Lni: Official LaTeX Class For Submissions To The ``Lecture Notes In Informatics'', Published By ``Gesellschaft Für Informati Lni Instructions



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DownloadLni: Official LaTeX Class For Submissions To The ``Lecture Notes In Informatics'', Published By ``Gesellschaft Für Informati Lni-instructions
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lni – Official class for submissions to the
“Lecture Notes in Informatics”∗
Martin Sievers∗∗
Released 2018/01/15

After several years the lni bundle has been updated. The resulting new version
fixes some long-standing bugs, solves problems and supports modern packages like
biblatex and microtype. It has been put into one DTX file to make maintaining and
distributing via CTAN a bit easier.



LATEX templates are often long-lasting. Even if they use meanwhile deprecated packages
they are often passed from one generation of authors to the next.
The Gesellschaft für Informatik e. V. (GI) thankfully realized, that their bundle should
be technologically modernized while the general layout remains the same.
Based on the existing class and bib files I set-up a DTX file and started reworking
the source code. Editors and authors suggested different additions and changes, which I
tried to incoporate without changing the existing mechanisms too much.
This is the first public release. I would to thank especially Oliver Kopp and Stefan
Strecker and his team for their suggestions and tests.



The lni bundle is currently distributed via GitHub, the GI website and (preferably) CTAN.
The later is the basis for all updates of the two main TEX distributions MiKTEX and
TEX Live. Thus the easiest way to get all files needed to typeset an article for the Lecture
Notes in Informatics is to use the package manager of your distribution.
For a manual installation please call pdflatex lni.dtx at least twice and copy all
resulting files (cls, tex, pdf and bst) to your local TEXMF tree. Don’t forget to update
your file name database.

∗ This

file describes version v1.4, last revised 2018/01/15.

∗∗ Email:




To use the predefined layout for a (German) submission to the Lecture Notes in Informatics
just load the class file as usual with \documentclass{lni}.
The class file loads a bunch of packages which are all part of modern TEX distributions.
Therefore, if you are confronted with a missing package, please try to download and install
it using your distribution’s package manager. Alternatively go to CTAN to download
missing packages.
Please note, that the support of XELATEX and LuaLATEX is only partial. For example the
mono font is not the same. Moreover pdfLATEX is a TEX engine used by the publishers.
Therefore it is strongly recommended to use pdfLATEX.





crop (new in v1.1)

nofonts (new in v1.3,
deprecated in v1.4)

oldfonts (new in v1.4)


Although the class file includes all layout information for a submission to the Lecture
Notes in Informatics, there are options to adapt the output one way or another.
A document loading the lni class file uses German language adoptions by default.
To switch to English, just load the class with option english.
The language influences not only the hyphenation patterns and terms used in the
text, but also the choice of a corresponding BibTEX file (cf. Section 4.7).
Although nowadays all major plattforms support and widely use UTF-8 encoding for
text files, there might be some need to change the input encoding the LATEX document
This can be achieved by giving one of the options utf8 (which is the default), latin1
or applemac to the document class. Using UTF-8 is strongly recommended. Please note,
that currently the bib file is supposed to use the same encoding.
Nowadays bibliographies cannot only be produced with BibTEX, but with a much
more powerful approach consisting of the package biblatex and the tool biber.
There is even a specialized package biblatex-lni which is automatically used when
setting the class option biblatex. For more information see as well Section 4.7.
Option crop gives you some crop marks (using the package crop) to better illustrate
the final result of your article.
When referencing figures, one has to type Figure~\ref{hlabeli}. The package
cleveref reduces the effort by offering the command \cref{hlabeli}. This can be used
with all floating objects. The package is loaded as default. In case it causes issues, one
can disable it using with the nocleveref option.
hyperref is used for colored hyperlinks within the articles. If you consider problems
or just do not want that feature, you can disable it by using the option nohyperref.
On old systems you might not have installed the New TX fonts. If for whatever
reason the oldfonts option does not work for you, you can activate option nofonts.
This allows to suppress font loading completely using the engines standard fonts instead.
Usually there should be no need to do so. Please note, that your output will differ from
the publishers’.
On older systems you might not have installed the New TX fonts. Therefore option
oldfonts allows to to load the package mathptmx instead of the New TX fonts. The
output will be in accordance to (or at least near) the publisher’s requirements.



Setting up a document

You can use the file lni-author-template.tex as a starting point for setting up a
document for submission. The lni class uses the standard ways to build an article.


Special meta data

There is not just one “TEX” and one “bibliography tool”, but many different ways to
transform a .tex file into a PDF. Some TEX editors like TeXstudio, TeXmaker and TeXshop
support a special set of meta data to tell the editor, how to deal with a concrete document.
A typical example looks like:
% !TeX program = pdflatex
% !BIB program = bibtex8
% !TeX encoding = UTF-8
!TeX spellcheck = de_DE


Special macros for editors

In addition to the macros stated in Section 4.3 for authors, there are special editor macros
to influence the layout of the article:


• \startpage determines the starting page of the article. This should always be an
odd (right) page.


• \editor states the name of the editor(s)
• \booktitle holds the name of a conference
• \year can be used to set the year

\subtitle (new in v1.1)

Title page

The title of your work is given using the \title macro. In addition to the title itself, you
can add a short title to be used in the header of a page:
\title[Short title]{Title}


You can also add a subtitle by \substitle{hsubtitlei}.
The authors of an article are given using the standard \author macro. Multiple authors
are separated by \and; affiliations have to be added with \footnote{haffiliationsi}
where you can use \email{hemail addressi} for the email address of an author:
\author[Author 1 \and Author 2]{%
Author 1\footnote{Affiliations including \email{email@author1}} \and%
Author 2\footnote{Affiliations including \email{email@author2}}}

\lnidoi (new in v1.2)

In case the authors are too long for the page header, see Section 4.5 of how to shorten
the authors for the page header.
LNI provides a DOI for each paper. In case, the DOI is known, it can be specified
using the \lnidoi macro.

Finally \maketitle will output the formatted title page.

\and (new in v1.1)

Abstract and keywords

Each article should start with a short (70 to 150 words) abstract and some keywords.
Please use the environments abstract and keywords for that purpose:
Tell the reader what your article is about
Give some keywords to categorize your article. You can use \and between two
keywords to get the correct delimiter (semicolon plus space) automatically.


Page header

The template automatically sets the page headers according to the requirements of Lecture
Notes in Informatics. From page 2 onwards, the title and the authors are printed. These
information has to stay in one line. In case the title is too long, use the optional argument
for \title:
\title[Short title]{Title}

In case there are many authors on a paper, they might not fit into the paper. For that
purpose, additionally use \authorrunning:
\author[Firstname1 Lastname1 \and Firstname2 Lastname2%
\and Firstname3 Lastname3]{Firstname1 Lastname1\footnote{...}%
\and Firstname2 Lastname2\footnote{...}%
\and Firstname3 Lastname3\footnote{...}}%
\authorrunning{Lastname1 et al.}



Main text



You can use the standard macros \section, \subsection, . . . for sectioning your text.



For adding a footnote, just use \footnote{hfootnote texti} where needed. Please note,
that the footnote counter is automatically set to the correct value at the beginning of
your text, i. e. it respects the number of affiliations given on the title page.




The lni class redefines the standard lists environments itemize and enumerate to meet
the requirements of the Lecture Notes in Informatics.
Lists can be filled as usual by adding \item macros.



Floating objects

The environments figure and table can be used the standard way to include graphics
or tables resp.



However, please note, that the default placement parameters are changed to htbp by
the class lni. If you need some local adjustment, please use the optional argument of
both environments (cf. Listing 4.6.4).
A caption should be added by \caption{hcaption texti}, followed immediately by
a \label{hunique labeli} entry.

If you want to center floats, please do not use the center environment, but the macro
which does not add extra white space (cf. Listing 4.6.4).




Listings / Source code

The lni bundle loads the verbatim and listings package. While the former is there for
compatability, the later is the standard way of integrating source code listings into a
LATEX document.
However, there are currently no config files shipped with the lni bundle. Please
consult the documentation for help on setting up listings for a specific programming


If you need mathematics, you can load packages amsmath and mathtools for additional
features. The lni class offers by default the command \powerset to render the powerset
symbol correctly as ℘ and not as Weierstrass p (℘).

Abbreviations and initialisms

To achieve consistent typesetting of common abbreviations, macros are predefined by the
class. These macros should consistently being used instead of writing the plain version.
For example use \eg rather than e.g.,. The macros take care of spacing within and after
the abbreviations.
• \eg for e. g.
• \ie for i. e.
• \cf for cf.
• \etal for et al.



In addition to common abbreviations, further initialisms are provided by the class for
convenience and for a consistent visual appearance. Note that the class uses smallcaps
for typesetting initialisms. The list of predefined initialisms comprises:


• \OMG for omg (Object Management Group).
• \BPM for bpm (Business Process Management).
• \BPMN for bpmn (Business Process Model and Notation).
• \BPEL for bpel (Business Process Execution Language).
• \UML for uml (Unified Modelling Language).


You can add your own initialisms by stating \lniinitialism{h\initialism_macroi}{htexti}
in the preamble.



The old lni class file only supports BibTEX with bst files for German and English
submissions resp. If you want to use this approach for your article you have to add
\bibliography{hBib filei} at an appropriate position within your text. The correct bst
file is loaded automatically.
With option biblatex (cf. Section 3.1) you can easily switch to the modern biblatex
package. However, you have to add information on the bib file(s) in your preamble using
\addbibresource{hBib file(s)i} and call \printbibliography where you want the
bibliography to appear.
Please note, that the lni class sets biber as the default bibliography tool. biber is
part of both major TEX distributions and can easily be used within most TEX editors, e. g.
by using special meta data as described in Section 4.1.
If you want to pass settings to biblatex you can use a config file biblatex.cfg, for
additional options please use the macro \ExecuteBibliographyOptions. Please consult
the package’s documentation for more information.
% !TeX program = pdflatex
% !BIB program = biber


Trouble shooting

This section lists the most common issues when using this template. For more help,
please head to the awesome LATEX list.


• If the compiler error is
!pdfTeX error (font expansion):
scalable fonts.,

auto expansion is only possible with

then you have to install the cm-super package. Afterwards, run initexmf
-mkmaps on the command line. A longer discussion is available at http://tex.
• If the compiler error is
!LaTeX Error:


Command \openbox already defined.,


before \usepackage{amsthm}.

• If the compiler error is

!Undefined control sequence. l.84 \ulp@afterend,
just clean up (remove paper.aux) and recompile.

• If the compiler error is
!Package xkeyval Error:

’family_i’ undefined in families blx@opt@name

it is an indicator that you switched from BibTEX to biblatex. Clean up (remove
paper.bbl) and recompile.
• Errors with BibTEX: The bst files may still report errors, although the output is okay.
This will be solved as soon as possible. However, you might consider switching to
biblatex (cf. Section 4.7).


Bugs and feature request

If you find a bug or have a feature request, please open an “issue” at the GitHub website.



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Author                          : Martin Sievers
Title                           : lni: Official LaTeX class for submissions to the ``Lecture Notes in Informatics'', published by the ``Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.'' (GI)
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Creator                         : LaTeX with hyperref package
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