NUFLO MC III WP Flow Analyzer Technical Data Sheet

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NUFLO MC-III WP Flow Analyzer
Cameron’s NUFLO
WP Flow Analyzer offers state-of-the art liquid and gas measurement
with data logging and Modbus
communications in an easy-to-use weatherproof totalizer.
With the capacity to record up to 384 daily flow logs, 768 hourly logs, and 345 event logs,
the MC-III WP is a powerful addition to any flow measurement operation.
The MC-III WP offers:
 RS-485 Modbus communications
 Extensive log archival capacity
 High-speed downloads (less than
a minute, based on 115 K baud)
 Easy-to-read LCD displays
 12-point linearization
 Simultaneous indication of rate
and total
 Loop-powered analog output
 Nonvolatile memory
 Password-protected security options
 Direct or remote mount
Modbus communication,
logging and accurate
flow measurement –
all in one compact
weatherproof device
Each unit is supplied with
one conduit hub for I/O
access; two seals can be
replaced with additional
hubs (as shown).
Calibrating the MC-III WP
for liquid measurement is as
easy as entering the calibration factor of
the flow meter and selecting the desired
units of measurement. The instrument
automatically calculates its own divisor.
When the instrument is paired with a
gas flow meter, the user enters the
calibration factor of the meter, pressure
and temperature parameters and FPV via
the MC-III interface software. The wide
variety of unit options for total and rate
gives users the freedom to customize
the display, inputs and outputs for
specific needs.
Calibrate instrument
Set flow meter
input sensitivity
Select pulse input
Configure 4 to 20 mA output and pulse output
Enter slave address and baud rate
Set engineering
units and decimal
positions for total
and rate readout
Navigate menus
Access daily
volume archive Enter/change values and decimal positions
Toggle on/off settings
Test temperature and system voltage
Save calibration
settings and totals
Zero the total
readout (by pressing
the log and save
keys simultaneously)
Keypad Configuration
The MC-III WP is easily configured with the six-button keypad on the front of the
instrument. Built-in shortcuts to common functions (see figure below) reduce the user’s
time spent on-site.
The MC-III WP connects to a turbine meter or
a pre-amplifier. Users can select a 4 to 20 mA
output, a pulse output, or an amplified flow
meter frequency output that allows remote
equipment to calculate flow rates and volume.
© Copyright 2013 | NUFLO and MC-III are trademarks of Cameron. Modbus is a registered trademark of the Modbus Organization, Inc. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft. All Rights Reserved. | SWP 09/13 AD01095M
 Optically isolated
 Supply range: 3.0 to 30 VDC
 Optically isolated
 Supply range: 3.0 to 30 VDC
 4 to 20 mA, loop-powered
 16-bit resolution
 Accuracy: 0.1% of FS at 25°C,
50 PPM/°C temperature drift
 Loop power: 8.0 to 30 VDC
 Zero and full-scale engineering
values configurable from
front panel
 Baud rates: 300, 600, 1200,
2400, 4800, 9600, 19200,
38400, 57600 and up
to 115.2K
 Solid-state relay
 Output rating: 60 mA max
at 30 VDC
 Configurable pulse duration
and scale factor
 Open-drain transistor output
of turbine meter input signal
 Output rating: 50 mA at 30
VDC (analog output and amp
and square outputs cannot be
used simultaneously)
 CSA approved for US and Canada
 Class I, Div. 2, Groups A, B, C, D
 Type 4 enclosure
 Type 5 temperature class
 Eight-digit display of total
 Six-digit display of rate
(11-segment characters for
easy-to-read prompts)
 Character height - 0.300”
 Adjustable contrast and
update period
 User-selectable units of
Total: bbl, gal, liters,
cubic meters, cubic
feet, standard cubic feet,
user-defined units (and
all units x 1000)
Rate: Any of the above
total engineering units
per day, hour, minute,
or second
Power Supply Options
 3.6 VDC lithium battery pack
Two-year typical life (main or
backup power supply)
Transport is subject to
hazardous goods restrictions
 Alkaline battery pack option
(main or backup power supply)
 External power supply (6 to
30 VDC) with internal
battery backup
 Loop-powered (4 to 20 mA output)
with internal battery backup
Temperature Range
 Lithium battery: -40° F to 158° F
(-40° C to 70° C)
 Alkaline battery pack: 0° F to 130° F
(-18° C to 55° C)
 LCD contrast is reduced
below -20° C
 Configurable sensitivity adjustment
 Frequency range: 0 to 3500 Hz
Flow Archive
 384 daily logs
 768 hourly logs
 345 event logs
K-factor changes
Input setting changes
Archive Retrieval
 RTU mode Modbus
 Enron Modbus
 16-bit slave address
 Data printouts in
tabular or chart formats
 Data export to
(.xls and .csv formats)
MC-III Interface
 Provided at no
additional charge
 Complete configuration
to include multipoint
and gas calibration
 Real-time data
 Downloads
Exports to .xls and
.csv formats
 Wizard offers step-by-step
calibration procedure
 Windows® 2000 or
XP required
North and South America
14450 JFK Blvd.
Houston, TX 77032
Tel 1 281 582.9500
Europe, Africa, Caspian and Russia
3 Steyning Way
Southern Cross Trading Estate
Bognor Regis
West Sussex PO22 9TT
England, UK
Tel 44 1243 826741
Asia Pacific
Suite 16.02 Menara AmFirst
No. 1 Jalan 19/3
46300 Petaling Jaya
Selangor Darul Ehsan
Tel 603 7954 0145
Middle East
Level 9, Al Jazira Club Tower A
PO Box 47280, Muroor Road
Abu Dhabi
United Arab Emirates
Tel 971 2 596 8400

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