AMD64 Architecture Programmer’s Manual, Volume 3: General Purpose And System Instructions 3 &
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AMD64 Technology AMD64 Architecture Programmer’s Manual Volume 3: General-Purpose and System Instructions Publication No. Revision Date 24594 3.25 December 2017 Advanced Micro Devices © 2013 – 2017 Advanced Micro Devices Inc. All rights reserved. The information contained herein is for informational purposes only, and is subject to change without notice. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this document, it may contain technical inaccuracies, omissions and typographical errors, and AMD is under no obligation to update or otherwise correct this information. Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this document, and assumes no liability of any kind, including the implied warranties of noninfringement, merchantability or fitness for particular purposes, with respect to the operation or use of AMD hardware, software or other products described herein. No license, including implied or arising by estoppel, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Terms and limitations applicable to the purchase or use of AMD’s products are as set forth in a signed agreement between the parties or in AMD's Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale. Trademarks AMD, the AMD Arrow logo, and combinations thereof, and 3DNow! are trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Other product names used in this publication are for identification purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective companies. MMX is a trademark and Pentium is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation. 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Contents Revision History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvii Preface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxi About This Book. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxi Audience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxi Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxi Conventions and Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxii Related Documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxxiii 1 Instruction Encoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 Instruction Encoding Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.1.1 Encoding Syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.1.2 Representation in Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Instruction Prefixes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1.2.1 Summary of Legacy Prefixes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1.2.2 Operand-Size Override Prefix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1.2.3 Address-Size Override Prefix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 1.2.4 Segment-Override Prefixes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 1.2.5 Lock Prefix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 1.2.6 Repeat Prefixes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 1.2.7 REX Prefix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 1.2.8 VEX and XOP Prefixes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Opcode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 ModRM and SIB Bytes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 1.4.1 ModRM Byte Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 1.4.2 SIB Byte Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 1.4.3 Operand Addressing in Legacy 32-bit and Compatibility Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 1.4.4 Operand Addressing in 64-bit Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Displacement Bytes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Immediate Bytes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 RIP-Relative Addressing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 1.7.1 Encoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 1.7.2 REX Prefix and RIP-Relative Addressing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 1.7.3 Address-Size Prefix and RIP-Relative Addressing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Encoding Considerations Using REX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 1.8.1 Byte-Register Addressing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 1.8.2 Special Encodings for Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Encoding Using the VEX and XOP Prefixes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 1.9.1 Three-Byte Escape Sequences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 1.9.2 Two-Byte Escape Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Instruction Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 2.1 2.2 2.3 Instruction Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Reference-Page Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Summary of Registers and Data Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Contents i AMD64 Technology 2.4 2.5 3 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 2.3.1 General-Purpose Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 2.3.2 System Instructions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 2.3.3 SSE Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 2.3.4 64-Bit Media Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 2.3.5 x87 Floating-Point Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Summary of Exceptions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 2.5.1 Mnemonic Syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 2.5.2 Opcode Syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 2.5.3 Pseudocode Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 General-Purpose Instruction Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71 AAA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 AAD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 AAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 AAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 ADC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 ADCX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 ADD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 ADOX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 AND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 ANDN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 BEXTR (register form) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 BEXTR (immediate form) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 BLCFILL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 BLCI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 BLCIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 BLCMSK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 BLCS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 BLSFILL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 BLSI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 BLSIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 BLSMSK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 BLSR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 BOUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 BSF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 BSR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 BSWAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 BT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 BTC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 BTR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 BTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 BZHI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 CALL (Near) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 CALL (Far) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 CBW ii Contents 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology CWDE CDQE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 CWD CDQ CQO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 CLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 CLD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 CLFLUSH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 CLFLUSHOPT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 CLZERO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 CMC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 CMOVcc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 CMP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 CMPS CMPSB CMPSW CMPSD CMPSQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 CMPXCHG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 CMPXCHG8B CMPXCHG16B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 CPUID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 CRC32 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 DAA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162 DAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163 DEC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164 DIV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 ENTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 IDIV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 IMUL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 IN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 INC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176 INS INSB INSW INSD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 INT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 INTO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 Jcc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 JCXZ JECXZ JRCXZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 JMP (Near). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 JMP (Far) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195 LAHF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 LDS LES Contents iii AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 LFS LGS LSS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201 LEA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 LEAVE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 LFENCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 LLWPCB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 LODS LODSB LODSW LODSD LODSQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210 LOOP LOOPE LOOPNE LOOPNZ LOOPZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212 LWPINS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214 LWPVAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216 LZCNT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 MFENCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221 MONITORX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222 MOV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224 MOVBE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227 MOVD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229 MOVMSKPD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233 MOVMSKPS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235 MOVNTI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 MOVS MOVSB MOVSW MOVSD MOVSQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239 MOVSX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241 MOVSXD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242 MOVZX. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243 MUL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244 MULX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246 MWAITX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248 NEG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 NOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252 NOT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253 OR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254 OUT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257 OUTS OUTSB OUTSW iv Contents 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology OUTSD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258 PAUSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260 PDEP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261 PEXT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263 POP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265 POPA POPAD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267 POPCNT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268 POPF POPFD POPFQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270 PREFETCH PREFETCHW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273 PREFETCHlevel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275 PUSH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277 PUSHA PUSHAD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279 PUSHF PUSHFD PUSHFQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280 RCL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282 RCR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284 RDFSBASE RDGSBASE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286 RDRAND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287 RDSEED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288 RET (Near) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289 RET (Far). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290 ROL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294 ROR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296 RORX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298 SAHF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 SAL SHL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301 SAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304 SARX. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306 SBB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308 SCAS SCASB SCASW SCASD SCASQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310 SETcc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312 SFENCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314 SHL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315 SHLD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316 SHLX. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318 Contents v AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 SHR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320 SHRD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322 SHRX. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324 SLWPCB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326 STC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328 STD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329 STOS STOSB STOSW STOSD STOSQ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330 SUB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332 T1MSKC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334 TEST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336 TZCNT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338 TZMSK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340 UD0, UD1, UD2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342 WRFSBASE WRGSBASE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343 XADD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344 XCHG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346 XLAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348 XLATB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348 XOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349 4 System Instruction Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .353 ARPL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355 CLAC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357 CLGI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358 CLI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359 CLTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361 HLT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362 INT 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363 INVD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366 INVLPG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 367 INVLPGA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 368 IRET IRETD IRETQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369 LAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375 LGDT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377 LIDT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379 LLDT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381 LMSW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383 LSL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384 LTR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386 MONITOR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388 MOV CRn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390 vi Contents 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology MOV DRn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 392 MWAIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 394 RDMSR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 396 RDPMC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397 RDTSC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399 RDTSCP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401 RSM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403 SGDT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405 SIDT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406 SKINIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407 SLDT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409 SMSW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411 STAC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412 STI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413 STGI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415 STR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416 SWAPGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417 SYSCALL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419 SYSENTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423 SYSEXIT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425 SYSRET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427 VERR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431 VERW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433 VMLOAD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 434 VMMCALL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 436 VMRUN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 437 VMSAVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 442 WBINVD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 444 WRMSR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445 Appendix A A.1 A.2 Appendix B B.1 B.2 B.3 B.4 B.5 B.6 Contents Opcode and Operand Encodings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .447 Opcode Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450 Legacy Opcode Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450 3DNow!™ Opcodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 467 x87 Encodings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 470 rFLAGS Condition Codes for x87 Opcodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 479 Extended Instruction Opcode Maps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 479 Operand Encodings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 490 ModRM Operand References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 490 SIB Operand References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 495 General-Purpose Instructions in 64-Bit Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .499 General Rules for 64-Bit Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 499 Operation and Operand Size in 64-Bit Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500 Invalid and Reassigned Instructions in 64-Bit Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 525 Instructions with 64-Bit Default Operand Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526 Single-Byte INC and DEC Instructions in 64-Bit Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 527 NOP in 64-Bit Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 528 vii AMD64 Technology B.7 Appendix C Appendix D D.1 D.2 D.3 Appendix E E.1 E.2 E.3 E.4 E.5 Appendix F 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Segment Override Prefixes in 64-Bit Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 528 Differences Between Long Mode and Legacy Mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .529 Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .531 Instruction Set Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 532 CPUID Feature Flags Related to Instruction Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 534 Instruction List. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 536 Obtaining Processor Information Via the CPUID Instruction . . . . . . . . . . .601 Special Notational Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 601 Standard and Extended Function Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 602 Standard Feature Function Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 602 Function 0h—Maximum Standard Function Number and Vendor String . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 602 Function 1h—Processor and Processor Feature Identifiers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 603 Functions 2h–4h—Reserved . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 606 Function 5h—Monitor and MWait Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 606 Function 6h—Power Management Related Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 607 Function 7h—Structured Extended Feature Identifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 608 Functions 8h–Ch—Reserved . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 609 Function Dh—Processor Extended State Enumeration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 609 Functions 4000_0000h–4000_FFh—Reserved for Hypervisor Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 612 Extended Feature Function Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 612 Function 8000_0000h—Maximum Extended Function Number and Vendor String . . . . . . 612 Function 8000_0001h—Extended Processor and Processor Feature Identifiers. . . . . . . . . . 613 Functions 8000_0002h–8000_0004h—Extended Processor Name String . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 616 Function 8000_0005h—L1 Cache and TLB Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 616 Function 8000_0006h—L2 Cache and TLB and L3 Cache Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 618 Function 8000_0007h—Processor Power Management and RAS Capabilities . . . . . . . . . . 620 Function 8000_0008h—Processor Capacity Parameters and Extended Feature Identification . 622 Function 8000_0009h—Reserved . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 623 Function 8000_000Ah—SVM Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 624 Functions 8000_000Bh–8000_0018h—Reserved . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 625 Function 8000_0019h—TLB Characteristics for 1GB pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 625 Function 8000_001Ah—Instruction Optimizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 626 Function 8000_001Bh—Instruction-Based Sampling Capabilities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 627 Function 8000_001Ch—Lightweight Profiling Capabilities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 627 Function 8000_001Dh—Cache Topology Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 629 Function 8000_001Eh—Processor Topology Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 631 CPUID Fn8000_001f—Encrypted Memory Capabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 632 Multiple Core Calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 633 Legacy Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 633 Extended Method (Recommended) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 633 Instruction Effects on RFLAGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .637 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 641 viii Contents 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Contents AMD64 Technology ix AMD64 Technology x 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Contents 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Figures Figure 1-1. Instruction Encoding Syntax. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Figure 1-2. An Instruction as Stored in Memory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Figure 1-3. REX Prefix Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Figure 1-4. ModRM-Byte Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Figure 1-5. SIB Byte Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Figure 1-6. Encoding Examples Using REX R, X, and B Bits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Figure 1-7. VEX/XOP Three-byte Escape Sequence Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Figure 1-8. VEX Two-byte Escape Sequence Format. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Figure 2-1. Format of Instruction-Detail Pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Figure 2-2. General Registers in Legacy and Compatibility Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Figure 2-3. General Registers in 64-Bit Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Figure 2-4. Segment Registers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Figure 2-5. General-Purpose Data Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Figure 2-6. System Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Figure 2-7. System Data Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Figure 2-8. SSE Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Figure 2-9. 128-Bit SSE Data Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Figure 2-10. SSE 256-bit Data Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Figure 2-11. SSE 256-Bit Data Types (Continued). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Figure 2-12. 64-Bit Media Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Figure 2-13. 64-Bit Media Data Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Figure 2-14. x87 Registers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Figure 2-15. x87 Data Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Figure 2-16. Syntax for Typical Two-Operand Instruction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Figure 3-1. MOVD Instruction Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230 Figure A-1. ModRM-Byte Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 459 Figure A-2. ModRM-Byte Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 490 Figure A-3. SIB Byte Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 496 Figure D-1. AMD64 ISA Instruction Subsets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 533 Figures xi AMD64 Technology xii 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Figures 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Tables Table 1-1. Legacy Instruction Prefixes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Table 1-2. Operand-Size Overrides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Table 1-3. Address-Size Overrides. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Table 1-4. Pointer and Count Registers and the Address-Size Prefix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Table 1-5. Segment-Override Prefixes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Table 1-6. REP Prefix Opcodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Table 1-7. REPE and REPZ Prefix Opcodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Table 1-8. REPNE and REPNZ Prefix Opcodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Table 1-9. Instructions Not Requiring REX Prefix in 64-Bit Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Table 1-10. ModRM.reg and .r/m Field Encodings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Table 1-11. SIB.scale Field Encodings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Table 1-12. SIB.index and .base Field Encodings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Table 1-13. SIB.base encodings for ModRM.r/m = 100b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Table 1-14. Operand Addressing Using ModRM and SIB Bytes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Table 1-15. REX Prefix-Byte Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Table 1-16. Encoding for RIP-Relative Addressing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Table 1-17. Special REX Encodings for Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Table 1-18. Three-byte Escape Sequence Field Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Table 1-19. VEX.map_select Encoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Table 1-20. XOP.map_select Encoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Table 1-21. VEX/XOP.vvvv Encoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Table 1-22. VEX/XOP.pp Encoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Table 1-23. VEX Two-byte Escape Sequence Field Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Table 1-24. Fixed Field Values for VEX 2-Byte Format. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Table 2-1. Interrupt-Vector Source and Cause. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Table 2-2. +rb, +rw, +rd, and +rq Register Value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Table 3-1. Instruction Support Indicated by CPUID Feature Bits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Table 3-2. Processor Vendor Return Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 Table 3-3. Locality References for the Prefetch Instructions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275 Table 4-1. System Instruction Support Indicated by CPUID Feature Bits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353 Table A-1. Primary Opcode Map (One-byte Opcodes), Low Nibble 0–7h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451 Table A-2. Primary Opcode Map (One-byte Opcodes), Low Nibble 8–Fh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 452 Table A-3. Secondary Opcode Map (Two-byte Opcodes), Low Nibble 0–7h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454 Table A-4. Secondary Opcode Map (Two-byte Opcodes), Low Nibble 8–Fh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 456 Tables xiii AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table A-5. rFLAGS Condition Codes for CMOVcc, Jcc, and SETcc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 458 Table A-6. ModRM.reg Extensions for the Primary Opcode Map1 Table A-7. ModRM.reg Extensions for the Secondary Opcode Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 461 Table A-8. Opcode 01h ModRM Extensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 462 Table A-9. 0F_38h Opcode Map, Low Nibble = [0h:7h] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 464 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 459 Table A-10. 0F_38h Opcode Map, Low Nibble = [8h:Fh] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 465 Table A-11. 0F_3Ah Opcode Map, Low Nibble = [0h:7h] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 466 Table A-12. 0F_3Ah Opcode Map, Low Nibble = [8h:Fh] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 466 Table A-13. Immediate Byte for 3DNow!™ Opcodes, Low Nibble 0–7h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 468 Table A-14. Immediate Byte for 3DNow!™ Opcodes, Low Nibble 8–Fh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 469 Table A-15. x87 Opcodes and ModRM Extensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 471 Table A-16. rFLAGS Condition Codes for FCMOVcc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 479 Table A-17. VEX Opcode Map 1, Low Nibble = [0h:7h] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 480 Table A-18. VEX Opcode Map 1, Low Nibble = [0h:7h] Continued. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481 Table A-19. VEX Opcode Map 1, Low Nibble = [8h:Fh] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 482 Table A-20. VEX Opcode Map 2, Low Nibble = [0h:7h] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 483 Table A-21. VEX Opcode Map 2, Low Nibble = [8h:Fh] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 484 Table A-22. VEX Opcode Map 3, Low Nibble = [0h:7h] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 485 Table A-23. VEX Opcode Map 3, Low Nibble = [8h:Fh] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 486 Table A-24. VEX Opcode Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 487 Table A-25. XOP Opcode Map 8h, Low Nibble = [0h:7h]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 487 Table A-26. XOP Opcode Map 8h, Low Nibble = [8h:Fh] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 488 Table A-27. XOP Opcode Map 9h, Low Nibble = [0h:7h]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 488 Table A-28. XOP Opcode Map 9h, Low Nibble = [8h:Fh] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 489 Table A-29. XOP Opcode Map Ah, Low Nibble = [0h:7h] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 489 Table A-30. XOP Opcode Map Ah, Low Nibble = [8h:Fh] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 489 Table A-31. XOP Opcode Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 489 Table A-32. ModRM reg Field Encoding, 16-Bit Addressing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 491 Table A-33. ModRM Byte Encoding, 16-Bit Addressing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 491 Table A-34. ModRM reg Field Encoding, 32-Bit and 64-Bit Addressing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 493 Table A-35. ModRM Byte Encoding, 32-Bit and 64-Bit Addressing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 494 Table A-36. Addressing Modes: SIB base Field Encoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 496 Table A-37. Addressing Modes: SIB Byte Encoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 497 Table B-1. Operations and Operands in 64-Bit Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500 Table B-2. Invalid Instructions in 64-Bit Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 525 Table B-3. Reassigned Instructions in 64-Bit Mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526 xiv Tables 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table B-4. Invalid Instructions in Long Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526 Table B-5. Instructions Defaulting to 64-Bit Operand Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 527 Table C-1. Differences Between Long Mode and Legacy Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 529 Table D-1. Feature Flags for Instruction / Instruction Subset Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 534 Table D-2. Instruction Groups and CPUID Feature Flags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 537 Table E-1. CPUID Fn0000_0000_E[D,C,B]X values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 603 Table E-2. CPUID Fn8000_0000_E[D,C,B]X values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 613 Table E-3. L1 Cache and TLB Associativity Field Encodings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 617 Table E-4. L2/L3 Cache and TLB Associativity Field Encoding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 619 Table E-5. LogicalProcessorCount, CmpLegacy, HTT, and NC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 633 Table F-1. Instruction Effects on RFLAGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 637 Tables xv AMD64 Technology xvi 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Tables 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Revision History Date Revision December 2017 3.25 Updated Appendix E. 3.24 Modified Mem16int in Section 2.5.1 Mnemonic Syntax Corrected Opcode for ADCX and ADOX. Clarified the explanation for Load Far Pointer Modified the Description for CLAC and STAC Added clarification to MWAITX. Added clarifying footnote to Table A-6. Added CPUID flags for new SVM features. Added Bit descriptions for CPUID Fn8000_0008_EBX Reserved Modified SAL1 and SAL count in Appendix F, Table F-1. March 2017 3.23 Added CR0.PE, CR0.PE=1, EFER.LME=0 to Conventions and Definitions in the Preface. Modified Note 4 in Table 1-10. Chapter 3: Added ADCX, ADOX, CLFLUSHOPT, CLZERO, RDSEED, UD0 and UD1. Modified CALL (Far). Moved UD2 and MONITORX, MWAITX, from Chapter 4. Chapter 4: Modified RDTSC and RDTSCP. Added CLAC and STAC. Appendix A: Modified Table A-7, Group 11. Appendix D: Modified Table D-1 and Added new Feature Flags. June 2015 3.22 Added MONITORX and MWAITX to Chapter 4. 3.21 Added BMI2 instructions to Chapter 3. Added BZHI to Table F-1 on page 637. Changed CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[25] to reserved. Changed CPUID Fn8000_0007_EAX and _EDX[11] to reserved. Added CPUID Fn0000_0006_EDX[ARAT] (bit 2). November 2017 October 2013 Revision History Description xvii AMD64 Technology Date May 2013 September 2012 March 2012 December 2011 xviii 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Revision Description 3.20 Updated Appendix D "Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags" on page 531 to make instruction list comprehensive. Added a new Appendix E "Obtaining Processor Information Via the CPUID Instruction" on page 601 which describes all defined processor feature bits. Supersedes and replaces the CPUID Specification (PID # 25481). Previous Appendix E "Instruction Effects on RFLAGS" renumbered as Appendix F. 3.19 Corrected the value specified for the most significant nibble of the encoding for the VPSHAx instructions in Table A-28 on page 489. 3.18 Added MOVBE instruction reference page to Chapter 3 "General-Purpose Instruction Reference" on page 71. Added instruction reference pages for the RDFSBASE/RDGSBASE and WRFSBASE/WRGSBASE instructions to Chapter 3. Added opcodes for the instructions to the opcode maps in Appendix A. 3.17 Corrected second byte of VEX C5 escape sequence in Figure 1-2 on page 5. Made multiple corrections to the description of register-indirect addressing in Section 1.4 on page 17. Corrected mod field value in third row of Figure 1-16 on page 25. Updated pseudocode definition (see Section 2.5.3 on page 57). Corrected exception tables for LZCNT and TZCNT instructions. Added discussion of UD opcodes to introduction of Appendix A. Provided ommitted definition of “B” used in the specification of operand types in opcode maps of Appendix A. Provided numerous corrections to instruction entries in opcode maps of Appendix A. Added ymm register mnemonic to Table A-32 on page 491 and Table A-34 on page 493. Changed notational convention for indicating addressing modes in Table A-33 on page 491, Table A-35 on page 494, Table A-36 on page 496, and Table A-37 on page 497; edited footnotes. Revision History 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Date Revision AMD64 Technology Description 3.16 Reworked “Instruction Byte Order” section of Chapter 1. See “Instruction Encoding Overview” on page 1. Added clarification: Execution of VMRUN is disallowed while in System Management Mode. Made wording for BMI and TBM feature flag indication consistent with other instructions. Moved BMI and TBM instructions to this volume from Volume 4. Added instruction reference page for CRC32 Instruction. Removed one cause of #GP fault from exception table for LAR and LSL instructions. Added three-byte, VEX, and XOP opcode maps to Appendix A. Revised description of RDPMC instruction. Corrected errors in description of CLFLUSH instruction. Corrected footnote of Table A-35 on page 494. November 2009 3.15 Clarified MFENCE serializing behavior. Added multibyte variant to “NOP” on page 237. Corrected descriptive text to “CMPXCHG8B CMPXCHG16B” on page 151. September 2007 3.14 Added minor clarifications and corrected typographical and formatting errors. July 2007 3.13 Added the following instructions: LZCNT, POPCNT, MONITOR, and MWAIT. Reformatted information on instruction support indicated by CPUID feature bits into a table. Added minor clarifications and corrected typographical and formatting errors. September 2006 3.12 Added minor clarifications and corrected typographical and formatting errors. December 2005 3.11 Added SVM instructions; added PAUSE instructions; made factual changes. January 2005 3.10 Clarified CPUID information in exception tables on instruction pages. Added information under “CPUID” on page 153. Made numerous small corrections. September 2003 3.09 Corrected table of valid descriptor types for LAR and LSL instructions and made several minor formatting, stylistic and factual corrections. Clarified several technical definitions. September 2011 Revision History xix AMD64 Technology Date April 2003 xx 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Revision 3.08 Description Corrected description of the operation of flags for RCL, RCR, ROL, and ROR instructions. Clarified description of the MOVSXD and IMUL instructions. Corrected operand specification for the STOS instruction. Corrected opcode of SETcc, Jcc, instructions. Added thermal control and thermal monitoring bits to CPUID instruction. Corrected exception tables for POPF, SFENCE, SUB, XLAT, IRET, LSL, MOV(CRn), SGDT/SIDT, SMSW, and STI instructions. Corrected many small typos and incorporated branding terminology. Revision History 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Preface About This Book This book is part of a multivolume work entitled the AMD64 Architecture Programmer’s Manual. This table lists each volume and its order number. Title Order No. Volume 1: Application Programming 24592 Volume 2: System Programming 24593 Volume 3: General-Purpose and System Instructions 24594 Volume 4: 128-Bit and 256-Bit Media Instructions 26568 Volume 5: 64-Bit Media and x87 Floating-Point Instructions 26569 Audience This volume (Volume 3) is intended for all programmers writing application or system software for a processor that implements the AMD64 architecture. Descriptions of general-purpose instructions assume an understanding of the application-level programming topics described in Volume 1. Descriptions of system instructions assume an understanding of the system-level programming topics described in Volume 2. Organization Volumes 3, 4, and 5 describe the AMD64 architecture’s instruction set in detail. Together, they cover each instruction’s mnemonic syntax, opcodes, functions, affected flags, and possible exceptions. The AMD64 instruction set is divided into five subsets: • • • • • General-purpose instructions System instructions Streaming SIMD Extensions–SSE (includes 128-bit and 256-bit media instructions) 64-bit media instructions (MMX™) x87 floating-point instructions Several instructions belong to—and are described identically in—multiple instruction subsets. This volume describes the general-purpose and system instructions. The index at the end crossreferences topics within this volume. For other topics relating to the AMD64 architecture, and for Preface xxi AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 information on instructions in other subsets, see the tables of contents and indexes of the other volumes. Conventions and Definitions The following section Notational Conventions describes notational conventions used in this volume and in the remaining volumes of this AMD64 Architecture Programmer’s Manual. This is followed by a Definitions section which lists a number of terms used in the manual along with their technical definitions. Finally, the Registers section lists the registers which are a part of the application programming model. Notational Conventions #GP(0) An instruction exception—in this example, a general-protection exception with error code of 0. 1011b A binary value—in this example, a 4-bit value. F0EA_0B02h A hexadecimal value. Underscore characters may be inserted to improve readability. 128 Numbers without an alpha suffix are decimal unless the context indicates otherwise. 7:4 A bit range, from bit 7 to 4, inclusive. The high-order bit is shown first. Commas may be inserted to indicate gaps. CPUID FnXXXX_XXXX_RRR[FieldName] Support for optional features or the value of an implementation-specific parameter of a processor can be discovered by executing the CPUID instruction on that processor. To obtain this value, software must execute the CPUID instruction with the function code XXXX_XXXXh in EAX and then examine the field FieldName returned in register RRR. If the “_RRR” notation is followed by “_xYYY”, register ECX must be set to the value YYYh before executing CPUID. When FieldName is not given, the entire contents of register RRR contains the desired value. When determining optional feature support, if the bit identified by FieldName is set to a one, the feature is supported on that processor. CR0–CR4 A register range, from register CR0 through CR4, inclusive, with the low-order register first. CR0[PE], CR0.PE Notation for referring to a field within a register—in this case, the PE field of the CR0 register. xxii Preface 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology CR0[PE] = 1, CR0.PE = 1 Notation indicating that the PE bit of the CR0 register has a value of 1. DS:rSI The contents of a memory location whose segment address is in the DS register and whose offset relative to that segment is in the rSI register. EFER[LME] = 0, EFER.LME = 0 Notation indicating that the LME bit of the EFER register has a value of 0. RFLAGS[13:12] A field within a register identified by its bit range. In this example, corresponding to the IOPL field. Definitions Many of the following definitions assume an in-depth knowledge of the legacy x86 architecture. See “Related Documents” on page xxxiii for descriptions of the legacy x86 architecture. 128-bit media instructions Instructions that operate on the various 128-bit vector data types. Supported within both the legacy SSE and extended SSE instruction sets. 256-bit media instructions Instructions that operate on the various 256-bit vector data types. Supported within the extended SSE instruction set. 64-bit media instructions Instructions that operate on the 64-bit vector data types. These are primarily a combination of MMX™ and 3DNow!™ instruction sets, with some additional instructions from the SSE1 and SSE2 instruction sets. 16-bit mode Legacy mode or compatibility mode in which a 16-bit address size is active. See legacy mode and compatibility mode. 32-bit mode Legacy mode or compatibility mode in which a 32-bit address size is active. See legacy mode and compatibility mode. 64-bit mode A submode of long mode. In 64-bit mode, the default address size is 64 bits and new features, such as register extensions, are supported for system and application software. Preface xxiii AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 absolute Said of a displacement that references the base of a code segment rather than an instruction pointer. Contrast with relative. biased exponent The sum of a floating-point value’s exponent and a constant bias for a particular floating-point data type. The bias makes the range of the biased exponent always positive, which allows reciprocation without overflow. byte Eight bits. clear To write a bit value of 0. Compare set. compatibility mode A submode of long mode. In compatibility mode, the default address size is 32 bits, and legacy 16bit and 32-bit applications run without modification. commit To irreversibly write, in program order, an instruction’s result to software-visible storage, such as a register (including flags), the data cache, an internal write buffer, or memory. CPL Current privilege level. direct Referencing a memory location whose address is included in the instruction’s syntax as an immediate operand. The address may be an absolute or relative address. Compare indirect. dirty data Data held in the processor’s caches or internal buffers that is more recent than the copy held in main memory. displacement A signed value that is added to the base of a segment (absolute addressing) or an instruction pointer (relative addressing). Same as offset. doubleword Two words, or four bytes, or 32 bits. double quadword Eight words, or 16 bytes, or 128 bits. Also called octword. xxiv Preface 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology effective address size The address size for the current instruction after accounting for the default address size and any address-size override prefix. effective operand size The operand size for the current instruction after accounting for the default operand size and any operand-size override prefix. element See vector. exception An abnormal condition that occurs as the result of executing an instruction. The processor’s response to an exception depends on the type of the exception. For all exceptions except 128-bit media SIMD floating-point exceptions and x87 floating-point exceptions, control is transferred to the handler (or service routine) for that exception, as defined by the exception’s vector. For floating-point exceptions defined by the IEEE 754 standard, there are both masked and unmasked responses. When unmasked, the exception handler is called, and when masked, a default response is provided instead of calling the handler. flush An often ambiguous term meaning (1) writeback, if modified, and invalidate, as in “flush the cache line,” or (2) invalidate, as in “flush the pipeline,” or (3) change a value, as in “flush to zero.” GDT Global descriptor table. IDT Interrupt descriptor table. IGN Ignored. Value written is ignored by hardware. Value returned on a read is indeterminate. See reserved. indirect Referencing a memory location whose address is in a register or other memory location. The address may be an absolute or relative address. Compare direct. IRB The virtual-8086 mode interrupt-redirection bitmap. IST The long-mode interrupt-stack table. Preface xxv AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 IVT The real-address mode interrupt-vector table. LDT Local descriptor table. legacy x86 The legacy x86 architecture. See “Related Documents” on page xxxiii for descriptions of the legacy x86 architecture. legacy mode An operating mode of the AMD64 architecture in which existing 16-bit and 32-bit applications and operating systems run without modification. A processor implementation of the AMD64 architecture can run in either long mode or legacy mode. Legacy mode has three submodes, real mode, protected mode, and virtual-8086 mode. long mode An operating mode unique to the AMD64 architecture. A processor implementation of the AMD64 architecture can run in either long mode or legacy mode. Long mode has two submodes, 64-bit mode and compatibility mode. lsb Least-significant bit. LSB Least-significant byte. main memory Physical memory, such as RAM and ROM (but not cache memory) that is installed in a particular computer system. mask (1) A control bit that prevents the occurrence of a floating-point exception from invoking an exception-handling routine. (2) A field of bits used for a control purpose. MBZ Must be zero. If software attempts to set an MBZ bit to 1, a general-protection exception (#GP) occurs. memory Unless otherwise specified, main memory. ModRM A byte following an instruction opcode that specifies address calculation based on mode (Mod), register (R), and memory (M) variables. xxvi Preface 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology moffset A 16, 32, or 64-bit offset that specifies a memory operand directly, without using a ModRM or SIB byte. msb Most-significant bit. MSB Most-significant byte. multimedia instructions A combination of 128-bit media instructions and 64-bit media instructions. octword Same as double quadword. offset Same as displacement. overflow The condition in which a floating-point number is larger in magnitude than the largest, finite, positive or negative number that can be represented in the data-type format being used. packed See vector. PAE Physical-address extensions. physical memory Actual memory, consisting of main memory and cache. probe A check for an address in a processor’s caches or internal buffers. External probes originate outside the processor, and internal probes originate within the processor. protected mode A submode of legacy mode. quadword Four words, or eight bytes, or 64 bits. RAZ Read as zero. Value returned on a read is always zero (0) regardless of what was previously written. See reserved. Preface xxvii AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 real-address mode See real mode. real mode A short name for real-address mode, a submode of legacy mode. relative Referencing with a displacement (also called offset) from an instruction pointer rather than the base of a code segment. Contrast with absolute. reserved Fields marked as reserved may be used at some future time. To preserve compatibility with future processors, reserved fields require special handling when read or written by software. Software must not depend on the state of a reserved field (unless qualified as RAZ), nor upon the ability of such fields to return a previously written state. If a field is marked reserved without qualification, software must not change the state of that field; it must reload that field with the same value returned from a prior read. Reserved fields may be qualified as IGN, MBZ, RAZ, or SBZ (see definitions). REX An instruction prefix that specifies a 64-bit operand size and provides access to additional registers. RIP-relative addressing Addressing relative to the 64-bit RIP instruction pointer. SBZ Should be zero. An attempt by software to set an SBZ bit to 1 results in undefined behavior. set To write a bit value of 1. Compare clear. SIB A byte following an instruction opcode that specifies address calculation based on scale (S), index (I), and base (B). SIMD Single instruction, multiple data. See vector. SSE Streaming SIMD extensions instruction set. See 128-bit media instructions and 64-bit media instructions. xxviii Preface 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology SSE2 Extensions to the SSE instruction set. See 128-bit media instructions and 64-bit media instructions. SSE3 Further extensions to the SSE instruction set. See 128-bit media instructions. sticky bit A bit that is set or cleared by hardware and that remains in that state until explicitly changed by software. TOP The x87 top-of-stack pointer. TPR Task-priority register (CR8). TSS Task-state segment. underflow The condition in which a floating-point number is smaller in magnitude than the smallest nonzero, positive or negative number that can be represented in the data-type format being used. vector (1) A set of integer or floating-point values, called elements, that are packed into a single operand. Most of the 128-bit and 64-bit media instructions use vectors as operands. Vectors are also called packed or SIMD (single-instruction multiple-data) operands. (2) An index into an interrupt descriptor table (IDT), used to access exception handlers. Compare exception. virtual-8086 mode A submode of legacy mode. word Two bytes, or 16 bits. x86 See legacy x86. Registers In the following list of registers, the names are used to refer either to a given register or to the contents of that register: Preface xxix AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AH–DH The high 8-bit AH, BH, CH, and DH registers. Compare AL–DL. AL–DL The low 8-bit AL, BL, CL, and DL registers. Compare AH–DH. AL–r15B The low 8-bit AL, BL, CL, DL, SIL, DIL, BPL, SPL, and R8B–R15B registers, available in 64-bit mode. BP Base pointer register. CRn Control register number n. CS Code segment register. eAX–eSP The 16-bit AX, BX, CX, DX, DI, SI, BP, and SP registers or the 32-bit EAX, EBX, ECX, EDX, EDI, ESI, EBP, and ESP registers. Compare rAX–rSP. EFER Extended features enable register. eFLAGS 16-bit or 32-bit flags register. Compare rFLAGS. EFLAGS 32-bit (extended) flags register. eIP 16-bit or 32-bit instruction-pointer register. Compare rIP. EIP 32-bit (extended) instruction-pointer register. FLAGS 16-bit flags register. GDTR Global descriptor table register. xxx Preface 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology GPRs General-purpose registers. For the 16-bit data size, these are AX, BX, CX, DX, DI, SI, BP, and SP. For the 32-bit data size, these are EAX, EBX, ECX, EDX, EDI, ESI, EBP, and ESP. For the 64-bit data size, these include RAX, RBX, RCX, RDX, RDI, RSI, RBP, RSP, and R8–R15. IDTR Interrupt descriptor table register. IP 16-bit instruction-pointer register. LDTR Local descriptor table register. MSR Model-specific register. r8–r15 The 8-bit R8B–R15B registers, or the 16-bit R8W–R15W registers, or the 32-bit R8D–R15D registers, or the 64-bit R8–R15 registers. rAX–rSP The 16-bit AX, BX, CX, DX, DI, SI, BP, and SP registers, or the 32-bit EAX, EBX, ECX, EDX, EDI, ESI, EBP, and ESP registers, or the 64-bit RAX, RBX, RCX, RDX, RDI, RSI, RBP, and RSP registers. Replace the placeholder r with nothing for 16-bit size, “E” for 32-bit size, or “R” for 64bit size. RAX 64-bit version of the EAX register. RBP 64-bit version of the EBP register. RBX 64-bit version of the EBX register. RCX 64-bit version of the ECX register. RDI 64-bit version of the EDI register. RDX 64-bit version of the EDX register. Preface xxxi AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 rFLAGS 16-bit, 32-bit, or 64-bit flags register. Compare RFLAGS. RFLAGS 64-bit flags register. Compare rFLAGS. rIP 16-bit, 32-bit, or 64-bit instruction-pointer register. Compare RIP. RIP 64-bit instruction-pointer register. RSI 64-bit version of the ESI register. RSP 64-bit version of the ESP register. SP Stack pointer register. SS Stack segment register. TPR Task priority register, a new register introduced in the AMD64 architecture to speed interrupt management. TR Task register. Endian Order The x86 and AMD64 architectures address memory using little-endian byte-ordering. Multibyte values are stored with their least-significant byte at the lowest byte address, and they are illustrated with their least significant byte at the right side. Strings are illustrated in reverse order, because the addresses of their bytes increase from right to left. xxxii Preface 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Related Documents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Peter Abel, IBM PC Assembly Language and Programming, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1995. Rakesh Agarwal, 80x86 Architecture & Programming: Volume II, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1991. AMD, Software Optimization Guide for AMD Family 15h Processors, order number 47414. AMD, BIOS and Kernel Developer's Guide (BKDG) for particular hardware implementations of older families of the AMD64 architecture. AMD, Processor Programming Reference (PPR) for particular hardware implementations of newer families of the AMD64 architecture. Don Anderson and Tom Shanley, Pentium Processor System Architecture, Addison-Wesley, New York, 1995. Nabajyoti Barkakati and Randall Hyde, Microsoft Macro Assembler Bible, Sams, Carmel, Indiana, 1992. Barry B. Brey, 8086/8088, 80286, 80386, and 80486 Assembly Language Programming, Macmillan Publishing Co., New York, 1994. Barry B. Brey, Programming the 80286, 80386, 80486, and Pentium Based Personal Computer, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1995. Ralf Brown and Jim Kyle, PC Interrupts, Addison-Wesley, New York, 1994. Penn Brumm and Don Brumm, 80386/80486 Assembly Language Programming, Windcrest McGraw-Hill, 1993. Geoff Chappell, DOS Internals, Addison-Wesley, New York, 1994. Chips and Technologies, Inc. Super386 DX Programmer’s Reference Manual, Chips and Technologies, Inc., San Jose, 1992. John Crawford and Patrick Gelsinger, Programming the 80386, Sybex, San Francisco, 1987. Cyrix Corporation, 5x86 Processor BIOS Writer's Guide, Cyrix Corporation, Richardson, TX, 1995. Cyrix Corporation, M1 Processor Data Book, Cyrix Corporation, Richardson, TX, 1996. Cyrix Corporation, MX Processor MMX Extension Opcode Table, Cyrix Corporation, Richardson, TX, 1996. Cyrix Corporation, MX Processor Data Book, Cyrix Corporation, Richardson, TX, 1997. Ray Duncan, Extending DOS: A Programmer's Guide to Protected-Mode DOS, Addison Wesley, NY, 1991. William B. Giles, Assembly Language Programming for the Intel 80xxx Family, Macmillan, New York, 1991. Frank van Gilluwe, The Undocumented PC, Addison-Wesley, New York, 1994. Preface xxxiii AMD64 Technology • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 John L. Hennessy and David A. Patterson, Computer Architecture, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, San Mateo, CA, 1996. Thom Hogan, The Programmer’s PC Sourcebook, Microsoft Press, Redmond, WA, 1991. Hal Katircioglu, Inside the 486, Pentium, and Pentium Pro, Peer-to-Peer Communications, Menlo Park, CA, 1997. IBM Corporation, 486SLC Microprocessor Data Sheet, IBM Corporation, Essex Junction, VT, 1993. IBM Corporation, 486SLC2 Microprocessor Data Sheet, IBM Corporation, Essex Junction, VT, 1993. IBM Corporation, 80486DX2 Processor Floating Point Instructions, IBM Corporation, Essex Junction, VT, 1995. IBM Corporation, 80486DX2 Processor BIOS Writer's Guide, IBM Corporation, Essex Junction, VT, 1995. IBM Corporation, Blue Lightning 486DX2 Data Book, IBM Corporation, Essex Junction, VT, 1994. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic, ANSI/IEEE Std 754-1985. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, IEEE Standard for Radix-Independent FloatingPoint Arithmetic, ANSI/IEEE Std 854-1987. Muhammad Ali Mazidi and Janice Gillispie Mazidi, 80X86 IBM PC and Compatible Computers, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1997. Hans-Peter Messmer, The Indispensable Pentium Book, Addison-Wesley, New York, 1995. Karen Miller, An Assembly Language Introduction to Computer Architecture: Using the Intel Pentium, Oxford University Press, New York, 1999. Stephen Morse, Eric Isaacson, and Douglas Albert, The 80386/387 Architecture, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1987. NexGen Inc., Nx586 Processor Data Book, NexGen Inc., Milpitas, CA, 1993. NexGen Inc., Nx686 Processor Data Book, NexGen Inc., Milpitas, CA, 1994. Bipin Patwardhan, Introduction to the Streaming SIMD Extensions in the Pentium III, simd1.htm, June, 2000. Peter Norton, Peter Aitken, and Richard Wilton, PC Programmer’s Bible, Microsoft Press, Redmond, WA, 1993. PharLap 386|ASM Reference Manual, Pharlap, Cambridge MA, 1993. PharLap TNT DOS-Extender Reference Manual, Pharlap, Cambridge MA, 1995. Sen-Cuo Ro and Sheau-Chuen Her, i386/i486 Advanced Programming, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1993. Jeffrey P. Royer, Introduction to Protected Mode Programming, course materials for an onsite class, 1992. xxxiv Preface 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology • • Tom Shanley, Protected Mode System Architecture, Addison Wesley, NY, 1996. SGS-Thomson Corporation, 80486DX Processor SMM Programming Manual, SGS-Thomson Corporation, 1995. • • • Walter A. Triebel, The 80386DX Microprocessor, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1992. John Wharton, The Complete x86, MicroDesign Resources, Sebastopol, California, 1994. Web sites and newsgroups: - - news.comp.arch - news.comp.lang.asm.x86 - - Preface xxxv AMD64 Technology xxxvi 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Preface 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 1 AMD64 Technology Instruction Encoding AMD64 technology instructions are encoded as byte strings of variable length. The order and meaning of each byte of an instruction’s encoding is specifed by the architecture. Fields within the encoding specify the instruction’s basic operation, the location of the one or more source operands, and the destination of the result of the operation. Data to be used in the execution of the instruction or the computation of addresses for memory-based operands may also be included. This section describes the general format and parameters used by all instructions. For information on the specific encoding(s) for each instruction, see: • • Chapter 3, “General-Purpose Instruction Reference.” Chapter 4, “System Instruction Reference.” • • • “SSE Instruction Reference” in Volume 4. “64-Bit Media Instruction Reference” in Volume 5. “x87 Floating-Point Instruction Reference” in Volume 5. For information on determining the instruction form and operands specified by a given binary encoding, see Appendix A. 1.1 Instruction Encoding Overview An instruction is encoded as a string between one and 15 bytes in length. The entire sequence of bytes that represents an instruction, including the basic operation, the location of source and destination operands, any operation modifiers, and any immediate and/or displacement values, is called the instruction encoding.The following sections discuss instruction encoding syntax and representation in memory. 1.1.1 Encoding Syntax Figure 1-1 provides a schematic representation of the encoding syntax of an instruction. Instruction Encoding 1 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 ≤ 4 additional Start legacy prefix End Primary opcode map REX prefix¹ 0Fh 3DNow! 3DNow! opcode map escape Second. opcode map 0Fh escape ModRM SIB 1,2,4,8 byte Disp 1,2,4,8 byte immed note 4 VEX or XOP 0F_38h opcode map 38h escape 0F_3Ah opcode map 3Ah escape C5 2-byte sequence VEX prefix R.vvvv .L.pp map=01h C4 3-byte sequence VEX prefix RXB. map_sel W.vvvv .L.pp VEX opcode map 1 map=02h VEX opcode map 2 map=03h VEX opcode map 3 map=08h NOTES: 1. REX prefix is not allowed in extended instruction encodings that employ the VEX or XOP prefixes 2. map = VEX/XOP.map_select field 3. The total number of bytes in an instruction encoding must be less than or equal to 15 4. Instructions that encode an 8-byte immediate field do not use a displacement field and vice versa. XOP opcode map 8 map=09h XOP prefix RXB. map_sel W.vvvv .L.pp XOP opcode map 9 map=0Ah XOP opcode map A v3_instr_encode_syntax.eps Figure 1-1. Instruction Encoding Syntax Each square in this diagram represents an instruction byte of a particular type and function. To understand the diagram, follow the connecting paths in the direction indicated by the arrows from “Start” to “End.” The squares passed through as the graph is traversed indicate the order and number of 2 Instruction Encoding 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology bytes used to encode the instruction. Note that the path shown above the legacy prefix byte loops back indicating that up to four additional prefix bytes may be used in the encoding of a single instruction. Branches indicate points in the syntax where alternate semantics are employed based on the instruction being encoded. The “VEX or XOP” gate across the path leading down to the VEX prefix and XOP prefix blocks means that only extended instructions employing the VEX or XOP prefixes use this particular branch of the syntax diagram. This diagram will be further explained in the sections that follow. Legacy Prefixes As shown in the figure, an instruction optionally begins with up to five legacy prefixes. These prefixes are described in “Summary of Legacy Prefixes” on page 6. The legacy prefixes modify an instruction’s default address size, operand size, or segment, or they invoke a special function such as modification of the opcode, atomic bus-locking, or repetition. In the encoding of most SSE instructions, a legacy operand-size or repeat prefix is repurposed to modify the opcode. For the extended encodings utilizing the XOP or VEX prefixes, these prefixes are not allowed. REX Prefix Following the optional legacy prefix or prefixes, the REX prefix can be used in 64-bit mode to access the AMD64 register number and size extensions. Refer to the diagram in “Application-Programming Register Set” in Volume 1 for an illustration of these facilities. If a REX prefix is used, it must immediately precede the opcode byte or the first byte of a legacy escape sequence. The REX prefix is not allowed in extended instruction encodings using the VEX or XOP encoding escape prefixes. Violating this restriction results in an #UD exception. Opcode The opcode is a single byte that specifies the basic operation of an instruction. Every instruction requires an opcode. The correspondence between the binary value of an opcode and the operation it represents is presented in a table called an opcode map. Because it is indexed by an 8-bit value, an opcode map has 256 entries. Since there are more than 256 instructions defined by the architecture, multiple different opcode maps must be defined and the selection of these alternate opcode maps must be encoded in the instruction. Escape sequences provide this access to alternate opcode maps. If there are no opcode escapes, the primary (“one-byte”) opcode map is used. In the figure this is the path pointing from the REX Prefix block to the Primary opcode map block. Section , “Primary Opcode Map” of Appendix A provides details concerning this opcode map. Escape Sequences Escape sequences allow access to alternate opcode maps that are distinct from the primary opcode map. Escape sequences may be one, two, or three bytes in length and begin with a unique byte value designated for this purpose in the primary opcode map. Escape sequences are of two distinct types: Instruction Encoding 3 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 legacy escape sequences and extended escape sequences. The legacy escape sequences will be covered here. For more details on the extended escape sequences, see “VEX and XOP Prefixes” on page 16. Legacy Escape Sequences The legacy syntax allows one 1-byte escape sequence (0Fh), and three 2-byte escape sequences (0Fh, 0Fh; 0Fh, 38h; and 0Fh, 3Ah). The 1-byte legacy escape sequence 0Fh selects the secondary (“twobyte”) opcode map. In legacy terminology, the sequence [0Fh, opcode] is called a two-byte opcode. See Section , “Secondary Opcode Map” of Appendix A for details concerning this opcode map. The 2-byte escape sequence 0F, 0Fh selects the 3DNow! opcode map which is indexed using an immediate byte rather than an opcode byte. In this case, the byte following the escape sequence is the ModRM byte instead of the opcode byte. In Figure 1-1 this is indicated by the path labeled “3DNow!” leaving the second 0Fh escape block. Details concerning the 3DNow! opcode map are presented in Section A.1.2, “3DNow!™ Opcodes” of Appendix A. The 2-byte escape sequences [0Fh, 38h] and [0Fh, 3Ah] respectively select the 0F_38h opcode map and the 0F_3Ah opcode map. These are used primarily to encode SSE instructions and are described in Section , “0F_38h and 0F_3Ah Opcode Maps” of Appendix A. ModRM and SIB Bytes The opcode can be followed by a mode-register-memory (ModRM) byte, which further describes the operation and/or operands. The ModRM byte may also be followed by a scale-index-base (SIB) byte, which is used to specify indexed register-indirect forms of memory addressing. The ModRM and SIB bytes are described in “ModRM and SIB Bytes” on page 17. Their legacy functions can be augmented by the REX prefix (see “REX Prefix” on page 14) or the VEX and XOP escape sequences (See “VEX and XOP Prefixes” on page 16). Displacement and Immediate Fields The instruction encoding may end with a 1-, 2-, or 4-byte displacement field and/or a 1-, 2-, or 4-byte immediate field depending on the instruction and/or the addressing mode. Specific instructions also allow either an 8-byte immediate field or an 8-byte displacement field. 1.1.2 Representation in Memory Instructions are stored in memory in little-endian order. The first byte of an instruction is stored at the lowest memory address, as shown in Figure 1-2 below. Since instructions are strings of bytes, they may start at any memory address. The total instruction length must be less than or equal to 15. If this limit is exceeded, a general-protection exception results. 4 Instruction Encoding 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Legacy encoding including optional REX Prefix Highest Address Immediate Immediate † Displacement Displacement SIB† ModRM* Opcode Escape* Escape* REX¹ Legacy Prefix Legacy Prefix ≤5 Legacy Prefix Legacy Prefix Lowest Address 7 Immediate Immediate * Immediate Immediate Displacement Displacement ≤ 15 Bytes Extended encoding using VEX/XOP² ‡ 0 *1,2,4, or 8 Immediate Immediate Displacement Displacement see note 4 †1,2,4, or 8 Displacement Displacement † optional, based addressing mode SIB† * optional, based on instruction ModRM* Opcode R.vvvv.L.pp for VEX C5 W.vvvv.L.pp RXB.map_select not present for VEX C5 VEX/XOP Legacy Prefix³ Legacy Prefix³ ≤4 Legacy Prefix³ ‡ optional, with most instructions Legacy Prefix³ 7 0 Notes: ¹ Available only in 64-Bit Mode ² Available only in Long or Protected Mode ³ F0, F2, F3, and 66 prefixes not allowed 4 Instructions that specify an 8-byte immediate field do not include a displacement field and vice versa. Figure 1-2. 1.2 v3_instruct_mem.eps An Instruction as Stored in Memory Instruction Prefixes Instruction prefixes are of two types: instruction modifier prefixes and encoding escape prefixes. Instruction modifier prefixes can change the operation of the instruction (including causing its execution to repeat), change its operand types, specify an alternate operand size, augment register specification, or even change the interpretation of the opcode byte. The instruction modifier prefixes comprise the legacy prefixes and the REX prefix. The legacy prefixes are discussed in the next section. The REX prefix is discussed in “REX Prefix” on page 14. Encoding escape prefixes, on the other hand, signal that the two or three bytes that follow obey a different encoding syntax. As a group, the encoding escape prefix and its subsequent bytes constitute a multi-byte escape sequence. These multi-byte escape sequences perform functions similar to that of Instruction Encoding 5 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 the instruction modifier prefixes, but they also provide a means to directly specify alternate opcode maps. The currently defined encoding escape prefixes are the VEX and XOP prefixes. They are discussed further in the section entitled “VEX and XOP Prefixes” on page 16. 1.2.1 Summary of Legacy Prefixes Table 1-1 on page 7 shows the legacy prefixes. The legacy prefixes are organized into five groups, as shown in the left-most column of Table 1-1. An instruction encoding may include a maximum of one prefix from each of the five groups. The legacy prefixes can appear in any order within the position shown in Figure 1-1 for legacy prefixes. The result of using multiple prefixes from a single group is undefined. Some of the restrictions on legacy prefixes are: • • • • • 6 Operand-Size Override—This prefix only affects the operand size for general-purpose instructions or for other instructions whose source or destination is a general-pupose register. When used in the encoding of SIMD and some other instructions, this prefix is repurposed to modify the opcode. Address-Size Override—This prefix only affects the address size of memory operands. Segment Override—In 64-bit mode, the CS, DS, ES, and SS segment override prefixes are ignored. LOCK Prefix—This prefix is allowed only with certain instructions that modify memory. Repeat Prefixes—These prefixes affect only certain string instructions. When used in the encoding of SIMD and some other instructions, these prefixes are repurposed to modify the opcode. Instruction Encoding 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table 1-1. Legacy Instruction Prefixes Prefix Group1 Operand-Size Override Mnemonic Prefix Byte (Hex) Description none 662 Changes the default operand size of a memory or register operand, as shown in Table 1-2 on page 8. Address-Size Override none 673 Changes the default address size of a memory operand, as shown in Table 1-3 on page 9. CS 2E4 Forces use of the current CS segment for memory operands. DS 3E4 Forces use of the current DS segment for memory operands. ES 264 Forces use of the current ES segment for memory operands. FS 64 Forces use of the current FS segment for memory operands. GS 65 Forces use of the current GS segment for memory operands. SS 364 Forces use of the current SS segment for memory operands. LOCK F05 Causes certain kinds of memory read-modify-write instructions to occur atomically. Segment Override Lock Repeats a string operation (INS, MOVS, OUTS, LODS, and STOS) until the rCX register equals 0. REP REPE or REPZ Repeat REPNE or REPNZ F36 F26 Repeats a compare-string or scan-string operation (CMPSx and SCASx) until the rCX register equals 0 or the zero flag (ZF) is cleared to 0. Repeats a compare-string or scan-string operation (CMPSx and SCASx) until the rCX register equals 0 or the zero flag (ZF) is set to 1. Notes: 1. A single instruction should include a maximum of one prefix from each of the five groups. 2. When used in the encoding of SIMD instructions, this prefix is repurposed to modify the opcode. The prefix is ignored by 64-bit media floating-point (3DNow!™) instructions. See “Instructions that Cannot Use the Operand-Size Prefix” on page 8. 3. This prefix also changes the size of the RCX register when used as an implied count register. 4. In 64-bit mode, the CS, DS, ES, and SS segment overrides are ignored. 5. The LOCK prefix should not be used for instructions other than those listed in “Lock Prefix” on page 11. 6. This prefix should be used only with compare-string and scan-string instructions. When used in the encoding of SIMD instructions, the prefix is repurposed to modify the opcode. 1.2.2 Operand-Size Override Prefix The default operand size for an instruction is determined by a combination of its opcode, the D (default) bit in the current code-segment descriptor, and the current operating mode, as shown in Table 1-2. The operand-size override prefix (66h) selects the non-default operand size. The prefix can Instruction Encoding 7 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 be used with any general-purpose instruction that accesses non-fixed-size operands in memory or general-purpose registers (GPRs), and it can also be used with the x87 FLDENV, FNSTENV, FNSAVE, and FRSTOR instructions. In 64-bit mode, the prefix allows mixing of 16-bit, 32-bit, and 64-bit data on an instruction-byinstruction basis. In compatibility and legacy modes, the prefix allows mixing of 16-bit and 32-bit operands on an instruction-by-instruction basis. Table 1-2. Operand-Size Overrides Operating Mode 64-Bit Mode Long Mode Compatibility Mode Legacy Mode (Protected, Virtual-8086, or Real Mode) Default Operand Size (Bits) 322 32 16 32 16 Effective Operand Size (Bits) Instruction Prefix1 66h REX.W3 64 don’t care yes 32 no no 16 yes no 32 no 16 yes 32 yes 16 no 32 no 16 yes 32 yes 16 no Not Applicable Notes: 1. A “no’ indicates that the default operand size is used. 2. This is the typical default, although some instructions default to other operand sizes. See Appendix B, “General-Purpose Instructions in 64-Bit Mode,” for details. 3. See “REX Prefix” on page 14. In 64-bit mode, most instructions default to a 32-bit operand size. For these instructions, a REX prefix (page 14) can specify a 64-bit operand size, and a 66h prefix specifies a 16-bit operand size. The REX prefix takes precedence over the 66h prefix. However, if an instruction defaults to a 64-bit operand size, it does not need a REX prefix and it can only be overridden to a 16-bit operand size. It cannot be overridden to a 32-bit operand size, because there is no 32-bit operand-size override prefix in 64-bit mode. Two groups of instructions have a default 64-bit operand size in 64-bit mode: • • Near branches. For details, see “Near Branches in 64-Bit Mode” in Volume 1. All instructions, except far branches, that implicitly reference the RSP. For details, see “Stack Operation” in Volume 1. Instructions that Cannot Use the Operand-Size Prefix. The operand-size prefix should be used only with general-purpose instructions and the x87 FLDENV, FNSTENV, FNSAVE, and FRSTOR 8 Instruction Encoding 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology instructions, in which the prefix selects between 16-bit and 32-bit operand size. The prefix is ignored by all other x87 instructions and by 64-bit media floating-point (3DNow!™) instructions. For other instructions (mostly SIMD instructions) the 66h, F2h, and F3h prefixes are used as instruction modifiers to extend the instruction encoding space in the 0Fh, 0F_38h, and 0F_3Ah opcode maps. Operand-Size and REX Prefixes. The W bit field of the REX prefix takes precedence over the 66h prefix. See “REX.W: Operand width (Bit 3)” on page 23 for details. 1.2.3 Address-Size Override Prefix The default address size for instructions that access non-stack memory is determined by the current operating mode, as shown in Table 1-3. The address-size override prefix (67h) selects the non-default address size. Depending on the operating mode, this prefix allows mixing of 16-bit and 32-bit, or of 32-bit and 64-bit addresses, on an instruction-by-instruction basis. The prefix changes the address size for memory operands. It also changes the size of the RCX register for instructions that use RCX implicitly. For instructions that implicitly access the stack segment (SS), the address size for stack accesses is determined by the D (default) bit in the stack-segment descriptor. In 64-bit mode, the D bit is ignored, and all stack references have a 64-bit address size. However, if an instruction accesses both stack and non-stack memory, the address size of the non-stack access is determined as shown in Table 1-3. Table 1-3. Address-Size Overrides Operating Mode 64-Bit Mode Long Mode Compatibility Mode Legacy Mode (Protected, Virtual-8086, or Real Mode) Default Address Size (Bits) AddressEffective Size Prefix Address Size (67h)1 (Bits) Required? 64 32 16 32 16 64 no 32 yes 32 no 16 yes 32 yes 16 no 32 no 16 yes 32 yes 16 no Notes: 1. A “no” indicates that the default address size is used. As Table 1-3 shows, the default address size is 64 bits in 64-bit mode. The size can be overridden to 32 bits, but 16-bit addresses are not supported in 64-bit mode. In compatibility and legacy modes, the Instruction Encoding 9 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 default address size is 16 bits or 32 bits, depending on the operating mode (see “Processor Initialization and Long Mode Activation” in Volume 2 for details). In these modes, the address-size prefix selects the non-default size, but the 64-bit address size is not available. Certain instructions reference pointer registers or count registers implicitly, rather than explicitly. In such instructions, the address-size prefix affects the size of such addressing and count registers, just as it does when such registers are explicitly referenced. Table 1-4 lists all such instructions and the registers referenced using the three possible address sizes. Table 1-4. Pointer and Count Registers and the Address-Size Prefix Pointer or Count Register Instruction CMPS, CMPSB, CMPSW, CMPSD, CMPSQ—Compare Strings INS, INSB, INSW, INSD— Input String SI, DI, CX 32-Bit Address Size 64-Bit Address Size ESI, EDI, ECX RSI, RDI, RCX DI, CX EDI, ECX RDI, RCX CX ECX RCX LODS, LODSB, LODSW, LODSD, LODSQ—Load String SI, CX ESI, ECX RSI, RCX LOOP, LOOPE, LOOPNZ, LOOPNE, LOOPZ—Loop CX ECX RCX MOVS, MOVSB, MOVSW, MOVSD, MOVSQ—Move String SI, DI, CX OUTS, OUTSB, OUTSW, OUTSD—Output String SI, CX ESI, ECX RSI, RCX CX ECX RCX SCAS, SCASB, SCASW, SCASD, SCASQ—Scan String DI, CX EDI, ECX RDI, RCX STOS, STOSB, STOSW, STOSD, STOSQ—Store String DI, CX EDI, ECX RDI, RCX BX EBX RBX JCXZ, JECXZ, JRCXZ— Jump on CX/ECX/RCX Zero REP, REPE, REPNE, REPNZ, REPZ—Repeat Prefixes XLAT, XLATB—Table Look-up Translation 1.2.4 16-Bit Address Size ESI, EDI, ECX RSI, RDI, RCX Segment-Override Prefixes Segment overrides can be used only with instructions that reference non-stack memory. Most instructions that reference memory are encoded with a ModRM byte (page 17). The default segment 10 Instruction Encoding 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology for such memory-referencing instructions is implied by the base register indicated in its ModRM byte, as follows: • • • Instructions that Reference a Non-Stack Segment—If an instruction encoding references any base register other than rBP or rSP, or if an instruction contains an immediate offset, the default segment is the data segment (DS). These instructions can use the segment-override prefix to select one of the non-default segments, as shown in Table 1-5. String Instructions—String instructions reference two memory operands. By default, they reference both the DS and ES segments (DS:rSI and ES:rDI). These instructions can override their DS-segment reference, as shown in Table 1-5, but they cannot override their ES-segment reference. Instructions that Reference the Stack Segment—If an instruction’s encoding references the rBP or rSP base register, the default segment is the stack segment (SS). All instructions that reference the stack (push, pop, call, interrupt, return from interrupt) use SS by default. These instructions cannot use the segment-override prefix. Table 1-5. Segment-Override Prefixes Mnemonic Prefix Byte (Hex) CS1 2E Forces use of current CS segment for memory operands. DS1 3E Forces use of current DS segment for memory operands. 1 26 Forces use of current ES segment for memory operands. FS 64 Forces use of current FS segment for memory operands. GS 65 Forces use of current GS segment for memory operands. 1 36 Forces use of current SS segment for memory operands. ES SS Description Notes: 1. In 64-bit mode, the CS, DS, ES, and SS segment overrides are ignored. Segment Overrides in 64-Bit Mode. In 64-bit mode, the CS, DS, ES, and SS segment-override prefixes have no effect. These four prefixes are not treated as segment-override prefixes for the purposes of multiple-prefix rules. Instead, they are treated as null prefixes. The FS and GS segment-override prefixes are treated as true segment-override prefixes in 64-bit mode. Use of the FS or GS prefix causes their respective segment bases to be added to the effective address calculation. See “FS and GS Registers in 64-Bit Mode” in Volume 2 for details. 1.2.5 Lock Prefix The LOCK prefix causes certain kinds of memory read-modify-write instructions to occur atomically. The mechanism for doing so is implementation-dependent (for example, the mechanism may involve bus signaling or packet messaging between the processor and a memory controller). The prefix is intended to give the processor exclusive use of shared memory in a multiprocessor system. Instruction Encoding 11 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 The LOCK prefix can only be used with forms of the following instructions that write a memory operand: ADC, ADD, AND, BTC, BTR, BTS, CMPXCHG, CMPXCHG8B, CMPXCHG16B, DEC, INC, NEG, NOT, OR, SBB, SUB, XADD, XCHG, and XOR. An invalid-opcode exception occurs if the LOCK prefix is used with any other instruction. 1.2.6 Repeat Prefixes The repeat prefixes cause repetition of certain instructions that load, store, move, input, or output strings. The prefixes should only be used with such string instructions. Two pairs of repeat prefixes, REPE/REPZ and REPNE/REPNZ, perform the same repeat functions for certain compare-string and scan-string instructions. The repeat function uses rCX as a count register. The size of rCX is based on address size, as shown in Table 1-4 on page 10. REP. The REP prefix repeats its associated string instruction the number of times specified in the counter register (rCX). It terminates the repetition when the value in rCX reaches 0. The prefix can be used with the INS, LODS, MOVS, OUTS, and STOS instructions. Table 1-6 shows the valid REP prefix opcodes. Table 1-6. REP Prefix Opcodes 12 Mnemonic Opcode REP INS reg/mem8, DX REP INSB F3 6C REP INS reg/mem16/32, DX REP INSW REP INSD F3 6D REP LODS mem8 REP LODSB F3 AC REP LODS mem16/32/64 REP LODSW REP LODSD REP LODSQ F3 AD REP MOVS mem8, mem8 REP MOVSB F3 A4 REP MOVS mem16/32/64, mem16/32/64 REP MOVSW REP MOVSD REP MOVSQ F3 A5 REP OUTS DX, reg/mem8 REP OUTSB F3 6E Instruction Encoding 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table 1-6. REP Prefix Opcodes (continued) Mnemonic Opcode REP OUTS DX, reg/mem16/32 REP OUTSW REP OUTSD F3 6F REP STOS mem8 REP STOSB F3 AA REP STOS mem16/32/64 REP STOSW REP STOSD REP STOSQ F3 AB REPE and REPZ. REPE and REPZ are synonyms and have identical opcodes. These prefixes repeat their associated string instruction the number of times specified in the counter register (rCX). The repetition terminates when the value in rCX reaches 0 or when the zero flag (ZF) is cleared to 0. The REPE and REPZ prefixes can be used with the CMPS, CMPSB, CMPSD, CMPSW, SCAS, SCASB, SCASD, and SCASW instructions. Table 1-7 shows the valid REPE and REPZ prefix opcodes. Table 1-7. REPE and REPZ Prefix Opcodes Mnemonic Opcode REPx CMPS mem8, mem8 REPx CMPSB F3 A6 REPx CMPS mem16/32/64, mem16/32/64 REPx CMPSW REPx CMPSD REPx CMPSQ F3 A7 REPx SCAS mem8 REPx SCASB F3 AE REPx SCAS mem16/32/64 REPx SCASW REPx SCASD REPx SCASQ F3 AF REPNE and REPNZ. REPNE and REPNZ are synonyms and have identical opcodes. These prefixes repeat their associated string instruction the number of times specified in the counter register (rCX). The repetition terminates when the value in rCX reaches 0 or when the zero flag (ZF) is set to 1. The REPNE and REPNZ prefixes can be used with the CMPS, CMPSB, CMPSD, CMPSW, SCAS, SCASB, SCASD, and SCASW instructions. Table 1-8 on page 14 shows the valid REPNE and REPNZ prefix opcodes. Instruction Encoding 13 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table 1-8. REPNE and REPNZ Prefix Opcodes Mnemonic Opcode REPNx CMPS mem8, mem8 REPNx CMPSB F2 A6 REPNx CMPS mem16/32/64, mem16/32/64 REPNx CMPSW REPNx CMPSD REPNx CMPSQ F2 A7 REPNx SCAS mem8 REPNx SCASB F2 AE REPNx SCAS mem16/32/64 REPNx SCASW REPNx SCASD REPNx SCASQ F2 AF Instructions that Cannot Use Repeat Prefixes. In general, the repeat prefixes should only be used in the string instructions listed in tables 1-6, 1-7, and 1-8 above. For other instructions (mostly SIMD instructions) the 66h, F2h, and F3h prefixes are used as instruction modifiers to extend the instruction encoding space in the 0Fh, 0F_38h, and 0F_3Ah opcode maps. Optimization of Repeats. Depending on the hardware implementation, the repeat prefixes can have a setup overhead. If the repeated count is variable, the overhead can sometimes be avoided by substituting a simple loop to move or store the data. Repeated string instructions can be expanded into equivalent sequences of inline loads and stores or a sequence of stores can be used to emulate a REP STOS. For repeated string moves, performance can be maximized by moving the largest possible operand size. For example, use REP MOVSD rather than REP MOVSW and REP MOVSW rather than REP MOVSB. Use REP STOSD rather than REP STOSW and REP STOSW rather than REP MOVSB. Depending on the hardware implementation, string moves with the direction flag (DF) cleared to 0 (up) may be faster than string moves with DF set to 1 (down). DF = 1 is only needed for certain cases of overlapping REP MOVS, such as when the source and the destination overlap. 1.2.7 REX Prefix The REX prefix, available in 64-bit mode, enables use of the AMD64 register and operand size extensions. Unlike the legacy instruction modification prefixes, REX is not a single unique value, but occupies a range (40h to 4Fh). Figure 1-1 on page 2 shows how the REX prefix fits within the encoding syntax of instructions. The REX prefix enables the following features in 64-bit mode: • 14 Use of the extended GPR (Figure 2-3 on page 39) and YMM/XMM registers (Figure 2-8 on page 44). Instruction Encoding 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 • • • AMD64 Technology Use of the 64-bit operand size when accessing GPRs. Use of the extended control and debug registers, as described in Section 2.4 “Registers” in Volume 2. Use of the uniform byte registers (AL–R15). REX contains five fields. The upper nibble is unique to the REX prefix and identifies it is as such. The lower nibble is divided into four 1-bit fields (W, R, X, and B). See below for a discussion of these fields.Figure 1-3 below shows the format of the REX prefix. Since each bit of the lower nibble can be a 1 or a 0, REX spans one full row of the primary opcode map occupying entries 40h through 4Fh. 7 6 5 4 4 2 1 0 W R 3 X B v3_REX_byte_format.eps Figure 1-3. REX Prefix Format A REX prefix is normally required with an instruction that accesses a 64-bit GPR or one of the extended GPR or YMM/XMM registers. A few instructions have an operand size that defaults to (or is fixed at) 64 bits in 64-bit mode, and thus do not need a REX prefix. These instructions are listed in Table 1-9 below. Table 1-9. Instructions Not Requiring REX Prefix in 64-Bit Mode CALL (Near) POP reg/mem ENTER POP reg Jcc POP FS JrCXZ POP GS JMP (Near) POPF, POPFD, POPFQ LEAVE PUSH imm8 LGDT PUSH imm32 LIDT PUSH reg/mem LLDT PUSH reg LOOP PUSH FS LOOPcc PUSH GS LTR PUSHF, PUSHFD, PUSHFQ MOV CRn RET (Near) MOV DRn An instruction may have only one REX prefix which must immediately precede the opcode or first escape byte in the instruction encoding. The use of a REX prefix in an instruction that does not access an extended register is ignored. The instruction-size limit of 15 bytes applies to instructions that contain a REX prefix. Instruction Encoding 15 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Implications for INC and DEC Instructions The REX prefix values are taken from the 16 single-byte INC and DEC instructions, one for each of the eight legacy GPRs. Therefore, these single-byte opcodes for INC and DEC are not available in 64bit mode, although they are available in legacy and compatibility modes. The functionality of these INC and DEC instructions is still available in 64-bit mode, however, using the ModRM forms of those instructions (opcodes FF /0 and FF /1). 1.2.8 VEX and XOP Prefixes The extended instruction encoding syntax, available in protected and long modes, provides one 2-byte and three 3-byte escape sequences introduced by either the VEX or XOP prefixes. These multi-byte sequences not only select opcode maps, they also provide instruction modifiers similar to, but in lieu of, the REX prefix. The 2-byte escape sequence initiated by the VEX C5h prefix implies a map_select encoding of 1. The three-byte escape sequences, initiated by the VEX C4h prefix or the XOP (8Fh) prefix, select the target opcode map explicitly via the VEX/XOP.map_select field. The five-bit VEX.map_select field allows the selection of one of 31 different opcode maps (opcode map 00h is reserved). The XOP.map_select field is restricted to the range 08h – 1Fh and thus can only select one of 24 different opcode maps. The VEX and XOP escape sequences contain fields that extend register addressing to a total of 16, increase the operand specification capability to four operands, and modify the instruction operation. The extended SSE instruction subsets AVX, AES, CLMU, FMA, FMA4, and XOP and a few non-SSE instructions utilize the extended encoding syntax. See “Encoding Using the VEX and XOP Prefixes” on page 29 for details on the encoding of the two- and three-byte extended escape sequences. 1.3 Opcode The opcode is a single byte that specifies the basic operation of an instruction. In some cases, it also specifies the operands for the instruction. Every instruction requires an opcode. The correspondence between the binary value of the opcode and the operation it represents is defined by a table called an opcode map. As discussed in the previous sections, the legacy prefixes 66h, F2h, and F3h and other fields within the instruction encoding may be used to modify the operation encoded by the opcode. The affect of the presence of a 66h, F2h, or F3h prefix on the operation performed by the opcode is represented in the opcode map by additional rows in the table indexed by the applicable prefix. The 3bit reg and r/m fields of the ModRM byte (“ModRM and SIB Bytes” on page 17) are used as well in the encoding of certain instructions. This is represented in the opcode maps via instruction group tables that detail the modifications represented via the extra encoding bits. See Section A.1, “Opcode Maps” of Appendix A for examples. Even though each instruction has a unique opcode map and opcode, assemblers often support multiple alternate mnemonics for the same instruction to improve the readability of assembly language code. 16 Instruction Encoding 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology The 64-bit floating-point 3DNow! instructions utilize the two-byte escape sequence 0Fh, 0Fh to select the 3DNow! opcode map. For these instructions the opcode is encoded in the immediate field at the end of the instruction encoding. For details on how the opcode byte encodes the basic operation for specifc instructions, see Section A.1, “Opcode Maps” of Appendix A 1.4 ModRM and SIB Bytes The ModRM byte is optional depending on the instruction. When present, it follows the opcode and is used to specify: • • two register-based operands, or one register-based operand and a second memory-based operand and an addressing mode. In the encoding of some instructions, fields within the ModRM byte are repurposed to provide additional opcode bits used to define the instruction’s function. The ModRM byte is partitioned into three fields—mod, reg, and r/m. Normally the reg field specifies a register-based operand and the mod and r/m fields used together specify a second operand that is either register-based or memory-based. The addressing mode is also specified when the operand is memorybased. In 64-bit mode, the REX.R and REX.B bits augment the reg and r/m fields respectively allowing the specification of twice the number of registers. 1.4.1 ModRM Byte Format Figure 1-4 below shows the format of a ModRM byte. 7 6 mod 5 4 reg 3 2 1 0 ModRM r/m REX.R, VEX.R or XOP.R extend this field to 4 bits REX.B, VEX.B, or XOP.B extend this field to 4 bits v3_ModRM_format.eps Figure 1-4. ModRM-Byte Format Depending on the addressing mode, the SIB byte may appear after the ModRM byte. SIB is used in the specification of various forms of indexed register-indirect addressing. See the following section for details. Instruction Encoding 17 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 ModRM.mod (Bits[7:6]). The mod field is used with the r/m field to specify the addressing mode for an operand. ModRM.mod = 11b specifies the register-direct addressing mode. In the register-direct mode, the operand is held in the specified register. ModRM.mod values less than 11b specify registerindirect addressing modes. In register-indirect addressing modes, values held in registers along with an optional displacement specified in the instruction encoding are used to calculate the address of a memory-based operand. Other encodings of the 5 bits {mod, r/m} are discussed below. ModRM.reg (Bits[5:3]). The reg field is used to specify a register-based operand, although for some instructions, this field is used to extend the operation encoding. The encodings for this field are shown in Table 1-10 below. ModRM.r/m (Bits[2:0]). As stated above, the r/m field is used in combination with the mod field to encode 32 different operand specifications (See Table 1-14 on page 21). The encodings for this field are shown in Table 1-10 below. Table 1-10. Encoded value (binary) ModRM.reg and .r/m Field Encodings ModRM.reg1 ModRM.r/m (mod = 11b)1 ModRM.r/m (mod ≠ 11b)2 000 rAX, MMX0, XMM0, YMM0 rAX, MMX0, XMM0, YMM0 [rAX] 001 rCX, MMX1, XMM1, YMM1 rCX, MMX1, XMM1, YMM1 [rCX] 010 rDX, MMX2, XMM2, YMM2 rDX, MMX2, XMM2, YMM2 [rDX] 011 rBX, MMX3, XMM3, YMM3 rBX, MMX3, XMM3, YMM3 [rBX] 100 AH, rSP, MMX4, XMM4, YMM4 AH, rSP, MMX4, XMM4, YMM4 SIB3 101 CH, rBP, MMX5, XMM5, YMM5 CH, rBP, MMX5, XMM5, YMM5 [rBP]4 110 DH, rSI, MMX6, XMM6, YMM6 DH, rSI, MMX6, XMM6, YMM6 [rSI] 111 BH, rDI, MMX7, XMM7, YMM7 BH, rDI, MMX7, XMM7, YMM7 [rDI] Notes: 1. Specific register used is instruction-dependent. 2. mod = 01 and mod = 10 include an offset specified by the instruction displacement field. The notation [*] signifies that the specified register holds the address of the operand. 3. Indexed register-indirect addressing. SIB byte follows ModRM byte. See following section for SIB encoding. 4. For mod = 00b , r/m = 101b signifies absolute (displacement-only) addressing in 32-bit mode or RIP-relative addressing in 64-bit mode, where the rBP register is not used. For mod = [01b, 10b], r/m = 101b specifies the base + offset addressing mode with [rBP] as the base. Similar to the reg field, r/m is used in some instructions to extend the operation encoding. 1.4.2 SIB Byte Format The SIB byte has three fields—scale, index, and base—that define the scale factor, index-register number, and base-register number for the 32-bit and 64-bit indexed register-indirect addressing modes. 18 Instruction Encoding 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology The basic formula for computing the effective address of a memory-based operand using the indexed register-indirect address modes is: effective_address = scale * index + base + offset Specific variants of this addressing mode set one or more elements of the sum to zero. Figure 1-5 below shows the format of the SIB byte. Bits: 7 6 5 scale 4 index 3 2 1 base 0 SIB REX.X bit of REX prefix can extend this field to 4 bits 513-306.eps REX.B bit of REX prefix can extend this field to 4 bits Figure 1-5. SIB Byte Format SIB.scale (Bits[7:6]). The scale field is used to specify the scale factor used in computing the scale*index portion of the effective address. In normal usage scale represents the size of data elements in an array expressed in number of bytes. SIB.scale is encoded as shown in Table 1-11 below. Table 1-11. SIB.scale Field Encodings Encoded value (binary) scale factor 00 1 01 2 10 4 11 8 SIB.index (Bits[5:3]). The index field is used to specify the register containing the index portion of the indexed register-indirect effective address. SIB.index is encoded as shown in Table 1-12 below. SIB.base (Bits[2:0]). The base field is used to specify the register containing the base address portion of the indexed register-indirect effective address. SIB.base is encoded as shown in Table 1-12 below. Instruction Encoding 19 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table 1-12. SIB.index and .base Field Encodings Encoded value (binary) SIB.index SIB.base 000 [rAX] [rAX] 001 [rCX] [rCX] 010 [rDX] [rDX] 011 [rBX] [rBX] 1 100 (none) [rSP] 101 [rBP] [rBP], (none)2 110 [rSI] DH, [rSI] 111 [rDI] BH, [rDI] Notes: 1. Register specification is null. The scale*index portion of the indexed register-indirect effective address is set to 0. 2. If ModRM.mod = 00b, the register specification is null. The base portion of the indexed register-indirect effective address is set to 0. Otherwise, base encodes the rBP register as the source of the base address used in the effective address calculation. Table 1-13. SIB.base encodings for ModRM.r/m = 100b SIB base Field mod 000 001 010 011 100 101 00 01 10 11 110 111 [rSI] [rDI] disp32 [rAX] [rCX] [rDX] [rBX] [rSP] [rBP]+disp8 [rBP]+disp32 (not applicable) More discussion of operand addressing follows in the next two sections. 1.4.3 Operand Addressing in Legacy 32-bit and Compatibility Modes The mod and r/m fields of the ModRM byte provide a total of five bits used to encode 32 operand specification and memory addressing modes. Table 1-14 below shows these encodings. 20 Instruction Encoding 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table 1-14. Operand Addressing Using ModRM and SIB Bytes ModRM.mod 00 01 10 ModRM.r/m Register / Effective Address 000 [rAX] 001 [rCX] 010 [rDX] 011 [rBX] 100 SIB1 101 disp32 110 [rSI] 111 [rDI] 000 [rAX]+disp8 001 [rCX]+disp8 010 [rDX]+disp8 011 [rBX]+disp8 100 SIB+disp82 101 [rBP]+disp8 110 [rSI]+disp8 111 [rDI]+disp8 000 [rAX]+disp32 001 [rCX]+disp32 010 [rDX]+disp32 011 [rBX]+disp32 100 SIB+disp323 101 [rBP]+disp32 110 [rSI]+disp32 111 [rDI]+disp32 Notes: 0. In the following notes, scaled_index = SIB.index * (1 << SIB.scale). 1. SIB byte follows ModRM byte. Effective address is calculated using scaled_index+base. When SIB.base = 101b, addressing mode depends on ModRM.mod. See Table 1-13 above. 2. SIB byte follows ModRM byte. Effective address is calculated using scaled_index+base+8-bit_offset. One-byte Displacement field provides the offset. 3. SIB byte follows ModRM byte. Effective address is calculated using scaled_index+base+32-bit_offset. Four-byte Displacement field provides the offset. Instruction Encoding 21 AMD64 Technology Table 1-14. 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Operand Addressing Using ModRM and SIB Bytes (continued) ModRM.mod 11 ModRM.r/m Register / Effective Address 000 AL/rAX/MMX0/XMM0/YMM0 001 CL/rCX/MMX1/XMM1/YMM1 010 DL/rDX/MMX2/XMM2/YMM2 011 BL/rBX/MMX3/XMM3/YMM3 100 AH/SPL/rSP/MMX4/XMM4/YMM4 101 CH/BPL/rBP/MMX5/XMM5/YMM5 110 DH/SIL/rSI/MMX6/XMM6/YMM6 111 BH/DIL/rDI/MMX7/XMM7/YMM7 Notes: 0. In the following notes, scaled_index = SIB.index * (1 << SIB.scale). 1. SIB byte follows ModRM byte. Effective address is calculated using scaled_index+base. When SIB.base = 101b, addressing mode depends on ModRM.mod. See Table 1-13 above. 2. SIB byte follows ModRM byte. Effective address is calculated using scaled_index+base+8-bit_offset. One-byte Displacement field provides the offset. 3. SIB byte follows ModRM byte. Effective address is calculated using scaled_index+base+32-bit_offset. Four-byte Displacement field provides the offset. Note that the addressing mode mod = 11b is a register-direct mode, that is, the operand is contained in the specified register, while the modes mod = [00b:10b] specify different addressing modes for a memory-based operand. For mod = 11b, the register containing the operand is specified by the r/m field. For the other modes (mod = [00b:10b]), the mod and r/m fields are combined to specify the addressing mode for the memory-based operand. Most are register-indirect addressing modes meaning that the address of the memory-based operand is contained in the register specified by r/m. For these register-indirect modes, mod = 01b and mod = 10b include an offset encoded in the displacement field of the instruction. The encodings {mod ≠ 11b, r/m = 100b} specify the indexed register-indirect addressing mode in which the target address is computed using a combination of values stored in registers and a scale factor encoded directly in the SIB byte. For these addressing modes the effective address is given by the formula: effective_address = scale * index + base + offset Scale is encoded in SIB.scale field. Index is contained in the register specified by SIB.index field and base is contained in the register specified by SIB.base field. Offset is encoded in the displacement field of the instruction using either one or four bytes. If {mod, r/m} = 00100b, the offset portion of the formula is set to 0. For {mod, r/m} = 01100b and {mod, r/m} =10100b, offset is encoded in the one- or 4-byte displacement field of the instruction. 22 Instruction Encoding 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Finally, the encoding {mod, r/m} = 00101b specifies an absolute addressing mode. In this mode, the address is provided directly in the instruction encoding using a 4-byte displacement field. In 64-bit mode this addressing mode is changed to RIP-relative (see “RIP-Relative Addressing” on page 24). 1.4.4 Operand Addressing in 64-bit Mode AMD64 architecture doubles the number of GPRs and increases their width to 64-bits. It also doubles the number of YMM/XMM registers. In order to support the specification of register operands contained in the eight additional GPRs or YMM/XMM registers and to make the additional GPRs available to hold addresses to be used in the addressing modes, the REX prefix provides the R, X, and B bit fields to extend the reg, r/m, index, and base fields of the ModRM and SIB bytes in the various operand addressing modes to four bits. A fourth REX bit field (W) allows instruction encodings to specify a 64-bit operand size. Table 1-15 below and the sections that follow describe each of these bit fields. Table 1-15. REX Prefix-Byte Fields Mnemonic Bit Position(s) — 7:4 REX.W 3 0 = Default operand size 1 = 64-bit operand size REX.R 2 1-bit (msb) extension of the ModRM reg field1, permitting access to 16 registers. REX.X 1 1-bit (msb) extension of the SIB index field1, permitting access to 16 registers. 0 1-bit (msb) extension of the ModRM r/m field1, SIB base field1, or opcode reg field, permitting access to 16 registers. REX.B Definition 0100 (4h) Notes: 1. For a description of the ModRM and SIB bytes, see “ModRM and SIB Bytes” on page 17. REX.W: Operand width (Bit 3). Setting the REX.W bit to 1 specifies a 64-bit operand size. Like the existing 66h operand-size override prefix, the REX 64-bit operand-size override has no effect on byte operations. For non-byte operations, the REX operand-size override takes precedence over the 66h prefix. If a 66h prefix is used together with a REX prefix that has the W bit set to 1, the 66h prefix is ignored. However, if a 66h prefix is used together with a REX prefix that has the W bit cleared to 0, the 66h prefix is not ignored and the operand size becomes 16 bits. REX.R: Register field extension (Bit 2). The REX.R bit adds a 1-bit extension (in the most significant bit position) to the ModRM.reg field when that field encodes a GPR, YMM/XMM, control, or debug register. REX.R does not modify ModRM.reg when that field specifies other registers or is used to extend the opcode. REX.R is ignored in such cases. Instruction Encoding 23 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 REX.X: Index field extension (Bit 1). The REX.X bit adds a 1-bit (msb) extension to the SIB.index field. See “ModRM and SIB Bytes” on page 17. REX.B: Base field extension (Bit 0). The REX.B bit adds a 1-bit (msb) extension to either the ModRM.r/m field to specify a GPR or XMM register, or to the SIB.base field to specify a GPR. (See Table 2-2 on page 56 for more about the B bit.) 1.5 Displacement Bytes A displacement (also called an offset) is a signed value that is added to the base of a code segment (absolute addressing) or to an instruction pointer (relative addressing), depending on the addressing mode. The size of a displacement is 1, 2, or 4 bytes. If an addressing mode requires a displacement, the bytes (1, 2, or 4) for the displacement follow the opcode, ModRM, or SIB byte (whichever comes last) in the instruction encoding. In 64-bit mode, the same ModRM and SIB encodings are used to specify displacement sizes as those used in legacy and compatibility modes. However, the displacement is sign-extended to 64 bits during effective-address calculations. Also, in 64-bit mode, support is provided for some 64-bit displacement and immediate forms of the MOV instruction. See “Immediate Operand Size” in Volume 1 for more information on this. 1.6 Immediate Bytes An immediate is a value—typically an operand value—encoded directly into the instruction. Depending on the opcode and the operating mode, the size of an immediate operand can be 1, 2, 4, or 8 bytes. 64-bit immediates are allowed in 64-bit mode on MOV instructions that load GPRs, otherwise they are limited to 4 bytes. See “Immediate Operand Size” in Volume 1 for more information. If an instruction takes an immediate operand, the bytes (1, 2, 4, or 8) for the immediate follow the opcode, ModRM, SIB, or displacement bytes (whichever come last) in the instruction encoding. Some 128-bit media instructions use the immediate byte as a condition code. 1.7 RIP-Relative Addressing In 64-bit mode, addressing relative to the contents of the 64-bit instruction pointer (program counter)—called RIP-relative addressing or PC-relative addressing—is implemented for certain instructions. In such cases, the effective address is formed by adding the displacement to the 64-bit RIP of the next instruction. In the legacy x86 architecture, addressing relative to the instruction pointer is available only in controltransfer instructions. In the 64-bit mode, any instruction that uses ModRM addressing can use RIPrelative addressing. This feature is particularly useful for addressing data in position-independent code and for code that addresses global data. 24 Instruction Encoding 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Without RIP-relative addressing, ModRM instructions address memory relative to zero. With RIPrelative addressing, ModRM instructions can address memory relative to the 64-bit RIP using a signed 32-bit displacement. This provides an offset range of ±2 Gbytes from the RIP. Programs usually have many references to data, especially global data, that are not register-based. To load such a program, the loader typically selects a location for the program in memory and then adjusts program references to global data based on the load location. RIP-relative addressing of data makes this adjustment unnecessary. 1.7.1 Encoding Table 1-16 shows the ModRM and SIB encodings for RIP-relative addressing. Redundant forms of 32-bit displacement-only addressing exist in the current ModRM and SIB encodings. There is one ModRM encoding with several SIB encodings. RIP-relative addressing is encoded using one of the redundant forms. In 64-bit mode, the ModRM disp32 (32-bit displacement) encoding ({mod,r/m} = 00101b) is redefined to be RIP + disp32 rather than displacement-only. Table 1-16. Encoding for RIP-Relative Addressing ModRM • mod = 00 • r/m = 101 • mod = 00 • r/m = 1001 SIB not present Legacy and Compatibility Modes 64-bit Mode Additional 64-bit Implications disp32 RIP + disp32 Zero-based (normal) displacement addressing must use SIB form (see next row). disp32 Same as Legacy None • base = 1012 • index = 1003 • scale = xx Notes: 1. Encodes the indexed register-indirect addressing mode with 32-bit offset. 2. Base register specification is null (base portion of effective address calculation is set to 0) 3. index register specification is null (scale*index portion of effective address calculation is set to 0) 1.7.2 REX Prefix and RIP-Relative Addressing ModRM encoding for RIP-relative addressing does not depend on a REX prefix. In particular, the r/m encoding of 101, used to select RIP-relative addressing, is not affected by the REX prefix. For example, selecting R13 (REX.B = 1, r/m = 101) with mod = 00 still results in RIP-relative addressing. The four-bit r/m field of ModRM is not fully decoded. Therefore, in order to address R13 with no displacement, software must encode it as R13 + 0 using a one-byte displacement of zero. 1.7.3 Address-Size Prefix and RIP-Relative Addressing RIP-relative addressing is enabled by 64-bit mode, not by a 64-bit address-size. Conversely, use of the address-size prefix (“Address-Size Override Prefix” on page 9) does not disable RIP-relative Instruction Encoding 25 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 addressing. The effect of the address-size prefix is to truncate and zero-extend the computed effective address to 32 bits, like any other addressing mode. 1.8 Encoding Considerations Using REX Figure 1-6 on page 28 shows four examples of how the R, X, and B bits of the REX prefix are concatenated with fields from the ModRM byte, SIB byte, and opcode to specify register and memory addressing. 1.8.1 Byte-Register Addressing In the legacy architecture, the byte registers (AH, AL, BH, BL, CH, CL, DH, and DL, shown in Figure 2-2 on page 38) are encoded in the ModRM reg or r/m field or in the opcode reg field as registers 0 through 7. The REX prefix provides an additional byte-register addressing capability that makes the least-significant byte of any GPR available for byte operations (Figure 2-3 on page 39). This provides a uniform set of byte, word, doubleword, and quadword registers better suited for register allocation by compilers. 1.8.2 Special Encodings for Registers Readers who need to know the details of instruction encodings should be aware that certain combinations of the ModRM and SIB fields have special meaning for register encodings. For some of these combinations, the instruction fields expanded by the REX prefix are not decoded (treated as don’t cares), thereby creating aliases of these encodings in the extended registers. Table 1-17 on page 27 describes how each of these cases behaves. 26 Instruction Encoding 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table 1-17. ModRM and SIB Encodings2 ModRM Byte: • mod ≠ 11 Special REX Encodings for Registers Meaning in Legacy and Compatibility Modes SIB byte is present. • r/m1 = 100 (ESP) ModRM Byte: • mod = 00 • r/m1 = x101 (EBP) SIB Byte: 1 • index = x100 (ESP) SIB Byte: • base = b101 (EBP) • ModRM.mod = 00 AMD64 Technology Implications in Legacy and Compatibility Modes SIB byte is required for ESP-based addressing. Using EBP without a displacement must be done by setting mod = 01 Base register is not used. with a displacement of 0 (with or without an index register). Additional REX Implications REX prefix adds a fourth bit (b), which is decoded and modifies the base register in the SIB byte. Therefore, the SIB byte is also required for R12based addressing. REX prefix adds a fourth bit (x), which is not decoded (don’t care). Therefore, using RBP or R13 without a displacement must be done via mod = 01 with a displacement of 0. Index register is not used. ESP cannot be used as an index register. REX prefix adds a fourth bit (x), which is decoded. Therefore, there are no additional implications. The expanded index field is used to distinguish RSP from R12, allowing R12 to be used as an index. Base register is not used if ModRM.mod = 00. Base register depends on mod encoding. Using EBP with a scaled index and without a displacement must be done by setting mod = 01 with a displacement of 0. REX prefix adds a fourth bit (b), which is not decoded (don’t care). Therefore, using RBP or R13 without a displacement must be done via mod = 01 with a displacement of 0 (with or without an index register). Notes: 1. The REX-prefix bit is shown in the fourth (most-significant) bit position of the encodings for the ModRM r/m, SIB index, and SIB base fields. The lower-case “x” for ModRM r/m (rather than the upper-case “B” shown in Figure 1-6 on page 28) indicates that the REX-prefix bit is not decoded (don’t care). 2. For a description of the ModRM and SIB bytes, see “ModRM and SIB Bytes” on page 17. Instruction Encoding 27 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Examples of Operand Addressing Extension Using REX Case 1: Register-Register Addressing (No Memory Operand) REX Prefix 4WRXB ModRM Byte mod reg r/m 11 rrr bbb Opcode REX.X is not used 4 4 Rrrr Bbbb Case 2: Memory Addressing Without an SIB Byte REX Prefix 4WRXB ModRM Byte mod reg r/m !11 rrr bbb Opcode REX.X is not used ModRM reg field != 100 4 4 Rrrr Bbbb Case 3: Memory Addressing With an SIB Byte REX Prefix 4WRXB ModRM Byte SIB Byte mod reg r/m scale index base !11 rrr 100 bb xxx bbb Opcode 4 4 4 Rrrr Xxxx Bbbb Case 4: Register Operand Coded in Opcode Byte REX Prefix 4WRXB op reg bbb REX.R is not used REX.X is not used 4 Bbbb Figure 1-6. 28 v3_REX_reg_addr.eps Encoding Examples Using REX R, X, and B Bits Instruction Encoding 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 1.9 AMD64 Technology Encoding Using the VEX and XOP Prefixes An extended escape sequence is introduced by an encoding escape prefix which establishes the context and the format of the bytes that follow. The currently defined prefixes fall in two classes: the XOP and the VEX prefixes (of which there are two). The XOP prefix and the VEX C4h prefix introduce a three byte sequence with identical syntax, while the VEX C5h prefix introduces a two-byte escape sequence with a different syntax. These escape sequences supply fields used to extend operand specification as well as provide for the selection of alternate opcode maps. Encodings support up to two additional operands and the addressing of the extended (beyond 7) registers. The specification of two of the operands is accomplished using the legacy ModRM and optional SIB bytes with the reg, r/m, index, and base fields extended by one bit in a manner analogous to the REX prefix. The encoding of the extended SSE instructions utilize extended escape sequences. XOP instructions use three-byte escape sequences introduced by the XOP prefix. The AVX, FMA, FMA4, and CLMUL instruction subsets use three-byte or two-byte escape sequences introduced by the VEX prefixes. 1.9.1 Three-Byte Escape Sequences All the extended instructions can be encoded using a three-byte escape sequence, but certain VEXencoded instructions that comply with the constraints described below in Section 1.9.2, “Two-Byte Escape Sequence” can also utilize a two-byte escape sequence. Figure 1-7 below shows the format of the three-byte escape sequence which is common to the XOP and VEX-based encodings. Byte 0 Byte 1 7 0 Encoding escape prefix Figure 1-7. 7 6 5 R X B Byte 2 4 0 map_select 7 6 W 3 vvvv 2 L 0 pp VEX/XOP Three-byte Escape Sequence Format Byte Bit Mnemonic Description 0 [7:0] VEX, XOP Value specific to the extended instruction set 1 [7] R Inverted one-bit extension of ModRM reg field [6] X Inverted one-bit extension of SIB index field [5] B Inverted one-bit extension, r/m field or SIB base field [4:0] map_select Opcode map select Instruction Encoding 1 29 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Byte Bit Mnemonic Description 2 [7] W Default operand size override for a general purpose register to 64-bit size in 64-bit mode; operand configuration specifier for certain YMM/XMM-based operations. [6:3] vvvv Source or destination register selector, in ones’ complement format [2] L Vector length specifier [1:0] pp Implied 66, F2, or F3 opcode extension Table 1-18. Three-byte Escape Sequence Field Definitions Byte 0 (VEX/XOP Prefix) Byte 0 is the encoding escape prefix byte which introduces the encoding escape sequence and establishes the context for the bytes that follow. The VEX and XOP prefixes have the following encodings: • • VEX prefix is encoded as C4h XOP prefix is encoded as 8Fh Byte 1 VEX/XOP.R (Bit 7). The bit-inverted equivalent of the REX.R bit. A one-bit extension of the ModRM.reg field in 64-bit mode, permitting access to 16 YMM/XMM and GPR registers. In 32-bit protected and compatibility modes, the value must be 1. VEX/XOP.X (Bit 6). The bit-inverted equivalent of the REX.X bit. A one-bit extension of the SIB.index field in 64-bit mode, permitting access to 16 YMM/XMM and GPR registers. In 32-bit protected and compatibility modes, this value must be 1. VEX/XOP.B (Bit 5). The bit-inverted equivalent of the REX.B bit, available only in the 3-byte prefix format. A one-bit extension of either the ModRM.r/m field, to specify a GPR or XMM register, or of the SIB base field, to specify a GPR. This permits access to all 16 GPR and YMM/XMM registers. In 32-bit protected and compatibility modes, this bit is ignored. VEX/XOP.map_select (Bits [4:0]). The five-bit map_select field is used to select an alternate opcode map. The map_select encoding spaces for VEX and XOP are disjoint. Table 1-19 below lists the encodings for VEX.map_select and Table 1-20 lists the encodings for XOP.map_select. Table 1-19. 30 VEX.map_select Encoding Binary Value Opcode Map Analogous Legacy Opcode Map 00000 Reserved – 00001 VEX opcode map 1 Secondary (“two-byte”) opcode map Instruction Encoding 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table 1-19. VEX.map_select Encoding Binary Value Opcode Map Analogous Legacy Opcode Map 00010 VEX opcode map 2 0F_38h (“three-byte”) opcode map 00011 VEX opcode map 3 0F_3Ah (“three-byte”) opcode map 00100 – 11111 Reserved – Table 1-20. XOP.map_select Encoding Binary Value Opcode Map 00000 – 00111 Reserved 01000 XOP opcode map 8 01001 XOP opcode map 9 01010 XOP opcode map 10 (Ah) 01011 – 11111 Reserved AVX instructions are encoded using the VEX opcode maps 1–3. The AVX instruction set includes instructions that provide operations similar to most legacy SSE instructions. For those AVX instructions that have an analogous legacy SSE instruction, the VEX opcode maps use the same binary opcode value and modifiers as the legacy version. The correspondence between the VEX opcode maps and the legacy opcode maps are shown in Table 1-19 above. VEX opcode maps 1–3 are also used to encode the FMA4 and FMA instructions. In addition, not all legacy SSE instructions have AVX equivalents. Therefore, the VEX opcode maps are not the same as the legacy opcode maps. The XOP opcode maps are unique to the XOP instructions. The XOP.map_select value is restricted to the range [08h:1Fh]. If the value of the XOP.map_select field is less than 8, the first two bytes of the three-byte XOP escape sequence are interpreted as a form of the POP instruction. Both legacy and extended opcode maps are covered in detail in Appendix A. Byte 2 VEX/XOP.W (Bit 7). Function is instruction-specific. The bit is often used to configure source operand order. VEX/XOP.vvvv (Bits [6:3]). Used to specify an additional operand for three and four operand instructions. Encodes an XMM or YMM register in inverted ones’ complement form, as shown in Table 1-21. Instruction Encoding 31 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table 1-21. VEX/XOP.vvvv Encoding Binary Value Register Binary Value Register 0000 XMM15/YMM15 1000 XMM07/YMM07 0001 XMM14/YMM14 1001 XMM06/YMM06 0010 XMM13/YMM13 1010 XMM05/YMM05 0011 XMM12/YMM12 1011 XMM04/YMM04 0100 XMM11/YMM11 1100 XMM03/YMM03 0101 XMM10/YMM10 1101 XMM02/YMM02 0110 XMM09/YMM09 1110 XMM01/YMM01 0111 XMM08/YMM08 1111 XMM00/YMM00 Values 0000h to 0111h are not valid in 32-bit modes. vvvv is typically used to encode the first source operand, but for the VPSLLDQ, VPSRLDQ, VPSRLW, VPSRLD, VPSRLQ, VPSRAW, VPSRAD, VPSLLW, VPSLLD, and VPSLLQ shift instructions, the field specifies the destination register. VEX/XOP.L (Bit 2). L = 0 specifies 128-bit vector length (XMM registers/128-bit memory locations). L=1 specifies 256-bit vector length (YMM registers/256-bit memory locations). For SSE or XOP instructions with scalar operands, the L bit is ignored. Some vector SSE instructions support only the 128 bit vector size. For these instructions, L is cleared to 0. VEX/XOP.pp (Bits [1:0]). Specifies an implied 66h, F2h, or F3h opcode extension which is used in a way analogous to the legacy instruction encodings to extend the opcode encoding space. The correspondence between the encoding of the VEX/XOP.pp field and its function as an opcode modifier is shown in Table 1-22. The legacy prefixes 66h, F2h, and F3h are not allowed in the encoding of extended instructions. Table 1-22. VEX/XOP.pp Encoding Binary Value Implied Prefix 1.9.2 00 None 01 66h 10 F3h 11 F2h Two-Byte Escape Sequence All VEX-encoded instructions can be encoded using the three-byte escape sequence, but certain instructions can also be encoded utilizing a more compact, two-byte VEX escape sequence. The format of the two-byte escape sequence is shown in Figure 1-8 below. 32 Instruction Encoding 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Byte 0 Byte 1 7 0 VEX 7 R 6 3 vvvv 2 L 1 0 pp Figure 1-8. VEX Two-byte Escape Sequence Format Prefix Byte Bit Mnemonic Description 0 [7:0] VEX VEX 2-byte encoding escape prefix 1 [7] R Inverted one-bit extension of ModRM.reg field [6:3] vvvv Source or destination register selector, in ones’ complement format. [2] L Vector length specifier [1:0] pp Implied 66, F2, or F3 opcode extension. Table 1-23. VEX Two-byte Escape Sequence Field Definitions Byte 0 (VEX Prefix) The VEX prefix for the two-byte escape sequence is encoded as C5h. Byte 1 Note that the bit 7 of this byte is used to encode VEX.R instead of VEX.W as in the three-byte escape sequence form. The R, vvvv, L, and pp fields are defined as in the three-byte escape sequence. When the two-byte escape sequence is used, specific fields from the three-byte format take on fixed values as shown in Table 1-24 below. Table 1-24. Fixed Field Values for VEX 2-Byte Format VEX Field Value X 1 B 1 W 0 map_select 00001b Although they may be encoded using the VEX three-byte escape sequence, all instructions that conform with the constraints listed in Table 1-24 may be encoded using the two-byte escape sequence. Note that the implied value of map_select is 00001b, which means that only instructions included in the VEX opcode map 1 may be encoded using this format. VEX-encoded instructions that use the other defined values of map_select (00010b and 00011b) cannot be encoded using this a two-byte escape sequence format. Note that the VEX.pp field value is Instruction Encoding 33 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 explicitly encoded in this form and can be used to specify any of the implied legacy prefixes as defined in Table 1-22. 34 Instruction Encoding 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 2 Instruction Overview 2.1 Instruction Groups AMD64 Technology For easier reference, the instruction descriptions are divided into five groups based on usage. The following sections describe the function, mnemonic syntax, opcodes, affected flags, and possible exceptions generated by all instructions in the AMD64 architecture: • • • • • Chapter 3, “General-Purpose Instruction Reference”—The general-purpose instructions are used in basic software execution. Most of these load, store, or operate on data in the general-purpose registers (GPRs), in memory, or in both. Other instructions are used to alter sequential program flow by branching to other locations within the program or to entirely different programs. Chapter 4, “System Instruction Reference”—The system instructions establish the processor operating mode, access processor resources, handle program and system errors, and manage memory. “SSE Instruction Reference” in Volume 4—The Streaming SIMD Extensions (SSE) instructions load, store, or operate on data located in the YMM/XMM registers. These instructions define both vector and scalar operations on floating-point and integer data types. They include the SSE and SSE2 instructions that operate on the YMM/XMM registers. Some of these instructions convert source operands in YMM/XMM registers to destination operands in GPR, MMX, or x87 registers or otherwise affect YMM/XMM state. “64-Bit Media Instruction Reference” in Volume 5—The 64-bit media instructions load, store, or operate on data located in the 64-bit MMX registers. These instructions define both vector and scalar operations on integer and floating-point data types. They include the legacy MMX™ instructions, the 3DNow!™ instructions, and the AMD extensions to the MMX and 3DNow! instruction sets. Some of these instructions convert source operands in MMX registers to destination operands in GPR, YMM/XMM, or x87 registers or otherwise affect MMX state. “x87 Floating-Point Instruction Reference” in Volume 5—The x87 instructions are used in legacy floating-point applications. Most of these instructions load, store, or operate on data located in the x87 ST(0)–ST(7) stack registers (the FPR0–FPR7 physical registers). The remaining instructions within this category are used to manage the x87 floating-point environment. The description of each instruction covers its behavior in all operating modes, including legacy mode (real, virtual-8086, and protected modes) and long mode (compatibility and 64-bit modes). Details of certain kinds of complex behavior—such as control-flow changes in CALL, INT, or FXSAVE instructions—have cross-references in the instruction-detail pages to detailed descriptions in volumes 1 and 2. Two instructions—CMPSD and MOVSD—use the same mnemonic for different instructions. Assemblers can distinguish them on the basis of the number and type of operands with which they are used. Instruction Overview 35 AMD64 Technology 2.2 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Reference-Page Format Figure 2-1 on page 37 shows the format of an instruction-detail page. The instruction mnemonic is shown in bold at the top-left, along with its name. In this example, POPFD is the mnemonic and POP to EFLAGS Doubleword is the name. Next, there is a general description of the instruction’s operation. Many descriptions have cross-references to more detail in other parts of the manual. Beneath the general description, the mnemonic is shown again, together with the related opcode(s) and a description summary. Related instructions are listed below this, followed by a table showing the flags that the instruction can affect. Finally, each instruction has a summary of the possible exceptions that can occur when executing the instruction. The columns labeled “Real” and “Virtual-8086” apply only to execution in legacy mode. The column labeled “Protected” applies both to legacy mode and long mode, because long mode is a superset of legacy protected mode. The 128-bit and 64-bit media instructions also have diagrams illustrating the operation. A few instructions have examples or pseudocode describing the action. 36 Instruction Overview 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Mnemonic and any operands Opcode Description of operation 24594 Rev. 3.07 September 2003 AAM AMD64 Technology ASCII Adjust After Multiply Converts the value in the AL register from binary to two unpacked BCD digits in the AH (most significant) and AL (least significant) registers using the following formula: AH = (AL/10d) AL = (AL mod 10d). In most modern assemblers, the AAM instruction adjusts to base-10 values. However, by coding the instruction directly in binary, it can adjust to any base specified by the immediate byte value (ib) suffixed onto the D4h opcode. For example, code D408h for octal, D40Ah for decimal, and D40Ch for duodecimal (base 12). Using this instruction in 64-bit mode generates an invalid-opcode exception. Mnemonic Opcode Description AAM D4 0A Create a pair of unpacked BCD values in AH and AL. (Invalid in 64-bit mode.) (None) D4 ib Create a pair of unpacked values to the immediate byte base. (Invalid in 64-bit mode.) “M” means the flag is either set or cleared, depending on the result. Related Instructions AAA, AAD, AAS rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF U 21 20 19 18 17 16 14 13–12 11 10 9 8 SF ZF AF PF CF M M U M U 7 6 4 2 0 Note: Bits 31–22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M. Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Divide by zero, #DE Invalid opcode, #UD Virtual Real 8086 Protected X X Cause of Exception X 8-bit immediate value was 0. X This instruction was executed in 64-bit mode. AAM Possible exceptions and causes, by mode of operation “Protected” column covers both legacy and long mode 63 Alphabetic mnemonic locator Figure 2-1. Format of Instruction-Detail Pages Instruction Overview 37 AMD64 Technology 2.3 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Summary of Registers and Data Types This section summarizes the registers available to software using the five instruction subsets described in “Instruction Groups” on page 35. For details on the organization and use of these registers, see their respective chapters in volumes 1 and 2. 2.3.1 General-Purpose Instructions Registers. The size and number of general-purpose registers (GPRs) depends on the operating mode, as do the size of the flags and instruction-pointer registers. Figure 2-2 shows the registers available in legacy and compatibility modes. register encoding high 8-bit low 8-bit 16-bit 32-bit 0 AH (4) AL AX EAX 3 BH (7) BL BX EBX 1 CH (5) CL CX ECX 2 DH (6) DL DX EDX 6 SI SI ESI 7 DI DI EDI 5 BP BP EBP 4 SP SP ESP 31 16 15 0 FLAGS FLAGS EFLAGS IP 31 IP EIP 0 513-311.eps Figure 2-2. General Registers in Legacy and Compatibility Modes Figure 2-3 on page 39 shows the registers accessible in 64-bit mode. Compared with legacy mode, registers become 64 bits wide, eight new data registers (R8–R15) are added and the low byte of all 16 GPRs is available for byte operations, and the four high-byte registers of legacy mode (AH, BH, CH, and DH) are not available if the REX prefix is used. The high 32 bits of doubleword operands are zeroextended to 64 bits, but the high bits of word and byte operands are not modified by operations in 64- 38 Instruction Overview 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology bit mode. The RFLAGS register is 64 bits wide, but the high 32 bits are reserved. They can be written with anything but they read as zeros (RAZ). Register Encoding zero-extended for 32-bit operands not modified for 16-bit operands not modified for 8-bit operands low 8 bits 16-bit 32-bit 64-bit 0 AH* AL AX EAX RAX 3 BH* BL BX EBX RBX 1 CH* CL CX ECX RCX 2 DH* DL DX EDX RDX 6 SIL** SI ESI RSI 7 DIL** DI EDI RDI 5 BPL** BP EBP RBP 4 SPL** SP ESP RSP 8 R8B R8W R8D R8 9 R9B R9W R9D R9 10 R10B R10W R10D R10 11 R11B R11W R11D R11 12 R12B R12W R12D R12 13 R13B R13W R13D R13 14 R14B R14W R14D R14 15 R15B R15W R15D R15 63 32 31 16 15 87 0 0 RFLAGS RIP 63 32 31 0 * Not addressable in REX prefix instruction forms ** Only addressable in REX prefix instruction forms GPRs_64b_mode.eps Figure 2-3. General Registers in 64-Bit Mode For most instructions running in 64-bit mode, access to the extended GPRs requires a either a REX instruction modification prefix or extended encoding encoding using the VEX or XOP sequences (page 14). Instruction Overview 39 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Figure 2-4 shows the segment registers which, like the instruction pointer, are used by all instructions. In legacy and compatibility modes, all segments are accessible. In 64-bit mode, which uses the flat (non-segmented) memory model, only the CS, FS, and GS segments are recognized, whereas the contents of the DS, ES, and SS segment registers are ignored (the base for each of these segments is assumed to be zero, and neither their segment limit nor attributes are checked). For details, see “Segmented Virtual Memory” in Volume 2. Legacy Mode and Compatibility Mode CS CS 15 64-Bit Mode (Attributes only) DS ignored ES ignored FS (Base only) GS (Base only) SS ignored FS GS 0 15 0 513-312.eps Figure 2-4. Segment Registers Data Types. Figure 2-5 on page 41 shows the general-purpose data types. They are all scalar, integer data types. The 64-bit (quadword) data types are only available in 64-bit mode, and for most instructions they require a REX instruction prefix. 40 Instruction Overview 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Signed Integer 127 0 Double Quadword 16 bytes (64-bit mode only) s s 8 bytes (64-bit mode only) 63 s 4 bytes 31 s 2 bytes 15 s Quadword Doubleword Word Byte 7 0 Unsigned Integer 127 0 Double Quadword 16 bytes (64-bit mode only) 8 bytes (64-bit mode only) 63 Quadword 4 bytes 31 Doubleword 2 bytes Word 15 Byte Packed BCD BCD Digit 7 3 Bit 513-326.eps 0 Figure 2-5. General-Purpose Data Types 2.3.2 System Instructions Registers. The system instructions use several specialized registers shown in Figure 2-6 on page 42. System software uses these registers to, among other things, manage the processor’s operating environment, define system resource characteristics, and monitor software execution. With the exception of the RFLAGS register, system registers can be read and written only from privileged software. All system registers are 64 bits wide, except for the descriptor-table registers and the task register, which include 64-bit base-address fields and other fields. Instruction Overview 41 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Control Registers Extended-Feature-Enable Register Memory-Typing Registers CR0 EFER MTRRcap CR2 MTRRdefType CR3 System-Configuration Register MTRRphysBasen CR4 SYSCFG MTRRphysMaskn MTRRfixn CR8 System-Linkage Registers PAT STAR TOP_MEM LSTAR TOP_MEM2 System-Flags Register RFLAGS CSTAR SFMASK Performance-Monitoring Registers Debug Registers FS.base TSC DR0 GS.base PerfEvtSeln DR1 KernelGSbase DR2 SYSENTER_CS DR3 SYSENTER_ESP Machine-Check Registers DR6 SYSENTER_EIP MCG_CAP MCG_STAT DR7 Debug-Extension Registers Descriptor-Table Registers GDTR IDTR LDTR PerfCtrn DebugCtl LastBranchFromIP LastBranchToIP LastIntFromIP MCG_CTL MCi_CTL MCi_STATUS MCi_ADDR MCi_MISC LastIntToIP Model-Specific Registers Task Register TR System_Registers_Diag.eps Figure 2-6. System Registers Data Structures. Figure 2-7 on page 43 shows the system data structures. These are created and maintained by system software for use in protected mode. A processor running in protected mode uses these data structures to manage memory and protection, and to store program-state information when an interrupt or task switch occurs. 42 Instruction Overview 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Segment Descriptors (Contained in Descriptor Tables) Code Gate Stack Task-State Segment Data Local-Descriptor Table Task-State Segment Descriptor Tables Global-Descriptor Table Interrupt-Descriptor Table Local-Descriptor Table Descriptor Gate Descriptor Descriptor Descriptor Gate Descriptor Descriptor ... ... ... Descriptor Gate Descriptor Descriptor Page-Translation Tables Page-Map Level-4 Page-Directory Pointer Page Directory Page Table 513-261.eps Figure 2-7. System Data Structures 2.3.3 SSE Instructions Registers. The SSE instructions operate primarily on 128-bit and 256-bit floating-point vector operands located in the 256-bit YMM/XMM registers. Each 128-bit XMM register is defined as the lower octword of the corresponding YMM register. The number of available YMM/XMM data registers depends on the operating mode, as shown in Figure 2-8 below. In legacy and compatibility modes, eight YMM/XMM registers (YMM/XMM0–7) are available. In 64-bit mode, eight additional YMM/XMM data registers (YMM/XMM8–15) are available. These eight additional registers are addressed via the encoding extensions provided by the REX, VEX, and XOP prefixes. Instruction Overview 43 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 The MXCSR register contains floating-point and other control and status flags used by the 128-bit media instructions. Some 128-bit media instructions also use the GPR (Figure 2-2 and Figure 2-3) and the MMX registers (Figure 2-12 on page 48) or set or clear flags in the rFLAGS register (see Figure 2-2 and Figure 2-3). 255 127 0 XMM0 YMM0 XMM1 YMM1 XMM2 YMM2 XMM3 YMM3 XMM4 YMM4 XMM5 YMM5 XMM6 YMM6 XMM7 YMM7 XMM8 YMM8 XMM9 YMM9 XMM10 YMM10 XMM11 YMM11 XMM12 YMM12 XMM13 YMM13 XMM14 YMM14 XMM15 YMM15 Media eXtension Control and Status Register Available in all modes MXCSR 31 Available only in 64-bit mode 0 513-314 ymm.eps Figure 2-8. SSE Registers Data Types. The SSE instruction set architecture provides support for 128-bit and 256-bit packed floating-point and integer data types as well as integer and floating-point scalars. Figure 2-9 below shows the 128-bit data types. Figure 2-10 on page 46 and Figure 2-11 on page 47 show the 256-bit data types. The floating-point data types include IEEE-754 single precision and double precision types. 44 Instruction Overview 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Vector (Packed) Floating-Point – Double Precision and Single Precision 127 115 s exp s exp 127 63 significand significand 118 exp s 95 significand 86 51 s exp s exp 0 significand significand 63 s 54 exp 31 significand 22 0 Vector (Packed) Signed Integer – Quadword, Doubleword, Word, Byte quadword s doubleword s word s s word s doubleword s word s quadword s word s doubleword s s word s doubleword s word word s s word byte s byte s byte s byte s byte s byte s byte s byte s byte s byte s byte s byte s byte s byte s byte s byte 127 119 111 103 95 87 79 71 63 55 47 39 31 23 15 7 0 Vector (Packed) Unsigned Integer – Quadword, Doubleword, Word, Byte quadword doubleword doubleword word quadword word word doubleword word word doubleword word word word byte byte byte byte byte byte byte byte byte byte byte byte byte byte byte byte 127 119 111 103 95 87 79 71 63 55 47 39 31 23 15 7 0 Scalar Floating-Point – Double Precision and Single Precision 1 ss 63 exp significand 51 ss exp 31 significand 22 0 Scalar Signed Integers s double quadword (octword) 127 s quadword 63 s doubleword 31 s word 15 s byte 7 Scalar Unsigned Integers 127 double quadword (octword) 127 0 quadword doubleword 63 31 word 15 byte 7 128-bit datatypes.eps Note: 1) A 16 bit Half-Precision Floating-Point Scalar is also defined. bit 0 Figure 2-9. Instruction Overview 0 128-Bit SSE Data Types 45 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Vector (Packed) Floating-Point – Double Precision and Single Precision 255 243 ss exp ss exp 191 significand significand 255 246 127 exp ss 223 significand 214 115 ss exp ss exp significand significand 127 exp ss 118 95 significand 86 179 ss exp ss exp significand significand 191 182 63 51 ss exp ss exp 63 128 exp ss 159 significand 150 128 0 significand significand exp ss 54 31 significand 22 0 Vector (Packed) Signed Integer – Double Quadword, Quadword, Doubleword, Word, Byte double quadword (octword) s quadword ss doubleword ss word ss ss byte 255 ss byte 247 ss byte 239 doubleword ss word ss ss word ss byte 231 ss byte 223 ss byte 215 ss byte 207 doubleword ss word ss ss byte 199 word ss ss byte 191 ss byte 183 word ss ss byte 175 doubleword ss ss word ss byte 167 ss byte 159 ss byte 151 word ss ss byte 143 ss byte 135 128 double quadword (octword) s quadword ss doubleword ss word ss ss quadword ss byte 127 ss byte 119 ss byte 111 doubleword ss word ss ss byte 103 ss ss 95 word byte quadword s ss 87 byte ss ss 79 word byte doubleword ss ss 71 byte ss ss 63 word byte ss 55 byte ss ss 47 word byte doubleword ss ss byte 39 ss ss 31 word byte ss 23 byte ss ss 15 word byte ss 7 byte 0 256-bit datatypes_a.eps Figure 2-10. SSE 256-bit Data Types 46 Instruction Overview 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Vector (Packed) Unsigned Integer – Double Quadword, Quadword, Doubleword, Word, Byte double quadword (octword) quadword quadword doubleword word byte 255 word byte 247 doubleword byte 239 word byte 231 byte 223 word byte 215 doubleword byte 207 word byte 199 byte 191 word byte 183 doubleword byte 175 word byte 167 byte 159 word byte 151 byte 143 byte 135 128 double quadword (octword) quadword quadword doubleword word byte 127 word byte 119 doubleword byte 111 byte 103 word byte 95 word byte 87 doubleword byte 79 word byte 71 byte 63 word byte 55 doubleword byte 47 word byte 39 byte 31 word byte 23 byte 15 byte 7 0 Scalar Floating-Point – Double Precision and Single Precision1 ss exp 63 significand 51 ss exp 31 significand 22 0 Scalar Signed Integers double quadword s 127 s 63 quadword s 31 doubleword s word 15 s byte 7 0 Scalar Unsigned Integers double quadword 127 127 0 quadword doubleword 63 31 word 15 byte 7 bit 0 Note: 1) A 16 bit Half-Precision Floating-Point Scalar is also defined. 256-bit datatypes_b.eps Figure 2-11. SSE 256-Bit Data Types (Continued) Instruction Overview 47 AMD64 Technology 2.3.4 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 64-Bit Media Instructions Registers. The 64-bit media instructions use the eight 64-bit MMX registers, as shown in Figure 2-12. These registers are mapped onto the x87 floating-point registers, and 64-bit media instructions write the x87 tag word in a way that prevents an x87 instruction from using MMX data. Some 64-bit media instructions also use the GPR (Figure 2-2 and Figure 2-3) and the XMM registers (Figure 2-8). MMX Data Registers 63 0 mmx0 mmx1 mmx2 mmx3 mmx4 mmx5 mmx6 mmx7 513-327.eps Figure 2-12. 64-Bit Media Registers Data Types. Figure 2-13 on page 49 shows the 64-bit media data types. They include floating-point and integer vectors and integer scalars. The floating-point data type, used by 3DNow! instructions, consists of a packed vector or two IEEE-754 32-bit single-precision data types. Unlike other kinds of floating-point instructions, however, the 3DNow!™ instructions do not generate floating-point exceptions. For this reason, there is no register for reporting or controlling the status of exceptions in the 64-bit-media instruction subset. 48 Instruction Overview 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Vector (Packed) Single-Precision Floating-Point exp ss 63 significand ss 54 exp significand 31 22 0 Vector (Packed) Signed Integers doubleword ss word ss byte ss 63 ss ss byte 55 ss word byte 47 doubleword ss ss byte 39 word ss ss byte 31 ss byte 23 word ss ss byte 15 ss byte 7 0 Vector (Packed) Unsigned Integers doubleword word byte 63 word byte 55 doubleword byte 47 word byte 39 byte 31 word byte 23 byte 15 byte 7 0 Signed Integers s quadword 63 s doubleword 31 s word 15 s byte 7 0 Unsigned Integers quadword 63 doubleword 31 word 15 byte 7 513-319.eps 0 Figure 2-13. 64-Bit Media Data Types Instruction Overview 49 AMD64 Technology 2.3.5 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 x87 Floating-Point Instructions Registers. The x87 floating-point instructions use the x87 registers shown in Figure 2-14. There are eight 80-bit data registers, three 16-bit registers that hold the x87 control word, status word, and tag word, and three registers (last instruction pointer, last opcode, last data pointer) that hold information about the last x87 operation. The physical data registers are named FPR0–FPR7, although x87 software references these registers as a stack of registers, named ST(0)–ST(7). The x87 instructions store operands only in their own 80bit floating-point registers or in memory. They do not access the GPR or XMM registers. x87 Data Registers 79 0 fpr0 fpr1 fpr2 fpr3 fpr4 fpr5 fpr6 fpr7 Instruction Pointer (rIP) Control ControlWord Word Data Pointer (rDP) Status StatusWord Word 63 Opcode 10 Tag TagWord Word 0 15 0 513-321.eps Figure 2-14. x87 Registers Data Types. Figure 2-15 on page 51 shows all x87 data types. They include three floating-point formats (80-bit double-extended precision, 64-bit double precision, and 32-bit single precision), three signed-integer formats (quadword, doubleword, and word), and an 80-bit packed binary-coded decimal (BCD) format. 50 Instruction Overview 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Floating-Point 79 s 0 63 exp 79 s 63 Double-Extended Precision significand i exp Double Precision significand 51 s exp 31 Single Precision significand 22 0 Signed Integer 8 bytes s 63 Quadword s 4 bytes 31 s 15 Doubleword 2 bytes Word 0 Binary-Coded Decimal (BCD) Packed Decimal ss 79 71 0 513-317.eps Figure 2-15. x87 Data Types 2.4 Summary of Exceptions Table 2-1 on page 52 lists all possible exceptions. The table shows the interrupt-vector numbers, names, mnemonics, source, and possible causes. Exceptions that apply to specific instructions are documented with each instruction in the instruction-detail pages that follow. Instruction Overview 51 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table 2-1. Interrupt-Vector Source and Cause Vector Interrupt (Exception) Mnemonic Source Cause 0 Divide-By-Zero-Error #DE Software DIV, IDIV, AAM instructions 1 Debug #DB Internal Instruction accesses and data accesses 2 Non-Maskable-Interrupt #NMI External External NMI signal 3 Breakpoint #BP Software INT3 instruction 4 Overflow #OF Software INTO instruction 5 Bound-Range #BR Software BOUND instruction 6 Invalid-Opcode #UD Internal Invalid instructions 7 Device-Not-Available #NM Internal x87 instructions 8 Double-Fault #DF Internal Interrupt during an interrupt 9 Coprocessor-Segment-Overrun — External Unsupported (reserved) 10 Invalid-TSS #TS Internal Task-state segment access and task switch 11 Segment-Not-Present #NP Internal Segment access through a descriptor 12 Stack #SS Internal SS register loads and stack references 13 General-Protection #GP Internal Memory accesses and protection checks 14 Page-Fault #PF Internal Memory accesses when paging enabled 15 Reserved 16 Floating-Point ExceptionPending #MF Software x87 floating-point and 64-bit media floating-point instructions 17 Alignment-Check #AC Internal Memory accesses 18 Machine-Check #MC Internal External Model specific 19 SIMD Floating-Point #XF Internal 128-bit media floating-point instructions — 20—29 Reserved (Internal and External) 30 SVM Security Exception 31 Reserved (Internal and External) 0—255 External Interrupts (Maskable) 0—255 Software Interrupts 2.5 2.5.1 — #SX External Security-Sensitive Events — #INTR — External External interrupt signal Software INTn instruction Notation Mnemonic Syntax Each instruction has a syntax that includes the mnemonic and any operands that the instruction can take. Figure 2-16 shows an example of a syntax in which the instruction takes two operands. In most 52 Instruction Overview 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology instructions that take two operands, the first (left-most) operand is both a source operand (the first source operand) and the destination operand. The second (right-most) operand serves only as a source, not a destination. ADDPD xmm1, xmm2/mem128 Mnemonic First Source Operand and Destination Operand Second Source Operand 513-322.eps Figure 2-16. Syntax for Typical Two-Operand Instruction The following notation is used to denote the size and type of source and destination operands: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • cReg—Control register. dReg—Debug register. imm8—Byte (8-bit) immediate. imm16—Word (16-bit) immediate. imm16/32—Word (16-bit) or doubleword (32-bit) immediate. imm32—Doubleword (32-bit) immediate. imm32/64—Doubleword (32-bit) or quadword (64-bit) immediate. imm64—Quadword (64-bit) immediate. mem—An operand of unspecified size in memory. mem8—Byte (8-bit) operand in memory. mem16—Word (16-bit) operand in memory. mem16/32—Word (16-bit) or doubleword (32-bit) operand in memory. mem32—Doubleword (32-bit) operand in memory. mem32/48—Doubleword (32-bit) or 48-bit operand in memory. mem48—48-bit operand in memory. mem64—Quadword (64-bit) operand in memory. mem128—Double quadword (128-bit) operand in memory. mem16:16—Two sequential word (16-bit) operands in memory. mem16:32—A doubleword (32-bit) operand followed by a word (16-bit) operand in memory. mem32real—Single-precision (32-bit) floating-point operand in memory. Instruction Overview 53 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 • • • • • • • • • mem16int—Word (16-bit) integer operand in memory. mem32int—Doubleword (32-bit) integer operand in memory. mem64real—Double-precision (64-bit) floating-point operand in memory. mem64int—Quadword (64-bit) integer operand in memory. mem80real—Double-extended-precision (80-bit) floating-point operand in memory. mem80dec—80-bit packed BCD operand in memory, containing 18 4-bit BCD digits. mem2env—16-bit x87 control word or x87 status word. mem14/28env—14-byte or 28-byte x87 environment. The x87 environment consists of the x87 control word, x87 status word, x87 tag word, last non-control instruction pointer, last data pointer, and opcode of the last non-control instruction completed. mem94/108env—94-byte or 108-byte x87 environment and register stack. mem512env—512-byte environment for 128-bit media, 64-bit media, and x87 instructions. mmx—Quadword (64-bit) operand in an MMX register. mmx1—Quadword (64-bit) operand in an MMX register, specified as the left-most (first) operand in the instruction syntax. mmx2—Quadword (64-bit) operand in an MMX register, specified as the right-most (second) operand in the instruction syntax. mmx/mem32—Doubleword (32-bit) operand in an MMX register or memory. mmx/mem64—Quadword (64-bit) operand in an MMX register or memory. mmx1/mem64—Quadword (64-bit) operand in an MMX register or memory, specified as the leftmost (first) operand in the instruction syntax. mmx2/mem64—Quadword (64-bit) operand in an MMX register or memory, specified as the rightmost (second) operand in the instruction syntax. moffset—Direct memory offset that specifies an operand in memory. moffset8—Direct memory offset that specifies a byte (8-bit) operand in memory. moffset16—Direct memory offset that specifies a word (16-bit) operand in memory. moffset32—Direct memory offset that specifies a doubleword (32-bit) operand in memory. moffset64—Direct memory offset that specifies a quadword (64-bit) operand in memory. pntr16:16—Far pointer with 16-bit selector and 16-bit offset. pntr16:32—Far pointer with 16-bit selector and 32-bit offset. reg—Operand of unspecified size in a GPR register. reg8—Byte (8-bit) operand in a GPR register. • • • • reg16—Word (16-bit) operand in a GPR register. reg16/32—Word (16-bit) or doubleword (32-bit) operand in a GPR register. reg32—Doubleword (32-bit) operand in a GPR register. reg64—Quadword (64-bit) operand in a GPR register. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 54 Instruction Overview 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • AMD64 Technology reg/mem8—Byte (8-bit) operand in a GPR register or memory. reg/mem16—Word (16-bit) operand in a GPR register or memory. reg/mem32—Doubleword (32-bit) operand in a GPR register or memory. reg/mem64—Quadword (64-bit) operand in a GPR register or memory. rel8off—Signed 8-bit offset relative to the instruction pointer. rel16off—Signed 16-bit offset relative to the instruction pointer. rel32off—Signed 32-bit offset relative to the instruction pointer. segReg or sReg—Word (16-bit) operand in a segment register. ST(0)—x87 stack register 0. ST(i)—x87 stack register i, where i is between 0 and 7. xmm—Double quadword (128-bit) operand in an XMM register. xmm1—Double quadword (128-bit) operand in an XMM register, specified as the left-most (first) operand in the instruction syntax. xmm2—Double quadword (128-bit) operand in an XMM register, specified as the right-most (second) operand in the instruction syntax. xmm/mem64—Quadword (64-bit) operand in a 128-bit XMM register or memory. xmm/mem128—Double quadword (128-bit) operand in an XMM register or memory. xmm1/mem128—Double quadword (128-bit) operand in an XMM register or memory, specified as the left-most (first) operand in the instruction syntax. xmm2/mem128—Double quadword (128-bit) operand in an XMM register or memory, specified as the right-most (second) operand in the instruction syntax. ymm—Double octword (256-bit) operand in an YMM register. ymm1—Double octword (256-bit) operand in an YMM register, specified as the left-most (first) operand in the instruction syntax. ymm2—Double octword (256-bit) operand in an YMM register, specified as the right-most (second) operand in the instruction syntax. ymm/mem64—Quadword (64-bit) operand in a 256-bit YMM register or memory. ymm/mem128—Double quadword (128-bit) operand in an YMM register or memory. ymm1/mem256—Double octword (256-bit) operand in an YMM register or memory, specified as the left-most (first) operand in the instruction syntax. ymm2/mem256—Double octword (256-bit) operand in an YMM register or memory, specified as the right-most (second) operand in the instruction syntax. 2.5.2 Opcode Syntax In addition to the notation shown above in “Mnemonic Syntax” on page 52, the following notation indicates the size and type of operands in the syntax of an instruction opcode: Instruction Overview 55 AMD64 Technology • • • • • • • 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 /digit—Indicates that the ModRM byte specifies only one register or memory (r/m) operand. The digit is specified by the ModRM reg field and is used as an instruction-opcode extension. Valid digit values range from 0 to 7. /r—Indicates that the ModRM byte specifies both a register operand and a reg/mem (register or memory) operand. cb, cw, cd, cp—Specifies a code-offset value and possibly a new code-segment register value. The value following the opcode is either one byte (cb), two bytes (cw), four bytes (cd), or six bytes (cp). ib, iw, id, iq—Specifies an immediate-operand value. The opcode determines whether the value is signed or unsigned. The value following the opcode, ModRM, or SIB byte is either one byte (ib), two bytes (iw), or four bytes (id). Word and doubleword values start with the low-order byte. +rb, +rw, +rd, +rq—Specifies a register value that is added to the hexadecimal byte on the left, forming a one-byte opcode. The result is an instruction that operates on the register specified by the register code. Valid register-code values are shown in Table 2-2. m64—Specifies a quadword (64-bit) operand in memory. +i—Specifies an x87 floating-point stack operand, ST(i). The value is used only with x87 floatingpoint instructions. It is added to the hexadecimal byte on the left, forming a one-byte opcode. Valid values range from 0 to 7. Table 2-2. REX.B Bit1 0 or no REX Prefix Value Specified Register +rb +rw +rd +rq 0 AL AX EAX RAX 1 CL CX ECX RCX 2 DL DX EDX RDX 3 BL 4 5 6 7 1 +rb, +rw, +rd, and +rq Register Value AH, BX EBX RBX SPL1 SP ESP RSP 1 BP EBP RBP 1 SI ESI RSI DIL1 DI EDI RDI CH, BPL DH, SIL BH, 0 R8B R8W R8D R8 1 R9B R9W R9D R9 2 R10B R10W R10D R10 3 R11B R11W R11D R11 4 R12B R12W R12D R12 5 R13B R13W R13D R13 6 R14B R14W R14D R14 7 R15B R15W R15D R15 1. See “REX Prefix” on page 14. 56 Instruction Overview 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 2.5.3 AMD64 Technology Pseudocode Definition Pseudocode examples are given for the actions of several complex instructions (for example, see “CALL (Near)” on page 126). The following definitions apply to all such pseudocode examples: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Pseudo Code Definition ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Comments start with double slashes. // // '=' can mean "is", or assignment based on context // '==' is the equals comparison operator // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Constants ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 0 0000_0001b FFE0_0000h // numbers are in base-10 (decimal), unless followed by a suffix // a number in binary notation, underbars added for readability // a number expressed in hexadecimal notation // in the following, '&&' is the logical AND operator. See "Logical Operators" // below. // reg[fld] identifies a field (one or more bits) within architected register // or within a sub-element of a larger data structure. A dot separates the // higher-level data structure name from the sub-element name. // CS.desc = Code Segment descriptor // CS.desc has sub-elements: base, limit, attr SS.desc = Stack Segment descriptor // SS.desc has the same sub-elements CS.desc.base = base subfield of CS.desc CS = Code Segment Register SS = Stack Segment Register CPL = Current Privilege Level (0 <= CPL <= 3) REAL_MODE = (CR0[PE] == 0) PROTECTED_MODE = ((CR0[PE] == 1) && (RFLAGS[VM] == 0)) VIRTUAL_MODE = ((CR0[PE] == 1) && (RFLAGS[VM] == 1)) LEGACY_MODE = (EFER[LMA] == 0) LONG_MODE = (EFER[LMA] == 1) 64BIT_MODE = ((EFER[LMA]==1) && (CS_desc.attr[L] == 1) && (CS_desc.attr[D] == 0)) COMPATIBILITY_MODE = (EFER[LMA] == 1) && (CS_desc.attr[L] == 0) PAGING_ENABLED = (CR0[PG] == 1) ALIGNMENT_CHECK_ENABLED = ((CR0[AM] == 1) && (RFLAGS[AC] == 1) && (CPL == 3)) OPERAND_SIZE = 16, 32, or 64 // size, in bits, of an operand // OPERAND_SIZE depends on processor mode, the current code segment descriptor // default operand size [D], presence of the operand size override prefix (66h) // and, in 64-bit mode, the REX prefix. // NOTE: Specific instructions take 8-bit operands, but for these instructions, // operand size is fixed and the variable OPERAND_SIZE is not needed. ADDRESS_SIZE = 16, 32, or 64 Instruction Overview // size, in bits, of the effective address for 57 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 // memory reads. ADDRESS_SIZE depends processor mode, the current code segment // descriptor default operand size [D], and the presence of the address size // override prefix (67h) STACK_SIZE = 16, 32, or 64 // size, in bits of stack operation operand // STACK_SIZE depends on current code segment descriptor attribute D bit and // the Stack Segment descriptor attribute B bit. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Architected Registers ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Identified using abbreviated names assigned by the Architecture; can represent // the register or its contents depending on context. RAX = the 64-bit contents of the general-purpose register EAX = 32-bit contents of GPR EAX AX = 16-bit contents of GPR AX AL = lower 8 bits of GPR AX AH = upper 8 bits of GPR AX index_of(reg) = value used to encode the register. index_of(AX) = 0000b index_of(RAX) = 0000b // in legacy and compatibility modes the msb of the index is fixed as 0 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Defined Variables ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// old_RIP = RIP at the start of current instruction old_RSP = RSP at the start of current instruction old_RFLAGS = RFLAGS at the start of the instruction old_CS = CS selector at the start of current instruction old_DS = DS selector at the start of current instruction old_ES = ES selector at the start of current instruction old_FS = FS selector at the start of current instruction old_GS = GS selector at the start of current instruction old_SS = SS selector at the start of current instruction RIP = the current RIP register RSP = the current RSP register RBP = the current RBP register RFLAGS = the current RFLAGS register next_RIP = RIP at start of next instruction CS.desc = base SS.desc = base 58 the current CS descriptor, including the subfields: limit attr the current SS descriptor, including the subfields: limit attr Instruction Overview 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology SRC = the instruction’s source operand SRC1 = the instruction's first source operand SRC2 = the instruction's second source operand SRC3 = the instruction's third source operand IMM8 = 8-bit immediate encoded in the instruction IMM16 = 16-bit immediate encoded in the instruction IMM32 = 32-bit immediate encoded in the instruction IMM64 = 64-bit immediate encoded in the instruction DEST = instruction’s destination register temp_* // 64-bit temp_*_desc // // // temporary register temporary descriptor, with sub-elements: if it points to a block of memory: base limit attr if it’s a gate descriptor: offet segment attr NULL = 0000h // null selector is all zeros ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Exceptions ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// EXCEPTION [#GP(0)] // Signals an exception; error code in parenthesis EXCEPTION [#UD] // if no error code // possible exception types: #DE // Divide-By-Zero-Error Exception (Vector 0) #DB // Debug Exception (Vector 1) #BP // INT3 Breakpoint Exception (Vector 3) #OF // INTO Overflow Exception (Vector 4) #BR // Bound-Range Exception (Vector 5) #UD // Invalid-Opcode Exception (Vector 6) #NM // Device-Not-Available Exception (Vector 7) #DF // Double-Fault Exception (Vector 8) #TS // Invalid-TSS Exception (Vector 10) #NP // Segment-Not-Present Exception (Vector 11) #SS // Stack Exception (Vector 12) #GP // General-Protection Exception (Vector 13) #PF // Page-Fault Exception (Vector 14) #MF // x87 Floating-Point Exception-Pending (Vector 16) #AC // Alignment-Check Exception (Vector 17) #MC // Machine-Check Exception (Vector 18) #XF // SIMD Floating-Point Exception (Vector 19) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Implicit Assignments ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // IF V,Z,A,S are integer variables, assigned a value when an instruction begins executing (they can be assigned a different value in the middle of an instruction, if needed) (OPERAND_SIZE == 16) V = 2 Instruction Overview 59 AMD64 Technology IF IF IF IF IF IF IF IF IF IF IF 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 (OPERAND_SIZE == 32) (OPERAND_SIZE == 64) (OPERAND_SIZE == 16) (OPERAND_SIZE == 32) (OPERAND_SIZE == 64) (ADDRESS_SIZE == 16) (ADDRESS_SIZE == 32) (ADDRESS_SIZE == 64) (STACK_SIZE == 16) (STACK_SIZE == 32) (STACK_SIZE == 64) V V Z Z Z A A A S S S = = = = = = = = = = = 4 8 2 4 4 2 4 8 2 4 8 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Bit Range Inside a Register ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// temp_data[x:y] // Bits x through y (inclusive) of temp_data ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Variables and data types ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// NxtValue = 5 //default data type is unsigned int. int bool vector //abstract data type representing an integer //abstract data type; either TRUE or FALSE //An array of data elements. Individual elements are accessed via //an unsigned integer zero-based index. Elements have a data type. bit //a single bit byte //8-bit value word //16-bit value doubleword //32-bit value quadword //64-bit value octword //128-bit value double octword //256-bit value unsigned int aval signed int valx bit vector b_vect b_vect[5] //treat aval as an unsigned integer value //treat valx as a signed integer value //b_vect is an array of data elements. Each element is a bit. //The sixth element (bit) in the array. Indices are 0-based. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Elements Within a packed data type ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // element i of size w occupies bits [wi-1:wi] ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Moving Data From One Register To Another ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// temp_dest.b = temp_src; // 1-byte move (copies lower 8 bits of temp_src to // temp_dest, preserving the upper 56 bits of temp_dest) 60 Instruction Overview 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 temp_dest.w = temp_src; temp_dest.d = temp_src; temp_dest.q = temp_src; temp_dest.v = temp_src; temp_dest.z = temp_src; temp_dest.a = temp_src; temp_dest.s = temp_src; // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // AMD64 Technology 2-byte move (copies lower 16 bits of temp_src to temp_dest, preserving the upper 48 bits of temp_dest) 4-byte move (copies lower 32 bits of temp_src to temp_dest; zeros out the upper 32 bits of temp_dest) 8-byte move (copies all 64 bits of temp_src to temp_dest) 2-byte move if V==2 4-byte move if V==4 8-byte move if V==8 2-byte move if Z==2 4-byte move if Z==4 2-byte move if A==2 4-byte move if A==4 8-byte move if A==8 2-byte move if S==2 4-byte move if S==4 8-byte move if S==8 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Arithmetic Operators ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// a + b // integer addition a - b // integer subtraction a * b // integer multiplication a / b // integer division. Result is the quotient a % b // modulo. Result is the remainder after a is divided by b // multiplication has precedence over addition where precedence is not explicitly // indicated by grouping terms with parentheses ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Bitwise Operators ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // temp, a, and b are values or register contents of the same size temp = a AND b; // Corresponding bits of a and b are logically ANDed together temp = a OR b; // Corresponding bits of a and b are logically ORed together temp = a XOR b; // Each bit of temp is the exclusive OR of the corresponding // bits of a and b temp = NOT a; // Each bit of temp is the complement of the corresponding // bit of a // Concatenation value = {field1,field2,100b}; //pack values of field1, field2 and 100b size_of(value) = (size_of(field1) + size_of(field2) + 3) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Logical Shift Operators ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// temp = a << b; // Result is a shifted left by _b_ bit positions. Zeros are // shifted into vacant positions. Bits shifted out are lost. temp = a >> b; // Result is a shifted right by _b_ bit positions. Zeros are // shifted into vacant positions. Bits shifted out are lost. Instruction Overview 61 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Logical Operators ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // a boolean variable can assume one of two values (TRUE or FALSE) // In these examples, FOO, BAR, CONE, and HEAD have been defined to be boolean // variables FOO && BAR // Logical AND FOO || BAR // Logical OR !FOO // Logical complement (NOT) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Comparison Operators ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // a and b are integer values. The result is a boolean value. a == b // if a and b are equal, the result is TRUE; otherwise it is FALSE. a != b // if a and b are not equal, the result is TRUE; otherwise it is FALSE. a > b // if a is greater than b, the result is TRUE; otherwise it is FALSE. a < b // if a is less than b, the result is TRUE; otherwise it is FALSE. a >= b // if a is greater than or equal to b, the result is TRUE; otherwise // it is FALSE. a <= b // if a is less than or equal to b, the result is TRUE; otherwise // it is FALSE. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Logical Expressions ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Logical binary (two operand) and unary (one operand) operators can be combined // with comparison operators to form more complex expressions. Parentheses are // used to enclose comparison terms and to show precedence. If precedence is not // explicitly shown, logical AND has precedence over logical OR. Unary operators // have precedence over binary operators. FOO && (a < b) || !BAR // evaluate the comparison a < b first, then // AND this with FOO. Finally OR this intermediate result // with the complement of BAR. // Logical expressions can be English phrases that can be evaluated to be TRUE // or FALSE. Statements assume knowledge of the system architecture (Volumes 1 and // 2). ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// IF (it is raining) close the window ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Assignment Operators ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// a = a + b // The value a is assigned the sum of the values a and b // temp = R1 // The contents of the register temp is replaced by a copy of the // contents of register R1. 62 Instruction Overview 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology R0 += 2 // R0 is assigned the sum of the contents of R0 and the integer 2. // R5 |= R6 // R5 is assigned the result of the bit-wise OR of the contents of R5 // and R6. Contents of R6 is unchanged. R4 &= R7 // R4 is assigned the result of the bit-wise AND of the contents of // R4 and R7. Contents of R7 is unchanged. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // IF-THEN-ELSE ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// IF (FOO)// evaluation of is dependent on FOO // being TRUE. If FOO is FALSE, is not // evaluated. IF (FOO) ... IF (FOO) ELSIF (BAR) ELSE // scope of IF is indicated by indentation // // // // // // // If FOO is TRUE, is evaluated and the remaining ELSEIF and ELSE clauses are skipped. IF FOO is FALSE and BAR is TRUE, is evaluated and the subsequent ELSEIF or ELSE clauses are skipped. // evaluated if all the preceeding IF and ELSEIF // conditions are FALSE. IF ((FOO && BAR) || (CONE && HEAD)) // The condition can be an expression. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Loops ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FOR i = to , BY // scope of loop is indicated by indentation // if = 1, may omit "BY" clause // nested loop example temp = 0 //initialize temp FOR i = 0 to 7 // i takes on the values 0 through 7 in succession temp += 1 // In the outer loop. Evaluated a total of 8 times. For j = 0 to 7, BY 2 // j takes on the values 0, 2, 4, and 6; but not 7. // This will be evaluated a total of 8 * 4 times. Instruction Overview 63 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 // C Language form of loop syntax is also allowed FOR (i = 0; i < MAX; i++) { //evaluated MAX times } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Functions ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Syntax for function definition (argument,..) RETURN ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Built-in Functions ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SignExtend(arg) // returns value of _arg_ sign extended to the width of the data // type of the function. Data type of function is inferred from // the context of the function's invocation. ZeroExtend(arg) // returns value of _arg_ zero extended to the width of the data // type of the function. Data type of function is inferred from // the context of the function's invocation. indexof(reg) //returns binary value used to encode reg specification ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // READ_MEM // General memory read. This zero-extends the data to 64 bits and returns it. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// usage: temp = READ_MEM.x [seg:offset] // where x is one of {v, z, b, w, d, q} // and denotes the size of the memory read definition: IF ((seg AND 0xFFFC) == NULL) // GP fault for using a null segment to // reference memory EXCEPTION [#GP(0)] IF ((seg==CS) || (seg==DS) || (seg==ES) || (seg==FS) || (seg==GS)) // CS,DS,ES,FS,GS check for segment limit or canonical IF ((!64BIT_MODE) && (offset is outside seg’s limit)) EXCEPTION [#GP(0)] // #GP fault for segment limit violation in non-64-bit mode IF ((64BIT_MODE) && (offset is non-canonical)) EXCEPTION [#GP(0)] // #GP fault for non-canonical address in 64-bit mode ELSIF (seg==SS) // SS checks for segment limit or canonical 64 Instruction Overview 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology IF ((!64BIT_MODE) && (offset is outside seg’s limit)) EXCEPTION [#SS(0)] // stack fault for segment limit violation in non-64-bit mode IF ((64BIT_MODE) && (offset is non-canonical)) EXCEPTION [#SS(0)] // stack fault for non-canonical address in 64-bit mode ELSE // ((seg==GDT) || (seg==LDT) || (seg==IDT) || (seg==TSS)) // GDT,LDT,IDT,TSS check for segment limit and canonical IF (offset > seg.limit) EXCEPTION [#GP(0)] // #GP fault for segment limit violation // in all modes IF ((LONG_MODE) && (offset is non-canonical)) EXCEPTION [#GP(0)] // #GP fault for non-canonical address in long mode IF ((ALIGNMENT_CHECK_ENABLED) && (offset misaligned, considering its size and alignment)) EXCEPTION [#AC(0)] IF ((64_bit_mode) && ((seg==CS) || (seg==DS) || (seg==ES) || (seg==SS)) temp_linear = offset ELSE temp_linear = seg.base + offset IF ((PAGING_ENABLED) && (virtual-to-physical translation for temp_linear results in a page-protection violation)) EXCEPTION [#PF(error_code)] // page fault for page-protection violation // (U/S violation, Reserved bit violation) IF ((PAGING_ENABLED) && (temp_linear is on a not-present page)) EXCEPTION [#PF(error_code)] // page fault for not-present page temp_data = memory [temp_linear].x // zero-extends the data to 64 // bits, and saves it in temp_data RETURN (temp_data) // return the zero-extended data ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // WRITE_MEM // General memory write ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// usage: WRITE_MEM.x [seg:offset] = temp.x // where is one of these: // {V, Z, B, W, D, Q} and denotes the // size of the memory write definition: IF ((seg & 0xFFFC)== NULL) // GP fault for using a null segment // to reference memory EXCEPTION [#GP(0)] Instruction Overview 65 AMD64 Technology IF (seg isn’t writable) EXCEPTION [#GP(0)] 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 // GP fault for writing to a read-only segment IF ((seg==CS) || (seg==DS) || (seg==ES) || (seg==FS) || (seg==GS)) // CS,DS,ES,FS,GS check for segment limit or canonical IF ((!64BIT_MODE) && (offset is outside seg’s limit)) EXCEPTION [#GP(0)] // #GP fault for segment limit violation in non-64-bit mode IF ((64BIT_MODE) && (offset is non-canonical)) EXCEPTION [#GP(0)] // #GP fault for non-canonical address in 64-bit mode ELSIF (seg==SS) // SS checks for segment limit or canonical IF ((!64BIT_MODE) && (offset is outside seg’s limit)) EXCEPTION [#SS(0)] // stack fault for segment limit violation in non-64-bit mode IF ((64BIT_MODE) && (offset is non-canonical)) EXCEPTION [#SS(0)] // stack fault for non-canonical address in 64-bit mode ELSE // ((seg==GDT) || (seg==LDT) || (seg==IDT) || (seg==TSS)) // GDT,LDT,IDT,TSS check for segment limit and canonical IF (offset > seg.limit) EXCEPTION [#GP(0)] // #GP fault for segment limit violation in all modes IF ((LONG_MODE) && (offset is non-canonical)) EXCEPTION [#GP(0)] // #GP fault for non-canonical address in long mode IF ((ALIGNMENT_CHECK_ENABLED) && (offset is misaligned, considering its size and alignment)) EXCEPTION [#AC(0)] IF ((64_bit_mode) && ((seg==CS) || (seg==DS) || (seg==ES) || (seg==SS)) temp_linear = offset ELSE temp_linear = seg.base + offset IF ((PAGING_ENABLED) && (the virtual-to-physical translation for temp_linear results in a page-protection violation)) { EXCEPTION [#PF(error_code)] // page fault for page-protection violation // (U/S violation, Reserved bit violation) } IF ((PAGING_ENABLED) && (temp_linear is on a not-present page)) EXCEPTION [#PF(error_code)] // page fault for not-present page memory [temp_linear].x = temp.x 66 // write the bytes to memory Instruction Overview 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PUSH // Write data to the stack ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// usage: PUSH.x temp // where x is one of these: {v, z, b, w, d, q} and // denotes the size of the push definition: WRITE_MEM.x [SS:RSP.s - X] = temp.x RSP.s = RSP - X // write to the stack // point rsp to the data just written ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // POP // Read data from the stack, zero-extend it to 64 bits ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// usage: POP.x temp // where x is one of these: {v, z, b, w, d, q} and // denotes the size of the pop definition: temp = READ_MEM.x [SS:RSP.s] RSP.s = RSP + X // read from the stack // point rsp above the data just written ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // READ_DESCRIPTOR // Read 8-byte descriptor from GDT/LDT, return the descriptor ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// usage: temp_descriptor = READ_DESCRIPTOR (selector, chktype) // chktype field is one of the following: // cs_chk used for far call and far jump // clg_chk used when reading CS for far call or far jump through call gate // ss_chk used when reading SS // iret_chk used when reading CS for IRET or RETF // intcs_chk used when readin the CS for interrupts and exceptions definition: temp_offset = selector AND 0xfff8 // upper 13 bits give an offset // in the descriptor table IF (selector.TI == 0) // read 8 bytes from the gdt, split it into // (base,limit,attr) if the type bits temp_desc = READ_MEM.q [gdt:temp_offset] // indicate a block of memory, or split // it into (segment,offset,attr) Instruction Overview 67 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 // if the type bits indicate // a gate, and save the result in temp_desc ELSE temp_desc = READ_MEM.q [ldt:temp_offset] // read 8 bytes from the ldt, split it into // (base,limit,attr) if the type bits // indicate a block of memory, or split // it into (segment,offset,attr) if the type // bits indicate a gate, and save the result // in temp_desc IF (selector.rpl or temp_desc.attr.dpl is illegal for the current mode/cpl) EXCEPTION [#GP(selector)] IF (temp_desc.attr.type is illegal for the current mode/chktype) EXCEPTION [#GP(selector)] IF (temp_desc.attr.p==0) EXCEPTION [#NP(selector)] RETURN (temp_desc) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // READ_IDT // Read an 8-byte descriptor from the IDT, return the descriptor ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// usage: temp_idt_desc = READ_IDT (vector) // "vector" is the interrupt vector number definition: IF (LONG_MODE) // long-mode idt descriptors are 16 bytes long temp_offset = vector*16 ELSE // (LEGACY_MODE) legacy-protected-mode idt descriptors are 8 bytes long temp_offset = vector*8 temp_desc = READ_MEM.q [idt:temp_offset] // read 8 bytes from the idt, split it into // (segment,offset,attr), and save it in temp_desc IF (temp_desc.attr.dpl is illegal for the current mode/cpl) // exception, with error code that indicates this idt gate EXCEPTION [#GP(vector*8+2)] IF (temp_desc.attr.type is illegal for the current mode) // exception, with error code that indicates this idt gate EXCEPTION [#GP(vector*8+2)] IF (temp_desc.attr.p==0) 68 Instruction Overview 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology EXCEPTION [#NP(vector*8+2)] // segment-not-present exception, with an error code that // indicates this idt gate RETURN (temp_desc) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // READ_INNER_LEVEL_STACK_POINTER // Read a new stack pointer (rsp or ss:esp) from the tss ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// usage: temp_SS_desc:temp_RSP = READ_INNER_LEVEL_STACK_POINTER (new_cpl, ist_index) definition: IF (LONG_MODE) { IF (ist_index>0) // if IST is selected, read an ISTn stack pointer from the tss temp_RSP = READ_MEM.q [tss:ist_index*8+28] ELSE // (ist_index==0) // otherwise read an RSPn stack pointer from the tss temp_RSP = READ_MEM.q [tss:new_cpl*8+4] temp_SS_desc.sel = NULL + new_cpl // in long mode, changing to lower cpl sets SS.sel to // NULL+new_cpl } ELSE // (LEGACY_MODE) { temp_RSP = READ_MEM.d [tss:new_cpl*8+4] // read ESPn from the tss temp_sel = READ_MEM.d [tss:new_cpl*8+8] // read SSn from the tss temp_SS_desc = READ_DESCRIPTOR (temp_sel, ss_chk) } return (temp_RSP:temp_SS_desc) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // READ_BIT_ARRAY // Read 1 bit from a bit array in memory ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// usage: temp_value = READ_BIT_ARRAY ([mem], bit_number) definition: temp_BYTE = READ_MEM.b [mem + (bit_number SHR 3)] // read the byte containing the bit Instruction Overview 69 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 temp_BIT = temp_BYTE SHR (bit_number & 7) // shift the requested bit position into bit 0 return (temp_BIT & 0x01) 70 // return ’0’ or ’1’ Instruction Overview 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 3 AMD64 Technology General-Purpose Instruction Reference This chapter describes the function, mnemonic syntax, opcodes, affected flags, and possible exceptions generated by the general-purpose instructions. General-purpose instructions are used in basic software execution. Most of these instructions load, store, or operate on data located in the general-purpose registers (GPRs), in memory, or in both. The remaining instructions are used to alter the sequential flow of the program by branching to other locations within the program, or to entirely different programs. With the exception of the MOVD, MOVMSKPD and MOVMSKPS instructions, which operate on MMX/XMM registers, the instructions within the category of general-purpose instructions do not operate on any other register set. Most general-purpose instructions are supported in all hardware implementations of the AMD64 architecture. However, some instructions in this group are optional and support must be determined by testing processor feature flags using the CPUID instruction. These instructions are listed in Table 3-1, along with the CPUID function, the register and bit used to test for the presence of the instruction. Table 3-1. Instruction Support Indicated by CPUID Feature Bits Instruction CPUID Function(s) Register[Bit] Feature Flag Bit Manipulation Instructions group 1 0000_0007h (ECX=0) EBX[3] BMI1 Bit Manipulation Instructions group 2 0000_0007h (ECX=0) EBX[8] BMI2 CMPXCHG8B 0000_0001h, 8000_0001h EDX[8] CMPXCHG8B CMPXCHG16B 0000_0001h ECX[13] CMPXCHG16B 0000_0001h, 8000_0001h EDX[15] CMOV CLFLUSH 0000_0001h EDX[19] CLFSH CRC32 0000_0001h ECX[20] SSE42 LZCNT 8000_0001h ECX[5] ABM Long Mode and Long Mode instructions 8000_0001h EDX[29] LM MFENCE, LFENCE 0000_0001h EDX[26] SSE2 MOVBE 0000_0001h ECX[22] MOVBE 0000_0001h, 8000_0001h EDX[23] MMX 0000_0001h EDX[26] SSE2 MOVNTI 0000_0001h EDX[26] SSE2 POPCNT 0000_0001h ECX[23] POPCNT ECX[8] 3DNowPrefetch EDX[29] LM EDX[31] 3DNow EBX[0] FSGSBASE CMOVcc (Conditional Moves) MOVD1 PREFETCH / PREFETCHW2 RDFSBASE, RDGSBASE WRFSBASE, WRGSBASE General-Purpose Instruction Reference 8000_0001h 0000_0007h (ECX=0) 71 AMD64 Technology Table 3-1. Instruction 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Instruction Support Indicated by CPUID Feature Bits CPUID Function(s) Register[Bit] Feature Flag SFENCE 0000_0001h EDX[25] SSE Trailing Bit Manipulation Instructions 8000_0001h ECX[21] TBM Notes: 1. The MOVD variant that moves values to or from MMX registers is part of the MMX subset; the MOVD variant that moves data to or from XMM registers is part of the SSE2 subset. 2. Instruction is supported if any one of the listed feature flags is set. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the reference page for the CPUID instruction on page 158. For a comprehensive list of all instruction support feature flags, see Appendix D, “Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags,” on page 531. The general-purpose instructions can be used in legacy mode or 64-bit long mode. Compilation of general-purpose programs for execution in 64-bit long mode offers three primary advantages: access to the eight extended, 64-bit general-purpose registers (for a register set consisting of GPR0–GPR15), access to the 64-bit virtual address space, and access to the RIP-relative addressing mode. For further information about the general-purpose instructions and register resources, see: • • • • • 72 “General-Purpose Programming” in Volume 1. “Summary of Registers and Data Types” on page 38. “Notation” on page 52. “Instruction Prefixes” on page 5. Appendix B, “General-Purpose Instructions in 64-Bit Mode.” In particular, see “General Rules for 64-Bit Mode” on page 499. General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology AAA ASCII Adjust After Addition Adjusts the value in the AL register to an unpacked BCD value. Use the AAA instruction after using the ADD instruction to add two unpacked BCD numbers. The instruction is coded without explicit operands: AAA If the value in the lower nibble of AL is greater than 9 or the AF flag is set to 1, the instruction increments the AH register, adds 6 to the AL register, and sets the CF and AF flags to 1. Otherwise, it does not change the AH register and clears the CF and AF flags to 0. In either case, AAA clears bits 7:4 of the AL register, leaving the correct decimal digit in bits 3:0. This instruction also makes it possible to add ASCII numbers without having to mask off the upper nibble ‘3’. MXCSR Flags Affected Using this instruction in 64-bit mode generates an invalid-opcode exception. Mnemonic Opcode AAA Description Create an unpacked BCD number. (Invalid in 64-bit mode.) 37 Related Instructions AAD, AAM, AAS rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF U 21 20 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 SF ZF AF PF CF U U M U M 7 6 4 2 0 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Invalid opcode, #UD General-Purpose Instruction Reference X Cause of Exception This instruction was executed in 64-bit mode. AAA 73 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AAD ASCII Adjust Before Division Converts two unpacked BCD digits in the AL (least significant) and AH (most significant) registers to a single binary value in the AL register. The instruction is coded without explicit operands: AAD The instruction performs the following operation on the contents of AL and AH using the formula: AL = ((10d * AH) + (AL)) After the conversion, AH is cleared to 00h. In most modern assemblers, the AAD instruction adjusts from base-10 values. However, by coding the instruction directly in binary, it can adjust from any base specified by the immediate byte value (ib) suffixed onto the D5h opcode. For example, code D508h for octal, D50Ah for decimal, and D50Ch for duodecimal (base 12). Using this instruction in 64-bit mode generates an invalid-opcode exception. Mnemonic Opcode Description AAD D5 0A Adjust two BCD digits in AL and AH. (Invalid in 64-bit mode.) (None) D5 ib Adjust two BCD digits to the immediate byte base. (Invalid in 64-bit mode.) Related Instructions AAA, AAM, AAS rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF U 21 20 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 SF ZF AF PF CF M M U M U 7 6 4 2 0 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Invalid opcode, #UD 74 Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d X Cause of Exception This instruction was executed in 64-bit mode. AAD General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology AAM ASCII Adjust After Multiply Converts the value in the AL register from binary to two unpacked BCD digits in the AH (most significant) and AL (least significant) registers. The instruction is coded without explicit operands: AAM The instruction performs the following operation on the contents of AL and AH using the formula: AH = (AL/10d) AL = (AL mod 10d) In most modern assemblers, the AAM instruction adjusts to base-10 values. However, by coding the instruction directly in binary, it can adjust to any base specified by the immediate byte value (ib) suffixed onto the D4h opcode. For example, code D408h for octal, D40Ah for decimal, and D40Ch for duodecimal (base 12). Using this instruction in 64-bit mode generates an invalid-opcode exception. Mnemonic Opcode Description AAM D4 0A Create a pair of unpacked BCD values in AH and AL. (Invalid in 64-bit mode.) (None) D4 ib Create a pair of unpacked values to the immediate byte base. (Invalid in 64-bit mode.) Related Instructions AAA, AAD, AAS rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF U 21 20 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 SF ZF AF PF CF M M U M U 7 6 4 2 0 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M. Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Divide by zero, #DE Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d X Invalid opcode, #UD General-Purpose Instruction Reference X Cause of Exception X 8-bit immediate value was 0. X This instruction was executed in 64-bit mode. AAM 75 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AAS ASCII Adjust After Subtraction Adjusts the value in the AL register to an unpacked BCD value. Use the AAS instruction after using the SUB instruction to subtract two unpacked BCD numbers. The instruction is coded without explicit operands: AAS If the value in AL is greater than 9 or the AF flag is set to 1, the instruction decrements the value in AH, subtracts 6 from the AL register, and sets the CF and AF flags to 1. Otherwise, it clears the CF and AF flags and the AH register is unchanged. In either case, the instruction clears bits 7:4 of the AL register, leaving the correct decimal digit in bits 3:0. Using this instruction in 64-bit mode generates an invalid-opcode exception. Mnemonic Opcode AAS Description Create an unpacked BCD number from the contents of the AL register. (Invalid in 64-bit mode.) 3F Related Instructions AAA, AAD, AAM rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF U 21 20 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 SF ZF AF PF CF U U M U M 7 6 4 2 0 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Invalid opcode, #UD 76 Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d X Cause of Exception This instruction was executed in 64-bit mode. AAS General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology ADC Add with Carry Adds the carry flag (CF), the value in a register or memory location (first operand), and an immediate value or the value in a register or memory location (second operand), and stores the result in the first operand location. The instruction has two operands: ADC dest, src The instruction cannot add two memory operands. The CF flag indicates a pending carry from a previous addition operation. The instruction sign-extends an immediate value to the length of the destination register or memory location. This instruction evaluates the result for both signed and unsigned data types and sets the OF and CF flags to indicate a carry in a signed or unsigned result, respectively. It sets the SF flag to indicate the sign of a signed result. Use the ADC instruction after an ADD instruction as part of a multibyte or multiword addition. The forms of the ADC instruction that write to memory support the LOCK prefix. For details about the LOCK prefix, see “Lock Prefix” on page 11. Mnemonic Opcode Description ADC AL, imm8 14 ib Add imm8 to AL + CF. ADC AX, imm16 15 iw Add imm16 to AX + CF. ADC EAX, imm32 15 id Add imm32 to EAX + CF. ADC RAX, imm32 15 id Add sign-extended imm32 to RAX + CF. ADC reg/mem8, imm8 80 /2 ib Add imm8 to reg/mem8 + CF. ADC reg/mem16, imm16 81 /2 iw Add imm16 to reg/mem16 + CF. ADC reg/mem32, imm32 81 /2 id Add imm32 to reg/mem32 + CF. ADC reg/mem64, imm32 81 /2 id Add sign-extended imm32 to reg/mem64 + CF. ADC reg/mem16, imm8 83 /2 ib Add sign-extended imm8 to reg/mem16 + CF. ADC reg/mem32, imm8 83 /2 ib Add sign-extended imm8 to reg/mem32 + CF. ADC reg/mem64, imm8 83 /2 ib Add sign-extended imm8 to reg/mem64 + CF. ADC reg/mem8, reg8 10 /r Add reg8 to reg/mem8 + CF ADC reg/mem16, reg16 11 /r Add reg16 to reg/mem16 + CF. ADC reg/mem32, reg32 11 /r Add reg32 to reg/mem32 + CF. ADC reg/mem64, reg64 11 /r Add reg64 to reg/mem64 + CF. ADC reg8, reg/mem8 12 /r Add reg/mem8 to reg8 + CF. ADC reg16, reg/mem16 13 /r Add reg/mem16 to reg16 + CF. General-Purpose Instruction Reference ADC 77 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Mnemonic Opcode Description ADC reg32, reg/mem32 13 /r Add reg/mem32 to reg32 + CF. ADC reg64, reg/mem64 13 /r Add reg/mem64 to reg64 + CF. Related Instructions ADD, SBB, SUB rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF M 21 20 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 SF ZF AF PF CF M M M M M 7 6 4 2 0 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Stack, #SS General protection, #GP Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Cause of Exception X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X X X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was noncanonical. X The destination operand was in a non-writable segment. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. 78 ADC General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology ADCX Unsigned ADD with Carry Flag Adds the value in a register (first operand) with a register or memory (second operand) and the carry flag, and stores the result in the first operand location. This instruction sets the CF based on the unsigned addition. This instruction is useful in multiprecision addition algorithms. Mnemonic Opcode Description ADCX reg32, reg/mem32 66 0F 38 F6 /r Unsigned add with carryflag ADCX reg64, reg/mem64 66 0F 38 F6 /r Unsigned add with carry flag. Related Instructions ADOX rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF SF ZF AF PF CF M 21 20 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 7 6 4 2 0 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank.Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Stack, #SS Virtual Real 8086 Protected Cause of Exception X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X X X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was non-canonical. X The destination operand was in a non-writable segment. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. General protection, #GP Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. X X Instruction not supported by CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[ADX] = 0. X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode. Invalid opcode, #UD X X General-Purpose Instruction Reference ADD 79 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 ADD Signed or Unsigned Add Adds the value in a register or memory location (first operand) and an immediate value or the value in a register or memory location (second operand), and stores the result in the first operand location. The instruction has two operands: ADD dest, src The instruction cannot add two memory operands. The instruction sign-extends an immediate value to the length of the destination register or memory operand. This instruction evaluates the result for both signed and unsigned data types and sets the OF and CF flags to indicate a carry in a signed or unsigned result, respectively. It sets the SF flag to indicate the sign of a signed result. The forms of the ADD instruction that write to memory support the LOCK prefix. For details about the LOCK prefix, see “Lock Prefix” on page 11. Mnemonic Opcode Description ADD AL, imm8 04 ib Add imm8 to AL. ADD AX, imm16 05 iw Add imm16 to AX. ADD EAX, imm32 05 id Add imm32 to EAX. ADD RAX, imm32 05 id Add sign-extended imm32 to RAX. ADD reg/mem8, imm8 80 /0 ib Add imm8 to reg/mem8. ADD reg/mem16, imm16 81 /0 iw Add imm16 to reg/mem16 ADD reg/mem32, imm32 81 /0 id Add imm32 to reg/mem32. ADD reg/mem64, imm32 81 /0 id Add sign-extended imm32 to reg/mem64. ADD reg/mem16, imm8 83 /0 ib Add sign-extended imm8 to reg/mem16 ADD reg/mem32, imm8 83 /0 ib Add sign-extended imm8 to reg/mem32. ADD reg/mem64, imm8 83 /0 ib Add sign-extended imm8 to reg/mem64. ADD reg/mem8, reg8 00 /r Add reg8 to reg/mem8. ADD reg/mem16, reg16 01 /r Add reg16 to reg/mem16. ADD reg/mem32, reg32 01 /r Add reg32 to reg/mem32. ADD reg/mem64, reg64 01 /r Add reg64 to reg/mem64. ADD reg8, reg/mem8 02 /r Add reg/mem8 to reg8. ADD reg16, reg/mem16 03 /r Add reg/mem16 to reg16. ADD reg32, reg/mem32 03 /r Add reg/mem32 to reg32. ADD reg64, reg/mem64 03 /r Add reg/mem64 to reg64. 80 ADD General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Related Instructions ADC, SBB, SUB rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF M 21 20 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 SF ZF AF PF CF M M M M M 7 6 4 2 0 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Stack, #SS General protection, #GP Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Cause of Exception X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X X X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was noncanonical. X The destination operand was in a non-writable segment. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. General-Purpose Instruction Reference ADD 81 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 ADOX Unsigned ADD with Overflow Flag Adds the value in a register (first operand) with a register or memory (second operand) and the overflow flag, and stores the result in the first operand location. This instruction sets the OF based on the unsigned addition and whether there is a carry out. This instruction is useful in multi-precision addition algorithms. Mnemonic Opcode Description ADOX reg32, reg/mem32 F3 0F 38 F6 /r Unsigned add with overflow flag ADOX reg64, reg/mem64 F3 0F 38 F6 /r Unsigned add with overflow flag. Related Instructions ADCX rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF SF ZF AF PF CF 10 9 8 7 6 4 2 0 M 21 20 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank.Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Stack, #SS Virtual Real 8086 Protected Cause of Exception X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X X X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was non-canonical. X The destination operand was in a non-writable segment. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. General protection, #GP Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. X X Instruction not supported by CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX[ADX] = 0. X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode. Invalid opcode, #UD X X 82 ADD General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology AND Logical AND Performs a bit-wise logical and operation on the value in a register or memory location (first operand) and an immediate value or the value in a register or memory location (second operand), and stores the result in the first operand location. Both operands cannot be memory locations. The instruction has two operands: AND dest, src The instruction sets each bit of the result to 1 if the corresponding bit of both operands is set; otherwise, it clears the bit to 0. The following table shows the truth table for the logical and operation: X Y X and Y 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 The forms of the AND instruction that write to memory support the LOCK prefix. For details about the LOCK prefix, see “Lock Prefix” on page 11. Mnemonic Opcode Description AND AL, imm8 24 ib and the contents of AL with an immediate 8-bit value and store AND AX, imm16 25 iw and the contents of AX with an immediate 16-bit value and store the result in AX. AND EAX, imm32 25 id and the contents of EAX with an immediate 32-bit value and AND RAX, imm32 25 id and the contents of RAX with a sign-extended immediate 32-bit value and store the result in RAX. AND reg/mem8, imm8 80 /4 ib and the contents of reg/mem8 with imm8. AND reg/mem16, imm16 81 /4 iw and the contents of reg/mem16 with imm16. AND reg/mem32, imm32 81 /4 id and the contents of reg/mem32 with imm32. AND reg/mem64, imm32 81 /4 id and the contents of reg/mem64 with sign-extended imm32. AND reg/mem16, imm8 83 /4 ib and the contents of reg/mem16 with a sign-extended 8-bit value. AND reg/mem32, imm8 83 /4 ib and the contents of reg/mem32 with a sign-extended 8-bit value. AND reg/mem64, imm8 83 /4 ib and the contents of reg/mem64 with a sign-extended 8-bit value. General-Purpose Instruction Reference the result in AL. store the result in EAX. AND 83 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Mnemonic Opcode Description AND reg/mem8, reg8 20 /r and the contents of an 8-bit register or memory location with the contents of an 8-bit register. AND reg/mem16, reg16 21 /r and the contents of a 16-bit register or memory location with the contents of a 16-bit register. AND reg/mem32, reg32 21 /r and the contents of a 32-bit register or memory location with the contents of a 32-bit register. AND reg/mem64, reg64 21 /r and the contents of a 64-bit register or memory location with the contents of a 64-bit register. AND reg8, reg/mem8 22 /r and the contents of an 8-bit register with the contents of an 8-bit memory location or register. AND reg16, reg/mem16 23 /r and the contents of a 16-bit register with the contents of a 16-bit memory location or register. AND reg32, reg/mem32 23 /r and the contents of a 32-bit register with the contents of a 32-bit memory location or register. AND reg64, reg/mem64 23 /r and the contents of a 64-bit register with the contents of a 64-bit memory location or register. Related Instructions TEST, OR, NOT, NEG, XOR rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF 0 21 20 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 SF ZF AF PF CF M M U M 0 7 6 4 2 0 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Stack, #SS General protection, #GP Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Cause of Exception X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X X X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was noncanonical. X The destination operand was in a non-writable segment. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. 84 AND General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology ANDN Logical And-Not Performs a bit-wise logical and of the second source operand and the one's complement of the first source operand and stores the result into the destination operand. This instruction has three operands: ANDN dest, src1, src2 In 64-bit mode, the operand size is determined by the value of VEX.W. If VEX.W is 1, the operand size is 64-bit; if VEX.W is 0, the operand size is 32-bit. In 32-bit mode, VEX.W is ignored. 16-bit operands are not supported. The destination operand (dest) is always a general purpose register. The first source operand (src1) is a general purpose register and the second source operand (src2) is either a general purpose register or a memory operand. This instruction implements the following operation: not tmp, src1 and dest, tmp, src2 The flags are set according to the result of the and pseudo-operation. The ANDN instruction is a BMI1 instruction. Support for this instruction is indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX_x0[BMI1] = 1. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the instruction reference page for the CPUID instruction on page 158. For a description of all feature flags related to instruction subset support, see Appendix D, “Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags,” on page 531. Mnemonic Encoding VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode ANDN reg32, reg32, reg/mem32 C4 RXB.02 0.src1.0.00 F2 /r ANDN reg64, reg64, reg/mem64 C4 RXB.02 1.src1.0.00 F2 /r Related Instructions BEXTR, BLCI, BLCIC, BLCMSK, BLCS, BLSFILL, BLSI, BLSIC, BLSR, BLSMSK, BSF, BSR, LZCNT, POPCNT, T1MSKC, TZCNT, TZMSK General-Purpose Instruction Reference ANDN 85 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF 0 21 Note: 20 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 SF ZF AF PF CF M M U U 0 7 6 4 2 0 Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Mode Cause of Exception Real Virt Prot X X BMI instructions are only recognized in protected mode. X BMI instructions are not supported as indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX_x0[BMI] = 0. X VEX.L is 1. X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was noncanonical. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. Invalid opcode, #UD Stack, #SS General protection, #GP 86 ANDN General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology BEXTR (register form) Bit Field Extract Extracts a contiguous field of bits from the first source operand, as specified by the control field setting in the second source operand and puts the extracted field into the least significant bit positions of the destination. The remaining bits in the destination register are cleared to 0. This instruction has three operands: BEXTR dest, src, cntl In 64-bit mode, the operand size is determined by the value of VEX.W. If VEX.W is 1, the operand size is 64-bit; if VEX.W is 0, the operand size is 32-bit. In 32-bit mode, VEX.W is ignored. 16-bit operands are not supported. The destination (dest) is a general purpose register. The source operand (src) is either a general purpose register or a memory operand. The control (cntl) operand is a general purpose register that provides two fields describing the range of bits to extract: • • lsb_index (in bits 7:0)—specifies the index of the least significant bit of the field length (in bits 15:8)—specifies the number of bits in the field. The position of the extracted field can be expressed as: [lsb_ index + length – 1] : [lsb_index] For example, if the lsb_index is 7 and length is 5, then bits 11:7 of the source will be copied to bits 4:0 of the destination, with the rest of the destination being zero-filled. Zeros are provided for any bit positions in the specified range that lie beyond the most significant bit of the source operand. A length value of zero results in all zeros being written to the destination. This form of the BEXTR instruction is a BMI1 instruction. Support for this instruction is indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX_x0[BMI1] = 1. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the instruction reference page for the CPUID instruction on page 158. For a description of all feature flags related to instruction subset support, see Appendix D, “Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags,” on page 531. Mnemonic Encoding VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode BEXTR reg32, reg/mem32, reg32 C4 RXB.02 0.cntl.0.00 F7 /r BEXTR reg64, reg/mem64, reg64 C4 RXB.02 1.cntl.0.00 F7 /r General-Purpose Instruction Reference BEXTR (register form) 87 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Related Instructions ANDN, BLCI, BLCIC, BLCMSK, BLCS, BLSFILL, BLSI, BLSIC, BLSR, BLSMSK, BSF, BSR, LZCNT, POPCNT, T1MSKC, TZCNT, TZMSK rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF 0 21 20 Note: 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 SF ZF AF PF CF U M U U 0 7 6 4 2 0 Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Mode Exception Cause of Exception Virtual Real 8086 Protected X X BMI instructions are only recognized in protected mode. X BMI instructions are not supported, as indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX_x0[BMI] = 0. X VEX.L is 1. X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was non-canonical. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. Invalid opcode, #UD Stack, #SS General protection, #GP 88 BEXTR (register form) General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology BEXTR (immediate form) Bit Field Extract Extracts a contiguous field of bits from the first source operand, as specified by the control field setting in the second source operand and puts the extracted field into the least significant bit positions of the destination. The remaining bits in the destination register are cleared to 0. This instruction has three operands: BEXTR dest, src, cntl In 64-bit mode, the operand size is determined by the value of XOP.W. If XOP.W is 1, the operand size is 64-bit; if XOP.W is 0, the operand size is 32-bit. In 32-bit mode, XOP.W is ignored. 16-bit operands are not supported. The destination (dest) is a general purpose register. The source operand (src) is either a general purpose register or a memory operand. The control (cntl) operand is a 32-bit immediate value that provides two fields describing the range of bits to extract: • • lsb_index (in immediate operand bits 7:0)—specifies the index of the least significant bit of the field length (in immediate operand bits 15:8)—specifies the number of bits in the field. The position of the extracted field can be expressed as: [lsb_ index + length – 1] : [lsb_index] For example, if the lsb_index is 7 and length is 5, then bits 11:7 of the source will be copied to bits 4:0 of the destination, with the rest of the destination being zero-filled. Zeros are provided for any bit positions in the specified range that lie beyond the most significant bit of the source operand. A length value of zero results in all zeros being written to the destination. This form of the BEXTR instruction is a TBM instruction. Support for this instruction is indicated by CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[TBM] =1. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the instruction reference page for the CPUID instruction on page 158. For a description of all feature flags related to instruction subset support, see Appendix D, “Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags,” on page 531. Mnemonic Encoding XOP RXB.map_select BEXTR reg32, reg/mem32, imm32 8F RXB.0A 0.1111.0.00 10 /r /id BEXTR reg64, reg/mem64, imm32 8F RXB.0A 1.1111.0.00 10 /r /id General-Purpose Instruction Reference BEXTR (immediate form) W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode 89 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Related Instructions ANDN, BLCI, BLCIC, BLCMSK, BLCS, BLSFILL, BLSI, BLSIC, BLSR, BLSMSK, BSF, BSR, LZCNT, POPCNT, T1MSKC, TZCNT, TZMSK rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF 0 21 Note: 20 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 SF ZF AF PF CF U M U U 0 7 6 4 2 0 Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Virtual Real 8086 Protected X X Cause of Exception TBM instructions are only recognized in protected mode. X TBM instructions are not supported, as indicated by CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[TBM] = 0. X XOP.L is 1. X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was non-canonical. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. Invalid opcode, #UD Stack, #SS General protection, #GP 90 BEXTR (immediate form) General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology BLCFILL Fill From Lowest Clear Bit Finds the least significant zero bit in the source operand, clears all bits below that bit to 0 and writes the result to the destination. If there is no zero bit in the source operand, the destination is written with all zeros. This instruction has two operands: BLCFILL dest, src In 64-bit mode, the operand size is determined by the value of XOP.W. If XOP.W is 1, the operand size is 64-bit; if XOP.W is 0, the operand size is 32-bit. In 32-bit mode, XOP.W is ignored. 16-bit operands are not supported. The destination (dest) is a general purpose register. The source operand (src) is a general purpose register or a memory operand. The BLCFILL instruction effectively performs a bit-wise logical and of the source operand and the result of incrementing the source operand by 1 and stores the result to the destination register: add tmp, src, 1 and dest,tmp, src The value of the carry flag of rFLAGS is generated according to the result of the add pseudoinstruction and the remaining arithmetic flags are generated by the and pseudo-instruction. The BLCFILL instruction is a TBM instruction. Support for this instruction is indicated by CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[TBM] = 1. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the instruction reference page for the CPUID instruction on page 158. For a description of all feature flags related to instruction subset support, see Appendix D, “Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags,” on page 531. Mnemonic Encoding XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode BLCFILL reg32, reg/mem32 8F RXB.09 0.dest.0.00 01 /1 BLCFILL reg64, reg/mem64 8F RXB.09 1.dest.0.00 01 /1 Related Instructions ANDN, BEXTR, BLCI, BLCIC, BLCMSK, BLCS, BLSFILL, BLSI, BLSIC, BLSR, BLSMSK, BSF, BSR, LZCNT, POPCNT, T1MSKC, TZCNT, TZMSK General-Purpose Instruction Reference BLCFILL 91 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF 0 21 20 Note: 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 SF ZF AF PF CF M M U U M 7 6 4 2 0 Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Virtual Real 8086 Protected X X Cause of Exception TBM instructions are only recognized in protected mode. X TBM instructions are not supported, as indicated by CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[TBM] = 0. X XOP.L is 1. X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was non-canonical. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. Invalid opcode, #UD Stack, #SS General protection, #GP 92 BLCFILL General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology BLCI Isolate Lowest Clear Bit Finds the least significant zero bit in the source operand, sets all other bits to 1 and writes the result to the destination. If there is no zero bit in the source operand, the destination is written with all ones. This instruction has two operands: BLCI dest, src In 64-bit mode, the operand size is determined by the value of XOP.W. If XOP.W is 1, the operand size is 64-bit; if XOP.W is 0, the operand size is 32-bit. In 32-bit mode, XOP.W is ignored. 16-bit operands are not supported. The destination (dest) is a general purpose register. The source operand (src) is a general purpose register or a memory operand. The BLCI instruction effectively performs a bit-wise logical or of the source operand and the inverse of the result of incrementing the source operand by 1, and stores the result to the destination register: add tmp, src, 1 not tmp, tmp or dest, tmp, src The value of the carry flag of rFLAGS is generated according to the result of the add pseudoinstruction and the remaining arithmetic flags are generated by the or pseudo-instruction. The BLCI instruction is a TBM instruction. Support for this instruction is indicated by CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[TBM] = 1. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the instruction reference page for the CPUID instruction on page 158. For a description of all feature flags related to instruction subset support, see Appendix D, “Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags,” on page 531. Mnemonic Encoding XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode BLCI reg32, reg/mem32 8F RXB.09 0.dest.0.00 02 /6 BLCI reg64, reg/mem64 8F RXB.09 1.dest.0.00 02 /6 Related Instructions ANDN, BEXTR, BLCFILL, BLCIC, BLCMSK, BLCS, BLSFILL, BLSI, BLSIC, BLSR, BLSMSK, BSF, BSR, LZCNT, POPCNT, T1MSKC, TZCNT, TZMSK General-Purpose Instruction Reference BLCI 93 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF 0 21 20 Note: 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 SF ZF AF PF CF M M U U M 7 6 4 2 0 Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Virtual Real 8086 Protected X X Cause of Exception TBM instructions are only recognized in protected mode. X TBM instructions are not supported, as indicated by CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[TBM] = 0. X XOP.L is 1. X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was non-canonical. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. Invalid opcode, #UD Stack, #SS General protection, #GP 94 BLCI General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 BLCIC AMD64 Technology Isolate Lowest Clear Bit and Complement Finds the least significant zero bit in the source operand, sets that bit to 1, clears all other bits to 0 and writes the result to the destination. If there is no zero bit in the source operand, the destination is written with all zeros. This instruction has two operands: BLCIC dest, src In 64-bit mode, the operand size is determined by the value of XOP.W. If XOP.W is 1, the operand size is 64-bit; if XOP.W is 0, the operand size is 32-bit. In 32-bit mode, XOP.W is ignored. 16-bit operands are not supported. The destination (dest) is a general purpose register. The source operand (src) is a general purpose register or a memory operand. The BLCIC instruction effectively performs a bit-wise logical and of the negation of the source operand and the result of incrementing the source operand by 1, and stores the result to the destination register: add tmp1, src, 1 not tmp2, src and dest, tmp1,tmp2 The value of the carry flag of rFLAGS is generated according to the result of the add pseudoinstruction and the remaining arithmetic flags are generated by the and pseudo-instruction. The BLCIC instruction is a TBM instruction. Support for this instruction is indicated by CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[TBM] = 1. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the instruction reference page for the CPUID instruction on page 158. For a description of all feature flags related to instruction subset support, see Appendix D, “Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags,” on page 531. Mnemonic Encoding XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode BLCIC reg32, reg/mem32 8F RXB.09 0.dest.0.00 01 /5 BLCIC reg64, reg/mem64 8F RXB.09 1.dest.0.00 01 /5 Related Instructions ANDN, BEXTR, BLCFILL, BLCI, BLCMSK, BLCS, BLSFILL, BLSI, BLSIC, BLSR, BLSMSK, BSF, BSR, LZCNT, POPCNT, T1MSKC, TZCNT, TZMSK General-Purpose Instruction Reference BLCIC 95 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF 0 21 20 Note: 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 SF ZF AF PF CF M M U U M 7 6 4 2 0 Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Virtual Real 8086 Protected X X Cause of Exception TBM instructions are only recognized in protected mode. X TBM instructions are not supported, as indicated by CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[TBM] = 0. X XOP.L is 1. X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was non-canonical. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. Invalid opcode, #UD Stack, #SS General protection, #GP 96 BLCIC General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology BLCMSK Mask From Lowest Clear Bit Finds the least significant zero bit in the source operand, sets that bit to 1, clears all bits above that bit to 0 and writes the result to the destination. If there is no zero bit in the source operand, the destination is written with all ones. This instruction has two operands: BLCMSK dest, src In 64-bit mode, the operand size is determined by the value of XOP.W. If XOP.W is 1, the operand size is 64-bit; if XOP.W is 0, the operand size is 32-bit. In 32-bit mode, XOP.W is ignored. 16-bit operands are not supported. The destination (dest) is a general purpose register. The source operand (src) is a general purpose register or a memory operand. The BLCMSK instruction effectively performs a bit-wise logical xor of the source operand and the result of incrementing the source operand by 1 and stores the result to the destination register: add tmp1, src, 1 xor dest, tmp1,src The value of the carry flag of rFLAGS is generated according to the result of the add pseudoinstruction and the remaining arithmetic flags are generated by the xor pseudo-instruction. If the input is all ones, the output is a value with all bits set to 1. The BLCMSK instruction is a TBM instruction. Support for this instruction is indicated by CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[TBM] = 1. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the instruction reference page for the CPUID instruction on page 158. For a description of all feature flags related to instruction subset support, see Appendix D, “Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags,” on page 531. Instruction Encoding Mnemonic Encoding XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode BLCMSK reg32, reg/mem32 8F RXB.09 0.dest.0.00 02 /1 BLCMSK reg64, reg/mem64 8F RXB.09 1.dest.0.00 02 /1 Related Instructions ANDN, BEXTR, BLCFILL, BLCI, BLCS, BLSFILL, BLSI, BLSIC, BLSR, BLSMSK, BSF, BSR, LZCNT, POPCNT, T1MSKC, TZCNT, TZMSK General-Purpose Instruction Reference BLCMSK 97 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF 0 21 20 Note: 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 SF ZF AF PF CF M M U U M 7 6 4 2 0 Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Virtual Real 8086 Protected X X Cause of Exception TBM instructions are only recognized in protected mode. X TBM instructions are not supported, as indicated by CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[TBM] = 0. X XOP.L is 1. X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was non-canonical. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. Invalid opcode, #UD Stack, #SS General protection, #GP 98 BLCMSK General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology BLCS Set Lowest Clear Bit Finds the least significant zero bit in the source operand, sets that bit to 1 and writes the result to the destination. If there is no zero bit in the source operand, the source is copied to the destination (and CF in rFLAGS is set to 1). This instruction has two operands: BLCS dest, src In 64-bit mode, the operand size is determined by the value of XOP.W. If XOP.W is 1, the operand size is 64-bit; if XOP.W is 0, the operand size is 32-bit. In 32-bit mode, XOP.W is ignored. 16-bit operands are not supported. The destination (dest) is a general purpose register. The source operand (src) is a general purpose register or a memory operand. The BLCS instruction effectively performs a bit-wise logical or of the source operand and the result of incrementing the source operand by 1, and stores the result to the destination register: add tmp, src, 1 or dest, tmp, src The value of the carry flag of rFLAGS is generated by the add pseudo-instruction and the remaining arithmetic flags are generated by the or pseudo-instruction. The BLCS instruction is a TBM instruction. Support for this instruction is indicated by CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[TBM] = 1. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the instruction reference page for the CPUID instruction on page 158. For a description of all feature flags related to instruction subset support, see Appendix D, “Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags,” on page 531. Mnemonic Encoding XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode BLCS reg32, reg/mem32 8F RXB.09 0.dest.0.00 01 /3 BLCS reg64, reg/mem64 8F RXB.09 1.dest.0.00 01 /3 Related Instructions ANDN, BEXTR, BLCFILL, BLCI, BLCIC, BLCMSK, BLSFILL, BLSI, BLSIC, BLSR, BLSMSK, BSF, BSR, LZCNT, POPCNT, T1MSKC, TZCNT, TZMSK General-Purpose Instruction Reference BLCS 99 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF 0 21 20 Note: 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 SF ZF AF PF CF M M U U M 7 6 4 2 0 Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Virtual Real 8086 Protected X X Cause of Exception TBM instructions are only recognized in protected mode. X TBM instructions are not supported, as indicated by CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[TBM] = 0. X XOP.L is 1. X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was non-canonical. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. Invalid opcode, #UD Stack, #SS General protection, #GP 100 BLCS General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology BLSFILL Fill From Lowest Set Bit Finds the least significant one bit in the source operand, sets all bits below that bit to 1 and writes the result to the destination. If there is no one bit in the source operand, the destination is written with all ones. This instruction has two operands: BLSFILL dest, src In 64-bit mode, the operand size is determined by the value of XOP.W. If XOP.W is 1, the operand size is 64-bit; if XOP.W is 0, the operand size is 32-bit. In 32-bit mode, XOP.W is ignored. 16-bit operands are not supported. The destination (dest) is a general purpose register. The source operand (src) is a general purpose register or a memory operand. The BLSFILL instruction effectively performs a bit-wise logical or of the source operand and the result of subtracting 1 from the source operand, and stores the result to the destination register: sub tmp, src, 1 or dest, tmp, src The value of the carry flag of rFLAGs is generated by the sub pseudo-instruction and the remaining arithmetic flags are generated by the or pseudo-instruction. The BLSFILL instruction is a TBM instruction. Support for this instruction is indicated by CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[TBM] = 1. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the instruction reference page for the CPUID instruction on page 158. For a description of all feature flags related to instruction subset support, see Appendix D, “Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags,” on page 531. Mnemonic Encoding XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode BLSFILL reg32, reg/mem32 8F RXB.09 0.dest.0.00 01 /2 BLSFILL reg64, reg/mem64 8F RXB.09 1.dest.0.00 01 /2 Related Instructions ANDN, BEXTR, BLCFILL, BLCI, BLCIC, BLCMSK, BLCS, BLSI, BLSIC, BLSR, BLSMSK, BSF, BSR, LZCNT, POPCNT, T1MSKC, TZCNT, TZMSK General-Purpose Instruction Reference BLSFILL 101 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF 0 21 20 Note: 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 SF ZF AF PF CF M M U U M 7 6 4 2 0 Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Virtual Real 8086 Protected X X Cause of Exception TBM instructions are only recognized in protected mode. X TBM instructions are not supported, as indicated by CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[TBM] = 0. X XOP.L is 1. X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was non-canonical. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. Invalid opcode, #UD Stack, #SS General protection, #GP 102 BLSFILL General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology BLSI Isolate Lowest Set Bit Clears all bits in the source operand except for the least significant bit that is set to 1 and writes the result to the destination. If the source is all zeros, the destination is written with all zeros. This instruction has two operands: BLSI dest, src In 64-bit mode, the operand size is determined by the value of VEX.W. If VEX.W is 1, the operand size is 64-bit; if VEX.W is 0, the operand size is 32-bit. In 32-bit mode, VEX.W is ignored. 16-bit operands are not supported. The destination (dest) is a general purpose register. The source operand (src) is either a general purpose register or a bit memory operand. This instruction implements the following operation: neg tmp, src1 and dst, tmp, src1 The value of the carry flag is generated by the neg pseudo-instruction and the remaining status flags are generated by the and pseudo-instruction. The BLSI instruction is a BMI1 instruction. Support for this instruction is indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX_x0[BMI1] = 1. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the instruction reference page for the CPUID instruction on page 158. For a description of all feature flags related to instruction subset support, see Appendix D, “Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags,” on page 531. Mnemonic Encoding VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode BLSI reg32, reg/mem32 C4 RXB.02 0.dest.0.00 F3 /3 BLSI reg64, reg/mem64 C4 RXB.02 1.dest.0.00 F3 /3 Related Instructions ANDN, BEXTR, BLCI, BLCIC, BLCMSK, BLCS, BLSFILL, BLSIC, BLSR, BLSMSK, BSF, BSR, LZCNT, POPCNT, T1MSKC, TZCNT, TZMSK General-Purpose Instruction Reference BLSI 103 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF 0 21 20 Note: 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 SF ZF AF PF CF M M U U M 7 6 4 2 0 Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Mode Exception Cause of Exception Virtual Real 8086 Protected X X BMI instructions are only recognized in protected mode. X BMI instructions are not supported, as indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX_x0[BMI] = 0. X VEX.L is 1. X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was non-canonical. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. Invalid opcode, #UD Stack, #SS General protection, #GP 104 BLSI General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 BLSIC AMD64 Technology Isolate Lowest Set Bit and Complement Finds the least significant bit that is set to 1 in the source operand, clears that bit to 0, sets all other bits to 1 and writes the result to the destination. If there is no one bit in the source operand, the destination is written with all ones. This instruction has two operands: BLSIC dest, src In 64-bit mode, the operand size is determined by the value of XOP.W. If XOP.W is 1, the operand size is 64-bit; if XOP.W is 0, the operand size is 32-bit. In 32-bit mode, XOP.W is ignored. 16-bit operands are not supported. The destination (dest) is a general purpose register. The source operand (src) is a general purpose register or a memory operand. The BLSIC instruction effectively performs a bit-wise logical or of the inverse of the source operand and the result of subtracting 1 from the source operand, and stores the result to the destination register: sub tmp1, src, 1 not tmp2, src or dest, tmp1, tmp2 The value of the carry flag of rFLAGS is generated by the sub pseudo-instruction and the remaining arithmetic flags are generated by the or pseudo-instruction. The BLSR instruction is a TBM instruction. Support for this instruction is indicated by CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[TBM] = 1. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the instruction reference page for the CPUID instruction on page 158. For a description of all feature flags related to instruction subset support, see Appendix D, “Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags,” on page 531. Mnemonic Encoding XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode BLSIC reg32, reg/mem32 8F RXB.09 0.dest.0.00 01 /6 BLSIC reg64, reg/mem64 8F RXB.09 1.dest.0.00 01 /6 Related Instructions ANDN, BEXTR, BLCFILL, BLCI, BLCIC, BLCMSK, BLCS, BLSFILL, BLSI, BLSIC, BLSR, BLSMSK, BSF, BSR, LZCNT, POPCNT, T1MSKC, TZCNT, TZMSK General-Purpose Instruction Reference BLSIC 105 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF 0 21 20 Note: 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 SF ZF AF PF CF M M U U M 7 6 4 2 0 Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Virtual Real 8086 Protected X X Cause of Exception TBM instructions are only recognized in protected mode. X TBM instructions are not supported, as indicated by CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[TBM] = 0. X XOP.L is 1. X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was non-canonical. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. Invalid opcode, #UD Stack, #SS General protection, #GP 106 BLSIC General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology BLSMSK Mask From Lowest Set Bit Forms a mask with bits set to 1 from bit 0 up to and including the least significant bit position that is set to 1 in the source operand and writes the mask to the destination. If the value of the source operand is zero, the destination is written with all ones. This instruction has two operands: BLSMSK dest, src In 64-bit mode, the operand size is determined by the value of VEX.W. If VEX.W is 1, the operand size is 64-bit; if VEX.W is 0, the operand size is 32-bit. In 32-bit mode, VEX.W is ignored. 16-bit operands are not supported. The destination (dest) is always a general purpose register. The source operand (src) is either a general purpose register or a memory operand and the destination operand (dest) is a general purpose register. This instruction implements the operation: sub tmp, src1, 1 xor dst, tmp, src1 The value of the carry flag is generated by the sub pseudo-instruction and the remaining status flags are generated by the xor pseudo-instruction. If the input is zero, the output is a value with all bits set to 1. If this is considered a corner case input, software may test the carry flag to detect the zero input value. The BLSMSK instruction is a BMI1 instruction. Support for this instruction is indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX_x0[BMI1] = 1. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the instruction reference page for the CPUID instruction on page 158. For a description of all feature flags related to instruction subset support, see Appendix D, “Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags,” on page 531. Mnemonic Encoding VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode BLSMSK reg32, reg/mem32 C4 RXB.02 0.dest.0.00 F3 /2 BLSMSK reg64, reg/mem64 C4 RXB.02 1.dest.0.00 F3 /2 Related Instructions ANDN, BEXTR, BLCI, BLCIC, BLCMSK, BLCS, BLSFILL, BLSI, BLSIC, BLSR, BSF, BSR, LZCNT, POPCNT, T1MSKC, TZCNT, TZMSK General-Purpose Instruction Reference BLSMSK 107 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF 0 21 20 Note: 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 SF ZF AF PF CF M M U U M 7 6 4 2 0 Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Mode Exception Cause of Exception Virtual Real 8086 Protected X X BMI instructions are only recognized in protected mode. X BMI instructions are not supported, as indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX_x0[BMI] = 0. X VEX.L is 1. X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was non-canonical. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. Invalid opcode, #UD Stack, #SS General protection, #GP 108 BLSMSK General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology BLSR Reset Lowest Set Bit Clears the least-significant bit that is set to 1 in the input operand and writes the modified operand to the destination. This instruction has two operands: BLSR dest, src In 64-bit mode, the operand size is determined by the value of VEX.W. If VEX.W is 1, the operand size is 64-bit; if VEX.W is 0, the operand size is 32-bit. In 32-bit mode, VEX.W is ignored. 16-bit operands are not supported. The destination (dest) is always a general purpose register. The source operand (src) is either a general purpose register or a memory operand. This instruction implements the operation: sub tmp, src1, 1 and dst, tmp, src1 The value of the carry flag is generated by the sub pseudo-instruction and the remaining status flags are generated by the and pseudo-instruction. The BLSR instruction is a BMI1 instruction. Support for this instruction is indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX_x0[BMI1] = 1. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the instruction reference page for the CPUID instruction on page 158. For a description of all feature flags related to instruction subset support, see Appendix D, “Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags,” on page 531. Mnemonic Encoding VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode BLSR reg32, reg/mem32 C4 RXB.02 0.dest.0.00 F3 /1 BLSR reg64, reg/mem64 C4 RXB.02 1.dest.0.00 F3 /1 Related Instructions ANDN, BEXTR, BLCI, BLCIC, BLCMSK, BLCS, BLSFILL, BLSI, BLSIC, BLSMSK, BSF, BSR, LZCNT, POPCNT, T1MSKC, TZCNT, TZMSK General-Purpose Instruction Reference BLSR 109 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF 0 21 20 Note: 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 SF ZF AF PF CF M M U U M 7 6 4 2 0 Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Mode Exception Cause of Exception Virtual Real 8086 Protected X X BMI instructions are only recognized in protected mode. X BMI instructions are not supported, as indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX_x0[BMI] = 0. X VEX.L is 1. X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was non-canonical. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. Invalid opcode, #UD Stack, #SS General protection, #GP 110 BLSR General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology BOUND Check Array Bound Checks whether an array index (first operand) is within the bounds of an array (second operand). The array index is a signed integer in the specified register. If the operand-size attribute is 16, the array operand is a memory location containing a pair of signed word-integers; if the operand-size attribute is 32, the array operand is a pair of signed doubleword-integers. The first word or doubleword specifies the lower bound of the array and the second word or doubleword specifies the upper bound. The array index must be greater than or equal to the lower bound and less than or equal to the upper bound. If the index is not within the specified bounds, the processor generates a BOUND rangeexceeded exception (#BR). The bounds of an array, consisting of two words or doublewords containing the lower and upper limits of the array, usually reside in a data structure just before the array itself, making the limits addressable through a constant offset from the beginning of the array. With the address of the array in a register, this practice reduces the number of bus cycles required to determine the effective address of the array bounds. Using this instruction in 64-bit mode generates an invalid-opcode exception. Mnemonic Opcode Description BOUND reg16, mem16&mem16 62 /r Test whether a 16-bit array index is within the bounds specified by the two 16-bit values in mem16&mem16. (Invalid in 64-bit mode.) BOUND reg32, mem32&mem32 62 /r Test whether a 32-bit array index is within the bounds specified by the two 32-bit values in mem32&mem32. (Invalid in 64-bit mode.) Related Instructions INT, INT3, INTO rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions Exception Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Cause of Exception Bound range, #BR X X X The bound range was exceeded. Invalid opcode, #UD X X X The source operand was a register. X Instruction was executed in 64-bit mode. Stack, #SS X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit General protection, #GP X X X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. General-Purpose Instruction Reference BOUND 111 AMD64 Technology Exception 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Cause of Exception Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. 112 BOUND General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology BSF Bit Scan Forward Searches the value in a register or a memory location (second operand) for the least-significant set bit. If a set bit is found, the instruction clears the zero flag (ZF) and stores the index of the least-significant set bit in a destination register (first operand). If the second operand contains 0, the instruction sets ZF to 1 and does not change the contents of the destination register. The bit index is an unsigned offset from bit 0 of the searched value. Mnemonic Opcode Description BSF reg16, reg/mem16 0F BC /r Bit scan forward on the contents of reg/mem16. BSF reg32, reg/mem32 0F BC /r Bit scan forward on the contents of reg/mem32. BSF reg64, reg/mem64 0F BC /r Bit scan forward on the contents of reg/mem64 Related Instructions BSR rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF U 21 20 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 SF ZF AF PF CF U M U U U 7 6 4 2 0 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Cause of Exception Stack, #SS X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. General protection, #GP X X X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was noncanonical. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. General-Purpose Instruction Reference BSF 113 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 BSR Bit Scan Reverse Searches the value in a register or a memory location (second operand) for the most-significant set bit. If a set bit is found, the instruction clears the zero flag (ZF) and stores the index of the most-significant set bit in a destination register (first operand). If the second operand contains 0, the instruction sets ZF to 1 and does not change the contents of the destination register. The bit index is an unsigned offset from bit 0 of the searched value. Mnemonic Opcode Description BSR reg16, reg/mem16 0F BD /r Bit scan reverse on the contents of reg/mem16. BSR reg32, reg/mem32 0F BD /r Bit scan reverse on the contents of reg/mem32. BSR reg64, reg/mem64 0F BD /r Bit scan reverse on the contents of reg/mem64. Related Instructions BSF rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF U 21 20 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 SF ZF AF PF CF U M U U U 7 6 4 2 0 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Cause of Exception Stack, #SS X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. General protection, #GP X X X A memory address exceeded the data segment limit or was non-canonical. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. 114 BSR General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology BSWAP Byte Swap Reverses the byte order of the specified register. This action converts the contents of the register from little endian to big endian or vice versa. In a doubleword, bits 7:0 are exchanged with bits 31:24, and bits 15:8 are exchanged with bits 23:16. In a quadword, bits 7:0 are exchanged with bits 63:56, bits 15:8 with bits 55:48, bits 23:16 with bits 47:40, and bits 31:24 with bits 39:32. A subsequent use of the BSWAP instruction with the same operand restores the original value of the operand. The result of applying the BSWAP instruction to a 16-bit register is undefined. To swap the bytes of a 16-bit register, use the XCHG instruction and specify the respective byte halves of the 16-bit register as the two operands. For example, to swap the bytes of AX, use XCHG AL, AH. Mnemonic Opcode Description BSWAP reg32 0F C8 +rd Reverse the byte order of reg32. BSWAP reg64 0F C8 +rq Reverse the byte order of reg64. Related Instructions XCHG rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions None General-Purpose Instruction Reference BSWAP 115 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 BT Bit Test Copies a bit, specified by a bit index in a register or 8-bit immediate value (second operand), from a bit string (first operand), also called the bit base, to the carry flag (CF) of the rFLAGS register. If the bit base operand is a register, the instruction uses the modulo 16, 32, or 64 (depending on the operand size) of the bit index to select a bit in the register. If the bit base operand is a memory location, bit 0 of the byte at the specified address is the bit base of the bit string. If the bit index is in a register, the instruction selects a bit position relative to the bit base in the range –263 to +263 – 1 if the operand size is 64, –231 to +231 – 1, if the operand size is 32, and –215 to +215 – 1 if the operand size is 16. If the bit index is in an immediate value, the bit selected is that value modulo 16, 32, or 64, depending on operand size. When the instruction attempts to copy a bit from memory, it accesses 2, 4, or 8 bytes starting from the specified memory address for 16-bit, 32-bit, or 64-bit operand sizes, respectively, using the following formula: Effective Address + (NumBytesi * (BitOffset DIV NumBitsi*8)) When using this bit addressing mechanism, avoid referencing areas of memory close to address space holes, such as references to memory-mapped I/O registers. Instead, use a MOV instruction to load a register from such an address and use a register form of the BT instruction to manipulate the data. Mnemonic Opcode Description BT reg/mem16, reg16 0F A3 /r Copy the value of the selected bit to the carry flag. BT reg/mem32, reg32 0F A3 /r Copy the value of the selected bit to the carry flag. BT reg/mem64, reg64 0F A3 /r Copy the value of the selected bit to the carry flag. BT reg/mem16, imm8 0F BA /4 ib Copy the value of the selected bit to the carry flag. BT reg/mem32, imm8 0F BA /4 ib Copy the value of the selected bit to the carry flag. BT reg/mem64, imm8 0F BA /4 ib Copy the value of the selected bit to the carry flag. Related Instructions BTC, BTR, BTS 116 BT General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF U 21 20 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 SF ZF AF PF CF U U U U M 7 6 4 2 0 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Cause of Exception Stack, #SS X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. General protection, #GP X X X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was noncanonical. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. General-Purpose Instruction Reference BT 117 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 BTC Bit Test and Complement Copies a bit, specified by a bit index in a register or 8-bit immediate value (second operand), from a bit string (first operand), also called the bit base, to the carry flag (CF) of the rFLAGS register, and then complements (toggles) the bit in the bit string. If the bit base operand is a register, the instruction uses the modulo 16, 32, or 64 (depending on the operand size) of the bit index to select a bit in the register. If the bit base operand is a memory location, bit 0 of the byte at the specified address is the bit base of the bit string. If the bit index is in a register, the instruction selects a bit position relative to the bit base in the range –263 to +263 – 1 if the operand size is 64, –231 to +231 – 1, if the operand size is 32, and –215 to +215 – 1 if the operand size is 16. If the bit index is in an immediate value, the bit selected is that value modulo 16, 32, or 64, depending the operand size. This instruction is useful for implementing semaphores in concurrent operating systems. Such an application should precede this instruction with the LOCK prefix. For details about the LOCK prefix, see “Lock Prefix” on page 11. Mnemonic Opcode Description BTC reg/mem16, reg16 0F BB /r Copy the value of the selected bit to the carry flag, then complement the selected bit. BTC reg/mem32, reg32 0F BB /r Copy the value of the selected bit to the carry flag, then complement the selected bit. BTC reg/mem64, reg64 0F BB /r Copy the value of the selected bit to the carry flag, then complement the selected bit. BTC reg/mem16, imm8 0F BA /7 ib Copy the value of the selected bit to the carry flag, then complement the selected bit. BTC reg/mem32, imm8 0F BA /7 ib Copy the value of the selected bit to the carry flag, then complement the selected bit. BTC reg/mem64, imm8 0F BA /7 ib Copy the value of the selected bit to the carry flag, then complement the selected bit. Related Instructions BT, BTR, BTS 118 BTC General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF U 21 20 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 SF ZF AF PF CF U U U U M 7 6 4 2 0 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Stack, #SS General protection, #GP Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Cause of Exception X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X X X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was noncanonical. X The destination operand was in a non-writable segment. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. General-Purpose Instruction Reference BTC 119 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 BTR Bit Test and Reset Copies a bit, specified by a bit index in a register or 8-bit immediate value (second operand), from a bit string (first operand), also called the bit base, to the carry flag (CF) of the rFLAGS register, and then clears the bit in the bit string to 0. If the bit base operand is a register, the instruction uses the modulo 16, 32, or 64 (depending on the operand size) of the bit index to select a bit in the register. If the bit base operand is a memory location, bit 0 of the byte at the specified address is the bit base of the bit string. If the bit index is in a register, the instruction selects a bit position relative to the bit base in the range –263 to +263 – 1 if the operand size is 64, –231 to +231 – 1, if the operand size is 32, and –215 to +215 – 1 if the operand size is 16. If the bit index is in an immediate value, the bit selected is that value modulo 16, 32, or 64, depending on the operand size. This instruction is useful for implementing semaphores in concurrent operating systems. Such applications should precede this instruction with the LOCK prefix. For details about the LOCK prefix, see “Lock Prefix” on page 11. Mnemonic Opcode Description BTR reg/mem16, reg16 0F B3 /r Copy the value of the selected bit to the carry flag, then clear the selected bit. BTR reg/mem32, reg32 0F B3 /r Copy the value of the selected bit to the carry flag, then clear the selected bit. BTR reg/mem64, reg64 0F B3 /r Copy the value of the selected bit to the carry flag, then clear the selected bit. BTR reg/mem16, imm8 0F BA /6 ib Copy the value of the selected bit to the carry flag, then clear the selected bit. BTR reg/mem32, imm8 0F BA /6 ib Copy the value of the selected bit to the carry flag, then clear the selected bit. BTR reg/mem64, imm8 0F BA /6 ib Copy the value of the selected bit to the carry flag, then clear the selected bit. Related Instructions BT, BTC, BTS 120 BTR General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF U 21 20 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 SF ZF AF PF CF U U U U M 7 6 4 2 0 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Stack, #SS General protection, #GP Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Cause of Exception X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X X X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was noncanonical. X The destination operand was in a non-writable segment. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. General-Purpose Instruction Reference BTR 121 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 BTS Bit Test and Set Copies a bit, specified by bit index in a register or 8-bit immediate value (second operand), from a bit string (first operand), also called the bit base, to the carry flag (CF) of the rFLAGS register, and then sets the bit in the bit string to 1. If the bit base operand is a register, the instruction uses the modulo 16, 32, or 64 (depending on the operand size) of the bit index to select a bit in the register. If the bit base operand is a memory location, bit 0 of the byte at the specified address is the bit base of the bit string. If the bit index is in a register, the instruction selects a bit position relative to the bit base in the range –263 to +263 – 1 if the operand size is 64, –231 to +231 – 1, if the operand size is 32, and –215 to +215 – 1 if the operand size is 16. If the bit index is in an immediate value, the bit selected is that value modulo 16, 32, or 64, depending on the operand size. This instruction is useful for implementing semaphores in concurrent operating systems. Such applications should precede this instruction with the LOCK prefix. For details about the LOCK prefix, see “Lock Prefix” on page 11. Mnemonic Opcode Description BTS reg/mem16, reg16 0F AB /r Copy the value of the selected bit to the carry flag, then set the selected bit. BTS reg/mem32, reg32 0F AB /r Copy the value of the selected bit to the carry flag, then set the selected bit. BTS reg/mem64, reg64 0F AB /r Copy the value of the selected bit to the carry flag, then set the selected bit. BTS reg/mem16, imm8 0F BA /5 ib Copy the value of the selected bit to the carry flag, then set the selected bit. BTS reg/mem32, imm8 0F BA /5 ib Copy the value of the selected bit to the carry flag, then set the selected bit. BTS reg/mem64, imm8 0F BA /5 ib Copy the value of the selected bit to the carry flag, then set the selected bit. Related Instructions BT, BTC, BTR 122 BTS General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF U 21 20 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 SF ZF AF PF CF U U U U M 7 6 4 2 0 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Stack, #SS General protection, #GP Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Cause of Exception X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X X X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was noncanonical. X The destination operand was in a non-writable segment. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. General-Purpose Instruction Reference BTS 123 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 BZHI Zero High Bits Copies bits, left to right, from the first source operand starting with the bit position specified by the second source operand (index), writes these bits to the destination, and clears all the bits in positions greater than index. This instruction has three operands: BZHI dest, src, index In 64-bit mode, the operand size (op_size) is determined by the value of VEX.W. If VEX.W is 1, the operand size is 64 bits; if VEX.W is 0, the operand size is 32 bits. In 32-bit mode, VEX.W is ignored. 16-bit operands are not supported. The destination (dest) is a general purpose register. The first source operand (src) is either a general purpose register or a memory operand. The second source operand is a general purpose register. Bits [7:0] of this register, treated as an unsigned 8-bit integer, specify the index of the most-significant bit of the first source operand to be copied to the corresponding bit of the destination. Bits [op_size1:index+1] of the destination are cleared. If the value of index is greater than or equal to the operand size, index is set to (op_size-1). In this case, the CF flag is set. This instruction is a BMI2 instruction. Support for this instruction is indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX_x0[BMI2] = 1. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the instruction reference page for the CPUID instruction on page 158. For a description of all feature flags related to instruction subset support, see Appendix D, “Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags,” on page 531. Mnemonic Encoding VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode BZHI reg32, reg/mem32, reg32 C4 RXB.02 0.index.0.00 F5 /r BZHI reg64, reg/mem64, reg64 C4 RXB.02 1.index.0.00 F5 /r Related Instructions 124 BZHI General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF 0 21 20 Note: 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 SF ZF AF PF CF M M U U M 7 6 4 2 0 Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Mode Exception Cause of Exception Virtual Real 8086 Protected X X BMI2 instructions are only recognized in protected mode. X BMI2 instructions are not supported, as indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX_x0[BMI2] = 0. X VEX.L is 1. X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was non-canonical. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. Invalid opcode, #UD Stack, #SS General protection, #GP General-Purpose Instruction Reference BZHI 125 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 CALL (Near) Near Procedure Call Pushes the offset of the next instruction onto the stack and branches to the target address, which contains the first instruction of the called procedure. The target operand can specify a register, a memory location, or a label. A procedure accessed by a near CALL is located in the same code segment as the CALL instruction. If the CALL target is specified by a register or memory location, then a 16-, 32-, or 64-bit rIP is read from the operand, depending on the operand size. A 16- or 32-bit rIP is zero-extended to 64 bits. If the CALL target is specified by a displacement, the signed displacement is added to the rIP (of the following instruction), and the result is truncated to 16, 32, or 64 bits, depending on the operand size. The signed displacement is 16 or 32 bits, depending on the operand size. In all cases, the rIP of the instruction after the CALL is pushed on the stack, and the size of the stack push (16, 32, or 64 bits) depends on the operand size of the CALL instruction. For near calls in 64-bit mode, the operand size defaults to 64 bits. The E8 opcode results in RIP = RIP + 32-bit signed displacement and the FF /2 opcode results in RIP = 64-bit offset from register or memory. No prefix is available to encode a 32-bit operand size in 64-bit mode. At the end of the called procedure, RET is used to return control to the instruction following the original CALL. When RET is executed, the rIP is popped off the stack, which returns control to the instruction after the CALL. See CALL (Far) for information on far calls—calls to procedures located outside of the current code segment. For details about control-flow instructions, see “Control Transfers” in Volume 1, and “Control-Transfer Privilege Checks” in Volume 2. Mnemonic Opcode Description CALL rel16off E8 iw Near call with the target specified by a 16-bit relative displacement. CALL rel32off E8 id Near call with the target specified by a 32-bit relative displacement. CALL reg/mem16 FF /2 Near call with the target specified by reg/mem16. CALL reg/mem32 FF /2 Near call with the target specified by reg/mem32. (There is no prefix for encoding this in 64-bit mode.) CALL reg/mem64 FF /2 Near call with the target specified by reg/mem64. For details about control-flow instructions, see “Control Transfers” in Volume 1, and “ControlTransfer Privilege Checks” in Volume 2. Related Instructions CALL(Far), RET(Near), RET(Far) 126 CALL (Near) General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology rFLAGS Affected None. Exceptions Exception Stack, #SS General protection, #GP Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Cause of Exception X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X X X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was noncanonical. X X X The target offset exceeded the code segment limit or was noncanonical. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Alignment Check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. Page Fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. General-Purpose Instruction Reference CALL (Near) 127 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 CALL (Far) Far Procedure Call Pushes procedure linking information onto the stack and branches to the target address, which contains the first instruction of the called procedure. The operand specifies a target selector and offset. The instruction can specify the target directly, by including the far pointer in the immediate and displacement fields of the instruction, or indirectly, by referencing a far pointer in memory. In 64-bit mode, only indirect far calls are allowed; executing a direct far call (opcode 9A) generates an undefined opcode exception. For both direct and indirect far calls, if the CALL (Far) operand-size is 16 bits, the instruction's operand is a 16-bit offset followed by a 16-bit selector. If the operand-size is 32 or 64 bits, the operand is a 32-bit offset followed by a 16-bit selector. The target selector used by the instruction can be a code selector in all modes. Additionally, the target selector can reference a call gate in protected mode, or a task gate or TSS selector in legacy protected mode. • • • Target is a code selector—The CS:rIP of the next instruction is pushed to the stack, using operandsize stack pushes. Then code is executed from the target CS:rIP. In this case, the target offset can only be a 16- or 32-bit value, depending on operand-size, and is zero-extended to 64 bits. No CPL change is allowed. Target is a call gate—The call gate specifies the actual target code segment and offset. Call gates allow calls to the same or more privileged code. If the target segment is at the same CPL as the current code segment, the CS:rIP of the next instruction is pushed to the stack. If the CALL (Far) changes privilege level, then a stack-switch occurs, using an inner-level stack pointer from the TSS. The CS:rIP of the next instruction is pushed to the new stack. If the mode is legacy mode and the param-count field in the call gate is non-zero, then up to 31 operands are copied from the caller's stack to the new stack. Finally, the caller's SS:rSP is pushed to the new stack. When calling through a call gate, the stack pushes are 16-, 32-, or 64-bits, depending on the size of the call gate. The size of the target rIP is also 16, 32, or 64 bits, depending on the size of the call gate. If the target rIP is less than 64 bits, it is zero-extended to 64 bits. Long mode only allows 64bit call gates that must point to 64-bit code segments. Target is a task gate or a TSS—If the mode is legacy protected mode, then a task switch occurs. See “Hardware Task-Management in Legacy Mode” in volume 2 for details about task switches. Hardware task switches are not supported in long mode. See CALL (Near) for information on near calls—calls to procedures located inside the current code segment. For details about control-flow instructions, see “Control Transfers” in Volume 1, and “Control-Transfer Privilege Checks” in Volume 2. 128 CALL (Far) General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Mnemonic Opcode AMD64 Technology Description CALL FAR pntr16:16 9A cd Far call direct, with the target specified by a far pointer contained in the instruction. (Invalid in 64-bit mode.) CALL FAR pntr16:32 9A cp Far call direct, with the target specified by a far pointer contained in the instruction. (Invalid in 64-bit mode.) CALL FAR mem16:16 FF /3 Far call indirect, with the target specified by a far pointer in memory. CALL FAR mem16:32 FF /3 Far call indirect, with the target specified by a far pointer in memory. Action // See “Pseudocode Definition” on page 57. CALLF_START: IF (REAL_MODE) CALLF_REAL_OR_VIRTUAL ELSIF (PROTECTED_MODE) CALLF_PROTECTED ELSE // (VIRTUAL_MODE) CALLF_REAL_OR_VIRTUAL CALLF_REAL_OR_VIRTUAL: IF (OPCODE == callf [mem]) // CALLF Indirect { temp_RIP = READ_MEM.z [mem] temp_CS = READ_MEM.w [mem+Z] } ELSE // (OPCODE == callf direct) { temp_RIP = z-sized offset specified in the instruction zero-extended to 64 bits temp_CS = selector specified in the instruction } PUSH.v old_CS PUSH.v next_RIP IF (temp_RIP>CS.limit) EXCEPTION [#GP(0)] CS.sel = temp_CS CS.base = temp_CS SHL 4 RIP = temp_RIP EXIT General-Purpose Instruction Reference CALL (Far) 129 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 CALLF_PROTECTED: IF (OPCODE == callf [mem]) //CALLF Indirect { temp_offset = READ_MEM.z [mem] temp_sel = READ_MEM.w [mem+Z] } ELSE // (OPCODE == callf direct) { IF (64BIT_MODE) EXCEPTION [#UD] // ’CALLF direct’ is illegal in 64-bit mode. temp_offset = z-sized offset specified in the instruction zero-extended to 64 bits temp_sel = selector specified in the instruction } temp_desc = READ_DESCRIPTOR (temp_sel, cs_chk) IF (temp_desc.attr.type == ’available_tss’) TASK_SWITCH // Using temp_sel as the target TSS selector. ELSIF (temp_desc.attr.type == ’taskgate’) TASK_SWITCH // Using the TSS selector in the task gate // as the target TSS. ELSIF (temp_desc.attr.type == ’code’) // If the selector refers to a code descriptor, then // the offset we read is the target RIP. { temp_RIP = temp_offset CS = temp_desc PUSH.v old_CS PUSH.v next_RIP IF ((!64BIT_MODE) && (temp_RIP > CS.limit)) // temp_RIP can’t be non-canonical because EXCEPTION [#GP(0)] // it’s a 16- or 32-bit offset, zeroextended // to 64 bits. RIP = temp_RIP EXIT } ELSE // (temp_desc.attr.type == ’callgate’) // If the selector refers to a call gate, then // the target CS and RIP both come from the call gate. { IF (LONG_MODE) // The size of the gate controls the size of the stack pushes. V=8-byte // Long mode only uses 64-bit call gates, force 8-byte opsize. ELSIF (temp_desc.attr.type == ’callgate32’) V=4-byte 130 CALL (Far) General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology // Legacy mode, using a 32-bit call-gate, force 4-byte opsize. ELSE // (temp_desc.attr.type == ’callgate16’) V=2-byte // Legacy mode, using a 16-bit call-gate, force 2-byte opsize. temp_RIP = temp_desc.offset IF (LONG_MODE) // In long mode, we need to read the 2nd half of a // 16-byte call-gate from the GDT/LDT, to get the upper // 32 bits of the target RIP. { temp_upper = READ_MEM.q [temp_sel+8] IF (temp_upper’s extended attribute bits != 0) EXCEPTION [#GP(temp_sel)] temp_RIP = tempRIP + (temp_upper SHL 32) // Concatenate both halves of RIP } CS = READ_DESCRIPTOR (temp_desc.segment, clg_chk) IF (CS.attr.conforming==1) temp_CPL = CPL ELSE temp_CPL = CS.attr.dpl IF (CPL==temp_CPL) { PUSH.v old_CS PUSH.v next_RIP IF ((64BIT_MODE) && (temp_RIP is non-canonical) || (!64BIT_MODE) && (temp_RIP > CS.limit)) { EXCEPTION[#GP(0)] } RIP = temp_RIP EXIT } ELSE // (CPL != temp_CPL), Changing privilege level. { CPL = temp_CPL temp_ist = 0 // Call-far doesn’t use ist pointers. temp_SS_desc:temp_RSP = READ_INNER_LEVEL_STACK_POINTER (CPL, temp_ist) RSP.q = temp_RSP SS = temp_SS_desc General-Purpose Instruction Reference CALL (Far) 131 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 PUSH.v old_SS // #SS on this and following pushes use // SS.sel as error code. PUSH.v old_RSP IF (LEGACY_MODE) // Legacy-mode call gates have { // a param_count field. temp_PARAM_COUNT = temp_desc.attr.param_count FOR (I=temp_PARAM_COUNT; I>0; I--) { temp_DATA = READ_MEM.v [old_SS:(old_RSP+I*V)] PUSH.v temp_DATA } } PUSH.v old_CS PUSH.v next_RIP IF ((64BIT_MODE) && (temp_RIP is non-canonical) || (!64BIT_MODE) && (temp_RIP > CS.limit)) { EXCEPTION [#GP(0)] } RIP = temp_RIP EXIT } } Related Instructions CALL (Near), RET (Near), RET (Far) rFLAGS Affected None, unless a task switch occurs, in which case all flags are modified. 132 CALL (Far) General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Exceptions Exception Invalid opcode, #UD Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d X X Invalid TSS, #TS (selector) Segment not present, #NP (selector) Stack, #SS X X Stack, #SS (selector) General protection, #GP Cause of Exception X The far CALL indirect opcode (FF /3) had a register operand. X The far CALL direct opcode (9A) was executed in 64-bit mode. X As part of a stack switch, the target stack segment selector or rSP in the TSS was beyond the TSS limit. X As part of a stack switch, the target stack segment selector in the TSS was a null selector. X As part of a stack switch, the target stack selector’s TI bit was set, but LDT selector was a null selector. X As part of a stack switch, the target stack segment selector in the TSS was beyond the limit of the GDT or LDT descriptor table. X As part of a stack switch, the target stack segment selector in the TSS contained a RPL that was not equal to its DPL. X As part of a stack switch, the target stack segment selector in the TSS contained a DPL that was not equal to the CPL of the code segment selector. X As part of a stack switch, the target stack segment selector in the TSS was not a writable segment. X The accessed code segment, call gate, task gate, or TSS was not present. X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical, and no stack switch occurred. X After a stack switch, a memory access exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X As part of a stack switch, the SS register was loaded with a non-null segment selector and the segment was marked not present. X X X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was noncanonical. X X X The target offset exceeded the code segment limit or was noncanonical. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. General-Purpose Instruction Reference CALL (Far) 133 AMD64 Technology Exception 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d General protection, #GP (selector) Cause of Exception X The target code segment selector was a null selector. X A code, call gate, task gate, or TSS descriptor exceeded the descriptor table limit. X A segment selector’s TI bit was set but the LDT selector was a null selector. X The segment descriptor specified by the instruction was not a code segment, task gate, call gate or available TSS in legacy mode, or not a 64-bit code segment or a 64-bit call gate in long mode. X The RPL of the non-conforming code segment selector specified by the instruction was greater than the CPL, or its DPL was not equal to the CPL. X The DPL of the conforming code segment descriptor specified by the instruction was greater than the CPL. X The DPL of the callgate, taskgate, or TSS descriptor specified by the instruction was less than the CPL, or less than its own RPL. X The segment selector specified by the call gate or task gate was a null selector. X The segment descriptor specified by the call gate was not a code segment in legacy mode, or not a 64-bit code segment in long mode. X The DPL of the segment descriptor specified by the call gate was greater than the CPL. X The 64-bit call gate’s extended attribute bits were not zero. X The TSS descriptor was found in the LDT. Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. 134 CALL (Far) General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology CBW CWDE CDQE Convert to Sign-Extended Copies the sign bit in the AL or eAX register to the upper bits of the rAX register. The effect of this instruction is to convert a signed byte, word, or doubleword in the AL or eAX register into a signed word, doubleword, or quadword in the rAX register. This action helps avoid overflow problems in signed number arithmetic. The CDQE mnemonic is meaningful only in 64-bit mode. Mnemonic Opcode Description CBW 98 Sign-extend AL into AX. CWDE 98 Sign-extend AX into EAX. CDQE 98 Sign-extend EAX into RAX. Related Instructions CWD, CDQ, CQO rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions None General-Purpose Instruction Reference CBW, CWDE, CDQE 135 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 CWD CDQ CQO Convert to Sign-Extended Copies the sign bit in the rAX register to all bits of the rDX register. The effect of this instruction is to convert a signed word, doubleword, or quadword in the rAX register into a signed doubleword, quadword, or double-quadword in the rDX:rAX registers. This action helps avoid overflow problems in signed number arithmetic. The CQO mnemonic is meaningful only in 64-bit mode. Mnemonic Opcode Description CWD 99 Sign-extend AX into DX:AX. CDQ 99 Sign-extend EAX into EDX:EAX. CQO 99 Sign-extend RAX into RDX:RAX. Related Instructions CBW, CWDE, CDQE rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions None 136 CWD, CDQ, CQO General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology CLC Clear Carry Flag Clears the carry flag (CF) in the rFLAGS register to zero. Mnemonic Opcode CLC Description F8 Clear the carry flag (CF) to zero. Related Instructions STC, CMC rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF SF ZF AF PF CF 0 21 20 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 7 6 4 2 0 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions None General-Purpose Instruction Reference CLC 137 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 CLD Clear Direction Flag Clears the direction flag (DF) in the rFLAGS register to zero. If the DF flag is 0, each iteration of a string instruction increments the data pointer (index registers rSI or rDI). If the DF flag is 1, the string instruction decrements the pointer. Use the CLD instruction before a string instruction to make the data pointer increment. Mnemonic Opcode CLD Description FC Clear the direction flag (DF) to zero. Related Instructions CMPSx, INSx, LODSx, MOVSx, OUTSx, SCASx, STD, STOSx rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF SF ZF AF PF CF 9 8 7 6 4 2 0 0 21 20 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions None 138 CLD General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology CLFLUSH Cache Line Flush Flushes the cache line specified by the mem8 linear-address. The instruction checks all levels of the cache hierarchy—internal caches and external caches—and invalidates the cache line in every cache in which it is found. If a cache contains a dirty copy of the cache line (that is, the cache line is in the modified or owned MOESI state), the line is written back to memory before it is invalidated. The instruction sets the cache-line MOESI state to invalid. The instruction also checks the physical address corresponding to the linear-address operand against the processor’s write-combining buffers. If the write-combining buffer holds data intended for that physical address, the instruction writes the entire contents of the buffer to memory. This occurs even though the data is not cached in the cache hierarchy. In a multiprocessor system, the instruction checks the write-combining buffers only on the processor that executed the CLFLUSH instruction. The CLFLUSH instruction is weakly-ordered with respect to other instructions that operate on memory. Speculative loads initiated by the processor, or specified explicitly using cache-prefetch instructions, can be reordered around a CLFLUSH instruction. Such reordering can invalidate a speculatively prefetched cache line, unintentionally defeating the prefetch operation. The only way to avoid this situation is to use the MFENCE instruction after the CLFLUSH instruction to force strongordering of the CLFLUSH instruction with respect to subsequent memory operations. The CLFLUSH instruction may also take effect on a cache line while stores from previous store instructions are still pending in the store buffer. To ensure that such stores are included in the cache line that is flushed, use an MFENCE instruction ahead of the CLFLUSH instruction. Such stores would otherwise cause the line to be re-cached and modified after the CLFLUSH completed. The LFENCE, SFENCE, and serializing instructions are not ordered with respect to CLFLUSH. The CLFLUSH instruction behaves like a load instruction with respect to setting the page-table accessed and dirty bits. That is, it sets the page-table accessed bit to 1, but does not set the page-table dirty bit. The CLFLUSH instruction executes at any privilege level. CLFLUSH performs all the segmentation and paging checks that a 1-byte read would perform, except that it also allows references to executeonly segments. The CLFLUSH instruction is supported if the feature flag CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[CLFSH] is set. The 8-bit field CPUID Fn 0000_0001_EBX[CLFlush] returns the size of the cacheline in quadwords. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the instruction reference page for the CPUID instruction on page 158. For a description of all feature flags related to instruction subset support, see Appendix D, “Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags,” on page 531. Mnemonic CLFLUSH mem8 General-Purpose Instruction Reference Opcode 0F AE /7 Description flush cache line containing mem8. CLFLUSH 139 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Related Instructions INVD, WBINVD, CLFLUSHOPT, CLZERO rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions Exception (vector) Real Virtual 8086 Protected Cause of Exception Invalid opcode, #UD X X X CLFLUSH instruction is not supported, as indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[CLFSH] = 0. Stack, #SS X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. General protection, #GP X X X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was non-canonical. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Page fault, #PF 140 X CLFLUSH General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology CLFLUSHOPT Optimized Cache Line Flush Flushes the cache line specified by the mem8 linear-address. The instruction checks all levels of the cache hierarchy-internal caches and external caches-and invalidates the cache line in every cache in which it is found. If a cache contains a dirty copy of the cache line (that is, the cache line is in the modified or owned MOESI state), the line is written back to memory before it is invalidated. The instruction sets the cache-line MOESI state to invalid. The instruction also checks the physical address corresponding to the linear-address operand against the processor's write-combining buffers. If the write-combining buffer holds data intended for that physical address, the instruction writes the entire contents of the buffer to memory. This occurs even though the data is not cached in the cache hierarchy. In a multiprocessor system, the instruction checks the write-combining buffers only on the processor that executed the CLFLUSHOPT instruction. The CLFLUSHOPT instruction is ordered with respect to fence instructions and locked operations. CLFLUSHOPT is also ordered with writes, CLFLUSH, and CLFLUSHOPT instructions that reference the same cache line as the CLFLUSHOPT. CLFLUSHOPT is not ordered with writes, CLFLUSH, and CLFLUSHOPT to other cache lines. To enforce ordering in that situation, a SFENCE instruction or stronger should be used. Speculative loads initiated by the processor, or specified explicitly using cache-prefetch instructions, can be reordered around a CLFLUSHOPT instruction. Such reordering can invalidate a speculatively prefetched cache line, unintentionally defeating the prefetch operation. The only way to avoid this situation is to use the MFENCE instruction after the CLFLUSHOPT instruction to force strong ordering of the CLFLUSHOPT instruction with respect to subsequent memory operations. The CLFLUSHOPT instruction behaves like a load instruction with respect to setting the page-table accessed and dirty bits. That is, it sets the page-table accessed bit to 1, but does not set the page-table dirty bit. The CLFLUSHOPT instruction executes at any privilege level. CLFLUSHOPT performs all the segmentation and paging checks that a 1-byte read would perform, except that it also allows references to execute-only segments. The CLFLUSHOPT instruction is supported if the feature flag CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX_x0[CLFSHOPT]is set. The 8-bit field CPUID Fn 0000_0001_EBX[CLFlush] returns the size of the cacheline in quadwords. Mnemonic Opcode Description CLFLUSHOPT mem8 66 0F AE /7 Flush cache line containing mem8 General-Purpose Instruction Reference CLFLUSH 141 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Related Instructions CLFLUSH rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions Exception (vector) Real Virtual 8086 Protected Cause of Exception X X X CLFLUSH instruction is not supported, as indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[CLFSH] = 0. X X X Instruction not supported by CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX_x0[CLFLUSHOPT] = 0 Stack, #SS X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. General protection, #GP X X X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was non-canonical. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Invalid opcode, #UD Page fault, #PF 142 X CLFLUSH General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology CLZERO Zero Cache Line Clears the cache line specified by the logical address in rAX by writing a zero to every byte in the line. The instruction uses an implied non temporal memory type, similar to a streaming store, and uses the write combining protocol to minimize cache pollution. CLZERO is weakly-ordered with respect to other instructions that operate on memory. Software should use an SFENCE or stronger to enforce memory ordering of CLZERO with respect to other store instructions. The CLZERO instruction executes at any privilege level. CLZERO performs all the segmentation and paging checks that a store of the specified cache line would perform. The CLZERO instruction is supported if the feature flag CPUID Fn8000_0008_EBX[CLZERO] is set. The 8-bit field CPUID Fn 0000_0001_EBX[CLFlush] returns the size of the cacheline in quadwords. Mnemonic Opcode Description CLZERO rAX 0F 01 FC Clears cache line containing rAX Related Instructions CLFLUSH rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions Exception (vector) Real Virtual 8086 Protected Cause of Exception Invalid opcode, #UD X X X Instruction not supported by CPUID Fn8000_0008_EBX[CLZERO] = 0 Stack, #SS X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. General protection, #GP X X X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was non-canonical. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Page fault, #PF General-Purpose Instruction Reference X CLFLUSH 143 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 CMC Complement Carry Flag Complements (toggles) the carry flag (CF) bit of the rFLAGS register. Mnemonic Opcode CMC Description F5 Complement the carry flag (CF). Related Instructions CLC, STC rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF SF ZF AF PF CF M 21 20 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 7 6 4 2 0 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions None 144 CMC General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology CMOVcc Conditional Move Conditionally moves a 16-bit, 32-bit, or 64-bit value in memory or a general-purpose register (second operand) into a register (first operand), depending upon the settings of condition flags in the rFLAGS register. If the condition is not satisfied, the destination register is not modified. For the memory-based forms of CMOVcc, memory-related exceptions may be reported even if the condition is false. In 64-bit mode, CMOVcc with a 32-bit operand size will clear the upper 32 bits of the destination register even if the condition is false. The mnemonics of CMOVcc instructions denote the condition that must be satisfied. Most assemblers provide instruction mnemonics with A (above) and B (below) tags to supply the semantics for manipulating unsigned integers. Those with G (greater than) and L (less than) tags deal with signed integers. Many opcodes may be represented by synonymous mnemonics. For example, the CMOVL instruction is synonymous with the CMOVNGE instruction and denote the instruction with the opcode 0F 4C. The feature flag CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[CMOV] or CPUID Fn8000_0001_EDX[CMOV] =1 indicates support for CMOVcc instructions on a particular processor implementation. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the instruction reference page for the CPUID instruction on page 158. For a description of all feature flags related to instruction subset support, see Appendix D, “Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags,” on page 531. Mnemonic Opcode Description CMOVO reg16, reg/mem16 CMOVO reg32, reg/mem32 CMOVO reg64, reg/mem64 0F 40 /r Move if overflow (OF = 1). CMOVNO reg16, reg/mem16 CMOVNO reg32, reg/mem32 CMOVNO reg64, reg/mem64 0F 41 /r Move if not overflow (OF = 0). CMOVB reg16, reg/mem16 CMOVB reg32, reg/mem32 CMOVB reg64, reg/mem64 0F 42 /r Move if below (CF = 1). CMOVC reg16, reg/mem16 CMOVC reg32, reg/mem32 CMOVC reg64, reg/mem64 0F 42 /r Move if carry (CF = 1). CMOVNAE reg16, reg/mem16 CMOVNAE reg32, reg/mem32 CMOVNAE reg64, reg/mem64 0F 42 /r Move if not above or equal (CF = 1). CMOVNB reg16,reg/mem16 CMOVNB reg32,reg/mem32 CMOVNB reg64,reg/mem64 0F 43 /r Move if not below (CF = 0). CMOVNC reg16,reg/mem16 CMOVNC reg32,reg/mem32 CMOVNC reg64,reg/mem64 0F 43 /r Move if not carry (CF = 0). General-Purpose Instruction Reference CMOVcc 145 AMD64 Technology Mnemonic 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Opcode Description CMOVAE reg16, reg/mem16 CMOVAE reg32, reg/mem32 CMOVAE reg64, reg/mem64 0F 43 /r Move if above or equal (CF = 0). CMOVZ reg16, reg/mem16 CMOVZ reg32, reg/mem32 CMOVZ reg64, reg/mem64 0F 44 /r Move if zero (ZF = 1). CMOVE reg16, reg/mem16 CMOVE reg32, reg/mem32 CMOVE reg64, reg/mem64 0F 44 /r Move if equal (ZF =1). CMOVNZ reg16, reg/mem16 CMOVNZ reg32, reg/mem32 CMOVNZ reg64, reg/mem64 0F 45 /r Move if not zero (ZF = 0). CMOVNE reg16, reg/mem16 CMOVNE reg32, reg/mem32 CMOVNE reg64, reg/mem64 0F 45 /r Move if not equal (ZF = 0). CMOVBE reg16, reg/mem16 CMOVBE reg32, reg/mem32 CMOVBE reg64, reg/mem64 0F 46 /r Move if below or equal (CF = 1 or ZF = 1). CMOVNA reg16, reg/mem16 CMOVNA reg32, reg/mem32 CMOVNA reg64, reg/mem64 0F 46 /r Move if not above (CF = 1 or ZF = 1). CMOVNBE reg16, reg/mem16 CMOVNBE reg32,reg/mem32 CMOVNBE reg64,reg/mem64 0F 47 /r Move if not below or equal (CF = 0 and ZF = 0). CMOVA reg16, reg/mem16 CMOVA reg32, reg/mem32 CMOVA reg64, reg/mem64 0F 47 /r Move if above (CF = 0 and ZF = 0). CMOVS reg16, reg/mem16 CMOVS reg32, reg/mem32 CMOVS reg64, reg/mem64 0F 48 /r Move if sign (SF =1). CMOVNS reg16, reg/mem16 CMOVNS reg32, reg/mem32 CMOVNS reg64, reg/mem64 0F 49 /r Move if not sign (SF = 0). CMOVP reg16, reg/mem16 CMOVP reg32, reg/mem32 CMOVP reg64, reg/mem64 0F 4A /r Move if parity (PF = 1). CMOVPE reg16, reg/mem16 CMOVPE reg32, reg/mem32 CMOVPE reg64, reg/mem64 0F 4A /r Move if parity even (PF = 1). CMOVNP reg16, reg/mem16 CMOVNP reg32, reg/mem32 CMOVNP reg64, reg/mem64 0F 4B /r Move if not parity (PF = 0). CMOVPO reg16, reg/mem16 CMOVPO reg32, reg/mem32 CMOVPO reg64, reg/mem64 0F 4B /r Move if parity odd (PF = 0). 146 CMOVcc General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Mnemonic Opcode AMD64 Technology Description CMOVL reg16, reg/mem16 CMOVL reg32, reg/mem32 CMOVL reg64, reg/mem64 0F 4C /r Move if less (SF <> OF). CMOVNGE reg16, reg/mem16 CMOVNGE reg32, reg/mem32 CMOVNGE reg64, reg/mem64 0F 4C /r Move if not greater or equal (SF <> OF). CMOVNL reg16, reg/mem16 CMOVNL reg32, reg/mem32 CMOVNL reg64, reg/mem64 0F 4D /r Move if not less (SF = OF). CMOVGE reg16, reg/mem16 CMOVGE reg32, reg/mem32 CMOVGE reg64, reg/mem64 0F 4D /r Move if greater or equal (SF = OF). CMOVLE reg16, reg/mem16 CMOVLE reg32, reg/mem32 CMOVLE reg64, reg/mem64 0F 4E /r Move if less or equal (ZF = 1 or SF <> OF). CMOVNG reg16, reg/mem16 CMOVNG reg32, reg/mem32 CMOVNG reg64, reg/mem64 0F 4E /r Move if not greater (ZF = 1 or SF <> OF). CMOVNLE reg16, reg/mem16 CMOVNLE reg32, reg/mem32 CMOVNLE reg64, reg/mem64 0F 4F /r Move if not less or equal (ZF = 0 and SF = OF). CMOVG reg16, reg/mem16 CMOVG reg32, reg/mem32 CMOVG reg64, reg/mem64 0F 4F /r Move if greater (ZF = 0 and SF = OF). Related Instructions MOV rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions Exception Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Cause of Exception Invalid opcode, #UD X X X CMOVcc instruction is not supported, as indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[CMOV] or Fn8000_0001_EDX[CMOV] = 0. Stack, #SS X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. General protection, #GP X X X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was noncanonical. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. General-Purpose Instruction Reference CMOVcc 147 AMD64 Technology Exception 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Cause of Exception Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. 148 CMOVcc General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology CMP Compare Compares the contents of a register or memory location (first operand) with an immediate value or the contents of a register or memory location (second operand), and sets or clears the status flags in the rFLAGS register to reflect the results. To perform the comparison, the instruction subtracts the second operand from the first operand and sets the status flags in the same manner as the SUB instruction, but does not alter the first operand. If the second operand is an immediate value, the instruction signextends the value to the length of the first operand. Use the CMP instruction to set the condition codes for a subsequent conditional jump (Jcc), conditional move (CMOVcc), or conditional SETcc instruction. Appendix F, “Instruction Effects on RFLAGS” shows how instructions affect the rFLAGS status flags. . Mnemonic Opcode Description CMP AL, imm8 3C ib Compare an 8-bit immediate value with the contents of the AL register. CMP AX, imm16 3D iw Compare a 16-bit immediate value with the contents of the AX register. CMP EAX, imm32 3D id Compare a 32-bit immediate value with the contents of the EAX register. CMP RAX, imm32 3D id Compare a 32-bit immediate value with the contents of the RAX register. CMP reg/mem8, imm8 80 /7 ib Compare an 8-bit immediate value with the contents of an 8-bit register or memory operand. CMP reg/mem16, imm16 81 /7 iw Compare a 16-bit immediate value with the contents of a 16-bit register or memory operand. CMP reg/mem32, imm32 81 /7 id Compare a 32-bit immediate value with the contents of a 32-bit register or memory operand. CMP reg/mem64, imm32 81 /7 id Compare a 32-bit signed immediate value with the contents of a 64-bit register or memory operand. CMP reg/mem16, imm8 83 /7 ib Compare an 8-bit signed immediate value with the contents of a 16-bit register or memory operand. CMP reg/mem32, imm8 83 /7 ib Compare an 8-bit signed immediate value with the contents of a 32-bit register or memory operand. CMP reg/mem64, imm8 83 /7 ib Compare an 8-bit signed immediate value with the contents of a 64-bit register or memory operand. CMP reg/mem8, reg8 38 /r Compare the contents of an 8-bit register or memory operand with the contents of an 8-bit register. CMP reg/mem16, reg16 39 /r Compare the contents of a 16-bit register or memory operand with the contents of a 16-bit register. CMP reg/mem32, reg32 39 /r Compare the contents of a 32-bit register or memory operand with the contents of a 32-bit register. CMP reg/mem64, reg64 39 /r Compare the contents of a 64-bit register or memory operand with the contents of a 64-bit register. General-Purpose Instruction Reference CMP 149 AMD64 Technology Mnemonic 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Opcode Description CMP reg8, reg/mem8 3A /r Compare the contents of an 8-bit register with the contents of an 8-bit register or memory operand. CMP reg16, reg/mem16 3B /r Compare the contents of a 16-bit register with the contents of a 16-bit register or memory operand. CMP reg32, reg/mem32 3B /r Compare the contents of a 32-bit register with the contents of a 32-bit register or memory operand. CMP reg64, reg/mem64 3B /r Compare the contents of a 64-bit register with the contents of a 64-bit register or memory operand. When interpreting operands as unsigned, flag settings are as follows: Operands CF ZF dest > source 0 0 dest = source 0 1 dest < source 1 0 When interpreting operands as signed, flag settings are as follows: Operands OF ZF dest > source SF 0 dest = source 0 1 dest < source NOT SF 0 Related Instructions SUB, CMPSx, SCASx 150 CMP General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF M 21 20 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 SF ZF AF PF CF M M M M M 7 6 4 2 0 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Cause of Exception Stack, #SS X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. General protection, #GP X X X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was noncanonical. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. General-Purpose Instruction Reference CMP 151 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 CMPS CMPSB CMPSW CMPSD CMPSQ Compare Strings Compares the bytes, words, doublewords, or quadwords pointed to by the rSI and rDI registers, sets or clears the status flags of the rFLAGS register to reflect the results, and then increments or decrements the rSI and rDI registers according to the state of the DF flag in the rFLAGS register. To perform the comparison, the instruction subtracts the second operand from the first operand and sets the status flags in the same manner as the SUB instruction, but does not alter the first operand. The two operands must be the same size. If the DF flag is 0, the instruction increments rSI and rDI; otherwise, it decrements the pointers. It increments or decrements the pointers by 1, 2, 4, or 8, depending on the size of the operands. The forms of the CMPSx instruction with explicit operands address the first operand at seg:[rSI]. The value of seg defaults to the DS segment, but may be overridden by a segment prefix. These instructions always address the second operand at ES:[rDI]. ES may not be overridden. The explicit operands serve only to specify the type (size) of the values being compared and the segment used by the first operand. The no-operands forms of the instruction use the DS:[rSI] and ES:[rDI] registers to point to the values to be compared. The mnemonic determines the size of the operands. Do not confuse this CMPSD instruction with the same-mnemonic CMPSD (compare scalar doubleprecision floating-point) instruction in the 128-bit media instruction set. Assemblers can distinguish the instructions by the number and type of operands. For block comparisons, the CMPS instruction supports the REPE or REPZ prefixes (they are synonyms) and the REPNE or REPNZ prefixes (they are synonyms). For details about the REP prefixes, see “Repeat Prefixes” on page 12. If a conditional jump instruction like JL follows a CMPSx instruction, the jump occurs if the value of the seg:[rSI] operand is less than the ES:[rDI] operand. This action allows lexicographical comparisons of string or array elements. A CMPSx instruction can also operate inside a loop controlled by the LOOPcc instruction. Mnemonic Opcode Description CMPS mem8, mem8 A6 Compare the byte at DS:rSI with the byte at ES:rDI and then increment or decrement rSI and rDI. CMPS mem16, mem16 A7 Compare the word at DS:rSI with the word at ES:rDI and then increment or decrement rSI and rDI. CMPS mem32, mem32 A7 Compare the doubleword at DS:rSI with the doubleword at ES:rDI and then increment or decrement rSI and rDI. CMPS mem64, mem64 A7 Compare the quadword at DS:rSI with the quadword at ES:rDI and then increment or decrement rSI and rDI. 152 CMPSx General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Mnemonic AMD64 Technology Opcode Description CMPSB A6 Compare the byte at DS:rSI with the byte at ES:rDI and then increment or decrement rSI and rDI. CMPSW A7 Compare the word at DS:rSI with the word at ES:rDI and then increment or decrement rSI and rDI. CMPSD A7 Compare the doubleword at DS:rSI with the doubleword at ES:rDI and then increment or decrement rSI and rDI. CMPSQ A7 Compare the quadword at DS:rSI with the quadword at ES:rDI and then increment or decrement rSI and rDI. Related Instructions CMP, SCASx rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF M 21 20 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 SF ZF AF PF CF M M M M M 7 6 4 2 0 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Cause of Exception Stack, #SS X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. General protection, #GP X X X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was noncanonical. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. General-Purpose Instruction Reference CMPSx 153 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 CMPXCHG Compare and Exchange Compares the value in the AL, AX, EAX, or RAX register with the value in a register or a memory location (first operand). If the two values are equal, the instruction copies the value in the second operand to the first operand and sets the ZF flag in the rFLAGS register to 1. Otherwise, it copies the value in the first operand to the AL, AX, EAX, or RAX register and clears the ZF flag to 0. The OF, SF, AF, PF, and CF flags are set to reflect the results of the compare. When the first operand is a memory operand, CMPXCHG always does a read-modify-write on the memory operand. If the compared operands were unequal, CMPXCHG writes the same value to the memory operand that was read. The forms of the CMPXCHG instruction that write to memory support the LOCK prefix. For details about the LOCK prefix, see “Lock Prefix” on page 11. Mnemonic Opcode Description CMPXCHG reg/mem8, reg8 0F B0 /r Compare AL register with an 8-bit register or memory location. If equal, copy the second operand to the first operand. Otherwise, copy the first operand to AL. CMPXCHG reg/mem16, reg16 0F B1 /r Compare AX register with a 16-bit register or memory location. If equal, copy the second operand to the first operand. Otherwise, copy the first operand to AX. CMPXCHG reg/mem32, reg32 0F B1 /r Compare EAX register with a 32-bit register or memory location. If equal, copy the second operand to the first operand. Otherwise, copy the first operand to EAX. CMPXCHG reg/mem64, reg64 0F B1 /r Compare RAX register with a 64-bit register or memory location. If equal, copy the second operand to the first operand. Otherwise, copy the first operand to RAX. Related Instructions CMPXCHG8B, CMPXCHG16B 154 CMPXCHG General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF M 21 20 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 SF ZF AF PF CF M M M M M 7 6 4 2 0 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Stack, #SS General protection, #GP Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Cause of Exception X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X X X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was noncanonical. X The destination operand was in a non-writable segment. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. General-Purpose Instruction Reference CMPXCHG 155 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 CMPXCHG8B CMPXCHG16B Compare and Exchange Eight Bytes Compare and Exchange Sixteen Bytes Compares the value in the rDX:rAX registers with a 64-bit or 128-bit value in the specified memory location. If the values are equal, the instruction copies the value in the rCX:rBX registers to the memory location and sets the zero flag (ZF) of the rFLAGS register to 1. Otherwise, it copies the value in memory to the rDX:rAX registers and clears ZF to 0. If the effective operand size is 16-bit or 32-bit, the CMPXCHG8B instruction is used. This instruction uses the EDX:EAX and ECX:EBX register operands and a 64-bit memory operand. If the effective operand size is 64-bit, the CMPXCHG16B instruction is used; this instruction uses RDX:RAX register operands and a 128-bit memory operand. The CMPXCHG8B and CMPXCHG16B instructions always do a read-modify-write on the memory operand. If the compared operands were unequal, the instructions write the same value to the memory operand that was read. The CMPXCHG8B and CMPXCHG16B instructions support the LOCK prefix. For details about the LOCK prefix, see “Lock Prefix” on page 11. Support for the CMPXCHG8B and CMPXCHG16B instructions is implementation dependent. Support for the CMPXCHG8B instruction is indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[CMPXCHG8B] or Fn8000_0001_EDX[CMPXCHG8B] = 1. Support for the CMPXCHG16B instruction is indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[CMPXCHG16B] = 1. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the instruction reference page for the CPUID instruction on page 158. For a description of all feature flags related to instruction subset support, see Appendix D, “Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags,” on page 531. The memory operand used by CMPXCHG16B must be 16-byte aligned or else a general-protection exception is generated. Mnemonic CMPXCHG8B mem64 CMPXCHG16B mem128 Opcode Description 0F C7 /1 m64 Compare EDX:EAX register to 64-bit memory location. If equal, set the zero flag (ZF) to 1 and copy the ECX:EBX register to the memory location. Otherwise, copy the memory location to EDX:EAX and clear the zero flag. 0F C7 /1 m128 Compare RDX:RAX register to 128-bit memory location. If equal, set the zero flag (ZF) to 1 and copy the RCX:RBX register to the memory location. Otherwise, copy the memory location to RDX:RAX and clear the zero flag. Related Instructions CMPXCHG 156 CMPXCHG8/16B General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF SF ZF AF PF CF 4 2 0 M 21 20 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 7 6 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d X X Invalid opcode, #UD Stack, #SS Cause of Exception X CMPXCHG8B instruction is not supported, as indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[CMPXCHG8B] or Fn8000_0001_EDX[CMPXCHG8B] = 0. X CMPXCHG16B instruction is not supported, as indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[CMPXCHG16B] = 0. X X X The operand was a register. X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X X X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was noncanonical. X The destination operand was in a non-writable segment. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. X The memory operand for CMPXCHG16B was not aligned on a 16-byte boundary. General protection, #GP Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. General-Purpose Instruction Reference CMPXCHG8/16B 157 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 CPUID Processor Identification Provides information about the processor and its capabilities through a number of different functions. Software should load the number of the CPUID function to execute into the EAX register before executing the CPUID instruction. The processor returns information in the EAX, EBX, ECX, and EDX registers; the contents and format of these registers depend on the function. The architecture supports CPUID information about standard functions and extended functions. The standard functions have numbers in the 0000_xxxxh series (for example, standard function 1). To determine the largest standard function number that a processor supports, execute CPUID function 0. The extended functions have numbers in the 8000_xxxxh series (for example, extended function 8000_0001h). To determine the largest extended function number that a processor supports, execute CPUID extended function 8000_0000h. If the value returned in EAX is greater than 8000_0000h, the processor supports extended functions. Software operating at any privilege level can execute the CPUID instruction to collect this information. In 64-bit mode, this instruction works the same as in legacy mode except that it zeroextends 32-bit register results to 64 bits. CPUID is a serializing instruction. Mnemonic Opcode CPUID 0F A2 Description Returns information about the processor and its capabilities. EAX specifies the function number, and the data is returned in EAX, EBX, ECX, EDX. Testing for the CPUID Instruction To avoid an invalid-opcode exception (#UD) on those processor implementations that do not support the CPUID instruction, software must first test to determine if the CPUID instruction is supported. Support for the CPUID instruction is indicated by the ability to write the ID bit in the rFLAGS register. Normally, 32-bit software uses the PUSHFD and POPFD instructions in an attempt to write rFLAGS.ID. After reading the updated rFLAGS.ID bit, a comparison determines if the operation changed its value. If the value changed, the processor executing the code supports the CPUID instruction. If the value did not change, rFLAGS.ID is not writable, and the processor does not support the CPUID instruction. The following code sample shows how to test for the presence of the CPUID instruction using 32-bit code. pushfd pop mov xor push popfd 158 eax ebx, eax eax, 00200000h eax ; ; ; ; ; ; save EFLAGS store EFLAGS in EAX save in EBX for later testing toggle bit 21 push to stack save changed EAX to EFLAGS CPUID General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 pushfd pop cmp jz eax eax, ebx NO_CPUID ; ; ; ; AMD64 Technology push EFLAGS to TOS store EFLAGS in EAX see if bit 21 has changed if no change, no CPUID Standard Function 0 and Extended Function 8000_0000h CPUID standard function 0 loads the EAX register with the largest CPUID standard function number supported by the processor implementation; similarly, CPUID extended function 8000_0000h loads the EAX register with the largest extended function number supported. Standard function 0 and extended function 8000_0000h both load a 12-character string into the EBX, EDX, and ECX registers identifying the processor vendor. For AMD processors, the string is AuthenticAMD. This string informs software that it should follow the AMD CPUID definition for subsequent CPUID function calls. If the function returns another vendor’s string, software must use that vendor’s CPUID definition when interpreting the results of subsequent CPUID function calls. Table 3-2 shows the contents of the EBX, EDX, and ECX registers after executing function 0 on an AMD processor. Table 3-2. Processor Vendor Return Values Register Return Value ASCII Characters EBX 6874_7541h “h t u A” EDX 6974_6E65h “i t n e” ECX 444D_4163h “D M A c” For a description of all feature flags related to instruction subset support, see Appendix D, “Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags,” on page 531. For a description of all defined feature numbers and return values, see Appendix E, “Obtaining Processor Information Via the CPUID Instruction,” on page 601. Related Instructions None rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions None General-Purpose Instruction Reference CPUID 159 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 CRC32 CRC32 Cyclical Redundancy Check Performs one step of a 32-bit cyclic redundancy check. The first source, which is also the destination, is a doubleword value in either a 32-bit or 64-bit GPR depending on the presence of a REX prefix and the value of the REX.W bit. The second source is a GPR or memory location of width 8, 16, or 32 bits. A vector of width 40, 48, or 64 bits is derived from the two operands as follows: 1. The low-order 32 bits of the first operand is bit-wise inverted and shifted left by the width of the second operand. 2. The second operand is bit-wise inverted and shifted left by 32 bits 3. The results of steps 1 and 2 are xored. This vector is interpreted as a polynomial of degree 40, 48, or 64 over the field of two elements (i.e., bit i is interpreted as the coefficient of X^i). This polynomial is divided by the polynomial of degree 32 that is similarly represented by the vector 11EDC6F41h. (The division admits an efficient iterative implementation based on the xor operation.) The remainder is encoded as a 32-bit vector, which is bit-wise inverted and written to the destination. In the case of a 64-bit destination, the upper 32 bits are cleared. In an application of the CRC algorithm, a data block is partitioned into byte, word, or doubleword segments and CRC32 is executed iteratively, once for each segment. CRC32 is a SSE4.2 instruction. Support for SSE4.2 instructions is indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSE42] = 1. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the instruction reference page for the CPUID instruction on page 158. For a description of all feature flags related to instruction subset support, see Appendix D, “Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags,” on page 531. Instruction Encoding Mnemonic Encoding Notes CRC32 reg32, reg/mem8 F2 0F 38 F0 /r Perform CRC32 operation on 8-bit values CRC32 reg32, reg/mem8 F2 REX 0F 38 F0 /r Encoding using REX prefix allows access to GPR8–15 CRC32 reg32, reg/mem16 F2 0F 38 F1 /r CRC32 reg32, reg/mem32 F2 0F 38 F1 /r Effective operand size determines size of second operand. CRC32 reg64, reg/mem8 F2 REX.W 0F 38 F0 /r REX.W = 1. CRC32 reg64, reg/mem64 F2 REX.W 0F 38 F1 /r REX.W = 1. 160 CRC32 General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions Mode Exception Invalid opcode, #UD Stack, #SS General protection, #GP Cause of Exception Virtual Real 8086 Protected X X X Lock prefix used X X X SSE42 instructions are not supported as indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[SSE42] = 0. X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X X X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was noncanonical. X The destination operand was in a non-writable segment. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. General-Purpose Instruction Reference CRC32 161 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 DAA Decimal Adjust after Addition Adjusts the value in the AL register into a packed BCD result and sets the CF and AF flags in the rFLAGS register to indicate a decimal carry out of either nibble of AL. Use this instruction to adjust the result of a byte ADD instruction that performed the binary addition of one 2-digit packed BCD values to another. The instruction performs the adjustment by adding 06h to AL if the lower nibble is greater than 9 or if AF = 1. Then 60h is added to AL if the original AL was greater than 99h or if CF = 1. If the lower nibble of AL was adjusted, the AF flag is set to 1. Otherwise AF is not modified. If the upper nibble of AL was adjusted, the CF flag is set to 1. Otherwise, CF is not modified. SF, ZF, and PF are set according to the final value of AL. Using this instruction in 64-bit mode generates an invalid-opcode (#UD) exception. Mnemonic Opcode DAA Description Decimal adjust AL. (Invalid in 64-bit mode.) 27 rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF U 21 20 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 SF ZF AF PF CF M M M M M 7 6 4 2 0 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Invalid opcode, #UD 162 Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d X Cause of Exception This instruction was executed in 64-bit mode. DAA General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology DAS Decimal Adjust after Subtraction Adjusts the value in the AL register into a packed BCD result and sets the CF and AF flags in the rFLAGS register to indicate a decimal borrow. Use this instruction to adjust the result of a byte SUB instruction that performed a binary subtraction of one 2-digit, packed BCD value from another. This instruction performs the adjustment by subtracting 06h from AL if the lower nibble is greater than 9 or if AF = 1. Then 60h is subtracted from AL if the original AL was greater than 99h or if CF = 1. If the adjustment changes the lower nibble of AL, the AF flag is set to 1; otherwise AF is not modified. If the adjustment results in a borrow for either nibble of AL, the CF flag is set to 1; otherwise CF is not modified. The SF, ZF, and PF flags are set according to the final value of AL. Using this instruction in 64-bit mode generates an invalid-opcode (#UD) exception. Mnemonic Opcode DAS Description Decimal adjusts AL after subtraction. (Invalid in 64-bit mode.) 2F Related Instructions DAA rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF U 21 20 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 SF ZF AF PF CF M M M M M 7 6 4 2 0 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Invalid opcode, #UD General-Purpose Instruction Reference X Cause of Exception This instruction was executed in 64-bit mode. DAS 163 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 DEC Decrement by 1 Subtracts 1 from the specified register or memory location. The CF flag is not affected. The one-byte forms of this instruction (opcodes 48 through 4F) are used as REX prefixes in 64-bit mode. See “REX Prefix” on page 14. The forms of the DEC instruction that write to memory support the LOCK prefix. For details about the LOCK prefix, see “Lock Prefix” on page 11. To perform a decrement operation that updates the CF flag, use a SUB instruction with an immediate operand of 1. Mnemonic Opcode Description DEC reg/mem8 FE /1 Decrement the contents of an 8-bit register or memory location by 1. DEC reg/mem16 FF /1 Decrement the contents of a 16-bit register or memory location by 1. DEC reg/mem32 FF /1 Decrement the contents of a 32-bit register or memory location by 1. DEC reg/mem64 FF /1 Decrement the contents of a 64-bit register or memory location by 1. DEC reg16 48 +rw Decrement the contents of a 16-bit register by 1. (See “REX Prefix” on page 14.) DEC reg32 48 +rd Decrement the contents of a 32-bit register by 1. (See “REX Prefix” on page 14.) Related Instructions INC, SUB rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF M 21 20 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 SF ZF AF PF M M M M 7 6 4 2 CF 0 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. 164 DEC General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Exceptions Exception Stack, #SS General protection, #GP Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Cause of Exception X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X X X A memory address exceeded the data segment limit or was non-canonical. X The destination operand was in a non-writable segment. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. General-Purpose Instruction Reference DEC 165 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 DIV Unsigned Divide Divides the unsigned value in a register by the unsigned value in the specified register or memory location. The register to be divided depends on the size of the divisor. When dividing a word, the dividend is in the AX register. The instruction stores the quotient in the AL register and the remainder in the AH register. When dividing a doubleword, quadword, or double quadword, the most-significant word of the dividend is in the rDX register and the least-significant word is in the rAX register. After the division, the instruction stores the quotient in the rAX register and the remainder in the rDX register. The following table summarizes the action of this instruction: Division Size Dividend Divisor Quotient Remainder Maximum Quotient AX reg/mem8 AL AH 255 DX:AX reg/mem16 AX DX 65,535 Quadword/doubleword EDX:EAX reg/mem32 EAX EDX 2 32 – 1 Double quadword/ quadword RDX:RAX reg/mem64 RAX RDX 264 – 1 Word/byte Doubleword/word The instruction truncates non-integral results towards 0 and the remainder is always less than the divisor. An overflow generates a #DE (divide error) exception, rather than setting the CF flag. Division by zero generates a divide-by-zero exception. Mnemonic Opcode Description DIV reg/mem8 F6 /6 Perform unsigned division of AX by the contents of an 8bit register or memory location and store the quotient in AL and the remainder in AH. DIV reg/mem16 F7 /6 Perform unsigned division of DX:AX by the contents of a 16-bit register or memory operand store the quotient in AX and the remainder in DX. DIV reg/mem32 F7 /6 Perform unsigned division of EDX:EAX by the contents of a 32-bit register or memory location and store the quotient in EAX and the remainder in EDX. DIV reg/mem64 F7 /6 Perform unsigned division of RDX:RAX by the contents of a 64-bit register or memory location and store the quotient in RAX and the remainder in RDX. Related Instructions MUL 166 DIV General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF U 21 20 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 SF ZF AF PF CF U U U U U 7 6 4 2 0 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Cause of Exception X X X The divisor operand was 0. X X X The quotient was too large for the designated register. Stack, #SS X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. General protection, #GP X X X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was noncanonical. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Divide by zero, #DE Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. General-Purpose Instruction Reference DIV 167 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 ENTER Create Procedure Stack Frame Creates a stack frame for a procedure. The first operand specifies the size of the stack frame allocated by the instruction. The second operand specifies the nesting level (0 to 31—the value is automatically masked to 5 bits). For nesting levels of 1 or greater, the processor copies earlier stack frame pointers before adjusting the stack pointer. This action provides a called procedure with access points to other nested stack frames. The 32-bit enter N, 0 (a nesting level of 0) instruction is equivalent to the following 32-bit instruction sequence: push mov sub ebp ebp, esp esp, N ; save current EBP ; set stack frame pointer value ; allocate space for local variables The ENTER and LEAVE instructions provide support for block structured languages. The LEAVE instruction releases the stack frame on returning from a procedure. In 64-bit mode, the operand size of ENTER defaults to 64 bits, and there is no prefix available for encoding a 32-bit operand size. Mnemonic Opcode Description ENTER imm16, 0 C8 iw 00 Create a procedure stack frame. ENTER imm16, 1 C8 iw 01 Create a nested stack frame for a procedure. ENTER imm16, imm8 C8 iw ib Create a nested stack frame for a procedure. Action // See “Pseudocode Definition” on page 57. ENTER_START: temp_ALLOC_SPACE = word-sized immediate specified in the instruction (first operand), zero-extended to 64 bits temp_LEVEL = byte-sized immediate specified in the instruction (second operand), zero-extended to 64 bits temp_LEVEL = temp_LEVEL AND 0x1f // only keep 5 bits of level count PUSH.v old_RBP temp_RBP = RSP // This value of RSP will eventually be loaded // into RBP. // Push "temp_LEVEL" parameters to the stack. IF (temp_LEVEL>0) { FOR (I=1; I CS.limit) EXCEPTION [#GP] CS.sel = temp_CS CS.base = temp_CS SHL 4 180 INT General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology RFLAGS.AC,TF,IF,RF cleared RIP = temp_RIP EXIT INT_N_PROTECTED: temp_int_n_vector = byte-sized interrupt vector specified in the instruction, zero-extended to 64 bits temp_idt_desc = READ_IDT (temp_int_n_vector) IF (temp_idt_desc.attr.type == ’taskgate’) TASK_SWITCH // using tss selector in the task gate as the target tss IF (LONG_MODE) // The size of the gate controls the size of the // stack pushes. V=8-byte // Long mode only uses 64-bit gates. ELSIF ((temp_idt_desc.attr.type == ’intgate32’) || (temp_idt_desc.attr.type == ’trapgate32’)) V=4-byte // Legacy mode, using a 32-bit gate ELSE // gate is intgate16 or trapgate16 V=2-byte // Legacy mode, using a 16-bit gate temp_RIP = temp_idt_desc.offset IF (LONG_MODE) // In long mode, we need to read the 2nd half of a // 16-byte interrupt-gate from the IDT, to get the // upper 32 bits of the target RIP { temp_upper = READ_MEM.q [idt:temp_int_n_vector*16+8] temp_RIP = tempRIP + (temp_upper SHL 32) // concatenate both halves of RIP } CS = READ_DESCRIPTOR (temp_idt_desc.segment, intcs_chk) IF (CS.attr.conforming==1) temp_CPL = CPL ELSE temp_CPL = CS.attr.dpl IF (CPL==temp_CPL) // no privilege-level change { IF (LONG_MODE) { IF (!=0) // In long mode, if the IDT gate specifies an IST pointer, // a stack-switch is always done General-Purpose Instruction Reference INT 181 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 RSP = READ_MEM.q [tss:ist_index*8+28] RSP = RSP AND 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0 // In long mode, interrupts/exceptions align RSP to a // 16-byte boundary PUSH.q old_SS // In long mode, SS:RSP is always pushed to the stack PUSH.q old_RSP } PUSH.v old_RFLAGS PUSH.v old_CS PUSH.v next_RIP IF ((64BIT_MODE) && (temp_RIP is non-canonical) || (!64BIT_MODE) && (temp_RIP > CS.limit)) EXCEPTION [#GP(0)] RFLAGS.VM,NT,TF,RF cleared RFLAGS.IF cleared if interrupt gate RIP = temp_RIP EXIT } ELSE // (CPL > temp_CPL), changing privilege level { CPL = temp_CPL temp_SS_desc:temp_RSP = READ_INNER_LEVEL_STACK_POINTER (CPL, IF (LONG_MODE) temp_RSP = temp_RSP AND 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0 // in long mode, interrupts/exceptions align rsp // to a 16-byte boundary RSP.q = temp_RSP SS = temp_SS_desc PUSH.v PUSH.v PUSH.v PUSH.v PUSH.v old_SS // #SS on the following pushes uses SS.sel as error code old_RSP old_RFLAGS old_CS next_RIP IF ((64BIT_MODE) && (temp_RIP is non-canonical) || (!64BIT_MODE) && (temp_RIP > CS.limit)) EXCEPTION [#GP(0)] RFLAGS.VM,NT,TF,RF cleared 182 INT General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology RFLAGS.IF cleared if interrupt gate RIP = temp_RIP EXIT } INT_N_VIRTUAL: temp_int_n_vector = byte-sized interrupt vector specified in the instruction, zero-extended to 64 bits IF (CR4.VME==0) // vme isn’t enabled { IF (RFLAGS.IOPL==3) INT_N_VIRTUAL_TO_PROTECTED ELSE EXCEPTION [#GP(0)] } temp_IRB_BASE = READ_MEM.w [tss:102] - 32 // check the vme Int-n Redirection Bitmap (IRB), to see // if we should redirect this interrupt to a virtual-mode // handler temp_VME_REDIRECTION_BIT = READ_BIT_ARRAY ([tss:temp_IRB_BASE], temp_int_n_vector) IF (temp_VME_REDIRECTION_BIT==1) { // the virtual-mode int-n bitmap bit is set, so don’t // redirect this interrupt IF (RFLAGS.IOPL==3) INT_N_VIRTUAL_TO_PROTECTED ELSE EXCEPTION [#GP(0)] } ELSE // redirect interrupt through virtual-mode idt { temp_RIP = READ_MEM.w [0:temp_int_n_vector*4] // read target CS:RIP from the virtual-mode idt at // linear address 0 temp_CS = READ_MEM.w [0:temp_int_n_vector*4+2] IF (RFLAGS.IOPL < 3) old_RFLAGS = old_RFLAGS with VIF bit shifted into IF bit, and IOPL = 3 PUSH.w old_RFLAGS PUSH.w old_CS PUSH.w next_RIP CS.sel = temp_CS CS.base = temp_CS SHL 4 General-Purpose Instruction Reference INT 183 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 RFLAGS.TF,RF cleared RIP = temp_RIP // RFLAGS.IF cleared if IOPL == 3 // RFLAGS.VIF cleared if IOPL < 3 EXIT } INT_N_VIRTUAL_TO_PROTECTED: temp_idt_desc = READ_IDT (temp_int_n_vector) IF (temp_idt_desc.attr.type == ’taskgate’) TASK_SWITCH // using tss selector in the task gate as the target tss IF ((temp_idt_desc.attr.type == ’intgate32’) || (temp_idt_desc.attr.type == ’trapgate32’)) // the size of the gate controls the size of the stack pushes V=4-byte // legacy mode, using a 32-bit gate ELSE // gate is intgate16 or trapgate16 V=2-byte // legacy mode, using a 16-bit gate temp_RIP = temp_idt_desc.offset CS = READ_DESCRIPTOR (temp_idt_desc.segment, intcs_chk) IF (CS.attr.dpl!=0) // Handler must run at CPL 0. EXCEPTION [#GP(CS.sel)] CPL = 0 temp_ist = 0 // Legacy mode doesn’t use ist pointers temp_SS_desc:temp_RSP = READ_INNER_LEVEL_STACK_POINTER (CPL, temp_ist) RSP.q = temp_RSP SS = temp_SS_desc PUSH.v PUSH.v PUSH.v PUSH.v PUSH.v PUSH.v PUSH.v PUSH.v PUSH.v old_GS // #SS on the following pushes use SS.sel as error code. old_FS old_DS old_ES old_SS old_RSP old_RFLAGS // Pushed with RF clear. old_CS next_RIP IF (temp_RIP > CS.limit) EXCEPTION [#GP(0)] DS ES FS GS 184 = = = = NULL NULL NULL NULL // // // // can’t can’t can’t can’t use use use use virtual-mode virtual-mode virtual-mode virtual-mode INT selectors selectors selectors selectors in in in in protected protected protected protected mode mode mode mode General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology RFLAGS.VM,NT,TF,RF cleared RFLAGS.IF cleared if interrupt gate RIP = temp_RIP EXIT Related Instructions INT 3, INTO, BOUND rFLAGS Affected If a task switch occurs, all flags are modified. Otherwise settings are as follows: ID 21 VIP 20 VIF AC VM RF NT M M M 0 M 19 18 17 16 14 IOPL 13:12 OF 11 DF 10 IF TF M 0 9 8 SF ZF AF PF CF 7 6 4 2 0 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Invalid TSS, #TS (selector) Segment not present, #NP (selector) Stack, #SS X General-Purpose Instruction Reference Cause of Exception X X As part of a stack switch, the target stack segment selector or rSP in the TSS was beyond the TSS limit. X X As part of a stack switch, the target stack segment selector in the TSS was a null selector. X X As part of a stack switch, the target stack segment selector’s TI bit was set, but the LDT selector was a null selector. X X As part of a stack switch, the target stack segment selector in the TSS was beyond the limit of the GDT or LDT descriptor table. X X As part of a stack switch, the target stack segment selector in the TSS contained a RPL that was not equal to its DPL. X X As part of a stack switch, the target stack segment selector in the TSS contained a DPL that was not equal to the CPL of the code segment selector. X X As part of a stack switch, the target stack segment selector in the TSS was not a writable segment. X X The accessed code segment, interrupt gate, trap gate, task gate, or TSS was not present. X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical, and no stack switch occurred. INT 185 AMD64 Technology Exception 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d X X After a stack switch, a memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X X As part of a stack switch, the SS register was loaded with a non-null segment selector and the segment was marked not present. X X X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was noncanonical. X X X The target offset exceeded the code segment limit or was noncanonical. Stack, #SS (selector) General protection, #GP X General protection, #GP (selector) Cause of Exception X The IOPL was less than 3 and CR4.VME was 0. X IOPL was less than 3, CR4.VME was 1, and the corresponding bit in the VME interrupt redirection bitmap was 1. X X The interrupt vector was beyond the limit of IDT. X X The descriptor in the IDT was not an interrupt, trap, or task gate in legacy mode or not a 64-bit interrupt or trap gate in long mode. X X The DPL of the interrupt, trap, or task gate descriptor was less than the CPL. X X The segment selector specified by the interrupt or trap gate had its TI bit set, but the LDT selector was a null selector. X X The segment descriptor specified by the interrupt or trap gate exceeded the descriptor table limit or was a null selector. X X The segment descriptor specified by the interrupt or trap gate was not a code segment in legacy mode, or not a 64-bit code segment in long mode. X The DPL of the segment specified by the interrupt or trap gate was greater than the CPL. The DPL of the segment specified by the interrupt or trap gate pointed was not 0 or it was a conforming segment. X Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. 186 INT General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology INTO Interrupt to Overflow Vector Checks the overflow flag (OF) in the rFLAGS register and calls the overflow exception (#OF) handler if the OF flag is set to 1. This instruction has no effect if the OF flag is cleared to 0. The INTO instruction detects overflow in signed number addition. See AMD64 Architecture Programmer’s Manual Volume 1: Application Programming for more information on the OF flag. Using this instruction in 64-bit mode generates an invalid-opcode exception. For detailed descriptions of the steps performed by INT instructions, see the following: • • Legacy-Mode Interrupts: “Legacy Protected-Mode Interrupt Control Transfers” in Volume 2. Long-Mode Interrupts: “Long-Mode Interrupt Control Transfers” in Volume 2. Mnemonic Opcode INTO Description Call overflow exception if the overflow flag is set. (Invalid in 64-bit mode.) CE Action IF (64BIT_MODE) EXCEPTION[#UD] IF (RFLAGS.OF == 1) EXCEPTION [#OF] EXIT // #OF is a trap, and pushes the rIP of the instruction // following INTO. Related Instructions INT, INT 3, BOUND rFLAGS Affected None. Exceptions Exception Overflow, #OF Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d X Invalid opcode, #UD General-Purpose Instruction Reference X Cause of Exception X The INTO instruction was executed with 0F set to 1. X Instruction was executed in 64-bit mode. INTO 187 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Jcc Jump on Condition Checks the status flags in the rFLAGS register and, if the flags meet the condition specified by the condition code in the mnemonic (cc), jumps to the target instruction located at the specified relative offset. Otherwise, execution continues with the instruction following the Jcc instruction. Unlike the unconditional jump (JMP), conditional jump instructions have only two forms—short and near conditional jumps. Different opcodes correspond to different forms of one instruction. For example, the JO instruction (jump if overflow) has opcode 0Fh 80h for its near form and 70h for its short form, but the mnemonic is the same for both forms. The only difference is that the near form has a 16- or 32-bit relative displacement, while the short form always has an 8-bit relative displacement. Mnemonics are provided to deal with the programming semantics of both signed and unsigned numbers. Instructions tagged A (above) and B (below) are intended for use in unsigned integer code; those tagged G (greater) and L (less) are intended for use in signed integer code. If the jump is taken, the signed displacement is added to the rIP (of the following instruction) and the result is truncated to 16, 32, or 64 bits, depending on operand size. In 64-bit mode, the operand size defaults to 64 bits. The processor sign-extends the 8-bit or 32-bit displacement value to 64 bits before adding it to the RIP. These instructions cannot perform far jumps (to other code segments). To create a far-conditionaljump code sequence corresponding to a high-level language statement like: IF A == B THEN GOTO FarLabel where FarLabel is located in another code segment, use the opposite condition in a conditional short jump before an unconditional far jump. Such a code sequence might look like: cmp jne jmp A,B NextInstr far FarLabel NextInstr: ; compare operands ; continue program if not equal ; far jump if operands are equal ; continue program For details about control-flow instructions, see “Control Transfers” in Volume 1, and “ControlTransfer Privilege Checks” in Volume 2. Mnemonic Opcode Description JO rel8off JO rel16off JO rel32off 70 cb 0F 80 cw 0F 80 cd Jump if overflow (OF = 1). JNO rel8off JNO rel16off JNO rel32off 71 cb 0F 81 cw 0F 81 cd Jump if not overflow (OF = 0). JB rel8off JB rel16off JB rel32off 72 cb 0F 82 cw 0F 82 cd Jump if below (CF = 1). 188 Jcc General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Mnemonic Opcode AMD64 Technology Description JC rel8off JC rel16off JC rel32off 72 cb 0F 82 cw 0F 82 cd Jump if carry (CF = 1). JNAE rel8off JNAE rel16off JNAE rel32off 72 cb 0F 82 cw 0F 82 cd Jump if not above or equal (CF = 1). JNB rel8off JNB rel16off JNB rel32off 73 cb 0F 83 cw 0F 83 cd Jump if not below (CF = 0). JNC rel8off JNC rel16off JNC rel32off 73 cb 0F 83 cw 0F 83 cd Jump if not carry (CF = 0). JAE rel8off JAE rel16off JAE rel32off 73 cb 0F 83 cw 0F 83 cd Jump if above or equal (CF = 0). JZ rel8off JZ rel16off JZ rel32off 74 cb 0F 84 cw 0F 84 cd Jump if zero (ZF = 1). JE rel8off JE rel16off JE rel32off 74 cb 0F 84 cw 0F 84 cd Jump if equal (ZF = 1). JNZ rel8off JNZ rel16off JNZ rel32off 75 cb 0F 85 cw 0F 85 cd Jump if not zero (ZF = 0). JNE rel8off JNE rel16off JNE rel32off 75 cb 0F 85 cw 0F 85 cd Jump if not equal (ZF = 0). JBE rel8off JBE rel16off JBE rel32off 76 cb 0F 86 cw 0F 86 cd Jump if below or equal (CF = 1 or ZF = 1). JNA rel8off JNA rel16off JNA rel32off 76 cb 0F 86 cw 0F 86 cd Jump if not above (CF = 1 or ZF = 1). JNBE rel8off JNBE rel16off JNBE rel32off 77 cb 0F 87 cw 0F 87 cd Jump if not below or equal (CF = 0 and ZF = 0). JA rel8off JA rel16off JA rel32off 77 cb 0F 87 cw 0F 87 cd Jump if above (CF = 0 and ZF = 0). JS rel8off JS rel16off JS rel32off 78 cb 0F 88 cw 0F 88 cd Jump if sign (SF = 1). JNS rel8off JNS rel16off JNS rel32off 79 cb 0F 89 cw 0F 89 cd Jump if not sign (SF = 0). General-Purpose Instruction Reference Jcc 189 AMD64 Technology Mnemonic 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Opcode Description JP rel8off JP rel16off JP rel32off 7A cb 0F 8A cw 0F 8A cd Jump if parity (PF = 1). JPE rel8off JPE rel16off JPE rel32off 7A cb 0F 8A cw 0F 8A cd Jump if parity even (PF = 1). JNP rel8off JNP rel16off JNP rel32off 7B cb 0F 8B cw 0F 8B cd Jump if not parity (PF = 0). JPO rel8off JPO rel16off JPO rel32off 7B cb 0F 8B cw 0F 8B cd Jump if parity odd (PF = 0). JL rel8off JL rel16off JL rel32off 7C cb 0F 8C cw 0F 8C cd Jump if less (SF <> OF). JNGE rel8off JNGE rel16off JNGE rel32off 7C cb 0F 8C cw 0F 8C cd Jump if not greater or equal (SF <> OF). JNL rel8off JNL rel16off JNL rel32off 7D cb 0F 8D cw 0F 8D cd Jump if not less (SF = OF). JGE rel8off JGE rel16off JGE rel32off 7D cb 0F 8D cw 0F 8D cd Jump if greater or equal (SF = OF). JLE rel8off JLE rel16off JLE rel32off 7E cb 0F 8E cw 0F 8E cd Jump if less or equal (ZF = 1 or SF <> OF). JNG rel8off JNG rel16off JNG rel32off 7E cb 0F 8E cw 0F 8E cd Jump if not greater (ZF = 1 or SF <> OF). JNLE rel8off JNLE rel16off JNLE rel32off 7F cb 0F 8F cw 0F 8F cd Jump if not less or equal (ZF = 0 and SF = OF). JG rel8off JG rel16off JG rel32off 7F cb 0F 8F cw 0F 8F cd Jump if greater (ZF = 0 and SF = OF). Related Instructions JMP (Near), JMP (Far), JrCXZ rFLAGS Affected None 190 Jcc General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Exceptions Exception General protection, #GP Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d X General-Purpose Instruction Reference X X Cause of Exception The target offset exceeded the code segment limit or was noncanonical. Jcc 191 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 JCXZ JECXZ JRCXZ Jump if rCX Zero Checks the contents of the count register (rCX) and, if 0, jumps to the target instruction located at the specified 8-bit relative offset. Otherwise, execution continues with the instruction following the JrCXZ instruction. The size of the count register (CX, ECX, or RCX) depends on the address-size attribute of the JrCXZ instruction. Therefore, JRCXZ can only be executed in 64-bit mode and JCXZ cannot be executed in 64-bit mode. If the jump is taken, the signed displacement is added to the rIP (of the following instruction) and the result is truncated to 16, 32, or 64 bits, depending on operand size. In 64-bit mode, the operand size defaults to 64 bits. The processor sign-extends the 8-bit displacement value to 64 bits before adding it to the RIP. For details about control-flow instructions, see “Control Transfers” in Volume 1, and “ControlTransfer Privilege Checks” in Volume 2. Mnemonic Opcode Description JCXZ rel8off E3 cb Jump short if the 16-bit count register (CX) is zero. JECXZ rel8off E3 cb Jump short if the 32-bit count register (ECX) is zero. JRCXZ rel8off E3 cb Jump short if the 64-bit count register (RCX) is zero. Related Instructions Jcc, JMP (Near), JMP (Far) rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions Exception General protection, #GP 192 Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d X X X Cause of Exception The target offset exceeded the code segment limit or was noncanonical JrCXZ General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology JMP (Near) Near Jump Unconditionally transfers control to a new address without saving the current rIP value. This form of the instruction jumps to an address in the current code segment and is called a near jump. The target operand can specify a register, a memory location, or a label. If the JMP target is specified in a register or memory location, then a 16-, 32-, or 64-bit rIP is read from the operand, depending on operand size. This rIP is zero-extended to 64 bits. If the JMP target is specified by a displacement in the instruction, the signed displacement is added to the rIP (of the following instruction), and the result is truncated to 16, 32, or 64 bits depending on operand size. The signed displacement can be 8 bits, 16 bits, or 32 bits, depending on the opcode and the operand size. For near jumps in 64-bit mode, the operand size defaults to 64 bits. The E9 opcode results in RIP = RIP + 32-bit signed displacement, and the FF /4 opcode results in RIP = 64-bit offset from register or memory. No prefix is available to encode a 32-bit operand size in 64-bit mode. See JMP (Far) for information on far jumps—jumps to procedures located outside of the current code segment. For details about control-flow instructions, see “Control Transfers” in Volume 1, and “Control-Transfer Privilege Checks” in Volume 2. Mnemonic Opcode Description JMP rel8off EB cb Short jump with the target specified by an 8-bit signed displacement. JMP rel16off E9 cw Near jump with the target specified by a 16-bit signed displacement. JMP rel32off E9 cd Near jump with the target specified by a 32-bit signed displacement. JMP reg/mem16 FF /4 Near jump with the target specified reg/mem16. JMP reg/mem32 FF /4 Near jump with the target specified reg/mem32. (No prefix for encoding in 64-bit mode.) JMP reg/mem64 FF /4 Near jump with the target specified reg/mem64. Related Instructions JMP (Far), Jcc, JrCX rFLAGS Affected None. General-Purpose Instruction Reference JMP (Near) 193 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Exceptions Exception Stack, #SS General protection, #GP Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Cause of Exception X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X X X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was noncanonical. X X X The target offset exceeded the code segment limit or was noncanonical. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. 194 JMP (Near) General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology JMP (Far) Far Jump Unconditionally transfers control to a new address without saving the current CS:rIP values. This form of the instruction jumps to an address outside the current code segment and is called a far jump. The operand specifies a target selector and offset. The target operand can be specified by the instruction directly, by containing the far pointer in the jmp far opcode itself, or indirectly, by referencing a far pointer in memory. In 64-bit mode, only indirect far jumps are allowed, executing a direct far jmp (opcode EA) will generate an undefined opcode exception. For both direct and indirect far jumps, if the JMP (Far) operand-size is 16 bits, the instruction's operand is a 16-bit selector followed by a 16-bit offset. If the operand-size is 32 or 64 bits, the operand is a 16-bit selector followed by a 32-bit offset. In all modes, the target selector used by the instruction can be a code selector. Additionally, the target selector can also be a call gate in protected mode, or a task gate or TSS selector in legacy protected mode. • • • Target is a code segment—Control is transferred to the target CS:rIP. In this case, the target offset can only be a 16 or 32 bit value, depending on operand-size, and is zero-extended to 64 bits. No CPL change is allowed. Target is a call gate—The call gate specifies the actual target code segment and offset, and control is transferred to the target CS:rIP. When jumping through a call gate, the size of the target rIP is 16, 32, or 64 bits, depending on the size of the call gate. If the target rIP is less than 64 bits, it's zeroextended to 64 bits. In long mode, only 64-bit call gates are allowed, and they must point to 64-bit code segments. No CPL change is allowed. Target is a task gate or a TSS—If the mode is legacy protected mode, then a task switch occurs. See “Hardware Task-Management in Legacy Mode” in volume 2 for details about task switches. Hardware task switches are not supported in long mode. See JMP (Near) for information on near jumps—jumps to procedures located inside the current code segment. For details about control-flow instructions, see “Control Transfers” in Volume 1, and “Control-Transfer Privilege Checks” in Volume 2. Mnemonic Opcode Description JMP FAR pntr16:16 EA cd Far jump direct, with the target specified by a far pointer contained in the instruction. (Invalid in 64-bit mode.) JMP FAR pntr16:32 EA cp Far jump direct, with the target specified by a far pointer contained in the instruction. (Invalid in 64-bit mode.) JMP FAR mem16:16 FF /5 Far jump indirect, with the target specified by a far pointer in memory. JMP FAR mem16:32 FF /5 Far jump indirect, with the target specified by a far pointer in memory. General-Purpose Instruction Reference JMP (Far) 195 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Action // Far jumps (JMPF) // See “Pseudocode Definition” on page 57. JMPF_START: IF (REAL_MODE) JMPF_REAL_OR_VIRTUAL ELSIF (PROTECTED_MODE) JMPF_PROTECTED ELSE // (VIRTUAL_MODE) JMPF_REAL_OR_VIRTUAL JMPF_REAL_OR_VIRTUAL: IF (OPCODE == jmpf [mem]) //JMPF Indirect { temp_RIP = READ_MEM.z [mem] temp_CS = READ_MEM.w [mem+Z] } ELSE // (OPCODE == jmpf direct) { temp_RIP = z-sized offset specified in the instruction, zero-extended to 64 bits temp_CS = selector specified in the instruction } IF (temp_RIP>CS.limit) EXCEPTION [#GP(0)] CS.sel = temp_CS CS.base = temp_CS SHL 4 RIP = temp_RIP EXIT JMPF_PROTECTED: IF (OPCODE == jmpf [mem]) // JMPF Indirect { temp_offset = READ_MEM.z [mem] temp_sel = READ_MEM.w [mem+Z] } ELSE // (OPCODE == jmpf direct) { IF (64BIT_MODE) EXCEPTION [#UD] // ’jmpf direct’ is illegal in 64-bit mode temp_offset = z-sized offset specified in the instruction, zero-extended to 64 bits temp_sel = selector specified in the instruction } 196 JMP (Far) General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology temp_desc = READ_DESCRIPTOR (temp_sel, cs_chk) // read descriptor, perform protection and type checks IF (temp_desc.attr.type == ’available_tss’) TASK_SWITCH // using temp_sel as the target tss selector ELSIF (temp_desc.attr.type == ’taskgate’) TASK_SWITCH // using the tss selector in the task gate as the // target tss ELSIF (temp_desc.attr.type == ’code’) // if the selector refers to a code descriptor, then // the offset we read is the target RIP { temp_RIP = temp_offset CS = temp_desc IF ((!64BIT_MODE) && (temp_RIP > CS.limit)) // temp_RIP can’t be non-canonical because // it’s a 16- or 32-bit offset, zero-extended to 64 bits { EXCEPTION [#GP(0)] } RIP = temp_RIP EXIT } ELSE { // (temp_desc.attr.type == ’callgate’) // if the selector refers to a call gate, then // the target CS and RIP both come from the call gate temp_RIP = temp_desc.offset IF (LONG_MODE) { // in long mode, we need to read the 2nd half of a 16-byte call-gate // from the gdt/ldt to get the upper 32 bits of the target RIP temp_upper = READ_MEM.q [temp_sel+8] IF (temp_upper’s extended attribute bits != 0) EXCEPTION [#GP(temp_sel)] // Make sure the extended // attribute bits are all zero. temp_RIP = tempRIP + (temp_upper SHL 32) // concatenate both halves of RIP } CS = READ_DESCRIPTOR (temp_desc.segment, clg_chk) // set up new CS base, attr, limits IF ((64BIT_MODE) && (temp_RIP is non-canonical) || (!64BIT_MODE) && (temp_RIP > CS.limit)) EXCEPTION [#GP(0)] RIP = temp_RIP EXIT } General-Purpose Instruction Reference JMP (Far) 197 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Related Instructions JMP (Near), Jcc, JrCX rFLAGS Affected None, unless a task switch occurs, in which case all flags are modified. Exceptions Exception Invalid opcode, #UD Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d X X Segment not present, #NP (selector) Stack, #SS General protection, #GP 198 Cause of Exception X The far JUMP indirect opcode (FF /5) had a register operand. X The far JUMP direct opcode (EA) was executed in 64-bit mode. X The accessed code segment, call gate, task gate, or TSS was not present. X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X X X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was noncanonical. X X X The target offset exceeded the code segment limit or was noncanonical. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. JMP (Far) General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Exception AMD64 Technology Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d General protection, #GP (selector) Cause of Exception X The target code segment selector was a null selector. X A code, call gate, task gate, or TSS descriptor exceeded the descriptor table limit. X A segment selector’s TI bit was set, but the LDT selector was a null selector. X The segment descriptor specified by the instruction was not a code segment, task gate, call gate or available TSS in legacy mode, or not a 64-bit code segment or a 64-bit call gate in long mode. X The RPL of the non-conforming code segment selector specified by the instruction was greater than the CPL, or its DPL was not equal to the CPL. X The DPL of the conforming code segment descriptor specified by the instruction was greater than the CPL. X The DPL of the callgate, taskgate, or TSS descriptor specified by the instruction was less than the CPL or less than its own RPL. X The segment selector specified by the call gate or task gate was a null selector. X The segment descriptor specified by the call gate was not a code segment in legacy mode or not a 64-bit code segment in long mode. X The DPL of the segment descriptor specified the call gate was greater than the CPL and it is a conforming segment. X The DPL of the segment descriptor specified by the callgate was not equal to the CPL and it is a non-conforming segment. X The 64-bit call gate’s extended attribute bits were not zero. X The TSS descriptor was found in the LDT. Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. General-Purpose Instruction Reference JMP (Far) 199 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 LAHF Load Status Flags into AH Register Loads the lower 8 bits of the rFLAGS register, including sign flag (SF), zero flag (ZF), auxiliary carry flag (AF), parity flag (PF), and carry flag (CF), into the AH register. The instruction sets the reserved bits 1, 3, and 5 of the rFLAGS register to 1, 0, and 0, respectively, in the AH register. The LAHF instruction can only be executed in 64-bit mode. Support for the instruction is implementation-dependent and is indicated by CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[LahfSahf] = 1. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the instruction reference page for the CPUID instruction on page 158. For a description of all feature flags related to instruction subset support, see Appendix D, “Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags,” on page 531. Mnemonic Opcode LAHF Description Load the SF, ZF, AF, PF, and CF flags into the AH register. 9F Related Instructions SAHF rFLAGS Affected None. Exceptions Exception Invalid opcode, #UD 200 Virtual Real 8086 Protected X Cause of Exception The LAHF instruction is not supported, as indicated by CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[LahfSahf] = 0. LAHF General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology LDS LES LFS LGS LSS Load Far Pointer Loads a far pointer from a memory location (second operand) into a segment register (mnemonic) and general-purpose register (first operand). The instruction stores the 16-bit segment selector of the pointer into the segment register and the 16-bit or 32-bit offset portion into the general-purpose register. The operand-size attribute determines whether the pointer loaded is 32 or 48 bits in length. These instructions load associated segment-descriptor information into the hidden portion of the specified segment register. Mnemonic Opcode Description LDS reg16, mem16:16 C5 /r Load DS:reg16 with a far pointer from memory. [Redefined as VEX (2-byte prefix) in 64-bit mode.] LDS reg32, mem16:32 C5 /r Load DS:reg32 with a far pointer from memory. [Redefined as VEX (2-byte prefix) in 64-bit mode.] LES reg16, mem16:16 C4 /r Load ES:reg16 with a far pointer from memory. [Redefined as VEX (3-byte prefix) in 64-bit mode.] LES reg32, mem16:32 C4 /r Load ES:reg32 with a far pointer from memory. [Redefined as VEX (3-byte prefix) in 64-bit mode.] LFS reg16, mem16:16 0F B4 /r Load FS:reg16 with a 32-bit far pointer from memory. LFS reg32, mem16:32 0F B4 /r Load FS:reg32 with a 48-bit far pointer from memory. LGS reg16, mem16:16 0F B5 /r Load GS:reg16 with a 32-bit far pointer from memory. LGS reg32, mem16:32 0F B5 /r Load GS:reg32 with a 48-bit far pointer from memory. LSS reg16, mem16:16 0F B2 /r Load SS:reg16 with a 32-bit far pointer from memory. LSS reg32, mem16:32 0F B2 /r Load SS:reg32 with a 48-bit far pointer from memory. Related Instructions None rFLAGS Affected None General-Purpose Instruction Reference LxS 201 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Exceptions Exception Invalid opcode, #UD Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d X X Segment not present, #NP (selector) Stack, #SS X X Stack, #SS (selector) General protection, #GP X X General protection, #GP (selector) Cause of Exception X The source operand was a register. X LDS or LES was executed in 64-bit mode. X The DS, ES, FS, or GS register was loaded with a non-null segment selector and the segment was marked not present. X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X The SS register was loaded with a non-null segment selector and the segment was marked not present. X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was noncanonical. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. X A segment register was loaded, but the segment descriptor exceeded the descriptor table limit. X A segment register was loaded and the segment selector’s TI bit was set, but the LDT selector was a null selector. X The SS register was loaded with a null segment selector in non-64-bit mode or while CPL = 3. X The SS register was loaded and the segment selector RPL and the segment descriptor DPL were not equal to the CPL. X The SS register was loaded and the segment pointed to was not a writable data segment. X The DS, ES, FS, or GS register was loaded and the segment pointed to was a data or non-conforming code segment, but the RPL or CPL was greater than the DPL. X The DS, ES, FS, or GS register was loaded and the segment pointed to was not a data segment or readable code segment. Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. 202 LxS General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology LEA Load Effective Address Computes the effective address of a memory location (second operand) and stores it in a generalpurpose register (first operand). The address size of the memory location and the size of the register determine the specific action taken by the instruction, as follows: • • • If the address size and the register size are the same, the instruction stores the effective address as computed. If the address size is longer than the register size, the instruction truncates the effective address to the size of the register. If the address size is shorter than the register size, the instruction zero-extends the effective address to the size of the register. If the second operand is a register, an undefined-opcode exception occurs. The LEA instruction is related to the MOV instruction, which copies data from a memory location to a register, but LEA takes the address of the source operand, whereas MOV takes the contents of the memory location specified by the source operand. In the simplest cases, LEA can be replaced with MOV. For example: lea eax, [ebx] has the same effect as: mov eax, ebx However, LEA allows software to use any valid ModRM and SIB addressing mode for the source operand. For example: lea eax, [ebx+edi] loads the sum of the EBX and EDI registers into the EAX register. This could not be accomplished by a single MOV instruction. The LEA instruction has a limited capability to perform multiplication of operands in general-purpose registers using scaled-index addressing. For example: lea eax, [ebx+ebx*8] loads the value of the EBX register, multiplied by 9, into the EAX register. Possible values of multipliers are 2, 4, 8, 3, 5, and 9. The LEA instruction is widely used in string-processing and array-processing to initialize an index register (rSI or rDI) before performing string instructions such as MOVSx. It is also used to initialize the rBX register before performing the XLAT instruction in programs that perform character translations. In data structures, the LEA instruction can calculate addresses of operands stored in memory, and in particular, addresses of array or string elements. General-Purpose Instruction Reference LEA 203 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Mnemonic Opcode Description LEA reg16, mem 8D /r Store effective address in a 16-bit register. LEA reg32, mem 8D /r Store effective address in a 32-bit register. LEA reg64, mem 8D /r Store effective address in a 64-bit register. Related Instructions MOV rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions Exception Invalid opcode, #UD 204 Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d X X X Cause of Exception The source operand was a register. LEA General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 LEAVE AMD64 Technology Delete Procedure Stack Frame Releases a stack frame created by a previous ENTER instruction. To release the frame, it copies the frame pointer (in the rBP register) to the stack pointer register (rSP), and then pops the old frame pointer from the stack into the rBP register, thus restoring the stack frame of the calling procedure. The 32-bit LEAVE instruction is equivalent to the following 32-bit operation: MOV ESP,EBP POP EBP To return program control to the calling procedure, execute a RET instruction after the LEAVE instruction. In 64-bit mode, the LEAVE operand size defaults to 64 bits, and there is no prefix available for encoding a 32-bit operand size. Mnemonic Opcode Description LEAVE C9 Set the stack pointer register SP to the value in the BP register and pop BP. LEAVE C9 Set the stack pointer register ESP to the value in the EBP register and pop EBP. (No prefix for encoding this in 64-bit mode.) LEAVE C9 Set the stack pointer register RSP to the value in the RBP register and pop RBP. Related Instructions ENTER rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions Exception Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Cause of Exception X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. Stack, #SS X General-Purpose Instruction Reference LEAVE 205 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 LFENCE Load Fence Acts as a barrier to force strong memory ordering (serialization) between load instructions preceding the LFENCE and load instructions that follow the LFENCE. Loads from differing memory types may be performed out of order, in particular between WC/WC+ and other memory types. The LFENCE instruction assures that the system completes all previous loads before executing subsequent loads. The LFENCE instruction is weakly-ordered with respect to store instructions, data and instruction prefetches, and the SFENCE instruction. Speculative loads initiated by the processor, or specified explicitly using cache-prefetch instructions, can be reordered around an LFENCE. In addition to load instructions, the LFENCE instruction is strongly ordered with respect to other LFENCE instructions, as well as MFENCE and other serializing instructions. Further details on the use of MFENCE to order accesses among differing memory types may be found in AMD64 Architecture Programmer’s Manual Volume 2: System Programming, section 7.4 “Memory Types” on page 172. LFENCE is an SSE2 instruction. Support for SSE2 instructions is indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] = 1. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the instruction reference page for the CPUID instruction on page 158. For a description of all feature flags related to instruction subset support, see Appendix D, “Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags,” on page 531. Mnemonic Opcode LFENCE 0F AE E8 Description Force strong ordering of (serialize) load operations. Related Instructions MFENCE, SFENCE rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions Exception Invalid opcode, #UD 206 Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d X X X Cause of Exception SSE2 instructions are not supported, as indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] = 0. LFENCE General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 LLWPCB AMD64 Technology Load Lightweight Profiling Control Block Address Parses the Lightweight Profiling Control Block at the address contained in the specified register. If the LWPCB is valid, writes the address into the LWP_CBADDR MSR and enables Lightweight Profiling. See Volume 2, Chapter 13, for an overview of the lightweight profiling facility. The LWPCB must be in memory that is readable and writable in user mode. For better performance, it should be aligned on a 64-byte boundary in memory and placed so that it does not cross a page boundary, though neither of these suggestions is required. The LWPCB address in the register is truncated to 32 bits if the operand size is 32. Action 1. If LWP is not available or if the machine is not in protected mode, LLWPCB immediately causes a #UD exception. 2. If LWP is already enabled, the processor flushes the LWP state to memory in the old LWPCB. See description of the SLWPCB instruction on page 326 for details on saving the active LWP state. If the flush causes a #PF exception, LWP remains enabled with the old LWPCB still active. Note that the flush is done before LWP attempts to access the new LWPCB. 3. If the specified LWPCB address is 0, LWP is disabled and the execution of LLWPCB is complete. 4. The LWPCB address is non-zero. LLWPCB validates it as follows: - If any part of the LWPCB or the ring buffer is beyond the data segment limit, LLWPCB causes a #GP exception. - If the ring buffer size is below the implementation’s minimum ring buffer size, LLWPCB causes a #GP exception. - While doing these checks, LWP reads and writes the LWPCB, which may cause a #PF exception. If any of these exceptions occurs, LLWPCB aborts and LWP is left disabled. Usually, the operating system will handle a #PF exception by making the memory available and returning to retry the LLWPCB instruction. The #GP exceptions indicate application programming errors. 5. LWP converts the LWPCB address and the ring buffer address to linear address form by adding the DS base address and stores the addresses internally. 6. LWP examines the LWPCB.Flags field to determine which events should be enabled and whether threshold interrupts should be taken. It clears the bits for any features that are not available and stores the result back to LWPCB.Flags to inform the application of the actual LWP state. 7. For each event being enabled, LWP examines the EventIntervaln value and, if necessary, sets it to an implementation-defined minimum. (The minimum event interval for LWPVAL is zero.) It loads its internal counter for the event from the value in EventCountern. A zero or negative value General-Purpose Instruction Reference LLWPCB 207 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 in EventCountern means that the next event of that type will cause an event record to be stored. To count every jth event, a program should set EventIntervaln to j-1 and EventCountern to some starting value (where j-1 is a good initial count). If the counter value is larger than the interval, the first event record will be stored after a larger number of events than subsequent records. 8. LWP is started. The execution of LLWPCB is complete. Notes If none of the bits in the LWPCB.Flags specifies an available event, LLWPCB still enables LWP to allow the use of the LWPINS instruction. However, no other event records will be stored. A program can temporarily disable LWP by executing SLWPCB to obtain the current LWPCB address, saving that value, and then executing LLWPCB with a register containing 0. It can later reenable LWP by executing LLWPCB with a register containing the saved address. When LWP is enabled, it is typically an error to execute LLWPCB with the address of the active LWPCB. When the hardware flushes the existing LWP state into the LWPCB, it may overwrite fields that the application may have set to new LWP parameter values. The flushed values will then be loaded as LWP is restarted. To reuse an LWPCB, an application should stop LWP by passing a zero to LLWPCB, then prepare the LWPCB with new parameters and execute LLWPCB again to restart LWP. Internally, LWP keeps the linear address of the LWPCB and the ring buffer. If the application changes the value of DS, LWP will continue to collect samples even if the new DS value would no longer allow access the LWPCB or the ring buffer. However, a #GP fault will occur if the application uses XRSTOR to restore LWP state saved by XSAVE. Programs should avoid using XSAVE/XRSTOR on LWP state if DS has changed. This only applies when the CPL != 0; kernel mode operation of XRSTOR is unaffected by changes to DS. See instruction listing for XSAVE in Volume 4 for details. Operating system and hypervisor code that runs when CPL ≠ 3 should use XSAVE and XRSTOR to control LWP rather than using LLWPCB. Use WRMSR to write 0 to the LWP_CBADDR MSR to immediately stop LWP without saving its current state. It is possible to execute LLWPCB when the CPL != 3 or when SMM is active, but the system software must ensure that the LWPCB and the entire ring buffer are properly mapped into writable memory in order to avoid a #PF or #GP fault. Furthermore, if LWP is enabled when a kernel executes LLWPCB, both the old and new control blocks and ring buffers must be accessible. Using LLWPCB in these situations is not recommended. LLWPCB is an LWP instruction. Support for LWP instructions is indicated by CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[LWP] = 1. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the instruction reference page for the CPUID instruction on page 158. For a description of all feature flags related to instruction subset support, see Appendix D, “Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags,” on page 531. 208 LLWPCB General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Instruction Encoding Mnemonic Encoding XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode LLWPCB reg32 8F RXB.09 0.1111.0.00 12 /0 LLWPCB reg64 8F RXB.09 1.1111.0.00 12 /0 ModRM.reg augments the opcode and is assigned the value 0. ModRM.r/m (augmented by XOP.R) specifies the register containing the effective address of the LWPCB. ModRM.mod is 11b. Related Instructions SLWPCB, LWPVAL, LWPINS rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions Exception Invalid opcode, #UD Virtual Real 8086 Protected X X X X General protection, #GP Page fault, #PF General-Purpose Instruction Reference X Cause of Exception LWP instructions are not supported, as indicated by CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[LWP] = 0. The system is not in protected mode. X LWP is not available, or mod != 11b, or vvvv != 1111b. X Any part of the LWPCB or the event ring buffer is beyond the DS segment limit. X Any restrictions on the contents of the LWPCB are violated X A page fault resulted from reading or writing the LWPCB. X LWP was already enabled and a page fault resulted from reading or writing the old LWPCB. X LWP was already enabled and a page fault resulted from flushing an event to the old ring buffer. LLWPCB 209 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 LODS LODSB LODSW LODSD LODSQ Load String Copies the byte, word, doubleword, or quadword in the memory location pointed to by the DS:rSI registers to the AL, AX, EAX, or RAX register, depending on the size of the operand, and then increments or decrements the rSI register according to the state of the DF flag in the rFLAGS register. If the DF flag is 0, the instruction increments rSI; otherwise, it decrements rSI. It increments or decrements rSI by 1, 2, 4, or 8, depending on the number of bytes being loaded. The forms of the LODS instruction with an explicit operand address the operand at seg:[rSI]. The value of seg defaults to the DS segment, but may be overridden by a segment prefix. The explicit operand serves only to specify the type (size) of the value being copied and the specific registers used. The no-operands forms of the instruction always use the DS:[rSI] registers to point to the value to be copied (they do not allow a segment prefix). The mnemonic determines the size of the operand and the specific registers used. The LODSx instructions support the REP prefixes. For details about the REP prefixes, see “Repeat Prefixes” on page 12. More often, software uses the LODSx instruction inside a loop controlled by a LOOPcc instruction as a more efficient replacement for instructions like: mov eax, dword ptr ds:[esi] add esi, 4 The LODSQ instruction can only be used in 64-bit mode. Mnemonic Opcode Description LODS mem8 AC Load byte at DS:rSI into AL and then increment or decrement rSI. LODS mem16 AD Load word at DS:rSI into AX and then increment or decrement rSI. LODS mem32 AD Load doubleword at DS:rSI into EAX and then increment or decrement rSI. LODS mem64 AD Load quadword at DS:rSI into RAX and then increment or decrement rSI. LODSB AC Load byte at DS:rSI into AL and then increment or decrement rSI. LODSW AD Load the word at DS:rSI into AX and then increment or decrement rSI. 210 LODSx General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Mnemonic Opcode AMD64 Technology Description LODSD AD Load doubleword at DS:rSI into EAX and then increment or decrement rSI. LODSQ AD Load quadword at DS:rSI into RAX and then increment or decrement rSI. Related Instructions MOVSx, STOSx rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions Exception Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Cause of Exception Stack, #SS X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. General protection, #GP X X X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was noncanonical. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. General-Purpose Instruction Reference LODSx 211 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 LOOP LOOPE LOOPNE LOOPNZ LOOPZ Loop Decrements the count register (rCX) by 1, then, if rCX is not 0 and the ZF flag meets the condition specified by the mnemonic, it jumps to the target instruction specified by the signed 8-bit relative offset. Otherwise, it continues with the next instruction after the LOOPcc instruction. The size of the count register used (CX, ECX, or RCX) depends on the address-size attribute of the LOOPcc instruction. The LOOP instruction ignores the state of the ZF flag. The LOOPE and LOOPZ instructions jump if rCX is not 0 and the ZF flag is set to 1. In other words, the instruction exits the loop (falls through to the next instruction) if rCX becomes 0 or ZF = 0. The LOOPNE and LOOPNZ instructions jump if rCX is not 0 and ZF flag is cleared to 0. In other words, the instruction exits the loop if rCX becomes 0 or ZF = 1. The LOOPcc instruction does not change the state of the ZF flag. Typically, the loop contains a compare instruction to set or clear the ZF flag. If the jump is taken, the signed displacement is added to the rIP (of the following instruction) and the result is truncated to 16, 32, or 64 bits, depending on operand size. In 64-bit mode, the operand size defaults to 64 bits without the need for a REX prefix, and the processor sign-extends the 8-bit offset before adding it to the RIP. Mnemonic Opcode Description LOOP rel8off E2 cb Decrement rCX, then jump short if rCX is not 0. LOOPE rel8off E1 cb Decrement rCX, then jump short if rCX is not 0 and ZF is 1. LOOPNE rel8off E0 cb Decrement rCX, then Jump short if rCX is not 0 and ZF is 0. LOOPNZ rel8off E0 cb Decrement rCX, then Jump short if rCX is not 0 and ZF is 0. LOOPZ rel8off E1 cb Decrement rCX, then Jump short if rCX is not 0 and ZF is 1. Related Instructions None 212 LOOPcc General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions Exception General protection, #GP Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d X General-Purpose Instruction Reference X X Cause of Exception The target offset exceeded the code segment limit or was noncanonical. LOOPcc 213 AMD64 Technology LWPINS 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Lightweight Profiling Insert Record Inserts programmed event record into the LWP event ring buffer in memory and advances the ring buffer pointer. Refer to the description of the programmed event record in Volume 2, Chapter 13. The record has an EventId of 255. The value in the register specified by vvvv (first operand) is stored in the Data2 field at bytes 23–16 (zero extended if the operand size is 32). The value in a register or memory location (second operand) is stored in the Data1 field at bytes 7–4. The immediate value (third operand) is truncated to 16 bits and stored in the Flags field at bytes 3–2. If the ring buffer is not full, or if LWP is running in Continuous Mode, the head pointer is advanced and the CF flag is cleared. If the ring buffer threshold is exceeded and threshold interrupts are enabled, an interrupt is signaled. If LWP is in Continuous Mode and the new head pointer equals the tail pointer, the MissedEvents counter is incremented to indicate that the buffer wrapped. If the ring buffer is full and LWP is running in Synchronized Mode, the event record overwrites the last record in the buffer, the MissedEvents counter in the LWPCB is incremented, the head pointer is not advanced, and the CF flag is set. LWPINS generates an invalid opcode exception (#UD) if the machine is not in protected mode or if LWP is not available. LWPINS simply clears CF if LWP is not enabled. This allows LWPINS instructions to be harmlessly ignored if profiling is turned off. It is possible to execute LWPINS when the CPL ≠ 3 or when SMM is active, but the system software must ensure that the memory operand (if present), the LWPCB, and the entire ring buffer are properly mapped into writable memory in order to avoid a #PF or #GP fault. Using LWPINS in these situations is not recommended. LWPINS can be used by a program to mark significant events in the ring buffer as they occur. For instance, a program might capture information on changes in the process’ address space such as library loads and unloads, or changes in the execution environment such as a change in the state of a usermode thread of control. Note that when the LWPINS instruction finishes writing a event record in the event ring buffer, it counts as an instruction retired. If the Instructions Retired event is active, this might cause that counter to become negative and immediately store another event record with the same instruction address (but different EventId values). LWPINS is an LWP instruction. Support for LWP instructions is indicated by CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[LWP] = 1. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the instruction reference page for the CPUID instruction on page 158. For a description of all feature flags related to instruction subset support, see Appendix D, “Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags,” on page 531. 214 LWPINS General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Instruction Encoding Mnemonic Encoding XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode LWPINS reg32.vvvv, reg/mem32, imm32 8F RXB.0A 0.src1.0.00 12 /0 /imm32 LWPINS reg64.vvvv, reg/mem32, imm32 8F RXB.0A 1.src1.0.00 12 /0 /imm32 ModRM.reg augments the opcode and is assigned the value 0. The {mod, r/m} field of the ModRM byte (augmented by XOP.R) encodes the second operand. A 4-byte immediate field follows ModRM. Related Instructions LLWPCB, SLWPCB, LWPVAL rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF SF ZF AF PF CF M 21 20 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 7 6 4 2 0 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Invalid opcode, #UD Virtual Real 8086 Protected X X X X Page fault, #PF General protection, #GP General-Purpose Instruction Reference X Cause of Exception LWP instructions are not supported, as indicated by CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[LWP] = 0. The system is not in protected mode. X LWP is not available. X A page fault resulted from reading or writing the LWPCB. X A page fault resulted from writing the event to the ring buffer. X A page fault resulted from reading a modrm operand from memory. X A modrm operand in memory exceeded the segment limit. LWPINS 215 AMD64 Technology LWPVAL 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Lightweight Profiling Insert Value Decrements the event counter associated with the programmed value sample event (see “Programmed Value Sample” in Volume 2, Chapter 13). If the resulting counter value is negative, inserts an event record into the LWP event ring buffer in memory and advances the ring buffer pointer. Refer to the description of the programmed value sample record in Volume 2, Chapter 13. The event record has an EventId of 1. The value in the register specified by vvvv (first operand) is stored in the Data2 field at bytes 23–16 (zero extended if the operand size is 32). The value in a register or memory location (second operand) is stored in the Data1 field at bytes 7–4. The immediate value (third operand) is truncated to 16 bits and stored in the Flags field at bytes 3–2. If the programmed value sample record is not written to the event ring buffer, the memory location of the second operand (assuming it is memory-based) is not accessed. If the ring buffer is not full or if LWP is running in continuous mode, the head pointer is advanced and the event counter is reset to the interval for the event (subject to randomization). If the ring buffer threshold is exceeded and threshold interrupts are enabled, an interrupt is signaled. If LWP is in Continuous Mode and the new head pointer equals the tail pointer, the MissedEvents counter is incremented to indicate that the buffer wrapped. If the ring buffer is full and LWP is running in Synchronized Mode, the event record overwrites the last record in the buffer, the MissedEvents counter in the LWPCB is incremented, and the head pointer is not advanced. LWPVAL generates an invalid opcode exception (#UD) if the machine is not in protected mode or if LWP is not available. LWPVAL does nothing if LWP is not enabled or if the Programmed Value Sample event is not enabled in LWPCB.Flags. This allows LWPVAL instructions to be harmlessly ignored if profiling is turned off. It is possible to execute LWPVAL when the CPL != 3 or when SMM is active, but the system software must ensure that the memory operand (if present), the LWPCB, and the entire ring buffer are properly mapped into writable memory in order to avoid a #PF or #GP fault. Using LWPVAL in these situations is not recommended. LWPVAL can be used by a program to perform value profiling. This is the technique of sampling the value of some program variable at a predetermined frequency. For example, a managed runtime might use LWPVAL to sample the value of the divisor for a frequently executed divide instruction in order to determine whether to generate specialized code for a common division. It might sample the target location of an indirect branch or call to see if one destination is more frequent than others. Since LWPVAL does not modify any registers or condition codes, it can be inserted harmlessly between any instructions. 216 LWPVAL General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Note When LWPVAL completes (whether or not it stored an event record in the event ring buffer), it counts as an instruction retired. If the Instructions Retired event is active, this might cause that counter to become negative and immediately store an event record. If LWPVAL also stored an event record, the buffer will contain two records with the same instruction address (but different EventId values). LWPVAL is an LWP instruction. Support for LWP instructions is indicated by CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[LWP] = 1. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the instruction reference page for the CPUID instruction on page 158. For a description of all feature flags related to instruction subset support, see Appendix D, “Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags,” on page 531. Instruction Encoding Mnemonic Encoding XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode LWPVAL reg32.vvvv, reg/mem32, imm32 8F RXB.0A 0.src1.0.00 12 /1 /imm32 LWPVAL reg64.vvvv, reg/mem32, imm32 8F RXB.0A 1.src1.0.00 12 /1 /imm32 ModRM.reg augments the opcode and is assigned the value 001b. The {mod, r/m} field of the ModRM byte (augmented by XOP.R) encodes the second operand. A four-byte immediate field follows ModRM. Related Instructions LLWPCB, SLWPCB, LWPINS rFLAGS Affected None General-Purpose Instruction Reference LWPVAL 217 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Exceptions Exception Invalid opcode, #UD Page fault, #PF General protection, #GP 218 Virtual Real 8086 Protected X X X X X Cause of Exception LWP instructions are not supported, as indicated by CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[LWP] = 0. The system is not in protected mode. X LWP is not available. X A page fault resulted from reading or writing the LWPCB. X A page fault resulted from writing the event to the ring buffer. X A page fault resulted from reading a modrm operand from memory. X A modrm operand in memory exceeded the segment limit. LWPVAL General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology LZCNT Count Leading Zeros Counts the number of leading zero bits in the 16-, 32-, or 64-bit general purpose register or memory source operand. Counting starts downward from the most significant bit and stops when the highest bit having a value of 1 is encountered or when the least significant bit is encountered. The count is written to the destination register. This instruction has two operands: LZCNT dest, src If the input operand is zero, CF is set to 1 and the size (in bits) of the input operand is written to the destination register. Otherwise, CF is cleared. If the most significant bit is a one, the ZF flag is set to 1, zero is written to the destination register. Otherwise, ZF is cleared. LZCNT is an Advanced Bit Manipulation (ABM) instruction. Support for the LZCNT instruction is indicated by CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[ABM] = 1. If the LZCNT instruction is not available, the encoding is interpreted as the BSR instruction. Software MUST check the CPUID bit once per program or library initialization before using the LZCNT instruction, or inconsistent behavior may result. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the instruction reference page for the CPUID instruction on page 158. For a description of all feature flags related to instruction subset support, see Appendix D, “Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags,” on page 531. Mnemonic Opcode Description LZCNT reg16, reg/mem16 F3 0F BD /r Count the number of leading zeros in reg/mem16. LZCNT reg32, reg/mem32 F3 0F BD /r Count the number of leading zeros in reg/mem32. LZCNT reg64, reg/mem64 F3 0F BD /r Count the number of leading zeros in reg/mem64. Related Instructions ANDN, BEXTR, BLCI, BLCIC, BLCMSK, BLCS, BLSFILL, BLSI, BLSIC, BLSR, BLSMSK, BSF, BSR, POPCNT, T1MSKC, TZCNT, TZMSK General-Purpose Instruction Reference LZCNT 219 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF U 21 20 Note: 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 SF ZF AF PF CF U M U U M 7 6 4 2 0 Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Mode Exception Cause of Exception Virtual Real 8086 Protected Stack, #SS X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. General protection, #GP X X X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was non-canonical. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. 220 LZCNT General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology MFENCE Memory Fence Acts as a barrier to force strong memory ordering (serialization) between load and store instructions preceding the MFENCE, and load and store instructions that follow the MFENCE. The processor may perform loads out of program order with respect to non-conflicting stores for certain memory types. The MFENCE instruction guarantees that the system completes all previous memory accesses before executing subsequent accesses. The MFENCE instruction is weakly-ordered with respect to data and instruction prefetches. Speculative loads initiated by the processor, or specified explicitly using cache-prefetch instructions, can be reordered around an MFENCE. In addition to load and store instructions, the MFENCE instruction is strongly ordered with respect to other MFENCE instructions, LFENCE instructions, SFENCE instructions, serializing instructions, and CLFLUSH instructions. Further details on the use of MFENCE to order accesses among differing memory types may be found in AMD64 Architecture Programmer’s Manual Volume 2: System Programming, section 7.4 “Memory Types” on page 172. The MFENCE instruction is a serializing instruction. MFENCE is an SSE2 instruction. Support for SSE2 instructions is indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] = 1. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the instruction reference page for the CPUID instruction on page 158. For a description of all feature flags related to instruction subset support, see Appendix D, “Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags,” on page 531. Instruction Encoding Mnemonic Opcode MFENCE 0F AE F0 Description Force strong ordering of (serialized) load and store operations. Related Instructions LFENCE, SFENCE rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions Exception Invalid opcode, #UD Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d X General-Purpose Instruction Reference X X Cause of Exception SSE2 instructions are not supported, as indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] = 0. MFENCE 221 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 MONITORX Setup Monitor Address Establishes a linear address range of memory for hardware to monitor and puts the processor in the monitor event pending state. When in the monitor event pending state, the monitoring hardware detects stores to the specified linear address range and causes the processor to exit the monitor event pending state. The MWAIT and MWAITX instructions use the state of the monitor hardware. The address range should be a write-back memory type. Executing MONITORX on an address range for a non-write-back memory type is not guaranteed to cause the processor to enter the monitor event pending state. The size of the linear address range that is established by the MONITORX instruction can be determined by CPUID function 0000_0005h. The [rAX] register provides the effective address. The DS segment is the default segment used to create the linear address. Segment overrides may be used with the MONITORX instruction. The ECX register specifies optional extensions for the MONITORX instruction. There are currently no extensions defined and setting any bits in ECX will result in a #GP exception. The ECX register operand is implicitly 32-bits. The EDX register specifies optional hints for the MONITORX instruction. There are currently no hints defined and EDX is ignored by the processor. The EDX register operand is implicitly 32-bits. The MONITORX instruction can be executed at any privilege level and MSR C001_0015h[MonMwaitUserEn] has no effect on MONITORX. MONITORX performs the same segmentation and paging checks as a 1-byte read. Support for the MONITORX instruction is indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[MONITORX] = 1. Software must check the CPUID bit once per program or library initialization before using the MONITORX instruction, or inconsistent behavior may result. The following pseudo-code shows typical usage of a MONITORX/MWAITX pair: EAX = ECX = EDX = while Linear_Address_to_Monitor; 0; // Extensions 0; // Hints (!matching_store_done){ MONITORX EAX, ECX, EDX IF (!matching_store_done) { MWAITX EAX, ECX } } 222 WRMSR General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Mnemonic Opcode Description MONITORX 0F 01 FA Establishes a range to be monitored Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Cause of Exception Related Instructions MWAITX, MONITOR, MWAIT rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions Exception Invalid opcode, #UD X X X MONITORX/MWAITX instructions are not supported, as indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[MONITORX] =0 Stack, #SS X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X X X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was noncanonical X X X ECX was non-zero X A null data segment was used to reference memory X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction General protection, #GP Page Fault, #PF General-Purpose Instruction Reference X WRMSR 223 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 MOV Move Copies an immediate value or the value in a general-purpose register, segment register, or memory location (second operand) to a general-purpose register, segment register, or memory location. The source and destination must be the same size (byte, word, doubleword, or quadword) and cannot both be memory locations. In opcodes A0 through A3, the memory offsets (called moffsets) are address sized. In 64-bit mode, memory offsets default to 64 bits. Opcodes A0–A3, in 64-bit mode, are the only cases that support a 64-bit offset value. (In all other cases, offsets and displacements are a maximum of 32 bits.) The B8 through BF (B8 +rq) opcodes, in 64-bit mode, are the only cases that support a 64-bit immediate value (in all other cases, immediate values are a maximum of 32 bits). When reading segment-registers with a 32-bit operand size, the processor zero-extends the 16-bit selector results to 32 bits. When reading segment-registers with a 64-bit operand size, the processor zero-extends the 16-bit selector to 64 bits. If the destination operand specifies a segment register (DS, ES, FS, GS, or SS), the source operand must be a valid segment selector. It is possible to move a null segment selector value (0000–0003h) into the DS, ES, FS, or GS register. This action does not cause a general protection fault, but a subsequent reference to such a segment does cause a #GP exception. For more information about segment selectors, see “Segment Selectors and Registers” in Volume 2. When the MOV instruction is used to load the SS register, the processor blocks external interrupts until after the execution of the following instruction. This action allows the following instruction to be a MOV instruction to load a stack pointer into the ESP register (MOV ESP,val) before an interrupt occurs. However, the LSS instruction provides a more efficient method of loading SS and ESP. Attempting to use the MOV instruction to load the CS register generates an invalid opcode exception (#UD). Use the far JMP, CALL, or RET instructions to load the CS register. To initialize a register to 0, rather than using a MOV instruction, it may be more efficient to use the XOR instruction with identical destination and source operands. Mnemonic Opcode Description MOV reg/mem8, reg8 88 /r Move the contents of an 8-bit register to an 8-bit destination register or memory operand. MOV reg/mem16, reg16 89 /r Move the contents of a 16-bit register to a 16-bit destination register or memory operand. MOV reg/mem32, reg32 89 /r Move the contents of a 32-bit register to a 32-bit destination register or memory operand. MOV reg/mem64, reg64 89 /r Move the contents of a 64-bit register to a 64-bit destination register or memory operand. MOV reg8, reg/mem8 8A /r Move the contents of an 8-bit register or memory operand to an 8-bit destination register. 224 MOV General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Mnemonic Opcode AMD64 Technology Description MOV reg16, reg/mem16 8B /r Move the contents of a 16-bit register or memory operand to a 16-bit destination register. MOV reg32, reg/mem32 8B /r Move the contents of a 32-bit register or memory operand to a 32-bit destination register. MOV reg64, reg/mem64 8B /r Move the contents of a 64-bit register or memory operand to a 64-bit destination register. MOV reg16/32/64/mem16, segReg 8C /r Move the contents of a segment register to a 16-bit, 32bit, or 64-bit destination register or to a 16-bit memory operand. MOV segReg, reg/mem16 8E /r Move the contents of a 16-bit register or memory operand to a segment register. MOV AL, moffset8 A0 Move 8-bit data at a specified memory offset to the AL register. MOV AX, moffset16 A1 Move 16-bit data at a specified memory offset to the AX register. MOV EAX, moffset32 A1 Move 32-bit data at a specified memory offset to the EAX register. MOV RAX, moffset64 A1 Move 64-bit data at a specified memory offset to the RAX register. MOV moffset8, AL A2 Move the contents of the AL register to an 8-bit memory offset. MOV moffset16, AX A3 Move the contents of the AX register to a 16-bit memory offset. MOV moffset32, EAX A3 Move the contents of the EAX register to a 32-bit memory offset. MOV moffset64, RAX A3 Move the contents of the RAX register to a 64-bit memory offset. MOV reg8, imm8 B0 +rb ib Move an 8-bit immediate value into an 8-bit register. MOV reg16, imm16 B8 +rw iw Move a 16-bit immediate value into a 16-bit register. MOV reg32, imm32 B8 +rd id Move an 32-bit immediate value into a 32-bit register. MOV reg64, imm64 B8 +rq iq Move an 64-bit immediate value into a 64-bit register. MOV reg/mem8, imm8 C6 /0 ib Move an 8-bit immediate value to an 8-bit register or memory operand. MOV reg/mem16, imm16 C7 /0 iw Move a 16-bit immediate value to a 16-bit register or memory operand. MOV reg/mem32, imm32 C7 /0 id Move a 32-bit immediate value to a 32-bit register or memory operand. MOV reg/mem64, imm32 C7 /0 id Move a 32-bit signed immediate value to a 64-bit register or memory operand. General-Purpose Instruction Reference MOV 225 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Related Instructions MOV CRn, MOV DRn, MOVD, MOVSX, MOVZX, MOVSXD, MOVSx rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions Exception Invalid opcode, #UD Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d X X Segment not present, #NP (selector) Stack, #SS X X Stack, #SS (selector) General protection, #GP X X General protection, #GP (selector) Cause of Exception X An attempt was made to load the CS register. X The DS, ES, FS, or GS register was loaded with a non-null segment selector and the segment was marked not present. X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X The SS register was loaded with a non-null segment selector, and the segment was marked not present. X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was noncanonical. X The destination operand was in a non-writable segment. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. X A segment register was loaded, but the segment descriptor exceeded the descriptor table limit. X A segment register was loaded and the segment selector’s TI bit was set, but the LDT selector was a null selector. X The SS register was loaded with a null segment selector in non-64-bit mode or while CPL = 3. X The SS register was loaded and the segment selector RPL and the segment descriptor DPL were not equal to the CPL. X The SS register was loaded and the segment pointed to was not a writable data segment. X The DS, ES, FS, or GS register was loaded and the segment pointed to was a data or non-conforming code segment, but the RPL or CPL was greater than the DPL. X The DS, ES, FS, or GS register was loaded and the segment pointed to was not a data segment or readable code segment. Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. 226 MOV General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology MOVBE Move Big Endian Loads or stores a general purpose register while swapping the byte order. Operates on 16-bit, 32-bit, or 64-bit values. Converts big-endian formatted memory data to little-endian format when loading a register and reverses the conversion when storing a GPR to memory. The load form reads a 16-, 32-, or 64-bit value from memory, swaps the byte order, and places the reordered value in a general-purpose register. When the operand size is 16 bits, the upper word of the destination register remains unchanged. In 64-bit mode, when the operand size is 32 bits, the upper doubleword of the destination register is cleared. The store form takes a 16-, 32-, or 64-bit value from a general-purpose register, swaps the byte order, and stores the reordered value in the specified memory location. The contents of the source GPR remains unchanged. In the 16-bit swap, the upper and lower bytes are exchanged. In the doubleword swap operation, bits 7:0 are exchanged with bits 31:24 and bits 15:8 are exchanged with bits 23:16. In the quadword swap operation, bits 7:0 are exchanged with bits 63:56, bits 15:8 with bits 55:48, bits 23:16 with bits 47:40, and bits 31:24 with bits 39:32. Support for the MOVBE instruction is indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[MOVBE] = 1. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the instruction reference page for the CPUID instruction on page 158. For a description of all feature flags related to instruction subset support, see Appendix D, “Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags,” on page 531. Instruction Encoding Mnemonic Opcode Description MOVBE reg16, mem16 0F 38 F0 /r Load the low word of a general-purpose register from a 16-bit memory location while swapping the bytes. MOVBE reg32, mem32 0F 38 F0 /r Load the low doubleword of a general-purpose register from a 32-bit memory location while swapping the bytes. MOVBE reg64, mem64 0F 38 F0 /r Load a 64-bit register from a 64-bit memory location while swapping the bytes. MOVBE mem16, reg16 0F 38 F1 /r Store the low word of a general-purpose register to a 16-bit memory location while swapping the bytes. MOVBE mem32, reg32 0F 38 F1 /r Store the low doubleword of a general-purpose register to a 32-bit memory location while swapping the bytes. MOVBE mem64, reg64 0F 38 F1 /r Store the contents of a 64-bit general-purpose register to a 64-bit memory location while swapping the bytes. Related Instruction BSWAP General-Purpose Instruction Reference MOVBE 227 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions Exception Virtual Protect Real 8086 ed Cause of Exception Invalid opcode, #UD X X X Instruction not supported as indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[MOVBE] = 0. Stack, #SS X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was noncanonical. X X X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was noncanonical. X The destination operand was in a non-writable segment. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. General protection, #GP Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. 228 MOVBE General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 MOVD AMD64 Technology Move Doubleword or Quadword Moves a 32-bit or 64-bit value in one of the following ways: • • • • from a 32-bit or 64-bit general-purpose register or memory location to the low-order 32 or 64 bits of an XMM register, with zero-extension to 128 bits from the low-order 32 or 64 bits of an XMM to a 32-bit or 64-bit general-purpose register or memory location from a 32-bit or 64-bit general-purpose register or memory location to the low-order 32 bits (with zero-extension to 64 bits) or the full 64 bits of an MMX register from the low-order 32 or the full 64 bits of an MMX register to a 32-bit or 64-bit general-purpose register or memory location Figure 3-1 on page 230 illustrates the operation of the MOVD instruction. The MOVD instruction form that moves data to or from MMX registers is part of the MMX instruction subset. Support for MMX instructions is indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[MMX] or Fn0000_0001_EDX[MMX] = 1. The MOVD instruction form that moves data to or from XMM registers is part of the SSE2 instruction subset. Support for SSE2 instructions is indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] = 1. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the instruction reference page for the CPUID instruction on page 158. For a description of all feature flags related to instruction subset support, see Appendix D, “Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags,” on page 531. General-Purpose Instruction Reference MOVD 229 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 xmm reg/mem32 127 32 31 31 0 0 0 xmm 127 reg/mem64 64 63 63 0 0 0 with REX prefix reg/mem32 All operations are "copy" 31 0 xmm 127 32 31 reg/mem64 63 0 xmm 0 127 64 63 0 with REX prefix mmx 63 32 31 reg/mem32 31 0 0 0 mmx 63 reg/mem64 0 63 0 with REX prefix reg/mem32 31 mmx 0 63 reg/mem64 63 32 31 0 mmx 0 63 with REX prefix 0 movd.eps Figure 3-1. MOVD Instruction Operation 230 MOVD General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Instruction Encoding Mnemonic Opcode Description MOVD xmm, reg/mem32 66 0F 6E /r Move 32-bit value from a general-purpose register or 32-bit memory location to an XMM register. MOVD xmm, reg/mem64 66 0F 6E /r Move 64-bit value from a general-purpose register or 64-bit memory location to an XMM register. MOVD reg/mem32, xmm 66 0F 7E /r Move 32-bit value from an XMM register to a 32-bit general-purpose register or memory location. MOVD reg/mem64, xmm 66 0F 7E /r Move 64-bit value from an XMM register to a 64-bit general-purpose register or memory location. MOVD mmx, reg/mem32 0F 6E /r Move 32-bit value from a general-purpose register or 32-bit memory location to an MMX register. MOVD mmx, reg/mem64 0F 6E /r Move 64-bit value from a general-purpose register or 64-bit memory location to an MMX register. MOVD reg/mem32, mmx 0F 7E /r Move 32-bit value from an MMX register to a 32-bit general-purpose register or memory location. MOVD reg/mem64, mmx 0F 7E /r Move 64-bit value from an MMX register to a 64-bit general-purpose register or memory location. Related Instructions MOVDQA, MOVDQU, MOVDQ2Q, MOVQ, MOVQ2DQ rFLAGS Affected None MXCSR Flags Affected None Exceptions Exception Invalid opcode, #UD Device not available, #NM General-Purpose Instruction Reference Real Virtual 8086 Protected X X X MMX instructions are not supported, as indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[MMX] or Fn0000_0001_EDX[MMX] = 0. X X X SSE2 instructions are not supported, as indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] = 0. X X X The emulate bit (EM) of CR0 was set to 1. X X X The instruction used XMM registers while CR4.OSFXSR = 0. X X X The task-switch bit (TS) of CR0 was set to 1. Description MOVD 231 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Real Virtual 8086 Protected Stack, #SS X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. General protection, #GP X X X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was non-canonical. X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. X X An x87 floating-point exception was pending and the instruction referenced an MMX register. X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. Exception Page fault, #PF x87 floating-point exception pending, #MF Alignment check, #AC 232 X Description MOVD General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology MOVMSKPD Extract Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point Sign Mask Moves the sign bits of two packed double-precision floating-point values in an XMM register (second operand) to the two low-order bits of a general-purpose register (first operand) with zero-extension. The function of the MOVMSKPD instruction is illustrated by the diagram below: reg32 xmm 1 31 127 0 63 0 0 copy sign copy sign movmskpd.eps The MOVMSKPD instruction is an SSE2 instruction. Support for SSE2 instructions is indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] = 1. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the instruction reference page for the CPUID instruction on page 158. For a description of all feature flags related to instruction subset support, see Appendix D, “Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags,” on page 531. Instruction Encoding Mnemonic MOVMSKPD reg32, xmm Opcode 66 0F 50 /r Description Move sign bits 127 and 63 in an XMM register to a 32-bit general-purpose register. Related Instructions MOVMSKPS, PMOVMSKB rFLAGS Affected None MXCSR Flags Affected None General-Purpose Instruction Reference MOVMSKPD 233 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Exceptions Exception (vector) Invalid opcode, #UD Device not available, #NM 234 Real Virtual 8086 Protected Cause of Exception X X X SSE2 instructions are not supported, as indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] = 0. X X X The operating-system FXSAVE/FXRSTOR support bit (OSFXSR) of CR4 was cleared to 0. X X X The emulate bit (EM) of CR0 was set to 1. X X X The task-switch bit (TS) of CR0 was set to 1. MOVMSKPD General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology MOVMSKPS Extract Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point Sign Mask Moves the sign bits of four packed single-precision floating-point values in an XMM register (second operand) to the four low-order bits of a general-purpose register (first operand) with zero-extension. The MOVMSKPD instruction is an SSE2 instruction. Support for SSE2 instructions is indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] = 1. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the instruction reference page for the CPUID instruction on page 158. For a description of all feature flags related to instruction subset support, see Appendix D, “Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags,” on page 531. Mnemonic Opcode MOVMSKPS reg32, xmm Description Move sign bits 127, 95, 63, 31 in an XMM register to a 32-bit general-purpose register. 0F 50 /r reg32 xmm 3 31 0 127 95 63 31 copy sign copy sign copy sign copy sign 0 0 movmskps.eps Related Instructions MOVMSKPD, PMOVMSKB rFLAGS Affected None MXCSR Flags Affected None General-Purpose Instruction Reference MOVMSKPS 235 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Exceptions Exception Invalid opcode, #UD Device not available, #NM 236 Real Virtual 8086 Protected Cause of Exception X X X SSE2 instructions are not supported, as indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] = 0. X X X The operating-system FXSAVE/FXRSTOR support bit (OSFXSR) of CR4 was cleared to 0. X X X The emulate bit (EM) of CR0 was set to 1. X X X The task-switch bit (TS) of CR0 was set to 1. MOVMSKPS General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology MOVNTI Move Non-Temporal Doubleword or Quadword Stores a value in a 32-bit or 64-bit general-purpose register (second operand) in a memory location (first operand). This instruction indicates to the processor that the data is non-temporal and is unlikely to be used again soon. The processor treats the store as a write-combining (WC) memory write, which minimizes cache pollution. The exact method by which cache pollution is minimized depends on the hardware implementation of the instruction. For further information, see “Memory Optimization” in Volume 1. The MOVNTI instruction is weakly-ordered with respect to other instructions that operate on memory. Software should use an SFENCE instruction to force strong memory ordering of MOVNTI with respect to other stores. The MOVNTI instruction is an SSE2 instruction. Support for SSE2 instructions is indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] = 1. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the instruction reference page for the CPUID instruction on page 158. For a description of all feature flags related to instruction subset support, see Appendix D, “Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags,” on page 531. Mnemonic Opcode Description MOVNTI mem32, reg32 0F C3 /r Stores a 32-bit general-purpose register value into a 32bit memory location, minimizing cache pollution. MOVNTI mem64, reg64 0F C3 /r Stores a 64-bit general-purpose register value into a 64bit memory location, minimizing cache pollution. Related Instructions MOVNTDQ, MOVNTPD, MOVNTPS, MOVNTQ rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions Exception (vector) Real Virtual 8086 Protected Cause of Exception Invalid opcode, #UD X X X SSE2 instructions are not supported, as indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE2] = 0. Stack, #SS X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. General-Purpose Instruction Reference MOVNTI 237 AMD64 Technology Exception (vector) 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Real X Virtual 8086 Protected X General protection, #GP Cause of Exception X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was non-canonical. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. X The destination operand was in a non-writable segment. Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. 238 MOVNTI General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology MOVS MOVSB MOVSW MOVSD MOVSQ Move String Moves a byte, word, doubleword, or quadword from the memory location pointed to by DS:rSI to the memory location pointed to by ES:rDI, and then increments or decrements the rSI and rDI registers according to the state of the DF flag in the rFLAGS register. If the DF flag is 0, the instruction increments both pointers; otherwise, it decrements them. It increments or decrements the pointers by 1, 2, 4, or 8, depending on the size of the operands. The forms of the MOVSx instruction with explicit operands address the first operand at seg:[rSI]. The value of seg defaults to the DS segment, but can be overridden by a segment prefix. These instructions always address the second operand at ES:[rDI] (ES may not be overridden). The explicit operands serve only to specify the type (size) of the value being moved. The no-operands forms of the instruction use the DS:[rSI] and ES:[rDI] registers to point to the value to be moved (they do not allow a segment prefix). The mnemonic determines the size of the operands. Do not confuse this MOVSD instruction with the same-mnemonic MOVSD (move scalar doubleprecision floating-point) instruction in the 128-bit media instruction set. Assemblers can distinguish the instructions by the number and type of operands. The MOVSx instructions support the REP prefixes. For details about the REP prefixes, see “Repeat Prefixes” on page 12. Mnemonic Opcode Description MOVS mem8, mem8 A4 Move byte at DS:rSI to ES:rDI, and then increment or decrement rSI and rDI. MOVS mem16, mem16 A5 Move word at DS:rSI to ES:rDI, and then increment or decrement rSI and rDI. MOVS mem32, mem32 A5 Move doubleword at DS:rSI to ES:rDI, and then increment or decrement rSI and rDI. MOVS mem64, mem64 A5 Move quadword at DS:rSI to ES:rDI, and then increment or decrement rSI and rDI. MOVSB A4 Move byte at DS:rSI to ES:rDI, and then increment or decrement rSI and rDI. MOVSW A5 Move word at DS:rSI to ES:rDI, and then increment or decrement rSI and rDI. General-Purpose Instruction Reference MOVSx 239 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Mnemonic Opcode Description MOVSD A5 Move doubleword at DS:rSI to ES:rDI, and then increment or decrement rSI and rDI. MOVSQ A5 Move quadword at DS:rSI to ES:rDI, and then increment or decrement rSI and rDI. Related Instructions MOV, LODSx, STOSx rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions Exception Stack, #SS General protection, #GP Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Cause of Exception X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X X X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was noncanonical. X The destination operand was in a non-writable segment. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. 240 MOVSx General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology MOVSX Move with Sign-Extension Copies the value in a register or memory location (second operand) into a register (first operand), extending the most significant bit of an 8-bit or 16-bit value into all higher bits in a 16-bit, 32-bit, or 64-bit register. Mnemonic Opcode Description MOVSX reg16, reg/mem8 0F BE /r Move the contents of an 8-bit register or memory location to a 16-bit register with sign extension. MOVSX reg32, reg/mem8 0F BE /r Move the contents of an 8-bit register or memory location to a 32-bit register with sign extension. MOVSX reg64, reg/mem8 0F BE /r Move the contents of an 8-bit register or memory location to a 64-bit register with sign extension. MOVSX reg32, reg/mem16 0F BF /r Move the contents of an 16-bit register or memory location to a 32-bit register with sign extension. MOVSX reg64, reg/mem16 0F BF /r Move the contents of an 16-bit register or memory location to a 64-bit register with sign extension. Related Instructions MOVSXD, MOVZX rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions Exception Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Cause of Exception Stack, #SS X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. General protection, #GP X X X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was noncanonical. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. General-Purpose Instruction Reference MOVSX 241 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 MOVSXD Move with Sign-Extend Doubleword Copies the 32-bit value in a register or memory location (second operand) into a 64-bit register (first operand), extending the most significant bit of the 32-bit value into all higher bits of the 64-bit register. This instruction requires the REX prefix 64-bit operand size bit (REX.W) to be set to 1 to sign-extend a 32-bit source operand to a 64-bit result. Without the REX operand-size prefix, the operand size will be 32 bits, the default for 64-bit mode, and the source is zero-extended into a 64-bit register. With a 16bit operand size, only 16 bits are copied, without modifying the upper 48 bits in the destination. This instruction is available only in 64-bit mode. In legacy or compatibility mode this opcode is interpreted as ARPL. Mnemonic Opcode MOVSXD reg64, reg/mem32 63 /r Description Move the contents of a 32-bit register or memory operand to a 64-bit register with sign extension. Related Instructions MOVSX, MOVZX rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions Exception Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Cause of Exception Stack, #SS X A memory address was non-canonical. General protection, #GP X A memory address was non-canonical. Page fault, #PF X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. 242 MOVSXD General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology MOVZX Move with Zero-Extension Copies the value in a register or memory location (second operand) into a register (first operand), zeroextending the value to fit in the destination register. The operand-size attribute determines the size of the zero-extended value. Mnemonic Opcode Description MOVZX reg16, reg/mem8 0F B6 /r Move the contents of an 8-bit register or memory operand to a 16-bit register with zero-extension. MOVZX reg32, reg/mem8 0F B6 /r Move the contents of an 8-bit register or memory operand to a 32-bit register with zero-extension. MOVZX reg64, reg/mem8 0F B6 /r Move the contents of an 8-bit register or memory operand to a 64-bit register with zero-extension. MOVZX reg32, reg/mem16 0F B7 /r Move the contents of a 16-bit register or memory operand to a 32-bit register with zero-extension. MOVZX reg64, reg/mem16 0F B7 /r Move the contents of a 16-bit register or memory operand to a 64-bit register with zero-extension. Related Instructions MOVSXD, MOVSX rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions Exception Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Cause of Exception Stack, #SS X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. General protection, #GP X X X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was noncanonical. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. General-Purpose Instruction Reference MOVZX 243 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 MUL Unsigned Multiply Multiplies the unsigned byte, word, doubleword, or quadword value in the specified register or memory location by the value in AL, AX, EAX, or RAX and stores the result in AX, DX:AX, EDX:EAX, or RDX:RAX (depending on the operand size). It puts the high-order bits of the product in AH, DX, EDX, or RDX. If the upper half of the product is non-zero, the instruction sets the carry flag (CF) and overflow flag (OF) both to 1. Otherwise, it clears CF and OF to 0. The other arithmetic flags (SF, ZF, AF, PF) are undefined. Mnemonic Opcode Description MUL reg/mem8 F6 /4 Multiplies an 8-bit register or memory operand by the contents of the AL register and stores the result in the AX register. MUL reg/mem16 F7 /4 Multiplies a 16-bit register or memory operand by the contents of the AX register and stores the result in the DX:AX register. MUL reg/mem32 F7 /4 Multiplies a 32-bit register or memory operand by the contents of the EAX register and stores the result in the EDX:EAX register. MUL reg/mem64 F7 /4 Multiplies a 64-bit register or memory operand by the contents of the RAX register and stores the result in the RDX:RAX register. Related Instructions DIV rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF M 21 20 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 SF ZF AF PF CF U U U U M 7 6 4 2 0 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. 244 MUL General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Exceptions Exception Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Cause of Exception Stack, #SS X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. General protection, #GP X X X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was noncanonical. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference is performed while alignment checking was enabled. General-Purpose Instruction Reference MUL 245 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 MULX Multiply Unsigned Computes the unsigned product of the specified source operand and the implicit source operand rDX. Writes the upper half of the product to the first destination and the lower half to the second. Does not affect the arithmetic flags. This instruction has three operands: MULX dest1, dest2, src In 64-bit mode, the operand size is determined by the value of VEX.W. If VEX.W is 1, the operand size is 64 bits; if VEX.W is 0, the operand size is 32 bits. In 32-bit mode, VEX.W is ignored. 16-bit operands are not supported. The first and second operands (dest1 and dest2) are general purpose registers. The specified source operand (src) is either a general purpose register or a memory operand. If the first and second operands specify the same register, the register receives the upper half of the product. This instruction is a BMI2 instruction. Support for this instruction is indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX_x0[BMI2] = 1. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the instruction reference page for the CPUID instruction on page 158. For a description of all feature flags related to instruction subset support, see Appendix D, “Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags,” on page 531. Mnemonic Encoding VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode MULX reg32, reg32, reg/mem32 C4 RXB.02 0.dest2.0.11 F6 /r MULX reg64, reg64, reg/mem64 C4 RXB.02 1.dest2.0.11 F6 /r Related Instructions rFLAGS Affected None. Exceptions Mode Exception X Invalid opcode, #UD 246 Cause of Exception Virtual Real 8086 Protected X BMI2 instructions are only recognized in protected mode. X BMI2 instructions are not supported, as indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX_x0[BMI2] = 0. X VEX.L is 1. MULX General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Mode Exception Cause of Exception Virtual Real 8086 Protected X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was non-canonical. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. Stack, #SS General protection, #GP General-Purpose Instruction Reference MULX 247 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 MWAITX Monitor Wait with Timeout Used in conjunction with the MONITORX instruction to cause a processor to wait until a store occurs to a specific linear address range from another processor or the timer expires. The previously executed MONITORX instruction causes the processor to enter the monitor event pending state. The MWAITX instruction may enter an implementation dependent power state until the monitor event pending state is exited. The MWAITX instruction has the same effect on architectural state as the NOP instruction. Events that cause an exit from the monitor event pending state include: • • A store from another processor matches the address range established by the MONITORX instruction. The timer expires. • • • Any unmasked interrupt, including INTR, NMI, SMI, INIT. RESET. Any far control transfer that occurs between the MONITORX and the MWAITX. EAX specifies optional hints for the MWAITX instruction. Optimized C-state request is communicated through EAX[7:4]. The processor C-state is EAX[7:4]+1, so to request C0 is to place the value F in EAX[7:4] and to request C1 is to place the value 0 in EAX[7:4]. All other components of EAX should be zero when making the C1 request. Setting a reserved bit in EAX is ignored by the processor. ECX specifies optional extensions for the MWAITX instruction. The extensions currently defined for ECX are: • • • Bit 0: When set, allows interrupts to wake MWAITX, even when eFLAGS.IF = 0. Support for this extension is indicated by a feature flag returned by the CPUID instruction. Bit 1: When set, EBX contains the maximum wait time expressed in Software P0 clocks, the same clocks counted by the TSC. Setting bit 1 but passing in a value of zero on EBX is equivalent to setting bit 1 to a zero. The timer will not be an exit condition. Bit 31-2: When non-zero, results in a #GP(0) exception. CPUID Function 0000_0005h indicates support for extended features of MONITORX/MWAITX as well as MONITOR/MWAIT: • • CPUID Fn0000_0005_ECX[EMX] = 1 indicates support for enumeration of MONITOR/MWAIT/MONITORX/MWAITX extensions. CPUID Fn0000_0005_ECX[IBE] = 1 indicates that MWAIT/MWAITX can set ECX[0] to allow interrupts to cause an exit from the monitor event pending state even when eFLAGS.IF = 0. T h e M WA I T X i n s t r u c t i o n c a n b e e x e c u t e d a t a n y p r i v i l e g e l e v e l a n d M S R C001_0015h[MonMwaitUserEn] has no effect on MWAITX. Support for the MWAITX instruction is indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[MONITORX] = 1. 248 WRMSR General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Software must check the CPUID bit once per program or library initialization before using the MWAITX instruction, or inconsistent behavior may result. The use of the MWAITX instruction is contingent upon the satisfaction of the following coding requirements: • • MONITORX must precede the MWAITX and occur in the same loop. MWAITX must be conditionally executed only if the awaited store has not already occurred. (This prevents a race condition between the MONITORX instruction arming the monitoring hardware and the store intended to trigger the monitoring hardware.) There is no indication after exiting MWAITX of why the processor exited or if the timer expired. It is up to software to check whether the awaiting store has occurred, and if not, determining how much time has elapsed if it wants to re-establish the MONITORX with a new timer value. Mnemonic MWAITX Opcode Description 0F 01 FB Causes the processor to stop instruction execution and enter an implementation-dependent optimized state until occurrence of a class of events Related Instructions MONITORX, MONITOR, MWAIT rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions Exception Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Cause of Exception Invalid opcode, #UD X X X MONITORX/MWAITX instructions are not supported, as indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[MONITORX] =0 General protection, #GP X X X Unsupported extension bits in ECX General-Purpose Instruction Reference WRMSR 249 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 NEG Two’s Complement Negation Performs the two’s complement negation of the value in the specified register or memory location by subtracting the value from 0. Use this instruction only on signed integer numbers. If the value is 0, the instruction clears the CF flag to 0; otherwise, it sets CF to 1. The OF, SF, ZF, AF, and PF flag settings depend on the result of the operation. The forms of the NEG instruction that write to memory support the LOCK prefix. For details about the LOCK prefix, see “Lock Prefix” on page 11. Mnemonic Opcode Description NEG reg/mem8 F6 /3 Performs a two’s complement negation on an 8-bit register or memory operand. NEG reg/mem16 F7 /3 Performs a two’s complement negation on a 16-bit register or memory operand. NEG reg/mem32 F7 /3 Performs a two’s complement negation on a 32-bit register or memory operand. NEG reg/mem64 F7 /3 Performs a two’s complement negation on a 64-bit register or memory operand. Related Instructions AND, NOT, OR, XOR rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF M 21 20 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 SF ZF AF PF CF M M M M M 7 6 4 2 0 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. 250 NEG General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Exceptions Exception Stack, #SS General protection, #GP Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Cause of Exception X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X X X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was noncanonical. X The destination operand is in a non-writable segment. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. General-Purpose Instruction Reference NEG 251 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 NOP No Operation Does nothing. This instruction increments the rIP to point to next instruction, but does not affect the machine state in any other way. The single-byte variant is an alias for XCHG rAX,rAX. Mnemonic Opcode Description NOP 90 Performs no operation. NOP reg/mem16 0F 1F /0 Performs no operation on a 16-bit register or memory operand. NOP reg/mem32 0F 1F /0 Performs no operation on a 32-bit register or memory operand. NOP reg/mem64 0F 1F /0 Performs no operation on a 64-bit register or memory operand. Related Instructions None rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions None 252 NOP General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology NOT One’s Complement Negation Performs the one’s complement negation of the value in the specified register or memory location by inverting each bit of the value. The memory-operand forms of the NOT instruction support the LOCK prefix. For details about the LOCK prefix, see “Lock Prefix” on page 11. Mnemonic Opcode Description NOT reg/mem8 F6 /2 Complements the bits in an 8-bit register or memory operand. NOT reg/mem16 F7 /2 Complements the bits in a 16-bit register or memory operand. NOT reg/mem32 F7 /2 Complements the bits in a 32-bit register or memory operand. NOT reg/mem64 F7 /2 Compliments the bits in a 64-bit register or memory operand. Related Instructions AND, NEG, OR, XOR rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions Exception Stack, #SS General protection, #GP Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Cause of Exception X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X X X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was noncanonical. X The destination operand was in a non-writable segment. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference is performed while alignment checking was enabled. General-Purpose Instruction Reference NOT 253 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 OR Logical OR Performs a logical or on the bits in a register, memory location, or immediate value (second operand) and a register or memory location (first operand) and stores the result in the first operand location. The two operands cannot both be memory locations. If both corresponding bits are 0, the corresponding bit of the result is 0; otherwise, the corresponding result bit is 1. The forms of the OR instruction that write to memory support the LOCK prefix. For details about the LOCK prefix, see “Lock Prefix” on page 11. Mnemonic Opcode Description OR AL, imm8 0C ib or the contents of AL with an immediate 8-bit value. OR AX, imm16 0D iw or the contents of AX with an immediate 16-bit value. OR EAX, imm32 0D id or the contents of EAX with an immediate 32-bit value. OR RAX, imm32 0D id or the contents of RAX with a sign-extended immediate 32-bit value. OR reg/mem8, imm8 80 /1 ib or the contents of an 8-bit register or memory operand and an immediate 8-bit value. OR reg/mem16, imm16 81 /1 iw or the contents of a 16-bit register or memory operand and an immediate 16-bit value. OR reg/mem32, imm32 81 /1 id or the contents of a 32-bit register or memory operand and an immediate 32-bit value. OR reg/mem64, imm32 81 /1 id or the contents of a 64-bit register or memory operand and sign-extended immediate 32-bit value. OR reg/mem16, imm8 83 /1 ib or the contents of a 16-bit register or memory operand and a sign-extended immediate 8-bit value. OR reg/mem32, imm8 83 /1 ib or the contents of a 32-bit register or memory operand and a sign-extended immediate 8-bit value. OR reg/mem64, imm8 83 /1 ib or the contents of a 64-bit register or memory operand and a sign-extended immediate 8-bit value. OR reg/mem8, reg8 08 /r or the contents of an 8-bit register or memory operand with the contents of an 8-bit register. OR reg/mem16, reg16 09 /r or the contents of a 16-bit register or memory operand with the contents of a 16-bit register. OR reg/mem32, reg32 09 /r or the contents of a 32-bit register or memory operand with the contents of a 32-bit register. OR reg/mem64, reg64 09 /r or the contents of a 64-bit register or memory operand with the contents of a 64-bit register. 254 OR General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Mnemonic AMD64 Technology Opcode Description OR reg8, reg/mem8 0A /r or the contents of an 8-bit register with the contents of OR reg16, reg/mem16 0B /r or the contents of a 16-bit register with the contents of OR reg32, reg/mem32 0B /r or the contents of a 32-bit register with the contents of OR reg64, reg/mem64 0B /r or the contents of a 64-bit register with the contents of an 8-bit register or memory operand. a 16-bit register or memory operand. a 32-bit register or memory operand. a 64-bit register or memory operand. The following chart summarizes the effect of this instruction: X Y X or Y 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 Related Instructions AND, NEG, NOT, XOR rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF 0 21 20 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 SF ZF AF PF CF M M U M 0 7 6 4 2 0 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Stack, #SS General protection, #GP Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Cause of Exception X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X X X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was noncanonical. X The destination operand was in a non-writable segment. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. General-Purpose Instruction Reference OR 255 AMD64 Technology Exception 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Cause of Exception Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. 256 OR General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology OUT Output to Port Copies the value from the AL, AX, or EAX register (second operand) to an I/O port (first operand). The port address can be a byte-immediate value (00h to FFh) or the value in the DX register (0000h to FFFFh). The source register used determines the size of the port (8, 16, or 32 bits). If the operand size is 64 bits, OUT only writes to a 32-bit I/O port. If the CPL is higher than the IOPL or the mode is virtual mode, OUT checks the I/O permission bitmap in the TSS before allowing access to the I/O port. See Volume 2 for details on the TSS I/O permission bitmap. Mnemonic Opcode Description OUT imm8, AL E6 ib Output the byte in the AL register to the port specified by an 8-bit immediate value. OUT imm8, AX E7 ib Output the word in the AX register to the port specified by an 8-bit immediate value. OUT imm8, EAX E7 ib Output the doubleword in the EAX register to the port specified by an 8-bit immediate value. OUT DX, AL EE Output byte in AL to the output port specified in DX. OUT DX, AX EF Output word in AX to the output port specified in DX. OUT DX, EAX EF Output doubleword in EAX to the output port specified in DX. Related Instructions IN, INSx, OUTSx rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions Exception Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d General protection, #GP Page fault (#PF) General-Purpose Instruction Reference One or more I/O permission bits were set in the TSS for the accessed port. X X Cause of Exception X The CPL was greater than the IOPL and one or more I/O permission bits were set in the TSS for the accessed port. X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. OUT 257 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 OUTS OUTSB OUTSW OUTSD Output String Copies data from the memory location pointed to by DS:rSI to the I/O port address (0000h to FFFFh) specified in the DX register, and then increments or decrements the rSI register according to the setting of the DF flag in the rFLAGS register. If the DF flag is 0, the instruction increments rSI; otherwise, it decrements rSI. It increments or decrements the pointer by 1, 2, or 4, depending on the size of the value being copied. The OUTS DX mnemonic uses an explicit memory operand (second operand) to determine the type (size) of the value being copied, but always uses DS:rSI for the location of the value to copy. The explicit register operand (first operand) specifies the I/O port address and must always be DX. The no-operands forms of the mnemonic use the DS:rSI register pair to point to the memory data to be copied and the contents of the DX register as the destination I/O port address. The mnemonic specifies the size of the I/O port and the type (size) of the value being copied. The OUTSx instruction supports the REP prefix. For details about the REP prefix, see “Repeat Prefixes” on page 12. If the effective operand size is 64-bits, the instruction behaves as if the operand size were 32 bits. If the CPL is higher than the IOPL or the mode is virtual mode, OUTSx checks the I/O permission bitmap in the TSS before allowing access to the I/O port. See Volume 2 for details on the TSS I/O permission bitmap. Mnemonic Opcode Description OUTS DX, mem8 6E Output the byte in DS:rSI to the port specified in DX, then increment or decrement rSI. OUTS DX, mem16 6F Output the word in DS:rSI to the port specified in DX, then increment or decrement rSI. OUTS DX, mem32 6F Output the doubleword in DS:rSI to the port specified in DX, then increment or decrement rSI. OUTSB 6E Output the byte in DS:rSI to the port specified in DX, then increment or decrement rSI. OUTSW 6F Output the word in DS:rSI to the port specified in DX, then increment or decrement rSI. OUTSD 6F Output the doubleword in DS:rSI to the port specified in DX, then increment or decrement rSI. 258 OUTSx General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Related Instructions IN, INSx, OUT rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions Exception Stack, #SS Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Cause of Exception X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X X X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was noncanonical. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. General protection, #GP One or more I/O permission bits were set in the TSS for the accessed port. X X The CPL was greater than the IOPL and one or more I/O permission bits were set in the TSS for the accessed port. Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference is performed while alignment checking was enabled. General-Purpose Instruction Reference OUTSx 259 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 PAUSE Pause Improves the performance of spin loops, by providing a hint to the processor that the current code is in a spin loop. The processor may use this to optimize power consumption while in the spin loop. Architecturally, this instruction behaves like a NOP instruction. Processors that do not support PAUSE treat this opcode as a NOP instruction. Mnemonic PAUSE Opcode F3 90 Description Provides a hint to processor that a spin loop is being executed. Related Instructions None rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions None 260 PAUSE General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology PDEP Parallel Deposit Bits Scatters consecutive bits of the first source operand, starting at the least significant bit, to bit positions in the destination as specified by 1 bits in the second source operand (mask). Bit positions in the destination corresponding to 0 bits in the mask are cleared. This instruction has three operands: PDEP dest, src, mask The following diagram illustrates the operation of this instruction. b n-1 b b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 n-2 src d n-1 0 b6 b5 b4 0 0 b3 b2 0 b1 0 0 0 b0 0 0 dest m 0 0 0 0 0 mask n-1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 v3_PDEP_instruct.eps If the mask is all ones, the execution of this instruction effectively copies the source to the destination. In 64-bit mode, the operand size is determined by the value of VEX.W. If VEX.W is 1, the operand size is 64 bits; if VEX.W is 0, the operand size is 32 bits. In 32-bit mode, VEX.W is ignored. 16-bit operands are not supported. The destination (dest) and the source (src) are general-purpose registers. The second source operand (mask) is either a general-purpose register or a memory operand. This instruction is a BMI2 instruction. Support for this instruction is indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX_x0[BMI2] = 1. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the instruction reference page for the CPUID instruction on page 158. For a description of all feature flags related to instruction subset support, see Appendix D, “Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags,” on page 531. Mnemonic Encoding VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode PDEP reg32, reg32, reg/mem32 C4 RXB.02 0.src.0.11 F5 /r PDEP reg64, reg64, reg/mem64 C4 RXB.02 1.src.0.11 F5 /r General-Purpose Instruction Reference PDEP 261 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Related Instructions rFLAGS Affected None. Exceptions Mode Exception Cause of Exception Virtual Real 8086 Protected X X BMI2 instructions are only recognized in protected mode. X BMI2 instructions are not supported, as indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX_x0[BMI2] = 0. X VEX.L is 1. X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was non-canonical. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. Invalid opcode, #UD Stack, #SS General protection, #GP 262 PDEP General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology PEXT Parallel Extract Bits Copies bits from the source operand, based on a mask, and packs them into the low-order bits of the destination. Clears all bits in the destination to the left of the most-significant bit copied. This instruction has three operands: PEXT dest, src, mask The following diagram illustrates the operation of this instruction. m n-1 b n-1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 b14 b13 b12 b9 b8 b6 b2 n-1 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 mask src dest 0 v3_PEXT_instruct.eps If the mask is all ones, the execution of this instruction effectively copies the source to the destination. In 64-bit mode, the operand size is determined by the value of VEX.W. If VEX.W is 1, the operand size is 64 bits; if VEX.W is 0, the operand size is 32 bits. In 32-bit mode, VEX.W is ignored. 16-bit operands are not supported. The destination (dest) and the source (src) are general-purpose registers. The second source operand (mask) is either a general-purpose register or a memory operand. This instruction is a BMI2 instruction. Support for this instruction is indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX_x0[BMI2] = 1. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the instruction reference page for the CPUID instruction on page 158. For a description of all feature flags related to instruction subset support, see Appendix D, “Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags,” on page 531. Mnemonic Encoding VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode PEXT reg32, reg32, reg/mem32 C4 RXB.02 0.src.0.10 F5 /r PEXT reg64, reg64, reg/mem64 C4 RXB.02 1.src.0.10 F5 /r General-Purpose Instruction Reference PEXT 263 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Related Instructions rFLAGS Affected None. Exceptions Mode Exception Cause of Exception Virtual Real 8086 Protected X X BMI2 instructions are only recognized in protected mode. X BMI2 instructions are not supported, as indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX_x0[BMI2] = 0. X VEX.L is 1. X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was non-canonical. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. Invalid opcode, #UD Stack, #SS General protection, #GP 264 PEXT General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology POP Pop Stack Copies the value pointed to by the stack pointer (SS:rSP) to the specified register or memory location and then increments the rSP by 2 for a 16-bit pop, 4 for a 32-bit pop, or 8 for a 64-bit pop. The operand-size attribute determines the amount by which the stack pointer is incremented (2, 4 or 8 bytes). The stack-size attribute determines whether SP, ESP, or RSP is incremented. For forms of the instruction that load a segment register (POP DS, POP ES, POP FS, POP GS, POP SS), the source operand must be a valid segment selector. When a segment selector is popped into a segment register, the processor also loads all associated descriptor information into the hidden part of the register and validates it. It is possible to pop a null segment selector value (0000–0003h) into the DS, ES, FS, or GS register. This action does not cause a general protection fault, but a subsequent reference to such a segment does cause a #GP exception. For more information about segment selectors, see "Segment Selectors and Registers" in Volume 2: System Programming. In 64-bit mode, the POP operand size defaults to 64 bits and there is no prefix available to encode a 32bit operand size. Using POP DS, POP ES, or POP SS instruction in 64-bit mode generates an invalidopcode exception. This instruction cannot pop a value into the CS register. The RET (Far) instruction performs this function. Mnemonic Opcode Description POP reg/mem16 8F /0 Pop the top of the stack into a 16-bit register or memory location. POP reg/mem32 8F /0 Pop the top of the stack into a 32-bit register or memory location. (No prefix for encoding this in 64-bit mode.) POP reg/mem64 8F /0 Pop the top of the stack into a 64-bit register or memory location. POP reg16 58 +rw Pop the top of the stack into a 16-bit register. POP reg32 58 +rd Pop the top of the stack into a 32-bit register. (No prefix for encoding this in 64-bit mode.) POP reg64 58 +rq Pop the top of the stack into a 64-bit register. POP DS 1F Pop the top of the stack into the DS register. (Invalid in 64-bit mode.) POP ES 07 Pop the top of the stack into the ES register. (Invalid in 64-bit mode.) POP SS 17 Pop the top of the stack into the SS register. (Invalid in 64-bit mode.) General-Purpose Instruction Reference POP 265 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Mnemonic Opcode Description POP FS 0F A1 Pop the top of the stack into the FS register. POP GS 0F A9 Pop the top of the stack into the GS register. Related Instructions PUSH rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions Exception Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Cause of Exception Invalid opcode, #UD X POP DS, POP ES, or POP SS was executed in 64-bit mode. Segment not present, #NP (selector) X The DS, ES, FS, or GS register was loaded with a non-null segment selector and the segment was marked not present. X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X The SS register was loaded with a non-null segment selector and the segment was marked not present. X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was noncanonical. X The destination operand was in a non-writable segment. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. X A segment register was loaded and the segment descriptor exceeded the descriptor table limit. X A segment register was loaded and the segment selector’s TI bit was set, but the LDT selector was a null selector. X The SS register was loaded with a null segment selector in non-64-bit mode or while CPL = 3. X The SS register was loaded and the segment selector RPL and the segment descriptor DPL were not equal to the CPL. X The SS register was loaded and the segment pointed to was not a writable data segment. X The DS, ES, FS, or GS register was loaded and the segment pointed to was a data or non-conforming code segment, but the RPL or the CPL was greater than the DPL. X The DS, ES, FS, or GS register was loaded and the segment pointed to was not a data segment or readable code segment. Stack, #SS X X Stack, #SS (selector) General protection, #GP X X General protection, #GP (selector) Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. 266 POP General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology POPA POPAD POP All GPRs Pops words or doublewords from the stack into the general-purpose registers in the following order: eDI, eSI, eBP, eSP (image is popped and discarded), eBX, eDX, eCX, and eAX. The instruction increments the stack pointer by 16 or 32, depending on the operand size. Using the POPA or POPAD instructions in 64-bit mode generates an invalid-opcode exception. Mnemonic Opcode Description POPA 61 Pop the DI, SI, BP, SP, BX, DX, CX, and AX registers. (Invalid in 64-bit mode.) POPAD 61 Pop the EDI, ESI, EBP, ESP, EBX, EDX, ECX, and EAX registers. (Invalid in 64-bit mode.) Related Instructions PUSHA, PUSHAD rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions Exception Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Invalid opcode (#UD) Cause of Exception X This instruction was executed in 64-bit mode. X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit. Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. Stack, #SS X General-Purpose Instruction Reference POPAx 267 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 POPCNT Bit Population Count Counts the number of bits having a value of 1 in the source operand and places the result in the destination register. The source operand is a 16-, 32-, or 64-bit general purpose register or memory operand; the destination operand is a general purpose register of the same size as the source operand register. If the input operand is zero, the ZF flag is set to 1 and zero is written to the destination register. Otherwise, the ZF flag is cleared. The other flags are cleared. Support for the POPCNT instruction is indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[POPCNT] = 1. Software MUST check the CPUID bit once per program or library initialization before using the POPCNT instruction, or inconsistent behavior may result. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the instruction reference page for the CPUID instruction on page 158. For a description of all feature flags related to instruction subset support, see Appendix D, “Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags,” on page 531. Mnemonic Opcode Description POPCNT reg16, reg/mem16 F3 0F B8 /r Count the 1s in reg/mem16. POPCNT reg32, reg/mem32 F3 0F B8 /r Count the 1s in reg/mem32. POPCNT reg64, reg/mem64 F3 0F B8 /r Count the 1s in reg/mem64. Related Instructions BSF, BSR, LZCNT rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF 0 21 20 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 SF ZF AF PF CF 0 M 0 0 0 7 6 4 2 0 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. 268 POPCNT General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Exceptions Exception Virtual Real 8086 Protected Cause of Exception Invalid opcode, #UD X X X The POPCNT instruction is not supported, as indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[POPCNT]. Stack, #SS X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. General protection, #GP X X X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was noncanonical. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. General-Purpose Instruction Reference POPCNT 269 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 POPF POPFD POPFQ POP to rFLAGS Pops a word, doubleword, or quadword from the stack into the rFLAGS register and then increments the stack pointer by 2, 4, or 8, depending on the operand size. In protected or real mode, all the non-reserved flags in the rFLAGS register can be modified, except the VIP, VIF, and VM flags, which are unchanged. In protected mode, at a privilege level greater than 0 the IOPL is also unchanged. The instruction alters the interrupt flag (IF) only when the CPL is less than or equal to the IOPL. In virtual-8086 mode, if IOPL field is less than 3, attempting to execute a POPFx or PUSHFx instruction while VME is not enabled, or the operand size is not 16-bit, generates a #GP exception. In 64-bit mode, this instruction defaults to a 64-bit operand size; there is no prefix available to encode a 32-bit operand size. Mnemonic Opcode Description POPF 9D Pop a word from the stack into the FLAGS register. POPFD 9D Pop a double word from the stack into the EFLAGS register. (No prefix for encoding this in 64-bit mode.) POPFQ 9D Pop a quadword from the stack to the RFLAGS register. Action // See “Pseudocode Definition” on page 57. POPF_START: IF (REAL_MODE) POPF_REAL ELSIF (PROTECTED_MODE) POPF_PROTECTED ELSE // (VIRTUAL_MODE) POPF_VIRTUAL POPF_REAL: POP.v temp_RFLAGS RFLAGS.v = temp_RFLAGS // VIF,VIP,VM unchanged // RF cleared EXIT 270 POPFx General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology POPF_PROTECTED: POP.v temp_RFLAGS RFLAGS.v = temp_RFLAGS // VIF,VIP,VM unchanged // IOPL changed only if (CPL==0) // IF changed only if (CPL<=old_RFLAGS.IOPL) // RF cleared EXIT POPF_VIRTUAL: IF (RFLAGS.IOPL==3) { POP.v temp_RFLAGS RFLAGS.v = temp_RFLAGS // VIF,VIP,VM,IOPL unchanged // RF cleared EXIT } ELSIF ((CR4.VME==1) && (OPERAND_SIZE==16)) { POP.w temp_RFLAGS IF (((temp_RFLAGS.IF==1) && (RFLAGS.VIP==1)) || (temp_RFLAGS.TF==1)) EXCEPTION [#GP(0)] // notify the virtual-mode-manager to deliver // // // // RFLAGS.w = temp_RFLAGS the task’s pending interrupts IF,IOPL unchanged RFLAGS.VIF=temp_RFLAGS.IF RF cleared EXIT } ELSE // ((RFLAGS.IOPL<3) && ((CR4.VME==0) || (OPERAND_SIZE!=16))) EXCEPTION [#GP(0)] Related Instructions PUSHF, PUSHFD, PUSHFQ rFLAGS Affected ID VIP M 21 20 VIF AC M M 19 18 VM 17 RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF SF ZF AF PF CF 0 M M M M M M M M M M M 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 7 6 4 2 0 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. General-Purpose Instruction Reference POPFx 271 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Exceptions Exception Stack, #SS Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d X X X Cause of Exception A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. The I/O privilege level was less than 3 and one of the following conditions was true: • CR4.VME was 0. • The effective operand size was 32-bit. • Both the original EFLAGS.VIP and the new EFLAGS.IF bits were set. • The new EFLAGS.TF bit was set. General protection, #GP X Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. 272 POPFx General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 PREFETCH PREFETCHW AMD64 Technology Prefetch L1 Data-Cache Line Loads the entire 64-byte aligned memory sequence containing the specified memory address into the L1 data cache. The position of the specified memory address within the 64-byte cache line is irrelevant. If a cache hit occurs, or if a memory fault is detected, no bus cycle is initiated and the instruction is treated as a NOP. The PREFETCHW instruction loads the prefetched line and sets the cache-line state to Modified, in anticipation of subsequent data writes to the line. The PREFETCH instruction, by contrast, typically sets the cache-line state to Exclusive (depending on the hardware implementation). The opcodes for the PREFETCH/PREFETCHW instructions include the ModRM byte; however, only the memory form of ModRM is valid. The register form of ModRM causes an invalid-opcode exception. Because there is no destination register, the three destination register field bits of the ModRM byte define the type of prefetch to be performed. The bit patterns 000b and 001b define the PREFETCH and PREFETCHW instructions, respectively. All other bit patterns are reserved for future use. The reserved PREFETCH types do not result in an invalid-opcode exception if executed. Instead, for forward compatibility with future processors that may implement additional forms of the PREFETCH instruction, all reserved PREFETCH types are implemented as synonyms of the basic PREFETCH type (the PREFETCH instruction with type 000b). The operation of these instructions is implementation-dependent. The processor implementation can ignore or change these instructions. The size of the cache line also depends on the implementation, with a minimum size of 32 bytes. For details on the use of this instruction, see the processor data sheets or other software-optimization documentation relating to particular hardware implementations. When paging is enabled and PREFETCHW performs a prefetch from a writable page, it may set the PTE Dirty bit to 1. Support for the PREFETCH and PREFETCHW instructio ns i s indic ate d by CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[3DNowPrefetch] OR Fn8000_0001_EDX[LM] OR Fn8000_0001_EDX[3DNow] = 1. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the instruction reference page for the CPUID instruction on page 158. For a description of all feature flags related to instruction subset support, see Appendix D, “Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags,” on page 531. Mnemonic Opcode Description PREFETCH mem8 0F 0D /0 Prefetch processor cache line into L1 data cache. PREFETCHW mem8 0F 0D /1 Prefetch processor cache line into L1 data cache and mark it modified. General-Purpose Instruction Reference PREFETCHx 273 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Related Instructions PREFETCHlevel rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions Exception (vector) Invalid opcode, #UD 274 Real Virtual 8086 Protected Cause of Exception X X X PREFETCH and PREFETCHW instructions are not supported, as indicated by CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[3DNowPrefetch] AND Fn8000_0001_EDX[LM] AND Fn8000_0001_EDX[3DNow] = 0. X X X The operand was a register. PREFETCHx General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 PREFETCHlevel AMD64 Technology Prefetch Data to Cache Level level Loads a cache line from the specified memory address into the data-cache level specified by the locality reference bits 5:3 of the ModRM byte. Table 3-3 on page 275 lists the locality reference options for the instruction. This instruction loads a cache line even if the mem8 address is not aligned with the start of the line. If the cache line is already contained in a cache level that is lower than the specified locality reference, or if a memory fault is detected, a bus cycle is not initiated and the instruction is treated as a NOP. The operation of this instruction is implementation-dependent. The processor implementation can ignore or change this instruction. The size of the cache line also depends on the implementation, with a minimum size of 32 bytes. AMD processors alias PREFETCH1 and PREFETCH2 to PREFETCH0. For details on the use of this instruction, see the software-optimization documentation relating to particular hardware implementations. Mnemonic Opcode Description PREFETCHNTA mem8 0F 18 /0 Move data closer to the processor using the NTA reference. PREFETCHT0 mem8 0F 18 /1 Move data closer to the processor using the T0 reference. PREFETCHT1 mem8 0F 18 /2 Move data closer to the processor using the T1 reference. PREFETCHT2 mem8 0F 18 /3 Move data closer to the processor using the T2 reference. Table 3-3. Locality References for the Prefetch Instructions Locality Reference NTA Description Non-Temporal Access—Move the specified data into the processor with minimum cache pollution. This is intended for data that will be used only once, rather than repeatedly. The specific technique for minimizing cache pollution is implementation-dependent and may include such techniques as allocating space in a software-invisible buffer, allocating a cache line in only a single way, etc. For details, see the software-optimization documentation for a particular hardware implementation. T0 All Cache Levels—Move the specified data into all cache levels. T1 Level 2 and Higher—Move the specified data into all cache levels except 0th level (L1) cache. T2 Level 3 and Higher—Move the specified data into all cache levels except 0th level (L1) and 1st level (L2) caches. Related Instructions PREFETCH, PREFETCHW General-Purpose Instruction Reference PREFETCHlevel 275 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions None 276 PREFETCHlevel General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology PUSH Push onto Stack Decrements the stack pointer and then copies the specified immediate value or the value in the specified register or memory location to the top of the stack (the memory location pointed to by SS:rSP). The operand-size attribute determines the number of bytes pushed to the stack. The stack-size attribute determines whether SP, ESP, or RSP is the stack pointer. The address-size attribute is used only to locate the memory operand when pushing a memory operand to the stack. If the instruction pushes the stack pointer (rSP), the resulting value on the stack is that of rSP before execution of the instruction. There is a PUSH CS instruction but no corresponding POP CS. The RET (Far) instruction pops a value from the top of stack into the CS register as part of its operation. In 64-bit mode, the operand size of all PUSH instructions defaults to 64 bits, and there is no prefix available to encode a 32-bit operand size. Using the PUSH CS, PUSH DS, PUSH ES, or PUSH SS instructions in 64-bit mode generates an invalid-opcode exception. Pushing an odd number of 16-bit operands when the stack address-size attribute is 32 results in a misaligned stack pointer. Mnemonic Opcode Description PUSH reg/mem16 FF /6 Push the contents of a 16-bit register or memory operand onto the stack. PUSH reg/mem32 FF /6 Push the contents of a 32-bit register or memory operand onto the stack. (No prefix for encoding this in 64-bit mode.) PUSH reg/mem64 FF /6 Push the contents of a 64-bit register or memory operand onto the stack. PUSH reg16 50 +rw Push the contents of a 16-bit register onto the stack. PUSH reg32 50 +rd Push the contents of a 32-bit register onto the stack. (No prefix for encoding this in 64-bit mode.) PUSH reg64 50 +rq Push the contents of a 64-bit register onto the stack. PUSH imm8 6A ib Push an 8-bit immediate value (sign-extended to 16, 32, or 64 bits) onto the stack. PUSH imm16 68 iw Push a 16-bit immediate value onto the stack. PUSH imm32 68 id Push a 32-bit immediate value onto the stack. (No prefix for encoding this in 64-bit mode.) PUSH imm64 68 id Push a sign-extended 32-bit immediate value onto the stack. PUSH CS 0E Push the CS selector onto the stack. (Invalid in 64-bit mode.) General-Purpose Instruction Reference PUSH 277 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Mnemonic Opcode Description PUSH SS 16 Push the SS selector onto the stack. (Invalid in 64-bit mode.) PUSH DS 1E Push the DS selector onto the stack. (Invalid in 64-bit mode.) PUSH ES 06 Push the ES selector onto the stack. (Invalid in 64-bit mode.) PUSH FS 0F A0 Push the FS selector onto the stack. PUSH GS 0F A8 Push the GS selector onto the stack. Related Instructions POP rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions Exception Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Invalid opcode, #UD Cause of Exception X PUSH CS, PUSH DS, PUSH ES, or PUSH SS was executed in 64-bit mode. Stack, #SS X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. General protection, #GP X X X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was noncanonical. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. 278 PUSH General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology PUSHA PUSHAD Push All GPRs onto Stack Pushes the contents of the eAX, eCX, eDX, eBX, eSP (original value), eBP, eSI, and eDI generalpurpose registers onto the stack in that order. This instruction decrements the stack pointer by 16 or 32 depending on operand size. Using the PUSHA or PUSHAD instruction in 64-bit mode generates an invalid-opcode exception. Mnemonic Opcode Description PUSHA 60 Push the contents of the AX, CX, DX, BX, original SP, BP, SI, and DI registers onto the stack. (Invalid in 64-bit mode.) PUSHAD 60 Push the contents of the EAX, ECX, EDX, EBX, original ESP, EBP, ESI, and EDI registers onto the stack. (Invalid in 64-bit mode.) Related Instructions POPA, POPAD rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions Exception Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Invalid opcode, #UD Cause of Exception X This instruction was executed in 64-bit mode. X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit. Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. Stack, #SS X General-Purpose Instruction Reference PUSHAx 279 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 PUSHF PUSHFD PUSHFQ Push rFLAGS onto Stack Decrements the rSP register and copies the rFLAGS register (except for the VM and RF flags) onto the stack. The instruction clears the VM and RF flags in the rFLAGS image before putting it on the stack. The instruction pushes 2, 4, or 8 bytes, depending on the operand size. In 64-bit mode, this instruction defaults to a 64-bit operand size and there is no prefix available to encode a 32-bit operand size. In virtual-8086 mode, if system software has set the IOPL field to a value less than 3, a generalprotection exception occurs if application software attempts to execute PUSHFx or POPFx while VME is not enabled or the operand size is not 16-bit. Mnemonic Opcode Description PUSHF 9C Push the FLAGS word onto the stack. PUSHFD 9C Push the EFLAGS doubleword onto stack. (No prefix encoding this in 64-bit mode.) PUSHFQ 9C Push the RFLAGS quadword onto stack. Action // See “Pseudocode Definition” on page 57. PUSHF_START: IF (REAL_MODE) PUSHF_REAL ELSIF (PROTECTED_MODE) PUSHF_PROTECTED ELSE // (VIRTUAL_MODE) PUSHF_VIRTUAL PUSHF_REAL: PUSH.v old_RFLAGS EXIT PUSHF_PROTECTED: PUSH.v old_RFLAGS EXIT // Pushed with RF and VM cleared. // Pushed with RF cleared. PUSHF_VIRTUAL: IF (RFLAGS.IOPL==3) { PUSH.v old_RFLAGS // Pushed with RF,VM cleared. EXIT } 280 PUSHFx General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology ELSIF ((CR4.VME==1) && (OPERAND_SIZE==16)) { PUSH.v old_RFLAGS // Pushed with VIF in the IF position. // Pushed with IOPL=3. EXIT } ELSE // ((RFLAGS.IOPL<3) && ((CR4.VME==0) || (OPERAND_SIZE!=16))) EXCEPTION [#GP(0)] Related Instructions POPF, POPFD, POPFQ rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions Exception Stack, #SS Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d X X X Cause of Exception A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. General protection, #GP X Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. General-Purpose Instruction Reference The I/O privilege level was less than 3 and either VME was not enabled or the operand size was not 16-bit. PUSHFx 281 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 RCL Rotate Through Carry Left Rotates the bits of a register or memory location (first operand) to the left (more significant bit positions) and through the carry flag by the number of bit positions in an unsigned immediate value or the CL register (second operand). The bits rotated through the carry flag are rotated back in at the right end (lsb) of the first operand location. The processor masks the upper three bits of the count operand, thus restricting the count to a number between 0 and 31. When the destination is 64 bits wide, the processor masks the upper two bits of the count, providing a count in the range of 0 to 63. For 1-bit rotates, the instruction sets the OF flag to the logical xor of the CF bit (after the rotate) and the most significant bit of the result. When the rotate count is greater than 1, the OF flag is undefined. When the rotate count is 0, no flags are affected. Mnemonic Opcode Description RCL reg/mem8,1 D0 /2 Rotate the 9 bits consisting of the carry flag and an 8-bit register or memory location left 1 bit. RCL reg/mem8, CL D2 /2 Rotate the 9 bits consisting of the carry flag and an 8-bit register or memory location left the number of bits specified in the CL register. RCL reg/mem8, imm8 C0 /2 ib Rotate the 9 bits consisting of the carry flag and an 8-bit register or memory location left the number of bits specified by an 8-bit immediate value. RCL reg/mem16, 1 D1 /2 Rotate the 17 bits consisting of the carry flag and a 16bit register or memory location left 1 bit. RCL reg/mem16, CL D3 /2 Rotate the 17 bits consisting of the carry flag and a 16bit register or memory location left the number of bits specified in the CL register. RCL reg/mem16, imm8 C1 /2 ib Rotate the 17 bits consisting of the carry flag and a 16bit register or memory location left the number of bits specified by an 8-bit immediate value. RCL reg/mem32, 1 D1 /2 Rotate the 33 bits consisting of the carry flag and a 32bit register or memory location left 1 bit. RCL reg/mem32, CL D3 /2 Rotate 33 bits consisting of the carry flag and a 32-bit register or memory location left the number of bits specified in the CL register. RCL reg/mem32, imm8 C1 /2 ib Rotate the 33 bits consisting of the carry flag and a 32bit register or memory location left the number of bits specified by an 8-bit immediate value. RCL reg/mem64, 1 D1 /2 Rotate the 65 bits consisting of the carry flag and a 64bit register or memory location left 1 bit. 282 RCL General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Mnemonic AMD64 Technology Opcode Description RCL reg/mem64, CL D3 /2 Rotate the 65 bits consisting of the carry flag and a 64bit register or memory location left the number of bits specified in the CL register. RCL reg/mem64, imm8 C1 /2 ib Rotates the 65 bits consisting of the carry flag and a 64bit register or memory location left the number of bits specified by an 8-bit immediate value. Related Instructions RCR, ROL, ROR rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF SF ZF AF PF M 21 20 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 CF M 10 9 8 7 6 4 2 0 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Stack, #SS General protection, #GP Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Cause of Exception X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X X X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was noncanonical. X The destination operand was in a non-writable segment. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. General-Purpose Instruction Reference RCL 283 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 RCR Rotate Through Carry Right Rotates the bits of a register or memory location (first operand) to the right (toward the less significant bit positions) and through the carry flag by the number of bit positions in an unsigned immediate value or the CL register (second operand). The bits rotated through the carry flag are rotated back in at the left end (msb) of the first operand location. The processor masks the upper three bits in the count operand, thus restricting the count to a number between 0 and 31. When the destination is 64 bits wide, the processor masks the upper two bits of the count, providing a count in the range of 0 to 63. For 1-bit rotates, the instruction sets the OF flag to the logical xor of the two most significant bits of the result. When the rotate count is greater than 1, the OF flag is undefined. When the rotate count is 0, no flags are affected. Mnemonic Opcode Description RCR reg/mem8, 1 D0 /3 Rotate the 9 bits consisting of the carry flag and an 8-bit register or memory location right 1 bit. RCR reg/mem8,CL D2 /3 Rotate the 9 bits consisting of the carry flag and an 8-bit register or memory location right the number of bits specified in the CL register. RCR reg/mem8,imm8 C0 /3 ib Rotate the 9 bits consisting of the carry flag and an 8-bit register or memory location right the number of bits specified by an 8-bit immediate value. RCR reg/mem16,1 D1 /3 Rotate the 17 bits consisting of the carry flag and a 16bit register or memory location right 1 bit. RCR reg/mem16,CL D3 /3 Rotate the17 bits consisting of the carry flag and a 16-bit register or memory location right the number of bits specified in the CL register. RCR reg/mem16, imm8 C1 /3 ib Rotate the 17 bits consisting of the carry flag and a 16bit register or memory location right the number of bits specified by an 8-bit immediate value. RCR reg/mem32,1 D1 /3 Rotate the 33 bits consisting of the carry flag and a 32bit register or memory location right 1 bit. RCR reg/mem32,CL D3 /3 Rotate 33 bits consisting of the carry flag and a 32-bit register or memory location right the number of bits specified in the CL register. RCR reg/mem32, imm8 C1 /3 ib Rotate the 33 bits consisting of the carry flag and a 32bit register or memory location right the number of bits specified by an 8-bit immediate value. RCR reg/mem64,1 D1 /3 Rotate the 65 bits consisting of the carry flag and a 64bit register or memory location right 1 bit. 284 RCR General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Mnemonic AMD64 Technology Opcode Description RCR reg/mem64,CL D3 /3 Rotate 65 bits consisting of the carry flag and a 64-bit register or memory location right the number of bits specified in the CL register. RCR reg/mem64, imm8 C1 /3 ib Rotate the 65 bits consisting of the carry flag and a 64bit register or memory location right the number of bits specified by an 8-bit immediate value. Related Instructions RCL, ROR, ROL rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF SF ZF AF PF M 21 20 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 CF M 10 9 8 7 6 4 2 0 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Stack, #SS General protection, #GP Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Cause of Exception X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X X X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was noncanonical. X The destination operand was in a non-writable segment. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. General-Purpose Instruction Reference RCR 285 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 RDFSBASE RDGSBASE Read FS.base Read GS.base Copies the base field of the FS or GS segment descriptor to the specified register. When supported and enabled, these instructions can be executed at any processor privilege level. The RDFSBASE and RDGSBASE instructions are only defined in 64-bit mode. System software must set the FSGSBASE bit (bit 16) of CR4 to enable the RDFSBASE and RDGSBASE instructions. Support for this instruction is indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX_x0[FSGSBASE] = 1. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the instruction reference page for the CPUID instruction on page 158. For a description of all feature flags related to instruction subset support, see Appendix D, “Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags,” on page 531. Mnemonic Opcode Description RDFSBASE reg32 F3 0F AE /0 Copy the lower 32 bits of FS.base to the specified general-purpose register. RDFSBASE reg64 F3 0F AE /0 Copy the entire 64-bit contents of FS.base to the specified general-purpose register. RDGSBASE reg32 F3 0F AE /1 Copy the lower 32 bits of GS.base to the specified general-purpose register. RDGSBASE reg64 F3 0F AE /1 Copy the entire 64-bit contents of GS.base to the specified general-purpose register. Related Instructions WRFSBASE, WRGSBASE rFLAGS Affected None. Exceptions Exception CompatLegacy ibility 64-bit X Instruction is not valid in compatibility or legacy modes. X #UD X 286 Cause of Exception Instruction not supported as indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX_x0[FSGSBASE] = 0 or, if supported, not enabled in CR4. RDFSBASE, RDGSBASE General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology RDRAND Read Random Loads the destination register with a hardware-generated random value. The size of the returned value in bits is determined by the size of the destination register. Hardware modifies the CF flag to indicate whether the value returned in the destination register is valid. If CF = 1, the value is valid. If CF = 0, the value is invalid. Software must test the state of the CF flag prior to using the value returned in the destination register to determine if the value is valid. If the returned value is invalid, software must execute the instruction again. Software should implement a retry limit to ensure forward progress of code. The execution of RDRAND clears the OF, SF, ZF, AF, and PF flags. Support for the RDRAND instruction is optional. On processors that support the instruction, CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[RDRAND] = 1. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the instruction reference page for the CPUID instruction on page 158. For a description of all feature flags related to instruction subset support, see Appendix D, “Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags,” on page 531. Mnemonic Opcode Description RDRAND reg16 0F C7 /6 Load the destination register with a 16-bit random number. RDRAND reg32 0F C7 /6 Load the destination register with a 32-bit random number. RDRAND reg64 0F C7 /6 Load the destination register with a 64-bit random number. Related Instructions RDSEED rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF 0 21 20 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 SF ZF AF PF CF 0 0 0 0 M 7 6 4 2 0 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Invalid opcode, #UD Virtual Real 8086 Protected X General-Purpose Instruction Reference X X Cause of Exception Instruction not supported as indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[RDRAND] = 0. RDRAND 287 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 RDSEED Read Random Seed Loads the destination register with a hardware-generated random “seed” value. The size of the returned value in bits is determined by the size of the destination register. Hardware modifies the CF flag to indicate whether the value returned in the destination register is valid. If CF = 1, the value is valid. If CF = 0, the value is invalid and will be returned as zero. Software must test the state of the CF flag prior to using the value returned in the destination register to determine if the value is valid. If the returned value is invalid, software must execute the instruction again. Software should implement a retry limit to ensure forward progress of code. The execution of RDSEED clears the OF, SF, ZF, AF, and PF flags. Mnemonic Opcode Description RDSEED reg16 0F C7 /7 Read 16-bit random seed RDSEED reg32 0F C7 /7 Read 32-bit random seed RDSEED reg64 0F C7 /7 Read 64-bit random seed Related Instructions RDRAND rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF 0 21 20 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 SF ZF AF PF CF 0 0 0 0 M 7 6 4 2 0 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank.Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Invalid opcode, #UD 288 Virtual Real 8086 Protected X X X Cause of Exception Instruction not supported as indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX_x0[RDSEED] = 0 RDRAND General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 RET (Near) AMD64 Technology Near Return from Called Procedure Returns from a procedure previously entered by a CALL near instruction. This form of the RET instruction returns to a calling procedure within the current code segment. This instruction pops the rIP from the stack, with the size of the pop determined by the operand size. The new rIP is then zero-extended to 64 bits. The RET instruction can accept an immediate value operand that it adds to the rSP after it pops the target rIP. This action skips over any parameters previously passed back to the subroutine that are no longer needed. In 64-bit mode, the operand size defaults to 64 bits (eight bytes) without the need for a REX prefix. No prefix is available to encode a 32-bit operand size in 64-bit mode. See RET (Far) for information on far returns—returns to procedures located outside of the current code segment. For details about control-flow instructions, see “Control Transfers” in Volume 1, and “Control-Transfer Privilege Checks” in Volume 2. Mnemonic Opcode Description RET C3 Near return to the calling procedure. RET imm16 C2 iw Near return to the calling procedure then pop the specified number of bytes from the stack. Related Instructions CALL (Near), CALL (Far), RET (Far) rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions Exception Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Cause of Exception Stack, #SS X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. General protection, #GP X X X The target offset exceeded the code segment limit or was noncanonical. Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. General-Purpose Instruction Reference RET (Near) 289 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 RET (Far) Far Return from Called Procedure Returns from a procedure previously entered by a CALL Far instruction. This form of the RET instruction returns to a calling procedure in a different segment than the current code segment. It can return to the same CPL or to a less privileged CPL. RET Far pops a target CS and rIP from the stack. If the new code segment is less privileged than the current code segment, the stack pointer is incremented by the number of bytes indicated by the immediate operand, if present; then a new SS and rSP are also popped from the stack. The final value of rSP is incremented by the number of bytes indicated by the immediate operand, if present. This action skips over the parameters (previously passed to the subroutine) that are no longer needed. All stack pops are determined by the operand size. If necessary, the target rIP is zero-extended to 64 bits before assuming program control. If the CPL changes, the data segment selectors are set to NULL for any of the data segments (DS, ES, FS, GS) not accessible at the new CPL. See RET (Near) for information on near returns—returns to procedures located inside the current code segment. For details about control-flow instructions, see “Control Transfers” in Volume 1, and “Control-Transfer Privilege Checks” in Volume 2. Mnemonic Opcode Description RETF CB Far return to the calling procedure. RETF imm16 CA iw Far return to the calling procedure, then pop the specified number of bytes from the stack. Action // Far returns (RETF) // See “Pseudocode Definition” on page 57. RETF_START: IF (REAL_MODE) RETF_REAL_OR_VIRTUAL ELSIF (PROTECTED_MODE) RETF_PROTECTED ELSE // (VIRTUAL_MODE) RETF_REAL_OR_VIRTUAL RETF_REAL_OR_VIRTUAL: IF (OPCODE == retf imm16) temp_IMM = word-sized immediate specified in the instruction, zero-extended to 64 bits 290 RET (Far) General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology ELSE // (OPCODE == retf) temp_IMM = 0 POP.v temp_RIP POP.v temp_CS IF (temp_RIP > CS.limit) EXCEPTION [#GP(0)] CS.sel = temp_CS CS.base = temp_CS SHL 4 RSP.s = RSP + temp_IMM RIP = temp_RIP EXIT RETF_PROTECTED: IF (OPCODE == retf imm16) temp_IMM = word-sized immediate specified in the instruction, zero-extended to 64 bits ELSE // (OPCODE == retf) temp_IMM = 0 POP.v temp_RIP POP.v temp_CS temp_CPL = temp_CS.rpl IF (CPL==temp_CPL) { CS = READ_DESCRIPTOR (temp_CS, iret_chk) RSP.s = RSP + temp_IMM IF ((64BIT_MODE) && (temp_RIP is non-canonical) || (!64BIT_MODE) && (temp_RIP > CS.limit)) EXCEPTION [#GP(0)] RIP = temp_RIP EXIT } ELSE // (CPL!=temp_CPL) { RSP.s = RSP + temp_IMM POP.v temp_RSP POP.v temp_SS CS = READ_DESCRIPTOR (temp_CS, iret_chk) General-Purpose Instruction Reference RET (Far) 291 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 CPL = temp_CPL IF ((64BIT_MODE) && (temp_RIP is non-canonical) || (!64BIT_MODE) && (temp_RIP > CS.limit)) EXCEPTION [#GP(0)] SS = READ_DESCRIPTOR (temp_SS, ss_chk) RSP.s = temp_RSP + temp_IMM IF (changing CPL) { FOR (seg = ES, DS, FS, GS) IF ((seg.attr.dpl < CPL) && ((seg.attr.type == ’data’) || (seg.attr.type == ’non-conforming-code’))) { seg = NULL // can’t use lower dpl data segment at higher cpl } } RIP = temp_RIP EXIT } Related Instructions CALL (Near), CALL (Far), RET (Near) rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions Exception Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Segment not present, #NP (selector) Stack, #SS X X Stack, #SS (selector) General protection, #GP 292 X X Cause of Exception X The return code segment was marked not present. X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X The return stack segment was marked not present. X The target offset exceeded the code segment limit or was noncanonical. RET (Far) General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Exception AMD64 Technology Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d General protection, #GP (selector) Cause of Exception X The return code selector was a null selector. X The return stack selector was a null selector and the return mode was non-64-bit mode or CPL was 3. X The return code or stack descriptor exceeded the descriptor table limit. X The return code or stack selector’s TI bit was set but the LDT selector was a null selector. X The segment descriptor for the return code was not a code segment. X The RPL of the return code segment selector was less than the CPL. X The return code segment was non-conforming and the segment selector’s DPL was not equal to the RPL of the code segment’s segment selector. X The return code segment was conforming and the segment selector’s DPL was greater than the RPL of the code segment’s segment selector. X The segment descriptor for the return stack was not a writable data segment. X The stack segment descriptor DPL was not equal to the RPL of the return code segment selector. X The stack segment selector RPL was not equal to the RPL of the return code segment selector. Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned-memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. General-Purpose Instruction Reference RET (Far) 293 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 ROL Rotate Left Rotates the bits of a register or memory location (first operand) to the left (toward the more significant bit positions) by the number of bit positions in an unsigned immediate value or the CL register (second operand). The bits rotated out left are rotated back in at the right end (lsb) of the first operand location. The processor masks the upper three bits of the count operand, thus restricting the count to a number between 0 and 31. When the destination is 64 bits wide, it masks the upper two bits of the count, providing a count in the range of 0 to 63. After completing the rotation, the instruction sets the CF flag to the last bit rotated out (the lsb of the result). For 1-bit rotates, the instruction sets the OF flag to the logical xor of the CF bit (after the rotate) and the most significant bit of the result. When the rotate count is greater than 1, the OF flag is undefined. When the rotate count is 0, no flags are affected. Mnemonic Opcode Description ROL reg/mem8, 1 D0 /0 Rotate an 8-bit register or memory operand left 1 bit. ROL reg/mem8, CL D2 /0 Rotate an 8-bit register or memory operand left the number of bits specified in the CL register. ROL reg/mem8, imm8 C0 /0 ib Rotate an 8-bit register or memory operand left the number of bits specified by an 8-bit immediate value. ROL reg/mem16, 1 D1 /0 Rotate a 16-bit register or memory operand left 1 bit. ROL reg/mem16, CL D3 /0 Rotate a 16-bit register or memory operand left the number of bits specified in the CL register. ROL reg/mem16, imm8 C1 /0 ib Rotate a 16-bit register or memory operand left the number of bits specified by an 8-bit immediate value. ROL reg/mem32, 1 D1 /0 Rotate a 32-bit register or memory operand left 1 bit. ROL reg/mem32, CL D3 /0 Rotate a 32-bit register or memory operand left the number of bits specified in the CL register. ROL reg/mem32, imm8 C1 /0 ib Rotate a 32-bit register or memory operand left the number of bits specified by an 8-bit immediate value. ROL reg/mem64, 1 D1 /0 Rotate a 64-bit register or memory operand left 1 bit. ROL reg/mem64, CL D3 /0 Rotate a 64-bit register or memory operand left the number of bits specified in the CL register. ROL reg/mem64, imm8 C1 /0 ib Rotate a 64-bit register or memory operand left the number of bits specified by an 8-bit immediate value. Related Instructions RCL, RCR, ROR 294 ROL General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF SF ZF AF PF M 21 20 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 CF M 10 9 8 7 6 4 2 0 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Stack, #SS General protection, #GP Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Cause of Exception X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X X X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was noncanonical. X The destination operand was in a non-writable segment. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. General-Purpose Instruction Reference ROL 295 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 ROR Rotate Right Rotates the bits of a register or memory location (first operand) to the right (toward the less significant bit positions) by the number of bit positions in an unsigned immediate value or the CL register (second operand). The bits rotated out right are rotated back in at the left end (the most significant bit) of the first operand location. The processor masks the upper three bits of the count operand, thus restricting the count to a number between 0 and 31. When the destination is 64 bits wide, the processor masks the upper two bits of the count, providing a count in the range of 0 to 63. After completing the rotation, the instruction sets the CF flag to the last bit rotated out (the most significant bit of the result). For 1-bit rotates, the instruction sets the OF flag to the logical xor of the two most significant bits of the result. When the rotate count is greater than 1, the OF flag is undefined. When the rotate count is 0, no flags are affected. Mnemonic Opcode Description ROR reg/mem8, 1 D0 /1 Rotate an 8-bit register or memory location right 1 bit. ROR reg/mem8, CL D2 /1 Rotate an 8-bit register or memory location right the number of bits specified in the CL register. ROR reg/mem8, imm8 C0 /1 ib Rotate an 8-bit register or memory location right the number of bits specified by an 8-bit immediate value. ROR reg/mem16, 1 D1 /1 Rotate a 16-bit register or memory location right 1 bit. ROR reg/mem16, CL D3 /1 Rotate a 16-bit register or memory location right the number of bits specified in the CL register. ROR reg/mem16, imm8 C1 /1 ib Rotate a 16-bit register or memory location right the number of bits specified by an 8-bit immediate value. ROR reg/mem32, 1 D1 /1 Rotate a 32-bit register or memory location right 1 bit. ROR reg/mem32, CL D3 /1 Rotate a 32-bit register or memory location right the number of bits specified in the CL register. ROR reg/mem32, imm8 C1 /1 ib Rotate a 32-bit register or memory location right the number of bits specified by an 8-bit immediate value. ROR reg/mem64, 1 D1 /1 Rotate a 64-bit register or memory location right 1 bit. ROR reg/mem64, CL D3 /1 Rotate a 64-bit register or memory operand right the number of bits specified in the CL register. ROR reg/mem64, imm8 C1 /1 ib Rotate a 64-bit register or memory operand right the number of bits specified by an 8-bit immediate value. Related Instructions RCL, RCR, ROL 296 ROR General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF SF ZF AF PF M 21 20 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 CF M 10 9 8 7 6 4 2 0 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Stack, #SS General protection, #GP Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Cause of Exception X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X X X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was noncanonical. X The destination operand was in a non-writable segment. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. General-Purpose Instruction Reference ROR 297 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 RORX Rotate Right Extended Rotates the bits of the source operand right (toward the least-significant bit) by the number of bit positions specified in an immediate operand and writes the result to the destination. Does not affect the arithmetic flags. This instruction has three operands: RORX dest, src, rot_cnt On each right-shift, the bit shifted out of the least-significant bit position is copied to the mostsignificant bit. This instruction performs a non-destructive operation; that is, the contents of the source operand are unaffected by the operation, unless the destination and source are the same generalpurpose register. In 64-bit mode, the operand size is determined by the value of VEX.W. If VEX.W is 1, the operand size is 64 bits; if VEX.W is 0, the operand size is 32 bits. In 32-bit mode, VEX.W is ignored. 16-bit operands are not supported. The destination (dest) is a general-purpose register and the source (src) is either a general-purpose register or a memory operand. The rotate count rot_cnt is encoded in an immediate byte. When the operand size is 32, bits [7:5] of the immediate byte are ignored; when the operand size is 64, bits [7:6] of the immediate byte are ignored. This instruction is a BMI2 instruction. Support for this instruction is indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX_x0[BMI2] = 1. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the instruction reference page for the CPUID instruction on page 158. For a description of all feature flags related to instruction subset support, see Appendix D, “Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags,” on page 531. Mnemonic Encoding VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode RORX reg32, reg/mem32, imm8 C4 RXB.03 0.1111.0.11 F0 /r ib RORX reg64, reg/mem64, imm8 C4 RXB.03 1.1111.0.11 F0 /r ib Related Instructions SARX, SHLX, SHRX rFLAGS Affected None. 298 RORX General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Exceptions Mode Exception Cause of Exception Virtual Real 8086 Protected X X BMI2 instructions are only recognized in protected mode. X BMI2 instructions are not supported, as indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX_x0[BMI2] = 0. X VEX.L is 1. X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was non-canonical. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. Invalid opcode, #UD Stack, #SS General protection, #GP General-Purpose Instruction Reference RORX 299 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 SAHF Store AH into Flags Loads the SF, ZF, AF, PF, and CF flags of the EFLAGS register with values from the corresponding bits in the AH register (bits 7, 6, 4, 2, and 0, respectively). The instruction ignores bits 1, 3, and 5 of register AH; it sets those bits in the EFLAGS register to 1, 0, and 0, respectively. The SAHF instruction can only be executed in 64-bit mode. Support for the instruction is implementation-dependent and is indicated by CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[LahfSahf] = 1. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the instruction reference page for the CPUID instruction on page 158. For a description of all feature flags related to instruction subset support, see Appendix D, “Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags,” on page 531. Mnemonic Opcode SAHF Description Loads the sign flag, the zero flag, the auxiliary flag, the parity flag, and the carry flag from the AH register into the lower 8 bits of the EFLAGS register. 9E Related Instructions LAHF rFLAGS Affected ID 21 VIP 20 VIF 19 AC 18 VM 17 RF 16 NT 14 IOPL OF 13:12 11 DF 10 IF 9 TF 8 SF ZF AF PF CF M M M M M 7 6 4 2 0 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Invalid opcode, #UD 300 Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d X Cause of Exception The SAHF instruction is not supported, as indicated by CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[LahfSahf] = 0. SAHF General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology SAL SHL Shift Left Shifts the bits of a register or memory location (first operand) to the left through the CF bit by the number of bit positions in an unsigned immediate value or the CL register (second operand). The instruction discards bits shifted out of the CF flag. For each bit shift, the SAL instruction clears the least-significant bit to 0. At the end of the shift operation, the CF flag contains the last bit shifted out of the first operand. The processor masks the upper three bits of the count operand, thus restricting the count to a number between 0 and 31. When the destination is 64 bits wide, the processor masks the upper two bits of the count, providing a count in the range of 0 to 63. The effect of this instruction is multiplication by powers of two. For 1-bit shifts, the instruction sets the OF flag to the logical xor of the CF bit (after the shift) and the most significant bit of the result. When the shift count is greater than 1, the OF flag is undefined. If the shift count is 0, no flags are modified. SHL is an alias to the SAL instruction. Mnemonic Opcode Description SAL reg/mem8, 1 D0 /4 Shift an 8-bit register or memory location left 1 bit. SAL reg/mem8, CL D2 /4 Shift an 8-bit register or memory location left the number of bits specified in the CL register. SAL reg/mem8, imm8 C0 /4 ib Shift an 8-bit register or memory location left the number of bits specified by an 8-bit immediate value. SAL reg/mem16, 1 D1 /4 Shift a 16-bit register or memory location left 1 bit. SAL reg/mem16, CL D3 /4 Shift a 16-bit register or memory location left the number of bits specified in the CL register. SAL reg/mem16, imm8 C1 /4 ib Shift a 16-bit register or memory location left the number of bits specified by an 8-bit immediate value. SAL reg/mem32, 1 D1 /4 Shift a 32-bit register or memory location left 1 bit. SAL reg/mem32, CL D3 /4 Shift a 32-bit register or memory location left the number of bits specified in the CL register. SAL reg/mem32, imm8 C1 /4 ib Shift a 32-bit register or memory location left the number of bits specified by an 8-bit immediate value. SAL reg/mem64, 1 D1 /4 Shift a 64-bit register or memory location left 1 bit. SAL reg/mem64, CL D3 /4 Shift a 64-bit register or memory location left the number of bits specified in the CL register. SAL reg/mem64, imm8 C1 /4 ib Shift a 64-bit register or memory location left the number of bits specified by an 8-bit immediate value. General-Purpose Instruction Reference SAL, SHL 301 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Mnemonic Opcode Description SHL reg/mem8, 1 D0 /4 Shift an 8-bit register or memory location by 1 bit. SHL reg/mem8, CL D2 /4 Shift an 8-bit register or memory location left the number of bits specified in the CL register. SHL reg/mem8, imm8 C0 /4 ib Shift an 8-bit register or memory location left the number of bits specified by an 8-bit immediate value. SHL reg/mem16, 1 D1 /4 Shift a 16-bit register or memory location left 1 bit. SHL reg/mem16, CL D3 /4 Shift a 16-bit register or memory location left the number of bits specified in the CL register. SHL reg/mem16, imm8 C1 /4 ib Shift a 16-bit register or memory location left the number of bits specified by an 8-bit immediate value. SHL reg/mem32, 1 D1 /4 Shift a 32-bit register or memory location left 1 bit. SHL reg/mem32, CL D3 /4 Shift a 32-bit register or memory location left the number of bits specified in the CL register. SHL reg/mem32, imm8 C1 /4 ib Shift a 32-bit register or memory location left the number of bits specified by an 8-bit immediate value. SHL reg/mem64, 1 D1 /4 Shift a 64-bit register or memory location left 1 bit. SHL reg/mem64, CL D3 /4 Shift a 64-bit register or memory location left the number of bits specified in the CL register. SHL reg/mem64, imm8 C1 /4 ib Shift a 64-bit register or memory location left the number of bits specified by an 8-bit immediate value. Related Instructions SAR, SHR, SHLD, SHRD rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF M 21 20 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 SF ZF AF PF CF M M U M M 7 6 4 2 0 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. 302 SAL, SHL General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Exceptions Exception Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Stack, #SS General protection, #GP X Cause of Exception X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was noncanonical. X The destination operand was in a non-writable segment. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. General-Purpose Instruction Reference SAL, SHL 303 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 SAR Shift Arithmetic Right Shifts the bits of a register or memory location (first operand) to the right through the CF bit by the number of bit positions in an unsigned immediate value or the CL register (second operand). The instruction discards bits shifted out of the CF flag. At the end of the shift operation, the CF flag contains the last bit shifted out of the first operand. The SAR instruction does not change the sign bit of the target operand. For each bit shift, it copies the sign bit to the next bit, preserving the sign of the result. The processor masks the upper three bits of the count operand, thus restricting the count to a number between 0 and 31. When the destination is 64 bits wide, the processor masks the upper two bits of the count, providing a count in the range of 0 to 63. For 1-bit shifts, the instruction clears the OF flag to 0. When the shift count is greater than 1, the OF flag is undefined. If the shift count is 0, no flags are modified. Although the SAR instruction effectively divides the operand by a power of 2, the behavior is different from the IDIV instruction. For example, shifting –11 (FFFFFFF5h) by two bits to the right (that is, divide –11 by 4), gives a result of FFFFFFFDh, or –3, whereas the IDIV instruction for dividing –11 by 4 gives a result of –2. This is because the IDIV instruction rounds off the quotient to zero, whereas the SAR instruction rounds off the remainder to zero for positive dividends and to negative infinity for negative dividends. So, for positive operands, SAR behaves like the corresponding IDIV instruction. For negative operands, it gives the same result if and only if all the shifted-out bits are zeroes; otherwise, the result is smaller by 1. Mnemonic Opcode Description SAR reg/mem8, 1 D0 /7 Shift a signed 8-bit register or memory operand right 1 bit. SAR reg/mem8, CL D2 /7 Shift a signed 8-bit register or memory operand right the number of bits specified in the CL register. SAR reg/mem8, imm8 C0 /7 ib Shift a signed 8-bit register or memory operand right the number of bits specified by an 8-bit immediate value. SAR reg/mem16, 1 D1 /7 Shift a signed 16-bit register or memory operand right 1 bit. SAR reg/mem16, CL D3 /7 Shift a signed 16-bit register or memory operand right the number of bits specified in the CL register. SAR reg/mem16, imm8 C1 /7 ib Shift a signed 16-bit register or memory operand right the number of bits specified by an 8-bit immediate value. SAR reg/mem32, 1 D1 /7 Shift a signed 32-bit register or memory location 1 bit. SAR reg/mem32, CL D3 /7 Shift a signed 32-bit register or memory location right the number of bits specified in the CL register. 304 SAR General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Mnemonic AMD64 Technology Opcode Description SAR reg/mem32, imm8 C1 /7 ib Shift a signed 32-bit register or memory location right the number of bits specified by an 8-bit immediate value. SAR reg/mem64, 1 D1 /7 Shift a signed 64-bit register or memory location right 1 bit. SAR reg/mem64, CL D3 /7 Shift a signed 64-bit register or memory location right the number of bits specified in the CL register. SAR reg/mem64, imm8 C1 /7 ib Shift a signed 64-bit register or memory location right the number of bits specified by an 8-bit immediate value. Related Instructions SAL, SHL, SHR, SHLD, SHRD rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF M 21 20 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 SF ZF AF PF CF M M U M M 7 6 4 2 0 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Stack, #SS General protection, #GP Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Cause of Exception X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X X X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was noncanonical. X The destination operand was in a non-writable segment. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. General-Purpose Instruction Reference SAR 305 AMD64 Technology SARX 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Shift Right Arithmetic Extended Shifts the bits of the first source operand right (toward the least-significant bit) arithmetically by the number of bit positions specified in the second source operand and writes the result to the destination. Does not affect the arithmetic flags. This instruction has three operands: SARX dest, src, shft_cnt On each right-shift, the most-significant bit (the sign bit) is replicated. This instruction performs a nondestructive operation; that is, the contents of the source operand are unaffected by the operation, unless the destination and source are the same general-purpose register. In 64-bit mode, the operand size is determined by the value of VEX.W. If VEX.W is 1, the operand size is 64 bits; if VEX.W is 0, the operand size is 32 bits. In 32-bit mode, VEX.W is ignored. 16-bit operands are not supported. The destination (dest) is a general-purpose register and the first source (src) is either a general-purpose register or a memory operand. The second source operand shft_cnt is a general-purpose register. When the operand size is 32, bits [31:5] of shft_cnt are ignored; when the operand size is 64, bits [63:6] of shft_cnt are ignored. This instruction is a BMI2 instruction. Support for this instruction is indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX_x0[BMI2] = 1. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the instruction reference page for the CPUID instruction on page 158. For a description of all feature flags related to instruction subset support, see Appendix D, “Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags,” on page 531. Mnemonic Encoding VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode SARX reg32, reg/mem32, reg32 C4 RXB.02 0.src2.0.10 F7 /r SARX reg64, reg/mem64, reg64 C4 RXB.02 1.src2.0.10 F7 /r Related Instructions RORX, SHLX, SHRX rFLAGS Affected None. 306 SARX General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Exceptions Mode Exception Cause of Exception Virtual Real 8086 Protected X X BMI2 instructions are only recognized in protected mode. X BMI2 instructions are not supported, as indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX_x0[BMI2] = 0. X VEX.L is 1. X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was non-canonical. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. Invalid opcode, #UD Stack, #SS General protection, #GP General-Purpose Instruction Reference SARX 307 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 SBB Subtract with Borrow Subtracts an immediate value or the value in a register or a memory location (second operand) from a register or a memory location (first operand), and stores the result in the first operand location. If the carry flag (CF) is 1, the instruction subtracts 1 from the result. Otherwise, it operates like SUB. The SBB instruction sign-extends immediate value operands to the length of the first operand size. This instruction evaluates the result for both signed and unsigned data types and sets the OF and CF flags to indicate a borrow in a signed or unsigned result, respectively. It sets the SF flag to indicate the sign of a signed result. This instruction is useful for multibyte (multiword) numbers because it takes into account the borrow from a previous SUB instruction. The forms of the SBB instruction that write to memory support the LOCK prefix. For details about the LOCK prefix, see “Lock Prefix” on page 11. Mnemonic Opcode Description SBB AL, imm8 1C ib Subtract an immediate 8-bit value from the AL register with borrow. SBB AX, imm16 1D iw Subtract an immediate 16-bit value from the AX register with borrow. SBB EAX, imm32 1D id Subtract an immediate 32-bit value from the EAX register with borrow. SBB RAX, imm32 1D id Subtract a sign-extended immediate 32-bit value from the RAX register with borrow. SBB reg/mem8, imm8 80 /3 ib Subtract an immediate 8-bit value from an 8-bit register or memory location with borrow. SBB reg/mem16, imm16 81 /3 iw Subtract an immediate 16-bit value from a 16-bit register or memory location with borrow. SBB reg/mem32, imm32 81 /3 id Subtract an immediate 32-bit value from a 32-bit register or memory location with borrow. SBB reg/mem64, imm32 81 /3 id Subtract a sign-extended immediate 32-bit value from a 64-bit register or memory location with borrow. SBB reg/mem16, imm8 83 /3 ib Subtract a sign-extended 8-bit immediate value from a 16-bit register or memory location with borrow. SBB reg/mem32, imm8 83 /3 ib Subtract a sign-extended 8-bit immediate value from a 32-bit register or memory location with borrow. SBB reg/mem64, imm8 83 /3 ib Subtract a sign-extended 8-bit immediate value from a 64-bit register or memory location with borrow. SBB reg/mem8, reg8 18 /r Subtract the contents of an 8-bit register from an 8-bit register or memory location with borrow. SBB reg/mem16, reg16 19 /r Subtract the contents of a 16-bit register from a 16-bit register or memory location with borrow. 308 SBB General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Mnemonic AMD64 Technology Opcode Description SBB reg/mem32, reg32 19 /r Subtract the contents of a 32-bit register from a 32-bit register or memory location with borrow. SBB reg/mem64, reg64 19 /r Subtract the contents of a 64-bit register from a 64-bit register or memory location with borrow. SBB reg8, reg/mem8 1A /r Subtract the contents of an 8-bit register or memory location from the contents of an 8-bit register with borrow. SBB reg16, reg/mem16 1B /r Subtract the contents of a 16-bit register or memory location from the contents of a 16-bit register with borrow. SBB reg32, reg/mem32 1B /r Subtract the contents of a 32-bit register or memory location from the contents of a 32-bit register with borrow. SBB reg64, reg/mem64 1B /r Subtract the contents of a 64-bit register or memory location from the contents of a 64-bit register with borrow. Related Instructions SUB, ADD, ADC rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF M 21 20 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 SF ZF AF PF CF M M M M M 7 6 4 2 0 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Stack, #SS General protection, #GP Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Cause of Exception X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X X X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was noncanonical. X The destination operand was in a non-writable segment. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. General-Purpose Instruction Reference SBB 309 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 SCAS SCASB SCASW SCASD SCASQ Scan String Compares the AL, AX, EAX, or RAX register with the byte, word, doubleword, or quadword pointed to by ES:rDI, sets the status flags in the rFLAGS register according to the results, and then increments or decrements the rDI register according to the state of the DF flag in the rFLAGS register. If the DF flag is 0, the instruction increments the rDI register; otherwise, it decrements it. The instruction increments or decrements the rDI register by 1, 2, 4, or 8, depending on the size of the operands. The forms of the SCASx instruction with an explicit operand address the operand at ES:rDI. The explicit operand serves only to specify the size of the values being compared. The no-operands forms of the instruction use the ES:rDI registers to point to the value to be compared. The mnemonic determines the size of the operands and the specific register containing the other comparison value. For block comparisons, the SCASx instructions support the REPE or REPZ prefixes (they are synonyms) and the REPNE or REPNZ prefixes (they are synonyms). For details about the REP prefixes, see “Repeat Prefixes” on page 12. A SCASx instruction can also operate inside a loop controlled by the LOOPcc instruction. Mnemonic Opcode Description SCAS mem8 AE Compare the contents of the AL register with the byte at ES:rDI, and then increment or decrement rDI. SCAS mem16 AF Compare the contents of the AX register with the word at ES:rDI, and then increment or decrement rDI. SCAS mem32 AF Compare the contents of the EAX register with the doubleword at ES:rDI, and then increment or decrement rDI. SCAS mem64 AF Compare the contents of the RAX register with the quadword at ES:rDI, and then increment or decrement rDI. SCASB AE Compare the contents of the AL register with the byte at ES:rDI, and then increment or decrement rDI. SCASW AF Compare the contents of the AX register with the word at ES:rDI, and then increment or decrement rDI. 310 SCASx General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Mnemonic AMD64 Technology Opcode Description SCASD AF Compare the contents of the EAX register with the doubleword at ES:rDI, and then increment or decrement rDI. SCASQ AF Compare the contents of the RAX register with the quadword at ES:rDI, and then increment or decrement rDI. Related Instructions CMP, CMPSx rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF M 21 20 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 SF ZF AF PF CF M M M M M 7 6 4 2 0 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Cause of Exception X A null ES segment was used to reference memory. X X A memory address exceeded the ES segment limit or was non-canonical. Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. General protection, #GP X General-Purpose Instruction Reference SCASx 311 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 SETcc Set Byte on Condition Checks the status flags in the rFLAGS register and, if the flags meet the condition specified in the mnemonic (cc), sets the value in the specified 8-bit memory location or register to 1. If the flags do not meet the specified condition, SETcc clears the memory location or register to 0. Mnemonics with the A (above) and B (below) tags are intended for use when performing unsigned integer comparisons; those with G (greater) and L (less) tags are intended for use with signed integer comparisons. Software typically uses the SETcc instructions to set logical indicators. Like the CMOVcc instructions (page 145), the SETcc instructions can replace two instructions—a conditional jump and a move. Replacing conditional jumps with conditional sets can help avoid branch-prediction penalties that may result from conditional jumps. If the logical value “true” (logical one) is represented in a high-level language as an integer with all bits set to 1, software can accomplish such representation by first executing the opposite SETcc instruction—for example, the opposite of SETZ is SETNZ—and then decrementing the result. A ModR/M byte is used to identify the operand. The reg field in the ModR/M byte is unused. Mnemonic Opcode Description SETO reg/mem8 0F 90 /0 Set byte if overflow (OF = 1). SETNO reg/mem8 0F 91 /0 Set byte if not overflow (OF = 0). SETB reg/mem8 SETC reg/mem8 SETNAE reg/mem8 0F 92 /0 Set byte if below (CF = 1). Set byte if carry (CF = 1). Set byte if not above or equal (CF = 1). SETNB reg/mem8 SETNC reg/mem8 SETAE reg/mem8 0F 93 /0 Set byte if not below (CF = 0). Set byte if not carry (CF = 0). Set byte if above or equal (CF = 0). SETZ reg/mem8 SETE reg/mem8 0F 94 /0 Set byte if zero (ZF = 1). Set byte if equal (ZF = 1). SETNZ reg/mem8 SETNE reg/mem8 0F 95 /0 Set byte if not zero (ZF = 0). Set byte if not equal (ZF = 0). SETBE reg/mem8 SETNA reg/mem8 0F 96 /0 Set byte if below or equal (CF = 1 or ZF = 1). Set byte if not above (CF = 1 or ZF = 1). SETNBE reg/mem8 SETA reg/mem8 0F 97 /0 Set byte if not below or equal (CF = 0 and ZF = 0). Set byte if above (CF = 0 and ZF = 0). SETS reg/mem8 0F 98 /0 Set byte if sign (SF = 1). SETNS reg/mem8 0F 99 /0 Set byte if not sign (SF = 0). SETP reg/mem8 SETPE reg/mem8 0F 9A /0 Set byte if parity (PF = 1). Set byte if parity even (PF = 1). SETNP reg/mem8 SETPO reg/mem8 0F 9B /0 Set byte if not parity (PF = 0). Set byte if parity odd (PF = 0). 312 SETcc General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Mnemonic Opcode AMD64 Technology Description SETL reg/mem8 SETNGE reg/mem8 0F 9C /0 Set byte if less (SF <> OF). Set byte if not greater or equal (SF <> OF). SETNL reg/mem8 SETGE reg/mem8 0F 9D /0 Set byte if not less (SF = OF). Set byte if greater or equal (SF = OF). SETLE reg/mem8 SETNG reg/mem8 0F 9E /0 Set byte if less or equal (ZF = 1 or SF <> OF). Set byte if not greater (ZF = 1 or SF <> OF). SETNLE reg/mem8 SETG reg/mem8 0F 9F /0 Set byte if not less or equal (ZF = 0 and SF = OF). Set byte if greater (ZF = 0 and SF = OF). Related Instructions None rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions Exception Stack, #SS General protection, #GP Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Cause of Exception X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X X X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was noncanonical. X The destination operand was in a non-writable segment. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Page fault, #PF General-Purpose Instruction Reference X SETcc 313 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 SFENCE Store Fence Acts as a barrier to force strong memory ordering (serialization) between store instructions preceding the SFENCE and store instructions that follow the SFENCE. Stores to differing memory types, or within the WC memory type, may become visible out of program order; the SFENCE instruction ensures that the system completes all previous stores in such a way that they are globally visible before executing subsequent stores. This includes emptying the store buffer and all write-combining buffers. The SFENCE instruction is weakly-ordered with respect to load instructions, data and instruction prefetches, and the LFENCE instruction. Speculative loads initiated by the processor, or specified explicitly using cache-prefetch instructions, can be reordered around an SFENCE. In addition to store instructions, SFENCE is strongly ordered with respect to other SFENCE instructions, MFENCE instructions, and serializing instructions. Further details on the use of MFENCE to order accesses among differing memory types may be found in AMD64 Architecture Programmer’s Manual Volume 2: System Programming, section 7.4 “Memory Types” on page 172. The SFENCE instruction is an SSE1 instruction. Support for SSE1 instructions is indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SSE] = 1. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the instruction reference page for the CPUID instruction on page 158. For a description of all feature flags related to instruction subset support, see Appendix D, “Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags,” on page 531. Mnemonic Opcode SFENCE 0F AE F8 Description Force strong ordering of (serialized) store operations. Related Instructions LFENCE, MFENCE rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions Exception Invalid Opcode, #UD 314 Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d X X X Cause of Exception The SSE instructions are not supported, as indicated by EDX bit 25 of CPUID function 0000_0001h; and the AMD extensions to MMX are not supported, as indicated by EDX bit 22 of CPUID function 8000_0001h. SFENCE General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology SHL Shift Left This instruction is synonymous with the SAL instruction. For information, see “SAL SHL” on page 301. General-Purpose Instruction Reference SHL 315 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 SHLD Shift Left Double Shifts the bits of a register or memory location (first operand) to the left by the number of bit positions in an unsigned immediate value or the CL register (third operand), and shifts in a bit pattern (second operand) from the right. At the end of the shift operation, the CF flag contains the last bit shifted out of the first operand. The processor masks the upper three bits of the count operand, thus restricting the count to a number between 0 and 31. When the destination is 64 bits wide, the processor masks the upper two bits of the count, providing a count in the range of 0 to 63. If the masked count is greater than the operand size, the result in the destination register is undefined. If the shift count is 0, no flags are modified. If the count is 1 and the sign of the operand being shifted changes, the instruction sets the OF flag to 1. If the count is greater than 1, OF is undefined. Mnemonic Opcode Description SHLD reg/mem16, reg16, imm8 0F A4 /r ib Shift bits of a 16-bit destination register or memory operand to the left the number of bits specified in an 8bit immediate value, while shifting in bits from the second operand. SHLD reg/mem16, reg16, CL 0F A5 /r Shift bits of a 16-bit destination register or memory operand to the left the number of bits specified in the CL register, while shifting in bits from the second operand. SHLD reg/mem32, reg32, imm8 0F A4 /r ib Shift bits of a 32-bit destination register or memory operand to the left the number of bits specified in an 8bit immediate value, while shifting in bits from the second operand. SHLD reg/mem32, reg32, CL 0F A5 /r Shift bits of a 32-bit destination register or memory operand to the left the number of bits specified in the CL register, while shifting in bits from the second operand. SHLD reg/mem64, reg64, imm8 0F A4 /r ib Shift bits of a 64-bit destination register or memory operand to the left the number of bits specified in an 8bit immediate value, while shifting in bits from the second operand. SHLD reg/mem64, reg64, CL 0F A5 /r Shift bits of a 64-bit destination register or memory operand to the left the number of bits specified in the CL register, while shifting in bits from the second operand. Related Instructions SHRD, SAL, SAR, SHR, SHL 316 SHLD General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF M 21 20 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 SF ZF AF PF CF M M U M M 7 6 4 2 0 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Stack, #SS General protection, #GP Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Cause of Exception X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X X X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was noncanonical. X The destination operand was in a non-writable segment. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. General-Purpose Instruction Reference SHLD 317 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 SHLX Shift Left Logical Extended Shifts the bits of the first source operand left (toward the most-significant bit) by the number of bit positions specified in the second source operand and writes the result to the destination. Does not affect the arithmetic flags. This instruction has three operands: SHLX dest, src, shft_cnt On each left-shift, a zero is shifted into the least-significant bit position. This instruction performs a non-destructive operation; that is, the contents of the source operand are unaffected by the operation, unless the destination and source are the same general-purpose register. In 64-bit mode, the operand size is determined by the value of VEX.W. If VEX.W is 1, the operand size is 64 bits; if VEX.W is 0, the operand size is 32 bits. In 32-bit mode, VEX.W is ignored. 16-bit operands are not supported. The destination (dest) is a general-purpose register and the first source (src) is either a general-purpose register or a memory operand. The second source operand shft_cnt is a general-purpose register. When the operand size is 32, bits [31:5] of shft_cnt are ignored; when the operand size is 64, bits [63:6] of shft_cnt are ignored. This instruction is a BMI2 instruction. Support for this instruction is indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX_x0[BMI2] = 1. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the instruction reference page for the CPUID instruction on page 158. For a description of all feature flags related to instruction subset support, see Appendix D, “Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags,” on page 531. Mnemonic Encoding VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode SHLX reg32, reg/mem32, reg32 C4 RXB.02 0.src2.0.01 F7 /r SHLX reg64, reg/mem64, reg64 C4 RXB.02 1.src2.0.01 F7 /r Related Instructions RORX, SARX, SHRX rFLAGS Affected None. 318 SHLX General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Exceptions Mode Exception Cause of Exception Virtual Real 8086 Protected X X BMI2 instructions are only recognized in protected mode. X BMI2 instructions are not supported, as indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX_x0[BMI2] = 0. X VEX.L is 1. X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was non-canonical. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. Invalid opcode, #UD Stack, #SS General protection, #GP General-Purpose Instruction Reference SHLX 319 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 SHR Shift Right Shifts the bits of a register or memory location (first operand) to the right through the CF bit by the number of bit positions in an unsigned immediate value or the CL register (second operand). The instruction discards bits shifted out of the CF flag. At the end of the shift operation, the CF flag contains the last bit shifted out of the first operand. For each bit shift, the instruction clears the most-significant bit to 0. The effect of this instruction is unsigned division by powers of two. The processor masks the upper three bits of the count operand, thus restricting the count to a number between 0 and 31. When the destination is 64 bits wide, the processor masks the upper two bits of the count, providing a count in the range of 0 to 63. For 1-bit shifts, the instruction sets the OF flag to the most-significant bit of the original value. If the count is greater than 1, the OF flag is undefined. If the shift count is 0, no flags are modified. Mnemonic Opcode Description SHR reg/mem8, 1 D0 /5 Shift an 8-bit register or memory operand right 1 bit. SHR reg/mem8, CL D2 /5 Shift an 8-bit register or memory operand right the number of bits specified in the CL register. SHR reg/mem8, imm8 C0 /5 ib Shift an 8-bit register or memory operand right the number of bits specified by an 8-bit immediate value. SHR reg/mem16, 1 D1 /5 Shift a 16-bit register or memory operand right 1 bit. SHR reg/mem16, CL D3 /5 Shift a 16-bit register or memory operand right the number of bits specified in the CL register. SHR reg/mem16, imm8 C1 /5 ib Shift a 16-bit register or memory operand right the number of bits specified by an 8-bit immediate value. SHR reg/mem32, 1 D1 /5 Shift a 32-bit register or memory operand right 1 bit. SHR reg/mem32, CL D3 /5 Shift a 32-bit register or memory operand right the number of bits specified in the CL register. SHR reg/mem32, imm8 C1 /5 ib Shift a 32-bit register or memory operand right the number of bits specified by an 8-bit immediate value. SHR reg/mem64, 1 D1 /5 Shift a 64-bit register or memory operand right 1 bit. SHR reg/mem64, CL D3 /5 Shift a 64-bit register or memory operand right the number of bits specified in the CL register. SHR reg/mem64, imm8 C1 /5 ib Shift a 64-bit register or memory operand right the number of bits specified by an 8-bit immediate value. 320 SHR General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Related Instructions SHL, SAL, SAR, SHLD, SHRD rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF M 21 20 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 SF ZF AF PF CF M M U M M 7 6 4 2 0 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Stack, #SS General protection, #GP Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Cause of Exception X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X X X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was noncanonical. X The destination operand was in a non-writable segment. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. General-Purpose Instruction Reference SHR 321 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 SHRD Shift Right Double Shifts the bits of a register or memory location (first operand) to the right by the number of bit positions in an unsigned immediate value or the CL register (third operand), and shifts in a bit pattern (second operand) from the left. At the end of the shift operation, the CF flag contains the last bit shifted out of the first operand. The processor masks the upper three bits of the count operand, thus restricting the count to a number between 0 and 31. When the destination is 64 bits wide, the processor masks the upper two bits of the count, providing a count in the range of 0 to 63. If the masked count is greater than the operand size, the result in the destination register is undefined. If the shift count is 0, no flags are modified. If the count is 1 and the sign of the value being shifted changes, the instruction sets the OF flag to 1. If the count is greater than 1, the OF flag is undefined. Mnemonic SHRD reg/mem16, reg16, imm8 SHRD reg/mem16, reg16, CL SHRD reg/mem32, reg32, imm8 SHRD reg/mem32, reg32, CL SHRD reg/mem64, reg64, imm8 SHRD reg/mem64, reg64, CL Opcode Description 0F AC /r ib Shift bits of a 16-bit destination register or memory operand to the right the number of bits specified in an 8bit immediate value, while shifting in bits from the second operand. 0F AD /r Shift bits of a 16-bit destination register or memory operand to the right the number of bits specified in the CL register, while shifting in bits from the second operand. 0F AC /r ib Shift bits of a 32-bit destination register or memory operand to the right the number of bits specified in an 8bit immediate value, while shifting in bits from the second operand. 0F AD /r Shift bits of a 32-bit destination register or memory operand to the right the number of bits specified in the CL register, while shifting in bits from the second operand. 0F AC /r ib Shift bits of a 64-bit destination register or memory operand to the right the number of bits specified in an 8bit immediate value, while shifting in bits from the second operand. 0F AD /r Shift bits of a 64-bit destination register or memory operand to the right the number of bits specified in the CL register, while shifting in bits from the second operand. Related Instructions SHLD, SHR, SHL, SAR, SAL 322 SHRD General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF M 21 20 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 SF ZF AF PF CF M M U M M 7 6 4 2 0 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Stack, #SS General protection, #GP Virtual Real 8086 Protected Cause of Exception X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X X X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was noncanonical. X The destination operand was in a non-writable segment. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. General-Purpose Instruction Reference SHRD 323 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 SHRX Shift Right Logical Extended Shifts the bits of the first source operand right (toward the least-significant bit) by the number of bit positions specified in the second source operand and writes the result to the destination. Does not affect the arithmetic flags. This instruction has three operands: SHRX dest, src, shft_cnt On each right-shift, a zero is shifted into the most-significant bit position. This instruction performs a non-destructive operation; that is, the contents of the source operand are unaffected by the operation, unless the destination and source are the same general-purpose register. In 64-bit mode, the operand size is determined by the value of VEX.W. If VEX.W is 1, the operand size is 64 bits; if VEX.W is 0, the operand size is 32 bits. In 32-bit mode, VEX.W is ignored. 16-bit operands are not supported. The destination (dest) is a general-purpose register and the first source (src) is either a general-purpose register or a memory operand. The second source operand shft_cnt is a general-purpose register. When the operand size is 32, bits [31:5] of shft_cnt are ignored; when the operand size is 64, bits [63:6] of shft_cnt are ignored. This instruction is a BMI2 instruction. Support for this instruction is indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX_x0[BMI2] = 1. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the instruction reference page for the CPUID instruction on page 158. For a description of all feature flags related to instruction subset support, see Appendix D, “Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags,” on page 531. Mnemonic Encoding VEX RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode SHRX reg32, reg/mem32, reg32 C4 RXB.02 0.src2.0.11 F7 /r SHRX reg64, reg/mem64, reg64 C4 RXB.02 1.src2.0.11 F7 /r Related Instructions RORX, SARX, SHLX rFLAGS Affected None. 324 SHRX General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Exceptions Mode Exception Cause of Exception Virtual Real 8086 Protected X X BMI2 instructions are only recognized in protected mode. X BMI2 instructions are not supported, as indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX_x0[BMI2] = 0. X VEX.L is 1. X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was non-canonical. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. Invalid opcode, #UD Stack, #SS General protection, #GP General-Purpose Instruction Reference SHRX 325 AMD64 Technology SLWPCB 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Store Lightweight Profiling Control Block Address Flushes Lightweight Profiling (LWP) state to memory and returns the current effective address of the Lightweight Profiling Control Block (LWPCB) in the specified register. The LWPCB address returned is truncated to 32 bits if the operand size is 32. If LWP is not currently enabled, SLWPCB sets the specified register to zero. The flush operation stores the internal event counters for active events and the current ring buffer head pointer into the LWPCB. If there is an unwritten event record pending, it is written to the event ring buffer. The LWP_CBADDR MSR holds the linear address of the current LWPCB. If the contents of LWP_CBADDR is not zero, the value returned in the specified register is an effective address that is calculated by subtracting the current DS.Base address from the linear address kept in LWP_CBADDR. Note that if DS has changed between the time LLWPCB was executed and the time SLWPCB is executed, this might result in an address that is not currently accessible by the application. SLWPCB generates an invalid opcode exception (#UD) if the machine is not in protected mode or if LWP is not available. It is possible to execute SLWPCB when the CPL != 3 or when SMM is active, but if the LWPCB pointer is not zero, system software must ensure that the LWPCB and the entire ring buffer are properly mapped into writable memory in order to avoid a #PF fault. Using SLWPCB in these situations is not recommended. See the discussion of lightweight profiling in Volume 2, Chapter 13 for more information on the use of the LLWPCB, SLWPCB, LWPINS, and LWPVAL instructions. The SLWPCB instruction is implemented if LWP is supported on a processor. Support for LWP is indicated by CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[LWP] = 1. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the instruction reference page for the CPUID instruction on page 158. For a description of all feature flags related to instruction subset support, see Appendix D, “Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags,” on page 531. Instruction Encoding Mnemonic Encoding XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode SLWPCB reg32 8F RXB.09 0.1111.0.00 12 /1 SLWPCB reg64 8F RXB.09 1.1111.0.00 12 /1 ModRM.reg augments the opcode and is assigned the value 001b. ModRM.r/m (augmented by XOP.R) specifies the register in which to put the LWPCB address. ModRM.mod must be 11b. 326 SLWPCB General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Related Instructions LLWPCB, LWPINS, LWPVAL rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions Exception Invalid opcode, #UD Virtual Real 8086 Protected X X X X Page fault, #PF General-Purpose Instruction Reference X Cause of Exception The SLWPCB instruction is not supported, as indicated by CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[LWP] = 0. The system is not in protected mode. X LWP is not available, or mod != 11b, or vvvv != 1111b. X A page fault resulted from reading or writing the LWPCB. X A page fault resulted from flushing an event to the ring buffer. SLWPCB 327 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 STC Set Carry Flag Sets the carry flag (CF) in the rFLAGS register to one. Mnemonic Opcode STC Description F9 Set the carry flag (CF) to one. Related Instructions CLC, CMC rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF SF ZF AF PF CF 1 21 20 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 7 6 4 2 0 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions None 328 STC General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology STD Set Direction Flag Set the direction flag (DF) in the rFLAGS register to 1. If the DF flag is 0, each iteration of a string instruction increments the data pointer (index registers rSI or rDI). If the DF flag is 1, the string instruction decrements the pointer. Use the CLD instruction before a string instruction to make the data pointer increment. Mnemonic Opcode STD Description FD Set the direction flag (DF) to one. Related Instructions CLD, INSx, LODSx, MOVSx, OUTSx, SCASx, STOSx, CMPSx rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF SF ZF AF PF CF 9 8 7 6 4 2 0 1 21 20 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions None General-Purpose Instruction Reference STD 329 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 STOS STOSB STOSW STOSD STOSQ Store String Copies a byte, word, doubleword, or quadword from the AL, AX, EAX, or RAX registers to the memory location pointed to by ES:rDI and increments or decrements the rDI register according to the state of the DF flag in the rFLAGS register. If the DF flag is 0, the instruction increments the pointer; otherwise, it decrements the pointer. It increments or decrements the pointer by 1, 2, 4, or 8, depending on the size of the value being copied. The forms of the STOSx instruction with an explicit operand use the operand only to specify the type (size) of the value being copied. The no-operands forms specify the type (size) of the value being copied with the mnemonic. The STOSx instructions support the REP prefixes. For details about the REP prefixes, see “Repeat Prefixes” on page 12. The STOSx instructions can also operate inside a LOOPcc instruction. Mnemonic Opcode Description STOS mem8 AA Store the contents of the AL register to ES:rDI, and then increment or decrement rDI. STOS mem16 AB Store the contents of the AX register to ES:rDI, and then increment or decrement rDI. STOS mem32 AB Store the contents of the EAX register to ES:rDI, and then increment or decrement rDI. STOS mem64 AB Store the contents of the RAX register to ES:rDI, and then increment or decrement rDI. STOSB AA Store the contents of the AL register to ES:rDI, and then increment or decrement rDI. STOSW AB Store the contents of the AX register to ES:rDI, and then increment or decrement rDI. STOSD AB Store the contents of the EAX register to ES:rDI, and then increment or decrement rDI. STOSQ AB Store the contents of the RAX register to ES:rDI, and then increment or decrement rDI. Related Instructions LODSx, MOVSx 330 STOSx General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions Exception General protection, #GP Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d X X Cause of Exception X A memory address exceeded the ES segment limit or was non-canonical. X The ES segment was a non-writable segment. X A null ES segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. General-Purpose Instruction Reference STOSx 331 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 SUB Subtract Subtracts an immediate value or the value in a register or memory location (second operand) from a register or a memory location (first operand) and stores the result in the first operand location. An immediate value is sign-extended to the length of the first operand. This instruction evaluates the result for both signed and unsigned data types and sets the OF and CF flags to indicate a borrow in a signed or unsigned result, respectively. It sets the SF flag to indicate the sign of a signed result. The forms of the SUB instruction that write to memory support the LOCK prefix. For details about the LOCK prefix, see “Lock Prefix” on page 11. Mnemonic Opcode Description SUB AL, imm8 2C ib Subtract an immediate 8-bit value from the AL register and store the result in AL. SUB AX, imm16 2D iw Subtract an immediate 16-bit value from the AX register and store the result in AX. SUB EAX, imm32 2D id Subtract an immediate 32-bit value from the EAX register and store the result in EAX. SUB RAX, imm32 2D id Subtract a sign-extended immediate 32-bit value from the RAX register and store the result in RAX. SUB reg/mem8, imm8 80 /5 ib Subtract an immediate 8-bit value from an 8-bit destination register or memory location. SUB reg/mem16, imm16 81 /5 iw Subtract an immediate 16-bit value from a 16-bit destination register or memory location. SUB reg/mem32, imm32 81 /5 id Subtract an immediate 32-bit value from a 32-bit destination register or memory location. SUB reg/mem64, imm32 81 /5 id Subtract a sign-extended immediate 32-bit value from a 64-bit destination register or memory location. SUB reg/mem16, imm8 83 /5 ib Subtract a sign-extended immediate 8-bit value from a 16-bit register or memory location. SUB reg/mem32, imm8 83 /5 ib Subtract a sign-extended immediate 8-bit value from a 32-bit register or memory location. SUB reg/mem64, imm8 83 /5 ib Subtract a sign-extended immediate 8-bit value from a 64-bit register or memory location. SUB reg/mem8, reg8 28 /r Subtract the contents of an 8-bit register from an 8-bit destination register or memory location. SUB reg/mem16, reg16 29 /r Subtract the contents of a 16-bit register from a 16-bit destination register or memory location. SUB reg/mem32, reg32 29 /r Subtract the contents of a 32-bit register from a 32-bit destination register or memory location. SUB reg/mem64, reg64 29 /r Subtract the contents of a 64-bit register from a 64-bit destination register or memory location. 332 SUB General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Mnemonic AMD64 Technology Opcode Description SUB reg8, reg/mem8 2A /r Subtract the contents of an 8-bit register or memory operand from an 8-bit destination register. SUB reg16, reg/mem16 2B /r Subtract the contents of a 16-bit register or memory operand from a 16-bit destination register. SUB reg32, reg/mem32 2B /r Subtract the contents of a 32-bit register or memory operand from a 32-bit destination register. SUB reg64, reg/mem64 2B /r Subtract the contents of a 64-bit register or memory operand from a 64-bit destination register. Related Instructions ADC, ADD, SBB rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF M 21 20 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 SF ZF AF PF CF M M M M M 7 6 4 2 0 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Stack, #SS General protection, #GP Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Cause of Exception X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X X X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was noncanonical. X The destination operand was in a non-writable segment. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. General-Purpose Instruction Reference SUB 333 AMD64 Technology T1MSKC 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Inverse Mask From Trailing Ones Finds the least significant zero bit in the source operand, clears all bits below that bit to 0, sets all other bits to 1 (including the found bit) and writes the result to the destination. If the least significant bit of the source operand is 0, the destination is written with all ones. This instruction has two operands: T1MSKC dest, src In 64-bit mode, the operand size is determined by the value of XOP.W. If XOP.W is 1, the operand size is 64-bit; if XOP.W is 0, the operand size is 32-bit. In 32-bit mode, XOP.W is ignored. 16-bit operands are not supported. The destination (dest) is a general purpose register. The source operand (src) is a general purpose register or a memory operand. The T1MSKC instruction effectively performs a bit-wise logical or of the inverse of the source operand and the result of incrementing the source operand by 1 and stores the result to the destination register: add tmp1, src, 1 not tmp2, src or dest, tmp1, tmp2 The value of the carry flag of rFLAGs is generated by the add pseudo-instruction and the remaining arithmetic flags are generated by the or pseudo-instruction. The T1MSKC instruction is a TBM instruction. Support for this instruction is indicated by CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[TBM] = 1. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the instruction reference page for the CPUID instruction on page 158. For a description of all feature flags related to instruction subset support, see Appendix D, “Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags,” on page 531. Mnemonic Encoding XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode T1MSKC reg32, reg/mem32 8F RXB.09 0.dest.0.00 01 /7 T1MSKC reg64, reg/mem64 8F RXB.09 1.dest.0.00 01 /7 Related Instructions ANDN, BEXTR, BLCFILL, BLCI, BLCIC, BLCMSK, BLCS, BLSFILL, BLSI, BLSIC, BLSR, BLSMSK, BSF, BSR, LZCNT, POPCNT, TZMSK, TZCNT 334 T1MSKC General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF 0 21 20 Note: 19 18 17 16 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 SF ZF AF PF CF M M U U M 7 6 4 2 0 Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Virtual Real 8086 Protected X X Cause of Exception TBM instructions are only recognized in protected mode. X TBM instructions are not supported, as indicated by CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[TBM] = 0. X XOP.L is 1. X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was non-canonical. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. Invalid opcode, #UD Stack, #SS General protection, #GP General-Purpose Instruction Reference T1MSKC 335 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 TEST Test Bits Performs a bit-wise logical and on the value in a register or memory location (first operand) with an immediate value or the value in a register (second operand) and sets the flags in the rFLAGS register based on the result. This instruction has two operands: TEST dest, src While the AND instruction changes the contents of the destination and the flag bits, the TEST instruction changes only the flag bits. Mnemonic Opcode Description TEST AL, imm8 A8 ib and an immediate 8-bit value with the contents of the AL register and set rFLAGS to reflect the result. TEST AX, imm16 A9 iw and an immediate 16-bit value with the contents of the AX register and set rFLAGS to reflect the result. TEST EAX, imm32 A9 id and an immediate 32-bit value with the contents of the EAX register and set rFLAGS to reflect the result. TEST RAX, imm32 A9 id and a sign-extended immediate 32-bit value with the contents of the RAX register and set rFLAGS to reflect the result. TEST reg/mem8, imm8 F6 /0 ib and an immediate 8-bit value with the contents of an 8-bit register or memory operand and set rFLAGS to reflect the result. TEST reg/mem16, imm16 F7 /0 iw and an immediate 16-bit value with the contents of a 16-bit register or memory operand and set rFLAGS to reflect the result. TEST reg/mem32, imm32 F7 /0 id and an immediate 32-bit value with the contents of a 32-bit register or memory operand and set rFLAGS to reflect the result. TEST reg/mem64, imm32 F7 /0 id and a sign-extended immediate32-bit value with the contents of a 64-bit register or memory operand and set rFLAGS to reflect the result. TEST reg/mem8, reg8 84 /r and the contents of an 8-bit register with the contents of an 8-bit register or memory operand and set rFLAGS to reflect the result. TEST reg/mem16, reg16 85 /r and the contents of a 16-bit register with the contents of a 16-bit register or memory operand and set rFLAGS to reflect the result. TEST reg/mem32, reg32 85 /r and the contents of a 32-bit register with the contents of a 32-bit register or memory operand and set rFLAGS to reflect the result. TEST reg/mem64, reg64 85 /r and the contents of a 64-bit register with the contents of a 64-bit register or memory operand and set rFLAGS to reflect the result. Related Instructions AND, CMP 336 TEST General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF 0 21 20 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 SF ZF AF PF CF M M U M 0 7 6 4 2 0 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Stack, #SS General protection, #GP Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Cause of Exception X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X X X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was noncanonical. X The destination operand was in a non-writable segment. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. General-Purpose Instruction Reference TEST 337 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 TZCNT Count Trailing Zeros Counts the number of trailing zero bits in the 16-, 32-, or 64-bit general purpose register or memory source operand. Counting starts upward from the least significant bit and stops when the lowest bit having a value of 1 is encountered or when the most significant bit is encountered. The count is written to the destination register. If the input operand is zero, CF is set to 1 and the size (in bits) of the input operand is written to the destination register. Otherwise, CF is cleared. If the least significant bit is a one, the ZF flag is set to 1 and zero is written to the destination register. Otherwise, ZF is cleared. TZCNT i s a BM I i ns truc tion. Suppor t for BMI ins tructions i s ind ica ted by CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX_x0[BMI] = 1. If the TZCNT instruction is not available, the encoding is treated as the BSF instruction. Software must check the CPUID bit once per program or library initialization before using the TZCNT instruction or inconsistent behavior may result. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the instruction reference page for the CPUID instruction on page 158. For a description of all feature flags related to instruction subset support, see Appendix D, “Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags,” on page 531. Mnemonic Opcode Description TZCNT reg16, reg/mem16 F3 0F BC /r Count the number of trailing zeros in reg/mem16. TZCNT reg32, reg/mem32 F3 0F BC /r Count the number of trailing zeros in reg/mem32. TZCNT reg64, reg/mem64 F3 0F BC /r Count the number of trailing zeros in reg/mem64. Related Instructions ANDN, BEXTR, BLCI, BLCIC, BLCMSK, BLCS, BLSFILL, BLSI, BLSIC, BLSR, BLSMSK, BSF, BSR, LZCNT, POPCNT, T1MSKC, TZMSK rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF U 21 Note: 338 20 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 SF ZF AF PF CF U M U U M 7 6 4 2 0 Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. TZCNT General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Exceptions Mode Exception Stack, #SS General protection, #GP Cause of Exception Virtual Real 8086 Protected X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X X X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was non-canonical. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. General-Purpose Instruction Reference TZCNT 339 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 TZMSK Mask From Trailing Zeros Finds the least significant one bit in the source operand, sets all bits below that bit to 1, clears all other bits to 0 (including the found bit) and writes the result to the destination. If the least significant bit of the source operand is 1, the destination is written with all zeros. This instruction has two operands: TZMSK dest, src In 64-bit mode, the operand size is determined by the value of XOP.W. If XOP.W is 1, the operand size is 64-bit; if XOP.W is 0, the operand size is 32-bit. In 32-bit mode, XOP.W is ignored. 16-bit operands are not supported. The destination (dest) is a general purpose register. The source operand (src) is a general purpose register or a memory operand. The TZMSK instruction effectively performs a bit-wise logical and of the negation of the source operand and the result of subtracting 1 from the source operand, and stores the result to the destination register: sub tmp1, src, 1 not tmp2, src and dest, tmp1, tmp2 The value of the carry flag of rFLAGs is generated by the sub pseudo-instruction and the remaining arithmetic flags are generated by the and pseudo-instruction. The TZMSK instruction is a TBM instruction. Support for this instruction is indicated by CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[TBM] = 1. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the instruction reference page for the CPUID instruction on page 158. For a description of all feature flags related to instruction subset support, see Appendix D, “Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags,” on page 531. Mnemonic Encoding XOP RXB.map_select W.vvvv.L.pp Opcode TZMSK reg32, reg/mem32 8F RXB.09 0.dest.0.00 01 /4 TZMSK reg64, reg/mem64 8F RXB.09 1.dest.0.00 01 /4 Related Instructions ANDN, BEXTR, BLCFILL, BLCI, BLCIC, BLCMSK, BLCS, BLSFILL, BLSI, BLSIC, BLSR, BLSMSK, BSF, BSR, LZCNT, POPCNT, T1MSKC, TZCNT 340 TZMSK General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF 0 21 20 Note: 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 SF ZF AF PF CF M M U U M 7 6 4 2 0 Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Virtual Real 8086 Protected X X Cause of Exception TBM instructions are only recognized in protected mode. X TBM instructions are not supported, as indicated by CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[TBM] = 0. X XOP.L is 1. X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was non-canonical. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. Invalid opcode, #UD Stack, #SS General protection, #GP General-Purpose Instruction Reference 341 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 UD0, UD1, UD2 Undefined Operation These opcodes generate an invalid opcode exception. Unlike other undefined opcodes that may be defined as legal instructions in the future, these opcodes are guaranteed to stay undefined. On some AMD64 processor implementations, UD1 may report an invalid opcode exception regardless of whether fetching the modrm byte could trigger a paging or segmentation exception. Mnemonic Opcode Description UD0 0F FF Raise an invalid opcode exception UD1 0F B9 /r Raise an invalid opcode exception UD2 0F 0B Raise an invalid opcode exception. Related Instructions None rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions Exception Invalid opcode, #UD 342 Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d X X X Cause of Exception This instruction is not recognized. General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology WRFSBASE WRGSBASE Write FS.base Write GS.base Writes the base field of the FS or GS segment descriptor with the value contained in the register operand. When supported and enabled, these instructions can be executed at any processor privilege level. Instructions are only defined in 64-bit mode. The address written to the base field must be in canonical form or a #GP fault will occur. System software must set the FSGSBASE bit (bit 16) of CR4 to enable the WRFSBASE and WRGSBASE instructions. Support for this instruction is indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX_x0[FSGSBASE] = 1. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the instruction reference page for the CPUID instruction on page 158. For a description of all feature flags related to instruction subset support, see Appendix D, “Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags,” on page 531. Mnemonic Opcode Description WRFSBASE reg32 F3 0F AE /2 Copy the contents of the specified 32-bit generalpurpose register to the lower 32 bits of FS.base. WRFSBASE reg64 F3 0F AE /2 Copy the contents of the specified 64-bit generalpurpose register to FS.base. WRGSBASE reg32 F3 0F AE /3 Copy the contents of the specified 32-bit generalpurpose register to the lower 32 bits of GS.base. WRGSBASE reg64 F3 0F AE /3 Copy the contents of the specified 64-bit generalpurpose register to GS.base. Related Instructions RDFSBASE, RDGSBASE rFLAGS Affected None. Exceptions Exception CompatLegacy ibility 64-bit X Instruction is not valid in compatibility or legacy modes. X #UD #GP Cause of Exception X Instruction not supported as indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX_x0[FSGSBASE] = 0 or, if supported, not enabled in CR4. X Attempt to write non-canonical address to segment base address. General-Purpose Instruction Reference 343 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 XADD Exchange and Add Exchanges the contents of a register (second operand) with the contents of a register or memory location (first operand), computes the sum of the two values, and stores the result in the first operand location. The forms of the XADD instruction that write to memory support the LOCK prefix. For details about the LOCK prefix, see “Lock Prefix” on page 11. Mnemonic Opcode Description XADD reg/mem8, reg8 0F C0 /r Exchange the contents of an 8-bit register with the contents of an 8-bit destination register or memory operand and load their sum into the destination. XADD reg/mem16, reg16 0F C1 /r Exchange the contents of a 16-bit register with the contents of a 16-bit destination register or memory operand and load their sum into the destination. XADD reg/mem32, reg32 0F C1 /r Exchange the contents of a 32-bit register with the contents of a 32-bit destination register or memory operand and load their sum into the destination. XADD reg/mem64, reg64 0F C1 /r Exchange the contents of a 64-bit register with the contents of a 64-bit destination register or memory operand and load their sum into the destination. Related Instructions None rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF M 21 20 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 SF ZF AF PF CF M M M M M 7 6 4 2 0 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. 344 General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Exceptions Exception Stack, #SS General protection, #GP Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Cause of Exception X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X X X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was noncanonical. X The destination operand was in a non-writable segment. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. General-Purpose Instruction Reference 345 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 XCHG Exchange Exchanges the contents of the two operands. The operands can be two general-purpose registers or a register and a memory location. If either operand references memory, the processor locks automatically, whether or not the LOCK prefix is used and independently of the value of IOPL. For details about the LOCK prefix, see “Lock Prefix” on page 11. The x86 architecture commonly uses the XCHG EAX, EAX instruction (opcode 90h) as a one-byte NOP. In 64-bit mode, the processor treats opcode 90h as a true NOP only if it would exchange rAX with itself. Without this special handling, the instruction would zero-extend the upper 32 bits of RAX, and thus it would not be a true no-operation. Opcode 90h can still be used to exchange rAX and r8 if the appropriate REX prefix is used. This special handling does not apply to the two-byte ModRM form of the XCHG instruction. Mnemonic Opcode Description XCHG AX, reg16 90 +rw Exchange the contents of the AX register with the contents of a 16-bit register. XCHG reg16, AX 90 +rw Exchange the contents of a 16-bit register with the contents of the AX register. XCHG EAX, reg32 90 +rd Exchange the contents of the EAX register with the contents of a 32-bit register. XCHG reg32, EAX 90 +rd Exchange the contents of a 32-bit register with the contents of the EAX register. XCHG RAX, reg64 90 +rq Exchange the contents of the RAX register with the contents of a 64-bit register. XCHG reg64, RAX 90 +rq Exchange the contents of a 64-bit register with the contents of the RAX register. XCHG reg/mem8, reg8 86 /r Exchange the contents of an 8-bit register with the contents of an 8-bit register or memory operand. XCHG reg8, reg/mem8 86 /r Exchange the contents of an 8-bit register or memory operand with the contents of an 8-bit register. XCHG reg/mem16, reg16 87 /r Exchange the contents of a 16-bit register with the contents of a 16-bit register or memory operand. XCHG reg16, reg/mem16 87 /r Exchange the contents of a 16-bit register or memory operand with the contents of a 16-bit register. XCHG reg/mem32, reg32 87 /r Exchange the contents of a 32-bit register with the contents of a 32-bit register or memory operand. XCHG reg32, reg/mem32 87 /r Exchange the contents of a 32-bit register or memory operand with the contents of a 32-bit register. XCHG reg/mem64, reg64 87 /r Exchange the contents of a 64-bit register with the contents of a 64-bit register or memory operand. XCHG reg64, reg/mem64 87 /r Exchange the contents of a 64-bit register or memory operand with the contents of a 64-bit register. 346 General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Related Instructions BSWAP, XADD rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions Exception Stack, #SS Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Cause of Exception X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X X X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was noncanonical. X The source or destination operand was in a non-writable segment. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. General protection, #GP Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. General-Purpose Instruction Reference 347 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 XLAT XLATB Translate Table Index Uses the unsigned integer in the AL register as an offset into a table and copies the contents of the table entry at that location to the AL register. The instruction uses seg:[rBX] as the base address of the table. The value of seg defaults to the DS segment, but may be overridden by a segment prefix. This instruction writes AL without changing RAX[63:8]. This instruction ignores operand size. The single-operand form of the XLAT instruction uses the operand to document the segment and address size attribute, but it uses the base address specified by the rBX register. This instruction is often used to translate data from one format (such as ASCII) to another (such as EBCDIC). Mnemonic Opcode Description XLAT mem8 D7 Set AL to the contents of DS:[rBX + unsigned AL]. XLATB D7 Set AL to the contents of DS:[rBX + unsigned AL]. Related Instructions None rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions Exception Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Cause of Exception Stack, #SS X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. General protection, #GP X X X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was noncanonical. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Page fault, #PF 348 X General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology XOR Logical Exclusive OR Performs a bit-wise logical xor operation on both operands and stores the result in the first operand location. The first operand can be a register or memory location. The second operand can be an immediate value, a register, or a memory location. XOR-ing a register with itself clears the register. The forms of the XOR instruction that write to memory support the LOCK prefix. For details about the LOCK prefix, see “Lock Prefix” on page 11. The instruction performs the following operation for each bit: X Y X xor Y 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 Mnemonic Opcode Description XOR AL, imm8 34 ib xor the contents of AL with an immediate 8-bit operand and store the result in AL. XOR AX, imm16 35 iw xor the contents of AX with an immediate 16-bit operand and store the result in AX. XOR EAX, imm32 35 id xor the contents of EAX with an immediate 32-bit operand and store the result in EAX. XOR RAX, imm32 35 id xor the contents of RAX with a sign-extended immediate 32-bit operand and store the result in RAX. XOR reg/mem8, imm8 80 /6 ib xor the contents of an 8-bit destination register or memory operand with an 8-bit immediate value and store the result in the destination. XOR reg/mem16, imm16 81 /6 iw xor the contents of a 16-bit destination register or memory operand with a 16-bit immediate value and store the result in the destination. XOR reg/mem32, imm32 81 /6 id xor the contents of a 32-bit destination register or memory operand with a 32-bit immediate value and store the result in the destination. XOR reg/mem64, imm32 81 /6 id xor the contents of a 64-bit destination register or memory operand with a sign-extended 32-bit immediate value and store the result in the destination. XOR reg/mem16, imm8 83 /6 ib xor the contents of a 16-bit destination register or memory operand with a sign-extended 8-bit immediate value and store the result in the destination. General-Purpose Instruction Reference 349 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Mnemonic Opcode Description XOR reg/mem32, imm8 83 /6 ib xor the contents of a 32-bit destination register or memory operand with a sign-extended 8-bit immediate value and store the result in the destination. XOR reg/mem64, imm8 83 /6 ib xor the contents of a 64-bit destination register or memory operand with a sign-extended 8-bit immediate value and store the result in the destination. XOR reg/mem8, reg8 30 /r xor the contents of an 8-bit destination register or memory operand with the contents of an 8-bit register and store the result in the destination. XOR reg/mem16, reg16 31 /r xor the contents of a 16-bit destination register or memory operand with the contents of a 16-bit register and store the result in the destination. XOR reg/mem32, reg32 31 /r xor the contents of a 32-bit destination register or memory operand with the contents of a 32-bit register and store the result in the destination. XOR reg/mem64, reg64 31 /r xor the contents of a 64-bit destination register or memory operand with the contents of a 64-bit register and store the result in the destination. XOR reg8, reg/mem8 32 /r xor the contents of an 8-bit destination register with the contents of an 8-bit register or memory operand and store the results in the destination. XOR reg16, reg/mem16 33 /r xor the contents of a 16-bit destination register with the contents of a 16-bit register or memory operand and store the results in the destination. XOR reg32, reg/mem32 33 /r xor the contents of a 32-bit destination register with the contents of a 32-bit register or memory operand and store the results in the destination. XOR reg64, reg/mem64 33 /r xor the contents of a 64-bit destination register with the contents of a 64-bit register or memory operand and store the results in the destination. Related Instructions OR, AND, NOT, NEG rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF 0 21 20 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 SF ZF AF PF CF M M U M 0 7 6 4 2 0 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. 350 General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Exceptions Exception Stack, #SS General protection, #GP Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Cause of Exception X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X X X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was noncanonical. X The destination operand was in a non-writable segment. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. General-Purpose Instruction Reference 351 AMD64 Technology 352 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 General-Purpose Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 4 AMD64 Technology System Instruction Reference This chapter describes the function, mnemonic syntax, opcodes, affected flags, and possible exceptions generated by the system instructions. System instructions are used to establish the processor operating mode, access processor resources, handle program and system errors, manage memory, and instantiate a virtual machine. Most of these instructions can only be executed by privileged software, such as the operating system or a Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM), also known as a hypervisor. Only system instructions can access certain processor resources, such as the control registers, model-specific registers, and debug registers. Most system instructions are supported in all hardware implementations of the AMD64 architecture. The table below lists instructions that may not be supported on a given processor implementation. System software must execute the CPUID instruction using the function number listed to determine support prior to using these instructions. Table 4-1. System Instruction Support Indicated by CPUID Feature Bits Instruction CPUID Feature Bit Register[Bit] Long Mode and Long Mode instructions CPUID Fn8000_0001_EDX[LM] EDX[29] MONITOR, MWAIT CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[MONITOR] ECX[3] MONITORX, MWAITX CPUID CPUID 8000_0001_ECX[MONITORX] RDMSR, WRMSR CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[MSR] EDX[5] RDTSCP CPUID Fn8000_0001_EDX[RDTSCP] EDX[27] SKINIT, STGI CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[SKINIT] ECX[12] SVM Architecture and instructions CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[SVM] ECX[2] SYSCALL, SYSRET CPUID Fn8000_0001_EDX[SysCallSysRet] EDX[11] SYSENTER, SYSEXIT CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SysEnterSysExit] EDX[11] ECX [29] There are also several other CPUID feature bits that indicate support for certain paging functions, virtual-mode extensions, machine-check exceptions, advanced programmable interrupt control (APIC), memory-type range registers (MTRRs), etc. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the reference page for the CPUID instruction on page 158. For a comprehensive list of all instruction support feature flags, see Appendix D, “Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags,” on page 531. For a comprehensive list of all defined CPUID feature numbers and return values, see Appendix E, “Obtaining Processor Information Via the CPUID Instruction,” on page 601. For further information about the system instructions and register resources, see: • • “System-Management Instructions” in Volume 2. “Summary of Registers and Data Types” on page 38. System Instruction Reference 353 AMD64 Technology • • 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 “Notation” on page 52. “Instruction Prefixes” on page 5. 354 System Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology ARPL Adjust Requestor Privilege Level Compares the requestor privilege level (RPL) fields of two segment selectors in the source and destination operands of the instruction. If the RPL field of the destination operand is less than the RPL field of the segment selector in the source register, then the zero flag is set and the RPL field of the destination operand is increased to match that of the source operand. Otherwise, the destination operand remains unchanged and the zero flag is cleared. The destination operand can be either a 16-bit register or memory location; the source operand must be a 16-bit register. The ARPL instruction is intended for use by operating-system procedures to adjust the RPL of a segment selector that has been passed to the operating system by an application program to match the privilege level of the application program. The segment selector passed to the operating system is placed in the destination operand and the segment selector for the code segment of the application program is placed in the source operand. The RPL field in the source operand represents the privilege level of the application program. The ARPL instruction then insures that the RPL of the segment selector received by the operating system is no lower than the privilege level of the application program. See “Adjusting Access Rights” in Volume 2, for more information on access rights. In 64-bit mode, this opcode (63H) is used for the MOVSXD instruction. Mnemonic Opcode ARPL reg/mem16, reg16 Description Adjust the RPL of a destination segment selector to a level not less than the RPL of the segment selector specified in the 16-bit source register. (Invalid in 64-bit mode.) 63 /r Related Instructions LAR, LSL, VERR, VERW rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF SF ZF AF PF CF 4 2 0 M 21 20 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 7 6 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to one or cleared to zero is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. System Instruction Reference ARPL 355 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Exceptions Exception Invalid opcode, #UD Stack, #SS Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d X Cause of Exception This instruction is only recognized in protected legacy and compatibility mode. X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit. X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit. X The destination operand was in a non-writable segment. X A null segment selector was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. General protection, #GP 356 ARPL System Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology CLAC Clear Alignment Check Flag Sets the Alignment Check flag in the rFLAGS register to zero. Support for the CLAC instruction is indicated by CPUID Fn07_EBX[20] = 1. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the description of the CPUID instruction on page 158. Mnemonic Opcode Description CLAC 0F 01 CA Clear AC Flag Related Instructions STAC rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF SF ZF AF PF CF 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 7 6 4 2 0 0 21 20 19 18 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank.Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Virtual Real 8086 Protected X Invalid opcode, #UD Cause of Exception X X Instruction not supported by CPUID X X Instruction is not supported in virtual mode X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode. X CPL was not 0 X System Instruction Reference ARPL 357 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 CLGI Clear Global Interrupt Flag Clears the global interrupt flag (GIF). While GIF is zero, all external interrupts are disabled. This is a Secure Virtual Machine instruction. Support for the SVM architecture and the SVM instructions is indicated by CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[SVM] = 1. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the reference page for the CPUID instruction on page 158. This instruction generates a #UD exception if SVM is not enabled. See “Enabling SVM” in AMD64 Architecture Programmer’s Manual Volume-2: System Instructions, order# 24593. Mnemonic Opcode CLGI Description 0F 01 DD Clears the global interrupt flag (GIF). Related Instructions STGI rFLAGS Affected None. Exceptions Exception Virtual Real 8086 Protected X X Invalid opcode, #UD X General protection, #GP 358 Cause of Exception X The SVM instructions are not supported as indicated by CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[SVM] = 0. X Secure Virtual Machine was not enabled (EFER.SVME=0). X Instruction is only recognized in protected mode. X CPL was not zero. CLGI System Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology CLI Clear Interrupt Flag Clears the interrupt flag (IF) in the rFLAGS register to zero, thereby masking external interrupts received on the INTR input. Interrupts received on the non-maskable interrupt (NMI) input are not affected by this instruction. In real mode, this instruction clears IF to 0. In protected mode and virtual-8086-mode, this instruction is IOPL-sensitive. If the CPL is less than or equal to the rFLAGS.IOPL field, the instruction clears IF to 0. In protected mode, if IOPL < 3, CPL = 3, and protected mode virtual interrupts are enabled (CR4.PVI = 1), then the instruction instead clears rFLAGS.VIF to 0. If none of these conditions apply, the processor raises a general-purpose exception (#GP). For more information, see “Protected Mode Virtual Interrupts” in Volume 2. In virtual-8086 mode, if IOPL < 3 and the virtual-8086-mode extensions are enabled (CR4.VME = 1), the CLI instruction clears the virtual interrupt flag (rFLAGS.VIF) to 0 instead. See “Virtual-8086 Mode Extensions” in Volume 2 for more information about IOPL-sensitive instructions. Mnemonic CLI Opcode FA Description Clear the interrupt flag (IF) to zero. Action IF (CPL <= IOPL) RFLAGS.IF = 0 ELSEIF (((VIRTUAL_MODE) && (CR4.VME == 1)) || ((PROTECTED_MODE) && (CR4.PVI == 1) && (CPL == 3))) RFLAGS.VIF = 0; ELSE EXCEPTION[#GP(0)] Related Instructions STI System Instruction Reference CLI 359 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF M 21 20 19 IF TF SF ZF AF PF CF 8 7 6 4 2 0 M 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to one or cleared to zero is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d The CPL was greater than the IOPL and virtual mode extensions are not enabled (CR4.VME = 0). X General protection, #GP 360 Cause of Exception X The CPL was greater than the IOPL and either the CPL was not 3 or protected mode virtual interrupts were not enabled (CR4.PVI = 0). CLI System Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology CLTS Clear Task-Switched Flag in CR0 Clears the task-switched (TS) flag in the CR0 register to 0. The processor sets the TS flag on each task switch. The CLTS instruction is intended to facilitate the synchronization of FPU context saves during multitasking operations. This instruction can only be used if the current privilege level is 0. See “System-Control Registers” in Volume 2 for more information on FPU synchronization and the TS flag. Mnemonic CLTS Opcode Description 0F 06 Clear the task-switched (TS) flag in CR0 to 0. Related Instructions LMSW, MOV CRn rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions Exception General protection, #GP Virtual Real 8086 Protected X System Instruction Reference X Cause of Exception CPL was not 0. CLTS 361 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 HLT Halt Causes the microprocessor to halt instruction execution and enter the HALT state. Entering the HALT state puts the processor in low-power mode. Execution resumes when an unmasked hardware interrupt (INTR), non-maskable interrupt (NMI), system management interrupt (SMI), RESET, or INIT occurs. If an INTR, NMI, or SMI is used to resume execution after a HLT instruction, the saved instruction pointer points to the instruction following the HLT instruction. Before executing a HLT instruction, hardware interrupts should be enabled. If rFLAGS.IF = 0, the system will remain in a HALT state until an NMI, SMI, RESET, or INIT occurs. If an SMI brings the processor out of the HALT state, the SMI handler can decide whether to return to the HALT state or not. See Volume 2: System Programming, for information on SMIs. Current privilege level must be 0 to execute this instruction. Mnemonic Opcode HLT Description F4 Halt instruction execution. Related Instructions STI, CLI rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions Exception General protection, #GP 362 Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d X X Cause of Exception CPL was not 0. HLT System Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology INT 3 Interrupt to Debug Vector Calls the debug exception handler. This instruction maps to a 1-byte opcode (CC) that raises a #BP exception. The INT 3 instruction is normally used by debug software to set instruction breakpoints by replacing the first byte of the instruction opcode bytes with the INT 3 opcode. This one-byte INT 3 instruction behaves differently from the two-byte INT 3 instruction (opcode CD 03) (see “INT” in Chapter 3 “General Purpose Instructions” for further information) in two ways: The #BP exception is handled without any IOPL checking in virtual x86 mode. (IOPL mismatches will not trigger an exception.) • In VME mode, the #BP exception is not redirected via the interrupt redirection table. (Instead, it is handled by a protected mode handler.) Mnemonic INT 3 Opcode Description CC Trap to debugger at Interrupt 3. For complete descriptions of the steps performed by INT instructions, see the following: • • Legacy-Mode Interrupts: “Legacy Protected-Mode Interrupt Control Transfers” in Volume 2. Long-Mode Interrupts: “Long-Mode Interrupt Control Transfers” in Volume 2. Action // Refer to INT instruction’s Action section for the details on INT_N_REAL, // INT_N_PROTECTED, and INT_N_VIRTUAL_TO_PROTECTED. INT3_START: If (REAL_MODE) INT_N_REAL //N = 3 ELSEIF (PROTECTED_MODE) INT_N_PROTECTED //N = 3 ELSE // VIRTUAL_MODE INT_N_VIRTUAL_TO_PROTECTED //N = 3 Related Instructions INT, INTO, IRET System Instruction Reference INT 3 363 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 rFLAGS Affected If a task switch occurs, all flags are modified; otherwise, setting are as follows: ID 21 VIP 20 VIF 19 AC VM RF NT M 0 0 M 18 17 16 14 IOPL 13:12 OF 11 DF 10 IF TF M 0 9 8 SF ZF AF PF CF 7 6 4 2 0 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to one or cleared to zero is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Breakpoint, #BP Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d X X X INT 3 instruction was executed. X X As part of a stack switch, the target stack segment selector or rSP in the TSS that was beyond the TSS limit. X X As part of a stack switch, the target stack segment selector in the TSS was beyond the limit of the GDT or LDT descriptor table. X X As part of a stack switch, the target stack segment selector in the TSS was a null selector. X X As part of a stack switch, the target stack segment selector’s TI bit was set, but the LDT selector was a null selector. X X As part of a stack switch, the target stack segment selector in the TSS contained a RPL that was not equal to its DPL. X X As part of a stack switch, the target stack segment selector in the TSS contained a DPL that was not equal to the CPL of the code segment selector. X X As part of a stack switch, the target stack segment selector in the TSS was not a writable segment. X X The accessed code segment, interrupt gate, trap gate, task gate, or TSS was not present. X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X X After a stack switch, a memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical and a stack switch occurred. X X As part of a stack switch, the SS register was loaded with a non-null segment selector and the segment was marked not present. X X X A memory address exceeded the data segment limit or was non-canonical. X X X The target offset exceeded the code segment limit or was noncanonical. Invalid TSS, #TS (selector) Segment not present, #NP (selector) Stack, #SS X Stack, #SS (selector) General protection, #GP 364 Cause of Exception INT 3 System Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Exception Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d X General protection, #GP (selector) AMD64 Technology Cause of Exception X X The interrupt vector was beyond the limit of IDT. X X The descriptor in the IDT was not an interrupt, trap, or task gate in legacy mode or not a 64-bit interrupt or trap gate in long mode. X X The DPL of the interrupt, trap, or task gate descriptor was less than the CPL. X X The segment selector specified by the interrupt or trap gate had its TI bit set, but the LDT selector was a null selector. X X The segment descriptor specified by the interrupt or trap gate exceeded the descriptor table limit or was a null selector. X X The segment descriptor specified by the interrupt or trap gate was not a code segment in legacy mode, or not a 64-bit code segment in long mode. X The DPL of the segment specified by the interrupt or trap gate was greater than the CPL. The DPL of the segment specified by the interrupt or trap gate pointed was not 0 or it was a conforming segment. X Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. System Instruction Reference INT 3 365 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 INVD Invalidate Caches Invalidates all levels of cache associated with this processor. This may or may not include lower level caches associated with another processor that shares any level of this processor's cache hierarchy. No data is written back to main memory from invalidating the caches. CPUID Fn8000_001D_EDX[WBINVD]_xN indicates the behavior of the processor at various levels of the cache hierarchy. If the feature bit is 0, the instruction causes the invalidation of all lower level caches of other processors sharing the designated level of cache. If the feature bit is 1, the instruction does not necessarily cause the invalidation of all lower level caches of other processors sharing the designated level of cache. See Appendix E, “Obtaining Processor Information Via the CPUID Instruction,” on page 601 for more information on using the CPUID function. This is a privileged instruction. The current privilege level (CPL) of a procedure invalidating the processor’s internal caches must be 0. To insure that data is written back to memory prior to invalidating caches, use the WBINVD instruction. This instruction does not invalidate TLB caches. INVD is a serializing instruction. Mnemonic Opcode INVD Description Invalidate internal caches and trigger external cache invalidations. 0F 08 Related Instructions WBINVD, CLFLUSH rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions Exception General protection, #GP 366 Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d X X Cause of Exception CPL was not 0. INVD System Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology INVLPG Invalidate TLB Entry Invalidates the TLB entry that would be used for the 1-byte memory operand. This instruction invalidates the TLB entry, regardless of the G (Global) bit setting in the associated PDE or PTE entry and regardless of the page size (4 Kbytes, 2 Mbytes, 4 Mbytes, or 1 Gbyte). It may invalidate any number of additional TLB entries, in addition to the targeted entry. INVLPG is a serializing instruction and a privileged instruction. The current privilege level must be 0 to execute this instruction. See “Page Translation and Protection” in Volume 2 for more information on page translation. Mnemonic INVLPG mem8 Opcode Description Invalidate the TLB entry for the page containing a specified memory location. 0F 01 /7 Related Instructions INVLPGA, MOV CRn (CR3 and CR4) rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions Exception General protection, #GP Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d X System Instruction Reference X Cause of Exception CPL was not 0. INVLPG 367 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 INVLPGA Invalidate TLB Entry in a Specified ASID Invalidates the TLB mapping for a given virtual page and a given ASID. The virtual (linear) address is specified in the implicit register operand rAX. The portion of RAX used to form the address is determined by the effective address size (current execution mode and optional address size prefix). The ASID is taken from ECX. The INVLPGA instruction may invalidate any number of additional TLB entries, in addition to the targeted entry. The INVLPGA instruction is a serializing instruction and a privileged instruction. The current privilege level must be 0 to execute this instruction. This is a Secure Virtual Machine (SVM) instruction. Support for the SVM architecture and the SVM instructions is indicated by CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[SVM] = 1. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the reference page for the CPUID instruction on page 158. This instruction generates a #UD exception if SVM is not enabled. See “Enabling SVM” in AMD64 Architecture Programmer’s Manual Volume-2: System Instructions, order# 24593. Mnemonic Opcode INVLPGA rAX, ECX Description Invalidates the TLB mapping for the virtual page specified in rAX and the ASID specified in ECX. 0F 01 DF Related Instructions INVLPG. rFLAGS Affected None. Exceptions Exception Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d X X Invalid opcode, #UD X General protection, #GP 368 Cause of Exception X The SVM instructions are not supported as indicated by CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[SVM] = 0. X Secure Virtual Machine was not enabled (EFER.SVME=0). X Instruction is only recognized in protected mode. X CPL was not zero. INVLPGA System Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology IRET IRETD IRETQ Return from Interrupt Returns program control from an exception or interrupt handler to a program or procedure previously interrupted by an exception, an external interrupt, or a software-generated interrupt. These instructions also perform a return from a nested task. All flags, CS, and rIP are restored to the values they had before the interrupt so that execution may continue at the next instruction following the interrupt or exception. In 64-bit mode or if the CPL changes, SS and RSP are also restored. IRET, IRETD, and IRETQ are synonyms mapping to the same opcode. They are intended to provide semantically distinct forms for various opcode sizes. The IRET instruction is used for 16-bit operand size; IRETD is used for 32-bit operand sizes; IRETQ is used for 64-bit operands. The latter form is only meaningful in 64-bit mode. IRET, IRETD, or IRETQ must be used to terminate the exception or interrupt handler associated with the exception, external interrupt, or software-generated interrupt. IRETx is a serializing instruction. For detailed descriptions of the steps performed by IRETx instructions, see the following: • • Legacy-Mode Interrupts: “Legacy Protected-Mode Interrupt Control Transfers” in Volume 2. Long-Mode Interrupts: “Long-Mode Interrupt Control Transfers” in Volume 2. Mnemonic Opcode Description IRET CF Return from interrupt (16-bit operand size). IRETD CF Return from interrupt (32-bit operand size). IRETQ CF Return from interrupt (64-bit operand size). Action IRET_START: IF (REAL_MODE) IRET_REAL ELSIF (PROTECTED_MODE) IRET_PROTECTED ELSE // (VIRTUAL_MODE) IRET_VIRTUAL IRET_REAL: POP.v temp_RIP POP.v temp_CS POP.v temp_RFLAGS System Instruction Reference IRETx 369 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 IF (temp_RIP > CS.limit) EXCEPTION [#GP(0)] CS.sel = temp_CS CS.base = temp_CS SHL 4 RFLAGS.v = temp_RFLAGS // VIF,VIP,VM unchanged RIP = temp_RIP EXIT IRET_PROTECTED: IF (RFLAGS.NT==1) IF (LEGACY_MODE) TASK_SWITCH ELSE EXCEPTION [#GP(0)] // iret does a task-switch to a previous task // using the ’back link’ field in the tss // (LONG_MODE) // task switches aren’t supported in long mode POP.v temp_RIP POP.v temp_CS POP.v temp_RFLAGS IF ((temp_RFLAGS.VM==1) && (CPL==0) && (LEGACY_MODE)) IRET_FROM_PROTECTED_TO_VIRTUAL temp_CPL = temp_CS.rpl IF ((64BIT_MODE) || (temp_CPL!=CPL)) { POP.v temp_RSP // in 64-bit mode, iret always pops ss:rsp POP.v temp_SS } CS = READ_DESCRIPTOR (temp_CS, iret_chk) IF ((64BIT_MODE) && (temp_RIP is non-canonical) || (!64BIT_MODE) && (temp_RIP > CS.limit)) { EXCEPTION [#GP(0)] } CPL = temp_CPL IF ((started in 64-bit mode) || (changing CPL)) // ss:rsp were popped, so load them into the registers { SS = READ_DESCRIPTOR (temp_SS, ss_chk) RSP.s = temp_RSP } 370 IRETx System Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology IF (changing CPL) { FOR (seg = ES, DS, FS, GS) IF ((seg.attr.dpl < CPL) && ((seg.attr.type == ’data’) || (seg.attr.type == ’non-conforming-code’))) { seg = NULL // can’t use lower dpl data segment at higher cpl } } RFLAGS.v = temp_RFLAGS // VIF,VIP,IOPL only changed if (old_CPL==0) // IF only changed if (old_CPL<=old_RFLAGS.IOPL) // VM unchanged // RF cleared RIP = temp_RIP EXIT IRET_VIRTUAL: IF ((RFLAGS.IOPL<3) && (CR4.VME==0)) EXCEPTION [#GP(0)] POP.v temp_RIP POP.v temp_CS POP.v temp_RFLAGS IF (temp_RIP > CS.limit) EXCEPTION [#GP(0)] IF (RFLAGS.IOPL==3) { RFLAGS.v = temp_RFLAGS // VIF,VIP,VM,IOPL unchanged // RF cleared CS.sel = temp_CS CS.base = temp_CS SHL 4 RIP = temp_RIP EXIT } // now ((IOPL<3) && (CR4.VME==1) ELSIF ((OPERAND_SIZE==16) && !((temp_RFLAGS.IF==1) && (temp_RFLAGS.TF==0)) { RFLAGS.w = temp_RFLAGS // // // CS.sel = temp_CS CS.base = temp_CS SHL 4 System Instruction Reference && (RFLAGS.VIP==1)) RFLAGS.VIF=temp_RFLAGS.IF IF,IOPL unchanged RF cleared IRETx 371 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 RIP = temp_RIP EXIT } ELSE // ((RFLAGS.IOPL<3) && (CR4.VME==1) && ((OPERAND_SIZE==32) || // ((temp_RFLAGS.IF==1) && (RFLAGS.VIP==1)) || (temp_RFLAGS.TF==1))) EXCEPTION [#GP(0)] IRET_FROM_PROTECTED_TO_VIRTUAL: // temp_RIP already popped // temp_CS already popped // temp_RFLAGS already popped, temp_RFLAGS.VM=1 POP.d POP.d POP.d POP.d POP.d POP.d 372 temp_RSP temp_SS temp_ES temp_DS temp_FS temp_GS CS.sel = CS.base = CS.limit= CS.attr = temp_CS // force the segments to have virtual-mode values temp_CS SHL 4 0x0000FFFF 16-bit dpl3 code SS.sel = SS.base = SS.limit= SS.attr = temp_SS temp_SS SHL 4 0x0000FFFF 16-bit dpl3 stack DS.sel = DS.base = DS.limit= DS.attr = temp_DS temp_DS SHL 4 0x0000FFFF 16-bit dpl3 data ES.sel = ES.base = ES.limit= ES.attr = temp_ES temp_ES SHL 4 0x0000FFFF 16-bit dpl3 data FS.sel = FS.base = FS.limit= FS.attr = temp_FS temp_FS SHL 4 0x0000FFFF 16-bit dpl3 data GS.sel = GS.base = GS.limit= GS.attr = temp_GS temp_GS SHL 4 0x0000FFFF 16-bit dpl3 data IRETx System Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology RSP.d = temp_RSP RFLAGS.d = temp_RFLAGS CPL = 3 RIP = temp_RIP AND 0x0000FFFF EXIT Related Instructions INT, INTO, INT3 rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF SF ZF AF PF CF M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M 21 20 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 7 6 4 2 0 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to one or cleared to zero is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Segment not present, #NP (selector) Stack, #SS X X Stack, #SS (selector) X General protection, #GP X X The return code segment was marked not present. X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X The SS register was loaded with a non-null segment selector and the segment was marked not present. X The target offset exceeded the code segment limit or was noncanonical. IOPL was less than 3 and one of the following conditions was true: • CR4.VME was 0. • The effective operand size was 32-bit. • Both the original EFLAGS.VIP and the new EFLAGS.IF were set. • The new EFLAGS.TF was set. X X System Instruction Reference Cause of Exception IRETx was executed in long mode while EFLAGS.NT=1. IRETx 373 AMD64 Technology Exception 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d General protection, #GP (selector) Cause of Exception X The return code selector was a null selector. X The return stack selector was a null selector and the return mode was non-64-bit mode or CPL was 3. X The return code or stack descriptor exceeded the descriptor table limit. X The return code or stack selector’s TI bit was set but the LDT selector was a null selector. X The segment descriptor for the return code was not a code segment. X The RPL of the return code segment selector was less than the CPL. X The return code segment was non-conforming and the segment selector’s DPL was not equal to the RPL of the code segment’s segment selector. X The return code segment was conforming and the segment selector’s DPL was greater than the RPL of the code segment’s segment selector. X The segment descriptor for the return stack was not a writable data segment. X The stack segment descriptor DPL was not equal to the RPL of the return code segment selector. X The stack segment selector RPL was not equal to the RPL of the return code segment selector. Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. 374 IRETx System Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology LAR Load Access Rights Byte Loads the access rights from the segment descriptor specified by a 16-bit source register or memory operand into a specified 16-bit, 32-bit, or 64-bit general-purpose register and sets the zero (ZF) flag in the rFLAGS register if successful. LAR clears the zero flag if the descriptor is invalid for any reason. The LAR instruction checks that: • • • • the segment selector is not a null selector. the descriptor is within the GDT or LDT limit. the descriptor DPL is greater than or equal to both the CPL and RPL, or the segment is a conforming code segment. the descriptor type is valid for the LAR instruction. Valid descriptor types are shown in the following table. LDT and TSS descriptors in 64-bit mode, and call-gate descriptors in long mode, are only valid if bits 12:8 of doubleword +12 are zero. See Volume 2, Section 6.4 for more information on checking access rights using LAR. Valid Descriptor Type Description Legacy Mode Long Mode All All All code and data descriptors 1 — Available 16-bit TSS 2 2 LDT 3 — Busy 16-bit TSS 4 — 16-bit call gate 5 — Task gate 9 9 Available 32-bit or 64-bit TSS B B Busy 32-bit or 64-bit TSS C C 32-bit or 64-bit call gate If the segment descriptor passes these checks, the attributes are loaded into the destination generalpurpose register. If it does not, then the zero flag is cleared and the destination register is not modified. When the operand size is 16 bits, access rights include the DPL and Type fields located in bytes 4 and 5 of the descriptor table entry. Before loading the access rights into the destination operand, the low order word is masked with FF00H. When the operand size is 32 or 64 bits, access rights include the DPL and type as well as the descriptor type (S field), segment present (P flag), available to system (AVL flag), default operation size (D/B System Instruction Reference LAR 375 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 flag), and granularity flags located in bytes 4–7 of the descriptor. Before being loaded into the destination operand, the doubleword is masked with 00FF_FF00H. In 64-bit mode, for both 32-bit and 64-bit operand sizes, 32-bit register results are zero-extended to 64 bits. This instruction can only be executed in protected mode. Mnemonic Opcode Description LAR reg16, reg/mem16 0F 02 /r Reads the GDT/LDT descriptor referenced by the 16-bit source operand, masks the attributes with FF00h and saves the result in the 16-bit destination register. LAR reg32, reg/mem16 0F 02 /r Reads the GDT/LDT descriptor referenced by the 16-bit source operand, masks the attributes with 00FFFF00h and saves the result in the 32-bit destination register. LAR reg64, reg/mem16 0F 02 /r Reads the GDT/LDT descriptor referenced by the 16-bit source operand, masks the attributes with 00FFFF00h and saves the result in the 64-bit destination register. Related Instructions ARPL, LSL, VERR, VERW rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF SF ZF AF PF CF 4 2 0 M 21 20 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 7 6 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to one or zero is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Invalid opcode, #UD Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d X X Cause of Exception This instruction is only recognized in protected mode. Stack, #SS X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. General protection, #GP X A memory address exceeded the data segment limit or was non-canonical. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. 376 LAR System Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology LGDT Load Global Descriptor Table Register Loads the pseudo-descriptor specified by the source operand into the global descriptor table register (GDTR). The pseudo-descriptor is a memory location containing the GDTR base and limit. In legacy and compatibility mode, the pseudo-descriptor is 6 bytes; in 64-bit mode, it is 10 bytes. If the operand size is 16 bits, the high-order byte of the 6-byte pseudo-descriptor is not used. The lower two bytes specify the 16-bit limit and the third, fourth, and fifth bytes specify the 24-bit base address. The high-order byte of the GDTR is filled with zeros. If the operand size is 32 bits, the lower two bytes specify the 16-bit limit and the upper four bytes specify a 32-bit base address. In 64-bit mode, the lower two bytes specify the 16-bit limit and the upper eight bytes specify a 64-bit base address. In 64-bit mode, operand-size prefixes are ignored and the operand size is forced to 64bits; therefore, the pseudo-descriptor is always 10 bytes. This instruction is only used in operating system software and must be executed at CPL 0. It is typically executed once in real mode to initialize the processor before switching to protected mode. LGDT is a serializing instruction. Mnemonic Opcode Description LGDT mem16:32 0F 01 /2 Loads mem16:32 into the global descriptor table register. LGDT mem16:64 0F 01 /2 Loads mem16:64 into the global descriptor table register. Related Instructions LIDT, LLDT, LTR, SGDT, SIDT, SLDT, STR rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions Exception Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Invalid opcode, #UD X Stack, #SS X X System Instruction Reference Cause of Exception X The operand was a register. X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. LGDT 377 AMD64 Technology Exception 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d X General protection, #GP Page fault, #PF 378 X Cause of Exception X A memory address exceeded the data segment limit or was non-canonical. X CPL was not 0. X The new GDT base address was non-canonical. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. LGDT System Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 LIDT AMD64 Technology Load Interrupt Descriptor Table Register Loads the pseudo-descriptor specified by the source operand into the interrupt descriptor table register (IDTR). The pseudo-descriptor is a memory location containing the IDTR base and limit. In legacy and compatibility mode, the pseudo-descriptor is six bytes; in 64-bit mode, it is 10 bytes. If the operand size is 16 bits, the high-order byte of the 6-byte pseudo-descriptor is not used. The lower two bytes specify the 16-bit limit and the third, fourth, and fifth bytes specify the 24-bit base address. The high-order byte of the IDTR is filled with zeros. If the operand size is 32 bits, the lower two bytes specify the 16-bit limit and the upper four bytes specify a 32-bit base address. In 64-bit mode, the lower two bytes specify the 16-bit limit, and the upper eight bytes specify a 64-bit base address. In 64-bit mode, operand-size prefixes are ignored and the operand size is forced to 64bits; therefore, the pseudo-descriptor is always 10 bytes. This instruction is only used in operating system software and must be executed at CPL 0. It is normally executed once in real mode to initialize the processor before switching to protected mode. LIDT is a serializing instruction. Mnemonic Opcode Description LIDT mem16:32 0F 01 /3 Loads mem16:32 into the interrupt descriptor table register. LIDT mem16:64 0F 01 /3 Loads mem16:64 into the interrupt descriptor table register. Related Instructions LGDT, LLDT, LTR, SGDT, SIDT, SLDT, STR rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions Exception Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Invalid opcode, #UD X Stack, #SS X X System Instruction Reference Cause of Exception X The operand was a register. X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. LIDT 379 AMD64 Technology Exception 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d X General protection, #GP Page fault, #PF 380 X Cause of Exception X A memory address exceeded the data segment limit or was non-canonical. X CPL was not 0. X The new IDT base address was non-canonical. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. LIDT System Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology LLDT Load Local Descriptor Table Register Loads the specified segment selector into the visible portion of the local descriptor table (LDT). The processor uses the selector to locate the descriptor for the LDT in the global descriptor table. It then loads this descriptor into the hidden portion of the LDTR. If the source operand is a null selector, the LDTR is marked invalid and all references to descriptors in the LDT will generate a general protection exception (#GP), except for the LAR, VERR, VERW or LSL instructions. In legacy and compatibility modes, the LDT descriptor is 8 bytes long and contains a 32-bit base address. In 64-bit mode, the LDT descriptor is 16-bytes long and contains a 64-bit base address. The LDT descriptor type (02h) is redefined in 64-bit mode for use as the 16-byte LDT descriptor. This instruction must be executed in protected mode. It is only provided for use by operating system software at CPL 0. LLDT is a serializing instruction. Mnemonic LLDT reg/mem16 Opcode Description Load the 16-bit segment selector into the local descriptor table register and load the LDT descriptor from the GDT. 0F 00 /2 Related Instructions LGDT, LIDT, LTR, SGDT, SIDT, SLDT, STR rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions Exception Invalid opcode, #UD Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d X X Cause of Exception This instruction is only recognized in protected mode. Segment not present, #NP (selector) X The LDT descriptor was marked not present. Stack, #SS X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was non-canonical. X CPL was not 0. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. General protection, #GP System Instruction Reference LLDT 381 AMD64 Technology Exception General protection, #GP (selector) Page fault, #PF 382 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Cause of Exception X The source selector did not point into the GDT. X The descriptor was beyond the GDT limit. X The descriptor was not an LDT descriptor. X The descriptor's extended attribute bits were not zero in 64bit mode. X The new LDT base address was non-canonical. X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. LLDT System Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology LMSW Load Machine Status Word Loads the lower four bits of the 16-bit register or memory operand into bits 3:0 of the machine status word in register CR0. Only the protection enabled (PE), monitor coprocessor (MP), emulation (EM), and task switched (TS) bits of CR0 are modified. Additionally, LMSW can set CR0.PE, but cannot clear it. The LMSW instruction can be used only when the current privilege level is 0. It is only provided for compatibility with early processors. Use the MOV CR0 instruction to load all 32 or 64 bits of CR0. Mnemonic LMSW reg/mem16 Opcode Description Load the lower 4 bits of the source into the lower 4 bits of CR0. 0F 01 /6 Related Instructions MOV CRn, SMSW rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions Exception Stack, #SS General protection, #GP Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Cause of Exception X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was noncanonical. X CPL was not 0. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. X Page fault, #PF System Instruction Reference LMSW 383 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 LSL Load Segment Limit Loads the segment limit from the segment descriptor specified by a 16-bit source register or memory operand into a specified 16-bit, 32-bit, or 64-bit general-purpose register and sets the zero (ZF) flag in the rFLAGS register if successful. LSL clears the zero flag if the descriptor is invalid for any reason. In 64-bit mode, for both 32-bit and 64-bit operand sizes, 32-bit register results are zero-extended to 64 bits. The LSL instruction checks that: • • the segment selector is not a null selector. the descriptor is within the GDT or LDT limit. • the descriptor DPL is greater than or equal to both the CPL and RPL, or the segment is a conforming code segment. the descriptor type is valid for the LAR instruction. Valid descriptor types are shown in the following table. LDT and TSS descriptors in 64-bit mode are only valid if bits 12:8 of doubleword +12 are zero, as described in “System Descriptors” in Volume 2. • Valid Descriptor Type Description Legacy Mode Long Mode — — All code and data descriptors 1 — Available 16-bit TSS 2 2 LDT 3 — Busy 16-bit TSS 9 9 Available 32-bit or 64-bit TSS B B Busy 32-bit or 64-bit TSS If the segment selector passes these checks and the segment limit is loaded into the destination general-purpose register, the instruction sets the zero flag of the rFLAGS register to 1. If the selector does not pass the checks, then LSL clears the zero flag to 0 and does not modify the destination. The instruction calculates the segment limit to 32 bits, taking the 20-bit limit and the granularity bit into account. When the operand size is 16 bits, it truncates the upper 16 bits of the 32-bit adjusted segment limit and loads the lower 16-bits into the target register. Mnemonic LSL reg16, reg/mem16 384 Opcode 0F 03 /r Description Loads a 16-bit general-purpose register with the segment limit for a selector specified in a 16-bit memory or register operand. LSL System Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology LSL reg32, reg/mem16 0F 03 /r Loads a 32-bit general-purpose register with the segment limit for a selector specified in a 16-bit memory or register operand. LSL reg64, reg/mem16 0F 03 /r Loads a 64-bit general-purpose register with the segment limit for a selector specified in a 16-bit memory or register operand. Related Instructions ARPL, LAR, VERR, VERW rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF SF ZF AF PF CF 4 2 0 M 21 20 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 7 6 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Invalid opcode, #UD Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d X X Cause of Exception This instruction is only recognized in protected mode. Stack, #SS X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. General protection, #GP X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was noncanonical. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. System Instruction Reference LSL 385 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 LTR Load Task Register Loads the specified segment selector into the visible portion of the task register (TR). The processor uses the selector to locate the descriptor for the TSS in the global descriptor table. It then loads this descriptor into the hidden portion of TR. The TSS descriptor in the GDT is marked busy, but no task switch is made. If the source operand is null, a general protection exception (#GP) is generated. In legacy and compatibility modes, the TSS descriptor is 8 bytes long and contains a 32-bit base address. In 64-bit mode, the instruction references a 64-bit descriptor to load a 64-bit base address. The TSS type (09H) is redefined in 64-bit mode for use as the 16-byte TSS descriptor. This instruction must be executed in protected mode when the current privilege level is 0. It is only provided for use by operating system software. The operand size attribute has no effect on this instruction. LTR is a serializing instruction. Mnemonic LTR reg/mem16 Opcode Description Load the 16-bit segment selector into the task register and load the TSS descriptor from the GDT. 0F 00 /3 Related Instructions LGDT, LIDT, LLDT, STR, SGDT, SIDT, SLDT rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions Exception Invalid opcode, #UD Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d X X Cause of Exception This instruction is only recognized in protected mode. Segment not present, #NP (selector) X The TSS descriptor was marked not present. Stack, #SS X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. 386 LTR System Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Exception AMD64 Technology Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d General protection, #GP General protection, #GP (selector) Page fault, #PF System Instruction Reference Cause of Exception X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was non-canonical. X CPL was not 0. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. X The new TSS selector was a null selector. X The source selector did not point into the GDT. X The descriptor was beyond the GDT limit. X The descriptor was not an available TSS descriptor. X The descriptor's extended attribute bits were not zero in 64bit mode. X The new TSS base address was non-canonical. X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. LTR 387 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 MONITOR Setup Monitor Address Establishes a linear address range of memory for hardware to monitor and puts the processor in the monitor event pending state. When in the monitor event pending state, the monitoring hardware detects stores to the specified linear address range and causes the processor to exit the monitor event pending state. The MWAIT instruction uses the state of the monitor hardware. The address range should be a write-back memory type. Executing MONITOR on an address range for a non-write-back memory type is not guaranteed to cause the processor to enter the monitor event pending state. The size of the linear address range that is established by the MONITOR instruction can be determined by CPUID function 0000_0005h. The [rAX] register provides the effective address. The DS segment is the default segment used to create the linear address. Segment overrides may be used with the MONITOR instruction. The ECX register specifies optional extensions for the MONITOR instruction. There are currently no extensions defined and setting any bits in ECX will result in a #GP exception. The ECX register operand is implicitly 32-bits. The EDX register specifies optional hints for the MONITOR instruction. There are currently no hints defined and EDX is ignored by the processor. The EDX register operand is implicitly 32-bits. The MONITOR instruction can be executed at CPL 0 and is allowed at CPL > 0 only if MSR C001_0015h[MonMwaitUserEn] = 1. When MSR C001_0015h[MonMwaitUserEn] = 0, MONITOR generates #UD at CPL > 0. (See the BIOS and Kernel Developer’s Guide applicable to your product for specific details on MSR C001_0015h.) MONITOR performs the same segmentation and paging checks as a 1-byte read. Support for the MONITOR instruction is indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[MONITOR] = 1. Software must check the CPUID bit once per program or library initialization before using the MONITOR instruction, or inconsistent behavior may result. Software designed to run at CPL greater than 0 must also check for availability by testing whether executing MONITOR causes a #UD exception. The following pseudo-code shows typical usage of a MONITOR/MWAIT pair: EAX = Linear_Address_to_Monitor; ECX = 0; // Extensions EDX = 0; // Hints while (!matching_store_done){ MONITOR EAX, ECX, EDX IF (!matching_store_done) { MWAIT EAX, ECX } } 388 MONITOR System Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Mnemonic AMD64 Technology Opcode MONITOR Description Establishes a linear address range to be monitored by hardware and activates the monitor hardware. 0F 01 C8 Related Instructions MWAIT, MONITORX, MWAITX rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions Exception Real Virtual 8086 Protected X X The MONITOR/MWAIT instructions are not supported, as indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[MONITOR] = 0. X X CPL was not zero and MSR C001_0015[MonMwaitUserEn] = 0. X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X X X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was non-canonical. X X X ECX was non-zero. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. X Invalid opcode, #UD Stack, #SS General protection, #GP Cause of Exception Page Fault, #PF System Instruction Reference X MONITOR 389 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 MOV CRn Move to/from Control Registers Moves the contents of a 32-bit or 64-bit general-purpose register to a control register or vice versa. In 64-bit mode, the operand size is fixed at 64 bits without the need for a REX prefix. In non-64-bit mode, the operand size is fixed at 32 bits and the upper 32 bits of the destination are forced to 0. CR0 maintains the state of various control bits. CR2 and CR3 are used for page translation. CR4 holds various feature enable bits. CR8 is used to prioritize external interrupts. CR1, CR5, CR6, CR7, and CR9 through CR15 are all reserved and raise an undefined opcode exception (#UD) if referenced. CR8 can be read and written in 64-bit mode, using a REX prefix. CR8 can be read and written in all modes using a LOCK prefix instead of a REX prefix to specify the additional opcode bit. To verify whether the LOCK prefix can be used in this way, check for support of this feature. CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[AltMovCr8] = 1, indicates that this feature is supported. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the description of the CPUID instruction on page 158. CR8 can also be read and modified using the task priority register described in “System-Control Registers” in Volume 2. This instruction is always treated as a register-to-register (MOD = 11) instruction, regardless of the encoding of the MOD field in the MODR/M byte. MOV CRn is a privileged instruction and must always be executed at CPL = 0. MOV CRn is a serializing instruction. Mnemonic Opcode Description MOV CRn, reg32 0F 22 /r Move the contents of a 32-bit register to CRn MOV CRn, reg64 0F 22 /r Move the contents of a 64-bit register to CRn MOV reg32, CRn 0F 20 /r Move the contents of CRn to a 32-bit register. MOV reg64, CRn 0F 20 /r Move the contents of CRn to a 64-bit register. MOV CR8, reg32 F0 0F 22/r Move the contents of a 32-bit register to CR8. MOV CR8, reg64 F0 0F 22/r Move the contents of a 64-bit register to CR8. MOV reg32, CR8 F0 0F 20/r Move the contents of CR8 into a 32-bit register. MOV reg64, CR8 F0 0F 20/r Move the contents of CR8 into a 64-bit register. Related Instructions CLTS, LMSW, SMSW 390 MOV CRn System Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions Exception Invalid Instruction, #UD General protection, #GP Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Cause of Exception X X X An illegal control register was referenced (CR1, CR5–CR7, CR9–CR15). X X X The use of the LOCK prefix to read CR8 is not supported, as indicated by CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[AltMovCr8] = 0. X X CPL was not 0. X X An attempt was made to set CR0.PG = 1 and CR0.PE = 0. X X An attempt was made to set CR0.CD = 0 and CR0.NW = 1. X X Reserved bits were set in the page-directory pointers table (used in the legacy extended physical addressing mode) and the instruction modified CR0, CR3, or CR4. X X An attempt was made to write 1 to any reserved bit in CR0, CR3, CR4 or CR8. X X An attempt was made to set CR0.PG while long mode was enabled (EFER.LME = 1), but paging address extensions were disabled (CR4.PAE = 0). X An attempt was made to clear CR4.PAE while long mode was active (EFER.LMA = 1). System Instruction Reference MOV CRn 391 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 MOV DRn Move to/from Debug Registers Moves the contents of a debug register into a 32-bit or 64-bit general-purpose register or vice versa. In 64-bit mode, the operand size is fixed at 64 bits without the need for a REX prefix. In non-64-bit mode, the operand size is fixed at 32-bits and the upper 32 bits of the destination are forced to 0. DR0 through DR3 are linear breakpoint address registers. DR6 is the debug status register and DR7 is the debug control register. DR4 and DR5 are aliased to DR6 and DR7 if CR4.DE = 0, and are reserved if CR4.DE = 1. DR8 through DR15 are reserved and generate an undefined opcode exception if referenced. These instructions are privileged and must be executed at CPL 0. The MOV DRn,reg32 and MOV DRn,reg64 instructions are serializing instructions. The MOV(DR) instruction is always treated as a register-to-register (MOD = 11) instruction, regardless of the encoding of the MOD field in the MODR/M byte. See “Debug and Performance Resources” in Volume 2 for details. Mnemonic Opcode Description MOV reg32, DRn 0F 21 /r Move the contents of DRn to a 32-bit register. MOV reg64, DRn 0F 21 /r Move the contents of DRn to a 64-bit register. MOV DRn, reg32 0F 23 /r Move the contents of a 32-bit register to DRn. MOV DRn, reg64 0F 23 /r Move the contents of a 64-bit register to DRn. Related Instructions None rFLAGS Affected None 392 MOV DRn System Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Exceptions Exception Debug, #DB Invalid opcode, #UD General protection, #GP Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Cause of Exception X X A debug register was referenced while the general detect (GD) bit in DR7 was set. X X DR4 or DR5 was referenced while the debug extensions (DE) bit in CR4 was set. X An illegal debug register (DR8–DR15) was referenced. X CPL was not 0. X A 1 was written to any of the upper 32 bits of DR6 or DR7 in 64-bit mode. X System Instruction Reference MOV DRn 393 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 MWAIT Monitor Wait Used in conjunction with the MONITOR instruction to cause a processor to wait until a store occurs to a specific linear address range from another processor. The previously executed MONITOR instruction causes the processor to enter the monitor event pending state. The MWAIT instruction may enter an implementation dependent power state until the monitor event pending state is exited. The MWAIT instruction has the same effect on architectural state as the NOP instruction. Events that cause an exit from the monitor event pending state include: • • A store from another processor matches the address range established by the MONITOR instruction. Any unmasked interrupt, including INTR, NMI, SMI, INIT. • • RESET. Any far control transfer that occurs between the MONITOR and the MWAIT. EAX specifies optional hints for the MWAIT instruction. Optimized C-state request is communicated through EAX[7:4]. The processor C-state is EAX[7:4]+1, so to request C0 is to place the value F in EAX[7:4] and to request C1 is to place the value 0 in EAX[7:4]. All other components of EAX should be zero when making the C1 request. Setting a reserved bit in EAX is ignored by the processor. ECX specifies optional extensions for the MWAIT instruction. The only extension currently defined is ECX bit 0, which allows interrupts to wake MWAIT, even when eFLAGS.IF = 0. Support for this extension is indicated by a feature flage returned by the CPUID instruction. Setting any unsupported bit in ECX results in a #GP exception. CPUID Function 0000_0005h indicates support for extended features of MONITOR/MWAIT: • • CPUID Fn0000_0005_ECX[EMX] = 1 indicates support for enumeration of MONITOR/MWAIT extensions. CPUID Fn0000_0005_ECX[IBE] = 1 indicates that MWAIT can set ECX[0] to allow interrupts to cause an exit from the monitor event pending state even when eFLAGS.IF = 0. The MWAIT instruction can be executed at CPL 0 and is allowed at CPL > 0 only if MSR C001_0015h[MonMwaitUserEn] =1. When MSR C001_0015h[MonMwaitUserEn] is 0, MWAIT generates #UD at CPL > 0. (See the BIOS and Kernel Developer’s Guide applicable to your product for specific details on MSR C001_0015h.) Support for the MWAIT instruction is indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[MONITOR] = 1. Software MUST check the CPUID bit once per program or library initialization before using the MWAIT instruction, or inconsistent behavior may result. Software designed to run at CPL greater than 0 must also check for availability by testing whether executing MWAIT causes a #UD exception. The use of the MWAIT instruction is contingent upon the satisfaction of the following coding requirements: • MONITOR must precede the MWAIT and occur in the same loop. 394 MWAIT System Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 • AMD64 Technology MWAIT must be conditionally executed only if the awaited store has not already occurred. (This prevents a race condition between the MONITOR instruction arming the monitoring hardware and the store intended to trigger the monitoring hardware.) The following pseudo-code shows typical usage of a MONITOR/MWAIT pair: EAX = Linear_Address_to_Monitor; ECX = 0; // Extensions EDX = 0; // Hints WHILE (!matching_store_done ){ MONITOR EAX, ECX, EDX IF ( !matching_store_done ) { MWAIT EAX, ECX } } Mnemonic Opcode MWAIT Description Causes the processor to stop instruction execution and enter an implementation-dependent optimized state until occurrence of a class of events. 0F 01 C9 Related Instructions MONITOR rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions Exception Real Virtual 8086 Protected X X X The MONITOR/MWAIT instructions are not supported, as indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX[MONITOR] = 0. X X CPL was not zero and MSRC001_0015[MonMwaitUserEn] = 0. X X Unsupported extension bits were set in ECX Invalid opcode, #UD General protection, #GP X System Instruction Reference Cause of Exception MWAIT 395 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 RDMSR Read Model-Specific Register Loads the contents of a 64-bit model-specific register (MSR) specified in the ECX register into registers EDX:EAX. The EDX register receives the high-order 32 bits and the EAX register receives the low order bits. The RDMSR instruction ignores operand size; ECX always holds the MSR number, and EDX:EAX holds the data. If a model-specific register has fewer than 64 bits, the unimplemented bit positions loaded into the destination registers are undefined. This instruction must be executed at a privilege level of 0 or a general protection exception (#GP) will be raised. This exception is also generated if a reserved or unimplemented model-specific register is specified in ECX. Support for the RDMSR instruction is indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[MSR] = 1 OR CPUID Fn8000_0001_EDX[MSR] = 1. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the description of the CPUID instruction on page 158. For more information about model-specific registers, see the documentation for various hardware implementations and “Model-Specific Registers (MSRs)” in Volume 2: System Programming. Mnemonic Opcode RDMSR 0F 32 Description Copy MSR specified by ECX into EDX:EAX. Related Instructions WRMSR, RDTSC, RDPMC rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions Exception Invalid opcode, #UD General protection, #GP 396 Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d X X Cause of Exception X X The RDMSR instruction is not supported, as indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[MSR] = 0 or CPUID Fn8000_0001_EDX[MSR] = 0. X X CPL was not 0. X The value in ECX specifies a reserved or unimplemented MSR address. RDMSR System Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 RDPMC AMD64 Technology Read Performance-Monitoring Counter Reads the contents of a 64-bit performance counter and returns it in the registers EDX:EAX. The ECX register is used to specified by the index of the performance counter to be read. The EDX register receives the high-order 32 bits and the EAX register receives the low order 32 bits of the counter. The RDPMC instruction ignores operand size; the index and the return values are all 32 bits. The base architecture supports four core performance counters: PerfCtr0–3. An extension to the architecture increases the number of core performance counters to 6 (PerfCtr0–5). Other extensions add four northbridge performance counters NB_PerfCtr0–3 and four L2 cache performance counters L2I_PerfCtr0–3. To select the core performance counter to be read, specify the counter index, rather than the performance counter MSR address. To access the northbridge performance counters, specify the index of the counter plus 6. To access the L2 cache performance counters, specify the index of the counter plus 10. Programs running at any privilege level can read performance monitor counters if the PCE flag in CR4 is set to 1; otherwise this instruction must be executed at a privilege level of 0. This instruction is not serializing. Therefore, there is no guarantee that all instructions have completed at the time the performance counter is read. For more information about performance-counter registers, see the documentation for various hardware implementations and “Performance Counters” in Volume 2. Support for the core performance counters PerfCtr4–5 is indicated by CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[PerfCtrExtCore] = 1. CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[PerfCtrExtNB] = 1 indicates support for the four architecturally defined northbridge performance counters and CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[PerfCtrExtL2I] = 1 indicates support for the L2 cache performance counters. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the description of the CPUID instruction on page 158. Instruction Encoding Mnemonic Opcode RDPMC 0F 33 Description Copy the performance monitor counter specified by ECX into EDX:EAX. Related Instructions RDMSR, WRMSR rFLAGS Affected None System Instruction Reference RDPMC 397 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Exceptions Exception General Protection, #GP 398 Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d X Cause of Exception X X The value in ECX specified an unimplemented performance counter number. X X CPL was not 0 and CR4.PCE = 0. RDPMC System Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology RDTSC Read Time-Stamp Counter Loads the value of the processor’s 64-bit time-stamp counter into registers EDX:EAX. The time-stamp counter (TSC) is contained in a 64-bit model-specific register (MSR). The processor sets the counter to 0 upon reset and increments the counter every clock cycle. INIT does not modify the TSC. The high-order 32 bits are loaded into EDX, and the low-order 32 bits are loaded into the EAX register. This instruction ignores operand size. When the time-stamp disable flag (TSD) in CR4 is set to 1, the RDTSC instruction can only be used at privilege level 0. If the TSD flag is 0, this instruction can be used at any privilege level. This instruction is not serializing. Therefore, there is no guarantee that all instructions have completed at the time the time-stamp counter is read. The behavior of the RDTSC instruction is implementation dependent. The TSC counts at a constant rate, but may be affected by power management events (such as frequency changes), depending on the processor implementation. If CPUID Fn8000_0007_EDX[TscInvariant] = 1, then the TSC rate is ensured to be invariant across all P-States, C-States, and stop-grant transitions (such as STPCLK Throttling); therefore, the TSC is suitable for use as a source of time. Consult the BIOS and Kernel Developer’s Guide applicable to your product for information concerning the effect of power management on the TSC. Support for the RDTSC instruction is indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[TSC] = 1 OR CPUID Fn8000_0001_EDX[TSC] = 1. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the description of the CPUID instruction on page 158. Instruction Encoding Mnemonic RDTSC Opcode 0F 31 Description Copy the time-stamp counter into EDX:EAX. Related Instructions RDTSCP, RDMSR, WRMSR rFLAGS Affected None System Instruction Reference RDTSC 399 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Exceptions Exception Invalid opcode, #UD General protection, #GP 400 Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d X Cause of Exception X X The RDTSC instruction is not supported, as indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[TSC] = 0 OR CPUID Fn8000_0001_EDX[TSC] = 0. X X CPL was not 0 and CR4.TSD = 1. RDTSC System Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology RDTSCP Read Time-Stamp Counter and Processor ID Loads the value of the processor’s 64-bit time-stamp counter into registers EDX:EAX, and loads the value of TSC_AUX into ECX. This instruction ignores operand size. The time-stamp counter is contained in a 64-bit model-specific register (MSR). The processor sets the counter to 0 upon reset and increments the counter every clock cycle. INIT does not modify the TSC. The high-order 32 bits are loaded into EDX, and the low-order 32 bits are loaded into the EAX register. The TSC_AUX value is contained in the low-order 32 bits of the TSC_AUX register (MSR address C000_0103h). This MSR is initialized by privileged software to any meaningful value, such as a processor ID, that software wants to associate with the returned TSC value. When the time-stamp disable flag (TSD) in CR4 is set to 1, the RDTSCP instruction can only be used at privilege level 0. If the TSD flag is 0, this instruction can be used at any privilege level. Unlike the RDTSC instruction, RDTSCP forces all older instructions to retire before reading the timestamp counter. The behavior of the RDTSCP instruction is implementation dependent. The TSC counts at a constant rate, but may be affected by power management events (such as frequency changes), depending on the processor implementation. If CPUID Fn8000_0007_EDX[TscInvariant] = 1, then the TSC rate is ensured to be invariant across all P-States, C-States, and stop-grant transitions (such as STPCLK Throttling); therefore, the TSC is suitable for use as a source of time. Consult the BIOS and Kernel Developer’s Guide applicable to your product for information concerning the effect of power management on the TSC. Support for the RDTSCP instruction is indicated by CPUID Fn8000_0001_EDX[RDTSCP] = 1. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the description of the CPUID instruction on page 158. Instruction Encoding Mnemonic RDTSCP Opcode 0F 01 F9 Description Copy the time-stamp counter into EDX:EAX and the TSC_AUX register into ECX. Related Instructions RDTSC rFLAGS Affected None System Instruction Reference RDTSCP 401 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Exceptions Exception Invalid opcode, #UD General protection, #GP 402 Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d X Cause of Exception X X The RDTSCP instruction is not supported, as indicated by CPUID Fn8000_0001_EDX[RDTSCP] = 0. X X CPL was not 0 and CR4.TSD = 1. RDTSCP System Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 RSM AMD64 Technology Resume from System Management Mode Resumes an operating system or application procedure previously interrupted by a system management interrupt (SMI). The processor state is restored from the information saved when the SMI was taken. The processor goes into a shutdown state if it detects invalid state information in the system management mode (SMM) save area during RSM. RSM will shut down if any of the following conditions are found in the save map (SSM): • • • • • An illegal combination of flags in CR0 (CR0.PG = 1 and CR0.PE = 0, or CR0.NW = 1 and CR0.CD = 0). A reserved bit in CR0, CR3, CR4, DR6, DR7, or the extended feature enable register (EFER) is set to 1. The following bit combination occurs: EFER.LME = 1, CR0.PG = 1, CR4.PAE = 0. The following bit combination occurs: EFER.LME = 1, CR0.PG = 1, CR4.PAE = 1, CS.D = 1, CS.L = 1. SMM revision field has been modified. RSM cannot modify EFER.SVME. Attempts to do so are ignored. When EFER.SVME is 1, RSM reloads the four PDPEs (through the incoming CR3) when returning to a mode that has legacy PAE mode paging enabled. When EFER.SVME is 1, the RSM instruction is permitted to return to paged real mode (i.e., CR0.PE=0 and CR0.PG=1). The AMD64 architecture uses a new 64-bit SMM state-save memory image. This 64-bit save-state map is used in all modes, regardless of mode. See “System-Management Mode” in Volume 2 for details. Mnemonic RSM Opcode Description 0F AA Resume operation of an interrupted program. Related Instructions None System Instruction Reference RSM 403 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 rFLAGS Affected All flags are restored from the state-save map (SSM). ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF SF ZF AF PF CF M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M 21 20 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 7 6 4 2 0 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Invalid opcode, #UD 404 Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d X X X Cause of Exception The processor was not in System Management Mode (SMM). RSM System Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 SGDT AMD64 Technology Store Global Descriptor Table Register Stores the global descriptor table register (GDTR) into the destination operand. In legacy and compatibility mode, the destination operand is 6 bytes; in 64-bit mode, it is 10 bytes. In all modes, operand-size prefixes are ignored. In non-64-bit mode, the lower two bytes of the operand specify the 16-bit limit and the upper 4 bytes specify the 32-bit base address. In 64-bit mode, the lower two bytes of the operand specify the 16-bit limit and the upper 8 bytes specify the 64-bit base address. This instruction is intended for use in operating system software, but it can be used at any privilege level. Mnemonic Opcode Description SGDT mem16:32 0F 01 /0 Store global descriptor table register to memory. SGDT mem16:64 0F 01 /0 Store global descriptor table register to memory. Related Instructions SIDT, SLDT, STR, LGDT, LIDT, LLDT, LTR rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions Exception Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Cause of Exception Invalid opcode, #UD X X X The operand was a register. Stack, #SS X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X X X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was noncanonical. X The destination operand was in a non-writable segment. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. General protection, #GP Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. System Instruction Reference SGDT 405 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 SIDT Store Interrupt Descriptor Table Register Stores the interrupt descriptor table register (IDTR) in the destination operand. In legacy and compatibility mode, the destination operand is 6 bytes; in 64-bit mode it is 10 bytes. In all modes, operand-size prefixes are ignored. In non-64-bit mode, the lower two bytes of the operand specify the 16-bit limit and the upper 4 bytes specify the 32-bit base address. In 64-bit mode, the lower two bytes of the operand specify the 16-bit limit and the upper 8 bytes specify the 64-bit base address. This instruction is intended for use in operating system software, but it can be used at any privilege level. Mnemonic Opcode Description SIDT mem16:32 0F 01 /1 Store interrupt descriptor table register to memory. SIDT mem16:64 0F 01 /1 Store interrupt descriptor table register to memory. Related Instructions SGDT, SLDT, STR, LGDT, LIDT, LLDT, LTR rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions Exception Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Cause of Exception Invalid opcode, #UD X X X The operand was a register. Stack, #SS X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X X X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was noncanonical. X The destination operand was in a non-writable segment. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. General protection, #GP Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. 406 SIDT System Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 SKINIT AMD64 Technology Secure Init and Jump with Attestation Securely reinitializes the cpu, allowing for the startup of trusted software (such as a VMM). The code to be executed after reinitialization can be verified based on a secure hash comparison. SKINIT takes the physical base address of the SLB as its only input operand, in EAX. The SLB must be structured as described in “Secure Loader Block” on page 499 of the AMD64 Architecture Programmer’s Manual Volume 2: System Programming, order# 24593, and is assumed to contain the code for a Secure Loader (SL). This is a Secure Virtual Machine (SVM) instruction. Support for the SVM architecture and the SVM instructions is indicated by CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[SVM] = 1. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the reference page for the CPUID instruction on page 158. This instruction generates a #UD exception if SVM is not enabled. See “Enabling SVM” in AMD64 Architecture Programmer’s Manual Volume 2: System Instructions, order# 24593. Mnemonic SKINIT EAX Opcode Description 0F 01 DE Secure initialization and jump, with attestation. Action IF ((EFER.SVMEN == 0) && !(CPUID 8000_0001.ECX[SKINIT]) || (!PROTECTED_MODE)) EXCEPTION [#UD] IF (CPL != 0) EXCEPTION [#GP] // This instruction can only be executed // in protected mode with SVM enabled. // This instruction is only allowed at CPL 0. Initialize processor state as for an INIT signal CR0.PE = 1 CS.sel = 0x0008 CS.attr = 32-bit code, read/execute CS.base = 0 CS.limit = 0xFFFFFFFF SS.sel = 0x0010 SS.attr = 32-bit stack, read/write, expand up SS.base = 0 SS.limit = 0xFFFFFFFF EAX = EDX = ESP = Clear EAX & 0xFFFF0000 // Form SLB base address. family/model/stepping EAX + 0x00010000 // Initial SL stack. GPRs other than EAX, EDX, ESP EFER = 0 VM_CR.DPD = 1 System Instruction Reference SKINIT 407 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 VM_CR.R_INIT = 1 VM_CR.DIS_A20M = 1 Enable SL_DEV, to protect 64Kbyte of physical memory starting at the physical address in EAX GIF = 0 Read the SL length from offset 0x0002 in the SLB Copy the SL image to the TPM for attestation Read the SL entrypoint offset from offset 0x0000 in the SLB Jump to the SL entrypoint, at EIP = EAX+entrypoint offset Related Instructions None. rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF SF ZF AF PF CF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 20 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 7 6 4 2 0 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d X Invalid opcode, #UD X General protection, #GP 408 X Cause of Exception Secure Virtual Machine was not enabled (EFER.SVME=0) and both of the following conditions were true: • SVM-Lock is not available, as indicated by CPUID Fn8000_000A_EDX[SVML] = 0. • DEV is not available, as indicated by CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[SKINIT] = 0. Instruction is only recognized in protected mode. X CPL was not zero. SKINIT System Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 SLDT AMD64 Technology Store Local Descriptor Table Register Stores the local descriptor table (LDT) selector to a register or memory destination operand. If the destination is a register, the selector is zero-extended into a 16-, 32-, or 64-bit general purpose register, depending on operand size. If the destination operand is a memory location, the segment selector is written to memory as a 16-bit value, regardless of operand size. This SLDT instruction can only be used in protected mode, but it can be executed at any privilege level. Mnemonic Opcode Description SLDT reg16 0F 00 /0 Store the segment selector from the local descriptor table register to a 16-bit register. SLDT reg32 0F 00 /0 Store the segment selector from the local descriptor table register to a 32-bit register. SLDT reg64 0F 00 /0 Store the segment selector from the local descriptor table register to a 64-bit register. SLDT mem16 0F 00 /0 Store the segment selector from the local descriptor table register to a 16-bit memory location. Related Instructions SIDT, SGDT, STR, LIDT, LGDT, LLDT, LTR rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions Exception Invalid opcode, #UD Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d X X Stack, #SS General protection, #GP System Instruction Reference Cause of Exception This instruction is only recognized in protected mode. X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was noncanonical. X The destination operand was in a non-writable segment. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. SLDT 409 AMD64 Technology Exception 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Cause of Exception Page fault, #PF X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. 410 SLDT System Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology SMSW Store Machine Status Word Stores the lower bits of the machine status word (CR0). The target can be a 16-, 32-, or 64-bit register or a 16-bit memory operand. This instruction is provided for compatibility with early processors. This instruction can be used at any privilege level (CPL). Mnemonic Opcode Description SMSW reg16 0F 01 /4 Store the low 16 bits of CR0 to a 16-bit register. SMSW reg32 0F 01 /4 Store the low 32 bits of CR0 to a 32-bit register. SMSW reg64 0F 01 /4 Store the entire 64-bit CR0 to a 64-bit register. SMSW mem16 0F 01 /4 Store the low 16 bits of CR0 to memory. Related Instructions LMSW, MOV CRn rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions Exception Stack, #SS General protection, #GP Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Cause of Exception X X X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X X X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was noncanonical. X The destination operand was in a non-writable segment. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. System Instruction Reference SMSW 411 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 STAC Set Alignment Check Flag Sets the Alignment Check flag in the rFLAGS register to one. Support for the STAC instruction is indicated by CPUID Fn07_EBX[20] =1. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the description of the CPUID instruction on page 158. Mnemonic Opcode Description STAC 0F 01 CB Sets the AC flag Related Instructions CLAC rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF SF ZF AF PF CF 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 7 6 4 2 0 1 21 20 19 18 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to 1 or cleared to 0 is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank.Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Invalid opcode, #UD Virtual Real 8086 Protected X X X X 412 Cause of Exception Instruction not supported by CPUID Instruction is not supported in virtual mode X Lock prefix (F0h) preceding opcode. X CPL was not 0 SMSW System Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology STI Set Interrupt Flag Sets the interrupt flag (IF) in the rFLAGS register to 1, thereby allowing external interrupts received on the INTR input. Interrupts received on the non-maskable interrupt (NMI) input are not affected by this instruction. In real mode, this instruction sets IF to 1. In protected mode and virtual-8086-mode, this instruction is IOPL-sensitive. If the CPL is less than or equal to the rFLAGS.IOPL field, the instruction sets IF to 1. In protected mode, if IOPL < 3, CPL = 3, and protected mode virtual interrupts are enabled (CR4.PVI = 1), then the instruction instead sets rFLAGS.VIF to 1. If none of these conditions apply, the processor raises a general protection exception (#GP). For more information, see “Protected Mode Virtual Interrupts” in Volume 2. In virtual-8086 mode, if IOPL < 3 and the virtual-8086-mode extensions are enabled (CR4.VME = 1), the STI instruction instead sets the virtual interrupt flag (rFLAGS.VIF) to 1. If STI sets the IF flag and IF was initially clear, then interrupts are not enabled until after the instruction following STI. Thus, if IF is 0, this code will not allow an INTR to happen: STI CLI In the following sequence, INTR will be allowed to happen only after the NOP. STI NOP CLI If STI sets the VIF flag and VIP is already set, a #GP fault will be generated. See “Virtual-8086 Mode Extensions” in Volume 2 for more information about IOPL-sensitive instructions. Mnemonic STI System Instruction Reference Opcode Description FB Set interrupt flag (IF) to 1. STI 413 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Action IF (CPL <= IOPL) RFLAGS.IF = 1 ELSIF (((VIRTUAL_MODE) && (CR4.VME == 1)) || ((PROTECTED_MODE) && (CR4.PVI == 1) && (CPL == 3))) { IF (RFLAGS.VIP == 1) EXCEPTION[#GP(0)] RFLAGS.VIF = 1 } ELSE EXCEPTION[#GP(0)] Related Instructions CLI rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF M 21 20 19 IF TF SF ZF AF PF CF 8 7 6 4 2 0 M 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. M (modified) is either set to one or cleared to zero. Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d The CPL was greater than the IOPL and virtual-mode extensions were not enabled (CR4.VME = 0). X General protection, #GP X 414 Cause of Exception X The CPL was greater than the IOPL and either the CPL was not 3 or protected-mode virtual interrupts were not enabled (CR4.PVI = 0). X This instruction would set RFLAGS.VIF to 1 and RFLAGS.VIP was already 1. STI System Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology STGI Set Global Interrupt Flag Sets the global interrupt flag (GIF) to 1. While GIF is zero, all external interrupts are disabled. This is a Secure Virtual Machine (SVM) instruction. Attempted execution of this instruction causes a #UD exception if SVM is not enabled and neither SVM Lock nor the device exclusion vector (DEV) are supported. Support for SVM Lock is indicated by CPUID Fn8000_000A_EDX[SVML] = 1. Support for DEV is part of the SKINIT architecture and is indicated by CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[SKINIT] = 1. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the description of the CPUID instruction on page 158. For information on enabling SVM, see “Enabling SVM” in AMD64 Architecture Programmer’s Manual Volume-2: System Instructions, order# 24593. Mnemonic Opcode STGI Description 0F 01 DC Sets the global interrupt flag (GIF). Related Instructions CLGI rFLAGS Affected None. Exceptions Exception Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d X Invalid opcode, #UD X X General protection, #GP System Instruction Reference Cause of Exception Secure Virtual Machine was not enabled (EFER.SVME=0) and both of the following conditions were true: • SVM Lock is not available, as indicated by CPUID Fn8000_000A_EDX[SVML] = 0. • DEV is not available, as indicated by CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[SKINIT] = 0. Instruction is only recognized in protected mode. X CPL was not zero. STGI 415 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 STR Store Task Register Stores the task register (TR) selector to a register or memory destination operand. If the destination is a register, the selector is zero-extended into a 16-, 32-, or 64-bit general purpose register, depending on the operand size. If the destination is a memory location, the segment selector is written to memory as a 16-bit value, regardless of operand size. The STR instruction can only be used in protected mode, but it can be used at any privilege level. Mnemonic Opcode Description STR reg16 0F 00 /1 Store the segment selector from the task register to a 16-bit general-purpose register. STR reg32 0F 00 /1 Store the segment selector from the task register to a 32-bit general-purpose register. STR reg64 0F 00 /1 Store the segment selector from the task register to a 64-bit general-purpose register. STR mem16 0F 00 /1 Store the segment selector from the task register to a 16-bit memory location. Related Instructions LGDT, LIDT, LLDT, LTR, SIDT, SGDT, SLDT rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions Exception Invalid opcode, #UD Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d X X Cause of Exception This instruction is only recognized in protected mode. X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was non-canonical. X The destination operand was in a non-writable segment. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. Page fault, #PF X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. Stack, #SS General protection, #GP 416 STR System Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 SWAPGS AMD64 Technology Swap GS Register with KernelGSbase MSR Provides a fast method for system software to load a pointer to system data structures. SWAPGS can be used upon entering system-software routines as a result of a SYSCALL instruction, an interrupt or an exception. Prior to returning to application software, SWAPGS can be used to restore the application data pointer that was replaced by the system data-structure pointer. This instruction can only be executed in 64-bit mode. Executing SWAPGS in any other mode generates an undefined opcode exception. The SWAPGS instruction only exchanges the base-address value located in the KernelGSbase modelspecific register (MSR address C000_0102h) with the base-address value located in the hiddenportion of the GS selector register (GS.base). This allows the system-kernel software to access kernel data structures by using the GS segment-override prefix during memory references. The address stored in the KernelGSbase MSR must be in canonical form. The WRMSR instruction used to load the KernelGSbase MSR causes a general-protection exception if the address loaded is not in canonical form. The SWAPGS instruction itself does not perform a canonical check. This instruction is only valid in 64-bit mode at CPL 0. A general protection exception (#GP) is generated if this instruction is executed at any other privilege level. For additional information about this instruction, refer to “System-Management Instructions” in Volume 2. Examples At a kernel entry point, the OS uses SwapGS to obtain a pointer to kernel data structures and simultaneously save the user's GS base. Upon exit, it uses SwapGS to restore the user's GS base: SystemCallEntryPoint: SwapGS mov gs:[SavedUserRSP], rsp mov rsp, gs:[KernelStackPtr] push rax . . SwapGS Mnemonic SWAPGS ; ; ; ; ; get kernel pointer, save user GSbase save user's stack pointer set up kernel stack now save user GPRs on kernel stack perform system service ; restore user GS, save kernel pointer Opcode 0F 01 F8 Description Exchange GS base with KernelGSBase MSR. (Invalid in legacy and compatibility modes.) Related Instructions None System Instruction Reference SWAPGS 417 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions Exception Invalid opcode, #UD General protection, #GP 418 Real Virtual 8086 Protected X X X This instruction was executed in legacy or compatibility mode. X CPL was not 0. Cause of Exception SWAPGS System Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology SYSCALL Fast System Call Transfers control to a fixed entry point in an operating system. It is designed for use by system and application software implementing a flat-segment memory model. The SYSCALL and SYSRET instructions are low-latency system call and return control-transfer instructions, which assume that the operating system implements a flat-segment memory model. By eliminating unneeded checks, and by loading pre-determined values into the CS and SS segment registers (both visible and hidden portions), calls to and returns from the operating system are greatly simplified. These instructions can be used in protected mode and are particularly well-suited for use in 64-bit mode, which requires implementation of a paged, flat-segment memory model. This instruction has been optimized by reducing the number of checks and memory references that are normally made so that a call or return takes considerably fewer clock cycles than the CALL FAR /RET FAR instruction method. It is assumed that the base, limit, and attributes of the Code Segment will remain flat for all processes and for the operating system, and that only the current privilege level for the selector of the calling process should be changed from a current privilege level of 3 to a new privilege level of 0. It is also assumed (but not checked) that the RPL of the SYSCALL and SYSRET target selectors are set to 0 and 3, respectively. SYSCALL sets the CPL to 0, regardless of the values of bits 33:32 of the STAR register. There are no permission checks based on the CPL, real mode, or virtual-8086 mode. SYSCALL and SYSRET must be enabled by setting EFER.SCE to 1. It is the responsibility of the operating system to keep the descriptors in memory that correspond to the CS and SS selectors loaded by the SYSCALL and SYSRET instructions consistent with the segment base, limit, and attribute values forced by these instructions. Legacy x86 Mode. In legacy x86 mode, when SYSCALL is executed, the EIP of the instruction following the SYSCALL is copied into the ECX register. Bits 31:0 of the SYSCALL/SYSRET target address register (STAR) are copied into the EIP register. (The STAR register is model-specific register C000_0081h.) New selectors are loaded, without permission checking (see above), as follows: • Bits 47:32 of the STAR register specify the selector that is copied into the CS register. • • • • • Bits 47:32 of the STAR register + 8 specify the selector that is copied into the SS register. The CS_base and the SS_base are both forced to zero. The CS_limit and the SS_limit are both forced to 4 Gbyte. The CS segment attributes are set to execute/read 32-bit code with a CPL of zero. The SS segment attributes are set to read/write and expand-up with a 32-bit stack referenced by ESP. System Instruction Reference SYSCALL 419 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Long Mode. When long mode is activated, the behavior of the SYSCALL instruction depends on whether the calling software is in 64-bit mode or compatibility mode. In 64-bit mode, SYSCALL saves the RIP of the instruction following the SYSCALL into RCX and loads the new RIP from LSTAR bits 63:0. (The LSTAR register is model-specific register C000_0082h.) In compatibility mode, SYSCALL saves the RIP of the instruction following the SYSCALL into RCX and loads the new RIP from CSTAR bits 63:0. (The CSTAR register is model-specific register C000_0083h.) New selectors are loaded, without permission checking (see above), as follows: • • • • • • Bits 47:32 of the STAR register specify the selector that is copied into the CS register. Bits 47:32 of the STAR register + 8 specify the selector that is copied into the SS register. The CS_base and the SS_base are both forced to zero. The CS_limit and the SS_limit are both forced to 4 Gbyte. The CS segment attributes are set to execute/read 64-bit code with a CPL of zero. The SS segment attributes are set to read/write and expand-up with a 64-bit stack referenced by RSP. The WRMSR instruction loads the target RIP into the LSTAR and CSTAR registers. If an RIP written by WRMSR is not in canonical form, a general-protection exception (#GP) occurs. How SYSCALL and SYSRET handle rFLAGS, depends on the processor’s operating mode. In legacy mode, SYSCALL treats EFLAGS as follows: • • • EFLAGS.IF is cleared to 0. EFLAGS.RF is cleared to 0. EFLAGS.VM is cleared to 0. In long mode, SYSCALL treats RFLAGS as follows: • • • The current value of RFLAGS is saved in R11. RFLAGS is masked using the value stored in SYSCALL_FLAG_MASK. RFLAGS.RF is cleared to 0. For further details on the SYSCALL and SYSRET instructions and their associated MSR registers (STAR, LSTAR, CSTAR, and SYSCALL_FLAG_MASK), see “Fast System Call and Return” in Volume 2. Support for the SYSCALL instruction is indicated by CPUID Fn8000_0001_EDX[SysCallSysRet] = 1. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the description of the CPUID instruction on page 158. 420 SYSCALL System Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Instruction Encoding Mnemonic Opcode SYSCALL 0F 05 Description Call operating system. Action // See “Pseudocode Definition” on page 57. SYSCALL_START: IF (MSR_EFER.SCE == 0) EXCEPTION [#UD] // Check if syscall/sysret are enabled. IF (LONG_MODE) SYSCALL_LONG_MODE ELSE // (LEGACY_MODE) SYSCALL_LEGACY_MODE SYSCALL_LONG_MODE: RCX.q = next_RIP R11.q = RFLAGS // with rf cleared IF (64BIT_MODE) temp_RIP.q = MSR_LSTAR ELSE // (COMPATIBILITY_MODE) temp_RIP.q = MSR_CSTAR CS.sel CS.attr CS.base CS.limit = = = = MSR_STAR.SYSCALL_CS AND 0xFFFC 64-bit code,dpl0 // Always switch to 64-bit mode in long mode. 0x00000000 0xFFFFFFFF SS.sel SS.attr SS.base SS.limit = = = = MSR_STAR.SYSCALL_CS + 8 64-bit stack,dpl0 0x00000000 0xFFFFFFFF RFLAGS = RFLAGS AND ~MSR_SFMASK RFLAGS.RF = 0 CPL = 0 RIP = temp_RIP EXIT SYSCALL_LEGACY_MODE: System Instruction Reference SYSCALL 421 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 RCX.d = next_RIP temp_RIP.d = MSR_STAR.EIP CS.sel CS.attr CS.base CS.limit = = = = MSR_STAR.SYSCALL_CS AND 0xFFFC 32-bit code,dpl0 // Always switch to 32-bit mode in legacy mode. 0x00000000 0xFFFFFFFF SS.sel SS.attr SS.base SS.limit = = = = MSR_STAR.SYSCALL_CS + 8 32-bit stack,dpl0 0x00000000 0xFFFFFFFF RFLAGS.VM,IF,RF=0 CPL = 0 RIP = temp_RIP EXIT Related Instructions SYSRET, SYSENTER, SYSEXIT rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF SF ZF AF PF CF M M M M 0 0 M M M M M M M M M M M 21 20 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 7 6 4 2 0 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to one or cleared to zero is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Real Virtual 8086 Protected X X X The SYSCALL and SYSRET instructions are not supported, as indicated by CPUID Fn8000_0001_EDX[SysCallSysRet] = 0. X X X The system call extension bit (SCE) of the extended feature enable register (EFER) is set to 0. (The EFER register is MSR C000_0080h.) Invalid opcode, #UD 422 Cause of Exception SYSCALL System Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology SYSENTER System Call Transfers control to a fixed entry point in an operating system. It is designed for use by system and application software implementing a flat-segment memory model. This instruction is valid only in legacy mode. Three model-specific registers (MSRs) are used to specify the target address and stack pointers for the SYSENTER instruction, as well as the CS and SS selectors of the called and returned procedures: • • • MSR_SYSENTER_CS: Contains the CS selector of the called procedure. The SS selector is set to MSR_SYSENTER_CS + 8. MSR_SYSENTER_ESP: Contains the called procedure’s stack pointer. MSR_SYSENTER_EIP: Contains the offset into the CS of the called procedure. The hidden portions of the CS and SS segment registers are not loaded from the descriptor table as they would be using a legacy x86 CALL instruction. Instead, the hidden portions are forced by the processor to the following values: • • • • The CS and SS base values are forced to 0. The CS and SS limit values are forced to 4 Gbytes. The CS segment attributes are set to execute/read 32-bit code with a CPL of zero. The SS segment attributes are set to read/write and expand-up with a 32-bit stack referenced by ESP. System software must create corresponding descriptor-table entries referenced by the new CS and SS selectors that match the values described above. The return EIP and application stack are not saved by this instruction. System software must explicitly save that information. An invalid-opcode exception occurs if this instruction is used in long mode. Software should use the SYSCALL (and SYSRET) instructions in long mode. If SYSENTER is used in real mode, a #GP is raised. For additional information on this instruction, see “SYSENTER and SYSEXIT (Legacy Mode Only)” in Volume 2. Support for the SYSENTER instruction is indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SysEnterSysExit] = 1. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the description of the CPUID instruction on page 158. Instruction Encoding Mnemonic SYSENTER System Instruction Reference Opcode 0F 34 Description Call operating system. SYSENTER 423 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Related Instructions SYSCALL, SYSEXIT, SYSRET rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF 0 21 20 19 18 IF TF SF ZF AF PF CF 8 7 6 4 2 0 0 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to one or zero is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Invalid opcode, #UD General protection, #GP 424 Real Virtual 8086 Protected Cause of Exception X X X The SYSENTER and SYSEXIT instructions are not supported, as indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SysEnterSysExit] = 0. X This instruction is not recognized in long mode. X This instruction is not recognized in real mode. X X MSR_SYSENTER_CS was a null selector. SYSENTER System Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology SYSEXIT System Return Returns from the operating system to an application. It is a low-latency system return instruction designed for use by system and application software implementing a flat-segment memory model. This is a privileged instruction. The current privilege level must be zero to execute this instruction. An invalid-opcode exception occurs if this instruction is used in long mode. Software should use the SYSRET (and SYSCALL) instructions when running in long mode. When a system procedure performs a SYSEXIT back to application software, the CS selector is updated to point to the second descriptor entry after the SYSENTER CS value (MSR SYSENTER_CS+16). The SS selector is updated to point to the third descriptor entry after the SYSENTER CS value (MSR SYSENTER_CS+24). The CPL is forced to 3, as are the descriptor privilege levels. The hidden portions of the CS and SS segment registers are not loaded from the descriptor table as they would be using a legacy x86 RET instruction. Instead, the hidden portions are forced by the processor to the following values: • • • • The CS and SS base values are forced to 0. The CS and SS limit values are forced to 4 Gbytes. The CS segment attributes are set to 32-bit read/execute at CPL 3. The SS segment attributes are set to read/write and expand-up with a 32-bit stack referenced by ESP. System software must create corresponding descriptor-table entries referenced by the new CS and SS selectors that match the values described above. The following additional actions result from executing SYSEXIT: • • EIP is loaded from EDX. ESP is loaded from ECX. System software must explicitly load the return address and application software-stack pointer into the EDX and ECX registers prior to executing SYSEXIT. For additional information on this instruction, see “SYSENTER and SYSEXIT (Legacy Mode Only)” in Volume 2. Support for the SYSEXIT instruction is indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SysEnterSysExit] = 1. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the description of the CPUID instruction on page 158. System Instruction Reference SYSEXIT 425 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Instruction Encoding Mnemonic Opcode SYSEXIT 0F 35 Description Return from operating system to application. Related Instructions SYSCALL, SYSENTER, SYSRET rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF SF ZF AF PF CF 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 7 6 4 2 0 0 21 20 19 18 17 16 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to one or cleared to zero is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Exceptions Exception Invalid opcode, #UD Real Virtual 8086 Protected X X X The SYSENTER and SYSEXIT instructions are not supported, as indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[SysEnterSysExit] = 0. X This instruction is not recognized in long mode. X General protection, #GP 426 Cause of Exception This instruction is only recognized in protected mode. X X CPL was not 0. X MSR_SYSENTER_CS was a null selector. SYSEXIT System Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology SYSRET Fast System Return Returns from the operating system to an application. It is a low-latency system return instruction designed for use by system and application software implementing a flat segmentation memory model. The SYSCALL and SYSRET instructions are low-latency system call and return control-transfer instructions that assume that the operating system implements a flat-segment memory model. By eliminating unneeded checks, and by loading pre-determined values into the CS and SS segment registers (both visible and hidden portions), calls to and returns from the operating system are greatly simplified. These instructions can be used in protected mode and are particularly well-suited for use in 64-bit mode, which requires implementation of a paged, flat-segment memory model. This instruction has been optimized by reducing the number of checks and memory references that are normally made so that a call or return takes substantially fewer internal clock cycles when compared to the CALL/RET instruction method. It is assumed that the base, limit, and attributes of the Code Segment will remain flat for all processes and for the operating system, and that only the current privilege level for the selector of the calling process should be changed from a current privilege level of 0 to a new privilege level of 3. It is also assumed (but not checked) that the RPL of the SYSCALL and SYSRET target selectors are set to 0 and 3, respectively. SYSRET sets the CPL to 3, regardless of the values of bits 49:48 of the star register. SYSRET can only be executed in protected mode at CPL 0. SYSCALL and SYSRET must be enabled by setting EFER.SCE to 1. It is the responsibility of the operating system to keep the descriptors in memory that correspond to the CS and SS selectors loaded by the SYSCALL and SYSRET instructions consistent with the segment base, limit, and attribute values forced by these instructions. When a system procedure performs a SYSRET back to application software, the CS selector is updated from bits 63:50 of the STAR register (STAR.SYSRET_CS) as follows: • • If the return is to 32-bit mode (legacy or compatibility), CS is updated with the value of STAR.SYSRET_CS. If the return is to 64-bit mode, CS is updated with the value of STAR.SYSRET_CS + 16. In both cases, the CPL is forced to 3, effectively ignoring STAR bits 49:48. The SS selector is updated to point to the next descriptor-table entry after the CS descriptor (STAR.SYSRET_CS + 8), and its RPL is not forced to 3. The hidden portions of the CS and SS segment registers are not loaded from the descriptor table as they would be using a legacy x86 RET instruction. Instead, the hidden portions are forced by the processor to the following values: • • The CS base value is forced to 0. The CS limit value is forced to 4 Gbytes. System Instruction Reference SYSRET 427 AMD64 Technology • • 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 The CS segment attributes are set to execute-read 32 bits or 64 bits (see below). The SS segment base, limit, and attributes are not modified. When SYSCALLed system software is running in 64-bit mode, it has been entered from either 64-bit mode or compatibility mode. The corresponding SYSRET needs to know the mode to which it must return. Executing SYSRET in non-64-bit mode or with a 16- or 32-bit operand size returns to 32-bit mode with a 32-bit stack pointer. Executing SYSRET in 64-bit mode with a 64-bit operand size returns to 64-bit mode with a 64-bit stack pointer. The instruction pointer is updated with the return address based on the operating mode in which SYSRET is executed: • • If returning to 64-bit mode, SYSRET loads RIP with the value of RCX. If returning to 32-bit mode, SYSRET loads EIP with the value of ECX. How SYSRET handles RFLAGS depends on the processor’s operating mode: • • If executed in 64-bit mode, SYSRET loads the lower-32 RFLAGS bits from R11[31:0] and clears the upper 32 RFLAGS bits. If executed in legacy mode or compatibility mode, SYSRET sets EFLAGS.IF. For further details on the SYSCALL and SYSRET instructions and their associated MSR registers (STAR, LSTAR, and CSTAR), see “Fast System Call and Return” in Volume 2. Support for the SYSRET instruction is indicated by CPUID Fn8000_0001_EDX[SysCallSysRet] = 1. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the description of the CPUID instruction on page 158. Instruction Encoding Mnemonic Opcode SYSRET 0F 07 Description Return from operating system. Action // See “Pseudocode Definition” on page 57. SYSRET_START: IF (MSR_EFER.SCE == 0) EXCEPTION [#UD] // Check if syscall/sysret are enabled. IF ((!PROTECTED_MODE) || (CPL != 0)) EXCEPTION [#GP(0)] // SYSRET requires protected mode, cpl0 IF (64BIT_MODE) SYSRET_64BIT_MODE ELSE // (!64BIT_MODE) 428 SYSRET System Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology SYSRET_NON_64BIT_MODE SYSRET_64BIT_MODE: IF (OPERAND_SIZE == 64) // Return to 64-bit mode. { CS.sel = (MSR_STAR.SYSRET_CS + 16) OR 3 CS.base = 0x00000000 CS.limit = 0xFFFFFFFF CS.attr = 64-bit code,dpl3 temp_RIP.q = RCX } ELSE { // Return to 32-bit compatibility mode. CS.sel CS.base CS.limit CS.attr = = = = MSR_STAR.SYSRET_CS OR 3 0x00000000 0xFFFFFFFF 32-bit code,dpl3 temp_RIP.d = RCX } SS.sel = MSR_STAR.SYSRET_CS + 8 RFLAGS.q = R11 CPL = 3 // SS selector is changed, // SS base, limit, attributes unchanged. // RF=0,VM=0 RIP = temp_RIP EXIT SYSRET_NON_64BIT_MODE: CS.sel CS.base CS.limit CS.attr = = = = MSR_STAR.SYSRET_CS OR 3 // Return to 32-bit legacy protected mode. 0x00000000 0xFFFFFFFF 32-bit code,dpl3 temp_RIP.d = RCX SS.sel = MSR_STAR.SYSRET_CS + 8 // SS selector is changed. // SS base, limit, attributes unchanged. RFLAGS.IF = 1 CPL = 3 RIP = temp_RIP EXIT System Instruction Reference SYSRET 429 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Related Instructions SYSCALL, SYSENTER, SYSEXIT rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC M M M M 21 20 19 18 VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF SF ZF AF PF CF 0 M M M M M M M M M M M 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 7 6 4 2 0 17 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to one or cleared to zero is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Real Virtual 8086 Protected X X X The SYSCALL and SYSRET instructions are not supported, as indicated by CPUID Fn8000_0001_EDX[SysCallSysRet] = 0. X X X The system call extension bit (SCE) of the extended feature enable register (EFER) is set to 0. (The EFER register is MSR C000_0080h.) X X Invalid opcode, #UD General protection, #GP This instruction is only recognized in protected mode. X 430 Cause of Exception CPL was not 0. SYSRET System Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology VERR Verify Segment for Reads Verifies whether a code or data segment specified by the segment selector in the 16-bit register or memory operand is readable from the current privilege level. The zero flag (ZF) is set to 1 if the specified segment is readable. Otherwise, ZF is cleared. A segment is readable if all of the following apply: • • • • the selector is not a null selector. the descriptor is within the GDT or LDT limit. the segment is a data segment or readable code segment. the descriptor DPL is greater than or equal to both the CPL and RPL, or the segment is a conforming code segment. The processor does not recognize the VERR instruction in real or virtual-8086 mode. Mnemonic Opcode VERR reg/mem16 Description Set the zero flag (ZF) to 1 if the segment selected can be read. 0F 00 /4 Related Instructions ARPL, LAR, LSL, VERW rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF SF ZF AF PF CF 4 2 0 M 21 20 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 7 6 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to one or cleared to zero is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Invalid opcode, #UD Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d X X Cause of Exception This instruction is only recognized in protected mode. Stack, #SS X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or is non-canonical. General protection, #GP X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was noncanonical. X A null data segment was used to reference memory. System Instruction Reference VERR 431 AMD64 Technology Exception 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Cause of Exception Page fault, #PF X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. 432 VERR System Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology VERW Verify Segment for Write Verifies whether a data segment specified by the segment selector in the 16-bit register or memory operand is writable from the current privilege level. The zero flag (ZF) is set to 1 if the specified segment is writable. Otherwise, ZF is cleared. A segment is writable if all of the following apply: • • • • the selector is not a null selector. the descriptor is within the GDT or LDT limit. the segment is a writable data segment. the descriptor DPL is greater than or equal to both the CPL and RPL. The processor does not recognize the VERW instruction in real or virtual-8086 mode. Mnemonic Opcode VERW reg/mem16 Description Set the zero flag (ZF) to 1 if the segment selected can be written. 0F 00 /5 Related Instructions ARPL, LAR, LSL, VERR rFLAGS Affected ID VIP VIF AC VM RF NT IOPL OF DF IF TF SF ZF AF PF CF 4 2 0 M 21 20 19 18 17 16 14 13:12 11 10 9 8 7 6 Note: Bits 31:22, 15, 5, 3, and 1 are reserved. A flag set to one or cleared to zero is M (modified). Unaffected flags are blank. Undefined flags are U. Exceptions Exception Invalid opcode, #UD Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d X X Cause of Exception This instruction is only recognized in protected mode. Stack, #SS X A memory address exceeded the stack segment limit or was non-canonical. General protection, #GP X A memory address exceeded a data segment limit or was noncanonical. X A null data segment was used to access memory. Page fault, #PF X A page fault resulted from the execution of the instruction. Alignment check, #AC X An unaligned memory reference was performed while alignment checking was enabled. System Instruction Reference VERW 433 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 VMLOAD Load State from VMCB Loads a subset of processor state from the VMCB specified by the system-physical address in the rAX register. The portion of RAX used to form the address is determined by the effective address size. The VMSAVE and VMLOAD instructions complement the state save/restore abilities of VMRUN and #VMEXIT, providing access to hidden state that software is otherwise unable to access, plus some additional commonly-used state. This is a Secure Virtual Machine (SVM) instruction. Support for the SVM architecture and the SVM instructions is indicated by CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[SVM] = 1. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the reference page for the CPUID instruction on page 158. This instruction generates a #UD exception if SVM is not enabled. See “Enabling SVM” in AMD64 Architecture Programmer’s Manual Volume 2: System Instructions, order# 24593. Mnemonic VMLOAD rAX Opcode Description 0F 01 DA Load additional state from VMCB. Action IF ((MSR_EFER.SVME == 0) || (!PROTECTED_MODE)) EXCEPTION [#UD] // This instruction can only be executed in protected // mode with SVM enabled IF (CPL != 0) EXCEPTION [#GP] // This instruction is only allowed at CPL 0 IF (rAX contains an unsupported system-physical address) EXCEPTION [#GP] Load from a VMCB at system-physical address rAX: FS, GS, TR, LDTR (including all hidden state) KernelGsBase STAR, LSTAR, CSTAR, SFMASK SYSENTER_CS, SYSENTER_ESP, SYSENTER_EIP Related Instructions VMSAVE rFLAGS Affected None. 434 VMLOAD System Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Exceptions Exception Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d X X Invalid opcode, #UD X X The SVM instructions are not supported as indicated by CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[SVM] = 0. X Secure Virtual Machine was not enabled (EFER.SVME=0). X General protection, #GP System Instruction Reference Cause of Exception The instruction is only recognized in protected mode. X CPL was not zero. X rAX referenced a physical address above the maximum supported physical address. X The address in rAX was not aligned on a 4Kbyte boundary. VMLOAD 435 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 VMMCALL Call VMM Provides a mechanism for a guest to explicitly communicate with the VMM by generating a #VMEXIT. A non-intercepted VMMCALL unconditionally raises a #UD exception. VMMCALL is not restricted to either protected mode or CPL zero. This is a Secure Virtual Machine (SVM) instruction. Support for the SVM architecture and the SVM instructions is indicated by CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[SVM] = 1. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the reference page for the CPUID instruction on page 158. This instruction generates a #UD exception if SVM is not enabled. See “Enabling SVM” in AMD64 Architecture Programmer’s Manual Volume 2: System Instructions, order# 24593. Mnemonic Opcode VMMCALL Description 0F 01 D9 Explicit communication with the VMM. Related Instructions None. rFLAGS Affected None. Exceptions Exception Invalid opcode, #UD 436 Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Cause of Exception X X X The SVM instructions are not supported as indicated by CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[SVM] = 0. X X X Secure Virtual Machine was not enabled (EFER.SVME=0). X X X VMMCALL was not intercepted. VMMCALL System Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology VMRUN Run Virtual Machine Starts execution of a guest instruction stream. The physical address of the virtual machine control block (VMCB) describing the guest is taken from the rAX register (the portion of RAX used to form the address is determined by the effective address size). The physical address of the VMCB must be aligned on a 4K-byte boundary. VMRUN saves a subset of host processor state to the host state-save area specified by the physical address in the VM_HSAVE_PA MSR. VMRUN then loads guest processor state (and control information) from the VMCB at the physical address specified in rAX. The processor then executes guest instructions until one of several intercept events (specified in the VMCB) is triggered. When an intercept event occurs, the processor stores a snapshot of the guest state back into the VMCB, reloads the host state, and continues execution of host code at the instruction following the VMRUN instruction. This is a Secure Virtual Machine (SVM) instruction. Support for the SVM architecture and the SVM instructions is indicated by CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[SVM] = 1. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the reference page for the CPUID instruction on page 158. This instruction generates a #UD exception if SVM is not enabled. See “Enabling SVM” in AMD64 Architecture Programmer’s Manual Volume 2: System Instructions, order# 24593. The VMRUN instruction is not supported in System Management Mode. Processor behavior resulting from an attempt to execute this instruction from within the SMM handler is undefined. Instruction Encoding Mnemonic VMRUN rAX Opcode 0F 01 D8 Description Performs a world-switch to guest. Action IF ((MSR_EFER.SVME == 0) || (!PROTECTED_MODE)) EXCEPTION [#UD] // This instruction can only be executed in protected // mode with SVM enabled IF (CPL != 0) EXCEPTION [#GP] // This instruction is only allowed at CPL 0 IF (rAX contains an unsupported physical address) EXCEPTION [#GP] IF (intercepted(VMRUN)) #VMEXIT (VMRUN) remember VMCB address (delivered in rAX) for next #VMEXIT save host state to physical memory indicated in the VM_HSAVE_PA MSR: ES.sel CS.sel SS.sel System Instruction Reference VMRUN 437 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 DS.sel GDTR.{base,limit} IDTR.{base,limit} EFER CR0 CR4 CR3 // host CR2 is not saved RFLAGS RIP RSP RAX from the VMCB at physical address rAX, load control information: intercept vector TSC_OFFSET interrupt control (v_irq, v_intr_*, v_tpr) EVENTINJ field ASID IF(nested paging supported) NP_ENABLE IF (NP_ENABLE == 1) nCR3 from the VMCB at physical address rAX, load guest state: ES.{base,limit,attr,sel} CS.{base,limit,attr,sel} SS.{base,limit,attr,sel} DS.{base,limit,attr,sel} GDTR.{base,limit} IDTR.{base,limit} EFER CR0 CR4 CR3 CR2 IF (NP_ENABLE == 1) gPAT // Leaves host hPAT register unchanged. RFLAGS RIP RSP RAX DR7 DR6 CPL // 0 for real mode, 3 for v86 mode, else as loaded. INTERRUPT_SHADOW IF (LBR virtualization supported) LBR_VIRTUALIZATION_ENABLE IF (LBR_VIRTUALIZATION_ENABLE == 1) 438 VMRUN System Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology save LBR state to the host save area DBGCTL BR_FROM BR_TO LASTEXCP_FROM LASTEXCP_TO load LBR state from the VMCB DBGCTL BR_FROM BR_TO LASTEXCP_FROM LASTEXCP_TO IF (guest state consistency checks fail) #VMEXIT(INVALID) Execute command stored in TLB_CONTROL. GIF = 1 // allow interrupts in the guest IF (EVENTINJ.V) cause exception/interrupt in guest else jump to first guest instruction Upon #VMEXIT, the processor performs the following actions in order to return to the host execution context: GIF = 0 save guest state to VMCB: ES.{base,limit,attr,sel} CS.{base,limit,attr,sel} SS.{base,limit,attr,sel} DS.{base,limit,attr,sel} GDTR.{base,limit} IDTR.{base,limit} EFER CR4 CR3 CR2 CR0 if (nested paging enabled) gPAT RFLAGS RIP RSP RAX DR7 DR6 CPL INTERRUPT_SHADOW save additional state and intercept information: V_IRQ, V_TPR System Instruction Reference VMRUN 439 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 EXITCODE EXITINFO1 EXITINFO2 EXITINTINFO clear EVENTINJ field in VMCB prepare for host mode by clearing internal processor state bits: clear intercepts clear v_irq clear v_intr_masking clear tsc_offset disable nested paging clear ASID to zero reload host state GDTR.{base,limit} IDTR.{base,limit} EFER CR0 CR0.PE = 1 // saved copy of CR0.PE is CR4 CR3 if (host is in PAE paging mode) reloaded host PDPEs // Do not reload host CR2 or PAT RFLAGS RIP RSP RAX DR7 = “all disabled” CPL = 0 ES.sel; reload segment descriptor from CS.sel; reload segment descriptor from SS.sel; reload segment descriptor from DS.sel; reload segment descriptor from ignored GDT GDT GDT GDT if (LBR virtualization supported) LBR_VIRTUALIZATION_ENABLE if (LBR_VIRTUALIZATION_ENABLE == 1) save LBR state to the VMCB: DBGCTL BR_FROM BR_TO LASTEXCP_FROM LASTEXCP_TO load LBR state from the host save area: DBGCTL BR_FROM BR_TO LASTEXCP_FROM LASTEXCP_TO 440 VMRUN System Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology if (illegal host state loaded, or exception while loading host state) shutdown else execute first host instruction following the VMRUN Related Instructions VMLOAD, VMSAVE. rFLAGS Affected None. Exceptions Exception Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d X X Invalid opcode, #UD X X The SVM instructions are not supported as indicated by CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[SVM] = 0. X Secure Virtual Machine was not enabled (EFER.SVME=0). X General protection, #GP System Instruction Reference Cause of Exception The instruction is only recognized in protected mode. X CPL was not zero. X rAX referenced a physical address above the maximum supported physical address. X The address in rAX was not aligned on a 4Kbyte boundary. VMRUN 441 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 VMSAVE Save State to VMCB Stores a subset of the processor state into the VMCB specified by the system-physical address in the rAX register (the portion of RAX used to form the address is determined by the effective address size). The VMSAVE and VMLOAD instructions complement the state save/restore abilities of VMRUN and #VMEXIT, providing access to hidden state that software is otherwise unable to access, plus some additional commonly-used state. This is a Secure Virtual Machine (SVM) instruction. Support for the SVM architecture and the SVM instructions is indicated by CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[SVM] = 1. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the reference page for the CPUID instruction on page 158. This instruction generates a #UD exception if SVM is not enabled. See “Enabling SVM” in AMD64 Architecture Programmer’s Manual Volume 2: System Instructions, order# 24593. Instruction Encoding Mnemonic VMSAVE rAX Opcode 0F 01 DB Description Save additional guest state to VMCB. Action IF ((MSR_EFER.SVME == 0) || (!PROTECTED_MODE)) EXCEPTION [#UD] // This instruction can only be executed in protected // mode with SVM enabled IF (CPL != 0) EXCEPTION [#GP] // This instruction is only allowed at CPL 0 IF (rAX contains an unsupported system-physical address) EXCEPTION [#GP] Store to a VMCB at system-physical address rAX: FS, GS, TR, LDTR (including all hidden state) KernelGsBase STAR, LSTAR, CSTAR, SFMASK SYSENTER_CS, SYSENTER_ESP, SYSENTER_EIP Related Instructions VMLOAD rFLAGS Affected None. 442 VMSAVE System Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Exceptions Exception Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d X X Invalid opcode, #UD X X The SVM instructions are not supported as indicated by CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[SVM] = 0. X Secure Virtual Machine was not enabled (EFER.SVME=0). X General protection, #GP System Instruction Reference Cause of Exception The instruction is only recognized in protected mode. X CPL was not zero. X rAX referenced a physical address above the maximum supported physical address. X The address in rAX was not aligned on a 4Kbyte boundary. VMSAVE 443 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 WBINVD Writeback and Invalidate Caches Writes all modified lines in all levels of cache associated with this processor to main memory and invalidates the caches. This may or may not include lower level caches associated with another processor that shares any level of this processor's cache hierarchy. CPUID Fn8000_001D_EDX[WBINVD]_xN indicates the behavior of the processor at various levels of the cache hierarchy. If the feature bit is 0, the instruction causes the invalidation of all lower level caches of other processors sharing the designated level of cache. If the feature bit is 1, the instruction does not necessarily cause the invalidation of all lower level caches of other processors sharing the designated level of cache. See Appendix E, “Obtaining Processor Information Via the CPUID Instruction,” on page 601 for more information on using the CPUID function. The INVD instruction can be used when cache coherence with memory is not important. This instruction does not invalidate TLB caches. This is a privileged instruction. The current privilege level of a procedure invalidating the processor’s internal caches must be zero. WBINVD is a serializing instruction. Mnemonic Opcode WBINVD 0F 09 Description Write modified cache lines to main memory, invalidate internal caches, and trigger external cache flushes. Related Instructions CLFLUSH, INVD rFLAGS Affected None Exceptions Exception General protection, #GP 444 Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d X X Cause of Exception CPL was not 0. WBINVD System Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 WRMSR AMD64 Technology Write to Model-Specific Register Writes data to 64-bit model-specific registers (MSRs). These registers are widely used in performance-monitoring and debugging applications, as well as testability and program execution tracing. This instruction writes the contents of the EDX:EAX register pair into a 64-bit model-specific register specified in the ECX register. The 32 bits in the EDX register are mapped into the high-order bits of the model-specific register and the 32 bits in EAX form the low-order 32 bits. This instruction must be executed at a privilege level of 0 or a general protection fault #GP(0) will be raised. This exception is also generated if an attempt is made to specify a reserved or unimplemented model-specific register in ECX. WRMSR is a serializing instruction. Support for the WRMSR instruction is indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[MSR] = 1 OR CPUID Fn8000_0001_EDX[MSR] = 1. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the description of the CPUID instruction on page 158. The CPUID instruction can provide model information useful in determining the existence of a particular MSR. See “Model-Specific Registers (MSRs)” in Volume 2: System Programming, for more information about model-specific registers, machine check architecture, performance monitoring and debug registers. Mnemonic Opcode WRMSR 0F 30 Description Write EDX:EAX to the MSR specified by ECX. Related Instructions RDMSR rFLAGS Affected None System Instruction Reference WRMSR 445 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Exceptions Exception Invalid opcode, #UD General protection, #GP 446 Virtual Protecte Real 8086 d Cause of Exception X X The WRMSR instruction is not supported, as indicated by CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[MSR] = 0 OR CPUID Fn8000_0001_EDX[MSR] = 0. X X CPL was not 0. X X The value in ECX specifies a reserved or unimplemented MSR address. X X Writing 1 to any bit that must be zero (MBZ) in the MSR. X X Writing a non-canonical value to a MSR that can only be written with canonical values. X WRMSR System Instruction Reference 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Appendix A Opcode and Operand Encodings This appendix specifies the opcode and operand encodings for each instruction in the AMD64 instruction set. As discussed in Chapter 1, “Instruction Encoding,” the basic operation and implied operand type(s) of an instruction are encoded by the binary value of the opcode byte. The correspondence between an opcode binary value and its meaning is provided by the opcode map. Each opcode map has 256 entries and can encode up to 256 different operations. Since the AMD64 instruction set comprises more than 256 instructions, multiple opcode maps are utilized to encode the instruction set. A particular opcode map is selected using the instruction encoding syntax diagrammed in Figure 1-1 on page 2. For each opcode map, values may be reserved or utilized for purposes other than encoding an instruction operation. To preserve compatibility with future instruction architectural extensions, reserved opcodes should not be used. If a means to reliably cause an invalid-opcode exception (#UD) is required, software should use one of the UDx opcodes. These opcodes are set aside for this purpose and will not be used for future instructions. The UD opcodes are located on the secondary opcode map at code points B9h, 0Bh, and FFh. The following section provides a key to the notation used in the opcode maps to specify the implied operand types. Opcode-Syntax Notation In the opcode maps which follow, each table entry represents a specific form of an instruction, identifying the instruction by its mnemonic and listing the operand or operands peculiar to that opcode. If a register-based operand is specified by the opcode itself, the operand is represented directly using the register mnemonic as defined in “Summary of Registers and Data Types” on page 38. If the operand is encoded in one or more bytes following the opcode byte, the following special notation is used to represent the operand and its encoding in more generic terms. This special notation, used exclusively in the opcode maps, is composed of three parts: • • • an initial capital letter that represents the operand source / destination (register-based, memorybased, or immediate) and how it is encoded in the instruction (either as an immediate, or via the ModRM.reg, ModRM.{mod,r/m}, or VEX/XOP.vvvv fields). For register-based operands, the inital letter also specifies the register type (General-purpose, MMX, YMM/XMM, debug, or control register). one, two, or three letter modifier (in lowercase) that represents the data type (for example, byte, word, quadword, packed single-precision floating-point vector). x, which indicates for an SSE instruction that the instruction supports both vector sizes (128 bits and 256 bits). The specific vector size is encoded in the VEX/XOP.L field. L=0 indicates 128 bits and L=1 indicates 256 bits. Opcode and Operand Encodings 447 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 The following list describes the meaning of each letter that is used in the first position of the operand notation: A A far pointer encoded in the instruction. No ModRM byte in the instruction encoding. B General-purpose register specified by the VEX or XOP vvvv field. C Control register specified by the ModRM.reg field. D Debug register specified by the ModRM.reg field. E General purpose register or memory operand specified by the r/m field of the ModRM byte. For memory operands, the ModRM byte may be followed by a SIB byte to specify one of the indexed register-indirect addressing forms. F rFLAGS register. G General purpose register specified by the ModRM.reg field. H YMM or XMM register specified by the VEX/XOP.vvvv field. I Immediate value encoded in the instruction immediate field. J The instruction encoding includes a relative offset that is added to the rIP. L YMM or XMM register specified using the most-significant 4 bits of an 8-bit immediate value. In legacy or compatibility mode the most significant bit is ignored. M A memory operand specified by the {mod, r/m} field of the ModRM byte. ModRM.mod ≠ 11b. M* A sparse array of memory operands addressed using the VSIB addressing mode. See “VSIB Addressing” in Volume 4. N 64-bit MMX register specified by the ModRM.r/m field. The ModRM.mod field must be 11b. O The offset of an operand is encoded in the instruction. There is no ModRM byte in the instruction encoding. Indexed register-indirect addressing using the SIB byte is not supported. P 64-bit MMX register specified by the ModRM.reg field. Q 64-bit MMX-register or memory operand specified by the {mod, r/m} field of the ModRM byte. For memory operands, the ModRM byte may be followed by a SIB byte to specify one of the indexed register-indirect addressing forms. R General purpose register specified by the ModRM.r/m field. The ModRM.mod field must be 11b. S Segment register specified by the ModRM.reg field. U YMM/XMM register specified by the ModRM.r/m field. The ModRM.mod field must be 11b. V YMM/XMM register specified by the ModRM.reg field. W YMM/XMM register or memory operand specified by the {mod, r/m} field of the ModRM byte. For memory operands, the ModRM byte may be followed by a SIB byte to specify one of the indexed register-indirect addressing forms. 448 Opcode and Operand Encodings 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology X A memory operand addressed by the DS.rSI registers. Used in string instructions. Y A memory operand addressed by the ES.rDI registers. Used in string instructions. The following list provides the key for the second part of the operand notation: a Two 16-bit or 32-bit memory operands, depending on the effective operand size. Used in the BOUND instruction. b A byte, irrespective of the effective operand size. c A byte or a word, depending on the effective operand size. d A doubleword (32 bits), irrespective of the effective operand size. do A double octword (256 bits), irrespective of the effective operand size. i A 16-bit integer. j A 32-bit integer. m A bit mask of size equal to the source operand. mn Where n = 2,4,8, or 16. A bit mask of size n. o An octword (128 bits), irrespective of the effective operand size. o.q Operand is either the upper or lower half of a 128-bit value. p A 32-, 48-, 80-bit far pointer, depending on the effective operand size. pb Vector with byte-wide (8-bit) elements (packed byte). pd A double-precision (64-bit) floating-point vector operand (packed double-precision). pdw Vector composed of 32-bit doublewords. ph A half-precision (16-bit) floating-point vector operand (packed half-precision) pi Vector composed of 16-bit integers (packed integer). pj Vector composed of 32-bit integers (packed double integer). pk Vector composed of 8-bit integers (packed half-word integer). pq Vector composed of 64-bit integers (packed quadword integer). pqw Vector composed of 64-bit quadwords (packed quadword). ps A single-precision floating-point vector operand (packed single-precision). pw Vector composed of 16-bit words (packed word). q A quadword (64 bits), irrespective of the effective operand size. s A 6-byte or 10-byte pseudo-descriptor. sd A scalar double-precision floating-point operand (scalar double). sj A scalar doubleword (32-bit) integer operand (scalar double integer). Opcode and Operand Encodings 449 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 ss A scalar single-precision floating-point operand (scalar single). v A word, doubleword, or quadword (in 64-bit mode), depending on the effective operand size. w A word, irrespective of the effective operand size. x Instruction supports both vector sizes (128 bits or 256 bits). Size is encoded using the VEX/XOP.L field. (L=0: 128 bits; L=1: 256 bits). This symbol may be appended to ps or pd to represent a packed single- or double-precision floating-point vector of either size; or to pk, pi, pj, or pq, to represent a packed 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit, or 64-bit packed integer vector of either size. y A doubleword or quadword depending on effective operand size. z A word if the effective operand size is 16 bits, or a doubleword if the effective operand size is 32 or 64 bits. For some instructions, fields in the ModRM or SIB byte are used as encoding extensions. This is indicated using the following notation: /n A ModRM-byte reg field or SIB-byte base field, where n is a value between zero (000b) and 7 (111b). For SSE instructions that take scalar operands, VEX/XOP.L field is ignored. For immediates and memory-based operands, only the size and not the datatype is indicated. Operand widths and datatypes are specified based on the source operands. For instructions where the result overwrites one of the source registers, the data width and datatype of the result may not match that of the source register. See individual instruction descriptions for more details. A.1 Opcode Maps In all of the following opcode maps, cells shaded grey represent reserved opcodes. A.1.1 Legacy Opcode Maps Primary Opcode Map. Tables A-1 and A-2 below show the primary opcode map (known in legacy terminology as one-byte opcodes). Table A-1 below shows those instructions for which the low nibble is in the range 0–7h. Table A-2 on page 452 shows those instructions for which the low nibble is in the range 8–Fh. In both tables, the rows show the full range (0–Fh) of the high nibble, and the columns show the specified range of the low nibble. 450 Opcode and Operand Encodings 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table A-1. Primary Opcode Map (One-byte Opcodes), Low Nibble 0–7h Nibble1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 Gv, Ev AL, Ib rAX, Iz Gv, Ev AL, Ib rAX, Iz Gv, Ev AL, Ib rAX, Iz Gv, Ev AL, Ib rAX, Iz ADD Eb, Gb Ev, Gv Gb, Eb Eb, Gb Ev, Gv Gb, Eb Eb, Gb Ev, Gv Gb, Eb Eb, Gb Ev, Gv Gb, Eb ADC AND XOR 6 7 PUSH ES3 POP ES3 PUSH SS3 POP SS3 seg ES6 DAA3 seg SS6 AAA3 INC / REX prefix5 eAX eCX eDX eBX eSP eBP eSI eDI rSP/r12 rBP/r13 rSI/r14 rDI/r15 seg FS prefix seg GS prefix JNB Jb JZ Jb JNZ Jb JBE Jb Ev, Ib Eb, Gb Ev, Gv Eb, Gb Ev, Gv rSI/r14, rAX rDI/r15, rAX PUSH rAX/r8 rCX/r9 PUSHA3 POPA3 PUSHD3 POPD3 JO Jb JNO Jb rDX/r10 BOUND 3 Gv, Ma JB Jb Group Eb, Ib ARPL3 Ew, Gw 4 MOVSXD Gv, Ez 12 operand size address override size override prefix prefix TEST Eb, Ib3 Ev, Iz rBX/r11 JNBE Jb XCHG XCHG 9 A r8, rAX NOP,PAUSE rCX/r9, rAX AL, Ob rAX, Ov Ob, AL Ov, rAX AL, Ib r8b, Ib CL, Ib r9b, Ib DL, Ib r10b, Ib BL, Ib r11b, Ib rDX/r10, rAX rBX/r11, rAX rSP/r12, rAX rBP/r13, rAX MOV MOVSB Yb, Xb MOVSW/D/Q Yv, Xv CMPSB Xb, Yb CMPSW/D/Q Xv, Yv AH, Ib r12b, Ib CH, Ib r13b, Ib DH, Ib r14b, Ib BH, Ib r15b, Ib MOV B Group 22 C D E F Eb, Ib RET near Ev, Ib Iw Group 22 Eb, 1 Ev, 1 Eb, CL Ev, CL LOOPNE/NZ Jb LOOPE/Z Jb LOOP Jb JrCXZ Jb INT1 REPNE Prefix REP / REPE Prefix LOCK Prefix LES3 Gz, Mp LDS3 Gz, Mp Group 112 VEX escape prefix VEX escape prefix Eb, Ib Ev, Iz AAM Ib3 AAD Ib3 invalid XLAT XLATB eAX, Ib Ib, AL IN AL, Ib HLT OUT CMC Ib, eAX Group 32 Eb Ev Notes: 1. Rows in this table show the high opcode nibble, columns show the low opcode nibble (both in hexadecimal). 2. An opcode extension is specified using the reg field of the ModRM byte (ModRM bits [5:3]) which follows the opcode. See Table A-6 on page 459 for details. 3. Invalid in 64-bit mode. 4. Valid only in 64-bit mode. 5. Used as REX prefixes in 64-bit mode. 6. This is a null prefix in 64-bit mode. Opcode and Operand Encodings 451 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table A-2. Primary Opcode Map (One-byte Opcodes), Low Nibble 8–Fh Nibble1 8 9 A B Eb, Gb 2 3 4 5 D OR 0 1 C Ev, Gv Gb, Eb Gv, Ev AL, Ib rAX, Iz Gv, Ev AL, Ib rAX, Iz Gv, Ev AL, Ib rAX, Iz Gv, Ev AL, Ib rAX, Iz SBB Eb, Gb Ev, Gv Gb, Eb Eb, Gb Ev, Gv Gb, Eb Eb, Gb Ev, Gv Gb, Eb SUB CMP E F PUSH CS3 escape to secondary opcode map PUSH DS3 POP DS3 seg CS6 DAS3 seg DS6 AAS3 DEC3 / REX prefix5 eAX eCX eDX eBX eSP eBP eSI eDI rSP/r12 rBP/r13 rSI/r14 rDI/r15 OUTS OUTSW/D DX, Xz JNLE Jb POP rAX/r8 rCX/r9 rDX/r10 rBX/r11 6 PUSH Iz IMUL Gv, Ev, Iz PUSH Ib IMUL Gv, Ev, Ib INSB Yb, DX INSW/D Yz, DX OUTS/ OUTSB DX, Xb 7 JS Jb JNS Jb JP Jb JNP Jb JL Jb JNL Jb JLE Jb MOV Sw, Ew MOV 8 9 A Group 1a2 Eb, Gb Ev, Gv Gb, Eb Gv, Ev Mw/Rv, Sw LEA Gv, M CBW, CWDE CDQE CWD, CDQ, CQO CALL3 Ap WAIT FWAIT PUSHF/D/Q Fv POPF/D/Q Fv SAHF LAHF LODSB AL, Xb LODSW/D/Q rAX, Xv SCASB AL, Yb SCASW/D/Q rAX, Yv rSP, Iv r12, Iv rBP, Iv r13, Iv rSI, Iv r14, Iv rDI, Iv r15, Iv INT3 INT Ib INTO3 eAX, DX DX, AL DX, eAX Group 42 Group 52 TEST AL, Ib rAX, Iz STOSB Yb, AL STOSW/D/Q Yv, rAX rAX, Iv r8, Iv rCX, Iv r9, Iv rDX, Iv r10, Iv rBX, Iv r11, Iv ENTER Iw, Ib LEAVE XOP escape prefix MOV B C RET far Iw F IRETQ x87 instructions D E IRET, IRETD, see Table A-15 on page 471 CALL Jz CLC JMP Jz STC Ap3 CLI IN Jb STI AL, DX CLD OUT STD Eb Notes: 1. Rows in this table show the high opcode nibble, columns show the low opcode nibble (both in hexadecimal). 2. An opcode extension is specified using the reg field of the ModRM byte (ModRM bits [5:3]) which follows the opcode. See Table A-6 on page 459 for details. 3. Invalid in 64-bit mode. 4. Valid only in 64-bit mode. 5. Used as REX prefixes in 64-bit mode. 6. This is a null prefix in 64-bit mode. Secondary Opcode Map. As described in “Encoding Syntax” on page 1, the escape code 0Fh indicates the switch from the primary to the secondary opcode map. In legacy terminology, the secondary opcode map is presented as a listing of “two-byte” opcodes where the first byte is 0Fh. Tables A-3 and A-4 show the secondary opcode map. 452 Opcode and Operand Encodings 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table A-3 below shows those instructions for which the low nibble is in the range 0–7h. Table A-4 on page 456 shows those instructions for which the low nibble is in the range 8–Fh. In both tables, the rows show the full range (0–Fh) of the high nibble, and the columns show the specified range of the low nibble. Note the added column labeled “prefix.” For the secondary opcode map shown below, the legacy prefixes 66h, F2h, and F3 are repurposed to provide additional opcode encoding space. For those rows that utilize them, the presence of a 66h, F2h, or F3h prefix changes the operation or the operand types specified by the corresponding opcode value. As discussed in “Encoding Extensions Using the ModRM Byte” on page 459, some opcode values represent a group of instructions. This is denoted in the map entry by “Group n”, where n = [1:17,P]. Instructions within a group are encoded by the reg field of the ModRM byte. These encodings are specified in Table A-7 on page 461. For some opcodes, both the reg and the r/m field of the ModRM byte are used to extend the encoding. See Table A-8 on page 462. Opcode and Operand Encodings 453 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table A-3. Secondary Opcode Map (Two-byte Opcodes), Low Nibble 0–7h Prefix Nibble1 n/a 0 0 Group 62 2 3 Group 72 LAR Gv, Ew LSL Gv, Ew MOVLPS Vq, Mq MOVUPS none Vps, Wps F3 1 1 Wps, Vps MOVSS Vss, Wss Wss, Vss MOVHLPS Vo.q, Uo.q Vpd, Wpd MOVSD F2 Vsd, Wsd n/a 2 n/a n/a Wsd, Vsd 6 7 SYSCALL CLTS SYSRET UNPCKHPS Vps,Wps Vo.q, Mq MOVHPS Vo.q, Mq MOVLHPS Vo.q, Uo.q MOVHPS Mq, Vo.q MOVSHDUP Vps, Wps MOVLPD Wpd, Vpd UNPCKLPS Vps,Wps 5 MOVSLDUP Vps, Wps MOVUPD 66 MOVLPS Mq, Vq 4 Mq, Vo.q UNPCKLPD Vo.q, Wo.q UNPCKHPD Vo.q, Wo.q MOVHPD Vo.q, Mq Mq, Vo.q MOVDDUP Vo, Wsd MOV4 Rd/q, Cd/q Rd/q, Dd/q Cd/q, Rd/q Dd/q, Rd/q 3 WRMSR RDTSC RDMSR RDPMC SYSENTER3 SYSEXIT3 4 CMOVO Gv, Ev CMOVNO Gv, Ev CMOVB Gv, Ev CMOVNB Gv, Ev CMOVZ Gv, Ev CMOVNZ Gv, Ev CMOVBE Gv, Ev CMOVNBE Gv, Ev MOVMSKPS Gd, Ups SQRTPS Vps, Wps RSQRTPS Vps, Wps RCPPS Vps, Wps ANDPS Vps, Wps ANDNPS Vps, Wps ORPS Vps, Wps XORPS Vps, Wps SQRTSS Vss, Wss RSQRTSS Vss, Wss RCPSS Vss, Wss ANDPD Vpd, Wpd ANDNPD Vpd, Wpd ORPD Vpd, Wpd XORPD Vpd, Wpd PACKSSWB Ppi, Qpi PCMPGTB Ppk, Qpk PCMPGTW Ppi, Qpi PCMPGTD Ppj, Qpj PACKUSWB Ppi, Qpi PUNPACKSSWB PCKLDQ Vpi, Wpi Vo.q, Wo.q PCMPGTB Vpk, Wpk PCMPGTW Vpi, Wpi PCMPGTD Vpj, Wpj PACKUSWB Vpi, Wpi PCMPEQB Ppk, Qpk PCMPEQW Ppi, Qpi PCMPEQD Ppj, Qpj EMMS PCMPEQB Vpk, Wpk PCMPEQW Vpi, Wpi PCMPEQD Vpj, Wpj none F3 5 66 MOVMSKPD Gd, Upd SQRTPD Vpd, Wpd SQRTSD Vsd, Wsd F2 none PUNPCKLBW Pq, Qd PUNPCKLWD Pq, Qd PUNPCKLBW Vo.q, Wo.q PUNPCKLWD Vo.q, Wo.q PUNPCKLDQ Pq, Qd F3 6 66 F2 none PSHUFW Pq, Qq, Ib F3 PSHUFHW Vq, Wq, Ib 66 F2 7 PSHUFD Vo, Wo, Ib Group 122 Group 132 Group 142 PSHUFLW Vq, Wq, Ib Notes: 1. Rows show the high opcode nibble, columns show the low opcode nibble (both in hexadecimal). All opcodes in this map are immediately preceeded in the instruction encoding by the escape byte 0Fh. 2. An opcode extension is specified using the reg field of the ModRM byte (ModRM bits [5:3]) which follows the opcode. See Table A-7 on page 461 for details. 3. Invalid in long mode. 4. Operand size is based on processor mode. 454 Opcode and Operand Encodings 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table A-3. Secondary Opcode Map (Two-byte Opcodes), Low Nibble 0–7h (continued) Prefix Nibble1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 n/a 8 JO Jz JNO Jz JB Jz JNB Jz JZ Jz JNZ Jz JBE Jz JNBE Jz n/a 9 SETO Eb SETNO Eb SETB Eb SETNB Eb SETZ Eb SETNZ Eb SETBE Eb SETNBE Eb n/a A PUSH FS POP FS CPUID BT Ev, Gv n/a B CMPXCHG Eb, Gb none CMPPS Vps, Wps, Ib XADD C Eb, Gb Ev, Gv SHUFPS Vps, Wps, Ib CMPPD PINSRW PEXTRW SHUFPD Vpd, Wpd, Ib Vo, Ew, Ib Gd, Uo, Ib Vpd, Wpd, Ib PADDQ Pq, Qq PMULLW Pq, Qq Gv, Ew Group 92 Mq D ADDSUBPD Vpd, Wpd none PAVGB Pq, Qq E PSRLD Pq, Qq PSRLQ Pq, Qq PMOVMSKB Gd, Nq MOVQ2DQ Vo, Nq ADDSUBPS Vps, Wps 66 PEXTRW Gd, Nq, Ib Vsd, Wsd, Ib F2 F3 MOVZX Gv, Eb PINSRW Pq, Ew, Ib PSRLW Pq, Qq none 66 LFS Gz, Mp LGS Gz, Mp CMPSD F2 F3 MOVNTI My, Gy Ev, Gv, CL CMPSS Vss, Wss, Ib F3 66 LSS Gz, Mp BTR Ev, Gv Ev, Gv SHLD Ev, Gv, Ib PSRLW Vo, Wo PSRLD Vo, Wo PSRLQ Vo, Wo PADDQ Vo, Wo PMULLW Vo, Wo MOVQ Wq, Vq PMOVMSKB Gd, Uo MOVDQ2Q Pq, Uq PSRAW Pq, Qq PSRAD Pq, Qq PAVGW Pq, Qq PMULHUW Pq, Qq PMULHW Pq, Qq MOVNTQ Mq, Pq CVTDQ2PD Vpd, Wpj PAVGB Vo, Wo PSRAW Vo, Wo PSRAD Vo, Wo PAVGW Vo, Wo PMULHUW Vo, Wo PMULHW Vo, Wo CVTTPD2DQ Vpj, Wpd MOVNTDQ Mo, Vo CVTPD2DQ Vpj, Wpd F2 PSLLW Pq, Qq none PSLLD Pq, Qq PSLLQ Pq, Qq PMULUDQ Pq, Qq PMADDWD Pq, Qq PSADBW Pq, Qq MASKMOVQ Pq, Nq PMULUDQ Vpj, Wpj PMADDWD Vpi, Wpi PSADBW Vpk, Wpk MASKMOVDQU Vpb, Upb F3 66 F2 F PSLLW Vpw, Wo.q PSLLD PSLLQ Vpwd, Wo.q Vpqw, Wo.q LDDQU Vo, Mo Notes: 1. Rows show the high opcode nibble, columns show the low opcode nibble (both in hexadecimal). All opcodes in this map are immediately preceeded in the instruction encoding by the escape byte 0Fh. 2. An opcode extension is specified using the reg field of the ModRM byte (ModRM bits [5:3]) which follows the opcode. See Table A-7 on page 461 for details. 3. Invalid in long mode. 4. Operand size is based on processor mode. Opcode and Operand Encodings 455 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table A-4. Secondary Opcode Map (Two-byte Opcodes), Low Nibble 8–Fh Prefix Nibble1 8 9 A B C D E Group P2 n/a 0 n/a 1 INVD WBINVD Group 162 NOP3 MOVAPS none Vps, Wps Wps, Vps F3 2 66 MOVAPD Vpd, Wpd Wpd, Vpd F2 n/a 3 n/a 4 none F3 5 66 F2 none Escape to 0F_38h opcode map UD2 PREFETCH FEMMS See “3DNow!™ Opcodes” on page 467 NOP3 NOP3 NOP3 NOP3 NOP3 CVTPI2PS MOVNTPS CVTTPS2PI CVTPS2PI UCOMISS COMISS Vps, Qpj Mo, Vps Ppj, Wps Ppj, Wps Vss, Wss Vss, Wss CVTSI2SS MOVNTSS CVTTSS2SI CVTSS2SI Vss, Ey Md, Vss Gy, Wss Gy, Wss CVTPI2PD MOVNTPD CVTTPD2PI CVTPD2PI UCOMISD COMISD Vpd, Qpj Mo, Vpd Ppj, Wpd Ppj, Wpd Vsd, Wsd Vsd, Wsd CVTSI2SD MOVNTSD CVTTSD2SI CVTSD2SI Vsd, Ey Mq, Vsd Gy, Wsd NOP3 Gy, Wsd CMOVNLE Escape to 0F_3Ah opcode map CMOVS CMOVNS CMOVP CMOVNP CMOVL CMOVNL CMOVLE Gv, Ev Gv, Ev Gv, Ev Gv, Ev Gv, Ev Gv, Ev Gv, Ev Gv, Ev ADDPS MULPS CVTPS2PD CVTDQ2PS SUBPS MINPS DIVPS MAXPS Vps, Wps Vps, Wps Vpd, Wps Vps, Wo Vps, Wps Vps, Wps Vps, Wps Vps, Wps CVTSS2SD CVTTPS2D Q SUBSS MINSS DIVSS MAXSS Vss, Wss ADDSS MULSS Vss, Wss Vss, Wss Vsd, Wss Vo, Wps Vss, Wss Vss, Wss Vss, Wss ADDPD MULPD CVTPD2PS CVTPS2DQ SUBPD MINPD DIVPD MAXPD Vpd, Wpd Vpd, Wpd Vps, Wpd Vo, Wps Vpd, Wpd Vpd, Wpd Vpd, Wpd Vpd, Wpd ADDSD MULSD CVTSD2SS SUBSD MINSD DIVSD MAXSD Vsd, Wsd Vsd, Wsd Vss, Wsd Vsd, Wsd Vsd, Wsd Vsd, Wsd Vsd, Wsd PUNPCKHBW PUNPCKHWD PUNPCKHDQ PACKSSDW MOVD MOVQ Pq, Qd Pq, Qd Pq, Qd Pq, Qq Py, Ey Pq, Qq MOVDQU F3 6 66 F 3DNow! Vo, Wo PUNPCKHBW PUNPCKHWD PUNPCKHDQ Vo, Wq Vo, Wq Vo, Wq PACKSSDW PUNPCKLQDQ PUNPCKHQDQ MOVD MOVDQA Vo, Wo Vo, Wq Vo, Wq Vy, Ey Vo, Wo F2 Notes: 1. Rows show the high opcode nibble, columns show the low opcode nibble (both in hexadecimal). All opcodes in this map are immediately preceeded in the instruction encoding by the escape byte 0Fh. 2. An opcode extension is specified using the reg field of the ModRM byte (ModRM bits [5:3]) which follows the opcode. See Table A-7 on page 461 for details. 3. This instruction takes a ModRM byte. 456 Opcode and Operand Encodings 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table A-4. Secondary Opcode Map (Two-byte Opcodes), Low Nibble 8–Fh Prefix Nibble1 8 9 A B C D none F3 66 7 F2 n/a n/a n/a 8 9 A MOVD MOVQ Ey, Py Qq, Pq MOVQ MOVDQU Vq, Wq Wo, Vo EXTRQ HADDPD HSUBPD MOVD MOVDQA Vo.q, Uo Vpd, Wpd Vpd, Wpd Ey, Vy Wo, Vo INSERTQ INSERTQ HADDPS HSUBPS Vo.q, Uo.q, Ib, Ib Vo.q, Uo Vps, Wps Vps, Wps JS JNS JP JNP JL JNL JLE JNLE Jz Jz Jz Jz Jz Jz Jz Jz SETS SETNS SETP SETNP SETL SETNL SETLE SETNLE Eb Eb Eb Eb Eb PUSH POP RSM BTS GS GS Group 102 B F Group 172 none F3 E Eb SHRD Ev, Gv Ev, Gv, Ib Ev, Gv, CL Group 82 BTC BSF BSR Ev, Ib Ev, Gv Gv, Ev Gv, Ev POPCNT TZCNT LZCNT Gv, Ev Gv, Ev Gv, Ev Eb Eb Group 152 IMUL Gv, Ev MOVSX Gv, Eb Gv, Ew F2 n/a C none BSWAP rAX/r8 rCX/r9 rDX/r10 rBX/r11 rSP/r12 rBP/r13 rSI/r14 rDI/r15 PSUBUSB PSUBUSW PMINUB PAND PADDUSB PADDUSW PMAXUB PANDN Pq, Qq Pq, Qq Pq, Qq Pq, Qq Pq, Qq Pq, Qq Pq, Qq Pq, Qq PSUBUSB PSUBUSW PMINUB PAND PADDUSB PADDUSW PMAXUB PANDN Vo, Wo Vo, Wo Vo, Wo Vo, Wo Vo, Wo Vo, Wo Vo, Wo Vo, Wo PSUBSB PSUBSW PMINSW POR PADDSB PADDSW PMAXSW PXOR Pq, Qq Pq, Qq Pq, Qq Pq, Qq Pq, Qq Pq, Qq Pq, Qq Pq, Qq PSUBSB PSUBSW PMINSW POR PADDSB PADDSW PMAXSW PXOR Vo, Wo Vo, Wo Vo, Wo Vo, Wo Vo, Wo Vo, Wo Vo, Wo Vo, Wo F3 D 66 F2 none F3 E 66 F2 Notes: 1. Rows show the high opcode nibble, columns show the low opcode nibble (both in hexadecimal). All opcodes in this map are immediately preceeded in the instruction encoding by the escape byte 0Fh. 2. An opcode extension is specified using the reg field of the ModRM byte (ModRM bits [5:3]) which follows the opcode. See Table A-7 on page 461 for details. 3. This instruction takes a ModRM byte. Opcode and Operand Encodings 457 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table A-4. Secondary Opcode Map (Two-byte Opcodes), Low Nibble 8–Fh Prefix Nibble1 none 8 9 A B C D E PSUBB PSUBW PSUBD PSUBQ PADDB PADDW PADDD Pq, Qq Pq, Qq Pq, Qq Pq, Qq Pq, Qq Pq, Qq Pq, Qq PSUBB PSUBW PSUBD PSUBQ PADDB PADDW PADDD Vo, Wo Vo, Wo Vo, Wo Vo, Wo Vo, Wo Vo, Wo Vo, Wo F F3 F 66 UD0 F2 Notes: 1. Rows show the high opcode nibble, columns show the low opcode nibble (both in hexadecimal). All opcodes in this map are immediately preceeded in the instruction encoding by the escape byte 0Fh. 2. An opcode extension is specified using the reg field of the ModRM byte (ModRM bits [5:3]) which follows the opcode. See Table A-7 on page 461 for details. 3. This instruction takes a ModRM byte. rFLAGS Condition Codes for CMOVcc, Jcc, and SETcc Instructions. Table A-5 shows the rFLAGS condition codes specified by the low nibble in the opcode of the CMOVcc, Jcc, and SETcc instructions. Table A-5. rFLAGS Condition Codes for CMOVcc, Jcc, and SETcc Low Nibble of Opcode (hex) rFLAGS Value 0 OF = 1 O 1 OF = 0 NO 2 CF = 1 B, C, NAE Below, Carry, Not Above or Equal 3 CF = 0 NB, NC, AE Not Below, No Carry, Above or Equal 458 cc Mnemonic Arithmetic Type Signed Condition(s) Overflow No Overflow 4 ZF = 1 Z, E 5 ZF = 0 NZ, NE 6 CF = 1 or ZF = 1 BE, NA Below or Equal, Not Above 7 CF = 0 and ZF = 0 NBE, A Not Below or Equal, Above 8 SF = 1 S 9 SF = 0 NS Unsigned Signed Zero, Equal Not Zero, Not Equal Sign Not Sign A PF = 1 P, PE B PF = 0 NP, PO C (SF xor OF) = 1 L, NGE Less than, Not Greater than or Equal to D (SF xor OF) = 0 NL, GE Not Less than, Greater than or Equal to E (SF xor OF) = 1 or ZF = 1 LE, NG F (SF xor OF) = 0 and ZF = 0 NLE, G n/a Signed Parity, Parity Even Not Parity, Parity Odd Less than or Equal to, Not Greater than Not Less than or Equal to, Greater than Opcode and Operand Encodings 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Encoding Extensions Using the ModRM Byte. The ModRM byte, which immediately follows the opcode byte, is used in certain instruction encodings to provide additional opcode bits with which to define the function of the instruction. ModRM bytes have three fields—mod, reg, and r/m, as shown in Figure A-1. Bits: 7 6 5 mod 4 3 reg 2 1 r/m 0 ModRM 513-325.eps Figure A-1. ModRM-Byte Fields In most cases, the reg field (bits [5:3]), and in some cases, the r/m field (bits [2:0]) provide the additional bits used to extend the encodings of the opcode byte. In the case of the x87 floating-point instructions, the entire ModRM byte is used to extend the opcode encodings. Table A-6 shows how the ModRM.reg field is used to extend the range of opcodes in the primary opcode map. The opcode ranges are organized into groups of opcode extensions. The group number is shown in the left-most column. These groups are referenced in the primary opcode map shown in Table A-1 on page 451 and Table A-2 on page 452. An entry of “n.a.” in the Prefix column means that prefixes are not applicable to the opcodes in that row. Prefixes only apply to certain 64-bit media and SSE instructions. Table A-7 on page 461 shows how the ModRM.reg field is used to extend the range of the opcodes in the secondary opcode map. The /0 through /7 notation for the ModRM reg field (bits [5:3]) in the tables below means that the three-bit field contains a value from zero (000b) to 7 (111b). Table A-6. ModRM.reg Extensions for the Primary Opcode Map1 Group Number Prefix Opcode 80 81 Group 1 n/a 82 83 ModRM reg Field /3 /4 /0 /1 /2 /5 /6 /7 ADD OR ADC SBB AND SUB XOR CMP Eb, Ib Eb, Ib Eb, Ib Eb, Ib Eb, Ib Eb, Ib Eb, Ib Eb, Ib ADD OR ADC SBB AND SUB XOR CMP Ev, Iz Ev, Iz Ev, Iz Ev, Iz Ev, Iz Ev, Iz Ev, Iz Ev, Iz ADD OR ADC SBB AND SUB XOR CMP Eb, Ib2 Eb, Ib2 Eb, Ib2 Eb, Ib2 Eb, Ib2 Eb, Ib2 Eb, Ib2 Eb, Ib2 ADD OR ADC SBB AND SUB XOR CMP Ev, Ib Ev, Ib Ev, Ib Ev, Ib Ev, Ib Ev, Ib Ev, Ib Ev, Ib Notes: 1. See Table A-7 on page 461 for ModRM extensions for the secondary (two-byte) ocode map. 2. Invalid in 64-bit mode. 3. This instruction takes a ModRM byte. 4. Reserved prefetch encodings are aliased to the /0 encoding (PREFETCH Exclusive) for future compatibility. 5. Redundant encoding generally unsupported by tools.. Opcode and Operand Encodings 459 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table A-6. ModRM.reg Extensions for the Primary Opcode Map1 (continued) Group Number Group 1a Prefix Opcode n/a 8F C0 C1 D0 Group 2 n/a D1 D2 D3 /0 Group 5 n/a FE FF /5 /6 /7 Ev ROR RCL RCR SHL/SAL SHR SHL/SAL5 SAR Eb, Ib Eb, Ib Eb, Ib Eb, Ib Eb, Ib Eb, Ib Eb, Ib Eb, Ib ROL ROR RCL RCR SHL/SAL SHR SHL/SAL5 SAR Ev, Ib Ev, Ib Ev, Ib Ev, Ib Ev, Ib Ev, Ib Ev, Ib Ev, Ib ROL ROR RCL RCR SHL/SAL SHR SHL/SAL5 SAR Eb, 1 Eb, 1 Eb, 1 Eb, 1 Eb, 1 Eb, 1 Eb, 1 Eb, 1 ROL ROR RCL RCR SHL/SAL SHR SHL/SAL5 SAR Ev, 1 Ev, 1 Ev, 1 Ev, 1 Ev, 1 Ev, 1 Ev, 1 Ev, 1 ROL ROR RCL RCR SHL/SAL SHR SHL/SAL5 SAR Eb, CL Eb, CL Eb, CL Eb, CL Eb, CL Eb, CL Eb, CL Eb, CL ROL ROR RCL RCR SHL/SAL SHR SHL/SAL5 SAR Ev, CL Ev, CL Ev, CL Ev, CL Ev, CL Ev, CL Ev, CL Ev, CL TEST NOT NEG MUL IMUL DIV IDIV Eb,Ib Eb Eb Eb Eb Eb Eb TEST NOT NEG MUL IMUL DIV IDIV Ev Ev Ev Ev Ev Ev n/a n/a ModRM reg Field /3 /4 ROL F7 Group 4 /2 POP F6 Group 3 /1 Ev,Iz INC DEC Eb Eb INC DEC CALL CALL JMP JMP PUSH Ev Ev Ev Mp Ev Mp Ev Notes: 1. See Table A-7 on page 461 for ModRM extensions for the secondary (two-byte) ocode map. 2. Invalid in 64-bit mode. 3. This instruction takes a ModRM byte. 4. Reserved prefetch encodings are aliased to the /0 encoding (PREFETCH Exclusive) for future compatibility. 5. Redundant encoding generally unsupported by tools.. 460 Opcode and Operand Encodings 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table A-7. ModRM.reg Extensions for the Secondary Opcode Map Group Number Group 6 Group 7 Prefix Opcode n/a n/a /1 /2 00 SLDT Mw/Rv STR Mw/Rv LLDT Ew LTR Ew SIDT Ms LGDT Ms LIDT Ms 01 SGDT Ms XGETBV1 XSETBV SVM1 MONITOR1 MWAIT Group 8 n/a BA Group 9 n/a C7 Group 10 n/a B9 n/a C6 n/a C7 Group 11 66 /5 /6 /7 VERR Ew VERW Ew INVLPG Mb SMSW Mw / Rv LMSW Ew BT Ev, Ib BTS Ev, Ib BTR Ev, Ib BTC Ev, Ib CMPXCHG 8B Mq SWAPGS1 RDTSCP RDRAND Rv CMPXCHG 16B Mo UD1 MOV Eb,Ib MOV Ev,Iz none Group 12 ModRM reg Field /3 /4 /0 71 PSRLW PSRAW Nq, Ib Nq, Ib PSLLW Nq, Ib PSRLW PSRAW PSLLW Uo, Ib Uo, Ib Uo, Ib PSRLD PSRAD PSLLD Nq, Ib Nq, Ib Nq, Ib PSRLD PSRAD PSLLD Uo, Ib Uo, Ib Uo, Ib F2, F3 none Group 13 66 72 F2, F3 PSRLQ none Group 14 66 PSLLQ Nq, Ib 73 Nq, Ib PSRLQ PSRLDQ PSLLQ PSLLDQ Uo, Ib Uo, Ib Uo, Ib Uo, Ib F2, F3 Notes: 1. Opcode is extended further using the r/m field of the ModRM byte in conjunction with the reg field. See Table A-8 on page 462 for ModRM.r/m extensions of this opcode. 2. Invalid in 64-bit mode. 3. This instruction takes a ModRM byte. 4. Reserved prefetch encodings are aliased to the /0 encoding (PREFETCH Exclusive) for future compatibility. 5. ModRM.mod = 11b. 6. ModRM.mod ≠ 11b. 7. ModRM.mod ≠ 11b, ModRM.mod = 11b is an invalid encoding. Opcode and Operand Encodings 461 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table A-7. ModRM.reg Extensions for the Secondary Opcode Map (continued) Group Number Prefix Opcode /0 FXSAVE M none Group 15 F3 /1 AE /2 ModRM reg Field /3 /4 /5 /6 /7 LFENCE5 MFENCE5 SFENCE5 XRSTOR M6 XSAVEOPT M6 CLFLUSH Mb6 NOP4 NOP4 NOP4 NOP4 PREFETCH PREFETCH PREFETCH FXRSTOR LDMXCSR STMXCSR XSAVE M6 M Md Md RDFSBASE RDGSBASE WRFSBASE WRGSBASE Rv Rv Rv Rv 66, F2 Group 16 n/a. 18 Group P none, F2, F3 n/a. NTA T0 PREFETCH PREFETCH T1 T2 EXTRQ 66 Group 17 PREFETCH PREFETCH 78 0D Vo.q, Ib, Ib PREFETCH PREFETCH PREFETCH PREFETCH PREFETCH Exclusive Reserved4 Reserved4 Reserved4 Reserved4 Reserved4 Modified Modified Notes: 1. Opcode is extended further using the r/m field of the ModRM byte in conjunction with the reg field. See Table A-8 on page 462 for ModRM.r/m extensions of this opcode. 2. Invalid in 64-bit mode. 3. This instruction takes a ModRM byte. 4. Reserved prefetch encodings are aliased to the /0 encoding (PREFETCH Exclusive) for future compatibility. 5. ModRM.mod = 11b. 6. ModRM.mod ≠ 11b. 7. ModRM.mod ≠ 11b, ModRM.mod = 11b is an invalid encoding. Secondary Opcode Map, ModRM Extensions for Opcode 01h . Table A-8 below shows the ModRM byte encodings for the 01h opcode. In the table the full ModRM byte is listed below the instruction in hexadecimal. For all instructions shown, the ModRM byte is immediately preceeded by the byte string {0Fh, 01h} in the instruction encoding. Table A-8. Opcode 01h ModRM Extensions reg Field /1 /2 /3 /7 0 1 2 MONITOR (C8) XGETBV (D0) VMRUN (D8) SWAPGS (F8) MWAIT (C9) XSETBV (D1) VMMCALL (D9) RDTSCP (F9) VMLOAD (DA) MONITORX (FA) ModRM.r/m Field 3 4 VMSAVE STGI (DB) (DC) MWAITX (FB) ModRM.mod = 11b 5 6 7 CLGI (DD) SKINIT (DE) INVLPGA (DF) 0F_38h and 0F_3Ah Opcode Maps. The 0F_38h and 0F_3Ah opcode maps are used primarily to encode the legacy SSE instructions. In legacy terminology, these maps are presented as three-byte opcodes where the first two bytes are {0Fh, 38h} and {0Fh, 3Ah} respectively. 462 Opcode and Operand Encodings 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology In these maps the legacy prefixes F2h and F3h are repurposed to provide additional opcode encoding space. In rows [0:E] the legacy prefix 66h is also used to modify the opcode. However, in row F, 66h is used as an operand-size override. See the CRC32 instruction as an example. The 0F_38h opcode map is presented below in Tables A-9 and A-10. The 0F_3Ah opcode map is presented in Tables A-11 and A-12. Opcode and Operand Encodings 463 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table A-9. 0F_38h Opcode Map, Low Nibble = [0h:7h] Prefix Opcode none 0xh 66h x0h PSHUFB Ppb, Qpb x1h PHADDW Ppi, Qpi x2h PHADDD Ppj, Qpj x3h PHADDSW Ppi, Qpi x4h PMADDUBSW Ppk, Qpk x5h PHSUBW Ppi, Qpi x6h PHSUBD Ppj, Qpj x7h PHSUBSW Ppi, Qpi PSHUFB Vpb, Wpb PHADDW Vpi, Wpi PHADDD Vpj, Wpj PHADDSW Vpi, Wpi PMADDUBSW Vpk, Wpk PHSUBW Vpi, Wpi PHSUBD Vpj, Wpj PHSUBSW Vpi, Wpi BLENDVPS Vps, Wps BLENDVPD Vpd, Wpd none 1xh 66h PBLENDVB Vpb, Wpb PTEST Vo, Wo none 2xh 66h PMOVSXBW Vpi, Wpk PMOVSXBD Vpj, Wpk PMOVSXBQ Vpq, Wpk PMOVSXWD Vpj, Wpi PMOVSXWQ Vpq, Wpi PMOVSXDQ Vpq, Wpj PMOVZXBW Vpi, Wpk PMOVZXBD Vpj, Wpk PMOVZXBQ Vpq, Wpk PMOVZXWD Vpj, Wpi PMOVZXWQ Vpq, Wpi PMOVZXDQ Vpq, Wpj PMULLD Vpj, Wpj PHMINPOSUW Vpi, Wpi none 3xh 66h PCMPGTQ Vpq, Wpq none 4xh 66h ... 5xh-Exh none F2h 66h and F2h 464 Fxh ... MOVBE Gv, Mv MOVBE Mv, Gv CRC32 Gy, Eb CRC32 Gy, Ev CRC32 Gy, Eb CRC32 Gy, Ev Opcode and Operand Encodings 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table A-10. 0F_38h Opcode Map, Low Nibble = [8h:Fh] Prefix Opcode none 0xh 66h x8h PSIGNB Ppk, Qpk x9h PSIGNW Ppi, Qpi xAh PSIGND Ppj, Qpj xBh PMULHRSW Ppi, Qpi PSIGNB Vpk, Wpk PSIGNW Vpi, Wpi PSIGND Vpj, Wpj PMULHRSW Vpi, Wpi none 1xh 66h xCh xDh xEh PABSB Ppk, Qpk PABSW Ppi, Qpi PABSD Ppj, Qpj PABSB Vpk, Wpk PABSW Vpi, Wpi PABSD Vpj, Wpj xFh none 2xh 66h PMULDQ Vpq, Wpj PCMPEQQ Vpq, Wpq MOVNTDQA Vo, Mo PACKUSDW Vpi, Wpj PMINSB Vpk, pk PMINSD Vpj, Wpj PMINUW Vpi, Wpi PMINUD Vpj, Wpj PMAXSB Vpk, Wpk PMAXSD Vpj, Wpj PMAXUW Vpi, Wpi PMAXUD Vpj, Wpj AESIMC Vo, Wo AESENC Vo, Wo AESENCLAST Vo, Wo AESDEC Vo, Wo AESDECLAST Vo, Wo none 3xh 66h 4xh-Cxh 66h Dxh ... Exh-Fxh ... ... Opcode and Operand Encodings 465 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table A-11. 0F_3Ah Opcode Map, Low Nibble = [0h:7h] Prefix Opcode n/a x0h x1h x2h x3h x4h x5h x6h x7h PEXTRB Mb, Vpk, Ib PEXTRB Ry, Vpk, Ib PEXTRW Mw, Vpw, Ib PEXTRW Ry, Vpw, Ib PEXTRD Ed, Vpj, Ib PEXTRQ Eq, Vpq, Ib EXTRACTPS Md, Vps, Ib EXTRACTPS Ry, Vps, Ib 0xh none 1xh 66h 1 none 2xh 66h ... 3xh PINSRB Vpk, Mb, Ib PINSRB Vpk, Rb, Ib INSERTPS Vps, Md, Ib INSERTPS Vps, Uo, Ib PINSRD Vpj, Ed, Ib PINSRQ Vpq, Eq, Ib DPPS Vps, Wps, Ib DPPD Vpd, Wpd, Ib MPSADBW Vpk, Wpk, Ib PCMPESTRM Vo, Wo, Ib PCMPESTRI Vo, Wo, Ib PCMPISTRM Vo, Wo, Ib 1 ... none 4xh 66h n/a PCLMULQDQ Vpq, Wpq, Ib 5xh none 6xh 66h ... 7xh-Exh n/a Fxh PCMPISTRI Vo, Wo, Ib ... Note 1: When REX prefix is present Table A-12. 0F_3Ah Opcode Map, Low Nibble = [8h:Fh] Prefix Opcode x8h x9h xAh xBh xCh xDh xEh xFh PALIGNR Ppb, Qpb, Ib ROUNDPS Vps, Wps, Ib ROUNDPD Vpd, Wpd, Ib ROUNDSS Vss, Wss, Ib ROUNDSD Vsd, Wsd, Ib BLENDPS Vps, Wps, Ib BLENDPD Vpd, Wpd, Ib PBLENDW Vpw, Wpw, Ib PALIGNR Vpb, Wpb, Ib none 0xh 66h ... 1xh-Cxh 66h Dxh ... Fxh 466 ... AESKEYGENASSIST Vo, Wo, Ib ... Opcode and Operand Encodings 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology A.1.2 3DNow!™ Opcodes The 64-bit media instructions include the MMX™ instructions and the AMD 3DNow!™ instructions. The MMX instructions are encoded using two opcode bytes, as described in “Secondary Opcode Map” on page 452. The 3DNow! instructions are encoded using two 0Fh opcode bytes and an immediate byte that is located at the last byte position of the instruction encoding. Thus, the format for 3DNow! instructions is: 0Fh 0Fh [ModRM] [SIB] [displacement] imm8_opcode Table A-13 and Table A-14 on page 469 show the immediate byte following the opcode bytes for 3DNow! instructions. In these tables, rows show the high nibble of the immediate byte, and columns show the low nibble of the immediate byte. Table A-13 shows the immediate bytes whose low nibble is in the range 0–7h. Table A-14 shows the same for immediate bytes whose low nibble is in the range 8–Fh. Byte values shown as reserved in these tables have implementation-specific functions, which can include an invalid-opcode exception. Opcode and Operand Encodings 467 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table A-13. Immediate Byte for 3DNow!™ Opcodes, Low Nibble 0–7h Nibble1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 PFRSQRT 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B PFCMPGE PFMIN PFRCP Pq, Qq Pq, Qq Pq, Qq Pq, Qq PFCMPGT PFMAX PFRCPIT1 PFRSQIT1 Pq, Qq Pq, Qq Pq, Qq Pq, Qq PFCMPEQ PFMUL PFRCPIT2 PMULHRW Pq, Qq Pq, Qq Pq, Qq Pq, Qq C D E F Notes: 1. All 3DNow!™ opcodes consist of two 0Fh bytes. This table shows the immediate byte for 3DNow! opcodes. Rows show the high nibble of the immediate byte. Columns show the low nibble of the immediate byte. 468 Opcode and Operand Encodings 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table A-14. Immediate Byte for 3DNow!™ Opcodes, Low Nibble 8–Fh Nibble1 8 9 A B 0 1 C D PI2FW Pq, Qq PI2FD Pq, Qq PF2IW PF2ID Pq, Qq Pq, Qq E F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A PFNACC PFPNACC Pq, Qq Pq, Qq PFSUB PFADD Pq, Qq Pq, Qq PFSUBR PFACC Pq, Qq B Pq, Qq PSWAPD PAVGUSB Pq, Qq Pq, Qq C D E F Notes: 1. All 3DNow!™ opcodes consist of two 0Fh bytes. This table shows the immediate byte for 3DNow! opcodes. Rows show the high nibble of the immediate byte. Columns show the low nibble of the immediate byte. Opcode and Operand Encodings 469 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 A.1.3 x87 Encodings All x87 instructions begin with an opcode byte in the range D8h to DFh, as shown in Table A-2 on page 452. These opcodes are followed by a ModRM byte that further defines the opcode. Table A-15 shows both the opcode byte and the ModRM byte for each x87 instruction. There are two significant ranges for the ModRM byte for x87 opcodes: 00–BFh and C0–FFh. When the value of the ModRM byte falls within the first range, 00–BFh, the opcode uses only the reg field to further define the opcode. When the value of the ModRM byte falls within the second range, C0–FFh, the opcode uses the entire ModRM byte to further define the opcode. Byte values shown as reserved or invalid in Table A-15 have implementation-specific functions, which can include an invalid-opcode exception. The basic instructions FNSTENV, FNSTCW, FNCLEX, FNINIT, FNSAVE, FNSTSW, and FNSTSW do not check for possible floating point exceptions before operating. Utility versions of these mnemonics are provided that insert an FWAIT (opcode 9B) before the corresponding non-waiting instruction. These are FSTENV, FSTCW, FCLEX, FINIT, FSAVE, and FSTSW. For further information on wait and non-waiting versions of these instructions, see their corresponding pages in Volume 5. 470 Opcode and Operand Encodings 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table A-15. x87 Opcodes and ModRM Extensions Opcode ModRM mod Field ModRM reg Field /0 /1 /2 /3 FADD FMUL FCOM FCOMP /4 /5 /6 /7 FSUB FSUBR FDIV FDIVR mem32real mem32rea l mem32real mem32real 00–BF !11 mem32rea mem32real mem32real mem32real l C0 C8 D0 D8 E0 E8 F0 F8 FADD FMUL FCOM FCOMP FSUB FSUBR FDIV FDIVR ST(0), ST(0) C1 C9 D1 D9 E1 E9 F1 F9 FMUL FCOM FCOMP FSUB FSUBR FDIV FDIVR ST(0), ST(1) ST(0), ST(1) ST(0), ST(1) ST(0), ST(1) ST(0), ST(1) ST(0), ST(1) ST(0), ST(1) C2 CA D2 DA E2 EA F2 FA FADD FMUL FCOM FCOMP FSUB FSUBR FDIV FDIVR ST(0), ST(2) 11 ST(0), ST(0) ST(0), ST(0) FADD ST(0), ST(1) D8 ST(0), ST(0) ST(0), ST(0) ST(0), ST(0) ST(0), ST(0) ST(0), ST(0) ST(0), ST(2) ST(0), ST(2) ST(0), ST(2) ST(0), ST(2) ST(0), ST(2) ST(0), ST(2) ST(0), ST(2) C3 CB D3 DB E3 EB F3 FB FADD FMUL FCOM FCOMP FSUB FSUBR FDIV FDIVR ST(0), ST(3) ST(0), ST(3) ST(0), ST(3) ST(0), ST(3) ST(0), ST(3) ST(0), ST(3) ST(0), ST(3) ST(0), ST(3) C4 CC D4 DC E4 EC F4 FC FADD FMUL FCOM FCOMP FSUB FSUBR FDIV FDIVR ST(0), ST(4) ST(0), ST(4) ST(0), ST(4) ST(0), ST(4) ST(0), ST(4) ST(0), ST(4) ST(0), ST(4) ST(0), ST(4) C5 CD D5 DD E5 ED F5 FD FADD FMUL FCOM FCOMP FSUB FSUBR FDIV FDIVR ST(0), ST(5) ST(0), ST(5) ST(0), ST(5) ST(0), ST(5) ST(0), ST(5) ST(0), ST(5) ST(0), ST(5) ST(0), ST(5) C6 CE D6 DE E6 EE F6 FE FADD FMUL FCOM FCOMP FSUB FSUBR FDIV FDIVR ST(0), ST(6) ST(0), ST(6) ST(0), ST(6) ST(0), ST(6) ST(0), ST(6) ST(0), ST(6) ST(0), ST(6) ST(0), ST(6) C7 CF D7 DF E7 EF F7 FF FADD FMUL FCOM FCOMP FSUB FSUBR FDIV FDIVR ST(0), ST(7) ST(0), ST(7) ST(0), ST(7) ST(0), ST(7) ST(0), ST(7) Opcode and Operand Encodings ST(0), ST(7) ST(0), ST(7) ST(0), ST(7) 471 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table A-15. x87 Opcodes and ModRM Extensions (continued) Opcode ModRM mod Field ModRM reg Field /0 /1 /2 /3 FST FSTP /4 /5 /6 /7 FLDENV FLDCW FNSTENV FNSTCW mem14/28en v mem16 mem14/28en v mem16 00–BF !11 D9 11 472 FLD mem32rea l mem32real mem32real C0 C8 D0 D8 E0 E8 F0 F8 FLD FXCH FNOP reserved FCHS FLD1 F2XM1 FPREM ST(0), ST(0) ST(0), ST(0) C1 C9 D1 D9 E1 E9 F1 F9 FLD FXCH invalid reserved FABS FLDL2T FYL2X FYL2XP1 ST(0), ST(1) ST(0), ST(1) C2 CA D2 DA E2 EA F2 FA FLD FXCH invalid reserved invalid FLDL2E FPTAN FSQRT ST(0), ST(2) ST(0), ST(2) C3 CB D3 DB E3 EB F3 FB FLD FXCH invalid reserved invalid FLDPI FPATAN FSINCOS ST(0), ST(3) ST(0), ST(3) C4 CC D4 DC E4 EC F4 FC FLD FXCH invalid reserved FTST FLDLG2 FXTRACT FRNDINT ST(0), ST(4) ST(0), ST(4) C5 CD D5 DD E5 ED F5 FD FLD FXCH invalid reserved FXAM FLDLN2 FPREM1 FSCALE ST(0), ST(5) ST(0), ST(5) C6 CE D6 DE E6 EE F6 FE FLD FXCH invalid reserved invalid FLDZ FDECSTP FSIN ST(0), ST(6) ST(0), ST(6) C7 CF D7 DF E7 EF F7 FF FLD FXCH invalid reserved invalid invalid FINCSTP FCOS ST(0), ST(7) ST(0), ST(7) Opcode and Operand Encodings 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table A-15. x87 Opcodes and ModRM Extensions (continued) Opcode ModRM mod Field ModRM reg Field /0 /1 /2 /3 /4 /5 /6 /7 FIADD FIMUL FICOM FICOMP FISUB FISUBR FIDIV FIDIVR mem32int mem32int C0 C8 mem32int mem32int mem32int mem32int mem32int mem32int D0 D8 E0 E8 F0 FCMOVB FCMOVE F8 FCMOVBE FCMOVU invalid invalid invalid invalid 00–BF !11 ST(0), ST(0) C1 C9 D1 D9 E1 E9 F1 F9 FCMOVB FCMOVE FCMOVBE FCMOVU invalid FUCOMPP invalid invalid ST(0), ST(1) 11 ST(0), ST(1) ST(0), ST(1) ST(0), ST(1) C2 CA D2 DA E2 EA F2 FA FCMOVB FCMOVE FCMOVBE FCMOVU invalid invalid invalid invalid ST(0), ST(2) DA ST(0), ST(0) ST(0), ST(0) ST(0), ST(0) ST(0), ST(2) ST(0), ST(2) ST(0), ST(2) C3 CB D3 DB E3 EB F3 FB FCMOVB FCMOVE FCMOVBE FCMOVU invalid invalid invalid invalid ST(0), ST(3) ST(0), ST(3) ST(0), ST(3) ST(0), ST(3) C4 CC D4 DC E4 EC F4 FC FCMOVB FCMOVE FCMOVBE FCMOVU invalid invalid invalid invalid ST(0), ST(4) ST(0), ST(4) ST(0), ST(4) ST(0), ST(4) C5 CD D5 DD E5 ED F5 FD FCMOVB FCMOVE FCMOVBE FCMOVU invalid invalid invalid invalid ST(0), ST(5) ST(0), ST(5) ST(0), ST(5) ST(0), ST(5) C6 CE D6 DE E6 EE F6 FE FCMOVB FCMOVE FCMOVBE FCMOVU invalid invalid invalid invalid ST(0), ST(6) ST(0), ST(6) ST(0), ST(6) ST(0), ST(6) C7 CF D7 DF E7 EF F7 FF FCMOVB FCMOVE FCMOVBE FCMOVU invalid invalid invalid invalid ST(0), ST(7) ST(0), ST(7) ST(0), ST(7) ST(0), ST(7) Opcode and Operand Encodings 473 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table A-15. x87 Opcodes and ModRM Extensions (continued) Opcode ModRM mod Field ModRM reg Field /0 /1 /2 /3 /4 /5 /6 /7 FLD invalid FSTP 00–BF !11 FILD FISTTP mem32int mem32int C0 C8 FCMOVNB FCMOVNE ST(0), ST(0) C1 C2 C9 C3 CA 11 ST(0), ST(3) C4 CB CC C5 FCMOVNB FCMOVNE ST(0), ST(5) C6 C7 CE 474 D8 E0 E8 F0 F8 FCMOVNU reserved FUCOMI FCOMI invalid ST(0), ST(0) ST(0), ST(0) D1 D9 E1 E9 F1 F9 FCMOVNB E FCMOVNU reserved FUCOMI FCOMI invalid ST(0), ST(1) ST(0), ST(1) D2 DA E2 EA F2 FA FCMOVNB E FCMOVNU FNCLEX FUCOMI FCOMI invalid ST(0), ST(2) ST(0), ST(2) D3 DB E3 EB F3 FB FCMOVNB E FCMOVNU FNINIT FUCOMI FCOMI invalid ST(0), ST(3) ST(0), ST(3) D4 DC E4 EC F4 FC FCMOVNB E FCMOVNU reserved FUCOMI FCOMI invalid ST(0), ST(4) ST(0), ST(4) D5 DD E5 ED F5 FD FCMOVNB E FCMOVNU invalid FUCOMI FCOMI invalid ST(0), ST(5) ST(0), ST(5) D6 DE E6 EE F6 FE FCMOVNB E FCMOVNU invalid FUCOMI FCOMI invalid ST(0), ST(6) ST(0), ST(6) ST(0), ST(6) ST(0), ST(6) ST(0), ST(6) CF FCMOVNB FCMOVNE ST(0), ST(7) D0 FCMOVNB E ST(0), ST(5) ST(0), ST(5) ST(0), ST(5) FCMOVNB FCMOVNE ST(0), ST(6) mem32int ST(0), ST(4) ST(0), ST(4) ST(0), ST(4) CD mem80real mem32int ST(0), ST(3) ST(0), ST(3) ST(0), ST(3) FCMOVNB FCMOVNE ST(0), ST(4) mem80rea l ST(0), ST(2) ST(0), ST(2) ST(0), ST(2) FCMOVNB FCMOVNE DB invalid ST(0), ST(1) ST(0), ST(1) ST(0), ST(1) FCMOVNB FCMOVNE ST(0), ST(2) FISTP ST(0), ST(0) ST(0), ST(0) ST(0), ST(0) FCMOVNB FCMOVNE ST(0), ST(1) FIST D7 DF E7 EF F7 FF FCMOVNB E FCMOVNU invalid FUCOMI FCOMI invalid ST(0), ST(7) ST(0), ST(7) ST(0), ST(7) ST(0), ST(7) ST(0), ST(7) Opcode and Operand Encodings 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table A-15. x87 Opcodes and ModRM Extensions (continued) Opcode ModRM mod Field ModRM reg Field /0 /1 /2 /3 FADD FMUL FCOM FCOMP /4 /5 /6 /7 FSUB FSUBR FDIV FDIVR mem64real mem64rea l mem64real mem64real E8 F0 F8 FDIVR FDIV 00–BF !11 mem64rea mem64real mem64real mem64real l C0 C8 D0 D8 E0 FADD FMUL reserved reserved FSUBR FSUB ST(0), ST(0) ST(0), ST(0) ST(0), ST(0) DC 11 ST(0), ST(0) ST(0), ST(0) ST(0), ST(0) C1 C9 D1 D9 E1 E9 F1 F9 FADD FMUL reserved reserved FSUBR FSUB FDIVR FDIV ST(1), ST(0) ST(1), ST(0) ST(1), ST(0) ST(1), ST(0) ST(1), ST(0) ST(1), ST(0) C2 CA D2 DA E2 EA F2 FA FADD FMUL reserved reserved FSUBR FSUB FDIVR FDIV ST(2), ST(0) ST(2), ST(0) ST(2), ST(0) ST(2), ST(0) ST(2), ST(0) ST(2), ST(0) C3 CB D3 DB E3 EB F3 FB FADD FMUL reserved reserved FSUBR FSUB FDIVR FDIV ST(3), ST(0) ST(3), ST(0) ST(3), ST(0) ST(3), ST(0) ST(3), ST(0) ST(3), ST(0) C4 CC D4 DC E4 EC F4 FC FADD FMUL reserved reserved FSUBR FSUB FDIVR FDIV ST(4), ST(0) ST(4), ST(0) ST(4), ST(0) ST(4), ST(0) ST(4), ST(0) ST(4), ST(0) C5 CD D5 DD E5 ED F5 FD FADD FMUL reserved reserved FSUBR FSUB FDIVR FDIV ST(5), ST(0) ST(5), ST(0) ST(5), ST(0) ST(5), ST(0) C6 CE D6 DE E6 EE F6 FE FADD FMUL reserved reserved FSUBR FSUB FDIVR FDIV ST(6), ST(0) ST(6), ST(0) ST(6), ST(0) ST(6), ST(0) ST(5), ST(0) ST(5), ST(0) ST(6), ST(0) ST(6), ST(0) C7 CF D7 DF E7 EF F7 FF FADD FMUL reserved reserved FSUBR FSUB FDIVR FDIV ST(7), ST(0) ST(7), ST(0) ST(7), ST(0) ST(7), ST(0) Opcode and Operand Encodings ST(7), ST(0) ST(7), ST(0) 475 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table A-15. x87 Opcodes and ModRM Extensions (continued) Opcode ModRM mod Field ModRM reg Field /0 /1 /2 /3 FLD FISTTP FST FSTP mem64rea l mem64int C0 C8 FFREE reserved /4 /5 /6 /7 FRSTOR invalid FNSAVE FNSTSW mem98/108e nv mem16 00–BF !11 ST(0) E0 E8 F0 F8 FST ST(0) FSTP FUCOM FUCOMP invalid invalid ST(0) ST(0), ST(0) ST(0) C9 D1 D9 E1 E9 F1 F9 reserved FST FSTP FUCOM FUCOMP invalid invalid ST(1) ST(1) ST(1), ST(0) ST(1) C2 CA D2 DA E2 EA F2 FA FFREE reserved FST FSTP FUCOM FUCOMP invalid invalid ST(2) ST(2) ST(2), ST(0) ST(2) D3 DB E3 EB F3 FB FST FSTP FUCOM FUCOMP invalid invalid ST(3) ST(3) ST(3), ST(0) ST(3) C3 CB FFREE reserved ST(3) C4 CC D4 DC E4 EC F4 FC FFREE reserved FST FSTP FUCOM FUCOMP invalid invalid ST(4) ST(4) ST(4), ST(0) ST(4) ST(4) C5 CD D5 DD E5 ED F5 FD FFREE reserved FST FSTP FUCOM FUCOMP invalid invalid ST(5) ST(5) ST(5), ST(0) ST(5) D6 DE E6 EE F6 FE invalid invalid ST(5) C6 CE FFREE reserved ST(6) C7 CF FFREE reserved ST(7) 476 D8 C1 ST(2) 11 D0 mem98/108e nv FFREE ST(1) DD mem64real mem64real FST FSTP FUCOM FUCOMP ST(6) ST(6) ST(6), ST(0) ST(6) D7 DF E7 EF F7 FF FST FSTP FUCOM FUCOMP invalid invalid ST(7) ST(7) ST(7), ST(0) ST(7) Opcode and Operand Encodings 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table A-15. x87 Opcodes and ModRM Extensions (continued) Opcode ModRM mod Field ModRM reg Field /0 /1 /2 /3 /4 /5 /6 /7 FIADD FIMUL FICOM FICOMP FISUB FISUBR FIDIV FIDIVR mem16int mem16int C0 C8 mem16int mem16int mem16int mem16int mem16int mem16int D0 D8 E0 E8 F0 FADDP FMULP F8 reserved invalid FSUBRP FSUBP FDIVRP FDIVP ST(0), ST(0) ST(0), ST(0) ST(0), ST(0) ST(0), ST(0) 00–BF !11 DE 11 ST(0), ST(0) ST(0), ST(0) C1 C9 D1 D9 E1 E9 F1 F9 FADDP FMULP reserved FCOMPP FSUBRP FSUBP FDIVRP FDIVP ST(1), ST(0) ST(1), ST(0) ST(1), ST(0) ST(1), ST(0) ST(1), ST(0) ST(1), ST(0) C2 CA D2 DA E2 EA F2 FA FADDP FMULP reserved invalid FSUBRP FSUBP FDIVRP FDIVP ST(2), ST(0) ST(2), ST(0) ST(2), ST(0) ST(2), ST(0) ST(2), ST(0) ST(2), ST(0) C3 CB D3 DB E3 EB F3 FB FADDP FMULP reserved invalid FSUBRP FSUBP FDIVRP FDIVP ST(3), ST(0) ST(3), ST(0) ST(3), ST(0) ST(3), ST(0) ST(3), ST(0) ST(3), ST(0) C4 CC D4 DC E4 EC F4 FC FADDP FMULP reserved invalid FSUBRP FSUBP FDIVRP FDIVP ST(4), ST(0) ST(4), ST(0) ST(4), ST(0) ST(4), ST(0) C5 CD D5 DD E5 ED F5 FD FADDP FMULP reserved invalid FSUBRP FSUBP FDIVRP FDIVP ST(5), ST(0) ST(5), ST(0) ST(5), ST(0) ST(5), ST(0) ST(4), ST(0) ST(4), ST(0) ST(5), ST(0) ST(5), ST(0) C6 CE D6 DE E6 EE F6 FE FADDP FMULP reserved invalid FSUBRP FSUBP FDIVRP FDIVP ST(6), ST(0) ST(6), ST(0) ST(6), ST(0) ST(6), ST(0) ST(6), ST(0) ST(6), ST(0) C7 CF D7 DF E7 EF F7 FF FADDP FMULP reserved invalid FSUBRP FSUBP FDIVRP FDIVP ST(7), ST(0) ST(7), ST(0) ST(7), ST(0) ST(7), ST(0) Opcode and Operand Encodings ST(7), ST(0) ST(7), ST(0) 477 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table A-15. x87 Opcodes and ModRM Extensions (continued) Opcode ModRM mod Field ModRM reg Field /0 /1 /2 /3 /4 /5 /6 /7 FILD FISTTP FIST FISTP FBLD FILD FBSTP FISTP mem16int mem16int C0 C8 mem16int mem16int mem80dec mem64int mem80dec mem64int D0 D8 E0 E8 F0 reserved reserved F8 reserved reserved FNSTSW FUCOMIP FCOMIP invalid AX ST(0), ST(0) ST(0), ST(0) 00–BF !11 C1 C9 D1 D9 E1 E9 F1 F9 reserved reserved reserved reserved invalid FUCOMIP FCOMIP invalid ST(0), ST(1) ST(0), ST(1) C2 CA D2 DA E2 EA F2 FA reserved reserved reserved reserved invalid FUCOMIP FCOMIP invalid ST(0), ST(2) ST(0), ST(2) C3 CB D3 DB E3 EB F3 FB reserved reserved reserved reserved invalid FUCOMIP FCOMIP invalid ST(0), ST(3) ST(0), ST(3) DF 11 478 C4 CC D4 DC E4 EC F4 FC reserved reserved reserved reserved invalid FUCOMIP FCOMIP invalid ST(0), ST(4) ST(0), ST(4) C5 CD D5 DD E5 ED F5 FD reserved reserved reserved reserved invalid FUCOMIP FCOMIP invalid ST(0), ST(5) ST(0), ST(5) C6 CE D6 DE E6 EE F6 FE reserved reserved reserved reserved invalid FUCOMIP FCOMIP invalid ST(0), ST(6) ST(0), ST(6) C7 CF D7 DF E7 EF F7 FF reserved reserved reserved reserved invalid FUCOMIP FCOMIP invalid ST(0), ST(7) ST(0), ST(7) Opcode and Operand Encodings 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology A.1.4 rFLAGS Condition Codes for x87 Opcodes Table A-16 shows the rFLAGS condition codes specified by the opcode and ModRM bytes of the FCMOVcc instructions. Table A-16. rFLAGS Condition Codes for FCMOVcc Opcode (hex) ModRM mod Field DA 11 DB ModRM reg Field rFLAGS Value cc Mnemonic Condition 000 CF = 1 B Below 001 ZF = 1 E Equal 010 CF = 1 or ZF = 1 BE Below or Equal 011 PF = 1 U Unordered 000 CF = 0 NB Not Below 001 ZF = 0 NE Not Equal 010 CF = 0 and ZF = 0 NBE Not Below or Equal 011 PF = 0 Not Unordered NU A.1.5 Extended Instruction Opcode Maps The following sections present the VEX and the XOP extended instruction opcode maps. The VEX.map_select field of the three-byte VEX encoding escape sequence selects VEX opcode maps: 01h, 02h, or 03h. The two-byte VEX encoding escape sequence implicitly selects the VEX map 01h. The XOP.map_select field selects between the three XOP maps: 08h, 09h or 0Ah. VEX Opcode Maps. Tables A-17 – A-23 below present the VEX opcode maps and Table A-24 on page 487 presents the VEX opcode groups. Opcode and Operand Encodings 479 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table A-17. VEX Opcode Map 1, Low Nibble = [0h:7h] Opcode x0h 00h ... 1xh 2xh–4xh x1h x2h x3h x4h x5h x6h x7h VMOVUPS2 Vpsx, Wpsx VMOVUPS2 Wpsx, Vpsx VMOVLPS Mq, Vps VUNPCKLPS2 Vpsx, Hpsx, Wpsx VUNPCKHPS2 Vpsx, Hpsx, Wpsx VMOVUPD2 Wpdx, Vpdx VMOVLPD Mq, Vo VUNPCKLPD2 VUNPCKHPD2 Vpdx, Hpdx, Wpdx Vpdx, Hpdx, Wpdx VMOVHPS Vps, Hps, Mq VMOVLHPS Vps, Hps, Ups VMOVHPD Vpd, Hpd, Mq VMOVHPS Mq, Vps VMOVUPD2 Vpdx, Wpdx VMOVLPS Vps, Hps, Mq VMOVHLPS Vps, Hps, Ups VMOVLPD Vo, Ho, Mq VMOVSS3 Vss, Md VMOVSS Vss, Hss, Uss VMOVSS3 Md, Vss VMOVSS Uss, Hss, Vss VMOVSLDUP2 Vpsx, Wpsx VMOVSD3 Vsd, Mq VMOVSD Vsd, Hsd, Usd VMOVSD3 Mq, Vsd VMOVSD Usd, Hsd, Vsd VMOVDDUP Vo, Wq (L=0) Vdo, Wdo (L=1) VMOVMSKPS2 Gy, Upsx VSQRTPS2 Vpsx, Wpsx VRSQRTPS2 Vpsx, Wpsx VMOVMSKPD2 Gy, Updx VSQRTPD2 Vpdx, Wpdx VMOVHPD Mq, Vpd VMOVSHDUP2 Vpsx, Wpsx ... 5xh VSQRTSS3 Vo, Ho, Wss VRCPPS2 Vpsx, Wpsx VANDPS2 Vpsx, Hpsx, Wpsx VANDNPS2 Vpsx, Hpsx, Wpsx VORPS2 Vpsx, Hpsx, Wpsx VXORPS2 Vpsx, Hpsx, Wpsx VANDPD2 VANDNPD2 VORPD2 VXORPD2 Vpdx, Hpdx, Wpdx Vpdx, Hpdx, Wpdx Vpdx, Hpdx, Wpdx Vpdx, Hpdx, Wpdx VRSQRTSS3 Vo, Ho, Wss VRCPSS3 Vo, Ho, Wss VPUNPCKLDQ2 Vpdwx, Hpdwx, Wpdwx VPACKSSWB2 Vpkx, Hpix, Wpix VSQRTSD3 Vo, Ho, Wsd 6xh VPUNPCKLBW2 VPUNPCKLWD2 Vpbx, Hpbx, Wpbx Vpwx, Hpwx, Wpwx VPCMPGTB2 Vpbx, Hpkx, Wpkx VPCMPGTW2 VPCMPGTD2 Vpwx, Hpix, Wpix Vpdwx, Hpjx, Wpjx VPACKUSWB2 Vpkx, Hpix, Wpix VZEROUPPER (L=0) VZEROALL (L=1) VPSHUFD2 Vpdwx, Wpdwx, Ib 7xh VEX group #12 VEX group #13 VEX group #14 VPCMPEQB2 Vpbx, Hpkx, Wpkx VPCMPEQW2 VPCMPEQD2 Vpwx, Hpix, Wpix Vpdwx, Hpjx, Wpjx VPSHUFHW2 Vpwx, Wpwx, Ib VPSHUFLW2 Vpwx, Wpwx, Ib 8xh–Bxh ... VCMPccPS1 Vpdw, Hps, Wps, Ib Cxh VCMPccPD1 Vpqw, Hpd, Wpd, Ib VSHUFPS2 Vpsx, Hpsx, Wpsx, Ib VPINSRW Vpw, Hpw, Mw, Ib Vpw, Hpw, Rd, Ib VPEXTRW Gw, Upw, Ib VSHUFPD2 Vpdx, Hpdx, Wpdx, Ib VCMPccSS1 Vd, Hss, Wss, Ib VCMPccSD1 Vq, Hsd, Wsd, Ib Note 1: Note 2: Note 3: 480 The condition codes are: EQ, LT, LE, UNORD, NEQ, NLT, NLE, and ORD; encoded as [00:07h] using Ib. VEX encoding adds: EQ_UQ, NGE, NGT, FALSE, NEQ_OQ, GE, GT, TRUE [08:0Fh]; EQ_OS, LT_OQ, LE_OQ, UNORD_S, NEQ_US, NLT_UQ, NLE_UQ, ORD_S [10h:17h]; and EQ_US, NGE_UQ, NGT_UQ, FALSE_OS, NEQ_OS, GE_OQ, GT_OQ, TRUE_US [18:1Fh]. Supports both 128 bit and 256 bit vector sizes. Vector size is specified using the VEX.L bit. When L = 0, size is 128 bits; when L = 1, size is 256 bits. Operands are scalars. VEX.L bit is ignored. Opcode and Operand Encodings 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table A-18. VEX Opcode Map 1, Low Nibble = [0h:7h] Continued VEX.pp Opcode x0h x1h x2h x3h x4h x5h x6h x7h VPSRLW2 VPSRLD2 VPSRLQ2 Vpwx, Hpwx, Wx Vpdwx, Hpdwx, Wx Vpqwx, Hpqwx, Wx VPADDQ2 Vpq, Hpq, Wpq VPMULLW2 Vpix, Hpix, Wpix VMOVQ Wq, Vq (VEX.L=1) VPMOVMSKB2 Gy, Upbx VPSRAW2 VPSRAD2 VPAVGW2 Vpwx, Hpwx, Wx Vpdwx, Hpdwx, Wx Vpix, Hpix, Wpix VPMULHUW2 Vpi, Hpi, Wpi VPMULHW Vpi, Hpi, Wpi VCVTTPD2DQ2 Vpjx, Wpdx VMOVNTDQ Mo, Vo (L=0) Mdo, Vdo (L=1) 00 VADDSUBPD2 Vpdx, Hpdx, Wpdx 01 Dxh 10 VADDSUBPS2 Vpsx, Hpsx, Wpsx 11 00 VPAVGB2 Vpkx, Hpkx, Wpkx 01 Exh 10 VCVTDQ2PD2 Vpdx, Wpjx 11 VCVTPD2DQ2 Vpjx, Wpdx 00 VPSLLW2 VPSLLD2 Vpwx, Hpwx, Wo.qx Vpdwx, Hpdwx, Wo.qx 01 Fxh VPSLLQ2 Vpqwx, Hpqwx, Wo.qx VPMULUDQ2 Vpqx, Hpjx, Wpjx VPMADDWD2 Vpjx, Hpix, Wpix VPSADBW2 Vpix, Hpkx, Wpkx VMASKMOVDQU Vpb, Upb 10 VLDDQU Vo, Mo (L=0) Vdo, Mdo (L=1) 11 Note 1: Note 2: Note 3: The condition codes are: EQ, LT, LE, UNORD, NEQ, NLT, NLE, and ORD; encoded as [00:07h] using Ib. VEX encoding adds: EQ_UQ, NGE, NGT, FALSE, NEQ_OQ, GE, GT, TRUE [08:0Fh]; EQ_OS, LT_OQ, LE_OQ, UNORD_S, NEQ_US, NLT_UQ, NLE_UQ, ORD_S [10h:17h]; and EQ_US, NGE_UQ, NGT_UQ, FALSE_OS, NEQ_OS, GE_OQ, GT_OQ, TRUE_US [18:1Fh]. Supports both 128 bit and 256 bit vector sizes. Vector size is specified using the VEX.L bit. When L = 0, size is 128 bits; when L = 1, size is 256 bits. Operands are scalars. VEX.L bit is ignored. Opcode and Operand Encodings 481 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table A-19. VEX Opcode Map 1, Low Nibble = [8h:Fh] VEX.pp Opcode ... 0xh-1xh x8h x9h xAh xBh xCh xDh xEh xFh ... 00 VMOVAPS1 Vpsx, Wpsx VMOVAPS1 Wpsx, Vpsx VMOVNTPS1 Mpsx, Vpsx VUCOMISS2 Vss, Wss VCOMISS2 Vss, Wss 01 VMOVAPD1 Vpdx, Wpdx VMOVAPD1 Wpdx, Vpdx VMOVNTPD1 Mpdx, Vpdx VUCOMISD2 Vsd, Wsd VCOMISD2 Vsd, Wsd VDIVPS1 Vpsx, Hpsx, Wpsx VMAXPS1 Vpsx, Hpsx, Wpsx 2xh 10 VCVTSI2SS2 Vo, Ho, Ey VCVTTSS2SI2 Gy, Wss VCVTSS2SI2 Gy, Wss 11 VCVTSI2SD2 Vo, Ho, Ey VCVTTSD2SI2 Gy, Wsd VCVTSD2SI2 Gy, Wsd VMINPS1 Vpsx, Hpsx, Wpsx ... 3xh-4xh ... 00 VADDPS1 Vpsx, Hpsx, Wpsx VMULPS1 Vpsx, Hpsx, Wpsx VCVTPS2PD1 Vpdx, Wpsx VCVTDQ2PS1 Vpsx, Wpjx VSUBPS1 Vpsx, Hpsx, Wpsx 01 VADDPD1 VMULPD1 Vpdx, Hpdx, Wpdx Vpdx, Hpdx, Wpdx VCVTPD2PS1 Vpsx, Wpdx VCVTPS2DQ1 Vpjx, Wpsx VSUBPD1 VMINPD1 VDIVPD1 VMAXPD1 Vpdx, Hpdx, Wpdx Vpdx, Hpdx, Wpdx Vpdx, Hpdx, Wpdx Vpdx, Hpdx, Wpdx VCVTTPS2DQ1 Vpjx, Wpsx 5xh 10 VADDSS2 Vss, Hss, Wss VMULSS2 Vss, Hss, Wss VCVTSS2SD2 Vo, Ho, Wss 11 VADDSD2 Vsd, Hsd, Wsd VMULSD2 Vsd, Hsd, Wsd VCVTSD2SS2 Vo, Ho, Wsd VSUBSS2 Vss, Hss, Wss VMINSS2 Vss, Hss, Wss VDIVSS2 Vss, Hss, Wss VMAXSS2 Vss, Hss, Wss VSUBSD2 Vsd, Hsd, Wsd VMINSD2 Vsd, Hsd, Wsd VDIVSD2 Vsd, Hsd, Wsd VMAXSD2 Vsd, Hsd, Wsd VPUNPCKLQDQ1 Vpqwx, Hpqwx, Wpqwx VPUNPCKHQDQ1 Vpqwx, Hpqwx, Wpqwx VMOVD VMOVQ Vo, Ey (VEX.L=0) VMOVDQA1 Vpqwx, Wpqwx 00 VPUNPCKHBW1 VPUNPCKHWD1 Vpbx, Hpbx, Wpbx Vpwx, Hpwx, Wpwx 01 6xh VPUNPCKHDQ1 Vpdwx, Hpdwx, Wpdwx VPACKSSDW1 Vpix, Hpjx, Wpjx VMOVDQU1 Vpqwx, Wpqwx 10 11 00 VHADDPD1 VHSUBPD1 Vpdx, Hpdx, Wpdx Vpdx, Hpdx, Wpdx 01 7xh 10 VHADDPS1 Vpsx, Hpsx, Wpsx 11 VMOVD VMOVQ Ey, Vo (VEX.L=1) VMOVQ Vq, Wq (VEX.L=0) VMOVDQA1 Wpqwx, Vpqwx VMOVDQU1 Wpqwx, Vpqwx VHSUBPS1 Vpsx, Hpsx, Wpsx ... 8xh-9xh ... n/a Axh ... Bxh-Cxh ... Dxh VPSUBUSB1 Vpkx, Hpkx, Wpkx VPSUBUSW1 Vpix, Hpix, Wpix VPMINUB1 Vpkx, Hpkx, Wpkx VPAND1 Vx, Hx, Wx VPADDUSB1 Vpkx, Hpkx, Wpkx VPADDUSW1 Vpix, Hpix, Wpix VPMAXUB1 Vpkx, Hpkx, Wpkx VPANDN1 Vx, Hx, Wx Exh VPSUBSB1 Vpkx, Hpkx, Wpkx VPSUBSW1 Vpix, Hpix, Wpix VPMINSW1 Vpix, Hpix, Wpix VPOR1 Vx, Hx, Wx VPADDSB1 Vpkx, Hpkx, Wpkx VPADDSW1 Vpix, Hpix, Wpix VPMAXSW1 Vpix, Hpix, Wpix VPXOR1 Vx, Hx, Wx Fxh VPSUBB1 Vpkx, Hpkx, Wpkx VPSUBW1 Vpix, Hpix, Wpix VPSUBD1 Vpxj, Hpjx, Wpjx VPSUBQ1 Vpqx, Hpqx, Wpqx VPADDB1 Vpkx, Hpkx, Wpkx VPADDW1 Vpix, Hpix, Wpix VPADDD1 Vpjx, Hpjx, Wpjx VEX group #15 00 01 00 01 00 01 Note 1: Note 2: 482 Supports both 128 bit and 256 bit vector sizes. Vector size is specified using the VEX.L bit. When L = 0, size is 128 bits; when L = 1, size is 256 bits. Operands are scalars. VEX.L bit is ignored. Opcode and Operand Encodings 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table A-20. VEX Opcode Map 2, Low Nibble = [0h:7h] VEX.pp Opcode 01 01 0xh x0h x1h x2h x3h VPSHUFB1 Vpbx, Hpbx, Wpbx VPHADDW1 Vpix, Hpix, Wpix VPHADDD1 Vpjx, Hpjx, Wpjx VPHADDSW1 Vpix, Hpix, Wpix 1xh 01 2xh 01 3xh VPMOVZXBW1 Vpix, Wpkx VPMOVZXBD1 Vpjx, Wpkx 01 4xh VPMULLD1 Vpjx, Hpjx, Wpxj VPHMINPOSUW Vo, Wpi ... 5xh-8xh x6h x7h VPHSUBD1 Vpjx, Hpjx, Wpjx VPHSUBSW1 Vpix, Hpix, Wpix VPERMPS Vps, Hd, Wps VPTEST1,4 Vx, Wx VPCMPGTQ1 Vpqx, Hpqx, Wpqx VPMOVSXBD1 Vpjx, Wpkx VPMOVSXBQ1 Vpqx, Wpkx VPMOVSXWD1 Vpjx, Wpix VPMOVSXWQ1 Vpqx, Wpix VPMOVSXDQ1 Vpqx, Wpjx VPMOVZXBQ1 Vpqx, Wpkx VPMOVZXWD1 Vpjx, Wpix VPMOVZXWQ1 Vpqx, Wpix VPMOVZXDQ1 Vpqx, Wpjx VPERMD Vd, Hd, Wd VPSRLV- VPSRAVD1 1 D Vx, Hx, Wx (W=0) Vpdwx, Hpdwx, 1 Wpdwx Q Vx, Hx, Wx (W=1) VPSLLV1 D Vx, Hx, Wx (W=0) 1 Q Vx, Hx, Wx (W=1) ... 5 9xh x5h VCVTPH2PS1 Vpsx, Wphx VPMOVSXBW1 Vpix, Wpkx 01 x4h VPMADDUBSW1 VPHSUBW1 Vpix, Hpkx, Wpkx Vpix, Hpix, Wpix 5 VPGATHERD- 5 VPGATHERQ- 5 VGATHERD- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 VFMADDSUB1321 PS Vx,Hx,Wx (W=0) 1 PD Vx,Hx,Wx (W=1) VFMADDSUB213- VGATHERQ- D Vx, M*d, Hpdw (W=0) D Vx, M*d, Hpdw (W=0) PS Vx,M*ps,Hpsx (W=0) PS Vx,M*ps,Hps (W=0) Q Vx, M*q, Hpqwx (W=1) Q Vx, M*q, Hpqw (W=1) PD Vx,M*pd,Hpdx (W=1) PD Vx,M*pd,Hpdx (W=1) 3 VFMSUBADD1321 PS Vx,Hx,Wx (W=0) 1 PD Vx,Hx,Wx (W=1) VFMSUBADD213- 1 1 1 1 01 Axh PS Vx,Hx,Wx (W=0) PS Vx,Hx,Wx (W=0) 1 1 PD Vx,Hx,Wx (W=1) PD Vx,Hx,Wx (W=1) VFMADDSUB231- VFMSUBADD231- 01 Bxh PS Vx,Hx,Wx (W=0) PS Vx,Hx,Wx (W=0) 1 1 PD Vx,Hx,Wx (W=1) PD Vx,Hx,Wx (W=1) ... Cxh-Exh ... ANDN Gy, By, Ey 00 01 Fxh BZHI Gy, Ey, By BEXTR Gy, Ey, By PEXT Gy, By, Ey SHLX Gy, Ey, By VEX group #17 SARX Gy, Ey, By 10 PDEP Gy, By, Ey 11 Note 1: Note 2: Note 3: Note 4: Note 5: MULX Gy, By, Ey SHRX Gy, Ey, By Supports both 128 bit and 256 bit vector sizes. Vector size is specified using the VEX.L bit. When L = 0, size is 128 bits; when L = 1, size is 256 bits. For all VFMADDSUBnnnPS instructions, the data type is packed single-precision floating point. For all VFMADDSUBnnnPD instructions, the data type is packed double-precision floating point. For all VFMSUBADDnnnPS instructions, the data type is packed single-precision floating point. For all VFMSUBADDnnnPD instructions, the data type is packed double-precision floating point. Operands are treated a bit vectors. Uses VSIB addressing mode. Opcode and Operand Encodings 483 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table A-21. VEX Opcode Map 2, Low Nibble = [8h:Fh] VEX.pp Opcode x8h x9h 1 xAh 1 xDh 1 xEh 1 xFh 1 1xh VBROADCASTSS1 Vps, Wss 2xh VPMULDQ1 VPCMPEQQ1 Vpqx, Hpjx , Wpjx Vpqx, Hpqx, Wpqx VMOVNTDQA1 Mx, Vx VPACKUSDW1 Vpix, Hpjx, Wpjx VMASKMOVPS1 Vpsx, Hx, Mpsx VMASKMOVPD1 Vpdx, Hx, Mpdx VMASKMOVPS1 Mpsx, Hx, Vpsx VMASKMOVPD1 Mpdx, Hx, Vpdx 01 3xh VPMINSB1 Vpkx, Hpkx, Wpkx VPMINUW1 Vpix, Hpix, Wpix VPMINUD1 Vpjx, Hpjx, Wpjx VPMAXSB1 Vpkx, Hpkx, Wpkx VPMAXSD1 Vpxj, Hpjx, Wpjx VPMAXUW1 Vpix, Hpix, Wpix VPMAXUD1 Vpjx, Hpjx, Wpjx ... 4xh ... 01 5xh ... 6xh VPMASKMOV- VPMASKMOV- VFMSUB132- D Vx, Hx, Mx (W=0) 1 Q Vx, Hx, Mx (W=1) VFNMADD132- VFNMADD132- D Mx, Hx, Vx (W=0) 1 Q Mx, Hx, Vx (W=1) VFNMSUB132- 01 01 7xh 01 8xh VPMINSD1 Vpjx, Hpjx, Wpjx VPABSB1 Vpkx, Wpkx VPABSW1 Vpix, Wpix VPABSD1 Vpjx, Wpjx VPBROADCASTD1 VPBROADCASTQ1 VBROADCASTI128 Vx, Wd Vx, Wq Vdo, Mo ... VPBROADCASTB1 VPBROADCASTW1 Vx, Wb Vx, Ww 1 VFMADD132- VFMADD132- 9xh VTESTPS Vpsx, Wpsx VBROADCASTSD VBROADCASTF128 Vpd, Wsd Vdo, Mo (VEX.L=1) (VEX.L=1) 3 01 VPMULHRSW VPERMILPS VPERMILPD Vpix, Hpix, Wpix Vpsx, Hpsx, Wpdwx Vpdx, Hpdx, Wpqwx VTESTPD1 Vpdx, Wpdx 0xh 01 VPSIGND Vpjx, Hpjx, Wpjx xCh 1 VPSIGNB Vpkx, Hpkx, Wpkx 01 VPSIGNW Vpi, Hpi, Wpi xBh 1 4 VFMSUB132- 1 VFNMSUB132- 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 PS Vx,Hx,Wx (W=0) SS Vo,Ho,Wd (W=0) PS Vx,Hx,Wx (W=0) SS Vo,Ho,Wd (W=0) PS Vx,Hx,Wx (W=0) SS Vo,Ho,Wd (W=0) PS Vx,Hx,Wx (W=0) SS Vo,Ho,Wd (W=0) PD Vx,Hx,Wx (W=1) SD Vo,Ho,Wq (W=1) PD Vx,Hx,Wx (W=1) SD Vo,Ho,Wq (W=1) PD Vx,Hx,Wx (W=1) SD Vo,Ho,Wq (W=1) PD Vx,Hx,Wx (W=1) SD Vo,Ho,Wq (W=1) VFMADD213VFMADD213VFMSUB213VFMSUB213VFNMADD213VFNMADD213VFNMSUB213VFNMSUB213- 01 Axh PS Vx,Hx,Wx (W=0) SS Vo,Ho,Wd (W=0) PS Vx,Hx,Wx (W=0) SS Vo,Ho,Wd (W=0) PS Vx,Hx,Wx (W=0) SS Vo,Ho,Wd (W=0) PS Vx,Hx,Wx (W=0) SS Vo,Ho,Wd (W=0) PD Vx,Hx,Wx (W=1) SD Vo,Ho,Wq (W=1) PD Vx,Hx,Wx (W=1) SD Vo,Ho,Wq (W=1) PD Vx,Hx,Wx (W=1) SD Vo,Ho,Wq (W=1) PD Vx,Hx,Wx (W=1) SD Vo,Ho,Wq (W=1) VFMADD231VFMADD231VFMSUB231VFMSUB231VFNMADD231VFNMADD231VFNMSUB231VFNMSUB231- 01 Bxh PS Vx,Hx,Wx (W=0) SS Vo,Ho,Wd (W=0) PS Vx,Hx,Wx (W=0) SS Vo,Ho,Wd (W=0) PS Vx,Hx,Wx (W=0) SS Vo,Ho,Wd (W=0) PS Vx,Hx,Wx (W=0) SS Vo,Ho,Wd (W=0) PD Vx,Hx,Wx (W=1) SD Vo,Ho,Wq (W=1) PD Vx,Hx,Wx (W=1) SD Vo,Ho,Wq (W=1) PD Vx,Hx,Wx (W=1) SD Vo,Ho,Wq (W=1) PD Vx,Hx,Wx (W=1) SD Vo,Ho,Wq (W=1) ... Cxh 01 Dxh ... Exh-Fxh Note 1: Note 2: Note 3: Note 4: 484 ... VAESIMC Vo, Wo VAESENC Vo, Ho, Wo VAESENCLAST Vo, Ho, Wo VAESDEC Vo, Ho, Wo VAESDECLAST Vo, Ho, Wo ... Supports both 128 bit and 256 bit vector sizes. Vector size is specified using the VEX.L bit. When L = 0, size is 128 bits; when L = 1, size is 256 bits. Operands are scalars. VEX.L bit is ignored. For all VFMADDnnnPS instructions, the data type is packed single-precision floating point. For all VFMADDnnnPD instructions, the data type is packed double-precision floating point. For all VFMSUBnnnPS instructions, the data type is packed single-precision floating point. For all VFMSUBnnnPD instructions, the data type is packed double-precision floating point. Opcode and Operand Encodings 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table A-22. VEX Opcode Map 3, Low Nibble = [0h:7h] VEX.pp Nibble x0h x1h x2h VPERMQ Vq, Wq, Ib VPERMPD Vpd, Wpd, Ib VPBLENDD1 Vpdwx, Hpdwx, Wpdwx, Ib x3h x4h x5h x6h VPERMILPS1 Vpsx, Wpsx, Ib VPERMILPD1 Vpdx, Wpdx, Ib VPERM2F128 Vdo, Ho, Wo, Ib (VEX.L=1) VPEXTRB Mb, Vpb, Ib VPEXTRB Ry, Vpb, Ib VPEXTRW Mw, Vpw, Ib VPEXTRW Ry, Vpw, Ib VPEXTRD Ed, Vpdw, Ib VPEXTRQ Eq, Vpqw, Ib x7h 00 0xh 01 00 1xh 01 VEXTRACTPS Mss, Vps, Ib VEXTRACTPS Rss, Vps, Ib 00 2xh 01 ... 3xh VPINSRD Vpdw, Hpdw, Ed, Ib VPINSRB VINSERTPS (W=0) Vpb, Hpb, Wb, Ib Vps, Hps, Ups/Md, VPINSRQ Vpdw, Hpqw, Eq, Ib (W=1) ... 00 4xh 01 ... 5xh VDPPD VDPPS1 VMPSADBW1 Vpsx, Hpsx, Wpsx, Vpd, Hpd, Wpd, Ib Vpix, Hpkx, Wpkx, Ib Ib VPCLMULQDQ Vo, Hpq, Wpq, Ib VPERM2I128 Vo, Ho, Wo, ib ... 00 6xh 01 . . . 7xh-Exh VPCMPESTRM Vo, Wo, Ib VPCMPESTRI Vo, Wo, Ib VPCMPISTRM Vo, Wo, Ib VPCMPISTRI Vo, Wo, Ib ... 10 Fxh 11 Note 1: RORX Gy, Ey, ib Supports both 128 bit and 256 bit vector sizes. Vector size is specified using the VEX.L bit. When L=0, size is 128 bits; when L=1, size is 256 bits. Opcode and Operand Encodings 485 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table A-23. VEX Opcode Map 3, Low Nibble = [8h:Fh] VEX.pp Opcode x8h x9h 1 xAh 1 0xh VROUNDPS Vpsx, Wpsx, Ib VROUNDPD Vpdx, Wpdx, Ib 01 1xh VINSERTF128 Vdo, Hdo, Wo, Ib VEXTRACTF128 Wo, Vdo, Ib ... 2xh ... 3xh VINSERTI128 Vdo, Hdo, Wo, Ib 01 01 01 01 01 01 4xh 5xh 6xh VFMADDPS1 Vpsx, Lpsx, Wpsx, Hpsx (W=0) Vpsx, Lpsx, Hpsx, Wpsx (W=1) 7xh VFNMADDPS1 Vpsx, Lpsx, Wpsx, Hpsx (W=0) Vpsx, Lpsx, Hpsx, Wpsx (W=1) . . . 8xh-Cxh 01 ... Exh-Fxh xCh xDh xEh xFh VCVTPS2PH1 Wph, Vps, Ib VEXTRACTI128 Wo, Vdo, Ib VPERMILzz2PD1,2 VBLENDVPS1 VBLENDVPD1 VPBLENDVB1 Vpdx, Hpdx, Wpdx Vpsx, Hpsx, Wpsx, Vpdx, Hpdx, Wpdx, Vpbx, Hpbx, Wpbx, Lpdx, Ib (W=0) Lpdx Lpdx Lx Vpdx, Hpdx, Lpdx, Wpdx, Ib (W=1) VFMADDSUBPS1 Vpsx, Lpsx, Wpsx, Hpsx (W=0) Vpsx, Lpsx, Hpsx, Wpsx (W=1) VFMADDSS VFMADDSD VFMSUBPS1 VFMADDPD1 Vpdx, Lpdx, Wpdx, Vss, Lss, Wss, Hss Vsd, Lsd, Wsd, Hsd Vpsx, Lpsx, Wpsx, Hpdx (W=0) (W=0) (W=0) Hpsx (W=0) Vpdx, Lpdx, Hpdx, Vss, Lss, Hss, Wss Vsd, Lsd, Hsd, Wsd Vpsx, Lpsx, Hpsx, Wpdx (W=1) (W=1) (W=1) Wpsx (W=1) VFNMADDSS VFNMADDSD VFNMSUBPS1 VFNMADDPD1 Vpdx, Lpdx, Wpdx, Vss, Lss, Wss, Hss Vsd, Lsd, Wsd, Hsd Vpsx, Lpsx, Wpsx, Hpdx (W=0) (W=0) (W=0) Hpsx (W=0) Vpdx, Lpdx, Hpdx, Vss, Lss, Hss, Wss Vsd, Lsd, Hsd, Wsd Vpsx, Lpsx, Hpsx, Wpdx (W=1) (W=1) (W=1) Wpsx (W=1) VFMADDSUBPD1 Vpdx, Lpdx, Wpdx, Hpdx (W=0) Vpdx, Lpdx, Hpdx, Wpdx (W=1) VFMSUBPD1 Vpdx, Lpdx, Wpdx, Hpdx (W=0) Vpdx, Lpdx, Hpdx, Wpdx (W=1) VFMSUBADDPS1 Vpsx, Lpsx, Wpsx, Hpsx (W=0) Vpsx, Lpsx, Hpsx, Wpsx (W=1) VFMSUBSS Vss, Lss, Wss, Hss (W=0) Vss, Lss, Hss, Wss (W=1) VFNMSUBSS VFNMSUBPD1 Vpdx, Lpdx, Wpdx, Vss, Lss, Wss, Hss Hpdx (W=0) (W=0) Vpdx, Lpdx, Hpdx, Vss, Lss, Hss, Wss Wpdx (W=1) (W=1) VFMSUBADDPD1 Vpdx, Lpdx, Wpdx, Hpdx (W=0) Vpdx, Lpdx, Hpdx, Wpdx (W=1) VFMSUBSD Vsd, Lsd, Wsd, Hsd (W=0) Vsd, Lsd, Hsd, Wsd (W=1) VFNMSUBSD Vsd, Lsd, Wsd, Hsd (W=0) Vsd, Lsd, Hsd, Wsd (W=1) ... VAESKEYGENASSIST Vo, Wo, Ib Dxh Note 1: Note 2: 486 VPERMILzz2PS1,2 Vpsx, Hpsx, Wpsx, Lpsx, Ib (W=0) Vpsx, Hpsx, Lpsx, Wpsx, Ib (W=1) xBh VROUNDSS VROUNDSD VBLENDPD1 VPBLENDW1 VPALIGNR1 VBLENDPS1 Vss, Hss, Wss, Ib Vsd, Hsd, Wsd, Ib Vpsx, Hpsx, Wpsx, Vpdx, Hpdx, Wpdx, Vpwx, Hpwx, Wpwx,Vpbx, Hpbx, Wpbx, Ib Ib Ib Ib ... Supports both 128 bit and 256 bit vector sizes. Vector size is specified using the VEX.L bit. When L=0, size is 128 bits; when L=1, size is 256 bits. ~ The zero match codes are TD, TD (alias), MO, and MZ. They are encoded as the zzzz field of the Ib, using 0...3h. Opcode and Operand Encodings 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table A-24. VEX Opcode Groups Group VEX Map, Number VEX.pp Opcode 1 12 01 71h ModRM Byte xx000xxx xx001xxx xx010xxx xx011xxx 1 xx101xxx 1 xx110xxx VPSRAW Hpwx, Upwx, Ib VPSLLW Hpwx, Upwx, Ib VPSRAD1 Hpdwx, Updwx, Ib VPSLLD1 Hpdwx, Updwx, Ib 1 72h 01 VPSRLD1 Hpdwx, Updwx, Ib 14 1 73h 01 VPSRLQ1 VPSRLDQ1 Hpqwx, Upqwx, Ib Hpbx, Upbx, Ib 15 1 AEh 00 17 2 F3h 00 VLDMXCSR Md VSTMXCSR Md BLSMSK By, Ey BLSI By, Ey BLSR By, Ey xx111xxx 1 VPSRLW Hpwx, Upwx, Ib 13 Note: xx100xxx VPSLLQ1 VPSLLDQ1 Hpqwx, Upqwx, Ib Hpbx, Upbx, Ib 1. Supports both 128 bit and 256 bit vector sizes. Vector size is specified using the VEX.L bit. When L = 0, size is 128 bits; when L = 1, size is 256 bits. XOP Opcode Maps. Tables A-25 – A-30 below present the XOP opcode maps and Table A-31 on page 489 presents the VEX opcode groups. Table A-25. XOP Opcode Map 8h, Low Nibble = [0h:7h] XOP.pp Opcode x5h x6h x7h 8xh VPMACSSWW Vo,Ho,Wo,Lo VPMACSSWD Vo,Ho,Wo,Lo VPMACSSDQL Vo,Ho,Wo,Lo 00 9xh VPMACSWW Vo,Ho,Wo,Lo VPMACSWD Vo,Ho,Wo,Lo VPMACSDQL Vo,Ho,Wo,Lo 00 Axh 00 Bxh 00 Cxh VPROTB Vo,Wo,Ib ... Dxh-Fxh ... ... 0xh-7xh 00 x0h x1h x2h x3h x4h ... VPCMOV VPPERM Vx,Hx,Wx,Lx (W=0) Vo,Ho,Wo,Lo (W=0) Vx,Hx,Lx,Wx (W=1) Vo,Ho,Lo,Wo (W=1) VPMADCSSWD Vo,Ho,Wo,Lo VPMADCSWD Vo,Ho,Wo,Lo VPROTW Vo,Wo,Ib Opcode and Operand Encodings VPROTD Vo,Wo,Ib VPROTQ Vo,Wo,Ib 487 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table A-26. XOP Opcode Map 8h, Low Nibble = [8h:Fh] XOP.pp Opcode xEh xF 8xh VPMACSSDD Vo,Ho,Wo,Lo VPMACSSDQH Vo,Ho,Wo,Lo 00 9xh VPMACSDD Vo,Ho,Wo,Lo VPMACSDQH Vo,Ho,Wo,Lo ... Axh-Bxh 00 Cxh 00 Dxh 00 Exh 00 Fxh ... 0xh-07xh 00 x8h x9h xAh xBh xCh xDh ... ... 1 Note 1: 1 VPCOMccB Vo,Ho,Wo,Ib VPCOMccW Vo,Ho,Wo,Ib 1 VPCOMccUW Vo,Ho,Wo,Ib 1 VPCOMccUB Vo,Ho,Wo,Ib 1 1 VPCOMccD Vo,Ho,Wo,Ib VPCOMccQ Vo,Ho,Wo,Ib VPCOMccUD Vo,Ho,Wo,Ib 1 VPCOMccUQ Vo,Ho,Wo,Ib 1 The condition codes are LT, LE, GT, GE, EQ, NEQ, FALSE, and TRUE. They are encoded via Ib, using 00...07h. Table A-27. XOP Opcode Map 9h, Low Nibble = [0h:7h] XOP.pp Opcode x0h x1h x2h XOP group #1 XOP group #2 x3h x4h x5h x6h x7h VPSHLB Vo,Wo,Ho (W=0) Vo,Ho,Wo (W=1) VPSHLW Vo,Wo,Ho (W=0) Vo,Ho,Wo (W=1) VPSHLD Vo,Wo,Ho (W=0) Vo,Ho,Wo (W=1) VPSHLQ Vo,Wo,Ho (W=0) Vo,Ho,Wo (W=1) 00 0xh 00 1xh ... 2xh-7xh ... 00 8xh VFRCZPS Vx,Wx VFRCZPD Vx,Wx VFRCZSS Vq,Wss VFRCZSD Vq,Wsd 00 9xh VPROTB Vo,Wo,Ho (W=0) Vo,Ho,Wo (W=1) VPROTW Vo,Wo,Ho (W=0) Vo,Ho,Wo (W=1) VPROTD Vo,Wo,Ho (W=0) Vo,Ho,Wo (W=1) VPROTQ Vo,Wo,Ho (W=0) Vo,Ho,Wo (W=1) ... Axh-Bxh ... 00 Cxh VPHADDBW Vo,Wo VPHADDBD Vo,Wo VPHADDBQ Vo,Wo VPHADDWD Vo,Wo VPHADDWQ Vo,Wo 00 Dxh VPHADDUBWD Vo,Wo VPHADDUBD Vo,Wo VPHADDUBQ Vo,Wo VPHADDUWD Vo,Wo VPHADDUWQ Vo,Wo 00 Exh VPHSUBBW Vo,Wo VPHSUBWD Vo,Wo VPHSUBDQ Vo,Wo ... Fxh 488 XOP group #3 ... Opcode and Operand Encodings 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table A-28. XOP Opcode Map 9h, Low Nibble = [8h:Fh] XOP.pp Opcode x8h x9h xAh xBh VPSHAW Vo,Wo,Ho (W=0) Vo,Ho,Wo (W=1) VPSHAD Vo,Wo,Ho (W=0) Vo,Ho,Wo (W=1) VPSHAQ Vo,Wo,Ho (W=0) Vo,Ho,Wo (W=1) ... 0xh-8xh 00 9xh ... Axh-Bxh 00 Cxh VPHADDDQ Vo,Wo 00 Dxh VPHADDUDQ Vo,Wo ... Exh-Fxh xCh xDh xEh xF x5h x6h x7h xDh xEh xFh ... VPSHAB Vo,Wo,Ho (W=0) Vo,Ho,Wo (W=1) ... ... Table A-29. XOP Opcode Map Ah, Low Nibble = [0h:7h] XOP.pp Opcode x0h ... 0xh ... 00 1xh BEXTR Gy,Ey,Id ... 2xh-Fxh ... x1h x2h x3h x4h XOP group #4 Table A-30. XOP Opcode Map Ah, Low Nibble = [8h:Fh] XOP.pp Opcode n/a x8h x9h xAh xBh xCh 0xh-Fxh Opcodes Reserved Table A-31. XOP Opcode Groups ModRM.reg Group XOP 9 #1 01h XOP 9 #2 02h XOP 9 #3 12h XOP A #4 12h /0 /1 BLCFILL By,Ey /2 BLSFILL By,Ey BLCMSK By,Ey LLWPCB Ry SLWPCB Ry LWPINS By,Ed,Id LWPVAL By,Ed,Id Opcode and Operand Encodings /3 BLCS By,Ey /4 TZMSK By,Ey /5 BLCIC By,Ey /6 BLSIC By,Ey /7 T1MSKC By,Ey BLCI By,Ey 489 AMD64 Technology A.2 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Operand Encodings An operand is data that affects or is affected by the execution of an instruction. Operands may be located in registers, memory, or I/O ports. For some instructions, the location of one or more operands is implicitly specified based on the opcode alone. However, for most instructions, operands are specified using bytes that immediately follow the opcode byte. These bytes are designated the moderegister-memory (ModRM) byte, the scale-index-base (SIB) byte, the displacement byte(s), and the immediate byte(s). The presence of the SIB, displacement, and immediate bytes are optional depending on the instruction, and, for instructions that reference memory, the memory addressing mode. The following sections describe the encoding of the ModRM and SIB bytes in various processor modes. A.2.1 ModRM Operand References Figure A-2 below shows the format of the ModRM byte. There are three fields—mod, reg, and r/m. The reg field is normally used to specify a register-based operand. The mod and r/m fields together provide a 5-bit field, augmented in 64-bit mode by the R and B bits of a REX, VEX, or XOP prefix, normally used to specify the location of a second memory- or register-based operand and, for a memory-based operand, the addressing mode. As described in “Encoding Extensions Using the ModRM Byte” on page 459, certain instructions use either the reg field, the r/m field, or the entire ModRM byte to extend the opcode byte in the encoding of the instruction operation. 7 6 mod 5 4 reg 3 2 1 0 ModRM r/m REX.R, VEX.R or XOP.R extend this field to 4 bits REX.B, VEX.B, or XOP.B extend this field to 4 bits Figure A-2. v3_ModRM_format.eps ModRM-Byte Format The two sections below describe the ModRM operand encodings, first for 16-bit references and then for 32-bit and 64-bit references. 16-Bit Register and Memory References. Table A-32 shows the notation and encoding conventions for register references using the ModRM reg field. This table is comparable to Table A-34 on page 493 but applies only when the address-size is 16-bit. Table A-33 on page 491 shows the 490 Opcode and Operand Encodings 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology notation and encoding conventions for 16-bit memory references using the ModRM byte. This table is comparable to Table A-35 on page 494. Table A-32. ModRM reg Field Encoding, 16-Bit Addressing Mnemonic Notation ModRM reg Field /0 /1 /2 /3 /4 /5 /6 /7 reg8 AL CL DL BL AH CH DH BH reg16 AX CX DX BX SP BP SI DI reg32 EAX ECX EDX EBX ESP EBP ESI EDI mmx MMX0 MMX1 MMX2 MMX3 MMX4 MMX5 MMX6 MMX7 xmm XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ymm YMM0 YMM1 YMM2 YMM3 YMM4 YMM5 YMM6 YMM7 sReg ES CS SS DS FS GS invalid invalid cReg CR0 CR1 CR2 CR3 CR4 CR5 CR6 CR7 dReg DR0 DR1 DR2 DR3 DR4 DR5 DR6 DR7 Table A-33. ModRM Byte Encoding, 16-Bit Addressing Effective Address ModRM mod Field (binary) ModRM reg Field1 /0 /1 /2 /3 /4 /5 /6 /7 ModRM r/m Field (binary) Complete ModRM Byte (hex) [BX] + [SI] 00 08 10 18 20 28 30 38 000 [BX] + [DI] 01 09 11 19 21 29 31 39 001 [BP] + [SI] 02 0A 12 1A 22 2A 32 3A 010 03 0B 13 1B 23 2B 33 3B 011 04 0C 14 1C 24 2C 34 3C 100 [DI] 05 0D 15 1D 25 2D 35 3D 101 disp16 06 0E 16 1E 26 2E 36 3E 110 [BX] 07 0F 17 1F 27 2F 37 3F 111 [BP] + [DI] [SI] 00 Notes: 1. See Table A-32 for complete specification of ModRM “reg” field. Opcode and Operand Encodings 491 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table A-33. ModRM Byte Encoding, 16-Bit Addressing (continued) Effective Address ModRM mod Field (binary) ModRM reg Field1 /0 /1 /2 /3 /4 /5 /6 /7 ModRM r/m Field (binary) Complete ModRM Byte (hex) [BX] + [SI] + disp8 40 48 50 58 60 68 70 78 000 [BX] + [DI] + disp8 41 49 51 59 61 69 71 79 001 [BP] + [SI] + disp8 42 4A 52 5A 62 6A 72 7A 010 43 4B 53 5B 63 6B 73 7B 011 44 4C 54 5C 64 6C 74 7C 100 [DI] + disp8 45 4D 55 5D 65 6D 75 7D 101 [BP] + disp8 46 4E 56 5E 66 6E 76 7E 110 [BX] + disp8 47 4F 57 5F 67 6F 77 7F 111 [BX] + [SI] + disp16 80 88 90 98 A0 A8 B0 B8 000 [BX] + [DI] + disp16 81 89 91 99 A1 A9 B1 B9 001 [BP] + [SI] + disp16 82 8A 92 9A A2 AA B2 BA 010 83 8B 93 9B A3 AB B3 BB 011 84 8C 94 9C A4 AC B4 BC 100 [DI] + disp16 85 8D 95 9D A5 AD B5 BD 101 [BP] + disp16 86 8E 96 9E A6 AE B6 BE 110 [BX] + disp16 87 8F 97 9F A7 AF B7 BF 111 AL/ AX/ EAX/ MMX0/ XMM0/ YMM0 C0 C8 D0 D8 E0 E8 F0 F8 000 CL/ CX/ ECX/ MMX1/ XMM1/ YMM1 C1 C9 D1 D9 E1 E9 F1 F9 001 DL/ DX/ EDX/ MMX2/ XMM2/ YMM2 C2 CA D2 DA E2 EA F2 FA 010 C3 CB D3 DB E3 EB F3 FB 011 C4 CC D4 DC E4 EC F4 FC 100 CH/ BP/ EBP/ MMX5/ XMM5/ YMM5 C5 CD D5 DD E5 ED F5 FD 101 DH/ SI/ ESI/ MMX6/ XMM6/ YMM6 C6 CE D6 DE E6 EE F6 FE 110 BH/ DI/ EDI/ MMX7/ XMM7/ YMM7 C7 CF D7 DF E7 EF F7 FF 111 [BP] + [DI] + disp8 [SI] + disp8 [BP] + [DI] + disp16 [SI] + disp16 BL/ BX/ EBX/ MMX3/ XMM3/ YMM3 AH/ SP/ ESP/ MMX4/ XMM4/ YMM4 01 10 11 Notes: 1. See Table A-32 for complete specification of ModRM “reg” field. Register and Memory References for 32-Bit and 64-Bit Addressing. Table A-34 on page 493 shows the encoding for register references using the ModRM reg field. The first ten rows of Table A-34 show references when the REX.R bit is cleared to 0, and the last ten rows show references when the REX.R bit is set to 1. In this table, entries under the Mnemonic Notation heading correspond 492 Opcode and Operand Encodings 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology to register notation described in “Mnemonic Syntax” on page 52, and the /r notation under the ModRM reg Field heading corresponds to that described in “Opcode Syntax” on page 55. Table A-34. ModRM reg Field Encoding, 32-Bit and 64-Bit Addressing Mnemonic Notation REX.R Bit ModRM reg Field /0 /1 /2 /3 /4 /5 /6 /7 reg8 AL CL DL BL AH/SPL CH/BPL DH/SIL BH/DIL reg16 AX CX DX BX SP BP SI DI reg32 EAX ECX EDX EBX ESP EBP ESI EDI reg64 RAX RCX RDX RBX RSP RBP RSI RDI MMX0 MMX1 MMX2 MMX3 MMX4 MMX5 MMX6 MMX7 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 ymm YMM0 YMM1 YMM2 YMM3 YMM4 YMM5 YMM6 YMM7 sReg ES CS SS DS FS GS invalid invalid cReg CR0 CR1 CR2 CR3 CR4 CR5 CR6 CR7 dReg DR0 DR1 DR2 DR3 DR4 DR5 DR6 DR7 reg8 R8B R9B R10B R11B R12B R13B R14B R15B reg16 R8W R9W R10W R11W R12W R13W R14W R15W reg32 R8D R9D R10D R11D R12D R13D R14D R15D reg64 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 R13 R14 R15 MMX0 MMX1 MMX2 MMX3 MMX4 MMX5 MMX6 MMX7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 XMM11 XMM12 XMM13 XMM14 XMM15 ymm YMM8 YMM9 YMM10 YMM11 YMM12 YMM13 YMM14 YMM15 sReg ES CS SS DS FS GS invalid invalid cReg CR8 CR9 CR10 CR11 CR12 CR13 CR14 CR15 dReg DR8 DR9 DR10 DR11 DR12 DR13 DR14 DR15 mmx xmm mmx xmm 0 1 Table A-35 on page 494 shows the encoding for 32-bit and 64-bit memory references using the ModRM byte. This table describes 32-bit and 64-bit addressing, with the REX.B bit set or cleared. The Effective Address is shown in the two left-most columns, followed by the binary encoding of the ModRM-byte mod field, followed by the eight possible hex values of the complete ModRM byte (one value for each binary encoding of the ModRM-byte reg field), followed by the binary encoding of the ModRM r/m field. The /0 through /7 notation for the ModRM reg field (bits [5:3]) means that the three-bit field contains a value from zero (binary 000) to 7 (binary 111). Opcode and Operand Encodings 493 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table A-35. ModRM Byte Encoding, 32-Bit and 64-Bit Addressing Effective Address REX.B = 0 REX.B = 1 ModRM mod Field (binary) ModRM reg Field1 /0 /1 /2 /3 /4 /5 /6 /7 ModRM r/m Field (binary) Complete ModRM Byte (hex) [rAX] [r8] 00 08 10 18 20 28 30 38 000 [rCX] [r9] 01 09 11 19 21 29 31 39 001 [rDX] [r10] 02 0A 12 1A 22 2A 32 3A 010 [rBX] [r11] 03 0B 13 1B 23 2B 33 3B 011 SIB2 SIB2 04 0C 14 1C 24 2C 34 3C 100 [rIP] + disp32 or disp323 [rIP] + disp32 or disp323 05 0D 15 1D 25 2D 35 3D 101 [rSI] [r14] 06 0E 16 1E 26 2E 36 3E 110 [rDI] [r15] 07 0F 17 1F 27 2F 37 3F 111 [rAX] + disp8 [r8] + disp8 40 48 50 58 60 68 70 78 000 [rCX] + disp8 [r9] + disp8 41 49 51 59 61 69 71 79 001 [rDX] + disp8 [r10] + disp8 42 4A 52 5A 62 6A 72 7A 010 [rBX] + disp8 [r11] + disp8 43 4B 53 5B 63 6B 73 7B 011 [SIB] + disp8 [SIB] + disp8 44 4C 54 5C 64 6C 74 7C 100 [rBP] + disp8 [r13] + disp8 45 4D 55 5D 65 6D 75 7D 101 [rSI] + disp8 [r14] + disp8 46 4E 56 5E 66 6E 76 7E 110 [rDI] + disp8 [r15] + disp8 47 4F 57 5F 67 6F 77 7F 111 [rAX] + disp32 [r8] + disp32 80 88 90 98 A0 A8 B0 B8 000 [rCX] + disp32 [r9] + disp32 81 89 91 99 A1 A9 B1 B9 001 [rDX] + disp32 [r10] + disp32 82 8A 92 9A A2 AA B2 BA 010 [rBX] + disp32 [r11] + disp32 83 8B 93 9B A3 AB B3 BB 011 SIB + disp32 SIB + disp32 84 8C 94 9C A4 AC B4 BC 100 [rBP] + disp32 [r13] + disp32 85 8D 95 9D A5 AD B5 BD 101 [rSI] + disp32 [r14] + disp32 86 8E 96 9E A6 AE B6 BE 110 [rDI] + disp32 [r15 ] + disp32 87 8F 97 9F A7 AF B7 BF 111 00 01 10 Notes: 1. See Table A-34 for complete specification of ModRM “reg” field. 2. If SIB.base = 5, the SIB byte is followed by four-byte disp32 field and addressing mode is absolute. 3. In 64-bit mode, the effective address is [rIP]+disp32. In all other modes, the effective address is disp32. If the address-size prefix is used in 64-bit mode to override 64-bit addressing, the [RIP]+disp32 effective address is truncated after computation to 32 bits. 494 Opcode and Operand Encodings 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table A-35. ModRM Byte Encoding, 32-Bit and 64-Bit Addressing (continued) Effective Address REX.B = 0 REX.B = 1 ModRM mod Field (binary) ModRM reg Field1 /0 /1 /2 /3 /4 /5 /6 /7 ModRM r/m Field (binary) Complete ModRM Byte (hex) AL/rAX/MMX0/XMM0/ r8/MMX0/XMM8/ YMM0 YMM8 C0 C8 D0 D8 E0 E8 F0 F8 000 CL/rCX/MMX1/XMM1/ r9/MMX1/XMM9/ YMM1 YMM9 C1 C9 D1 D9 E1 E9 F1 F9 001 DL/rDX/MMX2/XMM2/ r10/MMX2/XMM10/ YMM2 YMM10 C2 CA D2 DA E2 EA F2 FA 010 C3 CB D3 DB E3 EB F3 FB 011 C4 CC D4 DC E4 EC F4 FC 100 BL/rBX/MMX3/XMM3/ r11/MMX3/XMM11/ YMM3 YMM11 11 AH/SPL/rSP/MMX4/ XMM4/YMM4 r12/MMX4/XMM12/ YMM12 CH/BPL/rBP/MMX5/ XMM5/YMM5 r13/MMX5/XMM13/ YMM13 C5 CD D5 DD E5 ED F5 FD 101 DH/SIL/rSI/MMX6/ XMM6/YMM6 r14/MMX6/XMM14/ YMM14 C6 CE D6 DE E6 EE F6 FE 110 BH/DIL/rDI/MMX7/ XMM7/YMM7 r15/MMX7/XMM15/ YMM15 C7 CF D7 DF E7 EF F7 FF 111 Notes: 1. See Table A-34 for complete specification of ModRM “reg” field. 2. If SIB.base = 5, the SIB byte is followed by four-byte disp32 field and addressing mode is absolute. 3. In 64-bit mode, the effective address is [rIP]+disp32. In all other modes, the effective address is disp32. If the address-size prefix is used in 64-bit mode to override 64-bit addressing, the [RIP]+disp32 effective address is truncated after computation to 32 bits. A.2.2 SIB Operand References Figure A-3 on page 496 shows the format of a scale-index-base (SIB) byte. Some instructions have an SIB byte following their ModRM byte to define memory addressing for the complex-addressing modes described in “Effective Addresses” in Volume 1. The SIB byte has three fields—scale, index, and base—that define the scale factor, index-register number, and base-register number for 32-bit and 64-bit complex addressing modes. In 64-bit mode, the REX.B and REX.X bits extend the encoding of the SIB byte’s base and index fields. Opcode and Operand Encodings 495 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Bits: 7 6 scale 5 4 3 index 2 1 0 SIB base REX.X bit of REX prefix can extend this field to 4 bits 513-306.eps REX.B bit of REX prefix can extend this field to 4 bits Figure A-3. SIB Byte Format Table A-36 shows the encodings for the SIB byte’s base field, which specifies the base register for addressing. Table A-37 on page 497 shows the encodings for the effective address referenced by a complete SIB byte, including its scale and index fields. The /0 through /7 notation for the SIB base field means that the three-bit field contains a value between zero (binary 000) and 7 (binary 111). Table A-36. Addressing Modes: SIB base Field Encoding REX.B Bit ModRM mod Field SIB base Field /0 /1 /2 /3 /4 00 0 1 01 [rAX] [rCX] [rDX] [rBX] [rSP] [rBP] + disp8 [rBP] + disp32 00 disp32 01 /6 /7 [rSI] [rDI] [r14] [r15] disp32 10 10 496 /5 [r8] [r9] [r10] [r11] [r12] [r13] + disp8 [r13] + disp32 Opcode and Operand Encodings 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table A-37. Addressing Modes: SIB Byte Encoding SIB base Field1 REX.B = 0 rAX rCX rDX rBX rSP Effective Address REX.X = 0 SIB SIB scale index Field Field REX.B = 1 r8 r9 r10 r11 r12 /0 /1 /2 /3 /4 REX.X = 1 note rSI rDI 1 r14 r15 /5 /6 /7 1 note Complete SIB Byte (hex) [rAX] + [base] [r8] + [base] 000 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 [rCX] + [base] [r9] + [base] 001 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F [rDX] + [base] [r10] + [base] 010 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 [rBX] + [base] [r11] + [base] 011 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F [base] [r12] + [base] 100 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 [rBP] + [base] [r13] + [base] 101 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F [rSI] + [base] [r14] + [base] 110 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 [rDI] + [base] [r15] + [base] 111 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F [rAX] * 2 + [base] [r8] * 2 + [base] 000 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 [rCX] * 2 + [base] [r9] * 2 + [base] 001 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F [rDX] * 2 + [base] [r10] * 2 + [base] 010 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 011 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 100 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 [rBP] * 2 + [base] [r13] * 2 + [base] 101 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F [rSI] * 2 + [base] [r14] * 2 + [base] 110 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 [rDI] * 2 + [base] [r15] * 2 + [base] 111 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F [rAX] * 4 + [base] [r8] * 4 + [base] 000 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 [rCX] * 4 + [base] [r9] * 4 + [base] 001 88 89 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F [rDX] * 4 + [base] [r10] * 4 + [base] 010 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 011 98 99 9A 9B 9C 9D 9E 9F 100 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 [rBX] * 2 + [base] [r11] * 2 + [base] [base] [r12] * 2 + [base] [rBX] * 4 + [base] [r11] * 4 + [base] 00 01 10 [base] [r12] * 4 + [base] [rBP]*4+[base] [r13] * 4 + [base] 101 A8 A9 AA AB AC AD AE AF [rSI]*4+[base] [r14] * 4 + [base] 110 B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 [rDI]*4+[base] [r15] * 4 + [base] 111 B8 B9 BA BB BC BD BE BF Notes: 1. See Table A-36 on page 496 for complete specification of SIB base field. Opcode and Operand Encodings 497 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table A-37. Addressing Modes: SIB Byte Encoding (continued) SIB base Field1 REX.B = 0 rAX rCX rDX rBX rSP Effective Address REX.X = 0 SIB SIB scale index Field Field REX.B = 1 r8 r9 r10 r11 r12 /0 /1 /2 /3 /4 REX.X = 1 note rSI rDI 1 r14 r15 /5 /6 /7 1 note Complete SIB Byte (hex) [rAX] * 8 + [base] [r8] * 8 + [base] 000 C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 [rCX] * 8 + [base] [r9] * 8 + [base] 001 C8 C9 CA CB CC CD CE CF [rDX] * 8 + [base] [r10] * 8 + [base] 010 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 011 D8 D9 DA DB DC DD DE DF 100 E0 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 [rBP] * 8 + [base] [r13] * 8 + [base] 101 E8 E9 EA EB EC ED EE EF [rSI] * 8 + [base] [r14] * 8 + [base] 110 F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 [rDI] * 8 + [base] [r15] * 8 + [base] 111 F8 F9 FA FB FC FD FE FF [rBX] * 8 + [base] [r11] * 8 + [base] [base] [r12] * 8 + [base] 11 Notes: 1. See Table A-36 on page 496 for complete specification of SIB base field. 498 Opcode and Operand Encodings 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Appendix B General-Purpose Instructions in 64-Bit Mode This appendix provides details of the general-purpose instructions in 64-bit mode and its differences from legacy and compatibility modes. The appendix covers only the general-purpose instructions (those described in Chapter 3, “General-Purpose Instruction Reference”). It does not cover the 128bit media, 64-bit media, or x87 floating-point instructions because those instructions are not affected by 64-bit mode, other than in the access by such instructions to extended GPR and XMM registers when using a REX prefix. B.1 General Rules for 64-Bit Mode In 64-bit mode, the following general rules apply to instructions and their operands: • • • • • • • • “Promoted to 64 Bit”: If an instruction’s operand size (16-bit or 32-bit) in legacy and compatibility modes depends on the CS.D bit and the operand-size override prefix, then the operand-size choices in 64-bit mode are extended from 16-bit and 32-bit to include 64 bits (with a REX prefix), or the operand size is fixed at 64 bits. Such instructions are said to be “Promoted to 64 bits” in Table B-1. However, byte-operand opcodes of such instructions are not promoted. Byte-Operand Opcodes Not Promoted: As stated above in “Promoted to 64 Bit”, byte-operand opcodes of promoted instructions are not promoted. Those opcodes continue to operate only on bytes. Fixed Operand Size: If an instruction’s operand size is fixed in legacy mode (thus, independent of CS.D and prefix overrides), that operand size is usually fixed at the same size in 64-bit mode. For example, CPUID operates on 32-bit operands, irrespective of attempts to override the operand size. Default Operand Size: The default operand size for most instructions is 32 bits, and a REX prefix must be used to change the operand size to 64 bits. However, two groups of instructions default to 64-bit operand size and do not need a REX prefix: (1) near branches and (2) all instructions, except far branches, that implicitly reference the RSP. See Table B-5 on page 527 for a list of all instructions that default to 64-bit operand size. Zero-Extension of 32-Bit Results: Operations on 32-bit operands in 64-bit mode zero-extend the high 32 bits of 64-bit GPR destination registers. No Extension of 8-Bit and 16-Bit Results: Operations on 8-bit and 16-bit operands in 64-bit mode leave the high 56 or 48 bits, respectively, of 64-bit GPR destination registers unchanged. Shift and Rotate Counts: When the operand size is 64 bits, shifts and rotates use one additional bit (6 bits total) to specify shift-count or rotate-count, allowing 64-bit shifts and rotates. Immediates: The maximum size of immediate operands is 32 bits, except that 64-bit immediates can be MOVed into 64-bit GPRs. Immediates that are less than 64 bits are a maximum of 32 bits, and are sign-extended to 64 bits during use. General-Purpose Instructions in 64-Bit Mode 499 AMD64 Technology • • 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Displacements and Offsets: The maximum size of an address displacement or offset is 32 bits, except that 64-bit offsets can be used by specific MOV opcodes that read or write AL or rAX. Displacements and offsets that are less than 64 bits are a maximum of 32 bits, and are signextended to 64 bits during use. Undefined High 32 Bits After Mode Change: The processor does not preserve the upper 32 bits of the 64-bit GPRs across switches from 64-bit mode to compatibility or legacy modes. In compatibility or legacy mode, the upper 32 bits of the GPRs are undefined and not accessible to software. B.2 Operation and Operand Size in 64-Bit Mode Table B-1 lists the integer instructions, showing operand size in 64-bit mode and the state of the high 32 bits of destination registers when 32-bit operands are used. Opcodes, such as byte-operand versions of several instructions, that do not appear in Table B-1 are covered by the general rules described in “General Rules for 64-Bit Mode” on page 499. Table B-1. Operations and Operands in 64-Bit Mode Instruction and Opcode (hex)1 AAA - ASCII Adjust after Addition 37 AAD - ASCII Adjust AX before Division D5 AAM - ASCII Adjust AX after Multiply D4 AAS - ASCII Adjust AL after Subtraction 3F Type of Operation2 Default Operand Size3 For 32-Bit Operand Size4 For 64-Bit Operand Size4 INVALID IN 64-BIT MODE (invalid-opcode exception) INVALID IN 64-BIT MODE (invalid-opcode exception) INVALID IN 64-BIT MODE (invalid-opcode exception) INVALID IN 64-BIT MODE (invalid-opcode exception) Notes: 1. See “General Rules for 64-Bit Mode” on page 499, for opcodes that do not appear in this table. 2. The type of operation, excluding considerations of operand size or extension of results. See “General Rules for 64Bit Mode” on page 499 for definitions of “Promoted to 64 bits” and related topics. 3. If “Type of Operation” is 64 bits, a REX prefix is needed for 64-bit operand size, unless the instruction size defaults to 64 bits. If the operand size is fixed, operand-size overrides are silently ignored. 4. Special actions in 64-bit mode, in addition to legacy-mode actions. Zero or sign extensions apply only to result operands, not source operands. Unless otherwise stated, 8-bit and 16-bit results leave the high 56 or 48 bits, respectively, of 64-bit destination registers unchanged. Immediates and branch displacements are sign-extended to 64 bits. 5. Any pointer registers (rDI, rSI) or count registers (rCX) are address-sized and default to 64 bits. For 32-bit address size, any pointer and count registers are zero-extended to 64 bits. 6. The default operand size can be overridden to 16 bits with 66h prefix, but there is no 32-bit operand-size override in 64-bit mode. 500 General-Purpose Instructions in 64-Bit Mode 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table B-1. Operations and Operands in 64-Bit Mode (continued) Instruction and Opcode (hex)1 Type of Operation2 Default Operand Size3 For 32-Bit Operand Size4 Promoted to 64 bits. 32 bits Zero-extends 32bit register results to 64 bits. Promoted to 64 bits. 32 bits Zero-extends 32bit register results to 64 bits. Promoted to 64 bits. 32 bits Zero-extends 32bit register results to 64 bits. For 64-Bit Operand Size4 ADC—Add with Carry 11 13 15 81 /2 83 /2 ADD—Signed or Unsigned Add 01 03 05 81 /0 83 /0 AND—Logical AND 21 23 25 81 /4 83 /4 ARPL - Adjust Requestor Privilege Level 63 BOUND - Check Array Against Bounds 62 BSF—Bit Scan Forward 0F BC OPCODE USED as MOVSXD in 64-BIT MODE INVALID IN 64-BIT MODE (invalid-opcode exception) Promoted to 64 bits. 32 bits Zero-extends 32bit register results to 64 bits. Notes: 1. See “General Rules for 64-Bit Mode” on page 499, for opcodes that do not appear in this table. 2. The type of operation, excluding considerations of operand size or extension of results. See “General Rules for 64Bit Mode” on page 499 for definitions of “Promoted to 64 bits” and related topics. 3. If “Type of Operation” is 64 bits, a REX prefix is needed for 64-bit operand size, unless the instruction size defaults to 64 bits. If the operand size is fixed, operand-size overrides are silently ignored. 4. Special actions in 64-bit mode, in addition to legacy-mode actions. Zero or sign extensions apply only to result operands, not source operands. Unless otherwise stated, 8-bit and 16-bit results leave the high 56 or 48 bits, respectively, of 64-bit destination registers unchanged. Immediates and branch displacements are sign-extended to 64 bits. 5. Any pointer registers (rDI, rSI) or count registers (rCX) are address-sized and default to 64 bits. For 32-bit address size, any pointer and count registers are zero-extended to 64 bits. 6. The default operand size can be overridden to 16 bits with 66h prefix, but there is no 32-bit operand-size override in 64-bit mode. General-Purpose Instructions in 64-Bit Mode 501 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table B-1. Operations and Operands in 64-Bit Mode (continued) Instruction and Opcode (hex)1 BSR—Bit Scan Reverse 0F BD BSWAP—Byte Swap 0F C8 through 0F CF BT—Bit Test 0F A3 0F BA /4 BTC—Bit Test and Complement 0F BB 0F BA /7 BTR—Bit Test and Reset 0F B3 0F BA /6 BTS—Bit Test and Set 0F AB 0F BA /5 CALL—Procedure Call Near E8 FF /2 Type of Operation2 Default Operand Size3 For 32-Bit Operand Size4 Promoted to 64 bits. 32 bits Zero-extends 32bit register results to 64 bits. Promoted to 64 bits. 32 bits Zero-extends 32Swap all 8 bytes bit register of a 64-bit GPR. results to 64 bits. Promoted to 64 bits. 32 bits No GPR register results. Promoted to 64 bits. 32 bits Zero-extends 32bit register results to 64 bits. Promoted to 64 bits. 32 bits Zero-extends 32bit register results to 64 bits. Promoted to 64 bits. 32 bits Zero-extends 32bit register results to 64 bits. For 64-Bit Operand Size4 See “Near Branches in 64-Bit Mode” in Volume 1. Promoted to 64 bits. Promoted to 64 bits. 64 bits 64 bits Can’t encode.6 Can’t encode.6 RIP = RIP + 32bit displacement sign-extended to 64 bits. RIP = 64-bit offset from register or memory. Notes: 1. See “General Rules for 64-Bit Mode” on page 499, for opcodes that do not appear in this table. 2. The type of operation, excluding considerations of operand size or extension of results. See “General Rules for 64Bit Mode” on page 499 for definitions of “Promoted to 64 bits” and related topics. 3. If “Type of Operation” is 64 bits, a REX prefix is needed for 64-bit operand size, unless the instruction size defaults to 64 bits. If the operand size is fixed, operand-size overrides are silently ignored. 4. Special actions in 64-bit mode, in addition to legacy-mode actions. Zero or sign extensions apply only to result operands, not source operands. Unless otherwise stated, 8-bit and 16-bit results leave the high 56 or 48 bits, respectively, of 64-bit destination registers unchanged. Immediates and branch displacements are sign-extended to 64 bits. 5. Any pointer registers (rDI, rSI) or count registers (rCX) are address-sized and default to 64 bits. For 32-bit address size, any pointer and count registers are zero-extended to 64 bits. 6. The default operand size can be overridden to 16 bits with 66h prefix, but there is no 32-bit operand-size override in 64-bit mode. 502 General-Purpose Instructions in 64-Bit Mode 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table B-1. Operations and Operands in 64-Bit Mode (continued) Instruction and Opcode (hex)1 CALL—Procedure Call Far 9A FF /3 CBW, CWDE, CDQE—Convert Byte to Word, Convert Word to Doubleword, Convert Doubleword to Quadword Type of Operation2 Default Operand Size3 For 32-Bit Operand Size4 For 64-Bit Operand Size4 See “Branches to 64-Bit Offsets” in Volume 1. INVALID IN 64-BIT MODE (invalid-opcode exception) Promoted to 64 bits. Promoted to 64 bits. 98 CDQ 32 bits If selector points to a gate, then RIP = 64-bit offset from gate, else RIP = zero-extended 32-bit offset from far pointer referenced in instruction. CWDE: Converts 32 bits word to (size of desti- doubleword. nation regisZero-extends ter) EAX to RAX. CDQE (new mnemonic): Converts doubleword to quadword. RAX = signextended EAX. see CWD, CDQ, CQO CDQE (new mnemonic) see CBW, CWDE, CDQE CDWE see CBW, CWDE, CDQE CLC—Clear Carry Flag F8 CLD—Clear Direction Flag FC CLFLUSH—Cache Line Invalidate 0F AE /7 CLGI—Clear Global Interrupt 0F 01 DD CLI—Clear Interrupt Flag FA Same as Not relevant. No GPR register results. legacy mode. Same as Not relevant. No GPR register results. legacy mode. Same as Not relevant. No GPR register results. legacy mode. Same as legacy mode Not relevant No GPR register results. Same as Not relevant. No GPR register results. legacy mode. Notes: 1. See “General Rules for 64-Bit Mode” on page 499, for opcodes that do not appear in this table. 2. The type of operation, excluding considerations of operand size or extension of results. See “General Rules for 64Bit Mode” on page 499 for definitions of “Promoted to 64 bits” and related topics. 3. If “Type of Operation” is 64 bits, a REX prefix is needed for 64-bit operand size, unless the instruction size defaults to 64 bits. If the operand size is fixed, operand-size overrides are silently ignored. 4. Special actions in 64-bit mode, in addition to legacy-mode actions. Zero or sign extensions apply only to result operands, not source operands. Unless otherwise stated, 8-bit and 16-bit results leave the high 56 or 48 bits, respectively, of 64-bit destination registers unchanged. Immediates and branch displacements are sign-extended to 64 bits. 5. Any pointer registers (rDI, rSI) or count registers (rCX) are address-sized and default to 64 bits. For 32-bit address size, any pointer and count registers are zero-extended to 64 bits. 6. The default operand size can be overridden to 16 bits with 66h prefix, but there is no 32-bit operand-size override in 64-bit mode. General-Purpose Instructions in 64-Bit Mode 503 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table B-1. Operations and Operands in 64-Bit Mode (continued) Instruction and Opcode (hex)1 CLTS—Clear Task-Switched Flag in CR0 0F 06 CMC—Complement Carry Flag F5 Type of Operation2 Default Operand Size3 For 64-Bit Operand Size4 Same as Not relevant. No GPR register results. legacy mode. Same as Not relevant. No GPR register results. legacy mode. CMOVcc—Conditional Move 0F 40 through 0F 4F For 32-Bit Operand Size4 Promoted to 64 bits. 32 bits Zero-extends 32bit register results to 64 bits. This occurs even if the condition is false. Promoted to 64 bits. 32 bits Zero-extends 32bit register results to 64 bits. CMP—Compare 39 3B 3D 81 /7 83 /7 CMPS, CMPSW, CMPSD, CMPSQ— Compare Strings A7 CMPXCHG—Compare and Exchange 0F B1 Promoted to 64 bits. 32 bits CMPSD: Compare String Doublewords. See footnote5 Promoted to 64 bits. 32 bits CMPSQ (new mnemonic): Compare String Quadwords See footnote5 Zero-extends 32bit register results to 64 bits. Notes: 1. See “General Rules for 64-Bit Mode” on page 499, for opcodes that do not appear in this table. 2. The type of operation, excluding considerations of operand size or extension of results. See “General Rules for 64Bit Mode” on page 499 for definitions of “Promoted to 64 bits” and related topics. 3. If “Type of Operation” is 64 bits, a REX prefix is needed for 64-bit operand size, unless the instruction size defaults to 64 bits. If the operand size is fixed, operand-size overrides are silently ignored. 4. Special actions in 64-bit mode, in addition to legacy-mode actions. Zero or sign extensions apply only to result operands, not source operands. Unless otherwise stated, 8-bit and 16-bit results leave the high 56 or 48 bits, respectively, of 64-bit destination registers unchanged. Immediates and branch displacements are sign-extended to 64 bits. 5. Any pointer registers (rDI, rSI) or count registers (rCX) are address-sized and default to 64 bits. For 32-bit address size, any pointer and count registers are zero-extended to 64 bits. 6. The default operand size can be overridden to 16 bits with 66h prefix, but there is no 32-bit operand-size override in 64-bit mode. 504 General-Purpose Instructions in 64-Bit Mode 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table B-1. Operations and Operands in 64-Bit Mode (continued) Instruction and Opcode (hex)1 Type of Operation2 Default Operand Size3 CMPXCHG8B—Compare and Exchange Eight Bytes 0F C7 /1 CPUID—Processor Identification 0F A2 Same as legacy mode. Same as legacy mode. CQO (new mnemonic) Promoted to 64 bits. 99 27 DAS - Decimal Adjust AL after Subtraction For 64-Bit Operand Size4 Zero-extends EDX and EAX to 64 bits. CMPXCHG16B (new mnemonic): Compare and Exchange 16 Bytes. Operand size Zero-extends 32-bit register results fixed at 32 to 64 bits. bits. see CWD, CDQ, CQO CWD, CDQ, CQO—Convert Word to Doubleword, Convert Doubleword to Quadword, Convert Quadword to Double Quadword DAA - Decimal Adjust AL after Addition 32 bits. For 32-Bit Operand Size4 CDQ: Converts doubleword to quadword. 32 bits Sign-extends (size of destiEAX to EDX. nation regisZero-extends ter) EDX to RDX. RAX is unchanged. CQO (new mnemonic): Converts quadword to double quadword. Sign-extends RAX to RDX. RAX is unchanged. INVALID IN 64-BIT MODE (invalid-opcode exception) INVALID IN 64-BIT MODE (invalid-opcode exception) 2F Notes: 1. See “General Rules for 64-Bit Mode” on page 499, for opcodes that do not appear in this table. 2. The type of operation, excluding considerations of operand size or extension of results. See “General Rules for 64Bit Mode” on page 499 for definitions of “Promoted to 64 bits” and related topics. 3. If “Type of Operation” is 64 bits, a REX prefix is needed for 64-bit operand size, unless the instruction size defaults to 64 bits. If the operand size is fixed, operand-size overrides are silently ignored. 4. Special actions in 64-bit mode, in addition to legacy-mode actions. Zero or sign extensions apply only to result operands, not source operands. Unless otherwise stated, 8-bit and 16-bit results leave the high 56 or 48 bits, respectively, of 64-bit destination registers unchanged. Immediates and branch displacements are sign-extended to 64 bits. 5. Any pointer registers (rDI, rSI) or count registers (rCX) are address-sized and default to 64 bits. For 32-bit address size, any pointer and count registers are zero-extended to 64 bits. 6. The default operand size can be overridden to 16 bits with 66h prefix, but there is no 32-bit operand-size override in 64-bit mode. General-Purpose Instructions in 64-Bit Mode 505 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table B-1. Operations and Operands in 64-Bit Mode (continued) Instruction and Opcode (hex)1 DEC—Decrement by 1 FF /1 48 through 4F Type of Operation2 Default Operand Size3 For 32-Bit Operand Size4 Promoted to 64 bits. 32 bits Zero-extends 32bit register results to 64 bits. OPCODE USED as REX PREFIX in 64-BIT MODE DIV—Unsigned Divide F7 /6 ENTER—Create Procedure Stack Frame C8 HLT—Halt F4 Promoted to 64 bits. 32 bits RDX:RAX contain a 64-bit Zero-extends 32quotient (RAX) bit register and 64-bit results to 64 bits. remainder (RDX). Promoted to 64 bits. 64 bits Can’t encode6 Same as Not relevant. No GPR register results. legacy mode. IDIV—Signed Divide F7 /7 For 64-Bit Operand Size4 Promoted to 64 bits. 32 bits RDX:RAX contain a 64-bit Zero-extends 32quotient (RAX) bit register and 64-bit results to 64 bits. remainder (RDX). Notes: 1. See “General Rules for 64-Bit Mode” on page 499, for opcodes that do not appear in this table. 2. The type of operation, excluding considerations of operand size or extension of results. See “General Rules for 64Bit Mode” on page 499 for definitions of “Promoted to 64 bits” and related topics. 3. If “Type of Operation” is 64 bits, a REX prefix is needed for 64-bit operand size, unless the instruction size defaults to 64 bits. If the operand size is fixed, operand-size overrides are silently ignored. 4. Special actions in 64-bit mode, in addition to legacy-mode actions. Zero or sign extensions apply only to result operands, not source operands. Unless otherwise stated, 8-bit and 16-bit results leave the high 56 or 48 bits, respectively, of 64-bit destination registers unchanged. Immediates and branch displacements are sign-extended to 64 bits. 5. Any pointer registers (rDI, rSI) or count registers (rCX) are address-sized and default to 64 bits. For 32-bit address size, any pointer and count registers are zero-extended to 64 bits. 6. The default operand size can be overridden to 16 bits with 66h prefix, but there is no 32-bit operand-size override in 64-bit mode. 506 General-Purpose Instructions in 64-Bit Mode 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table B-1. Operations and Operands in 64-Bit Mode (continued) Instruction and Opcode (hex)1 Type of Operation2 Default Operand Size3 For 32-Bit Operand Size4 IMUL - Signed Multiply RDX:RAX = RAX * reg/mem64 (i.e., 128-bit result) F7 /5 0F AF Promoted to 64 bits. 32 bits 69 reg64 = reg64 * Zero-extends 32- reg/mem64 bit register results to 64 bits. reg64 = reg/mem64 * imm32 reg64 = reg/mem64 * imm8 6B IN—Input From Port E5 ED INC—Increment by 1 FF /0 40 through 47 INS, INSW, INSD—Input String 6D For 64-Bit Operand Size4 Same as legacy mode. 32 bits Zero-extends 32-bit register results to 64 bits. Promoted to 64 bits. 32 bits Zero-extends 32bit register results to 64 bits. OPCODE USED as REX PREFIX in 64-BIT MODE Same as legacy mode. 32 bits Promoted to 64 bits. Not relevant. INSD: Input String Doublewords. No GPR register results. See footnote5 INT n—Interrupt to Vector CD INT3—Interrupt to Debug Vector See “Long-Mode Interrupt Control Transfers” in Volume 2. CC INTO - Interrupt to Overflow Vector CE INVALID IN 64-BIT MODE (invalid-opcode exception) Notes: 1. See “General Rules for 64-Bit Mode” on page 499, for opcodes that do not appear in this table. 2. The type of operation, excluding considerations of operand size or extension of results. See “General Rules for 64Bit Mode” on page 499 for definitions of “Promoted to 64 bits” and related topics. 3. If “Type of Operation” is 64 bits, a REX prefix is needed for 64-bit operand size, unless the instruction size defaults to 64 bits. If the operand size is fixed, operand-size overrides are silently ignored. 4. Special actions in 64-bit mode, in addition to legacy-mode actions. Zero or sign extensions apply only to result operands, not source operands. Unless otherwise stated, 8-bit and 16-bit results leave the high 56 or 48 bits, respectively, of 64-bit destination registers unchanged. Immediates and branch displacements are sign-extended to 64 bits. 5. Any pointer registers (rDI, rSI) or count registers (rCX) are address-sized and default to 64 bits. For 32-bit address size, any pointer and count registers are zero-extended to 64 bits. 6. The default operand size can be overridden to 16 bits with 66h prefix, but there is no 32-bit operand-size override in 64-bit mode. General-Purpose Instructions in 64-Bit Mode 507 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table B-1. Operations and Operands in 64-Bit Mode (continued) Instruction and Opcode (hex)1 INVD—Invalidate Internal Caches 0F 08 INVLPG—Invalidate TLB Entry 0F 01 /7 INVLPGA—Invalidate TLB Entry in a Specified ASID Type of Operation2 Default Operand Size3 Jcc—Jump Conditional Promoted to 64 bits. Not relevant. No GPR register results. Same as Not relevant. No GPR register results. legacy mode. Promoted to 64 bits. 32 bits IRETD: Interrupt Return Doubleword. See “Long-Mode Interrupt Control Transfers” in Volume 2. Promoted to 64 bits. 64 bits Can’t encode.6 0F 80 through 0F 8F E3 IRETQ (new mnemonic): Interrupt Return Quadword. See “Long-Mode Interrupt Control Transfers” in Volume 2. See “Near Branches in 64-Bit Mode” in Volume 1. 70 through 7F JCXZ, JECXZ, JRCXZ—Jump on CX/ECX/RCX Zero For 64-Bit Operand Size4 Same as Not relevant. No GPR register results. legacy mode. IRET, IRETD, IRETQ—Interrupt Return CF For 32-Bit Operand Size4 Promoted to 64 bits. 64 bits Can’t encode.6 RIP = RIP + 8-bit displacement sign-extended to 64 bits. RIP = RIP + 32bit displacement sign-extended to 64 bits. RIP = RIP + 8-bit displacement sign-extended to 64 bits. See footnote5 Notes: 1. See “General Rules for 64-Bit Mode” on page 499, for opcodes that do not appear in this table. 2. The type of operation, excluding considerations of operand size or extension of results. See “General Rules for 64Bit Mode” on page 499 for definitions of “Promoted to 64 bits” and related topics. 3. If “Type of Operation” is 64 bits, a REX prefix is needed for 64-bit operand size, unless the instruction size defaults to 64 bits. If the operand size is fixed, operand-size overrides are silently ignored. 4. Special actions in 64-bit mode, in addition to legacy-mode actions. Zero or sign extensions apply only to result operands, not source operands. Unless otherwise stated, 8-bit and 16-bit results leave the high 56 or 48 bits, respectively, of 64-bit destination registers unchanged. Immediates and branch displacements are sign-extended to 64 bits. 5. Any pointer registers (rDI, rSI) or count registers (rCX) are address-sized and default to 64 bits. For 32-bit address size, any pointer and count registers are zero-extended to 64 bits. 6. The default operand size can be overridden to 16 bits with 66h prefix, but there is no 32-bit operand-size override in 64-bit mode. 508 General-Purpose Instructions in 64-Bit Mode 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table B-1. Operations and Operands in 64-Bit Mode (continued) Instruction and Opcode (hex)1 JMP—Jump Near Type of Operation2 Default Operand Size3 For 32-Bit Operand Size4 See “Near Branches in 64-Bit Mode” in Volume 1. RIP = RIP + 8-bit displacement sign-extended to 64 bits. EB E9 Promoted to 64 bits. 64 bits Can’t encode.6 EA FF /5 LAHF - Load Status Flags into AH Register 9F LAR—Load Access Rights Byte 0F 02 LDS - Load DS Far Pointer C5 RIP = RIP + 32bit displacement sign-extended to 64 bits. RIP = 64-bit offset from register or memory. FF /4 JMP—Jump Far For 64-Bit Operand Size4 See “Branches to 64-Bit Offsets” in Volume 1. INVALID IN 64-BIT MODE (invalid-opcode exception) Promoted to 64 bits. 32 bits If selector points to a gate, then RIP = 64-bit offset from gate, else RIP = zero-extended 32-bit offset from far pointer referenced in instruction. Same as legNot relevant. acy mode. Same as legacy mode. 32 bits Zero-extends 32bit register results to 64 bits. INVALID IN 64-BIT MODE (invalid-opcode exception) Notes: 1. See “General Rules for 64-Bit Mode” on page 499, for opcodes that do not appear in this table. 2. The type of operation, excluding considerations of operand size or extension of results. See “General Rules for 64Bit Mode” on page 499 for definitions of “Promoted to 64 bits” and related topics. 3. If “Type of Operation” is 64 bits, a REX prefix is needed for 64-bit operand size, unless the instruction size defaults to 64 bits. If the operand size is fixed, operand-size overrides are silently ignored. 4. Special actions in 64-bit mode, in addition to legacy-mode actions. Zero or sign extensions apply only to result operands, not source operands. Unless otherwise stated, 8-bit and 16-bit results leave the high 56 or 48 bits, respectively, of 64-bit destination registers unchanged. Immediates and branch displacements are sign-extended to 64 bits. 5. Any pointer registers (rDI, rSI) or count registers (rCX) are address-sized and default to 64 bits. For 32-bit address size, any pointer and count registers are zero-extended to 64 bits. 6. The default operand size can be overridden to 16 bits with 66h prefix, but there is no 32-bit operand-size override in 64-bit mode. General-Purpose Instructions in 64-Bit Mode 509 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table B-1. Operations and Operands in 64-Bit Mode (continued) Type of Operation2 Default Operand Size3 For 32-Bit Operand Size4 Promoted to 64 bits. 32 bits Zero-extends 32bit register results to 64 bits. LEAVE—Delete Procedure Stack Frame Promoted to 64 bits. C9 64 bits Can’t encode6 Instruction and Opcode (hex)1 LEA—Load Effective Address 8D LES - Load ES Far Pointer C4 LFENCE—Load Fence 0F AE /5 LFS—Load FS Far Pointer 0F B4 LGDT—Load Global Descriptor Table Register 0F 01 /2 LGS—Load GS Far Pointer 0F B5 LIDT—Load Interrupt Descriptor Table Register 0F 01 /3 LLDT—Load Local Descriptor Table Register 0F 00 /2 LMSW—Load Machine Status Word 0F 01 /6 For 64-Bit Operand Size4 INVALID IN 64-BIT MODE (invalid-opcode exception) Same as Not relevant. No GPR register results. legacy mode. Same as legacy mode. Promoted to 64 bits. Same as legacy mode. 32 bits Zero-extends 32-bit register results to 64 bits. Operand size No GPR register results. fixed at 64 Loads 8-byte base and 2-byte limit. bits. 32 bits Zero-extends 32-bit register results to 64 bits. Promoted to 64 bits. Operand size No GPR register results. fixed at 64 Loads 8-byte base and 2-byte limit. bits. Promoted to 64 bits. Operand size No GPR register results. fixed at 16 References 16-byte descriptor to bits. load 64-bit base. Same as legacy mode. Operand size fixed at 16 No GPR register results. bits. Notes: 1. See “General Rules for 64-Bit Mode” on page 499, for opcodes that do not appear in this table. 2. The type of operation, excluding considerations of operand size or extension of results. See “General Rules for 64Bit Mode” on page 499 for definitions of “Promoted to 64 bits” and related topics. 3. If “Type of Operation” is 64 bits, a REX prefix is needed for 64-bit operand size, unless the instruction size defaults to 64 bits. If the operand size is fixed, operand-size overrides are silently ignored. 4. Special actions in 64-bit mode, in addition to legacy-mode actions. Zero or sign extensions apply only to result operands, not source operands. Unless otherwise stated, 8-bit and 16-bit results leave the high 56 or 48 bits, respectively, of 64-bit destination registers unchanged. Immediates and branch displacements are sign-extended to 64 bits. 5. Any pointer registers (rDI, rSI) or count registers (rCX) are address-sized and default to 64 bits. For 32-bit address size, any pointer and count registers are zero-extended to 64 bits. 6. The default operand size can be overridden to 16 bits with 66h prefix, but there is no 32-bit operand-size override in 64-bit mode. 510 General-Purpose Instructions in 64-Bit Mode 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table B-1. Operations and Operands in 64-Bit Mode (continued) Instruction and Opcode (hex)1 Type of Operation2 Default Operand Size3 LODS, LODSW, LODSD, LODSQ— Load String AD Promoted to 64 bits. 32 bits For 32-Bit Operand Size4 For 64-Bit Operand Size4 LODSD: Load String Doublewords. Zero-extends 32bit register results to 64 bits. LODSQ (new mnemonic): Load String Quadwords. See footnote 5 See footnote5 LOOP—Loop E2 LOOPZ, LOOPE—Loop if Zero/Equal E1 Promoted to 64 bits. 64 bits LOOPNZ, LOOPNE—Loop if Not Zero/Equal Can’t encode.6 RIP = RIP + 8-bit displacement sign-extended to 64 bits. See footnote5 E0 LSL—Load Segment Limit 0F 03 LSS —Load SS Segment Register 0F B2 LTR—Load Task Register 0F 00 /3 Same as legacy mode. 32 bits Zero-extends 32-bit register results to 64 bits. Same as legacy mode. 32 bits Zero-extends 32-bit register results to 64 bits. Promoted to 64 bits. Operand size No GPR register results. fixed at 16 References 16-byte descriptor to bits. load 64-bit base. LZCNT—Count Leading Zeros F3 0F BD Promoted to 64 bits. MFENCE—Memory Fence Same as Not relevant. No GPR register results. legacy mode. 0F AE /6 MONITOR—Setup Monitor Address 0F 01 C8 32 bits Zero-extends 32-bit register results to 64 bits. Operand size Same as fixed at 32 No GPR register results. legacy mode. bits. Notes: 1. See “General Rules for 64-Bit Mode” on page 499, for opcodes that do not appear in this table. 2. The type of operation, excluding considerations of operand size or extension of results. See “General Rules for 64Bit Mode” on page 499 for definitions of “Promoted to 64 bits” and related topics. 3. If “Type of Operation” is 64 bits, a REX prefix is needed for 64-bit operand size, unless the instruction size defaults to 64 bits. If the operand size is fixed, operand-size overrides are silently ignored. 4. Special actions in 64-bit mode, in addition to legacy-mode actions. Zero or sign extensions apply only to result operands, not source operands. Unless otherwise stated, 8-bit and 16-bit results leave the high 56 or 48 bits, respectively, of 64-bit destination registers unchanged. Immediates and branch displacements are sign-extended to 64 bits. 5. Any pointer registers (rDI, rSI) or count registers (rCX) are address-sized and default to 64 bits. For 32-bit address size, any pointer and count registers are zero-extended to 64 bits. 6. The default operand size can be overridden to 16 bits with 66h prefix, but there is no 32-bit operand-size override in 64-bit mode. General-Purpose Instructions in 64-Bit Mode 511 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table B-1. Operations and Operands in 64-Bit Mode (continued) Instruction and Opcode (hex)1 Type of Operation2 Default Operand Size3 For 32-Bit Operand Size4 For 64-Bit Operand Size4 MOV—Move 89 Zero-extends 32bit register 32-bit immediate results to 64 bits. is sign-extended to 64 bits. 8B C7 B8 through BF A1 (moffset) Promoted to 64 bits. Zero-extends 32bit register results to 64 bits. Memory offsets are addresssized and default to 64 bits. A3 (moffset) MOV—Move to/from Segment Registers 8C 8E MOV(CRn)—Move to/from Control Registers 0F 22 32 bits 0F 21 0F 23 Memory offsets are addresssized and default to 64 bits. Zero-extends 32-bit register results to 64 bits. Same as legacy mode. Operand size fixed at 16 No GPR register results. bits. Promoted to 64 bits. The high 32 bits of control registers Operand size differ in their writability and reserved fixed at 64 status. See “System Resources” in bits. Volume 2 for details. Promoted to 64 bits. The high 32 bits of debug registers Operand size differ in their writability and reserved fixed at 64 status. See “Debug and bits. Performance Resources” in Volume 2 for details. 0F 20 MOV(DRn)—Move to/from Debug Registers 64-bit immediate. 32 bits Notes: 1. See “General Rules for 64-Bit Mode” on page 499, for opcodes that do not appear in this table. 2. The type of operation, excluding considerations of operand size or extension of results. See “General Rules for 64Bit Mode” on page 499 for definitions of “Promoted to 64 bits” and related topics. 3. If “Type of Operation” is 64 bits, a REX prefix is needed for 64-bit operand size, unless the instruction size defaults to 64 bits. If the operand size is fixed, operand-size overrides are silently ignored. 4. Special actions in 64-bit mode, in addition to legacy-mode actions. Zero or sign extensions apply only to result operands, not source operands. Unless otherwise stated, 8-bit and 16-bit results leave the high 56 or 48 bits, respectively, of 64-bit destination registers unchanged. Immediates and branch displacements are sign-extended to 64 bits. 5. Any pointer registers (rDI, rSI) or count registers (rCX) are address-sized and default to 64 bits. For 32-bit address size, any pointer and count registers are zero-extended to 64 bits. 6. The default operand size can be overridden to 16 bits with 66h prefix, but there is no 32-bit operand-size override in 64-bit mode. 512 General-Purpose Instructions in 64-Bit Mode 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table B-1. Operations and Operands in 64-Bit Mode (continued) Instruction and Opcode (hex)1 Type of Operation2 Default Operand Size3 MOVD—Move Doubleword or Quadword 66 0F 6E Promoted to 64 bits. 32 bits Promoted to 64 bits. 32 bits No GPR register results. 32 bits MOVSD: Move String Doublewords. Zero-extends 32bit register results to 128 bits. 66 0F 7E MOVNTI—Move Non-Temporal Doubleword 0F C3 MOVS, MOVSW, MOVSD, MOVSQ— Move String A5 For 64-Bit Operand Size4 Zero-extends 32bit register results to 64 bits. 0F 6E 0F 7E For 32-Bit Operand Size4 Promoted to 64 bits. See footnote5 Zero-extends 64bit register results to 128 bits. MOVSQ (new mnemonic): Move String Quadwords. See footnote5 MOVSX—Move with Sign-Extend 0F BE Promoted to 64 bits. 0F BF 32 bits Sign-extends Zero-extends 32- byte to bit register quadword. results to 64 bits. Sign-extends word to quadword. Notes: 1. See “General Rules for 64-Bit Mode” on page 499, for opcodes that do not appear in this table. 2. The type of operation, excluding considerations of operand size or extension of results. See “General Rules for 64Bit Mode” on page 499 for definitions of “Promoted to 64 bits” and related topics. 3. If “Type of Operation” is 64 bits, a REX prefix is needed for 64-bit operand size, unless the instruction size defaults to 64 bits. If the operand size is fixed, operand-size overrides are silently ignored. 4. Special actions in 64-bit mode, in addition to legacy-mode actions. Zero or sign extensions apply only to result operands, not source operands. Unless otherwise stated, 8-bit and 16-bit results leave the high 56 or 48 bits, respectively, of 64-bit destination registers unchanged. Immediates and branch displacements are sign-extended to 64 bits. 5. Any pointer registers (rDI, rSI) or count registers (rCX) are address-sized and default to 64 bits. For 32-bit address size, any pointer and count registers are zero-extended to 64 bits. 6. The default operand size can be overridden to 16 bits with 66h prefix, but there is no 32-bit operand-size override in 64-bit mode. General-Purpose Instructions in 64-Bit Mode 513 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table B-1. Operations and Operands in 64-Bit Mode (continued) Instruction and Opcode (hex)1 MOVSXD—Move with Sign-Extend Doubleword 63 Type of Operation2 Default Operand Size3 New instruction, available only in 64-bit mode. (In other modes, this opcode is ARPL instruction.) 32 bits Zero-extends 32- Sign-extends bit register doubleword to results to 64 bits. quadword. 32 bits Zero-extends Zero-extends 32- byte to bit register quadword. results to 64 bits. Zero-extends word to quadword. 32 bits RDX:RAX=RAX * Zero-extends 32quadword in bit register register or results to 64 bits. memory. For 32-Bit Operand Size4 For 64-Bit Operand Size4 MOVZX—Move with Zero-Extend 0F B6 Promoted to 64 bits. 0F B7 MUL—Multiply Unsigned F7 /4 MWAIT—Monitor Wait 0F 01 C9 NEG—Negate Two’s Complement F7 /3 NOP—No Operation 90 NOT—Negate One’s Complement F7 /2 Promoted to 64 bits. Operand size Same as fixed at 32 No GPR register results. legacy mode. bits. Promoted to 64 bits. 32 bits Zero-extends 32bit register results to 64 bits. Same as Not relevant. No GPR register results. legacy mode. Promoted to 64 bits. 32 bits Zero-extends 32bit register results to 64 bits. Notes: 1. See “General Rules for 64-Bit Mode” on page 499, for opcodes that do not appear in this table. 2. The type of operation, excluding considerations of operand size or extension of results. See “General Rules for 64Bit Mode” on page 499 for definitions of “Promoted to 64 bits” and related topics. 3. If “Type of Operation” is 64 bits, a REX prefix is needed for 64-bit operand size, unless the instruction size defaults to 64 bits. If the operand size is fixed, operand-size overrides are silently ignored. 4. Special actions in 64-bit mode, in addition to legacy-mode actions. Zero or sign extensions apply only to result operands, not source operands. Unless otherwise stated, 8-bit and 16-bit results leave the high 56 or 48 bits, respectively, of 64-bit destination registers unchanged. Immediates and branch displacements are sign-extended to 64 bits. 5. Any pointer registers (rDI, rSI) or count registers (rCX) are address-sized and default to 64 bits. For 32-bit address size, any pointer and count registers are zero-extended to 64 bits. 6. The default operand size can be overridden to 16 bits with 66h prefix, but there is no 32-bit operand-size override in 64-bit mode. 514 General-Purpose Instructions in 64-Bit Mode 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table B-1. Operations and Operands in 64-Bit Mode (continued) Instruction and Opcode (hex)1 Type of Operation2 Default Operand Size3 For 32-Bit Operand Size4 Promoted to 64 bits. 32 bits Zero-extends 32bit register results to 64 bits. Same as legacy mode. 32 bits No GPR register results. 32 bits Writes doubleword to I/O port. No GPR register results. For 64-Bit Operand Size4 OR—Logical OR 09 0B 0D 81 /1 83 /1 OUT—Output to Port E7 EF OUTS, OUTSW, OUTSD—Output String 6F PAUSE—Pause F3 90 POP—Pop Stack 8F /0 58 through 5F POP—Pop (segment register from) Stack 0F A1 (POP FS) Same as legacy mode. See footnote5 Same as Not relevant. No GPR register results. legacy mode. Promoted to 64 bits. 64 bits Cannot encode6 No GPR register results. Same as legacy mode. 64 bits Cannot encode6 No GPR register results. 0F A9 (POP GS) 1F (POP DS) 07 (POP ES) INVALID IN 64-BIT MODE (invalid-opcode exception) 17 (POP SS) Notes: 1. See “General Rules for 64-Bit Mode” on page 499, for opcodes that do not appear in this table. 2. The type of operation, excluding considerations of operand size or extension of results. See “General Rules for 64Bit Mode” on page 499 for definitions of “Promoted to 64 bits” and related topics. 3. If “Type of Operation” is 64 bits, a REX prefix is needed for 64-bit operand size, unless the instruction size defaults to 64 bits. If the operand size is fixed, operand-size overrides are silently ignored. 4. Special actions in 64-bit mode, in addition to legacy-mode actions. Zero or sign extensions apply only to result operands, not source operands. Unless otherwise stated, 8-bit and 16-bit results leave the high 56 or 48 bits, respectively, of 64-bit destination registers unchanged. Immediates and branch displacements are sign-extended to 64 bits. 5. Any pointer registers (rDI, rSI) or count registers (rCX) are address-sized and default to 64 bits. For 32-bit address size, any pointer and count registers are zero-extended to 64 bits. 6. The default operand size can be overridden to 16 bits with 66h prefix, but there is no 32-bit operand-size override in 64-bit mode. General-Purpose Instructions in 64-Bit Mode 515 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table B-1. Operations and Operands in 64-Bit Mode (continued) Instruction and Opcode (hex)1 POPA, POPAD—Pop All to GPR Words or Doublewords Type of Operation2 Default Operand Size3 For 32-Bit Operand Size4 For 64-Bit Operand Size4 INVALID IN 64-BIT MODE (invalid-opcode exception) 61 POPCNT—Bit Population Count F3 0F B8 Promoted to 64 bits. 32 bits Zero-extends 32-bit register results to 64 bits. POPF, POPFD, POPFQ—Pop to rFLAGS Word, Doublword, or Quadword 9D PREFETCH—Prefetch L1 Data-Cache Line 0F 0D /0 PREFETCHlevel—Prefetch Data to Cache Level level 0F 18 /0-3 Promoted to 64 bits. 64 bits Cannot encode6 POPFQ (new mnemonic): Pops 64 bits off stack, writes low 32 bits into EFLAGS and zero-extends the high 32 bits of RFLAGS. Same as Not relevant. No GPR register results. legacy mode. Same as Not relevant. No GPR register results. legacy mode. PREFETCHW—Prefetch L1 Data-Cache Same as Line for Write Not relevant. No GPR register results. legacy mode. 0F 0D /1 PUSH—Push onto Stack FF /6 50 through 57 6A Promoted to 64 bits. 64 bits Cannot encode6 68 Notes: 1. See “General Rules for 64-Bit Mode” on page 499, for opcodes that do not appear in this table. 2. The type of operation, excluding considerations of operand size or extension of results. See “General Rules for 64Bit Mode” on page 499 for definitions of “Promoted to 64 bits” and related topics. 3. If “Type of Operation” is 64 bits, a REX prefix is needed for 64-bit operand size, unless the instruction size defaults to 64 bits. If the operand size is fixed, operand-size overrides are silently ignored. 4. Special actions in 64-bit mode, in addition to legacy-mode actions. Zero or sign extensions apply only to result operands, not source operands. Unless otherwise stated, 8-bit and 16-bit results leave the high 56 or 48 bits, respectively, of 64-bit destination registers unchanged. Immediates and branch displacements are sign-extended to 64 bits. 5. Any pointer registers (rDI, rSI) or count registers (rCX) are address-sized and default to 64 bits. For 32-bit address size, any pointer and count registers are zero-extended to 64 bits. 6. The default operand size can be overridden to 16 bits with 66h prefix, but there is no 32-bit operand-size override in 64-bit mode. 516 General-Purpose Instructions in 64-Bit Mode 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table B-1. Operations and Operands in 64-Bit Mode (continued) Instruction and Opcode (hex)1 PUSH—Push (segment register) onto Stack 0F A0 (PUSH FS) Type of Operation2 Default Operand Size3 For 32-Bit Operand Size4 Promoted to 64 bits. 64 bits Cannot encode6 For 64-Bit Operand Size4 0F A8 (PUSH GS) 0E (PUSH CS) 1E (PUSH DS) 06 (PUSH ES) INVALID IN 64-BIT MODE (invalid-opcode exception) 16 (PUSH SS) PUSHA, PUSHAD - Push All to GPR Words or Doublewords INVALID IN 64-BIT MODE (invalid-opcode exception) 60 PUSHF, PUSHFD, PUSHFQ—Push rFLAGS Word, Doubleword, or Quadword onto Stack PUSHFQ (new mnemonic): Pushes the 64-bit RFLAGS register. Promoted to 64 bits. 64 bits Cannot encode6 Promoted to 64 bits. 32 bits Zero-extends 32bit register Uses 6-bit count. results to 64 bits. Promoted to 64 bits. 32 bits Zero-extends 32Uses 6-bit count. bit register results to 64 bits. 9C RCL—Rotate Through Carry Left D1 /2 D3 /2 C1 /2 RCR—Rotate Through Carry Right D1 /3 D3 /3 C1 /3 RDMSR—Read Model-Specific Register 0F 32 RDX[31:0] contains MSR[63:32], Same as RAX[31:0] contains MSR[31:0]. Not relevant. legacy mode. Zero-extends 32-bit register results to 64 bits. Notes: 1. See “General Rules for 64-Bit Mode” on page 499, for opcodes that do not appear in this table. 2. The type of operation, excluding considerations of operand size or extension of results. See “General Rules for 64Bit Mode” on page 499 for definitions of “Promoted to 64 bits” and related topics. 3. If “Type of Operation” is 64 bits, a REX prefix is needed for 64-bit operand size, unless the instruction size defaults to 64 bits. If the operand size is fixed, operand-size overrides are silently ignored. 4. Special actions in 64-bit mode, in addition to legacy-mode actions. Zero or sign extensions apply only to result operands, not source operands. Unless otherwise stated, 8-bit and 16-bit results leave the high 56 or 48 bits, respectively, of 64-bit destination registers unchanged. Immediates and branch displacements are sign-extended to 64 bits. 5. Any pointer registers (rDI, rSI) or count registers (rCX) are address-sized and default to 64 bits. For 32-bit address size, any pointer and count registers are zero-extended to 64 bits. 6. The default operand size can be overridden to 16 bits with 66h prefix, but there is no 32-bit operand-size override in 64-bit mode. General-Purpose Instructions in 64-Bit Mode 517 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table B-1. Operations and Operands in 64-Bit Mode (continued) Instruction and Opcode (hex)1 RDPMC—Read PerformanceMonitoring Counters 0F 33 RDTSC—Read Time-Stamp Counter 0F 31 RDTSCP—Read Time-Stamp Counter and Processor ID 0F 01 F9 REP INS—Repeat Input String F3 6D REP LODS—Repeat Load String F3 AD REP MOVS—Repeat Move String F3 A5 REP OUTS—Repeat Output String to Port F3 6F REP STOS—Repeat Store String F3 AB REPx CMPS —Repeat Compare String F3 A7 Type of Operation2 Default Operand Size3 For 32-Bit Operand Size4 For 64-Bit Operand Size4 RDX[31:0] contains PMC[63:32], Same as RAX[31:0] contains PMC[31:0]. Not relevant. legacy mode. Zero-extends 32-bit register results to 64 bits. RDX[31:0] contains TSC[63:32], Same as RAX[31:0] contains TSC[31:0]. Not relevant. legacy mode. Zero-extends 32-bit register results to 64 bits. RDX[31:0] contains TSC[63:32], RAX[31:0] contains TSC[31:0]. Same as RCX[31:0] contains the TSC_AUX Not relevant. legacy mode. MSR C000_0103h[31:0]. Zeroextends 32-bit register results to 64 bits. Same as legacy mode. 32 bits Promoted to 64 bits. 32 bits Promoted to 64 bits. 32 bits Reads doubleword I/O port. See footnote5 Zero-extends EAX to 64 bits. See Same as legacy mode. 32 bits Promoted to 64 bits. 32 bits Promoted to 64 bits. 32 bits footnote5 See footnote5 No GPR register results. See footnote5 Writes doubleword to I/O port. No GPR register results. See footnote5 No GPR register results. See footnote5 No GPR register results. See footnote5 Notes: 1. See “General Rules for 64-Bit Mode” on page 499, for opcodes that do not appear in this table. 2. The type of operation, excluding considerations of operand size or extension of results. See “General Rules for 64Bit Mode” on page 499 for definitions of “Promoted to 64 bits” and related topics. 3. If “Type of Operation” is 64 bits, a REX prefix is needed for 64-bit operand size, unless the instruction size defaults to 64 bits. If the operand size is fixed, operand-size overrides are silently ignored. 4. Special actions in 64-bit mode, in addition to legacy-mode actions. Zero or sign extensions apply only to result operands, not source operands. Unless otherwise stated, 8-bit and 16-bit results leave the high 56 or 48 bits, respectively, of 64-bit destination registers unchanged. Immediates and branch displacements are sign-extended to 64 bits. 5. Any pointer registers (rDI, rSI) or count registers (rCX) are address-sized and default to 64 bits. For 32-bit address size, any pointer and count registers are zero-extended to 64 bits. 6. The default operand size can be overridden to 16 bits with 66h prefix, but there is no 32-bit operand-size override in 64-bit mode. 518 General-Purpose Instructions in 64-Bit Mode 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table B-1. Operations and Operands in 64-Bit Mode (continued) Instruction and Opcode (hex)1 REPx SCAS —Repeat Scan String F3 AF RET—Return from Call Near C2 C3 RET—Return from Call Far CB CA Type of Operation2 Default Operand Size3 Promoted to 64 bits. 32 bits For 32-Bit Operand Size4 For 64-Bit Operand Size4 No GPR register results. See footnote5 See “Near Branches in 64-Bit Mode” in Volume 1. Promoted to 64 bits. 64 bits No GPR register Cannot encode.6 results. Promoted to 64 bits. 32 bits See “Control Transfers” in Volume 1 and “Control-Transfer Privilege Checks” in Volume 2. Promoted to 64 bits. 32 bits Zero-extends 32bit register Uses 6-bit count. results to 64 bits. Promoted to 64 bits. 32 bits Zero-extends 32bit register Uses 6-bit count. results to 64 bits. Not relevant. See “System-Management Mode” in Volume 2. ROL—Rotate Left D1 /0 D3 /0 C1 /0 ROR—Rotate Right D1 /1 D3 /1 C1 /1 RSM—Resume from System Management Mode 0F AA SAHF—Store AH into Flags 9E New SMM state-save area. Same as legNot relevant. No GPR register results. acy mode. SAL—Shift Arithmetic Left D1 /4 D3 /4 Promoted to 64 bits. 32 bits Zero-extends 32bit register Uses 6-bit count. results to 64 bits. C1 /4 Notes: 1. See “General Rules for 64-Bit Mode” on page 499, for opcodes that do not appear in this table. 2. The type of operation, excluding considerations of operand size or extension of results. See “General Rules for 64Bit Mode” on page 499 for definitions of “Promoted to 64 bits” and related topics. 3. If “Type of Operation” is 64 bits, a REX prefix is needed for 64-bit operand size, unless the instruction size defaults to 64 bits. If the operand size is fixed, operand-size overrides are silently ignored. 4. Special actions in 64-bit mode, in addition to legacy-mode actions. Zero or sign extensions apply only to result operands, not source operands. Unless otherwise stated, 8-bit and 16-bit results leave the high 56 or 48 bits, respectively, of 64-bit destination registers unchanged. Immediates and branch displacements are sign-extended to 64 bits. 5. Any pointer registers (rDI, rSI) or count registers (rCX) are address-sized and default to 64 bits. For 32-bit address size, any pointer and count registers are zero-extended to 64 bits. 6. The default operand size can be overridden to 16 bits with 66h prefix, but there is no 32-bit operand-size override in 64-bit mode. General-Purpose Instructions in 64-Bit Mode 519 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table B-1. Operations and Operands in 64-Bit Mode (continued) Instruction and Opcode (hex)1 Type of Operation2 Default Operand Size3 Promoted to 64 bits. 32 bits Zero-extends 32bit register Uses 6-bit count. results to 64 bits. Promoted to 64 bits. 32 bits Zero-extends 32bit register results to 64 bits. For 32-Bit Operand Size4 For 64-Bit Operand Size4 SAR—Shift Arithmetic Right D1 /7 D3 /7 C1 /7 SBB—Subtract with Borrow 19 1B 1D 81 /3 83 /3 SCAS, SCASW, SCASD, SCASQ— Scan String AF Promoted to 64 bits. 32 bits SCASD: Scan String Doublewords. Zero-extends 32bit register results to 64 bits. See footnote SFENCE—Store Fence 0F AE /7 SGDT—Store Global Descriptor Table Register 0F 01 /0 5 SCASQ (new mnemonic): Scan String Quadwords. See footnote5 Same as Not relevant. No GPR register results. legacy mode. Promoted to 64 bits. Operand size No GPR register results. fixed at 64 Stores 8-byte base and 2-byte limit. bits. SHL—Shift Left D1 /4 D3 /4 Promoted to 64 bits. 32 bits Zero-extends 32bit register Uses 6-bit count. results to 64 bits. C1 /4 Notes: 1. See “General Rules for 64-Bit Mode” on page 499, for opcodes that do not appear in this table. 2. The type of operation, excluding considerations of operand size or extension of results. See “General Rules for 64Bit Mode” on page 499 for definitions of “Promoted to 64 bits” and related topics. 3. If “Type of Operation” is 64 bits, a REX prefix is needed for 64-bit operand size, unless the instruction size defaults to 64 bits. If the operand size is fixed, operand-size overrides are silently ignored. 4. Special actions in 64-bit mode, in addition to legacy-mode actions. Zero or sign extensions apply only to result operands, not source operands. Unless otherwise stated, 8-bit and 16-bit results leave the high 56 or 48 bits, respectively, of 64-bit destination registers unchanged. Immediates and branch displacements are sign-extended to 64 bits. 5. Any pointer registers (rDI, rSI) or count registers (rCX) are address-sized and default to 64 bits. For 32-bit address size, any pointer and count registers are zero-extended to 64 bits. 6. The default operand size can be overridden to 16 bits with 66h prefix, but there is no 32-bit operand-size override in 64-bit mode. 520 General-Purpose Instructions in 64-Bit Mode 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table B-1. Operations and Operands in 64-Bit Mode (continued) Instruction and Opcode (hex)1 SHLD—Shift Left Double 0F A4 0F A5 Type of Operation2 Default Operand Size3 Promoted to 64 bits. 32 bits Zero-extends 32bit register Uses 6-bit count. results to 64 bits. Promoted to 64 bits. 32 bits Zero-extends 32bit register Uses 6-bit count. results to 64 bits. Promoted to 64 bits. 32 bits Zero-extends 32bit register Uses 6-bit count. results to 64 bits. For 32-Bit Operand Size4 For 64-Bit Operand Size4 SHR—Shift Right D1 /5 D3 /5 C1 /5 SHRD—Shift Right Double 0F AC 0F AD SIDT—Store Interrupt Descriptor Table Register 0F 01 /1 SKINIT—Secure Init and Jump with Attestation 0F 01 DE SLDT—Store Local Descriptor Table Register 0F 00 /0 SMSW—Store Machine Status Word 0F 01 /4 STC—Set Carry Flag F9 STD—Set Direction Flag FD Promoted to 64 bits. Operand size No GPR register results. fixed at 64 Stores 8-byte base and 2-byte limit. bits. Same as legacy mode. Zero-extends 32Not relevant bit register results to 64 bits. Same as legacy mode. 32 Zero-extends 2-byte LDT selector to 64 bits. Same as legacy mode. 32 Zero-extends 32bit register results to 64 bits. Stores 64-bit machine status word (CR0). Same as Not relevant. No GPR register results. legacy mode. Same as Not relevant. No GPR register results. legacy mode. Notes: 1. See “General Rules for 64-Bit Mode” on page 499, for opcodes that do not appear in this table. 2. The type of operation, excluding considerations of operand size or extension of results. See “General Rules for 64Bit Mode” on page 499 for definitions of “Promoted to 64 bits” and related topics. 3. If “Type of Operation” is 64 bits, a REX prefix is needed for 64-bit operand size, unless the instruction size defaults to 64 bits. If the operand size is fixed, operand-size overrides are silently ignored. 4. Special actions in 64-bit mode, in addition to legacy-mode actions. Zero or sign extensions apply only to result operands, not source operands. Unless otherwise stated, 8-bit and 16-bit results leave the high 56 or 48 bits, respectively, of 64-bit destination registers unchanged. Immediates and branch displacements are sign-extended to 64 bits. 5. Any pointer registers (rDI, rSI) or count registers (rCX) are address-sized and default to 64 bits. For 32-bit address size, any pointer and count registers are zero-extended to 64 bits. 6. The default operand size can be overridden to 16 bits with 66h prefix, but there is no 32-bit operand-size override in 64-bit mode. General-Purpose Instructions in 64-Bit Mode 521 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table B-1. Operations and Operands in 64-Bit Mode (continued) Instruction and Opcode (hex)1 STGI—Set Global Interrupt Flag 0F 01 DC STI - Set Interrupt Flag FB STOS, STOSW, STOSD, STOSQ- Store String AB STR—Store Task Register 0F 00 /1 Type of Operation2 Default Operand Size3 For 32-Bit Operand Size4 For 64-Bit Operand Size4 Not relevant. Same as No GPR register results. legacy mode. Same as Not relevant. No GPR register results. legacy mode. Promoted to 64 bits. 32 bits STOSD: Store String Doublewords. See footnote5 Same as legacy mode. 32 Promoted to 64 bits. 32 bits STOSQ (new mnemonic): Store String Quadwords. See footnote5 Zero-extends 2-byte TR selector to 64 bits. SUB—Subtract 29 2B 2D Zero-extends 32bit register results to 64 bits. 81 /5 83 /5 SWAPGS—Swap GS Register with KernelGSbase MSR 0F 01 /7 SYSCALL—Fast System Call 0F 05 New instruction, available only in 64-bit See “SWAPGS Instruction” in Not relevant. mode. (In Volume 2. other modes, this opcode is invalid.) Promoted to 64 bits. Not relevant. See “SYSCALL and SYSRET Instructions” in Volume 2 for details. Notes: 1. See “General Rules for 64-Bit Mode” on page 499, for opcodes that do not appear in this table. 2. The type of operation, excluding considerations of operand size or extension of results. See “General Rules for 64Bit Mode” on page 499 for definitions of “Promoted to 64 bits” and related topics. 3. If “Type of Operation” is 64 bits, a REX prefix is needed for 64-bit operand size, unless the instruction size defaults to 64 bits. If the operand size is fixed, operand-size overrides are silently ignored. 4. Special actions in 64-bit mode, in addition to legacy-mode actions. Zero or sign extensions apply only to result operands, not source operands. Unless otherwise stated, 8-bit and 16-bit results leave the high 56 or 48 bits, respectively, of 64-bit destination registers unchanged. Immediates and branch displacements are sign-extended to 64 bits. 5. Any pointer registers (rDI, rSI) or count registers (rCX) are address-sized and default to 64 bits. For 32-bit address size, any pointer and count registers are zero-extended to 64 bits. 6. The default operand size can be overridden to 16 bits with 66h prefix, but there is no 32-bit operand-size override in 64-bit mode. 522 General-Purpose Instructions in 64-Bit Mode 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table B-1. Operations and Operands in 64-Bit Mode (continued) Instruction and Opcode (hex)1 SYSENTER—System Call 0F 34 SYSEXIT—System Return 0F 35 SYSRET—Fast System Return 0F 07 Type of Operation2 Default Operand Size3 For 32-Bit Operand Size4 For 64-Bit Operand Size4 INVALID IN LONG MODE (invalid-opcode exception) INVALID IN LONG MODE (invalid-opcode exception) Promoted to 64 bits. 32 bits See “SYSCALL and SYSRET Instructions” in Volume 2 for details. Promoted to 64 bits. 32 bits No GPR register results. TEST—Test Bits 85 A9 F7 /0 UD2—Undefined Operation 0F 0B VERR—Verify Segment for Reads 0F 00 /4 VERW—Verify Segment for Writes 0F 00 /5 VMLOAD—Load State from VMCB 0F 01 DA VMMCALL—Call VMM 0F 01 D9 VMRUN—Run Virtual Machine 0F 01 D8 VMSAVE—Save State to VMCB 0F 01 DB Same as Not relevant. No GPR register results. legacy mode. Same as legacy mode. Operand size fixed at 16 No GPR register results. bits Same as legacy mode. Operand size fixed at 16 No GPR register results. bits Same as Not relevant. No GPR register results. legacy mode. Same as Not relevant. No GPR register results. legacy mode. Same as Not relevant. No GPR register results. legacy mode. Same as Not relevant. No GPR register results. legacy mode. Notes: 1. See “General Rules for 64-Bit Mode” on page 499, for opcodes that do not appear in this table. 2. The type of operation, excluding considerations of operand size or extension of results. See “General Rules for 64Bit Mode” on page 499 for definitions of “Promoted to 64 bits” and related topics. 3. If “Type of Operation” is 64 bits, a REX prefix is needed for 64-bit operand size, unless the instruction size defaults to 64 bits. If the operand size is fixed, operand-size overrides are silently ignored. 4. Special actions in 64-bit mode, in addition to legacy-mode actions. Zero or sign extensions apply only to result operands, not source operands. Unless otherwise stated, 8-bit and 16-bit results leave the high 56 or 48 bits, respectively, of 64-bit destination registers unchanged. Immediates and branch displacements are sign-extended to 64 bits. 5. Any pointer registers (rDI, rSI) or count registers (rCX) are address-sized and default to 64 bits. For 32-bit address size, any pointer and count registers are zero-extended to 64 bits. 6. The default operand size can be overridden to 16 bits with 66h prefix, but there is no 32-bit operand-size override in 64-bit mode. General-Purpose Instructions in 64-Bit Mode 523 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table B-1. Operations and Operands in 64-Bit Mode (continued) Instruction and Opcode (hex)1 WAIT—Wait for Interrupt 9B WBINVD—Writeback and Invalidate All Caches 0F 09 WRMSR—Write to Model-Specific Register 0F 30 XADD—Exchange and Add 0F C1 XCHG—Exchange Register/Memory with Register 87 Type of Operation2 Default Operand Size3 For 32-Bit Operand Size4 For 64-Bit Operand Size4 Same as Not relevant. No GPR register results. legacy mode. Same as Not relevant. No GPR register results. legacy mode. No GPR register results. Same as Not relevant. MSR[63:32] = RDX[31:0] legacy mode. MSR[31:0] = RAX[31:0] Promoted to 64 bits. 32 bits Zero-extends 32bit register results to 64 bits. Promoted to 64 bits. 32 bits Zero-extends 32bit register results to 64 bits. Promoted to 64 bits. 32 bits Zero-extends 32bit register results to 64 bits. 90 XOR—Logical Exclusive OR 31 33 35 81 /6 83 /6 Notes: 1. See “General Rules for 64-Bit Mode” on page 499, for opcodes that do not appear in this table. 2. The type of operation, excluding considerations of operand size or extension of results. See “General Rules for 64Bit Mode” on page 499 for definitions of “Promoted to 64 bits” and related topics. 3. If “Type of Operation” is 64 bits, a REX prefix is needed for 64-bit operand size, unless the instruction size defaults to 64 bits. If the operand size is fixed, operand-size overrides are silently ignored. 4. Special actions in 64-bit mode, in addition to legacy-mode actions. Zero or sign extensions apply only to result operands, not source operands. Unless otherwise stated, 8-bit and 16-bit results leave the high 56 or 48 bits, respectively, of 64-bit destination registers unchanged. Immediates and branch displacements are sign-extended to 64 bits. 5. Any pointer registers (rDI, rSI) or count registers (rCX) are address-sized and default to 64 bits. For 32-bit address size, any pointer and count registers are zero-extended to 64 bits. 6. The default operand size can be overridden to 16 bits with 66h prefix, but there is no 32-bit operand-size override in 64-bit mode. 524 General-Purpose Instructions in 64-Bit Mode 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 B.3 AMD64 Technology Invalid and Reassigned Instructions in 64-Bit Mode Table B-2 lists instructions that are illegal in 64-bit mode. Attempted use of these instructions generates an invalid-opcode exception (#UD). Table B-2. Invalid Instructions in 64-Bit Mode Mnemonic Opcode (hex) Description AAA 37 ASCII Adjust After Addition AAD D5 ASCII Adjust Before Division AAM D4 ASCII Adjust After Multiply AAS 3F ASCII Adjust After Subtraction BOUND 62 Check Array Bounds CALL (far) 9A Procedure Call Far (far absolute) DAA 27 Decimal Adjust after Addition DAS 2F Decimal Adjust after Subtraction INTO CE Interrupt to Overflow Vector JMP (far) EA Jump Far (absolute) LDS C5 Load DS Far Pointer LES C4 Load ES Far Pointer POP DS 1F Pop Stack into DS Segment POP ES 07 Pop Stack into ES Segment POP SS 17 Pop Stack into SS Segment POPA, POPAD 61 Pop All to GPR Words or Doublewords PUSH CS 0E Push CS Segment Selector onto Stack PUSH DS 1E Push DS Segment Selector onto Stack PUSH ES 06 Push ES Segment Selector onto Stack PUSH SS 16 Push SS Segment Selector onto Stack PUSHA, PUSHAD 60 Push All to GPR Words or Doublewords Redundant Grp1 SALC 82 /2 D6 Redundant encoding of group1 Eb,Ib opcodes Set AL According to CF General-Purpose Instructions in 64-Bit Mode 525 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table B-3 lists instructions that are reassigned to different functions in 64-bit mode. Attempted use of these instructions generates the reassigned function. Table B-3. Reassigned Instructions in 64-Bit Mode Mnemonic ARPL DEC and INC Opcode (hex) Description 63 Opcode for MOVSXD instruction in 64-bit mode. In all other modes, this is the Adjust Requestor Privilege Level instruction opcode. 40-4F REX prefixes in 64-bit mode. In all other modes, decrement by 1 and increment by 1. LDS C5 VEX Prefix. Introduces the VEX two-byte instruction encoding escape sequence. LES C4 VEX Prefix. Introduces the VEX three-byte instruction encoding escape sequence. Table B-4 lists instructions that are illegal in long mode. Attempted use of these instructions generates an invalid-opcode exception (#UD). Table B-4. Invalid Instructions in Long Mode Mnemonic B.4 Opcode (hex) Description SYSENTER 0F 34 System Call SYSEXIT 0F 35 System Return Instructions with 64-Bit Default Operand Size In 64-bit mode, two groups of instructions default to 64-bit operand size without the need for a REX prefix: • • Near branches —CALL, Jcc, JrCX, JMP, LOOP, and RET. All instructions, except far branches, that implicitly reference the RSP—CALL, ENTER, LEAVE, POP, PUSH, and RET (CALL and RET are in both groups of instructions). Table B-5 lists these instructions. 526 General-Purpose Instructions in 64-Bit Mode 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table B-5. Instructions Defaulting to 64-Bit Operand Size Opcode (hex) Implicitly Reference RSP E8, FF /2 yes Call Procedure Near C8 yes Create Procedure Stack Frame Jcc many no Jump Conditional Near JMP E9, EB, FF /4 no Jump Near LEAVE C9 yes Delete Procedure Stack Frame LOOP E2 no Loop E0, E1 no Loop Conditional POP reg/mem 8F /0 yes Pop Stack (register or memory) POP reg 58-5F yes Pop Stack (register) POP FS 0F A1 yes Pop Stack into FS Segment Register POP GS 0F A9 yes Pop Stack into GS Segment Register POPF, POPFD, POPFQ 9D yes Pop to rFLAGS Word, Doubleword, or Quadword PUSH imm8 6A yes Push onto Stack (sign-extended byte) PUSH imm32 68 yes Push onto Stack (sign-extended doubleword) PUSH reg/mem FF /6 yes Push onto Stack (register or memory) PUSH reg 50-57 yes Push onto Stack (register) PUSH FS 0F A0 yes Push FS Segment Register onto Stack PUSH GS 0F A8 yes Push GS Segment Register onto Stack 9C yes Push rFLAGS Word, Doubleword, or Quadword onto Stack C2, C3 yes Return From Call (near) Mnemonic CALL ENTER LOOPcc PUSHF, PUSHFD, PUSHFQ RET Description The 64-bit default operand size can be overridden to 16 bits using the 66h operand-size override. However, it is not possible to override the operand size to 32 bits because there is no 32-bit operandsize override prefix for 64-bit mode. See “Operand-Size Override Prefix” on page 7 for details. B.5 Single-Byte INC and DEC Instructions in 64-Bit Mode In 64-bit mode, the legacy encodings for the 16 single-byte INC and DEC instructions (one for each of the eight GPRs) are used to encode the REX prefix values, as described in “REX Prefix” on page 14. Therefore, these single-byte opcodes for INC and DEC are not available in 64-bit mode, although they are available in legacy and compatibility modes. The functionality of these INC and DEC instructions is still available in 64-bit mode, however, using the ModRM forms of those instructions (opcodes FF/0 and FF/1). General-Purpose Instructions in 64-Bit Mode 527 AMD64 Technology B.6 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 NOP in 64-Bit Mode Programs written for the legacy x86 architecture commonly use opcode 90h (the XCHG EAX, EAX instruction) as a one-byte NOP. In 64-bit mode, the processor treats opcode 90h specially in order to preserve this legacy NOP use. Without special handling in 64-bit mode, the instruction would not be a true no-operation. Therefore, in 64-bit mode the processor treats XCHG EAX, EAX as a true NOP, regardless of operand size. This special handling does not apply to the two-byte ModRM form of the XCHG instruction. Unless a 64-bit operand size is specified using a REX prefix byte, using the two byte form of XCHG to exchange a register with itself will not result in a no-operation because the default operation size is 32 bits in 64-bit mode. B.7 Segment Override Prefixes in 64-Bit Mode In 64-bit mode, the CS, DS, ES, SS segment-override prefixes have no effect. These four prefixes are no longer treated as segment-override prefixes in the context of multiple-prefix rules. Instead, they are treated as null prefixes. The FS and GS segment-override prefixes are treated as true segment-override prefixes in 64-bit mode. Use of the FS and GS prefixes cause their respective segment bases to be added to the effective address calculation. See “FS and GS Registers in 64-Bit Mode” in Volume 2 for details. 528 General-Purpose Instructions in 64-Bit Mode 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Appendix C Differences Between Long Mode and Legacy Mode Table C-1 summarizes the major differences between 64-bit mode and legacy protected mode. The third column indicates differences between 64-bit mode and legacy mode. The fourth column indicates whether that difference also applies to compatibility mode. Table C-1. Differences Between Long Mode and Legacy Mode Type Subject Addressing 64-Bit Mode Difference Applies To Compatibility Mode? RIP-relative addressing available Default data size is 32 bits Data and Address Sizes REX Prefix toggles data size to 64 bits Default address size is 64 bits no Address size prefix toggles address size to 32 bits Various opcodes are invalid or changed in 64-bit mode (see Table B-2 on page 525 and Table B-3 on page 526) Application Programming Various opcodes are invalid in long mode (see Table B-4 on page 526) Instruction Differences yes MOV reg,imm32 becomes MOV reg,imm64 (with REX operand size prefix) REX is always enabled Direct-offset forms of MOV to or from accumulator become 64-bit offsets no MOVD extended to MOV 64 bits between MMX registers and long GPRs (with REX operand-size prefix) Differences Between Long Mode and Legacy Mode 529 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table C-1. Differences Between Long Mode and Legacy Mode (continued) Type Subject 64-Bit Mode Difference Applies To Compatibility Mode? x86 Modes Real and virtual-8086 modes not supported yes Task Switching Task switching not supported yes 64-bit virtual addresses Addressing 4-level paging structures yes PAE must always be enabled CS, DS, ES, SS segment bases are ignored Segmentation CS, DS, ES, FS, GS, SS segment limits are ignored no CS, DS, ES, SS Segment prefixes are ignored All pushes are 8 bytes 16-bit interrupt and trap gates are illegal System Programming Exception and Interrupt Handling 32-bit interrupt and trap gates are redefined as 64-bit gates and are expanded to 16 bytes yes SS is set to null on stack switch SS:RSP is pushed unconditionally All pushes are 8 bytes 16-bit call gates are illegal Call Gates 32-bit call gate type is redefined as 64-bit call gate and is expanded to 16 bytes. yes SS is set to null on stack switch System-Descriptor Registers GDT, IDT, LDT, TR base registers expanded to 64 bits System-Descriptor LGDT and LIDT use expanded 10-byte pseudodescriptors. Table Entries and Pseudo-descriptors LLDT and LTR use expanded 16-byte table entries. 530 yes no Differences Between Long Mode and Legacy Mode 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Appendix D Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags This appendix provides information that can be used to determine if a specific instruction within the AMD64 instruction-set architecture (ISA) is supported on a processor. Originally the x86 ISA was composed of a set of instructions from the general-purpose and system instruction groups. This set forms the base of the AMD64 ISA. As the ISA expanded over time, new instructions were added. Each addition constituted either a single instruction or a set of instructions and each addition was assigned a specific processor feature flag. Although most current processor products support the entire ISA, support for each added instruction or instruction subset is optional and must be confirmed by testing the corresponding feature flag. The presence of a particular instruction or subset is indicated by the corresponding feature flag being set. A feature flag is a single bit value located at a specific bit position within the 32-bit value returned in a register as a result of executing the CPUID instruction. For more information on using the CPUID instruction, see the instruction reference page for CPUID on page 158. For a comprehensive list of processor feature flags accessed using the CPUID instruction, see Appendix E, “Obtaining Processor Information Via the CPUID Instruction” on page 601. Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 531 AMD64 Technology D.1 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Instruction Set Overview The AMD64 ISA can be organized into five instruction groups: 1. General-purpose instructions These instructions operate on the general-purpose registers (GP registers) and can be used at all privilege levels. This group includes instructions to load and store the contents of a GP register to and from memory, move values between the GP registers, and perform arithmetic and logical operations on the contents of the registers. 2. System instructions These instructions provide the means to manipulate the processor operating mode, access processor resources, handle program and system errors, and manage system memory. Many of these instructions require privilege level 0 to execute. 3. x87 instructions These instructions are available at all privilege levels and include legacy floating-point instructions that use the ST(0)–ST(7) stack registers (FPR0–FPR7 physical registers) and internally use extended precision (80-bit) binary floating-point representation and operations. 4. 64-bit media Instructions These instructions are available at all privilege levels and perform vector operations on packed integer and floating-point values held in the 64-bit MMX™ registers. The MMX register set overlays the FPR0–FPR7 physical registers. This group is composed of the MMX and 3DNow!™ instruction subsets and was subsequently expanded by the MMX and 3DNow! extensions subsets. 5. SSE instructions The SSE instructions operate on packed integer and floating-point values held in the XMM / YMM registers. SSE includes the original Streaming SIMD Extensions, all the subsequent named SSE subsets, and the AVX, XOP, and AES instructions. Figure D-1 on page 533 represents the relationship between the five major instruction groups and the named instruction subsets. Circles represent the instruction subsets. These include the base instruction set labeled “Base Instructions” in the diagram and the named subsets. The diagram omits individual optional instructions and some of the minor named instruction subsets. Dashed-line polygons represent the instruction groups. Note that the 128-bit and 256-bit media instructions are referred to collectively as the Streaming SIMD Extensions (SSE). This is also the name of the original SSE subset. In the diagram the original SSE subset is labeled “SSE1 Instructions.” Collectively the 64-bit media and the SSE instructions make up the single instruction / multiple data (SIMD) group (labeled “SIMD Instructions” in the diagram). The overlapping of the SSE and 64-bit media instruction subsets indicates that these subsets share some common mnemonics. However, these common mnemonics either have distinct opcodes for each subset or they take operands in both the MMX and XMM register sets. The horizontal axis of Figure D-1 shows how the subsets have evolved over time. 532 Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology General-Purpose Instructions Base Instructions Long-Mode Instructions SVM Instructions System Instructions x87 Instructions x87 Instructions SSE3 Instructions AMD Extensions to MMX™ Instructions MMX™ Instructions SSE1 Instructions 64-Bit Media Instructions AMD 3DNow!™ Instructions AMD Extension to 3DNow!™ Instructions 128-Bit Media Instructions SSE2 Instructions Dashed-line boxes show instruction groups. Circles show major named instruction subsets. (Minor instruction subsets are not shown.) Figure D-1. 256-Bit Media Instructions XOP Instructions SIMD Instructions Time of Introduction AVX Instructions SSE4A Instructions Streaming SIMD Extensions AMD64 ISA Instruction Subsets Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 533 AMD64 Technology D.2 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 CPUID Feature Flags Related to Instruction Support Only a subset of the CPUID feature flags provides information related to instruction support. The feature flags related to supported instruction subsets are accessed via the standard function number 0000_0001h, the extended function number 8000_00001h, and the structured extended function number 0000_0007h. The following table lists all flags related to instruction support. Entries for each flag provide the instruction or instruction subset corresponding to the flag, the CPUID function that must be executed to access the flag, and the bit position of the flag in the return value.The feature flags listed are used in Table D-2 on page 537: Table D-1. Feature Flags for Instruction / Instruction Subset Support Feature Flag BASE CPUID Function1 Instruction or Subset Base Instruction set — Feature Flag Bit Position2 — CLFSH CLFLUSH standard EDX[19] CMPXCHG8B CMPXCHG8B both EDX[8] CMPXCHG16B CMPXCHG16B standard ECX[13] CMOV CMOVcc both EDX[15] MSR RDMSR / WRMSR both EDX[5] TSC RDTSC / RDTSCP both EDX[4] RDTSCP RDTSCP extended EDX[27] SysCallSysRet SYSCALL / SYSRET extended EDX[11] SysEnterSysExit SYSENTER / SYSEXIT standard EDX[11] FPU x87 both EDX[0] x87 && CMOV FCMOVcc3 both EDX[0] && EDX[15] MMX MMX both EDX[23] 3DNow 3DNow! extended EDX[31] MmxExt MMX Extensions extended EDX[22] 3DNowExt 3DNow! Extensions extended EDX[30] 3DNowPrefetch PREFETCH / PREFETCHW extended ECX[8] SSE SSE1 standard EDX[25] SSE2 SSE2 standard EDX[26] Notes: 1. standard = Fn 0000_0001h; extended = Fn 8000_0001h; both means that both standard and extended CPUID functions return the same feature flag in the same bit position of the return value. For functions of the form xxxx_xxxx_x, the trailing digit is the value required in ECX. 2. Register and bit position of the return value that corresponds to the feature flag. 3. FCMOVcc instruction is supported if x87 and CMOVcc instructions are both supported. 4. XSAVE (and related) instructions require separate enablement. 534 Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table D-1. Feature Flags for Instruction / Instruction Subset Support Feature Flag Instruction or Subset SSE3 SSE3 CPUID Function1 standard Feature Flag Bit Position2 ECX[0] SSSE3 SSSE3 standard ECX[9] SSE4A SSE4A extended ECX[6] SSE41 SSE4.1 standard ECX[19] SSE42 SSE4.2 standard ECX[20] LM Long Mode extended EDX[29] SVM Secure Virtual Machine extended ECX[2] AVX AVX standard ECX[28] AVX2 AVX2 0000_0007_0 EBX[5] XOP XOP extended ECX[11] AES AES standard ECX[25] FMA FMA standard ECX[12] FMA4 FMA4 extended ECX[16] F16C 16-bit floating-point conversion standard ECX[29] RDRAND RDRAND standard ECX[30] extended ECX[5] ABM LZCNT BMI1 Bit Manipulation, group 1 0000_0007_0 BMI2 Bit Manipulation, group 2 0000_0007_0 EBX[8] POPCNT POPCNT standard ECX[23] TBM Trailing bit manipulation extended ECX[21] MOVBE MOVBE standard ECX[22] EBX[3] MONITOR MONITOR / MWAIT standard ECX[3] MONITORX MONITORX / MWAITX extended ECX[29] PCLMULQDQ PCLMULQDQ standard ECX[1] FXSR FXSAVE / FXRSTOR both EDX[24] SKINIT SKINIT / STGI extended ECX[12] LahfSahf LAHF / SAHF extended ECX[0] FSGSBASE FS and GS base read and write 0000_0007_0 EBX[0] SHA SHA 0000_0007_0 EBX[29] CLFLOPT CLFLOPT 0000_0007_0 EBX[23] SMAP SMAP 0000_0007_0 EBX[20] ADX ADX 0000_0007_0 EBX[19] Notes: 1. standard = Fn 0000_0001h; extended = Fn 8000_0001h; both means that both standard and extended CPUID functions return the same feature flag in the same bit position of the return value. For functions of the form xxxx_xxxx_x, the trailing digit is the value required in ECX. 2. Register and bit position of the return value that corresponds to the feature flag. 3. FCMOVcc instruction is supported if x87 and CMOVcc instructions are both supported. 4. XSAVE (and related) instructions require separate enablement. Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 535 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table D-1. Feature Flags for Instruction / Instruction Subset Support Feature Flag Instruction or Subset CPUID Function1 RDSEED RDSEED 0000_0007_0 Feature Flag Bit Position2 EBX[18] SME SME 8000_001F EAX[0] SEV SEV 8000_001F EAX[1] PageFlushMsr PageFlushMsr 8000_001F EAX[2] ES ES 8000_001F EAX[3] CLZERO CLZERO 8000_0008 EBX[0] Instruction Retired Counter Instruction Retired Counter 8000_0008 EBX[1] Error Pointer Zero/Restore Error Pointer Zero/Restore 8000_0008 EBX[2] XSAVEOPT XSAVEOPT 0000_000D_1 EAX[0] XSAVEC XSAVEC 0000_000D_1 EAX[1] XGETBV w/ ECX=1 XGETBV w/ ECX=1 0000_000D_1 EAX[2] XSAVES/XRSTORS XSAVES/XRSTORS 0000_000D_1 EAX[3] standard ECX[26] XSAVE XSAVE / XRSTOR4 Notes: 1. standard = Fn 0000_0001h; extended = Fn 8000_0001h; both means that both standard and extended CPUID functions return the same feature flag in the same bit position of the return value. For functions of the form xxxx_xxxx_x, the trailing digit is the value required in ECX. 2. Register and bit position of the return value that corresponds to the feature flag. 3. FCMOVcc instruction is supported if x87 and CMOVcc instructions are both supported. 4. XSAVE (and related) instructions require separate enablement. D.3 Instruction List Table D-2 shows the minimum current privilege level (CPL) required to execute each instruction and the feature flag or flags that indicates support for that instruction. Each flag is listed in the column corresponding to the instruction group to which it belongs. Note that some instructions span groups. 536 Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table D-2. Instruction Groups and CPUID Feature Flags Instruction Group and CPUID Feature Flag(s)1 Instruction Description CPL GeneralPurpose AAA ASCII Adjust After Addition 3 Base AAD ASCII Adjust Before Division 3 Base AAM ASCII Adjust After Multiply 3 Base AAS ASCII Adjust After Subtraction 3 Base ADC Add with Carry 3 Base ADD Signed or Unsigned Add 3 Base ADDPD Add Packed DoublePrecision Floating-Point 3 SSE2 ADDPS Add Packed SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 SSE ADDSD Add Scalar DoublePrecision Floating-Point 3 SSE2 ADDSS Add Scalar SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 SSE ADDSUBPD Add and Subtract DoublePrecision 3 SSE3 ADDSUBPS Add and Subtract SinglePrecision 3 SSE3 AESDEC AES Decryption Round 3 AES AESDECLAST AES Last Decryption Round 3 AES AESENC AES Encryption Round 3 AES AESENCLAST AES Last Encryption Round 3 AES AESIMC AES InvMixColumn Transformation 3 AES AESKEYGENASSIST AES Assist Round Key Generation 3 AES AND Logical AND 3 Base ANDN Logical And-Not 3 BMI1 Mnemonic SSE 64-Bit Media x87 System Notes: 1. Columns indicate the instruction groups. Entries indicate the CPUID feature flags(s) indicating support for that instruction. “Base” indicates that no feature flag exists and all processors support this instruction. 2. Mnemonic is used for two different instructions. Assemblers can distinguish them by the number and type of operands. 3. MONITOR/MWAIT can execute at privilege level >0 if enabled. See instruction description. 4. One or more features of the instruction (usually support for 256-bit operands) are only available if AVX2 is supported. Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 537 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table D-2. Instruction Groups and CPUID Feature Flags Instruction Group and CPUID Feature Flag(s)1 Instruction Mnemonic GeneralPurpose Description CPL ANDNPD AND NOT Packed DoublePrecision Floating-Point 3 SSE2 ANDNPS AND NOT Packed SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 SSE ANDPD AND Packed DoublePrecision Floating-Point 3 SSE2 ANDPS AND Packed SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 SSE ARPL Adjust Requestor Privilege Level 3 SSE 64-Bit Media x87 System Base BEXTR Bit Field Extract (immediate form) 3 TBM BEXTR (register form) Bit Field Extract 3 BMI1 BLCFILL Fill From Lowest Clear Bit 3 TBM BLCI Isolate Lowest Clear Bit 3 TBM BLSI Isolate Lowest Set Bit 3 BMI1 BLCIC Isolate Lowest Clear Bit and Complement 3 TBM BLCMSK Mask From Lowest Clear Bit 3 TBM BLCS Set Lowest Clear Bit 3 TBM BLENDPD Blend Packed DoublePrecision Floating-Point 3 SSE41 BLENDPS Blend Packed SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 SSE41 BLENDVPD Variable Blend Packed Double-Precision FloatingPoint 3 SSE41 BLENDVPS Variable Blend Packed Single-Precision FloatingPoint 3 SSE41 BLSMSK Mask From Lowest Set Bit 3 BMI1 BLSFILL Fill From Lowest Set Bit 3 TBM Notes: 1. Columns indicate the instruction groups. Entries indicate the CPUID feature flags(s) indicating support for that instruction. “Base” indicates that no feature flag exists and all processors support this instruction. 2. Mnemonic is used for two different instructions. Assemblers can distinguish them by the number and type of operands. 3. MONITOR/MWAIT can execute at privilege level >0 if enabled. See instruction description. 4. One or more features of the instruction (usually support for 256-bit operands) are only available if AVX2 is supported. 538 Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table D-2. Instruction Groups and CPUID Feature Flags Instruction Group and CPUID Feature Flag(s)1 Instruction Description CPL GeneralPurpose BLSIC Isolate Lowest Set Bit and Complement 3 TBM BLSR Reset Lowest Set Bit 3 BMI1 BOUND Check Array Bounds 3 Base BSF Bit Scan Forward 3 Base BSR Bit Scan Reverse 3 Base Mnemonic BSWAP Byte Swap 3 Base BT Bit Test 3 Base BTC Bit Test and Complement 3 Base BTR Bit Test and Reset 3 Base BTS Bit Test and Set 3 Base BZHI Zero High Bits 3 BMI2 CALL Procedure Call 3 Base CBW Convert Byte to Word 3 Base CDQ Convert Doubleword to Quadword 3 Base CDQE Convert Doubleword to Quadword 3 LM SSE 64-Bit Media x87 System CLC Clear Carry Flag 3 Base CLD Clear Direction Flag 3 Base CLFLUSH Cache Line Flush 3 CLFSH CLGI Clear Global Interrupt Flag 0 SVM CLI Clear Interrupt Flag 3 Base CLTS Clear Task-Switched Flag in CR0 0 Base CMC Complement Carry Flag 3 Base CMOVcc Conditional Move 3 CMOV CMP Compare 3 Base CMPPD Compare Packed DoublePrecision Floating-Point 3 SSE2 CMPPS Compare Packed SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 SSE CMPS Compare Strings 3 Base Notes: 1. Columns indicate the instruction groups. Entries indicate the CPUID feature flags(s) indicating support for that instruction. “Base” indicates that no feature flag exists and all processors support this instruction. 2. Mnemonic is used for two different instructions. Assemblers can distinguish them by the number and type of operands. 3. MONITOR/MWAIT can execute at privilege level >0 if enabled. See instruction description. 4. One or more features of the instruction (usually support for 256-bit operands) are only available if AVX2 is supported. Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 539 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table D-2. Instruction Groups and CPUID Feature Flags Instruction Group and CPUID Feature Flag(s)1 Instruction Mnemonic Description CPL GeneralPurpose CMPSB Compare Strings by Byte 3 Base CMPSD Compare Strings by Doubleword 3 Base2 CMPSD Compare Scalar DoublePrecision Floating-Point 3 CMPSQ Compare Strings by Quadword 3 CMPSS Compare Scalar SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 SSE 64-Bit Media x87 System SSE22 LM SSE CMPSW Compare Strings by Word 3 Base CMPXCHG Compare and Exchange 3 Base CMPXCHG8B Compare and Exchange Eight Bytes 3 CMPXCHG8B CMPXCHG16B Compare and Exchange Sixteen Bytes 3 CMPXCHG16B COMISD Compare Ordered Scalar Double-Precision FloatingPoint 3 SSE2 COMISS Compare Ordered Scalar Single-Precision FloatingPoint 3 SSE CPUID Processor Identification 3 Base CQO Convert Quadword to Double Quadword 3 LM CRC32 32-bit Cyclical Redundancy Check 3 SSE42 CVTDQ2PD Convert Packed Doubleword Integers to Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point 3 SSE2 CVTDQ2PS Convert Packed Doubleword Integers to Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point 3 SSE2 Notes: 1. Columns indicate the instruction groups. Entries indicate the CPUID feature flags(s) indicating support for that instruction. “Base” indicates that no feature flag exists and all processors support this instruction. 2. Mnemonic is used for two different instructions. Assemblers can distinguish them by the number and type of operands. 3. MONITOR/MWAIT can execute at privilege level >0 if enabled. See instruction description. 4. One or more features of the instruction (usually support for 256-bit operands) are only available if AVX2 is supported. 540 Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table D-2. Instruction Groups and CPUID Feature Flags Instruction Group and CPUID Feature Flag(s)1 Instruction Mnemonic GeneralPurpose 64-Bit Media Description CPL CVTPD2DQ Convert Packed DoublePrecision Floating-Point to Packed Doubleword Integers 3 SSE2 CVTPD2PI Convert Packed DoublePrecision Floating-Point to Packed Doubleword Integers 3 SSE2 CVTPD2PS Convert Packed DoublePrecision Floating-Point to Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point 3 SSE2 CVTPI2PD Convert Packed Doubleword Integers to Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point 3 SSE2 SSE2 CVTPI2PS Convert Packed Doubleword Integers to Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point 3 SSE SSE CVTPS2DQ Convert Packed SinglePrecision Floating-Point to Packed Doubleword Integers 3 SSE2 CVTPS2PD Convert Packed SinglePrecision Floating-Point to Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point 3 SSE2 CVTPS2PI Convert Packed SinglePrecision Floating-Point to Packed Doubleword Integers 3 SSE CVTSD2SI Convert Scalar DoublePrecision Floating-Point to Signed Doubleword or Quadword Integer 3 SSE2 SSE x87 System SSE2 SSE Notes: 1. Columns indicate the instruction groups. Entries indicate the CPUID feature flags(s) indicating support for that instruction. “Base” indicates that no feature flag exists and all processors support this instruction. 2. Mnemonic is used for two different instructions. Assemblers can distinguish them by the number and type of operands. 3. MONITOR/MWAIT can execute at privilege level >0 if enabled. See instruction description. 4. One or more features of the instruction (usually support for 256-bit operands) are only available if AVX2 is supported. Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 541 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table D-2. Instruction Groups and CPUID Feature Flags Instruction Group and CPUID Feature Flag(s)1 Instruction Mnemonic GeneralPurpose Description CPL CVTSD2SS Convert Scalar DoublePrecision Floating-Point to Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point 3 SSE2 CVTSI2SD Convert Signed Doubleword or Quadword Integer to Scalar DoublePrecision Floating-Point 3 SSE2 CVTSI2SS Convert Signed Doubleword or Quadword Integer to Scalar SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 SSE CVTSS2SD Convert Scalar SinglePrecision Floating-Point to Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point 3 SSE2 CVTSS2SI Convert Scalar SinglePrecision Floating-Point to Signed Doubleword or Quadword Integer 3 SSE CVTTPD2DQ Convert Packed DoublePrecision Floating-Point to Packed Doubleword Integers, Truncated 3 SSE2 CVTTPD2PI Convert Packed DoublePrecision Floating-Point to Packed Doubleword Integers, Truncated 3 SSE2 CVTTPS2DQ Convert Packed SinglePrecision Floating-Point to Packed Doubleword Integers, Truncated 3 SSE2 CVTTPS2PI Convert Packed SinglePrecision Floating-Point to Packed Doubleword Integers, Truncated 3 SSE SSE 64-Bit Media x87 System SSE2 SSE Notes: 1. Columns indicate the instruction groups. Entries indicate the CPUID feature flags(s) indicating support for that instruction. “Base” indicates that no feature flag exists and all processors support this instruction. 2. Mnemonic is used for two different instructions. Assemblers can distinguish them by the number and type of operands. 3. MONITOR/MWAIT can execute at privilege level >0 if enabled. See instruction description. 4. One or more features of the instruction (usually support for 256-bit operands) are only available if AVX2 is supported. 542 Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table D-2. Instruction Groups and CPUID Feature Flags Instruction Group and CPUID Feature Flag(s)1 Instruction Mnemonic GeneralPurpose Description CPL CVTTSD2SI Convert Scalar DoublePrecision Floating-Point to Signed Doubleword or Quadword Integer, Truncated 3 SSE2 CVTTSS2SI Convert Scalar SinglePrecision Floating-Point to Signed Doubleword or Quadword Integer, Truncated 3 SSE CWD Convert Word to Doubleword 3 Base CWDE Convert Word to Doubleword 3 Base DAA Decimal Adjust after Addition 3 Base DAS Decimal Adjust after Subtraction 3 Base DEC Decrement by 1 3 Base DIV Unsigned Divide 3 Base DIVPD Divide Packed DoublePrecision Floating-Point 3 SSE2 DIVPS Divide Packed SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 SSE DIVSD Divide Scalar DoublePrecision Floating-Point 3 SSE2 DIVSS Divide Scalar SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 SSE DPPD Dot Product Packed Double-Precision FloatingPoint 3 SSE41 DPPS Dot Product Packed Single-Precision FloatingPoint 3 SSE41 EMMS Enter/Exit Multimedia State 3 SSE 64-Bit Media x87 MMX MMX System Notes: 1. Columns indicate the instruction groups. Entries indicate the CPUID feature flags(s) indicating support for that instruction. “Base” indicates that no feature flag exists and all processors support this instruction. 2. Mnemonic is used for two different instructions. Assemblers can distinguish them by the number and type of operands. 3. MONITOR/MWAIT can execute at privilege level >0 if enabled. See instruction description. 4. One or more features of the instruction (usually support for 256-bit operands) are only available if AVX2 is supported. Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 543 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table D-2. Instruction Groups and CPUID Feature Flags Instruction Group and CPUID Feature Flag(s)1 Instruction Mnemonic Description CPL GeneralPurpose Base SSE 64-Bit Media x87 ENTER Create Procedure Stack Frame 3 EXTRACTPS Extract Packed SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 SSE41 EXTRQ Extract Field From Register 3 SSE4A F2XM1 Floating-Point Compute 2x–1 3 X87 FABS Floating-Point Absolute Value 3 X87 FADD Floating-Point Add 3 X87 FADDP Floating-Point Add and Pop 3 X87 FBLD Floating-Point Load BinaryCoded Decimal 3 X87 FBSTP Floating-Point Store Binary-Coded Decimal Integer and Pop 3 X87 FCHS Floating-Point Change Sign 3 X87 FCLEX Floating-Point Clear Flags 3 X87 FCMOVB Floating-Point Conditional Move If Below 3 X87 && CMOV FCMOVBE Floating-Point Conditional Move If Below or Equal 3 X87 && CMOV FCMOVE Floating-Point Conditional Move If Equal 3 X87 && CMOV FCMOVNB Floating-Point Conditional Move If Not Below 3 X87 && CMOV FCMOVNBE Floating-Point Conditional Move If Not Below or Equal 3 X87 && CMOV FCMOVNE Floating-Point Conditional Move If Not Equal 3 X87 && CMOV FCMOVNU Floating-Point Conditional Move If Not Unordered 3 X87 && CMOV System Notes: 1. Columns indicate the instruction groups. Entries indicate the CPUID feature flags(s) indicating support for that instruction. “Base” indicates that no feature flag exists and all processors support this instruction. 2. Mnemonic is used for two different instructions. Assemblers can distinguish them by the number and type of operands. 3. MONITOR/MWAIT can execute at privilege level >0 if enabled. See instruction description. 4. One or more features of the instruction (usually support for 256-bit operands) are only available if AVX2 is supported. 544 Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table D-2. Instruction Groups and CPUID Feature Flags Instruction Group and CPUID Feature Flag(s)1 Instruction Mnemonic Description CPL GeneralPurpose SSE 64-Bit Media x87 Floating-Point Conditional Move If Unordered 3 X87 && CMOV FCOM Floating-Point Compare 3 X87 FCOMI Floating-Point Compare and Set Flags 3 X87 FCOMIP Floating-Point Compare and Set Flags and Pop 3 X87 FCOMP Floating-Point Compare and Pop 3 X87 FCOMPP Floating-Point Compare and Pop Twice 3 X87 FCOS Floating-Point Cosine 3 X87 FDECSTP Floating-Point Decrement Stack-Top Pointer 3 X87 FDIV Floating-Point Divide 3 X87 FDIVP Floating-Point Divide and Pop 3 X87 FDIVR Floating-Point Divide Reverse 3 X87 FDIVRP Floating-Point Divide Reverse and Pop 3 X87 FEMMS Fast Enter/Exit Multimedia State 3 FFREE Free Floating-Point Register 3 X87 FIADD Floating-Point Add Integer to Stack Top 3 X87 FICOM Floating-Point Integer Compare 3 X87 FICOMP Floating-Point Integer Compare and Pop 3 X87 FIDIV Floating-Point Integer Divide 3 X87 FIDIVR Floating-Point Integer Divide Reverse 3 X87 FCMOVU 3DNow System 3DNow Notes: 1. Columns indicate the instruction groups. Entries indicate the CPUID feature flags(s) indicating support for that instruction. “Base” indicates that no feature flag exists and all processors support this instruction. 2. Mnemonic is used for two different instructions. Assemblers can distinguish them by the number and type of operands. 3. MONITOR/MWAIT can execute at privilege level >0 if enabled. See instruction description. 4. One or more features of the instruction (usually support for 256-bit operands) are only available if AVX2 is supported. Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 545 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table D-2. Instruction Groups and CPUID Feature Flags Instruction Group and CPUID Feature Flag(s)1 Instruction Mnemonic GeneralPurpose 64-Bit Media Description CPL FILD Floating-Point Load Integer 3 X87 FIMUL Floating-Point Integer Multiply 3 X87 FINCSTP Floating-Point Increment Stack-Top Pointer 3 X87 FINIT Floating-Point Initialize 3 X87 FIST Floating-Point Integer Store 3 X87 FISTP Floating-Point Integer Store and Pop 3 X87 FISTTP Floating-Point Integer Truncate and Store 3 SSE3 FISUB Floating-Point Integer Subtract 3 X87 FISUBR Floating-Point Integer Subtract Reverse 3 X87 FLD Floating-Point Load 3 X87 FLD1 Floating-Point Load +1.0 3 X87 FLDCW Floating-Point Load x87 Control Word 3 X87 FLDENV Floating-Point Load x87 Environment 3 X87 FLDL2E Floating-Point Load Log2 e 3 X87 FLDL2T Floating-Point Load Log2 10 3 X87 FLDLG2 Floating-Point Load Log10 2 3 X87 FLDLN2 Floating-Point Load Ln 2 3 X87 FLDPI Floating-Point Load Pi 3 X87 FLDZ Floating-Point Load +0.0 3 X87 FMUL Floating-Point Multiply 3 X87 FMULP Floating-Point Multiply and Pop 3 X87 SSE x87 System Notes: 1. Columns indicate the instruction groups. Entries indicate the CPUID feature flags(s) indicating support for that instruction. “Base” indicates that no feature flag exists and all processors support this instruction. 2. Mnemonic is used for two different instructions. Assemblers can distinguish them by the number and type of operands. 3. MONITOR/MWAIT can execute at privilege level >0 if enabled. See instruction description. 4. One or more features of the instruction (usually support for 256-bit operands) are only available if AVX2 is supported. 546 Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table D-2. Instruction Groups and CPUID Feature Flags Instruction Group and CPUID Feature Flag(s)1 Instruction Mnemonic Description CPL GeneralPurpose SSE 64-Bit Media x87 FNCLEX Floating-Point No-Wait Clear Flags 3 X87 FNINIT Floating-Point No-Wait Initialize 3 X87 FNOP Floating-Point No Operation 3 X87 FNSAVE Save No-Wait x87 and MMX State 3 FNSTCW Floating-Point No-Wait Store x87 Control Word 3 X87 FNSTENV Floating-Point No-Wait Store x87 Environment 3 X87 FNSTSW Floating-Point No-Wait Store x87 Status Word 3 X87 FPATAN Floating-Point Partial Arctangent 3 X87 FPREM Floating-Point Partial Remainder 3 X87 FPREM1 Floating-Point Partial Remainder 3 X87 FPTAN Floating-Point Partial Tangent 3 X87 FRNDINT Floating-Point Round to Integer 3 X87 FRSTOR Restore x87 and MMX State 3 X87 X87 X87 System X87 X87 FSAVE Save x87 and MMX State 3 FSCALE Floating-Point Scale 3 X87 X87 FSIN Floating-Point Sine 3 X87 FSINCOS Floating-Point Sine and Cosine 3 X87 FSQRT Floating-Point Square Root 3 X87 FST Floating-Point Store Stack Top 3 X87 Notes: 1. Columns indicate the instruction groups. Entries indicate the CPUID feature flags(s) indicating support for that instruction. “Base” indicates that no feature flag exists and all processors support this instruction. 2. Mnemonic is used for two different instructions. Assemblers can distinguish them by the number and type of operands. 3. MONITOR/MWAIT can execute at privilege level >0 if enabled. See instruction description. 4. One or more features of the instruction (usually support for 256-bit operands) are only available if AVX2 is supported. Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 547 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table D-2. Instruction Groups and CPUID Feature Flags Instruction Group and CPUID Feature Flag(s)1 Instruction Mnemonic Description CPL GeneralPurpose SSE 64-Bit Media x87 FSTCW Floating-Point Store x87 Control Word 3 X87 FSTENV Floating-Point Store x87 Environment 3 X87 FSTP Floating-Point Store Stack Top and Pop 3 X87 FSTSW Floating-Point Store x87 Status Word 3 X87 FSUB Floating-Point Subtract 3 X87 FSUBP Floating-Point Subtract and Pop 3 X87 FSUBR Floating-Point Subtract Reverse 3 X87 FSUBRP Floating-Point Subtract Reverse and Pop 3 X87 FTST Floating-Point Test with Zero 3 X87 FUCOM Floating-Point Unordered Compare 3 X87 FUCOMI Floating-Point Unordered Compare and Set Flags 3 X87 FUCOMIP Floating-Point Unordered Compare and Set Flags and Pop 3 X87 FUCOMP Floating-Point Unordered Compare and Pop 3 X87 FUCOMPP Floating-Point Unordered Compare and Pop Twice 3 X87 FWAIT Wait for x87 Floating-Point Exceptions 3 X87 FXAM Floating-Point Examine 3 X87 FXCH Floating-Point Exchange 3 X87 FXRSTOR Restore XMM, MMX, and x87 State 3 FXSR FXSR System FXSR Notes: 1. Columns indicate the instruction groups. Entries indicate the CPUID feature flags(s) indicating support for that instruction. “Base” indicates that no feature flag exists and all processors support this instruction. 2. Mnemonic is used for two different instructions. Assemblers can distinguish them by the number and type of operands. 3. MONITOR/MWAIT can execute at privilege level >0 if enabled. See instruction description. 4. One or more features of the instruction (usually support for 256-bit operands) are only available if AVX2 is supported. 548 Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table D-2. Instruction Groups and CPUID Feature Flags Instruction Group and CPUID Feature Flag(s)1 Instruction Mnemonic GeneralPurpose SSE 64-Bit Media x87 FXSR FXSR FXSR Description CPL FXSAVE Save XMM, MMX, and x87 State 3 FXTRACT Floating-Point Extract Exponent and Significand 3 X87 FYL2X Floating-Point y * log2x 3 X87 FYL2XP1 Floating-Point y * log2(x +1) 3 X87 HADDPD Horizontal Add Packed Double 3 SSE3 HADDPS Horizontal Add Packed Single 3 SSE3 HLT Halt 0 HSUBPD Horizontal Subtract Packed Double 3 SSE3 HSUBPS Horizontal Subtract Packed Single 3 SSE3 IDIV Signed Divide 3 Base IMUL Signed Multiply 3 Base IN Input from Port 3 Base System Base INC Increment by 1 3 Base INS Input String 3 Base INSB Input String Byte 3 Base INSD Input String Doubleword 3 Base INSERTPS Insert Packed SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 SSE41 INSERTQ Insert Field 3 SSE4A INSW Input String Word 3 Base INT Interrupt to Vector 3 Base INT 3 Interrupt to Debug Vector 3 INTO Interrupt to Overflow Vector 3 INVD Invalidate Caches 0 Base INVLPG Invalidate TLB Entry 0 Base Base Base Notes: 1. Columns indicate the instruction groups. Entries indicate the CPUID feature flags(s) indicating support for that instruction. “Base” indicates that no feature flag exists and all processors support this instruction. 2. Mnemonic is used for two different instructions. Assemblers can distinguish them by the number and type of operands. 3. MONITOR/MWAIT can execute at privilege level >0 if enabled. See instruction description. 4. One or more features of the instruction (usually support for 256-bit operands) are only available if AVX2 is supported. Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 549 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table D-2. Instruction Groups and CPUID Feature Flags Instruction Group and CPUID Feature Flag(s)1 Instruction Mnemonic Description CPL GeneralPurpose SSE 64-Bit Media x87 System Invalidate TLB Entry in a Specified ASID 0 SVM IRET Interrupt Return Word 3 Base IRETD Interrupt Return Doubleword 3 Base IRETQ Interrupt Return Quadword 3 Jcc Jump Condition 3 INVLPGA LM Base JCXZ Jump if CX Zero 3 Base JECXZ Jump if ECX Zero 3 Base JMP Jump 3 Base JRCXZ Jump if RCX Zero 3 Base LAHF Load Status Flags into AH Register 3 LahfSahf LAR Load Access Rights Byte 3 LDDQU Load Unaligned Double Quadword 3 SSE3 LDMXCSR Load MXCSR Control/Status Register 3 SSE LDS Load DS Far Pointer 3 Base LEA Load Effective Address 3 Base LEAVE Delete Procedure Stack Frame 3 Base LES Load ES Far Pointer 3 Base LFENCE Load Fence 3 SSE2 LFS Load FS Far Pointer 3 Base LGDT Load Global Descriptor Table Register 0 LGS Load GS Far Pointer 3 LIDT Load Interrupt Descriptor Table Register 0 Base LLDT Load Local Descriptor Table Register 0 Base LMSW Load Machine Status Word 0 LODS Load String 3 Base Base Base Base Base Notes: 1. Columns indicate the instruction groups. Entries indicate the CPUID feature flags(s) indicating support for that instruction. “Base” indicates that no feature flag exists and all processors support this instruction. 2. Mnemonic is used for two different instructions. Assemblers can distinguish them by the number and type of operands. 3. MONITOR/MWAIT can execute at privilege level >0 if enabled. See instruction description. 4. One or more features of the instruction (usually support for 256-bit operands) are only available if AVX2 is supported. 550 Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table D-2. Instruction Groups and CPUID Feature Flags Instruction Group and CPUID Feature Flag(s)1 Instruction Mnemonic Description CPL GeneralPurpose LODSB Load String Byte 3 Base LODSD Load String Doubleword 3 Base LODSQ Load String Quadword 3 LM LODSW Load String Word 3 Base LOOP Loop 3 Base LOOPE Loop if Equal 3 Base LOOPNE Loop if Not Equal 3 Base LOOPNZ Loop if Not Zero 3 Base LOOPZ Loop if Zero 3 Base LSL Load Segment Limit 3 Base LSS Load SS Segment Register 3 Base SSE LTR Load Task Register 0 LZCNT Count Leading Zeros 3 MASKMOVDQU Masked Move Double Quadword Unaligned 3 MASKMOVQ Masked Move Quadword 3 MAXPD Maximum Packed DoublePrecision Floating-Point 3 SSE2 MAXPS Maximum Packed SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 SSE MAXSD Maximum Scalar DoublePrecision Floating-Point 3 SSE2 MAXSS Maximum Scalar SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 SSE MFENCE Memory Fence 3 MINPD Minimum Packed DoublePrecision Floating-Point 3 SSE2 MINPS Minimum Packed SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 SSE MINSD Minimum Scalar DoublePrecision Floating-Point 3 SSE2 MINSS Minimum Scalar SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 SSE 64-Bit Media x87 System Base ABM SSE2 SSE || MmxExt SSE2 Notes: 1. Columns indicate the instruction groups. Entries indicate the CPUID feature flags(s) indicating support for that instruction. “Base” indicates that no feature flag exists and all processors support this instruction. 2. Mnemonic is used for two different instructions. Assemblers can distinguish them by the number and type of operands. 3. MONITOR/MWAIT can execute at privilege level >0 if enabled. See instruction description. 4. One or more features of the instruction (usually support for 256-bit operands) are only available if AVX2 is supported. Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 551 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table D-2. Instruction Groups and CPUID Feature Flags Instruction Group and CPUID Feature Flag(s)1 Instruction Mnemonic Description CPL GeneralPurpose SSE 64-Bit Media x87 System MONITOR Setup Monitor Address3 0 MONITORX Setup Monitor Address 3 MONITORX MOV Move 3 Base MOV CRn Move to/from Control Registers 0 Base MOV DRn Move to/from Debug Registers 0 Base MOVAPD Move Aligned Packed Double-Precision FloatingPoint 3 SSE2 MOVAPS Move Aligned Packed Single-Precision FloatingPoint 3 SSE MOVBE Move Big Endian 3 MOVBE MOVD Move Doubleword or Quadword 3 MMX, SSE2 MOVDDUP Move Double-Precision and Duplicate 3 SSE3 MOVDQ2Q Move Quadword to Quadword 3 SSE2 MOVDQA Move Aligned Double Quadword 3 SSE2 MOVDQU Move Unaligned Double Quadword 3 SSE2 MOVHLPS Move Packed SinglePrecision Floating-Point High to Low 3 SSE MOVHPD Move High Packed Double-Precision FloatingPoint 3 SSE2 MOVHPS Move High Packed SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 SSE MOVLHPS Move Packed SinglePrecision Floating-Point Low to High 3 SSE MONITOR SSE2 MMX SSE2 Notes: 1. Columns indicate the instruction groups. Entries indicate the CPUID feature flags(s) indicating support for that instruction. “Base” indicates that no feature flag exists and all processors support this instruction. 2. Mnemonic is used for two different instructions. Assemblers can distinguish them by the number and type of operands. 3. MONITOR/MWAIT can execute at privilege level >0 if enabled. See instruction description. 4. One or more features of the instruction (usually support for 256-bit operands) are only available if AVX2 is supported. 552 Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table D-2. Instruction Groups and CPUID Feature Flags Instruction Group and CPUID Feature Flag(s)1 Instruction Mnemonic GeneralPurpose 64-Bit Media Description CPL MOVLPD Move Low Packed DoublePrecision Floating-Point 3 SSE2 MOVLPS Move Low Packed SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 SSE MOVMSKPD Extract Packed DoublePrecision Floating-Point Sign Mask 3 SSE2 SSE2 MOVMSKPS Extract Packed SinglePrecision Floating-Point Sign Mask 3 SSE SSE MOVNTDQ Move Non-Temporal Double Quadword 3 SSE2 MOVNTDQA Move Non-Temporal Double Quadword Aligned 3 SSE41 MOVNTI Move Non-Temporal Doubleword or Quadword 3 MOVNTPD Move Non-Temporal Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point 3 SSE2 MOVNTPS Move Non-Temporal Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point 3 SSE MOVNTSD Move Non-Temporal Scalar Double-Precision FloatingPoint 3 SSE4A MOVNTSS Move Non-Temporal Scalar Single-Precision FloatingPoint 3 SSE4A MOVNTQ Move Non-Temporal Quadword 3 MOVQ Move Quadword 3 SSE2 MMX MOVQ2DQ Move Quadword to Quadword 3 SSE2 SSE2 MOVS Move String 3 Base MOVSB Move String Byte 3 Base SSE x87 System SSE2 SSE || MmxExt Notes: 1. Columns indicate the instruction groups. Entries indicate the CPUID feature flags(s) indicating support for that instruction. “Base” indicates that no feature flag exists and all processors support this instruction. 2. Mnemonic is used for two different instructions. Assemblers can distinguish them by the number and type of operands. 3. MONITOR/MWAIT can execute at privilege level >0 if enabled. See instruction description. 4. One or more features of the instruction (usually support for 256-bit operands) are only available if AVX2 is supported. Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 553 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table D-2. Instruction Groups and CPUID Feature Flags Instruction Group and CPUID Feature Flag(s)1 Instruction Mnemonic Description CPL GeneralPurpose Base2 SSE MOVSD Move String Doubleword 3 MOVSD Move Scalar DoublePrecision Floating-Point 3 SSE22 MOVSHDUP Move Single-Precision High and Duplicate 3 SSE3 MOVSLDUP Move Single-Precision Low and Duplicate 3 SSE3 MOVSQ Move String Quadword 3 MOVSS Move Scalar SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 MOVSW Move String Word 3 Base MOVSX Move with Sign-Extend 3 Base MOVSXD Move with Sign-Extend Doubleword 3 LM MOVUPD Move Unaligned Packed Double-Precision FloatingPoint 3 SSE2 MOVUPS Move Unaligned Packed Single-Precision FloatingPoint 3 SSE MOVZX Move with Zero-Extend 3 MPSADBW Multiple Sum of Absolute Differences 3 MUL Multiply Unsigned 3 MULPD Multiply Packed DoublePrecision Floating-Point 3 SSE2 MULPS Multiply Packed SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 SSE MULSD Multiply Scalar DoublePrecision Floating-Point 3 SSE2 MULSS Multiply Scalar SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 SSE MULX Multiply Unsigned 3 MWAIT Monitor Wait3 0 64-Bit Media x87 System LM SSE Base SSE41 Base BMI2 MONITOR Notes: 1. Columns indicate the instruction groups. Entries indicate the CPUID feature flags(s) indicating support for that instruction. “Base” indicates that no feature flag exists and all processors support this instruction. 2. Mnemonic is used for two different instructions. Assemblers can distinguish them by the number and type of operands. 3. MONITOR/MWAIT can execute at privilege level >0 if enabled. See instruction description. 4. One or more features of the instruction (usually support for 256-bit operands) are only available if AVX2 is supported. 554 Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table D-2. Instruction Groups and CPUID Feature Flags Instruction Group and CPUID Feature Flag(s)1 Instruction Mnemonic Description CPL GeneralPurpose SSE MWAITX Monitor Wait with Timeout 3 MONITORX NEG Two's Complement Negation 3 Base NOP No Operation 3 Base NOT One's Complement Negation 3 Base OR Logical OR 3 Base ORPD Logical Bitwise OR Packed Double-Precision FloatingPoint 3 SSE2 ORPS Logical Bitwise OR Packed Single-Precision FloatingPoint 3 SSE OUT Output to Port 3 Base OUTS Output String 3 Base 64-Bit Media OUTSB Output String Byte 3 Base OUTSD Output String Doubleword 3 Base OUTSW Output String Word 3 Base PABSB Packed Absolute Value Signed Byte 3 SSSE3 PABSD Packed Absolute Value Signed Doubleword 3 SSSE3 PABSW Packed Absolute Value Signed Word 3 SSSE3 PACKSSDW Pack with Saturation Signed Doubleword to Word 3 SSE2 MMX PACKSSWB Pack with Saturation Signed Word to Byte 3 SSE2 MMX PACKUSDW Pack with Unsigned Saturation Doubleword to Word 3 SSE41 PACKUSWB Pack with Saturation Signed Word to Unsigned Byte 3 SSE2 x87 System MMX Notes: 1. Columns indicate the instruction groups. Entries indicate the CPUID feature flags(s) indicating support for that instruction. “Base” indicates that no feature flag exists and all processors support this instruction. 2. Mnemonic is used for two different instructions. Assemblers can distinguish them by the number and type of operands. 3. MONITOR/MWAIT can execute at privilege level >0 if enabled. See instruction description. 4. One or more features of the instruction (usually support for 256-bit operands) are only available if AVX2 is supported. Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 555 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table D-2. Instruction Groups and CPUID Feature Flags Instruction Group and CPUID Feature Flag(s)1 Instruction Mnemonic Description CPL GeneralPurpose SSE 64-Bit Media MMX PADDB Packed Add Bytes 3 SSE2 PADDD Packed Add Doublewords 3 SSE2 MMX PADDQ Packed Add Quadwords 3 SSE2 SSE2 PADDSB Packed Add Signed with Saturation Bytes 3 SSE2 MMX PADDSW Packed Add Signed with Saturation Words 3 SSE2 MMX PADDUSB Packed Add Unsigned with Saturation Bytes 3 SSE2 MMX PADDUSW Packed Add Unsigned with Saturation Words 3 SSE2 MMX MMX PADDW Packed Add Words 3 SSE2 PALIGNR Packed Align Right 3 SSSE3 PAND Packed Logical Bitwise AND 3 SSE2 MMX PANDN Packed Logical Bitwise AND NOT 3 SSE2 MMX PAUSE Pause 3 PAVGB Packed Average Unsigned Bytes 3 SSE2 SSE || MmxExt PAVGUSB Packed Average Unsigned Bytes 3 PAVGW Packed Average Unsigned Words 3 SSE2 PBLENDVB Variable Blend Packed Bytes 3 SSE41 PBLENDW Blend Packed Words 3 SSE41 PCLMULQDQ Carry-less Multiply Quadwords 3 CLMUL PCMPEQB Packed Compare Equal Bytes 3 SSE2 MMX PCMPEQD Packed Compare Equal Doublewords 3 SSE2 MMX x87 System BASE 3DNow SSE || MmxExt Notes: 1. Columns indicate the instruction groups. Entries indicate the CPUID feature flags(s) indicating support for that instruction. “Base” indicates that no feature flag exists and all processors support this instruction. 2. Mnemonic is used for two different instructions. Assemblers can distinguish them by the number and type of operands. 3. MONITOR/MWAIT can execute at privilege level >0 if enabled. See instruction description. 4. One or more features of the instruction (usually support for 256-bit operands) are only available if AVX2 is supported. 556 Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table D-2. Instruction Groups and CPUID Feature Flags Instruction Group and CPUID Feature Flag(s)1 Instruction Mnemonic Description CPL GeneralPurpose SSE 64-Bit Media PCMPEQQ Packed Compare Equal Quadwords 3 SSE41 PCMPEQW Packed Compare Equal Words 3 SSE2 PCMPESTRI Packed Compare Explicit Length Strings Return Index 3 SSE42 3 SSE42 3 SSE2 MMX MMX PCMPESTRM PCMPGTB Packed Compare Explicit Length Strings Return Mask Packed Compare Greater Than Signed Bytes PCMPGTD Packed Compare Greater Than Signed Doublewords 3 SSE2 PCMPGTQ Packed Compare Greater Than Signed Quadwords 3 SSE42 PCMPGTW Packed Compare Greater Than Signed Words 3 SSE2 PCMPISTRI Packed Compare Implicit Length Strings Return Index 3 SSE42 PCMPISTRM Packed Compare Implicit Length Strings Return Mask 3 SSE42 PDEP Parallel Deposit Bits 3 BMI2 PEXT Parallel Extract Bits 3 BMI2 PEXTRB Extract Packed Byte 3 SSE41 PEXTRD Extract Packed Doubleword 3 SSE41 PEXTRQ Extract Packed Quadword 3 SSE41 SSE41 || SSE2 PEXTRW Packed Extract Word 3 PF2ID Packed Floating-Point to Integer Doubleword Conversion 3 x87 System MMX MMX SSE || MmxExt 3DNow Notes: 1. Columns indicate the instruction groups. Entries indicate the CPUID feature flags(s) indicating support for that instruction. “Base” indicates that no feature flag exists and all processors support this instruction. 2. Mnemonic is used for two different instructions. Assemblers can distinguish them by the number and type of operands. 3. MONITOR/MWAIT can execute at privilege level >0 if enabled. See instruction description. 4. One or more features of the instruction (usually support for 256-bit operands) are only available if AVX2 is supported. Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 557 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table D-2. Instruction Groups and CPUID Feature Flags Instruction Group and CPUID Feature Flag(s)1 Instruction Mnemonic Description CPL GeneralPurpose SSE 64-Bit Media PF2IW Packed Floating-Point to Integer Word Conversion 3 3DNo! Extensions PFACC Packed Floating-Point Accumulate 3 3DNow PFADD Packed Floating-Point Add 3 3DNow PFCMPEQ Packed Floating-Point Compare Equal 3 3DNow PFCMPGE Packed Floating-Point Compare Greater or Equal 3 3DNow PFCMPGT Packed Floating-Point Compare Greater Than 3 3DNow PFMAX Packed Floating-Point Maximum 3 3DNow PFMIN Packed Floating-Point Minimum 3 3DNow PFMUL Packed Floating-Point Multiply 3 3DNow PFNACC Packed Floating-Point Negative Accumulate 3 3DNowExt PFPNACC Packed Floating-Point Positive-Negative Accumulate 3 3DNowExt PFRCP Packed Floating-Point Reciprocal Approximation 3 3DNow PFRCPIT1 Packed Floating-Point Reciprocal, Iteration 1 3 3DNow PFRCPIT2 Packed Floating-Point Reciprocal or Reciprocal Square Root, Iteration 2 3 3DNow PFRSQIT1 Packed Floating-Point Reciprocal Square Root, Iteration 1 3 3DNow PFRSQRT Packed Floating-Point Reciprocal Square Root Approximation 3 3DNow x87 System Notes: 1. Columns indicate the instruction groups. Entries indicate the CPUID feature flags(s) indicating support for that instruction. “Base” indicates that no feature flag exists and all processors support this instruction. 2. Mnemonic is used for two different instructions. Assemblers can distinguish them by the number and type of operands. 3. MONITOR/MWAIT can execute at privilege level >0 if enabled. See instruction description. 4. One or more features of the instruction (usually support for 256-bit operands) are only available if AVX2 is supported. 558 Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table D-2. Instruction Groups and CPUID Feature Flags Instruction Group and CPUID Feature Flag(s)1 Instruction Mnemonic Description CPL GeneralPurpose SSE 64-Bit Media PFSUB Packed Floating-Point Subtract 3 3DNow PFSUBR Packed Floating-Point Subtract Reverse 3 3DNow PHADDD Packed Horizontal Add Doubleword 3 SSSE3 PHADDSW Packed Horizontal Add with Saturation Word 3 SSSE3 PHADDW Packed Horizontal Add Word 3 SSSE3 PHMINPOSUW Horizontal Minimum and Position 3 SSE41 PHSUBD Packed Horizontal Subtract Doubleword 3 SSSE3 PHSUBSW Packed Horizontal Subtract with Saturation Word 3 SSSE3 PHSUBW Packed Horizontal Subtract Word 3 SSSE3 PI2FD Packed Integer to FloatingPoint Doubleword Conversion 3 3DNow PI2FW Packed Integer To Floating-Point Word Conversion 3 3DNowExt PINSRB Packed Insert Byte 3 SSE41 PINSRD Packed Insert Doubleword 3 SSE41 PINSRQ Packed Insert Quadword 3 SSE41 PINSRW Packed Insert Word 3 SSE2 PMADDUBSW Packed Multiply and Add Unsigned Byte to Signed Word, 3 SSSE3 PMADDWD Packed Multiply Words and Add Doublewords 3 SSE2 x87 System SSE || MmxExt MMX Notes: 1. Columns indicate the instruction groups. Entries indicate the CPUID feature flags(s) indicating support for that instruction. “Base” indicates that no feature flag exists and all processors support this instruction. 2. Mnemonic is used for two different instructions. Assemblers can distinguish them by the number and type of operands. 3. MONITOR/MWAIT can execute at privilege level >0 if enabled. See instruction description. 4. One or more features of the instruction (usually support for 256-bit operands) are only available if AVX2 is supported. Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 559 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table D-2. Instruction Groups and CPUID Feature Flags Instruction Group and CPUID Feature Flag(s)1 Instruction Mnemonic Description CPL GeneralPurpose SSE 64-Bit Media PMAXSB Packed Maximum Signed Bytes 3 SSE41 PMAXSD Packed Maximum Signed Doublewords 3 SSE41 PMAXSW Packed Maximum Signed Words 3 SSE2 SSE || MmxExt PMAXUB Packed Maximum Unsigned Bytes 3 SSE2 SSE || MmxExt PMAXUD Packed Maximum Unsigned Doublewords 3 SSE41 PMAXUW Packed Maximum Unsigned Words 3 SSE41 PMINSB Packed Minimum Signed Bytes 3 SSE41 PMINSD Packed Minimum Signed Doublewords 3 SSE41 PMINSW Packed Minimum Signed Words 3 SSE2 SSE || MmxExt PMINUB Packed Minimum Unsigned Bytes 3 SSE2 SSE || MmxExt PMINUD Packed Minimum Unsigned Doublewords 3 SSE41 PMINUW Packed Minimum Unsigned Words 3 SSE41 PMOVMSKB Packed Move Mask Byte 3 SSE2 PMOVSXBD Packed Move with SignExtension Byte to Doubleword 3 SSE41 PMOVSXBQ Packed Move with Sign Extension Byte to Quadword 3 SSE41 PMOVSXBW Packed Move with Sign Extension Byte to Word 3 SSE41 x87 System SSE || MmxExt Notes: 1. Columns indicate the instruction groups. Entries indicate the CPUID feature flags(s) indicating support for that instruction. “Base” indicates that no feature flag exists and all processors support this instruction. 2. Mnemonic is used for two different instructions. Assemblers can distinguish them by the number and type of operands. 3. MONITOR/MWAIT can execute at privilege level >0 if enabled. See instruction description. 4. One or more features of the instruction (usually support for 256-bit operands) are only available if AVX2 is supported. 560 Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table D-2. Instruction Groups and CPUID Feature Flags Instruction Group and CPUID Feature Flag(s)1 Instruction Mnemonic Description CPL GeneralPurpose SSE 64-Bit Media PMOVSXDQ Packed Move with SignExtension Doubleword to Quadword 3 SSE41 PMOVSXWD Packed Move with SignExtension Word to Doubleword 3 SSE41 PMOVSXWQ Packed Move with SignExtension Word to Quadword 3 SSE41 PMOVZXBD Packed Move with ZeroExtension Byte to Doubleword 3 SSE41 PMOVZXBQ Packed Move Byte to Quadword with ZeroExtension 3 SSE41 PMOVZXBW Packed Move Byte to Word with Zero-Extension 3 SSE41 PMOVZXDQ Packed Move with ZeroExtension Doubleword to Quadword 3 SSE41 PMOVZXWD Packed Move Word to Doubleword with ZeroExtension 3 SSE41 PMOVZXWQ Packed Move with ZeroExtension Word to Quadword 3 SSE41 PMULDQ Packed Multiply Signed Doubleword to Quadword 3 SSE41 PMULHRSW Packed Multiply High with Round and Scale Words 3 SSSE3 PMULHRW Packed Multiply High Rounded Word 3 PMULHUW Packed Multiply High Unsigned Word 3 SSE2 SSE || MmxExt PMULHW Packed Multiply High Signed Word 3 SSE2 MMX x87 System 3DNow Notes: 1. Columns indicate the instruction groups. Entries indicate the CPUID feature flags(s) indicating support for that instruction. “Base” indicates that no feature flag exists and all processors support this instruction. 2. Mnemonic is used for two different instructions. Assemblers can distinguish them by the number and type of operands. 3. MONITOR/MWAIT can execute at privilege level >0 if enabled. See instruction description. 4. One or more features of the instruction (usually support for 256-bit operands) are only available if AVX2 is supported. Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 561 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table D-2. Instruction Groups and CPUID Feature Flags Instruction Group and CPUID Feature Flag(s)1 Instruction Mnemonic GeneralPurpose 64-Bit Media Description CPL PMULLD Packed Multiply and Store Low Signed Doubleword 3 SSE41 PMULLW Packed Multiply Low Signed Word 3 SSE2 MMX PMULUDQ Packed Multiply Unsigned Doubleword and Store Quadword 3 SSE2 SSE2 SSE2 MMX SSE || MmxExt SSE POP Pop Stack 3 Base POPA Pop All to GPR Words 3 Base POPAD Pop All to GPR Doublewords 3 Base POPCNT Bit Population Count 3 Base POPF Pop to FLAGS Word 3 Base POPFD Pop to EFLAGS Doubleword 3 Base POPFQ Pop to RFLAGS Quadword 3 LM POR Packed Logical Bitwise OR 3 PREFETCH Prefetch L1 Data-Cache Line 3 3DNow || 3DNowPrefetch || LM PREFETCHlevel Prefetch Data to Cache Level level 3 SSE || MmxExt PREFETCHW Prefetch L1 Data-Cache Line for Write 3 3DNow || 3DNowPrefetch || LM PSADBW Packed Sum of Absolute Differences of Bytes into a Word 3 SSE2 PSHUFB Packed Shuffle Byte 3 SSSE3 PSHUFD Packed Shuffle Doublewords 3 SSE2 PSHUFHW Packed Shuffle High Words 3 SSE2 PSHUFLW Packed Shuffle Low Words 3 SSE2 x87 System Notes: 1. Columns indicate the instruction groups. Entries indicate the CPUID feature flags(s) indicating support for that instruction. “Base” indicates that no feature flag exists and all processors support this instruction. 2. Mnemonic is used for two different instructions. Assemblers can distinguish them by the number and type of operands. 3. MONITOR/MWAIT can execute at privilege level >0 if enabled. See instruction description. 4. One or more features of the instruction (usually support for 256-bit operands) are only available if AVX2 is supported. 562 Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table D-2. Instruction Groups and CPUID Feature Flags Instruction Group and CPUID Feature Flag(s)1 Instruction Mnemonic Description CPL GeneralPurpose SSE 64-Bit Media x87 System SSE || MmxExt PSHUFW Packed Shuffle Words 3 PSIGNB Packed Sign Byte 3 PSIGND Packed Sign Doubleword 3 SSSE3 PSIGNW Packed Sign Word 3 SSSE3 PSLLD Packed Shift Left Logical Doublewords 3 SSE2 PSLLDQ Packed Shift Left Logical Double Quadword 3 SSE2 PSLLQ Packed Shift Left Logical Quadwords 3 SSE2 MMX PSLLW Packed Shift Left Logical Words 3 SSE2 MMX PSRAD Packed Shift Right Arithmetic Doublewords 3 SSE2 MMX PSRAW Packed Shift Right Arithmetic Words 3 SSE2 MMX PSRLD Packed Shift Right Logical Doublewords 3 SSE2 MMX PSRLDQ Packed Shift Right Logical Double Quadword 3 SSE2 PSRLQ Packed Shift Right Logical Quadwords 3 SSE2 MMX PSRLW Packed Shift Right Logical Words 3 SSE2 MMX PSUBB Packed Subtract Bytes 3 SSE2 MMX PSUBD Packed Subtract Doublewords 3 SSE2 MMX PSUBQ Packed Subtract Quadword 3 SSE2 SSE2 PSUBSB Packed Subtract Signed With Saturation Bytes 3 SSE2 MMX PSUBSW Packed Subtract Signed with Saturation Words 3 SSE2 MMX SSSE3 MMX Notes: 1. Columns indicate the instruction groups. Entries indicate the CPUID feature flags(s) indicating support for that instruction. “Base” indicates that no feature flag exists and all processors support this instruction. 2. Mnemonic is used for two different instructions. Assemblers can distinguish them by the number and type of operands. 3. MONITOR/MWAIT can execute at privilege level >0 if enabled. See instruction description. 4. One or more features of the instruction (usually support for 256-bit operands) are only available if AVX2 is supported. Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 563 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table D-2. Instruction Groups and CPUID Feature Flags Instruction Group and CPUID Feature Flag(s)1 Instruction GeneralPurpose SSE 64-Bit Media 3 SSE2 MMX Packed Subtract Unsigned and Saturate Words 3 SSE2 MMX PSUBW Packed Subtract Words 3 SSE2 MMX PSWAPD Packed Swap Doubleword 3 PTEST Packed Bit Test 3 SSE41 PUNPCKHBW Unpack and Interleave High Bytes 3 SSE2 MMX PUNPCKHDQ Unpack and Interleave High Doublewords 3 SSE2 MMX PUNPCKHQDQ Unpack and Interleave High Quadwords 3 SSE2 PUNPCKHWD Unpack and Interleave High Words 3 SSE2 MMX PUNPCKLBW Unpack and Interleave Low Bytes 3 SSE2 MMX PUNPCKLDQ Unpack and Interleave Low Doublewords 3 SSE2 MMX PUNPCKLQDQ Unpack and Interleave Low Quadwords 3 SSE2 PUNPCKLWD Unpack and Interleave Low Words 3 SSE2 PUSH Push onto Stack 3 Base PUSHA Push All GPR Words onto Stack 3 Base PUSHAD Push All GPR Doublewords onto Stack 3 Base PUSHF Push EFLAGS Word onto Stack 3 Base PUSHFD Push EFLAGS Doubleword onto Stack 3 Base PUSHFQ Push RFLAGS Quadword onto Stack 3 LM Mnemonic Description CPL PSUBUSB Packed Subtract Unsigned and Saturate Bytes PSUBUSW x87 System 3DNowExt 3DNow Notes: 1. Columns indicate the instruction groups. Entries indicate the CPUID feature flags(s) indicating support for that instruction. “Base” indicates that no feature flag exists and all processors support this instruction. 2. Mnemonic is used for two different instructions. Assemblers can distinguish them by the number and type of operands. 3. MONITOR/MWAIT can execute at privilege level >0 if enabled. See instruction description. 4. One or more features of the instruction (usually support for 256-bit operands) are only available if AVX2 is supported. 564 Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table D-2. Instruction Groups and CPUID Feature Flags Instruction Group and CPUID Feature Flag(s)1 Instruction Mnemonic Description CPL GeneralPurpose SSE 64-Bit Media SSE2 MMX x87 System Packed Logical Bitwise Exclusive OR 3 RCL Rotate Through Carry Left 3 RCPPS Reciprocal Packed SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 SSE RCPSS Reciprocal Scalar SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 SSE RCR Rotate Through Carry Right 3 RDFSBASE Read FS.base 3 FSGSBASE RDGSBASE Read GS.base 3 FSGSBASE RDMSR Read Model-Specific Register 0 MSR RDPMC Read PerformanceMonitoring Counter 3 Base RDTSC Read Time-Stamp Counter 3 TSC RDTSCP Read Time-Stamp Counter and Processor ID 3 TSC || RDTSCP PXOR Base Base RET Return from Call 3 Base ROL Rotate Left 3 Base ROR Rotate Right 3 Base RORX Rotate Right Extended 3 BMI2 ROUNDPD Round Packed DoublePrecision Floating-Point 3 SSE41 ROUNDPS Round Packed SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 SSE41 ROUNDSD Round Scalar DoublePrecision Floating-Point 3 SSE41 ROUNDSS Round Scalar SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 SSE41 RSM Resume from System Management Mode 3 Base Notes: 1. Columns indicate the instruction groups. Entries indicate the CPUID feature flags(s) indicating support for that instruction. “Base” indicates that no feature flag exists and all processors support this instruction. 2. Mnemonic is used for two different instructions. Assemblers can distinguish them by the number and type of operands. 3. MONITOR/MWAIT can execute at privilege level >0 if enabled. See instruction description. 4. One or more features of the instruction (usually support for 256-bit operands) are only available if AVX2 is supported. Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 565 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table D-2. Instruction Groups and CPUID Feature Flags Instruction Group and CPUID Feature Flag(s)1 Instruction Mnemonic Description CPL GeneralPurpose SSE RSQRTPS Reciprocal Square Root Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point 3 SSE RSQRTSS Reciprocal Square Root Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point 3 SSE SAHF Store AH into Flags 3 LahfSahf SAL Shift Arithmetic Left 3 Base SAR Shift Arithmetic Right 3 Base SARX Shift Right Arithmetic Extended 3 BMI2 SBB Subtract with Borrow 3 Base SCAS Scan String 3 Base SCASB Scan String as Bytes 3 Base SCASD Scan String as Doubleword 3 Base SCASQ Scan String as Quadword 3 LM SCASW Scan String as Words 3 Base SETcc Set Byte if Condition 3 Base SFENCE Store Fence 3 SSE || MmxExt SGDT Store Global Descriptor Table Register 3 SHL Shift Left 3 64-Bit Media x87 System Base Base SHLD Shift Left Double 3 Base SHLX Shift Left Logical Extended 3 BMI2 SHR Shift Right 3 Base SHRD Shift Right Double 3 Base SHRX Shift Right Logical Extended 3 BMI2 SHUFPD Shuffle Packed DoublePrecision Floating-Point 3 SSE2 SHUFPS Shuffle Packed SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 SSE Notes: 1. Columns indicate the instruction groups. Entries indicate the CPUID feature flags(s) indicating support for that instruction. “Base” indicates that no feature flag exists and all processors support this instruction. 2. Mnemonic is used for two different instructions. Assemblers can distinguish them by the number and type of operands. 3. MONITOR/MWAIT can execute at privilege level >0 if enabled. See instruction description. 4. One or more features of the instruction (usually support for 256-bit operands) are only available if AVX2 is supported. 566 Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table D-2. Instruction Groups and CPUID Feature Flags Instruction Group and CPUID Feature Flag(s)1 Instruction Mnemonic Description CPL GeneralPurpose SSE 64-Bit Media x87 System SIDT Store Interrupt Descriptor Table Register 3 Base SKINIT Secure Init and Jump with Attestation 0 SKINIT SLDT Store Local Descriptor Table Register 3 Base SMSW Store Machine Status Word 3 Base SQRTPD Square Root Packed Double-Precision FloatingPoint 3 SSE2 SQRTPS Square Root Packed Single-Precision FloatingPoint 3 SSE SQRTSD Square Root Scalar Double-Precision FloatingPoint 3 SSE2 SQRTSS Square Root Scalar SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 SSE STC Set Carry Flag 3 Base STD Set Direction Flag 3 Base STGI Set Global Interrupt Flag 0 SKINIT STI Set Interrupt Flag 3 Base STMXCSR Store MXCSR Control/Status Register 3 STOS Store String 3 Base STOSB Store String Bytes 3 Base STOSD Store String Doublewords 3 Base STOSQ Store String Quadwords 3 LM STOSW Store String Words 3 Base STR Store Task Register 3 SUB Subtract 3 SUBPD Subtract Packed DoublePrecision Floating-Point 3 SSE Base Base SSE2 Notes: 1. Columns indicate the instruction groups. Entries indicate the CPUID feature flags(s) indicating support for that instruction. “Base” indicates that no feature flag exists and all processors support this instruction. 2. Mnemonic is used for two different instructions. Assemblers can distinguish them by the number and type of operands. 3. MONITOR/MWAIT can execute at privilege level >0 if enabled. See instruction description. 4. One or more features of the instruction (usually support for 256-bit operands) are only available if AVX2 is supported. Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 567 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table D-2. Instruction Groups and CPUID Feature Flags Instruction Group and CPUID Feature Flag(s)1 Instruction Mnemonic Description CPL GeneralPurpose SSE 64-Bit Media x87 System SUBPS Subtract Packed SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 SSE SUBSD Subtract Scalar DoublePrecision Floating-Point 3 SSE2 SUBSS Subtract Scalar SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 SSE SWAPGS Swap GS Register with KernelGSbase MSR 0 LM SYSCALL Fast System Call 3 SYSCALL, SYSRET SYSENTER System Call 3 SYSENTER, SYSEXIT SYSEXIT System Return 0 SYSENTER, SYSEXIT SYSRET Fast System Return 0 SYSCALL, SYSRET T1MSKC Inverse Mask From Trailing Ones 3 TBM TEST Test Bits 3 Base TZCNT Count Trailing Zeros 3 BMI1 TZMSK Mask From Trailing Zeros 3 TBM UCOMISD Unordered Compare Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point 3 SSE2 UCOMISS Unordered Compare Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point 3 SSE UD2 Undefined Operation 3 UNPCKHPD Unpack High DoublePrecision Floating-Point 3 SSE2 UNPCKHPS Unpack High SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 SSE Base Notes: 1. Columns indicate the instruction groups. Entries indicate the CPUID feature flags(s) indicating support for that instruction. “Base” indicates that no feature flag exists and all processors support this instruction. 2. Mnemonic is used for two different instructions. Assemblers can distinguish them by the number and type of operands. 3. MONITOR/MWAIT can execute at privilege level >0 if enabled. See instruction description. 4. One or more features of the instruction (usually support for 256-bit operands) are only available if AVX2 is supported. 568 Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table D-2. Instruction Groups and CPUID Feature Flags Instruction Group and CPUID Feature Flag(s)1 Instruction Mnemonic Description CPL GeneralPurpose SSE UNPCKLPD Unpack Low DoublePrecision Floating-Point 3 SSE2 UNPCKLPS Unpack Low SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 SSE VADDPD Add Packed DoublePrecision Floating-Point 3 AVX VADDPS Add Packed SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 AVX VADDSD Add Scalar DoublePrecision Floating-Point 3 AVX VADDSS Add Scalar SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 AVX VADDSUBPD Add and Subtract DoublePrecision 3 AVX VADDSUBPS Add and Subtract SinglePrecision 3 AVX VAESDEC AES Decryption Round 3 AVX VAESDECLAST AES Last Decryption Round 3 AVX VAESENC AES Encryption Round 3 AVX VAESENCLAST AES Last Encryption Round 3 AVX VAESIMC AES InvMixColumn Transformation 3 AVX VAESKEYGENASSIST AES Assist Round Key Generation 3 AVX VANDNPD AND NOT Packed DoublePrecision Floating-Point 3 AVX VANDNPS AND NOT Packed SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 AVX VANDPD AND Packed DoublePrecision Floating-Point 3 AVX VANDPS AND Packed SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 AVX 64-Bit Media x87 System Notes: 1. Columns indicate the instruction groups. Entries indicate the CPUID feature flags(s) indicating support for that instruction. “Base” indicates that no feature flag exists and all processors support this instruction. 2. Mnemonic is used for two different instructions. Assemblers can distinguish them by the number and type of operands. 3. MONITOR/MWAIT can execute at privilege level >0 if enabled. See instruction description. 4. One or more features of the instruction (usually support for 256-bit operands) are only available if AVX2 is supported. Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 569 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table D-2. Instruction Groups and CPUID Feature Flags Instruction Group and CPUID Feature Flag(s)1 Instruction Mnemonic Description CPL GeneralPurpose SSE VBLENDPD Blend Packed DoublePrecision Floating-Point 3 AVX VBLENDPS Blend Packed SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 AVX VBLENDVPD Variable Blend Packed Double-Precision FloatingPoint 3 AVX VBLENDVPS Variable Blend Packed Single-Precision FloatingPoint 3 AVX VBROADCASTF128 Load With Broadcast From 128-bit Memory Location 3 AVX VBROADCASTI128 Load With Broadcast Integer From 128-bit Memory Location 3 AVX2 VBROADCASTSD Load With Broadcast From 64-Bit Memory Location 3 AVX, AVX24 VBROADCASTSS Load With Broadcast From 32-Bit Memory Location 3 AVX, AVX24 VCMPPD Compare Packed DoublePrecision Floating-Point 3 AVX VCMPPS Compare Packed SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 AVX VCMPSD Compare Scalar DoublePrecision Floating-Point 3 AVX VCMPSS Compare Scalar SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 AVX VCOMISD Compare Ordered Scalar Double-Precision FloatingPoint 3 AVX VCOMISS Compare Ordered Scalar Single-Precision FloatingPoint 3 AVX 64-Bit Media x87 System Notes: 1. Columns indicate the instruction groups. Entries indicate the CPUID feature flags(s) indicating support for that instruction. “Base” indicates that no feature flag exists and all processors support this instruction. 2. Mnemonic is used for two different instructions. Assemblers can distinguish them by the number and type of operands. 3. MONITOR/MWAIT can execute at privilege level >0 if enabled. See instruction description. 4. One or more features of the instruction (usually support for 256-bit operands) are only available if AVX2 is supported. 570 Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table D-2. Instruction Groups and CPUID Feature Flags Instruction Group and CPUID Feature Flag(s)1 Instruction Mnemonic Description CPL GeneralPurpose SSE VCVTDQ2PD Convert Packed Doubleword Integers to Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point 3 AVX VCVTDQ2PS Convert Packed Doubleword Integers to Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point 3 AVX VCVTPD2DQ Convert Packed DoublePrecision Floating-Point to Packed Doubleword Integers 3 AVX VCVTPD2PS Convert Packed DoublePrecision Floating-Point to Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point 3 AVX VCVTPH2PS Convert Packed 16-Bit Floating-Point to SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 AVX VCVTPS2DQ Convert Packed SinglePrecision Floating-Point to Packed Doubleword Integers 3 AVX VCVTPS2PD Convert Packed SinglePrecision Floating-Point to Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point 3 AVX VCVTPS2PH Convert Packed SinglePrecision Floating-Point to 16-Bit Floating-Point 3 AVX VCVTSD2SI Convert Scalar DoublePrecision Floating-Point to Signed Doubleword or Quadword Integer 3 AVX 64-Bit Media x87 System Notes: 1. Columns indicate the instruction groups. Entries indicate the CPUID feature flags(s) indicating support for that instruction. “Base” indicates that no feature flag exists and all processors support this instruction. 2. Mnemonic is used for two different instructions. Assemblers can distinguish them by the number and type of operands. 3. MONITOR/MWAIT can execute at privilege level >0 if enabled. See instruction description. 4. One or more features of the instruction (usually support for 256-bit operands) are only available if AVX2 is supported. Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 571 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table D-2. Instruction Groups and CPUID Feature Flags Instruction Group and CPUID Feature Flag(s)1 Instruction Mnemonic GeneralPurpose Description CPL VCVTSD2SS Convert Scalar DoublePrecision Floating-Point to Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point 3 AVX VCVTSI2SD Convert Signed Doubleword or Quadword Integer to Scalar DoublePrecision Floating-Point 3 AVX VCVTSI2SS Convert Signed Doubleword or Quadword Integer to Scalar SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 AVX VCVTSS2SD Convert Scalar SinglePrecision Floating-Point to Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point 3 AVX VCVTSS2SI Convert Scalar SinglePrecision Floating-Point to Signed Doubleword or Quadword Integer 3 AVX VCVTTPD2DQ Convert Packed DoublePrecision Floating-Point to Packed Doubleword Integers, Truncated 3 AVX VCVTTPS2DQ Convert Packed SinglePrecision Floating-Point to Packed Doubleword Integers, Truncated 3 AVX VCVTTSD2SI Convert Scalar DoublePrecision Floating-Point to Signed Doubleword or Quadword Integer, Truncated 3 AVX SSE 64-Bit Media x87 System Notes: 1. Columns indicate the instruction groups. Entries indicate the CPUID feature flags(s) indicating support for that instruction. “Base” indicates that no feature flag exists and all processors support this instruction. 2. Mnemonic is used for two different instructions. Assemblers can distinguish them by the number and type of operands. 3. MONITOR/MWAIT can execute at privilege level >0 if enabled. See instruction description. 4. One or more features of the instruction (usually support for 256-bit operands) are only available if AVX2 is supported. 572 Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table D-2. Instruction Groups and CPUID Feature Flags Instruction Group and CPUID Feature Flag(s)1 Instruction Mnemonic GeneralPurpose Description CPL VCVTTSS2SI Convert Scalar SinglePrecision Floating-Point to Signed Doubleword or Quadword Integer, Truncated 3 AVX VDIVPD Divide Packed DoublePrecision Floating-Point 3 AVX VDIVPS Divide Packed SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 AVX VDIVSD Divide Scalar DoublePrecision Floating-Point 3 AVX VDIVSS Divide Scalar SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 AVX VDPPD Dot Product Packed Double-Precision FloatingPoint 3 AVX VDPPS Dot Product Packed Single-Precision FloatingPoint 3 AVX SSE 64-Bit Media x87 System VERR Verify Segment for Reads 3 Base VERW Verify Segment for Writes 3 Base Extract Packed Values VEXTRACTF128 from 128-bit Memory Location 3 AVX VEXTRACTI128 Extract 128-bit Integer 3 AVX2 VEXTRACTPS Extract Packed SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 AVX VFMADDPD Multiply and Add Packed Double-Precision FloatingPoint 3 FMA4 VFMADD132PD Multiply and Add Packed Double-Precision FloatingPoint 3 FMA Notes: 1. Columns indicate the instruction groups. Entries indicate the CPUID feature flags(s) indicating support for that instruction. “Base” indicates that no feature flag exists and all processors support this instruction. 2. Mnemonic is used for two different instructions. Assemblers can distinguish them by the number and type of operands. 3. MONITOR/MWAIT can execute at privilege level >0 if enabled. See instruction description. 4. One or more features of the instruction (usually support for 256-bit operands) are only available if AVX2 is supported. Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 573 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table D-2. Instruction Groups and CPUID Feature Flags Instruction Group and CPUID Feature Flag(s)1 Instruction Mnemonic GeneralPurpose Description CPL VFMADD213PD Multiply and Add Packed Double-Precision FloatingPoint 3 FMA VFMADD231PD Multiply and Add Packed Double-Precision FloatingPoint 3 FMA VFMADDPS Multiply and Add Packed Single-Precision FloatingPoint 3 FMA4 VFMADD132PS Multiply and Add Packed Single-Precision FloatingPoint 3 FMA VFMADD213PS Multiply and Add Packed Single-Precision FloatingPoint 3 FMA VFMADD231PS Multiply and Add Packed Single-Precision FloatingPoint 3 FMA VFMADDSD Multiply and Add Scalar Double-Precision FloatingPoint 3 FMA4 VFMADD132SD Multiply and Add Scalar Double-Precision FloatingPoint 3 FMA VFMADD213SD Multiply and Add Scalar Double-Precision FloatingPoint 3 FMA VFMADD231SD Multiply and Add Scalar Double-Precision FloatingPoint 3 FMA VFMADDSS Multiply and Add Scalar Single-Precision FloatingPoint 3 FMA4 VFMADD132SS Multiply and Add Scalar Single-Precision FloatingPoint 3 FMA SSE 64-Bit Media x87 System Notes: 1. Columns indicate the instruction groups. Entries indicate the CPUID feature flags(s) indicating support for that instruction. “Base” indicates that no feature flag exists and all processors support this instruction. 2. Mnemonic is used for two different instructions. Assemblers can distinguish them by the number and type of operands. 3. MONITOR/MWAIT can execute at privilege level >0 if enabled. See instruction description. 4. One or more features of the instruction (usually support for 256-bit operands) are only available if AVX2 is supported. 574 Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table D-2. Instruction Groups and CPUID Feature Flags Instruction Group and CPUID Feature Flag(s)1 Instruction Mnemonic Description CPL GeneralPurpose SSE VFMADD213SS Multiply and Add Scalar Single-Precision FloatingPoint 3 FMA VFMADD231SS Multiply and Add Scalar Single-Precision FloatingPoint 3 FMA VFMADDSUBPD Multiply with Alternating Add/Subtract Packed Double-Precision FloatingPoint 3 FMA4 VFMADDSUB132PD Multiply with Alternating Add/Subtract Packed Double-Precision FloatingPoint 3 FMA VFMADDSUB213PD Multiply with Alternating Add/Subtract Packed Double-Precision FloatingPoint 3 FMA VFMADDSUB231PD Multiply with Alternating Add/Subtract Packed Double-Precision FloatingPoint 3 FMA VFMADDSUBPS Multiply with Alternating Add/Subtract Packed Single-Precision FloatingPoint 3 FMA4 VFMADDSUB132PS Multiply with Alternating Add/Subtract Packed Single-Precision FloatingPoint 3 FMA VFMADDSUB213PS Multiply with Alternating Add/Subtract Packed Single-Precision FloatingPoint 3 FMA 64-Bit Media x87 System Notes: 1. Columns indicate the instruction groups. Entries indicate the CPUID feature flags(s) indicating support for that instruction. “Base” indicates that no feature flag exists and all processors support this instruction. 2. Mnemonic is used for two different instructions. Assemblers can distinguish them by the number and type of operands. 3. MONITOR/MWAIT can execute at privilege level >0 if enabled. See instruction description. 4. One or more features of the instruction (usually support for 256-bit operands) are only available if AVX2 is supported. Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 575 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table D-2. Instruction Groups and CPUID Feature Flags Instruction Group and CPUID Feature Flag(s)1 Instruction Mnemonic Description CPL GeneralPurpose SSE VFMADDSUB231PS Multiply with Alternating Add/Subtract Packed Single-Precision FloatingPoint 3 FMA VFMSUBADDPD Multiply with Alternating Subtract/Add Packed Double-Precision FloatingPoint 3 FMA4 VFMSUBADD132PD Multiply with Alternating Subtract/Add Packed Double-Precision FloatingPoint 3 FMA VFMSUBADD213PD Multiply with Alternating Subtract/Add Packed Double-Precision FloatingPoint 3 FMA VFMSUBADD231PD Multiply with Alternating Subtract/Add Packed Double-Precision FloatingPoint 3 FMA VFMSUBADDPS Multiply with Alternating Subtract/Add Packed Single-Precision FloatingPoint 3 FMA4 VFMSUBADD132PS Multiply with Alternating Subtract/Add Packed Single-Precision FloatingPoint 3 FMA VFMSUBADD213PS Multiply with Alternating Subtract/Add Packed Single-Precision FloatingPoint 3 FMA VFMSUBADD231PS Multiply with Alternating Subtract/Add Packed Single-Precision FloatingPoint 3 FMA 64-Bit Media x87 System Notes: 1. Columns indicate the instruction groups. Entries indicate the CPUID feature flags(s) indicating support for that instruction. “Base” indicates that no feature flag exists and all processors support this instruction. 2. Mnemonic is used for two different instructions. Assemblers can distinguish them by the number and type of operands. 3. MONITOR/MWAIT can execute at privilege level >0 if enabled. See instruction description. 4. One or more features of the instruction (usually support for 256-bit operands) are only available if AVX2 is supported. 576 Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table D-2. Instruction Groups and CPUID Feature Flags Instruction Group and CPUID Feature Flag(s)1 Instruction Mnemonic Description CPL GeneralPurpose SSE VFMSUBPD Multiply and Subtract Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point 3 FMA4 VFMSUB132PD Multiply and Subtract Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point 3 FMA VFMSUB213PD Multiply and Subtract Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point 3 FMA VFMSUB231PD Multiply and Subtract Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point 3 FMA VFMSUBPS Multiply and Subtract Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point 3 FMA4 VFMSUB132PS Multiply and Subtract Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point 3 FMA VFMSUB213PS Multiply and Subtract Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point 3 FMA VFMSUB231PS Multiply and Subtract Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point 3 FMA VFMSUBSD Multiply and Subtract Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point 3 FMA4 VFMSUB132SD Multiply and Subtract Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point 3 FMA VFMSUB213SD Multiply and Subtract Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point 3 FMA VFMSUB231SD Multiply and Subtract Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point 3 FMA 64-Bit Media x87 System Notes: 1. Columns indicate the instruction groups. Entries indicate the CPUID feature flags(s) indicating support for that instruction. “Base” indicates that no feature flag exists and all processors support this instruction. 2. Mnemonic is used for two different instructions. Assemblers can distinguish them by the number and type of operands. 3. MONITOR/MWAIT can execute at privilege level >0 if enabled. See instruction description. 4. One or more features of the instruction (usually support for 256-bit operands) are only available if AVX2 is supported. Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 577 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table D-2. Instruction Groups and CPUID Feature Flags Instruction Group and CPUID Feature Flag(s)1 Instruction Mnemonic Description CPL GeneralPurpose SSE VFMSUBSS Multiply and Subtract Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point 3 FMA4 VFMSUB132SS Multiply and Subtract Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point 3 FMA VFMSUB213SS Multiply and Subtract Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point 3 FMA VFMSUB231SS Multiply and Subtract Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point 3 FMA VFNMADDPD Negative Multiply and Add Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point 3 FMA4 VFNMADD132PD Negative Multiply and Add Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point 3 FMA VFNMADD213PD Negative Multiply and Add Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point 3 FMA VFNMADD231PD Negative Multiply and Add Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point 3 FMA VFNMADDPS Negative Multiply and Add Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point 3 FMA4 VFNMADD132PS Negative Multiply and Add Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point 3 FMA VFNMADD213PS Negative Multiply and Add Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point 3 FMA VFNMADD231PS Negative Multiply and Add Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point 3 FMA 64-Bit Media x87 System Notes: 1. Columns indicate the instruction groups. Entries indicate the CPUID feature flags(s) indicating support for that instruction. “Base” indicates that no feature flag exists and all processors support this instruction. 2. Mnemonic is used for two different instructions. Assemblers can distinguish them by the number and type of operands. 3. MONITOR/MWAIT can execute at privilege level >0 if enabled. See instruction description. 4. One or more features of the instruction (usually support for 256-bit operands) are only available if AVX2 is supported. 578 Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table D-2. Instruction Groups and CPUID Feature Flags Instruction Group and CPUID Feature Flag(s)1 Instruction Mnemonic GeneralPurpose Description CPL VFNMADDSD Negative Multiply and Add Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point 3 FMA4 VFNMADD132SD Negative Multiply and Add Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point 3 FMA VFNMADD213SD Negative Multiply and Add Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point 3 FMA VFNMADD231SD Negative Multiply and Add Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point 3 FMA VFNMADDSS Negative Multiply and Add Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point 3 FMA4 VFNMADD132SS Negative Multiply and Add Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point 3 FMA VFNMADD213SS Negative Multiply and Add Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point 3 FMA VFNMADD231SS Negative Multiply and Add Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point 3 FMA VFNMSUBPD Negative Multiply and Subtract Packed DoublePrecision Floating-Point 3 FMA4 VFNMSUB132PD Negative Multiply and Subtract Packed DoublePrecision Floating-Point 3 FMA VFNMSUB213PD Negative Multiply and Subtract Packed DoublePrecision Floating-Point 3 FMA VFNMSUB231PD Negative Multiply and Subtract Packed DoublePrecision Floating-Point 3 FMA SSE 64-Bit Media x87 System Notes: 1. Columns indicate the instruction groups. Entries indicate the CPUID feature flags(s) indicating support for that instruction. “Base” indicates that no feature flag exists and all processors support this instruction. 2. Mnemonic is used for two different instructions. Assemblers can distinguish them by the number and type of operands. 3. MONITOR/MWAIT can execute at privilege level >0 if enabled. See instruction description. 4. One or more features of the instruction (usually support for 256-bit operands) are only available if AVX2 is supported. Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 579 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table D-2. Instruction Groups and CPUID Feature Flags Instruction Group and CPUID Feature Flag(s)1 Instruction Mnemonic Description CPL GeneralPurpose SSE VFNMSUBPS Negative Multiply and Subtract Packed SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 FMA4 VFNMSUB132PS Negative Multiply and Subtract Packed SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 FMA VFNMSUB213PS Negative Multiply and Subtract Packed SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 FMA VFNMSUB231PS Negative Multiply and Subtract Packed SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 FMA VFNMSUBSD Negative Multiply and Subtract Scalar DoublePrecision Floating-Point 3 FMA4 VFNMSUB132SD Negative Multiply and Subtract Scalar DoublePrecision Floating-Point 3 FMA VFNMSUB213SD Negative Multiply and Subtract Scalar DoublePrecision Floating-Point 3 FMA VFNMSUB231SD Negative Multiply and Subtract Scalar DoublePrecision Floating-Point 3 FMA VFNMSUBSS Negative Multiply and Subtract Scalar SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 FMA4 VFNMSUB132SS Negative Multiply and Subtract Scalar SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 FMA VFNMSUB213SS Negative Multiply and Subtract Scalar SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 FMA VFNMSUB231SS Negative Multiply and Subtract Scalar SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 FMA 64-Bit Media x87 System Notes: 1. Columns indicate the instruction groups. Entries indicate the CPUID feature flags(s) indicating support for that instruction. “Base” indicates that no feature flag exists and all processors support this instruction. 2. Mnemonic is used for two different instructions. Assemblers can distinguish them by the number and type of operands. 3. MONITOR/MWAIT can execute at privilege level >0 if enabled. See instruction description. 4. One or more features of the instruction (usually support for 256-bit operands) are only available if AVX2 is supported. 580 Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table D-2. Instruction Groups and CPUID Feature Flags Instruction Group and CPUID Feature Flag(s)1 Instruction Mnemonic GeneralPurpose Description CPL VFRCZPD Extract Fraction Packed Double-Precision FloatingPoint 3 XOP VFRCZPS Extract Fraction Packed Single-Precision FloatingPoint 3 XOP VFRCZSD Extract Fraction Scalar Double-Precision FloatingPoint 3 XOP VFRCZSS Extract Fraction Scalar Single-Precision Floating Point 3 XOP VGATHERDPD Conditionally Gather Double-Precision FloatingPoint Values, Doubleword Indices 3 AVX2 VGATHERDPS Conditionally Gather Single-Precision FloatingPoint Values, Doubleword Indices 3 AVX2 VGATHERQPD Conditionally Gather Double-Precision FloatingPoint Values, Quadword Indices 3 AVX2 VGATHERQPS Conditionally Gather Single-Precision FloatingPoint Values, Quadword Indices 3 AVX2 VHADDPD Horizontal Add Packed Double 3 AVX VHADDPS Horizontal Add Packed Single 3 AVX VHSUBPD Horizontal Subtract Packed Double 3 AVX VHSUBPS Horizontal Subtract Packed Single 3 AVX SSE 64-Bit Media x87 System Notes: 1. Columns indicate the instruction groups. Entries indicate the CPUID feature flags(s) indicating support for that instruction. “Base” indicates that no feature flag exists and all processors support this instruction. 2. Mnemonic is used for two different instructions. Assemblers can distinguish them by the number and type of operands. 3. MONITOR/MWAIT can execute at privilege level >0 if enabled. See instruction description. 4. One or more features of the instruction (usually support for 256-bit operands) are only available if AVX2 is supported. Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 581 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table D-2. Instruction Groups and CPUID Feature Flags Instruction Group and CPUID Feature Flag(s)1 Instruction Mnemonic GeneralPurpose Description CPL VINSERTF128 Insert Packed Values 128bit 3 AVX VINSERTI128 Insert Packed Integer Values 128-bit 3 AVX2 VINSERTPS Insert Packed SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 AVX VLDDQU Load Unaligned Double Quadword 3 AVX VLDMXCSR Load MXCSR Control/Status Register 3 AVX VMASKMOVDQU Masked Move Double Quadword Unaligned 3 AVX VMASKMOVPD Masked Move Packed Double-Precision 3 AVX VMASKMOVPS Masked Move Packed Single-Precision 3 AVX VMAXPD Maximum Packed DoublePrecision Floating-Point 3 AVX VMAXPS Maximum Packed SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 AVX VMAXSD Maximum Scalar DoublePrecision Floating-Point 3 AVX VMAXSS Maximum Scalar SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 AVX VMINPD Minimum Packed DoublePrecision Floating-Point 3 AVX VMINPS Minimum Packed SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 AVX VMINSD Minimum Scalar DoublePrecision Floating-Point 3 AVX VMINSS Minimum Scalar SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 AVX VMOVAPD Move Aligned Packed Double-Precision FloatingPoint 3 AVX SSE 64-Bit Media x87 System Notes: 1. Columns indicate the instruction groups. Entries indicate the CPUID feature flags(s) indicating support for that instruction. “Base” indicates that no feature flag exists and all processors support this instruction. 2. Mnemonic is used for two different instructions. Assemblers can distinguish them by the number and type of operands. 3. MONITOR/MWAIT can execute at privilege level >0 if enabled. See instruction description. 4. One or more features of the instruction (usually support for 256-bit operands) are only available if AVX2 is supported. 582 Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table D-2. Instruction Groups and CPUID Feature Flags Instruction Group and CPUID Feature Flag(s)1 Instruction Mnemonic Description CPL GeneralPurpose SSE VMOVAPS Move Aligned Packed Single-Precision FloatingPoint 3 AVX VMOVD Move Doubleword or Quadword 3 AVX VMOVDDUP Move Double-Precision and Duplicate 3 AVX VMOVDQA Move Aligned Double Quadword 3 AVX VMOVDQU Move Unaligned Double Quadword 3 AVX VMOVHLPS Move Packed SinglePrecision Floating-Point High to Low 3 AVX VMOVHPD Move High Packed Double-Precision FloatingPoint 3 AVX VMOVHPS Move High Packed SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 AVX VMOVLHPS Move Packed SinglePrecision Floating-Point Low to High 3 AVX VMOVLPD Move Low Packed DoublePrecision Floating-Point 3 AVX VMOVLPS Move Low Packed SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 AVX VMOVMSKPD Extract Packed DoublePrecision Floating-Point Sign Mask 3 AVX VMOVMSKPS Extract Packed SinglePrecision Floating-Point Sign Mask 3 AVX VMOVNTDQ Move Non-Temporal Double Quadword 3 AVX 64-Bit Media x87 System Notes: 1. Columns indicate the instruction groups. Entries indicate the CPUID feature flags(s) indicating support for that instruction. “Base” indicates that no feature flag exists and all processors support this instruction. 2. Mnemonic is used for two different instructions. Assemblers can distinguish them by the number and type of operands. 3. MONITOR/MWAIT can execute at privilege level >0 if enabled. See instruction description. 4. One or more features of the instruction (usually support for 256-bit operands) are only available if AVX2 is supported. Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 583 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table D-2. Instruction Groups and CPUID Feature Flags Instruction Group and CPUID Feature Flag(s)1 Instruction Mnemonic GeneralPurpose Description CPL VMOVNTDQA Move Non-Temporal Double Quadword Aligned 3 AVX, AVX24 VMOVNTPD Move Non-Temporal Packed Double-Precision Floating-Point 3 AVX VMOVNTPS Move Non-Temporal Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point 3 AVX VMOVQ Move Quadword 3 AVX VMOVSD Move Scalar DoublePrecision Floating-Point 3 AVX VMOVSHDUP Move Single-Precision High and Duplicate 3 AVX VMOVSLDUP Move Single-Precision Low and Duplicate 3 AVX VMOVSS Move Scalar SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 AVX VMOVUPD Move Unaligned Packed Double-Precision FloatingPoint 3 AVX VMOVUPS Move Unaligned Packed Single-Precision FloatingPoint 3 AVX VMPSADBW Multiple Sum of Absolute Differences 3 AVX, AVX24 VMULPD Multiply Packed DoublePrecision Floating-Point 3 AVX VMULPS Multiply Packed SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 AVX VMULSD Multiply Scalar DoublePrecision Floating-Point 3 AVX VMULSS Multiply Scalar SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 AVX SSE 64-Bit Media x87 System Notes: 1. Columns indicate the instruction groups. Entries indicate the CPUID feature flags(s) indicating support for that instruction. “Base” indicates that no feature flag exists and all processors support this instruction. 2. Mnemonic is used for two different instructions. Assemblers can distinguish them by the number and type of operands. 3. MONITOR/MWAIT can execute at privilege level >0 if enabled. See instruction description. 4. One or more features of the instruction (usually support for 256-bit operands) are only available if AVX2 is supported. 584 Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table D-2. Instruction Groups and CPUID Feature Flags Instruction Group and CPUID Feature Flag(s)1 Instruction Mnemonic GeneralPurpose Description CPL VORPD Logical Bitwise OR Packed Double-Precision FloatingPoint 3 AVX VORPS Logical Bitwise OR Packed Single-Precision FloatingPoint 3 AVX VPABSB Packed Absolute Value Signed Byte 3 AVX, AVX24 VPABSD Packed Absolute Value Signed Doubleword 3 AVX, AVX24 VPABSW Packed Absolute Value Signed Word 3 AVX, AVX24 VPACKSSDW Pack with Saturation Signed Doubleword to Word 3 AVX, AVX24 VPACKSSWB Pack with Saturation Signed Word to Byte 3 AVX, AVX24 VPACKUSDW Pack with Unsigned Saturation Doubleword to Word 3 AVX, AVX24 VPACKUSWB Pack with Saturation Signed Word to Unsigned Byte 3 AVX, AVX24 VPADDB Packed Add Bytes 3 AVX, AVX24 VPADDD Packed Add Doublewords 3 AVX, AVX24 VPADDQ Packed Add Quadwords 3 AVX, AVX24 VPADDSB Packed Add Signed with Saturation Bytes 3 AVX, AVX24 VPADDSW Packed Add Signed with Saturation Words 3 AVX, AVX24 VPADDUSB Packed Add Unsigned with Saturation Bytes 3 AVX, AVX24 VPADDUSW Packed Add Unsigned with Saturation Words 3 AVX, AVX24 VPADDW Packed Add Words 3 AVX, AVX24 SSE 64-Bit Media x87 System Notes: 1. Columns indicate the instruction groups. Entries indicate the CPUID feature flags(s) indicating support for that instruction. “Base” indicates that no feature flag exists and all processors support this instruction. 2. Mnemonic is used for two different instructions. Assemblers can distinguish them by the number and type of operands. 3. MONITOR/MWAIT can execute at privilege level >0 if enabled. See instruction description. 4. One or more features of the instruction (usually support for 256-bit operands) are only available if AVX2 is supported. Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 585 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table D-2. Instruction Groups and CPUID Feature Flags Instruction Group and CPUID Feature Flag(s)1 Instruction Mnemonic Description CPL GeneralPurpose SSE VPALIGNR Packed Align Right 3 AVX, AVX24 VPAND Packed Logical Bitwise AND 3 AVX, AVX24 VPANDN Packed Logical Bitwise AND NOT 3 AVX, AVX24 VPAVGB Packed Average Unsigned Bytes 3 AVX, AVX24 VPAVGW Packed Average Unsigned Words 3 AVX, AVX24 VPBLENDD Blend Packed Doublewords 3 AVX2 VPBLENDVB Variable Blend Packed Bytes 3 AVX, AVX24 VPBLENDW Blend Packed Words 3 AVX, AVX24 VPBROADCASTB Broadcast Packed Byte 3 AVX2 VPBROADCASTD Broadcast Packed Doubleword 3 AVX2 VPBROADCASTQ Broadcast Packed Quadword 3 AVX2 VPBROADCASTW Broadcast Packed Word 3 AVX2 VPCLMULQDQ Carry-less Multiply Quadwords 3 CLMUL || AVX VPCMOV Vector Conditional Move 3 XOP VPCMPEQB Packed Compare Equal Bytes 3 AVX, AVX24 VPCMPEQD Packed Compare Equal Doublewords 3 AVX, AVX24 VPCMPEQQ Packed Compare Equal Quadwords 3 AVX, AVX24 VPCMPEQW Packed Compare Equal Words 3 AVX, AVX24 VPCMPESTRI Packed Compare Explicit Length Strings Return Index 3 AVX 64-Bit Media x87 System Notes: 1. Columns indicate the instruction groups. Entries indicate the CPUID feature flags(s) indicating support for that instruction. “Base” indicates that no feature flag exists and all processors support this instruction. 2. Mnemonic is used for two different instructions. Assemblers can distinguish them by the number and type of operands. 3. MONITOR/MWAIT can execute at privilege level >0 if enabled. See instruction description. 4. One or more features of the instruction (usually support for 256-bit operands) are only available if AVX2 is supported. 586 Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table D-2. Instruction Groups and CPUID Feature Flags Instruction Group and CPUID Feature Flag(s)1 Instruction Mnemonic VPCMPESTRM VPCMPGTB Description Packed Compare Explicit Length Strings Return Mask Packed Compare Greater Than Signed Bytes CPL GeneralPurpose SSE 3 AVX 3 AVX, AVX24 VPCMPGTD Packed Compare Greater Than Signed Doublewords 3 AVX, AVX24 VPCMPGTQ Packed Compare Greater Than Signed Quadwords 3 AVX, AVX24 VPCMPGTW Packed Compare Greater Than Signed Words 3 AVX, AVX24 VPCMPISTRI Packed Compare Implicit Length Strings Return Index 3 AVX VPCMPISTRM Packed Compare Implicit Length Strings Return Mask 3 AVX VPCOMB Compare Vector Signed Bytes 3 XOP VPCOMD Compare Vector Signed Doublewords 3 XOP VPCOMQ Compare Vector Signed Quadwords 3 XOP VPCOMUB Compare Vector Unsigned Bytes 3 XOP VPCOMUD Compare Vector Unsigned Doublewords 3 XOP VPCOMUQ Compare Vector Unsigned Quadwords 3 XOP VPCOMUW Compare Vector Unsigned Words 3 XOP VPCOMW Compare Vector Signed Words 3 XOP VPERM2F128 Permute Floating-Point 128-bit 3 AVX 64-Bit Media x87 System Notes: 1. Columns indicate the instruction groups. Entries indicate the CPUID feature flags(s) indicating support for that instruction. “Base” indicates that no feature flag exists and all processors support this instruction. 2. Mnemonic is used for two different instructions. Assemblers can distinguish them by the number and type of operands. 3. MONITOR/MWAIT can execute at privilege level >0 if enabled. See instruction description. 4. One or more features of the instruction (usually support for 256-bit operands) are only available if AVX2 is supported. Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 587 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table D-2. Instruction Groups and CPUID Feature Flags Instruction Group and CPUID Feature Flag(s)1 Instruction Mnemonic Description CPL GeneralPurpose SSE VPERM2I128 Permute Integer 128-bit 3 AVX2 VPERMD Packed Permute Doubleword 3 AVX2 VPERMIL2PD Permute Two-Source Double-Precision FloatingPoint 3 XOP VPERMIL2PS Permute Two-Source Single-Precision FloatingPoint 3 XOP VPERMILPD Permute Double-Precision 3 AVX VPERMILPS Permute Single-Precision 3 AVX VPERMPD Packed Permute DoublePrecision Floating-Point 3 AVX2 VPERMPS Packed Permute SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 AVX2 VPERMQ Packed Permute Quadword 3 AVX2 VPEXTRB Extract Packed Byte 3 AVX VPEXTRD Extract Packed Doubleword 3 AVX VPEXTRQ Extract Packed Quadword 3 AVX VPEXTRW Packed Extract Word 3 AVX VPGATHERDD Conditionally Gather Doublewords, Doubleword Indices 3 AVX2 VPGATHERDQ Conditionally Gather Quadwords, Doubleword Indices 3 AVX2 VPGATHERQD Conditionally Gather Doublewords, Quadword Indices 3 AVX2 VPGATHERQQ Conditionally Gather Quadwords, Quadword Indices 3 AVX2 64-Bit Media x87 System Notes: 1. Columns indicate the instruction groups. Entries indicate the CPUID feature flags(s) indicating support for that instruction. “Base” indicates that no feature flag exists and all processors support this instruction. 2. Mnemonic is used for two different instructions. Assemblers can distinguish them by the number and type of operands. 3. MONITOR/MWAIT can execute at privilege level >0 if enabled. See instruction description. 4. One or more features of the instruction (usually support for 256-bit operands) are only available if AVX2 is supported. 588 Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table D-2. Instruction Groups and CPUID Feature Flags Instruction Group and CPUID Feature Flag(s)1 Instruction Mnemonic Description CPL GeneralPurpose SSE VPHADDBD Packed Horizontal Add Signed Byte to Signed Doubleword 3 XOP VPHADDBQ Packed Horizontal Add Signed Byte to Signed Quadword 3 XOP VPHADDBW Packed Horizontal Add Signed Byte to Signed Word 3 XOP VPHADDD Packed Horizontal Add Doubleword 3 AVX, AVX24 VPHADDDQ Packed Horizontal Add Signed Doubleword to Signed Quadword 3 XOP VPHADDSW Packed Horizontal Add with Saturation Word 3 AVX, AVX24 VPHADDUBD Packed Horizontal Add Unsigned Byte to Doubleword 3 XOP VPHADDUBQ Packed Horizontal Add Unsigned Byte to Quadword 3 XOP VPHADDUBW Packed Horizontal Add Unsigned Byte to Word 3 XOP VPHADDUDQ Packed Horizontal Add Unsigned Doubleword to Quadword 3 XOP VPHADDUWD Packed Horizontal Add Unsigned Word to Doubleword 3 XOP VPHADDUWQ Packed Horizontal Add Unsigned Word to Quadword 3 XOP VPHADDW Packed Horizontal Add Word 3 AVX, AVX24 64-Bit Media x87 System Notes: 1. Columns indicate the instruction groups. Entries indicate the CPUID feature flags(s) indicating support for that instruction. “Base” indicates that no feature flag exists and all processors support this instruction. 2. Mnemonic is used for two different instructions. Assemblers can distinguish them by the number and type of operands. 3. MONITOR/MWAIT can execute at privilege level >0 if enabled. See instruction description. 4. One or more features of the instruction (usually support for 256-bit operands) are only available if AVX2 is supported. Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 589 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table D-2. Instruction Groups and CPUID Feature Flags Instruction Group and CPUID Feature Flag(s)1 Instruction Mnemonic Description CPL GeneralPurpose SSE VPHADDWD Packed Horizontal Add Signed Word to Signed Doubleword 3 XOP VPHADDWQ Packed Horizontal Add Signed Word to Signed Quadword 3 XOP VPHMINPOSUW Horizontal Minimum and Position 3 AVX VPHSUBBW Packed Horizontal Subtract Signed Byte to Signed Word 3 XOP VPHSUBD Packed Horizontal Subtract Doubleword 3 AVX, AVX24 VPHSUBDQ Packed Horizontal Subtract Signed Doubleword to Signed Quadword 3 XOP VPHSUBSW Packed Horizontal Subtract with Saturation Word 3 AVX, AVX24 VPHSUBW Packed Horizontal Subtract Word 3 AVX, AVX24 VPHSUBWD Packed Horizontal Subtract Signed Word to Signed Doubleword 3 XOP VPINSRB Packed Insert Byte 3 AVX VPINSRD Packed Insert Doubleword 3 AVX VPINSRQ Packed Insert Quadword 3 AVX VPINSRW Packed Insert Word 3 AVX VPMACSDD Packed Multiply Accumulate Signed Doubleword to Signed Doubleword 3 XOP VPMACSDQH Packed Multiply Accumulate Signed High Doubleword to Signed Quadword 3 XOP 64-Bit Media x87 System Notes: 1. Columns indicate the instruction groups. Entries indicate the CPUID feature flags(s) indicating support for that instruction. “Base” indicates that no feature flag exists and all processors support this instruction. 2. Mnemonic is used for two different instructions. Assemblers can distinguish them by the number and type of operands. 3. MONITOR/MWAIT can execute at privilege level >0 if enabled. See instruction description. 4. One or more features of the instruction (usually support for 256-bit operands) are only available if AVX2 is supported. 590 Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table D-2. Instruction Groups and CPUID Feature Flags Instruction Group and CPUID Feature Flag(s)1 Instruction Mnemonic Description CPL GeneralPurpose SSE VPMACSDQL Packed Multiply Accumulate Signed Low Doubleword to Signed Quadword 3 XOP VPMACSSDD Packed Multiply Accumulate with Saturation Signed Doubleword to Signed Doubleword 3 XOP VPMACSSDQH Packed Multiply Accumulate with Saturation Signed High Doubleword to Signed Quadword 3 XOP VPMACSSDQL Packed Multiply Accumulate with Saturation Signed Low Doubleword to Signed Quadword 3 XOP VPMACSSWD Packed Multiply Accumulate with Saturation Signed Word to Signed Doubleword 3 XOP VPMACSSWW Packed Multiply Accumulate with Saturation Signed Word to Signed Word 3 XOP VPMACSWD Packed Multiply Accumulate Signed Word to Signed Doubleword 3 XOP VPMACSWW Packed Multiply Accumulate Signed Word to Signed Word 3 XOP VPMADCSSWD Packed Multiply Add Accumulate with Saturation Signed Word to Signed Doubleword 3 XOP 64-Bit Media x87 System Notes: 1. Columns indicate the instruction groups. Entries indicate the CPUID feature flags(s) indicating support for that instruction. “Base” indicates that no feature flag exists and all processors support this instruction. 2. Mnemonic is used for two different instructions. Assemblers can distinguish them by the number and type of operands. 3. MONITOR/MWAIT can execute at privilege level >0 if enabled. See instruction description. 4. One or more features of the instruction (usually support for 256-bit operands) are only available if AVX2 is supported. Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 591 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table D-2. Instruction Groups and CPUID Feature Flags Instruction Group and CPUID Feature Flag(s)1 Instruction Mnemonic Description CPL GeneralPurpose SSE VPMADCSWD Packed Multiply Add Accumulate Signed Word to Signed Doubleword 3 XOP VPMADDUBSW Packed Multiply and Add Unsigned Byte to Signed Word 3 AVX, AVX24 VPMADDWD Packed Multiply Words and Add Doublewords 3 AVX, AVX24 VPMASKMOVD Masked Move Packed Doubleword 3 AVX2 VPMASKMOVQ Masked Move Packed Quadword 3 AVX2 VPMAXSB Packed Maximum Signed Bytes 3 AVX, AVX24 VPMAXSD Packed Maximum Signed Doublewords 3 AVX, AVX24 VPMAXSW Packed Maximum Signed Words 3 AVX, AVX24 VPMAXUB Packed Maximum Unsigned Bytes 3 AVX, AVX24 VPMAXUD Packed Maximum Unsigned Doublewords 3 AVX, AVX24 VPMAXUW Packed Maximum Unsigned Words 3 AVX, AVX24 VPMINSB Packed Minimum Signed Bytes 3 AVX, AVX24 VPMINSD Packed Minimum Signed Doublewords 3 AVX, AVX24 VPMINSW Packed Minimum Signed Words 3 AVX, AVX24 VPMINUB Packed Minimum Unsigned Bytes 3 AVX, AVX24 VPMINUD Packed Minimum Unsigned Doublewords 3 AVX, AVX24 64-Bit Media x87 System Notes: 1. Columns indicate the instruction groups. Entries indicate the CPUID feature flags(s) indicating support for that instruction. “Base” indicates that no feature flag exists and all processors support this instruction. 2. Mnemonic is used for two different instructions. Assemblers can distinguish them by the number and type of operands. 3. MONITOR/MWAIT can execute at privilege level >0 if enabled. See instruction description. 4. One or more features of the instruction (usually support for 256-bit operands) are only available if AVX2 is supported. 592 Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table D-2. Instruction Groups and CPUID Feature Flags Instruction Group and CPUID Feature Flag(s)1 Instruction Mnemonic Description CPL GeneralPurpose SSE VPMINUW Packed Minimum Unsigned Words 3 AVX, AVX24 VPMOVMSKB Packed Move Mask Byte 3 AVX, AVX24 VPMOVSXBD Packed Move with SignExtension Byte to Doubleword 3 AVX, AVX24 VPMOVSXBQ Packed Move with Sign Extension Byte to Quadword 3 AVX, AVX24 VPMOVSXBW Packed Move with Sign Extension Byte to Word 3 AVX, AVX24 VPMOVSXDQ Packed Move with SignExtension Doubleword to Quadword 3 AVX, AVX24 VPMOVSXWD Packed Move with SignExtension Word to Doubleword 3 AVX, AVX24 VPMOVSXWQ Packed Move with SignExtension Word to Quadword 3 AVX, AVX24 VPMOVZXBD Packed Move with ZeroExtension Byte to Doubleword 3 AVX, AVX24 VPMOVZXBQ Packed Move Byte to Quadword with ZeroExtension 3 AVX, AVX24 VPMOVZXBW Packed Move Byte to Word with Zero-Extension 3 AVX, AVX24 VPMOVZXDQ Packed Move with ZeroExtension Doubleword to Quadword 3 AVX, AVX24 VPMOVZXWD Packed Move Word to Doubleword with ZeroExtension 3 AVX, AVX24 64-Bit Media x87 System Notes: 1. Columns indicate the instruction groups. Entries indicate the CPUID feature flags(s) indicating support for that instruction. “Base” indicates that no feature flag exists and all processors support this instruction. 2. Mnemonic is used for two different instructions. Assemblers can distinguish them by the number and type of operands. 3. MONITOR/MWAIT can execute at privilege level >0 if enabled. See instruction description. 4. One or more features of the instruction (usually support for 256-bit operands) are only available if AVX2 is supported. Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 593 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table D-2. Instruction Groups and CPUID Feature Flags Instruction Group and CPUID Feature Flag(s)1 Instruction Mnemonic Description CPL GeneralPurpose SSE VPMOVZXWQ Packed Move with ZeroExtension Word to Quadword 3 AVX, AVX24 VPMULDQ Packed Multiply Signed Doubleword to Quadword 3 AVX, AVX24 VPMULHRSW Packed Multiply High with Round and Scale Words 3 AVX, AVX24 VPMULHUW Packed Multiply High Unsigned Word 3 AVX, AVX24 VPMULHW Packed Multiply High Signed Word 3 AVX, AVX24 VPMULLD Packed Multiply and Store Low Signed Doubleword 3 AVX, AVX24 VPMULLW Packed Multiply Low Signed Word 3 AVX, AVX24 VPMULUDQ Packed Multiply Unsigned Doubleword and Store Quadword 3 AVX, AVX24 VPOR Packed Logical Bitwise OR 3 AVX, AVX24 VPPERM Packed Permute Bytes 3 XOP VPROTB Packed Rotate Bytes 3 XOP VPROTD Packed Rotate Doublewords 3 XOP VPROTQ Packed Rotate Quadwords 3 XOP VPROTW Packed Rotate Words 3 XOP VPSADBW Packed Sum of Absolute Differences of Bytes into a Word 3 AVX, AVX24 VPSHAB Packed Shift Arithmetic Bytes 3 XOP VPSHAD Packed Shift Arithmetic Doublewords 3 XOP VPSHAQ Packed Shift Arithmetic Quadwords 3 XOP 64-Bit Media x87 System Notes: 1. Columns indicate the instruction groups. Entries indicate the CPUID feature flags(s) indicating support for that instruction. “Base” indicates that no feature flag exists and all processors support this instruction. 2. Mnemonic is used for two different instructions. Assemblers can distinguish them by the number and type of operands. 3. MONITOR/MWAIT can execute at privilege level >0 if enabled. See instruction description. 4. One or more features of the instruction (usually support for 256-bit operands) are only available if AVX2 is supported. 594 Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table D-2. Instruction Groups and CPUID Feature Flags Instruction Group and CPUID Feature Flag(s)1 Instruction Mnemonic Description CPL GeneralPurpose SSE VPSHAW Packed Shift Arithmetic Words 3 XOP VPSHLB Packed Shift Logical Bytes 3 XOP VPSHLD Packed Shift Logical Doublewords 3 XOP VPSHLQ Packed Shift Logical Quadwords 3 XOP VPSHLW Packed Shift Logical Words 3 XOP VPSHUFB Packed Shuffle Byte 3 AVX, AVX24 VPSHUFD Packed Shuffle Doublewords 3 AVX, AVX24 VPSHUFHW Packed Shuffle High Words 3 AVX, AVX24 VPSHUFLW Packed Shuffle Low Words 3 AVX, AVX24 VPSIGNB Packed Sign Byte 3 AVX, AVX24 VPSIGND Packed Sign Doubleword 3 AVX, AVX24 VPSIGNW Packed Sign Word 3 AVX, AVX24 VPSLLD Packed Shift Left Logical Doublewords 3 AVX, AVX24 VPSLLDQ Packed Shift Left Logical Double Quadword 3 AVX, AVX24 VPSLLQ Packed Shift Left Logical Quadwords 3 AVX, AVX24 VPSLLVD Variable Shift Left Logical Doublewords 3 AVX2 VPSLLVQ Variable Shift Left Logical Quadwords 3 AVX2 VPSLLW Packed Shift Left Logical Words 3 AVX, AVX24 VPSRAD Packed Shift Right Arithmetic Doublewords 3 AVX, AVX24 VPSRAVD Variable Shift Right Arithmetic Doublewords 3 AVX2 64-Bit Media x87 System Notes: 1. Columns indicate the instruction groups. Entries indicate the CPUID feature flags(s) indicating support for that instruction. “Base” indicates that no feature flag exists and all processors support this instruction. 2. Mnemonic is used for two different instructions. Assemblers can distinguish them by the number and type of operands. 3. MONITOR/MWAIT can execute at privilege level >0 if enabled. See instruction description. 4. One or more features of the instruction (usually support for 256-bit operands) are only available if AVX2 is supported. Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 595 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table D-2. Instruction Groups and CPUID Feature Flags Instruction Group and CPUID Feature Flag(s)1 Instruction Mnemonic Description CPL GeneralPurpose SSE VPSRAW Packed Shift Right Arithmetic Words 3 AVX, AVX24 VPSRLD Packed Shift Right Logical Doublewords 3 AVX, AVX24 VPSRLDQ Packed Shift Right Logical Double Quadword 3 AVX, AVX24 VPSRLQ Packed Shift Right Logical Quadwords 3 AVX, AVX24 VPSRLVD Variable Shift Right Logical Doublewords 3 AVX2 VPSRLVQ Variable Shift Right Logical Quadwords 3 AVX2 VPSRLW Packed Shift Right Logical Words 3 AVX, AVX24 VPSUBB Packed Subtract Bytes 3 AVX, AVX24 VPSUBD Packed Subtract Doublewords 3 AVX, AVX24 VPSUBQ Packed Subtract Quadword 3 AVX, AVX24 VPSUBSB Packed Subtract Signed With Saturation Bytes 3 AVX, AVX24 VPSUBSW Packed Subtract Signed with Saturation Words 3 AVX, AVX24 VPSUBUSB Packed Subtract Unsigned and Saturate Bytes 3 AVX, AVX24 VPSUBUSW Packed Subtract Unsigned and Saturate Words 3 AVX, AVX24 VPSUBW Packed Subtract Words 3 AVX, AVX24 VPTEST Packed Bit Test 3 AVX VPUNPCKHBW Unpack and Interleave High Bytes 3 AVX, AVX24 VPUNPCKHDQ Unpack and Interleave High Doublewords 3 AVX, AVX24 VPUNPCKHQDQ Unpack and Interleave High Quadwords 3 AVX, AVX24 64-Bit Media x87 System Notes: 1. Columns indicate the instruction groups. Entries indicate the CPUID feature flags(s) indicating support for that instruction. “Base” indicates that no feature flag exists and all processors support this instruction. 2. Mnemonic is used for two different instructions. Assemblers can distinguish them by the number and type of operands. 3. MONITOR/MWAIT can execute at privilege level >0 if enabled. See instruction description. 4. One or more features of the instruction (usually support for 256-bit operands) are only available if AVX2 is supported. 596 Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table D-2. Instruction Groups and CPUID Feature Flags Instruction Group and CPUID Feature Flag(s)1 Instruction Mnemonic Description CPL GeneralPurpose SSE VPUNPCKHWD Unpack and Interleave High Words 3 AVX, AVX24 VPUNPCKLBW Unpack and Interleave Low Bytes 3 AVX, AVX24 VPUNPCKLDQ Unpack and Interleave Low Doublewords 3 AVX, AVX24 VPUNPCKLQDQ Unpack and Interleave Low Quadwords 3 AVX, AVX24 VPUNPCKLWD Unpack and Interleave Low Words 3 AVX, AVX24 VPXOR Packed Logical Bitwise Exclusive OR 3 AVX, AVX24 VRCPPS Reciprocal Packed SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 AVX VRCPSS Reciprocal Scalar SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 AVX VROUNDPD Round Packed DoublePrecision Floating-Point 3 AVX VROUNDPS Round Packed SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 AVX VROUNDSD Round Scalar DoublePrecision Floating-Point 3 AVX VROUNDSS Round Scalar SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 AVX VRSQRTPS Reciprocal Square Root Packed Single-Precision Floating-Point 3 AVX VRSQRTSS Reciprocal Square Root Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point 3 AVX VSHUFPD Shuffle Packed DoublePrecision Floating-Point 3 AVX VSHUFPS Shuffle Packed SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 AVX 64-Bit Media x87 System Notes: 1. Columns indicate the instruction groups. Entries indicate the CPUID feature flags(s) indicating support for that instruction. “Base” indicates that no feature flag exists and all processors support this instruction. 2. Mnemonic is used for two different instructions. Assemblers can distinguish them by the number and type of operands. 3. MONITOR/MWAIT can execute at privilege level >0 if enabled. See instruction description. 4. One or more features of the instruction (usually support for 256-bit operands) are only available if AVX2 is supported. Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 597 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table D-2. Instruction Groups and CPUID Feature Flags Instruction Group and CPUID Feature Flag(s)1 Instruction Mnemonic GeneralPurpose 64-Bit Media Description CPL VSQRTPD Square Root Packed Double-Precision FloatingPoint 3 AVX VSQRTPS Square Root Packed Single-Precision FloatingPoint 3 AVX VSQRTSD Square Root Scalar Double-Precision FloatingPoint 3 AVX VSQRTSS Square Root Scalar SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 AVX VSTMXCSR Store MXCSR Control/Status Register 3 AVX VSUBPD Subtract Packed DoublePrecision Floating-Point 3 AVX VSUBPS Subtract Packed SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 AVX VSUBSD Subtract Scalar DoublePrecision Floating-Point 3 AVX VSUBSS Subtract Scalar SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 AVX VMLOAD Load State from VMCB 0 SVM VMMCALL Call VMM 0 SVM SSE x87 System VMRUN Run Virtual Machine 0 SVM VMSAVE Save State to VMCB 0 SVM VTESTPD Packed Bit Test 3 AVX VTESTPS Packed Bit Test 3 AVX VUCOMISD Unordered Compare Scalar Double-Precision Floating-Point 3 AVX VUCOMISS Unordered Compare Scalar Single-Precision Floating-Point 3 AVX VUNPCKHPD Unpack High DoublePrecision Floating-Point 3 AVX Notes: 1. Columns indicate the instruction groups. Entries indicate the CPUID feature flags(s) indicating support for that instruction. “Base” indicates that no feature flag exists and all processors support this instruction. 2. Mnemonic is used for two different instructions. Assemblers can distinguish them by the number and type of operands. 3. MONITOR/MWAIT can execute at privilege level >0 if enabled. See instruction description. 4. One or more features of the instruction (usually support for 256-bit operands) are only available if AVX2 is supported. 598 Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table D-2. Instruction Groups and CPUID Feature Flags Instruction Group and CPUID Feature Flag(s)1 Instruction Mnemonic Description CPL GeneralPurpose SSE 64-Bit Media x87 System VUNPCKHPS Unpack High SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 AVX VUNPCKLPD Unpack Low DoublePrecision Floating-Point 3 AVX VUNPCKLPS Unpack Low SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 AVX VXORPD Logical Bitwise Exclusive OR Packed DoublePrecision Floating-Point 3 AVX VXORPS Logical Bitwise Exclusive OR Packed SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 AVX VZEROALL Zero All YMM Registers 3 AVX VZEROUPPER Zero All YMM Registers Upper 3 AVX WAIT Wait for x87 Floating-Point Exceptions 3 WBINVD Writeback and Invalidate Caches 0 Base WRFSBASE Write FS.base 3 FSGSBASE WRGSBASE Write GS.base 3 FSGSBASE WRMSR Write to Model-Specific Register 0 MSR XADD Exchange and Add 3 Base XCHG Exchange 3 Base XGETBV Get Extended Control Register Value 3 XLAT Translate Table Index 3 Base XLATB Translate Table Index (No Operands) 3 Base XOR Exclusive OR 3 Base XORPD Logical Bitwise Exclusive OR Packed DoublePrecision Floating-Point 3 X87 XSAVE SSE2 Notes: 1. Columns indicate the instruction groups. Entries indicate the CPUID feature flags(s) indicating support for that instruction. “Base” indicates that no feature flag exists and all processors support this instruction. 2. Mnemonic is used for two different instructions. Assemblers can distinguish them by the number and type of operands. 3. MONITOR/MWAIT can execute at privilege level >0 if enabled. See instruction description. 4. One or more features of the instruction (usually support for 256-bit operands) are only available if AVX2 is supported. Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 599 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table D-2. Instruction Groups and CPUID Feature Flags Instruction Group and CPUID Feature Flag(s)1 Instruction Mnemonic Description CPL GeneralPurpose SSE Logical Bitwise Exclusive OR Packed SinglePrecision Floating-Point 3 SSE XRSTOR Restore Extended States 3 XSAVE XSAVE Save Extended States 3 XSAVE XSAVEOPT Save Extended States Performance Optimized 3 XSAVEOPT XSETBV Set Extended Control Register Value 3 XSAVE XORPS 64-Bit Media x87 System Notes: 1. Columns indicate the instruction groups. Entries indicate the CPUID feature flags(s) indicating support for that instruction. “Base” indicates that no feature flag exists and all processors support this instruction. 2. Mnemonic is used for two different instructions. Assemblers can distinguish them by the number and type of operands. 3. MONITOR/MWAIT can execute at privilege level >0 if enabled. See instruction description. 4. One or more features of the instruction (usually support for 256-bit operands) are only available if AVX2 is supported. 600 Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Flags 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Appendix E Obtaining Processor Information Via the CPUID Instruction This appendix specifies the information that software can obtain about the processor on which it is running by executing the CPUID instruction. The information in this appendix supersedes the contents of the CPUID Specification, order #25481, which is now obsolete. The CPUID instruction is described on page 158. This appendix does not replace the CPUID instruction reference information presented there. The CPUID instruction behaves much like a function call. Parameters are passed to the instruction via registers and on execution the instruction loads specific registers with return values. These return values can be interpreted by software based on the field definitions and their assigned meanings. The first input parameter is the function number which is passed to the instruction via the EAX register. Some functions also accept a second input parameter passed via the ECX register. Values are returned via the EAX, EBX, ECX, and EDX registers. Software should not assume that any values written to these registers prior to the execution of CPUID instruction will be retained after the instruction executes (even those that are marked reserved). The description of each return value breaks the value down into one or more named fields which represent a bit position or contiguous range of bits. All bit positions that are not defined as fields are reserved. The value of bits within reserved ranges cannot be relied upon to be zero. Software must mask off all reserved bits in the return value prior to making any value comparisons of represented information. This appendix applies to all AMD processors with a family designation of 0Fh or greater. E.1 Special Notational Conventions The following special notation conventions are used in this appendix: • The notation (standard throughout this APM) for representing the function number, optional input parmeter, and the information returned is as follows: CPUID FnXXXX_XXXX_RRR[FieldName]_xYYY. Where: - XXXX_XXXX is the function number represented in hexadecimal (passed to the instruction in EAX). RRR is one of {EDX, ECX, EBX, EAX} and represents a register holding a return value. YYY represents the optional input parameter passed in the ECX register expressed as a hexadecimal number. If this parameter is not used, the characters represented by _xYYY are ommitted from the notation. Obtaining Processor Information Via the CPUID Instruction 601 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 • • • FieldName identifies a specific named element of processor information represented by a specific bit range (1 or more bits wide) within the RRR register. The notation CPUID FnXXXX_XXXX _RRR is used when refering to one of the registers that holds information returned by the instruction. The notation CPUID FnXXXX_XXXX or FnXXXX_XXXX is used to refer to a specific function number. Most one-bit fields indicate support or non-support of a specific processor feature. By convention, (unless otherwise noted) a value of 1 means that the feature is supported by the processor and a value of 0 means that the feature is not supported by the processor. E.2 Standard and Extended Function Numbers The CPUID instruction supports two sets or ranges of function numbers: standard and extended. • • The smallest function number of the standard function range is Fn0000_0000. The largest function number of the standard function range, for a particular implementation, is returned in CPUID Fn0000_0000_EAX. The smallest function number of the extended function range is Fn8000_0000. The largest function number of the extended function range, for a particular implementation, is returned in CPUID Fn8000_0000_EAX. E.3 Standard Feature Function Numbers This section describes each of the defined CPUID functions in the standard range. E.3.1 Function 0h—Maximum Standard Function Number and Vendor String This function number provides information about the maximum standard function number supported on this processor and a string that identifies the vendor of the product. CPUID Fn0000_0000_EAX Largest Standard Function Number The value returned in EAX provides the largest standard function number supported by this processor. Bits Field Name Description 31:0 LFuncStd Largest standard function. The largest CPUID standard function input value supported by the processor implementation. CPUID Fn0000_0000_E[D,C,B]X Processor Vendor The values returned in EBX, EDX, and ECX together provide a 12-character string identifying the vendor of this processor. Each register supplies 4 characters. The leftmost character of each substring 602 Obtaining Processor Information Via the CPUID Instruction 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology is stored in the least significant bit position in the register. The string is the concatenation of the contents of EBX, EDX, and ECX in left to right order. No null terminator is included in the string. CPUID Fn8000_0000_E[D,C,B]X return the same values as this function. Bits Field Name Description 31:0 Vendor Four characters of the 12-byte character string (encoded in ASCII) “AuthenticAMD”. See Table E-1 below. Table E-1. CPUID Fn0000_0000_E[D,C,B]X values Register CPUID Fn0000_0000_EBX CPUID Fn0000_0000_ECX CPUID Fn0000_0000_EDX Value 6874_7541h 444D_4163h 6974_6E65h Description The ASCII characters “h t u A”. The ASCII characters “D M A c”. The ASCII characters “i t n e”. E.3.2 Function 1h—Processor and Processor Feature Identifiers This function number identifies the processor family, model, and stepping and provides feature support information. CPUID Fn0000_0001_EAX Family, Model, Stepping Identifiers The value returned in EAX provides the family, model, and stepping identifiers. Three values are used by software to identify a processor: Family, Model, and Stepping. Bits Field Name Description 31:28 — Reserved. 27:20 ExtFamily Processor extended family. See above for definition of Family[7:0]. 19:16 ExtModel Processor extended model. See above for definition of Model[7:0]. 15:12 — Reserved. 11:8 BaseFamily Base processor family. See above for definition of Family[7:0]. 7:4 BaseModel Base processor model. See above for definition of Model[7:0]. 3:0 Stepping Processor stepping. Processor stepping (revision) for a specific model. The processor Family identifies one or more processors as belonging to a group that possesses some common definition for software or hardware purposes. The Model specifies one instance of a processor family. The Stepping identifies a particular version of a specific model. Therefore, Family, Model and Stepping, when taken together, form a unique identification or signature for a processor. The Family is an 8-bit value and is defined as: Family[7:0] = ({0000b,BaseFamily[3:0]} + ExtFamily[7:0]). For example, if BaseFamily[3:0] = Fh and ExtFamily[7:0] = 01h, then Family[7:0] = Obtaining Processor Information Via the CPUID Instruction 603 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 10h. If BaseFamily[3:0] is less than Fh, then ExtFamily is reserved and Family is equal to BaseFamily[3:0]. Model is an 8-bit value and is defined as: Model[7:0] = {ExtModel[3:0],BaseModel[3:0]}. For example, if ExtModel[3:0] = Eh and BaseModel[3:0] = 8h, then Model[7:0] = E8h. If BaseFamily[3:0] is less than 0Fh, then ExtModel is reserved and Model is equal to BaseModel[3:0]. The value returned by CPUID Fn8000_0001_EAX is equivalent to CPUID Fn0000_0001_EAX. CPUID Fn0000_0001_EBX LocalApicId, LogicalProcessorCount, CLFlush The value returned in EBX provides miscellaneous information regarding the processor brand, the number of logical threads per processor socket, the CLFLUSH instruction, and APIC. Bits Field Name 31:24 LocalApicId Description Initial local APIC physical ID. The 8-bit value assigned to the local APIC physical ID register at power-up. Some of the bits of LocalApicId represent the core within a processor and other bits represent the processor ID. See the APIC20 “APIC ID” register in the processor BKDG for details. Logical processor count. If CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[HTT] = 1 then LogicalProcessorCount is the number LogicalProcessor of cores per processor. 23:16 Count If CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[HTT] = 0 then LogicalProcessorCount is reserved. See E.5.1 [Legacy Method]. 15:8 CLFlush CLFLUSH size. Specifies the size of a cache line in quadwords flushed by the CLFLUSH instruction. See “CLFLUSH” in APM3. 7:0 8-bit brand ID. This field, in conjunction with CPUID Fn8000_0001_EBX[BrandId], is used by the system firmware to generate the processor name string. See the appropriate processor revision guide for how to program the processor name string. 8BitBrandId CPUID Fn0000_0001_ECX Feature Identifiers The value returned in ECX contains the following miscellaneous feature identifiers: Bits Field Name Description 31 — RAZ. Reserved for use by hypervisor to indicate guest status. 30 RDRAND RDRAND instruction support. 29 F16C Half-precision convert instruction support. See "Half-Precision Floating-Point Conversion" in APM1 and listings for individual F16C instructions in APM5. 28 AVX AVX instruction support. See APM4. 27 OSXSAVE XSAVE (and related) instructions are enabled. See “OSXSAVE” in APM2. . 26 XSAVE XSAVE (and related) instructions are supported by hardware. See “XSAVE/XRSTOR Instructions” in APM2. 604 Obtaining Processor Information Via the CPUID Instruction 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Bits Field Name Description 25 AES AES instruction support. See “AES Instructions” in APM4. 24 — Reserved. 23 POPCNT POPCNT instruction. See “POPCNT” in APM3. 22 AMD64 Technology MOVBE: MOVBE instruction support. 21 — Reserved. 20 SSE42 SSE4.2 instruction support. "Determining Media and x87 Feature Supprt" in APM2 and individual SSE4.2 instruction listings in APM4. 19 SSE41 SSE4.1 instruction support. See individual instruction listings in APM4. . 18:14 — Reserved. 13 CMPXCHG16B CMPXCHG16B instruction support. See “CMPXCHG16B” in APM3. 12 FMA FMA instruction support. 11:10 — 9 Reserved. SSSE3 Supplemental SSE3 instruction support. — Reserved. 3 MONITOR MONITOR/MWAIT instructions. See “MONITOR” and “MWAIT” in APM3. 2 — Reserved. 1 PCLMULQDQ PCLMULQDQ instruction support. See instruction reference page for the PCLMULQDQ / VPCLMULQDQ instruction in APM4. 0 SSE3 SSE3 instruction support. See Appendix D “Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Sets” in APM3 for the list of instructions covered by the SSE3 feature bit. See APM4 for the definition of the SSE3 instructions. 8:4 CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX Feature Identifiers The value returned in EDX contains the following miscellaneous feature identifiers: Bits Field Name 31:29 — Description Reserved. 28 HTT Hyper-threading technology. Indicates either that there is more than one thread per core or more than one core per processor. See “Legacy Method” on page 633. 27 — Reserved. 26 SSE2 SSE2 instruction support. See Appendix D “CPUID Feature Sets” in APM3. 25 SSE SSE instruction support. See Appendix D “CPUID Feature Sets” in APM3 appendix and “64-Bit Media Programming” in APM1. 24 FXSR FXSAVE and FXRSTOR instructions. See “FXSAVE” and “FXRSTOR” in APM5. 23 MMX MMX™ instructions. See Appendix D “CPUID Feature Sets” in APM3 and “128-Bit Media and Scientific Programming” in APM1. 22:20 — 19 CLFSH Reserved. CLFLUSH instruction support. See “CLFLUSH” in APM3. Obtaining Processor Information Via the CPUID Instruction 605 AMD64 Technology Bits Field Name 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Description 18 — Reserved. 17 PSE36 Page-size extensions. The PDE[20:13] supplies physical address [39:32]. See “Page Translation and Protection” in APM2. 16 PAT Page attribute table. See “Page-Attribute Table Mechanism” in APM2. 15 CMOV Conditional move instructions. See “CMOV”, “FCMOV” in APM3. 14 MCA Machine check architecture. See “Machine Check Mechanism” in APM2. 13 PGE Page global extension. See “Page Translation and Protection” in APM2. 12 MTRR Memory-type range registers. See “Page Translation and Protection” in APM2. 11 SysEnterSysExit SYSENTER and SYSEXIT instructions. See “SYSENTER”, “SYSEXIT“ in APM3. 10 — Reserved. 9 APIC Avanced programmable interrupt controller. Indicates APIC exists and is enabled. See “Exceptions and Interrupts” in APM2. 8 CMPXCHG8B CMPXCHG8B instruction. See “CMPXCHG8B” in APM3. 7 MCE Machine check exception. See “Machine Check Mechanism” in APM2. 6 PAE Physical-address extensions. Indicates support for physical addresses ³ 32b. Number of physical address bits above 32b is implementation specific. See “Page Translation and Protection” in APM2. 5 MSR AMD model-specific registers. Indicates support for AMD model-specific registers (MSRs), with RDMSR and WRMSR instructions. See “Model Specific Registers” in APM2. 4 TSC Time stamp counter. RDTSC and RDTSCP instruction support. See “Debug and Performance Resources” in APM2. 3 PSE Page-size extensions. See “Page Translation and Protection” in APM2. 2 DE Debugging extensions. See “Debug and Performance Resources” in APM2. 1 VME Virtual-mode enhancements. CR4.VME, CR4.PVI, software interrupt indirection, expansion of the TSS with the software, indirection bitmap, EFLAGS.VIF, EFLAGS.VIP. See “System Resources” in APM2. 0 FPU x87 floating point unit on-chip. See “x87 Floating Point Programming” in APM1. E.3.3 Functions 2h–4h—Reserved CPUID Fn0000_000[4:2] Reserved These function numbers are reserved. E.3.4 Function 5h—Monitor and MWait Features This function provides feature identifiers for the MONITOR and MWAIT instructions. For more information see the description of the MONITOR instruction on page 388 and the MWAIT instruction on page 394. 606 Obtaining Processor Information Via the CPUID Instruction 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology CPUID Fn0000_0005_EAX Monitor/MWait The value returned in EAX provides the following information: Bits Field Name Description 31:16 — Reserved. 15:0 MonLineSizeMin Smallest monitor-line size in bytes. CPUID Fn0000_0005_EBX Monitor/MWait The value returned in EBX provides the following information: Bits Field Name 31:16 — Description Reserved. 15:0 MonLineSizeMax Largest monitor-line size in bytes. CPUID Fn0000_0005_ECX Monitor/MWait The value returned in ECX provides the following information: Bits Field Name Description 31:2 — Reserved. 1 IBE Interrupt break-event. Indicates MWAIT can use ECX bit 0 to allow interrupts to cause an exit from the monitor event pending state, even if EFLAGS.IF=0. 0 EMX Enumerate MONITOR/MWAIT extensions: Indicates enumeration MONITOR/MWAIT extensions are supported. CPUID Fn0000_0005_EDX Monitor/MWait The value returned in EDX is undefined and is reserved. E.3.5 Function 6h—Power Management Related Features This function provides information about the local APIC timer timebase and the effective frequency interface for the processor. CPUID Fn0000_0006_EAX Local APIC Timer Invariance The value returned in EAX is undefined and is reserved. Obtaining Processor Information Via the CPUID Instruction 607 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Bits Field Name Description 31:3 — Reserved. ARAT If set, indicates that the timebase for the local APIC timer is not affected by processor p-state. — Reserved. 2 1:0 CPUID Fn0000_0006_EBX Reserved The value returned in EBX is undefined and is reserved. CPUID Fn0000_0006_ECX Efffective Processor Frequency Interface The value returned in ECX indicates support of the processor effective frequency interface. For more information on this feature, see "Determining Processor Effective Frequency" in APM2. Bits Field Name Description 31:1 — Reserved. EffFreq Effective frequency interface support. If set, indicates presence of MSR0000_00E7 (MPERF) and MSR0000_00E8 (APERF). 0 CPUID Fn0000_0006_EDX Reserved The value returned in EDX is undefined and is reserved. E.3.6 Function 7h—Structured Extended Feature Identifiers CPUID Fn0000_0007_EAX_x0 Structured Extended Feature Identifiers (ECX=0) Bits Field Name Description 31:0 MaxSubFn Returns the number of subfunctions supported. CPUID Fn0000_0007_EBX_x0 Structured Extended Feature Identifiers (ECX=0) Bits Field Name Description 31:9 — Reserved. 8 BMI2 Bit manipulation group 2 instruction support. 7 SMEP Supervisor mode execution protection. 6 — Reserved. 5 AVX2 AVX2 instruction subset support. 4 — Reserved. 3 BMI1 Bit manipulation group 1 instruction support. 608 Obtaining Processor Information Via the CPUID Instruction 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Bits Field Name Description 2:1 — Reserved. FSGSBASE FS and GS base read write instruction support. 0 AMD64 Technology CPUID Fn0000_0007_ECX_x0 Structured Extended Feature Identifiers (ECX=0) Bits Field Name Description 31:0 Reserved. — CPUID Fn0000_0007_EDX_x0 Structured Extended Feature Identifiers (ECX=0) Bits Field Name Description 31:0 Reserved. — E.3.7 Functions 8h–Ch—Reserved CPUID Fn0000_000[C:8] Reserved These function numbers are reserved. E.3.8 Function Dh—Processor Extended State Enumeration The XSAVE / XRSTOR instructions are used to save and restore x87/MMX FPU and SSE processor state. These instructions allow processor state associated with specific architected features to be selectively saved and restored. This function provides information about extended state support and save area size requirements. The function has a number of subfunctions specified by the input value passed to the CPUID instruction in the ECX register. Subfunction 0 of Fn0000_000D Subfunction 0 provides information about features within the extended processor state management architecture that are supported by the processor. CPUID Fn0000_000D_EAX_x0 Processor Extended State Enumeration (ECX=0) The value returned in EAX provides a bit mask specifying which of the features defined by the extended processor state architecture are supported by the processor. Bits Field Name Description Reports the valid bit positions for the lower 32 bits of the 31:0 XFeatureSupportedMask[31:0] XFeatureEnabledMask register. If a bit is set, the corresponding feature is supported. See “XSAVE/XRSTOR Instructions” in APM2. Obtaining Processor Information Via the CPUID Instruction 609 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 CPUID Fn0000_000D_EBX_x0 Processor Extended State Enumeration (ECX=0) The value returned in EBX gives the save area size requirement in bytes based on the features currently enabled in the XFEATURE_ENABLED_MASK (XCR0). Bits Field Name Description 31:0 XFeatureEnabledSizeMax Size in bytes of XSAVE/XRSTOR area for the currently enabled features in XCR0. CPUID Fn0000_000D_ECX_x0 Processor Extended State Enumeration (ECX=0) The value returned in ECX gives the save area size requirement in bytes for all extended state management features supported by the processor (whether enabled or not). Bits Field Name Description 31:0 XFeatureSupportedSizeMax Size in bytes of XSAVE/XRSTOR area for all features that the core supports. See XFeatureEnabledSizeMax. CPUID Fn0000_000D_EDX_x0 Processor Extended State Enumeration (ECX=0) The value returned in EDX provides a bit mask specifying which of the features defined by the extended processor state architecture are supported by the processor. Bits Field Name Description Reports the valid bit positions for the upper 32 bits of the 31:0 XFeatureSupportedMask[63:32] XFeatureEnabledMask register. If a bit is set, the corresponding feature is supported. See “XSAVE/XRSTOR Instructions” in APM2 and reference pages for the individual instructions in APM4. Subfunction 1 of Fn0000_000D Subfunction 1 provides additional information about features within the extended processor state management architecture that are supported by the processor. CPUID Fn0000_000D_EAX_x1 Processor Extended State Enumeration (ECX=1) Bits Field Name Description 31:1 Reserved. 0 XSAVEOPT XSAVEOPT is available. CPUID Fn0000_000D_E[D,C,B]X_x1 Processor Extended State Enumeration (ECX=1) 610 Obtaining Processor Information Via the CPUID Instruction 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology The values returned in EBX, ECX, and EDX for subfunction 1 are undefined and are reserved. Subfunction 2 of Fn0000_000D Subfunction 2 provides information about the size and offset of the 256-bit SSE vector floating point processor unit state save area. CPUID Fn0000_000D_EAX_x2 Processor Extended State Enumeration (ECX=2) The value returned in EAX provides information about the size of the 256-bit SSE vector floating point processor unit state save area. Bits Field Name Description 31:0 YmmSaveStateSize YMM state save size. The state save area size in bytes for The YMM registers. CPUID Fn0000_000D_EBX_x2 Processor Extended State Enumeration (ECX=2) The value returned in EBX provides information about the offset of the 256-bit SSE vector floating point processor unit state save area from the base of the extended state (XSAVE/XRSTOR) save area. Bits Field Name Description 31:0 YmmSaveStateOffset YMM state save offset. The offset in bytes from the base of the extended state save area of the YMM register state save area. CPUID Fn0000_000D_E[D,C]X_x2 Processor Extended State Enumeration (ECX=2) The values returned in ECX and EDX for subfunction 2 are undefined and are reserved. If CPUID Fn0000_000D is executed with a subfunction (passed in ECX) greater than 2 but less than 3Eh, the instruction returns all zeros in the EAX, EBX, ECX, and EDX registers. Subfunction 3Eh of Fn0000_000D Subfunction 3Eh provides information about the size and offset of the Lightweight Profiling (LWP) unit state save area. CPUID Fn0000_000D_EAX_x3E Processor Extended State Enumeration (ECX=62) The value returned in EAX provides the size of the Lightweight Profiling (LWP) unit state save area. Bits Field Name Description 31:0 LwpSaveStateSize LWP state save area size. The size of the save area for LWP state in bytes. See “Lightweight Profiling” in APM2. Obtaining Processor Information Via the CPUID Instruction 611 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 CPUID Fn0000_000D_EBX_x3E Processor Extended State Enumeration (ECX=62) The value returned in EBX provides the offset of the Lightweight Profiling (LWP) unit state save area from the base of the extended state (XSAVE/XRSTOR) save area. Bits Field Name Description 31:0 LwpSaveStateOffset LWP state save byte offset. The offset in bytes from the base of the extended state save area of the state save area for LWP. See “Lightweight Profiling” in APM2. CPUID Fn0000_000D_E[D,C]X_x3E Processor Extended State Enumeration (ECX=62) The values returned in ECX and EDX for subfunction 3Eh are undefined and are reserved. Subfunctions of Fn0000_000D greater than 3Eh For CPUID Fn0000_000D, if the subfunction (specified by contents of ECX) passed as input to the instruction is greater than 3Eh, the instruction returns zero in the EAX, EBX, ECX, and EDX registers. E.3.9 Functions 4000_0000h–4000_FFh—Reserved for Hypervisor Use CPUID Fn4000_00[FF:00] Reserved These function numbers are reserved for use by the virtual machine monitor. E.4 Extended Feature Function Numbers This section describes each of the defined CPUID functions in the extended range. E.4.1 Function 8000_0000h—Maximum Extended Function Number and Vendor String This function provides information about the maximum extended function number supported on this processor and a string that identifies the vendor of the product. CPUID Fn8000_0000_EAX Largest Extended Function Number The value returned in EAX provides the largest extended function number supported by the processor. Bits Field Name Description 31:0 LFuncExt Largest extended function. The largest CPUID extended function input value supported by the processor implementation. 612 Obtaining Processor Information Via the CPUID Instruction 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology CPUID Fn8000_0000_E[D,C,B]X Processor Vendor The values returned in EBX, ECX, and EDX together provide a 12-character string identifying the vendor of this processor. The output string is the same as the one returned by Fn0000_0000. See CPUID Fn0000_0000_E[D,C,B]X on page 602 for more details. Bits Field Name Description 31:0 Vendor Four characters of the 12-byte character string (encoded in ASCII) “AuthenticAMD”. See Table E-2 below. Table E-2. CPUID Fn8000_0000_E[D,C,B]X values Register CPUID Fn8000_0000_EBX CPUID Fn8000_0000_ECX CPUID Fn8000_0000_EDX Value 6874_7541h 444D_4163h 6974_6E65h Description The ASCII characters “h t u A”. The ASCII characters “D M A c”. The ASCII characters “i t n e”. E.4.2 Function 8000_0001h—Extended Processor and Processor Feature Identifiers CPUID Fn8000_0001_EAX AMD Family, Model, Stepping The value returned in EAX provides the family, model, and stepping identifiers. Three values are used by software to identify a processor: Family, Model, and Stepping. The value returned in EAX is the same as the value returned in EAX for Fn0000_0001. See CPUID Fn0000_0001_EAX on page 603 for more details on the field definitions. Bits Field Names Description 31:0 Family, Model, Stepping See: CPUID Fn0000_0001_EAX. CPUID Fn8000_0001_EBX BrandId Identifier The value returned in EBX provides package type and a 16-bit processor name string identifiers. Bits Field Name Description 31:28 PkgType Package type. If (Family[7:0] >= 10h), this field is valid. If (Family[7:0]<10h), this field is reserved. 27:16 — Reserved. 15:0 BrandId Brand ID. This field, in conjunction with CPUID Fn0000_0001_EBX[8BitBrandId], is used by system firmware to generate the processor name string. See your processor revision guide for how to program the processor name string. Obtaining Processor Information Via the CPUID Instruction 613 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 For processor families 10h and greater, PkgType is described in the BIOS and Kernel Developer’s Guide for the product. CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX Feature Identifiers This function contains the following miscellaneous feature identifiers: Bits Field Name 31:28 — Description Reserved. Performance time-stamp counter. Indicates support for MSRC001_0280 [Performance Time Stamp Counter]. 27 PerfTsc 26 DataBreakpointEx Data access breakpoint extension. Indicates support for MSRC001_1027 and tension MSRC001_101[B:9]. 25 — Reserved 24 PerfCtrExtNB NB performance counter extensions support. Indicates support for MSRC001_024[6,4,2,0] and MSRC001_024[7,5,3,1]. 23 PerfCtrExtCore Processor performance counter extensions support. Indicates support for MSRC001_020[A,8,6,4,2,0] and MSRC001_020[B,9,7,5,3,1]. 22 TopologyExtensio Topology extensions support. Indicates support for CPUID ns Fn8000_001D_EAX_x[N:0]-CPUID Fn8000_001E_EDX. 21 TBM Trailing bit manipulation instruction support. 20 — Reserved. 19 — Reserved. 18 — Reserved. 17 — Reserved. 16 FMA4 Four-operand FMA instruction support. 15 LWP Lightweight profiling support. See “Lightweight Profiling” in APM2 and reference pages for individual LWP instructions in APM3. 14 — Reserved. 13 WDT Watchdog timer support. See APM2 and APM3. Indicates support for MSRC001_0074. 12 SKINIT SKINIT and STGI are supported. Indicates support for SKINIT and STGI, independent of the value of MSRC000_0080[SVME]. See APM2 and APM3. 11 XOP Extended operation support. 10 IBS Instruction based sampling. See “Instruction Based Sampling” in APM2. 9 OSVW OS visible workaround. Indicates OS-visible workaround support. See “OS Visible Work-around (OSVW) Information” in APM2. 8 3DNowPrefetch PREFETCH and PREFETCHW instruction support. See “PREFETCH” and “PREFETCHW” in APM3. 7 MisAlignSse Misaligned SSE mode. See “Misaligned Access Support Added for SSE Instructions” in APM1. 6 SSE4A EXTRQ, INSERTQ, MOVNTSS, and MOVNTSD instruction support. See “EXTRQ”, “INSERTQ”, “MOVNTSS”, and “MOVNTSD” in APM4. 614 Obtaining Processor Information Via the CPUID Instruction 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Bits Field Name AMD64 Technology Description 5 ABM Advanced bit manipulation. LZCNT instruction support. See “LZCNT” in APM3. 4 AltMovCr8 LOCK MOV CR0 means MOV CR8. See “MOV(CRn)” in APM3. 3 ExtApicSpace Extended APIC space. This bit indicates the presence of extended APIC register space starting at offset 400h from the “APIC Base Address Register,” as specified in the BKDG. 2 SVM Secure virtual machine. See “Secure Virtual Machine” in APM2. 1 CmpLegacy Core multi-processing legacy mode. See “Legacy Method” on page 633. 0 LahfSahf LAHF and SAHF instruction support in 64-bit mode. See “LAHF” and “SAHF” in APM3. CPUID Fn8000_0001_EDX Feature Identifiers This function contains the following miscellaneous feature identifiers: Bits Field Name Description 31 3DNow 3DNow!™ instructions. See Appendix D “Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Sets” in APM3. 30 3DNowExt AMD extensions to 3DNow! instructions. See Appendix D “Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Sets” in APM3. 29 LM Long mode. See “Processor Initialization and Long-Mode Activation” in APM2. 28 — Reserved. 27 RDTSCP RDTSCP instruction. See “RDTSCP” in APM3. 26 Page1GB 1-GB large page support. See “1-GB Paging Support” in APM2. 25 FFXSR FXSAVE and FXRSTOR instruction optimizations. See “FXSAVE” and “FXRSTOR” in APM5. 24 FXSR FXSAVE and FXRSTOR instructions. Same as CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[FXSR]. 23 MMX MMX™ instructions. Same as CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[MMX]. 22 MmxExt AMD extensions to MMX instructions. See Appendix D “Instruction Subsets and CPUID Feature Sets” in APM3 and “128-Bit Media and Scientific Programming” in APM1. 21 — Reserved. 20 NX No-execute page protection. See “Page Translation and Protection” in APM2. 19:18 — Reserved. 17 PSE36 Page-size extensions. Same as CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[PSE36]. 16 PAT Page attribute table. Same as CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[PAT]. 15 CMOV Conditional move instructions. Same as CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[CMOV]. 14 MCA Machine check architecture. Same as CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[MCA]. 13 PGE Page global extension. Same as CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[PGE]. 12 MTRR Memory-type range registers. Same as CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[MTRR]. 11 SysCallSysRet SYSCALL and SYSRET instructions. See “SYSCALL” and “SYSRET” in APM3. Obtaining Processor Information Via the CPUID Instruction 615 AMD64 Technology Bits Field Name 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Description 10 — Reserved. 9 APIC Advanced programmable interrupt controller. Same as CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[APIC]. 8 CMPXCHG8B CMPXCHG8B instruction. Same as CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[CMPXCHG8B]. 7 MCE Machine check exception. Same as CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[MCE]. 6 PAE Physical-address extensions. Same as CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[PAE]. 5 MSR AMD model-specific registers. Same as CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[MSR]. 4 TSC Time stamp counter. Same as CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[TSC]. 3 PSE Page-size extensions. Same as CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[PSE]. 2 DE Debugging extensions. Same as CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[DE]. 1 VME Virtual-mode enhancements. Same as CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[VME]. 0 FPU x87 floating-point unit on-chip. Same as CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[FPU]. E.4.3 Functions 8000_0002h–8000_0004h—Extended Processor Name String CPUID Fn8000_000[4:2]_E[D,C,B,A]X Processor Name String Identifier The three extended functions from Fn8000_0002 to Fn8000_0004 are programmed to return a null terminated ASCII string up to 48 characters in length corresponding to the processor name. Bits Field Name Description 31:0 ProcName Four characters of the extended processor name string. The 48 character maximum includes the terminating null character. The 48 character string is ordered first to last (left to right) as follows: Fn8000_0002[EAX[7:0],..., EAX[31:24], EBX[7:0],..., EBX[31:24], ECX[7:0],..., ECX[31:24],EDX[7:0],..., EDX[31:24]], Fn8000_0003[EAX[7:0],..., EAX[31:24], EBX[7:0],..., EBX[31:24], ECX[7:0],..., ECX[31:24], EDX[7:0],..., EDX[31:24]], Fn8000_0004[EAX[7:0],..., EAX[31:24], EBX[7:0],..., EBX[31:24], ECX[7:0],..., ECX[31:24], EDX[7:0],..., EDX[31:24]]. The extended processor name string is programmed by system firmware. See your processor revision guide for information about how to display the extended processor name string. E.4.4 Function 8000_0005h—L1 Cache and TLB Information This function provides first level cache TLB characteristics for the processor that executes the instruction. CPUID Fn8000_0005_EAX L1 TLB 2M/4M Information 616 Obtaining Processor Information Via the CPUID Instruction 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology The value returned in EAX provides information about the L1 TLB for 2-MB and 4-MB pages. Bits Field Name Description 31:24 L1DTlb2and4MAssoc Data TLB associativity for 2-MB and 4-MB pages. Encoding is per Table E-3 below. 23:16 L1DTlb2and4MSize Data TLB number of entries for 2-MB and 4-MB pages. The value returned is for the number of entries available for the 2-MB page size; 4-MB pages require two 2-MB entries, so the number of entries available for the 4-MB page size is onehalf the returned value. 15:8 L1ITlb2and4MAssoc Instruction TLB associativity for 2-MB and 4-MB pages. Encoding is per Table E-3 below. 7:0 Instruction TLB number of entries for 2-MB and 4-MB pages. The value returned is for the number of entries available for the 2-MB page size; 4-MB pages require two 2-MB entries, so the number of entries available for the 4-MB page size is one-half the returned value. L1ITlb2and4MSize The associativity fields (L1DTlb2and4MAssoc and L1ITlb2and4MAssoc) are encoded as follows: Table E-3. L1 Cache and TLB Associativity Field Encodings Associativity [7:0] 00h 01h 02h–FEh FFh Definition Reserved 1 way (direct mapped) n-way associative. (field encodes n) Fully associative CPUID Fn8000_0005_EBX L1 TLB 4K Information The value returned in EBX provides information about the L1 TLB for 4-KB pages. Bits Field Name Description 31:24 L1DTlb4KAssoc Data TLB associativity for 4 KB pages. Encoding is per Table E-3 above. 23:16 L1DTlb4KSize Data TLB number of entries for 4 KB pages. 15:8 L1ITlb4KAssoc Instruction TLB associativity for 4 KB pages. Encoding is per Table E-3 above. 7:0 Instruction TLB number of entries for 4 KB pages. L1ITlb4KSize The associativity fields (L1DTlb4KAssoc and L1ITlb4KAssoc) are encoded as specified in Table E-3 on page 617. CPUID Fn8000_0005_ECX L1 Data Cache Information The value returned in ECX provides information about the first level data cache. Obtaining Processor Information Via the CPUID Instruction 617 AMD64 Technology Bits Field Name 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Description 31:24 L1DcSize L1 data cache size in KB. 23:16 L1DcAssoc L1 data cache associativity. Encoding is per Table E-3. 15:8 L1DcLinesPerTag L1 data cache lines per tag. 7:0 L1DcLineSize L1 data cache line size in bytes. The associativity field (L1DcAssoc) is encoded as specified in Table E-3 on page 617. CPUID Fn8000_0005_EDX L1 Instruction Cache Information The value returned in EDX provides information about the first level instruction cache. Bits Field Name Description 31:24 L1IcSize L1 instruction cache size KB. 23:16 L1IcAssoc L1 instruction cache associativity. Encoding is per Table E-3. 15:8 L1IcLinesPerTag L1 instruction cache lines per tag. 7:0 L1IcLineSize L1 instruction cache line size in bytes. The associativity field (L1IcAssoc) is encoded as specified in Table E-3 on page 617. E.4.5 Function 8000_0006h—L2 Cache and TLB and L3 Cache Information This function provides the second level cache and TLB characteristics for the processor that executes the instruction. The EDX register returns the processor’s third level cache characteristics that are shared by all cores of the processor. CPUID Fn8000_0006_EAX L2 TLB 2M/4M Information The value returned in EAX provides information about the L2 TLB for 2-MB and 4-MB pages. Bits Field Name Description 31:28 L2DTlb2and4MAssoc L2 data TLB associativity for 2-MB and 4-MB pages. Encoding is per Table E-4 below. 27:16 L2DTlb2and4MSize L2 data TLB number of entries for 2-MB and 4-MB pages. The value returned is for the number of entries available for the 2 MB page size; 4 MB pages require two 2 MB entries, so the number of entries available for the 4 MB page size is one-half the returned value. 15:12 L2ITlb2and4MAssoc L2 instruction TLB associativity for 2-MB and 4-MB pages. Encoding is per Table E-4 below. 11:0 L2ITlb2and4MSize 618 L2 instruction TLB number of entries for 2-MB and 4-MB pages. The value returned is for the number of entries available for the 2 MB page size; 4 MB pages require two 2 MB entries, so the number of entries available for the 4 MB page size is one-half the returned value. Obtaining Processor Information Via the CPUID Instruction 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology The associativity fields (L2DTlb2and4MAssoc and L2ITlb2and4MAssoc) are encoded as follows: Table E-4. L2/L3 Cache and TLB Associativity Field Encoding Associativity Definition [3:0] 0h L2/L3 cache or TLB is disabled. 1h Direct mapped. 2h 2-way associative. 4h 4-way associative. 6h 8-way associative. 8h 16-way associative. Ah 32-way associative. Bh 48-way associative. Ch 64-way associative. Dh 96-way associative. Eh 128-way associative. Fh Fully associative. All other encodings are reserved. CPUID Fn8000_0006_EBX L2 TLB 4K Information The value returned in EBX provides information about the L2 TLB for 4-KB pages. Bits Field Name Description 31:28 L2DTlb4KAssoc L2 data TLB associativity for 4-KB pages. Encoding is per Table E-4 above. 27:16 L2DTlb4KSize L2 data TLB number of entries for 4-KB pages. 15:12 L2ITlb4KAssoc L2 instruction TLB associativity for 4-KB pages. Encoding is per Table E-4 above. 11:0 L2ITlb4KSize L2 instruction TLB number of entries for 4-KB pages. The associativity fields (L2DTlb4KAssoc and L2ITlb4KAssoc) are encoded per Table E-4 above. CPUID Fn8000_0006_ECX L2 Cache Information The value returned in ECX provides information about the L2 cache. Bits Field Name Description 31:16 L2Size L2 cache size in KB. 15:12 L2Assoc L2 cache associativity. Encoding is per Table E-4 on page 619. 11:8 L2LinesPerTag L2 cache lines per tag. 7:0 L2 cache line size in bytes. L2LineSize Obtaining Processor Information Via the CPUID Instruction 619 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 The associativity field (L2Assoc) is encoded per Table E-4 on page 619. CPUID Fn8000_0006_EDX L3 Cache Information The value returned in EDX provides the third level cache characteristics shared by all cores of a physical processor. Bits Field Name Description 31:18 L3Size Specifies the L3 cache size range: (L3Size[31:18] * 512KB) ≤ L3 cache size < ((L3Size[31:18]+1) * 512KB). 17:16 — Reserved. 15:12 L3Assoc L3 cache associativity. Encoded per Table E-4 on page 619. 11:8 L3LinesPerTag L3 cache lines per tag. 7:0 L3 cache line size in bytes. L3LineSize The associativity field (L3Assoc) is encoded per Table E-4 on page 619. E.4.6 Function 8000_0007h—Processor Power Management and RAS Capabilities This function provides information about the power management, power reporting, and RAS capabilities of the processor that executes the instruction.There may be other processor-specific features and reporting capabilities not covered here. Refer to the BIOS and Kernel Developer’s Guide for your specific product to otain more information. CPUID Fn8000_0007_EAX Reserved Bits Field Name Description 31:0 Reserved. — CPUID Fn8000_0007_EBX RAS Capabilities The value returned in EBX provides information about RAS features that allow system software to detect specific hardware errors. Bits Field Name Description 31:3 — Reserved. HWA Hardware assert supported. Indicates support for MSRC001_10[DF:C0]. 2 620 Obtaining Processor Information Via the CPUID Instruction 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Software uncorrectable error containment and recovery capability. The processor supports software containment of uncorrectable errors through context synchronizing data poisoning and deferred error interrupts; see APM2, Chapter 9, “Determining Machine-Check Architecture Support.” 1 SUCCOR 0 MCA overflow recovery support. If set, indicates that MCA overflow conditions (MCi_STATUS[Overflow]=1) are not fatal; software may safely ignore such McaOverflowRecov conditions. If clear, MCA overflow conditions require software to shut down the system. See APM2, Chapter 9, “Handling Machine Check Exceptions.” CPUID Fn8000_0007_ECX Processor Power Monitoring Interface The value returned in ECX provides information about the implementation of the processor power monitoring interface. Bits Field Name Description 31:0 CpuPwrSampleTimeRatio Specifies the ratio of the compute unit power accumulator sample period to the TSC counter period. CPUID Fn8000_0007_EDX Advanced Power Management Features The value returned in EDX provides information about the advanced power management and power reporting features available. Refer to the BIOS and Kernel Developer’s Guide for your specific product for a detailed description of the definition of each power management feature. Bits Field Name 31:13 — Description Reserved. 12 ProcPowerReporting Core power reporting interface supported. 11 ProcFeedbackInterface Processor feedback interface. Value: 1. 1=Indicates support for processor feedback interface. Note: This feature is deprecated. 10 EffFreqRO Read-only effective frequency interface. 1=Indicates presence of MSRC000_00E7 [Read-Only Max Performance Frequency Clock Count (MPerfReadOnly)] and MSRC000_00E8 [Read-Only Actual Performance Frequency Clock Count (APerfReadOnly)]. 9 CPB Core performance boost. 8 TscInvariant TSC invariant. The TSC rate is ensured to be invariant across all P-States, CStates, and stop grant transitions (such as STPCLK Throttling); therefore the TSC is suitable for use as a source of time. 0 = No such guarantee is made and software should avoid attempting to use the TSC as a source of time. 7 HwPstate Hardware P-state control. MSRC001_0061 [P-state Current Limit], MSRC001_0062 [P-state Control] and MSRC001_0063 [P-state Status] exist. 6 100MHzSteps 100 MHz multiplier Control. 5 — Reserved. 4 TM Hardware thermal control (HTC). 3 TTP THERMTRIP. Obtaining Processor Information Via the CPUID Instruction 621 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 2 VID Voltage ID control. Function replaced by HwPstate. 1 FID Frequency ID control. Function replaced by HwPstate. 0 TS Temperature sensor. E.4.7 Function 8000_0008h—Processor Capacity Parameters and Extended Feature Identification This function provides the size or capacity of various architectural parameters that vary by implementation, as well as an extension to the Fn8000_0001 feature identifiers. CPUID Fn8000_0008_EAX Long Mode Size Identifiers The value returned in EAX provides information about the maximum host and guest physical and linear address width (in bits) supported by the processor. Bits Field Name 31:24 — Description Reserved. Maximum guest physical byte address size in bits. This number applies only to guests using nested paging. When this field is zero, refer to the PhysAddrSize 23:16 GuestPhysAddrSize field for the maximum guest physical address size. See “Secure Virtual Machine” in APM2. 15:8 LinAddrSize Maximum linear byte address size in bits. 7:0 Maximum physical byte address size in bits. When GuestPhysAddrSize is zero, this field also indicates the maximum guest physical address size. PhysAddrSize The address width reported is the maximum supported in any mode. For long mode capable processors, the size reported is independent of whether long mode is enabled. See “Processor Initialization and Long-Mode Activation” in APM2. CPUID Fn8000_0008_EBX Extended Feature Identifiers The value returned in EBX is an extension to the Fn8000_0001 feature flags and indicates the presence of various ISA extensions. Bit Field Name Description 0 CLZERO CLZERO instruction supported 1 InstRetCntMsr Instruction Retired Counter MSR available 2 RstrFpErrPtrs FP Error Pointers Restored by XRSTOR 622 Obtaining Processor Information Via the CPUID Instruction 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology CPUID Fn8000_0008_ECX Size Identifiers The value returned in ECX provides information about the number of cores supported by the processor, the width of the APIC ID, and the width of the performance time-stamp counter. Bits Field Name Description 31:16 — Reserved. 17:16 PerfTscSize Performance time-stamp counter size. Indicates the size of MSRC001_0280[PTSC]. Bits Description 00b 40 bits 01b 48 bits 10b 56 bits 11b 64 bits APIC ID size. The number of bits in the initial APIC20[ApicId] value that indicate core ID within a processor. A zero value indicates that legacy methods must be used to derive the maximum number of cores. The size of this field determines the maximum number of cores (MNC) that the processor could theoretically support, not the actual number of cores that are actually implemented or enabled on the processor, as indicated by CPUID Fn8000_0008_ECX[NC]. 15:12 ApicIdCoreIdSize if (ApicIdCoreIdSize[3:0] == 0){ // Used by legacy dual-core/single-core processors MNC = CPUID Fn8000_0008_ECX[NC] + 1; } else { // use ApicIdCoreIdSize[3:0] field MNC = (2 ^ ApicIdCoreIdSize[3:0]); } 11:8 — Reserved. 7:0 NC Number of physical cores - 1. The number of cores in the processor is NC+1 (e.g., if NC = 0, then there is one core). See “Legacy Method” on page 633. CPUID Fn8000_0008_EDX Reserved The value returned in EDX for this function is undefined and is reserved. E.4.8 Function 8000_0009h—Reserved CPUID Fn8000_0009 Reserved This function is reserved. Obtaining Processor Information Via the CPUID Instruction 623 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 E.4.9 Function 8000_000Ah—SVM Features This function provides information about the SVM features that the processory supports. If SVM is not supported (CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[SVM] = 0), this function is reserved. CPUID Fn8000_000A_EAX SVM Revision and Feature Identification The value returned in EAX provides the SVM revision number. I Bits Field Name Description 31:8 — Reserved. 7:0 SvmRev SVM revision number. CPUID Fn8000_000A_EBX SVM Revision and Feature Identification The value returned in EBX provides the number of address space identifiers (ASIDs) that the processor supports. Bits Field Name Description 31:0 NASID Number of available address space identifiers (ASID). CPUID Fn8000_000A_ECX Reserved The value returned in ECX for this function is undefined and is reserved. CPUID Fn8000_000A_EDX SVM Feature Identification The value returned in EDX provides Secure Virtual Machine architecture feature information. All cross references in the table below are to sections within the Secure Virtual Machine chapter of APM2. Bits Field Name 31:14 — Description Reserved. 13 AVIC Support for the AMD advanced virtual interrupt controller. See “Advanced Virtual Interrupt Controller.” 12 PauseFilterThreshold PAUSE filter threshold. Indicates support for the PAUSE filter cycle count threshold. See "Pause Intercept Filtering.” 11 — Reserved. 10 PauseFilter Pause intercept filter. Indicates support for the pause intercept filter. See “Pause Intercept Filtering.” 9:8 — Reserved. DecodeAssists Decode assists. Indicates support for the decode assists. See “Decode Assists.” 7 624 Obtaining Processor Information Via the CPUID Instruction 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Bits Field Name AMD64 Technology Description 6 FlushByAsid Flush by ASID. Indicates that TLB flush events, including CR3 writes and CR4.PGE toggles, flush only the current ASID's TLB entries. Also indicates support for the extended VMCB TLB_Control. See “TLB Control.” 5 VmcbClean VMCB clean bits. Indicates support for VMCB clean bits. See “VMCB Clean Bits.” 4 TscRateMsr MSR based TSC rate control. Indicates support for MSR TSC ratio MSRC000_0104. See “TSC Ratio MSR (C000_0104h).” 3 NRIPS NRIP save. Indicates support for NRIP save on #VMEXIT. See “State Saved on Exit.” 2 SVML SVM lock. Indicates support for SVM-Lock. See “Enabling SVM.” 1 LbrVirt LBR virtualization. Indicates support for LBR Virtualization. See “Enabling LBR Virtualization.” 0 NP Nested paging. Indicates support for nested paging. See “Nested Paging.” E.4.10 Functions 8000_000Bh–8000_0018h—Reserved CPUID Fn8000_00[18:0B] Reserved These functions are reserved. E.4.11 Function 8000_0019h—TLB Characteristics for 1GB pages This function provides information about the TLB for 1 GB pages for the processor that executes the instruction. CPUID Fn8000_0019_EAX L1 TLB 1G Information The value returned in EAX provides information about the L1 TLB for 1 GB pages. Bits Field Name Description 31:28 L1DTlb1GAssoc L1 data TLB associativity for 1 GB pages. See Table E-4 on page 619. 27:16 L1DTlb1GSize L1 data TLB number of entries for 1 GB pages. 15:12 L1ITlb1GAssoc L1 instruction TLB associativity for 1 GB pages. See Table E-4 on page 619. 11:0 L1ITlb1GSize L1 instruction TLB number of entries for 1 GB pages. CPUID Fn8000_0019_EBX L2 TLB 1G Information The value returned in EBX provides information about the L2 TLB for 1 GB pages. Obtaining Processor Information Via the CPUID Instruction 625 AMD64 Technology Bits Field Name 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Description 31:28 L2DTlb1GAssoc L2 data TLB associativity for 1 GB pages. See Table E-4 on page 619. 27:16 L2DTlb1GSize L2 data TLB number of entries for 1 GB pages. 15:12 L2ITlb1GAssoc L2 instruction TLB associativity for 1 GB pages. See Table E-4 on page 619. 11:0 L2ITlb1GSize L2 instruction TLB number of entries for 1 GB pages. CPUID Fn8000_0019_E[D,C]X Reserved The values returned in ECX and EDX for this function are undefined and reserved for future use. E.4.12 Function 8000_001Ah—Instruction Optimizations CPUID Fn8000_001A_EAX Performance Optimization Identifiers This function returns performance related information. For more details on how to use these bits to optimize software, see the Software Optimization Guide applicable to your product. Bits Field Name Description 31:3 Reserved. — 2 FP256 256-bit AVX instructions are executed with full-width internal operations and pipelines rather than decomposing them into internal 128-bit suboperations. This may impact how software performs instruction selection and scheduling. 1 MOVU MOVU SSE nstructions are more efficient and should be preferred to SSE MOVL/MOVH. MOVUPS is more efficient than MOVLPS/MOVHPS. MOVUPD is more efficient than MOVLPD/MOVHPD. FP128 128-bit SSE (multimedia) instructions are executed with full-width internal operations and pipelines rather than decomposing them into internal 64-bit suboperations. This may impact how software performs instruction selection and scheduling. 0 CPUID Fn8000_001A_E[D,C,B]X Reserved The values returned in EBX, ECX, and EDX are undefined for this function and are reserved. 626 Obtaining Processor Information Via the CPUID Instruction 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology E.4.13 Function 8000_001Bh—Instruction-Based Sampling Capabilities If instruction-based sampling (IBS) is supported (CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[IBS] = 1), this CPUID function can be used to obtain IBS feature information. If IBS is not supported (CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[IBS] = 0), this function number is reserved. For more information on using IBS, see “Instruction-Based Sampling” in APM2. CPUID Fn8000_001B_EAX Instruction-Based Sampling Feature Indicators The value returned in EAX provides the following information about the specific features of IBS that the processor supports: Bits Field Name Description 31:9 Reserved. 8 OpBrnFuse Fused branch micro-op indication supported. 7 RipInvalidChk Invalid RIP indication supported. 6 OpCntExt IbsOpCurCnt and IbsOpMaxCnt extend by 7 bits. 5 BrnTrgt Branch target address reporting supported. 4 OpCnt Op counting mode supported. 3 RdWrOpCnt Read write of op counter supported. 2 OpSam IBS execution sampling supported. 1 FetchSam IBS fetch sampling supported. 0 IBSFFV IBS feature flags valid. CPUID Fn8000_001B_E[D,C,B]X Reserved The values returned in EBX, ECX, and EDX are undefined and are reserved. E.4.14 Function 8000_001Ch—Lightweight Profiling Capabilities If lightweight profilling (LWP) is supported (CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[LWP] = 1), this CPUID function can be used to obtain information about LWP features supported by the processor. If LWP is not supported (CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[LWP] = 0), this function number is reserved. For more information on using LWP, see “Lightweight Profiling” in APM2. Obtaining Processor Information Via the CPUID Instruction 627 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 CPUID Fn8000_001C_EAX Lightweight Profiling Capabilities 0 The value returned in EAX provides the following information about LWP capabilities supported by the processor: Bits Field Name Description 31 LwpInt Interrupt on threshold overflow available. 30 LwpPTSC Performance time stamp counter in event record is available. 29 LwpCont Sampling in continuous mode is available. 28:7 — Reserved. 6 LwpRNH Core reference clocks not halted event available. 5 LwpCNH Core clocks not halted event available. 4 LwpDME DC miss event available. 3 LwpBRE Branch retired event available. 2 LwpIRE Instructions retired event available. 1 LwpVAL LWPVAL instruction available. 0 LwpAvail The LWP feature is available. CPUID Fn8000_001C_EBX Lightweight Profiling Capabilities 0 The value returned in EBX provides the following additional information about LWP capabilities supported by the processor: Bits Field Name Description 31:24 LwpEventOffset Offset in bytes from the start of the LWPCB to the EventInterval1 field. 23:16 LwpMaxEvents Maximum EventId value supported. 15:8 LwpEventSize Event record size. Size in bytes of an event record in the LWP event ring buffer. 7:0 Control block size. Size in quadwords of the LWPCB. LwpCbSize CPUID Fn8000_001C_ECX Lightweight Profiling Capabilities 0 The value returned in ECX provides the following additional information about LWP capabilities supported by the processor: Bits Field Name Description 31 LwpCacheLatency Cache latency filtering supported. Cache-related events can be filtered by latency. 30 LwpCacheLevels Cache level filtering supported. Cache-related events can be filtered by the cache level that returned the data. 29 LwpIpFiltering IP filtering supported. 28 LwpBranchPredict Branch prediction filtering supported. Branches Retired events can be filtered ion based on whether the branch was predicted properly. 628 Obtaining Processor Information Via the CPUID Instruction 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Bits 27:24 Field Name — AMD64 Technology Description Reserved. 23:16 LwpMinBufferSize Event ring buffer size. Minimum size of the LWP event ring buffer, in units of 32 event records. 15:9 LwpVersion Version of LWP implementation. 8:6 LwpLatencyRnd Amount by which cache latency is rounded. 5 LwpDataAddress Data cache miss address valid. Address is valid for cache miss event records. 4:0 LwpLatencyMax Latency counter size. Size in bits of the cache latency counters. CPUID Fn8000_001C_EDX Lightweight Profiling Capabilities 0 The value returned in EDX provides the following additional information about LWP capabilities supported by the processor: Bits Field Name Description 31 LwpInt Interrupt on threshold overflow supported. 30 LwpPTSC Performance time stamp counter in event record is supported. 29 LwpCont Sampling in continuous mode is supported. 28:7 — Reserved. 6 LwpRNH Core reference clocks not halted event is supported. 5 LwpCNH Core clocks not halted event is supported. 4 LwpDME DC miss event is supported. 3 LwpBRE Branch retired event is supported. 2 LwpIRE Instructions retired event is supported. 1 LwpVAL LWPVAL instruction is supported. 0 LwpAvail Lightweight profiling is supported. E.4.15 Function 8000_001Dh—Cache Topology Information CPUID Fn8000_001D_E[D,C,B,A]X reports cache topology information for the cache enumerated by the value passed to the instruction in ECX, referred to as Cache n in the following description. To gather information for all cache levels, software must repeatedly execute CPUID with 8000_001Dh in EAX and ECX set to increasing values beginning with 0 until a value of 00h is returned in the field CacheType (EAX[4:0]) indicating no more cache descriptions are available for this processor. If CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[TopologyExtensions] = 0, then CPUID Fn8000_001Dh is reserved. The value of ECX that returns the null CacheType is represented by N. Executing CPUID Fn8000_001D with ECX = N + 1 results in an #UD exception. See . Obtaining Processor Information Via the CPUID Instruction 629 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 CPUID Fn8000_001D_EAX_x[N:0] Cache Properties Bits Field Name 31:26 — Description Reserved. Specifies the number of cores sharing the cache enumerated by n, the value 25:14 NumSharingCache passed to the instruction in ECX. The number of cores sharing this cache is the value of this field incremented by 1. 13:10 — Reserved. 9 FullyAssociative Fully associative cache. When set, indicates that the cache is fully associative. If 0 is returned in this field, the cache is set associative. 8 SelfInitialization Self-initializing cache. When set, indicates that the cache is self initializing; software initialization not required. If 0 is returned in this field, hardware does not initialize this cache. CacheLevel Cache level. Identifies the level of this cache. Note that the enumeration value is not necessarily equal to the cache level. Bits Description 000b Reserved. 001b Level 1 010b Level 2 011b Level 3 111b-100b Reserved. CacheType Cache type. Identifies the type of cache. Bits Description 00h Null; no more caches. 01h Data cache 02h Instruction cache 03h Unified cache 1Fh-04h Reserved. 7:5 4:0 CPUID Fn8000_001D_EBX_x[N:0] Cache Properties See CPUID Fn8000_001D_EAX_x[N:0]. Bits Field Name Description 31:22 CacheNumWays Number of ways for this cache. The number of ways is the value returned in this field incremented by 1. 21:12 CachePhysPartitions Number of physical line partitions. The number of physical line partitions is the value returned in this field incremented by 1. 11:0 CacheLineSize Cache line size. The cache line size in bytes is the value returned in this field incremented by 1. CPUID Fn8000_001D_ECX_x[N:0] Cache Properties See CPUID Fn8000_001D_EAX_x[N:0]. 630 Obtaining Processor Information Via the CPUID Instruction 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Bits Field Name Description 31:0 CacheNumSets Number of ways for set associative cache. Number of ways is the value returned in this field incremented by 1. Only valid for caches that are not fully associative (Fn8000_001D_EAX_xn[FullyAssociative] = 0). CPUID Fn8000_001D_EDX_x[N:0] Cache Properties See CPUID Fn8000_001D_EAX_x[N:0]. Bits Field Name Description 31:2 Reserved. 1 0 — CacheInclusive Cache inclusivity. A value of 0 indicates that this cache is not inclusive of lower cache levels. A value of 1 indicates that the cache is inclusive of lower cache levels. WBINVD Write-Back Invalidate/Invalidate execution scope. A value of 0 returned in this field indicates that the WBINVD/INVD instruction invalidates all lower level caches of non-originating cores sharing this cache. When set, this field indicates that the WBINVD/INVD instruction is not guaranteed to invalidate all lower level caches of non-originating cores sharing this cache. E.4.16 Function 8000_001Eh—Processor Topology Information CPUID Fn8000_001E_EAX Extended APIC ID If CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[TopologyExtensions] = 0, this function number is reserved. Bits Field Name Description 31:0 ExtendedApicId Extended APIC ID. If MSR0000_001B[ApicEn] = 0, this field is reserved.. CPUID Fn8000_001E_EBX Compute Unit Identifiers See CPUID Fn8000_001E_EAX. Bits Field Name 31:16 — Description Reserved. 15:8 ThreadsPerComputeUnit Threads per compute unit (zero-based count). The actual number of cores per compute unit is the value of this field + 1. 7:0 Compute unit ID. Identifies the processor compute unit ID. ComputeUnitId Obtaining Processor Information Via the CPUID Instruction 631 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 CPUID Fn8000_001E_ECX Node Identifiers See CPUID Fn8000_001E_EAX. Bits Field Name Description 31:0 Reserved. — 10:8 NodesPerProcessor Specifies the number of nodes in the processor (package/socket) in which this core resides. Node in this context corresponds to a processor die. Encoding is N-1, where N is the number of nodes present in the socket. 7:0 Specifies the ID of the node containing the current core. NodeId values are unique across the system.. NodeId E.4.17 CPUID Fn8000_001f—Encrypted Memory Capabilities CPUID Fn8000_001F_EAX Bits Field Name Description 0 SME Secure Memory Encryption supported 1 SEV Secure Encrypted Virtualization supported 2 PageFlushMsr Page Flush MSR available 3 SEV-ES SEV Encrypted State supported CPUID Fn8000_001F_EBX Bits Field Name Description 11:6 PhysAddrReduction Physical Address bit reduction 5:0 C-bit location in page table entry CbitPosition CPUID Fn8000_001F_ECX Bits Field Name Description 31:0 NumEncryptedGuests Number of encrypted guests supported simultaneously CPUID Fn8000_001F_EDX Bits Field Name Description 31:0 MinSevNoEsAsid Minimum ASID value for an SEV enabled, SEV-ES disabled guest 632 Obtaining Processor Information Via the CPUID Instruction 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 E.5 AMD64 Technology Multiple Core Calculation Operating systems use one of two possible methods to calculate the number of cores per processor (NC), and the maximum number of cores per processor (MNC). The extended method is recommended, but a legacy method is also available for existing operating systems. E.5.1 Legacy Method The CPUID identification of total number of cores per processor (c) is derived from information returned by the following fields: • • • • CPUID Fn0000_0001_EBX[LogicalProcessorCount] CPUID Fn0000_0001_EDX[HTT] (Hyper-Threading Technology) CPUID Fn8000_0001_ECX[CmpLegacy] CPUID Fn8000_0008_ECX[NC] (number of cores - 1) Table E-5 defines LogicalProcessorCount, HTT, CmpLegacy, and NC as a function of the number of cores per processor (c). When HTT = 0, LogicalProcessorCount is reserved and the processor contains one core. When HTT = 1 and CmpLegacy = 1, LogicalProcessorCount represents the number of cores per processor (c). Table E-5. LogicalProcessorCount, CmpLegacy, HTT, and NC Cores CmpLegacy HTT LogicalProcessorCount per Processor (c) 1 0 0 Reserved 2 or more 1 1 c NC 0 c-1 The use of CmpLegacy and LogicalProcessorCount for the determination of the number of cores is deprecated. Instead, use NC to determine the number of cores. E.5.2 Extended Method (Recommended) The CPUID identification of total number of cores per processor is derived from information returned by the CPUID Fn8000_0008_ECX[ApicIdCoreIdSize[3:0]]. This field indicates the number of least significant bits in the CPUID Fn0000_0001_EBX[LocalApicId] that indicates core ID within the processor. The size of this field determines the maximum number of cores (MNC) that the processor could theoretically support, not the actual number of cores that are actually implemented or enabled on the processor, as indicated by CPUID Fn8000_0008_ECX[NC]. A value of zero for ApicIdCoreIdSize[3:0] indicates that the legacy method (section 2.1) should be used to derive the maximum number of cores: MNC = CPUID Fn8000_0008_ECX[NC] + 1. Obtaining Processor Information Via the CPUID Instruction 633 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 For non-zero values of ApicIdCoreIdSize[3:0], MNC = (2 ^ ApicIdCoreIdSize[3:0]) APIC Enumeration Requirements. System hardware and system firmware must ensure that the maximum number of cores per processor (MNC) exposed to the operating system across all cores and processors in the system is identical. Local ApicId MNC rule: The ApicId of core j on processor node i must be enumerated/assigned as: LocalApicId[proc=i, core=j] = (OFFSET_IDX + i) * MNC + j Where "OFFSET_IDX" is an integer offset (0 to N) used to shift up the core LocalApicId values to allow room for IOAPIC devices. This assignment allows software to use a simple bitmask in addressing all the cores of a single processor. (The assignment also has the effect of reserving some IDs from use to ensure alignment of the ID of core 0 on each processor.) For example, consider a 3-processor system where: processor 0 has 4 cores processor 1 has 1 core processor 2 has 2 cores there are 8 IOAPIC devices cpuid.core_id_bits =2 for all cases, so MNC=4 The LocalApicId and IOAPIC ID spaces cannot be disjointed and must be enumerated in the same ID space in order to support legacy operating systems. Each core can support an 8-bit ApicId. But if each IOAPIC device supports only a 4-bit IOAPIC ID, then the problem can be solved by shifting the LocalApicId space to start at some integer multiple of MNC, such as offset 8 (MNC = 4; OFFSET_IDX=2): LocalApicId[proc=0,core=0] = (2+0)*4 + 0 = 0x08 LocalApicId[proc=0,core=1] = (2+0)*4 + 1 = 0x09 LocalApicId[proc=0,core=2] = (2+0)*4 + 2 = 0x0A LocalApicId[proc=0,core=3] = (2+0)*4 + 3 = 0x0B LocalApicId[proc=1,core=0] = (2+1)*4 + 0 = 0x0C LocalApicId 0xD to 0xF are reserved LocalApicId[proc=2,core=0] = (2+2)*4 + 0 = 0x10 LocalApicId[proc=2,core=1] = (2+2)*4 + 1 = 0x11 LocalApicId 0x12 and 0x13 are reserved It is recommended that system firmware use the following LocalApicId assignments for the broadest operating system support. Given N = (Number_Of_Processors * MNC) and M = Number_Of_IOAPICs: • If (N+M) <16, assign the LocalApicIds for the cores first from 0 to N-1, and the IOAPIC IDs from N to 634 Obtaining Processor Information Via the CPUID Instruction 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology N+(M-1). • If (N+M) > =16, assign the IOAPIC IDs first from 0 to M-1, and the LocalApicIds for the cores from K to K+(N-1), where K is an integer multiple of MNC greater than M-1. Obtaining Processor Information Via the CPUID Instruction 635 AMD64 Technology 636 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Obtaining Processor Information Via the CPUID Instruction 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Appendix F Instruction Effects on RFLAGS The flags in the RFLAGS register are described in “Flags Register” in Volume 1 and “RFLAGS Register” in Volume 2. Table F-1 summarizes the effect that instructions have on these flags. The table includes all instructions that affect the flags. Instructions not shown have no effect on RFLAGS. The following codes are used within the table: • • • • 0—The flag is always cleared to 0. 1—The flag is always set to 1. AH—The flag is loaded with value from AH register. Mod—The flag is modified, depending on the results of the instruction. • • • • Pop—The flag is loaded with value popped off of the stack. Tst—The flag is tested. U—The effect on the flag is undefined. Gray shaded cells indicate that the flag is not affected by the instruction. Table F-1. Instruction Effects on RFLAGS Instruction Mnemonic RFLAGS Mnemonic and Bit Number ID 21 VIP 20 VIF 19 AC 18 VM 17 RF 16 NT IOPL OF 14 13:12 11 DF 10 IF 9 TF 8 SF 7 ZF 6 AF 4 PF 2 CF 0 U U Tst Mod U Mod U Mod U AAA AAS U AAD AAM U ADC Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod ADD Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod AND 0 Mod Mod Mod Mod ARPL Tst Mod U Mod 0 Mod BSF BSR U U Mod U U U BT BTC BTR BTS U U U U U Mod BZHI 0 U U Mod Mod Mod CLC 0 CLD CLI 0 Mod TST Mod CMC Mod CMOVcc Tst CMP Mod Instruction Effects on RFLAGS Tst Tst Tst Tst Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod 637 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table F-1. Instruction Effects on RFLAGS (continued) Instruction Mnemonic RFLAGS Mnemonic and Bit Number ID 21 VIP 20 VIF 19 AC 18 VM 17 RF 16 NT IOPL OF 14 13:12 11 DF 10 CMPSx Mod Tst CMPXCHG Mod IF 9 TF 8 SF 7 ZF 6 Mod Mod DAA DAS U DEC Mod DIV U 0 Mod Mod Mod 0 Mod Mod Tst Tst Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod U U FCMOVcc Tst FCOMI FCOMIP FUCOMI FUCOMIP Mod U U U Tst Tst Mod Mod IDIV U U U U U U IMUL Mod U U U U Mod INC Mod IN Tst INSx Tst Mod Mod Mod Mod Tst INT INT 3 Mod Mod Tst Mod 0 Mod Tst INTO Mod Tst Mod 0 Mod Tst Tst IRETx Pop Pop Pop Pop Tst Tst Pop Pop Pop Tst Pop Pop Mod 0 Mod Mod Pop Pop Pop Tst Jcc Pop Tst LAR Pop LODSx Tst Pop Pop Tst Tst Tst Tst LSL Mod LZCNT U MOVSx U Mod U U Mod U U U U Mod Tst MUL Mod NEG Mod OR 0 OUT Tst OUTSx Tst POPCNT POPFx Pop Mod LOOPE LOOPNE 638 CF 0 Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod CMPXCHG8B 0 PF 2 Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod CMPXCHG16B COMISD COMISS AF 4 Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod Pop Tst Mod Pop Tst 0 Pop Mod 0 Tst 0 Tst Pop U Pop Pop Pop Pop 0 Mod 0 0 0 Pop Pop Pop Pop Pop Instruction Effects on RFLAGS 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Table F-1. Instruction Effects on RFLAGS (continued) Instruction Mnemonic RFLAGS Mnemonic and Bit Number ID 21 VIP 20 VIF 19 AC 18 VM 17 RF 16 NT IOPL OF 14 13:12 11 DF 10 IF 9 TF 8 SF 7 ZF 6 AF 4 PF 2 CF 0 RCL 1 Mod Tst Mod RCL count U Tst Mod RCR 1 Mod Tst Mod RCR count U Tst Mod ROL 1 Mod Mod ROL count U Mod ROR 1 Mod Mod ROR count U Mod RSM Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod SAHF AH AH AH AH AH SHL/SAL 1 Mod Mod Mod U Mod Mod SHL/SAL count U Mod Mod U Mod Mod SAR 1 Mod Mod Mod U Mod Mod SAR count U Mod Mod U Mod Mod SBB Mod SCASx Mod SETcc Tst SHLD 1 SHRD 1 Mod Mod Mod U Mod Mod SHLD count SHRD count U Mod Mod U Mod Mod SHR 1 Mod Mod Mod U Mod Mod SHR count U Mod Mod U Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod Tst Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod Tst Tst Tst STC 1 Mod Tst Mod STOSx Tst SUB SYSCALL Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod SYSENTER SYSRET Tst 1 STD STI Tst Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod TEST 0 UCOMISD UCOMISS 0 Instruction Effects on RFLAGS Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod 0 Mod U Mod 0 0 Mod Mod 639 AMD64 Technology 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Table F-1. Instruction Effects on RFLAGS (continued) Instruction Mnemonic RFLAGS Mnemonic and Bit Number ID 21 VIP 20 VIF 19 AC 18 VM 17 RF 16 NT IOPL OF 14 13:12 11 VERR VERW 640 DF 10 IF 9 TF 8 SF 7 ZF 6 AF 4 PF 2 CF 0 Mod XADD Mod XOR 0 Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod U Mod 0 Instruction Effects on RFLAGS 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 AMD64 Technology Index Symbols #VMEXIT............................................................. 439 Numerics 0F_38h opcode map ............................................... 0F_3Ah opcode map .............................................. 16-bit mode .......................................................... 32-bit mode .......................................................... 64-bit mode .......................................................... 462 462 xxiii xxiii xxiii A AAA ....................................................................... 73 AAD ....................................................................... 74 AAM ...................................................................... 75 AAS ....................................................................... 76 ADC ....................................................................... 77 ADD ................................................................. 79, 80 address size prefix ............................................... 9, 25 addressing byte registers ........................................................ 26 effective address ........................... 491, 494, 495, 497 PC-relative ........................................................... 24 RIP-relative ............................................... xxviii, 24 AMD64 Instruction-set Architecture ....................... 531 AMD64 ISA .......................................................... 531 AND ....................................................................... 83 ANDN .................................................................... 85 ARPL ................................................................... 355 B base field........................................................ 496, 497 BEXTR (immediate form) ........................................ 89 BEXTR (register form) ............................................ 87 biased exponent .................................................... xxiv BLCFILL ................................................................ 91 BLCI ...................................................................... 93 BLCIC .................................................................... 95 BLCMSK................................................................ 97 BLCS ..................................................................... 99 BLSFILL .............................................................. 101 BLSI ..................................................................... 103 BLSIC .................................................................. 105 BLSMSK .............................................................. 107 BLSR ................................................................... 109 BOUND ................................................................ 111 BSF ...................................................................... 113 BSR ...................................................................... 114 BSWAP ................................................................ 115 Index BT ........................................................................ 116 BTC ...................................................................... 118 BTR ...................................................................... 120 BTS ...................................................................... 122 byte register addressing ............................................ 26 BZHI .................................................................... 124 C CALL ..................................................................... 15 far call ............................................................... 128 near call ............................................................. 126 CBW..................................................................... 135 CDQ ..................................................................... 136 CDQE ................................................................... 135 CLC ...................................................................... 137 CLD...................................................................... 138 CLFLUSH ............................................................. 139 CLGI .................................................................... 358 CLI ....................................................................... 359 CLTS .................................................................... 361 CMC ..................................................................... 144 CMOVcc ....................................................... 145, 458 CMP ..................................................................... 149 CMPSx ................................................................. 152 CMPXCHG ........................................................... 154 CMPXCHG16B ..................................................... 156 CMPXCHG8B....................................................... 156 commit ................................................................. xxiv compatibility mode ............................................... xxiv condition codes rFLAGS ..................................................... 458, 479 count ..................................................................... 499 CPUID .................................................................. 158 extended functions .............................................. 158 feature flags ....................................................... 534 standard functions ............................................... 158 CPUID instruction testing for ........................................................... 158 CQO ..................................................................... 136 CRC32 .................................................................. 160 CWD .................................................................... 136 CWDE .................................................................. 135 D DAA ..................................................................... 162 DAS...................................................................... 163 data types 128-bit media ....................................................... 44 641 AMD64 Technology 64-bit media ......................................................... 48 general-purpose .................................................... 40 x87 ...................................................................... 50 DEC ........................................................ 16, 164, 527 direct referencing .................................................. xxiv displacements .................................................. xxiv, 24 DIV ...................................................................... 166 double quadword .................................................. xxiv doubleword .......................................................... xxiv E eAX–eSP register .................................................. xxx effective address .............................. 491, 494, 495, 497 effective address size.............................................. xxv effective operand size ............................................. xxv eFLAGS register.................................................... xxx eIP register ............................................................ xxx element ................................................................. xxv endian order .................................................... xxxii, 4 ENTER ............................................................ 15, 168 exceptions ........................................................ xxv, 51 exponent .............................................................. xxiv F FCMOVcc ............................................................ 479 flush ..................................................................... xxv G general-purpose registers .......................................... 38 H HLT ...................................................................... 362 I IDIV ..................................................................... 170 IGN ...................................................................... xxv immediate operands .......................................... 24, 499 IMUL ................................................................... 172 IN ......................................................................... 174 INC ......................................................... 16, 176, 527 index field ............................................................. 497 indirect ................................................................. xxv INSB .................................................................... 178 INSD .................................................................... 178 instruction opcode.................................................... 16 instructions 128-bit & 256-bit media ...................................... 537 64-bit media ....................................................... 537 effects on rFLAGS ............................................. 637 encoding syntax...................................................... 1 general-purpose ............................................. 71, 537 invalid in 64-bit mode ......................................... 525 642 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 invalid in long mode ........................................... 526 reassigned in 64-bit mode .................................... 526 SSE ................................................................... 537 system ....................................................... 353, 537 x87 .................................................................... 537 INSW.................................................................... 178 INSx ..................................................................... 178 INT ....................................................................... 180 INT 3 .................................................................... 363 interrupt vectors ....................................................... 51 INTO .................................................................... 187 INVD .................................................................... 366 INVLPG ............................................................... 367 INVLPGA ............................................................. 368 IRET ..................................................................... 369 IRETD .................................................................. 369 IRETQ .................................................................. 369 J Jcc ........................................................... 15, 188, 458 JCXZ .................................................................... 192 JECXZ .................................................................. 192 JMP ........................................................................ 15 far jump ............................................................. 195 near jump ........................................................... 193 JRCXZ .................................................................. 192 JrCXZ ..................................................................... 15 L LAHF ................................................................... 200 LAR...................................................................... 375 LDS ...................................................................... 201 LEA ...................................................................... 203 LEAVE ........................................................... 15, 205 legacy mode ......................................................... xxvi legacy x86 ............................................................ xxvi LES ...................................................................... 201 LFENCE ............................................................... 206 LFS....................................................................... 201 LGDT ............................................................. 15, 377 LGS ...................................................................... 201 LIDT............................................................... 15, 379 LLDT.............................................................. 15, 381 LLWPCB .............................................................. 207 LMSW .................................................................. 383 LOCK prefix ........................................................... 11 LODSB ................................................................. 210 LODSD ................................................................. 210 LODSQ ................................................................. 210 LODSW ................................................................ 210 LODSx ................................................................. 210 long mode ............................................................ xxvi Index 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 LOOP ..................................................................... 15 LOOPcc .................................................................. 15 LOOPx ................................................................. 212 LSB ..................................................................... xxvi lsb ....................................................................... xxvi LSL ...................................................................... 384 LSS ...................................................................... 201 LTR ................................................................. 15, 386 LWPINS ............................................................... 214 LWPVAL .............................................................. 216 LZCNT ................................................................. 219 M mask .................................................................... xxvi MBZ .................................................................... xxvi MFENCE .............................................................. 221 mod field............................................................... 494 mode-register-memory (ModRM) ........................... 490 modes ................................................................... 529 16-bit................................................................ xxiii 32-bit................................................................ xxiii 64-bit......................................................... xxiii, 529 compatibility .............................................. xxiv, 529 legacy ............................................................... xxvi long ........................................................... xxvi, 529 protected .......................................................... xxvii real ................................................................. xxviii virtual-8086 ...................................................... xxix ModRM ................................................................ 490 ModRM byte ............................... 17, 27, 459, 470, 490 moffset................................................................ xxvii MONITOR ............................................................ 388 MOV .................................................................... 224 MOV CRn ....................................................... 15, 390 MOV DRn ....................................................... 15, 392 MOVBE ............................................................... 227 MOVD ................................................................. 229 MOVMSKPD........................................................ 233 MOVMSKPS ........................................................ 235 MOVNTI .............................................................. 237 MOVS .................................................................. 239 MOVSX ............................................................... 241 MOVSx ................................................................ 239 MOVSXD ............................................................. 242 MOVZX ............................................................... 243 MSB ................................................................... xxvii msb .................................................................... xxvii MSR .................................................................... xxxi MUL .................................................................... 244 multimedia instructions ........................................ xxvii MULX .................................................................. 246 MWAIT ................................................................ 394 Index AMD64 Technology N NEG ..................................................................... 250 NOP.............................................................. 252, 528 NOT ..................................................................... 253 notation ................................................................... 53 O octword ............................................................... xxvii offset............................................................. xxvii, 24 one-byte opcodes ................................................... 450 opcode .................................................................... 16 two-byte ............................................................. 452 opcode map 0F_38h .............................................................. 462 0F_3Ah .............................................................. 462 primary .............................................................. 450 secondary ........................................................... 452 opcode maps .......................................................... 450 opcodes 3DNow!™ ......................................................... 467 group 1 .............................................................. 459 group 10 ............................................................ 461 group 11 ............................................................. 461 group 12 ............................................................ 461 group 13 ............................................................ 461 group 14 ............................................................ 461 group 16 ............................................................ 462 group 17 ............................................................ 462 group 1a ............................................................. 460 group 2 .............................................................. 460 group 3 .............................................................. 460 group 4 .............................................................. 460 group 5 .............................................................. 460 group 6 .............................................................. 461 group 7 .............................................................. 461 group 8 .............................................................. 461 group 9 .............................................................. 461 group P .............................................................. 462 groups ................................................................ 459 ModRM byte ...................................................... 459 one-byte ............................................................. 450 x87 opcode map ................................................. 470 operands immediate .................................................... 24, 499 size ................................................. 7, 499, 500, 526 OR ........................................................................ 254 OUT ..................................................................... 257 OUTS ................................................................... 258 OUTSB ................................................................. 258 OUTSD ................................................................. 258 OUTSW ................................................................ 258 overflow .............................................................. xxvii 643 AMD64 Technology P packed ................................................................ xxvii PAUSE ................................................................. 260 PC-relative addressing.............................................. 24 PDEP .................................................................... 261 PEXT ................................................................... 263 POP ...................................................................... 265 POP FS ................................................................... 15 POP GS .................................................................. 15 POP reg .................................................................. 15 POP reg/mem .......................................................... 15 POPAD ................................................................. 267 POPAx .................................................................. 267 POPCNT ............................................................... 268 POPF .................................................................... 270 POPFD ................................................................. 270 POPFQ ............................................................ 15, 270 PREFETCH .......................................................... 273 PREFETCHlevel ................................................... 275 PREFETCHW ....................................................... 273 prefix REX .................................................................... 14 prefixes address size ...................................................... 9, 25 LOCK ................................................................. 11 operand size ........................................................... 7 repeat .................................................................. 12 REX .................................................................... 25 segment ............................................................... 10 primary opcode map .............................................. 450 processor feature identification (rFLAGS.ID) .......... 158 processor vendor .................................................... 159 protected mode .................................................... xxvii PUSH ................................................................... 277 PUSH FS ................................................................ 15 PUSH GS ................................................................ 15 PUSH imm32 .......................................................... 15 PUSH imm8 ............................................................ 15 PUSH reg ................................................................ 15 PUSH reg/mem ....................................................... 15 PUSHA ................................................................. 279 PUSHAD .............................................................. 279 PUSHF ................................................................. 280 PUSHFD ............................................................... 280 PUSHFQ .......................................................... 15, 280 Q quadword ............................................................ xxvii R r/m field ................................................................ 459 644 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 r8–r15 .................................................................. xxxi rAX–rSP .............................................................. xxxi RAZ.................................................................... xxvii RCL ...................................................................... 282 RCR...................................................................... 284 RDFSBASE .................................................. 286, 343 RDGSBASE .................................................. 286, 343 RDMSR ................................................................ 396 RDPMC ................................................................ 397 RDRAND ............................................................. 287 RDTSC ................................................................. 399 RDTSCP ............................................................... 401 real address mode. See real mode real mode ........................................................... xxviii reg field........................................... 459, 491, 493, 494 registers eAX–eSP ........................................................... xxx eFLAGS ............................................................ xxx eIP ..................................................................... xxx encodings ............................................................. 26 general-purpose .................................................... 38 MMX .................................................................. 48 r8–r15 ............................................................... xxxi rAX–rSP ........................................................... xxxi rFLAGS ..................................... xxxii, 458, 479, 637 rIP ................................................................... xxxii segment ............................................................... 40 system ................................................................. 41 x87 ...................................................................... 50 XMM .................................................................. 43 relative ............................................................... xxviii REPx prefixes .......................................................... 12 reserved ............................................................. xxviii RET far return ............................................................ 290 near return .......................................................... 289 RET (Near).............................................................. 15 revision history ...................................................... xvii REX prefix .............................................................. 14 REX prefixe .......................................................... 490 REX prefixes ........................................................... 25 REX.B bit .......................................... 24, 56, 494, 496 REX.R bit ....................................................... 23, 493 REX.W bit .............................................................. 23 REX.X bit ............................................................... 24 rFLAGS conditions codes ............................... 458, 479 rFLAGS register .......................................... xxxii, 637 rIP register........................................................... xxxii RIP-relative addressing.................................. xxviii, 24 ROL...................................................................... 294 ROR ..................................................................... 296 RORX ................................................................... 298 rotate count............................................................ 499 Index 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 RSM ..................................................................... 403 RSM instruction .................................................... 403 S SAHF ................................................................... 300 SAL ...................................................................... 301 SAR ..................................................................... 304 SARX ................................................................... 306 SBB ...................................................................... 308 SBZ ................................................................... xxviii scale field .............................................................. 497 scale-index-base (SIB) ........................................... 490 SCAS ................................................................... 310 SCASB ................................................................. 310 SCASD ................................................................. 310 SCASQ ................................................................. 310 SCASW ................................................................ 310 secondary opcode map ........................................... 452 segment prefixes ............................................... 10, 528 segment registers ..................................................... 40 set...................................................................... xxviii SETcc ............................................................ 312, 458 SFENCE ............................................................... 314 SGDT ................................................................... 405 shift count ............................................................. 499 SHL ............................................................... 301, 315 SHLD ................................................................... 316 SHLX ................................................................... 318 SHR ..................................................................... 320 SHRD ................................................................... 322 SHRX ................................................................... 324 SIB ....................................................................... 490 SIB byte ..................................................... 19, 27, 495 SIDT .................................................................... 406 SKINIT ................................................................. 407 SLDT ................................................................... 409 SLWPCB .............................................................. 326 SMSW .................................................................. 411 SSE ................................................................... xxviii SSE2 ................................................................... xxix SSE3 ................................................................... xxix STC ...................................................................... 328 STD ...................................................................... 329 STGI .................................................................... 415 STI ....................................................................... 413 sticky bits ............................................................. xxix STOS .................................................................... 330 STOSB ................................................................. 330 STOSD ................................................................. 330 STOSQ ................................................................. 330 STOSW ................................................................ 330 Index AMD64 Technology STR ...................................................................... 416 SUB ...................................................................... 332 SWAPGS .............................................................. 417 syntax ..................................................................... 52 SYSCALL ............................................................. 419 SYSENTER .......................................................... 423 SYSEXIT .............................................................. 425 SYSRET ............................................................... 427 system data structures ............................................... 42 T T1MSKC .............................................................. 334 TEST .................................................................... 336 three-byte prefix ...................................................... 29 TSS...................................................................... xxix two-byte opcode .................................................... 452 two-byte prefix ........................................................ 32 TZCNT ................................................................. 338 TZMSK ................................................................ 340 U UD2 ...................................................................... 342 underflow ............................................................. xxix V vector ................................................................... VERR ................................................................... VERW .................................................................. VEX prefix ............................................................ virtual-8086 mode ................................................. VMLOAD ............................................................. VMMCALL .......................................................... VMRUN ............................................................... VMSAVE .............................................................. xxix 431 433 490 xxix 434 436 437 442 W WBINVD .............................................................. 444 WRMSR ................................................ 222, 248, 445 X XADD .................................................................. XCHG................................................................... XLAT.................................................................... XLATB ................................................................. XOP prefix ............................................................ XOR ..................................................................... 344 346 348 348 490 349 Z zero-extension ....................................................... 499 645 AMD64 Technology 646 24594—Rev. 3.25—December 2017 Index
Source Exif Data:
File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.7 Linearized : Yes Author : AMD Create Date : 2017:11:29 14:40:25Z Keywords : AMD64 Architecture Programmer’s Manual Volume 3: General-Purpose and System Instructions, 24594 Modify Date : 2017:11:30 07:39:49-06:00 XMP Toolkit : Adobe XMP Core 5.2-c001 63.139439, 2010/09/27-13:37:26 Format : application/pdf Title : AMD64 Architecture Programmer’s Manual, Volume 3: General-Purpose and System Instructions Creator : AMD Description : AMD64 Architecture Programmer’s Manual, Volume 3: General-Purpose and System Instructions Subject : AMD64 Architecture Programmer’s Manual Volume 3: General-Purpose and System Instructions, 24594 Creator Tool : FrameMaker 9.0 Metadata Date : 2017:11:30 07:39:49-06:00 Producer : Acrobat Distiller 10.1.16 (Windows) Document ID : uuid:0929b1a2-ae14-4487-b6db-eb749efcb365 Instance ID : uuid:0e99ee38-9add-4092-b594-79230d85f510 Page Layout : SinglePage Page Mode : UseOutlines Page Count : 684EXIF Metadata provided by