
User Manual: Pdf

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Teamworx Product and User Documentation
Jerry Yee
Thang Nguyen
John Murphy

Teamworx is a standard client­server architecture. The front­end and back­end are in
separate repositories. A diagram is shown below:

Detailed Design
All of the client­side HTML pages/templates are located under the partials directory.
The teamworx WebApp directory in the teamfinder directory contains the and Python files. The file contains important settings for the Django sever such
as what modules to load, whether debug mode is active, where static files are located, how to
connect to the database, etc. The file contains the logic for the more basic URL
patterns such as login page, register page, course page, team page, etc.
The bulk of the code is located under the teamwork­REST directory. The static files
are located here under static folder. The important files are,, and
The file defines all the database schema objects and also set up the admin CRUD
views for them. The file has all the URLs that users could POST/GET/PUT/DELETE
to. The file has all of the methods that file connects to. The majority of the
logic for the system is located in this file. Each of the methods here that correspond to
GET/POST/PUT/DELETE requests will take in data representing this request and return data
in the form of a JSON response.

Data Storage

User Interface
Our site consists mainly of three pages, in the form Login ­­> Portal ­­> Main, with the user
being able to access the pages in that order at first, and then switch between them. There is
also the option for Registration from the Login page, which will then take the user back to the
Login page.
The Login page allows users to enter a predefined email and password, and then select
whether they are logging in as a student or an instructor. There is also the option to register,
for new users, in which the aforementioned information can be filled out.

The Portal page, otherwise known as the profile page, contains information that is specific to
the user. In the case of an instructor profile, the user has the ability to edit their name, contact
information, and biography in the Profile tab. In the Courses tab, users can access any
courses that they have created in the past, delete courses by dragging them over the
trashcan icon, or create new courses by filling out the course department, number, and name.
In the case of a student profile, the user is additionally able to edit their skills in the Profile tab,
as well as their Linkedin and Github links. In the Courses tab, student users can access any
courses that they have been added to by their instructors.

The Main page is accessed by clicking on a course link in the Courses tab of the Portal page.
The Main page contains an area for a student roster for the class, as well as an area for the
teams associated with a particular assignment. Clicking on a student link will open that
student’s profile, and clicking on a team link will open that team’s profile. Additionally,
depending on whether the user is an instructor or a student, they can either assign questions
for each user or answer them, as well as create new teams and assignments.

User Documentation
Instructor POV

From an instructor point of view, the user should begin at the login page and enter their
information in order to access the site, or register to create their login information.

After entering their information and selecting “Instructor,” the user is taken to their profile
page, where they can create and edit their personal information, as well as create and access
their course list. After selecting a course, the user will be taken to the main page, where they
first must upload a student roster in the form of a CSV file. This can be done in the Student
Roster section of the page.

Once the roster is uploaded, instructors have the ability to create teams manually and then
individually add members by dragging, or randomly assign all students to randomly created
teams. This can all be done in the Team section. Additionally, instructors can access student
and team profiles simply by clicking on them. Clicking the “All Teams” tab will restore the page
to its initial location. Instructors can also create new assignments in the navigation bar at the
top, as well as new questions for students to answer in order to better find team members.

Student POV
From the student point of view, the login and registration functionality is the same as that of
the instructor, except for of course choosing the “Student” option when logging in. The student
has a few extra editable spaces on the Profile page, mainly their skills, Linkedin link, and
Github link. These can be left blank, but it is easier for students to find compatible team
members if their profile is complete.

In the Courses tab of the Profile page, students can access any courses that they have been
added to by their instructors. Students can access a course’s main page by clicking on the
course title. On the main page, students can create a team for a particular assignment in the
Team section, as long as they are not already joined to a team by their instructor. Students
can then access their team’s profile under the My Team tab. Additionally, students will be able
to view any other students who are on their team, and owners of the team can edit the team
information, including the particular skills that their team is looking for in new members.
Additional student profiles can be viewed from the Student Roster section, the roster can be
filtered using the Search and “Advanced” functions.

For those students who do not wish to create their own team, there is the option to join
another. This can be done first by answering the instructor’s questions in the Course tab of
the navigation bar. Once this survey is submitted, students can navigate to the Team
Recommendation page under the Find Match tab, and choose from a list of already created
teams that fit their skillset. Once they choose a team, they can simply click the “Send Join
Request” button, and a request will be sent to the owner of that team. The owner can then
view the request in the Pending Requests tab of their team page, and can choose to either
accept or deny the student. The student can then find out if they were accepted or denied by
checking their own Notification tab, located under the Course tab in the navigation bar.


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File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
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PDF Version                     : 1.4
Linearized                      : Yes
Page Count                      : 7
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