Rekognition Re Invent Instructions

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AWS Find Missing Persons by Scanning Social Media with
Amazon Rekognition Workshop
In this workshop, we’ll build a solution that automatically launches and configures Amazon
Rekognition, Amazon Kinesis Firehose, Amazon Simple Storage Service(S3), AWS Lambda,
Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS), & Amazon Elastic Cloud
Compute (EC2) to collect, store, process, and analyze data to search for missing persons on
social media data streams. The diagram below presents the Find Missing Persons by Scanning
Social Media with Amazon Rekognition architecture you can deploy in minutes using this guide
and accompanying AWS CloudFormation template.

1. This solution uses python code on an EC2 instance to listen to Twitter feed to capture
images from that feed.
2. The EC2 instance pushes image metadata in JSON form to S3 via an Amazon Kinesis
3. A Lambda function is invoked based on PUT operation to the initial S3 bucket that
launches Rekognition API to analyze the photo and store the data in a result S3 bucket &
4. A second Lambda function fires based on PUT operation to the result S3 bucket this fires
a SNS message to monitoring users
5. If you choose to persist raw data, AWS Lambda decodes the data and puts it into Amazon
Kinesis Firehose which delivers it to Amazon S3.

What you'll accomplish:

Deleted: the data
Deleted: fires

Deploy Find Missing Persons by Scanning Social Media with Amazon Rekognition
using AWS CloudFormation. The CloudFormation template will automatically launch and
configure the components necessary to consume and analyze streaming data.
Automatically analyze streaming data in an Amazon Kinesis Analytics application. You
can customize the Amazon Kinesis Analytics application that is included with the solution.
What you'll need before starting:
1. An AWS account: You will need an AWS account to begin provisioning
resources. Sign up for AWS.
2. Twitter Developer account and create a Twitter application with keys and
3. Create SSH Key pair unless you already have one you can use for this workshop
Skill level: This solution is intended for IT infrastructure professionals who have practical
experience with streaming data and architecting on the AWS Cloud.

What We'll Cover
The procedure for deploying this architecture on AWS consists of the following steps. For
detailed instructions, follow the links for each step.

Step 1. Pre-Workshop Setup Steps
1. Set up your Twitter Application (Required step)
a. Goto

b. Login if you have an account, otherwise sign up for a new account. Note you will need
your mobile number included in your account profile to build Twitter apps.

c. Select Create New App

d. Provide a unique name such as FindMissingPersonsRekognitions & add your initials etc

e. Next you’ll get the details from your new app. Key data points to collect are consumer
key/api highlighted by the red arrow below.


Click on the Key & Access tokens tab

g. To generate tokens – click on the create my access token then capture the details such
as shown in the screen below

h. Capture your API Key & Secret and Access Token and Secret for later use in Notepad or
text editor

2. Create a new EC2 Key Pair - For this workshop, you will need to create an EC2 instance using an
SSH keypair. If you already have a SSH key pair in Ireland region Please skip this section and
go onto the next. The following steps outline creating a unique SSH keypair for you to use in this
a. Sign into the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon EC2 console at
b. In the upper-right corner of the AWS Management Console, confirm you are in the
desired AWS region (e.g., Ireland).
c. Click or type EC2 on search line then click on EC2 service from the menu.
d. Click on Key Pairs in the NETWORK & SECURITY section near the bottom of the leftmost
menu. This will display a page to manage your SSH key pairs.



e. To create a new SSH key pair, click the Create Key Pair button at the top of the browser


In the resulting pop up window, type [First Name]-[Last Name]-Rekognition into the Key
Pair Name: text box and click Create.

g. The page will download the file “[Your-Name]-Rekognition.pem” to the local drive.
Follow the browser instructions to save the file to the default download location.
h. Remember the full path to the file .pem file you just downloaded. You will use the Key
Pair you just created to manage your EC2 instances for the rest of the lab

Step 2 Launch the Stack
This automated AWS CloudFormation template deploys Find Missing Persons by Scanning
Social Media with Amazon Rekognition on the AWS Cloud. Please make sure that you’ve
configured IAM roles before launching the template.
You are responsible for the cost of the AWS services used while running this solution. We are
providing $25 AWS credit which should more than cover those cost during the workshop.
1. Log in to the AWS Management Console and click the button below to launch the
rekognition-workshop AWS CloudFormation template.

You can also download the template as a starting point for your own implementation.
2. Be sure to launch the template in the EU (Ireland) Region (eu-west-1).
3. On the Select Template page, verify that you selected the correct template and choose

4. On the Specify Details page, assign a name to your Find Missing Persons by Scanning
Social Media with Amazon Rekognition solution stack. This stack name should be all
lower case characters & numbers and be short since we use it for bucket names etc.
5. Under Parameters, review the parameters for the template, and modify them as
necessary. This solution uses the following default values.





Name of the Stack to launch


Email address to use during workshop so you can
receive emails notifications.



Select your instance type. Recommend T2.Micro


SSH key for Ireland region to use during the
workshop. Without this key you will not be able to
connect to your instance.


The IP address range that can be used to SSH to
the EC2 instances


Twitter Consumer Key, as generated by Part of the pre setup steps

Comment [Office1]: What about ReferencePhotoFilename


Twitter Access Token, as generated by Part of the pre setup steps


Twitter Access Token Secret, as generated by Part of the pre setup steps

TwitterConsumerSecret input>

It should look something like the picture below

6. Verify that you modified the correct parameters for your chosen destination.
7. Choose Next.
8. On the Options page, choose Next.

9. On the Review page, review and confirm the settings. Be sure to check the box
acknowledging that the template will create AWS Identity and Access Management
(IAM) resources.

10. Choose Create to deploy the stack.
You can view the status of the stack in the AWS CloudFormation console in the Status
column. You should see a status of CREATE_COMPLETE in roughly five (5) minutes.

Step 3. Validate and Start the Application
Once the stack is created, complete the following steps.
1. Navigate to the stack Outputs tab.
2. Note the name of the EC2 Instance and capture the Public IP address
3. Open SSH connection to your instance (if using windows you’ll need putty & puttygen to
4. Goto /home/ec2-user/rekognition-workshop directory
5. Run “aws configure” to populate aws credentials on to the EC2 instance.

Deleted: Make sure to put a note in the instructions to
use “eu-west-1” as the region

Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.5", No bullets or numbering




Formatted Table

AWS Access Key


Access key to IAM user, retrieved from the
IAM Console

AWS Secret
Access Key


Secret Access key to IAM user, retrieved
from the IAM Console

Default region


Region setting

Default output


Format of output results in the AWS CLI
Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.5", No bullets or numbering

[ec2-user@ip-172-31-2-51 rekognition-workshop]$ aws configure
AWS Access Key ID [****************A5ZA]:
AWS Secret Access Key [****************8fwG]:
Default region name [eu-west-1]:
Default output format [table]:
6. Run the python source code to start streaming twitter data. Monitor the KFH delivery stream to
see feeds stored in destination bucket.

Deleted: None

Comment [Office2]: I recommend adding more context

[ec2-user@ip-172-31-2-51 rekognition-workshop]$ python

Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.5", No bullets or numbering

Step 4. Start Twitter Streaming Data
Now that you have all the infrastructure set up and verified let’s start the Twitter feed and run the
application to search for missing persons.
1. First step
2. Second Step

Step 5. Clean up
Once complete with the workshop to clean up the environment goto Cloudformation and delete the
rekognition-workshop stack by placing a check mark by it and selecting the delete action. This will
remove the resources created in the workshop.


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Title                           : Microsoft Word - Rekognition_ReInvent_instructions.docx
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Create Date                     : 2017:11:25 21:05:08Z
Modify Date                     : 2017:11:25 21:05:08Z
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