly suited to handling thousands of messages a day,
scattered across dozens of mailing lists, each containing a score of simultaneous conversations. The most popular email clients make reading email
easy, but they do not make it efficient; when you get that much email, efficiency is far more important than ease. As most people on those mailing lists
are in a similar situation, plaintext mail is very much the standard for them.
On a similar note, most attachments are unnecessary. You do not need
to use OpenPGP on messages sent to a public mailing list, and those businesscard attachments just demonstrate that you aren’t a system administrator.
Don’t use a long email signature. The standard for email signatures is four
lines. That’s it; four lines, each no longer than 72 characters. Long ASCII
art signatures are definitely out.
Second, stay on topic. If you are having a problem with, check the website. If your window manager isn’t working, ask the people responsible for the window manager. Asking the FreeBSD folks to help you with
your Java Application Server configuration is like complaining to hardware
salespeople about your fast-food lunch. They might have an extra ketchup
packet, but it’s not really their problem. On the other hand, if you want
your FreeBSD system to no longer start the mail system at boot time, that’s
a FreeBSD issue.
Sending Your Email
When you’ve composed your nicely detailed and polite question, send it to Yes, there are other FreeBSD mailing lists,
some of which are probably dedicated to what you’re having trouble with.
As a new user, however, your question is almost certainly best suited to the
general questions mailing list. I’ve lurked on many of the other mailing lists
for a decade now, and have yet to see a new user ask a question on any of
them that wouldn’t have been better served by FreeBSD-questions. Generally, the
questioner is referred back to FreeBSD-questions anyway.
C ha pt er 1
This goes back to the first point about politeness. Sending a message to
the architectural mailing list asking about what architectures FreeBSD runs
on is only going to annoy the people who are trying to work on architectural
issues. You might get an answer, but you won’t make any friends. Conversely,
the people on FreeBSD-questions are there because they are volunteering to
help people just like you. They want to hear your intelligent, well-researched,
well-documented questions. Quite a few are FreeBSD developers, and some
are even Core members. Others are slightly more experienced users who
have transcended what you’re going through now and are willing to give
you a hand up, as well.
Responding to Email
Your answer might be a brief note with a URL, or even just two words: man
such-and-such. If that’s what you get, that’s where you need to go. Don’t ask
for more details until you’ve actually checked that resource. If you have a
question about the contents of the reference you’re given, or if you’re
confused by the reference, treat it as another problem. Narrow down the
source of your confusion, be specific, and ask about that. Man pages and
tutorials are not perfect, and some parts appear contradictory or mutually
exclusive until you understand them.
Finally, follow through. If someone asks you for more information,
provide it. If you don’t know how to provide it, learn how. If you develop
a bad reputation, nobody will want to help you.
Email Is Forever
Those of us who were on the Internet back in the ’80s remember when we
treated it as a private playground. We could say whatever we wanted, to whomever we wanted. After all, it was purely ephemeral. Nobody was keeping this
stuff; like CB radio, you could be a total jackass and get away with it.
That’s no longer true. In fact, it’s the exact opposite of true. Potential
employers, potential dates, even family members might scan the Internet for
your postings to mailing lists or message boards, trying to learn what sort of
person you are. I have rejected hiring more than one person based on their
postings to a mailing list. I want to work with a system administrator who sends
polite, professional messages to support forums, not childish and incoherent
rants without sufficient detail to offer any sort of guidance. And I’d think a
lot less of my in-laws if I stumbled across a message from one of them on
some message board where they acted like fools. The FreeBSD mailing lists
are widely archived; choose your words well, because they will haunt you for
Now that you know how to get more help when things go wrong, let’s
install FreeBSD.
Get t in g M ore Hel p
Just getting FreeBSD running on your
computer isn’t enough, no matter how
satisfying it might be the first time. It’s important that your install be successful. Successful means
that your system must be configured appropriately for
its purpose. A web server, an email server, a desktop
system, or a database server all have different operational requirements, and
meeting those requirements can be greatly eased by planning before you
ever boot the hardware. Proper planning makes installing FreeBSD much
less painful. On the downside, you’ll get much less experience in reinstalling
FreeBSD, because you’ll only have to do it once. If mastering the installation
program is your only goal, you can skip all this boring stuff about “thinking
ahead” and go right to the middle of this chapter.
I’m assuming that you want to run FreeBSD in the real world, doing real
work, in a real environment. This environment might even be your laptop—
while you might argue that your laptop isn’t a real production system, I
challenge you to erase all the data on it without backing it up and tell me
that again. If you’re just using a test machine that you truly don’t care about,
then I still recommend following the best practices so that you develop good
Consider what hardware you need or have. Then, decide how to best use
that hardware, what parts of FreeBSD you need to install, and how to divide
your hard disk. Only after all of that can you actually boot your computer
and install FreeBSD. Finally, do some brief post-install setup, and your system
is ready to go!
FreeBSD Hardware
FreeBSD supports a lot of different hardware, including both different
architectures and devices for each architecture. One of the project’s goals is
to support the most widely available hardware, and the list of that hardware
has broadened over the last few years to include far more than the “personal
computer.” Today, the supported hardware includes:
amd64 AMD’s 64-bit extensions to the 32-bit i386, copied by Intel as
EM64T, and sometimes called x64. This hardware can run both the
32-bit i386 and 64-bit amd64 versions of FreeBSD. (Linux calls this the
x 86-64 platform.)
The good old-fashioned Intel-compatible personal computer.
powerpc The PowerPC processor found in older Apple computers and
many embedded devices.
Similar to i386, but popular in Japan.
Used in high-end servers from Sun Microsystems.
Yes, FreeBSD can run on Microsoft’s Xbox.
FreeBSD supports many network cards, hard drive controllers, and other
add-ons for each architecture. Since many of these architectures use similar
interfaces and hardware, this isn’t as much of a challenge as you might think:
SCSI is SCSI anywhere, and an Intel Ethernet card doesn’t become magically
different just by putting it in a sparc64 machine.
For the most part, FreeBSD doesn’t care about the supporting hardware
so long as it works. Most readers are primarily familiar with the i386 architecture, so that’s where we’ll spend a fair amount of time. The amd64
platform is quickly becoming popular, however, so we’ll touch on that, as
well as sparc64.
FreeBSD has been ported to a variety of other platforms, such as the ARM
architecture and Intel’s Itanium. These ports are either incomplete or of little
utility to anyone except a developer. While it’s nifty that many ARM boards
run FreeBSD, you can’t go to a computer shop and buy one to play with.
Although FreeBSD runs just fine on ancient hardware, that hardware
must be in acceptable condition. If your old Pentium crashes because it has
bad RAM, using FreeBSD won’t stop the crashes.
C ha pt er 2
Sample Hardware
This book was written using the following sample hardware:
Dual-core amd64 SATA Sager 9750
Dual-CPU Opteron rackmount
Pentium 800 i386 system
Soekris net4801 board
and case
Sun Ultra 1
External SCSI array
Much of this hardware was a gift from people who liked the first edition of this book.
Their names all appear in the opening credits. If you find this book useful, I heartily
encourage you to buy any of them a drink, a meal, or a Maserati. I would have had
no crash boxes without them. Without crash boxes to test to destruction, I wouldn’t
have had the ability to learn FreeBSD’s real limits, especially after my boss forcefully
explained to me that paying customers do not appreciate being research subjects.
Proprietary Hardware
Some hardware vendors believe that keeping their hardware interfaces
secret prevents competitors from copying their designs and breaking into
their market. This has generally been proven to be a bad idea, especially
as the flood of generic parts has largely trampled these secretive hardware
manufacturers over the last few years. Yet a few vendors, especially video
and sound card makers, still cling to this strategy.
Developing device drivers for a piece of hardware without its interface
specifications is quite difficult. Some hardware can be well-supported without
full documentation and is common enough to make struggling through this
lack of documentation worthwhile. The FreeBSD sound driver team, in particular, has done an excellent job of reverse-engineering sound cards’ interfaces
and now provides generic sound card infrastructure that works well even for
poorly documented cards. Other hardware, such as the chipset used on the
PCI bus in Sun UltraSPARC III systems, cannot be supported without full
and complete documentation.
If a FreeBSD developer has specifications for a piece of hardware and
interest in that hardware, he’ll probably implement support for it. If not,
that hardware won’t work with FreeBSD. In most cases, unsupported proprietary hardware can be replaced with less expensive and more open
Some hardware vendors provide closed-source binary drivers for
their hardware. For example, Nvidia offers a binary-only driver for their
video hardware. FreeBSD also employs some clever tricks to use Windows
I ns t al li ng F re eB SD
network drivers, notably those for the wireless Ethernet cards supported by
“Project Evil.”1 For the most part, however, the best support comes from
open-source FreeBSD drivers.
The easiest way to tell if your particular hardware is supported is to check the
release notes for the release of FreeBSD you plan to install. The release notes are
available at
What We Won’t Cover
We won’t cover ISA cards; PCI has been around for a decade now, and I
strenuously doubt that anyone uses ISA cards in a production setting.2 The
FreeBSD Handbook has decent instructions for making your ISA cards work.
PowerPC and pc98 are all older systems, generally in decline, so we won’t
bother discussing them specifically. Like a dinosaur, older server-grade hardware tends to be difficult to kill with anything short of a meteor strike. And
running FreeBSD on an Xbox, while fun, is more of a stunt than an idea
worth implementing in production.
Hardware Requirements
While FreeBSD has minuscule hardware requirements, you’ll get the best
results out of it if you give it enough to work with. The following recommendations are for i386 systems, but other platforms have similar requirements.
Chapter 19 discusses how to measure your system’s performance so that
you can maximize your hardware utilization.
Your brand of CPU is irrelevant. FreeBSD doesn’t care if you’re running an
Intel, AMD, IBM, or Cyrix/Via CPU. During the boot process, the FreeBSD
kernel probes the CPU and uses whatever chip features it finds. I’ve run
effective servers on 486 machines before—in fact, I’ve filled an Internet T1
with a 486. For you folks who are just learning, I recommend that you get a
Pentium or faster system. Some of the techniques in this book take days on a
486, and I’m no longer that patient. Those same operations take less than an
hour on my dual-core laptop.
Yes, this really is called Project Evil. And implementing the Windows kernel interface in the
FreeBSD kernel makes the project worthy of the name.
And if you are, you either have been in this business long enough that you probably aren’t even
reading this book, or you are a total nut job. Mind you, the latter is not a disadvantage in this
C ha pt er 2
Memory (as in RAM) is good. Adding more RAM accelerates a system better
than anything else. I recommend at least 64MB of RAM, but if you have a
system with 256MB or greater you’ll find FreeBSD easier going. If you are
really trying to shrink your system, you can run a carefully crafted kernel in
16MB—but you can’t run the installer in that amount of memory.
Hard Drives
Hard drives can be a big performance bottleneck. While IDE drives are dirt
cheap, they don’t perform as well as SAS, SCSI, or even SATA drives. A SAS
or old-fashioned SCSI system transfers data to and from each drive at the full
controller speed, while IDE and SATA drives split their throughput between
all of the drives on the channel. A SCSI controller can have up to 15 drives
on a channel, while a standard IDE controller can have no more than 2.
SATA controllers tend to put only one drive on a channel, taking the easy
route to good throughput. While you can use splitters to attach more than
one drive to a SATA channel, multiple SATA drives on a single channel have
no greater throughput than a single drive. 15 drives, each running at full
speed, versus 2 drives averaging half speed, make a huge difference in the
amount of data throughput!
If you have IDE or SATA drives, put your hard disks on separate controllers if possible. Many systems now have a hard drive on one IDE controller
and a CD drive on the other. When you add a second hard drive, put it on
the same controller as the CD drive. Most likely, you won’t be using the CD
nearly as often as the hard drive, and this way each drive will have a dedicated
The base FreeBSD system can fit into 500MB, and stripped-down versions
can fit into 32MB. You’ll be happiest with at least 5GB of disk space on your
test system, although I’m assuming that you have at least 10GB. Some add-on
software requires far more disk space—building the suite,
for example, takes 10GB of /usr all on its own! Again, any hard drive new
enough to be workable will probably be at least that large.
Preinstall Decisions
Before installing your server, decide what you’ll use it for. Is this a web server?
Database server? Network logging server? We’ll discuss the requirements for
each in the appropriate section.
Partitions are logical divisions of a hard drive. FreeBSD can handle different
partitions in different ways, and can even allow different filesystems or different operating systems on different partitions. If you’re doing your first
FreeBSD install, and you really don’t know how you want to partition your
disk, you can just use the automated partitioning suggested by the installer.
If you have more complicated needs, I suggest that you write down your
desired partitioning on a piece of paper before you begin.
I ns t al li ng F re eB SD
Partitioning might seem like a pain. If you’re familiar with some other
Unix-like operating systems, such as some distributions of Linux, you might
want to create a single large root partition and put everything on it. If Windows
or Linux let you dump everything on one big disk, why divide your FreeBSD
disk into smaller, less flexible pieces? What are the advantages of partitioning?
On a physical level, different parts of the disk move at different speeds.
By putting frequently accessed data on the fastest parts of the disk, you
optimize system performance. The only way to arrange this is by using
partitions. On a logical level, FreeBSD handles each partition separately.
This means that you can set each partition to have different operating rules.
Partitions that contain user data should not have setuid programs (programs
that run as root), and you might not want them to have programs at all. You
can enforce that easily with partitions.
If the disk is damaged, chances are the damage is limited to a single
partition. You can boot the system from an intact partition and attempt to
recover data from the damaged partition. With a single large partition, any
damage to that partition becomes damage to your entire system, reducing or
eliminating chances of recovery.
Partitions can limit problems caused by poor system administration.
Unattended programs can completely fill a hard drive with logs. Larger hard
drives don’t mean that the problem takes longer to show up; they just mean
that software writes more logs. While Chapter 19 discusses ways to contain logs,
a full hard drive can even prevent you from connecting to the system to fix the
problem! Partitioning confines such problems to a subset of the system.
Finally, many backup programs—i.e., dump(8)—work at the partition
level. On a production system, you’ll want to set different backup strategies
for different types of data. FreeBSD’s standard partitions are / (root), swap
space, /var, /tmp, and /usr.
/ (root)
The root partition holds the core system configuration files, the kernel, and
the most essential Unix utilities. Every other partition lies “under” the root
partition or is subordinate to it. With an intact root partition, you can boot
the system to the bare-bones single-user mode and perform repairs on the
rest of the system. Your system needs fast access to the root partition, so put it
first on the disk. Because root holds only the basic utilities and configuration
files, it doesn’t need to be large; FreeBSD defaults to configuring 512MB for
a root partition, which is more than sufficient.
Swap Space
The next partition on your drive should be the swap space—the disk space
used by virtual memory. When FreeBSD uses up all the physical RAM, it
moves information that has been sitting idle from memory into swap. If
things go well, your system doesn’t need swap space—but if you do need
swap, it must be fast.
So, how much swap space do you need? This is a matter of long debates
between system administrators. The short answer is, “it depends.” Longrunning wisdom says that you should have at least twice as much swap as you
have physical memory. Long-running wisdom has become obsolete, however,
C ha pt er 2
and the capacity of modern systems has invalidated this rule of thumb.
When a process runs out of control and starts allocating memory (say, in an
infinite loop), the kernel will kill the process once the system runs out of
virtual memory. If your system has 6GB RAM and 9GB swap, this process
will need to consume 15GB of memory before the kernel kills it! i386
systems have about 3GB of virtual address space, and they must share that
with the kernel, shared libraries, the stack, and so on. The i386 platform
limits memory usage to 512MB per process, which means that the kernel
will stop a runaway process fairly quickly. 64-bit systems, like amd64, have
vast virtual memory space and a process could conceivably devour gigabytes
of memory. If a system is thrashing gigabytes of memory between disk and
RAM, it will be unresponsive, slow, and generally troubled. Today, you
should have enough swap to do your work. I recommend provisioning as
much swap space as you have RAM, perhaps even a few megabytes more.
The main use for swap on modern systems is for a dump in case of a
system panic and crash. For maximum safety, you want enough swap space
to dump the entire contents of your RAM to swap. This is a worst-case crash
dump. FreeBSD 7.0 and later defaults to using a kernel minidump, however,
which only dumps the kernel memory. A minidump is much smaller than a
full dump—a system with 8GB RAM has an average minidump size of about
250MB. You can probably get away with only providing 1GB of swap, which
leaves plenty of room for even a bloated kernel minidump.
The /tmp directory is the system-wide temporary space, open to all system
users. If you do not create a separate /tmp partition, it will be included on
your root partition. This means that your system-wide temporary space will
be subject to the same conditions as the rest of your root drive. This probably
isn’t what you want, especially if you plan to mount your root partition
Requirements for a /tmp directory are generally a matter of opinion—
after all, you can always just use a chunk of space in your home directory as
temporary space, and there’s always the /var/tmp directory if you have large
files that you need to work with temporarily. On a modern hard drive, I like
to have at least 512MB in a /tmp directory. Automated software installers
frequently want to extract files in /tmp, and having to work around these
installers when /tmp fills up is possible but tedious.
On systems where you don’t expect /tmp to use much space (for example,
web servers and database servers), you might want to use a memory filesystem
for /tmp. We’ll discuss memory filesystems in Chapter 8. If you intend to use a
memory filesystem, do not create a separate /tmp partition.
The /var partition contains frequently changing logs, mail spools, temporary
run files, upgrade files from tools such as portsnap and FreeBSD-update,
and so on. If your server is a web server, your website logs go to this partition.
You might need to make it 2GB or more. On a small “generic” mail server or
web server I’d use a third of my remaining disk space for /var. If the server
I ns t al li ng F re eB SD
handles only email, databases, or logs, I’d kick this up to 70 percent or more,
or just assign sufficient space to the other partitions and throw everything
left on /var. If you’re really cramped for space, you might assign as little as
30MB to /var.
Make /var larger than physical memory. By default, FreeBSD writes crash
dumps to /var/crash. We’ll discuss crash dumps in Chapter 21, but for now,
take my word for it; if you have enough empty space in /var to write the
contents of your physical memory, that will help should you ever start having
serious system trouble.
The /usr partition holds the operating system programs, system source code,
compilers and libraries, add-on software, and all the other little details that
make the system actually do anything. Much of this changes only when you
upgrade your system. It also holds users’ home directories, which change
regularly and rapidly. If you have many users, consider creating a separate
/home partition. While you can assign quotas to control disk space, a separate
partition will protect your all-important OS files.
On a modern hard drive, I recommend using at least 6GB for /usr. This
provides enough room to run the operating system, store the main system
source code, and build upgrades to the next version of FreeBSD. On a web
server where users upload website files to their home directories, I suggest
giving this partition the majority of your hard drive.
Other Partitions
Experienced system administrators always have their favorite partitions;
also, some companies have standards on how systems should be partitioned.
Different Unix vendors have attempted to impose their partitioning standards
on the world. You’ll see partitions like /opt and /u1 on different Unix systems.
If you have a preferred partitioning scheme, use it. You can steer FreeBSD
to install add-on software in a different partition if you like. Or, you can have
users’ home directories in /gerbil if it makes you happy. The best advice I
have to offer to readers whom I’ll never meet and whose systems I will never
log on to is this: You are the one who must live with your partitioning, so
think first!
Multiple Hard Drives
If you have more than one hard drive of comparable quality, and you are not
using them for RAID, you can still make excellent use of them: Put your data
on one hard drive and the operating system on another. One of your partitions will contain the information that makes your server special. Database
servers store their data in /var, so put /var on its own hard drive. If it’s a web
server, put /usr on the second hard drive.
C ha pt er 2
If you have a special function for this server, consider making a private
partition just for that function. There’s nothing wrong with creating a /home,
/www, or /data partition on the second hard drive and dedicating that entire
drive to the system’s primary purpose.
In general, segregating your operating system from your data increases
system efficiency. Like all rules of thumb, this is debatable. But no system
administrator will tell you that this is an actively bad idea.
With multiple hard drives, you can improve the efficiency of your swap
space by splitting it amongst the drives. Put the first swap partition on the
second slot of the drive with your root partition, and the other swap partitions on the first slots of the other drives. This splits reads and writes among
multiple disk controllers and thus gives you some redundancy at the controller
level. Remember, however, that a crash dump must fit entirely within a single
swap partition.
For swap splitting to work best, however, the drives must be SAS or SCSI.
If you have IDE or SATA drives, they must be on different IDE controllers for
best results. Remember that each IDE controller splits its total data throughput
among all the hard drives connected to it. If you have two hard drives on the
same IDE controller and you’re accessing both drives simultaneously, each
disk works, on average, only half as fast as it would work alone on the same
channel. The major bottleneck in using swap space is disk speed, and you
won’t gain anything by creating contention on your IDE bus.
Another option is to gain some resiliency by implementing a softwarebased RAID. This provides protection against a hard drive failure by sharing
and mirroring the data amongst multiple hard drives. We discuss FreeBSD’s
RAID features in Chapter 18. Your slices on each drive must be of identical
size to use software RAID. This is easiest to accomplish if all your drives are
the same size, but that’s not strictly necessary.
Partition Block Size
This section describes options that can really impair system performance.
If you’re new to FreeBSD, read this section only for your information—don’t
actually try it! This is for experienced Unix administrators who know exactly
what they’re doing, or at least know enough to be leery of the whole topic.
Block size refers to the size of the filesystem building blocks used to store
files. Each block can be divided into fragments. FreeBSD defaults to 16KB
block sizes (16,384 bytes) and 2KB (2,048 bytes) fragments. Files use a combination of fragments and blocks. For example, a 15KB file would be assigned
to one block, while a 17KB file would be assigned to one block and one fragment. We’ll discuss blocks and fragments in Chapter 18.
If you know exactly what you’re doing, and you want to change the
block size, you can do that in the installer. Be warned that FreeBSD behaves
optimally if each block contains eight fragments; you can choose ratios other
than 1:8 but only at a performance cost.
I ns t al li ng F re eB SD
Choosing Your Distribution(s)
A distribution is a particular subset of FreeBSD. You’ll choose one or more
distributions during the installation process. While you can add pieces later,
it’s best and easiest just to make the right choice in the beginning. The
installer offers nine distribution sets:
All This contains absolutely everything that is considered part of
FreeBSD, including the X Window System. (FreeBSD uses the
implentation of X.) If this is a test machine, definitely choose this option.
This includes everything except the games and X.
This includes everything except the games.
Kern-Developer This includes the FreeBSD programs and documentation, but only the kernel source code.
Window System.
This is the Kern-Developer distribution plus the X
User This includes the FreeBSD operating system programs and
documentation only—no source code, no X.
This is the User distribution plus X.
Minimal This contains only the core FreeBSD programs, without
documentation or source code of any sort. This is a good choice if your
disk is really, really small.
Define your own distribution set.
If you’re installing a test machine to learn FreeBSD on, definitely choose
All. An Internet server is probably best served by the User distribution, or
perhaps X-User if you’re already familiar with the X Window System. Power
users might want the Custom distribution.
Yes, FreeBSD includes very simple games. These are small, text-based games
that were typical on systems of 20 years ago. New users will find the FreeBSD
tips provided by fortune(6) useful, but if you want to play modern games
look in /usr/ports/games and read Chapter 11.
The X Window System is the standard graphic interface for Unix-like operating
systems. If you expect to sit at the console of your machine on a regular basis and
do day-to-day work, you probably want the X Window System. If you don’t expect
to be using this system to browse the Web or perform other graphics-oriented tasks,
you probably don’t need the X Window System. You can always add the X Window
System later.
C ha pt er 2
The FreeBSD FTP Site
Just as the main source of information about FreeBSD is the FreeBSD
website, the main source of FreeBSD itself is the FreeBSD FTP server. You
can purchase CDs of FreeBSD, and while they’re a decent investment, many
people prefer to just use the Internet to grab what they need. Even if you
have a CD, you’ll interact with the FTP servers eventually.
The primary FreeBSD FTP server is, but many servers
mirror it to reduce the load on the primary server and provide speedy,
reliable access. You’ll find a comprehensive list of FreeBSD FTP servers
at, although you can also pick mirrors easily enough
without the list. Every mirror server has a name following this pattern:
The country code is optional; if there’s no country code, it’s usually
assumed to be in the continental United States. For example, we have,,, and so on.
As a rule, the FTP mirrors with lower numbers are more heavily loaded
than those with higher numbers. Try a site around, or some
high-numbered server under your country code, to see if you can get a speedy
FTP Server Content
Many FreeBSD mirrors also mirror other software, but all FreeBSD content
can be found under /pub/FreeBSD. While the contents of the FTP server vary
over time, let’s take a look at the important files found there:
I ns t al li ng F re eB SD
Lot of stuff, isn’t it? Fortunately, you don’t have to dig through all this to
get everything you need to install, but a few directories merit particular
CERT This directory contains all FreeBSD security advisories since the
project’s inception. We’ll discuss security advisories in Chapter 7.
ERRATA This directory contains all errata for different releases of
FreeBSD. We’ll discuss errata in Chapter 13.
ISO-IMAGES All of the directories that begin with ISO-IMAGES contain CD disc images for different architectures of FreeBSD. For example,
ISO-IMAGES-i386 contains ISO images for installing FreeBSD on the
i386 architecture. You can burn these images to CD to perform a CD
install. (See your CD recorder documentation for help in doing so.)
README.TXT These are the various subdirectories on the FTP site
and their contents. You might want to consult this file for the changes
since this book was written.
distfiles This directory contains quite a few source code and binary
files for the many third-party applications that run on FreeBSD. This is
definitely the largest directory on the FTP server; don’t just
download everything here or your hard drive might burst.
doc This directory contains the latest set of FreeBSD documentation,
subdivided by language. If you’re reading this book in English, you probably want the en (English) subdirectory. You’ll find all the articles and
books there in a variety of formats, compressed for easy downloading.
ports Within this directory you’ll find all the infrastructure and packages for the ports system. We’ll discuss ports in Chapter 11.
releases This directory contains the most recent versions of FreeBSD
released along each development track. Older versions can be found
on the server We’ll discuss development tracks in
Chapter 13.
snapshots This directory contains recent versions of FreeBSD-current
and FreeBSD-stable. This is where you’ll find the latest testing release of
the bleeding-edge and production versions of FreeBSD.
tools Here you’ll find various Windows programs that can be used to
prepare a multiboot system to run FreeBSD.
torrents BitTorrent users will find this directory useful; it contains torrent seeds for the most recent release(s) of FreeBSD. (If you don’t use
BitTorrent yet, you should check it out.)
Now that you know how to find everything you’ll need, let’s go on to the
install process itself.
C ha pt er 2
FreeBSD has released many different versions, and more are coming. We’ll
discuss FreeBSD versions and release numbers in detail in Chapter 13. In the
meantime, I suggest that you check out On its front
page you’ll see a note that says Production Release and gives a version number.
Use that version.
The Install Process
One of the more interesting3 parts of a new operating system is figuring out
how to get the OS running on your computer in the first place. On many
modern systems it’s pretty straightforward: throw the CD into the system and
boot from it. However, FreeBSD can be used on systems so old that they don’t
support booting from CD. That’s no problem; you can boot just as well from
floppy disk. FreeBSD can also be used on systems so new that they don’t have
either floppy or CD drives. What then?
Any OS installation process has three parts: booting the installer program,
accessing the installation media, and copying the software onto the hard
drive. Even a Windows installer boots a “mini-Windows” to install Windows
proper. FreeBSD provides options for each of these stages. Once your computer is booted and you have a usable installation media, running through
the program to install the software to disk is straightforward.
Choosing Boot Media
If you have a system that boots from CD, this is probably the easiest way to go.
You can get FreeBSD CDs from a variety of vendors or from the FTP site. Make
sure that your computer’s BIOS is set to boot from CD before the hard disk
and reboot your computer with the FreeBSD disc in the CD drive. If you need
help with configuring your computer’s BIOS, check the manufacturer’s
If your computer cannot boot from CD but can boot from floppy disk,
download floppy disk images from the Internet and boot from those. Many
older computers have CD drives that will not work as boot devices, but once
the system is running you can use them for installation media.
Some modern computers have neither a floppy disk nor a CD drive. This
is often the case with small rackmount servers, where space is expensive. With
such a system, you can either install a CD drive or use PXE installation, as
discussed in Chapter 20. (PXE installation requires bootstrapping from an
existing FreeBSD machine, however.)
The ancient Chinese curse “May you live in interesting times” certainly applies here.
I ns t al li ng F re eB SD
If your soon-to-be-FreeBSD machine lacks both a CD drive and a floppy, doesn’t
have the power cables or physical space to install a CD drive, cannot boot off a USB
device for whatever reason, and you don’t yet have the knowledge to set up a PXE
installer (this is a lot of “ifs,” but a whole slew of older small rackmount servers fit this
description), don’t despair. You can get a CD drive on your computer for the install.
The safest thing to do is remove your hard drive and install it on a system with a
removable-media drive. Unlike some other operating systems, FreeBSD will let you
install on one machine and run on another.
If that’s not an option, here’s a trick I’ve used more than once. (It might electrocute
the hardware or yourself, and will certainly invalidate your warranty. The author is
not responsible for barbecued hardware or system administrators!)
Find an old computer running any operating system with an IDE CD drive. Put the
old machine next to your FreeBSD box, unplug it, and open the case. Open the case
of your FreeBSD machine. On the old computer, detach the CD drive’s IDE cable at
the controller end. Leave the power attached to the CD drive. Attach the dangling IDE
cable from the old machine to an open port on your FreeBSD system’s IDE controller.
Turn on the old computer; the CD will power up even though it’s not attached to the
old computer’s IDE controller. Now turn on the new computer, and it will pick up the
CD as an attached device.
After the install, put everything back just the way you found it, and nobody will
ever know.
Choosing Installation Media
The two most common sources of installation media are CD and FTP.
CDs are great when you have many machines to install and these machines
have CD drives. They’re fast and easy, and work even if the network is down.
A variety of vendors produce FreeBSD CDs and DVDs. iX Systems, in particular, has supported FreeBSD for many years, and recently purchased
FreeBSD Mall, the original producer of FreeBSD CDs. The DVD sets have far
more content, including many files that can be downloaded separately from
the Internet, but the CD sets have everything you truly need. From now on
I’m going to only mention CDs, but everything that applies to a CD is also
true of a DVD. If you don’t want to purchase a CD, you can fetch an ISO
image from the FreeBSD FTP server and burn it to CD yourself.
Several dozen FTP servers carry FreeBSD ISO images, installation media,
and related materials. The FreeBSD installer can FTP the software directly
from these servers. To use the FTP installation method, however, you must
have a working Internet connection, and the installation speed will be largely
dependent upon the network between you and your chosen FTP server.
There is also a chance that an intruder has hacked into the FTP server and
uploaded a bad version of FreeBSD for the unsuspecting public, but the
C ha pt er 2
FreeBSD team watches carefully for such events and deals with them swiftly.
The FreeBSD release team also provides cryptographic checksums for every
release in the release announcement, which you can use to verify releases.
Preparing Boot Floppies
You will need several floppy disks (four as of this writing, but possibly more in
the future). Find the release directory for the architecture and version you
want to install. You’ll find a floppies subdirectory there. For example, for an
i386 system and FreeBSD release 7.0, look in
releases/i386/7.0-RELEASE/floppies. (You’ll also find this directory in the root
directory of a FreeBSD CD.) You’ll find several files with the .flp extension,
one named boot.flp and several numbered kernX.flp files, such as kern1.flp and
kern2.flp. These files are floppy disk images. Download them all.
You need to put these images onto floppy disks. The catch is, you cannot
use basic file-level copying, such as drag-and-drop in Windows. An image file
must be copied onto the disk in a particular way.
If you’re already running a Unix-like system, the dd(1) command does
everything you need. You’ll need to know your floppy drive’s device name,
which is probably /dev/fd0, /dev/floppy, or /dev/rfd0. If the device name is
/dev/fd0, as it is on BSD systems, you’d enter
# dd if=kern1.flp of=/dev/fd0
to write the kern1.flp image to the floppy disk. Copy each disk image to a
separate floppy disk.
If you’re running Microsoft Windows, you’ll need a special utility to copy
disk images. Microsoft doesn’t provide one, but FreeBSD does, and you’ll
find it in the tools subdirectory of the main site. It’s called fdimage.exe.
This is a free Windows program to copy disk images, and it’s quite easy to
use. It takes only two arguments: the name of the image file and the name of
the drive the disk is in. For example, to copy the image boot.flp to the floppy
in your a: drive, open a DOS prompt and enter the following:
c:> fdimage boot.flp a:
Once the floppy drive finishes churning (which may take a while), repeat
the process for all other disk images you have downloaded.
Preparing Boot CDs
If you’ve purchased an official FreeBSD CD, your install media is ready. If
not, you need to choose an ISO image from the FTP site and burn it. The first
step is to find your image directory. Go to the FTP site and choose the ISO
image for your architecture. In that directory you’ll find a directory for each
I ns t al li ng F re eB SD
current release. For example, ISO images for FreeBSD 7.0 for i386 can be
found at You’ll find
multiple images there.
The name of an ISO image is composed of the release number, the label
RELEASE, the architecture, and a comment, all separated by hyphens. For
example, these are the names of the ISO images available for 7.0:
The image labeled disc1 contains the entire FreeBSD distribution, the
X Window System, a few basic packages, and a live filesystem that can be used
to perform repairs when your server goes bad.
The image labeled disc2 contains the most popular pieces of software for
FreeBSD precompiled and ready for use with this release.
The bootonly image boots the FreeBSD installer so that you can do an FTP
install. Many people ask, “If you already have a CD drive, why would you want
to do an FTP install?” The standard FreeBSD ISO image contains a lot of stuff.
If you’re not installing the full distribution, you won’t need a lot of it. Not
everyone has unlimited, unmetered bandwidth on tap.4
Once you’ve chosen your image, burn it to CD. CD burning methods vary
widely among operating systems; even within the Unix-like world, different
operating systems have chosen different ways to burn CDs. On Windows,
many CD burning programs are available, such as Nero and Stomp. Here’s
how you would burn an image to disc on a FreeBSD system with a standard
IDE CD burner:
# burncd -f /dev/acd0 data imagename fixate
Check your operating system’s instructions on burning an image file to
physical media. Be sure to burn this file as an image, not as a regular file.
One clear hint that you’re doing it wrong is if your burning software complains
that the file won’t fit on a single CD. The image file will overflow a single CD
if you’re burning it as a regular file, but not if you burn it as an image.
FTP Media Setup
If you’re installing from CD, the install media is ready—it’s the same disk
you’re booting from. But to do an FTP install, you must choose an FTP server
and understand how to connect your machine to the local network.
Choosing an FTP server is half guesswork. Find the list of FTP mirror
sites and start pinging them. You’re looking for an FTP server with low ping
times—that’s a good sign that it’s fairly accessible from your location. Once
you have a couple of candidates, FTP to them from your desktop machine.
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And those of us who do have it must learn to refrain from taunting those of you who don’t.
See how responsive they are. Pick one that feels snappy, and make sure that
it has the release you want to install. Take note of the FTP server’s name for
use in the install process.
If your local network uses Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
to assign IP addresses and other network information, you’re ready to go.
Otherwise, if your network administrators assign IP addresses by hand, get
the following information from them:
IP address for your FreeBSD system
Netmask for your FreeBSD system
IP addresses of nameservers for your network
IP address of your default gateway
Proxy server information (if necessary)
Without this information—and without DHCP—you will be unable to
connect to a network to perform an FTP install.
Actually Installing FreeBSD
Now that you’ve made all the decisions about how you’re going to install
FreeBSD, all that remains is the grunt work of walking through the installer.
Put your boot media in the drive and power up the computer. You’ll see a
series of startup screens and system debugging information, which we cover
in Chapter 3.
The first menu you see will offer you a chance to choose your keyboard
layout. This includes a list of all the keyboard maps supported by FreeBSD.
Note that this does not affect the language of the installer, merely the keyboard layout.
FreeBSD next presents you with the first installation screen (Figure 2-1).
Figure 2-1: The main sysinstall screen
I ns t al li ng F re eB SD
This is sysinstall(8), the notoriously ugly FreeBSD installer. While other
operating systems have pretty graphical installers with mouse-driven menus
and multicolor pie charts, FreeBSD’s looks like an old DOS program. While
replacements have been promised time and time again, as I write this it looks
like sysinstall will be with us for the foreseeable future.
Use the spacebar to select options from sysinstall menus, not the
ENTER key.
Use the arrow keys to go down to the Standard installation, and press
ENTER. You’ll see the fdisk warning with some simple instructions (Figure 2-2).
Figure 2-2: The fdisk instructions
Skim the instructions to be sure they haven’t changed since this was
printed, and then press ENTER.
If you have multiple hard drives, FreeBSD will let you choose which drive
you want to install on. Press the spacebar to select a drive (Figure 2-3).
Figure 2-3: Selecting an installation drive
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Some hard drives will flash up a scary-looking warning about disk
geometry at this point. It is not a concern on most modern hardware. We will
talk about disk geometry in Chapters 8 and 18; you can look there if you’re
interested. Just press ENTER to continue to the fdisk screen (Figure 2-4).
Figure 2-4: The fdisk menu
Here you determine how much of your hard drive you want to use for
FreeBSD. For a server, you want to use the entire hard drive. Press A to
allocate the whole hard drive to FreeBSD, and then press Q to finish. The
installer will drop you into the MBR selector, shown in Figure 2-5.
Figure 2-5: The MBR installer
I ns t al li ng F re eB SD
Arrow down to Standard, then TAB to highlight OK. This installs a
standard master boot record (MBR), which removes any existing boot
manager that your computer could use if it booted any other operating
system. (We’re building Internet servers and won’t be sharing the hard
drive with, say, Windows Vista.) Press ENTER to proceed.
If you have multiple hard drives, the installer will return you to the hard
drive selection screen. Choose your next hard drive, or use the TAB key to
take you down to the OK button and proceed to the next step of the install;
sysinstall then displays instructions for using the partitioning tool (Figure 2-6).
Figure 2-6: Partitioning instructions
Read the instructions to be sure they haven’t changed since this was
printed, then press ENTER to continue.
You should now have the partitioning menu. We talked about partitioning earlier in this chapter, and you should have already made your decisions
on how to partition your drive. This is where you implement your choices
(Figure 2-7).
To take FreeBSD’s default, generic partition recommendations, press A.
Otherwise, press C to create a partition. You’ll get a box asking for the size of
your partition. Enter the desired partition size, using M for megabytes and G
for gigabytes. The installer will then ask you if this is a filesystem or a swap
space. If you say it’s a partition, it will ask you for the partition mount point
(/, /usr, /var, and so on).
When you have created all your partitions, press Q to exit the partition
C ha pt er 2
Figure 2-7: The partition editor
Now you’ll be asked for an installation source (Figure 2-8).
Figure 2-8: Installation media choices
Arrow down to highlight your installation media, and press ENTER to
select it. FreeBSD will either spin up your CD to confirm it’s usable, ask you
to select your FTP server, or ask you to configure whatever other installation
media you’ve chosen. I recommend using either FTP or CD.
I ns t al li ng F re eB SD
The next menu asks how much of FreeBSD you would like to install
(Figure 2-9). While FreeBSD offers many stripped-down versions for limited
hard drives, these days hard drives are much, much larger than FreeBSD.
On a vaguely modern machine I recommend always installing everything,
especially if you’re just learning about FreeBSD. Arrow down to highlight All
and use ENTER to select it.
Figure 2-9: Choosing a distribution set
sysinstall then asks if you want to install the Ports Collection. You do,
even though you don’t know what it is yet. Select Yes.
You’ll be brought back to the distribution selection menu. Arrow up to
Exit this menu and press ENTER.
sysinstall offers you a last chance to change your mind before installing.
Once you say Yes, install, sysinstall will format your hard drive, your CD drive
will light up, and in a few minutes you’ll have a FreeBSD install.
The installer will then ask several questions to set up basic system services
for you.
Configuring the Network
The installer asks if you want to set up a network device. Say Yes.
You’ll get a whole choice of network interfaces to configure (Figure 2-10).
Yes, FreeBSD can run TCP/IP over FireWire! It can also run TCP/IP over a
parallel port. Neither is terribly common, but it can be done. Look for an
entry that looks like an Ethernet card and choose it. In Figure 2-10, we see
an Intel EtherExpress Pro/100B PCI Fast Ethernet card that looks about right.
Scroll down and press ENTER to configure it.
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Figure 2-10: The network interfaces menu
You’ll be asked if you want to try IPv6 configuration of this interface. You
probably don’t. You’ll then be asked if you want to try DHCP configuration.
As this is a server, you probably don’t. This will take you to the Network Configuration screen shown in Figure 2-11.
Figure 2-11: Network configuration
Here you fill in your hostname and domain name, as well as the network
information you got from your network administrator.
Even if you use DHCP configuration, you must still set a host and a
domain. Otherwise, your system will boot calling itself Amnesiac. (You can
use a DHCP server to set a hostname, but that’s an advanced topic most
environments aren’t equipped to provide.)
I ns t al li ng F re eB SD
Miscellaneous Network Services
The installer then asks you several questions related to the system function.
Unless you are an experienced system administrator, you don’t want most of
these functions to start. We will enable some of them as we proceed through
the book. Once you understand the systems described, you can enable them
for later installs.
For example, the installer asks if this is a network gateway, or if you want to
configure inetd. Answer No to both. When asked if you want to enable SSH
login, say Yes—that is a secure, safe service required on almost all systems.
Do not enable the anonymous FTP server, the NFS server, the NFS client,
or customize syscons at this time.
Time Zone
The installer prompts you to set your time zone. You’ll be asked if the system
clock is set to UTC: Answer No and walk through the screens presented.
You’ll be asked to choose a continent, a country, and then a time zone.
Linux Mode
Now the installer will ask you if you want to enable Linux mode. I suggest you
answer No at this point. If you need Linux mode, we’ll learn how to activate
it in Chapter 12.
PS/2 Mouse
USB mice work automatically, but PS/2 and older mice need special setup.
The installer will offer to set up a PS/2 mouse for you. If you have a standard
two- or three-button PS/2 mouse plugged in, answer Yes and choose Enable
from the menu. You should see a mouse pointer on your screen, and it
should wiggle when you move it.
sysinstall will ask if your mouse is working. If the mouse pointer wiggles
when you move the mouse, you can answer Yes. In all honesty, I haven’t had
a PS/2 mouse fail on me in the last 10 years. Older types of mice can be
difficult, but are increasingly uncommon.
Adding Packages
The installer asks if you want to install any additional software packages.
If you’re an experienced system administrator, you probably know what
software you want to install. You probably have a favorite shell, and it’s
probably not installed on FreeBSD by default.
FreeBSD divides software packages into categories. Find the category
that you think should include your desired software, and select the category
to bring up a list of all the software on your install media in that category.
Find the software you want, and press the spacebar to select it. For example,
C ha pt er 2
to install the popular Bash shell, scroll down to the Shells category, press
ENTER, scroll down to Bash, and press the spacebar. Then press ENTER to go
back to the Package Selection menu.
When you have chosen all the packages you want to install, return to
the main Package Selection menu. Press TAB to move the cursor from OK to
Install, then press ENTER. Your system will install the selected packages.
Adding Users
Whenever possible, you should do everything while signed on as a regular
user and only use the root account when you must change the system. That
will happen frequently at first, but will grow less common as time passes.
Before you can sign on as a regular user, however, you must create a regular
user account. The installer gives you a chance to create users during the
installation process. Say Yes when asked and you’ll see Figure 2-12.
Figure 2-12: Adding a user
Your first selection in this screen should be the Login ID, or username.
Your company might have a standard for usernames. I prefer the first and
middle initial and full last name (not using the middle initial creates a
surprising number of duplicates).
FreeBSD assigns the UID.
The FreeBSD default is to have the user in a group of the same name as
the username; for example, the user mwlucas is automatically in the group
mwlucas. Experienced system administrators can change this.
Full name is the user’s full name. Other system users can see this name
when they log in, so don’t set it arbitrarily. I’ve seen new system administrators
get in trouble when they give a customer a full name of, say, Pain in the
I ns t al li ng F re eB SD
Member groups is just a list of other system groups this account is part of. If
you want this user to be able to use the root password and become root, add
the group wheel in the Member groups space. Only system administrators
need to be in the wheel group.
The Home directory is where the users’ files are kept. The default is
generally fine.
Finally, choose a shell for your new user. Older admins and greybeardsin-training frequently prefer /bin/sh. The examples in this book are written in
the BSD standard shell /bin/tcsh, which I find a very friendly shell. If you have
a preferred choice, use it.
Select OK when you’re done to create your user.
Root Password
Now the installer tells you to set your root password. If your machine doesn’t
have a root password, anyone can log in without using any password. As root
has absolute control over your hardware and software, this would be bad.
FreeBSD will ask you to enter your root password twice. Remember your root
password, as recovering it is a bit of an annoyance. We talk about the root
password and security in Chapter 7.
Post-Installation Setup
Finally, you’re asked if you want to do any post-installation setup of your
FreeBSD server. The FreeBSD Configuration Menu (Figure 2-13) provides
an easy way to do basic initial setup on your computer.
Figure 2-13: Post-installation configuration
C ha pt er 2
In this menu you’ll be able to enable or disable everything the installer
asked during earlier parts of the install, as well as set all sorts of interesting
network functions. If you have an NTP server on your network, for example,
you can use the menus here to enable it on your FreeBSD machine. We will
see how to enable all of these services later in this book, but if you already
know what you’re doing you can configure them here as well.
Once you’ve finished your post-install configuration, go back to the main
sysinstall menu and select Exit. Your computer will then reboot into a fully
installed FreeBSD system, ready to perform all of the examples in this book.
If you want to use sysinstall(8) later to configure your system, you can
run it at any time. By the end of this book, you’ll learn how to do everything
that sysinstall can do quicker and more flexibly at the command line.
Now let’s see what actually happened at that reboot.
I ns t al li ng F re eB SD
While FreeBSD will boot easily and automatically when you turn on the power,
understanding exactly what happens at each
stage will make you a better system administrator.
Intervention during the boot process is rarely necessary,
but one day you’ll be glad you know how to do it. And once you’re comfortable
with adjusting the boot process, you’ll find you can solve problems you’ve
previously accepted and endured.
We’ll start by discussing how the system loader starts, then look at some
interesting changes you can make and the information you can gather from
the boot loader’s command line, including booting alternate kernels and
starting in single-user mode. We’ll cover serial consoles, a standard system
management tool. The FreeBSD multi-user startup process is responsible for
starting all the various services that make your computer useful, and we’ll
give attention to that as well. In addition, we’ll cover the information FreeBSD
records about the boot process and how FreeBSD turns itself off without
corrupting data.
Some of the topics in this chapter reference material found in later chapters. Those
later chapters, in turn, require that you understand this chapter first. There’s no good
place to begin learning. If you don’t quite understand a part of this chapter, just skim
over it and continue reading; it really will coalesce in your mind as you proceed.
The boot process itself can be divided into three main parts: the loader,
single-user startup, and multi-user startup.
Power-On and the Loader
Every i386 computer has a Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) with just
enough brains to look for an operating system somewhere on a disk. (Other
hardware platforms have console firmware or bootroms that perform the
same function.) If the BIOS finds an operating system on a disk, it hands
control of the computer to that operating system. If the BIOS doesn’t find
an operating system, it complains and gives up. Most BIOSes are rather dumb
and can only recognize operating systems by very simple indicators. The boot
blocks are sections of the disk that are specifically designed to be recognized
as an operating system by the BIOS. On those boot blocks, FreeBSD installs
software that is only smart enough to load the main FreeBSD startup program,
loader(8). The loader presents you with a FreeBSD logo on the right and a
menu of seven options on the left. These are the options:
Boot FreeBSD [default]
Boot FreeBSD with ACPI disabled
Boot FreeBSD in safe mode
Boot FreeBSD in single-user mode
Boot FreeBSD with verbose logging
Escape to loader prompt
If you wait 10 seconds, the loader will automatically boot FreeBSD by
default. Several other options are only needed for debugging or troubleshooting. While you don’t have to memorize all these options, you should be
comfortable with using the basic ones when required.
Boot FreeBSD with ACPI disabled
ACPI is the Advanced Configuration and Power Interface, an Intel/
Toshiba/Microsoft standard for configuring hardware. It replaces the
legacy standards APM (Advanced Power Management1), PnPBIOS, the
MP table, the $PIR table, and a whole bunch of other standards even
C ha pt er 3
The lesson here is: Never name anything advanced. One day, it won’t be.
more obscure. We discuss ACPI in Chapter 5. ACPI provides many
benefits to modern hardware, but some hardware has troublesome
ACPI implementations. On the other hand, much new SMP hardware
absolutely requires ACPI.
If your newly installed system will not boot normally, try booting it
with ACPI disabled. If your system has worked well for some time, but
suddenly has trouble booting, disabling ACPI probably won’t help.
Boot FreeBSD in safe mode
FreeBSD’s safe mode turns on just about every conservative option in the
operating system. ATA hard disks run without DMA or write caching,
limiting their speed but increasing their reliability by working around
cabling issues and other physical problems. EISA slots are not probed,
and ACPI is disabled. On i386 systems, SMP is disabled. USB keyboards
will no longer work in single-user mode. This option is useful for disaster
recovery and debugging older or otherwise troublesome hardware.
Boot FreeBSD in single-user mode
Single-user mode is a minimal startup mode that is very useful on damaged
systems, even when the damage was self-inflicted. It’s the earliest point
where FreeBSD can provide a command prompt, and is important
enough to have its own section later in this chapter.
Boot FreeBSD with verbose logging
FreeBSD learns a lot about a computer as it boots. Much of this information is irrelevant to day-to-day use, but very helpful when debugging.
When you boot in verbose mode, FreeBSD prints all the details it can
about every system setting and attached device. (This information will
be available afterwards in /var/run/dmesg.boot, as discussed later in this
chapter.) You might try verbose mode once on each of your machines,
just to glimpse the complexity within your computers.
Escape to loader prompt
The loader includes a command-line interpreter, where you can issue
commands to tweak your system to boot exactly the way you need. We’ll
cover this in detail in “The Loader Prompt” on page 66.
Once more, this time with feeling! Of these options, the most important
are single-user mode and the loader prompt.
Single-User Mode
FreeBSD can perform a minimal boot, called single-user mode, that loads the
kernel and finds devices but doesn’t automatically set up your filesystems,
start the network, enable security, or run any standard Unix services. Singleuser mode is the first point at which the system can possibly give you a
command prompt, however, and you can perform any or all of those nonautomated activities yourself.
S ta rt M e U p! Th e Boo t Proc es s
When you choose a single-user mode boot, you’ll see the regular system
startup messages flow past. Before any programs start, however, the kernel
offers you a chance to choose a shell. You can enter any shell on the root
partition; I usually just take the default of /bin/sh, but use /bin/tcsh if you
Disks in Single-User Mode
In single-user mode, the root partition is mounted read-only and no other
disks are mounted. (We’ll discuss disks and filesystems in Chapter 8, but for
now just follow along.)
Many of the programs that you’ll want to use are on partitions other than
the root, so you’ll want them all mounted read-write and available. To make
sure that your filesystems are in a usable state, run the following commands:
# fsck -p
# mount -a
The fsck(8) program “cleans” the filesystems, confirms that they are
internally consistent and that all the files that a disk thinks it has are actually
present and accounted for. Make the filesystems accessible with mount(8).
The -a flag mounts every filesystem listed in /etc/fstab (see Chapter 8),
but if one of these filesystems is causing your problems, you can mount the
desired filesystems individually by specifying them on the command line
(for example, mount /usr). If you’re an advanced user with NFS filesystems
configured (see Chapter 8), you’ll see error messages for those filesystems at
this point because the network isn’t up yet.
If you have trouble mounting partitions by name, try using the device
name instead. The device name for the root partition is probably either
/dev/ad0s1a (for IDE disks) or /dev/da0s1a (for SCSI disks). You’ll also need to
specify a mount point for this partition. For example, to mount your first IDE
disk partition as root, enter the command:
# mount /dev/ad0s1a /
If you have network filesystems on your server but your network is not yet
up, you can mount all your local partitions by specifying the filesystem type.
Here, we mount all of the local filesystems of type UFS, FreeBSD’s default
filesystem type:
# mount -a -t ufs
Programs Available in Single-User Mode
The commands available for your use depend on which partitions are
mounted. Some basic commands are available in /bin and /sbin, on the root
partition, and are available even if root is mounted read-only. Others live in
C ha pt er 3
/usr and are inaccessible until you mount that partition. (Take a look at /bin
and /sbin on your system to get an idea of what you’ll have to work with
when things go bad.)
If you’ve scrambled your shared library system (see Chapter 12), none of these programs
will work. If you’re that unlucky, FreeBSD provides statically-linked versions of many
core utilities in the /rescue directory.
The Network in Single-User Mode
If you want to have network connectivity in single-user mode, use the shell
script /etc/netstart. This script calls the appropriate scripts to start the network,
gives IP addresses to interfaces, and enables packet filtering and routing. If
you want some, but not all, of these services, you’ll need to read that shell
script and execute the appropriate commands manually.
Uses for Single-User Mode
In single-user mode, your access to the system is only limited by your
knowledge of FreeBSD and Unix.
For example, if you’ve forgotten your root password you can reset it
from single-user mode:
# passwd
Changing local password for root
New Password:
Retype New Password:
Note that you weren’t asked for the old root password. In single-user mode, you’re automatically root, and passwd(8) doesn’t ask root for any password.
Or, if you find that there’s a typo in /etc/fstab that confuses the system
and makes it unbootable, you can mount the root partition with the device
name, then edit /etc/fstab to resolve the issue.
Or, if you have a program that panics the system on boot and you need
to stop that program from starting again, you can either edit /etc/rc.conf to
disable the program, or just set the permissions on the startup script so that
it cannot execute.
# chmod 444 /usr/local/etc/rc.d/
We’ll discuss third-party programs (ports and packages) in Chapter 11.
There’s a reason all of these examples involve recovering from human errors. Hardware
failures are not common, and FreeBSD failures even less so. If it wasn’t for human
error, our computers would almost never let us down. As you learn more about FreeBSD,
you’ll be more and more capable in single-user mode.
S ta rt M e U p! Th e Boo t Proc es s
We’ll refer to single-user mode throughout this book, but for now, let’s
look at the loader prompt.
The Loader Prompt
The loader prompt is a small computing environment that allows you to
make basic changes to your computer’s boot environment and the variables
that must be configured early in the boot process. When you escape to a
loader prompt (option 6 in the boot menu), you’ll see the following:
This is the loader prompt. While the word OK might be friendly and
reassuring, it’s one of the few friendly things about the loader environment.
This is not a full-featured operating system; it’s a tool for configuring a system
boot which is not intended for the ignorant nor the faint of heart. Any changes
you make at the loader prompt only affect the current boot. To undo changes,
reboot again. (We’ll see how to make loader changes permanent in the next
To see all the commands available to the loader, enter a question mark.
OK ?
Available commands:
show heap usage
reboot the system
get disk block cache stats
The first three commands in the loader, listed above, are pretty much
useless to anyone except a developer. Instead, we’ll focus on the commands
useful to a system administrator.
To view the disks that the loader knows about, use lsdev.
OK lsdev
cd devices:
disk devices:
BIOS drive C:
disk0s1a: FFS
disk0s1b: swap
disk0s1d: FFS
disk0s1e: FFS
disk0s1f: FFS
BIOS drive D:
disk1s1a: FFS
disk1s1b: swap
pxe devices:
The loader checks for CD drives and doesn’t find any. (The loader
will only find CD drives if you boot from a CD, so don’t be alarmed at this.)
It finds two hard drives, known to the BIOS as drives C and D . It then
C ha pt er 3
describes the partitions it finds on these hard drives. As we’ll see in Chapter 8,
the root partition generally ends in a . This means that the only root partition
here is shown as disk0s1a . On an unfamiliar system that’s having trouble
booting, you might find this knowledge useful.
The loader has variables set within the kernel and by a configuration file.
View these variables and their settings with the show command.
OK show
The spacebar advances to the next page. These values include IRQ and
memory addresses for old ISA cards, low-level kernel tunables, and information gleaned from the BIOS. We’ll see a partial list of loader variables in
“Loader Configuration” on page 69, and additional values will be brought
up throughout the book in the appropriate sections.
You can change these values for a single boot with the set command. For
example, to change the value console to comconsole, you would enter:
OK set console=comconsole
By the time the loader gives you a command prompt, it has already
loaded the system kernel into memory. The kernel is the heart of FreeBSD
and is detailed in Chapter 5. If you’ve never worked with a kernel before, just
file these tidbits away until you get to that chapter. Use the lsmod command to
view the kernel and kernel modules currently in memory.
OK lsmod
0x400000: /boot/kernel/kernel (elf kernel, 0x6a978c)
modules: elink.1 io.1 splash.1 agp.1 nfsserver.1 nfslock.1 nfs.1 nfs4.1
wlan.1 if_gif.1 if_faith.1 ether.1 sysvshm.1 sysvsem.1 sysvmsg.1 cd9660.1
isa.1 pseudofs.1 procfs.1 msdosfs.1 usb.1 cdce.0 random.1 ppbus.1 pci.1
pccard.1 null.1 mpt_raid.1 mpt.1 mpt_cam.1 mpt_core.1 miibus.1 mem.1 isp.1
sbp.1 fwe.1 firewire.1 exca.1 cardbus.1 ast.1 afd.1 acd.1 ataraid.1 atapci.1
ad.1 ata.1 ahc.1 ahd.1 ahd_pci.1 ahc_pci.1 ahc_isa.1 ahc_eisa.1 scsi_low.1
0xaaa000: /boot/kernel/snd_via8233.ko (elf module, 0x6228)
modules: snd_via8233.1
0xab1000: /boot/kernel/sound.ko (elf module, 0x23898)
modules: sound.1
0xad5000: /boot/kernel/atapicam.ko (elf module, 0x4bac)
modules: atapicam.1
While some of this information is of value only to developers, a system
administrator can still learn a lot. Perhaps the most obviously useful information is the path to the loaded kernel . This should always be /boot/kernel/kernel
unless you configured the loader to look elsewhere.
S ta rt M e U p! Th e Boo t Proc es s
You’ll also get a list of the modules included in each loaded kernel file .
The example lists modules from the main kernel itself, ranging from elink to
cam . The loader has also pulled in the files snd_via8233 , sound , and
atapicam , with their respective modules.
To completely erase the loaded kernel and all modules from memory,
use the unload command.
OK unload
You won’t get any confirmation, but a subsequent lsmod will show that the
loader no longer remembers any kernel files.
To load a different kernel, use load.
OK load boot/kernel.good/kernel
boot/kernel.good/kernel text=0x4a6324 data=0x84020+0x9908c
The loader will respond with the name of the file and some low-level
information about it.
While I touch on loading alternate kernels here, before doing this you
really need to understand why you would want to and how to do it safely.
Go read the discussion on “Booting an Alternate Kernel” on page 137.
Once your system boots just the way you need it to, you’ll probably want
to make those settings permanent. FreeBSD lets you do this through the
loader configuration file, /boot/loader.conf. Before you can make changes,
however, you must understand FreeBSD’s default configuration filesystem.
Default Files
FreeBSD separates configuration files into default files and customization
files. The default files contain variable assignments and are not intended to
be edited; instead, they’re designed to be overridden by another file of the
same name. Default configurations are kept in a directory called default.
For example, the boot loader configuration file is /boot/loader.conf, and
the default configuration file is /boot/defaults/loader.conf. If you want to see a
comprehensive list of loader variables, check the default configuration file.
During upgrades, the installer replaces the default configuration files but
does not touch your local configuration files. This separation ensures that
your local changes remain intact while still allowing new values to be added to
the system. FreeBSD adds features with every release, and its developers go to
great lengths to ensure that changes to these files are backward compatible.
This means that you won’t have to go through the upgraded configuration
and manually merge in your changes; at most you’ll have to check out the
new defaults file for nifty configuration opportunities and new system
C ha pt er 3
The loader configuration file is a good example of these files. The /boot/
defaults/loader.conf file contains dozens of entries much like this:
# Set to YES for verbose loader output
The variable verbose_loading defaults to NO. To change this setting, do not
edit /boot/defaults/loader.conf—instead, add the line to /boot/loader.conf and
change it there. Your /boot/loader.conf entries override the default setting,
and your local configuration contains only your local changes. A sysadmin
can easily see what changes have been made and how this system differs from
the out-of-the-box configuration.
D O N ’ T C OP Y T H E DE F AU L T C O N F I G !
One common mistake is to copy the default configuration to the override file and
then make changes there directly. Such copying will cause major problems in certain
parts of the system. You might get away with it in one or two places, but eventually
it will bite you. Copying /etc/defaults/rc.conf to /etc/rc.conf, for example, will
prevent your system from booting. You have been warned.
The default configuration mechanism appears throughout FreeBSD,
especially in the core system configuration.
Loader Configuration
To make loader setting changes permanent, use the configuration file /boot/
loader.conf. Settings in this file are fed directly into the boot loader at system
startup. (Of course, if you enjoy being at your console every time the system
boots, then you don’t have to bother with this!)
If you look at the default loader configuration, you’ll see many options
that resemble variables listed in the loader. For example, here we can set the
name of the console device:
Throughout the FreeBSD documentation, you’ll see references to boottime tunables and loader settings. All of these are set in loader.conf. This includes
many sysctl values that are read-only once the system is up and kicking.
(For more on this, see Chapter 5. I present a list of popular kernel sysctls
in Appendix A.) Here, we set the kernel variable kern.maxusers to 32 .
S ta rt M e U p! Th e Boo t Proc es s
Some of these variables do not have a specific value set in loader.conf;
instead, they appear as empty quotes. This means that the loader normally
lets the kernel set this value, but if you want to override the kernel you can.
The kernel has an idea of what the value of kern.nbuf should be, but you
can have the loader dictate a different value if you must.
We’ll discuss system tuning via the boot loader in the appropriate
section—for example, kernel values will be discussed in Chapter 5, where
they will make something resembling sense—but here are some commonly
used loader values that affect the appearance and operation of the loader
itself and basic boot functionality. As FreeBSD matures, the developers introduce new loader values and alter the functionality of old ones, so be sure to
check /boot/defaults/loader.conf on your installation for the current list.
This toggles the verbose boot mode that you can reach through the boot
menu. In a standard boot, the kernel prints out a few basic notes about
each device as it identifies system hardware. When you boot in verbose
mode, the kernel tells each device driver to print out any and all information it can about each device as well as display assorted kernel-related
setup details. This is useful for debugging and development, but not
generally for day-to-day use.
This is the number of seconds between the display of the boot menu and
the automatic boot. I frequently turn this down to 2 or 3 seconds, as I
want my machines to come up as quickly as possible.
This controls the appearance of the boot menu (originally, an ASCII art
image of the BSD “Beastie” mascot decorated the boot menu). If set to
YES, the boot menu will not appear.
You can choose which logo appears to the right of the boot menu.
The default “FreeBSD” in ASCII art is the fbsdbw option. Other options
include beastiebw (the original logo), beastie (the logo in color), and
none (to have the menu appear without any logo).
Serial Consoles
All this console stuff is nice, but it can be a problem when your FreeBSD
system is in a co-location facility on the other side of the country or on
another continent. A keyboard and monitor are nice, too, but in many data
centers you won’t have room for them. And how do you reset the machine
remotely when it won’t respond to the network? A serial console solves all
these problems and more.
C ha pt er 3
A serial console simply redirects the computer’s keyboard input and
video to the serial port instead of the keyboard and monitor. Serial consoles
appear on all sorts of network equipment, from Cisco routers and Ethernet
switches to network-based KVM switches. Many physical security systems,
such as keypad-based door locks, also have serial consoles. By hooking up a
standard null modem cable to the serial port and attaching the other end to
another computer’s serial port, you can access the first system’s boot messages
from the second computer. This is especially useful if the machines are at a
remote location. Your system must have a serial port to have a serial console.
An increasing number of systems are arriving “legacy-free,” meaning that they
lack such basic features as serial ports or PS/2 keyboard and mouse ports.
Serial consoles can occur in both hardware and software.
Hardware Serial Consoles
Real Unix hardware (such as Sparc64 systems) has hardware serial console
capability. On these boxes, you can attach a serial cable to the serial console
port and have unfettered access to the hardware configuration, boot messages,
and startup messages. Most x86 hardware does not allow this; you must be
at the keyboard looking at the monitor to control the BIOS, and you must
press the spacebar to interrupt the loader. A few x86 and amd64 motherboards do have this functionality, and more and more vendors such as Dell
and HP are offering serial port consoles as a feature on their higher-end
machines—but this is a special feature you must search for. (The HP RILOE
serial console support even lets you control power over the serial console,
which is very nice.)
If your machine doesn’t have a serial console, nothing any operating
system can do will give you access to the PC-style BIOS messages across the
serial port. Boot messages all appear before the operating system starts and
even before the hard drive is accessed. Fortunately, hardware exists to work
around this. The best I’ve seen is the PC Weasel (
It’s a video card with a serial port instead of a video port. The PC Weasel lets
you access the BIOS, interrupt the boot to come up in single-user mode, and
in general do whatever you like with the system as if you were at the console.
Hardware serial consoles do not require any operating system support.
Software Serial Consoles
If you don’t need early access to the BIOS messages but only to the boot
loader, FreeBSD’s software serial console will suffice. As FreeBSD boots,
the loader decides where to print console messages and from where to
accept input. While this defaults to the monitor and keyboard, with a few
tweaks you can redirect the console to a serial port. You cannot access the
BIOS, but this serial console gives you the ability to tweak your boot in
almost any way. FreeBSD lets you set the console in two different places.
For production systems, it’s best to set the console in the file /boot/config.
This gives you access to the first stage of the boot process. You have three
choices: Use the standard keyboard/video/mouse as a console, use a serial
S ta rt M e U p! Th e Boo t Proc es s
port as a console, or use a dual console. The standard console is the default,
so choosing this setup requires no action. To force FreeBSD to use a serial
console, enter -h all by itself in /boot/config.
Dual consoles let you use either the standard or the serial console as
needed. You must pick one console to be the primary console, however.
There are certain low-level tasks, such as booting from an alternate loader or
breaking into the debugger, which you can only perform from the primary
console, but otherwise the consoles are functionally identical. Enter -D in
/boot/config to enable a dual console with the standard console as primary.
Enter -Dh in /boot/config to enable a dual console with the serial console as
primary. I recommend using a dual console.
You can also control consoles from /boot/loader.conf. These entries take
effect slightly later in the boot process, during the final stage of the kernel
bootstrapping process. To use the serial console exclusively, add this entry
to /boot/loader.conf:
To switch back to the default video console, remove this line or comment
it out. You can also set the keyboard and video console in /boot/loader.conf
explicitly with this line:
You can specify a dual console configuration by listing both comconsole
and vidconsole, with the preferred console first. Here, we prefer the serial
console="comconsole vidconsole"
If you’re in a server-room situation, you might want to switch back and
forth between a standard console and a serial console. I generally manage
large arrays of FreeBSD systems via the serial console.
In some FreeBSD documentation found on the Web, you’ll see references to using
keyboard autodetection to choose a console. The idea is that you want to use the
serial console unless you have a keyboard plugged in. This worked just fine in the
days of AT and PS/2 keyboards, but autodetection of USB keyboards is prone to
failure. You’re better off choosing a dual-console configuration rather than relying
on keyboard autodetection.
C ha pt er 3
Serial Console Physical Setup
No matter what sort of serial console you have, you’ll need to plug into it
correctly to make it work. You’ll need a null modem cable, available at any
computer store or from online vendors. While the gold-plated serial cables
are not worth the money, don’t buy the cheapest model you can find either;
if you have an emergency and need the serial console, you’re probably not in
the mood to deal with line noise!
Plug one end of the null modem cable into the serial console port
on your FreeBSD server—by default the first serial port (COM1 or sio0,
depending on what operating system you’re used to). You can change this
with a kernel recompile, but it’s generally simplest to just use the default
on a server.
Plug the other end of your null modem cable into an open serial port on
another system. I recommend either another FreeBSD (or other Unix) system
or a terminal server, but you can use a Windows box if that’s all you have.
If you have two FreeBSD machines at a remote location, make sure that
they each have two serial ports. Get two null modem cables and plug the first
serial port on each box into the second serial port of the other machine.
That way, you can use each machine as the console client for the other.
If you have three machines, daisy-chain them into a loop. By combining
twos and threes, you can get serial consoles on any number of systems.
I’ve worked data centers with 30 or 40 FreeBSD machines, where installing
monitors was simply not practical, and we used serial consoles to great effect.
Once you have a rack or two of servers, however, investing in a terminal
server is a really good idea. You can find them cheaply on eBay.
Another option is to use two DB9-to-RJ45 converters, one standard
and one crossover. These allow you to run your console connections over
a standard CAT5 cable. If you have a lights-out data center where human
beings are not allowed, you can have your serial consoles come out near
your desk, in your warm room, or anywhere else your standard Ethernetstyle patch panels reach. Most modern data facilities are better equipped
to handle Ethernet than serial cables.
Serial Console Use
Now that you’re all set up, configure your client to access the serial console.
The key to using a serial console is to remember the following settings:
9600 baud
8 bits
no parity
1 stop bit
S ta rt M e U p! Th e Boo t Proc es s
Enter these values into any terminal emulator on a client computer,
and the serial console will “just work.” You can find terminal emulators for
Microsoft platforms (HyperTerm being the most famous), Macintosh, and
almost any other operating system. A few years ago, I frequently used a Palm
handheld with a serial cable to access serial consoles.
FreeBSD accesses serial lines with tip(1), a program that allows you to
connect to remote systems in a manner similar to telnet. To run tip, do this
as root:
# tip portname
A port name is shorthand for specifying the serial port number and
speed to be used on a serial port. The file /etc/remote contains a list of port
names. Most of the entries in this file are relics of the eon when UUCP was
the major data-transfer protocol and serial lines were the norm instead of the
exception.2 At the end of this file, you’ll see a few entries like:
# Finger friendly shortcuts
The sio entries are the standard Unix-type device names, while the
com names were added for the convenience of people who grew up on x 86
hardware. Assume that you have two FreeBSD boxes wired back-to-back, with
each one’s serial port 1 null-modemed into serial port 2. Both machines are
configured to use a serial console. You’ll want to connect to your local serial
port 2 to talk to the other system’s serial console:
# tip sio1
You won’t see anything else, no matter what you type.
If you log into the other system and reboot it, you’ll abruptly see action
in your tip window:
Shutting down daemon processes:.
Stopping cron.
Shutting down local daemons:.
Writing entropy file:.
Waiting (max 60 seconds) for system process 'vnlru' to stop...done
Waiting (max 60 seconds) for system process 'bufdaemon' to stop...done
C ha pt er 3
This might not predate dinosaurs, but it was before spam. Imagine that.
Waiting (max 60 seconds) for system process 'syncer' to stop...
Syncing disks, vnodes remaining...1 0 0 done
All buffers synced.
Uptime: 1m1s
Shutting down ACPI
There will be a long pause while the system runs its BIOS routines and
hands control over to the serial console. Eventually you’ll see something
like this:
/boot/kernel/kernel text=0x4a6324 data=0x84020+0x9908c
/boot/kernel/snd_via8233.ko text=0x3a14 data=0x328 syms=[0x4+0xa10+0x4+0xac5]
loading required module 'sound'
/boot/kernel/sound.ko text=0x17974 data=0x37a8+0x10d8
/boot/kernel/atapicam.ko text=0x2a30 data=0x1d8+0x4 syms=[0x4+0x7b0+0x4+0x7d6]
This indicates that the loader initially found and read the kernel files
before showing the loader menu. Congratulations! You’re using a serial
console. Press the spacebar to interrupt the boot just as if you were at the
keyboard. It doesn’t matter how far away the system is; you can change
your booting kernel, get a verbose boot, bring it up in single-user mode,
or manually fsck the hard drive—whatever. A software serial console might
not show you the BIOS, but chances are that’s set up correctly already. Once
you’ve used a serial console for a while, it won’t matter if the machine is on
the other side of the world or the other side of the room; getting out of your
chair just to access the console will feel like too much work.
If you allow the boot to continue, however, you’ll get to a point where
the boot messages stop and the serial console freezes. This is because it’s a
console; it’s not a logon device. (Being able to log onto a machine via the
serial console is quite useful on occasion; see Chapter 20 for details.)
If a system in a remote location entirely locks up, you can connect to your
serial console and have the “remote hands” at the colocation facility powercycle the system. It might not be good for your computer, but it’s also not
good for it to be locked up. With the serial console, you can boot into singleuser mode and fix the problem by digging through the logs and whatever
other troubleshooting you feel capable of. We’ll discuss troubleshooting this
sort of problems in Chapter 21.
Serial Console Disconnection
The tip(1) program uses the tilde (~) as a control character. To disconnect
the serial console, press ENTER and then type the disconnect sequence
“tilde-dot” at any time:
You’ll be gracefully disconnected.
S ta rt M e U p! Th e Boo t Proc es s
Startup Messages
A booting FreeBSD system displays messages indicating the hardware attached
to the system, the operating system version, and the status of various programs
and services as they start. These messages are important when you first install
your system or when you do troubleshooting. The boot messages always start
off the same way, with a statement listing the copyrights for the FreeBSD
Project and the Regents of the University of California:
Copyright (c) 1992-2007 The FreeBSD Project.
Copyright (c) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994
The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
FreeBSD 7.0-CURRENT-SNAP010 #0: Tue Dec 13 11:25:44 UTC 2005
We also get a notice of the version of FreeBSD that’s booting, along with
the date and time it was compiled. You can also see who compiled this kernel,
what machine it was built on, and even where in the filesystem this kernel was
built. If you build a lot of kernels, this information can be invaluable when
trying to identify exactly what system features are available.
WARNING: WITNESS option enabled, expect reduced performance.
The kernel will print out diagnostic messages throughout the boot
process. The message shown above means that I have debugging and faultidentifying code enabled in this particular kernel, and my performance will
suffer as a result. In this case I don’t care about the performance impact, for
reasons which will become clear momentarily.
Timecounter "i8254" frequency 1193182 Hz quality 0
This message identifies a particular piece of hardware. The timecounter,
or hardware clock, is a special piece of hardware, and while your computer
needs one, it’s such a low-level device that the end user really can’t do much
with it directly. Now and then, you’ll see messages like this for hardware that
isn’t directly visible to the user but is vital to the system. FreeBSD errs on the
side of printing too much information, rather than obscuring details that
might be critical. For example, it’ll also show all the information it can about
the CPU in the system:
CPU: AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4200+ ( 2200.10-MHz 686-class CPU)
Origin = "AuthenticAMD" Id = 0x20fb1 Stepping = 1
AMD Features=0xe2500800
AMD Features2=0x3
Cores per package: 2
You probably didn’t know that a simple CPU could have so many details
and features, did you? Here’s why I’m not worried about the performance hit
caused by the WITNESS option shown earlier: This box has a dual-core processor , each core is pretty darn fast
and supports a whole bunch of
features important to modern CPUs as well as a few AMD-specific features .
I have CPU power to spare3 and a fair amount of memory as well.
real memory
= 1072693248 (1023 MB)
992 MB)
avail memory = 1040453632 (
The real memory is the amount of RAM physically installed in the
computer, while the avail memory is the amount of memory left over after
the kernel is loaded. I have 992 MB of RAM available for real work, which
more than suffices for the load on this system.
FreeBSD/SMP: Multiprocessor System Detected: 2 CPUs
The kernel also prints messages about the hardware it finds and how it’s
going to handle that hardware. For example, in the snippet above, the kernel
announces that it’s found both cores of the CPU and is ready to manage them.
ioapic0 irqs 0-23 on motherboard
ioapic1 irqs 24-47 on motherboard
Here’s a fairly typical device driver entry. This device is known as ioapic,
and the kernel has found that this hardware is version 0.3 and has extra
information associated with it . What’s more, we’ve found two devices of
that type, numbered 0 and 1 . (All device drivers are numbered starting
with zero.) You can find out more about the device handled by a given driver
by reading the manual page for the driver. Almost all—but not all—device
drivers have manual pages.
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