Versa Nail Femoral Troch Surgical Technique


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Product Rationale &  Surgical TechniqueVersaNail  Femoral Troch Entry
Over 1 million times per year, Biomet helps one surgeon provide personalized care to one patient.The science and art of medical care is to provide the right solution for each individual patient. This requires clinical mastery, a human connection between the surgeon and the patient, and the right tools for each situation. At Biomet, we strive to view our work through the eyes of one surgeon and one patient. We treat every solution we provide as if it’s meant for a family member. Our approach to innovation creates real solutions that assist each surgeon in the delivery of durable personalized care to each patient, whether that solution requires a minimally invasive surgical technique, advanced biomaterials or a patient-matched implant. When one surgeon connects with one patient to provide personalized care, the promise of medicine is fulfilled.   One Surgeon. One Patient.

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