Philips Consumer Lifestyle DL8765 Philips Wrist Blood pressure monitor with Bluetooth User Manual Leaflet A7 new branding 2015

Philips Consumer Lifestyle Philips Wrist Blood pressure monitor with Bluetooth Leaflet A7 new branding 2015

User Manual

Specifications are subject to change without notice.© 2016 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All rights reservedManufactured for:Philips Consumer LifestyleA division of Philips Electronics North America CorporationP.O. Box 10313, Stamford, CT 069044222.100.5748.1 (1/2016)1223456789101 - 2 cm"- ¾"111213141516171819
English General description (Fig. 1)1 Bluetooth® symbol2 Battery symbol3 Lock switch4 Socket for micro USB plug5 Blood pressure classification6 Heart rate/irregular heart rate detector7 Movement detector8 User IDs9 Cuff10 On button11 User ID button12 Heart rate13 Diastolic blood pressure14 Inflation/deflation indicator15 Systolic blood pressure16 USB plug17 Micro USB plugIMPORTANT SAFEGUARDSREAD ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USINGWhen using electrical products, basic safetyprecautions should always be followed, includingthe following:Warnings- Please keep the unit out of reach of infants,children or pets, since inhalation or swallowingof small parts can be dangerous or even fatal.- The device is not suitable for measuring theblood pressure of children.- No modifications of this equipment are allowed.This may result in increased emissions ordecreased immunity of the device.- This device is intended for non-invasivemeasuring and monitoring of arterial bloodpressure. It is not intended for use onextremities other than the wrist or for functionsother than obtaining a blood pressuremeasurement.- Do not use the blood pressure monitor duringcharging as it can cause injury.- Do not dispose of built-in batteries in fire.Battery may explode or leak.- Do not use while bathing and within 20 minutesafter taking a bath.- The device is not suitable for persons who haveelectrical implants.- Do not reach for a corded device that has falleninto water. Unplug immediately.- A device should never be left unattended whenplugged in.- The batteries used in this device may present afire or chemical burn hazard if mistreated. Donot disassemble, heat above 100°C (212°F) orincinerate.- Do not use an extension cord with this device.- Do not use this blood pressure monitor on anyarm where intravascular access or therapy(such as an intravenous drip or a bloodtransfusion), or an arterio-venous shunt (A-Vshunt) is present. The temporary interference toblood flow by the blood pressure measurementcould result in injury.- If you had a mastectomy (breast amputation)do not use this blood pressure monitor on thearm on the side of the mastectomy. Theinflating cuff can lead to pain, trauma andfurther injury in the arm on the side of themastectomy.- Consult your physician if you suffer fromillnesses prior to using the device.- If you experience discomfort during ameasurement, such as pain in the arm or othercomplaints, press the 'on' button to release theair immediately from the cuff. Loosen the cuffand remove it from your wrist.- On the rare occasion of a fault causing the cuffto remain fully inflated during measurement,open the cuff immediately. Prolonged highpressure (cuff pressure >300 mmHg or constantpressure >15 mmHg for more than 3 minutes)applied to the arm, may lead to bruises(ecchymosis).- Too frequent and consecutive measurementscould cause disturbances in blood circulationand injuries.- Beware of strangulation with the USB cord,particularly for children and infants due tocables. 125791011681 23 413141516 171
- This device is not intended for use outside ahome environment.- Never use any accessories or parts from othermanufacturers or that Philips does notspecifically recommend. Using such accessoriesor parts could cause a hazardous situation forthe user or damage to the device. Caution- Only use this device for its intended purpose asdescribed in this user manual.- Always check the device and cuff before youuse it. Do not use the device or cuff if one ofthem is damaged, as this may cause injury.- The effectiveness of this blood pressuremonitor has not been established in pregnant(including pre-eclamptic) women.- Common arrhythmias (such as atrial orventricular premature beats or atrial fibrillation)and peripheral artery disease / arteriosclerosiscan affect the performance (accuracy) of thisblood pressure monitor. Please consult yourphysician how to best use this blood pressuremonitor if you suffer from any of theseconditions.- Do not confuse self-monitoring with self-diagnosis. This device allows you to monitoryour blood pressure. Do not begin or endmedical treatment based on the measurementresults. Always consult your physician fortreatment advice.- Do not take any therapeutic measures on thebasis of a self-measurement. Never changeprescribed medication without consulting yourphysician. Consult your physician if you haveany questions about your blood pressure.- If you are taking medication, consult yourphysician to determine the most appropriatetime to measure your blood pressure. - This device is not intended for use onextremities other than the wrist or for functionsother than obtaining a blood pressuremeasurement.- If the cuff pressure exceeds 300mmHg, the unitwill deflate automatically. If the cuff does notdeflate when pressures exceeds 300mmHg,detach the cuff from the wrist and press the 'on'button to stop inflation.- Do not attach the cuff on the same arm onwhich other monitoring medical electricalequipment is attached simultaneously, becausethis could cause temporary loss of function ofthose simultaneously-used monitoring medicalelectrical equipment.- Never attach the cuff on injured skin, an injuredarm or an arm under medical treatment as thiscan cause further injury.- Do not use the device in case of existingpolyester or nylon material allergies.- This device is not suitable for continuousmonitoring during medical emergencies oroperations.- This device cannot be used with HF (HighFrequency) surgical equipment at the sametime.- Only use the micro USB cable supplied tocharge the device. - Avoid charging your blood pressure monitor inextremely high or low temperatures (see'Specifications').- After charging, remove the micro USB plug fromthe device and remove the USB plug from USBportal.- Do not attempt to replace your blood pressuremonitors battery. It is built-in and notchangeable.- Keep the device away from fire and heatsources, as the battery can overheat, causingfire or bursting. The battery could explode,causing injury or death. - The equipment is not AP/APG equipment andis not suitable for use in the presence of aflammable anesthetic mixture with air, withoxygen or nitrous oxide.- To avoid measurement errors, do not use thedevice near strong electromagnetic fields,radiated interference signal or electrical fasttransient/burst signal. For example magnets,radio transmitters, microwave ovens.- Use this device under the right environmentalconditions as indicated in this user manual. Ifnot, this could affect the performance, lifetimeof the device and measurement results. - This device is not washable. Never immerse thedevice in water and do not rinse it under thetap.- Do not clean the blood pressure monitor whenit is being charged. Always unplug the chargerfirst before cleaning the blood pressuremonitor.- If you have any problems with this device, suchas setting up, malfunction, maintaining or using,visit or call1-844-531-6861 for assistance.- Do not open, disassemble or repair the deviceyourself. - Dispose of accessories, detachable parts, andthe ME equipment according to the localguidelines.Compliance with standards- The device meets the relevant standards for thistype of Class II electrical medical equipment forhome use.- This Philips device complies with all applicablestandards and regulations regarding exposureto electromagnetic fields and complies with IEC60601-1-2.- This Philips device complies with applicablestandards and regulations of the FCC Rules.SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONSIntroductionCongratulations on your purchase and welcome toPhilips! To fully benefit from the support thatPhilips offers, register your product
GeneralThe Philips wrist blood pressure monitor withBluetooth® Smart enables you to perform bloodpressure measurements, heart rate (pulse)measurements, transmit data via Bluetooth® Smartto your mobile device and display your personalmeasurement results in the Philips HealthSuitehealth app. The device can also be used as astandalone device.This user manual contains important safetyinformation and provides step-by-step instructionsfor using the blood pressure monitor.Read this information carefully before you use theblood pressure monitor and save it for futurereference.Features- 1 13/16" x 1 3/16" / 4.6 cm x 3.0 cm display withwhite backlight- Measure-during-inflation technology- Supports 2 usersIntended useThe Philips wrist blood pressure monitor is a digitalmonitor intended for measuring blood pressureand heart rate in adult patient population, with awrist circumference ranging from 5 5/16 to 8 1/2" /13.5 to 21.5 cm. The device is intended to be usedin an indoor home environment.DisplaySymbolDescription ExplanationSystolicbloodpressureMaximum blood pressure.Also see section Systolicand diastolic pressureDiastolicbloodpressureMinimum blood pressure,also see section Systolicand diastolic pressure.Heart rate Number of heartbeats perminute (pulse is typicallyequivalent to heart rate).BatterystatusIndicates status of batteryduring charging.Measurement unitMeasurement unit of bloodpressure.InflationindicatorThe cuff is inflating.DeflationindicatorThe cuff is deflating.Irregularheart ratedetectorIrregular heart ratedetection during themeasurement.User IDs Start measurement forselected user, and transmitthe measuring result.MovementdetectorMoving during themeasurement will result inan inaccurate result.BloodpressureclassificationClassification of measuredblood pressure followingWHO system (see 'Bloodpressure classification').Bluetooth®SmartsymbolThe device uses Bluetoothfor communication.Heart ratedetectionHeart rate detection duringthe measurementBattery status indicationsBatterysymbolBattery statusThe battery is almost empty.+The battery is empty.When you measure 3 times a day starting with afully charged battery, the device can be used forabout 20 days until a recharge is needed. In caseof normal use, the battery can be charged around300 times.Note: Data will be lost when the battery iscompletely empty. ChargingThe battery of this device is a built-in rechargeableli-polymer battery with a capacity of 420 mAh.Use the original USB cable supplied to charge thebattery. When the battery is empty, it takes approx. 2 hoursto fully charge the battery of the device.1 Put the micro USB plug in the socket of thedevice (Fig. 2).2 Put the USB cable in a USB port of a compatiblecharger.To ensure an optimal life time of the battery in theproduct it is recommended to store it 50% chargedand re-charge every 3 months.Battery charging indicationsBatterysymbolBattery charging indicationBattery charging: half fullBattery charging: almost fullBattery fully chargedUsing the blood pressure monitorThis tubeless device uses the oscillometric methodto measure blood pressure and heart rate. Before every measurement, the unit establishes a“zero point” equivalent to the atmosphericpressure. Then it starts inflating the cuff. During themeasurement, the device detects the pressure
oscillations in the blood vessels generated by theheart pumping blood through the body. Thesepressure oscillations are used to determine systolicand diastolic blood pressure as well as heart rate.While measuring heart rate, the device alsodetermines the small variations between theindividual heartbeats. If these variations exceed apre-defined threshold, the irregular heart ratedetector symbol lights up.Systolic and diastolic pressureThe heart consists of two large chambers, theventricles and two smaller chambers, the atria. Theventricles collect blood from the atria and expel ittowards the peripheral beds of blood vesselswithin the body and the lungs. The atria collectblood from these peripheral beds and prime theventricles.When the ventricles contract and pump blood outof the heart, the blood pressure reaches itsmaximum value in the cycle, which is calledsystolic pressure (Fig. 3). When the ventricles relax and are filled again withblood, the blood pressure reaches its minimumvalue in the cycle, which is called diastolic pressure(Fig. 4).Blood pressure classificationConsult a physician in case of questions aboutyour blood pressure. Your physician can informyou:- About your normal blood pressure range. - If your measuring result falls out of the range. - Whether your blood pressure has reached adangerous level.The following table shows the classification systemfor the blood pressure measurements used in thisdevice. This system follows the classificationsystem of the World Health Organisation (WHO).Blood pressure classification following WHOsystem*SystolicpressuremmHgDiastolicpressuremmHg  Bloodpressureindicator³180 ³110 severehypertensionred160 - 179 100 - 109 moderatehypertensionorange140 - 159 90 - 99 mildhypertensionyellow130 - 139 85 - 89 high tonormalbloodpressuregreen120 - 129 80 - 84 normalbloodpressuregreen< 120 < 80 optimalbloodpressuregreen< 100 < 60 low bloodpressuregreen*Source: Chalmers J et al. WHO-ISH HypertensionGuidelines Committee. 1999 World HealthOrganization - International Society ofHypertension Guidelines for the Management ofHypertension. J Hypertens, 1999, 17:151-185.Irregular heart rate detectorThe device is equipped with an irregular heart ratedetector. An irregular heart rate is detected whenthe heart rhythm varies above a pre-defined levelwhile the device is measuring the systolic anddiastolic blood pressure. During eachmeasurement, this device records the heartbeatintervals and calculates the standard deviation. Ifthe standard deviation exceeds a pre-definedthreshold, the irregular heart rate detector symbollights up when the measurement results aredisplayed (Fig. 5).Caution:The appearance of the irregular heart ratedetector symbol indicates that a heart rateirregularity was detected during measurement.Usually this is not a cause for concern. Due to theirregularity in your heart rate the blood pressuremeasurement might not be accurate, i.e. it mightnot reflect the 'real' situation in your body.However, if the symbol appears often, werecommend that you seek medical advice. Pleasenote that the device does not replace a cardiacexamination.Preparing for usePairing the blood pressure monitor toyour Bluetooth deviceNote: Before you use the device for the first time,remove the protective foil from the display. Note: Before using the device, make sure the lockswitch is placed in the ‘off’ position (Fig. 6).Note: To switch on the device for the first time,press the 'on' button for 3 seconds.The blood pressure monitor is equipped withBluetooth® Smart. You can receive your personalhealth data on a mobile device that is equippedwith the Bluetooth® Smart function. Download thePhilips HealthSuite health app from the App storeor Google Play. Use the search term 'PhilipsHealthSuite health app'. The app is available foriOS® 8.0+ and AndroidTM 4.4+. Note: You can only use the Philips HealthSuitehealth app to communicate with the device. It isnot possible to use third party applications.1 Download the Philips HealthSuite health appon your mobile device, start the app and followthe instructions to create a user profile and addthe blood pressure monitor device.2 Make sure the app is active and Bluetooth is onwhen pairing is in progress.-Keep the mobile device and the bloodpressure monitor within transmission range(no more than 16 feet (5 meters) from eachother, in the same room).
3 With the device turned off, press the 'on' buttonfor 3 seconds, until it turns on in pairing mode.-These symbols are shown on the displayalternately, indicating that the connection isbeing established: (Fig. 7) and (Fig. 8).4 When pairing is successful, the app shows thissymbol: (Fig. 9). The app shows which userprofile is assigned to you.-If the connection fails, the display shows thissymbol: (Fig. 10).-The blood pressure monitor has 2 userprofiles. If both user profiles are in use,choose an existing profile to overwrite.-You can also delete both user profiles bypressing and holding the user ID button forapprox. 10 seconds. The display of thedevice shows 'del'. All stored date is deletedand you have to follow step 1-4 to pair andadd a new user.5 The blood pressure monitor shows theBluetooth icon on the display as soon theconnection has been established and switchesoff automatically after a few seconds.When the blood pressure monitor is successfullypaired with your mobile device, the blood pressuremonitor automatically transmits your personalhealth data to your mobile device via BluetoothSmart.Note: Only when the Philips HealthSuite healthapp is active, your personal health data can betransmitted.Measuring blood pressureTips for proper measurement- Rest for 5 minutes before you measure yourblood pressure.- Wait at least 3 minutes between measurements.This allows your blood circulation to recover.- For a meaningful comparison, try to measureunder similar conditions. For example, takedaily measurements at approximately the sametime, on the same arm, or as directed by yourphysician.- For a good Bluetooth® connection between theblood pressure monitor and your mobiledevice, make sure the two are close and thereare no obstacles between the two devices. Werecommend not to have the two devices fartherthan 16 feet (5 meters) apart.We advise you not to take a measurement underthe following circumstances, as this measurementmay not be representative:- Within 1 hour after eating or drinking- Immediately after smoking- While bathing and within 20 minutes aftertaking a bath.- While you are talking or moving your arm, handor fingers- In a very cold environment- When you need to urinate Attaching the cuff1 Remove all jewelry, such as watches andbracelets from your left arm.Note: If your physician has diagnosed you withpoor circulation in your left arm, use your rightarm.2 Roll or push up your sleeve to expose the skin.Make sure your sleeve is not too tight.3 Hold your arm with your palm facing up andslide the cuff onto your left wrist.4 Position the lower edge of the cuff 13/32" / 1 cmabove the palm of your hand (Fig. 11).5 Fasten the cuff around your wrist, leaving noextra room between the cuff and your skin. Ifthe cuff is too loose, the measurement will notbe accurate.-The cuff will not cause any potentialsensitization or irritation of the skin. Thematerials of the cuff have been tested andfound to comply with requirements of ISO10993-5:2009, ISO 10993-1:2009 and ISO10993-10:2010. 6 Correct posture for measurement:-Make sure you do not wear tight clothingduring measurement.-Sit comfortably with legs uncrossed, feet flaton the floor. Make sure that you sit uprightwith your back straight.-Hold your arm up so that the center of thecuff is at the same level as the heart toensure correct measurements (Fig. 11).-Relax your wrist and hand. Do not bend yourwrist back, clench your fist, or bend yourwrist forward.Start measurement1 Before using the device, make sure the lockswitch is placed in the 'off' position (Fig. 6).2 Press the user ID button (Fig. 12) or 'on' button(Fig. 13) once, to switch on the device. Thedevice automatically selects the previous user.-To change the user profile, press the user IDbutton and select a different user (Fig. 14).Make sure the correct user is selected, so themeasurement data is properly transmittedand stored. It is not possible to switch a userprofile after a measurement.-When the health app is open, the appautomatically selects the correct user profile.In this case, the user profile can be changedby either closing the app and reopening itagain with the correct user profile, or byclosing the app and using the user ID button.-Also a guest user can be selected. A guestuser is a user without a user profile in theapp. The guest user is for performing ameasurement on other persons without auser profile in the app. Measurementsperformed when using the guest user arenot stored in the memory nor transmitted tothe app.3 Attach the cuff to your wrist (see 'Attaching thecuff') and make sure your posture is correct (see'Tips for proper measurement').
4 Press the 'on' button to start the measurement(Fig. 13). All display characters are briefly shownon the display (Fig. 15). The device is ready formeasurement and the number 0 appears (Fig.16). Inflation of the cuff starts automaticallywhich is indicated by the inflation indication(see 'Display'). Note: If you experience discomfort during ameasurement, such as pain in the arm or othercomplaints, press the 'on' button to release theair immediately from the cuff. Loosen the cuffand remove it from your wrist.-During inflation, the unit determines thesystolic pressure and diastolic pressure aswell as heart rate. This is shown by the heartrate detection symbol. -The movement detector will light up whenmovement is detected. This may result ininaccurate measurement results. 5 When the measurement is finalized, the cuffdeflates and the measurement results areshown on the display (Fig. 17). To transmit themeasurement results to the app, see section'Transmit and store personal health data in theapp'.6 Press the 'on' button to switch off the device. Note: after 1 minute, the device will turn offautomatically7 Slide the lock switch to the 'on' position to lockthe buttons. If, after finishing the first measurement, anothermeasurement is required, do not lock the buttonsbut press the user ID button to select the correctuser profile and follow steps 2-7. Note: Wait at least 3 minutes betweenmeasurements. This allows your blood circulationto recover.The device can store results of 60 blood pressuremeasurements for both user 1 and 2.Transmit and store personal health datain the appNote: Your personal measurement data is onlystored and displayed in the Philips HealthSuitehealth app.1 Activate the Philips HealthSuite health app andBluetooth on your mobile device directly after ameasurement. -Keep the mobile device and the bloodpressure monitor at transmission distance(no more than 16 feet / 5 meters from eachother, in the same room).2 Once successfully connected, the measurementresults are transmitted to the health app andthe Bluetooth symbol lights up. - If the data transmission is successful, themeasurement results are displayed inthe health app.- If the data transmission fails, 'the Bluetoothsymbol together with 'Err' is shown. Thepending measurement data will be transmittedto your mobile device the next time it connectswith your blood pressure monitor. You can alsotry to resend the data:-Activate the Health app on your mobiledevice.-Press the user ID button or 'on' button toswitch on the blood pressure monitor.-The measurement results will beautomatically sent to your mobile if thedevice has been added in the app.-When the blood pressure monitor connectsvia Bluetooth to the app of a user, thedevice will automatically select that user andmeasurements can only be done for thatuser.Cleaning and storageCaution: This device is not washable. Neverimmerse the device in water and do not rinse itunder running water.Caution: Avoid sudden movements and hardcontacts with objects. Caution: Never use compressed air, scouring pads,abrasive cleaning agents or aggressive liquidssuch as petrol or acetone to clean the device.1 Switch off the device and unplug the USB plugfrom the USB port.2 Use a slightly damp or dry cloth to wipe thesurface of the monitor (Fig. 18) and the wholeunit.3 Store the device in a cool, dry, and ventilatedenvironment, where it will not be crushed,banged or subject to damage. For furtherinformation please refer to the transport andstorage specifications detailed in this manual.This device has no other user-serviceable parts.For assistance call 1-844-531-6861.AccessoriesPhilips accessories may be purchased at a storenear you, or on our DisposalThis device contains a rechargeable battery whichmust be disposed of properly. Contact your localtown or city officials for battery disposalinformation. You can also call 1-800-8-BATTERYor visit for battery drop-offlocations.For assistance, visit our or call 1-844-531-6861toll free.Recalibration and informationThis device is calibrated at the time ofmanufacture. If this blood pressure monitor is usedaccording to instructions, recalibration will not beneeded for 5 years (10000 use cycles).Recalibration can be carried out by an appropriateauthority or authorized service center. Thiscalibration will be charged for by said authority.If you need more information about the app,please visit
AssistanceFor assistance, visit our or call toll free1-844-531-6861Full Two-Year WarrantyPhilips Electronics North America Corporationwarrants each new Philips product, model DL8765,against defects in materials or workmanship for aperiod of two years from the date of purchase andagrees to repair or replace any defective productwithout charge.IMPORTANT: This warranty does not coverdamage resulting from accident, misuse or abuse,lack of reasonable care, the affixing of anyattachment not provided with the product or lossof parts or subjecting the product to any but thespecified voltage.* NO RESPONSIBILITY IS ASSUMED FOR ANYSPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIALDAMAGES. In order to obtain warranty service, simply go or call toll-free1-844-531-6861. It is suggested that for yourprotection you return shipments of product byinsured mail, insurance prepaid. Damage occurringduring shipment is not covered by this warranty.NOTE: No other warranty, written or oral, isauthorized by Philips Electronics North AmericaCorporation. This warranty gives you specific legalrights, and you may also have other rights whichvary from state to state. Some states do not allowthe exclusion or limitation of incidental orconsequential damages, so the above exclusionand limitations may not apply to you. * Read enclosed instructions carefully.Manufactured for: Philips Consumer Lifestyle, Adivision of Philips Electronics North AmericaCorporation, P.O. Box 10313, Stamford, CT 06904.PHILIPS and Philips Shield are registeredtrademarks of Koninklijke Philips N.V.TroubleshootingThis chapter summarizes the most commonproblems you could encounter with the device. Ifyou are unable to solve the problem with theinformation below, visit a list of frequently asked questions or call1-844-531-6861 for assistance. TroubleshootingProblem PossiblecauseSolutionMy bloodpressurefluctuatesthroughoutthe day.Yourmeasurementposition, theconditionsunder whichyou measureor the time ofmeasurement, aredifferentduring eachmeasurement. For a meaningfulcomparison, try tomeasure undersimilar conditions.For example, takedailymeasurements atapproximately thesame time, on thesame wrist, or asdirected by aphysician.  Fluctuationsof bloodpressureduring theday arenormal. Blood pressurefluctuates fromminute to minuteand normallyshows a circadianrhythm over a24-hour period,with highestreadings in theafternoons andlowest readings atnight. That is why,for comparablemeasurements, themeasurementsshould be taken atapprox. the sametime of day.   You are usingmedication. The variations inblood pressure canbe greater if youare usingmedication.  Youperformedmultiplemeasurementsdirectly aftereach other. Wait at least 3minutes betweenmeasurements.This allows yourblood circulation torecover.My bloodpressuremeasurement fromthe hospitalis differentfrom themeasurement athome. Multiplevariables mayaffect yourbloodpressure suchas theweather, emotionsand exercise.Pay attention whenyou measure yourblood pressure athome. Check forinstance:If the cuff is not tootight or too loose.If the cuff isproperly attachedon the wrist.If you feel anxiousor stressed, try torelax. Take a deepbreath 2-3 timesbefore you start ameasurement.Advice: Rest for 5minutes before youmeasure yourblood pressure.The result isdifferentwhen Iperformmeasurements onmy rightwrist.The bloodpressuremonitor issuitable to beused on bothwrists, but themeasurementresults on theright wristand left wristwill differ.For a meaningfulcomparison, try tomeasure undersimilar conditionsand measure onthe same wristevery time.
Problem PossiblecauseSolutionThe bloodpressuremonitordoes notwork when Ipress the'on' buttonTherechargeablebattery isempty.Recharge thebattery (see'Charging').The lockswitch is setto the'locked'postion.Set the lock switchto the 'unlocked'position (Fig. 7).The light ofthe displaydims and abatterysymbol+Lois showingThe battery islow.Charge the battery(see 'Charging').The displayshows ErrCommunication error.Check if the app ison and try datatransmission again.The displayshows E3The cuff isnot properlysecured.Refasten the cuff,wait for 3 minutesand then measureagain.The displayshows E10or E11The devicedetectedmotion, talking or theheart rate istoo weakduring themeasurement.Wait for 3minutes and thenmeasure again. Donot move duringmeasurement. The displayshows E20The devicedoes notdetect theheart rate.Make sure thedevice is in contactwith the skin.Loosen theclothing on the armand measure again.The displayshows E21Themeasurementfailed.Wait for 3 minutesand then measureagain.The displayshows EExxA systemerroroccurred.Retake themeasurement. Ifthe problempersists, call1-844-531-6861 forassistance.Datatransmissionor pairingfailed.Bluetooth isoff.Turn on Bluetoothon your mobiledevice.The PhilipsHealthSuitehealth app isoff.Press the icon onyour mobile deviceto activate thehealth app.The bloodpressuremonitor andmobiledevice aremore than 16feet/ 5meters awayfrom eachother. Place your mobiledevice closer to theblood pressuremonitor. You selectedthe wrongprofile on thebloodpressuremonitor.Select the correctuser profile on theblood pressuremonitor beforeyour measurement.Otherwise the datacannot betransmitted to yourapp. Repeat themeasurement withthe correct profileselectedSpecificationsProduct name Philips Wrist bloodpressure monitor withBluetooth® SmartPower supply 3.7V 420mAH built-inrechargeable li-polymerbatteryDisplay  Display with whitebacklightVisible area = 1 13/16" (L)x 1 3/16" (W) / 46 mm x30 mmMeasurement method Oscillometric methodMeasurement range Rated cuff pressure:0mmHg - 300mmHgMeasurement pressure:40mmHg - 230mmHgheart rate: 40-199 beatsper minuteAccuracy Pressure: 41°F to 104°F/5°C to 40°C within ±3mmHgheart rate: ±5% ofmeasurement result ondisplayNormal operatingconditionsTemperature: 41°F to104°F /5°C to 40°CRelative humidity:≤85%RH.Atmospheric pressure:86kPa to 106kPaStorage andtransportationconditionsTemperature: -4°F to140°F /-20°C to 60°CRelative humidity: 10% to93%.Atmospheric pressure:50kPa to 106kPaMeasurementperimeter of the wristAbout 5 5/16" - 8. 1/2" /13.5 cm - 21.5 cmNet weight Approx. 3.5 oz / 100g
External dimensions Approx. 3 1/8" x 2 1/2" x1/2" / 79 mm x 64 mm x13 mmAccessories USB cable, user manualMode of operation Continuous operationDegree of protection Type BF applied partProtection againstingress of waterIP22, This means:protected against accessto hazardous parts with afinger and againstvertically falling waterdrops when tilted up to15 degrees.Device classification Battery Powered Mode:Internally Powered MEEquipment. Class II MEEquipmentCaution: No modification of this equipment isallowed.  Explanation of symbolsThe warning signs and symbols are essential toensure that you use this product safely andcorrectly and to protect you and others from injury.Below you find the meaning of the warning signsand symbols on the label and in the user manual.Symbol for 'follow instructions for use'.This symbol means that the part of thedevice that comes into physical contactwith the user (also known as the appliedpart) is of type BF (Body Floating)according to IEC 60601-1. The appliedpart is the cuff.Compliant with the Waste Electrical andElectronic Equipment/Restriction of theUse of Certain Hazardous Substances inElectrical and Electronic Equipment(WEEE) recycling directives.Indicates manufacturing date.Symbol for 'direct current'.Symbol for the 'Bluetooth Combinationmark'. The device uses Bluetooth forcommunication.Indicates the manufacturer's serialnumber so that a specific medicaldevice can be identified.Indicates manufacturer's catalognumber of the appliance.Fuse T1A/250V Φ3.6*10CCC.Symbol for 'Class II Equipment'.Symbol for indoor use only. Symbol for 'Including RF transmitter'.This means that this device emits non-ionizing radiation. All devices with RFtransmitters or that use RFelectromagnetic energy must have alabel with this symbol.Indicates caution.The user shouldconsult the instructions for use forimportant cautionary information suchas warnings and precautions thatcannot, for a variety of reasons, bepresented on the medical device itself.Symbol for micro-USB connector.Symbol for USB connector.This symbol on the device means:protected against access to hazardousparts with a finger and against verticallyfalling water drops when tilted up to 15degrees.–4ºF140ºF–4ºF140ºFIndicates the storage and transportationtemperature limits to which the medicaldevice can be safely exposed: -4°F to140°F / -20°C to 60°C.Indicates the relative humidity limits towhich the device can be safely exposed:10% to 93%.Symbol for the 2 year Philips warranty.This appliance contains a rechargeablebattery which must be disposed ofproperly. See chapter ' Disposal' formore information.Electromagnetic emissions andimmunityThe device is approved according to EMC safetystandard IEC 60601-1-2. It is designed to be usedin typical domestic environments.
EMC Guidance- The Blood Pressure Monitor needs specialprecautions regarding EMC and needs to beinstalled and put into service according to theEMC information provided in the accompanyingdocuments.- Wireless communications equipment such aswireless home network devices, mobile phones,cordless telephones and their base stations,walkie-talkies can affect this equipment andshould be kept at least a distance equivalent to3.3m (11 ft) away from the equipment.Note: As indicated in IEC 60601-1-2:2007 for MEequipment, a typical cell phone with a maximumoutput power of 2 W yields equivalent to 3.3m (11ft) at an immunity level of 3V/m.Table 1 Guidance and manufacturer'sdeclaration – electromagnetic emissions- for all ME equipment and ME systemsGuidance and manufacturer’s declaration –electromagnetic emissionsThe device is intended for use in theelectromagnetic environment specified below. Thecustomer or the user of the device should assurethat it is used in such an environment.Emissions test ComplianceElectromagneticenvironment -guidanceRF emissionsCISPR 11Group 1 The device must emitelectromagneticenergy in order toperform its intendedfunction. Nearbyelectronic equipmentmay be affected.RF emissionsCISPR 11Class BHarmonicemissions IEC61000-3-2NotapplicableVoltagefluctuations/flickeremissions IEC61000-3-3Notapplicable Table 2 Guidance and manufacturer'sdeclaration – electromagnetic immunity– for all ME equipment and ME systemsGuidance and manufacturer’s declaration –electromagnetic immunityThe device is intended for use in theelectromagnetic environment specified below. Thecustomer or the user of the device should assurethat it is used in such an environment.Immunity testIEC60601testlevelCompliancelevelElectromagneticenvironment -guidanceElectrostaticdischarge(ESD)IEC61000-4-2±6 kVcontact±8 kV air±6 kVcontact±8 kVairFloors should bewood, concrete orceramic tile. Iffloors are coveredwith syntheticmaterial, therelative humidityshould be at least30%.Electrical fasttransient/burst IEC61000-4-4±2 kV forpowersupplylines±1 kV forinput/outputlines±2 kVforpowersupplylinesElectrical powerquality should bethat of a typicalcommercial orhospitalenvironment.SurgeIEC61000-4-5±1 kVline(s) toline(s)±2 kVline(s) toearth±1 kVline(s)toline(s)Electrical powerquality should bethat of a typicalcommercial orhospitalenvironment.Voltagedips,shortinterruptionsandvoltagevariations onpowersupplyinputlines IEC61000-4-11<5% UT(>95%dip inUT) for0.5cycle40% UT(60%dip in UT) for 5cycles70% UT(30% dipin UT )for 25cycles<5% UT(>95%dip in UT) for 5 s<5% UT(>95%dip inUT) for0.5cycle40% UT(60%dip inUT ) for5cycles70% UT(30%dip inUT ) for25cycles<5% UT(>95%dip inUT ) for5 sElectrical powerquality should bethat of a typicalcommercial orhospitalenvironment. If theuser of the devicerequires continuedoperation duringpowerinterruptions, it isrecommendedthat the device bepowered from anuninterruptiblepower supply or abattery.Powerfrequency(50/60Hz)magnetic fieldIEC61000-4-83A/m 3A/m Power frequencymagnetic fieldsshould be at levelscharacteristic of atypical location ina typicalcommercial orhospitalenvironment.Note: UT is the AC electrical voltage prior toapplication of the test level.Table 4 Guidance and manufacturer'sdeclaration – electromagnetic immunity–for ME equipment and ME systems thatare not life supportingGuidance and manufacturer’s declaration –electromagnetic immunity .The device is intended
for use in the electromagnetic environmentspecified below. The customer or the user of thedevice should assure that it is used in such anenvironment.IMMUNITYtestIEC 60601 TESTLEVELCompliancelevelConducted RFIEC61000-4-63 Vrms150 kHz to80 MHz 3 VrmsRadiated RFIEC61000-4-33 V/m80 MHz to 2.5GHz3 V/mElectromagnetic environment - guidancePortable and mobile RF communicationsequipment should be used no closer to any part ofthe device, including cables, than therecommended separation distance calculated fromthe equation applicable to the frequency of thetransmitter.Recommended separation distance:d = 1.167 ÖPd = 1.167 ÖP 80 MHz to 800MHzd = 2.333 ÖP 800 MHz to 2.5 GHzwhere P is the maximum output power rating ofthe transmitter in watts (W) according to thetransmitter manufacturer and d is therecommended separation distance in metres (m).Field strengths from fixed RF transmitters, asdetermined by an electromagnetic site survey (a),should be less than the compliance level in eachfrequency range (b).Interference may occur in the vicinity of equipmentmarked with the following symbol: NOTE 1 At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the higherfrequency range applies.NOTE 2 These guidelines may not apply in allsituations. Electromagnetic propagation is affectedby absorption and reflection from structures,objects and people.(a) Field strengths from fixed transmitters, such asbase stations for radio (cellular/cordless)telephones and land mobile radios, amateur radio,AM and FM radio broadcast and TV broadcastcannot be predicted theoretically with accuracy. Toassess the electromagnetic environment due tofixed RF transmitters, an electromagnetic sitesurvey should be considered. If the measured fieldstrength in the location in which the device is usedexceeds the applicable RF compliance levelabove, the device should be observed to verifynormal operation. If abnormal performance isobserved, additional measures may be necessary,such as re-orienting or relocating the device.(b) Over the frequency range 150 kHz to 80 MHz,field strengths should be less than 3V/m.Table 6 Recommended separationdistances between portable and mobileRF communications equipment and theME equipment or ME system – for MEequipment and ME systems that are notlife supportingRecommended separation distances betweenportable and mobile RF communicationsequipment and the device.The device is intended for use in anelectromagnetic environment in which radiated RFdisturbances are controlled. The customer or theuser of the device can help preventelectromagnetic interference by maintaining aminimum distance between portable and mobileRF communications equipment (transmitters) andthe device as recommended below, according tothe maximum output power of thecommunications equipment.  Separation distance according tofrequency of transmitter (m)Ratedmaximumoutputpower oftransmitter(W)150 kHz to80 MHzd = 1.167 ÖP80 MHzto 800MHz d = 1.167 ÖP800 MHzto 2.5 GHzd = 2.3330.01 0.117 0.117 0.2330.1 0.369 0.369 0.7381 1.167 1.167 2.33310 3.690 3.690 7.378100 11.67 11.67 23.33For transmitters rated at a maximum output powernot listed above, the recommended separationdistance d in metres (m) can be estimated usingthe equation applicable to the frequency of thetransmitter, where P is the maximum output powerrating of the transmitter in watts (W) according tothe transmitter manufacturer.NOTE 1 At 80MHz and 800MHz, the separationdistance for the higher frequency range applies.NOTE 2 These guidelines may not apply in allsituations. Electromagnetic propagation is affectedby absorption and reflection from structures,objects and people.FCC Compliance informationThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.Operation is subject to the following twoconditions: (1) this device may not cause harmfulinterference, and (2) this device must accept anyinterference received, including interference thatmay cause undesired operation.FCC ID 2AEFK-DL8765 Radio interferenceThis equipment has been tested and found tocomply with the limits for a Class B digital device,pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits
are designed to provide reasonable protectionagainst harmful interference in a residentialinstallation. This equipment generates, uses andcan radiate radio frequency energy and, if notinstalled and used in accordance with theinstructions, may cause harmful interference toradio communications. However, there is noguarantee that interference will not occur in aparticular installation.If this equipment does cause harmful interferenceto radio or television reception, which can bedetermined by turning the equipment off and on,the user is encouraged to try to correct theinterference by one or more of the followingmeasures:- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.- Increase the separation between theequipment and receiver.- Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuitdifferent from that to which the receiver isconnected.- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TVtechnician for help.RF Radiation exposure statementThis equipment complies with FCC RF radiationexposure limits set forth for an uncontrolledenvironment. For handheld/body-worn operation,this equipment has been tested and meets theFCC RF exposure guidelines. This transmitter mustnot be co-located or operating in conjunction withany other antenna or transmitter. Use of otheraccessories may not ensure compliance with FCCRF guidelines.Do not attempt to repair or modify this equipment.Any repairs or alterations made by the user to theequipment may void the warranty and complianceof the equipment. Changes or modifications madeto this equipment not expressly approved byPhilips may void the FCC authorization to operatethis equipment. For assistance visit our or call toll-free1-844-531-6861.BlueTooth wordmarkThe BlueTooth® Smart wordmark and logos areregistered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG,Inc. and any use of such marks by Philips is underlicense. App Store and iPhoneApp Store and iPhone are trademarks of AppleInc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. AppStore is a service mark of Apple Inc.             Google Play and AndroidGoogle Play and Android are trademarks of GoogleInc.

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