SAS/STAT 9.2 User's Guide: The CLUSTER Procedure (Book Excerpt) SAS Users Guide
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® SAS/STAT 9.2 User’s Guide The CLUSTER Procedure (Book Excerpt) ® SAS Documentation This document is an individual chapter from SAS/STAT® 9.2 User’s Guide. The correct bibliographic citation for the complete manual is as follows: SAS Institute Inc. 2008. SAS/STAT® 9.2 User’s Guide. Cary, NC: SAS Institute Inc. Copyright © 2008, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA All rights reserved. Produced in the United States of America. For a Web download or e-book: Your use of this publication shall be governed by the terms established by the vendor at the time you acquire this publication. U.S. Government Restricted Rights Notice: Use, duplication, or disclosure of this software and related documentation by the U.S. government is subject to the Agreement with SAS Institute and the restrictions set forth in FAR 52.227-19, Commercial Computer Software-Restricted Rights (June 1987). SAS Institute Inc., SAS Campus Drive, Cary, North Carolina 27513. 1st electronic book, March 2008 2nd electronic book, February 2009 SAS® Publishing provides a complete selection of books and electronic products to help customers use SAS software to its fullest potential. For more information about our e-books, e-learning products, CDs, and hard-copy books, visit the SAS Publishing Web site at or call 1-800-727-3228. SAS® and all other SAS Institute Inc. product or service names are registered trademarks or trademarks of SAS Institute Inc. in the USA and other countries. ® indicates USA registration. Other brand and product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective companies. Chapter 29 The CLUSTER Procedure Contents Overview: CLUSTER Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Getting Started: CLUSTER Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Syntax: CLUSTER Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PROC CLUSTER Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BY Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COPY Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FREQ Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ID Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RMSSTD Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VAR Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Details: CLUSTER Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clustering Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Miscellaneous Formulas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ultrametrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Computational Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Missing Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Size, Shape, and Correlation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Output Data Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Displayed Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ODS Table Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ODS Graphics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Examples: CLUSTER Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Example 29.1: Cluster Analysis of Flying Mileages between 10 Cities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Example 29.2: Crude Birth and Death Rates . . . . . . . . . . . Example 29.3: Cluster Analysis of Fisher’s Iris Data . . . . . . . Example 29.4: Evaluating the Effects of Ties . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . American . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1230 1231 1239 1239 1247 1247 1248 1248 1249 1249 1250 1250 1258 1259 1259 1260 1261 1261 1262 1263 1265 1268 1269 1270 1270 1277 1289 1304 1316 1230 F Chapter 29: The CLUSTER Procedure Overview: CLUSTER Procedure The CLUSTER procedure hierarchically clusters the observations in a SAS data set by using one of 11 methods. The data can be coordinates or distances. If the data are coordinates, PROC CLUSTER computes (possibly squared) Euclidean distances. If you want non-Euclidean distances, use the DISTANCE procedure (see Chapter 32) to compute an appropriate distance data set that can then be used as input to PROC CLUSTER. The clustering methods are: average linkage, the centroid method, complete linkage, density linkage (including Wong’s hybrid and kth-nearest-neighbor methods), maximum likelihood for mixtures of spherical multivariate normal distributions with equal variances but possibly unequal mixing proportions, the flexible-beta method, McQuitty’s similarity analysis, the median method, single linkage, two-stage density linkage, and Ward’s minimum-variance method. Each method is described in the section “Clustering Methods” on page 1250. All methods are based on the usual agglomerative hierarchical clustering procedure. Each observation begins in a cluster by itself. The two closest clusters are merged to form a new cluster that replaces the two old clusters. Merging of the two closest clusters is repeated until only one cluster is left. The various clustering methods differ in how the distance between two clusters is computed. The CLUSTER procedure is not practical for very large data sets because the CPU time is roughly proportional to the square or cube of the number of observations. The FASTCLUS procedure (see Chapter 34) requires time proportional to the number of observations and thus can be used with much larger data sets than PROC CLUSTER. If you want to cluster a very large data set hierarchically, use PROC FASTCLUS for a preliminary cluster analysis to produce a large number of clusters. Then use PROC CLUSTER to cluster the preliminary clusters hierarchically. This method is illustrated in Example 29.3. PROC CLUSTER displays a history of the clustering process, showing statistics useful for estimating the number of clusters in the population from which the data are sampled. PROC CLUSTER also creates an output data set that can be used by the TREE procedure to draw a tree diagram of the cluster hierarchy or to output the cluster membership at any desired level. For example, to obtain the six-cluster solution, you could first use PROC CLUSTER with the OUTTREE= option, and then use this output data set as the input data set to the TREE procedure. With PROC TREE, specify NCLUSTERS=6 and the OUT= options to obtain the six-cluster solution and draw a tree diagram. For an example, see Example 91.1 in Chapter 91, “The TREE Procedure.” For coordinate data, Euclidean distances are computed from differences between coordinate values. The use of differences has several important consequences: For differences to be valid, the variables must have an interval or stronger scale of measurement. Ordinal or ranked data are generally not appropriate for cluster analysis. For Euclidean distances to be comparable, equal differences should have equal practical importance. You might need to transform the variables linearly or nonlinearly to satisfy this condition. For example, if one variable is measured in dollars and one in euros, you might need to convert to the same currency. Or, if ratios are more meaningful than differences, take logarithms. Getting Started: CLUSTER Procedure F 1231 Variables with large variances tend to have more effect on the resulting clusters than variables with small variances. If you consider all variables to be equally important, you can use the STD option in PROC CLUSTER to standardize the variables to mean 0 and standard deviation 1. However, standardization is not always appropriate. See Milligan and Cooper (1987) for a Monte Carlo study on various methods of variable standardization. You should remove outliers before using PROC CLUSTER with the STD option unless you specify the TRIM= option. The STDIZE procedure (see Chapter 81) provides additional methods for standardizing variables and imputing missing values. The ACECLUS procedure (see Chapter 22) is useful for linear transformations of the variables if any of the following conditions hold: You have no idea how the variables should be scaled. You want to detect natural clusters regardless of whether some variables have more influence than others. You want to use a clustering method designed for finding compact clusters, but you want to be able to detect elongated clusters. Agglomerative hierarchical clustering is discussed in all standard references on cluster analysis, such as Anderberg (1973), Sneath and Sokal (1973), Hartigan (1975), Everitt (1980), and Spath (1980). An especially good introduction is given by Massart and Kaufman (1983). Anyone considering doing a hierarchical cluster analysis should study the Monte Carlo results of Milligan (1980), Milligan and Cooper (1985), and Cooper and Milligan (1988). Other essential, though more advanced, references on hierarchical clustering include Hartigan (1977, pp. 60–68; 1981), Wong (1982), Wong and Schaack (1982), and Wong and Lane (1983). See Blashfield and Aldenderfer (1978) for a discussion of the confusing terminology in hierarchical cluster analysis. Getting Started: CLUSTER Procedure The following example shows how you can use the CLUSTER procedure to compute hierarchical clusters of observations in a SAS data set. Suppose you want to determine whether national figures for birth rates, death rates, and infant death rates can be used to categorize countries. Previous studies indicate that the clusters computed from this type of data can be elongated and elliptical. Thus, you need to perform a linear transformation on the raw data before the cluster analysis. The following data1 from Rouncefield (1995) are birth rates, death rates, and infant death rates for 97 countries. The DATA step creates the SAS data set Poverty: 1 These data have been compiled from the United Nations Demographic Yearbook 1990 (United Nations publications, Sales No. E/F.91.XII.1, copyright 1991, United Nations, New York) and are reproduced with the permission of the United Nations. 1232 F Chapter 29: The CLUSTER Procedure data Poverty; input Birth Death InfantDeath Country $20. @@; datalines; 24.7 5.7 30.8 Albania 12.5 11.9 14.4 Bulgaria 13.4 11.7 11.3 Czechoslovakia 12 12.4 7.6 Former_E._Germany 11.6 13.4 14.8 Hungary 14.3 10.2 16 Poland 13.6 10.7 26.9 Romania 14 9 20.2 Yugoslavia 17.7 10 23 USSR 15.2 9.5 13.1 Byelorussia_SSR 13.4 11.6 13 Ukrainian_SSR 20.7 8.4 25.7 Argentina 46.6 18 111 Bolivia 28.6 7.9 63 Brazil 23.4 5.8 17.1 Chile 27.4 6.1 40 Columbia 32.9 7.4 63 Ecuador 28.3 7.3 56 Guyana 34.8 6.6 42 Paraguay 32.9 8.3 109.9 Peru 18 9.6 21.9 Uruguay 27.5 4.4 23.3 Venezuela 29 23.2 43 Mexico 12 10.6 7.9 Belgium 13.2 10.1 5.8 Finland 12.4 11.9 7.5 Denmark 13.6 9.4 7.4 France 11.4 11.2 7.4 Germany 10.1 9.2 11 Greece 15.1 9.1 7.5 Ireland 9.7 9.1 8.8 Italy 13.2 8.6 7.1 Netherlands 14.3 10.7 7.8 Norway 11.9 9.5 13.1 Portugal 10.7 8.2 8.1 Spain 14.5 11.1 5.6 Sweden 12.5 9.5 7.1 Switzerland 13.6 11.5 8.4 U.K. 14.9 7.4 8 Austria 9.9 6.7 4.5 Japan 14.5 7.3 7.2 Canada 16.7 8.1 9.1 U.S.A. 40.4 18.7 181.6 Afghanistan 28.4 3.8 16 Bahrain 42.5 11.5 108.1 Iran 42.6 7.8 69 Iraq 22.3 6.3 9.7 Israel 38.9 6.4 44 Jordan 26.8 2.2 15.6 Kuwait 31.7 8.7 48 Lebanon 45.6 7.8 40 Oman 42.1 7.6 71 Saudi_Arabia 29.2 8.4 76 Turkey 22.8 3.8 26 United_Arab_Emirates 42.2 15.5 119 Bangladesh 41.4 16.6 130 Cambodia 21.2 6.7 32 China 11.7 4.9 6.1 Hong_Kong 30.5 10.2 91 India 28.6 9.4 75 Indonesia 23.5 18.1 25 Korea 31.6 5.6 24 Malaysia 36.1 8.8 68 Mongolia 39.6 14.8 128 Nepal 30.3 8.1 107.7 Pakistan 33.2 7.7 45 Philippines 17.8 5.2 7.5 Singapore 21.3 6.2 19.4 Sri_Lanka 22.3 7.7 28 Thailand 31.8 9.5 64 Vietnam 35.5 8.3 74 Algeria 47.2 20.2 137 Angola 48.5 11.6 67 Botswana 46.1 14.6 73 Congo 38.8 9.5 49.4 Egypt 48.6 20.7 137 Ethiopia 39.4 16.8 103 Gabon 47.4 21.4 143 Gambia 44.4 13.1 90 Ghana 47 11.3 72 Kenya 44 9.4 82 Libya 48.3 25 130 Malawi 35.5 9.8 82 Morocco 45 18.5 141 Mozambique 44 12.1 135 Namibia 48.5 15.6 105 Nigeria 48.2 23.4 154 Sierra_Leone 50.1 20.2 132 Somalia 32.1 9.9 72 South_Africa 44.6 15.8 108 Sudan 46.8 12.5 118 Swaziland 31.1 7.3 52 Tunisia 52.2 15.6 103 Uganda 50.5 14 106 Tanzania 45.6 14.2 83 Zaire 51.1 13.7 80 Zambia 41.7 10.3 66 Zimbabwe ; Getting Started: CLUSTER Procedure F 1233 The data set Poverty contains the character variable Country and the numeric variables Birth, Death, and InfantDeath, which represent the birth rate per thousand, death rate per thousand, and infant death rate per thousand. The $20. in the INPUT statement specifies that the variable Country is a character variable with a length of 20. The double trailing at sign (@@) in the INPUT statement holds the input line for further iterations of the DATA step, specifying that observations are input from each line until all values are read. Because the variables in the data set do not have equal variance, you must perform some form of scaling or transformation. One method is to standardize the variables to mean zero and variance one. However, when you suspect that the data contain elliptical clusters, you can use the ACECLUS procedure to transform the data such that the resulting within-cluster covariance matrix is spherical. The procedure obtains approximate estimates of the pooled within-cluster covariance matrix and then computes canonical variables to be used in subsequent analyses. The following statements perform the ACECLUS transformation by using the SAS data set Poverty. The OUT= option creates an output SAS data set called Ace to contain the canonical variable scores: proc aceclus data=Poverty out=Ace p=.03 noprint; var Birth Death InfantDeath; run; The P= option specifies that approximately 3% of the pairs are included in the estimation of the within-cluster covariance matrix. The NOPRINT option suppresses the display of the output. The VAR statement specifies that the variables Birth, Death, and InfantDeath are used in computing the canonical variables. The following statements invoke the CLUSTER procedure, using the SAS data set ACE created in the previous PROC ACECLUS run: ods graphics on; proc cluster data=Ace method=ward ccc pseudo print=15 outtree=Tree; var can1 can2 can3 ; id country; format country $12.; run; ods graphics off; The ods graphics on statement asks procedures to produce ODS graphics where possible. Ward’s minimum-variance clustering method is specified by the METHOD= option. The CCC option displays the cubic clustering criterion, and the PSEUDO option displays pseudo F and t 2 statistics. The PRINT=15 option displays only the last 15 generations of the cluster history. The OUTTREE= option creates an output SAS data set called Tree that can be used by the TREE procedure to draw a tree diagram. The VAR statement specifies that the canonical variables computed in the ACECLUS procedure are used in the cluster analysis. The ID statement specifies that the variable Country should be added to the Tree output data set. The results of this analysis are displayed in the following figures. 1234 F Chapter 29: The CLUSTER Procedure PROC CLUSTER first displays the table of eigenvalues of the covariance matrix (Figure 29.1). These eigenvalues are used in the computation of the cubic clustering criterion. The first two columns list each eigenvalue and the difference between the eigenvalue and its successor. The last two columns display the individual and cumulative proportion of variation associated with each eigenvalue. Figure 29.1 Table of Eigenvalues of the Covariance Matrix The CLUSTER Procedure Ward’s Minimum Variance Cluster Analysis Eigenvalues of the Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 Eigenvalue Difference Proportion Cumulative 64.5500051 9.8186828 5.4148519 54.7313223 4.4038309 0.8091 0.1231 0.0679 0.8091 0.9321 1.0000 Root-Mean-Square Total-Sample Standard Deviation Root-Mean-Square Distance Between Observations 5.156987 12.63199 Figure 29.2 displays the last 15 generations of the cluster history. First listed are the number of clusters and the names of the clusters joined. The observations are identified either by the ID value or by CLn, where n is the number of the cluster. Next, PROC CLUSTER displays the number of observations in the new cluster and the semipartial R square. The latter value represents the decrease in the proportion of variance accounted for by joining the two clusters. Figure 29.2 Cluster History Cluster History NCL 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ------Clusters Joined-----Oman CL31 CL41 CL19 CL39 CL76 CL23 CL10 CL9 CL8 CL14 CL16 CL12 CL3 CL5 CL37 CL22 CL17 CL21 CL15 CL27 CL11 Afghanistan CL25 CL20 CL13 CL7 CL6 CL4 CL2 FREQ SPRSQ RSQ ERSQ CCC PSF PST2 5 13 32 10 9 6 15 7 17 14 45 28 24 52 97 0.0039 0.0040 0.0041 0.0045 0.0052 0.0075 0.0130 0.0134 0.0217 0.0239 0.0307 0.0323 0.0323 0.1782 0.5866 .957 .953 .949 .945 .940 .932 .919 .906 .884 .860 .829 .797 .765 .587 .000 .933 .928 .922 .916 .909 .900 .890 .879 .864 .846 .822 .788 .732 .613 .000 6.03 5.81 5.70 5.65 5.60 5.25 4.20 3.55 2.26 1.42 0.65 0.57 1.84 -.82 0.00 132 131 131 132 134 133 125 122 114 112 112 122 153 135 . 12.1 9.7 13.1 6.4 6.3 18.1 12.4 7.3 11.6 10.5 59.2 14.8 11.6 48.9 135 T i e Getting Started: CLUSTER Procedure F 1235 Next listed is the squared multiple correlation, R square, which is the proportion of variance accounted for by the clusters. Figure 29.2 shows that, when the data are grouped into three clusters, the proportion of variance accounted for by the clusters (R square) is just under 77%. The approximate expected value of R square is given in the ERSQ column. This expectation is approximated under the null hypothesis that the data have a uniform distribution instead of forming distinct clusters. The next three columns display the values of the cubic clustering criterion (CCC), pseudo F (PSF), and t 2 (PST2) statistics. These statistics are useful for estimating the number of clusters in the data. The final column in Figure 29.2 lists ties for minimum distance; a blank value indicates the absence of a tie. A tie means that the clusters are indeterminate and that changing the order of the observations may change the clusters. See Example 29.4 for ways to investigate the effects of ties. Figure 29.3 plots the three statistics for estimating the number of clusters. Peaks in the plot of the cubic clustering criterion with values greater than 2 or 3 indicate good clusters; peaks with values between 0 and 2 indicate possible clusters. Large negative values of the CCC can indicate outliers. In Figure 29.3, there is a local peak of the CCC when the number of clusters is 3. The CCC drops at 4 clusters and then steadily increases, leveling off at 11 clusters. Another method of judging the number of clusters in a data set is to look at the pseudo F statistic (PSF). Relatively large values indicate good numbers of clusters. In Figure 29.3, the pseudo F statistic suggests 3 clusters or 11 clusters. Figure 29.3 Plot of Statistics for Estimating the Number of Clusters 1236 F Chapter 29: The CLUSTER Procedure To interpret the values of the pseudo t 2 statistic, look down the column or look at the plot from right to left until you find the first value markedly larger than the previous value, then move back up the column or to the right in the plot by one step in the cluster history. In Figure 29.3, you can see possibly good clustering levels at 11 clusters, 6 clusters, 3 clusters, and 2 clusters. Considered together, these statistics suggest that the data can be clustered into 11 clusters or 3 clusters. The following statements examine the results of clustering the data into 3 clusters. A graphical view of the clustering process can often be helpful in interpreting the clusters. The following statements use the TREE procedure to produce a tree diagram of the clusters: goptions vsize=9in hsize=6.4in htext=.9pct htitle=3pct; axis1 order=(0 to 1 by 0.2); proc tree data=Tree out=New nclusters=3 haxis=axis1 horizontal; height _rsq_; copy can1 can2 ; id country; run; The AXIS1 statement defines axis parameters that are used in the TREE procedure. The ORDER= option specifies the data values in the order in which they should appear on the axis. The preceding statements use the SAS data set Tree as input. The OUT= option creates an output SAS data set named New to contain information about cluster membership. The NCLUSTERS= option specifies the number of clusters desired in the data set New. The TREE procedure produces high-resolution graphics by default. The HAXIS= option specifies AXIS1 to customize the appearance of the horizontal axis. The HORIZONTAL option orients the tree diagram horizontally. The HEIGHT statement specifies the variable _RSQ_ (R square) as the height variable. The COPY statement copies the canonical variables can1 and can2 (computed in the ACECLUS procedure) into the output SAS data set New. Thus, the SAS output data set New contains information for three clusters and the first two of the original canonical variables. Figure 29.4 displays the tree diagram. The figure provides a graphical view of the information in Figure 29.2. As the number of branches grows to the left from the root, the R square approaches 1; the first three clusters (branches of the tree) account for over half of the variation (about 77%, from Figure 29.4). In other words, only three clusters are necessary to explain over three-fourths of the variation. Getting Started: CLUSTER Procedure F 1237 Figure 29.4 Tree Diagram of Clusters versus R-Square Values 1238 F Chapter 29: The CLUSTER Procedure The following statements invoke the SGPLOT procedure on the SAS data set New: proc sgplot data=New ; scatter y=can2 x=can1 / group=cluster ; run; The PLOT statement requests a plot of the two canonical variables, using the value of the variable cluster as the identification variable, as shown in Figure 29.5. Figure 29.5 Plot of Canonical Variables and Cluster for Three Clusters The statistics in Figure 29.2 and Figure 29.3, the tree diagram in Figure 29.4, and the plot of the canonical variables in Figure 29.5 assist in the estimation of clusters in the data. There seems to be reasonable separation in the clusters. However, you must use this information, along with experience and knowledge of the field, to help in deciding the correct number of clusters. Syntax: CLUSTER Procedure F 1239 Syntax: CLUSTER Procedure The following statements are available in the CLUSTER procedure: PROC CLUSTER METHOD = name < options > ; BY variables ; COPY variables ; FREQ variable ; ID variable ; RMSSTD variable ; VAR variables ; Only the PROC CLUSTER statement is required, except that the FREQ statement is required when the RMSSTD statement is used; otherwise the FREQ statement is optional. Usually only the VAR statement and possibly the ID and COPY statements are needed in addition to the PROC CLUSTER statement. The rest of this section provides detailed syntax information for each of the preceding statements, beginning with the PROC CLUSTER statement. The remaining statements are covered in alphabetical order. PROC CLUSTER Statement PROC CLUSTER METHOD=name < options > ; The PROC CLUSTER statement starts the CLUSTER procedure, specifies a clustering method, and optionally specifies details for clustering methods, data sets, data processing, and displayed output. The METHOD= specification determines the clustering method used by the procedure. Any one of the following 11 methods can be specified for name: AVERAGE | AVE requests average linkage (group average, unweighted pair-group method using arithmetic averages, UPGMA). Distance data are squared unless you specify the NOSQUARE option. CENTROID | CEN requests the centroid method (unweighted pair-group method using centroids, UPGMC, centroid sorting, weighted-group method). Distance data are squared unless you specify the NOSQUARE option. COMPLETE | COM requests complete linkage (furthest neighbor, maximum method, diameter method, rank order typal analysis). To reduce distortion of clusters by outliers, the TRIM= option is recommended. DENSITY | DEN requests density linkage, which is a class of clustering methods using nonparametric probability density estimation. You must also specify either the K=, R=, or HYBRID option to indicate the type of density estimation to be used. See also the MODE= and DIM= options in this section. 1240 F Chapter 29: The CLUSTER Procedure EML requests maximum-likelihood hierarchical clustering for mixtures of spherical multivariate normal distributions with equal variances but possibly unequal mixing proportions. Use METHOD=EML only with coordinate data. See the PENALTY= option for details. The NONORM option does not affect the reported likelihood values but does affect other unrelated criteria. The EML method is much slower than the other methods in the CLUSTER procedure. FLEXIBLE | FLE requests the Lance-Williams flexible-beta method. See the BETA= option in this section. MCQUITTY | MCQ requests McQuitty’s similarity analysis (weighted average linkage, weighted pair-group method using arithmetic averages, WPGMA). MEDIAN | MED requests Gower’s median method (weighted pair-group method using centroids, WPGMC). Distance data are squared unless you specify the NOSQUARE option. SINGLE | SIN requests single linkage (nearest neighbor, minimum method, connectedness method, elementary linkage analysis, or dendritic method). To reduce chaining, you can use the TRIM= option with METHOD=SINGLE. TWOSTAGE | TWO requests two-stage density linkage. You must also specify the K=, R=, or HYBRID option to indicate the type of density estimation to be used. See also the MODE= and DIM= options in this section. WARD | WAR requests Ward’s minimum-variance method (error sum of squares, trace W). Distance data are squared unless you specify the NOSQUARE option. To reduce distortion by outliers, the TRIM= option is recommended. See the NONORM option. Table 29.1 summarizes the options in the PROC CLUSTER statement. Table 29.1 Option PROC CLUSTER Statement Options Description Specify input and output data sets DATA= specifies input data set OUTTREE= creates output data set Specify clustering methods METHOD= specifies clustering method BETA= specifies beta value for flexible beta method MODE= specifies the minimum number of members for modal clusters PENALTY= specifies the penalty coefficient for maximum likelihood HYBRID specifies Wong’s hybrid clustering method Control data processing prior to clustering NOEIGEN suppresses computation of eigenvalues NONORM suppresses normalizing of distances NOSQUARE suppresses squaring of distances PROC CLUSTER Statement F 1241 Table 29.1 continued Option Description STANDARD TRIM= standardizes variables omits points with low probability densities Control density estimation K= specifies number of neighbors for kth-nearest-neighbor density estimation R= specifies radius of sphere of support for uniform-kernel density estimation Ties NOTIE suppresses checking for ties Control display of the cluster history CCC displays cubic clustering criterion NOID suppresses display of ID values PRINT= specifies number of generations to display PSEUDO displays pseudo F and t 2 statistics RMSSTD displays root mean square standard deviation RSQUARE displays R square and semipartial R square Control other aspects of output NOPRINT suppresses display of all output SIMPLE displays simple summary statistics PLOTS= specifies ODS graphics details The following list provides details on these options. BETA=n specifies the beta parameter for METHOD=FLEXIBLE. The value of n should be less than 1, usually between 0 and 1. By default, BETA= 0:25. Milligan (1987) suggests a somewhat smaller value, perhaps 0:5, for data with many outliers. CCC displays the cubic clustering criterion and approximate expected R square under the uniform null hypothesis (Sarle 1983). The statistics associated with the RSQUARE option, R square and semipartial R square, are also displayed. The CCC option applies only to coordinate data. The CCC option is not appropriate with METHOD=SINGLE because of the method’s tendency to chop off tails of distributions. Computation of the CCC requires the eigenvalues of the covariance matrix. If the number of variables is large, computing the eigenvalues requires much computer time and memory. DATA=SAS-data-set names the input data set containing observations to be clustered. By default, the procedure uses the most recently created SAS data set. If the data set is TYPE=DISTANCE, the data are interpreted as a distance matrix; the number of variables must equal the number of observations in the data set or in each BY group. The distances are assumed to be Euclidean, but the procedure accepts other types of distances or dissimilarities. If the data set is not 1242 F Chapter 29: The CLUSTER Procedure TYPE=DISTANCE, the data are interpreted as coordinates in a Euclidean space, and Euclidean distances are computed. For more about TYPE=DISTANCE data sets, see Chapter A, “Special SAS Data Sets.” You cannot use a TYPE=CORR data set as input to PROC CLUSTER, since the procedure uses dissimilarity measures. Instead, you can use a DATA step or the IML procedure to extract the correlation matrix from a TYPE=CORR data set and transform the values to dissimilarities such as 1 r or 1 r 2 , where r is the correlation. All methods produce the same results when used with coordinate data as when used with Euclidean distances computed from the coordinates. However, the DIM= option must be used with distance data if you specify METHOD=TWOSTAGE or METHOD=DENSITY or if you specify the TRIM= option. Certain methods that are most naturally defined in terms of coordinates require squared Euclidean distances to be used in the combinatorial distance formulas (Lance and Williams 1967). For this reason, distance data are automatically squared when used with METHOD=AVERAGE, METHOD=CENTROID, METHOD=MEDIAN, or METHOD=WARD. If you want the combinatorial formulas to be applied to the (unsquared) distances with these methods, use the NOSQUARE option. DIM=n specifies the dimensionality used when computing density estimates with the TRIM= option, METHOD=DENSITY, or METHOD=TWOSTAGE. The values of n must be greater than or equal to 1. The default is the number of variables if the data are coordinates; the default is 1 if the data are distances. HYBRID requests Wong’s (1982) hybrid clustering method in which density estimates are computed from a preliminary cluster analysis using the k-means method. The DATA= data set must contain means, frequencies, and root mean square standard deviations of the preliminary clusters (see the FREQ and RMSSTD statements). To use HYBRID, you must use either a FREQ statement or a DATA= data set that contains a _FREQ_ variable, and you must also use either an RMSSTD statement or a DATA= data set that contains an _RMSSTD_ variable. The MEAN= data set produced by the FASTCLUS procedure is suitable for input to the CLUSTER procedure for hybrid clustering. Since this data set contains _FREQ_ and _RMSSTD_ variables, you can use it as input and then omit the FREQ and RMSSTD statements. You must specify either METHOD=DENSITY or METHOD=TWOSTAGE with the HYBRID option. You cannot use this option in combination with the TRIM=, K=, or R= option. K=n specifies the number of neighbors to use for kth-nearest-neighbor density estimation (Silverman 1986, pp. 19–21 and 96–99). The number of neighbors (n) must be at least two but less than the number of observations. See the MODE= option, which follows. Density estimation is used with the TRIM=, METHOD=DENSITY, and METHOD=TWOSTAGE options. PROC CLUSTER Statement F 1243 MODE=n specifies that, when two clusters are joined, each must have at least n members in order for either cluster to be designated a modal cluster. If you specify MODE=1, each cluster must also have a maximum density greater than the fusion density in order for either cluster to be designated a modal cluster. Use the MODE= option only with METHOD=DENSITY or METHOD=TWOSTAGE. With METHOD=TWOSTAGE, the MODE= option affects the number of modal clusters formed. With METHOD=DENSITY, the MODE= option does not affect the clustering process but does determine the number of modal clusters reported on the output and identified by the _MODE_ variable in the output data set. If you specify the K= option, the default value of MODE= is the same as the value of K= because the use of kth-nearest-neighbor density estimation limits the resolution that can be obtained for clusters with fewer than k members. If you do not specify the K= option, the default is MODE=2. If you specify MODE=0, the default value is used instead of 0. If you specify a FREQ statement or if a _FREQ_ variable appears in the input data set, the MODE= value is compared with the number of actual observations in the clusters being joined, not with the sum of the frequencies in the clusters. NOEIGEN suppresses computation of the eigenvalues of the covariance matrix and substitutes the variances of the variables for the eigenvalues when computing the cubic clustering criterion. The NOEIGEN option saves time if the number of variables is large, but it should be used only if the variables are nearly uncorrelated. If you specify the NOEIGEN option and the variables are highly correlated, the cubic clustering criterion might be very liberal. The NOEIGEN option applies only to coordinate data. NOID suppresses the display of ID values for the clusters joined at each generation of the cluster history. NONORM prevents the distances from being normalized to unit mean or unit root mean square with most methods. With METHOD=WARD, the NONORM option prevents the between-cluster sum of squares from being normalized by the total sum of squares to yield a squared semipartial correlation. The NONORM option does not affect the reported likelihood values with METHOD=EML, but it does affect other unrelated criteria, such as the _DIST_ variable. NOPRINT suppresses the display of all output. Note that this option temporarily disables the Output Delivery System (ODS). For more information, see Chapter 20, “Using the Output Delivery System.” 1244 F Chapter 29: The CLUSTER Procedure NOSQUARE prevents input distances from being squared with METHOD=AVERAGE, METHOD=CENTROID, METHOD=MEDIAN, or METHOD=WARD. If you specify the NOSQUARE option with distance data, the data are assumed to be squared Euclidean distances for computing R-square and related statistics defined in a Euclidean coordinate system. If you specify the NOSQUARE option with coordinate data with METHOD=CENTROID, METHOD=MEDIAN, or METHOD=WARD, then the combinatorial formula is applied to unsquared Euclidean distances. The resulting cluster distances do not have their usual Euclidean interpretation and are therefore labeled “False” in the output. NOTIE prevents PROC CLUSTER from checking for ties for minimum distance between clusters at each generation of the cluster history. If your data are measured with such precision that ties are unlikely, then you can specify the NOTIE option to reduce slightly the time and space required by the procedure. See the section “Ties” on page 1261 for more information. OUTTREE=SAS-data-set creates an output data set that can be used by the TREE procedure to draw a tree diagram. You must give the data set a two-level name to save it. See SAS Language Reference: Concepts for a discussion of permanent data sets. If you omit the OUTTREE= option, the data set is named by using the DATAn convention and is not permanently saved. If you do not want to create an output data set, use OUTTREE=_NULL_. PENALTY=p specifies the penalty coefficient used with METHOD=EML. See the section “Clustering Methods” on page 1250 for more information. Values for p must be greater than zero. By default, PENALTY=2. PLOTS < (global-plot-options) > < = plot-request > PLOTS < (global-plot-options) > < = (plot-request < ... plot-request >) > controls the plots produced through ODS Graphics. PROC CLUSTER can produce line plots of the cubic clustering criterion, the pseudo F statistic, and the pseudo t 2 statistic from the cluster history table. These statistics are useful for estimating the number of clusters. Each statistic is plotted against the number of clusters. To obtain ODS Graphics plots from PROC CLUSTER, you must do two things. First, enable ODS Graphics before running PROC CLUSTER. For example: ods graphics on; proc cluster plots=all; run; ods graphics off; Second, request that PROC CLUSTER compute the desired statistics by specifying the CCC or PSEUDO options, or by specifying the statistics in a plot-request in the PLOT option. PROC CLUSTER Statement F 1245 PROC CLUSTER might be unable to compute the statistics in some cases; for details, see the CCC and PSEUDO options. If a statistic cannot be computed, it cannot be plotted. PROC CLUSTER plots all of these statistics that are computed unless you tell it specifically what to plot using PLOTS=. The maximum number of clusters shown in all the plots is the minimum of the following quantities: the number of observations the value of the PRINT= option, if that option is specified the maximum number of clusters for which CCC is computed, if CCC is plotted The global-plot-options apply to all plots generated by the CLUSTER procedure. The global plot options are as follows: UNPACKPANELS breaks a plot that is otherwise paneled into plots separate plots for each statistic. This option can be abbreviated as UNPACK. ONLY has no effect, but is accepted for consistency with other procedures. The following plot-requests can be specified: ALL implicitly specifies the CCC and PSEUDO options and, if possible, produces all three plots. NONE suppresses all plots. CCC implicitly specifies the CCC option and, if possible, plots the cubic clustering criterion against the number of clusters. PSEUDO implicitly specifies the PSEUDO option and, if possible, plots the pseudo F statistic and the pseudo t 2 statistic against the number of clusters. PSF implicitly specifies the PSEUDO option and, if possible, plots the pseudo F statistic against the number of clusters. PST2 implicitly specifies the PSEUDO option and, if possible, plots the pseudo t 2 statistic against the number of clusters. When you specify only one plot-request, you can omit the parentheses around the plotrequest. You can specify one or more of the CCC, PSEUDO, PSF, or PST2 plot requests in the same PLOT option. For example, all of the following are valid: PROC CLUSTER PLOTS=(CCC PST2); PROC CLUSTER PLOTS=(PSF); PROC CLUSTER PLOTS=PSF; The first statement plots both the cubic clustering criterion and the pseudo t 2 statistic, while the second and third statements plot the pseudo F statistic only. The names of the graphs that PROC CLUSTER generates are listed in Table 29.5, along with the required statements and options. 1246 F Chapter 29: The CLUSTER Procedure PRINT=n | P=n specifies the number of generations of the cluster history to display. The P= option displays the latest n generations; for example, P=5 displays the cluster history from 1 cluster through 5 clusters. The value of P= must be a nonnegative integer. The default is to display all generations. Specify PRINT=0 to suppress the cluster history. PSEUDO displays pseudo F and t 2 statistics. This option is effective only when the data are coordinates or when METHOD=AVERAGE, METHOD=CENTROID, or METHOD=WARD is specified. See the section “Miscellaneous Formulas” on page 1258 for more information. The PSEUDO option is not appropriate with METHOD=SINGLE because of the method’s tendency to chop off tails of distributions. R=n specifies the radius of the sphere of support for uniform-kernel density estimation (Silverman 1986, pp. 11–13 and 75–94). The value of R= must be greater than zero. Density estimation is used with the TRIM=, METHOD=DENSITY, and METHOD=TWOSTAGE options. RMSSTD displays the root mean square standard deviation of each cluster. This option is effective only when the data are coordinates or when METHOD=AVERAGE, METHOD=CENTROID, or METHOD=WARD is specified. See the section “Miscellaneous Formulas” on page 1258 for more information. RSQUARE | RSQ displays the R square and semipartial R square. This option is effective only when the data are coordinates or when METHOD=AVERAGE or METHOD=CENTROID is specified. The R square and semipartial R square statistics are always displayed with METHOD=WARD. See the section “Miscellaneous Formulas” on page 1258 for more information.. SIMPLE | S displays means, standard deviations, skewness, kurtosis, and a coefficient of bimodality. The SIMPLE option applies only to coordinate data. See the section “Miscellaneous Formulas” on page 1258 for more information. STANDARD | STD standardizes the variables to mean 0 and standard deviation 1. The STANDARD option applies only to coordinate data. TRIM=p omits points with low estimated probability densities from the analysis. Valid values for the TRIM= option are 0 p < 100. If p < 1, then p is the proportion of observations omitted. If p 1, then p is interpreted as a percentage. A specification of TRIM=10, which trims 10% of the points, is a reasonable value for many data sets. Densities are estimated by the kth-nearest-neighbor or uniform-kernel method. Trimmed points are indicated by a negative value of the _FREQ_ variable in the OUTTREE= data set. BY Statement F 1247 You must use either the K= or R= option when you use TRIM=. You cannot use the HYBRID option in combination with TRIM=, so you might want to use the DIM= option instead. If you specify the STANDARD option in combination with TRIM=, the variables are standardized both before and after trimming. The TRIM= option is useful for removing outliers and reducing chaining. Trimming is highly recommended with METHOD=WARD or METHOD=COMPLETE because clusters from these methods can be severely distorted by outliers. Trimming is also valuable with METHOD=SINGLE since single linkage is the method most susceptible to chaining. Most other methods also benefit from trimming. However, trimming is unnecessary with METHOD=TWOSTAGE or METHOD=DENSITY when kth-nearest-neighbor density estimation is used. Use of the TRIM= option can spuriously inflate the cubic clustering criterion and the pseudo F and t 2 statistics. Trimming only outliers improves the accuracy of the statistics, but trimming saddle regions between clusters yields excessively large values. BY Statement BY variables ; You can specify a BY statement with PROC CLUSTER to obtain separate analyses on observations in groups defined by the BY variables. When a BY statement appears, the procedure expects the input data set to be sorted in order of the BY variables. If your input data set is not sorted in ascending order, use one of the following alternatives: Sort the data by using the SORT procedure with a similar BY statement. Specify the BY statement option NOTSORTED or DESCENDING in the BY statement for the CLUSTER procedure. The NOTSORTED option does not mean that the data are unsorted but rather that the data are arranged in groups (according to values of the BY variables) and that these groups are not necessarily in alphabetical or increasing numeric order. Create an index on the BY variables by using the DATASETS procedure. For more information about the BY statement, see SAS Language Reference: Concepts. For more information about the DATASETS procedure, see the Base SAS Procedures Guide. COPY Statement COPY variables ; The variables in the COPY statement are copied from the input data set to the OUTTREE= data set. Observations in the OUTTREE= data set that represent clusters of more than one observation from the input data set have missing values for the COPY variables. 1248 F Chapter 29: The CLUSTER Procedure FREQ Statement FREQ variable ; If one variable in the input data set represents the frequency of occurrence for other values in the observation, specify the variable’s name in a FREQ statement. PROC CLUSTER then treats the data set as if each observation appeared n times, where n is the value of the FREQ variable for the observation. Noninteger values of the FREQ variable are truncated to the largest integer less than the FREQ value. If you omit the FREQ statement but the DATA= data set contains a variable called _FREQ_, then frequencies are obtained from the _FREQ_ variable. If neither a FREQ statement nor an _FREQ_ variable is present, each observation is assumed to have a frequency of one. If each observation in the DATA= data set represents a cluster (for example, clusters formed by PROC FASTCLUS), the variable specified in the FREQ statement should give the number of original observations in each cluster. If you specify the RMSSTD statement, a FREQ statement is required. A FREQ statement or _FREQ_ variable is required when you specify the HYBRID option. With most clustering methods, the same clusters are obtained from a data set with a FREQ variable as from a similar data set without a FREQ variable, if each observation is repeated as many times as the value of the FREQ variable in the first data set. The FLEXIBLE method can yield different results due to the nature of the combinatorial formula. The DENSITY and TWOSTAGE methods are also exceptions because two identical observations can be absorbed one at a time by a cluster with a higher density. If you are using a FREQ statement with either the DENSITY or TWOSTAGE method, see the MODE=option for details. ID Statement ID variable ; The values of the ID variable identify observations in the displayed cluster history and in the OUTTREE= data set. If the ID statement is omitted, each observation is denoted by OBn, where n is the observation number. RMSSTD Statement F 1249 RMSSTD Statement RMSSTD variable ; If the coordinates in the DATA= data set represent cluster means (for example, formed by the FASTCLUS procedure), you can obtain accurate statistics in the cluster histories for METHOD=AVERAGE, METHOD=CENTROID, or METHOD=WARD if the data set contains both of the following: a variable giving the number of original observations in each cluster (see the discussion of the FREQ statement earlier in this chapter) a variable giving the root mean squared standard deviation of each cluster Specify the name of the variable containing root mean squared standard deviations in the RMSSTD statement. If you specify the RMSSTD statement, you must also specify a FREQ statement. If you omit the RMSSTD statement but the DATA= data set contains a variable called _RMSSTD_, then the root mean squared standard deviations are obtained from the _RMSSTD_ variable. An RMSSTD statement or _RMSSTD_ variable is required when you specify the HYBRID option. A data set created by PROC FASTCLUS, using the MEAN= option, contains _FREQ_ and _RMSSTD_ variables, so you do not have to use FREQ and RMSSTD statements when using such a data set as input to the CLUSTER procedure. VAR Statement VAR variables ; The VAR statement lists numeric variables to be used in the cluster analysis. If you omit the VAR statement, all numeric variables not listed in other statements are used. 1250 F Chapter 29: The CLUSTER Procedure Details: CLUSTER Procedure Clustering Methods The following notation is used, with lowercase symbols generally pertaining to observations and uppercase symbols pertaining to clusters: n number of observations v number of variables if data are coordinates G number of clusters at any given level of the hierarchy xi or xi i th observation (row vector if coordinate data) CK Kth cluster, subset of f1; 2; : : : ; ng NK number of observations in CK xN sample mean vector xN K mean vector for cluster CK kxk PG Euclidean length of the vector x—that is, the square root of the sum of the squares of the elements of x Pn xN k2 i D1 kxi P xN K k2 i 2C kxi P k WJ , where summation is over the G clusters at the Gth level of the hierarchy BKL WM d.x; y/ any distance or dissimilarity measure between observations or vectors x and y DKL any distance or dissimilarity measure between clusters CK and CL T WK WK WL if CM D CK [ CL The distance between two clusters can be defined either directly or combinatorially (Lance and Williams 1967)—that is, by an equation for updating a distance matrix when two clusters are joined. In all of the following combinatorial formulas, it is assumed that clusters CK and CL are merged to form CM , and the formula gives the distance between the new cluster CM and any other cluster CJ . For an introduction to most of the methods used in the CLUSTER procedure, see Massart and Kaufman (1983). Average Linkage The following method is obtained by specifying METHOD=AVERAGE. The distance between two clusters is defined by X X 1 DKL D d.xi ; xj / NK NL i 2CK j 2CL Clustering Methods F 1251 yk2 , then If d.x; y/ D kx DKL D kNxK xN L k2 C WK WL C NK NL The combinatorial formula is NK DJK C NL DJL NM DJM D In average linkage the distance between two clusters is the average distance between pairs of observations, one in each cluster. Average linkage tends to join clusters with small variances, and it is slightly biased toward producing clusters with the same variance. Average linkage was originated by Sokal and Michener (1958). Centroid Method The following method is obtained by specifying METHOD=CENTROID. The distance between two clusters is defined by DKL D kNxK yk2 , then the combinatorial formula is If d.x; y/ D kx DJM D xN L k2 NK DJK C NL DJL NM NK NL DKL 2 NM In the centroid method, the distance between two clusters is defined as the (squared) Euclidean distance between their centroids or means. The centroid method is more robust to outliers than most other hierarchical methods but in other respects might not perform as well as Ward’s method or average linkage (Milligan 1980). The centroid method was originated by Sokal and Michener (1958). Complete Linkage The following method is obtained by specifying METHOD=COMPLETE. The distance between two clusters is defined by DKL D max max d.xi ; xj / i 2CK j 2CL The combinatorial formula is DJM D max.DJK ; DJL / In complete linkage, the distance between two clusters is the maximum distance between an observation in one cluster and an observation in the other cluster. Complete linkage is strongly biased toward producing clusters with roughly equal diameters, and it can be severely distorted by moderate outliers (Milligan 1980). Complete linkage was originated by Sorensen (1948). 1252 F Chapter 29: The CLUSTER Procedure Density Linkage The phrase density linkage is used here to refer to a class of clustering methods that use nonparametric probability density estimates (for example, Hartigan 1975, pp. 205–212; Wong 1982; Wong and Lane 1983). Density linkage consists of two steps: 1. A new dissimilarity measure, d , based on density estimates and adjacencies is computed. If xi and xj are adjacent (the definition of adjacency depends on the method of density estimation), then d .xi ; xj / is the reciprocal of an estimate of the density midway between xi and xj ; otherwise, d .xi ; xj / is infinite. 2. A single linkage cluster analysis is performed using d . The CLUSTER procedure supports three types of density linkage: the kth-nearest-neighbor method, the uniform-kernel method, and Wong’s hybrid method. These are obtained by using METHOD=DENSITY and the K=, R=, and HYBRID options, respectively. kth-Nearest-Neighbor Method The kth-nearest-neighbor method (Wong and Lane 1983) uses kth-nearest-neighbor density estimates. Let rk .x/ be the distance from point x to the kth-nearest observation, where k is the value specified for the K= option. Consider a closed sphere centered at x with radius rk .x/. The estimated density at x, f .x/, is the proportion of observations within the sphere divided by the volume of the sphere. The new dissimilarity measure is computed as 8 1 1 < 1 C if d.xi ; xj / max.rk .xi /; rk .xj // 2 f .xi / f .xj / d .xi ; xj / D : 1 otherwise Wong and Lane (1983) show that kth-nearest-neighbor density linkage is strongly set consistent for high-density (density-contour) clusters if k is chosen such that k=n ! 0 and k= ln.n/ ! 1 as n ! 1. Wong and Schaack (1982) discuss methods for estimating the number of population clusters by using kth-nearest-neighbor clustering. Uniform-Kernel Method The uniform-kernel method uses uniform-kernel density estimates. Let r be the value specified for the R= option. Consider a closed sphere centered at point x with radius r. The estimated density at x, f .x/, is the proportion of observations within the sphere divided by the volume of the sphere. The new dissimilarity measure is computed as 8 1 1 < 1 C if d.xi ; xj / r 2 f .xi / f .xj / d .xi ; xj / D : 1 otherwise Wong’s Hybrid Method Wong’s (1982) hybrid clustering method uses density estimates based on a preliminary cluster analysis by the k-means method. The preliminary clustering can be done by the FASTCLUS procedure, Clustering Methods F 1253 by using the MEAN= option to create a data set containing cluster means, frequencies, and root mean squared standard deviations. This data set is used as input to the CLUSTER procedure, and the HYBRID option is specified with METHOD=DENSITY to request the hybrid analysis. The hybrid method is appropriate for very large data sets but should not be used with small data sets— say, than those with fewer than 100 observations in the original data. The term preliminary cluster refers to an observation in the DATA= data set. For preliminary cluster CK , NK and WK are obtained from the input data set, as are the cluster means or the distances between the cluster means. Preliminary clusters CK and CL are considered adjacent if the midpoint between xN K and xN L is closer to either xN K or xN L than to any other preliminary cluster mean or, equivalently, if d 2 .NxK ; xN L / < d 2 .NxK ; xN M / C d 2 .NxL ; xN M / for all other preliminary clusters CM , M ¤ K or L. The new dissimilarity measure is computed as 8 v < .WK CWL C 41 .NK CNL /d 2 .NxK ;NxL // 2 if CK and CL are adjacent v d .NxK ; xN L / D .NK CNL /1C 2 : 1 otherwise Using the K= and R= Options The values of the K= and R= options are called smoothing parameters. Small values of K= or R= produce jagged density estimates and, as a consequence, many modes. Large values of K= or R= produce smoother density estimates and fewer modes. In the hybrid method, the smoothing parameter is the number of clusters in the preliminary cluster analysis. The number of modes in the final analysis tends to increase as the number of clusters in the preliminary analysis increases. Wong (1982) suggests using n0:3 preliminary clusters, where n is the number of observations in the original data set. There is no rule of thumb for selecting K= values. For all types of density linkage, you should repeat the analysis with several different values of the smoothing parameter (Wong and Schaack 1982). There is no simple answer to the question of which smoothing parameter to use (Silverman 1986, pp. 43–61, 84–88, and 98–99). It is usually necessary to try several different smoothing parameters. A reasonable first guess for the R= option in many coordinate data sets is given by " # 1 v u v X 2vC2 .v C 2/. v2 C 1/ vC4 u t sl2 2 nv lD1 where sl2 is the standard deviation of the lth variable. The estimate for R= can be computed in a DATA step by using the GAMMA function for . This formula is derived under the assumption that the data are sampled from a multivariate normal distribution and tends, therefore, to be too large (oversmooth) if the true distribution is multimodal. Robust estimates ofP the standard deviations can be preferable if there are outliers. If the data are distances, the factor sl2 can be replaced by an p average (mean, trimmed mean, median, root mean square, and so on) distance divided by 2. To prevent outliers from appearing as separate clusters, you can also specify K=2, or more generally K=m, m 2, which in most cases forces clusters to have at least m members. If the variables all have unit variance (for example, if the STANDARD option is used), Table 29.2 can be used to obtain an initial guess for the R= option. 1254 F Chapter 29: The CLUSTER Procedure Since infinite d values occur in density linkage, the final number of clusters can exceed one when there are wide gaps between the clusters or when the smoothing parameter results in little smoothing. Density linkage applies no constraints to the shapes of the clusters and, unlike most other hierarchical clustering methods, is capable of recovering clusters with elongated or irregular shapes. Since density linkage uses less prior knowledge about the shape of the clusters than do methods restricted to compact clusters, density linkage is less effective at recovering compact clusters from small samples than are methods that always recover compact clusters, regardless of the data. Table 29.2 Reasonable First Guess for the R= Option for Standardized Data Number of Observations 20 1 1.01 2 1.36 3 1.77 Number of Variables 4 5 6 7 2.23 2.73 3.25 3.81 8 4.38 9 4.98 10 5.60 35 0.91 1.24 1.64 2.08 2.56 3.08 3.62 4.18 4.77 5.38 50 0.84 1.17 1.56 1.99 2.46 2.97 3.50 4.06 4.64 5.24 75 0.78 1.09 1.47 1.89 2.35 2.85 3.38 3.93 4.50 5.09 100 0.73 1.04 1.41 1.82 2.28 2.77 3.29 3.83 4.40 4.99 150 0.68 0.97 1.33 1.73 2.18 2.66 3.17 3.71 4.27 4.85 200 0.64 0.93 1.28 1.67 2.11 2.58 3.09 3.62 4.17 4.75 350 0.57 0.85 1.18 1.56 1.98 2.44 2.93 3.45 4.00 4.56 500 0.53 0.80 1.12 1.49 1.91 2.36 2.84 3.35 3.89 4.45 750 0.49 0.74 1.06 1.42 1.82 2.26 2.74 3.24 3.77 4.32 1000 0.46 0.71 1.01 1.37 1.77 2.20 2.67 3.16 3.69 4.23 1500 0.43 0.66 0.96 1.30 1.69 2.11 2.57 3.06 3.57 4.11 2000 0.40 0.63 0.92 1.25 1.63 2.05 2.50 2.99 3.49 4.03 EML The following method is obtained by specifying METHOD=EML. The distance between two clusters is given by BKL DKL D nv ln 1 C 2 .NM ln.NM / NK ln.NK / NL ln.NL // PG The EML method joins clusters to maximize the likelihood at each level of the hierarchy under the following assumptions: multivariate normal mixture equal spherical covariance matrices unequal sampling probabilities Clustering Methods F 1255 The EML method is similar to Ward’s minimum-variance method but removes the bias toward equal-sized clusters. Practical experience has indicated that EML is somewhat biased toward unequal-sized clusters. You can specify the PENALTY= option to adjust the degree of bias. If you specify PENALTY=p, the formula is modified to BKL DKL D nv ln 1 C p .NM ln.NM / NK ln.NK / NL ln.NL // PG The EML method was derived by W. S. Sarle of SAS Institute from the maximum likelihood formula obtained by Symons (1981, p. 37, Equation 8) for disjoint clustering. There are currently no other published references on the EML method. Flexible-Beta Method The following method is obtained by specifying METHOD=FLEXIBLE. The combinatorial formula is DJM D .DJK C DJL / 1 b 2 C DKL b where b is the value of the BETA= option, or 0:25 by default. The flexible-beta method was developed by Lance and Williams (1967); see also Milligan (1987). McQuitty’s Similarity Analysis The following method is obtained by specifying METHOD=MCQUITTY. The combinatorial formula is DJM D DJK C DJL 2 The method was independently developed by Sokal and Michener (1958) and McQuitty (1966). Median Method The following method is obtained by specifying METHOD=MEDIAN. If d.x; y/ D kx the combinatorial formula is DJM D DJK C DJL 2 yk2 , then DKL 4 The median method was developed by Gower (1967). Single Linkage The following method is obtained by specifying METHOD=SINGLE. The distance between two clusters is defined by DKL D min min d.xi ; xj / i 2CK j 2CL 1256 F Chapter 29: The CLUSTER Procedure The combinatorial formula is DJM D min.DJK ; DJL / In single linkage, the distance between two clusters is the minimum distance between an observation in one cluster and an observation in the other cluster. Single linkage has many desirable theoretical properties (Jardine and Sibson 1971; Fisher and Van Ness 1971; Hartigan 1981) but has fared poorly in Monte Carlo studies (for example, Milligan 1980). By imposing no constraints on the shape of clusters, single linkage sacrifices performance in the recovery of compact clusters in return for the ability to detect elongated and irregular clusters. You must also recognize that single linkage tends to chop off the tails of distributions before separating the main clusters (Hartigan 1981). The notorious chaining tendency of single linkage can be alleviated by specifying the TRIM= option (Wishart 1969, pp. 296–298). Density linkage and two-stage density linkage retain most of the virtues of single linkage while performing better with compact clusters and possessing better asymptotic properties (Wong and Lane 1983). Single linkage was originated by Florek et al. (1951a, 1951b) and later reinvented by McQuitty (1957) and Sneath (1957). Two-Stage Density Linkage If you specify METHOD=DENSITY, the modal clusters often merge before all the points in the tails have clustered. The option METHOD=TWOSTAGE is a modification of density linkage that ensures that all points are assigned to modal clusters before the modal clusters are permitted to join. The CLUSTER procedure supports the same three varieties of two-stage density linkage as of ordinary density linkage: kth-nearest neighbor, uniform kernel, and hybrid. In the first stage, disjoint modal clusters are formed. The algorithm is the same as the single linkage algorithm ordinarily used with density linkage, with one exception: two clusters are joined only if at least one of the two clusters has fewer members than the number specified by the MODE= option. At the end of the first stage, each point belongs to one modal cluster. In the second stage, the modal clusters are hierarchically joined by single linkage. The final number of clusters can exceed one when there are wide gaps between the clusters or when the smoothing parameter is small. Each stage forms a tree that can be plotted by the TREE procedure. By default, the TREE procedure plots the tree from the first stage. To obtain the tree for the second stage, use the option HEIGHT=MODE in the PROC TREE statement. You can also produce a single tree diagram containing both stages, with the number of clusters as the height axis, by using the option HEIGHT=N in the PROC TREE statement. To produce an output data set from PROC TREE containing the modal clusters, use _HEIGHT_ for the HEIGHT variable (the default) and specify LEVEL=0. Two-stage density linkage was developed by W. S. Sarle of SAS Institute. There are currently no other published references on two-stage density linkage. Clustering Methods F 1257 Ward’s Minimum-Variance Method The following method is obtained by specifying METHOD=WARD. The distance between two clusters is defined by DKL D BKL D If d.x; y/ D 12 kx DJM D kNxK 1 NK xN L k2 C 1 NL yk2 , then the combinatorial formula is .NJ C NK /DJK C .NJ C NL /DJL NJ C NM NJ DKL In Ward’s minimum-variance method, the distance between two clusters is the ANOVA sum of squares between the two clusters added up over all the variables. At each generation, the withincluster sum of squares is minimized over all partitions obtainable by merging two clusters from the previous generation. The sums of squares are easier to interpret when they are divided by the total sum of squares to give proportions of variance (squared semipartial correlations). Ward’s method joins clusters to maximize the likelihood at each level of the hierarchy under the following assumptions: multivariate normal mixture equal spherical covariance matrices equal sampling probabilities Ward’s method tends to join clusters with a small number of observations, and it is strongly biased toward producing clusters with roughly the same number of observations. It is also very sensitive to outliers (Milligan 1980). Ward (1963) describes a class of hierarchical clustering methods including the minimum variance method. 1258 F Chapter 29: The CLUSTER Procedure Miscellaneous Formulas The root mean squared standard deviation of a cluster CK is s WK RMSSTD D v.NK 1/ The R-square statistic for a given level of the hierarchy is PG T R2 D 1 The squared semipartial correlation for joining clusters CK and CL is semipartial R2 D BKL T The bimodality coefficient is bD m23 C 1 m4 C 3.n 1/2 .n 2/.n 3/ where m3 is skewness and m4 is kurtosis. Values of b greater than 0.555 (the value for a uniform population) can indicate bimodal or multimodal marginal distributions. The maximum of 1.0 (obtained for the Bernoulli distribution) is obtained for a population with only two distinct values. Very heavy-tailed distributions have small values of b regardless of the number of modes. Formulas for the cubic-clustering criterion and approximate expected R square are given in Sarle (1983). The pseudo F statistic for a given level is pseudo F D T PG G 1 PG n G The pseudo t 2 statistic for joining CK and CL is pseudo t 2 D BKL WK CWL NK CNL 2 The pseudo F and t 2 statistics can be useful indicators of the number of clusters, but they are not distributed as F and t 2 random variables. If the data are independently sampled from a multivariate normal distribution with a scalar covariance matrix and if the clustering method allocates observations to clusters randomly (which no clustering method actually does), then the pseudo F statistic is distributed as an F random variable with v.G 1/ and v.n G/ degrees of freedom. Under the same assumptions, the pseudo t 2 statistic is distributed as an F random variable with v and v.NK C NL 2/ degrees of freedom. The pseudo t 2 statistic differs computationally from Hotelling’s T 2 in that the latter uses a general symmetric covariance matrix instead of a scalar Ultrametrics F 1259 covariance matrix. The pseudo F statistic was suggested by Calinski and Harabasz (1974). The pseudo t 2 statistic is related to the Je .2/=Je .1/ statistic of Duda and Hart (1973) by Je .2/ WK C WL D D Je .1/ WM 1C 1 t2 NK CNL 2 See Milligan and Cooper (1985) and Cooper and Milligan (1988) regarding the performance of these statistics in estimating the number of population clusters. Conservative tests for the number of clusters using the pseudo F and t 2 statistics can be obtained by the Bonferroni approach (Hawkins, Muller, and ten Krooden 1982, pp. 337–340). Ultrametrics A dissimilarity measure d.x; y/ is called an ultrametric if it satisfies the following conditions: d.x; x/ D 0 for all x d.x; y/ 0 for all x, y d.x; y/ D d.y; x/ for all x, y d.x; y/ max .d.x; z/; d.y; z// for all x, y, and z Any hierarchical clustering method induces a dissimilarity measure on the observations—say, h.xi ; xj /. Let CM be the cluster with the fewest members that contains both xi and xj . Assume CM was formed by joining CK and CL . Then define h.xi ; xj / D DKL . If the fusion of CK and CL reduces the number of clusters from g to g 1, then define D.g/ D DKL . Johnson (1967) shows that if 0 D.n/ D.n 1/ D.2/ then h.; / is an ultrametric. A method that always satisfies this condition is said to be a monotonic or ultrametric clustering method. All methods implemented in PROC CLUSTER except CENTROID, EML, and MEDIAN are ultrametric (Milligan 1979; Batagelj 1981). Algorithms Anderberg (1973) describes three algorithms for implementing agglomerative hierarchical clustering: stored data, stored distance, and sorted distance. The algorithms used by PROC CLUSTER for each method are indicated in Table 29.3. For METHOD=AVERAGE, METHOD=CENTROID, or METHOD=WARD, either the stored data or the stored distance algorithm can be used. For these methods, if the data are distances or if you specify the NOSQUARE option, the stored distance algorithm is used; otherwise, the stored data algorithm is used. 1260 F Chapter 29: The CLUSTER Procedure Table 29.3 Three Algorithms for Implementing Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering Stored Method AVERAGE CENTROID COMPLETE DENSITY EML FLEXIBLE MCQUITTY MEDIAN SINGLE TWOSTAGE WARD Stored Data x x Algorithm Stored Sorted Distance Distance x x x x x x x x x x x x Computational Resources The CLUSTER procedure stores the data (including the COPY and ID variables) in memory or, if necessary, on disk. If eigenvalues are computed, the covariance matrix is stored in memory. If the stored distance or sorted distance algorithm is used, the distances are stored in memory or, if necessary, on disk. With coordinate data, the increase in CPU time is roughly proportional to the number of variables. The VAR statement should list the variables in order of decreasing variance for greatest efficiency. For both coordinate and distance data, the dominant factor determining CPU time is the number of observations. For density methods with coordinate data, the asymptotic time requirements are somewhere between n ln.n/ and n2 , depending on how the smoothing parameter increases. For other methods except EML, time is roughly proportional to n2 . For the EML method, time is roughly proportional to n3 . PROC CLUSTER runs much faster if the data can be stored in memory and, when the stored distance algorithm is used, if the distance matrix can be stored in memory as well. To estimate the bytes of memory needed for the data, use the following formula and round up to the nearest multiple of d. Missing Values F 1261 n.vd C 8d C i C i if density estimation or the sorted distance algorithm is used C 3d if stored data algorithm is used C 3d if density estimation is used C max(8, length of ID variable) if ID variable is used C length of ID variable if ID variable is used C sum of lengths of COPY variables) if COPY variables is used where n is the number of observations v d is the number of variables is the size of a C variable of type double. For most computers, d D 8. i is the size of a C variable of type int. For most computers, i D 4. The number of bytes needed for the distance matrix is d n.n C 1/=2. Missing Values If the data are coordinates, observations with missing values are excluded from the analysis. If the data are distances, missing values are not permitted in the lower triangle of the distance matrix. The upper triangle is ignored. For more about TYPE=DISTANCE data sets, see Chapter A, “Special SAS Data Sets.” Ties At each level of the clustering algorithm, PROC CLUSTER must identify the pair of clusters with the minimum distance. Sometimes, usually when the data are discrete, there can be two or more pairs with the same minimum distance. In such cases the tie must be broken in some arbitrary way. If there are ties, then the results of the cluster analysis depend on the order of the observations in the data set. The presence of ties is reported in the SAS log and in the column of the cluster history labeled “Tie” unless the NOTIE option is specified. PROC CLUSTER breaks ties as follows. Each cluster is identified by the smallest observation number among its members. For each pair of clusters, there is a smaller identification number and a larger identification number. If two or more pairs of clusters are tied for minimum distance between clusters, the pair that has the minimum larger identification number is merged. If there is a tie for minimum larger identification number, the pair that has the minimum smaller identification number is merged. 1262 F Chapter 29: The CLUSTER Procedure A tie means that the level in the cluster history at which the tie occurred and possibly some of the subsequent levels are not uniquely determined. Ties that occur early in the cluster history usually have little effect on the later stages. Ties that occur in the middle part of the cluster history are cause for further investigation. Ties that occur late in the cluster history indicate important indeterminacies. The importance of ties can be assessed by repeating the cluster analysis for several different random permutations of the observations. The discrepancies at a given level can be examined by crosstabulating the clusters obtained at that level for all of the permutations. See Example 29.4 for details. Size, Shape, and Correlation In some biological applications, the organisms that are being clustered can be at different stages of growth. Unless it is the growth process itself that is being studied, differences in size among such organisms are not of interest. Therefore, distances among organisms should be computed in such a way as to control for differences in size while retaining information about differences in shape. If coordinate data are measured on an interval scale, you can control for size by subtracting a measure of the overall size of each observation from each data item. For example, if no other direct measure of size is available, you could subtract the mean of each row of the data matrix, producing a row-centered coordinate matrix. An easy way to subtract the mean of each row is to use PROC STANDARD on the transposed coordinate matrix: proc transpose data= coordinate-datatype ; proc standard m=0; proc transpose out=row-centered-coordinate-data; Another way to remove size effects from interval-scale coordinate data is to do a principal component analysis and discard the first component (Blackith and Reyment 1971). If the data are measured on a ratio scale, you can control for size by dividing each observation by a measure of overall size; in this case, the geometric mean is a more natural measure of size than the arithmetic mean. However, it is often more meaningful to analyze the logarithms of ratio-scaled data, in which case you can subtract the arithmetic mean after taking logarithms. You must also consider the dimensions of measurement. For example, if you have measures of both length and weight, you might need to cube the measures of length or take the cube root of the weights. Various other complications can also arise in real applications, such as different growth rates for different parts of the body (Sneath and Sokal 1973). Issues of size and shape are pertinent to many areas besides biology (for example, Hamer and Cunningham 1981). Suppose you have data consisting of subjective ratings made by several different raters. Some raters tend to give higher overall ratings than other raters. Some raters also tend to spread out their ratings over more of the scale than other raters. If it is impossible for you to adjust directly for rater differences, then distances should be computed in such a way as to control for differences both in size and variability. For example, if the data are considered to be measured on an interval scale, you can subtract the mean of each observation and divide by the standard deviation, producing a row-standardized coordinate matrix. With some clustering methods, analyzing squared Euclidean distances from a row-standardized coordinate matrix is equivalent to analyzing Output Data Set F 1263 the matrix of correlations among rows, since squared Euclidean distance is an affine transformation of the correlation (Hartigan 1975, p. 64). If you do an analysis of row-centered or row-standardized data, you need to consider whether the columns (variables) should be standardized before centering or standardizing the rows, after centering or standardizing the rows, or both before and after. If you standardize the columns after standardizing the rows, then strictly speaking you are not analyzing shape because the profiles are distorted by standardizing the columns; however, this type of double standardization might be necessary in practice to get reasonable results. It is not clear whether iterating the standardization of rows and columns can be of any benefit. The choice of distance or correlation measure should depend on the meaning of the data and the purpose of the analysis. Simulation studies that compare distance and correlation measures are useless unless the data are generated to mimic data from your field of application. Conclusions drawn from artificial data cannot be generalized, because it is possible to generate data such that distances that include size effects work better or such that correlations work better. You can standardize the rows of a data set by using a DATA step or by using the TRANSPOSE and STANDARD procedures. You can also use PROC TRANSPOSE and then have PROC CORR create a TYPE=CORR data set containing a correlation matrix. If you want to analyze a TYPE=CORR data set with PROC CLUSTER, you must use a DATA step to perform the following steps: 1. Set the data set TYPE= to DISTANCE. 2. Convert the correlations to dissimilarities by computing 1 decreasing function. r, p 1 r, 1 r 2 , or some other 3. Delete observations for which the variable _TYPE_ does not have the value ’CORR’. Output Data Set The OUTTREE= data set contains one observation for each observation in the input data set, plus one observation for each cluster of two or more observations (that is, one observation for each node of the cluster tree). The total number of output observations is usually 2n 1, where n is the number of input observations. The density methods can produce fewer output observations when the number of clusters cannot be reduced to one. The label of the OUTTREE= data set identifies the type of cluster analysis performed and is automatically displayed when the TREE procedure is invoked. The variables in the OUTTREE= data set are as follows: the BY variables, if you use a BY statement the ID variable, if you use an ID statement the COPY variables, if you use a COPY statement 1264 F Chapter 29: The CLUSTER Procedure _NAME_, a character variable giving the name of the node. If the node is a cluster, the name is CLn, where n is the number of the cluster. If the node is an observation, the name is OBn, where n is the observation number. If the node is an observation and the ID statement is used, the name is the formatted value of the ID variable. _PARENT_, a character variable giving the value of _NAME_ of the parent of the node _NCL_, the number of clusters _FREQ_, the number of observations in the current cluster _HEIGHT_, the distance or similarity between the last clusters joined, as defined in the section “Clustering Methods” on page 1250. The variable _HEIGHT_ is used by the TREE procedure as the default height axis. The label of the _HEIGHT_ variable identifies the betweencluster distance measure. For METHOD=TWOSTAGE, the _HEIGHT_ variable contains the densities at which clusters joined in the first stage; for clusters formed in the second stage, _HEIGHT_ is a very small negative number. If the input data set contains coordinates, the following variables appear in the output data set: the variables containing the coordinates used in the cluster analysis. For output observations that correspond to input observations, the values of the coordinates are the same in both data sets except for some slight numeric error possibly introduced by standardizing and unstandardizing if the STANDARD option is used. For output observations that correspond to clusters of more than one input observation, the values of the coordinates are the cluster means. _ERSQ_, the approximate expected value of R square under the uniform null hypothesis _RATIO_, equal to 1 _ERSQ_ 1 _RSQ_ _LOGR_, natural logarithm of _RATIO_ _CCC_, the cubic clustering criterion The variables _ERSQ_, _RATIO_, _LOGR_, and _CCC_ have missing values when the number of clusters is greater than one-fifth the number of observations. If the input data set contains coordinates and METHOD=AVERAGE, METHOD=CENTROID, or METHOD=WARD, then the following variables appear in the output data set: _DIST_, the Euclidean distance between the means of the last clusters joined _AVLINK_, the average distance between the last clusters joined If the input data set contains coordinates or METHOD=AVERAGE, METHOD=CENTROID, or METHOD=WARD, then the following variables appear in the output data set: _RMSSTD_, the root mean squared standard deviation of the current cluster Displayed Output F 1265 _SPRSQ_, the semipartial squared multiple correlation or the decrease in the proportion of variance accounted for due to joining two clusters to form the current cluster _RSQ_, the squared multiple correlation _PSF_, the pseudo F statistic _PST2_, the pseudo t 2 statistic If METHOD=EML, then the following variable appears in the output data set: _LNLR_, the log-likelihood ratio If METHOD=TWOSTAGE or METHOD=DENSITY, the following variable appears in the output data set: _MODE_, pertaining to the modal clusters. With METHOD=DENSITY, the _MODE_ variable indicates the number of modal clusters contained by the current cluster. With METHOD=TWOSTAGE, the _MODE_ variable gives the maximum density in each modal cluster and the fusion density, d , for clusters containing two or more modal clusters; for clusters containing no modal clusters, _MODE_ is missing. If nonparametric density estimates are requested (when METHOD=DENSITY or METHOD=TWOSTAGE and the HYBRID option is not used; or when the TRIM= option is used), the output data set contains the following: _DENS_, the maximum density in the current cluster Displayed Output If you specify the SIMPLE option and the data are coordinates, PROC CLUSTER produces simple descriptive statistics for each variable: the Mean the standard deviation, Std Dev the Skewness the Kurtosis a coefficient of Bimodality If the data are coordinates and you do not specify the NOEIGEN option, PROC CLUSTER displays the following: 1266 F Chapter 29: The CLUSTER Procedure the Eigenvalues of the Correlation or Covariance Matrix the Difference between successive eigenvalues the Proportion of variance explained by each eigenvalue the Cumulative proportion of variance explained If the data are coordinates, PROC CLUSTER displays the Root Mean Squared Total-Sample Standard Deviation of the variables If the distances are normalized, PROC CLUSTER displays one of the following, depending on whether squared or unsquared distances are used: the Root Mean Squared Distance Between Observations the Mean Distance Between Observations For the generations in the clustering process specified by the PRINT= option, PROC CLUSTER displays the following: the Number of Clusters or NCL the names of the Clusters Joined. The observations are identified by the formatted value of the ID variable, if any; otherwise, the observations are identified by OBn, where n is the observation number. The CLUSTER procedure displays the entire value of the ID variable in the cluster history instead of truncating at 16 characters. Long ID values might be split onto several lines. Clusters of two or more observations are identified as CLn, where n is the number of clusters existing after the cluster in question is formed. the number of observations in the new cluster, Frequency of New Cluster or FREQ If you specify the RMSSTD option and the data are coordinates, or if you specify METHOD=AVERAGE, METHOD=CENTROID, or METHOD=WARD, then PROC CLUSTER displays the root mean squared standard deviation of the new cluster, RMS Std of New Cluster or RMS Std. PROC CLUSTER displays the following items if you specify METHOD=WARD. It also displays them if you specify the RSQUARE option and either the data are coordinates or you specify METHOD=AVERAGE or METHOD=CENTROID. the decrease in the proportion of variance accounted for resulting from joining the two clusters, Semipartial R-Squared or SPRSQ. This equals the between-cluster sum of squares divided by the corrected total sum of squares. the squared multiple correlation, R-Squared or RSQ. R square is the proportion of variance accounted for by the clusters. Displayed Output F 1267 If you specify the CCC option and the data are coordinates, PROC CLUSTER displays the following: Approximate Expected R-Squared or ERSQ, the approximate expected value of R square under the uniform null hypothesis the Cubic Clustering Criterion or CCC. The cubic clustering criterion and approximate expected R square are given missing values when the number of clusters is greater than one-fifth the number of observations. If you specify the PSEUDO option and the data are coordinates, or if you specify METHOD=AVERAGE, METHOD=CENTROID, or METHOD=WARD, then PROC CLUSTER displays the following: Pseudo F or PSF, the pseudo F statistic measuring the separation among all the clusters at the current level Pseudo t 2 or PST2, the pseudo t 2 statistic measuring the separation between the two clusters most recently joined If you specify the NOSQUARE option and METHOD=AVERAGE, PROC CLUSTER displays the (Normalized) Average Distance or (Norm) Aver Dist, the average distance between pairs of objects in the two clusters joined with one object from each cluster. If you do not specify the NOSQUARE option and METHOD=AVERAGE, PROC CLUSTER displays the (Normalized) RMS Distance or (Norm) RMS Dist, the root mean squared distance between pairs of objects in the two clusters joined with one object from each cluster. If METHOD=CENTROID, PROC CLUSTER displays the (Normalized) Centroid Distance or (Norm) Cent Dist, the distance between the two cluster centroids. If METHOD=COMPLETE, PROC CLUSTER displays the (Normalized) Maximum Distance or (Norm) Max Dist, the maximum distance between the two clusters. If METHOD=DENSITY or METHOD=TWOSTAGE, PROC CLUSTER displays the following: Normalized Fusion Density or Normalized Fusion Dens, the value of d as defined in the section “Clustering Methods” on page 1250 the Normalized Maximum Density in Each Cluster joined, including the Lesser or Min, and the Greater or Max, of the two maximum density values If METHOD=EML, PROC CLUSTER displays the following: Log Likelihood Ratio or LNLR Log Likelihood or LNLIKE 1268 F Chapter 29: The CLUSTER Procedure If METHOD=FLEXIBLE, PROC CLUSTER displays the (Normalized) Flexible Distance or (Norm) Flex Dist, the distance between the two clusters based on the Lance-Williams flexible formula. If METHOD=MEDIAN, PROC CLUSTER displays the (Normalized) Median Distance or (Norm) Med Dist, the distance between the two clusters based on the median method. If METHOD=MCQUITTY, PROC CLUSTER displays the (Normalized) McQuitty’s Similarity or (Norm) MCQ, the distance between the two clusters based on McQuitty’s similarity method. If METHOD=SINGLE, PROC CLUSTER displays the (Normalized) Minimum Distance or (Norm) Min Dist, the minimum distance between the two clusters. If you specify the NONORM option and METHOD=WARD, PROC CLUSTER displays the Between-Cluster Sum of Squares or BSS, the ANOVA sum of squares between the two clusters joined. If you specify neither the NOTIE option nor METHOD=TWOSTAGE or METHOD=DENSITY, PROC CLUSTER displays Tie, where a T in the column indicates a tie for minimum distance and a blank indicates the absence of a tie. After the cluster history, if METHOD=TWOSTAGE or METHOD=DENSITY, PROC CLUSTER displays the number of modal clusters. ODS Table Names PROC CLUSTER assigns a name to each table it creates. You can use these names to reference the table when using the Output Delivery System (ODS) to select tables and create output data sets. These names are listed in Table 29.4. For more information about ODS, see Chapter 20, “Using the Output Delivery System.” Table 29.4 ODS Tables Produced by PROC CLUSTER ODS Table Name ClusterHistory SimpleStatistics EigenvalueTable rmsstd avdist Description Observation or clusters joined, frequencies and other cluster statistics Simple statistics, before or after trimming Eigenvalues of the CORR or COV matrix Root mean square total sample standard deviation Root mean square distance between observations Statement PROC Option default PROC SIMPLE PROC default PROC default PROC default ODS Graphics F 1269 ODS Graphics To produce graphics from PROC CLUSTER, you must enable ODS Graphics by specifying the ods graphics on statement before running PROC CLUSTER. See Chapter 21, “Statistical Graphics Using ODS,” for more information. PROC CLUSTER can produce line plots of the cubic clustering criterion, pseudo F , and pseudo t 2 statistics. To plot a statistic, you must ask for it to be computed via one or more of the CCC, PSEUDO, or PLOT options. You can reference every graph produced through ODS Graphics with a name. The names of the graphs that PROC CLUSTER generates are listed in Table 29.5, along with the required statements and options. Table 29.5 ODS Graphics Produced by PROC CLUSTER ODS Graph Name Plot Description Statement & Option CubicClusCritPlot Cubic clustering criterion for the number of clusters Pseudo F criterion for the number of clusters Pseudo t 2 criterion for the number of clusters Cubic clustering criterion and pseudo t 2 Cubic clustering criterion and pseudo F Cubic clustering criterion, pseudo F , and pseudo t 2 PROC CLUSTER PLOTS=CCC PseudoFPlot PseudoTSqPlot CccAndPsTSqPlot CccAndPsfPlot CccPsfAndPsTSqPlot PROC CLUSTER PLOTS=PSF PROC CLUSTER PLOTS=PST2 PROC CLUSTER PLOTS=(CCC PST2) PROC CLUSTER PLOTS=(CCC PSF) PROC CLUSTER PLOTS=ALL 1270 F Chapter 29: The CLUSTER Procedure Examples: CLUSTER Procedure Example 29.1: Cluster Analysis of Flying Mileages between 10 American Cities This example clusters 10 American cities based on the flying mileages between them. Six clustering methods are shown with corresponding tree diagrams produced by the TREE procedure. The EML method cannot be used because it requires coordinate data. The other omitted methods produce the same clusters, although not the same distances between clusters, as one of the illustrated methods: complete linkage and the flexible-beta method yield the same clusters as Ward’s method, McQuitty’s similarity analysis produces the same clusters as average linkage, and the median method corresponds to the centroid method. All of the methods suggest a division of the cities into two clusters along the east-west dimension. There is disagreement, however, about which cluster Denver should belong to. Some of the methods indicate a possible third cluster containing Denver and Houston. title ’Cluster Analysis of Flying Mileages Between 10 data mileages(type=distance); input (Atlanta Chicago Denver Houston LosAngeles Miami NewYork SanFran Seattle WashDC) (5.) @55 City $15.; datalines; 0 587 0 1212 920 0 701 940 879 0 1936 1745 831 1374 0 604 1188 1726 968 2339 0 748 713 1631 1420 2451 1092 0 2139 1858 949 1645 347 2594 2571 0 2182 1737 1021 1891 959 2734 2408 678 0 543 597 1494 1220 2300 923 205 2442 2329 0 ; goptions htext=0.15in htitle=0.15in; American Cities’; Atlanta Chicago Denver Houston Los Angeles Miami New York San Francisco Seattle Washington D.C. Example 29.1: Cluster Analysis of Flying Mileages between 10 American Cities F 1271 The following statements produce Output 29.1.1 and Output 29.1.2: /*---------------------- Average linkage --------------------*/ proc cluster data=mileages outtree=tree method=average pseudo; id City; run; title2 ’Using METHOD=AVERAGE’ ; proc tree horizontal; id City; run; title2; Output 29.1.1 Cluster History Using METHOD=AVERAGE Cluster Analysis of Flying Mileages Between 10 American Cities The CLUSTER Procedure Average Linkage Cluster Analysis Cluster History NCL 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ---------Clusters Joined---------New York Los Angeles Atlanta CL7 CL8 Denver CL6 CL3 CL2 Washington D.C. San Francisco Chicago CL9 Seattle Houston Miami CL4 CL5 Output 29.1.2 Tree Diagram Using METHOD=AVERAGE FREQ PSF PST2 Norm RMS Dist 2 2 2 4 3 2 5 7 10 66.7 39.2 21.7 14.5 12.4 13.9 15.5 16.0 . . . . 3.4 7.3 . 3.8 5.3 16.0 0.1297 0.2196 0.3715 0.4149 0.5255 0.5562 0.6185 0.8005 1.2967 T i e 1272 F Chapter 29: The CLUSTER Procedure The following statements produce Output 29.1.3 and Output 29.1.4: /*---------------------- Centroid method --------------------*/ proc cluster data=mileages method=centroid pseudo; id City; run; title2 ’Using METHOD=CENTROID’ ; proc tree horizontal; id City; run; title2; Output 29.1.3 Cluster History Using METHOD=CENTROID Cluster Analysis of Flying Mileages Between 10 American Cities The CLUSTER Procedure Centroid Hierarchical Cluster Analysis Cluster History NCL 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ---------Clusters Joined---------New York Los Angeles Atlanta CL7 CL8 Denver CL6 CL3 CL2 Washington D.C. San Francisco Chicago CL9 Seattle CL5 Miami Houston CL4 Output 29.1.4 Tree Diagram Using METHOD=CENTROID FREQ PSF PST2 Norm Cent Dist 2 2 2 4 3 4 5 6 10 66.7 39.2 21.7 14.5 12.4 12.4 14.2 22.1 . . . . 3.4 7.3 2.1 3.8 2.6 22.1 0.1297 0.2196 0.3715 0.3652 0.5139 0.5337 0.5743 0.6091 1.173 T i e Example 29.1: Cluster Analysis of Flying Mileages between 10 American Cities F 1273 The following statements produce Output 29.1.5 and Output 29.1.6: /*-------- Density linkage with 3rd-nearest-neighbor --------*/ proc cluster data=mileages method=density k=3; id City; run; title2 ’Using METHOD=DENSITY K=3’ ; proc tree horizontal; id City; run; title2; Output 29.1.5 Cluster History Using METHOD=DENSITY K=3 Cluster Analysis of Flying Mileages Between 10 American Cities The CLUSTER Procedure Density Linkage Cluster Analysis NCL 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Cluster History Normalized Fusion ---------Clusters Joined--------FREQ Density Atlanta CL9 CL8 CL7 CL6 Los Angeles CL4 CL3 CL5 Washington D.C. Chicago New York Miami Houston San Francisco Seattle Denver CL2 2 3 4 5 6 2 3 4 10 Output 29.1.6 Tree Diagram Using METHOD=DENSITY K=3 96.106 95.263 86.465 74.079 74.079 71.968 66.341 63.509 61.775 Maximum Density in Each Cluster Lesser Greater * 92.5043 90.9548 76.1571 58.8299 61.7747 65.3430 56.6215 61.7747 80.0885 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 80.0885 80.0885 80.0885 100.0 T i e T 1274 F Chapter 29: The CLUSTER Procedure The following statements produce Output 29.1.7 and Output 29.1.8: /*--------------------- Single linkage ----------------------*/ proc cluster data=mileages method=single; id City; run; title2 ’Using METHOD=SINGLE’ ; proc tree horizontal; id City; run; title2; Output 29.1.7 Cluster History Using METHOD=SINGLE Cluster Analysis of Flying Mileages Between 10 American Cities The CLUSTER Procedure Single Linkage Cluster Analysis Cluster History NCL 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ---------Clusters Joined---------New York Los Angeles Atlanta CL7 CL6 CL8 CL5 Denver CL3 Washington D.C. San Francisco CL9 Chicago Miami Seattle Houston CL4 CL2 Output 29.1.8 Tree Diagram Using METHOD=SINGLE FREQ Norm Min Dist 2 2 3 4 5 3 6 4 10 0.1447 0.2449 0.3832 0.4142 0.4262 0.4784 0.4947 0.5864 0.6203 T i e Example 29.1: Cluster Analysis of Flying Mileages between 10 American Cities F 1275 The following statements produce Output 29.1.9 and Output 29.1.10: /*--- Two-stage density linkage with 3rd-nearest-neighbor ---*/ proc cluster data=mileages method=twostage k=3; id City; run; title2 ’Using METHOD=TWOSTAGE K=3’ ; proc tree horizontal; id City; run; title2; Output 29.1.9 Cluster History Using METHOD=TWOSTAGE K=3 Cluster Analysis of Flying Mileages Between 10 American Cities The CLUSTER Procedure Two-Stage Density Linkage Clustering Cluster History NCL 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ---------Clusters Joined--------Atlanta CL9 CL8 CL7 CL6 Los Angeles CL4 CL3 CL5 Washington D.C. Chicago New York Miami Houston San Francisco Seattle Denver CL2 FREQ Normalized Fusion Density 2 3 4 5 6 2 3 4 10 96.106 95.263 86.465 74.079 74.079 71.968 66.341 63.509 61.775 Output 29.1.10 Tree Diagram Using METHOD=TWOSTAGE K=3 Maximum Density in Each Cluster Lesser Greater 92.5043 90.9548 76.1571 58.8299 61.7747 65.3430 56.6215 61.7747 80.0885 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 80.0885 80.0885 80.0885 100.0 T i e T 1276 F Chapter 29: The CLUSTER Procedure The following statements produce Output 29.1.11 and Output 29.1.12: /*------------- Ward’s minimum variance method --------------*/ proc cluster data=mileages method=ward pseudo; id City; run; title2 ’Using METHOD=WARD’ ; proc tree horizontal; id City; run; title2; Output 29.1.11 Cluster History Using METHOD=WARD Cluster Analysis of Flying Mileages Between 10 American Cities The CLUSTER Procedure Ward’s Minimum Variance Cluster Analysis Cluster History NCL 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ---------Clusters Joined---------New York Los Angeles Atlanta CL7 Denver CL8 CL6 CL3 CL2 FREQ SPRSQ RSQ PSF PST2 2 2 2 4 2 3 5 7 10 0.0019 0.0054 0.0153 0.0296 0.0344 0.0391 0.0586 0.1488 0.6669 .998 .993 .977 .948 .913 .874 .816 .667 .000 66.7 39.2 21.7 14.5 13.2 13.9 15.5 16.0 . . . . 3.4 . 7.3 3.8 5.3 16.0 Washington D.C. San Francisco Chicago CL9 Houston Seattle Miami CL5 CL4 Output 29.1.12 Tree Diagram Using METHOD=WARD T i e Example 29.2: Crude Birth and Death Rates F 1277 Example 29.2: Crude Birth and Death Rates This example uses the SAS data set Poverty created in the section “Getting Started: CLUSTER Procedure” on page 1231. The data, from Rouncefield (1995), are birth rates, death rates, and infant death rates for 97 countries. Six cluster analyses are performed with eight methods. Scatter plots showing cluster membership at selected levels are produced instead of tree diagrams. Each cluster analysis is performed by a macro called ANALYZE. The macro takes two arguments. The first, &METHOD, specifies the value of the METHOD= option to be used in the PROC CLUSTER statement. The second, &NCL, must be specified as a list of integers, separated by blanks, indicating the number of clusters desired in each scatter plot. For example, the first invocation of ANALYZE specifies the AVERAGE method and requests plots of 3 and 8 clusters. When two-stage density linkage is used, the K= and R= options are specified as part of the first argument. The ANALYZE macro first invokes the CLUSTER procedure with METHOD=&METHOD, where &METHOD represents the value of the first argument to ANALYZE. This part of the macro produces the PROC CLUSTER output shown. The %DO loop processes &NCL, the list of numbers of clusters to plot. The macro variable &K is a counter that indexes the numbers within &NCL. The %SCAN function picks out the &Kth number in &NCL, which is then assigned to the macro variable &N. When &K exceeds the number of numbers in &NCL, %SCAN returns a null string. Thus, the %DO loop executes while &N is not equal to a null string. In the %WHILE condition, a null string is indicated by the absence of any nonblank characters between the comparison operator (NE) and the right parenthesis that terminates the condition. Within the %DO loop, the TREE procedure creates an output data set containing &N clusters. The SGPLOT procedure then produces a scatter plot in which each observation is identified by the number of the cluster to which it belongs. The TITLE2 statement uses double quotes so that &N and &METHOD can be used within the title. At the end of the loop, &K is incremented by 1, and the next number is extracted from &NCL by %SCAN. 1278 F Chapter 29: The CLUSTER Procedure title ’Cluster Analysis of Birth and Death Rates’; ods graphics on; %macro analyze(method,ncl); proc cluster data=poverty outtree=tree method=&method print=15 ccc pseudo; var birth death; title2; run; %let k=1; %let n=%scan(&ncl,&k); %do %while(&n NE); proc tree data=tree noprint out=out ncl=&n; copy birth death; run; proc sgplot; scatter y=death x=birth / group=cluster ; title2 "Plot of &n Clusters from METHOD=&METHOD"; run; %let k=%eval(&k+1); %let n=%scan(&ncl,&k); %end; %mend; The following statement produces Output 29.2.1, Output 29.2.3, and Output 29.2.4: %analyze(average, 3 8) For average linkage, the CCC has peaks at 3, 8, 10, and 12 clusters, but the 3-cluster peak is lower than the 8-cluster peak. The pseudo F statistic has peaks at 3, 8, and 12 clusters. The pseudo t 2 statistic drops sharply at 3 clusters, continues to fall at 4 clusters, and has a particularly low value at 12 clusters. However, there are not enough data to seriously consider as many as 12 clusters. Scatter plots are given for 3 and 8 clusters. The results are shown in Output 29.2.1 through Output 29.2.4. In Output 29.2.4, the eighth cluster consists of the two outlying observations, Mexico and Korea. Output 29.2.1 Cluster Analysis for Birth and Death Rates: METHOD=AVERAGE Cluster Analysis of Birth and Death Rates The CLUSTER Procedure Average Linkage Cluster Analysis Eigenvalues of the Covariance Matrix 1 2 Eigenvalue Difference Proportion Cumulative 189.106588 16.005568 173.101020 0.9220 0.0780 0.9220 1.0000 Root-Mean-Square Total-Sample Standard Deviation 10.127 Example 29.2: Crude Birth and Death Rates F 1279 Output 29.2.1 continued Root-Mean-Square Distance Between Observations 20.25399 Cluster History NCL 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 --Clusters Joined-CL27 CL23 CL18 CL21 CL19 CL22 CL15 OB23 CL25 CL7 CL10 CL13 CL9 CL5 CL2 CL20 CL17 CL54 CL26 CL24 CL16 CL28 OB61 CL11 CL12 CL14 CL6 CL8 CL3 CL4 FREQ SPRSQ RSQ ERSQ CCC PSF PST2 Norm RMS Dist 18 28 8 8 12 12 22 2 17 25 40 33 24 64 97 0.0035 0.0034 0.0015 0.0015 0.0033 0.0036 0.0061 0.0014 0.0098 0.0122 0.0303 0.0244 0.0182 0.1836 0.6810 .980 .977 .975 .974 .971 .967 .961 .960 .950 .938 .907 .883 .865 .681 .000 .975 .972 .969 .966 .962 .957 .951 .943 .933 .920 .902 .875 .827 .697 .000 2.61 1.97 2.35 2.85 2.78 2.84 2.45 3.59 3.01 2.63 0.59 0.77 2.13 -.55 0.00 292 271 279 290 285 284 271 302 284 273 225 234 300 203 . 18.6 17.7 7.1 6.1 14.8 17.4 17.5 . 23.3 14.8 82.7 22.2 27.7 148 203 0.2325 0.2358 0.2432 0.2493 0.2767 0.2858 0.3353 0.3703 0.4033 0.4132 0.4584 0.5194 0.735 0.8402 1.3348 Output 29.2.2 Criteria for the Number of Clusters: METHOD=AVERAGE T i e 1280 F Chapter 29: The CLUSTER Procedure Output 29.2.3 Plot of Three Clusters: METHOD=AVERAGE Output 29.2.4 Plot of Eight Clusters: METHOD=AVERAGE Example 29.2: Crude Birth and Death Rates F 1281 The following statement produces Output 29.2.5 and Output 29.2.7: %analyze(complete, 3) Complete linkage shows CCC peaks at 3, 8 and 12 clusters. The pseudo F statistic peaks at 3 and 12 clusters. The pseudo t 2 statistic indicates 3 clusters. The scatter plot for 3 clusters is shown. Output 29.2.5 Cluster History for Birth and Death Rates: METHOD=COMPLETE Cluster Analysis of Birth and Death Rates The CLUSTER Procedure Complete Linkage Cluster Analysis Eigenvalues of the Covariance Matrix 1 2 Eigenvalue Difference Proportion Cumulative 189.106588 16.005568 173.101020 0.9220 0.0780 0.9220 1.0000 Root-Mean-Square Total-Sample Standard Deviation Mean Distance Between Observations 10.127 17.13099 Cluster History NCL 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 --Clusters Joined-CL22 CL56 CL30 OB23 CL19 CL17 CL20 CL11 CL26 CL14 CL9 CL6 CL5 CL3 CL2 CL33 CL18 CL44 OB61 CL24 CL28 CL13 CL21 CL15 CL10 CL16 CL7 CL12 CL8 CL4 FREQ SPRSQ RSQ ERSQ CCC PSF PST2 Norm Max Dist 8 8 8 2 24 12 16 32 13 20 30 33 32 64 97 0.0015 0.0014 0.0019 0.0014 0.0034 0.0033 0.0067 0.0054 0.0096 0.0128 0.0237 0.0240 0.0178 0.1900 0.6810 .983 .981 .979 .978 .974 .971 .964 .959 .949 .937 .913 .889 .871 .681 .000 .975 .972 .969 .966 .962 .957 .951 .943 .933 .920 .902 .875 .827 .697 .000 3.80 3.97 4.04 4.45 4.17 4.18 3.38 3.44 2.93 2.46 1.29 1.38 2.56 -.55 0.00 329 331 330 340 327 325 297 297 282 269 241 248 317 203 . 6.1 6.6 19.0 . 24.1 14.8 25.2 19.7 28.9 27.7 47.1 21.7 13.6 167 203 0.4092 0.4255 0.4332 0.4378 0.4962 0.5204 0.5236 0.6001 0.7233 0.8033 0.8993 1.2165 1.2326 1.5412 2.5233 T i e 1282 F Chapter 29: The CLUSTER Procedure Output 29.2.6 Criteria for the Number of Clusters: METHOD=COMPLETE Output 29.2.7 Plot of Clusters for METHOD=COMPLETE Example 29.2: Crude Birth and Death Rates F 1283 The following statement produces Output 29.2.8 and Output 29.2.10: %analyze(single, 7 10) The CCC and pseudo F statistics are not appropriate for use with single linkage because of the method’s tendency to chop off tails of distributions. The pseudo t 2 statistic can be used by looking for large values and taking the number of clusters to be one greater than the level at which the large pseudo t 2 value is displayed. For these data, there are large values at levels 6 and 9, suggesting 7 or 10 clusters. The scatter plots for 7 and 10 clusters are shown. Output 29.2.8 Cluster History for Birth and Death Rates: METHOD=SINGLE Cluster Analysis of Birth and Death Rates The CLUSTER Procedure Single Linkage Cluster Analysis Eigenvalues of the Covariance Matrix 1 2 Eigenvalue Difference Proportion Cumulative 189.106588 16.005568 173.101020 0.9220 0.0780 0.9220 1.0000 Root-Mean-Square Total-Sample Standard Deviation Mean Distance Between Observations 10.127 17.13099 Cluster History NCL 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 --Clusters Joined-CL37 CL20 CL14 CL26 OB86 CL13 CL22 CL15 CL9 CL7 CL6 CL5 CL4 OB23 CL3 CL19 CL23 CL16 OB58 CL18 CL11 CL17 CL10 OB75 CL12 CL8 OB48 OB67 OB61 CL2 FREQ SPRSQ RSQ ERSQ CCC PSF PST2 Norm Min Dist 8 15 19 31 4 23 30 31 31 62 93 94 95 2 97 0.0014 0.0059 0.0054 0.0014 0.0003 0.0088 0.0235 0.0210 0.0052 0.2023 0.6681 0.0056 0.0083 0.0014 0.0109 .968 .962 .957 .955 .955 .946 .923 .902 .897 .694 .026 .021 .012 .011 .000 .975 .972 .969 .966 .962 .957 .951 .943 .933 .920 .902 .875 .827 .697 .000 -2.3 -3.1 -3.4 -2.7 -1.6 -2.3 -4.7 -5.8 -4.7 -15 -26 -24 -15 -13 0.00 178 162 155 165 183 170 131 117 130 41.3 0.6 0.7 0.6 1.0 . 6.6 18.7 8.8 4.0 3.8 11.3 45.7 21.8 4.0 223 199 0.5 0.8 . 1.0 0.1331 0.1412 0.1442 0.1486 0.1495 0.1518 0.1593 0.1593 0.1628 0.1725 0.1756 0.1811 0.1811 0.4378 0.5815 T i e T T 1284 F Chapter 29: The CLUSTER Procedure Output 29.2.9 Criteria for the Number of Clusters: METHOD=SINGLE Output 29.2.10 Plot of Clusters for METHOD=SINGLE Example 29.2: Crude Birth and Death Rates F 1285 Output 29.2.10 continued The following statements produce Output 29.2.11 through Output 29.2.14, : %analyze(two k=10, 3) %analyze(two k=18, 2) For kth-nearest-neighbor density linkage, the number of modes as a function of k is as follows (not all of these analyses are shown): k 3 4 5-7 8-15 16-21 22+ modes 13 6 4 3 2 1 Thus, there is strong evidence of 3 modes and an indication of the possibility of 2 modes. Uniformkernel density linkage gives similar results. For K=10 (10th-nearest-neighbor density linkage), the scatter plot for 3 clusters is shown; and for K=18, the scatter plot for 2 clusters is shown. 1286 F Chapter 29: The CLUSTER Procedure Output 29.2.11 Cluster History for Birth and Death Rates: METHOD=TWOSTAGE K=10 Cluster Analysis of Birth and Death Rates The CLUSTER Procedure Two-Stage Density Linkage Clustering Eigenvalues of the Covariance Matrix 1 2 Eigenvalue Difference Proportion Cumulative 189.106588 16.005568 173.101020 0.9220 0.0780 0.9220 1.0000 K = 10 Root-Mean-Square Total-Sample Standard Deviation 10.127 Cluster History NCL 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 --Clusters Joined-CL16 CL19 CL15 CL13 CL12 CL11 CL10 CL9 CL8 CL7 CL6 CL22 CL14 CL4 CL2 OB94 OB49 OB52 OB96 OB93 OB78 OB76 OB77 OB43 OB87 OB82 OB61 OB23 CL3 CL5 FREQ SPRSQ RSQ ERSQ CCC PSF PST2 Normalized Fusion Density 22 28 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 37 29 66 97 0.0015 0.0021 0.0024 0.0018 0.0025 0.0031 0.0026 0.0023 0.0022 0.0043 0.0055 0.0079 0.0126 0.2129 0.6588 .921 .919 .917 .915 .912 .909 .907 .904 .902 .898 .892 .884 .872 .659 .000 .975 .972 .969 .966 .962 .957 .951 .943 .933 .920 .902 .875 .827 .697 .000 -11 -11 -10 -9.3 -8.5 -7.7 -6.7 -5.5 -4.1 -2.7 -1.1 0.93 2.60 -1.3 0.00 68.4 72.4 76.9 83.0 89.5 96.9 107 120 138 160 191 237 320 183 . 1.4 1.8 2.3 1.6 2.2 2.5 2.1 1.7 1.6 3.1 3.7 10.6 10.4 172 183 9.2234 8.7369 8.5847 7.9252 7.8913 7.787 7.7133 7.4256 6.927 4.932 3.7331 3.1713 2.0654 12.409 10.071 3 modal clusters have been formed. Maximum Density in Each Cluster Lesser Greater 6.7927 5.9334 5.9651 5.4724 5.4401 5.4082 5.4401 4.9017 4.4764 2.9977 2.1560 1.6308 1.0744 33.4385 15.3069 15.3069 33.4385 15.3069 15.3069 15.3069 15.3069 15.3069 15.3069 15.3069 15.3069 15.3069 100.0 33.4385 100.0 100.0 T i e Example 29.2: Crude Birth and Death Rates F 1287 Output 29.2.12 Cluster History for Birth and Death Rates: METHOD=TWOSTAGE K=18 Cluster Analysis of Birth and Death Rates The CLUSTER Procedure Two-Stage Density Linkage Clustering Eigenvalues of the Covariance Matrix 1 2 Eigenvalue Difference Proportion Cumulative 189.106588 16.005568 173.101020 0.9220 0.0780 0.9220 1.0000 K = 18 Root-Mean-Square Total-Sample Standard Deviation 10.127 Cluster History NCL 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 --Clusters Joined-CL16 CL15 CL14 CL13 CL12 CL11 CL10 CL9 CL8 CL7 CL6 CL20 CL5 CL3 CL2 OB72 OB94 OB51 OB96 OB76 OB77 OB78 OB43 OB93 OB88 OB87 OB61 OB82 OB23 CL4 FREQ SPRSQ RSQ ERSQ CCC PSF PST2 Normalized Fusion Density 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 39 57 58 97 0.0107 0.0098 0.0037 0.0099 0.0114 0.0021 0.0103 0.0034 0.0109 0.0110 0.0120 0.0077 0.0138 0.0117 0.6812 .799 .789 .786 .776 .764 .762 .752 .748 .737 .726 .714 .707 .693 .681 .000 .975 .972 .969 .966 .962 .957 .951 .943 .933 .920 .902 .875 .827 .697 .000 -21 -21 -20 -19 -19 -18 -17 -16 -15 -13 -12 -9.8 -5.0 -.54 0.00 23.3 23.9 25.6 26.7 27.9 31.0 33.3 37.8 42.1 48.3 57.5 74.7 106 203 . 3.0 2.7 1.0 2.6 2.9 0.5 2.5 0.8 2.6 2.6 2.7 8.3 3.0 2.5 203 10.118 9.676 9.409 9.409 8.8136 8.6593 8.6007 8.4964 8.367 7.916 6.6917 6.2578 5.3605 3.2687 13.764 2 modal clusters have been formed. Maximum Density in Each Cluster Lesser Greater 7.7445 7.1257 6.8398 6.8398 6.3138 6.0751 6.0976 5.9160 5.7913 5.3679 4.3415 3.2882 3.2834 1.7568 23.4457 23.4457 23.4457 23.4457 23.4457 23.4457 23.4457 23.4457 23.4457 23.4457 23.4457 23.4457 100.0 23.4457 23.4457 100.0 T i e T 1288 F Chapter 29: The CLUSTER Procedure Output 29.2.13 Plot of Clusters for METHOD=TWOSTAGE K=10 Output 29.2.14 Plot of Clusters for METHOD=TWOSTAGE K=18 Example 29.3: Cluster Analysis of Fisher’s Iris Data F 1289 In summary, most of the clustering methods indicate 3 or 8 clusters. Most methods agree at the 3-cluster level, but at the other levels, there is considerable disagreement about the composition of the clusters. The presence of numerous ties also complicates the analysis; see Example 29.4. Example 29.3: Cluster Analysis of Fisher’s Iris Data The iris data published by Fisher (1936) have been widely used for examples in discriminant analysis and cluster analysis. The sepal length, sepal width, petal length, and petal width are measured in millimeters on 50 iris specimens from each of three species, Iris setosa, I. versicolor, and I. virginica. Mezzich and Solomon (1980) discuss a variety of cluster analyses of the iris data. The following code analyzes the iris data by using Ward’s method and two-stage density linkage and then illustrates how the FASTCLUS procedure can be used in combination with PROC CLUSTER to analyze large data sets. title ’Cluster Analysis of Fisher (1936) Iris Data’; proc format; value specname 1=’Setosa ’ 2=’Versicolor’ 3=’Virginica ’; run; data iris; input SepalLength SepalWidth PetalLength PetalWidth Species @@; format Species specname.; label SepalLength=’Sepal Length in mm.’ SepalWidth =’Sepal Width in mm.’ PetalLength=’Petal Length in mm.’ PetalWidth =’Petal Width in mm.’; symbol = put(species, specname10.); datalines; 50 33 14 02 1 64 28 56 22 3 65 28 46 15 2 67 31 56 24 3 63 28 51 15 3 46 34 14 03 1 69 31 51 23 3 62 22 45 15 2 59 32 48 18 2 46 36 10 02 1 61 30 46 14 2 60 27 51 16 2 65 30 52 20 3 56 25 39 11 2 65 30 55 18 3 58 27 51 19 3 68 32 59 23 3 51 33 17 05 1 57 28 45 13 2 62 34 54 23 3 77 38 67 22 3 63 33 47 16 2 67 33 57 25 3 76 30 66 21 3 49 25 45 17 3 55 35 13 02 1 67 30 52 23 3 70 32 47 14 2 64 32 45 15 2 61 28 40 13 2 48 31 16 02 1 59 30 51 18 3 55 24 38 11 2 63 25 50 19 3 64 32 53 23 3 52 34 14 02 1 49 36 14 01 1 54 30 45 15 2 79 38 64 20 3 44 32 13 02 1 67 33 57 21 3 50 35 16 06 1 58 26 40 12 2 44 30 13 02 1 77 28 67 20 3 63 27 49 18 3 47 32 16 02 1 55 26 44 12 2 50 23 33 10 2 72 32 60 18 3 48 30 14 03 1 51 38 16 02 1 61 30 49 18 3 48 34 19 02 1 50 30 16 02 1 50 32 12 02 1 61 26 56 14 3 64 28 56 21 3 43 30 11 01 1 58 40 12 02 1 51 38 19 04 1 67 31 44 14 2 62 28 48 18 3 49 30 14 02 1 51 35 14 02 1 56 30 45 15 2 58 27 41 10 2 50 34 16 04 1 46 32 14 02 1 60 29 45 15 2 57 26 35 10 2 57 44 15 04 1 50 36 14 02 1 77 30 61 23 3 63 34 56 24 3 58 27 51 19 3 1290 F Chapter 29: The CLUSTER Procedure 57 71 49 49 66 44 47 74 56 49 56 51 54 61 68 45 55 51 63 ; 29 30 24 31 29 29 32 28 28 31 30 25 39 29 30 23 23 37 33 42 59 33 15 46 14 13 61 49 15 41 30 13 47 55 13 40 15 60 13 21 10 02 13 02 02 19 20 01 13 11 04 14 21 03 13 04 25 2 3 2 1 2 1 1 3 3 1 2 2 1 2 3 1 2 1 3 72 64 56 77 52 50 46 59 60 67 63 57 51 56 55 57 66 52 53 30 31 27 26 27 20 31 30 22 31 25 28 35 29 25 25 30 35 37 58 55 42 69 39 35 15 42 40 47 49 41 14 36 40 50 44 15 15 16 18 13 23 14 10 02 15 10 15 15 13 03 13 13 20 14 02 02 3 3 2 3 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 3 2 1 1 54 60 57 60 60 55 69 51 73 63 61 65 72 69 48 57 68 58 34 30 30 22 34 24 32 34 29 23 28 30 36 31 34 38 28 28 15 48 42 50 45 37 57 15 63 44 47 58 61 49 16 17 48 51 04 18 12 15 16 10 23 02 18 13 12 22 25 15 02 03 14 24 1 3 2 3 2 2 3 1 3 2 2 3 3 2 1 1 2 3 52 63 55 54 50 58 62 50 67 54 64 69 65 64 48 51 54 67 41 29 42 39 34 27 29 35 25 37 29 31 32 27 30 38 34 30 15 56 14 17 15 39 43 13 58 15 43 54 51 53 14 15 17 50 01 18 02 04 02 12 13 03 18 02 13 21 20 19 01 03 02 17 1 3 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 2 3 3 3 1 1 1 2 The following macro, SHOW, is used in the subsequent analyses to display cluster results. It invokes the FREQ procedure to crosstabulate clusters and species. The CANDISC procedure computes canonical variables for discriminating among the clusters, and the first two canonical variables are plotted to show cluster membership. See Chapter 27, “The CANDISC Procedure,” for a canonical discriminant analysis of the iris species. /*--- Define macro show ---*/ %macro show; proc freq; tables cluster*species / nopercent norow nocol plot=none; run; proc candisc noprint out=can; class cluster; var petal: sepal:; run; proc sgplot data=can ; scatter y=can2 x=can1 / group=cluster ; run; %mend; The first analysis clusters the iris data by using Ward’s method (see Output 29.3.1) and plots the CCC and pseudo F and t 2 statistics (see Output 29.3.2). The CCC has a local peak at 3 clusters but a higher peak at 5 clusters. The pseudo F statistic indicates 3 clusters, while the pseudo t 2 statistic suggests 3 or 6 clusters. The TREE procedure creates an output data set containing the 3-cluster partition for use by the SHOW macro. The FREQ procedure reveals 16 misclassifications. The results are shown in Output 29.3.3. Example 29.3: Cluster Analysis of Fisher’s Iris Data F 1291 title2 ’By Ward’’s Method’; ods graphics on ; proc cluster data=iris method=ward print=15 ccc pseudo; var petal: sepal:; copy species; run; proc tree noprint ncl=3 out=out; copy petal: sepal: species; run; %show; Output 29.3.1 Cluster Analysis of Fisher’s Iris Data: PROC CLUSTER with METHOD=WARD Cluster Analysis of Fisher (1936) Iris Data By Ward’s Method The CLUSTER Procedure Ward’s Minimum Variance Cluster Analysis Eigenvalues of the Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 4 Eigenvalue Difference Proportion Cumulative 422.824171 24.267075 7.820950 2.383509 398.557096 16.446125 5.437441 0.9246 0.0531 0.0171 0.0052 0.9246 0.9777 0.9948 1.0000 Root-Mean-Square Total-Sample Standard Deviation Root-Mean-Square Distance Between Observations 10.69224 30.24221 Cluster History NCL 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 --Clusters Joined--CL24 CL21 CL18 CL16 CL14 CL26 CL27 CL35 CL10 CL8 CL9 CL12 CL6 CL4 CL5 CL28 CL53 CL48 CL23 CL43 CL20 CL17 CL15 CL47 CL13 CL19 CL11 CL7 CL3 CL2 FREQ SPRSQ RSQ ERSQ CCC PSF PST2 15 7 15 24 12 22 31 23 26 38 50 36 64 100 150 0.0016 0.0019 0.0023 0.0023 0.0025 0.0027 0.0031 0.0031 0.0058 0.0060 0.0105 0.0172 0.0301 0.1110 0.7726 .971 .969 .967 .965 .962 .959 .956 .953 .947 .941 .931 .914 .884 .773 .000 .958 .955 .953 .950 .946 .942 .936 .930 .921 .911 .895 .872 .827 .697 .000 5.93 5.85 5.69 4.63 4.67 4.81 5.02 5.44 5.43 5.81 5.82 3.99 4.33 3.83 0.00 324 329 334 342 353 368 387 414 430 463 488 515 558 503 . 9.8 5.1 8.9 9.6 5.8 12.9 17.8 13.8 19.1 16.3 43.2 41.0 57.2 116 503 T i e 1292 F Chapter 29: The CLUSTER Procedure Output 29.3.2 Criteria for the Number of Clusters with METHOD=WARD Output 29.3.3 Crosstabulation of Clusters for METHOD=WARD Cluster Analysis of Fisher (1936) Iris Data By Ward’s Method The FREQ Procedure Table of CLUSTER by Species CLUSTER Species Frequency|Setosa |Versicol|Virginic| | |or |a | ---------+--------+--------+--------+ 1 | 0 | 49 | 15 | ---------+--------+--------+--------+ 2 | 0 | 1 | 35 | ---------+--------+--------+--------+ 3 | 50 | 0 | 0 | ---------+--------+--------+--------+ Total 50 50 50 Total 64 36 50 150 Example 29.3: Cluster Analysis of Fisher’s Iris Data F 1293 Output 29.3.4 Scatter Plot of Clusters for METHOD=WARD The second analysis uses two-stage density linkage. The raw data suggest 2 or 6 modes instead of 3: k 3 4-6 7 8 9-50 51+ modes 12 6 4 3 2 1 The following analysis uses K=8 to produce 3 clusters for comparison with other analyses. There are only 6 misclassifications. The results are shown in Output 29.3.5 and Output 29.3.6. title2 ’By Two-Stage Density Linkage’; ods graphics on ; proc cluster data=iris method=twostage k=8 print=15 ccc pseudo; var petal: sepal:; copy species; run; proc tree noprint ncl=3 out=out; copy petal: sepal: species; run; %show; 1294 F Chapter 29: The CLUSTER Procedure Output 29.3.5 Cluster Analysis of Fisher’s Iris Data: PROC CLUSTER with METHOD=TWOSTAGE Cluster Analysis of Fisher (1936) Iris Data By Two-Stage Density Linkage The CLUSTER Procedure Two-Stage Density Linkage Clustering Eigenvalues of the Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 4 Eigenvalue Difference Proportion Cumulative 422.824171 24.267075 7.820950 2.383509 398.557096 16.446125 5.437441 0.9246 0.0531 0.0171 0.0052 0.9246 0.9777 0.9948 1.0000 K = 8 Root-Mean-Square Total-Sample Standard Deviation 10.69224 Cluster History NCL 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 --Clusters Joined-CL17 CL16 CL15 CL22 CL12 CL11 CL13 CL10 CL8 CL9 CL6 CL5 CL4 CL7 OB127 OB137 OB74 OB49 OB85 OB98 OB24 OB25 OB121 OB45 OB39 OB21 OB90 CL3 FREQ SPRSQ RSQ ERSQ CCC PSF PST2 Normalized Fusion Density 43 50 44 47 48 49 45 50 51 46 47 48 49 100 0.0024 0.0023 0.0029 0.0036 0.0036 0.0033 0.0036 0.0019 0.0035 0.0041 0.0048 0.0048 0.0046 0.1017 .917 .915 .912 .909 .905 .902 .898 .896 .893 .888 .884 .879 .874 .773 .958 .955 .953 .950 .946 .942 .936 .930 .921 .911 .895 .872 .827 .697 -11 -10 -9.8 -7.7 -7.4 -6.8 -6.2 -5.2 -4.2 -3.0 -1.5 0.54 3.49 3.83 107 113 119 125 132 143 155 175 198 229 276 353 511 503 3.4 5.6 3.8 5.2 4.8 4.1 4.5 2.2 4.0 4.7 5.1 4.7 4.2 96.3 0.3903 0.3637 0.3553 0.3223 0.3223 0.2879 0.2802 0.2699 0.2586 0.1412 0.107 0.0969 0.0715 2.6277 3 modal clusters have been formed. Maximum Density in Each Cluster Lesser Greater 0.2066 0.1837 0.2130 0.1736 0.1736 0.1479 0.2005 0.1372 0.1372 0.0832 0.0605 0.0541 0.0370 3.5156 3.5156 100.0 3.5156 8.3678 8.3678 8.3678 3.5156 8.3678 8.3678 3.5156 3.5156 3.5156 3.5156 8.3678 T i e T Example 29.3: Cluster Analysis of Fisher’s Iris Data F 1295 Output 29.3.6 Criteria for the Number of Clusters with METHOD=TWOSTAGE Output 29.3.7 Crosstabulation of Clusters for METHOD=TWOSTAGE Cluster Analysis of Fisher (1936) Iris Data By Two-Stage Density Linkage The FREQ Procedure Table of CLUSTER by Species CLUSTER Species Frequency|Setosa |Versicol|Virginic| | |or |a | ---------+--------+--------+--------+ 1 | 50 | 0 | 0 | ---------+--------+--------+--------+ 2 | 0 | 48 | 3 | ---------+--------+--------+--------+ 3 | 0 | 2 | 47 | ---------+--------+--------+--------+ Total 50 50 50 Total 50 51 49 150 1296 F Chapter 29: The CLUSTER Procedure Output 29.3.8 Scatter Plot of Clusters for METHOD=TWOSTAGE The CLUSTER procedure is not practical for very large data sets because, with most methods, the CPU time is roughly proportional to the square or cube of the number of observations. The FASTCLUS procedure requires time proportional to the number of observations and can therefore be used with much larger data sets than PROC CLUSTER. If you want to hierarchically cluster a very large data set, you can use PROC FASTCLUS for a preliminary cluster analysis to produce a large number of clusters and then use PROC CLUSTER to hierarchically cluster the preliminary clusters. FASTCLUS automatically creates the variables _FREQ_ and _RMSSTD_ in the MEAN= output data set. These variables are then automatically used by PROC CLUSTER in the computation of various statistics. The following SAS code uses the iris data to illustrate the process of clustering clusters. In the preliminary analysis, PROC FASTCLUS produces 10 clusters, which are then crosstabulated with species. The data set containing the preliminary clusters is sorted in preparation for later merges. The results are shown in Output 29.3.9 and Output 29.3.10. title2 ’Preliminary Analysis by FASTCLUS’; proc fastclus data=iris summary maxc=10 maxiter=99 converge=0 mean=mean out=prelim cluster=preclus; var petal: sepal:; run; proc freq; tables preclus*species / nopercent norow nocol plot=none; run; proc sort data=prelim; Example 29.3: Cluster Analysis of Fisher’s Iris Data F 1297 by preclus; run; Output 29.3.9 Preliminary Analysis of Fisher’s Iris Data: Fastclus Procedure Cluster Analysis of Fisher (1936) Iris Data Preliminary Analysis by FASTCLUS Replace=FULL The FASTCLUS Procedure Radius=0 Maxclusters=10 Maxiter=99 Converge=0 Convergence criterion is satisfied. Criterion Based on Final Seeds = 2.1389 Cluster Summary Maximum Distance RMS Std from Seed Radius Nearest Cluster Frequency Deviation to Observation Exceeded Cluster ----------------------------------------------------------------------------1 9 2.7067 8.2027 5 2 19 2.2001 7.7340 4 3 18 2.1496 6.2173 8 4 4 2.5249 5.3268 2 5 3 2.7234 5.8214 1 6 7 2.2939 5.1508 2 7 17 2.0274 6.9576 10 8 18 2.2628 7.1135 3 9 22 2.2666 7.5029 8 10 33 2.0594 10.0033 7 Cluster Summary Distance Between Cluster Cluster Centroids ----------------------------1 8.7362 2 6.2243 3 7.5049 4 6.2243 5 8.7362 6 9.3318 7 7.9503 8 7.5049 9 9.0090 10 7.9503 Pseudo F Statistic = 370.58 Observed Over-All R-Squared = 0.95971 Approximate Expected Over-All R-Squared = Cubic Clustering Criterion = 0.82928 27.077 WARNING: The two values above are invalid for correlated variables. 1298 F Chapter 29: The CLUSTER Procedure Output 29.3.10 Crosstabulation of Species and Cluster From the Fastclus Procedure Cluster Analysis of Fisher (1936) Iris Data Preliminary Analysis by FASTCLUS The FREQ Procedure Table of preclus by Species preclus(Cluster) Species Frequency|Setosa |Versicol|Virginic| | |or |a | ---------+--------+--------+--------+ 1 | 0 | 0 | 9 | ---------+--------+--------+--------+ 2 | 0 | 19 | 0 | ---------+--------+--------+--------+ 3 | 0 | 18 | 0 | ---------+--------+--------+--------+ 4 | 0 | 3 | 1 | ---------+--------+--------+--------+ 5 | 0 | 0 | 3 | ---------+--------+--------+--------+ 6 | 0 | 7 | 0 | ---------+--------+--------+--------+ 7 | 17 | 0 | 0 | ---------+--------+--------+--------+ 8 | 0 | 3 | 15 | ---------+--------+--------+--------+ 9 | 0 | 0 | 22 | ---------+--------+--------+--------+ 10 | 33 | 0 | 0 | ---------+--------+--------+--------+ Total 50 50 50 Total 9 19 18 4 3 7 17 18 22 33 150 The following macro, CLUS, clusters the preliminary clusters. There is one argument to choose the METHOD= specification to be used by PROC CLUSTER. The TREE procedure creates an output data set containing the 3-cluster partition, which is sorted and merged with the OUT= data set from PROC FASTCLUS to determine which cluster each of the original 150 observations belongs to. The SHOW macro is then used to display the results. In this example, the CLUS macro is invoked using Ward’s method, which produces 16 misclassifications, and Wong’s hybrid method, which produces 22 misclassifications. Example 29.3: Cluster Analysis of Fisher’s Iris Data F 1299 /*--- Define macro clus ---*/ %macro clus(method); proc cluster data=mean method=&method ccc pseudo; var petal: sepal:; copy preclus; run; proc tree noprint ncl=3 out=out; copy petal: sepal: preclus; run; proc sort data=out; by preclus; run; data clus; merge out prelim; by preclus; run; %show; %mend; The following statements produce Output 29.3.11 through Output 29.3.14. title2 ’Clustering Clusters by Ward’’s Method’; %clus(ward); Output 29.3.11 Clustering Clusters by Ward’s Method Cluster Analysis of Fisher (1936) Iris Data Clustering Clusters by Ward’s Method The CLUSTER Procedure Ward’s Minimum Variance Cluster Analysis Eigenvalues of the Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 4 Eigenvalue Difference Proportion Cumulative 416.976349 18.309928 3.357006 0.230063 398.666421 14.952922 3.126943 0.9501 0.0417 0.0076 0.0005 0.9501 0.9918 0.9995 1.0000 Root-Mean-Square Total-Sample Standard Deviation Root-Mean-Square Distance Between Observations 10.69224 30.24221 1300 F Chapter 29: The CLUSTER Procedure Output 29.3.11 continued Cluster History NCL 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 --Clusters Joined--OB2 OB1 CL9 OB3 OB7 CL8 CL7 CL4 CL2 OB4 OB5 OB6 OB8 OB10 OB9 CL6 CL3 CL5 FREQ SPRSQ RSQ ERSQ CCC PSF PST2 23 12 30 36 50 34 66 100 150 0.0019 0.0025 0.0069 0.0074 0.0104 0.0162 0.0318 0.1099 0.7726 .958 .955 .948 .941 .931 .914 .883 .773 .000 .932 .926 .918 .907 .892 .870 .824 .695 .000 6.26 6.75 6.28 6.21 6.15 4.28 4.39 3.94 0.00 400 434 438 459 485 519 552 503 . 6.3 5.8 19.5 26.0 42.2 39.3 59.7 113 503 Output 29.3.12 Criteria for the Number of Clusters for Clustering Clusters from Ward’s Method T i e Example 29.3: Cluster Analysis of Fisher’s Iris Data F 1301 Output 29.3.13 Crosstabulation for Clustering Clusters from Ward’s Method Cluster Analysis of Fisher (1936) Iris Data Clustering Clusters by Ward’s Method The FREQ Procedure Table of CLUSTER by Species CLUSTER Species Frequency|Setosa |Versicol|Virginic| | |or |a | ---------+--------+--------+--------+ 1 | 0 | 50 | 16 | ---------+--------+--------+--------+ 2 | 0 | 0 | 34 | ---------+--------+--------+--------+ 3 | 50 | 0 | 0 | ---------+--------+--------+--------+ Total 50 50 50 Total 66 34 50 150 Output 29.3.14 Scatter Plot for Clustering Clusters using Ward’s Method 1302 F Chapter 29: The CLUSTER Procedure The following statements produce Output 29.3.15 through Output 29.3.17. title2 "Clustering Clusters by Wong’s Hybrid Method"; %clus(twostage hybrid); Output 29.3.15 Clustering Clusters by Wong’s Hybrid Method Cluster Analysis of Fisher (1936) Iris Data Clustering Clusters by Wong’s Hybrid Method The CLUSTER Procedure Two-Stage Density Linkage Clustering Eigenvalues of the Covariance Matrix 1 2 3 4 Eigenvalue Difference Proportion Cumulative 416.976349 18.309928 3.357006 0.230063 398.666421 14.952922 3.126943 0.9501 0.0417 0.0076 0.0005 0.9501 0.9918 0.9995 1.0000 Root-Mean-Square Total-Sample Standard Deviation 10.69224 Cluster History NCL 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 --Clusters Joined-OB10 OB3 OB2 CL8 CL7 CL6 CL4 CL3 CL2 OB7 OB8 OB4 OB9 OB6 OB1 OB5 CL5 CL9 FREQ SPRSQ RSQ ERSQ CCC PSF PST2 Normalized Fusion Density 50 36 23 58 30 67 70 100 150 0.0104 0.0074 0.0019 0.0194 0.0069 0.0292 0.0138 0.0979 0.7726 .949 .942 .940 .921 .914 .884 .871 .773 .000 .932 .926 .918 .907 .892 .870 .824 .695 .000 3.81 3.22 4.24 2.13 3.09 1.21 3.33 3.94 0.00 330 329 373 334 383 372 494 503 . 42.2 26.0 6.3 46.3 19.5 41.0 12.3 89.5 503 40.24 27.981 23.775 20.724 13.303 8.4137 5.1855 19.513 1.3337 3 modal clusters have been formed. Maximum Density in Each Cluster Lesser Greater 58.2179 39.4511 8.9675 46.8846 17.6360 10.8758 6.2890 46.3026 48.4350 100.0 48.4350 46.3026 48.4350 46.3026 48.4350 48.4350 48.4350 100.0 T i e Example 29.3: Cluster Analysis of Fisher’s Iris Data F 1303 Output 29.3.16 Crosstabulation for Clustering Clusters from Wong’s Hybrid Method Cluster Analysis of Fisher (1936) Iris Data Clustering Clusters by Wong’s Hybrid Method The FREQ Procedure Table of CLUSTER by Species CLUSTER Species Frequency|Setosa |Versicol|Virginic| | |or |a | ---------+--------+--------+--------+ 1 | 50 | 0 | 0 | ---------+--------+--------+--------+ 2 | 0 | 21 | 49 | ---------+--------+--------+--------+ 3 | 0 | 29 | 1 | ---------+--------+--------+--------+ Total 50 50 50 Total 50 70 30 150 Output 29.3.17 Scatter Plot for Clustering Clusters using Wong’s Hybrid Method 1304 F Chapter 29: The CLUSTER Procedure Example 29.4: Evaluating the Effects of Ties If, at some level of the cluster history, there is a tie for minimum distance between clusters, then one or more levels of the sample cluster tree are not uniquely determined. This example shows how the degree of indeterminacy can be assessed. Mammals have four kinds of teeth: incisors, canines, premolars, and molars. The following data set gives the number of teeth of each kind on one side of the top and bottom jaws for 32 mammals. Since all eight variables are measured in the same units, it is not strictly necessary to rescale the data. However, the canines have much less variance than the other kinds of teeth and, therefore, have little effect on the analysis if the variables are not standardized. An average linkage cluster analysis is run with and without standardization to enable comparison of the results. Example 29.4: Evaluating the Effects of Ties F 1305 title ’Hierarchical Cluster Analysis of Mammals’’ Teeth Data’; title2 ’Evaluating the Effects of Ties’; data teeth; input mammal $ 1-16 @21 (v1-v8) (1.); label v1=’Top incisors’ v2=’Bottom incisors’ v3=’Top canines’ v4=’Bottom canines’ v5=’Top premolars’ v6=’Bottom premolars’ v7=’Top molars’ v8=’Bottom molars’; datalines; BROWN BAT 23113333 MOLE 32103333 SILVER HAIR BAT 23112333 PIGMY BAT 23112233 HOUSE BAT 23111233 RED BAT 13112233 PIKA 21002233 RABBIT 21003233 BEAVER 11002133 GROUNDHOG 11002133 GRAY SQUIRREL 11001133 HOUSE MOUSE 11000033 PORCUPINE 11001133 WOLF 33114423 BEAR 33114423 RACCOON 33114432 MARTEN 33114412 WEASEL 33113312 WOLVERINE 33114412 BADGER 33113312 RIVER OTTER 33114312 SEA OTTER 32113312 JAGUAR 33113211 COUGAR 33113211 FUR SEAL 32114411 SEA LION 32114411 GREY SEAL 32113322 ELEPHANT SEAL 21114411 REINDEER 04103333 ELK 04103333 DEER 04003333 MOOSE 04003333 ; 1306 F Chapter 29: The CLUSTER Procedure The following statements produce Output 29.4.1: title3 ’Raw Data’; proc cluster data=teeth method=average nonorm noeigen; var v1-v8; id mammal; run; Output 29.4.1 Average Linkage Analysis of Mammals’ Teeth Data: Raw Data Hierarchical Cluster Analysis of Mammals’ Teeth Data Evaluating the Effects of Ties Raw Data The CLUSTER Procedure Average Linkage Cluster Analysis Root-Mean-Square Total-Sample Standard Deviation 0.898027 Cluster History NCL 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ----------Clusters Joined----------BEAVER GRAY SQUIRREL WOLF MARTEN WEASEL JAGUAR FUR SEAL REINDEER DEER BROWN BAT PIGMY BAT PIKA CL31 CL28 CL27 CL24 CL21 CL17 CL29 CL25 CL18 CL22 CL20 CL11 CL8 MOLE CL9 CL6 CL10 CL3 CL2 GROUNDHOG PORCUPINE BEAR WOLVERINE BADGER COUGAR SEA LION ELK MOOSE SILVER HAIR BAT HOUSE BAT RABBIT CL30 RIVER OTTER SEA OTTER CL23 RED BAT GREY SEAL RACCOON ELEPHANT SEAL CL14 CL15 CL19 CL26 CL12 CL13 HOUSE MOUSE CL7 CL16 CL5 CL4 FREQ RMS Dist 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 3 3 4 3 4 3 3 7 5 6 9 12 4 7 16 9 16 32 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.2247 1.291 1.4142 1.4142 1.5546 1.5811 1.8708 1.9272 2.2278 2.2361 2.4833 2.5658 2.8107 3.7054 4.2939 T i e T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T Example 29.4: Evaluating the Effects of Ties F 1307 The following statements produce Output 29.4.2: title3 ’Standardized Data’; proc cluster data=teeth std method=average nonorm noeigen; var v1-v8; id mammal; run; Output 29.4.2 Average Linkage Analysis of Mammals’ Teeth Data: Standardized Data Hierarchical Cluster Analysis of Mammals’ Teeth Data Evaluating the Effects of Ties Standardized Data The CLUSTER Procedure Average Linkage Cluster Analysis The data have been standardized to mean 0 and variance 1 Root-Mean-Square Total-Sample Standard Deviation 1 Cluster History NCL 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ----------Clusters Joined----------BEAVER GRAY SQUIRREL WOLF MARTEN WEASEL JAGUAR FUR SEAL REINDEER DEER PIGMY BAT CL28 CL31 BROWN BAT PIKA CL27 CL22 CL21 CL25 CL19 CL15 CL29 CL18 CL12 CL24 CL9 CL10 CL11 CL13 CL4 CL3 CL2 GROUNDHOG PORCUPINE BEAR WOLVERINE BADGER COUGAR SEA LION ELK MOOSE RED BAT RIVER OTTER CL30 SILVER HAIR BAT RABBIT SEA OTTER HOUSE BAT CL17 ELEPHANT SEAL CL16 GREY SEAL RACCOON CL20 CL26 CL23 CL14 HOUSE MOUSE CL7 MOLE CL8 CL6 CL5 FREQ RMS Dist 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 2 2 3 3 6 3 5 7 3 6 9 4 12 7 15 6 10 17 32 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.9157 0.9169 0.9428 0.9428 0.9428 0.9847 1.1437 1.3314 1.3447 1.4688 1.6314 1.692 1.7357 2.0285 2.1891 2.2674 2.317 2.6484 2.8624 3.5194 4.1265 4.7753 T i e T T T T T T T T T T 1308 F Chapter 29: The CLUSTER Procedure There are ties at 16 levels for the raw data but at only 10 levels for the standardized data. There are more ties for the raw data because the increments between successive values are the same for all of the raw variables but different for the standardized variables. One way to assess the importance of the ties in the analysis is to repeat the analysis on several random permutations of the observations and then to see to what extent the results are consistent at the interesting levels of the cluster history. Three macros are presented to facilitate this process, as follows. /* --------------------------------------------------------/* /* The macro CLUSPERM randomly permutes observations and /* does a cluster analysis for each permutation. /* The arguments are as follows: /* /* data data set name /* var list of variables to cluster /* id id variable for proc cluster /* method clustering method (and possibly other options) /* nperm number of random permutations. /* /* --------------------------------------------------------%macro CLUSPERM(data,var,id,method,nperm); */ */ */ */ */ */ */ */ */ */ */ */ */ /* ------CREATE TEMPORARY DATA SET WITH RANDOM NUMBERS------ */ data _temp_; set &data; array _random_ _ran_1-_ran_&nperm; do over _random_; _random_=ranuni(835297461); end; run; /* ------PERMUTE AND CLUSTER THE DATA----------------------- */ %do n=1 %to &nperm; proc sort data=_temp_(keep=_ran_&n &var &id) out=_perm_; by _ran_&n; run; proc cluster method=&method noprint outtree=_tree_&n; var &var; id &id; run; %end; %mend; Example 29.4: Evaluating the Effects of Ties F 1309 /* --------------------------------------------------------/* /* The macro PLOTPERM plots various cluster statistics /* against the number of clusters for each permutation. /* The arguments are as follows: /* /* nclus maximum number of clusters to be plotted /* nperm number of random permutations. /* /* --------------------------------------------------------%macro PLOTPERM(nclus,nperm); */ */ */ */ */ */ */ */ */ */ /* ---CONCATENATE TREE DATA SETS FOR 20 OR FEWER CLUSTERS--- */ data _plot_; set %do n=1 %to &nperm; _tree_&n(in=_in_&n) %end; ; if _ncl_<=&nclus; %do n=1 %to &nperm; if _in_&n then _perm_=&n; %end; label _perm_=’permutation number’; keep _ncl_ _psf_ _pst2_ _ccc_ _perm_; run; /* ---PLOT THE REQUESTED STATISTICS BY NUMBER OF CLUSTERS--- */ proc sgscatter ; compare y=(_ccc_ _psf_ _pst2_) x=_ncl_ /group=_perm_ ; run; %mend; /* --------------------------------------------------------- */ /* */ /* The macro TABPERM generates cluster-membership variables */ /* for a specified number of clusters for each permutation. */ /* PROC TABULATE gives the frequencies and means. */ /* The arguments are as follows: */ /* */ /* var list of variables to cluster */ /* (no "-" or ":" allowed) */ /* id id variable for proc cluster */ /* meanfmt format for printing means in PROC TABULATE */ /* nclus number of clusters desired */ /* nperm number of random permutations. */ /* */ /* --------------------------------------------------------- */ %macro TABPERM(var,id,meanfmt,nclus,nperm); /* ------CREATE DATA SETS GIVING CLUSTER MEMBERSHIP--------- */ %do n=1 %to &nperm; proc tree data=_tree_&n noprint n=&nclus out=_out_&n(drop=clusname rename=(cluster=_clus_&n)); copy &var; id &id; 1310 F Chapter 29: The CLUSTER Procedure run; proc sort; by &id &var; run; %end; /* ------MERGE THE CLUSTER VARIABLES------------------------ */ data _merge_; merge %do n=1 %to &nperm; _out_&n %end; ; by &id &var; length all_clus $ %eval(3*&nperm); %do n=1 %to &nperm; substr( all_clus, %eval(1+(&n-1)*3), 3) = put( _clus_&n, 3.); %end; run; /* ------ TABULATE CLUSTER COMBINATIONS------------ */ proc sort; by _clus_:; run; proc tabulate order=data formchar=’ ’; class all_clus; var &var; table all_clus, n=’FREQ’*f=5. mean*f=&meanfmt*(&var) / rts=%eval(&nperm*3+1); run; %mend; To use these macros, it is first convenient to define a macro, VLIST, listing the teeth variables, since the forms V1-V8 or V: cannot be used with the TABULATE procedure in the TABPERM macro: /* -TABULATE does not accept hyphens or colons in VAR lists- */ %let vlist=v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 v8; The CLUSPERM macro is then called to analyze 10 random permutations. The PLOTPERM macro plots the pseudo F and t 2 statistics and the cubic clustering criterion. Since the data are discrete, the pseudo F statistic and the cubic clustering criterion can be expected to increase as the number of clusters increases, so local maxima or large jumps in these statistics are more relevant than the global maximum in determining the number of clusters. For the raw data, only the pseudo t 2 statistic indicates the possible presence of clusters, with the 4-cluster level being suggested. Hence, the macros are used as follows to analyze the results at the 4-cluster level: title3 ’Raw Data’; /* ------CLUSTER RAW DATA WITH AVERAGE LINKAGE-------------- */ %clusperm( teeth, &vlist, mammal, average, 10); Example 29.4: Evaluating the Effects of Ties F 1311 The following statements produce Output 29.4.3. /* -----PLOT STATISTICS FOR THE LAST 20 LEVELS-------------- */ %plotperm(20, 10); Output 29.4.3 Analysis of 10 Random Permutations of Raw Mammals’ Teeth Data The following statements produce Output 29.4.4. /* ------ANALYZE THE 4-CLUSTER LEVEL------------------------ */ %tabperm( &vlist, mammal, 9.1, 4, 10); 1312 F Chapter 29: The CLUSTER Procedure Output 29.4.4 Raw Mammals’ Teeth Data: Indeterminacy at the 4-Cluster Level Hierarchical Cluster Analysis of Mammals’ Teeth Data Evaluating the Effects of Ties Raw Data ----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | Mean | | | |---------------------------------------| | | | Top | Bottom | Top | Bottom | | |FREQ |incisors |incisors | canines | canines | |-----------------------------+-----+---------+---------+---------+---------| |all_clus | | | | | | |-----------------------------| | | | | | |1 3 1 1 1 3 3 3 2 3 | 4| 0.0| 4.0| 0.5| 0.0| |-----------------------------+-----+---------+---------+---------+---------| |2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 | 15| 2.9| 2.6| 1.0| 1.0| |-----------------------------+-----+---------+---------+---------+---------| |2 4 2 2 4 2 1 2 1 1 | 1| 3.0| 2.0| 1.0| 0.0| |-----------------------------+-----+---------+---------+---------+---------| |3 1 3 3 3 1 2 1 3 2 | 5| 1.0| 1.0| 0.0| 0.0| |-----------------------------+-----+---------+---------+---------+---------| |3 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 3 2 | 2| 2.0| 1.0| 0.0| 0.0| |-----------------------------+-----+---------+---------+---------+---------| |4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 | 5| 1.8| 3.0| 1.0| 1.0| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------(Continued) Hierarchical Cluster Analysis of Mammals’ Teeth Data Evaluating the Effects of Ties Raw Data ----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Mean | | |---------------------------------------| | | Top | Bottom | Top | Bottom | | |premolars|premolars| molars | molars | |-----------------------------+---------+---------+---------+---------| |all_clus | | | | | |-----------------------------| | | | | |1 3 1 1 1 3 3 3 2 3 | 3.0| 3.0| 3.0| 3.0| |-----------------------------+---------+---------+---------+---------| |2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 | 3.6| 3.4| 1.3| 1.8| |-----------------------------+---------+---------+---------+---------| |2 4 2 2 4 2 1 2 1 1 | 3.0| 3.0| 3.0| 3.0| |-----------------------------+---------+---------+---------+---------| |3 1 3 3 3 1 2 1 3 2 | 1.2| 0.8| 3.0| 3.0| |-----------------------------+---------+---------+---------+---------| |3 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 3 2 | 2.5| 2.0| 3.0| 3.0| |-----------------------------+---------+---------+---------+---------| |4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 | 2.0| 2.4| 3.0| 3.0| ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Example 29.4: Evaluating the Effects of Ties F 1313 From the TABULATE output, you can see that two types of clustering are obtained. In one case, the mole is grouped with the carnivores, while the pika and rabbit are grouped with the rodents. In the other case, both the mole and the lagomorphs are grouped with the bats. Next, the analysis is repeated with the standardized data as shown in the following statements. The pseudo F and t 2 statistics indicate 3 or 4 clusters, while the cubic clustering criterion shows a sharp rise up to 4 clusters and then levels off up to 6 clusters. So the TABPERM macro is used again at the 4-cluster level. In this case, there is no indeterminacy, because the same four clusters are obtained with every permutation, although in different orders. It must be emphasized, however, that lack of indeterminacy in no way indicates validity. title3 ’Standardized Data’; /*------CLUSTER STANDARDIZED DATA WITH AVERAGE LINKAGE------*/ %clusperm( teeth, &vlist, mammal, average std, 10); The following statements produce Output 29.4.5. /* -----PLOT STATISTICS FOR THE LAST 20 LEVELS-------------- */ %plotperm(20, 10); 1314 F Chapter 29: The CLUSTER Procedure Output 29.4.5 Analysis of 10 Random Permutations of Standardized Mammals’ Teeth Data Example 29.4: Evaluating the Effects of Ties F 1315 The following statements produce Output 29.4.6. /* ------ANALYZE THE 4-CLUSTER LEVEL------------------------ */ %tabperm( &vlist, mammal, 9.1, 4, 10); Output 29.4.6 Standardized Mammals’ Teeth Data: No Indeterminacy at the 4-Cluster Level Hierarchical Cluster Analysis of Mammals’ Teeth Data Evaluating the Effects of Ties Standardized Data ----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | Mean | | | |---------------------------------------| | | | Top | Bottom | Top | Bottom | | |FREQ |incisors |incisors | canines | canines | |-----------------------------+-----+---------+---------+---------+---------| |all_clus | | | | | | |-----------------------------| | | | | | |1 3 1 1 1 3 3 3 2 3 | 4| 0.0| 4.0| 0.5| 0.0| |-----------------------------+-----+---------+---------+---------+---------| |2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 | 15| 2.9| 2.6| 1.0| 1.0| |-----------------------------+-----+---------+---------+---------+---------| |3 1 3 3 3 1 2 1 3 2 | 7| 1.3| 1.0| 0.0| 0.0| |-----------------------------+-----+---------+---------+---------+---------| |4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 | 6| 2.0| 2.8| 1.0| 0.8| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------(Continued) Hierarchical Cluster Analysis of Mammals’ Teeth Data Evaluating the Effects of Ties Standardized Data ----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Mean | | |---------------------------------------| | | Top | Bottom | Top | Bottom | | |premolars|premolars| molars | molars | |-----------------------------+---------+---------+---------+---------| |all_clus | | | | | |-----------------------------| | | | | |1 3 1 1 1 3 3 3 2 3 | 3.0| 3.0| 3.0| 3.0| |-----------------------------+---------+---------+---------+---------| |2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 | 3.6| 3.4| 1.3| 1.8| |-----------------------------+---------+---------+---------+---------| |3 1 3 3 3 1 2 1 3 2 | 1.6| 1.1| 3.0| 3.0| |-----------------------------+---------+---------+---------+---------| |4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 | 2.2| 2.5| 3.0| 3.0| ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1316 F Chapter 29: The CLUSTER Procedure References Anderberg, M. 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Subject Index agglomerative hierarchical clustering analysis, 1230 average linkage CLUSTER procedure, 1239, 1250 bimodality coefficient CLUSTER procedure, 1246, 1258 centroid method CLUSTER procedure, 1239, 1251 chaining, reducing when clustering, 1247 CLUSTER procedure algorithms, 1259 average linkage, 1230 centroid method, 1230 clustering methods, 1230, 1250 complete linkage, 1230 computational resources, 1260 density linkage, 1230, 1239 Euclidean distances, 1230 F statistics, 1246, 1258 FASTCLUS procedure, compared, 1230 flexible-beta method, 1230, 1240, 1241, 1255 hierarchical clusters, 1230 input data sets, 1241 interval scale, 1262 kth-nearest-neighbor method, 1230 maximum likelihood, 1230, 1239 McQuitty’s similarity analysis , 1230 median method, 1230 memory requirements, 1260 missing values, 1261 non-Euclidean distances, 1230 ODS Graph names, 1269 output data sets, 1244, 1263 output table names, 1268 pseudo F and t statistics, 1246 ratio scale, 1262 single linkage, 1230 size, shape, and correlation, 1262 test statistics, 1241, 1246, 1247 ties, 1261 time requirements, 1260 TREE procedure, compared, 1230 two-stage density linkage, 1230 types of data sets, 1230 using macros for many analyses, 1290 Ward’s minimum-variance method, 1230 Wong’s hybrid method, 1230 clustering, 1229, see also CLUSTER procedure average linkage, 1239, 1250 centroid method, 1239, 1251 complete linkage method, 1239, 1251 density linkage methods, 1239, 1240, 1242, 1243, 1246, 1252, 1254, 1256 Gower’s method, 1240, 1255 maximum-likelihood method, 1244, 1254, 1255 McQuitty’s similarity analysis, 1240, 1255 median method, 1240, 1255 methods affected by frequencies, 1248 outliers in, 1230, 1247 penalty coefficient, 1244 single linkage, 1240, 1255, 1256 smoothing parameters, 1253 standardizing variables, 1246 transforming variables, 1230 two-stage density linkage, 1240 Ward’s method, 1240, 1257 weighted average linkage, 1240, 1255 complete linkage CLUSTER procedure, 1239, 1251 computational resources CLUSTER procedure, 1260 connectedness method, see single linkage cubic clustering criterion, 1243, 1247 CLUSTER procedure, 1241 dendritic method, see single linkage density linkage CLUSTER procedure, 1239, 1240, 1242, 1243, 1246, 1252, 1254, 1256 diameter method, see complete linkage DISTANCE data sets CLUSTER procedure, 1241 elementary linkage analysis, see single linkage error sum of squares clustering method, see Ward’s method Euclidean distances, 1242, 1244 clustering, 1230 F statistics CLUSTER procedure, 1246, 1258 flexible-beta method CLUSTER procedure, 1230, 1240, 1241, 1255 FREQ statement and RMSSTD statement (CLUSTER), 1248, 1249 furthest neighbor clustering, see complete linkage Gower’s method, see also median method CLUSTER procedure, 1240, 1255 group average clustering, see average linkage hierarchical clustering, 1239, 1254 HYBRID option and FREQ statement (CLUSTER), 1248 and other options (CLUSTER), 1246 PROC CLUSTER statement, 1252 k-th-nearest neighbor, see also density linkage, see also single linkage k-th-nearest neighbor estimation (CLUSTER), 1242, 1246 k-th-nearest-neighbor estimation (CLUSTER), 1252 K= option and other options (CLUSTER), 1242, 1246 kurtosis displayed in CLUSTER procedure, 1246 Lance-Williams flexible-beta method, see flexible-beta method maximum likelihood hierarchical clustering (CLUSTER), 1239, 1244, 1254, 1255 maximum method, see complete linkage McQuitty’s similarity analysis CLUSTER procedure, 1240 means displayed in CLUSTER procedure, 1246 median method (CLUSTER), 1240, 1255 memory requirements CLUSTER procedure, 1260 METHOD= specification PROC CLUSTER statement, 1239 missing values CLUSTER procedure, 1261 modal clusters density estimation (CLUSTER), 1243 nearest neighbor method, see also single linkage NOSQUARE option algorithms used (CLUSTER), 1259 ODS Graph names CLUSTER procedure, 1269 output data sets CLUSTER procedure, 1244 output table names CLUSTER procedure, 1268 preliminary clusters definition (CLUSTER), 1252 using in CLUSTER procedure, 1242 pseudo F and t statistics CLUSTER procedure, 1246 R-square statistic CLUSTER procedure, 1246 R= option and other options (CLUSTER), 1242, 1246 radius of sphere of support, 1246 rank order typal analysis, see complete linkage RMSSTD statement and FREQ statement (CLUSTER), 1248, 1249 semipartial correlation formula (CLUSTER), 1258 single linkage CLUSTER procedure, 1240, 1255 skewness displayed in CLUSTER procedure, 1246 smoothing parameter cluster analysis, 1253 squared semipartial correlation formula (CLUSTER), 1258 standard deviation CLUSTER procedure, 1246 standardizing CLUSTER procedure, 1246 stored data algorithm, 1259 stored distance algorithms, 1259 t-square statistic CLUSTER procedure, 1246, 1258 ties checking for in CLUSTER procedure, 1244 time requirements CLUSTER procedure, 1260 trace W method, see Ward’s method transformations cluster analysis, 1230 TRIM= option and other options (CLUSTER), 1242, 1246 two-stage density linkage CLUSTER procedure, 1240, 1256 ultrametric, definition, 1259 uniform-kernel estimation CLUSTER procedure, 1246, 1252 unsquared Euclidean distances, 1242, 1244 unweighted pair-group clustering, see average linkage, see centroid method UPGMA, see average linkage UPGMC, see centroid method Ward’s minimum-variance method CLUSTER procedure, 1240, 1257 weighted average linkage CLUSTER procedure, 1240, 1255 weighted pair-group methods, see McQuitty’s similarity analysis, see median method weighted-group method, see centroid method Wong’s hybrid method CLUSTER procedure, 1242, 1252 WPGMA, see McQuitty’s similarity analysis WPGMC, see median method Syntax Index BETA= option PROC CLUSTER statement, 1241 CCC option PROC CLUSTER statement, 1241 CLUSTER procedure syntax, 1239 CLUSTER procedure, BY statement, 1247 CLUSTER procedure, COPY statement, 1247 CLUSTER procedure, FREQ statement, 1248 CLUSTER procedure, ID statement, 1248 CLUSTER procedure, PROC CLUSTER statement, 1239 BETA= option, 1241 CCC option, 1241 DATA= option, 1241 DIM= option, 1242 HYBRID option, 1242 K= option, 1242 MODE= option, 1243 NOEIGEN option, 1243 NOID option, 1243 NONORM option, 1243 NOPRINT option, 1243 NOSQUARE option, 1244 NOTIE option, 1244 OUTTREE= option, 1244 PENALTY= option, 1244 PLOTS option, 1244 PRINT= option, 1246 PSEUDO= option, 1246 R= option, 1246 RMSSTD option, 1246 RSQUARE option, 1246 SIMPLE option, 1246 STANDARD option, 1246 TRIM= option, 1246 CLUSTER procedure, RMSSTD statement, 1249 CLUSTER procedure, VAR statement, 1249 DATA= option PROC CLUSTER statement, 1241 DIM= option PROC CLUSTER statement, 1242 HYBRID option PROC CLUSTER statement, 1242 K= option PROC CLUSTER statement, 1242 MODE= option PROC CLUSTER statement, 1243 NOEIGEN option PROC CLUSTER statement, 1243 NOID option PROC CLUSTER statement, 1243 NONORM option PROC CLUSTER statement, 1243 NOPRINT option PROC CLUSTER statement, 1243 NOSQUARE option PROC CLUSTER statement, 1242, 1244 NOTIE option PROC CLUSTER statement, 1244 OUTTREE= option PROC CLUSTER statement, 1244 PENALTY= option PROC CLUSTER statement, 1244 PLOTS option PROC CLUSTER statement, 1244 PRINT= option PROC CLUSTER statement, 1246 PROC CLUSTER statement, see CLUSTER procedure PSEUDO= option PROC CLUSTER statement, 1246 R= option PROC CLUSTER statement, 1246 RMSSTD option PROC CLUSTER statement, 1246 RSQUARE option PROC CLUSTER statement, 1246 SIMPLE option PROC CLUSTER statement, 1246 STANDARD option PROC CLUSTER statement, 1246 TRIM= option and other options, 1242 PROC CLUSTER statement, 1242, 1246 Your Turn We welcome your feedback. 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