RTA RTE User Guide V6.3.0

User Manual: Pdf

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RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

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©Copyright 2017 ETAS GmbH, Stuttgart.
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Document: 10666-UG-001 EN - 10-2017
Revision: 68240 [RTA-RTE 6.3.0]
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RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

1 About this Manual
Document Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Acronyms and Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Introduction and Overview



2 Introduction to the RTE
What is a Run-Time Environment (RTE)?
Software Components . . . . . . . . . .
Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Software Component Behavior . . . . .
Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



3 Introduction to RTE Configuration
Understanding XML . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Understanding AUTOSAR XML . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ECU Configuration Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


4 Working



with the RTE Generator
Contract Phase . . . . . .
RTE Phase . . . . . . . . .
Basic Software Phase . .
The Development Process
Samples . . . . . . . . . .








































Developing Software Components


5 Type System
Application Data Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Base Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Implementation Data Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Type Mappings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Application Types And Numerical Representations . . . . . . . .
Expressing Values in Physical Units or Numerical Representation




6 Interfaces
Nv-Data . . . . .
Mode-Switch . .
Client-Server . .
Calibration . . .
Trigger . . . . .




7 Software Component Types
Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Communication Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .































RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

8 Internal Behavior
RTE Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Runnable Entities . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Responding to Periodic Events . . . . . .
Sending to a Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Receiving from a Port . . . . . . . . . . .
Responding to a Server Request on a Port
Making a Client Request on a Port . . . .
Direct Trigger of a Runnable Entity . . . .
Exclusive Areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Inter-Runnable Variables . . . . . . . . . .
Accessing Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Per-instance Memory . . . . . . . . . . .
Port Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Supporting Multiple Instantiation . . . . .
Memory Allocation . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9 Modes

Defining Modes . . . . . . . . .
Mode Communication . . . . .
Using Modes . . . . . . . . . .
Understanding Mode Instances
Fast Init . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Synchronizing Modes . . . . .
Non-AUTOSAR Functionality . .







10 Implementing Software Components
Basic Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Application Source Code . . . . . . . . . .
Single and Multiple Instances . . . . . . .
Runnable Entities . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sender-Receiver Communication . . . . .
Client-Server Communication . . . . . . .
Using Inter-Runnable Variables . . . . . .
Accessing Parameters . . . . . . . . . . .
Accessing Per Instance Memory . . . . .
Concurrency Control with Exclusive Areas
Starting and Stopping the RTE . . . . . .


















































NV-Block Software Component Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
Interaction with Application SWC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
Interaction with the NVRAM Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143

Developing Basic Software


12 Basic Software
Basic Software Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146



RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide



Interaction with the RTE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
API . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152


13 Composing Software Components
Composition Type Definition
Component Instances . . . .
Connector Prototypes . . . .
FlatMaps . . . . . . . . . . .
Data Conversion . . . . . . .

























14 Composing Basic Software
Instantiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
BSW Scheduler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
15 Synchronizing BSW and SWC
Configuration . . . . . . . . . . .
Synchronized Mode Groups . . .
Synchronized Triggers . . . . . .
Synchronized Runnable Entities






















16 Accessing NVRAM
Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
Access from Application SWCs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
Access from the NVRAM manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193




17 Defining the ECUs and the Networks
ECU Type Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
ECU Instances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
18 Mapping

Software Components to ECUs
Mapping Component Prototypes . . . . . . .
SWC Implementation Selection . . . . . . . .
Configuring Service Components on an ECU
Mapping Runnable Entities to Tasks . . . . .
How Runnables get activated . . . . . . . . .















19 Inter-ECU Communication
System Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
Inter-ECU Sender-Receiver Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
Inter-ECU Client-Server Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
20 Using the OS and COM Configurations
Operating System Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
Communication Stack Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226



RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

21 Debugging Implementations with VFB Tracing
Enabling Tracing . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Supported Trace Events . . . . . . . . . .
Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Trace Event Header File . . . . . . . . . .
Implementing Hook Functions . . . . . .

















22 Data Transformation
Extent of support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
Enabling data transformation in an input configuration . . . . . . . 236
Working with data transformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239


Advanced Concepts

23 RTE Generation
Identifier length

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241

24 Operating System Considerations
OS Trigger Selection . . . .
Task Recurrence . . . . . .
Schedule Points . . . . . .
Basic and Extended Tasks .
Forced-basic semantics . .

























25 Understanding Deployment Choices
Intra-task . . . . . . . . . . .
Inter-task . . . . . . . . . . .
Inter-task Client-Server . . .
Inter-ECU . . . . . . . . . . .


























26 Optimization
Buffers for Inter-ECU Reception .
Direct invocation of the RTE API
Sender-Receiver Communication
Client-Server Communication . .
Function Elision . . . . . . . . . .
Init Runnables . . . . . . . . . .
Data Consistency . . . . . . . .
Tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




















27 RTE Architecture
Component Data Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
Component Instance Handle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
The RTE API Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269



28 Contact, Support and Problem Reporting




RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide


About this Manual
The RTA-RTE User Guide describes how to install the ETAS AUTOSAR Run-Time Environment (RTE) generation tools and how to configure, build and deploy RTE-based software
components on electronic control units.
The RTA-RTE User Guide is structured along the lines of a top-down development using
the RTE, taking users from software component configuration and development with
the RTE, through system configuration and software component deployment to final
integration of an RTE-based ECU.

• Part I, Introduction and Overview
• Chapter 2 introduces the fundamental building blocks for applications designed
for the AUTOSAR software architecture. The chapter explains how the RTE provides the environment by which AUTOSAR applications run, interact and exchange data at runtime.

• Chapter 3 outlines the key aspects of the RTA-RTE configuration language.
• Chapter 4 explains the wider scope of an AUTOSAR development process and
how RTA-RTE supports the process.

• Part II, Developing Software Components presents a guide to the RTE for Software
Component Engineers.

• Chapter 5 explains the AUTOSAR type system and how implementation and
application types interact.

• Chapter 6 explains how to define sender-receiver and client-server interfaces
that use the data types and can be used by software components to communicate.

• Chapter 7 describes how to define the external view of a software component.
• Chapter 8 shows how to define the threads of control, called runnable entities,
that will be executed to trigger or respond to RTE communication.

• Chapter 9 explains how to use the RTA-RTE provided support for AUTOSAR
application modes and how software components can trigger activity when a
mode changes.

• Chapter 10 shows how to write code to interface with the RTE, use the RTE API
in application code to communicate with other applications, build in run-time
fault tolerance and protect critical data.

• Chapter 11 shows how to write code to create non-volatile data and to interface
with the AUTOSAR NVRAM manager module.

• Part III, Developing Basic Software presents a guide to the development of Basic
Software using RTA-RTE.

• Chapter 12 explains how to create Basic Software modules for use with the

About this Manual


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

• Part IV, Composition presents a guide to the RTE for Software System Integrators.
• Chapter 13, Composing Software Components explains how to create instances
of software components, configure instance attributes like the number of
queued data elements that can be received and compose the instances of software components to create a logical software system.

• Chapter 14, Composing Basic Software explains how to create basic software
module instances and how to configure their connections.

• Chapter 15, Synchronizing Basic Software explains how to synchronize
runnables, modes and triggers between basic software module instances and
SWC instances.

• Chapter 16, Accessing NVRAM explains how to access non-volatile data from
application software.

• Part V, Deployment presents a guide to the RTE for ECU and Vehicle Integrators.
• Chapter 17 shows how to define the types of ECU, protocol and communication
frames that will be present in your system.

• Chapter 18 describes how to map the software architecture created during
the composition stage onto the hardware architecture created in the previous chapter and how to map the runnables of a software component into tasks
provided by the AUTOSAR OS.

• Chapter 19 describe how to map sender-receiver and client-server communication between software components located on different ECUs onto the underlying AUTOSAR COM communication basic software module.

• Chapter 20 shows how to use the generated OS and COM configuration files in
your application.

• Chapter 21 explains how to use the hook calls embedded within a generated
RTE to trace RTE events and communication.

• Chapter 22 explains how to serialize and transform communication between
software components.

• Part VI, Advanced Concepts
• Chapter 23 explains additional configuration options for generation of RTEs using RTA-RTE.

• Chapter 24 explains Basic and Extended tasks, and how the RTE interacts with
these OS features.

• Chapter 25 explains how the RTE API calls work when software components are
mapped to the same task, the same ECU or different ECUs.

• Chapter 26 explains how the RTA-RTE optimizes the generated RTE and how
application mapping can affect the scope for optimization.

• Chapter 27 explains how the RTE application specific headers provide the abstractions that make the RTE work and how they encapsulate optimizations.

• Part VII, Support

About this Manual

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

• Chapter 28 explains how to contact ETAS to obtain technical support for RTARTE.

Related Documents
The RTA-RTE Reference Manual provides a complete reference for the RTE including:

• The syntax of the RTE configuration language.
• The features and functionality of the RTE Generation tool.
• The RTE naming conventions.
• A complete RTE API call reference.
• Dependencies on AUTOSAR Basic Software Modules.

Who Should Read this Manual?
You should read the RTA-RTE User Guide if you need to configure, generate or use a runtime environment for an embedded electronic control unit (ECU). Basic familiarity with
the concepts of the AUTOSAR software architecture and knowledge of C programming
are assumed.
Readers of this document are assumed to be familiar with the RTA-RTE Getting Started
First time users of the RTE should read this document for a detailed description of what
features and facilities the RTE provides to software components.


Document Conventions
Notes that appear like this contain important information that you need to
be aware of. Make sure that you read them carefully and that you follow any
instructions that you are given.
Notes that appear like this describe things that you will need to know if you
want to write code that will work on any target processor.
In this guide you’ll see that program code, header file names, C type names, C functions
and API call names all appear in the monospaced typeface. When the name of an object
is made available to the programmer the name also appears in the courier typeface,
suitably modified in accordance with the RTE naming conventions. So, for example, a
runnable called Runnable1 appears as a handle called Runnable1.


Acronyms and Abbreviations

About this Manual


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide


AUTomotive Open System ARchitecture - a standardized software architecture targeted at automotive applications aimed at fostering the reuse of application software over multiple vehicle platforms.


AUTOSAR Basic Software, see Chapter 12.


Client-server communication, see Section 6.4.


AUTOSAR ECU Configuration


Inter-OsApplication Communication


An AUTOSAR SC1-SC4 and OSEK 2.2.3 compatible operating system from ETAS GmbH.


An AUTOSAR SC1 and OSEK 2.2.3 compatible operating
system from ETAS GmbH.


AUTOSAR Run-Time Environment. See “Introduction to the
RTE” (Chapter 2) for further details.


The ETAS AUTOSAR RTE Generator Product. This includes
the AUTOSAR RTE Generator Tool responsible for reading
the AUTOSAR XML configuration and generating the RTE
and associated C header files. RTA-RTE distributions also
include the RTE library, all user documentation and an example application.


BSW Scheduler (a BSW module defined by AUTOSAR).


Sender-receiver communication, see Section 6.1.


An AUTOSAR Software component, see Chapter 7.


Virtual Function Bus. See “Introduction to the RTE” (Chapter 2) for further details.


eXtensible Markup Language used to describe AUTOSAR
configurations. RTA-RTE processes the input configuration
to generate the required RTE


About this Manual

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

Part I

Introduction and Overview


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide


Introduction to the RTE
The RTE forms part of a layered software architecture based on the AUTOSAR layered
software architecture shown in Figure 2.1.

Component 1

Component n

Component 1

Component n


System Services

Memory Services

I/O Hardware

Onboard Device




Memory Drivers


Complex Drivers

I/O Drivers

ECU Hardware

Figure 2.1: Overview of the AUTOSAR software architecture
Application software is the name given in AUTOSAR to vehicle functions, e.g. braking
system, window wiper, seat control etc. Each application is decomposed into one or
more software components that provide a cohesive part of the application.
Software components are the atomic unit of application distribution in AUTOSAR. When
an AUTOSAR system is built, all the constituent parts of a component (the code, data
etc.) must live on the same ECU.
AUTOSAR defines two principle types of application software components:

• AUTOSAR software component—generic application-level software components
that are designed to be both CPU and location neutral. An AUTOSAR application
software component can be mapped to any available ECU during system configuration, subject to constraints imposed by the system designer. The AUTOSAR soft-


Introduction to the RTE

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

ware component is therefore the atomic unit of distribution in an AUTOSAR system.

• AUTOSAR Sensor/Actuator component—software components that are closely coupled to some aspect of ECU hardware and are therefore typically not re-locatable
(onto a different ECU) due to their high degree of dependence on features of a
specific ECU.
In an AUTOSAR system, software component interaction is designed against a Virtual
Function Bus (VFB). The VFB provides a design abstraction that allows interacting software components to be specified and built without detailed knowledge about which
ECU they will be allocated at integration time, how ECUs in the vehicle network communicate, the vehicle network topology etc.
In the VFB model, software components interact though ports which are typed by interfaces. The interface controls what can be communicated and the semantics of communication. The port provides the software component access to the interface. The
combination of port and interface is known as an AUTOSAR interface. Software components are characterized by component type attributes that define how the components
interact with a interface over a port. Attributes might allow you to specify things like:

• A software component waits for data to be provided on a port.
• A software component polls a port for new data periodically.
• Acknowledgment of receipt of a sent message is required.
The VFB provides sufficient information about the logical interaction of software components to allow software systems to be integrated and tested before system integrators
have decided on the allocation of software components to ECUs. This means that the
entire functional behavior of a system can be prototyped before the electrical architecture of a vehicle, in terms of ECUs on networks, is known.
The next stage in development is system integration where software components are
allocated to ECUs and the abstract notions of communication embedded in their VFB
design are mapped to signals sent over the vehicle network. Software components
must also be bound onto the computing platform, for example, integrated into tasks
for scheduling by an operating system.


What is a Run-Time Environment (RTE)?
The VFB provides the abstraction that allows components to be reusable. The RTE
encapsulates the mechanisms required to make the VFB abstraction work at runtime.
The RTE is therefore, in the simplest case, an implementation of the VFB. However,
the RTE must provide the necessary interfacing and infrastructure to allow software
components to:
1. be implemented without reference to an ECU (the VFB model); and

Introduction to the RTE


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

2. be integrated with the ECU and the wider vehicle network once this is known (the
Systems Integration Model) without changing the application software itself.
More specifically, the RTE must:

• Provide a communication infrastructure for software components.
This includes both communication between software components on the same ECU
(intra-ECU ) and communication between software components located on different
ECUs (inter-ECU).

• Arrange for real-time scheduling of software components.
This typically means mapping software components onto tasks provided by an operating system according to timeliness constraints specified at design time.
Application software components have no direct access to the basic software below
the abstraction implemented by the RTE. This means that components cannot, for example, directly access operating system or communication services. So, the RTE must
present an abstraction over such services that remains consistent irrespective of where
the software components are located. All interaction between software components
therefore happens through standardized RTE interface calls.
The RTE also binds the software component architecture onto one or more ECUs. To
make the RTE efficient, this binding is done statically at build time. The standardized
RTE interfaces are automatically implemented by an RTE generation tool that makes
sure that interface behaves in the correct way for the specified component interaction
and the specified component allocation.
For example, if two software components reside on the same ECU they can use internal
ECU communication, but if one is moved to a different ECU, communication now needs
to occur across the vehicle network.
The generated RTE therefore encapsulates the variability in the software that arises
from different mappings of components to ECUs by:

• Presenting a consistent interface to the software components so they can be
reused—they can be designed and written once but used multiple times.

• Binding that interface onto the underlying AUTOSAR basic software implement the
VFB design abstraction.


Software Components
Within the two broad types outlined above, AUTOSAR defines multiple sub-types of
software component:

• Application software components.

Introduction to the RTE

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

• Sensor/actuator software components.
• Service components.
• Complex device driver components.
• ECU abstraction components.
From the perspective of the RTE, however, the multiple types are largely identical and
hence, for reasons of brevity, the term “software component” is used to refer to all
Software components interact through ports. There are two classes of Port:

• PPorts are used by a software component to provide data or services to other
software components. Provided ports implement senders and servers.

• RPorts are used by a software component to require data or services from other
software components. Required ports implement receivers and clients.
Figure 2.2 shows a software component with PPorts and RPorts.



RPORT characterised by a SENDER-RECEIVER interface

PPORT characterised by a SENDER-RECEIVER interface

[or Sensor/Actuator]


RPORT characterised by a CLIENT-SERVER interface

PPORT characterised by a CLIENT-SERVER interface

Figure 2.2: Software Component with PPorts and RPorts

All configuration items in AUTOSAR are typed. Before any particular object can be
created it is first necessary to define its type.
Each type defines the fixed characteristics of the object. In a simple case you might
define a numeric type called MyNumberType that has a range 0 to 10. This then allows
you to create a MyNumberType which can take the values in the underlying type.
The same concept applies to AUTOSAR software-components. Before you can create a
software component you must first define its component type that identifies the fixed
characteristics of a component, e.g. the port names and how ports are typed by interfaces, how the component behaves etc. The component type is named and the name
Introduction to the RTE


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

must be unique within the system. Component type names are typically assigned when
you create components.

Component Types and Instances
To allow the same component to be used it needs to be instantiated at configuration
time. Furthermore, it is possible to configure a software component so that multiple instantiation is possible. For example, you might write a software component to calculate
a rolling average that is used many times by different applications but with different
data set sizes. Each application could use its own instance of the same core algorithm.
Figure 2.3 shows the relationship between a component type and its instance. Here the
type is ETASoffice. Multiple instances of the ETASoffice can be defined and each one
is an instance.

Atomic Software
Component Type

Component Instance

Component Instance

Figure 2.3: Component Types and Instances
The distinction between type and an instance is analogous to types and variables in
convention programming languages. You would define an application wide unique type
name (the component type) and you would declare one or more uniquely named variables of the type (one or more component prototypes). For example, where we would
have int x, in a programming language we have component type instance in the RTE.
When there are multiple instances of a software component all instances of a component type share the same code, but each instance may have private state that is not

Introduction to the RTE

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

shared between different instances of the component. Consequently, each instance
you declare is given a “copy” of the private state to which it has exclusive access
through an instance handle that is generated by the RTE. Each time you call an RTE
service you must pass in the instance handle so that the component type code knows
which component instance data it should use as shown in Figure 2.4. The idea of common code and private state that is passed to functions in the RTE is analogous to the
concept of abstract data types provided by some programming languages.


User Code



Figure 2.4: Passing a Component Instance handle to the RTE
All software component instances mapped to a given ECU share the same code, but
the presence of multiple runnable entities means that a software component is multithreaded and there exists the possibility for multiple runnable entities to be simultaneously executing within the same component.
For example, two software component prototypes mapped to different ECUs may both
attempt to invoke operations in the same server in a third software component instance. This implies some form of concurrency control.
The RTE controls potentially conflicting access to shared resources through two mechanisms:

• Serialization
• Exclusive areas
Serialization is implemented automatically within RTA-RTE generated code and provides
a coarse grained mechanism that prevents concurrent execution of certain runnable
entities, such as servers.

Introduction to the RTE


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

Exclusive areas provide a mechanism that allows users to have fine control over concurrency. All exclusive areas must be defined at configuration time and are either:

• Explicitly entered and exited in user code using an RTE API; or,
• Implicitly entered and exited in RTA-RTE generated code.
The scope of exclusive areas is the component instance and they cannot therefore be
used to control concurrency between different instances of the same component type
or between instances of different component types. Consequently, exclusive areas
cannot be used to prevent concurrent access to a non-AUTOSAR resource on an ECU. If
such a mechanism is required, then a complex device driver should be implemented.


When an application consists of multiple software components, it may be necessary
for the software components to communicate, either to exchange data or to trigger
some function. Software components from different applications may also need to
communicate, for example a climate control system will need to communicate with
an engine management system to set the engine idle speed sufficiently high that the
engine does not stall when the air conditioning compressor is switched on.
Communication between AUTOSAR application software components is designed in
terms of ports and interfaces. The following interface types are available:
1. Sender-receiver (signal passing)
2. Client-Server (function invocation)
3. Calibration
4. Trigger
These communication models are known as interfaces in AUTOSAR. Each port on a
software component type must define the type of interface it provides or requires.
Software-component types can define individual attributes, for example the maximum
number of data elements buffered on a receiver interface, so the same interface may
have different behavior for each port in which it is used.
When a system is composed from component instances, the ports of component instances are connected with an assembly connector. The assembly connector must
connect a sender to a receiver and a client to a server. Each assembly connector can
also specify attributes for the behavior between two components.


Sender-receiver communication involves the transmission and reception of signals consisting of atomic data elements sent by one component and received by one or more

Introduction to the RTE

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

An AUTOSAR configuration can define multiple sender-receiver interfaces and a software component can reference a different interface from each port.
Each sender-receiver interface can contain multiple data elements each of which can
be sent and received independently. Data items within the interface can be simple
types like integer, float, natural etc. or more complex types like records, arrays etc. to
support simultaneous transmission where atomic transmission of related data values
is required.
Figure 2.5 shows the sender side of a sender-receiver interface that includes three
simple data elements.

Element1: IntegerType
Element2: FloatingPointType

ElementN: RecordType

Figure 2.5: Sender-Receiver Interface Data Elements (Sender Side)
Sender-receiver communication is one way—any reply sent by the receiver must be
sent as a separate sender-receiver communication.
An RPort of a component that requires an AUTOSAR sender-receiver interface can read
the data elements described in the interface and a PPort that provides the interface
can write the data elements.
Sender-receiver communication can be “1:n” (single sender, multiple receivers) and
“n:1” (multiple senders, single-receiver) communication shown in Figure 2.6 and Figure 2.7 respectively.
Sender-receiver “1:n” communication provides a multicast mechanism in the RTE.
When the sender transmits a signal, it is available at each receiver.
When signals are sent by multiple senders to a single receiver (“N:1” communication),
as illustrated in Figure 2.7, there is no synchronization imposed on the senders.
Application Modes
An AUTOSAR system can be configured to operate in one or more application modes
and can configure runnable entities that are activated on either entry or exit from a
Introduction to the RTE


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

Receiver A


Receiver B

Figure 2.6: Sender-Receiver 1:N Communication
Modes are communicated using sender-receiver communication and are thus defined
within a SENDER-RECEIVER interface.

Client-server communication involves a component invoking a defined “server” function in another component which may or may not return a reply.
A component type can define multiple ports categorized by client-server interfaces.
Each client-server interface can contain multiple operations each of which can be invoked separately. A port of a component that requires an AUTOSAR client-server interface to the component can independently invoke any of the operations defined in
the interface, by making a client-server call to a port providing the service. A port that
provides the client-service interface provides implementations of the operations.
Figure 2.8 shows the server side of a client-server interface that serves trigonometric
functions to clients.
RTA-RTE supports multiple clients invoking the same server (i.e. “N:1” communication
where N > 0) illustrated in Figure 2.9.
Note that it is not possible for a client to invoke multiple servers with a single request
(i.e. “1:N” communication). A client can, or course, call more than one server by
making more than one request.


Calibration interfaces are used for communication with Calibration components.


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Sender A

Sender B

Receiver A


Sender C

Figure 2.7: Sender-Receiver N:1 Communication
Each calibration interface can contain multiple calibration parameters. A port of a
software-component that requires an AUTOSAR calibration interface to the component
can independently access any of the parameters defined in the interface, by using
the RTE API generated for that calibration parameter on the required port. Calibration
components provide the calibration interface and thus provide implementations of the
calibration parameters.


Software Component Behavior
The software component description we have looked at so far only describes the external interfaces—i.e. those required for component integration. It does not define
how the code that implements the component interacts with the ports. The description
of this is called the software component’s internal behavior and defines what triggering events the component responds to and how threads of execution (called Runnable
Entities) execute when events occur.
A runnable entity, or simply runnable, is a piece of code in a software component that
is triggered by the RTE at runtime1 .
Figure 2.10 shows the internal behaviour for a software component.

Note that a

A runnable is similar in concept to a task in an OSEK Operating System.

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RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide


Sin(DegreeType D)
Cosine(DegreeType D)
Tangent(DegreeType D)

Figure 2.8: Client-Server Interface Operation (Server Side)
runnable may do multiple things, for example receive from one interface and send
on another, or act as a server but receive from an interface in order to complete server
A software component comprises one or more runnable entities and each runnable
entity must have a unique handle so that the RTE can access it at runtime
Runnable entities are triggered by three classes of events:

• Timing events represent some periodic scheduling event, e.g. a periodic timer
tick. The runnable entity provides the entry point for component execution for
things that need to be executed on a regular basis. For example, a component may
want to poll its port for incoming data and would use a runnable triggered by a
timing event to do this.

• Communication events provide a link between the external (port) view of the
software component and the runnable entities internal to the software component.
For example, when a software component needs to respond to a client request on
a server port it will use a runnable to perform the server operation. Similarly, if
a software component needs to perform processing every time a new data item is
received then it will use a runnable that responds to a data received communication

• Mode switch events are the third class of events that trigger runnable entities.
When a mode switch is triggered at runtime, the RTE can invoke a runnable entity in
the software component to perform the function associated with the mode switch.
Runnable Categories
As well as knowing how a runnable entity is triggered, we must also know how the
runnable entity behaves once triggered. This is captured by the runnable entity cate22

Introduction to the RTE

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide




Figure 2.9: Client-Server N:1 Communication
gory. RTA-RTE supports two categories of runnable entity:

• Category 1 runnable entities must be non-blocking (start, execute, terminate) and
have a finite execution time. A Category 1 runnable entity has limited access to RTE
facilities – for example, it is not permitted to make RTE calls that can block such as
synchronous client-server calls to components located on other ECUs. A Category 1
runnable entity is similar in concept to a basic task in the OSEK Operating System.
The Category 1 runnable entities are further split into categories 1a and 1b. Only
category 1b runnable entities can use explicit communication.

• Category 2 entities are permitted to block (start, execute, wait for interaction and
(optionally) terminate) and need not have a finite execution time. A Category 2

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RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

Software Component Type









Figure 2.10: Software Component Internal Behaviour
runnable entity is similar in concept to an extended task in the OSEK Operating
Implementing Runnable Entities
You must implement the entry points (similar to task bodies in an OSEK operating
system) of all the runnable entities defined for your component. You must also map
runnable entities onto operating system tasks at ECU deployment time.
When a runnable entity is part of a software component that supports multiple instantiation, the runnable must know the component instance on which it operates at runtime.
The RTE does this by passing the component instance handle to the runnable entity at
runtime when it is activated by the RTE.
The instance handle that is passed to the runnable entity by the RTE is passed back
to the RTE through each API call made from the runnable entities thread of execution.
This mechanism is shown in Figure 2.11 where Instance_handle represents the same
handle in both communications between user code and the RTE.


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RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide



User Code



Figure 2.11: Instance handle flow


Services provide standardized functionality to AUTOSAR applications through an AUTOSAR interface. A service can thus be seen as a hybrid between application software
components and the basic software modules that provide access to low-level ECU-wide
An AUTOSAR application component makes use of services by connecting to them in
the same way that it does to other software-components within the application, i.e.
using ports characterized by interfaces. A service component may present provider or
requirer ports (or both), and may participate in either sender-receiver or client-server
communications. The interfaces that characterize the ports of a service component are
marked as “Service” Interfaces to indicate their standardized status.
In common with application components, service components have internal behaviors
and are triggered by RTE events. In fact, the RTE treats service components in much the
same way as application software components with the following important exceptions:

• There is at most only a single instance of each service component type on one ECU,
• Service components are not mapped to ECUs via the SYSTEM mapping.

Introduction to the RTE


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide


Introduction to RTE Configuration
The RTE generator generates the RTE from one or more XML files that define the entire
required behaviour. The structure of the XML files is standardized by AUTOSAR.
This chapter gives a short overview of XML in general and then a description of the key
concepts in AUTOSAR XML that you will need to understand to write RTE configuration


Understanding XML
XML is a mark-up language for documents that uses a series of tags to convey structured information.
XML does not define either the name of the tags or the semantics of the data enclosed
by the tags. Instead, the names and structure of the tags is defined in by an XML
Each XML document you write needs to specify the schema that is used for processing
the remaining file content.
With schema definitions it is possible to define a namespace for the tags which allows
you to create a single XML file that references configuration from multiple schemas.
There are basically three types of mark-up that you need to understand to work with
AUTOSAR configuration:

• Elements
• Attributes
• Comments

An element is delimited using angle brackets and is the most common construct you will
see. For elements that contain content, including sub-elements, the general structure


An element can be empty which means that it has no content, this is represented using
the following shorthand:


An attribute is a name-value pair that occurs inside start-tags after the element name.
For example,

Introduction to RTE Configuration

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

All attribute values must be quoted.

Sometimes you will need to add comments to your XML document. Comments begin
with  and can contain any data except the literal string “––”.
You can place comments between mark-up anywhere in your document.

Comments are not part of the textual content of an XML document and are ignored by
the XML processor.


Understanding AUTOSAR XML
AUTOSAR defines the tags and their semantics using an XML schema definition.


Namespace declaration
AUTOSAR XML descriptions (XML files describing all or part of an AUTOSAR configuration) must declare the AUTOSAR namespace as the default namespace. A namespace
is declared using an xmlns attribute on the root element of an XML file.
The AUTOSAR namespace for all








RTA-RTE will reject a configuration if any of its input files do not declare the
AUTOSAR 4.x namespace.

Schema Validation
RTA-RTE validates each XML input file that declares the AUTOSAR 4.x namespace
against an AUTOSAR XML schema.
Each 4.x schema from AUTOSAR is a superset of all previous 4.x schemas, allowing all
instance documents to be validated against the latest schema. Due to the relaxation of
some constraints, configurations that would have been rejected when validated against
earlier AUTOSAR schema versions may be accepted when validated against a later
The schema version used by RTA-RTE for input validation is AUTOSAR 4.3.0.
RTA-RTE will reject a configuration if any of its input files fail to validate
against the supplied AUTOSAR 4.3.0 schema.
Validating against a newer AUTOSAR revision than supported
If you are using a schema newer than RTA-RTE’s current supported schema, input files
may not validate against the supported AUTOSAR 4.3.0 schema. If you do not require
Introduction to RTE Configuration


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
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the use of RTE-relevant features from the new schema version, you can override the
schema RTA-RTE uses for validation, allowing these files to be accepted.
Overriding the schema used for validation may cause RTA-RTE to raise unexpected errors, or may cause errors in the generated RTE source code. The
schema must only be overridden during the development stage of a project.
The code produced using an overridden validation schema must never be
used in production.
To override the validation schema, you must edit the RTEGen.ini file to supply the
location of the new schema file. For more details see Overriding the validation schema
in the RTA-RTE Reference Manual.

Object Names
All objects are named using the  tag:

The names allocated in the configuration for software component prototypes, ports,
runnable entities, interfaces etc. are used by the RTE generator to generate object
handles and customized API calls for use at runtime. This means that names you give
objects in the RTE configuration must be valid C identifiers.
The AUTOSAR schema restricts the maximum permitted length of short
names to 127 characters. A short name may only begin with an alphabetic
character (a-z and A-Z).

The  element is a container for exactly one top level packages
 element. The top-level packages element represents the root of an
XML object tree from which all objects in all configuration files can be accessed.
The top-level packages itself then contains one or more packages each defined with the
 element. Each  defines a group of AUTOSAR elements.
A package definition is named using the  element. Each package should
have a unique name so that the elements contained within the package can be referenced by other packages, for example:

This is one of my packages


This is another


Introduction to RTE Configuration

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

The  element is used to define the package name as well as acting as a
container for the  descriptions.  is a container for the components of an AUTOSAR configuration including:

• The definition of atomic software component types
• The description of component internal behavior
• The composition descriptions including software component prototype instantiation

• The definition of ECU types
• The system description including ECU instantiation
The  element permits a hierarchical arrangement of packages to be

This is one of my packages




AUTOSAR does not permit an arbitrary split of XML definitions between files. Instead,
files can only be split at the top-level packages level. When you need to work with
multiple XML files you must therefore split them at the top-level packages level.
In the previous example, we might have decided to split this file into two different files,
in which case in File 1 we would have:

This is one of my packages

Introduction to RTE Configuration


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

In File 2 we would have the second AR-PACKAGE:

This is another

With the exception of Module and ECU configuration elements within the ECUC Description and some “splittable” elements, RTA-RTE will reject configurations that have the
elements with the same name at the same level in the package hierarchy.

Referencing Objects
The elements in AUTOSAR XML define a hierarchical structure that is rooted at the toplevel packages element. Each  named object within this structure can be
The AUTOSAR XML makes extensive use of this referencing concept – objects are created using a set of elements and then referenced from other objects. For example,
when defining the ports of a software component you will need to reference interface
All references are indicated by XML elements with a tag ending *REF.
AUTOSAR XML allows references to be made using either absolute or relative paths.
An absolute path references an object from top of the XML tree and must start with a
forward-slash. For example:

The following example shows the use of absolute referencing:





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RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide







Relative References
A relative reference can be distinguished from an absolute reference since
the latter always start with the ’/’ character. See the RTA-RTE Reference
Manual for more details on the use of absolute references within RTA-RTE.
The relative reference mechanism defines optional reference bases for each AUTOSAR
package. Each reference base defines the prefix to be used for relative references that
are associated with the reference base. For example, assume a package defines the
following reference base:


Subsequently, within the package, relative references can be used that are associated
with base “types”. For example, the relative reference within the package that defines
reference base “types” above:

Is equivalent to the absolute reference:

At most one reference base can be marked as the default for the package. The default reference base is used when a relative reference does not explicitly define the
associated base, e.g.:

Introduction to RTE Configuration


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide


Instance References
There is a special type of reference in AUTOSAR called an instance reference that is
used whenever you need to refer to a particular instance of an element. Instance
references are indicated with tags of the form <*-IREF>.
An instance reference itself comprises multiple reference elements each of which defines one part of the instance reference. The composite references depend on context;
for example they might include a reference to a component prototype, a port prototype
and a data element prototype.
When resolving an instance reference, RTA-RTE indirects through each context reference in turn to complete the reference. For example, the following instance reference:



Is interpreted as “find the context InputPort in software component SWC in ARPACKAGE system then look for a  called InputValue in
the interface categorizing the port”. An instance reference is important to the correct operation of RTA-RTE since it enables the RTE generator to extract multiple pieces
of information from a reference, e.g. in the above example both the port prototype and
data element prototype can be located.

AUTOSAR Elements
The  element provides the encapsulating element used to assemble all AUTOSAR definitions within an  definition.
The  element is not named since it is merely a container for other, named,
elements. There are essentially six sets of  definitions:
1. Those that define basic types for the system.
2. Those that define the software components.
3. Those that define a logical software architecture built from the components independently of any hardware.
4. Those that define the physical hardware including the types of ECUs and how they
are connected to busses.
5. Those that define the network communication frames and protocols on busses
between ECUs.


Introduction to RTE Configuration

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
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6. Those that define how software components from the logical software architecture are mapped to ECUs and how logical communication is mapped into network


The definition of AUTOSAR primitive and complex types is considered in Chapter 5.
The  and  elements are
used to define AUTOSAR interface types—see Chapter 6.

 elements describe software components and
are considered in detail in Chapter 7. The  of the components,
which includes which runnable entities exist, how they are triggered with RTE events,
how they define exclusive areas etc., is discussed in Chapter 8. Application modes
for software components and their interaction use 
discussed in Chapter 9.
The software component types defined using the SWC-type element are instantiated
when a  element is defined – see Chapter 13.
The  and  combine to define the hardware components that are
used to build a vehicle network. These are discussed in Chapter 17.
The  element maps the software component instances on the composition
onto the hardware topology instance. This is covered in Chapter 18. However, this
is not the final stage in configuration. When a mapping is such that communication
between software components occurs between ECUs (inter-ECU communication) you
need to provide additional configuration to tell the RTE how to achieve this using AUTOSAR COM. This is discussed in Chapters 19 and 20.


ECU Configuration Description
RTA-RTE makes use of AUTOSAR OS for executing threads of control, providing timeouts, signaling events etc., and AUTOSAR COM for communication between ECUs.
Introduction to RTE Configuration


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
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For the RTE to be generated, RTA-RTE needs to know a small set of configuration data
for these AUTOSAR basic software modules.
AUTOSAR basic software uses a different configuration concept from the rest of AUTOSAR that is held in the ECU configuration description file. This file is also an XML file,
but the use of XML is significantly different from the rest of AUTOSAR configuration.
Rather than define a dedicated configuration for each basic software module, the ECU
configuration description defines how to structure a ECUC module configuration with
containers that hold configuration data. An ECUC Container element can hold subcontainers and thus a hierarchy of configuration containers is formed.1



Each ECUC Module Configutation container contains a  that defines
what containers there are and how many of each type are needed for the referenced
basic software module.
All definition references have the form /AUTOSAR/. For the RTE configuration you will use:

ECU configuration descriptions are verbose, so for clarity this user guide will describe ECU configuration description in terms of which parameters referenced by the

The ECU configuration description is basically a meta-language embedded within XML that is instantiated for each basic software module.


Introduction to RTE Configuration

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

 are needed, for example: “An /AUTOSAR/Os/OsTask must be created for each RTE task you require.” /AUTOSAR/Os tells you the module for which configuration is needed and OsTask tells you that an OS task needs to be created. This is
equivalent to the following configuration:





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RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide


Working with the RTE Generator
The separation of the development and integration phases in AUTOSAR is reflected in
a two-phase software component development process:
1. Software Component Development: the specification, design and implementation
of software components; then
2. Software Component Deployment: the allocation of components to ECUs and the
integration of components with the basic software on the ECU.
The two phases of operation allow for initial software component configurations to be
made and integrated onto the VFB (through some auxiliary design and development
process) then the RTE interface to be generated so that the software components can
be implemented before the prototypes are defined and their particular allocation onto
an ECU are known.
AUTOSAR R4.0 also defines a third development phase for integration of basic software
into an ECU. The basic software phase enables the creation of a “Basic Software Scheduler” that invokes multiple basic software modules at the correct time and integrates
their execution with application software components.
The phased development process means that there can be some time between the
development of a component type and the allocation of its component prototypes to
an ECU. A component could be developed once and re-used multiple times over many
generations of vehicles. The component could also be supplied to an integrator in
binary form for integration in an ECU with other components that have not yet been
The RTE generator supports the phased process by allowing the interface to the RTE
to be generated before the component prototype/ECU allocation has been decided.
Given a software component description, the RTE generator has enough information
to generate interface definition files, allowing engineers to start developing software
components. The interface defines the contract between the RTE and the component,
that is, what that component must provide if future integration work is to happen easily.
This is known as contract phase.
When the system is integrated, and the mapping of software components to ECUs is
known, the RTE itself can be generated. However, we now know how many instances
of a software component exist, where runnable entities are executing, which communication is local to an ECU and which must be routed across the network etc. The RTE
generator can use this information to re-generate the interface definition files to include
optimizations based on this additional context. This is known as “RTE phase”.
The following sections discuss the contract and RTE phases in more detail.


Working with the RTE Generator

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide


Contract Phase
In AUTOSAR, the interface to a software component is captured in a “software component description” written in XML.
The component description is a promise that a software component will have certain
properties, for example:

• It will provide a set of ports.
• The ports are typed by defined interfaces.
• It will provide a set of runnable entities.
• It will respond to certain RTE events.
The software component description also contains obligations for the ECU integrator,
that is, the person who will create instances of the software component prototype and
integrate those prototypes with the basic software on an ECU. For example:

• RTE events must be scheduled at the specified rates.
• Only ports that use the same, compatible, or convertible interfaces can be connected.
The software component description must contain enough information to generate an
RTE interface that encapsulates the functional aspects of the contract.
The component descriptions are generated early in the process and can be used with
the RTE generation tools to build a framework for developing the components. The
“Software Component Descriptions” form the input to the first part of the RTE generation process where the interface contracts, in the form of C header files, can be generated without reference to the final system or to the allocation of specific components
to ECUs.
In the contract phase, the RTE generator produces header files to be used in the components you write.
Type Definitions


Application Header

Figure 4.1: Contract Phase

Working with the RTE Generator


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide


In contract phase, RTA-RTE generates software component-specific application header
files in their most general form. The header files define the contract between the component and the system as a whole, and are suitable for both binary-code and sourcecode components. When running in the contract phase, the RTE generator only needs
access to the software component description file(s). It is not necessary to have any
information about system deployment.
During contract phase, the RTE is generated for a named software component with the
following command line:
RTEGen -c  [options] .arxml
Where  must be an absolute reference to a software-component type defined in the input. For details on additional options please see the RTA-RTE Reference
Each execution of the RTE generator in contract phase produces the application header
file for a single component.


Software Component-Specific Header Files
Access to the RTE API for each declared component type is provided by a component
type-specific “application header file”. This file will be generated twice during your
system development process:
1. During the contract phase where a generic version of the file is generated.
2. During the RTE phase where an optimized version is generated.
The name of the application header file is derived from the component type name
assigned by the vendor, rather than the name assigned by the system integrator to the
component prototype during deployment.
The header file names have the following format:
The component type name is used for two reasons:
1. The same component code is used for all component prototypes.
2. Object-code software components may be compiled before the number, or
names, of all the component prototypes used in the ECU are known.
The definitions in the XML file are used to define the APIs, so only valid runnable entities
may be declared without an error occurring when the component is compiled.


Working with the RTE Generator

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

The RTE generator also generates an “application types file” that defines types specific
to a particular SW-C type. The name of this file is
Component Type & Instance Declarations
For each component type declaration, the RTE generator creates a component data
structure type. The definition of this type is unique for each component and is written
to the component type header file.
When the RTE generator is run in the RTE phase, the RTE implementation includes
optimizations that can reduce the run-time cost of the instance handle to zero. For
example, when only one prototype of a component is mapped to an ECU, the instance
handle is not needed and can be elided.

Object-code Support
The RTE supports both application software components where the source is available
(“source-code software components”) and application software components where
only the object code (“object-code software components”) is available.
The header files generated in contract phase contain sufficient detail to allow a component to be developed and shipped as object files to the ECU integrator.
The only effect of shipping components in object-code format is that they cannot make
use of the optimizations that the RTE generator may make when the allocation of component instances to ECU instances is known.


RTE Phase
Before using RTA-RTE in RTE phase, a significant amount of system engineering will be
needed. The AUTOSAR development process assumes that there are several inputs to
the system engineering process:

• “Software component descriptions” that define the software components, their
ports, internal behaviors, implementation characteristics, and the interfaces provided and required by their ports. These are the same descriptions as used in
contract phase.

• “ECU resource descriptions” that define the ECU hardware characteristics (e.g.
communication ports).

• A “System constraint description” that defines aspects of the system (e.g. communication protocols).
To build an AUTOSAR system (i.e. a set of software components mapped to ECUs that
communicate over a network) you must define:

• “ECU configuration description” that defines which software components are
mapped to which ECUs, the resources available on the ECU, and so on.
Working with the RTE Generator


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

• “System configuration description” that defines the network topology, how interECU communication is mapped to the physical network, and so on.

• “ECU Configuration” that defines the mapping between elements; for example, the
mapping of runnable entities to AUTOSAR Operating System tasks and the mapping
of AUTOSAR signals to AUTOSAR COM signals.
Once you have configured your AUTOSAR system with an allocation of component prototypes to ECU instances the RTE generator is used in “RTE Generation” phase to create:
1. The implementation of the RTE itself, Rte.c, and the generated library Rte_lib.c.
2. Optimized component header files that exploit mapping knowledge provided by
your configuration.
3. Operating system tasks that package your runnable entities.
4. (optional) An operating system configuration file for the RTE- generated objects
and required behavior.
5. (optional) A communication stack configuration file for inter-ECU communication
Figure 4.2 illustrates the basic process.
The AUTOSAR configuration process includes tools for the generation of
RTE and generation/configuration of the OS and the communication stack.
Within RTA-RTE all three steps are integrated into the single RTE generator.

In RTE phase, the RTA-RTE generator generates optimized application header files suitable for compiling source-code components and, optionally, configuration files for the
communication stack and operating system. When running in RTE phase, the RTE generator needs access to all system deployment information.
For RTE phase, the RTE is generated for a named ECU instance with the following command line:
RTEGen -r  [options] .arxml
The RTE is generated for each software component and each ECU specified in the configuration file using the command-line RTE generator tool. Each execution of the RTE
generator in RTE phase produces the generated RTE for a single ECU instance.


RTE Implementation File
The RTE is generated as one or more C modules. Each module must be compiled according to the dependency information created by the RTE.
The module Rte.c contains the core of the generated RTE and, when the RTE generator
is operating in compatibility mode, the generated task bodies.

Working with the RTE Generator

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

Type Definitions

Application Header



Generated RTE

Task bodies

OS and COM

Figure 4.2: RTE Phase

Task Bodies
During “RTE Generation” phase, the RTA-RTE RTE generator creates task bodies and
assigns runnable entities to them based on the mapping specified in the ECU configuration.
The names of the tasks are used verbatim from the configuration file. If a task called
MyTask is declared then a task called MyTask will be generated. All task names in an
ECU must be unique.
In compatibility mode, all RTE tasks are generated in the Rte.c source code
file. When using vendor mode Each task body is written to a separate file
named .c. You must ensure that the tasks generated by the RTE
generator are compiled and linked with the rest of your ECU code.
The generated task bodies are appropriate for the selected OS, e.g. for AUTOSAR OS
the task is declared using the TASK macro and the body includes the TerminateTask
API call.


Basic Software Phase
The primary inputs within this phase are the “Basic Software descriptions” that define
the basic software modules’ internal behavior and implementation characteristics, in-

Working with the RTE Generator


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

cluding the interfaces provided and required by the module.
The Basic Software Phase generates the APIs and code to support BSW code only. If
the input XML contains Software Component configuration then the configuration is
rejected by RTEGen.


The Development Process
Figure 4.3 shows the five key stages in the generation of an RTE-based ECU:
1. The initial “contract” phase of RTE generation defines the interface (componentspecific “application header” files) for each software component based on information from the software component descriptions. A software component compiled with a contract phase application header can be delivered to the integrator
as object-code.
2. The “RTE” phase generates an RTE for a specific ECU, configured from the “ECU
Extract”. The ECU Extract is a slice of the System Configuration Description, containing only information related to a single ECU. This can be distributed to the
developers of the ECU without the risk of disseminating confidential information
about other ECUs.
A software component compiled with an RTE phase application header can be
delivered to the integrator as source-code.
3. The RTE generator (optionally) creates configuration files for the ECU, including
OS configuration and dependency information for the creation of “makefiles” or
build scripts for building the RTE.
4. The generated RTE is compiled along with application software components using
build information created by the RTE generator.
5. The RTE library file is compiled and linked with the other application code to form
the executable ECU image.


RTA-RTE can generate sample application source files using the --samples=swc
command-line option. The name of the generated sample file is Rte_.c where
swc is the software component’s short name.
The generated sample file contains an empty function for each runnable entity. For
example, given a software component swcA that supports multiple instantiation and
contains a single time triggered runnable with entry point swcA_re_te1, the generated
sample file would contain:
/** @file
* @brief

RTE Sample SWC implementation skeleton file

Working with the RTE Generator

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

#include "Rte_swcA.h"
FUNC(void, RTE_APPL_CODE) swcA_re_te1(CONSTP2CONST(Rte_CDS_swcA,
/* ... */
The --samples=swc option is most useful in contract phase before starting implementation of a software component.

Working with the RTE Generator


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide


ECU Extract

Contract Phase


Basic SW


header file


OS Config

header files




Basic SW





Figure 4.3: AUTOSAR Design Flow—Supplier based RTE Development


Working with the RTE Generator

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

Part II

Developing Software


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide


Type System
AUTOSAR defines three layers of data type abstraction as illustrated in Figure 5.1.
Application Types
Implementation Types
Base Types

Figure 5.1: Abstraction Levels for Describing Data Types
ApplicationDataTypes are defined in physical terms, i.e. by reference to some
CompuMethod, Unit and PhysicalDimension. This allows Application authors to create Software Components without deciding the C data type too early in the lifecycle.
ApplicationDataTypes also support automatic conversion of values from one Unit to
another. (See section 5.5 and section 13.5 for more information.)
ImplementationDataTypes model C types in the generated code. AUTOSAR specifies
a set of common ImplementationDataTypes known as the Platform Types, to make
platform-independent modeling and design easier.
Finally, Base Types describe the hardware-specific aspect of the data type, e.g. the
width, the alignment and the encoding. In particular, the shortName of the SwBaseType
element does not appear in the generated code.
The following sections expand these topics.


Application Data Types
Application data types are defined in physical terms, i.e. by reference to some Unit
which, in turn, references some PhysicalDimension. It is recommended to model
VariableDataPrototypes by referencing ApplicationDataTypes:

• Using ApplicationDataTypes allows the System Integrator to choose the
ImplementationDataType later in the development cycle,

• RTE supports data conversion of values between different ApplicationDataTypes
(Section 5.5, section 13.5),

• ApplicationDataTypes contain the necessary information to support measurement and calibration tools.
The shortName of an ApplicationDataType is only used within the scope of a
SoftwareComponentType, so it is supported to have multiple ApplicationDataTypes
with the same name when integrating several SWCTs on a single ECU (but not within a
single SWCT).


Type System

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

The shortName of an ApplicationDataType is not used in generated code. In particular, the RTE APIs are defined in terms of the mapped ImplementationDataTypes
(according to the DataTypeMapping—see Section 5.4).
The attributes of ApplicationDataTypes include the range of physical values, the relationship to physical space (i.e. references to CompuMethod and/or Unit) and, for complex types, the data structure. The definition of an ApplicationDataType does not
consider implementation details such as width in bits, endianness, etc.
For example, an ApplicationPrimitiveDataType might be declared as follows:






Starting at the top, we have a PhysicalDimension representing e.g. Length or luminosity or temperature or speed etc.
Below that we have a Unit. For this example, we show the SI unit for length, the metre.
Similarly we could model the kilometre by setting FactorSIToUnit at 1000.
The CompuMethod is of Category IDENTICAL which means that the value on the ECU at
runtime is the same as the value of the physical quantity.
Additionally, we might define another application type like below:

Type System


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide






Here the CompuMethod cm_centimetres contains a CompuDenominator of 100. Since
it also references Unit metres a VariableDataPrototype of type MyCMType, it can be
connected to a VariableDataPrototype of type MyMetresType and RTA-RTE will create
the necessary code so that, e.g. a transmission of 100cm will arrive on the receiver as
To support more complex data types, an ApplicationDataType can be composed of
other ApplicationDataTypes. This form of recursive definition permits records and
arrays to be defined.
When the RTE is generated, any used Application Data Types must be mapped to implementation types. See Section 5.3 and 5.4 for details.

To configure an array type in the application domain,
create an
ApplicationDataType of the elements and the ArraySize set to the number of
elements required.

Type System

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

This release of RTA-RTE does not support dynamic-sized arrays. ArraySizeSemantics must therefore be set to FIXED-SIZE.
For example an array of four lengths in centimetres could be represented with the
following type:




Arrays of complex types can also be created,
by referencing an
ApplicationArrayDataType or ApplicationRecordDataType as the element type
and setting the element Category to ARRAY or STRUCTURE respectively.

Structures (also known as Record types)
To configure a record type in the application domain, to be mapped to a struct in
the implementation domain, create an ApplicationRecordDataType that contains
an ApplicationRecordElement for each structure member, referencing the desired
For example, the coordinates, in centimetres, of a point on a surface could be represented with the following type:




Type System


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide



Record elements can themselves be complex types.
Simply reference
ApplicationRecordElement type and set the ApplicationRecordElement Category to ARRAY or STRUCTURE respectively.


Base Types
SwBaseTypes describe data types in hardware terms (size in bits, memory alignment,
encoding). They form the basis on which the Implementation Data Types are built. A
base type can be referenced by several Implementation Data Types. In this way, the
C declarations of Implementation Data Types can be adjusted for different hardware
platforms by changing only the attributes of the referenced Base Type.
For example, the semantics of two 8-bit integer base types might be modeled as follows:


unsigned char

The base type’s shortName never appears in the generated code; it is
only used as a reference target within the input model. Only Implementation Data Types are present in the generated code along with the
nativeDeclaration of the referenced basetype.
The encoding attribute can be either NONE, for unsigned types, or 2C, 1C or SM for signed

Type System

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

The nativeDeclaration attribute is optional but strongly recommended. It is usually
an error to omit the nativeDeclaration, except as part of a deprecated scheme for
suppressing the generation of a typedef. (See 5.3).
If present, it contains a raw C type-expression necessary to produce a type of the same
width and signedness as the SwBaseType itself. This text will typically be written on the
left hand side of a typedef of a referencing ImplementationDataType, e.g.
typedef unsigned int myImplementationDataType;
It is not correct to write the name of a PlatformType in the
nativeDeclaration, only raw C like unsigned int, signed long,
If you really think you need to do this, consider defining an
ImplementationDataType of Category TYPE_REFERENCE instead (See 5.3.6)


Implementation Data Types
ImplementationDataTypes represent types in the generated C code. The shortName
of an ImplementationDataType defines the symbol used in C to access the type, e.g.
in APIs and in user code.
Typically, ImplementationDataTypes have their typeEmitter attribute set to RTE and
result in typedef declarations being written to the file Rte_Type.h.
Some ImplementationDataTypes need to be modeled in the input but it is not desirable
to generate corresponding typedefs in the RTE code, for example the Platform Types,
whose C declarations are present in a standard header file not generated by the RTE
Generator (see 5.3.1). To suppress the typedef, specify the typeEmitter attribute with
a value other than RTE.
For backward compatibility, RTA-RTE also includes a deprecated mechanism
for suppressing typedefs.
If there is no typeEmitter attribute on the
ImplementationDataType, the generation of the typedef depends on the
SwBaseType.nativeDeclaration. If the nativeDeclaration is absent or empty, and
there is no typeEmitter present on the corresponding ImplementationDataType, no
typedef is written.
It is an error to have a missing or empty SwBaseType.nativeDeclaration if
the ImplementationDataType.typeEmitter is set to RTE.
It is supported to define VariableDataTypes in SWCTs by reference to Application Data
Types or Implementation Data Types, and it is supported to mix them freely. However
it is recommended to use only Application Data Types in SWCTs for the reasons already

• Avoid deciding the C type too early in the lifecycle,
• Allow data conversion between values that represent the same physical quantity,
• Support measurement and calibration tools.
Type System


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

RTA-RTE always uses Implementation Data Types in generated APIs. If the corresponding VariableDataPrototype is defined by reference to an ApplicationDataType, the
mapped ImplementationDataType is used in the API signature.
AUTOSAR data types must be declared in the XML input configuration if they
are to be used in Interfaces, ARTypedPerInstanceMemorys, etc. In addition, all
PlatformTypes must be declared on the input regardless of whether they are used
in the input model. This is because RTA-RTE depends on PlatformTypes to create its
internal types.
It is supported that multiple ImplementationDataTypes in the input XML have the same
name, provided that the resulting definitions in the generated code are identical. This
makes it easier to integrate packages from different third parties, which may for example include (re)definitions of Platform Types.
This section explains how to configure RTA-RTE to make types available to the C program and to the rest of the configuration input.

Platform Types
AUTOSAR specifies a set of platform types for use in C code.
These are
ImplementationDataTypes whose purpose is to provide a set of types with the same
semantics across different target hardware. RTA-RTE uses PlatformTypes when it
needs to create types for internal variables.
Unlike most ImplementationDataTypes, the PlatformTypes are also defined in C language in the file PlatformTypes.h. To support this, they reference SwBaseTypes with
empty or missing nativeDeclaration attributes (See 5.2).
AUTOSAR (from R4.0.3) also specifies the correct definitions and package name of the Platform Types.
RTA-RTE expects to find the package
AUTOSAR Platform/ImplementationDataTypes on the input, and it will look in
that package for any Platform Types that it needs. RTA-RTE will reject the configuration
if it does not include such a package.
RTA-RTE ships with a suitable Platform Types package (in the file
External/AUTOSAR/AUTOSAR MOD PlatformBaseTypes.arxml.
The Platform Types defined in AUTOSAR Specification of Platform Types and in the standard header file Platform_Types.h are:

• sint8 – 8-bit signed integer.
• uint8 – 8-bit unsigned integer.
• sint16 – 16-bit signed integer.
• uint16 – 16-bit unsigned integer.

Type System

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

• sint32 – 32-bit signed integer.
• uint32 – 32-bit unsigned integer.
• float32 – single precision floating point.
• float64 – double precision floating point.
• uint8_least – at least 8-bit unsigned integer.
• uint16_least – at least 16-bit unsigned integer.
• uint32_least – at least 32-bit unsigned integer.
• sint8_least – at least 7-bit signed integer (plus sign bit).
• sint16_least – at least 15-bit signed integer (plus sign bit).
• sint32_least – at least 31-bit signed integer (plus sign bit).
• boolean – for use with TRUE/FALSE.
When a platform type is used in the input model, e.g. in an Interface, it might be
referenced in the standard location (/AUTOSAR_Platform/ImplementationDataTypes)
or the definition of the platform type might be repeated in another
ImplementationDataType element with the same shortName.
Both styles are
supported, provided the ImplementationDataTypes do not give rise to conflicting
definitions. In particular, the SwBaseTypes should both have empty or missing
nativeDeclaration, they should have matching baseTypeWidth and matching
The correct way to represent a platform type in the XML input is by using
an ImplementationDataType of Category VALUE with the ShortName equal
to the name of the AUTOSAR Platform Type, which refers to a SwBaseType
element that does not have a nativeDeclaration.





Type System


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide




Note that the ShortName of the SwBaseType never appears in the generated code in
any circumstances. It is only ever used as a means of referencing the SwBaseType in
the XML.

Custom Primitive Implementation Data Types
It is supported to configure new ImplementationDataTypes, either by reference to existing platform types (recommended) or completely from scratch (not recommended).
Enumeration (text table) types can be modeled in this way. The configured types are
written to the file Rte_Type.h.
It is not always necessary to define a completely new type just to give a semantically significant name to a type. Instead, an ImplementationDataType can be created with Category TYPE_REFERENCE in order to emit a typedef from an existing
ImplementationDataType to the more useful name, and to provide a single point at
which the actual type of the chosen typename can be changed.
For example, the following definition of type MyCommandIdType:




Type System

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

Results in the following typedef in Rte_type.h:
typedef uint8 MyCommandIdType;
The new TYPE_REFERENCE type can then be referenced
ARTypedPerInstanceMemorys, InterRunnableVariables, etc.



It is possible (but not recommended) to define a new ImplementationDataType that
is not defined by reference to an existing ImplementationDataType but instead references a SwBaseType that has a nativeDeclaration.
To do that, set the Category to VALUE and use a BaseTypeRef pointing to the chosen SwBaseType. The emitted typedef in Rte_type.h uses the nativeDeclaration
of the SwBaseType as in the following example, where the nativeDeclaration is
unsigned int:
typedef unsigned int MyMaskType;

This method is not recommended because the type may become hardwareplatform dependent.
The  reference within a new ImplementationDataType declaration
defines the constraints of the type. In particular, RTA-RTE needs to know the type limits:



RTA-RTE does not validate that the range specified by the constraints is compatible with the specified native declaration.

Enumerated Types
To declare an enumerated type, create a new ImplementationDataType of category TYPE_REFERENCE and add an ImplementationDataTypeRef referencing a suitable
PlatformType to store the enumeration values.
Create a CompuMethod of category TEXTTABLE and reference the CompuMethod from the
new ImplementationDataType. The CompuMethod supplies the symbolic and numeric
values for the enumerated type, for example:


Type System


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide








RTA-RTE will reject invalid CompuMethods, for example, those with duplicate labels
and/or numeric values with different lower- and upper-limits.
Now when the type is used within a SWC-type RTA-RTE creates definitions for use by
the SWC implementation. In the Type Header File Rte_Type.h:
typedef uint8 myEnum;
And in the Application Type Header File Rte__Type.h:


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User Guide


ZERO ((myEnum)0)
ONE ((myEnum)1)
TWO ((myEnum)2)
THREE ((myEnum)3)

To configure a fixed-size array, create an ImplementationDataType of category ARRAY
that contains an ImplementationDataTypeElement having an ArraySizeSemantics of
FIXED-SIZE and an ArraySize set to the number of elements you wish to have in the
array. The shortName of the ImplementationDataTypeElement does not appear in the
generated C.
This release of RTA-RTE does not support dynamic-sized arrays.
The category and configuration of the ImplementationDataTypeElement dictates the
type of the array element.
Rather than use Category VALUE,
TYPE_REFERENCE. (See Section 5.3.6).






Arrays as Function Parameters
AUTOSAR specifies that arrays used in API calls shall be passed as “pointer to base
type”. This does not refer to SwBaseType but rather to the type information of the
ImplementationDataTypeElement. RTA-RTE creates a formal parameter of a pointer to
that type, for example:
typedef unsigned short myValueType;
typedef myValueType myArrayType[4];
// Write of the array type is by pointer to ’base type’
FUNC(Std_ReturnType, RTE_CODE) Rte_Write_myPort_myArrayData(P2CONST(
myValueType, AUTOMATIC, RTE_APPL_DATA) data);
If the array is defined using an ImplementationDataTypeElement of a category other
than TYPE_REFERENCE, there is no typedef for myValueType, which may cause the generated code to fail MISRA advisory rule 6.3:
typedef unsigned short myArrayType[4];
// Write of the array type is by pointer to ’base type’
FUNC(Std_ReturnType, RTE_CODE) Rte_Write_myPort_myData(P2CONST(
unsigned short, AUTOMATIC, RTE_APPL_DATA) data);
// MISRA advisory 6.3: unsigned used outside of a typedef
// MISRA advisory 6.3: short used outside of a typedef

Type System


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide


Structures (also known as Record types)
To configure a struct type, create an ImplementationDataType of category
STRUCTURE that contains an ImplementationDataTypeElement for each structure
member. The ShortName of the ImplementationDataTypeElement becomes the name
of the structure member.
For example, the declaration of structure MyStructType in the input configuration:

unsigned char






Produces the following struct definition in Rte_Type.h:
typedef struct {
uint8 member_a; /* recommended */

Type System

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

unsigned char member_b; /* Not so safe */
} MyStructType
The category and configuration of each ImplementationDataTypeElement dictates the
type of the corresponding member.
Rather than use Category VALUE,
TYPE_REFERENCE. (See Section 5.3.6).






Declaring the elements of Complex Types
The category of an ImplementationDataTypeElement can be any of TYPE_REFERENCE,
are also allowed according to the AUTOSAR specification, but are not recommended as
noted in the following subsections.
ImplementationDataTypeElement instead of VALUE or HOST. By creating a
separate ImplementationDataType for the VALUE or HOST type, and referencing
it from the ImplementationDataTypeElement, you create a shortname that is
used in the declaration and therefore makes the definition clear.
typedef uint8 MyElementType;
typedef MyElementType MyArrayType[4];
STRUCTURE / UNION / ARRAY By declaring an ImplementationDataTypeElement
that is itself of a complex type, you can create nested complex types, e.g. an
array of structs, a struct containing an array and a union, etc. This nesting can
be continued without limitation, but remember that using a TYPE_REFERENCE can
help to keep the configuration clearer.
VALUE / HOST An ImplementationDataTypeElement of category VALUE or HOST creates the element anonymously, i.e.
there is no named type that characterizes the element. If the ImplementationDateTypeElement refers to a
SwBaseType with a nativeDeclaration, the native declaration is written to
the generated C. This approach is not recommended because it carries a
risk of becoming hardware-dependent. Instead it is recommended to use an
ImplementationDataTypeElement of category TYPE_REFERENCE and refer to a
named, platform-safe ImplementationDataType.
If an ImplementationDataTypeElement references a SwBaseType with no
nativeDeclaration, the configuration is rejected because there is not enough
information to create the declaration in C. (Remember that the ShortName of a
SwBaseType never appears in the C as the name of a type, only the short names
of ImplementationDataTypes or the native declarations of SwBaseTypes.)

Type System


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

When an ImplementationDataTypeElement is of category
other than TYPE_REFERENCE, it causes the C declaration (e.g.
nativeDeclaration) to be written directly to the generated C
where the type is used, e.g. in struct declarations and in API parameters, leading to the use of keywords like unsigned or short appearing
outside of typedefs. This violates MISRA advisory rule 6.3.
DATA_REFERENCE / FUNCTION_REFERENCE These result in pointer types. It is generally dangerous and forbidden to use a pointer for any communication between
SWCs or Runnables within a SWC. It is not recommended to use DATA_REFERENCE
or FUNCTION_REFERENCE for communication.


Type Mappings


Data types
A SWC-specific data type mapping is used to map application types onto implementation types. The use of a separate mapping means that different SWC types can
use different implementations of the same application type and permits, for example, changing data type characteristics if a SWC is moved to a new hardware platform
without changing the SWC itself.
RTA-RTE requires a data type mapping for each application type that is used
in the model in order to be able to generate the RTE.
The data type mapping for a SWC is held within a data type mapping set element:



The data type mapping is associated with a SWC type via a reference to the mapping
set from the SWC’s internal behavior. If required, one type mapping could be reused
for multiple SWCs, or the mapping could be modified without modifying the SWC itself.
A data type mapping contains one or more data type maps. Each map references a
single application data type and a single implementation data type.




Type System

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

As well as mappings within an individual SWC-type, RTA-RTE also supports a data type
mapping for the root composition SWC-type. This means that mappings for a configuration can be specified, and changed, without modification of the individual SWCs.

Mode types
Mode type mappings are used to map mode declaration groups onto implementation
RTA-RTE requires a mode type mapping for each used mode declaration
group in order to be able to generate the RTE.
As with data type mappings, a mode type mapping is contained within a data type
mapping set element:



The mode type mapping is associated with a SWC type via a reference to the mapping
set from the SWC’s internal behavior.
A mode type mapping contains one or more mode request type maps. Each map references a single implementation data type and a single mode declaration group.



Multiple mode type mapping elements can reference the same implementation data


Application Types And Numerical Representations


RTA-RTE Supports AUTOSAR Data Conversion (see 13.5), where a connection may be
made between data items (or the sub-elements of complex-typed data items) of different, but related, ApplicationPrimitiveDataTypes. This depends on the correct
modelling of ApplicationPrimitiveDataTypes and how their numerical values relate
to physical quantities.

Type System


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

Linear Data Conversion
PortInterfaceMapping (see section 13.3.4), RTA-RTE seeks to generate a linear conversion (rescaling and offset) of values between them. It evaluates the
CompuMethods and Units for both DataPrototypes, or for the primitive sub-elements if
the DataPrototypes have complex type, to derive what data transformation is needed.
Linear data conversion is also attempted between the primitive sub-elements of
DataPrototypes with complex ApplicationDataTypes, provided that they are shapecompatible.
Conceptually, the data conversion function is a functional composition of the individual transformations from the transmitted value x, through the Physical representation,
to the SI representation, to the Physical representation in the receiver’s Unit, to the
internal received value y :

f = cmrx ◦ unitrx ◦ unittx ◦ cmtx

y = cmrx (unitrx (unittx (cmtx (x))))


Where cmtx , unittx , unitrx and cmrx represent each step of the conversion as a linear
function that maps the input value to an intermediate output value. Figure 5.2 illustrates a linear function.




Figure 5.2: Linear data conversion


Type System


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

Since each function is linear it can be expressed as a line of the form y = (m × x) + c
where m is the gradient and c the offset. RTA-RTE derives the values for m and c from
the transformations specified in the CompuMethods and in the Units:

cmrx is the function represented by the CompuMethod of the receiving type in the
“physical-to-internal” direction.
The cmrx function is “linear” and is derived from the 
element’s numerators num0 and num1 within the  element
and the denominator denom from the  element. The cmrx
function can then be defined as:

cmrx (x) =

num0 + (num1 × x)

unitrx is the function represented by the FactorSIToUnit and OffsetSIToUnit of the
receiving type in the “physical-to-internal” direction.
As with the cmrx function, the unitrx function is “linear” but the gradient,
m, and offset, c, are derived from the Unit’s  and
 elements. The unitrx function can then be defined as:

unitrx (x) = (m × x) + c
unittx is the function represented by the FactorSIToUnit and OffsetSIToUnit of the
transmitting type in the “internal-to-physical” direction.
The unittx function is “linear” and the gradient, m, and offset, c, are derived
from the Unit’s  and  elements. The
unittx function can then be defined as:

unittx (x) = (m × x) + c
The unittx function is the inverse of the unitrx function.

cmtx is the function represented by the CompuMethod of the transmitting type in the
“internal-to-physical” direction.
The cmtx function is “linear” and is derived from the 
element’s numerators num0 and num1 within the  element
and the denominator denom from the  element. The cmtx
function can then be defined as:

cmtx (x) =

num0 + (num1 × x)

Note that the above description of the conversion functions, e.g. cmrx etc., is expressed
in the same direction as data flow. This is not required: RTA-RTE will derive the inverse
function as and when necessary.

Type System


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide


Modelling Application Types
By correctly modelling Application Data Types with regard to PhysicalDimensions,
RTA-RTE can automatically derive any data conversion code needed to transmit values
between different numerical representations of the same physical dimension.
A PhysicalDimension represents the notion of length, or speed, or temperature, etc.


Units express their relationship to a PhysicalDimension by means of FactorSIToUnit
and OffsetSIToUnit. For example, a Unit representing the kilometre might have the
FactorSIToUnit of 0.001.
FactorSIToUnit and OffsetSIToUnit are specified as decimal literals:


An ApplicationDataType may directly reference a Unit, or the Unit may instead be
referenced by a CompuMethod (below). If the CompuMethod and ApplicationDataType
reference conflicting Units, the configuration will be rejected.
The CompuMethod container in the input configuration has a ShortName, a Category,
and optionally a reference to a Unit.
If the Category is IDENTICAL, there is nothing more to specify.
If the Category is LINEAR, you must supply the coefficients for a linear conversion
function, either a CompuInternalToPhys for the “internal-to-physical” direction, a
CompuPhysToInternal for the “physical-to-internal” direction, or both.
If both are specified, CompuInternalToPhys and CompuPhysToInternal
must be the inverse of one another.
If only one of CompuInternalToPhys and CompuPhysToInternal is supplied, RTA-RTE
calculates the inverse automatically. If both are provided, RTA-RTE honors them both
but does not check that one is truly the inverse of the other.

Type System

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

When specified in a CompuMethod with category LINEAR, the
CompuInternalToPhys and CompuPhysToInternal must contain exactly
one CompuScale element containing exactly one CompuRationalCoeffs
The CompuRationalCoeffs element contains a CompuNumerator element that specifies
two values, num0 and num1 , and a CompuDenominator with one value, denom. The
meaning of these values is as follows:

f (x) =

num0 + (num1 × x)

where num0 is the first value in the CompuNumerator element, num1 is the second value
in the CompuNumerator element, and denom is the value in the CompuDenominator.
All numerators and denominators in CompuRationalCoeffs must be integers. For example, to represent (0.5 + x) use coefficients 1, 2, 2 which give the mathematicallyequivalent 1+2x
2 .
As an example, consider the conversion of centimetres to metres:




The above XML expresses the relationship metres(cm) =
metres(cm) = 100


or more simply,

Alternatively, the relationship can be expressed in the “physical-to-internal” direction:


Type System


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide



In this case RTA-RTE will generate an “identical” conversion. That is, no conversion will
take place.


Expressing Values in Physical Units or Numerical Representation
The initial values of DataPrototypes and the invalid values of DataTypes are expressed using various classes of ValueSpecification. Values for primitive types
may be specified directly in the numerical representation required by the implementation (i.e. the value that will appear in the initializer in the generated C code) or,
for ApplicationPrimitiveDataTypes, a physical value can be specified in a particular
unit and the corresponding numerical representation will be computed.
A NumericalValueSpecification is used for a primitive value already in the necessary numerical representation. If used for an ApplicationPrimitiveType, the value is
interpretted in the context of the mapped ImplementationType.
An ApplicationValueSpecification is used for a physical value in a particular unit
and can be used only for ApplicationPrimitiveTypes. Data conversion occurs at
generation time, from the given unit to the unit of the ApplicationPrimitiveType,
then to the numerical representation in the mapped ImplementationDataType. The
resulting value is used in the initializer in the generated C code.
For complex types, complex ValueSpecifications are used and aggregate further
ValueSpecifications for the elements. The layout of the ValueSpecifications must
match the layout of the DataType, with RecordValueSpecifications used for record
data types and ArrayValueSpecifications used for array data types. The leaves,
that are of primitive type, are given values using NumericalValueSpecifications or
ApplicationValueSpecifications as described above.
Suppose that the ApplicationPrimitiveDataType MyCMArrayType from the earlier example is mapped to an ImplementationDataType that is an array of four 16-bit unsigned integers. The following example shows an initializer for an array of four lengths,
some specified in metres and some in centimetres, stored as 16-bit unsigned integers

Type System

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

giving the number of centimetres.









The first two array elements are initialized with the numerical representation and the
values given are used directly in the generated C code. The third element is given the
value 5 m which is converted to 500 cm and the numerical representation is 500. The
fourth element is given the value 145 cm with numerical representation 145.

Reusing Values
As well as specifying initial and invalid values directly where they are needed, it
is also possible to create free-standing ConstantSpecifications that can be referenced multiple times in the model, using a ConstantReference in place of a
The following example shows a reusable value that could be used as the initial value
for several DataPrototypes of type MyPointType (from an earlier example) where the
point at two metres by three is the desired initial point:


Type System


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide







This can be referenced as follows, either for a DataPrototype in its entirety or for an
element of a complex type by placing within a complex ValueSpecification:


Since ValueSpecifications are not directly tied to data types it is even possible to
reuse ConstantSpecifications for different types, provided they are compatible. For
example, a numerical value of 7 can be used to initialize a signed 8-bit integer type
and an unsigned 16-bit integer type, but a value of 1000 cannot be used to initialize
a signed 8-bit integer type. Similarly a RecordValueSpecification containing the
numerical values 1 and 2 can be used to initialize any record type with two elements
of some integer type, regardless of the names of the elements, but cannot be used to
initialize a record type with three elements, for example.


Type System

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide


All ports of a software component (whether a provided or a required port) are typed by
a specific interface. The definition of interfaces is considered in detail in this section.
Note that how the software component interacts with the interface is defined by the
 element that references a software component. This is discussed in Chapter 8.


The  element is used to define a sender-receiver interface as follows:



The name of the sender-receiver interface definition is given by the .
The name is used within other elements that need to reference the interface type,
for example a software component may specify that it uses sender-receiver interface
The short-name of a sender-receiver interface should be a valid C identifier.
A sender-receiver interface can be used to communicate data (using data element prototypes within the  element) or modes (using mode declaration group
prototypes within the  element).

Data Element Prototypes
Each sender-receiver interface can specify zero or more data elements that constitute
the AUTOSAR signals communicated over the interface. Each data item defines a prototype of a specific type and can be a primitive data type, a RECORD or an ARRAY type.
See Chapter 5 for details of defining data types.
The declaration of data elements within a sender-receiver interface definition has the
following structure:






RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

A data element is defined using either a  or
 element and all elements must be defined within
an encapsulating  element.
Each data element must specify:

• The  that you will use to refer to the item.
• A  reference to the type of the data item.
• The  is specified for queued communication and omitted for unqueued.
Unqueued communication means that a newly received value over-writes the previous value of the data item. If a value is sent multiple times before it is received
then the receiver can only access the last transmitted value.
Queued communication means that the sender-receiver interface queues arrivals
of the data item on the receiver side.


 elements are used to define an interface used by an Nv-block
software component type (see Chapter 11). Each interface contains one or more NvData elements as follows:



The name of the Nv-Data interface definition is given by the . The name
is used within other elements that need to reference the interface type, for example an
Nv-Block software component may specify that it uses Nv-Data interface NVInterface.
The short-name of a Nv-Data interface should be a valid C identifier.

Nv-Data Elements
Each Nv-Data interface can specify zero or more Nv-data elements that constitute the
AUTOSAR signals communicated over the interface. Each Nv-data item defines a prototype of a specific type and can be a primitive data type, a RECORD or an ARRAY type.
The declaration of data elements within a Nv-Data interface definition has the following



RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide


An Nv-data element is defined using a  element and all
elements must be defined within an encapsulating  element.
Each Nv-data element must specify:

• The  that you will use to refer to the item.
• A  reference to the type of the data item.

The  element is used to define a mode-switch interface in a
configuration as follows:



The name of the mode-switch interface definition is given by the . The
name is used within other elements that need to reference the interface type.
The short-name of a mode-switch interface should be a valid C identifier.

A mode-switch interface can contain exactly one mode group.

Mode Groups
Each mode-switch interface can specify exactly one mode group that defines application modes.
The declaration of each mode group prototype within a mode-switch interface definition
has the following structure:


A mode group prototype is defined using the  element. Each mode group
prototype must specify:

• the  that you will use to refer to the item.


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

• the  reference to mode declaration group.
The declaration of mode group prototypes and the use of mode declaration prototypes
within interfaces is considered in detail in Chapter 9.


The  element is used to define a client-server interface
as follows:



A client-server interface is named using the  element. The name is used
within other elements that need to reference the interface type. The short-name of a
client-server interface should be a valid C identifier.
A client-server interface consists of one or more operations defined using the
 container element.

The  element encapsulates one or more 
elements each of which defines a single operation in the client-server interface.



Each operation is named using the  element. The name you specify here
will form part of the name used by the RTE to refer to the operation in your code.
The  element encapsulates one or more argument prototypes using
 elements that define each argument (parameter) of the
Each argument prototype definition must define:

• the  of the parameter.
• a  reference to the type of the parameter. The referenced type must
correspond to a defined type – see Chapter 5.


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

• the  of the parameter as “IN” (read only), “OUT” (write only) or “INOUT” readable and writable by the component.
The following XML definition shows the arguments for our MaximumValue operation that
we assume takes two parameters of type SInt16 and returns the maximum of the two
parameters in an out parameter called result:





The  element is used to define a calibration interface as follows:



The name of the calibration interface definition is given by the . The
name is used within other elements that need to reference the interface type.
The short-name of a calibration interface should be a valid C identifier.

Calibration Prototypes
Each calibration interface can specify zero or more calibration prototypes that constitute the AUTOSAR parameters communicated over the interface. Each calibration
prototype defines a prototype of a specific type.
The declaration of calibration prototypes within a calibration interface definition has
the following structure:



RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide



A trigger interface is defined with the  element as follows:



Each trigger interface can specify one or more triggers. The declaration of triggers
within a trigger interface definition has the following structure:


A trigger is defined using only its name; no other information is necessary.



RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide


Software Component Types
Each software component you want to use must have its component type declared in
the RTE generator’s configuration. The component type makes the component available for composition into a larger software system







Additional component types are also possible. For example, a sensor-actuator component types uses the  element:



Whatever the component type it must be named using the  element. The
name must be system-wide unique and is used within other elements to reference the
software component type.
The short-name of a software-component should be a valid C identifier.

Service Components
In order for a service to be used by application components, “service component” types
must also be declared.
Service components are defined using the  element:




AUTOSAR makes NVRAM blocks visible to to application components and to the AUTOSAR NVRAM manager through instances of “NV Block software component” types.
NV Block components are defined using the :

Software Component Types


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide



Each Nv-Block software component declares one or more Nv-blocks. See Chapter 11
for more details.


The ports of a software component are defined within the  element, for example:


Within the  element, the  and the 
elements are used to define provided and required ports respectively.

Provided Ports
A provided port within a software component type definition is named using the
 element. The name is used within other elements to reference the software component type.
The short-name of a provided port should be a valid C identifier.
Each provided port definition must specify the interface type over which it will communicate with other ports using the :


This  element must identify the required interface – see
Chapter 6.

Required Ports
The definition of a required port takes the same form as that of a provided port with
the exception that the  element is used.
A required port within a software component type definition must be named using the
 element. The name is used within other elements to reference the software component type.


Software Component Types

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

The short-name of a required port should be a valid C identifier.
The required port definition must reference an interface definition defined using the



In the simplest scenario, the provided and required ports at the endpoints of a connection reference the same interface definition – this guarantees that they are compatible. However, it is also possible to connect a require port to a provide port
whose Interface is a superset of the require port Interface, or to connect ports with
Interfaces that are compatible except for differing names for the interface elements
using PortInterfaceMappings (see section 13.3.4) to explicitly specify the connections and furthermore to connect data items that are not directly compatible via Data
Conversion – see Section 13.5.

Service Components
All the ports of a service component must be characterized by interfaces with the service flag set:






Communication Specifications
When a port prototype is created it can optionally define attributes that control how the
port will behave. Provided port prototypes define attributes in 
element whereas required ports use a  element.






Acknowledgment Request
A sender (the provider of a sender-receiver interface) can optionally request that receivers acknowledge the transmission for one or more of the data elements communicated on the interface. The configuration depends on whether the data element is
queued or not.



Acknowledgment is enabled if the timeout is greater than zero.
For a sender, the only acknowledgment that can be requested is on transmission. It is
not possible to request acknowledgement on reception by the receiver since there may
be multiple receivers of the data item and it would be impossible to determine what
the semantics of successful reception were (would it be one receiver has received, all
receivers have received, some receivers have received etc.)
When a software component sends data over a port and acknowledgment requests are
defined then your application code can request transmission acknowledgment. This is
done by requesting feedback from the RTE with the following API call:
Rte_Feedback__(Rte_Instance Self)


Software Component Types

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

The call can be made irrespective of whether the receiving software component is located locally on the same ECU as the sender or on a remote ECU.
The call will block for  seconds if a  in the calling runnable
entity references a , otherwise it will not block.
The following code shows how to request feedback for a transmission assuming that a
blocking variant is configured:
Runnable(Rte_Instance self)
Rte_StatusType status;
status = Rte_Send_Port_Value(self, 42);
if (status != RTE_E_OK)
// Handle error
status = Rte_Feedback_Port_Value(self);
// Call blocks for up to TIMEOUT seconds
switch (status) {
// COM service transmitted data...
// Transmission request timedout
Rte_Feedback applies only to writes/sends that use the “explicit” form of the
sender-receiver communication API. Furthermore, when multiple transmissions are made then it is not possible to determine which is acknowledged
first. You should serialize calls and check each individually if you need this
There is also an additional form of the feedback API, Rte_IFeedback, that applies to
the “implicit” form of sender-receiver communication. This API will never block.
Initial Values
Non-queued data elements can optionally specify whether they have an initial value
that is used when a receiver attempts a receive operation on a software component
that has not yet made its first send or when the sender has invalidated the signal.


Software Component Types


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide



Non-queued data elements can optionally enable invalidation so that a sender can send
a data item that has an invalidated value.
Invalidation is enabled through the interface’s invalidation policy element. This ensures
that all uses of the interface have the same invalidation state.



Invalidation is used to indicate whether a data item is invalid on transmission. When
the attribute is set at a sender, RTE API calls generated for that can be used by the
sender to set a signal value as invalid. There are two types of invalidation:

• Implicit communication invalidation using the Rte_IInvalidate API.
• Explicit Communication Invalidation using the Rte_Invalidate API.
Setting invalidity can only be made at the point of transmission – once the data item is
sent, the invalidate attribute cannot be modified. The receiver of an invalidated value
receives the specified initial value.
Queued Data Buffering
Recall that the RTE allows data to be queued and this is specified on the interface. Data
is always queued on the receiver software component. To avoid unnecessary use of
buffer space, the number of elements queued can be configured.



Software Component Types

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide


Only data elements that are specified as  can be buffered.
Alive Timeout
When communication is between ECUs it can be useful to know whether a sender is
still alive and sending data. This is configured using an alive timeout that specifies the
maximum time between receives that the receiver considers to indicate the sender is
not alive.
If the alive timeout is exceeded then the receiver is informed through a
. Therefore, the internal behavior of a software component that wishes to use the alive timeout must ensure that a runnable entity that
responds to a  is configured.
The alive timeout is specified in seconds.


In some cases a receiver may only want to receive a value when the sent data
has a specific property, for example the value has changed. This is especially
useful for reducing the load in systems where runnable entities are triggered by
 since filtering can reduce the number of events that get
passed to the receiver and therefore the amount of time consumed processing signals
that are not deemed useful.


The valid filter specifications are described in the RTA-RTE Reference Manual.

Buffering for the server side of client-server communication is configured using the

Software Component Types


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide




Client Component Instance Attributes
This release of RTA-RTE does not use the .


Software Component Types

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide


Internal Behavior
In Chapter 6 you saw how to define the external interface of a software component. In
this chapter you will see how to configure the internal behavior of the component.
Internal behavior elements are used to define how the software component will interact
with the RTE at runtime.
The internal behavior of a software component specifies many aspects of how it behaves, including:

• The runnable entities that belong to the software component and how they interact
(if at all) with the ports of the software component

• The events that cause runnable entities to be activated at runtime.
• The exclusive areas that exist so runnable entities can execute all or part of their
code in mutual exclusion from other runnable entities.

• Variables that belong to the software component that are accessed by multiple
runnable entities.

• Port argument lists for accessing AUTOSAR Basic Software Modules.
The following example illustrates the internal behavior description for software component “SoftwareComponent”:






Internal Behavior


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide




An internal behavior must be named using the  element. The name is
used within other elements to reference the behavior.
The short-name of an internal behavior does not need to be a valid C identifier (but it
must pass the syntactic checks enforced by the XML Schema).
The way in which the configuration of RTE events within the  element and
runnable entities defines the receive mode communication attributes is shown in Section 8.5. The following sections first outline the basic framework for RTE events and
runnable entities before showing how to configure the RTE to achieve different types of
runnable entity/interface interaction.


RTE Events
Events control how runnable entities are triggered by the generated RTE at runtime.
These events are termed RTE Events to distinguish them from OS events.
RTA-RTE supports the following RTE Event types:

• TIMING-EVENT – activate a runnable entity periodically. The TIMING-EVENT allows
you to execute a runnable entity to poll an RPort to check if data has been received,
periodically call a server (ie be a client), periodically send data on a PPort or simply
to execute some internal software component functionality. Runnable entities that
are activated in response to a timing event are said to be “time-triggered”.

• DATA-RECEIVED-EVENT – activate a runnable entity when data is received on a
RPort/data element. Runnable entities that are activated in response to a data
received event are “event-triggered”.

• DATA-RECEIVE-ERROR-EVENT – activate a runnable entity when either invalidated
data is received or an “alive timeout” has failed.

• ASYNCHRONOUS-SERVER-CALL-RETURNS-EVENT – activate a runnable entity when
the result from an earlier call to a server is available.


Internal Behavior

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

• OPERATION-INVOKED-EVENT – activate a runnable entity to handle a server call for
an operation on a provided port characterized by a client-server interface.

• DATA-SEND-COMPLETED-EVENT – activate a runnable entity when a transmission acknowledgement is available (explicit communication).

• DATA-WRITE-COMPLETED-EVENT – activate a runnable entity when a transmission
acknowledgement is available (implicit communication).

• MODE-SWITCH-EVENT – activate a runnable entity on either entry to, or exit from an
application mode. AUTOSAR also permits mode switch events to be triggered on
the transition between two application modes.

• MODE-SWITCHED-ACK-EVENT – activate a runnable when a mode switch transition is

• BACKGROUND-EVENT – activate a runnable within the “idle” task.
• INTERNAL-TRIGGER-OCCURRED-EVENT – activate a runnable within the SW-C, possibly by direct function call, without passing data.

• EXTERNAL-TRIGGER-OCCURRED-EVENT – activate a runnable within the SW-C by an
external entity without passing data.
A  is used to indicate that a runnable entity will be activated periodically by the Operating System. The RTE generator will use this information to generate
an appropriate schedule table that must be ticked from application code.
The  and  elements implicitly provide the XML configuration of the RECEIVE_MODE VFB communication attribute.
The structure for specifying RTE events is:


The  element can encapsulate any number of RTE events. RTE events can be
listed in any order.
An RTE event can be used to activate a runnable entity when the event occurs. The , 
and  can also be waited upon by a runnable entity.
An RTE event references the runnable entity that is to be activated when the event
occurs. Similarly, when a runnable entity waits on one of the RTE events, the runnable
entity must reference the event(s) upon which it waits. Each of the RTE events can be
used in both ways and by more than one runnable entity but it is not possible for the
same event to simultaneously activate a runnable entity and to be waited upon.
Internal Behavior


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide


Runnable Entities
Each software component will require at least one runnable entity. All runnable entities
must be defined within the runnable entities definition in a 



A  must be named using the  element. The name is
used within other elements to reference the runnable entity.
The  denotes the name of the runnable entity in the XML namespace,
but it does not tell the RTE what the associated function body you will provide in your
code is called. This information is provided by the  declaration that links
the runnable entity to the C function name you will use in your implementation. The
 element defines the name of the function that implements the runnable entity. The  name must be a valid C identifier.
This declaration is sufficient if your runnable entity does not need to interact with the
software component’s ports. However, if a runnable entity needs to interact then you
will need to specify additional information that allows the RTE generator to generate
APIs to allow interaction to take place, for example:
1. What data items the runnable entity can send.
2. What data items the runnable entity can receive.
3. What mode instances the runnable entity can switch.
4. What RTE events the runnable entity waits upon.
5. Which servers the runnable entity calls and how it expects the result to be returned.
You can use the same runnable entity to receive data on one interface and send data
on another interface, or to receive data on a port and then call a server port to process
the received data. For example, you may create a runnable entity that reads an integer
value from an RPort, multiplies it by two and sends it out on a PPort.

Specifying Maximum Arrival Rate
AUTOSAR permits the specification of the minimum time between executions by specifing a minimum start interval to place a limit on the rate at which activations can occur.
RTA-RTE manages runnable activation to ensure that the minimum start interval is not

Internal Behavior

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

A minimum start interval cannot be specified for a runnable entity that is invoked by
an OperationInvokedEvent.
The RTE API function Rte_MainFunction must be invoked when minimum
start intervals are used. The period at which the function will be invoked is
specified by a command-line option.


Responding to Periodic Events
If your software component includes runnable entities that are not triggered by communication through the ports of the component you need to make sure that the
runnable entities are executed at runtime. This is achieved by associating them with a
 or  that specifies how the runnable entity should


Timing events
Each  element specifies the  of occurrence in seconds and
must reference a runnable entity defined in the component’s internal behavior using a
 element. A period of zero is illegal.
The runnable entity declaration itself needs only to declare a name for the runnable
The following example shows how to configure the RTE to activate a runnable entity
every second.





A timing event must be named using the  element. The name is used
within other elements to reference the timing event. The short-name of a timing event
does not need to be a valid C identifier.

Background events
RTA-RTE also supports Background events. These events are similar to TimingEvents
in that they are recurring but unlike timing events have no fixed period.

Internal Behavior


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

RTA-RTE supports two mechanisms for activating background events:

• Via invocation from an “idle” task.
• Via an external OsAlarm or schedule table (see Section 24.1).
When all events mapped to a task are background events and no event has an externally declared OsAlarm or OsScheduleTable reference then RTA-RTE generates a task
body that uses ChainTask instead of TerminateTask.
In accordance with AUTOSAR requirements, RTA-RTE rejects configurations where a background triggered event is not triggerend by an external
OsAlarm or schedule table and is not mapped to the lowest priority task in
the system (the “idle” task).


Sending to a Port
If your software component provides a sender-receiver interface then you should define
at least one runnable entity that sends data over the interface.
The runnable can send data in two ways:
Explicitly – The RTE generates an explicit API call (that may be optimized to a macro).
The sent data item may be either queued or unqueued by the receiver.
Implicitly – The RTE generates an implicit API call that will be optimized to a macro.
The sent data item must not be queued.


Explicit Communication
Runnable entities that send data must define a  that each of which
specifies the data item that will be sent for a given interface.

 and  elements:




Internal Behavior


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

The  specifies access to an AUTOSAR variable – the access
declaration includes the port and data element using  and



For senders, it does not matter how the runnable entity is triggered, so any EVENT can
be used to activate the runnable entity.
A  must be named using the  element. The name is
used within other elements to reference the data send point. The short-name does not
need to be a valid C identifier.

Implicit Communication
Runnable entities can also communicate using implicit data read/write access. Such
configuration is guaranteed to be implemented as a simple macro that accesses global
storage defined in the RTE rather than through a C function call. Configuration is almost
identical to the .
The  specifies access to an AUTOSAR variable – the access
declaration includes the port and data element using  and



Internal Behavior


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

For senders, it does not matter how the runnable entity is triggered, so any EVENT can
be used to activate the runnable entity.


Receiving from a Port
Similarly, if your software component requires a sender-receiver interface then you
must define at least one runnable entity that receives data over the interface. Data
can be received in three ways:
Implicit data read acces — your runnable is activated by some RTE event, e.g. a
TimingEvent, and makes an RTE API call to read data
Explicit Data read access — your runnable entity is activated by an event and
makes an RTE API call to read/receive the data. The receiver uses a non-blocking
API to poll for the data.
Prior to R4.0 data was read via an OUT parameter of the generated API call. R4.0
introduced an additional form that performs the read using the generated APIs
return value.
Activation of Runnable Entity — your runnable entity is activated when data is received on the software component’s port and makes a non-blocking RTE API call
to read/receive the data.
Wake up of Wake Point — your runnable entity makes a call to the RTE API to receive data. If the data has not yet been received the call will block and your
runnable entity will continue to execute only after the event occurs or a configured timeout occurs, whichever happens first. When using this receive mode the
invoking runnable entity may block and therefore must be a Category 2 runnable
These receive modes are configured by defining specific combinations of runnable entity elements and RTE events. The required configurations for each receive mode are
shown in the sections below.


Explicit Data Read Access
Runnable entities that are required to receive data with the “data read access” receive mode must define a  element that specifies
the data item they will receive.
The  element specifies access to an AUTOSAR variable – the access declaration includes the port and data element using
 and  elements:




Internal Behavior

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

Using data read access implies that the runnable entity is polling the RPort for the
specified data item. It is common, therefore, that a runnable entity which defines a
data receive point will be activated by a  that specifies the required
polling period.
A data receive point element must be named using the  element. The
name is used within other elements to reference the data receive point. The shortname does not need to be a valid C identifier.
Direct Read
AUTOSAR also supports reading data via the generated API’s return value rather than
via arguments. In this case an  is used instead of
the  element.

 element specifies access to an AUTOSAR
variables – the access declaration includes the port and data element using
 and  elements:



Implicit Data Read Access
Receivers may also use “implicit” data read access to access a receive port using implicit communication. The APIs generated for “implicit” access are guaranteed to be
resolved to macros.
The  element specifies access to one or more AUTOSAR
variables – the access declaration includes the port and data element using
 and  elements:

Internal Behavior


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide




Activation of Runnable Entity
If you require the receive mode to be “activation of runnable entity” then you must define a  as the RTE event that will activate the runnable entity
when the data is received.
The following XML fragment shows how the “data read access” example above is converted to “activation of runnable entity”:





With this receive mode, the runnable entity still needs to define a data receive point
(as above) to ensure that an API is created to read the data once the runnable entity
has been activated by the RTE.
No  should be specified since the combination of activated runnable entity and blocking API is forbidden by AUTOSAR.


Internal Behavior

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide


Wake up of Wait Point
If you need to receive with receive mode of “wake up of wait point” then your runnable
entity must define the  at configuration time. Any runnable entity that
defines one or more wait points automatically becomes a Category2 runnable entity.
Before the runnable entity can wait you will need to make sure that the runnable entity
is triggered initially. This can be done by defining another RTE event.
For example, if you want the runnable entity to run periodically but to wait during
execution for data then you would use a  to trigger the periodic execution. Alternatively, you might want the runnable entity to be triggered by one
data item and then wait for another data item to arrive. In this case you would use
a  that includes a reference to the runnable entity to trigger
the initial execution.
A  must be named using the  element. The name is used
within other elements to reference the wait point. The short-name does not need to be
a valid C identifier.
Each  must specify the RTE events by which it can be triggered. This is
done with the  element. For a receiver, this reference must be to the
EVENT called .
Each  must also specify a  which is the maximum time that
the receiver will wait for wake-up.
The following XML fragment shows how the “activation of runnable entity” example
above is converted to “wake up of wait point”:



... as above ...



Internal Behavior


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide




Accessing Calibration Parameters
When an RPort is categorized by a calibration interface (see Section 6.5) RTA-RTE can
create APIs to access the calibration prototypes.
Prior to R4.0 an Rte_CalPrm API was created for each parameter in the RPort. This could
lead to many unused, and undesired, APIs and therefore AUTOSAR R4.0 introduced the
concept of a ParameterAccess point to control when and how runnable entities access
a mode using the Rte_Prm API.




The  element references the required calibration prototype using
the  and  elements. The referenced port should be declared within the context of the runnable entity’s SWC-type.
A ParameterAccess point must be declared for each required Rte_Prm API.


Responding to a Server Request on a Port
If your software component provides a client-server interface then you must define a
runnable entity for each operation in the interface. These runnable entities are the
servers for the client-server PPorts on your software component.
Each PPort that is characterized by a client-server interface must provide a runnable
entity for each operation defined by the interface.
For the runnable entity to be regarded by the RTE as a server it must be tied to an
. This RTE event allows the RTE to call the runnable entity at runtime in response to client requests. The  must
specify what operation request on the server interface will result in the runnable entity
being activated. The following example shows how to configure runnable “ServerOper94

Internal Behavior

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide






An  must be named using the  element.
The name is used within other elements to reference the event. The short-name does
not need to be a valid C identifier.

Concurrent Invocation of Servers
When a runnable acting as a server is written to be re-entrant then the RTE can optimize
invocation by clients on the same ECU to a direct function call. This means that no
queuing is required (or possible) and therefore multiple invocations of the server can
occur concurrently.
The RTE generator needs to know which runnable entities can be called in this way.
Concurrent invocation is defined within the server’s runnable entity definition as follows:


The runnable must be written to be re-entrant. If this is not the case then
data consistency is not guaranteed when there is more than one client simultaneously requesting the server.


Making a Client Request on a Port
Similarly, if your software component requires a client-server interface then you must
define at least one runnable entity that acts as the client.
Clients can access servers either synchronously or asynchronously.
Synchronous —the client will be blocked while the server processes the request.
When the server has processed the request the result is passed back to the client
and the client continues to execute.
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RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

A synchronous client is specified using a SynchronousServerCallPoint.
Asynchronous —the client makes the request then continues to execute. When the
server has serviced the request, the client can collect the result. The mechanism
by which the result is collected by the client is configured statically at configuration time by configuring a VFB RECEIVE_MODE. When using asynchronous communication, a client may have at most one outstanding request of any one server
(but may make multiple simultaneous requests to different servers).
An asynchronous client is specified using an AsynchronousServerCallPoint.
In the case of synchronous access, the client will block until the server completes and
the result of the operation will be returned by the API call. In the case of asynchronous
access, the client does not block and simply continues to execute. The client can then
receive the server result in one of three receive modes:
Data read access —the client uses a non-blocking read API to poll for the server’s
result. If the receive mode attribute is not specified, RTA-RTE assumes data read
access by default. This mode is only valid for asynchronous client-server communication.
If only an AsynchronousServerCallPoint is specified then RTA-RTE assumes data
read access by default.
Activation of runnable entity —the client runnable entity is activated by RTA-RTE
whenever new data is available. RTA-RTE creates a non-blocking read API to access the result. This mode is only valid for asynchronous client-server communication.
This receive mode is specified using a combination of an AsynchronousServerCallPoint an AsynchronousServerCallReturnsEvent.
Wake up of wait point —the client suspends execution via a blocking read API call
until either a timeout occurs or the server’s result is available. The client uses a
blocking read API to read data. When using this receive mode the runnable entity
may block and therefore must be a Category 2 runnable entity.
A client that communicates synchronously implies that the receive mode is “wake
up of wake up point”.
This receive mode is specified using a combination of an AsynchronousServerCallPoint, an AsynchronousServerCallReturnsEvent and a WaitPoint.
These receive modes are configured by defining specific combinations of runnable
entity elements and EVENTS. The required configurations for each receive mode are
shown in the sections below.
You can use the same runnable entity as a server on one interface and client on another
interface. For example, you may create a runnable entity that handles a server request
for sorting on a PPort and uses an auxiliary operation on an RPort.

Internal Behavior

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide


Synchronous Clients
Runnable entities that need to call a server synchronously (i.e.
block when
handling an RPort characterized by a client-server interface) must define a
The  defines which operations the client can call
and specifies a global  value for all the called operations. The 
specified the maximum time that the client will wait for any of the servers providing an
A  must be named using the SHORT-NAME element. The name is used within other elements to reference the call point. The shortname does not need to be a valid C identifier but must pass the syntactic checks imposed by the AUTOSAR schema.






When a client has a client mode of synchronous, this means that the client will be
blocked until the server call returns. Implicitly this means the client is using a receive
mode of “wake up of wait point”.
You will have to ensure that the client is triggered by an RTE event.

Asynchronous Clients
Runnable entities that need to call a server asynchronously (i.e.
handle an
RPort characterized by a client-server interface without blocking) must define an
When a client is synchronous, it will be blocked while the server executes. However,
when a client is asynchronous the client is not blocked while the server executes. Once
the server has completed it is the client’s responsibility to get the result of the operation
back from the server.
Server results are collected by clients using one of the same three receive modes used

Internal Behavior


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

for receivers in sender-receiver communication:

• data read access
• activation of runnable entity
• wake up of wait point
In all cases, the framework for the client request is the same and is shown in the following example where a runnable entity called Client is configured to make an asynchronous call on “CSInterface” to “Operation”:






An  must be named using the  element. The name is used within other elements to reference the call point. The shortname does not need to be a valid C identifier but must pass the syntactic checks imposed by the AUTOSAR schema.
Collecting the Result by Data Read Access
If the client does not specify any  that reference an
 then the receive mode for the
server results defaults to “data read access” and the RTE generator will provide a
non-blocking Rte_Result API call for accessing the server result.
Collecting the Result by Activation of Runnable Entity
When you want the server result to be communicated back to the client software component through receive mode “activation of runnable entity” then, in addition to defining an  in the client runnable entity, the following
elements are required:

• a runnable entity to capture the result (this may or may not be the same runnable
entity that makes the client request);

• an RTE event to trigger this runnable entity when the server completes.

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RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

 that references both the client’s
server call point and the runnable entity to activate when the call returns:





Like data read access, a non-blocking Rte_Result API call is generated to enable the
activated runnable entity to collect the server result.
Collecting the Result by Wake up of Wake Point
When you want the server result to be communicated through receive mode “wake up
of wait point” then, in addition to defining an ASYNCHRONOUS-SERVER-CALL-POINT in
the client runnable entity the following additional configuration is needed:

• declaration of an  that specifies for
which call the RTE event will occur.

• a

 in the client runnable






The following example shows the declaration of the RTE event and the additional configuration required by the client:




Internal Behavior


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide






As with waiting on events in sender-receiver interface interaction, the 
must specify a  with the maximum allowed amount of time in seconds for
which wait can occur.
A timeout of 0 will cause an infinite wait.
A  must be named using the  element. The name is used
within other elements to reference the wait point. The short-name does not need to be
a valid C identifier.


Direct Trigger of a Runnable Entity
As we have seen, port based communication provides an effective mechanism for
transmitting an “event” that combines both data and the notification that the event
has occurred. However such a mechanism may be more than is required; a software
component may want to transmit just the fact that the event has occurred and have
no associated data. AUTOSAR R4.0 introduced the concept of Trigger Events to handle
this situation.
Internal Trigger
An Internal Trigger Occurred Event is used within a SW-C instance to activate one or
more runnables when the event occurs. Since the event is internal to a component no
ports are required and hence no connections are necessary during integration.
An internal trigger requires a Triggering Point to be declared within the runnable that
will make the Rte_IrTrigger API call.


Internal Behavior

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide




Then RTA-RTE will create Rte_IrTrigger_re1_itp3 API based on the short name of the
triggering point. The short name is also used to identify the internal trigger point as
the event source within an Internal Trigger Occurred Event element:


Multiple Internal Trigger Occurred events can reference the same triggering point and
thus one internal trigger API can start multiple runnables. The runnables to be started
are specified by in response to an internal triggering event are specified using one or
more Internal Trigger Occurred Event elements.
When a SW-C indicates the event has occurred by invoking the Rte_IrTrigger API
created for the internal triggering point RTA-RTE activates all runnables specified by
Internal Trigger Occurred events that reference the triggering point. For runnables
without a minimum start inteval and without a task referenced in the event’s
RteEventMapping this activation is by a direct function call.
External Trigger
In contrast to internal triggering, External Trigger Occurred Event is used by entities
external to a SW-C instance to activate runnables. Since the event is external to a
component ports categorized by a trigger interface are used hence must be connected
during integration.
An external trigger requires a port categorized by a Trigger Interface (see Section 6.6)
to be declared within the SW-C. For SW-Cs that indicate the event has occurred by
invoking the Rte_Trigger API call a provided port is necessary whereas SW-Cs that
respond to the event use a required port.


Where itf is a trigger interface, for example:


Internal Behavior


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide



The short name of the port and the short name of the trigger within the interface are
used to form the name of the Rte_Trigger API. Within a SW-C, multiple External Trigger
Occurred Events can reference the same port/trigger and thus one external trigger API
can start multiple runnables. The provided port can be connected to multiple ports in
different SW-Cs.



When a SW-C with a provide trigger port indicates the event has occurred by invoking
the Rte_Trigger API created for the external trigger RTA-RTE activates all runnables
specified by connected External Trigger Occurred events that reference the triggering
port/trigger. For runnables without a minimum start inteval and without a task referenced in the event’s RteEventMapping this activation is by a direct function call.


Exclusive Areas
Software components that need to provide mutual exclusion over data shared by two
(or more) of their runnable entities do so by configuring exclusive areas
The RTE generator uses exclusive area configuration to create operating system configuration files and to optimize exclusive areas. For example, if the only components
that access a region are mapped to the same task then the entire region can be elided.
Exclusive areas are defined in the XML configuration and are associated with the
runnable entities that use them.


Each  element must name the  it uses.
Note that this means that the scope of any exclusive areas that you define is the software component instance. It is not possible to define exclusive areas that cross software component boundaries1 .
Data that is shared between multiple software-component instances which can potentially be accessed
concurrently should be encapsulated in its own component and then normal Sender-Receiver or Client-


Internal Behavior

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

Each exclusive-area defined within an internal behavior definition must be named using
the  element. The name is used within other elements to reference the
software component type and to form the “handle” by which the exclusive area is accessed at run-time. The short-name of an exclusive area should be a valid C identifier.



RTA-RTE can be informed how to implement the exclusive area
RteExclusiveAreaImplementation element within the ECUC description.



You should create an exclusive area implementation element for each exclusive area. If omitted RTA-RTE defaults to “OS resource” implementation
A different exclusive area implementation method can be set for each exclusive area
and SWC instance.
The InterruptBlocking method will cause all OS interrupts to be blocked
in the worst case for the longest execution time of the protected critical

Each runnable entity in your  section can declare if it uses one
of your named exclusive areas and how it uses the area at runtime with the following

• Explicit access—a  element
defines exclusive areas accessed using an explicit API. The area’s name forms part
of the generated API (explicit access is similar to a standard resource in OSEK OS).

• Implicit access—a  element defines an exclusive area that is locked automatically before the runnable entity executes and is released when the runnable entity terminates or waits for an RTE event
(similar to an internal resource in OSEK OS). In this case there is no user accessible
way of explicitly entering and leaving the defined exclusive area.
The configuration of both types of the exclusive area is shown below:


Server communication used to access the data.

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RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide




Implementation Methods
RTA-RTE supports the following implementation mechanisms for exclusive areas:

• OS resource locking.
• OS interrupt blocking.
• All interrupt blocking.
• Cooperative Runnable Placement.
OS Resource
When the OS resource implementation method is selected for an exclusive area instance RTA-RTE will attempt to use an OS resource is used to implement the exclusive
If an exclusive area implementation element explicitly references an OsResource in the
input then RTA-RTE will use that resource unless access can be optimized. However if no
OsResource is selected then RTA-RTE will create a suitable standard/internal resource.
The naming of this resource is described in the RTA-RTE Reference Manual.
When using OS resources RTA-RTE will attempt to optimize the implementation of
Rte_Enter and Rte_Exit APIs to try and eliminate use of the resource entirely. This
optimization is possible when RTA-RTE observes that data consistency is guaranteed by
other means, namely:

• All accessors are located in the same task, or
• All accessing tasks are non-preemptive, or
• All accessing tasks have the same priority, or
• All accessing tasks are declared in the input as accessing the same internal resource.

Internal Behavior

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

When an accessing runnable is declared as having implicit (“run inside”) access to
the exclusive area RTA-RTE will insert resource access around runnable calls in the
generated task body or use an internal resource if all accessors use implicit access and
no other runnables are mapped to the relevant tasks.
OS Interrupt Blocking
When the OS interrupt implementation method is selected for an exclusive area instance RTA-RTE will use suspend/resume of OS interrupts to implement the exclusive
When using OS interrupt blocking RTA-RTE optimizes the APIs to null access if data
inconsistency cannot occur.
Avoid using any RTE APIs when OS interrupts are blocked. Failure to adhere
to this restriction may result in context switches not being recognized by the
OS when interrupt handling is resumed.
All Interrupt Blocking
AUTOSAR allows an exclusive area to block all interrupts, not just OS interrupts, When
the All interrupt implementation method is selected for an exclusive area instance.
When using all interrupt blocking RTA-RTE will optimize API calls to null access if data
inconsistency cannot occur.
Avoid using any RTE APIs when OS interrupts are blocked. Failure to adhere
to this restriction may result in context switches not being recognized by the
OS when interrupt handling is resumed.
Non-preemptive Tasks
When the non-preemptive task implementation method is selected for an exclusive
area instance RTA-RTE assumes that data consistency is guaranteed by external means
and that therefore all access to the exclusive area can be optimized to null access.
Cooperative Runnable Placement
When the cooperative runnable placement implementation method is selected for an
exclusive area instance RTA-RTE ensures that tasks containing runnables accessing an
exclusive area with implementation method cooperative runnable placement cannot
preempt other tasks with runnables accessing the same exclusive area instance when
a runnable is active. Unlike the non-preemptive tasks implementation method preemption is allowed when runnables are not running, e.g. between runnables.
If required to implement data consistency and no OsResource is explicit selected within
an EA implementation element in the ECUC then RTA-RTE will create a suitable standard/internal resource. The naming of this resource is described in the RTA-RTE Reference Manual.

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RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

When using cooperative runnable placement RTA-RTE will optimize the implementation,
e.g. when all accessors are located in the same task or all accessing tasks are nonpreemptive, to null access since data consistency is then assured by external means.
The decision on whether to optimize is the same as for the OS resource implementation
The cooperative runnable placement is best used when the accessing runnables are
declared as having implicit (“run inside”) access the exclusive area since RTA-RTE will
then insert resource access around runnable calls in the generated task body or use
internal resources as appropriate. If accessing runnables are declared as explicit access
(“can enter”) the exclusive area, i.e. will use the Rte_Enter API, then RTA-RTE cannot
use an internal resource to implement cooperative runnable placement since this would
block access for the entire runnable.


Inter-Runnable Variables
The RTE allows the configuration of inter-runnable variables that provide a way for
runnable entities to communicate between themselves. While this is possible through
user code and shared variable access (protected by exclusive areas - see Section 8.9)
this can be inefficient when handling primitive data types since the exclusive area API
calls are typically mapped onto the underlying Operating System’s resource control
Therefore, the RTE provides lightweight mechanisms for inter-runnable communication
that is equivalent in semantics to implicit/explicit sender-receiver communication but
within the scope of the software component instance.


Defining Variables
Each software component can define a number of variables at the scope of the component and how access is provided to the variable at runtime, either using explicit or
implicit communication:


Declaring Read and Write Access
Each runnable must explicitly specify whether it reads or writes a variable at runtime.
Access is declared using  and 
elements that reference an inter-runnable variable defined within the SWC-type, for




Internal Behavior

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide


Accessing Modes
A mode user/manager can query the current application mode for a mode instabce
using the Rte_Mode API as well as have runnable entities activated as a result of a
mode switch event.
Prior to R4.0 a Rte_Mode API was created by RTA-RTE for all possible mode accesses.
This could lead to many unused, and undesired, APIs and therefore in R4.0 AUTOSAR introduced the concept of a ModeAccessPoint to control when and how runnable entities
access a mode using the Rte_Mode API.
A ModeAccessPoint is declared using the  element within the
context of the runnable that will invoke the API:


A ModeAccessPoint must be declared for each required Rte_Mode API. The access point
can reference either required or provided mode groups.


Per-instance Memory
Software component instances may have state that has a lifetime that is longer than
the execution of any of its constituent runnable entities. Global variables cannot be
used for maintaining state because more than one instance of a software component
may be integrated onto the same ECU and there is no concurrency control mechanism
between instances of software components.
Per-instance memory allows software components to define one or more typed regions
of memory that can be accessed by the runnable entities at runtime.
The configuration of a per-instance memory section is shown below:




Internal Behavior


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

Each per-instance memory must be named using the  element. The
name allocated at configuration is the same name you will use to access the perinstance memory in your code. The short-name of a per-instance memory should be a
valid C identifier.
The  and  elements are used to, respectively, name and
define the data type created by RTA-RTE for the per-instance memory. The short-name
of a per-instance memory should be a valid C identifier. The type definition must be a
valid C type definition suitable for direct inclusion in a type definition as follows:
typedef ...TYPE-DEFINITION... ...TYPE...;
The example per-instance memory definition results on the following type definition:
typedef uint8 dataType;
Within the generated RTE, RTA-RTE allocates RAM for each per-instance memory. If the
ECUC specifies an NVRamAllocation container that references a per-instance memory then the name is the RamBlockLocationSymbol. Otherwise, RTA-RTE constructs a
unique name.


Port Options
The port options element permits:

• Enable/disable indirect API for a port.
• Port-defined arguments to be specified for client-server communication.
• Enabling application code to take the “address” of RTE API functions generated for
a port.

Indirect API
If the indirect API generated is not required for a port it can be disabled through “port
options” within the internal behavior:


Disabling the indirect API can reduce the size of the component data structure (and
hence save ROM) when a SWC does not support multiple instances.

Port-defined Arguments
When the same runnable is used as the server for multiple ports it is necessary to be
able to identify which is the port that has caused the server invocation. Port-defined

Internal Behavior

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

arguments permit a server to be supplied with default arguments based on the port
through which it is invoked.






Enable “Take Address”
A port option can be used to ensure that RTE APIs are generated in a way that their
address can be taken at run-time:


If not specified, RTA-RTE assumes that  is false.


Supporting Multiple Instantiation
By default, software components will only support the creation of a single software
component instance. If you want to support multiple instantiation then this must be
declared in the  clause:


The element takes the values of “true” indicating that multiple instantiation is supported or “false” indicting that multiple instantiation is not supported.
If the  element is omitted, RTA-RTE assumes
that the software-component does not support multiple instantiation.
The AUTOSAR 4.x feature of STATIC-MEMORYS is only available in InternalBehaviors that are single-instantated. See errors 2469 and 2470 for more

Internal Behavior


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide


Memory Allocation
RTA-RTE uses the AUTOSAR memory abstraction scheme when declaring
A Memory Allocation Keyword is chosen according to the
SwAddrMethod for the RunnableEntity. If the RunnableEntity on the input references a swAddrMethod then its shortName is used for the Memory Allocation
Keyword; otherwise RTA-RTE uses the AUTOSAR specified SwAddrMethod CODE.
For example:


The resultant definition of the runnable generated by RTA-RTE in the SWC type’s application header file then uses the appropriate section start/stop definitions:
#define swcA_START_SEC_METHOD1
#include "swcA_MemMap.h"
FUNC(void, swcA_METHOD1) swcA_re1(void);
#define swcA_STOP_SEC_METHOD1
#include "swcA_MemMap.h"

This applies to ASW only; this behaviour is not specified for BSW.


Internal Behavior

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide


The previous chapters have explored how an AUTOSAR software-component type can
be defined and configured. In this chapter you will learn how to define application
modes that can be used by software-components to control the execution of runnable


Defining Modes
Modes are declared within a  contained within an



The  element is used to declare one or more modes that
are subsequently used by interface declarations.




One mode within a  element is marked as the group’s initial mode through the . Mode switch events that are attached to
the ENTRY of an initial mode are triggered by RTA-RTE when the RTE is started using
A  can be used (referenced) by multiple sender-receiver
interfaces and therefore inherently used by multiple software-components.


Mode Communication
Modes are communicated using mode-switch interfaces. Each mode-switch interface
can specify exactly one mode declaration group prototype that defines the AUTOSAR
modes communicated over the interface.




RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide



A mode-switch interface can contain exactly one mode declaration group prototype
defined using the  element.
Each  or  element must specify:

• the  that you will use to refer to the item within references from other

• a  reference to the mode declaration group.

Mode Managers and Mode Users
A software-component can be either1 a mode manager responsible for requesting a
switch to a new mode or a mode user activated in response to a mode switch.
A software-component declares itself as a mode manager by providing a port categorized by a sender-receiver interface containing a mode declaration group prototype and
declaring a mode switch point. The software-component can then use the Rte_Switch
API to request that a mode switch occurs as well as have runnable entities activated as
a result of a mode switch event.
A software-component declares itself as a mode user by requiring a port categorized
by a sender-receiver interface containing a mode declaration group prototype.
A mode manager is connected, using assembly connectors, to the mode users.


Mode Queues
When a mode manager initiates a mode switch RTA-RTE will being processing the request immediately as long as no mode switch is currently in progress for the mode
instance. However if the switch cannot begin then is is placed in a queue of mode
switch requests and handled when the current switch is complete.
RTA-RTE eliminates queues when they are not required; for example if no
ModeSwitchEvents are defined for the mode instance.
The length of the queue can be defined for each mode manager. For SWCs the length
is defined by the provided port’s com-spec element, for example to specify a queue
length of three entries:


It possible for the same software-component to be simultaneously a mode manager and a mode user
if it contains both provided and required ports.



RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide


The queue length can be specified for a BSW module by a 
element within the module’s  element.


The Rte_Switch API returns RTE_E_LIMIT error if the mode queue overflows. The equivalent BSW API returns SCHM_E_LIMIT in the same circumstances.

Accessing Modes
A mode user/manager can query the current mode using the Rte_Mode API as well as
have runnable entities activated as a result of a mode switch event.
ModeAccessPoints are used to control when and how runnable entities access
a mode using the Rte_Mode API. A ModeAccessPoint is declared using the
 element within the context of the runnable that will invoke the


A ModeAccessPoint must be declared for each required Rte_Mode API. The access point
can reference either required or provided mode groups.

Interface Compatibility
For a provider to be successfully connected to a receiver the interfaces categorizing the
ports must have compatible interfaces – for modes this means that each Mode Declaration Group Prototype in the required interface must have the same name2 as a Mode
Declaration Group Prototype in the provided reference (this is analogous to the requirement for matching name and data-type for connecting interfaces containing Data
Element Prototypes). The Mode Declaration Group Prototypes must have compatible

Port interface mapping can be used to map mode declaration prototypes with dissimilar names.



RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

It is permitted for a provider to provide more Mode Declaration Group Prototypes than
are required.

Synchronous and Asynchronous Mode Switch
The Rte_Switch API supports both synchronous and asynchronous mode switches.
RTA-RTE uses the synchronous mode unless all mode users explicitly enable support
for asynchronous mode switches.
Synchronous Mode Switch
When synchronous mode switches are used the Rte_Switch API activates the task containing triggered mode switch runnables (all such runnables for a given mode instance
must be mapped to the same task). The execution of mode switch runnables is synchronized with the termination of any executing runnables with mode disabling dependencies and thus is is guaranteed that such runnables will have terminated when the
mode switch runnables are invoked.
Asynchronous Mode Switch
Support for asynchronous mode switches is enabled or disabled using a
ModeSwitchReceiverComSpec element within the requiring port prototype or a
BswModeReceiverPolicy within the BSW’s internal behaviour.




All mode users must explicitly enable asynchronous mode switch for it to
take effect. No warning is issued if a subset of mode users enable asynchronous mode switch.
When asynchronous mode switches are used the Rte_Switch or SchM_Switch API can
directly invokes the mode switch runnables (unless the runnable has a minimum start
interval or is in a different OS Application) and thus these run in the context of the caller.
The execution of mode switch runnables is thus not synchronized with the termination
of any executing runnables with mode disabling dependencies and such runnables may
not have terminated when the mode switch runnables are invoked.
RTA-RTE supports direct invocation of the mode switch runnable if the relevant RTE
event mappings does not specify a task. If the mode switch runnable entry point function is to be directly invoked then the input configuration must still provided an RTE


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

event mapping for the associated event. The mapping must specify the position in the
task (for ordering purposes within the Switch API) but must not specify a task.

Mode Switch Management
RTA-RTE provides APIs for requesting a mode switch within a mode instance graph and
for reading the current mode. All mode switch management occurs either within the
generated switch API itself or within the task containing the mode switch event triggered runnable entities.


Using Modes


Software Component Initialization & Finalization
AUTOSAR modes can be used to execute code when the RTE is started, e.g. to initialize internal data structures etc. Similarly, when a system is shut down your software
component may need to store data, log operational details etc.
Each mode declaration group describes an initial mode—to activate a
runnable when the system is started created by a  or
 element for entry to the initial mode.
A runnable entity within a software-component can be started when the RTE is started
by declaring a mode-switch event for entry to an initial mode.
Within the mode switch event definition the particular mode instance is selected using , ,
 and  elements:









RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

Once the mode switch event has been configured an initialization runnable entity must
be written that has the following structure:
InitalizeFunction(Rte_Instance Self)
/* user code */
The initialization runnable entity must be a Category 1 runnable entity and hence must
not make any (blocking) RTE calls nor access other application components.
Similarly, when a system is shut down your software component may need to store
data, log termination etc. The principle is the same as initialization, except that finalization is simply a transition to a new mode that is simply associated with shutdown.

Triggering a Runnable Entity on a Mode Switch
A runnable entity can be activated on either entry, transition or exit from a mode using
a Mode Switch Event configured, like all other events, in the 
element of a software-component.
The  selects the mode by the ,
 and  elements:


Finally, the declaration of the  can reference one or two
modes within its  element. One referenced mode is required for enter/exit mode switch events and two referenced modes for transition events.






RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

A mode-switch event element defines three things:
1. The  element defines the runnable entity to activate. The
reference must be to a runnable entity within the same software-component type.
2. The  element defines the activation for the mode switch event, i.e.
when the runnable entity is triggered. A Mode Switch Event can apply to one
activation condition. If multiple activation conditions are required for a runnable
then more than one Mode Switch Event should be defined.
RTA-RTE supports “ENTRY”, “EXIT” or “ON-TRANSITION” activation conditions. A
mode switch event with one of these activation conditions is triggered whenever
the referenced mode is entered or exited.
Mode switch events using “ON-TRANSITION” activation are triggered by RTA-RTE
when the mode instance moves from the first referenced mode to the second
referenced mode.
3. The  defines the mode associated with the mode switch event. The
 element must contain three references (the port prototype, the
mode declaration group prototype and the mode declaration group that types
the declaration group prototype).
A mode switch event with an “ON-TRANSITION” activation condition requires two
modes to be referenced from the mode switch event’s  element.
Both referenced modes must be within the same mode instance.
One mode within a  element is marked as the group’s initial mode. Any mode switch events that are attached to the “ENTRY” of an initial mode
within any group are triggered by RTA-RTE when the RTE is started using Rte_Start.
The order of execution of runnable entities when more than one runnable
entity is triggered by the same mode entry (or exit) is not defined by the
SWC-type. For portability, therefore, a system should not rely on a particular
execution order since it may be redefined in the runnable to task mapping
(see Section 18.4.4).

Disabling RTE Events
A  permits the behavior of an RTE event to be different in different modes. This allows such use-cases as the activation of a runnable entity to be
suppressed when a certain mode is active.


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

A mode dependency declaration can be added to any RTE event (other than OperationInvokedEvents). A single RTE event can contain multiple mode dependency declarations in which case it is disabled in all the specified modes.



When the mode specified within the dependency is active, RTA-RTE will not activate
the runnable (the activation is discarded — it is not queued).
When a runnable activation triggered by, for example a DataReceivedEvent
with queued communication, is suppressed, RTA-RTE also suppresses the
write to the runnable entity’s queue – this prevents the queue filling up without corresponding runnable activations to process the events.


Understanding Mode Instances
A unique ’current mode’ is maintained by RTA-RTE for each connected graph of compatible Mode Declaration Group Prototypes. If an interface contains multiple prototypes
that reference different Mode Declaration Groups then the RTE defines a unique ’current mode’ value for each prototype. If the Mode Declaration Group Prototypes reference the same Mode Declaration Group then each ’current mode’ can take one of the
same set of modes but their state remains independent.
As an example, assume we have SW-C swcA with provided port P1 and swcB with required port R1 both categorized by the same interface. An Assembly Connector that
connects instances of swcA and swcB (e.g. A1.P1 to B1.R1) will result in a unique ’current mode’ maintained by RTA-RTE.

Mode 1







Figure 9.1: Single mode manager and mode user
Furthermore, another Assembly Connector that connects different instances of swcA
and swcB (e.g. A2.P1 to B2.R1) will result in RTA-RTE maintaining two independent
’current modes’ since the graphs formed by the connections do not intersect.



RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

Mode 1





Mode 2









Figure 9.2: Multiple distinct mode managers and mode users
However if the additional Assembly Connector connects the same instance of swcA to
a new instance of swcB (e.g. A1.P1 to B2.R1) then a new ’current mode’ is not created
by RTA-RTE but instead an additional mode user can access the same mode.

Mode 1










Figure 9.3: Single mode manager and multiple mode users
Multiple mode managers for the same mode instance are not supported by


Fast Init
RTA-RTE supports a “fast init” activation method for Mode Switch Events that bypasses
the normal AUTOSAR activation method for events that are triggered only once at system startup. This mechanism is useful for a runnable that only runs once at system
start where the infrastructure code created by RTA-RTE to support the mode changes


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

at run-time is superfluous.
The “fast init” activation method is unique to RTA-RTE and therefore nonportable.
An individual ModeSwitchEvent is made subject to “fast init” activation through a
command-line option (see RTA-RTE Reference Manual). It is also possible to make all
ModeSwitchEvents for a SWC subject to “fast init” through the same command-line
When a ModeSwitchEvent is “fast init” then the implementation created by RTA-RTE
within the task is a simple function call — the use of a FastInit task both simplifies
the activation code necessary for the runnable associated with the event as well as
removing the normal infrastructure code created by RTA-RTE to support the AUTOSAR
mode mechanism.
It is the user’s responsibility to ensure that all FastInit tasks are activated at the appropropriate time.
An event that is specified as FastInit will not be activated by RTA-RTE during
a user-triggered mode switch. Instead the FastInit task must be activated
by user code at the appriopriate time.


Synchronizing Modes
RTA-RTE supports the synchronization of modes between SWC components and BSW
modules. Synchronizing mode groups permits both events in both AUTOSAR software
components and basic software modules to be triggered by a single mode manager.
RTA-RTE supports synchronization where the referenced BSW provides or releases (requires) the mode group.
The synchronization of mode groups is covered in detail in Chapter 15.


Non-AUTOSAR Functionality


Shared Mode Queues
When enabled with the --deviate-shared-mode-queue command-line option a shared
mode queue means that all mode instances mapped to a task share a single (common)
Shared mode queues do not support timeouts for ModeSwitchAck events
nor can they be mixed with distributed mode users.
A Shared Mode Queue results in a more predicable mode transition than is possible
with AUTOSAR compliant mechanisms since for mode instances assigned to the task it
is guaranteed that the transition for one mode instance will be complete before another
is started.



RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide


Distributed Mode Users
When enabled with the --mode-policy command-line option different mode switch
events for a mode instance can be mapped to different tasks.
Dequeue Synchronization
When multiple mode switch tasks exist for a single mode instance then any task
can be responsible for performing the dequeue.
RTA-RTE provides a callback,
Rte ModeDequeueCbk , for each mode instance that controls within which task
the dequeue occurs.
The callback is called from each mode switch task after the mode switch has completed
for the calling task. When it returns TRUE the generated code dequeues the mode

The callback is only invoked when a mode switch instance is in a transition.
During each transition the callback must return TRUE for exactly one of the mode switch
tasks but which task is selected may vary between transitions. For example the callback might return TRUE for the last task to finish the mode switch and enter the callback, which could be timing-dependent, especially if the tasks run on different cores.
The name of the callback includes the mode instance index “”. RTA-RTE makes
this index available within the Rte_Const.h generated header file for each provide
mode port (i.e. mode manager) using the RTE_DMU macro:
#define RTE_DMU___ ...
Where “” is the SWC instance name (which can be set using a flatmap, see
Section 13.4), “” is the name of the provided mode port and “” is
the name of the mode declaration prototype within the mode interface categorizing the
The “RTE_DMU_...” macro can be used with the C-preprocessor to construct the name
of the callback function.



RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide


Implementing Software Components
This section shows how to write software components so that the objects required by
the RTE are declared and how to use the RTE API generated by the RTE generator.


Basic Concepts


All RTE symbols (e.g. function names, global variables etc.) that are visible in the global
namespace use either the prefix Rte_ or the prefix RTE_.
You must not create symbols that use either the prefix Rte_ or the prefix
RTE_ to remove the possibility of namespace clashes.


Runnable Naming Convention
RTE generator generates code that activates your runnable entities. To do this, the
RTE’s internal mechanisms need to be able to access your code through defined interfaces.
Each of the named runnable entities defined in your runnable entity  declarations must be implemented. Failure to define all runnable entities will be detected at
compile time when your application is linked to form the ECU’s executable image. The
linker error message will reference the missing runnable entity entry point.
Runnable entities are executed by RTE generated code when required. The function
providing an entry point for a runnable entity should not be invoked directly by an
application software-component.


API Naming Convention
The RTE API calls are generated for each software component using names derived
from the the RTE generator’s input. The RTE API provides a consistent interface to each
software component but allows the RTE generator to provide different implementations
of the API functionality.
Each API call name is formed from:

• An AUTOSAR defined prefix. For RTE API functions this is “Rte_” and, for BSW
functions, “SchM_”.

• The call functionality (Read, Write, etc.).
• Either
• The port name and data item name (sender-receiver) or operation name (clientserver) through which the API operates.

• The name of the object (e.g. trigger, exclusive area, per-instance memory etc)
upon which the API operates.


Implementing Software Components

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

Thus RTE API calls involving communication through ports have the format:
Whereas other RTE APIs have the format:

API Parameter Passing Mechanisms
RTE API calls and runnable entities may be invoked from multiple component prototypes. In both cases, the RTE expects that the first parameter to an API call or to a
runnable entity to indicate the prototype upon which the function operates.
Every RTE API call or runnable entity that can operate on different prototypes of a component must pass in the instance handle as the first formal
The second and subsequent API parameters (if any) fall into one of three classes:
“In” Parameters —All “in” parameters that are AUTOSAR primitive data types (with
the exception of a string) are passed by value. Strings and other “in” parameters
that are a complex data type (i.e. a record or an array) are passed by reference.
Note that while AUTOSAR defines a string as a primitive data type, its inherent
size makes it inefficient to pass by value and is therefore treated the same as a
complex data type.
“In” parameters are strictly read-only.
“Out” Parameters —All “out” parameters are passed to RTE API functions by reference. This is required to ensure that the API functions can modify the parameter.
“Out” parameters are strictly write-only.
“In/Out” Parameters —‘All “in/out” parameters are passed to the RTE API functions
by reference except for an asynchronous client-server call when primitive data
types (other than strings) are passed by value to Rte_Call and by reference to
“In/out” parameters can be read and written by the API function being called.


API Forms
RTA-RTE supports two forms of API; direct and indirect. The direct API form includes
the instance handle as the first parameter of all API calls whereas the indirect form
operates through a port handle. The direct form is subject to a higher potential level
of optimization than the indirect form but the latter supports iteration over ports typed
by the same interface.

Implementing Software Components


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

Both direct and indirect forms of the RTE API are equivalent and result in the same
generated RTA-RTE function being invoked. The direct and indirect forms of the RTE API
can be mixed within a program – even within the same software-component.
Direct API
The direct API form is the most efficient mechanism for invoking RTA-RTE generated
functions since, depending on the configuration, RTA-RTE is capable of optimizing the
API form to bypass the component data structure to produce direct invocation of generated functions. Furthermore, for source-code components the direct API form can
potentially be further optimized to elide the RTA-RTE generated function completely.
Indirect API
The indirect API form of API invocation that uses indirection through a port handle to
invoke RTA-RTE API functions.
The indirect form is less efficient than the direct form since the indirection cannot be
optimized away but supports iteration over ports typed by a similar interface. For example, when using the indirect API, an array of port handles of the same interface and
provide/require direction is provided by RTE and the same RTE API can be invoked for
multiple ports by iterating over the array.
If the indirect API generated is not required for a port it can be disabled through “port
options” within the internal behaviour:



Application Source Code


Supported Programming Languages
RTA-RTE supports components written in C and C++. The same application header file
can be used for C and C++.
The generated RTE is independent of the programming language used to create the
components since an individual RTE may be required to simultaneously support components written in different languages. RTA-RTE always generates the RTE in C.


Application Header Files
Each component you write must reside in its own C or C++ source code file(s) and include
the relevant application header file created during RTE configuration.
#include "Rte_ComponentName.h"
/* Component Implementation for "ComponentName" */

Implementing Software Components

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

The RTE API is specific to each software component type and therefore you
must include only the component’s application header file for each source
code file defines a component (whether completely or partially).
A single source module must not include multiple application header files as the API
mappings they contain may be different for different software-components. The header
files generated by the RTE generator protect against such multiple file inclusion.
The component type specific header file defines the component’s RTE API and provides
access to the type definition through a component instance handle that is used to identify particular prototypes of a component.


Single and Multiple Instances
When a software component is configured to support a single instance it is known at
integration time that there will only be one instance of each software component type.
However, it is possible to configure a software component to support multiple instances. When this is configured, the RTE provides an instance handle for each component instance.
The instance handle is passed to a software component as the first parameter of the
component’s runnable entity (or entities).
Each time an API is made from the runnable entity then you must pass the same instance handle back to the RTE as the first parameter of API calls.
If a software component type supports only a single instance then an instance handle
is not passed to runnable entities and therefore cannot be passed back to API calls.
The following code example assumes a single instance:
#include Rte_Component.h’’
UInt16 Result = 0;
// ...
// ...
Result = SomeOtherFunction(42);
// ...
Now, if the same example is re-written for a software component that supports multiple
instances we get:
#include Rte_Component.h’’

Implementing Software Components


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

RunnableEntity(Rte_Instance Self)
UInt16 Result = 0;
Rte_Send_FromPort_MyData(Self, 42};
Result = SomeOtherFunction(42);
Note that if runnable entities need take different actions for different instances then
per-instance calibration parameters can be used to identify each instance—the instance name/handle is not visible to the component (i.e. there is information hiding)
and hence is not suitable. Access to the state of an instance is only possible through
the Rte_Pim API call (see Section 10.9).
The following sections all show examples with multiple instance support configured,
however the conversion to single instance is trivial (as shown above).


Runnable Entities
You are responsible for providing the implementations of all the runnable entities required to make a software component work at runtime.
You must provide an entry point (i.e. a C function) for each  you
have declared in the component description. It is possible for multiple runnable entities
to share the same entry point function.
If the software component supports multiple instantiation, all its runnable entities are
passed the instance handle as a function parameter when it is activated by the RTE so
the code you write must expect an instance handle as its first parameter. If the runnable
entity is triggered by an  then additional parameters corresponding to the configuration of the client-server operation may be required.
RTA-RTE supports components written in C++. However, the generated RTE, including
the generated task bodies, is created in C and therefore all runnable entity entry point
functions must be exported with C linkage:
extern "C"
re_entry_point(Rte_Instance self)


Implementing Software Components

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide


Entry Point Signature
With the exception of a runnable entity invoked as a result of an “Operation Invoked”
RTE event, the signature of a runnable entity entry point function must follow the following implementation rules:

• There is a single formal parameter (the instance handle) only if the internal behaviour of the software component supports multiple instantiation.

• There are no user-defined parameters.
• There is no return value (i.e. a return type of void must be specified) unless a
server specifies application errors in which case Std_ReturnType is used.
The signature of a runnable entity that responds to an “Operation Invoked” RTE event
must conform to the following additional rules:

• Formal parameters in addition to the instance handle are the operations IN, IN/OUT
and OUT parameters. These parameters are passed by value or reference depending on the type.

Sample Runnable Implementations
RTA-RTE can generate sample application source files using the --samples=swc
command-line option. The name of the generated sample file is Rte_.c where
swc is the software component’s short name.
The generated file contains an empty function for each runnable entity.
The --samples=swc option is most useful in contract phase before starting implementation of a software component.


The following examples present the configurations and resultant obligations on
software-component implementation of different RTE events triggering runnable entities.
Basic Configuration
All RTE events other than “Operation Invoked” RTE events use the same basic signature for runnable entity entry points irrespective of the event that actually triggers the
runnable entity.
For example, given the following declaration of two runnable entities in the XML configuration file for software-component Component:


Implementing Software Components


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide



Then, following the rules defined above, the following runnable entry point functions
would be required:
#include Rte_Component.h’’
Runnable_A(Rte_Instance Self)
/* Implementation of Runnable A */
Runnable_B(Rte_Instance Self)
/* Implementation of Runnable B */
Data Receiver
A sender-receiver receiver runnable entity will be invoked by RTA-RTE when a port receives data (or events) and a  is specified that references a
runnable entity.
The signature of the runnable entity must conform to the rules defined above, i.e.:

• There must be no return value.
• The first and only parameter is the instance handle
• The memory class must be RTE_APPL_CODE (this can be modified, see Section 8.15).
Server Operation
A runnable entity will be invoked by RTA-RTE each time a request is made for an operation on the server’s port. Each component that defines a port that uses an interface
with the type SERVER must implement this type of runnable entity.
The signature of the runnable entity must conform to the rules defined above, i.e.:


Implementing Software Components

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

• There must be no return value (unless application errors are used).
• The first parameter is the instance handle.
• Other parameters are the operation’s IN, OUT and INOUT parameters.
• The memory class must be RTE_APPL_CODE (this can be modified, see Section 8.15).
Assuming the following interface declaration in the configuration:





And a software component Component that includes a provide port Calculate categorized by interface CSInterface then the internal behavior can define the runnable (and
hence C function) implementing the server:






Implementing Software Components


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

The component source must then define a runnable entity to be invoked by the RTE
when a request is received for operation “Mod8” on port “Calculate”:
#include Rte_Component.h’’
/* Implementation of Mod8 */
*OutputVal = InputVal % 8;
Servers may be invoked from multiple sources, for example through a request from a
client received via the communication service or directly via intra-task communication.
Unless marked as concurrently executable within the runnable’s configuration the RTE
will serialize access to the server, queuing requests on a first-in/first-out basis.
Asynchronous Server Result
When an  references a runnable entity
then the runnable entity will be invoked by RTA-RTE each time the corresponding server
runnable returns. Each port that uses a client interface with the CLIENT_MODE attribute
set to asynchronous requires this type of runnable entity to be implemented by the
The server’s result is itself collected using the Rte_Result API call; however the signature of the runnable entity must conform to the rules defined above, i.e.:

• There must be no return value.
• The first and only parameter is the instance handle
• The memory class must be RTE_APPL_CODE (this can be modified, see Section 8.15).
Assuming a software component MyComponent that includes a require port Client
categorized by client-server interface CSInterface then the component can asynchronously access a server and collect the result as follows:




Implementing Software Components

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide








Where the interface MyCSInterface is defined as:





The runnable to handle the results coming back from the server would have the followImplementing Software Components


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

ing structure:
#include Rte_MyComponent.h’’
boolean February;
CalledWhenServerReturns(Rte_Instance Self)
/* Collect and use the result from the server */
Rte_StatusType err;
err = Rte_Result_Client_MyFunction(Self, &Result);
if (err == RTE_E_OK) {
if (Result == 28 || Result == 29 ) {
February = True;
} else {
February = False;


Sender-Receiver Communication
The RTE API calls for handling sender-receiver communication differ for the type of
information that is being communicated:

• Non-queued communication
• Send with Rte_Write
• Receive with Rte_Read
• Queued communication
• Send with Rte_Send
• Receive with Rte_Receive
Furthermore, for non-queued data a secondary pair of API calls can be used to access the data called the “implicit” API. The implicit API should be used when you need
to guarantee that every access to a data item in a runnable entity will provide the
same result irrespective of how many times it is accessed during an invocation of the
runnable entity.

• Non-queued data (Implicit)

Implementing Software Components

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

• Send with Rte_IWrite
• Read with Rte_IRead
The following sections show how to use these calls in your application.

Non-Queued Communication
Explicit API
Components communicate data to other components using the Rte_Write call. The
call is defined per port and interface data item for each component and therefore has
the following signature:
Rte_Write__(Rte_Instance Self,
DataItemType Data)
Similarly, components receive communicated data items from other components using
the Rte_Read call:
Rte_Read__(Rte_Instance Self,
DataItemType* Data)
The runtime behaviour of Rte_Read depends on how you have configured the internal

• Data Read Access: Rte_Read is non-blocking even if no data is present to read.
If no data is present, the return value from the call is RTE_E_NO_DATA.

• Activation of runnable entity: The RTE activates the specified runnable entity
and generates a non-blocking Rte_Read.

• Wake up of wait point: This combination is not permitted.
Implicit API
The implicit API uses a locally cached copy of data to preserve consistency over a
calling runnable entity invocation. Data is read into a global cache before the runnable
entity starts executing and is written from the global cache after the runnable entity
terminates. Data writes are done once, no matter how many times it is written.
The RTE guarantees cached data does not change during execution of the runnable
The implicit API includes a reference to the runnable entity that is declared as accessing
the data in the API name. Care should be taken when writing a runnable entity to invoke
the correct API. The Rte_IRead API reads data:

Implementing Software Components


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

Rte_IRead___(Rte_Instance Self)
The Rte_IWrite API writes data
Rte_IWrite___(Rte_Instance Self,
DataItemType Data)
As explained above, the implicit API calls access a cached copy of the data. The cache
is updated before the runnable entity starts and therefore within a single execution
of a runnable entity the value returned by Rte_IRead is guaranteed not to change.
Likewise, Rte_IWrite writes data to a cached copy and changes are only made visible
after the runnable entity terminates irrespective of the number of times the data is

Queued Communication
Components communicate events to other components using the Rte_Send call. The
call is defined per port and interface data item for each component type and therefore
has the following signature:


Similarly, component prototypes receive events that are communicated from other
components using the Rte_Receive call:


The behaviour of the Rte_Receive API depends on how you configured the
RECEIVE_MODE interface attributes:

• Data Read Access: Rte_Receive is non-blocking even if no data is present to
read. If no data is present, the return value from the call is RTE_E_NO_DATA.

• Activation of runnable entity The RTE activates the specified runnable entity
and generates a non-blocking Rte_Receive.

• Wake up of wait point: Rte_Receive blocks if no data is available. If no data
is received within the specified timeout value, the return value from the call is


Implementing Software Components

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide


Client-Server Communication
Client-server communication is initiated using the Rte_Call API call. There are two
forms that the call can take depending on the configuration of the CLIENT_MODE attribute.
If CLIENT_MODE is set to synchronous then Rte_Call returns after the operation has
been completed by the server. This means that your code will not continue to execute
until the server returns the result. Once the result has been computed it is passed back
to the component by the return value of the Rte_Call.


If CLIENT_MODE is asynchronous then Rte_Call needs only specify the in and inout


The result(s) of the server operation are accessed using the asynchronous
client result runnable entity that you define (see Section 8.7.2) or the
Rte_Result__ API call.
 is referenced by a 
or not. If there is no wait point then the call returns immediately, otherwise the call will
block until the server returns


Implementing Software Components


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide


Client-Server Serialization
The targets of client-server communications (i.e. the runnable entities that are invoked
to produce the required result) are serialized. A serialized server only accepts and
processes requests atomically and thus avoids the potential for conflicting concurrent


Using Inter-Runnable Variables
Runnable entities in software components that use inter-runnable variables access the
variable through an API call. Since the API calls are generated in the software component’s header file each API call must include the name of the runnable itself.
The type of API call generated depends on whether the variable is declared as implicit
or explict. Implicit variables are accessed through an API of the form:
Explicit variables are accessed with an API call of the form:
The following code example illustrates usage:
RunnableA(Rte_Instance self)
Unit16 ExplictlyRead = 0;
Unit32 ImplicitlyRead = 0;
Sint8 ExplicitlyWritten = 42;
Boolean ImplicitlyWritten = True;
/* Read inter-runnable variables */
ExplicitlyRead = Rte_IrvRead_RunnableA_VarP(self);
ImplicitlyRead = Rte_IrvIRead_RunnableA_VarQ(self);
/* Write inter-runnable variables */
Rte_IrvWrite_RunnableA_VarR(self, ExplicitlyWritten);
Rte_IrvIWrite_RunnableA_VarS(self, ImplicitlyWritten);


Accessing Parameters
A software component declares calibration parameters (whether shared
or per-instance) then each parameter is accessed at runtime using the
Rte_CData_ API call. The call returns either the calibration data
(primitive types) or a pointer to the data (complex types).
As the data is specific to each software component instance, the instance handle must
be supplied to each call if multiple instantiation is configured.

Implementing Software Components

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

YourRunnable(Rte_Instance Self)
uint8* config
config = Rte_CData_TrimValue(Self);
/* user code */


Accessing Per Instance Memory
Component types are standard programs. The RTE only interacts with components
through ports at runtime by the activation of associated runnable entities. Ports are
handled by defined runnable entities, so as a minimum an implementation of a software
component must include an implementation of all runnable entities for the software
All instances of an application software component share the same code, but each
instance may have private state that is not shared with other instances. Consequently,
each software component instance has a “copy” of the private state to which it has
exclusive access.
The Rte_Pim API is used to access the component state for a particular instance and,
like all RTE API calls, takes the component instance handle as its first parameter.
The function returns a handle to a per-instance memory section. The type of the return
value depends on the per-instance memory declaration.
The Rte_Pim call has the signature:
Rte_Pim_(Rte_Instance Self)
The state information returned by Rte_Pim can be used by a component instance to
store information with a lifetime greater than that of any one runnable entity. You
should not use “traditional” global variables since these are shared by all prototypes of
the component mapped to the ECU.
The Rte_Pim API does not impose concurrency control on a component’s prototype
state and therefore concurrent write access to prototype state may result in inconsistent state information.


Concurrency Control with Exclusive Areas
Where a component has multiple runnable entities that require concurrent write access
to the same prototype state then the Rte_Enter and Rte_Exit API calls must be used
to ensure that data consistency is maintained.
A component includes multiple runnable entities each of which can be active simultaneously. The potential exists for concurrent access to private global data (e.g. elements
in the data memory sections) and/or non-reentrant functions.

Implementing Software Components


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

Operating system concurrency control mechanisms are hidden from components. However the RTE API implements explicit access to exclusive areas by exposing an appropriate OS mechanism to components:

• Rte_Enter_ enters an exclusive area.
• Rte_Exit_ exits an exclusive area.
Where components declare exclusive areas, the generated RTE API for the component
includes these API calls to allow you to control concurrent access to shared data.
A component can use the Rte_Enter and Rte_Exit API calls for any exclusive area ID
you define at configuration time.
For example, assuming the following configuration:


The following code shows how the calls are used:
/* Code protected from concurrent execution */
It is not permitted to place RTE API calls between a call to Rte_Enter and its corresponding call to Rte_Exit.
Attempting RTE API calls while an exclusive area is locked may result in
delayed response to task activations by the OS.
Software components must use the Rte_Enter and Rte_Exit calls in a strictly nested
manner. Exclusive areas must be exited in the reverse order in which they were entered
as shown below:
/* Code protected by Outer */
/* Code protected by Inner & Outer */
/* Code protected by Outer */


Implementing Software Components

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

The scope of an exclusive area is the software component prototype and
not the software component type or system wide and hence exclusive areas
only provide concurrency control within a software component. Wider scope
can be achieved using an AUTOSAR component to control access to shared


Starting and Stopping the RTE
The RTE itself is started using the Rte_Start API call. You must not make this call from
a software component.
Rte_Start is typically called from the idle task since this ensures that runnable entities
triggered on entry to the initial mode are activated and dispatched (based on the task
priority to which they are mapped) before the API returns. For example:
/* Initialize hardware */
/* RTA-OSEK: OS_MAIN is now the idle task */
for (;;}
/* Do background processing */
The Rte_Start call returns to the callee once the RTE is initialized.
The RTE must not be started before the operating system. If not using the
ECU state manager, the recommended start order is to initialize/start the
lowest elements of the AUTOSAR architecture (e.g. OS) first and then proceed “upwards” (i.e. communication drivers, PDU Router, COM and finally
The RTE is stopped by calling the Rte_Stop API call. This API call stops any operating system schedules that release time-triggered runnable entities and then calls any
software component finalization runnable entities that you have defined.
The RTE must be stopped before the operating system. The recommended
shutdown order is to stop the higher elements of the AUTOSAR architecture
(e.g. RTE) first and then proceed “downwards” (i.e. RTE, COM, PDU Router,
communication drivers and finally OS).

Implementing Software Components


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide




NV-Block Software Component Types
In Chapter 7 we discussed how AUTOSAR application software is partitioned using AUTOSAR software components. The use of NVRAM within AUTOSAR adds another software component type to the list of supported types, an NvBlock software component
type, that can declare ports used for NVRAM communication.
 element. This element describes the component
type name, its ports and Nv-blocks, for example:






Like an application software component, an NvBlock software component type declares
ports for communication with other component instances. However, unlike a general
application SWC, ports within an NvBlock SWC can only be categorized by the following
interface types:
Nv-Data – permits read and/or write access by application software components to a
ram-block within a Nv-block. A block mapping (see below) is used to associate
the port and the ram-block.
Client-Server – permits notifications from the NVRAM manager to application SWCs
and for the invocation of NVRAM manager API functions by application SWCs.
RTA-RTE will raise an error if any other interface types is used to categorize a port
declared by an Nv-Block software component type.


A Nv-Block software component type declares one or more Nv-Blocks using the
 element. Each block declares a RAM-based mirror of nonvolatile data.




RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide




Each NvBlock descriptor must declare:
1. Exactly one ram-block element. The ram-block is instantiated by RTA-RTE and
acts as the mirror of the NVRAM data that is read and/or written by application
2. Zero or more NvBlock Data Mappings that connect ports categorized by Nv-Data
interfaces with the ram-block.
3. Zero or more Client-Server Ports that connect ports categorized by client-server
interfaces, the ram-block and the NVRAM manager.
In addition, an Nv-block descriptor can optionally describe a ROM initializer for the ramblock.
ROM initializers are partially supported by this release of RTA-RTE. The
rom-block is optionally used by RTA-RTE to initialize the ram-block during

NVRAM Mirrors
Each Nv-block descriptor within an Nv-Block SWC declares exactly one ram-block. The
ram-block forms the data that is read and/or written by application SWC through ports
decalred by the Nv-Block SWC.
RTA-RTE provides APIs for the NVRAM manager to initially set the mirror data before the
RTE is started and to get the final mirror state after the RTE is terminated.
The ram-block instance is created by the RTE generator. The ram-block instance name
is based on the ram-block name and therefore each block must have a unique name
within the context of the NvBlock software component type.‘


Port Mappings
A port within an Nv-Block SWC categorized by an Nv-Data interface (see Section 6.2)
can be connected to a ram-block so that it can be read/written through the port. This
connection is achieved through Nv-Data mappings declared within the Nv-block descriptor:



RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide



The mapping’s  references the ram-block. RTA-RTE supports
a reference made using, for example, the  element.
The connection with the port and Nv-data element is through either the
 element for rPorts and the  element for pPorts.
For example:

A data mapping element can declare both read and write mappings for the same ramblock. Since read mappings reference pPorts and write mappings reference rPorts then,
clearly, different ports must be specified for the mappings.

Fan-out and Fan-in
RTA-RTE does not support the use of data mappings to specify data fan-out from one
rPort to multiple ram-blocks – it is not possible to write the same data to multiple NvBlock mirrors from a single rPort.










Not supported



Figure 11.1: Supported and unsupported fan-out of NVRAM communication
Likewise the fan-in from multiple ram-blocks to a single pPort is not supported since
it is not possible to collapse the contents of multiple disparate ram-blocks onto a single
data read.
However RTA-RTE does support multiple rPorts being mapped to the same ram-block


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

(sub-element) and hence being written simultaneously by multiple sources. This is
required to support the mapping of a port to an element of a ram-block when the latter
uses a complex (record or array) type.


Interaction with Application SWC
Having created an Nv-Block software component type with a declared Nv-block and
data mappings it needs to be accessed by application SWC. This access occurs between
ports within the SWCs:

• An application SWC writes data to an Nv-block by declaring a Sender-receiver or
Nv-data pPort (with an appropriate interface) and connecting it to an rPort on the
Nv-Block SWC categorized by an Nv-Data interface.

• An application SWC reads data from an Nv-block by declaring a Sender-receiver or
Nv-data rPort (with an appropriate interface) and connecting it to a pPort on the
Nv-Block SWC categorized by an Nv-Data interface.
Accessing NVRAM from application SWC is considered in detail in Chapter 16.


Interaction with the NVRAM Manager
The NVRAM manager can interact with an NvBlock SWC, and hence with application
SWCs, via API functions and runnable entity bodies generated by RTA-RTE.
Two API functions are generated by RTA-RTE for each NvBlock descriptor:
Rte_GetMirror – Generated for each NvBlock descriptor and enables the NVRAM manager to read the contents of the ram-block.
Rte_SetMirror – Generated for each NvBlock descriptor and enables the NVRAM manager to write the contents of the ram-block.
In addition to the Rte_GetMirror and Rte_SetMirror APIs, RTA-RTE can also generate additional APIs and runnable entity bodies based on declared role based port assignments depending on whether the assignment references a provided or required
client-server port:
Require port – RTA-RTE generates an API to be invoked by the NVRAM manager. The
name of the API is based on the declared role, the NvBlock SWC component prototype name and the NvBlock descriptor name.
The generated API invokes the server through the referenced require port. If
multiple role based assignments have the same “role” then the generated API
aggregates invocation of all referenced servers.
The generated API invokes servers synchronously. To avoid use of OsEvents in the
generated code it is strongly recommended to use direct function invocation by
omitting the task reference the relevant RTE event mapping.


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

Provide port – RTA-RTE generates the runnable entity body for all connected provide
ports that have a configured OperationInvokedEvent.
The generated runnable entity body uses the symbol name from the runnable
entity declaration – this must therefore be globally unique. The formal argument
list consists of three elements:
1. An optional instance handle (included only when the NvBlock SWC is declared as supporting multiple instances, see Section 8.14).
2. The port-defined arguments (for the referenced server port, see Section 8.13.2).
3. The operation arguments from the operation in the server’s ports interface
with the same name as the “role”.
The generated body for the runnable invokes the C-based API of the NVRAM manager based on the declared “role”. All runnable parameters, apart from the instance handle, are passed directly to the invoked NVRAM API.



RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

Part III

Developing Basic Software


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide


Basic Software


Basic Software Modules
In Chapter 7 we discussed how application software is partitioned using AUTOSAR software components. Similarly, AUTOSAR basic software (BSW) is partitioned into BSW
A BSW module is closely related to a software component, and, just like a software
component, has both an internal behaviour and an implementation. The module is
described using a  element. This element describes the
module name and its internal behaviour, for example:



The module’s name and, optionally the BSW implementation’s  and
, are used when RTA-RTE generates API names for the module.
The combination ensures that each module instance receives unique generated APIs.
AUTOSAR configurations can specify multiple internal behaviors for a BSW
module and then select the appropriate behavior using pre-build variability.
This release of RTA-RTE does not support pre-build variability and therefore
at most one internal behavior can be specified.

Internal Behaviour
A basic software module’s internal behaviour is similar to the SWC’s internal behavior
described in Chapter 8 however reflecting the differing requirements different XML tags
are used so specifying conceptually similar elements.
The internal behavior describes one or more s which are
analogous to runnable entities in a SWC and one or more BSW events that are analogous to RTE events. RTA-RTE supports the following BSW events:
BSW-TIMING-EVENT – Specifies a periodic activity within a basic software module.
BSW-EXTERNAL-TRIGGER-OCCURRED-EVENT – permits triggering of a schedulable
entity by an external SWC or BSW instance. RTA-RTE supports synchronization of
BSW and SWC trigger instances enabling either SWCs to activate schedulable
entities or BSWs to activate runnable entities in response to a external trigger
occurred event.


Basic Software

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

BSW-INTERNAL-TRIGGER-OCCURRED-EVENT – permits triggering of a schedulable
entity by the same BSW instance.
BSW-MODE-SWITCH-EVENT – enables BSW schedule entities to be activated in response to a mode switch. RTA-RTE supports synchronization of BSW and SWC
mode instances enabling either SWCs to activate schedulable entities or BSWs to
activate runnable entities in response to a mode switch event.
BSW-MODE-SWITCHED-ACK-EVENT – enables a BSW schedule entity to be activated when a mode switch is complete.
These events and the interaction of basic software modules with the RTE are discussed
in this chapter.


Interaction with the RTE
The mechanisms by which BSW modules interact with the RTE and through it with other
application elements are closely related to the facilities that are available for software
components. In fact, apart from not possessing ports, many of the RTE features for
software components have direct analogues in BSW modules.
This section explains the facilities RTA-RTE provides for BSW modules.


Schedulable Entity
A BSW schedulable entity is closely related to a software component’s runnable entity
since they are both representations of an entry point within the application software
that can be started executing by the RTE.


The  references a  that defines the entry point for the BSW schedulable entity. For example:


The BSW module entry defines the execution context of the schedulable entity which
should be TASK. BSW module entries are not defined within the context of the BSW
module description and thus can be in a different AUTOSAR package if necessary.
Multiple BSW modules can reference the same BSW module entry, e.g. multiple modules can each reference the same MainFunction module entry. RTA-RTE will use the
Basic Software


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

defined BSW module name, vendor API infix and module ID to ensure that each module
implementation receives a unique API.
A BSW schedulable entity is started by the RTE triggering a BSW event. RTA-RTE
supports multiple event types for BSW schedulable entities including time and mode

Periodic Events
A BSW schedulable entity is started periodically using a . Similarly
to an SW-C’s  the BSW event defines a period (in seconds) and an
optional minimum start interval (also in seconds).


The  references the schedule entity to be started when the
trigger occurs. It must therefore reference an entity within the basic software module
description. For clarity the DEST attribute has been omitted in the example above but
would normally have the value BSW-SCHEDULABLE-ENTITY.

Background Events
RTA-RTE supports BSW background events. As with s these
events are directly analogous to an SW-C’s .


External Trigger Events
Section 8.8 covered the configuration of internal and external trigger events for SW-Cs.
BSW modules can trigger such events and also define responses that are triggered by
either SW-Cs or by other BSW modules.
A basic software module declares an external






The short name of the external trigger event is only significant for referencing and does
not form part of the generated API.
The  references the schedule entity to be started when the
trigger occurs. It must therefore reference an entity within the basic software module
description. For clarity the DEST attribute has been omitted in the example above but
would normally have the value BSW-SCHEDULABLE-ENTITY.


Basic Software

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

The  references a required  declared within the
. For clarity the DEST attribute has been omitted in
the example above but would normally have the value TRIGGER.


Multiple external trigger events can reference the same required  and RTARTE will ensure that all are referenced schedulable entities are started when the trigger
The source for an external trigger is a schedulable entity that references a release



The short name of the referenced release  is used to form the SchM_Trigger
API name.
The connection between the release and require triggers is made within the ECUC, see
Section 14.3.1 for details. In addition, both released and required BSW external triggers
can be synchronized with SWC external triggers, see Section 15.3.

Internal Trigger Events
Section 8.8 covered the configuration of internal and external trigger events for SW-Cs.
BSW modules can trigger such events and also define responses that are triggered by
either SW-Cs or by other BSW modules.
A basic software module declares an internal






The short name of the internal trigger event is only significant for referencing and does
not form part of the generated API.

Basic Software


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

The  references the schedule entity to be started when the
trigger occurs. It must therefore reference an entity within the basic software module
description. For clarity the DEST attribute has been omitted in the example above but
would normally have the value BSW-SCHEDULABLE-ENTITY.
The  references a  declared within the .
For clarity the DEST attribute
has been omitted in the example above but would normally have the value


 and RTA-RTE will ensure that all are referenced
schedulable entities are started when the trigger fires.
Internal triggers must have a source within the BSW module.
The source
schedule entity references the  using a




. For clarity the DEST attribute has been omitted in the
example above but would normally have the value BSW-INTERNAL-TRIGGERING-POINT.

Mode Switch Events
Chapter 9 described how a SW-C accessed modes through a provided or required categorized by an interface containing mode declaration group prototypes. Basic software
does not have ports however accessed modes are still described using mode declaration group prototypes but for basic software these are contained within the BSW module




Basic Software

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

The  references a previously declared . For
clarity the DEST attribute has been omitted in the example above but would normally
A schedulable entity declares itself as the mode manager using a reference within
 to the provided mode group prototype.


The  references the previously declared .
For clarity the DEST attribute
has been omitted in the example above but would normally have the value
A BSW mode manager can optionally specify the length of the mode switch queue, see
Section 9.2.2 for details. If omitted, RTA-RTE assumes a queue length of one.
A mode user requires access to a mode and this is configured through the
 within a basic software module description.


The  references a previously declared . For
clarity the DEST attribute has been omitted in the example above but would normally
A schedulable entity can be triggered as a result of a mode switch using a
 that references a required mode group prototype using a



Basic Software


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

The  references the schedule entity to be started when the
mode switch occurs. It must therefore reference an entity within the basic software
module description. For clarity the DEST attribute has been omitted in the example
above but would normally have the value BSW-SCHEDULABLE-ENTITY.
The connection between the provided and requires mode group prototypes is made
within the ECUC, see Section 14.3.2 for details. In addition, both provided and required
BSW mode declaration groups can be synchronized with provided SWC mode declaration groups, see Section 15.2.

Mode Switch Ack Events
The configuration of mode switch acknowledge events within basic software is similar
to the process described above for mode switched events. The only significant difference is how schedule entities are triggered using a 
element rather than a  element.


The  references the schedule entity to be started when the
mode switch is acknowledged. It must therefore reference an entity within the basic
software module description. For clarity the DEST attribute has been omitted in the
example above but would normally have the value BSW-SCHEDULABLE-ENTITY.
The connection between the provided and requires mode group prototypes is made
within the ECUC, see Section 14.3.2 for details.


RTA-RTE forms the names of generated BSW API functions using a the module’s
name which is optionally combined with each BSW implementation’s  and
. Each generated name, therefore, as the following form:
Where  is the the name of the BSW module (AUTOSAR terms this the “module
prefix”),  the  and  the . The  and
 components of the API name vary depending on the API.
For example, assuming the following BSW module description and BSW implementation:


Basic Software

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide



RTA-RTE would generate API names of the form SchM__Can_25_Dev0815_.
The specification of the  and  elements are optional. AUTOSAR defines that if the  is omitted then both the
 and  elements are omitted from the generated

Basic Software


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

Part IV



RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide


Composing Software Components
In Part II you saw how to define software components, their internal behaviour and
their implementation characteristics. In this chapter you will see how to assemble,
or compose, applications from the components you have defined (or that have been
defined for you).
AUTOSAR uses a  to define which prototypes, of which software
component types, you will have in your system and how their ports are connected at the
abstract level. Each composition therefore represents a logical assembly of interacting
software components.
Each composition creates a logical software system for deployment on one or more
ECUs. Every system that you need to deploy will have at least one “master” composition that defines how all software component prototypes are connected as shown
However, it may be the case you need to define one or more compositions to logically
partition your vehicle system. For example, you might define compositions for body,
chassis and powertrain. This will allow you to define how these groups of component
prototypes are deployed if you need to allocate components from some applications
onto specific ECUs.


Composition Type Definition
All composition information is contained in an  element.



The  element is used to instantiate one or more software component types and the connections between the component prototypes.





Composing Software Components


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

The  element is used to instantiate one or more SWC-type definitions.
The  element is used to create connections between ports defined on
component prototypes. The  element is used to create ports for use with delegation connectors.
A composition defines a group of connected software component prototypes and provides a mechanism for hierarchical composition of systems. However, the individual
component prototypes within the composition can be allocated onto different ECU instances at system definition time (see Section 17.1).


Component Instances
The  element within a  is used to instantiate one or
more SWC-type definitions.
Each component type can be instantiated multiple times, but each instance must be
given a unique name.
The  element provides a name for the component instance
and provides a reference to the type description. The following description:




Creates the instances shown in Figure 13.1.


Connector Prototypes
As well as defining component prototypes, a  element includes
the  definitions that connect ports between component prototypes and the  elements that connect ports within a composition to elements outside the composition.


Assembly Connectors
An assembly connector is used to connect provided and required ports within a composition.


Composing Software Components

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide







Figure 13.1: Creating Component Instances


Each assembly connector prototype defines one connection between a provided and
required port on two component prototypes. Thus each connector prototype creates a
link from a single port data item or operation source to a single destination. If either
multiple sources or destinations are required then multiple connectors must be defined.
Figure 13.2 shows a producer software component instance being connected to a consumer software component instance:
The provided port is referenced within the connector using the  element and the required port using the  element.


Composing Software Components


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide











Figure 13.2: Assembly Connectors
Note that since the connection is made between different component prototypes then
each component prototype can have different connectors defined.

Delegation Connectors
A delegation connector is used to connect a port within a composition to a port on the
composition boundary. The composition port can then be used to connect compositions
together using an assembly connector.





Figure 13.3: Delegation Connectors
To create and use a delegation connector, one must first create a port prototype within
the composition type — this port will form one “end” of the connector. The port is
created in a form that is identical when port prototypes are created within a software


Composing Software Components

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide





Once the port-prototype has been defined the delegation connector can be created.
A  element references a port on a component
prototype and the port on the composition type:


The  refers to the port on the software component prototype within
the composition. The  refers to the port configured on the composition itself.

Services and Service Connectors
Service components are added to an application by creating instances of the required
service component types, in a similar manner to the way that atomic software components are created.
However, while application software component instances are based within software
compositions, service components are allocated on an ECU-wide basis, outside the
Consequently, the set of services available on an ECU is defined as part of the ECU’s
configuration. The following figure shows two application software components connected to the same service component via different ports.
Figure 13.4 shows a service instance being used by two software component instances
via different ports. The first component instance is connected to the service’s requester
port; the second to its provider port. In the resulting software composition there are
two instances of the component SWC-Type, but only a single instance of the service
The ECU’s software composition also contains  elements, which
connect a port on an application software component prototype to a port on a service
Composing Software Components


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide






Figure 13.4: Service Connectors
Service connectors are broadly similar to assembly connectors, but differ slightly in
their format: rather than referring to the endpoints are a PROVIDER and REQUESTER,
the endpoints are referred to as APPLICATION port and the SERVICE port. This help to
prevent a service component being connected to another service component, which is
not permitted.
As with assembly connectors, a service connector must connect exactly one
provided port and one required port. However, either the application port or
the service port may be the provided port, and the other must then be the
required port.


It is also possible to use a service connector between a port on a service component
and a port on a software composition.

Port Interface Mapping
Prior to AUTOSAR R4.0 the compatibility of connected ports was verified by matching
elements based on name, for example, a provided port with elements “A”, “B” and “C”
would be compatible with a require port with compatible elements “A” and “B” (since


Composing Software Components

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

the set of elements in the provider could be a superset of the requirer’s elements)
however it would not be compatible with a required port containing element “D”. To
resolve this problem R4.0 introduced the Port Interface Mapping element.



Figure 13.5: Port interface map for an interface containing A, B, C and D connected to
an interface containing B, E, F and D.
Figure 13.5 illustrates a port interface map for a provider categorized by an interface
containing elements “A”, “B”, “C”, “D” mapped to an interface containing elements “B”,
“E”, “F”, “D”. The mapping resolves the incompatibility by explicitly specifying the
mapping, namely “A” to “E”, “B” to “B”, “C” to “F” and “D” to “D”.
A port interface mapping must explicitly associate all pairs of elements that
are to be connected; when a port interface mapping is applied to a connector
the automatic mapping by matching name no longer occurs.
This release of RTA-RTE supports port mapping for Client-server operations
and arguments, Sender-Receiver data elements, Calibration parameters,
Mode declaration groups and external Triggers.
Once a port mapping between interfaces is defined then it can be applied to a particular
assembly connector using a .




If desired, a port interface mapping can be reused for multiple connectors, subject
to the provider and requirer ports of the connector being categorized by the same
interfaces as mapped in the port interface mapping.

Composing Software Components


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

Port interface mappings merely express pairings of elements within a pair
of interfaces; the “first” interface may be the interface of the provide port
and the “second” the interface of the require port or vice versa. It is not
therefore possible to use a port interface mapping on a connector between
ports with the same interface.
RTA-RTE supports nested compositions where possible and port interface mappings can
be used on DelegationConnectors as well as AssemblyConnectors in most cases. At the
time of writing this does not include client-server port interface mappings; these can
only be used on AssemblyConnectors in this release of RTA-RTE.
Mapping Data Elements and Parameters
A port mapping for Sender-Receiver interfaces or a Parameter interface is defined using a  element which maps elements
from one interface to elements of another interface. The mapping is performed by
reference to the data element (parameter) prototypes and therefore elements with different names can be mapped.





If a pair of connected data (or parameter) prototypes have incompatible complex
types a remapping of the sub-elements of those types can be defined by including
 elements in the .




Composing Software Components

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide



The above example maps the record element RecordTypeTx.a to the array element
ArrayTypeRx[0]. In nested complex types nested elements can be mapped by including references under  to give the path down the tree
of elements. It is also possible to specify a mapping between elements that themselves
have complex types, provided those types are compatible, without having to provide
explicit mappings for all their leaves.
Mapping Operations and Arguments
 element which maps operations from one
interface to operations of another interface and, optionally, arguments within the
operations. The mapping is performed by reference to operations prototypes and
therefore operations with different names can be mapped.





Once a port mapping between interfaces is defined then it can be referenced from an
assembly connector using an .

Composing Software Components


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide




If desired, a port interface mapping can be reused for multiple connectors (subject
to the provider and requirer ports of the connector being categorized by the same
interfaces as mapped in the port interface mapping).
In addition to mapping two operations a  element can be used to map individual parameters within the two referenced operations. Unmapped arguments are mapped by position. All arguments, whether explicitly
mapped by an operation mapping or implicitly mapped by position, must be compatible
(e.g. have compatible data types).




Within a  the first referenced prototype must be
contained within the first referenced operation and the second referenced
prototype must be contained within the second referenced operation.
At the time of writing, RTA-RTE does not permit 
elements to be used to map the elements of incompatible complex types for a  element within a
Mapping Triggers
 element which maps elements from one interface to elements of another interface. The mappings is performed by reference to the


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RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

triggers themselves and therefore elements with different names can be mapped.





Once a port mapping between trigger interfaces is defined then it can be referenced
from an assembly connector using an . This is the same reference tag
as the reference for mapping data elements but since an port cannot be categorized
by multiple interfaces no ambiguity results.




If desired, a port interface mapping can be reused for multiple connectors (subject
to the provider and requirer ports of the connector being categorized by the same
interfaces as mapped in the port interface mapping).
Mapping Mode Declaration Groups
A port mapping for Mode interfaces is defined using a 
element which maps elements from one interface to elements of another interface.
The mappings is performed by reference to the mode declaration group prototypes
and therefore elements with different names can be mapped.




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Once a port mapping between mode interfaces is defined then it can be referenced
from an assembly connector using an . This is the same reference tag
as the reference for mapping data elements and triggers but since an port cannot be
categorized by multiple interfaces no ambiguity results.




If desired, a port interface mapping can be reused for multiple connectors (subject
to the provider and requirer ports of the connector being categorized by the same
interfaces as mapped in the port interface mapping).

Partial Record Mappings
AUTOSAR has the concept of partial record mappings. These mappings extend the
normal type compatibility rules such that a providing Sender-receiver data element
that is typed by a record type can contain a super-set of the elements in the receiver’s
record data type.
Elements in the providing and requiring type are matched by name; thus the two types
do not need to have the same elements in the same order.







Figure 13.6: Valid Partial Record Mapping
Figure 13.6 illustrates a valid mapping between two record types where the providing

Composing Software Components

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

type contains the three data elements “A”, “B” and “C” whereas the requiring type
contains data elements “A” and “B” in a different order.










Figure 13.7: Invalid Partial Record Mapping
However Figure 13.7 illustrates an invalid mapping between two record types where
the requring type contains a record element, “D” not included in the providing record
type. The providing type must be a super-set of the requiring type.
Partial record mappings are not supported in R4.0 but the same effect can
be achieved by using SubElementMappings. See section 13.3.4.


FlatInstanceDescriptors are used in AUTOSAR 4.0 to create readable names for
instances in the input model.
FlatInstanceDescriptors are aggregated into a FlatMap which is referenced by the RootSwCompositionPrototype .
Thus, for an ECU_EXTRACT
the FlatInstanceDescriptors provide unique names for the instances of
VariableDataPrototypes and SwcPrototypes.
At the time of writing, for historical reasons RTA-RTE also takes the
shortName of the FlatInstanceDescriptor as the C-symbol of the measurement buffer in generation phase. This should not be relied upon and
may be removed in a future release.
At the time of writing, FlatInstanceDescriptors cannot reference
ConstantMemorys or StaticMemorys. This is because there is no generated
API for accessing ConstantMemorys or StaticMemorys, so the renaming of
the buffer cannot be supported.


A flatmap contains one or more flatmap instance elements that are used to contain the
information for the ECU being configured.


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User Guide


A flatmap instance contain an instance references, the “ecu-extract” reference to the
associated element (data element, inter-runnable variable, etc.) instance.



The ECU extract instance reference within a flatmap instance may require multiple
CONTEXT nodes to identify the correct element. For example, when referencing a data
element as well as the component prototype reference an additional two references
are required to specify the port prototype and the data element.
A flatmap is associated with the ECU extract by a reference defined within the


All flatmap instances must exist within the same flatmap since the root composition
element only contains a single element. However the flatmap element is splittable and
therefore RTA-RTE allows it to be distributed across multiple files.

Renaming a SW-C instance
Within RTA-RTE the second reference, to the associated system element, is optional.
When omitted RTA-RTE uses the name of the flatmap instance as the internal name of
the SW-C instance.
All internal names must be unique. RTA-RTE will raise an error if this constraint is violated by, for example, using a flatmap to assign a duplicate
name to a SW-C instance.
The following flatmap instance renames the internal name of SW-C component prototype /pkg/Compo/swcA1 to “swcAinst”.



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RTA-RTE V6.3.0
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When referencing a SW-C prototype the ECU extract reference  must use

Measurement Buffers
As well as renaming a SW-C instance a flatmap instance can also be used to set the
name used for a measurement buffer. When specified the short name of the flatmap
instance is used instead of the RTE generated name.
The following flatmap instance renames the measurement buffer of data element “di1”
in port prototype “swcA/ra” for SW-C instance “swcA1” to “my_measurement_buffer”.



In the example the ECU extract reference contains three elements:
1. The first  element uses a DEST attribute of
SW-COMPONENT-PROTOTYPE since it references the component prototype. This
attribute is required by RTA-RTE.
2. The second  element uses a DEST attribute of
R-PORT-PROTOTYPE since it references the port prototype.
3. The final  uses a DEST attribute of VARIABLE-DATA-PROTOTYPE since
it references the data element.

Receive Buffers
To minimize RAM usage RTA-RTE will use an assigned measurement buffer name for
the receive buffer where possible. This renaming occurs even if measurement is not
enabled for the data element and thus a flatmap instance can be used to give the RTE’s
receive buffer a meaningful name.
Care must be taken to ensure that names assigned using flatmap instances
are unique and do not conflict with names used for parameters within RTE
API calls (“data”) or return values (“rtn”).

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RTA-RTE V6.3.0
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RTA-RTE will use an name supplied via a flatmap instance for either the provide or
require port. However to avoid potential double writes (one to the measurement buffer
and one to the receiver) it is recommended to apply the flatmap instance to provider’s
port. Applying the flatmap to the provider also means that the same name is used for
the buffer for all non-filtered receivers on the same ECU.

Inter-Runnable Variables
A flatmap instance can also be used to set the name used for the global buffer used
for an inter-runnable variable. When specified the shortName of the flatmap instance
is used instead of the RTE generated name.
The following flatmap instance renames the buffer of IRV “irv1” for SW-C instance
“swcA1” to “my_irv_buffer”.



In the example the ECU extract reference contains two elements:
1. The

SW-COMPONENT-PROTOTYPE since it references the component prototype. This
attribute is required by RTA-RTE.
2. The  element uses a DEST attribute of VARIABLE-DATA-PROTOTYPE
since it references the inter-runabble variable.
A flatmap instance must also use a DEST attribute of VARIABLE-DATA-PROTOTYPE
rather than IRV-HANDLE. This is dictated by the AUTOSAR R4.0 schema that also
defines the format of the flatmap instancess used by RTA-RTE when processing

Calibration Parameters
The calibration method “None” uses the flatmap name as the name of the instantiated
calibration parameter (if no flatmap is available the name of the calibration parameter
is used instead).
The following flatmap instance names the instantiated calibration parameter
“cp_value1” for calibration component instance “cpcData1” in provided port “pSys1”
to “cv1”.



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RTA-RTE V6.3.0
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The instance reference contains three elements:
1. The first  element uses a DEST attribute of
SW-COMPONENT-PROTOTYPE since it references the component prototype. This
attribute is required by RTA-RTE.
2. The second  element uses a DEST attribute of
R-PORT-PROTOTYPE since it references the port prototype.
The ECU extract reference includes a contextualizing port prototype for parameters in calibration SW-Cs only; for shared or per-instance parameter prototypes
no port reference is required.
3. The final  uses a DEST attribute of PARAMETER-DATA-PROTOTYPE
since it references the data element.

McSupportData is the AUTOSAR 4.0 format for exporting information for use in Measurement and Calibration tools. In practice, this is usually converted to A2L by a downstream tool that merges information from the linker map file to calculate the actual
memory addresses of the various measurable data items.
The McSupportData is generated every time an RTE is generated. It is written to the file
Rte_McSupportData.arxml and placed in a folder according to the --output option.
For a variable data instance to measurable, and hence to appear in the McSupportData,
three conditions must be met:

• RteMeasurementSupport must be true in the ECU Value File.
• The effective SwCalibrationAccess for the VariableDataPrototype must be

• There

VariableDataPrototype in the context of the desired SwComponentInstance
If a VariableDataPrototype for a data instance is marked as READ-ONLY
but no FlatInstanceDescriptor references it, then a comment is written
to the McSupportFile explaining why the McDataInstance is missing and a
warning is written to the error stream.
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RTA-RTE V6.3.0
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McSupportData Structure
The generated McSupportData file is structured according to the AUTOSAR
Generic Structure Template, that is, elements are placed in subpackages according to their tag.
The subpackages are placed in top-level package
AUTOSAR_Rte. For example, the BswImplementation element is placed in subpackage /AUTOSAR_Rte/BswImplementations, and SwBaseType elements are placed in subpackage /AUTOSAR_Rte/SwBaseTypes).
Measurables appear in the McSupportData in the form of a  element having at least the following children:

 matches the C identifier used in the generated RTE, which may be used to
query the compiler’s map file to find the memory location of the measurable or characteristic.
In the case of a simple measurable value ( is VALUE), then there will be a
ResultingProperties container containing references to the SwBaseType, DataConstr,
CompuMethod, Unit etc. giving the size, encoding, and relation to the physical world
required for extraction and display of the data instance.
In the case of a complex measurable value of Category STRUCT, the McDataInstance contains a  container containing a further McDataInstance
for each structure member. If the member is itself a STRUCT, then this breakdown continues recursively until the leaf items of Category VALUE are reached. The
 is at the top level, since the structure itself is the actual measurable / characteristic.
In the case of Calibration Parameters (characteristics in A2L), these are placed into
groups in AUTOSAR, according to their addressing method. RTA-RTE achieves this
grouping by creating the individual characteristics as members of a C struct representing the group. In the McSupportData, this is represented by a McDataInstance
representing the group, having a SubElements container, which contains the individual
characteristics. Note that the  in this case does not appear at
the top level, since the actual characteristics are one level deeper. The  however DOES appear at the top level, as this is the item that will appear in the mapfile.
Calculating the exact offset of each characteristic is outside the scope of AUTOSAR and
RTA-RTE. The downstream custom tooling must use knowledge of the particular compiler along with the information in the SwBaseTypes of the McSupportData to calculate
the offsets.


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RTA-RTE V6.3.0
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Limits of Implementation
AUTOSAR specifies how and where type-information (’Effective DataDefProps’) should
be gathered. RTA-RTE currently implements the following (the list describes the order
in which containers are interrogated for the given information - earlier containers take
precedence over later containers):
BaseTypeRef – ImplementationDataType.
DataConstr – ImplementationDataType; ApplicationDataType.
CompuMethod – ImplementationDataType; ApplicationDataType.
Unit – ApplicationDataType.
SwCalibrationAccess – DataPrototype.
SwDataDefProps not mentioned above are not implemented.


Data Conversion


Data Conversion allows the system integrator to connect Ports of Software Components with different but “convertible” data types by means of a PortInterfaceMapping
(see section 13.3.4). RTA-RTE generates the C code to convert values from one numerical space to the other.
PortInterfaceMappings allow the connection of Ports typed by Interfaces that
are not “AUTOSAR Compatible” by specifying how the incompatibility is to be resolved. The explicit connection of a pair of DataPrototypes in the Interfaces by
a DataPrototypeMapping within a PortInterfaceMapping causes RTA-RTE to seek
to generate a runtime conversion if their types are not “AUTOSAR Compatible”.
PortInterfaceMappings must therefore be used when data conversion is necessary.
Data Conversion is attempted for ApplicationPrimitiveDataTypes and for the primitive sub-elements of complex ApplicationDataTypes. The necessary conversion
code is automatically generated from the configured relationships between the implementation representation and the physical quantity or semantic meaning for the
ApplicationPrimitiveDataTypes involved; see section 5.5.
AUTOSAR R4.0 and RTA-RTE support two types of Data Conversion: TextTable and Linear.


TextTable Data Conversion allows DataPrototypes of enumerated type (or of complex
type with primitive elements of enumerated type) to be connected when they have the
same or similar semantics but different numerical and/or symbolic representations of
those semantics.
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RTA-RTE attempts Text Table Data Conversion whenever a TextTableMapping is
present in a VariableAndParameterInterfaceMapping referenced by the MappingRef
of a Connector.
For illustration we will consider two Enumerated types Enum1 and Enum2 which have the
same symbolic point ranges but with different numerical values:












VariableDataPrototype a1, typed by Enum1; and SenderReceiverInterface sr2
contains a single VariableDataPrototype a2 typed by Enum2.
SofwareComponentType swcTx aggregates provide port p1 characterized by sr1 and
SofwareComponentType swcRx aggregates require port r1 characterized by sr2.
These components are instantiated as swcTx1 and swcRx1 and an assembly connector
connects the ports.
So now we have a data flow from an type of Enum1 to a type of Enum2.
The example below shows a suitable TextTableMapping for use in this scenario







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Because this mapping is 1:1,
all FirstValues are
unique and all SecondValues are unique, it is declared with a
MappingDirection of BIDIRECTIONAL.
This means that the same
VariableAndParameterInterfaceMapping might be used where Enum2
is the transmitted type and Enum1 is the received type. In that case, we say
that the communication flow is going “second-to-first”.
Generated Code
When Text Table Data Conversion is configured, RTA-RTE alters its writes to receive
buffers to include a call to conversion code that translates values in the direction of
data flow (in our case, left-to-right from Enum1 to Enum2.

Linear Data Conversion allows the system integrator to connect data items which
represent the same physical quantity even though they may be expressed in different numerical terms. This is expressed by means of Units, in FactorSIToUnit and
OffsetSIToUnit; and by CompuMethods, in CompuRationalCoefficients. Linear data
conversion encompasses CompuMethods of Category LINEAR and also CompuMethods of
Category IDENTICAL, which is just treated as a special case of Linear.
Functional Composition
Conceptually, linear data conversion consists of the functional composition of the four
linear functions to move from the transmitted value x through the physical representation in the sender’s unit, to the SI unit, to the physical representation in the receiver’s
unit, to the received value y :

f = cmrx ◦ unitrx ◦ unittx ◦ cmtx

y = cmrx (unitrx (unittx (cmtx (x))))

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RTA-RTE V6.3.0
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Where cmtx , unittx , unitrx and cmrx represent each step of the conversion as a linear function that maps the input value to an intermediate output value. See section 5.5 for more details about configuring the numerical and physical representations
of ApplicationPrimitiveDataTypes.
Functional composition means that RTA-RTE only writes one expression in the generated code rather than nesting function calls corresponding to each of the four potential
transformations. Even in the worst case, an entire data transformation of four applied
transformations results in a single expression that performs one multiplication, one addition, and one division. In the best case, data conversion is optimized away to a simple
In addition, RTA-RTE simplifies the terms in the data conversion to remove highest common factors. This step simpifies the resultant expression and can mean that terms are
eliminated entirely and avoid needlessly large intermediate values.
ApplicationPrimitiveDataTypes which are not “AUTOSAR Compatible” or complex ApplicationDataTypes that are shape compatible but whose primitive elements
are not “AUTOSAR Compatible”.
For each primitive value subject to Linear Data Conversion, RTA-RTE extracts from the
configuration the data conversions expressed by the transmitter’s CompuMethod, the
transmitter’s Unit, the receiver’s Unit and the Receiver’s CompuMethod. It then combines the four conversion functions using functional composition to arrive at one conversion to be expressed in C.
Configuration of Linear Data Conversion is achieved by expressing each
ApplicationPrimitiveDataType’s relationship to some PhysicalDimension. Then,
when data flows from one DataPrototype to another, RTA-RTE automatically inserts the necessary code to convert one numerical representation of a physical
quantity to another.
See section 5.5 to read about the correct declaration of
The decision of whether an application data type is convertible to another application
data type is based on their CompuMethods, Units, and PhysicalDimensions:

• Every data type, CompuMethod, Unit, or PhysicalDimension is compatible with

• A PhysicalDimension is compatible with another PhysicalDimension if the ShortName and all the exponents match.

• A Unit is compatible with another Unit if both units reference a compatible

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RTA-RTE V6.3.0
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If the physical dimension referenced by two units is compatible, then a conversion
between them is possible.

• A CompuMethod is “Linear” if its Category is LINEAR. A CompuMethod is also “Linear”
if its Category is IDENTICAL.
A CompuMethod is compatible with another CompuMethod if, either:

• Both CompuMethods are Linear and they reference compatible Units, or,
• Both CompuMethods are Linear and neither of them references a Unit.
• A CompuMethod of Category TEXTTABLE is also convertible with the input configuration supplying a mapping between numeric values.

• An ApplicationDataType is convertible to another ApplicationDataType if the
types have compatible CompuMethods.
Generated Code
Linear Data Conversion code is inlined near to the receiver-buffer write in generated
code. Zero-effect operations are elided, e.g. division-by-one and add-zero result in
no code being generated. So in the extreme case, if the transmitter and receiver’s
conversion functions match then no conversion takes place and no conversion code is
RTA-RTE also performs worst-case calculations to determine the potential size of
the intermediate values in the generated C expression. If no Platform Type is
large enough to hold some intermediate value then an error is raised (but see

Rational Functions
The ASAM documents, which informed a portion of the AUTOSAR design, include many
other categories of CompuMethod besides IDENTICAL, LINEAR and TEXTTABLE, for example RATFUNC.
AUTOSAR does not support data conversion via these categories of CompuMethod and
neither does RTA-RTE. However RTA-RTE does accept models that may contain other
categories of CompuMethod provided they conform with “AUTOSAR Compatibility” rules.
That is, before attempting any Data Conversion, RTA-RTE performs a comparison of the
Units and CompuMethods referenced by the sender and receiver, and if they match
according to the AUTOSAR 4.0.3 rules, then the IDENTITY transformation is selected,
i.e. no conversion code is written.
RTA-RTE cannot ignore “AUTOSAR Compatible” CompuMethods in a data
path where the references Units are not “AUTOSAR Compatible”. An unsupported Category of CompuMethod in that case would cause the input
model to be rejected.

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RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide


Implementation Details


Internal Precision
Any data conversion represented by a CompuPhysToInternal, CompuInternalToPhys,
or Unit (FactorSiToUnit and OffsetSiToUnit) is stored internally as three 64-bit
signed integers.
When the data conversions are combined due to data flow through more than one Unit
or CompuMethod, a functional composition takes place resulting in a composite data
conversion, which is itself linear. This is also stored as three 64-bit signed integers.
This is simplified using Highest Common Factor analysis to avoid unnecessarily large
numbers being handled internall or appearing on the target hardware.
In the case of a Unit, the configuration input is expressed in two decimal numbers
rather than three integers. RTA-RTE represents the two numbers internally as rationals,
expressed in the same manner as for CompuMethods. This avoids the need for floatingpoint arithmetic internally or on the target. For example, a FactorSIToUnit of 0.01 results
in an internal DataConversion object with num0 = 0, num1 = 1 and denom = 100, giving
100 .
The conversion of decimals to 64-bit signed integers places a limit of 18 decimal places
on the FactorSiToUnit and OffsetSiToUnit, as well as a limit of 18 significant figures.


In Generated Code
When generating the C functions to perform Data Conversion, RTA-RTE tracks the minimum (closest to negative infinity) and maximum (closest to infinity) values that can
be represented by the incoming type, by each constant, and by the result of each operation. For each operation, RTA-RTE chooses a suitable Platform Type and casts the
arguments to each operation to that type. This ensures that the C compiler allows a
sufficiently large working location for each operation and truncation will not happen on
the target.
For example, consider the following C extract:
uint16 argument;
uint16 result = ( ( 65534 * argument ) / 65532 );
The result of this will rarely be correct, since C only allows a uint16 for the intermediate
value. To overcome this, RTA-RTE uses casts like in the following example:
uint16 argument;
uint16 result = ( ( (uint32)65534 * argument ) / 65532 );
In fact, RTA-RTE generates many more casts than this, as a way of ensuring that C’s
promotion rules do not introduce any counterintuitive effects.


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If the intermediate value requires 64 bits, then the configuration is rejected, since
AUTOSAR does not provide a 64-bit type. If you wish to use 64 bit integers, then
specify --have-64bit-int-types on the command line and provide definitions in
Platform_Types.h for uint64 and sint64.

Composition and Delegated Ports
In a configuration containing a nested heirarchy of composition software components
the connection between the provide port of one atomic software component instance
and the require port of another may consist of a number of DelegationConnectors
from the inner provide port to delegated ports on the enclosing compositions, an
AssemblyConnector and a number of DelegationConnectors from delegated require
ports on compositions down to the inner require port. In this case a functional composition of the notional data conversion steps along each Connector between the inner
provide port and the inner require port occurs; the intermediate representations in the
types for the intermediate delegated ports are not explicitly calculated at runtime but
rather the overall conversion is performed in one step.

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RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide


Composing Basic Software
In Chapter 13 we discussed how application software is partitioned using AUTOSAR software components and how these components are composed into a system. However,
unlike a software component, BSW modules are not prototyped within a composition
but are instead instantiated within the ECUC file.


The creation of an RteBswModuleInstance ECUC container within the RTE’s ECUC
module configuration defines an instance of the BSW module that can then contain the
mapping from schedulable entities to tasks.
In the same way that a software component type can have multiple prototypes a BSW
module description can have multiple instances. For example a CAN driver module may
have an instance for each CAN controller. The BSW module instance within the ECU
configuration therefore references a BSW implementation which in turn references the
BSW module description rather than directly referencing the BSW module description.
BSW modules do not support a “supports multiple instantiation” flag and
therefore RTA-RTE assumes this attribute is true for all BSW modules.
The instantiation of a BSW module instance is illustrated in Figure 14.1.

ECU Configuration

BSW Module Instance Ref


BSW Module

Figure 14.1: BSW Module Instantiation
In addition to referencing the relevant BSW module description the BSW implementation also optionally defines two items that are of interest to RTA-RTE. When defined the
 and  are used when generating BSW APIs to ensure
that each BSW instance has unique names for the generated APIs.
As an example, consider a BSW implementation for a CAN driver with vendor ID of
“25” and API infix of “Dev0815”. RTA-RTE would then generate API names of the form
SchM_Can_Dev0815_25_ and thus ensure that the API was uniquely generated for
the specific BSW instance.
If the  and  are not defined within the
BSW module’s implementation then the APIs of multiple instances of the
same BSW module will conflict.


Composing Basic Software

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide


BSW Scheduler
Starting with AUTOSAR R4.0, the generation of a scheduler for basic software has been
integrated into RTE generation rather than being available as a separate module as in
previous releases. The basic software scheduler is reponsible for ensuring that code
within BSW modules runs at the correct times and that APIs for ensuring data consistency across multiple BSW modules are available.
RTA-RTE supports generation of a common task framework; BSW schedulable entities
can be freely mixed with runnable entities from software components and the RTE generator will create the appropriate glue code to ensure that all are executed at the right
This release of RTA-RTE does not support the generation of shared exclusive
areas and thus the SchM_Enter and SchM_Exit APIs are not supported.


Task Mapping
A BSW module instance within the ECU configuration can contains zero or more RteBswEventToTaskMapping sub-containers that define the task and position of the
schedulable entity associated with a BSW event. As with SW-C runnable entities all
BSW events that can start a schedulable entity must have a defined task mapping.
RTA-RTE supports the mixing of BSW schedulable entities and SW-C runnable entities
within the same task. This support includes the creation of basic or extended tasks
as necessary; if extended tasks are to be avoided then the the same precautions described in Section 24.4 apply.


BSW triggers and modes are not related to ports and therefore cannot be connected
in the same way as the analogous entities within SWCs. Instead the connections are
made within the ECUC using specific containers.


An external trigger used by a BSW module must have the “release” and “required” triggers connected using a RteBswRequiredTriggerConnection element in the ECUC
Each RteBswRequiredTriggerConnection element includes three references:
1. A RteBswReleasedTriggerModInstRef that references the BSW module instance.
2. A RteBswReleasedTriggerRef that references the released trigger. When combined with the RteBswReleasedTriggerModInstRef reference this uniquely
identifies the released trigger.
3. A RteBswRequiredTriggerRef that references the required trigger.

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RTA-RTE V6.3.0
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An mode used by a BSW module must have the “provided” and “required” mode declaration group prototypes connected using a RteBswRequiredModeGroupConnection element in the ECUC file.
Each RteBswRequiredModeGroupConnection element includes three references:
1. A RteBswProvidedModeGrpModInstRef that references the BSW module instance.
2. A RteBswProvidedModeGroupRef that references the provided mode declaration group prototype. When combined with the RteBswProvidedModeGrpModInstRef reference this uniquely identifies the providing mode instance.
3. A RteBswRequiredModeGroupRef that references the required mode declaration group prototype.


Composing Basic Software

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide


Synchronizing BSW and SWC
The previous chapter introduced BSW components. This chapter covers how RTA-RTE
supports the synchronization of BSW and SWC instances.


Synchronization configuration consists of two steps: first, one or more SwcBswMapping
elements must be defined that associate elements in the SWC and BSW together, and
second, the created mappings must be associated with SWC/BSW instances.


SWC to BSW Mapping
The SwcBswMapping element defines the synchronized elements of a SWC type and
a BSW module description. The element “associates” elements of two internal behaviors; we’ll see later how the mapping is subsequently referenced from either a
SwcImplementation or a BswImplementation and thus associated with SWC or BSW
The simplest SwcBswMapping element simply refers to the two internal behaviors, e.g.:




One of the referenced internal behaviors must belong to a SWC and one to a BSW
module. It is not possible to synchronize two SWCs or two BSW modules with a
SwcBswMapping element. Within the SwcBswMapping element one can list synchronized
runnable entities, mode groups and (external) triggers.
The  element encapsulates zero or more runnable-entity to
executable-entity mappings, e.g.:



Synchronizing BSW and SWC


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

Each  synchronizes a SWC runnable entity with a BSW
executable entity (either a ,  or
). The referenced runnable or executable entity must be declared within the referenced internal behaviors.
AUTOSAR forbids the synchronization of an SWC’s runnable entity with a
category 1 interrupt entity (or with a called entity invoked by a category 1
interrupt entity).
The  element encapsulates zero or more synchronized
mode group declarations, e.g.:




Each  synchronizes a provided or
required BSW mode declaration group with a particular provided SWC mode declaration group. The referenced BSW mode declaration group must be declared within the
BSW type of the referenced BSW internal behavior and the referenced port prototype
within the SWC type of the referenced SWC internal behavior.
The  element encapsulates zero or mode synchronized trigger declarations, e.g.:





Synchronizing BSW and SWC

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

Each  synchronizes a released or required BSW
trigger with a particular provided SWC trigger. The referenced BSW trigger must be
declared within the BSW type of the referenced BSW internal behavior and the referenced port prototype within the SWC type of the referenced SWC internal behavior.
Neither a synchronized mode group element nor a synchronized trigger can reference
a required mode declaration group in the SWC. However as we’ll see in the following
sections this restrictions does not affect the expressive power – it’s still possible to
create associations that enable either the SWC or the BSW to be the mode manager
and to trigger events in either (or both) the SWC and BSW module.

Associating a Mapping and an Instance
When a SwcBswMapping has been defined mapping it is associated with SWC/BSW types
via the referenced internal behaviors. However the mapping must also be associated
with instances of the SWC and BSW via one or more implementation references.
The SwcImplementation or BswImplementation elements can include a reference to a
mapping, e.g.:




If an SWC/BSW’s implementation does not include a mapping reference then RTA-RTE
attempts to infer the affected instance from the referenced internal behaviors. This
inference is only possible if the SWC/BSW’s are instantiated exactly once and therefore
when multiple instantiation is used the SwcBswMapping references within the implementations are mandatory.


Synchronized Mode Groups
Synchronizing mode groups permits both events in both AUTOSAR software components and basic software modules to be triggered by a single mode manager. RTA-RTE
supports synchronization where the referenced BSW provides or requires the mode
declaration group.


Mode Users
Synchronizing a required BSW mode group with a provided SWC mode group results
in the BSW attaching to the mode instance defined by the SWC as a mode user. Any
BSW events (e.g. ModeSwitchEvents) attached to the required BSW mode group will be
triggered when the SWC mode manager changes mode.
The synchronized mode group element within the SwcBswMapping element references
a provided port/mode group in the SWC. RTA-RTE supports supports synchronization
configurations where RTE events are triggered as a result of the mode switch as well as
Synchronizing BSW and SWC


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide






BSW Module

Figure 15.1: Synchronized SWC/BSW mode users
BSW events.

Mode Managers
Synchronizing a provided BSW mode group with a provided SWC mode group results in
the BSW attaching to the mode instance defined by the SWC as a mode manager.
When synchronizing provided mode declarations groups then both the SWC
and BSW become mode managers for the mode instance. AUTOSAR normally forbids multiple mode managers for a mode instance but RTA-RTE allows them if they are synchronized.
When provided BSW and SWC triggers are synchronized it is possible to suppress generation of the Rte_Switch API by omitting the  element or to
suppress generation of the SchM_Switch API by omitting the 
The mode queue length for a synchronized provided BSW mode declaration group is
derived from the associated provided SWC port/mode group.


Synchronized Triggers
Synchronizing SWC and BSW triggers permits both events in both AUTOSAR software
components and basic software modules to be triggered by either SWCs or BSW. RTARTE supports synchronization where the referenced BSW releases or releases (requires)
a trigger.
All synchronized SWC triggers are external triggers. RTA-RTE also supports internal
triggers for SWCs but it is not possible to synchronize internal and BSW triggers.


Trigger Consumers
Synchronizing a required BSW trigger with a provided SWC trigger results in any
 events in the BSW being activated when
the SWC’s Rte_Trigger API is invoked.

Synchronizing BSW and SWC

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

The synchronized trigger element within the SwcBswMapping element references a provided port/trigger in the SWC.

Trigger Producers
Synchronizing a provided BSW trigger with a provided SWC trigger results in the generated BSW SchM_Trigger activating the same events as the Rte_Trigger API.
When provided BSW and SWC triggers are synchronized it is possible to suppress generation of the Rte_Trigger API by omitting the  element.
If the SWC includes an ExternalTriggeringPoint for the provided trigger
then both the SWC’s Rte_Trigger and the BSW’s SchM_Trigger APIs are
created. AUTOSAR normally forbids multiple trigger providers but RTA-RTE
allows them if they are synchronized.


Synchronized Runnable Entities
Synchronizing a SWC runnable entity to a BSW executable entity allows the executable
entity to use SWC-API calls such as those related to port-based communication. The
SWC is also able to use BSW-API calls.


RTA-RTE supports the synchronization of both Sender and Receiver runnable entitys
with an executable entity, thus an executable entity will be able to make calls to the
Sender/Receiver APIs (e.g. Rte_Write/Rte_Read).
Since it is not possible to associate an executable entity with a
, a receiver executable entity must be started using another event type.


RTA-RTE supports synchronization of executable entities with client runnables only
(Synchronizing an executable entity with a server runnable makes no sense as there is
no way for the executable entity to gain access to the server arguments). A synchronized executable entity can therefore call the client API available to the synchronized
client runnable.


Exclusive Areas
RTA-RTE supports the synchronization of SWC runnable entities that access an exclusive
area with executable entities. When synchronized the executable entity will be able to
make calls to the Enter/Exit APIs (e.g. Rte_Enter/Rte_Exit) and thus “share” access
to the same shared data.
Figure 15.2 illustrates a runnable Re2 that both accesses exclusive area EA and is
synchronized with schedulable entity SE. RTA-RTE will generate Rte_Enter_EA and
Rte_Exit_EA that can be used to control access to the shared data governed by “EA” –
depending on the selected implementation mechanism for the exclusive area and the
Synchronizing BSW and SWC


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide




S y nc hroniz ed

E v1


E v2

Figure 15.2: Synchronized runnable and executable accessing an Exclusive Area
configured task mappings this could be access to an OS resource, interrupt blocking or
a null implementation.


Synchronizing BSW and SWC

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide


Accessing NVRAM
We saw in Chapter 11 how to create an Nv-block SWC type that containing descriptions
of one or more Nv-blocks. In this chapter we’ll look at how application SWC can access
declared Nv-blocks using port-based communication.


Communication between application software components occurs over ports and therefore before accessing Nv-data mirrors from an application SWC suitable ports must be
declared within the Nv-block SWC and mapped to the required Nv-data ram-block.


Access to non-volatile data by application SWCs occurs through one or more ports declared by the NvBlock software component type. These ports are categorized by Nvdata interfaces – see Section 6.2.


As well as declaring the ram-block, an Nv-block descriptor also declares
the mappings that associate rPort or pPorts within the Nv-Block SWC type
and the NvBlockDescriptor’s ram-block.
The mapping is created using an



The mapping’s  references the Nv-block descriptor’s ramblock. RTA-RTE supports a reference made using the following elements.

•  – maps the port Nv-data to an entire ram-block. The ramblock can be typed by either an application or an implementation data type.

•  – maps the port Nv-data to a ram-block
and, optionally, defines a specific implementation data type sub-element within the
ram-block for the mapping.

•  – maps the port Nv-data to a ram-block using an application data type.
Using a sub-element mappings enables efficient use of large Nv-blocks since a single structure representing the entire block can be accessed from multiple ports each
Accessing NVRAM


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

with a mapping to one sub-element of the large single structure. The multiple
NV-BLOCK-DATA-MAPPING elements for the ram-block means that individual SWCs can
independently update just parts of the large Nv-data block.
The mapped sub-element can be a any member of a record – it does not have to be a
leaf element and can be typed by either a primitive type (e.g. an integer) or can itself
be a record.
The association with the port and datum that an application SWC uses to read/write
to the ram-block is through either the  element (for rPorts) or the
 element (for pPorts). For example:

A data mapping element can declare both read and write mappings for the same ramblock. Since read mappings reference pPorts and write mappings reference rPorts then,
clearly, different ports can be specified for the mappings.
To illustrate how NVRAM block data mappings and ports interact consider the following NvBlockDescriptor within NvBlockSwComponentType “swc_nvblock” that declares ram-block “myRam1”:




Where Struct1 contains two members “A” and “B”. Furthermore, assume that the
NvBlockSwComponentType has a require port “r1” containing an Nv-data item “datum”
with the same type as structure member “A”. An NvBlockDataMapping can then be
established from “r1” to “A” as follows:



Accessing NVRAM

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide



When the mapping is established any writes to the ram-block through required port
“r1” and datum “datum” will write directly to structure member “A” and not affect any
other element of the ram-block structure.

The ports on the Nv-block SWC are connected to sender-receiver or Nv-data ports on
the application SWC. The two ports must be either typed by compatible interfaces (the
provider can contain a superset of the requirer’s elements) or a port-interface mapping
provided to associate elements within the two interfaces.


Access from Application SWCs
Using appropriate port connections application SWC can read and/or write Nv-data ramblocks.
All accessing SWCs must be mapped to the same partition (i.e. OsApplication).


Reading NVRAM data
An application SWC reads data from an Nv-block by:
1. Declare a Sender-receiver rPort (with an appropriate interface) and connecting it
to a pPort on the Nv-Block SWC categorized by an Nv-Data interface.
2. Establish a data-read point or data-access point to create the RTE API to read the
NV data.
The RTE generator will then create Rte_Read, Rte_DRead, etc. API calls that will directly
read the ram-block.
As an example, assume that the configuration contains an NvBlockSwComponentType
“swc_nvblock” declaring a single NvBlockDescriptor “block1”. The Nv-block software component can then declare a provide port “p1” that permits read access to the
ram-block by application SWCs as follows.

Accessing NVRAM


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

First, an NvDataInterface is created; this will be used by the NvBlock SWC to type the
provided port:



Next, the NvBlock SWC is configured with the provide port “p1” typed by interface




Finally, the  can be configured to both declare ram-block
“myRamBlock1” and to map provide port “p1” to read the ram-block.






Accessing NVRAM

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

The port “p1” can then be connected to require ports on application SWCs to enable the
ram-block data to be read. Multiple application SWCs can connect to the same provided
port on an NvBlockSwComponentType to share read-access to the same Nv-block.

Writing NVRAM data
An application SWC writes data to an Nv-block by:
1. Declare a Sender-receiver pPort (with an appropriate interface) and connecting
it to an rPort on the Nv-Block SWC categorized by an Nv-Data interface.
2. Establish a data-send point or data-write point to create the RTE API to write the
NV data.
The RTE generator will then create Rte_Write or Rte_IWrite API calls that will update
the ram-block.


Access from the NVRAM manager
RTA-RTE creates two APIs for the ram-block in each NvBlockDescriptor that enable
the AUTOSAR NVRAM Manager to read from, and write to, the ram-block.
The generated API names include the component prototype name and thus
do not appear in the application header file as they cannot form part of the
Nv-block SWC’s contract.


Reading the Ram-block
The NVRAM manager can use the created Rte_GetMirror API to read the current ramblock contents to a defined location. The generated signature of the API is:
Rte_GetMirror__(P2VAR(uint8, AUTOMATIC, RTE_DATA) NVMBuffer)
The NVMBuffer parameter defines to where the data is written. The  element of
the name is the component prototype name and the  element the name of the
NvBlockDescriptor name.


Writing the Ram-block
The NVRAM manager can use the created Rte_SetMirror API to update the current
ram-block contents from a defined location. The generated signature of the API is:
Rte_SetMirror__(P2VAR(uint8, AUTOMATIC, RTE_DATA) NVMBuffer)
The NVMBuffer parameter defines from where the data is copied. The  element
of the name is the component prototype name and the  element the name of the
NvBlockDescriptor name.
Accessing NVRAM


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide


Notifications from the NVRAM Manager
In addition to the Rte_GetMirror and Rte_SetMirror APIs, RTA-RTE can also generate
additional APIs used by the NVRAM manager to pass notifications to applications SWCs.
The APIs are generated in response to declared role based port assignments for required client-server ports. For each such assignment, RTA-RTE generates an API to be
invoked by the NVRAM manager. The name of the API is based on the declared role, the
NvBlock SWC component prototype name and the NvBlockDescriptor name.
The  element of the API name is declared within the role based assignment. The
 element of the name is the component prototype name and the  element the
name of the NvBlockDescriptor name.
The API’s formal argument list, , is derived from the first operation in
the interface referenced by the require port with the exception of the roles
NvMNotifyJobFinished and NvMNotifyInitBlock in which case the formal argument
list is standardized by AUTOSAR.
The generated role API invokes the server through the referenced require client-server
port. If multiple role based assignments have the same “role” then the generated API
aggregates invocation of all referenced servers.
The generated API invokes all servers synchronously. To avoid use of
OsEvents it is strongly recommended to use direct function invocation by
omitting the task reference the relevant RTE event mapping.
The generated API takes no action if the RTE is not started or if the RTE has been


Invocations of the NVRAM Manager by SWCS
As well as the APIs for passing notifications from the NVRAM manager to application SWCs, RTA-RTE also supports the invocation of NVRAM manager APIs from SWCs
through generated server runnables for provided client-server ports..
RTA-RTE generates the runnable entity body for all connected provide ports that have
a configured OperationInvokedEvent. The generated runnable entity body uses the
symbol name from the runnable entity declaration – this must therefore be globally
unique. The formal argument list consists of three elements:
1. An optional instance handle (included only when the NvBlock SWC is declared as
supporting multiple instances, see Section 8.14).
2. The port-defined arguments (for the referenced server port, see Section 8.13.2).
3. The operation arguments from the operation in the server’s ports interface with
the same name as the “role”.

Accessing NVRAM

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

The generated body for the runnable invokes the C-based API of the NVRAM manager
based on the declared “role”. All runnable parameters, apart from the instance handle,
are passed directly to the invoked NVRAM API.

Accessing NVRAM


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

Part V



RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide


Defining the ECUs and the Networks
Before any composition can be mapped to ECUs on a vehicle network we need to define the components from which the physical system is created. We will do this in
Chapter 18. In this chapter we show how to define the parts from which it will be built.
This is the same AUTOSAR mechanisms as we saw when building the software system
as a composition: first we had to define the types of the object we could use (our
software components) before the composition could be built from instances of those
objects (software component instances).

Atomic Software



Figure 17.1: Instances for Hardware Mapping
For the ECU and the network we must define:

• What types of ECU exist and their physical characteristics.
• What ECU instances exist.
This information is contained in ,  elements. A reference from
the  element identifies the appropriate  element which
in turn references the associate  element.





Defining the ECUs and the Networks


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

While it possible to put software component configurations and system deployment
elements in the same AUTOSAR XML file, it is more common to separate the distinct
aspects of system engineering into (at least) two separate files. This means that multiple different software component allocations can be managed easily from a single
“repository” of software components.


ECU Type Definition
Every configuration you make will need to define at least one ECU type. An ECU is conceptually similar to an SWC-type in that it defines the general properties of an abstract
ECU. Similarly, it is an instance of the ECU onto which software component prototypes
are allocated.
The definition provides a name for the ECU type so that it can be referenced from
the  description as well as including a reference to a 
definition that indicates the mapped software component prototypes and their types.




Communication Ports
When the ECU is not stand alone it must provide the opportunity to create instances
of communication ports.  element allows the specification of the physical ECU interface(s) provided by the ECU, for example, ,
Only the  definitions are relevant for RTE configuration as
they provide the definition of which physical communication interfaces exist on the
Note that the communication port does not specify that an ECU has a port. The declaration simply states that an instance of the ECU can be created that can create instances
of the defined port. In this regards, the communication port is analogous to a type.
It is only necessary to define an  for each different class
of communication port on the ECU. For example, if your ECU has 4 CAN channels
but all the channels have the same properties then you would only define a single
Each communication port is named and defined the ,  and  of
the physical buffers as well as their . These are not required for the RTE
but are mandatory in the ECU configuration description XML so must be provided. The
following example shows the general configuration:



Defining the ECUs and the Networks

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide



It is outside the scope of this user document to describe how additional ECU
hardware is defined in XML.


ECU Instances
The  element instantiates an ECU type (defined within the ECU
description—see Section 17.1):



Although this is documented in the AUTOSAR Specification, it does not refer to an ECU
type, and RTA-RTE does not attempt to process this element.

Defining the ECUs and the Networks


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide


Mapping Software Components to ECUs
A  element is used to map the software component model defined by a
 onto the physical system defined by the referenced .
RTA-RTE does not provide support for determining an appropriate system
definition. This information must be known by the ECU Integrator before the
RTE Generation phase.

 are mapped into an .







Note that the  element contains a  element, which represents an instance of the CompositionType refered to in its


Mapping Component Prototypes
The  element encapsulates one or more  elements. Each  element defines a mapping of software component prototypes to an ECU instance. For a particular RTE generation phase there is only
one relevant ECU instance.



Mapping Software Components to ECUs

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide




A  specifies an atomic software component prototype in the full context of the (possibly nested) software composition.
An atomic software component prototype is one whose type is not a software composition, i.e. its  indicates an application software
component type.
The first element within a  is the ,
 element within the .
Each of the following elements is a reference to a component prototype within the composition type
corresponding to the previous reference.
If the composition is nested, it may be necessary to insert one or more
 elements. Each component prototype ref specifies a
component prototype which is itself an instance of a composition type. One such
 is needed for each level of nesting until we reach the composition type containing the atomic software component instance.
Finally there must be a . This refers to the component prototype that is an instance of an application software component type. This completely
specifies the software component instance and completes the .
The  references the  element to which the
mapping applies.


SWC Implementation Selection
RTA-RTE supports the SwcToImplMapping element to choose which (of potentially
many) implementations applies to a SW-C type.
Each SW-C to implememtation mapping selects an implementation for one or more
SW-C instances and hence, indirectly, for the SW-C type. For example, to select im-

Mapping Software Components to ECUs


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

plementation “impl” for instance “swcA” one could use:



The SW-C to implememtation mappings are contained within the System Mapping element. See Section 18.1 for detailed information on mapping SW-C prototypes to ECUs.


Configuring Service Components on an ECU
Application software components are mapped to ECUs, as described above, using
the  element. In contrast, service components are assigned to ECUs
as part of the ECU configuration process. This is done using the XML element
, which is referenced from the ECU configuration itself.






 described in Section 13.1, except that it only contains
the service components and service connectors.


A connection between a service component prototype and an application component
prototype is established using a  element.

Mapping Software Components to ECUs

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide


This  element of the ECU configuration is used by RTA-RTE to
determine which services are required in an application, and to establish the connections between these services and the application software components.


Mapping Runnable Entities to Tasks
Mapping software component instances to ECU instances does not provide sufficient
information for the ECU to be integrated. Recall that a software component is multithreaded because it can contain multiple runnables.
The model of concurrency represented by runnable entities in software components
needs to be mapped to the model of concurrency supported by the ECU. In AUTOSAR,
this means that runnable entities must be mapped to tasks in the AUTOSAR OS.
The RTE generator uses the mapping information in the ECU configuration description
to map runnable entities into named tasks which are then created automatically by
The process involves three parts:
1. Defining the Os tasks within the Os module configuration and their mutual concurrency.
2. Mapping the runnable entities into the defined tasks. This is done in the Rte
module configuration.
3. Defining any supporting Os objects that the RTE needs as a consequence of the
mapping. For example it may need Os objects to schedule the tasks, to execute
only the activated runnables in each task execution and to serialize access to
application / BSW module code and/or internal state. RTA-RTE optionally provides
this additional OS configuration as an output, see Chapter 20.


Task Definition
RTA-RTE uses the OS module configuration within your ECU-Configuration description
to determine the available tasks. Tasks into which runnable entities are mapped will
have their bodies generated by the RTA-RTE RTE generator.
Each task is declared in the ECU configuration description for the OS within an instance
of the container type:
Mapping Software Components to ECUs


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

You can create as many tasks as required for the RTE, up to a maximum of 256 or the
limit imposed by your AUTOSAR OS whichever is the smaller.

The mapping of a runnable entity instance to an OS tasks occurs within an instance of
the container type:
The runnable entity mapping container defines the parameters related to the mapping
and references the appropriate runnable entity:

• PositionInTask—The position of the runnable entity within the task (this must be
specified as an unsigned integer).

• RTEEventRef—The RTE Event responsible for activating the runnable entity name.
This must be specified as a single, absolute, target reference to the RTE Event
within the SW-C internal behaviour definition.

• MappedToTaskRef—The OS task to which the runnable entity is mapped (this must
be specified as an absolute reference to the OS Task definition within the OS configuration container).
A single task may execute one or more runnable entities.
/AUTOSAR/EcucDefs/Rte/RteSwComponentInstance that encapsulates the runnable
entity mapping.
To avoid ambiguity, all runnable entities mapped to a task must have unique positions
within the task. The positions specified for runnable entities within a task need not be

Hints for Mapping
Multiple Category 1 (Basic) runnable entities can be mapped to the same task as they
cannot block and have a finite execution time. It is assumed that an AUTOSAR application will contain multiple tasks, each of which is dedicated to running several basic
runnable entities.
Mapping multiple Category 2 (Extended) runnable entities to a single task is not recommended since they can block and therefore significantly affect the timing (jitter) of
subsequent runnable entities mapped to the task. For this reason it is recommended
to map each Category 2 runnable entity to a single OS task.
A single task may perform multiple roles; e.g. executing different event-triggered
runnable entities or executing several runnable entities in sequence.

Mapping Software Components to ECUs

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

When defining the mapping of runnable entities to tasks the following rules should be

• Category 1 runnable entities can be mapped to either “basic” or “extended” tasks.
• There should be a 1:1 mapping between Category 2 runnable entities and “extended” tasks.

• To minimize RTE generated code within task bodies, time-triggered runnable entities with different periods should be mapped to different tasks and time-triggered
and communication-triggered runnable should be mapped to different tasks.

• All tasks should be mapped to the same OS application.

Mode Switch events
AUTOSAR requires that all runnables triggered by ModeSwitchEvents for the same
mode instance must be mapped to the same task. The runnables must be positioned
within the task such that all “on-exit” runnables are occur first, followed by all “ontransition” runnables, and finally all “on-exit” runnables.
The order in which ModeSwitchEvent triggered runnables are mapped to
tasks defines the order in which they are invoked at run-time.


Avoiding Category 2 (Extended) Tasks
The RTE generator is required to generate task bodies that contain the invocations of
runnable entities. Depending on the runnable placement within tasks the generated
body can use OS events which mean that the task is an “extended” task.
It may be desired to avoid the creation of extended tasks. These can be avoided by:

• Do not use WaitPoints within runnable entities.
• Do not use synchronous inter-task or inter-ECU client-server calls.
• Do not map runnable entities triggered by timing events and runnable entities triggered by other events (other than OperationInvokedEvent when the client is in the
same task) to the same task. When such a mapping exists, the RTA-RTE RTE generator uses extended tasks and OS events to ensure the correct runnable is executed
in response to each RTE event.

• Do not map multiple alarm-triggered runnable entities to the same task.

How Runnables get activated
There are subtle differences between how task activation works in the AUTOSAR OS and
how runnable-entity activation works in AUTOSAR RTE and ETAS RTA-RTE. This section
explains the issues.
Mapping Software Components to ECUs


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide


Task Activation in AUTOSAR OS
AUTOSAR OS specifies a counted, limited task-activation scheme where the
ActivateTask API increments an activation counter (up to a pre-configured limit) and
the counters are used to decide what task should be executed next whenever a Dispatch Point is encountered (e.g. call to certain OS APIs, termination of a Task). Importantly, the activation count is not decremented until the task has run to termination.
In particular:

• If the activation limit for a task is set to 1, then an attempt to activate a task while
it is already running will fail with E_OS_LIMIT.

• If the activation limit for the task is set to n, then effectively the activations are
queued up to n activations. Note that while the task is executing that execution
occupies one of these ‘queue’ positions.

Runnable Activation in AUTOSAR RTE 4.0.3
Runnable activation is complicated by the fact that an activation should not be lost if it
occurs during execution of the runnable [AR 4.0.3 SWS_RTE Figure 4.17]. Additionally,
multiple runnables can be mapped to a single task and AUTOSAR 4.0.3 specifies that
each RteEvent has an independent state-machine [AR4.0.3 SWS_RTE Page 113].
General Case: Sender-receiver, etc.
Aside from the special cases of OperationInvokedEvent and ModeSwitchEvent (see
below), AUTOSAR 4.0.3 specifies an uncounted runnable-activation scheme whereby
a runnable becomes eligible to run when any of the relevant configured events occurs. Notionally, a flag is set when the RteEvent occurs, then tested-and-reset in Rtegenerated task body before calling the C-function that implements the runnable.
In particular:

• If a runnable is activated multiple times before it enters, it is entered once.
• If a runnable is activated while it is executing, the activation is not lost, and the
runnable is eligible to run again.
Special Case: OperationInvokedEvent
Server runnables (i.e. those started by OperationInvokedEvent) participate in a queued
activation scheme [AR 4.0.3 SWS_RTE Page 113]. Here, subsequent client calls can be
made before previous calls are resolved, and RTE will activate the server runnable
multiple times, once per client request (subject to the configured queue length).
Special Case: ModeSwitchEvent
ModeSwitchEvents participate in a batched activation scheme [AR 4.0.3 SWS_RTE Section 4.4.4] whereby all the runnables configured for a particular mode transition (in206

Mapping Software Components to ECUs

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

cluding OnExit, OnTransition or OnEnter) are executed in strict PositionInTask order
after the mode transition conditions are met.
In particular:

• If a mode transition is initiated when a task containing the relevant Mode Switch
runnables is already executing and has passed the point of checking the conditions
for some runnable relevant to that transition, no runnable for that transition will be
executed on that pass through the task body. The task body will be re-executed
when the outstanding mode transition is detected and the runnables will all be
executed in that execution.
Activation Flags may still be required for ModeSwitchEvents to support MinimumStartInterval or ModeDisablingDependencies.
Special Case: Queued Sender-Receiver
In fact, queued sender-receiver is activated in the same pattern as the general case,
that is, Activation is not queued. It is expected that the code within the runnable itself
will loop until the queue is empty [AR 4.0.3 SWS_RTE Section 4.4.4].

Runnable Activation in ETAS RTA-RTE
Depending on the nature of the RteEvents mapped to a given OsTask, ETAS RTA-RTE
may employ a variety of mechanisms in the task glue code to ensure that the runnables
are activated correctly.
When all Mapped RteEvents are Periodic
In this case the OsTask need only be Basic with an Activation Limit of 1. If the periods
of the mapped runnables differ then prescalers are implemented as necessary.
When Periodic and Sporadic RteEvents are mapped or some Category 2 runnable is
In this case the OsTask must be Extended and auto-started at OS start-up. The glue
code does not terminate and the notional Activation Flags are implemented by OsEvents.
Sporadic RteEvents only
When only category 1 runnables started by sporadic events are mapped to a task,
the OsTask need only be Basic and RTA-RTE uses a system of Activation Flags to keep
track of what runnables are eligible to run. When the task to which an RteEvent has
been mapped executes, RTE glue code in the task body tests and resets the flag before
executing the runnable body. Even in the case where exactly one RteEvent is mapped
to the task, the flag is necessary to support the case where the runnable is activated
while it is executing [AR 4.0.3 SWS_RTE Figure 4.17].

• When this scheme is used, RTA-RTE requires that the Activation Limit of the OsTask
Mapping Software Components to ECUs


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

is 2, and will write a warning message if the OS configuration does not satisfy this.
The Activation limit of 2 is used so that a task activation is not lost if the runnable is
activated during the task’s execution. If the task is executing and has passed the point
of testing the runnable’s entry conditions, then a runnable activation results in setting
the runnable activation flag in the RTE, and incrementing the Task’s Activation Count in
the OS (remember, the Activation Count is already 1 if the Task is executing). When the
Task terminates, the Activation Count becomes 1, and the task will be executed again
at the first opportunity according to its priority.

• If a runnable is activated again soon after it already began executing, then it is
entered again with minimum delay.

• If a runnable is activated multiple times before the entry condition test in the task
body, then the runnable will correctly be executed once, but after the runnable is
completed and the task has terminated the Activation Count in the OS will still be
1. So the Task will enter again at the first opportunity, even though there may be
nothing to do. (“Empty Execution Problem”)
Variant Case: –deviate-prefer-no-empty-executions
In the case where all the runnables in the Task have the same entry conditions, then
an optimization can be made that eliminates the Empty Execution Problem.
If the option --deviate-prefer-no-empty-executions=on is supplied and all the
runnables in the Task have the same entry conditions, then the optimization is made
and the OsTask’s Activation Limit must be 1. RTA-RTE will warn if the Os configuration
does not conform.

• Tasks satisfying the conditions above will not execute when there is nothing to do
(no Empty Execution Problem).

• RTA-RTE will avoid generating the Activation Flag(s) and supporting code for tasks
satisfying the conditions above.

• A runnable activation occurring soon after the runnable is started may be lost.


Mapping Software Components to ECUs

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

This is because, now that the Activation Flag has been removed, runnable activation
behaves exactly the same as Task Activation (documented above). If the runnable
activation occurs during the Task execution, the corresponding task activation is lost
(because Activation Count remains at 1 during the Task execution). The Task will not
be activated until the RteEvent occurs again after Task termination.
Activation Limit and error hook
It is required to set the Activation Limit according to the messages written by RTA-RTE
in order to preserve the documented activation semantics.
Regardless of the Activation Limit, a burst of RteEvents can exceed the limit. This is
correct, designed behavior of RTA-RTE. When the Activation Limit is exceeded, RTA-RTE
will ignore the E_OS_LIMIT return status from the OS ActivateTask API, and will manage
the entry of runnables by means of generated flags.

• If you have configured ErrorHook in the OS then it may be executed as a result of
RTE’s attempts to activate tasks over their limit. Make sure that your ErrorHook
handles E_OS_LIMIT, at least from ActivateTask.

• It is a mistake to increase the Activation Limit to avoid E_OS_LIMIT because this
will make the Empty Execution Problem worse.

Mapping Software Components to ECUs


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide


Inter-ECU Communication
Once software components are mapped to ECUs, and their runnables are mapped to
tasks, you know which inter-Software Component communication is local to an ECU and
which is remote.
For remote (inter-ECU) communication you need to map the data items communicated
between software components (which will be data elements for sender-receiver communications or parameter values for client-server operations) into system signals communicated by the AUTOSAR COM and the sub-COM communication stack.
This chapter first describes how to set up the general framework for inter-ECU communications, and then describes how to configure data mappings for sender-receiver
communication and for client-server operations.


System Communications
Inter-ECU sender-receiver or client-server communication requires the XML configuration for the RTE to include the entire network configuration for inter-ECU communication. This means you will need to configure:

•  and  elements that hold data that is
communicated between ECUs. These are abstract representations of AUTOSAR
COM signals and signal groups in the AUTOSAR system description.

•  elements which indicate how one or more signals may be
packed into a single PDU for concurrent transmission.
There are different types of PDU corresponding to the different layers of the communication network, but only the I-PDU (Interaction Layer Protocol Data Unit) type
is relevant to the RTE, as IPDUs are the units of data used by COM.

• A bus-specific frame element is used to transmit data between ECUs in a communication channel and is composed of one or more PDUs, which in turn are composed
of individual signals.
Communications based on the CAN or LIN protocols a frame is limited to containing
only a single PDU.
Figure 19.1 illustrates the RTE relevant elements of the mapping of an AUTOSAR senderreceiver signal to an IPdu.

Signals and Signal Groups
A signal, or message, is the basic unit of communication between ECUs, usually carrying a single logical item of data, such as a value representing engine temperature.
AUTOSAR distinguishes between three kinds of signal: system signals, interaction layer
signals (i-signals) and COM signals, all of which may refer to the same data item. To understand inter-ECU communication within RTA-RTE, it is important to understand what
is referred to by the different types of signal.


Inter-ECU Communication

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide


Receiver A



`Optional mapping
for “fan -out”

of multiple
I-Signals in
one I -PDU




Figure 19.1: RTE-relevant Inter-ECU Mappings
System Signal —the most abstract representation of a message used to carry data,
and is the kind of signal referred to when data mappings are configured (see
I-Signal —an instance of a system signal in a particular interaction layer PDU. A separate class is used in order to support “fan-out”, enabling a single system signal
to be referred to in multiple PDU instances, sent to different destinations. Consequently, there may be n I-Signals corresponding to a single system signal.
Com signal —an element of the COM module configuration, representing a concrete
instance of a signal. Com signals correspond directly to i-signals, i.e. for every
i-signal in the system definition that is required for the ECU being generated,
there should be a Com signal. The configuration of Com signals includes detailed
information about the communication stack that is not included in the high-level
system definition, such as repetition counts, filters, etc.
Each  represents an abstract block of data that is to be transmitted. It contains only the name by which the system signal can be referred. A
 is therefore an abstract representation of a signal in AUTOSAR COM.
However, the relationship between a  and a Com signal is not a sim-

Inter-ECU Communication


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

ple one-to-one mapping, as system signal may be included in multiple frames each of
which will require separate COM signals.


An  is an instance of a system signal in a particular interaction layer PDU.
The  refers to a system signal.


Several signals can be collected into a signal group to ensure their simultaneous
transmission. This technique is used to map complex data types into signals for communication. A signal group contains only a name and a list of references to basic system
The following example maps multiple system signals into a signal group. Note that the
packing of signals within the group into IPDUs is not specified as part of the signal group





An  is an instance of a system signal group in a particular interaction
layer PDU. The  refers to a system signal group.




PDU Types
An  element represents a collection of (system) signals for transfer
between nodes in a communications network via references to I-Signals.


Inter-ECU Communication

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

There are different types of PDU corresponding to the different layers of the communication network, but only the I-PDU (Interaction Layer Protocol Data Unit) type is
relevant to the RTE, as IPDUs are the units of data used by COM. Specifically, only
 are considered, as these carry application data between software
components. (The terms “IPDU” hereafter refers to a I-Signal IPDUs).
As with other AUTOSAR elements, PDUs use a “type” and “prototype” method where
an  element defines a PDU structure and instances of the type are
used as the  element.
An  element defines the overall length (in bits) and contains one or
more references to its included I-Signals and their mapped bit position.




The  element defines tha size of the I-PDU in bits. Note that the length of the
PDU can be greater that the sum of the included signal lengths.
The  element is independent of the physical bus over which data
may be transferred.

Communication Clusters
A communication describes a set of physical channels used to connect ECUs and hubs.
An ECU belongs to a communication cluster if one of its communications ports is connected to one of the physical channels of the cluster. The content of a communication
cluster depends of the type of bus used for a system; for example, it may just contain
a description of a CAN bus.
The separate communication cluster types are used for different bus types, for example, a  might define:.



Inter-ECU Communication


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide



RTA-RTE does not use information present in communication clusters.

Each frame represents a communication protocol independent assembly of PDUs (and
hence system signals) that will be transmitted across the network. A frame is therefore
the AUTOSAR XML equivalent of an IPDU in AUTOSAR COM.
Each frame has a length and a set of . Different bus types
have different frame definitions, for example, a CAN frame might be defined as:



The  specifies the length of the frame in bytes. The length can be of
arbitrary size1 , but you must be aware that the decision of which signals are located
in which frames and their corresponding length will be influenced by the physical communication system you use between ECUs.

COM OIL Generation
The RTE generator uses information from the system description to generate the COM
API calls used to initiate communication and to respond to communication events indicated by COM.
For compatibility with previous AUTOSAR releases versions of the COM stack, the

AUTOSAR currently restricts frame lengths to 8 bytes.


Inter-ECU Communication

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

RTE generator can optionally also output a COM OIL configuration file suitable for
a COM generator. This maps objects in the system description into the MESSAGEs,
NETWORKMESSAGEs and IPDUs understood by COM.
The generation of COM configuration is not part of the AUTOSAR RTE specification. RTA-RTE supports generation of a COM 1.0 OIL configuration.
The generation of COM OIL in this release of RTA-RTE is limited to simple configurations
featuring one-off, triggered transmission only, and does not take into account more
complex features like cyclic timing or repetition counters. For more complex configurations it is necessary to configure the COM stack separately.


Inter-ECU Sender-Receiver Communication
For remote (inter-ECU) sender-receiver communication you need to map the data element prototypes transferred between software components into system signals communicated by the AUTOSAR COM and the sub-COM communication stack. This is done
in the  section of the system mapping (see Section 18) element.





Primitive data types are mapped to a single signal using a SenderReceiverToSignalMapping; complex data types are mapped to several signals in a signal group using a
Whether an AUTOSAR signal is primitive or complex depends on the Category of the
ImplementationDataType used to represent the signal:

• VALUE — primitive. Use SenderReceiverToSignalMapping and see 19.2.1
• STRUCTURE — complex.

Use SenderReceiverToSignalGroupMapping and see


• ARRAY — either. If the array is fixed-length and is small enough to fit in a single
signal then it may be treated as primitive and mapped to a single signal. In any
case it is permitted to treat an array as complex and map it to multiple, grouped

• TYPE_REFERENCE — effectively has the same category as the referenced type.
Inter-ECU Communication


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

In a full system description, data mappings are described for provider (sender) ports
only; the connectors in the software composition indicate which receiver ports are connected to these, which allows the mapping of received data elements to signals to
be inferred also. In an ECU extract of a system description, in which only the software
components relevant to a given ECU are included, it may be necessary to describe mappings for a requirer port. For example, the receiver side data mappings are needed if
the corresponding provider port is not included in the ECU extract.
Both primitive and complex mapping element types follow the same basic pattern; an
instance reference to a data element prototype that specifies the data to be sent interECU and a mapping that specifies the system signal(s) used to carry the data.

Primitive Types
VariableDataPrototypes mapped to primitive ImplementationDataTypes are mapped
using the SenderReceiverToSignalMapping element. One element must be configured
for each AUTOSAR signal.





The SenderReceiverToSignalMapping’s  specifies the component
instance, port and data element from which the communication originates. If you use
hierarchical composition, i.e. with delegation connectors, then you will need to reference each level in the hierarchy using multiple  elements.

Complex Types
Complex types, which may be either records or arrays, are mapped using the SenderReceiverToSignalGroupMapping element. One element must be configured for each
complex AUTOSAR signal. All signals for a single complex type are mapped to a signal
group and therefore benefit from atomic transmission.
The SenderReceiverToSignalGroupMapping is similar to the mapping element for primitive types in that it contains a DATA-ELEMENT-IREF to select the AUTOSAR signal. However, unlike the primitive mapping the selection of system signals is more involved

Inter-ECU Communication

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

since a recursive mapping of the record/array elements to system signals is required.






As with the mapping for primitive types, the  specifies the component instance, port and data element from which the communication originates. If
you use hierarchical composition, i.e. with delegation connectors, then you will need
to reference each level in the hierarchy using multiple  elements.
A group mapping includes the  element that is the root for
the recursive mapping of system signals within the signal group referenced by
. The example will map the following C structure R1 to signals
where R1 is defined as:
struct R1 {
As explained above, the mapping of a complex type can be recursive since complex
data types can themselves be defined recursively; for example, a structure R2 could
be defined in terms of structure R1 as well as additional primitive data elements. The
recursive mapping can produce very large, very complex, mappings and therefore to
ease understanding the type mapping for R1 uses a flat definition only.

Inter-ECU Communication


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

First, the  element must define the mapping for structure
member “Speed” which has type UInt8:



The structure R1 uses only simple types and therefore contains a single mapping
level. If it contained a nested structure then the definition would uses nested
The example above illustrates the mapping of a record type; arrays are mapped similarly, using the  element within a complex type


Inter-ECU Client-Server Communication
For remote (inter-ECU) client-server communication you need to map the operation
argument prototypes passed between the client and server software components into
system signals communicated by the AUTOSAR COM and the sub-COM communication
stack. As with sender-receiver communication, this is done in the DataMapping section
of the system’s Mapping element (see Section 19.2).
Unlike the data mappings for sender-receiver communications, which may use individual signals for primitive data elements or signal groups for complex elements, clientserver data mappings always require a signal group. This is because all the parameters
of an operation are transmitted in an atomic transfer operation. A mapping for one operation, including both the parameters and other meta-data, is encapsulated within a
 element. This will contain some or all
of the following sub-elements:

• A  which identifies the software component instance,
port and operation defining this client-server communication. If you use hierarchical composition, i.e. with delegation connectors, then you will need to reference
each level in the hierarchy using multiple  elements.

• Either a  or a , which identifies the

Inter-ECU Communication

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

system signal group to be used to collect the signals for the request (call) or response of the operation.

• A set of  which provide mappings for any arguments
with simple types. These are described in more detail below.

• A set of  which provide mappings for any arguments
with complex types (records or arrays). These are described in more detail below.

• An optional  element which identifies the system signal used
to carry an application-defined error code returned from the server.

• An optional  used for operations with no parameters. This is necessary to avoid the transfer of signal groups which contain no signals.

• An optional  mapping which identifies a signal used to pass a
counter for tracking request-to-response pairings.
For each inter-ECU client-server operation you must specify a pair of mappings, using
separate  elements. One of these maps
arguments of the calling side of the operation, the other maps those of the response.
The presence of either a  or a  indicates
the direction (client-to-server or server-to-client) of a particular signal group mapping.







Inter-ECU Communication


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide


The element used to map argument prototypes to system signals depends on whether
the communicated argument’s data type is primitive or complex. These mappings are
described in the following sections.

Primitive Argument Types
Primitive types are mapped using the  element. One element must be configured for each operation argument. If there is
more than one primitive argument, their mappings should be grouped together inside
a  element.



The ‘client-server primitive type mapping  specifies the argument prototype from which the communication originates (and which implicitly lies within the
referenced operation).

Complex Argument Types
This release of RTA-RTE does not support interECU transmission of complex
types using client-server communication.
Complex types, which may be either records or arrays, are mapped within a
 block, using a set of XML structures very similar to those
used for sender-receiver mappings. One element must be configured for each complex
argument prototype. The only significant difference is that in the client-server case
no signal group is required for a complex mapping, as all the signals associated with
an operation are always mapped to a dedicated signal group for either the request or
The  is similar to the mapping element
for primitive types in that it contains an  to select the argument. However, unlike the primitive mapping, the selection of system signals is more

Inter-ECU Communication

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

involved since a recursive mapping of the record/array elements to system signals is











Inter-ECU Communication


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

The mapping of an array argument prototype is similar to the record type shown here,
but uses the  element. As with inter-ECU
sender-receiver communications, nested types can also be mapped, again with the
exception that arrays of arrays are currently not supported.


Inter-ECU Communication

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide


Using the OS and COM Configurations
The OS and COM modules for a particular ECU must provide the RTE for that ECU with
all the services it requires in order to fulfil the requirements of the software components
and BSW modules on the ECU. For instance the RTE may require particular OsResources
for serialization of access to application / BSW module code and/or internal state and
may require particular COM signals for communication with software components on
other ECUs. The configurations of the OS and COM modules must therefore eventually
contain all the required configuration objects for the RTE, in addition to configuration
for the ECU environment (e.g. OS target) and Os objects for other BSW modules.
As mentioned in section 18.4 the RTE generator in RTE phase uses part of the OS configuration to determine the execution contexts of runnables, the concurrency model for
the system and the task bodies it must generate. It is possible to supply just this part of
the OS configuration at RTE generation time and subsequently add the other required
configuration before the OS generation or configuration step. Similarly it is possible
to supply just part of the COM configuration at RTE generation time and add the rest
before generating or configuring COM.
The RTE generator optionally outputs two configuration files that can be useful when
taking this approach:
1. An Operating System configuration file containing both additional configuration
for Os objects that were in the input configuration but need particular properties for the RTE to function correctly and additional Os objects required for the
scheduling and serialization of the Os tasks by the RTE. Depending on the selected OS (RTE option --operating-system) this could be an AUTOSAR XML file
or a legacy OIL file. The default name of the file depends on the OS used; for
example, for the AUTOSAR R4.0 OS plug-in it is osNeeds.arxml, for the AUTOSAR
R1.0 plug-in it is rta-osek.oil, for the OSEK v2.2.3 plug-in it is osek.oil. The
name can be changed using the command-line option --os-file.
2. A COM v1.0 configuration file called rta-com.oil.
These configuration files are not complete; they must be combined with other configuration files, not generated by RTA-RTE, before being passed to the operating system
and communication service configuration tools.
These files contain partial configuration information for the respective modules. The scope of the generated configuration data are those parts of configuration necessary for the RTE to work, namely Os tasks and supporting
Os objects and COM signals and signal groups. If additional OS/COM configuration is provided as input to the RTE generator then this is ignored.
The output of OS and COM configuration can be ignored if not required or
not suitable. The plug-ins should not be removed from the the RTE generator
configuration file.

Using the OS and COM Configurations


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

It is possible and sometimes necessary to supply more than the minimum OS configuration on the input to the RTE generator. In particular, in a partitioned system it
is necessary to supply the OsApplications and the mapping of tasks to them; in this
case the additional OS configuration for the RTE that is generated by the RTE generator does not place the additional Os objects in OsApplications and cannot be used
directly. For R4.0 it is possible to disable the generation of additional OS configuration
and have the RTE generator check that the supplied configuration is sufficient, using
the --strict-config-check option.
When the OS and/or COM configuration output by the RTE generator is ignored (and the strict configuration check is not enabled) it is important that
all the Os and COM objects that the generated RTE uses are configured with
the expected names, at latest by the OS and COM generation or configuration step, otherwise compilation or link errors will result. It is also important
to ensure that all Os tasks and ISRs in which RTE code may execute are configured as accessing the necessary Os objects used by the RTE, otherwise
runtime errors may occur. Details of the Os objects typically required by the
RTE may be found in the OS Configuration section of the RTA-RTE Reference


Operating System Configuration
All AUTOSAR application software components’ access to the OS occurs via the RTE.
The RTE insulates application software components from the need to access OS API
calls directly and hence RTA-RTE provides no mechanism for them to do so.


Scheduling Policy
By default, all runnable entities are scheduled pre-emptively based on priorities specified during configuration.
Runnable entities that must guard against access to an exclusive area at runtime can
use the RTE concurrency control API to force non-preemption by declaring an exclusive
area around relevant code regions. All runnable entities in a prototype of a component
that specify the same explicit exclusive area are scheduled non pre-emptively.


OS Counters
The generated RTE uses OS objects, either periodic alarms or schedule tables, to trigger runnable entities activated by timing events. The alarm/table is driven by a counter
Rte_Tick_Counter. The rate at which the counter must be driven depends on configured timing events – for convenience the output file Rte_Const.h contains the required
period (in microseconds) as RTE_PERIODIC_COUNTER_TICK_INTERVAL_US.
The generated RTE uses OS alarms for sporadic events such as timeouts. If such alarms
are required then the counter Rte_TOut_Counter is created in the OS configuration.
To avoid unacceptable jitter on timeouts the Rte_TOut_Counter is always ticked at
1ms. For convenience the output file Rte_Const.h contains the required period (in


Using the OS and COM Configurations

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

Because the AUTOSAR OS and OSEK OS forbid SetEvent and ActivateTask API calls
within an alarm callback, it is necessary not to directly tick Rte_Tout_Counter but
instead to call the generated function Rte_Tick_Timeouts. The Rte_Tick_Timeouts
API ticks Rte_Tout_Counter and then performs any RTE state maintenance needed if
timeouts occurred.

Scheduling Periodic Runnable Entities
The RTE generator uses the periodicity information from the RTE configuration files
to generate one or more schedule tables to execute periodic runnable entities (those
triggered by TimingEvent). The schedule table specifies when each runnable entity is
executed within the table hyper-period (the point at which the sequence of runnable
entities on the table repeats).
As an example of how the RTE generator builds schedule tables, consider two runnable
entities, A and B , with periods of 3ms and 4ms respectively. The periodic schedule
generated by the RTE generator has a hyper-period of 12ms and would invoke the
runnable entities as follows:



Invoke A, invoke B


Invoke A


Invoke B


Invoke A


Invoke B


Invoke A



The schedule may result in the execution of one or more tasks depending on the jitter
requirements and category of runnable entities contained in the schedule. Typically
only a single task is required since Category 1 runnable entities cannot block and must
have finite execution time. However, multiple tasks may be required to meet the jitter
For example consider two runnable entities, each with an execution time of 7ms, executed at 5ms and 10ms offsets into a schedule. If each runnable entity has an acceptable start jitter of 5ms then a single task can be used to invoke the runnable entities—
the first will start at 5ms, the second at 12ms. However if the acceptable start jitter is
reduced to 1ms then two tasks are now required since the first will now execute at 5ms
and the second task will execute at 10ms and hence the jitter requirements are met
even though the response time of the first runnable entity is extended.

The generated RTE uses an OsResource for the serialization of access to internal state.
In a multi-core system a different OsResource is used for each core. OsResources can
Using the OS and COM Configurations


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

also be used to serialize access to application / BSW module code, depending on the
configured protection requirements and the possible concurrency of runnables implied
by the task mappings and task configuration.
Any task or ISR in whose context RTE code may run must be marked as locking the
RTE-internal OsResource, or the RTE-internal OsResource for the core on which it executes in a multi-core system. This includes tasks whose bodies are generated by the
RTE generator, i.e. that have runnable entities and/or schedulable entities mapped to
them, and tasks and ISRs from which BSW modules may call RTE generated notification
functions, such as COM reception notifications for example.
Similarly, tasks and ISRs in whose context protected application / BSW module code
executes must be marked as locking the corresponding OsResources used by the RTE
to provide the protection.
See the OS Configuration section of the RTA-RTE Reference Manual for details.

Using the OS Configuration
The OS configuration generated by the RTE generator contains only the task configuration for the tasks you defined at system deployment time, the schedule tables for
runnable entities triggered with periodic TimingEvents and OsResources needed for
serializing access to application code or internal state. You will need to include the
generated XML / OIL file with the other XML / OIL files that define other aspects of your
system, for example:

• message/task mappings generated by the COM configuration process
• a driver interrupt for the schedule table
• other interrupt handlers
• other tasks for non-RTE managed ECU functionality
• additional counters, alarms etc.
For OIL configuration files you can use the #include mechanisms to integrate the RTE
OS configuration with your other OS configuration files. You should consult your OS
documentation for further information or for details of how to merge XML configuration


Communication Stack Configuration
When component prototypes that communicate are allocated to different ECU instances, the RTE generator will generate an OIL configuration file for the communication stack.


Using the COM Configuration
The rta-com.oil configuration file generated by the RTE generator contains the messages and network messages (messages packed into COM IPDUs) and the IPDU frame

Using the OS and COM Configurations

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

types. The configuration also contains the declaration of which OS tasks access the
specified messages.
You will need to include the rta-com.oil file with any additional configuration you might
have. The following example shows the general structure:
OS dummyOS {
COM Somename {
#include "rta-com.oil"
The COM configuration should be processed with the COM configuration tool to generate the data structures for the communication layer. Please consult your COM documentation for details.
The configuration of the COM layer does not include configuration of the network drivers (e.g. CAN drivers, FlexRay drivers etc.) or the PDU Router. This
must be done independently using your AUTOSAR XML files and network
driver configuration tools.

Using the OS and COM Configurations


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide


Debugging Implementations with VFB Tracing
Virtual Function Bus (VFB) Tracing permits the monitoring of AUTOSAR signals as they
are sent and received across the VFB.
VFB tracing is implemented as a series of hook functions that are invoked automatically
by the generated RTE when interesting events within the RTE occur. Each hook function corresponds to a single trace event, for example task dispatch or runnable entity
The trace events supported by RTA-RTE are defined in Section 21.2. RTA-RTE provides a
means by which VFB tracing can either be globally enabled or disabled (if disabled, VFB
tracing has no run-time effect) as well as the enabling or disabling of individual trace
events. Configuration of VFB tracing for RTA-RTE is described in Section 21.3.


Enabling Tracing
The creation of VFB Tracing hook calls within the generated code is controlled by either
a command-line option or an RTE configuration parameter within the ECUC.
If VFB Tracing is disabled then no hook calls are created in the generated code.
Even if hook calls are generated they will have no runtime effect unless
definitions in Rte_Cfg.h are in place to globally enable VFB tracing to enable
the required individual hook calls.


Supported Trace Events
RTA-RTE supports the following VFB Trace events:

• RTE API call start and return.
• Inter-ECU signal transmission, reception and reception notification.
• Runnable entity invocation and termination.
• OS Event set, wait and return.
• OS Task activation and dispatch.

RTE API Start is invoked by the RTA-RTE when an API call is made by a software component. The hook function must have the name:
Where  is the API root name (Write, Call, Feedback, etc.),  the softwarecomponent type name and  the access point (combination of port name and data
item name/operation name separated by an underscore).


Debugging Implementations with VFB Tracing

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide


RTE API Return
RTE API Return is invoked by the RTA-RTE just before an API call returns control to a
component. The hook function must have the name:
Where  is the API root name (Write, Call, Feedback, etc.),  the softwarecomponent type name and  the access point (combination of port name and data
item name/operation name separated by an underscore).


COM Signal Transmission
A trace event indicating a transmission request of an Inter-ECU signal or signal group
by the RTE. The hook function is invoked by the RTA-RTE just before Com_SendSignal
or Com_SendSignalGroup is invoked. The hook function must have the name:
Where  is the system signal name.


COM Signal Reception
A trace event indicating an attempt to read Inter-ECU signal by the RTE. The hook
function is invoked by the RTA-RTE after successful return from Com_ReceiveSignal.
The hook function must have the name:
Where  is the system signal name.


COM Notification
A trace event indicating the start of a COM notification. Invoked by RTA-RTE generated
code on entry to the COM call-back. The hook function must have the name:
Where  is the system signal name.


OS Task Activation
A trace event invoked by RTA-RTE generated code immediately before activating the
specified task. The hook function must have the name:
The Rte_Task_Activate hook is passed the task handle of the activated task.


OS Task Dispatch
A trace event invoked by the RTA-RTE immediately on dispatch of the specified generated task (provided it contains runnable entities). The hook function must have the
Debugging Implementations with VFB Tracing


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

The Rte_Task_Dispatch hook is passed the task handle of the activated task.

OS Task Set Event
A trace event invoked immediately before generated RTA-RTE code attempts to set an
OS Event. The hook function must have the name:
The parameters of the hook call define the task for which the event is being set and the
event mask.


OS Task Wait Event
A trace event invoked immediately before generated RTA-RTE code attempts to wait for
an OS Event. The hook function must have the name:
The parameters of the hook call define the task waiting for the event and the event

21.2.10 OS Task Wait Event Return
A trace event invoked immediately before generated RTE code returns from waiting for
an OS Event. The hook function must have the name:
The parameters of the hook call define the task returning from the wait and the event
21.2.11 Runnable Entity Invocation
A trace event invoked by the RTE just before execution of a runnable entry starts via
its entry point. This trace event occurs after any copies of data elements are made to
support the Rte_IRead API Call. The hook function must have the name:
Where  is the software-component type name and  the runnable entity
21.2.12 Runnable Entity Termination
A trace event invoked by the RTE immediately after execution returns to RTE code from
a runnable entity. This trace event occurs before write-back of data elements is made
to support the Rte_IWrite API Call. The hook function must have the name:


Debugging Implementations with VFB Tracing

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

Where  is the software-component type name and  the runnable entity


When generation of VFB trace hooks is enabled, RTA-RTE always places hook calls in the
generated RTE. However unless both VFB Tracing is globally enabled and the individual
trace event(s) enabled the generated hooks will have no run-time effect.
The RTE configuration header file, Rte_Cfg.h, contains user definitions that globally
enable or disable VFB tracing and enable individual trace events.


Enabling VFB Tracing
VFB Tracing is globally enabled when the RTE configuration header file defines
RTE_VFB_TRACE as a non-zero integer, for example:
#define RTE_VFB_TRACE (1)
If RTE_VFB_TRACE is not defined in the RTE configuration header file VFB Tracing is
globally disabled.


Enabling VFB Trace Events
Using definitions in the RTE configuration header file it is possible to enable or disable
individual trace events, for example, it is possible to enable just “Task dispatch” events
and to ignore all others.
Individually enabled trace events have no effect if VFB tracing is globally
An individual trace event is enabled when there is a #define in the RTE configuration
header file for the hook function name. The following example enables VFB Tracing for
“Task Dispatch” events
#define Rte_Task_Dispatch (1)
The name of the #define must be the same as the hook name.


Trace Event Header File
RTA-RTE creates a header file, Rte_Hook.h, that defines the signature of each hook
function and is responsible for disabling the trace event so that its hook call has no
run-time effect if the hook function name is not defined in the RTE configuration header


Implementing Hook Functions
For each enabled trace event RTA-RTE will invoke a hook function. The implementation
of the function is not provided by RTA-RTE but instead must be supplied by the user.
The implementation is free to perform any actions required within the hook function,
e.g. log the invocation.
Debugging Implementations with VFB Tracing


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

The Rte_Hook.h header file should be included in any user code that implements hook
functions. Additional header files, such as Rte_Type.h, may be necessary depending on
the enabled trace events and the data types used within the program.
The following example implements a hook function for “Task Dispatch”:
#include "Rte.h"
#include "Rte_Hook.h"
Rte_Task_Dispatch(TaskType t)
if ( t == taskA )
/* Log dispatch of taskA */


Debugging Implementations with VFB Tracing

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide


Data Transformation
RTA-RTE supports data transformation, introduced in AUTOSAR 4.2, for sender/receiver
communications. When data transformation is requested for a signal, RTA-RTE will
transform any data items that are sent or received via the Rte_Write and Rte_Read
APIs associated with that signal.
On the transmission side of a communication, the generated Rte_Write API calls the
configured sequence of BswModuleEntrys to convert the port data to a byte array (array of uint8) and passes the resulting array to COM_SendSignal for transmission.
On the reception side of a communication, the data is received from COM as a byte
array (array of uint8), and the generated Rte_Read API calls the configured sequence
of BswModuleEntrys to convert the byte array back into port data.


Extent of support
Data transformation in RTA-RTE is based on the specification in AUTOSAR version 4.2.2.
The scenarios supported are described in Section 22.1.1.
RTA-RTE does not support the complete AUTOSAR specification for data transformation.
Section 22.1.2 outlines the limitations in the support for data transformation in the
current implementation.
There are a number of differences between the implementation of data transformation in RTA-RTE and the published AUTOSAR 4.2.2 specification. These differences are
highlighted in Section 22.1.3.


Supported scenarios
The following are supported by RTA-RTE:
Configurations supplied as an ECU_EXTRACT: RTA-RTE supports data transformation for configurations containing an AUTOSAR System of category ECU_EXTRACT,
where signals are mapped to delegation ports on the RootSwComposition.
Explicit unqueued sender/receiver communications: RTA-RTE supports data
transformation for explicit sender/receiver communications using the Rte_Read
and Rte_Write APIs.
Serialization with SOME/IP plus optional end-to-end protection: RTA-RTE supports serialization of the input data using the SOME/IP transformer, optionally
followed by end-to-end protection using the E2E transformer.
Out-of-place buffering: RTA-RTE supports the use of the E2E transformer when it is
configured for out-of-place buffering.
Reporting of transformer errors to calling SWC: RTA-RTE supports extending the
Rte_Read and Rte_Write APIs with the optional transformerError parameter to
provide transformer error information to the calling SWC.

Data Transformation


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide


RTA-RTE does not currently support data transformation for these configurations:

• Transformer chains (DataTransformations) of length 3 or more.
• Transformer chains containing TransformationTechnologys of SECURITY or
CUSTOM classes.

• Transformers using in-place buffering (where BufferProperties.inPlace is TRUE)
• Transformers requiring access to the original data (where the needsOriginalData
attribute is TRUE)

• Transformer chains that use the COM-based transformer for serialization
RTA-RTE does not currently support data transformation for these types of communication:

• Implicit sender/receiver communication (Rte_IWrite and Rte_IRead APIs)
• Queued sender/receiver communication (Rte_Send and Rte_Receive APIs)
• Client/server communication (Rte_Call and Rte_Result APIs)
• External trigger communication (Rte_Trigger API)
• Any form of intra-ECU communication
RTA-RTE does not currently support transformation in the following APIs used for unqueued explicit sender/receiver communication:

• Rte_Invalidate
• Rte_DRead
• Rte_Feedback
RTA-RTE does not support the use of data transformation for any inter-ECU communication where the same data element is sent or received via multiple signals. This includes
configurations where multiple SystemSignals or SystemSignalGroups are mapped to
the same data element, as well as signal fan-in and fan-out as a result of multiple
ISignals referencing the same SystemSignal.

Deviations from AUTOSAR
The implementation of data transformation in RTA-RTE deviates from the AUTOSAR
specification in the following ways:


Data Transformation

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

Buffer Size
To eliminate problems caused by different interpretations of the AUTOSAR standard, and to minimize the cost of corrections to the configuration, RTA-RTE
does not attempt to calculate the buffer size from the input type size and the
Instead, RTA-RTE requires that an XfrmBufferSizeInBytes be supplied for each
XfrmImplementationMapping. This specifies the size of the buffer for the transformed
data, i.e. the output buffer on the sending side and the input buffer on the receiving side. The specified buffer size must include an allowance for any header that the
transformer function may add.
XfrmBufferSizeInBytes is a mandatory integer parameter that must be between 1
and 65535, since the C-type of bufferLength in the calling protocol is uint16. If any
XfrmImplementationMapping does not contain a parameter XfrmBufferSizeInBytes,
RTA-RTE raises error 2968.
Prototypes for transformer functions
When a transformer function is called, RTA-RTE forward declares the function by writing the function prototype to Rte.c. The declaration is generated without the use of
compiler abstraction macros (FUNC, CONSTP2VAR etc.).
Version 4.2.2 of the AUTOSAR specification is ambiguous as to how transformer functions should be declared. According to SWS_Rte 07283, the declaration should be generated in the Module Interlink Header File (MIHF), however there is no requirement to
include MIHFs in Rte.c, nor any mechanism to know what MIHFs might be appropriate
for a given transformer (given only a reference to a BswModuleEntry, RTA-RTE does not
know which BSW Module’s ExecutableEntity it belongs to).
RTA-RTE does not currently implement RfC 73044 (adopted in AUTOSAR versions 4.3.0 and later), which adds a new attribute to bswModuleEntrys to
determine whether or not RTE is responsible for generating the function prototype in the MIHF.

Unsupported feature combinations
When data transformation is in use, the use of these features is not supported:

• Data conversion
• Signal fan-in and fan-out
• MEMORY optimization strategy
The use of these features combined with data transformation may result in RTA-RTE
exiting with an error, or other unexpected behaviour.

Data Transformation


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide


Enabling data transformation in an input configuration
To enable data transformation, the input configuration must contain the following elements:

• An AUTOSAR system of category ECU_EXTRACT with signals mapped via delegation
ports (section 22.2.1)

• System model elements associated with transformation (section 22.2.2)
• Mappings to transformer implementation functions(section 22.2.3)
• BSW entries corresponding to transformer functions (section 22.2.4)
• COM signals to send the transformed data (section 22.2.5)

System category and signal mapping
RTA-RTE only supports data transformation for AUTOSAR Systems that are of category ECU_EXTRACT. The use of any System category other than ECU_EXTRACT whenever XfrmImplementationMappings are present in the input configuration (see section 22.2.3) will cause RTA-RTE to exit with an error.
The signals that transport transformed data must be mapped to delegation ports on
the RootSwComposition. RTA-RTE will exit with an error if transformation is enabled
for a signal that is mapped directly to an inner port on a SWC contained within the
Each delegation port to which a transformed signal is mapped must be connected to
a single port on an atomic SWC. RTA-RTE will raise errors if a delegation port on the
RootSwComposition that is ultimately associated with a transforming ISignal is referenced by multiple DelegationSwConnectors or if the inner port is a delegation port on
a CompositionSwComponentType
The port interfaces through which transformed data is communicated must be
directly compatible so that the DelegationSwConnector does not reference a
PortInterfaceMapping - RTA-RTE does not support the use of data conversion
in combination with data transformation.
RTA-RTE will raise an error when a
DelegationSwConnector that is ultimately associated with a transforming ISignal references a PortInterfaceMapping.
RTA-RTE does not support the mapping of multiple SystemSignals to a data element in
a port interface when transformation is in use for that data element. RTA-RTE will raise
an error when multiple SystemSignals are mapped to the same data element across a
delegation port or a connected inner port and any of those signals are associated with
a transforming ISignal .
RTA-RTE does not support the use of signal fan-in or fan-out (by referencing the same
SystemSignal from multiple ISignals) when transformation is in use. RTA-RTE will


Data Transformation

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

raise an error if multiple ISignals reference the same SystemSignal and any of those
ISignals reference a DataTransformation .

System model elements
For each transformation, the input model must contain the required model elements:

• A DataTransformation referencing the required TransformationTechnologys
• TransformationTechnologys, each referencing a BufferProperties
Data transformation is enabled on an ISignal-by-ISignal basis. To enable data transformation for an ISignal, it must reference a DataTransformation which in turn must
reference at least one TransformationTechnology.
Each TransformationTechnology referenced from a DataTransformation must
in turn reference a valid BufferProperties.
RTA-RTE does not require the
bufferComputation attribute to be present inside BufferProperties as it uses the
alternative XfrmBufferSizeInBytes to determine the transformer buffer size. RTA-RTE
ignores any bufferComputation that may be present.
If the requested DataTransformations or TransformationTechnologys are invalid or
are not found in the input model, RTA-RTE will reject the configuration with an error.
RTA-RTE will not raise errors when a configuration contains
DataTransformations or TransformationTechnologys that are invalid
or missing if they are not referenced from any ISignal (and so are not
required to perform data transformation).

Mapping in the ECU Value File
When transformation is enabled for an ISignal, the input configuration
must contain XfrmImplementationMappings referencing that ISignal and the
TransformationTechnologys aggregated by the requested DataTransformation.
XfrmImplementationMapping identifies the BswModuleEntry that will implements
a single TransformationTechnology on the data transported by an ISignal.
An XfrmImplementationMapping can contain two references to BswModuleEntrys one for the sending-side transformer implementation and one for the receiving side
inverse transformer implementation. In cases where the same ISignal is both sent
and received on the same ECU and so both references are required, these must be
supplied in the same XfrmImplementationMapping container. Supplying separate
XfrmImplementationMappings for the same ISignal and TransformationTechnology
pair will cause RTA-RTE to raise an error.
Each XfrmImplementationMapping must include an XfrmBufferSizeInBytes
parameter that specifies the size of the transformer buffer for that
Data Transformation


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

ISignal/TransformationTechnology combination.
RTA-RTE will raise an error
when an input configuration contains an XfrmImplementationMapping that does not
include the XfrmBufferSizeInBytes parameter.
RTA-RTE will issue a warning if an input configuration contains any
XfrmImplementationMappings that are not required to perform data transformation.
To prevent this warning, you should remove all unused
XfrmImplementationMappings from the ECU value file.
RTA-RTE will reject a configuration with an error if it detects an invalid
XfrmImplementationMapping, even if that XfrmImplementationMapping is
not required to perform transformation in the system. To prevent this,
you should remove all invalid XfrmImplementationMappings from the ECU
value file.

BSW module entries for transformer functions
The functions that are called to perform transformation must be defined as
BswModuleEntrys. RTA-RTE uses the BswModuleEntry.shortName as the name of the
function that it calls to perform the transformation.
It does check for compliance with the
naming scheme detailed in AUTOSAR requirement [SWS_Xfrm_00062].
Prototypes for the transformer functions are declared in the generated Rte.c file before
they are used.
RTA-RTE raises error 2972 when a configuration requires it to generate multiple incompatible function prototypes for a C function that is used as a
transformer implementation.


COM signals
The COM configuration changes when data transformation is used, as data is transmitted in the form of a byte array regardless of its underlying data type. When transformed
data is transmitted or received via a ‘ComSignal‘, the user must configure that signal
as type UINT8_N, not the original data type.
The length of the COM signal must be sufficient to convey the data in its transformed
format. On the sending side of a communication, the COM signal must be the same size
as the transformed data produced by the the last transformer in the chain (by execution
order). On the receiving side, the signal must be the same size as the transformed data
that is provided to the first transformer in the chain (by execution order).
In both cases, the size of the COM signal will be the same value that is supplied for the
XfrmBufferSizeInBytes in the XfrmImplementationMapping that references both the
final TransformationTechnology in the chain and the associated ISignal.


Data Transformation

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide


Working with data transformation


Serialization and data types
Data transformation is used to serialize complex data into, which simplifies the process
of transmitting it via COM. The first transformer in a chain (on the sender side) is always
of class SERIALIZER, and it produces output as a byte array. Subseqent transformers in
the chain (such as the E2E transformer) perform further transformation on the serialized
data in this byte-array form before it is sent via COM.
RTA-RTE supports serialization of primitive, array and struct data, each of which
may be typed by an ApplicationDataType or an ImplementationDataType. Data
to be serialized is passed to the serializing transformer function as a pointer to the
ImplementationDataType associated with the VariableDataPrototype. The type of
the pointer is determined either directly from its typeTRef or via the DataTypeMapping
associated with its ApplicationDataType.
With array data, the data to be transformed is passed to the transformer function as an
array reference, i.e. as a pointer to the ImplementationDataType of the array element.
When serializing arrays whose element type is an array or struct, RTA-RTE must be
able to declare an argument to the transformer function of a type that is a pointer
to that element type. The array element must therefore be defined as a separate
ImplementationDataType, and then used in an ImplementationDataTypeElement of
RTA-RTE will reject any configuration where data transformation is used with
an array if the ImplementationDataTypeElement is not a TYPE_REFERENCE.


Transformer error reporting
RTA-RTE can provide detailed transformer error feedback to callers of Rte_Read and
Rte_Write APIs, enabling them to react to specific failures of individual transformers in
a chain. The error information is transmitted by extending these APIs with an additional
OUT parameter named transformerError.
The Rte_Read and Rte_Write APIs are extended for a port whenever its PortPrototype
is referenced by a PortAPIOption that has the attribute errorHandling set to
The APIs are extended even when transformation is not requested for any
of the data elements provided or required by that port, in which case, the
error information provided always indicates that no transformation error occurred.
If the APIs are not extended, RTA-RTE provides basic notification that a transformer
error has occurred to the callers of the Rte_Read and Rte_Write APIs via the return
codes for those APIs, but detailed information is not be available.

Data Transformation


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

Part VI

Advanced Concepts


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide


RTE Generation


Identifier length
AUTOSAR R4.0 increased the maximum identifier length to 127 characters from the 31
characters allowed in previous releases.
Additionally a new RTE generation parameter can be defined in the ECU configuration
that sets the maximum number of characters that are significant from the perspective
of the toolchain. If two identifiers generated by RTA-RTE are not distinguishable within
the specified limit then a warning is issued.
The default value of the RteToolChainSignificantCharacters parameters is 31. The
default can be changed using either the --toolchain-significant-len or via the
RteToolChainSignificantCharacters parameter within the ECUC file.

RTE Generation


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide


Operating System Considerations


OS Trigger Selection
By default RTA-RTE creates OS objects, e.g. a schedule table or alarms, to implement
periodic events. In case this is not desired, RTA-RTE supports the AUTOSAR OS Interaction mechanism where the ECU configuration can define an existing OS object to
schedule periodic RTE and BSW events.


To use an existing OsAlarm to schedule a periodic event the ECU configuration must reference the alarm in the event’s task mapping (see Section 18.4 for details on runnable
to task mapping).
If the task mapping also specifies an OsEvent to use then the generated RTE code will
use the OS event to trigger the RTE event.
If the task mapping also specifies an OsEvent then the alarm expiry must
actually set the event!
RTA-RTE’s use of an existing alarm is subject to the following constraints:

• The alarm expiry must either activate the task containing the runnable or set an
OS event in the task. RTA-RTE does not explicitly check this – if the alarm fails to
activate the task or set the event then the RTE event will not be triggered.

• The alarm period must be the same as the periodic event’s period.
If multiple timing events with the same period are mapped to the same task and all are
triggered by the same OsAlarm then RTA-RTE will optimize the generated task body.
The level of optimization possible depends on whether or not expiry of an alarm sets
an event or activates a task. In the best case when all runnables are Category 1 and all
are activated by the same alarm then RTA-RTE will add no additional code to the task

Schedule Table
One or more AUTOSAR schedule tables can also be used to trigger runnables. As with
OS alarms the runnable’s task mapping must specify the schedule table entry which
either activates the runnables task or sets an event.


Task Recurrence
RTA-RTE can construct Os mechanisms, typically either periodic alarms or schedule
tables, to activate periodic runnables. If this is not the desired behaviour and you want
to use alarms or schedule tables that already exist in your wider OS configuration then
the --task-recurrence command-line option can be used to both disable RTA-RTE’s
generation of OS-based mechanism and to specify the recurrence rate for each task or
OsEvent used for periodic runnables.

Operating System Considerations

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

RTA-RTE does not validate that the specified task or OsEvent occurs at the
rate specified using the --task-recurrence command-line option.
As an example, assume that task taskA contains two mapped RTE events with periods
10ms and 20ms. The --task-recurrence command-line option can be used to specify
the rate (in seconds) at which the task will be activated as follows:
--task-recurrence taskA=0.01
When given the above option RTA-RTE can accept runnable mappings whose period is
an integral multiple of 0.01s. If this constraint is violated, for example with an RteEvent
triggering a runnable with a period of 0.005s, then a build-time error is raised.
If Os events are required to schedule runnables within a task (e.g. when periodic and
sporadically triggered runnables are mixed in a task) then the --task-recurrence
command-line option can be used to specify the recurrence rate for an individual event.
For example, assuming a 10ms RteEvent is triggered by OsEvent evA in taskA one could
--task-recurrence taskA.evA=0.01
When the --task-recurrence command-line option is used once then it disables RTARTE’s generation of OS-based mechanisms for all periodic runnables and therefore the
option should give a recurrence rate for all tasks that contain periodic runnables. This
can be either by specifying the option multiple times or by specifying the option’s parameter as a comma-separated list of task/rate pairs, for example:
--task-recurrence taskA.evA=0.01,taskA.evB=0.01


Schedule Points
RTA-RTE supports the specification of schedule points within generated tasks. When a
schedule point is reached execution of a non-preemptive task is suspended if there is a
higher priority non-preemptive task waiting. Schedule points can be specified for each
instance of an RTE event; thus it is possible to have a schedule point only within certain
tasks when runnables from different SW-C instances are mapped to different tasks.
As with the selection of use OS alarm the configuration of a schedule point occurs
within the ECU configuration’s runnable to task mapping. The mapping has an extra
parameter, RteOsSchedulePoint, that defines whether the schedule point is omitted
A conditional schedule point only occurs if the runnable is executed. An unconditional
schedule point is always inserted after the runnable’s position within the task.
The addition of task schedule points is RTA-RTE specific

Operating System Considerations



RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide


Basic and Extended Tasks
The RTE generator generates the task bodies based on the RunnableEntityMappings in
the ECU description file. The RTE generator creates “glue” code in the task bodies to
ensure that the correct runnable is executed only in the correct conditions, e.g. if two
TimingEvents with different periods are mapped to the same task, then pre-scalers are
implemented so that the runnables do not enter every time the task enters.
In OS Terminology, a task that may wait on an event is an Extended Task . The RTE
must use an extended task when a Runnable Entity may wait, e.g. there is a WaitPoint
configured in the configuration file, or the RunnableEntity is a synchronous client.
If all the RunnableEntityMappings for a given task refer only to periodic RTEEvents
(TimingEvents), then the RTE Generator configures an efficient periodic activation of
the task, e.g. by Schedule Table or Alarms.
If all the RunnableEntityMappings for a given task refer only to sporadic RTEEvents
(events that are not TimingEvents) then the task is activated by the RTE when the
conditions are detected, e.g. in the COM callback for received data.
If the RunnableEntityMappings for a given task refer to a mixture of periodic and sporadic RTE Events, then the RTE generator uses OS Events to handle the independent
activation of the Runnables, and the task becoms an Extended Task, regardless of
whether or not a Runnable contains a WaitPoint.
For some projects it might not be possible to use extended tasks; e.g. your chosen
Operating System does not support them. To prevent the RTE generator from using OS
events in generated code the following steps should be taken:

• Do not map periodic and sporadic runnable entities to the same task.
When such a mapping exists, the RTE generator uses extended tasks and OS events
to ensure the correct runnable is executed in response to each RTE event (but see
24.5 below). This restriction does not apply to server runnables that are pure since
RTA-RTE simply uses a direct function call.

• Do not use WaitPoints (i.e. blocking RTE API calls).
The implementation of a WaitPoint requires the use of OS Events and therefore any
task to which the runnable is mapped becomes an extended task.

• Avoid synchronous inter-task client-server communication unless the server is
marked as subject to concurrent execution.
The implementation of synchronous inter-task client-server communication uses
an OS Event so that the client can wait for the server’s reply therefore the client’s
task becomes an extended task. This restriction does not apply if the server is pure
since RTA-RTE simply uses a direct function call.
The efficiency of generated tasks can be maximized by adhering to the following mapping suggestions:

Operating System Considerations

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

• Do not map runnable entities triggered by timing events with different periods to
the same task.
While the RTE generator supports arbitrary mapping of runnable entities triggered
by timing events to the same tasks it does this by implementing counters within
the glue code so that slower triggered runnable entities are executed at the correct
rate. If all runnable entities mapped to the task have the same period then these
counters are not required.
Note that the period of the task is related to the greatest common divisor of the
period of the mapped runnables, e.g. runnables at 200ms and 100ms may result in
the task being activated every 100ms, but runnables at 200ms and 180ms result
in the task being activated every 20ms.
If a task contains only periodic runnables and those runnables all have the same period, the the task is activated at that period and the Runnables are unconditionally
entered—no counters are required.

• Avoid explicitly associating an OS event with an RTE Event mapping for a
TimingEvent in the ECU configuration.
When the creation of OS event for TimingEvent mappings is entirely within the
domain of RTA-RTE then it can optimize the event usage for events with the same
period. This can reduce the number of OS events compared to the one-OS-eventper-mapping approach of the ECU configuration.


Forced-basic semantics
This is a vendor-specific feature not present in the AUTOSAR standards
To support users who cannot use extended tasks, e.g. because their selected OS does
not support them, RTA-RTE supports forced-basic semantics. This allows the mixture
of periodic and sporadic runnables on the same task without the use of OS Events by
means of a special Runnable activation scheme.
This feature does not allow Runnables with WaitPoints to be mapped to basic
tasks. A Category 2 Runnable still requires an Extended Task.
The configuration of forced-basic semantics can be set for specific tasks using vendorspecific configuration items in the RTE Module Configuration, or set globally for all tasks
on the command line (see RTA-RTE Reference Manual).
When a task is marked with forced-basic semantics, and it contains a mixture of periodic and sporadic runnables, then the task’s activation policy is the same as if it only
contained periodic runnables. The sporadic runnables are placed in the task guarded by
activation flags, which are set by the RTE when a Runnable becomes due for activation.
As an example, assume that a task contains two runnable entities, a sporadic (e.g.
DataReceivedEvent) and periodic (TimingEvent) runnable entity, where the periodic
runnable is mapped at position 1 within the task. Figure 24.1 shows conventional

Operating System Considerations


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

AUTOSAR-compliant activation and dispatch. In this case the sporadic runnable runs
as soon as it is activated.


Timing Event
(period 4)















Figure 24.1: Runnable activation without “force basic” semantics.
Figure 24.2 shows the same activation pattern as Figure 24.1 but this time “force basic”
semantics are enforced for the task containing the two runnables. Note that while the
activation of the sporadic runnable happens at the same point in time the dispatch
(execution) of the runnable is delayed until the periodic runnable has run.


Timing Event
(period 4)















Figure 24.2: Runnable activation using “force basic” semantics.
Mixing periodic and sporadic events on a basic task introduces latency on
the sporadic events between the conditions occuring and the event being
Figure 24.2 shows task taskA with forced-basic semantics containing a Runnable
re_te1 started by TimingEvent with a 4s period, and a Runnable re_dre1 started by
DataReceiveEvent. At runtime, taskA is started every 4s and re_te1 is always entered.
When data is received on the relevant port and dataitem, the RTE runtime sets a flag
to record that re_dre1 is due to run, but does not activate taskA because that would
disturb the timing characteristics of re_te1. Thus, in this example, re_dre1 might
experience up to nearly 4s of lag between the data arriving and the Runnable entering.
Note that in these circumstances, you can take advantage of prescalers for periodic
runnables. If taskA in the example above also contained a Runnable started by
TimingEvent with a period of 100ms, then taskA would enter every 100ms rather than
4s, and the lag of re_dre1 would be reduced (although the overhead of activating
taskA more frequently must also be considered).


Operating System Considerations

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

It is not recommended to use forced-basic semantics if your OS supports Extended

Operating System Considerations


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide


Understanding Deployment Choices
Your choice of component deployment at ECU integration time can have a large effect
on overall vehicle system performance. In this chapter you will learn what effects your
choices have on the behaviour of the RTE generator when it creates task bodies and on
the behaviour of the RTE API for users.
Communicating components may be distributed across a physical network or colocated on the same ECU. There are three possible distribution patterns:

• Intra-task — communication occurs between components executed by the same
task (and is therefore serialized).

• Inter-task — communication occurs between notionally concurrent tasks in the
same ECU.

• Inter-ECU — communication occurs between concurrently executing components
located on physically distinct ECUs.
In all cases, RTA-RTE is responsible for managing the communication between software
The following sections describe, in terms of message sequence charts, how RTA-RTE
manages the communication for each of the allocations and each communication


Intra-task communication occurs between runnable entities executed by the same task.
There is low overhead and it is easy to reason about the sequence of execution.


Intra-task Sender-Receiver
RTA-RTE implements intra-ECU communication itself—COM is only used when the destination is located on a remote ECU. This means that:
Requests received from local and remote components are combined into a single queue
so starvation of either local or remote requests cannot occur.
The implementation of intra-ECU communication is more efficient since it avoids the
expense of passing signals to COM only for COM to return the signal to the RTE as it is
for a local destination.
Figure 25.1 illustrates the sequence of steps the thread of control executing a runnable
entity in an application software component takes when performing intra-task senderreceiver communication.
In detail, the steps illustrated in Figure 25.1 are:
1. The sending component initiates communication via the RTE API call Rte_Send (or
Rte_Write API call if the data is unqueued).

Understanding Deployment Choices

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

sd SR Intra-task
RT E activated

Runnable wi thin
Sender SWC

Runnable within
Receiver SWC


T im ingEvent()



T im ingEvent()



Figure 25.1: Intra-Task sender-receiver communication
2. The generated RTE function places the data into the receiver’s queue and returns
control to the sender. Note that the “queue” may consist of a single element if
the data is un-queued.
3. The system switches from executing a runnable entity in the sending component
to executing a runnable entity in the receiving component. Since both runnables
are mapped to the same task no context switch is required.
4. The receiving component reads the data from the queue using the Rte_Receive
API call (or Rte_Read if the data is unqueued).
5. The RTE returns the data and the receiving component processes the data.
If queued communication is used and no data is present in the queue then
RTE_E_NO_DATA is returned.

Intra-task Client-Server
Figure 25.2 illustrates a single prototype of the intra-task client-server communication
model that has been specified using the “CLIENT_MODE synchronous” attribute.
The steps involved in Figure 25.2 are:

Understanding Deployment Choices


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

sd CS Intra-task
RT E activated

Runnable within
cli ent SWC


Runnabl e within
Server SWC


Figure 25.2: Inter-task sender-receiver
1. The client invokes the server via the Rte_Call API call.
2. The generated RTE function directly invokes the runnable entity specified by the
user in the server component. This is “safe” with regard to re-entrancy since
the server, which is mapped to the same task as the caller, cannot otherwise be
3. The return value (if present) is passed to the RTE generated code.
4. The RTE returns control to the client.


Inter-task communication occurs between components that have been mapped to the
same ECU but are executed by different threads of control (tasks).
For inter-task communication the RTE performs the role of the physical network, e.g. a
CAN bus, present in inter-ECU communication and transports signals and data between
tasks. Since communication occurs within an ECU, and not over a real network, it is
intrinsically reliable (data can be neither lost nor corrupted) and instantaneous (data
arrive immediately it is sent).


Inter-task Sender-Receiver
Figure 25.3 illustrates the sequence of steps the thread of control executing a runnable
entity in an application software component takes when performing inter-task senderreceiver communication. The example uses reliable, buffered and blocking communication.
In detail, the steps illustrated in Figure 25.3 are:


Understanding Deployment Choices

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

sd SR Inter-task
RT E a cti va te d
ta sk

Ru n n a b l e wi th i n
Re ce i ve r SWC

RT E a cti va te d
ta sk

Ru n n a b l e wi th i n
Se n d e r S WC



Rte _ Re ce i ve ()

Re a d Q u e u e ()

Wa itE ve n t()

Rte _ S e n d ()

Wri te Q u e u e ()

S e tEve n t()

Figure 25.3: Inter-task sender-receiver (Queued reception with wake-up-of-wait-point
receive mode)
1. Receiver indicates that it is ready to read data by invoking the Rte_Receive API
call. The Receive API is mapped by the RTE API mapping onto a generated function in the RTE (the function call is shown as a transfer of flow of control from
component to RTE).
2. The RTE generated function translates the read request into a fetch from an RTARTE managed queue. The calling thread of control will be suspended if the queue
is empty otherwise data is returned immediately and execution continues at the
final step.
3. The sending component sends the data. This occurs independently of the receiver
attempting to read and process data.
4. RTA-RTE appends the data to an RTE managed queue using the internal WriteQueue function at which point the suspended thread of control (the receiver) is
resumed automatically.
5. RTA-RTE returns control to the sender.
6. The read from the OS queue returns via the return from RTA-RTE’s invocation of

Understanding Deployment Choices


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

the ReadQueue function. The suspended thread resumes execution of RTE generated code.
7. Control returns to the receiver’s thread of control.
The sequence in Figure 25.3 demonstrates a queued reception using “wake up of wait
point” receive mode. Using a different combination of attributes the following behaviors are possible:

• Un-queued reception—the receiver “polls” the buffer for the current data by invoking the generated Rte_Read function which will always return immediately with
the most recent data available. If the “poll” is scheduled to occur at regular intervals, i.e. from an event-triggered runnable entity, the receiver is said to be cyclic.

• “Activation of runnable entity” receive mode—the receiver is activated (dispatched) when data is placed in the buffer. The receiver always consumes a single
data item that is passed as the parameters of the runnable entity. In this case the
component is only executed when data is available and the runnable entity is the
receiver’s task.


Inter-task Client-Server
AUTOSAR COM does not support remote function invocation. Therefore inter-task (and
inter-ECU) client-server communication is implemented using paired sender-receiver
communications. The initial communication sends the server invocation request (and
parameters) to the server component. The server subsequently uses a second transmission to return the reply (if any).
The transformation of inter-ECU client-server into paired sender-receiver communications is illustrated in Figure 25.4.
The translation from client-server to paired sender-receiver communication is performed automatically by the RTA-RTE generator. The RTE generator creates API functions that perform the communication between the client and server and map the
client-server communication to the necessary internal RTE and COM calls necessary
for the paired sender-receiver communication. These functions form part of the infrastructure that is generated to permit communication to occur between application
software components.
The RTE generated functions also marshal arguments and, if necessary, interact with
the communication service to send the request and data over the network.
Figure 25.5 illustrates inter-task client-server communication using the asynchronous
invocation. In detail, the steps illustrated in Figure 25.5 are:
1. The client component invokes the server using the generated Rte_Call API call.
2. The RTE appends the request parameters to the server’s RTE-managed queue of
client requests and activates the task mapped to the server’s runnable entity.

Understanding Deployment Choices

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide









Figure 25.4: Client-server implemented as paired sender-receiver communication
3. The RTE returns control to the client component.
4. The task assigned by the RTE to the server’s runnable entity executes and RTARTE generated code within the task reads from the RTE-managed queue of client
5. The RTE generated code invokes the server’s runnable entity passing the request
parameters to the server.
6. The server processes the request and returns the reply. Since the communication
is inter-task there is no physical network involved.
7. The RTE writes the reply to the client’s result queue. The client runnable
(or, another runnable in the component) can then access the result using the
Rte_Result API.


Inter-ECU communication occurs between application software components that are
located on physically separate ECUs and therefore each component can be executed
concurrently. All Inter-ECU communication operates over a physical network (e.g. CAN
bus, LIN, MOST, etc.) and as well as communication between ECUs in a vehicle is
considered to include the following cases:
One of the “ECUs” is located in an off car computer, e.g. on the Internet, and is accessed via a wireless network.
Multiple CPUs within a single ECU that communicate via a communications mechanism
internal to the ECU such as dual-ported RAM.
The semantics of inter-ECU communication is set by the specified communication attributes.
Understanding Deployment Choices


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

sd CS Inter-task Async
RT E a cti va te d
ta sk

RT E a cti va te d
ta sk

Ru n n a b l e wi th i n
cl i e n t SWC

Ru n n a b l e wi th i n
S e rve r SWC


Rte _ Ca l l ()

Wri te Q u e u e ()

Re a d Q u e u e ()


Wri te Q u e u e ()

Figure 25.5: Inter-task asynchronous client-server communication

Inter-ECU Sender
The sequence of steps the thread of control executing a runnable entity in an application software component takes when it initiates a sender-receiver Inter-ECU communication using reliable asynchronous communication is illustrated in Figure 25.6.
In detail, the steps illustrated in Figure 25.6 are:
1. The sending component sends a signal using the Rte_Send (or Rte_Write API call
if data is un-queued). The send is mapped by the RTE generator onto a generated
RTE API function.
2. The RTE invokes the communication service to queue the data from the signal.
The communications layer queues the data for transmission over the network
and returns.
3. The generated RTE function returns control to the software component. Note that
at this stage transmission is neither necessarily complete nor acknowledged.
4. The COM module’s MainFunction performs the network transmission and invokes
a callback defined within the RTE to indicate successful transmission.
5. The RTE’s callback activates the runnable entity defined within the SW-C’s RTE
event definition.


Understanding Deployment Choices

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

sd SR Inter-ECU(sender)
RT E a cti va te d
ta sk

Ru n n a b l e with i n
Se n d e r SWC

Ru n n a b l e
"Fe e d b a ck"




Rte _ Se n d ()
Co m _ Se n d Si g n a l ()

S e n d ()
Co m _ Ca l l b a ck()

Acti va te T a sk()


Rte _ Fe e d b a ck()

Figure 25.6: Inter-ECU sender-receiver (Sender-side) with transmission acknowledgment.
6. The “feedback” runnable entity is invoked and in turn invokes the generated RTE
function to reed the feedback status.

Inter-ECU Receiver
Figure 25.7 illustrates the opposite end of the communication where the receiving
runnable entity accepts data from the network and processes it. The example in Figure 25.7 uses queued buffering with “wake up of wait point” receive mode. All steps
occur within the same ECU.
In detail, the steps illustrated in Figure 25.7 are:
1. The receiving component attempts to read existing queued data.
Rte Receive API is mapped by the RTE API mapping generator onto a generated
function in the RTE.
2. The RTE attempts to read data from an RTA-RTE managed queue. The RTE generated API function will behave differently depending on the communication attributes:
If the “wake up of wait point” receive mode is specified then a blocking read
is required and execution of the calling thread will be suspended if no data is
Understanding Deployment Choices


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

sd SR Inter_ECU(Receiv er)
RT E activated

Runnable wi thin
Receiver SWC




Rte_Recei ve()



Com _Callback()


Figure 25.7: Inter-ECU sender-receiver (Receiver-side) with queued reception and
“wake_up_of_wait_point” receive mode.
Otherwise a non-blocking read is required and RTE_E_NO_DATA will be returned if
no data is available.
3. For the purposes of this example we assume no data is available and so the calling
thread of control is suspended. If data were available the attempt to read data
from the queue would succeed and the call would return immediately without
voluntarily relinquishing control of the CPU.
4. AUTOSAR COM on the receiving ECU receives data from the network—in this case
synchronously with a call to the COM module’s MainFunction—and notifies RTARTE that new data has been received using a callback.
5. The RTE sets the OS event associated with the RTA-RTE managed queued which
causes the suspended Rte_Receive API to resume.
6. Once the suspended task has been resumed, it returns control to the generated
RTE which in turn returns the newly received data to the original caller.


Understanding Deployment Choices

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide


Inter-ECU Client
Figure 25.8 illustrates the client-side actions for synchronous inter-ECU client-server
communication. Figure 25.8 illustrates the server-side actions.

sd CS
RT E activated

Runnable within
client SWC





Com _SendSignalGroup()


Wai tEvent()


Com _Callback()


Figure 25.8: Inter-ECU synchronous client-server (Client-side).

1. The client “invokes” the server—this is mapped to the invocation of the generated
Rte_Call function within the RTE.
2. The call parameters are marshaled (i.e. serialized) by the RTE and passed to the
communication service for transmission as a signal group. The communication
service queues the data for transmission and returns control to the generated
RTE function.

Understanding Deployment Choices


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

3. The RTE attempts to immediately read the server’s reply. However since the reply
is not available the task is suspended.
4. The COM main function is invoked and transmits the client’s request.
5. At some point in the future, COM detects reception of the server’s reply and invokes the appropriate callback in the RTE. The callback sets the OS event associated with the client’s reply queue and returns control to COM.
6. The suspended task resumes and returns the server’s reply to the caller.

Inter-ECU Server
Figure 25.9 illustrates the server-side actions for synchronous inter-ECU client-server
1. The server’s COM receives the request and invokes an RTE generated callback.
2. The RTE callback reads the client request and writes the data to a queue managed
by the RTE. The callback then activates the task mapped by the RTE to trigger
the server’s runnable entity. The RTE then returns control to the communication
3. The task assigned by the RTE to the server’s runnable entity starts, reads the
request from the queue and executes the server runnable entity.
4. The reply from the server runnable entity is collected. The reply from the server
runnable entity is sent to the client using COM. The task mapped to the server’s
runnable entity terminates.
The above examples uses synchronous communication so an OS event is used to block
the client until the return value is available. The RTE also supports asynchronous communication these require only minor changes to the sequence, for example:

• The wait on the OS event does not occur and hence the caller is resumed immediately after the client’s request has been passed to COM.

• The setting of the OS event when the server’s reply is available may not occur depending on the configuration of the client’s AsynchronousServerCallReturn event.
For example, configuration of activation of the runnable entity receive mode may
require the RTE to activate a task instead.


Understanding Deployment Choices

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

sd CS Inter-ECU (serv er)
RT E activated

Runnabl e within
Server SWC



Recei ve()
Com _Cal lback()
Com _Recei veSignal Group()

Acti vateT ask()



Wri te back()

Com _SendSignalGroup()


Figure 25.9: Inter-ECU synchronous client-server (server-side).

Understanding Deployment Choices


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide


Several optimizations are possible to influence the memory usage and runtime of the
generated RTE.


Buffers for Inter-ECU Reception
The --optimize option tunes RTE generation for runtime or memory use.
--optimize=speed (the default) generates an RTE that uses RTE-managed buffers for
inter-ECU communication. This is faster when there are multiple readers, but requires
a separate memory allocation.
--optimize=size generates an RTE that invokes the COM API each time the value is
read by the application. This is slower when there are multiple readers, but but reduces
RAM usage and, if the value is only accessed once, code size.
For any individual data element, direct access to COM is enabled if all of the following
are true:

• The data element prototype is unqueued (a queued data element requires an RTE
managed queue).

• Reception is explicit (implicit reception requires an RTE managed buffer).
• There are no intra-ECU transmitters (an inter-ECU transmitter requires an RTE managed buffer into which the data is written and to ensure that inter-ECU and intraECU data is coordinated then the former must use the same buffer).

• Transmission is 1:1.
Direct access to COM for a data item is disabled if:

• The data element has “keep” invalidation policy, the invalid value is equal to the
initial value and “handle never received” is false, or

• The data item has “handle never received” enabled.
The optimize option has no effect on Contract phase execution of RTA-RTE.


Direct invocation of the RTE API
The API mapping created in the application header file will directly invoke the generated
RTE API functions if the software-component is known not to be multiply instantiated
(see Section 8.14).
For example, consider a simple Rte_Write API:
Std_ReturnType Rte_SWCa_Write_p1_d1(uint8 data)
Rte_000000 = data;


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

return RTE_E_OK;
RTA-RTE can inline the API to a C comma-expression within the SWC’s application
header file and thus avoid the function call overhead:
extern uint8 Rte_000000;
#define Rte_Write_p1_d1(data) ( ( Rte_00000 = (data) ), RTE_E_OK )
The inline comma-expression can be used in the same way as a call to the generated
RTE function but without the overhead of the function call.
This optimization occurs in both Contract and RTE generation phases.
In addition to examining the input XML, in RTE generation phase RTA-RTE also counts
the number of actual instances on the ECU for which the RTE is being generated and
if this is one applies the optimization even if the software-component is potentially
multiply instantiated.


Sender-Receiver Communication


Direct Read and Write
Direct invocation of the RTE API does not eliminate the function call overhead of the
RTE API. Therefore RTA-RTE includes an additional optimization in RTE phase that inlines the generated functions for explicit sender-receiver communication and explicit
inter-runnable variable access into the RTE API mapping.
The optimization occurs if RTA-RTE judges that the generated API function is sufficiently
simple for in-lining to be beneficial; the function body must consist of a simple assignment with or without concurrency control. Optimization is therefore dependent on:

• Communication uses primitive types.
• The number of destination components; ideally one.
• The runnable to task mapping of the sender and receiver. RTA-RTE eliminates explicit data consistency mechanism if the task mapping guarantees protection. Thus
ideally the sender and receiver will be in the same task or mapped to tasks at the
same priority.
Optimization to direct read/write occurs in both vendor and compatibility operating

Implicit Communication
AUTOSAR requires task-specific copies of the data read/written by implicit communication to ensure that values remain stable during the execution of a runnable entity and
to ensure that they are not visible to other runnables until after the writing runnable
has terminated.


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

The task-specific copies consume RAM and therefore RTA-RTE includes the
--implicit-use-global-buffers command-line option to directly use global buffers
where possible.
When enabled (option parameter ‘1’ or ’2’) the global buffer is accessed directly by the
Implicit API calls provided all of the following constraints are met:

• A shared buffer is required (if separate buffers for reader and writer are required
then optimization to use global buffers will occur for readers only).

• No “status” information is required.
• There are no COM mappings for the data instance. This restriction is required to
ensure data stablity – if COM mappings exist then COM can preempt the runnable
and disturb the global buffer during runnable execution.

• There is a single destination buffer – i.e. one global buffer shared by all receivers.
For intra-ECU communication this will typically be the case unless filters are applied
by one or more receivers. This restriction is necessary to ensure that the generated
implicit API macros have a single value to write.
In addition one of the following constraints must also be met:

• All events in the task are ’fast init’. Such events are executed once only before the
periodic runnables hence there can be no conflict so global buffers can be directly

• Receivers can directly access the global buffer if the provider cannot preeempt
any receiver (in which case the receiver’s data cannot be changed by the provider
during its execution and the required data stability during runnable execution is

• The provider can directly access the global buffer if no requirer can preeempt (and
no receiver will see the value written to the global until the provider runnable terminates and thus the require implicit semantics are preserved).


Client-Server Communication


Direct Function Invocation
RTA-RTE includes an additional optimization in RTE phase that inlines the invocation of
server runnable entities.
The optimization to direct invocation only occurs if the generated API function is suitable for in-lining. Optimization is therefore dependent on:

• All client-server communication with the server must be synchronous.



RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

• The server is mapped as “pure” (see Section 8.6.1), or the client and server are
mapped to the same task.
Optimization to direct function invocation occurs in RTE phase in both vendor and compatibility operating modes.


Function Elision
The application of the above optimizations is automatic when the RTE is generated—
there are no specific optimizations to enable or disable optimizations. However in-lining
functions does not, in itself, reduce the code size of the generated RTE since RTA-RTE is
required to emit the functions to support object-code delivery of software-components.
Therefore to enable elision of function bodies from the generated RTE:

• Ensure the SWC is delivered as source code.
• Disable indirect API for all ports of the software-component.
• Disable ’take address’ for the ports of the software-component.

Return Code Optimization
Many AUTOSAR RTE API functions return an Std_ReturnType status using the function
return value. When RTA-RTE optimizes the API to an inline macro it uses a C commaexpression to both perform the function’s actions and to set the return value as the
final value in the expression.
If we again consider the simple simple Rte_Write API:
Std_ReturnType Rte_SWCa_Write_p1_d1(uint8 data)
Rte_000000 = data;
return RTE_E_OK;
However now assume that port “p1” is unconnected and therefore the Write API is
defined as discarding the data. The generated API function is now simply:
Std_ReturnType Rte_SWCa_Write_p1_d1(uint8 data)
return RTE_E_OK;
The RTE generator can still inline the function but now uses a simpler commaexpression containing a single element:
#define Rte_Write_p1_d1(data) ( (Std_ReturnType)RTE_E_OK )



RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

The inline comma-expression can again be used in the same way as a call to the generated RTE function but without the overhead of the function call. However when the
macro replacement occurs the statement is now a C null-statement and the compiler
may now complain about a “...statement has no effect.”. To disable this warning/error
from the compiler ensure that one of the following occurs:
1. The return value is assigned to a variable.
2. The return value is tested (e.g. for equality) in a condition.
3. The return value is cast to void if not used.
For example, if the caller is not interested in the return value use a cast to void:


Init Runnables
The AUTOSAR mode mechanism provides ModeSwitchEvents that can be used to trigger runnable execution when an application mode is entered. This feature can be used
to provide “init” runnables that are executed when the RTE starts and perform necessary initialization for a SWC instance.
However for a runnable that only runs once at system start the infrastructure code created by RTA-RTE to support the AUTOSAR mode mechanism is superfluous. Therefore
RTA-RTE provides a mechanism to optimize activation for specified ModeSwitchEvents
by mapping them to specified FastInit tasks. The use of a FastInit task both simplifies
the activation code necessary for the runnable associated with the event as well as
removing the normal infrastructure code created by RTA-RTE to support the AUTOSAR
mode mechanism.
An event that is specified as FastInit will not be activated by RTA-RTE during
a user-triggered mode switch. Instead the FastInit task must be activated
by user code at the appriopriate time.
The command-line option --fast-init specifies an absolute reference to either a SWC
type or to a ModeSwitchEvent within an internal behaviour. A reference to a ModeSwitchEvent causes that event to be activated by a non-AUTOSAR compliant mechanism (a function call from a task body where the task is activated externally from the
RTE). This avoids the complexity inherent in AUTOSAR compliant activation for mode
switch activations. A reference to an SWC type causes all ModeSwitchEvents in the
type to be subject to FastInit.
The command-line option --fast-init can be specifed multiple times to apply FastInit
to multiple ModeSwitchEvents.
RTA-RTE places no restrictions on the mapping of ModeSwitchEvents within FastInit
tasks other than events subject to normal AUTOSAR-compliant activation cannot be
mapped to the same task. As a consequence it is possible to map all “init” runnables
from all mode instances to the same FastInit task.


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

It is permitted to map ModeSwitchEvents for different mode transitions (e.g.
both entry to “init_mode” and entry to “run_mode”) to the same FastInit
task. When this is done care must be taken since all runnables will be activated when the task is dispatched irrespective of the current mode.


Data Consistency
The RTE generator uses RTE_ATOMICxxx macros to apply data consistency mechanisms
to ensure that assignments are atomic. Since the RTE generator has no knowledge
of target capabilities it is not possible for it to exploit platform specific knowledge to
eliminate use of RTE_ATOMICxxx macros. However the RTE generator supports two
mechanisms where the integrator can apply such knowledge to improve efficiency of
generated core.


Atomic assignments
The --atomic-assign can be used to specify one or more platform types that are
always subject to atomic assignment. When specified the RTE generator will not generate RTE_ATOMICxxx macros for the types which can then subsequently enable further
optimizations of the API mapping.
The following types can be specified with the -aa option:

• uint8, uint16 and uint32 (includes the AUTOSAR char and opaque metatypes and
the Std_ReturnType).

• sint8, sint16 and sint32.
• boolean.
• float32 and float64

Macro elision
After RTE generation individual RTE_ATOMICxxx macros can be elided by appropriate
definitions when compiling RTE generated code (including application header file).
For example, defining RTE_16BIT_ATOMIC forces the RTE_ATOMIC16 macro to have no
run-time effect.
For more information on eliminating the effect of RTE_ATOMIC macros please consult
the RTA-RTE Toolchain Integration Guide.


Inline Functions
RTA-RTE can use either an OS resource or interrupt blocking to implement an exclusive
area. RTA-RTE can optimize access to the OS resource or the locking of interrupts in the
RTE Enter/Exit API call by inlining the API mapping in the application header file. When
this inlining occurs the applications access to exclusive area is as efficient as possible
since RTA-RTE imposes no run-time overhead.



RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

However the inlining of the access to the OS resource or the locking of interrupts means
that the application header file now includes OS API calls within the API mapping and
therefore the SWC application code must include Os.h.
When an Enter/Exit API call is inlined within the API mapping the SWC implementation must include Os.h.


The optimization potential of the generated RTE is maximized by:

• Use 1:1 sender-receiver communication.
• Use primitive types for explicit sender-receiver communication.
• Map provider and requirer to the same task or to tasks that cannot preempt.
• Use source-code delivery with disabled indirect API when possible.
• Wherever possible, mark a server as “pure”.
• Avoid software-components delivered as object-code.
• Where possible uses single-instantiated software-components.



RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide


RTE Architecture
The RTE itself is a passive entity and thus does not have any of its own threads
of control. RTE code is only executed when an external entity—such as a software
component—invokes generated code in the RTE.
Software components are given access to API calls through the software component’s
application header file which is custom generated for each software component type.
All API calls use the form:
Rte__(instance, args)
Where  can be either the port and data item/operation name or,
where this is not approproate, an identifier extracted from the input. The application
header file performs an important role for the RTE because it binds the API call names
onto specific implementations depending on how component prototypes are mapped
to an ECU.
The implementations of the RTE API calls themselves are custom generated by the RTE
generator for each software component. The functionality of the RTE is provided mainly
by the code written to the Rte.c file at generation time.
The RTE API has been designed so that calls can be made efficiently at runtime. This
is achieved by providing an API mapping for each software component that binds the
component’s API to permit the direct invocation or even mapping calls to managed
reads and writes to global data.
The following sections outline how these mechanisms work.


Component Data Structure
The component data structure defines the RTE API calls that a particular component
instance can invoke based on the component type’s declaration (i.e. ports) and internal
behavior (per-instance memories, exclusive areas, etc.).
The declaration of the component data structure data type is created by the RTE generator and is internal to the RTE—application software should only access members
within the structure via RTA API definitions in the component’s application header file.
The component data structure data type is the same for all instances of a component type. Hence the structure can be uniquely named using only the name of the
component type irrespective of the number of times the component is actually instantiated, e.g. for SWC type MyComponent the component data structure data would be
typedef struct
/* Structure definition for MyComponent */
} Rte_CDS_MyComponent;

RTE Architecture


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

The component data structure includes all information necessary for the generated RTE
API mapping within the application header file to invoke the correct function for the particular instance. Information within the component data structure includes a function
table used for indirect invocation of generated custom functions and definitions of state
that is not shared between component prototypes.
The component data structure function table is used for indirect invocation of generated custom functions (see Section 27.3) for details of the API mapping).
When an instance of the component data structure is declared in software component
header file, the generated function table is initialized to point to the correct generated
custom functions for the component. The functions themselves and the instance of the
component data structure are generated by RTA-RTE in the Rte.c file.
The component data structure is instantiated within Rte.c once for each component
instance that is mapped to the ECU instance for which the RTE is being generated. For
a software-component that can be multiple instantiated, the component data structure
instances are named using an RTA-RTE generated instance name as follows:
However, for a software-component that can only be instantiated once per ECU instance, AUTOSAR requires that the single instance of the component data structure
created within Rte.c is named as follows:
The names of software-component types must be globally unique to avoid type conflicts
within the generated code.


Component Instance Handle
When multiple prototypes of the same software component type are mapped to the
same ECU, then the RTE must be able to disambiguate access to their individual state.
When the RTE is generated in the RTE phase, each prototype is assigned a unique RTE
instance handle that is used to identify the component prototype data structure.
Each component prototype that is mapped to an ECU instance has an instance of the
component data structure written to Rte.c.
All activity within a software component is handled by runnable entities and in each
case the RTE can identify the correct instance of the relevant component data structure
and pass the appropriate handle to the runnable entity when it is activated.
When runnable entities make calls back to the RTE they pass in their “self” parameter
that identifies the prototype (i.e. the current Rte_Instance handle) to the generated
RTE API functions. The handle identifies the instance to the RTE and enables selection
of the correct functionality.


RTE Architecture

RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide


The RTE API Implementation
The Rte.c file contains the implementations of all custom RTE API calls required by
component instances mapped to the ECU instance. Each call takes the form:
Where  is an RTE API name (e.g. Call, Send),  is the component
prototype,  is the port on which the call operates and  are the interface


API Mapping
The RTE API names are based on a root names, such as Rte_Call, combined with both
the port name and data item or operation name as suffixes. The RTE API names do not
include the component type or instance name. This omission permits the component
to be developed before its deployed (and hence the instance name) is known.
Two different components can define identically named ports (as well as identically
named operations or data items) and thus have the same RTE API names for accessing
the data items or operations. However, the generated RTE API functions for the different components must be unique since they can be radically different, for example, one
may be intra-ECU and highly optimized whereas another may be inter-ECU and use the
communication service. The RTE API functions are created during the “RTE” phase of
RTE generation at which point the component deployment, and hence instance name,
as been determined. The RTE generator can therefore use the component instance
name to ensure that generated functions can be uniquely identified.
Since the RTE API name as seen by the location neutral software component and the
generated API function are different the RTE generator defines an API mapping in the
component’s application header file from the RTE API to the names of the generated
API functions defined in the RTE module.
The API mapping written to the component’s application header file is created automatically by the RTE generator—the same RTE API is therefore
available to a component irrespective of the number of instances deployed
and whether or not source-code is available.
All RTE API call names are formed from a root name and the port name and operation/data item name as a suffixes. The RTE API mapping is responsible for mapping the RTE
API name to the correct implementation of the RTE function in Rte.c. The API mapping
permits an RTE generator to include targeted optimization as well as removing the need
to implement functions that act as de-multiplexers from generic API calls to particular
functions within the generated RTE.
The API mapping is implemented as a set of macros. The API mapping is uniquely
generated for each component and written to the component header file.
There are typically two kinds of mappings:

RTE Architecture


RTA-RTE V6.3.0
User Guide

• Indirect mappings
• Direct mappings

Indirect Mapping
Indirect is the most general form and is implemented in the API mapping by the RTE
generator when optimizations cannot be applied; for example the instance name of a
component is not known or a component may be multiple instantiated.
The RTE API mapping from API name to generated function is defined in the application
header files that are created during the first “contract” phase of RTE generation will
always invoke the generated API functions via the component’s instance handle. This
provides the necessary level of indirection to support binary-code software components
as well as supporting multiple component instances.
When indirect invocation is used, execution of the generated API functions occurs via
the appropriate entry in the function table defined in the component data structure (see
Section 20.1). The fields within the function table are initialized by the RTE generator.
Indirect invocation permits both binary-code software components and multiple instances of components to be supported since the component instance name does not
need to be fixed when the component is compiled and the RTE can initialize a different
function table for each instance therefore invoking different generated API functions
for each instance.
An indirect mapping is used when only a multiple prototypes of a software component
are mapped to a single ECU instance. The basic form of the mapping in this case is:
#define Rte__

_ (self, data) \ ((self)->_

_(data)) Where is the RTE API call type (Call, Send, Write etc.),

the port name and is the port data item/operation name. 27.3.3 Direct Mapping It is possible to perform a number of optimizations on the API mapping that can eliminate the run-time costs of indirect invocation when both the component instance name is known and it is known a priori that only a single instance of the component will be mapped to an ECU. Direct invocation also requires that the component is available in source-code form since the optimization can only be applied after component deployment has occurred. With direct invocation it is possible to completely elide the instance handle and therefore impose zero run-time overhead. However, it remains in the RTE API signature for compatibility with the requirements of indirect invocation. A direct mapping is used when only a single (source code) prototype of a software component is mapped to an ECU instance. The basic form of the mapping in this case 270 RTE Architecture RTA-RTE V6.3.0 User Guide is: #define Rte__

_(self,data) \ Rte___

_(data) Where is the RTE API call type (Call, Send, Write etc.),

the port name and is the port data item/operation name Note in the direct case that the call through the instance handle self has been elided since only a single instance is in use. For intra-task communication made by “source-code” components the call may be further mapped to a direct write to an OS-managed queue or global data item. RTE Architecture 271 RTA-RTE V6.3.0 User Guide Part VII Support 272 RTA-RTE V6.3.0 User Guide 28 Contact, Support and Problem Reporting For details of your local sales office as well as your local technical support team and product hotlines, take a look at the ETAS website: ETAS subsidiaries www.etas.com/en/contact.php ETAS technical support www.etas.com/en/hotlines.php The RTA hotline is available to all RTA-RTE users with a valid support contract. rta.hotline.uk@etas.com +44 (0)1904 562624. (0900-1730 GMT/BST) Please provide support with the following information: • Your support contract number. • Your AUTOSAR XML and/or OS configuration files. • The command line that results in an error message. • The version of the ETAS tools you are using. Contact, Support and Problem Reporting 273 RTA-RTE V6.3.0 User Guide Index Symbols C++, 124 --atomic-assign, 265 --deviate-shared-mode-queue, 120 --fast-init, 264 --have-64bit-int-types, 177, 179 --implicit-use-global-buffers, 262 --mode-policy, 121 --operating-system, 223 --optimize, 260 --os-file, 223 --output, 171 --strict-config-check, 224 --task-recurrence, 242, 243 --toolchain-significant-len, 241 A A2L, see also McSupportData, 171 Acknowledgement request, 78 Activation of Runnable Entity, 92 Alive timeout, 81 API Direct, 124, 270 Explicit, 133 Implicit, 133 Indirect, 108, 109, 124, 270 Mapping, 269 Parameter passing, 123 Application Header, 124 API Mapping, 269 Contract Phase, 38 ApplicationArrayDataType Example of, 49 ApplicationPrimitiveDataType Example of, 47, 48 ApplicationRecordDataType Example of, 50 ApplicationValueSpecification Example of, 67 Array Type As function parameter, 57 ArrayValueSpecification Example of, 67 Assembly Connectors, 156 Port Mapping, 160 Asynchronous Server Call Returns Event, 84, 99, 130 274 Index RTA-RTE V6.3.0 User Guide Atomic Assignment, 265 AUTOSAR, 10 Basic Software, 146 Data Types, 46 Development Process, 42 Element, 32 NVRAM, 140 Package, 28 B Background Event, 85 Background event, 87 Base type Native Declaration, 53 BSW, 10 API Name generation, 152 Background event, 148 Connections, 181 External Trigger event, 148 Instantiation, 180 Internal Trigger event, 149 Mode Sender Policy, 113 Mode Switch Ack event, 152 Mode Switch event, 150 Modules, 146 Periodic event, 148 Schedulable Entity, 147 Scheduler, 181 Task Mapping, 181 BSW Phase, 41 C C, 124 C/S, 10 Calibration, 136 Access Point, 94 export in McSupportData, 171 Interface, 73 Parameters, 170 Prototype, 73 Category ARRAY, 59 DATA_REFERENCE, 60 FUNCTION_REFERENCE, 60 HOST, 59 STRUCTURE, 59 TYPE_REFERENCE, 59 Index 275 RTA-RTE V6.3.0 User Guide UNION, 59 VALUE, 59 Characteristic, see also Calibration Parameter Client Asynchronous, 97, 130 Synchronous, 97 COM Module configuration, 34, 226 Command-line option samples, 42, 127 Communication Calibration, 20 Client-server, 20, 135, 218, 249 Explicit, 88 Implicit, 89 Inter-ECU, 210 Modes, 111 Sender-receiver, 18, 78, 81, 215, 248 Complex Type Inter-ECU, 216 Component Data Structure, 267 Component Instance Handle, 17, 268 Composition BSW, 180 Connectors, 156 Instantiation, 156 SWCs, 155 Type, 155 CompuMethod Example of, 47, 48, 65, 66 CompuRationalCoeffs, 65 Precision of, 65 ConstantReference Example of, 68 ConstantSpecification Example of, 68 Contract Phase, 37 Conventions, 9 D Data Conversion Compatible versus Convertible, 176 Concepts, 62, 173 Modelling Application Types, 61 Precision of, 178 Data Element, 69 276 Index RTA-RTE V6.3.0 User Guide Data Receive Error Event, 84 Data Received Event, 84, 128 Data Send Completed Event, 85 Data Write Completed Event, 85 Delegation Connector, 158 Development Process, 42 E ECU Instantiation, 199 Mapping Services, 202 Mapping SWCs, 200 Ports, 198 Type, 198 ECUC, 10 ECUC Description, 33 Exclusive Area, 102, 137 Configuration, 102 Explicit, 103 Implementation Method, 104 Implicit, 103 extended task, 244 External Trigger Occurred Event, 85, 101 F FactorSIToUnit, 63 FactorSiToUnit Precision of, 178 Fast Init, 264 Filter, 81 FlatInstanceDescriptor, 167 FlatMap, 167 Flatmap, 167 forced-basic semantics, 245 I Identifier Length, 241 Initial Value, 79 Inline functions, 260, 265 Inter-ECU Behavior, 253 Configuration, 210 Signal Mapping, 215, 218 Inter-runnable Variable, 106, 136 Interface, 18, 69 Calibration, 73 Client-server, 72 Index 277 RTA-RTE V6.3.0 User Guide Mode group, 71, 113 Mode-Switch, 71 Nv-Data, 70 Sender-receiver, 69 Trigger, 74 Internal Behavior, 83 Events, 84 Exclusive Area, 102 Inter-runnable Variable, 106 Internal Trigger Occurred Event, 85, 100 Invalidation, 80 IOC, 10 M McSupportData, 171 Structure of, 172 McSupportFile Location of, 171 Measurement export in McSupportData, 171 Memory Abstraction Runnable, 110 Minimum Start Interval, 86 MISRA 6.3, 57, 60 Mode Access Point, 107, 113 Mode Dependency, 117 Mode Graph, 118 Mode Instance, 118 Mode Manager, 112 Mode Switch Asynchronous, 114 Synchronous, 114 Mode Switch Event, 85, 116 Mode Switched Ack Event, 85 Mode USer, 112 Modes, 111 Configuration, 111 Distributed Mode Users, 121 Fast init, 119 Queue length, 112 Shared Mode Queue, 120 Switch management, 115 N Namespace, 122 278 Index RTA-RTE V6.3.0 User Guide NumericalValueSpecification Example of, 67 Nv-Block, 140 Nv-Data Element, 70 NVRAM Configuration, 189 GetMirror, 193 NvMNotifyInitBlock, 194 NvMNotifyJobFinished, 194 SetMirror, 193 NVRAM mirror, 141 O Object-code delivery, 39 OffsetSIToUnit, 63 OffsetSiToUnit Precision of, 178 Operation, 72 Call, 95 Inter-ECU, 218 Operation Invoked Event, 85, 94, 128 Optimization, 260 OS Category 2 Tasks, 205, 244 Counters, 224 Module configuration, 34, 224 Schedule Table, 225 Tasks, 41, 203 Os Interaction Alarm, 242 Schedule Point, 243 Schedule Table, 242 Task Recurrence, 242 P Package, 28 Merge, 29 Partial Record Mappings, 166 PDU Instantiation, 214 Type, 212 Per-instance Memory, 137 periodic RteEvents, 244 PhysicalDimension Example of, 64 Port Defined Arguments, 108 Index 279 RTA-RTE V6.3.0 User Guide Options, 108 Port Mapping, 160 pre-scalers, 244 Precision CompuRationalCoeffs, 65 FactorSiToUnit, 178 OffsetSiToUnit, 178 Unit, 178 Primitive Type Inter-ECU, 216 Provided Port, 76, 88 Q Queue Configuration, 80 R RecordValueSpecification Example of, 68 References, 30 Absolute, 30 Instance, 32 Relative, 31 Required Port, 76, 90 ResultingProperties, 172 Role NvMNotifyInitBlock, 194 NvMNotifyJobFinished, 194 RootSwCompositionPrototype, 167 RTA-OS, 10 RTA-OSEK, 10 RTE, 10 Architecture, 267 Module configuration, 34 Namespace, 122 Output, 40 Start, 139 Stop, 139 RTE Phase, 39 RteEvents periodic, 244 sporadic, 244 Runnable entity, 86 Activation, 92 Arrival rate, 86 Category, 22 Configuration, 127 280 Index RTA-RTE V6.3.0 User Guide Direct Trigger, 100 Implementation, 24, 126 Initialization, 115, 264 Sample, 42, 127 Symbol, 86, 127 Task Mapping, 203 S S/R, 10 SchM, 10 Server Concurrent, 95 Invocation by client, 95 Service Connector, 159 Services, 25 Mapping, 202 sporadic RteEvents, 244 SWC Behavior, 21, 83 Implementation, 122 Implementation selection, 201 Initialization, 115, 264 Instantiation, 16, 39, 109, 125, 156 Mapping to ECUs, 200 NvBlock, 75, 140 Type, 14, 75 Synchronization Configuration, 183 Mode Groups, 185 Runnable Entities, 187 Triggers, 186 System Signal, 210 T task bodies, 244 extended vs basic, 244 TEXTTABLE, 55 Timing Event, 84, 87, 225 Types Application, 46 Arrays, 48, 57 Base, 50 Conversion between, 173 Enumerated, 55 Implementation, 51 Mapping, 60 Index 281 RTA-RTE V6.3.0 User Guide PhysicalDimension, 64 Platform, 52 Records, 49, 58 Reference, 54 Structures, 49, 58 Types, modeling with CompuMethod, 64 Types, modeling with Unit, 64 U Unit Example of, 64 V VFB, 10, 13 VFB Tracing, 228 Enable, 228, 231 Events, 228 W Wake up of Wait Point, 93, 99 X XML, 10, 26 282 Index

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