CSS: The Definitive Guide OReilly.CSS.The.Definitive.Guide.4th.Edition.2017.10





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The Definitive Guide

Eric A. Meyer & Estelle Weyl


CSS: The Definitive Guide
Visual Presentation for the Web

Eric A. Meyer and Estelle Weyl


Boston Farnham Sebastopol


CSS: The Definitive Guide
by Eric A. Meyer and Estelle Weyl
Copyright © 2018 Eric Meyer, Estelle Weyl. All rights reserved.
Printed in the United States of America.
Published by O’Reilly Media, Inc., 1005 Gravenstein Highway North, Sebastopol, CA 95472.
O’Reilly books may be purchased for educational, business, or sales promotional use. Online editions are
also available for most titles (http://oreilly.com/safari). For more information, contact our corporate/insti‐
tutional sales department: 800-998-9938 or corporate@oreilly.com.

Editor: Meg Foley
Production Editors: Colleen Lobner and Colleen Cole
Proofreader: Amanda Kersey
Indexer: Angela Howard
November 2017:

Interior Designer: David Futato
Cover Designer: Karen Montgomery
Illustrator: Rebecca Demarest

Fourth Edition

Revision History for the Fourth Edition

First Release
Second Release
Third Release
Fourth Release

See http://oreilly.com/catalog/errata.csp?isbn=9781449393199 for release details.
The O’Reilly logo is a registered trademark of O’Reilly Media, Inc. CSS: The Definitive Guide, the cover
image, and related trade dress are trademarks of O’Reilly Media, Inc.
While the publisher and the authors have used good faith efforts to ensure that the information and
instructions contained in this work are accurate, the publisher and the authors disclaim all responsibility
for errors or omissions, including without limitation responsibility for damages resulting from the use of
or reliance on this work. Use of the information and instructions contained in this work is at your own
risk. If any code samples or other technology this work contains or describes is subject to open source
licenses or the intellectual property rights of others, it is your responsibility to ensure that your use
thereof complies with such licenses and/or rights.


To Kat, Carolyn, Rebecca, and Joshua.

To Amie.

Table of Contents

Preface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xix
1. CSS and Documents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
A Brief History of (Web) Style
Replaced and Nonreplaced Elements
Element Display Roles
Bringing CSS and HTML Together
The link Tag
The style Element
The @import Directive
HTTP Linking
Inline Styles
Stylesheet Contents
Rule Structure
Vendor prefixing
Whitespace Handling
CSS Comments
Media Queries
Simple Media Queries
Media Types
Media Descriptors
Media Feature Descriptors and Value Types
Feature Queries



2. Selectors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Basic Style Rules
Element Selectors
Declarations and Keywords
Grouping Selectors
Grouping Declarations
Grouping Everything
New Elements in Old Browsers
Class and ID Selectors
Class Selectors
Multiple Classes
ID Selectors
Deciding Between Class and ID
Attribute Selectors
Simple Attribute Selectors
Selection Based on Exact Attribute Value
Selection Based on Partial Attribute Values
A Particular Attribute Selection Type
The Case Insensitivity Identifier
Using Document Structure
Understanding the Parent-Child Relationship
Descendant Selectors
Selecting Children
Selecting Adjacent Sibling Elements
Selecting Following Siblings
Pseudo-Class Selectors
Combining Pseudo-Classes
Structural Pseudo-Classes
Dynamic Pseudo-Classes
UI-State Pseudo-Classes
The :target Pseudo-Class
The :lang Pseudo-Class
The Negation Pseudo-Class
Pseudo-Element Selectors
Styling the First Letter
Styling the First Line
Restrictions on ::first-letter and ::first-line
Styling (or Creating) Content Before and After Elements



Table of Contents


3. Specificity and the Cascade. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Declarations and Specificity
Universal Selector Specificity
ID and Attribute Selector Specificity
Inline Style Specificity
The Cascade
Sorting by Weight and Origin
Sorting by Specificity
Sorting by Order
Non-CSS Presentational Hints


4. Values and Units. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Keywords, Strings, and Other Text Values
Numbers and Percentages
Absolute Length Units
Resolution Units
Relative Length Units
Calculation values
Attribute Values
Named Colors
Colors by RGB and RGBa
Colors by HSL and HSLa
Color Keywords
Time and Frequency
Custom Values


Table of Contents



5. Fonts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
Font Families
Using Generic Font Families
Specifying a Font Family
Using @font-face
Required Descriptors
Other Font Descriptors
Combining Descriptors
Font Weights
How Weights Work
Getting Bolder
Lightening Weights
The font-weight descriptor
Font Size
Absolute Sizes
Relative Sizes
Percentages and Sizes
Font Size and Inheritance
Using Length Units
Automatically Adjusting Size
Font Style
The font-style Descriptor
Font Stretching
The font-stretch Descriptor
Font Kerning
Font Variants
Level 3 Values
Font Features
The font-feature-settings Descriptor
Font Synthesis
The font Property
Adding the Line Height
Using Shorthands Properly
Using System Fonts
Font Matching


6. Text Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
Indentation and Inline Alignment
Indenting Text
Text Alignment
Aligning the Last Line



Table of Contents


Inline Alignment
The Height of Lines
Vertically Aligning Text
Word Spacing and Letter Spacing
Word Spacing
Letter Spacing
Spacing and Alignment
Text Transformation
Text Decoration
Weird Decorations
Text Rendering
Text Shadows
Handling Whitespace
Setting Tab Sizes
Wrapping and Hyphenation
Wrapping Text
Writing Modes
Setting Writing Modes
Changing Text Orientation
Declaring Direction


7. Basic Visual Formatting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
Basic Boxes
A Quick Refresher
The Containing Block
Altering Element Display
Changing Roles
Block Boxes
Horizontal Formatting
Horizontal Properties
Using auto
More Than One auto
Negative Margins
Replaced Elements
Vertical Formatting
Vertical Properties
Percentage Heights
Auto Heights
Collapsing Vertical Margins
Negative Margins and Collapsing


Table of Contents



List Items
Inline Elements
Line Layout
Basic Terms and Concepts
Inline Formatting
Inline Nonreplaced Elements
Building the Boxes
Vertical Alignment
Managing the line-height
Scaling Line Heights
Adding Box Properties
Changing Breaking Behavior
Glyphs Versus Content Area
Inline Replaced Elements
Adding Box Properties
Replaced Elements and the Baseline
Inline-Block Elements
Flow Display
Contents Display
Other Display Values
Computed Values


8. Padding, Borders, Outlines, and Margins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315
Basic Element Boxes
Width and Height
Replicating Values
Single-Side Padding
Percentage Values and Padding
Padding and Inline Elements
Padding and Replaced Elements
Borders with Style
Border Widths
Border Colors
Shorthand Border Properties
Global Borders
Borders and Inline Elements
Rounding Border Corners
Image Borders



Table of Contents


Outline Styles
Outline Width
Outline Color
How They Are Different
Length Values and Margins
Percentages and Margins
Single-Side Margin Properties
Margin Collapsing
Negative Margins
Margins and Inline Elements


9. Colors, Backgrounds, and Gradients. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387
Foreground Colors
Affecting Borders
Affecting Form Elements
Inheriting Color
Background Colors
Clipping the Background
Background Images
Background Positioning
Changing the Positioning Box
Background Repeating (or Lack Thereof)
Getting Attached
Sizing Background Images
Bringing It All Together
Multiple Backgrounds
Linear Gradients
Radial Gradients
Manipulating Gradient Images
Repeating Gradients
Box Shadows


10. Floating and Shapes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 489
Floated Elements
Floating: The Details


Table of Contents



Applied Behavior
Floats, Content, and Overlapping
Float Shapes
Creating a Shape
Shaping with Image Transparency
Adding a Shape Margin


11. Positioning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 525
Basic Concepts
Types of Positioning
The Containing Block
Offset Properties
Width and Height
Setting Width and Height
Limiting Width and Height
Content Overflow and Clipping
Element Visibility
Absolute Positioning
Containing Blocks and Absolutely Positioned Elements
Placement and Sizing of Absolutely Positioned Elements
Placing and Sizing Nonreplaced Elements
Placing and Sizing Replaced Elements
Placement on the Z-Axis
Fixed Positioning
Relative Positioning
Sticky Positioning


12. Flexible Box Layout. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 563
Flexbox Fundamentals
A Simple Example
Flex Containers
The flex-direction Property
Other Writing Directions
Wrapping Flex Lines
Defining Flexible Flows
flex-wrap Continued
Arranging Flex Items



Table of Contents


Flex Container
Justifying Content
justify-content Examples
Aligning Items
Start, End, and Center Alignment
Baseline Alignment
Additional Notes
The align-self Property
Aligning Content
Flex Items
What Are Flex Items?
Flex Item Features
Minimum Widths
Flex-Item–Specific Properties
The flex Property
The flex-grow Property
Growth Factors and the flex Property
The flex-shrink Property
Proportional Shrinkage Based on Width and Shrink Factor
Differing Bases
Responsive Flexing
The flex-basis Property
The content Keyword
Automatic Flex Basis
Default Values
Length Units
Zero Basis
The flex Shorthand
Common Flex Values
The order property
Tabbed Navigation Revisited


13. Grid Layout. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 655
Creating a Grid Container
Basic Grid Terminology
Placing Grid Lines
Fixed-Width Grid Tracks
Flexible Grid Tracks
Fitting Track Contents
Repeating Grid Lines
Grid Areas
Attaching Elements to the Grid


Table of Contents



Using Column and Row Lines
Row and Column Shorthands
The Implicit Grid
Error Handling
Using Areas
Grid Item Overlap
Grid Flow
Automatic Grid Lines
The grid Shorthand
Opening Grid Spaces
Grid Gutters (or Gaps)
Grid Items and the Box Model
Aligning and Grids
Aligning and Justifying Individual Items
Aligning and Justifying All Items
Layering and Ordering


14. Table Layout in CSS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 731
Table Formatting
Visually Arranging a Table
Table Display Values
Anonymous Table Objects
Table Layers
Table Cell Borders
Separated Cell Borders
Collapsing Cell Borders
Table Sizing


15. Lists and Generated Content. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 767
Types of Lists
List Item Images
List-Marker Positions
List Styles in Shorthand
List Layout



Table of Contents


Generated Content
Inserting Generated Content
Specifying Content
Defining Counting Patterns
Fixed Counting Patterns
Cyclic Counting Patterns
Symbolic Counting Patterns
Alphabetic Counting Patterns
Numeric Counting Patterns
Additive Counting Patterns
Extending Counting Patterns
Speaking Counting Patterns


16. Transforms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 819
Coordinate Systems
The Transform Functions
More Transform Properties
Moving the Origin
Choosing a 3D Style
Changing Perspective
Dealing with Backfaces


17. Transitions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 855
CSS Transitions
Transition Properties
Limiting Transition Effects by Property
Setting Transition Duration
Altering the Internal Timing of Transitions
Delaying Transitions
The transition Shorthand
In Reverse: Transitioning Back to Baseline
Animatable Properties and Values
How Property Values Are Interpolated
Fallbacks: Transitions Are Enhancements
Printing Transitions


18. Animation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 891
Defining Keyframes


Table of Contents



Setting Up Keyframe Animations
Naming Your Animation
Keyframe Selectors
Omitting from and to Values
Repeating Keyframe Properties
Animatable Properties
Nonanimatable Properties That Aren’t Ignored
Scripting @keyframes Animations
Animating Elements
Naming Animations
Defining Animation Lengths
Declaring Animation Iterations
Setting an Animation Direction
Delaying Animations
Animation Events
Changing the Internal Timing of Animations
Setting the Animation Play State
Animation Fill Modes
Bringing It All Together
Animation, Specificity, and Precedence Order
Specificity and !important
Animation Order
Animation Iteration and display: none;
Animation and the UI Thread
Seizure and Vestibular Disorders
Animation Events and Prefixing
Printing Animations


19. Filters, Blending, Clipping, and Masking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 945
CSS Filters
Basic Filters
Color Filtering
Brightness, Contrast, and Saturation
SVG Filters
Compositing and Blending
Blending Elements
Darken, Lighten, Difference, and Exclusion
Multiply, Screen, and Overlay
Hard and Soft Light


| Table of Contents


Color Dodge and Burn
Hue, Saturation, Luminosity, and Color
Blending Backgrounds
Blending in Isolation
Clipping and Masking
Clip Shapes
Clip Boxes
Clip Filling Rules
Defining a Mask
Changing the Mask’s Mode
Sizing and Repeating Masks
Positioning Masks
Clipping and Compositing Masks
Bringing It All Together
Mask Types
Border-image Masking
Object Fitting and Positioning


20. Media-Dependent Styles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 991
Defining Media-Dependent Styles
Basic Media Queries
Complex Media Queries
Paged Media
Print Styles


A. Animatable Properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1017
B. Basic Property Reference. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1025
C. Color Equivalence Table. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1035
Index. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1039

Table of Contents




If you are a web designer or document author interested in sophisticated page styling,
improved accessibility, and saving time and effort, this book is for you. All you really
need to know before starting the book is HTML 4.0. The better you know HTML, the
better prepared you’ll be, but it is not a requirement. You will need to know very little
else to follow this book.
This fourth edition of the book was finished in mid-2017 and does its best to reflect
the state of CSS at that time. The assumption is that anything covered in detail either
had wide browser support at the time of writing or was known to be coming soon
after publication. CSS features which were still being developed, or were known to
have support dropping soon, are not covered here.

Conventions Used in This Book
The following typographical conventions are used in this book (but make sure to read
through the subsection “Value Syntax Conventions” on page xx to see how some of
these are modified):
Indicates new terms, URLs, email addresses, filenames, and file extensions.
Constant width

Used for program listings, as well as within paragraphs to refer to program ele‐
ments such as variable or function names, databases, data types, environment
variables, statements, and keywords.
Constant width bold

Shows commands or other text that should be typed literally by the user.
Constant width italic

Shows text that should be replaced with user-supplied values or by values deter‐
mined by context.

This element signifies a tip or suggestion.

This element signifies a general note.

This element indicates a warning or caution.

Value Syntax Conventions
Throughout this book, there are boxes that break down a given CSS property’s details,
including what values are permitted. These have been reproduced practically verba‐
tim from the CSS specifications, but some explanation of the syntax is in order.
Throughout, the allowed values for each property are listed with a syntax like the fol‐
Value: #
Value: ?  [ /  ]?
Value: [  | thick | thin ]{1,4}
Any italicized words between “<” and “>” give a type of value, or a reference to
another property’s values. For example, the property font accepts values that origi‐
nally belong to the property font-family. This is denoted by using the text . Similarly, if a value type like a color is permitted, it will be represented using
Any words presented in constant width are keywords that must appear literally,
without quotes. The forward slash (/) and the comma (,) must also be used literally.
There are a number of ways to combine components of a value definition:
• Two or more keywords strung together with only space separating them means
that all of them must occur in the given order. For example, help me would mean
that the property must use those keywords in that order.



• If a vertical bar separates alternatives (X | Y), then any one of them must occur,
but only one. Given “[ X | Y | Z ]”, then any one of X, Y, or Z is permitted.
• A vertical double bar (X ‖ Y) means that X, Y, or both must occur, but they may
appear in any order. Thus: X, Y, X Y, and Y X are all valid interpretations.
• A double ampersand (X && Y) means both X and Y must occur, though they
may appear in any order. Thus: X Y or Y X are both valid interpretations.
• Brackets ([…]) are for grouping things together. Thus “[please ‖ help ‖ me] do
this” means that the words please, help, and me can appear in any order,
though each appear only once. do this must always appear, with those words in
that order. Some examples: please help me do this, help me please do
this, me please help do this.
Every component or bracketed group may (or may not) be followed by one of these
• An asterisk (*) indicates that the preceding value or bracketed group is repeated
zero or more times. Thus, “bucket*” means that the word bucket can be used
any number of times, including zero. There is no upper limit defined on the
number of times it can be used.
• A plus (+) indicates that the preceding value or bracketed group is repeated one
or more times. Thus, “mop+” means that the word mop must be used at least once,
and potentially many more times.
• An octothorpe (#) indicates that the preceding value or bracketed group is
repeated one or more times, separated by commas as needed. Thus, “floor#” can
be floor, floor, floor, floor, and so on. This is most often used in conjunc‐
tion with bracketed groups or value types.
• A question mark (?) indicates that the preceding value or bracketed group is
optional. For example, “[pine tree]?” means that the words pine tree need not
be used (although they must appear in that order if they are used).
• An exclamation point (!) indicates that the preceding value or bracketed group is
required, and thus must result in at least one value, even if the syntax would seem
to indicate otherwise. For example, “[ what? is? happening? ]!” must be at least
one of the three terms marked optional.
• A pair of numbers in curly braces ({M,N}) indicates that the preceding value or
bracketed group is repeated at least M and at most N times. For example, ha{1,3}
means that there can be one, two, or three instances of the word ha.




The following are some examples:
give ‖ me ‖ liberty

At least one of the three words must be used, and they can be used in any order.
For example, give liberty, give me, liberty me give, and give me liberty
are all valid interpretations.

[ I | am ]? the ‖ walrus
Either the word I or am may be used, but not both, and use of either is optional.
In addition, either the or walrus, or both, must follow in any order. Thus you
could construct I the walrus, am walrus the, am the, I walrus, walrus the,
and so forth.
koo+ ka-choo

One or more instances of koo must be followed by ka-choo. Therefore koo koo
ka-choo, koo koo koo ka-choo, and koo ka-choo are all legal. The number of
koos is potentially infinite, although there are bound to be implementationspecific limits.

I really{1,4}? [ love | hate ] [ Microsoft | Netscape | Opera | Safari | Chrome ]

The all-purpose web designer’s opinion-expresser. This can be interpreted as I
love Netscape, I really love Microsoft, and similar expressions. Anywhere
from zero to four reallys may be used, though they may not be separated by
commas. You also get to pick between love and hate, which really seems like
some sort of metaphor.

It’s a [ mad ]# world

This gives the opportunity to put in as many comma-separated mads as possible,
with a minimum of one mad. If there is only one mad, then no comma is added.
Thus: It’s a mad world and It’s a mad, mad, mad, mad, mad world are
both valid results.

[ [ Alpha ‖ Baker ‖ Cray ], ]{2,3} and Delphi
Two to three of Alpha, Baker, and Delta must be followed by and Delphi. One
possible result would be Cray, Alpha, and Delphi. In this case, the comma is
placed because of its position within the nested bracket groups. (Some older ver‐
sions of CSS enforced comma-separation this way, instead of via the # modifier.)

Using Code Examples
Whenever you come across an icon that looks like , it means there is an associated
code example. Live examples are available at https://meyerweb.github.io/csstdg4figs/. If
you are reading this book on a device with an internet connection, you can click the
icon to go directly to a live version of the code example referenced.



Supplemental material—in the form of the HTML, CSS, and image files that were
used to produce nearly all of the figures in this book—is available for download at
https://github.com/meyerweb/csstdg4figs. Please be sure to read the repository’s
README.md file for any notes regarding the contents of the repository.
This book is here to help you get your job done. In general, if example code is offered
with this book, you may use it in your programs and documentation. You do not
need to contact us for permission unless you’re reproducing a significant portion of
the code. For example, writing a program that uses several chunks of code from this
book does not require permission. Selling or distributing a CD-ROM of examples
from O’Reilly books does require permission. Answering a question by citing this
book and quoting example code does not require permission. Incorporating a signifi‐
cant amount of example code from this book into your product’s documentation does
require permission.
We appreciate, but do not require, attribution. An attribution usually includes the
title, author, publisher, and ISBN. For example: “CSS: The Definitive Guide by Eric A.
Meyer and Estelle Weyl (O’Reilly). Copyright 2018 Eric Meyer, Estelle Weyl,
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above, feel free to contact us at permissions@oreilly.com.

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Eric Meyer
This edition was one of the most challenging projects I’ve ever undertaken, for both
technical and personal reasons, and I was helped immeasurably along the way by so
many people. I’ll do my best to remember everyone, but if I left you out, I am sorry.
To the creators of CSS, Håkon Wium Lie and Bert Bos, thank you for your foresight.
The web would be a much poorer place without your work.
To the implementors at various browser makers who have done so much, and come
so far together, thank you making so many things possible.
To git, the version-control software, my thanks for the last-minute rescue when it was
discovered that an entire chapter (“Lists and Generated Content”) had gone missing,
but was easily restored from past commits.
Special thanks are due to Simon St. Laurent, who believed in my ideas for releasing a
book one chapter at a time, who kept the project waiting for me when I had to take an




extended period of time away, and who worked tirelessly with me to move things for‐
ward in whatever way I proposed.
To my co-author, Estelle, for stepping up to help me out when I needed it, for your
keen reviewers’ eye, and for your wonderful contributions to this edition, all my grati‐
A number of other people helped me understand CSS when it didn’t make sense to
me, often going several rounds of explanation. Some of them go back a few editions,
but most of them helped me adjust to the new patterns in CSS for this edition. Alpha‐
betically, by last name: Rachel Andrew, Rossen Atanossov, Tab Atkins, Amelia
Bellamy-Royds, Dave Cramer, Elika Etemad, Jen Simmons, Sara Soueidan, Mel
Sumner, and Greg Whitworth. My abject apologies to anyone I left off by oversight.
To the whole community of web designers and developers who stood with me
through the hardest passage I have ever known, friends and colleagues and strangers
alike, I owe you more than I could ever say. In some ways, I owe you my life. Thank
you for hearing me.
And to my family—my wife Kat, and my children Carolyn, Rebecca, and Joshua—you
are the home that shelters me, the suns in my sky and the stars by which I steer. I
could never have come this far without you. Thank you for everything.
—Eric A. Meyer
Cleveland Heights, OH
19 July 2017

Estelle Weyl
I would like to acknowledge everyone who has worked to make CSS what it is today
and all those who have helped improve diversity and inclusion in tech.
I would like to recognize those who work tirelessly with browser vendors and devel‐
opers in writing the CSS specifications. Without the members of the CSS Working
Group—past, current, and future—we would have no specifications, no standards,
and no cross-browser compatibility. I am in awe of the thought process that goes into
every CSS property and value added to, and omitted from, the specification. People
like Tab Atkins, Elika Emitad, Dave Baron, Léonie Watson, and Greg Whitworth not
only work on the specification, but also take their time to answer questions and
explain nuances to the broader CSS public, notably me.
I also want to acknowledge all those who, whether they participate in the CSS Work‐
ing Group or not, dive deep into CSS features and help translate the spec for the rest
of us, including Sarah Drasner, Val Head, Sara Souidan, Chris Coyier, Jen Simmons,
and Rachel Andrew. In addition, I want to acknowledge and thank people who create




tools that make all CSS developers lives easier, especially Alexis Deveria for creating
and maintaining https://caniuse.com/.
I would also like to acknowledge and express my appreciation of all those who have
contributed their time and effort to improve diversity and inclusion in all sectors of
the developer community. Yes, CSS is awesome. But it’s important to work with great
people in a great community.
When I attended my first tech conference in 2007, the lineup was 93% male and 100%
white. The audience had slightly less gender diversity and only slightly more ethnic
diversity. I had actually picked that conference because the lineup was more diverse
than most: it actually had a woman on it. Looking around the room, I knew things
needed to change, and I realized it was something I needed to do. What I didn’t real‐
ize then was how many unsung heroes I would meet over the next 10 years working
for diversity and inclusion in all areas of the tech sector and life in general.
There are too many people who work tirelessly, quietly, and often with little or no
recognition to name them all, but I would like to highlight some. I can not express
how much of a positive impact people like Erica Stanley of Women Who Code
Atlanta, Carina Zona of Callback Women, and Jenn Mei Wu of Oakland Maker Space
have had. Groups like The Last Mile, Black Girls Code, Girls Incorporated, Sisters
Code, and so many others inspired me to create a list at http://www.standardista.com/
feeding-the-diversity-pipeline/ to help ensure the path to a career in web development
is not only for those with privilege.
Thank you to all of you. Thank you to everyone. Thanks to all of your efforts, more
has been done than I ever could have imagined sitting in that conference 10 years
—Estelle Weyl
Palo Alto, CA
July 19, 2017





CSS and Documents

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a powerful tool that transforms the presentation of a
document or a collection of documents, and it has spread to nearly every corner of
the web and into many ostensibly non-web environments. For example, Gecko-based
browsers use CSS to affect the presentation of the browser chrome itself, many RSS
clients let you apply CSS to feeds and feed entries, and some instant message clients
use CSS to format chat windows. Aspects of CSS can be found in the syntax used by
JavaScript frameworks, and even in JavaScript itself. It’s everywhere!

A Brief History of (Web) Style
CSS was first proposed in 1994, just as the web was beginning to really catch on. At
the time, browsers gave all sorts of styling power to the user—the presentation prefer‐
ences in Mosaic, for example, permitted all manner of font family, size, and color to
be defined by the user on a per-element basis. None of this was available to document
authors; all they could do was mark a piece of content as a paragraph, as a heading of
some level, as preformatted text, or one of a handful of other element types. If a user
configured his browser to make all level-one headings tiny and pink and all level-six
headings huge and red, well, that was his lookout.
It was into this milieu that CSS was introduced. Its goal was to provide a simple,
declarative styling language that was flexible for authors and, most importantly, pro‐
vided styling power to authors and users alike. By means of the “cascade,” these styles
could be combined and prioritized so that both authors and readers had a say—
though readers always had the last say.
Work quickly advanced, and by late 1996, CSS1 was finished. While the newly estab‐
lished CSS Working Group moved forward with CSS2, browsers struggled to imple‐
ment CSS1 in an interoperable way. Although each piece of CSS was fairly simple on


its own, the combination of those pieces created some surprisingly complex behav‐
iors. There were also some unfortunate missteps in early implementations, such as
the infamous discrepancy in box model implementations. These problems threatened
to derail CSS altogether, but fortunately some clever proposals were implemented,
and browsers began to harmonize. Within a few years, thanks to increasing intero‐
perability and high-profile developments such as the CSS-based redesign of Wired
magazine and the CSS Zen Garden, CSS began to catch on.
Before all that happened, though, the CSS Working Group had finalized the CSS2
specification in early 1998. Once CSS2 was finished, work immediately began on
CSS3, as well as a clarified version of CSS2 called CSS2.1. In keeping with the spirit of
the times, CSS3 was constructed as a series of (theoretically) standalone modules
instead of a single monolithic specification. This approach reflected the then-active
XHTML specification, which was split into modules for similar reasons.
The rationale for modularizing CSS3 was that each module could be worked on at its
own pace, and particularly critical (or popular) modules could be advanced along the
W3C’s progress track without being held up by others. Indeed, this has turned out to
be the case. By early 2012, three CSS3 modules (along with CSS1 and CSS 2.1) had
reached full Recommendation status—CSS Color Level 3, CSS Namespaces, and
Selectors Level 3. At that same time, seven modules were at Candidate Recommenda‐
tion status, and several dozen others were in various stages of Working Draft-ness.
Under the old approach, colors, selectors, and namespaces would have had to wait for
every other part of the specification to be done or cut before they could be part of a
completed specification. Thanks to modularization, they didn’t have to wait.
The flip side of that advantage is that it’s hard to speak of a single “CSS3 specification.”
There isn’t any such thing, nor can there be. Even if every other CSS module had
reached level 3 by, say, late 2016 (they didn’t), there was already a Selectors Level 4 in
process. Would we then speak of it as CSS4? What about all the “CSS3” features still
coming into play? Or Grid Layout, which had not then even reached Level 1?
So while we can’t really point to a single tome and say, “There is CSS3,” we can talk of
features by the module name under which they are introduced. The flexibility mod‐
ules permit more than makes up for the semantic awkwardness they sometimes cre‐
ate. (If you want something approximating a single monolithic specification, the CSS
Working Group publishes yearly “Snapshot” documents.)
With that established, we’re almost ready to start understanding CSS. First though, we
must go over markup.



Chapter 1: CSS and Documents

Elements are the basis of document structure. In HTML, the most common elements
are easily recognizable, such as p, table, span, a, and div. Every single element in a
document plays a part in its presentation.

Replaced and Nonreplaced Elements
Although CSS depends on elements, not all elements are created equally. For exam‐
ple, images and paragraphs are not the same type of element, nor are span and div. In
CSS, elements generally take two forms: replaced and nonreplaced.

Replaced elements
Replaced elements are those where the element’s content is replaced by something that
is not directly represented by document content. Probably the most familiar HTML
example is the img element, which is replaced by an image file external to the docu‐
ment itself. In fact, img has no actual content, as you can see in this simple example:

This markup fragment contains only an element name and an attribute. The element
presents nothing unless you point it to some external content (in this case, an image
specified by the src attribute). If you point to a valid image file, the image will be
placed in the document. If not, it will either display nothing or the browser will show
a “broken image” placeholder.
Similarly, the input element is also replaced—by a radio button, checkbox, or text
input box, depending on its type.

Nonreplaced elements
The majority of HTML elements are nonreplaced elements. This means that their con‐
tent is presented by the user agent (generally a browser) inside a box generated by the
element itself. For example, hi there is a nonreplaced element, and
the text “hi there” will be displayed by the user agent. This is true of paragraphs,
headings, table cells, lists, and almost everything else in HTML.

Element Display Roles
In addition to replaced and nonreplaced elements, CSS uses two other basic types of
elements: block-level and inline-level. There are many more display types, but these
are the most basic, and the types to which most if not all other display types refer. The
block and inline types will be familiar to authors who have spent time with HTML
markup and its display in web browsers. The elements are illustrated in Figure 1-1.




Figure 1-1. Block- and inline-level elements in an HTML document

Block-level elements
Block-level elements generate an element box that (by default) fills its parent element’s
content area and cannot have other elements at its sides. In other words, it generates
“breaks” before and after the element box. The most familiar block elements from
HTML are p and div. Replaced elements can be block-level elements, but usually they
are not.
List items are a special case of block-level elements. In addition to behaving in a man‐
ner consistent with other block elements, they generate a marker—typically a bullet
for unordered lists and a number for ordered lists—that is “attached” to the element
box. Except for the presence of this marker, list items are in all other ways identical to
other block elements.

Inline-level elements
Inline-level elements generate an element box within a line of text and do not break up
the flow of that line. The best inline element example is the a element in HTML.
Other candidates are strong and em. These elements do not generate a “break” before
or after themselves, so they can appear within the content of another element without
disrupting its display.
Note that while the names “block” and “inline” share a great deal in common with
block- and inline-level elements in HTML, there is an important difference. In
HTML, block-level elements cannot descend from inline-level elements. In CSS, there
is no restriction on how display roles can be nested within each other.
To see how this works, let’s consider a CSS property, display.

Initial value
Applies to



[  ] |  |  |
See below

All elements

Chapter 1: CSS and Documents

Computed value As specified

block | inline | run-in

flow | flow-root | table | flex | grid | ruby

list-item && ? && [ flow | flow-root ]?

table-row-group | table-header-group | table-footer-group | table-row |
table-cell | table-column-group | table-column | table-caption | ruby-base
| ruby-text | ruby-base-container | ruby-text-container

contents | none

inline-block | inline-list-item | inline-table | inline-flex | inline-grid

You may have noticed that there are a lot of values, only three of which I’ve even
come close to mentioning: block, inline, and list-item. Most of these values will
be dealt with elsewhere in the book; for example, grid and inline-grid will be cov‐
ered in a separate chapter about grid layout, and the table-related values are all cov‐
ered in a chapter on CSS table layout.
For now, let’s just concentrate on block and inline. Consider the following markup:

This is a paragraph with an inline element within it.

Here we have two block elements (body and p) and an inline element (em). According to the HTML specification, em can descend from p, but the reverse is not true. Typi‐ cally, the HTML hierarchy works out so that inlines descend from blocks, but not the other way around. CSS, on the other hand, has no such restrictions. You can leave the markup as it is but change the display roles of the two elements like this: p {display: inline;} em {display: block;} Elements | 5 This causes the elements to generate a block box inside an inline box. This is perfectly legal and violates no part of CSS. You would, however, have a problem if you tried to reverse the nesting of the elements in HTML:

This is a paragraph improperly enclosed by an inline element.

No matter what you do to the display roles via CSS, this is not legal in HTML. While changing the display roles of elements can be useful in HTML documents, it becomes downright critical for XML documents. An XML document is unlikely to have any inherent display roles, so it’s up to the author to define them. For example, you might wonder how to lay out the following snippet of XML: Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide Third Edition Eric A. Meyer O'Reilly and Associates November 2006 978-0-596-52733-4 CSS Pocket Reference Third Edition Eric A. Meyer O'Reilly and Associates October 2007 978-0-596-51505-8 Since the default value of display is inline, the content would be rendered as inline text by default, as illustrated in Figure 1-2. This isn’t a terribly useful display. Figure 1-2. Default display of an XML document You can define the basics of the layout with display: book, maintitle, subtitle, author, isbn {display: block;} publisher, pubdate {display: inline;} We’ve now set five of the seven elements to be block and two to be inline. This means each of the block elements will be treated much as div is treated in HTML, and the two inlines will be treated in a manner similar to span. This fundamental ability to affect display roles makes CSS highly useful in a variety of situations. We could take the preceding rules as a starting point, add a few other styles for greater visual impact, and get the result shown in Figure 1-3. 6 | Chapter 1: CSS and Documents Figure 1-3. Styled display of an XML document Before learning how to write CSS in detail, we need to look at how one can associate CSS with a document. After all, without tying the two together, there’s no way for the CSS to affect the document. We’ll explore this in an HTML setting since it’s the most familiar. Bringing CSS and HTML Together I’ve mentioned that HTML documents have an inherent structure, and that’s a point worth repeating. In fact, that’s part of the problem with web pages of old: too many of us forgot that documents are supposed to have an internal structure, which is alto‐ gether different than a visual structure. In our rush to create the coolest-looking pages on the web, we bent, warped, and generally ignored the idea that pages should contain information with some structural meaning. That structure is an inherent part of the relationship between HTML and CSS; without it, there couldn’t be a relationship at all. To understand it better, let’s look at an example HTML document and break it down by pieces: Eric's World of Waffles


The most wonderful of all breakfast foods is the waffle—a ridged and cratered slab of home-cooked, fluffy goodness Bringing CSS and HTML Together | 7 that makes every child's heart soar with joy. And they're so easy to make! Just a simple waffle-maker and some batter, and you're ready for a morning of aromatic ecstasy!

The result of this markup and the applied styles is shown in Figure 1-4. Figure 1-4. A simple document Now, let’s examine the various ways this document connects to CSS. The link Tag First, consider the use of the link tag: The link tag is a little-regarded but nonetheless perfectly valid tag that has been hanging around the HTML specification for years, just waiting to be put to good use. Its basic purpose is to allow HTML authors to associate other documents with the document containing the link tag. CSS uses it to link stylesheets to the document; in Figure 1-5, a stylesheet called sheet1.css is linked to the document. These stylesheets, which are not part of the HTML document but are still used by it, are referred to as external stylesheets. This is because they’re stylesheets that are exter‐ nal to the HTML document. (Go figure.) To successfully load an external stylesheet, link must be placed inside the head ele‐ ment but may not be placed inside any other element. This will cause the web browser to locate and load the stylesheet and use whatever styles it contains to render the HTML document in the manner shown in Figure 1-5. Also shown in Figure 1-5 is the loading of the external sheet2.css via the @import declaration. Imports must be placed at the beginning of the stylesheet that contains them, but they are otherwise unconstrained. 8 | Chapter 1: CSS and Documents Figure 1-5. A representation of how external stylesheets are applied to documents And what is the format of an external stylesheet? It’s a list of rules, just like those we saw in the previous section and in the example HTML document; but in this case, the rules are saved into their own file. Just remember that no HTML or any other markup language can be included in the stylesheet—only style rules. Here are the contents of an external stylesheet: h1 {color: red;} h2 {color: maroon; background: white;} h3 {color: white; background: black; font: medium Helvetica;} That’s all there is to it—no HTML markup or comments at all, just plain-and-simple style declarations. These are saved into a plain-text file and are usually given an extension of .css, as in sheet1.css. An external stylesheet cannot contain any document markup at all, only CSS rules and CSS comments, both of which are explained later in the chapter. The presence of markup in an external style‐ sheet can cause some or all of it to be ignored. The filename extension is not required, but some older browsers won’t recognize the file as containing a stylesheet unless it actually ends with .css, even if you do include the correct type of text/css in the link element. In fact, some web servers won’t hand over a file as text/css unless its filename ends with .css, though that can usually be fixed by changing the server’s configuration files. Bringing CSS and HTML Together | 9 Attributes For the rest of the link tag, the attributes and values are fairly straightforward. rel stands for “relation,” and in this case, the relation is stylesheet. The attribute type is always set to text/css. This value describes the type of data that will be loaded using the link tag. That way, the web browser knows that the stylesheet is a CSS stylesheet, a fact that will determine how the browser deals with the data it imports. After all, there may be other style languages used in the future, so it’s important to declare which language you’re using. Next, we find the href attribute. The value of this attribute is the URL of your style‐ sheet. This URL can be either absolute or relative, depending on what works for you. In our example, the URL is relative. It just as easily could have been something like http://meyerweb.com/sheet1.css. Finally, we have a media attribute. The value of this attribute is one or more media descriptors, which are rules regarding media types and the features of those media, with each rule separated by a comma. Thus, for example, you can use a linked style‐ sheet in both screen and projection media: Media descriptors can get quite complicated, and are explained in detail later in the chapter. For now, we’ll stick with the basic media types shown. Note that there can be more than one linked stylesheet associated with a document. In these cases, only those link tags with a rel of stylesheet will be used in the ini‐ tial display of the document. Thus, if you wanted to link two stylesheets named basic.css and splash.css, it would look like this: This will cause the browser to load both stylesheets, combine the rules from each, and apply them all to the document. For example:

This paragraph will be gray only if styles from the stylesheet 'basic.css' are applied.

This paragraph will be gray only if styles from the stylesheet 'splash.css' are applied.

The one attribute that is not in this example markup, but could be, is the title attribute. This attribute is not often used, but it could become important in the future and, if used improperly, can have unexpected effects. Why? We will explore that in the next section. 10 | Chapter 1: CSS and Documents Alternate stylesheets It’s also possible to define alternate stylesheets. These are defined by making the value of the rel attribute alternate stylesheet, and they are used in document presenta‐ tion only if selected by the user. Should a browser be able to use alternate stylesheets, it will use the values of the link element’s title attributes to generate a list of style alternatives. So you could write the following: Users could then pick the style they want to use, and the browser would switch from the first one, labeled “Default” in this case, to whichever the user picked. Figure 1-6 shows one way in which this selection mechanism might be accomplished (and in fact was, early in the resurgence of CSS). Figure 1-6. A browser offering alternate stylesheet selection As of late 2016, alternate stylesheets were supported in most Gecko-based browsers like Firefox, and in Opera. They could be supported in the Internet Explorer family through the use of Java‐ Script but are not natively supported by those browsers. The Web‐ Kit family did not support selecting alternate stylesheets. Compare this to the age of the browser shown in Figure 1-6--it’s almost shocking. It is also possible to group alternate stylesheets together by giving them the same title value. Thus, you make it possible for the user to pick a different presentation for your site in both screen and print media: Bringing CSS and HTML Together | 11 If a user selects “Big Text” from the alternate stylesheet selection mechanism in a con‐ forming user agent, then bigtext.css will be used to style the document in the screen medium, and print-bigtext.css will be used in the print medium. Neither sheet1.css nor print-sheet1.css will be used in any medium. Why is that? Because if you give a link with a rel of stylesheet a title, then you are designating that stylesheet as a preferred stylesheet. This means that its use is preferred to alternate stylesheets, and it will be used when the document is first displayed. Once you select an alternate stylesheet, however, the preferred stylesheet will not be used. Furthermore, if you designate a number of stylesheets as preferred, then all but one of them will be ignored. Consider the following code example: All three link elements now refer to preferred stylesheets, thanks to the presence of a title attribute on all three, but only one of them will actually be used in that manner. The other two will be ignored completely. Which two? There’s no way to be certain, as HTML doesn’t provide a method of determining which preferred stylesheets should be ignored and which should be used. If you don’t give a stylesheet a title, then it becomes a persistent stylesheet and is always used in the display of the document. Often, this is exactly what an author wants. The style Element The style element is one way to include a stylesheet, and it appears in the document itself: style should always use the attribute type; in the case of a CSS document, the correct value is "text/css", just as it was with the link element. 12 | Chapter 1: CSS and Documents The style element should always start with tag. It is also possible to give the style element a media attribute, which functions in the same manner as previously discussed for linked stylesheets. The styles between the opening and closing style tags are referred to as the docu‐ ment stylesheet or the embedded stylesheet (because this kind of stylesheet is embed‐ ded within the document). It will contain many of the styles that will apply to the document, but it can also contain multiple links to external stylesheets using the @import directive. The @import Directive Now we’ll discuss the stuff that is found inside the style tag. First, we have some‐ thing very similar to link: the @import directive: @import url(sheet2.css); Just like link, @import can be used to direct the web browser to load an external stylesheet and use its styles in the rendering of the HTML document. The only major difference is in the syntax and placement of the command. As you can see, @import is found inside the style container. It must be placed before the other CSS rules or it won’t work at all. Consider this example: Like link, there can be more than one @import statement in a document. Unlike link, however, the stylesheets of every @import directive will be loaded and used; there is no way to designate alternate stylesheets with @import. So, given the follow‐ ing markup: @import url(sheet2.css); @import url(blueworld.css); @import url(zany.css); all three external stylesheets will be loaded, and all of their style rules will be used in the display of the document. As with link, you can restrict imported stylesheets to one or more media by provid‐ ing media descriptors after the stylesheet’s URL: @import url(sheet2.css) all; @import url(blueworld.css) screen; @import url(zany.css) projection, print; Bringing CSS and HTML Together | 13 As noted in “The link Tag” on page 8, media descriptors can get quite complicated, and are explained in detail in Chapter 20, Media-Dependent Styles. @import can be highly useful if you have an external stylesheet that needs to use the styles found in other external stylesheets. Since external stylesheets cannot contain any document markup, the link element can’t be used—but @import can. Therefore, you might have an external stylesheet that contains the following: @import url(http://example.org/library/layout.css); @import url(basic-text.css); @import url(printer.css) print; body {color: red;} h1 {color: blue;} Well, maybe not those exact styles, but hopefully you get the idea. Note the use of both absolute and relative URLs in the previous example. Either URL form can be used, just as with link. Note also that the @import directives appear at the beginning of the stylesheet, as they did in the example document. CSS requires the @import directive to come before any other rules in a stylesheet. An @import that comes after other rules (e.g., body {color: red;}) will be ignored by conforming user agents. Older versions of Internet Explorer for Windows do not ignore any @import directive, even those that come after other rules. Since other browsers do ignore improperly placed @import directives, it is easy to mistakenly place the @import directive incorrectly and thus alter the display in other browsers. HTTP Linking There is another, far more obscure way to associate CSS with a document: you can link the two via HTTP headers. Under Apache, this can be accomplished by adding a reference to the CSS file in a .htaccess file. For example: Header add Link ";rel=stylesheet;type=text/css" This will cause supporting browsers to associate the referenced stylesheet with any documents served from under that .htaccess file. The browser will then treat it as if it were a linked stylesheet. Alternatively, and probably more efficiently, you can add an equivalent rule to the server’s httpd.conf file: Header add Link ";rel=stylesheet;type=text/css" 14 | Chapter 1: CSS and Documents The effect is exactly the same in supporting browsers. The only difference is in where you declare the linking. You probably noticed the use of the term “supporting browsers.” As of late 2017, the widely used browsers that support HTTP linking of stylesheets are the Firefox family and Opera. That restricts this technique mostly to development environments based on one of those browsers. In that situation, you can use HTTP linking on the test server to mark when you’re on the development site as opposed to the public site. It’s also an interesting way to hide styles from the WebKit and Internet Explorer families, assuming you have a reason to do so. There are equivalents to this technique in common scripting lan‐ guages such as PHP and IIS, both of which allow the author to emit HTTP headers. It’s also possible to use such languages to explicitly write a link element into the document based on the server offer‐ ing up the document. This is a more robust approach in terms of browser support: every browser supports the link element. Inline Styles For cases where you want to just assign a few styles to one individual element, without the need for embedded or external stylesheets, employ the HTML attribute style to set an inline style:

The most wonderful of all breakfast foods is the waffle—a ridged and cratered slab of home-cooked, fluffy goodness...

The style attribute can be associated with any HTML tag whatsoever, except for those tags that are found outside of body (head or title, for instance). The syntax of a style attribute is fairly ordinary. In fact, it looks very much like the declarations found in the style container, except here the curly braces are replaced by double quotation marks. So

will set the text color to be maroon and the background to be yellow for that para‐ graph only. No other part of the document will be affected by this declaration. Note that you can only place a declaration block, not an entire stylesheet, inside an inline style attribute. Therefore, you can’t put an @import into a style attribute, nor can you include any complete rules. The only thing you can put into the value of a style attribute is what might go between the curly braces of a rule. Use of the style attribute is not generally recommended. Indeed, it is very unlikely to appear in XML languages other than HTML. Many of the primary advantages of CSS —the ability to organize centralized styles that control an entire document’s appear‐ ance or the appearance of all documents on a web server—are negated when you Bringing CSS and HTML Together | 15 place styles into a style attribute. In many ways, inline styles are not much better than the font tag, although they do have a good deal more flexibility in terms of what visual effects they can apply. Stylesheet Contents So after all of that, what about the actual contents of the stylesheets? You know, stuff like this: h1 {color: maroon;} body {background: yellow;} Styles such as these comprise the bulk of any embedded stylesheet—simple and com‐ plex, short and long. Rarely will you have a document where the style element does not contain any rules, although it’s possible to have a simple list of @import declara‐ tions with no actual rules like those shown in the previous example. Before we get going on the rest of the book, there are a few top-level things to cover regarding what can or can’t go into a stylesheet. Markup There is no markup in stylesheets. This might seem obvious, but you’d be surprised. The one exception is HTML comment markup, which is permitted inside style ele‐ ments for historical reasons: That’s it. Rule Structure To illustrate the concept of rules in more detail, let’s break down the structure. Each rule has two fundamental parts: the selector and the declaration block. The decla‐ ration block is composed of one or more declarations, and each declaration is a pair‐ ing of a property and a value. Every stylesheet is made up of a series of rules. Figure 1-7 shows the parts of a rule. 16 | Chapter 1: CSS and Documents Figure 1-7. The structure of a rule The selector, shown on the left side of the rule, defines which piece of the document will be affected. In Figure 1-7, h1 elements are selected. If the selector were p, then all p (paragraph) elements would be selected. The right side of the rule contains the declaration block, which is made up of one or more declarations. Each declaration is a combination of a CSS property and a value of that property. In Figure 1-7, the declaration block contains two declarations. The first states that this rule will cause parts of the document to have a color of red, and the second states that part of the document will have a background of yellow. So, all of the h1 elements in the document (defined by the selector) will be styled in red text with a yellow background. Vendor prefixing Sometimes you’ll see pieces of CSS with dashes and labels in front of them, like this: o-border-image. These are called vendor prefixes, and are a way for browser vendors to mark properties, values, or other bits of CSS as being experimental or proprietary (or both). As of late 2016, there were a few vendor prefixes in the wild, with the most common being shown in Table 1-1. Table 1-1. Some common vendor prefixes -epub- Prefix Vendor International Digital Publishing Forum ePub format -moz- Mozilla-based browsers (e.g., Firefox) -ms- Microsoft Internet Explorer -o- Opera-based browsers -webkit- WebKit-based browsers (e.g., Safari and Chrome) As Table 1-1 implies, the generally accepted format of a vendor prefix is a dash, a label, and a dash, although a few prefixes erroneously omit the first dash. The uses and abuses of vendor prefixes are long, tortuous, and beyond the scope of this book. Suffice to say that they started out as a way for vendors to test out new Stylesheet Contents | 17 features, thus helping speed interoperability without worrying about being locked into legacy behaviors that were incompatible with other browsers. This avoided a whole class of problems that nearly strangled CSS in its infancy. Unfortunately, pre‐ fixed properties were then publicly deployed by web authors and ended up causing a whole new class of problems. As of late 2016, vendor prefixes are a dwindling breed, with old prefixed properties and values being slowly removed from browser implementations. It’s entirely possible that you’ll never write prefixed CSS, but you may encounter it in the wild, or inherit it in a legacy codebase. Whitespace Handling CSS is basically insensitive to whitespace between rules, and largely insensitive to whitespace within rules, although there are a few exceptions. In general, CSS treats whitespace just like HTML does: any sequence of whitespace characters is collapsed to a single space for parsing purposes. Thus, you can format the hypothetical rainbow rule in the following ways: rainbow: infrared red orange yellow green blue indigo violet ultraviolet; rainbow: infrared red orange yellow green blue indigo violet ultraviolet; rainbow: infrared red orange yellow green blue indigo violet ultraviolet ; …as well as any other separation patterns you can think up. The only restriction is that the separating characters be whitespace: an empty space, a tab, or a newline, alone or in combination, as many as you like. Similarly, you can format series of rules with whitespace in any fashion you like. These are just five of an effectively infinite number of possibilities: html{color:black;} body {background: white;} p { color: gray;} h2 { color : silver ; } ol 18 | Chapter 1: CSS and Documents { color : silver ; } As you can see from the first rule, whitespace can be largely omitted. Indeed, this is usually the case with minified CSS, which is CSS that’s had every last possible bit of extraneous whitespace removed. The rules after the first two use progressively more extravagant amounts of whitespace until, in the last rule, pretty much everything that can be separated onto its own line has been. All of these approaches are valid, so you should pick the formatting that makes the most sense—that is, is easiest to read—in your eyes, and stick with it. There are some places where the presence of whitespace is actually required. The most common example is when separating a list of keywords in a value, as in the hypothetical rainbow examples. Those must always be whitespace-separated. CSS Comments CSS does allow for comments. These are very similar to C/C++ comments in that they are surrounded by /* and */: /* This is a CSS1 comment */ Comments can span multiple lines, just as in C++: /* This is a CSS1 comment, and it can be several lines long without any problem whatsoever. */ It’s important to remember that CSS comments cannot be nested. So, for example, this would not be correct: /* This is a comment, in which we find another comment, which is WRONG /* Another comment */ and back to the first comment */ One way to create “nested” comments accidentally is to temporarily comment out a large block of a stylesheet that already contains a comment. Since CSS doesn’t permit nested comments, the “outside” comment will end where the “inside” comment ends. Unfortunately, there is no “rest of the line” comment pattern such as // or # (the lat‐ ter of which is reserved for ID selectors anyway). The only comment pattern in CSS is /* */. Therefore, if you wish to place comments on the same line as markup, then Stylesheet Contents | 19 you need to be careful about how you place them. For example, this is the correct way to do it: h1 {color: gray;} h2 {color: silver;} p {color: white;} pre {color: gray;} /* /* /* /* This CSS comment is several lines */ long, but since it is alongside */ actual styles, each line needs to */ be wrapped in comment markers. */ Given this example, if each line isn’t marked off, then most of the stylesheet will become part of the comment and thus will not work: h1 {color: gray;} /* This CSS comment is several lines h2 {color: silver;} long, but since it is not wrapped p {color: white;} in comment markers, the last three pre {color: gray;} styles are part of the comment. */ In this example, only the first rule (h1 {color: gray;}) will be applied to the docu‐ ment. The rest of the rules, as part of the comment, are ignored by the browser’s ren‐ dering engine. CSS comments are treated by the CSS parser as if they do not exist at all, and so do not count as whitespace for parsing purposes. This means you can put them into the middle of rules—even right inside declarations! Media Queries With media queries, an author can define the media environment in which a given stylesheet is used by the browser. In the past, this was handled by setting media types via the media attribute on the link element, on a style element, or in the media descriptor of an @import or @media declaration. Media queries take this concept sev‐ eral steps further by allowing authors to choose stylesheets based on the features of a given media type, using what are called media descriptors. Usage Media queries can be employed in the following places: • The media attribute of a link element • The media attribute of a style element • The media descriptor portion of an @import declaration • The media descriptor portion of an @media declaration Queries can range from simple media types to complicated combinations of media types and features. 20 | Chapter 1: CSS and Documents Simple Media Queries Let’s look at some simple media blocks before covering all of the possibilities of media queries. Suppose we want some differing styles for situations where the styles are shown in a projection setting, such as a slide show. Here are two very simple bits of CSS: h1 {color: maroon;} @media projection { body {background: yellow;} } In this example, h1 elements will be colored maroon in all media, but the body ele‐ ment will get a yellow background only in a projection medium. You can have as many @media blocks as you like in a given stylesheet, each with its own set of media descriptors (see later in this chapter for details). You could even encapsulate all of your rules in an @media block if you chose, like this: @media all { h1 {color: maroon;} body {background: yellow;} } However, since this is exactly the same as if you stripped off the first and last line shown, there isn’t a whole lot of point to doing so. The indentation shown in this section was solely for purposes of clarity. You do not have to indent the rules found inside an @media block, but you’re welcome to do so if it makes your CSS easier for you to read. The place where we saw projection and all in those examples is where media quer‐ ies are set. These queries rely on a combination of terms that describe the type of media to be considered, as well as descriptions of the media’s parameters (e.g., resolu‐ tion or display height), to determine when blocks of CSS should be applied. Media Types The most basic form of media queries are media types, which first appeared in CSS2. These are simple labels for different kinds of media: all Use in all presentational media. Media Queries | 21 print Use when printing the document for sighted users and also when displaying a print preview of the document. screen Use when presenting the document in a screen medium like a desktop computer monitor. All web browsers running on such systems are screen-medium user agents. As of this writing, a couple of browsers also support projection, which allows a document to be presented as a slideshow. Several mobile-device browsers support the handheld type, but not in con‐ sistent ways. Multiple media types can be specified using a comma-separated list. The following four examples are all equivalent ways of applying a stylesheet (or a block of rules) in both screen and print media: @import url(frobozz.css) screen, print; @media screen, print {...} Things get interesting when you add feature-specific descriptors, such as values that describe the resolution or color depth of a given medium, to these media types. Media Descriptors The placement of media queries will be very familiar to any author who has ever set a media type on a link element or an @import declaration. Here are two essentially equivalent ways of applying an external stylesheet when rendering the document on a color printer: @import url(print-color.css) print and (color); Anywhere a media type can be used, a media query can be used. This means that, following on the examples of the previous section, it is possible to list more than one query in a comma-separated list: @import url(print-color.css) print and (color), screen and (color-depth: 8); 22 | Chapter 1: CSS and Documents In any situation where even one of the media queries evaluates to “true,” the associ‐ ated stylesheet is applied. Thus, given the previous @import, print-color.css will be applied if rendering to a color printer or to a sufficiently colorful screen environment. If printing on a black-and-white printer, both queries will evaluate to “false”, and print-color.css will not be applied to the document. The same holds true in any screen medium, and so on. Each media descriptor is composed of a media type and one or more listed media fea‐ tures, with each media feature descriptor enclosed in parentheses. If no media type is provided, then it is assumed to be all, which makes the following two examples equivalent: @media all and (min-resolution: 96dpi) {...} @media (min-resolution: 96dpi) {...} Generally speaking, a media feature descriptor is formatted like a property-value pair in CSS. There are a few differences, most notably that some features can be specified without an accompanying value. Thus, for example, any color-based medium will be matched using (color), whereas any color medium using a 16-bit color depth is matched using (color: 16). In effect, the use of a descriptor without a value is a true/false test for that descriptor: (color) means “is this medium in color?” Multiple feature descriptors can be linked with the and logical keyword. In fact, there are two logical keywords in media queries: and Links together two or more media features in such a way that all of them must be true for the query to be true. For example, (color) and (orientation: land scape) and (min-device-width: 800px) means that all three conditions must be satisfied: if the media environment has color, is in landscape orientation, and the device’s display is at least 800 pixels wide, then the stylesheet is used. not Negates the entire query such that if all of the conditions are true, then the style‐ sheet is not applied. For example, not (color) and (orientation: landscape) and (min-device-width: 800px) means that if the three conditions are satis‐ fied, the statement is negated. Thus, if the media environment has color, is in landscape orientation, and the device’s display is at least 800 pixels wide, then the stylesheet is not used. In all other cases, it will be used. Note that the not keyword can only be used at the beginning of a media query. It is not legal to write something like (color) and not (min-device-width: 800px). In such cases, the query will be ignored. Note also that browsers too old to understand media queries will always skip a stylesheet whose media descriptor starts with not. Media Queries | 23 There is no OR keyword for use in media queries. Instead, the commas that separate a list of queries serve the function of an OR—screen, print means “apply if the media is screen or print.” Instead of screen and (max-color: 2) or (monochrome), which is invalid and thus ignored, you should write screen and (max-color: 2), screen and (monochrome). There is one more keyword, only, which is designed to create deliberate backward incompatibility (yes, really): only Used to hide a stylesheet from browsers too old to understand media queries. For example, to apply a stylesheet in all media, but only in those browsers that under‐ stand media queries, you write something like @import url(new.css) only all. In browsers that do understand media queries, the only keyword is ignored and the stylesheet is applied. In browsers that do not understand media queries, the only keyword creates an apparent media type of only all, which is not valid. Thus, the stylesheet is not applied in such browsers. Note that the only keyword can only be used at the beginning of a media query. Media Feature Descriptors and Value Types So far we’ve seen a number of media feature descriptors in the examples, but not a complete list. Following is a list of all possible descriptors (current as of late 2017): • width • aspect-ratio • color-index • min-width • min-aspect-ratio • min-color-index • max-width • max-aspect-ratio • max-color-index • device-width • device-aspectratio • monochrome • min-device-aspectratio • max-monochrome • max-device-aspectratio • min-resolution • min-device-width • max-device-width • height • min-height • max-height • device-height • min-device-height • max-device-height 24 | Chapter 1: CSS and Documents • color • min-color • max-color • min-monochrome • resolution • max-resolution • orientation • scan • grid In addition, two new value types were added: • A complete description of these descriptors and values, and how to use them, can be found in Chapter 20. Feature Queries Between 2015 and 2016, CSS gained the ability to apply blocks of CSS when certain CSS property-value combinations were supported by the user agent. These are known as feature queries. They’re very similar to media queries in structure. Consider a situation where you want to only apply color to element if color is a supported property. (Which it cer‐ tainly should be!) That would look like this: @supports (color: black) { body {color: black;} h1 {color: purple;} h2 {color: navy;} } That says, in effect, “If you recognize and can do something with the property-value combination color: black, apply these styles. Otherwise, skip these styles.” In user agents that don’t understand @supports, the entire block is skipped over. Feature queries are a perfect way to progressively enhance your styles. For example, suppose you want to add some grid layout to your existing float-and-inline-block lay‐ out. You can keep the old layout scheme, and then later in the stylesheet include a block like this: @supports (display: grid ) { section#main {display: grid;} /* styles to switch off old layout positioning */ /* grid layout styles */ } This block of styles will be applied in browsers that understand grid display, overrid‐ ing the old styles that governed page layout, and then applying the styles needed to make things work in a grid-based future. Browsers too old to understand grid layout will most likely also be too old to understand @supports, so they’ll skip the whole block entirely, as if it had never been there. Feature queries can be embedded inside each other, and indeed can be embedded inside media queries, as well as vice versa. You could write screen and print styles Feature Queries | 25 based on flexible-box layout, and wrap those media blocks in an @supports (dis play: flex) block: @supports (display: flex) { @media screen { /* screen flexbox styles go here */ } @media print { /* print flexbox styles go here */ } } Conversely, you could add @supports() blocks inside various responsive-design media query blocks: @media screen and (max-width: 30em){ @supports (display: flex) { /* small-screen flexbox styles go here */ } } @media screen and (min-width: 30em) { @supports (display: flex) { /* large-screen flexbox styles go here */ } } How you organize these blocks is really up to you. As with media queries, feature queries also permit logical operators. Suppose we want to apply styles only if a user agent supports both grid layout and CSS shapes. Here’s how that might go: @supports (display: grid) and (shape-outside: circle()) { /* grid-and-shape styles go here */ } This is essentially equivalent to writing the following: @supports (display: grid) { @supports (shape-outside: circle()) { /* grid-and-shape styles go here */ } } However, there’s more than “and” operations available. CSS Shapes (covered in detail in Chapter 10) are a good example of why “or” is useful, because for a long time Web‐ Kit only supported CSS shapes via vendor-prefixed properties. So if you want to use shapes, you can use a feature query like this: @supports (shape-outside: circle()) or (-webkit-shape-outside: circle()) { /* shape styles go here */ } 26 | Chapter 1: CSS and Documents You’d still have to make sure to use both prefixed and unprefixed versions of the shape properties, but this would let you add support for those properties backward in the WebKit release line while supporting other browsers that also support shapes, but not via prefixed properties. All this is incredibly handy because there are situations where you might want to apply different properties than those you’re testing. So, to go back to grid layout for a second, you might want to change the margins and so forth on your layout elements when grid is in use. Here’s a simplified version of that approach: div#main {overflow: hidden;} div.column {float: left; margin-right: 1em;} div.column:last-child {margin-right: 0;} @supports (display: grid) { div#main {display: grid; grid-gap: 1em 0; overflow: visible;} div#main div.column {margin: 0;} } It’s possible to use negation as well. For example, you could apply the following styles in situations where grid layout is not supported: @supports not (display: grid) { /* grid-not-supported styles go here */ } You can combine your logical operators into a single query, but parentheses are required to keep the logic straight. Suppose we want a set of styles to be applied when color is supported, and when one of either grid or flexible box layout is supported. That’s written like this: @supports (color: black) and ((display: flex) or (display: grid)) { /* styles go here */ } Notice how there’s another set of parentheses around the “or” part of the logic, enclosing the grid and flex tests. Those extra parentheses are required. Without them, the entire expression will fail, and the styles inside the block will be skipped. In other words, don’t do this: @supports (color: black) and (display: flex) or (display: grid) { Finally, you might wonder why both a property and value are required in feature query tests. After all, if you’re using shapes, all you need to test for is shape-outside, right? It’s because a browser can easily support a property without supporting all its values. Grid layout is a perfect example for this. Suppose you could test for grid sup‐ port like this: Feature Queries | 27 @supports (display) { /* grid styles go here */ } Well, even Internet Explorer 4 supported display. Any browser that understands @supports will certainly understand display and many of its values—but maybe not grid. That’s why property and value are always tested in feature queries. Remember that these are feature queries, not correctness queries. A browser can understand the feature you’re testing for, but imple‐ ment it with bugs. So you’re not getting an assurance from the browser that it supports something correctly. All a positive featurequery result means is that the browser understands what you’ve said and makes some sort of attempt to support it. Summary With CSS, it is possible to completely change the way elements are presented by a user agent. This can be executed at a basic level with the display property, and in a different way by associating stylesheets with a document. The user will never know whether this is done via an external or embedded stylesheet, or even with an inline style. The real importance of external stylesheets is the way in which they allow authors to put all of a site’s presentation information in one place, and point all of the documents to that place. This not only makes site updates and maintenance a breeze, but it helps to save bandwidth, since all of the presentation is removed from docu‐ ments. With @supports(), it’s even possible to do some basic progressive enhance‐ ment in native CSS. To make the most of the power of CSS, authors need to know how to associate a set of styles with the elements in a document. To fully understand how CSS can do all of this, authors need a firm grasp of the way CSS selects pieces of a document for styl‐ ing, which is the subject of the next chapter. 28 | Chapter 1: CSS and Documents CHAPTER 2 Selectors One of the primary advantages of CSS is its ability to easily apply a set of styles to all elements of the same type. Unimpressed? Consider this: by editing a single line of CSS, you can change the colors of all your headings. Don’t like the blue you’re using? Change that one line of code, and they can all be purple, yellow, maroon, or any other color you desire. That lets you, the designer, focus on design, rather than grunt work. The next time you’re in a meeting and someone wants to see headings with a different shade of green, just edit your style and hit Reload. Voilà! The results are accomplished in seconds and there for everyone to see. CSS can’t solve all your problems—you can’t use it to change the colorspace of your PNGs, for example, at least not yet—but it can make some global changes much eas‐ ier. So let’s begin with selectors and structure. Basic Style Rules As stated, a central feature of CSS is its ability to apply certain rules to an entire set of element types in a document. For example, let’s say that you want to make the text of all h2 elements appear gray. Using old-school HTML, you’d have to do this by insert‐ ing tags inside all your h2 elements. Using the style attribute, which is also bad practice, would require you to include style="color: gray;" in all your h2 elements, like this:

This is h2 text

This is h2 text

This will be a tedious process if your document contains a lot of h2 elements. Worse, if you later decide that you want all those h2s to be green instead of gray, you’d have to start the manual tagging all over again. (Yes, this is really how it used to be done!) 29 CSS allows you to create rules that are simple to change, edit, and apply to all the text elements you define (the next section will explain how these rules work). For exam‐ ple, you can write this rule once to make all your h2 elements gray: h2 {color: gray;} If you want to change all h2 text to another color—say, silver—just alter the value: h2 {color: silver;} Element Selectors An element selector is most often an HTML element, but not always. For example, if a CSS file contains styles for an XML document, the element selectors might look something like this: quote {color: gray;} bib {color: red;} booktitle {color: purple;} myElement {color: red;} In other words, the elements of the document serve as the most basic selectors. In XML, a selector could be anything, since XML allows for the creation of new markup languages that can have just about anything as an element name. If you’re styling an HTML document, on the other hand, the selector will generally be one of the many HTML elements such as p, h3, em, a, or even html itself. For example: html {color: black;} h1 {color: gray;} h2 {color: silver;} The results of this stylesheet are shown in Figure 2-1. Figure 2-1. Simple styling of a simple document 30 | Chapter 2: Selectors Once you’ve globally applied styles directly to elements, you can shift those styles from one element to another. Let’s say you decide that the paragraph text, not the h1 elements, in Figure 2-1 should be gray. No problem. Just change the h1 selector to p: html {color: black;} p {color: gray;} h2 {color: silver;} The results are shown in Figure 2-2. Figure 2-2. Moving a style from one element to another Declarations and Keywords The declaration block contains one or more declarations. A declaration is always for‐ matted as a property followed by a colon and then a value followed by a semicolon. The colon and semicolon can be followed by zero or more spaces. In nearly all cases, a value is either a single keyword or a space-separated list of one or more keywords that are permitted for that property. If you use an incorrect property or value in a declaration, the whole rule will be ignored. Thus, the following two declarations would fail: brain-size: 2cm; color: ultraviolet; /* unknown property 'brain-size' */ /* unknown value 'ultraviolet' */ In an instance where you can use more than one keyword for a property’s value, the keywords are usually separated by spaces, with some cases requiring slashes (/) or commas. Not every property can accept multiple keywords, but many, such as the font property, can. Let’s say you want to define medium-sized Helvetica for para‐ graph text, as illustrated in Figure 2-3. Basic Style Rules | 31 Figure 2-3. The results of a property value with multiple keywords The rule would read as follows: p {font: medium Helvetica;} Note the space between medium and Helvetica, each of which is a keyword (the first is the font’s size and the second is the actual font name). The space allows the user agent to distinguish between the two keywords and apply them correctly. The semi‐ colon indicates that the declaration has been concluded. These space-separated words are referred to as keywords because, taken together, they form the value of the property in question. For instance, consider the following fic‐ tional rule: rainbow: red orange yellow green blue indigo violet; There is no such property as rainbow, but the example is useful for illustrative pur‐ poses. The value of rainbow is red orange yellow green blue indigo violet, and the seven keywords add up to a single, unique value. We can redefine the value for rainbow as follows: rainbow: infrared red orange yellow green blue indigo violet ultraviolet; Now we have a new value for rainbow composed of nine keywords instead of seven. Although the two values look mostly the same, they are as unique and different as zero and one. This may seem an abstract point, but it’s critical to understanding some of the subtler effects of specificity and the cascade (covered in later in this book). As we’ve seen, CSS keywords are usually separated by spaces. In CSS2.1 there was one exception: in the CSS property font, there is exactly one place where a forward slash (/) could be used to separate two specific keywords. Here’s an example: h2 {font: large/150% sans-serif;} 32 | Chapter 2: Selectors The slash separates the keywords that set the element’s font size and line height. This is the only place the slash is allowed to appear in the font declaration. All of the other keywords allowed for font are separated by spaces. The slash has since worked its way into a number of other properties’ values. These include, but may not always be limited to the following: • background • border-image • border-radius • grid • grid-area • grid-column • grid-row • grid-template • mask-border There are also some keywords that are separated by commas. When declaring multi‐ ple values, such as multiple background images, transition properties, and shadows, the declarations are separated with commas. Additionally, parameters in functions, such as linear gradients and transforms, are comma separated, as the following exam‐ ple shows: .box {box-shadow: inset -1px -1px white, 3px 3px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.2); background-image: url(myimage.png), linear-gradient(180deg, #FFF 0%, #000 100%); transform: translate(100px, 200px); } a:hover {transition: color, background-color 200ms ease-in 50ms;} Those are the basics of simple declarations, but they can get much more complex. The next section begins to show you just how powerful CSS can be. Grouping So far, we’ve seen fairly simple techniques for applying a single style to a single selec‐ tor. But what if you want the same style to apply to multiple elements? If that’s the case, you’ll want to use more than one selector or apply more than one style to an element or group of elements. Grouping | 33 Grouping Selectors Let’s say you want both h2 elements and paragraphs to have gray text. The easiest way to accomplish this is to use the following declaration: h2, p {color: gray;} By placing the h2 and p selectors on the left side of the rule and separating them with a comma, you’ve defined a rule where the style on the right (color: gray;) applies to the elements referenced by both selectors. The comma tells the browser that there are two different selectors involved in the rule. Leaving out the comma would give the rule a completely different meaning, which we’ll explore in “Descendant Selectors” on page 56. There are really no limits to how many selectors you can group together. For exam‐ ple, if you want to display a large number of elements in gray, you might use some‐ thing like the following rule: body, table, th, td, h1, h2, h3, h4, p, pre, strong, em, b, i {color: gray;} Grouping allows an author to drastically compact certain types of style assignments, which makes for a shorter stylesheet. The following alternatives produce exactly the same result, but it’s pretty obvious which one is easier to type: h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 {color: {color: {color: {color: {color: {color: purple;} purple;} purple;} purple;} purple;} purple;} h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {color: purple;} Grouping allows for some interesting choices. For example, all of the groups of rules in the following example are equivalent—each merely shows a different way of group‐ ing both selectors and declarations: /* group 1 */ h1 {color: silver; background: white;} h2 {color: silver; background: gray;} h3 {color: white; background: gray;} h4 {color: silver; background: white;} b {color: gray; background: white;} /* group 2 */ h1, h2, h4 {color: silver;} h2, h3 {background: gray;} h1, h4, b {background: white;} h3 {color: white;} b {color: gray;} 34 | Chapter 2: Selectors /* group 3 */ h1, h4 {color: silver; background: white;} h2 {color: silver;} h3 {color: white;} h2, h3 {background: gray;} b {color: gray; background: white;} Any of these will yield the result shown in Figure 2-4. (These styles use grouped dec‐ larations, which are explained in “Grouping Declarations” on page 35.) Figure 2-4. The result of equivalent stylesheets The universal selector CSS2 introduced a new simple selector called the universal selector, displayed as an asterisk (*). This selector matches any element at all, much like a wildcard. For exam‐ ple, to make every single element in a document red, you would write: * {color: red;} This declaration is equivalent to a grouped selector that lists every single element contained within the document. The universal selector lets you assign the color value red to every element in the document in one efficient stroke. Beware, however: although the universal selector is convenient, with a specificity on 0-0-0; and because it targets everything within its declaration scope, it can have unintended conse‐ quences, which are discussed later in this book. Grouping Declarations Since you can group selectors together into a single rule, it follows that you can also group declarations. Assuming that you want all h1 elements to appear in purple, 18pixel-high Helvetica text on an aqua background (and you don’t mind blinding your readers), you could write your styles like this: Grouping | 35 h1 {font: 18px Helvetica;} h1 {color: purple;} h1 {background: aqua;} But this method is inefficient—imagine creating such a list for an element that will carry 10 or 15 styles! Instead, you can group your declarations together: h1 {font: 18px Helvetica; color: purple; background: aqua;} This will have exactly the same effect as the three-line stylesheet just shown. Note that using semicolons at the end of each declaration is crucial when you’re grouping them. Browsers ignore whitespace in stylesheets, so the user agent must rely on correct syntax to parse the stylesheet. You can fearlessly format styles like the following: h1 { font: 18px Helvetica; color: purple; background: aqua; } You can also minimize your CSS, removing all non-required spaces. h1{font:18px Helvetica;color:purple;background:aqua;} Ignoring whitespace, the last three are treated equally by the server, but the second one is most human readable, and the recommended method of marking up your CSS during development. (You might choose to minimize your CSS for networkperformance reasons, but this is usually handled by a server-side script, caching net‐ work, or other service.) If the semicolon is omitted on the second statement, the user agent will interpret the stylesheet as follows: h1 { font: 18px Helvetica; color: purple background: aqua; } Because background: is not a valid value for color, and because color can be given only one keyword, a user agent will ignore the color declaration (including the back ground: aqua part) entirely. You might think the browser would at least render h1s as purple text without an aqua background, but not so. Instead, they will be the default color (which is usually black) with a transparent background (which is also a default). The declaration font: 18px Helvetica will still take effect since it was correctly ter‐ minated with a semicolon. 36 | Chapter 2: Selectors Although it is not technically necessary to follow the last declara‐ tion of a rule with a semicolon in CSS, it is generally good practice to do so. First, it will keep you in the habit of terminating your dec‐ larations with semicolons, the lack of which is one of the most common causes of rendering errors. Second, if you decide to add another declaration to a rule, you won’t have to worry about forget‐ ting to insert an extra semicolon. Third, if you ever use a prepro‐ cessor like Sass, trailing semicolons are often required for all declarations. Avoid all these problems—always follow a declaration with a semicolon, wherever the rule appears. As with selector grouping, declaration grouping is a convenient way to keep your stylesheets short, expressive, and easy to maintain. Grouping Everything You now know that you can group selectors and you can group declarations. By com‐ bining both kinds of grouping in single rules, you can define very complex styles using only a few statements. Now, what if you want to assign some complex styles to all the headings in a document, and you want the same styles to be applied to all of them? Here’s how to do it: h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {color: gray; background: white; padding: 0.5em; border: 1px solid black; font-family: Charcoal, sans-serif;} Here we’ve grouped the selectors, so the styles on the right side of the rule will be applied to all the headings listed; grouping the declarations means that all of the listed styles will be applied to the selectors on the left side of the rule. The result of this rule is shown in Figure 2-5. Figure 2-5. Grouping both selectors and rules Grouping | 37 This approach is preferable to the drawn-out alternative, which would begin with something like this: h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 h1 h2 h3 {color: gray;} {color: gray;} {color: gray;} {color: gray;} {color: gray;} {color: gray;} {background: white;} {background: white;} {background: white;} and continue for many lines. You can write out your styles the long way, but I wouldn’t recommend it—editing them would be as tedious as using style attributes everywhere! It’s possible to add even more expression to selectors and to apply styles in a way that cuts across elements in favor of types of information. To get something so powerful, you’ll have to do a little work in return, but it’s well worth it. New Elements in Old Browsers With updates to HTML, such as the HTML5 specification, new elements have come into being. Some browsers predate these newer elements, and so don’t recognize them. Versions of Internet Explorer prior to IE9, for example, did not support select‐ ing elements they did not understand. The solution was to create the element in the DOM, thereby informing the browser that said element exists. For example, IE8 does not recognize the
element. The following JavaScript line informs IE8 of main’s existence: document.createElement('main'); By running that line of code, older versions of Internet Explorer will recognize the existence of the element, allowing it to be selected and styled. Class and ID Selectors So far, we’ve been grouping selectors and declarations together in a variety of ways, but the selectors we’ve been using are very simple ones that refer only to document elements. Element selectors are fine up to a point, but there are times when you need something a little more specialized. In addition to raw document elements, there are class selectors and ID selectors, which let you assign styles in a way that is independent of document elements. These selec‐ tors can be used on their own or in conjunction with element selectors. However, 38 | Chapter 2: Selectors they work only if you’ve marked up your document appropriately, so using them gen‐ erally involves a little forethought and planning. For example, say you’re drafting a document that discusses ways of handling pluto‐ nium. The document contains various warnings about safely dealing with such a dan‐ gerous substance. You want each warning to appear in boldface text so that it will stand out. However, you don’t know which elements these warnings will be. Some warnings could be entire paragraphs, while others could be a single item within a lengthy list or a small section of text. So, you can’t define a rule using element selec‐ tors of any kind. Suppose you tried this route: p { font-weight: bold; color: red; } All paragraphs would be red and bold, not just those that contain warnings. You need a way to select only the text that contains warnings, or more precisely, a way to select only those elements that are warnings. How do you do it? You apply styles to parts of the document that have been marked in a certain way, independent of the elements involved, by using class selectors. Class Selectors The most common way to apply styles without worrying about the elements involved is to use class selectors. Before you can use them, however, you need to modify your actual document markup so that the class selectors will work. Enter the class attribute:

When handling plutonium, care must be taken to avoid the formation of a critical mass.

With plutonium, the possibility of implosion is very real, and must be avoided at all costs. This can be accomplished by keeping the various masses separate.

To associate the styles of a class selector with an element, you must assign a class attribute the appropriate value. In the previous code block, a class value of warning was assigned to two elements: the first paragraph and the span element in the second paragraph. All you need now is a way to apply styles to these classed elements. In HTML docu‐ ments, you can use a compact notation where the name of a class is preceded by a period (.) and can be joined with an element selector: .warning {font-weight: bold;} When combined with the example markup shown earlier, this simple rule has the effect shown in Figure 2-6. That is, the declaration font-weight: bold will be Class and ID Selectors | 39 applied to every element (thanks to the presence of the implicit universal selector) that carries a class attribute with a value of warning. The universal selector, represented by *, is implied when an ID, class, attribute selector, pseudo-class or pseudo-element selector is written without being attached to an element selector. Figure 2-6. Using a class selector As you can see, the class selector works by directly referencing a value that will be found in the class attribute of an element. This reference is always preceded by a period (.), which marks it as a class selector. The period helps keep the class selector separate from anything with which it might be combined—such as an element selec‐ tor. For example, you may want boldface text only when an entire paragraph is a warning: p.warning {font-weight: bold;} The selector now matches any p elements that have a class attribute containing the word warning, but no other elements of any kind, classed or otherwise. Since the span element is not a paragraph, the rule’s selector doesn’t match it, and it won’t be displayed using boldfaced text. If you did want to assign different styles to the span element, you could use the selec‐ tor span.warning: p.warning {font-weight: bold;} span.warning {font-style: italic;} 40 | Chapter 2: Selectors In this case, the warning paragraph is boldfaced, while the warning span is italicized. Each rule applies only to a specific type of element/class combination, so it does not leak over to other elements. Another option is to use a combination of a general class selector and an elementspecific class selector to make the styles even more useful, as in the following markup: .warning {font-style: italic;} span.warning {font-weight: bold;} The results are shown in Figure 2-7. Figure 2-7. Using generic and specific selectors to combine styles In this situation, any warning text will be italicized, but only the text within a span element with a class of warning will be both boldfaced and italicized. Notice the format of the general class selector in the previous example: it’s a class name preceded by a period without any element name, and no universal selector. In cases where you only want to select all elements that share a class name, you can omit the universal selector from a class selector without any ill effects. Multiple Classes In the previous section, we dealt with class values that contained a single word. In HTML, it’s possible to have a space-separated list of words in a single class value. For example, if you want to mark a particular element as being both urgent and a warning, you could write:

When handling plutonium, care must be taken to avoid the formation of a critical mass.

With plutonium, the possibility of implosion is very real, and must be avoided at all costs. This can be accomplished by keeping the various masses separate.

Class and ID Selectors | 41 The order of the words doesn’t matter; warning urgent would also suffice and would yield precisely the same results no matter how the CSS class attribute is written. Now let’s say you want all elements with a class of warning to be boldfaced, those with a class of urgent to be italic, and those elements with both values to have a sil‐ ver background. This would be written as follows: .warning {font-weight: bold;} .urgent {font-style: italic;} .warning.urgent {background: silver;} By chaining two class selectors together, you can select only those elements that have both class names, in any order. As you can see, the HTML source contains class="urgent warning" but the CSS selector is written .warning.urgent. Regard‐ less, the rule will still cause the “When handling plutonium . . . ” paragraph to have a silver background, as illustrated in Figure 2-8. This happens because the order the words are written in doesn’t matter. (This is not to say the order of classes is always irrelevant, but we’ll get to that later in the book.) Figure 2-8. Selecting elements with multiple class names If a multiple class selector contains a name that is not in the space-separated list, then the match will fail. Consider the following rule: p.warning.help {background: red;} As you would expect, the selector will match only those p elements with a class con‐ taining the words warning and help. Therefore, it will not match a p element with just the words warning and urgent in its class attribute. It would, however, match the following:

Help me!

42 | Chapter 2: Selectors ID Selectors In some ways, ID selectors are similar to class selectors, but there are a few crucial dif‐ ferences. First, ID selectors are preceded by an octothorpe (#)—also known as a pound sign (in the US), hash sign, hash mark, or tic-tac-toe board—instead of a period. Thus, you might see a rule like this one: *#first-para {font-weight: bold;} This rule produces boldfaced text in any element whose id attribute has a value of first-para. The second difference is that instead of referencing values of the class attribute, ID selectors refer, unsurprisingly, to values found in id attributes. Here’s an example of an ID selector in action: *#lead-para {font-weight: bold;}

This paragraph will be boldfaced.

This paragraph will NOT be bold.

Note that the value lead-para could have been assigned to any element within the document. In this particular case, it is applied to the first paragraph, but we could have applied it just as easily to the second or third paragraph. Or an unordered list. Or anything. As with class selectors, it is possible to omit the universal selector from an ID selector. In the previous example, we could also have written: #lead-para {font-weight: bold;} The effect of this selector would be the same. Another similarity between classes and IDs is that IDs can be selected independently of an element. There may be circumstances in which you know that a certain ID value will appear in a document, but you don’t know the element on which it will appear (as in the plutonium-handling warnings), so you’ll want to declare standalone ID selec‐ tors. For example, you may know that in any given document, there will be an ele‐ ment with an ID value of mostImportant. You don’t know whether that most important thing will be a paragraph, a short phrase, a list item, or a section heading. You know only that it will exist in each document, occur in an arbitrary element, and appear no more than once. In that case, you would write a rule like this: #mostImportant {color: red; background: yellow;} This rule would match any of the following elements (which, as noted before, should not appear together in the same document because they all have the same ID value):

This is important!

This is important!
    This is important!
Class and ID Selectors | 43 Deciding Between Class and ID You may assign classes to any number of elements, as demonstrated earlier; the class name warning was applied to both a p and a span element, and it could have been applied to many more elements. IDs, on the other hand, should be used once, and only once, within an HTML document. Therefore, if you have an element with an id value of lead-para, no other element in that document should have an id value of lead-para. In the real world, browsers don’t always check for the uniqueness of IDs in HTML. That means that if you sprinkle an HTML docu‐ ment with several elements, all of which have the same value for their ID attributes, you’ll probably get the same styles applied to each. This is incorrect behavior, but it happens anyway. Having more than one of the same ID value in a document also makes DOM scripting more difficult, since functions like getElement ById() depend on there being one, and only one, element with a given ID value. Unlike class selectors, ID selectors can’t be combined with other IDs, since ID attributes do not permit a space-separated list of words. Another difference between class and id names is that IDs carry more weight when you’re trying to determine which styles should be applied to a given element. This will be explained in greater detail in the next chapter. Also note that class and ID selectors may be case-sensitive, depending on the docu‐ ment language. HTML defines class and ID values to be case-sensitive, so the capitali‐ zation of your class and ID values must match that found in your documents. Thus, in the following pairing of CSS and HTML, the element’s text will not be boldfaced: p.criticalInfo {font-weight: bold;}

Don't look down.

Because of the change in case for the letter i, the selector will not match the element shown. On a purely syntactical level, the dot-class notation (e.g., .warning) is not guaranteed to work for XML documents. As of this writing, the dot-class notation works in HTML, SVG, and MathML, and it may well be permitted in future languages, but it’s up to each language’s specification to decide that. The hash-ID notation (e.g., #lead) will work in any document language that has an attribute that enforces uniqueness within a document. Uniqueness can be enforced with an attribute called id, or indeed anything else, as long as the attribute’s contents are defined to be unique within the document. 44 | Chapter 2: Selectors Attribute Selectors When it comes to both class and ID selectors, what you’re really doing is selecting values of attributes. The syntax used in the previous two sections is particular to HTML, XHTML, SVG, and MathML documents (as of this writing). In other markup languages, these class and ID selectors may not be available (as, indeed, those attributes may not be present). To address this situation, CSS2 introduced attribute selectors, which can be used to select elements based on their attributes and the values of those attributes. There are four general types of attribute selectors: simple attribute selectors, exact attribute value selectors, partial-match attribute value selectors, and leading-value attribute selectors. Simple Attribute Selectors If you want to select elements that have a certain attribute, regardless of that attrib‐ ute’s value, you can use a simple attribute selector. For example, to select all h1 ele‐ ments that have a class attribute with any value and make their text silver, write: h1[class] {color: silver;} So, given the following markup:




you get the result shown in Figure 2-9. Figure 2-9. Selecting elements based on their attributes This strategy is very useful in XML documents, as XML languages tend to have ele‐ ment and attribute names that are specific to their purpose. Consider an XML lan‐ guage that is used to describe planets of the solar system (we’ll call it PlanetML). If you want to select all pml-planet elements with a moons attribute and make them boldface, thus calling attention to any planet that has moons, you would write: pml-planet[moons] {font-weight: bold;} Attribute Selectors | 45 This would cause the text of the second and third elements in the following markup fragment to be boldfaced, but not the first: Venus Earth Mars In HTML documents, you can use this feature in a number of creative ways. For example, you could style all images that have an alt attribute, thus highlighting those images that are correctly formed: img[alt] {border: 3px solid red;} (This particular example is generally useful more for diagnostic purposes—that is, determining whether images are indeed correctly marked up—than for design purposes.) If you wanted to boldface any element that includes title information, which most browsers display as a “tool tip” when a cursor hovers over the element, you could write: *[title] {font-weight: bold;} Similarly, you could style only those anchors (a elements) that have an href attribute, thus applying the styles to any hyperlink but not to any placeholder anchors. It is also possible to select based on the presence of more than one attribute. You do this by chaining the attribute selectors together. For example, to boldface the text of any HTML hyperlink that has both an href and a title attribute, you would write: a[href][title] {font-weight: bold;} This would boldface the first link in the following markup, but not the second or third: W3C
Standards Info
dead.letter Selection Based on Exact Attribute Value You can further narrow the selection process to encompass only those elements whose attributes are a certain value. For example, let’s say you want to boldface any hyperlink that points to a certain document on the web server. This would look something like: a[href="http://www.css-discuss.org/about.html"] {font-weight: bold;} This will boldface the text of any a element that has an href attribute with exactly the value http://www.css-discuss.org/about.html. Any change at all, even dropping the www. part or changing to a secure protocol with https, will prevent a match. 46 | Chapter 2: Selectors Any attribute and value combination can be specified for any element. However, if that exact combination does not appear in the document, then the selector won’t match anything. Again, XML languages can benefit from this approach to styling. Let’s return to our PlanetML example. Suppose you want to select only those planet elements that have a value of 1 for the attribute moons: planet[moons="1"] {font-weight: bold;} This would boldface the text of the second element in the following markup frag‐ ment, but not the first or third: Venus Earth Mars As with attribute selection, you can chain together multiple attribute-value selectors to select a single document. For example, to double the size of the text of any HTML hyperlink that has both an href with a value of http://www.w3.org/ and a title attribute with a value of W3C Home, you would write: a[href="http://www.w3.org/"][title="W3C Home"] {font-size: 200%;} This would double the text size of the first link in the following markup, but not the second or third: W3C
Standards Info
dead.link The results are shown in Figure 2-10. Figure 2-10. Selecting elements based on attributes and their values Again, this format requires an exact match for the attribute’s value. Matching becomes an issue when the selector form encounters values that can in turn contain a space-separated list of values (e.g., the HTML attribute class). For example, consider the following markup fragment: Mercury The only way to match this element based on its exact attribute value is to write: planet[type="barren rocky"] {font-weight: bold;} Attribute Selectors | 47 If you were to write planet[type="barren"], the rule would not match the example markup and thus would fail. This is true even for the class attribute in HTML. Con‐ sider the following:

When handling plutonium, care must be taken to avoid the formation of a critical mass.

To select this element based on its exact attribute value, you would have to write: p[class="urgent warning"] {font-weight: bold;} This is not equivalent to the dot-class notation covered earlier, as we will see in the next section. Instead, it selects any p element whose class attribute has exactly the value "urgent warning", with the words in that order and a single space between them. It’s effectively an exact string match. Also, be aware that ID selectors and attribute selectors that target the id attribute are not precisely the same. In other words, there is a subtle but crucial difference between h1#page-title and h1[id="page-title"]. This difference is explained in “Specific‐ ity” on page 97. Selection Based on Partial Attribute Values Odds are that you’ll want to select elements based on portions of their attribute val‐ ues, rather than the full value. For such situations, CSS actually offers a variety of options for matching substrings in an attribute’s value. These are summarized in Table 2-1. Table 2-1. Substring matching with attribute selectors Type Description [foo~="bar"] Selects any element with an attribute foo whose value contains the word bar in a space-separated list of words [foo*="bar"] Selects any element with an attribute foo whose value contains the substring bar [foo^="bar"] Selects any element with an attribute foo whose value begins with bar [foo$="bar"] Selects any element with an attribute foo whose value ends with bar [foo|="bar"] Selects any element with an attribute foo whose value starts with bar followed by a dash (U+002D) or whose value is exactly equal to bar A Particular Attribute Selection Type The first of these attribute selectors that match on a partial subset of an element’s attribute value is actually easier to show than it is to describe. Consider the following rule: *[lang|="en"] {color: white;} 48 | Chapter 2: Selectors This rule will select any element whose lang attribute is equal to en or begins with en-. Therefore, the first three elements in the following example markup would be selected, but the last two would not:






In general, the form [att|="val"] can be used for any attribute and its values. Let’s say you have a series of figures in an HTML document, each of which has a filename like figure-1.gif and figure-3.jpg. You can match all of these images using the following selector: img[src|="figure"] {border: 1px solid gray;} Or, if you’re creating a CSS framework or pattern library, instead of creating redun‐ dant classes like "btn btn-small btn-arrow btn-active", you can declare "btnsmall-arrow-active", and target the class of elements with: *[class|="btn"] { border-radius: 5px;} The most common use for this type of attribute selector is to match language values, as demonstrated in an upcoming section, “The :lang Pseudo-Class” on page 88. Matching one word in a space-separated list For any attribute that accepts a space-separated list of words, it is possible to select elements based on the presence of any one of those words. The classic example in HTML is the class attribute, which can accept one or more words as its value. Con‐ sider our usual example text:

When handling plutonium, care must be taken to avoid the formation of a critical mass.

Let’s say you want to select elements whose class attribute contains the word warn ing. You can do this with an attribute selector: p[class~="warning"] {font-weight: bold;} Note the presence of the tilde (~) in the selector. It is the key to selection based on the presence of a space-separated word within the attribute’s value. If you omit the tilde, you would have an exact value-matching attribute selector, as discussed in the previ‐ ous section. This selector construct is equivalent to the dot-class notation discussed in “Deciding Between Class and ID” on page 44. Thus, p.warning and p[class~="warning"] are Attribute Selectors | 49 equivalent when applied to HTML documents. Here’s an example that is an HTML version of the “PlanetML” markup seen earlier: Mercury Venus Earth To italicize all elements with the word barren in their class attribute, you write: span[class~="barren"] {font-style: italic;} This rule’s selector will match the first two elements in the example markup and thus italicize their text, as shown in Figure 2-11. This is the same result we would expect from writing span.barren {font-style: italic;}. Figure 2-11. Selecting elements based on portions of attribute values So why bother with the tilde-equals attribute selector in HTML? Because it can be used for any attribute, not just class. For example, you might have a document that contains a number of images, only some of which are figures. You can use a partialmatch value attribute selector aimed at the title text to select only those figures: img[title~="Figure"] {border: 1px solid gray;} This rule selects any image whose title text contains the word Figure. Therefore, as long as all your figures have title text that looks something like “Figure 4. A baldheaded elder statesman,” this rule will match those images. For that matter, the selec‐ tor img[title~="Figure"] will also match a title attribute with the value “How to Figure Out Who’s in Charge.” Any image that does not have a title attribute, or whose title value doesn’t contain the word “Figure,” won’t be matched. Matching a substring within an attribute value Sometimes you want to select elements based on a portion of their attribute values, but the values in question aren’t space-separated lists of words. In these cases, you can use the form [att*="val"] to match substrings that appear anywhere inside the attribute values. For example, the following CSS matches any span element whose class attribute contains the substring cloud, so both “cloudy” planets are matched, as shown in Figure 2-12: span[class*="cloud"] {font-style: italic;} Mercury Venus Earth 50 | Chapter 2: Selectors Figure 2-12. Selecting elements based on substrings within attribute values As you can imagine, there are many useful applications for this particular capability. For example, suppose you wanted to specially style any links to the O’Reilly website. Instead of classing them all and writing styles based on that class, you could instead write the following rule: a[href*="oreilly.com"] {font-weight: bold;} You aren’t confined to the class and href attributes. Any attribute is up for grabs here: title, alt, src, id…if the attribute has a value, you can style based on a sub‐ string within that value. The following rule draws attention to any image with the string “space” in its source URL: img[src*="space"] {border: 5px solid red;} Similarly, the following rule draws attention to input elements that have a title tells the user what to, and any other input whose title contains the substring “format” in its title: input[title*="format"] {background-color: #dedede;} A common use for the general substring attribute selector is to match a section of a class in pattern library class names. Elaborating on the last example, we can target any class name that starts with "btn" followed by a dash, and that contains the substring “arrow” preceded by a dash: *[class|="btn"][class*="-arrow"]:after { content: "▼";} The matches are exact: if you include whitespace in your selector, then whitespace must also be present in an attribute’s value. The attribute names and values must be case-sensitive only if the underlying document language requires case sensitivity. Class names, titles, URLs, and ID values are all case-sensitive, but HTML attribute keyterm values, such as input types, are not: input[type="CHeckBoX"] {margin-right: 10px;} Matching a substring at the beginning of an attribute value In cases where you want to select elements based on a substring at the beginning of an attribute value, then the attribute selector pattern [att^="val"] is what you’re Attribute Selectors | 51 seeking. This can be particularly useful in a situation where you want to style types of links differently, as illustrated in Figure 2-13. a[href^="https:"] {font-weight: bold;} a[href^="mailto:"] {font-style: italic;} Figure 2-13. Selecting elements based on substrings that begin attribute values Another use case is when you want to style all images in an article that are also fig‐ ures, as in the figures you see throughout this text. Assuming that the alt text of each figure begins with text in the pattern “Figure 5”—which is an entirely reasonable assumption in this case—then you can select only those images as follows: img[alt^="Figure"] {border: 2px solid gray; display: block; margin: 2em auto;} The potential drawback here is that any img element whose alt starts with “Figure” will be selected, whether or not it’s meant to be an illustrative figure. The likeliness of that occurring depends on the document in question. Another use case is selecting all of the calendar events that occur on Mondays. In this case, let’s assume all of the events have a title attribute containing a date in the for‐ mat “Monday, March 5th, 2012.” Selecting them all is a simple matter of [title^="Monday"]. Matching a substring at the end of an attribute value The mirror image of beginning-substring matching is ending-substring matching, which is accomplished using the [att$="val"] pattern. A very common use for this capability is to style links based on the kind of resource they target, such as separate styles for PDF documents, as illustrated in Figure 2-14. a[href$=".pdf"] {font-weight: bold;} Figure 2-14. Selecting elements based on substrings that end attribute values 52 | Chapter 2: Selectors Similarly, you could (for whatever reason) select images based on their image format: img[src$=".gif"] {...} img[src$=".jpg"] {...} img[src$=".png"] {...} To continue the calendar example from the previous section, it would be possible to select all of the events occurring within a given year using a selector like [title $="2015"]. You may have noticed that I’ve quoted all the attribute values in the attribute selectors. Quoting is required if the value includes any special characters, begins with a dash or digit, or is otherwise inva‐ lid as an identifier and needs to be quoted as a string. To be safe, I recommend always quoting attribute values in attribute selectors, even though it is only required to makes strings out of invalid iden‐ tifiers. The Case Insensitivity Identifier CSS Selectors level 4 introduces a case-insensitivity option to attribute selectors. Including an i before the closing bracket will allow the selector to match attribute values case-insensitively, regardless of document language rules. For example, suppose you want to select all links to PDF documents, but you don’t know if they’ll end in .pdf, .PDF, or even .Pdf. Here’s how: a[href$='.PDF' i] Adding that humble little i means the selector will match any a element whose href attribute’s value ends in .pdf, regardless of the capitalization of the letters P, D, and F. This case-insensitivity option is available for all attribute selectors we’ve covered. Note, however, that this only applies to the values in the attribute selectors. It does not enforce case insensitivity on the attribute names themselves. Thus, in a case-sensitive language, planet[type*="rock" i] will match all of the following: Mercury Venus Earth It will not match the following element, because the attribute TYPE isn’t matched by type: Mars Again, that’s in langauges that enforce case sensitivity in the element and attribute syntax. XHTML was one such. In languages that are case-insensitive, like HTML5, this isn’t an issue. Attribute Selectors | 53 As of late 2017, Opera Mini, the Android browser, and Edge did not support this capability. Using Document Structure CSS is powerful because it uses the structure of documents to determine appropriate styles and how to apply them. Yet structure plays a much larger role in the way styles are applied to a document. Let’s take a moment to discuss structure before moving on to more powerful forms of selection. Understanding the Parent-Child Relationship To understand the relationship between selectors and documents, we need to once again examine how documents are structured. Consider this very simple HTML document: Meerkat Central

Meerkat Central

Welcome to Meerkat Central, the best meerkat web site on the entire Internet!

  • We offer:
    • Detailed information on how to adopt a meerkat
    • Tips for living with a meerkat
    • Fun things to do with a meerkat, including:
      1. Playing fetch
      2. Digging for food
      3. Hide and seek
  • ...and so much more!

Questions? Contact us!

54 | Chapter 2: Selectors Much of the power of CSS is based on the parent-child relationship of elements. HTML documents (actually, most structured documents of any kind) are based on a hierarchy of elements, which is visible in the “tree” view of the document (see Figure 2-15). In this hierarchy, each element fits somewhere into the overall structure of the document. Every element in the document is either the parent or the child of another element, and it’s often both. Figure 2-15. A document tree structure An element is said to be the parent of another element if it appears directly above that element in the document hierarchy. For example, in Figure 2-15, the first p element is parent to the em and strong elements, while strong is parent to an anchor (a) ele‐ ment, which is itself parent to another em element. Conversely, an element is the child of another element if it is directly beneath the other element. Thus, the anchor ele‐ ment in Figure 2-15 is a child of the strong element, which is in turn child to the p element, which is itself child to the body, and so on. The terms “parent” and “child” are specific applications of the terms ancestor and descendant. There is a difference between them: in the tree view, if an element is exactly one level above or below another, then they have a parent-child relationship. If the path from one element to another is traced through two or more levels, the ele‐ ments have an ancestor-descendant relationship, but not a parent-child relationship. (A child is also a descendant, and a parent is also an ancestor.) In Figure 2-15, the first ul element is parent to two li elements, but the first ul is also the ancestor of Using Document Structure | 55 every element descended from its li element, all the way down to the most deeply nested li elements. Also, in Figure 2-15, there is an anchor that is a child of strong, but also a descendant of p, body, and html elements. The body element is an ancestor of everything that the browser will display by default, and the html element is ancestor to the entire docu‐ ment. For this reason, in an HTML or XHTML document, the html element is also called the root element. Descendant Selectors The first benefit of understanding this model is the ability to define descendant selec‐ tors (also known as contextual selectors). Defining descendant selectors is the act of creating rules that operate in certain structural circumstances but not others. As an example, let’s say you want to style only those em elements that are descended from h1 elements. You could put a class attribute on every em element found within an h1, but that’s almost as time-consuming as using the font tag. It’s far more efficient to declare rules that match only em elements that are found inside h1 elements. To do so, write the following: h1 em {color: gray;} This rule will make gray any text in an em element that is the descendant of an h1 element. Other em text, such as that found in a paragraph or a block quote, will not be selected by this rule. Figure 2-16 makes this clear. Figure 2-16. Selecting an element based on its context In a descendant selector, the selector side of a rule is composed of two or more spaceseparated selectors. The space between the selectors is an example of a combinator. Each space combinator can be translated as “found within,” “which is part of,” or “that is a descendant of,” but only if you read the selector right to left. Thus, h1 em can be translated as, “Any em element that is a descendant of an h1 element.” (To read the selector left to right, you might phrase it something like, “Any h1 that contains an em will have the following styles applied to the em.”) You aren’t limited to two selectors. For example: ul ol ul em {color: gray;} In this case, as Figure 2-17 shows, any emphasized text that is part of an unordered list that is part of an ordered list that is itself part of an unordered list (yes, this is correct) will be gray. This is obviously a very specific selection criterion. 56 | Chapter 2: Selectors Figure 2-17. A very specific descendant selector Descendant selectors can be extremely powerful. They make possible what could never be done in HTML—at least not without oodles of font tags. Let’s consider a common example. Assume you have a document with a sidebar and a main area. The sidebar has a blue background, the main area has a white background, and both areas include lists of links. You can’t set all links to be blue because they’d be impossible to read in the sidebar. The solution: descendant selectors. In this case, you give the element that contains your sidebar a class of sidebar and enclose the main area in a main element. Then, you write styles like this: .sidebar {background: blue;} main {background: white;} .sidebar a:link {color: white;} main a:link {color: blue;} Figure 2-18 shows the result. Figure 2-18. Using descendant selectors to apply different styles to the same type of ele‐ ment :link refers to links to resources that haven’t been visited. We’ll talk about it in detail in “Hyperlink pseudo-classes” on page 77. Using Document Structure | 57 Here’s another example: let’s say that you want gray to be the text color of any b (bold‐ face) element that is part of a blockquote and for any bold text that is found in a nor‐ mal paragraph: blockquote b, p b {color: gray;} The result is that the text within b elements that are descended from paragraphs or block quotes will be gray. One overlooked aspect of descendant selectors is that the degree of separation between two elements can be practically infinite. For example, if you write ul em, that syntax will select any em element descended from a ul element, no matter how deeply nested the em may be. Thus, ul em would select the em element in the following markup:
  • List item 1
    1. List item 1-1
    2. List item 1-2
    3. List item 1-3
      1. List item 1-3-1
      2. List item 1-3-2
      3. List item 1-3-3
    4. List item 1-4
A more subtle aspect of descendant selectors is that they have no notion of element proximity. In other words, the closeness of two elements within the document tree has no bearing on whether a rule applies or not. This is important when it comes to specificity (which we’ll cover later on) and when considering rules that might appear to cancel each other out. For example, consider the following (which contains a selector type we’ll discuss in the upcoming section, “The Negation Pseudo-Class” on page 89): div:not(.help) span {color: gray;} div.help span {color: red;}
This text contains a span element within.
58 | Chapter 2: Selectors What the CSS says, in effect, is “any span inside a div that doesn’t have a class con‐ taining the word help should be gray” in the first rule, and “any span inside a div whose class contains the word help” in the second rule. In the given markup frag‐ ment, both rules apply to the span shown. Because the two rules have equal weight and the “red” rule is written last, it wins out and the span is red. The fact that the div class="aside" is “closer to” the span than the div class="help" is irrelevant. Again: descendant selectors have no notion of element proximity. Both rules match, only one color can be applied, and due to the way CSS works, red is the winner here. (We’ll discuss why in the next chapter.) Selecting Children In some cases, you don’t want to select an arbitrarily descended element. Rather, you want to narrow your range to select an element that is a child of another element. You might, for example, want to select a strong element only if it is a child (as opposed to any level of descendant) of an h1 element. To do this, you use the child combinator, which is the greater-than symbol (>): h1 > strong {color: red;} This rule will make red the strong element shown in the first h1, but not the second:

This is very important.

This is really very important.

Read right to left, the selector h1 > strong translates as, “Selects any strong element that is a direct child of an h1 element.” The child combinator can be optionally sur‐ rounded by whitespace. Thus, h1 > strong, h1> strong, and h1>strong are all equivalent. You can use or omit whitespace as you wish. When viewing the document as a tree structure, it’s easy to see that a child selector restricts its matches to elements that are directly connected in the tree. Figure 2-19 shows part of a document tree. Figure 2-19. A document tree fragment Using Document Structure | 59 In this tree fragment, you can pick out parent-child relationships. For example, the a element is parent to the strong, but it is child to the p element. You could match ele‐ ments in this fragment with the selectors p > a and a > strong, but not p > strong, since the strong is a descendant of the p but not its child. You can also combine descendant and child combinations in the same selector. Thus, table.summary td > p will select any p element that is a child of a td element that is itself descended from a table element that has a class attribute containing the word summary. Selecting Adjacent Sibling Elements Let’s say you want to style the paragraph immediately after a heading, or give a special margin to a list that immediately follows a paragraph. To select an element that immediately follows another element with the same parent, you use the adjacentsibling combinator, represented as a plus symbol (+). As with the child combinator, the symbol can be surrounded by whitespace, or not, at the author’s discretion. To remove the top margin from a paragraph immediately following an h1 element, write: h1 + p {margin-top: 0;} The selector is read as, “Selects any p element that immediately follows an h1 element that shares a parent with the p element.” To visualize how this selector works, it is easiest to once again consider a fragment of a document tree, shown in Figure 2-20. Figure 2-20. Another document tree fragment In this fragment, a pair of lists descends from a div element, one ordered and the other not, each containing three list items. Each list is an adjacent sibling, and the list items themselves are also adjacent siblings. However, the list items from the first list are not siblings of the second, since the two sets of list items do not share the same parent element. (At best, they’re cousins, and CSS has no cousin selector.) 60 | Chapter 2: Selectors Remember that you can select the second of two adjacent siblings only with a single combinator. Thus, if you write li + li {font-weight: bold;}, only the second and third items in each list will be boldfaced. The first list items will be unaffected, as illustrated in Figure 2-21. Figure 2-21. Selecting adjacent siblings To work properly, CSS requires that the two elements appear in “source order.” In our example, an ol element is followed by a ul element. This allows us to select the sec‐ ond element with ol + ul, but we cannot select the first using the same syntax. For ul + ol to match, an ordered list must immediately follow an unordered list. Keep in mind that text content between two elements does not prevent the adjacentsibling combinator from working. Consider this markup fragment, whose tree view would be the same as that shown in Figure 2-19:
  1. List item 1
  2. List item 1
  3. List item 1
This is some text that is part of the 'div'.
  • A list item
  • Another list item
  • Yet another list item
Even though there is text between the two lists, we can still match the second list with the selector ol + ul. That’s because the intervening text is not contained with a sib‐ ling element, but is instead part of the parent div. If we wrapped that text in a para‐ graph element, it would then prevent ol + ul from matching the second list. Instead, we might have to write something like ol + p + ul. Using Document Structure | 61 As the following example illustrates, the adjacent-sibling combinator can be used in conjunction with other combinators: html > body table + ul{margin-top: 1.5em;} The selector translates as, “Selects any ul element that immediately follows a sibling table element that is descended from a body element that is itself a child of an html element.” As with all combinators, you can place the adjacent-sibling combinator in a more complex setting, such as div#content h1 + div ol. That selector is read as, “Selects any ol element that is descended from a div when the div is the adjacent sibling of an h1 which is itself descended from a div whose id attribute has a value of content.” Selecting Following Siblings Selectors Level 3 introduced a new sibling combinator called the general sibling com‐ binator. This lets you select any element that follows another element when both ele‐ ments share the same parent, represented using the tilde (~) combinator. As an example, to italicize any ol that follows an h2 and also shares a parent with the h2, you’d write h2 ~ol {font-style: italic;}. The two elements do not have to be adjacent siblings, although they can be adjacent and still match this rule. The result of applying this rule to the following markup is shown in Figure 2-22:


It is the case that not every heading can be a main heading. Some headings must be subheadings. Examples include:

  1. Headings that are less important
  2. Headings that are subsidiary to more important headlines
  3. Headings that like to be dominated

Let's restate that for the record:

  1. Headings that are less important
  2. Headings that are subsidiary to more important headlines
  3. Headings that like to be dominated
As you can see, both ordered lists are italicized. That’s because both of them are ol elements that follow an h2 with which they share a parent (the div). 62 | Chapter 2: Selectors Figure 2-22. Selecting following siblings Pseudo-Class Selectors Things get really interesting with pseudo-class selectors. These selectors let you assign styles to what are, in effect, phantom classes that are inferred by the state of certain elements, or markup patterns within the document, or even by the state of the docu‐ ment itself. The phrase “phantom classes” might seem a little odd, but it really is the best way to think of how pseudo-classes work. For example, suppose you wanted to highlight every other row of a data table. You could do that by marking up every other row something like class="even" and then writing CSS to highlight rows with that class —or (as we’ll soon see) you could use a pseudo-class selector to achieve the same effect, and through very similar means. Combining Pseudo-Classes Before we start, a word about chaining. CSS makes it possible to combine (“chain”) pseudo-classes together. For example, you can make unvisited links red when they’re hovered and visited links maroon when they’re hovered: a:link:hover {color: red;} a:visited:hover {color: maroon;} The order you specify doesn’t actually matter; you could also write a:hover:link to the same effect as a:link:hover. It’s also possible to assign separate hover styles to unvisited and visited links that are in another language—for example, German: a:link:hover:lang(de) {color: gray;} a:visited:hover:lang(de) {color: silver;} Pseudo-Class Selectors | 63 Be careful not to combine mutually exclusive pseudo-classes. For example, a link can‐ not be both visited and unvisited, so a:link:visited doesn’t make any sense and will never match anything. Structural Pseudo-Classes The majority of pseudo-classes are structural in nature; that is, they refer to the markup structure of the document. Most of them depend on patterns within the markup, such as choosing every third paragraph, but others allow you to address spe‐ cific types of elements. All pseudo-classes, without exception, are a word preceded by a single colon (:), and they can appear anywhere in a selector. Before we get started, there’s an aspect of pseudo-classes that needs to be made explicit here: pseudo-classes always refer to the element to which they’re attached, and no other. Seems like a weirdly obvious thing to say, right? The reason to make it explicit is that for a few of the structural pseudo-classes, it’s a common error to think they are descriptors that refer to descendant elements. To illustrate this, I’d like to share a personal anecdote. When my first child was born in 2003, I announced it online (like you do). A number of people responded with congratulations and CSS jokes, chief among them the selector #ericmeyer:firstchild. The problem there is that selector would select me, not my daughter, and only if I were the first child of my parents (which, as it happens, I am). To properly select my first child, that selector would need to be #ericmeyer > :first-child. The confusion is understandable, which is why I’m addressing it here. Reminders will be found throughout the following sections. Just always keep in mind that the effect of pseudo-classes is to apply a sort of a “phantom class” to the element to which they’re attached, and you should be OK. Selecting the root element This is the quintessence of structural simplicity: the pseudo-class :root selects the root element of the document. In HTML, this is always the html element. The real benefit of this selector is found when writing stylesheets for XML languages, where the root element may be different in every language—for example, in RSS 2.0 it’s the rss element—or even when you have more than one possible root element within a single language (though not a single document!). Here’s an example of styling the root element in HTML, as illustrated in Figure 2-23: :root {border: 10px dotted gray;} body {border: 10px solid black;} 64 | Chapter 2: Selectors Figure 2-23. Styling the root element In HTML documents, you can always select the html element directly, without having to use the :root pseudo-class. There is a difference between the two selectors in terms of specificity, which we’ll cover in Chapter 3. Selecting empty elements With the pseudo-class :empty, you can select any element that has no children of any kind, including text nodes, which covers both text and whitespace. This can be useful in suppressing elements that a CMS has generated without filling in any actual con‐ tent. Thus, p:empty {display: none;} would prevent the display of any empty para‐ graphs. Note that in order to be matched, an element must be, from a parsing perspective, truly empty—no whitespace, visible content, or descendant elements. Of the follow‐ ing elements, only the first and last would be matched by p:empty:

The second and third paragraphs are not matched by :empty because they are not empty: they contain, respectively, a single space and a single newline character. Both are considered text nodes, and thus prevent a state of emptiness. The last paragraph matches because comments are not considered content, not even whitespace. But put even one space or newline to either side of that comment, and p:empty would fail to match. You might be tempted to just style all empty elements with something like *:empty {display: none;}, but there’s a hidden catch: :empty matches HTML’s empty ele‐ ments, like img and input. It could even match textarea, unless you insert some default text into the textarea element. Thus, in terms of matching elements, img and img:empty are effectively the same. (They are different in terms of specificity, which we’ll cover in the next chapter.) Pseudo-Class Selectors | 65 North Pacific Salmon
As of late 2017, :empty is unique in that it’s the only CSS selector that takes text nodes into consideration when determining matches. Every other selector type in Selectors Level 3 considers only elements, and ignores text nodes entirely—recall, for example, the sibling combinators. Selecting unique children If you’ve ever wanted to select all the images that are wrapped by a hyperlink element, the :only-child pseudo-class is for you. It selects elements when they are the only child element of another element. So let’s say you want to add a border to any image that’s the only child of another element. You’d write: img:only-child {border: 1px solid black;} This would match any image that meets those criteria. Therefore, if you had a para‐ graph which contained an image and no other child elements, the image would be selected regardless of all the text surrounding it. If what you’re really after is images that are sole children and found inside hyperlinks, then you just modify the selector like so (which is illustrated in Figure 2-24): a[href] img:only-child {border: 2px solid black;} W3C The W3C The W3C Figure 2-24. Selecting images that are only children inside links There are two things to remember about :only-child. The first is that you always apply it to the element you want to be an only child, not to the parent element, as explained earlier. And that brings up the second thing to remember, which is that when you use :only-child in a descendant selector, you aren’t restricting the ele‐ ments listed to a parent-child relationship. To go back to the hyperlinked-image example, a[href] img:only-child matches any image that is an only child and is descended from an a element, not is a child of an a element. To match, the element image must be the only child of its direct parent, 66 | Chapter 2: Selectors and a descendant of a link, but that parent can itself be a descendant of that link. Therefore, all three of the images here would be matched, as shown in Figure 2-25: a[href] img:only-child {border: 5px solid black;} W3C W3C A link to the web site Figure 2-25. Selecting images that are only children inside links In each case, the image is the only child element of its parent, and it is also descended from an a element. Thus, all three images are matched by the rule shown. If you wanted to restrict the rule so that it matched images that were the only children of a elements, then you’d just add the child combinator to yield a[href] > img:onlychild. With that change, only the first of the three images shown in Figure 2-25 would be matched. That’s all great, but what if you want to match images that are the only images inside hyperlinks, but there are other elements in there with them? Consider the following: W3C In this case, we have an a element that has two children: b and img. That image, no longer being the only child of its parent (the hyperlink), can never be matched using :only-child. However, it can be matched using :only-of-type. This is illus‐ trated in Figure 2-26: a[href] img:only-of-type {border: 5px solid black;} W3C W3C Figure 2-26. Selecting images that are the only sibling of their type The difference is that :only-of-type will match any element that is the only of its type among all its siblings, whereas :only-child will only match if an element has no siblings at all. Pseudo-Class Selectors | 67 This can be very useful in cases such as selecting images within paragraphs without having to worry about the presence of hyperlinks or other inline elements: p > img:only-of-type {float: right; margin: 20px;} As long as there aren’t multiple images that are children of the same paragraph, then the image will be floated. You could also use this pseudo-class to apply extra styles to an h2 when it’s the only one in a section of a document, like this: section > h2 {margin: 1em 0 0.33em; font-size: 1.8rem; border-bottom: 1px solid gray;} section > h2:only-of-type {font-size: 2.4rem;} Given those rules, any section that has only one child h2 will have it appear larger than usual. If there are two or more h2 children to a section, neither of them will be larger than the other. The presence of other children—whether they are other head‐ ing levels, paragraphs, tables, paragraphs, lists, and so on—will not interfere with matching. There’s one more thing to make clear, which is that :only-of-type refers to elements and nothing else. Consider the following: p.unique:only-of-type {color: red;}

This paragraph has a 'unique' class.

This paragraph doesn't have a class at all.

In this case, neither of the paragraphs will be selected. Why not? Because there are two paragraphs that are descendants of the div, so neither of them can be the only one of their type. The class name is irrelevant here. We’re fooled into thinking that “type” is a generic description, because of how we parse language. Type, in the way :only-of-type means it, refers only to the element type. Thus, p.unique:only-of-type means “select any p element whose class attribute contains the word unique when the p element is the only p element among its siblings.” It does not mean “select any p ele‐ ment whose class attribute contains the word unique when it’s the only sibling para‐ graph to meet that criterion.” Selecting first and last children It’s pretty common to want to apply special styling to the first or last child of an ele‐ ment. A common example is styling a bunch of navigation links in a tab bar, and wanting to put some special visual touches on the first or last tab (or both). In the past, this was done by applying special classes to those elements. Now we have pseudo-classes to carry the load for us. 68 | Chapter 2: Selectors The pseudo-class :first-child is used to select elements that are the first children of other elements. Consider the following markup:

These are the necessary steps:

  • Insert key
  • Turn key clockwise
  • Push accelerator

Do not push the brake at the same time as the accelerator.

In this example, the elements that are first children are the first p, the first li, and the strong and em elements, which are all the first children of their respective parents. Given the following two rules: p:first-child {font-weight: bold;} li:first-child {text-transform: uppercase;} we get the result shown in Figure 2-27. Figure 2-27. Styling first children The first rule boldfaces any p element that is the first child of another element. The second rule uppercases any li element that is the first child of another element (which, in HTML, must be either an ol or ul element). As has been mentioned, the most common error is assuming that a selector like p:first-child will select the first child of a p element. Remember the nature of pseudo-classes, which is to attach a sort of phantom class to the element associated with the pseudo-class. If you were to add actual classes to the markup, it would look like this:

These are the necessary steps:

  • Insert key
  • Turn key clockwise
  • Push accelerator

Pseudo-Class Selectors | 69 Do not push the brake at the same time as the accelerator.

Therefore, if you want to select those em elements that are the first child of another element, you write em:first-child. The mirror image of :first-child is :last-child. If we take the previous example and just change the pseudo-classes, we get the result shown in Figure 2-28. p:last-child {font-weight: bold;} li:last-child {text-transform: uppercase;}

These are the necessary steps:

  • Insert key
  • Turn key clockwise
  • Push accelerator

Do not push the brake at the same time as the accelerator.

Figure 2-28. Styling last children The first rule boldfaces any p element that is the last child of another element. The second rule uppercases any li element that is the last child of another element. If you wanted to select the em element inside that last paragraph, you could use the selector p:last-child em, which selects any em element that descends from a p element that is itself the last child of another element. Interestingly, you can combine these two pseudo-classes to create a version of :onlychild. The following two rules will select the same elements: p:only-child {color: red;} p:first-child:last-child {background-color: red;} Either way, we get paragraphs with red foreground and background colors (not a good idea, clearly). 70 | Chapter 2: Selectors Selecting first and last of a type In a manner similar to selecting the first and last children of an element, you can select the first or last of a type of element within another element. This permits things like selecting the first table inside a given element, regardless of whatever elements come before it. table:first-of-type {border-top: 2px solid gray;} Note that this does not apply to the entire document; that is, the rule shown will not select the first table in the document and skip all the others. It will instead select the first table element within each element that contains one, and skip any sibling table elements that come after the first. Thus, given the document structure shown in Figure 2-29, the circled nodes are the ones that are selected. Figure 2-29. Selecting first-of-type tables Within the context of tables, a useful way to select the first data cell within a row regardless of whether a header cell comes before it in the row is as follows: td:first-of-type {border-left: 1px solid red;} That would select the first data cell in each of the following table rows: Count7611 QX- Compare that to the effects of td:first-child, which would select the first td ele‐ ment in the second row, but not in the first row. The flip side is :last-of-type, which selects the last instance of a given type from amongst its sibling elements. In a way, it’s just like :first-of-type except you start with the last element in a group of siblings and walk backward toward the first ele‐ ment until you reach an instance of the type. Given the document structure shown in Figure 2-30, the circled nodes are the ones selected by table:last-of-type. Pseudo-Class Selectors | 71 Figure 2-30. Selecting last-of-type tables As was noted with :only-of-type, remember that you are selecting elements of a type from among their sibling elements; thus, every set of siblings is considered sepa‐ rately. In other words, you are not selecting the first (or last) of all the elements of a type within the entire document as a single group. Each set of elements that share a parent is its own group, and you can select the first (or last) of a type within each group. Similar to what was noted in the previous section, you can combine these two pseudo-classes to create a version of :only-of-type. The following two rules will select the same elements: table:only-of-type{color: red;} table:first-of-type:last-of-type {background: red;} Selecting every nth child If you can select elements that are the first, last, or only children of other elements, how about every third child? All even children? Only the ninth child? Rather than define a literally infinite number of named pseudo-classes, CSS has the :nth-child() pseudo-class. By filling integers or even simple algebraic expressions into the paren‐ theses, you can select any arbitrarily numbered child element you like. Let’s start with the :nth-child() equivalent of :first-child, which is :nthchild(1). In the following example, the selected elements will be the first paragraph and the first list item. p:nth-child(1) {font-weight: bold;} li:nth-child(1) {text-transform: uppercase;}

These are the necessary steps:

  • Insert key
  • Turn key clockwise
  • Push accelerator

Do not push the brake at the same time as the accelerator. 72 | Chapter 2: Selectors

If we change the numbers from 1 to 2, however, then no paragraphs will be selected, and the middle (or second) list item will be selected, as illustrated in Figure 2-31: p:nth-child(2) {font-weight: bold;} li:nth-child(2) {text-transform: uppercase;} Figure 2-31. Styling second children You can insert any integer you choose; if you have a use case for selecting any ordered list that is the 93rd child element of its parent, then ol:nth-child(93) is ready to serve. This will match the 93rd child of any parent as long as that child is an ordered list. (This does not mean the 93rd ordered list among its siblings; see the next section for that.) More powerfully, you can use simple algebraic expressions in the form a n + b or a n − b to define recurring instances, where a and b are integers and n is present as itself. Furthermore, the + b or − b part is optional and thus can be dropped if it isn’t needed. Let’s suppose we want to select every third list item in an unordered list, starting with the first. The following makes that possible, selecting the first and fourth items, as shown in Figure 2-32. ul > li:nth-child(3n + 1) {text-transform: uppercase;} Figure 2-32. Styling every third list item The way this works is that n represents the series 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and on into infinity. The browser then solves for 3 n + 1, yielding 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, and so on. Were we to drop the +1, thus leaving us with simply 3n, the results would be 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, and so on. Pseudo-Class Selectors | 73 Since there is no zeroth list item—all element counting starts with one, to the likely chagrin of array-slingers everywhere—the first list item selected by this expression would be the third list item in the list. Given that element counting starts with one, it’s a minor trick to deduce that :nthchild(2n) will select even-numbered children, and either :nth-child(2n+1) or :nth-child(2n-1) will select odd-numbered children. You can commit that to memory, or you can use the two special keywords that :nth-child() accepts: even and odd. Want to highlight every other row of a table, starting with the first? Here’s how you do it, with the results shown in Figure 2-33: tr:nth-child(odd) {background: silver;} Figure 2-33. Styling every other table row Anything more complex than every-other-element requires an an + b expression. Note that when you want to use a negative number for b, you have to remove the + sign or else the selector will fail entirely. Of the following two rules, only the first will do anything. The second will be dropped by the parser and ignored: tr:nth-child(4n - 2) {background: silver;} tr:nth-child(3n + −2) {background: red;} If you want to select every row starting with the ninth, you can use either of the fol‐ lowing. They are similar in that they will select all rows starting with the ninth, but the latter one has greater specificity, which we discuss in Chapter 3: tr:nth-child(n + 9) {background: silver;} tr:nth-child(8) ~ tr {background: silver;} As you might expect, there is a corresponding pseudo-class in :nth-last-child(). This lets you do the same thing as :nth-child(), except with :nth-last-child() you start from the last element in a list of siblings and count backward toward the 74 | Chapter 2: Selectors beginning. If you’re intent on highlighting every other table row and making sure the very last row is one of the rows in the highlighting pattern, either one of these will work for you: tr:nth-last-child(odd) {background: silver;} tr:nth-last-child(2n+1) {background: silver;} /* equivalent */ If the DOM is updated to add or remove table rows, there is no need to add or remove classes. By using structural selectors, these selectors will always match the odd rows of the updated DOM. Any element can be matched using both :nth-child() and :nth-last-child() if it fits the criteria. Consider these rules, the results of which are shown in Figure 2-34: li:nth-child(3n + 3) {border-left: 5px solid black;} li:nth-last-child(4n - 1) {border-right: 5px solid black; background: silver;} Figure 2-34. Combining patterns of :nth-child() and :nth-last-child() It’s also the case that you can string these two pseudo-classes together as :nthchild(1):nth-last-child(1), thus creating a more verbose restatement of :onlychild. There’s no real reason to do so other than to create a selector with a higher specificity, but the option is there. You can use CSS to determine how many list items are in a list, and style them accordingly: li:only-child {width: 100%;} li:nth-child(1):nth-last-child(2), li:nth-child(2):nth-last-child(1) {width: 50%;} li:nth-child(1):nth-last-child(3), li:nth-child(1):nth-last-child(3) ~ li {width: 33.33%;} li:nth-child(1):nth-last-child(4), li:nth-child(1):nth-last-child(4) ~ li {width: 25%;} Pseudo-Class Selectors | 75 In these examples, if a list item is the only list item, then the width is 100%. If a list item is the first item and also the second-from-the-last item, that means there are two items, and the width is 50%. If an item is the first item and also the third from the last item, then we make it, and the two sibling list items following it, 33% wide. Similarly, if a list item is the first item and also the fourth from the last item, it means that there are exactly four items, so we make it, and its three siblings, 25% of the width. Selecting every nth of a type In what’s probably become a familiar pattern, the :nth-child() and :nth-lastchild() pseudo-classes have analogues in :nth-of-type() and :nth-last-oftype(). You can, for example, select every other hyperlink that’s a child of any given paragraph, starting with the second, using p > a:nth-of-type(even). This will ignore all other elements (spans, strongs, etc.) and consider only the links, as demonstrated in Figure 2-35: p > a:nth-of-type(even) {background: blue; color: white;} Figure 2-35. Selecting the even-numbered links If you want to work from the last hyperlink backward, then you’d use p > a:nthlast-of-type(even). As before, these select elements of a type from among their sibling elements, not from among all the elements of a type within the entire document as a single group. Each element has its own list of siblings, and selections happen within each group. As you might expect, you can string these two together as :nth-of-type(1):nthlast-of-type(1) to restate :only-of-type, only with higher specificity. (We will explain specificity in Chapter 3, I promise.) Dynamic Pseudo-Classes Beyond the structural pseudo-classes, there are a set of pseudo-classes that relate to structure but can change based on changes made to the page after it’s been rendered. In other words, the styles are applied to pieces of a document based on something in 76 | Chapter 2: Selectors addition to the structure of the document, and in a way that cannot be precisely deduced simply by studying the document’s markup. It may sound like we’re applying styles at random, but not so. Instead, we’re applying styles based on somewhat ephemeral conditions that can’t be predicted in advance. Nevertheless, the circumstances under which the styles will appear are, in fact, welldefined. Think of it this way: during a sporting event, whenever the home team scores, the crowd will cheer. You don’t know exactly when during a game the team will score, but when it does, the crowd will cheer, just as predicted. The fact that you can’t predict the exact moment of the cheer doesn’t make it any less expected. Consider the anchor element (a), which (in HTML and related languages) establishes a link from one document to another. Anchors are always anchors, but some anchors refer to pages that have already been visited, while others refer to pages that have yet to be visited. You can’t tell the difference by simply looking at the HTML markup, because in the markup, all anchors look the same. The only way to tell which links have been visited is by comparing the links in a document to the user’s browser his‐ tory. So there are actually two basic types of links: visited and unvisited. Hyperlink pseudo-classes CSS2.1 defines two pseudo-classes that apply only to hyperlinks. In HTML, these are any a elements with an href attribute; in XML languages, they’re any elements that act as links to another resource. Table 2-2 describes the pseudo-classes you can apply to them. Table 2-2. Link pseudo-classes Name Description :link Refers to any anchor that is a hyperlink (i.e., has an href attribute) and points to an address that has not been visited. :visited Refers to any anchor that is a hyperlink to an already visited address. For security reasons, the styles that can be applied to visited links are severely limited; see sidebar “Visited Links and Privacy” on page 79 for details. The first of the pseudo-classes in Table 2-2 may seem a bit redundant. After all, if an anchor hasn’t been visited, then it must be unvisited, right? If that’s the case, all we should need is the following: a {color: blue;} a:visited {color: red;} Although this format seems reasonable, it’s actually not quite enough. The first of the rules shown here applies not only to unvisited links, but also to placeholder links such as this one: 4. The Lives of Meerkats Pseudo-Class Selectors | 77 The resulting text would be blue because the a element will match the rule a {color : blue;}. Therefore, to avoid applying your link styles to placeholders, use the :link and :visited pseudo-classes: a:link {color: blue;} a:visited {color: red;} /* unvisited links are blue */ /* visited links are red */ This is a good place to revisit attribute and class selectors and show how they can be combined with pseudo-classes. For example, let’s say you want to change the color of links that point outside your own site. In most circumstances we can use the startswith attribute selector. However, some CMS’s set all links to be absolute URLS, in which case you could assign a class to each of these anchors. It’s easy: My About page An external site To apply different styles to the external link, all you need is a rule like this: a.external:link, a[href^="http"]:link { color: slateblue;} a.external:visited, a[href^="http"]:visited {color: maroon;} This rule will make the second anchor in the preceding markup slateblue by default, and maroon once visited, while the first anchor will remain the default color for hyperlinks (usually blue when not visited and purple once visited). For improved usa‐ bility and accessibility, visited links should be easily differentiable from non-visited links. Styled visited links enables visitors to know where they have been and what they have yet to visit. This is especially important on large websites where it may be difficult to remember, especially for those with cognitive disabilities, which pages have been visited. Not only is highlighting visited links one of the W3C Web Content Accessi‐ bility Guidelines, but it makes searching for content faster, more efficient, and less stressful for everyone. The same general syntax is used for ID selectors as well: a#footer-copyright:link{background: yellow;} a#footer-copyright:visited {background: gray;} You can chain the two link-state pseudo-classes together, but there’s no reason why you ever would: a link cannot be both visited and unvisited at the same time! 78 | Chapter 2: Selectors Visited Links and Privacy For well over a decade, it was possible to style visited links with any CSS properties available, just as you could unvisited links. However, in the mid-2000s several people demonstrated that one could use visual styling and simple DOM scripting to deter‐ mine if a user had visited a given page. For example, given the rule :visited {fontweight: bold;}, a script could find all of the boldfaced links and tell the user which of those sites they’d visited—or, worse still, report those sites back to a server. A simi‐ lar, non-scripted tactic uses background images to achieve the same result. While this might not seem terribly serious to you, it can be utterly devastating for a web user in a country where one can be jailed for visiting certain sites—opposition parties, unsanctioned religious organizations, “immoral” or “corrupting” sites, and so on. It can also be used by phishing sites to determine which online banks a user has visited. Thus, two steps were taken. The first step is that only color-related properties can be applied to visited links: color, background-color, column-rule-color, outline-color, border-color, and the individual-side border color properties (e.g., border-top-color). Attempts to apply any other property to a visited link will be ignored. Furthermore, any styles defined for :link will be applied to visited links as well as unvisited links, which effectively makes :link “style any hyperlink,” instead of “style any unvisited hyper‐ link.” The second step is that if a visited link has its styles queried via the DOM, the result‐ ing value will be as if the link were not visited. Thus, if you’ve defined visited links to be purple rather than unvisited links’ blue, even though the link will appear purple onscreen, a DOM query of its color will return the blue value, not the purple one. As of late 2017, this behavior is present throughout all browsing modes, not just “pri‐ vate browsing” modes. Even though we’re limited in how we can use CSS to differen‐ tiate visited links from non-visited links, it is important for usability and accessibility to use the limited styles supported by visited links to differentiate them from unvis‐ ited links. User action pseudo-classes CSS defines a few pseudo-classes that can change a document’s appearance based on actions taken by the user. These dynamic pseudo-classes have traditionally been used to style hyperlinks, but the possibilities are much wider. Table 2-3 describes these pseudo-classes. Pseudo-Class Selectors | 79 Table 2-3. User action pseudo-classes Name :focus Description Refers to any element that currently has the input focus—i.e., can accept keyboard input or be activated in some way. :hover Refers to any element over which the mouse pointer is placed—e.g., a hyperlink over which the mouse pointer is hovering. :active Refers to any element that has been activated by user input—e.g., a hyperlink on which a user clicks during the time the mouse button is held down. Elements that can become :active include links, buttons, menu items, and any ele‐ ment with a tabindex value. These elements and all other interactive elements, includ‐ ing form controls and elements that are content-editable, can also receive focus. As with :link and :visited, these pseudo-classes are most familiar in the context of hyperlinks. Many web pages have styles that look like this: a:link {color: navy;} a:visited {color: gray;} a:focus {color: orange;} a:hover {color: red;} a:active {color: yellow;} The order of the pseudo-classes is more important than it might seem at first. The usual recommendation is “link-visited-hoveractive,” although this has been modified to “link-visited-focushover-active.” The next chapter explains why this particular ordering is important and discusses several reasons you might choose to change or even ignore the recommended ordering. Notice that the dynamic pseudo-classes can be applied to any element, which is good since it’s often useful to apply dynamic styles to elements that aren’t links. For exam‐ ple, using this markup: input:focus {background: silver; font-weight: bold;} you could highlight a form element that is ready to accept keyboard input, as shown in Figure 2-36. Figure 2-36. Highlighting a form element that has focus 80 | Chapter 2: Selectors You can also perform some rather odd feats by applying dynamic pseudo-classes to arbitrary elements. You might decide to give users a “highlight” effect by way of the following: body *:hover {background: yellow;} This rule will cause any element that’s descended from the body element to display a yellow background when it’s in a hover state. Headings, paragraphs, lists, tables, images, and anything else found inside the body will be changed to have a yellow background. You could also change the font, put a border around the element being hovered, or alter anything else the browser will allow. While you can style elements with :focus any way you like, do not remove all styling from focused elements. Differentiating which element currently has focus is vital for accessibility, especially for those navigating your site or application with a keyboard. Real-world issues with dynamic styling Dynamic pseudo-classes present some interesting issues and peculiarities. For exam‐ ple, it’s possible to set visited and unvisited links to one font size and make hovered links a larger size, as shown in Figure 2-37: a:link, a:visited {font-size: 13px;} a:hover, a:active {font-size: 20px;} Figure 2-37. Changing layout with dynamic pseudo-classes As you can see, the user agent increases the size of the anchor while the mouse pointer hovers over it; or, thanks to the :active setting, when a user touches it on a touch screen. A user agent that supports this behavior must redraw the document while an anchor is in hover state, which could force a reflow of all the content that follows the link. UI-State Pseudo-Classes Closely related to the dynamic pseudo-classes are the user-interface (UI) state pseudoclasses, which are summarized in Table 2-4. These pseudo-classes allow for styling based on the current state of user-interface elements like checkboxes. Pseudo-Class Selectors | 81 Table 2-4. UI-state pseudo-classes Name :enabled Description Refers to user-interface elements (such as form elements) that are enabled; that is, available for input. :disabled Refers to user-interface elements (such as form elements) that are disabled; that is, not available for input. :checked Refers to radio buttons or checkboxes that have been selected, either by the user or by defaults within the document itself. :indetermi nate Refers to radio buttons or checkboxes that are neither checked nor unchecked; this state can only be set via DOM scripting, and not due to user input. :default Refers to the radio button, checkbox, or option that was selected by default. :valid Refers to a user input that meets all of its data validity semantics :invalid Refers to a user input that does not meet all of its data validity semantics :in-range Refers to a user input whose value is between the minimum and maximum values :out-ofrange Refers to a user input whose value is below the minimum or above the maximum values allowed by the control :required Refers to a user input that must have a value set :optional Refers to a user input that does not need to have a value set :read-write Refers to a user input that is editable by the user :read-only Refers to a user input that is not editable by the user Although the state of a UI element can certainly be changed by user action—for example, a user checking or unchecking a checkbox—UI-state pseudo-classes are not classified as purely dynamic because they can also be affected by the document struc‐ ture or DOM scripting. You might think that :focus belongs in this section, not the previ‐ ous section. However, the Selectors Level 3 specification groups :focus in with :hover and :active. This is most likely because they were grouped together in CSS2, which had no UIstate pseudo-classes. More importantly, though, focus can be given to non-UI elements, such as headings or paragraphs—one example is when they are read by a speaking browser. That alone keeps it from being considered a UI-state pseudo-class. Enabled and disabled UI elements Thanks to both DOM scripting and HTML5, it is possible to mark a user-interface element (or group of user interface elements) as being disabled. A disabled element is displayed, but cannot be selected, activated, or otherwise interacted with by the user. Authors can set an element to be disabled either through DOM scripting, or (in HTML5) by adding a disabled attribute to the element’s markup. 82 | Chapter 2: Selectors Any element that hasn’t been disabled is by definition enabled. You can style these two states using the :enabled and :disabled pseudo-classes. It’s much more com‐ mon to style disabled elements and leave enabled elements alone, but both have their uses, as illustrated in Figure 2-38: :enabled {font-weight: bold;} :disabled {opacity: 0.5;} Figure 2-38. Styling enabled and disabled UI elements Check states In addition to being enabled or disabled, certain UI elements can be checked or unchecked—in HTML, the input types “checkbox” and “radio” fit this definition. Selectors level 3 offers a :checked pseudo-class to handle elements in that state, though curiously it omits an :unchecked. There is also the :indeterminate pseudoclass, which matches any checkable UI element that is neither checked nor unchecked. These states are illustrated in Figure 2-39: :checked {background: silver;} :indeterminate {border: red;} In addition, you can use the negation pseudo-class, which is covered later, to select checkboxes which are not checked with input[type="checkbox]:not(:checked). Only radio buttons and checkboxes can be checked. All other elements, and these two when not checked, are :not(:checked). Figure 2-39. Styling checked and indeterminate UI elements Although checkable elements are unchecked by default, it’s possible for a HTML author to toggle them on by adding the checked attribute to an element’s markup. An author can also use DOM scripting to flip an element’s checked state to checked or unchecked, whichever they prefer. There is a third state, “indeterminate.” As of late 2017, this state can only be set through DOM scripting or by the user agent itself; there is no markup-level method to set elements to an indeterminate state. The purpose of allowing an indeterminate state is to visually indicate that the element needs to be checked (or unchecked) by the user. However, note that this is purely a visual effect: it does not affect the under‐ Pseudo-Class Selectors | 83 lying state of the UI element, which is either checked or unchecked, depending on document markup and the effects of any DOM scripting. Although the previous examples show styled radio buttons, remember that direct styling of radio buttons and checkboxes with CSS is actually very limited. However, that shouldn’t limit your use of the selected-option pseudo-classes. As an example, you can style the labels associated with your checkboxes and radio buttons using a combination of :checked and the adjacent sibling combinator: input[type="checkbox"]:checked + label { color: red; font-style: italic; } Default option pseudo-class The :default pseudo-class matches the UI elements that are the default among a set of similar elements. This typically applies to context menu items, buttons, and select lists/menus. If there are several same-named radio buttons, the one that was origi‐ nally checked matches :default, even if the UI has been updated by the user so that it no longer matches :checked. If a checkbox was checked on page load, :default matches it. Any initially-selected option(s) in a select element will match. The :default pseudo-class can also match buttons and menu items: [type="checkbox"]:default + label { font-style: italic; } Optionality pseudo-classes The pseudo-class :required matches any form control that is required, as denoted by the presence of the required attribute (in HTML5). The :optional pseudo-class matches form controls that do not have the required attribute, or whose required attribute has a value of false. A form element is :required or :optional if a value for it is, respectively, required or optional before the form to which it belongs can be validly submitted. For example: input:required { border: 1px solid #f00;} input:optional { border: 1px solid #ccc;} The first email input will match the :required pseudo-class because of the presence of the required attribute. The second input is optional, and therefore will match 84 | Chapter 2: Selectors the :optional pseudo-class. The same is true for the third input, which has a required attribute, but the value is false. We could also use attribute selectors instead. The following selectors are equivalent to the preceding ones: input[required] { border: 1px solid #f00;} input:not([required]) { border: 1px solid #ccc;} Elements that are not form-input elements can be neither required nor optional. Validity pseudo-classes The :valid pseudo-class refers to a user input that meets all of its data validity requirements. The :invalid pseudo-class, on the other hand, refers to a user input that does not meet all of its data validity requirements. The validity pseudo-classes :valid and :invalid only apply to elements having the capacity for data validity requirements: a div will never match either selector, but an input could match either, depending on the current state of the interface. Here’s an example where an image is dropped into the background of any email input which has focus, with one image being used when the input is invalid and another used when the input is valid, as illustrated in Figure 2-40: input[type="email"]:focus { background-position: 100% 50%; background-repeat: no-repeat; } input[type="email"]:focus:invalid { background-image: url(warning.jpg); } input[type="email"]:focus:valid { background-image: url(checkmark.jpg); } Figure 2-40. Styling valid and invalid UI elements Pseudo-Class Selectors | 85 These pseudo-class states are dependent on what the user agent reports to its own style system, and so may not act as you might expect. For example, in late 2017, an empty email input matched :valid in multiple user agents, despite the fact a null input is not a valid email address. Until these validation routines improve, it is best to treat the validity pseudo-classes with caution. Range pseudo-classes The range pseudo-classes include :in-range, which refers to a user input whose value is between the minimum and maximum values set by HTML5’s min and max attributes, and :out-of-range, which refers to a user input whose value is below the minimum or above the maximum values allowed by the control. For example, consider a number input that accepts numbers in the range 0 to 1,000: input[type="number"]:focus { background-position: 100% 50%; background-repeat: no-repeat; } input[type="number"]:focus:out-of-range { background-image: url(warning.jpg); } input[type="number"]:focus:in-range { background-image: url(checkmark.jpg); } The :in-range and :out-of-range pseudo-classes apply only to elements with range limitations. Elements that don’t have range limitations, like links for inputs of type tel, will not be matched by either pseudo-class. There is also a step attribute in HTML5. If a value is invalid because it does not match the step value, but is still between or equal to the min and max values, it will match :invalid while also still matching :in-range. That is to say, a value can be inrange while also being invalid. Thus, in the following scenario, the input’s value will be both red and boldfaced, because 23 is in range but is not evenly divisible by 10: input[type="number"]:invalid {color: red;} input[type="number"]:in-range {font-weight: bold;} Mutability pseudo-classes The mutability pseudo-classes include :read-write, which refers to a user input that is editable by the user; and :read-only, which matches user inputs that are not edita‐ 86 | Chapter 2: Selectors ble. Only elements that have the capacity to be altered by user input can match :read-write. For example, in HTML, a non-disabled, non-read-only input element is :readwrite, as is any element with the contenteditable attribute. Everything else matches :read-only: By default, neither of the following rules would ever match: textarea elements are read-write, and pre elements are read-only. textarea:read-only { opacity: 0.75;} pre:read-write:hover {border: 1px dashed green;} However, each can be made to match as follows:
Type your own code!
Because the textarea is given a disabled attribute, it becomes read-only, and so will have the first rule apply. Similarly, the pre here has been given the attribute contente ditable, so now it is a read-write element. This will be matched by the second rule. The :target Pseudo-Class When a URL includes a fragment identifier, the piece of the document at which it points is called (in CSS) the target. Thus, you can uniquely style any element that is the target of a URL fragment identifier with the :target pseudo-class. Even if you’re unfamiliar with the term “fragment identifier,” you’ve probably seen them in action. Consider this URL: http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/#target-pseudo The target-pseudo portion of the URL is the fragment identifier, which is marked by the # symbol. If the referenced page (http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/) has an ele‐ ment with an ID of target-pseudo, then that element becomes the target of the frag‐ ment identifier. Thanks to :target, you can highlight any targeted element within a document, or you can devise different styles for various types of elements that might be targeted— say, one style for targeted headings, another for targeted tables, and so on. Figure 2-41 shows an example of :target in action: *:target {border-left: 5px solid gray; background: yellow url(target.png) top right no-repeat;} Pseudo-Class Selectors | 87 Figure 2-41. Styling a fragment identifier target :target styles will not be applied in two circumstances: 1. If the page is accessed via a URL that does not have a fragment identifier 2. If the page is accessed via a URL that has a fragment identifier, but the identifier does not match any elements within the document More interestingly, though, what happens if multiple elements within a document can be matched by the fragment identifier—for example, if the author erroneously included three separate instances of
in the same docu‐ ment? The short answer is that CSS doesn’t have or need rules to cover this case, because all CSS is concerned with is styling targets. Whether the browser picks just one of the three elements to be the target or designates all three as co-equal targets, :target styles should be applied to anything that is a valid target. The :lang Pseudo-Class For situations where you want to select an element based on its language, you can use the :lang() pseudo-class. In terms of its matching patterns, the :lang() pseudo-class is similar to the |= attribute selector. For example, to italicize elements whose content is written in French, you could write either of the following: *:lang(fr) {font-style: italic;} *[lang|="fr"] {font-style: italic;} The primary difference between the pseudo-class selector and the attribute selector is that language information can be derived from a number of sources, some of which are outside the element itself. For the attribute selector, the element must have the 88 | Chapter 2: Selectors attribute present to match. The :lang pseudo-class, on the other hand, matches descendants of an element with the language declaration. As Selectors Level 3 states: In HTML, the language is determined by a combination of the lang attribute, and pos‐ sibly information from the meta elements and the protocol (such as HTTP headers). XML uses an attribute called xml:lang, and there may be other document languagespecific methods for determining the language. The pseudo-class will operate on all of that information, whereas the attribute selec‐ tor can only work if there is a lang attribute present in the element’s markup. There‐ fore, the pseudo-class is more robust than the attribute selector and is probably a better choice in most cases where language-specific styling is needed. The Negation Pseudo-Class Every selector we’ve covered thus far has had one thing in common: they’re all posi‐ tive selectors. In other words, they are used to identify the things that should be selected, thus excluding by implication all the things that don’t match and are thus not selected. For those times when you want to invert this formulation and select elements based on what they are not, Selectors Level 3 introduced the negation pseudo-class, :not(). It’s not quite like any other selector, fittingly enough, and it does have some restric‐ tions on its use, but let’s start with an example. Let’s suppose you want to apply a style to every list item that doesn’t have a class of moreinfo, as illustrated in Figure 2-42. That used to be very difficult, and in certain cases impossible, to make happen. If we wanted all the list items to be italic except those with the class .moreinfo, we used to declare all the links as italic, generally hav‐ ing to target the ul with a class, then normalize back based on the class, making sure the override came last in the source order, and had equal or higher specificity. Now we can declare: li:not(.moreinfo) {font-style: italic;} Figure 2-42. Styling list items that don’t have a certain class Pseudo-Class Selectors | 89 The way :not() works is that you attach it to an element, and then in the parentheses you fill in a simple selector. A simple selector, according to the W3C, is: either a type selector, universal selector, attribute selector, class selector, ID selector, or pseudo-class. Basically, a simple selector is a selector with no ancestral-descendant relationship. Note the “either” there: you can only use one of those inside :not(). You can’t group them and you can’t combine them using combinators, which means you can’t use a descendant selector, because the space separating elements in a descendant selector is a combinator. Those restrictions may (indeed most likely will) be lifted in the future, but we can still do quite a lot even within the given constraints. For example, let’s flip around the previous example and select all elements with a class of moreinfo that are not list items. This is illustrated in Figure 2-43: .moreinfo:not(li) {font-style: italic;} Figure 2-43. Styling elements with a certain class that aren’t list items Translated into English, the selector would say, “Select all elements with a class whose value contains the word moreinfo as long as they are not li elements.” Simi‐ larly, the translation of li:not(.moreinfo) would be “Select all li elements as long as they do not have a class whose value contains the word moreinfo.” Technically, you can put a universal selector into the parentheses, but there’s very lit‐ tle point. After all, p:not(*) would mean “Select any p element as long as it isn’t any element,” and there’s no such thing as an element that is not an element. Very similar to that would be p:not(p), which would also select nothing. It’s also possible to write things like p:not(div), which will select any p element that is not a div element—in other words, all of them. Again, there is very little reason to do so. You can also use the negation pseudo-class at any point in a more complex selector. Thus, to select all tables that are not children of a section element, you would write *:not(section) > table. Similarly, to select table header cells that are not part of the table header, you’d write something like table *:not(thead) > tr > th, with a result like that shown in Figure 2-44. 90 | Chapter 2: Selectors Figure 2-44. Styling header cells outside the table’s head area What you cannot do is nest negation pseudo-classes; thus, p:not(:not(p)) is invalid and will be ignored. It’s also, logically, the equivalent of just writing p, so there’s no point anyway. Furthermore, you cannot reference pseudo-elements (which we’ll cover shortly) inside the parentheses, since they are not simple selectors. On the other hand, it’s possible to chain negations together to create a sort of “and also not this” effect. For example, you might want to select all elements with a class of link that are neither list items nor paragraphs: *.link:not(li):not(p) {font-style: italic;} That translates to “Select all elements with a class whose value contains the word link as long as they are neither li nor p elements.” One thing to watch out for is that you can have situations where rules combine in unexpected ways, mostly because we’re not used to thinking of selection in the nega‐ tive. Consider this test case: div:not(.one) p {font-weight: normal;} div.one p {font-weight: bold;}

I'm a paragraph!

The paragraph will be boldfaced, not normal-weight. This is because both rules match: the p element is descended from a div whose class does not contain the word one (
), but it is also descended from a div whose class contains the word one. Both rules match, and so both apply. Since there is a conflict, the cas‐ cade is used to resolve the conflict, and the second rule wins. The structural arrange‐ ment of the markup, with the div.two being “closer” to the paragraph than div.one, is irrelevant. Pseudo-Class Selectors | 91 Pseudo-Element Selectors Much as pseudo-classes assign phantom classes to anchors, pseudo-elements insert fictional elements into a document in order to achieve certain effects. Four basic pseudo-elements were defined in CSS 2, and they let you style the first letter of an element, style the first line of an element, and both create and style “before” and “after” content. There are other pseudo-classes that have been defined since CSS 2 (e.g., ::marker), and we’ll explore those in the chapters of the book for which they’re relevant. The four from CSS2 will be covered here because they’re old-school, and because they make a convenient way to talk about pseudo-element behavior. Unlike the single colon of pseudo-classes, pseudo-elements employ a double-colon syntax, like ::first-line. This is meant to distinguish pseudo-elements from pseudo-classes. This was not always the case—in CSS2, both selector types used a sin‐ gle colon—so for backward compatibility, browsers will accept single-colon pseudoelement selectors. Don’t take this as an excuse to be sloppy, though! Use the proper number of colons at all times in order to future-proof your CSS; after all, there is no way to predict when browsers will stop accepting single-colon pseudo-element selec‐ tors. Note that all pseudo-elements must be placed at the very end of the selector in which they appear. It would not be legal to write p::first-line em since the pseudoelement comes before the subject of the selector (the subject is the last element listed). This also means that only one pseudo-element is permitted in a given selector, though that restriction may be eased in future versions of CSS. Styling the First Letter The ::first-letter pseudo-element styles the first letter, or a leading punctuation character and the first letter (if the text starts with punctuation), of any non-inline element. This rule causes the first letter of every paragraph to be colored red: p::first-letter {color: red;} The ::first-letter pseudo-element is most commonly used to create an “initial cap” or “drop cap” typographic effect. You could make the first letter of each p twice as big as the rest of the heading, though you may want to only apply this styling to the first letter of the first paragraph: p:first-of-type::first-letter {font-size: 200%;} The result of this rule is illustrated in Figure 2-45. Figure 2-45. The ::first-letter pseudo-element in action 92 | Chapter 2: Selectors This rule effectively causes the user agent to style a fictional, or “faux” element, that encloses the first letter of each p. It would look something like this:

This is a p element, with a styled first letter The ::first-letter styles are applied only to the contents of the fictional element shown in the example. This element does not appear in the docu‐ ment source, nor even in the DOM tree. Instead, its existence is constructed on the fly by the user agent and is used to apply the ::first-letter style(s) to the appropri‐ ate bit of text. In other words, is a pseudo-element. Remember, you don’t have to add any new tags. The user agent styles the first letter for you as if you had encased it in a styled element. The first letter is defined as the first typographic letter unit of the originating element, if it is not preceded by other content, like an image. The specifications use “letter unit” because some languages have letters made up of more than character, like “oe” in Norse. Punctuation that precedes or follows the first letter unit, even if there are several such symbols, are included in the ::first-letter pseudo-element. Styling the First Line Similarly, ::first-line can be used to affect the first line of text in an element. For example, you could make the first line of each paragraph in a document large and purple: p::first-line { font-size: 150%; color: purple; } In Figure 2-46, the style is applied to the first displayed line of text in each paragraph. This is true no matter how wide or narrow the display region is. If the first line con‐ tains only the first five words of the paragraph, then only those five words will be big and purple. If the first line contains the first 30 words of the element, then all 30 will be big and purple. Figure 2-46. The ::first-line pseudo-element in action Because the text from “This” to “only” should be big and purple, the user agent employs a fictional markup that looks something like this: Pseudo-Element Selectors | 93

This is a paragraph of text that has only one stylesheet applied to it. That style causes the first line to be big and purple. No other line will have those styles applied.

If the first line of text were edited to include only the first seven words of the para‐ graph, then the fictional would move back and occur just after the word “that.” If the user were to increase or decrease the font-size rendering, or expand or contract the browser window causing the width of the text to change, thereby causing the number of words on the first line to increase or decrease, the browser automatically sets only the words in the currently displayed first line to be both big and purple. The length of the first line depends on a number of factors, including the font-size, letter spacing, width of the parent container, etc. Depending on the markup, and the length of that first line, it is possible that the end of the first line comes in the middle of a nested element. If the ::first-line breaks up a nested element, such as an em or a hyperlink, the properties attached to the ::first-line will only apply to the por‐ tion of that nested element that is displayed on the first line. Restrictions on ::first-letter and ::first-line The ::first-letter and ::first-line pseudo-elements currently can be applied only to block-display elements such as headings or paragraphs, and not to inlinedisplay elements such as hyperlinks. There are also limits on the CSS properties that may be applied to ::first-line and ::first-letter. Table 2-5 gives an idea of these limitations. Table 2-5. Properties permitted on pseudo-elements ::first-letter ::first-line • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 94 All font properties All background properties All text decoration properties All inline typesetting properties All inline layout properties All border properties box-shadow color opacity | Chapter 2: Selectors All font properties All background properties All margin properties All padding properties All border properties All text decoration properties All inline typesetting properties color opacity Styling (or Creating) Content Before and After Elements Let’s say you want to preface every h2 element with a pair of silver square brackets as a typographical effect: h2::before {content: "]]"; color: silver;} CSS lets you insert generated content, and then style it directly using the pseudoelements ::before and ::after. Figure 2-47 illustrates an example. Figure 2-47. Inserting content before an element The pseudo-element is used to insert the generated content and to style it. To place content after an element, use the pseudo-element ::after. You could end your docu‐ ments with an appropriate finish: body::after {content: "The End.";} Generated content is a separate subject, and the entire topic (including more detail on ::before and ::after) is covered more thoroughly in Chapter 15. Summary By using selectors based on the document’s language, authors can create CSS rules that apply to a large number of similar elements just as easily as they can construct rules that apply in very narrow circumstances. The ability to group together both selectors and rules keeps stylesheets compact and flexible, which incidentally leads to smaller file sizes and faster download times. Selectors are the one thing that user agents usually must get right because the inability to correctly interpret selectors pretty much prevents a user agent from using CSS at all. On the flip side, it’s crucial for authors to correctly write selectors because errors can prevent the user agent from applying the styles as intended. An integral part of correctly understanding selectors and how they can be combined is a strong grasp of how selectors relate to document structure and how mechanisms—such as inheri‐ tance and the cascade itself—come into play when determining how an element will be styled. Summary | 95 CHAPTER 3 Specificity and the Cascade Chapter 2 showed how document structure and CSS selectors allow you to apply a wide variety of styles to elements. Knowing that every valid document generates a structural tree, you can create selectors that target elements based on their ancestors, attributes, sibling elements, and more. The structural tree is what allows selectors to function and is also central to a similarly crucial aspect of CSS: inheritance. Inheritance is the mechanism by which some property values are passed on from an element to its descendants. When determining which values should apply to an ele‐ ment, a user agent must consider not only inheritance but also the specificity of the declarations, as well as the origin of the declarations themselves. This process of con‐ sideration is what’s known as the cascade. We will explore the interrelation between these three mechanisms—specificity, inheritance, and the cascade—in this chapter, but the difference between the latter two can be summed up this way: choosing the result of h1 {color: red; color: blue;} is the cascade; making a span inside the h1 blue is inheritance. Above all, regardless of how abstract things may seem, keep going! Your perseverance will be rewarded. Specificity You know from Chapter 2 that you can select elements using a wide variety of means. In fact, it’s possible that the same element could be selected by two or more rules, each with its own selector. Let’s consider the following three pairs of rules. Assume that each pair will match the same element: h1 {color: red;} body h1 {color: green;} h2.grape {color: purple;} 97 h2 {color: silver;} html > body table tr[id="totals"] td ul > li {color: maroon;} li#answer {color: navy;} Only one of the two rules in each pair can win out, since the matched elements can be only one color or the other. How do we know which one will win? The answer is found in the specificity of each selector. For every rule, the user agent evaluates the specificity of the selector and attaches it to each declaration in the rule. When an element has two or more conflicting property declarations, the one with the highest specificity will win out. This isn’t the whole story in terms of conflict resolution. All style conflict resolution (including specificity) is handled by the cascade, which has its own section later in this chapter (“The Cascade” on page 106). A selector’s specificity is determined by the components of the selector itself. A spe‐ cificity value can be expressed in four parts, like this: 0,0,0,0. The actual specificity of a selector is determined as follows: • For every ID attribute value given in the selector, add 0,1,0,0. • For every class attribute value, attribute selection, or pseudo-class given in the selector, add 0,0,1,0. • For every element and pseudo-element given in the selector, add 0,0,0,1. CSS2 contradicted itself as to whether pseudo-elements had any specificity at all, but CSS2.1 made it clear that they do, and this is where they belong. • Combinators and the universal selector do not contribute anything to the specif‐ icity. For example, the following rules’ selectors result in the indicated specificities: h1 {color: red;} p em {color: purple;} .grape {color: purple;} *.bright {color: yellow;} p.bright em.dark {color: maroon;} #id216 {color: blue;} div#sidebar *[href] {color: silver;} /* /* /* /* /* /* /* specificity specificity specificity specificity specificity specificity specificity = = = = = = = 0,0,0,1 0,0,0,2 0,0,1,0 0,0,1,0 0,0,2,2 0,1,0,0 0,1,1,1 */ */ */ */ */ */ */ Given a case where an em element is matched by both the second and fifth rules in this example, that element will be maroon because the fifth rule’s specificity out‐ weighs the second’s. 98 | Chapter 3: Specificity and the Cascade As an exercise, let’s return to the pairs of rules from earlier in the section and fill in the specificities: h1 {color: red;} body h1 {color: green;} h2.grape {color: purple;} h2 {color: silver;} /* 0,0,0,1 */ /* 0,0,0,2 (winner)*/ /* 0,0,1,1 (winner) */ /* 0,0,0,1 */ html > body table tr[id="totals"] td ul > li {color: maroon;} li#answer {color: navy;} (winner) */ /* 0,0,1,7 */ /* 0,1,0,1 I’ve indicated the winning rule in each pair; in each case, it’s because the specificity is higher. Notice how they’re sorted. In the second pair, the selector h2.grape wins because it has an extra 1: 0,0,1,1 beats out 0,0,0,1. In the third pair, the second rule wins because 0,1,0,1 wins out over 0,0,1,7. In fact, the specificity value 0,0,1,0 will win out over the value 0,0,0,13. This happens because the values are sorted from left to right. A specificity of 1,0,0,0 will win out over any specificity that begins with a 0, no matter what the rest of the numbers might be. So 0,1,0,1 wins over 0,0,1,7 because the 1 in the first value’s second position beats out the 0 in the second value’s second position. Declarations and Specificity Once the specificity of a selector has been determined, the specificity value will be conferred on all of its associated declarations. Consider this rule: h1 {color: silver; background: black;} For specificity purposes, the user agent must treat the rule as if it were “ungrouped” into separate rules. Thus, the previous example would become: h1 {color: silver;} h1 {background: black;} Both have a specificity of 0,0,0,1, and that’s the value conferred on each declaration. The same splitting-up process happens with a grouped selector as well. Given the rule: h1, h2.section {color: silver; background: black;} the user agent treats it if it were the following: h1 {color: silver;} h1 {background: black;} h2.section {color: silver;} h2.section {background: black;} /* /* /* /* 0,0,0,1 0,0,0,1 0,0,1,1 0,0,1,1 */ */ */ */ Specificity | 99 This becomes important in situations where multiple rules match the same element and some of the declarations clash. For example, consider these rules: h1 + p {color: black; font-style: italic;} /* 0,0,0,2 */ p {color: gray; background: white; font-style: normal;} /* 0,0,0,1 */ *.aside {color: black; background: silver;} /* 0,0,1,0 */ When applied to the following markup, the content will be rendered as shown in Figure 3-1:


It's a fine way to start a day, don't you think?

There are many ways to greet a person, but the words are not as important as the act of greeting itself.


There is nothing finer than a hearty welcome from one's fellow man.

Although a thick and juicy hamburger with bacon and mushrooms runs a close second.

Figure 3-1. How different rules affect a document In every case, the user agent determines which rules match a given element, calculates all of the associated declarations and their specificities, determines which rules win out, and then applies the winners to the element to get the styled result. These machi‐ nations must be performed on every element, selector, and declaration. Fortunately, the user agent does it all automatically. This behavior is an important component of the cascade, which we will discuss later in this chapter. 100 | Chapter 3: Specificity and the Cascade Universal Selector Specificity The universal selector does not contribute to specificity. In other words, it has a spe‐ cificity of 0,0,0,0, which is different than having no specificity (as we’ll discuss in “Inheritance” on page 103). Therefore, given the following two rules, a paragraph descended from a div will be black, but all other elements will be gray: div p {color: black;} /* 0,0,0,2 */ * {color: gray;} /* 0,0,0,0 */ As you might expect, this means the specificity of a selector that contains a universal selector along with other selectors is not changed by the presence of the universal selector. The following two selectors have exactly the same specificity: div p /* 0,0,0,2 */ body * strong /* 0,0,0,2 */ Combinators, by comparison, have no specificity at all—not even zero specificity. Thus, they have no impact on a selector’s overall specificity. ID and Attribute Selector Specificity It’s important to note the difference in specificity between an ID selector and an attribute selector that targets an id attribute. Returning to the third pair of rules in the example code, we find: html > body table tr[id="totals"] td ul > li {color: maroon;} /* 0,0,1,7 */ li#answer {color: navy;} /* 0,1,0,1 (wins) */ The ID selector (#answer) in the second rule contributes 0,1,0,0 to the overall spe‐ cificity of the selector. In the first rule, however, the attribute selector ([id="totals"]) contributes 0,0,1,0 to the overall specificity. Thus, given the fol‐ lowing rules, the element with an id of meadow will be green: #meadow {color: green;} /* 0,1,0,0 */ *[id="meadow"] {color: red;} /* 0,0,1,0 */ Inline Style Specificity So far, we’ve only seen specificities that begin with a zero, so you may be wondering why it’s there at all. As it happens, that first zero is reserved for inline style declara‐ tions, which trump any other declaration’s specificity. Consider the following rule and markup fragment: h1 {color: red;}

The Meadow Party

Specificity | 101 Given that the rule is applied to the h1 element, you would still probably expect the text of the h1 to be green. This happens because every inline declaration has a specif‐ icity of 1,0,0,0. This means that even elements with id attributes that match a rule will obey the inline style declaration. Let’s modify the previous example to include an id: h1#meadow {color: red;}

The Meadow Party

Thanks to the inline declaration’s specificity, the text of the h1 element will still be green. Importance Sometimes, a declaration is so important that it outweighs all other considerations. CSS calls these important declarations (for hopefully obvious reasons) and lets you mark them by inserting !important just before the terminating semicolon in a decla‐ ration: p.dark {color: #333 !important; background: white;} Here, the color value of #333 is marked !important, whereas the background value of white is not. If you wish to mark both declarations as important, each declaration needs its own !important marker: p.dark {color: #333 !important; background: white !important;} You must place !important correctly, or the declaration may be invalidated. !impor tant always goes at the end of the declaration, just before the semicolon. This place‐ ment is especially important—no pun intended—when it comes to properties that allow values containing multiple keywords, such as font: p.light {color: yellow; font: smaller Times, serif !important;} If !important were placed anywhere else in the font declaration, the entire declara‐ tion would likely be invalidated and none of its styles applied. I realize that to those of you who come from a programming back‐ ground, the syntax of this token instinctively translates to “not important.” For whatever reason, the bang (!) was chosen as the delimiter for important tokens, and it does not mean “not” in CSS, no matter how many other languages give it that very meaning. This association is unfortunate, but we’re stuck with it. Declarations that are marked !important do not have a special specificity value, but are instead considered separately from non-important declarations. In effect, all ! 102 | Chapter 3: Specificity and the Cascade important declarations are grouped together, and specificity conflicts are resolved relatively within that group. Similarly, all non-important declarations are considered together, with any conflicts within the non-important group are resolved using spe‐ cificity. Thus, in any case where an important and a non-important declaration con‐ flict, the important declaration always wins. Figure 3-2 illustrates the result of the following rules and markup fragment: h1 {font-style: italic; color: gray !important;} .title {color: black; background: silver;} * {background: black !important;}


Figure 3-2. Important rules always win Important declarations and their handling are discussed in more detail in “The Cascade” on page 106. Inheritance As important as specificity may be to understanding how declarations are applied to a document, another key concept is inheritance. Inheritance is the mechanism by which some styles are applied not only to a specified element, but also to its descend‐ ants. If a color is applied to an h1 element, for example, then that color is applied to all text inside the h1, even the text enclosed within child elements of that h1: h1 {color: gray;}

Meerkat Central

Both the ordinary h1 text and the em text are colored gray because the em element inherits the value of color from the h1. If property values could not be inherited by descendant elements, the em text would be black, not gray, and we’d have to color the elements separately. Consider an unordered list. Let’s say we apply a style of color: gray; for ul ele‐ ments: ul {color: gray;} Inheritance | 103 We expect that style applied to a ul will also be applied to its list items, and also to any content of those list items. Thanks to inheritance, that’s exactly what happens, as Figure 3-3 demonstrates. Figure 3-3. Inheritance of styles It’s easier to see how inheritance works by turning to a tree diagram of a document. Figure 3-4 shows the tree diagram for a very simple document containing two lists: one unordered and the other ordered. Figure 3-4. A simple tree diagram When the declaration color: gray; is applied to the ul element, that element takes on that declaration. The value is then propagated down the tree to the descendant ele‐ ments and continues on until there are no more descendants to inherit the value. Val‐ ues are never propagated upward; that is, an element never passes values up to its ancestors. There is an exception to the upward propagation rule in HTML: background styles applied to the body element can be passed to the html element, which is the document’s root element and therefore defines its canvas. This only happens if the body element has a defined background and the html element does not. Inheritance is one of those things about CSS that is so basic that you almost never think about it unless you have to. However, you should still keep a couple of things in mind. First, note that many properties are not inherited—generally in order to avoid unde‐ sirable outcomes. For example, the property border (which is used to set borders on elements) does not inherit. A quick glance at Figure 3-5 reveals why this is the case. If 104 | Chapter 3: Specificity and the Cascade borders were inherited, documents would become much more cluttered—unless the author took the extra effort to turn off the inherited borders. Figure 3-5. Why borders aren’t inherited As it happens, most of the box-model properties—including margins, padding, back‐ grounds, and borders—are not inherited for the same reason. After all, you likely wouldn’t want all of the links in a paragraph to inherit a 30-pixel left margin from their parent element! Second, inherited values have no specificity at all, not even zero specificity. This seems like an academic distinction until you work through the consequences of the lack of inherited specificity. Consider the following rules and markup fragment and compare them to the result shown in Figure 3-6: * {color: gray;} h1#page-title {color: black;}

Meerkat Central

Welcome to the best place on the web for meerkat information!

Figure 3-6. Zero specificity defeats no specificity Since the universal selector applies to all elements and has zero specificity, its color declaration’s value of gray wins out over the inherited value of black, which has no specificity at all. Therefore, the em element is rendered gray instead of black. This example vividly illustrates one of the potential problems of using the universal selector indiscriminately. Because it can match any element, the universal selector often has the effect of short-circuiting inheritance. This can be worked around, but it’s usually more sensible to avoid the problem in the first place by not using the uni‐ versal selector indiscriminately. Inheritance | 105 The complete lack of specificity for inherited values is not a trivial point. For exam‐ ple, assume that a style sheet has been written such that all text in a “toolbar” is to be white on black: #toolbar {color: white; background: black;} This will work so long as the element with an id of toolbar contains nothing but plain text. If, however, the text within this element is all hyperlinks (a elements), then the user agent’s styles for hyperlinks will take over. In a web browser, this means they’ll likely be colored blue, since the browser’s internal style sheet probably contains an entry like this: a:link {color: blue;} To overcome this problem, you must declare something like this: #toolbar {color: white; background: black;} #toolbar a:link {color: white;} By targeting a rule directly at the a elements within the toolbar, you’ll get the result shown in Figure 3-7. Figure 3-7. Directly assigning styles to the relevant elements Another way to get the same result is to use the value inherit, covered in the previ‐ ous chapter. We can alter the previous example like so: #toolbar {color: white; background: black;} #toolbar a:link {color: inherit;} This also leads to the result shown in Figure 3-7, because the value of color is explic‐ itly inherited thanks to an assigned rule whose selector has specificity. The Cascade Throughout this chapter, we’ve skirted one rather important issue: what happens when two rules of equal specificity apply to the same element? How does the browser resolve the conflict? For example, consider the following rules: h1 {color: red;} h1 {color: blue;} Which one wins? Both have a specificity of 0,0,0,1, so they have equal weight and should both apply. That can’t be the case because the element can’t be both red and blue. So which will it be? 106 | Chapter 3: Specificity and the Cascade At last, the name “Cascading Style Sheets” makes sense: CSS is based on a method of causing styles to cascade together, which is made possible by combining inheritance and specificity with a few rules. The cascade rules for CSS are: 1. Find all rules that contain a selector that matches a given element. 2. Sort all declarations applying to the given element by explicit weight. Those rules marked !important have a higher weight than those that are not. 3. Sort all declarations applying to the given element by origin. There are three basic origins: author, reader, and user agent. Under normal circumstances, the author’s styles win out over the reader’s styles. !important reader styles are stronger than any other styles, including !important author styles. Both author and reader styles override the user agent’s default styles. 4. Sort all declarations applying to the given element by specificity. Those elements with a higher specificity have more weight than those with lower specificity. 5. Sort all declarations applying to the given element by order. The later a declara‐ tion appears in the style sheet or document, the more weight it is given. Declara‐ tions that appear in an imported style sheet are considered to come before all declarations within the style sheet that imports them. To be perfectly clear about how this all works, let’s consider some examples that illus‐ trate the last four of the five cascade rules. Some later CSS modules add more origins to the basic list of three; for example, the animation and transition origins. These are not covered here, but are addressed in the chapters on those topics. Sorting by Weight and Origin If two rules apply to an element, and one is marked !important, the important rule wins out: p {color: gray !important;}

Well, hello there!

Despite the fact that there is a color assigned in the style attribute of the paragraph, the !important rule wins out, and the paragraph is gray. This gray is inherited by the em element as well. Note that if an !important is added to the inline style, then it will be the winner. Thus, given the following, the paragraph (and its descendant element) will be black: p {color: gray !important;} The Cascade | 107

Well, hello there!

In situations where the explicit weight is the same, the origin of a rule is considered. If an element is matched by normal-weight styles in both the author’s style sheet and the reader’s style sheet, then the author’s styles are used. For example, assume that the following styles come from the indicated origins: p em {color: black;} /* author's style sheet */ p em {color: yellow;} /* reader's style sheet */ In this case, emphasized text within paragraphs is colored black, not yellow, because normal-weight author styles win out over normal-weight reader styles. However, if both rules are marked !important, the situation changes: p em {color: black !important;} /* author's style sheet */ p em {color: yellow !important;} /* reader's style sheet */ Now the emphasized text in paragraphs will be yellow, not black. As it happens, the user agent’s default styles—which are often influenced by the user preferences—are figured into this step. The default style declarations are the least influential of all. Therefore, if an author-defined rule applies to anchors (e.g., declar‐ ing them to be white), then this rule overrides the user agent’s defaults. To sum up, there are five basic levels to consider in terms of declaration weight. In order of most to least weight, these are: 1. Reader important declarations 2. Author important declarations 3. Author normal declarations 4. Reader normal declarations 5. User agent declarations Authors typically need to worry about only the first four weight levels, since anything declared by an author will win out over the user agent’s styles. Sorting by Specificity If conflicting declarations apply to an element and they all have the same explicit weight and origin, they should be sorted by specificity, with the most specific declara‐ tion winning out, like this: p#bright {color: silver;} p {color: black;}

Well, hello there!

108 | Chapter 3: Specificity and the Cascade Given the rules shown, the text of the paragraph will be silver, as illustrated in Figure 3-8. Why? Because the specificity of p#bright (0,1,0,1) overrode the specif‐ icity of p (0,0,0,1), even though the latter rule comes later in the style sheet. Figure 3-8. Higher specificity wins out over lower specificity Sorting by Order Finally, if two rules have exactly the same explicit weight, origin, and specificity, then the one that occurs later in the style sheet wins out. Let’s return to our earlier exam‐ ple, where we find the following two rules in the document’s style sheet: h1 {color: red;} h1 {color: blue;} In this case, the value of color for all h1 elements in the document will be blue, not red. This is because the two rules are tied with each other in terms of explicit weight and origin, and the selectors have equal specificity, so the last one declared is the win‐ ner. So what happens if rules from completely separate style sheets conflict? For example, suppose the following: @import url(basic.css); h1 {color: blue;} What if h1 {color: red;} appears in basic.css? The entire contents of basic.css are treated as if they were pasted into the style sheet at the point where the @import occurs. Thus, any rule contained in the document’s style sheet occurs later than those from the @import. If they tie in terms of explicit weight and specificity, the docu‐ ment’s style sheet contains the winner. Consider the following: p em {color: purple;} /* from imported style sheet */ p em {color: gray;} /* rule contained within the document */ In this case, the second rule shown wins out over the imported rule because it was the last one specified. Order sorting is the reason behind the often-recommended ordering of link styles. The recommendation is that you array your link styles in the order link-visited-focushover-active, or LVFHA, like this: a:link {color: blue;} a:visited {color: purple;} a:focus {color: green;} The Cascade | 109 a:hover {color: red;} a:active {color: orange;} Thanks to the information in this chapter, you now know that the specificity of all of these selectors is the same: 0,0,1,0. Because they all have the same explicit weight, origin, and specificity, the last one that matches an element will win out. An unvisited link that is being “clicked” or otherwise activated, such as via the keyboard, is matched by four of the rules—:link, Lfocus, :hover, and :active—so the last one of those four will win out. Given the LVFHA ordering, :active will win, which is likely what the author intended. Assume for a moment that you decide to ignore the common ordering and alphabet‐ ize your link styles instead. This would yield: a:active {color: orange;} a:focus {color: green;} a:hover {color: red;} a:link {color: blue;} a:visited {color: purple;} Given this ordering, no link would ever show :hover, :focus, or :active styles because the :link and :visited rules come after the other three. Every link must be either visited or unvisited, so those styles will always override the others. Let’s consider a variation on the LVFHA order that an author might want to use. In this ordering, only unvisited links will get a hover style; visited links do not. Both vis‐ ited and unvisited links will get an active style: a:link {color: blue;} a:hover {color: red;} a:visited {color: purple;} a:focus {color: green;} a:active {color: orange;} Such conflicts arise only when all the states attempt to set the same property. If each state’s styles address a different property, then the order does not matter. In the fol‐ lowing case, the link styles could be given in any order and would still function as intended: a:link {font-weight: bold;} a:visited {font-style: italic;} a:focus {color: green;} a:hover {color: red;} a:active {background: yellow;} You may also have realized that the order of the :link and :visited styles doesn’t matter. You could order the styles LVFHA or VLFHA with no ill effect. The ability to chain pseudo-classes together eliminates all these worries. The follow‐ ing could be listed in any order without any overrides: 110 | Chapter 3: Specificity and the Cascade a:link {color: blue;} a:visited {color: purple;} a:link:hover {color: red;} a:visited:hover {color: gray;} Because each rule applies to a unique set of link states, they do not conflict. There‐ fore, changing their order will not change the styling of the document. The last two rules do have the same specificity, but that doesn’t matter. A hovered unvisited link will not be matched by the rule regarding hovered visited links, and vice versa. If we were to add active-state styles, then order would start to matter again. Consider: a:link {color: blue;} a:visited {color: purple;} a:link:hover {color: red;} a:visited:hover {color: gray;} a:link:active {color: orange;} a:visited:active {color: silver;} If the active styles were moved before the hover styles, they would be ignored. Again, this would happen due to specificity conflicts. The conflicts could be avoided by adding more pseudo-classes to the chains, like this: a:link:hover:active {color: orange;} a:visited:hover:active {color: silver;} This does have the effect of raising the specificity of the selectors—both have a specif‐ icity value of 0,0,3,1—but they don’t conflict because the actual selection states are mutually exclusive. A link can’t be an unvisited hovered active link and an unvisited hovered active link: only one of the two rules will match, and the styles applied accordingly. Non-CSS Presentational Hints It is possible that a document will contain presentational hints that are not CSS—for example, the font element. Such presentational hints are treated as if they have a spe‐ cificity of 0 and appear at the beginning of the author’s stylesheet. Such presentation hints will be overridden by any author or reader styles, but not by the user agent’s styles. In CSS3, presentational hints from outside CSS are treated as if they belong to the user agent’s stylesheet, presumably at the end (although as of this writing, the specification doesn’t say). Summary Perhaps the most fundamental aspect of Cascading Style Sheets is the cascade itself— the process by which conflicting declarations are sorted out and from which the final document presentation is determined. Integral to this process is the specificity of selectors and their associated declarations, and the mechanism of inheritance. Summary | 111 CHAPTER 4 Values and Units In this chapter, we’ll tackle features that are the basis for almost everything you can do with CSS: the units that affect the colors, distances, and sizes of a whole host of properties, as well as the units that help to define those values. Without units, you couldn’t declare that an image should have 10 pixels of blank space around it, or that a heading’s text should be a certain size. By understanding the concepts put forth here, you’ll be able to learn and use the rest of CSS much more quickly. Keywords, Strings, and Other Text Values Everything in a stylesheet is text, but there are certain value types that directly repre‐ sent strings of text as opposed to, say, numbers or colors. Included in this category are URLs and, interestingly enough, images. Keywords For those times when a value needs to be described with a word of some kind, there are keywords. A very common example is the keyword none, which is distinct from 0 (zero). Thus, to remove the underline from links in an HTML document, you would write: a:link, a:visited {text-decoration: none;} Similarly, if you want to force underlines on the links, then you would use the key‐ word underline. If a property accepts keywords, then its keywords will be defined only for the scope of that property. If two properties use the same word as a keyword, the behavior of the keyword for one property will not necessarily be shared with the other. As an exam‐ 113 ple, normal, as defined for letter-spacing, means something very different than the normal defined for font-style. Global keywords CSS3 defines three “global” keywords that are accepted by every property in the spec‐ ification: inherit, initial, and unset. inherit. The keyword inherit makes the value of a property on an element the same as the value of that property on its parent element. In other words, it forces inheri‐ tance to occur even in situations where it would not normally operate. In many cases, you don’t need to specify inheritance, since many properties inherit naturally. Never‐ theless, inherit can still be very useful. For example, consider the following styles and markup: #toolbar {background: blue; color: white;}
One | Two | Three
The div itself will have a blue background and a white foreground, but the links will be styled according to the browser’s preference settings. They’ll most likely end up as blue text on a blue background, with white vertical bars between them. You could write a rule that explicitly sets the links in the “toolbar” to be white, but you can make things a little more robust by using inherit. You just add the following rule to the stylesheet: #toolbar a {color: inherit;} This will cause the links to use the inherited value of color in place of the user agent’s default styles. Ordinarily, directly assigned styles override inherited styles, but inherit can undo that behavior. It might not always be a good idea—for example, here links might blend into surrounding text too much, and become an accessibility concern—but it can be done. Similarly, you can pull a property value down from a parent even if it wouldn’t hap‐ pen normally. Take border, for example, which is (rightfully) not inherited. If you want a span to inherit the border of its parent, all you need is span {border: inherit;}. More likely, though, you just want the border on a span to use the same border color as its parent. In that case span {border-color: inherit;} will do the trick. 114 | Chapter 4: Values and Units initial. The keyword initial sets the value of a property to the defined initial value, which in a way means it “resets” the value. For example, the default value of fontweight is normal. Thus, declaring font-weight: initial is the same as declaring font-weight: normal. This might seem a little bit silly until you consider that not all values have explicitly defined initial values. For example, the initial value for color is “depends on user agent.” That’s not a funky keyword you should type! What it means is that the default value of color depends on things like the preferences settings in a browser. While almost nobody changes the default text color setting from black, someone might set it to a dark gray or even a bright red. By declaring color: initial;, you’re telling the browser to set the color of the element to whatever the user’s default color is set to be. unset. The keyword unset acts as a universal stand-in for both inherit and ini tial. If the property is inherited, then unset has the same effect as if inherit was used. If the property is not inherited, then unset has the same effect as if initial was used. As of late 2017, Opera Mini did not support any of initial, inherit, or unset. Internet Explorer did not support them through IE11. These global values are usable on all properties, but there is a special property that only accepts the global keywords: all. all Values inherit | initial | unset Initial value See individual properties all is a stand-in for all properties except direction and unicode-bidi. Thus, if you declare all: inherit on an element, you’re saying that you want all properties except direction and unicode-bidi to inherit their values from the element’s parent. Consider the following: section {color: white; background: black; font-weight: bold;} #example {all: inherit;} Keywords, Strings, and Other Text Values | 115
This is a div.
You might think this causes the div element to inherit the values of color, back ground, and font-weight from the section element. And it does do that, yes—but it will also force inheritance of the values of every single other property in CSS (minus the two exceptions) from the section element. Maybe that’s what you want, in which case, great. But if you just want to inherit the property values you wrote out for the section element, then the CSS would need to look more like this: section {color: white; background: black; font-weight: bold;} #example {color: inherit; background: inherit; font-weight: inherit;} Odds are what you really want in these situations is all: unset, but your stylesheet may vary. As of late 2017, a new global keyword, revert, was being consid‐ ered for adoption. Its goal was to allow rollbacks of values to those set by other origins—for example, to let an author say, “All property values for this element should be as if the author styles don’t exist, but user agent and user styles do.” Since it was still under consider‐ ation, it has not been documented in detail here. As of late 2017, Opera Mini and Microsoft Edge did not support all. Support was under consideration for Edge. Strings A string value is an arbitrary sequence of characters wrapped in either single or dou‐ ble quotes, and is represented in value definitions with . Two simple exam‐ ples: "I like to play with strings." 'Strings are fun to play with.' Note that the quotes balance, which is to say that you always start and end with the same kind of quotes. Getting this wrong can lead to all kinds of parsing problems, since starting with one kind of quote and trying to end with the other means the string won’t actually be terminated. You could accidentally incorporate subsequent rules into the string that way! If you want to put quote marks inside strings, that’s OK, as long as they’re either not the kind you used to enclose the string or are escaped using a backslash: 116 | Chapter 4: Values and Units "I've always liked to play with strings." 'He said to me, "I like to play with strings."' "It's been said that \"haste makes waste.\"" 'There\'s never been a "string theory" that I\'ve liked.' Note that the only acceptable string delimiters are ' and ", sometimes called “straight quotes.” That means you can’t use “curly” or “smart” quotes to begin or end a string value. You can use them inside a string value, as in this code example, though, and they don’t have to be escaped: "It’s been said that “haste makes waste.”" 'There’s never been a “string theory” that I’ve liked.' This requires that you use Unicode encoding for your documents, but you should be doing that regardless. (You can find the Unicode standard at http://www.unicode.org/ standard/standard.html.) If you have some reason to include a newline in your string value, you can do that by escaping the newline itself. CSS will then remove it, making things as if it had never been there. Thus, the following two string values are identical from a CSS point of view: "This is the right place \ for a newline." "This is the right place for a newline." If, on the other hand, you actually want a string value that includes a newline charac‐ ter, then use the Unicode reference \A where you want the newline to occur: "This is a better place \Afor a newline." URLs If you’ve written web pages, you’re almost certainly familiar with URLs (or, as in CSS2.1, URIs). Whenever you need to refer to one—as in the @import statement, which is used when importing an external stylesheet—the general format is: url(protocol://server/pathname) This example defines what is known as an absolute URL. By absolute, I mean a URL that will work no matter where (or rather, in what page) it’s found, because it defines an absolute location in web space. Let’s say that you have a server called web.waf‐ fles.org. On that server, there is a directory called pix, and in this directory is an image waffle22.gif. In this case, the absolute URL of that image would be: web.waffles.org/pix/waffle22.gif This URL is valid no matter where it is found, whether the page that contains it is located on the server web.waffles.org or web.pancakes.com. Keywords, Strings, and Other Text Values | 117 The other type of URL is a relative URL, so named because it specifies a location that is relative to the document that uses it. If you’re referring to a relative location, such as a file in the same directory as your web page, then the general format is: url(pathname) This works only if the image is on the same server as the page that contains the URL. For argument’s sake, assume that you have a web page located at http:// web.waffles.org/syrup.html and that you want the image waffle22.gif to appear on this page. In that case, the URL would be: pix/waffle22.gif This path works because the web browser knows that it should start with the place it found the web document and then add the relative URL. In this case, the pathname pix/waffle22.gif added to the server name http://web.waffles.org equals http:// web.waffles.org/pix/waffle22.gif. You can almost always use an absolute URL in place of a relative URL; it doesn’t matter which you use, as long as it defines a valid loca‐ tion. In CSS, relative URLs are relative to the stylesheet itself, not to the HTML document that uses the stylesheet. For example, you may have an external stylesheet that imports another stylesheet. If you use a relative URL to import the second stylesheet, it must be relative to the first stylesheet. As an example, consider an HTML document at http://web.waffles.org/toppings/ tips.html, which has a link to the stylesheet http://web.waffles.org/styles/basic.css: Inside the file basic.css is an @import statement referring to another stylesheet: @import url(special/toppings.css); This @import will cause the browser to look for the stylesheet at http:// web.waffles.org/styles/special/toppings.css, not at http://web.waffles.org/toppings/ special/toppings.css. If you have a stylesheet at the latter location, then the @import in basic.css should read one of the two following ways: @import url(http://web.waffles.org/toppings/special/toppings.css); @import url(../special/toppings.css); Note that there cannot be a space between the url and the opening parenthesis: body {background: url(http://www.pix.web/picture1.jpg);} /* correct */ body {background: url (images/picture2.jpg);} /* INCORRECT */ If the space is present, the entire declaration will be invalidated and thus ignored. 118 | Chapter 4: Values and Units Images An image value is a reference to an image, as you might have guessed. Its syntax rep‐ resentation is . At the most basic level of support, which is to say the one every CSS engine on the planet would understand, an value is a value. In more advanced user agents, stands for one of the following: A URL identifier of an external resource; in this case, the URL of an image. Perhaps unsurprisingly, a set of images, chosen based on a set of conditions embedded into the value. For example, an image-set() could specify that a larger image be used for desktop layouts, whereas a smaller image (both in pixel size and file size) be used for a mobile design. It is intended to at least approxi‐ mate the behavior of the srcset attribute for picture elements. As of late 2016, browser support for image-set was limited to Safari, Chrome, and desktop Opera, and was not on par with srcset’s full range of capabilities. Refers to either a linear or radial gradient image, either singly or in a repeating pattern. Gradients are fairly complex, and thus are covered in detail in Chapter 9. Identifiers There are a few properties that accept an identifier value, which is a user-defined identifier of some kind; the most common example is generated list counters. They are represented in the value syntax as . Identifiers themselves are words, and are case-sensitive; thus, myID and MyID are, as far as CSS is concerned, completely distinct and unrelated to each other. In cases where a property accepts both an identi‐ fier and one or more keywords, the author should take care to never define an identi‐ fier identical to a valid keyword. Numbers and Percentages These value types are special because they serve as the foundation for so many other values types. For example, font sizes can be defined using the em identifier (covered later in this text) preceded by a number. But what kind of number? Defining the types of numbers here lets us speak clearly later on. Numbers and Percentages | 119 Integers An integer value is about as simple as it gets: one or more numbers, optionally pre‐ fixed by a + or − sign to indicate a positive or negative value. That’s it. Integer values are represented in value syntax as . Examples include 13, −42, 712, and 1,066. Integer values that fall outside a defined range are, by default, considered invalid and cause the entire declaration to be ignored. However, some properties define behavior that causes values outside the accepted range to be set to the accepted value closest to the declared value, known as clamping. In cases (such as the property z-index) where there is no restricted range, user agents must support values up to ±1,073,741,824 (±230). Numbers A number value is either an or a real number, which is to say an integer followed by a dot and then some number of following integers. Additionally, it can be prefixed by either + or − to indicate positive or negative values. Number values are represented in value syntax as . Examples include 2.7183, −3.1416, and 6.2832. The reason a can be an and yet there are separate value types is that some properties will only accept integers (e.g., z-index), whereas others will accept any real number (e.g., flex-grow). As with integer values, number values may have limits imposed on them by a property definition; for example, opacity restricts its value to be any valid in the range 0 to 1, inclusive. By default, number values that fall outside a defined range are, by default, considered invalid and cause the entire declaration to be ignored. However, some properties define behavior that causes values outside the accepted range to be set to the accepted value closest to the declared value (generally referred to as “clamping”). Percentages A percentage value is a followed by a percentage sign (%), and is repre‐ sented in value syntax as . Examples would include 50% and 33.333%. Percentage values are always relative to another value, which can be anything—the value of another property of the same element, a value inherited from the parent ele‐ ment, or a value of an ancestor element. Any property that accepts percentage values will define any restrictions on the range of allowed percentage values, and will also define the way in which the percentage is relatively calculated. 120 | Chapter 4: Values and Units Fractions A fraction value (or flex value) is a followed by the label fr. Thus, one frac‐ tional unit is 1fr. This is a concept introduced by Grid Layout, and is used to divide up fractions of the unconstrained space in a layout. See Chapter 13 for more details. Distances Many CSS properties, such as margins, depend on length measurements to properly display various page elements. It’s likely no surprise, then, that there are a number of ways to measure length in CSS. All length units can be expressed as either positive or negative numbers followed by a label, although note that some properties will accept only positive numbers. You can also use real numbers—that is, numbers with decimal fractions, such as 10.5 or 4.561. All length units are followed by short abbreviation (usually two characters) that rep‐ resents the actual unit of length being specified, such as in (inches) or pt (points). The only exception to this rule is a length of 0 (zero), which need not be followed by a unit when describing lengths. These length units are divided into two types: absolute length units and relative length units. Absolute Length Units We’ll start with absolute units because they’re easiest to understand, despite the fact that they’re almost unusable in regular web design. The six types of absolute units are as follows: Inches (in) As you might expect, this notation refers to the inches you’d find on a ruler in the United States. (The fact that this unit is in the specification, even though almost the entire world uses the metric system, is an interesting insight into the perva‐ siveness of US interests on the internet—but let’s not get into virtual sociopoliti‐ cal theory right now.) Centimeters (cm) Refers to the centimeters that you’d find on rulers the world over. There are 2.54 centimeters to an inch, and one centimeter equals 0.394 inches. Millimeters (mm) For those Americans who are metric-challenged, there are 10 millimeters to a centimeter, so an inch equals 25.4 millimeters, and a millimeter equals 0.0394 inches. Distances | 121 Quarter-millimeters (q) There are 40 Q units in a centimeter; thus, setting an element to be 1/10 of a cen‐ timeter wide—which is also to say, a millimeter wide—would mean a value of 4q. (Only Firefox supported q as of late 2016.) Points (pt) Points are standard typographical measurements that have been used by printers and typesetters for decades and by word processing programs for many years. Traditionally, there are 72 points to an inch (points were defined before wide‐ spread use of the metric system). Therefore the capital letters of text set to 12 points should be one-sixth of an inch tall. For example, p {font-size: 18pt;} is equivalent to p {font-size: 0.25in;}. Picas (pc) Picas are another typographical term. A pica is equivalent to 12 points, which means there are 6 picas to an inch. As just shown, the capital letters of text set to 1 pica should be one-sixth of an inch tall. For example, p {font-size: 1.5pc;} would set text to the same size as the example declarations found in the defini‐ tion of points. Pixels (px) A pixel is a small box on screen, but CSS defines pixels more abstractly. In CSS terms, a pixel is defined to be the size required to yield 96 pixels per inch. Many user agents ignore this definition in favor of simply addressing the pixels on the screen. Scaling factors are brought into play when page zooming or printing, where an element 100px wide can be rendered more than 100 device dots wide. These units are really useful only if the browser knows all the details of the screen on which your page is displayed, the printer you’re using, or whatever other user agent might apply. On a web browser, display is affected by the size of the screen and the resolution to which the screen is set—and there isn’t much that you, as the author, can do about these factors. You can only hope that, if nothing else, the measurements will be consistent in relation to each other—that is, that a setting of 1.0in will be twice as large as 0.5in, as shown in Figure 4-1. Figure 4-1. Setting absolute-length left margins Nevertheless, despite all that, let’s make the highly suspect assumption that your com‐ puter knows enough about its display system to accurately reproduce real-world measurements. In that case, you could make sure every paragraph has a top margin of 122 | Chapter 4: Values and Units half an inch by declaring p {margin-top: 0.5in;}. Regardless of font size or any other circumstances, a paragraph will have a half-inch top margin. Absolute units are much more useful in defining stylesheets for printed documents, where measuring things in terms of inches, points, and picas is much more common. Pixel lengths On the face of things, pixels are straightforward. If you look at a screen closely enough, you can see that it’s broken up into a grid of tiny little boxes. Each box is a pixel. If you define an element to be a certain number of pixels tall and wide, as in the following markup:

The following image is 20 pixels tall and wide:

then it follows that the element will be that many screen elements tall and wide, as shown in Figure 4-2. Figure 4-2. Using pixel lengths In general, if you declare something like font-size: 18px, a web browser will almost certainly use actual pixels on your screen—after all, they’re already there—but with other display devices, like printers, the user agent will have to rescale pixel lengths to something more sensible. In other words, the printing code has to figure out how many dots there are in a pixel. On the other hand, pixel measurements are often useful for expressing the size of images, which are already a certain number of pixels tall and wide. These days, responsive design means that we often want to express image size in relation to the size of the text of the width of the viewport, regardless of the number of actual pixels in the image. You do end up relying on the image-scaling routines in user agents, but those have been getting pretty good. Scaling of images really makes sense with vectorbased images like SVG. Pixel theory In its discussion of pixels, the CSS specification recommends that, in cases where a display’s resolution density is significantly different than 96 pixels per inch (ppi), user agents should scale pixel measurements to a “reference pixel.” CSS2 recommended 90 ppi as the reference pixel, but CSS2.1 and CSS3 recommend 96 ppi. The most com‐ mon example is a printer, which has dots instead of pixels, and which has a lot more Distances | 123 dots per inch than 96! In printing web content, then, it may assume 96 pixels per inch and scale its output accordingly. If a display’s resolution is set to 1,024 pixels wide by 768 pixels tall, its screen size is exactly 10 2/3 inches wide by 8 inches tall, and the screen it is filled entirely by the display pixels, then each pixel will be 1/96 of an inch wide and tall. As you might guess, this scenario is a fairly rare occurrence. So, on most displays, the actual num‐ ber of pixels per inch (ppi) is higher than 96—sometimes much higher. The Retina display on an iPhone 4S, for example, is 326 ppi; the display on the iPad 264 ppi. As a Windows XP user, you should be able to set your display driver to make the display of elements correspond correctly to realworld measurements. The path to the ruler dialog is Start→Control Panel; double-click Display; click the Settings tab; then click Advanced to reveal a dialog box (which may differ on each PC). You should see a dropdown or other form control labeled Font Size; select Other. Resolution Units With the advent of media queries and responsive designs, three new unit types were introduced in order to be able to describe display resolution: Dots per inch (dpi) The number of display dots per linear inch. This can refer to the dots in a paper printer’s output, the physical pixels in an LED screen or other device, or the ele‐ ments in an e-ink display such as that used by a Kindle. Dots per centimeter (dpcm) Same as dpi, except the linear measure is one centimeter instead of one inch. Dots per pixel unit (dppx) The number of display dots per CSS px unit. As of CSS3, 1dppx is equivalent to 96dpi because CSS defines pixel units at that ratio. Just bear in mind that ratio could change in future versions of CSS. As of late 2017, these units are only used in the context of media queries. As an exam‐ ple, an author can create a media block to be used only on displays that have higher than 500 dpi: @media (min-resolution: 500dpi) { /* rules go here */ } 124 | Chapter 4: Values and Units Relative Length Units Relative units are so called because they are measured in relation to other things. The actual (or absolute) distance they measure can change due to factors beyond their control, such as screen resolution, the width of the viewing area, the user’s preference settings, and a whole host of other things. In addition, for some relative units, their size is almost always relative to the element that uses them and will thus change from element to element. em and ex units First, let’s consider em and ex, which are closely related. In CSS, one “em” is defined to be the value of font-size for a given font. If the font-size of an element is 14 pixels, then for that element, 1em is equal to 14 pixels. As you may suspect, this value can change from element to element. For example, let’s say you have an h1 with a font size of 24 pixels, an h2 element with a font size of 18 pixels, and a paragraph with a font size of 12 pixels. If you set the left margin of all three at 1em, they will have left margins of 24 pixels, 18 pixels, and 12 pixels, respec‐ tively: h1 {font-size: 24px;} h2 {font-size: 18px;} p {font-size: 12px;} h1, h2, p {margin-left: 1em;} small {font-size: 0.8em;}

Left margin = 24 pixels

Left margin = 18 pixels

Left margin = 12 pixels

When setting the size of the font, on the other hand, the value of em is relative to the font size of the parent element, as illustrated by Figure 4-3. Figure 4-3. Using em for margins and font sizing In theory, one em is equal to the width of a lowercase m in the font used—that’s where the name comes from, in fact. It’s an old typographer’s term. However, this is not assured in CSS. ex, on the other hand, refers to the height of a lowercase x in the font being used. Therefore, if you have two paragraphs in which the text is 24 points in size, but each paragraph uses a different font, then the value of ex could be different for each Distances | 125 paragraph. This is because different fonts have different heights for x, as you can see in Figure 4-4. Even though the examples use 24-point text—and therefore each exam‐ ple’s em value is 24 points—the x-height for each is different. Figure 4-4. Varying x heights The rem unit Like the em unit, the rem unit is based on declared font size. The difference—and it’s a doozy—is that whereas em is calculated using the font size of the element to which it’s applied, rem is always calculated using the root element. In HTML, that’s the html element. Thus, declaring any element to have font-size: 1rem; is setting it to have the same font-size value as the root element of the document. As an example, consider the following markup fragment. It will have the result shown in Figure 4-5.

This paragraph has inheritance.

1em;">This paragraph has the same font size as its parent 1rem;">This paragraph has the same font size as the root In effect, rem acts as a reset for font size: no matter what relative font sizing has hap‐ pened to the ancestors of an element, giving it font-size: 1rem; will put it right back where the root element is set. This will usually be the user’s default font size, unless you (or the user) have set the root element to a specific font size. For example, given this declaration, 1rem will always be equivalent to 13px: html {font-size: 13px;} However, given this declaration, 1rem will always be equivalent to three-quarters the user’s default font size: html {font-size: 75%;} In this case, if the user’s default is 16 pixels, then 1rem will equal 12px. If the user has actually set their default to 12 pixels—a few people do this—then 1rem will equal 9px; if the default setting is 20 pixels, then 1rem equals 15px. And so on. You are not restricted to the value 1rem. Any real number can be used, just as with the em unit, so you can do fun things like set all of your headings to be multiples of the root element’s font size: h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 {font-size: {font-size: {font-size: {font-size: {font-size: {font-size: 2rem;} 1.75rem;} 1.4rem;} 1.1rem;} 1rem;} 0.8rem;} In browsers that support the keyword initial, font-size: 1rem is equivalent to font-size: initial as long as no font size is set for the root element. The ch unit An interesting addition to CSS3 is the ch unit, which is broadly meant to represent “one character.” The way it is defined in CSS3 is: Equal to the advance measure of the “0” (ZERO, U+0030) glyph found in the font used to render it. The term advance measure is actually a CSS-ism that corresponds to the term “advance width” in font typography. CSS uses the term “measure” because some scripts are not right to left or left to right, but instead top to bottom or bottom to top, and so may have an advance height rather than an advance width. For simplicity’s sake, we’ll stick to advance widths in this section. Distances | 127 Without getting into too many details, a character glyph’s advance width is the dis‐ tance from the start of a character glyph to the start of the next. This generally corre‐ sponds to the width of the glyph itself plus any built-in spacing to the sides. (Although that built-in spacing can be either positive or negative.) CSS pins the ch unit to the advance width of a zero in a given font. This is in parallel to the way that em is calculated with respect to the font-size value of an element. The easiest way to demonstrate this unit is to run a bunch of zeroes together and then set an image to have a width with the same number of ch units as the number of zeroes, as shown in Figure 4-6: img {height: 1em; width: 25ch;} Figure 4-6. Character-relative sizing Given a monospace font, all characters are by definition 1ch wide. In any propor‐ tional face type, which is what the vast majority of Western typefaces are, characters may be wider or narrower than the “0” and so cannot be assumed to be 1ch wide. As of late 2017, only Opera Mini and Internet Explorer had prob‐ lems with ch. In IE11, ch was mis-measured to be exactly the width of the “0” glyph, not the glyph plus the small amount of space to either side of it. Thus, 5ch was less than the width of “00000” in IE11. This error was corrected in Edge. 128 | Chapter 4: Values and Units Viewport-relative units Another new addition in CSS3 are the three viewport-relative size units. These are calculated with respect to the size of the viewport—browser window, printable area, mobile device display, etc.: Viewport width unit (vw) This unit is calculated with respect to the viewport’s width, which is divided by 100. Therefore, if the viewport is 937 pixels wide, 1vw is equal to 9.37px. If the viewport’s width changes, say by dragging the browser window wider or more narrow, the value of vw changes along with it. Viewport height unit (vh) This unit is calculated with respect to the viewport’s height, which is divided by 100. Therefore, if the viewport is 650 pixels tall, 1vh is equal to 6.5px. If the view‐ port’s height changes, say by dragging the browser window taller or shorter, the value of vh changes along with it. Viewport minimum unit (vmin) This unit is 1/100 of the viewport’s width or height, whichever is lesser. Thus, given a viewport that is 937 pixels wide by 650 pixels tall, 1vmin is equal to 6.5px. Viewport maximum unit (vmax) This unit is 1/100 of the viewport’s width or height, whichever is greater. Thus, given a viewport that is 937 pixels wide by 650 pixels tall, 1vmax is equal to 9.37px. Note that these are length units like any other, and so can be used anywhere a length unit is permitted. You can scale the font size of a heading in terms of the viewport, height, for example, with something like h1 {font-size: 10vh;}. This sets the font size to be 1/10 the height of the viewport—a technique potentially useful for article titles and the like. These units can be particularly handy for creating full-viewport interfaces, such as those one would expect to find on a mobile device, because it can allow elements to be sized compared to the viewport and not any of the elements within the document tree. It’s thus very simple to fill up the entire viewport, or at least major portions of it, and not have to worry about the precise dimensions of the actual viewport in any particular case. Here’s a very basic example of viewport-relative sizing, which is illustrated in Figure 4-7: div {width: 50vh; height: 33vw; background: gray;} Distances | 129 An interesting (though perhaps not useful) fact about these units is that they aren’t bound to their own primary axis. Thus, for example, you can declare width: 25vh; to make an element as wide as one-quarter the height of the viewport. As of late 2016, viewport-relative units were supported by all browsers except Opera Mini, plus the odd exception that vmax is not supported in Microsoft browsers. Figure 4-7. Viewport-relative sizing Calculation values In situations where you need to do a little math, CSS provides a calc() value. Inside the parentheses, you can construct simple mathematical expressions. The permitted operators are + (addition), - (subtraction), * (multiplcation), and / (division), as well as parentheses. These follow the traditional PEMDAS (parentheses, exponents, multi‐ plication, division, addition, subtraction) precedence order, although in this case it’s really just PMDAS since exponents are not permitted in calc(). Support for parentheses in calc() appears to be a convenience provided by browsers, since they’re not mentioned in the syntax definition for calc(). It seems likely that support for parentheses will remain, but use at your own risk. As an example, suppose you want your paragraphs to have a width that’s 2 em less than 90% the width of their parent element. Here’s how you express that with calc(): 130 | Chapter 4: Values and Units p {width: calc(90% - 2em);} calc() can be used anywhere one of the following value types is permitted: , , ,

This is the first paragraph.

This is the second paragraph.

This is the third paragraph.

Figure 4-8. Inserting attribute values It’s theoretically possible to use attr() in almost any property value, specifying the value type within the expression. For example, you could (again, in theory) use the maxlength attribute on an input field to determine its width, as shown here: input[type="text"] {width: attr(maxlength em);} Given that setup, the input element would be styled to be 10 em wide, assuming a user agent that supports this use of attr(). As of late 2016, this was not the case: no tested browser supported this application of attr(). Color One of the first questions every starting web author asks is, “How do I set colors on my page?” Under HTML, you have two choices: you could use one of a small number of colors with names, such as red or purple, or employ a vaguely cryptic method using hexadecimal codes. Both of these methods for describing colors remain in CSS, along with some other—and, I think, more intuitive—methods. Named Colors Assuming that you’re content to pick from a small, basic set of colors, the easiest method is to use the name of the color you want. CSS calls these color choices, logi‐ cally enough, named colors. In the early days of CSS, there were 16 basic color key‐ words, which were the 16 colors defined in HTML 4.01. These are shown in Table 4-1. 132 | Chapter 4: Values and Units Table 4-1. The basic 16 color keywords aqua gray navy silver black green olive teal blue lime purple white fuchsia maroon red yellow So, let’s say you want all first-level headings to be maroon. The best declaration would be: h1 {color: maroon;} Simple enough, isn’t it? Figure 4-9 shows a few more examples: h1 {color: silver;} h2 {color: fuchsia;} h3 {color: navy;} Figure 4-9. Named colors You’ve probably seen (and maybe even used) color names other than the ones listed earlier. For example, if you specify: h1 {color: lightgreen;} As of late 2017, the latest CSS color specification includes those original 16 named colors in a longer list of 148 color keywords. This extended list is based on the stan‐ dard X11 RGB values that have been in use for decades, and have been recognized by browsers for many years, with the addition of some color names from SVG (mostly involving variants of “gray” and “grey”). A table of color equivalents for all 148 key‐ words defined in the CSS Color Module Level 4 is given in Appendix C. Fortunately, there are more detailed and precise ways to specify colors in CSS. The advantage is that, with these methods, you can specify any color in the color spec‐ trum, not just a limited list of named colors. Colors by RGB and RGBa Computers create colors by combining different levels of red, green, and blue, a com‐ bination that is often referred to as RGB color. Each point of display is known as a pixel. Given the way colors are created on a screen, it makes sense that you should Color | 133 have direct access to those colors, determining your own mixture of the three for maximum control. That solution is complex, but possible, and the payoffs are worth it because there are very few limits on which colors you can produce. There are four ways to affect color in this manner. Functional RGB colors There are two color value types that use functional RGB notation as opposed to hexa‐ decimal notation. The generic syntax for this type of color value is rgb(color), where color is expressed using a triplet of either percentages or integers. The percentage values can be in the range 0%–100%, and the integers can be in the range 0–255. Thus, to specify white and black, respectively, using percentage notation, the values would be: rgb(100%,100%,100%) rgb(0%,0%,0%) Using the integer-triplet notation, the same colors would be represented as: rgb(255,255,255) rgb(0,0,0) An important thing to remember is that you can’t mix integers and percentages in the same color value. Thus, rgb(255,66.67%,50%) would be invalid and thus ignored. Assume you want your h1 elements to be a shade of red that lies between the values for red and maroon. red is equivalent to rgb(100%,0%,0%), whereas maroon is equal to (50%,0%,0%). To get a color between those two, you might try this: h1 {color: rgb(75%,0%,0%);} This makes the red component of the color lighter than maroon, but darker than red. If, on the other hand, you want to create a pale red color, you would raise the green and blue levels: h1 {color: rgb(75%,50%,50%);} The closest equivalent color using integer-triplet notation is: h1 {color: rgb(191,127,127);} The easiest way to visualize how these values correspond to color is to create a table of gray values. The result is shown in Figure 4-10: p.one {color: rgb(0%,0%,0%);} p.two {color: rgb(20%,20%,20%);} p.three {color: rgb(40%,40%,40%);} p.four {color: rgb(60%,60%,60%);} p.five {color: rgb(80%,80%,80%);} p.six {color: rgb(0,0,0);} p.seven {color: rgb(51,51,51);} 134 | Chapter 4: Values and Units p.eight {color: rgb(102,102,102);} p.nine {color: rgb(153,153,153);} p.ten {color: rgb(204,204,204);} Figure 4-10. Text set in shades of gray Since we’re dealing in shades of gray, all three RGB values are the same in each state‐ ment. If any one of them were different from the others, then a color hue would start to emerge. If, for example, rgb(50%,50%,50%) were modified to be rgb(50%,50%, 60%), the result would be a medium-dark color with just a hint of blue. It is possible to use fractional numbers in percentage notation. You might, for some reason, want to specify that a color be exactly 25.5 percent red, 40 percent green, and 98.6 percent blue: h2 {color: rgb(25.5%,40%,98.6%);} A user agent that ignores the decimal points (and some do) should round the value to the nearest integer, resulting in a declared value of rgb(26%,40%,99%). In integer trip‐ lets, you are limited to integers. Values that fall outside the allowed range for each notation are clipped to the nearest range edge, meaning that a value that is greater than 100% or less than 0% will default to those allowed extremes. Thus, the following declarations would be treated as if they were the values indicated in the comments: P.one {color: rgb(300%,4200%,110%);} /* 100%,100%,100% P.two {color: rgb(0%,-40%,-5000%);} /* 0%,0%,0% */ p.three {color: rgb(42,444,-13);} /* 42,255,0 */ */ Conversion between percentages and integers may seem arbitrary, but there’s no need to guess at the integer you want—there’s a simple formula for calculating them. If you know the percentages for each of the RGB levels you want, then you need only apply them to the number 255 to get the resulting values. Let’s say you have a color of 25 percent red, 37.5 percent green, and 60 percent blue. Multiply each of these percen‐ tages by 255, and you get 63.75, 95.625, and 153. Round these values to the nearest integers, and voilà: rgb(64,96,153). Color | 135 If you already know the percentage values, there isn’t much point in converting them into integers. Integer notation is more useful for people who use programs such as Photoshop, which can display integer values in the Info dialog, or for those who are so familiar with the technical details of color generation that they normally think in values of 0–255. RGBa colors As of CSS3, the two functional RGB notations were extended into a functional RGBa notation. This notation adds an alpha value to the end of the RGB triplets; thus “redgreen-blue-alpha” becomes RGBa. The alpha stands for alpha channel, which is a measure of opacity. For example, suppose you wanted an element’s text to be half-opaque white. That way, any background color behind the text would “shine through,” mixing with the half-transparent white. You would write one of the following two values: rgba(255,255,255,0.5) rgba(100%,100%,100%,0.5) To make a color completely transparent, you set the alpha value to 0; to be completely opaque, the correct value is 1. Thus rgb(0,0,0) and rgba(0,0,0,1) will yield pre‐ cisely the same result (black). Figure 4-11 shows a series of paragraphs set in increas‐ ingly transparent black, which is the result of the following rules. p.one {color: rgba(0,0,0,1);} p.two {color: rgba(0%,0%,0%,0.8);} p.three {color: rgba(0,0,0,0.6);} p.four {color: rgba(0%,0%,0%,0.4);} p.five {color: rgba(0,0,0,0.2);} Figure 4-11. Text set in progressive translucency As you’ve no doubt already inferred, alpha values are always real numbers in the range 0 to 1. Any value outside that range will either be ignored or reset to the nearest valid alpha value. You cannot use to represent alpha values, despite the mathematical equivalence. 136 | Chapter 4: Values and Units Hexadecimal RGB colors CSS allows you to define a color using the same hexadecimal color notation so familiar to old-school HTML web authors: h1 h2 h3 h4 {color: {color: {color: {color: #FF0000;} #903BC0;} #000000;} #808080;} /* /* /* /* set set set set H1s H2s H3s H4s to to to to red */ a dusky purple */ black */ medium gray */ Computers have been using hex notation for quite some time now, and programmers are typically either trained in its use or pick it up through experience. Their familiar‐ ity with hexadecimal notation likely led to its use in setting colors in HTML. That practice was carried over to CSS. Here’s how it works: by stringing together three hexadecimal numbers in the range 00 through FF, you can set a color. The generic syntax for this notation is #RRGGBB. Note that there are no spaces, commas, or other separators between the three numbers. Hexadecimal notation is mathematically equivalent to integer-pair notation. For example, rgb(255,255,255) is precisely equivalent to #FFFFFF, and rgb(51,102,128) is the same as #336680. Feel free to use whichever notation you prefer—it will be rendered identically by most user agents. If you have a calculator that converts between decimal and hexadecimal, making the jump from one to the other should be pretty simple. For hexadecimal numbers that are composed of three matched pairs of digits, CSS permits a shortened notation. The generic syntax of this notation is #RGB: h1 {color: #000;} h2 {color: #666;} h3 {color: #FFF;} /* set H1s to black */ /* set H2s to dark gray */ /* set H3s to white */ As you can see from the markup, there are only three digits in each color value. How‐ ever, since hexadecimal numbers between 00 and FF need two digits each, and you have only three total digits, how does this method work? The answer is that the browser takes each digit and replicates it. Therefore, #F00 is equivalent to #FF0000, #6FA would be the same as #66FFAA, and #FFF would come out #FFFFFF, which is the same as white. Not every color can be represented in this man‐ ner. Medium gray, for example, would be written in standard hexadecimal notation as #808080. This cannot be expressed in shorthand; the closest equivalent would be #888, which is the same as #888888. Hexadecimal RGBa colors A new (as of late 2017) hexadecimal notation adds a fourth hex value to represent the alpha channel value. Figure 4-11 shows a series of paragraphs set in increasingly Color | 137 transparent black, just as we saw in the previous section, which is the result of the following rules: p.one {color: #000000FF;} p.two {color: #000000CC;} p.three {color: #00000099;} p.four {color: #00000066;} p.five {color: #00000033;} Figure 4-12. Text set in progressive translucency, redux As with non-alpha hexadecimal values, it’s possible to shorten a value composed of matched pairs to a four-digit value. Thus, a value of #663399AA can be written as #639A. If the value has any pairs that are not repetitive, then the entire eight-digit value must be written out: #663399CA cannot be shortened to #639CA. As of late 2017, the alpha-channel hexadecimal notation was sup‐ ported in Firefox and Safari, and had experimental implementa‐ tions in Chrome and Opera. Colors by HSL and HSLa New to CSS3 (though not to the world of color theory in general) are HSL notations. HSL stands for Hue, Saturation, and Lightness, where the hue is a hue angle in the range 0–360, saturation is a percentage value from 0 (no saturation) to 100 (full satu‐ ration), and lightness is a percentage value from 0 (completely dark) to 100 (com‐ pletely light). The hue angle is expressed in terms of a circle around which the full spectrum of col‐ ors progresses. It starts with red at 0 degrees and then proceeds through the rainbow until it comes to red again at 360 degrees. Figure 4-13 illustrates this visually by showing the angles and colors of the spectrum on a wheel as well as a linear strip. If you’re intimately familiar with RGB, then HSL may be confusing at first. (But then, RGB is confusing for people familiar with HSL.) You may be able to better grasp the hues in HSL by contemplating the diagram in Figure 4-14, which shows the spectrum results from placing and then mixing red, green, and blue. 138 | Chapter 4: Values and Units Figure 4-13. The spectrum on a wheel and a strip Figure 4-14. Mixing RGB to create the spectrum Color | 139 As for the other two values, saturation measures the intensity of a color. A saturation of 0% always yields a shade of gray, no matter what hue angle you have set, and a satu‐ ration of 100% creates the most vivid possible shade of that hue for a given lightness. Similarly, lightness defines how dark or light the color appears. A lightness of 0% is always black, regardless of the other hue and saturation values, just as a lightness of 100% always yields white. Consider the results of the following styles, illustrated on the left side of Figure 4-15. p.one {color: hsl(0,0%,0%);} p.two{color: hsl(60,0%,25%);} p.three {color: hsl(120,0%,50%);} p.four {color: hsl(180,0%,75%);} p.five {color: hsl(240,0%,0%);} p.six {color: hsl(300,0%,25%);} p.seven {color: hsl(360,0%,50%);} Figure 4-15. Varying lightness and hues The gray you see on the left side isn’t just a function of the limitations of print: every single one of those bits of text is a shade of gray, because every color value has 0% in the saturation (middle) position. The degree of lightness or darkness is set by the lightness (third) position. In all seven examples, the hue angle changes, and in none of them does it matter. But that’s only so long as the saturation remains at 0%. If that value is raised to, say, 50%, then the hue angle will become very important, because it will control what sort of color you see. Consider the same set of values that we saw before, but all set to 50% saturation, as illustrated on the right side of Figure 4-15. It can be instructive to take the 16 color keywords defined in HTML4 (Table 4-1) and plot them against a hue-and-lightness wheel, as shown in Figure 4-16. The color wheel not only features the full spectrum around the rim, but also runs from 50 per‐ cent lightness at the edge to 0 percent lightness in the center. (The saturation is 100 percent throughout.) As you can see, the 12 keywords of color are regularly placed throughout the wheel, which bespeaks careful choice on the part of whoever chose them. The gray shades aren’t quite as regularly placed, but are probably the most use‐ ful distribution of shades, given that there were only four of them. 140 | Chapter 4: Values and Units Figure 4-16. Keyword-equivalent hue angles and lightnesses Just as RGB has its RGBa counterpart, HSL has an HSLa counterpart. This is an HSL triplet followed by an alpha value in the range 0–1. The following HSLa values are all black with varying shades of transparency, just as in “Hexadecimal RGBa colors” on page 137 (and illustrated in Figure 4-11): p.one {color: hsla(0,0%,0%,1);} p.two {color: hsla(0,0%,0%,0.8);} p.three {color: hsla(0,0%,0%,0.6);} p.four {color: hsla(0,0%,0%,0.4);} p.five {color: hsla(0,0%,0%,0.2);} Color Keywords There are two special keywords that can be used anywhere a color value is permitted. These are transparent and currentColor. As its name suggests, transparent defines a completely transparent color. The CSS Color Module defines it to be equivalent to rgba(0,0,0,0), and that’s its computed value. The is not often used to set text color, for example, but it is essentially the default value for element background colors. It can also be used to define element borders that take up space, but are not visible, and is often used when defining gradi‐ ents—all topics we’ll cover in later chapters. Color | 141 By contrast, currentColor means “whatever the computed value of color is for this element.” Consider the following: main {color: gray; border-color: currentColor;} The first declaration causes any main elements to have a foreground color of gray. The second declaration uses currentColor to copy the computed value of color—in this case, rgb(50%,50%,50%), which is equivalent to gray—and apply it to any bor‐ ders the main elements might have. Angles Since we just finished talking about hue angles in HSL, this would be a good time to talk about angle units. Angles in general are represented as , which is a followed by one of four unit types: deg Degrees, of which there are 360 in a full circle. grad Gradians, of which there are 400 in a full circle. Also known as grades or gons. rad Radians, of which there are 2π (approximately 6.28) in a full circle. turn Turns, of which there is one in a full circle. This unit is mostly useful when ani‐ mating a rotation and you wish to have it turn multiple times, such as 10turn to make it spin 10 times. (Sadly, the pluralization turns is invalid, at least as of late 2017, and will be ignored.) Angle units (Table 4-2) are mostly used in 2D and 3D transforms, though they do appear in a few other places. Note that angle units are not used in HSL colors, where all hue angle values are always degrees and thus do not use the deg unit! Table 4-2. Angle equivalents Degrees Gradians Radians Turns 0deg 0grad 0rad 0turn 45deg 50grad 0.785rad 0.125turn 90deg 100grad 1.571rad 0.25turn 180deg 200grad 3.142rad 0.5turn 270deg 300grad 4.712rad 0.75turn 360deg 400grad 6.283rad 1turn 142 | Chapter 4: Values and Units Time and Frequency In cases where a property needs to express a period of time, the value is represented as
Figure 19-14. Blending elements with their backdrops Throughout this section, we’ve touched on the concept of blending in isolation, as a thing that backgrounds naturally do. Elements, on the other hand, do not naturally blend in isolation. As we’ll see next, that behavior can be changed. 962 | Chapter 19: Filters, Blending, Clipping, and Masking Blending in Isolation There may be times when you want to blend a number of different elements together, but in a group of their own, in the same way background layers on an element are blended. This is, as we’ve seen, called blending in isolation. If that’s what you’re after, then the isolation property is for you. isolation Values auto | isolate Initial value auto Applies to All elements (in SVG, it applies to container elements, graphics elements, and graphicsreferencing elements) Computed value As declared Inherited No Animatable No This pretty much does exactly what it says: it either defines an element to create an isolated blending context, or not. Given the following styles, then, we get the result shown in Figure 19-15: img {mix-blend-mode: difference;} p.alone {isolation: isolate;}

Figure 19-15. Blending in isolation, and not Take particular note of where isolation was applied, and where mix-blend-mode was applied. The image is given the blend mode, but the containing element (in this case, a paragraph) is set to isolation blending. It’s done this way because you want the parent (or some ancestor element) to be isolated from the rest of the document, in Blending Backgrounds | 963 terms of how its descendant elements are blended. So if you want an element to blend in isolation, look for an ancestor element to set to isolation: isolate. There is an interesting wrinkle in all of this, which is that any element which estab‐ lishes a stacking context is automatically isolated, regardless of the value for isola tion. If you transform an element using the transform property, for example, it will become isolated. The complete list of stacking-context-establishing conditions, as of late 2017, are: • The root element (e.g., ) • Positioning an element relatively or absolutely and setting its z-index to any‐ thing other than auto • Positioning an element with fixed, regardless of its z-index value • Setting opacity to anything other than 1 • Setting transform to anything other than none • Setting mix-blend-mode to anything other than normal • Setting filter to anything other than none • Setting perspective to anything other than none • Setting isolation to isolate • Applying will-change to any of the previous properties, even if they are not actually changed Thus, if you have a group of elements that are blended together and then blended with their shared backdrop, and you then transition the group’s opacity from 1 to 0, the group will suddenly become isolated during the transition. This might have no visual impact, depending on the original set of blends, but it very well might. Clipping and Masking Besides filtering and blending, CSS also has the ability to do both clipping and mask‐ ing. These are methods of only showing portions of an element, using permitting a variety of simple shapes as well as the application of complete images and SVG ele‐ ments. These can be used to make decorative bits of a layout more visually interest‐ ing, among other things—a common technique is to frame images or give them ragged edges. 964 | Chapter 19: Filters, Blending, Clipping, and Masking Clipping One of the possibilities we saw with filter was to apply a clipping path via SVG. That’s a valid use of filters, but if all you want to do is clip off pieces of the element, you can use the property clip-path instead. clip-path Values none | | [ [ inset() | circle() | ellipse() | polygon() ] ‖ [ borderbox | padding-box | content-box | margin-box | fill-box | strokebox | view-box ] ] Initial value none Applies to All elements (in SVG, applies to all graphics elements and all container elements except the element) Computed value As declared Inherited No Animatable Yes for inset(), circle(), ellipse(), and polygon() With clip-path, you’re able to define a clipping shape. This is essentially the area of the element inside which visible portions are drawn. Any part of the element that fall outside the shape is clipped off, leaving behind empty transparent space. The follow‐ ing code gives a clipped and an unclipped example of the same paragraph, with the result depicted in Figure 19-16: p {background: orange; color: black; padding: 0.75em;} p.clipped {clip-path: url(shapes.svg#cloud02);} Figure 19-16. Clipped and unclipped paragraphs The default value, none, means no clipping is preformed, as you’d probably expect. If a value is given (as in the previous example) and it points to a missing resource, or to an element in an SVG file that isn’t a , then no clipping occurs. The rest of the values are either shapes written in CSS, reference boxes, or both. Clipping and Masking | 965 As of late 2017, URL-based clip paths work in Chrome only if the URL points to an embedded SVG inside the same document as the clipped element. External SVGs were not supported. Clip Shapes You can define clip shapes with one of a set of four simple shape functions. These are identical to the shapes used to define float shapes with shape-outside (see Chap‐ ter 10), so we won’t re-describe them in detail here. Here’s a brief recap: inset() Accepts from one to four lengths or percentage values, defining offsets from the edges of the bounding box, with optional corner rounding via the round keyword and another set of one to four lengths or percentages. circle() Accepts a single length, percentage, or keyword defining the radius of the circle, with an optional position for the circle’s center with the at keyword followed by one or two lengths or percentages. ellipse() Accepts a mandatory two lengths, percentages, or keywords defining the radii of the vertical and horizontal axes of the ellipse, with an optional position for the ellipse’s center with the at keyword followed by one or two lengths or percen‐ tages. polygon() Accepts a comma-separated list of space-separated x and y coordinates, using either lengths or percentages. Can be prefaced by a keyword defining the fill rule for the polygon. A variety of examples of these clip shapes is shown in Figure 19-17, corresponding to the following styles. (The dotted borders have been added to show the outer edges of the original image, before clipping.) .ex01 .ex02 .ex03 .ex04 .ex05 .ex06 966 | {clip-path: {clip-path: {clip-path: {clip-path: {clip-path: {clip-path: none;} inset(10px 0 25% 2em);} circle(100px at 50% 50%);} ellipse(100px 50px at 75% 25%);} polygon(50% 0, 100% 50%, 50% 100%, 0 50%);} polygon(0 0, 50px 100px, 150px 5px, 300px 150px, 0 100%);} Chapter 19: Filters, Blending, Clipping, and Masking Figure 19-17. Various clip shapes As Figure 19-17 shows, the elements are only visible inside the clip shapes. Anything outside that is just gone. But take note of how the clipped elements still take up the same space they would if they weren’t clipped at all. In other words, clipping doesn’t make the elements smaller. It just limits the part of them that’s actually drawn. Clip Boxes Unlike clip shapes, clip boxes aren’t specified using lengths or percentages. They cor‐ respond, for the most part, directly to boundaries in the box model. If you just say clip-path: border-box, for example, the element is clipped along the outside edge of the border. This is likely what you’d expect anyway, since margins are transparent. Remember, however, that outlines can be drawn outside borders, so if you do clip at the border edge, any outlines will be clipped away. When used by themselves, the values margin-box, padding-box, and content-box dictate that the clipping occur at the outer edges of the margin, padding, or content areas, respectively. These are diagrammed in Figure 19-18. Clipping and Masking | 967 Figure 19-18. Various clipping boxes There’s another part to Figure 19-18, which shows the SVG bounding boxes: view-box The nearest (that is, the closest ancestor) SVG viewport is used as the clipping box. fill-box The object bounding box is used as the clipping box. The object bounding box is the smallest box that will fit every part of the element’s geometry, taking into account any transformations (e.g., rotation), not including any strokes along its outside. stroke-box The stroke bounding box is used as the clipping box. The object bounding box is the smallest box that will fit every part of the element’s geometry, taking into account any transformations (e.g., rotation), including any strokes along its out‐ side. These values only apply to SVG elements that don’t have an associated CSS layout box. For such elements, if the CSS-style boxes (margin-box, border-box, paddingbox, content-box) are given, fill-box is used instead. Conversely, if one of the SVG bounding box values is applied to an element that does have a CSS layout box—which is most elements—then border-box is used instead. It can be useful at times to be able to say something like clip-path: content-box just to clip off everything outside the content area, but where these box values really come into their own is in conjunction with a clipping shape. Suppose you have an ellipse() clip shape you want to apply to an element, and furthermore, you want to have it just touch the outer edges of the padding box. Rather than have to calculate the necessary radii by subtracting margins and borders from the overall element, you 968 | Chapter 19: Filters, Blending, Clipping, and Masking can just say clip-path: ellipse(50% 50%) padding-box;. That will center an ellip‐ tical clip shape at the center of the element, with horizontal and vertical radii half the element’s reference box (see Chapter 10), as shown in Figure 19-19, along with the effect of fitting to other boxes. Figure 19-19. Fitting an elliptical clip shape to various boxes Notice how the ellipse is cut off in the margin-box example? That’s because the mar‐ gin is invisible, so while parts of it fall inside the elliptical clip shape, we can’t actually see those parts. Interestingly, the bounding-box keywords can only be used in conjunction with clip shapes—not with an SVG-based clip path. The keywords that relate to SVG bounding boxes apply only if an SVG image is being clipped via CSS. A warning about SVG clip paths: as of late 2017, all path coordinates are expressed in absolute units, and can’t be declared as percentages of the image’s height and width as the polygon() shape can. There are techniques involving the clipPathUnits SVG attribute, sometimes in conjunction with the transform SVG attribute, that yield equivalent results. Here’s an example of such a clipping path, with the result shown in Figure 19-20: Clipping and Masking | 969 Figure 19-20. An image clipped with a scaling SVG clip path The objectBoundingBox value fits the coordinates to the bounding box in use, and the coordinates are all in the range of 0–1. With that sort of setup, you get a clip path that behaves the same as a percentage-based polygon shape. You’d get the same clip shape shown in Figure 19-20 by using the following: clip-path: polygon(50% 0, 100% 25%, 100% 75%, 50% 100%, 0 75%, 0 25%); Clip Filling Rules As with float shapes, it’s possible to change the way SVG shapes are filled, which is to say the exact clipping shape that is created when the path crosses over itself. This is managed with the property clip-rule. clip-rule Values nonzero | evenodd Initial value nonzero Applies to All SVG graphics elements (, , , , , , , , and ) if and only if they are children of a element Computed value As declared Inherited No Animatable No It’s much easier to show than describe, so the difference between nonzero and even odd shape filling is depicted in Figure 19-21. 970 | Chapter 19: Filters, Blending, Clipping, and Masking Figure 19-21. The two shape-filling options Here, you can see how the star is drawn by following lines from the top center through each successive point. The nonzero star fills all of its interior, even when lines cross over each other. The evenodd star, by contrast, leaves parts of itself unfil‐ led, which is why we can see the light blue gradient through its center. The problem is that as of late 2017, even browsers that supported SVG clipping paths did not support this property, regardless of whether the SVG was embedded in the HTML or external files. Thus, if you want to set the shape-fill of a clipping path to evenodd, you’ll either need to recreate the SVG path as a CSS polygon, or make use of the SVG fill-rule attribute in the SVG file itself. Masks When we say a “mask,” what we mean is a shape inside which things are visible, and outside which they are not. Masks are thus very similar in concept to clipping paths. The primary differences are twofold: first, you can only use an image to define the areas of the element that are shown or clipped away with masks; and second, there are a lot more properties available to use with masks, allowing you to do things such as position, size, and repeat the masking image. As of late 2017, the Blink family supported most of the masking properties, but only with the -webkit- prefix. So instead of maskimage, Chrome and Safari supported -webkit-mask-image instead. Masks | 971 Defining a Mask The first step to applying a mask is to point to the image that you’ll be using to define the mask. This is accomplished with mask-image, which accepts any image type. mask-image Values [ none | | ]# Initial value none Applies to All elements (in SVG, applies to all graphics elements and all container elements except the element) Computed value As declared Inherited No Animatable No Notes An is any of the value types , , , , , or (all defined elsewhere in the book); is a url() that points to a element in an SVG image Assuming the image reference is valid, this will give the user agent an image to use as a mask for the element to which it’s been applied. We’ll start with a simple situation: one image applied to another, where both are the same height and width. Consider Figure 19-22, where both images are shown sepa‐ rately, and then with the first masked by the second. Figure 19-22. A simple image mask As you can see, in the parts of the second image that are opaque, the first image is visible. In the parts that are transparent, the first image is not visible. For the parts that are semi-transparent, the first image is also semi-transparent. 972 | Chapter 19: Filters, Blending, Clipping, and Masking Here’s the basic code for the end result shown in Figure 19-22: img.masked {mask-image: url(theatre-masks.svg);} CSS doesn’t require that you apply mask images only to other images, though. You can mask pretty much any element with an image, and that image can be a raster image (GIF, JPG, PNG) or a vector image (SVG). The latter is usually a better choice, if available. You can even construct your own image with gradients, whether linear or radial, repeated or otherwise. The following styles will have the result shown in Figure 19-23: *.masked.theatre {mask-image: url(theatre-masks.svg);} *.masked.compass {mask-image: url(Compass.png);} Figure 19-23. A variety of image masks An important point to keep in mind is that when a mask clips off pieces of an ele‐ ment, it clips off all pieces. The best example of this is how, if you apply an image that clips off the outer edges of elements, the markers on list items can very easily become invisible. An example can be seen in Figure 19-24, which is the result of the following: *.masked {mask-image: url(i/Compass_masked.png);}
  1. One
  2. Two
  3. Three
  4. Four
  5. Five
Masks | 973 Figure 19-24. List items, masked and unmasked There is one other value option we haven’t seen yet, which is the ability to point directly at a element in SVG to use the mask it defines. This analogous to pointing to a or other SVG element from the property clip-path, as was discussed previously in “Clipping” on page 965. Here’s an example of how a mask might be defined: With that SVG embedded in the HTML file directly, the mask can be referenced like this: .masked {mask-image: url(#hexlike);} If the SVG is in an external file, then this is how to reference it from CSS: .masked {mask-image: url(masks.svg#hexlike);} Changing the Mask’s Mode Thus far, we’ve seen masking accomplished by applying an image with an alpha chan‐ nel to another element. That’s one of two ways to use an image as a mask. The other is to use the brightness of each part of the masking image to define the mask. Switching between these two options is accomplished with the mask-mode property. 974 | Chapter 19: Filters, Blending, Clipping, and Masking mask-mode Values [ alpha | luminance | match-source ]# Initial value match-source Applies to All elements (in SVG, applies to all graphics elements and all container elements except the element) Computed value As declared Inherited No Animatable No Two of the three values are straightforward: alpha means the alpha channel of the image should be used to compute the mask, and luminance means the brightness lev‐ els should be used. The difference is illustrated in Figure 19-25, which is the result of the following code: img.theatre {mask-image: url(i/theatre-masks.svg);} img.compass {mask-image: url(i/Compass_masked.png);} img.lum {mask-mode: luminance;} class="theatre" src="i/mask.JPG"> class="theatre lum" src="i/mask.JPG"> src="i/Compass_masked.png"> class="compass" src="i/mask.JPG"> class="compass lum" src="i/mask.JPG"> When luminance is used to calculate the mask, brightness is treated the same way alpha values are in alpha masking. Consider how alpha masking works: any part of the image with opacity of zero hides that part of the masked element. A part of the image with opacity of one (that is, fully opaque) reveals that part of the masked ele‐ ment. The same is true with luminance-based masking. A part of the mask with luminosity of one reveals that part of the masked element. A part of the mask with luminosity of zero (that is, fully black) hides that part of the masked element. But note that any fully transparent part of the mask is also treated as having a luminance of zero. This is why the shadow portion of the theatre-mask image doesn’t show any part of the masked image: its alpha value is greater than zero. Masks | 975 Figure 19-25. Alpha and luminance mask modes The third (and default) value, match-source, is a combination of alpha and lumi nance, choosing between them based on the actual source image for the mask as fol‐ lows: • If the source is a type of , then use alpha. s can be an image such as a PNG or visible SVG; a CSS gradient; or a piece of the page referred to by the element() function. • If the source is an SVG element, then use luminance. Sizing and Repeating Masks Thus far, nearly all the examples have been carefully crafted to make each mask’s size match the size of the element it’s masking. (This is why we keeping applying masks to images.) Mask images may be a different size than the masked element. There a cou‐ ple of ways to deal with this, starting with mask-size. 976 | Chapter 19: Filters, Blending, Clipping, and Masking mask-size Values [ [ | | auto ]{1,2} | cover | contain ]# Initial value auto Applies to All elements (in SVG, applies to all graphics elements and all container elements except the element) Computed value As declared Inherited No Animatable , If you’ve ever sized background images, then you know exactly how to size masks, because the value syntax is exactly the same, as are the behaviors. As an example, con‐ sider the following styles, which have the result shown in Figure 19-26: p {mask-image: p:nth-child(1) p:nth-child(2) p:nth-child(3) p:nth-child(4) p:nth-child(5) p:nth-child(6) url(i/hexlike.svg);} {mask-size: 100% 100%;} {mask-size: 50% 100%;} {mask-size: 2em 3em;} {mask-size: cover;} {mask-size: contain;} {mask-size: 200% 50%;} Figure 19-26. Sizing masks Again, these should be immediately familiar to you if you’ve ever sized backgrounds. If not, please see “Sizing Background Images” on page 433 in Chapter 9 for a more detailed exploration of the possibilities. Masks | 977 In a like vein, just as the pattern of backgrounds repeating throughout the back‐ ground area of the element can be changed or suppressed, mask images can be affec‐ ted with mask-repeat. mask-repeat Values [ repeat-x | repeat-y | [ repeat | space | round | no-repeat ]{1,2} ]# Initial value repeat Applies to All elements (in SVG, applies to all graphics elements and all container elements except the element) Computed value As declared Inherited No Animatable Yes Note The keywords for mask-repeat are reproduced from background-repeat and have the same behaviors The values available here are the same as those for background-repeat. Some exam‐ ples are shown in Figure 19-27, based on the following styles: p {mask-image: p:nth-child(1) p:nth-child(2) p:nth-child(3) p:nth-child(4) p:nth-child(5) p:nth-child(6) url(i/theatre-masks.svg);} {mask-repeat: no-repeat; mask-size: 10% auto;} {mask-repeat: repeat-x; mask-size: 10% auto;} {mask-repeat: repeat-y; mask-size: 10% auto;} {mask-repeat: repeat; mask-size: 30% auto;} {mask-repeat: repeat round; mask-size: 30% auto;} {mask-repeat: space no-repeat; mask-size: 21% auto;} Figure 19-27. Repeating masks 978 | Chapter 19: Filters, Blending, Clipping, and Masking Positioning Masks Given that sizing and repetition of mask images mirrors the sizing and repetition of background images, you might think that the same is true for positioning the origin mask image, similar to background-position, as well as the origin box, similar to background-origin. And you’d be exactly right. mask-position Values Initial value # Applies to All elements (in SVG, applies to all graphics elements and all container elements except the element) Computed value Inherited Animatable Notes As declared No , 0% 0% is exactly the same as the values permitted for background- position, and has the same behaviors Once again, if you’ve ever positioned a background image, then you know how to position mask images. Following are a few examples, illustrated in Figure 19-28 (dot‐ ted borders have been added for clarity): p {mask-image: url(i/Compass_masked.png); mask-repeat: no-repeat; mask-size: 67% auto;} p:nth-child(1) {mask-position: center;} p:nth-child(2) {mask-position: top right;} p:nth-child(3) {mask-position: 33% 80%;} p:nth-child(4) {mask-position: 5em 120%;} Figure 19-28. Positioning masks Masks | 979 By default, the origin box for mask images is the outer border edge. If you want to move it further inward, or define a specific origin box in an SVG context, then maskorigin does for masks what background-origin does for backgrounds. mask-origin Values [ content-box | padding-box | border-box | margin-box | fill-box | stroke-box | view-box ]# Initial value border-box Applies to All elements (in SVG, applies to all graphics elements and all container elements except the element) Computed value As declared Inherited No Animatable No This is a newer capability for backgrounds, so you might not be familiar with it. For the full story, see “Changing the Positioning Box” on page 414 in Chapter 9, but for a quick example, see Figure 19-29. Figure 19-29. Changing the origin box Clipping and Compositing Masks There’s one more property that echoes backgrounds, and that’s mask-clip, the mask equivalent of background-clip. 980 | Chapter 19: Filters, Blending, Clipping, and Masking mask-clip Values [ content-box | padding-box | border-box | margin-box | fill-box | stroke-box | view-box | no-clip ]# Initial value border-box Applies to All elements (in SVG, applies to all graphics elements and all container elements except the element) Computed value As declared Inherited No Animatable No All this does is clip the overall mask to a specific area of the masked element. In other words, it restricts the area in which the visible parts of the element are in fact visible. Figure 19-30 shows the result of the following styles: p {padding: 2em; border: 2em solid purple; margin: 2em; mask-image: url(i/Compass_masked.png); mask-repeat: no-repeat; mask-size: 125%; mask-position: center;} p:nth-child(1) {mask-clip: border-box;} p:nth-child(2) {mask-clip: padding-box;} p:nth-child(3) {mask-clip: content-box;} Figure 19-30. Clipping the mask The last focused masking property, mask-composite, is quite interesting because it can radically change how multiple masks interact. Masks | 981 mask-composite is not supported by Chrome, even in a prefixed form. mask-composite Values [ add | subtract | intersect | exclude ]# Initial value add Applies to All elements (in SVG, applies to all graphics elements and all container elements except the element) Computed value As declared Inherited No Animatable No If you aren’t familiar with compositing operations, a diagram is in order. See Figure 19-31. Figure 19-31. Compositing operations As depicted in Figure 19-31, the image on top in the operation is called the source, and the image beneath it is called the destination. 982 | Chapter 19: Filters, Blending, Clipping, and Masking This doesn’t particularly matter for three of the four operations: add, intersect, and exclude, all of which have the same result regardless of which image is the source and which the destination. But for subtract, the question is: which image is being sub‐ tracted from which? The answer: the destination is subtracted from the source. The difference is quite substantial. You can see this by considering Figure 19-32, which shows how switching the order of the shapes in the subtraction operation changes the outcome. Figure 19-32. Subtracted masks The other place the distinction between source and destination becomes important is when compositing multiple masks together. In these cases, the compositing order is from back to front, with each succeeding layer being the source and the alreadycomposited layers beneath it comprising the destination. To see why, consider Figure 19-33, which shows the various ways three overlapping masks are composited together, and how results change with changes to their order and compositing operations. The figure is constructed to show the bottommost mask at the bottom, the topmost above the other two, and the resulting mask shown at the very top. Thus, in the first column, the triangle and circle are composited with an exclusion operation. The resulting shape is then composited with the square using an additive operation. That results in the mask shown at the top of the first column. Just remember that when doing a subtraction composite, the bottom shape is subtrac‐ ted from the shape above it. Thus, in the third column, the addition of the triangle and circle are subtracted from the square above them. Masks | 983 Figure 19-33. Compositing masks Bringing It All Together All of the preceding mask properties are brought together in the shorthand property mask. mask [ [ / ]? ‖ ]# Initial value See individual properties Applies to All elements (in SVG, applies to all graphics elements and all container elements except the element) Computed value As declared Inherited No Animatable Refer to individual properties Values mask, like all the other masking properties, accepts a comma-separated list of masks. The order of the values in each mask can be anything except for the mask size, which always follows the position and is separated from it by a solidus (/). Thus, the following rules are equivalent: 984 | Chapter 19: Filters, Blending, Clipping, and Masking #example { mask-image: url(circle.svg), url(square.png), url(triangle.gif); mask-repeat: repeat-y, no-repeat; mask-position: top right, center, 25% 67%; mask-composite: subtract, add, add; mask-size: auto, 50% 33%, contain; } #example { mask: url(circle.svg) repeat-y top right / auto subtract, url(square.png) no-repeat center / 50% 33% add, url(triangle.gif) repeat-y 25% 67% / contain add; } What will happen is the triangle and square are added together, and then the result of that additive composite is subtracted from the circle. The result is shown in Figure 19-34 as applied to a square element (the teal shape on the left) and a shape wider than it is tall (the goldenrod shape on the right). Figure 19-34. Two masks Mask Types In situations where you’re using CSS to style SVG elements, and you want to set the type of mask an SVG element is, then mask-type is for you. mask-type Values luminance | alpha Initial value luminance Applies to SVG elements Computed value As declared Inherited No Animatable No Masks | 985 This property is very much similar to mask-mode, except there is no equivalent to match-source. You can only choose luminance or alpha. The interesting thing is that if mask-type is set for a element that’s used to mask an element, and mask-mode is declared for that masked element, then maskmode wins. As example, consider the following rules: svg #mask {mask-type: alpha;} img.masked {mask: url(#mask) no-repeat center/cover luminance;} Given these rules, the masked images will have a mask with luminance compositing, not alpha compositing. If the mask-mode value were left at its default value, matchsource, then mask-type’s value would be used instead. Border-image Masking The same specification that defines clipping paths and element masking, CSS Mask‐ ing Level 1, also defines a number of properties that are used to apply masking images in a way that mirrors border-image properties. In fact, the properties between border images and border-image masks are direct analogues, and the values the same. The drawback is that as of late 2017, no browser had even a hint of support for these properties, nor was there any indication of plans for such in the near future. So rather than going through them in detail here, we’ll just summarize them here: mask-border-source Points to the image to be used as a mask. Can be a URL, gradient, or other value type. mask-border-slice Defines how the source image is sliced into pieces for use as borders, and whether the interior is filled. mask-border-width Defines the actual width(s) of the border area around the element, into which the various slices of the source image will be placed (and resized, if necessary). mask-border-outset Defines a distance past the edges of the element’s default border where the border image may be drawn. mask-border-repeat Sets a repetition pattern for cases when the source image’s slices do not precisely fit the border area into which they are placed. This includes behaviors like resiz‐ ing the image slice to fit. 986 | Chapter 19: Filters, Blending, Clipping, and Masking mask-border-mode Declares whether the masking mode is alpha-based, or luminance-based. mask-border A shorthand property covering all the previous properties. If you want to get an idea of how these would work in practice, refer to the section of Chapter 8 titled “Image Borders” on page 352 and imagine the border images as masks instead. Object Fitting and Positioning There is one more variety of masking, sort of, that applies solely to replaced elements like images. With object-fit, you can change how the replaced element fills its ele‐ ment box—or have it not fill that box completely. object-fit Values fill | contain | cover | scale-down | none Initial value fill Applies to Computed value Inherited Animatable Replaced elements As declared No No If you’ve ever worked with background-size, these values probably look familiar. They do similar things, too, only with replaced elements. For example, assume a 50 × 50 pixel image. We can change its size via CSS, something like this: img {width: 250px; height: 150px;} The default expectation is that will stretch the 50 × 50 image to be 250 × 150. And if object-fit is its default value, fill, that’s exactly what happens. Change the value of object-fit, however, and other behaviors occur, as illustrated in Figure 19-35, which might result from CSS like this: img {width: 250px; img:nth-of-type(1) img:nth-of-type(2) img:nth-of-type(3) img:nth-of-type(4) height: 150px; background: silver; border: 3px solid;} {object-fit: none;} {object-fit: fill;} {object-fit: cover;} {object-fit: contain;} Object Fitting and Positioning | 987 Figure 19-35. Four kinds of object fitting In the first instance, none, the img element is drawn 250 pixels wide by 150 pixels tall. The image itself, however, is drawn 50 × 50 pixels—its intrinsic size—because it was directed to not fit the element box. The second instance, fill, is the default behavior, as mentioned. In the third instance, cover, the image is scaled up until no part of the element box is left “uncovered”—but the image itself keeps its intrinsic aspect ratio. In other words, the image stays a square. In this case, the longest axis of the img element is 250px long, so the image is scaled up to be 250 × 250 pixels. That 250 × 250 image is then placed in the 250 × 150 img element. The fourth instance, contain, is similar, except the image is only big enough to touch two sides of the img element. This means the image is 150 × 150 pixels, and placed into the 250 × 150 pixel box of its img element. To reiterate, what you see in Figure 19-35 is four img elements. There are no wrapper div or span or anything other elements around those images. The border and back‐ ground color are part of the img element. The image placed inside the img element is fitted according to object-fit. The element box of the img element then acts rather like it’s a simple mask for the fitted image inside it. (And then you can mask and clip the element box with the properties covered earlier in this chapter.) There is a fifth value for object-fit not represented in Figure 19-35, which is scaledown. The meaning of scale-down is “do the same as either none or contain, whichever leads to a smaller size.” This lets an image always be its intrinsic size unless the img element gets too small, in which case it’s scaled down á la contain. This is illustrated in Figure 19-36, where each img element is labeled with the height values they’ve been given; the width in each case is 100px. 988 | Chapter 19: Filters, Blending, Clipping, and Masking Figure 19-36. Various scale-down scenarios So if a replaced element is bigger or smaller than the element box into which it’s being fit, how can we affect its alignment within that box? object-position is the answer. object-position Values Initial value Applies to Computed value Inherited Animatable Notes Replaced elements As declared No Yes 50% 50% is exactly the same as the values permitted for background- position, and has the same behaviors The value syntax here is just like that for mask-position or background-position, allowing you to position a replaced element within its element box if it isn’t set to object-fit: fill. Thus, given the following CSS, we get the result shown in Figure 19-37: img {width: 200px; height: 100px; background: silver; border: 1px solid; object-fit: none;} img:nth-of-type(2) {object-position: top left;} img:nth-of-type(3) {object-position: 67% 100%;} img:nth-of-type(4) {object-position: left 142%;} Figure 19-37. A variety of object positions Object Fitting and Positioning | 989 Notice that the first example in Figure 19-37 has a value of 50% 50%, even though that isn’t present in the CSS sample. That illustrates how the default value of objectposition is 50% 50%. The next two examples show how various object-position values move the image around within the img element box. As the last example shows, it’s possible to move an unscaled replaced element like an image so that it’s partly clipped by its element box. This is similar to positioning back‐ ground images or masks so that they are clipped at the element boundaries. It’s also possible to position fitted elements that are larger than the element box, as can happen with object-fit: cover, although the results can be very different than with object-fit: none. The following CSS will have results like those shown in Figure 19-38: img {width: 200px; height: 100px; background: silver; border: 1px solid; object-fit: cover;} img:nth-of-type(2) {object-position: top left;} img:nth-of-type(3) {object-position: 67% 100%;} img:nth-of-type(4) {object-position: left 142%;} Figure 19-38. Positioning a covered object If any of these results confuse you, review the section “Background Positioning” on page 404 for more details. 990 | Chapter 19: Filters, Blending, Clipping, and Masking CHAPTER 20 Media-Dependent Styles A great deal of our CSS work goes into putting content onto screens of various kinds, whether they sit on office desks or rest in the palms of our hands. There is more to the web than screens, though, and even in the part that is screen-centric, there are many different kinds of screens, each with its own constraints. Recognizing this real‐ ity, CSS provides a number of tools with which to apply styles in specific media, or in media with specific features. Defining Media-Dependent Styles Thanks to the mechanisms defined in HTML and CSS called media queries, you can restrict any kind of style sheet to a specific medium, such as screen or print, and set of media conditions. These mechanisms allows you to define a combination of media types and parameters such as display size or color depth, to pick two examples. We’ll cover the basic form of these queries before exploring the more complex forms. Basic Media Queries For HTML-based style sheets, you can impose medium restrictions through the media attribute. This works the same for both the link and style elements: The media attribute can accept a single medium value or a comma-separated list of values. Thus, to link in a style sheet that should be used in only the screen and speech media, you would write: 991 In a style sheet itself, you can also impose medium restrictions on @import rules: @import url(visual.css) screen; @import url(outloud.css) speech; @import url(article-print.css) print; Remember that if you don’t add medium information to a style sheet, it will be applied in all media. Therefore, if you want one set of styles to apply only on screen, and another to apply only in print, then you need to add medium information to both style sheets. For example: If you were to remove the media attribute from the first link element in the preced‐ ing example, the rules found in the style sheet article-screen.css would be applied in all media. CSS also defines syntax for @media blocks. This allows you define styles for multiple media within the same style sheet. Consider this basic example: Here we see that in all media, the body element is given a white background and a black foreground by the first rule. This happens because its style sheet, the one defined by the style attribute, has no media attribute and thus defaults to all. Next, a block of rules is provided for the screen medium alone, followed by another block of rules that applies only in the print medium. @media blocks can be any size, containing any number of rules. In situations where authors have control over a single style sheet, such as a shared hosting environment or a content management system (CMS) that restricts what users can edit, @media blocks may be the only way to define medium-specific styles. This is also the case in situations where CSS is used to style a document using an XML language that does not contain a media attribute or its equivalent. 992 | Chapter 20: Media-Dependent Styles These are the four most widely recognized media types: all Use in all presentational media. print Use when printing the document for sighted users, and also when displaying a print preview of the document. screen Use when presenting the document in a screen medium like a desktop computer monitor or a handheld device. All web browsers running on such systems are screen-medium user agents. speech Use in speech synthesizers, screen readers, and other audio renderings of the document. HTML4 defined a list of media types that CSS originally recognized, but most of them have been deprecated and should be avoided. These are aural, braille, embossed, handheld, projection, tty, and tv. If you have old style sheets that use these media types, they should be converted to one of the four recognized media types, if possible. It’s entirely possible that new media types will be added over time, so remember that this limited list may not always be so limited. It’s fairly easy to imagine augmented-reality as a media type, for example, since text in AR displays would likely need to be of higher contrast in order to stand out against the background reality. It’s possible in some circumstances to combine media types into comma-separated lists, though the rationale for doing so isn’t terribly compelling, given the small num‐ ber of media types currently available. For example, styles could be restricted to only screen and print media in the following ways: @import url(article.css) print, screen; @media screen,print { /* styles go here */ } Defining Media-Dependent Styles | 993 Complex Media Queries In the previous section, we saw how multiple media types could be chained together with a comma. We might call that a compound media query, because it allows us to address multiple media at once. There is a great deal more to media queries, though: it’s possible to apply styles based not just media types, but also features of those media, such as display size or color depth. This is a great deal of power, and it’s not enough to rely on commas to make it all happen. Thus, CSS introduced the logical operator and to pair media types with fea‐ tures of those media. Let’s see how this plays out in practice. Here are two essentially equivalent ways of applying an external style sheet when rendering the document on a color printer: @import url(print-color.css) print and (color); Anywhere a media type can be given, a media query can be constructed. This means that, following on the examples of the previous section, it is possible to list more than one query in a comma-separated list: @import url(print-color.css) print and (color), screen and (color); In a situation where even one of the media queries evaluates to true, the associated style sheet is applied. Thus, given the previous @import, print-color.css will be applied if rendering to a color printer or to a color screen environment. If printing on a blackand-white printer, both queries will evaluate to false and print-color.css will not be applied to the document. The same holds true in a grayscale screen environment, any speech media environment, and so forth. Each media descriptor is composed of a media type and one or more listed media fea‐ tures, with each media feature descriptor is enclosed in parentheses. If no media type is provided, then it is assumed to be all, which makes the following two examples equivalent: @media all and (min-resolution: 96dpi) {…} @media (min-resolution: 960dpi) {…} Generally speaking, a media feature descriptor is formatted like a property-value pair in CSS, only enclosed by parentheses. There are a few differences, most notably that some features can be specified without an accompanying value. For example, any color-based medium will be matched using (color), whereas any color medium using a 16-bit color depth is matched using (color: 16). In effect, the use of a 994 | Chapter 20: Media-Dependent Styles descriptor without a value is a true/false test for that descriptor: (color) means “is this medium in color?” Multiple feature descriptors can be linked with the and logical keyword. In fact, there are two logical keywords in media queries: and Links together two or more media features in such a way that all of them must be true for the query to be true. For example, (color) and (orientation: land scape) and (min-device-width: 800px) means that all three conditions must be satisfied: if the media environment has color, is in landscape orientation, and the device’s display is at least 800 pixels wide, then the style sheet is used. not Negates the entire query so that if all of the conditions are true, then the style sheet is not applied. For example, not (color) and (orientation: landscape) and (min-device-width: 800px) means that if the three conditions are satis‐ fied, the statement is negated. Thus, if the media environment has color, is in landscape orientation, and the device’s display is at least 800 pixels wide, then the style sheet is not used. In all other cases, it will be used. Note that the not keyword can only be used at the beginning of a media query. It is not presently legal to write something like (color) and not (min-device-width: 800px). In such cases, the query will be ignored. Note also that browsers too old to understand media queries will always skip a style sheet whose media descriptor starts with not. An example of how all this plays out is shown in Figure 20-1, which is the result of the following styles: @media screen and (min-resolution: 72dpi) { .cl01 {font-style: italic;} } @media screen and (min-resolution: 32767dpi) { .cl02 {font-style: italic;} } @media not print { .cl03 {font-style: italic;} } @media not print and (grayscale) { .cl04 {font-style: italic;} } Defining Media-Dependent Styles | 995 Figure 20-1. Logical operators in media queries First, bear in mind that, even though you may be reading this on printed paper, the actual image in Figure 20-1 was generated with a screen-medium browser (Firefox Nightly, as it happens) displaying an HTML document with the previous CSS applied to it. So everything you see there was operating under a screen medium. The first line is italicized because the screen on which the file was displayed had a resolution equal to or greater than than 72 dots per inch. Its resolution was not, how‐ ever, 32767dpi or higher, so the second media block is skipped and thus the second line stays un-italicized. The third line is italicized because, being a screen display, it was not print. The last line is italicized because it was either not print or not gray‐ scale—in this case, not grayscale. There is no OR keyword for use in media queries. Instead, the commas that separate a list of queries serve the function of an OR—screen, print means “apply if the media is screen or print.” Therefore, instead of screen and (max-color: 2) or (monochrome), which is invalid and thus ignored, you need to write screen and (max-color: 2), screen and (monochrome). There is one more keyword, only, which is designed to create deliberate backward incompatibility. Yes, really. only Used to hide a style sheet from browsers too old to understand media queries. For example, to apply a style sheet in all media, but only in those browsers that understand media queries, you write something like @import url(new.css) only all. In browsers that do understand media queries, the only keyword is ignored and the style sheet is applied. In browsers that do not understand media queries, the only keyword creates an apparent media type of only all, which is not valid. Thus, the style sheet is not applied in such browsers. Note that the only keyword can only be used at the beginning of a media query. 996 | Chapter 20: Media-Dependent Styles Media feature descriptors So far we’ve seen a number of media feature descriptors in the examples, but not a complete list of the possible descriptors and their values. Let us fix that now! Note that none of the following values can be negative, and remember that feature descriptors are always enclosed in parentheses. Descriptors: width, min-width, max-width Values: Refers to the width of the display area of the user agent. In a screen-media web browser, this is the width of the viewport plus any scrollbars. In paged media, this is the width of the page box, which is the area of the page in which content is rendered. Thus, (min-width: 850px) applies when the viewport is greater than or equal to 850 pixels wide. Descriptors: height, min-height, max-height Values: Refers to the height of the display area of the user agent. In a screen-media web browser, this is the height of the viewport plus any scrollbars. In paged media, this is the height of the page box. Thus, (height: 567px) applies when the viewport’s height is precisely 567 pixels tall. Descriptors: device-width, min-device-width, max-device-width Values: Refers to the width of the complete rendering area of the output device. In screen media, this is the width of the screen; i.e., a handheld device screen’s or desktop monitor’s horizontal measurement. In paged media, this is the width of the page itself. Thus, (max-device-width: 1200px) applies when the device’s output area is less or equal to than 1,200 pixels wide. Descriptors: device-height, min-device-height, max-device-height Values: Refers to the height of the complete rendering area of the output device. In screen media, this is the height of the screen; i.e., a handheld device screen’s or desktop monitor’s vertical measurement. In paged media, this is the height of the page itself. Thus, (max-device-height: 400px) applies when the device’s output area is less than or equal to 400 pixels tall. Defining Media-Dependent Styles | 997 Descriptors: aspect-ratio, min-aspect-ratio, max-aspect-ratio Values: Refers to the ratio that results from comparing the width media feature to the height media feature (see the definition of in the next section). Thus, (min-aspect-ratio: 2/1) applies to any viewport whose width-toheight ratio is at least 2:1. Descriptors: device-aspect-ratio, min-device-aspect-ratio, max-deviceaspect-ratio Values: Refers to the ratio that results from comparing the device-width media fea‐ ture to the device-height media feature (see the definition of in the next section). Thus, (device-aspect-ratio: 16/9) applies to any output device whose display area width-to-height is exactly 16:9. Descriptors: color, min-color, max-color Values: Refers to the presence of color-display capability in the output device, with an optional number value representing the number of bits used in each color components. Thus, (color) applies to any device with any color depth at all, whereas (min-color: 4) means there must be at least four bits used per color component. Any device that does not support color will return 0. Descriptors: color-index, min-color-index, max-color-index Values: Refers to the total number of colors available in the output device’s color lookup table. Any device that does not use a color lookup table will return 0. Thus, (min-color-index: 256) applies to any device with a minimum of 256 colors available. Descriptors: monochrome, min-monochrome, max-monochrome Values: Refers to the presence of a monochrome display, with an optional number of bits-per-pixel in the output device’s frame buffer. Any device that is not mon‐ ochrome will return 0. Thus, (monochrome) applies to any monochrome out‐ put device, whereas (min-monochrome: 2) means any monochrome output device with a minimum of 2 bits per pixel in the frame buffer. 998 | Chapter 20: Media-Dependent Styles Descriptors: resolution, min-resolution, max-resolution Values: Refers to the resolution of the output device in terms of pixel density, meas‐ ured in either dots per inch (dpi) or dots per centimeter (dpcm); see the defi‐ nition of in the next section for details. If an output device has pixels that are not square, then the least dense axis is used; for example, if a device is 100 dpcm along one axis and 120 dpcm along the other, then 100 is the value returned. Additionally, in such non-square cases, a bare resolu tion feature query—that is, one without a value—can never match (though min-resolution and max-resolution can). Note that resolution values must not only be non-negative, but also nonzero. Descriptors: orientation Values: portrait | landscape Refers to the orientation of the user agent’s display area, where portrait is returned if the media feature height is equal to or greater than the media feature width. Otherwise, the result is landscape. Descriptor: scan Values: progressive | interlace Refers to the scanning process used in an output device. interlace is the type generally used in CRT and some plasma displays. progressive is more common, being the type of scanning used in most modern displays. Descriptor: grid Values: 0 | 1 Refers to the presence (or absence) of a grid-based output device, such as a TTY terminal. A grid-based device will return 1; otherwise, 0 is returned. This feature descriptor can be used in place of the old tty media descriptor. New value types There are two new value types introduced by media queries, and which (as of early 2017) are not used in any other context. These types are used in conjunction with specific media features, which are explained in the previous sections: A ratio value is two positive values separated by a solidus (/) and optional whitespace. The first value refers to the width, and the second to the height. Thus, to express a height-to-width ratio of 16:9, you can write 16/9 or Defining Media-Dependent Styles | 999 16 / 9. As of this writing, there is no facility to express a ratio as a single real number, nor to use a colon separator instead of a solidus. A resolution value is a positive followed by either of the unit identifiers dpi or dpcm. In CSS terms, a “dot” is any display unit, the most familiar of which is the pixel. As usual, whitespace is not permitted between the and the identifier. Therefore, a display whose display has exactly 150 pixels (dots) per inch is matched with 150dpi. Responsive styling Media queries are, at least as of early 2017, the foundation on which the practice of responsive web design is built. By applying different sets of rules depending on the dis‐ play environment, it’s possible to marry mobile-friendly and desktop-friendly styles into a single style sheet. Those terms were put in quote because, as you may have seen in your own life, the lines between what’s mobile and what’s desktop are blurred. A laptop with a touchsensitive screen that folds all the way back can act as both a tablet and a laptop, for example. CSS doesn’t (yet) have a way of detecting whether or not a hinge is open past a certain point, nor whether the device is held in hand or sitting on a flat surface. Instead, inferences are drawn from aspects of the media environment, like display size or display orientation. A fairly common pattern in responsive design is to define breakpoints for each @media block. This often takes the form of certain pixel widths, like this: /* …common styles here… */ @media (max-width: 400px) { /* …small-screen styles here… */ } @media (min-width: 401px) and (max-width: 1000px) { /* …medium-screen styles here… */ } @media (min-width: 1001px) { /* …big-screen styles here… */ } This is often sufficient. It does make certain assumptions about what a device can dis‐ play and how it will report that, however. For example, the iPhone 6 Plus had a reso‐ lution of 1,242 × 2,208, which it downsampled to 1,080 × 1,920. Even at the downsampled resolution, that’s enough pixels across to qualify for big-screen styles in the previous example. But wait! The iPhone 6 Plus also maintained an internal coordinate system of points which measured 414 × 736. If it decided to use those as its definition of pixels, which would be entirely valid, then it would only get the small-screen styles. 1000 | Chapter 20: Media-Dependent Styles The point here isn’t to single out the iPhone 6 Plus as uniquely bad, which it wasn’t, but to illustrate the uncertainties of relying on pixel-based media queries. Browser makers have gone to some effort to make their browsers behave with some semblance of sanity, but never quite as much as we’d like, and you never know when a new devi‐ ce’s assumptions will clash with your own. There are other methods available, though they come with their own uncertainties. Instead of pixels, you might try em-based measures, something like this: /* …common styles here… */ @media (max-width: 20em) { /* …small-screen styles here… */ } @media (min-width: 20.01em) and (max-width: 50em) { /* …medium-screen styles here… */ } @media (min-width: 50.01em) { /* …big-screen styles here… */ } This ties the breakpoints to text display size rather than pixels, which is somewhat more robust. This isn’t perfect either, though: it relies on a sensible approach to deter‐ mining the em width of, say, a smartphone. It also directly relies on the actual font family and size used by the device, which varies from one device to another. Here’s another seemingly simple query set with potentially surprising results: /* …common styles here… */ @media (orientation: landscape) { /* …wider-than-taller styles here… */ } @media (orientation: portrait) { /* …taller-than-wider styles here… */ } This feels like a good way to tell if a smartphone is in use: after all, most of them are taller than they are wide, and most people don’t turn them sideways to read. The wrinkle is that the orientation feature refers to the height and width descriptors; that is, orientation is portrait is height is equal to or larger than width. Not device-height and device-width, but height and width, which refer to the display area of the user agent. That means a desktop browser window whose display area (the part inside the browser Chrome) is taller than it is wide, or even perfectly square, will get the portrait styles. So if you assume “portrait equals smartphone,” some of your desktop users could get a surprise. The basic point here is: responsive styling is powerful, and like any powerful tool, it requires a fair amount of thought and care in its use. Carefully considering the impli‐ Defining Media-Dependent Styles | 1001 cations of each combination of feature queries is the minimum requirement for suc‐ cessful responsiveness. Paged Media In CSS terms, a paged medium is any medium where a document’s presentation is handled as a series of discrete “pages.” This is different than the screen, which is a continuous medium: documents are presented as a single, scrollable “page.” An analog example of a continuous medium is a papyrus scroll. Printed material, such as books, magazines, and laser printouts, are all paged media. So too are slideshows, where a series of slides are shown one at a time. Each slide is a “page” in CSS terms. Print Styles Even in the paperless future, the most commonly encountered paged medium is a printout of some document—a web page, a word-processing document, a spread‐ sheet, or something else that has been committed to the thin wafers of a dead tree. Authors can do a number of things to make printouts of their documents more pleas‐ ing for the user, from affecting page-breaking to creating styles meant specifically for print. Note that print styles would also be applied to document display in a print preview mode. Thus, it’s possible in some circumstances to see print styles on a monitor. Differences between screen and print Beyond the obvious physical differences, there are a number of stylistic differences between screen and print design. The most basic involves font choices. Most design‐ ers will tell you that sans-serif fonts are best suited for screen design, but serif fonts are more readable in print. Thus, you might set up a print style sheet that uses Times instead of Verdana for the text in your document. Another major difference involves font sizing. If you’ve spent any time at all doing web design, you’ve probably heard again and again (and again) that points are a hor‐ rible choice for font sizing on the web. This is basically true, especially if you want your text to be consistently sized between browsers and operating systems. However, print design is not web design any more than web design is print design. Using points, or even centimeters or picas, is perfectly OK in print design because printing devices know the physical size of their output area. If a printer has been loaded with 8.5 × 11 inch paper, then it knows it has a printing area that will fit within the edges of a piece of paper. It also knows how many dots there are in an inch, since it knows the dpi it’s capable of generating. This means that it can cope with physical-world length units like points. Many a print style sheet has started with: 1002 | Chapter 20: Media-Dependent Styles body {font: 12pt "Times New Roman", "TimesNR", Times, serif;} It’s so traditional, it just might bring a tear of joy to the eye of a graphic artist reading over your shoulder. But make sure they understand that points are acceptable only because of the nature of the print medium—they’re still not good for web design. Alternatively, the lack of backgrounds in most printouts might bring a tear of frustra‐ tion to that designer’s eye. In order to save users ink, most web browsers are preconfigured not to print background colors and images. If the user wants to see those backgrounds in the printout, they have to change an option somewhere in the preferences. CSS can’t do anything to force the printing of backgrounds. However, you can use a print style sheet to make backgrounds unnecessary. For example, you might include this rule in your print style sheet: * {color: black !important; background: transparent !important;} This will do its utmost to ensure all of your elements print out as black text and remove any backgrounds you might have assigned in an all-medium style sheet. It also makes sure that if you have a web design that puts yellow text on a dark gray background, a user with a color printer won’t get yellow text on a white piece of paper. One other difference between paged media and continuous media is that multicol‐ umn layouts are even harder to use in paged media. Suppose you have an article where the text has been formatted as two columns. In a printout, the left side of each page will contain the first column, and the right side the second. This would force the user to read the left side of every page, then go back to the beginning of the printout and read the right side of every page. This is annoying enough on the web, but on paper it’s much worse. One solution is to use CSS for laying out your two columns (by floating them, per‐ haps) and then writing a print style sheet that restores the content to a single column. Thus, you might write something like this for the screen style sheet: div#leftcol {float: left; width: 45%;} div#rightcol {float: right; width: 45%;} Then in your print style sheet, you would write: div#leftcol, div#rightcol {float: none; width: auto;} Alternatively, in user agents that support it, you might define actual multicolumn lay‐ out for both screen and print, and trust the user agents to do the right thing. We could spend an entire chapter on the details of print design, but that really isn’t the purpose of this book. Let’s start exploring the details of paged-media CSS and leave the design discussions for another book. Paged Media | 1003 Defining the page size In much the same way as it defines the element box, CSS2 defines a page box that describes the components of a page. A page box is composed of basically two regions: • The page area, which is the portion of the page where the content is laid out. This is roughly analogous to the content area of a normal element box, to the extent that the edges of the page area act as the initial containing block for layout within a page. • The margin area, which surrounds the page area. The page box model is illustrated in Figure 20-2. Figure 20-2. The page box The @page block is the method by which settings are made, and the size property is used to define the actual dimensions of the page box. Here’s a simple example: @page {size: 7.5in 10in; margin: 0.5in;} @page is a block like @media is a block, and within it can contain any set of styles. One of them, size, only makes sense in the context of an @page block. 1004 | Chapter 20: Media-Dependent Styles As of early 2017, only Chrome and Opera supported size, the lat‐ ter with some oddities in its calculation of dimensions. size Values auto | {1,2} | [ || [ portrait | landscape ] ] Initial value auto Applies to Inherited Animatable Note The page area No No is one of a defined set of standard pages sizes; see Table 20-1 for details This property is used to define the size of the page area. The value landscape is meant to cause the layout to be rotated 90 degrees, whereas portrait is the normal orientation for Western-language printing. Thus, an author could cause a document to be printed sideways by declaring the following, with the result shown in Figure 20-3: @page {size: landscape;} Figure 20-3. Landscape page sizing Paged Media | 1005 In addition to landscape and portrait, there are a number of predefined page-size keywords available. These are summarized in Table 20-1. Table 20-1. Page-size keywords A5 International Standards Organization (ISO) A5 size, 148mm wide x 210mm tall (5.83in x 8.27in). A4 ISO A2 size, 210 mm x 297 mm (8.27 in x 11.69 in). A3 ISO A3 size, 297 mm x 420 mm (11.69 in x 16.54 in). B5 ISO B5 size, 176 mm x 250 mm (6.93 in x 9.84 in). B4 ISO B4 size, 250 mm x 353 mm (9.84 in x 13.9 in). JIS-B5 ISO Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS) B5 size, 182 mm x 257 mm (7.17 in x 10.12 in). JIS-B4 ISO JIS B4 size, 257 mm x 364 mm (10.12 in x 14.33 in). letter North American letter size, 8.5 in x 11 in (215.9 mm x 279.4 mm). legal North American legal size, 8.5 in x 14 in (215.9 mm x 355.6 mm). ledger North American ledger size, 11 in x 17 in (279.4 mm x 431.8 mm). Any one of the keywords can be used to declare a page size. The following defines a page to be JIS B5 size: @page {size: JIS-B5;} These keywords can be combined with the landscape and portrait keywords; thus, to define landscape-oriented North American legal pages, the following is used: @page {size: landscape legal;} Besides using keywords, it’s also possible to define page sizes using length units. In such cases, the width is given first, and then the height. Therefore, the following defines a page area 8 inches wide by 10 inches tall: @page {size: 8in 10in;} The defined area is usually centered within the physical page, with equal amounts of whitespace on each side. If the defined size is larger than the printable area of the page, then the user agent has to decide what to do to resolve the situation. There is no defined behavior here, so it’s really dealer’s choice. Page margins and padding Related to size, CSS includes the ability to style the margin area of the page box. If you want to make sure that only a small bit at the center of every 8.5 × 11 inch page is used to print, you could write: @page {margin: 3.75in;} This would leave a printing area 1 inch wide by 3.5 inches tall. 1006 | Chapter 20: Media-Dependent Styles It is possible to use the length units em and ex to describe either the margin area or the page area, at least in theory. The size used is taken from the page context’s font, which is to say, the base font size used for the content displayed on the page. The ability to set page margins and padding was barely supported as of early 2017. In Chrome, for example, attempting to define page margins caused the entire @page block to be ignored. Selecting page types CSS2 offers the ability to create different page types using named @page rules. Let’s say you have a document on astronomy that is several pages long, and in the middle of it, there is a fairly wide table containing a list of the physical characteristics of all the moons of Saturn. You want to print out the text in portrait mode, but the table needs to be landscape. Here’s how you’d start: @page normal {size: portrait; margin: 1in;} @page rotate {size: landscape; margin: 0.5in;} Now you just need to apply these page types as needed. The table of Saturn’s moons has an id of moon-data, so you write the following rules: body {page: normal;} table#moon-data {page: rotate;} This causes the table to be printed landscape, but the rest of the document to be in portrait orientation. The property page is what makes this possible. page Values | inherit Initial value auto Applies to Block-level elements Inherited No Animatable No As you can see from looking at the value definition, the whole reason page exists is to let you assign named page types to various elements in your document. Paged Media | 1007 As of early 2017, there was little if any support for named pages. There are more generic page types that you can address through special pseudoclasses. :first lets you apply special styles to the first page in the document. For example, you might want to give the first page a larger top margin than other pages. Here’s how: @page {margin: 3cm;} @page :first {margin-top: 6cm;} This will yield a 3 cm margin on all pages, with the exception of a 6 cm top margin on the first page. In addition to styling the first page, you can also style left and right pages, emulating the pages to the left and right of a book’s spine. You can style these differently using :left and :right. For example: @page :left {margin-left: 3cm; margin-right: 5cm;} @page :right {margin-left: 5cm; margin-right: 3cm;} These rules will have the effect of putting larger margins between the content of the left and right pages, on the sides where the spine of a book would be. This is a com‐ mon practice when pages are to be bound together into a book of some type. As of early 2017, there was little if any support for :first, :left, or :right. Page-breaking In a paged medium, it’s a good idea to exert some influence over how page breaks are placed. You can affect page breaking using the properties page-break-before and page-break-after, both of which accept the same set of values. page-break-before, page-break-after Values auto | always Initial value auto Applies to Nonfloated block-level elements with a position value of relative or static No Inherited 1008 | Chapter 20: Media-Dependent Styles Animatable No Computed value As specified The default value of auto means that a page break is not forced to come before or after an element. This is the same as any normal printout. always causes a page break to be placed before (or after) the styled element. For example, assume a situation where the page title is an h1 element, and the section titles are all h2 elements. We might want a page break right before the beginning of each section of a document and after the document title. This would result in the fol‐ lowing rules, illustrated in Figure 20-4: h1 {page-break-after: always;} h2 {page-break-before: always;} Figure 20-4. Inserting page breaks If you want the document title to be centered in its page, then we’d add rules to that effect. Since we don’t, we just get a very straightforward rendering of each page. The values left and right operate in the same manner as always except they further define the type of page on which printing can resume. Consider the following: h2 {page-break-before: left;} This will force every h2 element to be preceded by enough page breaks so that the h2 will be printed at the top of a left page—that is, a page surface that would appear to the left of a spine if the output were bound. In double-sided printing, this would mean printing on the back of a piece of paper. So let’s assume that, in printing, the element just before an h2 is printed on a right page. The previous rule would cause a single page break to be inserted before the h2, Paged Media | 1009 thus pushing it to the next page. If the next h2 is preceded by an element on a left page, however, the h2 would be preceded by two page breaks, thus placing it at the top of the next left page. The right page between the two would be intentionally left blank. The value right has the same basic effect, except it forces an element to be printed at the top of a right page preceded by either one or two page breaks. The companion to always is avoid, which directs the user agent to do its best to avoid placing a page break either before or after an element. To extend the previous example, suppose you have subsections whose titles are h3 elements. You want to keep these titles together with the text that follows them, so you want to avoid a page break following an h3 whenever possible: h3 {page-break-after: avoid;} Note, though, that the value is called avoid, not never. There is no way to absolutely guarantee that a page break will never be inserted before or after a given element. Consider the following: img {height: 9.5in; width: 8in; page-break-before: avoid;} h4 {page-break-after: avoid;} h4 + img {height: 10.5in;} Now, suppose further that you have a situation where an h4 is placed between two images, and its height calculates to be half an inch. Each image will have to be printed on a separate page, but there are only two places the h4 can go: at the bottom of the page holding the first element, or on the page after it. If it’s placed after the first image, then it has to be followed by a page break, since there’s no room for the second image to follow it. On the other hand, if the h4 is placed on a new page following the first image, then there won’t be room on that same page for the second image. So, again, there will be a page break after the h4. And, in either case, at least one image, if not both, will be preceded by a page break. There’s only so much the user agent can do, given a situa‐ tion like this one. Situations such as these are rare, but they can happen—for example, in a case where a document contains nothing but tables preceded by headings. There may be cases where tables print in such a way that they force a heading element to be followed by a page break, even though the author requested such break placement be avoided. The same sorts of issues can arise with the other page-break property, page-breakinside. Its possible values are more limited than those of its cousins. 1010 | Chapter 20: Media-Dependent Styles page-break-inside Values auto | avoid Initial value auto Applies to Nonfloated block-level elements with a position value of relative or static Inherited Yes Computed value As specified With page-break-inside, you pretty much have one option other than the default: you can request that a user agent try to avoid placing page breaks within an element. If you have a series of aside divisions, and you don’t want them broken across two pages, you could declare: div.aside {page-break-inside: avoid;} Again, this is a suggestion more than an actual rule. If an aside turns out to be longer than a page, the user agent can’t help but place a page break inside the element. Orphans and widows In an effort to provide finer influence over page-breaking, CSS2 defines two proper‐ ties common to both traditional print typography and desktop publishing: widows and orphans. widows, orphans Values Initial value Applies to Computed value Inherited Animatable block-level elements As specified No Yes 2 These properties have similar aims but approach them from different angles. The value of widows defines the minimum number of line boxes found in an element that can be placed at the top of a page without forcing a page break to come before the element. orphans has the same effect in reverse: it gives the minimum number of line Paged Media | 1011 boxes that can appear at the bottom of a page without forcing a page break before the element. Let’s take widows as an example. Suppose you declare: p {widows: 4;} This means that any paragraph can have no fewer than four line boxes appear at the top of a page. If the layout of the document would lead to fewer line boxes, then the entire paragraph is placed at the top of the page. Consider the situation shown in Figure 20-5. Cover up the top part of the figure with your hand so that only the sec‐ ond page is visible. Notice that there are two line boxes there, from the end of a para‐ graph that started on the previous page. Given the default widows value of 2, this is an acceptable rendering. However, if the value were 3 or higher, the entire paragraph would appear at the top of the second page as a single block. This would require that a page break be inserted before the paragraph in question. Figure 20-5. Counting the widows and orphans Refer back to Figure 20-5, and this time cover up the second page with your hand. Notice the four line boxes at the bottom of the page, at the beginning of the last para‐ graph. This is fine as long as the value of orphans is 4 or less. If it were 5 or higher, then the paragraph would again be preceded by a page break and be laid out as a sin‐ gle block at the top of the second page. 1012 | Chapter 20: Media-Dependent Styles One potential pitfall is that both orphans and widows must be satisfied. If an author declared the following, then most paragraphs would be without an interior page break: p {widows: 30; orphans: 30;} It would take a pretty lengthy paragraph to allow an interior page break, given those values. If the intent is to prevent interior breaking, then that intent would be better expressed as: p {page-break-inside: avoid;} Page-breaking behavior Because CSS2 allows for some odd page-breaking styles, it defines a set of behaviors regarding allowed page breaks and “best” page breaks. These behaviors serve to guide user agents in how they should handle page-breaking in various circumstances. There are really only two generic places where page breaks are permitted. The first of these is between two block-level boxes. If a page break falls between two block boxes, then the margin-bottom value of the element before the page break is reset to 0, as is the margin-top of the element following the page break. However, there are two rules that affect whether a page break can fall between two element boxes: If the value of page-break-after for the first element—or the value of page-breakbefore for the second element—is always, left, or right, then a page break will be placed between the elements. This is true regardless of the value for the other ele‐ ment, even if it’s avoid. (This is a forced page break.) If the value of the first element’s page-break-after value is auto, and the same is true for the second element’s page-break-before value, and they do not share an ancestor element whose page-break-inside value is not avoid, then a page break may be placed between them. Figure 20-6 illustrates all the possible page-break placements between elements in a hypothetical document. Forced page breaks are represented as a filled square, whereas potential (unforced) page breaks are shown as an open square. Second, page breaks are allowed between two line boxes inside a block-level box. This, too, is governed by a pair of rules: • A page break may appear between two line boxes only if the number of line boxes between the start of the element and the line box before the page break would be less than the value of orphans for the element. Similarly, a page break can be placed only where the number of line boxes between the line box after the page break and the end of the element is less than the value of widows. Paged Media | 1013 • A page break can be placed between line boxes if the value of page-breakinside for the element is not avoid. Figure 20-6. Potential page-break placement between block boxes In both cases, the second of the two rules controlling page-break placement is ignored if no page-break placement can satisfy all the rules. Thus, given a situation where an element has been given page-break-inside: avoid but the element is longer than a full page, a page break will be permitted inside the element, between two line boxes. In other words, the second rule regarding page-break placement between line boxes is ignored. If ignoring the second rule in each pair of rules still does not yield good page-break placement, then other rules can also be ignored. In such a situation, the user agent is likely to ignore all page-break property values and proceed as if they were all auto, although this approach is not defined (or required) by the CSS specification. In addition to the previously explored rules, CSS2 defines a set of best page-breaking behaviors: • Break as few times as possible. 1014 | Chapter 20: Media-Dependent Styles • Make all pages that don’t end with a forced break appear to have about the same height. • Avoid breaking inside a block that has a border. • Avoid breaking inside a table. • Avoid breaking inside a floated element. These recommendations aren’t required of user agents, but they offer logical guidance that should lead to ideal page-breaking behaviors. Repeated elements A very common desire in paged media is the ability to have a running head. This is an element that appears on every page, such as the document’s title or the author’s name. This is possible in CSS2 by using a fixed-position element: div#runhead {position: fixed; top: 0; right: 0;} This will place any div with an id of runhead at the top-right corner of every page box when the document is output to a paged medium. The same rule would place the element in the top-right corner of the viewport in a continuous medium, such as a web browser. Any element positioned in this way will appear on every page. It is not possible to copy an element to become a repeated element. Thus, given the following, the h1 element will appear as a running head on every page including the first one: h1 {position: fixed; top: 0; width: 100%; text-align: center; font-size: 80%; border-bottom: 1px solid gray;} The drawback is that the h1 element, being positioned on the first page, cannot be printed as anything except the running head. Elements outside the page All this talk of positioning elements in a paged medium leads to an interesting ques‐ tion: what happens if an element is positioned outside the page box? You don’t even need positioning to create such a situation. Think about a pre element that contains a line with 411 characters. This is likely to be wider than any standard piece of paper, and so the element will be wider than the page box. What will happen then? As it turns out, CSS2 doesn’t say exactly what user agents should do, so it’s up to each to come up with a solution. For a very wide pre element, the user agent might clip the element to the page box and throw away the rest of the content. It could also generate extra pages to display the leftover part of the element. There are a few general recommendations for handling content outside the page box, and two that are really important. First, content should be allowed to protrude slightly from a page box in order to allow bleeding. This implies that no extra page Paged Media | 1015 would be generated for the portions of such content that exceed the page box, but do not extend all the way off the page. Second, user agents are cautioned not to generate large numbers of empty pages for the sole purpose of honoring positioning information. Consider: h1 {position: absolute; top: 1500in;} Assuming that the page boxes are 10 inches high, the user agent would have to pre‐ cede an h1 with 150 page breaks (and thus 150 blank pages) just to honor that rule. Instead, a user agent might choose to skip the blank pages and just output the last one, which actually contains the h1 element. The other two recommendations state that user agents should not position elements in strange places just to avoid rendering them, and that content placed outside a page box can be rendered in any of a number of ways. (Some of the commentary in CSS is useful and intriguing, but some seems to exist solely to cheerily state the obvious.) Summary Thanks to the combination of media queries and media-specific style features, it is possible to provide a wide range of design experiences from within a single set of styles. Whether reorganizing a page to account for varying display sizes or reworking the color scheme to support grayscale printing, authors have the ability to do a great deal to make their work the best in can be, no matter what the output channel. 1016 | Chapter 20: Media-Dependent Styles APPENDIX A Animatable Properties Following is a list of animatable properties as given in the CSS Transitions specifica‐ tion. Because this only lists the CSS 2.1 properties that are animatable, it is not com‐ plete, but it is illustrative for understanding which kinds of properties are animatable and in what ways, and which properties are not. Property name Interpolation COLOR color opacity as color as number COLUMNS column-width column-count column-gap as length as integer as length column-rule (see longhands) column-rule-color: column-rule-style: column-rule-width: break-before break-after break-inside column-span column-fill as color no as length no no no no no 1017 Property name Interpolation TEXT hyphens letter-spacing word-wrap overflow-wrap text-transform tab-size text-align text-align-last text-indent direction white-space word-break word-spacing line-break no as length no no no as length no no as length, percentage, or calc(); no no no as length no TEXT DECORATIONS as color no no text-decoration-line: no text-decoration-skip as shadow list text-shadow text-underline-position no text-decoration-color: text-decoration-style: FLEXIBLE BOXES align-content align-items align-self flex-basis flex-direction flex-flow no no no as length, percentage, or calc(); no no flex (see longhand) flex-grow flex-shrink flex-basis: flex-wrap justify-content order 1018 | as number as number as length, percentage, or calc(); no no as integer Appendix A: Animatable Properties Property name Interpolation BACKGROUND AND BORDERS background background-color: background-image: background-clip: background-position: background-size: background-repeat: background-attachment abackground-origin as color no no as list of length, percentage, or calc as list of length, percentage, or calc no no no BORDERS border (see longhand) border-color border-style border-width border-radius border-image border-image-outset border-image-repeat border-image-slice border-image-source border-image-width as color no as length as length, percentage, or calc(); no (see longhand) no no no no no BOX MODEL box-decoration-break box-shadow margin padding box-sizing max-height min-height height max-width min-width width overflow visibility no as shadow list as length as length no as length, percentage, or calc(); as length, percentage, or calc(); as length, percentage, or calc(); as length, percentage, or calc(); as length, percentage, or calc(); as length, percentage, or calc(); no as visibility (see “How Property Values Are Interpolated” on page 885) Animatable Properties | 1019 Property name Interpolation TABLE border-collapse border-spacing caption-side empty-cells table-layout vertical-align no no no no no as length POSITIONING bottom left right top float clear position z-index as length, percentage, or calc(); as length, percentage, or calc(); as length, percentage, or calc(); as length, percentage, or calc(); no no no as integer FONTS font (see longhand) no no as font weight font-weight as font stretch font-stretch as length font-size as number, length line-height no font-family font-variant-ligatures no no font-feature-settings font-language-override no as number font-size-adjust no font-synthesis no font-kerning no font-variant-position no font-variant-caps no font-variant-numeric font-variant-east-asian no font-variant-alternates no font-style font-variant 1020 | Appendix A: Animatable Properties Property name Interpolation IMAGES object-fit object-position image-rendering image-orientation no as length, percentage, or calc(); no no COUNTERS, LISTS, AND GENERATED CONTENT content quotes counter-increment counter-reset list-style list-style-image list-style-position list-style-type no no no no no no no no PAGE orphans page-break-after page-break-before page-break-inside widows no no no no no USER INTERFACE outline (see longhand) outline-color outline-width outline-style outline-offset cursor resize text-overflow as color as length no as length no no no ANIMATIONS animation animation-delay animation-direction animation-duration no (see longhands) no no no Animatable Properties | 1021 Property name animation-fill-mode animation-iterationcount animation-name animation-play-state animation-timingfunction Interpolation no no no no no, though animation-timing-function can be included in keyframes TRANSITIONS transition transition-delay transition-duration transition-property transition-timingfunction no (see longhands) no no no no TRANSFORM PROPERTIES transform transform-origin transform-style perspective perspective-origin backface-visibility as transform (see Transforms in CSS [O’Reilly]) as length, percentage or calc(); no as length as simple list of a length, percentage or calc(); no COMPOSITING AND BLENDING background-blend-mode mix-blend-mode isolation 1022 | no no no Appendix A: Animatable Properties Property name Interpolation SHAPES shape-outside shape-margin shape-image-threshold yes, as basic-shape as length, percentage, or calc(); as number MISCELLANEOUS clip (deprecated) display unicode-bidi text-orientation ime-mode all will-change box-decoration-break touch-action initial-letter initial-letter-align as rectangle no no no no as each of the properties of the shorthand (all properties but unicode-bidi and direction) no no no no no Animatable Properties | 1023 APPENDIX B Basic Property Reference Note that in addition to the options shown in the “Value Syntax” column of this appendix, all properties listed also accept the following global values: inherit, ini tial, and unset. They may in the future accept revert as well. These global values are not shown in the table for brevity and clarity. Where a “P” is indicated for whether an element is animatable (the “Anim.” column), that means some but not all aspects of the property’s value can be animated. Property Default value Value syntax Inh. Anim. N N align-content stretch flex-start | flex-end | center | space-between | space-around | stretch align-items stretch flex-start | flex-end | center | baseline | stretch N N animationdelay 0s