June 2014 Release UVM Class Reference Manual 1.2
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Universal Verification Methodology (UVM) 1.2 Class Reference June 2014 Copyright© 2011 - 2014 Accellera Systems Initiative (Accellera). All rights reserved. Accellera Systems Initiative Inc., 1370 Trancas Street #163, Napa, CA 94558, USA. Notices Accellera Systems Initiative (Accellera) Standards documents are developed within Accellera and the Technical Committees of Accellera. Accellera develops its standards through a consensus development process, approved by its members and board of directors, which brings together volunteers representing varied viewpoints and interests to achieve the final product. Volunteers are not necessarily members of Accellera and serve without compensation. While Accellera administers the process and establishes rules to promote fairness in the consensus development process, Accellera does not independently evaluate, test, or verify the accuracy of any of the information contained in its standards. Use of an Accellera Standard is wholly voluntary. Accellera disclaims liability for any personal injury, property or other damage, of any nature whatsoever, whether special, indirect, consequential, or compensatory, directly or indirectly resulting from the publication, use of, or reliance upon this, or any other Accellera Standard document. Accellera does not warrant or represent the accuracy or content of the material contained herein, and expressly disclaims any express or implied warranty, including any implied warranty of merchantability or suitability for a specific purpose, or that the use of the material contained herein is free from patent infringement. Accellera Standards documents are supplied “AS IS.” The existence of an Accellera Standard does not imply that there are no other ways to produce, test, measure, purchase, market, or provide other goods and services related to the scope of an Accellera Standard. Furthermore, the viewpoint expressed at the time a standard is approved and issued is subject to change due to developments in the state of the art and comments received from users of the standard. Every Accellera Standard is subjected to review periodically for revision and update. Users are cautioned to check to determine that they have the latest edition of any Accellera Standard. In publishing and making this document available, Accellera is not suggesting or rendering professional or other services for, or on behalf of, any person or entity. Nor is Accellera undertaking to perform any duty owed by any other person or entity to another. Any person utilizing this, and any other Accellera Standards document, should rely upon the advice of a competent professional in determining the exercise of reasonable care in any given circumstances. Interpretations: Occasionally questions may arise regarding the meaning of portions of standards as they relate to specific applications. When the need for interpretations is brought to the attention of Accellera, Accellera will initiate action to prepare appropriate responses. Since Accellera Standards represent a consensus of concerned interests, it is important to ensure that any interpretation has also received the concurrence of a balance of interests. For this reason, Accellera and the members of its Technical Committees are not able to provide an instant response to interpretation requests except in those cases where the matter has previously received formal consideration. Comments for revision of Accellera Standards are welcome from any interested party, regardless of membership affiliation with Accellera. Suggestions for changes in documents should be in the form of a proposed change of text, together with appropriate supporting comments. Comments on standards and requests for interpretations should be addressed to: Accellera Systems Initiative Inc. 1370 Trancas Street #163 Napa, CA 94558 USA Note: Attention is called to the possibility that implementation of this standard may require use of subject matter covered by patent rights. By publication of this standard, no position is taken with respect to the existence or validity of any patent rights in connection therewith. Accellera shall not be responsible for identifying pat- UVM 1.2 Class Reference Front-2 ents for which a license may be required by an Accellera standard or for conducting inquiries into the legal validity or scope of those patents that are brought to its attention. Accellera is the sole entity that may authorize the use of Accellera-owned certification marks and/or trademarks to indicate compliance with the materials set forth herein. Authorization to photocopy portions of any individual standard for internal or personal use must be granted by Accellera, provided that permission is obtained from and any required fee is paid to Accellera. To arrange for authorization please contact Lynn Bannister, Accellera, 1370 Trancas Street #163, Napa, CA 94558, phone (707) 251-9977, e-mail lynn@accellera.org. Permission to photocopy portions of any individual standard for educational classroom use can also be obtained from Accellera. Suggestions for improvements to the UVM 1.2 Class Reference are welcome. They should be sent to the UVM email reflector uvm-wg@lists.accellera.org UVM 1.2 Class Reference Front-3 Contents 1. Overview .............................................................................................................................................................1 1.1 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.2 Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2. Normative References.........................................................................................................................................2 3. Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations.........................................................................................................2 3.1 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3.2 Acronyms and Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4. Classes and Utilities ............................................................................................................................................5 5. Core Base Classes ...............................................................................................................................................8 6. 7. 8. 9. 5.1 Miscellaneous Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 5.2 uvm_object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 5.3 uvm_transaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 5.4 uvm_root. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 5.5 Port Base Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Reporting Classes..............................................................................................................................................46 6.1 uvm_report_message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 6.2 uvm_report_object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 6.3 uvm_report_handler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 6.4 uvm_report_server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 6.5 uvm_report_catcher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Recording Classes .............................................................................................................................................89 7.1 uvm_tr_database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 7.2 uvm_tr_stream . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Factory Classes ...............................................................................................................................................103 8.1 uvm_*_registry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 8.2 uvm_factory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Phasing Classes ...............................................................................................................................................125 9.1 uvm_phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 9.2 uvm_domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 UVM 1.2 Class Reference Front-4 10. 11. 12. 9.3 uvm_bottomup_phase. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 9.4 uvm_task_phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 9.5 uvm_topdown_phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 9.6 UVM Common Phases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 9.7 UVM Run-Time Phases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 9.8 User-Defined Phases. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 Configuration and Resource Classes...............................................................................................................173 10.1 uvm_resource . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 10.2 uvm_resource_db . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 10.3 uvm_config_db . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197 Synchronization Classes .................................................................................................................................202 11.1 uvm_event . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 11.2 uvm_event_callback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 11.3 uvm_barrier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210 11.4 uvm_objection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213 11.5 uvm_heartbeat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221 11.6 uvm_callback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224 Container Classes ............................................................................................................................................232 12.1 uvm_pool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233 12.2 uvm_queue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238 13. TLM Interfaces ...............................................................................................................................................241 14. TLM1 ..............................................................................................................................................................242 14.1 Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 14.2 Exports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254 14.3 Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257 14.4 Imps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260 14.5 FIFO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263 14.6 FIFO Base. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266 14.7 Channel Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269 14.8 Sequence Item Pull Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274 14.9 Sequencer Base. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276 UVM 1.2 Class Reference Front-5 15. TLM2 ..............................................................................................................................................................281 15.1 Interface Masks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284 15.2 Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285 15.3 Generic Payload . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289 15.4 Socket Base. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303 15.5 Sockets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308 15.6 Exports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315 15.7 Imps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317 15.8 Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321 15.9 Temporal Decoupling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323 16. Analysis Ports .................................................................................................................................................328 17. Component Classes .........................................................................................................................................331 18. 19. 17.1 uvm_component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332 17.2 uvm_test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359 17.3 uvm_env . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361 17.4 uvm_agent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362 17.5 uvm_monitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364 17.6 uvm_scoreboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365 17.7 uvm_driver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366 17.8 uvm_push_driver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 368 17.9 uvm_random_stimulus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370 17.10 uvm_subscriber. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372 Comparators ....................................................................................................................................................374 18.1 uvm_in_order_comparator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375 18.2 uvm_algorithmic_comparator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378 18.3 uvm_pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381 18.4 uvm_policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384 Sequencer Classes ...........................................................................................................................................387 19.1 uvm_sequencer_base . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389 19.2 uvm_sequencer_param_base . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397 19.3 uvm_sequencer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401 19.4 uvm_push_sequencer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404 UVM 1.2 Class Reference Front-6 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Sequence Classes ............................................................................................................................................406 20.1 uvm_sequence_item . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407 20.2 uvm_sequence_base . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413 20.3 uvm_sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428 20.4 uvm_sequence_library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431 Macros.............................................................................................................................................................436 21.1 Report Macros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 437 21.2 Component and Object Macros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445 21.3 Sequence-Related Macros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 470 21.4 Callback Macros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 477 21.5 TLM Macros. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481 21.6 Register Defines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 487 21.7 Version Defines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 488 Policy Classes .................................................................................................................................................491 22.1 uvm_printer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 492 22.2 uvm_comparer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504 22.3 uvm_recorder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 508 22.4 uvm_packer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 522 22.5 links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 529 Data Access Policies .......................................................................................................................................538 23.1 Set / Get Base . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 539 23.2 Simple Lock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541 23.3 Get To Lock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 544 23.4 Set Before Get . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 546 Register Layer .................................................................................................................................................549 24.1 Register Layer Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 549 24.2 Global Declarations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 551 Register Model ................................................................................................................................................557 25.1 Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 557 25.2 Address Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 573 25.3 Register Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 584 25.4 Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 588 UVM 1.2 Class Reference Front-7 26. 27. 28. 29. 25.5 Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 607 25.6 Memories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 619 25.7 Indirect Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 635 25.8 FIFO Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 637 25.9 Virtual Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 641 25.10 Virtual Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 654 25.11 Callbacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 662 25.12 Memory Allocation Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 671 DUT Integration ..............................................................................................................................................682 26.1 Generic Register Operation Descriptors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 682 26.2 Register Model Adaptor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 688 26.3 Explicit Register Predictor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 692 26.4 Register Sequences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 695 26.5 Backdoors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 704 26.6 HDL Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 708 Test Sequences ...............................................................................................................................................711 27.1 Run All Built-In . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 711 27.2 Reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 713 27.3 Register Bit Bash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 715 27.4 Register Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 718 27.5 Shared Access. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 722 27.6 Memory Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 727 27.7 Memory Walk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 730 27.8 HDL Paths Checking Test Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 734 Command Line Processor (CLP) Class ..........................................................................................................736 28.1 CLP Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 736 28.2 uvm_cmdline_processor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 737 Globals ............................................................................................................................................................744 29.1 Types and Enumerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 745 29.2 Globals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 754 29.3 Core Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 759 29.4 Traversal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 763 UVM 1.2 Class Reference Front-8 Bibliography....................................................................................................................................................769 Index................................................................................................................................................................770 UVM 1.2 Class Reference Front-9 1. Overview Verification has evolved into a complex project that often spans internal and external teams, but the discontinuity associated with multiple, incompatible methodologies among those teams has limited productivity. The Universal Verification Methodology (UVM) 1.2 Class Reference addresses verification complexity and interoperability within companies and throughout the electronics industry for both novice and advanced teams while also providing consistency. While UVM is revolutionary, being the first verification methodology to be standardized, it is also evolutionary, as it is built on the Open Verification Methodology (OVM), which combined the Advanced Verification Methodology (AVM) with the Universal Reuse Methodology (URM) and concepts from the e Reuse Methodology (eRM). Furthermore, UVM also infuses concepts and code from the Verification Methodology Manual (VMM), plus the collective experience and knowledge of the 300+ members of the Accellera Universal Verification Methodology Work Group (UVMWG) to help standardize verification methodology. 1.1 Scope The UVM application programming interface (API) defines a standard for the creation, integration, and extension of UVM Verification Components (UVCs) and verification environments that scale from block to system. The UVM 1.2 Class Reference is independent of any specific design processes and is complete for the construction of verification environments. The generator to connect register abstractions, many of which are captured using IPXACT (IEEE Std 1685™), is not part of the standard, although a register package is. 1.2 Purpose The purpose of the UVM 1.2 Class Reference is to enable verification interoperability throughout the electronics ecosystem. To further that goal, a reference implementation will be made available, along with the UVM 1.2 User’s Guide. While these materials are neither required to implement UVM, nor considered part of the standard, they help provide consistency when the UVM 1.2 Class Reference is applied and further enable UVM to achieve its purpose. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 1 2. Normative References The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this specification (i.e., they must be understood and used, so each referenced document is cited in text and its relationship to this document is explained). For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments or corrigenda) applies. IEEE Std 1800™, IEEE Standard for SystemVerilog Unified Hardware Design, Specification and Verification Language.1, 2 3. Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply. The IEEE Standards Dictionary Online should be consulted for terms not defined in this clause.3 3.1 Definitions agent: An abstract container used to emulate and verify DUT devices; agents encapsulate a driver, sequencer, and monitor. blocking: An interface where tasks block execution until they complete. See also: non blocking. component: A piece of VIP that provides functionality and interfaces. Also referred to as a transactor. consumer: A verification component that receives transactions from another component. driver: A component responsible for executing or otherwise processing transactions, usually interacting with the device under test (DUT) to do so. environment: The container object that defines the testbench topology. export: A transaction level modeling (TLM) interface that provides the implementation of methods used for communication. Used in UVM to connect to a port. factory method: A classic software design pattern used to create generic code by deferring, until run time, the exact specification of the object to be created. foreign methodology: A verification methodology that is different from the methodology being used for the majority of the verification environment. generator: A verification component that provides transactions to another component. Also referred to as a producer. monitor: A passive entity that samples DUT signals, but does not drive them. non blocking: A call that returns immediately. See also: blocking. 1 IEEE publications are available from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854, USA (http://standards.ieee.org/). 2 The IEEE standards or products referred to in this clause are trademarks of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. 3IEEE Standards Dictionary Online subscription is available at: http://www.ieee.org/portal/innovate/products/standard/standards_dictionary.html. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 2 port: A TLM interface that defines the set of methods used for communication. Used in UVM to connect to an export. primary (host) methodology: The methodology that manages the top-level operation of the verification environment and with which the user/integrator is presumably more familiar. request: A transaction that provides information to initiate the processing of a particular operation. response: A transaction that provides information about the completion or status of a particular operation. scoreboard: The mechanism used to dynamically predict the response of the design and check the observed response against the predicted response. Usually refers to the entire dynamic response-checking structure. sequence: A UVM object that procedurally defines a set of transactions to be executed and/or controls the execution of other sequences. sequencer: An advanced stimulus generator which executes sequences that define the transactions provided to the driver for execution. test: Specific customization of an environment to exercise required functionality of the DUT. testbench: The structural definition of a set of verification components used to verify a DUT. Also referred to as a verification environment. transaction: A class instance that encapsulates information used to communicate between two or more components. transactor: See component. virtual sequence: A conceptual term for a sequence that controls the execution of sequences on other sequencers. 3.2 Acronyms and Abbreviations API application programming interface CDV coverage-driven verification CBCL common base class library CLI command line interface DUT device under test DUV device under verification EDA electronic design automation FIFO first-in, first-out HDL hardware description language HVL high-level verification language IP intellectual property UVM 1.2 Class Reference 3 OSCI Open SystemC Initiative TLM transaction level modeling UVC UVM Verification Component UVM Universal Verification Methodology VIP verification intellectual property UVM 1.2 Class Reference 4 4. Classes and Utilities The UVM Class Library provides the building blocks needed to quickly develop wellconstructed and reusable verification components and test environments in SystemVerilog. This UVM Class Reference provides detailed reference information for each user-visible class in the UVM library. For additional information on using UVM, see the UVM User’s Guide located in the top level directory within the UVM kit. We divide the UVM classes and utilities into categories pertaining to their role or function. A more detailed overview of each category-- and the classes comprising them-can be found in the menu at left. Globals This category defines a small list of types, variables, functions, and tasks defined in the uvm_pkg scope. These items are accessible from any scope that imports the uvm_pkg. See Types and Enumerations and Globals for details. Base This basic building blocks for all environments are components, which do the actual work, transactions, which convey information between components, and ports, which provide the interfaces used to convey transactions. The UVM’s core base classes provide these building blocks. See Core Base Classes for more information. Reporting The reporting classes provide a facility for issuing reports (messages) with consistent formatting and configurable side effects, such as logging to a file or exiting simulation. Users can also filter out reports based on their verbosity , unique ID, or severity. See Reporting Classes for more information. Factory As the name implies, the UVM factory is used to manufacture (create) UVM objects and components. Users can configure the factory to produce an object of a given type on a global or instance basis. Use of the factory allows dynamically configurable component hierarchies and object substitutions without having to modify their code and without breaking encapsulation. See Factory Classes for details. Phasing This sections describes the phasing capability providing by UVM. The details can be found in Phasing Overview. Configuration and Resources The Configuration and Resource Classes are a set of classes which provide a configuration database. The configuration database is used to store and retrieve both configuration time and run time properties. Synchronization The UVM provides event and barrier synchronization classes for process synchronization. See Synchronization Classes for more information. Containers The Container Classes are type parameterized UVM 1.2 Class Reference 5 data structures which provide queue and pool services. The class based queue and pool types allow for efficient sharing of the data structures compared with their SystemVerilog built-in counterparts. Policies Each of UVM’s policy classes performs a specific task for uvm_object-based objects: printing, comparing, recording, packing, and unpacking. They are implemented separately from uvm_object so that users can plug in different ways to print, compare, etc. without modifying the object class being operated on. The user can simply apply a different printer or compare “policy” to change how an object is printed or compared. See Policy Classes for more information. TLM The UVM TLM library defines several abstract, transaction-level interfaces and the ports and exports that facilitate their use. Each TLM interface consists of one or more methods used to transport data, typically whole transactions (objects) at a time. Component designs that use TLM ports and exports to communicate are inherently more reusable, interoperable, and modular. See TLM Interfaces for details. Components Components form the foundation of the UVM. They encapsulate behavior of drivers, scoreboards, and other objects in a testbench. The UVM library provides a set of predefined component types, all derived directly or indirectly from uvm_component. See Predefined Component Classes for more information. Sequencers The sequencer serves as an arbiter for controlling transaction flow from multiple stimulus generators. More specifically, the sequencer controls the flow of uvm_sequence_item-based transactions generated by one or more uvm_sequence #(REQ,RSP)-based sequences. See Sequencer Classes for more information. Sequences Sequences encapsulate user-defined procedures that generate multiple uvm_sequence_itembased transactions. Such sequences can be reused, extended, randomized, and combined sequentially and hierarchically in interesting ways to produce realistic stimulus to your DUT. See Sequence Classes for more information. Macros The UVM provides several macros to help increase user productivity. See the set of macro categories in the main menu for a complete list of macros for Reporting, Components, Objects, Sequences, Callbacks, TLM and Registers. Register Layer The Register abstraction classes, when properly extended, abstract the read/write operations to registers and memories in a design-under- UVM 1.2 Class Reference 6 verification. See Register Layer for more information. Command Line Processor The command line processor provides a general interface to the command line arguments that were provided for the given simulation. The capabilities are detailed in the uvm_cmdline_processor section. Summary UVM 1.2 Class Reference The UVM Class Library provides the building blocks needed to quickly develop well-constructed and reusable verification components and test environments in SystemVerilog. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 7 5. Core Base Classes The UVM library defines a set of base classes and utilities that facilitate the design of modular, scalable, reusable verification environments. The basic building blocks for all environments are components and the transactions they use to communicate. The UVM provides base classes for these, as shown below. uvm_object - All components and transactions derive from uvm_object, which defines an interface of core class-based operations: create, copy, compare, print, sprint, record, etc. It also defines interfaces for instance identification (name, type name, unique id, etc.) and random seeding. uvm_component - The uvm_component class is the root base class for all UVM components. Components are quasi-static objects that exist throughout simulation. This allows them to establish structural hierarchy much like modules and program blocks. Every component is uniquely addressable via a hierarchical path name, e.g. “env1.pci1.master3.driver”. The uvm_component also defines a phased test flow that components follow during the course of simulation. Each phase-- build, connect, run, etc.-- is defined by a callback that is executed in precise order. Finally, the uvm_component also defines configuration, reporting, transaction recording, and factory interfaces. uvm_transaction - The uvm_transaction is the root base class for UVM transactions, which, unlike uvm_components, are transient in nature. It extends uvm_object to include a timing and recording interface. Simple transactions can derive directly from uvm_transaction, while sequence-enabled transactions derive from uvm_sequence_item. uvm_root - The uvm_root class is special uvm_component that serves as the toplevel component for all UVM components, provides phasing control for all UVM components, and other global services. Summary Core Base Classes The UVM library defines a set of base classes and utilities that facilitate the design of modular, scalable, reusable verification environments. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 8 5.1 Miscellaneous Structures Contents Miscellaneous Structures uvm_void uvm_utils #(TYPE,FIELD) The uvm_void class is the base class for all UVM classes. This class contains useful template functions. uvm_void The uvm_void class is the base class for all UVM classes. It is an abstract class with no data members or functions. It allows for generic containers of objects to be created, similar to a void pointer in the C programming language. User classes derived directly from uvm_void inherit none of the UVM functionality, but such classes may be placed in uvm_void-typed containers along with other UVM objects. Summary uvm_void The uvm_void class is the base class for all UVM classes. CLAss DEcLARATION virtual class uvm_void uvm_utils #(TYPE,FIELD) This class contains useful template functions. Summary uvm_utils #(TYPE,FIELD) This class contains useful template functions. CLAss DEcLARATION class uvm_utils #( type TYPE = int, string FIELD = "config" ) METHOds find_all get_config UVM 1.2 Class Reference Recursively finds all component instances of the parameter type TYPE, starting with the component given by start. This method gets the object config of type TYPE associated with 9 component comp. METHOds find_all static function types_t find_all( uvm_component start ) Recursively finds all component instances of the parameter type TYPE, starting with the component given by start. Uses uvm_root::find_all. get_config static function TYPE get_config( uvm_component comp, bit is_fatal ) This method gets the object config of type TYPE associated with component comp. We check for the two kinds of error which may occur with this kind of operation. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 10 5.2 uvm_object The uvm_object class is the base class for all UVM data and hierarchical classes. Its primary role is to define a set of methods for such common operations as create, copy, compare, print, and record. Classes deriving from uvm_object must implement the pure virtual methods such as create and get_type_name. Summary uvm_object The uvm_object class is the base class for all UVM data and hierarchical classes. CLAss HIERARchY uvm_void uvm_object CLAss DEcLARATION virtual class uvm_object extends uvm_void new SEEdING use_uvm_seeding reseed IdENTIFIcATION set_name get_name get_full_name get_inst_id get_inst_count get_type get_object_type get_type_name CREATION create clone PRINTING print sprint do_print UVM 1.2 Class Reference Creates a new uvm_object with the given instance name. This bit enables or disables the UVM seeding mechanism. Calls srandom on the object to reseed the object using the UVM seeding mechanism, which sets the seed based on type name and instance name instead of based on instance position in a thread. Sets the instance name of this object, overwriting any previously given name. Returns the name of the object, as provided by the name argument in the new constructor or set_name method. Returns the full hierarchical name of this object. Returns the object’s unique, numeric instance identifier. Returns the current value of the instance counter, which represents the total number of uvm_object-based objects that have been allocated in simulation. Returns the type-proxy (wrapper) for this object. Returns the type-proxy (wrapper) for this object. This function returns the type name of the object, which is typically the type identifier enclosed in quotes. The create method allocates a new object of the same type as this object and returns it via a base uvm_object handle. The clone method creates and returns an exact copy of this object. The print method deep-prints this object’s properties in a format and manner governed by the given printer argument; if the printer argument is not provided, the global uvm_default_printer is used. The sprint method works just like the print method, except the output is returned in a string rather than displayed. The do_print method is the user-definable hook called by print and sprint that allows users to customize what 11 convert2string REcORdING record do_record COpYING copy do_copy COMpARING compare do_compare PAcKING pack pack_bytes pack_ints do_pack UNpAcKING unpack unpack_bytes unpack_ints do_unpack CONFIGuRATION set_int_local set_string_local set_object_local gets printed or sprinted beyond the field information provided by the `uvm_field_* macros, Utility and Field Macros for Components and Objects. This virtual function is a user-definable hook, called directly by the user, that allows users to provide object information in the form of a string. The record method deep-records this object’s properties according to an optional recorder policy. The do_record method is the user-definable hook called by the record method. The copy makes this object a copy of the specified object. The do_copy method is the user-definable hook called by the copy method. Deep compares members of this data object with those of the object provided in the rhs (right-hand side) argument, returning 1 on a match, 0 otherwise. The do_compare method is the user-definable hook called by the compare method. The pack methods bitwise-concatenate this object’s properties into an array of bits, bytes, or ints. The do_pack method is the user-definable hook called by the pack methods. The unpack methods extract property values from an array of bits, bytes, or ints. The do_unpack method is the user-definable hook called by the unpack method. These methods provide write access to integral, string, and uvm_object-based properties indexed by a field_name string. new function new ( string name = "" ) Creates a new uvm_object with the given instance name. If name is not supplied, the object is unnamed. SEEdING use_uvm_seeding UVM 1.2 Class Reference 12 static bit use_uvm_seeding = 1 This bit enables or disables the UVM seeding mechanism. It globally affects the operation of the reseed method. When enabled, UVM-based objects are seeded based on their type and full hierarchical name rather than allocation order. This improves random stability for objects whose instance names are unique across each type. The uvm_component class is an example of a type that has a unique instance name. reseed function void reseed () Calls srandom on the object to reseed the object using the UVM seeding mechanism, which sets the seed based on type name and instance name instead of based on instance position in a thread. If the use_uvm_seeding static variable is set to 0, then reseed() does not perform any function. IdENTIFIcATION set_name virtual function void set_name ( string name ) Sets the instance name of this object, overwriting any previously given name. get_name virtual function string get_name () Returns the name of the object, as provided by the name argument in the new constructor or set_name method. get_full_name virtual function string get_full_name () Returns the full hierarchical name of this object. The default implementation is the same as get_name, as uvm_objects do not inherently possess hierarchy. Objects possessing hierarchy, such as uvm_components, override the default implementation. Other objects might be associated with component hierarchy but are not themselves components. For example, uvm_sequence #(REQ,RSP) classes are typically associated with a uvm_sequencer #(REQ,RSP). In this case, it is useful to override get_full_name to return the sequencer’s full name concatenated with the sequence’s name. This provides the sequence a full context, which is useful when debugging. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 13 get_inst_id virtual function int get_inst_id () Returns the object’s unique, numeric instance identifier. get_inst_count static function int get_inst_count() Returns the current value of the instance counter, which represents the total number of uvm_object-based objects that have been allocated in simulation. The instance counter is used to form a unique numeric instance identifier. get_type static function uvm_object_wrapper get_type () Returns the type-proxy (wrapper) for this object. The uvm_factory’s type-based override and creation methods take arguments of uvm_object_wrapper. This method, if implemented, can be used as convenient means of supplying those arguments. The default implementation of this method produces an error and returns null. To enable use of this method, a user’s subtype must implement a version that returns the subtype’s wrapper. For example class cmd extends uvm_object; typedef uvm_object_registry #(cmd) type_id; static function type_id get_type(); return type_id::get(); endfunction endclass Then, to use factory.set_type_override(cmd::get_type(),subcmd::get_type()); This function is implemented by the `uvm_*_utils macros, if employed. get_object_type virtual function uvm_object_wrapper get_object_type () Returns the type-proxy (wrapper) for this object. The uvm_factory’s type-based override and creation methods take arguments of uvm_object_wrapper. This method, if implemented, can be used as convenient means of supplying those arguments. This method is the same as the static get_type method, but uses an already allocated object UVM 1.2 Class Reference 14 to determine the type-proxy to access (instead of using the static object). The default implementation of this method does a factory lookup of the proxy using the return value from get_type_name. If the type returned by get_type_name is not registered with the factory, then a null handle is returned. For example class cmd extends uvm_object; typedef uvm_object_registry #(cmd) type_id; static function type_id get_type(); return type_id::get(); endfunction virtual function type_id get_object_type(); return type_id::get(); endfunction endclass This function is implemented by the `uvm_*_utils macros, if employed. get_type_name virtual function string get_type_name () This function returns the type name of the object, which is typically the type identifier enclosed in quotes. It is used for various debugging functions in the library, and it is used by the factory for creating objects. This function must be defined in every derived class. A typical implementation is as follows class mytype extends uvm_object; ... const static string type_name = "mytype"; virtual function string get_type_name(); return type_name; endfunction We define the type_name static variable to enable access to the type name without need of an object of the class, i.e., to enable access via the scope operator, mytype::type_name. CREATION create virtual function uvm_object create ( string name = "" ) The create method allocates a new object of the same type as this object and returns it via a base uvm_object handle. Every class deriving from uvm_object, directly or UVM 1.2 Class Reference 15 indirectly, must implement the create method. A typical implementation is as follows class mytype extends uvm_object; ... virtual function uvm_object create(string name=""); mytype t = new(name); return t; endfunction clone virtual function uvm_object clone () The clone method creates and returns an exact copy of this object. The default implementation calls create followed by copy. As clone is virtual, derived classes may override this implementation if desired. PRINTING print function void print ( uvm_printer printer = null ) The print method deep-prints this object’s properties in a format and manner governed by the given printer argument; if the printer argument is not provided, the global uvm_default_printer is used. See uvm_printer for more information on printer output formatting. See also uvm_line_printer, uvm_tree_printer, and uvm_table_printer for details on the pre-defined printer “policies,” or formatters, provided by the UVM. The print method is not virtual and must not be overloaded. To include custom information in the print and sprint operations, derived classes must override the do_print method and use the provided printer policy class to format the output. sprint function string sprint ( uvm_printer printer = null ) The sprint method works just like the print method, except the output is returned in a string rather than displayed. The sprint method is not virtual and must not be overloaded. To include additional fields in the print and sprint operation, derived classes must override the do_print method and use the provided printer policy class to format the output. The printer policy will manage all string concatenations and provide the string to sprint to return to the caller. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 16 do_print virtual function void do_print ( uvm_printer printer ) The do_print method is the user-definable hook called by print and sprint that allows users to customize what gets printed or sprinted beyond the field information provided by the `uvm_field_* macros, Utility and Field Macros for Components and Objects. The printer argument is the policy object that governs the format and content of the output. To ensure correct print and sprint operation, and to ensure a consistent output format, the printer must be used by all do_print implementations. That is, instead of using $display or string concatenations directly, a do_print implementation must call through the printer’s API to add information to be printed or sprinted. An example implementation of do_print is as follows class mytype extends uvm_object; data_obj data; int f1; virtual function void do_print (uvm_printer printer); super.do_print(printer); printer.print_field_int("f1", f1, $bits(f1), UVM_DEC); printer.print_object("data", data); endfunction Then, to print and sprint the object, you could write mytype t = new; t.print(); uvm_report_info("Received",t.sprint()); See uvm_printer for information about the printer API. convert2string virtual function string convert2string() This virtual function is a user-definable hook, called directly by the user, that allows users to provide object information in the form of a string. Unlike sprint, there is no requirement to use a uvm_printer policy object. As such, the format and content of the output is fully customizable, which may be suitable for applications not requiring the consistent formatting offered by the print/sprint/do_print API. Fields declared in Utility Macros macros (`uvm_field_*), if used, will not automatically appear in calls to convert2string. An example implementation of convert2string follows. class base extends uvm_object; string field = "foo"; virtual function string convert2string(); convert2string = {"base_field=",field}; endfunction endclass class obj2 extends uvm_object; UVM 1.2 Class Reference 17 string field = "bar"; virtual function string convert2string(); convert2string = {"child_field=",field}; endfunction endclass class obj extends base; int addr = 'h123; int data = 'h456; bit write = 1; obj2 child = new; virtual function string convert2string(); convert2string = {super.convert2string(), $sformatf(" write=%0d addr=%8h data=%8h ",write,addr,data), child.convert2string()}; endfunction endclass Then, to display an object, you could write obj o = new; uvm_report_info("BusMaster",{"Sending:\n ",o.convert2string()}); The output will look similar to UVM_INFO @ 0: reporter [BusMaster] Sending: base_field=foo write=1 addr=00000123 data=00000456 child_field=bar REcORdING record function void record ( uvm_recorder recorder = null ) The record method deep-records this object’s properties according to an optional recorder policy. The method is not virtual and must not be overloaded. To include additional fields in the record operation, derived classes should override the do_record method. The optional recorder argument specifies the recording policy, which governs how recording takes place. See uvm_recorder for information. A simulator’s recording mechanism is vendor-specific. By providing access via a common interface, the uvm_recorder policy provides vendor-independent access to a simulator’s recording capabilities. do_record virtual function void do_record ( uvm_recorder recorder ) The do_record method is the user-definable hook called by the record method. A derived UVM 1.2 Class Reference 18 class should override this method to include its fields in a record operation. The recorder argument is policy object for recording this object. A do_record implementation should call the appropriate recorder methods for each of its fields. Vendor-specific recording implementations are encapsulated in the recorder policy, thereby insulating user-code from vendor-specific behavior. See uvm_recorder for more information. A typical implementation is as follows class mytype extends uvm_object; data_obj data; int f1; function void do_record (uvm_recorder recorder); recorder.record_field("f1", f1, $bits(f1), UVM_DEC); recorder.record_object("data", data); endfunction COpYING copy function void copy ( uvm_object rhs ) The copy makes this object a copy of the specified object. The copy method is not virtual and should not be overloaded in derived classes. To copy the fields of a derived class, that class should override the do_copy method. do_copy virtual function void do_copy ( uvm_object rhs ) The do_copy method is the user-definable hook called by the copy method. A derived class should override this method to include its fields in a copy operation. A typical implementation is as follows class mytype extends uvm_object; ... int f1; function void do_copy (uvm_object rhs); mytype rhs_; super.do_copy(rhs); $cast(rhs_,rhs); field_1 = rhs_.field_1; endfunction The implementation must call super.do_copy, and it must $cast the rhs argument to the derived type before copying. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 19 COMpARING compare function bit compare ( uvm_object rhs, uvm_comparer comparer = null ) Deep compares members of this data object with those of the object provided in the rhs (right-hand side) argument, returning 1 on a match, 0 otherwise. The compare method is not virtual and should not be overloaded in derived classes. To compare the fields of a derived class, that class should override the do_compare method. The optional comparer argument specifies the comparison policy. It allows you to control some aspects of the comparison operation. It also stores the results of the comparison, such as field-by-field miscompare information and the total number of miscompares. If a compare policy is not provided, then the global uvm_default_comparer policy is used. See uvm_comparer for more information. do_compare virtual function bit do_compare ( uvm_object rhs, uvm_comparer comparer ) The do_compare method is the user-definable hook called by the compare method. A derived class should override this method to include its fields in a compare operation. It should return 1 if the comparison succeeds, 0 otherwise. A typical implementation is as follows class mytype extends uvm_object; ... int f1; virtual function bit do_compare (uvm_object rhs,uvm_comparer comparer); mytype rhs_; do_compare = super.do_compare(rhs,comparer); $cast(rhs_,rhs); do_compare &= comparer.compare_field_int("f1", f1, rhs_.f1); endfunction A derived class implementation must call super.do_compare() to ensure its base class’ properties, if any, are included in the comparison. Also, the rhs argument is provided as a generic uvm_object. Thus, you must $cast it to the type of this object before comparing. The actual comparison should be implemented using the uvm_comparer object rather than direct field-by-field comparison. This enables users of your class to customize how comparisons are performed and how much miscompare information is collected. See uvm_comparer for more details. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 20 PAcKING pack function int pack ( ref bit bitstream[], input uvm_packer packer = null ) pack_bytes function int pack_bytes ( ref byte unsigned bytestream[], input uvm_packer packer = null ) pack_ints function int pack_ints ( ref int unsigned intstream[], = null input uvm_packer packer ) The pack methods bitwise-concatenate this object’s properties into an array of bits, bytes, or ints. The methods are not virtual and must not be overloaded. To include additional fields in the pack operation, derived classes should override the do_pack method. The optional packer argument specifies the packing policy, which governs the packing operation. If a packer policy is not provided, the global uvm_default_packer policy is used. See uvm_packer for more information. The return value is the total number of bits packed into the given array. Use the array’s built-in size method to get the number of bytes or ints consumed during the packing process. do_pack virtual function void do_pack ( uvm_packer packer ) The do_pack method is the user-definable hook called by the pack methods. A derived class should override this method to include its fields in a pack operation. The packer argument is the policy object for packing. The policy object should be used to pack objects. A typical example of an object packing itself is as follows class mysubtype extends mysupertype; ... shortint myshort; obj_type myobj; byte myarray[]; ... function void do_pack (uvm_packer packer); super.do_pack(packer); // pack mysupertype properties UVM 1.2 Class Reference 21 packer.pack_field_int(myarray.size(), 32); foreach (myarray) packer.pack_field_int(myarray[index], 8); packer.pack_field_int(myshort, $bits(myshort)); packer.pack_object(myobj); endfunction The implementation must call super.do_pack so that base class properties are packed as well. If your object contains dynamic data (object, string, queue, dynamic array, or associative array), and you intend to unpack into an equivalent data structure when unpacking, you must include meta-information about the dynamic data when packing as follows. For queues, dynamic arrays, or associative arrays, pack the number of elements in the array in the 32 bits immediately before packing individual elements, as shown above. For string data types, append a zero byte after packing the string contents. For objects, pack 4 bits immediately before packing the object. For null objects, pack 4’b0000. For non-null objects, pack 4’b0001. When the `uvm_field_* macros are used, Utility and Field Macros for Components and Objects, the above meta information is included provided the uvm_packer::use_metadata variable is set for the packer. Packing order does not need to match declaration order. However, unpacking order must match packing order. UNpAcKING unpack function int unpack ( ref bit bitstream[], = null input uvm_packer packer ) unpack_bytes function int unpack_bytes ( ref byte unsigned bytestream[], input uvm_packer packer = null ) unpack_ints function int unpack_ints ( ref int unsigned intstream[], = null input uvm_packer packer ) The unpack methods extract property values from an array of bits, bytes, or ints. The method of unpacking must exactly correspond to the method of packing. This is assured if (a) the same packer policy is used to pack and unpack, and (b) the order of unpacking is the same as the order of packing used to create the input array. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 22 The unpack methods are fixed (non-virtual) entry points that are directly callable by the user. To include additional fields in the unpack operation, derived classes should override the do_unpack method. The optional packer argument specifies the packing policy, which governs both the pack and unpack operation. If a packer policy is not provided, then the global uvm_default_packer policy is used. See uvm_packer for more information. The return value is the actual number of bits unpacked from the given array. do_unpack virtual function void do_unpack ( uvm_packer packer ) The do_unpack method is the user-definable hook called by the unpack method. A derived class should override this method to include its fields in an unpack operation. The packer argument is the policy object for both packing and unpacking. It must be the same packer used to pack the object into bits. Also, do_unpack must unpack fields in the same order in which they were packed. See uvm_packer for more information. The following implementation corresponds to the example given in do_pack. function void do_unpack (uvm_packer packer); int sz; super.do_unpack(packer); // unpack super's properties sz = packer.unpack_field_int(myarray.size(), 32); myarray.delete(); for(int index=0; index’. It is worth noting that environments that exclusively use the type-based factory methods (*_by_type) do not require type registration. The factory’s type-based methods will register the types involved “on the fly,” when first used. However, registering with the `uvm_*_utils macros enables name-based factory usage and implements some useful utility functions. 2 -- Designing components that defer creation to the factory Having registered your objects and components with the factory, you can now make requests for new objects and components via the factory. Using the factory instead of allocating them directly (via new) allows different objects to be substituted for the original without modifying the requesting class. The following code defines a driver class that is parameterized. class driverB #(type T=uvm_object) extends uvm_driver; // parameterized classes must use the _param_utils version `uvm_component_param_utils(driverB #(T)) // our packet type; this can be overridden via the factory T pkt; UVM 1.2 Class Reference 120 // standard component constructor function new(string name, uvm_component parent=null); super.new(name,parent); endfunction // get_type_name not implemented by macro for parameterized classes const static string type_name = {"driverB #(",T::type_name,")"}; virtual function string get_type_name(); return type_name; endfunction // using the factory allows pkt overrides from outside the class virtual function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase); pkt = packet::type_id::create("pkt",this); endfunction // print the packet so we can confirm its type when printing virtual function void do_print(uvm_printer printer); printer.print_object("pkt",pkt); endfunction endclass For purposes of illustrating type and instance overrides, we define two subtypes of the driverB class. The subtypes are also parameterized, so we must again provide an implementation for uvm_object::get_type_name, which we recommend writing in terms of a static string constant. class driverD1 #(type T=uvm_object) extends driverB #(T); `uvm_component_param_utils(driverD1 #(T)) function new(string name, uvm_component parent=null); super.new(name,parent); endfunction const static string type_name = {"driverD1 #(",T::type_name,")"}; virtual function string get_type_name(); ...return type_name; endfunction endclass class driverD2 #(type T=uvm_object) extends driverB #(T); `uvm_component_param_utils(driverD2 #(T)) function new(string name, uvm_component parent=null); super.new(name,parent); endfunction const static string type_name = {"driverD2 #(",T::type_name,")"}; virtual function string get_type_name(); return type_name; endfunction endclass // typedef some specializations for convenience typedef driverB #(packet) B_driver; // the base driver typedef driverD1 #(packet) D1_driver; // a derived driver typedef driverD2 #(packet) D2_driver; // another derived driver Next, we’ll define a agent component, which requires a utils macro for nonparameterized types. Before creating the drivers using the factory, we override driver0’s packet type to be packetD. class agent extends uvm_agent; `uvm_component_utils(agent) ... B_driver driver0; B_driver driver1; function new(string name, uvm_component parent=null); super.new(name,parent); endfunction virtual function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase); UVM 1.2 Class Reference 121 // override the packet type for driver0 and below packet::type_id::set_inst_override(packetD::get_type(),"driver0.*"); // create using the factory; actual driver types may be different driver0 = B_driver::type_id::create("driver0",this); driver1 = B_driver::type_id::create("driver1",this); endfunction endclass Finally we define an environment class, also not parameterized. Its build_phase method shows three methods for setting an instance override on a grandchild component with relative path name, agent1.driver1, all equivalent. class env extends uvm_env; `uvm_component_utils(env) agent agent0; agent agent1; function new(string name, uvm_component parent=null); super.new(name,parent); endfunction virtual function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase); // three methods to set an instance override for agent1.driver1 // - via component convenience method... set_inst_override_by_type("agent1.driver1", B_driver::get_type(), D2_driver::get_type()); // - via the component's proxy (same approach as create)... B_driver::type_id::set_inst_override(D2_driver::get_type(), "agent1.driver1",this); // - via a direct call to a factory method... factory.set_inst_override_by_type(B_driver::get_type(), D2_driver::get_type(), {get_full_name(),".agent1.driver1"}); // create agents using the factory; actual agent types may be different agent0 = agent::type_id::create("agent0",this); agent1 = agent::type_id::create("agent1",this); endfunction // at end_of_elaboration, print topology and factory state to verify virtual function void end_of_elaboration_phase(uvm_phase phase); uvm_top.print_topology(); endfunction virtual task run_phase(uvm_phase phase); #100 global_stop_request(); endfunction endclass 3 -- Configuring the factory with type and instance overrides In the previous step, we demonstrated setting instance overrides and creating components using the factory within component classes. Here, we will demonstrate setting overrides from outside components, as when initializing the environment prior to running the test. module top; env env0; initial begin // Being registered first, the following overrides take precedence // over any overrides made within env0's construction & build. // Replace all base drivers with derived drivers... UVM 1.2 Class Reference 122 B_driver::type_id::set_type_override(D_driver::get_type()); // ...except for agent0.driver0, whose type remains a base driver. // (Both methods below have the equivalent result.) // - via the component's proxy (preferred) B_driver::type_id::set_inst_override(B_driver::get_type(), "env0.agent0.driver0"); // - via a direct call to a factory method factory.set_inst_override_by_type(B_driver::get_type(), B_driver::get_type(), {get_full_name(),"env0.agent0.driver0"}); // now, create the environment; our factory configuration will // govern what topology gets created env0 = new("env0"); // run the test (will execute build phase) run_test(); end endmodule When the above example is run, the resulting topology (displayed via a call to uvm_root::print_topology in env’s uvm_component::end_of_elaboration_phase method) is similar to the following: # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # UVM_INFO @ 0 [RNTST] Running test ... UVM_INFO @ 0 [UVMTOP] UVM testbench topology: ---------------------------------------------------------------------Name Type Size Value ---------------------------------------------------------------------env0 env env0@2 agent0 agent agent0@4 driver0 driverB #(packet) driver0@8 pkt packet pkt@21 driver1 driverD #(packet) driver1@14 pkt packet pkt@23 agent1 agent agent1@6 driver0 driverD #(packet) driver0@24 pkt packet pkt@37 driver1 driverD2 #(packet) driver1@30 pkt packet pkt@39 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- uvm_object_wrapper The uvm_object_wrapper provides an abstract interface for creating object and component proxies. Instances of these lightweight proxies, representing every uvm_object-based and uvm_component-based object available in the test environment, are registered with the uvm_factory. When the factory is called upon to create an object or component, it finds and delegates the request to the appropriate proxy. Summary uvm_object_wrapper The uvm_object_wrapper provides an abstract interface for creating object and component proxies. CLAss DEcLARATION virtual class uvm_object_wrapper METHOds UVM 1.2 Class Reference 123 create_object create_component get_type_name Creates a new object with the optional name. Creates a new component, passing to its constructor the given name and parent. Derived classes implement this method to return the type name of the object created by create_component or create_object. METHOds create_object virtual function uvm_object create_object ( string name = "" ) Creates a new object with the optional name. An object proxy (e.g., uvm_object_registry #(T,Tname)) implements this method to create an object of a specific type, T. create_component virtual function uvm_component create_component ( string name, uvm_component parent ) Creates a new component, passing to its constructor the given name and parent. A component proxy (e.g. uvm_component_registry #(T,Tname)) implements this method to create a component of a specific type, T. get_type_name pure virtual function string get_type_name() Derived classes implement this method to return the type name of the object created by create_component or create_object. The factory uses this name when matching against the requested type in name-based lookups. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 124 9. Phasing Overview UVM implements an automated mechanism for phasing the execution of the various components in a testbench. Summary Phasing Overview UVM implements an automated mechanism for phasing the execution of the various components in a testbench. Phasing Implementation The API described here provides a general purpose testbench phasing solution, consisting of a phaser machine, traversing a master schedule graph, which is built by the integrator from one or more instances of template schedules provided by UVM or by 3rd-party VIP, and which supports implicit or explicit synchronization, runtime control of threads and jumps. Each schedule leaf node refers to a single phase that is compatible with that VIP’s components and which executes the required behavior via a functor or delegate extending the phase into component context as required. Execution threads are tracked on a per-component basis. Class hierarchy A single class represents both the definition, the state, and the context of a phase. It is instantiated once as a singleton IMP and one or more times as nodes in a graph which represents serial and parallel phase relationships and stores current state as the phaser progresses, and the phase implementation which specifies required component behavior (by extension into component context if non-default behavior required.) The following classes related to phasing are defined herein uvm_phase : The base class for defining a phase’s behavior, state, context UVM 1.2 Class Reference 125 uvm_domain : Phasing schedule node representing an independent branch of the schedule uvm_bottomup_phase : A phase implementation for bottom up function phases. uvm_topdown_phase : A phase implementation for topdown function phases. uvm_task_phase : A phase implementation for task phases. Common, Run-Time and User-Defined Phases The common phases to all uvm_components are described in UVM Common Phases. The run-time phases are described in UVM Run-Time Phases. The ability to create user-defined phases is described User-Defined Phases. Summary Phasing Implementation The API described here provides a general purpose testbench phasing solution, consisting of a phaser machine, traversing a master schedule graph, which is built by the integrator from one or more instances of template schedules provided by UVM or by 3rd-party VIP, and which supports implicit or explicit synchronization, runtime control of threads and jumps. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 126 9.1 Phasing Definition classes The following class are used to specify a phase and its implied functionality. Contents Phasing Definition classes The following class are used to specify a phase and its implied functionality. uvm_phase This base class defines everything about a phase: behavior, state, and context. Phase state transition descriptor. This class defines a callback method that is invoked by the phaser during the execution of a specific node in the phase graph or all phase nodes. Convenience type for the uvm_callbacks#(uvm_phase, uvm_phase_cb) class. uvm_phase_state_change uvm_phase_cb uvm_phase_cb_pool uvm_phase This base class defines everything about a phase: behavior, state, and context. To define behavior, it is extended by UVM or the user to create singleton objects which capture the definition of what the phase does and how it does it. These are then cloned to produce multiple nodes which are hooked up in a graph structure to provide context: which phases follow which, and to hold the state of the phase throughout its lifetime. UVM provides default extensions of this class for the standard runtime phases. VIP Providers can likewise extend this class to define the phase functor for a particular component context as required. This base class defines everything about a phase: behavior, state, and context. To define behavior, it is extended by UVM or the user to create singleton objects which capture the definition of what the phase does and how it does it. These are then cloned to produce multiple nodes which are hooked up in a graph structure to provide context: which phases follow which, and to hold the state of the phase throughout its lifetime. UVM provides default extensions of this class for the standard runtime phases. VIP Providers can likewise extend this class to define the phase functor for a particular component context as required. Phase Definition Singleton instances of those extensions are provided as package variables. These instances define the attributes of the phase (not what state it is in) They are then cloned into schedule nodes which point back to one of these implementations, and calls its virtual task or function methods on each participating component. It is the base class for phase functors, for both predefined and user-defined phases. Per-component overrides can use a customized imp. To create custom phases, do not extend uvm_phase directly: see the three predefined extended classes below which encapsulate behavior for different phase types: task, bottom-up function and top-down function. Extend the appropriate one of these to create a uvm_YOURNAME_phase class (or YOURPREFIX_NAME_phase class) for each phase, containing the default implementation UVM 1.2 Class Reference 127 of the new phase, which must be a uvm_component-compatible delegate, and which may be a null implementation. Instantiate a singleton instance of that class for your code to use when a phase handle is required. If your custom phase depends on methods that are not in uvm_component, but are within an extended class, then extend the base YOURPREFIX_NAME_phase class with parameterized component class context as required, to create a specialized functor which calls your extended component class methods. This scheme ensures compile-safety for your extended component classes while providing homogeneous base types for APIs and underlying data structures. Phase Context A schedule is a coherent group of one or mode phase/state nodes linked together by a graph structure, allowing arbitrary linear/parallel relationships to be specified, and executed by stepping through them in the graph order. Each schedule node points to a phase and holds the execution state of that phase, and has optional links to other nodes for synchronization. The main operations are: construct, add phases, and instantiate hierarchically within another schedule. Structure is a DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph). Each instance is a node connected to others to form the graph. Hierarchy is overlaid with m_parent. Each node in the graph has zero or more successors, and zero or more predecessors. No nodes are completely isolated from others. Exactly one node has zero predecessors. This is the root node. Also the graph is acyclic, meaning for all nodes in the graph, by following the forward arrows you will never end up back where you started but you will eventually reach a node that has no successors. Phase State A given phase may appear multiple times in the complete phase graph, due to the multiple independent domain feature, and the ability for different VIP to customize their own phase schedules perhaps reusing existing phases. Each node instance in the graph maintains its own state of execution. Phase Handle Handles of this type uvm_phase are used frequently in the API, both by the user, to access phasing-specific API, and also as a parameter to some APIs. In many cases, the singleton phase handles can be used (eg. uvm_run_phase::get()) in APIs. For those APIs that need to look up that phase in the graph, this is done automatically. Summary uvm_phase This base class defines everything about a phase: behavior, state, and context. CLAss HIERARchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_phase CLAss DEcLARATION class uvm_phase extends uvm_object CONsTRUcTION new UVM 1.2 Class Reference Create a new phase node, with a name and a note of its type name - name of 128 get_phase_type STATE get_state get_run_count find_by_name find is is_before is_after CALLBAcKs exec_func exec_task SchEdULE add get_parent get_full_name get_schedule get_schedule_name get_domain get_imp get_domain_name get_adjacent_predecessor_nodes get_adjacent_successor_nodes PhAsE DONE OBJEcTION get_objection raise_objection drop_objection get_objection_count UVM 1.2 Class Reference this phase type - a value in uvm_phase_type Returns the phase type as defined by uvm_phase_type Accessor to return current state of this phase Accessor to return the integer number of times this phase has executed Locate a phase node with the specified name and return its handle. Locate the phase node with the specified phase IMP and return its handle. returns 1 if the containing uvm_phase refers to the same phase as the phase argument, 0 otherwise Returns 1 if the containing uvm_phase refers to a phase that is earlier than the phase argument, 0 otherwise returns 1 if the containing uvm_phase refers to a phase that is later than the phase argument, 0 otherwise Implements the functor/delegate functionality for a function phase type comp - the component to execute the functionality upon phase - the phase schedule that originated this phase call Implements the functor/delegate functionality for a task phase type comp - the component to execute the functionality upon phase - the phase schedule that originated this phase call Build up a schedule structure inserting phase by phase, specifying linkage Returns the parent schedule node, if any, for hierarchical graph traversal Returns the full path from the enclosing domain down to this node. Returns the topmost parent schedule node, if any, for hierarchical graph traversal Returns the schedule name associated with this phase node Returns the enclosing domain Returns the phase implementation for this this node. Returns the domain name associated with this phase node Provides an array of nodes which are predecessors to this phase node. Provides an array of nodes which are successors to this phase node. Task-based phase nodes within the phasing graph provide a uvm_objection based interface for prolonging the execution of the phase. Return the uvm_objection that gates the termination of the phase. Raise an objection to ending this phase Provides components with greater control over the phase flow for processes which are not implicit objectors to the phase. Drop an objection to ending this phase Returns the current number of objections 129 to ending this phase raised by the given object. SYNchRONIZATION sync unsync wait_for_state The functions ‘sync’ and ‘unsync’ add soft sync relationships between nodes Synchronize two domains, fully or partially Remove synchronization between two domains, fully or partially Wait until this phase compares with the given state and op operand. JUMpING jump set_jump_phase end_prematurely get_jump_target Jump to a specified phase. Specify a phase to transition to when phase is complete. Set a flag to cause the phase to end prematurely. Return handle to the target phase of the current jump, or null if no jump is in progress. CONsTRUcTION new function new( string name = "uvm_phase", uvm_phase_type phase_type = UVM_PHASE_SCHEDULE, uvm_phase parent = null ) Create a new phase node, with a name and a note of its type name - name of this phase type - a value in uvm_phase_type get_phase_type function uvm_phase_type get_phase_type() Returns the phase type as defined by uvm_phase_type STATE get_state function uvm_phase_state get_state() Accessor to return current state of this phase get_run_count function int get_run_count() UVM 1.2 Class Reference 130 Accessor to return the integer number of times this phase has executed find_by_name function uvm_phase find_by_name( string name, bit stay_in_scope = 1 ) Locate a phase node with the specified name and return its handle. With stay_in_scope set, searches only within this phase’s schedule or domain. find function uvm_phase find( uvm_phase phase, bit stay_in_scope = 1 ) Locate the phase node with the specified phase IMP and return its handle. With stay_in_scope set, searches only within this phase’s schedule or domain. is function bit is( uvm_phase phase ) returns 1 if the containing uvm_phase refers to the same phase as the phase argument, 0 otherwise is_before function bit is_before( uvm_phase phase ) Returns 1 if the containing uvm_phase refers to a phase that is earlier than the phase argument, 0 otherwise is_after function bit is_after( uvm_phase phase ) returns 1 if the containing uvm_phase refers to a phase that is later than the phase argument, 0 otherwise CALLBAcKs UVM 1.2 Class Reference 131 exec_func virtual function void exec_func( uvm_component comp, uvm_phase phase ) Implements the functor/delegate functionality for a function phase type comp - the component to execute the functionality upon phase - the phase schedule that originated this phase call exec_task virtual task exec_task( uvm_component comp, uvm_phase phase ) Implements the functor/delegate functionality for a task phase type comp - the component to execute the functionality upon phase - the phase schedule that originated this phase call SchEdULE add function void add( uvm_phase phase, = null, uvm_phase with_phase uvm_phase after_phase = null, uvm_phase before_phase = null ) Build up a schedule structure inserting phase by phase, specifying linkage Phases can be added anywhere, in series or parallel with existing nodes phase handle of singleton derived imp containing actual functor. by default the new phase is appended to the schedule with_phase specify to add the new phase in parallel with this one after_phase specify to add the new phase as successor to this one before_phase specify to add the new phase as predecessor to this one get_parent function uvm_phase get_parent() Returns the parent schedule node, if any, for hierarchical graph traversal get_full_name virtual function string get_full_name() UVM 1.2 Class Reference 132 Returns the full path from the enclosing domain down to this node. The singleton IMP phases have no hierarchy. get_schedule function uvm_phase get_schedule( bit hier = 0 ) Returns the topmost parent schedule node, if any, for hierarchical graph traversal get_schedule_name function string get_schedule_name( bit hier = 0 ) Returns the schedule name associated with this phase node get_domain function uvm_domain get_domain() Returns the enclosing domain get_imp function uvm_phase get_imp() Returns the phase implementation for this this node. Returns null if this phase type is not a UVM_PHASE_LEAF_NODE. get_domain_name function string get_domain_name() Returns the domain name associated with this phase node get_adjacent_predecessor_nodes function void get_adjacent_predecessor_nodes( ref uvm_phase pred[] ) Provides an array of nodes which are predecessors to this phase node. A ‘predecessor node’ is defined as any phase node which lies prior to this node in the phase graph, with no nodes between this node and the predecessor node. get_adjacent_successor_nodes UVM 1.2 Class Reference 133 function void get_adjacent_successor_nodes( ref uvm_phase succ[] ) Provides an array of nodes which are successors to this phase node. A ‘successor’s node’ is defined as any phase node which comes after this node in the phase graph, with no nodes between this node and the successor node. PhAsE DONE OBJEcTION Task-based phase nodes within the phasing graph provide a uvm_objection based interface for prolonging the execution of the phase. All other phase types do not contain an objection, and will report a fatal error if the user attempts to raise, drop, or get_objection_count. get_objection function uvm_objection get_objection() Return the uvm_objection that gates the termination of the phase. raise_objection virtual function void raise_objection ( uvm_object obj, description = "", string int count = 1 ) Raise an objection to ending this phase Provides components with greater control over the phase flow for processes which are not implicit objectors to the phase. while(1) begin some_phase.raise_objection(this); ... some_phase.drop_objection(this); end ... drop_objection virtual function void drop_objection ( uvm_object obj, description = "", string int count = 1 ) Drop an objection to ending this phase The drop is expected to be matched with an earlier raise. get_objection_count UVM 1.2 Class Reference 134 virtual function int get_objection_count( uvm_object obj = null ) Returns the current number of objections to ending this phase raised by the given object. SYNchRONIZATION The functions ‘sync’ and ‘unsync’ add soft sync relationships between nodes Summary of usage my_phase.sync(.target(domain) [,.phase(phase)[,.with_phase(phase)]]); my_phase.unsync(.target(domain) [,.phase(phase)[,.with_phase(phase)]]); Components in different schedule domains can be phased independently or in sync with each other. An API is provided to specify synchronization rules between any two domains. Synchronization can be done at any of three levels: the domain’s whole phase schedule can be synchronized a phase can be specified, to sync that phase with a matching counterpart or a more detailed arbitrary synchronization between any two phases Each kind of synchronization causes the same underlying data structures to be managed. Like other APIs, we use the parameter dot-notation to set optional parameters. When a domain is synced with another domain, all of the matching phases in the two domains get a ‘with’ relationship between them. Likewise, if a domain is unsynched, all of the matching phases that have a ‘with’ relationship have the dependency removed. It is possible to sync two domains and then just remove a single phase from the dependency relationship by unsyncing just the one phase. sync function void uvm_domain uvm_phase uvm_phase ) sync( target, phase = null, with_phase = null Synchronize two domains, fully or partially target handle of target domain to synchronize this one to phase optional single phase in this domain to synchronize, otherwise sync all with_phase optional different target-domain phase to synchronize with, otherwise use phase in the target domain unsync UVM 1.2 Class Reference 135 function void uvm_domain uvm_phase uvm_phase ) unsync( target, phase = null, with_phase = null Remove synchronization between two domains, fully or partially target handle of target domain to remove synchronization from phase optional single phase in this domain to un-synchronize, otherwise unsync all with_phase optional different target-domain phase to un-synchronize with, otherwise use phase in the target domain wait_for_state task wait_for_state( uvm_phase_state state, uvm_wait_op op = UVM_EQ ) Wait until this phase compares with the given state and op operand. For UVM_EQ and UVM_NE operands, several uvm_phase_states can be supplied by ORing their enum constants, in which case the caller will wait until the phase state is any of (UVM_EQ) or none of (UVM_NE) the provided states. To wait for the phase to be at the started state or after wait_for_state(UVM_PHASE_STARTED, UVM_GTE); To wait for the phase to be either started or executing wait_for_state(UVM_PHASE_STARTED | UVM_PHASE_EXECUTING, UVM_EQ); JUMpING jump function void jump( uvm_phase phase ) Jump to a specified phase. If the destination phase is within the current phase schedule, a simple local jump takes place. If the jump-to phase is outside of the current schedule then the jump affects other schedules which share the phase. set_jump_phase function void set_jump_phase( uvm_phase phase UVM 1.2 Class Reference 136 ) Specify a phase to transition to when phase is complete. Note that this function is part of what jump() does; unlike jump() it does not set the flag to terminate the phase prematurely. end_prematurely function void end_prematurely() Set a flag to cause the phase to end prematurely. Note that this function is part of what jump() does; unlike jump() it does not set a jump_phase to go to after the phase ends. get_jump_target function uvm_phase get_jump_target() Return handle to the target phase of the current jump, or null if no jump is in progress. Valid for use during the phase_ended() callback uvm_phase_state_change Phase state transition descriptor. Used to describe the phase transition that caused a uvm_phase_state_changed() callback to be invoked. Summary uvm_phase_state_change Phase state transition descriptor. CLAss HIERARchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_phase_state_change CLAss DEcLARATION class uvm_phase_state_change extends uvm_object METhOds get_state() get_prev_state() jump_to() Returns the state the phase just transitioned to. Returns the state the phase just transitioned from. If the current state is UVM_PHASE_ENDED or UVM_PHASE_JUMPING because of a phase jump, returns the phase that is the target of jump. METhOds UVM 1.2 Class Reference 137 get_state() virtual function uvm_phase_state get_state() Returns the state the phase just transitioned to. Functionally equivalent to uvm_phase::get_state(). get_prev_state() virtual function uvm_phase_state get_prev_state() Returns the state the phase just transitioned from. jump_to() function uvm_phase jump_to() If the current state is UVM_PHASE_ENDED or UVM_PHASE_JUMPING because of a phase jump, returns the phase that is the target of jump. Returns null otherwise. uvm_phase_cb This class defines a callback method that is invoked by the phaser during the execution of a specific node in the phase graph or all phase nodes. User-defined callback extensions can be used to integrate data types that are not natively phase-aware with the UVM phasing. Summary uvm_phase_cb This class defines a callback method that is invoked by the phaser during the execution of a specific node in the phase graph or all phase nodes. CLAss HIERARchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_callback uvm_phase_cb CLAss DEcLARATION class uvm_phase_cb extends uvm_callback METhOds new phase_state_change UVM 1.2 Class Reference Constructor Called whenever a phase changes state. 138 METhOds new function new( string name = "unnamed-uvm_phase_cb" ) Constructor phase_state_change virtual function void phase_state_change( uvm_phase phase, uvm_phase_state_change change ) Called whenever a phase changes state. The change descriptor describes the transition that was just completed. The callback method is invoked immediately after the phase state has changed, but before the phase implementation is executed. An extension may interact with the phase, such as raising the phase objection to prolong the phase, in a manner that is consistent with the current phase state. By default, the callback method does nothing. Unless otherwise specified, modifying the phase transition descriptor has no effect on the phasing schedule or execution. uvm_phase_cb_pool Convenience type for the uvm_callbacks#(uvm_phase, uvm_phase_cb) class. Summary uvm_phase_cb_pool Convenience type for the uvm_callbacks#(uvm_phase, uvm_phase_cb) class. CLAss DEcLARATION typedef uvm_callbacks#( uvm_phase, uvm_phase_cb ) uvm_phase_cb_pool UVM 1.2 Class Reference 139 9.2 uvm_domain Phasing schedule node representing an independent branch of the schedule. Handle used to assign domains to components or hierarchies in the testbench Summary uvm_domain Phasing schedule node representing an independent branch of the schedule. CLAss HIERARchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_phase uvm_domain CLAss DEcLARATION class uvm_domain extends uvm_phase METhOds get_domains get_uvm_schedule get_common_domain add_uvm_phases get_uvm_domain new jump Provides a list of all domains in the provided domains argument. Get the “UVM” schedule, which consists of the runtime phases that all components execute when participating in the “UVM” domain. Get the “common” domain, which consists of the common phases that all components execute in sync with each other. Appends to the given schedule the built-in UVM phases. Get a handle to the singleton uvm domain Create a new instance of a phase domain. jumps all active phases of this domain to to-phase if there is a path between active-phase and to-phase METhOds get_domains static function void get_domains( output uvm_domain domains[string] ) Provides a list of all domains in the provided domains argument. get_uvm_schedule static function uvm_phase get_uvm_schedule() Get the “UVM” schedule, which consists of the run-time phases that all components UVM 1.2 Class Reference 140 execute when participating in the “UVM” domain. get_common_domain static function uvm_domain get_common_domain() Get the “common” domain, which consists of the common phases that all components execute in sync with each other. Phases in the “common” domain are build, connect, end_of_elaboration, start_of_simulation, run, extract, check, report, and final. add_uvm_phases static function void add_uvm_phases( uvm_phase schedule ) Appends to the given schedule the built-in UVM phases. get_uvm_domain static function uvm_domain get_uvm_domain() Get a handle to the singleton uvm domain new function new( string name ) Create a new instance of a phase domain. jump function void jump( uvm_phase phase ) jumps all active phases of this domain to to-phase if there is a path between activephase and to-phase UVM 1.2 Class Reference 141 9.3 uvm_bottomup_phase Virtual base class for function phases that operate bottom-up. The pure virtual function execute() is called for each component. This is the default traversal so is included only for naming. A bottom-up function phase completes when the execute() method has been called and returned on all applicable components in the hierarchy. Summary uvm_bottomup_phase Virtual base class for function phases that operate bottom-up. CLAss HIERARchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_phase uvm_bottomup_phase CLAss DEcLARATION virtual class uvm_bottomup_phase extends uvm_phase METhOds new traverse execute Create a new instance of a bottom-up phase. Traverses the component tree in bottom-up order, calling execute for each component. Executes the bottom-up phase phase for the component comp. METhOds new function new( string name ) Create a new instance of a bottom-up phase. traverse virtual function void traverse( uvm_component comp, uvm_phase phase, uvm_phase_state state ) Traverses the component tree in bottom-up order, calling execute for each component. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 142 execute virtual function void execute( uvm_component comp, uvm_phase phase ) Executes the bottom-up phase phase for the component comp. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 143 9.4 uvm_task_phase Base class for all task phases. It forks a call to uvm_phase::exec_task() for each component in the hierarchy. The completion of the task does not imply, nor is it required for, the end of phase. Once the phase completes, any remaining forked uvm_phase::exec_task() threads are forcibly and immediately killed. By default, the way for a task phase to extend over time is if there is at least one component that raises an objection. class my_comp extends uvm_component; task main_phase(uvm_phase phase); phase.raise_objection(this, "Applying stimulus") ... phase.drop_objection(this, "Applied enough stimulus") endtask endclass There is however one scenario wherein time advances within a task-based phase without any objections to the phase being raised. If two (or more) phases share a common successor, such as the uvm_run_phase and the uvm_post_shutdown_phase sharing the uvm_extract_phase as a successor, then phase advancement is delayed until all predecessors of the common successor are ready to proceed. Because of this, it is possible for time to advance between uvm_component::phase_started and uvm_component::phase_ended of a task phase without any participants in the phase raising an objection. Summary uvm_task_phase Base class for all task phases. CLAss HIERARchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_phase uvm_task_phase CLAss DEcLARATION virtual class uvm_task_phase extends uvm_phase METhOds new traverse execute Create a new instance of a task-based phase Traverses the component tree in bottom-up order, calling execute for each component. Fork the task-based phase phase for the component comp. METhOds UVM 1.2 Class Reference 144 new function new( string name ) Create a new instance of a task-based phase traverse virtual function void traverse( uvm_component comp, uvm_phase phase, uvm_phase_state state ) Traverses the component tree in bottom-up order, calling execute for each component. The actual order for task-based phases doesn’t really matter, as each component task is executed in a separate process whose starting order is not deterministic. execute virtual function void execute( uvm_component comp, uvm_phase phase ) Fork the task-based phase phase for the component comp. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 145 9.5 uvm_topdown_phase Virtual base class for function phases that operate top-down. The pure virtual function execute() is called for each component. A top-down function phase completes when the execute() method has been called and returned on all applicable components in the hierarchy. Summary uvm_topdown_phase Virtual base class for function phases that operate top-down. CLAss HIERARchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_phase uvm_topdown_phase CLAss DEcLARATION virtual class uvm_topdown_phase extends uvm_phase METhOds new traverse execute Create a new instance of a top-down phase Traverses the component tree in top-down order, calling execute for each component. Executes the top-down phase phase for the component comp. METhOds new function new( string name ) Create a new instance of a top-down phase traverse virtual function void traverse( uvm_component comp, uvm_phase phase, uvm_phase_state state ) Traverses the component tree in top-down order, calling execute for each component. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 146 execute virtual function void execute( uvm_component comp, uvm_phase phase ) Executes the top-down phase phase for the component comp. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 147 9.6 UVM Common Phases The common phases are the set of function and task phases that all uvm_components execute together. All uvm_components are always synchronized with respect to the common phases. The names of the UVM phases (which will be returned by get_name() for a phase instance) match the class names specified below with the “uvm_” and “_phase” removed. For example, the build phase corresponds to the uvm_build_phase class below and has the name “build”, which means that the following can be used to call foo() at the end of the build phase (after all lower levels have finished build): function void phase_ended(uvm_phase phase) ; if (phase.get_name()=="build") foo() ; endfunction The common phases are executed in the sequence they are specified below. Contents UVM Common Phases The common phases are the set of function and task phases that all uvm_components execute together. uvm_build_phase uvm_connect_phase uvm_end_of_elaboration_phase uvm_start_of_simulation_phase uvm_run_phase uvm_extract_phase Create and configure of testbench structure Establish cross-component connections. Fine-tune the testbench. Get ready for DUT to be simulated. Stimulate the DUT. Extract data from different points of the verification environment. Check for any unexpected conditions in the verification environment. Report results of the test. Tie up loose ends. uvm_check_phase uvm_report_phase uvm_final_phase uvm_build_phase Create and configure of testbench structure uvm_topdown_phase that calls the uvm_component::build_phase method. Upon entry The top-level components have been instantiated under uvm_root. Current simulation time is still equal to 0 but some “delta cycles” may have occurred Typical Uses Instantiate sub-components. Instantiate register model. Get configuration values for the component being built. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 148 Set configuration values for sub-components. Exit Criteria All uvm_components have been instantiated. Summary uvm_build_phase Create and configure of testbench structure CLAss HIeRARchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_phase uvm_topdown_phase uvm_build_phase CLAss DecLARAtION class uvm_build_phase extends uvm_topdown_phase MethOds get Returns the singleton phase handle MethOds get static function uvm_build_phase get() Returns the singleton phase handle uvm_connect_phase Establish cross-component connections. uvm_bottomup_phase that calls the uvm_component::connect_phase method. Upon Entry All components have been instantiated. Current simulation time is still equal to 0 but some “delta cycles” may have occurred. Typical Uses Connect TLM ports and exports. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 149 Connect TLM initiator sockets and target sockets. Connect register model to adapter components. Setup explicit phase domains. Exit Criteria All cross-component connections have been established. All independent phase domains are set. Summary uvm_connect_phase Establish cross-component connections. CLAss HIeRARchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_phase uvm_bottomup_phase uvm_connect_phase CLAss DecLARAtION class uvm_connect_phase extends uvm_bottomup_phase MethOds get Returns the singleton phase handle MethOds get static function uvm_connect_phase get() Returns the singleton phase handle uvm_end_of_elaboration_phase Fine-tune the testbench. uvm_bottomup_phase that calls the uvm_component::end_of_elaboration_phase method. Upon Entry The verification environment has been completely assembled. Current simulation time is still equal to 0 but some “delta cycles” may have occurred. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 150 Typical Uses Display environment topology. Open files. Define additional configuration settings for components. Exit Criteria None. Summary uvm_end_of_elaboration_phase Fine-tune the testbench. CLAss HIeRARchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_phase uvm_bottomup_phase uvm_end_of_elaboration_phase CLAss DecLARAtION class uvm_end_of_elaboration_phase extends uvm_bottomup_phase MethOds get Returns the singleton phase handle MethOds get static function uvm_end_of_elaboration_phase get() Returns the singleton phase handle uvm_start_of_simulation_phase Get ready for DUT to be simulated. uvm_bottomup_phase that calls the uvm_component::start_of_simulation_phase method. Upon Entry Other simulation engines, debuggers, hardware assisted platforms and all other run-time tools have been started and synchronized. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 151 The verification environment has been completely configured and is ready to start. Current simulation time is still equal to 0 but some “delta cycles” may have occurred. Typical Uses Display environment topology Set debugger breakpoint Set initial run-time configuration values. Exit Criteria None. Summary uvm_start_of_simulation_phase Get ready for DUT to be simulated. CLAss HIeRARchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_phase uvm_bottomup_phase uvm_start_of_simulation_phase CLAss DecLARAtION class uvm_start_of_simulation_phase extends uvm_bottomup_phase MethOds get Returns the singleton phase handle MethOds get static function uvm_start_of_simulation_phase get() Returns the singleton phase handle uvm_run_phase Stimulate the DUT. This uvm_task_phase calls the uvm_component::run_phase virtual method. This phase runs in parallel to the runtime phases, uvm_pre_reset_phase through UVM 1.2 Class Reference 152 uvm_post_shutdown_phase. All components in the testbench are synchronized with respect to the run phase regardless of the phase domain they belong to. Upon Entry Indicates that power has been applied. There should not have been any active clock edges before entry into this phase (e.g. x->1 transitions via initial blocks). Current simulation time is still equal to 0 but some “delta cycles” may have occurred. Typical Uses Components implement behavior that is exhibited for the entire run-time, across the various run-time phases. Backward compatibility with OVM. Exit Criteria The DUT no longer needs to be simulated, and The uvm_post_shutdown_phase is ready to end The run phase terminates in one of two ways. 1. All run_phase objections are dropped When all objections on the run_phase objection have been dropped, the phase ends and all of its threads are killed. If no component raises a run_phase objection immediately upon entering the phase, the phase ends immediately. 2. Timeout The phase ends if the timeout expires before all objections are dropped. By default, the timeout is set to 9200 seconds. You may override this via uvm_root::set_timeout. If a timeout occurs in your simulation, or if simulation never ends despite completion of your test stimulus, then it usually indicates that a component continues to object to the end of a phase. Summary uvm_run_phase Stimulate the DUT. CLAss HIeRARchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_phase uvm_task_phase uvm_run_phase CLAss DecLARAtION class uvm_run_phase extends uvm_task_phase MethOds UVM 1.2 Class Reference 153 get Returns the singleton phase handle MethOds get static function uvm_run_phase get() Returns the singleton phase handle uvm_extract_phase Extract data from different points of the verification environment. uvm_bottomup_phase that calls the uvm_component::extract_phase method. Upon Entry The DUT no longer needs to be simulated. Simulation time will no longer advance. Typical Uses Extract any remaining data and final state information from scoreboard and testbench components Probe the DUT (via zero-time hierarchical references and/or backdoor accesses) for final state information. Compute statistics and summaries. Display final state information Close files. Exit Criteria All data has been collected and summarized. Summary uvm_extract_phase Extract data from different points of the verification environment. CLAss HIeRARchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_phase uvm_bottomup_phase uvm_extract_phase UVM 1.2 Class Reference 154 CLAss DecLARAtION class uvm_extract_phase extends uvm_bottomup_phase MethOds get Returns the singleton phase handle MethOds get static function uvm_extract_phase get() Returns the singleton phase handle uvm_check_phase Check for any unexpected conditions in the verification environment. uvm_bottomup_phase that calls the uvm_component::check_phase method. Upon Entry All data has been collected. Typical Uses Check that no unaccounted-for data remain. Exit Criteria Test is known to have passed or failed. Summary uvm_check_phase Check for any unexpected conditions in the verification environment. CLAss HIeRARchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_phase uvm_bottomup_phase uvm_check_phase CLAss DecLARAtION class uvm_check_phase extends uvm_bottomup_phase MethOds UVM 1.2 Class Reference 155 get Returns the singleton phase handle MethOds get static function uvm_check_phase get() Returns the singleton phase handle uvm_report_phase Report results of the test. uvm_bottomup_phase that calls the uvm_component::report_phase method. Upon Entry Test is known to have passed or failed. Typical Uses Report test results. Write results to file. Exit Criteria End of test. Summary uvm_report_phase Report results of the test. CLAss HIeRARchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_phase uvm_bottomup_phase uvm_report_phase CLAss DecLARAtION class uvm_report_phase extends uvm_bottomup_phase MethOds get UVM 1.2 Class Reference Returns the singleton phase handle 156 MethOds get static function uvm_report_phase get() Returns the singleton phase handle uvm_final_phase Tie up loose ends. uvm_topdown_phase that calls the uvm_component::final_phase method. Upon Entry All test-related activity has completed. Typical Uses Close files. Terminate co-simulation engines. Exit Criteria Ready to exit simulator. Summary uvm_final_phase Tie up loose ends. CLAss HIeRARchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_phase uvm_topdown_phase uvm_final_phase CLAss DecLARAtION class uvm_final_phase extends uvm_topdown_phase MethOds get Returns the singleton phase handle MethOds UVM 1.2 Class Reference 157 get static function uvm_final_phase get() Returns the singleton phase handle UVM 1.2 Class Reference 158 9.7 UVM Run-Time Phases The run-time schedule is the pre-defined phase schedule which runs concurrently to the uvm_run_phase global run phase. By default, all uvm_components using the run-time schedule are synchronized with respect to the pre-defined phases in the schedule. It is possible for components to belong to different domains in which case their schedules can be unsynchronized. The names of the UVM phases (which will be returned by get_name() for a phase instance) match the class names specified below with the “uvm_” and “_phase” removed. For example, the main phase corresponds to the uvm_main_phase class below and has the name “main”, which means that the following can be used to call foo() at the start of main phase: function void phase_started(uvm_phase phase) ; if (phase.get_name()=="main") foo() ; endfunction The run-time phases are executed in the sequence they are specified below. Contents UVM Run-Time Phases The run-time schedule is the pre-defined phase schedule which runs concurrently to the uvm_run_phase global run phase. uvm_pre_reset_phase uvm_reset_phase uvm_post_reset_phase uvm_pre_configure_phase uvm_configure_phase uvm_post_configure_phase uvm_pre_main_phase uvm_main_phase uvm_post_main_phase uvm_pre_shutdown_phase uvm_shutdown_phase uvm_post_shutdown_phase Before reset is asserted. Reset is asserted. After reset is de-asserted. Before the DUT is configured by the SW. The SW configures the DUT. After the SW has configured the DUT. Before the primary test stimulus starts. Primary test stimulus. After enough of the primary test stimulus. Before things settle down. Letting things settle down. After things have settled down. uvm_pre_reset_phase Before reset is asserted. uvm_task_phase that calls the uvm_component::pre_reset_phase method. This phase starts at the same time as the uvm_run_phase unless a user defined phase is inserted in front of this phase. Upon Entry Indicates that power has been applied but not necessarily valid or stable. There should not have been any active clock edges before entry into this phase. Typical Uses UVM 1.2 Class Reference 159 Wait for power good. Components connected to virtual interfaces should initialize their output to X’s or Z’s. Initialize the clock signals to a valid value Assign reset signals to X (power-on reset). Wait for reset signal to be asserted if not driven by the verification environment. Exit Criteria Reset signal, if driven by the verification environment, is ready to be asserted. Reset signal, if not driven by the verification environment, is asserted. Summary uvm_pre_reset_phase Before reset is asserted. CLAss HIerArchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_phase uvm_task_phase uvm_pre_reset_phase CLAss DecLArAtION class uvm_pre_reset_phase extends uvm_task_phase MethOds get Returns the singleton phase handle MethOds get static function uvm_pre_reset_phase get() Returns the singleton phase handle uvm_reset_phase Reset is asserted. uvm_task_phase that calls the uvm_component::reset_phase method. Upon Entry UVM 1.2 Class Reference 160 Indicates that the hardware reset signal is ready to be asserted. Typical Uses Assert reset signals. Components connected to virtual interfaces should drive their output to their specified reset or idle value. Components and environments should initialize their state variables. Clock generators start generating active edges. De-assert the reset signal(s) just before exit. Wait for the reset signal(s) to be de-asserted. Exit Criteria Reset signal has just been de-asserted. Main or base clock is working and stable. At least one active clock edge has occurred. Output signals and state variables have been initialized. Summary uvm_reset_phase Reset is asserted. CLAss HIerArchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_phase uvm_task_phase uvm_reset_phase CLAss DecLArAtION class uvm_reset_phase extends uvm_task_phase MethOds get Returns the singleton phase handle MethOds get static function uvm_reset_phase get() Returns the singleton phase handle UVM 1.2 Class Reference 161 uvm_post_reset_phase After reset is de-asserted. uvm_task_phase that calls the uvm_component::post_reset_phase method. Upon Entry Indicates that the DUT reset signal has been de-asserted. Typical Uses Components should start behavior appropriate for reset being inactive. For example, components may start to transmit idle transactions or interface training and rate negotiation. This behavior typically continues beyond the end of this phase. Exit Criteria The testbench and the DUT are in a known, active state. Summary uvm_post_reset_phase After reset is de-asserted. CLAss HIerArchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_phase uvm_task_phase uvm_post_reset_phase CLAss DecLArAtION class uvm_post_reset_phase extends uvm_task_phase MethOds get Returns the singleton phase handle MethOds get static function uvm_post_reset_phase get() Returns the singleton phase handle uvm_pre_configure_phase UVM 1.2 Class Reference 162 Before the DUT is configured by the SW. uvm_task_phase that calls the uvm_component::pre_configure_phase method. Upon Entry Indicates that the DUT has been completed reset and is ready to be configured. Typical Uses Procedurally modify the DUT configuration information as described in the environment (and that will be eventually uploaded into the DUT). Wait for components required for DUT configuration to complete training and rate negotiation. Exit Criteria DUT configuration information is defined. Summary uvm_pre_configure_phase Before the DUT is configured by the SW. CLAss HIerArchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_phase uvm_task_phase uvm_pre_configure_phase CLAss DecLArAtION class uvm_pre_configure_phase extends uvm_task_phase MethOds get Returns the singleton phase handle MethOds get static function uvm_pre_configure_phase get() Returns the singleton phase handle uvm_configure_phase UVM 1.2 Class Reference 163 The SW configures the DUT. uvm_task_phase that calls the uvm_component::configure_phase method. Upon Entry Indicates that the DUT is ready to be configured. Typical Uses Components required for DUT configuration execute transactions normally. Set signals and program the DUT and memories (e.g. read/write operations and sequences) to match the desired configuration for the test and environment. Exit Criteria The DUT has been configured and is ready to operate normally. Summary uvm_configure_phase The SW configures the DUT. CLAss HIerArchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_phase uvm_task_phase uvm_configure_phase CLAss DecLArAtION class uvm_configure_phase extends uvm_task_phase MethOds get Returns the singleton phase handle MethOds get static function uvm_configure_phase get() Returns the singleton phase handle uvm_post_configure_phase After the SW has configured the DUT. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 164 uvm_task_phase that calls the uvm_component::post_configure_phase method. Upon Entry Indicates that the configuration information has been fully uploaded. Typical Uses Wait for configuration information to fully propagate and take effect. Wait for components to complete training and rate negotiation. Enable the DUT. Sample DUT configuration coverage. Exit Criteria The DUT has been fully configured and enabled and is ready to start operating normally. Summary uvm_post_configure_phase After the SW has configured the DUT. CLAss HIerArchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_phase uvm_task_phase uvm_post_configure_phase CLAss DecLArAtION class uvm_post_configure_phase extends uvm_task_phase MethOds get Returns the singleton phase handle MethOds get static function uvm_post_configure_phase get() Returns the singleton phase handle uvm_pre_main_phase Before the primary test stimulus starts. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 165 uvm_task_phase that calls the uvm_component::pre_main_phase method. Upon Entry Indicates that the DUT has been fully configured. Typical Uses Wait for components to complete training and rate negotiation. Exit Criteria All components have completed training and rate negotiation. All components are ready to generate and/or observe normal stimulus. Summary uvm_pre_main_phase Before the primary test stimulus starts. CLAss HIerArchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_phase uvm_task_phase uvm_pre_main_phase CLAss DecLArAtION class uvm_pre_main_phase extends uvm_task_phase MethOds get Returns the singleton phase handle MethOds get static function uvm_pre_main_phase get() Returns the singleton phase handle uvm_main_phase Primary test stimulus. uvm_task_phase that calls the uvm_component::main_phase method. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 166 Upon Entry The stimulus associated with the test objectives is ready to be applied. Typical Uses Components execute transactions normally. Data stimulus sequences are started. Wait for a time-out or certain amount of time, or completion of stimulus sequences. Exit Criteria Enough stimulus has been applied to meet the primary stimulus objective of the test. Summary uvm_main_phase Primary test stimulus. CLAss HIerArchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_phase uvm_task_phase uvm_main_phase CLAss DecLArAtION class uvm_main_phase extends uvm_task_phase MethOds get Returns the singleton phase handle MethOds get static function uvm_main_phase get() Returns the singleton phase handle uvm_post_main_phase After enough of the primary test stimulus. uvm_task_phase that calls the uvm_component::post_main_phase method. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 167 Upon Entry The primary stimulus objective of the test has been met. Typical Uses Included for symmetry. Exit Criteria None. Summary uvm_post_main_phase After enough of the primary test stimulus. CLAss HIerArchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_phase uvm_task_phase uvm_post_main_phase CLAss DecLArAtION class uvm_post_main_phase extends uvm_task_phase MethOds get Returns the singleton phase handle MethOds get static function uvm_post_main_phase get() Returns the singleton phase handle uvm_pre_shutdown_phase Before things settle down. uvm_task_phase that calls the uvm_component::pre_shutdown_phase method. Upon Entry None. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 168 Typical Uses Included for symmetry. Exit Criteria None. Summary uvm_pre_shutdown_phase Before things settle down. CLAss HIerArchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_phase uvm_task_phase uvm_pre_shutdown_phase CLAss DecLArAtION class uvm_pre_shutdown_phase extends uvm_task_phase MethOds get Returns the singleton phase handle MethOds get static function uvm_pre_shutdown_phase get() Returns the singleton phase handle uvm_shutdown_phase Letting things settle down. uvm_task_phase that calls the uvm_component::shutdown_phase method. Upon Entry None. Typical Uses Wait for all data to be drained out of the DUT. Extract data still buffered in the DUT, usually through read/write operations or UVM 1.2 Class Reference 169 sequences. Exit Criteria All data has been drained or extracted from the DUT. All interfaces are idle. Summary uvm_shutdown_phase Letting things settle down. CLAss HIerArchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_phase uvm_task_phase uvm_shutdown_phase CLAss DecLArAtION class uvm_shutdown_phase extends uvm_task_phase MethOds get Returns the singleton phase handle MethOds get static function uvm_shutdown_phase get() Returns the singleton phase handle uvm_post_shutdown_phase After things have settled down. uvm_task_phase that calls the uvm_component::post_shutdown_phase method. The end of this phase is synchronized to the end of the uvm_run_phase phase unless a user defined phase is added after this phase. Upon Entry No more “data” stimulus is applied to the DUT. Typical Uses Perform final checks that require run-time access to the DUT (e.g. read accounting UVM 1.2 Class Reference 170 registers or dump the content of memories). Exit Criteria All run-time checks have been satisfied. The uvm_run_phase phase is ready to end. Summary uvm_post_shutdown_phase After things have settled down. CLAss HIerArchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_phase uvm_task_phase uvm_post_shutdown_phase CLAss DecLArAtION class uvm_post_shutdown_phase extends uvm_task_phase MethOds get Returns the singleton phase handle MethOds get static function uvm_post_shutdown_phase get() Returns the singleton phase handle UVM 1.2 Class Reference 171 9.8 User-Defined Phases To define your own custom phase, use the following pattern. 1. Extend the appropriate base class for your phase type. class my_PHASE_phase extends uvm_task_phase; class my_PHASE_phase extends uvm_topdown_phase; class my_PHASE_phase extends uvm_bottomup_phase; 2. Optionally, implement your exec_task or exec_func method. task exec_task(uvm_component comp, uvm_phase schedule); function void exec_func(uvm_component comp, uvm_phase schedule); If implemented, these methods usually call the related method on the component comp.PHASE_phase(uvm_phase phase); 3. Since the phase class is a singleton, providing an accessor method allows for easy global use, and protecting the constructor prevents misuse. class my_PHASE_phase extends uvm_topdown_phase; or uvm_task_phase/uvm_bottomum_phase static local my_PHASE_phase m_inst; Local reference to global IMP protected function new(string name="PHASE"); Protected constructor for singleton super.new(name); endfunction : new static function my_PHASE_phase get(); Static method for accessing singleton if (m_imp == null) m_imp = new(); return m_imp; endfunction : get Optionally implement exec_func/exec_task endclass : my_PHASE_phase 4. Insert the phase in a phase schedule or domain using the uvm_phase::add method: my_schedule.add(my_PHASE_class::get()); Summary User-Defined Phases To define your own custom phase, use the following pattern. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 172 10. Configuration and Resource Classes The configuration and resources classes provide access to a centralized database where type specific information can be stored and received. The uvm_resource_db is the low level resource database which users can write to or read from. The uvm_config_db is layered on top of the resoure database and provides a typed interface for configuration setting that is consistent with the uvm_component::Configuration Interface. Information can be read from or written to the database at any time during simulation. A resource may be associated with a specific hierarchical scope of a uvm_component or it may be visible to all components regardless of their hierarchical position. Summary Configuration and Resource Classes The configuration and resources classes provide access to a centralized database where type specific information can be stored and received. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 173 10.1 Resources Contents Resources Intro uvm_resource_types uvm_resource_options uvm_resource_base uvm_resource_pool uvm_resource #(T) A resource is a parameterized container that holds arbitrary data. Provides typedefs and enums used throughout the resources facility. Provides a namespace for managing options for the resources facility. Non-parameterized base class for resources. The global (singleton) resource database. Parameterized resource. Intro A resource is a parameterized container that holds arbitrary data. Resources can be used to configure components, supply data to sequences, or enable sharing of information across disparate parts of a testbench. They are stored using scoping information so their visibility can be constrained to certain parts of the testbench. Resource containers can hold any type of data, constrained only by the data types available in SystemVerilog. Resources can contain scalar objects, class handles, queues, lists, or even virtual interfaces. Resources are stored in a resource database so that each resource can be retrieved by name or by type. The database has both a name table and a type table and each resource is entered into both. The database is globally accessible. Each resource has a set of scopes over which it is visible. The set of scopes is represented as a regular expression. When a resource is looked up the scope of the entity doing the looking up is supplied to the lookup function. This is called the current scope. If the current scope is in the set of scopes over which a resource is visible then the resource can be retuned in the lookup. Resources can be looked up by name or by type. To support type lookup each resource has a static type handle that uniquely identifies the type of each specialized resource container. Multiple resources that have the same name are stored in a queue. Each resource is pushed into a queue with the first one at the front of the queue and each subsequent one behind it. The same happens for multiple resources that have the same type. The resource queues are searched front to back, so those placed earlier in the queue have precedence over those placed later. The precedence of resources with the same name or same type can be altered. One way is to set the precedence member of the resource container to any arbitrary value. The search algorithm will return the resource with the highest precedence. In the case where there are multiple resources that match the search criteria and have the same (highest) precedence, the earliest one located in the queue will be one returned. Another way to change the precedence is to use the set_priority function to move a resource to either the front or back of the queue. The classes defined here form the low level layer of the resource database. The classes include the resource container and the database that holds the containers. The following set of classes are defined here: UVM 1.2 Class Reference 174 uvm_resource_types: A class without methods or members, only typedefs and enums. These types and enums are used throughout the resources facility. Putting the types in a class keeps them confined to a specific name space. uvm_resource_options: policy class for setting options, such as auditing, which effect resources. uvm_resource_base: the base (untyped) resource class living in the resource database. This class includes the interface for setting a resource as read-only, notification, scope management, altering search priority, and managing auditing. uvm_resource#(T): parameterized resource container. This class includes the interfaces for reading and writing each resource. Because the class is parameterized, all the access functions are type safe. uvm_resource_pool: the resource database. This is a singleton class object. uvm_resource_types Provides typedefs and enums used throughout the resources facility. This class has no members or methods, only typedefs. It’s used in lieu of package-scope types. When needed, other classes can use these types by prefixing their usage with uvm_resource_types::. E.g. uvm_resource_types::rsrc_q_t queue; Summary uvm_resource_types Provides typedefs and enums used throughout the resources facility. CLAss DEcLArATiON class uvm_resource_types uvm_resource_options Provides a namespace for managing options for the resources facility. The only thing allowed in this class is static local data members and static functions for manipulating and retrieving the value of the data members. The static local data members represent options and settings that control the behavior of the resources facility. Summary uvm_resource_options Provides a namespace for managing options for the resources facility. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 175 METHOds turn_on_auditing turn_off_auditing is_auditing Turn auditing on for the resource database. Turn auditing off for the resource database. Returns 1 if the auditing facility is on and 0 if it is off. METHOds turn_on_auditing static function void turn_on_auditing() Turn auditing on for the resource database. This causes all reads and writes to the database to store information about the accesses. Auditing is turned on by default. turn_off_auditing static function void turn_off_auditing() Turn auditing off for the resource database. If auditing is turned off, it is not possible to get extra information about resource database accesses. is_auditing static function bit is_auditing() Returns 1 if the auditing facility is on and 0 if it is off. uvm_resource_base Non-parameterized base class for resources. Supports interfaces for scope matching, and virtual functions for printing the resource and for printing the accessor list Summary uvm_resource_base Non-parameterized base class for resources. CLAss HiErArcHY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_resource_base CLAss DEcLArATiON virtual class uvm_resource_base extends uvm_object UVM 1.2 Class Reference 176 precedence default_precedence new get_type_handle REAd-ONLY INTErFAcE set_read_only is_read_only NOTiFicATiON wait_modified ScOPE INTErFAcE set_scope get_scope match_scope PriOriTY set priority UTiLiTY FuNcTiONs do_print AudiT TrAiL record_read_access record_write_access print_accessors init_access_record This variable is used to associate a precedence that a resource has with respect to other resources which match the same scope and name. The default precedence for an resource that has been created. constructor for uvm_resource_base. Pure virtual function that returns the type handle of the resource container. Establishes this resource as a read-only resource. Returns one if this resource has been set to readonly, zero otherwise This task blocks until the resource has been modified -- that is, a uvm_resource#(T)::write operation has been performed. Each resource has a name, a value and a set of scopes over which it is visible. Set the value of the regular expression that identifies the set of scopes over which this resource is visible. Retrieve the regular expression string that identifies the set of scopes over which this resource is visible. Using the regular expression facility, determine if this resource is visible in a scope. Functions for manipulating the search priority of resources. Change the search priority of the resource based on the value of the priority enum argument. Implementation of do_print which is called by print(). To find out what is happening as the simulation proceeds, an audit trail of each read and write is kept. Dump the access records for this resource Initialize a new access record precedence int unsigned precedence This variable is used to associate a precedence that a resource has with respect to other resources which match the same scope and name. Resources are set to the default_precedence initially, and may be set to a higher or lower precedence as desired. default_precedence static int unsigned default_precedence = 1000 The default precedence for an resource that has been created. When two resources have the same precedence, the first resource found has precedence. new function new( UVM 1.2 Class Reference 177 string name = "", string s = "*" ) constructor for uvm_resource_base. The constructor takes two arguments, the name of the resource and a regular expression which represents the set of scopes over which this resource is visible. get_type_handle pure virtual function uvm_resource_base get_type_handle() Pure virtual function that returns the type handle of the resource container. REAd- ONLY INTErFAcE set_read_only function void set_read_only() Establishes this resource as a read-only resource. An attempt to call uvm_resource#(T)::write on the resource will cause an error. is_read_only function bit is_read_only() Returns one if this resource has been set to read-only, zero otherwise NOTiFicATiON wait_modified task wait_modified() This task blocks until the resource has been modified -- that is, a uvm_resource#(T)::write operation has been performed. When a uvm_resource#(T)::write is performed the modified bit is set which releases the block. Wait_modified() then clears the modified bit so it can be called repeatedly. ScOPE INTErFAcE Each resource has a name, a value and a set of scopes over which it is visible. A scope is a hierarchical entity or a context. A scope name is a multi-element string that identifies a scope. Each element refers to a scope context and the elements are separated by dots (.). UVM 1.2 Class Reference 178 top.env.agent.monitor Consider the example above of a scope name. It consists of four elements: “top”, “env”, “agent”, and “monitor”. The elements are strung together with a dot separating each element. top.env.agent is the parent of top.env.agent.monitor, top.env is the parent of top.env.agent, and so on. A set of scopes can be represented by a set of scope name strings. A very straightforward way to represent a set of strings is to use regular expressions. A regular expression is a special string that contains placeholders which can be substituted in various ways to generate or recognize a particular set of strings. Here are a few simple examples: top\..* top\.env\..*\.monitor .*\.monitor top\.u[1-5]\.* all of the scopes whose top-level component is top all of the scopes in env that end in monitor; i.e. all the monitors two levels down from env all of the scopes that end in monitor; i.e. all the monitors (assuming a naming convention was used where all monitors are named "monitor") all of the scopes rooted and named u1, u2, u3, u4, or u5, and any of their subscopes. The examples above use POSIX regular expression notation. This is a very general and expressive notation. It is not always the case that so much expressiveness is required. Sometimes an expression syntax that is easy to read and easy to write is useful, even if the syntax is not as expressive as the full power of POSIX regular expressions. A popular substitute for regular expressions is globs. A glob is a simplified regular expression. It only has three metacharacters -- *, +, and ?. Character ranges are not allowed and dots are not a metacharacter in globs as they are in regular expressions. The following table shows glob metacharacters. char meaning * + ? regular expression equivalent .* .+ . 0 or more characters 1 or more characters exactly one character Of the examples above, the first three can easily be translated into globs. The last one cannot. It relies on notation that is not available in glob syntax. regular expression glob equivalent -------------------------------------top\..* top.* top\.env\..*\.monitor top.env.*.monitor .*\.monitor *.monitor The resource facility supports both regular expression and glob syntax. Regular expressions are identified as such when they surrounded by ‘/’ characters. For example, /^top\.*/ is interpreted as the regular expression ^top\.*, where the surrounding ‘/’ characters have been removed. All other expressions are treated as glob expressions. They are converted from glob notation to regular expression notation internally. Regular expression compilation and matching as well as glob-to-regular expression conversion are handled by two DPI functions: function int uvm_re_match(string re, string str); function string uvm_glob_to_re(string glob); UVM 1.2 Class Reference 179 uvm_re_match both compiles and matches the regular expression. All of the matching is done using regular expressions, so globs are converted to regular expressions and then processed. set_scope function void set_scope( string s ) Set the value of the regular expression that identifies the set of scopes over which this resource is visible. If the supplied argument is a glob it will be converted to a regular expression before it is stored. get_scope function string get_scope() Retrieve the regular expression string that identifies the set of scopes over which this resource is visible. match_scope function bit match_scope( string s ) Using the regular expression facility, determine if this resource is visible in a scope. Return one if it is, zero otherwise. PriOriTY Functions for manipulating the search priority of resources. The function definitions here are pure virtual and are implemented in derived classes. The definitions serve as a priority management interface. set priority Change the search priority of the resource based on the value of the priority enum argument. UTiLiTY FuNcTiONs do_print function void do_print ( uvm_printer printer UVM 1.2 Class Reference 180 ) Implementation of do_print which is called by print(). AudiT TrAiL To find out what is happening as the simulation proceeds, an audit trail of each read and write is kept. The uvm_resource#(T)::read and uvm_resource#(T)::write methods each take an accessor argument. This is a handle to the object that performed that resource access. function T read(uvm_object accessor = null); function void write(T t, uvm_object accessor = null); The accessor can by anything as long as it is derived from uvm_object. The accessor object can be a component or a sequence or whatever object from which a read or write was invoked. Typically the this handle is used as the accessor. For example: uvm_resource#(int) rint; int i; ... rint.write(7, this); i = rint.read(this); The accessor’s get_full_name() is stored as part of the audit trail. This way you can find out what object performed each resource access. Each audit record also includes the time of the access (simulation time) and the particular operation performed (read or write). Auditing is controlled through the uvm_resource_options class. record_read_access function void record_read_access( uvm_object accessor = null ) record_write_access function void record_write_access( uvm_object accessor = null ) print_accessors virtual function void print_accessors() Dump the access records for this resource UVM 1.2 Class Reference 181 init_access_record function void init_access_record ( inout uvm_resource_types::access_t access_record ) Initialize a new access record uvm_resource_pool The global (singleton) resource database. Each resource is stored both by primary name and by type handle. The resource pool contains two associative arrays, one with name as the key and one with the type handle as the key. Each associative array contains a queue of resources. Each resource has a regular expression that represents the set of scopes over which it is visible. +------+------------+ +------------+------+ | name | rsrc queue | | rsrc queue | type | +------+------------+ +------------+------+ | | | | | | +------+------------+ +-+-+ +------------+------+ | | | | | |<--+---* | T | +------+------------+ +-+-+ +-+-+ +------------+------+ | A | *---+-->| | | | | | | +------+------------+ +-+-+ | +------------+------+ | | | | | | | | +------+------------+ +-------+ +-+ +------------+------+ | | | | | | | | +------+------------+ | | +------------+------+ | | | V V | | | +------+------------+ +------+ +------------+------+ | | | | rsrc | | | | +------+------------+ +------+ +------------+------+ The above diagrams illustrates how a resource whose name is A and type is T is stored in the pool. The pool contains an entry in the type map for type T and an entry in the name map for name A. The queues in each of the arrays each contain an entry for the resource A whose type is T. The name map can contain in its queue other resources whose name is A which may or may not have the same type as our resource A. Similarly, the type map can contain in its queue other resources whose type is T and whose name may or may not be A. Resources are added to the pool by calling set; they are retrieved from the pool by calling get_by_name or get_by_type. When an object creates a new resource and calls set the resource is made available to be retrieved by other objects outside of itself; an object gets a resource when it wants to access a resource not currently available in its scope. The scope is stored in the resource itself (not in the pool) so whether you get by name or by type the resource’s visibility is the same. As an auditing capability, the pool contains a history of gets. A record of each get, whether by get_by_type or get_by_name, is stored in the audit record. Both successful and failed gets are recorded. At the end of simulation, or any time for that matter, you can dump the history list. This will tell which resources were successfully located and which were not. You can use this information to determine if there is some error in name, type, or scope that has caused a resource to not be located or to be incorrectly located (i.e. the wrong resource is located). Summary UVM 1.2 Class Reference 182 uvm_resource_pool The global (singleton) resource database. CLAss DEcLArATiON class uvm_resource_pool get spell_check SET set set_override set_name_override set_type_override LOOKuP lookup_name get_highest_precedence sort_by_precedence get_by_name lookup_type get_by_type lookup_regex_names lookup_regex lookup_scope SET PriOriTY set_priority_type set_priority_name set_priority DEBuG find_unused_resources print_resources dump Returns the singleton handle to the resource pool Invokes the spell checker for a string s. Add a new resource to the resource pool. The resource provided as an argument will be entered into the pool and will override both by name and type. The resource provided as an argument will entered into the pool using normal precedence in the type map and will override the name. The resource provided as an argument will be entered into the pool using normal precedence in the name map and will override the type. This group of functions is for finding resources in the resource database. Lookup resources by name. Traverse a queue, q, of resources and return the one with the highest precedence. Given a list of resources, obtained for example from lookup_scope, sort the resources in precedence order. Lookup a resource by name, scope, and type_handle. Lookup resources by type. Lookup a resource by type_handle and scope. This utility function answers the question, for a given name, scope, and type_handle, what are all of the resources with requested name, a matching scope (where the resource scope may be a regular expression), and a matching type? Looks for all the resources whose name matches the regular expression argument and whose scope matches the current scope. This is a utility function that answers the question: For a given scope, what resources are visible to it? Functions for altering the search priority of resources. Change the priority of the rsrc based on the value of pri, the priority enum argument. Change the priority of the rsrc based on the value of pri, the priority enum argument. Change the search priority of the rsrc based on the value of pri, the priority enum argument. Locate all the resources that have at least one write and no reads Print the resources that are in a single queue, rq. dump the entire resource pool. get static function uvm_resource_pool get() UVM 1.2 Class Reference 183 Returns the singleton handle to the resource pool spell_check function bit spell_check( string s ) Invokes the spell checker for a string s. The universe of correctly spelled strings -- i.e. the dictionary -- is the name map. SET set function void set ( uvm_resource_base rsrc, override = 0 uvm_resource_types::override_t ) Add a new resource to the resource pool. The resource is inserted into both the name map and type map so it can be located by either. An object creates a resources and sets it into the resource pool. Later, other objects that want to access the resource must get it from the pool Overrides can be specified using this interface. Either a name override, a type override or both can be specified. If an override is specified then the resource is entered at the front of the queue instead of at the back. It is not recommended that users specify the override parameter directly, rather they use the set_override, set_name_override, or set_type_override functions. set_override function void set_override( uvm_resource_base rsrc ) The resource provided as an argument will be entered into the pool and will override both by name and type. set_name_override function void set_name_override( uvm_resource_base rsrc ) The resource provided as an argument will entered into the pool using normal precedence in the type map and will override the name. set_type_override UVM 1.2 Class Reference 184 function void set_type_override( uvm_resource_base rsrc ) The resource provided as an argument will be entered into the pool using normal precedence in the name map and will override the type. LOOKuP This group of functions is for finding resources in the resource database. lookup_name and lookup_type locate the set of resources that matches the name or type (respectively) and is visible in the current scope. These functions return a queue of resources. get_highest_precedence traverse a queue of resources and returns the one with the highest precedence -- i.e. the one whose precedence member has the highest value. get_by_name and get_by_type use lookup_name and lookup_type (respectively) and get_highest_precedence to find the resource with the highest priority that matches the other search criteria. lookup_name function uvm_resource_types::rsrc_q_t lookup_name( string scope = "", string name, uvm_resource_base type_handle = null, bit rpterr = 1 ) Lookup resources by name. Returns a queue of resources that match the name, scope, and type_handle. If no resources match the queue is returned empty. If rpterr is set then a warning is issued if no matches are found, and the spell checker is invoked on name. If type_handle is null then a type check is not made and resources are returned that match only name and scope. get_highest_precedence function uvm_resource_base get_highest_precedence( ref uvm_resource_types::rsrc_q_t q ) Traverse a queue, q, of resources and return the one with the highest precedence. In the case where there exists more than one resource with the highest precedence value, the first one that has that precedence will be the one that is returned. sort_by_precedence static function void sort_by_precedence( ref uvm_resource_types::rsrc_q_t q ) Given a list of resources, obtained for example from lookup_scope, sort the resources in precedence order. The highest precedence resource will be first in the list and the lowest precedence will be last. Resources that have the same precedence and the same name UVM 1.2 Class Reference 185 will be ordered by most recently set first. get_by_name function uvm_resource_base get_by_name( string scope = "", string name, uvm_resource_base type_handle, rpterr = 1 bit ) Lookup a resource by name, scope, and type_handle. Whether the get succeeds or fails, save a record of the get attempt. The rpterr flag indicates whether to report errors or not. Essentially, it serves as a verbose flag. If set then the spell checker will be invoked and warnings about multiple resources will be produced. lookup_type function uvm_resource_types::rsrc_q_t lookup_type( string scope = "", uvm_resource_base type_handle ) Lookup resources by type. Return a queue of resources that match the type_handle and scope. If no resources match then the returned queue is empty. get_by_type function uvm_resource_base get_by_type( string scope = "", uvm_resource_base type_handle ) Lookup a resource by type_handle and scope. Insert a record into the get history list whether or not the get succeeded. lookup_regex_names function uvm_resource_types::rsrc_q_t lookup_regex_names( string scope, name, string uvm_resource_base type_handle = null ) This utility function answers the question, for a given name, scope, and type_handle, what are all of the resources with requested name, a matching scope (where the resource scope may be a regular expression), and a matching type? name and scope are explicit values. lookup_regex function uvm_resource_types::rsrc_q_t lookup_regex( string re, scope ) UVM 1.2 Class Reference 186 Looks for all the resources whose name matches the regular expression argument and whose scope matches the current scope. lookup_scope function uvm_resource_types::rsrc_q_t lookup_scope( string scope ) This is a utility function that answers the question: For a given scope, what resources are visible to it? Locate all the resources that are visible to a particular scope. This operation could be quite expensive, as it has to traverse all of the resources in the database. SET PriOriTY Functions for altering the search priority of resources. Resources are stored in queues in the type and name maps. When retrieving resources, either by type or by name, the resource queue is search from front to back. The first one that matches the search criteria is the one that is returned. The set_priority functions let you change the order in which resources are searched. For any particular resource, you can set its priority to UVM_HIGH, in which case the resource is moved to the front of the queue, or to UVM_LOW in which case the resource is moved to the back of the queue. set_priority_type function void set_priority_type( uvm_resource_base rsrc, uvm_resource_types::priority_e pri ) Change the priority of the rsrc based on the value of pri, the priority enum argument. This function changes the priority only in the type map, leaving the name map untouched. set_priority_name function void set_priority_name( uvm_resource_base rsrc, uvm_resource_types::priority_e pri ) Change the priority of the rsrc based on the value of pri, the priority enum argument. This function changes the priority only in the name map, leaving the type map untouched. set_priority function void set_priority ( uvm_resource_base rsrc, uvm_resource_types::priority_e pri ) Change the search priority of the rsrc based on the value of pri, the priority enum UVM 1.2 Class Reference 187 argument. This function changes the priority in both the name and type maps. DEBuG find_unused_resources function uvm_resource_types::rsrc_q_t find_unused_resources() Locate all the resources that have at least one write and no reads print_resources function void print_resources( uvm_resource_types::rsrc_q_t rq, bit audit = 0 ) Print the resources that are in a single queue, rq. This is a utility function that can be used to print any collection of resources stored in a queue. The audit flag determines whether or not the audit trail is printed for each resource along with the name, value, and scope regular expression. dump function void dump( bit audit = 0 ) dump the entire resource pool. The resource pool is traversed and each resource is printed. The utility function print_resources() is used to initiate the printing. If the audit bit is set then the audit trail is dumped for each resource. uvm_resource #(T) Parameterized resource. Provides essential access methods to read from and write to the resource database. Summary uvm_resource #(T) Parameterized resource. CLAss HiErArcHY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_resource_base uvm_resource#(T) UVM 1.2 Class Reference 188 CLAss DEcLArATiON class uvm_resource #( type T = int ) extends uvm_resource_base TYPE INTErFAcE get_type get_type_handle SET/GET INTErFAcE set set_override get_by_name get_by_type REAd/WriTE INTErFAcE read write PriOriTY set priority get_highest_precedence Resources can be identified by type using a static type handle. Static function that returns the static type handle. Returns the static type handle of this resource in a polymorphic fashion. uvm_resource#(T) provides an interface for setting and getting a resources. Simply put this resource into the global resource pool Put a resource into the global resource pool as an override. looks up a resource by name in the name map. looks up a resource by type_handle in the type map. read and write provide a type-safe interface for getting and setting the object in the resource container. Return the object stored in the resource container. Modify the object stored in this resource container. Functions for manipulating the search priority of resources. Change the search priority of the resource based on the value of the priority enum argument, pri. In a queue of resources, locate the first one with the highest precedence whose type is T. TYPE INTErFAcE Resources can be identified by type using a static type handle. The parent class provides the virtual function interface get_type_handle. Here we implement it by returning the static type handle. get_type static function this_type get_type() Static function that returns the static type handle. The return type is this_type, which is the type of the parameterized class. get_type_handle function uvm_resource_base get_type_handle() Returns the static type handle of this resource in a polymorphic fashion. The return type of get_type_handle() is uvm_resource_base. This function is not static and therefore can only be used by instances of a parameterized resource. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 189 SET/GET INTErFAcE uvm_resource#(T) provides an interface for setting and getting a resources. Specifically, a resource can insert itself into the resource pool. It doesn’t make sense for a resource to get itself, since you can’t call a function on a handle you don’t have. However, a static get interface is provided as a convenience. This obviates the need for the user to get a handle to the global resource pool as this is done for him here. set function void set() Simply put this resource into the global resource pool set_override function void set_override( Put a resource into the global resource pool as an override. This means it gets put at the head of the list and is searched before other existing resources that occupy the same position in the name map or the type map. The default is to override both the name and type maps. However, using the override argument you can specify that either the name map or type map is overridden. get_by_name static function this_type get_by_name( string scope, string name, bit rpterr = 1 ) looks up a resource by name in the name map. The first resource with the specified name, whose type is the current type, and is visible in the specified scope is returned, if one exists. The rpterr flag indicates whether or not an error should be reported if the search fails. If rpterr is set to one then a failure message is issued, including suggested spelling alternatives, based on resource names that exist in the database, gathered by the spell checker. get_by_type static function this_type get_by_type( string scope = "", uvm_resource_base type_handle ) looks up a resource by type_handle in the type map. The first resource with the specified type_handle that is visible in the specified scope is returned, if one exists. If there is no resource matching the specifications, null is returned. REAd/WriTE INTErFAcE UVM 1.2 Class Reference 190 read and write provide a type-safe interface for getting and setting the object in the resource container. The interface is type safe because the value argument for write and the return value of read are T, the type supplied in the class parameter. If either of these functions is used in an incorrect type context the compiler will complain. read function T read( uvm_object accessor = null ) Return the object stored in the resource container. If an accessor object is supplied then also update the accessor record for this resource. write function void write( T t, uvm_object accessor = null ) Modify the object stored in this resource container. If the resource is read-only then issue an error message and return without modifying the object in the container. If the resource is not read-only and an accessor object has been supplied then also update the accessor record. Lastly, replace the object value in the container with the value supplied as the argument, t, and release any processes blocked on uvm_resource_base::wait_modified. If the value to be written is the same as the value already present in the resource then the write is not done. That also means that the accessor record is not updated and the modified bit is not set. PriOriTY Functions for manipulating the search priority of resources. These implementations of the interface defined in the base class delegate to the resource pool. set priority Change the search priority of the resource based on the value of the priority enum argument, pri. get_highest_precedence static function this_type get_highest_precedence( ref uvm_resource_types::rsrc_q_t q ) In a queue of resources, locate the first one with the highest precedence whose type is T. This function is static so that it can be called from anywhere. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 191 10.2 UVM Resource Database Contents UVM Resource Database Intro uvm_resource_db uvm_resource_db_options The uvm_resource_db class provides a convenience interface for the resources facility. All of the functions in uvm_resource_db#(T) are static, so they must be called using the :: operator. Provides a namespace for managing options for the resources DB facility. Intro The uvm_resource_db class provides a convenience interface for the resources facility. In many cases basic operations such as creating and setting a resource or getting a resource could take multiple lines of code using the interfaces in uvm_resource_base or uvm_resource#(T). The convenience layer in uvm_resource_db reduces many of those operations to a single line of code. If the run-time +UVM_RESOURCE_DB_TRACE command line option is specified, all resource DB accesses (read and write) are displayed. uvm_resource_db All of the functions in uvm_resource_db#(T) are static, so they must be called using the :: operator. For example: uvm_resource_db#(int)::set("A", "*", 17, this); The parameter value “int” identifies the resource type as uvm_resource#(int). Thus, the type of the object in the resource container is int. This maintains the type-safety characteristics of resource operations. Summary uvm_resource_db All of the functions in uvm_resource_db#(T) are static, so they must be called using the :: operator. CLAss DEcLArATiON class uvm_resource_db #( type T = uvm_object ) METHOds get_by_type UVM 1.2 Class Reference Get a resource by type. 192 get_by_name set_default set set_anonymous read_by_name read_by_type write_by_name write_by_type dump Imports a resource by name. add a new item into the resources database. Create a new resource, write a val to it, and set it into the database using name and scope as the lookup parameters. Create a new resource, write a val to it, and set it into the database. locate a resource by name and scope and read its value. Read a value by type. write a val into the resources database. write a val into the resources database. Dump all the resources in the resource pool. METHOds get_by_type static function rsrc_t get_by_type( string scope ) Get a resource by type. The type is specified in the db class parameter so the only argument to this function is the scope. get_by_name static function rsrc_t get_by_name( string scope, string name, bit rpterr = 1 ) Imports a resource by name. The first argument is the current scope of the resource to be retrieved and the second argument is the name. The rpterr flag indicates whether or not to generate a warning if no matching resource is found. set_default static function rsrc_t set_default( string scope, string name ) add a new item into the resources database. The item will not be written to so it will have its default value. The resource is created using name and scope as the lookup parameters. set static function void set( input string scope, name, input string T val, input uvm_object accessor = null ) UVM 1.2 Class Reference 193 Create a new resource, write a val to it, and set it into the database using name and scope as the lookup parameters. The accessor is used for auditing. set_anonymous static function void set_anonymous( input string scope, T val, input uvm_object accessor = null ) Create a new resource, write a val to it, and set it into the database. The resource has no name and therefore will not be entered into the name map. But is does have a scope for lookup purposes. The accessor is used for auditing. read_by_name static function bit input string input string inout T input uvm_object ) read_by_name( scope, name, val, accessor = null locate a resource by name and scope and read its value. The value is returned through the output argument val. The return value is a bit that indicates whether or not the read was successful. The accessor is used for auditing. read_by_type static function bit input string inout T input uvm_object ) read_by_type( scope, val, accessor = null Read a value by type. The value is returned through the output argument val. The scope is used for the lookup. The return value is a bit that indicates whether or not the read is successful. The accessor is used for auditing. write_by_name static function bit input string input string input T input uvm_object ) write_by_name( scope, name, val, accessor = null write a val into the resources database. First, look up the resource by name and scope. If it is not located then add a new resource to the database and then write its value. Because the scope is matched to a resource which may be a regular expression, and consequently may target other scopes beyond the scope argument. Care must be taken with this function. If a get_by_name match is found for name and scope then val will be written to that matching resource and thus may impact other scopes which also match the resource. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 194 write_by_type static function bit input string input T input uvm_object ) write_by_type( scope, val, accessor = null write a val into the resources database. First, look up the resource by type. If it is not located then add a new resource to the database and then write its value. Because the scope is matched to a resource which may be a regular expression, and consequently may target other scopes beyond the scope argument. Care must be taken with this function. If a get_by_name match is found for name and scope then val will be written to that matching resource and thus may impact other scopes which also match the resource. dump static function void dump() Dump all the resources in the resource pool. This is useful for debugging purposes. This function does not use the parameter T, so it will dump the same thing -- the entire database -- no matter the value of the parameter. uvm_resource_db_options Provides a namespace for managing options for the resources DB facility. The only thing allowed in this class is static local data members and static functions for manipulating and retrieving the value of the data members. The static local data members represent options and settings that control the behavior of the resources DB facility. Summary uvm_resource_db_options Provides a namespace for managing options for the resources DB facility. METHOds turn_on_tracing turn_off_tracing is_tracing Turn tracing on for the resource database. Turn tracing off for the resource database. Returns 1 if the tracing facility is on and 0 if it is off. METHOds turn_on_tracing static function void turn_on_tracing() UVM 1.2 Class Reference 195 Turn tracing on for the resource database. This causes all reads and writes to the database to display information about the accesses. Tracing is off by default. This method is implicitly called by the +UVM_RESOURCE_DB_TRACE. turn_off_tracing static function void turn_off_tracing() Turn tracing off for the resource database. is_tracing static function bit is_tracing() Returns 1 if the tracing facility is on and 0 if it is off. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 196 10.3 UVM Configuration Database Contents UVM Configuration Database Intro uvm_config_db Types uvm_config_int uvm_config_string uvm_config_object uvm_config_wrapper uvm_config_db_options The uvm_config_db class provides a convenience interface on top of the uvm_resource_db to simplify the basic interface that is used for configuring uvm_component instances. All of the functions in uvm_config_db#(T) are static, so they must be called using the :: operator. Convenience type for uvm_config_db#(uvm_bitstream_t) Convenience type for uvm_config_db#(string) Convenience type for uvm_config_db#(uvm_object) Convenience type for uvm_config_db#(uvm_object_wrapper) Provides a namespace for managing options for the configuration DB facility. Intro The uvm_config_db class provides a convenience interface on top of the uvm_resource_db to simplify the basic interface that is used for configuring uvm_component instances. If the run-time +UVM_CONFIG_DB_TRACE command line option is specified, all configuration DB accesses (read and write) are displayed. uvm_config_db All of the functions in uvm_config_db#(T) are static, so they must be called using the :: operator. For example: uvm_config_db#(int)::set(this, "*", "A"); The parameter value “int” identifies the configuration type as an int property. The set and get methods provide the same API and semantics as the set/get_config_* functions in uvm_component. Summary uvm_config_db All of the functions in uvm_config_db#(T) are static, so they must be called using UVM 1.2 Class Reference 197 the :: operator. CLAss HiERARchY uvm_resource_db#(T) uvm_config_db CLAss DEcLARAtiON class uvm_config_db#( type T = int ) extends uvm_resource_db#(T) MEthOds get set exists wait_modified Get the value for field_name in inst_name, using component cntxt as the starting search point. Create a new or update an existing configuration setting for field_name in inst_name from cntxt. Check if a value for field_name is available in inst_name, using component cntxt as the starting search point. Wait for a configuration setting to be set for field_name in cntxt and inst_name. MEthOds get static function bit get( uvm_component cntxt, string inst_name, string field_name, inout T value ) Get the value for field_name in inst_name, using component cntxt as the starting search point. inst_name is an explicit instance name relative to cntxt and may be an empty string if the cntxt is the instance that the configuration object applies to. field_name is the specific field in the scope that is being searched for. The basic get_config_* methods from uvm_component are mapped to this function as: get_config_int(...) => uvm_config_db#(uvm_bitstream_t)::get(cntxt,...) get_config_string(...) => uvm_config_db#(string)::get(cntxt,...) get_config_object(...) => uvm_config_db#(uvm_object)::get(cntxt,...) set static function void set( uvm_component cntxt, string inst_name, string field_name, T value ) Create a new or update an existing configuration setting for field_name in inst_name from cntxt. The setting is made at cntxt, with the full scope of the set being {cntxt,”.”,~inst_name~}. If cntxt is null then inst_name provides the complete scope UVM 1.2 Class Reference 198 information of the setting. field_name is the target field. Both inst_name and field_name may be glob style or regular expression style expressions. If a setting is made at build time, the cntxt hierarchy is used to determine the setting’s precedence in the database. Settings from hierarchically higher levels have higher precedence. Settings from the same level of hierarchy have a last setting wins semantic. A precedence setting of uvm_resource_base::default_precedence is used for uvm_top, and each hierarchical level below the top is decremented by 1. After build time, all settings use the default precedence and thus have a last wins semantic. So, if at run time, a low level component makes a runtime setting of some field, that setting will have precedence over a setting from the test level that was made earlier in the simulation. The basic set_config_* methods from uvm_component are mapped to this function as: set_config_int(...) => uvm_config_db#(uvm_bitstream_t)::set(cntxt,...) set_config_string(...) => uvm_config_db#(string)::set(cntxt,...) set_config_object(...) => uvm_config_db#(uvm_object)::set(cntxt,...) exists static function bit exists( uvm_component cntxt, inst_name, string string field_name, spell_chk = bit ) Check if a value for field_name is available in inst_name, using component cntxt as the starting search point. inst_name is an explicit instance name relative to cntxt and may be an empty string if the cntxt is the instance that the configuration object applies to. field_name is the specific field in the scope that is being searched for. The spell_chk arg can be set to 1 to turn spell checking on if it is expected that the field should exist in the database. The function returns 1 if a config parameter exists and 0 if it doesn’t exist. wait_modified static task wait_modified( uvm_component cntxt, string inst_name, string field_name ) Wait for a configuration setting to be set for field_name in cntxt and inst_name. The task blocks until a new configuration setting is applied that effects the specified field. Types Summary Types uvm_config_int UVM 1.2 Class Reference Convenience type for 199 uvm_config_string uvm_config_object uvm_config_wrapper uvm_config_db#(uvm_bitstream_t) Convenience type for uvm_config_db#(string) Convenience type for uvm_config_db#(uvm_object) Convenience type for uvm_config_db#(uvm_object_wrapper) uvm_config_int Convenience type for uvm_config_db#(uvm_bitstream_t) typedef uvm_config_db#(uvm_bitstream_t) uvm_config_int; uvm_config_string Convenience type for uvm_config_db#(string) typedef uvm_config_db#(string) uvm_config_string; uvm_config_object Convenience type for uvm_config_db#(uvm_object) typedef uvm_config_db#(uvm_object) uvm_config_object; uvm_config_wrapper Convenience type for uvm_config_db#(uvm_object_wrapper) typedef uvm_config_db#(uvm_object_wrapper) uvm_config_wrapper; uvm_config_db_options Provides a namespace for managing options for the configuration DB facility. The only thing allowed in this class is static local data members and static functions for manipulating and retrieving the value of the data members. The static local data members represent options and settings that control the behavior of the configuration DB facility. Summary UVM 1.2 Class Reference 200 uvm_config_db_options Provides a namespace for managing options for the configuration DB facility. MEthOds turn_on_tracing turn_off_tracing is_tracing Turn tracing on for the configuration database. Turn tracing off for the configuration database. Returns 1 if the tracing facility is on and 0 if it is off. MEthOds turn_on_tracing static function void turn_on_tracing() Turn tracing on for the configuration database. This causes all reads and writes to the database to display information about the accesses. Tracing is off by default. This method is implicitly called by the +UVM_CONFIG_DB_TRACE. turn_off_tracing static function void turn_off_tracing() Turn tracing off for the configuration database. is_tracing static function bit is_tracing() Returns 1 if the tracing facility is on and 0 if it is off. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 201 11. Synchronization Classes The UVM provides event and barrier synchronization classes for managing concurrent processes. uvm_event#(T) - UVM’s event class augments the SystemVerilog event datatype with such services as setting callbacks and data delivery. uvm_barrier - A barrier is used to prevent a pre-configured number of processes from continuing until all have reached a certain point in simulation. uvm_event_pool and uvm_barrier_pool - The event and barrier pool classes are specializations of uvm_object_string_pool #(T) used to store collections of uvm_event#(uvm_object) and uvm_barriers, respectively, indexed by string name. Each pool class contains a static, “global” pool instance for sharing across all processes. uvm_event_callback - The event callback is used to create callback objects that may be attached to uvm_event#(T). Summary Synchronization Classes UVM 1.2 Class Reference 202 11.1 uvm_event_base The uvm_event_base class is an abstract wrapper class around the SystemVerilog event construct. It provides some additional services such as setting callbacks and maintaining the number of waiters. Contents uvm_event_base uvm_event#(T) The uvm_event_base class is an abstract wrapper class around the SystemVerilog event construct. The uvm_event class is an extension of the abstract uvm_event_base class. METHODS new function new ( string name = "" ) Creates a new event object. wait_on virtual task wait_on ( bit delta = 0 ) Waits for the event to be activated for the first time. If the event has already been triggered, this task returns immediately. If delta is set, the caller will be forced to wait a single delta #0 before returning. This prevents the caller from returning before previously waiting processes have had a chance to resume. Once an event has been triggered, it will be remain “on” until the event is reset. wait_off virtual task wait_off ( bit delta = 0 ) If the event has already triggered and is “on”, this task waits for the event to be turned “off” via a call to reset. If the event has not already been triggered, this task returns immediately. If delta is set, the caller will be forced to wait a single delta #0 before returning. This prevents the caller from returning before previously waiting processes have had a chance to resume. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 203 wait_trigger virtual task wait_trigger () Waits for the event to be triggered. If one process calls wait_trigger in the same delta as another process calls uvm_event#(T)::trigger, a race condition occurs. If the call to wait occurs before the trigger, this method will return in this delta. If the wait occurs after the trigger, this method will not return until the next trigger, which may never occur and thus cause deadlock. wait_ptrigger virtual task wait_ptrigger () Waits for a persistent trigger of the event. Unlike wait_trigger, this views the trigger as persistent within a given time-slice and thus avoids certain race conditions. If this method is called after the trigger but within the same time-slice, the caller returns immediately. get_trigger_time virtual function time get_trigger_time () Gets the time that this event was last triggered. If the event has not been triggered, or the event has been reset, then the trigger time will be 0. is_on virtual function bit is_on () Indicates whether the event has been triggered since it was last reset. A return of 1 indicates that the event has triggered. is_off virtual function bit is_off () Indicates whether the event has been triggered or been reset. A return of 1 indicates that the event has not been triggered. reset virtual function void reset ( bit wakeup = 0 ) Resets the event to its off state. If wakeup is set, then all processes currently waiting for the event are activated before the reset. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 204 No callbacks are called during a reset. cancel virtual function void cancel () Decrements the number of waiters on the event. This is used if a process that is waiting on an event is disabled or activated by some other means. get_num_waiters virtual function int get_num_waiters () Returns the number of processes waiting on the event. uvm_event#(T) The uvm_event class is an extension of the abstract uvm_event_base class. The optional parameter T allows the user to define a data type which can be passed during an event trigger. Summary uvm_event#(T) The uvm_event class is an extension of the abstract uvm_event_base class. CLASS HIERARcHY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_event_base uvm_event#(T) CLASS DEcLARATION class uvm_event#( type T = uvm_object ) extends uvm_event_base METHODS new wait_trigger_data wait_ptrigger_data trigger get_trigger_data add_callback delete_callback UVM 1.2 Class Reference Creates a new event object. This method calls uvm_event_base::wait_trigger followed by get_trigger_data. This method calls uvm_event_base::wait_ptrigger followed by get_trigger_data. Triggers the event, resuming all waiting processes. Gets the data, if any, provided by the last call to trigger. Registers a callback object, cb, with this event. Unregisters the given callback, cb, from this event. 205 METHODS new function new ( string name = "" ) Creates a new event object. wait_trigger_data virtual task wait_trigger_data ( output T data ) This method calls uvm_event_base::wait_trigger followed by get_trigger_data. wait_ptrigger_data virtual task wait_ptrigger_data ( output T data ) This method calls uvm_event_base::wait_ptrigger followed by get_trigger_data. trigger virtual function void trigger ( T data = null ) Triggers the event, resuming all waiting processes. An optional data argument can be supplied with the enable to provide trigger-specific information. get_trigger_data virtual function T get_trigger_data () Gets the data, if any, provided by the last call to trigger. add_callback virtual function void add_callback ( uvm_event_callback#(T) cb, append = 1 bit ) UVM 1.2 Class Reference 206 Registers a callback object, cb, with this event. The callback object may include pre_trigger and post_trigger functionality. If append is set to 1, the default, cb is added to the back of the callback list. Otherwise, cb is placed at the front of the callback list. delete_callback virtual function void delete_callback ( uvm_event_callback#(T) cb ) Unregisters the given callback, cb, from this event. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 207 11.2 uvm_event_callback The uvm_event_callback class is an abstract class that is used to create callback objects which may be attached to uvm_event#(T)s. To use, you derive a new class and override any or both pre_trigger and post_trigger. Callbacks are an alternative to using processes that wait on events. When a callback is attached to an event, that callback object’s callback function is called each time the event is triggered. Summary uvm_event_callback The uvm_event_callback class is an abstract class that is used to create callback objects which may be attached to uvm_event#(T)s. CLAss HIERARchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_event_callback CLAss DEcLARATION virtual class uvm_event_callback#( type T = uvm_object ) extends uvm_object METhOds new pre_trigger post_trigger Creates a new callback object. This callback is called just before triggering the associated event. This callback is called after triggering the associated event. METhOds new function new ( string name = "" ) Creates a new callback object. pre_trigger virtual function bit pre_trigger ( uvm_event#(T) e, T data ) This callback is called just before triggering the associated event. In a derived class, override this method to implement any pre-trigger functionality. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 208 If your callback returns 1, then the event will not trigger and the post-trigger callback is not called. This provides a way for a callback to prevent the event from triggering. In the function, e is the uvm_event#(T) that is being triggered, and data is the optional data associated with the event trigger. post_trigger virtual function void post_trigger ( uvm_event#(T) e, T data ) This callback is called after triggering the associated event. In a derived class, override this method to implement any post-trigger functionality. In the function, e is the uvm_event#(T) that is being triggered, and data is the optional data associated with the event trigger. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 209 11.3 uvm_barrier The uvm_barrier class provides a multiprocess synchronization mechanism. It enables a set of processes to block until the desired number of processes get to the synchronization point, at which time all of the processes are released. Summary uvm_barrier The uvm_barrier class provides a multiprocess synchronization mechanism. CLAss HIERARchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_barrier CLAss DEcLARATION class uvm_barrier extends uvm_object METhOds new wait_for reset set_auto_reset set_threshold get_threshold get_num_waiters cancel Creates a new barrier object. Waits for enough processes to reach the barrier before continuing. Resets the barrier. Determines if the barrier should reset itself after the threshold is reached. Sets the process threshold. Gets the current threshold setting for the barrier. Returns the number of processes currently waiting at the barrier. Decrements the waiter count by one. METhOds new function new ( string name = "", int threshold = 0 ) Creates a new barrier object. wait_for virtual task wait_for() Waits for enough processes to reach the barrier before continuing. The number of processes to wait for is set by the set_threshold method. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 210 reset virtual function void reset ( bit wakeup = 1 ) Resets the barrier. This sets the waiter count back to zero. The threshold is unchanged. After reset, the barrier will force processes to wait for the threshold again. If the wakeup bit is set, any currently waiting processes will be activated. set_auto_reset virtual function void set_auto_reset ( bit value = 1 ) Determines if the barrier should reset itself after the threshold is reached. The default is on, so when a barrier hits its threshold it will reset, and new processes will block until the threshold is reached again. If auto reset is off, then once the threshold is achieved, new processes pass through without being blocked until the barrier is reset. set_threshold virtual function void set_threshold ( int threshold ) Sets the process threshold. This determines how many processes must be waiting on the barrier before the processes may proceed. Once the threshold is reached, all waiting processes are activated. If threshold is set to a value less than the number of currently waiting processes, then the barrier is reset and waiting processes are activated. get_threshold virtual function int get_threshold () Gets the current threshold setting for the barrier. get_num_waiters virtual function int get_num_waiters () Returns the number of processes currently waiting at the barrier. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 211 cancel virtual function void cancel () Decrements the waiter count by one. This is used when a process that is waiting on the barrier is killed or activated by some other means. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 212 11.4 Objection Mechanism The following classes define the objection mechanism and end-of-test functionality, which is based on uvm_objection. Contents Objection Mechanism The following classes define the objection mechanism and end-of-test functionality, which is based on uvm_objection. uvm_objection Objections provide a facility for coordinating status information between two or more participating components, objects, and even module-based IP. The uvm_objection is the callback type that defines the callback implementations for an objection callback. uvm_objection_callback uvm_objection Objections provide a facility for coordinating status information between two or more participating components, objects, and even module-based IP. Tracing of objection activity can be turned on to follow the activity of the objection mechanism. It may be turned on for a specific objection instance with uvm_objection::trace_mode, or it can be set for all objections from the command line using the option +UVM_OBJECTION_TRACE. Summary uvm_objection Objections provide a facility for coordinating status information between two or more participating components, objects, and even module-based IP. CLAss HIERARchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_report_object uvm_objection CLAss DEcLARATIoN class uvm_objection extends uvm_report_object new trace_mode OBJEcTIoN CoNTRoL set_propagate_mode get_propagate_mode raise_objection drop_objection UVM 1.2 Class Reference Creates a new objection instance. Set or get the trace mode for the objection object. Sets the propagation mode for this objection. Returns the propagation mode for this objection. Raises the number of objections for the source object by count, which defaults to 1. Drops the number of objections for the source object by count, which defaults to 1. 213 clear set_drain_time CALLBAcK HooKs raised dropped all_dropped OBJEcTIoN STATUs get_objectors wait_for get_objection_count get_objection_total get_drain_time display_objections Immediately clears the objection state. Sets the drain time on the given object to drain. Objection callback that is called when a raise_objection has reached obj. Objection callback that is called when a drop_objection has reached obj. Objection callback that is called when a drop_objection has reached obj, and the total count for obj goes to zero. Returns the current list of objecting objects (objects that raised an objection but have not dropped it). Waits for the raised, dropped, or all_dropped event to occur in the given obj. Returns the current number of objections raised by the given object. Returns the current number of objections raised by the given object and all descendants. Returns the current drain time set for the given object (default: 0 ns). Displays objection information about the given object. new function new( string name = "" ) Creates a new objection instance. Accesses the command line argument +UVM_OBJECTION_TRACE to turn tracing on for all objection objects. trace_mode function bit trace_mode ( int mode = -1 ) Set or get the trace mode for the objection object. If no argument is specified (or an argument other than 0 or 1) the current trace mode is unaffected. A trace_mode of 0 turns tracing off. A trace mode of 1 turns tracing on. The return value is the mode prior to being reset. OBJEcTIoN CoNTRoL set_propagate_mode function void set_propagate_mode ( bit prop_mode ) Sets the propagation mode for this objection. By default, objections support hierarchical propagation for components. For example, if UVM 1.2 Class Reference 214 we have the following basic component tree: uvm_top.parent.child Any objections raised by ‘child’ would get propagated down to parent, and then to uvm_test_top. Resulting in the following counts and totals: | count | total | uvm_top.parent.child | 1 | 1 | uvm_top.parent | 0 | 1 | uvm_top | 0 | 1 | While propagations such as these can be useful, if they are unused by the testbench then they are simply an unnecessary performance hit. If the testbench is not going to use this functionality, then the performance can be improved by setting the propagation mode to 0. When propagation mode is set to 0, all intermediate callbacks between the source and top will be skipped. This would result in the following counts and totals for the above objection: | count | total | uvm_top.parent.child | 1 | 1 | uvm_top.parent | 0 | 0 | uvm_top | 0 | 1 | Since the propagation mode changes the behavior of the objection, it can only be safely changed if there are no objections raised or draining. Any attempts to change the mode while objections are raised or draining will result in an error. get_propagate_mode function bit get_propagate_mode() Returns the propagation mode for this objection. raise_objection virtual function void raise_objection ( uvm_object obj = null, string description = "", int count = 1 ) Raises the number of objections for the source object by count, which defaults to 1. The object is usually the this handle of the caller. If object is not specified or null, the implicit top-level component, uvm_root, is chosen. Raising an objection causes the following. The source and total objection counts for object are increased by count. description is a string that marks a specific objection and is used in tracing/debug. The objection’s raised virtual method is called, which calls the UVM 1.2 Class Reference 215 uvm_component::raised method for all of the components up the hierarchy. drop_objection virtual function void drop_objection ( uvm_object obj = null, string description = "", int count = 1 ) Drops the number of objections for the source object by count, which defaults to 1. The object is usually the this handle of the caller. If object is not specified or null, the implicit top-level component, uvm_root, is chosen. Dropping an objection causes the following. The source and total objection counts for object are decreased by count. It is an error to drop the objection count for object below zero. The objection’s dropped virtual method is called, which calls the uvm_component::dropped method for all of the components up the hierarchy. If the total objection count has not reached zero for object, then the drop is propagated up the object hierarchy as with raise_objection. Then, each object in the hierarchy will have updated their source counts--objections that they originated--and total counts--the total number of objections by them and all their descendants. If the total objection count reaches zero, propagation up the hierarchy is deferred until a configurable drain-time has passed and the uvm_component::all_dropped callback for the current hierarchy level has returned. The following process occurs for each instance up the hierarchy from the source caller: A process is forked in a non-blocking fashion, allowing the drop call to return. The forked process then does the following: If a drain time was set for the given object, the process waits for that amount of time. The objection’s all_dropped virtual method is called, which calls the uvm_component::all_dropped method (if object is a component). The process then waits for the all_dropped callback to complete. After the drain time has elapsed and all_dropped callback has completed, propagation of the dropped objection to the parent proceeds as described in raise_objection, except as described below. If a new objection for this object or any of its descendants is raised during the drain time or during execution of the all_dropped callback at any point, the hierarchical chain described above is terminated and the dropped callback does not go up the hierarchy. The raised objection will propagate up the hierarchy, but the number of raised propagated up is reduced by the number of drops that were pending waiting for the all_dropped/drain time completion. Thus, if exactly one objection caused the count to go to zero, and during the drain exactly one new objection comes in, no raises or drops are propagated up the hierarchy, As an optimization, if the object has no set drain-time and no registered callbacks, the forked process can be skipped and propagation proceeds immediately to the parent as described. clear UVM 1.2 Class Reference 216 virtual function void clear( uvm_object obj = null ) Immediately clears the objection state. All counts are cleared and the any processes waiting on a call to wait_for(UVM_ALL_DROPPED, uvm_top) are released. The caller, if a uvm_object-based object, should pass its ‘this’ handle to the obj argument to document who cleared the objection. Any drain_times set by the user are not affected. set_drain_time Sets the drain time on the given object to drain. The drain time is the amount of time to wait once all objections have been dropped before calling the all_dropped callback and propagating the objection to the parent. If a new objection for this object or any of its descendants is raised during the drain time or during execution of the all_dropped callbacks, the drain_time/all_dropped execution is terminated. CALLBAcK HooKs raised virtual function void raised ( uvm_object obj, uvm_object source_obj, string description, int count ) Objection callback that is called when a raise_objection has reached obj. The default implementation calls uvm_component::raised. dropped virtual function void dropped ( uvm_object obj, uvm_object source_obj, string description, int count ) Objection callback that is called when a drop_objection has reached obj. The default implementation calls uvm_component::dropped. all_dropped virtual task all_dropped ( uvm_object obj, uvm_object source_obj, string description, int count ) UVM 1.2 Class Reference 217 Objection callback that is called when a drop_objection has reached obj, and the total count for obj goes to zero. This callback is executed after the drain time associated with obj. The default implementation calls uvm_component::all_dropped. OBJEcTIoN STATUs get_objectors function void get_objectors( ref uvm_object list[$] ) Returns the current list of objecting objects (objects that raised an objection but have not dropped it). wait_for task wait_for( uvm_objection_event objt_event, obj = null uvm_object ) Waits for the raised, dropped, or all_dropped event to occur in the given obj. The task returns after all corresponding callbacks for that event have been executed. get_objection_count function int get_objection_count ( uvm_object obj = null ) Returns the current number of objections raised by the given object. get_objection_total function int get_objection_total ( uvm_object obj = null ) Returns the current number of objections raised by the given object and all descendants. get_drain_time function time get_drain_time ( uvm_object obj = null ) Returns the current drain time set for the given object (default: 0 ns). display_objections UVM 1.2 Class Reference 218 function void display_objections( uvm_object obj = null, bit show_header = 1 ) Displays objection information about the given object. If object is not specified or null, the implicit top-level component, uvm_root, is chosen. The show_header argument allows control of whether a header is output. uvm_objection_callback The uvm_objection is the callback type that defines the callback implementations for an objection callback. A user uses the callback type uvm_objection_cbs_t to add callbacks to specific objections. For example class my_objection_cb extends uvm_objection_callback; function new(string name); super.new(name); endfunction virtual function void raised (uvm_objection objection, uvm_object obj, uvm_object source_obj, string description, int count); `uvm_info("RAISED","%0t: Objection %s: Raised for %s", $time, objection.get_name(), obj.get_full_name()); endfunction endclass ... initial begin my_objection_cb cb = new("cb"); uvm_objection_cbs_t::add(null, cb); //typewide callback end Summary uvm_objection_callback The uvm_objection is the callback type that defines the callback implementations for an objection callback. CLAss HIERARchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_callback uvm_objection_callback CLAss DEcLARATIoN class uvm_objection_callback extends uvm_callback METhods raised dropped all_dropped UVM 1.2 Class Reference Objection raised callback function. Objection dropped callback function. Objection all_dropped callback function. 219 METhods raised virtual function uvm_objection uvm_object uvm_object string int ) void raised ( objection, obj, source_obj, description, count Objection raised callback function. Called by uvm_objection::raised. dropped virtual function uvm_objection uvm_object uvm_object string int ) void dropped ( objection, obj, source_obj, description, count Objection dropped callback function. Called by uvm_objection::dropped. all_dropped virtual task all_dropped ( uvm_objection objection, uvm_object obj, uvm_object source_obj, string description, int count ) Objection all_dropped callback function. Called by uvm_objection::all_dropped. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 220 11.5 uvm_heartbeat Heartbeats provide a way for environments to easily ensure that their descendants are alive. A uvm_heartbeat is associated with a specific objection object. A component that is being tracked by the heartbeat object must raise (or drop) the synchronizing objection during the heartbeat window. The uvm_heartbeat object has a list of participating objects. The heartbeat can be configured so that all components (UVM_ALL_ACTIVE), exactly one (UVM_ONE_ACTIVE), or any component (UVM_ANY_ACTIVE) must trigger the objection in order to satisfy the heartbeat condition. Summary uvm_heartbeat Heartbeats provide a way for environments to easily ensure that their descendants are alive. METHODs new set_mode set_heartbeat add remove start stop Creates a new heartbeat instance associated with cntxt. Sets or retrieves the heartbeat mode. Sets up the heartbeat event and assigns a list of objects to watch. Add a single component to the set of components to be monitored. Remove a single component to the set of components being monitored. Starts the heartbeat monitor. Stops the heartbeat monitor. METHODs new function new( string name, uvm_component cntxt, uvm_objection objection = null ) Creates a new heartbeat instance associated with cntxt. The context is the hierarchical location that the heartbeat objections will flow through and be monitored at. The objection associated with the heartbeat is optional, if it is left null but it must be set before the heartbeat monitor will activate. uvm_objection myobjection = new("myobjection"); //some shared objection class myenv extends uvm_env; uvm_heartbeat hb = new("hb", this, myobjection); ... endclass UVM 1.2 Class Reference 221 set_mode function uvm_heartbeat_modes set_mode ( uvm_heartbeat_modes mode = UVM_NO_HB_MODE ) Sets or retrieves the heartbeat mode. The current value for the heartbeat mode is returned. If an argument is specified to change the mode then the mode is changed to the new value. set_heartbeat function void set_heartbeat ( uvm_event#(uvm_object) e, ref uvm_component comps[$] ) Sets up the heartbeat event and assigns a list of objects to watch. The monitoring is started as soon as this method is called. Once the monitoring has been started with a specific event, providing a new monitor event results in an error. To change trigger events, you must first stop the monitor and then start with a new event trigger. If the trigger event e is null and there was no previously set trigger event, then the monitoring is not started. Monitoring can be started by explicitly calling start. add function void add ( uvm_component comp ) Add a single component to the set of components to be monitored. This does not cause monitoring to be started. If monitoring is currently active then this component will be immediately added to the list of components and will be expected to participate in the currently active event window. remove function void remove ( uvm_component comp ) Remove a single component to the set of components being monitored. Monitoring is not stopped, even if the last component has been removed (an explicit stop is required). start function void start ( uvm_event#(uvm_object) e = null ) Starts the heartbeat monitor. If e is null then whatever event was previously set is used. If no event was previously set then a warning is issued. It is an error if the monitor is currently running and e is specifying a different trigger event from the current event. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 222 stop function void stop () Stops the heartbeat monitor. Current state information is reset so that if start is called again the process will wait for the first event trigger to start the monitoring. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 223 11.6 Callbacks Classes This section defines the classes used for callback registration, management, and userdefined callbacks. Contents Callbacks Classes This section defines the classes used for callback registration, management, and user-defined callbacks. uvm_callbacks #(T,CB) The uvm_callbacks class provides a base class for implementing callbacks, which are typically used to modify or augment component behavior without changing the component class. uvm_callback_iter The uvm_callback_iter class is an iterator class for iterating over callback queues of a specific callback type. uvm_callback The uvm_callback class is the base class for user-defined callback classes. uvm_callbacks #(T,CB) The uvm_callbacks class provides a base class for implementing callbacks, which are typically used to modify or augment component behavior without changing the component class. To work effectively, the developer of the component class defines a set of “hook” methods that enable users to customize certain behaviors of the component in a manner that is controlled by the component developer. The integrity of the component’s overall behavior is intact, while still allowing certain customizable actions by the user. To enable compile-time type-safety, the class is parameterized on both the user-defined callback interface implementation as well as the object type associated with the callback. The object type-callback type pair are associated together using the `uvm_register_cb macro to define a valid pairing; valid pairings are checked when a user attempts to add a callback to an object. To provide the most flexibility for end-user customization and reuse, it is recommended that the component developer also define a corresponding set of virtual method hooks in the component itself. This affords users the ability to customize via inheritance/factory overrides as well as callback object registration. The implementation of each virtual method would provide the default traversal algorithm for the particular callback being called. Being virtual, users can define subtypes that override the default algorithm, perform tasks before and/or after calling super.method to execute any registered callbacks, or to not call the base implementation, effectively disabling that particular hook. A demonstration of this methodology is provided in an example included in the kit. Summary uvm_callbacks #(T,CB) The uvm_callbacks class provides a base class for implementing callbacks, which are typically used to modify or augment component behavior without changing the component class. CLAss HIERARchY UVM 1.2 Class Reference 224 uvm_typed_callbacks#(T) uvm_callbacks#(T,CB) CLAss DEcLARAtION class uvm_callbacks #( type T = uvm_object, type CB = uvm_callback ) extends uvm_typed_callbacks#(T) T This type parameter specifies the base object type with which the CB callback objects will be registered. This type parameter specifies the base callback type that will be managed by this callback class. CB Add/dELEtE INtERFAcE add add_by_name delete delete_by_name ItERAtOR INtERFAcE get_first get_last get_next get_prev DEbUG display Registers the given callback object, cb, with the given obj handle. Registers the given callback object, cb, with one or more uvm_components. Deletes the given callback object, cb, from the queue associated with the given obj handle. Removes the given callback object, cb, associated with one or more uvm_component callback queues. This set of functions provide an iterator interface for callback queues. Returns the first enabled callback of type CB which resides in the queue for obj. Returns the last enabled callback of type CB which resides in the queue for obj. Returns the next enabled callback of type CB which resides in the queue for obj, using itr as the starting point. Returns the previous enabled callback of type CB which resides in the queue for obj, using itr as the starting point. This function displays callback information for obj. T This type parameter specifies the base object type with which the CB callback objects will be registered. This object must be a derivative of uvm_object. CB This type parameter specifies the base callback type that will be managed by this callback class. The callback type is typically a interface class, which defines one or more virtual method prototypes that users can override in subtypes. This type must be a derivative of uvm_callback. Add/ dELEtE INtERFAcE add UVM 1.2 Class Reference 225 static function void add( T obj, uvm_callback cb, uvm_apprepend ordering = UVM_APPEND ) Registers the given callback object, cb, with the given obj handle. The obj handle can be null, which allows registration of callbacks without an object context. If ordering is UVM_APPEND (default), the callback will be executed after previously added callbacks, else the callback will be executed ahead of previously added callbacks. The cb is the callback handle; it must be non-null, and if the callback has already been added to the object instance then a warning is issued. Note that the CB parameter is optional. For example, the following are equivalent: uvm_callbacks#(my_comp)::add(comp_a, cb); uvm_callbacks#(my_comp, my_callback)::add(comp_a,cb); add_by_name static function void add_by_name( string name, uvm_callback cb, uvm_component root, uvm_apprepend ordering = UVM_APPEND ) Registers the given callback object, cb, with one or more uvm_components. The components must already exist and must be type T or a derivative. As with add the CB parameter is optional. root specifies the location in the component hierarchy to start the search for name. See uvm_root::find_all for more details on searching by name. delete static function void delete( T obj, uvm_callback cb ) Deletes the given callback object, cb, from the queue associated with the given obj handle. The obj handle can be null, which allows de-registration of callbacks without an object context. The cb is the callback handle; it must be non-null, and if the callback has already been removed from the object instance then a warning is issued. Note that the CB parameter is optional. For example, the following are equivalent: uvm_callbacks#(my_comp)::delete(comp_a, cb); uvm_callbacks#(my_comp, my_callback)::delete(comp_a,cb); delete_by_name static function void delete_by_name( string name, uvm_callback cb, uvm_component root ) UVM 1.2 Class Reference 226 Removes the given callback object, cb, associated with one or more uvm_component callback queues. As with delete the CB parameter is optional. root specifies the location in the component hierarchy to start the search for name. See uvm_root::find_all for more details on searching by name. ItERAtOR INtERFAcE This set of functions provide an iterator interface for callback queues. A facade class, uvm_callback_iter is also available, and is the generally preferred way to iterate over callback queues. get_first static function CB get_first ( ref int itr, input T obj ) Returns the first enabled callback of type CB which resides in the queue for obj. If obj is null then the typewide queue for T is searched. itr is the iterator; it will be updated with a value that can be supplied to get_next to get the next callback object. If the queue is empty then null is returned. The iterator class uvm_callback_iter may be used as an alternative, simplified, iterator interface. get_last static function CB get_last ( ref int itr, input T obj ) Returns the last enabled callback of type CB which resides in the queue for obj. If obj is null then the typewide queue for T is searched. itr is the iterator; it will be updated with a value that can be supplied to get_prev to get the previous callback object. If the queue is empty then null is returned. The iterator class uvm_callback_iter may be used as an alternative, simplified, iterator interface. get_next static function CB get_next ( ref int itr, input T obj ) Returns the next enabled callback of type CB which resides in the queue for obj, using itr as the starting point. If obj is null then the typewide queue for T is searched. itr is the iterator; it will be updated with a value that can be supplied to get_next to get the next callback object. If no more callbacks exist in the queue, then null is returned. get_next will continue to UVM 1.2 Class Reference 227 return null in this case until get_first or get_last has been used to reset the iterator. The iterator class uvm_callback_iter may be used as an alternative, simplified, iterator interface. get_prev static function CB get_prev ( ref int itr, input T obj ) Returns the previous enabled callback of type CB which resides in the queue for obj, using itr as the starting point. If obj is null then the typewide queue for T is searched. itr is the iterator; it will be updated with a value that can be supplied to get_prev to get the previous callback object. If no more callbacks exist in the queue, then null is returned. get_prev will continue to return null in this case until get_first or get_last has been used to reset the iterator. The iterator class uvm_callback_iter may be used as an alternative, simplified, iterator interface. DEbUG display static function void display( T obj = null ) This function displays callback information for obj. If obj is null, then it displays callback information for all objects of type T, including typewide callbacks. uvm_callback_iter The uvm_callback_iter class is an iterator class for iterating over callback queues of a specific callback type. The typical usage of the class is: uvm_callback_iter#(mycomp,mycb) iter = new(this); for(mycb cb = iter.first(); cb != null; cb = iter.next()) cb.dosomething(); The callback iteration macros, `uvm_do_callbacks and `uvm_do_callbacks_exit_on provide a simple method for iterating callbacks and executing the callback methods. Summary uvm_callback_iter UVM 1.2 Class Reference 228 The uvm_callback_iter class is an iterator class for iterating over callback queues of a specific callback type. CLAss DEcLARAtION class uvm_callback_iter#( type T = uvm_object, type CB = uvm_callback ) MEthOds new first last next prev get_cb Creates a new callback iterator object. Returns the first valid (enabled) callback of the callback type (or a derivative) that is in the queue of the context object. Returns the last valid (enabled) callback of the callback type (or a derivative) that is in the queue of the context object. Returns the next valid (enabled) callback of the callback type (or a derivative) that is in the queue of the context object. Returns the previous valid (enabled) callback of the callback type (or a derivative) that is in the queue of the context object. Returns the last callback accessed via a first() or next() call. MEthOds new function new( T obj ) Creates a new callback iterator object. It is required that the object context be provided. first function CB first() Returns the first valid (enabled) callback of the callback type (or a derivative) that is in the queue of the context object. If the queue is empty then null is returned. last function CB last() Returns the last valid (enabled) callback of the callback type (or a derivative) that is in the queue of the context object. If the queue is empty then null is returned. next function CB next() Returns the next valid (enabled) callback of the callback type (or a derivative) that is in the queue of the context object. If there are no more valid callbacks in the queue, then null is returned. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 229 prev function CB prev() Returns the previous valid (enabled) callback of the callback type (or a derivative) that is in the queue of the context object. If there are no more valid callbacks in the queue, then null is returned. get_cb function CB get_cb() Returns the last callback accessed via a first() or next() call. uvm_callback The uvm_callback class is the base class for user-defined callback classes. Typically, the component developer defines an application-specific callback class that extends from this class. In it, he defines one or more virtual methods, called a callback interface, that represent the hooks available for user override. Methods intended for optional override should not be declared pure. Usually, all the callback methods are defined with empty implementations so users have the option of overriding any or all of them. The prototypes for each hook method are completely application specific with no restrictions. Summary uvm_callback The uvm_callback class is the base class for user-defined callback classes. CLAss HIERARchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_callback CLAss DEcLARAtION class uvm_callback extends uvm_object MEthOds new callback_mode is_enabled get_type_name UVM 1.2 Class Reference Creates a new uvm_callback object, giving it an optional name. Enable/disable callbacks (modeled like rand_mode and constraint_mode). Returns 1 if the callback is enabled, 0 otherwise. Returns the type name of this callback object. 230 MEthOds new function new( string name = "uvm_callback" ) Creates a new uvm_callback object, giving it an optional name. callback_mode function bit callback_mode( int on = -1 ) Enable/disable callbacks (modeled like rand_mode and constraint_mode). is_enabled function bit is_enabled() Returns 1 if the callback is enabled, 0 otherwise. get_type_name virtual function string get_type_name() Returns the type name of this callback object. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 231 12. Container Classes The container classes are type parameterized data structures. The uvm_queue #(T) class implements a queue datastructure similar to the SystemVerilog queue construct. And the uvm_pool #(KEY,T) class implements a pool datastructure similar to the SystemVerilog associative array. The class based data structures allow the objects to be shared by reference; for example, a copy of a uvm_pool #(KEY,T) object will copy just the class handle instead of the entire associative array. Summary Container Classes The container classes are type parameterized data structures. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 232 12.1 Pool Classes This section defines the uvm_pool #(KEY, T) class and derivative. Contents Pool Classes This section defines the uvm_pool #(KEY, T) class and derivative. uvm_pool #(KEY,T) uvm_object_string_pool #(T) Implements a class-based dynamic associative array. This provides a specialization of the generic uvm_pool #(KEY,T) class for an associative array of uvm_objectbased objects indexed by string. uvm_pool #(KEY,T) Implements a class-based dynamic associative array. Allows sparse arrays to be allocated on demand, and passed and stored by reference. Summary uvm_pool #(KEY,T) Implements a class-based dynamic associative array. CLAss HIeRARchy uvm_void uvm_object uvm_pool#(KEY,T) CLAss DecLARAtION class uvm_pool #( type KEY = int, T = uvm_void ) extends uvm_object MethOds new get_global_pool get_global get add num delete exists first last next prev UVM 1.2 Class Reference Creates a new pool with the given name. Returns the singleton global pool for the item type, T. Returns the specified item instance from the global item pool. Returns the item with the given key. Adds the given (key, item) pair to the pool. Returns the number of uniquely keyed items stored in the pool. Removes the item with the given key from the pool. Returns 1 if an item with the given key exists in the pool, 0 otherwise. Returns the key of the first item stored in the pool. Returns the key of the last item stored in the pool. Returns the key of the next item in the pool. Returns the key of the previous item in the pool. 233 MethOds new function new ( string name = "" ) Creates a new pool with the given name. get_global_pool static function this_type get_global_pool () Returns the singleton global pool for the item type, T. This allows items to be shared amongst components throughout the verification environment. get_global static function T get_global ( KEY key ) Returns the specified item instance from the global item pool. get virtual function T get ( KEY key ) Returns the item with the given key. If no item exists by that key, a new item is created with that key and returned. add virtual function void add ( KEY key, T item ) Adds the given (key, item) pair to the pool. If an item already exists at the given key it is overwritten with the new item. num virtual function int num () UVM 1.2 Class Reference 234 Returns the number of uniquely keyed items stored in the pool. delete virtual function void delete ( KEY key ) Removes the item with the given key from the pool. exists virtual function int exists ( KEY key ) Returns 1 if an item with the given key exists in the pool, 0 otherwise. first virtual function int first ( ref KEY key ) Returns the key of the first item stored in the pool. If the pool is empty, then key is unchanged and 0 is returned. If the pool is not empty, then key is key of the first item and 1 is returned. last virtual function int last ( ref KEY key ) Returns the key of the last item stored in the pool. If the pool is empty, then 0 is returned and key is unchanged. If the pool is not empty, then key is set to the last key in the pool and 1 is returned. next virtual function int next ( ref KEY key ) Returns the key of the next item in the pool. If the input key is the last key in the pool, then key is left unchanged and 0 is returned. If a next key is found, then key is updated with that key and 1 is returned. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 235 prev virtual function int prev ( ref KEY key ) Returns the key of the previous item in the pool. If the input key is the first key in the pool, then key is left unchanged and 0 is returned. If a previous key is found, then key is updated with that key and 1 is returned. uvm_object_string_pool #(T) This provides a specialization of the generic uvm_pool #(KEY,T) class for an associative array of uvm_object-based objects indexed by string. Specializations of this class include the uvm_event_pool (a uvm_object_string_pool storing uvm_event#(uvm_object)) and uvm_barrier_pool (a uvm_obejct_string_pool storing uvm_barrier). Summary uvm_object_string_pool #(T) This provides a specialization of the generic uvm_pool #(KEY,T) class for an associative array of uvm_object-based objects indexed by string. CLAss HIeRARchy uvm_pool#(string,T) uvm_object_string_pool#(T) CLAss DecLARAtION class uvm_object_string_pool #( type T = uvm_object ) extends uvm_pool #(string,T) MethOds new get_type_name get_global_pool get_global get delete Creates a new pool with the given name. Returns the type name of this object. Returns the singleton global pool for the item type, T. Returns the specified item instance from the global item pool. Returns the object item at the given string key. Removes the item with the given string key from the pool. MethOds new function new ( string name = "" ) UVM 1.2 Class Reference 236 Creates a new pool with the given name. get_type_name virtual function string get_type_name() Returns the type name of this object. get_global_pool static function this_type get_global_pool () Returns the singleton global pool for the item type, T. This allows items to be shared amongst components throughout the verification environment. get_global static function T get_global ( string key ) Returns the specified item instance from the global item pool. get virtual function T get ( string key ) Returns the object item at the given string key. If no item exists by the given key, a new item is created for that key and returned. delete virtual function void delete ( string key ) Removes the item with the given string key from the pool. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 237 12.2 uvm_queue #(T) Implements a class-based dynamic queue. Allows queues to be allocated on demand, and passed and stored by reference. Summary uvm_queue #(T) Implements a class-based dynamic queue. CLAss HIERARchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_queue#(T) CLAss DEcLARAtION class uvm_queue #( type T = int ) extends uvm_object MEthOds new get_global_queue get_global get size insert delete pop_front pop_back push_front push_back Creates a new queue with the given name. Returns the singleton global queue for the item type, T. Returns the specified item instance from the global item queue. Returns the item at the given index. Returns the number of items stored in the queue. Inserts the item at the given index in the queue. Removes the item at the given index from the queue; if index is not provided, the entire contents of the queue are deleted. Returns the first element in the queue (index=0), or null if the queue is empty. Returns the last element in the queue (index=size()-1), or null if the queue is empty. Inserts the given item at the front of the queue. Inserts the given item at the back of the queue. MEthOds new function new ( string name = "" ) Creates a new queue with the given name. get_global_queue static function this_type get_global_queue () UVM 1.2 Class Reference 238 Returns the singleton global queue for the item type, T. This allows items to be shared amongst components throughout the verification environment. get_global static function T get_global ( int index ) Returns the specified item instance from the global item queue. get virtual function T get ( int index ) Returns the item at the given index. If no item exists by that key, a new item is created with that key and returned. size virtual function int size () Returns the number of items stored in the queue. insert virtual function void insert ( int index, T item ) Inserts the item at the given index in the queue. delete virtual function void delete ( int index = -1 ) Removes the item at the given index from the queue; if index is not provided, the entire contents of the queue are deleted. pop_front virtual function T pop_front() Returns the first element in the queue (index=0), or null if the queue is empty. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 239 pop_back virtual function T pop_back() Returns the last element in the queue (index=size()-1), or null if the queue is empty. push_front virtual function void push_front( T item ) Inserts the given item at the front of the queue. push_back virtual function void push_back( T item ) Inserts the given item at the back of the queue. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 240 13. TLM Interfaces The UVM TLM library defines several abstract, transaction-level interfaces and the ports and exports that facilitate their use. Each TLM interface consists of one or more methods used to transport data, typically whole transactions (objects) at a time. Component designs that use TLM ports and exports to communicate are inherently more reusable, interoperable, and modular. The UVM TLM library specifies the required behavior (semantic) of each interface method. Classes (components) that implement a TLM interface must meet the specified semantic. Summary TLM Interfaces The UVM TLM library defines several abstract, transaction-level interfaces and the ports and exports that facilitate their use. TLM1 TLM2 Sequencer Port Analysis The TLM1 ports provide blocking and non-blocking pass-by-value transaction-level interfaces. The TLM2 sockets provide blocking and non-blocking transactionlevel interfaces with well-defined completion semantics. A push or pull port, with well-defined completion semantics. The analysis interface is used to perform non-blocking broadcasts of transactions to connected components. TLM1 The TLM1 ports provide blocking and non-blocking pass-by-value transaction-level interfaces. The semantics of these interfaces are limited to message passing. TLM2 The TLM2 sockets provide blocking and non-blocking transaction-level interfaces with well-defined completion semantics. Sequencer Port A push or pull port, with well-defined completion semantics. It is used to connect sequencers with drivers and layering sequences. Analysis The analysis interface is used to perform non-blocking broadcasts of transactions to connected components. It is typically used by such components as monitors to publish transactions observed on a bus to its subscribers, which are typically scoreboards and response/coverage collectors. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 241 14. TLM1 Interfaces, Ports, Exports and Transport Interfaces Each TLM1 interface is either blocking, non-blocking, or a combination of these two. blocking A blocking interface conveys transactions in blocking fashion; its methods do not return until the transaction has been successfully sent or retrieved. Because delivery may consume time to complete, the methods in such an interface are declared as tasks. non-blocking A non-blocking interface attempts to convey a transaction without consuming simulation time. Its methods are declared as functions. Because delivery may fail (e.g. the target component is busy and cannot accept the request), the methods may return with failed status. combination A combination interface contains both the blocking and nonblocking variants. In SystemC, combination interfaces are defined through multiple inheritance. Because SystemVerilog does not support multiple inheritance, the UVM emulates hierarchical interfaces via a common base class and interface mask. Like their SystemC counterparts, the UVM’s TLM port and export implementations allow connections between ports whose interfaces are not an exact match. For example, a uvm_blocking_get_port can be connected to any port, export or imp port that provides at the least an implementation of the blocking_get interface, which includes the uvm_get_* ports and exports, uvm_blocking_get_peek_* ports and exports, and uvm_get_peek_* ports and exports. The sections below provide and overview of the unidirectional and bidirectional TLM interfaces, ports, and exports. Summary TLM1 Interfaces, Ports, Exports and Transport Interfaces Each TLM1 interface is either blocking, non-blocking, or a combination of these two. UNiDiReCtiONAl INteRFACes & PORts Put Get and Peek Ports, Exports, and Imps BiDiReCtiONAl INteRFACes & PORts Transport Master and Slave UVM 1.2 Class Reference The unidirectional TLM interfaces consist of blocking, nonblocking, and combined blocking and non-blocking variants of the put, get and peek interfaces, plus a non-blocking analysis interface. The put interfaces are used to send, or put, transactions to other components. The get interfaces are used to retrieve transactions from other components. The UVM provides unidirectional ports, exports, and implementation ports for connecting your components via the TLM interfaces. The bidirectional interfaces consist of blocking, non-blocking, and combined blocking and non-blocking variants of the transport, master, and slave interfaces. The transport interface sends a request transaction and returns a response transaction in a single task call, thereby enforcing an in-order execution semantic. The primitive, unidirectional put, get, and peek interfaces are combined to form bidirectional master and slave interfaces. 242 Ports, Exports, and Imps UsAGe The UVM provides bidirectional ports, exports, and implementation ports for connecting your components via the TLM interfaces. This example illustrates basic TLM connectivity using the blocking put interface. UNiDiReCtiONAl INteRFACes & PORts The unidirectional TLM interfaces consist of blocking, non-blocking, and combined blocking and non-blocking variants of the put, get and peek interfaces, plus a nonblocking analysis interface. Put The put interfaces are used to send, or put, transactions to other components. Successful completion of a put guarantees its delivery, not execution. Get and Peek The get interfaces are used to retrieve transactions from other components. The peek interfaces are used for the same purpose, except the retrieved transaction is not consumed; successive calls to peek will return the same object. Combined get_peek interfaces are also defined. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 243 Ports, Exports, and Imps The UVM provides unidirectional ports, exports, and implementation ports for connecting your components via the TLM interfaces. Ports instantiated in components that require, or use, the associate interface to initiate transaction requests. Exports instantiated by components that forward an implementation of the methods defined in the associated interface. The implementation is typically provided by an imp port in a child component. Imps instantiated by components that provide or implement an implementation of the methods defined in the associated interface. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 244 A summary of port, export, and imp declarations are class uvm_*_export #(type T=int) extends uvm_port_base #(tlm_if_base #(T,T)); class uvm_*_port #(type T=int) extends uvm_port_base #(tlm_if_base #(T,T)); class uvm_*_imp #(type T=int) extends uvm_port_base #(tlm_if_base #(T,T)); where the asterisk can be any of blocking_put nonblocking_put put blocking_get nonblocking_get get blocking_peek nonblocking_peek peek blocking_get_peek nonblocking_get_peek get_peek analysis BiDiReCtiONAl INteRFACes & PORts The bidirectional interfaces consist of blocking, non-blocking, and combined blocking and non-blocking variants of the transport, master, and slave interfaces. Bidirectional interfaces involve both a transaction request and response. Transport The transport interface sends a request transaction and returns a response transaction in a single task call, thereby enforcing an in-order execution semantic. The request and response transactions can be different types. Master and Slave The primitive, unidirectional put, get, and peek interfaces are combined to form UVM 1.2 Class Reference 245 bidirectional master and slave interfaces. The master puts requests and gets or peeks responses. The slave gets or peeks requests and puts responses. Because the put and the get come from different function interface methods, the requests and responses are not coupled as they are with the transport interface. Ports, Exports, and Imps The UVM provides bidirectional ports, exports, and implementation ports for connecting your components via the TLM interfaces. Ports instantiated in components that require, or use, the associate interface to initiate transaction requests. Exports instantiated by components that forward an implementation of the methods defined in the associated interface. The implementation is typically provided by an imp port in a child component. Imps instantiated by components that provide or implement an implementation of the methods defined in the associated interface. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 246 A summary of port, export, and imp declarations are class uvm_*_port #(type REQ=int, RSP=int) extends uvm_port_base #(tlm_if_base #(REQ, RSP)); class uvm_*_export #(type REQ=int, RSP=int) extends uvm_port_base #(tlm_if_base #(REQ, RSP)); class uvm_*_imp #(type REQ=int, RSP=int) extends uvm_port_base #(tlm_if_base #(REQ, RSP)); where the asterisk can be any of transport blocking_transport nonblocking_transport blocking_master nonblocking_master master blocking_slave nonblocking_slave slave UsAGe This example illustrates basic TLM connectivity using the blocking put interface. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 247 port-to-port leaf1’s out port is connected to its parent’s (comp1) out port port-to-export comp1’s out port is connected to comp2’s in export export-to-export comp2’s in export is connected to its child’s (subcomp2) in export export-to-imp subcomp2’s in export is connected leaf2’s in imp port. imp-to-implementation leaf2’s in imp port is connected to its implementation, leaf2 Hierarchical port connections are resolved and optimized just before uvm_component::end_of_elaboration_phase. After optimization, calling any port’s interface method (e.g. leaf1.out.put(trans)) incurs a single hop to get to the implementation (e.g. leaf2’s put task), no matter how far up and down the hierarchy the implementation resides. `include "uvm_pkg.sv" import uvm_pkg::*; class trans extends uvm_transaction; rand int addr; rand int data; rand bit write; endclass class leaf1 extends uvm_component; `uvm_component_utils(leaf1) uvm_blocking_put_port #(trans) out; function new(string name, uvm_component parent=null); super.new(name,parent); out = new("out",this); endfunction virtual task run_phase(uvm_phase phase); trans t; phase.raise_objection(this, "prolonging run_phase"); t = new; t.randomize(); out.put(t); phase.drop_objection(this, "prolonging run_phase"); endtask endclass class comp1 extends uvm_component; `uvm_component_utils(comp1) uvm_blocking_put_port #(trans) out; leaf1 leaf; function new(string name, uvm_component parent=null); super.new(name,parent); endfunction virtual function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase); out = new("out",this); leaf = new("leaf1",this); endfunction // connect port to port virtual function void connect_phase(uvm_phase phase); leaf.out.connect(out); endfunction endclass class leaf2 extends uvm_component; `uvm_component_utils(leaf2) uvm_blocking_put_imp #(trans,leaf2) in; function new(string name, uvm_component parent=null); super.new(name,parent); UVM 1.2 Class Reference 248 // connect imp to implementation (this) in = new("in",this); endfunction virtual task put(trans t); $display("Got trans: addr=%0d, data=%0d, write=%0d", t.addr, t.data, t.write); endtask endclass class subcomp2 extends uvm_component; `uvm_component_utils(subcomp2) uvm_blocking_put_export #(trans) in; leaf2 leaf; function new(string name, uvm_component parent=null); super.new(name,parent); endfunction virtual function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase); in = new("in",this); leaf = new("leaf2",this); endfunction // connect export to imp virtual function void connect_phase(uvm_phase phase); in.connect(leaf.in); endfunction endclass class comp2 extends uvm_component; `uvm_component_utils(comp2) uvm_blocking_put_export #(trans) in; subcomp2 subcomp; function new(string name, uvm_component parent=null); super.new(name,parent); endfunction virtual function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase); in = new("in",this); subcomp = new("subcomp2",this); endfunction // connect export to export virtual function void connect_phase(uvm_phase phase); in.connect(subcomp.in); endfunction endclass class env extends uvm_component; `uvm_component_utils(comp1) comp1 comp1_i; comp2 comp2_i; function new(string name, uvm_component parent=null); super.new(name,parent); endfunction virtual function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase); comp1_i = new("comp1",this); comp2_i = new("comp2",this); endfunction // connect port to export virtual function void connect_phase(uvm_phase phase); comp1_i.out.connect(comp2_i.in); endfunction endclass module top; env e = new("env"); initial run_test(); initial #10 uvm_top.stop_request(); endmodule UVM 1.2 Class Reference 249 14.1 uvm_tlm_if_base #(T1,T2) This class declares all of the methods of the TLM API. Various subsets of these methods are combined to form primitive TLM interfaces, which are then paired in various ways to form more abstract “combination” TLM interfaces. Components that require a particular interface use ports to convey that requirement. Components that provide a particular interface use exports to convey its availability. Communication between components is established by connecting ports to compatible exports, much like connecting module signal-level output ports to compatible input ports. The difference is that UVM ports and exports bind interfaces (groups of methods), not signals and wires. The methods of the interfaces so bound pass data as whole transactions (e.g. objects). The set of primitive and combination TLM interfaces afford many choices for designing components that communicate at the transaction level. Summary uvm_tlm_if_base #(T1,T2) This class declares all of the methods of the TLM API. CLAss DEcLARAtION virtual class uvm_tlm_if_base #( type T1 = int, type T2 = int ) BLOcKING put BLOcKING get BLOcKING peek PUt Sends a user-defined transaction of type T. GEt Provides a new transaction of type T. PEEK Obtain a new transaction without consuming it. NON-bLOcKING PUt try_put can_put Sends a transaction of type T, if possible. Returns 1 if the component is ready to accept the transaction; 0 otherwise. NON-bLOcKING GEt try_get can_get Provides a new transaction of type T. Returns 1 if a new transaction can be provided immediately upon request, 0 otherwise. NON-bLOcKING PEEK try_peek can_peek Provides a new transaction without consuming it. Returns 1 if a new transaction is available; 0 otherwise. BLOcKING tRANsPORt transport Executes the given request and returns the response in the given output argument. NON-bLOcKING tRANsPORt nb_transport Executes the given request and returns the response in the given output argument. ANALYsIs UVM 1.2 Class Reference 250 write BLOcKING Broadcasts a user-defined transaction of type T to any number of listeners. PUt put virtual task put( input T1 t ) Sends a user-defined transaction of type T. Components implementing the put method will block the calling thread if it cannot immediately accept delivery of the transaction. BLOcKING GEt get virtual task get( output T2 t ) Provides a new transaction of type T. The calling thread is blocked if the requested transaction cannot be provided immediately. The new transaction is returned in the provided output argument. The implementation of get must regard the transaction as consumed. Subsequent calls to get must return a different transaction instance. BLOcKING PEEK peek virtual task peek( output T2 t ) Obtain a new transaction without consuming it. If a transaction is available, then it is written to the provided output argument. If a transaction is not available, then the calling thread is blocked until one is available. The returned transaction is not consumed. A subsequent peek or get will return the same transaction. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 251 NON- bLOcKING PUt try_put virtual function bit try_put( input T1 t ) Sends a transaction of type T, if possible. If the component is ready to accept the transaction argument, then it does so and returns 1, otherwise it returns 0. can_put virtual function bit can_put() Returns 1 if the component is ready to accept the transaction; 0 otherwise. NON- bLOcKING GEt try_get virtual function bit try_get( output T2 t ) Provides a new transaction of type T. If a transaction is immediately available, then it is written to the output argument and 1 is returned. Otherwise, the output argument is not modified and 0 is returned. can_get virtual function bit can_get() Returns 1 if a new transaction can be provided immediately upon request, 0 otherwise. NON- bLOcKING PEEK try_peek virtual function bit try_peek( output T2 t ) Provides a new transaction without consuming it. If available, a transaction is written to the output argument and 1 is returned. A UVM 1.2 Class Reference 252 subsequent peek or get will return the same transaction. If a transaction is not available, then the argument is unmodified and 0 is returned. can_peek virtual function bit can_peek() Returns 1 if a new transaction is available; 0 otherwise. BLOcKING tRANsPORt transport virtual task transport( input T1 req , output T2 rsp ) Executes the given request and returns the response in the given output argument. The calling thread may block until the operation is complete. NON- bLOcKING tRANsPORt nb_transport virtual function bit nb_transport( input T1 req, output T2 rsp ) Executes the given request and returns the response in the given output argument. Completion of this operation must occur without blocking. If for any reason the operation could not be executed immediately, then a 0 must be returned; otherwise 1. ANALYsIs write virtual function void write( input T1 t ) Broadcasts a user-defined transaction of type T to any number of listeners. The operation must complete without blocking. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 253 14.2 TLM Export Classes The following classes define the TLM export classes. Contents TLM Export Classes The following classes define the TLM export classes. uvm_*_export #(T) The unidirectional uvm_*_export is a port that forwards or promotes an interface implementation from a child component to its parent. The bidirectional uvm_*_export is a port that forwards or promotes an interface implementation from a child component to its parent. uvm_*_export #(REQ,RSP) uvm_*_export #(T) The unidirectional uvm_*_export is a port that forwards or promotes an interface implementation from a child component to its parent. An export can be connected to any compatible child export or imp port. It must ultimately be connected to at least one implementation of its associated interface. The interface type represented by the asterisk is any of the following blocking_put nonblocking_put put blocking_get nonblocking_get get blocking_peek nonblocking_peek peek blocking_get_peek nonblocking_get_peek get_peek Type parameters T The type of transaction to be communicated by the export Exports are connected to interface implementations directly via uvm_*_imp #(T,IMP) ports or indirectly via other uvm_*_export #(T) exports. Summary uvm_*_export #(T) The unidirectional uvm_*_export is a port that forwards or promotes an interface implementation from a child component to its parent. MetHODs UVM 1.2 Class Reference 254 new The name and parent are the standard uvm_component constructor arguments. MetHODs new The name and parent are the standard uvm_component constructor arguments. The min_size and max_size specify the minimum and maximum number of interfaces that must have been supplied to this port by the end of elaboration. function new (string name, uvm_component parent, int min_size=1, int max_size=1) uvm_*_export #(REQ,RSP) The bidirectional uvm_*_export is a port that forwards or promotes an interface implementation from a child component to its parent. An export can be connected to any compatible child export or imp port. It must ultimately be connected to at least one implementation of its associated interface. The interface type represented by the asterisk is any of the following blocking_transport nonblocking_transport transport blocking_master nonblocking_master master blocking_slave nonblocking_slave slave Type parameters REQ The type of request transaction to be communicated by the export RSP The type of response transaction to be communicated by the export Exports are connected to interface implementations directly via uvm_*_imp #(REQ, RSP, IMP, REQ_IMP, RSP_IMP) ports or indirectly via other uvm_*_export #(REQ,RSP) exports. Summary uvm_*_export #(REQ,RSP) The bidirectional uvm_*_export is a port that forwards or promotes an interface UVM 1.2 Class Reference 255 implementation from a child component to its parent. MetHODs new The name and parent are the standard uvm_component constructor arguments. MetHODs new The name and parent are the standard uvm_component constructor arguments. The min_size and max_size specify the minimum and maximum number of interfaces that must have been supplied to this port by the end of elaboration. function new (string name, uvm_component parent, int min_size=1, int max_size=1) UVM 1.2 Class Reference 256 14.3 TLM Port Classes The following classes define the TLM port classes. Contents TLM Port Classes The following classes define the TLM port classes. uvm_*_port #(T) uvm_*_port #(REQ,RSP) These unidirectional ports are instantiated by components that require, or use, the associated interface to convey transactions. These bidirectional ports are instantiated by components that require, or use, the associated interface to convey transactions. uvm_*_port #(T) These unidirectional ports are instantiated by components that require, or use, the associated interface to convey transactions. A port can be connected to any compatible port, export, or imp port. Unless its min_size is 0, a port must be connected to at least one implementation of its associated interface. The asterisk in uvm_*_port is any of the following blocking_put nonblocking_put put blocking_get nonblocking_get get blocking_peek nonblocking_peek peek blocking_get_peek nonblocking_get_peek get_peek Type parameters T The type of transaction to be communicated by the export. The type T is not restricted to class handles and may be a value type such as int,enum,struct or similar. Ports are connected to interface implementations directly via uvm_*_imp #(T,IMP) ports or indirectly via hierarchical connections to uvm_*_port #(T) and uvm_*_export #(T) ports. Summary uvm_*_port #(T) These unidirectional ports are instantiated by components that require, or use, the associated interface to convey transactions. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 257 MEtHODs new The name and parent are the standard uvm_component constructor arguments. MEtHODs new The name and parent are the standard uvm_component constructor arguments. The min_size and max_size specify the minimum and maximum number of interfaces that must have been connected to this port by the end of elaboration. function new (string name, uvm_component parent, int min_size=1, int max_size=1) uvm_*_port #(REQ,RSP) These bidirectional ports are instantiated by components that require, or use, the associated interface to convey transactions. A port can be connected to any compatible port, export, or imp port. Unless its min_size is 0, a port must be connected to at least one implementation of its associated interface. The asterisk in uvm_*_port is any of the following blocking_transport nonblocking_transport transport blocking_master nonblocking_master master blocking_slave nonblocking_slave slave Ports are connected to interface implementations directly via uvm_*_imp #(REQ,RSP,IMP,REQ_IMP,RSP_IMP) ports or indirectly via hierarchical connections to uvm_*_port #(REQ,RSP) and uvm_*_export #(REQ,RSP) ports. Type parameters REQ The type of request transaction to be communicated by the export RSP The type of response transaction to be communicated by the export Summary uvm_*_port #(REQ,RSP) UVM 1.2 Class Reference 258 These bidirectional ports are instantiated by components that require, or use, the associated interface to convey transactions. MEtHODs new The name and parent are the standard uvm_component constructor arguments. MEtHODs new The name and parent are the standard uvm_component constructor arguments. The min_size and max_size specify the minimum and maximum number of interfaces that must have been supplied to this port by the end of elaboration. function new (string name, uvm_component parent, int min_size=1, int max_size=1) UVM 1.2 Class Reference 259 14.4 uvm_*_imp ports The following defines the TLM implementation (imp) classes. Contents uvm_*_imp ports The following defines the TLM implementation (imp) classes. uvm_*_imp #(T,IMP) Unidirectional implementation (imp) port classes--An imp port provides access to an implementation of the associated interface to all connected ports and exports. Bidirectional implementation (imp) port classes--An imp port provides access to an implementation of the associated interface to all connected ports and exports. uvm_*_imp #(REQ, RSP, IMP, REQ_IMP, RSP_IMP) uvm_*_imp #(T,IMP) Unidirectional implementation (imp) port classes--An imp port provides access to an implementation of the associated interface to all connected ports and exports. Each imp port instance must be connected to the component instance that implements the associated interface, typically the imp port’s parent. All other connections-- e.g. to other ports and exports-- are prohibited. The asterisk in uvm_*_imp may be any of the following blocking_put nonblocking_put put blocking_get nonblocking_get get blocking_peek nonblocking_peek peek blocking_get_peek nonblocking_get_peek get_peek Type parameters T The type of transaction to be communicated by the imp IMP The type of the component implementing the interface. That is, the class to which this imp will delegate. The interface methods are implemented in a component of type IMP, a handle to which is passed in a constructor argument. The imp port delegates all interface calls to this component. Summary uvm_*_imp #(T,IMP) UVM 1.2 Class Reference 260 Unidirectional implementation (imp) port classes--An imp port provides access to an implementation of the associated interface to all connected ports and exports. MEtHODs new Creates a new unidirectional imp port with the given name and parent. MEtHODs new Creates a new unidirectional imp port with the given name and parent. The parent must implement the interface associated with this port. Its type must be the type specified in the imp’s type-parameter, IMP. function new (string name, IMP parent); uvm_*_imp #(REQ, RSP, IMP, REQ_IMP, RSP_IMP) Bidirectional implementation (imp) port classes--An imp port provides access to an implementation of the associated interface to all connected ports and exports. Each imp port instance must be connected to the component instance that implements the associated interface, typically the imp port’s parent. All other connections-- e.g. to other ports and exports-- are prohibited. The interface represented by the asterisk is any of the following blocking_transport nonblocking_transport transport blocking_master nonblocking_master master blocking_slave nonblocking_slave slave Type parameters REQ Request transaction type RSP Response transaction type IMP Component type that implements the interface methods, typically the parent of this imp port. REQ_IMP Component type that implements the request side of the interface. Defaults to IMP. For master and slave imps only. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 261 RSP_IMP Component type that implements the response side of the interface. Defaults to IMP. For master and slave imps only. The interface methods are implemented in a component of type IMP, a handle to which is passed in a constructor argument. The imp port delegates all interface calls to this component. The master and slave imps have two modes of operation. A single component of type IMP implements the entire interface for both requests and responses. Two sibling components of type REQ_IMP and RSP_IMP implement the request and response interfaces, respectively. In this case, the IMP parent instantiates this imp port and the REQ_IMP and RSP_IMP components. The second mode is needed when a component instantiates more than one imp port, as in the uvm_tlm_req_rsp_channel #(REQ,RSP) channel. Summary uvm_*_imp #(REQ, RSP, IMP, REQ_IMP, RSP_IMP) Bidirectional implementation (imp) port classes--An imp port provides access to an implementation of the associated interface to all connected ports and exports. MEtHODs new Creates a new bidirectional imp port with the given name and parent. MEtHODs new Creates a new bidirectional imp port with the given name and parent. The parent, whose type is specified by IMP type parameter, must implement the interface associated with this port. Transport imp constructor function new(string name, IMP imp) Master and slave imp constructor The optional req_imp and rsp_imp arguments, available to master and slave imp ports, allow the requests and responses to be handled by different subcomponents. If they are specified, they must point to the underlying component that implements the request and response methods, respectively. function new(string name, IMP imp, REQ_IMP req_imp=imp, RSP_IMP rsp_imp=imp) UVM 1.2 Class Reference 262 14.5 TLM FIFO Classes This section defines TLM-based FIFO classes. Contents TLM FIFO Classes This section defines TLM-based FIFO classes. uvm_tlm_fifo#(T) This class provides storage of transactions between two independently running processes. An analysis_fifo is a uvm_tlm_fifo#(T) with an unbounded size and a write interface. uvm_tlm_analysis_fifo#(T) uvm_tlm_fifo#(T) This class provides storage of transactions between two independently running processes. Transactions are put into the FIFO via the put_export. transactions are fetched from the FIFO in the order they arrived via the get_peek_export. The put_export and get_peek_export are inherited from the uvm_tlm_fifo_base #(T) super class, and the interface methods provided by these exports are defined by the uvm_tlm_if_base #(T1,T2) class. Summary uvm_tlm_fifo#(T) This class provides storage of transactions between two independently running processes. MEtHoDs new size used is_empty is_full flush The name and parent are the normal uvm_component constructor arguments. Returns the capacity of the FIFO-- that is, the number of entries the FIFO is capable of holding. Returns the number of entries put into the FIFO. Returns 1 when there are no entries in the FIFO, 0 otherwise. Returns 1 when the number of entries in the FIFO is equal to its size, 0 otherwise. Removes all entries from the FIFO, after which used returns 0 and is_empty returns 1. MEtHoDs new function new( string name, uvm_component parent = null, int size = 1 ) UVM 1.2 Class Reference 263 The name and parent are the normal uvm_component constructor arguments. The parent should be null if the uvm_tlm_fifo#(T) is going to be used in a statically elaborated construct (e.g., a module). The size indicates the maximum size of the FIFO; a value of zero indicates no upper bound. size virtual function int size() Returns the capacity of the FIFO-- that is, the number of entries the FIFO is capable of holding. A return value of 0 indicates the FIFO capacity has no limit. used virtual function int used() Returns the number of entries put into the FIFO. is_empty virtual function bit is_empty() Returns 1 when there are no entries in the FIFO, 0 otherwise. is_full virtual function bit is_full() Returns 1 when the number of entries in the FIFO is equal to its size, 0 otherwise. flush virtual function void flush() Removes all entries from the FIFO, after which used returns 0 and is_empty returns 1. uvm_tlm_analysis_fifo#(T) An analysis_fifo is a uvm_tlm_fifo#(T) with an unbounded size and a write interface. It can be used any place a uvm_analysis_imp is used. Typical usage is as a buffer between a uvm_analysis_port in an initiator component and TLM1 target component. Summary uvm_tlm_analysis_fifo#(T) An analysis_fifo is a uvm_tlm_fifo#(T) with an unbounded size and a write UVM 1.2 Class Reference 264 interface. PoRts analysis_export #(T) The analysis_export provides the write method to all connected analysis ports and parent exports: MEtHoDs new This is the standard uvm_component constructor. PoRts analysis_export #(T) The analysis_export provides the write method to all connected analysis ports and parent exports: function void write (T t) Access via ports bound to this export is the normal mechanism for writing to an analysis FIFO. See write method of uvm_tlm_if_base #(T1,T2) for more information. MEtHoDs new function new( string name , uvm_component parent = null ) This is the standard uvm_component constructor. name is the local name of this component. The parent should be left unspecified when this component is instantiated in statically elaborated constructs and must be specified when this component is a child of another UVM component. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 265 14.6 uvm_tlm_fifo_base #(T) This class is the base for uvm_tlm_fifo#(T). It defines the TLM exports through which all transaction-based FIFO operations occur. It also defines default implementations for each interface method provided by these exports. The interface methods provided by the put_export and the get_peek_export are defined and described by uvm_tlm_if_base #(T1,T2). See the TLM Overview section for a general discussion of TLM interface definition and usage. Parameter type T The type of transactions to be stored by this FIFO. Summary uvm_tlm_fifo_base #(T) This class is the base for uvm_tlm_fifo#(T). CLAss HIERARchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_report_object uvm_component uvm_tlm_fifo_base#(T) CLAss DEcLARAtION virtual class uvm_tlm_fifo_base #( type T = int ) extends uvm_component PORts put_export get_peek_export put_ap get_ap MEthOds new The put_export provides both the blocking and nonblocking put interface methods to any attached port: The get_peek_export provides all the blocking and nonblocking get and peek interface methods: Transactions passed via put or try_put (via any port connected to the put_export) are sent out this port via its write method. Transactions passed via get, try_get, peek, or try_peek (via any port connected to the get_peek_export) are sent out this port via its write method. The name and parent are the normal uvm_component constructor arguments. PORts put_export UVM 1.2 Class Reference 266 The put_export provides both the blocking and non-blocking put interface methods to any attached port: task put (input T t) function bit can_put () function bit try_put (input T t) Any put port variant can connect and send transactions to the FIFO via this export, provided the transaction types match. See uvm_tlm_if_base #(T1,T2) for more information on each of the above interface methods. get_peek_export The get_peek_export provides all the blocking and non-blocking get and peek interface methods: task get (output T t) function bit can_get () function bit try_get (output T t) task peek (output T t) function bit can_peek () function bit try_peek (output T t) Any get or peek port variant can connect to and retrieve transactions from the FIFO via this export, provided the transaction types match. See uvm_tlm_if_base #(T1,T2) for more information on each of the above interface methods. put_ap Transactions passed via put or try_put (via any port connected to the put_export) are sent out this port via its write method. function void write (T t) All connected analysis exports and imps will receive put transactions. See uvm_tlm_if_base #(T1,T2) for more information on the write interface method. get_ap Transactions passed via get, try_get, peek, or try_peek (via any port connected to the get_peek_export) are sent out this port via its write method. function void write (T t) All connected analysis exports and imps will receive get transactions. See uvm_tlm_if_base #(T1,T2) for more information on the write method. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 267 MEthOds new function new( string name, uvm_component parent = null ) The name and parent are the normal uvm_component constructor arguments. The parent should be null if the uvm_tlm_fifo is going to be used in a statically elaborated construct (e.g., a module). The size indicates the maximum size of the FIFO. A value of zero indicates no upper bound. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 268 14.7 TLM Channel Classes This section defines built-in TLM channel classes. Contents TLM Channel Classes This section defines built-in TLM channel classes. uvm_tlm_req_rsp_channel #(REQ,RSP) uvm_tlm_transport_channel #(REQ,RSP) The uvm_tlm_req_rsp_channel contains a request FIFO of type REQ and a response FIFO of type RSP. A uvm_tlm_transport_channel is a uvm_tlm_req_rsp_channel #(REQ,RSP) that implements the transport interface. uvm_tlm_req_rsp_channel #(REQ,RSP) The uvm_tlm_req_rsp_channel contains a request FIFO of type REQ and a response FIFO of type RSP. These FIFOs can be of any size. This channel is particularly useful for dealing with pipelined protocols where the request and response are not tightly coupled. Type parameters REQ Type of the request transactions conveyed by this channel. RSP Type of the response transactions conveyed by this channel. Summary uvm_tlm_req_rsp_channel #(REQ,RSP) The uvm_tlm_req_rsp_channel contains a request FIFO of type REQ and a response FIFO of type RSP. ClAss HIerArchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_report_object uvm_component uvm_tlm_req_rsp_channel#(REQ,RSP) ClAss DeclArAtION class uvm_tlm_req_rsp_channel #( type REQ = int, type RSP = REQ ) extends uvm_component POrts put_request_export get_peek_response_export UVM 1.2 Class Reference The put_export provides both the blocking and non-blocking put interface methods to the request FIFO: The get_peek_response_export provides all the blocking and non-blocking get and peek 269 get_peek_request_export put_response_export request_ap response_ap master_export slave_export MethOds new interface methods to the response FIFO: The get_peek_export provides all the blocking and non-blocking get and peek interface methods to the response FIFO: The put_export provides both the blocking and non-blocking put interface methods to the response FIFO: Transactions passed via put or try_put (via any port connected to the put_request_export) are sent out this port via its write method. Transactions passed via put or try_put (via any port connected to the put_response_export) are sent out this port via its write method. Exports a single interface that allows a master to put requests and get or peek responses. Exports a single interface that allows a slave to get or peek requests and to put responses. The name and parent are the standard uvm_component constructor arguments. POrts put_request_export The put_export provides both the blocking and non-blocking put interface methods to the request FIFO: task put (input T t); function bit can_put (); function bit try_put (input T t); Any put port variant can connect and send transactions to the request FIFO via this export, provided the transaction types match. get_peek_response_export The get_peek_response_export provides all the blocking and non-blocking get and peek interface methods to the response FIFO: task get (output T t); function bit can_get (); function bit try_get (output T t); task peek (output T t); function bit can_peek (); function bit try_peek (output T t); Any get or peek port variant can connect to and retrieve transactions from the response FIFO via this export, provided the transaction types match. get_peek_request_export UVM 1.2 Class Reference 270 The get_peek_export provides all the blocking and non-blocking get and peek interface methods to the response FIFO: task get (output T t); function bit can_get (); function bit try_get (output T t); task peek (output T t); function bit can_peek (); function bit try_peek (output T t); Any get or peek port variant can connect to and retrieve transactions from the response FIFO via this export, provided the transaction types match. put_response_export The put_export provides both the blocking and non-blocking put interface methods to the response FIFO: task put (input T t); function bit can_put (); function bit try_put (input T t); Any put port variant can connect and send transactions to the response FIFO via this export, provided the transaction types match. request_ap Transactions passed via put or try_put (via any port connected to the put_request_export) are sent out this port via its write method. function void write (T t); All connected analysis exports and imps will receive these transactions. response_ap Transactions passed via put or try_put (via any port connected to the put_response_export) are sent out this port via its write method. function void write (T t); All connected analysis exports and imps will receive these transactions. master_export Exports a single interface that allows a master to put requests and get or peek UVM 1.2 Class Reference 271 responses. It is a combination of the put_request_export and get_peek_response_export. slave_export Exports a single interface that allows a slave to get or peek requests and to put responses. It is a combination of the get_peek_request_export and put_response_export. MethOds new function new ( string uvm_component int int ) name, parent = null, request_fifo_size = 1, response_fifo_size = 1 The name and parent are the standard uvm_component constructor arguments. The parent must be null if this component is defined within a static component such as a module, program block, or interface. The last two arguments specify the request and response FIFO sizes, which have default values of 1. uvm_tlm_transport_channel #(REQ,RSP) A uvm_tlm_transport_channel is a uvm_tlm_req_rsp_channel #(REQ,RSP) that implements the transport interface. It is useful when modeling a non-pipelined bus at the transaction level. Because the requests and responses have a tightly coupled oneto-one relationship, the request and response FIFO sizes are both set to one. Summary uvm_tlm_transport_channel #(REQ,RSP) A uvm_tlm_transport_channel is a uvm_tlm_req_rsp_channel #(REQ,RSP) that implements the transport interface. ClAss HIerArchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_report_object uvm_component uvm_tlm_req_rsp_channel#(REQ,RSP) uvm_tlm_transport_channel#(REQ,RSP) ClAss DeclArAtION UVM 1.2 Class Reference 272 class uvm_tlm_transport_channel #( type REQ = int, type RSP = REQ ) extends uvm_tlm_req_rsp_channel #(REQ, RSP) POrts transport_export MethOds new The put_export provides both the blocking and nonblocking transport interface methods to the response FIFO: The name and parent are the standard uvm_component constructor arguments. POrts transport_export The put_export provides both the blocking and non-blocking transport interface methods to the response FIFO: task transport(REQ request, output RSP response); function bit nb_transport(REQ request, output RSP response); Any transport port variant can connect to and send requests and retrieve responses via this export, provided the transaction types match. Upon return, the response argument carries the response to the request. MethOds new function new ( string name, uvm_component parent = null ) The name and parent are the standard uvm_component constructor arguments. The parent must be null if this component is defined within a statically elaborated construct such as a module, program block, or interface. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 273 14.8 Sequence Item Pull Ports This section defines the port, export, and imp port classes for communicating sequence items between uvm_sequencer #(REQ,RSP) and uvm_driver #(REQ,RSP). Contents Sequence Item Pull Ports This section defines the port, export, and imp port classes for communicating sequence items between uvm_sequencer #(REQ,RSP) and uvm_driver #(REQ,RSP). uvm_seq_item_pull_port #(REQ,RSP) uvm_seq_item_pull_export #(REQ,RSP) uvm_seq_item_pull_imp #(REQ,RSP,IMP) UVM provides a port, export, and imp connector for use in sequencer-driver communication. This export type is used in sequencer-driver communication. This imp type is used in sequencer-driver communication. uvm_seq_item_pull_port #(REQ,RSP) UVM provides a port, export, and imp connector for use in sequencer-driver communication. All have standard port connector constructors, except that uvm_seq_item_pull_port’s default min_size argument is 0; it can be left unconnected. Summary uvm_seq_item_pull_port #(REQ,RSP) UVM provides a port, export, and imp connector for use in sequencer-driver communication. CLAss HierArchY uvm_port_base#(uvm_sqr_if_base#(REQ,RSP)) uvm_seq_item_pull_port#(REQ,RSP) CLAss DecLArATiON class uvm_seq_item_pull_port #( type REQ = int, type RSP = REQ ) extends uvm_port_base #(uvm_sqr_if_base #(REQ, RSP)) uvm_seq_item_pull_export #(REQ,RSP) This export type is used in sequencer-driver communication. It has the standard constructor for exports. Summary UVM 1.2 Class Reference 274 uvm_seq_item_pull_export #(REQ,RSP) This export type is used in sequencer-driver communication. CLAss HierArchY uvm_port_base#(uvm_sqr_if_base#(REQ,RSP)) uvm_seq_item_pull_export#(REQ,RSP) CLAss DecLArATiON class uvm_seq_item_pull_export #( type REQ = int, type RSP = REQ ) extends uvm_port_base #(uvm_sqr_if_base #(REQ, RSP)) uvm_seq_item_pull_imp #(REQ,RSP,IMP) This imp type is used in sequencer-driver communication. It has the standard constructor for imp-type ports. Summary uvm_seq_item_pull_imp #(REQ,RSP,IMP) This imp type is used in sequencer-driver communication. CLAss HierArchY uvm_port_base#(uvm_sqr_if_base#(REQ,RSP)) uvm_seq_item_pull_imp#(REQ,RSP,IMP) CLAss DecLArATiON class uvm_seq_item_pull_imp #( type REQ = int, type RSP = REQ, type IMP = int ) extends uvm_port_base #(uvm_sqr_if_base #(REQ, RSP)) MeThOds new MeThOds new UVM 1.2 Class Reference 275 14.9 uvm_sqr_if_base #(REQ,RSP) This class defines an interface for sequence drivers to communicate with sequencers. The driver requires the interface via a port, and the sequencer implements it and provides it via an export. Summary uvm_sqr_if_base #(REQ,RSP) This class defines an interface for sequence drivers to communicate with sequencers. CLAss DecLArATION virtual class uvm_sqr_if_base #( type T1 = uvm_object, T2 = T1 ) MeTHOds get_next_item try_next_item item_done wait_for_sequences has_do_available get peek put put_response disable_auto_item_recording is_auto_item_recording_enabled Retrieves the next available item from a sequence. Retrieves the next available item from a sequence if one is available. Indicates that the request is completed to the sequencer. Waits for a sequence to have a new item available. Indicates whether a sequence item is available for immediate processing. Retrieves the next available item from a sequence. Returns the current request item if one is in the sequencer FIFO. Sends a response back to the sequence that issued the request. Sends a response back to the sequence that issued the request. By default, item recording is performed automatically when get_next_item() and item_done() are called. Return TRUE if automatic item recording is enabled for this port instance. MeTHOds get_next_item virtual task get_next_item( output T1 t ) Retrieves the next available item from a sequence. The call will block until an item is available. The following steps occur on this call: 1 Arbitrate among requesting, unlocked, relevant sequences - choose the highest priority sequence based on the current sequencer arbitration UVM 1.2 Class Reference 276 mode. If no sequence is available, wait for a requesting unlocked relevant sequence, then re-arbitrate. 2 The chosen sequence will return from wait_for_grant 3 The chosen sequence uvm_sequence_base::pre_do is called 4 The chosen sequence item is randomized 5 The chosen sequence uvm_sequence_base::post_do is called 6 Return with a reference to the item Once get_next_item is called, item_done must be called to indicate the completion of the request to the sequencer. This will remove the request item from the sequencer FIFO. try_next_item virtual task try_next_item( output T1 t ) Retrieves the next available item from a sequence if one is available. Otherwise, the function returns immediately with request set to null. The following steps occur on this call: 1 Arbitrate among requesting, unlocked, relevant sequences - choose the highest priority sequence based on the current sequencer arbitration mode. If no sequence is available, return null. 2 The chosen sequence will return from wait_for_grant 3 The chosen sequence uvm_sequence_base::pre_do is called 4 The chosen sequence item is randomized 5 The chosen sequence uvm_sequence_base::post_do is called 6 Return with a reference to the item Once try_next_item is called, item_done must be called to indicate the completion of the request to the sequencer. This will remove the request item from the sequencer FIFO. item_done virtual function void item_done( input T2 t = null ) Indicates that the request is completed to the sequencer. Any uvm_sequence_base::wait_for_item_done calls made by a sequence for this item will return. The current item is removed from the sequencer FIFO. If a response item is provided, then it will be sent back to the requesting sequence. The response item must have its sequence ID and transaction ID set correctly, using the uvm_sequence_item::set_id_info method: rsp.set_id_info(req); Before item_done is called, any calls to peek will retrieve the current item that was UVM 1.2 Class Reference 277 obtained by get_next_item. After item_done is called, peek will cause the sequencer to arbitrate for a new item. wait_for_sequences virtual task wait_for_sequences() Waits for a sequence to have a new item available. The default implementation in the sequencer calls uvm_wait_for_nba_region. User-derived sequencers may override its wait_for_sequences implementation to perform some other application-specific implementation. has_do_available virtual function bit has_do_available() Indicates whether a sequence item is available for immediate processing. Implementations should return 1 if an item is available, 0 otherwise. get virtual task get( output T1 t ) Retrieves the next available item from a sequence. The call blocks until an item is available. The following steps occur on this call: 1 Arbitrate among requesting, unlocked, relevant sequences - choose the highest priority sequence based on the current sequencer arbitration mode. If no sequence is available, wait for a requesting unlocked relevant sequence, then re-arbitrate. 2 The chosen sequence will return from uvm_sequence_base::wait_for_grant 3 The chosen sequence uvm_sequence_base::pre_do is called 4 The chosen sequence item is randomized 5 The chosen sequence uvm_sequence_base::post_do is called 6 Indicate item_done to the sequencer 7 Return with a reference to the item When get is called, item_done may not be called. A new item can be obtained by calling get again, or a response may be sent using either put, or uvm_driver::rsp_port.write(). peek virtual task peek( output T1 t ) Returns the current request item if one is in the sequencer FIFO. If no item is in the FIFO, then the call will block until the sequencer has a new request. The following steps will occur if the sequencer FIFO is empty: 1 Arbitrate among requesting, unlocked, relevant sequences - choose the UVM 1.2 Class Reference 278 highest priority sequence based on the current sequencer arbitration mode. If no sequence is available, wait for a requesting unlocked relevant sequence, then re-arbitrate. 2 The chosen sequence will return from uvm_sequence_base::wait_for_grant 3 The chosen sequence uvm_sequence_base::pre_do is called 4 The chosen sequence item is randomized 5 The chosen sequence uvm_sequence_base::post_do is called Once a request item has been retrieved and is in the sequencer FIFO, subsequent calls to peek will return the same item. The item will stay in the FIFO until either get or item_done is called. put virtual task put( input T2 t ) Sends a response back to the sequence that issued the request. Before the response is put, it must have its sequence ID and transaction ID set to match the request. This can be done using the uvm_sequence_item::set_id_info call: rsp.set_id_info(req); While this is a task, it will not consume time (including delta cycles). The response will be put into the sequence response queue or it will be sent to the sequence response handler. put_response virtual function void put_response( input T2 t ) Sends a response back to the sequence that issued the request. Before the response is put, it must have its sequence ID and transaction ID set to match the request. This can be done using the uvm_sequence_item::set_id_info call: rsp.set_id_info(req); disable_auto_item_recording virtual function void disable_auto_item_recording() By default, item recording is performed automatically when get_next_item() and item_done() are called. However, this works only for simple, in-order, blocking transaction execution. For pipelined and out-of-order transaction execution, the driver must turn off this automatic recording and call uvm_transaction::accept_tr, uvm_transaction::begin_tr and uvm_transaction::end_tr explicitly at appropriate points in time. This methods be called at the beginning of the driver’s run_phase() method. Once disabled, automatic recording cannot be re-enabled. For backward-compatibility, automatic item recording can be globally turned off at UVM 1.2 Class Reference 279 compile time by defining UVM_DISABLE_AUTO_ITEM_RECORDING is_auto_item_recording_enabled virtual function bit is_auto_item_recording_enabled() Return TRUE if automatic item recording is enabled for this port instance. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 280 15. TLM2 Interfaces, Ports, Exports and Transport Interfaces Subset Sockets group together all the necessary core interfaces for transportation and binding, allowing more generic usage models than just TLM core interfaces. A socket is like a port or export; in fact it is derived from the same base class as ports and export, namely uvm_port_base #(IF). However, unlike a port or export a socket provides both a forward and backward path. Thus you can enable asynchronous (pipelined) bi-directional communication by connecting sockets together. To enable this, a socket contains both a port and an export. Components that initiate transactions are called initiators, and components that receive transactions sent by an initiator are called targets. Initiators have initiator sockets and targets have target sockets. Initiator sockets can connect to target sockets. You cannot connect initiator sockets to other initiator sockets and you cannot connect target sockets to target sockets. The UVM TLM2 subset provides the following two transport interfaces Blocking (b_transport) completes the entire transaction within a single method call Non-blocking (nb_transport) describes the progress of a transaction using multiple nb_transport() method calls going backand-forth between initiator and target In general, any component might modify a transaction object during its lifetime (subject to the rules of the protocol). Significant timing points during the lifetime of a transaction (for example: start of response- phase) are indicated by calling nb_transport() in either forward or backward direction, the specific timing point being given by the phase argument. Protocol-specific rules for reading or writing the attributes of a transaction can be expressed relative to the phase. The phase can be used for flow control, and for that reason might have a different value at each hop taken by a transaction; the phase is not an attribute of the transaction object. A call to nb_transport() always represents a phase transition. However, the return from nb_transport() might or might not do so, the choice being indicated by the value returned from the function (UVM_TLM_ACCEPTED versus UVM_TLM_UPDATED). Generally, you indicate the completion of a transaction over a particular hop using the value of the phase argument. As a shortcut, a target might indicate the completion of the transaction by returning a special value of UVM_TLM_COMPLETED. However, this is an option, not a necessity. The transaction object itself does not contain any timing information by design. Or even events and status information concerning the API. You can pass the delays as arguments to b_transport()/ nb_transport() and push the actual realization of any delay in the simulator kernel downstream and defer (for simulation speed). Use Models Since sockets are derived from uvm_port_base #(IF) they are created and connected in the same way as port, and exports. Create them in the build phase and connect them in the connect phase by calling connect(). Initiator and target termination sockets are on the ends of any connection. There can be an arbitrary number of pass-through sockets in the path between initiator and target. Some socket types must be bound to imps implementations of the transport tasks and functions. Blocking terminator sockets must be bound to an implementation of b_transport(), for example. Nonblocking initiator sockets must be bound to an implementation of nb_transport_bw() and nonblocking target sockets must be bound to an implementation of nb_transport_fw(). Typically, the UVM 1.2 Class Reference 281 task or function is implemented in the component in which the socket is instantiated and the component type and instance are provided to complete the binding. Consider for example a consumer component with a blocking target socket. Example class consumer extends uvm_component; tlm2_b_target_socket #(consumer, trans) target_socket; function new(string name, uvm_component parent); super.new(name, parent); endfunction function void build(); target_socket = new("target_socket", this, this); endfunction task b_transport(trans t, uvm_tlm_time delay); #5; uvm_report_info("consumer", t.convert2string()); endtask endclass The interface task b_transport() is implemented in the consumer component. The consumer component type is used in the declaration of the target socket. This informs the socket object the type of the object that contains the interface task, in this case b_transport(). When the socket is instantiated “this” is passed in twice, once as the parent just like any other component instantiation and again to identify the object that holds the implementation of b_transport(). Finally, in order to complete the binding, an implementation of b_transport() must be present in the consumer component. Any component that has either a blocking termination socket, a nonblocking initiator socket, or a nonblocking termination socket must provide implementations of the relevant components. This includes initiator and target components as well as interconnect components that have these kinds of sockets. Components with pass-through sockets do not need to provide implementations of any sort. Of course, they must ultimately be connected to sockets that do that the necessary implementations. In summary Call to b_transport() start-of-life of transaction Return from b_transport() end-of-life of transaction Phase argument to nb_transport() timing point within lifetime of transaction Return value of nb_transport() whether return path is being used (also shortcut to final phase) Response status within transaction object protocol-specific status, success/failure of transaction On top of this, TLM-2.0 defines a generic payload and base protocol to enhance interoperability for models with a memory-mapped bus interface. It is possible to use the interfaces described above with user-defined transaction types and protocols for the sake of interoperability. However, TLM-2.0 strongly recommends either using the base protocol off-the-shelf or creating models of specific protocols on top of the base protocol. The UVM 1.2 standard only defines and supports this TLM2 style interface for SystemVerilog to SystemVerilog communication. Mixed language TLM communication is saved for future extension. Summary UVM 1.2 Class Reference 282 TLM2 Interfaces, Ports, Exports and Transport Interfaces Subset Sockets group together all the necessary core interfaces for transportation and binding, allowing more generic usage models than just TLM core interfaces. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 283 15.1 Interface Masks Each of the following macros is a mask that identifies which interfaces a particular port requires or export provides. The interfaces are identified by bit position and can be OR’ed together for combination ports/exports. The mask is used to do run-time interface type checking of port/export connections. Summary Interface Masks Each of the following macros is a mask that identifies which interfaces a particular port requires or export provides. MACROs `UVM_TLM_NB_FW_MASK `UVM_TLM_NB_BW_MASK `UVM_TLM_B_MASK Define Non blocking Forward mask onehot assignment = ‘b001 Define Non blocking backward mask onehot assignment = ‘b010 Define blocking mask onehot assignment = ‘b100 MACROs `UVM_TLM_NB_FW_MASK Define Non blocking Forward mask onehot assignment = ‘b001 `UVM_TLM_NB_BW_MASK Define Non blocking backward mask onehot assignment = ‘b010 `UVM_TLM_B_MASK Define blocking mask onehot assignment = ‘b100 UVM 1.2 Class Reference 284 15.2 TLM2 Types Summary TLM2 Types ENUmeRAtIONs uvm_tlm_phase_e Nonblocking transport synchronization state values between an initiator and a target. Pre-defined phase state values for the nonblocking transport Base Protocol between an initiator and a target. uvm_tlm_sync_e MACROs `UVM_TLM_TASK_ERROR `UVM_TLM_FUNCTION_ERROR Defines Not-Yet-Implemented TLM tasks Defines Not-Yet-Implemented TLM functions ENUmeRAtIONs uvm_tlm_phase_e Nonblocking transport synchronization state values between an initiator and a target. UNINITIALIZED_PHASE Defaults for constructor BEGIN_REQ Beginning of request phase END_REQ End of request phase BEGIN_RESP Beginning of response phase END_RESP End of response phase uvm_tlm_sync_e Pre-defined phase state values for the nonblocking transport Base Protocol between an initiator and a target. UVM_TLM_ACCEPTED Transaction has been accepted UVM_TLM_UPDATED Transaction has been modified UVM_TLM_COMPLETED Execution of transaction is complete MACROs `UVM_TLM_TASK_ERROR Defines Not-Yet-Implemented TLM tasks UVM 1.2 Class Reference 285 `UVM_TLM_FUNCTION_ERROR Defines Not-Yet-Implemented TLM functions uvm_tlm_if Base class type to define the transport functions. nb_transport_fw nb_transport_bw b_transport Summary uvm_tlm_if Base class type to define the transport functions. ClAss DeClARAtION class uvm_tlm_if #( type T = uvm_tlm_generic_payload, type P = uvm_tlm_phase_e ) tlm tRANsPORt metHOds nb_transport_fw nb_transport_bw b_transport Each of the interface methods take a handle to the transaction to be transported and a reference argument for the delay. Forward path call. Implementation of the backward path. Execute a blocking transaction. tlm tRANsPORt metHOds Each of the interface methods take a handle to the transaction to be transported and a reference argument for the delay. In addition, the nonblocking interfaces take a reference argument for the phase. nb_transport_fw virtual function uvm_tlm_sync_e nb_transport_fw( T t, ref P p, input uvm_tlm_time delay ) Forward path call. The first call to this method for a transaction marks the initial timing point. Every call to this method may mark a timing point in the execution of the transaction. The timing annotation argument allows the timing points to be offset from the simulation times at which the forward path is used. The final timing point of a transaction may be marked by a call to nb_transport_bw or a return from this or subsequent call to nb_transport_fw. See TLM2 Interfaces, Ports, Exports and Transport Interfaces Subset for more details on UVM 1.2 Class Reference 286 the semantics and rules of the nonblocking transport interface. nb_transport_bw virtual function uvm_tlm_sync_e nb_transport_bw( T t, ref P p, input uvm_tlm_time delay ) Implementation of the backward path. This function MUST be implemented in the INITIATOR component class. Every call to this method may mark a timing point, including the final timing point, in the execution of the transaction. The timing annotation argument allows the timing point to be offset from the simulation times at which the backward path is used. The final timing point of a transaction may be marked by a call to nb_transport_fw or a return from this or subsequent call to nb_transport_bw. See TLM2 Interfaces, Ports, Exports and Transport Interfaces Subset for more details on the semantics and rules of the nonblocking transport interface. Example class master extends uvm_component; uvm_tlm_nb_initiator_socket #(trans, uvm_tlm_phase_e, this_t) initiator_socket; ... function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase); initiator_socket = new(“initiator_socket”, this, this); endfunction function uvm_tlm_sync_e nb_transport_bw(ref trans t, ref uvm_tlm_phase_e p, input uvm_tlm_time delay); transaction = t; state = p; return UVM_TLM_ACCEPTED; endfunction ... endclass b_transport virtual task b_transport( T t, uvm_tlm_time delay ) Execute a blocking transaction. Once this method returns, the transaction is assumed to have been executed. Whether that execution is successful or not must be indicated by UVM 1.2 Class Reference 287 the transaction itself. The callee may modify or update the transaction object, subject to any constraints imposed by the transaction class. The initiator may re-use a transaction object from one call to the next and across calls to b_transport(). The call to b_transport shall mark the first timing point of the transaction. The return from b_transport shall mark the final timing point of the transaction. The timing annotation argument allows the timing points to be offset from the simulation times at which the task call and return are executed. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 288 15.3 TLM Generic Payload & Extensions The Generic Payload transaction represents a generic bus read/write access. It is used as the default transaction in TLM2 blocking and nonblocking transport interfaces. Contents TLM Generic Payload & Extensions The Generic Payload transaction represents a generic bus read/write access. GlOBAlS uvm_tlm_command_e uvm_tlm_response_status_e Defines, Constants, enums. Command attribute type definition Response status attribute type definition GeNeRIc PAYlOAD uvm_tlm_generic_payload This class provides a transaction definition commonly used in memory-mapped bus-based systems. This typedef provides a short, more convenient name for the uvm_tlm_generic_payload type. The class uvm_tlm_extension_base is the nonparameterized base class for all generic payload extensions. TLM extension class. uvm_tlm_gp uvm_tlm_extension_base uvm_tlm_extension GlOBAlS Defines, Constants, enums. uvm_tlm_command_e Command attribute type definition UVM_TLM_READ_COMMAND Bus read operation UVM_TLM_WRITE_COMMAND Bus write operation UVM_TLM_IGNORE_COMMAND No bus operation. uvm_tlm_response_status_e Response status attribute type definition UVM_TLM_OK_RESPONSE Bus operation completed successfully UVM_TLM_INCOMPLETE_RESPONSE Transaction was not delivered to target UVM_TLM_GENERIC_ERROR_RESPONSE Bus operation had an error UVM_TLM_ADDRESS_ERROR_RESPONSE Invalid address specified UVM_TLM_COMMAND_ERROR_RESPONSE Invalid command specified UVM_TLM_BURST_ERROR_RESPONSE Invalid burst specified UVM_TLM_BYTE_ENABLE_ERROR_RESPONSE Invalid byte enabling specified UVM 1.2 Class Reference 289 GeNeRIc PAYlOAD uvm_tlm_generic_payload This class provides a transaction definition commonly used in memory-mapped bus-based systems. It’s intended to be a general purpose transaction class that lends itself to many applications. The class is derived from uvm_sequence_item which enables it to be generated in sequences and transported to drivers through sequencers. Summary uvm_tlm_generic_payload This class provides a transaction definition commonly used in memory-mapped bus-based systems. ClASS HIeRARchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_transaction uvm_sequence_item uvm_tlm_generic_payload ClASS DeclARAtION class uvm_tlm_generic_payload extends uvm_sequence_item m_address m_command m_data m_length m_response_status m_dmi m_byte_enable m_byte_enable_length m_streaming_width new AcceSSORS get_command set_command is_read set_read is_write set_write UVM 1.2 Class Reference Address for the bus operation. Bus operation type. Data read or to be written. The number of bytes to be copied to or from the m_data array, inclusive of any bytes disabled by the m_byte_enable attribute. Status of the bus operation. DMI mode is not yet supported in the UVM TLM2 subset. Indicates valid m_data array elements. The number of elements in the m_byte_enable array. Number of bytes transferred on each beat. Create a new instance of the generic payload. The accessor functions let you set and get each of the members of the generic payload. Get the value of the m_command variable Set the value of the m_command variable Returns true if the current value of the m_command variable is UVM_TLM_READ_COMMAND. Set the current value of the m_command variable to UVM_TLM_READ_COMMAND. Returns true if the current value of the m_command variable is UVM_TLM_WRITE_COMMAND. Set the current value of the m_command variable 290 set_address get_address get_data set_data get_data_length set_data_length get_streaming_width set_streaming_width get_byte_enable set_byte_enable get_byte_enable_length set_byte_enable_length set_dmi_allowed is_dmi_allowed get_response_status set_response_status is_response_ok is_response_error get_response_string EXteNSIONS MechANISm set_extension get_num_extensions get_extension clear_extension clear_extensions pre_randomize() post_randomize() to UVM_TLM_WRITE_COMMAND. Set the value of the m_address variable Get the value of the m_address variable Return the value of the m_data array Set the value of the m_data array Return the current size of the m_data array Set the value of the m_length Get the value of the m_streaming_width array Set the value of the m_streaming_width array Return the value of the m_byte_enable array Set the value of the m_byte_enable array Return the current size of the m_byte_enable array Set the size m_byte_enable_length of the m_byte_enable array DMI hint. DMI hint. Return the current value of the m_response_status variable Set the current value of the m_response_status variable Return TRUE if the current value of the m_response_status variable is UVM_TLM_OK_RESPONSE Return TRUE if the current value of the m_response_status variable is not UVM_TLM_OK_RESPONSE Return the current value of the m_response_status variable as a string Add an instance-specific extension. Return the current number of instance specific extensions. Return the instance specific extension bound under the specified key. Remove the instance-specific extension bound under the specified key. Remove all instance-specific extensions Prepare this class instance for randomization Clean-up this class instance after randomization m_address rand bit [63:0] m_address Address for the bus operation. Should be set or read using the set_address and get_address methods. The variable should be used only when constraining. For a read command or a write command, the target shall interpret the current value of the address attribute as the start address in the system memory map of the contiguous block of data being read or written. The address associated with any given byte in the data array is dependent upon the address attribute, the array index, the streaming width attribute, the endianness and the width of the physical bus. If the target is unable to execute the transaction with the given address attribute (because the address is out-of-range, for example) it shall generate a standard error response. The recommended response status is UVM_TLM_ADDRESS_ERROR_RESPONSE. m_command UVM 1.2 Class Reference 291 rand uvm_tlm_command_e m_command Bus operation type. Should be set using the set_command, set_read or set_write methods and read using the get_command, is_read or is_write methods. The variable should be used only when constraining. If the target is unable to execute a read or write command, it shall generate a standard error response. The recommended response status is UVM_TLM_COMMAND_ERROR_RESPONSE. On receipt of a generic payload transaction with the command attribute equal to UVM_TLM_IGNORE_COMMAND, the target shall not execute a write command or a read command not modify any data. The target may, however, use the value of any attribute in the generic payload, including any extensions. The command attribute shall be set by the initiator, and shall not be overwritten by any interconnect m_data rand byte unsigned m_data[] Data read or to be written. Should be set and read using the set_data or get_data methods The variable should be used only when constraining. For a read command or a write command, the target shall copy data to or from the data array, respectively, honoring the semantics of the remaining attributes of the generic payload. For a write command or UVM_TLM_IGNORE_COMMAND, the contents of the data array shall be set by the initiator, and shall not be overwritten by any interconnect component or target. For a read command, the contents of the data array shall be overwritten by the target (honoring the semantics of the byte enable) but by no other component. Unlike the OSCI TLM-2.0 LRM, there is no requirement on the endiannes of multi-byte data in the generic payload to match the host endianness. Unlike C++, it is not possible in SystemVerilog to cast an arbitrary data type as an array of bytes. Therefore, matching the host endianness is not necessary. In contrast, arbitrary data types may be converted to and from a byte array using the streaming operator and uvm_object objects may be further converted using the uvm_object::pack_bytes() and uvm_object::unpack_bytes() methods. All that is required is that a consistent mechanism is used to fill the payload data array and later extract data from it. Should a generic payload be transferred to/from a SystemC model, it will be necessary for any multi-byte data in that generic payload to use/be interpreted using the host endianness. However, this process is currently outside the scope of this standard. m_length rand int unsigned m_length The number of bytes to be copied to or from the m_data array, inclusive of any bytes disabled by the m_byte_enable attribute. The data length attribute shall be set by the initiator, and shall not be overwritten by any interconnect component or target. The data length attribute shall not be set to 0. In order to transfer zero bytes, the UVM 1.2 Class Reference 292 m_command attribute should be set to UVM_TLM_IGNORE_COMMAND. m_response_status rand uvm_tlm_response_status_e m_response_status Status of the bus operation. Should be set using the set_response_status method and read using the get_response_status, get_response_string, is_response_ok or is_response_error methods. The variable should be used only when constraining. The response status attribute shall be set to UVM_TLM_INCOMPLETE_RESPONSE by the initiator, and may be overwritten by the target. The response status attribute should not be overwritten by any interconnect component, because the default value UVM_TLM_INCOMPLETE_RESPONSE indicates that the transaction was not delivered to the target. The target may set the response status attribute to UVM_TLM_OK_RESPONSE to indicate that it was able to execute the command successfully, or to one of the five error responses to indicate an error. The target should choose the appropriate error response depending on the cause of the error. If a target detects an error but is unable to select a specific error response, it may set the response status to UVM_TLM_GENERIC_ERROR_RESPONSE. The target shall be responsible for setting the response status attribute at the appropriate point in the lifetime of the transaction. In the case of the blocking transport interface, this means before returning control from b_transport. In the case of the nonblocking transport interface and the base protocol, this means before sending the BEGIN_RESP phase or returning a value of UVM_TLM_COMPLETED. It is recommended that the initiator should always check the response status attribute on receiving a transition to the BEGIN_RESP phase or after the completion of the transaction. An initiator may choose to ignore the response status if it is known in advance that the value will be UVM_TLM_OK_RESPONSE, perhaps because it is known in advance that the initiator is only connected to targets that always return UVM_TLM_OK_RESPONSE, but in general this will not be the case. In other words, the initiator ignores the response status at its own risk. m_dmi bit m_dmi DMI mode is not yet supported in the UVM TLM2 subset. This variable is provided for completeness and interoperability with SystemC. m_byte_enable rand byte unsigned m_byte_enable[] Indicates valid m_data array elements. Should be set and read using the set_byte_enable or get_byte_enable methods The variable should be used only when constraining. The elements in the byte enable array shall be interpreted as follows. A value of 8’h00 shall indicate that that corresponding byte is disabled, and a value of 8’hFF shall indicate that the corresponding byte is enabled. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 293 Byte enables may be used to create burst transfers where the address increment between each beat is greater than the number of significant bytes transferred on each beat, or to place words in selected byte lanes of a bus. At a more abstract level, byte enables may be used to create “lacy bursts” where the data array of the generic payload has an arbitrary pattern of holes punched in it. The byte enable mask may be defined by a small pattern applied repeatedly or by a large pattern covering the whole data array. The byte enable array may be empty, in which case byte enables shall not be used for the current transaction. The byte enable array shall be set by the initiator and shall not be overwritten by any interconnect component or target. If the byte enable pointer is not empty, the target shall either implement the semantics of the byte enable as defined below or shall generate a standard error response. The recommended response status is UVM_TLM_BYTE_ENABLE_ERROR_RESPONSE. In the case of a write command, any interconnect component or target should ignore the values of any disabled bytes in the m_data array. In the case of a read command, any interconnect component or target should not modify the values of disabled bytes in the m_data array. m_byte_enable_length rand int unsigned m_byte_enable_length The number of elements in the m_byte_enable array. It shall be set by the initiator, and shall not be overwritten by any interconnect component or target. m_streaming_width rand int unsigned m_streaming_width Number of bytes transferred on each beat. Should be set and read using the set_streaming_width or get_streaming_width methods The variable should be used only when constraining. Streaming affects the way a component should interpret the data array. A stream consists of a sequence of data transfers occurring on successive notional beats, each beat having the same start address as given by the generic payload address attribute. The streaming width attribute shall determine the width of the stream, that is, the number of bytes transferred on each beat. In other words, streaming affects the local address associated with each byte in the data array. In all other respects, the organization of the data array is unaffected by streaming. The bytes within the data array have a corresponding sequence of local addresses within the component accessing the generic payload transaction. The lowest address is given by the value of the address attribute. The highest address is given by the formula address_attribute + streaming_width - 1. The address to or from which each byte is being copied in the target shall be set to the value of the address attribute at the start of each beat. With respect to the interpretation of the data array, a single transaction with a streaming width shall be functionally equivalent to a sequence of transactions each having the same address as the original transaction, each having a data length attribute equal to the streaming width of the original, and each with a data array that is a different subset of UVM 1.2 Class Reference 294 the original data array on each beat. This subset effectively steps down the original data array maintaining the sequence of bytes. A streaming width of 0 indicates that a streaming transfer is not required. it is equivalent to a streaming width value greater than or equal to the size of the m_data array. Streaming may be used in conjunction with byte enables, in which case the streaming width would typically be equal to the byte enable length. It would also make sense to have the streaming width a multiple of the byte enable length. Having the byte enable length a multiple of the streaming width would imply that different bytes were enabled on each beat. If the target is unable to execute the transaction with the given streaming width, it shall generate a standard error response. The recommended response status is TLM_BURST_ERROR_RESPONSE. new function new( string name = "" ) Create a new instance of the generic payload. Initialize all the members to their default values. AcceSSORS The accessor functions let you set and get each of the members of the generic payload. All of the accessor methods are virtual. This implies a slightly different use model for the generic payload than in SystemC. The way the generic payload is defined in SystemC does not encourage you to create new transaction types derived from uvm_tlm_generic_payload. Instead, you would use the extensions mechanism. Thus in SystemC none of the accessors are virtual. get_command virtual function uvm_tlm_command_e get_command() Get the value of the m_command variable set_command virtual function void set_command( uvm_tlm_command_e command ) Set the value of the m_command variable is_read virtual function bit is_read() Returns true if the current value of the m_command variable is UVM 1.2 Class Reference 295 UVM_TLM_READ_COMMAND. set_read virtual function void set_read() Set the current value of the m_command variable to UVM_TLM_READ_COMMAND. is_write virtual function bit is_write() Returns true if the current value of the m_command variable is UVM_TLM_WRITE_COMMAND. set_write virtual function void set_write() Set the current value of the m_command variable to UVM_TLM_WRITE_COMMAND. set_address virtual function void set_address( bit [63:0] addr ) Set the value of the m_address variable get_address virtual function bit [63:0] get_address() Get the value of the m_address variable get_data virtual function void get_data ( output byte unsigned p [] ) Return the value of the m_data array set_data virtual function void set_data( ref byte unsigned p [] ) Set the value of the m_data array UVM 1.2 Class Reference 296 get_data_length virtual function int unsigned get_data_length() Return the current size of the m_data array set_data_length virtual function void set_data_length( int unsigned length ) Set the value of the m_length get_streaming_width virtual function int unsigned get_streaming_width() Get the value of the m_streaming_width array set_streaming_width virtual function void set_streaming_width( int unsigned width ) Set the value of the m_streaming_width array get_byte_enable virtual function void get_byte_enable( output byte unsigned p[] ) Return the value of the m_byte_enable array set_byte_enable virtual function void set_byte_enable( ref byte unsigned p[] ) Set the value of the m_byte_enable array get_byte_enable_length virtual function int unsigned get_byte_enable_length() Return the current size of the m_byte_enable array UVM 1.2 Class Reference 297 set_byte_enable_length virtual function void set_byte_enable_length( int unsigned length ) Set the size m_byte_enable_length of the m_byte_enable array i.e. m_byte_enable.size() set_dmi_allowed virtual function void set_dmi_allowed( bit dmi ) DMI hint. Set the internal flag m_dmi to allow dmi access is_dmi_allowed virtual function bit is_dmi_allowed() DMI hint. Query the internal flag m_dmi if allowed dmi access get_response_status virtual function uvm_tlm_response_status_e get_response_status() Return the current value of the m_response_status variable set_response_status virtual function void set_response_status( uvm_tlm_response_status_e status ) Set the current value of the m_response_status variable is_response_ok virtual function bit is_response_ok() Return TRUE if the current value of the m_response_status variable is UVM_TLM_OK_RESPONSE is_response_error virtual function bit is_response_error() Return TRUE if the current value of the m_response_status variable is not UVM_TLM_OK_RESPONSE UVM 1.2 Class Reference 298 get_response_string virtual function string get_response_string() Return the current value of the m_response_status variable as a string EXteNSIONS MechANISm set_extension function uvm_tlm_extension_base set_extension( uvm_tlm_extension_base ext ) Add an instance-specific extension. Only one instance of any given extension type is allowed. If there is an existing extension instance of the type of ext, ext replaces it and its handle is returned. Otherwise, null is returned. get_num_extensions function int get_num_extensions() Return the current number of instance specific extensions. get_extension function uvm_tlm_extension_base get_extension( uvm_tlm_extension_base ext_handle ) Return the instance specific extension bound under the specified key. If no extension is bound under that key, null is returned. clear_extension function void clear_extension( uvm_tlm_extension_base ext_handle ) Remove the instance-specific extension bound under the specified key. clear_extensions function void clear_extensions() Remove all instance-specific extensions pre_randomize() UVM 1.2 Class Reference 299 function void pre_randomize() Prepare this class instance for randomization post_randomize() function void post_randomize() Clean-up this class instance after randomization uvm_tlm_gp This typedef provides a short, more convenient name for the uvm_tlm_generic_payload type. Summary uvm_tlm_gp This typedef provides a short, more convenient name for the uvm_tlm_generic_payload type. ClASS DeclARAtION typedef uvm_tlm_generic_payload uvm_tlm_gp uvm_tlm_extension_base The class uvm_tlm_extension_base is the non-parameterized base class for all generic payload extensions. It includes the utility do_copy() and create(). The pure virtual function get_type_handle() allows you to get a unique handle that represents the derived type. This is implemented in derived classes. This class is never used directly by users. The uvm_tlm_extension class is used instead. Summary uvm_tlm_extension_base The class uvm_tlm_extension_base is the non-parameterized base class for all generic payload extensions. ClASS HIeRARchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_tlm_extension_base ClASS DeclARAtION UVM 1.2 Class Reference 300 virtual class uvm_tlm_extension_base extends uvm_object MethODS new get_type_handle get_type_handle_name create An interface to polymorphically retrieve a handle that uniquely identifies the type of the sub-class An interface to polymorphically retrieve the name that uniquely identifies the type of the sub-class MethODS new function new( string name = "" ) get_type_handle pure virtual function uvm_tlm_extension_base get_type_handle() An interface to polymorphically retrieve a handle that uniquely identifies the type of the sub-class get_type_handle_name pure virtual function string get_type_handle_name() An interface to polymorphically retrieve the name that uniquely identifies the type of the sub-class create virtual function uvm_object create ( string name = "" ) uvm_tlm_extension TLM extension class. The class is parameterized with arbitrary type which represents the type of the extension. An instance of the generic payload can contain one extension object of each type; it cannot contain two instances of the same extension type. The extension type can be identified using the ID() method. To implement a generic payload extension, simply derive a new class from this class and specify the name of the derived class as the extension parameter. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 301 class my_ID extends uvm_tlm_extension#(my_ID); int ID; `uvm_object_utils_begin(my_ID) `uvm_field_int(ID, UVM_ALL_ON) `uvm_object_utils_end function new(string name = "my_ID"); super.new(name); endfunction endclass Summary uvm_tlm_extension TLM extension class. ClASS HIeRARchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_tlm_extension_base uvm_tlm_extension ClASS DeclARAtION class uvm_tlm_extension #( type T = int ) extends uvm_tlm_extension_base MethODS new ID() creates a new extension object. Return the unique ID of this TLM extension type. MethODS new function new( string name = "" ) creates a new extension object. ID() static function this_type ID() Return the unique ID of this TLM extension type. This method is used to identify the type of the extension to retrieve from a uvm_tlm_generic_payload instance, using the uvm_tlm_generic_payload::get_extension() method. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 302 15.4 TLM Socket Base Classes A collection of base classes, one for each socket type. The reason for having a base class for each socket is that all the socket (base) types must be known before connect is defined. Socket connection semantics are provided in the derived classes, which are user visible. Termination Sockets A termination socket must be the terminus of every TLM path. A transaction originates with an initiator socket and ultimately ends up in a target socket. There may be zero or more pass-through sockets between initiator and target. Pass-through Sockets Pass-through initiators are ports and contain exports for instance IS-A port and HAS-A export. Passthrough targets are the opposite, they are exports and contain ports. Contents TLM Socket Base Classes A collection of base classes, one for each socket type. uvm_tlm_b_target_socket_base IS-A forward imp; has no backward path except via the payload contents. IS-A forward port; has no backward path except via the payload contents IS-A forward imp; HAS-A backward port IS-A forward port; HAS-A backward imp IS-A forward port; HAS-A backward export IS-A forward export; HAS-A backward port IS-A forward port IS-A forward export uvm_tlm_b_initiator_socket_base uvm_tlm_nb_target_socket_base uvm_tlm_nb_initiator_socket_base uvm_tlm_nb_passthrough_initiator_socket_base uvm_tlm_nb_passthrough_target_socket_base uvm_tlm_b_passthrough_initiator_socket_base uvm_tlm_b_passthrough_target_socket_base uvm_tlm_b_target_socket_base IS-A forward imp; has no backward path except via the payload contents. Summary uvm_tlm_b_target_socket_base IS-A forward imp; has no backward path except via the payload contents. ClAss HIERARchY uvm_port_base#(uvm_tlm_if#(T)) uvm_tlm_b_target_socket_base UVM 1.2 Class Reference 303 ClAss DEclARAtION class uvm_tlm_b_target_socket_base #( type T = uvm_tlm_generic_payload ) extends uvm_port_base #(uvm_tlm_if #(T)) uvm_tlm_b_initiator_socket_base IS-A forward port; has no backward path except via the payload contents Summary uvm_tlm_b_initiator_socket_base IS-A forward port; has no backward path except via the payload contents ClAss HIERARchY uvm_port_base#(uvm_tlm_if#(T)) uvm_tlm_b_initiator_socket_base ClAss DEclARAtION class uvm_tlm_b_initiator_socket_base #( type T = uvm_tlm_generic_payload ) extends uvm_port_base #(uvm_tlm_if #(T)) uvm_tlm_nb_target_socket_base IS-A forward imp; HAS-A backward port Summary uvm_tlm_nb_target_socket_base IS-A forward imp; HAS-A backward port ClAss HIERARchY uvm_port_base#(uvm_tlm_if#(T,P)) uvm_tlm_nb_target_socket_base ClAss DEclARAtION class uvm_tlm_nb_target_socket_base #( type T = uvm_tlm_generic_payload, type P = uvm_tlm_phase_e ) extends uvm_port_base #(uvm_tlm_if #(T,P)) UVM 1.2 Class Reference 304 uvm_tlm_nb_initiator_socket_base IS-A forward port; HAS-A backward imp Summary uvm_tlm_nb_initiator_socket_base IS-A forward port; HAS-A backward imp ClAss HIERARchY uvm_port_base#(uvm_tlm_if#(T,P)) uvm_tlm_nb_initiator_socket_base ClAss DEclARAtION class uvm_tlm_nb_initiator_socket_base #( type T = uvm_tlm_generic_payload, type P = uvm_tlm_phase_e ) extends uvm_port_base #(uvm_tlm_if #(T,P)) uvm_tlm_nb_passthrough_initiator_socket_base IS-A forward port; HAS-A backward export Summary uvm_tlm_nb_passthrough_initiator_socket_base IS-A forward port; HAS-A backward export ClAss HIERARchY uvm_port_base#(uvm_tlm_if#(T,P)) uvm_tlm_nb_passthrough_initiator_socket_base ClAss DEclARAtION class uvm_tlm_nb_passthrough_initiator_socket_base #( type T = uvm_tlm_generic_payload, type P = uvm_tlm_phase_e ) extends uvm_port_base #(uvm_tlm_if #(T,P)) uvm_tlm_nb_passthrough_target_socket_base IS-A forward export; HAS-A backward port Summary UVM 1.2 Class Reference 305 uvm_tlm_nb_passthrough_target_socket_base IS-A forward export; HAS-A backward port ClAss HIERARchY uvm_port_base#(uvm_tlm_if#(T,P)) uvm_tlm_nb_passthrough_target_socket_base ClAss DEclARAtION class uvm_tlm_nb_passthrough_target_socket_base #( type T = uvm_tlm_generic_payload, type P = uvm_tlm_phase_e ) extends uvm_port_base #(uvm_tlm_if #(T,P)) uvm_tlm_b_passthrough_initiator_socket_base IS-A forward port Summary uvm_tlm_b_passthrough_initiator_socket_base IS-A forward port ClAss HIERARchY uvm_port_base#(uvm_tlm_if#(T)) uvm_tlm_b_passthrough_initiator_socket_base ClAss DEclARAtION class uvm_tlm_b_passthrough_initiator_socket_base #( type T = uvm_tlm_generic_payload ) extends uvm_port_base #(uvm_tlm_if #(T)) uvm_tlm_b_passthrough_target_socket_base IS-A forward export Summary uvm_tlm_b_passthrough_target_socket_base IS-A forward export ClAss HIERARchY uvm_port_base#(uvm_tlm_if#(T)) uvm_tlm_b_passthrough_target_socket_base UVM 1.2 Class Reference 306 ClAss DEclARAtION class uvm_tlm_b_passthrough_target_socket_base #( type T = uvm_tlm_generic_payload ) extends uvm_port_base #(uvm_tlm_if #(T)) UVM 1.2 Class Reference 307 15.5 TLM Sockets Each uvm_tlm_*_socket class is derived from a corresponding uvm_tlm_*_socket_base class. The base class contains most of the implementation of the class, The derived classes (in this file) contain the connection semantics. Sockets come in several flavors: Each socket is either an initiator or a target, a passthrough or a terminator. Further, any particular socket implements either the blocking interfaces or the nonblocking interfaces. Terminator sockets are used on initiators and targets as well as interconnect components as shown in the figure above. Pass-through sockets are used to enable connections to cross hierarchical boundaries. There are eight socket types: the cross of blocking and nonblocking, pass-through and termination, target and initiator Sockets are specified based on what they are (IS-A) and what they contains (HAS-A). IS-A and HAS-A are types of object relationships. IS-A refers to the inheritance relationship and HAS-A refers to the ownership relationship. For example if you say D is a B that means that D is derived from base B. If you say object A HAS-A B that means that B is a member of A. Contents TLM Sockets Each uvm_tlm_*_socket class is derived from a corresponding uvm_tlm_*_socket_base class. uvm_tlm_b_initiator_socket IS-A forward port; has no backward path except via the payload contents IS-A forward imp; has no backward path except via the payload contents. IS-A forward port; HAS-A backward imp IS-A forward imp; HAS-A backward port IS-A forward port; IS-A forward export; IS-A forward port; HAS-A backward export IS-A forward export; HAS-A backward port uvm_tlm_b_target_socket uvm_tlm_nb_initiator_socket uvm_tlm_nb_target_socket uvm_tlm_b_passthrough_initiator_socket uvm_tlm_b_passthrough_target_socket uvm_tlm_nb_passthrough_initiator_socket uvm_tlm_nb_passthrough_target_socket uvm_tlm_b_initiator_socket IS-A forward port; has no backward path except via the payload contents Summary uvm_tlm_b_initiator_socket IS-A forward port; has no backward path except via the payload contents ClAss HIERARchY uvm_tlm_b_initiator_socket_base#(T) UVM 1.2 Class Reference 308 uvm_tlm_b_initiator_socket ClAss DEclARAtION class uvm_tlm_b_initiator_socket #( type T = uvm_tlm_generic_payload ) extends uvm_tlm_b_initiator_socket_base #(T) MEthOds new Connect Construct a new instance of this socket Connect this socket to the specified uvm_tlm_b_target_socket MEthOds new function new( string name, uvm_component parent ) Construct a new instance of this socket Connect Connect this socket to the specified uvm_tlm_b_target_socket uvm_tlm_b_target_socket IS-A forward imp; has no backward path except via the payload contents. The component instantiating this socket must implement a b_transport() method with the following signature task b_transport(T t, uvm_tlm_time delay); Summary uvm_tlm_b_target_socket IS-A forward imp; has no backward path except via the payload contents. ClAss HIERARchY uvm_tlm_b_target_socket_base#(T) uvm_tlm_b_target_socket ClAss DEclARAtION class uvm_tlm_b_target_socket #( UVM 1.2 Class Reference 309 type IMP = int, type T = uvm_tlm_generic_payload ) extends uvm_tlm_b_target_socket_base #(T) MEthOds new Connect Construct a new instance of this socket imp is a reference to the class implementing the b_transport() method. Connect this socket to the specified uvm_tlm_b_initiator_socket MEthOds new function new ( string name, uvm_component parent, IMP imp = null ) Construct a new instance of this socket imp is a reference to the class implementing the b_transport() method. If not specified, it is assume to be the same as parent. Connect Connect this socket to the specified uvm_tlm_b_initiator_socket uvm_tlm_nb_initiator_socket IS-A forward port; HAS-A backward imp The component instantiating this socket must implement a nb_transport_bw() method with the following signature function uvm_tlm_sync_e nb_transport_bw(T t, ref P p, input uvm_tlm_time delay); Summary uvm_tlm_nb_initiator_socket IS-A forward port; HAS-A backward imp ClAss HIERARchY uvm_tlm_nb_initiator_socket_base#(T,P) uvm_tlm_nb_initiator_socket ClAss DEclARAtION class uvm_tlm_nb_initiator_socket #( UVM 1.2 Class Reference 310 type IMP = int, type T = uvm_tlm_generic_payload, type P = uvm_tlm_phase_e ) extends uvm_tlm_nb_initiator_socket_base #(T,P) MEthOds new Connect Construct a new instance of this socket imp is a reference to the class implementing the nb_transport_bw() method. Connect this socket to the specified uvm_tlm_nb_target_socket MEthOds new function new( string name, uvm_component parent, IMP imp = null ) Construct a new instance of this socket imp is a reference to the class implementing the nb_transport_bw() method. If not specified, it is assume to be the same as parent. Connect Connect this socket to the specified uvm_tlm_nb_target_socket uvm_tlm_nb_target_socket IS-A forward imp; HAS-A backward port The component instantiating this socket must implement a nb_transport_fw() method with the following signature function uvm_tlm_sync_e nb_transport_fw(T t, ref P p, input uvm_tlm_time delay); Summary uvm_tlm_nb_target_socket IS-A forward imp; HAS-A backward port ClAss HIERARchY uvm_tlm_nb_target_socket_base#(T,P) uvm_tlm_nb_target_socket ClAss DEclARAtION UVM 1.2 Class Reference 311 class uvm_tlm_nb_target_socket #( type IMP = int, type T = uvm_tlm_generic_payload, type P = uvm_tlm_phase_e ) extends uvm_tlm_nb_target_socket_base #(T,P) MEthOds new connect Construct a new instance of this socket imp is a reference to the class implementing the nb_transport_fw() method. Connect this socket to the specified uvm_tlm_nb_initiator_socket MEthOds new function new ( string name, uvm_component parent, IMP imp = null ) Construct a new instance of this socket imp is a reference to the class implementing the nb_transport_fw() method. If not specified, it is assume to be the same as parent. connect function void connect( this_type provider ) Connect this socket to the specified uvm_tlm_nb_initiator_socket uvm_tlm_b_passthrough_initiator_socket IS-A forward port; Summary uvm_tlm_b_passthrough_initiator_socket IS-A forward port; ClAss HIERARchY uvm_tlm_b_passthrough_initiator_socket_base#(T) uvm_tlm_b_passthrough_initiator_socket ClAss DEclARAtION class uvm_tlm_b_passthrough_initiator_socket #( type T = uvm_tlm_generic_payload ) extends uvm_tlm_b_passthrough_initiator_socket_base #(T) UVM 1.2 Class Reference 312 uvm_tlm_b_passthrough_target_socket IS-A forward export; Summary uvm_tlm_b_passthrough_target_socket IS-A forward export; ClAss HIERARchY uvm_tlm_b_passthrough_target_socket_base#(T) uvm_tlm_b_passthrough_target_socket ClAss DEclARAtION class uvm_tlm_b_passthrough_target_socket #( type T = uvm_tlm_generic_payload ) extends uvm_tlm_b_passthrough_target_socket_base #(T) uvm_tlm_nb_passthrough_initiator_socket IS-A forward port; HAS-A backward export Summary uvm_tlm_nb_passthrough_initiator_socket IS-A forward port; HAS-A backward export ClAss HIERARchY uvm_tlm_nb_passthrough_initiator_socket_base#(T,P) uvm_tlm_nb_passthrough_initiator_socket ClAss DEclARAtION class uvm_tlm_nb_passthrough_initiator_socket #( type T = uvm_tlm_generic_payload, type P = uvm_tlm_phase_e ) extends uvm_tlm_nb_passthrough_initiator_socket_base #(T,P) uvm_tlm_nb_passthrough_target_socket IS-A forward export; HAS-A backward port UVM 1.2 Class Reference 313 Summary uvm_tlm_nb_passthrough_target_socket IS-A forward export; HAS-A backward port ClAss HIERARchY uvm_tlm_nb_passthrough_target_socket_base#(T,P) uvm_tlm_nb_passthrough_target_socket ClAss DEclARAtION class uvm_tlm_nb_passthrough_target_socket #( type T = uvm_tlm_generic_payload, type P = uvm_tlm_phase_e ) extends uvm_tlm_nb_passthrough_target_socket_base #(T,P) MEthOds connect Connect this socket to the specified uvm_tlm_nb_initiator_socket MEthOds connect function void connect( this_type provider ) Connect this socket to the specified uvm_tlm_nb_initiator_socket UVM 1.2 Class Reference 314 15.6 TLM2 Export Classes This section defines the export classes for connecting TLM2 interfaces. Contents TLM2 Export Classes This section defines the export classes for connecting TLM2 interfaces. uvm_tlm_b_transport_export uvm_tlm_nb_transport_fw_export uvm_tlm_nb_transport_bw_export Blocking transport export class. Non-blocking forward transport export class Non-blocking backward transport export class uvm_tlm_b_transport_export Blocking transport export class. Summary uvm_tlm_b_transport_export Blocking transport export class. ClAss HIeRARchY uvm_port_base#(uvm_tlm_if#(T)) uvm_tlm_b_transport_export ClAss DeclARAtION class uvm_tlm_b_transport_export #( type T = uvm_tlm_generic_payload ) extends uvm_port_base #(uvm_tlm_if #(T)) uvm_tlm_nb_transport_fw_export Non-blocking forward transport export class Summary uvm_tlm_nb_transport_fw_export Non-blocking forward transport export class ClAss HIeRARchY uvm_port_base#(uvm_tlm_if#(T,P)) uvm_tlm_nb_transport_fw_export UVM 1.2 Class Reference 315 ClAss DeclARAtION class uvm_tlm_nb_transport_fw_export #( type T = uvm_tlm_generic_payload, type P = uvm_tlm_phase_e ) extends uvm_port_base #(uvm_tlm_if #(T,P)) uvm_tlm_nb_transport_bw_export Non-blocking backward transport export class Summary uvm_tlm_nb_transport_bw_export Non-blocking backward transport export class ClAss HIeRARchY uvm_port_base#(uvm_tlm_if#(T,P)) uvm_tlm_nb_transport_bw_export ClAss DeclARAtION class uvm_tlm_nb_transport_bw_export #( type T = uvm_tlm_generic_payload, type P = uvm_tlm_phase_e ) extends uvm_port_base #(uvm_tlm_if #(T,P)) MethOds new MethOds new UVM 1.2 Class Reference 316 15.7 TLM2 imps (interface implementations) This section defines the implementation classes for connecting TLM2 interfaces. TLM imps bind a TLM interface with the object that contains the interface implementation. In addition to the transaction type and the phase type, the imps are parameterized with the type of the object that will provide the implementation. Most often this will be the type of the component where the imp resides. The constructor of the imp takes as an argument an object of type IMP and installs it as the implementation object. Most often the imp constructor argument is “this”. Contents TLM2 imps (interface implementations) IMP BiNDiNG mAcROS `UVM_TLM_NB_TRANSPORT_FW_IMP `UVM_TLM_NB_TRANSPORT_BW_IMP `UVM_TLM_B_TRANSPORT_IMP IMP BiNDiNG clASSES uvm_tlm_b_transport_imp uvm_tlm_nb_transport_fw_imp uvm_tlm_nb_transport_bw_imp IMP This section defines the implementation classes for connecting TLM2 interfaces. The macro wraps the forward path call function nb_transport_fw() Implementation of the backward path. The macro wraps the function b_transport() Execute a blocking transaction. Used like exports, except an additional class parameter specifies the type of the implementation object. Used like exports, except an additional class parameter specifies the type of the implementation object. Used like exports, except an additional class parameter specifies the type of the implementation object. BiNDiNG mAcROS `UVM_TLM_NB_TRANSPORT_FW_IMP The macro wraps the forward path call function nb_transport_fw() The first call to this method for a transaction marks the initial timing point. Every call to this method may mark a timing point in the execution of the transaction. The timing annotation argument allows the timing points to be offset from the simulation times at which the forward path is used. The final timing point of a transaction may be marked by a call to nb_transport_bw() within `UVM_TLM_NB_TRANSPORT_BW_IMP or a return from this or subsequent call to nb_transport_fw(). See TLM2 Interfaces, Ports, Exports and Transport Interfaces Subset for more details on the semantics and rules of the nonblocking transport interface. `UVM_TLM_NB_TRANSPORT_BW_IMP Implementation of the backward path. The macro wraps the function called UVM 1.2 Class Reference 317 nb_transport_bw(). This function MUST be implemented in the INITIATOR component class. Every call to this method may mark a timing point, including the final timing point, in the execution of the transaction. The timing annotation argument allows the timing point to be offset from the simulation times at which the backward path is used. The final timing point of a transaction may be marked by a call to nb_transport_fw() within `UVM_TLM_NB_TRANSPORT_FW_IMP or a return from this or subsequent call to nb_transport_bw(). See TLM2 Interfaces, Ports, Exports and Transport Interfaces Subset for more details on the semantics and rules of the nonblocking transport interface. Example class master extends uvm_component; uvm_tlm_nb_initiator_socket #(trans, uvm_tlm_phase_e, this_t) initiator_socket; function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase); initiator_socket = new("initiator_socket", this, this); endfunction function uvm_tlm_sync_e nb_transport_bw(trans t, ref uvm_tlm_phase_e p, input uvm_tlm_time delay); transaction = t; state = p; return UVM_TLM_ACCEPTED; endfunction ... endclass `UVM_TLM_B_TRANSPORT_IMP The macro wraps the function b_transport() Execute a blocking transaction. Once this method returns, the transaction is assumed to have been executed. Whether that execution is successful or not must be indicated by the transaction itself. The callee may modify or update the transaction object, subject to any constraints imposed by the transaction class. The initiator may re-use a transaction object from one call to the next and across calls to b_transport(). The call to b_transport shall mark the first timing point of the transaction. The return from b_transport() shall mark the final timing point of the transaction. The timing annotation argument allows the timing points to be offset from the simulation times at which the task call and return are executed. IMP BiNDiNG clASSES uvm_tlm_b_transport_imp Used like exports, except an additional class parameter specifies the type of the implementation object. When the imp is instantiated the implementation object is bound. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 318 Summary uvm_tlm_b_transport_imp Used like exports, except an additional class parameter specifies the type of the implementation object. ClASS HiERARchY uvm_port_base#(uvm_tlm_if#(T)) uvm_tlm_b_transport_imp ClASS DEclARAtiON class uvm_tlm_b_transport_imp #( type T = uvm_tlm_generic_payload, type IMP = int ) extends uvm_port_base #(uvm_tlm_if #(T)) uvm_tlm_nb_transport_fw_imp Used like exports, except an additional class parameter specifies the type of the implementation object. When the imp is instantiated the implementation object is bound. Summary uvm_tlm_nb_transport_fw_imp Used like exports, except an additional class parameter specifies the type of the implementation object. ClASS HiERARchY uvm_port_base#(uvm_tlm_if#(T,P)) uvm_tlm_nb_transport_fw_imp ClASS DEclARAtiON class uvm_tlm_nb_transport_fw_imp #( type T = uvm_tlm_generic_payload, type P = uvm_tlm_phase_e, type IMP = int ) extends uvm_port_base #(uvm_tlm_if #(T,P)) uvm_tlm_nb_transport_bw_imp Used like exports, except an additional class parameter specifies the type of the implementation object. When the imp is instantiated the implementation object is bound. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 319 Summary uvm_tlm_nb_transport_bw_imp Used like exports, except an additional class parameter specifies the type of the implementation object. ClASS HiERARchY uvm_port_base#(uvm_tlm_if#(T,P)) uvm_tlm_nb_transport_bw_imp ClASS DEclARAtiON class uvm_tlm_nb_transport_bw_imp #( type T = uvm_tlm_generic_payload, type P = uvm_tlm_phase_e, type IMP = int ) extends uvm_port_base #(uvm_tlm_if #(T,P)) UVM 1.2 Class Reference 320 15.8 TLM2 ports The following defines TLM2 port classes. Contents TLM2 ports The following defines TLM2 port classes. uvm_tlm_b_transport_port uvm_tlm_nb_transport_fw_port Class providing the blocking transport port. Class providing the non-blocking backward transport port. Class providing the non-blocking backward transport port. uvm_tlm_nb_transport_bw_port uvm_tlm_b_transport_port Class providing the blocking transport port. The port can be bound to one export. There is no backward path for the blocking transport. Summary uvm_tlm_b_transport_port Class providing the blocking transport port. ClAss HIERARchY uvm_port_base#(uvm_tlm_if#(T)) uvm_tlm_b_transport_port ClAss DEclARAtION class uvm_tlm_b_transport_port #( type T = uvm_tlm_generic_payload ) extends uvm_port_base #(uvm_tlm_if #(T)) uvm_tlm_nb_transport_fw_port Class providing the non-blocking backward transport port. Transactions received from the producer, on the forward path, are sent back to the producer on the backward path using this non-blocking transport port. The port can be bound to one export. Summary uvm_tlm_nb_transport_fw_port Class providing the non-blocking backward transport port. ClAss HIERARchY UVM 1.2 Class Reference 321 uvm_port_base#(uvm_tlm_if#(T,P)) uvm_tlm_nb_transport_fw_port ClAss DEclARAtION class uvm_tlm_nb_transport_fw_port #( type T = uvm_tlm_generic_payload, type P = uvm_tlm_phase_e ) extends uvm_port_base #(uvm_tlm_if #(T,P)) uvm_tlm_nb_transport_bw_port Class providing the non-blocking backward transport port. Transactions received from the producer, on the forward path, are sent back to the producer on the backward path using this non-blocking transport port The port can be bound to one export. Summary uvm_tlm_nb_transport_bw_port Class providing the non-blocking backward transport port. ClAss HIERARchY uvm_port_base#(uvm_tlm_if#(T,P)) uvm_tlm_nb_transport_bw_port ClAss DEclARAtION class uvm_tlm_nb_transport_bw_port #( type T = uvm_tlm_generic_payload, type P = uvm_tlm_phase_e ) extends uvm_port_base #(uvm_tlm_if #(T,P)) MEthOds new MEthOds new UVM 1.2 Class Reference 322 15.9 uvm_tlm_time Canonical time type that can be used in different timescales This time type is used to represent time values in a canonical form that can bridge initiators and targets located in different timescales and time precisions. For a detailed explanation of the purpose for this class, see Why is this necessary. Summary uvm_tlm_time Canonical time type that can be used in different timescales CLAss DEcLARATION class uvm_tlm_time set_time_resolution new get_name reset get_realtime incr decr get_abstime set_abstime WHY Is THIs NEcEssARY Set the default canonical time resolution. Create a new canonical time value. Return the name of this instance Reset the value to 0 Return the current canonical time value, scaled for the caller’s timescale Increment the time value by the specified number of scaled time unit Decrement the time value by the specified number of scaled time unit Return the current canonical time value, in the number of specified time unit, regardless of the current timescale of the caller. Set the current canonical time value, to the number of specified time unit, regardless of the current timescale of the caller. Integers are not sufficient, on their own, to represent time without any ambiguity: you need to know the scale of that integer value. set_time_resolution static function void set_time_resolution( real res ) Set the default canonical time resolution. Must be a power of 10. When co-simulating with SystemC, it is recommended that default canonical time resolution be set to the SystemC time resolution. By default, the default resolution is 1.0e-12 (ps) new function new( string name = "uvm_tlm_time", real res = 0 ) UVM 1.2 Class Reference 323 Create a new canonical time value. The new value is initialized to 0. If a resolution is not specified, the default resolution, as specified by set_time_resolution(), is used. get_name function string get_name() Return the name of this instance reset function void reset() Reset the value to 0 get_realtime function real get_realtime( time scaled, = 1.0e-9 real secs ) Return the current canonical time value, scaled for the caller’s timescale scaled must be a time literal value that corresponds to the number of seconds specified in secs (1ns by default). It must be a time literal value that is greater or equal to the current timescale. #(delay.get_realtime(1ns)); #(delay.get_realtime(1fs, 1.0e-15)); incr function void incr( real t, time scaled, real secs = 1.0e-9 ) Increment the time value by the specified number of scaled time unit t is a time value expressed in the scale and precision of the caller. scaled must be a time literal value that corresponds to the number of seconds specified in secs (1ns by default). It must be a time literal value that is greater or equal to the current timescale. delay.incr(1.5ns, 1ns); delay.incr(1.5ns, 1ps, 1.0e-12); UVM 1.2 Class Reference 324 decr function void decr( real t, time scaled, real secs ) Decrement the time value by the specified number of scaled time unit t is a time value expressed in the scale and precision of the caller. scaled must be a time literal value that corresponds to the number of seconds specified in secs (1ns by default). It must be a time literal value that is greater or equal to the current timescale. delay.decr(200ps, 1ns); get_abstime function real get_abstime( real secs ) Return the current canonical time value, in the number of specified time unit, regardless of the current timescale of the caller. secs is the number of seconds in the desired time unit e.g. 1e-9 for nanoseconds. $write("%.3f ps\n", delay.get_abstime(1e-12)); set_abstime function void set_abstime( real t, real secs ) Set the current canonical time value, to the number of specified time unit, regardless of the current timescale of the caller. secs is the number of seconds in the time unit in the value t e.g. 1e-9 for nanoseconds. delay.set_abstime(1.5, 1e-12)); WHY Is THIs NEcEssARY Integers are not sufficient, on their own, to represent time without any ambiguity: you need to know the scale of that integer value. That scale is information conveyed outside of that integer. In SystemVerilog, it is based on the timescale that was active when the code was compiled. SystemVerilog properly scales time literals, but not integer values. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 325 That’s because it does not know the difference between an integer that carries an integer value and an integer that carries a time value. The ‘time’ variables are simply 64-bit integers, they are not scaled back and forth to the underlying precision. `timescale 1ns/1ps module m(); time t; initial begin #1.5; $write("T=%f t = 1.5; #t; $write("T=%f #10ps; $write("T=%f t = 10ps; #t; $write("T=%f end endmodule ns (1.5)\n", $realtime()); ns (3.0)\n", $realtime()); ns (3.010)\n", $realtime()); ns (3.020)\n", $realtime()); yields T=1.500000 T=3.500000 T=3.510000 T=3.510000 ns ns ns ns (1.5) (3.0) (3.010) (3.020) Within SystemVerilog, we have to worry about different time scale different time precision Because each endpoint in a socket could be coded in different packages and thus be executing under different timescale directives, a simple integer cannot be used to exchange time information across a socket. For example `timescale 1ns/1ps package a_pkg; class a; function void f(inout time t); t += 10ns; endfunction endclass endpackage `timescale 1ps/1ps program p; import a_pkg::*; time t; initial begin a A = new; A.f(t); #t; $write("T=%0d ps (10,000)\n", $realtime()); end endprogram UVM 1.2 Class Reference 326 yields T=10 ps (10,000) Scaling is needed every time you make a procedural call to code that may interpret a time value in a different timescale. Using the uvm_tlm_time type `timescale 1ns/1ps package a_pkg; import uvm_pkg::*; class a; function void f(uvm_tlm_time t); t.incr(10ns, 1ns); endfunction endclass endpackage `timescale 1ps/1ps program p; import uvm_pkg::*; import a_pkg::*; uvm_tlm_time t = new; initial begin a A = new; A.f(t); #(t.get_realtime(1ns)); $write("T=%0d ps (10,000)\n", $realtime()); end endprogram yields T=10000 ps (10,000) A similar procedure is required when crossing any simulator or language boundary, such as interfacing between SystemVerilog and SystemC. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 327 16. Analysis Ports This section defines the port, export, and imp classes used for transaction analysis. Contents Analysis Ports This section defines the port, export, and imp classes used for transaction analysis. uvm_analysis_port Broadcasts a value to all subscribers implementing a uvm_analysis_imp. Receives all transactions broadcasted by a uvm_analysis_port. Exports a lower-level uvm_analysis_imp to its parent. uvm_analysis_imp uvm_analysis_export uvm_analysis_port Broadcasts a value to all subscribers implementing a uvm_analysis_imp. class mon extends uvm_component; uvm_analysis_port#(trans) ap; function new(string name = "sb", uvm_component parent = null); super.new(name, parent); ap = new("ap", this); endfunction task run_phase(uvm_phase phase); trans t; ... ap.write(t); ... endfunction endclass Summary uvm_analysis_port Broadcasts a value to all subscribers implementing a uvm_analysis_imp. CLass HIERaRchY uvm_port_base#(uvm_tlm_if_base#(T,T)) uvm_analysis_port CLass DEcLaRaTION class uvm_analysis_port # ( type T = int ) extends uvm_port_base # (uvm_tlm_if_base #(T,T)) METhOds write UVM 1.2 Class Reference Send specified value to all connected interface 328 METhOds write function void write ( input T t ) Send specified value to all connected interface uvm_analysis_imp Receives all transactions broadcasted by a uvm_analysis_port. It serves as the termination point of an analysis port/export/imp connection. The component attached to the imp class--called a subscriber-- implements the analysis interface. Will invoke the write(T) method in the parent component. The implementation of the write(T) method must not modify the value passed to it. class sb extends uvm_component; uvm_analysis_imp#(trans, sb) ap; function new(string name = "sb", uvm_component parent = null); super.new(name, parent); ap = new("ap", this); endfunction function void write(trans t); ... endfunction endclass Summary uvm_analysis_imp Receives all transactions broadcasted by a uvm_analysis_port. CLass HIERaRchY uvm_port_base#(uvm_tlm_if_base#(T,T)) uvm_analysis_imp CLass DEcLaRaTION class uvm_analysis_imp #( type T = int, type IMP = int ) extends uvm_port_base #(uvm_tlm_if_base #(T,T)) uvm_analysis_export UVM 1.2 Class Reference 329 Exports a lower-level uvm_analysis_imp to its parent. Summary uvm_analysis_export Exports a lower-level uvm_analysis_imp to its parent. CLass HIERaRchY uvm_port_base#(uvm_tlm_if_base#(T,T)) uvm_analysis_export CLass DEcLaRaTION class uvm_analysis_export #( type T = int ) extends uvm_port_base #(uvm_tlm_if_base #(T,T)) METhOds new Instantiate the export. METhOds new function new ( string name, uvm_component parent = null ) Instantiate the export. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 330 17. PREDEFINED COMpONENT CLASSES Components form the foundation of the UVM. They encapsulate behavior of drivers, scoreboards, and other objects in a testbench. The UVM library provides a set of predefined component types, all derived directly or indirectly from uvm_component. Predefined Components Summary Predefined Component Classes Components form the foundation of the UVM. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 331 17.1 uvm_component The uvm_component class is the root base class for UVM components. In addition to the features inherited from uvm_object and uvm_report_object, uvm_component provides the following interfaces: Hierarchy provides methods for searching and traversing the component hierarchy. Phasing defines a phased test flow that all components follow, with a group of standard phase methods and an API for custom phases and multiple independent phasing domains to mirror DUT behavior e.g. power Reporting provides a convenience interface to the uvm_report_handler. All messages, warnings, and errors are processed through this interface. Transaction recording provides methods for recording the transactions produced or consumed by the component to a transaction database (vendor specific). Factory provides a convenience interface to the uvm_factory. The factory is used to create new components and other objects based on type-wide and instance-specific configuration. The uvm_component is automatically seeded during construction using UVM seeding, if enabled. All other objects must be manually reseeded, if appropriate. See uvm_object::reseed for more information. Summary uvm_component The uvm_component class is the root base class for UVM components. CLAss HIERARchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_report_object uvm_component CLAss DEcLARATION virtual class uvm_component extends uvm_report_object new Creates a new component with the given leaf instance name and handle to its parent. HIERARchY INTERFAcE These methods provide user access to information about the component hierarchy, i.e., topology. Returns a handle to this component’s parent, or null if it has no parent. Returns the full hierarchical name of this object. This function populates the end of the children array with the list of this component’s children. get_parent get_full_name get_children get_child UVM 1.2 Class Reference 332 get_next_child get_first_child get_num_children has_child lookup get_depth PhAsING INTERFAcE build_phase connect_phase end_of_elaboration_phase start_of_simulation_phase run_phase pre_reset_phase reset_phase post_reset_phase pre_configure_phase configure_phase post_configure_phase pre_main_phase main_phase post_main_phase pre_shutdown_phase shutdown_phase post_shutdown_phase extract_phase check_phase report_phase final_phase phase_started phase_ready_to_end phase_ended UVM 1.2 Class Reference These methods are used to iterate through this component’s children, if any. Returns the number of this component’s children. Returns 1 if this component has a child with the given name, 0 otherwise. Looks for a component with the given hierarchical name relative to this component. Returns the component’s depth from the root level. These methods implement an interface which allows all components to step through a standard schedule of phases, or a customized schedule, and also an API to allow independent phase domains which can jump like state machines to reflect behavior e.g. The uvm_build_phase phase implementation method. The uvm_connect_phase phase implementation method. The uvm_end_of_elaboration_phase phase implementation method. The uvm_start_of_simulation_phase phase implementation method. The uvm_run_phase phase implementation method. The uvm_pre_reset_phase phase implementation method. The uvm_reset_phase phase implementation method. The uvm_post_reset_phase phase implementation method. The uvm_pre_configure_phase phase implementation method. The uvm_configure_phase phase implementation method. The uvm_post_configure_phase phase implementation method. The uvm_pre_main_phase phase implementation method. The uvm_main_phase phase implementation method. The uvm_post_main_phase phase implementation method. The uvm_pre_shutdown_phase phase implementation method. The uvm_shutdown_phase phase implementation method. The uvm_post_shutdown_phase phase implementation method. The uvm_extract_phase phase implementation method. The uvm_check_phase phase implementation method. The uvm_report_phase phase implementation method. The uvm_final_phase phase implementation method. Invoked at the start of each phase. Invoked when all objections to ending the given phase and all sibling phases have been dropped, thus indicating that phase is ready to begin a clean exit. Invoked at the end of each phase. 333 set_domain get_domain define_domain set_phase_imp suspend resume resolve_bindings CONFIGURATION INTERFAcE check_config_usage apply_config_settings print_config_settings print_config print_config_with_audit print_config_matches OBJEcTION INTERFAcE raised dropped all_dropped FAcTORY INTERFAcE create_component create_object UVM 1.2 Class Reference Apply a phase domain to this component and, if hier is set, recursively to all its children. Return handle to the phase domain set on this component Builds custom phase schedules into the provided domain handle. Override the default implementation for a phase on this component (tree) with a custom one, which must be created as a singleton object extending the default one and implementing required behavior in exec and traverse methods Suspend this component. Resume this component. Processes all port, export, and imp connections. Components can be designed to be userconfigurable in terms of its topology (the type and number of children it has), mode of operation, and run-time parameters (knobs). Check all configuration settings in a components configuration table to determine if the setting has been used, overridden or not used. Searches for all config settings matching this component’s instance path. Called without arguments, print_config_settings prints all configuration information for this component, as set by previous calls to uvm_config_db#(T)::set(). Print_config_settings prints all configuration information for this component, as set by previous calls to uvm_config_db#(T)::set() and exports to the resources pool. Operates the same as print_config except that the audit bit is forced to 1. Setting this static variable causes uvm_config_db#(T)::get() to print info about matching configuration settings as they are being applied. These methods provide object level hooks into the uvm_objection mechanism. The raised callback is called when this or a descendant of this component instance raises the specified objection. The dropped callback is called when this or a descendant of this component instance drops the specified objection. The all_droppped callback is called when all objections have been dropped by this component and all its descendants. The factory interface provides convenient access to a portion of UVM’s uvm_factory interface. A convenience function for uvm_factory::create_component_by_name, this method calls upon the factory to create a new child component whose type corresponds to the preregistered type name, requested_type_name, and instance name, name. A convenience function for uvm_factory::create_object_by_name, this 334 set_type_override_by_type set_inst_override_by_type set_type_override set_inst_override print_override_info HIERARchIcAL REpORTING INTERFAcE set_report_id_verbosity_hier set_report_severity_id_verbosity_hier set_report_severity_action_hier set_report_id_action_hier set_report_severity_id_action_hier set_report_default_file_hier set_report_severity_file_hier set_report_id_file_hier set_report_severity_id_file_hier set_report_verbosity_level_hier pre_abort REcORdING INTERFAcE accept_tr do_accept_tr begin_tr UVM 1.2 Class Reference method calls upon the factory to create a new object whose type corresponds to the preregistered type name, requested_type_name, and instance name, name. A convenience function for uvm_factory::set_type_override_by_type, this method registers a factory override for components and objects created at this level of hierarchy or below. A convenience function for uvm_factory::set_inst_override_by_type, this method registers a factory override for components and objects created at this level of hierarchy or below. A convenience function for uvm_factory::set_type_override_by_name, this method configures the factory to create an object of type override_type_name whenever the factory is asked to produce a type represented by original_type_name. A convenience function for uvm_factory::set_inst_override_by_name, this method registers a factory override for components created at this level of hierarchy or below. This factory debug method performs the same lookup process as create_object and create_component, but instead of creating an object, it prints information about what type of object would be created given the provided arguments. This interface provides versions of the set_report_* methods in the uvm_report_object base class that are applied recursively to this component and all its children. These methods recursively associate the specified verbosity with reports of the given severity, id, or severity-id pair. These methods recursively associate the specified action with reports of the given severity, id, or severity-id pair. These methods recursively associate the specified FILE descriptor with reports of the given severity, id, or severity-id pair. This method recursively sets the maximum verbosity level for reports for this component and all those below it. This callback is executed when the message system is executing a UVM_EXIT action. These methods comprise the componentbased transaction recording interface. This function marks the acceptance of a transaction, tr, by this component. The accept_tr method calls this function to accommodate any user-defined postaccept action. This function marks the start of a transaction, tr, by this component. 335 begin_child_tr do_begin_tr end_tr do_end_tr record_error_tr record_event_tr get_tr_stream free_tr_stream print_enabled tr_database This function marks the start of a child transaction, tr, by this component. The begin_tr and begin_child_tr methods call this function to accommodate any user-defined post-begin action. This function marks the end of a transaction, tr, by this component. The end_tr method calls this function to accommodate any user-defined post-end action. This function marks an error transaction by a component. This function marks an event transaction by a component. Returns a tr stream with this component’s full name as a scope. Frees the internal references associated with stream. This bit determines if this component should automatically be printed as a child of its parent object. Specifies the uvm_tr_database object to use for begin_tr and other methods in the Recording Interface. new function new ( string name, uvm_component parent ) Creates a new component with the given leaf instance name and handle to its parent. If the component is a top-level component (i.e. it is created in a static module or interface), parent should be null. The component will be inserted as a child of the parent object, if any. If parent already has a child by the given name, an error is produced. If parent is null, then the component will become a child of the implicit top-level component, uvm_top. All classes derived from uvm_component must call super.new(name,parent). HIERARchY INTERFAcE These methods provide user access to information about the component hierarchy, i.e., topology. get_parent virtual function uvm_component get_parent () Returns a handle to this component’s parent, or null if it has no parent. get_full_name UVM 1.2 Class Reference 336 virtual function string get_full_name () Returns the full hierarchical name of this object. The default implementation concatenates the hierarchical name of the parent, if any, with the leaf name of this object, as given by uvm_object::get_name. get_children function void get_children( ref uvm_component children[$] ) This function populates the end of the children array with the list of this component’s children. uvm_component array[$]; my_comp.get_children(array); foreach(array[i]) do_something(array[i]); get_child function uvm_component get_child ( string name ) get_next_child function int get_next_child ( ref string name ) get_first_child function int get_first_child ( ref string name ) These methods are used to iterate through this component’s children, if any. For example, given a component with an object handle, comp, the following code calls uvm_object::print for each child: string name; uvm_component child; if (comp.get_first_child(name)) do begin child = comp.get_child(name); child.print(); end while (comp.get_next_child(name)); get_num_children UVM 1.2 Class Reference 337 function int get_num_children () Returns the number of this component’s children. has_child function int has_child ( string name ) Returns 1 if this component has a child with the given name, 0 otherwise. lookup function uvm_component lookup ( string name ) Looks for a component with the given hierarchical name relative to this component. If the given name is preceded with a ‘.’ (dot), then the search begins relative to the top level (absolute lookup). The handle of the matching component is returned, else null. The name must not contain wildcards. get_depth function int unsigned get_depth() Returns the component’s depth from the root level. uvm_top has a depth of 0. The test and any other top level components have a depth of 1, and so on. PhAsING INTERFAcE These methods implement an interface which allows all components to step through a standard schedule of phases, or a customized schedule, and also an API to allow independent phase domains which can jump like state machines to reflect behavior e.g. power domains on the DUT in different portions of the testbench. The phase tasks and functions are the phase name with the _phase suffix. For example, the build phase function is build_phase. All processes associated with a task-based phase are killed when the phase ends. See uvm_task_phase for more details. build_phase virtual function void build_phase( uvm_phase phase ) The uvm_build_phase phase implementation method. Any override should call super.build_phase(phase) to execute the automatic configuration of fields registered in the component by calling apply_config_settings. To turn off automatic configuration for a component, do not call super.build_phase(phase). UVM 1.2 Class Reference 338 This method should never be called directly. connect_phase virtual function void connect_phase( uvm_phase phase ) The uvm_connect_phase phase implementation method. This method should never be called directly. end_of_elaboration_phase virtual function void end_of_elaboration_phase( uvm_phase phase ) The uvm_end_of_elaboration_phase phase implementation method. This method should never be called directly. start_of_simulation_phase virtual function void start_of_simulation_phase( uvm_phase phase ) The uvm_start_of_simulation_phase phase implementation method. This method should never be called directly. run_phase virtual task run_phase( uvm_phase phase ) The uvm_run_phase phase implementation method. This task returning or not does not indicate the end or persistence of this phase. Thus the phase will automatically end once all objections are dropped using phase.drop_objection(). Any processes forked by this task continue to run after the task returns, but they will be killed once the phase ends. The run_phase task should never be called directly. pre_reset_phase virtual task pre_reset_phase( uvm_phase phase ) UVM 1.2 Class Reference 339 The uvm_pre_reset_phase phase implementation method. This task returning or not does not indicate the end or persistence of this phase. It is necessary to raise an objection using phase.raise_objection() to cause the phase to persist. Once all components have dropped their respective objection using phase.drop_objection(), or if no components raises an objection, the phase is ended. Any processes forked by this task continue to run after the task returns, but they will be killed once the phase ends. This method should not be called directly. reset_phase virtual task reset_phase( uvm_phase phase ) The uvm_reset_phase phase implementation method. This task returning or not does not indicate the end or persistence of this phase. It is necessary to raise an objection using phase.raise_objection() to cause the phase to persist. Once all components have dropped their respective objection using phase.drop_objection(), or if no components raises an objection, the phase is ended. Any processes forked by this task continue to run after the task returns, but they will be killed once the phase ends. This method should not be called directly. post_reset_phase virtual task post_reset_phase( uvm_phase phase ) The uvm_post_reset_phase phase implementation method. This task returning or not does not indicate the end or persistence of this phase. It is necessary to raise an objection using phase.raise_objection() to cause the phase to persist. Once all components have dropped their respective objection using phase.drop_objection(), or if no components raises an objection, the phase is ended. Any processes forked by this task continue to run after the task returns, but they will be killed once the phase ends. This method should not be called directly. pre_configure_phase virtual task pre_configure_phase( uvm_phase phase ) The uvm_pre_configure_phase phase implementation method. This task returning or not does not indicate the end or persistence of this phase. It is necessary to raise an objection using phase.raise_objection() to cause the phase to UVM 1.2 Class Reference 340 persist. Once all components have dropped their respective objection using phase.drop_objection(), or if no components raises an objection, the phase is ended. Any processes forked by this task continue to run after the task returns, but they will be killed once the phase ends. This method should not be called directly. configure_phase virtual task configure_phase( uvm_phase phase ) The uvm_configure_phase phase implementation method. This task returning or not does not indicate the end or persistence of this phase. It is necessary to raise an objection using phase.raise_objection() to cause the phase to persist. Once all components have dropped their respective objection using phase.drop_objection(), or if no components raises an objection, the phase is ended. Any processes forked by this task continue to run after the task returns, but they will be killed once the phase ends. This method should not be called directly. post_configure_phase virtual task post_configure_phase( uvm_phase phase ) The uvm_post_configure_phase phase implementation method. This task returning or not does not indicate the end or persistence of this phase. It is necessary to raise an objection using phase.raise_objection() to cause the phase to persist. Once all components have dropped their respective objection using phase.drop_objection(), or if no components raises an objection, the phase is ended. Any processes forked by this task continue to run after the task returns, but they will be killed once the phase ends. This method should not be called directly. pre_main_phase virtual task pre_main_phase( uvm_phase phase ) The uvm_pre_main_phase phase implementation method. This task returning or not does not indicate the end or persistence of this phase. It is necessary to raise an objection using phase.raise_objection() to cause the phase to persist. Once all components have dropped their respective objection using phase.drop_objection(), or if no components raises an objection, the phase is ended. Any processes forked by this task continue to run after the task returns, but they will be UVM 1.2 Class Reference 341 killed once the phase ends. This method should not be called directly. main_phase virtual task main_phase( uvm_phase phase ) The uvm_main_phase phase implementation method. This task returning or not does not indicate the end or persistence of this phase. It is necessary to raise an objection using phase.raise_objection() to cause the phase to persist. Once all components have dropped their respective objection using phase.drop_objection(), or if no components raises an objection, the phase is ended. Any processes forked by this task continue to run after the task returns, but they will be killed once the phase ends. This method should not be called directly. post_main_phase virtual task post_main_phase( uvm_phase phase ) The uvm_post_main_phase phase implementation method. This task returning or not does not indicate the end or persistence of this phase. It is necessary to raise an objection using phase.raise_objection() to cause the phase to persist. Once all components have dropped their respective objection using phase.drop_objection(), or if no components raises an objection, the phase is ended. Any processes forked by this task continue to run after the task returns, but they will be killed once the phase ends. This method should not be called directly. pre_shutdown_phase virtual task pre_shutdown_phase( uvm_phase phase ) The uvm_pre_shutdown_phase phase implementation method. This task returning or not does not indicate the end or persistence of this phase. It is necessary to raise an objection using phase.raise_objection() to cause the phase to persist. Once all components have dropped their respective objection using phase.drop_objection(), or if no components raises an objection, the phase is ended. Any processes forked by this task continue to run after the task returns, but they will be killed once the phase ends. This method should not be called directly. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 342 shutdown_phase virtual task shutdown_phase( uvm_phase phase ) The uvm_shutdown_phase phase implementation method. This task returning or not does not indicate the end or persistence of this phase. It is necessary to raise an objection using phase.raise_objection() to cause the phase to persist. Once all components have dropped their respective objection using phase.drop_objection(), or if no components raises an objection, the phase is ended. Any processes forked by this task continue to run after the task returns, but they will be killed once the phase ends. This method should not be called directly. post_shutdown_phase virtual task post_shutdown_phase( uvm_phase phase ) The uvm_post_shutdown_phase phase implementation method. This task returning or not does not indicate the end or persistence of this phase. It is necessary to raise an objection using phase.raise_objection() to cause the phase to persist. Once all components have dropped their respective objection using phase.drop_objection(), or if no components raises an objection, the phase is ended. Any processes forked by this task continue to run after the task returns, but they will be killed once the phase ends. This method should not be called directly. extract_phase virtual function void extract_phase( uvm_phase phase ) The uvm_extract_phase phase implementation method. This method should never be called directly. check_phase virtual function void check_phase( uvm_phase phase ) The uvm_check_phase phase implementation method. This method should never be called directly. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 343 report_phase virtual function void report_phase( uvm_phase phase ) The uvm_report_phase phase implementation method. This method should never be called directly. final_phase virtual function void final_phase( uvm_phase phase ) The uvm_final_phase phase implementation method. This method should never be called directly. phase_started virtual function void phase_started ( uvm_phase phase ) Invoked at the start of each phase. The phase argument specifies the phase being started. Any threads spawned in this callback are not affected when the phase ends. phase_ready_to_end virtual function void phase_ready_to_end ( uvm_phase phase ) Invoked when all objections to ending the given phase and all sibling phases have been dropped, thus indicating that phase is ready to begin a clean exit. Sibling phases are any phases that have a common successor phase in the schedule plus any phases that sync’d to the current phase. Components needing to consume delta cycles or advance time to perform a clean exit from the phase may raise the phase’s objection. phase.raise_objection(this,"Reason"); It is the responsibility of this component to drop the objection once it is ready for this phase to end (and processes killed). If no objection to the given phase or sibling phases are raised, then phase_ended() is called after a delta cycle. If any objection is raised, then when all objections to ending the given phase and siblings are dropped, another iteration of phase_ready_to_end is called. To prevent endless iterations due to coding error, after 20 iterations, phase_ended() is called regardless of whether previous iteration had any objections raised. phase_ended UVM 1.2 Class Reference 344 virtual function void phase_ended ( uvm_phase phase ) Invoked at the end of each phase. The phase argument specifies the phase that is ending. Any threads spawned in this callback are not affected when the phase ends. set_domain function void set_domain( uvm_domain domain, int hier = 1 ) Apply a phase domain to this component and, if hier is set, recursively to all its children. Calls the virtual define_domain method, which derived components can override to augment or replace the domain definition of its base class. get_domain function uvm_domain get_domain() Return handle to the phase domain set on this component define_domain virtual protected function void define_domain( uvm_domain domain ) Builds custom phase schedules into the provided domain handle. This method is called by set_domain, which integrators use to specify this component belongs in a domain apart from the default ‘uvm’ domain. Custom component base classes requiring a custom phasing schedule can augment or replace the domain definition they inherit by overriding their defined_domain. To augment, overrides would call super.define_domain(). To replace, overrides would not call super.define_domain(). The default implementation adds a copy of the uvm phasing schedule to the given domain, if one doesn’t already exist, and only if the domain is currently empty. Calling set_domain with the default uvm domain (i.e. uvm_domain::get_uvm_domain ) on a component with no define_domain override effectively reverts the that component to using the default uvm domain. This may be useful if a branch of the testbench hierarchy defines a custom domain, but some child sub-branch should remain in the default uvm domain, call set_domain with a new domain instance handle with hier set. Then, in the sub-branch, call set_domain with the default uvm domain handle, obtained via uvm_domain::get_uvm_domain. Alternatively, the integrator may define the graph in a new domain externally, then call set_domain to apply it to a component. set_phase_imp UVM 1.2 Class Reference 345 function void set_phase_imp( uvm_phase phase, uvm_phase imp, int hier = 1 ) Override the default implementation for a phase on this component (tree) with a custom one, which must be created as a singleton object extending the default one and implementing required behavior in exec and traverse methods The hier specifies whether to apply the custom functor to the whole tree or just this component. suspend virtual task suspend () Suspend this component. This method must be implemented by the user to suspend the component according to the protocol and functionality it implements. A suspended component can be subsequently resumed using resume(). resume virtual task resume () Resume this component. This method must be implemented by the user to resume a component that was previously suspended using suspend(). Some component may start in the suspended state and may need to be explicitly resumed. resolve_bindings virtual function void resolve_bindings () Processes all port, export, and imp connections. Checks whether each port’s min and max connection requirements are met. It is called just before the end_of_elaboration phase. Users should not call directly. CONFIGURATION INTERFAcE Components can be designed to be user-configurable in terms of its topology (the type and number of children it has), mode of operation, and run-time parameters (knobs). The configuration interface accommodates this common need, allowing component composition and state to be modified without having to derive new classes or new class hierarchies for every configuration scenario. check_config_usage UVM 1.2 Class Reference 346 function void check_config_usage ( bit recurse = 1 ) Check all configuration settings in a components configuration table to determine if the setting has been used, overridden or not used. When recurse is 1 (default), configuration for this and all child components are recursively checked. This function is automatically called in the check phase, but can be manually called at any time. To get all configuration information prior to the run phase, do something like this in your top object: function void start_of_simulation_phase(uvm_phase phase); check_config_usage(); endfunction apply_config_settings virtual function void apply_config_settings ( bit verbose = 0 ) Searches for all config settings matching this component’s instance path. For each match, the appropriate set_*_local method is called using the matching config setting’s field_name and value. Provided the set_*_local method is implemented, the component property associated with the field_name is assigned the given value. This function is called by uvm_component::build_phase. The apply_config_settings method determines all the configuration settings targeting this component and calls the appropriate set_*_local method to set each one. To work, you must override one or more set_*_local methods to accommodate setting of your component’s specific properties. Any properties registered with the optional `uvm_*_field macros do not require special handling by the set_*_local methods; the macros provide the set_*_local functionality for you. If you do not want apply_config_settings to be called for a component, then the build_phase() method should be overloaded and you should not call super.build_phase(phase). Likewise, apply_config_settings can be overloaded to customize automated configuration. When the verbose bit is set, all overrides are printed as they are applied. If the component’s print_config_matches property is set, then apply_config_settings is automatically called with verbose = 1. print_config_settings function void print_config_settings ( string field = "", uvm_component comp = null, bit recurse = 0 ) Called without arguments, print_config_settings prints all configuration information for this component, as set by previous calls to uvm_config_db#(T)::set(). The settings are printing in the order of their precedence. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 347 If field is specified and non-empty, then only configuration settings matching that field, if any, are printed. The field may not contain wildcards. If comp is specified and non-null, then the configuration for that component is printed. If recurse is set, then configuration information for all comp’s children and below are printed as well. This function has been deprecated. Use print_config instead. print_config function void print_config( bit recurse = 0, bit audit = 0 ) Print_config_settings prints all configuration information for this component, as set by previous calls to uvm_config_db#(T)::set() and exports to the resources pool. The settings are printing in the order of their precedence. If recurse is set, then configuration information for all children and below are printed as well. if audit is set then the audit trail for each resource is printed along with the resource name and value print_config_with_audit function void print_config_with_audit( bit recurse = 0 ) Operates the same as print_config except that the audit bit is forced to 1. This interface makes user code a bit more readable as it avoids multiple arbitrary bit settings in the argument list. If recurse is set, then configuration information for all children and below are printed as well. print_config_matches static bit print_config_matches Setting this static variable causes uvm_config_db#(T)::get() to print info about matching configuration settings as they are being applied. OBJEcTION INTERFAcE These methods provide object level hooks into the uvm_objection mechanism. raised virtual function void raised ( UVM 1.2 Class Reference 348 uvm_objection uvm_object string int ) objection, source_obj, description, count The raised callback is called when this or a descendant of this component instance raises the specified objection. The source_obj is the object that originally raised the objection. The description is optionally provided by the source_obj to give a reason for raising the objection. The count indicates the number of objections raised by the source_obj. dropped virtual function uvm_objection uvm_object string int ) void dropped ( objection, source_obj, description, count The dropped callback is called when this or a descendant of this component instance drops the specified objection. The source_obj is the object that originally dropped the objection. The description is optionally provided by the source_obj to give a reason for dropping the objection. The count indicates the number of objections dropped by the source_obj. all_dropped virtual task all_dropped ( uvm_objection objection, uvm_object source_obj, string description, int count ) The all_droppped callback is called when all objections have been dropped by this component and all its descendants. The source_obj is the object that dropped the last objection. The description is optionally provided by the source_obj to give a reason for raising the objection. The count indicates the number of objections dropped by the source_obj. FAcTORY INTERFAcE The factory interface provides convenient access to a portion of UVM’s uvm_factory interface. For creating new objects and components, the preferred method of accessing the factory is via the object or component wrapper (see uvm_component_registry #(T,Tname) and uvm_object_registry #(T,Tname)). The wrapper also provides functions for setting type and instance overrides. create_component function uvm_component create_component ( string requested_type_name, string name ) A convenience function for uvm_factory::create_component_by_name, this method calls UVM 1.2 Class Reference 349 upon the factory to create a new child component whose type corresponds to the preregistered type name, requested_type_name, and instance name, name. This method is equivalent to: factory.create_component_by_name(requested_type_name, get_full_name(), name, this); If the factory determines that a type or instance override exists, the type of the component created may be different than the requested type. See set_type_override and set_inst_override. See also uvm_factory for details on factory operation. create_object function uvm_object create_object ( string requested_type_name, string name = "" ) A convenience function for uvm_factory::create_object_by_name, this method calls upon the factory to create a new object whose type corresponds to the preregistered type name, requested_type_name, and instance name, name. This method is equivalent to: factory.create_object_by_name(requested_type_name, get_full_name(), name); If the factory determines that a type or instance override exists, the type of the object created may be different than the requested type. See uvm_factory for details on factory operation. set_type_override_by_type static function void set_type_override_by_type ( uvm_object_wrapper original_type, uvm_object_wrapper override_type, bit replace = 1 ) A convenience function for uvm_factory::set_type_override_by_type, this method registers a factory override for components and objects created at this level of hierarchy or below. This method is equivalent to: factory.set_type_override_by_type(original_type, override_type,replace); The relative_inst_path is relative to this component and may include wildcards. The original_type represents the type that is being overridden. In subsequent calls to uvm_factory::create_object_by_type or uvm_factory::create_component_by_type, if the requested_type matches the original_type and the instance paths match, the factory will produce the override_type. The original and override type arguments are lightweight proxies to the types they represent. See set_inst_override_by_type for information on usage. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 350 set_inst_override_by_type function void set_inst_override_by_type( string relative_inst_path, uvm_object_wrapper original_type, uvm_object_wrapper override_type ) A convenience function for uvm_factory::set_inst_override_by_type, this method registers a factory override for components and objects created at this level of hierarchy or below. In typical usage, this method is equivalent to: factory.set_inst_override_by_type( original_type, override_type, {get_full_name(),".", relative_inst_path}); The relative_inst_path is relative to this component and may include wildcards. The original_type represents the type that is being overridden. In subsequent calls to uvm_factory::create_object_by_type or uvm_factory::create_component_by_type, if the requested_type matches the original_type and the instance paths match, the factory will produce the override_type. The original and override types are lightweight proxies to the types they represent. They can be obtained by calling type::get_type(), if implemented by type, or by directly calling type::type_id::get(), where type is the user type and type_id is the name of the typedef to uvm_object_registry #(T,Tname) or uvm_component_registry #(T,Tname). If you are employing the `uvm_*_utils macros, the typedef and the get_type method will be implemented for you. For details on the utils macros refer to Utility and Field Macros for Components and Objects. The following example shows `uvm_*_utils usage class comp extends uvm_component; `uvm_component_utils(comp) ... endclass class mycomp extends uvm_component; `uvm_component_utils(mycomp) ... endclass class block extends uvm_component; `uvm_component_utils(block) comp c_inst; virtual function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase); set_inst_override_by_type("c_inst",comp::get_type(), mycomp::get_type()); endfunction ... endclass set_type_override static function void set_type_override( string original_type_name, string override_type_name, replace = 1 bit ) UVM 1.2 Class Reference 351 A convenience function for uvm_factory::set_type_override_by_name, this method configures the factory to create an object of type override_type_name whenever the factory is asked to produce a type represented by original_type_name. This method is equivalent to: factory.set_type_override_by_name(original_type_name, override_type_name, replace); The original_type_name typically refers to a preregistered type in the factory. It may, however, be any arbitrary string. Subsequent calls to create_component or create_object with the same string and matching instance path will produce the type represented by override_type_name. The override_type_name must refer to a preregistered type in the factory. set_inst_override function void set_inst_override( string relative_inst_path, string original_type_name, string override_type_name ) A convenience function for uvm_factory::set_inst_override_by_name, this method registers a factory override for components created at this level of hierarchy or below. In typical usage, this method is equivalent to: factory.set_inst_override_by_name(original_type_name, override_type_name, {get_full_name(),".", relative_inst_path} ); The relative_inst_path is relative to this component and may include wildcards. The original_type_name typically refers to a preregistered type in the factory. It may, however, be any arbitrary string. Subsequent calls to create_component or create_object with the same string and matching instance path will produce the type represented by override_type_name. The override_type_name must refer to a preregistered type in the factory. print_override_info function void print_override_info( string requested_type_name, = "" string name ) This factory debug method performs the same lookup process as create_object and create_component, but instead of creating an object, it prints information about what type of object would be created given the provided arguments. HIERARchIcAL REpORTING INTERFAcE This interface provides versions of the set_report_* methods in the uvm_report_object UVM 1.2 Class Reference 352 base class that are applied recursively to this component and all its children. When a report is issued and its associated action has the LOG bit set, the report will be sent to its associated FILE descriptor. set_report_id_verbosity_hier function void set_report_id_verbosity_hier ( string id, int verbosity ) set_report_severity_id_verbosity_hier function void set_report_severity_id_verbosity_hier( uvm_severity severity, string id, int verbosity ) These methods recursively associate the specified verbosity with reports of the given severity, id, or severity-id pair. A verbosity associated with a particular severity-id pair takes precedence over a verbosity associated with id, which takes precedence over a verbosity associated with a severity. For a list of severities and their default verbosities, refer to uvm_report_handler. set_report_severity_action_hier function void set_report_severity_action_hier ( uvm_severity severity, uvm_action action ) set_report_id_action_hier function void set_report_id_action_hier ( string id, uvm_action action ) set_report_severity_id_action_hier function void set_report_severity_id_action_hier( uvm_severity severity, string id, uvm_action action ) These methods recursively associate the specified action with reports of the given severity, id, or severity-id pair. An action associated with a particular severity-id pair takes precedence over an action associated with id, which takes precedence over an action associated with a severity. For a list of severities and their default actions, refer to uvm_report_handler. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 353 set_report_default_file_hier function void set_report_default_file_hier ( UVM_FILE file ) set_report_severity_file_hier function void set_report_severity_file_hier ( uvm_severity severity, UVM_FILE file ) set_report_id_file_hier function void set_report_id_file_hier ( string id, UVM_FILE file ) set_report_severity_id_file_hier function void set_report_severity_id_file_hier( uvm_severity severity, string id, UVM_FILE file ) These methods recursively associate the specified FILE descriptor with reports of the given severity, id, or severity-id pair. A FILE associated with a particular severity-id pair takes precedence over a FILE associated with id, which take precedence over an a FILE associated with a severity, which takes precedence over the default FILE descriptor. For a list of severities and other information related to the report mechanism, refer to uvm_report_handler. set_report_verbosity_level_hier function void set_report_verbosity_level_hier ( int verbosity ) This method recursively sets the maximum verbosity level for reports for this component and all those below it. Any report from this component subtree whose verbosity exceeds this maximum will be ignored. See uvm_report_handler for a list of predefined message verbosity levels and their meaning. pre_abort virtual function void pre_abort This callback is executed when the message system is executing a UVM_EXIT action. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 354 The exit action causes an immediate termination of the simulation, but the pre_abort callback hook gives components an opportunity to provide additional information to the user before the termination happens. For example, a test may want to executed the report function of a particular component even when an error condition has happened to force a premature termination you would write a function like: function void mycomponent::pre_abort(); report(); endfunction The pre_abort() callback hooks are called in a bottom-up fashion. REcORdING INTERFAcE These methods comprise the component-based transaction recording interface. The methods can be used to record the transactions that this component “sees”, i.e. produces or consumes. The API and implementation are subject to change once a vendor-independent use-model is determined. accept_tr function void accept_tr ( uvm_transaction tr, accept_time = 0 time ) This function marks the acceptance of a transaction, tr, by this component. Specifically, it performs the following actions: Calls the tr’s uvm_transaction::accept_tr method, passing to it the accept_time argument. Calls this component’s do_accept_tr method to allow for any post-begin action in derived classes. Triggers the component’s internal accept_tr event. Any processes waiting on this event will resume in the next delta cycle. do_accept_tr virtual protected function void do_accept_tr ( uvm_transaction tr ) The accept_tr method calls this function to accommodate any user-defined post-accept action. Implementations should call super.do_accept_tr to ensure correct operation. begin_tr function integer begin_tr ( uvm_transaction tr, stream_name string string label string desc UVM 1.2 Class Reference = "main", = "", = "", 355 time integer ) begin_time = 0, parent_handle = 0 This function marks the start of a transaction, tr, by this component. Specifically, it performs the following actions: Calls tr’s uvm_transaction::begin_tr method, passing to it the begin_time argument. The begin_time should be greater than or equal to the accept time. By default, when begin_time = 0, the current simulation time is used. If recording is enabled (recording_detail != UVM_OFF), then a new database-transaction is started on the component’s transaction stream given by the stream argument. No transaction properties are recorded at this time. Calls the component’s do_begin_tr method to allow for any post-begin action in derived classes. Triggers the component’s internal begin_tr event. Any processes waiting on this event will resume in the next delta cycle. A handle to the transaction is returned. The meaning of this handle, as well as the interpretation of the arguments stream_name, label, and desc are vendor specific. begin_child_tr function integer begin_child_tr ( uvm_transaction tr, parent_handle = integer string stream_name = string label = string desc = time begin_time = ) 0, "main", "", "", 0 This function marks the start of a child transaction, tr, by this component. Its operation is identical to that of begin_tr, except that an association is made between this transaction and the provided parent transaction. This association is vendor-specific. do_begin_tr virtual protected function void do_begin_tr ( uvm_transaction tr, string stream_name, integer tr_handle ) The begin_tr and begin_child_tr methods call this function to accommodate any userdefined post-begin action. Implementations should call super.do_begin_tr to ensure correct operation. end_tr function void end_tr ( uvm_transaction tr, end_time = 0, time bit free_handle = 1 ) This function marks the end of a transaction, tr, by this component. Specifically, it performs the following actions: UVM 1.2 Class Reference 356 Calls tr’s uvm_transaction::end_tr method, passing to it the end_time argument. The end_time must at least be greater than the begin time. By default, when end_time = 0, the current simulation time is used. The transaction’s properties are recorded to the database-transaction on which it was started, and then the transaction is ended. Only those properties handled by the transaction’s do_record method (and optional `uvm_*_field macros) are recorded. Calls the component’s do_end_tr method to accommodate any post-end action in derived classes. Triggers the component’s internal end_tr event. Any processes waiting on this event will resume in the next delta cycle. The free_handle bit indicates that this transaction is no longer needed. The implementation of free_handle is vendor-specific. do_end_tr virtual protected function void do_end_tr ( uvm_transaction tr, integer tr_handle ) The end_tr method calls this function to accommodate any user-defined post-end action. Implementations should call super.do_end_tr to ensure correct operation. record_error_tr function integer record_error_tr ( string stream_name = "main", uvm_object info = null, string label = "error_tr", string desc = "", time error_time = 0, bit keep_active = 0 ) This function marks an error transaction by a component. Properties of the given uvm_object, info, as implemented in its uvm_object::do_record method, are recorded to the transaction database. An error_time of 0 indicates to use the current simulation time. The keep_active bit determines if the handle should remain active. If 0, then a zero-length error transaction is recorded. A handle to the database-transaction is returned. Interpretation of this handle, as well as the strings stream_name, label, and desc, are vendor-specific. record_event_tr function integer record_event_tr ( string stream_name = "main", uvm_object info = null, string label = "event_tr", string desc = "", time event_time = 0, bit keep_active = 0 ) This function marks an event transaction by a component. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 357 An event_time of 0 indicates to use the current simulation time. A handle to the transaction is returned. The keep_active bit determines if the handle may be used for other vendor-specific purposes. The strings for stream_name, label, and desc are vendor-specific identifiers for the transaction. get_tr_stream virtual function uvm_tr_stream get_tr_stream( string name, string stream_type_name = "" ) Returns a tr stream with this component’s full name as a scope. Streams which are retrieved via this method will be stored internally, such that later calls to get_tr_stream will return the same stream reference. The stream can be removed from the internal storage via a call to free_tr_stream. Parameters name Name for the stream stream_type_name Type name for the stream (Default = “”) free_tr_stream virtual function void free_tr_stream( uvm_tr_stream stream ) Frees the internal references associated with stream. The next call to get_tr_stream will result in a newly created uvm_tr_stream. If the current stream is open (or closed), then it will be freed. print_enabled bit print_enabled = 1 This bit determines if this component should automatically be printed as a child of its parent object. By default, all children are printed. However, this bit allows a parent component to disable the printing of specific children. tr_database uvm_tr_database tr_database Specifies the uvm_tr_database object to use for begin_tr and other methods in the Recording Interface. Default is uvm_coreservice_t::get_default_tr_database. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 358 17.2 uvm_test This class is the virtual base class for the user-defined tests. The uvm_test virtual class should be used as the base class for user-defined tests. Doing so provides the ability to select which test to execute using the UVM_TESTNAME command line or argument to the uvm_root::run_test task. For example prompt> SIM_COMMAND +UVM_TESTNAME=test_bus_retry The global run_test() task should be specified inside an initial block such as initial run_test(); Multiple tests, identified by their type name, are compiled in and then selected for execution from the command line without need for recompilation. Random seed selection is also available on the command line. If +UVM_TESTNAME=test_name is specified, then an object of type ‘test_name’ is created by factory and phasing begins. Here, it is presumed that the test will instantiate the test environment, or the test environment will have already been instantiated before the call to run_test(). If the specified test_name cannot be created by the uvm_factory, then a fatal error occurs. If run_test() is called without UVM_TESTNAME being specified, then all components constructed before the call to run_test will be cycled through their simulation phases. Deriving from uvm_test will allow you to distinguish tests from other component types that inherit from uvm_component directly. Such tests will automatically inherit features that may be added to uvm_test in the future. Summary uvm_test This class is the virtual base class for the user-defined tests. CLAss HIERARchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_report_object uvm_component uvm_test CLAss DEcLARATION virtual class uvm_test extends uvm_component UVM 1.2 Class Reference 359 METhOds new Creates and initializes an instance of this class using the normal constructor arguments for uvm_component: name is the name of the instance, and parent is the handle to the hierarchical parent, if any. METhOds new function new ( string name, uvm_component parent ) Creates and initializes an instance of this class using the normal constructor arguments for uvm_component: name is the name of the instance, and parent is the handle to the hierarchical parent, if any. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 360 17.3 uvm_env The base class for hierarchical containers of other components that together comprise a complete environment. The environment may initially consist of the entire testbench. Later, it can be reused as a sub-environment in even larger system-level environments. Summary uvm_env The base class for hierarchical containers of other components that together comprise a complete environment. CLAss HIERARchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_report_object uvm_component uvm_env CLAss DEcLARATION virtual class uvm_env extends uvm_component METhOds new Creates and initializes an instance of this class using the normal constructor arguments for uvm_component: name is the name of the instance, and parent is the handle to the hierarchical parent, if any. METhOds new function new ( string name = "env", uvm_component parent = null ) Creates and initializes an instance of this class using the normal constructor arguments for uvm_component: name is the name of the instance, and parent is the handle to the hierarchical parent, if any. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 361 17.4 uvm_agent The uvm_agent virtual class should be used as the base class for the user- defined agents. Deriving from uvm_agent will allow you to distinguish agents from other component types also using its inheritance. Such agents will automatically inherit features that may be added to uvm_agent in the future. While an agent’s build function, inherited from uvm_component, can be implemented to define any agent topology, an agent typically contains three subcomponents: a driver, sequencer, and monitor. If the agent is active, subtypes should contain all three subcomponents. If the agent is passive, subtypes should contain only the monitor. Summary uvm_agent The uvm_agent virtual class should be used as the base class for the userdefined agents. CLAss HIERARchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_report_object uvm_component uvm_agent CLAss DEcLARATION virtual class uvm_agent extends uvm_component METhOds new get_is_active Creates and initializes an instance of this class using the normal constructor arguments for uvm_component: name is the name of the instance, and parent is the handle to the hierarchical parent, if any. Returns UVM_ACTIVE is the agent is acting as an active agent and UVM_PASSIVE if it is acting as a passive agent. METhOds new function new ( string name, uvm_component parent ) Creates and initializes an instance of this class using the normal constructor arguments for uvm_component: name is the name of the instance, and parent is the handle to the hierarchical parent, if any. The int configuration parameter is_active is used to identify whether this agent should be UVM 1.2 Class Reference 362 acting in active or passive mode. This parameter can be set by doing: uvm_config_int::set(this, " , "is_active", UVM_ACTIVE); get_is_active virtual function uvm_active_passive_enum get_is_active() Returns UVM_ACTIVE is the agent is acting as an active agent and UVM_PASSIVE if it is acting as a passive agent. The default implementation is to just return the is_active flag, but the component developer may override this behavior if a more complex algorithm is needed to determine the active/passive nature of the agent. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 363 17.5 uvm_monitor This class should be used as the base class for user-defined monitors. Deriving from uvm_monitor allows you to distinguish monitors from generic component types inheriting from uvm_component. Such monitors will automatically inherit features that may be added to uvm_monitor in the future. Summary uvm_monitor This class should be used as the base class for user-defined monitors. CLAss HIERARchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_report_object uvm_component uvm_monitor CLAss DEcLARATION virtual class uvm_monitor extends uvm_component METhOds new Creates and initializes an instance of this class using the normal constructor arguments for uvm_component: name is the name of the instance, and parent is the handle to the hierarchical parent, if any. METhOds new function new ( string name, uvm_component parent ) Creates and initializes an instance of this class using the normal constructor arguments for uvm_component: name is the name of the instance, and parent is the handle to the hierarchical parent, if any. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 364 17.6 uvm_scoreboard The uvm_scoreboard virtual class should be used as the base class for user-defined scoreboards. Deriving from uvm_scoreboard will allow you to distinguish scoreboards from other component types inheriting directly from uvm_component. Such scoreboards will automatically inherit and benefit from features that may be added to uvm_scoreboard in the future. Summary uvm_scoreboard The uvm_scoreboard virtual class should be used as the base class for userdefined scoreboards. CLAss HIERARchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_report_object uvm_component uvm_scoreboard CLAss DEcLARATION virtual class uvm_scoreboard extends uvm_component METhOds new Creates and initializes an instance of this class using the normal constructor arguments for uvm_component: name is the name of the instance, and parent is the handle to the hierarchical parent, if any. METhOds new function new ( string name, uvm_component parent ) Creates and initializes an instance of this class using the normal constructor arguments for uvm_component: name is the name of the instance, and parent is the handle to the hierarchical parent, if any. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 365 17.7 uvm_driver #(REQ,RSP) The base class for drivers that initiate requests for new transactions via a uvm_seq_item_pull_port. The ports are typically connected to the exports of an appropriate sequencer component. This driver operates in pull mode. Its ports are typically connected to the corresponding exports in a pull sequencer as follows: driver.seq_item_port.connect(sequencer.seq_item_export); driver.rsp_port.connect(sequencer.rsp_export); The rsp_port needs connecting only if the driver will use it to write responses to the analysis export in the sequencer. Summary uvm_driver #(REQ,RSP) The base class for drivers that initiate requests for new transactions via a uvm_seq_item_pull_port. CLAss HIerArchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_report_object uvm_component uvm_driver#(REQ,RSP) CLAss DecLArATION class uvm_driver #( type REQ = uvm_sequence_item, type RSP = REQ ) extends uvm_component POrTs seq_item_port rsp_port MeThOds new Derived driver classes should use this port to request items from the sequencer. This port provides an alternate way of sending responses back to the originating sequencer. Creates and initializes an instance of this class using the normal constructor arguments for uvm_component: name is the name of the instance, and parent is the handle to the hierarchical parent, if any. POrTs seq_item_port UVM 1.2 Class Reference 366 Derived driver classes should use this port to request items from the sequencer. They may also use it to send responses back. rsp_port This port provides an alternate way of sending responses back to the originating sequencer. Which port to use depends on which export the sequencer provides for connection. MeThOds new function new ( string name, uvm_component parent ) Creates and initializes an instance of this class using the normal constructor arguments for uvm_component: name is the name of the instance, and parent is the handle to the hierarchical parent, if any. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 367 17.8 uvm_push_driver #(REQ,RSP) Base class for a driver that passively receives transactions, i.e. does not initiate requests transactions. Also known as push mode. Its ports are typically connected to the corresponding ports in a push sequencer as follows: push_sequencer.req_port.connect(push_driver.req_export); push_driver.rsp_port.connect(push_sequencer.rsp_export); The rsp_port needs connecting only if the driver will use it to write responses to the analysis export in the sequencer. Summary uvm_push_driver #(REQ,RSP) Base class for a driver that passively receives transactions. CLAss HIerArchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_report_object uvm_component uvm_push_driver#(REQ,RSP) CLAss DecLArATION class uvm_push_driver #( type REQ = uvm_sequence_item, type RSP = REQ ) extends uvm_component POrTs req_export rsp_port MeThOds new This export provides the blocking put interface whose default implementation produces an error. This analysis port is used to send response transactions back to the originating sequencer. Creates and initializes an instance of this class using the normal constructor arguments for uvm_component: name is the name of the instance, and parent is the handle to the hierarchical parent, if any. POrTs req_export This export provides the blocking put interface whose default implementation produces an error. Derived drivers must override put with an appropriate implementation (and not call super.put). Ports connected to this export will supply the driver with transactions. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 368 rsp_port This analysis port is used to send response transactions back to the originating sequencer. MeThOds new function new ( string name, uvm_component parent ) Creates and initializes an instance of this class using the normal constructor arguments for uvm_component: name is the name of the instance, and parent is the handle to the hierarchical parent, if any. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 369 17.9 uvm_random_stimulus #(T) A general purpose unidirectional random stimulus class. The uvm_random_stimulus class generates streams of T transactions. These streams may be generated by the randomize method of T, or the randomize method of one of its subclasses. The stream may go indefinitely, until terminated by a call to stop_stimulus_generation, or we may specify the maximum number of transactions to be generated. By using inheritance, we can add directed initialization or tidy up after random stimulus generation. Simply extend the class and define the run task, calling super.run() when you want to begin the random stimulus phase of simulation. While very useful in its own right, this component can also be used as a template for defining other stimulus generators, or it can be extended to add additional stimulus generation methods and to simplify test writing. Summary uvm_random_stimulus #(T) A general purpose unidirectional random stimulus class. CLAss HIERARchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_report_object uvm_component uvm_random_stimulus#(T) CLAss DEcLARAtION class uvm_random_stimulus #( type T = uvm_transaction ) extends uvm_component PORts blocking_put_port MEthOds new generate_stimulus stop_stimulus_generation The blocking_put_port is used to send the generated stimulus to the rest of the testbench. Creates a new instance of a specialization of this class. Generate up to max_count transactions of type T. Stops the generation of stimulus. PORts blocking_put_port The blocking_put_port is used to send the generated stimulus to the rest of the UVM 1.2 Class Reference 370 testbench. MEthOds new function new( string name, uvm_component parent ) Creates a new instance of a specialization of this class. Also, displays the random state obtained from a get_randstate call. In subsequent simulations, set_randstate can be called with the same value to reproduce the same sequence of transactions. generate_stimulus virtual task generate_stimulus( T t = null, int max_count = 0 ) Generate up to max_count transactions of type T. If t is not specified, a default instance of T is allocated and used. If t is specified, that transaction is used when randomizing. It must be a subclass of T. max_count is the maximum number of transactions to be generated. A value of zero indicates no maximum - in this case, generate_stimulus will go on indefinitely unless stopped by some other process The transactions are cloned before they are sent out over the blocking_put_port stop_stimulus_generation virtual function void stop_stimulus_generation Stops the generation of stimulus. If a subclass of this method has forked additional processes, those processes will also need to be stopped in an overridden version of this method UVM 1.2 Class Reference 371 17.10 uvm_subscriber This class provides an analysis export for receiving transactions from a connected analysis export. Making such a connection “subscribes” this component to any transactions emitted by the connected analysis port. Subtypes of this class must define the write method to process the incoming transactions. This class is particularly useful when designing a coverage collector that attaches to a monitor. Summary uvm_subscriber This class provides an analysis export for receiving transactions from a connected analysis export. CLAss HIERARchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_report_object uvm_component uvm_subscriber CLAss DEcLARATION virtual class uvm_subscriber #( type T = int ) extends uvm_component PORTs analysis_export METhOds new write This export provides access to the write method, which derived subscribers must implement. Creates and initializes an instance of this class using the normal constructor arguments for uvm_component: name is the name of the instance, and parent is the handle to the hierarchical parent, if any. A pure virtual method that must be defined in each subclass. PORTs analysis_export This export provides access to the write method, which derived subscribers must implement. METhOds UVM 1.2 Class Reference 372 new function new ( string name, uvm_component parent ) Creates and initializes an instance of this class using the normal constructor arguments for uvm_component: name is the name of the instance, and parent is the handle to the hierarchical parent, if any. write pure virtual function void write( T t ) A pure virtual method that must be defined in each subclass. Access to this method by outside components should be done via the analysis_export. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 373 18. COMPARATORS A common function of testbenches is to compare streams of transactions for equivalence. For example, a testbench may compare a stream of transactions from a DUT with expected results. The UVM library provides a base class called uvm_in_order_comparator and two derived classes: uvm_in_order_built_in_comparator for comparing streams of built-in types and uvm_in_order_class_comparator for comparing streams of class objects. The uvm_algorithmic_comparator also compares two streams of transactions, but the transaction streams might be of different type objects. Thus, this comparator will employ a user-defined transformation function to convert one type to another before performing a comparison. Summary Comparators A common function of testbenches is to compare streams of transactions for equivalence. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 374 18.1 Comparators The following classes define comparators for objects and built-in types. Contents Comparators The following classes define comparators for objects and built-in types. uvm_in_order_comparator #(T,comp_type,convert,pair_type) uvm_in_order_built_in_comparator #(T) uvm_in_order_class_comparator #(T) Compares two streams of data objects of the type parameter, T. This class uses the uvm_built_in_* comparison, converter, and pair classes. This class uses the uvm_class_* comparison, converter, and pair classes. uvm_in_order_comparator #(T,comp_type,convert,pair_type) Compares two streams of data objects of the type parameter, T. These transactions may either be classes or built-in types. To be successfully compared, the two streams of data must be in the same order. Apart from that, there are no assumptions made about the relative timing of the two streams of data. Type parameters T Specifies the type of transactions to be compared. comp_type A policy class to compare the two transaction streams. It must provide the static method “function bit comp(T a, T b)” which returns TRUE if a and b are the same. convert A policy class to convert the transactions being compared to a string. It must provide the static method “function string convert2string(T a)”. pair_type A policy class to allow pairs of transactions to be handled as a single uvm_object type. Built in types (such as ints, bits, logic, and structs) can be compared using the default values for comp_type, convert, and pair_type. For convenience, you can use the subtype, uvm_in_order_built_in_comparator #(T) for built-in types. When T is a uvm_object, you can use the convenience subtype uvm_in_order_class_comparator #(T). Comparisons are commutative, meaning it does not matter which data stream is connected to which export, before_export or after_export. Comparisons are done in order and as soon as a transaction is received from both streams. Internal fifos are used to buffer incoming transactions on one stream until a transaction to compare arrives on the other stream. Summary uvm_in_order_comparator #(T,comp_type,convert,pair_type) Compares two streams of data objects of the type parameter, T. PORts before_export UVM 1.2 Class Reference The export to which one stream of data is written. 375 after_export pair_ap MEtHODs flush The export to which the other stream of data is written. The comparator sends out pairs of transactions across this analysis port. This method sets m_matches and m_mismatches back to zero. PORts before_export The export to which one stream of data is written. The port must be connected to an analysis port that will provide such data. after_export The export to which the other stream of data is written. The port must be connected to an analysis port that will provide such data. pair_ap The comparator sends out pairs of transactions across this analysis port. Both matched and unmatched pairs are published via a pair_type objects. Any connected analysis export(s) will receive these transaction pairs. MEtHODs flush virtual function void flush() This method sets m_matches and m_mismatches back to zero. The uvm_tlm_fifo::flush takes care of flushing the FIFOs. uvm_in_order_built_in_comparator #(T) This class uses the uvm_built_in_* comparison, converter, and pair classes. Use this class for built-in types (int, bit, string, etc.) Summary uvm_in_order_built_in_comparator #(T) This class uses the uvm_built_in_* comparison, converter, and pair classes. CLAss HIERARcHY uvm_in_order_comparator#(T) uvm_in_order_built_in_comparator#(T) CLAss DEcLARAtION UVM 1.2 Class Reference 376 class uvm_in_order_built_in_comparator #( type T = int ) extends uvm_in_order_comparator #(T) uvm_in_order_class_comparator #(T) This class uses the uvm_class_* comparison, converter, and pair classes. Use this class for comparing user-defined objects of type T, which must provide compare() and convert2string() method. Summary uvm_in_order_class_comparator #(T) This class uses the uvm_class_* comparison, converter, and pair classes. CLAss HIERARcHY uvm_in_order_comparator#(T,uvm_class_comp#(T),uvm_class_converter#(T),uvm_class_pair#(T,T)) uvm_in_order_class_comparator#(T) CLAss DEcLARAtION class uvm_in_order_class_comparator #( type T = int ) extends uvm_in_order_comparator #( T , uvm_class_comp #( T ) , uvm_class_converter #( T ) , uvm_class_pair #( T, T ) ) UVM 1.2 Class Reference 377 18.2 Algorithmic Comparator A common function of testbenches is to compare streams of transactions for equivalence. For example, a testbench may compare a stream of transactions from a DUT with expected results. The UVM library provides a base class called uvm_in_order_comparator #(T,comp_type,convert,pair_type) and two derived classes, which are uvm_in_order_built_in_comparator #(T) for comparing streams of built-in types and uvm_in_order_class_comparator #(T) for comparing streams of class objects. The uvm_algorithmic_comparator also compares two streams of transactions; however, the transaction streams might be of different type objects. This device will use a userwritten transformation function to convert one type to another before performing a comparison. Summary Algorithmic Comparator A common function of testbenches is to compare streams of transactions for equivalence. uvm_algorithmic_comparator #(BEFORE,AFTER,TRANSFORMER) Compares two streams of data objects of different types, BEFORE and AFTER. The algorithmic comparator is a wrapper around uvm_in_order_class_comparator #(T). Like the in-order comparator, the algorithmic comparator compares two streams of transactions, the BEFORE stream and the AFTER stream. It is often the case when two streams of transactions need to be compared that the two streams are in different forms. That is, the type of the BEFORE transaction stream is different than the type of the AFTER transaction stream. The uvm_algorithmic_comparator’s TRANSFORMER type parameter specifies the class responsible for converting transactions of type BEFORE into those of type AFTER. This transformer class must provide a transform() method with the following prototype: function AFTER transform (BEFORE b); Matches and mismatches are reported in terms of the AFTER transactions. For more information, see the uvm_in_order_comparator #(T,comp_type,convert,pair_type) class. Summary uvm_algorithmic_comparator #(BEFORE,AFTER,TRANSFORMER) UVM 1.2 Class Reference 378 Compares two streams of data objects of different types, BEFORE and AFTER. CLass HIerarchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_report_object uvm_component uvm_algorithmic_comparator#(BEFORE,AFTER,TRANSFORMER) CLass DecLaratIon class uvm_algorithmic_comparator #( type BEFORE = int, type AFTER = int, type TRANSFORMER = int ) extends uvm_component Ports before_export after_export Methods new The export to which a data stream of type BEFORE is sent via a connected analysis port. The export to which a data stream of type AFTER is sent via a connected analysis port. Creates an instance of a specialization of this class. Ports before_export The export to which a data stream of type BEFORE is sent via a connected analysis port. Publishers (monitors) can send in an ordered stream of transactions against which the transformed BEFORE transactions will (be compared. after_export The export to which a data stream of type AFTER is sent via a connected analysis port. Publishers (monitors) can send in an ordered stream of transactions to be transformed and compared to the AFTER transactions. Methods new function new( string name, = null, uvm_component parent TRANSFORMER transformer = null ) Creates an instance of a specialization of this class. In addition to the standard UVM 1.2 Class Reference 379 uvm_component constructor arguments, name and parent, the constructor takes a handle to a transformer object, which must already be allocated (handles can’t be null) and must implement the transform() method. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 380 18.3 uvm_pair classes This section defines container classes for handling value pairs. Contents uvm_pair classes This section defines container classes for handling value pairs. uvm_class_pair #(T1,T2) uvm_built_in_pair #(T1,T2) Container holding handles to two objects whose types are specified by the type parameters, T1 and T2. Container holding two variables of built-in types (int, string, etc.) uvm_class_pair #(T1,T2) Container holding handles to two objects whose types are specified by the type parameters, T1 and T2. Summary uvm_class_pair #(T1,T2) Container holding handles to two objects whose types are specified by the type parameters, T1 and T2. CLAss HIERARchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_class_pair#(T1,T2) CLAss DEcLARAtION class uvm_class_pair #( type T1 = int, T2 = T1 ) extends uvm_object VARIABLEs T1 first T2 second The handle to the first object in the pair The handle to the second object in the pair MEthOds new Creates an instance that holds a handle to two objects. VARIABLEs T1 first UVM 1.2 Class Reference 381 T1 first The handle to the first object in the pair T2 second T2 second The handle to the second object in the pair MEthOds new function new ( string name = "", T1 f = null, T2 s = null ) Creates an instance that holds a handle to two objects. The optional name argument gives a name to the new pair object. uvm_built_in_pair #(T1,T2) Container holding two variables of built-in types (int, string, etc.). The types are specified by the type parameters, T1 and T2. Summary uvm_built_in_pair #(T1,T2) Container holding two variables of built-in types (int, string, etc.) CLAss HIERARchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_built_in_pair#(T1,T2) CLAss DEcLARAtION class uvm_built_in_pair #( type T1 = int, T2 = T1 ) extends uvm_object VARIABLEs T1 first T2 second The first value in the pair The second value in the pair MEthOds new Creates an instance that holds two built-in type values. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 382 VARIABLEs T1 first T1 first The first value in the pair T2 second T2 second The second value in the pair MEthOds new function new ( string name = "" ) Creates an instance that holds two built-in type values. The optional name argument gives a name to the new pair object. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 383 18.4 Policy Classes Policy classes are used to implement polymorphic operations that differ between built-in types and class-based types. Generic components can then be built that work with either classes or built-in types, depending on what policy class is used. Contents Policy Classes Policy classes are used to implement polymorphic operations that differ between built-in types and classbased types. uvm_built_in_comp #(T) uvm_built_in_converter #(T) uvm_built_in_clone #(T) uvm_class_comp #(T) This policy class is used to compare built-in types. uvm_class_converter #(T) uvm_class_clone #(T) This policy class strings. This policy class operator. This policy class same type. This policy class string. This policy class is used to convert built-in types to is used to clone built-in types via the = is used to compare two objects of the is used to convert a class object to a is used to clone class objects. uvm_built_in_comp #(T) This policy class is used to compare built-in types. Provides a comp method that compares the built-in type, T, for which the == operator is defined. Summary uvm_built_in_comp #(T) This policy class is used to compare built-in types. CLAss DEcLARAtION class uvm_built_in_comp #( type T = int ) uvm_built_in_converter #(T) This policy class is used to convert built-in types to strings. Provides a convert2string method that converts the built-in type, T, to a string using the %p format specifier. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 384 Summary uvm_built_in_converter #(T) This policy class is used to convert built-in types to strings. CLAss DEcLARAtION class uvm_built_in_converter #( type T = int ) uvm_built_in_clone #(T) This policy class is used to clone built-in types via the = operator. Provides a clone method that returns a copy of the built-in type, T. Summary uvm_built_in_clone #(T) This policy class is used to clone built-in types via the = operator. CLAss DEcLARAtION class uvm_built_in_clone #( type T = int ) uvm_class_comp #(T) This policy class is used to compare two objects of the same type. Provides a comp method that compares two objects of type T. The class T must provide the method “function bit compare(T rhs)”, similar to the uvm_object::compare method. Summary uvm_class_comp #(T) This policy class is used to compare two objects of the same type. CLAss DEcLARAtION class uvm_class_comp #( type T = int ) UVM 1.2 Class Reference 385 uvm_class_converter #(T) This policy class is used to convert a class object to a string. Provides a convert2string method that converts an instance of type T to a string. The class T must provide the method “function string convert2string()”, similar to the uvm_object::convert2string method. Summary uvm_class_converter #(T) This policy class is used to convert a class object to a string. CLAss DEcLARAtION class uvm_class_converter #( type T = int ) uvm_class_clone #(T) This policy class is used to clone class objects. Provides a clone method that returns a copy of the built-in type, T. The class T must implement the clone method, to which this class delegates the operation. If T is derived from uvm_object, then T must instead implement uvm_object::do_copy, either directly or indirectly through use of the `uvm_field macros. Summary uvm_class_clone #(T) This policy class is used to clone class objects. CLAss DEcLARAtION class uvm_class_clone #( type T = int ) UVM 1.2 Class Reference 386 19. Sequencer Classes The sequencer serves as an arbiter for controlling transaction flow from multiple stimulus generators. More specifically, the sequencer controls the flow of uvm_sequence_itembased transactions generated by one or more uvm_sequence #(REQ,RSP)-based sequences. There are two sequencer variants available. uvm_sequencer #(REQ,RSP) - Requests for new sequence items are initiated by the driver. Upon such requests, the sequencer selects a sequence from a list of available sequences to produce and deliver the next item to execute. This sequencer is typically connected to a user-extension of uvm_driver #(REQ,RSP). uvm_push_sequencer #(REQ,RSP) - Sequence items (from the currently running sequences) are pushed by the sequencer to the driver, which blocks item flow when it is not ready to accept new transactions. This sequencer is typically connected to a user-extension of uvm_push_driver #(REQ,RSP). Sequencer-driver communication follows a pull or push semantic, depending on which sequencer type is used. However, sequence-sequencer communication is always initiated by the user-defined sequence, i.e. follows a push semantic. See Sequence Classes for an overview on sequences and sequence items. Sequence Item Ports As with all UVM components, the sequencers and drivers described above use TLM Interfaces to communicate transactions. The uvm_sequencer #(REQ,RSP) and uvm_driver #(REQ,RSP) pair also uses a sequence item pull port to achieve the special execution semantic needed by the sequencer-driver pair. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 387 Sequencers and drivers use a seq_item_port specifically supports sequencer-driver communication. Connections to these ports are made in the same fashion as the TLM ports. Summary Sequencer Classes The sequencer serves as an arbiter for controlling transaction flow from multiple stimulus generators. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 388 19.1 uvm_sequencer_base Controls the flow of sequences, which generate the stimulus (sequence item transactions) that is passed on to drivers for execution. Summary uvm_sequencer_base Controls the flow of sequences, which generate the stimulus (sequence item transactions) that is passed on to drivers for execution. CLAss HIERARchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_report_object uvm_component uvm_sequencer_base CLAss DEcLARATION class uvm_sequencer_base extends uvm_component METhOds new is_child user_priority_arbitration execute_item start_phase_sequence stop_phase_sequence wait_for_grant wait_for_item_done is_blocked has_lock UVM 1.2 Class Reference Creates and initializes an instance of this class using the normal constructor arguments for uvm_component: name is the name of the instance, and parent is the handle to the hierarchical parent. Returns 1 if the child sequence is a child of the parent sequence, 0 otherwise. When the sequencer arbitration mode is set to UVM_SEQ_ARB_USER (via the set_arbitration method), the sequencer will call this function each time that it needs to arbitrate among sequences. Executes the given transaction item directly on this sequencer. Start the default sequence for this phase, if any. Stop the default sequence for this phase, if any exists, and it is still executing. This task issues a request for the specified sequence. A sequence may optionally call wait_for_item_done. Returns 1 if the sequence referred to by sequence_ptr is currently locked out of the sequencer. Returns 1 if the sequence referred to in the parameter currently has a lock on this sequencer, 0 otherwise. 389 lock grab unlock ungrab stop_sequences is_grabbed current_grabber has_do_available set_arbitration get_arbitration wait_for_sequences send_request set_max_zero_time_wait_relevant_count Requests a lock for the sequence specified by sequence_ptr. Requests a lock for the sequence specified by sequence_ptr. Removes any locks and grabs obtained by the specified sequence_ptr. Removes any locks and grabs obtained by the specified sequence_ptr. Tells the sequencer to kill all sequences and child sequences currently operating on the sequencer, and remove all requests, locks and responses that are currently queued. Returns 1 if any sequence currently has a lock or grab on this sequencer, 0 otherwise. Returns a reference to the sequence that currently has a lock or grab on the sequence. Returns 1 if any sequence running on this sequencer is ready to supply a transaction, 0 otherwise. Specifies the arbitration mode for the sequencer. Return the current arbitration mode set for this sequencer. Waits for a sequence to have a new item available. Derived classes implement this function to send a request item to the sequencer, which will forward it to the driver. Can be called at any time to change the maximum number of times wait_for_relevant() can be called by the sequencer in zero time before an error is declared. METhOds new function new ( string name, uvm_component parent ) Creates and initializes an instance of this class using the normal constructor arguments for uvm_component: name is the name of the instance, and parent is the handle to the hierarchical parent. is_child function bit is_child ( uvm_sequence_base parent, uvm_sequence_base child UVM 1.2 Class Reference 390 ) Returns 1 if the child sequence is a child of the parent sequence, 0 otherwise. user_priority_arbitration virtual function integer user_priority_arbitration( integer avail_sequences[$] ) When the sequencer arbitration mode is set to UVM_SEQ_ARB_USER (via the set_arbitration method), the sequencer will call this function each time that it needs to arbitrate among sequences. Derived sequencers may override this method to perform a custom arbitration policy. The override must return one of the entries from the avail_sequences queue, which are indexes into an internal queue, arb_sequence_q. The default implementation behaves like UVM_SEQ_ARB_FIFO, which returns the entry at avail_sequences[0]. execute_item virtual task execute_item( uvm_sequence_item item ) Executes the given transaction item directly on this sequencer. A temporary parent sequence is automatically created for the item. There is no capability to retrieve responses. If the driver returns responses, they will accumulate in the sequencer, eventually causing response overflow unless uvm_sequence_base::set_response_queue_error_report_disabled is called. start_phase_sequence virtual function void start_phase_sequence( uvm_phase phase ) Start the default sequence for this phase, if any. The default sequence is configured via resources using either a sequence instance or sequence type (object wrapper). If both are used, the sequence instance takes precedence. When attempting to override a previous default sequence setting, you must override both the instance and type (wrapper) resources, else your override may not take effect. When setting the resource using set, the 1st argument specifies the context pointer, usually this for components or null when executed from outside the component hierarchy (i.e. in module). The 2nd argument is the instance string, which is a path name to the target sequencer, relative to the context pointer. The path must include the name of the phase with a “_phase” suffix. The 3rd argument is the resource name, which is “default_sequence”. The 4th argument is either an object wrapper for the sequence type, or an instance of a sequence. Configuration by instances allows pre-initialization, setting rand_mode, use of inline constraints, etc. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 391 myseq_t myseq = new("myseq"); myseq.randomize() with { ... }; uvm_config_db #(uvm_sequence_base)::set(null, "top.agent.myseqr.main_phase", "default_sequence", myseq); Configuration by type is shorter and can be substituted via the factory. uvm_config_db #(uvm_object_wrapper)::set(null, "top.agent.myseqr.main_phase", "default_sequence", myseq_type::type_id::get()); The uvm_resource_db can similarly be used. myseq_t myseq = new("myseq"); myseq.randomize() with { ... }; uvm_resource_db #(uvm_sequence_base)::set({get_full_name(), ".myseqr.main_phase", "default_sequence", myseq, this); uvm_resource_db #(uvm_object_wrapper)::set({get_full_name(), ".myseqr.main_phase", "default_sequence", myseq_t::type_id::get(), this ); stop_phase_sequence virtual function void stop_phase_sequence( uvm_phase phase ) Stop the default sequence for this phase, if any exists, and it is still executing. wait_for_grant virtual task wait_for_grant( uvm_sequence_base sequence_ptr, item_priority = -1, int bit lock_request = 0 ) This task issues a request for the specified sequence. If item_priority is not specified, then the current sequence priority will be used by the arbiter. If a lock_request is made, then the sequencer will issue a lock immediately before granting the sequence. (Note that the lock may be granted without the sequence being granted if is_relevant is not asserted). When this method returns, the sequencer has granted the sequence, and the sequence must call send_request without inserting any simulation delay other than delta cycles. The driver is currently waiting for the next item to be sent via the send_request call. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 392 wait_for_item_done virtual task wait_for_item_done( uvm_sequence_base sequence_ptr, int transaction_id ) A sequence may optionally call wait_for_item_done. This task will block until the driver calls item_done() or put() on a transaction issued by the specified sequence. If no transaction_id parameter is specified, then the call will return the next time that the driver calls item_done() or put(). If a specific transaction_id is specified, then the call will only return when the driver indicates that it has completed that specific item. Note that if a specific transaction_id has been specified, and the driver has already issued an item_done or put for that transaction, then the call will hang waiting for that specific transaction_id. is_blocked function bit is_blocked( uvm_sequence_base sequence_ptr ) Returns 1 if the sequence referred to by sequence_ptr is currently locked out of the sequencer. It will return 0 if the sequence is currently allowed to issue operations. Note that even when a sequence is not blocked, it is possible for another sequence to issue a lock before this sequence is able to issue a request or lock. has_lock function bit has_lock( uvm_sequence_base sequence_ptr ) Returns 1 if the sequence referred to in the parameter currently has a lock on this sequencer, 0 otherwise. Note that even if this sequence has a lock, a child sequence may also have a lock, in which case the sequence is still blocked from issuing operations on the sequencer lock virtual task lock( uvm_sequence_base sequence_ptr ) Requests a lock for the sequence specified by sequence_ptr. A lock request will be arbitrated the same as any other request. A lock is granted after all earlier requests are completed and no other locks or grabs are blocking this sequence. The lock call will return when the lock has been granted. grab virtual task grab( UVM 1.2 Class Reference 393 uvm_sequence_base sequence_ptr ) Requests a lock for the sequence specified by sequence_ptr. A grab request is put in front of the arbitration queue. It will be arbitrated before any other requests. A grab is granted when no other grabs or locks are blocking this sequence. The grab call will return when the grab has been granted. unlock virtual function void unlock( uvm_sequence_base sequence_ptr ) Removes any locks and grabs obtained by the specified sequence_ptr. ungrab virtual function void ungrab( uvm_sequence_base sequence_ptr ) Removes any locks and grabs obtained by the specified sequence_ptr. stop_sequences virtual function void stop_sequences() Tells the sequencer to kill all sequences and child sequences currently operating on the sequencer, and remove all requests, locks and responses that are currently queued. This essentially resets the sequencer to an idle state. is_grabbed virtual function bit is_grabbed() Returns 1 if any sequence currently has a lock or grab on this sequencer, 0 otherwise. current_grabber virtual function uvm_sequence_base current_grabber() Returns a reference to the sequence that currently has a lock or grab on the sequence. If multiple hierarchical sequences have a lock, it returns the child that is currently allowed to perform operations on the sequencer. has_do_available virtual function bit has_do_available() UVM 1.2 Class Reference 394 Returns 1 if any sequence running on this sequencer is ready to supply a transaction, 0 otherwise. A sequence is ready if it is not blocked (via grab or lock and is_relevant returns 1. set_arbitration function void set_arbitration( UVM_SEQ_ARB_TYPE val ) Specifies the arbitration mode for the sequencer. It is one of UVM_SEQ_ARB_FIFO Requests are granted in FIFO order (default) UVM_SEQ_ARB_WEIGHTED Requests are granted randomly by weight UVM_SEQ_ARB_RANDOM Requests are granted randomly UVM_SEQ_ARB_STRICT_FIFO Requests at highest priority granted in FIFO order UVM_SEQ_ARB_STRICT_RANDOM Requests at highest priority granted in randomly UVM_SEQ_ARB_USER Arbitration is delegated to the user-defined function, user_priority_arbitration. That function will specify the next sequence to grant. The default user function specifies FIFO order. get_arbitration function UVM_SEQ_ARB_TYPE get_arbitration() Return the current arbitration mode set for this sequencer. See set_arbitration for a list of possible modes. wait_for_sequences virtual task wait_for_sequences() Waits for a sequence to have a new item available. Uses uvm_wait_for_nba_region to give a sequence as much time as possible to deliver an item before advancing time. send_request virtual function void send_request( uvm_sequence_base sequence_ptr, uvm_sequence_item t, rerandomize = 0 bit ) Derived classes implement this function to send a request item to the sequencer, which will forward it to the driver. If the rerandomize bit is set, the item will be randomized before being sent to the driver. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 395 This function may only be called after a wait_for_grant call. set_max_zero_time_wait_relevant_count virtual function void set_max_zero_time_wait_relevant_count( int new_val ) Can be called at any time to change the maximum number of times wait_for_relevant() can be called by the sequencer in zero time before an error is declared. The default maximum is 10. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 396 19.2 uvm_sequencer_param_base #(REQ,RSP) Extends uvm_sequencer_base with an API depending on specific request (REQ) and response (RSP) types. Summary uvm_sequencer_param_base #(REQ,RSP) Extends uvm_sequencer_base with an API depending on specific request (REQ) and response (RSP) types. CLAss HIerArchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_report_object uvm_component uvm_sequencer_base uvm_sequencer_param_base#(REQ,RSP) CLAss DecLArATION class uvm_sequencer_param_base #( type REQ = uvm_sequence_item, type RSP = REQ ) extends uvm_sequencer_base new send_request get_current_item ReqUesTs get_num_reqs_sent set_num_last_reqs get_num_last_reqs last_req RespONses rsp_export get_num_rsps_received set_num_last_rsps get_num_last_rsps last_rsp Creates and initializes an instance of this class using the normal constructor arguments for uvm_component: name is the name of the instance, and parent is the handle to the hierarchical parent, if any. The send_request function may only be called after a wait_for_grant call. Returns the request_item currently being executed by the sequencer. Returns the number of requests that have been sent by this sequencer. Sets the size of the last_requests buffer. Returns the size of the last requests buffer, as set by set_num_last_reqs. Returns the last request item by default. Drivers or monitors can connect to this port to send responses to the sequencer. Returns the number of responses received thus far by this sequencer. Sets the size of the last_responses buffer. Returns the max size of the last responses buffer, as set by set_num_last_rsps. Returns the last response item by default. new UVM 1.2 Class Reference 397 function new ( string name, uvm_component parent ) Creates and initializes an instance of this class using the normal constructor arguments for uvm_component: name is the name of the instance, and parent is the handle to the hierarchical parent, if any. send_request virtual function void send_request( uvm_sequence_base sequence_ptr, uvm_sequence_item t, bit rerandomize = 0 ) The send_request function may only be called after a wait_for_grant call. This call will send the request item, t, to the sequencer pointed to by sequence_ptr. The sequencer will forward it to the driver. If rerandomize is set, the item will be randomized before being sent to the driver. get_current_item function REQ get_current_item() Returns the request_item currently being executed by the sequencer. If the sequencer is not currently executing an item, this method will return null. The sequencer is executing an item from the time that get_next_item or peek is called until the time that get or item_done is called. Note that a driver that only calls get() will never show a current item, since the item is completed at the same time as it is requested. ReqUesTs get_num_reqs_sent function int get_num_reqs_sent() Returns the number of requests that have been sent by this sequencer. set_num_last_reqs function void set_num_last_reqs( int unsigned max ) Sets the size of the last_requests buffer. Note that the maximum buffer size is 1024. If max is greater than 1024, a warning is issued, and the buffer is set to 1024. The default value is 1. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 398 get_num_last_reqs function int unsigned get_num_last_reqs() Returns the size of the last requests buffer, as set by set_num_last_reqs. last_req function REQ last_req( int unsigned n = 0 ) Returns the last request item by default. If n is not 0, then it will get the n�th before last request item. If n is greater than the last request buffer size, the function will return null. RespONses rsp_export Drivers or monitors can connect to this port to send responses to the sequencer. Alternatively, a driver can send responses via its seq_item_port. seq_item_port.item_done(response) seq_item_port.put(response) rsp_port.write(response) <--- via this export The rsp_port in the driver and/or monitor must be connected to the rsp_export in this sequencer in order to send responses through the response analysis port. get_num_rsps_received function int get_num_rsps_received() Returns the number of responses received thus far by this sequencer. set_num_last_rsps function void set_num_last_rsps( int unsigned max ) Sets the size of the last_responses buffer. The maximum buffer size is 1024. If max is greater than 1024, a warning is issued, and the buffer is set to 1024. The default value is 1. get_num_last_rsps function int unsigned get_num_last_rsps() UVM 1.2 Class Reference 399 Returns the max size of the last responses buffer, as set by set_num_last_rsps. last_rsp function RSP last_rsp( int unsigned n = 0 ) Returns the last response item by default. If n is not 0, then it will get the nth-beforelast response item. If n is greater than the last response buffer size, the function will return null. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 400 19.3 uvm_sequencer #(REQ,RSP) Summary uvm_sequencer #(REQ,RSP) CLAss HIerArchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_report_object uvm_component uvm_sequencer_base uvm_sequencer_param_base#(REQ,RSP) uvm_sequencer#(REQ,RSP) CLAss DecLArATION class uvm_sequencer #( type REQ = uvm_sequence_item, RSP = REQ ) extends uvm_sequencer_param_base #(REQ, RSP) new stop_sequences SeqUeNcer INTerFAce seq_item_export get_next_item try_next_item item_done put get peek wait_for_sequences has_do_available Standard component constructor that creates an instance of this class using the given name and parent, if any. Tells the sequencer to kill all sequences and child sequences currently operating on the sequencer, and remove all requests, locks and responses that are currently queued. This is an interface for communicating with sequencers. This export provides access to this sequencer’s implementation of the sequencer interface. Retrieves the next available item from a sequence. Retrieves the next available item from a sequence if one is available. Indicates that the request is completed. Sends a response back to the sequence that issued the request. Retrieves the next available item from a sequence. Returns the current request item if one is in the FIFO. Waits for a sequence to have a new item available. Returns 1 if any sequence running on this sequencer is ready to supply a transaction, 0 otherwise. new function new ( string name, uvm_component parent = null ) Standard component constructor that creates an instance of this class using the given name and parent, if any. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 401 stop_sequences virtual function void stop_sequences() Tells the sequencer to kill all sequences and child sequences currently operating on the sequencer, and remove all requests, locks and responses that are currently queued. This essentially resets the sequencer to an idle state. SeqUeNcer INTerFAce This is an interface for communicating with sequencers. The interface is defined as Requests: virtual task get_next_item virtual task try_next_item virtual task get virtual task peek Responses: virtual function void item_done virtual task put Sync Control: virtual task wait_for_sequences virtual function bit has_do_available (output (output (output (output REQ request); REQ request); REQ request); REQ request); (input RSP response=null); (input RSP response); (); (); See uvm_sqr_if_base #(REQ,RSP) for information about this interface. seq_item_export uvm_seq_item_pull_imp #( REQ, RSP, this_type ) seq_item_export This export provides access to this sequencer’s implementation of the sequencer interface. get_next_item virtual task get_next_item ( output REQ t ) Retrieves the next available item from a sequence. try_next_item virtual task try_next_item ( output REQ t ) Retrieves the next available item from a sequence if one is available. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 402 item_done virtual function void item_done ( RSP item = null ) Indicates that the request is completed. put virtual task put ( RSP t ) Sends a response back to the sequence that issued the request. get task get ( output REQ t ) Retrieves the next available item from a sequence. peek task peek ( output REQ t ) Returns the current request item if one is in the FIFO. wait_for_sequences Waits for a sequence to have a new item available. has_do_available Returns 1 if any sequence running on this sequencer is ready to supply a transaction, 0 otherwise. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 403 19.4 uvm_push_sequencer #(REQ,RSP) Summary uvm_push_sequencer #(REQ,RSP) CLAss HIerArchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_report_object uvm_component uvm_sequencer_base uvm_sequencer_param_base#(REQ,RSP) uvm_push_sequencer#(REQ,RSP) CLAss DecLArATION class uvm_push_sequencer #( type REQ = uvm_sequence_item, RSP = REQ ) extends uvm_sequencer_param_base #(REQ, RSP) POrTs req_port MeThOds new run_phase The push sequencer requires access to a blocking put interface. Standard component constructor that creates an instance of this class using the given name and parent, if any. The push sequencer continuously selects from its list of available sequences and sends the next item from the selected sequence out its req_port using req_port.put(item). POrTs req_port The push sequencer requires access to a blocking put interface. A continuous stream of sequence items are sent out this port, based on the list of available sequences loaded into this sequencer. MeThOds new function new ( string name, uvm_component parent = null UVM 1.2 Class Reference 404 ) Standard component constructor that creates an instance of this class using the given name and parent, if any. run_phase task run_phase( uvm_phase phase ) The push sequencer continuously selects from its list of available sequences and sends the next item from the selected sequence out its req_port using req_port.put(item). Typically, the req_port would be connected to the req_export on an instance of a uvm_push_driver #(REQ,RSP), which would be responsible for executing the item. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 405 20. Sequence Classes Sequences encapsulate user-defined procedures that generate multiple uvm_sequence_item-based transactions. Such sequences can be reused, extended, randomized, and combined sequentially and hierarchically in interesting ways to produce realistic stimulus to your DUT. With uvm_sequence objects, users can encapsulate DUT initialization code, bus-based stress tests, network protocol stacks-- anything procedural-- then have them all execute in specific or random order to more quickly reach corner cases and coverage goals. The UVM sequence item and sequence class hierarchy is shown below. uvm_sequence_item - The uvm_sequence_item is the base class for user-defined transactions that leverage the stimulus generation and control capabilities of the sequence-sequencer mechanism. uvm_sequence #(REQ,RSP) - The uvm_sequence extends uvm_sequence_item to add the ability to generate streams of uvm_sequence_items, either directly or by recursively executing other uvm_sequences. Summary Sequence Classes Sequences encapsulate user-defined procedures that generate multiple uvm_sequence_item-based transactions. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 406 20.1 uvm_sequence_item The base class for user-defined sequence items and also the base class for the uvm_sequence class. The uvm_sequence_item class provides the basic functionality for objects, both sequence items and sequences, to operate in the sequence mechanism. Summary uvm_sequence_item The base class for user-defined sequence items and also the base class for the uvm_sequence class. CLAss HIERARchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_transaction uvm_sequence_item CLAss DEcLARATION class uvm_sequence_item extends uvm_transaction new get_sequence_id set_item_context set_use_sequence_info get_use_sequence_info set_id_info set_sequencer get_sequencer set_parent_sequence get_parent_sequence set_depth get_depth is_item get_root_sequence_name get_root_sequence get_sequence_path REPORTING INTERFAcE uvm_report uvm_report_info uvm_report_warning uvm_report_error uvm_report_fatal UVM 1.2 Class Reference The constructor method for uvm_sequence_item. private Set the sequence and sequencer execution context for a sequence item These methods are used to set and get the status of the use_sequence_info bit. Copies the sequence_id and transaction_id from the referenced item into the calling item. Sets the default sequencer for the sequence to sequencer. Returns a reference to the default sequencer used by this sequence. Sets the parent sequence of this sequence_item. Returns a reference to the parent sequence of any sequence on which this method was called. The depth of any sequence is calculated automatically. Returns the depth of a sequence from its parent. This function may be called on any sequence_item or sequence. Provides the name of the root sequence (the topmost parent sequence). Provides a reference to the root sequence (the topmost parent sequence). Provides a string of names of each sequence in the full hierarchical path. Sequence items and sequences will use the sequencer which they are associated with for reporting messages. These are the primary reporting methods in the UVM. 407 new function new ( string name = "uvm_sequence_item" ) The constructor method for uvm_sequence_item. get_sequence_id function int get_sequence_id() private Get_sequence_id is an internal method that is not intended for user code. The sequence_id is not a simple integer. The get_transaction_id is meant for users to identify specific transactions. These methods allow access to the sequence_item sequence and transaction IDs. get_transaction_id and set_transaction_id are methods on the uvm_transaction base_class. These IDs are used to identify sequences to the sequencer, to route responses back to the sequence that issued a request, and to uniquely identify transactions. The sequence_id is assigned automatically by a sequencer when a sequence initiates communication through any sequencer calls (i.e. `uvm_do_*, wait_for_grant). A sequence_id will remain unique for this sequence until it ends or it is killed. However, a single sequence may have multiple valid sequence ids at any point in time. Should a sequence start again after it has ended, it will be given a new unique sequence_id. The transaction_id is assigned automatically by the sequence each time a transaction is sent to the sequencer with the transaction_id in its default (-1) value. If the user sets the transaction_id to any non-default value, that value will be maintained. Responses are routed back to this sequences based on sequence_id. The sequence may use the transaction_id to correlate responses with their requests. set_item_context function void set_item_context( uvm_sequence_base parent_seq, = null uvm_sequencer_base sequencer ) Set the sequence and sequencer execution context for a sequence item set_use_sequence_info function void set_use_sequence_info( bit value ) get_use_sequence_info UVM 1.2 Class Reference 408 function bit get_use_sequence_info() These methods are used to set and get the status of the use_sequence_info bit. Use_sequence_info controls whether the sequence information (sequencer, parent_sequence, sequence_id, etc.) is printed, copied, or recorded. When use_sequence_info is the default value of 0, then the sequence information is not used. When use_sequence_info is set to 1, the sequence information will be used in printing and copying. set_id_info function void set_id_info( uvm_sequence_item item ) Copies the sequence_id and transaction_id from the referenced item into the calling item. This routine should always be used by drivers to initialize responses for future compatibility. set_sequencer virtual function void set_sequencer( uvm_sequencer_base sequencer ) Sets the default sequencer for the sequence to sequencer. It will take effect immediately, so it should not be called while the sequence is actively communicating with the sequencer. get_sequencer function uvm_sequencer_base get_sequencer() Returns a reference to the default sequencer used by this sequence. set_parent_sequence function void set_parent_sequence( uvm_sequence_base parent ) Sets the parent sequence of this sequence_item. This is used to identify the source sequence of a sequence_item. get_parent_sequence function uvm_sequence_base get_parent_sequence() Returns a reference to the parent sequence of any sequence on which this method was called. If this is a parent sequence, the method returns null. set_depth UVM 1.2 Class Reference 409 function void set_depth( int value ) The depth of any sequence is calculated automatically. However, the user may use set_depth to specify the depth of a particular sequence. This method will override the automatically calculated depth, even if it is incorrect. get_depth function int get_depth() Returns the depth of a sequence from its parent. A parent sequence will have a depth of 1, its child will have a depth of 2, and its grandchild will have a depth of 3. is_item virtual function bit is_item() This function may be called on any sequence_item or sequence. It will return 1 for items and 0 for sequences (which derive from this class). get_root_sequence_name function string get_root_sequence_name() Provides the name of the root sequence (the top -most parent sequence). get_root_sequence function uvm_sequence_base get_root_sequence() Provides a reference to the root sequence (the top -most parent sequence). get_sequence_path function string get_sequence_path() Provides a string of names of each sequence in the full hierarchical path. A “.” is used as the separator between each sequence. REPORTING INTERFAcE Sequence items and sequences will use the sequencer which they are associated with for reporting messages. If no sequencer has been set for the item/sequence using set_sequencer or indirectly via uvm_sequence_base::start_item or uvm_sequence_base::start), then the global reporter will be used. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 410 uvm_report virtual function void uvm_report( uvm_severity severity, string id, string message, verbosity int string int string bit ) = (severity == uvm_severity'(UVM_ERROR)) ? UVM_LOW : (severity == uvm_severity'(UVM_FATAL)) ? UVM_NONE : UVM_MEDIUM, filename = "", line = 0, context_name = "", report_enabled_checked = 0 uvm_report_info virtual function void uvm_report_info( string id, string message, int verbosity = UVM_MEDIUM, string filename = "", int line = 0, string context_name = "", bit report_enabled_checked = 0 ) uvm_report_warning virtual function void uvm_report_warning( string id, string message, int verbosity = UVM_MEDIUM, string filename = "", int line = 0, string context_name = "", bit report_enabled_checked = 0 ) uvm_report_error virtual function void uvm_report_error( string id, string message, int verbosity = UVM_LOW, string filename = "", int line = 0, string context_name = "", bit report_enabled_checked = 0 ) uvm_report_fatal virtual function void uvm_report_fatal( string id, string message, verbosity = UVM_NONE, int string filename = "", int line = 0, string context_name = "", bit report_enabled_checked = 0 ) UVM 1.2 Class Reference 411 These are the primary reporting methods in the UVM. uvm_sequence_item derived types delegate these functions to their associated sequencer if they have one, or to the global reporter. See uvm_report_object::Reporting for details on the messaging functions. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 412 20.2 uvm_sequence_base The uvm_sequence_base class provides the interfaces needed to create streams of sequence items and/or other sequences. A sequence is executed by calling its start method, either directly or invocation of any of the `uvm_do_* macros. Executing sequences via start A sequence’s start method has a parent_sequence argument that controls whether pre_do, mid_do, and post_do are called in the parent sequence. It also has a call_pre_post argument that controls whether its pre_body and post_body methods are called. In all cases, its pre_start and post_start methods are always called. When start is called directly, you can provide the appropriate arguments according to your application. The sequence execution flow looks like this User code sub_seq.randomize(...); // optional sub_seq.start(seqr, parent_seq, priority, call_pre_post) The following methods are called, in order sub_seq.pre_start() sub_seq.pre_body() parent_seq.pre_do(0) parent_seq.mid_do(this) sub_seq.body parent_seq.post_do(this) sub_seq.post_body() sub_seq.post_start() (task) (task) if call_pre_post==1 (task) if parent_sequence!=null (func) if parent_sequence!=null (task) YOUR STIMULUS CODE (func) if parent_sequence!=null (task) if call_pre_post==1 (task) Executing sub-sequences via `uvm_do macros A sequence can also be indirectly started as a child in the body of a parent sequence. The child sequence’s start method is called indirectly by invoking any of the `uvm_do macros. In these cases, start is called with call_pre_post set to 0, preventing the started sequence’s pre_body and post_body methods from being called. During execution of the child sequence, the parent’s pre_do, mid_do, and post_do methods are called. The sub-sequence execution flow looks like User code `uvm_do_with_prior(seq_seq, { constraints }, priority) The following methods are called, in order sub_seq.pre_start() parent_seq.pre_do(0) UVM 1.2 Class Reference (task) (task) 413 parent_req.mid_do(sub_seq) (func) sub_seq.body() (task) parent_seq.post_do(sub_seq) (func) sub_seq.post_start() (task) Remember, it is the parent sequence’s pre|mid|post_do that are called, not the sequence being executed. Executing sequence items via start_item/finish_item or `uvm_do macros Items are started in the body of a parent sequence via calls to start_item/finish_item or invocations of any of the `uvm_do macros. The pre_do, mid_do, and post_do methods of the parent sequence will be called as the item is executed. The sequence-item execution flow looks like User code parent_seq.start_item(item, priority); item.randomize(...) [with {constraints}]; parent_seq.finish_item(item); or `uvm_do_with_prior(item, constraints, priority) The following methods are called, in order sequencer.wait_for_grant(prior) (task) \ start_item parent_seq.pre_do(1) (task) / parent_seq.mid_do(item) sequencer.send_request(item) sequencer.wait_for_item_done() parent_seq.post_do(item) \ \ `uvm_do* macros (func) \ / (func) \finish_item / (task) / (func) / Attempting to execute a sequence via start_item/finish_item will produce a run-time error. Summary uvm_sequence_base The uvm_sequence_base class provides the interfaces needed to create streams of sequence items and/or other sequences. CLAss HIeRARchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_transaction uvm_sequence_item uvm_sequence_base CLAss DecLARATION class uvm_sequence_base extends uvm_sequence_item UVM 1.2 Class Reference 414 do_not_randomize new is_item get_sequence_state wait_for_sequence_state get_tr_handle SeQUeNce EXecUTION start pre_start pre_body pre_do mid_do body post_do post_body post_start RUN-TIMe PhAsING get_starting_phase set_starting_phase set_automatic_phase_objection UVM 1.2 Class Reference If set, prevents the sequence from being randomized before being executed by the `uvm_do*() and `uvm_rand_send*() macros, or as a default sequence. The constructor for uvm_sequence_base. Returns 1 on items and 0 on sequences. Returns the sequence state as an enumerated value. Waits until the sequence reaches one of the given state. Returns the integral recording transaction handle for this sequence. Executes this sequence, returning when the sequence has completed. This task is a user-definable callback that is called before the optional execution of pre_body. This task is a user-definable callback that is called before the execution of body only when the sequence is started with start. This task is a user-definable callback task that is called on the parent sequence, if any sequence has issued a wait_for_grant() call and after the sequencer has selected this sequence, and before the item is randomized. This function is a userdefinable callback function that is called after the sequence item has been randomized, and just before the item is sent to the driver. This is the user-defined task where the main sequence code resides. This function is a userdefinable callback function that is called after the driver has indicated that it has completed the item, using either this item_done or put methods. This task is a user-definable callback task that is called after the execution of body only when the sequence is started with start. This task is a user-definable callback that is called after the optional execution of post_body. Returns the ‘starting phase’. Sets the ‘starting phase’. Sets the ‘automatically object to starting phase’ bit. 415 get_automatic_phase_objection SeQUeNce CONTROL set_priority get_priority is_relevant wait_for_relevant lock grab unlock ungrab is_blocked has_lock kill do_kill SeQUeNce ITeM EXecUTION create_item start_item finish_item wait_for_grant send_request wait_for_item_done RespONse API use_response_handler UVM 1.2 Class Reference Returns (and locks) the value of the ‘automatically object to starting phase’ bit. The priority of a sequence may be changed at any point in time. This function returns the current priority of the sequence. The default is_relevant implementation returns 1, indicating that the sequence is always relevant. This method is called by the sequencer when all available sequences are not relevant. Requests a lock on the specified sequencer. Requests a lock on the specified sequencer. Removes any locks or grabs obtained by this sequence on the specified sequencer. Removes any locks or grabs obtained by this sequence on the specified sequencer. Returns a bit indicating whether this sequence is currently prevented from running due to another lock or grab. Returns 1 if this sequence has a lock, 0 otherwise. This function will kill the sequence, and cause all current locks and requests in the sequence’s default sequencer to be removed. This function is a user hook that is called whenever a sequence is terminated by using either sequence.kill() or sequencer.stop_sequences() (which effectively calls sequence.kill()). Create_item will create and initialize a sequence_item or sequence using the factory. start_item and finish_item together will initiate operation of a sequence item. finish_item, together with start_item together will initiate operation of a sequence_item. This task issues a request to the current sequencer. The send_request function may only be called after a wait_for_grant call. A sequence may optionally call wait_for_item_done. When called with enable set to 1, responses will be sent to 416 get_use_response_handler response_handler set_response_queue_error_report_disabled get_response_queue_error_report_disabled set_response_queue_depth get_response_queue_depth clear_response_queue the response handler. Returns the state of the use_response_handler bit. When the use_response_handler bit is set to 1, this virtual task is called by the sequencer for each response that arrives for this sequence. By default, if the response_queue overflows, an error is reported. When this bit is 0 (default value), error reports are generated when the response queue overflows. The default maximum depth of the response queue is 8. Returns the current depth setting for the response queue. Empties the response queue for this sequence. do_not_randomize bit do_not_randomize If set, prevents the sequence from being randomized before being executed by the `uvm_do*() and `uvm_rand_send*() macros, or as a default sequence. new function new ( string name = "uvm_sequence" ) The constructor for uvm_sequence_base. is_item virtual function bit is_item() Returns 1 on items and 0 on sequences. As this object is a sequence, is_item will always return 0. get_sequence_state function uvm_sequence_state_enum get_sequence_state() Returns the sequence state as an enumerated value. Can use to wait on the sequence reaching or changing from one or more states. wait(get_sequence_state() & (UVM_STOPPED|UVM_FINISHED)); UVM 1.2 Class Reference 417 wait_for_sequence_state task wait_for_sequence_state( int unsigned state_mask ) Waits until the sequence reaches one of the given state. If the sequence is already in one of the state, this method returns immediately. wait_for_sequence_state(UVM_STOPPED|UVM_FINISHED); get_tr_handle function integer get_tr_handle() Returns the integral recording transaction handle for this sequence. Can be used to associate sub-sequences and sequence items as child transactions when calling uvm_component::begin_child_tr. SeQUeNce EXecUTION start virtual task start ( uvm_sequencer_base uvm_sequence_base int bit ) sequencer, parent_sequence = null, this_priority = -1, call_pre_post = 1 Executes this sequence, returning when the sequence has completed. The sequencer argument specifies the sequencer on which to run this sequence. The sequencer must be compatible with the sequence. If parent_sequence is null, then this sequence is a root parent, otherwise it is a child of parent_sequence. The parent_sequence’s pre_do, mid_do, and post_do methods will be called during the execution of this sequence. By default, the priority of a sequence is the priority of its parent sequence. If it is a root sequence, its default priority is 100. A different priority may be specified by this_priority. Higher numbers indicate higher priority. If call_pre_post is set to 1 (default), then the pre_body and post_body tasks will be called before and after the sequence body is called. pre_start virtual task pre_start() UVM 1.2 Class Reference 418 This task is a user-definable callback that is called before the optional execution of pre_body. This method should not be called directly by the user. pre_body virtual task pre_body() This task is a user-definable callback that is called before the execution of body only when the sequence is started with start. If start is called with call_pre_post set to 0, pre_body is not called. This method should not be called directly by the user. pre_do virtual task pre_do( bit is_item ) This task is a user-definable callback task that is called on the parent sequence, if any sequence has issued a wait_for_grant() call and after the sequencer has selected this sequence, and before the item is randomized. Although pre_do is a task, consuming simulation cycles may result in unexpected behavior on the driver. This method should not be called directly by the user. mid_do virtual function void mid_do( uvm_sequence_item this_item ) This function is a user-definable callback function that is called after the sequence item has been randomized, and just before the item is sent to the driver. This method should not be called directly by the user. body virtual task body() This is the user-defined task where the main sequence code resides. This method should not be called directly by the user. post_do virtual function void post_do( uvm_sequence_item this_item ) This function is a user-definable callback function that is called after the driver has indicated that it has completed the item, using either this item_done or put methods. This method should not be called directly by the user. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 419 post_body virtual task post_body() This task is a user-definable callback task that is called after the execution of body only when the sequence is started with start. If start is called with call_pre_post set to 0, post_body is not called. This task is a user-definable callback task that is called after the execution of the body, unless the sequence is started with call_pre_post=0. This method should not be called directly by the user. post_start virtual task post_start() This task is a user-definable callback that is called after the optional execution of post_body. This method should not be called directly by the user. RUN-TIMe PhAsING get_starting_phase function uvm_phase get_starting_phase() Returns the ‘starting phase’. If non-null, the starting phase specifies the phase in which this sequence was started. The starting phase is set automatically when this sequence is started as the default sequence on a sequencer. See uvm_sequencer_base::start_phase_sequence for more information. Internally, the uvm_sequence_base uses a uvm_get_to_lock_dap to protect the starting phase value from being modified after the reference has been read. Once the sequence has ended its execution (either via natural termination, or being killed), then the starting phase value can be modified again. set_starting_phase function void set_starting_phase( uvm_phase phase ) Sets the ‘starting phase’. Internally, the uvm_sequence_base uses a uvm_get_to_lock_dap to protect the starting phase value from being modified after the reference has been read. Once the sequence has ended its execution (either via natural termination, or being killed), then the starting phase value can be modified again. set_automatic_phase_objection function void set_automatic_phase_objection( bit value UVM 1.2 Class Reference 420 ) Sets the ‘automatically object to starting phase’ bit. The most common interaction with the starting phase within a sequence is to simply raise the phase’s objection prior to executing the sequence, and drop the objection after ending the sequence (either naturally, or via a call to kill). In order to simplify this interaction for the user, the UVM provides the ability to perform this functionality automatically. For example function my_sequence::new(string name="unnamed"); super.new(name); set_automatic_phase_objection(1); endfunction : new From a timeline point of view, the automatic phase objection looks like: start() is executed --! Objection is raised !-pre_start() is executed pre_body() is optionally executed body() is executed post_body() is optionally executed post_start() is executed --! Objection is dropped !-start() unblocks This functionality can also be enabled in sequences which were not written with UVM Run-Time Phasing in mind: my_legacy_seq_type seq = new("seq"); seq.set_automatic_phase_objection(1); seq.start(my_sequencer); Internally, the uvm_sequence_base uses a uvm_get_to_lock_dap to protect the automatic_phase_objection value from being modified after the reference has been read. Once the sequence has ended its execution (either via natural termination, or being killed), then the automatic_phase_objection value can be modified again. NEVER set the automatic phase objection bit to 1 if your sequence runs with a forever loop inside of the body, as the objection will never get dropped! get_automatic_phase_objection function bit get_automatic_phase_objection() Returns (and locks) the value of the ‘automatically object to starting phase’ bit. If 1, then the sequence will automatically raise an objection to the starting phase (if the starting phase is not null) immediately prior to pre_start being called. The objection will be dropped after post_start has executed, or kill has been called. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 421 SeQUeNce CONTROL set_priority function void set_priority ( int value ) The priority of a sequence may be changed at any point in time. When the priority of a sequence is changed, the new priority will be used by the sequencer the next time that it arbitrates between sequences. The default priority value for a sequence is 100. Higher values result in higher priorities. get_priority function int get_priority() This function returns the current priority of the sequence. is_relevant virtual function bit is_relevant() The default is_relevant implementation returns 1, indicating that the sequence is always relevant. Users may choose to override with their own virtual function to indicate to the sequencer that the sequence is not currently relevant after a request has been made. When the sequencer arbitrates, it will call is_relevant on each requesting, unblocked sequence to see if it is relevant. If a 0 is returned, then the sequence will not be chosen. If all requesting sequences are not relevant, then the sequencer will call wait_for_relevant on all sequences and re-arbitrate upon its return. Any sequence that implements is_relevant must also implement wait_for_relevant so that the sequencer has a way to wait for a sequence to become relevant. wait_for_relevant virtual task wait_for_relevant() This method is called by the sequencer when all available sequences are not relevant. When wait_for_relevant returns the sequencer attempt to re-arbitrate. Returning from this call does not guarantee a sequence is relevant, although that would be the ideal. The method provide some delay to prevent an infinite loop. If a sequence defines is_relevant so that it is not always relevant (by default, a sequence is always relevant), then the sequence must also supply a wait_for_relevant method. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 422 lock task lock( uvm_sequencer_base sequencer = null ) Requests a lock on the specified sequencer. If sequencer is null, the lock will be requested on the current default sequencer. A lock request will be arbitrated the same as any other request. A lock is granted after all earlier requests are completed and no other locks or grabs are blocking this sequence. The lock call will return when the lock has been granted. grab task grab( uvm_sequencer_base sequencer = null ) Requests a lock on the specified sequencer. If no argument is supplied, the lock will be requested on the current default sequencer. A grab request is put in front of the arbitration queue. It will be arbitrated before any other requests. A grab is granted when no other grabs or locks are blocking this sequence. The grab call will return when the grab has been granted. unlock function void unlock( uvm_sequencer_base sequencer = null ) Removes any locks or grabs obtained by this sequence on the specified sequencer. If sequencer is null, then the unlock will be done on the current default sequencer. ungrab function void ungrab( uvm_sequencer_base sequencer = null ) Removes any locks or grabs obtained by this sequence on the specified sequencer. If sequencer is null, then the unlock will be done on the current default sequencer. is_blocked function bit is_blocked() Returns a bit indicating whether this sequence is currently prevented from running due to another lock or grab. A 1 is returned if the sequence is currently blocked. A 0 is returned if no lock or grab prevents this sequence from executing. Note that even if a sequence is not blocked, it is possible for another sequence to issue a lock or grab before this sequence can issue a request. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 423 has_lock function bit has_lock() Returns 1 if this sequence has a lock, 0 otherwise. Note that even if this sequence has a lock, a child sequence may also have a lock, in which case the sequence is still blocked from issuing operations on the sequencer. kill function void kill() This function will kill the sequence, and cause all current locks and requests in the sequence’s default sequencer to be removed. The sequence state will change to UVM_STOPPED, and the post_body() and post_start() callback methods will not be executed. If a sequence has issued locks, grabs, or requests on sequencers other than the default sequencer, then care must be taken to unregister the sequence with the other sequencer(s) using the sequencer unregister_sequence() method. do_kill virtual function void do_kill() This function is a user hook that is called whenever a sequence is terminated by using either sequence.kill() or sequencer.stop_sequences() (which effectively calls sequence.kill()). SeQUeNce ITeM EXecUTION create_item protected function uvm_sequence_item create_item( uvm_object_wrapper type_var, uvm_sequencer_base l_sequencer, string name ) Create_item will create and initialize a sequence_item or sequence using the factory. The sequence_item or sequence will be initialized to communicate with the specified sequencer. start_item virtual task start_item ( uvm_sequence_item item, set_priority = -1, int uvm_sequencer_base sequencer = null ) UVM 1.2 Class Reference 424 start_item and finish_item together will initiate operation of a sequence item. If the item has not already been initialized using create_item, then it will be initialized here to use the default sequencer specified by m_sequencer. Randomization may be done between start_item and finish_item to ensure late generation finish_item virtual task finish_item ( uvm_sequence_item item, int set_priority = -1 ) finish_item, together with start_item together will initiate operation of a sequence_item. Finish_item must be called after start_item with no delays or delta-cycles. Randomization, or other functions may be called between the start_item and finish_item calls. wait_for_grant virtual task wait_for_grant( int item_priority = -1, bit lock_request = 0 ) This task issues a request to the current sequencer. If item_priority is not specified, then the current sequence priority will be used by the arbiter. If a lock_request is made, then the sequencer will issue a lock immediately before granting the sequence. (Note that the lock may be granted without the sequence being granted if is_relevant is not asserted). When this method returns, the sequencer has granted the sequence, and the sequence must call send_request without inserting any simulation delay other than delta cycles. The driver is currently waiting for the next item to be sent via the send_request call. send_request virtual function void send_request( uvm_sequence_item request, rerandomize = 0 bit ) The send_request function may only be called after a wait_for_grant call. This call will send the request item to the sequencer, which will forward it to the driver. If the rerandomize bit is set, the item will be randomized before being sent to the driver. wait_for_item_done virtual task wait_for_item_done( int transaction_id = -1 ) A sequence may optionally call wait_for_item_done. This task will block until the driver calls item_done or put. If no transaction_id parameter is specified, then the call will return the next time that the driver calls item_done or put. If a specific transaction_id is specified, then the call will return when the driver indicates completion of that specific item. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 425 Note that if a specific transaction_id has been specified, and the driver has already issued an item_done or put for that transaction, then the call will hang, having missed the earlier notification. RespONse API use_response_handler function void use_response_handler( bit enable ) When called with enable set to 1, responses will be sent to the response handler. Otherwise, responses must be retrieved using get_response. By default, responses from the driver are retrieved in the sequence by calling get_response. An alternative method is for the sequencer to call the response_handler function with each response. get_use_response_handler function bit get_use_response_handler() Returns the state of the use_response_handler bit. response_handler virtual function void response_handler( uvm_sequence_item response ) When the use_response_handler bit is set to 1, this virtual task is called by the sequencer for each response that arrives for this sequence. set_response_queue_error_report_disabled function void set_response_queue_error_report_disabled( bit value ) By default, if the response_queue overflows, an error is reported. The response_queue will overflow if more responses are sent to this sequence from the driver than get_response calls are made. Setting value to 0 disables these errors, while setting it to 1 enables them. get_response_queue_error_report_disabled function bit get_response_queue_error_report_disabled() UVM 1.2 Class Reference 426 When this bit is 0 (default value), error reports are generated when the response queue overflows. When this bit is 1, no such error reports are generated. set_response_queue_depth function void set_response_queue_depth( int value ) The default maximum depth of the response queue is 8. These method is used to examine or change the maximum depth of the response queue. Setting the response_queue_depth to -1 indicates an arbitrarily deep response queue. No checking is done. get_response_queue_depth function int get_response_queue_depth() Returns the current depth setting for the response queue. clear_response_queue virtual function void clear_response_queue() Empties the response queue for this sequence. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 427 20.3 uvm_sequence #(REQ,RSP) The uvm_sequence class provides the interfaces necessary in order to create streams of sequence items and/or other sequences. Summary uvm_sequence #(REQ,RSP) The uvm_sequence class provides the interfaces necessary in order to create streams of sequence items and/or other sequences. CLAss HIerArchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_transaction uvm_sequence_item uvm_sequence_base uvm_sequence#(REQ,RSP) CLAss DecLArATION virtual class uvm_sequence #( type REQ = uvm_sequence_item, type RSP = REQ ) extends uvm_sequence_base VArIABLes req rsp MeThOds new send_request get_current_item get_response The sequence contains a field of the request type called req. The sequence contains a field of the response type called rsp. Creates and initializes a new sequence object. This method will send the request item to the sequencer, which will forward it to the driver. Returns the request item currently being executed by the sequencer. By default, sequences must retrieve responses by calling get_response. VArIABLes req REQ req The sequence contains a field of the request type called req. The user can use this field, if desired, or create another field to use. The default do_print will print this field. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 428 rsp RSP rsp The sequence contains a field of the response type called rsp. The user can use this field, if desired, or create another field to use. The default do_print will print this field. MeThOds new function new ( string name = "uvm_sequence" ) Creates and initializes a new sequence object. send_request function void send_request( uvm_sequence_item request, rerandomize = 0 bit ) This method will send the request item to the sequencer, which will forward it to the driver. If the rerandomize bit is set, the item will be randomized before being sent to the driver. The send_request function may only be called after uvm_sequence_base::wait_for_grant returns. get_current_item function REQ get_current_item() Returns the request item currently being executed by the sequencer. If the sequencer is not currently executing an item, this method will return null. The sequencer is executing an item from the time that get_next_item or peek is called until the time that get or item_done is called. Note that a driver that only calls get will never show a current item, since the item is completed at the same time as it is requested. get_response virtual task get_response( output RSP response, input int transaction_id = -1 ) By default, sequences must retrieve responses by calling get_response. If no transaction_id is specified, this task will return the next response sent to this sequence. If no response is available in the response queue, the method will block until a response is received. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 429 If a transaction_id is parameter is specified, the task will block until a response with that transaction_id is received in the response queue. The default size of the response queue is 8. The get_response method must be called soon enough to avoid an overflow of the response queue to prevent responses from being dropped. If a response is dropped in the response queue, an error will be reported unless the error reporting is disabled via set_response_queue_error_report_disabled. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 430 20.4 uvm_sequence_library The uvm_sequence_library is a sequence that contains a list of registered sequence types. It can be configured to create and execute these sequences any number of times using one of several modes of operation, including a user-defined mode. When started (as any other sequence), the sequence library will randomly select and execute a sequence from its sequences queue. If in UVM_SEQ_LIB_RAND mode, its select_rand property is randomized and used as an index into sequences. When in UVM_SEQ_LIB_RANDC mode, the select_randc property is used. When in UVM_SEQ_LIB_ITEM mode, only sequence items of the REQ type are generated and executed--no sequences are executed. Finally, when in UVM_SEQ_LIB_USER mode, the select_sequence method is called to obtain the index for selecting the next sequence to start. Users can override this method in subtypes to implement custom selection algorithms. Creating a subtype of a sequence library requires invocation of the `uvm_sequence_library_utils macro in its declaration and calling the init_sequence_library method in its constructor. The macro and function are needed to populate the sequence library with any sequences that were statically registered with it or any of its base classes. class my_seq_lib extends uvm_sequence_library #(my_item); `uvm_object_utils(my_seq_lib) `uvm_sequence_library_utils(my_seq_lib) function new(string name=""); super.new(name); init_sequence_library(); endfunction ... endclass Contents uvm_sequence_library uvm_sequence_library_cfg The uvm_sequence_library is a sequence that contains a list of registered sequence types. A convenient container class for configuring all the sequence library parameters using a single set command. new function new( string name = "" ) Create a new instance of this class get_type_name virtual function string get_type_name() Get the type name of this class UVM 1.2 Class Reference 431 SEQUENcE sELEcTION selection_mode uvm_sequence_lib_mode selection_mode Specifies the mode used to select sequences for execution If you do not have access to an instance of the library, use the configuration resource interface. The following example sets the config_seq_lib as the default sequence for the ‘main’ phase on the sequencer to be located at “env.agent.sequencer” and set the selection mode to UVM_SEQ_LIB_RANDC. If the settings are being done from within a component, the first argument must be this and the second argument a path relative to that component. uvm_config_db #(uvm_object_wrapper)::set(null, "env.agent.sequencer.main_phase", "default_sequence", main_seq_lib::get_type()); uvm_config_db #(uvm_sequence_lib_mode)::set(null, "env.agent.sequencer.main_phase", "default_sequence.selection_mode", UVM_SEQ_LIB_RANDC); Alternatively, you may create an instance of the sequence library a priori, initialize all its parameters, randomize it, then set it to run as-is on the sequencer. main_seq_lib my_seq_lib; my_seq_lib = new("my_seq_lib"); my_seq_lib.selection_mode = UVM_SEQ_LIB_RANDC; my_seq_lib.min_random_count = 500; my_seq_lib.max_random_count = 1000; void'(my_seq_lib.randomize()); uvm_config_db #(uvm_sequence_base)::set(null, "env.agent.sequencer.main_phase", "default_sequence", my_seq_lib); min_random_count int unsigned min_random_count=10 Sets the minimum number of items to execute. Use the configuration mechanism to set. See selection_mode for an example. max_random_count int unsigned max_random_count=10 Sets the maximum number of items to execute. Use the configuration mechanism to set. See selection_mode for an example. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 432 sequences_executed protected int unsigned sequences_executed Indicates the number of sequences executed, not including the currently executing sequence, if any. sequence_count rand int unsigned sequence_count = 10 Specifies the number of sequences to execute when this sequence library is started. If in UVM_SEQ_LIB_ITEM mode, specifies the number of sequence items that will be generated. select_rand rand int unsigned select_rand The index variable that is randomized to select the next sequence to execute when in UVM_SEQ_LIB_RAND mode Extensions may place additional constraints on this variable. select_randc randc bit [15:0] select_randc The index variable that is randomized to select the next sequence to execute when in UVM_SEQ_LIB_RANDC mode Extensions may place additional constraints on this variable. select_sequence virtual function int unsigned select_sequence( int unsigned max ) Generates an index used to select the next sequence to execute. Overrides must return a value between 0 and max, inclusive. Used only for UVM_SEQ_LIB_USER selection mode. The default implementation returns 0, incrementing on successive calls, wrapping back to 0 when reaching max. SEQUENcE REGIsTRATION add_typewide_sequence static function void add typewide sequence( UVM 1.2 Class Reference 433 uvm_object_wrapper seq_type ) Registers the provided sequence type with this sequence library type. The sequence type will be available for selection by all instances of this class. Sequence types already registered are silently ignored. add_typewide_sequences static function void add_typewide_sequences( uvm_object_wrapper seq_types[$] ) Registers the provided sequence types with this sequence library type. The sequence types will be available for selection by all instances of this class. Sequence types already registered are silently ignored. add_sequence function void add_sequence( uvm_object_wrapper seq_type ) Registers the provided sequence type with this sequence library instance. Sequence types already registered are silently ignored. add_sequences virtual function void add_sequences( uvm_object_wrapper seq_types[$] ) Registers the provided sequence types with this sequence library instance. Sequence types already registered are silently ignored. remove_sequence virtual function void remove_sequence( uvm_object_wrapper seq_type ) Removes the given sequence type from this sequence library instance. If the type was registered statically, the sequence queues of all instances of this library will be updated accordingly. A warning is issued if the sequence is not registered. get_sequences virtual function void get_sequences( ref uvm_object_wrapper seq_types[$] ) Append to the provided seq_types array the list of registered sequences. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 434 init_sequence_library function void init_sequence_library() All subtypes of this class must call init_sequence_library in its constructor. uvm_sequence_library_utils All subtypes of this class must invoke the `uvm_sequence_library_utils macro. class my_seq_lib extends uvm_sequence_library #(my_item); `uvm_object_utils(my_seq_lib) `uvm_sequence_library_utils(my_seq_lib) function new(string name=""); super.new(name); init_sequence_library(); endfunction ... endclass uvm_sequence_library_cfg A convenient container class for configuring all the sequence library parameters using a single set command. uvm_sequence_library_cfg cfg; cfg = new("seqlib_cfg", UVM_SEQ_LIB_RANDC, 1000, 2000); uvm_config_db #(uvm_sequence_library_cfg)::set(null, "env.agent.sequencer.main_ph", "default_sequence.config", cfg); Summary uvm_sequence_library_cfg A convenient container class for configuring all the sequence library parameters using a single set command. CLAss HIERARchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_sequence_library_cfg CLAss DEcLARATION class uvm_sequence_library_cfg extends uvm_object UVM 1.2 Class Reference 435 21. Macros and Defines UVM includes some macros to allow the user to specify intent without the need to specify multiple types of SystemVerilog constructs. These macros assist with reporting, object behavior (interaction with the factory and field usage in comparing/copying/etc), sequence specification, and TLM connection. UVM also includes some defines to specify sizing in the register space and to determine version of the UVM standard and/or implementation. Summary Macros and Defines UVM includes some macros to allow the user to specify intent without the need to specify multiple types of SystemVerilog constructs. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 436 21.1 Report Macros This set of macros provides wrappers around the uvm_report_* Reporting functions. The macros serve two essential purposes: To reduce the processing overhead associated with filtered out messages, a check is made against the report’s verbosity setting and the action for the id/severity pair before any string formatting is performed. This affects only `uvm_info reports. The `__FILE__ and `__LINE__ information is automatically provided to the underlying uvm_report_* call. Having the file and line number from where a report was issued aides in debug. You can disable display of file and line information in reports by defining UVM_REPORT_DISABLE_FILE_LINE on the command line. The macros also enforce a verbosity setting of UVM_NONE for warnings, errors and fatals so that they cannot be mistakenly turned off by setting the verbosity level too low (warning and errors can still be turned off by setting the actions appropriately). To use the macros, replace the previous call to uvm_report_* with the corresponding macro. //Previous calls to uvm_report_* uvm_report_info("MYINFO1", $sformatf("val: %0d", val), UVM_LOW); uvm_report_warning("MYWARN1", "This is a warning"); uvm_report_error("MYERR", "This is an error"); uvm_report_fatal("MYFATAL", "A fatal error has occurred"); The above code is replaced by //New calls to `uvm_* `uvm_info("MYINFO1", $sformatf("val: %0d", val), UVM_LOW) `uvm_warning("MYWARN1", "This is a warning") `uvm_error("MYERR", "This is an error") `uvm_fatal("MYFATAL", "A fatal error has occurred") Macros represent text substitutions, not statements, so they should not be terminated with semi-colons. Summary Report Macros This set of macros provides wrappers around the uvm_report_* Reporting functions. BAsIC MEssAGING MACrOs `uvm_info `uvm_warning `uvm_error `uvm_fatal `uvm_info_context UVM 1.2 Class Reference Calls uvm_report_info if VERBOSITY is lower than the configured verbosity of the associated reporter. Calls uvm_report_warning with a verbosity of UVM_NONE. Calls uvm_report_error with a verbosity of UVM_NONE. Calls uvm_report_fatal with a verbosity of UVM_NONE. 437 `uvm_warning_context `uvm_error_context `uvm_fatal_context MEssAGE TrACE MACrOs `uvm_info_begin `uvm_info_end `uvm_warning_begin `uvm_warning_end `uvm_error_begin `uvm_error_end `uvm_fatal_begin `uvm_fatal_end `uvm_info_context_begin `uvm_info_context_end `uvm_warning_context_begin `uvm_warning_context_end `uvm_error_context_begin `uvm_error_context_end `uvm_fatal_context_begin `uvm_fatal_context_end MEssAGE ELEmENt MACrOs `uvm_message_add_tag `uvm_message_add_int `uvm_message_add_string `uvm_message_add_object This macro pair provides the ability to add elements to messages. This macro pair operates identically to `uvm_info_begin/`uvm_info_end with exception that the message severity is UVM_WARNING and has no verbosity threshold. This macro pair operates identically to `uvm_info_begin/`uvm_info_end with exception that the message severity is UVM_ERROR and has no verbosity threshold. This macro pair operates identically to `uvm_info_begin/`uvm_info_end with exception that the message severity is UVM_FATAL and has no verbosity threshold. These macros allow the user to provide elements that are associated with uvm_report_messages. BAsIC MEssAGING MACrOs `uvm_info Calls uvm_report_info if VERBOSITY is lower than the configured verbosity of the associated reporter. ID is given as the message tag and MSG is given as the message text. The file and line are also sent to the uvm_report_info call. `uvm_info(ID, MSG, VERBOSITY) `uvm_warning Calls uvm_report_warning with a verbosity of UVM_NONE. The message cannot be turned off using the reporter’s verbosity setting, but can be turned off by setting the UVM 1.2 Class Reference 438 action for the message. ID is given as the message tag and MSG is given as the message text. The file and line are also sent to the uvm_report_warning call. `uvm_warning(ID, MSG) `uvm_error Calls uvm_report_error with a verbosity of UVM_NONE. The message cannot be turned off using the reporter’s verbosity setting, but can be turned off by setting the action for the message. ID is given as the message tag and MSG is given as the message text. The file and line are also sent to the uvm_report_error call. `uvm_error(ID, MSG) `uvm_fatal Calls uvm_report_fatal with a verbosity of UVM_NONE. The message cannot be turned off using the reporter’s verbosity setting, but can be turned off by setting the action for the message. ID is given as the message tag and MSG is given as the message text. The file and line are also sent to the uvm_report_fatal call. `uvm_fatal(ID, MSG) `uvm_info_context `uvm_info_context(ID, MSG, VERBOSITY, RO) Operates identically to `uvm_info but requires that the context, or uvm_report_object, in which the message is printed be explicitly supplied as a macro argument. `uvm_warning_context `uvm_warning_context(ID, MSG, RO) Operates identically to `uvm_warning but requires that the context, or uvm_report_object, in which the message is printed be explicitly supplied as a macro argument. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 439 `uvm_error_context `uvm_error_context(ID, MSG, RO) Operates identically to `uvm_error but requires that the context, or uvm_report_object in which the message is printed be explicitly supplied as a macro argument. `uvm_fatal_context `uvm_fatal_context(ID, MSG, RO) Operates identically to `uvm_fatal but requires that the context, or uvm_report_object, in which the message is printed be explicitly supplied as a macro argument. MEssAGE TrACE MACrOs `uvm_info_begin `uvm_info_begin(ID, MSG, VERBOSITY, RM = __uvm_msg) `uvm_info_end This macro pair provides the ability to add elements to messages. `uvm_info_end Example usage is shown here. ... task my_task(); ... `uvm_info_begin("MY_ID", "This is my message...", UVM_LOW) `uvm_message_add_tag("my_color", "red") `uvm_message_add_int(my_int, UVM_DEC) `uvm_message_add_string(my_string) `uvm_message_add_object(my_obj) `uvm_info_end ... endtask UVM 1.2 Class Reference 440 `uvm_warning_begin `uvm_warning_begin(ID, MSG, RM = __uvm_msg) `uvm_warning_end This macro pair operates identically to `uvm_info_begin/`uvm_info_end with exception that the message severity is UVM_WARNING and has no verbosity threshold. `uvm_warning_end The usage shown in `uvm_info_end works identically for this pair. `uvm_error_begin `uvm_error_begin(ID, MSG, RM = __uvm_msg) `uvm_error_end This macro pair operates identically to `uvm_info_begin/`uvm_info_end with exception that the message severity is UVM_ERROR and has no verbosity threshold. `uvm_error_end The usage shown in `uvm_info_end works identically for this pair. `uvm_fatal_begin `uvm_fatal_begin(ID, MSG, RM = __uvm_msg) `uvm_fatal_end This macro pair operates identically to `uvm_info_begin/`uvm_info_end with exception that the message severity is UVM_FATAL and has no verbosity threshold. `uvm_fatal_end UVM 1.2 Class Reference 441 The usage shown in `uvm_info_end works identically for this pair. `uvm_info_context_begin `uvm_info_context_begin(ID, MSG, UVM_NONE, RO, RM = __uvm_msg) `uvm_info_context_end `uvm_info_context_end This macro pair operates identically to `uvm_info_begin/`uvm_info_end, but requires that the context, or uvm_report_object in which the message is printed be explicitly supplied as a macro argument. `uvm_warning_context_begin `uvm_warning_context_begin(ID, MSG, RO, RM = __uvm_msg) `uvm_warning_context_end `uvm_warning_context_end This macro pair operates identically to `uvm_warning_begin/`uvm_warning_end, but requires that the context, or uvm_report_object in which the message is printed be explicitly supplied as a macro argument. `uvm_error_context_begin `uvm_error_context_begin(ID, MSG, RO, RM = __uvm_msg) `uvm_error_context_end UVM 1.2 Class Reference 442 `uvm_error_context_end This macro pair operates identically to `uvm_error_begin/`uvm_error_end, but requires that the context, or uvm_report_object in which the message is printed be explicitly supplied as a macro argument. `uvm_fatal_context_begin `uvm_fatal_context_begin(ID, MSG, RO, RM = __uvm_msg) `uvm_fatal_context_end `uvm_fatal_context_end This macro pair operates identically to `uvm_fatal_begin/`uvm_fatal_end, but requires that the context, or uvm_report_object in which the message is printed be explicitly supplied as a macro argument. MEssAGE ELEmENt MACrOs `uvm_message_add_tag `uvm_message_add_tag(NAME, VALUE, ACTION=(UVM_LOG|UVM_RM_RECORD)) `uvm_message_add_int `uvm_message_add_int(VAR, RADIX, LABEL = "", ACTION=(UVM_LOG|UVM_RM_RECORD)) `uvm_message_add_string `uvm_message_add_string(VAR, LABEL = "", ACTION=(UVM_LOG|UVM_RM_RECORD)) UVM 1.2 Class Reference 443 `uvm_message_add_object These macros allow the user to provide elements that are associated with uvm_report_messages. Separate macros are provided such that the user can supply arbitrary string/string pairs using `uvm_message_add_tag, integral types along with a radix using `uvm_message_add_int, string using `uvm_message_add_string and uvm_objects using `uvm_message_add_object. `uvm_message_add_object(VAR, LABEL = "", ACTION=(UVM_LOG|UVM_RM_RECORD)) Example usage is shown in `uvm_info_end. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 444 21.2 Utility and Field Macros for Components and Objects Summary Utility and Field Macros for Components and Objects UTILITY MAcRos The utils macros define the infrastructure needed to enable the object/component for correct factory operation. `uvm_field_utils_begin `uvm_field_utils_end `uvm_object_utils `uvm_object_param_utils `uvm_object_utils_begin `uvm_object_param_utils_begin `uvm_object_utils_end `uvm_component_utils `uvm_component_param_utils `uvm_component_utils_begin `uvm_component_param_utils_begin `uvm_component_end `uvm_object_registry `uvm_component_registry FIELD MAcRos `uVm_fIELD_* uvm_object-based class declarations may contain one of the above forms of utility macros. uvm_component-based class declarations may contain one of the above forms of utility macros. Register a uvm_object-based class with the factory Registers a uvm_component-based class with the factory The `uvm_field_* macros are invoked inside of the `uvm_*_utils_begin and `uvm_*_utils_end macro blocks to form “automatic” implementations of the core data methods: copy, compare, pack, unpack, record, print, and sprint. Macros that implement data operations for scalar properties. Implements the data operations any packed integral property. Implements the data operations a uvm_object-based property. Implements the data operations a string property. Implements the data operations an enumerated property. Implements the data operations any real property. Implements the data operations an event property. mAcRos `uvm_field_int `uvm_field_object `uvm_field_string `uvm_field_enum `uvm_field_real `uvm_field_event `uVm_fIELD_sARRAY_* mAcRos `uvm_field_sarray_int `uvm_field_sarray_object UVM 1.2 Class Reference These macros form a block in which `uvm_field_* macros can be placed. for for for for for for Macros that implement data operations for one-dimensional static array properties. Implements the data operations for a one-dimensional static array of integrals. Implements the data operations for 445 `uvm_field_sarray_string `uvm_field_sarray_enum `uVm_fIELD_ARRAY_* mAcRos `uvm_field_array_int `uvm_field_array_object `uvm_field_array_string `uvm_field_array_enum `uVm_fIELD_QuEuE_* mAcRos `uvm_field_queue_int `uvm_field_queue_object `uvm_field_queue_string `uvm_field_queue_enum `uVm_fIELD_AA_*_sTRING mAcRos `uvm_field_aa_int_string `uvm_field_aa_object_string `uvm_field_aa_string_string `uVm_fIELD_AA_*_INT mAcRos `uvm_field_aa_object_int `uvm_field_aa_int_int `uvm_field_aa_int_int_unsigned `uvm_field_aa_int_integer `uvm_field_aa_int_integer_unsigned UVM 1.2 Class Reference a one-dimensional static array of uvm_object-based objects. Implements the data operations for a one-dimensional static array of strings. Implements the data operations for a one-dimensional static array of enums. Macros that implement data operations for one-dimensional dynamic array properties. Implements the data operations for a one-dimensional dynamic array of integrals. Implements the data operations for a one-dimensional dynamic array of uvm_object-based objects. Implements the data operations for a one-dimensional dynamic array of strings. Implements the data operations for a one-dimensional dynamic array of enums. Macros that implement data operations for dynamic queues. Implements the data operations for a queue of integrals. Implements the data operations for a queue of uvm_object-based objects. Implements the data operations for a queue of strings. Implements the data operations for a one-dimensional queue of enums. Macros that implement data operations for associative arrays indexed by string. Implements the data operations for an associative array of integrals indexed by string. Implements the data operations for an associative array of uvm_objectbased objects indexed by string. Implements the data operations for an associative array of strings indexed by string. Macros that implement data operations for associative arrays indexed by an integral type. Implements the data operations for an associative array of uvm_objectbased objects indexed by the int data type. Implements the data operations for an associative array of integral types indexed by the int data type. Implements the data operations for an associative array of integral types indexed by the int unsigned data type. Implements the data operations for an associative array of integral types indexed by the integer data type. Implements the data operations for an associative array of integral types indexed by the integer unsigned 446 `uvm_field_aa_int_byte `uvm_field_aa_int_byte_unsigned `uvm_field_aa_int_shortint `uvm_field_aa_int_shortint_unsigned `uvm_field_aa_int_longint `uvm_field_aa_int_longint_unsigned `uvm_field_aa_int_key `uvm_field_aa_int_enumkey REcoRDING MAcRos `uvm_record_attribute `uvm_record_int `uvm_record_string `uvm_record_time `uvm_record_real `uvm_record_field PAcKING MAcRos PAcKING - WITH SIZE INfo `uvm_pack_intN `uvm_pack_enumN `uvm_pack_sarrayN `uvm_pack_arrayN `uvm_pack_queueN PAcKING - No SIZE INfo `uvm_pack_int `uvm_pack_enum `uvm_pack_string `uvm_pack_real `uvm_pack_sarray `uvm_pack_array `uvm_pack_queue UVM 1.2 Class Reference data type. Implements the data operations for an associative array of integral types indexed by the byte data type. Implements the data operations for an associative array of integral types indexed by the byte unsigned data type. Implements the data operations for an associative array of integral types indexed by the shortint data type. Implements the data operations for an associative array of integral types indexed by the shortint unsigned data type. Implements the data operations for an associative array of integral types indexed by the longint data type. Implements the data operations for an associative array of integral types indexed by the longint unsigned data type. Implements the data operations for an associative array of integral types indexed by any integral key data type. Implements the data operations for an associative array of integral types indexed by any enumeration key data type. The recording macros assist users who implement the uvm_object::do_record method. Vendor-independent macro to hide tool-specific interface for recording attributes (fields) to a transaction database. Macro for recording arbitrary namevalue pairs into a transaction recording database. The packing macros assist users who implement the uvm_object::do_pack method. Pack Pack Pack Pack Pack an integral variable. an integral variable. a static array of integrals. a dynamic array of integrals. a queue of integrals. Pack an integral variable without having to also specify the bit size. Pack an enumeration value. Pack a string variable. Pack a variable of type real. Pack a static array without having to also specify the bit size of its elements. Pack a dynamic array without having to also specify the bit size of its elements. Pack a queue without having to also 447 specify the bit size of its elements. UNpAcKING MAcRos UNpAcKING - WITH SIZE INfo `uvm_unpack_intN `uvm_unpack_enumN `uvm_unpack_sarrayN `uvm_unpack_arrayN `uvm_unpack_queueN UNpAcKING - No SIZE INfo `uvm_unpack_int `uvm_unpack_enum `uvm_unpack_string `uvm_unpack_real `uvm_unpack_sarray `uvm_unpack_array `uvm_unpack_queue The unpacking macros assist users who implement the uvm_object::do_unpack method. Unpack into an integral variable. Unpack enum of type TYPE into VAR. Unpack a static (fixed) array of integrals. Unpack into a dynamic array of integrals. Unpack into a queue of integrals. Unpack an integral variable without having to also specify the bit size. Unpack an enumeration value, which requires its type be specified. Unpack a string variable. Unpack a variable of type real. Unpack a static array without having to also specify the bit size of its elements. Unpack a dynamic array without having to also specify the bit size of its elements. Unpack a queue without having to also specify the bit size of its elements. UTILITY MAcRos The utils macros define the infrastructure needed to enable the object/component for correct factory operation. See `uvm_object_utils and `uvm_component_utils for details. A utils macro should be used inside every user-defined class that extends uvm_object directly or indirectly, including uvm_sequence_item and uvm_component. Below is an example usage of the utils macro for a user-defined object. class mydata extends uvm_object; `uvm_object_utils(mydata) // declare data properties function new(string name="mydata_inst"); super.new(name); endfunction endclass Below is an example usage of a utils macro for a user-defined component. class my_comp extends uvm_component; `uvm_component_utils(my_comp) // declare data properties function new(string name, uvm_component parent=null); super.new(name,parent); endfunction UVM 1.2 Class Reference 448 endclass `uvm_field_utils_begin `uvm_field_utils_end These macros form a block in which `uvm_field_* macros can be placed. Used as `uvm_field_utils_begin(TYPE) `uvm_field_* macros here `uvm_field_utils_end These macros do not perform factory registration nor implement the get_type_name and create methods. Use this form when you need custom implementations of these two methods, or when you are setting up field macros for an abstract class (i.e. virtual class). `uvm_object_utils `uvm_object_param_utils `uvm_object_utils_begin `uvm_object_param_utils_begin `uvm_object_utils_end uvm_object-based class declarations may contain one of the above forms of utility macros. For simple objects with no field macros, use `uvm_object_utils(TYPE) For simple objects with field macros, use `uvm_object_utils_begin(TYPE) `uvm_field_* macro invocations here `uvm_object_utils_end UVM 1.2 Class Reference 449 For parameterized objects with no field macros, use `uvm_object_param_utils(TYPE) For parameterized objects, with field macros, use `uvm_object_param_utils_begin(TYPE) `uvm_field_* macro invocations here `uvm_object_utils_end Simple (non-parameterized) objects use the uvm_object_utils* versions, which do the following: Implements get_type_name, which returns TYPE as a string Implements create, which allocates an object of type TYPE by calling its constructor with no arguments. TYPE’s constructor, if defined, must have default values on all it arguments. Registers the TYPE with the factory, using the string TYPE as the factory lookup string for the type. Implements the static get_type() method which returns a factory proxy object for the type. Implements the virtual get_object_type() method which works just like the static get_type() method, but operates on an already allocated object. Parameterized classes must use the uvm_object_param_utils* versions. They differ from `uvm_object_utils only in that they do not supply a type name when registering the object with the factory. As such, name-based lookup with the factory for parameterized classes is not possible. The macros with _begin suffixes are the same as the non-suffixed versions except that they also start a block in which `uvm_field_* macros can be placed. The block must be terminated by `uvm_object_utils_end. `uvm_component_utils `uvm_component_param_utils `uvm_component_utils_begin `uvm_component_param_utils_begin `uvm_component_end uvm_component-based class declarations may contain one of the above forms of utility macros. For simple components with no field macros, use UVM 1.2 Class Reference 450 `uvm_component_utils(TYPE) For simple components with field macros, use `uvm_component_utils_begin(TYPE) `uvm_field_* macro invocations here `uvm_component_utils_end For parameterized components with no field macros, use `uvm_component_param_utils(TYPE) For parameterized components with field macros, use `uvm_component_param_utils_begin(TYPE) `uvm_field_* macro invocations here `uvm_component_utils_end Simple (non-parameterized) components must use the uvm_components_utils* versions, which do the following: Implements get_type_name, which returns TYPE as a string. Implements create, which allocates a component of type TYPE using a two argument constructor. TYPE’s constructor must have a name and a parent argument. Registers the TYPE with the factory, using the string TYPE as the factory lookup string for the type. Implements the static get_type() method which returns a factory proxy object for the type. Implements the virtual get_object_type() method which works just like the static get_type() method, but operates on an already allocated object. Parameterized classes must use the uvm_object_param_utils* versions. They differ from `uvm_object_utils only in that they do not supply a type name when registering the object with the factory. As such, name-based lookup with the factory for parameterized classes is not possible. The macros with _begin suffixes are the same as the non-suffixed versions except that they also start a block in which `uvm_field_* macros can be placed. The block must be terminated by `uvm_component_utils_end. `uvm_object_registry Register a uvm_object-based class with the factory `uvm_object_registry(T,S) UVM 1.2 Class Reference 451 Registers a uvm_object-based class T and lookup string S with the factory. S typically is the name of the class in quotes. The `uvm_object_utils family of macros uses this macro. `uvm_component_registry Registers a uvm_component-based class with the factory `uvm_component_registry(T,S) Registers a uvm_component-based class T and lookup string S with the factory. S typically is the name of the class in quotes. The `uvm_object_utils family of macros uses this macro. FIELD MAcRos The `uvm_field_* macros are invoked inside of the `uvm_*_utils_begin and `uvm_*_utils_end macro blocks to form “automatic” implementations of the core data methods: copy, compare, pack, unpack, record, print, and sprint. By using the macros, you do not have to implement any of the do_* methods inherited from uvm_object. However, be aware that the field macros expand into general inline code that is not as run-time efficient nor as flexible as direct implementations of the do_* methods. Below is an example usage of the field macros for a sequence item. class my_trans extends uvm_sequence_item; cmd_t int int my_ext string cmd; addr; data[$]; ext; str; `uvm_object_utils_begin(my_trans) `uvm_field_enum (cmd_t, cmd, UVM_ALL_ON) `uvm_field_int (addr, UVM_ALL_ON) `uvm_field_queue_int(data, UVM_ALL_ON) `uvm_field_object (ext, UVM_ALL_ON) `uvm_field_string (str, UVM_ALL_ON) `uvm_object_utils_end function new(string name="mydata_inst"); super.new(name); endfunction endclass Below is an example usage of the field macros for a component. class my_comp extends uvm_component; my_comp_cfg cfg; `uvm_component_utils_begin(my_comp) `uvm_field_object (cfg, UVM_ALL_ON) `uvm_object_utils_end function new(string name="my_comp_inst", uvm_component parent=null); super.new(name); UVM 1.2 Class Reference 452 endfunction endclass Each `uvm_field_* macro is named according to the particular data type it handles: integrals, strings, objects, queues, etc., and each has at least two arguments: ARG and FLAG. ARG is the instance name of the variable, whose type must be compatible with the macro being invoked. In the example, class variable addr is an integral type, so we use the `uvm_field_int macro. FLAG if set to UVM_ALL_ON, as in the example, the ARG variable will be included in all data methods. If FLAG is set to something other than UVM_ALL_ON or UVM_DEFAULT, it specifies which data method implementations will not include the given variable. Thus, if FLAG is specified as NO_COMPARE, the ARG variable will not affect comparison operations, but it will be included in everything else. All possible values for FLAG are listed and described below. Multiple flag values can be bitwise OR’ed together (in most cases they may be added together as well, but care must be taken when using the + operator to ensure that the same bit is not added more than once). UVM_ALL_ON Set all operations on. UVM_DEFAULT This is the recommended set of flags to pass to the field macros. Currently, it enables all of the operations, making it functionally identical to UVM_ALL_ON. In the future however, additional flags could be added with a recommended default value of off. UVM_NOCOPY Do not copy this field. UVM_NOCOMPARE Do not compare this field. UVM_NOPRINT Do not print this field. UVM_NOPACK Do not pack or unpack this field. UVM_REFERENCE For object types, operate only on the handle (e.g. no deep copy) UVM_PHYSICAL Treat as a physical field. Use physical setting in policy class for this field. UVM_ABSTRACT Treat as an abstract field. Use the abstract setting in the policy class for this field. UVM_READONLY Do not allow setting of this field from the set_*_local methods or during uvm_component::apply_config_settings operation. A radix for printing and recording can be specified by OR’ing one of the following constants in the FLAG argument UVM_BIN Print / record the field in binary (base-2). UVM_DEC Print / record the field in decimal (base-10). UVM_UNSIGNED Print / record the field in unsigned decimal (base-10). UVM_OCT Print / record the field in octal (base-8). UVM_HEX Print / record the field in hexadecimal (base-16). UVM_STRING Print / record the field in string format. UVM_TIME Print / record the field in time format. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 453 Radix settings for integral types. Hex is the default radix if none is specified. A UVM component should not be specified using the `uvm_field_object macro unless its flag includes UVM_REFERENCE. Otherwise, the field macro will implement deep copy, which is an illegal operation for uvm_components. You will get a FATAL error if you tried to copy or clone an object containing a component handle that was registered with a field macro without the UVM_REFERENCE flag. You will also get duplicate entries when printing component topology, as this functionality is already provided by UVM. `uVm_fIELD_* mAcRos Macros that implement data operations for scalar properties. `uvm_field_int Implements the data operations for any packed integral property. `uvm_field_int(ARG,FLAG) ARG is an integral property of the class, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above. `uvm_field_object Implements the data operations for a uvm_object-based property. `uvm_field_object(ARG,FLAG) ARG is an object property of the class, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above. `uvm_field_string Implements the data operations for a string property. `uvm_field_string(ARG,FLAG) ARG is a string property of the class, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above. `uvm_field_enum Implements the data operations for an enumerated property. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 454 `uvm_field_enum(T,ARG,FLAG) T is an enumerated type, ARG is an instance of that type, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above. `uvm_field_real Implements the data operations for any real property. `uvm_field_real(ARG,FLAG) ARG is an real property of the class, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above. `uvm_field_event Implements the data operations for an event property. `uvm_field_event(ARG,FLAG) ARG is an event property of the class, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above. `uVm_fIELD_sARRAY_* mAcRos Macros that implement data operations for one-dimensional static array properties. `uvm_field_sarray_int Implements the data operations for a one-dimensional static array of integrals. `uvm_field_sarray_int(ARG,FLAG) ARG is a one-dimensional static array of integrals, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above. `uvm_field_sarray_object Implements the data operations for a one-dimensional static array of uvm_object-based objects. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 455 `uvm_field_sarray_object(ARG,FLAG) ARG is a one-dimensional static array of uvm_object-based objects, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above. `uvm_field_sarray_string Implements the data operations for a one-dimensional static array of strings. `uvm_field_sarray_string(ARG,FLAG) ARG is a one-dimensional static array of strings, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above. `uvm_field_sarray_enum Implements the data operations for a one-dimensional static array of enums. `uvm_field_sarray_enum(T,ARG,FLAG) T is a one-dimensional dynamic array of enums type, ARG is an instance of that type, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above. `uVm_fIELD_ARRAY_* mAcRos Macros that implement data operations for one-dimensional dynamic array properties. Implementation note lines flagged with empty multi-line comments, /**/, are not needed or need to be different for fixed arrays, which cannot be resized. Fixed arrays do not need to pack/unpack their size either, because their size is known; wouldn’t hurt though if it allowed code consolidation. Unpacking would necessarily be different. */ `uvm_field_array_int Implements the data operations for a one-dimensional dynamic array of integrals. `uvm_field_array_int(ARG,FLAG) ARG is a one-dimensional dynamic array of integrals, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 456 `uvm_field_array_object Implements the data operations for a one-dimensional dynamic array of uvm_objectbased objects. `uvm_field_array_object(ARG,FLAG) ARG is a one-dimensional dynamic array of uvm_object-based objects, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above. `uvm_field_array_string Implements the data operations for a one-dimensional dynamic array of strings. `uvm_field_array_string(ARG,FLAG) ARG is a one-dimensional dynamic array of strings, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above. `uvm_field_array_enum Implements the data operations for a one-dimensional dynamic array of enums. `uvm_field_array_enum(T,ARG,FLAG) T is a one-dimensional dynamic array of enums type, ARG is an instance of that type, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above. `uVm_fIELD_QuEuE_* mAcRos Macros that implement data operations for dynamic queues. `uvm_field_queue_int Implements the data operations for a queue of integrals. `uvm_field_queue_int(ARG,FLAG) ARG is a one-dimensional queue of integrals, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 457 `uvm_field_queue_object Implements the data operations for a queue of uvm_object-based objects. `uvm_field_queue_object(ARG,FLAG) ARG is a one-dimensional queue of uvm_object-based objects, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above. `uvm_field_queue_string Implements the data operations for a queue of strings. `uvm_field_queue_string(ARG,FLAG) ARG is a one-dimensional queue of strings, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above. `uvm_field_queue_enum Implements the data operations for a one-dimensional queue of enums. `uvm_field_queue_enum(T,ARG,FLAG) T is a queue of enums type, ARG is an instance of that type, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above. `uVm_fIELD_AA_*_sTRING mAcRos Macros that implement data operations for associative arrays indexed by string. `uvm_field_aa_int_string Implements the data operations for an associative array of integrals indexed by string. `uvm_field_aa_int_string(ARG,FLAG) ARG is the name of a property that is an associative array of integrals with string key, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above. `uvm_field_aa_object_string UVM 1.2 Class Reference 458 Implements the data operations for an associative array of uvm_object-based objects indexed by string. `uvm_field_aa_object_string(ARG,FLAG) ARG is the name of a property that is an associative array of objects with string key, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above. `uvm_field_aa_string_string Implements the data operations for an associative array of strings indexed by string. `uvm_field_aa_string_string(ARG,FLAG) ARG is the name of a property that is an associative array of strings with string key, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above. `uVm_fIELD_AA_*_INT mAcRos Macros that implement data operations for associative arrays indexed by an integral type. `uvm_field_aa_object_int Implements the data operations for an associative array of uvm_object-based objects indexed by the int data type. `uvm_field_aa_object_int(ARG,FLAG) ARG is the name of a property that is an associative array of objects with int key, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above. `uvm_field_aa_int_int Implements the data operations for an associative array of integral types indexed by the int data type. `uvm_field_aa_int_int(ARG,FLAG) ARG is the name of a property that is an associative array of integrals with int key, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 459 `uvm_field_aa_int_int_unsigned Implements the data operations for an associative array of integral types indexed by the int unsigned data type. `uvm_field_aa_int_int_unsigned(ARG,FLAG) ARG is the name of a property that is an associative array of integrals with int unsigned key, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above. `uvm_field_aa_int_integer Implements the data operations for an associative array of integral types indexed by the integer data type. `uvm_field_aa_int_integer(ARG,FLAG) ARG is the name of a property that is an associative array of integrals with integer key, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above. `uvm_field_aa_int_integer_unsigned Implements the data operations for an associative array of integral types indexed by the integer unsigned data type. `uvm_field_aa_int_integer_unsigned(ARG,FLAG) ARG is the name of a property that is an associative array of integrals with integer unsigned key, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above. `uvm_field_aa_int_byte Implements the data operations for an associative array of integral types indexed by the byte data type. `uvm_field_aa_int_byte(ARG,FLAG) ARG is the name of a property that is an associative array of integrals with byte key, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above. `uvm_field_aa_int_byte_unsigned UVM 1.2 Class Reference 460 Implements the data operations for an associative array of integral types indexed by the byte unsigned data type. `uvm_field_aa_int_byte_unsigned(ARG,FLAG) ARG is the name of a property that is an associative array of integrals with byte unsigned key, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above. `uvm_field_aa_int_shortint Implements the data operations for an associative array of integral types indexed by the shortint data type. `uvm_field_aa_int_shortint(ARG,FLAG) ARG is the name of a property that is an associative array of integrals with shortint key, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above. `uvm_field_aa_int_shortint_unsigned Implements the data operations for an associative array of integral types indexed by the shortint unsigned data type. `uvm_field_aa_int_shortint_unsigned(ARG,FLAG) ARG is the name of a property that is an associative array of integrals with shortint unsigned key, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above. `uvm_field_aa_int_longint Implements the data operations for an associative array of integral types indexed by the longint data type. `uvm_field_aa_int_longint(ARG,FLAG) ARG is the name of a property that is an associative array of integrals with longint key, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above. `uvm_field_aa_int_longint_unsigned Implements the data operations for an associative array of integral types indexed by the longint unsigned data type. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 461 `uvm_field_aa_int_longint_unsigned(ARG,FLAG) ARG is the name of a property that is an associative array of integrals with longint unsigned key, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above. `uvm_field_aa_int_key Implements the data operations for an associative array of integral types indexed by any integral key data type. `uvm_field_aa_int_key(KEY,ARG,FLAG) KEY is the data type of the integral key, ARG is the name of a property that is an associative array of integrals, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above. `uvm_field_aa_int_enumkey Implements the data operations for an associative array of integral types indexed by any enumeration key data type. `uvm_field_aa_int_enumkey(KEY, ARG,FLAG) KEY is the enumeration type of the key, ARG is the name of a property that is an associative array of integrals, and FLAG is a bitwise OR of one or more flag settings as described in Field Macros above. REcoRDING MAcRos The recording macros assist users who implement the uvm_object::do_record method. They help ensure that the fields are recorded using a vendor- independent API. Unlike the uvm_recorder policy, fields recorded using the macros do not lose type information-they are passed directly to the vendor-specific API. This results in more efficient recording and no artificial limit on bit-widths. See your simulator vendor’s documentation for more information on its transaction recording capabilities. `uvm_record_attribute Vendor-independent macro to hide tool-specific interface for recording attributes (fields) to a transaction database. `uvm_record_attribute(TR_HANDLE, NAME, VALUE) UVM 1.2 Class Reference 462 The default implementation of the macro passes NAME and VALUE through to the uvm_recorder::record_generic method. This macro should not be called directly by the user, the other recording macros will call it automatically if uvm_recorder::use_record_attribute returns true. `uvm_record_int `uvm_record_int(NAME,VALUE,SIZE[,RADIX]) The `uvm_record_int macro takes the same arguments as the uvm_recorder::record_field method (including the optional RADIX). The default implementation will pass the name/value pair to `uvm_record_attribute if enabled, otherwise the information will be passed to uvm_recorder::record_field. `uvm_record_string `uvm_record_string(NAME,VALUE) The `uvm_record_string macro takes the same arguments as the uvm_recorder::record_string method. The default implementation will pass the name/value pair to `uvm_record_attribute if enabled, otherwise the information will be passed to uvm_recorder::record_string. `uvm_record_time `uvm_record_time(NAME,VALUE) The `uvm_record_time macro takes the same arguments as the uvm_recorder::record_time method. The default implementation will pass the name/value pair to `uvm_record_attribute if enabled, otherwise the information will be passed to uvm_recorder::record_time. `uvm_record_real `uvm_record_real(NAME,VALUE) UVM 1.2 Class Reference 463 The `uvm_record_real macro takes the same arguments as the uvm_recorder::record_field_real method. The default implementation will pass the name/value pair to `uvm_record_attribute if enabled, otherwise the information will be passed to uvm_recorder::record_field_real. `uvm_record_field Macro for recording arbitrary name-value pairs into a transaction recording database. Requires a valid transaction handle, as provided by the uvm_transaction::begin_tr and uvm_component::begin_tr methods. `uvm_record_field(NAME, VALUE) The default implementation will pass the name/value pair to `uvm_record_attribute if enabled, otherwise the information will be passed to uvm_recorder::record_generic, with the VALUE being converted to a string using “%p” notation. recorder.record_generic(NAME,$sformatf("%p",VALUE)); PAcKING MAcRos The packing macros assist users who implement the uvm_object::do_pack method. They help ensure that the pack operation is the exact inverse of the unpack operation. See also Unpacking Macros. virtual function void do_pack(uvm_packer packer); `uvm_pack_int(cmd) `uvm_pack_int(addr) `uvm_pack_array(data) endfunction The ‘N’ versions of these macros take an explicit size argument, which must be compiletime constant value greater than 0. PAcKING - WITH SIZE INfo `uvm_pack_intN Pack an integral variable. `uvm_pack_intN(VAR,SIZE) UVM 1.2 Class Reference 464 `uvm_pack_enumN Pack an integral variable. `uvm_pack_enumN(VAR,SIZE) `uvm_pack_sarrayN Pack a static array of integrals. `uvm_pack_sarray(VAR,SIZE) `uvm_pack_arrayN Pack a dynamic array of integrals. `uvm_pack_arrayN(VAR,SIZE) `uvm_pack_queueN Pack a queue of integrals. `uvm_pack_queueN(VAR,SIZE) PAcKING - No SIZE INfo `uvm_pack_int Pack an integral variable without having to also specify the bit size. `uvm_pack_int(VAR) `uvm_pack_enum Pack an enumeration value. Packing does not require its type be specified. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 465 `uvm_pack_enum(VAR) `uvm_pack_string Pack a string variable. `uvm_pack_string(VAR) `uvm_pack_real Pack a variable of type real. `uvm_pack_real(VAR) `uvm_pack_sarray Pack a static array without having to also specify the bit size of its elements. `uvm_pack_sarray(VAR) `uvm_pack_array Pack a dynamic array without having to also specify the bit size of its elements. Array size must be non-zero. `uvm_pack_array(VAR) `uvm_pack_queue Pack a queue without having to also specify the bit size of its elements. Queue must not be empty. `uvm_pack_queue(VAR) UVM 1.2 Class Reference 466 UNpAcKING MAcRos The unpacking macros assist users who implement the uvm_object::do_unpack method. They help ensure that the unpack operation is the exact inverse of the pack operation. See also Packing Macros. virtual function void do_unpack(uvm_packer packer); `uvm_unpack_enum(cmd,cmd_t) `uvm_unpack_int(addr) `uvm_unpack_array(data) endfunction The ‘N’ versions of these macros take an explicit size argument, which must be a compiletime constant value greater than 0. UNpAcKING - WITH SIZE INfo `uvm_unpack_intN Unpack into an integral variable. `uvm_unpack_intN(VAR,SIZE) `uvm_unpack_enumN Unpack enum of type TYPE into VAR. `uvm_unpack_enumN(VAR,SIZE,TYPE) `uvm_unpack_sarrayN Unpack a static (fixed) array of integrals. `uvm_unpack_sarrayN(VAR,SIZE) `uvm_unpack_arrayN Unpack into a dynamic array of integrals. `uvm_unpack_arrayN(VAR,SIZE) UVM 1.2 Class Reference 467 `uvm_unpack_queueN Unpack into a queue of integrals. `uvm_unpack_queue(VAR,SIZE) UNpAcKING - No SIZE INfo `uvm_unpack_int Unpack an integral variable without having to also specify the bit size. `uvm_unpack_int(VAR) `uvm_unpack_enum Unpack an enumeration value, which requires its type be specified. `uvm_unpack_enum(VAR,TYPE) `uvm_unpack_string Unpack a string variable. `uvm_unpack_string(VAR) `uvm_unpack_real Unpack a variable of type real. `uvm_unpack_real(VAR) `uvm_unpack_sarray Unpack a static array without having to also specify the bit size of its elements. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 468 `uvm_unpack_sarray(VAR) `uvm_unpack_array Unpack a dynamic array without having to also specify the bit size of its elements. Array size must be non-zero. `uvm_unpack_array(VAR) `uvm_unpack_queue Unpack a queue without having to also specify the bit size of its elements. Queue must not be empty. `uvm_unpack_queue(VAR) UVM 1.2 Class Reference 469 21.3 Sequence-Related Macros Summary Sequence-Related Macros SEQUENCE ACTION MaCrOs These macros are used to start sequences and sequence items on the default sequencer, m_sequencer. `uvm_create `uvm_do `uvm_do_pri `uvm_do_with `uvm_do_pri_with SEQUENCE MaCrOs ON SEQUENCEr ACTION These macros are used to start sequences and sequence items on a specific sequencer. `uvm_create_on `uvm_do_on `uvm_do_on_pri `uvm_do_on_with `uvm_do_on_pri_with SEQUENCE ACTION MaCrOs EXIsTING SEQUENCEs FOr PrE - `uvm_send `uvm_send_pri `uvm_rand_send `uvm_rand_send_pri `uvm_rand_send_with `uvm_rand_send_pri_with `uvm_add_to_sequence_library `uvm_sequence_library_utils SEQUENCEr SUBTYpEs `uvm_declare_p_sequencer These macros are used to start sequences and sequence items that do not need to be created. Adds the given sequence TYPE to the given sequence library LIBTYPE This macro is used to declare a variable p_sequencer whose type is specified by SEQUENCER. SEQUENCE ACTION MaCrOs These macros are used to start sequences and sequence items on the default sequencer, m_sequencer. This is determined a number of ways. the sequencer handle provided in the uvm_sequence_base::start method the sequencer used by the parent sequence the sequencer that was set using the uvm_sequence_item::set_sequencer method `uvm_create `uvm_create(SEQ_OR_ITEM) UVM 1.2 Class Reference 470 This action creates the item or sequence using the factory. It intentionally does zero processing. After this action completes, the user can manually set values, manipulate rand_mode and constraint_mode, etc. `uvm_do `uvm_do(SEQ_OR_ITEM) This macro takes as an argument a uvm_sequence_item variable or object. The argument is created using `uvm_create if necessary, then randomized. In the case of an item, it is randomized after the call to uvm_sequence_base::start_item() returns. This is called late-randomization. In the case of a sequence, the sub-sequence is started using uvm_sequence_base::start() with call_pre_post set to 0. In the case of an item, the item is sent to the driver through the associated sequencer. For a sequence item, the following are called, in order `uvm_create(item) sequencer.wait_for_grant(prior) (task) this.pre_do(1) (task) item.randomize() this.mid_do(item) (func) sequencer.send_request(item) (func) sequencer.wait_for_item_done() (task) this.post_do(item) (func) For a sequence, the following are called, in order `uvm_create(sub_seq) sub_seq.randomize() sub_seq.pre_start() this.pre_do(0) this.mid_do(sub_seq) sub_seq.body() this.post_do(sub_seq) sub_seq.post_start() (task) (task) (func) (task) (func) (task) `uvm_do_pri `uvm_do_pri(SEQ_OR_ITEM, PRIORITY) This is the same as `uvm_do except that the sequence item or sequence is executed with the priority specified in the argument `uvm_do_with `uvm do with(SEQ OR ITEM, CONSTRAINTS) UVM 1.2 Class Reference 471 This is the same as `uvm_do except that the constraint block in the 2nd argument is applied to the item or sequence in a randomize with statement before execution. `uvm_do_pri_with `uvm_do_pri_with(SEQ_OR_ITEM, PRIORITY, CONSTRAINTS) This is the same as `uvm_do_pri except that the given constraint block is applied to the item or sequence in a randomize with statement before execution. SEQUENCE ON SEQUENCEr ACTION MaCrOs These macros are used to start sequences and sequence items on a specific sequencer. The sequence or item is created and executed on the given sequencer. `uvm_create_on `uvm_create_on(SEQ_OR_ITEM, SEQR) This is the same as `uvm_create except that it also sets the parent sequence to the sequence in which the macro is invoked, and it sets the sequencer to the specified SEQR argument. `uvm_do_on `uvm_do_on(SEQ_OR_ITEM, SEQR) This is the same as `uvm_do except that it also sets the parent sequence to the sequence in which the macro is invoked, and it sets the sequencer to the specified SEQR argument. `uvm_do_on_pri `uvm_do_on_pri(SEQ_OR_ITEM, SEQR, PRIORITY) This is the same as `uvm_do_pri except that it also sets the parent sequence to the UVM 1.2 Class Reference 472 sequence in which the macro is invoked, and it sets the sequencer to the specified SEQR argument. `uvm_do_on_with `uvm_do_on_with(SEQ_OR_ITEM, SEQR, CONSTRAINTS) This is the same as `uvm_do_with except that it also sets the parent sequence to the sequence in which the macro is invoked, and it sets the sequencer to the specified SEQR argument. The user must supply brackets around the constraints. `uvm_do_on_pri_with `uvm_do_on_pri_with(SEQ_OR_ITEM, SEQR, PRIORITY, CONSTRAINTS) This is the same as `uvm_do_pri_with except that it also sets the parent sequence to the sequence in which the macro is invoked, and it sets the sequencer to the specified SEQR argument. SEQUENCE ACTION MaCrOs FOr PrE-EXIsTING SEQUENCEs These macros are used to start sequences and sequence items that do not need to be created. `uvm_send `uvm_send(SEQ_OR_ITEM) This macro processes the item or sequence that has been created using `uvm_create. The processing is done without randomization. Essentially, an `uvm_do without the create or randomization. `uvm_send_pri `uvm_send_pri(SEQ_OR_ITEM, PRIORITY) This is the same as `uvm_send except that the sequence item or sequence is executed with the priority specified in the argument. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 473 `uvm_rand_send `uvm_rand_send(SEQ_OR_ITEM) This macro processes the item or sequence that has been already been allocated (possibly with `uvm_create). The processing is done with randomization. Essentially, an `uvm_do without the create. `uvm_rand_send_pri `uvm_rand_send_pri(SEQ_OR_ITEM, PRIORITY) This is the same as `uvm_rand_send except that the sequence item or sequence is executed with the priority specified in the argument. `uvm_rand_send_with `uvm_rand_send_with(SEQ_OR_ITEM, CONSTRAINTS) This is the same as `uvm_rand_send except that the given constraint block is applied to the item or sequence in a randomize with statement before execution. `uvm_rand_send_pri_with `uvm_rand_send_pri_with(SEQ_OR_ITEM, PRIORITY, CONSTRAINTS) This is the same as `uvm_rand_send_pri except that the given constraint block is applied to the item or sequence in a randomize with statement before execution. `uvm_add_to_sequence_library Adds the given sequence TYPE to the given sequence library LIBTYPE `uvm_add_to_seq_lib(TYPE,LIBTYPE) Invoke any number of times within a sequence declaration to statically add that sequence to one or more sequence library types. The sequence will then be available for selection and execution in all instances of the given sequencer types. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 474 class seqA extends uvm_sequence_base #(simple_item); function new(string name=`"TYPE`"); super.new(name); endfunction `uvm_object_utils(seqA) `uvm_add_to_seq_lib(seqA, simple_seq_lib_RST) `uvm_add_to_seq_lib(seqA, simple_seq_lib_CFG) virtual task body(); \ `uvm_info("SEQ_START", {"Executing sequence '", get_full_name(), "' (",get_type_name(),")"},UVM_HIGH) #10; endtask endclass `uvm_sequence_library_utils `uvm_sequence_library_utils(TYPE) Declares the infrastructure needed to define extensions to the uvm_sequence_library class. You define new sequence library subtypes to statically specify sequence membership from within sequence definitions. See also `uvm_add_to_sequence_library for more information. typedef simple_seq_lib uvm_sequence_library #(simple_item); class simple_seq_lib_RST extends simple_seq_lib; `uvm_object_utils(simple_seq_lib_RST) `uvm_sequence_library_utils(simple_seq_lib_RST) function new(string name=""); super.new(name); endfunction endclass Each library, itself a sequence, can then be started independently on different sequencers or in different phases of the same sequencer. See uvm_sequencer_base::start_phase_sequence for information on starting default sequences. SEQUENCEr SUBTYpEs `uvm_declare_p_sequencer This macro is used to declare a variable p_sequencer whose type is specified by SEQUENCER. `uvm_declare_p_sequencer(SEQUENCER) UVM 1.2 Class Reference 475 The example below shows using the `uvm_declare_p_sequencer macro along with the uvm_object_utils macros to set up the sequence but not register the sequence in the sequencer’s library. class mysequence extends uvm_sequence#(mydata); `uvm_object_utils(mysequence) `uvm_declare_p_sequencer(some_seqr_type) task body; //Access some variable in the user's custom sequencer if(p_sequencer.some_variable) begin ... end endtask endclass UVM 1.2 Class Reference 476 21.4 Callback Macros These macros are used to register and execute callbacks extending from uvm_callbacks. Summary Callback Macros These macros are used to register and execute callbacks extending from uvm_callbacks. MAcROs `uvm_register_cb `uvm_set_super_type `uvm_do_callbacks `uvm_do_obj_callbacks `uvm_do_callbacks_exit_on `uvm_do_obj_callbacks_exit_on MAcROs `uvm_register_cb `uvm_register_cb(T,CB) Registers the given CB callback type with the given T object type. If a type-callback pair is not registered then a warning is issued if an attempt is made to use the pair (add, delete, etc.). The registration will typically occur in the component that executes the given type of callback. For instance: virtual class mycb extends uvm_callback; virtual function void doit(); endclass class my_comp extends uvm_component; `uvm_register_cb(my_comp,mycb) ... task run_phase(uvm_phase phase); ... `uvm_do_callbacks(my_comp, mycb, doit()) endtask endclass `uvm_set_super_type `uvm_set_super_type(T,ST) UVM 1.2 Class Reference 477 Defines the super type of T to be ST. This allows for derived class objects to inherit typewide callbacks that are registered with the base class. The registration will typically occur in the component that executes the given type of callback. For instance: virtual class mycb extend uvm_callback; virtual function void doit(); endclass class my_comp extends uvm_component; `uvm_register_cb(my_comp,mycb) ... task run_phase(uvm_phase phase); ... `uvm_do_callbacks(my_comp, mycb, doit()) endtask endclass class my_derived_comp extends my_comp; `uvm_set_super_type(my_derived_comp,my_comp) ... task run_phase(uvm_phase phase); ... `uvm_do_callbacks(my_comp, mycb, doit()) endtask endclass `uvm_do_callbacks `uvm_do_callbacks(T,CB,METHOD) Calls the given METHOD of all callbacks of type CB registered with the calling object (i.e. this object), which is or is based on type T. This macro executes all of the callbacks associated with the calling object (i.e. this object). The macro takes three arguments: CB is the class type of the callback objects to execute. The class type must have a function signature that matches the METHOD argument. T is the type associated with the callback. Typically, an instance of type T is passed as one the arguments in the METHOD call. METHOD is the method call to invoke, with all required arguments as if they were invoked directly. For example, given the following callback class definition virtual class mycb extends uvm_cb; pure function void my_function (mycomp comp, int addr, int data); endclass A component would invoke the macro as task mycomp::run_phase(uvm_phase phase); int curr_addr, curr_data; ... `uvm_do_callbacks(mycb, mycomp, my_function(this, curr_addr, curr_data)) UVM 1.2 Class Reference 478 ... endtask `uvm_do_obj_callbacks `uvm_do_obj_callbacks(T,CB,OBJ,METHOD) Calls the given METHOD of all callbacks based on type CB registered with the given object, OBJ, which is or is based on type T. This macro is identical to `uvm_do_callbacks macro, but it has an additional OBJ argument to allow the specification of an external object to associate the callback with. For example, if the callbacks are being applied in a sequence, OBJ could be specified as the associated sequencer or parent sequence. ... `uvm_do_callbacks(mycb, mycomp, seqr, my_function(seqr, curr_addr, curr_data)) ... `uvm_do_callbacks_exit_on `uvm_do_callbacks_exit_on(T,CB,METHOD,VAL) Calls the given METHOD of all callbacks of type CB registered with the calling object (i.e. this object), which is or is based on type T, returning upon the first callback returning the bit value given by VAL. This macro executes all of the callbacks associated with the calling object (i.e. this object). The macro takes three arguments: CB is the class type of the callback objects to execute. The class type must have a function signature that matches the METHOD argument. T is the type associated with the callback. Typically, an instance of type T is passed as one the arguments in the METHOD call. METHOD is the method call to invoke, with all required arguments as if they were invoked directly. VAL, if 1, says return upon the first callback invocation that returns 1. If 0, says return upon the first callback invocation that returns 0. For example, given the following callback class definition virtual class mycb extends uvm_cb; pure function bit drop_trans (mycomp comp, my_trans trans); endclass UVM 1.2 Class Reference 479 A component would invoke the macro as task mycomp::run_phase(uvm_phase phase); my_trans trans; forever begin get_port.get(trans); if(do_callbacks(trans) == 0) uvm_report_info("DROPPED",{"trans dropped: %s",trans.convert2string()}); else // execute transaction end endtask function bit do_callbacks(my_trans); // Returns 0 if drop happens and 1 otherwise `uvm_do_callbacks_exit_on(mycomp, mycb, extobj, drop_trans(this,trans), 1) endfunction Because this macro calls return, its use is restricted to implementations of functions that return a bit value, as in the above example. `uvm_do_obj_callbacks_exit_on `uvm_do_obj_callbacks_exit_on(T,CB,OBJ,METHOD,VAL) Calls the given METHOD of all callbacks of type CB registered with the given object OBJ, which must be or be based on type T, and returns upon the first callback that returns the bit value given by VAL. It is exactly the same as the `uvm_do_callbacks_exit_on but has a specific object instance (instead of the implicit this instance) as the third argument. ... // Exit if a callback returns a 1 `uvm_do_callbacks_exit_on(mycomp, mycb, seqr, drop_trans(seqr,trans), 1) ... Because this macro calls return, its use is restricted to implementations of functions that return a bit value, as in the above example. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 480 21.5 TLM Implementation Port Declaration Macros The TLM implementation declaration macros provide a way for components to provide multiple implementation ports of the same implementation interface. When an implementation port is defined using the built-in set of imps, there must be exactly one implementation of the interface. For example, if a component needs to provide a put implementation then it would have an implementation port defined like: class mycomp extends uvm_component; uvm_put_imp#(data_type, mycomp) put_imp; ... virtual task put (data_type t); ... endtask endclass There are times, however, when you need more than one implementation for an interface. This set of declarations allow you to easily create a new implementation class to allow for multiple implementations. Although the new implementation class is a different class, it can be bound to the same types of exports and ports as the original class. Extending the put example above, let’s say that mycomp needs to provide two put implementation ports. In that case, you would do something like: //Define two new put interfaces which are compatible with uvm_put_ports //and uvm_put_exports. `uvm_put_imp_decl(_1) `uvm_put_imp_decl(_2) class my_put_imp#(type T=int) extends uvm_component; uvm_put_imp_1#(T,my_put_imp#(T)) put_imp1; uvm_put_imp_2#(T,my_put_imp#(T)) put_imp2; ... function void put_1 (input T t); //puts coming into put_imp1 ... endfunction function void put_2(input T t); //puts coming into put_imp2 ... endfunction endclass The important thing to note is that each `uvm_ _imp_decl creates a new class of type uvm_ _imp , where suffix is the input argument to the macro. For this reason, you will typically want to put these macros in a separate package to avoid collisions and to allow sharing of the definitions. Summary TLM Implementation Port Declaration Macros The TLM implementation declaration macros provide a way for components to provide multiple implementation ports of the same implementation interface. MACROs `uvm_blocking_put_imp_decl `uvm_nonblocking_put_imp_decl `uvm_put_imp_decl `uvm_blocking_get_imp_decl UVM 1.2 Class Reference 481 `uvm_nonblocking_get_imp_decl `uvm_get_imp_decl `uvm_blocking_peek_imp_decl `uvm_nonblocking_peek_imp_decl `uvm_peek_imp_decl `uvm_blocking_get_peek_imp_decl `uvm_nonblocking_get_peek_imp_decl `uvm_get_peek_imp_decl `uvm_blocking_master_imp_decl `uvm_nonblocking_master_imp_decl `uvm_master_imp_decl `uvm_blocking_slave_imp_decl `uvm_nonblocking_slave_imp_decl `uvm_slave_imp_decl `uvm_blocking_transport_imp_decl `uvm_nonblocking_transport_imp_decl `uvm_transport_imp_decl `uvm_analysis_imp_decl MACROs `uvm_blocking_put_imp_decl `uvm_blocking_put_imp_decl(SFX) Define the class uvm_blocking_put_impSFX for providing blocking put implementations. SFX is the suffix for the new class type. `uvm_nonblocking_put_imp_decl `uvm_nonblocking_put_imp_decl(SFX) Define the class uvm_nonblocking_put_impSFX for providing non-blocking put implementations. SFX is the suffix for the new class type. `uvm_put_imp_decl `uvm_put_imp_decl(SFX) Define the class uvm_put_impSFX for providing both blocking and non-blocking put implementations. SFX is the suffix for the new class type. `uvm_blocking_get_imp_decl UVM 1.2 Class Reference 482 `uvm_blocking_get_imp_decl(SFX) Define the class uvm_blocking_get_impSFX for providing blocking get implementations. SFX is the suffix for the new class type. `uvm_nonblocking_get_imp_decl `uvm_nonblocking_get_imp_decl(SFX) Define the class uvm_nonblocking_get_impSFX for providing non-blocking get implementations. SFX is the suffix for the new class type. `uvm_get_imp_decl `uvm_get_imp_decl(SFX) Define the class uvm_get_impSFX for providing both blocking and non-blocking get implementations. SFX is the suffix for the new class type. `uvm_blocking_peek_imp_decl `uvm_blocking_peek_imp_decl(SFX) Define the class uvm_blocking_peek_impSFX for providing blocking peek implementations. SFX is the suffix for the new class type. `uvm_nonblocking_peek_imp_decl `uvm_nonblocking_peek_imp_decl(SFX) Define the class uvm_nonblocking_peek_impSFX for providing non-blocking peek implementations. SFX is the suffix for the new class type. `uvm_peek_imp_decl UVM 1.2 Class Reference 483 `uvm_peek_imp_decl(SFX) Define the class uvm_peek_impSFX for providing both blocking and non-blocking peek implementations. SFX is the suffix for the new class type. `uvm_blocking_get_peek_imp_decl `uvm_blocking_get_peek_imp_decl(SFX) Define the class uvm_blocking_get_peek_impSFX for providing the blocking get_peek implementation. `uvm_nonblocking_get_peek_imp_decl `uvm_nonblocking_get_peek_imp_decl(SFX) Define the class uvm_nonblocking_get_peek_impSFX for providing non-blocking get_peek implementation. `uvm_get_peek_imp_decl `uvm_get_peek_imp_decl(SFX) Define the class uvm_get_peek_impSFX for providing both blocking and non-blocking get_peek implementations. SFX is the suffix for the new class type. `uvm_blocking_master_imp_decl `uvm_blocking_master_imp_decl(SFX) Define the class uvm_blocking_master_impSFX for providing the blocking master implementation. `uvm_nonblocking_master_imp_decl `uvm_nonblocking_master_imp_decl(SFX) UVM 1.2 Class Reference 484 Define the class uvm_nonblocking_master_impSFX for providing the non-blocking master implementation. `uvm_master_imp_decl `uvm_master_imp_decl(SFX) Define the class uvm_master_impSFX for providing both blocking and non-blocking master implementations. SFX is the suffix for the new class type. `uvm_blocking_slave_imp_decl `uvm_blocking_slave_imp_decl(SFX) Define the class uvm_blocking_slave_impSFX for providing the blocking slave implementation. `uvm_nonblocking_slave_imp_decl `uvm_nonblocking_slave_imp_decl(SFX) Define the class uvm_nonblocking_slave_impSFX for providing the non-blocking slave implementation. `uvm_slave_imp_decl `uvm_slave_imp_decl(SFX) Define the class uvm_slave_impSFX for providing both blocking and non-blocking slave implementations. SFX is the suffix for the new class type. `uvm_blocking_transport_imp_decl `uvm_blocking_transport_imp_decl(SFX) UVM 1.2 Class Reference 485 Define the class uvm_blocking_transport_impSFX for providing the blocking transport implementation. `uvm_nonblocking_transport_imp_decl `uvm_nonblocking_transport_imp_decl(SFX) Define the class uvm_nonblocking_transport_impSFX for providing the non-blocking transport implementation. `uvm_transport_imp_decl `uvm_transport_imp_decl(SFX) Define the class uvm_transport_impSFX for providing both blocking and non-blocking transport implementations. SFX is the suffix for the new class type. `uvm_analysis_imp_decl `uvm_analysis_imp_decl(SFX) Define the class uvm_analysis_impSFX for providing an analysis implementation. SFX is the suffix for the new class type. The analysis implementation is the write function. The `uvm_analysis_imp_decl allows for a scoreboard (or other analysis component) to support input from many places. For example: `uvm_analysis_imp_decl(_ingress) `uvm_analysis_imp_decl(_egress) class myscoreboard extends uvm_component; uvm_analysis_imp_ingress#(mydata, myscoreboard) ingress; uvm_analysis_imp_egress#(mydata, myscoreboard) egress; mydata ingress_list[$]; ... function new(string name, uvm_component parent); super.new(name,parent); ingress = new("ingress", this); egress = new("egress", this); endfunction function void write_ingress(mydata t); ingress_list.push_back(t); endfunction function void write_egress(mydata t); find_match_in_ingress_list(t); endfunction function void find_match_in_ingress_list(mydata t); //implement scoreboarding for this particular dut ... endfunction endclass UVM 1.2 Class Reference 486 21.6 Register Defines Summary Register Defines MACrOs `UVM_REG_ADDR_WIDTH `UVM_REG_DATA_WIDTH `UVM_REG_BYTENABLE_WIDTH `UVM_REG_CVR_WIDTH Maximum address width in bits Maximum data width in bits Maximum number of byte enable bits Maximum number of bits in a uvm_reg_cvr_t coverage model set. MACrOs `UVM_REG_ADDR_WIDTH Maximum address width in bits Default value is 64. Used to define the uvm_reg_addr_t type. `UVM_REG_DATA_WIDTH Maximum data width in bits Default value is 64. Used to define the uvm_reg_data_t type. `UVM_REG_BYTENABLE_WIDTH Maximum number of byte enable bits Default value is one per byte in `UVM_REG_DATA_WIDTH. Used to define the uvm_reg_byte_en_t type. `UVM_REG_CVR_WIDTH Maximum number of bits in a uvm_reg_cvr_t coverage model set. Default value is 32. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 487 21.7 UVM Version Defines Summary UVM Version Defines UVM REvIsION VALuEs UVM_MAJOR_REV UVM_MINOR_REV UVM_FIX_REV UVM_NAME UVM_VERSION_STRING CONdITIONAL COmPILATION UVM_MAJOR_REV_1 UVM_MINOR_REV_2 UVM_VERSION_1_2 UVM VErsION LAddEr UVM_POST_VERSION_1_1 These macros provide the current values for the MAJOR, MINOR, and optionally the FIX revision. Defines the MAJOR revision number. Defines the MINOR revision number. (Optionally) Defines the FIX revision letter. The name used by the library when displaying the name of the library. Provides a string-ized version of the UVM Library version number. These macros provide the ability to conditionally compile based on the revision of the library which is being used. Indicates that the MAJOR version of this release is ‘1’. Indicates that the MINOR version of this release is ‘2’. Indicates that the version of this release is ‘1.2’. Indicates that this version of the UVM came after the 1.1 versions, including the various 1.1 fix revisions. UVM REvIsION VALuEs These macros provide the current values for the MAJOR, MINOR, and optionally the FIX revision. Example with UVM version 1.2 UVM_MAJOR_REV ’1’ UVM_MINOR_REV ’2’ UVM_FIX_REV ’undefined’ Example with UVM version 1.1a UVM_MAJOR_REV ’1’ UVM_MINOR_REV ’1’ UVM_FIX_REV ’a’ UVM_MAJOR_REV Defines the MAJOR revision number. For UVM version 1.2, the MAJOR revision number is ‘1’ UVM 1.2 Class Reference 488 `define UVM_MAJOR_REV 1 UVM_MINOR_REV Defines the MINOR revision number. For UVM version 1.2, the MINOR revision number is ‘2’ `define UVM_MINOR_REV 2 UVM_FIX_REV (Optionally) Defines the FIX revision letter. For the first “X.Y” release of the UVM, there is no FIX revision letter. In these cases, the UVM_FIX_REV is left undefined. For any subsequent “X.Y” fix releases, the UVM_FIX_REV value is set to the appropriate fix release letter. Example 1.1 First release, UVM_FIX_REV is undefined 1.1a Fix release, UVM_FIX_REV is ‘a’ UVM_NAME The name used by the library when displaying the name of the library. `define UVM_NAME UVM UVM_VERSION_STRING Provides a string-ized version of the UVM Library version number. When there is a FIX_REV, the string is “ - . ” (such as “UVM-1.1d”). When there is NO FIX_REV, the string is “ - . ” (such as “UVM-1.2”). CONdITIONAL COmPILATION These macros provide the ability to conditionally compile based on the revision of the library which is being used. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 489 These macros are required for conditional compilation, as SystemVerilog does not support conditionals with `ifdefs. For example // Illegal: `if (UVM_MAJOR_REV == 1) // Legal: `ifdef UVM_MAJOR_REV_1 UVM_MAJOR_REV_1 Indicates that the MAJOR version of this release is ‘1’. `define UVM_MAJOR_REV_1 UVM_MINOR_REV_2 Indicates that the MINOR version of this release is ‘2’. `define UVM_MINOR_REV_2 UVM_VERSION_1_2 Indicates that the version of this release is ‘1.2’. `define UVM_VERSION_1_2 UVM VErsION LAddEr UVM_POST_VERSION_1_1 Indicates that this version of the UVM came after the 1.1 versions, including the various 1.1 fix revisions. The first UVM version wherein this macro is defined is 1.2, and the macro will continue to be defined for all future revisions of the UVM library. `define UVM_POST_VERSION_1_1 UVM 1.2 Class Reference 490 22. Policy Classes Each of UVM’s policy classes perform a specific task for uvm_object-based objects: printing, comparing, recording, packing, and unpacking. They are implemented separately from uvm_object so that users can plug in different ways to print, compare, etc. without modifying the object class being operated on. The user can simply apply a different printer or compare “policy” to change how an object is printed or compared. Each policy class includes several user-configurable parameters that control the operation. Users may also customize operations by deriving new policy subtypes from these base types. For example, the UVM provides four different uvm_printer-based policy classes, each of which print objects in a different format. uvm_printer - performs deep printing of uvm_object-based objects. The UVM provides several subtypes to uvm_printer that print objects in a specific format: uvm_table_printer, uvm_tree_printer, and uvm_line_printer. Each such printer has many configuration options that govern what and how object members are printed. uvm_comparer - performs deep comparison of uvm_object-based objects. Users may configure what is compared and how miscompares are reported. uvm_recorder - performs the task of recording uvm_object-based objects to a transaction data base. The implementation is vendor-specific. uvm_packer - used to pack (serialize) and unpack uvm_object-based properties into bit, byte, or int arrays and back again. Summary Policy Classes Each of UVM’s policy classes perform a specific task for uvm_object-based objects: printing, comparing, recording, packing, and unpacking. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 491 22.1 uvm_printer The uvm_printer class provides an interface for printing uvm_objects in various formats. Subtypes of uvm_printer implement different print formats, or policies. A user-defined printer format can be created, or one of the following four built-in printers can be used: uvm_printer - provides base printer functionality; must be overridden. uvm_table_printer - prints the object in a tabular form. uvm_tree_printer - prints the object in a tree form. uvm_line_printer - prints the information on a single line, but uses the same object separators as the tree printer. Printers have knobs that you use to control what and how information is printed. These knobs are contained in a separate knob class: uvm_printer_knobs - common printer settings For convenience, global instances of each printer type are available for direct reference in your testbenches. uvm_default_tree_printer uvm_default_line_printer uvm_default_table_printer uvm_default_printer (set to default_table_printer by default) When uvm_object::print and uvm_object::sprint are called without specifying a printer, the uvm_default_printer is used. Contents uvm_printer uvm_table_printer uvm_tree_printer uvm_line_printer uvm_printer_knobs The uvm_printer class provides an interface for printing uvm_objects in various formats. The table printer prints output in a tabular format. By overriding various methods of the uvm_printer super class, the tree printer prints output in a tree format. The line printer prints output in a line format. The uvm_printer_knobs class defines the printer settings available to all printer subtypes. knobs uvm_printer_knobs knobs = new The knob object provides access to the variety of knobs associated with a specific printer instance. METHODS FOR PRINTER USAGE print_field UVM 1.2 Class Reference 492 virtual function void print_field ( string name, uvm_bitstream_t value, int size, uvm_radix_enum radix = UVM_NORADIX, byte scope_separator = ".", string type_name = "" ) Prints an integral field (up to 4096 bits). name The name of the field. value The value of the field. size The number of bits of the field (maximum is 4096). radix The radix to use for printing. The printer knob for radix is used if no radix is specified. scope_separator is used to find the leaf name since many printers only print the leaf name of a field. Typical values for the separator are . (dot) or [ (open bracket). print_field_int virtual function void print_field_int ( string name, uvm_integral_t value, int size, = UVM_NORADIX, uvm_radix_enum radix byte scope_separator = ".", string type_name = "" ) Prints an integral field (up to 64 bits). name The name of the field. value The value of the field. size The number of bits of the field (maximum is 64). radix The radix to use for printing. The printer knob for radix is used if no radix is specified. scope_separator is used to find the leaf name since many printers only print the leaf name of a field. Typical values for the separator are . (dot) or [ (open bracket). print_object virtual function void print_object ( string name, uvm_object value, byte scope_separator = "." ) Prints an object. Whether the object is recursed depends on a variety of knobs, such as the depth knob; if the current depth is at or below the depth setting, then the object is not recursed. By default, the children of uvm_components are printed. To turn this behavior off, you must set the uvm_component::print_enabled bit to 0 for the specific children you do not want automatically printed. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 493 print_string virtual function void print_string ( string name, string value, byte scope_separator = "." ) Prints a string field. print_time virtual function void print_time ( string name, time value, byte scope_separator = "." ) Prints a time value. name is the name of the field, and value is the value to print. The print is subject to the $timeformat system task for formatting time values. print_real virtual function void print_real ( string name, value, real byte scope_separator = "." ) Prints a real field. print_generic virtual function void print_generic ( string name, string type_name, int size, string value, byte scope_separator = "." ) Prints a field having the given name, type_name, size, and value. METHODS FOR PRINTER SUBTYPING emit virtual function string emit () Emits a string representing the contents of an object in a format defined by an extension of this object. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 494 format_row virtual function string format_row ( uvm_printer_row_info row ) Hook for producing custom output of a single field (row). format_row Hook to override base header with a custom header. format_header Hook to override base footer with a custom footer. adjust_name virtual protected function string adjust_name ( string id, scope_separator = "." byte ) Prints a field’s name, or id, which is the full instance name. The intent of the separator is to mark where the leaf name starts if the printer if configured to print only the leaf name of the identifier. print_array_header virtual function void print_array_header( string name, size, int string arraytype = "array", byte scope_separator = "." ) Prints the header of an array. This function is called before each individual element is printed. print_array_footer is called to mark the completion of array printing. print_array_range virtual function void print_array_range ( int min, int max ) Prints a range using ellipses for values. This method is used when honoring the array knobs for partial printing of large arrays, uvm_printer_knobs::begin_elements and uvm_printer_knobs::end_elements. This function should be called after begin_elements have been printed and before end_elements have been printed. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 495 print_array_footer virtual function void print_array_footer ( int size = 0 ) Prints the header of a footer. This function marks the end of an array print. Generally, there is no output associated with the array footer, but this method let’s the printer know that the array printing is complete. uvm_table_printer The table printer prints output in a tabular format. The following shows sample output from the table printer. --------------------------------------------------Name Type Size Value --------------------------------------------------c1 container @1013 d1 mydata @1022 v1 integral 32 'hcb8f1c97 e1 enum 32 THREE str string 2 hi value integral 12 'h2d --------------------------------------------------- Summary uvm_table_printer The table printer prints output in a tabular format. CLASS HIERARcHY uvm_printer uvm_table_printer CLASS DEcLARATION class uvm_table_printer extends uvm_printer VARIABLES new METHODS emit Creates a new instance of uvm_table_printer. Formats the collected information from prior calls to print_* into table format. VARIABLES new function new() UVM 1.2 Class Reference 496 Creates a new instance of uvm_table_printer. METHODS emit virtual function string emit() Formats the collected information from prior calls to print_* into table format. uvm_tree_printer By overriding various methods of the uvm_printer super class, the tree printer prints output in a tree format. The following shows sample output from the tree printer. c1: (container@1013) { d1: (mydata@1022) { v1: 'hcb8f1c97 e1: THREE str: hi } value: 'h2d } Summary uvm_tree_printer By overriding various methods of the uvm_printer super class, the tree printer prints output in a tree format. CLASS HIERARcHY uvm_printer uvm_tree_printer CLASS DEcLARATION class uvm_tree_printer extends uvm_printer VARIABLES new METHODS emit Creates a new instance of uvm_tree_printer. Formats the collected information from prior calls to print_* into hierarchical tree format. VARIABLES UVM 1.2 Class Reference 497 new function new() Creates a new instance of uvm_tree_printer. METHODS emit virtual function string emit() Formats the collected information from prior calls to print_* into hierarchical tree format. uvm_line_printer The line printer prints output in a line format. The following shows sample output from the line printer. c1: (container@1013) { d1: (mydata@1022) { v1: 'hcb8f1c97 e1: THREE str: hi } value: 'h2d } Summary uvm_line_printer The line printer prints output in a line format. CLASS HIERARcHY uvm_printer uvm_tree_printer uvm_line_printer CLASS DEcLARATION class uvm_line_printer extends uvm_tree_printer VARIABLES new Creates a new instance of uvm_line_printer. VARIABLES UVM 1.2 Class Reference 498 new function new() Creates a new instance of uvm_line_printer. It differs from the uvm_tree_printer only in that the output contains no line-feeds and indentation. uvm_printer_knobs The uvm_printer_knobs class defines the printer settings available to all printer subtypes. Summary uvm_printer_knobs The uvm_printer_knobs class defines the printer settings available to all printer subtypes. CLASS DEcLARATION class uvm_printer_knobs VARIABLES header footer full_name identifier type_name size depth reference begin_elements end_elements prefix indent show_root mcd separator show_radix default_radix dec_radix bin_radix UVM 1.2 Class Reference Indicates whether the uvm_printer::format_header function should be called when printing an object. Indicates whether the uvm_printer::format_footer function should be called when printing an object. Indicates whether uvm_printer::adjust_name should print the full name of an identifier or just the leaf name. Indicates whether uvm_printer::adjust_name should print the identifier. Controls whether to print a field’s type name. Controls whether to print a field’s size. Indicates how deep to recurse when printing objects. Controls whether to print a unique reference ID for object handles. Defines the number of elements at the head of a list to print. This defines the number of elements at the end of a list that should be printed. Specifies the string prepended to each output line This knob specifies the number of spaces to use for level indentation. This setting indicates whether or not the initial object that is printed (when current depth is 0) prints the full path name. This is a file descriptor, or multi-channel descriptor, that specifies where the print output should be directed. For tree printers only, determines the opening and closing separators used for nested objects. Indicates whether the radix string (‘h, and so on) should be prepended to an integral value when one is printed. This knob sets the default radix to use for integral values when no radix enum is explicitly supplied to the uvm_printer::print_field or uvm_printer::print_field_int methods. This string should be prepended to the value of an integral type when a radix of UVM_DEC is used for the radix of the integral object. This string should be prepended to the value of an integral type when a radix of UVM_BIN is used for the radix of the 499 oct_radix unsigned_radix hex_radix METHODS get_radix_str integral object. This string should be prepended to the value of an integral type when a radix of UVM_OCT is used for the radix of the integral object. This is the string which should be prepended to the value of an integral type when a radix of UVM_UNSIGNED is used for the radix of the integral object. This string should be prepended to the value of an integral type when a radix of UVM_HEX is used for the radix of the integral object. Converts the radix from an enumerated to a printable radix according to the radix printing knobs (bin_radix, and so on). VARIABLES header bit header = 1 Indicates whether the uvm_printer::format_header function should be called when printing an object. footer bit footer = 1 Indicates whether the uvm_printer::format_footer function should be called when printing an object. full_name bit full_name = 0 Indicates whether uvm_printer::adjust_name should print the full name of an identifier or just the leaf name. identifier bit identifier = 1 Indicates whether uvm_printer::adjust_name should print the identifier. This is useful in cases where you just want the values of an object, but no identifiers. type_name bit type_name = 1 Controls whether to print a field’s type name. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 500 size bit size = 1 Controls whether to print a field’s size. depth int depth = -1 Indicates how deep to recurse when printing objects. A depth of -1 means to print everything. reference bit reference = 1 Controls whether to print a unique reference ID for object handles. The behavior of this knob is simulator-dependent. begin_elements int begin_elements = 5 Defines the number of elements at the head of a list to print. Use -1 for no max. end_elements int end_elements = 5 This defines the number of elements at the end of a list that should be printed. prefix string prefix = "" Specifies the string prepended to each output line indent int indent = 2 This knob specifies the number of spaces to use for level indentation. The default level indentation is two spaces. show_root UVM 1.2 Class Reference 501 bit show_root = 0 This setting indicates whether or not the initial object that is printed (when current depth is 0) prints the full path name. By default, the first object is treated like all other objects and only the leaf name is printed. mcd int mcd = UVM_STDOUT This is a file descriptor, or multi-channel descriptor, that specifies where the print output should be directed. By default, the output goes to the standard output of the simulator. separator string separator = "{}" For tree printers only, determines the opening and closing separators used for nested objects. show_radix bit show_radix = 1 Indicates whether the radix string (‘h, and so on) should be prepended to an integral value when one is printed. default_radix uvm_radix_enum default_radix = UVM_HEX This knob sets the default radix to use for integral values when no radix enum is explicitly supplied to the uvm_printer::print_field or uvm_printer::print_field_int methods. dec_radix string dec_radix = "'d" This string should be prepended to the value of an integral type when a radix of UVM_DEC is used for the radix of the integral object. When a negative number is printed, the radix is not printed since only signed decimal values can print as negative. bin_radix string bin_radix = "'b" UVM 1.2 Class Reference 502 This string should be prepended to the value of an integral type when a radix of UVM_BIN is used for the radix of the integral object. oct_radix string oct_radix = "'o" This string should be prepended to the value of an integral type when a radix of UVM_OCT is used for the radix of the integral object. unsigned_radix string unsigned_radix = "'d" This is the string which should be prepended to the value of an integral type when a radix of UVM_UNSIGNED is used for the radix of the integral object. hex_radix string hex_radix = "'h" This string should be prepended to the value of an integral type when a radix of UVM_HEX is used for the radix of the integral object. METHODS get_radix_str function string get_radix_str( uvm_radix_enum radix ) Converts the radix from an enumerated to a printable radix according to the radix printing knobs (bin_radix, and so on). UVM 1.2 Class Reference 503 22.2 uvm_comparer The uvm_comparer class provides a policy object for doing comparisons. The policies determine how miscompares are treated and counted. Results of a comparison are stored in the comparer object. The uvm_object::compare and uvm_object::do_compare methods are passed a uvm_comparer policy object. Summary uvm_comparer The uvm_comparer class provides a policy object for doing comparisons. CLAss DEcLARATION class uvm_comparer VARIABLEs policy show_max verbosity sev miscompares physical abstract check_type result METHOds compare_field compare_field_int compare_field_real compare_object compare_string print_msg Determines whether comparison is UVM_DEEP, UVM_REFERENCE, or UVM_SHALLOW. Sets the maximum number of messages to send to the printer for miscompares of an object. Sets the verbosity for printed messages. Sets the severity for printed messages. This string is reset to an empty string when a comparison is started. This bit provides a filtering mechanism for fields. This bit provides a filtering mechanism for fields. This bit determines whether the type, given by uvm_object::get_type_name, is used to verify that the types of two objects are the same. This bit stores the number of miscompares for a given compare operation. Compares two integral values. This method is the same as compare_field except that the arguments are small integers, less than or equal to 64 bits. This method is the same as compare_field except that the arguments are real numbers. Compares two class objects using the policy knob to determine whether the comparison should be deep, shallow, or reference. Compares two string variables. Causes the error count to be incremented and the message, msg, to be appended to the miscompares string (a newline is used to separate messages). VARIABLEs policy uvm_recursion_policy_enum policy = UVM_DEFAULT_POLICY Determines whether comparison is UVM_DEEP, UVM_REFERENCE, or UVM_SHALLOW. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 504 show_max int unsigned show_max = 1 Sets the maximum number of messages to send to the printer for miscompares of an object. verbosity int unsigned verbosity = UVM_LOW Sets the verbosity for printed messages. The verbosity setting is used by the messaging mechanism to determine whether messages should be suppressed or shown. sev uvm_severity sev = UVM_INFO Sets the severity for printed messages. The severity setting is used by the messaging mechanism for printing and filtering messages. miscompares string miscompares = "" This string is reset to an empty string when a comparison is started. The string holds the last set of miscompares that occurred during a comparison. physical bit physical = 1 This bit provides a filtering mechanism for fields. The abstract and physical settings allow an object to distinguish between two different classes of fields. It is up to you, in the uvm_object::do_compare method, to test the setting of this field if you want to use the physical trait as a filter. abstract bit abstract = 1 This bit provides a filtering mechanism for fields. The abstract and physical settings allow an object to distinguish between two different UVM 1.2 Class Reference 505 classes of fields. It is up to you, in the uvm_object::do_compare method, to test the setting of this field if you want to use the abstract trait as a filter. check_type bit check_type = 1 This bit determines whether the type, given by uvm_object::get_type_name, is used to verify that the types of two objects are the same. This bit is used by the compare_object method. In some cases it is useful to set this to 0 when the two operands are related by inheritance but are different types. result int unsigned result = 0 This bit stores the number of miscompares for a given compare operation. You can use the result to determine the number of miscompares that were found. METHOds compare_field virtual function bit compare_field ( string name, uvm_bitstream_t lhs, uvm_bitstream_t rhs, size, int uvm_radix_enum radix = UVM_NORADIX ) Compares two integral values. The name input is used for purposes of storing and printing a miscompare. The left-hand-side lhs and right-hand-side rhs objects are the two objects used for comparison. The size variable indicates the number of bits to compare; size must be less than or equal to 4096. The radix is used for reporting purposes, the default radix is hex. compare_field_int virtual function bit compare_field_int ( string name, uvm_integral_t lhs, uvm_integral_t rhs, int size, uvm_radix_enum radix = UVM_NORADIX ) UVM 1.2 Class Reference 506 This method is the same as compare_field except that the arguments are small integers, less than or equal to 64 bits. It is automatically called by compare_field if the operand size is less than or equal to 64. compare_field_real virtual function bit compare_field_real ( string name, real lhs, real rhs ) This method is the same as compare_field except that the arguments are real numbers. compare_object virtual function bit compare_object ( string name, uvm_object lhs, uvm_object rhs ) Compares two class objects using the policy knob to determine whether the comparison should be deep, shallow, or reference. The name input is used for purposes of storing and printing a miscompare. The lhs and rhs objects are the two objects used for comparison. The check_type determines whether or not to verify the object types match (the return from lhs.get_type_name() matches rhs.get_type_name()). compare_string virtual function bit compare_string ( string name, string lhs, string rhs ) Compares two string variables. The name input is used for purposes of storing and printing a miscompare. The lhs and rhs objects are the two objects used for comparison. print_msg function void print_msg ( string msg ) Causes the error count to be incremented and the message, msg, to be appended to the miscompares string (a newline is used to separate messages). If the message count is less than the show_max setting, then the message is printed to standard-out using the current verbosity and severity settings. See the verbosity and sev variables for more information. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 507 22.3 UVM Recorders The uvm_recorder class serves two purposes Firstly, it is an abstract representation of a record within a uvm_tr_stream. Secondly, it is a policy object for recording fields into that record within the stream. Contents UVM Recorders uvm_recorder uvm_text_recorder Abstract class which defines the recorder API. The uvm_text_recorder is the default recorder implementation for the uvm_text_tr_database. uvm_recorder Abstract class which defines the recorder API. Summary uvm_recorder Abstract class which defines the recorder API. CLAss HIErArchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_recorder CLAss DEcLArAtION virtual class uvm_recorder extends uvm_object default_radix physical abstract identifier recursion_policy CONFIGurAtION API get_stream TrANsActION REcOrdEr API close free UVM 1.2 Class Reference This is the default radix setting if record_field is called without a radix. This bit provides a filtering mechanism for fields. This bit provides a filtering mechanism for fields. This bit is used to specify whether or not an object’s reference should be recorded when the object is recorded. Sets the recursion policy for recording objects. Returns a reference to the stream which created this record. Once a recorder has been opened via uvm_tr_stream::open_recorder, the user can close the recorder. Closes this recorder. Frees this recorder 508 is_open get_open_time is_closed get_close_time HANdLEs get_handle get_recorder_from_handle AttrIButE REcOrdING record_field record_field_int record_field_real record_object record_string record_time record_generic use_record_attribute get_record_attribute_handle ImpLEmENtAtION AGNOstIc API do_open do_close do_free do_record_field do_record_field_int do_record_field_real do_record_object do_record_string do_record_time do_record_generic Returns true if this uvm_recorder was opened on its stream, but has not yet been closed. Returns the open_time Returns true if this uvm_recorder was closed on its stream, but has not yet been freed. Returns the close_time Returns a unique ID for this recorder. Static accessor, returns a recorder reference for a given unique id. Records an integral field (less than or equal to 4096 bits). Records an integral field (less than or equal to 64 bits). Records a real field. Records an object field. Records a string field. Records a time field. Records a name/value pair, where value has been converted to a string. Indicates that this recorder does (or does not) support usage of the `uvm_record_attribute macro. Provides a tool-specific handle which is compatible with `uvm_record_attribute. Callback triggered via uvm_tr_stream::open_recorder. Callback triggered via close. Callback triggered via free. Records an integral field (less than or equal to 4096 bits). Records an integral field (less than or equal to 64 bits). Records a real field. Records an object field. Records a string field. Records a time field. Records a name/value pair, where value has been converted to a string. default_radix uvm_radix_enum default_radix = UVM_HEX This is the default radix setting if record_field is called without a radix. physical bit physical = 1 This bit provides a filtering mechanism for fields. The abstract and physical settings allow an object to distinguish between two different classes of fields. It is up to you, in the uvm_object::do_record method, to test the setting of this field if you want to use the physical trait as a filter. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 509 abstract bit abstract = 1 This bit provides a filtering mechanism for fields. The abstract and physical settings allow an object to distinguish between two different classes of fields. It is up to you, in the uvm_object::do_record method, to test the setting of this field if you want to use the abstract trait as a filter. identifier bit identifier = 1 This bit is used to specify whether or not an object’s reference should be recorded when the object is recorded. recursion_policy uvm_recursion_policy_enum policy = UVM_DEFAULT_POLICY Sets the recursion policy for recording objects. The default policy is deep (which means to recurse an object). CONFIGurAtION API get_stream function uvm_tr_stream get_stream() Returns a reference to the stream which created this record. A warning will be asserted if get_stream is called prior to the record being initialized via do_open. TrANsActION REcOrdEr API Once a recorder has been opened via uvm_tr_stream::open_recorder, the user can close the recorder. Due to the fact that many database implementations will require crossing a language boundary, an additional step of freeing the recorder is required. A link can be established within the database any time between open and free, however it is illegal to establish a link after freeing the recorder. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 510 close function void close( time close_time = 0 ) Closes this recorder. Closing a recorder marks the end of the transaction in the stream. Parameters close_time Optional time to record as the closing time of this transaction. This method will trigger a do_close call. free function void free( time close_time = 0 ) Frees this recorder Freeing a recorder indicates that the stream and database can release any references to the recorder. Parameters close_time Optional time to record as the closing time of this transaction. If a recorder has not yet been closed (via a call to close), then close will automatically be called, and passed the close_time. If the recorder has already been closed, then the close_time will be ignored. This method will trigger a do_free call. is_open function bit is_open() Returns true if this uvm_recorder was opened on its stream, but has not yet been closed. get_open_time function time get_open_time() Returns the open_time is_closed function bit is_closed() Returns true if this uvm_recorder was closed on its stream, but has not yet been freed. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 511 get_close_time function time get_close_time() Returns the close_time HANdLEs get_handle function integer get_handle() Returns a unique ID for this recorder. A value of 0 indicates that the recorder has been freed, and no longer has a valid ID. get_recorder_from_handle static function uvm_recorder get_recorder_from_handle( integer id ) Static accessor, returns a recorder reference for a given unique id. If no recorder exists with the given id, or if the recorder with that id has been freed, then null is returned. This method can be used to access the recorder associated with a call to uvm_transaction::begin_tr or uvm_component::begin_tr. integer handle = tr.begin_tr(); uvm_recorder recorder = uvm_recorder::get_recorder_from_handle(handle); if (recorder != null) begin recorder.record_string("begin_msg", "Started recording transaction!"); end AttrIButE REcOrdING record_field function void record_field( string name, uvm_bitstream_t value, size, int uvm_radix_enum radix = UVM_NORADIX ) Records an integral field (less than or equal to 4096 bits). Parameters UVM 1.2 Class Reference 512 name Name of the field value Value of the field to record. size Number of bits of the field which apply (Usually obtained via $bits). radix The uvm_radix_enum to use. This method will trigger a do_record_field call. record_field_int function void record_field_int( string name, uvm_integral_t value, int size, uvm_radix_enum radix = UVM_NORADIX ) Records an integral field (less than or equal to 64 bits). This optimized version of record_field is useful for sizes up to 64 bits. Parameters name Name of the field value Value of the field to record size Number of bits of the wfield which apply (Usually obtained via $bits). radix The uvm_radix_enum to use. This method will trigger a do_record_field_int call. record_field_real function void record_field_real( string name, real value ) Records a real field. Parameters name Name of the field value Value of the field to record This method will trigger a do_record_field_real call. record_object function void record_object( string name, uvm_object value ) Records an object field. Parameters UVM 1.2 Class Reference 513 name Name of the field value Object to record The implementation must use the recursion_policy and identifier to determine exactly what should be recorded. record_string function void record_string( string name, string value ) Records a string field. Parameters name Name of the field value Value of the field record_time function void record_time( string name, time value ) Records a time field. Parameters name Name of the field value Value of the field record_generic function void record_generic( string name, string value, string type_name = "" ) Records a name/value pair, where value has been converted to a string. For example recorder.record_generic("myvar","var_type", $sformatf("%0d",myvar), 32); Parameters name Name of the field value Value of the field UVM 1.2 Class Reference 514 type_name optional Type name of the field use_record_attribute virtual function bit use_record_attribute() Indicates that this recorder does (or does not) support usage of the `uvm_record_attribute macro. The default return value is 0 (not supported), developers can optionally extend uvm_recorder and set the value to 1 if they support the `uvm_record_attribute macro. get_record_attribute_handle virtual function integer get_record_attribute_handle() Provides a tool-specific handle which is compatible with `uvm_record_attribute. By default, this method will return the same value as get_handle, however tool vendors can override this method to provide tool-specific handles which will be passed to the `uvm_record_attribute macro. ImpLEmENtAtION AGNOstIc API do_open protected virtual function void do_open( uvm_tr_stream stream, time open_time, string type_name ) Callback triggered via uvm_tr_stream::open_recorder. The do_open callback can be used to initialize any internal state within the recorder, as well as providing a location to record any initial information. do_close protected virtual function void do_close( time close_time ) Callback triggered via close. The do_close callback can be used to set internal state within the recorder, as well as providing a location to record any closing information. do_free protected virtual function void do_free() UVM 1.2 Class Reference 515 Callback triggered via free. The do_free callback can be used to release the internal state within the recorder, as well as providing a location to record any “freeing” information. do_record_field pure virtual protected function void do_record_field( string name, uvm_bitstream_t value, int size, uvm_radix_enum radix ) Records an integral field (less than or equal to 4096 bits). Mandatory Backend implementation of record_field do_record_field_int pure virtual protected function void do_record_field_int( string name, uvm_integral_t value, int size, uvm_radix_enum radix ) Records an integral field (less than or equal to 64 bits). Mandatory Backend implementation of record_field_int do_record_field_real pure virtual protected function void do_record_field_real( string name, real value ) Records a real field. Mandatory Backend implementation of record_field_real do_record_object pure virtual protected function void do_record_object( string name, uvm_object value ) Records an object field. Mandatory Backend implementation of record_object do_record_string pure virtual protected function void do_record_string( string name, UVM 1.2 Class Reference 516 string ) value Records a string field. Mandatory Backend implementation of record_string do_record_time pure virtual protected function void do_record_time( string name, time value ) Records a time field. Mandatory Backend implementation of record_time do_record_generic pure virtual protected function void do_record_generic( string name, string value, string type_name ) Records a name/value pair, where value has been converted to a string. Mandatory Backend implementation of record_generic uvm_text_recorder The uvm_text_recorder is the default recorder implementation for the uvm_text_tr_database. Summary uvm_text_recorder The uvm_text_recorder is the default recorder implementation for the uvm_text_tr_database. CLAss HIErArchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_recorder uvm_text_recorder CLAss DEcLArAtION class uvm_text_recorder extends uvm_recorder new Constructor ImpLEmENtAtION UVM 1.2 Class Reference 517 AGNOstIc API do_open do_close do_free do_record_field do_record_field_int do_record_field_real do_record_object do_record_string do_record_time do_record_generic ImpLEmENtAtION SpEcIFIc API write_attribute write_attribute_int Callback triggered via uvm_tr_stream::open_recorder. Callback triggered via uvm_recorder::close. Callback triggered via uvm_recorder::free. Records an integral field (less than or equal to 4096 bits). Records an integral field (less than or equal to 64 bits). Record a real field. Record an object field. Records a string field. Records a time field. Records a name/value pair, where value has been converted to a string. Outputs an integral attribute to the textual log Outputs an integral attribute to the textual log new function new( string name = "unnamed-uvm_text_recorder" ) Constructor Parameters name Instance name ImpLEmENtAtION AGNOstIc API do_open protected virtual function void do_open( uvm_tr_stream stream, time open_time, string type_name ) Callback triggered via uvm_tr_stream::open_recorder. Text-backend specific implementation. do_close protected virtual function void do_close( time close_time ) Callback triggered via uvm_recorder::close. Text-backend specific implementation. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 518 do_free protected virtual function void do_free() Callback triggered via uvm_recorder::free. Text-backend specific implementation. do_record_field protected virtual function void do_record_field( string name, uvm_bitstream_t value, int size, uvm_radix_enum radix ) Records an integral field (less than or equal to 4096 bits). Text-backend specific implementation. do_record_field_int protected virtual string uvm_integral_t int uvm_radix_enum ) function void do_record_field_int( name, value, size, radix Records an integral field (less than or equal to 64 bits). Text-backend specific implementation. do_record_field_real protected virtual function void do_record_field_real( string name, real value ) Record a real field. Text-backened specific implementation. do_record_object protected virtual function void do_record_object( string name, uvm_object value ) Record an object field. Text-backend specific implementation. The method uses identifier to determine whether or not to record the object instance id, UVM 1.2 Class Reference 519 and recursion_policy to determine whether or not to recurse into the object. do_record_string protected virtual function void do_record_string( string name, string value ) Records a string field. Text-backend specific implementation. do_record_time protected virtual function void do_record_time( string name, time value ) Records a time field. Text-backend specific implementation. do_record_generic protected string string string ) virtual function void do_record_generic( name, value, type_name Records a name/value pair, where value has been converted to a string. Text-backend specific implementation. ImpLEmENtAtION SpEcIFIc API write_attribute function void write_attribute( string nm, uvm_bitstream_t value, uvm_radix_enum radix, numbits = $bits(uvm_bitstream_t) integer ) Outputs an integral attribute to the textual log Parameters nm Name of the attribute value Value radix Radix of the output numbits number of valid bits UVM 1.2 Class Reference 520 write_attribute_int function void write_attribute_int( string nm, uvm_integral_t value, uvm_radix_enum radix, numbits = $bits(uvm_bitstream_t) integer ) Outputs an integral attribute to the textual log Parameters nm Name of the attribute value Value radix Radix of the output numbits number of valid bits UVM 1.2 Class Reference 521 22.4 uvm_packer The uvm_packer class provides a policy object for packing and unpacking uvm_objects. The policies determine how packing and unpacking should be done. Packing an object causes the object to be placed into a bit (byte or int) array. If the `uvm_field_* macro are used to implement pack and unpack, by default no metadata information is stored for the packing of dynamic objects (strings, arrays, class objects). Summary uvm_packer The uvm_packer class provides a policy object for packing and unpacking uvm_objects. PACKING pack_field pack_field_int pack_bits pack_bytes pack_ints pack_string pack_time pack_real pack_object UNpACKING is_null unpack_field unpack_field_int unpack_bits unpack_bytes unpack_ints unpack_string unpack_time unpack_real unpack_object get_packed_size VARIABLEs physical abstract use_metadata big_endian UVM 1.2 Class Reference Packs an integral value (less than or equal to 4096 bits) into the packed array. Packs the integral value (less than or equal to 64 bits) into the pack array. Packs bits from upacked array of bits into the pack array. Packs bits from an upacked array of bytes into the pack array. Packs bits from an unpacked array of ints into the pack array. Packs a string value into the pack array. Packs a time value as 64 bits into the pack array. Packs a real value as 64 bits into the pack array. Packs an object value into the pack array. This method is used during unpack operations to peek at the next 4-bit chunk of the pack data and determine if it is 0. Unpacks bits from the pack array and returns the bitstream that was unpacked. Unpacks bits from the pack array and returns the bitstream that was unpacked. Unpacks bits from the pack array into an unpacked array of bits. Unpacks bits from the pack array into an unpacked array of bytes. Unpacks bits from the pack array into an unpacked array of ints. Unpacks a string. Unpacks the next 64 bits of the pack array and places them into a time variable. Unpacks the next 64 bits of the pack array and places them into a real variable. Unpacks an object and stores the result into value. Returns the number of bits that were packed. This bit provides a filtering mechanism for fields. This bit provides a filtering mechanism for fields. This flag indicates whether to encode metadata when packing dynamic data, or to decode metadata when unpacking. This bit determines the order that integral data is packed (using pack_field, pack_field_int, pack_time, or pack_real) and how the data is unpacked from the pack array (using unpack_field, unpack_field_int, unpack_time, or unpack_real). 522 PACKING pack_field virtual function void pack_field ( uvm_bitstream_t value, int size ) Packs an integral value (less than or equal to 4096 bits) into the packed array. size is the number of bits of value to pack. pack_field_int virtual function void pack_field_int ( uvm_integral_t value, int size ) Packs the integral value (less than or equal to 64 bits) into the pack array. The size is the number of bits to pack, usually obtained by $bits. This optimized version of pack_field is useful for sizes up to 64 bits. pack_bits virtual function void pack_bits( ref bit value[], = -1 input int size ) Packs bits from upacked array of bits into the pack array. See pack_ints for additional information. pack_bytes virtual function void pack_bytes( ref byte value[], = -1 input int size ) Packs bits from an upacked array of bytes into the pack array. See pack_ints for additional information. pack_ints virtual function void pack_ints( ref int value[], = -1 input int size ) UVM 1.2 Class Reference 523 Packs bits from an unpacked array of ints into the pack array. The bits are appended to the internal pack array. This method allows for fields of arbitrary length to be passed in, using the SystemVerilog stream operator. For example bit[511:0] my_field; begin int my_stream[]; { << int {my_stream}} = my_field; packer.pack_ints(my_stream); end When appending the stream to the internal pack array, the packer will obey the value of big_endian (appending the array from MSB to LSB if set). An optional size parameter is provided, which defaults to ‘-1’. If set to any value greater than ‘-1’ (including 0), then the packer will use the size as the number of bits to pack, otherwise the packer will simply pack the entire stream. An error will be asserted if the size has been specified, and exceeds the size of the source array. pack_string virtual function void pack_string ( string value ) Packs a string value into the pack array. When the metadata flag is set, the packed string is terminated by a null character to mark the end of the string. This is useful for mixed language communication where unpacking may occur outside of SystemVerilog UVM. pack_time virtual function void pack_time ( time value ) Packs a time value as 64 bits into the pack array. pack_real virtual function void pack_real ( real value ) Packs a real value as 64 bits into the pack array. The real value is converted to a 6-bit scalar value using the function $real2bits before it is packed into the array. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 524 pack_object virtual function void pack_object ( uvm_object value ) Packs an object value into the pack array. A 4-bit header is inserted ahead of the string to indicate the number of bits that was packed. If a null object was packed, then this header will be 0. This is useful for mixed-language communication where unpacking may occur outside of SystemVerilog UVM. UNpACKING is_null virtual function bit is_null () This method is used during unpack operations to peek at the next 4-bit chunk of the pack data and determine if it is 0. If the next four bits are all 0, then the return value is a 1; otherwise it is 0. This is useful when unpacking objects, to decide whether a new object needs to be allocated or not. unpack_field virtual function uvm_bitstream_t unpack_field ( int size ) Unpacks bits from the pack array and returns the bit-stream that was unpacked. size is the number of bits to unpack; the maximum is 4096 bits. unpack_field_int virtual function uvm_integral_t unpack_field_int ( int size ) Unpacks bits from the pack array and returns the bit-stream that was unpacked. size is the number of bits to unpack; the maximum is 64 bits. This is a more efficient variant than unpack_field when unpacking into smaller vectors. unpack_bits virtual function void unpack_bits( ref bit value[], = -1 input int size UVM 1.2 Class Reference 525 ) Unpacks bits from the pack array into an unpacked array of bits. unpack_bytes virtual function void unpack_bytes( ref byte value[], input int size = -1 ) Unpacks bits from the pack array into an unpacked array of bytes. unpack_ints virtual function void unpack_ints( ref int value[], input int size = -1 ) Unpacks bits from the pack array into an unpacked array of ints. The unpacked array is unpacked from the internal pack array. This method allows for fields of arbitrary length to be passed in without expanding into a pre-defined integral type first. For example bit[511:0] my_field; begin int my_stream[] = new[16]; // 512/32 = 16 packer.unpack_ints(my_stream); my_field = {<<{my_stream}}; end When unpacking the stream from the internal pack array, the packer will obey the value of big_endian (unpacking the array from MSB to LSB if set). An optional size parameter is provided, which defaults to ‘-1’. If set to any value greater than ‘-1’ (including 0), then the packer will use the size as the number of bits to unpack, otherwise the packer will simply unpack the entire stream. An error will be asserted if the size has been specified, and exceeds the size of the target array. unpack_string virtual function string unpack_string ( int num_chars = -1 ) Unpacks a string. num_chars bytes are unpacked into a string. If num_chars is -1 then unpacking stops on at the first null character that is encountered. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 526 unpack_time virtual function time unpack_time () Unpacks the next 64 bits of the pack array and places them into a time variable. unpack_real virtual function real unpack_real () Unpacks the next 64 bits of the pack array and places them into a real variable. The 64 bits of packed data are converted to a real using the $bits2real system function. unpack_object virtual function void unpack_object ( uvm_object value ) Unpacks an object and stores the result into value. value must be an allocated object that has enough space for the data being unpacked. The first four bits of packed data are used to determine if a null object was packed into the array. The is_null function can be used to peek at the next four bits in the pack array before calling this method. get_packed_size virtual function int get_packed_size() Returns the number of bits that were packed. VARIABLEs physical bit physical = 1 This bit provides a filtering mechanism for fields. The abstract and physical settings allow an object to distinguish between two different classes of fields. It is up to you, in the uvm_object::do_pack and uvm_object::do_unpack methods, to test the setting of this field if you want to use it as a filter. abstract bit abstract UVM 1.2 Class Reference 527 This bit provides a filtering mechanism for fields. The abstract and physical settings allow an object to distinguish between two different classes of fields. It is up to you, in the uvm_object::do_pack and uvm_object::do_unpack routines, to test the setting of this field if you want to use it as a filter. use_metadata bit use_metadata This flag indicates whether to encode metadata when packing dynamic data, or to decode metadata when unpacking. Implementations of uvm_object::do_pack and uvm_object::do_unpack should regard this bit when performing their respective operation. When set, metadata should be encoded as follows: For strings, pack an additional null byte after the string is packed. For objects, pack 4 bits prior to packing the object itself. Use 4’b0000 to indicate the object being packed is null, otherwise pack 4’b0001 (the remaining 3 bits are reserved). For queues, dynamic arrays, and associative arrays, pack 32 bits indicating the size of the array prior to packing individual elements. big_endian bit big_endian = 1 This bit determines the order that integral data is packed (using pack_field, pack_field_int, pack_time, or pack_real) and how the data is unpacked from the pack array (using unpack_field, unpack_field_int, unpack_time, or unpack_real). When the bit is set, data is associated msb to lsb; otherwise, it is associated lsb to msb. The following code illustrates how data can be associated msb to lsb and lsb to msb: class mydata extends uvm_object; logic[15:0] value = 'h1234; function void do_pack (uvm_packer packer); packer.pack_field_int(value, 16); endfunction function void do_unpack (uvm_packer packer); value = packer.unpack_field_int(16); endfunction endclass mydata d = new; bit bits[]; initial begin d.pack(bits); // 'b0001001000110100 uvm_default_packer.big_endian = 0; d.pack(bits); // 'b0010110001001000 end UVM 1.2 Class Reference 528 22.5 UVM Links The uvm_link_base class, and its extensions, are provided as a mechanism to allow for compile-time safety when trying to establish links between records within a uvm_tr_database. Contents UVM Links The uvm_link_base class, and its extensions, are provided as a mechanism to allow for compile-time safety when trying to establish links between records within a uvm_tr_database. uvm_link_base The uvm_link_base class presents a simple API for defining a link between any two objects. The uvm_parent_child_link is used to represent a Parent/Child relationship between two objects. The uvm_cause_effect_link is used to represent a Cause/Effect relationship between two objects. The uvm_related_link is used to represent a generic “is related” link between two objects. uvm_parent_child_link uvm_cause_effect_link uvm_related_link uvm_link_base The uvm_link_base class presents a simple API for defining a link between any two objects. Using extensions of this class, a uvm_tr_database can determine the type of links being passed, without relying on “magic” string names. For example virtual function void do_establish_link(uvm_link_base link); uvm_parent_child_link pc_link; uvm_cause_effect_link ce_link; if ($cast(pc_link, link)) begin // Record the parent-child relationship end else if ($cast(ce_link, link)) begin // Record the cause-effect relationship end else begin // Unsupported relationship! end endfunction : do_establish_link Summary uvm_link_base The uvm_link_base class presents a simple API for defining a link between any two objects. ClAss HIERARchY UVM 1.2 Class Reference 529 uvm_void uvm_object uvm_link_base ClAss DEclARATION virtual class uvm_link_base extends uvm_object new Constructor AccEssORs set_lhs get_lhs set_rhs get_rhs set ImPlEmENTATION CAllBAcKs do_set_lhs do_get_lhs do_set_rhs do_get_rhs Sets the left-hand-side of the link Gets the left-hand-side of the link Sets the right-hand-side of the link Gets the right-hand-side of the link Convenience method for setting both sides in one call. Callback Callback Callback Callback for for for for setting the left-hand-side retrieving the left-hand-side setting the right-hand-side retrieving the right-hand-side new function new( string name = "unnamed-uvm_link_base" ) Constructor Parameters name Instance name AccEssORs set_lhs function void set_lhs( uvm_object lhs ) Sets the left-hand-side of the link Triggers the do_set_lhs callback. get_lhs function uvm_object get_lhs() Gets the left-hand-side of the link Triggers the do_get_lhs callback UVM 1.2 Class Reference 530 set_rhs function void set_rhs( uvm_object rhs ) Sets the right-hand-side of the link Triggers the do_set_rhs callback. get_rhs function uvm_object get_rhs() Gets the right-hand-side of the link Triggers the do_get_rhs callback set function void set( uvm_object lhs, rhs ) Convenience method for setting both sides in one call. Triggers both the do_set_rhs and do_set_lhs callbacks. ImPlEmENTATION CAllBAcKs do_set_lhs pure virtual function void do_set_lhs( uvm_object lhs ) Callback for setting the left-hand-side do_get_lhs pure virtual function uvm_object do_get_lhs() Callback for retrieving the left-hand-side do_set_rhs pure virtual function void do_set_rhs( uvm_object rhs ) UVM 1.2 Class Reference 531 Callback for setting the right-hand-side do_get_rhs pure virtual function uvm_object do_get_rhs() Callback for retrieving the right-hand-side uvm_parent_child_link The uvm_parent_child_link is used to represent a Parent/Child relationship between two objects. Summary uvm_parent_child_link The uvm_parent_child_link is used to represent a Parent/Child relationship between two objects. ClAss HIERARchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_link_base uvm_parent_child_link ClAss DEclARATION class uvm_parent_child_link extends uvm_link_base new get_link ImPlEmENTATION CAllBAcKs do_set_lhs do_get_lhs do_set_rhs do_get_rhs Constructor Constructs a pre-filled link Sets the left-hand-side (Parent) Retrieves the left-hand-side (Parent) Sets the right-hand-side (Child) Retrieves the right-hand-side (Child) new function new( string name = "unnamed-uvm_parent_child_link" ) Constructor Parameters name Instance name UVM 1.2 Class Reference 532 get_link static function uvm_parent_child_link get_link( uvm_object lhs, uvm_object rhs, string name = "pc_link" ) Constructs a pre-filled link This allows for simple one-line link creations. my_db.establish_link(uvm_parent_child_link::get_link(record1, record2)); Parameters lhs Left hand side reference rhs Right hand side reference name Optional name for the link object ImPlEmENTATION CAllBAcKs do_set_lhs virtual function void do_set_lhs( uvm_object lhs ) Sets the left-hand-side (Parent) do_get_lhs virtual function uvm_object do_get_lhs() Retrieves the left-hand-side (Parent) do_set_rhs virtual function void do_set_rhs( uvm_object rhs ) Sets the right-hand-side (Child) do_get_rhs virtual function uvm_object do_get_rhs() Retrieves the right-hand-side (Child) UVM 1.2 Class Reference 533 uvm_cause_effect_link The uvm_cause_effect_link is used to represent a Cause/Effect relationship between two objects. Summary uvm_cause_effect_link The uvm_cause_effect_link is used to represent a Cause/Effect relationship between two objects. ClAss HIERARchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_link_base uvm_cause_effect_link ClAss DEclARATION class uvm_cause_effect_link extends uvm_link_base new get_link ImPlEmENTATION CAllBAcKs do_set_lhs do_get_lhs do_set_rhs do_get_rhs Constructor Constructs a pre-filled link Sets the left-hand-side (Cause) Retrieves the left-hand-side (Cause) Sets the right-hand-side (Effect) Retrieves the right-hand-side (Effect) new function new( string name = "unnamed-uvm_cause_effect_link" ) Constructor Parameters name Instance name get_link static function uvm_cause_effect_link get_link( uvm_object lhs, uvm_object rhs, name = "ce_link" string ) Constructs a pre-filled link UVM 1.2 Class Reference 534 This allows for simple one-line link creations. my_db.establish_link(uvm_cause_effect_link::get_link(record1, record2)); Parameters lhs Left hand side reference rhs Right hand side reference name Optional name for the link object ImPlEmENTATION CAllBAcKs do_set_lhs virtual function void do_set_lhs( uvm_object lhs ) Sets the left-hand-side (Cause) do_get_lhs virtual function uvm_object do_get_lhs() Retrieves the left-hand-side (Cause) do_set_rhs virtual function void do_set_rhs( uvm_object rhs ) Sets the right-hand-side (Effect) do_get_rhs virtual function uvm_object do_get_rhs() Retrieves the right-hand-side (Effect) uvm_related_link The uvm_related_link is used to represent a generic “is related” link between two objects. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 535 Summary uvm_related_link The uvm_related_link is used to represent a generic “is related” link between two objects. ClAss HIERARchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_link_base uvm_related_link ClAss DEclARATION class uvm_related_link extends uvm_link_base new get_link ImPlEmENTATION CAllBAcKs do_set_lhs do_get_lhs do_set_rhs do_get_rhs Constructor Constructs a pre-filled link Sets the left-hand-side Retrieves the left-hand-side Sets the right-hand-side Retrieves the right-hand-side new function new( string name = "unnamed-uvm_related_link" ) Constructor Parameters name Instance name get_link static function uvm_related_link get_link( uvm_object lhs, uvm_object rhs, string name = "ce_link" ) Constructs a pre-filled link This allows for simple one-line link creations. my_db.establish_link(uvm_related_link::get_link(record1, record2)); Parameters lhs Left hand side reference UVM 1.2 Class Reference 536 rhs Right hand side reference name Optional name for the link object ImPlEmENTATION CAllBAcKs do_set_lhs virtual function void do_set_lhs( uvm_object lhs ) Sets the left-hand-side do_get_lhs virtual function uvm_object do_get_lhs() Retrieves the left-hand-side do_set_rhs virtual function void do_set_rhs( uvm_object rhs ) Sets the right-hand-side do_get_rhs virtual function uvm_object do_get_rhs() Retrieves the right-hand-side UVM 1.2 Class Reference 537 23. Data Access Policies The UVM provides special objects as utility classes for applying common policies to data access (such as ‘locking’ data, or ensuring that it remains constant after being read). This is not intended to be a comprehensive list of all Data Access policies, and the user is encouraged to write their own, and potentially contribute them to the community. Summary Data Access Policies The UVM provides special objects as utility classes for applying common policies to data access (such as ‘locking’ data, or ensuring that it remains constant after being read). UVM 1.2 Class Reference 538 23.1 uvm_set_get_dap_base Provides the ‘set’ and ‘get’ interface for Data Access Policies (DAPs) The ‘Set/Get’ base class simply provides a common interface for the various DAPs to implement. This provides a mechanism for consistent implementations of similar DAPs. Summary uvm_set_get_dap_base Provides the ‘set’ and ‘get’ interface for Data Access Policies (DAPs) CLAss HIERARchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_set_get_dap_base CLAss DEcLARATION virtual class uvm_set_get_dap_base#( type T = int ) extends uvm_object new Constructor SET/GET INTERFAcE All implementations of the uvm_set_get_dap_base class must provide an implementation of the four basic “Set and Get” accessors. Sets the value contained within the resource. Attempts to set the value contained within the resource. Retrieves the value contained within the resource. Attempts to retrieve the value contained within the resource. set try_set get try_get new function new( string name = "unnamed-uvm_set_get_dap_base#(T)" ) Constructor SET/GET INTERFAcE All implementations of the uvm_set_get_dap_base class must provide an implementation of the four basic “Set and Get” accessors. set pure virtual function void set( T value ) Sets the value contained within the resource. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 539 Depending on the DAP policies, an error may be reported if it is illegal to ‘set’ the value at this time. try_set pure virtual function bit try_set( T value ) Attempts to set the value contained within the resource. If the DAP policies forbid setting at this time, then the method will return 0, however no errors will be reported. Otherwise, the method will return 1, and will be treated like a standard set call. get pure virtual function T get() Retrieves the value contained within the resource. Depending on the DAP policies, an error may be reported if it is illegal to ‘get’ the value at this time. try_get pure virtual function bit try_get( output T value ) Attempts to retrieve the value contained within the resource. If the DAP policies forbid retrieving at this time, then the method will return 0, however no errors will be reported. Otherwise, the method will return 1, and will be treated like a standard get call. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 540 23.2 uvm_simple_lock_dap Provides a ‘Simple Lock’ Data Access Policy. The ‘Simple Lock’ Data Access Policy allows for any number of ‘sets’, so long as the value is not ‘locked’. The value can be retrieved using ‘get’ at any time. The UVM uses this policy to protect the file name value in the uvm_text_tr_database. Summary uvm_simple_lock_dap Provides a ‘Simple Lock’ Data Access Policy. CLAss HIERARchY uvm_set_get_dap_base#(T) uvm_simple_lock_dap CLAss DEcLARATION class uvm_simple_lock_dap#( type T = int ) extends uvm_set_get_dap_base#(T) new Constructor SET/GET INTERFAcE set try_set get try_get Updates the value stored within the DAP. Attempts to update the value stored within the DAP. Returns the current value stored within the DAP Retrieves the current value stored within the DAP LOcKINg lock unlock is_locked Locks the data value Unlocks the data value Returns the state of the lock. INTROsPEcTION The uvm_simple_lock_dap cannot support the standard UVM instrumentation methods (copy, clone, pack and unpack), due to the fact that they would potentially violate the access policy. new function new( string name = "unnamed-uvm_simple_lock_dap#(T)" ) Constructor SET/GET INTERFAcE set virtual function void set( UVM 1.2 Class Reference 541 T value ) Updates the value stored within the DAP. set will result in an error if the DAP has been locked. try_set virtual function bit try_set( T value ) Attempts to update the value stored within the DAP. try_set will return a 1 if the value was successfully updated, or a 0 if the value cannot be updated due to the DAP being locked. No errors will be reported if try_set fails. get virtual function T get() Returns the current value stored within the DAP try_get virtual function bit try_get( output T value ) Retrieves the current value stored within the DAP try_get will always return 1. LOcKINg lock function void lock() Locks the data value The data value cannot be updated via set or try_set while locked. unlock function void unlock() Unlocks the data value UVM 1.2 Class Reference 542 is_locked function bit is_locked() Returns the state of the lock. Returns 1 The value is locked 0 The value is unlocked INTROsPEcTION The uvm_simple_lock_dap cannot support the standard UVM instrumentation methods (copy, clone, pack and unpack), due to the fact that they would potentially violate the access policy. A call to any of these methods will result in an error. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 543 23.3 uvm_get_to_lock_dap Provides a ‘Get-To-Lock’ Data Access Policy. The ‘Get-To-Lock’ Data Access Policy allows for any number of ‘sets’, until the value is retrieved via a ‘get’. Once ‘get’ has been called, it is illegal to ‘set’ a new value. The UVM uses this policy to protect the starting phase and automatic objection values in uvm_sequence_base. Summary uvm_get_to_lock_dap Provides a ‘Get-To-Lock’ Data Access Policy. CLAss HIERARchY uvm_set_get_dap_base#(T) uvm_get_to_lock_dap CLAss DEcLARATION class uvm_get_to_lock_dap#( type T = int ) extends uvm_set_get_dap_base#(T) new SET/GET INTERFAcE set try_set get try_get INTROsPEcTION Constructor Updates the value stored within the DAP. Attempts to update the value stored within the DAP. Returns the current value stored within the DAP, and ‘locks’ the DAP. Retrieves the current value stored within the DAP, and ‘locks’ the DAP. The uvm_get_to_lock_dap cannot support the standard UVM instrumentation methods (copy, clone, pack and unpack), due to the fact that they would potentially violate the access policy. new function new( string name = "unnamed-uvm_get_to_lock_dap#(T)" ) Constructor SET/GET INTERFAcE set virtual function void set( T value UVM 1.2 Class Reference 544 ) Updates the value stored within the DAP. set will result in an error if the value has already been retrieved via a call to get. try_set virtual function bit try_set( T value ) Attempts to update the value stored within the DAP. try_set will return a 1 if the value was successfully updated, or a 0 if the value cannot be updated due to get having been called. No errors will be reported if try_set fails. get virtual function T get() Returns the current value stored within the DAP, and ‘locks’ the DAP. After a ‘get’, the value contained within the DAP cannot be changed. try_get virtual function bit try_get( output T value ) Retrieves the current value stored within the DAP, and ‘locks’ the DAP. try_get will always return 1. INTROsPEcTION The uvm_get_to_lock_dap cannot support the standard UVM instrumentation methods (copy, clone, pack and unpack), due to the fact that they would potentially violate the access policy. A call to any of these methods will result in an error. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 545 23.4 uvm_set_before_get_dap Provides a ‘Set Before Get’ Data Access Policy. The ‘Set Before Get’ Data Access Policy enforces that the value must be written at least once before it is read. This DAP can be used to pass shared information to multiple components during standard configuration, even if that information hasn’t yet been determined. Such DAP objects can be useful for passing a ‘placeholder’ reference, before the information is actually available. A good example of this would be the virtual sequencer: typedef uvm_set_before_get_dap#(uvm_sequencer_base) seqr_dap_t; virtual_seqeuncer_type virtual_sequencer; agent_type my_agent; seqr_dap_t seqr_dap; function void my_env::build_phase(uvm_phase phase); seqr_dap = seqr_dap_t::type_id::create("seqr_dap"); // Pass the DAP, because we don't have a reference to the // real sequencer yet... uvm_config_db#(seqr_dap_t)::set(this, "virtual_sequencer", "seqr_dap", seqr_dap); // Create the virtual sequencer virtual_sequencer = virtual_sequencer_type::type_id::create("virtual_sequencer", this); // Create the agent agent = agent_type::type_id::create("agent", this); endfunction function void my_env::connect_phase(uvm_phase phase); // Now that we know the value is good, we can set it seqr_dap.set(agent.sequencer); endfunction In the example above, the environment didn’t have a reference to the agent’s sequencer yet, because the agent hadn’t executed its build_phase. The environment needed to give the virtual sequencer a “Set before get” DAP so that the virtual sequencer (and any sequences one it), could eventually see the agent’s sequencer, when the reference was finally available. If the virtual sequencer (or any sequences on it) attempted to ‘get’ the reference to the agent’s sequencer prior to the environment assigning it, an error would have been reported. Summary uvm_set_before_get_dap Provides a ‘Set Before Get’ Data Access Policy. CLAss HIERARchY uvm_set_get_dap_base#(T) uvm_set_before_get_dap CLAss DEcLARATION class uvm_set_before_get_dap#( type T = int ) extends uvm_set_get_dap_base#(T) new Constructor SET/GET INTERFAcE UVM 1.2 Class Reference 546 set try_set get try_get INTROsPEcTION Updates the value stored within the DAP. Attempts to update the value stored within the DAP. Returns the current value stored within the DAP. Attempts to retrieve the current value stored within the DAP The uvm_set_before_get_dap cannot support the standard UVM instrumentation methods (copy, clone, pack and unpack), due to the fact that they would potentially violate the access policy. new function new( string name = "unnamed-uvm_set_before_get_dap#(T)" ) Constructor SET/GET INTERFAcE set virtual function void set( T value ) Updates the value stored within the DAP. try_set virtual function bit try_set( T value ) Attempts to update the value stored within the DAP. try_set will always return a 1. get virtual function T get() Returns the current value stored within the DAP. If ‘get’ is called before a call to set or try_set, then an error will be reported. try_get virtual function bit try_get( output T value ) Attempts to retrieve the current value stored within the DAP UVM 1.2 Class Reference 547 If the value has not been ‘set’, then try_get will return a 0, otherwise it will return a 1, and set value to the current value stored within the DAP. INTROsPEcTION The uvm_set_before_get_dap cannot support the standard UVM instrumentation methods (copy, clone, pack and unpack), due to the fact that they would potentially violate the access policy. A call to any of these methods will result in an error. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 548 24.1 Register Layer The UVM register layer defines several base classes that, when properly extended, abstract the read/write operations to registers and memories in a design-underverification. A register model is typically composed of a hierarchy of blocks that usually map to the design hierarchy. Blocks contain registers, register files and memories. The UVM register layer classes are not usable as-is. They only provide generic and introspection capabilities. They must be specialized via extensions to provide an abstract view that corresponds to the actual registers and memories in a design. Due to the large number of registers in a design and the numerous small details involved in properly configuring the UVM register layer classes, this specialization is normally done by a model generator. Model generators work from a specification of the registers and memories in a design and are thus able to provide an up-to-date, correct-by-construction register model. Model generators are outside the scope of the UVM library. The class diagram of a register layer model is shown below. Summary Register Layer The UVM register layer defines several base classes that, when properly extended, abstract the read/write operations to registers and memories in a UVM 1.2 Class Reference 549 design-under-verification. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 550 24.2 Global Declarations for the Register Layer This section defines globally available types, enums, and utility classes. Summary Global Declarations for the Register Layer This section defines globally available types, enums, and utility classes. TYPEs uvm_reg_data_t uvm_reg_data_logic_t uvm_reg_addr_t uvm_reg_addr_logic_t uvm_reg_byte_en_t uvm_reg_cvr_t uvm_hdl_path_slice ENUMErAtIONs uvm_status_e uvm_path_e uvm_check_e uvm_endianness_e uvm_elem_kind_e uvm_access_e uvm_hier_e uvm_predict_e uvm_coverage_model_e uvm_reg_mem_tests_e 2-state data value with `UVM_REG_DATA_WIDTH bits 4-state data value with `UVM_REG_DATA_WIDTH bits 2-state address value with `UVM_REG_ADDR_WIDTH bits 4-state address value with `UVM_REG_ADDR_WIDTH bits 2-state byte_enable value with `UVM_REG_BYTENABLE_WIDTH bits Coverage model value set with `UVM_REG_CVR_WIDTH bits. Slice of an HDL path Return status for register operations Path used for register operation Read-only or read-and-check Specifies byte ordering Type of element being read or written Type of operation begin performed Whether to provide the requested information from a hierarchical context. How the mirror is to be updated Coverage models available or desired. Select which pre-defined test sequence to execute. UtIlItY ClAssEs TYPEs uvm_reg_data_t 2-state data value with `UVM_REG_DATA_WIDTH bits uvm_reg_data_logic_t 4-state data value with `UVM_REG_DATA_WIDTH bits uvm_reg_addr_t 2-state address value with `UVM_REG_ADDR_WIDTH bits UVM 1.2 Class Reference 551 uvm_reg_addr_logic_t 4-state address value with `UVM_REG_ADDR_WIDTH bits uvm_reg_byte_en_t 2-state byte_enable value with `UVM_REG_BYTENABLE_WIDTH bits uvm_reg_cvr_t Coverage model value set with `UVM_REG_CVR_WIDTH bits. Symbolic values for individual coverage models are defined by the uvm_coverage_model_e type. The following bits in the set are assigned as follows 0-7 UVM pre-defined coverage models 8-15 Coverage models defined by EDA vendors, implemented in a register model generator. 16-23 User-defined coverage models 24.. Reserved uvm_hdl_path_slice Slice of an HDL path Struct that specifies the HDL variable that corresponds to all or a portion of a register. path Path to the HDL variable. offset Offset of the LSB in the register that this variable implements size Number of bits (toward the MSB) that this variable implements If the HDL variable implements all of the register, offset and size are specified as -1. For example: r1.add_hdl_path('{ '{"r1", -1, -1} }); ENUMErAtIONs uvm_status_e Return status for register operations UVM_IS_OK UVM 1.2 Class Reference Operation completed successfully 552 UVM_NOT_OK Operation completed with error UVM_HAS_X Operation completed successfully bit had unknown bits. uvm_path_e Path used for register operation UVM_FRONTDOOR Use the front door UVM_BACKDOOR Use the back door UVM_PREDICT Operation derived from observations by a bus monitor via the uvm_reg_predictor class. UVM_DEFAULT_PATH Operation specified by the context uvm_check_e Read-only or read-and-check UVM_NO_CHECK Read only UVM_CHECK Read and check uvm_endianness_e Specifies byte ordering UVM_NO_ENDIAN Byte ordering not applicable UVM_LITTLE_ENDIAN Least-significant bytes first in consecutive addresses UVM_BIG_ENDIAN Most-significant bytes first in consecutive addresses UVM_LITTLE_FIFO Least-significant bytes first at the same address UVM_BIG_FIFO Most-significant bytes first at the same address uvm_elem_kind_e Type of element being read or written UVM_REG Register UVM_FIELD Field UVM_MEM Memory location uvm_access_e Type of operation begin performed UVM_READ Read operation UVM_WRITE Write operation uvm_hier_e UVM 1.2 Class Reference 553 Whether to provide the requested information from a hierarchical context. UVM_NO_HIER Provide info from the local context UVM_HIER Provide info based on the hierarchical context uvm_predict_e How the mirror is to be updated UVM_PREDICT_DIRECT Predicted value is as-is UVM_PREDICT_READ Predict based on the specified value having been read UVM_PREDICT_WRITE Predict based on the specified value having been written uvm_coverage_model_e Coverage models available or desired. Multiple models may be specified by bitwise OR’ing individual model identifiers. UVM_NO_COVERAGE None UVM_CVR_REG_BITS Individual register bits UVM_CVR_ADDR_MAP Individual register and memory addresses UVM_CVR_FIELD_VALS Field values UVM_CVR_ALL All coverage models uvm_reg_mem_tests_e Select which pre-defined test sequence to execute. Multiple test sequences may be selected by bitwise OR’ing their respective symbolic values. UVM_DO_REG_HW_RESET Run uvm_reg_hw_reset_seq UVM_DO_REG_BIT_BASH Run uvm_reg_bit_bash_seq UVM_DO_REG_ACCESS Run uvm_reg_access_seq UVM_DO_MEM_ACCESS Run uvm_mem_access_seq UVM_DO_SHARED_ACCESS Run uvm_reg_mem_shared_access_seq UVM_DO_MEM_WALK Run uvm_mem_walk_seq UVM_DO_ALL_REG_MEM_TESTS Run all of the above Test sequences, when selected, are executed in the order in which they are specified above. UtIlItY ClAssEs UVM 1.2 Class Reference 554 uvm_hdl_path_concat Concatenation of HDL variables A dArray of uvm_hdl_path_slice specifying a concatenation of HDL variables that implement a register in the HDL. Slices must be specified in most-to-least significant order. Slices must not overlap. Gaps may exist in the concatenation if portions of the registers are not implemented. For example, the following register Bits: 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 +-+---+-------------+---+-------+ |A|xxx| B |xxx| C | +-+---+-------------+---+-------+ If the register is implemented using a single HDL variable, The array should specify a single slice with its offset and size specified as -1. For example: concat.set('{ '{"r1", -1, -1} }); Summary uvm_hdl_path_concat Concatenation of HDL variables ClAss DEclArAtION class uvm_hdl_path_concat VArIABlEs slices MEtHOds set add_slice add_path Array of individual slices, stored in most-to-least significant order Initialize the concatenation using an array literal Append the specified slice literal to the path concatenation Append the specified path to the path concatenation, for the specified number of bits at the specified offset. VArIABlEs slices uvm_hdl_path_slice slices[] Array of individual slices, stored in most-to-least significant order UVM 1.2 Class Reference 555 MEtHOds set function void set( uvm_hdl_path_slice t[] ) Initialize the concatenation using an array literal add_slice function void add_slice( uvm_hdl_path_slice slice ) Append the specified slice literal to the path concatenation add_path function void add_path( string path, int unsigned offset = -1, int unsigned size = -1 ) Append the specified path to the path concatenation, for the specified number of bits at the specified offset. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 556 25.1 uvm_reg_block Block abstraction base class A block represents a design hierarchy. It can contain registers, register files, memories and sub-blocks. A block has one or more address maps, each corresponding to a physical interface on the block. Summary uvm_reg_block Block abstraction base class CLAss HIERARchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_reg_block CLAss DEcLARATION virtual class uvm_reg_block extends uvm_object default_path INITIALIZATION new configure create_map check_data_width set_default_map default_map lock_model is_locked INTROsPEcTION get_name get_full_name get_parent get_root_blocks find_blocks find_block get_blocks get_maps get_registers get_fields get_memories get_virtual_registers get_virtual_fields get_block_by_name get_map_by_name get_reg_by_name get_field_by_name UVM 1.2 Class Reference Default access path for the registers and memories in this block. Create a new instance and type-specific configuration Instance-specific configuration Create an address map in this block Check that the specified data width (in bits) is less than or equal to the value of `UVM_REG_DATA_WIDTH Defines the default address map Default address map Lock a model and build the address map. Return TRUE if the model is locked. Get the simple name Get the hierarchical name Get the parent block Get the all root blocks Find the blocks whose hierarchical names match the specified name glob. Find the first block whose hierarchical names match the specified name glob. Get the sub-blocks Get the address maps Get the registers Get the fields Get the memories Get the virtual registers Get the virtual fields Finds a sub-block with the specified simple name. Finds an address map with the specified simple name. Finds a register with the specified simple name. Finds a field with the specified simple name. 557 get_mem_by_name get_vreg_by_name get_vfield_by_name COVERAGE build_coverage add_coverage has_coverage set_coverage get_coverage sample sample_values AccEss get_default_path reset needs_update update mirror write_reg_by_name read_reg_by_name write_mem_by_name read_mem_by_name BAcKdOOR get_backdoor set_backdoor clear_hdl_path add_hdl_path has_hdl_path get_hdl_path get_full_hdl_path set_default_hdl_path get_default_hdl_path set_hdl_path_root is_hdl_path_root Finds a memory with the specified simple name. Finds a virtual register with the specified simple name. Finds a virtual field with the specified simple name. Check if all of the specified coverage model must be built. Specify that additional coverage models are available. Check if block has coverage model(s) Turns on coverage measurement. Check if coverage measurement is on. Functional coverage measurement method Functional coverage measurement method for field values Default access path Reset the mirror for this block. Check if DUT registers need to be written Batch update of register. Update the mirrored values Write the named register Read the named register Write the named memory Read the named memory Get the user-defined backdoor for all registers in this block Set the user-defined backdoor for all registers in this block Delete HDL paths Add an HDL path Check if a HDL path is specified Get the incremental HDL path(s) Get the full hierarchical HDL path(s) Set the default design abstraction Get the default design abstraction Specify a root HDL path Check if this block has an absolute path default_path uvm_path_e default_path = UVM_DEFAULT_PATH Default access path for the registers and memories in this block. INITIALIZATION new function new( string name = "", int has_coverage = UVM_NO_COVERAGE ) Create a new instance and type-specific configuration UVM 1.2 Class Reference 558 Creates an instance of a block abstraction class with the specified name. has_coverage specifies which functional coverage models are present in the extension of the block abstraction class. Multiple functional coverage models may be specified by adding their symbolic names, as defined by the uvm_coverage_model_e type. configure function void configure( uvm_reg_block parent = null, string hdl_path = "" ) Instance-specific configuration Specify the parent block of this block. A block without parent is a root block. If the block file corresponds to a hierarchical RTL structure, its contribution to the HDL path is specified as the hdl_path. Otherwise, the block does not correspond to a hierarchical RTL structure (e.g. it is physically flattened) and does not contribute to the hierarchical HDL path of any contained registers or memories. create_map virtual function uvm_reg_map create_map( string name, uvm_reg_addr_t base_addr, int unsigned n_bytes, uvm_endianness_e endian, bit byte_addressing = 1 ) Create an address map in this block Create an address map with the specified name, then configures it with the following properties. base_addr the base address for the map. All registers, memories, and sub-blocks within the map will be at offsets to this address n_bytes the byte-width of the bus on which this map is used endian the endian format. See uvm_endianness_e for possible values byte_addressing specifies whether consecutive addresses refer are 1 byte apart (TRUE) or n_bytes apart (FALSE). Default is TRUE. APB = create_map("APB", 0, 1, UVM_LITTLE_ENDIAN, 1); check_data_width protected static function bit check_data_width( int unsigned width ) Check that the specified data width (in bits) is less than or equal to the value of `UVM_REG_DATA_WIDTH UVM 1.2 Class Reference 559 This method is designed to be called by a static initializer class my_blk extends uvm_reg_block; local static bit m_data_width = check_data_width(356); ... endclass set_default_map function void set_default_map ( uvm_reg_map map ) Defines the default address map Set the specified address map as the default_map for this block. The address map must be a map of this address block. default_map uvm_reg_map default_map Default address map Default address map for this block, to be used when no address map is specified for a register operation and that register is accessible from more than one address map. It is also the implicit address map for a block with a single, unnamed address map because it has only one physical interface. lock_model virtual function void lock_model() Lock a model and build the address map. Recursively lock an entire register model and build the address maps to enable the uvm_reg_map::get_reg_by_offset() and uvm_reg_map::get_mem_by_offset() methods. Once locked, no further structural changes, such as adding registers or memories, can be made. It is not possible to unlock a model. is_locked function bit is_locked() Return TRUE if the model is locked. INTROsPEcTION UVM 1.2 Class Reference 560 get_name Get the simple name Return the simple object name of this block. get_full_name virtual function string get_full_name() Get the hierarchical name Return the hierarchal name of this block. The base of the hierarchical name is the root block. get_parent virtual function uvm_reg_block get_parent() Get the parent block If this a top-level block, returns null. get_root_blocks static function void get_root_blocks( ref uvm_reg_block blks[$] ) Get the all root blocks Returns an array of all root blocks in the simulation. find_blocks static function int find_blocks( input string name, ref uvm_reg_block blks[$], input uvm_reg_block root = null, input uvm_object accessor = null ) Find the blocks whose hierarchical names match the specified name glob. If a root block is specified, the name of the blocks are relative to that block, otherwise they are absolute. Returns the number of blocks found. find_block static function uvm_reg_block find_block( input string name, input uvm reg block root = null, UVM 1.2 Class Reference 561 input uvm_object ) accessor = null Find the first block whose hierarchical names match the specified name glob. If a root block is specified, the name of the blocks are relative to that block, otherwise they are absolute. Returns the first block found or null otherwise. A warning is issued if more than one block is found. get_blocks virtual function void get_blocks ( ref uvm_reg_block blks[$], input uvm_hier_e hier = UVM_HIER ) Get the sub-blocks Get the blocks instantiated in this blocks. If hier is TRUE, recursively includes any subblocks. get_maps virtual function void get_maps ( ref uvm_reg_map maps[$] ) Get the address maps Get the address maps instantiated in this block. get_registers virtual function void get_registers ( ref uvm_reg regs[$], = UVM_HIER input uvm_hier_e hier ) Get the registers Get the registers instantiated in this block. If hier is TRUE, recursively includes the registers in the sub-blocks. Note that registers may be located in different and/or multiple address maps. To get the registers in a specific address map, use the uvm_reg_map::get_registers() method. get_fields virtual function void get_fields ( ref uvm_reg_field fields[$], hier = UVM_HIER input uvm_hier_e ) Get the fields Get the fields in the registers instantiated in this block. If hier is TRUE, recursively UVM 1.2 Class Reference 562 includes the fields of the registers in the sub-blocks. get_memories virtual function void get_memories ( ref uvm_mem mems[$], input uvm_hier_e hier = UVM_HIER ) Get the memories Get the memories instantiated in this block. If hier is TRUE, recursively includes the memories in the sub-blocks. Note that memories may be located in different and/or multiple address maps. To get the memories in a specific address map, use the uvm_reg_map::get_memories() method. get_virtual_registers virtual function void get_virtual_registers( ref uvm_vreg regs[$], = UVM_HIER input uvm_hier_e hier ) Get the virtual registers Get the virtual registers instantiated in this block. If hier is TRUE, recursively includes the virtual registers in the sub-blocks. get_virtual_fields virtual function void get_virtual_fields ( ref uvm_vreg_field fields[$], hier = UVM_HIER input uvm_hier_e ) Get the virtual fields Get the virtual fields from the virtual registers instantiated in this block. If hier is TRUE, recursively includes the virtual fields in the virtual registers in the sub-blocks. get_block_by_name virtual function uvm_reg_block get_block_by_name ( string name ) Finds a sub-block with the specified simple name. The name is the simple name of the block, not a hierarchical name. relative to this block. If no block with that name is found in this block, the sub-blocks are searched for a block of that name and the first one to be found is returned. If no blocks are found, returns null. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 563 get_map_by_name virtual function uvm_reg_map get_map_by_name ( string name ) Finds an address map with the specified simple name. The name is the simple name of the address map, not a hierarchical name. relative to this block. If no map with that name is found in this block, the sub-blocks are searched for a map of that name and the first one to be found is returned. If no address maps are found, returns null. get_reg_by_name virtual function uvm_reg get_reg_by_name ( string name ) Finds a register with the specified simple name. The name is the simple name of the register, not a hierarchical name. relative to this block. If no register with that name is found in this block, the sub-blocks are searched for a register of that name and the first one to be found is returned. If no registers are found, returns null. get_field_by_name virtual function uvm_reg_field get_field_by_name ( string name ) Finds a field with the specified simple name. The name is the simple name of the field, not a hierarchical name. relative to this block. If no field with that name is found in this block, the sub-blocks are searched for a field of that name and the first one to be found is returned. If no fields are found, returns null. get_mem_by_name virtual function uvm_mem get_mem_by_name ( string name ) Finds a memory with the specified simple name. The name is the simple name of the memory, not a hierarchical name. relative to this block. If no memory with that name is found in this block, the sub-blocks are searched for a memory of that name and the first one to be found is returned. If no memories are found, returns null. get_vreg_by_name UVM 1.2 Class Reference 564 virtual function uvm_vreg get_vreg_by_name ( string name ) Finds a virtual register with the specified simple name. The name is the simple name of the virtual register, not a hierarchical name. relative to this block. If no virtual register with that name is found in this block, the sub-blocks are searched for a virtual register of that name and the first one to be found is returned. If no virtual registers are found, returns null. get_vfield_by_name virtual function uvm_vreg_field get_vfield_by_name ( string name ) Finds a virtual field with the specified simple name. The name is the simple name of the virtual field, not a hierarchical name. relative to this block. If no virtual field with that name is found in this block, the sub-blocks are searched for a virtual field of that name and the first one to be found is returned. If no virtual fields are found, returns null. COVERAGE build_coverage protected function uvm_reg_cvr_t build_coverage( uvm_reg_cvr_t models ) Check if all of the specified coverage model must be built. Check which of the specified coverage model must be built in this instance of the block abstraction class, as specified by calls to uvm_reg::include_coverage(). Models are specified by adding the symbolic value of individual coverage model as defined in uvm_coverage_model_e. Returns the sum of all coverage models to be built in the block model. add_coverage virtual protected function void add_coverage( uvm_reg_cvr_t models ) Specify that additional coverage models are available. Add the specified coverage model to the coverage models available in this class. Models are specified by adding the symbolic value of individual coverage model as defined in uvm_coverage_model_e. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 565 This method shall be called only in the constructor of subsequently derived classes. has_coverage virtual function bit has_coverage( uvm_reg_cvr_t models ) Check if block has coverage model(s) Returns TRUE if the block abstraction class contains a coverage model for all of the models specified. Models are specified by adding the symbolic value of individual coverage model as defined in uvm_coverage_model_e. set_coverage virtual function uvm_reg_cvr_t set_coverage( uvm_reg_cvr_t is_on ) Turns on coverage measurement. Turns the collection of functional coverage measurements on or off for this block and all blocks, registers, fields and memories within it. The functional coverage measurement is turned on for every coverage model specified using uvm_coverage_model_e symbolic identifiers. Multiple functional coverage models can be specified by adding the functional coverage model identifiers. All other functional coverage models are turned off. Returns the sum of all functional coverage models whose measurements were previously on. This method can only control the measurement of functional coverage models that are present in the various abstraction classes, then enabled during construction. See the uvm_reg_block::has_coverage() method to identify the available functional coverage models. get_coverage virtual function bit get_coverage( uvm_reg_cvr_t is_on = UVM_CVR_ALL ) Check if coverage measurement is on. Returns TRUE if measurement for all of the specified functional coverage models are currently on. Multiple functional coverage models can be specified by adding the functional coverage model identifiers. See uvm_reg_block::set_coverage() for more details. sample protected virtual uvm_reg_addr_t bit uvm_reg_map ) function void sample( offset, is_read, map Functional coverage measurement method UVM 1.2 Class Reference 566 This method is invoked by the block abstraction class whenever an address within one of its address map is successfully read or written. The specified offset is the offset within the block, not an absolute address. Empty by default, this method may be extended by the abstraction class generator to perform the required sampling in any provided functional coverage model. sample_values virtual function void sample_values() Functional coverage measurement method for field values This method is invoked by the user or by the uvm_reg_block::sample_values() method of the parent block to trigger the sampling of the current field values in the block-level functional coverage model. It recursively invokes the uvm_reg_block::sample_values() and uvm_reg::sample_values() methods in the blocks and registers in this block. This method may be extended by the abstraction class generator to perform the required sampling in any provided field-value functional coverage model. If this method is extended, it MUST call super.sample_values(). AccEss get_default_path virtual function uvm_path_e get_default_path() Default access path Returns the default access path for this block. reset virtual function void reset( string kind = "HARD" ) Reset the mirror for this block. Sets the mirror value of all registers in the block and sub-blocks to the reset value corresponding to the specified reset event. See uvm_reg_field::reset() for more details. Does not actually set the value of the registers in the design, only the values mirrored in their corresponding mirror. needs_update virtual function bit needs_update() Check if DUT registers need to be written If a mirror value has been modified in the abstraction model without actually updating UVM 1.2 Class Reference 567 the actual register (either through randomization or via the uvm_reg::set() method, the mirror and state of the registers are outdated. The corresponding registers in the DUT need to be updated. This method returns TRUE if the state of at least one register in the block or sub-blocks needs to be updated to match the mirrored values. The mirror values, or actual content of registers, are not modified. For additional information, see uvm_reg_block::update() method. update virtual task update( output uvm_status_e input uvm_path_e input uvm_sequence_base input int input uvm_object input string input int ) status, path = parent = prior = extension = fname = lineno = UVM_DEFAULT_PATH, null, -1, null, "", 0 Batch update of register. Using the minimum number of write operations, updates the registers in the design to match the mirrored values in this block and sub-blocks. The update can be performed using the physical interfaces (front-door access) or back-door accesses. This method performs the reverse operation of uvm_reg_block::mirror(). mirror virtual task mirror( output uvm_status_e input uvm_check_e input uvm_path_e input uvm_sequence_base input int input uvm_object input string input int ) status, check = path = parent = prior = extension = fname = lineno = UVM_NO_CHECK, UVM_DEFAULT_PATH, null, -1, null, "", 0 Update the mirrored values Read all of the registers in this block and sub-blocks and update their mirror values to match their corresponding values in the design. The mirroring can be performed using the physical interfaces (front-door access) or back-door accesses. If the check argument is specified as UVM_CHECK, an error message is issued if the current mirrored value does not match the actual value in the design. This method performs the reverse operation of uvm_reg_block::update(). write_reg_by_name virtual task write_reg_by_name( output uvm_status_e status, name, input string data, input uvm_reg_data_t input uvm_path_e path = input uvm_reg_map map = input uvm_sequence_base parent = input int prior = input uvm_object extension = input string fname = UVM 1.2 Class Reference UVM_DEFAULT_PATH, null, null, -1, null, "", 568 input int ) lineno = 0 Write the named register Equivalent to get_reg_by_name() followed by uvm_reg::write() read_reg_by_name virtual task read_reg_by_name( output uvm_status_e status, input string name, output uvm_reg_data_t data, path = input uvm_path_e input uvm_reg_map map = input uvm_sequence_base parent = input int prior = input uvm_object extension = input string fname = input int lineno = ) UVM_DEFAULT_PATH, null, null, -1, null, "", 0 Read the named register Equivalent to get_reg_by_name() followed by uvm_reg::read() write_mem_by_name virtual task write_mem_by_name( output uvm_status_e status, name, input string input uvm_reg_addr_t offset, data, input uvm_reg_data_t input uvm_path_e path = input uvm_reg_map map = input uvm_sequence_base parent = input int prior = input uvm_object extension = input string fname = input int lineno = ) UVM_DEFAULT_PATH, null, null, -1, null, "", 0 Write the named memory Equivalent to get_mem_by_name() followed by uvm_mem::write() read_mem_by_name virtual task read_mem_by_name( output uvm_status_e status, name, input string input uvm_reg_addr_t offset, data, output uvm_reg_data_t input uvm_path_e path = input uvm_reg_map map = input uvm_sequence_base parent = input int prior = input uvm_object extension = input string fname = input int lineno = ) UVM_DEFAULT_PATH, null, null, -1, null, "", 0 Read the named memory Equivalent to get_mem_by_name() followed by uvm_mem::read() UVM 1.2 Class Reference 569 BAcKdOOR get_backdoor function uvm_reg_backdoor get_backdoor( bit inherited = 1 ) Get the user-defined backdoor for all registers in this block Return the user-defined backdoor for all register in this block and all sub-blocks -- unless overridden by a backdoor set in a lower-level block or in the register itself. If inherited is TRUE, returns the backdoor of the parent block if none have been specified for this block. set_backdoor function void set_backdoor ( uvm_reg_backdoor bkdr, fname = "", string int lineno = 0 ) Set the user-defined backdoor for all registers in this block Defines the backdoor mechanism for all registers instantiated in this block and subblocks, unless overridden by a definition in a lower-level block or register. clear_hdl_path function void clear_hdl_path ( string kind = "RTL" ) Delete HDL paths Remove any previously specified HDL path to the block instance for the specified design abstraction. add_hdl_path function void add_hdl_path ( string path, string kind = "RTL" ) Add an HDL path Add the specified HDL path to the block instance for the specified design abstraction. This method may be called more than once for the same design abstraction if the block is physically duplicated in the design abstraction UVM 1.2 Class Reference 570 has_hdl_path function bit has_hdl_path ( string kind = "" ) Check if a HDL path is specified Returns TRUE if the block instance has a HDL path defined for the specified design abstraction. If no design abstraction is specified, uses the default design abstraction specified for this block or the nearest block ancestor with a specified default design abstraction. get_hdl_path function void get_hdl_path ( ref string paths[$], input string kind = "" ) Get the incremental HDL path(s) Returns the HDL path(s) defined for the specified design abstraction in the block instance. Returns only the component of the HDL paths that corresponds to the block, not a full hierarchical path If no design abstraction is specified, the default design abstraction for this block is used. get_full_hdl_path function ref input ) void get_full_hdl_path ( string paths[$], string kind = "", string separator = "." Get the full hierarchical HDL path(s) Returns the full hierarchical HDL path(s) defined for the specified design abstraction in the block instance. There may be more than one path returned even if only one path was defined for the block instance, if any of the parent components have more than one path defined for the same design abstraction If no design abstraction is specified, the default design abstraction for each ancestor block is used to get each incremental path. set_default_hdl_path function void set_default_hdl_path ( string kind ) Set the default design abstraction Set the default design abstraction for this block instance. get_default_hdl_path UVM 1.2 Class Reference 571 function string get_default_hdl_path () Get the default design abstraction Returns the default design abstraction for this block instance. If a default design abstraction has not been explicitly set for this block instance, returns the default design abstraction for the nearest block ancestor. Returns “” if no default design abstraction has been specified. set_hdl_path_root function void set_hdl_path_root ( string path, string kind = "RTL" ) Specify a root HDL path Set the specified path as the absolute HDL path to the block instance for the specified design abstraction. This absolute root path is prepended to all hierarchical paths under this block. The HDL path of any ancestor block is ignored. This method overrides any incremental path for the same design abstraction specified using add_hdl_path. is_hdl_path_root function bit is_hdl_path_root ( string kind = "" ) Check if this block has an absolute path Returns TRUE if an absolute HDL path to the block instance for the specified design abstraction has been defined. If no design abstraction is specified, the default design abstraction for this block is used. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 572 25.2 uvm_reg_transaction_order_policy Contents uvm_reg_transaction_order_policy uvm_reg_map METHODS order pure virtual function void order( ref uvm_reg_bus_op q[$] ) the order() function may reorder the sequence of bus transactions produced by a single uvm_reg transaction (read/write). This can be used in scenarios when the register width differs from the bus width and one register access results in a series of bus transactions. the first item (0) of the queue will be the first bus transaction (the last($) will be the final transaction uvm_reg_map Address map abstraction class This class represents an address map. An address map is a collection of registers and memories accessible via a specific physical interface. Address maps can be composed into higher-level address maps. Address maps are created using the uvm_reg_block::create_map() method. Summary uvm_reg_map CLASS HIERARcHY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_reg_map CLASS DEcLARATION class uvm_reg_map extends uvm_object UVM 1.2 Class Reference 573 backdoor INITIALIZATION new configure add_reg add_mem add_submap set_sequencer set_submap_offset get_submap_offset set_base_addr reset INTROSPEcTION get_name get_full_name get_root_map get_parent get_parent_map get_base_addr get_n_bytes get_addr_unit_bytes get_base_addr get_sequencer get_adapter get_submaps get_registers get_fields get_virtual_registers get_virtual_fields get_physical_addresses get_reg_by_offset get_mem_by_offset BUS AccESS set_auto_predict get_auto_predict set_check_on_read get_check_on_read do_bus_write do_bus_read do_write do_read set_transaction_order_policy get_transaction_order_policy Return the backdoor pseudo-map singleton Create a new instance Instance-specific configuration Add a register Add a memory Add an address map Set the sequencer and adapter associated with this map. Set the offset of the given submap to offset. Return the offset of the given submap. Set the base address of this map. Reset the mirror for all registers in this address map. Get the simple name Get the hierarchical name Get the externally-visible address map Get the parent block Get the higher-level address map Get the base offset address for this map. Get the width in bytes of the bus associated with this map. Get the number of bytes in the smallest addressable unit in the map. Gets the endianness of the bus associated with this map. Gets the sequencer for the bus associated with this map. Gets the bus adapter for the bus associated with this map. Get the address sub-maps Get the registers Get the fields Get the virtual registers Get the virtual fields Translate a local address into external addresses Get register mapped at offset Get memory mapped at offset Sets the auto-predict mode for his map. Gets the auto-predict mode setting for this map. Sets the check-on-read mode for his map and all of its submaps. Gets the check-on-read mode setting for this map. Perform a bus write operation. Perform a bus read operation. Perform a write operation. Perform a read operation. set the transaction order policy set the transaction order policy backdoor static function uvm_reg_map backdoor() Return the backdoor pseudo-map singleton This pseudo-map is used to specify or configure the backdoor instead of a real address UVM 1.2 Class Reference 574 map. INITIALIZATION new function new( string name = "uvm_reg_map" ) Create a new instance configure function void configure( uvm_reg_block parent, uvm_reg_addr_t base_addr, int unsigned n_bytes, uvm_endianness_e endian, bit byte_addressing = 1 ) Instance-specific configuration Configures this map with the following properties. parent the block in which this map is created and applied base_addr the base address for this map. All registers, memories, and sub-blocks will be at offsets to this address n_bytes the byte-width of the bus on which this map is used endian the endian format. See uvm_endianness_e for possible values byte_addressing specifies whether the address increment is on a per-byte basis. For example, consecutive memory locations with ~n_bytes~=4 (32-bit bus) are 4 apart: 0, 4, 8, and so on. Default is TRUE. add_reg virtual function void add_reg ( uvm_reg rg, offset, uvm_reg_addr_t string rights = "RW", bit unmapped = 0, uvm_reg_frontdoor frontdoor = null ) Add a register Add the specified register instance rg to this address map. The register is located at the specified address offset from this maps configured base address. The rights specify the register’s accessibility via this map. Valid values are “RW”, “RO”, and “WO”. Whether a register field can be read or written depends on both the field’s UVM 1.2 Class Reference 575 configured access policy (see uvm_reg_field::configure and the register’s rights in the map being used to access the field. The number of consecutive physical addresses occupied by the register depends on the width of the register and the number of bytes in the physical interface corresponding to this address map. If unmapped is TRUE, the register does not occupy any physical addresses and the base address is ignored. Unmapped registers require a user-defined frontdoor to be specified. A register may be added to multiple address maps if it is accessible from multiple physical interfaces. A register may only be added to an address map whose parent block is the same as the register’s parent block. add_mem virtual function void add_mem ( uvm_mem mem, uvm_reg_addr_t offset, string rights = "RW", bit unmapped = 0, uvm_reg_frontdoor frontdoor = null ) Add a memory Add the specified memory instance to this address map. The memory is located at the specified base address and has the specified access rights (“RW”, “RO” or “WO”). The number of consecutive physical addresses occupied by the memory depends on the width and size of the memory and the number of bytes in the physical interface corresponding to this address map. If unmapped is TRUE, the memory does not occupy any physical addresses and the base address is ignored. Unmapped memories require a user-defined frontdoor to be specified. A memory may be added to multiple address maps if it is accessible from multiple physical interfaces. A memory may only be added to an address map whose parent block is the same as the memory’s parent block. add_submap virtual function void add_submap ( uvm_reg_map child_map, uvm_reg_addr_t offset ) Add an address map Add the specified address map instance to this address map. The address map is located at the specified base address. The number of consecutive physical addresses occupied by the submap depends on the number of bytes in the physical interface that corresponds to the submap, the number of addresses used in the submap and the number of bytes in the physical interface corresponding to this address map. An address map may be added to multiple address maps if it is accessible from multiple physical interfaces. An address map may only be added to an address map in the grandparent block of the address submap. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 576 set_sequencer virtual function void set_sequencer ( uvm_sequencer_base sequencer, uvm_reg_adapter adapter = null ) Set the sequencer and adapter associated with this map. This method must be called before starting any sequences based on uvm_reg_sequence. set_submap_offset virtual function void set_submap_offset ( uvm_reg_map submap, uvm_reg_addr_t offset ) Set the offset of the given submap to offset. get_submap_offset virtual function uvm_reg_addr_t get_submap_offset ( uvm_reg_map submap ) Return the offset of the given submap. set_base_addr virtual function void set_base_addr ( uvm_reg_addr_t offset ) Set the base address of this map. reset virtual function void reset( string kind = "SOFT" ) Reset the mirror for all registers in this address map. Sets the mirror value of all registers in this address map and all of its submaps to the reset value corresponding to the specified reset event. See uvm_reg_field::reset() for more details. Does not actually set the value of the registers in the design, only the values mirrored in their corresponding mirror. Note that, unlike the other reset() method, the default reset event for this method is “SOFT”. INTROSPEcTION UVM 1.2 Class Reference 577 get_name Get the simple name Return the simple object name of this address map. get_full_name virtual function string get_full_name() Get the hierarchical name Return the hierarchal name of this address map. The base of the hierarchical name is the root block. get_root_map virtual function uvm_reg_map get_root_map() Get the externally-visible address map Get the top-most address map where this address map is instantiated. It corresponds to the externally-visible address map that can be accessed by the verification environment. get_parent virtual function uvm_reg_block get_parent() Get the parent block Return the block that is the parent of this address map. get_parent_map virtual function uvm_reg_map get_parent_map() Get the higher-level address map Return the address map in which this address map is mapped. returns null if this is a top-level address map. get_base_addr virtual function uvm_reg_addr_t get_base_addr ( uvm_hier_e hier = UVM_HIER ) Get the base offset address for this map. If this map is the root map, the base address is that set with the base_addr argument to uvm_reg_block::create_map(). If this map is a submap of a higher-level map, the base address is offset given this submap by the parent map. See set_submap_offset. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 578 get_n_bytes virtual function int unsigned get_n_bytes ( uvm_hier_e hier = UVM_HIER ) Get the width in bytes of the bus associated with this map. If hier is UVM_HIER, then gets the effective bus width relative to the system level. The effective bus width is the narrowest bus width from this map to the top-level root map. Each bus access will be limited to this bus width. get_addr_unit_bytes virtual function int unsigned get_addr_unit_bytes() Get the number of bytes in the smallest addressable unit in the map. Returns 1 if the address map was configured using byte-level addressing. Returns get_n_bytes() otherwise. get_base_addr Gets the endianness of the bus associated with this map. If hier is set to UVM_HIER, gets the system-level endianness. get_sequencer virtual function uvm_sequencer_base get_sequencer ( uvm_hier_e hier = UVM_HIER ) Gets the sequencer for the bus associated with this map. If hier is set to UVM_HIER, gets the sequencer for the bus at the system-level. See set_sequencer. get_adapter virtual function uvm_reg_adapter get_adapter ( uvm_hier_e hier = UVM_HIER ) Gets the bus adapter for the bus associated with this map. If hier is set to UVM_HIER, gets the adapter for the bus used at the system-level. See set_sequencer. get_submaps virtual function void get_submaps ( ref uvm_reg_map maps[$], = UVM_HIER input uvm_hier_e hier ) Get the address sub-maps Get the address maps instantiated in this address map. If hier is UVM_HIER, recursively includes the address maps, in the sub-maps. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 579 get_registers virtual function void get_registers ( ref uvm_reg regs[$], input uvm_hier_e hier = UVM_HIER ) Get the registers Get the registers instantiated in this address map. If hier is UVM_HIER, recursively includes the registers in the sub-maps. get_fields virtual function void get_fields ( ref uvm_reg_field fields[$], input uvm_hier_e hier = UVM_HIER ) Get the fields Get the fields in the registers instantiated in this address map. If hier is UVM_HIER, recursively includes the fields of the registers in the sub-maps. get_virtual_registers virtual function void get_virtual_registers ( ref uvm_vreg regs[$], = UVM_HIER input uvm_hier_e hier ) Get the virtual registers Get the virtual registers instantiated in this address map. If hier is UVM_HIER, recursively includes the virtual registers in the sub-maps. get_virtual_fields virtual function void get_virtual_fields ( ref uvm_vreg_field fields[$], hier = UVM_HIER input uvm_hier_e ) Get the virtual fields Get the virtual fields from the virtual registers instantiated in this address map. If hier is UVM_HIER, recursively includes the virtual fields in the virtual registers in the sub-maps. get_physical_addresses virtual function int get_physical_addresses( uvm_reg_addr_t base_addr, uvm_reg_addr_t mem_offset, int unsigned n_bytes, ref uvm_reg_addr_t addr[] ) UVM 1.2 Class Reference 580 Translate a local address into external addresses Identify the sequence of addresses that must be accessed physically to access the specified number of bytes at the specified address within this address map. Returns the number of bytes of valid data in each access. Returns in addr a list of address in little endian order, with the granularity of the toplevel address map. A register is specified using a base address with mem_offset as 0. A location within a memory is specified using the base address of the memory and the index of the location within that memory. get_reg_by_offset virtual function uvm_reg get_reg_by_offset( uvm_reg_addr_t offset, bit read = 1 ) Get register mapped at offset Identify the register located at the specified offset within this address map for the specified type of access. Returns null if no such register is found. The model must be locked using uvm_reg_block::lock_model() to enable this functionality. get_mem_by_offset virtual function uvm_mem get_mem_by_offset( uvm_reg_addr_t offset ) Get memory mapped at offset Identify the memory located at the specified offset within this address map. The offset may refer to any memory location in that memory. Returns null if no such memory is found. The model must be locked using uvm_reg_block::lock_model() to enable this functionality. BUS AccESS set_auto_predict function void set_auto_predict( bit on = 1 ) Sets the auto-predict mode for his map. When on is TRUE, the register model will automatically update its mirror (what it thinks should be in the DUT) immediately after any bus read or write operation via this map. Before a uvm_reg::write or uvm_reg::read operation returns, the register’s UVM 1.2 Class Reference 581 uvm_reg::predict method is called to update the mirrored value in the register. When on is FALSE, bus reads and writes via this map do not automatically update the mirror. For real-time updates to the mirror in this mode, you connect a uvm_reg_predictor instance to the bus monitor. The predictor takes observed bus transactions from the bus monitor, looks up the associated uvm_reg register given the address, then calls that register’s uvm_reg::predict method. While more complex, this mode will capture all register read/write activity, including that not directly descendant from calls to uvm_reg::write and uvm_reg::read. By default, auto-prediction is turned off. get_auto_predict function bit get_auto_predict() Gets the auto-predict mode setting for this map. set_check_on_read function void set_check_on_read( bit on = 1 ) Sets the check-on-read mode for his map and all of its submaps. When on is TRUE, the register model will automatically check any value read back from a register or field against the current value in its mirror and report any discrepancy. This effectively combines the functionality of the uvm_reg::read() and uvm_reg::mirror(UVM_CHECK) method. This mode is useful when the register model is used passively. When on is FALSE, no check is made against the mirrored value. At the end of the read operation, the mirror value is updated based on the value that was read regardless of this mode setting. By default, auto-prediction is turned off. get_check_on_read function bit get_check_on_read() Gets the check-on-read mode setting for this map. do_bus_write virtual task do_bus_write ( uvm_reg_item rw, uvm_sequencer_base sequencer, uvm_reg_adapter adapter ) Perform a bus write operation. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 582 do_bus_read virtual task do_bus_read ( uvm_reg_item rw, uvm_sequencer_base sequencer, uvm_reg_adapter adapter ) Perform a bus read operation. do_write virtual task do_write( uvm_reg_item rw ) Perform a write operation. do_read virtual task do_read( uvm_reg_item rw ) Perform a read operation. set_transaction_order_policy function void set_transaction_order_policy( uvm_reg_transaction_order_policy pol ) set the transaction order policy get_transaction_order_policy function uvm_reg_transaction_order_policy get_transaction_order_policy() set the transaction order policy UVM 1.2 Class Reference 583 25.3 uvm_reg_file Register file abstraction base class A register file is a collection of register files and registers used to create regular repeated structures. Register files are usually instantiated as arrays. Summary uvm_reg_file Register file abstraction base class CLAss HIERARchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_reg_file CLAss DEcLARATION virtual class uvm_reg_file extends uvm_object INITIALIZATION new configure Create a new instance Configure a register file instance INTROsPEcTION get_name get_full_name get_parent get_regfile Get Get Get Get BAcKdOOR clear_hdl_path add_hdl_path has_hdl_path get_hdl_path get_full_hdl_path set_default_hdl_path get_default_hdl_path Delete HDL paths Add an HDL path Check if a HDL path is specified Get the incremental HDL path(s) Get the full hierarchical HDL path(s) Set the default design abstraction Get the default design abstraction the the the the simple name hierarchical name parent block parent register file INITIALIZATION new function new ( string name = "" ) Create a new instance Creates an instance of a register file abstraction class with the specified name. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 584 configure function void configure ( uvm_reg_block blk_parent, uvm_reg_file regfile_parent, string hdl_path = "" ) Configure a register file instance Specify the parent block and register file of the register file instance. If the register file is instantiated in a block, regfile_parent is specified as null. If the register file is instantiated in a register file, blk_parent must be the block parent of that register file and regfile_parent is specified as that register file. If the register file corresponds to a hierarchical RTL structure, its contribution to the HDL path is specified as the hdl_path. Otherwise, the register file does not correspond to a hierarchical RTL structure (e.g. it is physically flattened) and does not contribute to the hierarchical HDL path of any contained registers. INTROsPEcTION get_name Get the simple name Return the simple object name of this register file. get_full_name virtual function string get_full_name() Get the hierarchical name Return the hierarchal name of this register file. The base of the hierarchical name is the root block. get_parent virtual function uvm_reg_block get_parent () Get the parent block get_regfile virtual function uvm_reg_file get_regfile () Get the parent register file Returns null if this register file is instantiated in a block. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 585 BAcKdOOR clear_hdl_path function void clear_hdl_path ( string kind = "RTL" ) Delete HDL paths Remove any previously specified HDL path to the register file instance for the specified design abstraction. add_hdl_path function void add_hdl_path ( string path, string kind = "RTL" ) Add an HDL path Add the specified HDL path to the register file instance for the specified design abstraction. This method may be called more than once for the same design abstraction if the register file is physically duplicated in the design abstraction has_hdl_path function bit has_hdl_path ( string kind = "" ) Check if a HDL path is specified Returns TRUE if the register file instance has a HDL path defined for the specified design abstraction. If no design abstraction is specified, uses the default design abstraction specified for the nearest enclosing register file or block If no design abstraction is specified, the default design abstraction for this register file is used. get_hdl_path function void get_hdl_path ( ref string paths[$], = "" input string kind ) Get the incremental HDL path(s) Returns the HDL path(s) defined for the specified design abstraction in the register file instance. If no design abstraction is specified, uses the default design abstraction specified for the nearest enclosing register file or block. Returns only the component of the HDL paths that corresponds to the register file, not a full hierarchical path If no design abstraction is specified, the default design abstraction for this register file is UVM 1.2 Class Reference 586 used. get_full_hdl_path function ref input input ) void get_full_hdl_path ( string paths[$], string kind = "", string separator = "." Get the full hierarchical HDL path(s) Returns the full hierarchical HDL path(s) defined for the specified design abstraction in the register file instance. If no design abstraction is specified, uses the default design abstraction specified for the nearest enclosing register file or block. There may be more than one path returned even if only one path was defined for the register file instance, if any of the parent components have more than one path defined for the same design abstraction If no design abstraction is specified, the default design abstraction for each ancestor register file or block is used to get each incremental path. set_default_hdl_path function void set_default_hdl_path ( string kind ) Set the default design abstraction Set the default design abstraction for this register file instance. get_default_hdl_path function string get_default_hdl_path () Get the default design abstraction Returns the default design abstraction for this register file instance. If a default design abstraction has not been explicitly set for this register file instance, returns the default design abstraction for the nearest register file or block ancestor. Returns “” if no default design abstraction has been specified. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 587 25.4 uvm_reg Register abstraction base class A register represents a set of fields that are accessible as a single entity. A register may be mapped to one or more address maps, each with different access rights and policy. Summary uvm_reg Register abstraction base class CLAss HIERARchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_reg CLAss DEcLARATION virtual class uvm_reg extends uvm_object INITIALIZATION new configure set_offset INTROsPEcTION get_name get_full_name get_parent get_regfile get_n_maps is_in_map get_maps get_rights get_n_bits get_n_bytes get_max_size get_fields get_field_by_name get_offset get_address get_addresses AccEss set get get_mirrored_value needs_update reset get_reset has_reset UVM 1.2 Class Reference Create a new instance and type-specific configuration Instance-specific configuration Modify the offset of the register Get the simple name Get the hierarchical name Get the parent block Get the parent register file Returns the number of address maps this register is mapped in Returns 1 if this register is in the specified address map Returns all of the address maps where this register is mapped Returns the accessibility (“RW, “RO”, or “WO”) of this register in the given map. Returns the width, in bits, of this register. Returns the width, in bytes, of this register. Returns the maximum width, in bits, of all registers. Return the fields in this register Return the named field in this register Returns the offset of this register Returns the base external physical address of this register Identifies the external physical address(es) of this register Set the desired value for this register Return the desired value of the fields in the register. Return the mirrored value of the fields in the register. Returns 1 if any of the fields need updating Reset the desired/mirrored value for this register. Get the specified reset value for this register Check if any field in the register has a reset value specified for the specified reset kind. 588 set_reset write read poke peek update mirror predict is_busy FRONTdOOR set_frontdoor get_frontdoor BAcKdOOR set_backdoor get_backdoor clear_hdl_path add_hdl_path add_hdl_path_slice has_hdl_path get_hdl_path get_hdl_path_kinds get_full_hdl_path backdoor_read backdoor_write backdoor_read_func backdoor_watch COVERAGE include_coverage build_coverage add_coverage has_coverage set_coverage get_coverage sample sample_values CALLbAcKs pre_write post_write pre_read post_read Specify or modify the reset value for this register Write the specified value in this register Read the current value from this register Deposit the specified value in this register Read the current value from this register Updates the content of the register in the design to match the desired value Read the register and update/check its mirror value Update the mirrored and desired value for this register. Returns 1 if register is currently being read or written. Set a user-defined frontdoor for this register Returns the user-defined frontdoor for this register Set a user-defined backdoor for this register Returns the user-defined backdoor for this register Delete HDL paths Add an HDL path Append the specified HDL slice to the HDL path of the register instance for the specified design abstraction. Check if a HDL path is specified Get the incremental HDL path(s) Get design abstractions for which HDL paths have been defined Get the full hierarchical HDL path(s) User-define backdoor read access User-defined backdoor read access User-defined backdoor read access User-defined DUT register change monitor Specify which coverage model that must be included in various block, register or memory abstraction class instances. Check if all of the specified coverage models must be built. Specify that additional coverage models are available. Check if register has coverage model(s) Turns on coverage measurement. Check if coverage measurement is on. Functional coverage measurement method Functional coverage measurement method for field values Called Called Called Called before register write. after register write. before register read. after register read. INITIALIZATION new function new ( string name = "", int unsigned n_bits, int has_coverage ) Create a new instance and type-specific configuration UVM 1.2 Class Reference 589 Creates an instance of a register abstraction class with the specified name. n_bits specifies the total number of bits in the register. Not all bits need to be implemented. This value is usually a multiple of 8. has_coverage specifies which functional coverage models are present in the extension of the register abstraction class. Multiple functional coverage models may be specified by adding their symbolic names, as defined by the uvm_coverage_model_e type. configure function void configure ( uvm_reg_block blk_parent, uvm_reg_file regfile_parent = null, string hdl_path = "" ) Instance-specific configuration Specify the parent block of this register. May also set a parent register file for this register, If the register is implemented in a single HDL variable, its name is specified as the hdl_path. Otherwise, if the register is implemented as a concatenation of variables (usually one per field), then the HDL path must be specified using the add_hdl_path() or add_hdl_path_slice method. set_offset virtual function void set_offset ( uvm_reg_map map, uvm_reg_addr_t offset, bit unmapped = 0 ) Modify the offset of the register The offset of a register within an address map is set using the uvm_reg_map::add_reg() method. This method is used to modify that offset dynamically. Modifying the offset of a register will make the register model diverge from the specification that was used to create it. INTROsPEcTION get_name Get the simple name Return the simple object name of this register. get_full_name virtual function string get_full_name() UVM 1.2 Class Reference 590 Get the hierarchical name Return the hierarchal name of this register. The base of the hierarchical name is the root block. get_parent virtual function uvm_reg_block get_parent () Get the parent block get_regfile virtual function uvm_reg_file get_regfile () Get the parent register file Returns null if this register is instantiated in a block. get_n_maps virtual function int get_n_maps () Returns the number of address maps this register is mapped in is_in_map function bit is_in_map ( uvm_reg_map map ) Returns 1 if this register is in the specified address map get_maps virtual function void get_maps ( ref uvm_reg_map maps[$] ) Returns all of the address maps where this register is mapped get_rights virtual function string get_rights ( uvm_reg_map map = null ) Returns the accessibility (“RW, “RO”, or “WO”) of this register in the given map. If no address map is specified and the register is mapped in only one address map, that address map is used. If the register is mapped in more than one address map, the UVM 1.2 Class Reference 591 default address map of the parent block is used. Whether a register field can be read or written depends on both the field’s configured access policy (refer to uvm_reg_field::configure) and the register’s accessibility rights in the map being used to access the field. If an address map is specified and the register is not mapped in the specified address map, an error message is issued and “RW” is returned. get_n_bits virtual function int unsigned get_n_bits () Returns the width, in bits, of this register. get_n_bytes virtual function int unsigned get_n_bytes() Returns the width, in bytes, of this register. Rounds up to next whole byte if register is not a multiple of 8. get_max_size static function int unsigned get_max_size() Returns the maximum width, in bits, of all registers. get_fields virtual function void get_fields ( ref uvm_reg_field fields[$] ) Return the fields in this register Fills the specified array with the abstraction class for all of the fields contained in this register. Fields are ordered from least-significant position to most-significant position within the register. get_field_by_name virtual function uvm_reg_field get_field_by_name( string name ) Return the named field in this register Finds a field with the specified name in this register and returns its abstraction class. If no fields are found, returns null. get_offset UVM 1.2 Class Reference 592 virtual function uvm_reg_addr_t get_offset ( uvm_reg_map map = null ) Returns the offset of this register Returns the offset of this register in an address map. If no address map is specified and the register is mapped in only one address map, that address map is used. If the register is mapped in more than one address map, the default address map of the parent block is used. If an address map is specified and the register is not mapped in the specified address map, an error message is issued. get_address virtual function uvm_reg_addr_t get_address ( uvm_reg_map map = null ) Returns the base external physical address of this register Returns the base external physical address of this register if accessed through the specified address map. If no address map is specified and the register is mapped in only one address map, that address map is used. If the register is mapped in more than one address map, the default address map of the parent block is used. If an address map is specified and the register is not mapped in the specified address map, an error message is issued. get_addresses virtual function int get_addresses ( uvm_reg_map map = null, ref uvm_reg_addr_t addr[] ) Identifies the external physical address(es) of this register Computes all of the external physical addresses that must be accessed to completely read or write this register. The addressed are specified in little endian order. Returns the number of bytes transferred on each access. If no address map is specified and the register is mapped in only one address map, that address map is used. If the register is mapped in more than one address map, the default address map of the parent block is used. If an address map is specified and the register is not mapped in the specified address map, an error message is issued. AccEss UVM 1.2 Class Reference 593 set virtual function void set ( uvm_reg_data_t value, string fname = "", int lineno = 0 ) Set the desired value for this register Sets the desired value of the fields in the register to the specified value. Does not actually set the value of the register in the design, only the desired value in its corresponding abstraction class in the RegModel model. Use the uvm_reg::update() method to update the actual register with the mirrored value or the uvm_reg::write() method to set the actual register and its mirrored value. Unless this method is used, the desired value is equal to the mirrored value. Refer uvm_reg_field::set() for more details on the effect of setting mirror values on fields with different access policies. To modify the mirrored field values to a specific value, and thus use the mirrored as a scoreboard for the register values in the DUT, use the uvm_reg::predict() method. get virtual function uvm_reg_data_t get( string fname = "", int lineno = 0 ) Return the desired value of the fields in the register. Does not actually read the value of the register in the design, only the desired value in the abstraction class. Unless set to a different value using the uvm_reg::set(), the desired value and the mirrored value are identical. Use the uvm_reg::read() or uvm_reg::peek() method to get the actual register value. If the register contains write-only fields, the desired/mirrored value for those fields are the value last written and assumed to reside in the bits implementing these fields. Although a physical read operation would something different for these fields, the returned value is the actual content. get_mirrored_value virtual function uvm_reg_data_t get_mirrored_value( string fname = "", int lineno = 0 ) Return the mirrored value of the fields in the register. Does not actually read the value of the register in the design If the register contains write-only fields, the desired/mirrored value for those fields are the value last written and assumed to reside in the bits implementing these fields. Although a physical read operation would something different for these fields, the returned value is the actual content. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 594 needs_update virtual function bit needs_update() Returns 1 if any of the fields need updating See uvm_reg_field::needs_update() for details. Use the uvm_reg::update() to actually update the DUT register. reset virtual function void reset( string kind = "HARD" ) Reset the desired/mirrored value for this register. Sets the desired and mirror value of the fields in this register to the reset value for the specified reset kind. See uvm_reg_field.reset() for more details. Also resets the semaphore that prevents concurrent access to the register. This semaphore must be explicitly reset if a thread accessing this register array was killed in before the access was completed get_reset virtual function uvm_reg_data_t get_reset( string kind = "HARD" ) Get the specified reset value for this register Return the reset value for this register for the specified reset kind. has_reset virtual function bit has_reset( string kind = "HARD", bit delete = 0 ) Check if any field in the register has a reset value specified for the specified reset kind. If delete is TRUE, removes the reset value, if any. set_reset virtual function void set_reset( uvm_reg_data_t value, kind = "HARD" string ) Specify or modify the reset value for this register Specify or modify the reset value for all the fields in the register corresponding to the cause specified by kind. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 595 write virtual task write( output uvm_status_e input uvm_reg_data_t input uvm_path_e input uvm_reg_map input uvm_sequence_base input int input uvm_object input string input int ) status, value, path = map = parent = prior = extension = fname = lineno = UVM_DEFAULT_PATH, null, null, -1, null, "", 0 Write the specified value in this register Write value in the DUT register that corresponds to this abstraction class instance using the specified access path. If the register is mapped in more than one address map, an address map must be specified if a physical access is used (front-door access). If a back-door access path is used, the effect of writing the register through a physical access is mimicked. For example, read-only bits in the registers will not be written. The mirrored value will be updated using the uvm_reg::predict() method. read virtual task read( output uvm_status_e output uvm_reg_data_t input uvm_path_e input uvm_reg_map input uvm_sequence_base input int input uvm_object input string input int ) status, value, path = map = parent = prior = extension = fname = lineno = UVM_DEFAULT_PATH, null, null, -1, null, "", 0 Read the current value from this register Read and return value from the DUT register that corresponds to this abstraction class instance using the specified access path. If the register is mapped in more than one address map, an address map must be specified if a physical access is used (front-door access). If a back-door access path is used, the effect of reading the register through a physical access is mimicked. For example, clear-on-read bits in the registers will be set to zero. The mirrored value will be updated using the uvm_reg::predict() method. poke virtual task poke( output uvm_status_e input uvm_reg_data_t input string input uvm_sequence_base input uvm_object input string input int ) status, value, kind = parent = extension = fname = lineno = "", null, null, "", 0 Deposit the specified value in this register UVM 1.2 Class Reference 596 Deposit the value in the DUT register corresponding to this abstraction class instance, asis, using a back-door access. Uses the HDL path for the design abstraction specified by kind. The mirrored value will be updated using the uvm_reg::predict() method. peek virtual task peek( output uvm_status_e output uvm_reg_data_t input string input uvm_sequence_base input uvm_object input string input int ) status, value, kind = parent = extension = fname = lineno = "", null, null, "", 0 Read the current value from this register Sample the value in the DUT register corresponding to this abstraction class instance using a back-door access. The register value is sampled, not modified. Uses the HDL path for the design abstraction specified by kind. The mirrored value will be updated using the uvm_reg::predict() method. update virtual task update( output uvm_status_e input uvm_path_e input uvm_reg_map input uvm_sequence_base input int input uvm_object input string input int ) status, path = map = parent = prior = extension = fname = lineno = UVM_DEFAULT_PATH, null, null, -1, null, "", 0 Updates the content of the register in the design to match the desired value This method performs the reverse operation of uvm_reg::mirror(). Write this register if the DUT register is out-of-date with the desired/mirrored value in the abstraction class, as determined by the uvm_reg::needs_update() method. The update can be performed using the using the physical interfaces (frontdoor) or uvm_reg::poke() (backdoor) access. If the register is mapped in multiple address maps and physical access is used (front-door), an address map must be specified. mirror virtual task mirror( output uvm_status_e input uvm_check_e input uvm_path_e input uvm_reg_map input uvm_sequence_base input int input uvm_object input string input int UVM 1.2 Class Reference status, check = path = map = parent = prior = extension = fname = lineno = UVM_NO_CHECK, UVM_DEFAULT_PATH, null, null, -1, null, "", 0 597 ) Read the register and update/check its mirror value Read the register and optionally compared the readback value with the current mirrored value if check is UVM_CHECK. The mirrored value will be updated using the uvm_reg::predict() method based on the readback value. The mirroring can be performed using the physical interfaces (frontdoor) or uvm_reg::peek() (backdoor). If check is specified as UVM_CHECK, an error message is issued if the current mirrored value does not match the readback value. Any field whose check has been disabled with uvm_reg_field::set_compare() will not be considered in the comparison. If the register is mapped in multiple address maps and physical access is used (frontdoor access), an address map must be specified. If the register contains write-only fields, their content is mirrored and optionally checked only if a UVM_BACKDOOR access path is used to read the register. predict virtual function bit uvm_reg_data_t uvm_reg_byte_en_t uvm_predict_e uvm_path_e uvm_reg_map string int ) predict ( value, be = -1, kind = UVM_PREDICT_DIRECT, path = UVM_FRONTDOOR, map = null, fname = "", lineno = 0 Update the mirrored and desired value for this register. Predict the mirror (and desired) value of the fields in the register based on the specified observed value on a specified address map, or based on a calculated value. See uvm_reg_field::predict() for more details. Returns TRUE if the prediction was successful for each field in the register. is_busy function bit is_busy() Returns 1 if register is currently being read or written. FRONTdOOR set_frontdoor function void set_frontdoor( uvm_reg_frontdoor ftdr, map = null, uvm_reg_map string fname = "", int lineno = 0 ) UVM 1.2 Class Reference 598 Set a user-defined frontdoor for this register By default, registers are mapped linearly into the address space of the address maps that instantiate them. If registers are accessed using a different mechanism, a user-defined access mechanism must be defined and associated with the corresponding register abstraction class If the register is mapped in multiple address maps, an address map must be specified. get_frontdoor function uvm_reg_frontdoor get_frontdoor( uvm_reg_map map = null ) Returns the user-defined frontdoor for this register If null, no user-defined frontdoor has been defined. A user-defined frontdoor is defined by using the uvm_reg::set_frontdoor() method. If the register is mapped in multiple address maps, an address map must be specified. BAcKdOOR set_backdoor function void set_backdoor( uvm_reg_backdoor bkdr, fname = "", string int lineno = 0 ) Set a user-defined backdoor for this register By default, registers are accessed via the built-in string-based DPI routines if an HDL path has been specified using the uvm_reg::configure() or uvm_reg::add_hdl_path() method. If this default mechanism is not suitable (e.g. because the register is not implemented in pure SystemVerilog) a user-defined access mechanism must be defined and associated with the corresponding register abstraction class A user-defined backdoor is required if active update of the mirror of this register abstraction class, based on observed changes of the corresponding DUT register, is used. get_backdoor function uvm_reg_backdoor get_backdoor( bit inherited = 1 ) Returns the user-defined backdoor for this register If null, no user-defined backdoor has been defined. A user-defined backdoor is defined by using the uvm_reg::set_backdoor() method. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 599 If inherited is TRUE, returns the backdoor of the parent block if none have been specified for this register. clear_hdl_path function void clear_hdl_path ( string kind = "RTL" ) Delete HDL paths Remove any previously specified HDL path to the register instance for the specified design abstraction. add_hdl_path function void add_hdl_path ( uvm_hdl_path_slice slices[], string kind = "RTL" ) Add an HDL path Add the specified HDL path to the register instance for the specified design abstraction. This method may be called more than once for the same design abstraction if the register is physically duplicated in the design abstraction For example, the following register Bits: 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 +-+---+-------------+---+-------+ |A|xxx| B |xxx| C | +-+---+-------------+---+-------+ would be specified using the following literal value add_hdl_path('{ '{"A_reg", 15, 1}, '{"B_reg", 6, 7}, '{'C_reg", 0, 4} } ); If the register is implemented using a single HDL variable, The array should specify a single slice with its offset and size specified as -1. For example: r1.add_hdl_path('{ '{"r1", -1, -1} }); add_hdl_path_slice function void add_hdl_path_slice( string name, offset, int int size, UVM 1.2 Class Reference 600 bit first string kind ) = 0, = "RTL" Append the specified HDL slice to the HDL path of the register instance for the specified design abstraction. If first is TRUE, starts the specification of a duplicate HDL implementation of the register. has_hdl_path function bit has_hdl_path ( string kind = "" ) Check if a HDL path is specified Returns TRUE if the register instance has a HDL path defined for the specified design abstraction. If no design abstraction is specified, uses the default design abstraction specified for the parent block. get_hdl_path function void get_hdl_path ( ref uvm_hdl_path_concat paths[$], kind = "" input string ) Get the incremental HDL path(s) Returns the HDL path(s) defined for the specified design abstraction in the register instance. Returns only the component of the HDL paths that corresponds to the register, not a full hierarchical path If no design abstraction is specified, the default design abstraction for the parent block is used. get_hdl_path_kinds function void get_hdl_path_kinds ( ref string kinds[$] ) Get design abstractions for which HDL paths have been defined get_full_hdl_path function ref input input ) void get_full_hdl_path ( uvm_hdl_path_concat paths[$], string kind = "", string separator = "." Get the full hierarchical HDL path(s) Returns the full hierarchical HDL path(s) defined for the specified design abstraction in the register instance. There may be more than one path returned even if only one path was defined for the register instance, if any of the parent components have more than UVM 1.2 Class Reference 601 one path defined for the same design abstraction If no design abstraction is specified, the default design abstraction for each ancestor block is used to get each incremental path. backdoor_read virtual task backdoor_read( uvm_reg_item rw ) User-define backdoor read access Override the default string-based DPI backdoor access read for this register type. By default calls uvm_reg::backdoor_read_func(). backdoor_write virtual task backdoor_write( uvm_reg_item rw ) User-defined backdoor read access Override the default string-based DPI backdoor access write for this register type. backdoor_read_func virtual function uvm_status_e backdoor_read_func( uvm_reg_item rw ) User-defined backdoor read access Override the default string-based DPI backdoor access read for this register type. backdoor_watch virtual task backdoor_watch() User-defined DUT register change monitor Watch the DUT register corresponding to this abstraction class instance for any change in value and return when a value-change occurs. This may be implemented a string-based DPI access if the simulation tool provide a value-change callback facility. Such a facility does not exist in the standard SystemVerilog DPI and thus no default implementation for this method can be provided. COVERAGE include_coverage UVM 1.2 Class Reference 602 static function void include_coverage( string scope, uvm_reg_cvr_t models, uvm_object accessor = null ) Specify which coverage model that must be included in various block, register or memory abstraction class instances. The coverage models are specified by OR’ing or adding the uvm_coverage_model_e coverage model identifiers corresponding to the coverage model to be included. The scope specifies a hierarchical name or pattern identifying a block, memory or register abstraction class instances. Any block, memory or register whose full hierarchical name matches the specified scope will have the specified functional coverage models included in them. The scope can be specified as a POSIX regular expression or simple pattern. See uvm_resource_base::Scope Interface for more details. uvm_reg::include_coverage("*", UVM_CVR_ALL); The specification of which coverage model to include in which abstraction class is stored in a uvm_reg_cvr_t resource in the uvm_resource_db resource database, in the “uvm_reg::” scope namespace. build_coverage protected function uvm_reg_cvr_t build_coverage( uvm_reg_cvr_t models ) Check if all of the specified coverage models must be built. Check which of the specified coverage model must be built in this instance of the register abstraction class, as specified by calls to uvm_reg::include_coverage(). Models are specified by adding the symbolic value of individual coverage model as defined in uvm_coverage_model_e. Returns the sum of all coverage models to be built in the register model. add_coverage virtual protected function void add_coverage( uvm_reg_cvr_t models ) Specify that additional coverage models are available. Add the specified coverage model to the coverage models available in this class. Models are specified by adding the symbolic value of individual coverage model as defined in uvm_coverage_model_e. This method shall be called only in the constructor of subsequently derived classes. has_coverage UVM 1.2 Class Reference 603 virtual function bit has_coverage( uvm_reg_cvr_t models ) Check if register has coverage model(s) Returns TRUE if the register abstraction class contains a coverage model for all of the models specified. Models are specified by adding the symbolic value of individual coverage model as defined in uvm_coverage_model_e. set_coverage virtual function uvm_reg_cvr_t set_coverage( uvm_reg_cvr_t is_on ) Turns on coverage measurement. Turns the collection of functional coverage measurements on or off for this register. The functional coverage measurement is turned on for every coverage model specified using uvm_coverage_model_e symbolic identifiers. Multiple functional coverage models can be specified by adding the functional coverage model identifiers. All other functional coverage models are turned off. Returns the sum of all functional coverage models whose measurements were previously on. This method can only control the measurement of functional coverage models that are present in the register abstraction classes, then enabled during construction. See the uvm_reg::has_coverage() method to identify the available functional coverage models. get_coverage virtual function bit get_coverage( uvm_reg_cvr_t is_on ) Check if coverage measurement is on. Returns TRUE if measurement for all of the specified functional coverage models are currently on. Multiple functional coverage models can be specified by adding the functional coverage model identifiers. See uvm_reg::set_coverage() for more details. sample protected virtual uvm_reg_data_t uvm_reg_data_t bit uvm_reg_map ) function void sample( data, byte_en, is_read, map Functional coverage measurement method This method is invoked by the register abstraction class whenever it is read or written with the specified data via the specified address map. It is invoked after the read or write operation has completed but before the mirror has been updated. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 604 Empty by default, this method may be extended by the abstraction class generator to perform the required sampling in any provided functional coverage model. sample_values virtual function void sample_values() Functional coverage measurement method for field values This method is invoked by the user or by the uvm_reg_block::sample_values() method of the parent block to trigger the sampling of the current field values in the register-level functional coverage model. This method may be extended by the abstraction class generator to perform the required sampling in any provided field-value functional coverage model. CALLbAcKs pre_write virtual task pre_write( uvm_reg_item rw ) Called before register write. If the specified data value, access path or address map are modified, the updated data value, access path or address map will be used to perform the register operation. If the status is modified to anything other than UVM_IS_OK, the operation is aborted. The registered callback methods are invoked after the invocation of this method. All register callbacks are executed before the corresponding field callbacks post_write virtual task post_write( uvm_reg_item rw ) Called after register write. If the specified status is modified, the updated status will be returned by the register operation. The registered callback methods are invoked before the invocation of this method. All register callbacks are executed before the corresponding field callbacks pre_read virtual task pre_read( uvm_reg_item rw ) Called before register read. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 605 If the specified access path or address map are modified, the updated access path or address map will be used to perform the register operation. If the status is modified to anything other than UVM_IS_OK, the operation is aborted. The registered callback methods are invoked after the invocation of this method. All register callbacks are executed before the corresponding field callbacks post_read virtual task post_read( uvm_reg_item rw ) Called after register read. If the specified readback data or status is modified, the updated readback data or status will be returned by the register operation. The registered callback methods are invoked before the invocation of this method. All register callbacks are executed before the corresponding field callbacks UVM 1.2 Class Reference 606 25.5 uvm_reg_field Field abstraction class A field represents a set of bits that behave consistently as a single entity. A field is contained within a single register, but may have different access policies depending on the address map use the access the register (thus the field). Summary uvm_reg_field Field abstraction class CLAss HIERARchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_reg_field CLAss DEcLARATION class uvm_reg_field extends uvm_object value INITIALIZATION new configure INTROsPEcTION get_name get_full_name get_parent get_lsb_pos get_n_bits get_max_size set_access define_access get_access is_known_access set_volatility is_volatile AccEss set get get_mirrored_value reset get_reset has_reset set_reset needs_update write read poke peek mirror set_compare get_compare is_indv_accessible UVM 1.2 Class Reference Mirrored field value. Create a new field instance Instance-specific configuration Get the simple name Get the hierarchical name Get the parent register Return the position of the field Returns the width, in number of bits, of the field. Returns the width, in number of bits, of the largest field. Modify the access policy of the field Define a new access policy value Get the access policy of the field Check if access policy is a built-in one. Modify the volatility of the field to the specified one. Indicates if the field value is volatile Set the desired value for this field Return the desired value of the field Return the mirrored value of the field Reset the desired/mirrored value for this field. Get the specified reset value for this field Check if the field has a reset value specified Specify or modify the reset value for this field Check if the abstract model contains different desired and mirrored values. Write the specified value in this field Read the current value from this field Deposit the specified value in this field Read the current value from this field Read the field and update/check its mirror value Sets the compare policy during a mirror update. Returns the compare policy for this field. Check if this field can be written individually 607 predict CALLBAcKs pre_write post_write pre_read post_read Update the mirrored and desired value for this field. Called Called Called Called before field write. after field write. before field read. after field read. value rand uvm_reg_data_t value Mirrored field value. This value can be sampled in a functional coverage model or constrained when randomized. INITIALIZATION new function new( string name = "uvm_reg_field" ) Create a new field instance This method should not be used directly. The uvm_reg_field::type_id::create() factory method should be used instead. configure function void configure( uvm_reg parent, int unsigned size, int unsigned lsb_pos, string access, bit volatile, uvm_reg_data_t reset, bit has_reset, bit is_rand, bit individually_accessible ) Instance-specific configuration Specify the parent register of this field, its size in bits, the position of its least-significant bit within the register relative to the least-significant bit of the register, its access policy, volatility, “HARD” reset value, whether the field value is actually reset (the reset value is ignored if FALSE), whether the field value may be randomized and whether the field is the only one to occupy a byte lane in the register. See set_access for a specification of the pre-defined field access policies. If the field access policy is a pre-defined policy and NOT one of “RW”, “WRC”, “WRS”, “WO”, “W1”, or “WO1”, the value of is_rand is ignored and the rand_mode() for the field instance is turned off since it cannot be written. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 608 INTROsPEcTION get_name Get the simple name Return the simple object name of this field get_full_name virtual function string get_full_name() Get the hierarchical name Return the hierarchal name of this field The base of the hierarchical name is the root block. get_parent virtual function uvm_reg get_parent() Get the parent register get_lsb_pos virtual function int unsigned get_lsb_pos() Return the position of the field Returns the index of the least significant bit of the field in the register that instantiates it. An offset of 0 indicates a field that is aligned with the least-significant bit of the register. get_n_bits virtual function int unsigned get_n_bits() Returns the width, in number of bits, of the field. get_max_size static function int unsigned get_max_size() Returns the width, in number of bits, of the largest field. set_access virtual function string set_access( UVM 1.2 Class Reference 609 string mode ) Modify the access policy of the field Modify the access policy of the field to the specified one and return the previous access policy. The pre-defined access policies are as follows. The effect of a read operation are applied after the current value of the field is sampled. The read operation will return the current value, not the value affected by the read operation (if any). ”RO” W: no effect, R: no effect ”RW” W: as-is, R: no effect ”RC” W: no effect, R: clears all bits ”RS” W: no effect, R: sets all bits ”WRC” W: as-is, R: clears all bits ”WRS” W: as-is, R: sets all bits ”WC” W: clears all bits, R: no effect ”WS” W: sets all bits, R: no effect ”WSRC” W: sets all bits, R: clears all bits ”WCRS” W: clears all bits, R: sets all bits ”W1C” W: 1/0 clears/no effect on matching bit, R: no effect ”W1S” W: 1/0 sets/no effect on matching bit, R: no effect ”W1T” W: 1/0 toggles/no effect on matching bit, R: no effect ”W0C” W: 1/0 no effect on/clears matching bit, R: no effect ”W0S” W: 1/0 no effect on/sets matching bit, R: no effect ”W0T” W: 1/0 no effect on/toggles matching bit, R: no effect ”W1SRC” W: 1/0 sets/no effect on matching bit, R: clears all bits ”W1CRS” W: 1/0 clears/no effect on matching bit, R: sets all bits ”W0SRC” W: 1/0 no effect on/sets matching bit, R: clears all bits ”W0CRS” W: 1/0 no effect on/clears matching bit, R: sets all bits ”WO” W: as-is, R: error ”WOC” W: clears all bits, R: error ”WOS” W: sets all bits, R: error ”W1” W: first one after HARD reset is as-is, other W have no effects, R: no effect ”WO1” W: first one after HARD reset is as-is, other W have no effects, R: error ”NOACCESS” W: no effect, R: no effect It is important to remember that modifying the access of a field will make the register model diverge from the specification that was used to create it. define_access static function bit define_access( string name ) UVM 1.2 Class Reference 610 Define a new access policy value Because field access policies are specified using string values, there is no way for SystemVerilog to verify if a specific access value is valid or not. To help catch typing errors, user-defined access values must be defined using this method to avoid begin reported as an invalid access policy. The name of field access policies are always converted to all uppercase. Returns TRUE if the new access policy was not previously defined. Returns FALSE otherwise but does not issue an error message. get_access virtual function string get_access( uvm_reg_map map = null ) Get the access policy of the field Returns the current access policy of the field when written and read through the specified address map. If the register containing the field is mapped in multiple address map, an address map must be specified. The access policy of a field from a specific address map may be restricted by the register’s access policy in that address map. For example, a RW field may only be writable through one of the address maps and read-only through all of the other maps. If the field access contradicts the map’s access value (field access of WO, and map access value of RO, etc), the method’s return value is NOACCESS. is_known_access virtual function bit is_known_access( uvm_reg_map map = null ) Check if access policy is a built-in one. Returns TRUE if the current access policy of the field, when written and read through the specified address map, is a built-in access policy. set_volatility virtual function void set_volatility( bit volatile ) Modify the volatility of the field to the specified one. It is important to remember that modifying the volatility of a field will make the register model diverge from the specification that was used to create it. is_volatile virtual function bit is_volatile() Indicates if the field value is volatile UVM 1.2 Class Reference 611 UVM uses the IEEE 1685-2009 IP-XACT definition of “volatility”. If TRUE, the value of the register is not predictable because it may change between consecutive accesses. This typically indicates a field whose value is updated by the DUT. The nature or cause of the change is not specified. If FALSE, the value of the register is not modified between consecutive accesses. AccEss set virtual function void set( uvm_reg_data_t value, string fname = "", int lineno = 0 ) Set the desired value for this field It sets the desired value of the field to the specified value modified by the field access policy. It does not actually set the value of the field in the design, only the desired value in the abstraction class. Use the uvm_reg::update() method to update the actual register with the desired value or the uvm_reg_field::write() method to actually write the field and update its mirrored value. The final desired value in the mirror is a function of the field access policy and the set value, just like a normal physical write operation to the corresponding bits in the hardware. As such, this method (when eventually followed by a call to uvm_reg::update()) is a zero-time functional replacement for the uvm_reg_field::write() method. For example, the desired value of a read-only field is not modified by this method and the desired value of a write-once field can only be set if the field has not yet been written to using a physical (for example, front-door) write operation. Use the uvm_reg_field::predict() to modify the mirrored value of the field. get virtual function uvm_reg_data_t get( string fname = "", int lineno = 0 ) Return the desired value of the field It does not actually read the value of the field in the design, only the desired value in the abstraction class. Unless set to a different value using the uvm_reg_field::set(), the desired value and the mirrored value are identical. Use the uvm_reg_field::read() or uvm_reg_field::peek() method to get the actual field value. If the field is write-only, the desired/mirrored value is the value last written and assumed to reside in the bits implementing it. Although a physical read operation would something different, the returned value is the actual content. get_mirrored_value UVM 1.2 Class Reference 612 virtual function uvm_reg_data_t get_mirrored_value( string fname = "", int lineno = 0 ) Return the mirrored value of the field It does not actually read the value of the field in the design, only the mirrored value in the abstraction class. If the field is write-only, the desired/mirrored value is the value last written and assumed to reside in the bits implementing it. Although a physical read operation would something different, the returned value is the actual content. reset virtual function void reset( string kind = "HARD" ) Reset the desired/mirrored value for this field. It sets the desired and mirror value of the field to the reset event specified by kind. If the field does not have a reset value specified for the specified reset kind the field is unchanged. It does not actually reset the value of the field in the design, only the value mirrored in the field abstraction class. Write-once fields can be modified after a “HARD” reset operation. get_reset virtual function uvm_reg_data_t get_reset( string kind = "HARD" ) Get the specified reset value for this field Return the reset value for this field for the specified reset kind. Returns the current field value is no reset value has been specified for the specified reset event. has_reset virtual function bit has_reset( string kind = "HARD", bit delete = 0 ) Check if the field has a reset value specified Return TRUE if this field has a reset value specified for the specified reset kind. If delete is TRUE, removes the reset value, if any. set_reset virtual function void set_reset( UVM 1.2 Class Reference 613 uvm_reg_data_t value, string kind = "HARD" ) Specify or modify the reset value for this field Specify or modify the reset value for this field corresponding to the cause specified by kind. needs_update virtual function bit needs_update() Check if the abstract model contains different desired and mirrored values. If a desired field value has been modified in the abstraction class without actually updating the field in the DUT, the state of the DUT (more specifically what the abstraction class thinks the state of the DUT is) is outdated. This method returns TRUE if the state of the field in the DUT needs to be updated to match the desired value. The mirror values or actual content of DUT field are not modified. Use the uvm_reg::update() to actually update the DUT field. write virtual task write ( output uvm_status_e input uvm_reg_data_t input uvm_path_e input uvm_reg_map input uvm_sequence_base input int input uvm_object input string input int ) status, value, path = map = parent = prior = extension = fname = lineno = UVM_DEFAULT_PATH, null, null, -1, null, "", 0 Write the specified value in this field Write value in the DUT field that corresponds to this abstraction class instance using the specified access path. If the register containing this field is mapped in more than one address map, an address map must be specified if a physical access is used (front-door access). If a back-door access path is used, the effect of writing the field through a physical access is mimicked. For example, read-only bits in the field will not be written. The mirrored value will be updated using the uvm_reg_field::predict() method. If a front-door access is used, and if the field is the only field in a byte lane and if the physical interface corresponding to the address map used to access the field support byte-enabling, then only the field is written. Otherwise, the entire register containing the field is written, and the mirrored values of the other fields in the same register are used in a best-effort not to modify their value. If a backdoor access is used, a peek-modify-poke process is used. in a best-effort not to modify the value of the other fields in the register. read virtual task read ( output uvm_status_e output uvm_reg_data_t UVM 1.2 Class Reference status, value, 614 ) input input input input input input input uvm_path_e uvm_reg_map uvm_sequence_base int uvm_object string int path map parent prior extension fname lineno = = = = = = = UVM_DEFAULT_PATH, null, null, -1, null, "", 0 Read the current value from this field Read and return value from the DUT field that corresponds to this abstraction class instance using the specified access path. If the register containing this field is mapped in more than one address map, an address map must be specified if a physical access is used (front-door access). If a back-door access path is used, the effect of reading the field through a physical access is mimicked. For example, clear-on-read bits in the field will be set to zero. The mirrored value will be updated using the uvm_reg_field::predict() method. If a front-door access is used, and if the field is the only field in a byte lane and if the physical interface corresponding to the address map used to access the field support byte-enabling, then only the field is read. Otherwise, the entire register containing the field is read, and the mirrored values of the other fields in the same register are updated. If a backdoor access is used, the entire containing register is peeked and the mirrored value of the other fields in the register is updated. poke virtual task poke ( output uvm_status_e input uvm_reg_data_t input string input uvm_sequence_base input uvm_object input string input int ) status, value, kind = parent = extension = fname = lineno = "", null, null, "", 0 Deposit the specified value in this field Deposit the value in the DUT field corresponding to this abstraction class instance, as-is, using a back-door access. A peek-modify-poke process is used in a best-effort not to modify the value of the other fields in the register. The mirrored value will be updated using the uvm_reg_field::predict() method. peek virtual task peek ( output uvm_status_e output uvm_reg_data_t input string input uvm_sequence_base input uvm_object input string input int ) status, value, kind = parent = extension = fname = lineno = "", null, null, "", 0 Read the current value from this field Sample the value in the DUT field corresponding to this abstraction class instance using a UVM 1.2 Class Reference 615 back-door access. The field value is sampled, not modified. Uses the HDL path for the design abstraction specified by kind. The entire containing register is peeked and the mirrored value of the other fields in the register are updated using the uvm_reg_field::predict() method. mirror virtual task mirror( output uvm_status_e input uvm_check_e input uvm_path_e input uvm_reg_map input uvm_sequence_base input int input uvm_object input string input int ) status, check = path = map = parent = prior = extension = fname = lineno = UVM_NO_CHECK, UVM_DEFAULT_PATH, null, null, -1, null, "", 0 Read the field and update/check its mirror value Read the field and optionally compared the readback value with the current mirrored value if check is UVM_CHECK. The mirrored value will be updated using the predict() method based on the readback value. The path argument specifies whether to mirror using the UVM_FRONTDOOR (read) or UVM_BACKDOOR (peek()). If check is specified as UVM_CHECK, an error message is issued if the current mirrored value does not match the readback value, unless set_compare was used disable the check. If the containing register is mapped in multiple address maps and physical access is used (front-door access), an address map must be specified. For write-only fields, their content is mirrored and optionally checked only if a UVM_BACKDOOR access path is used to read the field. set_compare function void set_compare( uvm_check_e check = UVM_CHECK ) Sets the compare policy during a mirror update. The field value is checked against its mirror only when both the check argument in uvm_reg_block::mirror, uvm_reg::mirror, or uvm_reg_field::mirror and the compare policy for the field is UVM_CHECK. get_compare function uvm_check_e get_compare() Returns the compare policy for this field. is_indv_accessible function bit is indv accessible ( UVM 1.2 Class Reference 616 uvm_path_e path, uvm_reg_map local_map ) Check if this field can be written individually, i.e. without affecting other fields in the containing register. predict function bit predict uvm_reg_data_t uvm_reg_byte_en_t uvm_predict_e uvm_path_e uvm_reg_map string int ) ( value, be = kind = path = map = fname = lineno = -1, UVM_PREDICT_DIRECT, UVM_FRONTDOOR, null, "", 0 Update the mirrored and desired value for this field. Predict the mirror and desired value of the field based on the specified observed value on a bus using the specified address map. If kind is specified as UVM_PREDICT_READ, the value was observed in a read transaction on the specified address map or backdoor (if path is UVM_BACKDOOR). If kind is specified as UVM_PREDICT_WRITE, the value was observed in a write transaction on the specified address map or backdoor (if path is UVM_BACKDOOR). If kind is specified as UVM_PREDICT_DIRECT, the value was computed and is updated as-is, without regard to any access policy. For example, the mirrored value of a read-only field is modified by this method if kind is specified as UVM_PREDICT_DIRECT. This method does not allow an update of the mirror (or desired) when the register containing this field is busy executing a transaction because the results are unpredictable and indicative of a race condition in the testbench. Returns TRUE if the prediction was successful. CALLBAcKs pre_write virtual task pre_write ( uvm_reg_item rw ) Called before field write. If the specified data value, access path or address map are modified, the updated data value, access path or address map will be used to perform the register operation. If the status is modified to anything other than UVM_IS_OK, the operation is aborted. The field callback methods are invoked after the callback methods on the containing register. The registered callback methods are invoked after the invocation of this method. post_write UVM 1.2 Class Reference 617 virtual task post_write ( uvm_reg_item rw ) Called after field write. If the specified status is modified, the updated status will be returned by the register operation. The field callback methods are invoked after the callback methods on the containing register. The registered callback methods are invoked before the invocation of this method. pre_read virtual task pre_read ( uvm_reg_item rw ) Called before field read. If the access path or address map in the rw argument are modified, the updated access path or address map will be used to perform the register operation. If the status is modified to anything other than UVM_IS_OK, the operation is aborted. The field callback methods are invoked after the callback methods on the containing register. The registered callback methods are invoked after the invocation of this method. post_read virtual task post_read ( uvm_reg_item rw ) Called after field read. If the specified readback data or~status~ in the rw argument is modified, the updated readback data or status will be returned by the register operation. The field callback methods are invoked after the callback methods on the containing register. The registered callback methods are invoked before the invocation of this method. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 618 25.6 uvm_mem Memory abstraction base class A memory is a collection of contiguous locations. A memory may be accessible via more than one address map. Unlike registers, memories are not mirrored because of the potentially large data space: tests that walk the entire memory space would negate any benefit from sparse memory modelling techniques. Rather than relying on a mirror, it is recommended that backdoor access be used instead. Summary uvm_mem Memory abstraction base class CLAss HIERARchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_mem CLAss DEcLARATION class uvm_mem extends uvm_object INITIALIZATION new configure set_offset Modifying the offset of a memory will make the abstract model mam INTROsPEcTION get_name get_full_name get_parent get_n_maps is_in_map get_maps get_rights get_access get_size get_n_bytes get_n_bits get_max_size get_virtual_registers get_virtual_fields UVM 1.2 Class Reference Create a new instance and type-specific configuration Instance-specific configuration Modify the offset of the memory diverge from the specification that was used to create it. Memory allocation manager Get the simple name Get the hierarchical name Get the parent block Returns the number of address maps this memory is mapped in Return TRUE if this memory is in the specified address map Returns all of the address maps where this memory is mapped Returns the access rights of this memory. Returns the access policy of the memory when written and read via an address map. Returns the number of unique memory locations in this memory. Return the width, in number of bytes, of each memory location Returns the width, in number of bits, of each memory location Returns the maximum width, in number of bits, of all memories Return the virtual registers in this memory Return the virtual fields in the memory 619 get_vreg_by_name get_vfield_by_name get_vreg_by_offset get_offset get_address get_addresses HDL AccEss write read burst_write burst_read poke peek FRONTdOOR set_frontdoor get_frontdoor BAcKdOOR set_backdoor get_backdoor clear_hdl_path add_hdl_path add_hdl_path_slice has_hdl_path get_hdl_path get_full_hdl_path get_hdl_path_kinds backdoor_read backdoor_write backdoor_read_func CALLbAcKs pre_write post_write pre_read post_read COVERAGE build_coverage add_coverage has_coverage set_coverage get_coverage sample Find the named virtual register Find the named virtual field Find the virtual register implemented at the specified offset Returns the base offset of a memory location Returns the base external physical address of a memory location Identifies the external physical address(es) of a memory location Write the specified value in a memory location Read the current value from a memory location Write the specified values in memory locations Read values from memory locations Deposit the specified value in a memory location Read the current value from a memory location Set a user-defined frontdoor for this memory Returns the user-defined frontdoor for this memory Set a user-defined backdoor for this memory Returns the user-defined backdoor for this memory Delete HDL paths Add an HDL path Add the specified HDL slice to the HDL path for the specified design abstraction. Check if a HDL path is specified Get the incremental HDL path(s) Get the full hierarchical HDL path(s) Get design abstractions for which HDL paths have been defined User-define backdoor read access User-defined backdoor read access User-defined backdoor read access Called Called Called Called before memory write. after memory write. before memory read. after memory read. Check if all of the specified coverage model must be built. Specify that additional coverage models are available. Check if memory has coverage model(s) Turns on coverage measurement. Check if coverage measurement is on. Functional coverage measurement method INITIALIZATION UVM 1.2 Class Reference 620 new function new ( string longint unsigned int unsigned string int ) name, size, n_bits, access = "RW", has_coverage = UVM_NO_COVERAGE Create a new instance and type-specific configuration Creates an instance of a memory abstraction class with the specified name. size specifies the total number of memory locations. n_bits specifies the total number of bits in each memory location. access specifies the access policy of this memory and may be one of “RW for RAMs and “RO” for ROMs. has_coverage specifies which functional coverage models are present in the extension of the register abstraction class. Multiple functional coverage models may be specified by adding their symbolic names, as defined by the uvm_coverage_model_e type. configure function void configure ( uvm_reg_block parent, hdl_path = "" string ) Instance-specific configuration Specify the parent block of this memory. If this memory is implemented in a single HDL variable, its name is specified as the hdl_path. Otherwise, if the memory is implemented as a concatenation of variables (usually one per bank), then the HDL path must be specified using the add_hdl_path() or add_hdl_path_slice() method. set_offset Modify the offset of the memory The offset of a memory within an address map is set using the uvm_reg_map::add_mem() method. This method is used to modify that offset dynamically. Modifying the offset of a memory will make the abstract model diverge from the specification that was used to create it. mam uvm_mem_mam mam Memory allocation manager UVM 1.2 Class Reference 621 Memory allocation manager for the memory corresponding to this abstraction class instance. Can be used to allocate regions of consecutive addresses of specific sizes, such as DMA buffers, or to locate virtual register array. INTROsPEcTION get_name Get the simple name Return the simple object name of this memory. get_full_name virtual function string get_full_name() Get the hierarchical name Return the hierarchal name of this memory. The base of the hierarchical name is the root block. get_parent virtual function uvm_reg_block get_parent () Get the parent block get_n_maps virtual function int get_n_maps () Returns the number of address maps this memory is mapped in is_in_map function bit is_in_map ( uvm_reg_map map ) Return TRUE if this memory is in the specified address map get_maps virtual function void get_maps ( ref uvm_reg_map maps[$] ) Returns all of the address maps where this memory is mapped UVM 1.2 Class Reference 622 get_rights virtual function string get_rights ( uvm_reg_map map = null ) Returns the access rights of this memory. Returns “RW”, “RO” or “WO”. The access rights of a memory is always “RW”, unless it is a shared memory with access restriction in a particular address map. If no address map is specified and the memory is mapped in only one address map, that address map is used. If the memory is mapped in more than one address map, the default address map of the parent block is used. If an address map is specified and the memory is not mapped in the specified address map, an error message is issued and “RW” is returned. get_access virtual function string get_access( uvm_reg_map map = null ) Returns the access policy of the memory when written and read via an address map. If the memory is mapped in more than one address map, an address map must be specified. If access restrictions are present when accessing a memory through the specified address map, the access mode returned takes the access restrictions into account. For example, a read-write memory accessed through a domain with read-only restrictions would return “RO”. get_size function longint unsigned get_size() Returns the number of unique memory locations in this memory. get_n_bytes function int unsigned get_n_bytes() Return the width, in number of bytes, of each memory location get_n_bits function int unsigned get_n_bits() Returns the width, in number of bits, of each memory location get_max_size static function int unsigned get_max_size() UVM 1.2 Class Reference 623 Returns the maximum width, in number of bits, of all memories get_virtual_registers virtual function void get_virtual_registers( ref uvm_vreg regs[$] ) Return the virtual registers in this memory Fills the specified array with the abstraction class for all of the virtual registers implemented in this memory. The order in which the virtual registers are located in the array is not specified. get_virtual_fields virtual function void get_virtual_fields( ref uvm_vreg_field fields[$] ) Return the virtual fields in the memory Fills the specified dynamic array with the abstraction class for all of the virtual fields implemented in this memory. The order in which the virtual fields are located in the array is not specified. get_vreg_by_name virtual function uvm_vreg get_vreg_by_name( string name ) Find the named virtual register Finds a virtual register with the specified name implemented in this memory and returns its abstraction class instance. If no virtual register with the specified name is found, returns null. get_vfield_by_name virtual function uvm_vreg_field get_vfield_by_name( string name ) Find the named virtual field Finds a virtual field with the specified name implemented in this memory and returns its abstraction class instance. If no virtual field with the specified name is found, returns null. get_vreg_by_offset virtual function uvm_vreg get_vreg_by_offset( uvm_reg_addr_t offset, UVM 1.2 Class Reference 624 uvm_reg_map ) map = null Find the virtual register implemented at the specified offset Finds the virtual register implemented in this memory at the specified offset in the specified address map and returns its abstraction class instance. If no virtual register at the offset is found, returns null. get_offset virtual function uvm_reg_addr_t get_offset ( uvm_reg_addr_t offset = 0, uvm_reg_map map = null ) Returns the base offset of a memory location Returns the base offset of the specified location in this memory in an address map. If no address map is specified and the memory is mapped in only one address map, that address map is used. If the memory is mapped in more than one address map, the default address map of the parent block is used. If an address map is specified and the memory is not mapped in the specified address map, an error message is issued. get_address virtual function uvm_reg_addr_t get_address( uvm_reg_addr_t offset = 0, uvm_reg_map map = null ) Returns the base external physical address of a memory location Returns the base external physical address of the specified location in this memory if accessed through the specified address map. If no address map is specified and the memory is mapped in only one address map, that address map is used. If the memory is mapped in more than one address map, the default address map of the parent block is used. If an address map is specified and the memory is not mapped in the specified address map, an error message is issued. get_addresses virtual function int get_addresses( uvm_reg_addr_t offset = 0, uvm_reg_map map = null, ref uvm_reg_addr_t addr[] ) Identifies the external physical address(es) of a memory location Computes all of the external physical addresses that must be accessed to completely read or write the specified location in this memory. The addressed are specified in little endian order. Returns the number of bytes transferred on each access. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 625 If no address map is specified and the memory is mapped in only one address map, that address map is used. If the memory is mapped in more than one address map, the default address map of the parent block is used. If an address map is specified and the memory is not mapped in the specified address map, an error message is issued. HDL AccEss write virtual task write( output uvm_status_e input uvm_reg_addr_t input uvm_reg_data_t input uvm_path_e input uvm_reg_map input uvm_sequence_base input int input uvm_object input string input int ) status, offset, value, path = map = parent = prior = extension = fname = lineno = UVM_DEFAULT_PATH, null, null, -1, null, "", 0 Write the specified value in a memory location Write value in the memory location that corresponds to this abstraction class instance at the specified offset using the specified access path. If the memory is mapped in more than one address map, an address map must be specified if a physical access is used (front-door access). If a back-door access path is used, the effect of writing the register through a physical access is mimicked. For example, a read-only memory will not be written. read virtual task read( output uvm_status_e input uvm_reg_addr_t output uvm_reg_data_t input uvm_path_e input uvm_reg_map input uvm_sequence_base input int input uvm_object input string input int ) status, offset, value, path = map = parent = prior = extension = fname = lineno = UVM_DEFAULT_PATH, null, null, -1, null, "", 0 Read the current value from a memory location Read and return value from the memory location that corresponds to this abstraction class instance at the specified offset using the specified access path. If the register is mapped in more than one address map, an address map must be specified if a physical access is used (front-door access). burst_write virtual task burst_write( output uvm_status_e UVM 1.2 Class Reference status, 626 ) input input input input input input input input input uvm_reg_addr_t uvm_reg_data_t uvm_path_e uvm_reg_map uvm_sequence_base int uvm_object string int offset, value[], path = map = parent = prior = extension = fname = lineno = UVM_DEFAULT_PATH, null, null, -1, null, "", 0 Write the specified values in memory locations Burst-write the specified values in the memory locations beginning at the specified offset. If the memory is mapped in more than one address map, an address map must be specified if not using the backdoor. If a back-door access path is used, the effect of writing the register through a physical access is mimicked. For example, a read-only memory will not be written. burst_read virtual task burst_read( output uvm_status_e input uvm_reg_addr_t ref uvm_reg_data_t input uvm_path_e input uvm_reg_map input uvm_sequence_base input int input uvm_object input string input int ) status, offset, value[], path = map = parent = prior = extension = fname = lineno = UVM_DEFAULT_PATH, null, null, -1, null, "", 0 Read values from memory locations Burst-read into values the data the memory locations beginning at the specified offset. If the memory is mapped in more than one address map, an address map must be specified if not using the backdoor. If a back-door access path is used, the effect of writing the register through a physical access is mimicked. For example, a read-only memory will not be written. poke virtual task poke( output uvm_status_e input uvm_reg_addr_t input uvm_reg_data_t input string input uvm_sequence_base input uvm_object input string input int ) status, offset, value, kind = parent = extension = fname = lineno = "", null, null, "", 0 Deposit the specified value in a memory location Deposit the value in the DUT memory location corresponding to this abstraction class instance at the specified offset, as-is, using a back-door access. Uses the HDL path for the design abstraction specified by kind. peek UVM 1.2 Class Reference 627 virtual task peek( output uvm_status_e input uvm_reg_addr_t output uvm_reg_data_t input string input uvm_sequence_base input uvm_object input string input int ) status, offset, value, kind = parent = extension = fname = lineno = "", null, null, "", 0 Read the current value from a memory location Sample the value in the DUT memory location corresponding to this abstraction class instance at the specified offset using a back-door access. The memory location value is sampled, not modified. Uses the HDL path for the design abstraction specified by kind. FRONTdOOR set_frontdoor function void set_frontdoor( uvm_reg_frontdoor ftdr, map = null, uvm_reg_map string fname = "", int lineno = 0 ) Set a user-defined frontdoor for this memory By default, memories are mapped linearly into the address space of the address maps that instantiate them. If memories are accessed using a different mechanism, a userdefined access mechanism must be defined and associated with the corresponding memory abstraction class If the memory is mapped in multiple address maps, an address map must be specified. get_frontdoor function uvm_reg_frontdoor get_frontdoor( uvm_reg_map map = null ) Returns the user-defined frontdoor for this memory If null, no user-defined frontdoor has been defined. A user-defined frontdoor is defined by using the uvm_mem::set_frontdoor() method. If the memory is mapped in multiple address maps, an address map must be specified. BAcKdOOR set_backdoor UVM 1.2 Class Reference 628 function void set_backdoor ( uvm_reg_backdoor bkdr, string fname = "", int lineno = 0 ) Set a user-defined backdoor for this memory By default, memories are accessed via the built-in string-based DPI routines if an HDL path has been specified using the uvm_mem::configure() or uvm_mem::add_hdl_path() method. If this default mechanism is not suitable (e.g. because the memory is not implemented in pure SystemVerilog) a user-defined access mechanism must be defined and associated with the corresponding memory abstraction class get_backdoor function uvm_reg_backdoor get_backdoor( bit inherited = 1 ) Returns the user-defined backdoor for this memory If null, no user-defined backdoor has been defined. A user-defined backdoor is defined by using the uvm_reg::set_backdoor() method. If inherit is TRUE, returns the backdoor of the parent block if none have been specified for this memory. clear_hdl_path function void clear_hdl_path ( string kind = "RTL" ) Delete HDL paths Remove any previously specified HDL path to the memory instance for the specified design abstraction. add_hdl_path function void add_hdl_path ( uvm_hdl_path_slice slices[], kind = "RTL" string ) Add an HDL path Add the specified HDL path to the memory instance for the specified design abstraction. This method may be called more than once for the same design abstraction if the memory is physically duplicated in the design abstraction add_hdl_path_slice function void add_hdl_path_slice( string name, offset, int UVM 1.2 Class Reference 629 int size, bit first string kind ) = 0, = "RTL" Add the specified HDL slice to the HDL path for the specified design abstraction. If first is TRUE, starts the specification of a duplicate HDL implementation of the memory. has_hdl_path function bit has_hdl_path ( string kind = "" ) Check if a HDL path is specified Returns TRUE if the memory instance has a HDL path defined for the specified design abstraction. If no design abstraction is specified, uses the default design abstraction specified for the parent block. get_hdl_path function void get_hdl_path ( ref uvm_hdl_path_concat paths[$], kind = "" input string ) Get the incremental HDL path(s) Returns the HDL path(s) defined for the specified design abstraction in the memory instance. Returns only the component of the HDL paths that corresponds to the memory, not a full hierarchical path If no design abstraction is specified, the default design abstraction for the parent block is used. get_full_hdl_path function ref input input ) void get_full_hdl_path ( uvm_hdl_path_concat paths[$], string kind = "", string separator = "." Get the full hierarchical HDL path(s) Returns the full hierarchical HDL path(s) defined for the specified design abstraction in the memory instance. There may be more than one path returned even if only one path was defined for the memory instance, if any of the parent components have more than one path defined for the same design abstraction If no design abstraction is specified, the default design abstraction for each ancestor block is used to get each incremental path. get_hdl_path_kinds function void get_hdl_path_kinds ( ref string kinds[$] UVM 1.2 Class Reference 630 ) Get design abstractions for which HDL paths have been defined backdoor_read virtual protected task backdoor_read( uvm_reg_item rw ) User-define backdoor read access Override the default string-based DPI backdoor access read for this memory type. By default calls uvm_mem::backdoor_read_func(). backdoor_write virtual task backdoor_write( uvm_reg_item rw ) User-defined backdoor read access Override the default string-based DPI backdoor access write for this memory type. backdoor_read_func virtual function uvm_status_e backdoor_read_func( uvm_reg_item rw ) User-defined backdoor read access Override the default string-based DPI backdoor access read for this memory type. CALLbAcKs pre_write virtual task pre_write( uvm_reg_item rw ) Called before memory write. If the offset, value, access path, or address map are modified, the updated offset, data value, access path or address map will be used to perform the memory operation. If the status is modified to anything other than UVM_IS_OK, the operation is aborted. The registered callback methods are invoked after the invocation of this method. post_write UVM 1.2 Class Reference 631 virtual task post_write( uvm_reg_item rw ) Called after memory write. If the status is modified, the updated status will be returned by the memory operation. The registered callback methods are invoked before the invocation of this method. pre_read virtual task pre_read( uvm_reg_item rw ) Called before memory read. If the offset, access path or address map are modified, the updated offset, access path or address map will be used to perform the memory operation. If the status is modified to anything other than UVM_IS_OK, the operation is aborted. The registered callback methods are invoked after the invocation of this method. post_read virtual task post_read( uvm_reg_item rw ) Called after memory read. If the readback data or status is modified, the updated readback //data or status will be returned by the memory operation. The registered callback methods are invoked before the invocation of this method. COVERAGE build_coverage protected function uvm_reg_cvr_t build_coverage( uvm_reg_cvr_t models ) Check if all of the specified coverage model must be built. Check which of the specified coverage model must be built in this instance of the memory abstraction class, as specified by calls to uvm_reg::include_coverage(). Models are specified by adding the symbolic value of individual coverage model as defined in uvm_coverage_model_e. Returns the sum of all coverage models to be built in the memory model. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 632 add_coverage virtual protected function void add_coverage( uvm_reg_cvr_t models ) Specify that additional coverage models are available. Add the specified coverage model to the coverage models available in this class. Models are specified by adding the symbolic value of individual coverage model as defined in uvm_coverage_model_e. This method shall be called only in the constructor of subsequently derived classes. has_coverage virtual function bit has_coverage( uvm_reg_cvr_t models ) Check if memory has coverage model(s) Returns TRUE if the memory abstraction class contains a coverage model for all of the models specified. Models are specified by adding the symbolic value of individual coverage model as defined in uvm_coverage_model_e. set_coverage virtual function uvm_reg_cvr_t set_coverage( uvm_reg_cvr_t is_on ) Turns on coverage measurement. Turns the collection of functional coverage measurements on or off for this memory. The functional coverage measurement is turned on for every coverage model specified using uvm_coverage_model_e symbolic identifiers. Multiple functional coverage models can be specified by adding the functional coverage model identifiers. All other functional coverage models are turned off. Returns the sum of all functional coverage models whose measurements were previously on. This method can only control the measurement of functional coverage models that are present in the memory abstraction classes, then enabled during construction. See the uvm_mem::has_coverage() method to identify the available functional coverage models. get_coverage virtual function bit get_coverage( uvm_reg_cvr_t is_on ) Check if coverage measurement is on. Returns TRUE if measurement for all of the specified functional coverage models are currently on. Multiple functional coverage models can be specified by adding the functional coverage model identifiers. See uvm_mem::set_coverage() for more details. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 633 sample protected virtual uvm_reg_addr_t bit uvm_reg_map ) function void sample( offset, is_read, map Functional coverage measurement method This method is invoked by the memory abstraction class whenever an address within one of its address map is successfully read or written. The specified offset is the offset within the memory, not an absolute address. Empty by default, this method may be extended by the abstraction class generator to perform the required sampling in any provided functional coverage model. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 634 25.7 uvm_reg_indirect_data Indirect data access abstraction class Models the behavior of a register used to indirectly access a register array, indexed by a second address register. This class should not be instantiated directly. A type-specific class extension should be used to provide a factory-enabled constructor and specify the n_bits and coverage models. Summary uvm_reg_indirect_data Indirect data access abstraction class CLAss HIERARchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_reg uvm_reg_indirect_data CLAss DEcLARATION class uvm_reg_indirect_data extends uvm_reg METhOds new configure Create an instance of this class Configure the indirect data register. METhOds new function new( string name = "uvm_reg_indirect", int unsigned n_bits, int has_cover ) Create an instance of this class Should not be called directly, other than via super.new(). The value of n_bits must match the number of bits in the indirect register array. configure function void configure ( uvm_reg idx, reg_a[], uvm_reg uvm_reg_block blk_parent, UVM 1.2 Class Reference 635 uvm_reg_file ) regfile_parent = null Configure the indirect data register. The idx register specifies the index, in the reg_a register array, of the register to access. The idx must be written to first. A read or write operation to this register will subsequently read or write the indexed register in the register array. The number of bits in each register in the register array must be equal to n_bits of this register. See uvm_reg::configure() for the remaining arguments. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 636 25.8 uvm_reg_fifo This special register models a DUT FIFO accessed via write/read, where writes push to the FIFO and reads pop from it. Backdoor access is not enabled, as it is not yet possible to force complete FIFO state, i.e. the write and read indexes used to access the FIFO data. Summary uvm_reg_fifo This special register models a DUT FIFO accessed via write/read, where writes push to the FIFO and reads pop from it. CLAss HIERARchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_reg uvm_reg_fifo CLAss DEcLARATION class uvm_reg_fifo extends uvm_reg fifo INITIALIZATION new set_compare INTROsPEcTION size capacity AccEss write read set update mirror get do_predict SPEcIAL OVERRIdEs pre_write pre_read The abstract representation of the FIFO. Creates an instance of a FIFO register having size elements of n_bits each. Sets the compare policy during a mirror (read) of the DUT FIFO. The number of entries currently in the FIFO. The maximum number of entries, or depth, of the FIFO. Pushes the given value to the DUT FIFO. Reads the next value out of the DUT FIFO. Pushes the given value to the abstract FIFO. Pushes (writes) all values preloaded using set() to the DUT. Reads the next value out of the DUT FIFO. Returns the next value from the abstract FIFO, but does not pop it. Updates the abstract (mirror) FIFO based on write() and read() operations. Special pre-processing for a write() or update(). Special post-processing for a write() or update(). fifo rand uvm_reg_data_t fifo[$] The abstract representation of the FIFO. Constrained to be no larger than the size UVM 1.2 Class Reference 637 parameter. It is public to enable subtypes to add constraints on it and randomize. INITIALIZATION new function new( string int unsigned int unsigned int ) name = "reg_fifo", size, n_bits, has_cover Creates an instance of a FIFO register having size elements of n_bits each. set_compare function void set_compare( uvm_check_e check = UVM_CHECK ) Sets the compare policy during a mirror (read) of the DUT FIFO. The DUT read value is checked against its mirror only when both the check argument in the mirror() call and the compare policy for the field is UVM_CHECK. INTROsPEcTION size function int unsigned size() The number of entries currently in the FIFO. capacity function int unsigned capacity() The maximum number of entries, or depth, of the FIFO. AccEss write Pushes the given value to the DUT FIFO. If auto-prediction is enabled, the written value is also pushed to the abstract FIFO before the call returns. If auto-prediction is not enabled (via uvm_reg_map::set_auto_predict), the value is pushed to abstract FIFO only when the write operation is observed on the target bus. This mode requires using the UVM 1.2 Class Reference 638 uvm_reg_predictor class. If the write is via an update() operation, the abstract FIFO already contains the written value and is thus not affected by either prediction mode. read Reads the next value out of the DUT FIFO. If auto-prediction is enabled, the frontmost value in abstract FIFO is popped. set virtual function void set( uvm_reg_data_t value, string fname = "", int lineno = 0 ) Pushes the given value to the abstract FIFO. You may call this method several times before an update() as a means of preloading the DUT FIFO. Calls to set() to a full FIFO are ignored. You must call update() to update the DUT FIFO with your set values. update virtual task update( output uvm_status_e input uvm_path_e input uvm_reg_map input uvm_sequence_base input int input uvm_object input string input int ) status, path = map = parent = prior = extension = fname = lineno = UVM_DEFAULT_PATH, null, null, -1, null, "", 0 Pushes (writes) all values preloaded using set() to the DUT. You must update after set before any blocking statements, else other reads/writes to the DUT FIFO may cause the mirror to become out of sync with the DUT. mirror Reads the next value out of the DUT FIFO. If auto-prediction is enabled, the frontmost value in abstract FIFO is popped. If the check argument is set and comparison is enabled with set_compare(). get virtual function uvm_reg_data_t get( string fname = "", int lineno = 0 ) Returns the next value from the abstract FIFO, but does not pop it. Used to get the expected value in a mirror() operation. do_predict UVM 1.2 Class Reference 639 virtual function void do_predict( uvm_reg_item rw, uvm_predict_e kind = UVM_PREDICT_DIRECT, uvm_reg_byte_en_t be = -1 ) Updates the abstract (mirror) FIFO based on write() and read() operations. When autoprediction is on, this method is called before each read, write, peek, or poke operation returns. When auto-prediction is off, this method is called by a uvm_reg_predictor upon receipt and conversion of an observed bus operation to this register. If a write prediction, the observed write value is pushed to the abstract FIFO as long as it is not full and the operation did not originate from an update(). If a read prediction, the observed read value is compared with the frontmost value in the abstract FIFO if set_compare() enabled comparison and the FIFO is not empty. SPEcIAL OVERRIdEs pre_write virtual task pre_write( uvm_reg_item rw ) Special pre-processing for a write() or update(). Called as a result of a write() or update(). It is an error to attempt a write to a full FIFO or a write while an update is still pending. An update is pending after one or more calls to set(). If in your application the DUT allows writes to a full FIFO, you must override pre_write as appropriate. pre_read virtual task pre_read( uvm_reg_item rw ) Special post-processing for a write() or update(). Aborts the operation if the internal FIFO is empty. If in your application the DUT does not behave this way, you must override pre_write as appropriate. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 640 25.9 Virtual Registers A virtual register is a collection of fields, overlaid on top of a memory, usually in an array. The semantics and layout of virtual registers comes from an agreement between the software and the hardware, not any physical structures in the DUT. Contents Virtual Registers A virtual register is a collection of fields, overlaid on top of a memory, usually in an array. uvm_vreg uvm_vreg_cbs Virtual register abstraction base class Pre/post read/write callback facade class uvm_vreg Virtual register abstraction base class A virtual register represents a set of fields that are logically implemented in consecutive memory locations. All virtual register accesses eventually turn into memory accesses. A virtual register array may be implemented on top of any memory abstraction class and possibly dynamically resized and/or relocated. Summary uvm_vreg Virtual register abstraction base class CLAss HIErArchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_vreg CLAss DEcLArATION class uvm_vreg extends uvm_object INITIALIZATION new configure implement allocate get_region release_region Create a new instance and type-specific configuration Instance-specific configuration Dynamically implement, resize or relocate a virtual register array Randomly implement, resize or relocate a virtual register array Get the region where the virtual register array is implemented Dynamically un-implement a virtual register array INTrOsPEcTION UVM 1.2 Class Reference 641 get_name get_full_name get_parent get_memory get_n_maps is_in_map get_maps get_rights get_access get_size get_n_bytes get_n_memlocs get_incr get_fields get_field_by_name get_offset_in_memory get_address Get the simple name Get the hierarchical name Get the parent block Get the memory where the virtual register array is implemented Returns the number of address maps this virtual register array is mapped in Return TRUE if this virtual register array is in the specified address map Returns all of the address maps where this virtual register array is mapped Returns the access rights of this virtual register array Returns the access policy of the virtual register array when written and read via an address map. Returns the size of the virtual register array. Returns the width, in bytes, of a virtual register. Returns the number of memory locations used by a single virtual register. Returns the number of memory locations between two individual virtual registers in the same array. Return the virtual fields in this virtual register Return the named virtual field in this virtual register Returns the offset of a virtual register Returns the base external physical address of a virtual register HDL AccEss write read poke peek reset Write the specified value in a virtual register Read the current value from a virtual register Deposit the specified value in a virtual register Sample the current value in a virtual register Reset the access semaphore CALLBAcKs pre_write post_write pre_read post_read Called Called Called Called before virtual register write. after virtual register write. before virtual register read. after virtual register read. INITIALIZATION new function new( string name, int unsigned n_bits ) Create a new instance and type-specific configuration Creates an instance of a virtual register abstraction class with the specified name. n_bits specifies the total number of bits in a virtual register. Not all bits need to be mapped to a virtual field. This value is usually a multiple of 8. configure function void configure( uvm_reg_block UVM 1.2 Class Reference parent, 642 longint int ) uvm_mem unsigned uvm_reg_addr_t unsigned mem size offset incr = = = = null, 0, 0, 0 Instance-specific configuration Specify the parent block of this virtual register array. If one of the other parameters are specified, the virtual register is assumed to be dynamic and can be later (re)implemented using the uvm_vreg::implement() method. If mem is specified, then the virtual register array is assumed to be statically implemented in the memory corresponding to the specified memory abstraction class and size, offset and incr must also be specified. Static virtual register arrays cannot be reimplemented. implement virtual function bit implement( longint unsigned n, uvm_mem mem = null, uvm_reg_addr_t offset = 0, int unsigned incr = 0 ) Dynamically implement, resize or relocate a virtual register array Implement an array of virtual registers of the specified size, in the specified memory and offset. If an offset increment is specified, each virtual register is implemented at the specified offset increment from the previous one. If an offset increment of 0 is specified, virtual registers are packed as closely as possible in the memory. If no memory is specified, the virtual register array is in the same memory, at the same base offset using the same offset increment as originally implemented. Only the number of virtual registers in the virtual register array is modified. The initial value of the newly-implemented or relocated set of virtual registers is whatever values are currently stored in the memory now implementing them. Returns TRUE if the memory can implement the number of virtual registers at the specified base offset and offset increment. Returns FALSE otherwise. The memory region used to implement a virtual register array is reserved in the memory allocation manager associated with the memory to prevent it from being allocated for another purpose. allocate virtual function uvm_mem_region allocate( longint unsigned n, uvm_mem_mam mam, uvm_mem_mam_policy alloc = null ) Randomly implement, resize or relocate a virtual register array Implement a virtual register array of the specified size in a randomly allocated region of the appropriate size in the address space managed by the specified memory allocation manager. If a memory allocation policy is specified, it is passed to the uvm_mem_mam::request_region() method. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 643 The initial value of the newly-implemented or relocated set of virtual registers is whatever values are currently stored in the memory region now implementing them. Returns a reference to a uvm_mem_region memory region descriptor if the memory allocation manager was able to allocate a region that can implement the virtual register array with the specified allocation policy. Returns null otherwise. A region implementing a virtual register array must not be released using the uvm_mem_mam::release_region() method. It must be released using the uvm_vreg::release_region() method. get_region virtual function uvm_mem_region get_region() Get the region where the virtual register array is implemented Returns a reference to the uvm_mem_region memory region descriptor that implements the virtual register array. Returns null if the virtual registers array is not currently implemented. A region implementing a virtual register array must not be released using the uvm_mem_mam::release_region() method. It must be released using the uvm_vreg::release_region() method. release_region virtual function void release_region() Dynamically un-implement a virtual register array Release the memory region used to implement a virtual register array and return it to the pool of available memory that can be allocated by the memory’s default allocation manager. The virtual register array is subsequently considered as unimplemented and can no longer be accessed. Statically-implemented virtual registers cannot be released. INTrOsPEcTION get_name Get the simple name Return the simple object name of this register. get_full_name virtual function string get_full_name() Get the hierarchical name UVM 1.2 Class Reference 644 Return the hierarchal name of this register. The base of the hierarchical name is the root block. get_parent virtual function uvm_reg_block get_parent() Get the parent block get_memory virtual function uvm_mem get_memory() Get the memory where the virtual register array is implemented get_n_maps virtual function int get_n_maps () Returns the number of address maps this virtual register array is mapped in is_in_map function bit is_in_map ( uvm_reg_map map ) Return TRUE if this virtual register array is in the specified address map get_maps virtual function void get_maps ( ref uvm_reg_map maps[$] ) Returns all of the address maps where this virtual register array is mapped get_rights virtual function string get_rights( uvm_reg_map map = null ) Returns the access rights of this virtual register array Returns “RW”, “RO” or “WO”. The access rights of a virtual register array is always “RW”, unless it is implemented in a shared memory with access restriction in a particular address map. If no address map is specified and the memory is mapped in only one address map, that address map is used. If the memory is mapped in more than one address map, the default address map of the parent block is used. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 645 If an address map is specified and the memory is not mapped in the specified address map, an error message is issued and “RW” is returned. get_access virtual function string get_access( uvm_reg_map map = null ) Returns the access policy of the virtual register array when written and read via an address map. If the memory implementing the virtual register array is mapped in more than one address map, an address map must be specified. If access restrictions are present when accessing a memory through the specified address map, the access mode returned takes the access restrictions into account. For example, a read-write memory accessed through an address map with read-only restrictions would return “RO”. get_size virtual function int unsigned get_size() Returns the size of the virtual register array. get_n_bytes virtual function int unsigned get_n_bytes() Returns the width, in bytes, of a virtual register. The width of a virtual register is always a multiple of the width of the memory locations used to implement it. For example, a virtual register containing two 1-byte fields implemented in a memory with 4-bytes memory locations is 4-byte wide. get_n_memlocs virtual function int unsigned get_n_memlocs() Returns the number of memory locations used by a single virtual register. get_incr virtual function int unsigned get_incr() Returns the number of memory locations between two individual virtual registers in the same array. get_fields virtual function void get_fields( ref uvm_vreg_field fields[$] UVM 1.2 Class Reference 646 ) Return the virtual fields in this virtual register Fills the specified array with the abstraction class for all of the virtual fields contained in this virtual register. Fields are ordered from least-significant position to most-significant position within the register. get_field_by_name virtual function uvm_vreg_field get_field_by_name( string name ) Return the named virtual field in this virtual register Finds a virtual field with the specified name in this virtual register and returns its abstraction class. If no fields are found, returns null. get_offset_in_memory virtual function uvm_reg_addr_t get_offset_in_memory( longint unsigned idx ) Returns the offset of a virtual register Returns the base offset of the specified virtual register, in the overall address space of the memory that implements the virtual register array. get_address virtual function uvm_reg_addr_t get_address( longint unsigned idx, uvm_reg_map map = null ) Returns the base external physical address of a virtual register Returns the base external physical address of the specified virtual register if accessed through the specified address map. If no address map is specified and the memory implementing the virtual register array is mapped in only one address map, that address map is used. If the memory is mapped in more than one address map, the default address map of the parent block is used. If an address map is specified and the memory is not mapped in the specified address map, an error message is issued. HDL AccEss write virtual task write( UVM 1.2 Class Reference 647 input longint unsigned output uvm_status_e input uvm_reg_data_t input uvm_path_e input uvm_reg_map input uvm_sequence_base input uvm_object input string input int ) idx, status, value, path = map = parent = extension = fname = lineno = UVM_DEFAULT_PATH, null, null, null, "", 0 Write the specified value in a virtual register Write value in the DUT memory location(s) that implements the virtual register array that corresponds to this abstraction class instance using the specified access path. If the memory implementing the virtual register array is mapped in more than one address map, an address map must be specified if a physical access is used (front-door access). The operation is eventually mapped into set of memory-write operations at the location where the virtual register specified by idx in the virtual register array is implemented. read virtual task read( input longint unsigned output uvm_status_e output uvm_reg_data_t input uvm_path_e input uvm_reg_map input uvm_sequence_base input uvm_object input string input int ) idx, status, value, path = map = parent = extension = fname = lineno = UVM_DEFAULT_PATH, null, null, null, "", 0 Read the current value from a virtual register Read from the DUT memory location(s) that implements the virtual register array that corresponds to this abstraction class instance using the specified access path and return the readback value. If the memory implementing the virtual register array is mapped in more than one address map, an address map must be specified if a physical access is used (front-door access). The operation is eventually mapped into set of memory-read operations at the location where the virtual register specified by idx in the virtual register array is implemented. poke virtual task poke( input longint unsigned output uvm_status_e input uvm_reg_data_t input uvm_sequence_base input uvm_object input string input int ) idx, status, value, parent = extension = fname = lineno = null, null, "", 0 Deposit the specified value in a virtual register Deposit value in the DUT memory location(s) that implements the virtual register array UVM 1.2 Class Reference 648 that corresponds to this abstraction class instance using the memory backdoor access. The operation is eventually mapped into set of memory-poke operations at the location where the virtual register specified by idx in the virtual register array is implemented. peek virtual task peek( input longint unsigned output uvm_status_e output uvm_reg_data_t input uvm_sequence_base input uvm_object input string input int ) idx, status, value, parent = extension = fname = lineno = null, null, "", 0 Sample the current value in a virtual register Sample the DUT memory location(s) that implements the virtual register array that corresponds to this abstraction class instance using the memory backdoor access, and return the sampled value. The operation is eventually mapped into set of memory-peek operations at the location where the virtual register specified by idx in the virtual register array is implemented. reset function void reset( string kind = "HARD" ) Reset the access semaphore Reset the semaphore that prevents concurrent access to the virtual register. This semaphore must be explicitly reset if a thread accessing this virtual register array was killed in before the access was completed CALLBAcKs pre_write virtual task pre_write( longint unsigned ref uvm_reg_data_t ref uvm_path_e ref uvm_reg_map ) idx, wdat, path, map Called before virtual register write. If the specified data value, access path or address map are modified, the updated data value, access path or address map will be used to perform the virtual register operation. The registered callback methods are invoked after the invocation of this method. All register callbacks are executed after the corresponding field callbacks The pre-write virtual register and field callbacks are executed before the corresponding pre-write memory callbacks UVM 1.2 Class Reference 649 post_write virtual task post_write( longint unsigned uvm_reg_data_t uvm_path_e uvm_reg_map ref uvm_status_e ) idx, wdat, path, map, status Called after virtual register write. If the specified status is modified, the updated status will be returned by the virtual register operation. The registered callback methods are invoked before the invocation of this method. All register callbacks are executed before the corresponding field callbacks The post-write virtual register and field callbacks are executed after the corresponding post-write memory callbacks pre_read virtual task pre_read( longint unsigned idx, ref uvm_path_e path, ref uvm_reg_map map ) Called before virtual register read. If the specified access path or address map are modified, the updated access path or address map will be used to perform the register operation. The registered callback methods are invoked after the invocation of this method. All register callbacks are executed after the corresponding field callbacks The pre-read virtual register and field callbacks are executed before the corresponding pre-read memory callbacks post_read virtual task post_read( longint unsigned ref uvm_reg_data_t input uvm_path_e input uvm_reg_map ref uvm_status_e ) idx, rdat, path, map, status Called after virtual register read. If the specified readback data or status is modified, the updated readback data or status will be returned by the register operation. The registered callback methods are invoked before the invocation of this method. All register callbacks are executed before the corresponding field callbacks The post-read virtual register and field callbacks are executed after the corresponding post-read memory callbacks UVM 1.2 Class Reference 650 uvm_vreg_cbs Pre/post read/write callback facade class Summary uvm_vreg_cbs Pre/post read/write callback facade class CLAss HIErArchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_callback uvm_vreg_cbs CLAss DEcLArATION class uvm_vreg_cbs extends uvm_callback METhOds pre_write post_write pre_read post_read Callback called before a write operation. Called after register write. Called before register read. Called after register read. TYPEs uvm_vreg_cb uvm_vreg_cb_iter Convenience callback type declaration Convenience callback iterator type declaration METhOds pre_write virtual task pre_write( uvm_vreg longint unsigned ref uvm_reg_data_t ref uvm_path_e ref uvm_reg_map ) rg, idx, wdat, path, map Callback called before a write operation. The registered callback methods are invoked after the invocation of the uvm_vreg::pre_write() method. All virtual register callbacks are executed after the corresponding virtual field callbacks The pre-write virtual register and field callbacks are executed before the corresponding pre-write memory callbacks The written value wdat, access path and address map, if modified, modifies the actual value, access path or address map used in the virtual register operation. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 651 post_write virtual task post_write( uvm_vreg longint unsigned uvm_reg_data_t uvm_path_e uvm_reg_map ref uvm_status_e ) rg, idx, wdat, path, map, status Called after register write. The registered callback methods are invoked before the invocation of the uvm_reg::post_write() method. All register callbacks are executed before the corresponding virtual field callbacks The post-write virtual register and field callbacks are executed after the corresponding post-write memory callbacks The status of the operation, if modified, modifies the actual returned status. pre_read virtual task pre_read( uvm_vreg longint unsigned ref uvm_path_e ref uvm_reg_map ) rg, idx, path, map Called before register read. The registered callback methods are invoked after the invocation of the uvm_reg::pre_read() method. All register callbacks are executed after the corresponding virtual field callbacks The pre-read virtual register and field callbacks are executed before the corresponding pre-read memory callbacks The access path and address map, if modified, modifies the actual access path or address map used in the register operation. post_read virtual task post_read( uvm_vreg longint unsigned ref uvm_reg_data_t input uvm_path_e input uvm_reg_map ref uvm_status_e ) rg, idx, rdat, path, map, status Called after register read. The registered callback methods are invoked before the invocation of the uvm_reg::post_read() method. All register callbacks are executed before the corresponding virtual field callbacks The post-read virtual register and field callbacks are executed after the corresponding post-read memory callbacks The readback value rdat and the status of the operation, if modified, modifies the actual returned readback value and status. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 652 TYPEs uvm_vreg_cb Convenience callback type declaration Use this declaration to register virtual register callbacks rather than the more verbose parameterized class uvm_vreg_cb_iter Convenience callback iterator type declaration Use this declaration to iterate over registered virtual register callbacks rather than the more verbose parameterized class UVM 1.2 Class Reference 653 25.10 Virtual Register Field Classes This section defines the virtual field and callback classes. A virtual field is set of contiguous bits in one or more memory locations. The semantics and layout of virtual fields comes from an agreement between the software and the hardware, not any physical structures in the DUT. Contents Virtual Register Field Classes This section defines the virtual field and callback classes. uvm_vreg_field uvm_vreg_field_cbs Virtual field abstraction class Pre/post read/write callback facade class uvm_vreg_field Virtual field abstraction class A virtual field represents a set of adjacent bits that are logically implemented in consecutive memory locations. Summary uvm_vreg_field Virtual field abstraction class CLAss HIErArchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_vreg_field CLAss DEcLArATION class uvm_vreg_field extends uvm_object INITIALIZATION new configure INTrOsPEcTION get_name get_full_name get_parent get_lsb_pos_in_register get_n_bits get_access Create a new virtual field instance Instance-specific configuration Get the simple name Get the hierarchical name Get the parent virtual register Return the position of the virtual field / Returns the index of the least significant bit of the virtual field in the virtual register that instantiates it. Returns the width, in bits, of the virtual field. Returns the access policy of the virtual field register when written and read via an address map. HDL AccEss UVM 1.2 Class Reference 654 write read poke peek CALLBAcKs pre_write post_write pre_read post_read Write the specified value in a virtual field Read the current value from a virtual field Deposit the specified value in a virtual field Sample the current value from a virtual field Called Called Called Called before virtual field write. after virtual field write before virtual field read. after virtual field read. INITIALIZATION new function new( string name = "uvm_vreg_field" ) Create a new virtual field instance This method should not be used directly. The uvm_vreg_field::type_id::create() method should be used instead. configure function void configure( uvm_vreg parent, int unsigned size, int unsigned lsb_pos ) Instance-specific configuration Specify the parent virtual register of this virtual field, its size in bits, and the position of its least-significant bit within the virtual register relative to the least-significant bit of the virtual register. INTrOsPEcTION get_name Get the simple name Return the simple object name of this virtual field get_full_name virtual function string get_full_name() Get the hierarchical name UVM 1.2 Class Reference 655 Return the hierarchal name of this virtual field The base of the hierarchical name is the root block. get_parent virtual function uvm_vreg get_parent() Get the parent virtual register get_lsb_pos_in_register virtual function int unsigned get_lsb_pos_in_register() Return the position of the virtual field / Returns the index of the least significant bit of the virtual field in the virtual register that instantiates it. An offset of 0 indicates a field that is aligned with the least-significant bit of the register. get_n_bits virtual function int unsigned get_n_bits() Returns the width, in bits, of the virtual field. get_access virtual function string get_access( uvm_reg_map map = null ) Returns the access policy of the virtual field register when written and read via an address map. If the memory implementing the virtual field is mapped in more than one address map, an address map must be specified. If access restrictions are present when accessing a memory through the specified address map, the access mode returned takes the access restrictions into account. For example, a read-write memory accessed through an address map with read-only restrictions would return “RO”. HDL AccEss write virtual task write( input longint unsigned output uvm_status_e input uvm_reg_data_t input uvm_path_e input uvm_reg_map input uvm_sequence_base input uvm_object input string input int ) UVM 1.2 Class Reference idx, status, value, path = map = parent = extension = fname = lineno = UVM_DEFAULT_PATH, null, null, null, "", 0 656 Write the specified value in a virtual field Write value in the DUT memory location(s) that implements the virtual field that corresponds to this abstraction class instance using the specified access path. If the memory implementing the virtual register array containing this virtual field is mapped in more than one address map, an address map must be specified if a physical access is used (front-door access). The operation is eventually mapped into memory read-modify-write operations at the location where the virtual register specified by idx in the virtual register array is implemented. If a backdoor is available for the memory implementing the virtual field, it will be used for the memory-read operation. read virtual task read( input longint unsigned output uvm_status_e output uvm_reg_data_t input uvm_path_e input uvm_reg_map input uvm_sequence_base input uvm_object input string input int ) idx, status, value, path = map = parent = extension = fname = lineno = UVM_DEFAULT_PATH, null, null, null, "", 0 Read the current value from a virtual field Read from the DUT memory location(s) that implements the virtual field that corresponds to this abstraction class instance using the specified access path, and return the readback value. If the memory implementing the virtual register array containing this virtual field is mapped in more than one address map, an address map must be specified if a physical access is used (front-door access). The operation is eventually mapped into memory read operations at the location(s) where the virtual register specified by idx in the virtual register array is implemented. poke virtual task poke( input longint unsigned output uvm_status_e input uvm_reg_data_t input uvm_sequence_base input uvm_object input string input int ) idx, status, value, parent = extension = fname = lineno = null, null, "", 0 Deposit the specified value in a virtual field Deposit value in the DUT memory location(s) that implements the virtual field that corresponds to this abstraction class instance using the specified access path. The operation is eventually mapped into memory peek-modify-poke operations at the location where the virtual register specified by idx in the virtual register array is implemented. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 657 peek virtual task peek( input longint unsigned output uvm_status_e output uvm_reg_data_t input uvm_sequence_base input uvm_object input string input int ) idx, status, value, parent = extension = fname = lineno = null, null, "", 0 Sample the current value from a virtual field Sample from the DUT memory location(s) that implements the virtual field that corresponds to this abstraction class instance using the specified access path, and return the readback value. If the memory implementing the virtual register array containing this virtual field is mapped in more than one address map, an address map must be specified if a physical access is used (front-door access). The operation is eventually mapped into memory peek operations at the location(s) where the virtual register specified by idx in the virtual register array is implemented. CALLBAcKs pre_write virtual task pre_write( longint unsigned ref uvm_reg_data_t ref uvm_path_e ref uvm_reg_map ) idx, wdat, path, map Called before virtual field write. If the specified data value, access path or address map are modified, the updated data value, access path or address map will be used to perform the virtual register operation. The virtual field callback methods are invoked before the callback methods on the containing virtual register. The registered callback methods are invoked after the invocation of this method. The pre-write virtual register and field callbacks are executed before the corresponding pre-write memory callbacks post_write virtual task post_write( longint unsigned uvm_reg_data_t uvm_path_e uvm_reg_map ref uvm_status_e ) idx, wdat, path, map, status Called after virtual field write If the specified status is modified, the updated status will be returned by the virtual UVM 1.2 Class Reference 658 register operation. The virtual field callback methods are invoked after the callback methods on the containing virtual register. The registered callback methods are invoked before the invocation of this method. The post-write virtual register and field callbacks are executed after the corresponding post-write memory callbacks pre_read virtual task pre_read( longint unsigned idx, ref uvm_path_e path, ref uvm_reg_map map ) Called before virtual field read. If the specified access path or address map are modified, the updated access path or address map will be used to perform the virtual register operation. The virtual field callback methods are invoked after the callback methods on the containing virtual register. The registered callback methods are invoked after the invocation of this method. The pre-read virtual register and field callbacks are executed before the corresponding pre-read memory callbacks post_read virtual task post_read( longint unsigned ref uvm_reg_data_t uvm_path_e uvm_reg_map ref uvm_status_e ) idx, rdat, path, map, status Called after virtual field read. If the specified readback data rdat or status is modified, the updated readback data or status will be returned by the virtual register operation. The virtual field callback methods are invoked after the callback methods on the containing virtual register. The registered callback methods are invoked before the invocation of this method. The post-read virtual register and field callbacks are executed after the corresponding post-read memory callbacks uvm_vreg_field_cbs Pre/post read/write callback facade class Summary uvm_vreg_field_cbs Pre/post read/write callback facade class CLAss HIErArchY UVM 1.2 Class Reference 659 uvm_void uvm_object uvm_callback uvm_vreg_field_cbs CLAss DEcLArATION class uvm_vreg_field_cbs extends uvm_callback METhOds pre_write post_write pre_read post_read Callback called before a write operation. Called after a write operation Called before a virtual field read. Called after a virtual field read. TYPEs uvm_vreg_field_cb uvm_vreg_field_cb_iter Convenience callback type declaration Convenience callback iterator type declaration METhOds pre_write virtual task pre_write( uvm_vreg_field longint unsigned ref uvm_reg_data_t ref uvm_path_e ref uvm_reg_map ) field, idx, wdat, path, map Callback called before a write operation. The registered callback methods are invoked before the invocation of the virtual register pre-write callbacks and after the invocation of the uvm_vreg_field::pre_write() method. The written value wdat, access path and address map, if modified, modifies the actual value, access path or address map used in the register operation. post_write virtual task post_write( uvm_vreg_field longint unsigned uvm_reg_data_t uvm_path_e uvm_reg_map ref uvm_status_e ) field, idx, wdat, path, map, status Called after a write operation The registered callback methods are invoked after the invocation of the virtual register post-write callbacks and before the invocation of the uvm_vreg_field::post_write() method. The status of the operation, if modified, modifies the actual returned status. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 660 pre_read virtual task pre_read( uvm_vreg_field longint unsigned ref uvm_path_e ref uvm_reg_map ) field, idx, path, map Called before a virtual field read. The registered callback methods are invoked after the invocation of the virtual register pre-read callbacks and after the invocation of the uvm_vreg_field::pre_read() method. The access path and address map, if modified, modifies the actual access path or address map used in the register operation. post_read virtual task post_read( uvm_vreg_field longint unsigned ref uvm_reg_data_t uvm_path_e uvm_reg_map ref uvm_status_e ) field, idx, rdat, path, map, status Called after a virtual field read. The registered callback methods are invoked after the invocation of the virtual register post-read callbacks and before the invocation of the uvm_vreg_field::post_read() method. The readback value rdat and the status of the operation, if modified, modifies the actual returned readback value and status. TYPEs uvm_vreg_field_cb Convenience callback type declaration Use this declaration to register virtual field callbacks rather than the more verbose parameterized class uvm_vreg_field_cb_iter Convenience callback iterator type declaration Use this declaration to iterate over registered virtual field callbacks rather than the more verbose parameterized class UVM 1.2 Class Reference 661 25.11 Register Callbacks This section defines the base class used for all register callback extensions. It also includes pre-defined callback extensions for use on read-only and write-only registers. Contents Register Callbacks This section defines the base class used for all register callback extensions. uvm_reg_cbs Facade class for field, register, memory and backdoor access callback methods. Typedefs uvm_reg_cb uvm_reg_cb_iter uvm_reg_bd_cb uvm_reg_bd_cb_iter uvm_mem_cb uvm_mem_cb_iter uvm_reg_field_cb uvm_reg_field_cb_iter PrEDEFINED EXtENSIONS uvm_reg_read_only_cbs uvm_reg_write_only_cbs Convenience Convenience registers Convenience Convenience backdoor Convenience Convenience memories Convenience Convenience fields callback type declaration for registers callback iterator type declaration for callback type declaration for backdoor callback iterator type declaration for callback type declaration for memories callback iterator type declaration for callback type declaration for fields callback iterator type declaration for Pre-defined register callback method for read-only registers that will issue an error if a write() operation is attempted. Pre-defined register callback method for write-only registers that will issue an error if a read() operation is attempted. uvm_reg_cbs Facade class for field, register, memory and backdoor access callback methods. Summary uvm_reg_cbs Facade class for field, register, memory and backdoor access callback methods. CLASS HIErArchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_callback uvm_reg_cbs CLASS DEcLArAtION virtual class uvm_reg_cbs extends uvm_callback UVM 1.2 Class Reference 662 MEthODS pre_write post_write pre_read post_read post_predict encode decode Called before a write operation. Called after a write operation. Callback called before a read operation. Callback called after a read operation. Called by the uvm_reg_field::predict() method after a successful UVM_PREDICT_READ or UVM_PREDICT_WRITE prediction. Data encoder Data decode MEthODS pre_write virtual task pre_write( uvm_reg_item rw ) Called before a write operation. All registered pre_write callback methods are invoked after the invocation of the pre_write method of associated object (uvm_reg, uvm_reg_field, uvm_mem, or uvm_reg_backdoor). If the element being written is a uvm_reg, all pre_write callback methods are invoked before the contained uvm_reg_fields. Backdoor uvm_reg_backdoor::pre_write, uvm_reg_cbs::pre_write cbs for backdoor. Register uvm_reg::pre_write, uvm_reg_cbs::pre_write cbs for reg, then foreach field: uvm_reg_field::pre_write, uvm_reg_cbs::pre_write cbs for field RegField uvm_reg_field::pre_write, uvm_reg_cbs::pre_write cbs for field Memory uvm_mem::pre_write, uvm_reg_cbs::pre_write cbs for mem The rw argument holds information about the operation. Modifying the value modifies the actual value written. For memories, modifying the offset modifies the offset used in the operation. For non-backdoor operations, modifying the access path or address map modifies the actual path or map used in the operation. If the rw.status is modified to anything other than UVM_IS_OK, the operation is aborted. See uvm_reg_item for details on rw information. post_write virtual task post_write( uvm_reg_item rw ) Called after a write operation. All registered post_write callback methods are invoked before the invocation of the post_write method of the associated object (uvm_reg, uvm_reg_field, uvm_mem, or UVM 1.2 Class Reference 663 uvm_reg_backdoor). If the element being written is a uvm_reg, all post_write callback methods are invoked before the contained uvm_reg_fields. Summary of callback order Backdoor uvm_reg_cbs::post_write cbs for backdoor, uvm_reg_backdoor::post_write Register uvm_reg_cbs::post_write cbs for reg, uvm_reg::post_write, then foreach field: uvm_reg_cbs::post_write cbs for field, uvm_reg_field::post_read RegField uvm_reg_cbs::post_write cbs for field, uvm_reg_field::post_write Memory uvm_reg_cbs::post_write cbs for mem, uvm_mem::post_write The rw argument holds information about the operation. Modifying the status member modifies the returned status. Modifying the value or offset members has no effect, as the operation has already completed. See uvm_reg_item for details on rw information. pre_read virtual task pre_read( uvm_reg_item rw ) Callback called before a read operation. All registered pre_read callback methods are invoked after the invocation of the pre_read method of associated object (uvm_reg, uvm_reg_field, uvm_mem, or uvm_reg_backdoor). If the element being read is a uvm_reg, all pre_read callback methods are invoked before the contained uvm_reg_fields. Backdoor uvm_reg_backdoor::pre_read, uvm_reg_cbs::pre_read cbs for backdoor Register uvm_reg::pre_read, uvm_reg_cbs::pre_read cbs for reg, then foreach field: uvm_reg_field::pre_read, uvm_reg_cbs::pre_read cbs for field RegField uvm_reg_field::pre_read, uvm_reg_cbs::pre_read cbs for field Memory uvm_mem::pre_read, uvm_reg_cbs::pre_read cbs for mem The rw argument holds information about the operation. The value member of rw is not used has no effect if modified. For memories, modifying the offset modifies the offset used in the operation. For non-backdoor operations, modifying the access path or address map modifies the actual path or map used in the operation. If the rw.status is modified to anything other than UVM_IS_OK, the operation is aborted. See uvm_reg_item for details on rw information. post_read virtual task post_read( UVM 1.2 Class Reference 664 uvm_reg_item rw ) Callback called after a read operation. All registered post_read callback methods are invoked before the invocation of the post_read method of the associated object (uvm_reg, uvm_reg_field, uvm_mem, or uvm_reg_backdoor). If the element being read is a uvm_reg, all post_read callback methods are invoked before the contained uvm_reg_fields. Backdoor uvm_reg_cbs::post_read cbs for backdoor, uvm_reg_backdoor::post_read Register uvm_reg_cbs::post_read cbs for reg, uvm_reg::post_read, then foreach field: uvm_reg_cbs::post_read cbs for field, uvm_reg_field::post_read RegField uvm_reg_cbs::post_read cbs for field, uvm_reg_field::post_read Memory uvm_reg_cbs::post_read cbs for mem, uvm_mem::post_read The rw argument holds information about the operation. Modifying the readback value or status modifies the actual returned value and status. Modifying the value or offset members has no effect, as the operation has already completed. See uvm_reg_item for details on rw information. post_predict virtual function void post_predict( input uvm_reg_field fld, input uvm_reg_data_t previous, inout uvm_reg_data_t value, input uvm_predict_e kind, input uvm_path_e path, input uvm_reg_map map ) Called by the uvm_reg_field::predict() method after a successful UVM_PREDICT_READ or UVM_PREDICT_WRITE prediction. previous is the previous value in the mirror and value is the latest predicted value. Any change to value will modify the predicted mirror value. encode virtual function void encode( ref uvm_reg_data_t data[] ) Data encoder The registered callback methods are invoked in order of registration after all the pre_write methods have been called. The encoded data is passed through each invocation in sequence. This allows the pre_write methods to deal with clear-text data. By default, the data is not modified. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 665 decode virtual function void decode( ref uvm_reg_data_t data[] ) Data decode The registered callback methods are invoked in reverse order of registration before all the post_read methods are called. The decoded data is passed through each invocation in sequence. This allows the post_read methods to deal with clear-text data. The reversal of the invocation order is to allow the decoding of the data to be performed in the opposite order of the encoding with both operations specified in the same callback extension. By default, the data is not modified. Typedefs Summary Typedefs uvm_reg_cb uvm_reg_cb_iter uvm_reg_bd_cb uvm_reg_bd_cb_iter uvm_mem_cb uvm_mem_cb_iter uvm_reg_field_cb uvm_reg_field_cb_iter Convenience Convenience registers Convenience Convenience backdoor Convenience Convenience memories Convenience Convenience fields callback type declaration for registers callback iterator type declaration for callback type declaration for backdoor callback iterator type declaration for callback type declaration for memories callback iterator type declaration for callback type declaration for fields callback iterator type declaration for PrEDEFINED EXtENSIONS uvm_reg_cb Convenience callback type declaration for registers Use this declaration to register the register callbacks rather than the more verbose parameterized class uvm_reg_cb_iter Convenience callback iterator type declaration for registers Use this declaration to iterate over registered register callbacks rather than the more verbose parameterized class uvm_reg_bd_cb UVM 1.2 Class Reference 666 Convenience callback type declaration for backdoor Use this declaration to register register backdoor callbacks rather than the more verbose parameterized class uvm_reg_bd_cb_iter Convenience callback iterator type declaration for backdoor Use this declaration to iterate over registered register backdoor callbacks rather than the more verbose parameterized class uvm_mem_cb Convenience callback type declaration for memories Use this declaration to register memory callbacks rather than the more verbose parameterized class uvm_mem_cb_iter Convenience callback iterator type declaration for memories Use this declaration to iterate over registered memory callbacks rather than the more verbose parameterized class uvm_reg_field_cb Convenience callback type declaration for fields Use this declaration to register field callbacks rather than the more verbose parameterized class uvm_reg_field_cb_iter Convenience callback iterator type declaration for fields Use this declaration to iterate over registered field callbacks rather than the more verbose parameterized class PrEDEFINED EXtENSIONS uvm_reg_read_only_cbs Pre-defined register callback method for read-only registers that will issue an error if a write() operation is attempted. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 667 Summary uvm_reg_read_only_cbs Pre-defined register callback method for read-only registers that will issue an error if a write() operation is attempted. CLASS HIErArchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_callback uvm_reg_cbs uvm_reg_read_only_cbs CLASS DEcLArAtION class uvm_reg_read_only_cbs extends uvm_reg_cbs MEthODS pre_write add remove Produces an error message and sets status to UVM_NOT_OK. Add this callback to the specified register and its contained fields. Remove this callback from the specified register and its contained fields. MEthODS pre_write virtual task pre_write( uvm_reg_item rw ) Produces an error message and sets status to UVM_NOT_OK. add static function void add( uvm_reg rg ) Add this callback to the specified register and its contained fields. remove static function void remove( uvm_reg rg ) Remove this callback from the specified register and its contained fields. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 668 uvm_reg_write_only_cbs Pre-defined register callback method for write-only registers that will issue an error if a read() operation is attempted. Summary uvm_reg_write_only_cbs Pre-defined register callback method for write-only registers that will issue an error if a read() operation is attempted. CLASS HIErArchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_callback uvm_reg_cbs uvm_reg_write_only_cbs CLASS DEcLArAtION class uvm_reg_write_only_cbs extends uvm_reg_cbs MEthODS pre_read add remove Produces an error message and sets status to UVM_NOT_OK. Add this callback to the specified register and its contained fields. Remove this callback from the specified register and its contained fields. MEthODS pre_read virtual task pre_read( uvm_reg_item rw ) Produces an error message and sets status to UVM_NOT_OK. add static function void add( uvm_reg rg ) Add this callback to the specified register and its contained fields. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 669 remove static function void remove( uvm_reg rg ) Remove this callback from the specified register and its contained fields. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 670 25.12 Memory Allocation Manager Manages the exclusive allocation of consecutive memory locations called regions. The regions can subsequently be accessed like little memories of their own, without knowing in which memory or offset they are actually located. The memory allocation manager should be used by any application-level process that requires reserved space in the memory, such as DMA buffers. A region will remain reserved until it is explicitly released. Contents Memory Allocation Manager Manages the exclusive allocation of consecutive memory locations called regions. uvm_mem_mam Memory allocation manager uvm_mem_region Allocated memory region descriptor uvm_mem_mam_policy An instance of this class is randomized to determine the starting offset of a randomly allocated memory region. uvm_mem_mam_cfg Specifies the memory managed by an instance of a uvm_mem_mam memory allocation manager class. uvm_mem_mam Memory allocation manager Memory allocation management utility class similar to C’s malloc() and free(). A single instance of this class is used to manage a single, contiguous address space. Summary uvm_mem_mam Memory allocation manager CLass DEcLaRaTION class uvm_mem_mam INITIaLIZaTION alloc_mode_e locality_e default_alloc new reconfigure Memory allocation mode Location of memory regions Region allocation policy Create a new manager instance Reconfigure the manager MEmORY MaNaGEmENT reserve_region request_region release_region release_all_regions Reserve a specific memory region Request and reserve a memory region Release the specified region Forcibly release all allocated memory regions. INTROsPEcTION convert2string for_each get_memory Image of the state of the manager Iterate over all currently allocated regions Get the managed memory implementation UVM 1.2 Class Reference 671 INITIaLIZaTION alloc_mode_e Memory allocation mode Specifies how to allocate a memory region GREEDY Consume new, previously unallocated memory THRIFTY Reused previously released memory as much as possible (not yet implemented) locality_e Location of memory regions Specifies where to locate new memory regions BROAD Locate new regions randomly throughout the address space NEARBY Locate new regions adjacent to existing regions default_alloc uvm_mem_mam_policy default_alloc Region allocation policy This object is repeatedly randomized when allocating new regions. new function new( string name, uvm_mem_mam_cfg cfg, uvm_mem mem = null ) Create a new manager instance Create an instance of a memory allocation manager with the specified name and configuration. This instance manages all memory region allocation within the address range specified in the configuration descriptor. If a reference to a memory abstraction class is provided, the memory locations within the regions can be accessed through the region descriptor, using the uvm_mem_region::read() and uvm_mem_region::write() methods. reconfigure function uvm_mem_mam_cfg reconfigure( UVM 1.2 Class Reference 672 uvm_mem_mam_cfg cfg = null ) Reconfigure the manager Modify the maximum and minimum addresses of the address space managed by the allocation manager, allocation mode, or locality. The number of bytes per memory location cannot be modified once an allocation manager has been constructed. All currently allocated regions must fall within the new address space. Returns the previous configuration. if no new configuration is specified, simply returns the current configuration. MEmORY MaNaGEmENT reserve_region function uvm_mem_region reserve_region( bit [63:0] start_offset, int unsigned n_bytes, string fname = "", int lineno = 0 ) Reserve a specific memory region Reserve a memory region of the specified number of bytes starting at the specified offset. A descriptor of the reserved region is returned. If the specified region cannot be reserved, null is returned. It may not be possible to reserve a region because it overlaps with an already-allocated region or it lies outside the address range managed by the memory manager. Regions can be reserved to create “holes” in the managed address space. request_region function uvm_mem_region request_region( int unsigned n_bytes, uvm_mem_mam_policy alloc = null, string fname = "", int lineno = 0 ) Request and reserve a memory region Request and reserve a memory region of the specified number of bytes starting at a random location. If an policy is specified, it is randomized to determine the start offset of the region. If no policy is specified, the policy found in the uvm_mem_mam::default_alloc class property is randomized. A descriptor of the allocated region is returned. If no region can be allocated, null is returned. It may not be possible to allocate a region because there is no area in the memory with enough consecutive locations to meet the size requirements or because there is another contradiction when randomizing the policy. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 673 If the memory allocation is configured to THRIFTY or NEARBY, a suitable region is first sought procedurally. release_region function void release_region( uvm_mem_region region ) Release the specified region Release a previously allocated memory region. An error is issued if the specified region has not been previously allocated or is no longer allocated. release_all_regions function void release_all_regions() Forcibly release all allocated memory regions. INTROsPEcTION convert2string function string convert2string() Image of the state of the manager Create a human-readable description of the state of the memory manager and the currently allocated regions. for_each function uvm_mem_region for_each( bit reset = 0 ) Iterate over all currently allocated regions If reset is TRUE, reset the iterator and return the first allocated region. Returns null when there are no additional allocated regions to iterate on. get_memory function uvm_mem get_memory() Get the managed memory implementation Return the reference to the memory abstraction class for the memory implementing the locations managed by this instance of the allocation manager. Returns null if no memory abstraction class was specified at construction time. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 674 uvm_mem_region Allocated memory region descriptor Each instance of this class describes an allocated memory region. Instances of this class are created only by the memory manager, and returned by the uvm_mem_mam::reserve_region() and uvm_mem_mam::request_region() methods. Summary uvm_mem_region Allocated memory region descriptor CLass DEcLaRaTION class uvm_mem_region METHOds get_start_offset get_end_offset get_len get_n_bytes release_region get_memory get_virtual_registers write read burst_write burst_read poke peek Get the start offset of the region Get the end offset of the region Size of the memory region Number of bytes in the region Release this region Get the memory where the region resides Get the virtual register array in this region Write to a memory location in the region. Read from a memory location in the region. Write to a set of memory location in the region. Read from a set of memory location in the region. Deposit in a memory location in the region. Sample a memory location in the region. METHOds get_start_offset function bit [63:0] get_start_offset() Get the start offset of the region Return the address offset, within the memory, where this memory region starts. get_end_offset function bit [63:0] get_end_offset() Get the end offset of the region Return the address offset, within the memory, where this memory region ends. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 675 get_len function int unsigned get_len() Size of the memory region Return the number of consecutive memory locations (not necessarily bytes) in the allocated region. get_n_bytes function int unsigned get_n_bytes() Number of bytes in the region Return the number of consecutive bytes in the allocated region. If the managed memory contains more than one byte per address, the number of bytes in an allocated region may be greater than the number of requested or reserved bytes. release_region function void release_region() Release this region get_memory function uvm_mem get_memory() Get the memory where the region resides Return a reference to the memory abstraction class for the memory implementing this allocated memory region. Returns null if no memory abstraction class was specified for the allocation manager that allocated this region. get_virtual_registers function uvm_vreg get_virtual_registers() Get the virtual register array in this region Return a reference to the virtual register array abstraction class implemented in this region. Returns null if the memory region is not known to implement virtual registers. write task write( output uvm_status_e input uvm_reg_addr_t input uvm_reg_data_t input uvm_path_e input uvm_reg_map input uvm_sequence_base input int input uvm object UVM 1.2 Class Reference status, offset, value, path = map = parent = prior = extension = UVM_DEFAULT_PATH, null, null, -1, null, 676 input string input int ) fname lineno = "", = 0 Write to a memory location in the region. Write to the memory location that corresponds to the specified offset within this region. Requires that the memory abstraction class be associated with the memory allocation manager that allocated this region. See uvm_mem::write() for more details. read task read( output uvm_status_e input uvm_reg_addr_t output uvm_reg_data_t input uvm_path_e input uvm_reg_map input uvm_sequence_base input int input uvm_object input string input int ) status, offset, value, path = map = parent = prior = extension = fname = lineno = UVM_DEFAULT_PATH, null, null, -1, null, "", 0 Read from a memory location in the region. Read from the memory location that corresponds to the specified offset within this region. Requires that the memory abstraction class be associated with the memory allocation manager that allocated this region. See uvm_mem::read() for more details. burst_write task burst_write( output uvm_status_e input uvm_reg_addr_t input uvm_reg_data_t input uvm_path_e input uvm_reg_map input uvm_sequence_base input int input uvm_object input string input int ) status, offset, value[], path = map = parent = prior = extension = fname = lineno = UVM_DEFAULT_PATH, null, null, -1, null, "", 0 Write to a set of memory location in the region. Write to the memory locations that corresponds to the specified burst within this region. Requires that the memory abstraction class be associated with the memory allocation manager that allocated this region. See uvm_mem::burst_write() for more details. burst_read task burst_read( output uvm_status_e input uvm_reg_addr_t UVM 1.2 Class Reference status, offset, 677 output input input input input input input input ) uvm_reg_data_t uvm_path_e uvm_reg_map uvm_sequence_base int uvm_object string int value[], path = map = parent = prior = extension = fname = lineno = UVM_DEFAULT_PATH, null, null, -1, null, "", 0 Read from a set of memory location in the region. Read from the memory locations that corresponds to the specified burst within this region. Requires that the memory abstraction class be associated with the memory allocation manager that allocated this region. See uvm_mem::burst_read() for more details. poke task poke( output uvm_status_e input uvm_reg_addr_t input uvm_reg_data_t input uvm_sequence_base input uvm_object input string input int ) status, offset, value, parent = extension = fname = lineno = null, null, "", 0 Deposit in a memory location in the region. Deposit the specified value in the memory location that corresponds to the specified offset within this region. Requires that the memory abstraction class be associated with the memory allocation manager that allocated this region. See uvm_mem::poke() for more details. peek task peek( output uvm_status_e input uvm_reg_addr_t output uvm_reg_data_t input uvm_sequence_base input uvm_object input string input int ) status, offset, value, parent = extension = fname = lineno = null, null, "", 0 Sample a memory location in the region. Sample the memory location that corresponds to the specified offset within this region. Requires that the memory abstraction class be associated with the memory allocation manager that allocated this region. See uvm_mem::peek() for more details. uvm_mem_mam_policy UVM 1.2 Class Reference 678 An instance of this class is randomized to determine the starting offset of a randomly allocated memory region. This class can be extended to provide additional constraints on the starting offset, such as word alignment or location of the region within a memory page. If a procedural region allocation policy is required, it can be implemented in the pre/post_randomize() method. Summary uvm_mem_mam_policy An instance of this class is randomized to determine the starting offset of a randomly allocated memory region. CLass DEcLaRaTION class uvm_mem_mam_policy VaRIaBLEs len start_offset min_offset max_offset in_use Number of addresses required The starting offset of the region Minimum address offset in the managed address space Maximum address offset in the managed address space Regions already allocated in the managed address space VaRIaBLEs len int unsigned len Number of addresses required start_offset rand bit [63:0] start_offset The starting offset of the region min_offset bit [63:0] min_offset Minimum address offset in the managed address space max_offset bit [63:0] max_offset Maximum address offset in the managed address space UVM 1.2 Class Reference 679 in_use uvm_mem_region in_use[$] Regions already allocated in the managed address space uvm_mem_mam_cfg Specifies the memory managed by an instance of a uvm_mem_mam memory allocation manager class. Summary uvm_mem_mam_cfg Specifies the memory managed by an instance of a uvm_mem_mam memory allocation manager class. CLass DEcLaRaTION class uvm_mem_mam_cfg VaRIaBLEs n_bytes end_offset mode locality Number of bytes in each memory location Last address of managed space Region allocation mode Region location mode VaRIaBLEs n_bytes rand int unsigned n_bytes Number of bytes in each memory location end_offset rand bit [63:0] end_offset Last address of managed space mode rand uvm_mem_mam::alloc_mode_e mode Region allocation mode UVM 1.2 Class Reference 680 locality rand uvm_mem_mam::locality_e locality Region location mode UVM 1.2 Class Reference 681 26.1 Generic Register Operation Descriptors This section defines the abstract register transaction item. It also defines a descriptor for a physical bus operation that is used by uvm_reg_adapter subtypes to convert from a protocol-specific address/data/rw operation to a bus-independent, canonical r/w operation. Contents Generic Register Operation Descriptors This section defines the abstract register transaction item. uvm_reg_item uvm_reg_bus_op Defines an abstract register transaction item. Struct that defines a generic bus transaction for register and memory accesses, having kind (read or write), address, data, and byte enable information. uvm_reg_item Defines an abstract register transaction item. No bus-specific information is present, although a handle to a uvm_reg_map is provided in case a user wishes to implement a custom address translation algorithm. Summary uvm_reg_item Defines an abstract register transaction item. CLAss HIErArchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_transaction uvm_sequence_item uvm_reg_item CLAss DEcLArATIoN class uvm_reg_item extends uvm_sequence_item VArIABLEs element_kind element kind value offset status local_map UVM 1.2 Class Reference Kind of element being accessed: REG, MEM, or FIELD. A handle to the RegModel model element associated with this transaction. Kind of access: READ or WRITE. The value to write to, or after completion, the value read from the DUT. For memory accesses, the offset address. The result of the transaction: IS_OK, HAS_X, or ERROR. The local map used to obtain addresses. 682 map path parent prior extension bd_kind fname lineno METhods new convert2string do_copy The original map specified for the operation. The path being used: UVM_FRONTDOOR or UVM_BACKDOOR. The sequence from which the operation originated. The priority requested of this transfer, as defined by uvm_sequence_base::start_item. Handle to optional user data, as conveyed in the call to write(), read(), mirror(), or update() used to trigger the operation. If path is UVM_BACKDOOR, this member specifies the abstraction kind for the backdoor access, e.g. The file name from where this transaction originated, if provided at the call site. The file name from where this transaction originated, if provided at the call site. Create a new instance of this type, giving it the optional name. Returns a string showing the contents of this transaction. Copy the rhs object into this object. VArIABLEs element_kind uvm_elem_kind_e element_kind Kind of element being accessed: REG, MEM, or FIELD. See uvm_elem_kind_e. element uvm_object element A handle to the RegModel model element associated with this transaction. Use element_kind to determine the type to cast to: uvm_reg, uvm_mem, or uvm_reg_field. kind rand uvm_access_e kind Kind of access: READ or WRITE. value rand uvm_reg_data_t value[] The value to write to, or after completion, the value read from the DUT. Burst operations use the values property. offset UVM 1.2 Class Reference 683 rand uvm_reg_addr_t offset For memory accesses, the offset address. For bursts, the starting offset address. status uvm_status_e status The result of the transaction: IS_OK, HAS_X, or ERROR. See uvm_status_e. local_map uvm_reg_map local_map The local map used to obtain addresses. Users may customize address-translation using this map. Access to the sequencer and bus adapter can be obtained by getting this map’s root map, then calling uvm_reg_map::get_sequencer and uvm_reg_map::get_adapter. map uvm_reg_map map The original map specified for the operation. The actual map used may differ when a test or sequence written at the block level is reused at the system level. path uvm_path_e path The path being used: UVM_FRONTDOOR or UVM_BACKDOOR. parent rand uvm_sequence_base parent The sequence from which the operation originated. prior int prior = -1 The priority requested of this transfer, as defined by uvm_sequence_base::start_item. extension rand uvm_object extension Handle to optional user data, as conveyed in the call to write(), read(), mirror(), or UVM 1.2 Class Reference 684 update() used to trigger the operation. bd_kind string bd_kind If path is UVM_BACKDOOR, this member specifies the abstraction kind for the backdoor access, e.g. “RTL” or “GATES”. fname string fname The file name from where this transaction originated, if provided at the call site. lineno int lineno The file name from where this transaction originated, if provided at the call site. METhods new function new( string name = "" ) Create a new instance of this type, giving it the optional name. convert2string virtual function string convert2string() Returns a string showing the contents of this transaction. do_copy virtual function void do_copy( uvm_object rhs ) Copy the rhs object into this object. The rhs object must derive from uvm_reg_item. uvm_reg_bus_op UVM 1.2 Class Reference 685 Struct that defines a generic bus transaction for register and memory accesses, having kind (read or write), address, data, and byte enable information. If the bus is narrower than the register or memory location being accessed, there will be multiple of these bus operations for every abstract uvm_reg_item transaction. In this case, data represents the portion of uvm_reg_item::value being transferred during this bus cycle. If the bus is wide enough to perform the register or memory operation in a single cycle, data will be the same as uvm_reg_item::value. Summary uvm_reg_bus_op Struct that defines a generic bus transaction for register and memory accesses, having kind (read or write), address, data, and byte enable information. VArIABLEs kind addr data n_bits byte_en status Kind of access: READ or WRITE. The bus address. The data to write. The number of bits of uvm_reg_item::value being transferred by this transaction. Enables for the byte lanes on the bus. The result of the transaction: UVM_IS_OK, UVM_HAS_X, UVM_NOT_OK. VArIABLEs kind uvm_access_e kind Kind of access: READ or WRITE. addr uvm_reg_addr_t addr The bus address. data uvm_reg_data_t data The data to write. If the bus width is smaller than the register or memory width, data represents only the portion of value that is being transferred this bus cycle. n_bits int n_bits UVM 1.2 Class Reference 686 The number of bits of uvm_reg_item::value being transferred by this transaction. byte_en uvm_reg_byte_en_t byte_en Enables for the byte lanes on the bus. Meaningful only when the bus supports byte enables and the operation originates from a field write/read. status uvm_status_e status The result of the transaction: UVM_IS_OK, UVM_HAS_X, UVM_NOT_OK. See uvm_status_e. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 687 26.2 Classes for Adapting Between Register and Bus Operations This section defines classes used to convert transaction streams between generic register address/data reads and writes and physical bus accesses. Contents Classes for Adapting Between Register and Bus Operations This section defines classes used to convert transaction streams between generic register address/data reads and writes and physical bus accesses. uvm_reg_adapter This class defines an interface for converting between uvm_reg_bus_op and a specific bus transaction. For converting between uvm_reg_bus_op and uvm_tlm_gp items. uvm_reg_tlm_adapter uvm_reg_adapter This class defines an interface for converting between uvm_reg_bus_op and a specific bus transaction. Summary uvm_reg_adapter This class defines an interface for converting between uvm_reg_bus_op and a specific bus transaction. CLass HIErarchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_reg_adapter CLass DEcLaraTIoN virtual class uvm_reg_adapter extends uvm_object new supports_byte_enable provides_responses parent_sequence reg2bus bus2reg UVM 1.2 Class Reference Create a new instance of this type, giving it the optional name. Set this bit in extensions of this class if the bus protocol supports byte enables. Set this bit in extensions of this class if the bus driver provides separate response items. Set this member in extensions of this class if the bus driver requires bus items be executed via a particular sequence base type. Extensions of this class must implement this method to convert the specified uvm_reg_bus_op to a corresponding uvm_sequence_item subtype that defines the bus transaction. Extensions of this class must implement this method to copy members of the given bus-specific bus_item to corresponding members of the provided bus_rw 688 get_item EXaMPLE instance. Returns the bus-independent read/write information that corresponds to the generic bus transaction currently translated to a bus-specific transaction. The following example illustrates how to implement a RegModel-BUS adapter class for the APB bus protocol. new function new( string name = "" ) Create a new instance of this type, giving it the optional name. supports_byte_enable bit supports_byte_enable Set this bit in extensions of this class if the bus protocol supports byte enables. provides_responses bit provides_responses Set this bit in extensions of this class if the bus driver provides separate response items. parent_sequence uvm_sequence_base parent_sequence Set this member in extensions of this class if the bus driver requires bus items be executed via a particular sequence base type. The sequence assigned to this member must implement do_clone(). reg2bus pure virtual function uvm_sequence_item reg2bus( const ref uvm_reg_bus_op rw ) Extensions of this class must implement this method to convert the specified uvm_reg_bus_op to a corresponding uvm_sequence_item subtype that defines the bus transaction. The method must allocate a new bus-specific uvm_sequence_item, assign its members from the corresponding members from the given generic rw bus operation, then return it. bus2reg UVM 1.2 Class Reference 689 pure virtual function void bus2reg( uvm_sequence_item bus_item, ref uvm_reg_bus_op rw ) Extensions of this class must implement this method to copy members of the given busspecific bus_item to corresponding members of the provided bus_rw instance. Unlike reg2bus, the resulting transaction is not allocated from scratch. This is to accommodate applications where the bus response must be returned in the original request. get_item virtual function uvm_reg_item get_item() Returns the bus-independent read/write information that corresponds to the generic bus transaction currently translated to a bus-specific transaction. This function returns a value reference only when called in the uvm_reg_adapter::reg2bus() method. It returns null at all other times. The content of the return uvm_reg_item instance must not be modified and used strictly to obtain additional information about the operation. EXaMPLE The following example illustrates how to implement a RegModel-BUS adapter class for the APB bus protocol. class rreg2apb_adapter extends uvm_reg_adapter; `uvm_object_utils(reg2apb_adapter) function new(string name="reg2apb_adapter"); super.new(name); endfunction virtual function uvm_sequence_item reg2bus(uvm_reg_bus_op rw); apb_item apb = apb_item::type_id::create("apb_item"); apb.op = (rw.kind == UVM_READ) ? apb::READ : apb::WRITE; apb.addr = rw.addr; apb.data = rw.data; return apb; endfunction virtual function void bus2reg(uvm_sequencer_item bus_item, uvm_reg_bus_op rw); apb_item apb; if (!$cast(apb,bus_item)) begin `uvm_fatal("CONVERT_APB2REG","Bus item is not of type apb_item") end rw.kind = apb.op==apb::READ ? UVM_READ : UVM_WRITE; rw.addr = apb.addr; rw.data = apb.data; rw.status = UVM_IS_OK; endfunction endclass uvm_reg_tlm_adapter For converting between uvm_reg_bus_op and uvm_tlm_gp items. Summary UVM 1.2 Class Reference 690 uvm_reg_tlm_adapter For converting between uvm_reg_bus_op and uvm_tlm_gp items. CLass HIErarchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_reg_adapter uvm_reg_tlm_adapter CLass DEcLaraTIoN class uvm_reg_tlm_adapter extends uvm_reg_adapter METhods reg2bus bus2reg Converts a uvm_reg_bus_op struct to a uvm_tlm_gp item. Converts a uvm_tlm_gp item to a uvm_reg_bus_op. METhods reg2bus virtual function uvm_sequence_item reg2bus( const ref uvm_reg_bus_op rw ) Converts a uvm_reg_bus_op struct to a uvm_tlm_gp item. bus2reg virtual function void bus2reg( uvm_sequence_item bus_item, ref uvm_reg_bus_op rw ) Converts a uvm_tlm_gp item to a uvm_reg_bus_op. into the provided rw transaction. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 691 26.3 Explicit Register Predictor The uvm_reg_predictor class defines a predictor component, which is used to update the register model’s mirror values based on transactions explicitly observed on a physical bus. Summary Explicit Register Predictor The uvm_reg_predictor class defines a predictor component, which is used to update the register model’s mirror values based on transactions explicitly observed on a physical bus. uvm_reg_predictor Updates the register model mirror based on observed bus transactions This class converts observed bus transactions of type BUSTYPE to generic registers transactions, determines the register being accessed based on the bus address, then updates the register’s mirror value with the observed bus data, subject to the register’s access mode. See uvm_reg::predict for details. Memories can be large, so their accesses are not predicted. Summary uvm_reg_predictor Updates the register model mirror based on observed bus transactions CLAss HIerArchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_report_object uvm_component uvm_reg_predictor CLAss DecLArATION class uvm_reg_predictor #( type BUSTYPE = int ) extends uvm_component VArIABLes bus_in reg_ap map UVM 1.2 Class Reference Observed bus transactions of type BUSTYPE are received from this port and processed. Analysis output port that publishes uvm_reg_item transactions converted from bus transactions received on bus_in. The map used to convert a bus address to the corresponding register or memory handle. 692 adapter MeThOds new pre_predict check_phase The adapter used to convey the parameters of a bus operation in terms of a canonical uvm_reg_bus_op datum. Create a new instance of this type, giving it the optional name and parent. Override this method to change the value or re-direct the target register Checks that no pending register transactions are still queued. VArIABLes bus_in uvm_analysis_imp #( BUSTYPE, uvm_reg_predictor #(BUSTYPE) ) bus_in Observed bus transactions of type BUSTYPE are received from this port and processed. For each incoming transaction, the predictor will attempt to get the register or memory handle corresponding to the observed bus address. If there is a match, the predictor calls the register or memory’s predict method, passing in the observed bus data. The register or memory mirror will be updated with this data, subject to its configured access behavior--RW, RO, WO, etc. The predictor will also convert the bus transaction to a generic uvm_reg_item and send it out the reg_ap analysis port. If the register is wider than the bus, the predictor will collect the multiple bus transactions needed to determine the value being read or written. reg_ap uvm_analysis_port #( uvm_reg_item ) reg_ap Analysis output port that publishes uvm_reg_item transactions converted from bus transactions received on bus_in. map uvm_reg_map map The map used to convert a bus address to the corresponding register or memory handle. Must be configured before the run phase. adapter uvm_reg_adapter adapter UVM 1.2 Class Reference 693 The adapter used to convey the parameters of a bus operation in terms of a canonical uvm_reg_bus_op datum. The uvm_reg_adapter must be configured before the run phase. MeThOds new function new ( string name, uvm_component parent ) Create a new instance of this type, giving it the optional name and parent. pre_predict virtual function void pre_predict( uvm_reg_item rw ) Override this method to change the value or re-direct the target register check_phase virtual function void check_phase( uvm_phase phase ) Checks that no pending register transactions are still queued. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 694 26.4 Register Sequence Classes This section defines the base classes used for register stimulus generation. Contents Register Sequence Classes This section defines the base classes used for register stimulus generation. uvm_reg_sequence This class provides base functionality for both user-defined RegModel test sequences and “register translation sequences”. uvm_reg_frontdoor Facade class for register and memory frontdoor access. uvm_reg_sequence This class provides base functionality for both user-defined RegModel test sequences and “register translation sequences”. When used as a base for user-defined RegModel test sequences, this class provides convenience methods for reading and writing registers and memories. Users implement the body() method to interact directly with the RegModel model (held in the model property) or indirectly via the delegation methods in this class. When used as a translation sequence, objects of this class are executed directly on a bus sequencer which are used in support of a layered sequencer use model, a pre-defined convert-and-execute algorithm is provided. Register operations do not require extending this class if none of the above services are needed. Register test sequences can be extend from the base uvm_sequence #(REQ,RSP) base class or even from outside a sequence. Note- The convenience API not yet implemented. Summary uvm_reg_sequence This class provides base functionality for both user-defined RegModel test sequences and “register translation sequences”. CLAss HIErArchY BASE uvm_reg_sequence CLAss DEcLArATION class uvm_reg_sequence #( type BASE = uvm_sequence #(uvm_reg_item) ) extends BASE BASE model adapter UVM 1.2 Class Reference Specifies the sequence type to extend from. Block abstraction this sequence executes on, defined only when this sequence is a user-defined test sequence. Adapter to use for translating between abstract register 695 reg_seqr new body do_reg_item CONVENIENcE WrITE/REAd API write_reg transactions and physical bus transactions, defined only when this sequence is a translation sequence. Layered upstream “register” sequencer. Create a new instance, giving it the optional name. Continually gets a register transaction from the configured upstream sequencer, reg_seqr, and executes the corresponding bus transaction via do_reg_item. Executes the given register transaction, rw, via the sequencer on which this sequence was started. The following methods delegate to the corresponding method in the register or memory element. read_reg poke_reg peek_reg update_reg mirror_reg write_mem read_mem poke_mem peek_mem Writes the given register rg using uvm_reg::write, supplying ‘this’ as the parent argument. Reads the given register rg using uvm_reg::read, supplying ‘this’ as the parent argument. Pokes the given register rg using uvm_reg::poke, supplying ‘this’ as the parent argument. Peeks the given register rg using uvm_reg::peek, supplying ‘this’ as the parent argument. Updates the given register rg using uvm_reg::update, supplying ‘this’ as the parent argument. Mirrors the given register rg using uvm_reg::mirror, supplying ‘this’ as the parent argument. Writes the given memory mem using uvm_mem::write, supplying ‘this’ as the parent argument. Reads the given memory mem using uvm_mem::read, supplying ‘this’ as the parent argument. Pokes the given memory mem using uvm_mem::poke, supplying ‘this’ as the parent argument. Peeks the given memory mem using uvm_mem::peek, supplying ‘this’ as the parent argument. BASE Specifies the sequence type to extend from. When used as a translation sequence running on a bus sequencer, BASE must be compatible with the sequence type expected by the bus sequencer. When used as a test sequence running on a particular sequencer, BASE must be compatible with the sequence type expected by that sequencer. When used as a virtual test sequence without a sequencer, BASE does not need to be specified, i.e. the default specialization is adequate. To maximize opportunities for reuse, user-defined RegModel sequences should “promote” the BASE parameter. class my_reg_sequence #(type BASE=uvm_sequence #(uvm_reg_item)) extends uvm_reg_sequence #(BASE); This way, the RegModel sequence can be extended from user-defined base sequences. model uvm_reg_block model UVM 1.2 Class Reference 696 Block abstraction this sequence executes on, defined only when this sequence is a userdefined test sequence. adapter uvm_reg_adapter adapter Adapter to use for translating between abstract register transactions and physical bus transactions, defined only when this sequence is a translation sequence. reg_seqr uvm_sequencer #( uvm_reg_item ) reg_seqr Layered upstream “register” sequencer. Specifies the upstream sequencer between abstract register transactions and physical bus transactions. Defined only when this sequence is a translation sequence, and we want to “pull” from an upstream sequencer. new function new ( string name = "uvm_reg_sequence_inst" ) Create a new instance, giving it the optional name. body virtual task body() Continually gets a register transaction from the configured upstream sequencer, reg_seqr, and executes the corresponding bus transaction via do_reg_item. User-defined RegModel test sequences must override body() and not call super.body(), else a warning will be issued and the calling process not return. do_reg_item virtual task do_reg_item( uvm_reg_item rw ) Executes the given register transaction, rw, via the sequencer on which this sequence was started (i.e. m_sequencer). Uses the configured adapter to convert the register transaction into the type expected by this sequencer. CONVENIENcE WrITE/REAd API UVM 1.2 Class Reference 697 The following methods delegate to the corresponding method in the register or memory element. They allow a sequence body() to do reads and writes without having to explicitly supply itself to parent sequence argument. Thus, a register write model.regA.write(status, value, .parent(this)); can be written instead as write_reg(model.regA, status, value); write_reg virtual task write_reg( input uvm_reg output uvm_status_e input uvm_reg_data_t input uvm_path_e input uvm_reg_map input int input uvm_object input string input int ) rg, status, value, path = map = prior = extension = fname = lineno = UVM_DEFAULT_PATH, null, -1, null, "", 0 Writes the given register rg using uvm_reg::write, supplying ‘this’ as the parent argument. Thus, write_reg(model.regA, status, value); is equivalent to model.regA.write(status, value, .parent(this)); read_reg virtual task read_reg( input uvm_reg output uvm_status_e output uvm_reg_data_t input uvm_path_e input uvm_reg_map input int input uvm_object input string input int ) rg, status, value, path = map = prior = extension = fname = lineno = UVM_DEFAULT_PATH, null, -1, null, "", 0 Reads the given register rg using uvm_reg::read, supplying ‘this’ as the parent argument. Thus, read_reg(model.regA, status, value); UVM 1.2 Class Reference 698 is equivalent to model.regA.read(status, value, .parent(this)); poke_reg virtual task poke_reg( input uvm_reg output uvm_status_e input uvm_reg_data_t input string input uvm_object input string input int ) rg, status, value, kind = extension = fname = lineno = "", null, "", 0 Pokes the given register rg using uvm_reg::poke, supplying ‘this’ as the parent argument. Thus, poke_reg(model.regA, status, value); is equivalent to model.regA.poke(status, value, .parent(this)); peek_reg virtual task peek_reg( input uvm_reg output uvm_status_e output uvm_reg_data_t input string input uvm_object input string input int ) rg, status, value, kind = extension = fname = lineno = "", null, "", 0 Peeks the given register rg using uvm_reg::peek, supplying ‘this’ as the parent argument. Thus, peek_reg(model.regA, status, value); is equivalent to model.regA.peek(status, value, .parent(this)); UVM 1.2 Class Reference 699 update_reg virtual task update_reg( input uvm_reg rg, output uvm_status_e status, input uvm_path_e path = input uvm_reg_map map = input int prior = input uvm_object extension = input string fname = input int lineno = ) UVM_DEFAULT_PATH, null, -1, null, "", 0 Updates the given register rg using uvm_reg::update, supplying ‘this’ as the parent argument. Thus, update_reg(model.regA, status, value); is equivalent to model.regA.update(status, value, .parent(this)); mirror_reg virtual task mirror_reg( input uvm_reg rg, output uvm_status_e status, input uvm_check_e check = input uvm_path_e path = input uvm_reg_map map = input int prior = input uvm_object extension = input string fname = input int lineno = ) UVM_NO_CHECK, UVM_DEFAULT_PATH, null, -1, null, "", 0 Mirrors the given register rg using uvm_reg::mirror, supplying ‘this’ as the parent argument. Thus, mirror_reg(model.regA, status, UVM_CHECK); is equivalent to model.regA.mirror(status, UVM_CHECK, .parent(this)); write_mem virtual task write_mem( input uvm_mem output uvm status e UVM 1.2 Class Reference mem, status, 700 ) input input input input input input input input uvm_reg_addr_t uvm_reg_data_t uvm_path_e uvm_reg_map int uvm_object string int offset, value, path = map = prior = extension = fname = lineno = UVM_DEFAULT_PATH, null, -1, null, "", 0 Writes the given memory mem using uvm_mem::write, supplying ‘this’ as the parent argument. Thus, write_mem(model.regA, status, offset, value); is equivalent to model.regA.write(status, offset, value, .parent(this)); read_mem virtual task read_mem( input uvm_mem output uvm_status_e input uvm_reg_addr_t output uvm_reg_data_t input uvm_path_e input uvm_reg_map input int input uvm_object input string input int ) mem, status, offset, value, path = map = prior = extension = fname = lineno = UVM_DEFAULT_PATH, null, -1, null, "", 0 Reads the given memory mem using uvm_mem::read, supplying ‘this’ as the parent argument. Thus, read_mem(model.regA, status, offset, value); is equivalent to model.regA.read(status, offset, value, .parent(this)); poke_mem virtual task poke_mem( input uvm_mem output uvm_status_e input uvm_reg_addr_t input uvm_reg_data_t input string input uvm_object input string UVM 1.2 Class Reference mem, status, offset, value, kind = "", extension = null, fname = "", 701 input int ) lineno = 0 Pokes the given memory mem using uvm_mem::poke, supplying ‘this’ as the parent argument. Thus, poke_mem(model.regA, status, offset, value); is equivalent to model.regA.poke(status, offset, value, .parent(this)); peek_mem virtual task peek_mem( input uvm_mem output uvm_status_e input uvm_reg_addr_t output uvm_reg_data_t input string input uvm_object input string input int ) mem, status, offset, value, kind = extension = fname = lineno = "", null, "", 0 Peeks the given memory mem using uvm_mem::peek, supplying ‘this’ as the parent argument. Thus, peek_mem(model.regA, status, offset, value); is equivalent to model.regA.peek(status, offset, value, .parent(this)); uvm_reg_frontdoor Facade class for register and memory frontdoor access. User-defined frontdoor access sequence Base class for user-defined access to register and memory reads and writes through a physical interface. By default, different registers and memories are mapped to different addresses in the address space and are accessed via those exclusively through physical addresses. The frontdoor allows access using a non-linear and/or non-mapped mechanism. Users can extend this class to provide the physical access to these registers. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 702 Summary uvm_reg_frontdoor Facade class for register and memory frontdoor access. CLAss HIErArchY uvm_reg_sequence#(uvm_sequence#(uvm_sequence_item)) uvm_reg_frontdoor CLAss DEcLArATION virtual class uvm_reg_frontdoor extends uvm_reg_sequence #( uvm_sequence #(uvm_sequence_item) ) VArIAbLEs rw_info sequencer Holds information about the register being read or written Sequencer executing the operation METhOds new Constructor, new object given optional name. VArIAbLEs rw_info uvm_reg_item rw_info Holds information about the register being read or written sequencer uvm_sequencer_base sequencer Sequencer executing the operation METhOds new function new( string name = "" ) Constructor, new object given optional name. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 703 26.5 uvm_reg_backdoor Base class for user-defined back-door register and memory access. This class can be extended by users to provide user-specific back-door access to registers and memories that are not implemented in pure SystemVerilog or that are not accessible using the default DPI backdoor mechanism. Summary uvm_reg_backdoor Base class for user-defined back-door register and memory access. CLAss HIERARchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_reg_backdoor CLAss DEcLARATION class uvm_reg_backdoor extends uvm_object METhOds new do_pre_read do_post_read do_pre_write do_post_write write read read_func is_auto_updated wait_for_change pre_read post_read pre_write post_write Create an instance of this class Execute the pre-read callbacks Execute the post-read callbacks Execute the pre-write callbacks Execute the post-write callbacks User-defined backdoor write operation. User-defined backdoor read operation. User-defined backdoor read operation. Indicates if wait_for_change() method is implemented Wait for a change in the value of the register or memory element in the DUT. Called before user-defined backdoor register read. Called after user-defined backdoor register read. Called before user-defined backdoor register write. Called after user-defined backdoor register write. METhOds new function new( string name = "" ) Create an instance of this class Create an instance of the user-defined backdoor class for the specified register or memory UVM 1.2 Class Reference 704 do_pre_read protected task do_pre_read( uvm_reg_item rw ) Execute the pre-read callbacks This method must be called as the first statement in a user extension of the read() method. do_post_read protected task do_post_read( uvm_reg_item rw ) Execute the post-read callbacks This method must be called as the last statement in a user extension of the read() method. do_pre_write protected task do_pre_write( uvm_reg_item rw ) Execute the pre-write callbacks This method must be called as the first statement in a user extension of the write() method. do_post_write protected task do_post_write( uvm_reg_item rw ) Execute the post-write callbacks This method must be called as the last statement in a user extension of the write() method. write virtual task write( uvm_reg_item rw ) User-defined backdoor write operation. Call do_pre_write(). Deposit the specified value in the specified register HDL implementation. Call do_post_write(). Returns an indication of the success of the operation. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 705 read virtual task read( uvm_reg_item rw ) User-defined backdoor read operation. Overload this method only if the backdoor requires the use of task. Call do_pre_read(). Peek the current value of the specified HDL implementation. Call do_post_read(). Returns the current value and an indication of the success of the operation. By default, calls read_func(). read_func virtual function void read_func( uvm_reg_item rw ) User-defined backdoor read operation. Peek the current value in the HDL implementation. Returns the current value and an indication of the success of the operation. is_auto_updated virtual function bit is_auto_updated( uvm_reg_field field ) Indicates if wait_for_change() method is implemented Implement to return TRUE if and only if wait_for_change() is implemented to watch for changes in the HDL implementation of the specified field wait_for_change virtual local task wait_for_change( uvm_object element ) Wait for a change in the value of the register or memory element in the DUT. When this method returns, the mirror value for the register corresponding to this instance of the backdoor class will be updated via a backdoor read operation. pre_read virtual task pre_read( uvm_reg_item rw ) Called before user-defined backdoor register read. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 706 The registered callback methods are invoked after the invocation of this method. post_read virtual task post_read( uvm_reg_item rw ) Called after user-defined backdoor register read. The registered callback methods are invoked before the invocation of this method. pre_write virtual task pre_write( uvm_reg_item rw ) Called before user-defined backdoor register write. The registered callback methods are invoked after the invocation of this method. The written value, if modified, modifies the actual value that will be written. post_write virtual task post_write( uvm_reg_item rw ) Called after user-defined backdoor register write. The registered callback methods are invoked before the invocation of this method. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 707 26.6 UVM HDL Backdoor Access support routines These routines provide an interface to the DPI/PLI implementation of backdoor access used by registers. If you DON’T want to use the DPI HDL API, then compile your SystemVerilog code with the vlog switch vlog ... +define+UVM_HDL_NO_DPI ... Summary UVM HDL Backdoor Access support routines. These routines provide an interface to the DPI/PLI implementation of backdoor access used by registers. VaRIablEs UVM_HDL_MAX_WIDTH METhOds uvm_hdl_check_path uvm_hdl_deposit uvm_hdl_force uvm_hdl_force_time uvm_hdl_release_and_read uvm_hdl_release uvm_hdl_read() Sets the maximum size bit vector for backdoor access. Checks that the given HDL path exists. Sets the given HDL path to the specified value. Forces the value on the given path. Forces the value on the given path for the specified amount of force_time. Releases a value previously set with uvm_hdl_force. Releases a value previously set with uvm_hdl_force. Gets the value at the given path. VaRIablEs UVM_HDL_MAX_WIDTH parameter int UVM_HDL_MAX_WIDTH = `UVM_HDL_MAX_WIDTH Sets the maximum size bit vector for backdoor access. This parameter will be looked up by the DPI-C code using: vpi_handle_by_name( “uvm_pkg::UVM_HDL_MAX_WIDTH”, 0); METhOds uvm_hdl_check_path import "DPI-C" context function int uvm_hdl_check_path( string path UVM 1.2 Class Reference 708 ) Checks that the given HDL path exists. Returns 0 if NOT found, 1 otherwise. uvm_hdl_deposit import "DPI-C" context function int uvm_hdl_deposit( string path, uvm_hdl_data_t value ) Sets the given HDL path to the specified value. Returns 1 if the call succeeded, 0 otherwise. uvm_hdl_force import "DPI-C" context function int uvm_hdl_force( string path, uvm_hdl_data_t value ) Forces the value on the given path. Returns 1 if the call succeeded, 0 otherwise. uvm_hdl_force_time task uvm_hdl_force_time( string path, uvm_hdl_data_t value, time force_time = 0 ) Forces the value on the given path for the specified amount of force_time. If force_time is 0, uvm_hdl_deposit is called. Returns 1 if the call succeeded, 0 otherwise. uvm_hdl_release_and_read import "DPI-C" context function int uvm_hdl_release_and_read( string path, inout uvm_hdl_data_t value ) Releases a value previously set with uvm_hdl_force. Returns 1 if the call succeeded, 0 otherwise. value is set to the HDL value after the release. For ‘reg’, the value will still be the forced value until it has been procedurally reassigned. For ‘wire’, the value will change immediately to the resolved value of its continuous drivers, if any. If none, its value remains as forced until the next direct assignment. uvm_hdl_release import "DPI-C" context function int uvm_hdl_release( string path ) Releases a value previously set with uvm_hdl_force. Returns 1 if the call succeeded, 0 otherwise. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 709 uvm_hdl_read() import "DPI-C" context function int uvm_hdl_read( string path, output uvm_hdl_data_t value ) Gets the value at the given path. Returns 1 if the call succeeded, 0 otherwise. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 710 27.1 uvm_reg_mem_built_in_seq Sequence that executes a user-defined selection of pre-defined register and memory test sequences. Summary uvm_reg_mem_built_in_seq Sequence that executes a user-defined selection of pre-defined register and memory test sequences. CLAss HIERARchY uvm_reg_sequence#(uvm_sequence#(uvm_reg_item)) uvm_reg_mem_built_in_seq CLAss DEcLARATION class uvm_reg_mem_built_in_seq extends uvm_reg_sequence #( uvm_sequence #(uvm_reg_item) ) VARIABLEs model tests The block to be tested. The pre-defined test sequences to be executed. METhOds body Executes any or all the built-in register and memory sequences. VARIABLEs model The block to be tested. Declared in the base class. uvm_reg_block model; tests bit [63:0] tests = UVM_DO_ALL_REG_MEM_TESTS The pre-defined test sequences to be executed. METhOds UVM 1.2 Class Reference 711 body virtual task body() Executes any or all the built-in register and memory sequences. Do not call directly. Use seq.start() instead. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 712 27.2 uvm_reg_hw_reset_seq Test the hard reset values of registers The test sequence performs the following steps 1. resets the DUT and the block abstraction class associated with this sequence. 2. reads all of the registers in the block, via all of the available address maps, comparing the value read with the expected reset value. If bit-type resource named “NO_REG_TESTS” or “NO_REG_HW_RESET_TEST” in the “REG::” namespace matches the full name of the block or register, the block or register is not tested. uvm_resource_db#(bit)::set({"REG::",regmodel.blk.get_full_name(),".*"}, "NO_REG_TESTS", 1, this); This is usually the first test executed on any DUT. Summary uvm_reg_hw_reset_seq Test the hard reset values of registers CLAss HIERARchY uvm_reg_sequence#(uvm_sequence#(uvm_reg_item)) uvm_reg_hw_reset_seq CLAss DEcLARATION class uvm_reg_hw_reset_seq extends uvm_reg_sequence #( uvm_sequence #(uvm_reg_item) ) VARIABLEs model body METhOds do_block reset_blk The block to be tested. Executes the Hardware Reset sequence. Test all of the registers in a given block Reset the DUT that corresponds to the specified block abstraction class. VARIABLEs model The block to be tested. Declared in the base class. uvm_reg_block model; UVM 1.2 Class Reference 713 body virtual task body() Executes the Hardware Reset sequence. Do not call directly. Use seq.start() instead. METhOds do_block protected virtual task do_block( uvm_reg_block blk ) Test all of the registers in a given block reset_blk virtual task reset_blk( uvm_reg_block blk ) Reset the DUT that corresponds to the specified block abstraction class. Currently empty. Will rollback the environment’s phase to the reset phase once the new phasing is available. In the meantime, the DUT should be reset before executing this test sequence or this method should be implemented in an extension to reset the DUT. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 714 27.3 Bit Bashing Test Sequences This section defines classes that test individual bits of the registers defined in a register model. Contents Bit Bashing Test Sequences This section defines classes that test individual bits of the registers defined in a register model. uvm_reg_single_bit_bash_seq Verify the implementation of a single register by attempting to write 1’s and 0’s to every bit in it, via every address map in which the register is mapped, making sure that the resulting value matches the mirrored value. Verify the implementation of all registers in a block by executing the uvm_reg_single_bit_bash_seq sequence on it. uvm_reg_bit_bash_seq uvm_reg_single_bit_bash_seq Verify the implementation of a single register by attempting to write 1’s and 0’s to every bit in it, via every address map in which the register is mapped, making sure that the resulting value matches the mirrored value. If bit-type resource named “NO_REG_TESTS” or “NO_REG_BIT_BASH_TEST” in the “REG::” namespace matches the full name of the register, the register is not tested. uvm_resource_db#(bit)::set({"REG::",regmodel.blk.r0.get_full_name()}, "NO_REG_TESTS", 1, this); Registers that contain fields with unknown access policies cannot be tested. The DUT should be idle and not modify any register during this test. Summary uvm_reg_single_bit_bash_seq Verify the implementation of a single register by attempting to write 1’s and 0’s to every bit in it, via every address map in which the register is mapped, making sure that the resulting value matches the mirrored value. CLAss HIERARchY uvm_reg_sequence#(uvm_sequence#(uvm_reg_item)) uvm_reg_single_bit_bash_seq CLAss DEcLARAtION class uvm_reg_single_bit_bash_seq extends uvm_reg_sequence #( uvm_sequence #(uvm_reg_item) UVM 1.2 Class Reference 715 ) VARIAbLEs rg The register to be tested VARIAbLEs rg uvm_reg rg The register to be tested uvm_reg_bit_bash_seq Verify the implementation of all registers in a block by executing the uvm_reg_single_bit_bash_seq sequence on it. If bit-type resource named “NO_REG_TESTS” or “NO_REG_BIT_BASH_TEST” in the “REG::” namespace matches the full name of the block, the block is not tested. uvm_resource_db#(bit)::set({"REG::",regmodel.blk.get_full_name(),".*"}, "NO_REG_TESTS", 1, this); Summary uvm_reg_bit_bash_seq Verify the implementation of all registers in a block by executing the uvm_reg_single_bit_bash_seq sequence on it. CLAss HIERARchY uvm_reg_sequence#(uvm_sequence#(uvm_reg_item)) uvm_reg_bit_bash_seq CLAss DEcLARAtION class uvm_reg_bit_bash_seq extends uvm_reg_sequence #( uvm_sequence #(uvm_reg_item) ) VARIAbLEs model reg_seq MEthOds body do_block reset_blk UVM 1.2 Class Reference The block to be tested. The sequence used to test one register Executes the Register Bit Bash sequence. Test all of the registers in a given block Reset the DUT that corresponds to the specified block abstraction class. 716 VARIAbLEs model The block to be tested. Declared in the base class. uvm_reg_block model; reg_seq protected uvm_reg_single_bit_bash_seq reg_seq The sequence used to test one register MEthOds body virtual task body() Executes the Register Bit Bash sequence. Do not call directly. Use seq.start() instead. do_block protected virtual task do_block( uvm_reg_block blk ) Test all of the registers in a given block reset_blk virtual task reset_blk( uvm_reg_block blk ) Reset the DUT that corresponds to the specified block abstraction class. Currently empty. Will rollback the environment’s phase to the reset phase once the new phasing is available. In the meantime, the DUT should be reset before executing this test sequence or this method should be implemented in an extension to reset the DUT. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 717 27.4 Register Access Test Sequences This section defines sequences that test DUT register access via the available frontdoor and backdoor paths defined in the provided register model. Contents Register Access Test Sequences This section defines sequences that test DUT register access via the available frontdoor and backdoor paths defined in the provided register model. uvm_reg_single_access_seq Verify the accessibility of a register by writing through its default address map then reading it via the backdoor, then reversing the process, making sure that the resulting value matches the mirrored value. Verify the accessibility of all registers in a block by executing the uvm_reg_single_access_seq sequence on every register within it. Verify the accessibility of all registers and memories in a block by executing the uvm_reg_access_seq and uvm_mem_access_seq sequence respectively on every register and memory within it. uvm_reg_access_seq uvm_reg_mem_access_seq uvm_reg_single_access_seq Verify the accessibility of a register by writing through its default address map then reading it via the backdoor, then reversing the process, making sure that the resulting value matches the mirrored value. If bit-type resource named “NO_REG_TESTS” or “NO_REG_ACCESS_TEST” in the “REG::” namespace matches the full name of the register, the register is not tested. uvm_resource_db#(bit)::set({"REG::",regmodel.blk.r0.get_full_name()}, "NO_REG_TESTS", 1, this); Registers without an available backdoor or that contain read-only fields only, or fields with unknown access policies cannot be tested. The DUT should be idle and not modify any register during this test. Summary uvm_reg_single_access_seq Verify the accessibility of a register by writing through its default address map then reading it via the backdoor, then reversing the process, making sure that the resulting value matches the mirrored value. CLass HIErarchY uvm_reg_sequence#(uvm_sequence#(uvm_reg_item)) UVM 1.2 Class Reference 718 uvm_reg_single_access_seq CLass DEcLaratION class uvm_reg_single_access_seq extends uvm_reg_sequence #( uvm_sequence #(uvm_reg_item) ) VarIaBLEs rg The register to be tested VarIaBLEs rg uvm_reg rg The register to be tested uvm_reg_access_seq Verify the accessibility of all registers in a block by executing the uvm_reg_single_access_seq sequence on every register within it. If bit-type resource named “NO_REG_TESTS” or “NO_REG_ACCESS_TEST” in the “REG::” namespace matches the full name of the block, the block is not tested. uvm_resource_db#(bit)::set({"REG::",regmodel.blk.get_full_name(),".*"}, "NO_REG_TESTS", 1, this); Summary uvm_reg_access_seq Verify the accessibility of all registers in a block by executing the uvm_reg_single_access_seq sequence on every register within it. CLass HIErarchY uvm_reg_sequence#(uvm_sequence#(uvm_reg_item)) uvm_reg_access_seq CLass DEcLaratION class uvm_reg_access_seq extends uvm_reg_sequence #( uvm_sequence #(uvm_reg_item) ) VarIaBLEs model reg_seq UVM 1.2 Class Reference The block to be tested. The sequence used to test one register 719 MEthOds body do_block reset_blk Executes the Register Access sequence. Test all of the registers in a block Reset the DUT that corresponds to the specified block abstraction class. VarIaBLEs model The block to be tested. Declared in the base class. uvm_reg_block model; reg_seq protected uvm_reg_single_access_seq reg_seq The sequence used to test one register MEthOds body virtual task body() Executes the Register Access sequence. Do not call directly. Use seq.start() instead. do_block protected virtual task do_block( uvm_reg_block blk ) Test all of the registers in a block reset_blk virtual task reset_blk( uvm_reg_block blk ) Reset the DUT that corresponds to the specified block abstraction class. Currently empty. Will rollback the environment’s phase to the reset phase once the new UVM 1.2 Class Reference 720 phasing is available. In the meantime, the DUT should be reset before executing this test sequence or this method should be implemented in an extension to reset the DUT. uvm_reg_mem_access_seq Verify the accessibility of all registers and memories in a block by executing the uvm_reg_access_seq and uvm_mem_access_seq sequence respectively on every register and memory within it. Blocks and registers with the NO_REG_TESTS or the NO_REG_ACCESS_TEST attribute are not verified. Summary uvm_reg_mem_access_seq Verify the accessibility of all registers and memories in a block by executing the uvm_reg_access_seq and uvm_mem_access_seq sequence respectively on every register and memory within it. CLass HIErarchY uvm_reg_sequence#(uvm_sequence#(uvm_reg_item)) uvm_reg_mem_access_seq CLass DEcLaratION class uvm_reg_mem_access_seq extends uvm_reg_sequence #( uvm_sequence #(uvm_reg_item) ) UVM 1.2 Class Reference 721 27.5 Shared Register and Memory Access Test Sequences This section defines sequences for testing registers and memories that are shared between two or more physical interfaces, i.e. are associated with more than one uvm_reg_map instance. Contents Shared Register and Memory Access Test Sequences This section defines sequences for testing registers and memories that are shared between two or more physical interfaces. uvm_reg_shared_access_seq Verify the accessibility of a shared register by writing through each address map then reading it via every other address maps in which the register is readable and the backdoor, making sure that the resulting value matches the mirrored value. Verify the accessibility of a shared memory by writing through each address map then reading it via every other address maps in which the memory is readable and the backdoor, making sure that the resulting value matches the written value. Verify the accessibility of all shared registers and memories in a block by executing the uvm_reg_shared_access_seq and uvm_mem_shared_access_seq sequence respectively on every register and memory within it. uvm_mem_shared_access_seq uvm_reg_mem_shared_access_seq uvm_reg_shared_access_seq Verify the accessibility of a shared register by writing through each address map then reading it via every other address maps in which the register is readable and the backdoor, making sure that the resulting value matches the mirrored value. If bit-type resource named “NO_REG_TESTS” or “NO_REG_SHARED_ACCESS_TEST” in the “REG::” namespace matches the full name of the register, the register is not tested. uvm_resource_db#(bit)::set({"REG::",regmodel.blk.r0.get_full_name()}, "NO_REG_TESTS", 1, this); Registers that contain fields with unknown access policies cannot be tested. The DUT should be idle and not modify any register during this test. Summary uvm_reg_shared_access_seq UVM 1.2 Class Reference 722 Verify the accessibility of a shared register by writing through each address map then reading it via every other address maps in which the register is readable and the backdoor, making sure that the resulting value matches the mirrored value. CLass HIErarchY uvm_reg_sequence#(uvm_sequence#(uvm_reg_item)) uvm_reg_shared_access_seq CLass DEcLaratION class uvm_reg_shared_access_seq extends uvm_reg_sequence #( uvm_sequence #(uvm_reg_item) ) VarIaBLEs rg The register to be tested VarIaBLEs rg uvm_reg rg The register to be tested uvm_mem_shared_access_seq Verify the accessibility of a shared memory by writing through each address map then reading it via every other address maps in which the memory is readable and the backdoor, making sure that the resulting value matches the written value. If bit-type resource named “NO_REG_TESTS”, “NO_MEM_TESTS”, “NO_REG_SHARED_ACCESS_TEST” or “NO_MEM_SHARED_ACCESS_TEST” in the “REG::” namespace matches the full name of the memory, the memory is not tested. uvm_resource_db#(bit)::set({"REG::",regmodel.blk.mem0.get_full_name()}, "NO_MEM_TESTS", 1, this); The DUT should be idle and not modify the memory during this test. Summary uvm_mem_shared_access_seq Verify the accessibility of a shared memory by writing through each address map then reading it via every other address maps in which the memory is readable and the backdoor, making sure that the resulting value matches the written value. CLass HIErarchY UVM 1.2 Class Reference 723 uvm_reg_sequence#(uvm_sequence#(uvm_reg_item)) uvm_mem_shared_access_seq CLass DEcLaratION class uvm_mem_shared_access_seq extends uvm_reg_sequence #( uvm_sequence #(uvm_reg_item) ) VarIaBLEs mem The memory to be tested VarIaBLEs mem uvm_mem mem The memory to be tested uvm_reg_mem_shared_access_seq Verify the accessibility of all shared registers and memories in a block by executing the uvm_reg_shared_access_seq and uvm_mem_shared_access_seq sequence respectively on every register and memory within it. If bit-type resource named “NO_REG_TESTS”, “NO_MEM_TESTS”, “NO_REG_SHARED_ACCESS_TEST” or “NO_MEM_SHARED_ACCESS_TEST” in the “REG::” namespace matches the full name of the block, the block is not tested. uvm_resource_db#(bit)::set({"REG::",regmodel.blk.get_full_name(),".*"}, "NO_REG_TESTS", 1, this); Summary uvm_reg_mem_shared_access_seq Verify the accessibility of all shared registers and memories in a block by executing the uvm_reg_shared_access_seq and uvm_mem_shared_access_seq sequence respectively on every register and memory within it. CLass HIErarchY uvm_reg_sequence#(uvm_sequence#(uvm_reg_item)) uvm_reg_mem_shared_access_seq CLass DEcLaratION class uvm_reg_mem_shared_access_seq extends uvm_reg_sequence #( UVM 1.2 Class Reference 724 uvm_sequence #(uvm_reg_item) ) VarIaBLEs model reg_seq mem_seq MEthOds body do_block reset_blk The block to be tested The sequence used to test one register The sequence used to test one memory Executes the Shared Register and Memory sequence Test all of the registers and memories in a block Reset the DUT that corresponds to the specified block abstraction class. VarIaBLEs model The block to be tested uvm_reg_block model; reg_seq protected uvm_reg_shared_access_seq reg_seq The sequence used to test one register mem_seq protected uvm_mem_shared_access_seq mem_seq The sequence used to test one memory MEthOds body virtual task body() Executes the Shared Register and Memory sequence do_block protected virtual task do_block( uvm_reg_block blk UVM 1.2 Class Reference 725 ) Test all of the registers and memories in a block reset_blk virtual task reset_blk( uvm_reg_block blk ) Reset the DUT that corresponds to the specified block abstraction class. Currently empty. Will rollback the environment’s phase to the reset phase once the new phasing is available. In the meantime, the DUT should be reset before executing this test sequence or this method should be implemented in an extension to reset the DUT. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 726 27.6 Memory Access Test Sequence Contents Memory Access Test Sequence uvm_mem_single_access_seq uvm_mem_access_seq Verify the accessibility of a memory by writing through its default address map then reading it via the backdoor, then reversing the process, making sure that the resulting value matches the written value. Verify the accessibility of all memories in a block by executing the uvm_mem_single_access_seq sequence on every memory within it. uvm_mem_single_access_seq Verify the accessibility of a memory by writing through its default address map then reading it via the backdoor, then reversing the process, making sure that the resulting value matches the written value. If bit-type resource named “NO_REG_TESTS”, “NO_MEM_TESTS”, or “NO_MEM_ACCESS_TEST” in the “REG::” namespace matches the full name of the memory, the memory is not tested. uvm_resource_db#(bit)::set({"REG::",regmodel.blk.mem0.get_full_name()}, "NO_MEM_TESTS", 1, this); Memories without an available backdoor cannot be tested. The DUT should be idle and not modify the memory during this test. Summary uvm_mem_single_access_seq Verify the accessibility of a memory by writing through its default address map then reading it via the backdoor, then reversing the process, making sure that the resulting value matches the written value. CLass HIERaRchY uvm_reg_sequence#(uvm_sequence#(uvm_reg_item)) uvm_mem_single_access_seq CLass DEcLaRatION class uvm_mem_single_access_seq extends uvm_reg_sequence #( uvm_sequence #(uvm_reg_item) ) UVM 1.2 Class Reference 727 VaRIaBLEs mem The memory to be tested VaRIaBLEs mem uvm_mem mem The memory to be tested uvm_mem_access_seq Verify the accessibility of all memories in a block by executing the uvm_mem_single_access_seq sequence on every memory within it. If bit-type resource named “NO_REG_TESTS”, “NO_MEM_TESTS”, or “NO_MEM_ACCESS_TEST” in the “REG::” namespace matches the full name of the block, the block is not tested. uvm_resource_db#(bit)::set({"REG::",regmodel.blk.get_full_name(),".*"}, "NO_MEM_TESTS", 1, this); Summary uvm_mem_access_seq Verify the accessibility of all memories in a block by executing the uvm_mem_single_access_seq sequence on every memory within it. CLass HIERaRchY uvm_reg_sequence#(uvm_sequence#(uvm_reg_item)) uvm_mem_access_seq CLass DEcLaRatION class uvm_mem_access_seq extends uvm_reg_sequence #( uvm_sequence #(uvm_reg_item) ) VaRIaBLEs model mem_seq MEthOds body do_block reset_blk UVM 1.2 Class Reference The block to be tested. The sequence used to test one memory Execute the Memory Access sequence. Test all of the memories in a given block Reset the DUT that corresponds to the specified block abstraction class. 728 VaRIaBLEs model The block to be tested. Declared in the base class. uvm_reg_block model; mem_seq protected uvm_mem_single_access_seq mem_seq The sequence used to test one memory MEthOds body virtual task body() Execute the Memory Access sequence. Do not call directly. Use seq.start() instead. do_block protected virtual task do_block( uvm_reg_block blk ) Test all of the memories in a given block reset_blk virtual task reset_blk( uvm_reg_block blk ) Reset the DUT that corresponds to the specified block abstraction class. Currently empty. Will rollback the environment’s phase to the reset phase once the new phasing is available. In the meantime, the DUT should be reset before executing this test sequence or this method should be implemented in an extension to reset the DUT. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 729 27.7 Memory Walking-Ones Test Sequences This section defines sequences for applying a “walking-ones” algorithm on one or more memories. Contents Memory Walking-Ones Test Sequences This section defines sequences for applying a “walking-ones” algorithm on one or more memories. uvm_mem_single_walk_seq Runs the walking-ones algorithm on the memory given by the mem property, which must be assigned prior to starting this sequence. Verifies the all memories in a block by executing the uvm_mem_single_walk_seq sequence on every memory within it. uvm_mem_walk_seq uvm_mem_single_walk_seq Runs the walking-ones algorithm on the memory given by the mem property, which must be assigned prior to starting this sequence. If bit-type resource named “NO_REG_TESTS”, “NO_MEM_TESTS”, or “NO_MEM_WALK_TEST” in the “REG::” namespace matches the full name of the memory, the memory is not tested. uvm_resource_db#(bit)::set({"REG::",regmodel.blk.mem0.get_full_name()}, "NO_MEM_TESTS", 1, this); The walking ones algorithm is performed for each map in which the memory is defined. for (k = 0 thru memsize-1) write addr=k data=~k if (k > 0) { read addr=k-1, expect data=~(k-1) write addr=k-1 data=k-1 if (k == last addr) read addr=k, expect data=~k Summary uvm_mem_single_walk_seq Runs the walking-ones algorithm on the memory given by the mem property, which must be assigned prior to starting this sequence. CLAss HIERARchY uvm_reg_sequence#(uvm_sequence#(uvm_reg_item)) uvm_mem_single_walk_seq UVM 1.2 Class Reference 730 CLAss DEcLARAtIoN class uvm_mem_single_walk_seq extends uvm_reg_sequence #( uvm_sequence #(uvm_reg_item) ) VARIABLEs mem MEthods new body The memory to test; must be assigned prior to starting sequence. Creates a new instance of the class with the given name. Performs the walking-ones algorithm on each map of the memory specified in mem. VARIABLEs mem uvm_mem mem The memory to test; must be assigned prior to starting sequence. MEthods new function new( string name = "uvm_mem_walk_seq" ) Creates a new instance of the class with the given name. body virtual task body() Performs the walking-ones algorithm on each map of the memory specified in mem. uvm_mem_walk_seq Verifies the all memories in a block by executing the uvm_mem_single_walk_seq sequence on every memory within it. If bit-type resource named “NO_REG_TESTS”, “NO_MEM_TESTS”, or “NO_MEM_WALK_TEST” in the “REG::” namespace matches the full name of the block, the block is not tested. uvm_resource_db#(bit)::set({"REG::",regmodel.blk.get_full_name(),".*"}, "NO_MEM_TESTS", 1, this); UVM 1.2 Class Reference 731 Summary uvm_mem_walk_seq Verifies the all memories in a block by executing the uvm_mem_single_walk_seq sequence on every memory within it. CLAss HIERARchY uvm_reg_sequence#(uvm_sequence#(uvm_reg_item)) uvm_mem_walk_seq CLAss DEcLARAtIoN class uvm_mem_walk_seq extends uvm_reg_sequence #( uvm_sequence #(uvm_reg_item) ) VARIABLEs model mem_seq MEthods body do_block reset_blk The block to be tested. The sequence used to test one memory Executes the mem walk sequence, one block at a time. Test all of the memories in a given block Reset the DUT that corresponds to the specified block abstraction class. VARIABLEs model The block to be tested. Declared in the base class. uvm_reg_block model; mem_seq protected uvm_mem_single_walk_seq mem_seq The sequence used to test one memory MEthods body virtual task body() UVM 1.2 Class Reference 732 Executes the mem walk sequence, one block at a time. Do not call directly. Use seq.start() instead. do_block protected virtual task do_block( uvm_reg_block blk ) Test all of the memories in a given block reset_blk virtual task reset_blk( uvm_reg_block blk ) Reset the DUT that corresponds to the specified block abstraction class. Currently empty. Will rollback the environment’s phase to the reset phase once the new phasing is available. In the meantime, the DUT should be reset before executing this test sequence or this method should be implemented in an extension to reset the DUT. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 733 27.8 HDL Paths Checking Test Sequence Summary HDL Paths Checking Test Sequence uvm_reg_mem_hdl_paths_seq Verify the correctness of HDL paths specified for registers and memories. This sequence is be used to check that the specified backdoor paths are indeed accessible by the simulator. By default, the check is performed for the default design abstraction. If the simulation contains multiple models of the DUT, HDL paths for multiple design abstractions can be checked. If a path is not accessible by the simulator, it cannot be used for read/write backdoor accesses. In that case a warning is produced. A simulator may have finer-grained access permissions such as separate read or write permissions. These extra access permissions are NOT checked. The test is performed in zero time and does not require any reads/writes to/from the DUT. Summary uvm_reg_mem_hdl_paths_seq Verify the correctness of HDL paths specified for registers and memories. ClAss HIERARchY uvm_reg_sequence#(uvm_sequence#(uvm_reg_item)) uvm_reg_mem_hdl_paths_seq ClAss DEclARAtION class uvm_reg_mem_hdl_paths_seq extends uvm_reg_sequence #( uvm_sequence #(uvm_reg_item) ) VARIABlEs abstractions If set, check the HDL paths for the specified design abstractions. VARIABlEs abstractions UVM 1.2 Class Reference 734 string abstractions[$] If set, check the HDL paths for the specified design abstractions. If empty, check the HDL path for the default design abstraction, as specified with uvm_reg_block::set_default_hdl_path() UVM 1.2 Class Reference 735 28.1 Command Line Processor Class This class provides a general interface to the command line arguments that were provided for the given simulation. Users can retrieve the complete arguments using methods such as get_args() and get_arg_matches() but also retrieve the suffixes of arguments using get_arg_values(). The uvm_cmdline_processor class also provides support for setting various UVM variables from the command line such as components’ verbosities and configuration settings for integral types and strings. Command line arguments that are in uppercase should only have one setting to invocation. Command line arguments that in lowercase can have multiple settings per invocation. All of these capabilities are described in the uvm_cmdline_processor section. Summary Command Line Processor Class This class provides a general interface to the command line arguments that were provided for the given simulation. UVM 1.2 Class Reference 736 28.2 uvm_cmdline_processor This class provides an interface to the command line arguments that were provided for the given simulation. The class is intended to be used as a singleton, but that isn’t required. The generation of the data structures which hold the command line argument information happens during construction of the class object. A global variable called uvm_cmdline_proc is created at initialization time and may be used to access command line information. The uvm_cmdline_processor class also provides support for setting various UVM variables from the command line such as components’ verbosities and configuration settings for integral types and strings. Each of these capabilities is described in the Built-in UVM Aware Command Line Arguments section. Summary uvm_cmdline_processor This class provides an interface to the command line arguments that were provided for the given simulation. CLAss HIERARchY uvm_void uvm_object uvm_report_object uvm_cmdline_processor CLAss DEcLARATION class uvm_cmdline_processor extends uvm_report_object SINGLETON get_inst BAsIc ARGUMENTs get_args get_plusargs get_uvmargs get_arg_matches ARGUMENT VALUEs get_arg_value get_arg_values TOOL INFORMATION get_tool_name get_tool_version COMMANd LINE DEbUG +UVM_DUMP_CMDLINE_ARGS BUILT -IN UVM AWARE COMMANd LINE ARGUMENTs +UVM_TESTNAME +UVM_VERBOSITY UVM 1.2 Class Reference Returns the singleton instance of the UVM command line processor. This function returns a queue with all of the command line arguments that were used to start the simulation. This function returns a queue with all of the plus arguments that were used to start the simulation. This function returns a queue with all of the uvm arguments that were used to start the simulation. This function loads a queue with all of the arguments that match the input expression and returns the number of items that matched. This function finds the first argument which matches the match arg and returns the suffix of the argument. This function finds all the arguments which matches the match arg and returns the suffix of the arguments in a list of values. Returns the simulation tool that is executing the simulation. Returns the version of the simulation tool that is executing the simulation. +UVM_DUMP_CMDLINE_ARGS allows the user to dump all command line arguments to the reporting mechanism. +UVM_TESTNAME= allows the user to specify which uvm_test (or uvm_component) should be created via the factory and cycled through the UVM phases. +UVM_VERBOSITY= allows the user to specify the initial 737 +uvm_set_verbosity +uvm_set_action +uvm_set_severity +UVM_TIMEOUT +UVM_MAX_QUIT_COUNT +UVM_PHASE_TRACE +UVM_OBJECTION_TRACE +UVM_RESOURCE_DB_TRACE +UVM_CONFIG_DB_TRACE +uvm_set_inst_override +uvm_set_type_override +uvm_set_config_int +uvm_set_config_string +uvm_set_default_sequence verbosity for all components. +uvm_set_verbosity= , , , and +uvm_set_verbosity= , , ,time,
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.6 Linearized : No Author : Joe Create Date : 2014:05:27 17:32:32-07:00 Modify Date : 2014:06:05 09:29:16-07:00 Has XFA : No XMP Toolkit : Adobe XMP Core 4.2.1-c043 52.372728, 2009/01/18-15:08:04 Metadata Date : 2014:06:05 09:29:16-07:00 Creator Tool : Adobe Acrobat Pro 9.5.5 Format : application/pdf Title : June 2014 final draft -> release Creator : Joe Document ID : uuid:56bfcf95-173e-4caf-93a1-30d992eb634a Instance ID : uuid:96f20465-b9a0-4400-98c3-43b5b8b3c630 Producer : Adobe Acrobat Pro 9.5.5 Page Mode : UseOutlines Page Count : 938 Warning : [Minor] Ignored duplicate Info dictionaryEXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools