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Wrist Camera Instruction Manual

Table of Contents
1. General Presentation


2. Safety


2.1. Warning
2.2. Intended Use
3. Installation
3.1. Scope of Delivery
3.1.1. Wrist Camera Kit for Universal Robots:


3.2. Required Tools and Equipment


3.3. Environmental and Operating Conditions


3.4. Mechanical Installation


3.4.1. Combo of 2-Finger Adaptive Gripper and Wrist Camera for Universal Robots
3.5. Electrical Setup


3.5.1. Power Supply:


3.5.2. Cable Management


3.6. Software
3.6.1. Wrist Camera URCap Installation Wrist Camera Locate URCap Installation
3.6.2. Update and Uninstall
4. Snapshot Position


4.1. Guidelines on Snapshot Position


4.2. Snapshot Position Wizard


4.3. Copy a Calibration


5. Object Teaching


5.1. Guidelines on Object Teaching


5.2. Teach Object Wizard


5.2.1. Automatic Method

33 Select Calibration

33 Select Model

34 Edit Model

44 Refine Model

51 Validate Model

52 Scan Model


5.2.2. Parametric Method

54 Circle

54 Ring

55 Rectangle

55 Square


5.2.3. Configure Model

57 Color Validation

59 Detection Threshold

61 Camera settings

63 Save location


©Robotiq inc. 2016-2018


Wrist Camera Instruction Manual
6. Programming with the Camera Locate Node


6.1. Linear Move with Feature – Pick and Place Template


6.2. object_location pose


6.3. Edit Detection Threshold and Object Location


6.4. Camera Locate node at a variable Snapshot position


7. Specifications


7.1. Mechanical Specifications of Wrist Camera


7.1.1. Center of Mass and Moment of Inertia


7.2. Electrical rating & performance of Wrist Camera


7.3. Vision System Specifications


8. Maintenance


9. Spare Parts, Kits and Accessories


10. Troubleshooting


10.1. LED status


11. Warranty and Patent


12. Contact


A. Harmonized Standards, Declarations and Certificates
A1. Declaration of Incorporation

©Robotiq inc. 2016-2018



Wrist Camera Instruction Manual

Robotiq may modify this product without notice, when necessary, due to product improvements, modifications or changes
in specifications. If such modification is made, the manual will also be revised, see revision information. See the latest
version of this manual online at:

Updated section 5 and all pertaining subsections; major changes to the Teach object wizard

Updated Section 3.6.2 for Update and uninstall

Updated Section 3.6 for URCap package installation procedure
Updated Section 4.2 for calibration process
Updated Sections 5.2, 5.2.1, 5.2.2, 5.2.3 for new and improved teaching methods.
Added Section 6.2 to use advanced programming with the vision system.
Updated technical specifications (Section 7.3).
Updated calibration board for UR5 and UR10 robots (Section 4)

Updated specifications (section 6)
Updated installations instructions (section 4)
Added Troubleshooting instructions (section 9.1)

First release

©Robotiq inc. 2016-2018


Wrist Camera Instruction Manual

1. General Presentation
The terms "Camera" and "Wrist Camera" used in the following manual all refer to the Robotiq Wrist Camera, while the
term "Vision" and "Vision System"used in the following manual all refer to the Robotiq Wrist Camera Vision System for
Universal Robots.
The Vision System uses the Robotiq Wrist Camera and the Camera Locate software on Universal Robots to provide you
with a simple object teaching interface.
The interface allows to set up the Vision System so it can recognize object locations and orientations automatically. The
Vision System, using the Camera Locate feature, is only designed to locate one object at the time on a predefined
workplane. It gets the object's position (x, y) and orientation along the z-axis. It allows to operate the robot according to the
object location. The Camera is designed to work in industrial applications in combination with the Robotiq 2-Finger
Adaptive Gripper.


The following manual uses the metric system. Unless specified, all dimensions are in millimeters.

The following section presents the key features of the Vision System and must not be considered as appropriate to
complete operation, each feature is detailed in the appropriate section of the manual. Safety guidelines must be
read and understood before any operation is attempted with the system.
Vision System components:
The figure below describes the various components of the Robotiq Vision System for Universal Robots. This system will
use the Robotiq Wrist Camera, mounted on any of the Universal Robots (UR3, UR5, UR10) using a CB3.1 controller or
greater. For a list of provided components with your Robotiq Wrist Camera kit for UR please, please refer to the Scope of
Delivery section.

Robotiq Vision System is only compatible with Universal Robots with controller version CB3 and later, to identify
your controller, please contact your Universal Robots representative.

Fig. 1-1: Schematic representation of the Robotiq Wrist Camera Vision System hardware.


Robotiq Wrist Camera: Described in details in sub-section Wrist Camera below.
End effector: Any tool mounted on the robot for its application, the Wrist Camera is meant for direct integration of the
Robotiq 2-Finger Adaptive Gripper.
Universal Robot Arm: Any of the UR3, UR5 or UR10 model from Universal Robots.
Universal Robot Controller: Controller model CB3 from Universal Robots.

©Robotiq inc. 2016-2018


Wrist Camera Instruction Manual
Snapshot Position & Workspace:

The figure below illustrates the various terms used in the following manual to describe the Vision System's Snapshot
Position and workspace. The object location process will always start at the Snapshot Position, that position will determine
the field of view of the Camera and thus the workspace. See the Snapshot Position section for details on how to teach the
Snapshot Position.

Fig. 1-2: Schematic representation of the Robotiq Vision System Snapshot Position and workspace concepts.


Snapshot Position: the robot pose use to take snapshots from the Wrist Camera.
Workspace: the area of interest for the Vision System, it is defined by the Camera's field of view.
Object: the object you want to locate using the Vision System.
Calibration board: a grid provided with your Camera UR Kit used during the calibration process of the Snapshot

©Robotiq inc. 2016-2018


Wrist Camera Instruction Manual
Object Location:

The System will use the Camera Locate node described in the Programming with the Camera Locate Node section to
locate the object. The figure below represents the object location process. Please refer to the Programming with the
Camera Locate Node section for details on the object location process.

Fig. 1-3: Object location process schematic representation.



Object to locate: The object you want to locate with coordinates X & Y and rotation Rz.
Camera Locate relative frame: The reference frame updated by the Vision System to provide you with the
object location.
Robot base frame: The reference frame of the Universal Robot. Coordinate [0,0,0].

©Robotiq inc. 2016-2018


Wrist Camera Instruction Manual
Wrist Camera:

The hardware at the center of the Vision System is the Robotiq Wrist Camera illustrated in the figure below. Steps on how
to install the Wrist Camera are explained in the Installation section.

Fig. 1-4: Main features of the Wrist Camera.

Main features of the Robotiq Wrist Camera:

CMOS image sensor with liquid lens:


Resolution: 0.3 to 5 Mpx;
Frame rate: 2 to 30 FPS;
Focus from 70 mm to infinity, automatic control.
2 sets of 3 LEDs:


Integrated lighting with automatic control.
Single high-flex 10 meter pigtail cable:


USB 2.0;
24V DC power.
ISO 9409-1-50-4M6 bolt pattern, both sides:




Direct mounting on the UR;
Direct mounting of the 2-Finger Adaptive Gripper on the Camera.


The Robotiq Wrist Camera provides a direct mounting interface for the Robotiq 2-Finger Adaptive Gripper,
providing a mechanical interface, 24 V power and communication to the Gripper.

©Robotiq inc. 2016-2018


Wrist Camera Instruction Manual

2. Safety

The operator must have read and understood all of the instructions in the following manual before handling the
Robotiq Wrist Camera Vision System for Universal Robots.
The term "operator" refers to anyone responsible for any of the following operations on the Wrist Camera Vision


This documentation explains the various components of the Vision System, as well as general operations regarding the
whole life-cycle of the product from installation to operation and decommissioning.
The drawings and photos in this documentation are representative examples and differences may exist between them and
the delivered product.

2.1. Warning

Any use of the Vision System in noncompliance of these warnings is inappropriate and may cause injury or

The Wrist Camera Vision System used in human-robot collaboration must not be considered a complete safety
measure, additional dedicated safety device(s) must be considered. Vision System failure can occur and result in
danger for workers or machinery if not properly secured. See local or international safety measure for human-robot

The Camera needs to be properly secured before operating the robot.
Do not install or operate a Camera that is damaged or lacking parts.
Never supply the Camera with an alternative current.
Make sure all cord sets are always secured at both ends, at the Camera and at the robot.
Always respect the recommended keying for electrical connections.
Be sure no one is in the robot and/or Camera path before initializing the robot's routine.
Always respect the Camera payload.
All local safety measures and/or laws on robot operation must be applied to the Vision System.
Avoid looking straight at the LEDs when they are turned on as this may cause dazzlement.
Any use of the Vision System in noncompliance with these warnings is inappropriate and may cause injury
or damage.

©Robotiq inc. 2016-2018


Wrist Camera Instruction Manual

2.2. Intended Use
The Vision System is designed to locate objects laying flat on the defined workspace. The system can identify and locate
multiple kind of objects, each object will require its own object teaching process as explained in the Object Teaching
section. The Vision System gets the object's position (x, y) and orientation along the z axis. It allows to operate the robot
according to the object location.

The Guidelines on Snapshot Position section will give you advice on what workspace should be used or avoided.
Section 5 will give you advice on what objects can be located or not along with background recommendations.

The Vision System is NOT intended for:

Bar-code / QR code reading


Always comply with local and/or national laws, regulations and directives on automation safety and general
machine safety.
The unit may be used only within the range of its technical specifications. Any other use of the product is deemed improper
and unintended use. Robotiq will not be liable for any damages resulting from any improper or unintended use.

©Robotiq inc. 2016-2018


Wrist Camera Instruction Manual

3. Installation
The following subsections will guide you through the installation and general setup of your Robotiq Wrist Camera Vision

Section 3.1 details the scope of delivery for the Wrist Camera kit for UR, verify your package.
Section 3.2 lists the required tools, parts and equipment for proper use of your Camera.
Section 3.3 explains the operating conditions that must be met for the 2-Finger Gripper to operate normally.
Section 3.4 guides you through the mechanical installation using the Wrist Camera and other optional parts.
Section 3.5 describes the required electrical set up of the Gripper, its power source and cable management.
Section 3.6 guides you through the software installation.


Before installing :

Read and understand the safety instructions related to the Vision System.
Verify your package according to the scope of delivery and your order.
Have the required parts, equipment and tools listed in the requirements ready.


When installing :

Satisfy the environmental conditions.
Do not operate the Vision System, or even turn on the power supply, before the Camera is firmly anchored and
the danger zone is cleared.

©Robotiq inc. 2016-2018


Wrist Camera Instruction Manual

3.1. Scope of Delivery
3.1.1. Wrist Camera Kit for Universal Robots:

Standard upon delivery:

Robotiq Wrist Camera with 10m High-Flex pigtail cable RWC-CAM-001;
Universal Robots pattern tool plate RWC-TOOL-062;
16 Gb USB stick ACC-USB-16G;
USB software license dongle ACC-USB-DONGLE;
4-port USB hub ACC-USB-4-HUB;
Calibration board ACC-CALIB-BOARD;
Colored background for object teaching ACC-TEACH-BACK;
Hardware kit for fixing Wrist Camera on Universal Robots.

The hardware for fixing a tool on the Wrist Camera is not provided.
Combo of 2-Finger Adaptive Gripper and Wrist Camera for Universal Robots:

Standard upon delivery:

Wrist Camera Kit for Universal Robots includes:


Robotiq Wrist Camera with 10m High-Flex pigtail cable RWC-CAM-001;
16 Gb USB stick ACC-USB-16G;
USB software license dongle ACC-USB-DONGLE;
4-port USB hub ACC-USB-4-HUB;
Calibration board ACC-CALIB-BOARD;
Colored background for object teaching ACC-TEACH-BACK;
Hardware kit for fastening Wrist Camera to Universal Robots.
Gripper parts:


Basic Gripper unit (85 or 140) AGC-GRP-002 or -140 (depending on your combo);
Screw kit for fixing Gripper on Wrist Camera.

©Robotiq inc. 2016-2018


Wrist Camera Instruction Manual

3.2. Required Tools and Equipment
The following tools are required to install the Wrist Camera:

2 mm slotted screwdriver to perform terminal block connections when wiring.

Provided tools with the Wrist Camera:

4 mm hex key to mount the Camera on the UR arm.

Optional tools if installing 2-Finger combo: CUR-AGC-085-RWC or CUR-AGC-140-RWC:

none, use the provided 4 mm hex key.

The following parts are required for setup:

Universal Robots UR3, UR5 or UR10 along with its controller;

The system is only compatible with UR CB3.1 controller, check your controller version.

Universal Robots' PolyScope version must be 3.5 or later in order to install the URCap.
Power supply if not using Universal Robots controller supply (see below);
Fuse, see information below.

The Camera needs to be supplied by a DC voltage source. This power supply is not included with the Camera kit for UR.
Required power supply must match the Robotiq device. The following table shows the specifications with regards to the
power supply required to operate the Camera and the optional Robotiq Gripper.


Output voltage

24 V DC ±10%

Output current



Recommended power supply with internal protection,
otherwise fusing is required.
2 A fuse at 25°C [77°F]1

Table 3 - 1: Robotiq Wrist Camera and 2-Finger power supply requirements.

1Suggested fuse is

a: Phoenix Contact # 0916605 2 A thermal; use AWG #20 wiring.


If your power supply exceeds the specified regulation, over-voltage protection is required.
Robotiq recommends the use of the following power supplies:

For the 1A output current: TDK-Lambda DPP Series, 100W Single Output DIN Rail Mount Power Supply: DPP30-24.

©Robotiq inc. 2016-2018


Wrist Camera Instruction Manual

3.3. Environmental and Operating Conditions
The Wrist Camera is designed for industrial applications. Always respect the following specified operating
environmental conditions:


Minimum storage/transit

-30°C [-22°F]

Maximum storage/transit

70°C [158°F]

Minimum operating temperature

0°C [32°F]

Maximum operating temperature

50°C [122°F]

Humidity (non-condensing)

Lense must be free from dust, soot and water.
Environment must be free from powerful electromagnetic
Environment must be free from corrosive or explosive liquids or

Table 3 - 2: Environmental and operating conditions for the Wrist Camera.

©Robotiq inc. 2016-2018


Wrist Camera Instruction Manual

3.4. Mechanical Installation
Wrist Camera kit for Universal Robots

For mechanical installation of a Wrist Camera on a UR robot along with an end-effector (other than Robotiq's 2-Finger
Gripper), follow these instructions and refer to the figure below:



Place the Wrist Camera (RWC-CAM-001) on the robot arm. Align the camera's indexing (dowel) pin properly in
Universal Robots' bolt pattern.
Place the tool plate (RWC-TOOL-062) on the camera. Align the tool plate's indexing (dowel) pin correctly in the Wrist
Fix the desired end-effector on the robot arm, through the tool plate and the camera, using M6 screws.
Fix the cable along the robot arm, please refer to the Cable Management section.

Fig. 3-1: Mechanical installation of the Wrist Camera kit for Universal Robots.

The end-effector is not screwed in the camera or the tool plate, but directly in the robot arm. Both camera and tool
plate have through holes for this assembly.

M6 screws to mount an end-effector on the Wrist Camera are not provided. Use M6 screws of appropriate length
to secure the end-effector on the robot arm.

©Robotiq inc. 2016-2018


Wrist Camera Instruction Manual

3.4.1. Combo of 2-Finger Adaptive Gripper and Wrist Camera for Universal Robots
For mechanical installation of a Wrist Camera on a UR robot along with Robotiq's 2-Finger Gripper, follow these
instructions, and refer to the figure below:


Place the Wrist Camera (RWC-CAM-001) on the robot arm. Align the camera's indexing (dowel) pin properly in
Universal Robots' bolt pattern.
Fix the camera on the robot arm using the provided M6 X 12 LHCS screws and lock washers.
When mounting only the Wrist Camera on the robot, the spring pins that would ensure connection to a
Robotiq 2-Finger Gripper are exposed. Be careful not to harm them.


Mount the gripper directly on the Wrist Camera using the provided M5 X 35 SHCS and lock washers.
Fix the cable along the robot arm; please refer to the Cable Management section.

Fig. 3-2: Mechanical installation of the Combo of 2-Finger Gripper and Wrist Camera for Universal Robots.

©Robotiq inc. 2016-2018


Wrist Camera Instruction Manual

3.5. Electrical Setup
3.5.1. Power Supply:

If mounting a 2-Finger Gripper on the Wrist Camera, the Camera replaces the gripper's coupling. Therefore, only
the Wrist Camera's device cable is required to provide power and communication to both the camera and the
gripper. The wiring for setups including only the camera or both the camera and the gripper is the same.
Power and communication are established with the Wrist Camera via the high-flex device cable. The cable provides a 24V
power supply to the Wrist Camera and enables USB 2.0 communication with the Universal Robots controller.
Follow these steps to correctly wire the Wrist Camera (or the camera and 2-Finger Gripper combo) to a Universal Robots
controller :

With the controller turned off, connect the red (24V) and black (0V) wires of the device cable as shown in the figure
below. Use any available 24V and 0V.

Fig. 3-3: Power supply wiring on CB3.1 Universal Robots controller.


Connect the 4-port USB hub (ACC-USB-4-HUB) inside the robot controller.
Connect the Wrist Camera's USB connector in the 4-port USB hub.
Connect the license USB dongle (ACC-USB-DONGLE) in the 4-port USB hub.

Fig. 3-4: 4-port USB hub connection.

Wrist Camera grounding is optional and is done via the robot ground. The camera's indexing pin (dowel) is the
ground connector.

©Robotiq inc. 2016-2018


Wrist Camera Instruction Manual

3.5.2. Cable Management

Use proper cabling management. Be sure to have enough forgiveness in the cabling to allow movement of the
Gripper along all axes without pulling out the connectors. Always protect the controller side of the cable connection
with a strain relief cable clamp.

3.6. Software
Make sure the Wrist Camera is properly mounted on the robot arm and that all electrical wiring is correctly done (refer to
the Mechanical Installation section and the Electrical Setup section). Make sure your Universal Robots software is up to
date. PolyScope must be version 3.3 or later in order to install a URCap.

Refer to the Wrist Camera URCap Installation section for the installation procedure.
Refer to the Update and Uninstall section to update the version or uninstall.
Do not unplug the 16 Gb USB stick or the USB license dongle, even after the installation has been completed.
Center of mass

Prior to use over Universal Robots, adjust the center of mass and payload from the Installation tab (refer to the
Mechanical Specifications of Wrist Camera section).

©Robotiq inc. 2016-2018


Wrist Camera Instruction Manual

3.6.1. Wrist Camera URCap Installation
Make sure the Wrist Camera is properly mounted to the robot arm and that all electrical wiring is correctly done (refer to the
Mechanical Installation section and the Electrical Setup section). Make sure your Universal Robots software is up to date.
The URCap pertaining to this product version has been tested in PolyScope 3.5.

For the URCap update, refer to the Update and Uninstall section. Wrist Camera Locate URCap Installation

From, visit the vision system page and download the latest UCC-X.X.X compressed file.
Uncompress the content of the latest UCC-X.X.X compressed file on the provided 16 Gb USB stick (ACC-USB-16G).
Make sure the .urcap file and the vision system folder are on the root of the USB drive, as shown in the figure below.

Fig. 3-5: Files at the root of the 16 Gb USB stick.


With the robot controller on, insert the 16 Gb USB stick in the 4-port USB hub.

Fig. 3-6: Connections on the 4-port USB hub.


From PolyScope's home page, tap Setup Robot and go to URCaps Setup.
Tap the plus ( + ) sign and open Robotiq_Wrist_Camera-X.X.X.urcap from the USB stick.
Tap Restart and wait for PolyScope to reopen.
Go to Program Robot and then to the Installation tab.
Choose Camera and go to the Dashboard tab.
Verify the Vision system's status.

©Robotiq inc. 2016-2018


Wrist Camera Instruction Manual

Fig. 3-7: Camera dashboard ready to install the vision server.


Tap Install and wait for the vision server to be installed.
If the firmware has to be updated, tap Upgrade Camera firmware to upgrade it before continuing (refer to the figure

Fig. 3-8: Camera dashboard with camera firmware upgrade


Wait for the vision system to start.
The installation is completed.
In order to use another USB drive on the controller, reboot the robot controller.

©Robotiq inc. 2016-2018


Wrist Camera Instruction Manual

Do not unplug the 16 Gb USB stick or the USB license dongle, even after the installation has been completed.

The Dashboard tab contains helpful information for troubleshooting the vision system.

Test the Installation
After the installation has been completed, verify that the vision system works properly.
1. From a robot program, go to the Installation tab and choose Camera.
2. go to the Dashboard tab and verify the system's status. Make sure the vision system is running.
3. go to the Camera tab. The output image will appear.
Center of Mass

Prior to use over Universal Robots, adjust the center of mass and payload from the Installation tab (refer to the
Mechanical Specifications of Wrist Camera section).

©Robotiq inc. 2016-2018


Wrist Camera Instruction Manual

3.6.2. Update and Uninstall
Version 1.1 and following

From a robot program, go to the Installation tab.
Tap on Camera and go to Dashboard.
Tap Stop camera.
Tap Uninstall.
Remove the 16 Gb USB stick.
Go to Setup Robot.
Tap URCaps Setup.
In the Active URCaps text box, tap the Camera URCap.
The Camera URCap should be highlighted.
Tap the minus button (-) to uninstall the URCap.
Restart PolyScope to complete the uninstall process.
Turn off or reboot the controller.
Connect the 16 Gb USB stick to a PC.
Format it using FAT32.
Follow the procedure from theWrist Camera URCap Installation section to install the newest software.

Version 1.0.2 and previous

On a blank USB stick, add the following file : .
From a Robot Program, go to the Installation tab. Choose Camera and go to the Camera tab.
Tap Stop camera to stop the Vision server.
With the controller on, insert the USB stick containing the urmagic file in the UR teach pendant. Automatic uninstall will
Wait for the uninstall to be completed. Remove the USB stick containing the urmagic file.
Remove the 16 Gb USB stick containing the vision server.
From the home page, go to Setup Robot.
Tap URCaps Setup.
In the Active URCaps text box, tap the Camera URCap.
The Camera URCap should be highlighted.
Tap the minus button (-) to uninstall the URCap.
Turn off or reboot the controller
Connect the 16 Gb USB stick to a PC.
Format it using FAT32.
Follow the procedure from theWrist Camera URCap Installation section to install the latest software.

©Robotiq inc. 2016-2018


Wrist Camera Instruction Manual

4. Snapshot Position
Prior to teaching object with the Camera Locate URCaps node (refer to the Programming with the Camera Locate Node
section), the operator must define a Snapshot Position using the Snapshot Position wizard. The following section and subsections will guide you through this process.

You must have completed the installation steps of the Installation section.
Robot must set up to reach the desired workspace.
You must have the correct calibration board in hand.



You can teach as many Snapshot Positions as you want.
Snapshot Position is where the robot is positioned to search for objects.
One Snapshot Position can be used to search many objects.
When the object teaching process of the Object Teaching section is done, it is linked to the Snapshot Position and you
cannot change that position.
Each Snapshot Position along with the workplane will define a workspace according to the field of view of the Camera.
Refer to the Specifications section for details on the field of view.

Calibration Boards:


If you are viewing a printed version of this manual, please visit to download the file.

For UR5 and UR10

Along with your kit you will have the calibration board used for UR5 and UR10 on one side of the board, part number
If you loose or damage your board, you can print the following file:

If you are viewing the PDF version of the manual, please visit the online version of this manual at to get the calibration board files. If you have printed this manual, please stop doing so, save
some trees and visit the website.

UR5 and UR10 calibration board must be printed on Letter (11'' x 17'') or A3 paper, make sure scale is at 100%. You
can validate that your calibration board had the good scale by measuring the scale on your sheet.

For UR3

Along with your kit you will have the calibration board used for UR3 robots on one side the the board, part number
ACC-CALIB-BOARD. The color balance circles are not used yet with the vision system and are for future use. If you loose or
damage your board, you can print the following file:

UR3 calibration board must be printed on Letter (8.5'' x 11'') or A4 paper, make sure scale is at 100%. You can
validate that your calibration board had the good scale by measuring the scale on your sheet.

©Robotiq inc. 2016-2018


Wrist Camera Instruction Manual

4.1. Guidelines on Snapshot Position

During the snapshot position definition, the ambient light must be of approximately 500 lux. At run-time, this
condition is not required.
The following must be considered when choosing your Snapshot Position:

Choosing the workspace:


Mostly uniform color;
Provide contrast to your part; refer to the Vision System Specifications section for details.
Distance to the workplane:


Your Snapshot Position will determine the field of view of the camera and thus the workspace used afterwards.

See specifications in the Vision System Specifications section for details on the field of view & part size;
Getting closer to the workplane, will reduce your workspace but allow you to locate smaller objects;
Getting away from the workplace will increase the workspace but will increase the minimum size of objects to

During the Snapshot Position define step, use the "Show Grid" button, a grid will appear. You
object should be bigger then one grid cell.

Angle of the camera:


Snapshot position should consider the Camera angle:

Robotiq greatly recommends to have the Camera perpendicular to the surface:


Be as close as possible to perpendicular, avoid reflections.
Object should be seen from the top view, not from the side.

Calibration board:

Snapshot position does not need to see the full calibration board, calibration step does.

The Snapshot position and Calibration pose are decoupled, they do not need to be the same.

Use the appropriate calibration board.
Board must be fully visible by the Camera.
Refer to theVision System Specifications section for Calibration board position specifications.

©Robotiq inc. 2016-2018


Wrist Camera Instruction Manual

4.2. Snapshot Position Wizard
Feature Point:

Prior to defining the Snapshot Position, the operator must define a feature point. To do so, from the Universal Robots
Polyscope interface:

Start a new program or open yours, then go to the Installation tab.
Go to Features.
Tap Point to insert a new point feature.
Select that point, check the Variable checkbox.
Define that point position anywhere by tapping Set this waypoint, then tap OK, actual position does not mater.
Tap Rename to give a significant name to your feature, that name will be used as a reference frame later on in your

Each Snapshot Position you teach will require its own Feature point.
Snapshot Position Wizard:

Snapshot Position is define using the Snapshot Position Wizard, from the Universal Robots Polyscope interface, still within
the Installation tab:

Go to Camera.
Go to the Snapshot Positions tab.
In the drop-down list, select the Feature you wish to use.
Tap Define to launch the wizard.

Wizard step 1: Define Snapshot Position

Move the robot arm using the Freedrive to place the Wrist Camera.

Remember the guidelines from the Guidelines on Snapshot Position section:


Distance will determine field of view and size of objects to be located.
Use the Show Grid to help you choose distance (object at least one cell).
Camera view should be quasi perpendicular to surface.

Once the robot arm is in a proper position, tap Save position. Wizard will go to next step.

Wizard step 2: Calibrate

Place the appropriate calibration board in the field of view of the camera

Remember to use the appropriate board, according to your robot model
The board orientation should match the screen - landscape orientation
Make sure the Camera see the whole board

Snapshot Position will determine the field of view, notice that the calibration step position does not have
to be the same as Snapshot position. Thus, you can have a small field of view, then move back for
calibration step.

Tap Calibrate to begin calibration

Calibration is an automatic process, the robot will move in order to perform calibration. Make sure the
robot workspace is clear. You can tap Cancel to stop the process. Operator should watch the robot at all
time and have emergency stop button at hand.

The Vision System will center on the board and take 27 poses of the board.
After the 27 poses, it will take 9 more photos for validating.

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Wrist Camera Instruction Manual

When the process is done, you will be asked to Accept or Re-Calibrate.
Accept if the calibration board grid is match on all pose (first 27 poses)
Re-Calibrate if the grid is not matched
The wizard will show the 9 validating poses.
Verify that the accuracy on the validation poses according to the color chart.



Dark blue: local accuracy of +/-0mm.
Dark red: local accuracy of +/-4mm and over.

Fig. 4-1: Validating poses.


If the accuracy is larger than +/- 4mm, an message will inform you that you should perform the calibration again.
When you tap Accept, you will exit the wizard and the process is completed.

Once the calibration has been accepted, the Snapshot Position will appear in the Snapshot Positions tab with the name of
the Feature Point previously created. You can define other Snapshot positions, as long as you define new Feature Points.
To delete a Snapshot Position, tap the bin.

Make sure you save the Installation file (tap Load/Save from the Installation tab) in order to save the Snapshot
positions created.

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Wrist Camera Instruction Manual



Show grid

Launches the Snapshot Position definition wizard.

Displays a grid on the camera's field of view.
Meant to test the camera’s height relative to the workplane : a
part should be at least as large as a square of the grid.

Hide grid

Hides the grid of the camera's field of view.


Saves the robot position for the Snapshot Position.


Starts the calibration procedure.

This is the position from which the robot will do the part
The robot will move automatically to defined positions for the



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Cancels the calibration procedure while it is running.

Restarts the calibration procedure.


Accepts the calibration process.


Deletes a defined Snapshot position.


Wrist Camera Instruction Manual

4.3. Copy a Calibration
When defining a snapshot position, it is possible to copy the calibration from another snapshot position. This allows for a
faster snapshot position modification when using the same work plane.
Work Plane

To ensure proper precision, the work plane surface of both (new and copied) snapshot positions should be the
To copy a calibration, you need to have a snapshot position already defined from which you want to copy the calibration.
From the Snapshot Positions tab, choose your feature point (refer to the Snapshot Position Wizard section) and tap Copy
instead of Define. Choose the snapshot position from which you want to copy the calibration. The wizard will launch
automatically. Position the robot to the desired snapshot position and tap Save position. The calibration from the
previously selected snapshot position will be used for this new one.

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Wrist Camera Instruction Manual

5. Object Teaching
Once the snapshot position is defined (see section 4), the operator can use the Camera Locate node within a Universal
Robot program to teach an object to locate. The following section and sub-sections will guide you through this process.

You must have completed the installation steps of section 3.
Snapshot position is defined as per steps of section 4.
Have the object to teach in hand:

Have a few samples to test during the last step of the object teaching process.



A Camera Locate node will be used for a single object.
Object teaching is linked to the snapshot position, if you want to change snapshot position, you will have to perform
the object teaching again.
You can teach many objects; each one will use a Camera Locate node.


Have a background that provides a maximum of contrast with your object, see section 4.1 for guidelines.
A colored background is provided with the camera kit. Use either the yellow or pink side to ensure a good color
contrast with the object.

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Wrist Camera Instruction Manual

5.1. Guidelines on Object Teaching
During the object teaching, the ambient light must be approximately 500 lux, and stable.
At runtime, this condition is not required.
The following must be considered when going through the object teaching process :

Objects criteria for reliable localization:


Object is quasi-flat, respecting a maximum ratio of 1:1 between its height and its smallest dimension; please refer
to the Vision System Specifications section for more details.
Top surface is mostly flat.
Object has a distinctive shape and distinctive features.
Distinctive shape would mean an object contour that displays a sharp contrast with the background, and
that is ideally not symmetric. Distinctive features are shapes present within the contour of the object that
the vision system will be able to identify, such as holes, drawings, color contrasts, etc.


Object is not highly reflective
Object is not transparent

When teaching reflective objects, the user can turn the LEDs OFF to avoid bright spots contrasting with the actual
color of the object.

Choosing the appropriate background:

Workplane around the object must be planar, mostly uniform and clear of any other objects.


At runtime, the work space conditions can change, the object detection threshold can be used to adjust
detection settings according to those conditions; refer to the Detection Threshold section for details.
The background around the object must be a uniform, continuous shape with a single color.

From the vision system's point of view, white, gray and black are all gradients of gray. Avoid using a black
background to teach metal objects. The model would be a pale gray object on a dark gray background and would
therefore result in errors.
The machine view feature shows edges seen by the camera in greyscale format. Please refer to the Teach Object
Wizard section for more details. Refer to the Vision System Specifications section for specifications on color
The machine view feature shows edges seen by the camera in greyscale format. Please refer to the Teach Object Wizard
section for more details. Refer to the Vision System Specifications section for specifications on color contrast.
At runtime, make sure you have the simplest and most uniform background possible for your application. Also have
as few objects and object types as possible. This will decrease the cycle time.
The ambient light should be diffuse. Avoid high light intensity spots on your background. This will result in a faster
object detection by the Wrist Camera and a lesser risk of false detection.

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Wrist Camera Instruction Manual

5.2. Teach Object Wizard
Camera Locate Node
To insert a Camera Locate node in the robot program, from the Universal Robots PolyScope interface:

Start a new program or open yours, then go to the Program tab.
Select the Structure tab.
Go to the URCaps tab and tap Cam Locate to insert the node inside your program.

Teach Object Wizard
Snapshot position must be defined to launch the object teaching wizard. If not, go to section 4.
The Teach object wizard will guide you through the process of teaching an object for camera localization. Select the Cam
Locate node, go in the Command and tap Teach object to launch the wizard.

Fig. 5-1: Launch the object teaching wizard.

Choose teaching method
The first step is to choose the teaching method. Choose between either the automatic or parametric method:


Automatic method: builds a model based on photos and a scan of the object. Best for complex and irregular shapes.
Use this method if the object orientation has to be detected with one of its features. Please refer to the Automatic
Method section for more details.
Parametric method: builds a model based on parameters of a basic 2D shape (circle, ring, square or rectangle). This
method is faster and allows the vision system to recognize and locate with high robustness objects that have few
distinctive features such as raw material blanks. Usually gives best results than the Automatic method for simple
geometry and highly reflective objects. Please refer to the Parametric Method section for more details.

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Wrist Camera Instruction Manual
At any moment during the teaching process, the user can access contextual help videos with the Play button.

Play button that displays contextual help videos for
visual support in going through the teaching steps
Question mark button that displays an HTML version
of the Wrist Camera's instruction manual directly on the
teach pendant (feature to be implemented in the
near future)

Fig. 5-2: Selection of the teaching method.

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Wrist Camera Instruction Manual

5.2.1. Automatic Method
A Snapshot position must be defined to launch the object teaching wizard. If no Snapshot position has been
defined, please refer to the Snapshot Position section. Select Calibration
At any moment during the teaching process, the user can access contextual help videos with the Play button.
Tap the Snapshot position you want to use.
If the robot is not at the Snapshot position, you will be prompted to move to the position.
Tap and hold the Move button to do so.

Fig. 5-3: Select Calibration step

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Wrist Camera Instruction Manual Select Model
At any moment during the teaching process, the user can access contextual help videos with the Play button.
Prior to selecting a model, the user will place a background on the workplane and then position the object on the
background. By default, the Select Model step displays the object to teach, automatically selected by the software,
meaning a green selection rectangle overlaps the shape of the object.

Magic Wand tool; please refer to the Automatic
area selection section for more details.

Tap and drag tool; please refer to the Manual
area selection section for more details.

Zoom in button; please refer to the Zoom in
section for more details.

Zoom out button; please refer to the Zoom out
section for more details.
Accept model button for finalizing the model
selection step; please refer to the Accepting the
model section for more details.
Camera settings button; please refer to the
Camera settings section for more details.
Color view button; please refer to the Color view
section for more details.
Machine view button; please refer to the Machine
view section for more details.

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Automatic area selection
The object is selected since the Magic Wand tool is enabled by default. The Magic Wand feature allows to locate objects
on the background without user intervention.
For the automatic area selection feature to function properly, the user has to employ a uniform background, and a
single object with well defined edges.

Fig. 5-4: Select Model step with object automatically selected by the Magic Wand tool

Tapping the Magic Wand tile in the right pane of the PolyScope interface switches the area selection mode to

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Wrist Camera Instruction Manual

Manual area selection
The user then selects an area by tapping the screen and dragging his/her finger to contain the desired object in the
selection area.

Fig. 5-5: Select Model step with Manual area selection feature

The manual area selection is useful for careful inspection of specific features using the zoom function.
Refer to the Zoom section for more details.
The manual area selection can also be used for partial custom object selection (i.e. for selecting standalone features
or components of an object).
Tapping the Manual selection button in the right pane will bring back the Automatic area selection mode.

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Wrist Camera Instruction Manual

Camera views
Color view
When in color view mode, the camera feed displays a reasonably faithful image based on what is normally perceived by
the human eye (colored object on colored background).

Fig. 5-6: Select Model step with color view enabled

If the user wishes to utilize the Color validation feature during the Configure model step, the color of the object must
not be found in the background used during the teaching process. For more information regarding color validation
and color signature, please refer to the Color Validation section.
Tapping the eye button in the upper right corner of the camera feed window will bring up the machine view.

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Wrist Camera Instruction Manual
Machine view
The user can access the machine view by tapping the Color view button in the upper right corner of the camera feed
window. The machine view makes no discrimination between colors; it rather highlights the contour of the selected object.

Fig. 5-7: Select Model step with machine view enabled

The machine view is a convenient tool that can be used to better understand the quality of the image and the object
contrast, and to improve adjustments made to the selection.
Tapping the cube button in the upper right corner of the camera feed window will bring up the color view.

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Wrist Camera Instruction Manual

Camera settings
In order to access the advanced camera settings, tap the camera/gear icon in the lower left corner of the camera feed.
Camera settings
Camera LEDs are ON; please refer to the Camera
LEDs section for more details.
Camera LEDs are OFF; please refer to the Camera
LEDs section for more details.
Automatic focus is enabled; please refer to the
Focus section for more details.
Manual focus is enabled; please refer to the Focus
section for more details.
Shallow focus button; please refer to the Focus
section for more details.
Deep focus button; please refer to the Focus
section for more details.

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Wrist Camera Instruction Manual
Camera LEDs

Camera LEDs ON

Camera LEDs OFF

The LEDs, when turned ON, sometimes highlight undesirable features or create reflections that distort the teaching
process. It is recommended to try both settings when teaching the object in order to select the most conclusive
The flash and focus settings selected will be used at runtime unless changes are made at the Configure Model step
at the end of the teaching process.
Please refer to the Configure Model section for more details.

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Wrist Camera Instruction Manual
Focus features can be used to sharpen or diminish the contrast between the object and the background, and adjust
the depth of field. The settings will be captured at runtime except if changes are made to the model during the
Configure Model step. Please refer to the Configure Model section for more details.
Automatic focus

Fig. 5-8: Select Model step with automatic focus option enabled

To some extent, the automatic focus feature detects sharpness in the overall image. If the image is blurry, the autofocus
system will adjust the focus until sharpness and/or contrast is achieved. This type of automatic focus requires enough
contrast between the object and the background for it to render an appropriate image.
Manual focus

Fig. 5-9: Select Model step with manual focus option enabled

The manual focus feature allows the user to adjust the depth of field. Tapping the flower button reduces the focus value,
making the depth of field narrower, while tapping the mountain button increases the focus value, making the depth of field

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Wrist Camera Instruction Manual

The zoom-in/zoom-out tool is used to toggle between a high-level view and a more explicit view of the selection area
(and object).
Zoom in

Fig. 5-10: Select Model step with Zoom in button highlighted

In order to zoom in on the selection area, the user has to tap the magnifier with a plus symbol in the lower right corner of
the teach pendant interface.
Once zoomed in, the user can perform focus adjustments to improve the contrast with the background and the recognition
of edges in the model.

Fig. 5-11: Select Model step with manual focus settings enabled

Note that when zoomed in, the user can neither change the area selection mode nor accept the model selected (the
buttons are greyed out). The zoom in feature is therefore solely used for inspecting the model in details and for
adjusting the depth of field via the manual focus settings.

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Wrist Camera Instruction Manual
Zoom out

Fig. 5-12: Select Model step with focus adjustment while zoomed in

In order to zoom in on the selection area, the user has to tap the magnifier with a minus symbol in the lower right corner of
the teach pendant interface.
Changes to the zoom settings, if any, will be implemented in the model.

Accepting the model
When the view of the model selected is satisfactory and you wish to carry on with the teaching wizard steps, tap the button
with the check mark in the lower right corner of the teach pendant interface.

Fig. 5-13: Select Model step with Accept button highlighted

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Wrist Camera Instruction Manual Edit Model
At any moment during the teaching process, the user can access contextual help videos with the Play button.
Right after accepting the model at the end of the Select Model step, the camera automatically zooms in on the object
selected. Quick selection modes and tools are made available to the user.

Outline only selection mode; please refer to the
Outline only section for more details.

Outline & surface selection model please refer to
the Outline & surface section for more details.

Rectangle selection around object please refer to
the Rectangle around object section for more

Marker tool; please refer to the Marker section for
more details.

Eraser tool; please refer to the Eraser section for
more details.

Rectangle+ (add area) tool; please refer to the
Rectangle+ (add area) section for more details.

Accept model button; please refer to the
Accepting the model section for more details.

Delete selection area button; please refer to the
Accepting the model section for more details.

The user can alternate between color and machine view while editing the model. Please refer to the Camera views
section for more details.

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Wrist Camera Instruction Manual

Quick selection modes

Fig. 5-14: Edit Model step with object selected automatically at Select Model step

Outline only
Tap the arrow to the left of the quick selection tool to expand the selection modes menu. Tap the leftmost button.
The Outline only selection tool is used to highlight the contour of the object.
The selection area bleeds off the edge of the object to capture the background color.

Select Outline only button

Object with Outline selected

The Outline only selection tool is not available for an object that has been selected manually at the Select Model
step. This prevents users from selecting the partial contour of an object, which could lead to faulty contrasts, and
erroneous color signature and background identification.

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Wrist Camera Instruction Manual
Outline & surface
Tap the arrow to the left of the quick selection tool to expand the selection modes menu.
The Outline & surface selection tool is used to highlight the contour and upper surface of the object. Tap the middle
button. This tool is selected by default when the user accepts a model selected automatically during the Select Model step.
The selection area bleeds off the edge of the object to capture the background color.

Select Outline & surface

Object with Outline & surface selected

The Outline & surface selection tool is not available for an object that has been selected manually at the Select
Model step. This prevents users from selecting the partial outline and/or surface of an object, which could lead to
faulty contrasts, and erroneous color signature and background identification.

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Wrist Camera Instruction Manual
Rectangle around object
Tap the arrow to the left of the quick selection button to expand the selection modes menu. Tap the third button from the
The Rectangle around object selection tool generates a rectangular selection area surrounding the object.

Select Rectangle around object

Object with selection rectangle around it

The Rectangle around object selection tool is automatically selected when the object has been manually selected at
the Select Model step. The other options are disabled. This prevents users from selecting a partial outline and/or
surface of the object, which could lead to faulty contrasts, and erroneous color signature and background

Fig. 5-15: Edit Model step after an object has been selected manually at the Select Model step

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Wrist Camera Instruction Manual

The original images below display the model selected with the Outline only selection mode.
Tap the arrow to the left of the tools button to expand the tools menu. Tap the top button.
The marker tool can be used to highlight features and edges to include and keep in the selection area.
Slide your finger or pointing device on the desired area(s) on the teach pendant. A green object layer mask will be applied
to the highlighted portion of the model.

Select Marker tool

Highlight features to keep with object layer mask

Tap the arrow to the left of the tools button to expand the tools menu. Tap the middle button.
The eraser tool can be used to ignore features and edges in the selection area.
Slide your finger or pointing device on the undesired area(s) on the teach pendant. The object layer mask will be replaced
by the background layer mask.

Select Eraser tool

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Ignore features with background layer mask


Wrist Camera Instruction Manual
Rectangle+ (add area)
Tap the arrow to the left of the tools button to expand the tools menu. Tap the lower button.
The rectangle+ (add area) tool can be used to quickly highlight desired areas.
Tap and drag your finger or pointing device to draw rectangular shapes that will highlight presently available features.

Select Rectangle+ tool

Draw rectangles around to highlight features

Deleting the selection area
Tap the garbage icon in the right pane of the teach pendant interface.
Tapping the garbage can icon will clear the object layer mask, thus deleting the selection area.

Fig. 5-16: Edit Model step with Delete selection button highlighted

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Wrist Camera Instruction Manual

Accepting the model
When the view of the model is satisfactory and you wish to carry on with the teaching wizard steps, tap the button with the
check mark in the lower right corner of the teach pendant interface.

Fig. 5-17: Edit Model step with Accept model button highlighted

Tapping the Accept model button (check mark) takes a picture of the model that will act as the first step in the next
phase of the teaching process: Refine Model.

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Wrist Camera Instruction Manual Refine Model
At any moment during the teaching process, the user can access contextual help videos with the Play button.
The Refine Model step prompts the user to take photos of the model in four different orientations.
The purpose of this step is to remove shade effects associated with the edges of the object in order to refine the model.
The first photo is automatically generated at the end of the Edit Model step.
Tap the camera icon to take a photo between each step.
An error message will pop up if the object has not been rotated by the user.

1. The user is prompted to turn the object 90 degrees
clockwise. Note that the first picture is already taken, in the
upper right corner.

2. The user is prompted to take the second picture
of the object.

3. Object turned another 90 degrees clockwise. The user is
prompted to take the third picture.

4. Object turned another 90 degrees clockwise.
The user is prompted to take the fourth picture.

Tap on any snapshot taken in the object teaching wizard to enlarge it.

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Wrist Camera Instruction Manual Validate Model
At any moment during the teaching process, the user can access contextual help videos with the Play button.
The Validate Model step will start right after the fourth picture is taken at the end of the Refine Model step.
If the object is properly detected, it will display green and red outlines.
If the object has not been recognized, please refer to the Guidelines on Object Teaching section for instructions.

Accept button

Retake button

The Validate Model step is used to verify the contour selection of the model. If satisfactory, the user can accept the model
by pressing the Accept button, or go through the Refine Model step again by tapping the Retake button.
Main points to observe:

Object contours and detected features are outlined in green
Features from the model that cannot be located on the object in the field of view of the camera are outlined in red.

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Wrist Camera Instruction Manual Scan Model
At any moment during the teaching process, the user can access contextual help videos with the Play button.
Scanning is an automatic process; the robot will move in order to perform calibration. Make sure the robot's work
space is clear. You can tap Cancel to stop the process. The operator should watch the robot at all time and have the
emergency stop button at hand.

Scan button used to start the scanning process

Cancel button used to abort the scanning process
while it is running

Fig. 5-18: Scan Model step with Scan button highlighted

The vision system will run a scan of the object by taking 9 pictures.
When the process is completed, the wizard will bring up the Configure Model step. Please refer to the Configure Model
section for more information.

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Wrist Camera Instruction Manual

5.2.2. Parametric Method
When teaching a simple geometry object, it is recommended to use the Parametric method. It builds a model based on
parameters of a basic 2D shape (circle, ring, square or rectangle). This method allows the vision system to recognize and
locate with high robustness objects that have few distinctive features such as raw material blanks. It usually gives best
results than the Automatic method for simple geometry and highly reflective objects.
Choose the geometry that corresponds to the object to detect and define its parameters:

In all cases, the height (h) is the distance between the workplane and the 2D shape. It considers and compensates
the thickness of the provided calibration board (roughly 3mm) that was used to calibrate the workplane.
Thus, if you calibrated the workplane using a printed version of the calibration board, you must add 3mm to the
height measurement.

Define button used to confirm the
dimensions of the object. Circle
At any moment during the teaching process, the user can access contextual help videos with the Play button.
Enter the circle diameter (D) and the height (h) at which the circle is located. Tap the Define button.

Fig. 5-19: Definition of a circle 2D shape.

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Wrist Camera Instruction Manual Ring
Enter the ring outer diameter (D), inner diameter (d) and the height (h) at which the ring is located. Tap the Define button.

Fig. 5-20: Definition of a ring 2D shape. Rectangle
Enter the rectangle length (l), width (w) and the height (h) at which the rectangle is located. Tap the Define button.

Fig. 5-21: Definition of a rectangle 2D shape.

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Wrist Camera Instruction Manual Square
Enter the square length (l) and the height (h) at which the square is located.

Fig. 5-22: Definition of a square 2D shape.

When the process is done, the wizard will switch to the Configure Model step. Please refer to the Configure Model section
for more details.
The color validation is not available with the parametric teaching method.

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Wrist Camera Instruction Manual

5.2.3. Configure Model

Test locating object button; the Vision System will search for the
object in the field of view of the Wrist Camera.

Back button; after testing an object's location, tap to return to the
output image of the camera.

Color validation button; tap to enable the color validation mode
A coloured button Indicates that the color validation mode is
enabled. Tap the button to disable.
Please refer to the Color Validation section for more details.

Detection Threshold button; tap to expand the detection threshold
menu. Please refer to the Detection Threshold section for more
Minus button; tap to lower the Detection Threshold. Please refer to
the Detection Threshold section for more details.
Plus button; tap to increase the Detection Threshold. Please refer to
the Detection Threshold section for more details.
Camera settings button; please refer to the Camera settings section
for more details.
Score value box; display section in which the detection score appears
after testing the object location.
Object location button; when an object is found, tap this button to
view its position relative to the robot base.
Set reference position button; tap to save the object's position for
programming linear move (MoveL) relative to the object's location.
Please refer to the Save location section for more details.
Save & finish button; tap to save the detection threshold, the
reference position and finish the wizard.

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Wrist Camera Instruction Manual
Test/Modify button; accessible via the Command tab of the Program
Robot interface in Polyscope, once the object teaching wizard is
completed. Tap to access the Test and Modify wizard. It allows the
user to modify the detection threshold and the saved object position.
Reset button; accessible via the Command tab of the Program Robot
interface in Polyscope, once the Teach object wizard is completed.
Tap to reset the whole process of the object teaching wizard.

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Wrist Camera Instruction Manual Color Validation
Color validation adds reliability to the camera locate feature.
Whereas editing the model allows to select, configure and save the shape, outline and area of the model, the color
validation allows the system to save the color signature of the object and that of the background in order to choose one
rather than the other in a Camera locate node.
Color validation is only available with the automatic teaching method.
Color validation is not intended for discriminating between two colours in the same Camera Locate node, no matter
what the purpose is. However, this action can be performed and programmed with two or more Camera Locate
nodes in the same program tree.
Color validation is not intended for eliminating all colours but one in a Camera Locate node, no matter what the
purpose is.
The Color validation mode checks the color of your object put into place at the Select Model step; please refer to
the Select Model section for more details.
When in the Select Model step, the color signature of both the background and the object are calculated and saved.
The vision system suppresses the dominating color signature of the background from the object's color signature.
The background must be of a contrasting color when in the Select Model area in order to preserve the object's color when
using the color validation mode.
When in the Edit Model step, the selection area (object layer mask) will define the color signature for the object. The
remainder of the image (background layer mask) will define the background's color signature.

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Wrist Camera Instruction Manual
If you want to use the color validation mode, it is recommended to select the entire object without removing any areas.
The area selected (green layer mask) will be used to define the object's color signature. All areas that are not highlighted in
the Edit Model will be considered as background when defining the background's color signature.
At runtime, when the color validation mode is enabled, the vision system will look for the model contour on the workplane.
Then, when it finds an object, it will compare the detected object's color signature to the reference color signature from the
object teaching wizard. If the color signatures are too different, the object will not be found. The color validation works well
when an object has a dominant (or single) color.
In order to enable the color validation mode, tap the color validation button from the Configure Model step.

Fig. 5-23: Configure Model step with Color validation button highlighted

Using the color validation helps to avoid false detection in your background.

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Wrist Camera Instruction Manual Detection Threshold
Place your object in the field of view and test locating with the runtime environment.
Tap the Camera icon to test the location of the object.

Fig. 5-24: Configure Model

If the object is found, you will see the object outlined with the detection score value (%).

Fig. 5-25: Object found with detection score.

If no object is found, an error message will display, reading that the object was not found.

When testing the localization:

Object contours and detected features are outlined in green
Features from the model that cannot be located on the object in the field of view of the camera are outlined in red.
When performing the localization test, place the whole object over the workplane. Due to the perspective effect,
some or all of the object features might not be recognized. If an important feature needs to be found for your
application (a hole for example), make sure it is found during all localization tests. Again, green contour should
match the object outlines at all times.

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To avoid false detections, remove the object from the workplane, decrease the detection threshold to 0% and try to
locate the object. If false detection may occur on your workplane, you will see an object detected with the detection
score. Increase the detection threshold above this score to avoid false detection.


Try all areas of the workplane on which the object might be found. Adjust the detection threshold properly for the
object and for the runtime environment.
Adjust the detection threshold with the plus (+) and minus (-) buttons.

Fig. 5-26: Detection threshold adjustment.

Set the detection threshold at the highest value possible so the vision system detects the object on the whole
workplane. Tap the Test locating object button to test the threshold.
This ensures optimal robustness for object detection everywher on the workplane. If it is not possible to reach such a
success rate, the following should be considered:


Redefine the Cam Locate node (go through the Teach object wizard again), make sure there are no reflections, or as
few as possible.
Refer to the Guidelines on Object Teaching section for instructions
After completing the object teaching wizard, it is possible to edit the detection threshold. To do so, select the
Camera Locate node and go to the Command tab. Click on Test/Modify to edit the threshold and/or modify the
position of the object.

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Wrist Camera Instruction Manual Camera settings
Camera settings can be adjusted at the Select Model step of the Automatic teaching method and/or at the
Configure Model step of the Teach object wizard.
Editing the camera settings at the Configure Model step will override the settings selected at the Select Model step
of the Automatic teaching method.
Please refer to the Camera settings section for more details. Save location
Once you are done with the test and adjustment, tap the Set reference position button.
Do not move the object after saving the position; the subsequent relative movements programed will be relative to
that position. Please refer to the Programming with the Camera Locate Node section for more details.

Fig. 5-27: Position defined.

Once the position is saved, tap the Save & Reset button in the lower right corner of the teach pendant interface.
When you are done with the teaching process, the Camera Locate node will show you a snapshot of your saved object.
You can tap Reset to redefine completely. You can tap Test / Modify to change the detection threshold or both the
threshold and the saved object position.

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Wrist Camera Instruction Manual

6. Programming with the Camera Locate Node
Fast Cycle Time

If the ambient lighting is stable during run-time, you can enable the fast cycle time configuration. To do so, go to the
Installation tab from the program. Choose Camera and go to Configurations.

Fig. 6-1: Enable fast cycle time when ambient lighting is fixed.

By enabling the fast cycle time configuration, the camera exposure will be set the first time the program enters a Camera
Locate node – at runtime. For all other Camera Locate nodes, the camera will keep the exposure settings from the first run.
This reduces the cycle time by half as opposed to not enabling the fast cycle time configuration.

Fig. 6-2: Fast cycle time configuration.
Fast Cycle Time

Enable the fast cycle time configuration only if the external ambient lighting is constant.

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Wrist Camera Instruction Manual

The first thing to do after completing the object teaching is to add a Move node to the Snapshot position. When you exit
the object teaching wizard, the robot arm is already in the Snapshot position location. You can simply add a MoveJ
command before the Camera Locate node and set it to the location the robot arm is at (see Snapshot_pos_1 from the next

Make sure the robot arm is moved to the snapshot position before the Camera Locate node in the robot program.
The Camera Locate node acts as an "if" statement. If the taught object is detected by the camera, the robot program will
enter in the Camera Locate node and execute all the command lines within it.
After teaching the object within the Camera Locate node, you may continue the programming by using either a linear move
(MoveL) with the snapshot position's variable as feature or the object_location pose. It is also possible to edit the
detection threshold or the saved object position after the Teach Object wizard.


Refer to Section 6.1 to program a robot motion with a linear move (MoveL) with the snapshot position's variable as
feature. A template of this type of program is provided. This allows to perform robot motion relative to the object
detected at run time.
Refer to Section 6.2 to use the object_location pose to program the robot motion - for advanced use.
Refer to Section 6.3 to edit the detection threshold and/or the saved object position.
Cycle Time

The Camera Locate node cycle time is influenced by the background complexity, the object's features complexity
and the number of objects on the workplane.
To reduce the Camera Locate cycle time, consider the following:


Have the least possible objects and object types on your workplane at run time.
If your object has many detailed features, you can teach a drawing of it with simplified features or teach only
one area of the object.
Have a diffuse ambient lighting, avoiding high light intensity spots on the workplane.

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Wrist Camera Instruction Manual

6.1. Linear Move with Feature – Pick and Place Template

The URCaps installation will provide you with a template program, template_vision.urp, that can be found in the
program folder. The figure below shows this template. This section guides you through the process of doing a
similar program.
Once the Teach Object wizard is completed, you saved the last position of your object. The object position variable,
named after the snapshot position, now contains the reference frame of the object in this saved position. Each time the
Camera Locate node localizes an object, it updates that feature variable's frame with the new detected object's position
and orientation. That feature is named according to the feature name you chose during the snapshot position definition.
Saved position

The saved object position from the Teach Object wizard or the Test/Save wizard is the position of the object to be
used for the relative robot motion programming. Once the position is saved, do not move the object to ensure
proper robot motion programming within the Camera Locate node.
You can use that reference feature inside the Camera Locate node within Move commands of the robot. To do so:

Insert a Move node.
In that node, go to the Command tab.
Select MoveL.
Select the appropriate feature (your Snapshot Position / Feature name).

Every waypoints inserted within that MoveL node will be relative to the feature updated by the Camera Locate. Without
moving your object, teach your waypoints according to it's position.
Object orientation

If you want your relative motion not to consider the object orientation, check the Ignore object orientation option
from the Camera Locate node Command tab. This way, the MoveL will consider the object's position, but not its
orientation. It can be used, for instance, to pick a circular object.
When you are done with the movements relative to the object, you can insert another Move node, selecting a movement
that is not relative, but absolute (base frame), and do normal movements.
This process will give you:

A set of MoveL movements relative to the object orientation.
A set of MoveJ, MoveL or MoveP movements relative to the absolute base frame.

In short, the template program will move to the Snapshot Position, search for the object, do a set of movement relative to
the object orientation, then do a set of movement relative to the robot base. It is provided and installed with the Camera
Locate URCap.

Fig. 6-3: Template program for a Camera Locate pick & place application.

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Wrist Camera Instruction Manual

6.2. object_location pose
Once a snapshot position is defined, the workplane used for the calibration gets its own coordinate system, regardless of
its orientation. This coordinate system is shown in the figure below.

Fig. 6-4: workplane reference frame.

The camera will detect an object on the workplane and find its X-Y position, as well as its Z-orientation in the workplane's
coordinate system (see figure below). Thus, a detected object is always laid flat (parallel) to the workplane. It is possible to
use the object_location pose, which is a variable containing the detected object's pose (p[x, y, z, x rotation, y rotation, z
rotation]) in the robot's base reference frame. This variable is updated each time the program goes within a Camera Locate
node, thus every time an object is detected, regardless of how many Camera Locate nodes are in the program. The
object_location pose is relative to the robot's base frame.

object_location is a variable containing the detected object's position and orientation relative to the base reference
frame. The orientation is always parallel to the workplane on which the calibration has been performed. Thus, the
object's X and Y axes are always parallel to the workplane. The Z axis is always normal to the workplane and points
downwards from it, into the workplane (refer to the figure below).

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Wrist Camera Instruction Manual

Fig. 6-5: object_location pose on the workplane used for the calibration.

object_location is a variable with the pose structure (x, y, z, x rotation, y rotation, z rotation):
x: x position of the object detected, relative to the robot's base reference frame.
y: y position of the object detected, relative to the robot's base reference frame.
z: z position of the object detected, relative to the robot's base reference frame.
x rotation: x rotation from the robot's base frame to the detected object feature reference frame. The object's X axis is
parallel to the workplane on which the calibration has been performed.
y rotation: y rotation from the robot's base frame to the detected object feature reference frame. The object's Y axis is
parallel to the workplane on which the calibration has been performed.
z rotation: z rotation from the robot's base frame to the detected object feature reference frame. The object's Z axis is
normal to the workplane on which the calibration has been performed, points downwards from it, into the workplane.

If you move the robot's TCP to the object_location pose, the TCP will go and point the object on the workplane.
The height value of the object on the workplane should not be taken into account - the TCP might be directly on the
object when moving it to the object_location pose.

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Wrist Camera Instruction Manual
Program Example

The program examples below show how to use the object_location pose variable.The first one simply moves the robot so
that the TCP goes directly on the detected object. Make sure the TCP is set properly to avoid collisions.

Fig. 6-6: Program example - place the TCP on the detected object.

The second example moves the robot so that the TCP goes 20 cm above the detected object. This is in the case of an
horizontal plane.

Fig. 6-7: Program example – Place the TCP 20cm above the detected object, in case of an horizontal plane.

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Wrist Camera Instruction Manual

6.3. Edit Detection Threshold and Object Location
It is possible to edit both the detection threshold and the object location after the Teach object wizard has been
completed. To do so, select the Cam Locate node, go to the Command tab and tap Test/Edit. The wizard as displayed in
the figure below will appear.

Fig. 6-8: Modify Threshold and Define new position wizard.




To modify the saved object position, place the object in the desired position. Test is with the Test locating object
button and, when in the desired position, tap Define new position. The position is saved. Tap Save & close to exit the
wizard. This also saves the threshold.
To modify only the detection threshold, modify it and test it. Once it is at the required value, tap Save & close. This
does not modify the object position previously saved.
To modify both the threshold and the object location, adjust the threshold, place the object in the desired position
and test is with the Test locating object button. Once in the desired position, tap Define new position. The position is
saved. Tap Save & close to save the threshold.

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Wrist Camera Instruction Manual

6.4. Camera Locate node at a variable Snapshot position
During a robot program, the robot must be at the snapshot position before entering the Camera Locate node. If it is not in
the right position, a pop-up will appear, preventing the camera from taking a snapshot from the wrong position. This is to
ensure good precision since the workplane has been previously calibrated for this snapshot position.
In some cases, it is helpful to move the robot to a variable position to enter a Camera Locate node. For instance, it can also
used to teach only one snapshot position and object to manage parts in stacked trays. In order to do so, allow the robot to
be in a different position that the original snapshot position by entering the script command:
ignore_snapshot_position = True
You also need to edit the snapshot_position_offset pose variable. This variable contains the pose offset between the
original saved snapshot position and the one used in the program .
The example shows a program using a Camera Locate node to manage parts in stacked trays.


The script command in the BeforeStart section allows the camera not to be in the exact snapshot position when
entering a Camera Locate node.
The pose at which the robot enters the Camera Locate node is calculated knowing how many trays are stacked.
The snapshot_position_offset is calculated accordingly in order for the Wrist Camera to consider the pose offset from
the original snapshot position.

Fig. 6-9: Program example.

ignore_snapshot_position = True

When using this method, make sure the workplane has the same orientation and distance regarding the position of
the camera before a Camera Locate node. Using a variable and relative snapshot position may decrease the
precision, as the workplane can be slightly different depending on where the calibration has been performed. Be
aware of this when programming a Camera Locate node relative to another one.

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Wrist Camera Instruction Manual

7. Specifications

The following manual uses the metric system, unless specified, all dimensions are in millimeters.
The following sub-sections provide data on the various specifications for the Robotiq 2-Finger 85 and 140 Adaptive

Section 7.1 mechanical specifications of the Wrist Camera:


Maximum load;
Center of mass;
Moment of inertia.
Section 7.2 electrical rating & performance specifications of the Wrist Camera:


Electrical supply;
Section 7.3 Vision System specifications:




Field of view;
Part size.

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Wrist Camera Instruction Manual

7.1. Mechanical Specifications of Wrist Camera

Wrist Camera's dimensions.

Maximum load
Weight (without tool plate)
Weight (with tool plate)

10 kg

40 Nm
160 g
230 g

Added height (without tool plate, for use with 2Finger Gripper)

13.5 mm

Global thickness (without tool plate)

22.4 mm

Added height (with tool plate)

23.5 mm

Global thickness (with tool plate)

29.5 mm

Wrist Camera's mechanical specifications.

Photographic sensor

Respecting Universal Robots's axes system, the photographic sensor's is located at [0mm; 35.7mm; -0.1mm] of the
tool flange on which the camera is mounted. The line of sight passes through this point and is at 30° from the Zaxis.

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Wrist Camera Instruction Manual

7.1.1. Center of Mass and Moment of Inertia
The coordinate system used to calculate the moment of inertia and center of mass of the Wrist Camera is the base of the
Camera which correspond to the UR tool flange reference [0,0,0].
Here is the approximate position for the center of mass. It has been calculated for the camera itself and for combinations
with other Robotiq products. The camera's tool plate is included when the gripper is not mounted on the Wrist Camera.


x (mm)

y (mm)

z (mm)

Mass (grams)






FT 300





2-Finger 85





2-Finger 140





FT 300 and 2-Finger





FT 300 and 2-Finger





Here is the approximate moment of inertia matrix for the Wrist Camera:
Inertia Matrix

Metric value
(kg * mm2)

Imperial value
(lb * in2)




























Center of Mass with and without the toolplate.

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Wrist Camera Instruction Manual

7.2. Electrical rating & performance of Wrist Camera
Robotiq recommends you supply the Wrist Camera from the Universal Robots controller power supply as shown in the
Electrical Setup section; if for any reasons you cannot do so, here are the electrical specifications of the Camera:



Operating supply voltage

24 V DC

Quiescent power (minimum power


Maximum power

22 W

Communication interface

USB 2.0

Here are the Wrist Camera's specifications:


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Maximum resolution

5 Mpx at 2 fps (2560 X

Maximum frame rate

30 fps at 0.3 Mpx (640 X

Active array size

2592 X 1944

Focus range

70 mm to infinity

Integrated lighting

6 LED diffuse white light

Autofocus technology

Liquid lense


Wrist Camera Instruction Manual

7.3. Vision System Specifications

The accuracy of the vision system is as described in the table below and depends on the robot model used. It is valid for
the area where the calibration board was located during the calibration process.

Robot Model



+/- 2mm


+/- 3mm


+/- 3mm

Accuracy of the vision system.

Calibration board position

Calibration board position.




Maximum board distance (cm)




Minimum board distance (cm)





Snapshot Position will determine the field of view, notice that the calibration step position does not have to be the
same as Snapshot position. Thus, you can have a small field of view, then move back for calibration step.

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Wrist Camera Instruction Manual
Field of view





Maximum board distance (cm)

36 x 27

64 x 48

100 x 75

Minimum board distance (cm)

10 x 7.5

10 x 7.5

10 x 7.5


Field of view is (FoV) determined by Snapshot position. To get the minimum FoV, the camera must be placed at 7
cm above the work plane.

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Wrist Camera Instruction Manual
Part dimensions

The maximum part size that can be detected by the Wrist Camera is 60% field of view's dimension. The minimum is 10%,
no matter the robot or the field of view size.

Maximum and minimum part size.
The part must not be higher than its smallest dimension (width or length) : maximum of 1:1 ratio.

Maximum part height.


Part height ratio is taken between the maximum part height at any point and the minimum dimension present on
part contour, width or length.

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Wrist Camera Instruction Manual
Background contrast

To ensure a good model and part detection from the Vision system, you should use a background that has a high color
contrast with the part to be detected. You must choose colors that are apart horizontally on the HSV cone shown below.
Therefore, a change in value (intensity) only does not represent a good contrast. There has to be a great difference in hue
and saturation to obtain a good object model from the object teaching wizard. You can use either the yellow or pink side
of the colored background provided with the camera kit. If required, use a different colored background to teach your part.

HSV color cone.

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Wrist Camera Instruction Manual

8. Maintenance
Wrist Camera maintenance

The Camera does not need any maintenance. Make sure that the lens is kept free from liquid or dust at all time. Robotiq
recommends you use the provided bag with your camera along with alcohol to clean the lens.
Clean background

You workplane should be kept as constant as possible. Depending on your application, you should occasionally clean the


If your workplane background changes after the object teaching process (at runtime), object localization
performance could decrease.

The Vision System is able to compensate for some differences during runtime. Adjust the detection threshold as
explained in the Detection Threshold section to have a reliable object localization.

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Wrist Camera Instruction Manual

9. Spare Parts, Kits and Accessories
Spare parts, kits and accessories list:
The following list is up to date at print time and is subject to change. Check online for updates.

Unless specified, screws, dowel pins and other hardware are included only for the Sensor side, never for the robot
Wrist Camera Kit for Universal Robots.

Ordering Number

Includes Wrist Camera, calibration board, tool plate for UR, USB memory stick,
license and hub and all hardware.
Replacement Wrist Camera. Includes 10 m pigtail cable.


Wrist Camera tool plate for ISO 9409-1-50-4M6 pattern (Universal Robots).


Replacement calibration board.
Replacement 10m High-Flex pigtail cable for Wrist Camera.
4-port USB 2.0 hub splitter
16 Gb USB stick
Replacement software license USB dongle for Wrist Camera
Universal Robots Screw Kit for Wrist Camera

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Wrist Camera Instruction Manual

10. Troubleshooting

To view the Vision server, Camera URCap and Camera firmware versions, proceed with the following:

From a Robot program, go in the Installation tab.
Choose Camera
Go in the About tab.

The versions will appear. Make sure they are the latest release and that they are both updated simultaneously.

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Wrist Camera Instruction Manual

10.1. LED status
LED status




The Camera is not powered.

Check the Camera's power supply and electrical setup
(please refer to the Electrical Setup section).

Solid red

No fault but the Camera is not

Start or do a stop/start cycle of the Vision server.
To do so, go in the Installation tab, choose Camera and
then the Camera tab.
Click on Start camera to start the Vision server.
The output image will appear and the LED will turn blue.
Check the USB cable connection and the software
package versions.

Solid blue and red at
the same time

The Camera is in fault or

Wait for the booting process to be completed.
If the LED stays solid blue and red, disconnect the
Camera's USB cable and power cycle it.
The red LED should be solid red. Reconnect the USB
The LED should turn solid blue when communication is
established with the Vision server

Blinking blue and red

Major fault:


Solid blue

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Camera's input voltage is
not sufficient
Temperature is greater
than 70°C

Not fault and communicating.

(click on Start camera from the Installation tab).
Check the power supply to make sure it is 24 V DC
+/- 10%.
The Wrist Camera should not operate at a
temperature higher than 50°C.



Wrist Camera Instruction Manual

11. Warranty and Patent
Robotiq warrants the Wrist Camera and Vision System against defects in material and workmanship for a period of one
year from the date of reception when utilized as intended. Robotiq also warrants that this equipment will meet applicable
specifications under normal use.
Warranty applies under the following conditions:


Usage respects the operating and storage conditions specified in the Environmental and Operating
Conditions section.
Proper installation of the Camera specified in the Installation section and the following subsections.
Usage under normal one-shift operation (40 h a week)
Usage respects maintenance specified in the Maintenance section.
Usage respects recommended payload and forces specified in the Mechanical Specifications of Wrist Camera

During the warranty period, Robotiq will repair or replace any defective Wrist Camera, as well as verify and adjust the
Camera free of charge if the equipment should need to be repaired or if the original adjustment is erroneous. If the
equipment is sent back for verification during the warranty period and found to meet all published specifications, Robotiq
will charge standard verification fees.
The unit is considered defective when at least one of the following conditions occurs :

The Camera does not output any image;
The Camera feedback necessary for the robot program is not accessible;
The Vision System USB memory, USB hub or USB dongle are inoperable;

The warranty will become null and void if the :

Unit has been tampered with, repaired or worked on by unauthorized individuals.
Warranty sticker has been removed.
Screws, other than as explained in this guide, have been removed.
Unit has been opened.
Unit serial number has been altered, erased, or removed.
Unit has been misused, neglected, or damaged by accident.

This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties expressed, implied, or statutory, including, but not limited to, the implied
warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall Robotiq be liable for special, incidental,
or consequential damages.
Robotiq shall not be liable for damages resulting from the use of the Robotiq Wrist Camera or Robotiq Vision System, nor
shall Robotiq be responsible for any failure in the performance of other items to which the Wrist Camera is connected or
the operation of any system of which the Vision System may be a part.

This warranty excludes failure resulting from: improper use or installation, normal wear and tear, accident, abuse, neglect,
fire, water, lightning or other acts of nature, causes external to the Wrist Camera, the Vision System or other factors beyond
Robotiq's control.
Robotiq reserves the right to make changes in the design or construction of any of its products at any time without
incurring any obligation to make any changes whatsoever on units already purchased.

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Wrist Camera Instruction Manual

12. Contact
Contact Us

1-888-ROBOTIQ (762-6847)
(+1) 418-380-2788 Outside US and Canada


Technical Support and Engineering
extension 3

extension 2

Head office
966, chemin Olivier
Suite 325
St-Nicolas, Québec
G7A 2N1

Where automation Pros come to share their know-how and get answers.

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Wrist Camera Instruction Manual

A. Harmonized Standards, Declarations and Certificates
A1. Declaration of Incorporation

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Title                           : Robotiq Wrist Camera Instruction Manual
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