Rec Boat Guide Port Phillip
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Do not obstruct the movement of large vessels by drifting in shipping channels and across shipping tracks. l Be aware that the bow-wave or wash from large ships, including the large commercial ferries, can cause your boat to capsize or roll heavily as to cause serious injury to its occupants. l Map reference K14 2 3 5 6 Recreational fishing can be undertaken throughout non-leased parts of the reserves in accordance with the conditions below: • Keep to public areas of the Aquaculture Fisheries Reserves. • Watch for divers and keep vessels and equipment a safe distance from aquaculture equipment. • Always travel at a safe speed and keep boat wash to a minimum. • Be aware of and comply with all boating and fisheries related regulations. • Don’t encroach on Crown leases by keeping all equipment such as anchors, fishing lines and lures away from these areas. If you hear a vessel sounding at least five short and rapid blasts on its horn, you must get out of its way. • Don’t tie up to navigation aids, aquaculture equipment or external Crown lease boundary buoys. l Keep a careful watch on the weather and watch out for other boats and hazards. • Don’t berley, clean fish or discharge human waste in or around the AFRs. l Ensure a low wake is maintained when passing rowers and other non powered vessels. For more information contact Fisheries Victoria. Aquatic pests Regulations to be observed When you participate in recreational boating activities you may be unknowingly spreading marine pests. You can protect Port Phillip by keeping your boat and equipment clean and following these simple steps: • Immediately slow down to 5 knots around swimmers or divers. • Don’t exceed the speed limit. • Observe boat zone boundaries and restrictions. 1. Dislodge all plants and animals and bin them. • Know the Marine National Park and Marine Sanctuary boundaries and restrictions. 2. Drain water from boat and gear Try not to let it drain back into the water. • Take all rubbish home with you and dispose of appropriately. 3. Dispose of unwanted live bait in a bin. • Remember all native plants and animals are protected by law. • Jumping or diving from piers or bridges is not permitted. 4. Douse your boat and gear with freshwater and try not to let it drain back into the water. • Vessel operators over 21 years of age must have a BAC below 0.05. 5. Dry your boat and equipment. • The discharge of sewage and other waste from boats is prohibited. 6. Don’t forget to apply an authorised antifoulant where appropriate (within the antifoulant maximum in-service period and as directed on the can). look after For more information contact the Department of Primary Industries. the bay Berthing facilities Public berthing is available on piers and jetties all over Port Phillip for up to 48 hours at a time. Time limits and other restrictions are detailed on Parks Victoria signs at each location. Some areas have been leased or allocated for commercial boat operators only. These berths are not available for public use, including short term berthing. Please observe these restrictions to ensure fair access for everyone. Boat operators have a responsibility to protect the marine environment and ensure it can be enjoyed for future generations to come. You can protect Port Phillip and minimise your environmental impact by following these simple guidelines: • Avoid anchoring over seagrass and reef areas and consider purchasing an anchor that does less damage to seabeds. Key l l l l • Keep your boat clean and protected from aquatic pests. • Reduce speed when operating power boats in shallow water or when close to the shore line as propellers can cause considerable damage to sensitive seabeds. • Prevent pollutants such as petrol, oil, sewage and detergents from entering the water. up to 48 hours (vessels should be attended) Short Term – up to 4 hours (check signage) Loading Permit and commercial Berth location • Store rubbish securely on your boat and always take all rubbish home with you. • Launch or retrieve your craft at designated launching ramps. • Observe recreational fishing regulations. • Keep clear of bird nesting and roosting areas. • Remember all native plants and animals are protected by law. Altona Pier information Australian Hydrographic Service 02 4223 6500 Australian Volunteer Coast Guard 9598 9092 Bureau of Meteorology 9669 4000 Parks Victoria is introducing new boating and swimming zones to improve safety across Port Phillip and Western Port. Dept. of Primary Industries 136 186 The new zones will be introduced in stages with new aids to navigation and clear signage installed prior to each new zone coming into effect. Dept. of Sustainability and Environment 136 186 The new zone changes between Port Melbourne and St Kilda will come into effect in September 2010. Environment Protection Authority 9695 2722 The changes include: Fisheries Victoria 13 FISH (13 3474) • Revised kite board operating area near Catani Gardens • Swimming only zone in front of Port Melbourne and South Melbourne Life Saving Clubs Government Information Centre 1300 366 356 • Swimming only zone between Wright and Nimmo streets in Middle Park Heritage Victoria 8644 8800 • Boating only zone at St Kilda Marina and entrance • Swimming only zone between St Kilda Marina and St Kilda Pier • Improved visibility of aids to navigation and easy to understand signage Marine Safety Victoria 1800 223 022 Parks Victoria 13 1963 Port of Melbourne Corporation 1300 857 662 Port Melbourne Victorian Regional Channels Authority 5225 3500 Albert Park Victorian Water Police 9399 7500 Middle Park Kerferd Road Pier Swimming only All vessels including personal watercraft, powered and non power vessels are not permitted in this zone All vessels must adhere to 5 knot speed limit within 200m of the shore For more information on the new boating and swimming zones contact Parks Victoria on 13 1963 or visit Peak Organisations Kite Boarding Area St Kilda Pier St Kilda Beach Boating only V6 Kingston City Council Patterson River W8 Parks Victoria Kannanook Creek W10 Frankston City Council Frankston – Olivers Hill W10 Frankston City Council 1300 322 322 Mornington U12 Mornington Peninsula Shire Council 1300 850 600 Fishermans Beach T12 Mornington Peninsula Shire Council 1300 850 600 Safety Beach S15 Mornington Peninsula Shire Council 1300 850 600 Anthonys Nose R16 Dromana Foreshore Committee 5981 0933 Tootgarook O17 Capel Sound Foreshore Committee 5986 4382 Rye N17 Mornington Peninsula Shire Council Blairgowrie – Tyrone M16 Whitecliffs – Camerons Bight Foreshore Committee Sorrento L15 Mornington Peninsula Shire Council Queenscliff J14 Borough of Queenscliffe Swan Bay I12 Parks Victoria St Leonards K11 Bellarine Bayside 5259 2764 Indented Head K10 Bellarine Bayside 5259 2764 J9 Bellarine Bayside 5259 2764 Grassy Point Ferguson St Pier l l Lagoon Pier Kerferd Road Pier St Kilda Pier One of the best ways to learn more about a new sport or recreational activities on Port Phillip is to contact one of the following specialist peak organisations: Australian Powerboat Association Australian Volunteer Coastguard On water assistance, boating skills and licences Available from Parks Victoria: Hampton Pier Black Rock Jetty Mordialloc Pier Boating Industry Association Seaford Pier Boating Victoria Frankston Pier East Port Phillip Canoeing Victoria Rosebud Pier Rye Pier Rowing Victoria Sorrento Pier Portsea Pier SCUBA Divers Federation of Victoria l l Point Lonsdale Pier VR Fish – Victorian Recreational Fishing Queenscliff South Pier Victorian Water Ski Association West Port Phillip Swan Bay Jetty Who do you call? St Leonards Pier Guide to Government departments and agencies on Port Phillip and Western Port Indented Head Jetty Portarlington Pier l l l J5 N2 Q1 P1 Q1 R1 5272 5272 Limeburners Point A10 City of Greater Geelong 5272 5272 North Shore ZZ9 City of Greater Geelong 5272 5272 Corio A8 City of Greater Geelong 5272 5272 Dredging of shipping channels and fairways is managed by the Port of Melbourne Corporation and Victorian Regional Channels Authority. Obstruction this side Event exclusion zones A number of the spectacular events that take place on the bay requires sections of Port Phillip to be closed for event and spectator safety. Exclusion zones are created by a temporary change to the Marine Act 1988 that allows the closure of a designated area of water for the safety of event patrons and the general public. Exclusion zones are patrolled by Parks Victoria patrol boats and recreational boat operators should follow the directions of Parks Victoria officers at all times. H14 J14 Admiralty charts Available from most mapping outlets Port Phillip Safety Chart Grid Available from the Australian Volunteer Coast Guard Victorian Recreational Boating Safety Handbook Available from Marine Safety Victoria Victorian Tide Tables Available from Port of Melbourne Corporation Notice to Mariners • Never anchor in shipping channels or transit only zones. • Never obstruct the path of ships or assume a ship can see you. Wildlife watching • Never tie up to navigation aids such as buoys or channel markers. Port Phillip is home to an amazing array of wildlife. When you see dolphins, seals or whales, make sure you give them plenty of space. Never approach closer than 100 metres and leave them alone if they show signs of agitation such as diving or rapid changes in direction. Penalties apply. For more information contact Port of Melbourne Corporation or Victorian Regional Channels Authority. 5987 0287 Patterson Lakes Marina W8 9772 6622 Pier 35 Marina P0 9646 1200 Royal Geelong Yacht Club A10 5229 0799 Queenscliff Harbour J13 5258 5459 Sandringham Yacht Club S4 9598 7444 St Kilda Marina S2 9535 0448 There are four Marine National Parks and Sanctuaries within Port Phillip: Q W E R Jawbone Marine Sanctuary (30 ha) Point Cooke Marine Sanctuary (290 ha) Ricketts Point Marine Sanctuary (120 ha) ort Phillip Heads Marine National Park (3580 ha) P comprises six separate areas – Mud Islands, Point Lonsdale, Point Nepean, Popes Eye, Portsea Hole and Swan Bay. Marine National Parks and Sanctuaries locations For further information contact the Parks Victoria Information Centre on 13 1963 or visit Free publication. 6th edition, July 2010. LIFE JACKETS SAVE LIVES! EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ALL OCCUPANTS TO PUT ON PFDs LIFE JACKETS SAVE LIVES! Wearing PFDs on recreational vessels at all times Wearing a PFD is now compulsory for all occupants when in an open areas of the following vessels, whiles under way: • Anchor your boat to maintain position if safe to do so Notice to mariners A Notice to Mariners is issued by a Harbour Master, Port Manager or Waterway Manager to advise commercial mariners, recreational boaters and waterway users of a significant change in a port or waterway which may affect the safe navigation of a vessel. Boat operators should always check the latest Notice to Mariners before operating a boat on Port Phillip. Notice to Mariners are available on the Parks Victoria, Port of Melbourne Corporation and Victorian Regional Channels Authority websites. Parks Victoria has the accountability for the safety of water users, control of vessel activities and movements in the local port and is authorised under the Marine Act 1988 to issue infringement notices or prosecute people who break the law. • when the vessel is a yacht without safety barriers or safety harnesses in use The Victorian Water Police can also issue infringement notices and work in partnership with Parks Victoria on Port Phillip to ensure the bays are used safely. • when the vessel may capsize or be swamped or when occupants are at risk of falling overboard For further information contact the Parks Victoria Information Centre on 13 1963 or visit Enclosed waters PFD Type 1 PFD Type 1 PFD Type 1 or 2 or 3 PFD Type 1 or 2 PFD Type 1 or 2 PFD Type 1 or 2 PFD Type 1 or 2 or 3 PFD Type 1 or 2 or 3 All information is current at the time of printing (May 2010). For full legislative details, refer to the Marine Act 1988 and the Marine Regulations 2009. For a free copy of the Victorian Recreational Boating Safety Handbook call 1800 223 022 or visit NOTE: THIS IS NOT A NAVIGATION CHART This map is not for navigation use. Navigation aids are shown for information only. For navigation of Port Phillip, Chart AUS 143 should be consulted. Notices to Mariners issued by Parks Victoria are published on Disclaimer: Parks Victoria does not guarantee that the publication is without flaw or is wholly appropriate for your particular purpose and therefore disclaims all liability for any error, loss or other consequence which may arise from you relying on any information in this publication. West Channel Pile Fl.WR6s THE RIP – Port Phillip Heads G G Y Clarence R Port Phillip Heads Marine National Park (Swan Bay) 0 Boat operators should carry accurate Australian navigation charts (Aus 143, Aus 144, Aus 153, Aus 154, Aus 155, Aus 157 and Aus 158) which can be purchased through mapping retailers and the Australian Hydrographic Service. KILOMETRES 3 NAUTICAL MILES No.8 38º13’08”S 144º41’04”E Y 1.5 Swan Bay Jetty Y Marcus Hill Column G Location Contact Anchorage Marina 9397 9677 P1 Yes No When encountering a dredge vessel recreational boat operators should always maintain a safe speed and pass on the non obstruction side of the dredge vessel. Blairgowrie Yacht Squadron 5988 8453 M16 Yes No Martha Cove Marina 5987 0287 T14 Yes Yes The safe side of passage is indicated by a double black diamond signal on the vessel. A double black ball signal indicates the obstruction side to avoid. A third black ball, black diamond, black ball signal indicates the vessel is restricted in its manoeuvrability. Pier 35 Marina 9646 1200 P0 Yes Yes Queenscliff Harbour 5258 5459 J13 Yes Yes Royal Brighton Yacht Club 9592 4022 S3 Yes Yes Maintenance dredging is conducted by Parks Victoria to maintain safe access to boating facilities in key locations such as Queenscliff, Patterson River, Werribee River, St Kilda Pier and Mordialloc Creek. Water depth surveys for Patterson River and Mordialloc Creek are available from the Parks Victoria website. Sandringham Yacht Club 9598 7444 S4 Yes No St Kilda Marina 9535 0448 S2 Yes No RESTRICTED N AVA L WAT E R S No.9 Fl(2)G4s No.6 Q.R No.7 Fl(2)R4s Fl(2)G4s Coles Fl.4s GG R R G G CH A N N EL Y No.4 Fl(2)R4s No.5 Fl(2)G4s Pump out facilities Sewerage Fl.G5s 38º13’29”S 144º41’54”E Port Phillip Heads Marine National Park (Swan Bay) Port security boats patrol the restricted waterside zones. In line with the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code, ports have three security levels– Level 1 is the default. The Port of Melbourne Corporation website provides advice on the current security level. R Y m 150 Fl.5s Q.G Y m 150 Victorian Water Police manage port security in partnership with port managers. If you see something suspicious on the water, contact the Water Police. Use a holding tank for sewage and dispose of waste properly on land or use provided pump out facilities. Boat sewerage pump out systems are used designed for larger boats that have holding tanks. Sewerage hoppers are designed for boats that use a portable toilet. G G 0 G Joanna Fl(2)R4s Port security Poor water quality affects the health of the bay and in turn the enjoyment of recreational boating and fishing activities on Port Phillip. Discharge of sewage and other waste from boats is prohibited, adds pollutants to our valuable waterways and poses a risk to marine ecosystems and human health. Y SWAN SCALE 1:75,000 I9 • when operating in an area where a gale, storm of severe thunderstorm warning or severe weather warning issued by the Bureau of Meteorology is current Coastal waters PFD Type 1 PFD Type 1 PFD Type 1 or 2 or 3 PFD Type 1 PFD Type 1 (>2 nm) or 2 PFD Type 1 PFD Type 1 or 2 PFD Type 1 or 2 or 3 Powerboats up to and including 4.8m in length Powerboat greater than 4.8m and less than 12m Personal watercraft Recreational tender Off-the-beach sailing yacht Yacht Kite board and sail board Canoe, kayak, rowing boat, raft, pedal boat or fun boat • A vessel is a lot easier to spot than a swimmer Book with Parks Victoria to stay at public destination moorings in Queenscliff, Limeburners Bay (near Geelong), Williamstown and Sorrento. • when operating at night or in restricted visibility What type of PFD must I wear? When occupants of a vessel are required to wear a PFD (refer above), the following specified PFDs must be worn. Vessel type Parks Victoria is the local port and waterway manager for the local port of Port Phillip and manages piers and jetties, mooring permits, aids to navigation and Marine National Parks and Sanctuaries. Parks Victoria also acts as a referral agency for planning matters and authorisation of new structures. • when crossing an ocean bar • Yachts (including monohull, trailerable and multihull yachts, excluding off-the-beach sailing yachts) • Power driven vessels greater than 4.8m and less then 12m. • EPIRB Activate your distress beacon port manager for port phillip • when boating alone Wearing PFDs on recreational vessels during times of heightened risk A PFD must also be worn by all occupants of the following vessels at time of “heightened risk” when occupants are in an open area of a vessel which is under way. • EMERGENCY Call 000 parks victoria “Heightened Risk” means: • Power driven vessels up to and including 4.8 metres (m) in length and personal watercraft (PWC) • Off-the-beach sailing yachts, pedal boats and fun boats • Canoes, kayaks, rowing boats • Recreational tenders STAY WITH THE BOAT K10 The Barwon Bluff T and Mushroom Reef Y Marine Sanctuaries are also nearby. Throughout the world there is growing recognition of the vital contribution parks and waterways make to a healthy environment, healthy individuals and a healthy society. Enjoying Port Phillip is not only a great day out – it’s good for you. At the Ticonderoga Bay sanctuary zone (map ref J15), vessels cannot approach dolphins and whales any closer than 200 metres. For more information contact the Department of Sustainability and Environment. • FLARES Activate when you see a potential rescuer Parks Victoria directly manage approximately 1,950 of an estimated 2,900 swing moorings in 51 locations around Port Phillip Bay and Western Port. The balance are managed by 11 various Yacht and boat clubs and mooring associations acting as agents for Parks Victoria. For more information contact Parks Victoria. Dredging The Marine Act and associated regulations Available from the Government Information Centre • Keep clear of ships at all times. • MARINE RADIO 27 MHz – Ch 88 VHF – Ch 16 Moorings T14 Swing basins Swing basins are areas where large commercial ships turn when entering and leaving berths. Be aware of ships at all times near swing basins and steer clear for your safety. RAISE THIS ALARM For your safety refuelling should always be carried out ‘on-boat’ and not by leaning over the boat from a pier, jetty or landing. Care should always be taken to ensure fuel, oil and other potential pollutants are stored and transferred carefully and not spilt – especially on banks, in the water or on piers and jetties. When in public areas all diesel or unleaded fuel should be transported in AS2906 containers with a volume no greater than 25 litres. Larger containers or smaller sub-standard containers should not be used. Multiple containers can be used or fuel can be purchased from boat fuel retailers around Port Phillip. Martha Cove Marina • Within 200m of waters edge in coastal and enclosed waters. Greater speed limit distances are in place along the shallower Mornington Peninsula bay beaches. It is the responsibility of recreational boat operators to: For more information on Marine National Parks and Sanctuaries contact Parks Victoria. Fuel Contact • Within 100m of divers flags. Large ships travel Port Phillip shipping channels during all hours of the day and night and sometimes travel outside designated fairways. A ship’s blind spot can extend for many hundreds of metres and it is very difficult for ships to change course quickly. To report offences call the Department of Primary Industries on 13 3474. Snorkeler steps from a boat at Popes Eye I12 K11 Offences by individuals may incur an infringement notice, or carry penalties of up to 12 months imprisonment and/or fines of up to $20,000. Vessels, vehicles and equipment may also be seized. Fishing is permitted on Port Phillip and may be undertaken from either a vessel or on land excluding channels and Marine National Parks and Sanctuaries. A Recreational Fishing Licence is required by all anglers in Victoria for persons aged between 18 – 70 unless exempt. Please observe all fishing regulations and remember to check bag and size limits, fishing methods and closed seasons. For more information contact Fisheries Victoria. Map ref. • Within 50m of swimmers, other vessels and fixed or floating structures. Shipping channels and fairways – steer clear Fishing Fuel Retailers A maximum speed of 5 knots applies on Port Phillip when operating a vessel: Port Phillip is popular for non-motorised vessels such as kite boarding, rowing, kayaking and canoeing. When passing non powered vessels, please ensure a low wake is maintained so as not to disturb or tip these vessels over as they are more susceptible to capsizing than larger motorised vessels. Exclusion zones and river closures are advertised periodically in the public notices section of the Herald Sun and the Government Gazette. A Notice To Mariners is distributed prior to the event. For more information contact Parks Victoria. Marine National Parks and Sanctuaries are magnificent places for exploring marine life, snorkelling, scuba diving, swimming, low speed recreational boating or sailing and photography. They protect a unique and diverse range of marine plants, animals and habitats for the benefit of current and future generations. Around 90 percent of the plants and animals are found nowhere else in the world. K15 • No taking or damaging of any animals, plants and objects (artefacts) The exclusion zone boundaries are usually indicated in the rivers by red ‘Stop No Boats’ buoys for all events that require exclusion zones in order to run an event organised race. W10 L16 A number of activities are not permitted within the boundaries of Victoria’s Marine National Parks and Marine Sanctuaries. It’s your responsibility to know the boundaries. • No spear fishing Pass safely this side Rowing and non powered vessels © Copyright Parks Victoria 2010. Know the boundaries – penalties apply • No fishing Marine National Parks and Sanctuaries N17 13 1963 5259 2764 W9 Q16 5258 1377 City of Greater Geelong S4 S15 1300 850 600 Bellarine Bayside Should you encounter damaged aids to navigation, malfunctioning navigation lights, vessels adrift, submerged objects and other dangerous debris floating in the local port, please contact Parks Victoria to report them immediately on 13 1963. U12 5985 3288 H9 Hazards and risks U12 1300 850 600 F10 S3 V6 1300 322 322 Point Richards R1 T5 13 1963 Clifton Springs Berthing is also available in harbours, marinas and sheltered waters throughout Port Phillip. Contact marina and harbour operators to book a berth prior to arrival. Publications Vessel Operating and Zoning Rules Available from Marine Safety Victoria l Dromana Pier Life Saving Victoria Yachting Victoria Mornington Pier Mornington Fisherman’s Jetty Kite Boarding Victoria Wake Board Victoria l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l Map Ref. 1300 653 356 RESTRICTED N AVA L WAT E R S Q.R Fl.Y5s B AY No.2 Fl(2)R4s Fl.R3s F.G QUEENSCLIFF Pilot Jetty The Narrows F & Oc.15s 40m 14M High Lt LAKE VICTORIA F.WRG.21m 6/4M Oc.WRG.15s 28m 12-6M Low Lt Clarkes Beacon F.Bu Fl(2)G4s Queenscliff Pier SEE INSET G R E AT 38º15’36”S 144º45’13”E Y No.3 Q.G Q.R Port Phillip Heads Marine National Park (Popes Eye) Fl.R3s Q.R Lighthouse Point POINT LONSDALE Wedge Fl.WR.6s Fl.R3s F.AI.WR3s 12m 6/4M L LO N S D A L E B A Y 38º15’38”S Y Y 144º46’53”E Y Port Phillip Heads Marine National Park Y Y (Mud Islands) Rocky Point Point Lonsdale Lighthouse 38º17’22”S 144º36’20”E 38º16’57”S 144º45’10”E Y Victory Shoal Port Phillip Heads Marine National Park (Point Lonsdale) Mushroom Rock Yellowtail Rock Point Lonsdale Reef Lonsdale Rock 38º18’03”S 144º37’18”E Point Nepean Navigating Port Phillip Heads (or ‘The Rip’ as it’s commonly known) can be quite difficult due to a combination of strong tidal movements, large and unpredictable waves and frequent shipping traffic. All boat operators should seek quality advice before attempting to pass through Port Phillip Heads. W Point Radar Tower Port Phillip Heads Marine National Park (Point Nepean) 38º18’45”S 144º40’00”E Or 38º18’34”S 144º42’41”E Ticonderoga Bay sanctuary zone 38º18’40”S 144º42’33”E Fl.WG3s s F Port Phillip Heads Jetty (ruins) Marine National Park 38º18’21”S Observatory (Portsea Hole) 144º41’14”E POINT NEPEAN N AT I O N A L PA R K SOU 38º18’43”S 144º42’52”E 38º18’49”S 144º42’45”E F.RG 3 o. A E C A N EL F TH N 5s CHA .3 No 5s G 2) ( Fl N C H N 0 .6 R1 No l(3) G 2) ( Fl s Fl.2M NNE Portsea Pier 2 .8 R1 No l(4) Sth Channel Fort Sth Channel Fort Jetty F L .7 No12s PROHIBITED ANCHORAGE ZONE 0 .1 s No l.R3 F )G (4 Fl Fl.G5s Point King 38º19’33”S 144º39’01”E Vessels are prohibited from landing at Point Nepean within the Port Phillip Heads Marine National Park. Hovercraft are prohibited from entering Port Phillip Heads Marine National Park. s .4 R5 No l(2) NEPEAN B AY 250m N PI F No.1 Petriana Reef Port Phillip Heads – The Rip Tide Pile .2 s No l.R3 Fl.G3s Nepean Reef 38º18’16”S 144º37’24”E PROHIBITED ANCHORAGE ZONE Y Q BY THE RIP Big Rock Corsair Rock Nepean Rock Chinaman’s Hat POPES EYE VQ(6)+LFl.10s YB LFl(2)WGR.15s 12/10M 38º17’31”S Horn(2)30s 144º38’24”E 38º17’35”S 144º36’09”E 38º16’59”S Y 144º46’53”E Y SAND PROHIBITED ANCHORAGE ZONE Point Lonsdale Pier 50 0m Emergency 000 or 27MHz – Ch 88 or VHF – Ch 16 zone review Station Pier other Port Phillip Directory boating and swimming Lagoon Pier Gem Pier North Port Phillip Middle Brighton Pier • Get involved with a marine friends group. For information contact Parks Victoria. Sandridge Beach Type Werribee Jetty • Dispose of sewage waste properly and use pump out facilities where they are available. • Clean out bilges and sumps regularly. Mordialloc • Don’t enter Crown leases without the express permission of the leaseholder. Take care not to cross ahead of a large vessel as you may underestimate its speed and not be seen. l 9599 4444 AQU A CU LTU RE l Contact the Department of Sustainability and Environment for guidelines on watching wildlife. 1 Fishing, Frankston Pier. 1 2 Seals, Chinamans Hat. 3 Pot-bellied seahorse (Hippocampus bleekeri), Port Phillip Heads Marine National Park. 4 4 Beach Play, Mornington Peninsula National Park. 5 Queenscliff Harbour. 6 Diving, ex-HMAS Canberra dive site (Photo Mary Malloy). 9599 4444 Bayside City Council S Keep well clear of moving ships as they may alter course and without notice. Take the easy approach to organising your great bay adventures by booking a tour, dive or fishing trip with one of Parks Victorias licensed tour operators. For more information contact Parks Victoria. Western Port Phillip Bayside City Council T4 D Never mix alcohol and operating a vessel. As you travel across the bay, be on the lookout for whales, dolphins or seals. Dolphins tend to be seen more often at the southern end of Port Phillip while seals can be seen soaking up the sun at Chinamans Hat. Remember to keep a safe distance from wildlife at all times. Licensed Tour Operators S2 Speed can be dangerous on the water. Not only is there a risk of crashing into other vessels, land or navigation aids, there are many other obstacles such as swimmers and divers or obstructions hidden under the surface. Always maintain a good lookout and operate at a safe speed and check local speed restrictions before you leave. VHF Channel 16 and 67 27MHz Channel 86 and 88 N Keep a lookout at all times, especially for rowers or non powered craft who are generally harder to see and hear. Encounter whales, dolphins and seals in their natural habitat Elwood Black Rock Emergency Calls and calling O Keep a safe distance between your boat and other boats. Remember your wake can affect others users, including those on floating infrastructure. 9534 0448 M Wear your life jackets. St Kilda Marina Y Ensure you always keep to the right of channels. The reserves are clearly identified by yellow ‘special marks’ (piles or buoys) with ’Aquaculture‘ inscribed in black lettering on the yellow ‘X’ top mark and yellow synchronised lights at the external boundaries. Within the Reserves are Crown lease areas designated for marine farming. Recreational users may enter the reserves at their own risk and proceed with caution but cannot enter the lease areas (within the marked boundaries) without permission of the leaseholder. S2 Speed restrictions VHF Channel 12 L l l Map Ref F14 Eight offshore marine Aquaculture Fisheries Reserves have been established in Port Philip. These reserves total 1,990 ha including existing aquaculture areas and have been farmed for over 30 years. St Kilda Port Operations S l Adhere to the prescribed speed limits. Plan a day trip to one of the many seaside villages dotted around Port Phillip. Accessible via local piers, the coastal villages have a range of services and attractions to explore including restaurants and cafes. Highlights include the peaceful Portarlington fishing village, the historic maritime precinct at Williamstown, St Kilda’s cosmopolitan foreshore and the bustling boutiques of Sorrento. 9932 1000 NE l l l l Visit coastal villages 9932 1000 Hobsons Bay City Council AN On the water Access to the dive site is restricted to those participating in diving and snorkelling activities only. To enter the dive site divers must either book a dive tour with a licensed tour operator or book a 2 hour time slot on the public mooring. Contact Parks Victoria for more information or for bookings visit Hobsons Bay City Council P1 CH Don’t overload your boat. Aquaculture reserves O1 The Warmies VHF Channel 72, 73 and 77 27MHz Channel 96 D Ensure engine reliability and adequate fuel system and always carry sufficient fuel. Map reference W8 Altona Recreational Vessels N Carry sufficient fuel, water and a first aid kit. When anchoring ensure you always place anchors correctly and securely. Anchors damage reefs and seagrass beds when they are allowed to shift. Consider purchasing a new anchor that does less damage to seabeds. Where possible avoid anchoring over seagrass and reef areas. Anchoring is not permitted in mooring grounds or shipping channels and fairways. Eastern Port Phillip 9742 0777 U Lying in approximately 28 metres under the surface, the ex-HMAS Canberra is a spectacular dive with many sections of the ship open for exploration including flight decks, the bridge, engine rooms, galley, and accommodation quarters. Anchoring Wyndham City Council O Discover a sunken warship Check out local conditions, weather and tides. With a surface area more than 35 times the size of Sydney Harbour, there’s endless scope for fishing adventures in Port Phillip. Whether you’re catching trevally, snapper, squid, leatherjackets, salmon or bream, most fantastic fishing adventures start at Patterson River. Four launching ramps with multiple lanes, ample parking and continually improving facilities cater for over 50,000 boat launches each year and make Patterson River one of Australia’s most popular boat ramp facilities. J5 R Know the rules, local regulations and distress signals. Hook a fishing adventure There are a number of rules and regulations that must be observed to protect the bay environment and ensure safety for all users of Port Phillip. Werribee South T l Tell someone where you are going and when you expect to return. Port Phillip is home to four Marine National Parks and Sanctuaries which host diverse marine life not seen anywhere else in the world. These marine protected areas provide a variety of snorkelling and diving opportunities for varying skill levels. Within Port Phillip Heads Marine National Park, Popes Eye is a great sheltered dive for beginners while Portsea Hole is an excellent challenge for divers with more experience. See Marine National Parks section. Northern Port Phillip Contact no. G l l l l Have a chart of where you are going and a radio. port phillip Explore amazing underwater marine life Managed by IL l l All children under the age of 10 years must wear an approved lifejacket or buoyancy vest/garment, or PFD-1, 2 or 3 while in a recreational boat that is underway, unless the child is within a deckhouse, cabin, half cabin or a secure enclosed space. It’s no wonder Port Phillip is one of Victoria’s most popular recreational destinations. Whether it’s fishing, boating, kite boarding, diving, swimming or simply walking along one of the many piers, there’s so much to see and do both on and under the water. guide to Map reference J13 Map Ref. Boat ramp location ES l Carry safety equipment according to the regulations, including approved life jackets or PFD-1s. Historic Shipwreck Protection Zones are no entry areas around very fragile shipwrecks. It is important to steer clear of these zones because the fragile wrecks within them could easily be damaged by anchoring, fishing or diving activities. It is illegal to enter a protected zone without a permit from Heritage Victoria. Penalties apply. For more information contact Heritage Victoria. O l Marine radio is potentially a life line for vessels in an emergency. Avoid unnecessary communications on marine radio. Be aware of the following Marine Radio channels and frequencies when operating a motorised vessel in Port Phillip: W Be prepared before you leave Boat ramps are managed by several different agencies and councils throughout Port Phillip. Launching fees and facilities vary at each site. If you’re unfamiliar with a particular boat ramp its recommended you contact the relevant boat ramp manager for more information before your trip. Rediscover nature Reconnect with life SP adventures The redeveloped Queenscliff Harbour is definitely worth the trip. Restaurants and cafes complement the setting and the viewing tower provides stunning views over Port Phillip Heads and Swan Bay. The historic Queenscliff Pier and the charming Queenscliff Township are only a short stroll away. PO RT PORTSEA IT great bay Shipwreck Protection Zones Hoppers To ensure you have the best possible boating experience on Port Phillip it’s important to do a few things before you depart. Radio channels Pump out checklist Boat ramps Map ref. boating safety Experience the new Queenscliff Harbour LI M M O Fl.R5s BRB SOUTH SAND R RN N IN G AT T O IO N PE N A N L PA N I N RK SU R Aero Lt.VQ.R 2F.R Sorrento Pier South Channel Pile Lighthouse Building Y Fl.W3s2M LA G Q.R Fl N Point Henry .6 NoR4s O RI N G . Fl .4 No 4s . No .2 No 4s l.R Q.G Q BY .R F F o 4sl.G4.15 s .G Fl 1 Fl No.14 Fl.R4sI N P N Fl o.1 .R 6 4s Portarlington Pier Q(4)Y10s PORTARLINGTON Q(4)Y10s R Q(3)10s BYB Y Barwon Bluff Marine Sanctuary IN 26 G LI 0º GH (T TS ) LFl(2)WGR15s ex-HMAS Canberra E E S R T N M O N T A E L R A H C O M F M EL LIM TO N R Sorrento Pier 2F.R SORRENTO IT P STRAIT E N S U L Q.G C D E F G H I J K 145° 00’ 100 110 Water Tower W SIT H N TRA N . 12 . No 3s N .G Fl Q(9)15s T Blairgowie Safe Harbour IO N A 1 o. 3 N .1 s 0DREDGE .15 G1 MATERIALNo 12s GROUND )G (4 Fl No F Fl.W3s2M L Fl.R12.5s BLAIRGOWRIE L G Y M R N K EA EP N Y FW SU IN Kiosk Y Y Y Y Rosebud Pier ROSEBUD FORESHORE N Reef 38°20' 0 WATERSKI ACCESS LANE M N ‘TO TOOTGAROOK P FW NI N Boat Hire 5 KILOMETRES Y Eastern Light 16 (not in use) 0 McCRAE ROSEBUD PE Car Park 15 SAFETY BEACH Y )G (2 Fl NAUTICAL MILES 3 NOTE: THIS IS NOT A NAVIGTION CHART SCALE 1:125,000 A RT H U R S S E AT S TAT E PA R K Y Q R S Fl.R5s Q.R F.Bu Queenscliff Exposed at Low Water 5 Knot Zone No Boating Boat Ramp Pump out facility Water between 0m and 2m deep 10 Knot Zone No Personal Water Craft Fuel Shipwreck protected zone Water between 2m and 5m deep Restricted Water and limited access No Personal Water Craft or Sailboards Public destination mooring Water between 5m and 10m deep Shipping Fairway – Transit only zone No Kite Boarding Water between 10m and 15m deep Marine National Park / Marine Sanctuary Waterski Access Lane Water 15m and above National Park and Conservation Areas Rocks SB Swinging Basin No anchoring No fishing, netting, spearing, taking or killing of marine life. All methods of fishing, from the shore or at sea, are prohibited No swimming LIGHTS T U V W 17 This map is not for navigation use. Navigation aids are shown for information only. For navigation of Port Phillip, Chart AUS 143 should be consulted. Notices to Mariners issued by Parks Victoria are published on MARKS Indicates a light structure or a lit beacon Iso. Isophase Fl. Flashing Oc. Occulating Q. Quick Flashing F. Fixed VQ. Very Quick Flashing eg. Fl.(2)8s A group of 2 flashes every 8 seconds G Green R Red Mo Morse Code W White Y Yellow Bu Blue Kiosk & Tackle Shop BBQ BOATING ONLY NEQ.G CARRUM NO SWIMMING NO BOATING Carrum Life Saving Club 0 KILOMETRES 0 NAUTICAL MILES 0.5 0.25 SCALE 1:12,500 6TH EDITION, JULY 2010 Slipway Ramp DROMANA 5s Ramp 2 Ramp 1 recreational boating Jetty Ramp Dromana Pier 19 . No Y O Fl(2)G5s 3s Rye Pier RYE PA Y Y SCHNAPPER POINT Fl.R3s No.21 Fl(2)R5s Y Y 14 WATERSKI ACCESS LANE Y Fl.R6s Y Y Pier Martha Cove Y PROHIBITED ANCHORAGE ZONE .R Fl ) l(3 R Y Fl.6s Fl.R Fl.G Y Ramp 3 PORT PHILLIP SCALE 1:8,000 LA )W (2 Fl N 8 6s South Channel Pile Lighthouse Building 2s R1 4) l(Hovell Pile F 14 Fl.6s o. )R (3 Fl N 1 Q V. MORNINGTON HARBOUR Y N s 10 R Y 13 TO 1 o. .1 No SAND A A 5s )R (2 Fl 4 9 o. G Y Y TR E Ramp 4 AN IT L S AN STRONG CURRENTS Y Fl(4)Y12s A Q U A C U LT U R E R Fl.(4)Y6s Y Fl(4)Y12s NE LA Y Martha Point 3s s Y Artificial Reef TR S VE LA Q(2)Y.4s2M 12 G Fl(4)Y12s S AN T R TE ON RI NO PERSONAL WATERCRAFT MORNINGTON DREDGE MATERIAL GROUND .R Fl 12 R N 144° 40’ B Q.R Note D redge operates at entrance – navigate with care. Check dredging information on reverse side. for more details F.WG.28m 11/8M Ferry Terminal A 144° 30’ GE ZZ R 10 Y RY IT STRONG CURRENTS Fl.(4)Y6s Fl.(4)Y6s Sth Channel Fort Jetty Fl.2M SOUTH The Sisters IN PA A Q U A C U LT U R E Fl(4)Y12s Sth Channel Fort S C A LE 1 : 8 , 0 0 0 Leg end BRID SAND ISLAND s 12 Fl.R5s Aero Lt. VQ.R 10 WATERSKI ACCESS LANE PE S D N O M S NG F (4 Fl No )G l(4 BON BEACH NO PERSONAL WATERCRAFT Y MOUNT MARTHA EL NE NI Point King Fl(4)Y12s L No BRB H Fl(4)Y12s N UR FRANKSTON E AN CH Fl.G5s C EL N BO OR .8 No NNE .7 Monash A )R Portsea Pier Barwon BLUFF F.G Q u e e n s c l i ff Pier T CHA N E N Fl.6s WATERSKI ACCESS LANE A 38º17’36”S 144º30’04”E QUEENSCLIFF F.WRG TH P IN C A N CH BASS FOUL GROUND OU R SOU No (3 Fl 0s 1 )R Port Phillip Heads Marine National Park (Portsea Hole) N AT I O N A L PA R K Fl.WG3s 5s .6 No.3 Fl(2)G5s Fl.(4)Y6s Fl(4)Y12s E 38°20' Point Flinders (The Bluff) Fl Ticonderoga Bay sanctuary zone POINT NEPEAN PORTSEA Barwon Bluff Marine Sanctuary Yacht Club . Port Phillip Heads Marine National Park (Pt Nepean) TORQUAY SCALE 1:10,000 s G3 Point Nepean O 38º17’21”S 144º30’02”E T .1 Y R 2) ( Fl No P 38º17’24”S 144º29’48”E Y SAND 4 G Fl.3Y10s R1 RY NAUTICAL MILES 38º17’20”S 144º30’21”E DREDGE MATERIAL GROUND . No Y Water Tower Fl(4)Y12s Port Phillip Heads Marine National Park (Mud Islands) Fl(4)Y10s Note D redge operates at entrance – navigate with care. Check dredging information on reverse side. for more details 11 Fisherman Beach Y Wedge . No Q. G R E AT Fl(2)G4s 2 Point Lonsdale SEE INSET F P Point Lonsdale Pier AD SEE INSET N k IT n LE Y SEE INSET Fl(4)Y12s Chinaman’s Hat Tide Pile 3s Y VQ(6)+LFI10s .R Fl PROHIBITED ANCHORAGE ZONE Fl(4)Y12s RE R 38º17’20”S 144º30’02”E RABBIT Iso.2s Fl(4)Y12s BEAUMARIS B AY PATTERSON RIVER Bonbeach Life Saving Club MOUNT ELIZA YBY Mornington Pier LT U F.G Fl(4)Y12s Y 37º59’52”S 145º02’18”E YB Fl(4)Y10s AQUACULTURE FISHERIES RESERVE Table Rock YB Point 38°10' Schnapper Point CU 17m approx. Port Phillip Heads Marine National Park (Pt Lonsdale) N Q(3)10s BYB Fl(4)Y12s Fl(2)G4s Fl(2)R4s Port Phillip Heads Q.G Marine National Park H F&Oigh Lt. F.R Queenscliff (Popes Eye) c.15 Pier s Fl.WR6s t. R L LowG15s WR Oc. A EL N UA is a POINT LONSDALE Q.R Y NO SAILBOARDS IN w B LAKE VICTORIA BARWON HEADS KILOMETRES RB Fl.G4s N BARWON RIVER 50m BREAMLEA HA WAT E R S Frankston Pier R e Tower OCEAN GROVE Fl(2)G4s Coles Fl.4s GG R RG Y Fl.R3s Q.R CH Fl(2)R4s B AY 4 Iso.2s ISLAND TRIAL ARTIFICIAL REEF E145°05.479’ S38°08.483’ 15 O 3 S T I N G A R E E B AY Church Spire Coast Guard 144° 50’ H Port Phillip Heads Marine National Park (Swan Bay) OCEAN GROVE N AT U R E R E S E RV E 2 14-17m approx. LIMEBURNERS POINT Baths 160 170 AQ rl Bcn. 0 180 C N AVA L 12m approx. Fl(2)R4s NO BOATING M u F.G Fl.R3s S RESTRICTED QUEENSCLIFF F.G DREDGE M AT E R I A L GROUND LE G Fl(2)G4s ES Moorings 1 Q.G W N N N Fl N .R o.2 4s Q o.1 .Y Q.R Y F.R Fl.5s Fl(2)R4s CO Fl o.1 .G 4s Fl o.3 .G 4s Fl N .R o.4 4s N N Fl N .R o.8 4s Fl .G s Fl .R Swan Bay Jetty Y Y Y Q.G Y Y R Joanna RE SURF CO AST HWY 4s Fl .R 4 Y SWAN Y F.Bu Q(9)15s GEELONG HW G LT U CH AN NE L Y C 2F.Bu E LAKE CONNEWARRE Pier YBY Q R.G.Y.C F.G IN CU Twr. F.R F.Bu F.Bu AR Y 37º59’46”S 145º02’24”E Davey Point BY G R BYB Fl(4)Y10s 37º59’44”S 145º02’20”E NO BOATING Fl(4)Y10s 9 BRB UA R SOUTHERN ANCHORAGE BY Q.R s Tide Gauge LL LAKE CONNEWARRE S TAT E G A M E R E S E RV E SPECIAL USE ZONE Diving only No boating Q.R POINT HENRY Q.R Pier F.Bu & Q.Bu F.Bu & Q.Bu Q.R BE ex-HMAS CANBERRA Clarence Beaumaris Life Saving Club FI.G5s 37º59’52”S 145º01’46”E SEAFORD WOOLEY REEF AQ 6 CIT Y NO 4 .R Fl Fl.R4s Q.R ZONE IT O N LY Q BY o. F.G TRANS OUN HOPET EL C H A N N O R IN G ANCH N Fl.G4s Fl.R3s LF B F. l.b Q( u1 6)+ 5s s Fl.G3s F.R Q.G 4s Fl.R3s Fl o.7 .G 4s WESTERN & EASTERN ANCHORAGE Fl o.5 .G 4s RI I N N E R A R B O U R Fl.G3s H CO Fl.R2s F.R 190 T O F EL N A CH O DRE D G E MATE R I A L GRO U N D Y Port Phillip Heads Marine National Park (Swan Bay) Bcn Jetties 8 SAILBOARDS ONLY Fl(3)G10s G Bcn 37º59’57”S 145º02’03”E Y Seaford Pier Fl.WR6s G Ricketts Point NO BOATING Y YBY BEAUMARIS CARRUM Mentone Life Saving Club WATERSKI ACCESS LANE SEE INSET YBY Fl.G3s 200 West Channel Pile R No.1 G WATERSKI Point Ormond ACCESS LANE W AT K I N S B AY TRIAL ARTIFICIAL REEF E 145°05.953’ S 38°05.245’ 14 0 G L Q.R Silos 11 NE CORIO Q U AY R G AN Fl.R3s LFl.Bu15s Fl.G10s BIRD ROCK YB CH Beacon YB Q(6)+ RIPPLESIDE R Fl.G3s Fl.R3s NORLANE F.G N LASCELLES WHARF Y St Leonards Pier POINT LILLIAS G G R NO RTH R Fl.R3s WATERSKI ACCESS LANE ST LEONARDS G 21 0 YBY BYB Q GEELONG 0 GOVERNOR BRB R E E F No.4 Indented Head Jetty CLIFTON SPRINGS DREDGE MATERIAL GROUND 22 BY INDENTED HEAD Q.G Y E RN U BO EL A M IT RI M TO LI IC V S Fl.R3s Q.R PRINCE GEORGE BANK Y AQUACULTURE Bcn. Fl.G3s Y BYB Y Q.R F F.R 2F.R No.4 YB Point George Q(4)Y12s Fl.G3s BRB WATERSKI ACCESS LANE BY DREDGE MATERIAL GROUND STINGAREE B AY BY YBY R Grassy Point 0.5 SCALE 1:30,000 G N SO ER R TT E PA R I V 0 Y Y R Fl(4)Y12s Fl(4)Y12s YB SEE INSET lwood BEAUMARIS E BAY Canal MENTONE Ricketts Point Marine Sanctuary 7 Y 40 BRB BY Fl(4)Y12s Fl.G6s G NAUTICAL MILES 0 37º59’31”S 145º01’24”E 12 A Q(4)Y10s RE TU UL C Q(4)Y10s U A Q(4)Y10s AQ H INCo RFl. .12 R4 A s HARBOUR Limeburners Point 38°10' T O S G 0 N 4s .G Fl 3 o. NNN EL R Q(4)Y10s Fl.R4s Prince George Light Point Richards No.3 1 St Kilda Marina Reef 13 NO AN CH . Fl .5 No C H A H Fl(4)Y12s AQUACULTURE Q Y 2f.Bu .R Fl F .7 NSo P I T s G4 Fl.R4s R D C Fl(4)Y12s Fl(4)Y12s Y Y SOUTHERN ANCHORAGE F.R .8 No 4s l. N Fl o.1 .G 3 4s No.10 Fl.R4s No.12 Fl .2 .R 4s 37º59’22”S 145º01’13”E CHELSEA Foul Ground Y 32 KILOMETRES FI.2s 30 IA . No 6 o. 0 .1 s No .R4 Fl s G4 .G .11 4s No L EN NF o. N l.R4 8A A s Fl .6 .R 4s 20 37º59’01”S 145º00’52”E Y TRIAL ARTIFICIAL REEF E 145°04.616’ S 38°02.168’ TOR . Fl 8 Fl 4s Fl No .G .9 4s No N Fl o.8 .R 4s No N Fl o.4 .R 4s No Q BY 0 10 Y 6 ASPENDALE KS Y W H ES C IN 4s .R Fl s R4 Fl 1 .G .1 Fl No W I L S o.9 NO N Fl Fl .11 .G A Fl.Y6s 4s Fl.Y6s 4s .G . Fl 1 oL. F A. N N EN .5 C H No Q No Q.R 2 2 o. s 4 . .1 s N 4 Q.R NoR4s .R No .R4 Fl . MORDIALLOC PAR 144° 20’ . Fl T Q BY4s .R Fl 4 .G Fl 3 N Fl o.7 .G A 4s Fl No .G .7 4s Fl No .G .1 4s Fl No .G .3 4s Fl No .G .5 4s PORT OF GEELONG LIMIT 0 33 0 350 340 0 G Mordialloc Pier Y Y 0 s R4 .7 No . Fl s 4 l.G Fl.Y6s Y O Commercial Ramp AVALON BEACH s G4 WATERS OUTER G Q.R Q(9)15s BATES POINT DREDGE M AT E R I A L GROUND PHILLIP Fl(4)Y10s RK lt Fl(4)Y10s PA Sa Q.R TR AN SI YB C O R I O B sA YG4s 5s l.B 4s LF l.G )+ UN (6 H O P E T O FO NLY G YB 38°00' Y RT POINT ABEONA 10 ds Fl(4)Y10s AQUACULTURE RESTRICTED YB PORT Artificial Reef PO SCALE 1:60,000 M G Y D 23 Fl.R4s DREDGE MATERIAL GROUND u1 F.Q Q.G Be 3s .G Fl F.G Grammar School Limeburners Y.C. Fl.G(3)6s Fl.R(3)6s Fl.R(3)6s Fl.G(3)6s Fl.R(3)8s Fl.G(3)8s E L N Point Wilson Point Lillias R YBY WESTERN & EASTERN ANCHORAGE FL.R3s 1.5 G A U 0 NAUTICAL MILES 3s .G G R GR R Fl.G3s Fl.G3s Fl Fl.R2s F.R Fl.G3s Fl.G3s SEE INSET BEAUMARIS B AY 90 Q.R 3 D RE AT I ER RO 24 KILOMETRES 0 LIMEBURNERS B AY D Q(4)Y12s AQUACULTURE AQUA YB Note: Boat zones shown from Port Melbourne to Point Ormond are revised boating and swimming zones commencing September 2010. Contact Parks Victoria for more information. 5 ONG RD BRAESIDE PA R K Y Fl.R Q.G YB Kirk Point AQUACULTURE MENTONE DREDGE T) 250 Corio Bay 0 Fl.R3s Q(6)+LFl.Bu15s '( LONG REEF Fl.Y6s NORTH SHORE 26 DANDEN YBY BYB Ricketts Point YB WEDGE SPIT Fl.Y6s Fl.R3s 9º G Fl.G5s VQ(4)Y4S YB CORIO Fl.R3s Y 260 9 Tide Pile Fl.Y5s SCALE 1:9,000 Chimney Refinery LIMEBURNERS B AY F.R 30 WATERSKI ACCESS LANE Ricketts Point G Marine Sanctuary VQ(4)Y4s LOWER BEAUMARIS GROUND melbourne port zone No.11 Fl(2)G4s Q.R NO PERSONAL WATERCRAFT TS Y VQ(4)Y4S 145° 00’ 0.25 Y e 80 NAUTICAL MILES H G SCALE 1:17,500 70 0 G Y Obelisk NAUTICAL MILES BLACK ROCK (1'E) No.12 SEE INSET 8 0.4 6 PR KILOMETRES LI Brooks Jetty R KILOMETRES Black Rock Jetty 60 0 lin 4 50 NO PERSONAL WATERCRAFT pe 'E 200 9 F.Bu+Q(3)10s 7 Y Cerberus M AT E R I A L Hobsons Bay a n d Yarra RIVER No.14 Groyne Pi Beacon Point Fl(2)R4s Y Red Bluff Fl.5s s VQ(4)Y4S HI GH TR AF F I C SHI PPI NG AR EA Jetty Ga IA OR NE CT UR VI S BO EL M IT OF LIM F.Bu VQ(4)Y4S RK Point Gellibrand G Wedge Point VQ(4)Y4s ANONYMA SHOAL RT TRANSIT ONLY ZONE (NO ANCHORING OR DRIFTING) IN VQ(4)Y4s Q(3)5s H 11º3 0 No.16 Ramp for Personal Water Craft only & Personal Water Craft Zone Jetty Note: When entering, transiting or leaving the Prohibited Anchorage Zone, vessels at all times should keep to eastward when inward bound and westward when outward bound. SERENDIP S A N C T U R AY Fl.R5s Water Tower D Fl.Y5s Y Y VQ(9)10s VQ(4)Y4S KARKAROOK PA R K PA Boat ramp A Y PO Werribee River F.Bu No.71 Fl(2).G4s Q(9)15s LE 38°00' No.70 Fl(2).R4s No.15 Fl.Y5s Picnic Point Y Fl(2)10s Hampton Pier TRUE NORTH POINT GELLIBRAND COASTAL HERITAGE PARK SEE INSET OUTER ANCHORAGE NO BOATING SANDRINGHAM Fl(2)WR7.5s ME LIM LBOUR IT N WILLIAMSTOWN Y PERSONAL WATER CRAFT ONLY ZONE Y Y HAMPTON ETIC N O RT Altona Harbour SCALE 1:1,000 Fl.G5s L NE AN CH Fl.R2s 5 No.73 Fl(4).G4s No.17 WATERSKI ACCESS LANE Twr. WERRIBEE RIVER 144° 50’ 100 No.72 Fl(2).R4s NG PI IP SH Fl.R3s VQ(4)Y4s 2F.Bu 3 Y Fawkner Beacon Fl.5s VQ(4)Y4S VQ(4)Y4s WERRIBEE SOUTH Werribee Jetty VQ(4)Y4S VQ(4)Y4s AREA Middle Brighton Pier Y SB F. 2F.R(hor) F. Fl.R2s VQ(4)Y4s NO BOATING HW Channel Breakwater South F. F.R VQ(4)Y4S VQ(4)Y4s St Kilda Pier Y & Kiosk Green Point Fl(2)G4s VQ(4)Y4s ST KILDA Gate AN Fl.G3s No.17A Fl.G5s Fl(4)Y12s Y P R A C T. Note: Boat zones shown from Port Melbourne to Point Ormond are revised boating and swimming zones commencing September 2010. Contact Parks Victoria for more information. No.1 Slipway Y E RD Fl(2)G4s VQ(4)Y4S Breakwater BRIGHTON Fl.G5s Y FIRING P Y 144º46’48”E Fl.R4s CENTR Fl.WR5s Fl(2)G4s Fl(3)Y10s VQ(4)Y4S No.3 Y PE F.G Fl.G2s Fl.R2s F.G Q 37º56’02”S Y No.2 WATERSKI ACCESS LANE Y PENGUIN HABITAT NO ACCESS TO BREAKWATER 2 For your own safety, steer clear of ships at all times NE y Y Y G Point Q(3)10s Cooke BYB Marine Y 37º55’45”S 144º48’41”E Sanctuary Y Jetty YY 144º48’41”E FW S Point Cooke CE N Sanctuary Marine I R VQ(4)Y4s P2 Y Fl.Y4s SEE INSET Chimney 37º55’45”S No.75 Fl(4).G4s Y O U YA N G S R E G I O N A L PA R K No.19A Fl.G5s No.19 No.20 Q(3)10s BYB Y Station Peak Fl.R AL CI ER tt M Je M CO n oo Fl.G3s DREDGED CHANNEL 37º55’39”S 144º46’49”E Y No.77 Fl(4).G4s No.74 Fl(2).R4s Y Fl.R4s No.5 Fl(2)G4s Y MAGN y nt Fl.G5s No.4 37º55’14”S 144º48’42”E No.7 ELWOOD Fl(2)G4s VQ(4)Y Fl.Y4s POR tt Po No.22 F.R H O B S O N S B AY No.21 Fl.R5s Channel Breakwater North Fl.R METRES SB F.R+Fl.R4s Fl.G3s 0 No.76 Fl(2).R4s VQ(4)Y4s 37º54’37”S 144º47’49”E 37º56’02”S 144º46’48”E No.9 0 Je No.24 DREDGED BASIN KERFORD RD PIER No.82 Fl.R4s I N N E R No.6 Fl.R4s ANCHORAGE 37º55’39”S 144º46’49”E 2FR(Vert.) SEE INSET 31 on y Basin Breakwater South Y No.81 Fl.G5s Fl.R5s+F.R No.23 Fl.G4s+F.G Y NO BOATING WERRIBEE PA R K 37º55’14”S 144º48’42”E Fl(2)G4s safety notice to Boat operators Y R No.3 No.1 0 Fl.R4s+F.R Y SB No.78 Fl(2).R4s No.84 Y No.79 Fl(4).G4s Y o nt Po y tt Je tt Je Fl. 2F.(Vert) No.11 Fl.Y3s Point Cook L Ramp NO BOATING Fl.R4s VQ(4)Y4s POINT COOK C O A S TA L PA R K VQ(4)Y Q.R VQ(4)Y4s No.8 F.G CHANNEL No.28 F.R+Fl.R2s VQ.G Basin Breakwater North No.80 Fl(2)R4s F.G+Fl.G2s VQ.WRG CK Fl. Y LAGOON PIER No.12 Brooks JettyY Point Ormond CHEETHAM WETLANDS For bi-monthly reports on the 13 FISH service visit or call 136 186. SCALE 1:75,000 37º54’37”S 144º47’49”E NO BOATING SHIPPING Ramps No.25 POINT COOK F.G STATION PIER F DO No.28 A L B E RT PA R K F.Bu Y PRINCES PIER B F.G+Fl.G2s G 144° 30’ No.27 F.R+Fl.R2s Y EB No.30 F.R+Fl.R2s Car park G YG Q(9)15s VQ(4)Y4s No.10 Information provided will assist in planning patrols and enforcement operations when no immediate field response is possible. Y KITE BOARDING AREA St Kilda Harbour Fl.R5s KITE BOARDING ONLY St Kilda Pier Fl(2)G4s A LT O N A REEF YB ST KILDA 30 W F.R COMMERCIAL Chimney Y Y Y Jawbone Marine Sanctuary 1 SEE INSET YY No.71 No.15 PA R K 37°50' 290 F.G+Fl.G2s Fl.G5s ALBERT ST KILDA WEST Y MIDDLE PARK Y Fl.R5s Fl(4).G6s No.17 Gem Pier St Kilda Harbour M I D D L E PA R K VIC No.29 WATERSKI ACCESS LANE YG 17A WILLIAMSTOWN SEAHOLME REEF R Y F.G Fl(4).R6s W Y 280 SCALE 1:25,000 F.G+Fl.G2s Fl.G5s people involved Note: Vessels are prohibited from landing along most of Jawbone Marine Sanctuary shoreline NO BOATING F.Bu Fl.R2s Fl.R2s No.31 Y Altona Pier Y Fl.G Fl.G Fl.G3s Fl.R Fl.R3s Kerford Rd Pier F.G Y V Y 270 No.32 Fl.WRG3s Fl.5s F.Bu Fl.G5s ANCHORING .G+Fl.G2s F.R+ Fl.R2s 37º52’11”S 144º52’42”E F.Bu No.33 ♦ Place ♦ Number of registration ♦ Activity ♦ Equipment of activity F.G 2F. Fl.R5s Station Pier U NO BOATING ALBERT PARK HIGH TRAFFI C S H IP P IN G A R E A No.34 F.R+ Fl.R2s TRANSIT ONLY ZONE (NO ANCHORING OR DRIFTING) 0.5 ♦ Vehicle/boat ALTONA Lagoon Pier G YY VQ(4)Y4s NO SCALE 1:40,000 Fl.R2s F.G T R A N S I T O N LY Z O N E .G+Fl.G2s F.R Fl.Y3s SEE INSET ♦ Time and date ALBERT Fl.5s, Iso.WRG3s & B.Bu P A R K Fl.R2s Helpful information includes: 37º52’03”S 144º53’01”E Jawbone Marine Sanctuary No.35 PORT MELBOURNE SEE INSET S V IC T LI ME O M L R IA IT BO U R N E Ge w 1 F. K ier NAUTICAL MILES 0 JAWBONE RESERVE Y 37º51’45”S 144º52’15”E rP e at 2 F.G NEWPORT Refinery Tower F.R Report illegal fishing - call 13 FISH (133 474) T SEE INSET F.G F.R SPOTSWOOD F.R F.R F.R FWY W E S T G AT E R S MELBOURNE F F.R+ Fl.R2s Fl.G5s YARRAVILLE F.R R r d Pie nd llib ra NO BOATING KILOMETRES WESTGATE PARK WESTGATE BRIDGE No.36 No.17 0 Q O Reid St P ier N Pi elso er n W es t D oc er kya r Pi Fl.R2s Br NAUTICAL MILES F.G+Fl.G2s WESTGATE LANDING P Chimney F.R 37º51’40”S 144º52’25”E F.G+Fl.G2s PORT MELBOURNE 37°50' NE etty St P ier Boo th P ier Wo rksh tty ops J d Je 1 F. k ea 0 No.41 No.37 O SCALE 1:40,000 PIER 35 MARINA F.G+Fl.G2s F.R+Fl.R2s DEPARTMENT OF PRIMARY INDUSTRIES J AWB O N E NO PERSONAL WATERCRAFT or SAILBOARDS No.39 No.38 2F.R(hor) F.R F.G+Fl.G2s No.43 SB F.R+Fl.R2s SB F. A nn Boy L KILOMETRES No.40 NE Gem P ie r AN Q COMMERCIAL VESSELS ONLY 0 No.17A Fl.G5s CH F.G STONY CREEK BACKWASH Ho NG F.R No.19A Fl.G5s Fl.R2s ld Do en ck PI F. No.19 Fl.G2s No.20 N I N L A N D WAT E R S BOLTE BRIDGE F.G+Fl.G2s F.G M Fl(2)G.5s Fl(2)R.5s VQ(9).10s BYB E N C L O S E D WAT E R S No.49 No.47 L PA IP No.44 F.R+Fl.R2s YA R R AV I L L E K T SH SB J R No.46 AL 2F.G Fergusion St Pier F.R+Fl.R2s RA YA R F.R+Fl.R2s No.54 I O CI Y PUBLIC MOORING SB No.48 SB F.R+Fl.R2s R RIVE H P ER COMMITTEE OF MANGEMENT F.R F.R+Fl.R2s No.50 G EL SWANSTON DOCK MARIBYRNONG RIVER M PARKS VICTORIA F N Fl.G5s M Fl.R5s F.R 3F.G N No.21 CO No.22 WILLIAMSTOWN A SB Y Y R R G G Y Special Marine National Park boundary markers (land) Port hand – even numbers Starboard hand – odd numbers BY BY YB YB BYB BYB YBY YBY North South East West BRB Isolated Danger (Black and Red) Beacon or Conspicuous Mark Cardinal – Pile or Pillar Buoy (Yellow and Black) with appropriate black top mark GUIDE
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